
764 B

2111Has no effect in battle.
31611Triggers on every hit of multiple-hit moves.
4248Inflicts only 1/16 of the attacker's maximum [HP]{mechanic} in damage.
52811Passes back toxic [poison]{mechanic} as regular poison.
6318Does not absorb non-damaging [Electric]{type} moves, i.e. [Thunder Wave]{move}.
73111Grants no [Electric]{type} immunity or [Special Attack]{mechanic} boosts.
85311Has no effect in battle.
99811Paralysis cannot prevent the Pokémon from moving, though the [Speed]{mechanic} cut is unaffected.
1010211[Rest]{move} works as normal during [strong sunlight]{mechanic}.
1110311[Fling]{move} can be used as normal.
1211411Grants no [Water]{type} immunity or [Special Attack]{mechanic} boosts.