2021-03-10 14:25:32 +01:00

8 MiB
Raw Blame History

1,1,9,"A strange seed was
planted on its
back at birth.The plant sprouts
and grows with
this POKéMON."
1,2,9,"A strange seed was
planted on its
back at birth.The plant sprouts
and grows with
this POKéMON."
1,3,9,"It can go for days
without eating a
single morsel.In the bulb on
its back, it
stores energy."
1,4,9,"The seed on its
back is filled
with nutrients.The seed grows
steadily larger as
its body grows."
1,5,9,"It carries a seed
on its back right
from birth. As itgrows older, the
seed also grows
1,6,9,"While it is young,
it uses the
nutrients that arestored in the
seeds on its back
in order to grow."
1,7,9,"BULBASAUR can be seen napping in
bright sunlight.
There is a seed on its back.By soaking up the suns rays, the seed
grows progressively larger."
1,8,9,"BULBASAUR can be seen napping in
bright sunlight.
There is a seed on its back.By soaking up the suns rays, the seed
grows progressively larger."
1,9,9,"BULBASAUR can be seen napping in bright
sunlight. There is a seed on its back.
By soaking up the suns rays, the seed
grows progressively larger."
1,10,9,"There is a plant seed on its back right
from the day this POKéMON is born.
The seed slowly grows larger."
1,11,9,"A strange seed was planted on its back at
birth. The plant sprouts and grows with
this POKéMON."
1,12,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,13,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,14,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,15,9,"The seed on its back is filled
with nutrients. The seed grows
steadily larger as its body grows."
1,16,9,"It carries a seed on its back right
from birth. As it grows older, the
seed also grows larger."
1,17,5,"Au matin de sa vie, la graine sur
son dos lui fournit les éléments
dont il a besoin pour grandir."
1,17,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,18,5,"Au matin de sa vie, la graine sur
son dos lui fournit les éléments
dont il a besoin pour grandir."
1,18,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,21,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,22,9,"For some time after its birth, it
grows by gaining nourishment from
the seed on its back."
1,23,1,"うまれたときから せなかに
ふしぎな タネが うえてあって
からだと ともに そだつという。"
1,23,3,"태어났을 때부터 등에
이상한 씨앗이 심어져 있으며
몸과 함께 자란다고 한다."
1,23,5,"Il a une étrange graine plantée sur son dos.
Elle grandit avec lui depuis sa naissance."
1,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon trägt von Geburt an einen Samen
auf dem Rücken, der mit ihm keimt und wächst."
1,23,7,"Una rara semilla le fue plantada en el lomo al nacer.
La planta brota y crece con este Pokémon."
1,23,8,"Alla nascita gli è stato piantato sulla schiena un seme
raro. La pianta sboccia e cresce con lui."
1,23,9,"A strange seed was planted on its back at birth.
The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokémon."
1,23,11,"生まれたときから 背中に
不思議な タネが 植えてあって
体と ともに 育つという。"
1,24,1,"うまれてから しばらくの あいだは
せなかの タネから えいようを
もらって おおきく そだつ。"
1,24,3,"태어나서부터 얼마 동안은
등의 씨앗으로부터 영양을
공급받아 크게 성장한다."
1,24,5,"Au matin de sa vie, la graine sur son dos lui fournit
les éléments dont il a besoin pour grandir."
1,24,6,"Nach der Geburt nimmt es für eine Weile Nährstoffe
über den Samen auf seinem Rücken auf."
1,24,7,"Después de nacer, crece alimentándose de las
semillas de su lomo."
1,24,8,"Dopo la nascita, cresce traendo nutrimento dal seme
piantato sul suo dorso."
1,24,9,"For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining
nourishment from the seed on its back."
1,24,11,"生まれてから しばらくの あいだは
背中の タネから 栄養を もらって
大きく 育つ。"
1,25,1,"ひなたで ひるねを する すがたを みかける。
たいようの ひかりを いっぱい あびることで
せなかの タネが おおきく そだつのだ。"
1,25,3,"양지에서 낮잠 자는 모습을 볼 수 있다.
태양의 빛을 많이 받으면
등의 씨앗이 크게 자란다."
1,25,5,"Bulbizarre passe son temps à faire la sieste sous le soleil.
Il y a une graine sur son dos. Il absorbe les rayons du soleil
pour faire doucement pousser la graine."
1,25,6,"Bisasam macht gern einmal ein Nickerchen im
Sonnenschein. Auf seinem Rücken trägt es einen
Samen. Indem es Sonnenstrahlen aufsaugt,
wird der Samen zunehmend größer."
1,25,7,"A Bulbasaur es fácil verle echándose una siesta al sol.
La semilla que tiene en el lomo va creciendo cada vez más
a medida que absorbe los rayos del sol."
1,25,8,"È possibile vedere Bulbasaur mentre schiaccia un pisolino
sotto il sole. Ha un seme piantato sulla schiena. Grazie ai
raggi solari il seme cresce ingrandendosi progressivamente."
1,25,9,"Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight.
There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the suns rays,
the seed grows progressively larger."
1,25,11,"日なたで 昼寝を する 姿を 見かける。
太陽の 光を いっぱい 浴びることで
背中の タネが 大きく 育つのだ。"
1,26,1,"ひなたで ひるねを する すがたを みかける。
たいようの ひかりを いっぱい あびることで
せなかの タネが おおきく そだつのだ。"
1,26,3,"양지에서 낮잠 자는 모습을 볼 수 있다.
태양의 빛을 많이 받으면
등의 씨앗이 크게 자란다."
1,26,5,"Bulbizarre passe son temps à faire la sieste sous le soleil.
Il y a une graine sur son dos. Il absorbe les rayons du soleil
pour faire doucement pousser la graine."
1,26,6,"Bisasam macht gern einmal ein Nickerchen im
Sonnenschein. Auf seinem Rücken trägt es einen
Samen. Indem es Sonnenstrahlen aufsaugt,
wird er zunehmend größer."
1,26,7,"A Bulbasaur es fácil verle echándose una siesta al sol.
La semilla que tiene en el lomo va creciendo cada vez más
a medida que absorbe los rayos del sol."
1,26,8,"È possibile vedere Bulbasaur mentre schiaccia un pisolino
sotto il sole. Ha un seme piantato sulla schiena. Grazie ai
raggi solari il seme cresce ingrandendosi progressivamente."
1,26,9,"Bulbasaur can be seen napping in bright sunlight.
There is a seed on its back. By soaking up the suns rays,
the seed grows progressively larger."
1,26,11,"日なたで 昼寝を する 姿を 見かける。
太陽の 光を いっぱい 浴びることで
背中の タネが 大きく 育つのだ。"
1,31,1,"なんにちだって なにも たべなくても
げんき! せなかのタネに たくさん
えいようが あるから へいきだ!"
1,31,3,"며칠 동안 아무것도 먹지 않아도
건강하다! 등에 있는 씨앗에는
많은 영양분이 있어서 문제없다!"
1,31,5,"Il peut survivre plusieurs jours sans manger
grâce aux nutriments contenus dans le bulbe
sur son dos."
1,31,6,"Es kommt tagelang ohne Nahrung aus, da es
in den Samen auf seinem Rücken Nährstoffe
1,31,7,"Puede sobrevivir largo tiempo sin probar
bocado gracias a los nutrientes que guarda
en el bulbo del lomo."
1,31,8,"Questo Pokémon può stare a lungo senza
mangiare. Accumula energia nel bulbo che
ha sulla schiena."
1,31,9,"It can go for days without eating a single morsel.
In the bulb on its back, it stores energy."
1,31,11,"何日だって なにも 食べなくても
元気! 背中のタネに たくさん
栄養が あるから 平気だ!"
1,32,1,"なんにちだって なにも たべなくても
げんき! せなかのタネに たくさん
えいようが あるから へいきだ!"
1,32,3,"며칠 동안 아무것도 먹지 않아도
건강하다! 등에 있는 씨앗에는
많은 영양분이 있어서 문제없다!"
1,32,5,"Il peut survivre plusieurs jours sans manger
grâce aux nutriments contenus dans le bulbe
sur son dos."
1,32,6,"Es kommt tagelang ohne Nahrung aus, da es
in den Samen auf seinem Rücken Nährstoffe
1,32,7,"Puede sobrevivir largo tiempo sin probar
bocado gracias a los nutrientes que guarda
en el bulbo del lomo."
1,32,8,"Questo Pokémon può stare a lungo senza
mangiare. Accumula energia nel bulbo che
ha sulla schiena."
1,32,9,"It can go for days without eating a single morsel.
In the bulb on its back, it stores energy."
1,32,11,"何日だって なにも 食べなくても
元気! 背中のタネに たくさん
栄養が あるから 平気だ!"
1,33,1,"うまれたときから せなかに
しょくぶつの タネが あって
すこしずつ おおきく そだつ。"
1,33,3,"태어났을 때부터 등에
식물의 씨앗이 있으며
조금씩 크게 자란다."
1,33,5,"Il y a une graine sur son dos depuis sa naissance.
Elle grossit un peu chaque jour."
1,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon trägt von Geburt an einen
Samen auf dem Rücken, der im Laufe der Zeit
keimt und wächst."
1,33,7,"Este Pokémon nace con una semilla en el lomo,
que brota con el paso del tiempo."
1,33,8,"Fin dalla nascita questo Pokémon ha sulla schiena
un seme che cresce lentamente."
1,33,9,"There is a plant seed on its back right from the
day this Pokémon is born. The seed slowly
grows larger."
1,33,11,"生まれたときから 背中に
植物の タネが あって
少しずつ 大きく 育つ。"
1,34,1,"うまれて しばらくの あいだ
せなかの タネに つまった
えいようを とって そだつ。"
1,34,3,"태어나서 얼마 동안
등의 씨앗에 담긴
영양을 섭취하며 자란다."
1,34,5,"Quand il est jeune, il absorbe les nutriments
conservés dans son dos pour grandir
et se développer."
1,34,6,"Nach der Geburt nimmt es für eine Weile
Nährstoffe über den Samen auf seinem
Rücken auf."
1,34,7,"Desde que nace, crece alimentándose de los
nutrientes que contiene la semilla de su lomo."
1,34,8,"Appena nato, trae nutrimento dalle sostanze
contenute nel seme sul dorso."
1,34,9,"While it is young, it uses the nutrients that are
stored in the seed on its back in order to grow."
1,34,11,"生まれて しばらくの あいだ
背中の タネに つまった
栄養を とって 育つ。"
2,1,9,"When the bulb on
its back grows
large, it appearsto lose the
ability to stand
on its hind legs."
2,2,9,"When the bulb on
its back grows
large, it appearsto lose the
ability to stand
on its hind legs."
2,3,9,"The bulb on its
back grows by
drawing energy.It gives off an
aroma when it is
ready to bloom."
2,4,9,"Exposure to sun­
light adds to its
strength. Sunlightalso makes the bud
on its back grow
2,5,9,"If the bud on its
back starts to
smell sweet, itis evidence that
the large flower
will soon bloom."
2,6,9,"The bulb on its
back grows as it
absorbs nutrients.The bulb gives off
a pleasant aroma
when it blooms."
2,7,9,"There is a bud on this POKéMONs back.
To support its weight, IVYSAURs legs
and trunk grow thick and strong.If it starts spending more time lying
in the sunlight, its a sign that the
bud will bloom into a large flower soon."
2,8,9,"There is a bud on this POKéMONs back.
To support its weight, IVYSAURs legs
and trunk grow thick and strong.If it starts spending more time lying
in the sunlight, its a sign that the
bud will bloom into a large flower soon."
2,9,9,"To support its bulb, IVYSAURs legs
grow sturdy. If it spends more time lying in
the sunlight, the bud will soon bloom into
a large flower."
2,10,9,"There is a plant bulb on its back.
When it absorbs nutrients, the bulb is said
to blossom into a large flower."
2,11,9,"When the bulb on its back grows large, it
appears to lose the ability to stand on
its hind legs."
2,12,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,13,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,14,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,15,9,"Exposure to sunlight adds to its
strength. Sunlight also makes the
bud on its back grow larger."
2,16,9,"If the bud on its back starts to
smell sweet, it is evidence that
the large flower will soon bloom."
2,17,5,"Lorsque le bourgeon sur son dos
éclot, il répand un doux parfum
pour célébrer sa floraison."
2,17,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,18,5,"Lorsque le bourgeon sur son dos
éclot, il répand un doux parfum
pour célébrer sa floraison."
2,18,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,21,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,22,9,"When the bud on its back starts
swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to
indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,23,1,"つぼみが せなかに ついていて
ようぶんを きゅうしゅうしていくと
おおきな はなが さくという。"
2,23,3,"꽃봉오리가 등에 붙어 있으며
양분을 흡수해가면
커다란 꽃이 핀다고 한다."
2,23,5,"Il y a un bulbe sur son dos. On dit que sil absorbe
assez de nutriments, ce bulbe se transforme en
une jolie fleur."
2,23,6,"Es trägt eine Knospe auf seinem Rücken. Nimmt es
Nahrung zu sich, soll aus der Knospe eine große
blühende Blume werden."
2,23,7,"Este Pokémon tiene un bulbo en el lomo. Dicen que,
al absorber nutrientes, el bulbo se transforma en una
flor grande."
2,23,8,"Dopo aver assorbito sufficienti sostanze nutrienti,
il bulbo sulla schiena sboccia in un magnifico fiore."
2,23,9,"There is a plant bulb on its back.
When it absorbs nutrients, the bulb is said to
blossom into a large flower."
2,23,11,"つぼみが 背中に ついていて
養分を 吸収していくと
大きな 花が 咲くという。"
2,24,1,"せなかの つぼみが ふくらみだすと
あまい においが ただよいはじめる。
たいりんの はなが さく まえぶれ。"
2,24,3,"등의 봉오리가 부풀어 오르면
달콤한 냄새가 감돌기 시작한다.
큰 꽃이 필 조짐이다."
2,24,5,"Lorsque le bourgeon sur son dos éclot, il répand
un doux parfum pour célébrer sa floraison."
2,24,6,"Sobald die Knospe auf seinem Rücken ein süßes
Aroma abgibt, steht die Blüte kurz bevor."
2,24,7,"Cuando el bulbo de su lomo se hincha, desprende un
dulce aroma para indicar el florecimiento."
2,24,8,"Quando il bocciolo che ha sul dorso si gonfia, emana
un dolce profumo. È indice dellimminente fioritura."
2,24,9,"When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet
aroma wafts to indicate the flowers coming bloom."
2,24,11,"背中の つぼみが ふくらみ出すと
甘い においが 漂いはじめる。
大輪の 花が 咲く 前触れ。"
2,25,1,"つぼみを ささえるため あしこしが つよくなる。
ひなたで じっとする じかんが ながくなれば
いよいよ たいりんの はなが さくころだ。"
2,25,3,"꽃봉오리를 지탱하기 위해 하반신이 강해진다.
양지에서 가만히 있는 시간이 길어지면
드디어 커다란 꽃이 필 때다."
2,25,5,"Un bourgeon a poussé sur le dos de ce Pokémon. Pour en
supporter le poids, Herbizarre a dû se muscler les pattes.
Lorsquil commence à se prélasser au soleil, ça signifie que
son bourgeon va éclore, donnant naissance à une fleur."
2,25,6,"Bisaknosp hat eine Knospe auf seinem Rücken.
Beine und Rumpf sind kräftig genug, um sein Gewicht
zu tragen. Wenn es lange in der Sonne liegt, ist das
ein Anzeichen dafür, dass die Knospe bald blüht."
2,25,7,"Este Pokémon lleva un bulbo en el lomo y, para poder con
su peso, tiene unas patas y un tronco gruesos y fuertes.
Si empieza a pasar más tiempo al sol, será porque el bulbo
está a punto de hacerse una flor grande."
2,25,8,"Cè un germoglio piantato nella schiena di Ivysaur.
Per sopportarne il peso, le zampe e il corpo crescono robusti.
Quando inizia a passare più tempo esposto al sole, significa
che il germoglio sboccerà presto in un grande fiore."
2,25,9,"There is a bud on this Pokémons back. To support its weight,
Ivysaurs legs and trunk grow thick and strong.
If it starts spending more time lying in the sunlight,
its a sign that the bud will bloom into a large flower soon."
2,25,11,"つぼみを 支えるため 足腰が 強くなる。
日なたで じっとする 時間が 長くなれば
いよいよ 大輪の 花が 咲くころだ。"
2,26,1,"つぼみを ささえるため あしこしが つよくなる。
ひなたで じっとする じかんが ながくなれば
いよいよ たいりんの はなが さくころだ。"
2,26,3,"꽃봉오리를 지탱하기 위해 하반신이 강해진다.
양지에서 가만히 있는 시간이 길어지면
드디어 커다란 꽃이 필 때다."
2,26,5,"Un bourgeon a poussé sur le dos de ce Pokémon. Pour en
supporter le poids, Herbizarre a dû se muscler les pattes.
Lorsquil commence à se prélasser au soleil, ça signifie que
son bourgeon va éclore, donnant naissance à une fleur."
2,26,6,"Bisaknosp hat eine Knospe auf seinem Rücken. Seine Beine
und sein Stamm sind kräftig genug, um sein Gewicht zu tragen.
Wenn es lange in der Sonne liegt, ist das ein Anzeichen dafür,
dass die Knospe bald blüht."
2,26,7,"Este Pokémon lleva un bulbo en el lomo y, para poder con
su peso, tiene unas patas y un tronco gruesos y fuertes.
Si empieza a pasar más tiempo al sol, será porque el bulbo
está a punto de hacerse una flor grande."
2,26,8,"Cè un germoglio piantato nella schiena di Ivysaur.
Per sopportarne il peso, le zampe e il corpo crescono robusti.
Quando inizia a passare più tempo esposto al sole, significa
che il germoglio sboccerà presto in un grande fiore."
2,26,9,"There is a bud on this Pokémons back. To support its weight,
Ivysaurs legs and trunk grow thick and strong.
If it starts spending more time lying in the sunlight,
its a sign that the bud will bloom into a large flower soon."
2,26,11,"つぼみを 支えるため 足腰が 強くなる。
日なたで じっとする 時間が 長くなれば
いよいよ 大輪の 花が 咲くころだ。"
2,31,1,"ようぶんを とって おおきくなった
つぼみから かおりが ただよいだすと
もうすぐ ハナがひらく しょうこだ。"
2,31,3,"양분을 흡수해서 커진 봉오리에서
향기가 나기 시작하면
곧 꽃이 핀다는 증거다."
2,31,5,"En emmagasinant de lénergie, son bulbe grossit.
Un arôme en émane quand il sapprête à éclore."
2,31,6,"Die Knospe auf seinem Rücken wächst, indem
sie Nährstoffe absorbiert. Kurz vor der Blüte
sondert sie einen Duft ab."
2,31,7,"Su bulbo crece a medida que absorbe nutrientes.
Desprende un cierto aroma cuando está a punto
de florecer."
2,31,8,"Il suo bocciolo cresce assorbendo nutrimento e,
quando è prossimo alla fioritura, emana un
forte profumo."
2,31,9,"The bud on its back grows by drawing energy. It
gives off an aroma when it is ready to bloom."
2,31,11,"養分を 摂って 大きくなった
つぼみから 香りが 漂いだすと
もうすぐ ハナが開く 証拠だ。"
2,32,1,"ようぶんを とって おおきくなった
つぼみから かおりが ただよいだすと
もうすぐ ハナがひらく しょうこだ。"
2,32,3,"양분을 흡수해서 커진 봉오리에서
향기가 나기 시작하면
곧 꽃이 핀다는 증거다."
2,32,5,"En emmagasinant de lénergie, son bulbe grossit.
Un arôme en émane quand il sapprête à éclore."
2,32,6,"Die Knospe auf seinem Rücken wächst, indem
sie Nährstoffe absorbiert. Kurz vor der Blüte
sondert sie einen Duft ab."
2,32,7,"Su bulbo crece a medida que absorbe nutrientes.
Desprende un cierto aroma cuando está a punto
de florecer."
2,32,8,"Il suo bocciolo cresce assorbendo nutrimento e,
quando è prossimo alla fioritura, emana un
forte profumo."
2,32,9,"The bud on its back grows by drawing energy. It
gives off an aroma when it is ready to bloom."
2,32,11,"養分を 摂って 大きくなった
つぼみから 香りが 漂いだすと
もうすぐ ハナが開く 証拠だ。"
2,33,1,"せなかの つぼみが おおきく
そだってくると 2ほんあしで
たつことが できなくなるらしい。"
2,33,3,"등에 있는 봉오리가 크게
자라면 두 다리로
설 수 없게 되는 듯하다."
2,33,5,"Son bulbe dorsal est devenu si gros quil ne peut
plus se tenir sur ses pattes postérieures."
2,33,6,"Sobald die Knospe auf seinem Rücken groß wird,
kann Bisaknosp nicht mehr auf zwei Beinen
2,33,7,"Cuando le crece bastante el bulbo del lomo,
pierde la capacidad de erguirse sobre las patas
2,33,8,"Il bulbo sulla schiena è cresciuto così tanto
da impedirgli di alzarsi in piedi sulle zampe
2,33,9,"When the bulb on its back grows large, it
appears to lose the ability to stand on its
hind legs."
2,33,11,"背中の つぼみが 大きく
育ってくると 2本脚で
立つことが できなくなるらしい。"
2,34,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびるほど
からだに ちからが わいて せなかの
つぼみが そだっていく。"
2,34,3,"햇빛을 받을수록
몸에 힘이 솟아나
등의 꽃봉오리가 자라난다."
2,34,5,"La lumière du soleil le rend plus fort et vigoureux.
Le bulbe sur son dos grossit en conséquence."
2,34,6,"Die Sonne macht es stärker. Die Knospe auf
seinem Rücken wächst unter dem Einfluss von
2,34,7,"La luz del sol lo fortalece y hace que le crezca el
capullo que tiene en el lomo."
2,34,8,"Lesposizione alla luce solare lo rafforza
e fa crescere il bocciolo che ha sul dorso."
2,34,9,"Exposure to sunlight adds to its strength.
Sunlight also makes the bud on its back
grow larger."
2,34,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びるほど
体に 力が わいて 背中の
つぼみが 育っていく。"
3,1,9,"The plant blooms
when it is
absorbing solarenergy. It stays
on the move to
seek sunlight."
3,2,9,"The plant blooms
when it is
absorbing solarenergy. It stays
on the move to
seek sunlight."
3,3,9,"The flower on its
back catches the
sun's rays.The sunlight is
then absorbed and
used for energy."
3,4,9,"By spreading the
broad petals of
its flower andcatching the sun's
rays, it fills its
body with power."
3,5,9,"It is able to con­
vert sunlight into
energy. As aresult, it is more
powerful in the
3,6,9,"As it warms it­
self and absorbs
the sunlight, itsflower petals
release a pleasant
3,7,9,"There is a large flower on VENUSAURs
back. The flower is said to take on vivid
colors if it gets plenty of nutritionand sunlight. The flowers aroma
soothes the emotions of people."
3,8,9,"There is a large flower on VENUSAURs
back. The flower is said to take on vivid
colors if it gets plenty of nutritionand sunlight. The flowers aroma
soothes the emotions of people."
3,9,9,"VENUSAURs flower is said to take on vivid
colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and
sunlight. The flowers aroma soothes the
emotions of people."
3,10,9,"A bewitching aroma wafts from its flower.
The fragrance becalms those engaged in
a battle."
3,11,9,"Its plant blooms when it is absorbing
solar energy. It stays on the move to
seek sunlight."
3,12,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,13,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,14,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,15,9,"By spreading the broad petals of
its flower and catching the suns
rays, it fills its body with power."
3,16,9,"It is able to convert sunlight into
energy. As a result, it is more
powerful in the summertime."
3,17,5,"Le parfum de sa fleur se fait plus
pénétrant les lendemains de pluie.
Cela appâte les autres Pokémon."
3,17,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,18,5,"Le parfum de sa fleur se fait plus
pénétrant les lendemains de pluie.
Cela appâte les autres Pokémon."
3,18,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,21,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,22,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on
its back smells stronger. The
scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,23,1,"おおきな はなびらを ひろげ
たいようの ひかりを あびていると
からだに げんきが みなぎっていく。"
3,23,3,"큰 꽃잎을 펼쳐
햇빛을 받고 있으면
몸에 힘이 넘쳐흐른다."
3,23,5,"Ses pétales lui servent à capter la lumière du soleil.
Il peut ainsi en canaliser lénergie."
3,23,6,"Es spreizt die breiten Blätter seiner Blüte,
um seinen Körper mit Sonnenenergie
zu durchfluten."
3,23,7,"Llena su cuerpo de energía con los rayos solares que
captan los anchos pétalos de su flor."
3,23,8,"Si riempie di energia grazie ai grandi petali del fiore,
che spalanca catturando i raggi solari."
3,23,9,"By spreading the broad petals of its flower
and catching the suns rays, it fills its body
with power."
3,23,11,"大きな 花びらを 広げ
太陽の 光を 浴びていると
体に 元気が みなぎっていく。"
3,24,1,"あめの ふった よくじつは せなかの
はなの かおりが つよまる。かおりに
さそわれ ポケモンが あつまる。"
3,24,3,"비가 내린 다음 날은 등의
꽃향기가 강해진다. 향기에
이끌려 포켓몬이 모여든다."
3,24,5,"Le parfum de sa fleur se fait plus pénétrant les
lendemains de pluie. Cela appâte les autres Pokémon."
3,24,6,"Nach einem Regentag riecht die Blume auf seinem
Rücken intensiver. Das Aroma zieht andere
Pokémon an."
3,24,7,"Después de un día de lluvia, la flor de su lomo tiene
un aroma más potente y atrae a otros Pokémon."
3,24,8,"Dopo la pioggia, il fiore sul suo dorso emana un
profumo più intenso e attira gli altri Pokémon."
3,24,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells
stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon."
3,24,11,"雨の 降った 翌日は
背中の 花の 香りが 強まる。
香りに 誘われ ポケモンが 集まる。"
3,25,1,"じゅうぶんな えいようと たいようの ひかりが
はなの いろを あざやかに すると いわれる。
はなの かおりは ひとの こころを いやす。"
3,25,3,"충분한 영양분과 태양의 빛이
꽃의 색을 선명하게 만든다고 한다.
꽃의 향기는 사람의 마음을 치유한다."
3,25,5,"Une belle fleur se trouve sur le dos de Florizarre.
Elle prend une couleur vive lorsquelle est bien nourrie et bien
ensoleillée. Le parfum de cette fleur peut apaiser les gens."
3,25,6,"Bisaflor hat eine Blume auf seinem Rücken. Wenn sie
viel Nahrung und Sonne aufnimmt, verfärbt sie sich bunt.
Der Duft der Blume mildert die Emotionen der Menschen."
3,25,7,"Venusaur tiene una flor enorme en el lomo que, según
parece, adquiere unos colores muy vivos si está bien
nutrido y le da mucho el sol. El aroma delicado de la flor
tiene un efecto relajante en el ánimo de las personas."
3,25,8,"Cè un grande fiore sulla schiena di Venusaur. Si dice che
i colori diventino più vividi con il giusto nutrimento e i
raggi solari. Il suo profumo calma le reazioni emotive
delle persone."
3,25,9,"There is a large flower on Venusaurs back. The flower is said
to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight.
The flowers aroma soothes the emotions of people."
3,25,11,"十分な 栄養と 太陽の 光が
花の 色を 鮮やかに すると いわれる。
花の 香りは 人の 心を 癒す。"
3,26,1,"じゅうぶんな えいようと たいようの ひかりが
はなの いろを あざやかに すると いわれる。
はなの かおりは ひとの こころを いやす。"
3,26,3,"충분한 영양분과 태양의 빛이
꽃의 색을 선명하게 만든다고 한다.
꽃의 향기는 사람의 마음을 치유한다."
3,26,5,"Une belle fleur se trouve sur le dos de Florizarre.
Elle prend une couleur vive lorsquelle est bien nourrie et bien
ensoleillée. Le parfum de cette fleur peut apaiser les gens."
3,26,6,"Bisaflor hat eine Blume auf seinem Rücken. Wenn sie viel
Nahrung und Sonne aufnimmt, verfärbt sie sich bunt.
Der Duft der Blume besänftigt die Gemüter der Menschen."
3,26,7,"Venusaur tiene una flor enorme en el lomo que, según
parece, adquiere unos colores muy vivos si está bien
nutrido y le da mucho el sol. El aroma delicado de la flor
tiene un efecto relajante en el ánimo de las personas."
3,26,8,"Cè un grande fiore sulla schiena di Venusaur. Si dice che
i colori diventino più vividi con il giusto nutrimento e i
raggi solari. Il suo profumo calma le reazioni emotive
delle persone."
3,26,9,"There is a large flower on Venusaurs back. The flower is said
to take on vivid colors if it gets plenty of nutrition and sunlight.
The flowers aroma soothes the emotions of people."
3,26,11,"十分な 栄養と 太陽の 光が
花の 色を 鮮やかに すると いわれる。
花の 香りは 人の 心を 癒す。"
3,31,1,"せなかに はえた おおきな ハナは
たいようの ひかりを きゅうしゅうし
エネルギーに へんかん できる。"
3,31,3,"등 위에 활짝 핀 큰 꽃은
태양 빛을 흡수해서
에너지로 변환할 수 있다."
3,31,5,"Les pétales de sa fleur dorsale absorbent les
rayons du soleil pour les convertir en énergie."
3,31,6,"Die große Blume auf seinem Rücken absorbiert
Sonnenlicht und kann dieses in Energie
3,31,7,"La flor que tiene en el lomo puede recoger los
rayos solares para transformarlos en energía."
3,31,8,"Il grande fiore che ha sulla schiena può assorbire
i raggi solari e trasformarli in energia."
3,31,9,"The flower on its back catches the suns rays.
The sunlight is then absorbed and
used for energy."
3,31,11,"背中に 生えた 大きな ハナは
太陽の 光を 吸収し
エネルギーに 変換 できる。"
3,32,1,"せなかに はえた おおきな ハナは
たいようの ひかりを きゅうしゅうし
エネルギーに へんかん できる。"
3,32,3,"등 위에 활짝 핀 큰 꽃은
태양 빛을 흡수해서
에너지로 변환할 수 있다."
3,32,5,"Les pétales de sa fleur dorsale absorbent les
rayons du soleil pour les convertir en énergie."
3,32,6,"Die große Blume auf seinem Rücken absorbiert
Sonnenlicht und kann dieses in Energie
3,32,7,"La flor que tiene en el lomo puede recoger los
rayos solares para transformarlos en energía."
3,32,8,"Il grande fiore che ha sulla schiena può assorbire
i raggi solari e trasformarli in energia."
3,32,9,"The flower on its back catches the suns rays.
The sunlight is then absorbed and
used for energy."
3,32,11,"背中に 生えた 大きな ハナは
太陽の 光を 吸収し
エネルギーに 変換 できる。"
3,33,1,"たいようエネルギーを えいようにして
おおきなハナが ひらく。 ひなたに
ひきよせられるように いどうする。"
3,33,3,"태양에너지를 양분으로
큰 꽃을 피운다. 양지를 향해
이끌려가듯이 이동한다."
3,33,5,"Sa plante donne une grosse fleur quand
elle absorbe les rayons du soleil. Il est toujours
à la recherche des endroits les plus ensoleillés."
3,33,6,"Es nutzt Solarenergie als Nahrung und bringt so
seine große Blume zum Blühen. Es geht dorthin,
wo die Sonne scheint."
3,33,7,"La planta florece cuando absorbe energía solar,
lo cual le obliga a buscar siempre la luz del sol."
3,33,8,"Il fiore sboccia assorbendo energia solare.
Si muove continuamente in cerca di luce."
3,33,9,"Its plant blooms when it is absorbing solar
energy. It stays on the move to seek sunlight."
3,33,11,"太陽エネルギーを 栄養にして
大きな花が 開く。 日なたに
引き寄せられるように 移動する。"
3,34,1,"はなから うっとりする かおりが
ただよい たたかうものの きもちを
3,34,3,"꽃에서 황홀한 향기가
퍼져 나와 싸우는 자의
기분을 달래준다."
3,34,5,"Une douce senteur émane de sa plante.
Cette fragrance calme tous ceux qui sont
engagés dans un combat."
3,34,6,"Die Blume verströmt einen zauberhaften Duft.
Er beschwichtigt erhitzte Kämpfer."
3,34,7,"La flor que tiene en el lomo libera un delicado
aroma, que tiene un efecto relajante en combate."
3,34,8,"Il suo fiore emana una fragranza inebriante
capace di placare lanimo di chi è impegnato
nella lotta."
3,34,9,"A bewitching aroma wafts from its flower.
The fragrance becalms those engaged
in a battle."
3,34,11,"花から うっとりする 香りが
ただよい 戦うものの 気持ちを
4,1,9,"Obviously prefers
hot places. When
it rains, steamis said to spout
from the tip of
its tail."
4,2,9,"Obviously prefers
hot places. When
it rains, steamis said to spout
from the tip of
its tail."
4,3,9,"The flame at the
tip of its tail
makes a sound asit burns. You can
only hear it in
quiet places."
4,4,9,"The flame on its
tail shows the
strength of itslife force. If it
is weak, the flame
also burns weakly."
4,5,9,"The flame on its
tail indicates
CHARMANDER's lifeforce. If it is
healthy, the flame
burns brightly."
4,6,9,"If it's healthy,
the flame on the
tip of its tailwill burn vigor­
ously, even if it
gets a bit wet."
4,7,9,"The flame that burns at the tip of its
tail is an indication of its emotions.
The flame wavers when CHARMANDER isenjoying itself. If the POKéMON becomes
enraged, the flame burns fiercely."
4,8,9,"The flame that burns at the tip of its
tail is an indication of its emotions.
The flame wavers when CHARMANDER isenjoying itself. If the POKéMON becomes
enraged, the flame burns fiercely."
4,9,9,"The flame that burns at the tip of its
tail is an indication of its emotions.
The flame wavers when CHARMANDER is
happy, and blazes when it is enraged."
4,10,9,"From the time it is born, a flame burns
at the tip of its tail. Its life would end
if the flame were to go out."
4,11,9,"It has a preference for hot things.
When it rains, steam is said to spout from
the tip of its tail."
4,12,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,13,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,14,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,15,9,"The flame on its tail shows the
strength of its life force. If it is weak,
the flame also burns weakly."
4,16,9,"The flame on its tail indicates
CHARMANDERs life force. If it is
healthy, the flame burns brightly."
4,17,5,"La flamme de sa queue symbolise sa
vitalité. Elle est intense quand il
est en bonne santé."
4,17,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,18,5,"La flamme de sa queue symbolise sa
vitalité. Elle est intense quand il
est en bonne santé."
4,18,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,21,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,22,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a
measure of its life. If healthy,
its tail burns intensely."
4,23,1,"しっぽの ほのおは ヒトカゲの
せいめいりょくの あかし。
げんきだと さかんに もえさかる。"
4,23,3,"꼬리의 불꽃은 파이리의
생명력의 상징이다.
건강할 때 왕성하게 불타오른다."
4,23,5,"La flamme sur sa queue représente lénergie vitale
de Salamèche. Quand il est vigoureux, elle brûle plus
4,23,6,"Die Flamme auf seiner Schweifspitze zeigt die
Lebensenergie an. Ist es gesund, leuchtet sie hell."
4,23,7,"La llama de su cola indica la fuerza vital de
Charmander. Será brillante si está sano."
4,23,8,"La fiamma che Charmander ha sulla coda indica la
sua forza vitale. Se è in forma, la fiamma è vivace."
4,23,9,"The flame on its tail indicates Charmanders life
force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly."
4,23,11,"尻尾の 炎は
ヒトカゲの 生命力の 証。
元気だと さかんに 燃えさかる。"
4,24,1,"うまれたときから しっぽに ほのおが
ともっている。ほのおが きえたとき
その いのちは おわって しまう。"
4,24,3,"태어날 때부터 꼬리의 불꽃이
타오르고 있다. 불꽃이 꺼지면
그 생명이 다하고 만다."
4,24,5,"Depuis sa naissance, une petite flamme brûle au bout
de sa queue. Si cette flamme séteint, la vie de ce
Pokémon séteindra elle aussi."
4,24,6,"Von Geburt an brennt die Flamme auf seiner
Schwanzspitze. Sobald sie erlischt, erlischt auch
sein Lebenslicht."
4,24,7,"Este Pokémon nace con una llama en la punta de la
cola. Si la llama se apagara, el Pokémon se debilitaría."
4,24,8,"Dalla nascita una fiamma gli arde sulla punta della
coda. Se si spegnesse, per lui sarebbe la fine."
4,24,9,"From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of
its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to
go out."
4,24,11,"生まれたときから 尻尾に 炎が
点っている。炎が 消えたとき
その 命は 終わってしまう。"
4,25,1,"しっぽの ほのおは きぶんを ひょうげん。
たのしい ときには ゆらゆら ほのおが ゆれて
おこった ときには めらめら さかんに もえる。"
4,25,3,"꼬리의 불꽃은 기분을 표현한다.
즐거울 때는 흔들흔들 불꽃이 흔들리고
화가 났을 때는 활활 맹렬히 불타오른다."
4,25,5,"La flamme qui brûle au bout de sa queue indique lhumeur
de ce Pokémon. Elle vacille lorsque Salamèche est content.
En revanche, lorsquil sénerve, la flamme prend
de limportance et brûle plus ardemment."
4,25,6,"Die Flamme auf seiner Schweifspitze zeigt seine
Gefühlslage an. Sie flackert, wenn Glumanda
zufrieden ist. Wenn dieses Pokémon wütend wird,
lodert die Flamme gewaltig."
4,25,7,"La llama que tiene en la punta de la cola arde según sus
sentimientos. Llamea levemente cuando está alegre y arde
vigorosamente cuando está enfadado."
4,25,8,"La fiamma sulla punta della coda indica il suo stato emotivo.
Se la fiamma ondeggia significa che Charmander si sta
divertendo. Quando il Pokémon si infuria, la fiamma arde
4,25,9,"The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication
of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander
is enjoying itself. If the Pokémon becomes enraged,
the flame burns fiercely."
4,25,11,"尻尾の 炎は 気分を 表現。
楽しい ときには ゆらゆら 炎が ゆれて
怒った ときには めらめら 盛んに 燃える。"
4,26,1,"しっぽの ほのおは きぶんを ひょうげん。
たのしい ときには ゆらゆら ほのおが ゆれて
おこった ときには めらめら さかんに もえる。"
4,26,3,"꼬리의 불꽃은 기분을 표현한다.
즐거울 때는 흔들흔들 불꽃이 흔들리고
화가 났을 때는 활활 맹렬히 불타오른다."
4,26,5,"La flamme qui brûle au bout de sa queue indique lhumeur
de ce Pokémon. Elle vacille lorsque Salamèche est content.
En revanche, lorsquil sénerve, la flamme prend
de limportance et brûle plus ardemment."
4,26,6,"Die Flamme auf seiner Schweifspitze zeigt seine
Gefühlslage an. Sie flackert, wenn Glumanda
zufrieden ist. Wenn dieses Pokémon wütend wird,
lodert die Flamme sehr stark."
4,26,7,"La llama que tiene en la punta de la cola arde según sus
sentimientos. Llamea levemente cuando está alegre y arde
vigorosamente cuando está enfadado."
4,26,8,"La fiamma sulla punta della coda indica il suo stato emotivo.
Se la fiamma ondeggia significa che Charmander si sta
divertendo. Quando il Pokémon si infuria, la fiamma arde
4,26,9,"The flame that burns at the tip of its tail is an indication
of its emotions. The flame wavers when Charmander
is enjoying itself. If the Pokémon becomes enraged,
the flame burns fiercely."
4,26,11,"尻尾の 炎は 気分を 表現。
楽しい ときには ゆらゆら 炎が ゆれて
怒った ときには めらめら 盛んに 燃える。"
4,31,1,"しずかな ところに つれていくと
シッポが もえてる ちいさな おとが
4,31,3,"조용한 곳에 데려가면
꼬리가 타고 있는
작은 소리가 들린다."
4,31,5,"La flammèche au bout de sa queue émet
un crépitement audible seulement dans
les endroits calmes."
4,31,6,"An sehr stillen Orten kann man seine brennende
Schwanzspitze ganz leise lodern hören."
4,31,7,"En lugares silenciosos se puede oír el débil
chisporroteo de la llama que le arde en la
punta de la cola."
4,31,8,"Nel silenzio più assoluto si può udire la fiamma
in cima alla sua coda scoppiettare bruciando."
4,31,9,"The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as
it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places."
4,31,11,"静かな ところに 連れていくと
シッポが 燃えてる 小さな 音が
4,32,1,"しずかな ところに つれていくと
シッポが もえてる ちいさな おとが
4,32,3,"조용한 곳에 데려가면
꼬리가 타고 있는
작은 소리가 들린다."
4,32,5,"La flammèche au bout de sa queue émet
un crépitement audible seulement dans
les endroits calmes."
4,32,6,"An sehr stillen Orten kann man seine brennende
Schwanzspitze ganz leise lodern hören."
4,32,7,"En lugares silenciosos se puede oír el débil
chisporroteo de la llama que le arde en la
punta de la cola."
4,32,8,"Nel silenzio più assoluto si può udire la fiamma
in cima alla sua coda scoppiettare bruciando."
4,32,9,"The flame at the tip of its tail makes a sound as
it burns. You can only hear it in quiet places."
4,32,11,"静かな ところに 連れていくと
シッポが 燃えてる 小さな 音が
4,33,1,"あついものを このむ せいかく。
あめにぬれると しっぽの さきから
けむりが でるという。"
4,33,3,"뜨거운 것을 좋아하는 성격이다.
비에 젖으면 꼬리 끝에서
연기가 난다고 한다."
4,33,5,"Il préfère ce qui est chaud.
En cas de pluie, de la vapeur se forme autour
de sa queue."
4,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon bevorzugt heiße Dinge.
Bei Regen soll seine Schwanzspitze dampfen."
4,33,7,"Prefiere las cosas calientes. Dicen que cuando
llueve le sale vapor de la punta de la cola."
4,33,8,"Ama le cose calde. Si dice che quando piove
gli esca vapore dalla punta della coda."
4,33,9,"It has a preference for hot things. When it rains,
steam is said to spout from the tip of its tail."
4,33,11,"熱いものを 好む 性格。
雨に濡れると しっぽの 先から
煙が 出るという。"
4,34,1,"うまれたときから しっぽに ほのおが
ともっている。 ほのおが きえたとき
その いのちは おわって しまう。"
4,34,3,"태어날 때부터 꼬리에 불꽃이
타오르고 있다. 불꽃이 꺼지면
생명도 다하고 만다."
4,34,5,"Depuis sa naissance, une petite flamme brûle
au bout de sa queue. Si cette flamme séteint,
la vie de ce Pokémon séteindra elle aussi."
4,34,6,"Von Geburt an brennt die Flamme auf seiner
Schwanzspitze. Sobald sie verglimmt, erlischt
auch sein Lebenslicht."
4,34,7,"Este Pokémon nace con una llama en la punta de
la cola. Si se le apagara, fallecería."
4,34,8,"Una fiamma gli arde sulla punta della coda
fin dalla nascita. Se si spegnesse, per lui
sarebbe la fine."
4,34,9,"From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip
of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to
go out."
4,34,11,"生まれたときから しっぽに 炎が
ともっている。 炎が 消えたとき
その 命は 終わって しまう。"
5,1,9,"When it swings
its burning tail,
it elevates thetemperature to
unbearably high
5,2,9,"When it swings
its burning tail,
it elevates thetemperature to
unbearably high
5,3,9,"Tough fights could
excite this
POKéMON. Whenexcited, it may
blow out bluish-
white flames."
5,4,9,"It is very hot­
headed by nature,
so it constantlyseeks opponents.
It calms down only
when it wins."
5,5,9,"It has a barbaric
nature. In battle,
it whips itsfiery tail around
and slashes away
with sharp claws."
5,6,9,"If it becomes
agitated during
battle, it spoutsintense flames,
incinerating its
5,7,9,"CHARMELEON mercilessly destroys its
foes using its sharp claws.
If it encounters a strong foe, it turnsaggressive. In this excited state, the
flame at the tip of its tail flares with a
bluish white color."
5,8,9,"CHARMELEON mercilessly destroys its
foes using its sharp claws.
If it encounters a strong foe, it turnsaggressive. In this excited state, the
flame at the tip of its tail flares with a
bluish white color."
5,9,9,"Without pity, its sharp claws destroy foes.
If it encounters a strong enemy, it
becomes agitated, and the flame on its
tail flares with a bluish white color."
5,10,9,"It lashes about with its tail to knock
down its foe. It then tears up the fallen
opponent with sharp claws."
5,11,9,"When it swings its burning tail, it
elevates the air temperature to 
unbearably high levels."
5,12,9,"In the rocky mountains where
CHARMELEON live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,13,9,"In the rocky mountains where
CHARMELEON live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,14,9,"In the rocky mountains where
CHARMELEON live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,15,9,"It is very hotheaded by nature,
so it constantly seeks opponents.
It calms down only when it wins."
5,16,9,"It has a barbaric nature. In battle,
it whips its fiery tail around
and slashes away with sharp claws."
5,17,5,"La nuit, la queue ardente du Reptincel
brille comme une étoile dans son
repaire montagneux."
5,17,9,"In the rocky mountains where
Charmeleon live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,18,5,"La nuit, la queue ardente du Reptincel
brille comme une étoile dans son
repaire montagneux."
5,18,9,"In the rocky mountains where
Charmeleon live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,21,9,"In the rocky mountains where
Charmeleon live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,22,9,"In the rocky mountains where
Charmeleon live, their fiery
tails shine at night like stars."
5,23,1,"しっぽを ふりまわして あいてを
なぎたおし するどい ツメで
ズタズタに ひきさいてしまう。"
5,23,3,"꼬리를 휘둘러 상대를
쓰러트리고 날카로운 발톱으로
갈기갈기 찢어버린다."
5,23,5,"Il se sert de sa queue pour faire tomber ses
adversaires. Une fois quils sont au sol, il les lacère
de ses griffes acérées."
5,23,6,"Es schlägt im Kampf mit seinem Schwanz nach
seinen Gegnern. Anschließend zerfetzt es
die Gegner mit seinen scharfen Klauen."
5,23,7,"Suele usar la cola para derribar a su rival. Cuando lo
tira, se vale de sus afiladas garras para acabar con él."
5,23,8,"Fa cadere a terra il nemico colpendolo con la coda,
per poi finirlo con gli artigli affilati."
5,23,9,"It lashes about with its tail to knock down its foe.
It then tears up the fallen opponent with
sharp claws."
5,23,11,"尻尾を 振り回して
相手を なぎ倒し 鋭い ツメで
ズタズタに ひきさいてしまう。"
5,24,1,"もえる しっぽを ふりまわすと
まわりの おんどが どんどん
あがって あいてを くるしめる。"
5,24,3,"불타는 꼬리를 휘두르면
주위의 온도가 점점
올라가 상대를 괴롭게 한다."
5,24,5,"En agitant sa queue, il peut élever la température à
un niveau incroyable."
5,24,6,"Wenn Glutexo mit seinem Schwanz schwingt,
steigt die Temperatur ins Unermessliche."
5,24,7,"Cuando balancea la ardiente cola, eleva la temperatura
a niveles muy altos."
5,24,8,"Quando agita la sua coda infuocata porta la
temperatura a livelli insostenibili."
5,24,9,"When it swings its burning tail, it elevates the air
temperature to unbearably high levels."
5,24,11,"燃える 尻尾を 振り回すと
まわりの 温度が どんどん 上がって
相手を 苦しめる。"
5,25,1,"するどい ツメで ようしゃなく たたきのめす。
きょうてきと むかいあうと きぶんが たかぶり
しっぽの ほのおが あおじろく もえあがる。"
5,25,3,"날카로운 발톱으로 봐주지 않고 때려눕힌다.
강한 적을 만나면 기분이 고양되며
꼬리의 불꽃이 푸르스름하게 불타오른다."
5,25,5,"Reptincel lacère ses ennemis sans pitié grâce à ses griffes
acérées. Sil rencontre un ennemi puissant, il devient agressif
et la flamme au bout de sa queue sembrase et prend
une couleur bleu clair."
5,25,6,"Gnadenlos besiegt Glutexo seine Gegner mit seinen
scharfen Klauen. Wenn es auf starke Gegner trifft,
wird es wütend und die Flamme auf seiner Schweifspitze
flackert in einem bläulichen Ton."
5,25,7,"Charmeleon no tiene reparo en acabar con su rival usando
las afiladas garras que tiene. Si su enemigo es fuerte, se
vuelve agresivo, y la llama que tiene en el extremo de la cola
empieza a arder con mayor intensidad tornándose azulada."
5,25,8,"Charmeleon distrugge il nemico senza pietà con i suoi
artigli affilati. Quando incontra un avversario molto forte
diventa aggressivo. In questo stato di grande agitazione
la fiamma della coda diventa di colore bianco bluastro."
5,25,9,"Charmeleon mercilessly destroys its foes using its sharp claws.
If it encounters a strong foe, it turns aggressive.
In this excited state, the flame at the tip of its tail flares with a
bluish white color."
5,25,11,"鋭い ツメで ようしゃなく たたきのめす。
強敵と 向かい合うと 気分が たかぶり
尻尾の 炎が 青白く 燃えあがる。"
5,26,1,"するどい ツメで ようしゃなく たたきのめす。
きょうてきと むかいあうと きぶんが たかぶり
しっぽの ほのおが あおじろく もえあがる。"
5,26,3,"날카로운 발톱으로 봐주지 않고 때려눕힌다.
강한 적을 만나면 기분이 고양되며
꼬리의 불꽃이 푸르스름하게 불타오른다."
5,26,5,"Reptincel lacère ses ennemis sans pitié grâce à ses griffes
acérées. Sil rencontre un ennemi puissant, il devient agressif
et la flamme au bout de sa queue sembrase et prend
une couleur bleu clair."
5,26,6,"Glutexo attackiert seine Feinde mit aller Gewalt und unter
Einsatz seiner scharfen Krallen. Trifft es auf starke Gegner,
wird es wütend und die Flamme auf seiner Schweifspitze
flackert in einem bläulichen Ton."
5,26,7,"Charmeleon no tiene reparo en acabar con su rival usando
las afiladas garras que tiene. Si su enemigo es fuerte, se
vuelve agresivo, y la llama que tiene en el extremo de la cola
empieza a arder con mayor intensidad tornándose azulada."
5,26,8,"Charmeleon distrugge il nemico senza pietà con i suoi
artigli affilati. Quando incontra un avversario molto forte
diventa aggressivo. In questo stato di grande agitazione
la fiamma della coda diventa di colore bianco bluastro."
5,26,9,"Charmeleon mercilessly destroys its foes using its sharp
claws. If it encounters a strong foe, it turns aggressive.
In this excited state, the flame at the tip of its tail flares with
a bluish white color."
5,26,11,"鋭い ツメで ようしゃなく たたきのめす。
強敵と 向かい合うと 気分が たかぶり
尻尾の 炎が 青白く 燃えあがる。"
5,31,1,"きょうてきと たたかいつづけ
エキサイトすると あおじろい
ほのおを はきだすことがある。"
5,31,3,"강한 적과 싸움을 거듭하다
흥분하면 푸르스름한
불꽃을 뿜어낼 때가 있다."
5,31,5,"Exalté quand il affronte des adversaires
puissants, ce Pokémon en vient parfois
à cracher des flammes bleutées."
5,31,6,"Kämpft es länger gegen starke Gegner, so gerät
es in Aufregung und spuckt manchmal gleißend
helle, bläuliche Flammen."
5,31,7,"Librar combates intensos lo entusiasma tanto
que en ocasiones lanza llamas de tono blanco
5,31,8,"Si infervora durante le lotte più dure e talvolta
sputa fiamme bluastre."
5,31,9,"Tough fights could excite this Pokémon. When
excited, it may breathe out bluish-white flames."
5,31,11,"強敵と 戦いつづけ
エキサイトすると 青白い
炎を 吐き出すことがある。"
5,32,1,"きょうてきと たたかいつづけ
エキサイトすると あおじろい
ほのおを はきだすことがある。"
5,32,3,"강한 적과 싸움을 거듭하다
흥분하면 푸르스름한
불꽃을 뿜어낼 때가 있다."
5,32,5,"Exalté quand il affronte des adversaires
puissants, ce Pokémon en vient parfois
à cracher des flammes bleutées."
5,32,6,"Kämpft es länger gegen starke Gegner, so gerät
es in Aufregung und spuckt manchmal gleißend
helle, bläuliche Flammen."
5,32,7,"Librar combates intensos lo entusiasma tanto
que en ocasiones lanza llamas de tono blanco
5,32,8,"Si infervora durante le lotte più dure e talvolta
sputa fiamme bluastre."
5,32,9,"Tough fights could excite this Pokémon. When
excited, it may breathe out bluish-white flames."
5,32,11,"強敵と 戦いつづけ
エキサイトすると 青白い
炎を 吐き出すことがある。"
5,33,1,"もえる しっぽを ふりまわし
するどい ツメで あいてを
きりさく あらあらしい せいかく。"
5,33,3,"불타는 꼬리를 휘두르며
날카로운 발톱으로 상대를
베어 가르는 몹시 거친 성격이다."
5,33,5,"Il est très brutal. En combat, il se sert de
ses griffes acérées et de sa queue enflammée
pour mettre en pièces ses adversaires."
5,33,6,"Es ist brutal veranlagt. Im Kampf schlägt es mit
seinem brennenden Schweif um sich und schlitzt
Gegner mit seinen scharfen Klauen auf."
5,33,7,"Este Pokémon de naturaleza agresiva ataca en
combate con su cola llameante y hace trizas al
rival con sus afiladas garras."
5,33,8,"Ha unindole feroce. Usa la coda fiammeggiante
come una frusta e lacera lavversario con gli
artigli affilati."
5,33,9,"It has a barbaric nature. In battle, it whips its
fiery tail around and slashes away with sharp claws."
5,33,11,"燃える しっぽを 振りまわし
するどい ツメで 相手を
切り裂く 荒々しい 性格。"
5,34,1,"たたかいで きもちが たかぶると
しゃくねつの ほのおを ふきながら
あたりを もやしてまわる。"
5,34,3,"싸움으로 기분이 고조되면
작열하는 불꽃을 뿜으며
주변을 태워버린다."
5,34,5,"Sil sexcite pendant un combat, il crache
de grandes flammes, brûlant tout ce qui
se trouve aux alentours."
5,34,6,"Steigert es sich in einen Kampf hinein, spuckt es
Flammen, die alles in seiner Umgebung
5,34,7,"Si se exalta en combate, expulsa intensas
llamaradas que incineran todo a su alrededor."
5,34,8,"Se sinfervora nella lotta, sputa potenti fiamme
che inceneriscono larea circostante."
5,34,9,"If it becomes agitated during battle, it spouts
intense flames, incinerating its surroundings."
5,34,11,"戦いで 気持ちが たかぶると
灼熱の 炎を 吹きながら
あたりを 燃やしてまわる。"
6,1,9,"Spits fire that
is hot enough to
melt boulders.Known to cause
forest fires
6,2,9,"Spits fire that
is hot enough to
melt boulders.Known to cause
forest fires
6,3,9,"When expelling a
blast of super
hot fire, the redflame at the tip
of its tail burns
more intensely."
6,4,9,"If CHARIZARD be­
comes furious, the
flame at the tipof its tail flares
up in a whitish-
blue color."
6,5,9,"Breathing intense,
hot flames, it can
melt almost any­thing. Its breath
inflicts terrible
pain on enemies."
6,6,9,"It uses its wings
to fly high. The
temperature of itsfire increases as
it gains exper­
ience in battle."
6,7,9,"CHARIZARD flies around the sky in
search of powerful opponents.
It breathes fire of such great heatthat it melts anything. However, it
never turns its fiery breath on any
opponent weaker than itself."
6,8,9,"CHARIZARD flies around the sky in
search of powerful opponents.
It breathes fire of such great heatthat it melts anything. However, it
never turns its fiery breath on any
opponent weaker than itself."
6,9,9,"A CHARIZARD flies about in search of
strong opponents. It breathes intense
flames that can melt any material. However,
it will never torch a weaker foe."
6,10,9,"Its wings can carry this POKéMON close to
an altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out
fire at very high temperatures."
6,11,9,"It spits fire that is hot enough to melt
boulders. It may cause forest fires by
blowing flames."
6,12,9,"It is said that CHARIZARDs fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,13,9,"It is said that CHARIZARDs fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,14,9,"It is said that CHARIZARDs fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,15,9,"If CHARIZARD becomes furious,
the flame at the tip of its tail flares
up in a light blue shade."
6,16,9,"Breathing intense, hot flames, it can
melt almost anything. Its breath
inflicts terrible pain on enemies."
6,17,5,"On raconte que la flamme du
Dracaufeu sintensifie après
un combat difficile."
6,17,9,"It is said that Charizards fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,18,5,"On raconte que la flamme du
Dracaufeu sintensifie après
un combat difficile."
6,18,9,"It is said that Charizards fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,21,9,"It is said that Charizards fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,22,9,"It is said that Charizards fire
burns hotter if it has
experienced harsh battles."
