Lynn "Zhorken" Vaughan f17833d1be Add move/item flavor text.
I'll add ability flavor text once the ability column is fixed.
2013-11-09 10:44:17 -05:00

428 KiB
Raw Blame History

2139Pounds with fore­ legs or tail.
3149Pounds with fore­ legs or tail.
4159Pounds the foe with forelegs or tail.
5169Pounds the foe with forelegs or tail.
6179A physical attack delivered with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.
7189The foe is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.
8199The foe is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.
91109The foe is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.
101115Écrase lennemi avec les pattes avant, la queue, etc.
111119The target is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.
121149The target is physically pounded with a long tail or a foreleg, etc.
131156Ein Hieb mt demn Vorderbeinen oder dem Schweif.
141159The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
15239Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
16249Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
17259A chopping attack with a high critical-hit ratio.
18269A chopping attack with a high critical-hit ratio.
19279The foe is attacked with a sharp chop. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
20289The foe is attacked with a sharp chop. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
21299The foe is attacked with a sharp chop. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
222109The foe is attacked with a sharp chop. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
232115Lennemi est tranché violemment. Taux de critiques élevé.
242119The target is attacked with a sharp chop. Critical hits land more easily.
252149The target is attacked with a sharp chop. Critical hits land more easily.
262159The target is attacked with a sharp chop. Critical hits land more easily.
27339Repeatedly slaps 2-5 times.
28349Repeatedly slaps 2-5 times.
29359Repeatedly slaps the foe 2 to 5 times.
30369Repeatedly slaps the foe 2 to 5 times.
31379The foe is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times.
32389The foe is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
33399The foe is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
343109The foe is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
353115Gifle rapidement lennemi de 2 à 5 fois daffilée.
363119The target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
373149The target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
383156Trifft das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal hintereinander mit einem Duplexhieb.
393159The target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
40439Repeatedly punches 2-5 times.
41449Repeatedly punches 2-5 times.
42459Repeatedly punches the foe 2 to 5 times.
43469Repeatedly punches the foe 2 to 5 times.
44479The foe is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times.
45489The foe is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
46499The foe is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
474109The foe is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
484115Une tornade de coups de poing qui frappe de 2 à 5 fois daffilée.
494119The target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
504149The target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
51539A powerful punch thrown very hard.
52549A powerful punch thrown very hard.
53559A strong punch thrown with incredible power.
54569A strong punch thrown with incredible power.
55579The foe is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
56589The foe is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
57599The foe is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
585109The foe is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
595115Lennemi reçoit un coup de poing dune puissance incroyable.
605119The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
615149The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
625159The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
63639Throws coins. Gets them back later.
64649Throws coins. Gets them back later.
65659Throws coins at the foe. Money is recovered after.
66669Throws coins at the foe. Money is recovered after.
67679Numerous coins are hurled at the foe. Money is earned after battle.
68689Numerous coins are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. Money is earned after battle.
69699Numerous coins are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. Money is earned after battle.
706109Numerous coins are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. Money is earned after battle.
716115Des pièces sont lancées sur lennemi. Permet dobtenir de largent à la fin du combat.
726119Numerous coins are hurled at the target to inflict damage. Money is earned after the battle.
736149Numerous coins are hurled at the target to inflict damage. Money is earned after the battle.
74739A fiery punch. May cause a burn.
75749A fiery punch. May cause a burn.
76759A fiery punch that may burn the foe.
77769A fiery punch that may burn the foe.
78779The foe is punched with a fiery fist. It may leave the foe with a burn.
79789The foe is punched with a fiery fist. It may leave the target with a burn.
80799The foe is punched with a fiery fist. It may leave the target with a burn.
817109The foe is punched with a fiery fist. It may leave the target with a burn.
827115Un coup de poing enflammé vient frapper lennemi. Peut le brûler.
837119The target is punched with a fiery fist. It may also leave the target with a burn.
847149The target is punched with a fiery fist. It may also leave the target with a burn.
85839An icy punch. May cause freezing.
86849An icy punch. May cause freezing.
87859An icy punch that may freeze the foe.
88869An icy punch that may freeze the foe.
89879The foe is punched with an icy fist. It may leave the foe frozen.
90889The foe is punched with an icy fist. It may leave the target frozen.
91899The foe is punched with an icy fist. It may leave the target frozen.
928109The foe is punched with an icy fist. It may leave the target frozen.
938115Un coup de poing glacé vient frapper lennemi. Peut le geler.
948119The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.
958149The target is punched with an icy fist. It may also leave the target frozen.
96939An electric punch. It may paralyze.
97949An electric punch. It may paralyze.
98959An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe.
99969An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe.
100979The foe is punched with an electrified fist. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
101989The foe is punched with an electrified fist. It may leave the target with paralysis.
102999The foe is punched with an electrified fist. It may leave the target with paralysis.
1039109The foe is punched with an electrified fist. It may leave the target with paralysis.
1049115Un coup de poing électrique vient frapper lennemi. Peut le paralyser.
1059119The target is punched with an electrified fist. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
1069149The target is punched with an electrified fist. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
1071039Scratches with sharp claws.
1081049Scratches with sharp claws.
1091059Scratches the foe with sharp claws.
1101069Scratches the foe with sharp claws.
1111079Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the foe.
1121089Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the foe to inflict damage.
1131099Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the foe to inflict damage.
11410109Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the foe to inflict damage.
11510115Lacère lennemi avec des griffes acérées pour lui infliger des dégâts.
11610119Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.
11710149Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.
11810156Das Ziel wird mit scharfen Klauen zerkratzt.
11910159Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.
1201139Grips with power­ ful pincers.
1211149Grips with power­ ful pincers.
1221159Grips the foe with large and powerful pincers.
1231169Grips the foe with large and powerful pincers.
1241179Huge, impressive pincers grip and squeeze the foe.
1251189Huge, impressive pincers grip and squeeze the foe.
1261199Huge, impressive pincers grip and squeeze the foe.
12711109Huge, impressive pincers grip and squeeze the foe.
12811115Lennemi est attrapé et compressé par les côtés.
12911119The target is gripped and squeezed from both sides to inflict damage.
13011149The target is gripped and squeezed from both sides to inflict damage.
1311239A one-hit KO, pincer attack.
1321249A one-hit KO, pincer attack.
1331259A powerful pincer attack that may cause fainting.
1341269A powerful pincer attack that may cause fainting.
1351279A vicious tearing attack with pincers. The foe will faint if it hits.
1361289A vicious, tearing attack with pincers. The foe will faint instantly if this attack hits.
1371299A vicious, tearing attack with pincers. The foe will faint instantly if this attack hits.
13812109A vicious, tearing attack with pincers. The foe will faint instantly if this attack hits.
13912115De méchantes pinces lacèrent lennemi, le mettant K.O. sur le coup sil est touché.
14012119A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers. The target will faint instantly if this attack hits.
14112149A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers. The target will faint instantly if this attack hits.
14213391st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
14313491st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
1441359A 2-turn move that strikes the foe on the 2nd turn.
1451369A 2-turn move that strikes the foe on the 2nd turn.
1461379Blades of wind hit the foe on the 2nd turn. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
1471389A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit the foe on the second turn. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
1481399A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit the foe on the second turn. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
14913109A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit the foe on the second turn. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
15013115Attaque en 2 tours. Des lames de vent frappent lennemi au 2è tour. Taux de critiques élevé.
15113119A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit opposing Pokémon on the second turn. Critical hits land more easily.
15213149A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit opposing Pokémon on the second turn. Critical hits land more easily.
15313159A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit opposing Pokémon on the second turn. Critical hits land more easily.
1541439A dance that in­ creases ATTACK.
1551449A dance that in­ creases ATTACK.
1561459A fighting dance that sharply raises ATTACK.
1571469A fighting dance that sharply raises ATTACK.
1581479A frenetic dance of fighting. It sharply raises the ATTACK stat.
1591489A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the users Attack stat.
1601499A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the users Attack stat.
16114109A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the users Attack stat.
16214115Danse frénétique qui exalte lesprit combatif. Augmente beaucoup lAttaque du lanceur.
16314119A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the users Attack stat.
16414149A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. It sharply raises the users Attack stat.
16514159A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
1661539Cuts using claws, scythes, etc.
1671549Cuts using claws, scythes, etc.
1681559Cuts the foe with sharp scythes, claws, etc.
1691569Cuts the foe with sharp scythes, claws, etc.
1701579A basic attack. It can be used to cut down thin trees and grass.
1711589The foe is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.
1721599The foe is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.
17315109The foe is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.
17415115Coupe lennemi avec des lames ou des griffes. Hors combat, permet de couper des arbres fins.
17515119The target is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.
17615149The target is cut with a scythe or a claw. It can also be used to cut down thin trees.
17715159The target is cut with a scythe or claw. This can also be used to cut down thin trees.
1781639Whips up a strong gust of wind.
1791649Whips up a strong gust of wind.
1801659Strikes the foe with a gust of wind whipped up by wings.
1811669Strikes the foe with a gust of wind whipped up by wings.
1821679Strikes the foe with a gust of wind whipped up by wings.
1831689A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the foe to inflict damage.
1841699A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the foe to inflict damage.
18516109A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the foe to inflict damage.
18616115Le lanceur bat des ailes pour générer une bourrasque qui blesse lennemi.
18716119A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the target to inflict damage.
18816149A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the target to inflict damage.
18916156Trifft das Ziel mit einem Windstoß durch einen Flügelschlag.
19016159A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the target to inflict damage.
1911739Strikes the target with wings.
1921749Strikes the target with wings.
1931759Strikes the foe with wings spread wide.
1941769Strikes the foe with wings spread wide.
1951779The foe is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide.
1961789The foe is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
1971799The foe is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
19817109The foe is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
19917115Lennemi est frappé par de larges ailes déployées pour infliger des dégâts.
20017119The target is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
20117149The target is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
20217159The target is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
2031839Blows away the foe & ends battle.
2041849Blows away the foe & ends battle.
2051859Blows away the foe with wind and ends the battle.
2061869Blows away the foe with wind and ends the battle.
2071879The foe is made to switch out with an ally. In the wild, the battle ends.
2081889The foe is blown away, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
2091899The foe is blown away, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
21018109The foe is blown away, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
21118115Éjecte le Pokémon ennemi et le remplace par un autre. Dans la nature, met fin au combat.
21218119The target is blown away, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
21318149The target is blown away and switched. In the wild, a battle against a single Pokémon ends.
21418159The target is blown away, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends the battle against a single Pokémon.
21519391st turn: Fly 2nd turn: Attack
21619491st turn: Fly 2nd turn: Attack
2171959Flies up on the first turn, then strikes the next turn.
2181969Flies up on the first turn, then strikes the next turn.
2191979A 2-turn move that hits on the 2nd turn. Use it to fly to any known town.
2201989The user soars, then strikes on the second turn. It can also be used for flying to any familiar town.
2211999The user soars, then strikes on the second turn. It can also be used for flying to any familiar town.
22219109The user soars, then strikes on the second turn. It can also be used for flying to any familiar town.
22319115Le lanceur senvole au 1er tour et frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de voler jusquà une ville déjà visitée.
22419119The user soars, then strikes its target on the second turn. It can also be used for flying to any familiar town.
22519149The user soars, then strikes its target on the second turn. It can also be used for flying to any familiar town.
22619159The user soars and then strikes its target on the next turn. This can also be used to fly to any familiar town.
2272039Binds the target for 2-5 turns.
2282049Binds the target for 2-5 turns.
2292059Binds and squeezes the foe for 2 to 5 turns.
2302069Binds and squeezes the foe for 2 to 5 turns.
2312079A long body or tentacles are used to bind the foe for two to five turns.
2322089A long body or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the foe for two to five turns.
2332099A long body or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the foe for two to five turns.
23420109A long body or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the foe for two to five turns.
23520115Ligote lennemi avec les tentacules ou le corps pour lécraser durant 4 à 5 tours.
23620119Things such as long bodies or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the target for four to five turns.
23720149Things such as long bodies or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the target for four to five turns.
2382139Slams the foe with a tail, vine, etc.
2392149Slams the foe with a tail, vine, etc.
2402159Slams the foe with a long tail, vine, etc.
2412169Slams the foe with a long tail, vine, etc.
2422179The foe is struck with a long tail, vines, etc.
2432189The foe is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
2442199The foe is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
24521109The foe is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
24621115Fouette lennemi avec la queue, une liane, etc. pour infliger des dégâts.
24721119The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
24821149The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, etc., to inflict damage.
24921156Schlag mit einem langen Schweif, eine Ranke oder Ähnlichem.
25021159The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, or the like to inflict damage.
2512239Whips the foe with slender vines.
2522249Whips the foe with slender vines.
2532259Strikes the foe with slender, whiplike vines.
2542269Strikes the foe with slender, whiplike vines.
2552279The foe is struck with slender, whip­ like vines.
2562289The foe is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
2572299The foe is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
25822109The foe is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
25922115Fouette lennemi avec de fines lianes pour infliger des dégâts.
26022119The target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
26122149The target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
26222156Peitschenähnlicher Schlag mit Ranken.
26322159The target is struck with slender, whiplike vines to inflict damage.
2642339An attack that may cause flinching.
2652349An attack that may cause flinching.
2662359Stomps the enemy with a big foot. May cause flinching.
2672369Stomps the enemy with a big foot. May cause flinching.
2682379The foe is stomped with a big foot. It may make the foe flinch.
2692389The foe is stomped with a big foot. It may also make the target flinch.
2702399The foe is stomped with a big foot. It may also make the target flinch.
27123109The foe is stomped with a big foot. It may also make the target flinch.
27223115Écrase lennemi avec un énorme pied. Peut aussi lapeurer.
27323119The target is stomped with a big foot. It may also make the target flinch.
27423149The target is stomped with a big foot. It may also make the target flinch.
27523159The target is stomped with a big foot. This may also make the target flinch.
2762439A double kicking attack.
2772449A double kicking attack.
2782459A double-kicking attack that strikes the foe twice.
2792469A double-kicking attack that strikes the foe twice.
2802479Two legs are used to quickly kick the foe twice in one turn.
2812489The foe is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
2822499The foe is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
28324109The foe is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
28424115Deux coups de pied qui frappent lennemi deux fois daffilée.
28524119The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
28624149The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
28724159The target is quickly kicked twice in succession using both feet.
2882539A powerful kicking attack.
2892549A powerful kicking attack.
2902559An extremely powerful kick with intense force.
2912569An extremely powerful kick with intense force.
2922579The foe is attacked by a kick fired with muscle-packed power.
2932589The foe is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.
2942599The foe is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.
29525109The foe is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.
29625115Un coup de pied superpuissant et intense qui frappe lennemi.
29725119The target is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.
29825149The target is attacked by a kick launched with muscle-packed power.
2992639May miss, damaging the user.
3002649May miss, damaging the user.
3012659A strong jumping kick. May miss and hurt the kicker.
3022669A strong jumping kick. May miss and hurt the kicker.
3032679The user jumps up high, then kicks. If it misses, the user hurts itself.
3042689The user jumps up high, then strikes with a kick. If the kick misses, the user hurts itself.
3052699The user jumps up high, then strikes with a kick. If the kick misses, the user hurts itself.
30626109The user jumps up high, then strikes with a kick. If the kick misses, the user hurts itself.
30726115Le lanceur senvole pour décocher un coup de pied sauté. Sil échoue, le lanceur se blesse.
30826119The user jumps up high, then strikes with a kick. If the kick misses, the user hurts itself.
30926149The user jumps up high, then strikes with a kick. If the kick misses, the user hurts itself.
3102739A fast, spinning kick.
3112749A fast, spinning kick.
3122759A fast kick delivered from a rapid spin.
3132769A fast kick delivered from a rapid spin.
3142779A quick kick from a rolling spin. It may make the foe flinch.
3152789The user cuts a quick spin and lashes out with a sharp kick.
3162799The user cuts a quick spin and lashes out with a sharp kick.
31727109The user lashes out with a quick, spinning kick. It may also make the target flinch.
31827115Le lanceur effectue un coup de pied tournoyant et extrêmement rapide. Peut apeurer lennemi.
31927119The user lashes out with a quick, spinning kick. It may also make the target flinch.
32027149The user lashes out with a quick, spinning kick. It may also make the target flinch.
3212839Reduces accuracy by throwing sand.
3222849Reduces accuracy by throwing sand.
3232859Reduces the foes accuracy by hurling sand in its face.
3242869Reduces the foes accuracy by hurling sand in its face.
3252879A lot of sand is hurled in the foes face, reducing its accuracy.
3262889Sand is hurled in the foes face, reducing its accuracy.
3272899Sand is hurled in the foes face, reducing its accuracy.
32828109Sand is hurled in the foes face, reducing its accuracy.
32928115Lance du sable au visage de lennemi pour baisser sa Précision.
33028119Sand is hurled in the targets face, reducing its accuracy.
33128149Sand is hurled in the targets face, reducing its accuracy.
33228159Sand is hurled in the target's face, reducing the target's accuracy.
3332939An attack that may make foe flinch.
3342949An attack that may make foe flinch.
3352959A ramming attack that may cause flinching.
3362969A ramming attack that may cause flinching.
3372979The user sticks its head out and rams. It may make the foe flinch.
3382989The user sticks its head out and rams straight forward. It may make the foe flinch.
3392999The user sticks its head out and rams straight forward. It may make the foe flinch.
34029109The user attacks with its head. It may make the foe flinch. To find Pokémon, hit trees.
34129115Le lanceur donne un coup de tête. Peut apeurer lennemi.
34229119The user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target. It may also make the target flinch.
34329149The user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target. It may also make the target flinch.
34429156Rammt das Ziel mit einer Kopfnuss. Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück.
34529159The user sticks out its head and attacks by charging straight into the target. This may also make the target flinch.
3463039An attack using a horn to jab.
3473049An attack using a horn to jab.
3483059Jabs the foe with sharp horns.
3493069Jabs the foe with sharp horns.
3503079The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
3513089The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
3523099The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
35330109The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
35430115Frappe lennemi dun coup de corne pointue pour infliger des dégâts.
35530119The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
35630149The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
35730159The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed horn to inflict damage.
3583139Jabs the target 2-5 times.
3593149Jabs the target 2-5 times.
3603159Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times with sharp horns, etc.
3613169Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times with sharp horns, etc.
3623179The foe is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times.
3633189The foe is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.
3643199The foe is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.
36531109The foe is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.
36631115Frappe lennemi 2 à 5 fois daffilée avec un bec ou une corne.
36731119The target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.
36831149The target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.
36931159The target is jabbed repeatedly with a horn or beak two to five times in a row.
3703239A one-hit KO, drill attack.
3713249A one-hit KO, drill attack.
3723259A one-hit KO attack that uses a horn like a drill.
3733269A one-hit KO attack that uses a horn like a drill.
3743279The horn is rotated like a drill to ram. The foe will faint if it hits.
3753289The foe is stabbed with a horn rotating like a drill. The foe instantly faints if it hits.
3763299The foe is stabbed with a horn rotating like a drill. The foe instantly faints if it hits.
37732109The foe is stabbed with a horn rotating like a drill. The foe instantly faints if it hits.
37832115Un coup de corne en vrille qui empale lennemi, le mettant K.O. sur le coup sil est touché.
37932119The user stabs the target with a horn that rotates like a drill. If it hits, the target faints instantly.
38032149The user stabs the target with a horn that rotates like a drill. If it hits, the target faints instantly.
3813339A full-body charge attack.
3823349A full-body charge attack.
3833359Charges the foe with a full- body tackle.
3843369Charges the foe with a full- body tackle.
3853379A physical attack in which the user charges, full body, into the foe.
3863389A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the foe with its whole body.
3873399A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the foe with its whole body.
38833109A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the foe with its whole body.
38933115Le lanceur charge lennemi et le percute de tout son corps.
39033119A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
39133149A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
39233156Trifft das Ziel mit vollem Körpereinsatz.
39333159A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
3943439An attack that may cause paralysis.
3953449An attack that may cause paralysis.
3963459A full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
3973469A full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
3983479The user drops its full body on the foe. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
3993489The user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
4003499The user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
40134109The user drops onto the foe with its full body weight. It may leave the foe paralyzed.
40234115Le lanceur se laisse tomber sur lennemi de tout son poids. Peut le paralyser.
40334119The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
40434149The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
40534156Rücksichtslose Attacke, bei der sich der Angreifer selbst leich verletzt.
40634159The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
4073539Squeezes the foe for 2-5 turns.
4083549Squeezes the foe for 2-5 turns.
4093559Wraps and squeezes the foe 2 to 5 times with vines, etc.
4103569Wraps and squeezes the foe 2 to 5 times with vines, etc.
4113579A long body or vines are used to wrap the foe for two to five turns.
4123589A long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the foe for two to five turns.
4133599A long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the foe for two to five turns.
41435109A long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the foe for two to five turns.
41535115Le lanceur ligote lennemi avec des lianes ou son corps pour lécraser durant 4 à 5 tours.
41635119A long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the target for four to five turns.
41735149A long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the target for four to five turns.
41835159A long body or vines are used to wrap and squeeze the target for four to five turns.
4193639A tackle that also hurts the user.
4203649A tackle that also hurts the user.
4213659A reckless charge attack that also hurts the user.
4223669A reckless charge attack that also hurts the user.
4233679A reckless, full- body charge attack that also hurts the user a little.
4243689A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the foe. It also damages the user a little.
4253699A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the foe. It also damages the user a little.
42636109A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the foe. It also damages the user a little.
42736115Une charge violente qui blesse aussi légèrement le lanceur.
42836119A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. It also damages the user a little.
42936149A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. It also damages the user a little.
43036159A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. This also damages the user a little.
4313739Works 2-3 turns and confuses user.
4323749Works 2-3 turns and confuses user.
4333759A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user.
4343769A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user.
4353779The user rampages about for two to three turns, then becomes confused.
4363789The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
4373799The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
43837109The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
43937115Une attaque furieuse qui dure de 2 à 3 tours. Le lanceur devient confus.
44037119The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
44137149The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
4423839A tackle that also hurts the user.
4433849A tackle that also hurts the user.
4443859A life-risking tackle that also hurts the user.
4453869A life-risking tackle that also hurts the user.
4463879A reckless, life- risking tackle that also hurts the user a little.
4473889A reckless, life- risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.
4483899A reckless, life- risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.
44938109A reckless, life- risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.
45038115Une dangereuse charge. Inflige aussi des dégâts assez importants au lanceur.
45138119A reckless, life-risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.
45238149A reckless, life-risking tackle. It also damages the user by a fairly large amount, however.
45338156Lebensgefährlicher Angriff, bei dem sich der Angreifer selbst verletzt.
4543939Lowers the foe's DEFENSE.
4553949Lowers the foe's DEFENSE.
4563959Wags the tail to lower the foes DEFENSE.
4573969Wags the tail to lower the foes DEFENSE.
4583979The user wags its tail cutely, making the foe lower its DEFENSE stat.
4593989The user wags its tail cutely, making the foe less wary. The targets Defense stat is lowered.
4603999The user wags its tail cutely, making the foe less wary. The targets Defense stat is lowered.
46139109The user wags its tail cutely, making the foe less wary. The targets Defense stat is lowered.
46239115Le lanceur remue son adorable queue pour tromper la vigilance de lennemi et baisser sa Défense.
46339119The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary and lowering their Defense stat.
46439149The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary and lowering their Defense stat.
46539156Hieb mit dem Schweif. Senkt die Verteidigung des Zieles.
46639159The user wags its tail cutely, making opposing Pokémon less wary and lowering their Defense stat.
4674039An attack that may poison the target.
4684049An attack that may poison the target.
4694059A toxic attack with barbs, etc., that may poison.
4704069A toxic attack with barbs, etc., that may poison.
4714079The foe is stabbed with a toxic barb, etc. It may poison the foe.
4724089The foe is stabbed with a poisonous barb of some sort. It may also poison the target.
4734099The foe is stabbed with a poisonous barb of some sort. It may also poison the target.
47440109The foe is stabbed with a poisonous barb of some sort. It may also poison the target.
47540115Un dard toxique qui transperce lennemi. Peut aussi lempoisonner.
47640119The user stabs the target with a poisonous stinger. This may also poison the target.
47740149The user stabs the target with a poisonous stinger. This may also poison the target.
47840156Angriff mit Giftstachel. Das Ziel wird eventuell vergiftet.
47940159The user stabs the target with a poisonous stinger. This may also poison the target.
4804139Jabs the foe twice using stingers.
4814149Jabs the foe twice using stingers.
4824159Stingers on the forelegs jab the foe twice.
4834169Stingers on the forelegs jab the foe twice.
4844179The foe is stabbed twice with foreleg stingers. It may poison the foe.
4854189The foe is stabbed twice by a pair of stingers. It may also poison the target.
4864199The foe is stabbed twice by a pair of stingers. It may also poison the target.
48741109The foe is stabbed twice by a pair of stingers. It may also poison the target.
48841115Un double coup de dard qui transperce lennemi 2 fois daffilée. Peut aussi lempoisonner.
48941119The user damages the target twice in succession by jabbing it with two spikes. It may also poison the target.
49041149The user damages the target twice in succession by jabbing it with two spikes. It may also poison the target.
4914239Fires pins that strike 2-5 times.
4924249Fires pins that strike 2-5 times.
4934259Sharp pins are fired to strike 2 to 5 times.
4944269Sharp pins are fired to strike 2 to 5 times.
4954279Sharp pins are shot at the foe and hit two to five times at once.
4964289Sharp pins are shot at the foe in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
4974299Sharp pins are shot at the foe in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
49842109Sharp pins are shot at the foe in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
49942115Envoie une rafale de dards. Peut toucher de 2 à 5 fois.
50042119Sharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
50142149Sharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
50242156Spitze Nadeln treffen das Ziel zwei- bis fünfmal hintereinander.
5034339Reduces the foe's DEFENSE.
5044349Reduces the foe's DEFENSE.
5054359Frightens the foe with a leer to lower DEFENSE.
5064369Frightens the foe with a leer to lower DEFENSE.
5074379The foe is given an intimidating look that lowers its DEFENSE stat.
5084389The foe is given an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The targets Defense stat is reduced.
5094399The foe is given an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The targets Defense stat is reduced.
51043109The foe is given an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The targets Defense stat is reduced.
51143115Le lanceur fait les gros yeux à lennemi pour lintimider et baisser sa Défense.
51243119The opposing team gains an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The opposing teams Defense stats are reduced.
51343149The user gains an intimidating leer with sharp eyes. The opposing teams Defense stats are reduced.
51443159The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.
5154439An attack that may cause flinching.
5164449An attack that may cause flinching.
5174459Bites with vicious fangs. May cause flinching.
5184469Bites with vicious fangs. May cause flinching.
5194479The user bites with vicious fangs. It may make the foe flinch.
5204489The foe is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.
5214499The foe is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.
52244109The foe is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.
52344115Lennemi est mordu par de tranchantes canines. Peut lapeurer.
52444119The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.
52544149The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. It may make the target flinch.
52644156Beißt zu und lässt das Ziel eventuell zurückschrecken.
52744159The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch.
5284539Reduces the foe's ATTACK.
5294549Reduces the foe's ATTACK.
5304559Growls cutely to reduce the foes ATTACK.
5314569Growls cutely to reduce the foes ATTACK.
5324579The user growls in a cute way, making the foe lower its ATTACK stat.
5334589The user growls in an endearing way, making the foe less wary. The targets Attack stat is lowered.
5344599The user growls in an endearing way, making the foe less wary. The targets Attack stat is lowered.
53545109The user growls in an endearing way, making the foe less wary. The targets Attack stat is lowered.
53645115Le lanceur pousse un cri tout mimi pour tromper la vigilance de lennemi et baisser son Attaque.
53745119The user growls in an endearing way, making the opposing team less wary. The foes Attack stats are lowered.
53845149The user growls in an endearing way, making the opposing team less wary. The foes Attack stats are lowered.
53945156Der Anwender nimmt das Ziel für sich ein und senkt dessen Angriffs-Wert.
54045159The user growls in an endearing way, making opposing Pokémon less wary. This lowers their Attack stats.
5414639Scares wild foes to end battle.
5424649Scares wild foes to end battle.
5434659Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
5444669Makes the foe flee to end the battle.
5454679The foe is made to switch out with an ally. In the wild, the battle ends.
5464689The foe is scared off, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
5474699The foe is scared off, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
54846109The foe is scared off, to be replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
54946115Effraie le Pokémon ennemi et le remplace par un autre. Dans la nature, met fin au combat.
55046119The target is scared off and replaced by another Pokémon in its party. In the wild, the battle ends.
55146149The target is scared off and switched. In the wild, a battle against a single Pokémon ends.
55246159The target is scared off, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon.
5534739May cause the foe to fall asleep.
5544749May cause the foe to fall asleep.
5554759A soothing song lulls the foe into a deep slumber.
5564769A soothing song lulls the foe into a deep slumber.
5574779A soothing song in a calming voice lulls the foe into a deep slumber.
5584789A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the foe into a deep slumber.
5594799A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the foe into a deep slumber.
56047109A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the foe into a deep slumber.
56147115Une berceuse plonge lennemi dans un profond sommeil.
56247119A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the target into a deep slumber.
56347149A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming voice that puts the target into a deep slumber.
5644839Sound waves that cause confusion.
5654849Sound waves that cause confusion.
5664859Emits bizarre sound waves that may confuse the foe.
5674869Emits bizarre sound waves that may confuse the foe.
5684879The user generates odd sound waves. It may confuse the foe.
5694889The user generates odd sound waves from its body. It may confuse the target.
5704899The user generates odd sound waves from its body. It may confuse the target.
57148109The user generates odd sound waves from its body. It may confuse the target.
57248115Le lanceur produit détranges ondes sonores qui rendent confus.
57348119The user generates odd sound waves from its body. It may confuse the target.
57448149The user generates odd sound waves from its body. It may confuse the target.
57548159The user generates odd sound waves from its body that confuse the target.
5764939Always inflicts 20HP damage.
5774949Always inflicts 20HP damage.
5784959Launches shock waves that always inflict 20 HP damage.
5794969Launches shock waves that always inflict 20 HP damage.
5804979The foe is hit with a shock wave that always inflicts 20- HP damage.
5814989The foe is hit with a destructive shock wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage.
5824999The foe is hit with a destructive shock wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage.
58349109The foe is hit with a destructive shock wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage.
58449115Une onde de choc destructrice qui inflige toujours 20 PV de dégâts.
58549119The target is hit with a destructive shock wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage.
58649149The target is hit with a destructive shock wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage.
5875039Disables the foe's most recent move.
5885049Disables the foe's most recent move.
5895059Psychically disables one of the foes moves.
5905069Psychically disables one of the foes moves.
5915079For a few turns, it prevents the foe from using the move it last used.
5925089For several turns, this move prevents the foe from using the move it last used.
5935099For several turns, this move prevents the foe from using the move it last used.
59450109For several turns, this move prevents the foe from using the move it last used.
59550115Empêche lennemi demployer à nouveau sa dernière attaque. Dure quatre tours.
59650119For four turns, this move prevents the target from using the move it last used.
59750149For four turns, this move prevents the target from using the move it last used.
5985139An attack that may lower DEFENSE.
5995149An attack that may lower DEFENSE.
6005159Sprays a hide-melting acid. May lower DEFENSE.
6015169Sprays a hide-melting acid. May lower DEFENSE.
6025179The foe is sprayed with a harsh, hide- melting acid that may lower DEFENSE.
6035189The foe is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. It may also lower the targets Sp. Def stat.
6045199The foe is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. It may also lower the targets Sp. Def stat.
60551109The foe is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. It may also lower the targets Sp. Def stat.
60651115Le lanceur attaque lennemi avec un jet dacide corrosif. Peut aussi baisser la Défense Spéciale de lennemi.
60751119The opposing team is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. The acid may also lower the targets Sp. Def stats.
60851149The opposing team is attacked with a spray of harsh acid. The acid may also lower the targets Sp. Def stats.
60951159The opposing Pokémon are attacked with a spray of harsh acid. This may also lower their Sp. Def stats.
6105239An attack that may inflict a burn.
6115249An attack that may inflict a burn.
6125259A weak fire attack that may inflict a burn.
6135269A weak fire attack that may inflict a burn.
6145279The foe is attacked with small flames. The foe may suffer a burn.
6155289The foe is attacked with small flames. The target may also be left with a burn.
6165299The foe is attacked with small flames. The target may also be left with a burn.
61752109The foe is attacked with small flames. The target may also be left with a burn.
61852115Lennemi est attaqué par de faibles flammes. Peut aussi le brûler.
61952119The target is attacked with small flames. It may also leave the target with a burn.
62052149The target is attacked with small flames. It may also leave the target with a burn.
62152156Schwache Feuer-Attacke, durch die das Ziel eventuell Verbrennung erleidet.
62252159The target is attacked with small flames. This may also leave the target with a burn.
6235339An attack that may inflict a burn.
6245349An attack that may inflict a burn.
6255359A powerful fire attack that may inflict a burn.
6265369A powerful fire attack that may inflict a burn.
6275379The foe is scorched with intense flames. The foe may suffer a burn.
6285389The foe is scorched with an intense blast of fire. The target may also be left with a burn.
6295399The foe is scorched with an intense blast of fire. The target may also be left with a burn.
63053109The foe is scorched with an intense blast of fire. The target may also be left with a burn.
63153115Lennemi reçoit un torrent de flammes. Peut aussi le brûler.
63253119The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
63353149The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
63453159The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
6355439Prevents stat reduction.
6365449Prevents stat reduction.
6375459Creates a mist that stops reduction of abilities.
6385469Creates a mist that stops reduction of abilities.
6395479The ally party is protected by a mist that prevents stat reductions.