6,23,1,"くちから しゃくねつの ほのおを
はきだすとき しっぽの さきは
より あかく はげしく もえあがる。"
6,23,3,"입에서 작렬하는 불꽃을
토해낼 때 꼬리의 끝이
더욱 붉고 격렬하게 타오른다."
6,23,5,"Quand il crache son souffle brûlant, la flamme au bout
de sa queue sembrase."
6,23,6,"Wenn dieses Pokémon einen Strahl glühenden
Feuers speit, leuchtet seine Schwanzspitze auf."
6,23,7,"Cuando lanza una descarga de fuego supercaliente, la
roja llama de su cola brilla más intensamente."
6,23,8,"Quando emette le sue lingue di fuoco, la fiamma
rossa sulla punta della coda brucia più intensamente."
6,23,9,"When expelling a blast of superhot fire,
the red flame at the tip of its tail burns
more intensely."
6,23,11,"口から 灼熱の 炎を 吐き出すとき
尻尾の 先は
より 赤く 激しく 燃え上がる。"
6,24,1,"ちじょう 1400メートル まで
ハネを つかって とぶことができる。
こうねつの ほのおを はく。"
6,24,3,"지상 1400m까지
날개를 사용해 날 수 있다.
고열의 불꽃을 내뿜는다."
6,24,5,"Ses ailes peuvent le faire voler à plus de 1400 m
daltitude. Ce Pokémon crache du feu à des
températures très élevées."
6,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann mit seinen Flügeln
eine Höhe von bis zu 1 400 m erreichen.
Es spuckt sehr heißes Feuer."
6,24,7,"Con las alas que tiene puede alcanzar una altura de
casi 1400 m. Suele escupir fuego por la boca."
6,24,8,"Grazie alle possenti ali può volare fino a 1400 m
daltezza. Sputa fuoco a una temperatura
6,24,9,"Its wings can carry this Pokémon close to an
altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very
high temperatures."
6,24,11,"地上 1400メートルまで
羽を 使って 飛ぶことができる。
高熱の 炎を 吐く。"
6,25,1,"つよい あいてを もとめて そらを とびまわる。
なんでも とかして しまう こうねつの ほのおを
じぶんより よわいものに むけることは しない。"
6,25,3,"강한 상대를 찾아 하늘을 날아다닌다.
무엇이든 다 녹여버리는 고열의 불꽃을
자신보다 약한 자에게 들이대지 않는다."
6,25,5,"Dracaufeu parcourt les cieux pour trouver des adversaires
à sa mesure. Il crache de puissantes flammes capables de
faire fondre nimporte quoi. Mais il ne dirige jamais son souffle
destructeur vers un ennemi plus faible."
6,25,6,"Glurak fliegt durch die Lüfte, um starke Gegner aufzuspüren.
Sein heißer Feueratem bringt alles zum Schmelzen. Aber es
richtet seinen Feueratem nie auf schwächere Gegner."
6,25,7,"Charizard se dedica a volar por los cielos en busca de
oponentes fuertes. Echa fuego por la boca y es capaz de
derretir cualquier cosa. No obstante, si su rival es más débil
que él, no usará este ataque."
6,25,8,"Charizard solca i cieli in cerca di nemici molto forti.
Riesce a emettere fiammate di un calore tale da fondere
ogni cosa. Tuttavia, non rivolge mai le sue micidiali lingue
di fuoco contro avversari più deboli di lui."
6,25,9,"Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents.
It breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything.
However, it never turns its fiery breath on any opponent
weaker than itself."
6,25,11,"強い 相手を 求めて 空を 飛び回る。
なんでも 溶かして しまう 高熱の 炎を
自分より 弱いものに 向けることは しない。"
6,26,1,"つよい あいてを もとめて そらを とびまわる。
なんでも とかして しまう こうねつの ほのおを
じぶんより よわいものに むけることは しない。"
6,26,3,"강한 상대를 찾아 하늘을 날아다닌다.
무엇이든 다 녹여버리는 고열의 불꽃을
자신보다 약한 자에게 들이대지 않는다."
6,26,5,"Dracaufeu parcourt les cieux pour trouver des adversaires
à sa mesure. Il crache de puissantes flammes capables de
faire fondre nimporte quoi. Mais il ne dirige jamais son souffle
destructeur vers un ennemi plus faible."
6,26,6,"Glurak fliegt durch die Lüfte, um starke Gegner aufzuspüren.
Sein heißer Feueratem bringt alles zum Schmelzen. Aber es
richtet seinen Feueratem nie gegen schwächere Gegner."
6,26,7,"Charizard se dedica a volar por los cielos en busca de
oponentes fuertes. Echa fuego por la boca y es capaz de
derretir cualquier cosa. No obstante, si su rival es más débil
que él, no usará este ataque."
6,26,8,"Charizard solca i cieli in cerca di nemici molto forti.
Riesce a emettere fiammate di un calore tale da fondere
ogni cosa. Tuttavia, non rivolge mai le sue micidiali lingue
di fuoco contro avversari più deboli di lui."
6,26,9,"Charizard flies around the sky in search of powerful opponents.
It breathes fire of such great heat that it melts anything.
However, it never turns its fiery breath on any opponent
weaker than itself."
6,26,11,"強い 相手を 求めて 空を 飛び回る。
なんでも 溶かして しまう 高熱の 炎を
自分より 弱いものに 向けることは しない。"
6,31,1,"くちから しゃくねつの ほのおを
はきだすとき シッポのさきは
より あかく はげしく もえあがる。"
6,31,3,"입에서 작렬하는 불꽃을
토해낼 때 꼬리의 끝이
더욱 붉고 격렬하게 타오른다."
6,31,5,"Quand il crache son souffle brûlant, la flamme
au bout de sa queue sembrase."
6,31,6,"Wenn es einen Strahl glühenden Feuers speit,
lodert die rote Flamme an seiner Schwanzspitze
noch intensiver."
6,31,7,"Cuando exhala fuego abrasador, la llama de la
punta de la cola se aviva y adquiere un intenso
color rojo."
6,31,8,"Quando emette lingue di fuoco roventi
dalla bocca, la fiamma rossa sulla punta
della coda brucia più intensamente."
6,31,9,"When this Pokémon expels a blast of superhot
fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns
more intensely."
6,31,11,"口から 灼熱の 炎を
吐き出すとき シッポの先は
より 赤く 激しく 燃えあがる。"
6,32,1,"くちから しゃくねつの ほのおを
はきだすとき シッポのさきは
より あかく はげしく もえあがる。"
6,32,3,"입에서 작렬하는 불꽃을
토해낼 때 꼬리의 끝이
더욱 붉고 격렬하게 타오른다."
6,32,5,"Quand il crache son souffle brûlant, la flamme
au bout de sa queue sembrase."
6,32,6,"Wenn es einen Strahl glühenden Feuers speit,
lodert die rote Flamme an seiner Schwanzspitze
noch intensiver."
6,32,7,"Cuando exhala fuego abrasador, la llama de la
punta de la cola se aviva y adquiere un intenso
color rojo."
6,32,8,"Quando emette lingue di fuoco roventi
dalla bocca, la fiamma rossa sulla punta
della coda brucia più intensamente."
6,32,9,"When this Pokémon expels a blast of superhot
fire, the red flame at the tip of its tail burns
more intensely."
6,32,11,"口から 灼熱の 炎を
吐き出すとき シッポの先は
より 赤く 激しく 燃えあがる。"
6,33,1,"がんせきも やけるような
しゃくねつの ほのおを はいて
やまかじを おこすことが ある。"
6,33,3,"암석도 태워버릴 정도로
작열하는 화염을 뿜어
산불을 일으킬 때가 있다."
6,33,5,"Son souffle brûlant peut faire fondre la roche.
Il est parfois la cause dincendies de forêt."
6,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann mit seinem Feueratem
Felsen schmelzen. Es verursacht ab und zu
6,33,7,"Escupe un fuego tan caliente que funde las rocas.
Causa incendios forestales sin querer."
6,33,8,"Sputa fiamme incandescenti in grado di fondere
le rocce. A volte causa incendi boschivi."
6,33,9,"It spits fire that is hot enough to melt boulders.
It may cause forest fires by blowing flames."
6,33,11,"岩石も 焼けるような
灼熱の 炎を 吐いて
山火事を 起こすことが ある。"
6,34,1,"ちじょう 1400メートル まで
ハネを つかって とぶことができる。
こうねつの ほのおを はく。"
6,34,3,"지상 1400m까지
날개를 사용해 날 수 있다.
고열의 불꽃을 내뿜는다."
6,34,5,"Ses ailes lui permettent de voler à plus de
1400 m daltitude. Ce Pokémon crache du feu
à des températures très élevées."
6,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann mit seinen Flügeln eine
Höhe von bis zu 1400 m erreichen. Es spuckt
sehr heißes Feuer."
6,34,7,"Sus potentes alas le permiten volar a una altura
de 1400 m. Escupe llamaradas que llegan a
alcanzar temperaturas elevadísimas."
6,34,8,"Grazie alle possenti ali può volare fino a
1.400 m daltezza. Le fiamme che sputa
possono raggiungere temperature altissime."
6,34,9,"Its wings can carry this Pokémon close to an
altitude of 4,600 feet. It blows out fire at very
high temperatures."
6,34,11,"地上 1400メートル まで
羽を 使って 飛ぶことができる。
高熱の 炎を 吐く。"
7,1,9,"After birth, its
back swells and
hardens into ashell. Powerfully
sprays foam from
its mouth."
7,2,9,"After birth, its
back swells and
hardens into ashell. Powerfully
sprays foam from
its mouth."
7,3,9,"Shoots water at
prey while in the
water.Withdraws into
its shell when in
7,4,9,"The shell is soft
when it is born.
It soon becomes soresilient, prod­
ding fingers will
bounce off it."
7,5,9,"The shell, which
hardens soon after
it is born, isresilient. If you
poke it, it will
bounce back out."
7,6,9,"When it feels
threatened, it
draws its legsinside its shell
and sprays water
from its mouth."
7,7,9,"SQUIRTLEs shell is not merely used
for protection.
The shells rounded shape and thegrooves on its surface help minimize
resistance in water, enabling this
POKéMON to swim at high speeds."
7,8,9,"SQUIRTLEs shell is not merely used
for protection.
The shells rounded shape and thegrooves on its surface help minimize
resistance in water, enabling this
POKéMON to swim at high speeds."
7,9,9,"Its shell is not just for protection.
Its rounded shape and the grooves on its
surface minimize resistance in water,
enabling SQUIRTLE to swim at high speeds."
7,10,9,"When it retracts its long neck into its
shell, it squirts out water with vigorous
7,11,9,"After birth, its back swells and hardens
into a shell. It powerfully sprays foam 
from its mouth."
7,12,9,"It shelters itself in its shell,
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,13,9,"It shelters itself in its shell,
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,14,9,"It shelters itself in its shell,
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,15,9,"The shell is soft when it is born.
It soon becomes so resilient,
prodding fingers will bounce off it."
7,16,9,"The shell, which hardens soon after
it is born, is resilient. If you
poke it, it will bounce back out."
7,17,5,"Il se réfugie dans sa carapace
et réplique en éclaboussant
lennemi à la première occasion."
7,17,9,"It shelters itself in its shell,
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,18,5,"Il se réfugie dans sa carapace
et réplique en éclaboussant
lennemi à la première occasion."
7,18,9,"It shelters itself in its shell,
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,21,9,"It shelters itself in its shell
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,22,9,"It shelters itself in its shell
then strikes back with spouts of
water at every opportunity."
7,23,1,"こうらに とじこもり みを まもる。
あいての すきを みのがさず
みずを ふきだして はんげきする。"
7,23,3,"등껍질에 숨어 몸을 보호한다.
상대의 빈틈을 놓치지 않고
물을 뿜어내어 반격한다."
7,23,5,"Il se réfugie dans sa carapace et réplique en
éclaboussant lennemi à la première occasion."
7,23,6,"Es zieht sich in seinen Panzer zurück und greift
dann mit Wasserstrahlen seine Gegner an."
7,23,7,"Se protege con su caparazón y luego contraataca
lanzando agua a presión cuando tiene oportunidad."
7,23,8,"Si ritira nel suo guscio e, alla prima occasione,
contrattacca colpendo il nemico con spruzzi dacqua."
7,23,9,"It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back
with spouts of water at every opportunity."
7,23,11,"甲羅に 閉じこもり 身を 守る。
相手の すきを 見逃さず
水を 噴き出して 反撃する。"
7,24,1,"すいめんから みずを ふんしゃして
エサをとる。あぶなくなると こうらに
てあしを ひっこめて みをまもる。"
7,24,3,"수면에서 물을 분사하여
먹이를 잡는다. 위험해지면 등껍질에
손발을 감추고 몸을 지킨다."
7,24,5,"Caché sous leau, il crache un jet deau sur sa proie
et se cache à lintérieur de sa carapace."
7,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon jagt mit einem Wasserstrahl.
Bei Gefahr zieht es sich in seinen Panzer zurück."
7,24,7,"Lanza agua a su presa desde el agua. Se esconde en
su concha cuando se siente en peligro."
7,24,8,"Attacca i nemici con potenti getti dacqua. Se si
sente in pericolo si ritira dentro la sua corazza."
7,24,9,"Shoots water at prey while in the water. Withdraws
into its shell when in danger."
7,24,11,"水面から 水を 噴射して
エサを 取る。危なくなると 甲羅に
手足を ひっこめて 身を 守る。"
7,25,1,"こうらの やくめは みを まもる だけではない。
まるい かたちと ひょうめんの みぞが みずの
ていこうを へらすので はやく およげるのだ。"
7,25,3,"등껍질의 역할은 몸을 지키는 것뿐만이 아니다.
둥그런 모양과 표면의 홈이 물의
저항을 줄여서 빠르게 헤엄칠 수 있다."
7,25,5,"La carapace de Carapuce ne sert pas quà le protéger.
La forme ronde de sa carapace et ses rainures lui permettent
daméliorer son hydrodynamisme.
Ce Pokémon nage extrêmement vite."
7,25,6,"Schiggys Panzer dient nicht nur zum Schutz. Die runde Form
und die Furchen auf der Oberfläche verringern den Widerstand
im Wasser, sodass dieses Pokémon sehr schnell schwimmen
7,25,7,"El caparazón de Squirtle no le sirve de protección únicamente.
Su forma redondeada y las hendiduras que tiene le ayudan
a deslizarse en el agua y le permiten nadar a gran velocidad."
7,25,8,"La corazza di Squirtle non serve soltanto da protezione.
La particolare forma arrotondata e le scanalature
superficiali lo aiutano a minimizzare lattrito dellacqua
per nuotare ad alta velocità."
7,25,9,"Squirtles shell is not merely used for protection.
The shells rounded shape and the grooves on its surface
help minimize resistance in water, enabling this Pokémon
to swim at high speeds."
7,25,11,"甲羅の 役目は 身を 守る だけではない。
丸い 形と 表面の 溝が 水の
抵抗を 減らすので 早く 泳げるのだ。"
7,26,1,"こうらの やくめは みを まもる だけではない。
まるい かたちと ひょうめんの みぞが みずの
ていこうを へらすので はやく およげるのだ。"
7,26,3,"등껍질의 역할은 몸을 지키는 것뿐만이 아니다.
둥그런 모양과 표면의 홈이 물의
저항을 줄여서 빠르게 헤엄칠 수 있다."
7,26,5,"La carapace de Carapuce ne sert pas quà le protéger.
La forme ronde de sa carapace et ses rainures lui permettent
daméliorer son hydrodynamisme.
Ce Pokémon nage extrêmement vite."
7,26,6,"Schiggys Panzer dient nicht nur zum Schutz. Die runde Form
und die Furchen auf der Oberfläche verringern den Widerstand
im Wasser, sodass dieses Pokémon sehr schnell schwimmen
7,26,7,"El caparazón de Squirtle no le sirve de protección únicamente.
Su forma redondeada y las hendiduras que tiene le ayudan
a deslizarse en el agua y le permiten nadar a gran velocidad."
7,26,8,"La corazza di Squirtle non serve soltanto da protezione.
La particolare forma arrotondata e le scanalature
superficiali lo aiutano a minimizzare lattrito dellacqua
per nuotare ad alta velocità."
7,26,9,"Squirtles shell is not merely used for protection.
The shells rounded shape and the grooves on its
surface help minimize resistance in water,
enabling this Pokémon to swim at high speeds."
7,26,11,"甲羅の 役目は 身を 守る だけではない。
丸い 形と 表面の 溝が 水の
抵抗を 減らすので 早く 泳げるのだ。"
7,31,1,"すいめんから みずを ふんしゃして
エサをとる。あぶなくなると こうらに
てあしを ひっこめて みをまもる。"
7,31,3,"수면에서 물을 분사하여
먹이를 잡는다. 위험해지면 등껍질에
손발을 감추고 몸을 지킨다."
7,31,5,"Caché sous les flots, il crache un jet deau sur
sa proie et se réfugie à lintérieur de sa carapace
en cas de danger."
7,31,6,"Es greift seine Beute aus dem Wasser heraus mit
einem Wasserstrahl an. Bei Gefahr zieht es sich
in seinen Panzer zurück."
7,31,7,"Escupe chorros de agua mientras flota para
capturar a sus presas. Se esconde en su
caparazón cuando se siente en peligro."
7,31,8,"Se ne sta tra i flutti e attacca le prede con
potenti getti dacqua. Se si sente in pericolo
si ritira dentro la corazza."
7,31,9,"Shoots water at prey while in the water.
Withdraws into its shell when in danger."
7,31,11,"水面から 水を 噴射して
エサをとる。危なくなると こうらに
手足を 引っこめて 身を守る。"
7,32,1,"すいめんから みずを ふんしゃして
エサをとる。あぶなくなると こうらに
てあしを ひっこめて みをまもる。"
7,32,3,"수면에서 물을 분사하여
먹이를 잡는다. 위험해지면 등껍질에
손발을 감추고 몸을 지킨다."
7,32,5,"Caché sous les flots, il crache un jet deau sur
sa proie et se réfugie à lintérieur de sa carapace
en cas de danger."
7,32,6,"Es greift seine Beute aus dem Wasser heraus mit
einem Wasserstrahl an. Bei Gefahr zieht es sich
in seinen Panzer zurück."
7,32,7,"Escupe chorros de agua mientras flota para
capturar a sus presas. Se esconde en su
caparazón cuando se siente en peligro."
7,32,8,"Se ne sta tra i flutti e attacca le prede con
potenti getti dacqua. Se si sente in pericolo
si ritira dentro la corazza."
7,32,9,"Shoots water at prey while in the water.
Withdraws into its shell when in danger."
7,32,11,"水面から 水を 噴射して
エサをとる。危なくなると こうらに
手足を 引っこめて 身を守る。"
7,33,1,"ながい くびを こうらのなかに
ひっこめるとき いきおいよく
みずでっぽうを はっしゃする。"
7,33,3,"기다란 목을 등껍질 속에
감춘 다음 기세 좋게
물대포를 발사한다."
7,33,5,"Quand il rentre son cou dans sa carapace,
il peut projeter de leau à haute pression."
7,33,6,"Zieht es seinen langen Hals in seinen Panzer
zurück, verspritzt es Wasser mit unbändiger Kraft."
7,33,7,"Cuando retrae su largo cuello en el caparazón,
dispara agua a una presión increíble."
7,33,8,"Quando ritrae il lungo collo dentro la corazza
sputa un vigoroso getto dacqua."
7,33,9,"When it retracts its long neck into its shell, it
squirts out water with vigorous force."
7,33,11,"長い 首を 甲羅のなかに
引っこめるとき 勢いよく
水鉄砲を 発射する。"
7,34,1,"あぶなくなると こうらに てあしを
ひっこめて みを まもりながら
くちから みずを ふきだしてくる。"
7,34,3,"위험해지면 등껍질에 손발을
감추고 몸을 지키면서
입에서 물을 내뿜는다."
7,34,5,"Sil se sent menacé, il rétracte ses pattes dans
sa carapace pour se protéger et crache de leau."
7,34,6,"Fühlt es sich bedroht, verkriecht es sich in seinen
Panzer und spuckt Wasser aus seinem Maul."
7,34,7,"Cuando se siente en peligro, se esconde en su
caparazón y escupe chorros de agua por la boca."
7,34,8,"Se si sente minacciato, ritira le zampe nel guscio
e inizia a spruzzare acqua dalla bocca."
7,34,9,"When it feels threatened, it draws its limbs inside
its shell and sprays water from its mouth."
7,34,11,"危なくなると 甲羅に 手足を
引っこめて 身を 守りながら
口から 水を 吹き出している。"
8,1,9,"Often hides in
water to stalk
unwary prey. Forswimming fast, it
moves its ears to
maintain balance."
8,2,9,"Often hides in
water to stalk
unwary prey. Forswimming fast, it
moves its ears to
maintain balance."
8,3,9,"When tapped, this
POKéMON will pull
in its head, butits tail will
still stick out a
little bit."
8,4,9,"It is recognized
as a symbol of
longevity. If itsshell has algae on
it, that WARTORTLE
is very old."
8,5,9,"It cleverly con­
trols its furry
ears and tail tomaintain its
balance while
8,6,9,"Its long, furry
tail is a symbol
of longevity,making it quite
popular among
older people."
8,7,9,"Its tail is large and covered with a rich,
thick fur. The tail becomes increasingly
deeper in color as WARTORTLE ages.The scratches on its shell are evidence
of this POKéMONs toughness as a
8,8,9,"Its tail is large and covered with a rich,
thick fur. The tail becomes increasingly
deeper in color as WARTORTLE ages.The scratches on its shell are evidence
of this POKéMONs toughness as a
8,9,9,"Its large tail is covered with rich, thick
fur that deepens in color with age.
The scratches on its shell are evidence
of this POKéMONs toughness in battle."
8,10,9,"This POKéMON is very popular as a pet.
Its fur-covered tail is a symbol of its
8,11,9,"It often hides in water to stalk unwary
prey. For fast swimming, it moves its
ears to maintain balance."
8,12,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,13,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,14,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,15,9,"It is a well-established symbol of
longevity. If its shell has algae on it,
that WARTORTLE is very old."
8,16,9,"It cleverly controls its furry
ears and tail to maintain its
balance while swimming."
8,17,5,"On prétend quil vit 10 000 ans.
Sa queue duveteuse est un
symbole de longévité populaire."
8,17,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,18,5,"On prétend quil vit 10 000 ans.
Sa queue duveteuse est un
symbole de longévité populaire."
8,18,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,21,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,22,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years.
Its furry tail is popular as a
symbol of longevity."
8,23,1,"ポカンと あたまを たたかれるとき
こうらに ひっこんで よける。でも
ちょっとだけ しっぽが でているよ。"
8,23,3,"딱 하고 머리를 맞을 때
등껍질로 숨어서 피한다. 하지만
꼬리가 살짝 삐져나와 있다."
8,23,5,"Attaqué, il cache sa tête dans sa carapace, mais
son corps trop gros ne peut y tenir en entier."
8,23,6,"Bei Gefahr zieht dieses Pokémon seinen Kopf ein.
Die Schwanzspitze ragt jedoch aus dem Panzer
8,23,7,"Si es golpeado, esconderá su cabeza. Aun así, su cola
puede seguir golpeando."
8,23,8,"Quando si sente minacciato ritira la testa nella
corazza, mentre la coda sporge sempre un po."
8,23,9,"When tapped, this Pokémon will pull in its head,
but its tail will still stick out a little bit."
8,23,11,"ポカンと 頭を たたかれるとき
甲羅に 引っこんで 避ける。でも
ちょっとだけ 尻尾が 出ているよ。"
8,24,1,"いちまんねんの じゅみょうを もつと
いわれている。ふさふさの しっぽは
ながいきの シンボルとして にんき。"
8,24,3,"만 년의 수명을 가지고 있다고들
말한다. 치렁치렁한 꼬리는
장수의 상징으로서 인기가 있다."
8,24,5,"On prétend quil vit 10000 ans. Sa queue duveteuse
est un symbole de longévité populaire."
8,24,6,"Man sagt, es werde 10 000 Jahre alt. Sein buschiger
Schweif ist ein Symbol für langes Leben."
8,24,7,"Se dice que vive 10 000 años. Su peluda cola es un
símbolo de longevidad."
8,24,8,"Pare che viva 10.000 anni. Ha la coda ricoperta da
una folta pelliccia, indice di longevità."
8,24,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is
popular as a symbol of longevity."
8,24,11,"1万年の 寿命を 持つと
言われている。ふさふさの 尻尾は
長生きの シンボルとして 人気。"
8,25,1,"ふさふさの けで おおわれた おおきな しっぽは
ながいき するほど ふかい いろあいに かわる。
こうらの キズは つわものの あかし。"
8,25,3,"푹신한 털로 덮인 큰 꼬리는
오래 살수록 깊은 색으로 변한다.
등껍질의 상처는 강자임을 증명한다."
8,25,5,"Carabaffe a une large queue recouverte dune épaisse
fourrure. Elle devient de plus en plus foncée avec lâge.
Les éraflures sur la carapace de ce Pokémon témoignent
de son expérience au combat."
8,25,6,"Schillok hat einen langen, buschigen Schweif, dessen Farbe
intensiver wird, wenn es altert. Die Kratzer auf seinem Panzer
zeugen von seiner Kampfkraft."
8,25,7,"Tiene una cola larga y cubierta de un pelo abundante y
grueso que se torna más oscuro a medida que crece.
Los arañazos que tiene en el caparazón dan fe de lo buen
guerrero que es."
8,25,8,"La grande coda di Wartortle è coperta da una folta
pelliccia, che diventa sempre più scura con lavanzare
delletà. I graffi sulla corazza indicano la potenza di questo
Pokémon come lottatore."
8,25,9,"Its tail is large and covered with a rich, thick fur. The tail
becomes increasingly deeper in color as Wartortle ages.
The scratches on its shell are evidence of this Pokémons
toughness as a battler."
8,25,11,"ふさふさの 毛で 覆われた 大きな 尻尾は
長生き するほど 深い 色合いに 変わる。
甲羅の キズは 強者の 証。"
8,26,1,"ふさふさの けで おおわれた おおきな しっぽは
ながいき するほど ふかい いろあいに かわる。
こうらの キズは つわものの あかし。"
8,26,3,"푹신한 털로 덮인 큰 꼬리는
오래 살수록 깊은 색으로 변한다.
등껍질의 상처는 강자임을 증명한다."
8,26,5,"Carabaffe a une large queue recouverte dune épaisse
fourrure. Elle devient de plus en plus foncée avec lâge.
Les éraflures sur la carapace de ce Pokémon témoignent
de son expérience au combat."
8,26,6,"Schillok hat einen langen, buschigen Schweif, dessen Farbe
intensiver wird, wenn es altert. Die Kratzer auf seinem Panzer
zeugen von seiner Kampfkraft."
8,26,7,"Tiene una cola larga y cubierta de un pelo abundante y
grueso que se torna más oscuro a medida que crece.
Los arañazos que tiene en el caparazón dan fe de lo buen
guerrero que es."
8,26,8,"La grande coda di Wartortle è coperta da una folta
pelliccia, che diventa sempre più scura con lavanzare
delletà. I graffi sulla corazza indicano la potenza di questo
Pokémon come lottatore."
8,26,9,"Its tail is large and covered with a rich, thick fur. The tail
becomes increasingly deeper in color as Wartortle ages.
The scratches on its shell are evidence of this Pokémons
toughness as a battler."
8,26,11,"ふさふさの 毛で 覆われた 大きな 尻尾は
長生き するほど 深い 色合いに 変わる。
甲羅の キズは 強者の 証。"
8,31,1,"ポカンと あたまを たたかれるとき
こうらに ひっこんで よける。でも
ちょっとだけ シッポが でているよ。"
8,31,3,"딱 하고 머리를 맞을 때
등껍질로 숨어서 피한다. 하지만
꼬리가 살짝 삐져나와 있다."
8,31,5,"Quand on lui tapote la tête, il se cache dans
sa carapace, mais son corps ne peut pas y tenir
en entier."
8,31,6,"Wenn es einen Schlag auf den Kopf bekommt,
zieht es sich in seinen Panzer zurück. Seine
Schwanzspitze ragt jedoch ein wenig heraus."
8,31,7,"Si alguien le golpea la cabeza, se protege
escondiéndose en su caparazón, aunque parte
de la cola queda al descubierto."
8,31,8,"Quando viene colpito sulla testa si ritira nella
corazza. La coda, però, sporge sempre un po."
8,31,9,"When tapped on its head, this Pokémon will pull
it in, but its tail will still stick out a little bit."
8,31,11,"ポカンと 頭を たたかれるとき
こうらに 引っこんで よける。でも
ちょっとだけ シッポが 出ているよ。"
8,32,1,"ポカンと あたまを たたかれるとき
こうらに ひっこんで よける。でも
ちょっとだけ シッポが でているよ。"
8,32,3,"딱 하고 머리를 맞을 때
등껍질로 숨어서 피한다. 하지만
꼬리가 살짝 삐져나와 있다."
8,32,5,"Quand on lui tapote la tête, il se cache dans
sa carapace, mais son corps ne peut pas y tenir
en entier."
8,32,6,"Wenn es einen Schlag auf den Kopf bekommt,
zieht es sich in seinen Panzer zurück. Seine
Schwanzspitze ragt jedoch ein wenig heraus."
8,32,7,"Si alguien le golpea la cabeza, se protege
escondiéndose en su caparazón, aunque parte
de la cola queda al descubierto."
8,32,8,"Quando viene colpito sulla testa si ritira nella
corazza. La coda, però, sporge sempre un po."
8,32,9,"When tapped on its head, this Pokémon will pull
it in, but its tail will still stick out a little bit."
8,32,11,"ポカンと 頭を たたかれるとき
こうらに 引っこんで よける。でも
ちょっとだけ シッポが 出ているよ。"
8,33,1,"ながいきの シンボルと されている。
こうらに コケが ついているのは
とくに ながいきの カメールだ。"
8,33,3,"장수의 상징으로 여겨진다.
등껍질에 이끼가 붙어 있는 것은
특히 장수한 어니부기다."
8,33,5,"Il est considéré comme un symbole de longévité.
On reconnaît les spécimens les plus âgés
à la mousse qui pousse sur leur carapace."
8,33,6,"Es gilt als Symbol für Langlebigkeit. Sehr alte
Exemplare erkennt man daran, dass ihr Panzer
mit Algen übersät ist."
8,33,7,"Se lo considera un símbolo de longevidad. Los
ejemplares más ancianos tienen musgo sobre el
8,33,8,"È considerato un simbolo di longevità.
Se cè del muschio sul suo guscio, significa
che è molto anziano."
8,33,9,"It is recognized as a symbol of longevity. If its
shell has algae on it, that Wartortle is very old."
8,33,11,"長生きの シンボルと されている。
甲羅に 苔が ついているのは
とくに 長生きの カメールだ。"
8,34,1,"ふさふさの みみと しっぽを
たくみに あやつって すいちゅうでの
バランスを たもつ。"
8,34,3,"탐스러운 귀와 꼬리를
능숙하게 다뤄서 수중에서의
밸런스를 유지한다."
8,34,5,"Il se sert habilement de sa queue et de ses
oreilles touffues pour garder son équilibre
sous leau."
8,34,6,"Es balanciert geschickt mit seinen buschigen
Ohren und dem Schweif, während es im Wasser
8,34,7,"Utiliza hábilmente sus peludas orejas y la cola
para mantener el equilibrio al nadar."
8,34,8,"Controlla abilmente le orecchie e la coda
coperte di pelo, mantenendo lassetto
mentre nuota."
8,34,9,"It cleverly controls its furry ears and tail to
maintain its balance while swimming."
8,34,11,"ふさふさの 耳と しっぽを
たくみに 操って 水中での
バランスを たもつ。"
9,1,9,"A brutal POKéMON
with pressurized
water jets on itsshell. They are
used for high
speed tackles."
9,2,9,"A brutal POKéMON
with pressurized
water jets on itsshell. They are
used for high
speed tackles."
9,3,9,"Once it takes aim
at its enemy, it
blasts out waterwith even more
force than a fire
9,4,9,"It deliberately
makes itself heavy
so it can with­stand the recoil
of the water jets
it fires."
9,5,9,"The rocket cannons
on its shell fire
jets of watercapable of punch­
ing holes through
thick steel."
9,6,9,"It firmly plants
its feet on the
ground beforeshooting water
from the jets on
its back."
9,7,9,"BLASTOISE has water spouts that
protrude from its shell. The water
spouts are very accurate.They can shoot bullets of water with
enough accuracy to strike empty cans
from a distance of over 160 feet."
9,8,9,"BLASTOISE has water spouts that
protrude from its shell. The water
spouts are very accurate.They can shoot bullets of water with
enough accuracy to strike empty cans
from a distance of over 160 feet."
9,9,9,"The waterspouts that protrude from its
shell are highly accurate. Their bullets of
water can precisely nail tin cans from
a distance of over 160 feet."
9,10,9,"It crushes its foe under its heavy body
to cause fainting. In a pinch, it will
withdraw inside its shell."
9,11,9,"The pressurized water jets on this brutal
POKéMONs shell are used for high-
speed tackles."
9,12,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,13,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,14,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,15,9,"It deliberately makes itself heavy
so it can withstand the recoil
of the water jets it fires."
9,16,9,"The rocket cannons on its shell fire
jets of water capable of punching
holes through thick steel."
9,17,5,"Les trombes deau projetées par
les canons de sa carapace peuvent
percer le métal le plus résistant."
9,17,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,18,5,"Les trombes deau projetées par
les canons de sa carapace peuvent
percer le métal le plus résistant."
9,18,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,21,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,22,9,"The jets of water it spouts from
the rocket cannons on its shell
can punch through thick steel."
9,23,1,"からだが おもたく のしかかって
あいてを きぜつさせる。
ピンチの ときは カラに かくれる。"
9,23,3,"무거운 몸으로 상대를
덮쳐서 기절시킨다.
위기에 처하면 등껍질에 숨는다."
9,23,5,"Il écrase ses adversaires de tout son poids pour leur
faire perdre connaissance. Il rentre dans sa carapace
sil se sent en danger."
9,23,6,"Es begräbt seine Gegner mit seinem enormen
Körpergewicht. Wenn es in einer aussichtslosen
Lage steckt, zieht es sich in seinen Panzer zurück."
9,23,7,"Para acabar con su enemigo, lo aplasta con el peso de
su cuerpo. En momentos de apuro, se esconde en el
9,23,8,"Mette KO gli avversari schiacciandoli sotto il corpo
possente. Se è in difficoltà, può ritrarsi nella corazza."
9,23,9,"It crushes its foe under its heavy body to cause
fainting. In a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell."
9,23,11,"体が 重たく のしかかって
相手を 気絶させる。
ピンチのときは 殻に 隠れる。"
9,24,1,"こうらに ふんしゃこうが あって
ロケットのような いきおいで
つっこんでくる すごい やつだ。"
9,24,3,"등껍질에 분사구가 있어
로켓 같은 기세로
덤벼드는 굉장한 녀석이다."
9,24,5,"Ce Pokémon brutal est armé de canons hydrauliques.
Ses puissants jets deau sont dévastateurs."
9,24,6,"Ein mächtiges und schnelles Pokémon, das auf
dem Rücken zwei Hochdruckwasserwerfer trägt."
9,24,7,"Es un Pokémon imponente. Tiene reactores de agua
en el caparazón, que le sirven para atacar con fuerza."
9,24,8,"Pokémon brutale che lancia getti dacqua ad alta
pressione dalla corazza, usati per attacchi rapidi."
9,24,9,"The pressurized water jets on this brutal Pokémons
shell are used for high-speed tackles."
9,24,11,"甲羅に 噴射口が あって
ロケットのような 勢いで
突っこんでくる すごい やつだ。"
9,25,1,"こうらの ふんしゃこうの ねらいは せいかく。
みずの だんがんを 50メートル はなれた
あきかんに めいちゅうさせる ことが できるぞ。"
9,25,3,"등껍질의 분사구로 하는 조준은 정확하다.
물 탄환으로 50m 떨어진
빈 캔을 명중시킬 수 있다."
9,25,5,"Tortank dispose de canons à eau émergeant de sa carapace.
Ils sont très précis et peuvent envoyer des balles deau
capables de faire mouche sur une cible située à plus de 50 m."
9,25,6,"Turtok besitzt Wasserdüsen, die aus seinem
Panzer herausragen. Diese sind sehr präzise.
Es kann Wassergeschosse so genau verschießen,
dass es damit aus fast 50 m leere Dosen trifft."
9,25,7,"Blastoise lanza chorros de agua con gran precisión por los
tubos que le salen del caparazón que tiene en la espalda.
Puede disparar chorros de agua con tanta puntería que no
fallaría al tirar contra una lata pequeña a 50 m."
9,25,8,"Blastoise è dotato di cannoni ad acqua che fuoriescono dalla
corazza. I getti emessi sono così precisi da riuscire a colpire
un bersaglio a una distanza di 50 m."
9,25,9,"Blastoise has water spouts that protrude from its shell.
The water spouts are very accurate. They can shoot bullets of
water with enough accuracy to strike empty cans from a
distance of over 160 feet."
9,25,11,"甲羅の 噴射口の ねらいは 正確。
水の 弾丸を 50メートル 離れた
空き缶に 命中させる ことが できるぞ。"
9,26,1,"こうらの ふんしゃこうの ねらいは せいかく。
みずの だんがんを 50メートル はなれた
あきかんに めいちゅうさせる ことが できるぞ。"
9,26,3,"등껍질의 분사구로 하는 조준은 정확하다.
물 탄환으로 50m 떨어진
빈 캔을 명중시킬 수 있다."
9,26,5,"Tortank dispose de canons à eau émergeant de sa carapace.
Ils sont très précis et peuvent envoyer des balles deau
capables de faire mouche sur une cible située à plus de 50 m."
9,26,6,"Turtok besitzt Wasserdüsen, die aus seinem
Panzer herausragen. Diese sind sehr präzise.
Es kann Wassergeschosse so genau verschießen,
dass es damit aus fast 50 m leere Dosen trifft."
9,26,7,"Blastoise lanza chorros de agua con gran precisión por los
tubos que le salen del caparazón que tiene en la espalda.
Puede disparar chorros de agua con tanta puntería que no
fallaría al tirar contra una lata pequeña a 50 m."
9,26,8,"Blastoise è dotato di cannoni ad acqua che fuoriescono dalla
corazza. I getti emessi sono così precisi da riuscire a colpire
un bersaglio a una distanza di 50 m."
9,26,9,"Blastoise has water spouts that protrude from its shell.
The water spouts are very accurate.
They can shoot bullets of water with enough accuracy
to strike empty cans from a distance of over 160 feet."
9,26,11,"甲羅の 噴射口の ねらいは 正確。
水の 弾丸を 50メートル 離れた
空き缶に 命中させる ことが できるぞ。"
9,31,1,"あいてに ねらいを さだめると
しょうぼうしゃの ホースより
つよい いきおいで みずを だす。"
9,31,3,"상대를 겨냥한 다음
소방차의 호스보다
강한 기세로 물을 뿜는다."
9,31,5,"Une fois sa cible dans sa ligne de mire,
il projette des jets deau plus puissants
quune lance à incendie."
9,31,6,"Nachdem es einen Gegner anvisiert hat, greift
es mit einem Wasserstrahl an, dessen Druck
höher ist als der eines Feuerwehrschlauchs."
9,31,7,"Tras fijar el blanco, ataca disparando un chorro
de agua a una presión mayor que la manguera
de un bombero."
9,31,8,"Dopo aver preso la mira colpisce il nemico con
getti dacqua più potenti di quelli di un idrante."
9,31,9,"Once it takes aim at its enemy, it blasts out
water with even more force than a fire hose."
9,31,11,"相手に 狙いを 定めると
消防車の ホースより
強い 勢いで 水を 出す。"
9,32,1,"あいてに ねらいを さだめると
しょうぼうしゃの ホースより
つよい いきおいで みずを だす。"
9,32,3,"상대를 겨냥한 다음
소방차의 호스보다
강한 기세로 물을 뿜는다."
9,32,5,"Une fois sa cible dans sa ligne de mire,
il projette des jets deau plus puissants
quune lance à incendie."
9,32,6,"Nachdem es einen Gegner anvisiert hat, greift
es mit einem Wasserstrahl an, dessen Druck
höher ist als der eines Feuerwehrschlauchs."
9,32,7,"Tras fijar el blanco, ataca disparando un chorro
de agua a una presión mayor que la manguera
de un bombero."
9,32,8,"Dopo aver preso la mira colpisce il nemico con
getti dacqua più potenti di quelli di un idrante."
9,32,9,"Once it takes aim at its enemy, it blasts out
water with even more force than a fire hose."
9,32,11,"相手に 狙いを 定めると
消防車の ホースより
強い 勢いで 水を 出す。"
9,33,1,"からだが おもたく のしかかって
あいてを きぜつさせる。
ピンチの ときは カラに かくれる。"
9,33,3,"무거운 몸으로 상대를
덮쳐서 기절시킨다.
위기에 처하면 등껍질에 숨는다."
9,33,5,"Il écrase ses adversaires de tout son poids
pour leur faire perdre connaissance.
Il rentre dans sa carapace sil se sent en danger."
9,33,6,"Es begräbt seine Gegner mit seinem enormen
Körpergewicht. Wenn es in einer aussichtslosen
Lage steckt, zieht es sich in seinen Panzer zurück."
9,33,7,"Para acabar con su enemigo, lo aplasta con el
peso de su cuerpo. En momentos de apuro, se
esconde en el caparazón."
9,33,8,"Mette KO gli avversari schiacciandoli sotto
il corpo possente. Se è in difficoltà, può ritrarsi
nella corazza."
9,33,9,"It crushes its foe under its heavy body to cause
fainting. In a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell."
9,33,11,"体が 重たく のしかかって
相手を 気絶させる。
ピンチの ときは 殻に 隠れる。"
9,34,1,"こうらの ロケットほう から
ふきだした ジェットすいりゅうは
ぶあつい てっぱんも つらぬく。"
9,34,3,"등껍질의 로켓포에서
뿜어져 나오는 제트 수류는
두꺼운 철판도 뚫는다."
9,34,5,"Les canons sur sa carapace tirent des jets deau
capables de percer même de lacier trempé."
9,34,6,"Die Wassersalven, die es mit den Wasserdüsen
in seinem Panzer abfeuert, durchdringen sogar
dicke Stahlwände."
9,34,7,"Dispara chorros de agua a través de los cañones
de su caparazón, capaces de agujerear incluso el
9,34,8,"I cannoni sul suo guscio sparano getti dacqua
capaci di bucare lacciaio."
9,34,9,"The rocket cannons on its shell fire jets of water
capable of punching holes through thick steel."
9,34,11,"甲羅の ロケット砲 から
噴き出した ジェット水流は
ぶ厚い 鉄板も つらぬく。"
10,1,9,"Its short feet
are tipped with
suction pads thatenable it to
tirelessly climb
slopes and walls."
10,2,9,"Its short feet
are tipped with
suction pads thatenable it to
tirelessly climb
slopes and walls."
10,3,9,"If you touch the
feeler on top of
its head, it willrelease a horrible
stink to protect
10,4,9,"For protection, it
releases a horri­
ble stench fromthe antenna on its
head to drive away
10,5,9,"Its feet have
suction cups
designed to stickto any surface. It
tenaciously climbs
trees to forage."
10,6,9,"It crawls into
foliage where it
camouflages itselfamong leaves that
are the same color
as its body."
10,7,9,"CATERPIE has a voracious appetite.
It can devour leaves bigger than its
body right before your eyes.From its antenna, this POKéMON releases
a terrifically strong odor."
10,8,9,"CATERPIE has a voracious appetite.
It can devour leaves bigger than its
body right before your eyes.From its antenna, this POKéMON releases
a terrifically strong odor."
10,9,9,"Its voracious appetite compels it to
devour leaves bigger than itself without
hesitation. It releases a terribly strong
odor from its antennae."
10,10,9,"It is covered with a green skin. When it
grows, it sheds the skin, covers itself
with silk, and becomes a cocoon."
10,11,9,"Its short feet are tipped with suction
pads that enable it to tirelessly climb
slopes and walls."
10,12,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,13,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,14,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,15,9,"For protection, it releases a horrible
stench from the antennae on its
head to drive away enemies."
10,16,9,"Its feet have suction cups
designed to stick to any surface. It
tenaciously climbs trees to forage."
10,17,5,"Ses antennes rouges libèrent une
puanteur qui repousse lennemi.
Il grandit par mues régulières."
10,17,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,18,5,"Ses antennes rouges libèrent une
puanteur qui repousse lennemi.
Il grandit par mues régulières."
10,18,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,21,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,22,9,"It releases a stench from its red
antenna to repel enemies. It
grows by molting repeatedly."
10,23,1,"あたまの しょっかく から
きょうれつな においを だして
てきを おいはらい みをまもる。"
10,23,3,"머리의 더듬이로부터
강렬한 냄새를 내어
적을 물리치고 몸을 보호한다."
10,23,5,"Pour se protéger, il émet un gaz puant par ses
antennes, qui fait fuir ses ennemis audacieux."
10,23,6,"Als Schutz vor Feinden sondert es einen übel
riechenden Gestank mit seinen Antennen ab."
10,23,7,"Para protegerse despide un hedor horrible de sus
antenas, con el que repele a sus enemigos."
10,23,8,"Per proteggersi emette un puzzo terribile
dallantenna sul capo, tenendo lontani i nemici."
10,23,9,"For protection, it releases a horrible stench from
the antennae on its head to drive away enemies."
10,23,11,"頭の 触覚から
強烈な においを 出して
敵を 追い払い 身を守る。"
10,24,1,"あしの さきは どんなところにも
すいつく きゅうばん。ひっしに
きのぼりをして はっぱを たべる。"
10,24,3,"발끝에는 어디든지
달라붙는 빨판이 있다. 필사적으로
나무 타기를 해서 나뭇잎을 먹는다."
10,24,5,"Ses pattes ont des ventouses lui permettant de
grimper sur toute surface, notamment les arbres."
10,24,6,"Die Saugnäpfe an den Beinen haften auf jedem
Untergrund. Es sucht hartnäckig in Bäumen
nach Futter."
10,24,7,"Sus patas tienen ventosas con las que se adhiere a
cualquier sitio. Escala árboles buscando forraje."
10,24,8,"Le sue zampe hanno ventose che possono aderire
a ogni superficie. Sale sugli alberi cercando cibo."
10,24,9,"Its feet have suction cups designed to stick to any
surface. It tenaciously climbs trees to forage."
10,24,11,"足の 先は どんなところにも
吸いつく 吸盤。必死に
木登りをして 葉っぱを 食べる。"
10,25,1,"からだ よりも おおきな はっぱを みるみる
たべつくして しまうほどの しょくよくを もつ。
しょっかくから きょうれつな においを だすぞ。"
10,25,3,"몸보다 커다란 잎사귀를 순식간에
먹어치울 정도의 식욕을 지녔다.
더듬이로 강렬한 냄새를 피운다."
10,25,5,"Chenipan a un appétit dogre. Il peut engloutir des feuilles
plus grosses que lui. Les antennes de ce Pokémon dégagent
une odeur particulièrement entêtante."
10,25,6,"Raupy ist sehr gefräßig, es kann Blätter verschlingen,
die größer sind als es selbst. Seine Antennen sondern
einen übel riechenden Gestank ab."
10,25,7,"Caterpie tiene un apetito voraz. Es capaz de devorar hojas
que superen su tamaño en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Atención a la antena que tiene: libera un hedor realmente
10,25,8,"Caterpie mangia voracemente. È in grado di divorare foglie
più grandi del suo stesso corpo in pochi istanti.
Questo Pokémon emette un odore terrificante dalle antenne."
10,25,9,"Caterpie has a voracious appetite. It can devour leaves bigger
than its body right before your eyes. From its antenna, this
Pokémon releases a terrifically strong odor."
10,25,11,"体 よりも 大きな 葉っぱを みるみる
食べつくして しまうほどの 食欲を もつ。
触角から 強烈な 臭いを 出すぞ。"
10,26,1,"からだ よりも おおきな はっぱを みるみる
たべつくして しまうほどの しょくよくを もつ。
しょっかくから きょうれつな においを だすぞ。"
10,26,3,"몸보다 커다란 잎사귀를 순식간에
먹어치울 정도의 식욕을 지녔다.
더듬이로 강렬한 냄새를 피운다."
10,26,5,"Chenipan a un appétit dogre. Il peut engloutir des feuilles
plus grosses que lui. Les antennes de ce Pokémon dégagent
une odeur particulièrement entêtante."
10,26,6,"Raupy ist sehr gefräßig. Es kann Blätter verschlingen,
die seine eigene Größe um ein Vielfaches übersteigen.
Seine Antennen sondern einen übel riechenden Gestank ab."
10,26,7,"Caterpie tiene un apetito voraz. Es capaz de devorar hojas
que superen su tamaño en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
Atención a la antena que tiene: libera un hedor realmente
10,26,8,"Caterpie mangia voracemente. È in grado di divorare foglie
più grandi del suo stesso corpo in pochi istanti.
Questo Pokémon emette un odore terrificante dalle antenne."
10,26,9,"Caterpie has a voracious appetite. It can devour leaves
bigger than its body right before your eyes. From its antenna,
this Pokémon releases a terrifically strong odor."
10,26,11,"体 よりも 大きな 葉っぱを みるみる
食べつくして しまうほどの 食欲を もつ。
触角から 強烈な 臭いを 出すぞ。"
10,27,1,"とりポケモンに おそわれると ツノから
においを だして ていこう するが
えじきに なることも おおい。"
10,27,3,"새포켓몬에게 습격당하면 뿔에서
냄새를 뿜어 저항하지만
먹이가 되는 일도 많다."
10,27,5,"Lorsquil est attaqué par un Pokémon Vol,
il utilise ses antennes pour dégager une odeur
nauséabonde, mais cela le sauve rarement."
10,27,6,"Es versucht, angreifende Vogel-Pokémon mit
dem Gestank aus seinen Antennen in die Flucht
zu schlagen. Das gelingt ihm aber nicht immer."
10,27,7,"A menudo resulta presa de Pokémon pájaro,
frente a los que su única defensa es el hedor
repulsivo que libera por su antena."
10,27,8,"Tenta di difendersi dai Pokémon alati
emettendo un forte fetore dalle antenne,
ma cade spesso vittima dei loro attacchi."
10,27,9,"When attacked by bird Pokémon, it resists by
releasing a terrifically strong odor from its
antennae, but it often becomes their prey."
10,27,11,"とりポケモンに 襲われると ツノから
臭いを だして 抵抗 するが
餌食に なることも 多い。"
10,28,1,"つかまえやすく せいちょうも はやい。
しんまいトレーナーの パートナーに
おススメの ポケモンの いっぴき。"
10,28,3,"잡기 쉽고 성장도 빠르다.
새내기 트레이너의 파트너로
추천하는 포켓몬 중 한 마리."
10,28,5,"Un Pokémon facile à attraper et qui croît
rapidement. Cest lun des partenaires
privilégiés des Dresseurs débutants."
10,28,6,"Es eignet sich bestens für frischgebackene
Trainer, da es sich leicht fangen lässt und
sich sehr schnell entwickelt."
10,28,7,"Se desarrolla rápidamente y es fácil de atrapar.
Es el compañero ideal para Entrenadores menos
10,28,8,"È facile da catturare e cresce in fretta.
È uno dei Pokémon più indicati per gli Allenatori
in erba."
10,28,9,"Its easy to catch, and it grows quickly, making
it one of the top recommendations for novice
Pokémon Trainers."
10,28,11,"捕まえやすく 成長も 早い。
新米トレーナーの パートナーに
おススメの ポケモンの 一匹。"
10,29,1,"はやく せいちょう したいのか
しょくよくおうせいで 1にちに
100まいの はっぱを くらう。"
10,29,3,"빨리 성장하고 싶어서인지
식욕이 왕성하여 하루에
100장의 잎사귀를 먹는다."
10,29,5,"Cest peut-être parce quil a envie de grandir
le plus vite possible quil est si vorace.
Il engloutit une centaine de feuilles par jour."
10,29,6,"Das nimmersatte Raupy verschlingt 100 Blätter
am Tag. Vermutlich strebt es so ein schnelleres
Wachstum an."
10,29,7,"Muestra un apetito voraz, debido quizás a sus
ganas de acelerar su desarrollo. Puede llegar a
devorar un centenar de hojas al día."
10,29,8,"Mangia 100 foglie al giorno. La sua voracità
potrebbe essere dovuta al desiderio di crescere
in fretta."
10,29,9,"Perhaps because it would like to grow up
quickly, it has a voracious appetite, eating
a hundred leaves a day."
10,29,11,"早く 成長 したいのか
食欲旺盛で 1日に
100枚の 葉っぱを 食らう。"
10,30,1,"からだは やわらかく ちからもない。
しぜんかいでは つねに エサとして
ねらわれ つづける うんめい。"
10,30,3,"몸은 부드럽고 힘도 없다.
자연계에서는 항상 먹이로
노려지게 될 운명이다."
10,30,5,"Son corps est mou et sans force.
La nature semble lavoir destiné à servir
de proie aux autres Pokémon."
10,30,6,"Sein weicher und schwacher Körper ist ein
allseits beliebtes Futter. Es muss sich daher
stets vor Angreifern in Acht nehmen."
10,30,7,"Su cuerpo es blando y carente de fuerza. Parece
que la naturaleza lo hubiera destinado a servir
de sustento a otros Pokémon."
10,30,8,"Il suo corpo è molle e privo di forza.
Molto spesso il suo destino in natura è
di cadere preda di altri Pokémon."
10,30,9,"Its body is soft and weak. In nature, its
perpetual fate is to be seen by others as food."
10,30,11,"身体は 柔らかく 力もない。
自然界では 常に エサとして
狙われ 続ける 運命。"
10,31,1,"あたまの さきにある しょっかくに
ふれると きょうれつな においを
だして みを まもろうとする。"
10,31,3,"머리끝에 있는 더듬이를
건드리면 강렬한 냄새를 내서
몸을 보호하려 한다."
10,31,5,"Quand on touche lappendice sur son front,
il sécrète une odeur nauséabonde pour se
10,31,6,"Berührt man die Fühler auf seinem Kopf,
so versucht es sich zu schützen, indem es
einen penetranten Geruch absondert."
10,31,7,"Cuando le tocan la antena roja que tiene en la
frente, se defiende desprendiendo un hedor
10,31,8,"Se gli si toccano le antenne che ha sulla testa,
si difende emettendo un odore insopportabile."
10,31,9,"If you touch the feeler on top of its head, it will
release a horrible stink to protect itself."
10,31,11,"頭の 先にある 触角に
ふれると 強烈な においを
出して 身を 守ろうとする。"
10,32,1,"あたまの さきにある しょっかくに
ふれると きょうれつな においを
だして みを まもろうとする。"
10,32,3,"머리끝에 있는 더듬이를
건드리면 강렬한 냄새를 내서
몸을 보호하려 한다."
10,32,5,"Quand on touche lappendice sur son front,
il sécrète une odeur nauséabonde pour se
10,32,6,"Berührt man die Fühler auf seinem Kopf,
so versucht es sich zu schützen, indem es
einen penetranten Geruch absondert."
10,32,7,"Cuando le tocan la antena roja que tiene en la
frente, se defiende desprendiendo un hedor
10,32,8,"Se gli si toccano le antenne che ha sulla testa,
si difende emettendo un odore insopportabile."
10,32,9,"If you touch the feeler on top of its head, it will
release a horrible stink to protect itself."
10,32,11,"頭の 先にある 触角に
ふれると 強烈な においを
出して 身を 守ろうとする。"
10,33,1,"あたまの しょっかくから
きょうれつな においを だして
てきを おいはらい みをまもる。"
10,33,3,"머리의 더듬이로부터
강렬한 냄새를 내어
적을 물리치고 몸을 보호한다."
10,33,5,"Pour se protéger, il émet par ses antennes
une odeur nauséabonde qui fait fuir ses ennemis."
10,33,6,"Als Schutz vor Feinden sondert es einen übel
riechenden Gestank mit seinen Antennen ab."
10,33,7,"Para protegerse, despide un hedor horrible por
las antenas con el que repele a sus enemigos."
10,33,8,"Per proteggersi emette un puzzo terribile dalle
antenne sul capo, con cui tiene lontani i nemici."
10,33,9,"For protection, it releases a horrible stench from
the antenna on its head to drive away enemies."
10,33,11,"頭の 触角から
強烈な においを だして
敵を 追いはらい 身を守る。"
10,34,1,"あしは みじかいが きゅうばんに
なっているので さかでも かべでも
くたびれることなく すすんでいく。"
10,34,3,"다리는 짧지만 빨판으로
되어 있어 비탈길이나 벽에서도
지치지 않고 나아간다."
10,34,5,"Ses petites pattes munies de ventouses
lui permettent de monter les pentes
et de grimper aux murs sans se fatiguer."
10,34,6,"Es hat Saugnäpfe an den Beinchen, mit denen es
mühelos Steigungen und Mauern erklimmen kann."
10,34,7,"Sus cortas patas están recubiertas de ventosas
que le permiten subir incansable por muros y
10,34,8,"Le ventose sulle sue corte zampe gli permettono
di affrontare ogni salita e di scalare senza fatica
qualsiasi muro."