6405489The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
6415499The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
64254109The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
64354115Une brume blanche enveloppe léquipe du lanceur et empêche la réduction des stats pour 5 tours.
64454119The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
64554149The user cloaks its body with a white mist that prevents any of its stats from being cut for five turns.
6465539Squirts water to attack.
6475549Squirts water to attack.
6485559Squirts water to attack the foe.
6495569Squirts water to attack the foe.
6505579The foe is struck with a lot of water expelled forcibly from the mouth.
6515589The foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
6525599The foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
65355109The foe is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
65455115De leau est projetée sur lennemi en arc de cercle.
65555119The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
65655149The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
65755159The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
6585639A powerful water- type attack.
6595649A powerful water- type attack.
6605659Blasts water at high power to strike the foe.
6615669Blasts water at high power to strike the foe.
6625679A high volume of water is blasted at the foe under great pressure.
6635689The foe is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.
6645699The foe is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.
66556109The foe is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.
66656115Un puissant jet deau est dirigé sur lennemi.
66756119The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.
66856149The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.
6695739A strong water- type attack.
6705749A strong water- type attack.
6715759Creates a huge wave, then crashes it down on the foe.
6725769Creates a huge wave, then crashes it down on the foe.
6735779A big wave crashes down on the foe. Can also be used for crossing water.
6745789It swamps the entire battlefield with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.
6755799It swamps the entire battlefield with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.
67657109It swamps the entire battlefield with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.
67757115Une énorme vague sabat sur le champ de bataille. Permet aussi de voyager sur leau.
67857119It swamps the area around the user with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.
67957149It swamps the area around the user with a giant wave. It can also be used for crossing water.
68057159The user attacks everything around it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave. This can also be used for crossing water.
6815839An attack that may freeze the foe.
6825849An attack that may freeze the foe.
6835859Blasts the foe with an icy beam that may freeze it.
6845869Blasts the foe with an icy beam that may freeze it.
6855879The foe is struck with an icy beam. It may freeze the foe solid.
6865889The foe is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
6875899The foe is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
68858109The foe is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
68958115Un rayon de glace frappe lennemi. Peut aussi le geler.
69058119The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
69158149The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. It may also freeze the target solid.
69258159The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may also leave the target frozen.
6935939An attack that may freeze the foe.
6945949An attack that may freeze the foe.
6955959Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it.
6965969Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it.
6975979The foe is blasted with a blizzard. It may freeze the foe solid.
6985989A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the foe. It may also freeze the target solid.
6995999A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the foe. It may also freeze the target solid.
70059109A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the foe. It may also freeze the target solid.
70159115Une violente tempête de neige est déclenchée sur lennemi. Peut aussi le geler.
70259119A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team. It may also freeze them solid.
70359149A howling blizzard is summoned to strike the opposing team. It may also freeze them solid.
70459156Ein Schneesturm wütet, der das Ziel einfrieren kann.
70559159A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon. This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen.
7066039An attack that may confuse the foe.
7076049An attack that may confuse the foe.
7086059Fires a peculiar ray that may confuse the foe.
7096069Fires a peculiar ray that may confuse the foe.
7106079A peculiar ray is shot at the foe. It may leave the foe confused.
7116089The foe is attacked with a peculiar ray. It may also leave the target confused.
7126099The foe is attacked with a peculiar ray. It may also leave the target confused.
71360109The foe is attacked with a peculiar ray. It may also leave the target confused.
71460115Un étrange rayon frappe lennemi. Peut aussi le rendre confus.
71560119The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. It may also cause confusion.
71660149The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. It may also cause confusion.
71760156Feuert einen Strahl ab, der das Ziel verwirren kann.
71860159The target is attacked with a peculiar ray. This may also leave the target confused.
7196139An attack that may lower SPEED.
7206149An attack that may lower SPEED.
7216159Forcefully sprays bubbles that may lower SPEED.
7226169Forcefully sprays bubbles that may lower SPEED.
7236179A spray of bubbles strikes the foe. It may lower the foes SPEED stat.
7246189A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
7256199A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
72661109A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the foe. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
72761115Des bulles sont envoyées avec puissance sur lennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Vitesse.
72861119A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the opposing team. It may also lower their Speed stats.
72961149A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the opposing team. It may also lower their Speed stats.
73061159A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected at the target. This may also lower its Speed stat.
7316239An attack that may lower ATTACK.
7326249An attack that may lower ATTACK.
7336259Fires a rainbow-colored beam that may lower ATTACK.
7346269Fires a rainbow-colored beam that may lower ATTACK.
7356279A rainbow-colored attack beam. It may lower the foes ATTACK stat.
7366289The foe is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. It may also lower the targets Attack stat.
7376299The foe is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. It may also lower the targets Attack stat.
73862109The foe is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. It may also lower the targets Attack stat.
73962115Envoie un rayon arc-en-ciel sur lennemi. Peut aussi baisser son Attaque.
74062119The target is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. This may also lower the targets Attack stat.
74162149The target is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. This may also lower the targets Attack stat.
74262159The target is hit with a rainbow-colored beam. This may also lower the target's Attack stat.
74363391st turn: Attack 2nd turn: Rest
74463491st turn: Attack 2nd turn: Rest
7456359Powerful, but leaves the user immobile the next turn.
7466369Powerful, but leaves the user immobile the next turn.
7476379A severely damaging attack that makes the user rest on the next turn.
7486389The foe is attacked with a powerful beam. The user must rest on the next turn to regain its energy.
7496399The foe is attacked with a powerful beam. The user must rest on the next turn to regain its energy.
75063109The foe is attacked with a powerful beam. The user must rest on the next turn to regain its energy.
75163115Projette un puissant rayon sur lennemi. Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour suivant.
75263119The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user must rest on the next turn to regain its energy.
75363149The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user must rest on the next turn to regain its energy.
75463159The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can't move on the next turn.
7556439Jabs the foe with a beak, etc.
7566449Jabs the foe with a beak, etc.
7576459Attacks the foe with a jabbing beak, etc.
7586469Attacks the foe with a jabbing beak, etc.
7596479The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
7606489The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
7616499The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
76264109The foe is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
76364115Frappe lennemi dun bec pointu ou dune corne pour infliger des dégâts.
76464119The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
76564149The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
76664156Greift das Ziel mit dem Schnabel oder Horn an.
76764159The target is jabbed with a sharply pointed beak or horn.
7686539A strong, spin­ ning-peck attack.
7696549A strong, spin­ ning-peck attack.
7706559A corkscrewing attack with the beak acting as a drill.
7716569A corkscrewing attack with the beak acting as a drill.
7726579A corkscrewing attack with the sharp beak acting as a drill.
7736589A corkscrewing attack with the sharp beak acting as a drill.
7746599A corkscrewing attack with the sharp beak acting as a drill.
77565109A corkscrewing attack with the sharp beak acting as a drill.
77665115Une attaque utilisant le bec comme une perceuse.
77765119A corkscrewing attack with the sharp beak acting as a drill.
77865149A corkscrewing attack with the sharp beak acting as a drill.
7796639An attack that al­ so hurts the user.
7806649An attack that al­ so hurts the user.
7816659A reckless body slam that also hurts the user.
7826669A reckless body slam that also hurts the user.
7836679A reckless, full- body throw attack that also hurts the user a little.
7846689The user grabs the foe and recklessly dives for the ground. It also hurts the user slightly.
7856699The user grabs the foe and recklessly dives for the ground. It also hurts the user slightly.
78666109The user grabs the foe and recklessly dives for the ground. It also hurts the user slightly.
78766115Le lanceur agrippe lennemi et lécrase au sol. Blesse aussi légèrement le lanceur.
78866119The user grabs the target and recklessly dives for the ground. It also hurts the user slightly.
78966149The user grabs the target and recklessly dives for the ground. It also hurts the user slightly.
7906739An attack that may cause flinching.
7916749An attack that may cause flinching.
7926759A kick that inflicts more damage on heavier foes.
7936769A kick that inflicts more damage on heavier foes.
7946779A low, tripping kick that inflicts more damage on heavier foes.
7956789A powerful low kick that makes the foe fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier foes.
7966799A powerful low kick that makes the foe fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier foes.
79767109A powerful low kick that makes the foe fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier foes.
79867115Un puissant coup de pied bas qui fauche lennemi. Il est plus efficace contre les ennemis lourds.
79967119A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier targets.
80067149A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. It inflicts greater damage on heavier targets.
8016839Returns a physical blow double.
8026849Returns a physical blow double.
8036859Retaliates any physical hit with double the power.
8046869Retaliates any physical hit with double the power.
8056879A retaliation move that counters any physical hit with double the damage.
8066889A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
8076899A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
80868109A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
80968115Une riposte qui répond à toute attaque physique en infligeant le double de dégâts.
81068119A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
81168149A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
81268159A retaliation move that counters any physical attack, inflicting double the damage taken.
8136939The user's level equals damage HP.
8146949The user's level equals damage HP.
8156959Inflicts damage identical to the users level.
8166969Inflicts damage identical to the users level.
8176979A gravity-fed throw that causes damage matching the users level.
8186989The foe is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the users level.
8196999The foe is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the users level.
82069109The foe is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the users level.
82169115Lennemi est projeté grâce au pouvoir de la gravité. Inflige des dégâts équivalents au niveau du lanceur.
82269119The target is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the users level.
82369149The target is thrown using the power of gravity. It inflicts damage equal to the users level.
8247039A powerful physi­ cal attack.
8257049A powerful physi­ cal attack.
8267059Builds enormous power, then slams the foe.
8277069Builds enormous power, then slams the foe.
8287079The foe is slugged at maximum power. Can also be used to move boulders.
8297089The foe is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It can also be used to move boulders.
8307099The foe is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It can also be used to move boulders.
83170109The foe is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It can also be used to move boulders.
83270115Le lanceur cogne lennemi de toutes ses forces. Permet aussi de déplacer des rochers.
83370119The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It can also be used to move heavy boulders.
83470149The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. It can also be used to move heavy boulders.
83570159The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power. This can also be used to move heavy boulders.
8367139Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
8377149Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
8387159An attack that absorbs half the damage inflicted.
8397169An attack that absorbs half the damage inflicted.
8407179An attack that absorbs half the damage it inflicted to restore HP.
8417189A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
8427199A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
84371109A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
84471115Une attaque qui convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés en PV.
84571119A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
84671149A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
84771159A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
8487239Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
8497249Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
8507259An attack that absorbs half the damage inflicted.
8517269An attack that absorbs half the damage inflicted.
8527279A tough attack that drains half the damage it inflicted to restore HP.
8537289A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
8547299A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
85572109A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
85672115Une attaque qui convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés en PV.
85772119A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
85872149A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
8597339Steals HP from the foe on every turn.
8607349Steals HP from the foe on every turn.
8617359Plants a seed on the foe to steal HP on every turn.
8627369Plants a seed on the foe to steal HP on every turn.
8637379A seed is planted on the foe to steal some HP for the user on every turn.
8647389A seed is planted on the foe. It steals some HP from the foe to heal the user on every turn.
8657399A seed is planted on the foe. It steals some HP from the foe to heal the user on every turn.
86673109A seed is planted on the foe. It steals some HP from the foe to heal the user on every turn.
86773115Une graine est semée sur lennemi. À chaque tour, elle lui dérobe des PV que le lanceur récupère.
86873119A seed is planted on the target. It steals some HP from the target every turn.
86973149A seed is planted on the target. It steals some HP from the target every turn.
87073156Ziel wird bepflanzt und verliert jede Runde KP, die ein Pokémon aus dem Team des Anwenders heilen.
87173159A seed is planted on the target. It steals some HP from the target every turn.
8727439Raises the SPCL. ATK rating.
8737449Raises the SPCL. ATK rating.
8747459Forces the body to grow and heightens SP. ATK.
8757469Forces the body to grow and heightens SP. ATK.
8767479The users body is forced to grow, raising the SP. ATK stat.
8777489The users body is forced to grow all at once. It raises the Sp. Atk stat.
8787499The users body is forced to grow all at once. It raises the Sp. Atk stat.
87974109The users body is forced to grow all at once. It raises the Sp. Atk stat.
88074115Le corps du lanceur se développe. Augmente lAttaque et lAttaque Spéciale.
88174119The users body grows all at once, raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
88274149The users body grows all at once, raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
88374156Der Körper wächst. Dadurch steigen Angriff und Spezial-Angriff.
88474159The user's body grows all at once, raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
8857539Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
8867549Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
8877559Cuts the enemy with leaves. High critical-hit ratio.
8887569Cuts the enemy with leaves. High critical-hit ratio.
8897579The foe is hit with a cutting leaf. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
8907589A sharp-edged leaf is launched to slash at the foe. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
8917599Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the foe. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
89275109Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the foe. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
89375115Des feuilles aiguisées comme des rasoirs entaillent lennemi. Taux de critiques élevé.
89475119Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the opposing team. Critical hits land more easily.
89575149Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the opposing team. Critical hits land more easily.
89675156Trifft das Ziel mit Blättern. Hohe Volltrefferquote.
89775159Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at the opposing Pokémon. Critical hits land more easily.
89876391st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
89976491st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
9007659Absorbs light in one turn, then attacks next turn.
9017669Absorbs light in one turn, then attacks next turn.
9027679A 2-turn move that blasts the foe with absorbed energy in the 2nd turn.
9037689A two-turn attack. The user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the second turn.
9047699A two-turn attack. The user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the second turn.
90576109A two-turn attack. The user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the second turn.
90676115Absorbe la lumière au premier tour et envoie un rayon puissant au tour suivant.
90776119A two-turn attack. The user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the second turn.
90876149A two-turn attack. The user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the second turn.
90976156Absorbiert Licht in Runde 1. In Runde 2 erfolgt der Angriff.
9107739A move that may poison the foe.
9117749A move that may poison the foe.
9127759Scatters a toxic powder that may poison the foe.
9137769Scatters a toxic powder that may poison the foe.
9147779A cloud of toxic dust is scattered. It may poison the foe.
9157789A cloud of poisonous dust is scattered on the foe. It may poison the target.
9167799A cloud of poisonous dust is scattered on the foe. It may poison the target.
91777109A cloud of poisonous dust is scattered on the foe. It may poison the target.
91877115Une poudre toxique empoisonne lennemi.
91977119The user scatters a cloud of poisonous dust on the target. It may poison the target.
92077149The user scatters a cloud of poisonous dust on the target. It may poison the target.
9217839A move that may paralyze the foe.
9227849A move that may paralyze the foe.
9237859Scatters a powder that may paralyze the foe.
9247869Scatters a powder that may paralyze the foe.
9257879Paralyzing dust is scattered wildly. It may paralyze the foe.
9267889The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may paralyze the target.
9277899The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may paralyze the target.
92878109The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may paralyze the target.
92978115Le lanceur répand sur lennemi une poudre qui le paralyse.
93078119The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may leave the target with paralysis.
93178149The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing powder. It may leave the target with paralysis.
93278156Verstreut lähmenden Puder.
93378159The user scatters a cloud of numbing powder that paralyzes the target.
9347939May cause the foe to fall asleep.
9357949May cause the foe to fall asleep.
9367959Scatters a powder that may cause the foe to sleep.
9377969Scatters a powder that may cause the foe to sleep.
9387979A sleep-inducing dust is scattered in high volume around a foe.
9397989The user scatters a big cloud of sleep- inducing dust around the foe.
9407999The user scatters a big cloud of sleep- inducing dust around the foe.
94179109The user scatters a big cloud of sleep- inducing dust around the foe.
94279115Le lanceur répand une poudre soporifique qui endort la cible.
94379119The user scatters a big cloud of sleep-inducing dust around the target.
94479149The user scatters a big cloud of sleep-inducing dust around the target.
94579159The user scatters a big cloud of sleep-inducing dust around the target.
9468039Works 2-3 turns and confuses user.
9478049Works 2-3 turns and confuses user.
9488059A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user.
9498069A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user.
9508079The user attacks with petals for two to three turns, then gets confused.
9518089The user attacks by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
9528099The user attacks by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
95380109The user attacks by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
95480115Le lanceur attaque en projetant des pétales pendant 2 à 3 tours avant de céder à la confusion.
95580119The user attacks the target by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
95680149The user attacks the target by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
95780159The user attacks the target by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
9588139A move that lowers the foe's SPEED.
9598149A move that lowers the foe's SPEED.
9608159Binds the foe with string to reduce its SPEED.
9618169Binds the foe with string to reduce its SPEED.
9628179The foe is bound with strings shot from the mouth to reduce its SPEED.
9638189The foe is bound with silk blown from the users mouth. It reduces the targets Speed stat.
9648199The foe is bound with silk blown from the users mouth. It reduces the targets Speed stat.
96581109The foe is bound with silk blown from the users mouth. It reduces the targets Speed stat.
96681115Le lanceur crache de la soie pour ligoter lennemi et baisser sa Vitesse.
96781119The targets are bound with silk blown from the users mouth. This silk reduces the targets Speed stat.
96881149The targets are bound with silk blown from the users mouth. This silk reduces the targets Speed stat.
96981156Umwickelt Ziele in der Nähe mit Fäden aus dem Mund und senkt den Initiativ-Wert.
97081159The opposing Pokémon are bound with silk blown from the user's mouth that harshly lowers the Speed stat.
9718239Always inflicts 40HP damage.
9728249Always inflicts 40HP damage.
9738259Launches shock waves that always inflict 40 HP damage.
9748269Launches shock waves that always inflict 40 HP damage.
9758279The foe is hit with a shock wave that always inflicts 40- HP damage.
9768289The foe is stricken by a shock wave. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
9778299The foe is stricken by a shock wave. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
97882109The foe is stricken by a shock wave. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
97982115La colère du lanceur déclenche une onde de choc destructrice qui inflige toujours 40 PV de dégâts.
98082119This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
98182149This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
98282159This attack hits the target with a shock wave of pure rage. This attack always inflicts 40 HP damage.
9838339Traps foe in fire for 2-5 turns.
9848349Traps foe in fire for 2-5 turns.
9858359Traps the foe in a ring of fire for 2 to 5 turns.
9868369Traps the foe in a ring of fire for 2 to 5 turns.
9878379The foe is trapped in an intense spiral of fire that rages two to five turns.
9888389The foe becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for two to five turns.
9898399The foe becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for two to five turns.
99083109The foe becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for two to five turns.
99183115Un tourbillon de flammes emprisonne lennemi pendant 4 à 5 tours.
99283119The target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns.
99383149The target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns.
9948439An attack that may cause paralysis.
9958449An attack that may cause paralysis.
9968459An electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.
9978469An electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.
9988479An electric shock attack that may also leave the foe paralyzed.
9998489A jolt of electricity is hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
10008499A jolt of electricity is hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
100184109A jolt of electricity is hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
100284115Une décharge électrique tombe sur lennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser.
100384119A jolt of electricity is hurled at the target to inflict damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
100484149A jolt of electricity is hurled at the target to inflict damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
100584159A jolt of electricity crashes down on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
10068539An attack that may cause paralysis.
10078549An attack that may cause paralysis.
10088559A strong electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.
10098569A strong electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.
10108579A strong electrical attack that may also leave the foe paralyzed.
10118589A strong electric blast is loosed at the foe. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
10128599A strong electric blast is loosed at the foe. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
101385109A strong electric blast is loosed at the foe. It may also leave the foe paralyzed.
101485115Une grosse décharge électrique tombe sur lennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser.
101585119A strong electric blast is loosed at the target. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
101685149A strong electric blast is loosed at the target. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
10178639A move that may cause paralysis.
10188649A move that may cause paralysis.
10198659A weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the foe.
10208669A weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the foe.
10218679A weak electric shock that is sure to cause paralysis if it hits.
10228689A weak electric charge is launched at the foe. It causes paralysis if it hits.
10238699A weak electric charge is launched at the foe. It causes paralysis if it hits.
102486109A weak electric charge is launched at the foe. It causes paralysis if it hits.
102586115Un faible choc électrique frappe lennemi. Si lattaque touche, celui-ci est paralysé.
102686119A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.
102786149A weak electric charge is launched at the target. It causes paralysis if it hits.
102886159The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
10298739An attack that may cause paralysis.
10308749An attack that may cause paralysis.
10318759A lightning attack that may cause paralysis.
10328769A lightning attack that may cause paralysis.
10338779A brutal lightning attack that may also leave the foe paralyzed.
10348789A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
10358799A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
103687109A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the foe to inflict damage. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
103787115La foudre tombe sur lennemi pour lui infliger des dégâts. Peut aussi le paralyser.
103887119A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
103987149A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
10408839Drops rocks on the enemy.
10418849Drops rocks on the enemy.
10428859Throws small rocks to strike the foe.
10438869Throws small rocks to strike the foe.
10448879The foe is attacked with a shower of small, easily thrown rocks.
10458889The user picks up and throws a small rock at the foe to attack.
10468899The user picks up and throws a small rock at the foe to attack.
104788109The user picks up and throws a small rock at the foe to attack.
104888115Le lanceur lâche une pierre sur lennemi.
104988119The user picks up and throws a small rock at the target to attack.
105088149The user picks up and throws a small rock at the target to attack.
105188156Das Ziel wird mit einem kleinen Stein beworfen.
105288159The user picks up and throws a small rock at the target to attack.
10538939Tough but useless vs. flying foes.
10548949Tough but useless vs. flying foes.
10558959A powerful quake, but has no effect on flying foes.
10568969A powerful quake, but has no effect on flying foes.
10578979An earthquake that strikes all POKéMON in battle excluding the user.
10588989The user sets off an earthquake that hits all the Pokémon in the battle.
10598999The user sets off an earthquake that hits all the Pokémon in the battle.
106089109The user sets off an earthquake that hits all the Pokémon in the battle.
106189115Le lanceur provoque un tremblement de terre touchant tous les Pokémon autour de lui.
106289119The user sets off an earthquake that strikes those around it.
106389149The user sets off an earthquake that strikes those around it.
106489156Ein mächtiges Beben, das die anderen Pokémon in der Nähe des Anwenders trifft.
10659039A ground-type, one-hit KO attack.
10669049A ground-type, one-hit KO attack.
10679059A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure.
10689069A one-hit KO move that drops the foe in a fissure.
10699079The foe is dropped into a fissure. The foe faints if it hits.
10709089The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
10719099The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
107290109The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the foe in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
107390115Le lanceur fait tomber lennemi dans une crevasse. Si cette attaque réussit, elle met K.O. sur le coup.
107490119The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
107590149The user opens up a fissure in the ground and drops the target in. The target instantly faints if it hits.
107691391st turn: Burrow 2nd turn: Attack
107791491st turn: Burrow 2nd turn: Attack
10789159Digs underground the first turn and strikes next turn.
10799169Digs underground the first turn and strikes next turn.
10809179An attack that hits on the 2nd turn. Can also be used to exit dungeons.
10819189The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
10829199The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
108391109The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
108491115Le lanceur creuse au 1er tour et frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de séchapper dun donjon.
108591119The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
108691149The user burrows, then attacks on the second turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
108791159The user burrows, then attacks on the next turn. It can also be used to exit dungeons.
10889239A poison move with increasing damage.
10899249A poison move with increasing damage.
10909259Poisons the foe with an intensifying toxin.
10919269Poisons the foe with an intensifying toxin.
10929279A move that badly poisons the foe. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
10939289A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
10949299A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
109592109A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
109692115Empoisonne gravement lennemi. Les dégâts dus au poison augmentent à chaque tour.
109792119A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
109892149A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
109992156Vergiftet das Ziel mit einem potenten Toxin schwer. Vergiftung wird von Runde zu Runde stärker.
110092159A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
11019339An attack that may cause confusion.
11029349An attack that may cause confusion.
11039359A psychic attack that may cause confusion.
11049369A psychic attack that may cause confusion.
11059379A weak telekinetic attack that may also leave the foe confused.
11069389The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused.
11079399The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused.
110893109The foe is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the foe confused.
110993115Une faible vague télékinésique frappe lennemi. Peut aussi le plonger dans la confusion.
111093119The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused.
111193149The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. It may also leave the target confused.
111293156Das Ziel wird von schwacher telekenetischer Energie getroffen und eventuell verwirrt.
111393159The target is hit by a weak telekinetic force. This may also confuse the target.
11149439An attack that may lower SPCL.DEF.
11159449An attack that may lower SPCL.DEF.
11169459A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
11179469A powerful psychic attack that may lower SP. DEF.
11189479A strong telekinetic attack. It may also lower the foes SP. DEF stat.
11199489The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the foes Sp. Def stat.
11209499The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the foes Sp. Def stat.
112194109The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the foes Sp. Def stat.
112294115Une puissante force télékinésique frappe lennemi. Peut aussi faire baisser sa Défense Spéciale.
112394119The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the targets Sp. Def stat.
112494149The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. It may also reduce the targets Sp. Def stat.
112594156Starke Psycho-Attacke, die eventuell die Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles senkt.
112694159The target is hit by a strong telekinetic force. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
11279539May put the foe to sleep.
11289549May put the foe to sleep.
11299559A hypnotizing move that may induce sleep.
11309569A hypnotizing move that may induce sleep.
11319579Hypnotic suggestion is used to make the foe fall into a deep sleep.
11329589The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
11339599The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
113495109The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
113595115Le lanceur hypnotise lennemi pour le plonger dans un profond sommeil.
113695119The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
113795149The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
113895159The users employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
11399639Raises the user's ATTACK.
11409649Raises the user's ATTACK.
11419659Meditates in a peaceful fashion to raise ATTACK.
11429669Meditates in a peaceful fashion to raise ATTACK.
11439679The user meditates to awaken its power and raise its ATTACK stat.
11449689The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
11459699The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
114696109The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
114796115Le lanceur médite pour éveiller son pouvoir latent et augmenter son Attaque.
114896119The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
114996149The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
115096156Anwender aktiviert Kräfte, die tief in seinem Inneren schummeln, und steigert so seinen Angriffs-Wert.
115196159The user meditates to awaken the power deep within its body and raise its Attack stat.
11529739Sharply increases the user's SPEED.
11539749Sharply increases the user's SPEED.
11549759Relaxes the body to sharply boost SPEED.
11559769Relaxes the body to sharply boost SPEED.
11569779The user relaxes and lightens its body to sharply boost its SPEED.
11579789The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat.
11589799The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat.
115997109The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat.
116097115Le lanceur se relaxe et allège son corps pour augmenter considérablement sa Vitesse.
116197119The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat.
116297149The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. It sharply boosts the Speed stat.
116397156Entspannt den Körper, um den Initiative-Wert stark zu steigern.
116497159The user relaxes and lightens its body to move faster. This sharply raises the Speed stat.
11659839Lets the user get in the first hit.
11669849Lets the user get in the first hit.
11679859An extremely fast attack that always strikes first.
11689869An extremely fast attack that always strikes first.
11699879An almost invisibly fast attack that is certain to strike first.
11709889The user lunges at the foe at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
11719899The user lunges at the foe at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
117298109The user lunges at the foe at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
117398115Le lanceur fonce sur lennemi si rapidement quon parvient à peine à le discerner. Frappe en premier.
117498119The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
117598149The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. It is sure to strike first.
117698156Sehr schneller Angriff mit Erstschlaggarantie.
117798159The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This move always goes first.
11789939Raises ATTACK if the user is hit.
11799949Raises ATTACK if the user is hit.
11809959Raises the users ATTACK every time it is hit.
11819969Raises the users ATTACK every time it is hit.
11829979An attack that becomes stronger each time the user is hit in battle.
11839989While this move is in use, it gains attack power each time the user is hit in battle.
11849999While this move is in use, it gains attack power each time the user is hit in battle.
118599109While this move is in use, it gains attack power each time the user is hit in battle.
118699115Une fois activée, cette capacité augmente lAttaque du lanceur à mesure que celui-ci subit des attaques.
118799119As long as this move is in use, the power of rage raises the Attack stat each time the user is hit in battle.
118899149As long as this move is in use, the power of rage raises the Attack stat each time the user is hit in battle.
118999156Erhöht Angriff des Anwenders, wenn dieser getroffen wird, solange die Attacke aktiviert ist.
119099159As long as this move is in use, the power of rage raises the Attack stat each time the user is hit in battle.
119110039A move for fleeing from battle.
119210049A move for fleeing from battle.
119310059A psychic move for fleeing from battle instantly.
119410069A psychic move for fleeing from battle instantly.
119510079Use it to flee from any wild POKéMON. Also warps to the last POKé CENTER.
119610089Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It may also be used to warp to the last Poké Center visited.
119710099Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It may also be used to warp to the last Poké Center visited.
1198100109Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It can also warp to the last Pokémon Center visited.
1199100115Permet de fuir un Pokémon sauvage. Permet aussi de revenir au dernier Centre Pokémon visité.
1200100119Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It can also warp to the last Pokémon Center visited.
1201100149Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It can also warp to the last Pokémon Center visited.
1202100159Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. It can also warp to the last Pokémon Center visited.
120310139The user's level equals damage HP.
120410149The user's level equals damage HP.
120510159Inflicts damage identical to the users level.
120610169Inflicts damage identical to the users level.
120710179An attack with a mirage that inflicts damage matching the users level.
120810189The user makes the foe see a mirage. It inflicts damage matching the users level.
120910199The user makes the foe see a mirage. It inflicts damage matching the users level.
1210101109The user makes the foe see a mirage. It inflicts damage matching the users level.
1211101115Le lanceur invoque un mirage. Inflige des dégâts équivalents au niveau du lanceur.
1212101119The user makes the target see a frightening mirage. It inflicts damage matching the users level.
1213101149The user makes the target see a frightening mirage. It inflicts damage matching the users level.
121410239Copies a move used by the foe.
121510249Copies a move used by the foe.
121610259Copies a move used by the foe during one battle.
121710269Copies a move used by the foe during one battle.
121810279The user copies the move last used by the foe for the rest of the battle.
121910289The user copies the move last used by the foe. The move can be used for the rest of the battle.
122010299The user copies the move last used by the foe. The move can be used for the rest of the battle.
1221102109The user copies the move last used by the foe. The move can be used for the rest of the battle.
1222102115Le lanceur copie la dernière capacité utilisée par la cible et la conserve tant quil reste au combat.
1223102119The user copies the targets last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.
1224102149The user copies the targets last move. The move can be used during battle until the Pokémon is switched out.
122510339Sharply reduces the foe's DEFENSE.
122610349Sharply reduces the foe's DEFENSE.
122710359Emits a screech to sharply reduce the foes DEFENSE.
122810369Emits a screech to sharply reduce the foes DEFENSE.
122910379An ear-splitting screech is emitted to sharply reduce the foes DEFENSE.
123010389An earsplitting screech is emitted to sharply reduce the foes Defense stat.
123110399An earsplitting screech is emitted to sharply reduce the foes Defense stat.
1232103109An earsplitting screech is emitted to sharply reduce the foes Defense stat.
1233103115Cri strident qui baisse beaucoup la Défense ennemie.
1234103119An earsplitting screech harshly reduces the targets Defense stat.
1235103149An earsplitting screech harshly reduces the targets Defense stat.
1236103159An earsplitting screen harshly lowers the target's Defense stat.
123710439Heightens evasive­ ness.
123810449Heightens evasive­ ness.
123910459Creates illusory copies to raise evasiveness.
124010469Creates illusory copies to raise evasiveness.
124110479The user creates illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
124210489By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
124310499By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
1244104109By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
1245104115Le lanceur se déplace si vite quil crée des copies illusoires de lui, augmentant son Esquive.
1246104119By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
1247104149By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
1248104159By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
124910539Restores HP by 1/2 the max HP.
125010549Restores HP by 1/2 the max HP.
125110559Recovers up to half the users maximum HP.
125210569Recovers up to half the users maximum HP.
125310579A self-healing move that restores HP by up to half of the users maximum HP.
125410589A self-healing move. The user restores its own HP by up to half of its max HP.
125510599A self-healing move. The user restores its own HP by up to half of its max HP.
1256105109A self-healing move. The user restores its own HP by up to half of its max HP.
1257105115Un soin qui permet au lanceur de récupérer jusquà la moitié de ses PV max.
1258105119Restoring its own cells, the user restores its own HP by half of its max HP.
1259105149Restoring its own cells, the user restores its own HP by half of its max HP.
1260105156Eine Selbstheilung. KP des Anwenders werden um 50% des maximalen Wertes aufgefüllt.
126110639Raises the user's DEFENSE.
126210649Raises the user's DEFENSE.
126310659Stiffens the bodys muscles to raise DEFENSE.
126410669Stiffens the bodys muscles to raise DEFENSE.
126510679The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its DEFENSE stat.
126610689The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
126710699The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
1268106109The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
1269106115Le lanceur contracte tous ses muscles pour augmenter sa Défense.
1270106119The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
1271106149The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its Defense stat.
1272106159The user stiffens all the muscles in its body to raise its defense stat.
127310739Heightens evasive­ ness.
127410749Heightens evasive­ ness.
127510759Minimizes the users size to raise evasiveness.
127610769Minimizes the users size to raise evasiveness.
127710779The user compresses all the cells in its body to raise its evasiveness.
127810789The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller. The users evasion stat is boosted.
127910799The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller. The users evasion stat is boosted.
1280107109The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller. The users evasion stat is boosted.
1281107115Le lanceur comprime son corps pour se faire tout petit et augmenter fortement son Esquive.
1282107119The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller, which sharply raises its evasiveness.
1283107149The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller, which sharply raises its evasiveness.
1284107159The user compresses its body to make itself look smaller, which sharply raises its evasiveness.
128510839Lowers the foe's accuracy.
128610849Lowers the foe's accuracy.
128710859Lowers the foes accuracy using smoke, ink, etc.
128810869Lowers the foes accuracy using smoke, ink, etc.
128910879An obscuring cloud of smoke or ink reduces the foes accuracy.