10,34,9,"Its short feet are tipped with suction pads that
enable it to tirelessly climb slopes and walls."
10,34,11,"脚は 短いが 吸盤に
なっているので 坂でも 壁でも
くたびれることなく 進んでいく。"
11,1,9,"This POKéMON is
vulnerable to
attack while itsshell is soft,
exposing its weak
and tender body."
11,2,9,"This POKéMON is
vulnerable to
attack while itsshell is soft,
exposing its weak
and tender body."
11,3,9,"Hardens its shell
to protect itself.
However, a largeimpact may cause
it to pop out of
its shell."
11,4,9,"Inside the shell,
it is soft and
weak as it pre­pares to evolve.
It stays motion­
less in the shell."
11,5,9,"It prepares for
evolution by har­
dening its shellas much as possi­
ble to protect its
soft body."
11,6,9,"This is its pre-
evolved form. At
this stage, it canonly harden, so it
remains motionless
to avoid attack."
11,7,9,"The shell covering this POKéMONs body
is as hard as an iron slab.
METAPOD does not move very much.It stays still because it is preparing
its soft innards for evolution inside
the hard shell."
11,8,9,"The shell covering this POKéMONs body
is as hard as an iron slab.
METAPOD does not move very much.It stays still because it is preparing
its soft innards for evolution inside
the hard shell."
11,9,9,"Its shell is as hard as an iron slab.
A METAPOD does not move very much
because it is preparing its soft innards
for evolution inside the shell."
11,10,9,"Even though it is encased in a sturdy
shell, the body inside is tender.
It cant withstand a harsh attack."
11,11,9,"This POKéMON is vulnerable to attack
while its shell is soft, exposing its weak
and tender body."
11,12,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,13,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,14,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,15,9,"Inside the shell, it is soft and
weak as it prepares to evolve.
It stays motionless in the shell."
11,16,9,"It prepares for evolution by hardening
its shell as much as possible
to protect its soft body."
11,17,5,"Son corps frêle est protégé par sa
carapace dacier. Il encaisse les
coups durs en attendant dévoluer."
11,17,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,18,5,"Son corps frêle est protégé par sa
carapace dacier. Il encaisse les
coups durs en attendant dévoluer."
11,18,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,21,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,22,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its
tender body. It quietly endures
hardships while awaiting evolution."
11,23,1,"こうてつのように かたい カラで
やわらかい なかみを まもっている。
しんかするまで じっと たえている。"
11,23,3,"강철같이 단단한 껍질로
부드러운 몸을 보호하고 있다.
진화할 때까지 가만히 참고 있다."
11,23,5,"Son corps frêle est protégé par sa carapace dacier.
Il encaisse les coups durs en attendant dévoluer."
11,23,6,"Der stahlharte Panzer schützt seinen zarten Körper.
Es wartet geduldig auf seine Entwicklung."
11,23,7,"Su frágil cuerpo está recubierto de una coraza dura
como el acero. Permanece quieto en su desarrollo."
11,23,8,"Ha una corazza dura come lacciaio che protegge
il suo fragile corpo. Attende immobile di evolversi."
11,23,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its tender body.
It quietly endures hardships while
awaiting evolution."
11,23,11,"鋼鉄のように 硬い 殻で
やわらかい 中身を 守っている。
進化するまで じっと 耐えている。"
11,24,1,"カラが かたくなるまえに
つよい しょうげきを うけると
なかみが でてしまうので ちゅうい。"
11,24,3,"껍질이 단단해지기 전에
강한 충격을 받으면
속이 나와버리니 주의."
11,24,5,"Il est vulnérable aux attaques tant que sa carapace
est molle, car il expose son corps tendre et mou."
11,24,6,"Während der Panzer dieses Pokémon sehr weich ist,
bietet er keinen großen Schutz vor Attacken."
11,24,7,"Este Pokémon es vulnerable al ataque cuando su
coraza es blanda y no lo protege del todo."
11,24,8,"Quando la sua corazza è morbida, il corpo fragile di
questo Pokémon è più vulnerabile agli attacchi."
11,24,9,"This Pokémon is vulnerable to attack while its shell
is soft, exposing its weak and tender body."
11,24,11,"殻が 硬くなる前に
強い 衝撃を 受けると
中身が 出てしまうので 注意。"
11,25,1,"からだの カラは てっぱんの ように かたい。
あまり うごかないのは カラのなかで やわらかい
なかみが しんかの じゅんびを しているからだ。"
11,25,3,"몸의 껍질은 철판처럼 단단하다.
움직임이 적은 것은 껍질 안에서 부드러운
몸이 진화 준비를 하고 있어서다."
11,25,5,"La carapace protégeant ce Pokémon est dure comme du
métal. Chrysacier ne bouge pas beaucoup. Il reste immobile
pour préparer les organes à lintérieur de sa carapace en vue
dune évolution future."
11,25,6,"Der Panzer dieses Pokémon ist hart wie Stahl. Safcon bewegt
sich kaum, da es das weiche Innere unter seiner harten Schale
auf seine Entwicklung vorbereitet."
11,25,7,"La capa que recubre el cuerpo de este Pokémon es tan dura
como una plancha de hierro. Metapod apenas se mueve.
Permanece inmóvil para que las vísceras evolucionen dentro
de la coraza que le rodea."
11,25,8,"La corazza di questo Pokémon è dura come una lastra
di ferro. Metapod non si muove molto. Sta immobile per
preparare il morbido interno della dura corazza allevoluzione."
11,25,9,"The shell covering this Pokémons body is as hard as an
iron slab. Metapod does not move very much. It stays still
because it is preparing its soft innards for evolution inside
the hard shell."
11,25,11,"体の カラは 鉄板の ように 硬い。
あまり 動かないのは カラの中で 柔らかい
中身が 進化の 準備を しているからだ。"
11,26,1,"からだの カラは てっぱんの ように かたい。
あまり うごかないのは カラのなかで やわらかい
なかみが しんかの じゅんびを しているからだ。"
11,26,3,"몸의 껍질은 철판처럼 단단하다.
움직임이 적은 것은 껍질 안에서 부드러운
몸이 진화 준비를 하고 있어서다."
11,26,5,"La carapace protégeant ce Pokémon est dure comme du
métal. Chrysacier ne bouge pas beaucoup. Il reste immobile
pour préparer les organes à lintérieur de sa carapace en vue
dune évolution future."
11,26,6,"Der Panzer dieses Pokémon ist hart wie Stahl. Safcon bewegt
sich kaum, da es das weiche Innere unter seiner harten Schale
auf seine Entwicklung vorbereitet."
11,26,7,"La capa que recubre el cuerpo de este Pokémon es tan dura
como una plancha de hierro. Metapod apenas se mueve.
Permanece inmóvil para que las vísceras evolucionen dentro
de la coraza que le rodea."
11,26,8,"La corazza di questo Pokémon è dura come una lastra
di ferro. Metapod non si muove molto. Sta immobile per
preparare il morbido interno della dura corazza allevoluzione."
11,26,9,"The shell covering this Pokémons body is as hard as an
iron slab. Metapod does not move very much.
It stays still because it is preparing its soft innards for
evolution inside the hard shell."
11,26,11,"体の カラは 鉄板の ように 硬い。
あまり 動かないのは カラの中で 柔らかい
中身が 進化の 準備を しているからだ。"
11,27,1,"カラのなかには トロトロの なかみが
つまっている。 ほぼ うごかないのは
ウッカリ なかみが こぼれないため。"
11,27,3,"껍질 안은 부드러운 내용물로 가득 차 있다.
거의 움직이지 않는 것은 무심코
내용물이 흘러나오게 하지 않기 위해서다."
11,27,5,"Sous sa carapace, il est tout mou et tendre.
Il bouge très peu afin de ne pas secouer son
corps encore fragile."
11,27,6,"Sein harter Panzer birgt ein weiches Inneres.
Um zu vermeiden, dass dieses versehentlich
ausläuft, bewegt es sich kaum."
11,27,7,"La dura capa que le recubre el cuerpo protege
sus delicadas vísceras. Metapod apenas se
mueve para evitar que estas se desparramen."
11,27,8,"La corazza racchiude un corpo estremamente
molle e il Pokémon si muove appena per paura
che fuoriesca accidentalmente."
11,27,9,"Its shell is filled with its soft innards. It doesnt
move much because of the risk it might
carelessly spill its innards out."
11,27,11,"カラの中には トロトロの 中身が
詰まっている。 ほぼ動かないのは
ウッカリ 中身が こぼれないため。"
11,28,1,"かたいと いっても むしの カラ。
われてしまうことも あるので
はげしい たたかいは きんもつ。"
11,28,3,"단단하다고는 해도 벌레의 껍질.
갈라질 수도 있으므로
격렬한 싸움은 금물이다."
11,28,5,"Même si sa carapace est solide, elle nest guère
composée que de chitine et peut se briser
aisément. Mieux vaut éviter les combats rudes."
11,28,6,"Sein Panzer ist zwar hart, aber dennoch anfällig
für Risse, da es ein Käfer-Pokémon ist.
Für schwere Kämpfe ist es daher ungeeignet."
11,28,7,"Su coraza es muy dura, pero no deja de estar
hecha de quitina, por lo que podría quebrarse.
Es mejor no llevarlo en combates muy intensos."
11,28,8,"La sua corazza è piuttosto dura per un
Pokémon Coleottero, ma potrebbe comunque
rompersi. Meglio evitare lotte troppo veementi."
11,28,9,"Its shell is hard, but its still just a bug shell.
Its been known to break, so intense battles
with it should be avoided."
11,28,11,"硬いと いっても 虫の 殻。
割れてしまうことも あるので
激しい 戦いは 禁物。"
11,29,1,"カラのなかは ドロドロの えきたい。
しんかに そなえて からだじゅうの
さいぼうを つくりなおしている。"
11,29,3,"껍질 안은 걸쭉한 액체다.
진화를 대비하여 몸 전체의
세포를 재구성하고 있다."
11,29,5,"Sa carapace contient un liquide gluant.
Sa structure cellulaire est en cours de
modification en vue de son évolution prochaine."
11,29,6,"Sein Panzer birgt ein dickflüssiges Inneres.
In Vorbereitung auf seine Entwicklung wird seine
Zellstruktur vollständig umgestaltet."
11,29,7,"El interior del caparazón es un líquido viscoso.
Todas las células de su cuerpo se están
regenerando en preparación para su evolución."
11,29,8,"La sua corazza contiene un liquido vischioso.
Ristruttura tutte le cellule del suo corpo
preparandosi allevoluzione."
11,29,9,"Its shell is filled with a thick liquid. All of the
cells throughout its body are being rebuilt in
preparation for evolution."
11,29,11,"カラの中は ドロドロの 液体。
進化に 備えて 体中の
細胞を 作りなおしている。"
11,30,1,"とても かたいカラは ツツケラに
つつかれても びくともしないが
ゆれて なかみが こぼれてしまう。"
11,30,3,"매우 단단한 껍질은 콕코구리가
쪼아도 꿈쩍도 하지 않지만 흔들림에
약해서 내용물이 흘러나와 버린다."
11,30,5,"Sa carapace est très solide et résiste sans
peine aux assauts des Picassaut. Si elle bascule,
par contre, son contenu séparpille au sol."
11,30,6,"Ein Schnabelangriff von Peppeck kann Safcons
hartem Panzer nichts anhaben, doch wenn es
zu schaukeln beginnt, läuft sein Inneres aus."
11,30,7,"Su dura coraza resiste los picotazos de un
Pikipek, pero, si se agita mucho, su contenido
puede verterse por el suelo."
11,30,8,"La sua dura corazza resiste anche alle beccate
dei Pikipek ma, se oscilla troppo, il contenuto
può fuoriuscire."
11,30,9,"Its hard shell doesnt crack a bit even if Pikipek
pecks at it, but it will tip over, spilling out
its insides."
11,30,11,"とても 硬いカラは ツツケラに
突かれても びくともしないが
揺れて 中身が こぼれてしまう。"
11,31,1,"みをまもるため ひたすら カラを
かたくしても つよい しょうげきを
うけると なかみが でてしまう。"
11,31,3,"몸을 보호하기 위해 끊임없이
껍질을 단단하게 하지만 강한 충격을
받으면 내용물이 나와버린다."
11,31,5,"Il renforce sa carapace pour se protéger,
mais un coup puissant peut len déloger."
11,31,6,"Um sich zu schützen, härtet es eifrig seinen
Panzer, doch wenn es heftige Treffer einsteckt,
wird sein Inneres entblößt."
11,31,7,"Pese a su constante empeño por endurecer su
coraza para protegerse, puede romperse si
recibe un fuerte impacto y quedar expuesto."
11,31,8,"Per difendersi indurisce la corazza, ma un colpo
violento può scaraventarlo fuori dal guscio."
11,31,9,"Hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a
large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell."
11,31,11,"身を守るため ひたすら カラを
硬くしても 強い 衝撃を
受けると 中身が 出てしまう。"
11,32,1,"みをまもるため ひたすら カラを
かたくしても つよい しょうげきを
うけると なかみが でてしまう。"
11,32,3,"몸을 보호하기 위해 끊임없이
껍질을 단단하게 하지만 강한 충격을
받으면 내용물이 나와버린다."
11,32,5,"Il renforce sa carapace pour se protéger,
mais un coup puissant peut len déloger."
11,32,6,"Um sich zu schützen, härtet es eifrig seinen
Panzer, doch wenn es heftige Treffer einsteckt,
wird sein Inneres entblößt."
11,32,7,"Pese a su constante empeño por endurecer su
coraza para protegerse, puede romperse si
recibe un fuerte impacto y quedar expuesto."
11,32,8,"Per difendersi indurisce la corazza, ma un colpo
violento può scaraventarlo fuori dal guscio."
11,32,9,"Hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a
large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell."
11,32,11,"身を守るため ひたすら カラを
硬くしても 強い 衝撃を
受けると 中身が 出てしまう。"
11,33,1,"しんかを まっている じょうたい。
かたくなる ことしか できないので
おそわれないよう じっとしている。"
11,33,3,"진화를 기다리고 있는 상태다.
단단해지는 것밖에 할 수 없어서
공격받지 않도록 꿈쩍 않고 있다."
11,33,5,"En attendant sa prochaine évolution, il ne peut
que durcir sa carapace et rester immobile
pour éviter de se faire attaquer."
11,33,6,"In diesem Zustand wartet es auf die Entwicklung.
Es kann nur seinen Panzer erhärten, daher bewegt
es sich nicht, um nicht angegriffen zu werden."
11,33,7,"Como en este estado solo puede endurecer
su coraza, permanece inmóvil a la espera de
11,33,8,"In attesa di evolversi, lunica cosa che può fare
è indurire la sua corazza, quindi rimane immobile
per evitare di essere attaccato."
11,33,9,"It is waiting for the moment to evolve. At this
stage, it can only harden, so it remains
motionless to avoid attack."
11,33,11,"進化を 待っている 状態。
硬くなる ことしか できないので
襲われないよう じっとしている。"
11,34,1,"かたい カラに つつまれているが
なかみは やわらかいので
つよい こうげきには たえられない。"
11,34,3,"단단한 껍질로 둘러싸여 있지만
안은 부드럽기 때문에
강한 공격에는 버티지 못한다."
11,34,5,"Bien que son corps soit entouré dune carapace
solide, lintérieur est si mou quil ne résisterait
pas à une attaque violente."
11,34,6,"In seiner harten Schale ist ein weicher Körper.
Einem brutalen Angriff hat es nichts
11,34,7,"Aunque cuenta con una coraza muy dura, tiene
un cuerpo bastante blando. Un ataque violento
puede acabar con él."
11,34,8,"La corazza esterna è robusta ma linterno
è molle. Per questo non è in grado di resistere
ad attacchi particolarmente veementi."
11,34,9,"Even though it is encased in a sturdy shell,
the body inside is tender. It cant withstand a
harsh attack."
11,34,11,"硬い 殻に 包まれているが
中身は 軟らかいので
強い 攻撃には 耐えられない。"
12,1,9,"In battle, it
flaps its wings
at high speed torelease highly
toxic dust into
the air."
12,2,9,"In battle, it
flaps its wings
at high speed torelease highly
toxic dust into
the air."
12,3,9,"Its wings, covered
with poisonous
powders, repelwater. This
allows it to fly
in the rain."
12,4,9,"It collects honey
every day. It rubs
honey onto thehairs on its legs
to carry it back
to its nest."
powder on its
wings enables itto collect honey,
even in the heav­
iest of rains."
12,6,9,"It flits from
flower to flower,
collecting honey.It can even
identify distant
flowers in bloom."
12,7,9,"BUTTERFREE has a superior ability to
search for delicious honey from
flowers.It can even search out, extract, and
carry honey from flowers that are
blooming over six miles from its nest."
12,8,9,"BUTTERFREE has a superior ability to
search for delicious honey from
flowers.It can even search out, extract, and
carry honey from flowers that are
blooming over six miles from its nest."
12,9,9,"It has a superior ability to search for
delicious honey from flowers. It can seek,
extract, and carry honey from flowers
blooming over six miles away."
12,10,9,"The wings are protected by rain-repellent
dust. As a result, this POKéMON can fly
about even in rain."
12,11,9,"In battle, it flaps its wings at great
speed to release highly toxic dust into
the air."
12,12,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,13,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,14,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,15,9,"It collects honey every day. It rubs
honey onto the hairs on its legs
to carry it back to its nest."
12,16,9,"Water-repellent powder on its
wings enables it to collect honey,
even in the heaviest of rains."
12,17,5,"Il raffole du nectar des fleurs. Il
est capable de repérer la plus
petite quantité de pollen."
12,17,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,18,5,"Il raffole du nectar des fleurs. Il
est capable de repérer la plus
petite quantité de pollen."
12,18,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,21,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,22,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and
can locate flower patches that
have even tiny amounts of pollen."
12,23,1,"はなの ミツが だいこうぶつ。
わずかな かふんで はなばたけの
ばしょを さがしだすことが できる。"
12,23,3,"꽃의 꿀을 매우 좋아한다.
약간의 꽃가루만으로 꽃밭이
있는 장소를 찾아낼 수 있다."
12,23,5,"Il raffole du nectar des fleurs. Il est capable de
repérer la plus petite quantité de pollen."
12,23,6,"Es liebt Blütenhonig. Es findet selbst Blumen,
die sehr wenig Pollen haben."
12,23,7,"Adora el néctar de las flores. Puede localizar hasta las
más pequeñas cantidades de polen."
12,23,8,"Adora il nettare dei fiori e riesce a localizzare i campi
in cui si trova anche una minima quantità di polline."
12,23,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and can locate
flower patches that have even tiny amounts
of pollen."
12,23,11,"花の ミツが 大好物。
わずかな 花粉で 花畑の
場所を 探し出すことが できる。"
12,24,1,"ハネは みずを はじく りんぷんに
まもられている。あめの ひでも
そらを とぶことが できる。"
12,24,3,"물을 튕겨내는 가루가
날개를 보호하고 있다. 비가 오는 날에도
하늘을 날 수 있다."
12,24,5,"Ses ailes sont recouvertes dune poudre les
protégeant de la pluie. Ce Pokémon peut donc voler
pendant de grosses averses."
12,24,6,"Seine Flügel sind mit Wasser abweisendem Staub
überzogen. Daher kann dieses Pokémon auch bei
Regen fliegen."
12,24,7,"Tiene las alas protegidas con una capa impermeable,
de ahí que pueda volar también cuando llueve."
12,24,8,"Una polvere idrorepellente gli ricopre le ali,
permettendogli di volare anche sotto la pioggia."
12,24,9,"The wings are protected by rain-repellent dust.
As a result, this Pokémon can fly about even
in rain."
12,24,11,"羽は 水を 弾く りんぷんに
守られている。雨の 日でも
空を 飛ぶことが できる。"
12,25,1,"おいしい はなの ミツを さがす のうりょくに
すぐれ すみかから 10キロはなれた ばしょに
さく はなから ミツを あつめて はこんでいる。"
12,25,3,"맛있는 꽃의 꿀을 찾는 능력이
뛰어나서 사는 곳에서 10km 떨어진 장소에
핀 꽃에서 꿀을 모아 옮긴다."
12,25,5,"Papilusion est très doué pour repérer le délicieux nectar quil
butine dans les fleurs. Il peut détecter, extraire et transporter
le nectar de fleurs situées à plus de 10 km de son nid."
12,25,6,"Smettbos größte Fähigkeit ist das Aufspüren köstlichen
Blütenhonigs. Es findet sogar Honig in Blumen, die fast
10 km von seinem Nest entfernt blühen."
12,25,7,"Butterfree tiene una habilidad especial para encontrar
delicioso polen en las flores. Puede localizar, extraer y
transportar polen de flores que estén floreciendo a 10 km
de distancia de su nido."
12,25,8,"Butterfree è dotato di abilità molto raffinate per individuare
il delizioso nettare dei fiori. Riesce a trovare, estrarre
e trasportare il nettare dai fiori in boccio al nido anche
per 10 km."
12,25,9,"Butterfree has a superior ability to search for delicious honey
from flowers. It can even search out, extract, and carry honey
from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest."
12,25,11,"美味しい 花の ミツを 探す 能力に
優れ すみかから 10キロ離れた 場所に
咲く 花から ミツを 集めて 運んでいる。"
12,26,1,"おいしい はなの ミツを さがす のうりょくに
すぐれ すみかから 10キロはなれた ばしょに
さく はなから ミツを あつめて はこんでいる。"
12,26,3,"맛있는 꽃의 꿀을 찾는 능력이
뛰어나서 사는 곳에서 10km 떨어진 장소에
핀 꽃에서 꿀을 모아 옮긴다."
12,26,5,"Papilusion est très doué pour repérer le délicieux nectar quil
butine dans les fleurs. Il peut détecter, extraire et transporter
le nectar de fleurs situées à plus de 10 km de son nid."
12,26,6,"Smettbos größte Fähigkeit ist das Aufspüren köstlichen
Blütenhonigs. Es findet sogar Honig in Blumen, die fast
10 km von seinem Nest entfernt blühen."
12,26,7,"Butterfree tiene una habilidad especial para encontrar
delicioso polen en las flores. Puede localizar, extraer y
transportar polen de flores que estén floreciendo a 10 km
de distancia de su nido."
12,26,8,"Butterfree è dotato di abilità molto raffinate per individuare
il delizioso nettare dei fiori. Riesce a trovare, estrarre
e trasportare il nettare dai fiori in boccio al nido anche
per 10 km."
12,26,9,"Butterfree has a superior ability to search for delicious honey
from flowers. It can even search out, extract, and carry honey
from flowers that are blooming over six miles from its nest."
12,26,11,"美味しい 花の ミツを 探す 能力に
優れ すみかから 10キロ離れた 場所に
咲く 花から ミツを 集めて 運んでいる。"
12,27,1,"おおきな めを よく かんさつすると
じつは ちいさな めが むすうに
あつまって できているのが わかる。"
12,27,3,"커다란 눈을 잘 관찰하면
사실 작은 눈이 무수히 모여
만들어진 것을 알 수 있다."
12,27,5,"Si lon regarde ses grands yeux de plus près,
on remarque quil sagit en réalité dune
multitude de petits yeux réunis."
12,27,6,"Bei genauerer Betrachtung zeigt sich, dass
seine zwei großen Augen jeweils aus einer
Vielzahl an kleineren Augen bestehen."
12,27,7,"Al mirar sus grandes ojos desde cerca, puede
observarse como en realidad están compuestos
de incontables ojos diminutos."
12,27,8,"Osservando da vicino i suoi grandi occhi
si nota che in realtà sono composti da una
miriade di minuscoli occhietti."
12,27,9,"Close examination of its large eyes reveals that
each eye is composed of a myriad of tiny eyes."
12,27,11,"大きな 眼を よく 観察すると
実は 小さな 眼が 無数に
集まって できているのが わかる。"
12,28,1,"ほかの ポケモンに おそわれると
どくの りんぷんを まきちらしながら
はばたいて ていこう するのだ。"
12,28,3,"다른 포켓몬에게 습격당하면
독 인분을 흩뿌리며
날갯짓하여 저항한다."
12,28,5,"Pour se défendre contre les agressions dautres
Pokémon, il bat des ailes en éparpillant autour
de lui un nuage de poussière toxique."
12,28,6,"Wird es von einem anderen Pokémon angegriffen,
wehrt es sich, indem es mit den Flügeln schlägt
und giftigen Flügelstaub verstreut."
12,28,7,"Cuando lo atacan, Butterfree aletea con fuerza
y esparce escamas venenosas con las que hace
frente a su adversario."
12,28,8,"Quando viene attaccato da altri Pokémon,
si difende sbattendo le ali e spargendo intorno
a sé polveri velenose."
12,28,9,"When attacked by other Pokémon, it defends
itself by scattering its poisonous scales and
fluttering its wings."
12,28,11,"他の ポケモンに 襲われると
毒の 鱗粉を 撒き散らしながら
羽ばたいて 抵抗 するのだ。"
12,29,1,"ハネを つつむ りんぷんは もうどく。
キャタピーを ねらう とりポケモンを
みつけると ふりかけて おいはらうぞ。"
12,29,3,"날개를 감싼 인분은 맹독이다.
캐터피를 노리는 새포켓몬을
발견하면 흩뿌려 내쫓는다."
12,29,5,"Lorsquil surprend un Pokémon oiseau attaquant
un Chenipan, il répand les écailles très toxiques
qui recouvrent ses ailes sur lassaillant."
12,29,6,"Sieht es ein Raupy, das von Vogel-Pokémon
angegriffen wird, schlägt es diese mit seinem
hochgiftigen Flügelstaub in die Flucht."
12,29,7,"Si un Pokémon pájaro acecha a un Caterpie,
Butterfree esparcirá las escamas venenosas
que recubren sus alas para ahuyentarlo."
12,29,8,"Se vede dei Pokémon alati attaccare Caterpie,
li scaccia cospargendoli con la velenosissima 
polvere che ricopre le sue ali."
12,29,9,"Its wings are covered in toxic scales. If it finds
bird Pokémon going after Caterpie, Butterfree
sprinkles its scales on them to drive them off."
12,29,11,"羽を 包む りん粉は 猛毒。
キャタピーを 狙う とりポケモンを
見つけると ふりかけて 追い払うぞ。"
12,30,1,"きれいな はなの ミツが こうぶつ。
はなばたけで アブリーとの しれつな
なわばりあらそいを くりひろげる。"
12,30,3,"예쁜 꽃의 꿀을 좋아한다.
꽃밭에서 에블리와 치열한
영역 싸움을 벌인다."
12,30,5,"Il raffole du nectar des plus jolies fleurs.
Dans les prairies, les luttes territoriales
lopposant à Bombydou sont impitoyables."
12,30,6,"Es liebt den Blütenhonig schöner Blumen.
Auf Blumenfeldern liefert es sich erbitterte
Revierkämpfe mit Wommel."
12,30,7,"Adora el néctar de las flores más bellas. Libra
feroces disputas territoriales en los prados con
los Cutiefly."
12,30,8,"È ghiotto del nettare dei fiori più belli.
Si contende i prati in fiore con Cutiefly in furiose
lotte per il territorio."
12,30,9,"Nectar from pretty flowers is its favorite food.
In fields of flowers, it has heated battles with
Cutiefly for territory."
12,30,11,"綺麗な 花の ミツが 好物。
花畑で アブリーとの 熾烈な
縄張り争いを 繰り広げる。"
12,31,1,"ハネの もうどくの りんぷんには
みずをはじく せいしつが あるので
あめのひ でも とびまわれる。"
12,31,3,"날개에 있는 맹독을 가진 인분에는
물을 튕겨내는 성질이 있어
비가 오는 날에도 날아다닐 수 있다."
12,31,5,"Ses ailes sont enduites dune poudre toxique
imperméable lui permettant de voler sous
la pluie."
12,31,6,"Da die hochgiftige Staubschicht auf seinen
Flügeln wasserabweisend ist, kann es auch
bei Regen umherfliegen."
12,31,7,"Sus alas están recubiertas de escamas venenosas
impermeables que le permiten volar bajo la
12,31,8,"Possiede ali idrorepellenti ricoperte da una
polvere velenosa. Può volare anche quando
12,31,9,"Its wings, covered with poisonous powder, repel
water. This allows it to fly in the rain."
12,31,11,"ハネの 猛毒の りん粉には
水を弾く 性質が あるので
雨の日 でも 飛びまわれる。"
12,32,1,"ハネの もうどくの りんぷんには
みずをはじく せいしつが あるので
あめのひ でも とびまわれる。"
12,32,3,"날개에 있는 맹독을 가진 인분에는
물을 튕겨내는 성질이 있어
비가 오는 날에도 날아다닐 수 있다."
12,32,5,"Ses ailes sont enduites dune poudre toxique
imperméable lui permettant de voler sous
la pluie."
12,32,6,"Da die hochgiftige Staubschicht auf seinen
Flügeln wasserabweisend ist, kann es auch
bei Regen umherfliegen."
12,32,7,"Sus alas están recubiertas de escamas venenosas
impermeables que le permiten volar bajo la
12,32,8,"Possiede ali idrorepellenti ricoperte da una
polvere velenosa. Può volare anche quando
12,32,9,"Its wings, covered with poisonous powder, repel
water. This allows it to fly in the rain."
12,32,11,"ハネの 猛毒の りん粉には
水を弾く 性質が あるので
雨の日 でも 飛びまわれる。"
12,33,1,"こまかく はやく はばたいたら
もうどくの りんぷんが
かぜに のって とんでくるぞ。"
12,33,3,"매우 빠르게 날갯짓하면
맹독성의 인분이
바람을 타고 날아간다."
12,33,5,"En combat, il bat des ailes très rapidement pour
projeter de la poudre toxique sur ses ennemis."
12,33,6,"Wenn es sehr schnell mit den Flügeln schlägt,
setzt es hochgiftigen Flügelstaub frei."
12,33,7,"Aletea a gran velocidad para lanzar al aire sus
escamas extremadamente tóxicas."
12,33,8,"Sbatte le ali a gran velocità per liberare
le sue polveri tossiche nellaria."
12,33,9,"In battle, it flaps its wings at great speed to
release highly toxic dust into the air."
12,33,11,"こまかく 速く 羽ばたいたら
猛毒の りんぷんが
風に のって 飛んでくるぞ。"
12,34,1,"まいにち ミツを あつめまわる。
あしの うぶげに ミツを ぬりこんで
すに もちかえる しゅうせいをもつ。"
12,34,3,"매일 꿀을 모으러 다닌다.
다리의 솜털에 꿀을 발라
둥지로 가지고 가는 습성이 있다."
12,34,5,"Il ramasse du nectar chaque jour et lagglutine
sur les poils de ses pattes pour le transporter
jusquà son nid."
12,34,6,"Es sammelt täglich Honig. Es reibt ihn in seine
Beinhaare, um ihn in sein Nest zu transportieren."
12,34,7,"Recoge néctar a diario y se lo adhiere al pelo de
las patas para llevarlo a su nido."
12,34,8,"Raccoglie nettare tutti i giorni e lo spalma sulla
peluria che ricopre le sue zampe per trasportarlo
al nido."
12,34,9,"It collects honey every day. It rubs honey onto
the hairs on its legs to carry it back to its nest."
12,34,11,"毎日 ミツを 集めまわる。
脚の 産毛に ミツを 塗りこんで
巣に 持ち帰る 習性をもつ。"
13,1,9,"Often found in
forests, eating
leaves.It has a sharp
venomous stinger
on its head."
13,2,9,"Often found in
forests, eating
leaves.It has a sharp
venomous stinger
on its head."
13,3,9,"Beware of the
sharp stinger on
its head. Ithides in grass
and bushes where
it eats leaves."
13,4,9,"Its poison stinger
is very powerful.
Its bright-coloredbody is intended
to warn off its
13,5,9,"It attacks using a
two-inch poison
barb on its head.It can usually be
found under the
leaves it eats."
13,6,9,"The barb on top of
its head secretes
a strong poison.It uses this toxic
barb to protect
13,7,9,"WEEDLE has an extremely acute sense
of smell.
It is capable of distinguishing itsfavorite kinds of leaves from those it
dislikes just by sniffing with its big
red proboscis (nose)."
13,8,9,"WEEDLE has an extremely acute sense
of smell.
It is capable of distinguishing itsfavorite kinds of leaves from those it
dislikes just by sniffing with its big
red proboscis (nose)."
13,9,9,"A WEEDLE has an extremely acute sense
of smell. It distinguishes its favorite
kinds of leaves from those it dislikes by
sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose)."
13,10,9,"Often found in forests and grasslands.
It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two
inches on top of its head."
13,11,9,"Often found in forests, eating leaves.
It has a sharp stinger on its head that
injects poison."
13,12,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,13,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,14,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,15,9,"Its poison stinger is very powerful.
Its bright-colored body is intended
to warn off its enemies."
13,16,9,"It attacks using a two-inch poison
barb on its head. It can usually be
found under the leaves it eats."
13,17,5,"Il mange chaque jour son poids en
feuilles. Il utilise laiguillon sur sa
tête pour repousser lennemi."
13,17,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,18,5,"Il mange chaque jour son poids en
feuilles. Il utilise laiguillon sur sa
tête pour repousser lennemi."
13,18,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,21,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,22,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every
day. It fends off attackers with
the needle on its head."
13,23,1,"もりや くさちに おおく せいそく。
あたまの さきに 5センチぐらいの
ちいさく するどい どくばりをもつ。"
13,23,3,"숲이나 풀밭에 많이 서식한다.
머리끝에 5cm 정도의
작고 날카로운 독침을 지니고 있다."
13,23,5,"On trouve souvent ce Pokémon dans les forêts et
les hautes herbes. Laiguillon de 5 cm sur sa tête
contient un venin très toxique."
13,23,6,"Es lebt bevorzugt in Wäldern und in hohem Gras.
Auf dem Kopf trägt es einen circa 5 cm langen,
spitzen, giftigen Stachel."
13,23,7,"Suele habitar bosques y praderas. Tiene un afilado y
venenoso aguijón de unos 5 cm encima de la cabeza."
13,23,8,"Vive soprattutto nei boschi e nei prati. Sul capo ha
un affilato e velenoso pungiglione lungo 5 cm."
13,23,9,"Often found in forests and grasslands.
It has a sharp, toxic barb of around two inches
on top of its head."
13,23,11,"森や 草地に 多く 生息。
頭の 先に 5センチぐらいの
小さく 鋭い 毒針を持つ。"
13,24,1,"どくばりは とても きょうりょく。
めだつ からだの いろは
あいてに けいかいを させるためだ。"
13,24,3,"독침이 매우 강력하다.
눈에 띄는 몸의 색깔은
상대방을 경계시키기 위해서다."
13,24,5,"Son aiguillon empoisonné est très dangereux.
Son corps est coloré afin de repousser ses ennemis."
13,24,6,"Sein Giftstachel ist gefährlich. Sein hellleuchtender
Körper soll Feinde abschrecken."
13,24,7,"Su venenoso aguijón es muy potente y su colorido
cuerpo hace que los enemigos huyan."
13,24,8,"Ha un pungiglione molto velenoso. La vivace
colorazione del suo corpo è un avvertimento per i
13,24,9,"Its poison stinger is very powerful.
Its bright-colored body is intended to
warn off its enemies."
13,24,11,"毒針は とても 強力。
目立つ 体の 色は
相手に 警戒を させるためだ。"
13,25,1,"とても するどい きゅうかくを もっている。
こうぶつの はっぱか きらいな はっぱか
おおきな あかい はなで かぎわける。"
13,25,3,"굉장히 예민한 후각을 지니고 있다.
좋아하는 잎사귀인지 싫어하는 잎사귀인지
크고 빨간 코로 냄새 맡아 구별한다."
13,25,5,"Lodorat dAspicot est extrêmement développé. Il lui suffit de
renifler ses feuilles préférées avec son gros appendice nasal
pour les reconnaître entre mille."
13,25,6,"Hornliu verfügt über einen ausgezeichneten Geruchssinn.
So kann es seine Lieblingsblätter von denen unterscheiden,
die es nicht mag, indem es mit seiner großen roten Nase
daran schnuppert."
13,25,7,"Weedle tiene un finísimo sentido del olfato. Es capaz de
distinguir las hojas que le gustan de las que no le gustan
olisqueando un poco con la gran nariz que tiene."
13,25,8,"Weedle ha un senso dellolfatto estremamente sviluppato.
Riesce a distinguere le sue foglie preferite da quelle che
lo disgustano semplicemente annusandole con il grande
naso rosso."
13,25,9,"Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable of
distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it dislikes
just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose)."
13,25,11,"とても 鋭い 嗅覚を 持っている。
好物の 葉っぱか 嫌いな 葉っぱか
大きな 赤い 鼻で 嗅ぎ分ける。"
13,26,1,"とても するどい きゅうかくを もっている。
こうぶつの はっぱか きらいな はっぱか
おおきな あかい はなで かぎわける。"
13,26,3,"굉장히 예민한 후각을 지니고 있다.
좋아하는 잎사귀인지 싫어하는 잎사귀인지
크고 빨간 코로 냄새 맡아 구별한다."
13,26,5,"Lodorat dAspicot est extrêmement développé. Il lui suffit de
renifler ses feuilles préférées avec son gros appendice nasal
pour les reconnaître entre mille."
13,26,6,"Hornliu verfügt über einen ausgezeichneten Geruchssinn.
Es ist in der Lage, seine Lieblingsblätter von denen zu
unterscheiden, die es nicht mag, indem es mit seinem großen
roten Rüssel daran schnuppert."
13,26,7,"Weedle tiene un finísimo sentido del olfato. Es capaz de
distinguir las hojas que le gustan de las que no le gustan
olisqueando un poco con la gran nariz que tiene."
13,26,8,"Weedle ha un senso dellolfatto estremamente sviluppato.
Riesce a distinguere le sue foglie preferite da quelle che
lo disgustano semplicemente annusandole con il grande
naso rosso."
13,26,9,"Weedle has an extremely acute sense of smell. It is capable
of distinguishing its favorite kinds of leaves from those it
dislikes just by sniffing with its big red proboscis (nose)."
13,26,11,"とても 鋭い 嗅覚を 持っている。
好物の 葉っぱか 嫌いな 葉っぱか
大きな 赤い 鼻で 嗅ぎ分ける。"
13,31,1,"あたまに するどい ハリを もつ。
もりや くさちの しげみに かくれ
ひたすら ハッパを たべている。"
13,31,3,"머리에 날카로운 침을 지니고 있다.
우거진 숲이나 풀밭에 숨어
끊임없이 풀잎을 먹고 있다."
13,31,5,"Laiguillon sur son front est très pointu.
Il se cache dans les bois et les hautes herbes,
où il se gave de feuilles."
13,31,6,"Auf seinem Kopf befindet sich ein spitzer
Stachel. Es versteckt sich im hohen Gras
sowie in Wäldern und frisst eifrig Blätter."
13,31,7,"El aguijón de la cabeza es muy puntiagudo.
Se alimenta de hojas oculto en la espesura
de bosques y praderas."
13,31,8,"Ha un pungiglione acuminato sul capo. Vive tra
lerba alta e nei boschi, dove si nutre di foglie."
13,31,9,"Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides
in grass and bushes where it eats leaves."
13,31,11,"頭に 鋭い ハリを もつ。
森や 草地の 茂みに 隠れ
ひたすら ハッパを 食べている。"
13,32,1,"あたまに するどい ハリを もつ。
もりや くさちの しげみに かくれ
ひたすら ハッパを たべている。"
13,32,3,"머리에 날카로운 침을 지니고 있다.
우거진 숲이나 풀밭에 숨어
끊임없이 풀잎을 먹고 있다."
13,32,5,"Laiguillon sur son front est très pointu.
Il se cache dans les bois et les hautes herbes,
où il se gave de feuilles."
13,32,6,"Auf seinem Kopf befindet sich ein spitzer
Stachel. Es versteckt sich im hohen Gras
sowie in Wäldern und frisst eifrig Blätter."
13,32,7,"El aguijón de la cabeza es muy puntiagudo.
Se alimenta de hojas oculto en la espesura
de bosques y praderas."
13,32,8,"Ha un pungiglione acuminato sul capo. Vive tra
lerba alta e nei boschi, dove si nutre di foglie."
13,32,9,"Beware of the sharp stinger on its head. It hides
in grass and bushes where it eats leaves."
13,32,11,"頭に 鋭い ハリを もつ。
森や 草地の 茂みに 隠れ
ひたすら ハッパを 食べている。"
14,1,9,"Almost incapable
of moving, this
POKéMON can onlyharden its shell
to protect itself
from predators."
14,2,9,"Almost incapable
of moving, this
POKéMON can onlyharden its shell
to protect itself
from predators."
14,3,9,"Able to move only
slightly. When
endangered, itmay stick out its
stinger and poison
its enemy."
14,4,9,"Although it is a
cocoon, it can
move a little. Itcan extend its
poison barb if it
is attacked."
14,5,9,"From this form,
it will grow into
an adult. As itsbody becomes soft­
er, the external
shell hardens."
14,6,9,"Nearly incapable
of movement, it
leans againststout trees while
waiting for its
14,7,9,"KAKUNA remains virtually immobile as it
clings to a tree. However, on the
inside, it is extremely busy as itprepares for its coming evolution.
This is evident from how hot the shell
becomes to the touch."
14,8,9,"KAKUNA remains virtually immobile as it
clings to a tree. However, on the
inside, it is extremely busy as itprepares for its coming evolution.
This is evident from how hot the shell
becomes to the touch."
14,9,9,"It remains virtually immobile while it
clings to a tree. However, on the inside,
it busily prepares for evolution. This is
evident from how hot its shell becomes."
14,10,9,"This POKéMON is in a temporary stage
while making its body. It is almost
completely unable to move on its own."
14,11,9,"Almost incapable of moving, this POKéMON
can only harden its shell to protect
itself when it is in danger."
14,12,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,13,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,14,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,15,9,"Although it is a cocoon, it can
move a little. It can extend its
poison barb if it is attacked."
14,16,9,"From this form, it will grow into
an adult. As its body becomes softer,
the external shell hardens."
14,17,5,"Il se cache sous les feuilles et les
branches pour fuir les prédateurs
en attendant dévoluer."
14,17,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,18,5,"Il se cache sous les feuilles et les
branches pour fuir les prédateurs
en attendant dévoluer."
14,18,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,21,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,22,9,"While awaiting evolution, it
hides from predators under
leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,23,1,"じぶんでは ほとんど うごけないが
あぶないときは かたくなって
みを まもっているようだ。"
14,23,3,"스스로는 거의 움직일 수 없지만
위험할 때는 단단해져서
몸을 보호하고 있는 것 같다."
14,23,5,"Incapable de se déplacer de lui-même, il se défend en
durcissant sa carapace."
14,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann sich kaum bewegen.
Bei drohender Gefahr verhärtet es seinen Panzer."
14,23,7,"Casi incapaz de moverse, este Pokémon solo puede
endurecer su caparazón para protegerse."
14,23,8,"Quasi incapace di muoversi, questo Pokémon può
solo indurire il proprio guscio per proteggersi."
14,23,9,"Almost incapable of moving, this Pokémon can only
harden its shell to protect itself when it is
in danger."
14,23,11,"自分では ほとんど 動けないが
危ないときは 硬くなって
14,24,1,"てんてきに みつからないように
はっぱの うらや えだの すきまに
かくれて しんかの ときを まつ。"
14,24,3,"천적에게 발견되지 않도록
잎사귀 뒷면이나 가지의 틈새에
숨어서 진화할 때를 기다린다."
14,24,5,"Il se cache sous les feuilles et les branches pour fuir
les prédateurs en attendant dévoluer."
14,24,6,"Während es auf seine Entwicklung wartet, versteckt es
sich unter Blättern und zwischen Ästen."
14,24,7,"Se esconde de sus atacantes entre las ramas de los
árboles mientras espera a evolucionar."
14,24,8,"Si nasconde dai predatori dietro le foglie e fra i rami,
in attesa dellevoluzione."
14,24,9,"While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators
under leaves and in nooks of branches."
14,24,11,"天敵に 見つからないように
葉っぱの 裏や 枝の すきまに 隠れて
進化の ときを 待つ。"
14,25,1,"ほとんど うごかず きに つかまっているが
なかでは しんかの じゅんびで おおいそがし。
その しょうこに からだが あつくなっているぞ。"
14,25,3,"거의 움직이지 않고 나무에 매달려 있지만
내부는 진화 준비로 굉장히 바쁜 상태다.
그 증거로 몸이 뜨거워져 있다."
14,25,5,"Coconfort est la plupart du temps immobile et reste
accroché à un arbre. Cependant, intérieurement, il est
très actif, car il se prépare pour sa prochaine évolution.
En touchant sa carapace, on peut sentir sa chaleur."
14,25,6,"Kokuna bewegt sich kaum, wenn es an einem Baum haftet.
In seinem Inneren jedoch regt sich einiges, da es sich auf
seine bevorstehende Entwicklung vorbereitet. Dabei wird
seine Schale sehr heiß."
14,25,7,"Kakuna permanece prácticamente inmóvil al encaramarse a
los árboles, aunque la actividad interna de su organismo
tiene un ritmo frenético, pues se prepara para su evolución.
Prueba de esto es la alta temperatura de su caparazón."
14,25,8,"Kakuna rimane praticamente immobile abbarbicato agli alberi.
Tuttavia, internamente è intento a preparare la sua futura
evoluzione. Lo si può capire dallintensità del calore
sviluppato dal guscio."
14,25,9,"Kakuna remains virtually immobile as it clings to a tree.
However, on the inside, it is extremely busy as it prepares for
its coming evolution. This is evident from how hot the shell
becomes to the touch."
14,25,11,"ほとんど 動かず 木に つかまっているが
中では 進化の 準備で 大忙し。
その 証拠に 体が 熱くなっているぞ。"
14,26,1,"ほとんど うごかず きに つかまっているが
なかでは しんかの じゅんびで おおいそがし。
その しょうこに からだが あつくなっているぞ。"
14,26,3,"거의 움직이지 않고 나무에 매달려 있지만
내부는 진화 준비로 굉장히 바쁜 상태다.
그 증거로 몸이 뜨거워져 있다."
14,26,5,"Coconfort est la plupart du temps immobile et reste
accroché à un arbre. Cependant, intérieurement, il est
très actif, car il se prépare pour sa prochaine évolution.
En touchant sa carapace, on peut sentir sa chaleur."
14,26,6,"Kokuna bewegt sich kaum, wenn es sich an einen Baum heftet.
In seinem Inneren jedoch regt sich einiges, da es sich auf
seine bevorstehende Entwicklung vorbereitet. Dabei wird seine
Schale sehr heiß."
14,26,7,"Kakuna permanece prácticamente inmóvil al encaramarse a
los árboles, aunque la actividad interna de su organismo
tiene un ritmo frenético, pues se prepara para su evolución.
Prueba de esto es la alta temperatura de su caparazón."
14,26,8,"Kakuna rimane praticamente immobile abbarbicato agli alberi.
Tuttavia, internamente è intento a preparare la sua futura
evoluzione. Lo si può capire dallintensità del calore
sviluppato dal guscio."
14,26,9,"Kakuna remains virtually immobile as it clings to a tree.
However, on the inside, it is extremely busy as it prepares
for its coming evolution.
This is evident from how hot the shell becomes to the touch."
14,26,11,"ほとんど 動かず 木に つかまっているが
中では 進化の 準備で 大忙し。
その 証拠に 体が 熱くなっているぞ。"
14,31,1,"じぶんでは ほとんど うごけないが
あぶなくなると ハリをだして
どくを あたえることも あるらしい。"
14,31,3,"스스로는 거의 움직일 수 없지만
위험해지면 침을 세워서
독을 뿜을 때도 있는 듯하다."
14,31,5,"Il peut à peine bouger. Quand il est menacé,
il sort parfois son aiguillon pour empoisonner
ses ennemis."
14,31,6,"Obwohl es sich kaum bewegen kann, ist es bei
Gefahr in der Lage, einen Stachel auszufahren,
mit dem es seine Gegner vergiftet."
14,31,7,"Aunque es casi incapaz de moverse, en caso
de sentirse amenazado puede envenenar a los
enemigos con su aguijón."
14,31,8,"È molto limitato nei movimenti. Se si sente
minacciato, estrae il pungiglione e avvelena
il nemico."
14,31,9,"Able to move only slightly. When endangered, it
may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy."
14,31,11,"自分では ほとんど 動けないが
危なくなると ハリを出して
毒を 与えることも あるらしい。"
14,32,1,"じぶんでは ほとんど うごけないが
あぶなくなると ハリをだして
どくを あたえることも あるらしい。"
14,32,3,"스스로는 거의 움직일 수 없지만
위험해지면 침을 세워서
독을 뿜을 때도 있는 듯하다."
14,32,5,"Il peut à peine bouger. Quand il est menacé,
il sort parfois son aiguillon pour empoisonner
ses ennemis."
14,32,6,"Obwohl es sich kaum bewegen kann, ist es bei
Gefahr in der Lage, einen Stachel auszufahren,
mit dem es seine Gegner vergiftet."
14,32,7,"Aunque es casi incapaz de moverse, en caso
de sentirse amenazado puede envenenar a los
enemigos con su aguijón."
14,32,8,"È molto limitato nei movimenti. Se si sente
minacciato, estrae il pungiglione e avvelena
il nemico."
14,32,9,"Able to move only slightly. When endangered, it
may stick out its stinger and poison its enemy."
14,32,11,"自分では ほとんど 動けないが
危なくなると ハリを出して
毒を 与えることも あるらしい。"
15,1,9,"Flies at high
speed and attacks
using its largevenomous stingers
on its forelegs
and tail."
15,2,9,"Flies at high
speed and attacks
using its largevenomous stingers
on its forelegs
and tail."
15,3,9,"It has 3 poisonous
stingers on its
forelegs and itstail. They are
used to jab its
enemy repeatedly."
15,4,9,"It can take down
any opponent with
its powerful poi­son stingers. It
sometimes attacks
in swarms."
15,5,9,"It has three
poison barbs.
The barb on itstail secretes the
most powerful
15,6,9,"It uses sharp,
poisonous stings
to defeat prey,then takes the
victim back to its
nest for food."
15,7,9,"BEEDRILL is extremely territorial.
No one should ever approach its nest -
this is for their own safety.If angered, they will attack in a furious
15,8,9,"BEEDRILL is extremely territorial.
No one should ever approach its nest -
this is for their own safety.If angered, they will attack in a furious
15,9,9,"A BEEDRILL is extremely territorial.
For safety reasons, no one should 
ever approach its nest. If angered,
they will attack in a swarm."
15,10,9,"May appear in a swarm. Flies at violent
speeds, all the while stabbing with the
toxic stinger on its rear."
15,11,9,"It flies at high speed and attacks using 
the large venomous stingers on its
forelegs and tail."
15,12,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,13,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,14,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,15,9,"It can take down any opponent with
its powerful poison stingers.
It sometimes attacks in swarms."
15,16,9,"It has three poison barbs.
The barb on its tail secretes the
most powerful poison."
15,17,5,"Il virevolte rapidement autour de
lennemi et frappe de son dard
empoisonné avant de décamper."
15,17,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,18,5,"Il virevolte rapidement autour de
lennemi et frappe de son dard
empoisonné avant de décamper."
15,18,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,21,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,22,9,"Its best attack involves flying
around at high speed, striking with
poison needles, then flying off."
15,23,1,"りょうてと おしりにある 3ぼんの
どくばりで あいてを さして さして
さしまくって こうげきする。"
15,23,3,"양손과 엉덩이에 있는 3개의
독침으로 상대를 찌르고 찌르고
또 찌르며 공격한다."
15,23,5,"Il se sert de ses trois aiguillons empoisonnés pour
attaquer sans relâche ses adversaires."
15,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon verfügt über drei Giftstachel.
Es kann seine Gegner damit wiederholt stechen."
15,23,7,"Tiene 3 aguijones venenosos en sus patas y cola.
Suelen pinchar a sus enemigos repetidas veces."
15,23,8,"Possiede tre aculei velenosi sulle zampe anteriori e
sulladdome con cui punge i nemici ripetutamente."
15,23,9,"It has three poisonous stingers on its forelegs and
its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly."
15,23,11,"両手と お尻にある 3本の 毒針で
相手を 刺して 刺して
刺しまくって 攻撃する。"
15,24,1,"しゅうだんで あらわれることもある。
もうスピードで とびまわり
おしりの どくばりで さしまくる。"
15,24,3,"집단으로 나타나기도 한다.
맹렬한 스피드로 날아
엉덩이의 독침으로 마구 찌른다."
15,24,5,"On le voit souvent voler dans un essaim. Il vole très
rapidement, piquant sans cesse ses adversaires de
son dard toxique."
15,24,6,"Es kann in Schwärmen auftauchen. Während seines
rasanten Fluges sticht es mit dem Giftstachel
an seinem Hinterteil zu."
15,24,7,"Puede aparecer en enjambres volando a gran
velocidad. Suele usar el venenoso aguijón inferior
para atacar."
15,24,8,"Si può trovare anche in sciami. Vola a incredibili
velocità, colpendo con il velenoso pungiglione
situato sulladdome."
15,24,9,"May appear in a swarm. Flies at violent speeds,
all the while stabbing with the toxic stinger on
its rear."
15,24,11,"集団で 現れることもある。
猛スピードで 飛び回り
お尻の 毒針で 刺しまくる。"
15,25,1,"なわばりいしきが とても つよいので スピアーの
すみかには ちかづかない ほうが みの ためだ。
おこると しゅうだんで おそって くるぞ。"
15,25,3,"영역에 대한 집착이 매우 강해서 독침붕이
사는 곳에는 가까이 가지 않는 것이 신상에 좋다.
화나면 집단으로 습격해 온다."
15,25,5,"Dardargnan est extrêmement possessif. Il vaut mieux ne pas
toucher son nid si on veut éviter davoir des ennuis.
Lorsquils sont en colère, ces Pokémon attaquent en masse."
15,25,6,"Bibor sind sehr wehrhaft. Es sollte sich besser niemand
ihrem Nest nähern. Wenn man sie ärgert, greifen sie in
Schwärmen an."
15,25,7,"Los Beedrill defienden su territorio a toda costa. No es
conveniente acercarse a su colmena, por seguridad. Si se
les molesta, todo un enjambre atacará ferozmente."
15,25,8,"Beedrill difende strenuamente il proprio territorio. Per ragioni
di sicurezza nessuno può avvicinarsi al suo nido. Se vengono
disturbati, questi Pokémon attaccano violentemente in sciami."
15,25,9,"Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach
its nest—this is for their own safety. If angered, they will attack
in a furious swarm."
15,25,11,"縄張り意識が とても 強いので スピアーの
すみかには 近づかない ほうが 身の ためだ。
怒ると 集団で 襲って くるぞ。"
15,26,1,"なわばりいしきが とても つよいので スピアーの
すみかには ちかづかない ほうが みの ためだ。
おこると しゅうだんで おそって くるぞ。"
15,26,3,"영역에 대한 집착이 매우 강해서 독침붕이
사는 곳에는 가까이 가지 않는 것이 신상에 좋다.
화나면 집단으로 습격해 온다."
15,26,5,"Dardargnan est extrêmement possessif. Il vaut mieux ne pas
toucher son nid si on veut éviter davoir des ennuis.
Lorsquils sont en colère, ces Pokémon attaquent en masse."
15,26,6,"Bibor ist sehr wehrhaft. Es sollte sich besser niemand
seinem Nest nähern. Wenn man sie ärgert, greifen sie in
Schwärmen an."
15,26,7,"Los Beedrill defienden su territorio a toda costa. No es
conveniente acercarse a su colmena, por seguridad. Si se
les molesta, todo un enjambre atacará ferozmente."
15,26,8,"Beedrill difende strenuamente il proprio territorio. Per ragioni
di sicurezza nessuno può avvicinarsi al suo nido. Se vengono
disturbati, questi Pokémon attaccano violentemente in sciami."
15,26,9,"Beedrill is extremely territorial. No one should ever approach
its nest—this is for their own safety. If angered, they will attack
in a furious swarm."
15,26,11,"縄張り意識が とても 強いので スピアーの
すみかには 近づかない ほうが 身の ためだ。
怒ると 集団で 襲って くるぞ。"
15,31,1,"りょうてと おしりにある 3ぼんの
どくバリで あいてを さして
さして さしまくって こうげきする。"
15,31,3,"양손과 엉덩이에 있는 3개의
독침으로 상대를 찌르고 찌르고
또 찌르며 공격한다."
15,31,5,"Il se sert de ses trois aiguillons empoisonnés
situés sur les pattes avant et labdomen pour
attaquer sans relâche ses adversaires."
15,31,6,"Es verfügt über insgesamt drei Giftstachel,
zwei an den Armen und einen am Hinterleib,
mit denen es seine Gegner wiederholt angreift."
15,31,7,"Tiene tres aguijones venenosos, dos en las patas
anteriores y uno en la parte baja del abdomen,
con los que ataca a sus enemigos una y otra vez."
15,31,8,"Possiede tre aculei velenosi, due sulle zampe
anteriori e uno sulladdome, con cui punge
ripetutamente i nemici."
15,31,9,"It has three poisonous stingers on its
forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab
its enemy repeatedly."
15,31,11,"両手と お尻にある 3本の
毒バリで 相手を 刺して
刺して 刺しまくって 攻撃する。"
15,32,1,"りょうてと おしりにある 3ぼんの
どくバリで あいてを さして
さして さしまくって こうげきする。"
15,32,3,"양손과 엉덩이에 있는 3개의
독침으로 상대를 찌르고 찌르고
또 찌르며 공격한다."
15,32,5,"Il se sert de ses trois aiguillons empoisonnés
situés sur les pattes avant et labdomen pour
attaquer sans relâche ses adversaires."
15,32,6,"Es verfügt über insgesamt drei Giftstachel,
zwei an den Armen und einen am Hinterleib,
mit denen es seine Gegner wiederholt angreift."
15,32,7,"Tiene tres aguijones venenosos, dos en las patas
anteriores y uno en la parte baja del abdomen,
con los que ataca a sus enemigos una y otra vez."
15,32,8,"Possiede tre aculei velenosi, due sulle zampe
anteriori e uno sulladdome, con cui punge
ripetutamente i nemici."
15,32,9,"It has three poisonous stingers on its
forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab
its enemy repeatedly."
15,32,11,"両手と お尻にある 3本の
毒バリで 相手を 刺して
刺して 刺しまくって 攻撃する。"
16,1,9,"A common sight in
forests and woods.
It flaps itswings at ground
level to kick up
blinding sand."
16,2,9,"A common sight in
forests and woods.
It flaps itswings at ground
level to kick up
blinding sand."
16,3,9,"Very docile. If
attacked, it will
often kick upsand to protect
itself rather
than fight back."
16,4,9,"It usually hides
in tall grass. Be­
cause it dislikesfighting, it pro­
tects itself by
kicking up sand."
16,5,9,"Common in grassy
areas and forests,
it is very docileand will chase off
enemies by flap­
ping up sand."
16,6,9,"It rapidly flaps
its wings in the
grass, stirring upa dust cloud that
drives insect prey
out into the open."
16,7,9,"PIDGEY has an extremely sharp sense
of direction.
It is capable of unerringly returninghome to its nest, however far it may be
removed from its familiar surroundings."
16,8,9,"PIDGEY has an extremely sharp sense
of direction.
It is capable of unerringly returninghome to its nest, however far it may be
removed from its familiar surroundings."
16,9,9,"It has an extremely sharp sense of
direction. It can unerringly return home to
its nest, however far it may be removed
from its familiar surroundings."
16,10,9,"Does not like to fight. It hides in
tall grass and so on, foraging for food
such as small bugs."
16,11,9,"A common sight in forests and woods.
It flaps its wings at ground level to kick
up blinding sand."
16,12,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,13,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,14,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,15,9,"It usually hides in tall grass.
Because it dislikes fighting,
it protects itself by kicking up sand."
16,16,9,"Common in grassy areas and forests,
it is very docile and will chase off
enemies by flapping up sand."
16,17,5,"Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter
le combat. Toutefois, il se montre
très féroce quand on lagresse."
16,17,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,18,5,"Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter
le combat. Toutefois, il se montre
très féroce quand on lagresse."
16,18,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,21,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,22,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid
conflict. If disturbed, however,
it can ferociously strike back."
16,23,1,"もりや はやしに おおく ぶんぷ。
ちじょうでも はげしく はばたいて
すなを かけたりする。"
16,23,3,"숲이나 수풀에 많이 분포해 있다.
땅에서도 격렬한 날갯짓으로
모래를 뿌리기도 한다."
16,23,5,"On laperçoit souvent dans les forêts. Avec ses ailes,
il brasse lair près du sol pour projeter du sable."
16,23,6,"Ein vorwiegend in Wäldern lebendes Pokémon,
das zur Verteidigung mit den Flügeln Sand aufwirbelt."
16,23,7,"Muy común en bosques y selvas. Aletea al nivel del
suelo para levantar la gravilla."
16,23,8,"Molto comune in boschi e foreste, sbatte le ali a
livello del suolo per sollevare sabbia accecante."
16,23,9,"A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps
its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand."
16,23,11,"森や 林に 多く 分布。
地上でも 激しく はばたいて
砂を かけたりする。"
16,24,1,"たたかいを このまない おとなしい
せいかくだが へたに てを だすと
きょうれつに はんげきされるぞ。"
16,24,3,"싸움을 좋아하지 않는 얌전한
성격이지만 어설프게 건드리면
강력한 반격을 당하게 된다."
16,24,5,"Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter le combat.
Toutefois, il se montre très féroce quand on lagresse."
16,24,6,"Reizt man dieses an sich gutmütige Pokémon,
wehrt es sich wütend."
16,24,7,"Es manso y prefiere evitar los problemas. Sin embargo,
si le molestan atacará ferozmente."
16,24,8,"È docile e preferisce evitare i conflitti. Ma se viene
disturbato, contrattacca ferocemente."
16,24,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict.
If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back."
16,24,11,"戦いを 好まない おとなしい
性格だが 下手に 手を 出すと
強烈に 反撃されるぞ。"
16,25,1,"ほうこう かんかくに とても すぐれているので
どんなに はなれた ばしょからでも まよわずに
じぶんの す まで かえる ことが できる。"
16,25,3,"방향 감각이 매우 뛰어나서
아무리 멀리 떨어진 곳에서도 헤매지 않고
자신의 둥지까지 찾아 돌아올 수 있다."
16,25,5,"Roucool a un excellent sens de lorientation. Il est capable de
retrouver son nid sans jamais se tromper, même sil est très
loin de chez lui et dans un environnement quil ne connaît pas."
16,25,6,"Taubsi verfügt über einen sehr geschulten Orientierungssinn.
Es kehrt zielsicher zu seinem Nest zurück, egal, wie weit es
sich von seiner gewohnten Umgebung entfernt hat."
16,25,7,"Pidgey tiene un sentido de la orientación muy desarrollado.
Es capaz de regresar a su nido, por lejos que se encuentre
de las zonas que le resultan familiares."
16,25,8,"Pidgey ha un senso dellorientamento molto sviluppato.
È sempre in grado di ritornare al suo nido, anche quando
si spinge molto lontano dal suo ambiente abituale."
16,25,9,"Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction. It is capable
of unerringly returning home to its nest, however far it may be
removed from its familiar surroundings."
16,25,11,"方向 感覚に とても 優れているので
どんなに 離れた 場所からでも 迷わずに
自分の 巣 まで 帰る ことが できる。"
16,26,1,"ほうこう かんかくに とても すぐれているので
どんなに はなれた ばしょからでも まよわずに
じぶんの す まで かえる ことが できる。"
16,26,3,"방향 감각이 매우 뛰어나서
아무리 멀리 떨어진 곳에서도 헤매지 않고
자신의 둥지까지 찾아 돌아올 수 있다."
16,26,5,"Roucool a un excellent sens de lorientation. Il est capable de
retrouver son nid sans jamais se tromper, même sil est très
loin de chez lui et dans un environnement quil ne connaît pas."
16,26,6,"Taubsi verfügt über einen sehr geschulten Orientierungssinn.
Es kehrt zielsicher zu seinem Nest zurück, egal, wie weit es
sich von seiner gewohnten Umgebung entfernt hat."
16,26,7,"Pidgey tiene un sentido de la orientación muy desarrollado.
Es capaz de regresar a su nido, por lejos que se encuentre
de las zonas que le resultan familiares."
16,26,8,"Pidgey ha un senso dellorientamento molto sviluppato.
È sempre in grado di ritornare al suo nido, anche quando
si spinge molto lontano dal suo ambiente abituale."
16,26,9,"Pidgey has an extremely sharp sense of direction.
It is capable of unerringly returning home to its nest,
however far it may be removed from its familiar surroundings."
16,26,11,"方向 感覚に とても 優れているので
どんなに 離れた 場所からでも 迷わずに
自分の 巣 まで 帰る ことが できる。"
16,31,1,"おとなしい せいかくで おそわれても
はんげき せずに すなを かけて
みを まもることが おおい。"
16,31,3,"얌전한 성격이라 습격당해도
반격하지 않고 모래를 뿌려서
몸을 지키는 경우가 많다."
16,31,5,"De nature très docile, il préfère projeter
du sable pour se défendre plutôt que
16,31,6,"Ein sanftmütiges Pokémon, welches lieber Sand
zum Schutz aufwirbelt, als zurückzuschlagen."
16,31,7,"Su docilidad es tal que suelen defenderse
levantando arena en lugar de contraatacar."
16,31,8,"Di indole docile, preferisce gettare sabbia
verso il nemico per proteggersi piuttosto
che attaccarlo."
16,31,9,"Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up
sand to protect itself rather than fight back."
16,31,11,"おとなしい 性格で 襲われても
反撃 せずに 砂を かけて
身を 守ることが 多い。"
16,32,1,"おとなしい せいかくで おそわれても
はんげき せずに すなを かけて
みを まもることが おおい。"
16,32,3,"얌전한 성격이라 습격당해도
반격하지 않고 모래를 뿌려서
몸을 지키는 경우가 많다."
16,32,5,"De nature très docile, il préfère projeter
du sable pour se défendre plutôt que
16,32,6,"Ein sanftmütiges Pokémon, welches lieber Sand
zum Schutz aufwirbelt, als zurückzuschlagen."
16,32,7,"Su docilidad es tal que suelen defenderse
levantando arena en lugar de contraatacar."
16,32,8,"Di indole docile, preferisce gettare sabbia
verso il nemico per proteggersi piuttosto
che attaccarlo."
16,32,9,"Very docile. If attacked, it will often kick up
sand to protect itself rather than fight back."
16,32,11,"おとなしい 性格で 襲われても
反撃 せずに 砂を かけて
身を 守ることが 多い。"
17,1,9,"Very protective
of its sprawling
territorial area,this POKéMON will
fiercely peck at
any intruder."
17,2,9,"Very protective
of its sprawling
territorial area,this POKéMON will
fiercely peck at
any intruder."
17,3,9,"This POKéMON is
full of vitality.
It constantlyflies around its
large territory in
search of prey."
17,4,9,"It has outstanding
vision. However
high it flies, itis able to distin­
guish the move­
ments of its prey."
17,5,9,"It immobilizes its
prey using well-
developed claws,then carries the
prey more than 60
miles to its nest."
17,6,9,"It slowly flies in
a circular pat­
tern, all thewhile keeping a
sharp lookout for
17,7,9,"PIDGEOTTO claims a large area as its
own territory. This POKéMON flies
around, patrolling its living space.If its territory is violated, it shows
no mercy in thoroughly punishing the
foe with its sharp claws."
17,8,9,"PIDGEOTTO claims a large area as its
own territory. This POKéMON flies
around, patrolling its living space.If its territory is violated, it shows
no mercy in thoroughly punishing the
foe with its sharp claws."
17,9,9,"This POKéMON flies around, patrolling its
large territory. If its living space is
violated, it shows no mercy in thoroughly
punishing the foe with its sharp claws."
17,10,9,"The claws on its feet are well developed.
It can carry prey such as an EXEGGCUTE
to its nest over 60 miles away."
17,11,9,"Very protective of its sprawling
territorial area, this POKéMON will
fiercely peck at any intruder."
17,12,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,13,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,14,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,15,9,"It has outstanding vision. However
high it flies, it is able to distinguish
the movements of its prey."
17,16,9,"It renders its prey immobile using 
well-developed claws, then carries the
prey more than 60 miles to its nest."
17,17,5,"Il survole son vaste territoire en
quête dune proie avant de fondre
sur elle toutes griffes en avant."
17,17,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,18,5,"Il survole son vaste territoire en
quête dune proie avant de fondre
sur elle toutes griffes en avant."
17,18,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,21,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,22,9,"It flies over its wide territory in
search of prey, downing it
with its highly developed claws."
17,23,1,"あしの ツメが はったつしている。
エサの タマタマを つかんで
100キロさきの す まで はこぶ。"
17,23,3,"발톱이 발달해 있다.
먹이인 아라리를 잡아
100km 떨어져 있는 둥지까지 나른다."
17,23,5,"Grâce à ses griffes très puissantes, il est capable
de transporter des Noeunoeuf vers un nid éloigné
de plus de 100 km."
17,23,6,"Die Krallen an seinen Füßen sind sehr ausgeprägt.
Es kann sogar ein Owei zu seinem Nest
in 100 km Entfernung tragen."
17,23,7,"Tiene unas garras desarrolladas. Puede atrapar un
Exeggcute y transportarlo desde una distancia de
casi 100 km."
17,23,8,"Grazie ai potenti artigli può trasportare una preda
delle dimensioni di un Exeggcute per oltre 100 km."
17,23,9,"The claws on its feet are well developed.
It can carry prey such as an Exeggcute
to its nest over 60 miles away."
17,23,11,"足の ツメが 発達している。
エサの タマタマを つかんで
100キロ先の 巣まで 運ぶ。"
17,24,1,"ひろい なわばりを もっており
しんにゅうする じゃまものは
てっていてきに つつかれてしまう。"
17,24,3,"넓은 영역을 가지고 있어
침입한 방해자는
철저하게 쪼아버린다."
17,24,5,"Il protège son territoire avec ardeur et repousse à
coups de bec tout intrus."
17,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon verteidigt sein abgegrenztes Areal
sorgsam gegen alle Eindringlinge."
17,24,7,"Muy protector de su amplio territorio, este Pokémon
picoteará ferozmente a los intrusos."
17,24,8,"Strenuo difensore del suo ampio territorio, becca
ferocemente ogni intruso."
17,24,9,"Very protective of its sprawling territorial area,
this Pokémon will fiercely peck at any intruder."
17,24,11,"広い 縄張りを 持っており
侵入する 邪魔者は
徹底的に つつかれてしまう。"
17,25,1,"ひろい なわばりを とんで みまわりを する。
なわばりを あらす あいては ようしゃ しない。
するどい ツメで てっていてきに こらしめるぞ。"
17,25,3,"넓은 영역을 날며 순찰한다.
영역을 침범하는 상대는 용서하지 않는다.
날카로운 발톱으로 철저히 혼내준다."
17,25,5,"Roucoups utilise une vaste surface pour son territoire.
Ce Pokémon surveille régulièrement son espace aérien.
Si quelquun pénètre sur son territoire, il corrige lennemi
sans pitié dun coup de ses terribles serres."
17,25,6,"Tauboga nennt ein großes Gebiet sein Eigen. Es fliegt
umher und kontrolliert seinen Lebensraum. Wenn jemand
sein Gebiet betritt, zeigt es keine Gnade und greift seine
Gegner mit seinen scharfen Krallen an."
17,25,7,"Pidgeotto se apodera de una zona muy vasta como su
territorio y la sobrevuela para controlarla. Si alguien invade
su espacio vital, no tendrá ningún reparo en castigarlo con
sus afiladas garras."
17,25,8,"Pidgeotto delimita come proprio un territorio immenso, che
difende controllandolo costantemente. Se tale territorio viene
invaso, questo Pokémon non ha pietà nel punire i nemici con
i suoi artigli affilati."
17,25,9,"Pidgeotto claims a large area as its own territory.
This Pokémon flies around, patrolling its living space.
If its territory is violated, it shows no mercy in thoroughly
punishing the foe with its sharp claws."
17,25,11,"広い 縄張りを 飛んで 見まわりを する。
縄張りを 荒らす 相手は 容赦 しない。
鋭い ツメで 徹底的に 懲らしめるぞ。"
17,26,1,"ひろい なわばりを とんで みまわりを する。
なわばりを あらす あいては ようしゃ しない。
するどい ツメで てっていてきに こらしめるぞ。"
17,26,3,"넓은 영역을 날며 순찰한다.
영역을 침범하는 상대는 용서하지 않는다.
날카로운 발톱으로 철저히 혼내준다."
17,26,5,"Roucoups utilise une vaste surface pour son territoire.
Ce Pokémon surveille régulièrement son espace aérien.
Si quelquun pénètre sur son territoire, il corrige lennemi
sans pitié dun coup de ses terribles serres."
17,26,6,"Tauboga nennt ein großes Gebiet sein Eigen. Es fliegt
umher und kontrolliert seinen Lebensraum. Wenn jemand
sein Gebiet betritt, zeigt es keine Gnade und greift seine
Gegner mit seinen scharfen Krallen an."
17,26,7,"Pidgeotto se apodera de una zona muy vasta como su
territorio y la sobrevuela para controlarla. Si alguien invade
su espacio vital, no tendrá ningún reparo en castigarlo con
sus afiladas garras."
17,26,8,"Pidgeotto delimita come proprio un territorio immenso, che
difende controllandolo costantemente. Se tale territorio viene
invaso, questo Pokémon non ha pietà nel punire i nemici con
i suoi artigli affilati."
17,26,9,"Pidgeotto claims a large area as its own territory. This
Pokémon flies around, patrolling its living space. If its territory
is violated, it shows no mercy in thoroughly punishing the foe
with its sharp claws."
17,26,11,"広い 縄張りを 飛んで 見まわりを する。
縄張りを 荒らす 相手は 容赦 しない。
鋭い ツメで 徹底的に 懲らしめるぞ。"
17,31,1,"ありあまる たいりょくの もちぬしで
ひろい なわばりを とびまわり
とおくまで エサを さがしにいく。"
17,31,3,"어마어마한 체력의 소유자로
넓은 영역을 날아다니며
먼 곳까지 먹이를 찾으러 간다."
17,31,5,"Ce Pokémon est très endurant. Il survole
en permanence son territoire pour chasser."
17,31,6,"Dieses kraftvolle Pokémon wacht unermüdlich
über sein riesiges Territorium und fliegt weite
Strecken auf der Suche nach Beute."
17,31,7,"Su extraordinaria vitalidad y resistencia le
permiten cubrir grandes distancias del territorio
que habita en busca de presas."
17,31,8,"Un Pokémon pieno di vitalità che vola
instancabile sul suo territorio in cerca di prede."
17,31,9,"This Pokémon is full of vitality. It constantly flies
around its large territory in search of prey."
17,31,11,"あり余る 体力の 持ち主で
広い 縄張りを 飛びまわり
遠くまで エサを 探しにいく。"
17,32,1,"ありあまる たいりょくの もちぬしで
ひろい なわばりを とびまわり
とおくまで エサを さがしにいく。"
17,32,3,"어마어마한 체력의 소유자로
넓은 영역을 날아다니며
먼 곳까지 먹이를 찾으러 간다."
17,32,5,"Ce Pokémon est très endurant. Il survole
en permanence son territoire pour chasser."
17,32,6,"Dieses kraftvolle Pokémon wacht unermüdlich
über sein riesiges Territorium und fliegt weite
Strecken auf der Suche nach Beute."
17,32,7,"Su extraordinaria vitalidad y resistencia le
permiten cubrir grandes distancias del territorio
que habita en busca de presas."
17,32,8,"Un Pokémon pieno di vitalità che vola
instancabile sul suo territorio in cerca di prede."
17,32,9,"This Pokémon is full of vitality. It constantly flies
around its large territory in search of prey."
17,32,11,"あり余る 体力の 持ち主で
広い 縄張りを 飛びまわり
遠くまで エサを 探しにいく。"
18,1,9,"When hunting, it
skims the surface
of water at highspeed to pick off
unwary prey such
18,2,9,"When hunting, it
skims the surface
of water at highspeed to pick off
unwary prey such
18,3,9,"This POKéMON flies
at Mach 2 speed,
seeking prey.Its large talons
are feared as
wicked weapons."
18,4,9,"Its well-developed
chest muscles make
it strong enoughto whip up a gusty
windstorm with
just a few flaps."
18,5,9,"It spreads its
beautiful wings
wide to frightenits enemies. It
can fly at Mach 2
18,6,9,"Its outstanding
vision allows it
to spot splashingMAGIKARP, even
while flying at
3300 feet."
18,7,9,"This POKéMON has a dazzling plumage of
beautifully glossy feathers.
Many TRAINERS are captivated by thestriking beauty of the feathers on its
head, compelling them to choose PIDGEOT
as their POKéMON."
18,8,9,"This POKéMON has a dazzling plumage of
beautifully glossy feathers.
Many TRAINERS are captivated by thestriking beauty of the feathers on its
head, compelling them to choose PIDGEOT
as their POKéMON."
18,9,9,"This POKéMON has gorgeous, glossy
feathers. Many TRAINERS are so captivated
by the beautiful feathers on its head that
they choose PIDGEOT as their POKéMON."
18,10,9,"It spreads its gorgeous wings widely to
intimidate enemies. It races through the
skies at Mach-2 speed."
18,11,9,"When hunting, it skims the surface of
water at high speed to pick off unwary
prey such as MAGIKARP."
18,12,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,13,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,14,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, PIDGEOT can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,15,9,"Its well-developed chest muscles make
it strong enough to whip up a gusty
windstorm with just a few flaps."
18,16,9,"It spreads its beautiful wings
wide to frighten its enemies. It
can fly at Mach 2 speed."
18,17,5,"En battant des ailes de toutes ses
forces, Roucarnage génère une
rafale à en déraciner les arbres."
18,17,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, Pidgeot can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,18,5,"En battant des ailes de toutes ses
forces, Roucarnage génère une
rafale à en déraciner les arbres."
18,18,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, Pidgeot can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,21,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, Pidgeot can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,22,9,"By flapping its wings with all its
might, Pidgeot can make a gust of
wind capable of bending tall trees."
18,23,1,"エサを さがすとき すいめん
すれすれを すべるように とんで
コイキングなどを わしづかみにする。"
18,23,3,"먹이를 찾을 때 수면을
아슬아슬하게 미끄러지듯 날아
잉어킹 등을 움켜잡는다."
18,23,5,"Il survole la surface de leau pour repérer une proie
et plonge en piqué pour lattraper."
18,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon schnellt bei der Jagd blitzschnell
unter Wasser, um seine ahnungslose Beute zu fangen."
18,23,7,"Cuando caza, vuela muy deprisa a ras del agua y
sorprende a inocentes presas como Magikarp."
18,23,8,"Quando caccia, vola velocissimo sul pelo dellacqua
e cattura ignare prede come Magikarp."
18,23,9,"When hunting, it skims the surface of water
at high speed to pick off unwary prey such
as Magikarp."
18,23,11,"エサを 探すとき 水面 すれすれを
滑るように 飛んで
コイキングなどを わしづかみにする。"
18,24,1,"うつくしい ハネを ひろげて
あいてを いかくする。
マッハ2で そらを とびまわる。"
18,24,3,"아름다운 날개를 펼쳐
상대를 위협한다.
마하2로 하늘을 날아다닌다."
18,24,5,"Roucarnage déploie ses ailes majestueuses pour
effrayer ses ennemis. Il peut voler à Mach 2."
18,24,6,"Es breitet seine betörenden Schwingen aus,
um den Gegner einzuschüchtern.
Seine Fluggeschwindigkeit liegt bei Mach 2."
18,24,7,"Para intimidar a su enemigo, extiende las increíbles
alas que tiene. Este Pokémon vuela a una velocidad
18,24,8,"Intimidisce i nemici spiegando le possenti ali.
In volo raggiunge la velocità di Mach 2."
18,24,9,"It spreads its gorgeous wings widely to intimidate
enemies. It races through the skies at
Mach-2 speed."
18,24,11,"美しい 羽を 広げて
相手を 威嚇する。
マッハ2で 空を 飛び回る。"
18,25,1,"うつくしい こうたくの はねを もつ ポケモン。
あたまの はねの うつくしさに こころ うばわれ
ピジョットを そだてる トレーナーも おおい。"
18,25,3,"아름답게 윤이 나는 깃털을 가진 포켓몬이다.
머리 깃털의 아름다움에 마음을 빼앗겨
피죤투를 기르는 트레이너도 많다."
18,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est doté dun plumage magnifique et luisant.
Bien des Dresseurs sont captivés par la beauté fatale de
sa huppe et décident de choisir Roucarnage comme leur
Pokémon favori."
18,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon hat ein wunderschönes, glänzendes
Gefieder. Viele Trainer sind von der auffälligen Schönheit
seines Federkleids begeistert, sodass sie Tauboss als ihr
Pokémon wählen."
18,25,7,"El plumaje de este Pokémon es bonito e hipnótico.
Muchos Entrenadores se quedan embobados ante la belleza
impactante de las plumas que tiene en la cabeza; lo que les
lleva a elegir a Pidgeot como su Pokémon."
18,25,8,"Questo Pokémon è caratterizzato da uno stupendo piumaggio
dai colori vivaci e brillanti. Molti Allenatori sono colpiti
dallevidente bellezza delle piume sulla testa. Per questo
spesso scelgono Pidgeot come loro Pokémon."
18,25,9,"This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully
glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the
striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling
them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon."
18,25,11,"美しい 光沢の 羽を 持つ ポケモン。
頭の 羽の 美しさに 心 奪われ
ピジョットを 育てる トレーナーも 多い。"
18,26,1,"うつくしい こうたくの はねを もつ ポケモン。
あたまの はねの うつくしさに こころ うばわれ
ピジョットを そだてる トレーナーも おおい。"
18,26,3,"아름답게 윤이 나는 깃털을 가진 포켓몬이다.
머리 깃털의 아름다움에 마음을 빼앗겨
피죤투를 기르는 트레이너도 많다."
18,26,5,"Ce Pokémon est doté dun plumage magnifique et luisant.
Bien des Dresseurs sont captivés par la beauté fatale de
sa huppe et décident de choisir Roucarnage comme leur
Pokémon favori."
18,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon hat ein wunderschönes, glänzendes
Gefieder. Viele Trainer sind von der auffälligen Schönheit
seines Federkleids begeistert, sodass sie Tauboss als ihr
Pokémon wählen."
18,26,7,"El plumaje de este Pokémon es bonito e hipnótico.
Muchos Entrenadores se quedan embobados ante la belleza
impactante de las plumas que tiene en la cabeza; lo que les
lleva a elegir a Pidgeot como su Pokémon."
18,26,8,"Questo Pokémon è caratterizzato da uno stupendo piumaggio
dai colori vivaci e brillanti. Molti Allenatori sono colpiti
dallevidente bellezza delle piume sulla testa. Per questo
spesso scelgono Pidgeot come loro Pokémon."
18,26,9,"This Pokémon has a dazzling plumage of beautifully
glossy feathers. Many Trainers are captivated by the
striking beauty of the feathers on its head, compelling
them to choose Pidgeot as their Pokémon."
18,26,11,"美しい 光沢の 羽を 持つ ポケモン。
頭の 羽の 美しさに 心 奪われ
ピジョットを 育てる トレーナーも 多い。"
18,31,1,"マッハ2で ひこうし エサをさがす。
その おおきな ツメは ぶきと
しても おそれられている。"
18,31,3,"마하2의 속도로 비행하여 먹이를 찾는다.
그 커다란 발톱은 무기로서도
두려움의 대상이다."
18,31,5,"Ce Pokémon vole à Mach 2 quand il chasse.
Ses grandes serres sont des armes redoutables."
18,31,6,"Auf der Jagd nach Beute fliegt es mit einer
Geschwindigkeit von bis zu Mach 2. Seine
mächtigen Klauen gelten als gefürchtete Waffen."
18,31,7,"Este Pokémon vuela a una velocidad de 2 mach
en busca de presas. Sus grandes garras son armas
muy peligrosas."
18,31,8,"Può volare a una velocità di Mach 2 in cerca
di prede. I suoi artigli sono armi micidiali."
18,31,9,"This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed,
seeking prey. Its large talons are feared
as wicked weapons."
18,31,11,"マッハ2で 飛行し エサを探す。
その 大きな ツメは 武器と
しても 恐れられている。"
18,32,1,"マッハ2で ひこうし エサをさがす。
その おおきな ツメは ぶきと
しても おそれられている。"
18,32,3,"마하2의 속도로 비행하여 먹이를 찾는다.
그 커다란 발톱은 무기로서도
두려움의 대상이다."
18,32,5,"Ce Pokémon vole à Mach 2 quand il chasse.
Ses grandes serres sont des armes redoutables."
18,32,6,"Auf der Jagd nach Beute fliegt es mit einer
Geschwindigkeit von bis zu Mach 2. Seine
mächtigen Klauen gelten als gefürchtete Waffen."
18,32,7,"Este Pokémon vuela a una velocidad de 2 mach
en busca de presas. Sus grandes garras son armas
muy peligrosas."
18,32,8,"Può volare a una velocità di Mach 2 in cerca
di prede. I suoi artigli sono armi micidiali."
18,32,9,"This Pokémon flies at Mach 2 speed,
seeking prey. Its large talons are feared
as wicked weapons."
18,32,11,"マッハ2で 飛行し エサを探す。
その 大きな ツメは 武器と
しても 恐れられている。"
19,1,9,"Bites anything
when it attacks.
Small and veryquick, it is a
common sight in
many places."
19,2,9,"Bites anything
when it attacks.
Small and veryquick, it is a
common sight in
many places."
19,3,9,"Will chew on any­
thing with its
fangs. If you seeone, it is certain
that 40 more live
in the area."
19,4,9,"It eats anything.
Wherever food is
available, it willsettle down and
produce offspring
19,5,9,"Living wherever
there is food
available, itceaselessly scav­
enges for edibles
the entire day."
19,6,9,"This POKéMON's
impressive vital­
ity allows it tolive anywhere. It
also multiplies
very quickly."
19,7,9,"RATTATA is cautious in the extreme.
Even while it is asleep, it constantly
listens by moving its ears around.It is not picky about where it lives -
it will make its nest anywhere."
19,8,9,"RATTATA is cautious in the extreme.
Even while it is asleep, it constantly
listens by moving its ears around.It is not picky about where it lives -
it will make its nest anywhere."
19,9,9,"A RATTATA is cautious in the extreme.
Even while it is asleep, it constantly
moves its ears and listens for danger.
It will make its nest anywhere."
19,10,9,"Its fangs are long and very sharp.
They grow continuously, so it gnaws on
hard things to whittle them down."
19,11,9,"Bites anything when it attacks. Small and
very quick, it is a common sight in many
19,12,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its
hardy vitality lets it live in
any kind of environment."
19,13,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its
hardy vitality lets it live in
any kind of environment."
19,14,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its
hardy vitality lets it live in
any kind of environment."
19,15,9,"It eats anything. Wherever food is
available, it will settle down and
produce offspring continuously."
19,16,9,"Living wherever there is food
available, it ceaselessly scavenges
for edibles the entire day."
19,17,5,"Dune prudence extrême, sa nature
robuste lui permet de sadapter à
tous les terrains."
19,17,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its
hardy vitality lets it live in
any kind of environment."
19,18,5,"Dune prudence extrême, sa nature
robuste lui permet de sadapter à
tous les terrains."
19,18,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its
hardy vitality lets it live in
any kind of environment."
19,21,9,"It searches for food all day. It gnaws
on hard objects to wear down its fangs,
which grow constantly during its lifetime."
19,22,9,"It searches for food all day. It gnaws
on hard objects to wear down its fangs,
which grow constantly during its lifetime."
19,23,1,"たべるものが あるところなら
どこにだって せいそくする。
1にちじゅう エサを さがしている。"
19,23,3,"먹을 것이 있는 곳이라면
어디서든 서식한다.
온종일 먹이를 찾아다닌다."
19,23,5,"Vivant là où se trouve la nourriture, ce charognard
passe ses journées à la rechercher."
19,23,6,"Es baut sein Nest, wo es Futter findet. Es ist den
ganzen Tag auf der Suche nach etwas Essbarem."
19,23,7,"Vive allí donde haya comida disponible. Busca todo
el día, sin descanso, algo comestible."
19,23,8,"Vive ovunque si trovi del cibo, cercando
incessantemente qualsiasi cosa sia commestibile."
19,23,9,"Living wherever there is food available,
it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles
the entire day."
19,23,11,"食べるものが あるところなら
どこにだって 生息する。
1日中 エサを 探している。"
19,24,1,"キバは ながくて するどい。
いっしょう のびつづけるので
かたい モノを かじって けずる。"
19,24,3,"송곳니는 길고 날카롭다.
평생 자라나기 때문에
단단한 것을 갉아서 깎는다."
19,24,5,"Les dents de Rattata sont longues et tranchantes.
Comme elles poussent sans arrêt, il doit ronger tout
ce quil trouve pour pouvoir les tailler."
19,24,6,"Seine Reißzähne sind lang und scharf. Da sie
ständig wachsen, nagt es immerzu an etwas,
um sie abzuwetzen."
19,24,7,"Tiene unos largos y afilados colmillos que no dejan de
crecer. Le resultan muy útiles para destruir cosas."
19,24,8,"I denti affilati gli continuano a crescere, costringendolo
a limarseli mordicchiando oggetti molto duri."
19,24,9,"Its fangs are long and very sharp. They grow
continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle
them down."
19,24,11,"キバは 長くて 鋭い。
一生 伸び続けるので
硬い ものを かじって 削る。"
19,25,1,"けいかいしんが とても つよく ねている ときも
みみを うごかし まわりの おとを きいている。
どこにでも すみつき す を つくる。"
19,25,3,"경계심이 매우 강해서 자고 있을 때도
귀를 움직여 주변의 소리를 듣고 있다.
어디에든 자리를 잡고 둥지를 만든다."
19,25,5,"Rattata est extrêmement prudent. Même lorsquil est endormi,
il fait pivoter ses oreilles pour écouter autour de lui.
En ce qui concerne son habitat, il nest vraiment pas difficile.
Il peut faire son nid nimporte où."
19,25,6,"Rattfratz ist extrem vorsichtig. Sogar im Schlaf nimmt es
alles wahr, indem es seine Ohren bewegt. Es stellt keine
großen Ansprüche an seinen Lebensraum und richtet sein
Nest überall ein."
19,25,7,"Rattata es cauto como él solo. Hasta cuando duerme mueve
las orejas para oír todos los ruidos. No es nada delicado a
la hora de elegir su hábitat. Cualquier sitio es bueno para
cavar su madriguera."
19,25,8,"Rattata è estremamente cauto. Anche quando dorme tiene
sempre le orecchie tese, muovendole come sonde. Non ha
particolari esigenze di habitat: costruisce la propria tana
19,25,9,"Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep,
it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not picky
about where it lives—it will make its nest anywhere."
19,25,11,"警戒心が とても 強く 寝ている ときも
耳を 動かし 周りの 音を 聞いている。
どこにでも すみつき 巣 を つくる。"
19,26,1,"けいかいしんが とても つよく ねている ときも
みみを うごかし まわりの おとを きいている。
どこにでも すみつき す を つくる。"
19,26,3,"경계심이 매우 강해서 자고 있을 때도
귀를 움직여 주변의 소리를 듣고 있다.
어디에든 자리를 잡고 둥지를 만든다."
19,26,5,"Rattata est extrêmement prudent. Même lorsquil est endormi,
il fait pivoter ses oreilles pour écouter autour de lui.
En ce qui concerne son habitat, il nest vraiment pas difficile.
Il peut faire son nid nimporte où."
19,26,6,"Rattfratz ist extrem vorsichtig. Sogar im Schlaf nimmt es
alles wahr, indem es seine Ohren bewegt. Es stellt keine
großen Ansprüche an seinen Lebensraum und richtet sein
Nest überall ein."
19,26,7,"Rattata es cauto como él solo. Hasta cuando duerme mueve
las orejas para oír todos los ruidos. No es nada delicado a
la hora de elegir su hábitat. Cualquier sitio es bueno para
cavar su madriguera."
19,26,8,"Rattata è estremamente cauto. Anche quando dorme tiene
sempre le orecchie tese, muovendole come sonde. Non ha
particolari esigenze di habitat: costruisce la propria tana
19,26,9,"Rattata is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep,
it constantly listens by moving its ears around. It is not
picky about where it lives—it will make its nest anywhere."
19,26,11,"警戒心が とても 強く 寝ている ときも
耳を 動かし 周りの 音を 聞いている。
どこにでも すみつき 巣 を つくる。"
19,27,1,"まえばは しぬまで のびつづけるので
メンテナンスが ひつよう。 ヤスリを
よういしないと はしらを かじられる。"
19,27,3,"앞니는 죽을 때까지 계속 자라기 때문에
관리가 필요하다. 이갈이 용품을
준비하지 않으면 기둥을 갉는다."
19,27,5,"Il doit toujours prendre soin de ses incisives
car elles poussent sans arrêt. Sil na rien pour
les limer, il se rabattra sur un pilier."
19,27,6,"Seine Nagezähne benötigen ständige Pflege, da
sie sein ganzes Leben lang wachsen. Steht kein
Nagestein zur Verfügung, knabbert es an Holz."
19,27,7,"Debe cuidar regularmente sus incisivos, pues
estos siguen creciendo hasta que muere. Si no
tiene nada con qué afilarlos, suele roer pilares."
19,27,8,"I suoi incisivi non smettono mai di crescere e
richiedono continue cure. Se non gli viene data
una lima per regolarli, rosicchia i tavoli o altro."
19,27,9,"Its incisors continue growing until its death.
If its Trainer doesnt offer it a file to gnaw on, it
will gnaw on door frames, table legs, and so on."
19,27,11,"前歯は 死ぬまで 伸び続けるので
メンテナンスが 必要。 ヤスリを
用意しないと 柱を かじられる。"
19,28,1,"せいめいりょくが つよく きたない
ばしょでも へいきで くらす。
ほっておくと どんどん ふえていく。"
19,28,3,"생명력이 강해서 더러운
곳에서도 사는데 문제없다.
내버려두면 점점 수가 불어난다."
19,28,5,"Un Pokémon très résistant, capable de survivre
même dans des milieux très insalubres.
Il prolifère si lon ny prend pas garde."
19,28,6,"Sie strotzen vor Lebenskraft und können selbst
an schmutzigen Orten problemlos überleben.
Bleiben sie ungestört, vermehren sie sich rasch."
19,28,7,"Su gran resistencia le permite vivir en los
lugares más insalubres. Su población puede
crecer rápidamente."
19,28,8,"La sua straordinaria resistenza gli permette di
adattarsi anche ad habitat insalubri. Se lasciato
indisturbato, si riproduce in gran numero."
19,28,9,"With their strong capacity for survival, they can
live in dirty places without concern. Left
unchecked, their numbers multiply rapidly."
19,28,11,"生命力が 強く 汚い
場所でも 平気で 暮らす。
ほっておくと どんどん 増えていく。"
19,29,1,"いっしょう まえばが のびつづける。
あまりに のびすぎると エサが
たべられなくなって がし する。"
19,29,3,"평생 앞니가 계속 자란다.
너무 많이 자라면 먹이를
먹을 수 없어 굶어 죽는다."
19,29,5,"Ses incisives poussent tout au long de sa vie.
Si elles dépassent une certaine longueur,
il ne peut plus salimenter et meurt de faim."
19,29,6,"Seine Nagezähne wachsen sein ganzes Leben
über. Werden sie allzu lang, kann es damit nicht
mehr fressen und verhungert."
19,29,7,"Sus incisivos crecen durante toda su vida. Si
aumentan demasiado de tamaño, no puede
alimentarse y muere de inanición."
19,29,8,"I suoi incisivi continuano a crescere per tutta
la vita. Se si allungano troppo, non riesce più
a nutrirsi e muore di fame."
19,29,9,"Its incisors grow continuously throughout its life.
If its incisors get too long, this Pokémon
becomes unable to eat, and it starves to death."
19,29,11,"一生 前歯が 伸び続ける。
あまりに 伸びすぎると エサが
食べられなくなって 餓死 する。"
19,30,1,"ありふれた ポケモンだが ちゅうい。
するどい まえばは かたい
ざいもくさえ かんたんに へしおる。"
19,30,3,"흔한 포켓몬이지만 주의해야 한다.
날카로운 앞니는 단단한 나무도
간단하게 부러뜨린다."
19,30,5,"Prenez garde à ce Pokémon très répandu :
ses puissantes incisives sont si acérées
quelles peuvent couper des troncs darbre."
19,30,6,"Ein weitverbreitetes Pokémon, das nicht ganz
ungefährlich ist. Selbst hartes Holz zerkleinert
es mit seinen scharfen Nagezähnen mühelos."
19,30,7,"Un Pokémon muy extendido con el que conviene
tener cuidado ya que sus afilados incisivos son
capaces de roer maderas nobles sin problema."
19,30,8,"È un Pokémon molto comune con il quale è
meglio fare attenzione: con i suoi incisivi affilati
può tranciare anche unasse di legno durissimo."
19,30,9,"This Pokémon is common but hazardous. Its
sharp incisors can easily cut right through
hard wood."
19,30,11,"ありふれた ポケモンだが 注意。
鋭い 前歯は 堅い
材木さえ 簡単に へしおる。"
19,31,1,"キバが2つ。とにかく なんでも
かじってみる。1ぴき みつけたら
40ぴきは そこに すんでるはず。"
19,31,3,"2개의 이빨로 뭐든지 일단
갉고 본다. 1마리를 발견했다면
그곳에 40마리는 살고 있을 것이다."
19,31,5,"Il peut ronger nimporte quoi avec ses
deux dents. Quand on en voit un, il y en
a certainement 40 dans le coin."
19,31,6,"Es knabbert mit seinen zwei Nagezähnen alles
und jeden an. Stößt man auf eines, findet man
sicherlich 40 weitere in der Gegend."
19,31,7,"Es propenso a hincar los incisivos en cualquier
cosa que se le ponga por delante. Si se ve
alguno, seguramente haya cuarenta cerca."
19,31,8,"Con i suoi incisivi rode qualsiasi cosa.
Se se ne avvista uno, è probabile che
in zona vivano almeno 40 esemplari."
19,31,9,"Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you
see one, you can be certain that 40 more
live in the area."
19,31,11,"キバが2つ。とにかく なんでも
かじってみる。1匹 見つけたら
40匹は そこに 住んでるはず。"
19,32,1,"キバが2つ。とにかく なんでも
かじってみる。1ぴき みつけたら
40ぴきは そこに すんでるはず。"
19,32,3,"2개의 이빨로 뭐든지 일단
갉고 본다. 1마리를 발견했다면
그곳에 40마리는 살고 있을 것이다."
19,32,5,"Il peut ronger nimporte quoi avec ses
deux dents. Quand on en voit un, il y en
a certainement 40 dans le coin."
19,32,6,"Es knabbert mit seinen zwei Nagezähnen alles
und jeden an. Stößt man auf eines, findet man
sicherlich 40 weitere in der Gegend."
19,32,7,"Es propenso a hincar los incisivos en cualquier
cosa que se le ponga por delante. Si se ve
alguno, seguramente haya cuarenta cerca."
19,32,8,"Con i suoi incisivi rode qualsiasi cosa.
Se se ne avvista uno, è probabile che
in zona vivano almeno 40 esemplari."
19,32,9,"Will chew on anything with its fangs. If you
see one, you can be certain that 40 more
live in the area."
19,32,11,"キバが2つ。とにかく なんでも
かじってみる。1匹 見つけたら
40匹は そこに 住んでるはず。"
20,1,9,"It uses its whis­
kers to maintain
its balance.It apparently
slows down if
they are cut off."
20,2,9,"It uses its whis­
kers to maintain
its balance.It apparently
slows down if
they are cut off."
20,3,9,"Its hind feet are
webbed. They act
as flippers, soit can swim in
rivers and hunt
for prey."
20,4,9,"Gnaws on anything
with its tough
fangs. It can eventopple concrete
buildings by gnaw­
ing on them."
20,5,9,"Its whiskers help
it to maintain
balance. Its fangsnever stop grow­
ing, so it gnaws
to pare them down."
20,6,9,"The webs on its
hind legs enable
it to crossrivers. It search­
es wide areas for
20,7,9,"RATICATEs sturdy fangs grow steadily.
To keep them ground down, it gnaws
on rocks and logs.It may even chew on the walls of
20,8,9,"RATICATEs sturdy fangs grow steadily.
To keep them ground down, it gnaws
on rocks and logs.It may even chew on the walls of
20,9,9,"A RATICATEs sturdy fangs grow steadily.
To keep them ground down, it gnaws on
rocks and logs. It may even chew on the
walls of houses."
20,10,9,"Its rear feet have three toes each.
They are webbed, enabling it to swim
across rivers."
20,11,9,"It uses its whiskers to maintain its
balance. It apparently slows down if
they are cut off."
20,12,9,"It whittles its constantly growing
fangs by gnawing on hard things.
It can chew apart cinder walls."
20,13,9,"It whittles its constantly growing
fangs by gnawing on hard things.
It can chew apart cinder walls."
20,14,9,"It whittles its constantly growing
fangs by gnawing on hard things.
It can chew apart cinder walls."
20,15,9,"Gnaws on anything with its tough
fangs. It can even topple concrete
buildings by gnawing on them."
20,16,9,"Its whiskers help it to maintain
balance. Its fangs never stop growing,
so it gnaws to pare them down."
20,17,5,"Il grignote sans cesse pour apaiser
la poussée de ses crocs. Il peut
transpercer un mur de parpaings."
20,17,9,"It whittles its constantly growing
fangs by gnawing on hard things.
It can chew apart cinder walls."
20,18,5,"Il grignote sans cesse pour apaiser
la poussée de ses crocs. Il peut
transpercer un mur de parpaings."
20,18,9,"It whittles its constantly growing
fangs by gnawing on hard things.
It can chew apart cinder walls."
20,21,9,"With its long fangs, this surprisingly
violent Pokémon can gnaw away
even thick concrete with ease."
20,22,9,"With its long fangs, this surprisingly
violent Pokémon can gnaw away
even thick concrete with ease."
20,23,1,"のびつづける まえばを けずるため
かたい ものを かじる しゅうせい。
ブロックべいも かじって こわす。"
20,23,3,"계속 자라는 앞니를 갈아내려고
딱딱한 것을 갉는 습성이 있다.
벽돌로 된 벽도 갉아서 부순다."
20,23,5,"Il grignote sans cesse pour apaiser la poussée de ses
crocs. Il peut transpercer un mur de parpaings."
20,23,6,"Es wetzt seine ständig wachsenden Zähne an
harten Dingen. Es kann Wände aus Beton zernagen."
20,23,7,"Lima sus colmillos royendo objetos duros. Con ellos
puede destruir incluso paredes de hormigón."
20,23,8,"Si affila le zanne in perenne crescita rosicchiando
cose dure. Riesce a frantumare persino i muri."
20,23,9,"It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing
on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls."
20,23,11,"伸び続ける 前歯を 削るため
硬い ものを かじる 習性。
ブロック塀も かじって 壊す。"
20,24,1,"うしろあしに ついた みずかきを
つかって かわをわたり ひろい
はんいで エサを さがしまわる。"
20,24,3,"뒷다리에 달린 물갈퀴를
사용하여 강을 건너 넓은
범위에서 먹이를 찾아다닌다."
20,24,5,"Ses pattes arrière lui permettent de traverser les
rivières. Il est toujours en quête de nourriture."
20,24,6,"Auf der Suche nach Nahrung kann es mit den
Schwimmhäuten an seinen Hinterbeinen
Flüsse durchqueren."
20,24,7,"Con las membranas de las patas traseras, puede
atravesar ríos. Busca su alimento en zonas extensas."
20,24,8,"Attraversa i fiumi con le zampe posteriori palmate.
Perlustra vaste aree cercando cibo."
20,24,9,"The webs on its hind legs enable it to cross rivers.
It searches wide areas for food."
20,24,11,"後ろ足に ついた 水かきを 使って
川を 渡り 広い 範囲で
エサを 探し回る。"
20,25,1,"じょうぶな キバは どんどん のびるので
いわや たいぼくを かじって けずっている。
いえの カベを かじられる ことも あるよ。"
20,25,3,"튼튼한 이빨은 계속 자라기 때문에
바위나 큰 나무를 갉아서 갈아낸다.
집의 벽을 갉아 놓기도 한다."
20,25,5,"Les crocs robustes de Rattatac poussent constamment.
Pour éviter quils raclent le sol, il se fait les dents sur
des cailloux ou des troncs darbre. Il lui arrive même
de ronger les murs des maisons."
20,25,6,"Rattikarls kräftige Zähne wachsen ständig. Deshalb nagt es
unablässig Steine und Baumstämme an, um sie abzuwetzen.
Manchmal knabbert es sogar Hauswände an."
20,25,7,"A Raticate le crecen los incisivos firmes y fuertes.
Para mantenerlos afilados roe troncos y rocas, e incluso
las paredes de las casas."
20,25,8,"Le potenti zanne di Raticate crescono in continuazione.
Per ridurne la crescita rode rocce e tronchi. Spesso si vedono
i segni delle sue zanne anche sui muri delle case."
20,25,9,"Raticates sturdy fangs grow steadily. To keep them ground
down, it gnaws on rocks and logs. It may even chew on the
walls of houses."
20,25,11,"丈夫な キバは どんどん 伸びるので
岩や 大木を かじって 削っている。
家の カベを かじられる ことも あるよ。"
20,26,1,"じょうぶな キバは どんどん のびるので
いわや たいぼくを かじって けずっている。
いえの カベを かじられる ことも あるよ。"
20,26,3,"튼튼한 이빨은 계속 자라기 때문에
바위나 큰 나무를 갉아서 갈아낸다.
집의 벽을 갉아 놓기도 한다."
20,26,5,"Les crocs robustes de Rattatac poussent constamment.
Pour éviter quils raclent le sol, il se fait les dents sur
des cailloux ou des troncs darbre. Il lui arrive même
de ronger les murs des maisons."
20,26,6,"Rattikarls kräftige Zähne wachsen immer nach. Deshalb nagt
es ständig Steine und Baumstämme an. Manchmal knabbert es
sogar Hauswände an."
20,26,7,"A Raticate le crecen los incisivos firmes y fuertes.
Para mantenerlos afilados roe troncos y rocas, e incluso
las paredes de las casas."
20,26,8,"Le potenti zanne di Raticate crescono in continuazione.
Per ridurne la crescita rode rocce e tronchi. Spesso si vedono
i segni delle sue zanne anche sui muri delle case."
20,26,9,"Raticates sturdy fangs grow steadily. To keep them
ground down, it gnaws on rocks and logs. It may
even chew on the walls of houses."
20,26,11,"丈夫な キバは どんどん 伸びるので
岩や 大木を かじって 削っている。
家の カベを かじられる ことも あるよ。"
20,27,1,"およぐのが とくい。 うしろあしに
ちいさな みずかきが ついていて
かわや ときに うみを わたることも。"
20,27,3,"수영이 특기. 뒷발에
작은 물갈퀴가 달려있어
강 때로는 바다를 건너기도 한다."
20,27,5,"Cest un très bon nageur. Les doigts de ses
pattes arrière sont palmés, ce qui lui permet de
traverser les rivières et parfois même les mers."
20,27,6,"Ein guter Schwimmer. An seinen Hinterläufen
hat es Schwimmhäute, mit denen es Flüsse
und manchmal sogar Meere durchquert."
20,27,7,"Es un excelente nadador. Gracias a las
pequeñas membranas de sus patas traseras
puede cruzar ríos y, en ocasiones, hasta mares."
20,27,8,"Abile nuotatore, attraversa fiumi e a volte
persino il mare grazie alle minuscole membrane
tra le dita delle zampe posteriori."
20,27,9,"Its hind feet are webbed, so its a strong
swimmer. It can cross rivers and sometimes
even oceans."
20,27,11,"泳ぐのが 得意。 後ろ足に
小さな 水かきが ついていて
河や ときに 海を 渡ることも。"
20,28,1,"みためよりも ずっと きょうぼうな
せいしつ。 かおの まえに てを
のばすと かみちぎられる かも。"
20,28,3,"겉모습보다 훨씬 난폭한
성질을 가졌다. 얼굴 앞에 손을
내밀면 물어뜯길 수도 있다."
20,28,5,"Beaucoup plus agressif quil nen a lair, mieux
vaut éviter de lui tendre la main si lon veut la
récupérer entière."
20,28,6,"Es ist aggressiver, als sein Äußeres vermuten
lässt. Hält man einen Finger vor sein Gesicht,
muss man damit rechnen, dass es hineinbeißt."
20,28,7,"No hay que dejarse engañar por su aspecto,
pues es más feroz de lo que parece. Si alguien
intenta tocarlo, puede llevarse un mordisco."
20,28,8,"È molto più feroce di quanto non sembri.
Se si allunga una mano verso di lui, potrebbe
staccarla con un morso."
20,28,9,"Its disposition is far more violent than its looks
would suggest. Dont let your hand get too close
to its face, as it could bite your hand clean off."
20,28,11,"見た目よりも ずっと 凶暴な
性質。 顔の 前に 手を
伸ばすと 噛み千切られる かも。"
20,29,1,"うしろあしの ちいさい みずかきで
うみを およいで しまを わたり
てきから にげていた という。"
20,29,3,"뒷발의 작의 물갈퀴로
바다를 헤엄쳐 섬을 건너
적을 피해 도망쳤다고 한다."
20,29,5,"Les petites palmes de ses pattes postérieures
lui permettraient de se rendre dîle en île
à la nage afin déchapper à ses prédateurs."
20,29,6,"Auf der Flucht vor seinen Feinden nutzt es die
Schwimmhäute an seinen Hinterläufen, um von
Insel zu Insel zu schwimmen."
20,29,7,"Las pequeñas membranas que tiene en las
patas traseras le permiten nadar entre las islas
de Alola y escapar así de sus depredadores."
20,29,8,"Si dice che sia sfuggito ai nemici nuotando da
unisola allaltra grazie alle minuscole membrane
tra le dita delle zampe posteriori."
20,29,9,"People say that it fled from its enemies by
using its small webbed hind feet to swim
from island to island in Alola."
20,29,11,"後ろ足の 小さい 水かきで
海を 泳いで 島を 渡り
敵から 逃げていた という。"
20,30,1,"ヒゲは バランスを とる たいせつな
きかん。 どんなに なかよくなっても
さわられると おこって かみつく。"
20,30,3,"수염은 밸런스를 잡기 위한 중요한
기관이다. 아무리 친해져도
만지면 화를 내며 문다."
20,30,5,"Il se sert de ses moustaches pour garder
léquilibre. Que le Rattatac soit apprivoisé
ou non, ne le touchez pas ou il vous mordrait!"
20,30,6,"Mit seinen Barthaaren hält es die Balance.
Berührt man sie, wird es wütend und beißt zu,
egal, wie zutraulich es auch sein mag."
20,30,7,"Mantiene el equilibrio gracias a sus bigotes.
Aunque le coja confianza a alguien, uno puede
llevarse un mordisco si intenta tocarlo."
20,30,8,"Usa i baffi per mantenersi in equilibrio.
Se qualcuno li sfiora, si arrabbia e morde anche
quelli a cui è molto affezionato."
20,30,9,"Its whiskers are essential for maintaining its
balance. No matter how friendly you are, it will
get angry and bite you if you touch its whiskers."
20,30,11,"ヒゲは バランスを とる 大切な
器官。 どんなに 仲良くなっても
触られると 怒って 噛みつく。"
20,31,1,"うしろあしにある ちいさな みずかきで
かわを およぐのは みずのなかの
エサを とるためだ。"
20,31,3,"뒷다리에 달린 작은 물갈퀴로
강을 헤엄치는 이유는 물속에 있는
먹이를 잡기 위해서다."
20,31,5,"Ses pattes arrière sont palmées. Il peut donc
poursuivre sa proie dans les cours deau et
les rivières."
20,31,6,"Die Hinterbeine dieses Pokémon verfügen über
kleine Schwimmhäute. So kann es in Flüssen
20,31,7,"Gracias a las pequeñas membranas de las patas
traseras, puede nadar por los ríos para capturar
20,31,8,"Dispone di zampe posteriori palmate che
gli permettono di nuotare nei fiumi in cerca
di prede."
20,31,9,"Its hind feet are webbed. They act as flippers,
so it can swim in rivers and hunt for prey."
20,31,11,"後ろ足にある 小さな 水かきで
川を 泳ぐのは 水の中の
エサを 捕るためだ。"
20,32,1,"うしろあしにある ちいさな みずかきで
かわを およぐのは みずのなかの
エサを とるためだ。"
20,32,3,"뒷다리에 달린 작은 물갈퀴로
강을 헤엄치는 이유는 물속에 있는
먹이를 잡기 위해서다."
20,32,5,"Ses pattes arrière sont palmées. Il peut donc
poursuivre sa proie dans les cours deau et
les rivières."
20,32,6,"Die Hinterbeine dieses Pokémon verfügen über
kleine Schwimmhäute. So kann es in Flüssen
20,32,7,"Gracias a las pequeñas membranas de las patas
traseras, puede nadar por los ríos para capturar
20,32,8,"Dispone di zampe posteriori palmate che
gli permettono di nuotare nei fiumi in cerca
di prede."
20,32,9,"Its hind feet are webbed. They act as flippers,
so it can swim in rivers and hunt for prey."
20,32,11,"後ろ足にある 小さな 水かきで
川を 泳ぐのは 水の中の
エサを 捕るためだ。"
21,1,9,"Eats bugs in
grassy areas. It
has to flap itsshort wings at
high speed to
stay airborne."
21,2,9,"Eats bugs in
grassy areas. It
has to flap itsshort wings at
high speed to
stay airborne."
21,3,9,"Inept at flying
high. However, it
can fly aroundvery fast to
protect its ter­
21,4,9,"It flaps its short
wings to flush out
insects from tallgrass. It then
plucks them with
its stubby beak."
21,5,9,"Very protective of
its territory, it
flaps its shortwings busily to
dart around at
high speed."