129010889The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the foes accuracy.
129110899The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the foes accuracy.
1292108109The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the foes accuracy.
1293108115Le lanceur disperse un nuage dencre ou de fumée. Réduit la Précision de lennemi.
1294108119The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the targets accuracy.
1295108149The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the targets accuracy.
1296108156Senkt Genauigkeit des Zieles mit Rauch, Tinte oder Ähnlichem.
129710939A move that causes confusion.
129810949A move that causes confusion.
129910959A sinister ray that confuses the foe.
130010969A sinister ray that confuses the foe.
130110979The foe is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
130210989The foe is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
130310999The foe is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
1304109109The foe is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
1305109115Un rayon sinistre qui plonge lennemi dans un état de confusion.
1306109119The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
1307109149The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
1308109159The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
130911039Heightens the user's DEFENSE.
131011049Heightens the user's DEFENSE.
131111059Withdraws the body into its hard shell to raise DEFENSE.
131211069Withdraws the body into its hard shell to raise DEFENSE.
131311079The user withdraws its body in its hard shell, raising its DEFENSE stat.
131411089The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
131511099The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
1316110109The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
1317110115Le lanceur se recroqueville dans sa carapace, ce qui augmente sa Défense.
1318110119The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
1319110149The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
1320110159The user withdraws its body into its hard shell, raising its Defense stat.
132111139Heightens the user's DEFENSE.
132211149Heightens the user's DEFENSE.
132311159Curls up to conceal weak spots and raise DEFENSE.
132411169Curls up to conceal weak spots and raise DEFENSE.
132511179The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its DEFENSE stat.
132611189The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
132711199The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
1328111109The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
1329111115Le lanceur senroule pour cacher ses points faibles, ce qui augmente sa Défense.
1330111119The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
1331111149The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
1332111159The user curls up to conceal weak spots and raise its Defense stat.
133311239Sharply increases user's DEFENSE.
133411249Sharply increases user's DEFENSE.
133511259Creates a barrier that sharply raises DEFENSE.
133611269Creates a barrier that sharply raises DEFENSE.
133711279The user creates a sturdy wall that sharply raises its DEFENSE stat.
133811289The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
133911299The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
1340112109The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
1341112115Le lanceur érige un mur solide qui augmente fortement sa Défense.
1342112119The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
1343112149The user throws up a sturdy wall that sharply raises its Defense stat.
134411339Ups SPCL.DEF with a wall of light.
134511349Ups SPCL.DEF with a wall of light.
134611359Creates a wall of light that lowers SP. ATK damage.
134711369Creates a wall of light that lowers SP. ATK damage.
134811379A wall of light cuts damage from SP. ATK attacks for five turns.
134911389A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.
135011399A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.
1351113109A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.
1352113115Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les dégâts causés par les attaques spéciales durant 5 tours.
1353113119A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.
1354113149A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from special attacks for five turns.
1355113156Erzeugt eine Lichtwand und senkt den Schaden durch SpezialßAngriffe für fünf Runden.
1356113159A wonderous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
135711439Eliminates all stat changes.
135811449Eliminates all stat changes.
135911459Creates a black haze that eliminates all stat changes.
136011469Creates a black haze that eliminates all stat changes.
136111479Eliminates all stat changes among all POKéMON engaged in battle.
136211489The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
136311499The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
1364114109The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
1365114115Un brouillard qui annule les changements de stats de tous les Pokémon au combat.
1366114119The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
1367114149The user creates a haze that eliminates every stat change among all the Pokémon engaged in battle.
136811539Raises DEFENSE with a barrier.
136911549Raises DEFENSE with a barrier.
137011559Creates a wall of light that weakens physical attacks.
137111569Creates a wall of light that weakens physical attacks.
137211579A wall of light cuts damage from physical attacks for five turns.
137311589A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
137411599A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
1375115109A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
1376115115Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les dégâts causés par les attaques physiques durant 5 tours.
1377115119A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
1378115149A wondrous wall of light is put up to suppress damage from physical attacks for five turns.
1379115156Eine mysteriöse Wand, die fünf Runden den Schaden von physischen gegnerischen Treffern reduziert.
1380115159A wonderous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from physical attacks for five turns.
138111639Raises the criti­ cal hit ratio.
138211649Raises the criti­ cal hit ratio.
138311659Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
138411669Focuses power to raise the critical-hit ratio.
138511679The user takes a deep breath and focuses to raise its critical-hit ratio.
138611689The user takes a deep breath and focuses to raise the critical-hit ratio of its attacks.
138711699The user takes a deep breath and focuses to raise the critical-hit ratio of its attacks.
1388116109The user takes a deep breath and focuses to raise the critical-hit ratio of its attacks.
1389116115Le lanceur prend une profonde inspiration et se concentre pour augmenter son taux de critiques.
1390116119The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.
1391116149The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.
1392116159The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.
139311739Waits 2-3 turns & hits back double.
139411749Waits 2-3 turns & hits back double.
139511759Endures attack for 2 turns to retaliate double.
139611769Endures attack for 2 turns to retaliate double.
139711779The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back double.
139811789The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
139911799The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
1400117109The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
1401117115Le lanceur encaisse les coups durant 2 tours et réplique en infligeant le double des dégâts subis.
1402117119The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
1403117149The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
1404117159The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
140511839Randomly uses any POKéMON move.
140611849Randomly uses any POKéMON move.
140711859Waggles a finger to use any POKéMON move at random.
140811869Waggles a finger to use any POKéMON move at random.
140911879Waggles a finger and stimulates the brain into using any move at random.
141011889The user waggles a finger and stimulates the brain into randomly using nearly any move.
141111899The user waggles a finger and stimulates the brain into randomly using nearly any move.
1412118109The user waggles a finger and stimulates the brain into randomly using nearly any move.
1413118115Agite un doigt et stimule le cerveau pour utiliser presque nimporte quelle capacité au hasard.
1414118119The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move.
1415118149The user waggles a finger and stimulates its brain into randomly using nearly any move.
141611939Counters with the same move.
141711949Counters with the same move.
141811959Counters the foes attack with the same move.
141911969Counters the foes attack with the same move.
142011979The user counters the move last used by the foe with the same move.
142111989The user counters the foe by mimicking the move last used by the foe.
142211999The user counters the foe by mimicking the move last used by the foe.
1423119109The user counters the foe by mimicking the move last used by the foe.
1424119115Le lanceur riposte à lattaque de lennemi avec la même attaque.
1425119119The user counters the target by mimicking the targets last move.
1426119149The user counters the target by mimicking the targets last move.
142712039Powerful but makes the user faint.
142812049Powerful but makes the user faint.
142912059Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
143012069Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
143112079The user blows up to inflict severe damage, even making itself faint.
143212089The user blows up to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
143312099The user blows up to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
1434120109The user blows up to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
1435120115Le lanceur explose en blessant tous les Pokémon autour de lui. Le lanceur tombe K.O.
1436120119The user attacks everything around it by causing an explosion. The user faints upon using this move.
1437120149The user attacks everything around it by causing an explosion. The user faints upon using this move.
1438120156Anwender sprengt sich, richtet rundum Riesenschaden an und wird dabei besiegt.
143912139Eggs are hurled at the foe.
144012149Eggs are hurled at the foe.
144112159An egg is forcibly hurled at the foe.
144212169An egg is forcibly hurled at the foe.
144312179A large egg is hurled with great force at the foe to inflict damage.
144412189A large egg is hurled with maximum force at the foe to inflict damage.
144512199A large egg is hurled with maximum force at the foe to inflict damage.
1446121109A large egg is hurled with maximum force at the foe to inflict damage.
1447121115De toutes ses forces, le lanceur jette un gros œuf sur lennemi pour lui infliger des dégâts.
1448121119A large egg is hurled at the target with maximum force to inflict damage.
1449121149A large egg is hurled at the target with maximum force to inflict damage.
145012239An attack that may cause paralysis.
145112249An attack that may cause paralysis.
145212259Licks with a long tongue to injure. May also paralyze.
145312269Licks with a long tongue to injure. May also paralyze.
145412279The foe is licked and hit with a long tongue. It may also paralyze.
145512289The foe is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. It may also paralyze the target.
145612299The foe is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. It may also paralyze the target.
1457122109The foe is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. It may also paralyze the target.
1458122115Un grand coup de langue qui inflige des dégâts à lennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser.
1459122119The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
1460122149The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
1461122156Leck-Attacke mit langer Zunge. Das Ziel wird eventuell paralysiert.
1462122159The target is licked with a long tongue, causing damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
146312339An attack that may poison the foe.
146412349An attack that may poison the foe.
146512359An exhaust-gas attack that may also poison.
146612369An exhaust-gas attack that may also poison.
146712379The foe is attacked with exhaust gases. It may also poison the foe.
146812389The foe is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. It may also poison the target.
146912399The foe is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. It may also poison the target.
1470123109The foe is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. It may also poison the target.
1471123115Le lanceur attaque à laide dune éruption de gaz répugnants. Peut aussi empoisonner lennemi.
1472123119The target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. It may also poison the target.
1473123149The target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. It may also poison the target.
1474123159The target is attacked with a discharge of filthy gases. This may also poison the target.
147512439An attack that may poison the foe.
147612449An attack that may poison the foe.
147712459Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
147812469Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
147912479Toxic sludge is hurled at the foe. It may poison the target.
148012489Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. It may also poison the target.
148112499Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. It may also poison the target.
1482124109Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the foe. It may also poison the target.
1483124115Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur lennemi. Peut aussi lempoisonner.
1484124119Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
1485124149Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
148612539An attack that may cause flinching.
148712549An attack that may cause flinching.
148812559Clubs the foe with a bone. May cause flinching.
148912569Clubs the foe with a bone. May cause flinching.
149012579The foe is clubbed with a bone held in hand. It may make the foe flinch.
149112589The user clubs the foe with a bone. It may also make the target flinch.
149212599The user clubs the foe with a bone. It may also make the target flinch.
1493125109The user clubs the foe with a bone. It may also make the target flinch.
1494125115Le lanceur frappe lennemi à grands coups dos. Peut aussi apeurer lennemi.
1495125119The user clubs the target with a bone. It may also make the target flinch.
1496125149The user clubs the target with a bone. It may also make the target flinch.
1497125159The user clubs the target with a bone. This may also make the target flinch.
149812639An attack that may cause a burn.
149912649An attack that may cause a burn.
150012659A fiery blast that scorches all. May cause a burn.
150112669Incinerates everything it strikes. May cause a burn.
150212679The foe is hit with an intense flame. It may leave the target with a burn.
150312689The foe is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
150412699The foe is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
1505126109The foe is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
1506126115Un déluge de flammes ardentes submerge lennemi. Peut aussi le brûler.
1507126119The target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
1508126149The target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. It may also leave the target with a burn.
1509126159The target is attacked with an intense blast of all-consuming fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
151012739An aquatic charge attack.
151112749An aquatic charge attack.
151212759Charges the foe with speed to climb waterfalls.
151312769Charges the foe with speed to climb waterfalls.
151412779A powerful charge attack. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
151512789The user charges the foe at an awesome speed. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
151612799The user charges the foe at an awesome speed. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
1517127109The user charges at the foe rapidly, and may make it flinch. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
1518127115Le lanceur charge lennemi à une vitesse remarquable, ce qui peut lapeurer. Permet aussi de franchir une cascade.
1519127119The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
1520127149The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. It can also be used to climb a waterfall.
1521127156Eine mächtige Attacke, durch die das Ziel eventuell zurückschreckt. Wasserfälle können damit erklommen werden.
1522127159The user charges at the target and may make it flinch. This can also be used to climb a waterfall.
152312839Traps the foe for 2-5 turns.
152412849Traps the foe for 2-5 turns.
152512859Traps and squeezes the foe for 2 to 5 turns.
152612869Traps and squeezes the foe for 2 to 5 turns.
152712879The foe is clamped and squeezed by the users shell for two to five turns.
152812889The foe is clamped and squeezed by the users very thick and sturdy shell for two to five turns.
152912899The foe is clamped and squeezed by the users very thick and sturdy shell for two to five turns.
1530128109The foe is clamped and squeezed by the users very thick and sturdy shell for two to five turns.
1531128115Le lanceur piège lennemi dans sa dure coquille et lécrase pendant 4 à 5 tours.
1532128119The target is clamped and squeezed by the users very thick and sturdy shell for four to five turns.
1533128149The target is clamped and squeezed by the users very thick and sturdy shell for four to five turns.
153412939An attack that never misses.
153512949An attack that never misses.
153612959Sprays star-shaped rays that never miss.
153712969Sprays star-shaped rays that never miss.
153812979Star-shaped rays that never miss are fired at all foes in battle.
153912989Star-shaped rays are shot at the foe. This attack never misses.
154012999Star-shaped rays are shot at the foe. This attack never misses.
1541129109Star-shaped rays are shot at the foe. This attack never misses.
1542129115Le lanceur envoie des rayons détoiles. Touche toujours lennemi.
1543129119Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing team. This attack never misses.
1544129149Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing team. This attack never misses.
1545129156Verschießt sternförmige Strahlen, die stets treffen, auf Ziele in der Umgebung.
1546129159Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
1547130391st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
1548130491st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
154913059Tucks in the head, then attacks on the next turn.
155013069Tucks in the head, then attacks on the next turn.
155113079The user raises its DEFENSE in the 1st turn, then attacks in the 2nd turn.
155213089The user tucks in its head to raise its Defense in the first turn, then rams the foe on the next turn.
155313099The user tucks in its head to raise its Defense in the first turn, then rams the foe on the next turn.
1554130109The user tucks in its head to raise its Defense in the first turn, then rams the foe on the next turn.
1555130115Le lanceur baisse la tête pour augmenter sa Défense au 1er tour et percuter lennemi au 2è.
1556130119The user tucks in its head to raise its Defense in the first turn, then rams the target on the next turn.
1557130149The user tucks in its head to raise its Defense in the first turn, then rams the target on the next turn.
155813139Fires spikes to hit 2-5 times.
155913149Fires spikes to hit 2-5 times.
156013159Launches sharp spikes that strike 2 to 5 times.
156113169Launches sharp spikes that strike 2 to 5 times.
156213179Sharp spikes are fired at the foe to strike two to five times.
156313189Sharp spikes are fired at the foe to strike two to five times in rapid succession.
156413199Sharp spikes are fired at the foe to strike two to five times in rapid succession.
1565131109Sharp spikes are fired at the foe to strike two to five times in rapid succession.
1566131115Envoie une rafale de dards. Peut toucher de 2 à 5 fois.
1567131119Sharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
1568131149Sharp spikes are shot at the target in rapid succession. They hit two to five times in a row.
156913239An attack that may lower SPEED.
157013249An attack that may lower SPEED.
157113259Constricts to inflict pain. May lower SPEED.
157213269Constricts to inflict pain. May lower SPEED.
157313279The foe is attacked with long tentacles or vines. It may lower SPEED.
157413289The foe is attacked with long, creeping tentacles or vines. It may also lower the targets Speed.
157513299The foe is attacked with long, creeping tentacles or vines. It may also lower the targets Speed.
1576132109The foe is attacked with long, creeping tentacles or vines. It may also lower the targets Speed.
1577132115De longs tentacules ou lianes attaquent lennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Vitesse.
1578132119The target is attacked with long, creeping tentacles or vines. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
1579132149The target is attacked with long, creeping tentacles or vines. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
158013339Sharply raises the user's SPCL.DEF.
158113349Sharply raises the user's SPCL.DEF.
158213359Forgets about something and sharply raises SP. DEF.
158313369Forgets about something and sharply raises SP. DEF.
158413379Forgets about something and sharply raises SP. DEF.
158513389The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. It sharply raises the users Sp. Def stat.
158613399The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. It sharply raises the users Sp. Def stat.
1587133109The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. It sharply raises the users Sp. Def stat.
1588133115Le lanceur fait le vide dans son esprit pour oublier ses soucis. Augmente fortement sa Défense Spéciale.
1589133119The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. It sharply raises the users Sp. Def stat.
1590133149The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. It sharply raises the users Sp. Def stat.
1591133156Gedächtnisverlust, der die Spezial-Verteidigung stark erhöht.
1592133159The user temporarily empties its mind to forget its concerns. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Def stat.
159313439Reduces the foe's accuracy.
159413449Reduces the foe's accuracy.
159513459Distracts the foe. May lower accuracy.
159613469Distracts the foe. May lower accuracy.
159713479The user distracts the foe by bending a spoon. It may lower accuracy.
159813489The user distracts the foe by bending a spoon. It may lower the targets accuracy.
159913499The user distracts the foe by bending a spoon. It may lower the targets accuracy.
1600134109The user distracts the foe by bending a spoon. It may lower the targets accuracy.
1601134115Le lanceur distrait lennemi en pliant une cuillère. Peut baisser la Précision de lennemi.
1602134119The user distracts the target by bending a spoon. It lowers the targets accuracy.
1603134149The user distracts the target by bending a spoon. It lowers the targets accuracy.
160413539Restores HP by 1/2 the user's max HP.