21,6,9,"To protect its
territory, it
flies aroundceaselessly,
making high-
pitched cries."
21,7,9,"SPEAROW has a very loud cry that can
be heard over half a mile away.
If its high, keening cry is heardechoing all around, it is a sign that
they are warning each other of danger."
21,8,9,"SPEAROW has a very loud cry that can
be heard over half a mile away.
If its high, keening cry is heardechoing all around, it is a sign that
they are warning each other of danger."
21,9,9,"Its loud cry can be heard over half a mile
away. If its high, keening cry is heard
echoing all around, it is a sign that they
are warning each other of danger."
21,10,9,"It busily flits around here and there.
Even if it is frail, it can be a tough
foe that uses MIRROR MOVE."
21,11,9,"Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap
its short wings at high speed to stay
21,12,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,13,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,14,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,15,9,"It flaps its short wings to flush out
insects from tall grass. It then
plucks them with its stubby beak."
21,16,9,"Very protective of its territory, it
flaps its short wings busily to
dart around at high speed."
21,17,5,"Il fait battre vigoureusement ses
petites ailes pour voler et cherche
à manger dans lherbe avec le bec."
21,17,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,18,5,"Il fait battre vigoureusement ses
petites ailes pour voler et cherche
à manger dans lherbe avec le bec."
21,18,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,21,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,22,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to
fly. Using its beak, it searches
in grass for prey."
21,23,1,"じぶんの テリトリーを まもるため
みじかいハネを はばたかせ
いそがしく とびまわっている。"
21,23,3,"자신의 영역을 지키기 위해
작은 날개를 쳐서
바쁘게 주위를 날아 맴돈다."
21,23,5,"Très protecteur de son territoire, il bat vite des ailes
pour se déplacer à toute allure."
21,23,6,"Es beschützt sein Gebiet stets vor Eindringlingen.
Daher fliegt es ständig wild umher."
21,23,7,"Muy protector de su territorio, mueve sus cortas alas
sin descanso para lanzarse a toda velocidad."
21,23,8,"Molto geloso del suo territorio, svolazza in giro
a gran velocità battendo le ali continuamente."
21,23,9,"Very protective of its territory, it flaps its short
wings busily to dart around at high speed."
21,23,11,"自分の テリトリーを 守るため
短い 羽を はばたかせて
忙しく 飛び回っている。"
21,24,1,"くさむらの むしなどを たべる。
はねが みじかいために いつも
いそがしく はばたいている。"
21,24,3,"풀숲의 벌레 따위를 먹는다.
날개가 짧기 때문에 항상
쉴 새 없이 날개 치고 있다."
21,24,5,"Il chasse les insectes dans les hautes herbes.
Ses petites ailes lui permettent de voler très vite."
21,24,6,"Es ernährt sich von Insekten, die es im Gras findet.
Ein starker Flügelschlag hält es in der Luft."
21,24,7,"Come bichos en zonas de hierba. Agita sus cortas alas
muy rápido para mantenerse en el aire."
21,24,8,"Mangia insetti nellerba alta. Per restare in aria deve
sbattere le corte ali molto velocemente."
21,24,9,"Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short
wings at high speed to stay airborne."
21,24,11,"草むらの 虫などを 食べる。
羽が 短いために
いつも 忙しく はばたいている。"
21,25,1,"おおきな なきごえは 1キロ さきまで とどく。
あちこちで カンだかい こえが きこえる ときは
なかまたちに きけんを しらせている あいずだ。"
21,25,3,"큰 울음소리는 1km 밖까지 도달한다.
여기저기에서 높은 울음소리가 들릴 때는
동료에게 위험을 알리고 있는 신호다."
21,25,5,"Piafabec crie tellement fort quil peut être entendu à 1 km
de distance. Ces Pokémon se préviennent dun danger
en entonnant une mélopée très aiguë, quils se renvoient
les uns les autres, comme un écho."
21,25,6,"Habitak kann einen sehr lauten Schrei ausstoßen,
den man über die Entfernung von 1 km vernehmen kann.
Durch das Echo seiner hohen, wehklagenden Schreie warnt
dieses Pokémon seine Artgenossen vor drohender Gefahr."
21,25,7,"Spearow pía con tanta fuerza que se le puede oír a 1 km de
distancia. Si al agudo chillido le sigue una especie de eco,
estaremos oyendo la respuesta de otros Spearow que
contestan ante el aviso de peligro."
21,25,8,"Spearow emette un grido molto acuto, percepibile anche
a 1 km di distanza. Quando questo grido riecheggia
nei dintorni, questo Pokémon intende avvertire i suoi simili
di un pericolo imminente."
21,25,9,"Spearow has a very loud cry that can be heard over
half a mile away. If its high, keening cry is heard echoing all
around, it is a sign that they are warning each other of danger."
21,25,11,"大きな 鳴き声は 1キロ 先まで 届く。
あちこちで カン高い 声が 聞こえる ときは
仲間たちに 危険を 報せている 合図だ。"
21,26,1,"おおきな なきごえは 1キロ さきまで とどく。
あちこちで カンだかい こえが きこえる ときは
なかまたちに きけんを しらせている あいずだ。"
21,26,3,"큰 울음소리는 1km 밖까지 도달한다.
여기저기에서 높은 울음소리가 들릴 때는
동료에게 위험을 알리고 있는 신호다."
21,26,5,"Piafabec crie tellement fort quil peut être entendu à 1 km
de distance. Ces Pokémon se préviennent dun danger
en entonnant une mélopée très aiguë, quils se renvoient
les uns les autres, comme un écho."
21,26,6,"Habitak kann einen sehr lauten Schrei ausstoßen,
den man über die Entfernung von 1 km vernehmen kann.
Durch das Echo seiner hohen, wehklagenden Schreie warnt
dieses Pokémon seine Artgenossen vor drohender Gefahr."
21,26,7,"Spearow pía con tanta fuerza que se le puede oír a 1 km de
distancia. Si al agudo chillido le sigue una especie de eco,
estaremos oyendo la respuesta de otros Spearow que
contestan ante el aviso de peligro."
21,26,8,"Spearow emette un grido molto acuto, percepibile anche
a 1 km di distanza. Quando questo grido riecheggia
nei dintorni, questo Pokémon intende avvertire i suoi simili
di un pericolo imminente."
21,26,9,"Spearow has a very loud cry that can be heard over
half a mile away. If its high, keening cry is heard echoing all
around, it is a sign that they are warning each other of danger."
21,26,11,"大きな 鳴き声は 1キロ 先まで 届く。
あちこちで カン高い 声が 聞こえる ときは
仲間たちに 危険を 報せている 合図だ。"
21,27,1,"ハネが みじかく とぶのは にがて。
せわしなく うごきまわり くさむらの
むしポケモンを ついばんでいる。"
21,27,3,"날개가 짧아 나는 것이 서툴다.
쉴 새 없이 움직이며 풀숲의
벌레포켓몬을 쪼아대고 있다."
21,27,5,"Ses petites ailes le handicapent pour voler.
Il préfère se déplacer en hâte et piquer les
Pokémon Insecte dans les hautes herbes."
21,27,6,"Es kann nicht gut fliegen, da seine Flügel sehr
kurz sind. Es rennt wild durch hohes Gras, um
Käfer-Pokémon aufzupicken."
21,27,7,"Sus alas cortas hacen que no se le dé muy bien
volar. Corretea apresuradamente, picoteando los
Pokémon insecto que se encuentre en la hierba."
21,27,8,"A causa delle ali troppo corte, non riesce a
volare bene. Scorrazza tra lerba alta alla ricerca
di Pokémon Coleottero da beccare."
21,27,9,"Its short wings make it inept at flying.
It moves about hurriedly and pecks at
Bug-type Pokémon in the tall grass."
21,27,11,"ハネが 短く 飛ぶのは やや苦手。
せわしなく 動き回り 草むらの
むしポケモンを ついばんでいる。"
21,28,1,"しょくよくおうせいで よく たべる。
むしポケモンに なやむ のうかは
オニスズメを たいせつに する。"
21,28,3,"식욕이 왕성해서 잘 먹는다.
벌레포켓몬으로 고생하는 농가에서는
깨비참을 소중히 여긴다."
21,28,5,"Il est doté dun appétit insatiable.
Les fermiers assaillis par des Pokémon Insecte
prennent grand soin des Piafabec."
21,28,6,"Bauern, deren Felder von Käfer-Pokémon
befallen sind, schätzen Habitak wegen seines
unstillbaren Appetits ganz besonders."
21,28,7,"Tiene un apetito voraz y come con frecuencia.
En las granjas crían Spearow para combatir
plagas de Pokémon insecto."
21,28,8,"Ha sempre un grande appetito.
È molto amato dagli agricoltori perché tiene
a bada i Pokémon di tipo Coleottero."
21,28,9,"Farmers whose fields are troubled by bug
Pokémon appreciate Spearow for its vigorous
appetite and look after it."
21,28,11,"食欲旺盛で よく 食べる。
むしポケモンに 悩む 農家は
オニスズメを 大切に する。"
21,29,1,"じぶんのテリトリーを まもるためなら
おおきな ポケモンが あいてでも
むかっていく むこうみずな せいしつ。"
21,29,3,"자신의 영역을 지키기 위해서라면
상대가 큰 포켓몬이라도
덤벼드는 무모한 성질을 가졌다."
21,29,5,"Un Pokémon téméraire qui nhésite pas
à affronter des Pokémon plus gros que lui
pour protéger son territoire."
21,29,6,"Wenn es um die Verteidigung seines Reviers
geht, schreckt das draufgängerische Habitak
selbst vor großen Pokémon nicht zurück."
21,29,7,"Su temperamento temerario hace que no dude
en enfrentarse a rivales mucho más grandes
a la hora de defender su territorio."
21,29,8,"Temerario di natura, per difendere il proprio
territorio non esita a lanciarsi anche contro
avversari più grandi di lui."
21,29,9,"Its reckless nature leads it to stand up to
others—even large Pokémon—if it has to protect
its territory."
21,29,11,"自分のテリトリーを 守るためなら
大きな ポケモンが 相手でも
向かっていく 向こう見ずな 性質。"
21,30,1,"ハネが みじかく ながい きょりを
とべない。 せわしなく うごき
まわって むしポケモンを ついばむ。"
21,30,3,"날개가 짧아서 먼 거리를
날지 못한다. 쉴 새 없이 움직이며
벌레포켓몬을 쪼아 댄다."
21,30,5,"Ses courtes ailes ne lui permettent pas de
voler sur de longues distances. Il quadrille
son territoire pour picorer les Pokémon Insecte."
21,30,6,"Aufgrund seiner kurzen Flügel kann es keine
langen Strecken fliegen. Es rennt wild durch
die Gegend, um Käfer-Pokémon aufzupicken."
21,30,7,"Sus cortas alas le impiden volar grandes
distancias, por lo que revolotea inquieto y
picotea a todo Pokémon insecto que ve."
21,30,8,"A causa delle ali troppo corte, non riesce a
volare per lunghe distanze. Scorrazza qua e là
alla ricerca di Pokémon Coleottero da beccare."
21,30,9,"Due to its short wings, it cant fly long
distances. It wanders about restlessly and
pecks at bug Pokémon."
21,30,11,"羽が 短く 長い 距離を
飛べない。 せわしなく 動き
まわって むしポケモンを ついばむ。"
21,31,1,"たかく とぶのは にがて。
なわばりを まもるために
もうスピードで とびまわっている。"
21,31,3,"높이 나는 것에 서투르다.
영역을 지키기 위해
맹렬한 스피드로 날아다닌다."
21,31,5,"Il est incapable de voler à haute altitude.
Il se déplace très vite pour protéger
son territoire."
21,31,6,"In großen Höhen fällt ihm das Fliegen schwer.
Allerdings kann es pfeilschnell umherflitzen,
wenn es um den Schutz seines Habitats geht."
21,31,7,"A la hora de proteger su territorio, compensa su
incapacidad para volar a gran altura con una
increíble velocidad."
21,31,8,"Incapace di raggiungere alte quote, sorvola
il suo territorio a gran velocità per proteggerlo."
21,31,9,"Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around
very fast to protect its territory."
21,31,11,"高く 飛ぶのは 苦手。
縄張りを 守るために
猛スピードで 飛びまわっている。"
21,32,1,"たかく とぶのは にがて。
なわばりを まもるために
もうスピードで とびまわっている。"
21,32,3,"높이 나는 것에 서투르다.
영역을 지키기 위해
맹렬한 스피드로 날아다닌다."
21,32,5,"Il est incapable de voler à haute altitude.
Il se déplace très vite pour protéger
son territoire."
21,32,6,"In großen Höhen fällt ihm das Fliegen schwer.
Allerdings kann es pfeilschnell umherflitzen,
wenn es um den Schutz seines Habitats geht."
21,32,7,"A la hora de proteger su territorio, compensa su
incapacidad para volar a gran altura con una
increíble velocidad."
21,32,8,"Incapace di raggiungere alte quote, sorvola
il suo territorio a gran velocità per proteggerlo."
21,32,9,"Inept at flying high. However, it can fly around
very fast to protect its territory."
21,32,11,"高く 飛ぶのは 苦手。
縄張りを 守るために
猛スピードで 飛びまわっている。"
22,1,9,"With its huge and
magnificent wings,
it can keep aloftwithout ever
having to land
for rest."
22,2,9,"With its huge and
magnificent wings,
it can keep aloftwithout ever
having to land
for rest."
22,3,9,"A POKéMON that
dates back many
years. If itsenses danger, it
flies high and
away, instantly."
22,4,9,"It shoots itself
suddenly high into
the sky, thenplummets down in
one fell swoop to
strike its prey."
22,5,9,"It cleverly uses
its thin, long
beak to pluck andeat small insects
that hide under
the ground."
22,6,9,"It uses its long
beak to attack. It
has a surprisinglylong reach, so it
must be treated
with caution."
22,7,9,"FEAROW is recognized by its long neck
and elongated beak.
They are conveniently shaped forcatching prey in soil or water.
It deftly moves its long and skinny
beak to pluck prey."
22,8,9,"FEAROW is recognized by its long neck
and elongated beak.
They are conveniently shaped forcatching prey in soil or water.
It deftly moves its long and skinny
beak to pluck prey."
22,9,9,"Its long neck and elongated beak are
ideal for catching prey in soil or water.
It deftly moves this extended and skinny
beak to pluck prey."
22,10,9,"Its huge and magnificent wings can keep it
aloft in the sky. It can remain flying a
whole day without landing."
22,11,9,"With its huge and magnificent wings, it can
keep aloft without ever having to land
for rest."
22,12,9,"It has the stamina to fly all
day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,13,9,"It has the stamina to keep flying
all day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,14,9,"It has the stamina to fly all
day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,15,9,"It shoots itself suddenly high into
the sky, then plummets down in
one fell swoop to strike its prey."
22,16,9,"It cleverly uses its thin, long
beak to pluck and eat small insects
that hide under the ground."
22,17,5,"Il a assez dénergie pour voler
toute la journée avec ses grandes
ailes. Il frappe de son bec acéré."
22,17,9,"It has the stamina to fly all
day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,18,5,"Il a assez dénergie pour voler
toute la journée avec ses grandes
ailes. Il frappe de son bec acéré."
22,18,9,"It has the stamina to fly all
day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,21,9,"It has the stamina to fly all
day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,22,9,"It has the stamina to fly all
day on its broad wings. It
fights by using its sharp beak."
22,23,1,"おおきな つばさで おおぞらを
とびつづけることが できる。
1かいも おりなくても へいきだ。"
22,23,3,"커다란 날개로 넓은 하늘을
계속 날 수 있다.
한 번도 내려앉지 않아도 괜찮다."
22,23,5,"Ses ailes géantes lui permettent de voler sur de
longues distances sans quil ait besoin de se reposer."
22,23,6,"Mit seinen riesigen Flügeln kann dieses Pokémon
nahezu pausenlos in der Luft bleiben."
22,23,7,"Con sus enormes y magníficas alas, puede seguir
volando sin tener que aterrizar para descansar."
22,23,8,"Con le sue enormi e magnifiche ali, è in grado di
volare senza mai atterrare per riposarsi."
22,23,9,"With its huge and magnificent wings, it can keep
aloft without ever having to land for rest."
22,23,11,"大きな 翼で 大空を
飛び続けることが できる。
1回も 降りなくても 平気だ。"
22,24,1,"おおきな つばさで 1にちじゅう
とびまわる たいりょくの もちぬし。
するどい くちばしで たたかう。"
22,24,3,"큰 날개로 온종일
날아다닐 수 있는 체력의 소유자다.
날카로운 부리로 싸운다."
22,24,5,"Il a assez dénergie pour voler toute la journée avec
ses grandes ailes. Il frappe de son bec acéré."
22,24,6,"Es hat genügend Ausdauer, den ganzen Tag
zu fliegen. Sein scharfer Schnabel dient als Waffe."
22,24,7,"Tiene energía para volar todo el día con sus grandes
alas. Lucha con su afilado pico."
22,24,8,"Le sue ampie ali robuste gli permettono di volare
tutto il giorno. Combatte usando il becco aguzzo."
22,24,9,"It has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings.
It fights by using its sharp beak."
22,24,11,"大きな 翼で 1日中
飛び回る 体力の 持ち主。
鋭い クチバシで 戦う。"
22,25,1,"ながい くびと くちばしは つちや みずの
なかに いる エサを つかまえるのに べんり。
ほそながい くちばしで きように つまむぞ。"
22,25,3,"긴 목과 부리는 땅이나 물 안에
있는 먹이를 잡기 편리하다.
가늘고 긴 부리로 능숙히 집는다."
22,25,5,"On reconnaît un Rapasdepic à son long cou et à son bec
allongé. Ces attributs lui permettent dattraper facilement
ses proies dans la terre ou dans leau. Il bouge son bec
long et fin avec une grande agilité."
22,25,6,"Ibitak erkennt man an seinem langen Hals und Schnabel.
Er ist hervorragend dafür geeignet, im Erdreich oder im
Wasser Beute zu jagen. Es setzt seinen langen, dünnen
Schnabel dabei sehr geschickt ein."
22,25,7,"A Fearow se le reconoce por tener un pescuezo y un pico
largos que le permiten cazar en tierra y agua. Tiene una
gran habilidad moviendo el fino pico para atrapar a sus presas."
22,25,8,"Fearow è caratterizzato da un collo e un becco molto lunghi,
dalla forma ottimale per la cattura della preda a terra o
in acqua. Muove agilmente il becco lungo e affusolato
per stanare la preda."
22,25,9,"Fearow is recognized by its long neck and elongated beak.
They are conveniently shaped for catching prey in soil
or water. It deftly moves its long and skinny beak to
pluck prey."
22,25,11,"長い 首と くちばしは 土や 水の
中に いる エサを 捕まえるのに 便利。
細長い くちばしで 器用に つまむぞ。"
22,26,1,"ながい くびと くちばしは つちや みずの
なかに いる エサを つかまえるのに べんり。
ほそながい くちばしで きように つまむぞ。"
22,26,3,"긴 목과 부리는 땅이나 물 안에
있는 먹이를 잡기 편리하다.
가늘고 긴 부리로 능숙히 집는다."
22,26,5,"On reconnaît un Rapasdepic à son long cou et à son bec
allongé. Ces attributs lui permettent dattraper facilement
ses proies dans la terre ou dans leau. Il bouge son bec
long et fin avec une grande agilité."
22,26,6,"Ibitak erkennt man an seinem langen Schnabel. Er ist
hervorragend dafür geeignet, im Erdreich oder im Wasser
Beute zu jagen. Es setzt seinen langen, dünnen Schnabel
dabei sehr geschickt ein."
22,26,7,"A Fearow se le reconoce por tener un pescuezo y un pico
largos que le permiten cazar en tierra y agua. Tiene una
gran habilidad moviendo el fino pico para atrapar a sus presas."
22,26,8,"Fearow è caratterizzato da un collo e un becco molto lunghi,
dalla forma ottimale per la cattura della preda a terra o
in acqua. Muove agilmente il becco lungo e affusolato
per stanare la preda."
22,26,9,"Fearow is recognized by its long neck and elongated beak.
They are conveniently shaped for catching prey in soil or
water. It deftly moves its long and skinny beak to pluck prey."
22,26,11,"長い 首と くちばしは 土や 水の
中に いる エサを 捕まえるのに 便利。
細長い くちばしで 器用に つまむぞ。"
22,27,1,"タフで じきゅうりょくに すぐれる。
おもたい にもつを のせたまま
まる1にち とびつづけても へいき。"
22,27,3,"터프하고 지구력도 우수하다.
무거운 짐을 진 채
온종일 날아도 끄떡없다."
22,27,5,"Un Pokémon robuste et extrêmement endurant.
Il est capable de voler du matin au soir tout
en transportant de lourdes charges."
22,27,6,"Es ist belastbar und hat genügend Ausdauer,
um selbst mit schwerer Fracht beladen einen
ganzen Tag lang in der Luft zu bleiben."
22,27,7,"Son de destacar su dureza y resistencia.
Puede volar sin parar durante un día entero
aunque lleve una pesada carga."
22,27,8,"Ha una notevole resistenza fisica e può volare
per un giorno intero trasportando oggetti
22,27,9,"Its tough and has excellent stamina.
It has no problem flying continuously
for a whole day carrying a heavy load."
22,27,11,"タフで 持久力に 優れる。
重たい 荷物を 乗せたまま
丸1日 飛び続けても 平気。"
22,28,1,"はるか たいこの へきがのなかに
オニドリルらしき ポケモンが
えがかれていることが わかった。"
22,28,3,"먼 태곳적 벽화 속에
깨비드릴조처럼 보이는 포켓몬이
그려져 있는 것이 발견되었다."
22,28,5,"Un Pokémon fort ancien, qui a même été identifié
sur des fresques antiques."
22,28,6,"Wie kürzlich bekannt wurde, existieren uralte
Wandmalereien, auf denen Pokémon abgebildet
sind, die Ähnlichkeiten mit Ibitak aufweisen."
22,28,7,"En algunos murales de épocas arcaicas se han
hallado pinturas de un Pokémon que guarda un
gran parecido con Fearow."
22,28,8,"Sembra che questo Pokémon sia raffigurato
in pitture rupestri antichissime."
22,28,9,"Drawings of a Pokémon resembling Fearow can
be seen in murals from deep in ancient history."
22,28,11,"遥か 太古の 壁画の中に
オニドリルらしき ポケモンが
描かれていることが 判った。"
22,29,1,"オニドリルの なわばりで たべものを
もって あるくのは キケンだ。
あっという まに かっさらわれるぞ。"
22,29,3,"깨비드릴조 영역에서 음식을
갖고 다니는 것은 위험하다.
순식간에 빼앗긴다."
22,29,5,"Si vous vous promenez sur le territoire dun
Rapasdepic en transportant de la nourriture,
vous risquez de vite la voir senvoler!"
22,29,6,"Wer Essbares dabeihat, sollte sich nicht in
Ibitaks Revier begeben, da sonst ein Überfall
aus heiterem Himmel droht."
22,29,7,"Es peligroso pasear con comida por su territorio,
ya que supone exponerse a que en cualquier
momento se abalance para robarla."
22,29,8,"Chi attraversa il suo territorio portando con sé
del cibo corre il rischio di vederselo strappare
via in men che non si dica."
22,29,9,"Carrying food through Fearows territory is
dangerous. It will snatch the food away from
you in a flash!"
22,29,11,"オニドリルの 縄張りで 食べ物を
持って 歩くのは 危険だ。
あっという 間に かっさらわれるぞ。"
22,30,1,"アローラでは さかなポケモンが
えもの。 うみの うえを せんかいし
エサをさがす こうけいが みられる。"
22,30,3,"알로라에서는 물고기포켓몬이
먹이다. 바다 위를 선회하며
먹이를 찾는 광경을 볼 수 있다."
22,30,5,"À Alola, il se repaît de Pokémon poissons.
On le voit souvent voler en cercle au-dessus
des flots en quête de nourriture."
22,30,6,"In Alola findet es seine Beute im Meer. Ibitak, die
suchend ihre Kreise über dem Wasser ziehen,
sind ein typischer Anblick in der Region."
22,30,7,"En Alola, se alimenta de Pokémon pez. A menudo
se lo puede ver sobrevolando el mar en círculos
en busca de presas."
22,30,8,"Ad Alola si ciba di Pokémon acquatici.
Spesso lo si vede volteggiare sul mare in
cerca di prede."
22,30,9,"In Alola, fish Pokémon are its prey. It can be
seen circling above the ocean searching
for food."
22,30,11,"アローラでは さかなポケモンが
獲物。 海の 上を 旋回し
エサを探す 光景が 見られる。"
22,31,1,"むかしから すんでいる ポケモン。
すこしでも きけんを かんじると
そらたかく とんで いってしまう。"
22,31,3,"옛날부터 살고 있는 포켓몬.
조금이라도 위험을 감지하면
하늘 높이 날아가 버린다."
22,31,5,"Un Pokémon très ancien. Sil perçoit un danger,
il fuit instantanément à haute altitude."
22,31,6,"Dieses Pokémon gehört einer sehr alten Spezies
an. Wittert es Gefahr, so fliegt es sofort in große
Höhen davon."
22,31,7,"Este Pokémon ha existido desde tiempos
remotos. Al menor atisbo de peligro, alza el
vuelo y huye."
22,31,8,"Questo Pokémon molto antico vola in alto
nel cielo al minimo accenno di pericolo."
22,31,9,"A Pokémon that dates back many years. If it
senses danger, it flies high and away, instantly."
22,31,11,"昔から 住んでいる ポケモン。
少しでも 危険を 感じると
空高く 飛んで いってしまう。"
22,32,1,"むかしから すんでいる ポケモン。
すこしでも きけんを かんじると
そらたかく とんで いってしまう。"
22,32,3,"옛날부터 살고 있는 포켓몬.
조금이라도 위험을 감지하면
하늘 높이 날아가 버린다."
22,32,5,"Un Pokémon très ancien. Sil perçoit un danger,
il fuit instantanément à haute altitude."
22,32,6,"Dieses Pokémon gehört einer sehr alten Spezies
an. Wittert es Gefahr, so fliegt es sofort in große
Höhen davon."
22,32,7,"Este Pokémon ha existido desde tiempos
remotos. Al menor atisbo de peligro, alza el
vuelo y huye."
22,32,8,"Questo Pokémon molto antico vola in alto
nel cielo al minimo accenno di pericolo."
22,32,9,"A Pokémon that dates back many years. If it
senses danger, it flies high and away, instantly."
22,32,11,"昔から 住んでいる ポケモン。
少しでも 危険を 感じると
空高く 飛んで いってしまう。"
23,1,9,"Moves silently
and stealthily.
Eats the eggs ofbirds, such as
SPEAROW, whole."
23,2,9,"Moves silently
and stealthily.
Eats the eggs ofbirds, such as
SPEAROW, whole."
23,3,9,"The older it gets,
the longer it
grows. At night,it wraps its long
body around tree
branches to rest."
23,4,9,"It can freely de­
tach its jaw to
swallow large preywhole. It can be­
come too heavy to
move, however."
23,5,9,"It always hides in
grass. When first
born, it has nopoison, so its
bite is painful,
but harmless."
23,6,9,"It flutters the
tip of its tongue
to seek out thescent of prey,
then swallows the
prey whole."
23,7,9,"EKANS curls itself up in a spiral while
it rests.
Assuming this position allows it toquickly respond to a threat from any
direction with a glare from its upraised
23,8,9,"EKANS curls itself up in a spiral while
it rests.
Assuming this position allows it toquickly respond to a threat from any
direction with a glare from its upraised
23,9,9,"An EKANS curls itself up in a spiral while
it rests. This position allows it to quickly
respond to an enemy from any direction
with a threat from its upraised head."
23,10,9,"A very common sight in grassland, etc.
It flicks its tongue in and out to sense
danger in its surroundings."
23,11,9,"Moving silently and stealthily, it eats
the eggs of birds, such as PIDGEY
and SPEAROW, whole."
23,12,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,13,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,14,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,15,9,"It can freely detach its jaw to
swallow large prey whole. It can
become too heavy to move, however."
23,16,9,"It always hides in grass. When first
born, it has no poison, so its
bite is painful, but harmless."
23,17,5,"Il se faufile dans lherbe sans un
bruit et frappe dans le dos quand
sa proie sy attend le moins."
23,17,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,18,5,"Il se faufile dans lherbe sans un
bruit et frappe dans le dos quand
sa proie sy attend le moins."
23,18,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,21,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,22,9,"It sneaks through grass without
making a sound and strikes
unsuspecting prey from behind."
23,23,1,"そだつほどに どんどん ながくなる。
そして よなかは きのえだに
グルグルと からまって やすむ。"
23,23,3,"성장할수록 점점 길어진다.
밤에는 나뭇가지에
몸을 돌돌 말고 쉰다."
23,23,5,"Plus il est âgé, plus son corps est long. Il se love
autour des arbres pour se reposer."
23,23,6,"Mit dem Alter wird der Körper dieses Pokémon
immer länger. Es schläft um Äste gewickelt."
23,23,7,"Cuanto más viejo, más crece este Pokémon. Por la
noche, descansa en las ramas de los árboles."
23,23,8,"Con il tempo si fa sempre più lungo. La notte avvolge
il suo corpo attorno a qualche ramo per dormire."
23,23,9,"The older it gets, the longer it grows.
At night, it wraps its long body around
tree branches to rest."
23,23,11,"育つほどに どんどん 長くなる。
そして 夜中は 木の枝に
グルグルと 絡まって 休む。"
23,24,1,"まったく けはいを かんじさせずに
いどうする。ポッポや オニスズメの
たまごを まるのみ してしまう。"
23,24,3,"전혀 기척을 느끼지 못하게
이동한다. 구구와 깨비참의
알을 통째로 삼켜버린다."
23,24,5,"Il se déplace en silence pour dévorer des œufs de
Roucool ou de Piafabec."
23,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann sich lautlos bewegen.
Seine Nahrung sind die Eier von Vogel-Pokémon."
23,24,7,"Es muy silencioso y cauteloso. Come huevos de
pájaros como los de Pidgey y Spearow."
23,24,8,"Si muove in modo silenzioso e furtivo. Si nutre di uova
di uccelli come Pidgey e Spearow, che ingoia intere."
23,24,9,"Moving silently and stealthily, it eats the eggs of
birds, such as Pidgey and Spearow, whole."
23,24,11,"まったく 気配を 感じさせずに
移動する。ポッポや オニスズメの
タマゴを まるのみ してしまう。"
23,25,1,"ぐるぐる からだを まいて やすんでいるのは
どの ほうこうから てきが おそってきても
とっさに あたまを むけて いかくできるからだ。"
23,25,3,"빙빙 몸을 말고 쉬고 있는 것은
어떤 방향에서 적이 습격해 와도
빠르게 머리를 틀어 위협할 수 있기 때문이다."
23,25,5,"Abo senroule en spirale pour dormir. Sa tête reste relevée
de telle sorte que cette position lui permette de réagir
rapidement si une menace survenait."
23,25,6,"Rettan rollt sich zu einer Spirale zusammen, wenn es
sich ausruht. Aus dieser Haltung kann es blitzschnell
auf Bedrohungen aus allen Richtungen reagieren,
indem es seinen Kopf hebt."
23,25,7,"Ekans se enrosca para descansar. Adoptando esta posición
puede responder rápidamente a cualquier amenaza que le
aceche desde cualquier lugar, levantando la cabeza con una
feroz mirada."
23,25,8,"Ekans si attorciglia a spirale per riposarsi. In questa posizione
riesce a reagire alle insidie provenienti da ogni parte grazie
alla testa sollevata e allo sguardo fulminante."
23,25,9,"Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this
position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any
direction with a glare from its upraised head."
23,25,11,"ぐるぐる 体を 巻いて 休んでいるのは
どの 方向から 敵が 襲ってきても
とっさに 頭を 向けて 威嚇できるからだ。"
23,26,1,"ぐるぐる からだを まいて やすんでいるのは
どの ほうこうから てきが おそってきても
とっさに あたまを むけて いかくできるからだ。"
23,26,3,"빙빙 몸을 말고 쉬고 있는 것은
어떤 방향에서 적이 습격해 와도
빠르게 머리를 틀어 위협할 수 있기 때문이다."
23,26,5,"Abo senroule en spirale pour dormir. Sa tête reste relevée
de telle sorte que cette position lui permette de réagir
rapidement si une menace survenait."
23,26,6,"Rettan rollt sich zu einer Spirale zusammen, wenn es
sich ausruht. Aus dieser Haltung kann es blitzschnell
auf Bedrohungen aus allen Richtungen reagieren,
indem es seinen Kopf hebt."
23,26,7,"Ekans se enrosca para descansar. Adoptando esta posición
puede responder rápidamente a cualquier amenaza que le
aceche desde cualquier lugar, levantando la cabeza con una
feroz mirada."
23,26,8,"Ekans si attorciglia a spirale per riposarsi. In questa posizione
riesce a reagire alle insidie provenienti da ogni parte grazie
alla testa sollevata e allo sguardo fulminante."
23,26,9,"Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this
position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any
direction with a glare from its upraised head."
23,26,11,"ぐるぐる 体を 巻いて 休んでいるのは
どの 方向から 敵が 襲ってきても
とっさに 頭を 向けて 威嚇できるからだ。"
23,29,1,"アゴを はずすことで じぶんより
おおきな えものも まるのみにする。
しょくごは からだを まるめ やすむ。"
23,29,3,"턱을 빼 자신보다
큰 먹이를 통째로 삼킨다.
식후에는 몸을 둥글게 하고 쉰다."
23,29,5,"Il peut se déboîter la mâchoire pour avaler
tout rond des proies plus grosses que lui.
Il se replie ensuite sur lui-même pour digérer."
23,29,6,"Es hängt seinen Kiefer aus und verschlingt so
selbst größere Beute am Stück. Danach rollt
es sich zusammen und ruht sich aus."
23,29,7,"Es capaz de desencajar la mandíbula para
engullir presas enteras mayores que él mismo,
tras lo cual se enrosca para descansar."
23,29,8,"Può sganciare la mandibola per ingoiare intere
prede più grosse di lui. Dopo il pasto, si
arrotola su se stesso per riposarsi."
23,29,9,"By dislocating its jaw, it can swallow prey larger
than itself. After a meal, it curls up and rests."
23,29,11,"顎を 外すことで 自分より
大きな 獲物も 丸呑みに する。
食後は 身体を 丸め 休む。"
23,30,1,"とりポケモンの タマゴが こうぶつ。
かまずに まるのみするので のどが
つまって きを うしなうことも。"
23,30,3,"새포켓몬의 알을 좋아한다.
씹지 않고 통째로 삼키기 때문에
목이 막혀서 정신을 잃을 때도 있다."
23,30,5,"Il aime tout particulièrement les œufs des
Pokémon oiseaux. Comme il les avale dun coup,
il lui arrive de sétouffer et de sévanouir."
23,30,6,"Die Eier von Vogel-Pokémon, sein Leibgericht,
verschlingt es am Stück. Bleibt ihm eines in der
Kehle stecken, verliert es kurz das Bewusstsein."
23,30,7,"Los huevos de Pokémon pájaro son su manjar
predilecto. Como se los traga enteros, en
ocasiones se atraganta y pierde el conocimiento."
23,30,8,"È ghiotto di Uova di Pokémon alati, che ingoia
intere. Può accadere che gli si blocchino in
gola, togliendogli il respiro."
23,30,9,"The eggs of bird Pokémon are its favorite food.
It swallows eggs whole, so sometimes an egg
gets stuck, and Ekans faints."
23,30,11,"とりポケモンの タマゴが 好物。
噛まずに 丸呑みするので 喉が
詰まって 気を 失うことも。"
23,31,1,"そだつほどに どんどん ながくなる。
そして よなかは きのえだに
グルグルと からまって やすむ。"
23,31,3,"성장할수록 점점 길어진다.
밤에는 나뭇가지에
몸을 돌돌 말고 쉰다."
23,31,5,"Plus il est âgé, plus son corps est long.
La nuit, il senroule autour de branches darbres
pour se reposer."
23,31,6,"Mit dem Alter wird der Körper dieses Pokémon
immer länger. Nachts wickelt es sich um Äste,
um zu ruhen."
23,31,7,"La longitud de este Pokémon aumenta con el
tiempo. Por la noche, se enrosca en las ramas
de los árboles para descansar."
23,31,8,"Si allunga sempre più con letà.
La notte si avvolge attorno a qualche ramo
per dormire."
23,31,9,"The older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it
wraps its long body around tree branches to rest."
23,31,11,"育つほどに どんどん 長くなる。
そして 夜中は 木の枝に
グルグルと からまって 休む。"
23,32,1,"そだつほどに どんどん ながくなる。
そして よなかは きのえだに
グルグルと からまって やすむ。"
23,32,3,"성장할수록 점점 길어진다.
밤에는 나뭇가지에
몸을 돌돌 말고 쉰다."
23,32,5,"Plus il est âgé, plus son corps est long.
La nuit, il senroule autour de branches darbres
pour se reposer."
23,32,6,"Mit dem Alter wird der Körper dieses Pokémon
immer länger. Nachts wickelt es sich um Äste,
um zu ruhen."
23,32,7,"La longitud de este Pokémon aumenta con el
tiempo. Por la noche, se enrosca en las ramas
de los árboles para descansar."
23,32,8,"Si allunga sempre più con letà.
La notte si avvolge attorno a qualche ramo
per dormire."
23,32,9,"The older it gets, the longer it grows. At night, it
wraps its long body around tree branches to rest."
23,32,11,"育つほどに どんどん 長くなる。
そして 夜中は 木の枝に
グルグルと からまって 休む。"
24,1,9,"It is rumored that
the ferocious
warning markingson its belly
differ from area
to area."
24,2,9,"It is rumored that
the ferocious
warning markingson its belly
differ from area
to area."
24,3,9,"The frightening
patterns on its
belly have beenstudied. Six
variations have
been confirmed."
24,4,9,"Transfixing prey
with the face-like
pattern on itsbelly, it binds
and poisons the
frightened victim."
24,5,9,"With a very venge­
ful nature, it
won't give up thechase, no matter
how far, once it
targets its prey."
24,6,9,"To intimidate
foes, it spreads
its chest wide andmakes eerie sounds
by expelling air
from its mouth."
24,7,9,"This POKéMON is terrifically strong in
order to constrict things with its body.
It can even flatten steel oil drums.Once ARBOK wraps its body around its
foe, escaping its crunching embrace is
24,8,9,"This POKéMON is terrifically strong in
order to constrict things with its body.
It can even flatten steel oil drums.Once ARBOK wraps its body around its
foe, escaping its crunching embrace is
24,9,9,"This POKéMON has a terrifically strong
constricting power. It can even flatten
steel oil drums. Once it wraps its body
around its foe, escaping is impossible."
24,10,9,"The pattern on its belly appears to be a
frightening face. Weak foes will flee just
at the sight of the pattern."
24,11,9,"It is rumored that the ferocious warning
markings on its belly differ from area to
24,12,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,13,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,14,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,15,9,"Transfixing prey with the face-like
pattern on its belly, it binds
and poisons the frightened victim."
24,16,9,"With a very vengeful nature, it
wont give up the chase, no matter
how far, once it targets its prey."
24,17,5,"Il utilise la marque sur son ventre
pour intimider lennemi. Il étouffe
lennemi pétrifié par la peur."
24,17,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,18,5,"Il utilise la marque sur son ventre
pour intimider lennemi. Il étouffe
lennemi pétrifié par la peur."
24,18,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,21,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,22,9,"The pattern on its belly is for
intimidation. It constricts foes
while they are frozen in fear."
24,23,1,"おなかの もようが こわいかおに
みえる。よわいてきは そのもようを
みただけで にげだしてしまう。"
24,23,3,"배의 무늬가 무서운 얼굴로
보인다. 약한 적은 그 무늬만
보고도 도망치고 만다."
24,23,5,"Les motifs sur son corps ressemblent à un visage
menaçant. Les adversaires les plus craintifs fuient à la
seule vue de ce Pokémon."
24,23,6,"Das Muster auf seinem Bauch ähnelt einer Fratze.
Schwache Gegner nehmen bereits beim Anblick
24,23,7,"El dibujo que tiene en la panza aterroriza. Los rivales
más débiles salen huyendo al verlo."
24,23,8,"Il disegno sulla pancia rappresenta una faccia
spaventosa, capace di far fuggire i nemici più pavidi."
24,23,9,"The pattern on its belly appears to be a frightening
face. Weak foes will flee just at the sight of
the pattern."
24,23,11,"お腹の 模様が 怖い 顔に 見える。
弱い 敵は その模様を
見ただけで 逃げ出してしまう。"
24,24,1,"むねをひろげ いかく するとき
くちから もれる くうきの おとは
ぶきみで あいてを おびえさせる。"
24,24,3,"가슴을 펴서 위협할 때
입에서 새는 공기 소리는
으스스해서 상대를 겁먹게 한다."
24,24,5,"Pour apeurer ses ennemis, il gonfle sa poitrine et
émet détranges sons avec sa bouche."
24,24,6,"Um Feinde einzuschüchtern, bläht es seine Brust
auf und stößt unheimliche Laute durch sein Maul aus."
24,24,7,"Para intimidar a sus enemigos, hincha el pecho y echa
aire por la boca emitiendo sonidos."
24,24,8,"Per terrorizzare la preda dilata il petto ed emette un
terribile verso liberando aria dalla bocca."
24,24,9,"To intimidate foes, it spreads its chest wide and
makes eerie sounds by expelling air from its mouth."
24,24,11,"胸を 広げ 威嚇するとき
口から 漏れる 空気の 音は
不気味で 相手を おびえさせる。"
24,25,1,"しめつける ちからは とても きょうりょく。
ドラムかんも ぺしゃんこに してしまうぞ。
まきつかれたら にげだす ことは ふかのうだ。"
24,25,3,"조이는 힘이 매우 강력하다.
드럼통도 납작하게 짜부라트린다.
휘감기면 도망가는 것이 불가능하다."
24,25,5,"Ce Pokémon doté dune force extraordinaire peut étrangler
ses proies avec son corps. Il peut même écraser des tonneaux
métalliques. Une fois sous létreinte dArbok, il est impossible
de lui échapper."
24,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist unheimlich stark. Es kann seine Beute
mit seinem Körper umwickeln und sogar Ölfässer zerdrücken.
Wenn Arbok einen Gegner umwickelt, ist es unmöglich,
seinem Würgegriff zu entkommen."
24,25,7,"Este Pokémon es tremendamente fuerte, puede oprimir
cualquier cosa con su cuerpo y hasta es capaz de estrujar
un barril de acero. Una vez que Arbok se enrosca a su
víctima, no hay forma de escapar de su asfixiante abrazo."
24,25,8,"Questo Pokémon è così forte da riuscire a stritolare qualsiasi
cosa col corpo, persino un bidone in acciaio. Se Arbok
si avvinghia a un nemico è impossibile sfuggire a questa
morsa fatale."
24,25,9,"This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things
with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums.
Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its
crunching embrace is impossible."
24,25,11,"締めつける 力は とても 強力。
ドラム缶も ぺしゃんこに してしまうぞ。
巻きつかれたら 逃げだす ことは 不可能だ。"
24,26,1,"しめつける ちからは とても きょうりょく。
ドラムかんも ぺしゃんこに してしまうぞ。
まきつかれたら にげだす ことは ふかのうだ。"
24,26,3,"조이는 힘이 매우 강력하다.
드럼통도 납작하게 짜부라트린다.
휘감기면 도망가는 것이 불가능하다."
24,26,5,"Ce Pokémon doté dune force extraordinaire peut étrangler
ses proies avec son corps. Il peut même écraser des tonneaux
métalliques. Une fois sous létreinte dArbok, il est impossible
de lui échapper."
24,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist unheimlich stark. Es kann seine Beute
mit seinem Körper umwickeln und sogar Ölfässer zerdrücken.
Wenn Arbok einen Gegner umwickelt, ist es unmöglich,
seinem Würgegriff zu entkommen."
24,26,7,"Este Pokémon es tremendamente fuerte, puede oprimir
cualquier cosa con su cuerpo y hasta es capaz de estrujar
un barril de acero. Una vez que Arbok se enrosca a su
víctima, no hay forma de escapar de su asfixiante abrazo."
24,26,8,"Questo Pokémon è così forte da riuscire a stritolare qualsiasi
cosa col corpo, persino un bidone in acciaio. Se Arbok
si avvinghia a un nemico è impossibile sfuggire a questa
morsa fatale."
24,26,9,"This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things
with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok
wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace
is impossible."
24,26,11,"締めつける 力は とても 強力。
ドラム缶も ぺしゃんこに してしまうぞ。
巻きつかれたら 逃げだす ことは 不可能だ。"
24,29,1,"さいしんの けんきゅうで おなかの
もようは 20しゅるい いじょうの
パターンが あることが はんめい。"
24,29,3,"최근 연구에서 배 모양은
20종류 이상의
패턴이 있다고 판명되었다."
24,29,5,"Une étude récente aurait recensé plus de vingt
motifs différents pouvant orner le devant du
capuchon des Arbok."
24,29,6,"Jüngsten Forschungsergebnissen zufolge gibt
es mehr als 20 verschiedene Musterungen, die
Arboks Bauch aufweisen kann."
24,29,7,"Recientes estudios han llegado a identificar
hasta una veintena de patrones distintos que
puede presentar el motivo de su cuello."
24,29,8,"Secondo gli studi più recenti, esistono più di 20
varianti del disegno che ha sul ventre."
24,29,9,"The latest research has determined that there
are over 20 possible arrangements of the
patterns on its stomach."
24,29,11,"最新の 研究で お腹の
模様は 20種類 以上の
パターンが あることが 判明。"
24,30,1,"おなかの もようで ひるませると
すばやく からだで しめあげて
あいての こどうが とまるのを まつ。"
24,30,3,"배의 무늬로 풀이 죽게 한 뒤
재빠르게 몸으로 조여서
상대의 고동이 멈추기를 기다린다."
24,30,5,"Il intimide sa proie grâce au motif situé sur
le devant de son capuchon, puis lenserre
jusquà ce que son cœur cesse de battre."
24,30,6,"Es schüchtert seinen Gegner mit dem Muster
auf seinem Bauch ein und nimmt ihn dann in den
Würgegriff, bis es keinen Widerstand mehr spürt."
24,30,7,"Tras confundir a su presa con el motivo de su
cuerpo, se enrosca a su alrededor y la aferra,
a la espera de que su pulso se detenga."
24,30,8,"Spiazza lavversario con il disegno sul ventre,
poi gli si avvinghia rapidamente e aspetta che
il suo battito cardiaco si fermi."
24,30,9,"After stunning its opponents with the pattern
on its stomach, it quickly wraps them up in its
body and waits for them to stop moving."
24,30,11,"お腹の 模様で ひるませると
素早く 身体で 締め上げて
相手の 鼓動が 止まるのを 待つ。"
24,31,1,"おそろしげな おなかの もようは
けんきゅうのけっか 6しゅるいほど
パターンが かくにんされている。"
24,31,3,"무서워 보이는 배의 무늬는
연구 결과 6종류 정도의
패턴이 확인되었다."
24,31,5,"Des études ont révélé que les marques
effrayantes de son corps pouvaient former
six motifs différents."
24,31,6,"Von dem furchterregenden Muster auf seinem
Bauch wurden durch Studien bislang sechs
verschiedene Varianten entdeckt."
24,31,7,"Se han llegado a identificar hasta seis
variaciones distintas de los espeluznantes
dibujos de su piel."
24,31,8,"Gli spaventosi disegni che ha sulla pancia
sono oggetto di studio. Ne sono state scoperte
sei diverse variazioni."
24,31,9,"The frightening patterns on its belly have been
studied. Six variations have been confirmed."
24,31,11,"恐ろしげな お腹の 模様は
研究の 結果 6種類ほど
パターンが 確認されている。"
24,32,1,"おそろしげな おなかの もようは
けんきゅうのけっか 6しゅるいほど
パターンが かくにんされている。"
24,32,3,"무서워 보이는 배의 무늬는
연구 결과 6종류 정도의
패턴이 확인되었다."
24,32,5,"Des études ont révélé que les marques
effrayantes de son corps pouvaient former
six motifs différents."
24,32,6,"Von dem furchterregenden Muster auf seinem
Bauch wurden durch Studien bislang sechs
verschiedene Varianten entdeckt."
24,32,7,"Se han llegado a identificar hasta seis
variaciones distintas de los espeluznantes
dibujos de su piel."
24,32,8,"Gli spaventosi disegni che ha sulla pancia
sono oggetto di studio. Ne sono state scoperte
sei diverse variazioni."
24,32,9,"The frightening patterns on its belly have been
studied. Six variations have been confirmed."
24,32,11,"恐ろしげな お腹の 模様は
研究の 結果 6種類ほど
パターンが 確認されている。"
25,1,9,"When several of
these POKéMON
gather, theirelectricity could
build and cause
lightning storms."
25,2,9,"When several of
these POKéMON
gather, theirelectricity could
build and cause
lightning storms."
25,3,9,"It keeps its tail
raised to monitor
its surroundings.If you yank its
tail, it will try
to bite you."
25,4,9,"This intelligent
POKéMON roasts
hard BERRIES withelectricity to
make them tender
enough to eat."
25,5,9,"It raises its tail
to check its sur­
roundings. Thetail is sometimes
struck by light­
ning in this pose."
25,6,9,"When it is anger­
ed, it immediately
discharges theenergy stored in
the pouches in its
25,7,9,"Whenever PIKACHU comes across
something new, it blasts it with a jolt
of electricity.If you come across a blackened berry,
its evidence that this POKéMON
mistook the intensity of its charge."
25,8,9,"This POKéMON has electricity-storing
pouches on its cheeks. These appear to
become electrically charged during thenight while PIKACHU sleeps.
It occasionally discharges electricity
when it is dozy after waking up."
25,9,9,"It stores electricity in the electric sacs
on its cheeks. When it releases pent-up
energy in a burst, the electric power is
equal to a lightning bolt."
25,10,9,"It has small electric sacs on both its
cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric
charges from the sacs."
25,11,9,"When several of these POKéMON gather,
their electricity can build and cause
lightning storms."
25,12,9,"It lives in forests with others.
It stores electricity in the
pouches on its cheeks."
25,13,9,"If it looses crackling power from
the electric pouches on its
cheeks, it is being wary."
25,14,9,"It occasionally uses an electric
shock to recharge a fellow PIKACHU
that is in a weakened state."
25,15,9,"This intelligent Pokémon roasts
hard berries with electricity to
make them tender enough to eat."
25,16,9,"It raises its tail to check its
surroundings. The tail is sometimes
struck by lightning in this pose."
25,17,5,"Il lui arrive de remettre daplomb
un Pikachu allié en lui envoyant
une décharge électrique."
25,17,9,"It occasionally uses an electric
shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu
that is in a weakened state."
25,18,5,"Il lui arrive de remettre daplomb
un Pikachu allié en lui envoyant
une décharge électrique."
25,18,9,"It occasionally uses an electric
shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu
that is in a weakened state."
25,21,9,"It occasionally uses an electric
shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu
that is in a weakened state."
25,22,9,"It occasionally uses an electric
shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu
that is in a weakened state."
25,23,1,"しっぽを たてて まわりの
ようすを さぐっていると ときどき
かみなりが しっぽに おちてくる。"
25,23,3,"꼬리를 세우고 주변의
상황을 살피다 보면 가끔
꼬리에 번개가 친다."
25,23,5,"Il élève sa queue pour surveiller les environs.
Elle attire souvent la foudre dans cette position."
25,23,6,"Es streckt seinen Schweif nach oben, um seine
Umgebung zu prüfen. Häufig fährt ein Blitz hinein."
25,23,7,"Levanta su cola para vigilar los alrededores. A veces,
puede ser alcanzado por un rayo en esa pose."
25,23,8,"Solleva la coda per esaminare lambiente circostante.
A volte la coda è colpita da un fulmine quando è in
questa posizione."
25,23,9,"It raises its tail to check its surroundings.
The tail is sometimes struck by lightning
in this pose."
25,23,11,"尻尾を 立てて まわりの 様子を
探っていると ときどき
雷が 尻尾に 落ちてくる。"
25,24,1,"ほっぺたの りょうがわに
ちいさい でんきぶくろを もつ。
ピンチのときに ほうでんする。"
25,24,3,"뺨의 양쪽에
작은 전기 주머니가 있다.
위기 상황일 때 방전한다."
25,24,5,"Pikachu a de petites poches pleines délectricité sur
ses joues. Sil se sent menacé, il laisse séchapper
des décharges électriques."
25,24,6,"Es hat kleine Backentaschen, die mit Elektrizität
gefüllt sind. Bei Gefahr entlädt es sie."
25,24,7,"Las bolsas de las mejillas están llenas de electricidad,
que libera cuando se siente amenazado."
25,24,8,"Se spaventato, perde scariche elettriche dalle due
sacche che ha sulle guance."
25,24,9,"It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks.
If threatened, it looses electric charges from
the sacs."
25,24,11,"ほっぺたの 両側に
小さい 電気袋を 持つ。
ピンチのときに 放電する。"
25,25,1,"はじめて みる ものには でんげきを あてる。
くろこげの きのみが おちていたら それは
でんげきの つよさを まちがえた しょうこだよ。"
25,25,3,"처음 보는 것에게는 전격을 맞춘다.
새까맣게 탄 나무열매가 떨어져 있다는 것은
전격의 세기를 조절하지 못했다는 증거다."
25,25,5,"Chaque fois que Pikachu découvre quelque chose de
nouveau, il envoie un arc électrique. Lorsquon tombe
sur une Baie carbonisée, ça signifie sans doute quun
de ces Pokémon a envoyé une charge trop forte."
25,25,6,"Immer wenn Pikachu auf etwas Neues stößt, jagt es
einen Elektroschock hindurch. Wenn du eine verkohlte
Beere findest, hat dieses Pokémon seine elektrische
Ladung falsch eingeschätzt."
25,25,7,"Cada vez que un Pikachu se encuentra con algo nuevo, le
lanza una descarga eléctrica. Cuando se ve alguna baya
chamuscada, es muy probable que sea obra de un Pikachu,
ya que a veces no controlan la intensidad de la descarga."
25,25,8,"Quando Pikachu incontra qualcosa che non conosce, lo
colpisce con una scarica elettrica. Quando si vede una bacca
annerita, è evidente che questo Pokémon ha emesso una
scossa troppo forte."
25,25,9,"Whenever Pikachu comes across something new,
it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a
blackened berry, its evidence that this Pokémon mistook the
intensity of its charge."
25,25,11,"はじめて みる ものには 電撃を 当てる。
黒こげの きのみが 落ちていたら それは
電撃の 強さを 間違えた 証拠だよ。"
25,26,1,"ほっぺの でんきぶくろの でんきは まよなか
ねている あいだに ためられている らしいよ。
ねぼけて ほうでんしてしまう ことが ある。"
25,26,3,"뺨의 전기 주머니에 있는 전기는 한밤중
자는 동안 축적되는 것 같다.
잠이 덜 깨서 방전하기도 한다."
25,26,5,"Ce Pokémon dispose de petites poches dans les joues pour
stocker de lélectricité. Elles semblent se charger pendant
que Pikachu dort. Il libère parfois un peu délectricité
lorsquil nest pas encore bien réveillé."
25,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann in seinen Backentaschen Elektrizität
speichern. Diese laden sich nachts auf, während Pikachu
schläft. Es entlädt manchmal seine elektrische Ladung,
wenn es gerade aufgewacht und noch schläfrig ist."
25,26,7,"Este Pokémon tiene unas bolsas en las mejillas donde
almacena electricidad. Parece ser que se recargan por la
noche, mientras Pikachu duerme. A veces, cuando se acaba
de despertar y está aún medio dormido, descarga un poco."
25,26,8,"Pikachu immagazzina lelettricità nelle guance. Pare che
queste si ricarichino durante la notte quando dorme.
Talvolta emette delle scariche elettriche al risveglio mentre
è ancora assonnato."
25,26,9,"This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks.
These appear to become electrically charged during the night
while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity
when it is dozy after waking up."
25,26,11,"ほっぺの 電気袋の 電気は 真夜中
寝ている 間に ためられている らしいよ。
寝ぼけて 放電してしまう ことが ある。"
25,27,1,"たくさんの ピカチュウを あつめ
はつでんしょを つくる けいかくが
さいきん はっぴょう された。"
25,27,3,"많은 피카츄를 모아서
발전소를 만들 계획이
최근 발표되었다."
25,27,5,"Un projet de centrale électrique fonctionnant
en rassemblant une foule de Pikachu a été
récemment annoncé."
25,27,6,"Vor Kurzem wurden Pläne verkündet,
mithilfe einer großen Anzahl an Pikachu
ein ganzes Kraftwerk zu betreiben."
25,27,7,"Recientemente se ha presentado un proyecto
para reunir numerosos Pikachu y crear con ellos
una central eléctrica."
25,27,8,"Recentemente è stato presentato un progetto
per riunire numerosi Pikachu e costruire
una centrale elettrica."
25,27,9,"A plan was recently announced to gather
many Pikachu and make an electric power plant."