160513549Restores HP by 1/2 the user's max HP.
160613559Recovers up to half the users maximum HP.
160713569Recovers up to half the users maximum HP.
160813579Heals the user by up to half its full HP. It can be used to heal an ally.
160913589The user restores its own HP by up to half of its max HP. May be used in the field to heal HP.
161013599The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. It may also be used to heal an allys HP.
1611135109The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. It may also be used to heal an allys HP.
1612135115Le lanceur récupère jusquà la moitié de ses PV max. En dehors des combats, permet de transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié.
1613135119The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
1614135149The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
1615135159The user restores its own HP by up to half of its max HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
161613639May miss and hurt the user.
161713649May miss and hurt the user.
161813659A jumping knee kick. If it misses, the user is hurt.
161913669A jumping knee kick. If it misses, the user is hurt.
162013679A strong jumping knee kick. If it misses, the user is hurt.
162113689The foe is attacked with a knee kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.
162213699The foe is attacked with a knee kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.
1623136109The foe is attacked with a knee kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.
1624136115Le lanceur sélance pour effectuer un coup de genou sauté. Sil échoue, le lanceur se blesse.
1625136119The target is attacked with a knee kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.
1626136149The target is attacked with a knee kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.
1627136156Sprungtritt mit Knie. Bei Misserfolg verletzt sich der Anwender selbst.
162813739A move that may cause paralysis.
162913749A move that may cause paralysis.
163013759Intimidates and frightens the foe into paralysis.
163113769Intimidates and frightens the foe into paralysis.
163213779The user intimidates the foe with the design on its belly to cause paralysis.
163313789The user intimidates the foe with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
163413799The user intimidates the foe with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
1635137109The user intimidates the foe with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
1636137115Le lanceur intimide lennemi grâce à son regard terrifiant pour le paralyser.
1637137119The user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
1638137149The user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
163913839Steals HP from a sleeping victim.
164013849Steals HP from a sleeping victim.
164113859Takes one half the damage inflicted on a sleeping foe.
164213869Takes one half the damage inflicted on a sleeping foe.
164313879Absorbs half the damage it inflicted on a sleeping foe to restore HP.
164413889An attack that works only on a sleeping foe. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal the users HP.
164513899An attack that works only on a sleeping foe. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal the users HP.
1646138109An attack that works only on a sleeping foe. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal the users HP.
1647138115Le lanceur mange le rêve de lennemi endormi. Le lanceur récupère en PV la moitié des dégâts infligés.
1648138119The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal the users HP.
1649138149The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. It absorbs half the damage caused to heal the users HP.
165013939A move that may poison the foe.
165113949A move that may poison the foe.
165213959Envelops the foe in a toxic gas that may poison.
165313969Envelops the foe in a toxic gas that may poison.
165413979The foe is sprayed with a cloud of toxic gas that may poison the foe.
165513989A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the foes face. It may poison the target.
165613999A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the foes face. It may poison the target.
1657139109A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the foes face. It may poison the target.
1658139115Un nuage de gaz toxique est projeté au visage de lennemi. Peut lempoisonner.
1659139119A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the face of opposing Pokémon. It may poison those hit.
1660139149A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the face of opposing Pokémon. It may poison those hit.
166114039Throws orbs to hit 2-5 times.
166214049Throws orbs to hit 2-5 times.
166314059Hurls round objects at the foe 2 to 5 times.
166414069Hurls round objects at the foe 2 to 5 times.
166514079Round objects are hurled at the foe to strike two to five times.
166614089Round objects are hurled at the foe to strike two to five times in a row.
166714099Round objects are hurled at the foe to strike two to five times in a row.
1668140109Round objects are hurled at the foe to strike two to five times in a row.
1669140115Projette de 2 à 5 grosses boules sur lennemi.
1670140119Round objects are hurled at the target to strike two to five times in a row.
1671140149Round objects are hurled at the target to strike two to five times in a row.
167214139Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
167314149Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
167414159An attack that steals half the damage inflicted.
167514169An attack that steals half the damage inflicted.
167614179An attack that absorbs half the damage it inflicted to restore HP.
167714189A blood-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
167814199A blood-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
1679141109A blood-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
1680141115Une attaque qui aspire le sang de lennemi. La moitié des dégâts sont convertis en PV pour le lanceur.
1681141119The user drains the targets blood. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
1682141149The user drains the targets blood. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
1683141159The user drains the target's blood. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
168414239May cause the foe to fall asleep.
168514249May cause the foe to fall asleep.
168614259Demands a kiss with a scary face that induces sleep.
168714269Demands a kiss with a scary face that induces sleep.
168814279The user forces a kiss on the foe with a scary face that induces sleep.
168914289With a scary face, the user forces a kiss on the foe. It may make the target fall asleep.
169014299With a scary face, the user forces a kiss on the foe. It may make the target fall asleep.
1691142109With a scary face, the user tries to force a kiss on the foe. If it succeeds, the target falls asleep.
1692142115Le lanceur fait un bisou à lennemi en prenant une mine effrayante. Endort lennemi.
1693142119With a scary face, the user tries to force a kiss on the target. If it succeeds, the target falls asleep.
1694142149With a scary face, the user tries to force a kiss on the target. If it succeeds, the target falls asleep.
1695143391st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
1696143491st turn: Prepare 2nd turn: Attack
169714359Searches out weak spots, then strikes the next turn.
169814369Searches out weak spots, then strikes the next turn.
169914379A 2nd-turn attack move with a high critical-hit ratio. The foe may flinch.
170014389A second-turn attack move with a high critical-hit ratio. It may also make the target flinch.
170114399A second-turn attack move with a high critical-hit ratio. It may also make the target flinch.
1702143109A second-turn attack move with a high critical-hit ratio. It may also make the target flinch.
1703143115Une attaque en 2 tours au taux de critiques élevé. Peut aussi apeurer lennemi.
1704143119A second-turn attack move where critical hits land more easily. It may also make the target flinch.
1705143149A second-turn attack move where critical hits land more easily. It may also make the target flinch.
170614439The user assumes the foe's guise.
170714449The user assumes the foe's guise.
170814459Alters the users cells to become a copy of the foe.
170914469Alters the users cells to become a copy of the foe.
171014479The user transforms into a copy of the foe with even the same move set.
171114489The user transforms into a copy of the foe right down to having the same move set.
171214499The user transforms into a copy of the foe right down to having the same move set.
1713144109The user transforms into a copy of the foe right down to having the same move set.
1714144115Le lanceur devient une copie de sa cible et obtient la même palette de capacités.
1715144119The user transforms into a copy of the target right down to having the same move set.
1716144149The user transforms into a copy of the target right down to having the same move set.
171714539An attack that may reduce SPEED.
171814549An attack that may reduce SPEED.
171914559An attack using bubbles. May lower the foes SPEED.
172014569An attack using bubbles. May lower the foes SPEED.
172114579A spray of bubbles hits the foe. It may lower the foes SPEED stat.
172214589A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the foe. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
172314599A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the foe. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
1724145109A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the foe. It may also lower the targets Speed stat.
1725145115Des bulles frappent lennemi. Peut réduire sa Vitesse.
1726145119A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the opposing team. It may also lower the targets Speed stats.
1727145149A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the opposing team. It may also lower the targets Speed stats.
1728145156Angriff mit Blasen. Initiative-Wert des Zieles wird eventuell gesenkt.
1729145159A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at the opposing Pokémon. This may also lower their Speed stats.
173014639An attack that may cause confusion.
173114649An attack that may cause confusion.
173214659A rhythmic punch that may confuse the foe.
173314669A rhythmic punch that may confuse the foe.
173414679The foe is hit with a rhythmic punch that may leave it confused.
173514689The foe is hit with a rhythmically launched punch that may also leave it confused.
173614699The foe is hit with rhythmically launched punches that may also leave it confused.
1737146109The foe is hit with rhythmically launched punches that may also leave it confused.
1738146115Un enchaînement de coups de poing cadencés. Peut aussi rendre confus.
1739146119The target is hit with rhythmically launched punches that may also leave it confused.
1740146149The target is hit with rhythmically launched punches that may also leave it confused.
174114739A move that induces sleep.
174214749A move that induces sleep.
174314759Scatters a cloud of spores that always induce sleep.
174414769Scatters a cloud of spores that always induce sleep.
174514779The user scatters bursts of fine spores that induce sleep.
174614789The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
174714799The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
1748147109The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
1749147115Le lanceur répand un nuage de spores qui endort.
1750147119The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
1751147149The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
175214839Blinds the foe to reduce accuracy.
175314849Blinds the foe to reduce accuracy.
175414859Looses a powerful blast of light that cuts accuracy.
175514869Looses a powerful blast of light that cuts accuracy.
175614879A blast of light that cuts the foes accuracy. It also illuminates caves.
175714889The user flashes a light that cuts the foes accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
175814899The user flashes a light that cuts the foes accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
1759148109The user flashes a light that cuts the foes accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
1760148115Explosion lumineuse qui fait baisser la Précision de lennemi. Permet aussi déclairer les grottes.
1761148119The user flashes a bright light that cuts the targets accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
1762148149The user flashes a bright light that cuts the targets accuracy. It can also be used to illuminate caves.
1763148159The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target's accuracy.
176414939An attack with variable power.
176514949An attack with variable power.
176614959Attacks with a psychic wave of varying intensity.
176714969Attacks with a psychic wave of varying intensity.
176814979The foe is attacked with an odd, hot energy wave that varies in intensity.
176914989The foe is attacked with an odd, hot energy wave. The attack varies in intensity.
177014999The foe is attacked with an odd, hot energy wave. The attack varies in intensity.
1771149109The foe is attacked with an odd, hot energy wave. The attack varies in intensity.
1772149115Une étrange onde dénergie chaude frappe lennemi. Cette attaque est dintensité variable.
1773149119The target is attacked with an odd psychic wave. The attack varies in intensity.
1774149149The target is attacked with an odd psychic wave. The attack varies in intensity.
1775149156Anwender erzeugt eine mysteriöse Energiewelle, deren Intensität von Mal zu Mal anders ausfällt.
1776149159The target is attacked with an odd psychic wave. The attack varies in intensity.
177715039Has no effect whatsoever.
177815049Has no effect whatsoever.
177915059Its just a splash... Has no effect whatsoever.
178015069Its just a splash... Has no effect whatsoever.
178115079The user just flops and splashes around without having any effect.
178215089The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
178315099The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
1784150109The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
1785150115Le lanceur barbote et éclabousse les environs. Cette capacité na aucun effet.
1786150119The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
1787150149The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
1788150159The user just flops and splashes around to no effect at all...
178915139Sharply raises the user's DEFENSE.
179015149Sharply raises the user's DEFENSE.
179115159Liquifies the users body to sharply raise DEFENSE.
179215169Liquifies the users body to sharply raise DEFENSE.
179315179The user alters its cells to liquefy itself and sharply raise DEFENSE.
179415189The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
179515199The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
1796151109The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
1797151115Le lanceur modifie sa structure moléculaire pour se liquéfier et augmenter fortement sa Défense.
1798151119The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
1799151149The user alters its cellular structure to liquefy itself, sharply raising its Defense stat.
180015239Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
180115249Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
180215259Hammers with a pincer. Has a high critical-hit ratio.
180315269Hammers with a pincer. Has a high critical-hit ratio.
180415279A large pincer is used to hammer the foe. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
180515289The foe is hammered with a large pincer. This move has a high critical-hit ratio.
180615299The foe is hammered with a large pincer. This move has a high critical-hit ratio.
1807152109The foe is hammered with a large pincer. This move has a high critical-hit ratio.
1808152115Une grande pince martèle lennemi. Taux de critiques élevé.
1809152119The target is hammered with a large pincer. Critical hits land more easily.
1810152149The target is hammered with a large pincer. Critical hits land more easily.
181115339Very powerful but makes user faint.
181215349Very powerful but makes user faint.
181315359Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
181415369Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
181515379The user explodes to inflict terrible damage even while fainting itself.
181615389The user explodes to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
181715399The user explodes to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
1818153109The user explodes to inflict damage on all Pokémon in battle. The user faints upon using this move.
1819153115Le lanceur explose et inflige des dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour de lui. Met K.O. le lanceur.
1820153119The user explodes to inflict damage on those around it. The user faints upon using this move.
1821153149The user explodes to inflict damage on those around it. The user faints upon using this move.
1822153159The user attacks everything around it by causing a tremendous explosion. The user faints upon using the move.
182315439Quickly scratches 2-5 times.
182415449Quickly scratches 2-5 times.
182515459Rakes the foe with sharp claws, etc., 2 to 5 times.
182615469Rakes the foe with sharp claws, etc., 2 to 5 times.
182715479The foe is raked with sharp claws or scythes two to five times.
182815489The foe is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.
182915499The foe is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.
1830154109The foe is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.
1831154115Lennemi est lacéré par des faux ou des griffes de 2 à 5 fois.
1832154119The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.
1833154149The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.
1834154159The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes quickly two to five times in a row.
183515539An attack that strikes twice.
183615549An attack that strikes twice.
183715559Throws a bone boomerang that strikes twice.
183815569Throws a bone boomerang that strikes twice.
183915579The user throws a bone that hits the foe once, then once again on return.
184015589The user throws the bone it holds. The bone loops to hit the foe twice, coming and going.
184115599The user throws the bone it holds. The bone loops to hit the foe twice, coming and going.
1842155109The user throws the bone it holds. The bone loops to hit the foe twice, coming and going.
1843155115Le lanceur projette son os comme un boomerang. Cette attaque frappe à laller et au retour.
1844155119The user throws the bone it holds. The bone loops to hit the target twice, coming and going.
1845155149The user throws the bone it holds. The bone loops to hit the target twice, coming and going.
184615639Sleep for 2 turns to fully recover.
184715649Sleep for 2 turns to fully recover.
184815659The user sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status.
184915669The user sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status.
185015679The user sleeps for two turns to fully restore HP and heal any status problem.
185115689The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the users HP and heals any status problem.
185215699The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the users HP and heals any status problem.
1853156109The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the users HP and heals any status problem.
1854156115Le lanceur dort pendant 2 tours. Il regagne tous ses PV et na plus de problèmes de statut.
1855156119The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the users HP and heals any status problem.
1856156149The user goes to sleep for two turns. It fully restores the users HP and heals any status problem.
1857156159The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
185815739An attack that may cause flinching.
185915749An attack that may cause flinching.
186015759Large boulders are hurled. May cause flinching.
186115769Large boulders are hurled. May cause flinching.
186215779Large boulders are hurled at the foe. It may make the foe flinch.
186315789Large boulders are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also make the target flinch.
186415799Large boulders are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also make the target flinch.
1865157109Large boulders are hurled at the foe to inflict damage. It may also make the target flinch.
1866157115Envoie de gros rochers sur lennemi pour infliger des dégâts. Peut aussi lapeurer.
1867157119Large boulders are hurled at the opposing team to inflict damage. It may also make the targets flinch.
1868157149Large boulders are hurled at the opposing team to inflict damage. It may also make the targets flinch.
186915839An attack that may cause flinching.
187015849An attack that may cause flinching.
187115859Attacks with sharp fangs. May cause flinching.
187215869Attacks with sharp fangs. May cause flinching.
187315879The foe is attacked with sharp fangs. It may make the foe flinch.
187415889The user bites hard on the foe with its sharp front fangs. It may also make the target flinch.
187515899The user bites hard on the foe with its sharp front fangs. It may also make the target flinch.
1876158109The user bites hard on the foe with its sharp front fangs. It may also make the target flinch.
1877158115Le lanceur mord lennemi à laide de ses incisives aiguisées. Peut aussi apeurer lennemi.
1878158119The user bites hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. It may also make the target flinch.
1879158149The user bites hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. It may also make the target flinch.
188015939A move that raises the user's ATTACK.
188115949A move that raises the user's ATTACK.
188215959Reduces the polygon count and raises ATTACK.
188315969Reduces the polygon count and raises ATTACK.
188415979The user reduces its polygon count to sharpen edges and raise ATTACK.
188515989The user reduces its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
188615999The user reduces its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
1887159109The user reduces its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
1888159115Le lanceur réduit son nombre de polygones pour accentuer ses angles et augmenter son Attaque.
1889159119The user reduces its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
1890159149The user reduces its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
1891159156Anwender senkt die Polygonzahl, um Kanten zu erzeugen, die den Angriffs-Wert erhöhen.
1892159159The user lowers its polygon count to make itself more jagged, raising the Attack stat.
189316039Change user's type to a move's type.
189416049Change user's type to a move's type.
189516059Changes the users type into an own moves type.
189616069Changes the users type into a known moves type.
189716079The user changes its type to match the type of one of its moves.
189816089The user changes its type to become the same type as one of its moves.
189916099The user changes its type to become the same type as one of its moves.
1900160109The user changes its type to become the same type as one of its moves.
1901160115Le lanceur change de type pour prendre celui de lune de ses capacités.
1902160119The user changes its type to become the same type as one of its moves.
1903160149The user changes its type to become the same type as one of its moves.
190416139Fires three kinds of beams at once.
190516149Fires three kinds of beams at once.
190616159Fires three types of beams at the same time.
190716169Fires three types of beams at the same time.
190816179A simultaneous 3-beam attack that may paralyze, burn, or freeze the foe.
190916189The user strikes with a simultaneous three- beam attack. May also paralyze, burn, or freeze the target.
191016199The user strikes with a simultaneous three- beam attack. May also paralyze, burn, or freeze the target.
1911161109The user strikes with a simultaneous three- beam attack. May also paralyze, burn, or freeze the target.
1912161115Le lanceur envoie trois boules dénergie simultanément. Peut aussi paralyser, brûler ou geler lennemi.
1913161119The user strikes with a simultaneous three-beam attack. May also burn, freeze, or leave the target with paralysis.
1914161149The user strikes with a simultaneous three-beam attack. May also burn, freeze, or leave the target with paralysis.
191516239Cuts the foe's HP by 1/2.
191616249Cuts the foe's HP by 1/2.
191716259Attacks with sharp fangs and cuts half the foes HP.
191816269Attacks with sharp fangs and cuts half the foes HP.
191916279The user attacks with sharp fangs and halves the foes HP.
192016289The user chomps hard on the foe with its sharp front fangs. It cuts the targets HP to half.
192116299The user chomps hard on the foe with its sharp front fangs. It cuts the targets HP to half.
1922162109The user chomps hard on the foe with its sharp front fangs. It cuts the targets HP to half.
1923162115Une vilaine morsure dincisives qui réduit de moitié les PV de lennemi.
1924162119The user chomps hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. It cuts the targets HP to half.
1925162149The user chomps hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. It cuts the targets HP to half.
192616339Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
192716349Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
192816359Slashes with claws, etc. Has a high critical-hit ratio.
192916369Slashes with claws, etc. Has a high critical-hit ratio.
193016379The foe is slashed with claws, etc. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
193116389The foe is attacked with a slash of claws, etc. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
193216399The foe is attacked with a slash of claws, etc. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
1933163109The foe is attacked with a slash of claws, etc. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
1934163115Un coup de griffe ou autre tranche lennemi. Taux de critiques élevé.
1935163119The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.
1936163149The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.
1937163156Hieb mit Klauen oder Ähnlichem. Hohe Vollterffersquote.
1938163159The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.
193916439Makes a decoy with 1/4 user's max HP.
194016449Makes a decoy with 1/4 user's max HP.
194116459Creates a decoy using 1/4 of the users maximum HP.
194216469Creates a decoy using 1/4 of the users maximum HP.
194316479The user creates a decoy using one- quarter of its full HP.
194416489The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the users decoy.
194516499The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the users decoy.
1946164109The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the users decoy.
1947164115Le lanceur fait une copie de lui-même en sacrifiant quelques PV. La copie sert de leurre.
1948164119The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the users decoy.
1949164149The user makes a copy of itself using some of its HP. The copy serves as the users decoy.
195016539Used only if all PP are exhausted.
195116549Used only if all PP are exhausted.
195216559Used only if all PP are gone. Also hurts the user a little.
195316569Used only if all PP are gone. Also hurts the user a little.
195416579An attack that is used only if there is no PP. It also hurts the user.
195516589An attack that is used in desperation only if the user has no PP. It also hurts the user slightly.
195616599An attack that is used in desperation only if the user has no PP. It also hurts the user slightly.
1957165109An attack that is used in desperation only if the user has no PP. It also hurts the user slightly.
1958165115Une attaque désespérée, lancée quand le lanceur na plus de PP. Le blesse aussi légèrement.
1959165119An attack that is used in desperation only if the user has no PP. It also hurts the user slightly.
1960165149An attack that is used in desperation only if the user has no PP. It also hurts the user slightly.
196116639Copies the foe's move permanently.
196216649Copies the foe's move permanently.
196316659Copies the foes last move permanently.
196416669Copies the foes last move permanently.
196516679This move copies the move last used by the foe, then disappears.
196616689It enables the user to learn a move used by the foe. Once used, the move Sketch disappears.
196716699It enables the user to learn a move used by the foe. Once used, the move Sketch disappears.
1968166109It enables the user to permanently learn the move last used by the foe. Once used, Sketch disappears.
1969166115Le lanceur apprend le dernier coup utilisé par la cible. Gribouille disparaît après utilisation.
1970166119It enables the user to permanently learn the move last used by the target. Once used, Sketch disappears.
1971166149It enables the user to permanently learn the move last used by the target. Once used, Sketch disappears.
197216739Hits three times with rising power.
197316749Hits three times with rising power.
197416759Kicks the foe 3 times in a row with rising intensity.
197516769Kicks the foe 3 times in a row with rising intensity.
197616779A 3-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit.
197716789A consecutive three- kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit.
197816799A consecutive three- kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit.
1979167109A consecutive three- kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit.
1980167115Une salve de 1 à 3 coups de pied dont la puissance augmente à chaque coup porté.
1981167119A consecutive three-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit.
1982167149A consecutive three-kick attack that becomes more powerful with each successive hit.
198316839An attack that may steal a held item.
198416849An attack that may steal a held item.
198516859While attacking, it may steal the foes held item.
198616869While attacking, it may steal the foes held item.
198716879An attack that may take the foes held item if the user isnt holding one.
198816889The user attacks and steals the foes held item simultaneously. It cant steal if the user holds an item.
198916899The user attacks and steals the foes held item simultaneously. It cant steal if the user holds an item.
1990168109The user attacks and steals the foes held item simultaneously. It cant steal if the user holds an item.
1991168115Le lanceur attaque la cible et vole son objet. Le lanceur ne peut rien voler sil tient déjà un objet.
1992168119The user attacks and steals the targets held item simultaneously. It cant steal if the user holds an item.
1993168149The user attacks and steals the targets held item simultaneously. It cant steal if the user holds an item.
1994168159The user attacks and steals the target's held item simultaneously. The user can't steal anything if it already holds an item.
199516939Prevents fleeing or switching.
199616949Prevents fleeing or switching.
199716959Ensnares the foe to stop it from fleeing or switching.
199816969Ensnares the foe to stop it from fleeing or switching.
199916979Ensnares the foe with sticky string so it doesnt flee or switch out.
200016989The user ensnares the foe with a thin, gooey silk so it cant flee from battle.
200116999The user ensnares the foe with a thin, gooey silk so it cant flee from battle.
2002169109The user ensnares the foe with a thin, gooey silk so it cant flee from battle.
2003169115Le lanceur enserre lennemi à laide dune fine soie gluante pour lempêcher de fuir le combat.
2004169119The user ensnares the target with thin, gooey silk so it cant flee from battle.
2005169149The user ensnares the target with thin, gooey silk so it cant flee from battle.
200617039Ensures the next attack will hit.
200717049Ensures the next attack will hit.
200817059Senses the foes action to ensure the next moves hit.
200917069Senses the foes action to ensure the next moves hit.
201017079The user predicts the foes action to ensure its next attack hits.
201117089The user senses the foes movements with its mind to ensure its next attack does not miss.
201217099The user senses the foes movements with its mind to ensure its next attack does not miss.
2013170109The user senses the foes movements with its mind to ensure its next attack does not miss.
2014170115Le lanceur analyse les mouvements de lennemi pour être sûr de toucher au coup suivant.
2015170119The user senses the targets movements with its mind to ensure its next attack does not miss the target.
2016170149The user senses the targets movements with its mind to ensure its next attack does not miss the target.
201717139A sleeper loses 1/4 HP every turn.
201817149A sleeper loses 1/4 HP every turn.
201917159Inflicts 1/4 damage on a sleeping foe every turn.
202017169Inflicts 1/4 damage on a sleeping foe every turn.
202117179A sleeping foe is shown a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
202217189A sleeping foe is shown a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
202317199A sleeping foe is shown a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
2024171109A sleeping foe is shown a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
2025171115Un cauchemar qui inflige des dégâts à chaque tour à un ennemi endormi.
2026171119A sleeping target sees a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
2027171149A sleeping target sees a nightmare that inflicts some damage every turn.
202817239An attack that may cause a burn.
202917249An attack that may cause a burn.
203017259A fiery charge attack that may inflict a burn.
203117269A fiery charge attack that may inflict a burn.
203217279The user makes a fiery charge at the foe. It may cause a burn.
203317289The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the foe. It may also leave the target with a burn.
203417299The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the foe. It may also leave the target with a burn.
2035172109The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the foe. It may also leave the target with a burn.
2036172115Le lanceur sentoure de feu et charge lennemi. Peut aussi brûler lennemi.
2037172119The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the target. It may also leave the target with a burn.
2038172149The user cloaks itself in fire and charges at the target. It may also leave the target with a burn.
203917339An attack useable only while asleep.
204017349An attack useable only while asleep.
204117359A loud attack that can be used only while asleep.
204217369A loud attack that can be used only while asleep.
204317379An attack that can be used only while asleep. It may cause flinching.
204417389An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the foe flinch.
204517399An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the foe flinch.
2046173109An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the foe flinch.
2047173115Une attaque qui ne fonctionne que si le lanceur est endormi. Le boucan peut aussi apeurer lennemi.
2048173119An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.
2049173149An attack that can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.
205017439Works differently for ghost-types.
205117449Works differently for ghost-types.
205217459A move that functions differently for GHOSTS.
205317469A move that functions differently for GHOSTS.
205417479A move that works differently for the GHOST-type and all the other types.
205517489A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all the other types.
205617499A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all the other types.
2057174109A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all the other types.
2058174115Une capacité à leffet différent selon que le lanceur est un Pokémon Spectre ou non.
2059174119A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all other types.
2060174149A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all other types.
2061174156Attacke, deren Wirkung davon abhängt, ob der Anwender ein Geist-Pokémon ist.
2062174159A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all other types.
206317539Stronger if the user's HP is low.
206417549Stronger if the user's HP is low.
206517559Inflicts more damage when the users HP is down.
206617569Inflicts more damage when the users HP is down.
206717579A desperate attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
206817589The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
206917599The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2070175109The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2071175115Le lanceur fait tournoyer son fléau. Plus ses PV sont bas, plus lattaque est puissante.
2072175119The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2073175149The user flails about aimlessly to attack. It becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2074175159The user flails aimlessly to attack. The less HP the user has, the greater the move's power.
207517639The user's type is made resistant.
207617649The user's type is made resistant.
207717659Makes the user resistant to the last attacks type.
207817669Makes the user resistant to the last attacks type.
207917679The user changes type to make itself resistant to the last attack it took.
208017689The user changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack it last took.
208117699The user changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack it last took.
2082176109The user changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack it last took.
2083176115Le lanceur change de type pour être résistant au type de la dernière attaque lancée par sa cible.
2084176119The user changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack the opponent used last.
2085176149The user changes its type to make itself resistant to the type of the attack the opponent used last.
208617739Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
208717749Has a high criti­ cal hit ratio.
208817759Launches a vacuumed blast. High critical-hit ratio.
208917769Launches a vacuumed blast. High critical-hit ratio.
209017779A vortex of air is shot at the foe. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
209117789A vortex of air is shot at the foe to inflict damage. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
209217799A vortex of air is shot at the foe to inflict damage. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
2093177109A vortex of air is shot at the foe to inflict damage. It has a high critical-hit ratio.
2094177115Le lanceur projette une tornade sur lennemi pour infliger des dégâts. Taux de critiques élevé.
2095177119A vortex of air is shot at the target to inflict damage. Critical hits land more easily.
2096177149A vortex of air is shot at the target to inflict damage. Critical hits land more easily.
209717839Sharply reduces the foe's SPEED.
209817849Sharply reduces the foe's SPEED.
209917859Spores cling to the foe, sharply reducing SPEED.
210017869Spores cling to the foe, sharply reducing SPEED.
210117879Cotton-like spores cling to the foe, sharply reducing its SPEED stat.
210217889The user releases cottonlike spores that cling to the foe, sharply reducing its Speed stat.
210317899The user releases cottonlike spores that cling to the foe, sharply reducing its Speed stat.
2104178109The user releases cottonlike spores that cling to the foe, sharply reducing its Speed stat.
2105178115Le lanceur libère des spores cotonneuses qui collent à lennemi et baissent fortement sa Vitesse.
2106178119The user releases cotton-like spores that cling to the target, harshly reducing its Speed stat.
2107178149The user releases cotton-like spores that cling to the target, harshly reducing its Speed stat.
210817939Stronger if the user's HP is low.
210917949Stronger if the user's HP is low.
211017959Inflicts more damage when the users HP is down.
211117969Inflicts more damage when the users HP is down.
211217979An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
211317989An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
211417999An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2115179109An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2116179115Le lanceur ne retient plus ses coups. Plus ses PV sont bas et plus lattaque est puissante.
2117179119An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2118179149An all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less HP the user has.
2119179156Richtet mehr Schaden an, wenn eigene KP niedrig sind.
212018039Cuts the PP of the foe's last move.
212118049Cuts the PP of the foe's last move.
212218059Spitefully cuts the PP of the foes last move.
212318069Spitefully cuts the PP of the foes last move.
212418079A move that cuts 2 to 5 PP from the move last used by the foe.
212518089The user looses its grudge on the move last used by the foe by cutting 4 PP from it.
212618099The user looses its grudge on the move last used by the foe by cutting 4 PP from it.
2127180109The user looses its grudge on the move last used by the foe by cutting 4 PP from it.
2128180115Le lanceur exprime son ressentiment en retirant 4 PP de la dernière attaque de lennemi.
2129180119The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.
2130180149The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.
2131180159The user unleashes its grudge on the move last used by the target by cutting 4 PP from it.
213218139An attack that may cause freezing.
213318149An attack that may cause freezing.
213418159Blasts the foe with a snowy gust. May cause freezing.
213518169Blasts the foe with a snowy gust. May cause freezing.
213618179Blasts the foe with a snowy gust. It may cause freezing.
213718189The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the target.
213818199The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the target.
2139181109The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the target.
2140181115Le lanceur projette de la neige poudreuse. Peut aussi geler lennemi.
2141181119The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the targets.
2142181149The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. It may also freeze the targets.
2143181159The user attacks with a chilling gust of powdery snow. This may also freeze the opposing Pokémon.
214418239Foils attack that turn. It may fail.
214518249Foils attack that turn. It may fail.
214618259Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession.
214718269Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession.
214818279Enables the user to evade all attacks. It may fail if used in succession.
214918289It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
215018299It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2151182109It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2152182115Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques. Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la suite, plus elle risque déchouer.
2153182119It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2154182149It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2155182156Anwender weicht jeder Attacke aus. Scheitert eventuell bei Wiederholung.
2156182159Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
215718339A fast punch that lands first.
215818349A fast punch that lands first.
215918359A punch is thrown at wicked speed to strike first.
216018369A punch is thrown at wicked speed to strike first.
216118379A punch thrown at blinding speed. It is certain to strike first.
216218389The user throws a punch at blinding speed. It is certain to strike first.
216318399The user throws a punch at blinding speed. It is certain to strike first.
2164183109The user throws a punch at blinding speed. It is certain to strike first.
2165183115Coup de poing fulgurant. Frappe en premier.
2166183119The user throws a punch at blinding speed. It is certain to strike first.
2167183149The user throws a punch at blinding speed. It is certain to strike first.
216818439Sharply reduces the foe's SPEED.
216918449Sharply reduces the foe's SPEED.
217018459Frightens with a scary face to sharply reduce SPEED.
217118469Frightens with a scary face to sharply reduce SPEED.
217218479Frightens the foe with a scary face to sharply reduce its SPEED.
217318489The user frightens the foe with a scary face to sharply reduce its Speed stat.
217418499The user frightens the foe with a scary face to sharply reduce its Speed stat.
2175184109The user frightens the foe with a scary face to sharply reduce its Speed stat.
2176184115Une grimace qui effraie lennemi et réduit fortement sa Vitesse.
2177184119The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
2178184149The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
2179184159The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat.
218018539An attack that never misses.
218118549An attack that never misses.
218218559Draws the foe close, then strikes without fail.
218318569Draws the foe close, then strikes without fail.
218418579The user draws up close to the foe disarmingly, then hits without fail.
218518589The user draws up to the foe disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail.
218618599The user draws up to the foe disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail.
2187185109The user draws up to the foe disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail.
2188185115Le lanceur sapproche lair de rien avant de frapper par surprise. Néchoue jamais.
2189185119The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail.
2190185149The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. It hits without fail.
2191185159The user approaches the target disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch. This attack never misses.
219218639A move that causes confusion.
219318649A move that causes confusion.
219418659Demands a kiss with a cute look. May cause confusion.
219518669Demands a kiss with a cute look. May cause confusion.
219618679The user kisses the foe with sweet cuteness that causes confusion.
219718689The user kisses the foe with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
219818699The user kisses the foe with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
2199186109The user kisses the foe with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
2200186115Le lanceur envoie un bisou si mignon et désarmant quil plonge lennemi dans la confusion.