25,27,11,"たくさんの ピカチュウを 集め
発電所を 造る 計画が
最近 発表 された。"
25,28,1,"でんきを ためる せいしつ。
ときどき おもいきり ほうでん
しないと ストレスを かんじる。"
25,28,3,"전기를 모으는 성질을 가졌다.
가끔 마음껏 방전하지
않으면 스트레스를 받는다."
25,28,5,"Un Pokémon capable de condenser lélectricité.
Il doit décharger lénergie accumulée de temps
en temps au risque daccroître son stress."
25,28,6,"Es liegt in seiner Natur, konstant Elektrizität in
sich anzustauen. Kann es diese nicht regelmäßig
entladen, löst dies Stress aus."
25,28,7,"Pikachu almacena electricidad en su cuerpo.
Si no la libera de vez en cuando y se desfoga,
puede sufrir estrés."
25,28,8,"Accumula naturalmente elettricità. Se ogni tanto
non si sfoga emettendo scariche elettriche,
rischia di essere sopraffatto dallo stress."
25,28,9,"Its in its nature to store electricity. It feels
stressed now and then if its unable to fully
discharge the electricity."
25,28,11,"電気を 溜める 性質。
時々 思い切り 放電
しないと ストレスを 感じる。"
25,29,1,"でんきを ためこむ せいしつ。
ピカチュウが むれて くらす もりは
らくらいが たえず キケンだ。"
25,29,3,"전기를 모으는 성질을 띠고 있다.
피카츄가 무리 지어 사는 숲은
낙뢰가 끊이지 않아 위험하다."
25,29,5,"Son corps peut accumuler de lélectricité.
Les forêts abritant des groupes de Pikachu
sont dailleurs souvent frappées par la foudre."
25,29,6,"Es liegt in seiner Natur, konstant Elektrizität zu
speichern. Die Wälder, in denen Pikachu leben,
bergen stets die Gefahr eines Blitzgewitters."
25,29,7,"Acumulan electricidad de forma natural. Los
bosques donde habitan en grupos están en
peligro constante de ser alcanzados por rayos."
25,29,8,"Accumula naturalmente elettricità. I boschi
popolati da gruppi di Pikachu sono pericolosi
perché continuamente colpiti dai fulmini."
25,29,9,"Its nature is to store up electricity. Forests
where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous,
since the trees are so often struck by lightning."
25,29,11,"電気を ため込む 性質。
ピカチュウが 群れて 暮らす 森は
落雷が 絶えず 危険だ。"
25,30,1,"ねてる あいだに ほっぺの ふくろで
でんきを つくる。 ねぶそく だと
よわい でんきしか だせなくなるぞ。"
25,30,3,"자는 동안 볼의 주머니에서
전기를 만든다. 잠이 부족하면
약한 전기밖에 낼 수 없게 된다."
25,30,5,"Quand il dort, il génère de lélectricité dans les
poches de ses joues. Sil manque de sommeil,
il ne peut plus émettre quun faible courant."
25,30,6,"Seine Backentaschen laden sich elektrisch auf,
während es schläft. Bei Schlafmangel kann es
nur Schwachstrom entladen."
25,30,7,"Mientras duerme, acumula electricidad en las
bolsas de sus mejillas. Si no logra conciliar el
sueño, solo puede emitir débiles descargas."
25,30,8,"Mentre dorme produce energia elettrica nelle
sacche che ha sulle guance. Se non riposa
abbastanza può emettere solo deboli scariche."
25,30,9,"While sleeping, it generates electricity in the
sacs in its cheeks. If its not getting enough
sleep, it will be able to use only weak electricity."
25,30,11,"寝てる 間に ほっぺの 袋で
電気を 作る。 寝不足 だと
弱い 電気しか 出せなくなるぞ。"
25,31,1,"もりに すむ ポケモン。 ほっぺの
ふくろは でんきを ためるので
さわると パチパチ しびれるぞ。"
25,31,3,"숲에 사는 포켓몬. 볼에 있는
주머니에 전기를 모으고 있어
만지면 저릿저릿 저리다."
25,31,5,"Ce Pokémon des bois accumule de lélectricité
dans les poches de ses joues. Il ne faut pas les
toucher sous peine de recevoir une décharge."
25,31,6,"Pikachu ist in Wäldern zu Hause. Da es in seinen
Backentaschen Elektrizität speichert, bekommt
man einen Schlag, wenn man diese berührt."
25,31,7,"Los bosques son su hábitat natural. En las bolsas
de las mejillas acumula electricidad, por lo que
quien las toque puede recibir una descarga."
25,31,8,"Vive nelle foreste. Accumula elettricità nelle
sacche sulle guance, e chiunque le tocchi
prende la scossa."
25,31,9,"This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity
in its cheeks, so youll feel a tingly shock
if you touch it."
25,31,11,"森に 棲む ポケモン。 ほっぺの
ふくろは 電気を ためるので
触ると パチパチ 痺れるぞ。"
25,32,1,"もりに すむ ポケモン。 ほっぺの
ふくろは でんきを ためるので
さわると パチパチ しびれるぞ。"
25,32,3,"숲에 사는 포켓몬. 볼에 있는
주머니에 전기를 모으고 있어
만지면 저릿저릿 저리다."
25,32,5,"Ce Pokémon des bois accumule de lélectricité
dans les poches de ses joues. Il ne faut pas les
toucher sous peine de recevoir une décharge."
25,32,6,"Pikachu ist in Wäldern zu Hause. Da es in seinen
Backentaschen Elektrizität speichert, bekommt
man einen Schlag, wenn man diese berührt."
25,32,7,"Los bosques son su hábitat natural. En las bolsas
de las mejillas acumula electricidad, por lo que
quien las toque puede recibir una descarga."
25,32,8,"Vive nelle foreste. Accumula elettricità nelle
sacche sulle guance, e chiunque le tocchi
prende la scossa."
25,32,9,"This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity
in its cheeks, so youll feel a tingly shock
if you touch it."
25,32,11,"森に 棲む ポケモン。 ほっぺの
ふくろは 電気を ためるので
触ると パチパチ 痺れるぞ。"
25,33,1,"つくる でんきが きょうりょくな
ピカチュウほど ほっぺの ふくろは
やわらかく よく のびるぞ。"
25,33,3,"만들어 내는 전기가 강력한
피카츄일수록 볼의 주머니가
부드럽고 잘 늘어난다."
25,33,5,"Plus la puissance électrique de Pikachu est élevée,
plus les poches de ses joues sont extensibles."
25,33,6,"Je stärker die Elektrizität ist, die Pikachu
produziert, desto weicher und elastischer
sind seine Backentaschen."
25,33,7,"Cuanto más potente es la energía eléctrica que
genera este Pokémon, más suaves y elásticas se
vuelven las bolsas de sus mejillas."
25,33,8,"Più potente è lenergia elettrica prodotta dal
Pokémon, più le sacche sulle sue guance sono
morbide ed elastiche."
25,33,9,"Pikachu that can generate powerful electricity
have cheek sacs that are extra soft and
super stretchy."
25,33,11,"つくる 電気が 強力な
ピカチュウほど ほっぺの 袋は
軟らかく よく 伸びるぞ。"
25,34,1,"おたがいの しっぽを くっつけて
でんきを ながしあうのが
ピカチュウ どうしの あいさつだ。"
25,34,3,"서로의 꼬리를 붙여서
전기를 흐르게 하는 게
피카츄 사이의 인사법이다."
25,34,5,"Les Pikachu se disent bonjour en se frottant
la queue et en y faisant passer du courant
25,34,6,"Pikachu begrüßen einander, indem sie ihre
Schweife aneinanderreiben und eine Ladung
Strom durch diese gleiten lassen."
25,34,7,"Los miembros de esta especie se saludan entre
sí uniendo sus colas y transmitiéndose corriente
25,34,8,"I Pikachu si salutano fra loro unendo le code
e facendovi passare elettricità attraverso."
25,34,9,"When Pikachu meet, theyll touch their tails
together and exchange electricity through them
as a form of greeting."
25,34,11,"おたがいの しっぽを くっつけて
電気を 流しあうのが
ピカチュウ 同士の 挨拶だ。"
26,1,9,"Its long tail
serves as a
ground to protectitself from its
own high voltage
26,2,9,"Its long tail
serves as a
ground to protectitself from its
own high voltage
26,3,9,"When electricity
builds up inside
its body, itbecomes feisty.
It also glows in
the dark."
26,4,9,"When its electric­
ity builds, its
muscles are stimu­lated, and it be­
comes more aggres­
sive than usual."
26,5,9,"If the electric
pouches in its
cheeks becomefully charged,
both ears will
stand straight up."
26,6,9,"If its electric
pouches run empty,
it raises its tailto gather electri­
city from the
26,7,9,"If the electrical sacks become
excessively charged, RAICHU plants its
tail in the ground and discharges.Scorched patches of ground will be
found near this POKéMONs nest."
26,8,9,"This POKéMON exudes a weak electrical
charge from all over its body that makes
it take on a slight glow in darkness.RAICHU searches for electricity by
planting its tail in the ground."
26,9,9,"If it stores too much electricity, its
behavior turns aggressive. To avoid this,
it occasionally discharges excess energy
and calms itself down."
26,10,9,"Its electric charges can reach even
100,000 volts. Careless contact can cause
even an Indian elephant to faint."
26,11,9,"Its long tail serves as a ground to
protect itself from its own high-voltage
26,12,9,"It turns aggressive if it has too
much electricity in its body. It
discharges power through its tail."
26,13,9,"It can loose 100,000-volt bursts
of electricity, instantly downing
foes several times its size."
26,14,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into
the ground, protecting it from
getting shocked."
26,15,9,"When its electricity builds, its
muscles are stimulated, and it becomes
more aggressive than usual."
26,16,9,"If the electric pouches in its
cheeks become fully charged,
both ears will stand straight up."
26,17,5,"Il se protège des décharges grâce
à sa queue qui dissipe lélectricité
dans le sol."
26,17,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into
the ground, protecting it from
getting shocked."
26,18,5,"Il se protège des décharges grâce
à sa queue qui dissipe lélectricité
dans le sol."
26,18,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into
the ground, protecting it from
getting shocked."
26,21,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into
the ground, protecting it from
getting shocked."
26,22,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into
the ground, protecting it from
getting shocked."
26,23,1,"でんきが たまってくると
きんにくが しげきされ いつもより
こうげきてきに なってしまう。"
26,23,3,"전기가 모이면
근육이 자극되어 여느 때보다
공격적이 된다."
26,23,5,"Quand il se charge en électricité, ses muscles se
contractent et il devient plus agressif."
26,23,6,"Wenn es sich auflädt, zucken seine Muskeln
und es wird aggressiver und kampflustiger."
26,23,7,"Cuando se carga de electricidad, sus músculos se
tensan y se vuelve más agresivo de lo normal."
26,23,8,"Se lelettricità aumenta, i muscoli sono sollecitati
e diventa più aggressivo del solito."
26,23,9,"When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated,
and it becomes more aggressive than usual."
26,23,11,"電気が たまってくると
筋肉が 刺激され
いつもより 攻撃的に なってしまう。"
26,24,1,"でんげきは 10まんボルト。
じぶんの なんばいも おおきい
あいてを いちげきで きぜつさせる。"
26,24,3,"전기의 충격은 10만 볼트다.
자신보다 몇 배나 큰 상대를
일격에 기절시킨다."
26,24,5,"Il peut terrasser des ennemis bien plus imposants en
libérant une décharge de 100000 V."
26,24,6,"Es kann 100 000 V mit einem Schlag freisetzen
und so viel größere Gegner besiegen."
26,24,7,"Puede emitir ráfagas de 100 000 voltios capaces de
acabar con rivales enormes."
26,24,8,"Può rilasciare scariche elettriche a 100.000 volt
con cui neutralizza nemici molto più grandi di lui."
26,24,9,"It can loose 100,000-volt bursts of electricity,
instantly downing foes several times its size."
26,24,11,"電撃は 10万ボルト。
自分の 何倍も 大きい 相手を
一撃で 気絶させる。"
26,25,1,"でんきぶくろに でんきが たまりすぎた ときは
しっぽを じめんに つけて ほうでんする。
す の ちかくには じめんに やけこげが ある。"
26,25,3,"전기 주머니에 전기가 넘칠 정도로 차면
꼬리를 땅에 닿게 하여 방전한다.
사는 곳 근처의 땅에는 탄 흔적이 있다."
26,25,5,"Si ses joues contiennent trop délectricité, Raichu plante
sa queue dans le sol pour se décharger. On trouve des
parcelles de terre brûlée à proximité du nid de ce Pokémon."
26,25,6,"Wenn seine elektrische Ladung zu groß wird, entlädt Raichu
seine Energie ins Erdreich. Neben dem Nest dieses Pokémon
findet man häufig versengtes Erdreich."
26,25,7,"Si las bolsas de los mofletes se le cargan demasiado, Raichu
planta la cola en el suelo para liberar electricidad. Es común
encontrar zonas chamuscadas cerca de la madriguera de este
26,25,8,"Se lelettricità accumulata nelle guance diventa eccessiva,
Raichu la scarica piantando la coda nel terreno. Vicino al suo
nido sono presenti spesso chiazze di erba arsa."
26,25,9,"If the electrical sacs become excessively charged,
Raichu plants its tail in the ground and discharges.
Scorched patches of ground will be found near this
Pokémons nest."
26,25,11,"電気袋に 電気が たまり過ぎた ときは
尻尾を 地面に つけて 放電する。
巣 の 近くには 地面に 焼け焦げが ある。"
26,26,1,"よわい でんきを ぜんしんから だしているので
くらやみでは うっすら ひかって みえるよ。
シッポを じめんに さして でんきを にがす。"
26,26,3,"약한 전기를 온몸에서 발산하고 있기 때문에
어두운 곳에서는 희미하게 빛난다.
꼬리를 땅에 박고 전기를 흘려보낸다."
26,26,5,"Ce Pokémon libère un faible champ électrique tout autour
de son corps, ce qui le rend légèrement lumineux dans le noir.
Raichu plante sa queue dans le sol pour évacuer de
26,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon gibt eine schwache elektrische Ladung ab.
Dadurch glüht es bei Dunkelheit leicht. Raichu entlädt
Elektrizität, indem es sein Hinterteil in den Boden gräbt."
26,26,7,"Este Pokémon libera una débil carga eléctrica por todo su
cuerpo que le hace brillar en la oscuridad. Raichu descarga
electricidad plantando la cola en el suelo."
26,26,8,"Raichu emana una debole carica elettrica da tutto il corpo
rilucendo così nelloscurità. Scarica lelettricità piantando
la coda nel terreno."
26,26,9,"This Pokémon exudes a weak electrical charge from all over
its body that makes it take on a slight glow in darkness.
Raichu plants its tail in the ground to discharge electricity."
26,26,11,"弱い 電気を 全身から 出しているので
暗闇では うっすら 光って 見えるよ。
シッポを 地面に 刺して 電気を 逃がす。"
26,27,1,"でんげきは 10まんボルトに
たっすることもあり ヘタにさわると
インドぞうでも きぜつする。"
26,27,3,"전격은 10만볼트에
이르기도 해서 잘못 만지면
인도코끼리라도 기절한다."
26,27,5,"Ce Pokémon peut accumuler jusquà
100 000 volts. Il peut ainsi assommer
un éléphant juste en le touchant."
26,27,6,"Seine elektrischen Ladungen erreichen bis zu
100000 V. Bei unvorsichtigem Kontakt wird
sogar ein indischer Elefant bewusstlos."
26,27,7,"Suelta descargas eléctricas de hasta 100 000
voltios, con lo que es capaz de derribar al mayor
de los Pokémon."
26,27,8,"Le sue scariche elettriche, che raggiungono
i 100.000 volt, potrebbero far svenire persino
un elefante indiano."
26,27,9,"It unleashes electric shocks that can reach
100,000 volts. When agitated, it can knock out
even an Indian elephant."
26,27,11,"電撃は 10万ボルトに
達することもあり ヘタに触ると
インド象でも 気絶する。"
26,28,1,"でんきが たまると きしょうが
あらくなる。 トレーナーでも
ちゅうい しないと おそわれる。"
26,28,3,"전기가 모이면 성질이
거칠어진다. 트레이너라도
주의하지 않으면 공격당한다."
26,28,5,"Il devient plus agressif au fur et à mesure quil
accumule de lélectricité. Même son Dresseur
doit faire attention à ne pas se faire attaquer."
26,28,6,"Wenn es sich elektrisch auflädt, steigt seine
Aggressivität. Selbst sein Trainer läuft dann
Gefahr, von ihm angegriffen zu werden."
26,28,7,"Se vuelve más agresivo cuando se carga de
electricidad. Puede incluso llegar a atacar a su
Entrenador si este no se anda con cuidado."
26,28,8,"Quando accumula elettricità, fatica a
controllarsi. Perfino il suo Allenatore rischia
di essere attaccato, se non fa attenzione."
26,28,9,"It becomes aggressive when it has electricity
stored up. At such times, even its Trainer has to
take care to avoid being attacked."
26,28,11,"電気が 溜まると 気性が
荒くなる。 トレーナーでも
注意 しないと 襲われる。"
26,29,1,"からだに でんきが たまるに つれ
こうげきてきに。 じつは でんきが
ストレスなのではという せつもある。"
26,29,3,"몸에 전기가 쌓일수록 공격적으로
변한다. 사실은 전기가
스트레스라는 설도 있다."
26,29,5,"Plus il est chargé en électricité, plus il se montre
agressif. Daucuns pensent que ce courant
électrique le stresse."
26,29,6,"Je mehr es sich elektrisch auflädt, desto
aggressiver wird es. Man vermutet, dass die
Elektrizität den Stress verursache."
26,29,7,"Se vuelve más agresivo a medida que acumula
electricidad. Hay quien afirma que esta le
provoca estrés."
26,29,8,"Diventa più aggressivo con laccumularsi di
energia elettrica. Alcuni pensano che sia
lelettricità stessa a causargli stress."
26,29,9,"As electricity builds up inside its body, it
becomes more aggressive. One theory is that
the electricity buildup is actually causing stress."
26,29,11,"身体に 電気が たまるに つれ
攻撃的に。 実は 電気が
ストレスなのでは という 説もある。"
26,30,1,"ピカチュウの すがたが すきな
トレーナーも おおく なかなか
すがたを みかけない ポケモン。"
26,30,3,"피카츄의 모습을 좋아하는
트레이너도 많아서 좀처럼
모습을 보기 힘든 포켓몬이다."
26,30,5,"Ce Pokémon est très rare, car la plupart
des Dresseurs lui préfèrent Pikachu."
26,30,6,"Ein eher seltenes Pokémon, da viele Trainer
Pikachu bevorzugen."
26,30,7,"Como la mayoría de Entrenadores prefiere a
Pikachu, no se ven muchos ejemplares de este
26,30,8,"Molti Allenatori gli preferiscono Pikachu e per
questo non lo si vede spesso in giro."
26,30,9,"Because so many Trainers like the way Pikachu
looks, you dont see this Pokémon very often."
26,30,11,"ピカチュウの 姿が 好きな
トレーナーも 多く なかなか
姿を 見かけない ポケモン。"
26,31,1,"からだに でんきが たまってくると
こうげきてきな せいかくにかわる。
くらいところで ひかってみえる。"
26,31,3,"몸에 전기가 모이면
공격적인 성격으로 변한다.
어두운 곳에서 빛나 보인다."
26,31,5,"Il devient agressif quand il emmagasine
de lélectricité. Il brille alors dans le noir."
26,31,6,"Wenn sich in seinem Körper Elektrizität anstaut,
wird es aggressiv. Man kann es auch im Dunkeln
leuchten sehen."
26,31,7,"Al acumular cierta cantidad de electricidad en
el cuerpo, se vuelve agresivo. También brilla en
la oscuridad."
26,31,8,"Quando accumula elettricità nel suo corpo,
si fa aggressivo. Al buio brilla di luce propria."
26,31,9,"When electricity builds up inside its body, it
becomes feisty. It also glows in the dark."
26,31,11,"体に 電気が たまってくると
攻撃的な 性格に 変わる。
暗いところで 光って 見える。"
26,32,1,"からだに でんきが たまってくると
こうげきてきな せいかくにかわる。
くらいところで ひかってみえる。"
26,32,3,"몸에 전기가 모이면
공격적인 성격으로 변한다.
어두운 곳에서 빛나 보인다."
26,32,5,"Il devient agressif quand il emmagasine
de lélectricité. Il brille alors dans le noir."
26,32,6,"Wenn sich in seinem Körper Elektrizität anstaut,
wird es aggressiv. Man kann es auch im Dunkeln
leuchten sehen."
26,32,7,"Al acumular cierta cantidad de electricidad en
el cuerpo, se vuelve agresivo. También brilla en
la oscuridad."
26,32,8,"Quando accumula elettricità nel suo corpo,
si fa aggressivo. Al buio brilla di luce propria."
26,32,9,"When electricity builds up inside its body, it
becomes feisty. It also glows in the dark."
26,32,11,"体に 電気が たまってくると
攻撃的な 性格に 変わる。
暗いところで 光って 見える。"
26,33,1,"ながい しっぽが アースになって
みを まもるため じぶんじしんは
こうでんあつにも しびれないのだ。"
26,33,3,"긴 꼬리가 어스가 되어
몸을 지키기 때문에 자신은
고전압에도 마비되지 않는다."
26,33,5,"Sa longue queue agit comme une prise de terre
qui lempêche dêtre affecté par le courant
à haute tension accumulé dans son corps."
26,33,6,"Sein langer Schweif dient ihm zur Erdung.
So bleibt es von der lähmenden Wirkung von
Hochspannung selbst verschont."
26,33,7,"Su larga cola le sirve como toma de tierra para
protegerse a sí mismo del alto voltaje que genera
su cuerpo."
26,33,8,"La sua lunga coda serve da messa a terra per
proteggerlo dalla sua stessa alta tensione."
26,33,9,"Its long tail serves as a ground to protect itself
from its own high-voltage power."
26,33,11,"長い しっぽが アースになって
身を 守るため 自分自身は
高電圧にも 痺れないのだ。"
26,34,1,"でんきぶくろが からっぽに なると
しっぽを まっすぐ たてて
くうきちゅうの でんきを あつめる。"
26,34,3,"전기 주머니가 텅 비면
꼬리를 똑바로 세워서
공기 중의 전기를 모은다."
26,34,5,"Si ses joues sont à court dénergie, il lève la queue
et capte lélectricité contenue dans latmosphère."
26,34,6,"Wenn der in seinen Backentaschen gespeicherte
Strom leer ist, stellt es seinen Schweif auf, um
Elektrizität aus der Luft zu ziehen."
26,34,7,"Cuando ha descargado las bolsas de las mejillas,
levanta la cola y absorbe la carga eléctrica que
hay en el ambiente."
26,34,8,"Quando le sacche elettriche sono scariche,
rizza la coda per raccogliere elettricità
26,34,9,"If its electric pouches run empty, it raises its tail
to gather electricity from the atmosphere."
26,34,11,"電気袋が 空っぽに なると
しっぽを まっすぐ 立てて
空気中の 電気を 集める。"
27,1,9,"Burrows deep
underground in
arid locationsfar from water.
It only emerges
to hunt for food."
27,2,9,"Burrows deep
underground in
arid locationsfar from water.
It only emerges
to hunt for food."
27,3,9,"Its body is dry.
When it gets cold
at night, itshide is said to
become coated with
a fine dew."
27,4,9,"If it fell from a
great height, this
POKéMON could saveitself by rolling
into a ball and
27,5,9,"Disliking water,
it lives in deep
burrows in aridareas. It can roll
itself instantly
into a ball."
27,6,9,"It prefers dry,
sandy places
because it usesthe sand to
protect itself
when threatened."
27,7,9,"SANDSHREWs body is configured to
absorb water without waste, enabling it
to survive in an arid desert.This POKéMON curls up to protect itself
from its enemies."
27,8,9,"SANDSHREW has a very dry hide that is
extremely tough. The POKéMON can roll
into a ball that repels any attack.At night, it burrows into the desert
sand to sleep."
27,9,9,"When it curls up in a ball, it can make any
attack bounce off harmlessly. Its hide has
turned tough and solid as a result of
living in the desert."
27,10,9,"It burrows and lives underground.
If threatened, it curls itself up into a
ball for protection."
27,11,9,"Burrows deep underground in arid locations
far from water. It only emerges to hunt
for prey."
27,12,9,"To protect itself from attackers,
it curls up into a ball. It lives in
arid regions with minimal rainfall."
27,13,9,"To protect itself from attackers,
it curls up into a ball. It lives in
arid regions with minimal rainfall."
27,14,9,"To protect itself from attackers,
it curls up into a ball. It lives in
arid regions with minimal rainfall."
27,15,9,"If it fell from a great height, this
Pokémon could save itself by rolling
into a ball and bouncing."
27,16,9,"Disliking water, it lives in deep
burrows in arid areas. It can roll
itself instantly into a ball."
27,17,5,"Il vit sur des terres arides épargnées
par la pluie. Il se roule en boule pour
se protéger."
27,17,9,"To protect itself from attackers,
it curls up into a ball. It lives in
arid regions with minimal rainfall."
27,18,5,"Il vit sur des terres arides épargnées
par la pluie. Il se roule en boule pour
se protéger."
27,18,9,"To protect itself from attackers,
it curls up into a ball. It lives in
arid regions with minimal rainfall."
27,21,9,"It digs deep burrows to live in.
When in danger, it rolls up its
body to withstand attacks."
27,22,9,"It digs deep burrows to live in.
When in danger, it rolls up its
body to withstand attacks."
27,23,1,"じめんに あなを ほって すむ。
じぶんに きけんが せまると
まるくなって みを まもる。"
27,23,3,"지면에 구멍을 파고 산다.
자신에게 위험이 닥쳐오면
둥글게 말아서 몸을 보호한다."
27,23,5,"Il senterre et vit dans les sous-sols. Sil se sent
menacé, il se met en boule pour se protéger."
27,23,6,"Es gräbt und lebt im Erdboden. Bei Gefahr rollt es
sich zum Schutz zu einem Ball zusammen."
27,23,7,"Este Pokémon permanece bajo tierra. Si se siente
amenazado, se enrosca para defenderse."
27,23,8,"Vive sottoterra, scavando buche. Se minacciato,
si protegge raggomitolandosi."
27,23,9,"It burrows and lives underground. If threatened,
it curls itself up into a ball for protection."
27,23,11,"地面に 穴を 掘って 住む。
自分に 危険が 迫ると
まるくなって 身を 守る。"
27,24,1,"みずけを きらい かんそうちに
ふかいあなを ほって せいかつする。
いっしゅんで からだを まるめる。"
27,24,3,"습기를 싫어해서 건조한 땅에
깊은 구멍을 파고 생활한다.
눈 깜짝할 사이에 몸을 둥글게 만다."
27,24,5,"Détestant leau, il vit dans de profondes tanières
des régions arides. Il aime se rouler en boule."
27,24,6,"Da es Wasser verabscheut, gräbt es sich
in trockenes Erdreich ein. Es kann sich rasch
zu einem Ball rollen."
27,24,7,"Como odia el agua, vive en madrigueras muy
profundas en zonas áridas. Puede hacerse una bola
al instante."
27,24,8,"Odia lacqua e vive in tane profonde allinterno di
zone aride. È capace di appallottolarsi in un istante."
27,24,9,"Disliking water, it lives in deep burrows in arid
areas. It can roll itself instantly into a ball."
27,24,11,"水気を 嫌い 乾燥地に
深い穴を 掘って 生活する。
一瞬で 体を まるめる。"
27,25,1,"すいぶんを むだなく きゅうしゅうする からだの
つくりなので かんそうした すなちでも へいき。
からだを まるめて てきの こうげきを ふせぐ。"
27,25,3,"몸이 수분을 효율적으로 흡수하기 때문에
건조한 모래땅에서도 문제없다.
몸을 둥글게 만들어 적의 공격을 막는다."
27,25,5,"Le corps de Sabelette lui permet déconomiser leau
quil absorbe, afin de survivre longtemps dans le désert.
Ce Pokémon senroule sur lui-même pour se protéger
de ses ennemis."
27,25,6,"Sandans Körper kann sehr viel Wasser aufnehmen, sodass es
auch in der Wüste überleben kann. Dieses Pokémon rollt sich
zusammen, um sich vor Feinden zu schützen."
27,25,7,"Sandshrew es capaz de absorber agua y no perder ni una
gota, algo que le permite sobrevivir en el desierto. Este
Pokémon se enrosca para defenderse de los enemigos."
27,25,8,"Il corpo di Sandshrew ha una conformazione che gli consente
di assorbire lacqua senza perdite e di sopravvivere nellaridità
del deserto. Questo Pokémon si avvolge su se stesso per
proteggersi dai nemici."
27,25,9,"Sandshrews body is configured to absorb water without waste,
enabling it to survive in an arid desert. This Pokémon curls up
to protect itself from its enemies."
27,25,11,"水分を 無駄なく 吸収する 体の
つくりなので 乾燥した 砂地でも 平気。
体を 丸めて 敵の 攻撃を 防ぐ。"
27,26,1,"からからに かわいた ひふは とても かたく
まるくなると どんな こうげきでも はねかえす。
よなかは さばくの すなに もぐって ねむる。"
27,26,3,"바싹바싹 마른 피부는 매우 단단해서
몸을 둥글게 말면 어떤 공격도 튕겨낸다.
밤에는 사막의 모래에 들어가 잠잔다."
27,26,5,"Sabelette a une peau très sèche et extrêmement dure.
Ce Pokémon peut senrouler sur lui-même pour repousser
les attaques. La nuit, il senterre dans le sable du désert
pour dormir."
27,26,6,"Sandan hat eine sehr trockene und extrem robuste Haut.
Dieses Pokémon kann sich zu einem Ball zusammenrollen,
von dem jegliche Angriffe abprallen. Nachts gräbt es sich
im Wüstensand ein und schläft dort."
27,26,7,"Sandshrew tiene una piel muy seca y tremendamente dura.
Tiene la habilidad de hacerse una bola y evitar cualquier
ataque. Por las noches, escarba en la arena del desierto y
se echa a dormir."
27,26,8,"Sandshrew ha una corazza estremamente secca e dura.
Può chiudersi a sfera e rotolare per difendersi dagli attacchi.
Quando cala la notte, si nasconde nella sabbia del deserto
per dormire."
27,26,9,"Sandshrew has a very dry hide that is extremely tough.
The Pokémon can roll into a ball that repels any attack.
At night, it burrows into the desert sand to sleep."
27,26,11,"からからに 乾いた 皮膚は とても 硬く
丸くなると どんな 攻撃でも はね返す。
夜中は 砂漠の 砂に 潜って 眠る。"
27,27,1,"からだを まるめて ボールのような
すがたに なれる。 ころがりながら
さばくを こうそくで いどうする。"
27,27,3,"몸을 웅크려서 공 같은
모습이 된다. 구르면서
사막을 고속으로 이동한다."
27,27,5,"Il peut se changer en boule parfaitement ronde
et rouler à toute allure à travers le désert."
27,27,6,"Es kann sich blitzschnell durch die Wüste
fortbewegen, indem es sich zu einem Ball
27,27,7,"Enrolla su cuerpo hasta hacerse una bola
y rueda por el desierto a gran velocidad."
27,27,8,"Quando si raggomitola su se stesso sembra
una palla. Si muove nel deserto rotolando a
gran velocità."
27,27,9,"It can roll its body into a ball. It moves through
the desert by rolling at high speeds."
27,27,11,"身体を 丸めて ボールのような
姿に なれる。 転がりながら
砂漠を 高速で 移動する。"
27,28,1,"あめの ふらない かんそうちたいや
さばくが おもな すみか。 あなを
ほって むしポケモンを とらえる。"
27,28,3,"비가 내리지 않는 건조지대나
사막이 주된 거처다. 구멍을
파서 벌레포켓몬을 잡는다."
27,28,5,"Il vit principalement dans les zones désertiques
où il ne pleut jamais. Il creuse dans le sol
pour dénicher des Pokémon Insecte."
27,28,6,"Es lebt hauptsächlich in trockenen Regionen und
Wüsten, wo wenig Regen fällt. Es gräbt Löcher,
um Käfer-Pokémon zu fangen."
27,28,7,"Habita principalmente en zonas desérticas
donde las lluvias son escasas. Excava agujeros
en el suelo en busca de Pokémon insecto."
27,28,8,"Vive per lo più nei deserti e in zone aride.
Scava buche nel terreno per catturare Pokémon
di tipo Coleottero."
27,28,9,"It usually makes its home in deserts and arid
zones, where rain does not fall. It digs holes to
catch Bug-type Pokémon."
27,28,11,"雨の 降らない 乾燥地帯や
砂漠が おもな 棲みか。 穴を
掘って むしポケモンを 捕らえる。"
27,29,1,"あめの すくない とちに すんでいる。
きけんが せまると からだを まるめ
やわらかい おなかを まもるぞ。"
27,29,3,"비가 적은 토지에 살고 있다.
위험한 상황이 되면 몸을 웅크려
부드러운 배를 지킨다."
27,29,5,"Il vit dans les régions où il pleut rarement.
Quand il est en danger, il se roule en boule pour
protéger son ventre, qui est son point faible."
27,29,6,"Es lebt in trockenen Gebieten mit wenig Regen.
Bei Gefahr rollt es sich zu einem Ball zusammen
und schützt so seine weiche Bauchgegend."
27,29,7,"Prefiere hábitats secos. Cuando intuye peligro,
se enrolla hasta hacerse una bola para proteger
las partes blandas de su cuerpo."
27,29,8,"Vive in zone con scarse precipitazioni.
Quando è minacciato da un pericolo, si
raggomitola per proteggere il ventre molle."
27,29,9,"It lives in areas of limited rainfall. When danger
approaches, it curls up into a ball to protect its
soft stomach."
27,29,11,"雨の 少ない 土地に 棲んでいる。
危険が 迫ると 身体を 丸め
柔らかい お腹を 守るぞ。"
27,30,1,"しっけで ひふが ふやけてくると
かざんに むかう。 ちねつの たかい
じめんに はりつき かわかすのだ。"
27,30,3,"습기로 인해 피부가 불면
화산으로 이동한다. 지열이 높은
지면에 달라붙어 말리는 것이다."
27,30,5,"Lorsque sa peau est saturée dhumidité,
il se dirige vers un volcan et se sèche
à la chaleur du magma."
27,30,6,"Bei zu viel Feuchtigkeit sucht es einen Vulkan
auf, um auf dem warmen Erdboden seine
aufgeweichte Haut wieder zu trocknen."
27,30,7,"Cuando la humedad le satura la piel, se dirige a
un volcán y aprovecha las altas temperaturas
del suelo para secarse."
27,30,8,"Quando la sua pelle assorbe troppa umidità,
raggiunge un vulcano e si stende sul terreno
caldo per asciugarsi."
27,30,9,"When its skin gets wrinkled from moisture, it
heads for a volcano. It lies flat on a spot with a
lot of geothermal heat and dries itself out."
27,30,11,"湿気で 皮膚が ふやけてくると
火山に 向かう。 地熱の 高い
地面に はりつき 乾かすのだ。"
27,31,1,"からだは かわいている。しかし
よなか きおんが さがったときは
ひふに しずくが つくという。"
27,31,3,"몸이 건조하다. 하지만
밤중에 기온이 내려가면
피부에 물방울이 맺힌다고 한다."
27,31,5,"Son corps est sec. Quand la nuit déploie ses
ailes de fraîcheur, son épiderme se couvre
de rosée."
27,31,6,"Der Körper dieses Pokémon ist sehr trocken.
In kalten Nächten wird sein Körper von Tau
27,31,7,"Tiene la piel muy seca, aunque, si hace frío por
la noche, aparece cubierta de un fino rocío."
27,31,8,"Il suo corpo è molto asciutto, ma si dice che
quando di notte la temperatura si abbassa
si ricopra di fine rugiada."
27,31,9,"Its body is dry. When it gets cold at night, its
hide is said to become coated with a fine dew."
27,31,11,"体は 乾いている。しかし
夜中 気温が 下がったときは
皮膚に 滴が つくという。"
27,32,1,"からだは かわいている。しかし
よなか きおんが さがったときは
ひふに しずくが つくという。"
27,32,3,"몸이 건조하다. 하지만
밤중에 기온이 내려가면
피부에 물방울이 맺힌다고 한다."
27,32,5,"Son corps est sec. Quand la nuit déploie ses
ailes de fraîcheur, son épiderme se couvre
de rosée."
27,32,6,"Der Körper dieses Pokémon ist sehr trocken.
In kalten Nächten wird sein Körper von Tau
27,32,7,"Tiene la piel muy seca, aunque, si hace frío por
la noche, aparece cubierta de un fino rocío."
27,32,8,"Il suo corpo è molto asciutto, ma si dice che
quando di notte la temperatura si abbassa
si ricopra di fine rugiada."
27,32,9,"Its body is dry. When it gets cold at night, its
hide is said to become coated with a fine dew."
27,32,11,"体は 乾いている。しかし
夜中 気温が 下がったときは
皮膚に 滴が つくという。"
27,33,1,"かんそうした すなちで すなあびを
するのが すき。 からだに ついた
よごれと みずけを おとすのだ。"
27,33,3,"건조한 모래땅에서 모래를 끼얹는 것을
좋아한다. 몸에 붙은 지저분한 것들을
떨어뜨리고 물기를 없애는 것이다."
27,33,5,"Il aime se rouler dans le sable des zones
désertiques pour se débarrasser des traces
de terre et dhumidité qui lui collent à la peau."
27,33,6,"Es badet sehr gern im trockenen Sand. Dadurch
befreit es seinen Körper von Schmutz und
27,33,7,"Le gusta revolcarse por la arena seca para
eliminar todo rastro de suciedad y humedad
en la piel."
27,33,8,"Ama rotolarsi nella sabbia delle zone desertiche,
per rimuovere ogni traccia di sporcizia e umidità
dal suo corpo."
27,33,9,"It loves to bathe in the grit of dry, sandy areas.
By sand bathing, the Pokémon rids itself of dirt
and moisture clinging to its body."
27,33,11,"乾燥した 砂地で 砂浴びを
するのが 好き。 体に ついた
汚れと 水気を 落とすのだ。"
27,34,1,"じめんを ほって すあなを つくる。
ちちゅうの かたい いわも するどい
ツメで くだいて ほりすすむぞ。"
27,34,3,"땅을 파서 굴을 만든다.
땅속의 단단한 바위도 날카로운
발톱으로 부수며 파고들어 간다."
27,34,5,"Il creuse le sol pour construire sa tanière.
Rien narrête ses griffes acérées, pas même
la roche la plus solide."
27,34,6,"Es gräbt sich seinen Bau im Erdboden. Stößt es
dabei auf harte Steine, zerstört es diese mit
seinen scharfen Krallen und gräbt unbeirrt weiter."
27,34,7,"Excava madrigueras profundas en las que vive.
Parte con sus afiladas garras cualquier roca, por
dura que sea, que le entorpezca el camino."
27,34,8,"Scava nel terreno per costruire la sua tana,
frantumando anche le rocce più dure con
i suoi artigli affilati."
27,34,9,"It burrows into the ground to create its nest. If
hard stones impede its tunneling, it uses its sharp
claws to shatter them and then carries on digging."
27,34,11,"地面を 掘って 巣穴を つくる。
地中の 硬い 岩も 鋭い ツメで
砕いて 掘り進むぞ。"
28,1,9,"Curls up into a
spiny ball when
threatened. Itcan roll while
curled up to
attack or escape."
28,2,9,"Curls up into a
spiny ball when
threatened. Itcan roll while
curled up to
attack or escape."
28,3,9,"It is skilled at
slashing enemies
with its claws.If broken, they
start to grow back
in a day."
28,4,9,"In an attempt to
hide itself, it
will run aroundat top speed to
kick up a blinding
dust storm."
28,5,9,"If it digs at an
incredible pace,
it may snap offits spikes and
claws. They grow
back in a day."
28,6,9,"Adept at climbing
trees, it rolls
into a spiny ball,then attacks its
enemies from
28,7,9,"SANDSLASHs body is covered by tough
spikes, which are hardened sections of
its hide. Once a year, the old spikes fallout, to be replaced with new spikes that
grow out from beneath the old ones."
28,8,9,"SANDSLASH can roll up its body as if it
were a ball covered with large spikes.
In battle, this POKéMON will try to makethe foe flinch by jabbing it with its
spines. It then leaps at the stunned
foe to tear wildly with its sharp claws."
28,9,9,"It curls up in a ball to protect itself from
enemy attacks. It also curls up to prevent
heatstroke during the daytime when
temperatures rise sharply."
28,10,9,"It is adept at attacking with the spines
on its back and its sharp claws while
quickly scurrying about."
28,11,9,"Curls up into a spiny ball when
threatened. It can roll while curled up
to attack or escape."
28,12,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes
with its back. Its sharp spines
inflict severe damage."
28,13,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes
with its back. Its sharp spines
inflict severe damage."
28,14,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes
with its back. Its sharp spines
inflict severe damage."
28,15,9,"In an attempt to hide itself,
it will run around at top speed to
kick up a blinding dust storm."
28,16,9,"If it digs at an incredible pace,
it may snap off its spikes and
claws. They grow back in a day."
28,17,5,"Il se met en boule pour percuter
lennemi. Ses épines aiguisées
font beaucoup de dégâts."
28,17,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes
with its back. Its sharp spines
inflict severe damage."
28,18,5,"Il se met en boule pour percuter
lennemi. Ses épines aiguisées
font beaucoup de dégâts."
28,18,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes
with its back. Its sharp spines
inflict severe damage."
28,21,9,"The spikes on its body are made
up of its hardened hide. It rolls up
and attacks foes with its spikes."
28,22,9,"The spikes on its body are made
up of its hardened hide. It rolls up
and attacks foes with its spikes."
28,23,1,"すごい いきおいで じめんをほると
トゲや ツメが おれてしまうが
つぎのひには はえそろっている。"
28,23,3,"굉장한 기세로 지면을 파면
가시와 발톱이 부러져 버리지만
다음 날에는 바로 돋아나 있다."
28,23,5,"Il creuse si vite quil peut briser ses épines et ses
griffes. Mais elles repoussent en une journée."
28,23,6,"Wenn es schnell gräbt, können seine Stacheln und
Krallen abbrechen. Sie wachsen binnen eines Tages
28,23,7,"Si cava a gran velocidad, puede que se le caigan las
garras y púas. Vuelven a crecerle en un día."
28,23,8,"Se scava molto velocemente gli si consumano le
punte e gli artigli, ma gli ricrescono in un giorno."
28,23,9,"If it digs at an incredible pace, it may snap off
its spikes and claws. They grow back in a day."
28,23,11,"すごい 勢いで 地面を掘ると
トゲや ツメが 折れてしまうが
次の日には 生えそろっている。"
28,24,1,"せなかを まるめると トゲトゲの
ボールみたいだ。そのまま ころがって
ぶつかってきたり にげたりする。"
28,24,3,"등을 구부리면 뾰족뾰족한
공 같다. 그대로 굴러서
부딪쳐 오거나 도망간다."
28,24,5,"Il se roule en boule hérissée de piques sil est
menacé. Il peut ainsi senfuir ou attaquer."
28,24,6,"Bei Gefahr igelt sich dieses Pokémon ein.
Zusammengerollt kann es angreifen oder fliehen."
28,24,7,"Ante el peligro, se acurruca en un espinoso ovillo.
De esta forma puede rodar para atacar o escapar."
28,24,8,"Se in pericolo si chiude a riccio. In questa forma
può rotolare, attaccare e scappare."
28,24,9,"Curls up into a spiny ball when threatened. It can
roll while curled up to attack or escape."
28,24,11,"背中を まるめると トゲトゲの
ボールみたいだ。そのまま 転がって
ぶつかってきたり 逃げたりする。"
28,25,1,"からだの トゲは ひふが かたくなったもの。
1ねんに 1かい ふるい トゲが ぬけおちて
あたらしい トゲが したから はえてくる。"
28,25,3,"몸의 가시는 피부가 딱딱해진 것이다.
1년에 1회 오래된 가시가 빠지고
새로운 가시가 밑에서 돋아난다."
28,25,5,"Le corps de Sablaireau est recouvert de pointes très dures,
qui sont des extensions de sa peau. Une fois par an,
ce Pokémon mue et les vieilles pointes tombent, remplacées
par de nouvelles."
28,25,6,"Sandamers Körper ist übersät mit spitzen Stacheln,
die eigentlich Hauthärtungen darstellen. Einmal im Jahr
fallen die alten Stacheln aus und werden durch neue ersetzt."
28,25,7,"Sandslash está recubierto de duras púas que son partes
endurecidas de la piel. Suele mudarlas una vez al año; debajo
de las viejas púas crecen unas nuevas que las sustituyen."
28,25,8,"Il corpo di Sandslash è ricoperto da aculei coriacei, costituiti
da parti di corazza indurita. I vecchi aculei cadono una volta
allanno per essere sostituiti dai nuovi che crescono sotto
i precedenti."
28,25,9,"Sandslashs body is covered by tough spikes, which are
hardened sections of its hide. Once a year, the old spikes
fall out, to be replaced with new spikes that grow out from
beneath the old ones."
28,25,11,"体の トゲは 皮膚が 硬くなったもの。
1年に 1回 古い トゲが 抜け落ちて
新しい トゲが 下から 生えてくる。"
28,26,1,"せなかを まるめると トゲトゲの ボールみたい。
トゲに さされて ひるんだ あいてに とびかかり
するどい ツメで ばりばり ひっかきまくるぞ。"
28,26,3,"등을 둥그렇게 말면 뾰족뾰족한 공 같다.
가시에 찔려 풀죽은 상대에게 덤벼들어
날카로운 발톱으로 박박 할퀴어 놓는다."
28,26,5,"Sablaireau peut enrouler son corps pour prendre la forme
dune balle hérissée de pointes. Ce Pokémon essaie de faire
peur à son ennemi en le frappant avec ses pointes.
Puis, il se rue sur lui avec ses griffes acérées."
28,26,6,"Sandamer kann sich zu einem Ball mit langen Stacheln
zusammenrollen. Im Kampf schlägt es seine Gegner in die
Flucht, indem es sie mit seinen Stacheln sticht. Dann springt
es sie an und schlägt mit seinen scharfen Klauen zu."
28,26,7,"Sandslash puede enroscarse y convertirse en una bola de
largas púas. En combate, este Pokémon hace retroceder a
sus rivales clavándoselas. Acto seguido, aprovecha para
echarse sobre ellos y atacarlos con sus afiladas garras."
28,26,8,"Sandslash arrotola il proprio corpo come fosse una sfera
ricoperta di grandi aculei, che usa in lotta per far tentennare
il nemico. Poi gli si scaglia contro per colpirlo selvaggiamente
con gli artigli affilati."
28,26,9,"Sandslash can roll up its body as if it were a ball covered
with large spikes. In battle, this Pokémon will try to make
the foe flinch by jabbing it with its spines. It then leaps at
the stunned foe to tear wildly with its sharp claws."
28,26,11,"背中を 丸めると トゲトゲの ボールみたい。
トゲに 刺されて ひるんだ 相手に 飛びかかり
鋭い ツメで ばりばり 引っかきまくるぞ。"
28,27,1,"するどいが やや もろい ツメや
トゲは よく おれる。 よくじつには
はえそろうので きに しなくてよい。"
28,27,3,"날카롭지만 약간 약한 발톱이나
가시는 자주 부러진다. 다음 날에는 다시
돋아나기 때문에 신경 쓰지 않아도 된다."
28,27,5,"Ses griffes et épines sont tranchantes, mais
elles se brisent facilement. Cela dit, il nen a
que faire, puisquelles repoussent le lendemain."
28,27,6,"Seine Krallen und Stacheln sind scharf, aber
auch spröde und brechen oft ab. Sie wachsen
jedoch innerhalb eines Tages wieder nach."
28,27,7,"No suele inquietarse por el hecho de que sus
afiladas garras y púas se rompan con facilidad,
ya que estas vuelven a crecer al día siguiente."
28,27,8,"I suoi artigli e aculei sono molto affilati, ma
anche piuttosto fragili e si spezzano spesso.
Tuttavia, ricrescono nel giro di un giorno."
28,27,9,"Although they are sharp, its claws and spikes
often break off. They grow back the next day,
so it is not bothered by the temporary loss."
28,27,11,"鋭いが やや もろい ツメや
トゲは よく 折れる。 翌日には
生えそろうので 気に しなくてよい。"
28,28,1,"ツメで きに のぼり えものが
あらわれると からだを まるめて
トゲのボールに なって らっかする。"
28,28,3,"발톱으로 나무에 올라 먹이가
나타나면 몸을 둥글게 만들어
가시 공이 되어 낙하한다."
28,28,5,"Il escalade les arbres avec ses griffes. Quand
une proie passe à proximité, il se laisse tomber
dessus toutes épines dressées."
28,28,6,"Es erklimmt mit seinen Krallen Bäume, rollt sich
ein und wartet, bis Beute erscheint. Dann stürzt
es sich als stachelige Kugel auf sie herab."
28,28,7,"Trepa a los árboles con sus garras. Cuando
avista una presa, se convierte en una bola de
púas y se deja caer sobre ella."
28,28,8,"Si arrampica sugli alberi con gli artigli affilati e,
avvistata la preda, si raggomitola diventando
una sfera irta di aculei e le piomba addosso."
28,28,9,"It uses its claws to climb trees and then curls
its body into a spiny ball, ready to drop onto
any prey that appears."
28,28,11,"ツメで 木に 登り 獲物が
現れると 身体を 丸めて
トゲのボールに なって 落下する。"
28,29,1,"よく ツメや ツノが おれてしまう。
おれた ツメや ツノで つちを
たがやす どうぐが つくられる。"
28,29,3,"발톱과 뿔이 잘 부러진다.
부러진 발톱과 뿔은 땅을
일구는 도구로 만들어진다."
28,29,5,"Ses épines et ses griffes se cassent souvent.
Ces pointes brisées peuvent servir doutils
pour creuser le sol."
28,29,6,"Seine Krallen und Stacheln brechen oft ab. Sie
werden dann zu Werkzeugen für den Ackerbau
28,29,7,"Sus garras y púas se caen con frecuencia y
pueden recogerse para elaborar aperos de
28,29,8,"I suoi aculei si spezzano spesso.
Una volta recuperati, si possono usare per
fabbricare attrezzi per coltivare la terra."
28,29,9,"Its claws and horns often break off. The broken
claws and horns can be used to carve plows for
tilling farm fields."
28,29,11,"よく ツメや ツノが 折れてしまう。
折れた ツメや ツノで 土を
耕す 道具が 作られる。"
28,30,1,"ふとい ツメの おかげで きのぼりが
とくいだ。 そのまま きの うえを
ねどこにする サンドパンも おおい。"
28,30,3,"굵은 발톱 덕분에 나무타기가
특기다. 나무 위에 올라가서
잠을 자는 고지도 많다."
28,30,5,"Ses grosses griffes lui permettent de grimper
aux arbres sans peine. Il nest pas rare de voir
un Sablaireau endormi dans les frondaisons."
28,30,6,"Mit seinen Krallen kann es gut Bäume erklimmen.
Häufig macht es die Baumkrone dann gleich zu
seinem Schlafplatz."
28,30,7,"Sus gruesas garras le permiten escalar árboles
con gran agilidad. De hecho, no es extraño ver
ejemplares durmiendo entre el follaje."
28,30,8,"Grazie ai suoi grossi artigli può arrampicarsi
sugli alberi con estrema facilità. Non è raro
vederlo dormire fra i rami."
28,30,9,"Thanks to its thick claws, its good at climbing
trees. There are plenty of Sandslash that park
themselves in trees and go right to sleep."
28,30,11,"太い ツメの おかげで 木登りが
得意だ。 そのまま 木の 上を
寝床にする サンドパンも 多い。"
28,31,1,"ツメで ひっかくのが とくいだが
たたかっているうち おれることも。
つぎのひには また のびてくるぞ。"
28,31,3,"발톱으로 할퀴는 것이 특기지만
싸우다가 부러질 때도 있다.
다음날이면 다시 자라난다."
28,31,5,"Ses griffes sont redoutables. Si lune delles
se casse en combat, elle repousse en un jour."
28,31,6,"Es greift Gegner mit seinen scharfen Klauen an.
Brechen diese im Kampf ab, wachsen sie binnen
eines Tages nach."
28,31,7,"Utiliza hábilmente las garras en combate, por
lo que suelen rompérsele. Aun así, solo tardan
un día en volverle a crecer."
28,31,8,"È abilissimo a graffiare i nemici con i suoi
artigli affilati. Se si rompono, ricrescono in un
28,31,9,"It is skilled at slashing enemies with its claws.
If broken, they start to grow back in a day."
28,31,11,"ツメで ひっかくのが 得意だが
戦っているうち 折れることも。
次の日には また 伸びてくるぞ。"
28,32,1,"ツメで ひっかくのが とくいだが
たたかっているうち おれることも。
つぎのひには また のびてくるぞ。"
28,32,3,"발톱으로 할퀴는 것이 특기지만
싸우다가 부러질 때도 있다.
다음날이면 다시 자라난다."
28,32,5,"Ses griffes sont redoutables. Si lune delles
se casse en combat, elle repousse en un jour."
28,32,6,"Es greift Gegner mit seinen scharfen Klauen an.
Brechen diese im Kampf ab, wachsen sie binnen
eines Tages nach."
28,32,7,"Utiliza hábilmente las garras en combate, por
lo que suelen rompérsele. Aun así, solo tardan
un día en volverle a crecer."
28,32,8,"È abilissimo a graffiare i nemici con i suoi
artigli affilati. Se si rompono, ricrescono in un
28,32,9,"It is skilled at slashing enemies with its claws.
If broken, they start to grow back in a day."
28,32,11,"ツメで ひっかくのが 得意だが
戦っているうち 折れることも。
次の日には また 伸びてくるぞ。"
28,33,1,"しつどが ひくい とちで くらす
サンドパンほど せなかの トゲの
てざわりは かたく なめらかになる。"
28,33,3,"습도가 낮은 땅에서 사는
고지일수록 등에 난 가시의
감촉은 단단하고 매끄럽다."
28,33,5,"Plus son habitat est sec, plus ses épines
dorsales deviennent dures et lisses."
28,33,6,"Je trockener das Gebiet ist, in dem Sandamer
lebt, desto härter und glatter fühlen sich die
Stacheln an seinem Rücken an."
28,33,7,"Cuanto más seco es el terreno en el que habita,
más duras y lisas se vuelven las púas que le
recubren la espalda."
28,33,8,"Più secco è il territorio dove Sandslash vive,
più i suoi aculei dorsali diventano lisci e duri."
28,33,9,"The drier the area Sandslash lives in, the harder
and smoother the Pokémons spikes will feel
when touched."
28,33,11,"湿度が 低い 土地で 暮らす
サンドパンほど 背中の 棘の
手触りは 硬く 滑らかになる。"
28,34,1,"するどい ツメを ひっかけて きを
のぼる。 したで まつ サンドたちに
きのみを おとし わけあたえるのだ。"
28,34,3,"날카로운 발톱으로 찍으며 나무에 오른다.
아래에서 기다리는 모래두지들에게
나무열매를 떨어뜨려 나눠준다."
28,34,5,"Il grimpe aux arbres grâce à ses griffes acérées
et fait tomber des Baies pour les Sabelette
qui attendent au sol."
28,34,6,"Mit seinen scharfen Krallen klettert es auf Bäume
und wirft unten wartenden Sandan Beeren zu,
die sie sich dann teilen."
28,34,7,"Trepa a los árboles con sus afiladas garras y deja
caer bayas para los Sandshrew que esperan
28,34,8,"Si arrampica sugli alberi utilizzando i suoi artigli
affilati per poi condividere le bacche che trova
con i Sandshrew, che aspettano sotto."
28,34,9,"It climbs trees by hooking on with its sharp claws.
Sandslash shares the berries it gathers, dropping
them down to Sandshrew waiting below the tree."
28,34,11,"鋭い ツメを ひっかけて 木を
登る。 下で 待つ サンドたちに
木の実を 落とし 分け与えるのだ。"
29,1,9,"Although small,
its venomous
barbs render thisPOKéMON dangerous.
The female has
smaller horns."
29,2,9,"Although small,
its venomous
barbs render thisPOKéMON dangerous.
The female has
smaller horns."
29,3,9,"A mild-mannered
POKéMON that does
not like tofight. Beware, its
small horns
secrete venom."
29,4,9,"The poison hidden
in its small horn
is extremely po­tent. Even a tiny
scratch can have
fatal results."
29,5,9,"Although not very
combative, it will
torment its foeswith poison spikes
if it is threat­
ened in any way."
29,6,9,"Small and very
docile, it pro­
tects itself withits small, poison­
ous horn when
29,7,9,"NIDORAN has barbs that secrete a
powerful poison. They are thought to
have developed as protection for thissmall-bodied POKéMON.
When enraged, it releases a horrible
toxin from its horn."
29,8,9,"NIDORAN has barbs that secrete a
powerful poison. They are thought to
have developed as protection for thissmall-bodied POKéMON.
When enraged, it releases a horrible
toxin from its horn."
29,9,9,"Its highly toxic barbs are thought to have
developed as protection for this small-
bodied POKéMON. When enraged, it releases
a horrible toxin from its horn."