2201186119The user kisses the target with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
2202186149The user kisses the target with a sweet, angelic cuteness that causes confusion.
220318739Reduces own HP to maximize ATTACK.
220418749Reduces own HP to maximize ATTACK.
220518759Maximizes ATTACK while sacrificing HP.
220618769Maximizes ATTACK while sacrificing HP.
220718779The user maximizes its ATTACK stat at the cost of half its full HP.
220818789The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
220918799The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
2210187109The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
2211187115Améliore lAttaque au maximum en sacrifiant la moitié des PV max.
2212187119The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
2213187149The user maximizes its Attack stat in exchange for HP equal to half its max HP.
221418839An attack that may poison the foe.
221518849An attack that may poison the foe.
221618859Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
221718869Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
221818879Filthy sludge is hurled at the foe. It may poison the target.
221918889The user attacks by hurling filthy sludge at the foe. It may also poison the target.
222018899The user attacks by hurling filthy sludge at the foe. It may also poison the target.
2221188109The user attacks by hurling filthy sludge at the foe. It may also poison the target.
2222188115Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur lennemi. Peut aussi lempoisonner.
2223188119Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
2224188149Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. It may also poison the target.
222518939Reduces the foe's accuracy.
222618949Reduces the foe's accuracy.
222718959Hurls mud in the foes face to reduce its accuracy.
222818969Hurls mud in the foes face to reduce its accuracy.
222918979Mud is hurled in the foes face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
223018989The user hurls mud in the foes face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
223118999The user hurls mud in the foes face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
2232189109The user hurls mud in the foes face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
2233189115Le lanceur envoie de la boue au visage de lennemi pour infliger des dégâts et baisser sa Précision.
2234189119The user hurls mud in the targets face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
2235189149The user hurls mud in the targets face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
2236189159The user hurls mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
223719039An attack that may reduce accuracy.
223819049An attack that may reduce accuracy.
223919059Fires a lump of ink to damage and cut accuracy.
224019069Fires a lump of ink to damage and cut accuracy.
224119079Ink is blasted in the foes face or eyes to damage and lower accuracy.
224219089The user attacks by spraying ink in the foes face or eyes. It may also lower the targets accuracy.
224319099The user attacks by spraying ink in the foes face or eyes. It may also lower the targets accuracy.
2244190109The user attacks by spraying ink in the foes face or eyes. It may also lower the targets accuracy.
2245190115Le lanceur attaque en projetant de lencre au visage de lennemi. Peut aussi baisser la Précision de lennemi.
2246190119The user attacks by spraying ink in the targets face or eyes. It may also lower the targets accuracy.
2247190149The user attacks by spraying ink in the targets face or eyes. It may also lower the targets accuracy.
2248190159The user attacks by spraying ink in the target's face or eyes. This may also lower the target's accuracy.
224919139Hurts foes when they switch out.
225019149Hurts foes when they switch out.
225119159Sets spikes that hurt a foe switching out.
225219169Sets spikes that hurt a foe switching in.
225319179A trap of spikes is laid around the foes party to hurt foes switching in.
225419189The user lays a trap of spikes at the foes feet. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
225519199The user lays a trap of spikes at the foes feet. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
2256191109The user lays a trap of spikes at the foes feet. The trap hurts foes that switch into battle.
2257191115Le lanceur disperse des piquants sur le sol pour blesser tout ennemi qui entre au combat.
2258191119The user lays a trap of spikes at the opposing teams feet. The trap hurts Pokémon that switch into battle.
2259191149The user lays a trap of spikes at the opposing teams feet. The trap hurts Pokémon that switch into battle.
226019239An attack that always paralyzes.
226119249An attack that always paralyzes.
226219259Powerful and sure to cause paralysis, but inaccurate.
226319269Powerful and sure to cause paralysis, but inaccurate.
226419279An electric blast is fired like a cannon to inflict damage and paralyze.
226519289The user fires an electric blast like a cannon to inflict damage and cause paralysis.
226619299The user fires an electric blast like a cannon to inflict damage and cause paralysis.
2267192109The user fires an electric blast like a cannon to inflict damage and cause paralysis.
2268192115Un boulet de canon électrifié qui inflige des dégâts et paralyse lennemi.
2269192119The user fires an electric blast like a cannon to inflict damage and cause paralysis.
2270192149The user fires an electric blast like a cannon to inflict damage and cause paralysis.
227119339Negates accuracy reduction moves.
227219349Negates accuracy reduction moves.
227319359Negates the foes efforts to heighten evasiveness.
227419369Negates the foes efforts to heighten evasiveness.
227519379Completely negates the foes efforts to heighten its ability to evade.
227619389Enables the user to hit a Ghost type with any type of move. It also enables the user to hit an evasive foe.
227719399Enables the user to hit a Ghost type with any type of move. It also enables the user to hit an evasive foe.
2278193109Enables the user to hit a Ghost type with any type of move. It also enables the user to hit an evasive foe.
2279193115Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre avec nimporte quelle capacité et de toucher un ennemi insaisissable.
2280193119Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.
2281193149Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also enables an evasive target to be hit.
2282193159Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. This also enables an evasive target to be hit.
228319439The foe faints if the user does.
228419449The foe faints if the user does.
228519459If the user faints, the foe is also made to faint.
228619469If the user faints, the foe is also made to faint.
228719479If the user faints, the foe delivering the final hit also faints.
228819489When this move is used, if the user faints, the foe that landed the knockout hit also faints.
228919499When this move is used, if the user faints, the foe that landed the knockout hit also faints.
2290194109When this move is used, if the user faints, the foe that landed the knockout hit also faints.
2291194115Quand cette capacité est activée, elle met K.O. un ennemi qui porte un coup fatal au lanceur.
2292194119When this move is used, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints.
2293194149When this move is used, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints.
2294194159When this move is used, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints.
229519539Both user and foe faint in 3 turns.
229619549Both user and foe faint in 3 turns.
229719559Any POKéMON hearing this song faints in 3 turns.
229819569Any POKéMON hearing this song faints in 3 turns.
229919579Any battler that hears this faints in three turns unless it switches.
230019589Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns unless it switches out of battle.
230119599Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns unless it switches out of battle.
2302195109Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.
2303195115Tout Pokémon qui entend ce requiem est K.O. dans 3 tours à moins quil ne quitte le combat.
2304195119Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.
2305195149Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.
2306195159Any Pokémon that hears this song faints in three turns, unless it switches out of battle.
230719639An icy attack that lowers SPEED.
230819649An icy attack that lowers SPEED.
230919659A chilling attack that lowers the foes SPEED.
231019669A chilling attack that lowers the foes SPEED.
231119679A chilling wind is used to attack. It also lowers the SPEED stat.
231219689The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also lowers the targets Speed stat.
231319699The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also lowers the targets Speed stat.
2314196109The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also lowers the targets Speed stat.
2315196115Une bourrasque de vent froid blesse lennemi. Réduit aussi sa Vitesse.
2316196119The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also reduces the targets Speed stat.
2317196149The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. It also reduces the targets Speed stat.
2318196159The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers the opposing Pokémon's Speed stats.
231919739Evades attack that turn. It may fail.
232019749Evades attack that turn. It may fail.
232119759Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession.
232219769Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession.
232319779Enables the user to evade all attacks. It may fail if used in succession.
232419789It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
232519799It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2326197109It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2327197115Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques. Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la suite, plus elle risque déchouer.
2328197119It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2329197149It enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2330197156Anwender weicht jeder Attacke aus. Scheitert eventuell bei Wiederholung.
2331197159Enables the user to evade all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
233219839An attack that hits 2-5 times.
233319849An attack that hits 2-5 times.
233419859Strikes the foe with a bone in hand 2 to 5 times.
233519869Strikes the foe with a bone in hand 2 to 5 times.
233619879The user strikes the foe with a bone in hand two to five times.
233719889The user strikes at the foe with a hard bone two to five times in a row.
233819899The user strikes at the foe with a hard bone two to five times in a row.
2339198109The user strikes at the foe with a hard bone two to five times in a row.
2340198115Le lanceur frappe lennemi 2 à 5 fois avec un os.
2341198119The user strikes the target with a hard bone two to five times in a row.
2342198149The user strikes the target with a hard bone two to five times in a row.
2343198159The user strikes the target with a hard bone two to five times in a row.
234419939Ensures the next attack will hit.
234519949Ensures the next attack will hit.
234619959Locks on to the foe to ensure the next move hits.
234719969Locks on to the foe to ensure the next move hits.
234819979The user locks on to the foe, making the next move sure to hit.
234919989The user takes sure aim at the foe. It ensures the next attack does not fail to hit the target.
235019999The user takes sure aim at the foe. It ensures the next attack does not fail to hit the target.
2351199109The user takes sure aim at the foe. It ensures the next attack does not fail to hit the target.
2352199115Verrouille lennemi pour ne pas le rater au tour suivant.
2353199119The user takes sure aim at the target. It ensures the next attack does not fail to hit the target.
2354199149The user takes sure aim at the target. It ensures the next attack does not fail to hit the target.
235520039Works 2-3 turns and confuses user.
235620049Works 2-3 turns and confuses user.
235720059A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user.
235820069A rampage of 2 to 3 turns that confuses the user.
235920079The user thrashes about for two to three turns, then becomes confused.
236020089The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. However, it then becomes confused.
236120099The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. However, it then becomes confused.
2362200109The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. However, it then becomes confused.
2363200115Le lanceur laisse éclater sa rage et attaque pendant 2 à 3 tours avant de céder à la confusion.
2364200119The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
2365200149The user rampages and attacks for two to three turns. It then becomes confused, however.
236620139Inflicts damage every turn.
236720149Inflicts damage every turn.
236820159Causes a sandstorm that rages for several turns.
236920169Causes a sandstorm that rages for several turns.
237020179A 5-turn sandstorm that damages all types except ROCK, GROUND, and STEEL.
237120189A five-turn sand­ storm is summoned to hurt all combatant types except Rock, Ground, and Steel.
237220199A five-turn sand­ storm is summoned to hurt all combatant types except Rock, Ground, and Steel.
2373201109A five-turn sand­ storm is summoned to hurt all combatant types except Rock, Ground, and Steel.
2374201115Une tempête de sable de 5 tours qui blesse tous les Pokémon sauf les types Roche, Sol et Acier.
2375201119A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types.
2376201149A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except the Rock, Ground, and Steel types.
2377201159A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except for Rock, Ground, and Steel types.
237820239Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
237920249Steals 1/2 of the damage inflicted.
238020259An attack that steals half the damage inflicted.
238120269An attack that steals half the damage inflicted.
238220279A harsh attack that absorbs half the damage it inflicted to restore HP.
238320289A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
238420299A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
2385202109A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
2386202115Une attaque qui convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés en PV.
2387202119A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
2388202149A nutrient-draining attack. The users HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
2389202159A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
239020339Always leaves at least 1HP.
239120349Always leaves at least 1HP.
239220359Endures any attack for 1 turn, leaving at least 1HP.
239320369Endures any attack for 1 turn, leaving at least 1HP.
239420379The user endures any hit with 1 HP left. It may fail if used in succession.
239520389The user endures any attack, leaving 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
239620399The user endures any attack, leaving 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2397203109The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2398203115Le lanceur résiste aux attaques avec 1 PV. Peut échouer si utilisée plusieurs fois de suite.
2399203119The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2400203149The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
2401203159The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
240220439Sharply lowers the foe's ATTACK.
240320449Sharply lowers the foe's ATTACK.
240420459Charms the foe and sharply reduces its ATTACK.
240520469Charms the foe and sharply reduces its ATTACK.
240620479The foe is charmed by the users cute appeals, sharply cutting its ATTACK.
240720489The user charmingly stares at the foe, making it less wary. The targets Attack is sharply lowered.
240820499The user charmingly stares at the foe, making it less wary. The targets Attack is sharply lowered.
2409204109The user charmingly stares at the foe, making it less wary. The targets Attack is sharply lowered.
2410204115Le lanceur fait les yeux doux pour berner lennemi et réduire considérablement son Attaque.
2411204119The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. The targets Attack is harshly lowered.
2412204149The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. The targets Attack is harshly lowered.
2413204156Betört das Ziel und reduziert dessen Angriffs-Wert stark.
2414204159The user gazes at the target rather charmingly, making it less wary. This harshly lowers its Attack stat.
241520539Attacks 5 turns with rising power.
241620549Attacks 5 turns with rising power.
241720559An attack lasting 5 turns with rising intensity.
241820569An attack lasting 5 turns with rising intensity.
241920579A 5-turn rolling attack that becomes stronger each time it hits.
242020589The user continually rolls into the foe over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
242120599The user continually rolls into the foe over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
2422205109The user continually rolls into the foe over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
2423205115Un rocher roule sur lennemi pendant 5 tours. Lattaque gagne en puissance à chaque coup.
2424205119The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
2425205149The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. It becomes stronger each time it hits.
2426205156Attacke, die fünf Runde dauert. Die Härte nimmt von Mal zu Mal zu.
2427205159The user continually rolls into the target over five turns. It becomes more powerful each time it hits.
242820639Leaves the foe with at least 1HP.
242920649Leaves the foe with at least 1HP.
243020659An attack that leaves the foe with at least 1 HP.
243120669An attack that leaves the foe with at least 1 HP.
243220679A restrained attack that always leaves the foe with at least 1 HP.
243320689A restrained attack that prevents the foe from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
243420699A restrained attack that prevents the foe from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
2435206109A restrained attack that prevents the foe from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
2436206115Le lanceur retient ses coups pour que lennemi garde au moins 1 PV et ne tombe pas K.O.
2437206119A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
2438206149A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
2439206159A restrained attack that prevents the target from fainting. The target is left with at least 1 HP.
244020739Causes confusion and raises ATTACK.
244120749Causes confusion and raises ATTACK.
244220759Confuses the foe, but also sharply raises ATTACK.
244320769Confuses the foe, but also sharply raises ATTACK.
244420779A move that makes the foe confused, but also sharply raises its ATTACK.
244520789The user enrages the foe into confusion. However, it also sharply raises the foes Attack stat.
244620799The user enrages the foe into confusion. However, it also sharply raises the foes Attack stat.
2447207109The user enrages the foe into confusion. However, it also sharply raises the foes Attack stat.
2448207115Fait enrager la cible et la plonge dans la confusion, mais augmente fortement son Attaque.
2449207119The user enrages and confuses the target. However, it also sharply raises the targets Attack stat.
2450207149The user enrages and confuses the target. However, it also sharply raises the targets Attack stat.
2451207156Verwirrt das Ziel und erhöht dessen Angriffs-Wert stark.
245220839Restores HP by 1/2 the max HP.
245320849Restores HP by 1/2 the max HP.
245420859Recovers up to half the users maximum HP.
245520869Recovers up to half the users maximum HP.
245620879Heals the user by up to half its full HP. It can be used to heal an ally.
245720889The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. It may also be used to heal an allys HP.
245820899The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. It may also be used to heal an allys HP.
2459208109The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. It may also be used to heal an allys HP.
2460208115Le lanceur récupère jusquà la moitié de ses PV max. En dehors des combats, permet de transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié.
2461208119The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
2462208149The user restores its own HP by up to half of its maximum HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
2463208159The user restores its own HP by up to half of its max HP. May also be used in the field to heal HP.
246420939An attack that may cause paralysis.
246520949An attack that may cause paralysis.
246620959An electrified tackle that may paralyze the foe.
246720969An electrified tackle that may paralyze the foe.
246820979An electrically charged tackle that may also paralyze the foe.
246920989The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the foe. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
247020999The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the foe. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
2471209109The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the foe. It may also leave the target paralyzed.
2472209115Lance une charge électrique sur lennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser.
2473209119The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the target. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
2474209149The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the target. It may also leave the target with paralysis.
2475209159The user throws an electrically charged tackle at the target. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
247621039Successive hits raise power.
247721049Successive hits raise power.
247821059An attack that intensifies on each successive hit.
247921069An attack that intensifies on each successive hit.
248021079An attack that grows stronger on each successive hit.
248121089The foe is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
248221099The foe is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
2483210109The foe is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
2484210115Un coup de faux ou de griffe dont la force augmente quand il touche plusieurs fois daffilée.
2485210119The target is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
2486210149The target is slashed with scythes or claws. Its power increases if it hits in succession.
2487210159The target is slashed with scythes or claws. This attack becomes more powerful if it hits in succession.
248821139Stiff wings strike the foe.
248921149Stiff wings strike the foe.
249021159Strikes the foe with hard wings spread wide.
249121169Strikes the foe with hard wings spread wide.
249221179The foe is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the users DEFENSE.
249321189The foe is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the users Defense stat.
249421199The foe is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the users Defense stat.
2495211109The foe is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the users Defense stat.
2496211115Le lanceur frappe lennemi avec des ailes dacier. Peut aussi augmenter la Défense du lanceur.
2497211119The target is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the users Defense stat.
2498211149The target is hit with wings of steel. It may also raise the users Defense stat.
249921239Prevents fleeing or switching.
250021249Prevents fleeing or switching.
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