29,10,9,"Though small, it must be treated with
caution because of its powerfully toxic
barbs. The female has smaller horns."
29,11,9,"Although small, its venomous barbs render
this POKéMON dangerous. The female has
smaller horns."
29,12,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,13,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,14,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,15,9,"The poison hidden in its small horn
is extremely potent. Even a tiny
scratch can have fatal results."
29,16,9,"Although not very combative, it will
torment its foes with poison spikes
if it is threatened in any way."
29,17,5,"Bien quil rechigne à se battre, une
goutte du poison sécrété par ses
piquants peut savérer fatale."
29,17,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,18,5,"Bien quil rechigne à se battre, une
goutte du poison sécrété par ses
piquants peut savérer fatale."
29,18,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,21,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,22,9,"While it does not prefer to fight,
even one drop of the poison it
secretes from barbs can be fatal."
29,23,1,"からだは ちいさくても どくばりを
もつため ちゅういが ひつようだ。
メスのほうが ツノが ちいさい。"
29,23,3,"몸은 작지만 독침을
지니고 있기 때문에 주의가 필요하다.
암컷의 뿔이 더 작다."
29,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est hérissé de dards empoisonnés.
Les femelles ont une corne plus petite."
29,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist sehr klein, verfügt aber über
starke Gifte. Das Weibchen hat ein kleineres Horn."
29,23,7,"Aunque pequeñas, sus venenosas púas son muy
peligrosas. Tienen un cuerno más pequeño que
los machos."
29,23,8,"Sebbene piccolo, i suoi baffi velenosi sono molto
pericolosi. La femmina ha un corno più minuto."
29,23,9,"Although small, its venomous barbs render
this Pokémon dangerous. The female has
smaller horns."
29,23,11,"体は 小さくても 毒針を
持つため 注意が 必要だ。
メスのほうが ツノが 小さい。"
29,24,1,"こがらで とても おとなしい。
おそわれると ちいさな どくばりを
つかって たたかい みをまもる。"
29,24,3,"몸이 작고 무척 얌전하다.
습격당하면 작은 독침을
사용해 싸워서 몸을 지킨다."
29,24,5,"Petit et docile, il se protège avec sa minuscule corne
empoisonnée lorsquil est attaqué."
29,24,6,"Es ist klein und scheu. Es verteidigt sich mit seinem
kleinen, aber giftigen Horn."
29,24,7,"De pequeño tamaño y dócil, cuando se le ataca, utiliza
el cuerno venenoso que tiene encima de la cabeza."
29,24,8,"Molto docile e minuta, se viene attaccata si protegge
con il piccolo corno velenoso."
29,24,9,"Small and very docile, it protects itself with its
small, poisonous horn when attacked."
29,24,11,"小柄で とても おとなしい。
襲われると 小さな 毒針を
使って 戦い 身を 守る。"
29,25,1,"ちいさい からだを まもるため きょうりょくな
どくばりが はったつしたと かんがえられている。
おこると ツノの さきから もうどくを だす。"
29,25,3,"작은 몸을 지키기 위해 강력한
독침이 발달한 것이라 여겨진다.
화가 나면 뿔 끝에서 맹독을 뿜는다."
29,25,5,"Nidoran♀ est couvert de pointes qui sécrètent un poison
puissant. On pense que ce petit Pokémon a développé
ces pointes pour se défendre. Lorsquil est en colère,
une horrible toxine sort de sa corne."
29,25,6,"Nidoran♀ besitzt Widerhaken, die ein starkes Gift ausstoßen.
Sie sind vermutlich zum Schutz dieses schmächtigen Pokémon
entstanden. Wenn es wütend wird, stößt es ein gefährliches
Gift aus seinem Horn aus."
29,25,7,"Nidoran♀ tiene púas que segregan un veneno muy potente.
Se piensa que las desarrolló como protección del cuerpo tan
pequeño que tiene. Cuando se enfada, libera una horrible
sustancia tóxica por el cuerno."
29,25,8,"Gli aculei di Nidoran♀ secernono un potente veleno.
Si pensa che si siano sviluppati per proteggere questo
Pokémon dal corpo minuto. Quando è adirato, rilascia
una potente tossina dal corno."
29,25,9,"Nidoran♀ has barbs that secrete a powerful poison.
They are thought to have developed as protection for
this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases
a horrible toxin from its horn."
29,25,11,"小さい 体を 守るため 強力な
毒針が 発達したと 考えられている。
怒ると ツノの 先から 猛毒を 出す。"
29,26,1,"ちいさい からだを まもるため きょうりょくな
どくばりが はったつしたと かんがえられている。
おこると ツノの さきから もうどくを だす。"
29,26,3,"작은 몸을 지키기 위해 강력한
독침이 발달한 것이라 여겨진다.
화가 나면 뿔 끝에서 맹독이 나온다."
29,26,5,"Nidoran♀ est couvert de pointes qui sécrètent un poison
puissant. On pense que ce petit Pokémon a développé
ces pointes pour se défendre. Lorsquil est en colère,
une horrible toxine sort de sa corne."
29,26,6,"Nidoran♀ besitzt Widerhaken, die ein starkes Gift ausstoßen.
Sie sind vermutlich zum Schutz dieses schmächtigen Pokémon
entstanden. Wenn es wütend wird, stößt es ein gefährliches
Gift aus seinem Horn aus."
29,26,7,"Nidoran♀ tiene púas que segregan un veneno muy potente.
Se piensa que las desarrolló como protección del cuerpo tan
pequeño que tiene. Cuando se enfada, libera una horrible
sustancia tóxica por el cuerno."
29,26,8,"Gli aculei di Nidoran♀ secernono un potente veleno.
Si pensa che si siano sviluppati per proteggere questo
Pokémon dal corpo minuto. Quando è adirato, rilascia
una potente tossina dal corno."
29,26,9,"Nidoran♀ has barbs that secrete a powerful poison.
They are thought to have developed as protection for
this small-bodied Pokémon. When enraged, it releases
a horrible toxin from its horn."
29,26,11,"小さい 体を 守るため 強力な
毒針が 発達したと 考えられている。
怒ると ツノの 先から 猛毒を 出す。"
29,31,1,"やさしい せいかくで たたかいは
このまないが ちいさな ツノからは
どくが でるので ようちゅうい。"
29,31,3,"온순한 성격이라 싸움을
좋아하지 않지만 작은 뿔에서
독이 나오므로 주의가 필요하다."
29,31,5,"Un Pokémon paisible qui naime pas se battre.
Sa petite corne est empoisonnée."
29,31,6,"Es hat ein sanftes Gemüt und meidet den Kampf,
doch da aus seinem kleinen Horn Gift austritt,
ist trotzdem Vorsicht geboten."
29,31,7,"A este dócil Pokémon no le gusta luchar, pero
conviene tener cuidado con su pequeño cuerno,
ya que segrega veneno."
29,31,8,"Pokémon molto tranquillo che rifugge la lotta.
Bisogna fare attenzione al suo piccolo corno,
che secerne veleno."
29,31,9,"A mild-mannered Pokémon that does not like
to fight. Beware—its small horn secretes venom."
29,31,11,"優しい 性格で 戦いは
好まないが 小さな ツノからは
毒が でるので 要注意。"
29,32,1,"やさしい せいかくで たたかいは
このまないが ちいさな ツノからは
どくが でるので ようちゅうい。"
29,32,3,"온순한 성격이라 싸움을
좋아하지 않지만 작은 뿔에서
독이 나오므로 주의가 필요하다."
29,32,5,"Un Pokémon paisible qui naime pas se battre.
Sa petite corne est empoisonnée."
29,32,6,"Es hat ein sanftes Gemüt und meidet den Kampf,
doch da aus seinem kleinen Horn Gift austritt,
ist trotzdem Vorsicht geboten."
29,32,7,"A este dócil Pokémon no le gusta luchar, pero
conviene tener cuidado con su pequeño cuerno,
ya que segrega veneno."
29,32,8,"Pokémon molto tranquillo che rifugge la lotta.
Bisogna fare attenzione al suo piccolo corno,
che secerne veleno."
29,32,9,"A mild-mannered Pokémon that does not like
to fight. Beware—its small horn secretes venom."
29,32,11,"優しい 性格で 戦いは
好まないが 小さな ツノからは
毒が でるので 要注意。"
29,33,1,"オスよりも においに びんかん。
ヒゲで かざむきを かくにんしながら
かざしもで エサを さがすのだ。"
29,33,3,"수컷보다 냄새에 민감하다.
수염으로 바람의 방향을 확인하면서
흘러온 냄새로 먹이를 찾는다."
29,33,5,"Son odorat est plus développé que celui du mâle.
Quand Nidoran♀ cherche à manger, il reste dans
le sens du vent, quil détecte avec ses vibrisses."
29,33,6,"Sie sind geruchsempfindlicher als Nidoran♂.
Auf Nahrungssuche folgen sie der Windrichtung,
die sie mit ihren Tasthaaren ermitteln."
29,33,7,"Posee un olfato más fino que los Nidoran♂. Usa
los bigotes para percibir la dirección del viento y
buscar comida a sotavento de sus depredadores."
29,33,8,"È più sensibile agli odori rispetto ai maschi.
Capta le correnti daria con le vibrisse e si
posiziona sottovento per cercare le prede."
29,33,9,"Females are more sensitive to smells than males.
While foraging, theyll use their whiskers to check
wind direction and stay downwind of predators."
29,33,11,"オスよりも 匂いに 敏感。
ヒゲで 風向きを 確認しながら
風下で エサを 探すのだ。"
29,34,1,"かたい まえばで きのみを くだいて
たべる。 ツノの さきは オスより
すこし まるみを おびている。"
29,34,3,"단단한 앞니로 나무열매를
깨물어 먹는다. 뿔의 끝은
수컷보다 조금 둥그스름하다."
29,34,5,"Ce Pokémon se nourrit de Baies en les ouvrant
avec ses incisives. Le bout de sa corne est plus
arrondi que celui du mâle."
29,34,6,"Mit ihren harten Vorderzähnen zerteilen sie
Beeren, bevor sie diese essen. Die Spitze ihres
Horns ist etwas abgerundeter als bei Männchen."
29,34,7,"Parte las bayas con sus duros incisivos para
comérselas. La punta del cuerno de las hembras
es más redondeada que la de los machos."
29,34,8,"Mangia le bacche frantumandole con i robusti
incisivi. La punta del corno è leggermente più
arrotondata rispetto a quella del maschio."
29,34,9,"It uses its hard incisor teeth to crush and eat
berries. The tip of a female Nidorans horn is a
bit more rounded than the tip of a males horn."
29,34,11,"硬い 前歯で 木の実を 砕いて 食べる。
ツノの 先は オスより 少し
丸みを 帯びている。"
30,1,9,"The female's horn
develops slowly.
Prefers physicalattacks such as
clawing and
30,2,9,"The female's horn
develops slowly.
Prefers physicalattacks such as
clawing and
30,3,9,"When resting deep
in its burrow, its
thorns alwaysretract.
This is proof that
it is relaxed."
30,4,9,"When feeding its
young, it first
chews and tender­izes the food,
then spits it out
for the offspring."
30,5,9,"It has a calm and
caring nature.
Because its horngrows slowly, it
prefers not to
30,6,9,"It has a docile
nature. If it is
threatened withattack, it raises
the barbs that are
all over its body."
30,7,9,"When NIDORINA are with their friends or
family, they keep their barbs tucked
away to prevent hurting each other.This POKéMON appears to become
nervous if separated from the others."
30,8,9,"When NIDORINA are with their friends or
family, they keep their barbs tucked
away to prevent hurting each other.This POKéMON appears to become
nervous if separated from the others."
30,9,9,"When it is with its friends or
family, its barbs are tucked away to
prevent injury. It appears to become
nervous if separated from the others."
30,10,9,"The female has a gentle temperament.
It emits ultrasonic cries that have the
power to befuddle foes."
30,11,9,"The females horns develop slowly.
Prefers physical attacks such as clawing
and biting."
30,12,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than NIDORINOs."
30,13,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than NIDORINOs."
30,14,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than NIDORINOs."
30,15,9,"When feeding its young, it first
chews the food into a paste, then
spits it out for the offspring."
30,16,9,"It has a calm and caring nature.
Because its horn grows slowly, it
prefers not to fight."
30,17,5,"Ce Pokémon dresse ses piquants
en cas de danger. Ils poussent
moins vite que ceux de Nidorino."
30,17,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than Nidorinos."
30,18,5,"Ce Pokémon dresse ses piquants
en cas de danger. Ils poussent
moins vite que ceux de Nidorino."
30,18,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than Nidorinos."
30,21,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than Nidorinos."
30,22,9,"When it senses danger, it raises
all the barbs on its body. These
barbs grow slower than Nidorinos."
30,23,1,"メスなので せいかくは おんこう。
くちから だす ちょうおんぱは
あいてを まどわす ちからがある。"
30,23,3,"암컷으로 성격은 온화하다.
입에서 내보내는 초음파는
상대를 혼란시키는 힘이 있다."
30,23,5,"La femelle a un tempérament doux. Elle émet des cris
ultrasoniques capables de déstabiliser ses ennemis."
30,23,6,"Das Weibchen ist ausgeglichener. Es stößt Schreie
im Ultraschallwellenbereich aus, die den Gegner
verwirren können."
30,23,7,"Tiene un carácter afable. Emite ondas ultrasónicas
para confundir al enemigo."
30,23,8,"La femmina ha un temperamento mite. Lancia
ultrasuoni capaci di incantare i nemici."
30,23,9,"The female has a gentle temperament.
It emits ultrasonic cries that have the power
to befuddle foes."
30,23,11,"メスなので 性格は 温厚。
口から 出す 超音波は
相手を まどわす 力がある。"
30,24,1,"こどもに エサを わけあたえるとき
おやが かみくだき やわらかくした
エサを はきもどして あたえる。"
30,24,3,"새끼에게 먹이를 나눠줄 때
어미가 깨물어 부드럽게 한
먹이를 토해서 준다."
30,24,5,"Pour nourrir ses petits, il mâche les aliments pour les
rendre tendres et il les recrache à ses bébés."
30,24,6,"Ehe es seine Jungen füttert, zerkaut es das Futter
und gibt es ihnen anschließend."
30,24,7,"Cuando alimenta a sus crías, primero mastica y ablanda
la comida y luego la escupe para su prole."
30,24,8,"Per nutrire i piccoli, prima intenerisce il cibo
masticandolo, poi lo sputa per i cuccioli."
30,24,9,"When feeding its young, it first chews the food into
a paste, then spits it out for the offspring."
30,24,11,"子供に エサを 分け与えるとき
親が かみくだき やわらかくした
エサを 吐き戻して 与える。"
30,25,1,"なかまや かぞくと いっしょの ときは おたがい
きずつかないように トゲが ひっこんでいる。
なかまから はなれると ふあんに なるらしい。"
30,25,3,"동료나 가족과 함께일 때는 서로
상처 입히지 않도록 가시를 세우지 않는다.
동료와 떨어지면 불안해하는 것 같다."
30,25,5,"Lorsquun Nidorina est avec ses amis ou sa famille, il replie
ses pointes pour ne pas blesser ses proches. Ce Pokémon
devient vite nerveux lorsquil est séparé de son groupe."
30,25,6,"Wenn Nidorina mit seinen Freunden oder seiner Familie
zusammen ist, zieht es seine Widerhaken ein, damit es
niemanden verletzt. Dieses Pokémon wird nervös,
wenn man es von seinen Artgenossen trennt."
30,25,7,"Cuando están en familia o con sus amigos, esconden las púas
para evitar accidentes. Según parece, se alteran bastante si se
separan del grupo."
30,25,8,"Quando questi Pokémon si riuniscono con gli amici e la
famiglia, tengono i loro aculei a debita distanza per evitare
di ferirsi a vicenda. Se allontanati dal branco, diventano
nervosi e irascibili."
30,25,9,"When Nidorina are with their friends or family, they keep their
barbs tucked away to prevent hurting each other.
This Pokémon appears to become nervous if separated from
the others."
30,25,11,"仲間や 家族と 一緒の ときは お互い
傷つかないように トゲが 引っ込んでいる。
仲間から 離れると 不安に なるらしい。"
30,26,1,"なかまや かぞくと いっしょの ときは おたがい
きずつかないように トゲが ひっこんでいる。
なかまから はなれると ふあんに なるらしい。"
30,26,3,"동료나 가족과 함께일 때는 서로
상처 입히지 않도록 가시를 세우지 않는다.
동료와 떨어지면 불안해하는 것 같다."
30,26,5,"Lorsquun Nidorina est avec ses amis ou sa famille, il replie
ses pointes pour ne pas blesser ses proches. Ce Pokémon
devient vite nerveux lorsquil est séparé de son groupe."
30,26,6,"Wenn Nidorina mit seinen Freunden oder seiner Familie
zusammen ist, zieht es seine Widerhaken ein, damit es
niemanden verletzt. Dieses Pokémon wird nervös,
wenn man es von seinen Artgenossen trennt."
30,26,7,"Cuando están en familia o con sus amigos, esconden las púas
para evitar accidentes. Según parece, se alteran bastante si se
separan del grupo."
30,26,8,"Quando questi Pokémon si riuniscono con gli amici e la
famiglia, tengono i loro aculei a debita distanza per evitare
di ferirsi a vicenda. Se allontanati dal branco, diventano
nervosi e irascibili."
30,26,9,"When Nidorina are with their friends or family, they keep
their barbs tucked away to prevent hurting each other.
This Pokémon appears to become nervous if separated
from the others."
30,26,11,"仲間や 家族と 一緒の ときは お互い
傷つかないように トゲが 引っ込んでいる。
仲間から 離れると 不安に なるらしい。"
30,31,1,"すあなの おくに いるときは
かならず トゲトゲが ひっこむ。
リラックスしている しょうこだ。"
30,31,3,"보금자리 안에 있을 때는
언제나 가시가 들어가 있다.
마음이 편안해졌다는 증거다."
30,31,5,"Quand ce Pokémon sabrite au fond de son
terrier, ses cornes se rétractent. Cest signe
quil est détendu."
30,31,6,"Während es sich in seinem Bau aufhält, zieht es
seine Stacheln stets ein. Damit signalisiert es,
dass es entspannt ist."
30,31,7,"Mientras se cobija en su madriguera, retrae las
púas, señal inequívoca de que se siente a salvo."
30,31,8,"Quando è nella sua tana i suoi aculei si ritirano.
Questo dimostra che è rilassato."
30,31,9,"When resting deep in its burrow, its barbs always
retract. This is proof that it is relaxed."
30,31,11,"巣穴の 奥に いるときは
必ず トゲトゲが 引っこむ。
リラックスしている 証拠だ。"
30,32,1,"すあなの おくに いるときは
かならず トゲトゲが ひっこむ。
リラックスしている しょうこだ。"
30,32,3,"보금자리 안에 있을 때는
언제나 가시가 들어가 있다.
마음이 편안해졌다는 증거다."
30,32,5,"Quand ce Pokémon sabrite au fond de son
terrier, ses cornes se rétractent. Cest signe
quil est détendu."
30,32,6,"Während es sich in seinem Bau aufhält, zieht es
seine Stacheln stets ein. Damit signalisiert es,
dass es entspannt ist."
30,32,7,"Mientras se cobija en su madriguera, retrae las
púas, señal inequívoca de que se siente a salvo."
30,32,8,"Quando è nella sua tana i suoi aculei si ritirano.
Questo dimostra che è rilassato."
30,32,9,"When resting deep in its burrow, its barbs always
retract. This is proof that it is relaxed."
30,32,11,"巣穴の 奥に いるときは
必ず トゲトゲが 引っこむ。
リラックスしている 証拠だ。"
30,33,1,"ひたいの ツノは こどもに エサを
あたえるときに ささらないよう
たいかしたと かんがえられている。"
30,33,3,"이마의 뿔은 새끼에게 먹이를
줄 때 찌르지 않도록
퇴화했다고 추측되고 있다."
30,33,5,"On pense que sa corne frontale sest atrophiée
pour lui permettre de nourrir ses petits sans
les blesser."
30,33,6,"Man geht davon aus, dass sich das Horn auf
ihrem Kopf zurückgebildet hat, damit sie ihre
Jungen nicht beim Füttern verletzen."
30,33,7,"Se cree que el cuerno de la frente se le ha
atrofiado para evitar herir a sus crías al
30,33,8,"Si pensa che il corno sulla fronte si sia atrofizzato
per evitare che Nidorina punga i suoi cuccioli
quando li nutre."
30,33,9,"The horn on its head has atrophied. Its thought
that this happens so Nidorinas children wont get
poked while their mother is feeding them."
30,33,11,"額の ツノは 子どもに エサを
与えるときに 刺さらないよう
退化したと 考えられている。"
30,34,1,"むれに キケンが せまると なかまで
けっそくして ちょうおんぱの
だいがっしょうを おみまいするぞ。"
30,34,3,"무리에 위험이 닥치면
동료와 결속하여
초음파로 크게 합창한다."
30,34,5,"Si un danger menace le groupe, ces Pokémon
se réunissent et laffrontent en émettant
des ultrasons en chœur."
30,34,6,"Nähert sich Gefahr, schließen sie sich mit anderen
Artgenossen zusammen und begegnen der
Bedrohung mit einem Chor aus Ultraschallwellen."
30,34,7,"Cuando el peligro se cierne sobre la manada,
los miembros unen fuerzas para defenderse
emitiendo un coro de ondas ultrasónicas."
30,34,8,"Quando il branco è minacciato da un pericolo,
i suoi membri uniscono le forze e dispiegano
un coro di ultrasuoni."
30,34,9,"If the group is threatened, these Pokémon will
band together to assault enemies with a chorus
of ultrasonic waves."
30,34,11,"群れに 危険が せまると 仲間で
結束して 超音波の 大合唱を
31,1,9,"Its hard scales
provide strong
protection. Ituses its hefty
bulk to execute
powerful moves."
31,2,9,"Its hard scales
provide strong
protection. Ituses its hefty
bulk to execute
powerful moves."
31,3,9,"Tough scales cover
the sturdy body
of this POKéMON.It appears that
the scales grow
in cycles."
31,4,9,"Its body is cover­
ed with needle-
like scales. Itnever shows signs
of shrinking from
any attack."
31,5,9,"It uses its scaly,
rugged body to
seal the entranceof its nest and
protect its young
from predators."
31,6,9,"The hard scales
that cover its
strong body serveas excellent
protection from
any attack."
31,7,9,"NIDOQUEENs body is encased in
extremely hard scales. It is adept at
sending foes flying with harsh tackles.This POKéMON is at its strongest when
it is defending its young."
31,8,9,"NIDOQUEENs body is encased in
extremely hard scales. It is adept at
sending foes flying with harsh tackles.This POKéMON is at its strongest when
it is defending its young."
31,9,9,"It is adept at sending foes flying with
harsh tackles using its tough, scaly body.
This POKéMON is at its strongest when
it is defending its young."
31,10,9,"The body is covered by stiff, needle-
like scales. If it becomes excited,
the needles bristle outwards."
31,11,9,"Its hard scales provide strong protection.
It uses its hefty bulk to execute
powerful moves."
31,12,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,13,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,14,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,15,9,"Its body is covered with needle-like
scales. It never shows signs
of shrinking from any attack."
31,16,9,"It uses its scaly, rugged body to
seal the entrance of its nest and
protect its young from predators."
31,17,5,"Son corps est recouvert décailles
solides. Il donnera sa vie pour
secourir les petits de son terrier."
31,17,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,18,5,"Son corps est recouvert décailles
solides. Il donnera sa vie pour
secourir les petits de son terrier."
31,18,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,21,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,22,9,"Its entire body is armored with
hard scales. It will protect the
young in its burrow with its life."
31,23,1,"ウロコで おおわれた がんじょうな
からだで すあなの いりぐちをふさぎ
てきから こどもたちを まもる。"
31,23,3,"비늘로 뒤덮인 튼튼한
몸으로 둥지의 입구를 막아
상대로부터 새끼들을 지킨다."
31,23,5,"Il se sert de son corps lourdement protégé pour
empêcher les prédateurs daccéder à son nid."
31,23,6,"Es benutzt seinen schuppigen Körper, um den
Höhleneingang als Schutz für seine Jungen zu sperren."
31,23,7,"Usa su cuerpo duro y escamoso para sellar la entrada
a su madriguera y protegerse de los depredadores."
31,23,8,"Con il suo corpo robusto e squamoso sbarra
laccesso alla tana e protegge i piccoli dai predatori."
31,23,9,"It uses its scaly, rugged body to seal the entrance
of its nest and protect its young from predators."
31,23,11,"ウロコで 覆われた 頑丈な 体で
巣穴の 入り口を ふさぎ
敵から 子供たちを 守る。"
31,24,1,"かたくて はりのような ウロコが
からだを おおっている。
こうふんすると はりが さかだつ。"
31,24,3,"단단하고 바늘 같은 비늘이
몸을 뒤덮고 있다.
흥분하면 바늘이 곤두선다."
31,24,5,"Son corps est recouvert décailles en forme de
pointes. Quand ce Pokémon sénerve, ses pointes
se dressent de façon menaçante."
31,24,6,"Sein Körper ist mit massiven, nadelartigen
Schuppen überzogen. Wenn es erregt ist,
schießen die Nadeln hervor."
31,24,7,"Tiene el cuerpo recubierto de escamas duras y
cortantes. Cuando se inquieta, las usa para
31,24,8,"Il corpo è ricoperto di dure squame appuntite che
gli si rizzano quando si inquieta."
31,24,9,"The body is covered by stiff, needlelike scales.
If it becomes excited, the needles bristle outwards."
31,24,11,"硬くて 針のような ウロコが
体を 覆っている。
興奮すると 針が 逆立つ。"
31,25,1,"かたい ウロコで おおわれた からだを ぶつけて
あいてを はじきとばす こうげきが とくいだ。
こどもを まもる ときが いちばん つよい。"
31,25,3,"단단한 비늘로 뒤덮인 몸을 부딪쳐서
상대를 튕겨내는 공격이 특기다.
자식을 지킬 때 가장 강하다."
31,25,5,"Le corps de Nidoqueen est protégé par des écailles
extrêmement dures. Il aime envoyer ses ennemis voler en leur
fonçant dessus. Ce Pokémon utilise toute sa puissance
lorsquil protège ses petits."
31,25,6,"Nidoqueens Körper ist mit sehr harten Schuppen bedeckt.
Es ist sehr geschickt darin, Gegner mit starken Attacken
wegzuschleudern. Dieses Pokémon entwickelt am meisten
Kraft, wenn es seine Jungen verteidigt."
31,25,7,"Nidoqueen tiene el cuerpo totalmente recubierto de escamas
durísimas. Suele lanzar por los aires a sus rivales de los
violentos golpes que les propina. Cuando se trata de
defender a sus crías, alcanza su nivel máximo de fuerza."
31,25,8,"Il corpo di Nidoqueen è racchiuso in una corazza durissima.
Riesce a scagliare i nemici lontano con un colpo secco.
Questo Pokémon dà il massimo di sé quando difende
i propri cuccioli."
31,25,9,"Nidoqueens body is encased in extremely hard scales.
It is adept at sending foes flying with harsh tackles.
This Pokémon is at its strongest when it is defending its young."
31,25,11,"硬い ウロコで 覆われた 体を ぶつけて
相手を 弾き飛ばす 攻撃が 得意だ。
子どもを 守る ときが 一番 強い。"
31,26,1,"かたい ウロコで おおわれた からだを ぶつけて
あいてを はじきとばす こうげきが とくいだ。
こどもを まもる ときが いちばん つよい。"
31,26,3,"단단한 비늘로 뒤덮인 몸을 부딪쳐서
상대를 튕겨내는 공격이 특기다.
자식을 지킬 때 가장 강하다."
31,26,5,"Le corps de Nidoqueen est protégé par des écailles
extrêmement dures. Il aime envoyer ses ennemis voler en leur
fonçant dessus. Ce Pokémon utilise toute sa puissance
lorsquil protège ses petits."
31,26,6,"Nidoqueens Körper ist mit sehr harten Schuppen bedeckt.
Es ist sehr geschickt darin, Gegner mit harten Attacken
wegzuschleudern. Dieses Pokémon entwickelt die größte Kraft,
wenn es seine Jungen verteidigt."
31,26,7,"Nidoqueen tiene el cuerpo totalmente recubierto de escamas
durísimas. Suele lanzar por los aires a sus rivales de los
violentos golpes que les propina. Cuando se trata de
defender a sus crías, alcanza su nivel máximo de fuerza."
31,26,8,"Il corpo di Nidoqueen è racchiuso in una corazza durissima.
Riesce a scagliare i nemici lontano con un colpo secco.
Questo Pokémon dà il massimo di sé quando difende
i propri cuccioli."
31,26,9,"Nidoqueens body is encased in extremely hard scales.
It is adept at sending foes flying with harsh tackles. This
Pokémon is at its strongest when it is defending its young."
31,26,11,"硬い ウロコで 覆われた 体を ぶつけて
相手を 弾き飛ばす 攻撃が 得意だ。
子どもを 守る ときが 一番 強い。"
31,31,1,"かたい ウロコに おおわれた
がんじょうな からだの もちぬし。
ウロコは はえかわるらしい。"
31,31,3,"단단한 비늘에 뒤덮인
튼튼한 몸의 소유자.
비늘은 다시 자라는 것 같다."
31,31,5,"Son corps musclé est recouvert de dures écailles.
On dit quelles peuvent repousser."
31,31,6,"Nidoqueen besitzt einen robusten Körper,
der von harten Schuppen bedeckt ist. Diese
scheinen immer wieder nachzuwachsen."
31,31,7,"Su robusto cuerpo está recubierto de escamas
durísimas que se renuevan constantemente."
31,31,8,"Sembra che le dure squame che ricoprono
il suo corpo robusto cadano ciclicamente
per poi ricrescere."
31,31,9,"Tough scales cover the sturdy body of
this Pokémon. It appears that the scales
grow in cycles."
31,31,11,"硬い ウロコに 覆われた
頑丈な 体の 持ち主。
ウロコは 生え変わるらしい。"
31,32,1,"かたい ウロコに おおわれた
がんじょうな からだの もちぬし。
ウロコは はえかわるらしい。"
31,32,3,"단단한 비늘에 뒤덮인
튼튼한 몸의 소유자.
비늘은 다시 자라는 것 같다."
31,32,5,"Son corps musclé est recouvert de dures écailles.
On dit quelles peuvent repousser."
31,32,6,"Nidoqueen besitzt einen robusten Körper,
der von harten Schuppen bedeckt ist. Diese
scheinen immer wieder nachzuwachsen."
31,32,7,"Su robusto cuerpo está recubierto de escamas
durísimas que se renuevan constantemente."
31,32,8,"Sembra che le dure squame che ricoprono
il suo corpo robusto cadano ciclicamente
per poi ricrescere."
31,32,9,"Tough scales cover the sturdy body of
this Pokémon. It appears that the scales
grow in cycles."
31,32,11,"硬い ウロコに 覆われた
頑丈な 体の 持ち主。
ウロコは 生え変わるらしい。"
31,33,1,"せめるよりも まもるほうが とくい。
よろいのような ウロコで いかなる
こうげきからも こどもを まもる。"
31,33,3,"공격보다는 방어가 특기다.
갑옷 같은 비늘로 어떠한
공격에도 새끼를 지킨다."
31,33,5,"Il est plus doué pour se défendre que pour
attaquer. Grâce à son blindage décailles,
il protège ses petits de toute agression."
31,33,6,"Sie sind eher defensiv als offensiv veranlagt.
Mit ihren panzerartigen Schuppen schützen sie
ihre Jungen vor jeglichen Angriffen."
31,33,7,"Su defensa destaca sobre la capacidad ofensiva.
Usa las escamas del cuerpo como una coraza
para proteger a su prole de cualquier ataque."
31,33,8,"Più abile nella difesa che nellattacco,
protegge i cuccioli da qualunque attacco
grazie alla corazza di squame."
31,33,9,"Nidoqueen is better at defense than offense.
With scales like armor, this Pokémon will shield
its children from any kind of attack."
31,33,11,"攻めるよりも 守るほうが 得意。
鎧のような ウロコで いかなる
攻撃からも 子どもを 守る。"
31,34,1,"せなかの トゲの すきまに こどもを
のせて あやす。 そのときに どくが
でることは けっして ないのだ。"
31,34,3,"등의 가시 틈에 새끼를
태우고 달랜다. 이때는 독이
절대 나오지 않는다."
31,34,5,"Ce Pokémon calme les petits de son espèce
en les plaçant entre ses épines dorsales.
Dans ce cas, elles ne libèrent pas de poison."
31,34,6,"Es beruhigt seine Jungen, indem es diese
zwischen den Stacheln auf seinem Rücken reiten
lässt. Die Stacheln sondern derweil kein Gift ab."
31,34,7,"Para mecer a sus crías, las coloca en los huecos
que tiene entre las púas dorsales, momento
durante el cual no secretan veneno."
31,34,8,"Coccola i cuccioli mettendoseli sulla schiena
negli spazi fra gli aculei, che in quei momenti
smettono di secernere veleno."
31,34,9,"It pacifies offspring by placing them in the gaps
between the spines on its back. The spines will
never secrete poison while young are present."
31,34,11,"背中の 棘の 隙間に 子どもを
乗せて あやす。 そのときに 毒が
出ることは けっして ないのだ。"
32,1,9,"Stiffens its ears
to sense danger.
The larger itshorns, the more
powerful its
secreted venom."
32,2,9,"Stiffens its ears
to sense danger.
The larger itshorns, the more
powerful its
secreted venom."
32,3,9,"Its large ears
are always kept
upright. If itsenses danger, it
will attack with a
poisonous sting."
32,4,9,"It is small, but
its horn is filled
with poison. Itcharges then stabs
with the horn to
inject poison."
32,5,9,"It raises its big
ears to check its
surroundings.It will strike
first if it senses
any danger."
32,6,9,"It constantly
moves its large
ears in manydirections in
order to detect
danger right away."
32,7,9,"The male NIDORAN has developed
muscles for moving its ears. Thanks to
them, the ears can be freely moved inany direction. Even the slightest sound
does not escape this POKéMONs notice."
32,8,9,"The male NIDORAN has developed
muscles for moving its ears. Thanks to
them, the ears can be freely moved inany direction. Even the slightest sound
does not escape this POKéMONs notice."
32,9,9,"The male NIDORAN has developed muscles
that freely move its ears in any direction.
Even the slightest sound does not escape
this POKéMONs notice."
32,10,9,"Its large ears are flapped like wings
when it is listening to distant sounds.
It extends toxic barbs when angered."
32,11,9,"It stiffens its ears to sense danger.
The larger its horns, the more 
powerful its secreted venom."
32,12,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,13,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,14,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,15,9,"It is small, but its horn is filled
with poison. It charges then stabs
with the horn to inject poison."
32,16,9,"It raises its big ears to check its
surroundings. It will strike
first if it senses any danger."
32,17,5,"Il jauge le terrain en laissant
ses oreilles dépasser de lherbe.
Il se défend avec sa corne toxique."
32,17,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,18,5,"Il jauge le terrain en laissant
ses oreilles dépasser de lherbe.
Il se défend avec sa corne toxique."
32,18,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,21,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,22,9,"It scans its surroundings by
raising its ears out of the grass.
Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,23,1,"くさむらの うえに みみだけ だして
まわりの けはいを さぐる。
もうどくの ツノで みを まもる。"
32,23,3,"풀밭 위로 귀만 내어
주위의 낌새를 살핀다.
맹독의 뿔로 몸을 보호한다."
32,23,5,"Il jauge le terrain en laissant ses oreilles dépasser
de lherbe. Il se défend avec sa corne toxique."
32,23,6,"Es untersucht die Umgebung, indem es die Ohren
spitzt und lauscht. Sein giftiges Horn schützt es."
32,23,7,"Saca las orejas por encima de la hierba para explorar
el territorio. Le protege su cuerno venenoso."
32,23,8,"Esamina lambiente circostante tendendo le orecchie
fuori dallerba. Si protegge con il corno velenoso."
32,23,9,"It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of
the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection."
32,23,11,"草むらの 上に 耳だけ 出して
まわりの 気配を 探る。
猛毒の ツノで 身を 守る。"
32,24,1,"みみが おおきく とおくの おとを
きくとき はばたくように うごく。
おこると どくばりを だす。"
32,24,3,"귀가 커서 먼 곳의 소리를
들을 때 날개 치듯 움직인다.
화나면 독침을 쏜다."
32,24,5,"Ce Pokémon agite ses oreilles comme pour entendre
tout ce qui se passe au loin. Il déploie des aiguillons
toxiques quand il est en colère."
32,24,6,"Seine großen Ohren schlagen wie Flügel, wenn es
Geräusche in weiter Entfernung hört. Es fährt
giftige Stacheln aus, wenn es verärgert ist."
32,24,7,"Cambia la orientación de las grandes orejas que
tiene para oír mejor. Si se enfada, despliega sus
púas venenosas."
32,24,8,"Solleva le orecchie come ali per captare rumori in
lontananza. Quando è adirato, estende i baffi velenosi."
32,24,9,"Its large ears are flapped like wings when it is
listening to distant sounds. It extends toxic barbs
when angered."
32,24,11,"耳が 大きく 遠くの 音を
聞くとき はばたくように 動く。
怒ると 毒針を 出す。"
32,25,1,"みみを うごかす きんにくが はったつしていて
どんな むきにも じざいに みみを うごかせる。
かすかな ものおとも ききもらさない ポケモン。"
32,25,3,"귀를 움직이는 근육이 발달되어 있어서
어떤 방향으로든 자유로이 귀를 움직일 수 있다.
희미한 소리도 빠트리지 않고 듣는 포켓몬이다."
32,25,5,"Nidoran♂ a développé des muscles pour bouger
ses oreilles. Ainsi, il peut les orienter à sa guise.
Ce Pokémon peut entendre le plus discret des bruits."
32,25,6,"Nidoran♂ hat Muskeln entwickelt, um seine Ohren bewegen
zu können. Dadurch kann es sie in jede beliebige Richtung
drehen. Diesem Pokémon entgeht nicht einmal das leiseste
32,25,7,"Nidoran♂ ha desarrollado músculos para mover las orejas y
orientarlas en cualquier dirección. De este modo, es capaz de
captar hasta el sonido más leve."
32,25,8,"Nidoran♂ ha sviluppato dei muscoli per muovere liberamente
le orecchie in qualsiasi direzione. Così, questo Pokémon
è in grado di percepire anche il più flebile fruscio."
32,25,9,"Nidoran♂ has developed muscles for moving its ears. Thanks
to them, the ears can be freely moved in any direction. Even
the slightest sound does not escape this Pokémons notice."
32,25,11,"耳を 動かす 筋肉が 発達していて
どんな 向きにも 自在に 耳を 動かせる。
かすかな 物音も 聞き漏らさない ポケモン。"
32,26,1,"みみを うごかす きんにくが はったつしていて
どんな むきにも じざいに みみを うごかせる。
かすかな ものおとも ききもらさない ポケモン。"
32,26,3,"귀를 움직이는 근육이 발달되어 있어서
어떤 방향으로든 자유로이 귀를 움직일 수 있다.
희미한 소리도 빠트리지 않고 듣는 포켓몬이다."
32,26,5,"Nidoran♂ a développé des muscles pour bouger
ses oreilles. Ainsi, il peut les orienter à sa guise.
Ce Pokémon peut entendre le plus discret des bruits."
32,26,6,"Nidoran♂ hat Muskeln entwickelt, um seine Ohren
bewegen zu können. Dadurch kann es sie in jede
beliebige Richtung wenden. Diesem Pokémon entgeht
nicht das leiseste Geräusch."
32,26,7,"Nidoran♂ ha desarrollado músculos para mover las orejas y
orientarlas en cualquier dirección. De este modo, es capaz de
captar hasta el sonido más leve."
32,26,8,"Nidoran♂ ha sviluppato dei muscoli per muovere liberamente
le orecchie in qualsiasi direzione. Così, questo Pokémon
è in grado di percepire anche il più flebile fruscio."
32,26,9,"Nidoran♂ has developed muscles for moving its ears. Thanks
to them, the ears can be freely moved in any direction. Even
the slightest sound does not escape this Pokémons notice."
32,26,11,"耳を 動かす 筋肉が 発達していて
どんな 向きにも 自在に 耳を 動かせる。
かすかな 物音も 聞き漏らさない ポケモン。"
32,31,1,"いつも おおきな みみを たてて
まわりの けはいを さぐる。きけんを
かんじたときは どくバリを つかう。"
32,31,3,"언제나 커다란 귀를 세워서
주위의 낌새를 살핀다.
위험을 감지하면 독침을 사용한다."
32,31,5,"Ses grandes oreilles sont toujours dressées et
à laffût de ce quil se passe alentour. Sil est
menacé, il se défend avec ses dards venimeux."
32,31,6,"Es stellt seine großen Ohren auf, um so seine
Umgebung zu überwachen. Droht Gefahr,
so greift es mit seinen Giftstacheln an."
32,31,7,"Mantiene sus grandes orejas levantadas, siempre
alerta. Si advierte peligro, ataca con las púas
32,31,8,"Rizza le orecchie enormi per sondare i dintorni.
Se percepisce un pericolo, attacca con gli aculei
32,31,9,"Its large ears are always kept upright. If it senses
danger, it will attack with a poisonous sting."
32,31,11,"いつも 大きな 耳を 立てて
まわりの 気配を 探る。危険を
感じたときは どくバリを 使う。"
32,32,1,"いつも おおきな みみを たてて
まわりの けはいを さぐる。きけんを
かんじたときは どくバリを つかう。"
32,32,3,"언제나 커다란 귀를 세워서
주위의 낌새를 살핀다.
위험을 감지하면 독침을 사용한다."
32,32,5,"Ses grandes oreilles sont toujours dressées et
à laffût de ce quil se passe alentour. Sil est
menacé, il se défend avec ses dards venimeux."
32,32,6,"Es stellt seine großen Ohren auf, um so seine
Umgebung zu überwachen. Droht Gefahr,
so greift es mit seinen Giftstacheln an."
32,32,7,"Mantiene sus grandes orejas levantadas, siempre
alerta. Si advierte peligro, ataca con las púas
32,32,8,"Rizza le orecchie enormi per sondare i dintorni.
Se percepisce un pericolo, attacca con gli aculei
32,32,9,"Its large ears are always kept upright. If it senses
danger, it will attack with a poisonous sting."
32,32,11,"いつも 大きな 耳を 立てて
まわりの 気配を 探る。危険を
感じたときは どくバリを 使う。"
32,33,1,"ひたいの ツノには もうどくがある。
けいかいしんが つよく おおきな
みみを つねに そばだてている。"
32,33,3,"이마의 뿔에는 맹독이 있다.
경계심이 강해서 커다란
귀를 늘 쫑긋 세우고 있다."
32,33,5,"Sa corne frontale contient un puissant poison.
Les grandes oreilles de ce Pokémon très prudent
sont constamment dressées."
32,33,6,"Das Horn auf seiner Stirn enthält ein starkes Gift.
Dieses Pokémon ist sehr vorsichtig und stellt
seine großen Ohren stets wachsam auf."
32,33,7,"Mantiene sus grandes orejas levantadas, siempre
alerta. Si advierte peligro, ataca inoculando una
potente toxina con su cuerno frontal."
32,33,8,"Il corno sulla fronte è estremamente velenoso.
Di indole circospetta, rizza costantemente le
sue grandi orecchie."
32,33,9,"The horn on a male Nidorans forehead contains
a powerful poison. This is a very cautious
Pokémon, always straining its large ears."
32,33,11,"額の ツノには 猛毒がある。
警戒心が 強く 大きな 耳を
つねに そばだてている。"
32,34,1,"こがらだが いさましい せいしつ。
なかよしの メスを まもるため
みを ていして かかんに たたかう。"
32,34,3,"몸집은 작지만 용맹한 성질을 지녔다.
친한 암컷을 지키기 위해
몸을 던져 과감히 싸운다."
32,34,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, il est très téméraire.
Afin de protéger sa compagne, il est prêt à
se battre et à risquer sa vie."
32,34,6,"Trotz seiner geringen Größe ist es sehr mutig.
Um ein befreundetes Weibchen zu beschützen,
riskiert es sein Leben und kämpft unerschrocken."
32,34,7,"Pequeño pero valiente. Arriesgaría la vida en
combate con tal de proteger a su compañera."
32,34,8,"Impavido nonostante la corporatura minuta,
lotta con coraggio per proteggere la femmina
a cui è affezionato, anche a costo della vita."
32,34,9,"Small but brave, this Pokémon will hold its
ground and even risk its life in battle to protect
the female its friendly with."
32,34,11,"小柄だが 勇ましい 性質。
仲良しの メスを 守るため
身を ていして 果敢に 戦う。"
33,1,9,"An aggressive
POKéMON that is
quick to attack.The horn on its
head secretes a
powerful venom."
33,2,9,"An aggressive
POKéMON that is
quick to attack.The horn on its
head secretes a
powerful venom."
33,3,9,"Its horns contain
venom. If they
are stabbed intoan enemy, the
impact makes the
poison leak out."
33,4,9,"It raises its big
ears to check its
surroundings. Ifit senses any­
thing, it attacks
33,5,9,"Quick to anger, it
stabs enemies with
its horn to injecta powerful poison
when it becomes
33,6,9,"It is easily
agitated and uses
its horn foroffense as soon as
it notices an
33,7,9,"NIDORINO has a horn that is harder than
a diamond. If it senses a hostile
presence, all the barbs on its backbristle up at once, and it challenges
the foe with all its might."
33,8,9,"NIDORINO has a horn that is harder than
a diamond. If it senses a hostile
presence, all the barbs on its backbristle up at once, and it challenges
the foe with all its might."
33,9,9,"Its horn is harder than a diamond.
If it senses a hostile presence, all the
barbs on its back bristle up at once, and it
challenges the foe with all its might."
33,10,9,"It is easily angered. By swinging its well-
developed horn wildly, it can even punch
through diamond."
33,11,9,"An aggressive POKéMON that is quick to
attack. The horn on its head secretes a
powerful venom."
33,12,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,13,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,14,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,15,9,"It raises its big ears to check its
surroundings. If it senses anything,
it attacks immediately."
33,16,9,"Quick to anger, it stabs enemies with
its horn to inject a powerful poison
when it becomes agitated."
33,17,5,"Dun tempérament violent, il
empale lennemi sur sa corne
qui distille un poison puissant."
33,17,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,18,5,"Dun tempérament violent, il
empale lennemi sur sa corne
qui distille un poison puissant."
33,18,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,21,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,22,9,"It has a violent disposition and
stabs foes with its horn, which
oozes poison upon impact."
33,23,1,"はったつした みみを たてて
まわりの けはいを さぐる。
なにかあると すぐに とびかかる。"
33,23,3,"발달한 귀를 세워
주위의 낌새를 살핀다.
무슨 일이 생기면 바로 덤벼든다."
33,23,5,"Il dresse ses oreilles à laffût dun bruit suspect et
attaque toute menace se rapprochant de lui."
33,23,6,"Es überwacht mit seinen riesigen Ohren die Umgebung.
Registriert es eine Bewegung, greift es an."
33,23,7,"Levanta sus grandes orejas para vigilar. Si detecta
algo, atacará de inmediato."
33,23,8,"Rizza le grandi orecchie per esaminare la zona.
Se avverte qualcosa, attacca immediatamente."
33,23,9,"It raises its big ears to check its surroundings.
If it senses anything, it attacks immediately."
33,23,11,"発達した 耳を 立てて
まわりの 気配を 探る。
なにかあると すぐに 飛びかかる。"
33,24,1,"すぐに おこって たたかおうとする。
しかも あたまの ツノは ささると
きょうれつな どくそをだす しくみ。"
33,24,3,"금방 화를 내며 싸우려 든다.
게다가 머리의 뿔은 찔리면
강렬한 독소를 내는 구조이다."
33,24,5,"Très agressif, il est prompt à répondre à la violence.
La corne sur sa tête est venimeuse."
33,24,6,"Ein aggressives Pokémon, das sehr flink angreift.
Das Horn auf dem Kopf sondert starkes Gift ab."
33,24,7,"Un Pokémon agresivo, siempre listo para atacar.
El cuerno de la cabeza segrega un potente veneno."
33,24,8,"Pokémon aggressivo sempre pronto allattacco,
secerne un veleno potente dal corno sulla testa."
33,24,9,"An aggressive Pokémon that is quick to attack.
The horn on its head secretes a powerful venom."
33,24,11,"すぐに 怒って 戦おうとする。
しかも 頭の ツノは 刺さると
強烈な 毒素を 出す 仕組み。"
33,25,1,"ダイヤモンドよりも かたい ツノを もつ。
てきの けはいを かんじると せなかの トゲが
いっせいに さかだち ぜんりょくで たちむかう。"
33,25,3,"다이아몬드보다 단단한 뿔을 지녔다.
적의 기척을 느끼면 등에 달린 가시를
일제히 세우고 전력을 다해 맞선다."
33,25,5,"Nidorino dispose dune corne plus dure que du diamant.
Sil sent une présence hostile, toutes les pointes de son dos
se hérissent dun coup, puis il défie son ennemi."
33,25,6,"Nidorino besitzt ein Horn, das sogar härter ist als ein
Diamant. Wenn es einen Feind wahrnimmt, stellen sich
all die Widerhaken auf seinem Rücken auf und es schlägt
den Gegner mit aller Kraft in die Flucht."
33,25,7,"Nidorino tiene un cuerno de dureza superior a la del diamante.
Si siente una presencia hostil, se le erizan las púas del lomo
enseguida y carga contra el enemigo con todas sus fuerzas."
33,25,8,"Nidorino è dotato di un corno più duro del diamante. Quando
percepisce una presenza ostile, gli si rizzano immediatamente
tutti gli aculei sulla schiena. A questo punto sfida il nemico
con tutta la sua forza."
33,25,9,"Nidorino has a horn that is harder than a diamond. If it senses
a hostile presence, all the barbs on its back bristle up at once,
and it challenges the foe with all its might."
33,25,11,"ダイヤモンドよりも 硬い ツノを 持つ。
敵の 気配を 感じると 背中の トゲが
一斉に 逆立ち 全力で 立ち向かう。"
33,26,1,"ダイヤモンドよりも かたい ツノを もつ。
てきの けはいを かんじると せなかの トゲが
いっせいに さかだち ぜんりょくで たちむかう。"
33,26,3,"다이아몬드보다 단단한 뿔을 지녔다.
적의 기척을 느끼면 등에 달린 가시를
일제히 세우고 전력을 다해 맞선다."
33,26,5,"Nidorino dispose dune corne plus dure que du diamant.
Sil sent une présence hostile, toutes les pointes de son dos
se hérissent dun coup, puis il défie son ennemi."
33,26,6,"Nidorino besitzt ein Horn, das sogar härter ist als ein
Diamant. Wenn es einen Feind wahrnimmt, stellen sich
all die Widerhaken auf seinem Rücken auf und es schlägt
den Gegner mit aller Kraft in die Flucht."
33,26,7,"Nidorino tiene un cuerno de dureza superior a la del diamante.
Si siente una presencia hostil, se le erizan las púas del lomo
enseguida y carga contra el enemigo con todas sus fuerzas."
33,26,8,"Nidorino è dotato di un corno più duro del diamante. Quando
percepisce una presenza ostile, gli si rizzano immediatamente
tutti gli aculei sulla schiena. A questo punto sfida il nemico
con tutta la sua forza."
33,26,9,"Nidorino has a horn that is harder than a diamond. If it senses
a hostile presence, all the barbs on its back bristle up at once,
and it challenges the foe with all its might."
33,26,11,"ダイヤモンドよりも 硬い ツノを 持つ。
敵の 気配を 感じると 背中の トゲが
一斉に 逆立ち 全力で 立ち向かう。"
33,31,1,"あたまにある ツノの どくそは
つきさしたときの しょうげきで
にじみでる しくみだ。"
33,31,3,"머리에 있는 뿔의 독소는
찌르는 순간의 충격으로
흘러나오는 구조다."
33,31,5,"Sa corne est venimeuse. Si elle perce un ennemi,
elle lui injecte un poison violent."
33,31,6,"Das Horn dieses Pokémon sondert im Kampf ein
sehr starkes Gift ab, wenn es den Gegner trifft."
33,31,7,"El cuerno de su frente contiene toxinas que se
liberan al punzar al rival."
33,31,8,"Quando colpisce il nemico con il suo corno
durante la lotta, questo secerne un forte veleno."
33,31,9,"Its horn contains venom. If it stabs an
enemy with the horn, the impact makes
the poison leak out."
33,31,11,"頭にある ツノの 毒素は
突き刺したときの 衝撃で
にじみ出る 仕組みだ。"
33,32,1,"あたまにある ツノの どくそは
つきさしたときの しょうげきで
にじみでる しくみだ。"
33,32,3,"머리에 있는 뿔의 독소는
찌르는 순간의 충격으로
흘러나오는 구조다."
33,32,5,"Sa corne est venimeuse. Si elle perce un ennemi,
elle lui injecte un poison violent."
33,32,6,"Das Horn dieses Pokémon sondert im Kampf ein
sehr starkes Gift ab, wenn es den Gegner trifft."
33,32,7,"El cuerno de su frente contiene toxinas que se
liberan al punzar al rival."
33,32,8,"Quando colpisce il nemico con il suo corno
durante la lotta, questo secerne un forte veleno."
33,32,9,"Its horn contains venom. If it stabs an
enemy with the horn, the impact makes
the poison leak out."
33,32,11,"頭にある ツノの 毒素は
突き刺したときの 衝撃で
にじみ出る 仕組みだ。"
33,33,1,"ダイヤモンドより かたい ツノで
がんせきを くだいて まわる。
つきのいしを さがして いるのだ。"
33,33,3,"다이아몬드보다 단단한 뿔로
암석을 부수며 다닌다.
달의돌을 찾고 있는 것이다."
33,33,5,"Il erre à la recherche dune Pierre Lune,
brisant tous les rochers sur son passage
avec sa corne plus solide quun diamant."
33,33,6,"Auf der Suche nach einem Mondstein zerstört es
Felsen mit seinem Horn, das härter ist als ein
33,33,7,"Dondequiera que va, parte rocas con su cuerno,
más duro que un diamante, en busca de una
Piedra Lunar."
33,33,8,"Vaga alla ricerca di una Pietralunare frantumando
rocce con il suo corno più duro del diamante."
33,33,9,"With a horn thats harder than diamond, this
Pokémon goes around shattering boulders as it
searches for a moon stone."
33,33,11,"ダイヤモンドより 硬い ツノで
岩石を 砕いて まわる。
つきのいしを 探しているのだ。"
33,34,1,"しんけいしつで けんかっぱやい。
たいないの アドレナリンが ふえると
どくその のうども たかまるぞ。"
33,34,3,"신경질적이고 호전적이다.
체내의 아드레날린이 증가하면
독소의 농도도 높아진다."
33,34,5,"Dun naturel nerveux, il est prompt à se battre.
Lorsquil a une montée dadrénaline,
la concentration de son poison augmente."
33,34,6,"Es ist nervös und wird schnell aggressiv. Steigt
sein Adrenalinspiegel, erhöht sich gleichzeitig
auch die Konzentration seines Gifts."
33,34,7,"Es nervioso y agresivo por naturaleza. Cuando
suben sus niveles de adrenalina, la concentración
de toxinas en su veneno aumenta."
33,34,8,"È irritabile e sempre pronto a battersi. Quando
il livello di adrenalina nel suo corpo si alza,
aumenta anche la concentrazione di tossine."
33,34,9,"Its nervous and quick to act aggressively.
The potency of its poison increases along with
the level of adrenaline present in its body."
33,34,11,"神経質で 喧嘩っ早い。
体内の アドレナリンが 増えると
毒素の 濃度も 高まるぞ。"
34,1,9,"It uses its
powerful tail in
battle to smash,constrict, then
break the prey's
34,2,9,"It uses its
powerful tail in
battle to smash,constrict, then
break the prey's
34,3,9,"Its steel-like
hide adds to its
powerful tackle.Its horns are so
hard, they can
pierce a diamond."
34,4,9,"It swings its big
tail around during
battle. If its foeflinches, it will
charge with its
sturdy body."
34,5,9,"Its tail is thick
and powerful. If
it binds an enemy,it can snap the
victim's spine
quite easily."
34,6,9,"It uses its thick
arms, legs and
tail to attackforcefully. Melee
combat is its
34,7,9,"NIDOKINGs thick tail packs enormously
destructive power. With one swing, it
can topple a metal transmission tower.Once this POKéMON goes on a rampage,
there is no stopping it."
34,8,9,"NIDOKINGs thick tail packs enormously
destructive power. With one swing, it
can topple a metal transmission tower.Once this POKéMON goes on a rampage,
there is no stopping it."
34,9,9,"A NIDOKINGs thick tail packs enormously
destructive power capable of toppling
a metal transmission tower. Once it goes
on a rampage, there is no stopping it."
34,10,9,"It is recognized by its rock-hard hide
and its extended horn. Be careful with
the horn as it contains venom."
34,11,9,"It uses its powerful tail in battle to
smash, constrict, then break the preys
34,12,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,13,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,14,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,15,9,"It swings its big tail around during
battle. If its foe flinches, it will
charge with its sturdy body."
34,16,9,"Its tail is thick and powerful. If
it binds an enemy, it can render the
victim helpless quite easily."
34,17,5,"Un coup de sa puissante queue
peut briser un poteau téléphonique
comme une allumette."
34,17,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,18,5,"Un coup de sa puissante queue
peut briser un poteau téléphonique
comme une allumette."
34,18,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,21,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,22,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can
snap a telephone pole as if it were
a matchstick."
34,23,1,"いしのように かたい ひふと
ながく のびた ツノが とくちょう。
ツノには どくもあるので ちゅうい。"
34,23,3,"돌처럼 딱딱한 피부와
길게 뻗은 뿔이 특징이다.
뿔에는 독이 있으니 주의해야 한다."
34,23,5,"On le reconnaît facilement grâce à sa peau dure
comme de la pierre ainsi quà sa grosse corne pleine
de poison."
34,23,6,"Seine steinharte Haut und sein ausgeprägtes Horn
sind seine Markenzeichen. Achte auf das Horn,
denn es enthält Gift."
34,23,7,"Es fácil reconocerlo por tener una dura piel y un gran
cuerno lleno de peligrosísimo veneno."
34,23,8,"Lo si riconosce dalla pelle durissima e dal corno
particolarmente allungato, che contiene sostanze
34,23,9,"It is recognized by its rock-hard hide and
its extended horn. Be careful with the horn,
as it contains venom."
34,23,11,"石のように 硬い 皮膚と
長く 伸びた ツノが 特徴。
ツノには 毒も あるので 注意。"
34,24,1,"しっぽの いちげきは でんちゅうを
まるで マッチぼうのように
まっぷたつに へしおってしまう。"
34,24,3,"꼬리의 일격은 전신주를
마치 성냥개비 다루듯이
두 동강으로 꺾어 버린다."
34,24,5,"Un coup de sa puissante queue peut briser un poteau
téléphonique comme une allumette."
34,24,6,"Ein Schlag mit seinem gewaltigen Schweif kann
einen Telegrafenmast knicken wie ein Streichholz."
34,24,7,"Un golpe de su poderosa cola puede partir un poste
de teléfono como si fuese una cerilla."
34,24,8,"Con un solo colpo della potente coda può abbattere
un palo del telefono come se fosse un fiammifero."
34,24,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone
pole as if it were a matchstick."
34,24,11,"尻尾の 一撃は 電柱を
まるで マッチ棒のように
真っ二つに へし折ってしまう。"
34,25,1,"ふとい しっぽの ひとふりは がんじょうな
てっとうも へしおる すさまじい はかいりょく。
いちど あばれだすと てが つけられない。"
34,25,3,"두꺼운 꼬리는 한 번 휘두르면 튼튼한
철탑도 꺾어 버리는 엄청난 파괴력을 지녔다.
한 번 날뛰기 시작하면 손쓸 수 없다."
34,25,5,"Lépaisse queue de Nidoking est dune puissance incroyable.
En un seul coup, il peut renverser une tour métallique.
Lorsque ce Pokémon se déchaîne, plus rien ne peut larrêter."
34,25,6,"Nidokings Schweif ist enorm stark. Mit einer Bewegung
kann es einen metallenen Sendemast zum Einsturz bringen.
Wenn es in Rage gerät, ist es nur schwer aufzuhalten."
34,25,7,"La gruesa cola de Nidoking encierra una fuerza realmente
destructora. Con una vez que la agite, es capaz de tumbar
una torre metálica de transmisión. Una vez que este Pokémon
se desboca, no hay quien lo pare."
34,25,8,"La possente coda di Nidoking è dotata di un enorme potere
distruttivo. Con un solo colpo riesce ad abbattere un pilone
metallico. Quando si scatena non cè modo di fermare
la sua furia."
34,25,9,"Nidokings thick tail packs enormously destructive power.
With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower.
Once this Pokémon goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it."
34,25,11,"太い 尻尾の 一振りは 頑丈な
鉄塔も へし折る すさまじい 破壊力。
一度 暴れだすと 手が つけられない。"
34,26,1,"ふとい しっぽの ひとふりは がんじょうな
てっとうも へしおる すさまじい はかいりょく。
いちど あばれだすと てが つけられない。"
34,26,3,"두꺼운 꼬리는 한 번 휘두르면 튼튼한
철탑도 꺾어 버리는 엄청난 파괴력을 지녔다.
한 번 날뛰기 시작하면 손쓸 수 없다."
34,26,5,"Lépaisse queue de Nidoking est dune puissance incroyable.
En un seul coup, il peut renverser une tour métallique.
Lorsque ce Pokémon se déchaîne, plus rien ne peut larrêter."
34,26,6,"Nidokings Schweif ist enorm stark. Mit einer Bewegung
kann es einen metallenen Sendemast zum Einsturz bringen.
Wenn es in Rage gerät, ist es nur schwer aufzuhalten."
34,26,7,"La gruesa cola de Nidoking encierra una fuerza realmente
destructora. Con una vez que la agite, es capaz de tumbar
una torre metálica de transmisión. Una vez que este Pokémon
se desboca, no hay quien lo pare."
34,26,8,"La possente coda di Nidoking è dotata di un enorme potere
distruttivo. Con un solo colpo riesce ad abbattere un pilone
metallico. Quando si scatena non cè modo di fermare
la sua furia."
34,26,9,"Nidokings thick tail packs enormously destructive power.
With one swing, it can topple a metal transmission tower. Once
this Pokémon goes on a rampage, there is no stopping it."
34,26,11,"太い 尻尾の 一振りは 頑丈な
鉄塔も へし折る すさまじい 破壊力。
一度 暴れだすと 手が つけられない。"
34,31,1,"はがねのような ひふを いかした
たいあたりは きょうりょく。
ツノは ダイヤモンドも つきさす。"
34,31,3,"강철같은 피부를 활용한
몸통박치기는 강력하다.
뿔은 다이아몬드도 꿰뚫는다."
34,31,5,"Ses charges sont dévastatrices grâce à sa peau
dacier. Sa corne perce même le diamant."
34,31,6,"Dank seiner stahlharten Haut kann es Gegner
besonders effektiv rammen. Mit seinem Horn
spaltet es sogar Diamanten."
34,31,7,"Su piel dura como el acero refuerza el impacto
al cargar contra sus enemigos. Su cuerno puede
atravesar hasta diamantes."
34,31,8,"La pelle dura come lacciaio garantisce alle
sue cariche una potenza devastante.
Il suo corno può perforare anche il diamante."
34,31,9,"Its steel-like hide adds to its powerful tackle.
Its horns are so hard, they can pierce a diamond."
34,31,11,"鋼のような 皮膚を 活かした
たいあたりは 強力。
ツノは ダイヤモンドも 突き刺す。"
34,32,1,"はがねのような ひふを いかした
たいあたりは きょうりょく。
ツノは ダイヤモンドも つきさす。"
34,32,3,"강철같은 피부를 활용한
몸통박치기는 강력하다.
뿔은 다이아몬드도 꿰뚫는다."
34,32,5,"Ses charges sont dévastatrices grâce à sa peau
dacier. Sa corne perce même le diamant."
34,32,6,"Dank seiner stahlharten Haut kann es Gegner
besonders effektiv rammen. Mit seinem Horn
spaltet es sogar Diamanten."
34,32,7,"Su piel dura como el acero refuerza el impacto
al cargar contra sus enemigos. Su cuerno puede
atravesar hasta diamantes."
34,32,8,"La pelle dura come lacciaio garantisce alle
sue cariche una potenza devastante.
Il suo corno può perforare anche il diamante."
34,32,9,"Its steel-like hide adds to its powerful tackle.
Its horns are so hard, they can pierce a diamond."
34,32,11,"鋼のような 皮膚を 活かした
たいあたりは 強力。
ツノは ダイヤモンドも 突き刺す。"
34,33,1,"あばれると てが つけられなくなるが
ながねん つれそった ニドクインの
まえでは おだやかな かおに なる。"
34,33,3,"날뛰기 시작하면 손쓸 수 없게 되지만
긴 세월 함께 지낸 니드퀸
앞에서는 온순해진다."
34,33,5,"Lorsquil sénerve, il devient incontrôlable,
mais il retrouve son calme face à Nidoqueen,
sa compagne de longue date."
34,33,6,"Gerät es in Rage, ist es nur schwer aufzuhalten.
Doch vor einem Nidoqueen, mit dem es schon
viele Jahre verbracht hat, zeigt es sich friedlich."
34,33,7,"Una vez que se desboca, no hay quien lo pare.
Solo se calma ante Nidoqueen, su compañera de
toda la vida."
34,33,8,"Quando si scatena non cè modo di fermarlo,
ma davanti a Nidoqueen, la sua compagna
di lunga data, ritrova la calma."
34,33,9,"When it goes on a rampage, its impossible to
control. But in the presence of a Nidoqueen its
lived with for a long time, Nidoking calms down."
34,33,11,"暴れると 手が つけられなくなるが
長年 連れ添った ニドクインの
前では 穏やかな 顔に なる。"
34,34,1,"ちからじまんの ポケモン。 ふとい
しっぽと ダイヤをも くだく ツノを
くしして ごうかいに たたかう。"
34,34,3,"힘이 센 포켓몬이다.
굵은 꼬리와 다이아몬드도
부수는 뿔로 호쾌하게 싸운다."
34,34,5,"Très fier de sa force, il se bat vigoureusement
à laide de sa queue robuste et de sa corne
capable de briser le diamant."
34,34,6,"Nidoking ist stolz auf seine Kraft und kämpft sehr
geschickt mit seinem dicken Schweif und seinem
Horn, das selbst Diamanten zertrümmern kann."
34,34,7,"Presume de su hercúlea fuerza y combate
vigorosamente con su robusta cola y su cuerno,
con el que hasta puede pulverizar diamantes."
34,34,8,"Si dà vanto della propria forza e lotta con
vigore sfruttando la coda robusta e il corno
in grado di frantumare il diamante."
34,34,9,"Nidoking prides itself on its strength. Its forceful
and spirited in battle, making use of its thick tail
and diamond-crushing horn."
34,34,11,"力自慢の ポケモン。 太い 尻尾と
ダイヤをも 砕く ツノを 駆使して
豪快に 戦う。"
35,1,9,"Its magical and
cute appeal has
many admirers.It is rare and
found only in
certain areas."
35,2,9,"Its magical and
cute appeal has
many admirers.It is rare and
found only in
certain areas."
35,3,9,"Adored for their
cute looks and
playfulness. Theyare thought to be
rare, as they do
not appear often."
35,4,9,"The moonlight that
it stores in the
wings on its backapparently gives
it the ability to
float in midair."
35,5,9,"Its adorable be­
havior and cry
make it highlypopular. However,
this cute POKéMON
is rarely found."
35,6,9,"Though rarely
seen, it becomes
easier to spot,for some reason,
on the night of a 
full moon."
35,7,9,"On every night of a full moon, groups of
this POKéMON come out to play.
When dawn arrives, the tired CLEFAIRYreturn to their quiet mountain retreats
and go to sleep nestled up against each
35,8,9,"On every night of a full moon, groups of
this POKéMON come out to play.
When dawn arrives, the tired CLEFAIRYreturn to their quiet mountain retreats
and go to sleep nestled up against each
35,9,9,"On every night of a full moon, they come
out to play. When dawn arrives, the tired
CLEFAIRY go to sleep nestled up against
each other in deep and quiet mountains."
35,10,9,"Its adorable appearance makes it popular
as a pet. However, it is rare and
difficult to find."
35,11,9,"With its magical and cute appeal, it has 
many admirers. It is rare and found only
in certain areas."
35,12,9,"Thought to live with others on
quiet mountains, it is popular
for its adorable nature."
35,13,9,"It flies using the wings on its
back to collect moonlight. This
Pokémon is difficult to find."
35,14,9,"It is said that happiness will come
to those who see a gathering of
CLEFAIRY dancing under a full moon."
35,15,9,"The moonlight that it stores in the
wings on its back apparently gives
it the ability to float in midair."
35,16,9,"Its adorable behavior and cry
make it highly popular. However,
this cute Pokémon is rarely found."
35,17,5,"On dit que ceux qui voient danser
un groupe de Mélofée sous la pleine
lune connaîtront un grand bonheur."
35,17,9,"It is said that happiness will come
to those who see a gathering of
Clefairy dancing under a full moon."
35,18,5,"On dit que ceux qui voient danser
un groupe de Mélofée sous la pleine
lune connaîtront un grand bonheur."
35,18,9,"It is said that happiness will come
to those who see a gathering of
Clefairy dancing under a full moon."
35,21,9,"On nights with a full moon, Clefairy
gather from all over and dance.
Bathing in moonlight makes them float."
35,22,9,"On nights with a full moon, Clefairy
gather from all over and dance.
Bathing in moonlight makes them float."
35,23,1,"まんげつのよる ピッピが あつまって
ダンスを おどるようすを みると
しあわせに なれると いわれている。"
35,23,3,"보름달 밤에 삐삐가 모여
춤을 추는 모습을 보면
행복해진다고 전해진다."
35,23,5,"On dit que ceux qui voient danser un groupe de
Mélofée sous la pleine lune connaîtront un grand
35,23,6,"Eine Ansammlung von Piepi bei Vollmond tanzen
zu sehen, soll Freude verheißen."
35,23,7,"Se dice que la felicidad llegará a quien vea a un grupo
de Clefairy bailando a la luz de la luna llena."
35,23,8,"Si dice che vedere un gruppo di Clefairy ballare
con la luna piena sia di ottimo auspicio."
35,23,9,"It is said that happiness will come to those who see
a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon."
35,23,11,"満月の夜 ピッピが 集まって
ダンスを 踊る様子を 見ると
幸せに なれると 言われている。"
35,24,1,"せなかの つばさに つきのひかりを
あつめることで くうちゅうに
うかぶことが できるらしい。"
35,24,3,"등의 날개에 달빛을
모으면 공중에
떠오를 수 있다는 듯하다."
35,24,5,"La lumière de la lune quil emmagasine dans ses ailes
dorsales lui permet de flotter dans les airs."
35,24,6,"Aufgrund des gespeicherten Mondlichts in seinen
Flügeln auf dem Rücken kann es in der Luft schweben."
35,24,7,"La luz de luna que guarda en las alas de su lomo
parece darle la habilidad de flotar en el aire."
35,24,8,"Sembra che la luce lunare che raccoglie nelle ali
sul dorso gli permetta di volare a mezzaria."
35,24,9,"The moonlight that it stores in the wings on its back
apparently gives it the ability to float in midair."
35,24,11,"背中の 翼に 月の光を
集めることで 空中に
浮かぶことが できるらしい。"
35,25,1,"まんげつの よるは げんき いっぱいに あそぶ。
あけがた つかれた ピッピたちは しずかな
やまおくで なかまたちと よりそって ねむる。"
35,25,3,"보름달 밤에는 기운차게 논다.
동틀 녘에 지친 삐삐들은 조용한
산속에서 동료와 바짝 붙어 잠잔다."
35,25,5,"Les nuits de pleine lune, des groupes de ces Pokémon
sortent jouer. Lorsque laube commence à poindre,
les Mélofée fatigués rentrent dans leur retraite montagneuse
et vont dormir, blottis les uns contre les autres."
35,25,6,"In Vollmondnächten sammeln sich einige dieser Pokémon,
um zu spielen. Wird es Tag, kehrt Piepi zu seinem Zufluchtsort
in den Bergen zurück und schläft eingekuschelt neben seinen
Artgenossen ein."
35,25,7,"Siempre que hay luna llena, salen en grupo para jugar.
Al amanecer, los Clefairy, agotados, regresan a sus refugios
de montaña para dormir acurrucados unos con otros."
35,25,8,"In ogni notte di luna piena questi Pokémon escono in gruppo
a giocare. Allalba i Clefairy tornano stanchi nella quiete
delle loro tane montane e vanno a dormire stretti fra loro."
35,25,9,"On every night of a full moon, groups of this Pokémon come
out to play. When dawn arrives, the tired Clefairy return to their
quiet mountain retreats and go to sleep nestled up against
each other."
35,25,11,"満月の 夜は 元気 いっぱいに 遊ぶ。
明け方 疲れた ピッピたちは 静かな
山奥で 仲間たちと 寄り添って 眠る。"
35,26,1,"まんげつの よるは げんき いっぱいに あそぶ。
あけがた つかれた ピッピたちは しずかな
やまおくで なかまたちと よりそって ねむる。"
35,26,3,"보름달 밤에는 기운차게 논다.
동틀 녘에 지친 삐삐들은 조용한
산속에서 동료와 바짝 붙어 잠잔다."
35,26,5,"Les nuits de pleine lune, des groupes de ces Pokémon
sortent jouer. Lorsque laube commence à poindre,
les Mélofée fatigués rentrent dans leur retraite montagneuse
et vont dormir, blottis les uns contre les autres."
35,26,6,"In Vollmondnächten zeigt sich dieses Pokémon. Wenn es Tag
wird, kehrt Piepi zu seinem Zufluchtsort in den Bergen zurück
und schläft eingekuschelt neben seinen Artgenossen ein."
35,26,7,"Siempre que hay luna llena, salen en grupo para jugar.
Al amanecer, los Clefairy, agotados, regresan a sus refugios
de montaña para dormir acurrucados unos con otros."
35,26,8,"In ogni notte di luna piena questi Pokémon escono in gruppo
a giocare. Allalba i Clefairy tornano stanchi nella quiete
delle loro tane montane e vanno a dormire stretti fra loro."
35,26,9,"On every night of a full moon, groups of this Pokémon
come out to play. When dawn arrives, the tired Clefairy
return to their quiet mountain retreats and go to sleep
nestled up against each other."
35,26,11,"満月の 夜は 元気 いっぱいに 遊ぶ。
明け方 疲れた ピッピたちは 静かな
山奥で 仲間たちと 寄り添って 眠る。"
35,27,1,"あいくるしい しぐさと すがたで
ろうにゃくなんにょ とわずに
にんきだが そのかずは すくない。"
35,27,3,"사랑스러운 몸짓과 모습으로
남녀노소 가리지 않고
인기가 있지만, 그 수는 적다."
35,27,5,"Son apparence et ses mimiques charmantes lui
ont valu de nombreux fans de tous âges, mais
il reste un Pokémon relativement rare."
35,27,6,"Dank seiner verspielten Art und seines süßen
Aussehens ist es bei Jung und Alt sehr beliebt.
Dieses Pokémon ist jedoch selten."
35,27,7,"Tanto niños como adultos de todas las edades
los encuentran adorables por su aspecto y su
comportamiento. No quedan muchos ejemplares."
35,27,8,"È amato da donne e uomini di tutte le età per
il suo aspetto adorabile e le sue graziose
movenze. Ne esistono solo pochi esemplari."
35,27,9,"Its adorable behavior and appearance make it
popular with men and women, young and old.
Its numbers are few, however."
35,27,11,"愛くるしい 仕草と 姿で
老若男女 問わずに
人気だが その数は 少ない。"
35,28,1,"まんげつの ばんに あつまって
なかまと ダンス。 そのしゅういは
いじょうな じばに つつまれる。"
35,28,3,"보름달 밤에 모여서
동료와 춤을 춘다. 그 주변은
이상한 자기장으로 둘러싸인다."
35,28,5,"Ce Pokémon retrouve ses congénères et danse
lors des nuits de pleine lune. Un champ
magnétique mystérieux sétend alors alentour."
35,28,6,"Bei Vollmond versammeln sie sich und tanzen
gemeinsam. Um sie herum entsteht dadurch
ein ungewöhnliches Magnetfeld."
35,28,7,"Cuando hay luna llena, los Clefairy salen en
grupo a bailar. A su alrededor se genera un
misterioso campo magnético."
35,28,8,"Nelle notti di luna piena, i Clefairy si radunano
per danzare. Intorno a loro si crea un misterioso
campo magnetico."
35,28,9,"On nights with a full moon, they gather together
and dance. The surrounding area is enveloped
in an abnormal magnetic field."
35,28,11,"満月の 晩に 集まって
仲間と ダンス。 その周囲は
異常な 磁場に 包まれる。"
35,29,1,"にんきだが かずが すくないので
きちょう。 むやみに みせびらかすと
どろぼうに ねらわれるぞ。"
35,29,3,"인기가 있지만, 개체 수가 적어
귀하다. 함부로 자랑하다가는
도둑의 타깃이 된다."
35,29,5,"Il est très rare en dépit de sa popularité. Ne le
laissez pas sans surveillance, car il risquerait
de se faire dérober par un voleur de Pokémon!"
35,29,6,"Dieses beliebte Pokémon hat Seltenheitswert.
Wer leichtsinnig damit prahlt, eins zu haben,
könnte in das Visier von Dieben geraten."
35,29,7,"Es muy popular y la escasez de ejemplares lo
hace muy valioso. Quien presume mucho de
tener uno se arriesga a que se lo roben."
35,29,8,"Questo Pokémon molto popolare è piuttosto raro
e prezioso. È meglio evitare di metterlo troppo in
mostra, o si corre il rischio di farselo rubare."
35,29,9,"Theyre popular, but theyre rare. Trainers who
show them off recklessly may be targeted
by thieves."
35,29,11,"人気だが 数が 少ないので
貴重。 むやみに 見せびらかすと
泥棒に 狙われるぞ。"
35,30,1,"つきあかりを あびた つばさは
あわく かがやき はばたかなくとも
ちゅうに うかんで まいおどる。"
35,30,3,"달빛에 비친 날개는 희미하게
빛나고 날갯짓하지 않아도
허공을 떠다니며 춤을 춘다."
35,30,5,"Quand ses ailes absorbent la lumière de la lune,
elles brillent légèrement et le font léviter pour
lui permettre de danser dans les airs."
35,30,6,"Im Mondlicht erstrahlen seine Flügel in sanftem
Schein und lassen es auch ohne Flügelschlag
in der Luft schwebend tanzen."
35,30,7,"Cuando la luz de la luna baña sus alas, estas
emiten un tenue brillo y, sin batirlas siquiera,
levita en el aire y comienza a bailar."
35,30,8,"Danza librandosi a mezzaria senza sbattere
le ali, che al chiarore della luna emettono un
debole scintillio."
35,30,9,"Bathed in moonlight, its wings glow faintly.
Without even flapping, Clefairy rises into the air,
where it dances around."
35,30,11,"月明かりを 浴びた 翼は
淡く 輝き 羽ばたかなくとも
宙に 浮かんで 舞い踊る。"
35,31,1,"すがたや しぐさが あいくるしく
にんきだが かずが すくないのか
なかなか はっけん できない。"
35,31,3,"모습과 행동이 사랑스러워서
인기가 높지만 수가 적어서인지
좀처럼 발견되지 않는다."
35,31,5,"Adoré pour son aspect mignon et joyeux,
on le suppose rare, car on en voit très peu
de spécimens."
35,31,6,"Wegen seines reizenden Aussehens und Wesens
ist Piepi beliebt, aber man sieht es nur selten,
da es anscheinend nicht viele Exemplare gibt."
35,31,7,"Su aspecto jovial y sus ademanes lo hacen
adorable y muy popular, aunque no suelen verse
a menudo, tal vez porque su número sea escaso."
35,31,8,"È molto amato per laspetto adorabile
e le graziose movenze, ma non si vede
spesso perché ne esistono pochi esemplari."
35,31,9,"Adored for their cute looks and playfulness.
They are thought to be rare, as they
do not appear often."
35,31,11,"姿や 仕草が 愛くるしく
人気だが 数が 少ないのか
なかなか 発見 できない。"
35,32,1,"すがたや しぐさが あいくるしく
にんきだが かずが すくないのか
なかなか はっけん できない。"
35,32,3,"모습과 행동이 사랑스러워서
인기가 높지만 수가 적어서인지
좀처럼 발견되지 않는다."
35,32,5,"Adoré pour son aspect mignon et joyeux,
on le suppose rare, car on en voit très peu
de spécimens."
35,32,6,"Wegen seines reizenden Aussehens und Wesens
ist Piepi beliebt, aber man sieht es nur selten,
da es anscheinend nicht viele Exemplare gibt."
35,32,7,"Su aspecto jovial y sus ademanes lo hacen
adorable y muy popular, aunque no suelen verse
a menudo, tal vez porque su número sea escaso."
35,32,8,"È molto amato per laspetto adorabile
e le graziose movenze, ma non si vede
spesso perché ne esistono pochi esemplari."
35,32,9,"Adored for their cute looks and playfulness.
They are thought to be rare, as they
do not appear often."
35,32,11,"姿や 仕草が 愛くるしく
人気だが 数が 少ないのか
なかなか 発見 できない。"
35,33,1,"まんげつのよる ピッピが あつまって
ダンスを おどるようすを みると
しあわせに なれると いわれている。"
35,33,3,"보름달 밤에 삐삐가 모여
춤을 추는 모습을 보면
행복해진다고 전해진다."
35,33,5,"On dit que ceux qui voient danser un groupe
de Mélofée sous la pleine lune connaîtront
un grand bonheur."
35,33,6,"Eine Ansammlung von Piepi bei Vollmond tanzen
zu sehen, soll ein glückliches Leben verheißen."
35,33,7,"Se dice que la felicidad llegará a quien vea un
grupo de Clefairy bailando a la luz de la luna
35,33,8,"Si dice che vedere un gruppo di Clefairy ballare
con la luna piena sia di ottimo auspicio."
35,33,9,"It is said that happiness will come to those who
see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a
full moon."
35,33,11,"満月の夜 ピッピが 集まって
ダンスを 踊るようすを 見ると
しあわせに なれると 言われている。"
35,34,1,"あいくるしい しぐさと なきごえで
かわいいと だいにんきの ポケモン。
だが めったに みつからない。"
35,34,3,"애교 있는 몸동작과 울음소리로
귀엽다고 많은 인기를 누리는 포켓몬.
그러나 좀처럼 눈에 띄지 않는다."
35,34,5,"Son comportement et son cri adorables font de
lui un Pokémon très populaire. Malheureusement,
il est difficile den croiser un spécimen."
35,34,6,"Aufgrund seines reizenden Wesens und seines
Rufes erfreut sich dieses Pokémon großer
Beliebtheit. Leider ist es auch sehr selten."
35,34,7,"Su adorable grito y comportamiento lo hacen
muy popular. Sin embargo, raramente se avista."
35,34,8,"Il suo verso e le sue movenze graziose rendono
questo adorabile Pokémon molto popolare.
Sfortunatamente, però, è molto raro."
35,34,9,"Its adorable behavior and cry make it highly popular.
However, this cute Pokémon is rarely found."
35,34,11,"愛くるしい しぐさと 鳴き声で
かわいいと 大人気の ポケモン。
だが めったに 見つからない。"
36,1,9,"A timid fairy
POKéMON that is
rarely seen. Itwill run and hide
the moment it
senses people."
36,2,9,"A timid fairy
POKéMON that is
rarely seen. Itwill run and hide
the moment it
senses people."
36,3,9,"They appear to be
very protective of
their own world.It is a kind of
fairy, rarely seen
by people."
36,4,9,"With its acute
hearing, it can
pick up soundsfrom far away. It
usually hides in
quiet places."
36,5,9,"Its very sensitive
ears lets it dis­
tinguish distantsounds. As a re­
sult, it prefers
quiet places."
36,6,9,"Said to live in
quiet, remote
mountains, thistype of fairy has
a strong aversion
to being seen."
36,7,9,"CLEFABLE moves by skipping lightly as if
it were flying using its wings. Its
bouncy step lets it even walk on water.It is known to take strolls on lakes on
quiet, moonlit nights."
36,8,9,"CLEFABLE moves by skipping lightly as if
it were flying using its wings. Its
bouncy step lets it even walk on water.It is known to take strolls on lakes on
quiet, moonlit nights."
36,9,9,"A CLEFABLE uses its wings to skip lightly 
as if it were flying. Its bouncy step
lets it even walk on water. On quiet,
moonlit nights, it strolls on lakes."
36,10,9,"It has an acute sense of hearing. It can
easily hear a pin being dropped nearly
1,100 yards away."
36,11,9,"A timid fairy POKéMON that is rarely seen,
it will run and hide the moment it senses
36,12,9,"Rarely seen by people, it is
said to be drawn by the full
moon to play at deserted lakes."
36,13,9,"Its hearing is so acute it can
hear a pin drop over half a mile
away. It lives on quiet mountains."
36,14,9,"It is very wary and rarely shows
itself to people. Its ears can hear
a pin drop over half a mile away."
36,15,9,"With its acute hearing, it can
pick up sounds from far away.
It usually hides in quiet places."
36,16,9,"Its very sensitive ears let it
distinguish distant sounds. As a
result, it prefers quiet places."
36,17,5,"Il est très farouche et se laisse
rarement approcher. De plus, il
détecte les sons à plus d1 km."
36,17,9,"It is very wary and rarely shows
itself to people. Its ears can hear
a pin drop over half a mile away."
36,18,5,"Il est très farouche et se laisse
rarement approcher. De plus, il
détecte les sons à plus d1 km."
36,18,9,"It is very wary and rarely shows
itself to people. Its ears can hear
a pin drop over half a mile away."
36,21,9,"Their ears are sensitive enough to hear
a pin drop from over a mile away,
so theyre usually found in quiet places."
36,22,9,"Their ears are sensitive enough to hear
a pin drop from over a mile away,
so theyre usually found in quiet places."
36,23,1,"1キロさきで おちた ハリの おとも
ききわける すぐれた みみを もつ。
しずかな やまおくに すんでいる。"
36,23,3,"1km 전방에 떨어진 바늘 소리도
분간할 수 있는 우수한 귀를 가지고
있다. 조용한 산속에 살고 있다."
36,23,5,"Il aime le calme des montagnes. Son ouïe
exceptionnelle entendrait une aiguille tomber à 1 km."
36,23,6,"Es kann eine Nadel hören, die in 1 km Entfernung
zu Boden fällt. Es lebt in der Stille der Berge."
36,23,7,"Su oído es tan agudo que puede oír una aguja caer a
1 km. Vive en montañas solitarias."
36,23,8,"Ha un udito tanto acuto da sentire la caduta di uno
spillo a 1 km di distanza. Vive su monti quieti."
36,23,9,"Its hearing is so acute it can hear a pin drop over
half a mile away. It lives on quiet mountains."
36,23,11,"1キロ先で 落ちた 針の 音も
聞き分ける 優れた 耳を 持つ。
静かな 山奥に 住んでいる。"
36,24,1,"ようせいの なかまで めったに
ひとまえに でてこない。けはいを
かんじて すぐ にげてしまうようだ。"
36,24,3,"요정의 동료로 좀처럼
사람 앞에 나타나지 않는다. 기척을
느끼면 바로 도망가는 듯하다."
36,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est une sorte de petite fée très rare.
Il court vite se cacher sil aperçoit un être humain."
36,24,6,"Ein feenhaftes und scheues Pokémon, das sofort
die Flucht ergreift, wenn es Menschen wittert."
36,24,7,"Un encantador y tímido Pokémon muy raro de ver.
Corre y se oculta en cuanto siente que viene gente."
36,24,8,"Timido Pokémon Fata, molto raro a vedersi. Scappa e
si nasconde non appena avverte la presenza umana."
36,24,9,"A timid fairy Pokémon that is rarely seen, it will run
and hide the moment it senses people."
36,24,11,"妖精の 仲間で めったに
人前に 出てこない。気配を
感じて すぐに 逃げてしまうようだ。"
36,25,1,"つばさを つかって とぶように スキップ。
すいめんを あるく ことだって できるのだ。
しずかな つきよに みずうみを あるく。"
36,25,3,"날개를 사용하여 날아가듯 뛰어간다.
물 위를 걷는 것도 할 수 있다.
조용한 달밤에 호수를 걷는다."
36,25,5,"Les Mélodelfe se déplacent en sautant doucement,
comme sils volaient. Leur démarche légère leur permet
même de marcher sur leau. On raconte quils se promènent
sur les lacs, les soirs où la lune est claire."
36,25,6,"Pixi bewegt sich fort, indem es leicht mit den Flügeln schlägt.
Durch seinen federnden Gang kann es sogar über Wasser
gehen. Bei Mondschein unternimmt es Spaziergänge auf Seen."
36,25,7,"Clefable se mueve dando saltitos como si fuera haciendo uso
de las alas. Estos pequeños brincos le permiten caminar por
el agua. De todos es sabido que le encanta darse paseos por
los lagos en tranquilas noches de luna llena."
36,25,8,"Clefable si muove saltellando leggero come se fluttuasse
sorretto dalle sue ali. Così riesce anche a camminare
sullacqua. È solito passeggiare sui laghi in silenziose
notti di luna piena."
36,25,9,"Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using its
wings. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water. It is known
to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights."
36,25,11,"翼を 使って 飛ぶように スキップ。
水面を 歩く ことだって できるのだ。
静かな 月夜に 湖を 歩く。"
36,26,1,"つばさを つかって とぶように スキップ。
すいめんを あるく ことだって できるのだ。
しずかな つきよに みずうみを あるく。"
36,26,3,"날개를 사용하여 날아가듯 뛰어간다.
물 위를 걷는 것도 할 수 있다.
조용한 달밤에 호수를 걷는다."
36,26,5,"Les Mélodelfe se déplacent en sautant doucement,
comme sils volaient. Leur démarche légère leur permet
même de marcher sur leau. On raconte quils se promènent
sur les lacs, les soirs où la lune est claire."
36,26,6,"Pixi bewegt sich fort, indem es leicht mit den Flügeln schlägt.
Durch seinen federnden Gang kann es sogar über Wasser
gehen. Bei Mondschein unternimmt es Spaziergänge auf Seen."
36,26,7,"Clefable se mueve dando saltitos como si fuera haciendo uso
de las alas. Estos pequeños brincos le permiten caminar por
el agua. De todos es sabido que le encanta darse paseos por
los lagos en tranquilas noches de luna llena."
36,26,8,"Clefable si muove saltellando leggero come se fluttuasse
sorretto dalle sue ali. Così riesce anche a camminare
sullacqua. È solito passeggiare sui laghi in silenziose
notti di luna piena."
36,26,9,"Clefable moves by skipping lightly as if it were flying using
its wings. Its bouncy step lets it even walk on water.
It is known to take strolls on lakes on quiet, moonlit nights."
36,26,11,"翼を 使って 飛ぶように スキップ。
水面を 歩く ことだって できるのだ。
静かな 月夜に 湖を 歩く。"
36,27,1,"ひとまえに すがたを みせることを
このまない。 ふかい やまの おくで
むれに なって ひっそり くらす。"
36,27,3,"사람 앞에 모습을 보이는 것을
좋아하지 않는다. 깊은 산 속에서
무리를 지어 조용히 살고 있다."
36,27,5,"Il naime pas être aperçu par les humains.
Il préfère donc vivre paisiblement en groupes
au fond des montagnes."
36,27,6,"Es zeigt sich Menschen nur ungern und führt
zusammen mit anderen Artgenossen ein
abgeschiedenes Leben tief in den Bergen."
36,27,7,"No les gusta dejarse ver ante las personas.
Viven tranquilamente en grupos en lo profundo
de las montañas."
36,27,8,"È un Pokémon molto timido. Vive nascosto
assieme ai suoi simili nei recessi montani."
36,27,9,"They dont like to reveal themselves in front of
people. They live quietly in packs deep in
the mountains."
36,27,11,"人前に 姿を みせることを
好まない。 深い 山の 奥で
群れに なって ひっそり 暮らす。"
36,28,1,"つがいの ピクシーが スキップする
すがたを みると しあわせな
けっこんが できると いわれる。"
36,28,3,"한 쌍의 픽시가 뛰어가는
모습을 보면 행복한
결혼을 할 수 있다고 전해진다."
36,28,5,"Une tradition raconte quapercevoir un Mélodelfe
gambader joyeusement signifie que lon fera
un heureux mariage."
36,28,6,"Man sagt, zwei herumtollende Pixi zu sehen,
verheiße eine glückliche Ehe."
36,28,7,"Se dice que avistar a una pareja de Clefable
dando saltitos trae felicidad al matrimonio."
36,28,8,"Si dice che chi vede saltellare una coppia
di Clefable avrà un matrimonio felice."
36,28,9,"According to tradition, people who see a pair
of Clefable skipping by can look forward to a
happy marriage."
36,28,11,"つがいの ピクシーが スキップする
姿を みると 幸せな
結婚が できると いわれる。"
36,29,1,"1キロさきで はりが おちた おとも
きこえてしまうので ひとやポケモンが
すくない ふかいやまおくで くらす。"
36,29,3,"1km 떨어진 곳에서 바늘이 떨어지는
소리도 들을 수 있어 사람과 포켓몬이
적은 깊은 산속에 산다."
36,29,5,"Il préfère vivre au fond des montagnes, loin des
humains et des Pokémon, car il peut entendre
une aiguille tomber à un kilomètre de distance."
36,29,6,"Es hört eine fallende Nadel aus 1 km Entfernung
und lebt daher tief in den Bergen, weit weg vom
Lärm der Menschen und anderer Pokémon."
36,29,7,"Su fino oído puede percibir la caída de un alfiler
a un kilómetro de distancia. Por eso prefiere
vivir en las montañas, lejos del mundanal ruido."
36,29,8,"Può sentire il rumore di uno spillo che cade a
1 km di distanza. Per questo vive in recessi
montani, lontano da esseri umani e Pokémon."
36,29,9,"It cant help but hear a pin drop from over half
a mile away, so it lives deep in the mountains
where there arent many people or Pokémon."
36,29,11,"1キロ先で 針が 落ちた 音も
聞こえてしまうので 人やポケモンが
少ない 深い山奥で 暮らす。"
36,30,1,"まんげつの ばん じっと よぞらを
みているのは ホームシックなのだと
かんがえる かがくしゃも いる。"
36,30,3,"보름달이 뜨는 밤에 밤하늘을
바라보는 이유는 향수병 때문이라고
생각하는 과학자도 있다."
36,30,5,"Selon certains scientifiques, cest parce quil
a le mal du pays quil fixe le ciel les soirs de
pleine lune."
36,30,6,"Bei Vollmond blickt es still zum Nachthimmel
hinauf. Manche Wissenschaftler deuten dieses
Verhalten als Heimweh."
36,30,7,"Algunos científicos sostienen que cuando mira
al cielo fijamente en las noches de luna llena es
porque siente morriña."
36,30,8,"Nelle notti di luna piena si perde a fissare il
cielo. Secondo alcuni studiosi, pensa con
nostalgia alla sua casa lontana."
36,30,9,"Some scientists believe that it gazes intently at
the sky on nights with a full moon because
its homesick."
36,30,11,"満月の 晩 じっと 夜空を
見ているのは ホームシックなのだと
考える 科学者も いる。"
36,31,1,"じぶんたちの せかいを だいじに
しているらしく めったに ひとまえに
でてこない ようせいの なかま。"
36,31,3,"자신들의 세계를 소중히
생각하고 있는 듯 좀처럼 사람 앞에
나타나지 않는 요정의 일종."
36,31,5,"Ce Pokémon à laspect féérique semble très
attaché à son habitat et ne se montre que
36,31,6,"Dieses feenhafte Pokémon scheint sein Reich
mit großem Eifer zu schützen. Es zeigt sich den
Menschen nur selten."
36,31,7,"Un Pokémon de aspecto feérico que protege
con celo su entorno y muy rara vez se deja ver
por los humanos."
36,31,8,"Sembra che queste creature simili alle fate siano
molto protettive verso il loro habitat.
Si mostrano agli esseri umani solo di rado."
36,31,9,"They appear to be very protective of their own
world. It is a kind of fairy, rarely seen by people."
36,31,11,"自分たちの 世界を 大事に
しているらしく めったに 人前に
出てこない 妖精の 仲間。"
36,32,1,"じぶんたちの せかいを だいじに
しているらしく めったに ひとまえに
でてこない ようせいの なかま。"
36,32,3,"자신들의 세계를 소중히
생각하고 있는 듯 좀처럼 사람 앞에
나타나지 않는 요정의 일종."
36,32,5,"Ce Pokémon à laspect féérique semble très
attaché à son habitat et ne se montre que
36,32,6,"Dieses feenhafte Pokémon scheint sein Reich
mit großem Eifer zu schützen. Es zeigt sich den
Menschen nur selten."
36,32,7,"Un Pokémon de aspecto feérico que protege
con celo su entorno y muy rara vez se deja ver
por los humanos."
36,32,8,"Sembra che queste creature simili alle fate siano
molto protettive verso il loro habitat.
Si mostrano agli esseri umani solo di rado."
36,32,9,"They appear to be very protective of their own
world. It is a kind of fairy, rarely seen by people."
36,32,11,"自分たちの 世界を 大事に
しているらしく めったに 人前に
出てこない 妖精の 仲間。"
36,33,1,"ようせいの なかまで めったに
ひとまえに でてこない。 けはいを
かんじて すぐ にげてしまうようだ。"
36,33,3,"요정의 동료로 좀처럼
사람 앞에 나타나지 않는다. 기척을
느끼면 바로 도망가는 듯하다."
36,33,5,"Ce Pokémon sapparente à une petite fée
qui napparaît que rarement devant les humains.
Il court se cacher dès quil ressent une présence."
36,33,6,"Ein feenhaftes und scheues Pokémon,
das sofort die Flucht ergreift, wenn es
Menschen wahrnimmt."
36,33,7,"Este Pokémon de aspecto feérico, raramente
visto por los humanos, corre a esconderse en
cuanto detecta que hay alguien cerca."
36,33,8,"Timido Pokémon Fata, molto raro a vedersi.
Scappa e si nasconde non appena avverte
la presenza delle persone."
36,33,9,"A timid fairy Pokémon that is rarely seen, it will
run and hide the moment it senses people."
36,33,11,"妖精の 仲間で めったに
人前に 出てこない。 気配を
感じて すぐに 逃げてしまうようだ。"
36,34,1,"1キロさきに おちた はりの おとも
きこえるほど みみが いいので
ふだんは しずかな ところに いる。"
36,34,3,"1km 앞에 떨어진 바늘 소리가
들릴 정도로 귀가 좋아
평소에는 조용한 곳에서 지낸다."
36,34,5,"Capable dentendre une aiguille tomber à plus
dun kilomètre, ce Pokémon préfère les endroits
calmes et isolés."
36,34,6,"Ihr Gehör erfasst das Geräusch einer fallenden
Nadel noch aus 1 km Entfernung. Sie bevorzugen
daher ruhige Orte."
36,34,7,"Su oído es tan fino que puede percibir cómo cae
una aguja a 1 km de distancia. Por eso suele
habitar en lugares tranquilos."
36,34,8,"Il loro udito è così acuto che sentono un ago
cadere a 1 km di distanza. Per questo di solito
vivono in luoghi molto silenziosi."
36,34,9,"Their ears are sensitive enough to hear a pin
drop from over a mile away, so theyre usually
found in quiet places."
36,34,11,"1キロ先に 落ちた 針の 音も
聞こえるほど 耳が いいので
ふだんは 静かな ところに いる。"
37,1,9,"At the time of
birth, it has
just one tail.The tail splits
from its tip as
it grows older."
37,2,9,"At the time of
birth, it has
just one tail.The tail splits
from its tip as
it grows older."
37,3,9,"Both its fur and
its tails are
beautiful. As itgrows, the tails
split and form
more tails."
37,4,9,"As it develops, 
its single white
tail gains colorand splits into
six. It is quite
warm and cuddly."
37,5,9,"If it is attacked
by an enemy that
is stronger thanitself, it feigns
injury to fool the
enemy and escapes."
37,6,9,"As its body grows
larger, its six
warm tails becomemore beautiful,
with a more luxur­
ious coat of fur."
37,7,9,"At the time of its birth, VULPIX has one
white tail. The tail separates into six
if this POKéMON receives plenty of lovefrom its TRAINER.
The six tails become magnificently
37,8,9,"Inside VULPIXs body burns a flame that
never goes out. During the daytime,
when the temperatures rise, thisPOKéMON releases flames from its mouth
to prevent its body from growing too
37,9,9,"It can freely control fire, making fiery
orbs fly like will-o-the-wisps. Just
before evolution, its six tails grow hot 
as if on fire."
37,10,9,"While young, it has six gorgeous tails.
When it grows, several new tails are
37,11,9,"When it is born, it has just one snow-
white tail. The tail splits from its tip as
it grows older."
37,12,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it
grows, its six tails split from
their tips to make more tails."
37,13,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it
grows, its six tails split from
their tips to make more tails."
37,14,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it
grows, its six tails split from
their tips to make more tails."
37,15,9,"As it develops, its single white
tail gains color and splits into six.
It is quite warm and cuddly."
37,16,9,"If it is attacked by an enemy that
is stronger than itself, it feigns
injury to fool the enemy and escapes."
37,17,5,"Il envoie des boules de feu. Avec
lâge, ses six queues en forment de
nouvelles. "
37,17,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it
grows, its six tails split from
their tips to make more tails."
37,18,5,"Il envoie des boules de feu. Avec
lâge, ses six queues en forment de
nouvelles. "
37,18,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it
grows, its six tails split from
their tips to make more tails."
37,21,9,"As each tail grows, its fur becomes
more lustrous. When held, it feels
slightly warm."
37,22,9,"As each tail grows, its fur becomes
more lustrous. When held, it feels
slightly warm."
37,23,1,"うまれたとき しっぽは まっしろで
1ぽんしかない。そだつと やがて
さきが わかれて しっぽが ふえる。"
37,23,3,"태어났을 때는 꼬리가 새하얗고
하나밖에 없다. 성장하면
끝이 갈라지며 꼬리 수가 늘어난다."
37,23,5,"Il na quune seule queue à la naissance. Sa queue
se divise à la pointe au fil des ans."
37,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon hat bei seiner Geburt nur einen
Schweif, der sich mit zunehmendem Alter aufspaltet."
37,23,7,"Cuando nace solo tiene una cola, pero a medida que
crece, esta se va dividiendo desde la punta."
37,23,8,"Alla nascita ha solo una coda, che con il passare
del tempo sviluppa diverse diramazioni."
37,23,9,"When it is born, it has just one snow-white tail.
The tail splits from its tip as it grows older."
37,23,11,"生まれたとき 尻尾は 真っ白で
1本しかない。育つと やがて
先が 分かれて 尻尾が 増える。"
37,24,1,"こどもだが 6ほんの しっぽが
さらに しっぽが ふえる。"
37,24,3,"어리지만 6개의 꼬리가
아름답다. 성장하면
한층 꼬리 수가 늘어난다."
37,24,5,"Quand il est jeune, ce Pokémon a six queues
magnifiques. De nouvelles queues apparaissent tout
au long de sa croissance."
37,24,6,"In seiner Jugend hat es sechs hinreißende Schweife.
Während es wächst, kommen noch weitere neue
Schweife hinzu."
37,24,7,"De pequeño, tiene seis colas increíbles. A medida que
crece, le van saliendo más."
37,24,8,"Quando è giovane ha sei meravigliose code, che si
moltiplicano durante la sua crescita."
37,24,9,"While young, it has six gorgeous tails. When it
grows, several new tails are sprouted."
37,24,11,"子供だが 6本の 尻尾が
美しい。成長すると さらに
尻尾が 増える。"
37,25,1,"うまれた ときは しろい 1ぽんの しっぽ。
あいじょうを たっぷり うけると しっぽは
6ぽんに わかれて みごとな まきげになる。"
37,25,3,"태어났을 때는 하얀 꼬리가 한 개다.
애정을 많이 받으면 꼬리가
6개로 나뉘며 멋지게 말린다."
37,25,5,"À sa naissance, Goupix a une queue blanche. Cette queue se
divise en six si le Pokémon reçoit de lamitié de la part de
son Dresseur. Les six queues sont courbées et magnifiques."
37,25,6,"Vulpix kommt mit einem weißen Schweif zur Welt.
Dieser teilt sich sechsfach, wenn das Pokémon
von seinem Trainer viel Zuneigung bekommt.
Seine sechs Schweife kräuseln sich schließlich."
37,25,7,"Al nacer, Vulpix tiene una cola blanca que se divide en seis si
recibe cariño por parte de su Entrenador. Las seis colas se le
rizan de forma majestuosa."
37,25,8,"Al momento della nascita Vulpix ha una sola coda bianca.
Se il Pokémon riceve molto amore dal proprio Allenatore
la coda si divide in sei diramazioni che poi si arricciano
37,25,9,"At the time of its birth, Vulpix has one white tail. The tail
separates into six if this Pokémon receives plenty of love
from its Trainer. The six tails become magnificently curled."
37,25,11,"生まれた ときは 白い 1本の 尻尾。
愛情を たっぷり 受けると 尻尾は
6本に 別れて 見事な 巻き毛になる。"
37,26,1,"からだの なかで ほのおが いつも もえている。
ひるま きおんが あがると たいおんも たかく
なってしまうので くちから ほのおを にがす。"
37,26,3,"몸 안에서 항상 불꽃이 타고 있다.
낮에 기온이 올라가면 체온도 올라가기
때문에 입으로 불꽃을 빼낸다."
37,26,5,"À lintérieur du corps de Goupix se trouve une flamme
qui ne séteint jamais. Pendant la journée, lorsque
la température augmente, ce Pokémon crache des flammes
pour éviter que son corps ne devienne trop chaud."
37,26,6,"In Vulpix Körper brennt eine Flamme, die niemals erlischt.
Am Tage, wenn die Temperaturen steigen, stößt dieses
Pokémon Flammen aus seinem Mund aus. So schützt es
sich davor, dass sein Körper zu heiß wird."
37,26,7,"En el interior del cuerpo de Vulpix arde una llama que nunca
se extingue. Durante el día, cuando suben las temperaturas,
este Pokémon libera llamas por la boca para evitar
37,26,8,"Allinterno del corpo di Vulpix brucia una fiamma inestinguibile.
Di giorno, quando sale la temperatura, questo Pokémon
emette fiamme dalla bocca per evitare il surriscaldamento
del proprio corpo."
37,26,9,"Inside Vulpixs body burns a flame that never goes out.
During the daytime, when the temperatures rise, this
Pokémon releases flames from its mouth to prevent its
body from growing too hot."
37,26,11,"体の 中で 炎が いつも 燃えている。
昼間 気温が あがると 体温も 高く
なってしまうので 口から 炎を 逃がす。"
37,27,1,"けなみや シッポが うつくしいので
だいにんき。 せいちょうに つれ
シッポは わかれて ふえていく。"
37,27,3,"털과 꼬리가 아름다워서
인기가 많다. 성장함에 따라
꼬리가 나뉘면서 늘어난다."
37,27,5,"Un Pokémon très populaire de par son pelage
et ses superbes queues. Au fur et à mesure de
sa croissance, elles se multiplient en se divisant."
37,27,6,"Sein Fell und seine Schweife sind so hübsch,
dass es sich großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Letztere
spalten sich mit zunehmendem Alter weiter auf."
37,27,7,"Es muy popular por su pelaje y sus colas. A
medida que crece, las colas se dividen y
aumentan en número."
37,27,8,"È molto amato per il suo manto e le sue code.
Man mano che cresce, la sua coda sviluppa
diverse diramazioni."
37,27,9,"Its beautiful fur and tails have made it very
popular. As it grows, its tails split to form
more tails."
37,27,11,"毛並みや シッポが 美しいので
大人気。 成長に 連れ
シッポは わかれて 増えていく。"
37,28,1,"くちから ひとだまの ような
ほのおを はきだすので おばけと
みまちがえる ひとも いる。"
37,28,3,"입에서 도깨비불 같은
불꽃을 내뱉어서 유령으로
착각하는 사람도 있다."
37,28,5,"Certaines personnes prennent ce Pokémon pour
un fantôme à cause des flammes qui sortent de
sa bouche, similaires à des âmes de défunts."
37,28,6,"Es kann Feuerbälle speien, die Irrlichtern ähneln.
Aus diesem Grund wird es gelegentlich für ein
Gespenst gehalten."
37,28,7,"Lanza llamas por la boca que se asemejan
a fuegos fatuos, por lo que algunos las
confunden con fantasmas."
37,28,8,"Emette dalla bocca fiamme simili a fuochi fatui,
e per questo motivo a volte viene preso
per un fantasma."
37,28,9,"From its mouth spew flames that seem to
resemble the spirits of the deceased. Some
people mistakenly think this fire is a ghost."
37,28,11,"口から 人魂の ような
炎を 吐きだすので お化けと
見間違える 人も いる。"
37,29,1,"うつくしい シッポで だいにんき。
ただし まめに ブラッシングしないと
あっというまに けだまだらけになる。"
37,29,3,"아름다운 꼬리 때문에 인기가 많다.
단 바지런히 빗질을 하지 않으면
순식간에 헝클어진다."
37,29,5,"Ses queues magnifiques en font un Pokémon
très populaire. Il faut toutefois les lui brosser
fréquemment pour éviter les nœuds."
37,29,6,"Dank seiner hübschen Schweife erfreut es sich
großer Beliebtheit. Wird es aber nicht regelmäßig
gebürstet, ist es sofort voller Fellknäuel."
37,29,7,"Es muy popular por sus hermosas colas. Hay
que cepillárselas a menudo o, de lo contrario,
se le hacen enredos todo el rato."
37,29,8,"Le sue code lo rendono un Pokémon molto
amato. Vanno spazzolate con cura per
evitare che si riempiano subito di nodi."
37,29,9,"Its beautiful tails have made it very popular.
However, if its not brushed diligently, it will
be a mass of tangles before you know it."
37,29,11,"美しい シッポで 大人気。
ただし まめに ブラッシングしないと
あっという間に 毛玉だらけになる。"
37,30,1,"ひの たまを あやつり えものを
とらえる。 こどもから そだてると
こいぬポケモンの ように なつくよ。"
37,30,3,"불구슬을 조종하여 먹이를
잡는다. 어릴 때부터 키우면
강아지포켓몬처럼 따른다."
37,30,5,"Il attrape ses proies en manipulant des boules
de feu. Élevé depuis son plus jeune âge, il se
révélera aussi affectueux quun Pokémon Chiot."
37,30,6,"Bei der Beutejagd speit es Feuerbälle. Zieht man
ein Vulpix von Kindesbeinen an auf, entwickelt
es eine Anhänglichkeit wie ein Hund-Pokémon."
37,30,7,"Es capaz de controlar bolas de fuego con las
que atrapa a sus presas. Le coge apego a quien
lo críe desde cachorro, cual Pokémon Perrito."
37,30,8,"Crea palle infuocate che usa con maestria per
catturare le prede. Se allenato fin da cucciolo,
si affeziona come un Pokémon Cagnolino."
37,30,9,"It manipulates balls of fire to catch its prey.
If you raise one from when its young, it will
grow close to you like a puppy Pokémon."
37,30,11,"火の玉を 操り 獲物を
捕らえる。 子どもから 育てると
こいぬポケモンの ように 懐くよ。"
37,31,1,"けなみや シッポが うつくしい。
おおきくなると シッポの さきが
わかれて ふえていく。"
37,31,3,"털과 꼬리가 아름답다.
성장하면 꼬리 끝이 갈라져서
갈래가 많아진다."
37,31,5,"Sa fourrure et sa queue sont magnifiques.
Cette dernière se divise lors de la croissance."
37,31,6,"Sein Fell und sein Schweif sind wunderschön.
Beim Heranwachsen spaltet sich sein Schweif
in mehrere Teile auf."
37,31,7,"Sus colas y pelaje son preciosos. A medida que
crece, las colas se dividen y forman otras
37,31,8,"Il suo manto e le sue code sono meravigliosi.
Crescendo, la sua coda sviluppa diverse
37,31,9,"Both its fur and its tails are beautiful.
As it grows, the tails split and form more tails."
37,31,11,"毛並みや シッポが 美しい。
大きくなると シッポの 先が
分かれて 増えていく。"
37,32,1,"けなみや シッポが うつくしい。
おおきくなると シッポの さきが
わかれて ふえていく。"
37,32,3,"털과 꼬리가 아름답다.
성장하면 꼬리 끝이 갈라져서
갈래가 많아진다."
37,32,5,"Sa fourrure et sa queue sont magnifiques.
Cette dernière se divise lors de la croissance."
37,32,6,"Sein Fell und sein Schweif sind wunderschön.
Beim Heranwachsen spaltet sich sein Schweif
in mehrere Teile auf."
37,32,7,"Sus colas y pelaje son preciosos. A medida que
crece, las colas se dividen y forman otras
37,32,8,"Il suo manto e le sue code sono meravigliosi.
Crescendo, la sua coda sviluppa diverse
37,32,9,"Both its fur and its tails are beautiful.
As it grows, the tails split and form more tails."
37,32,11,"毛並みや シッポが 美しい。
大きくなると シッポの 先が
分かれて 増えていく。"
37,33,1,"こどもだが 6ぽんの しっぽが
うつくしい。 せいちょうすると
さらに しっぽが ふえる。"
37,33,3,"어리지만 6개의 꼬리가
아름답다. 성장하면
한층 꼬리 수가 늘어난다."
37,33,5,"Quand il est jeune, ce Pokémon a six queues
magnifiques. De nouvelles queues apparaissent
tout au long de sa croissance."
37,33,6,"In seiner Jugend hat es sechs hinreißende
Schweife. Während es wächst, kommen noch
weitere neue Schweife hinzu."
37,33,7,"De pequeño, tiene seis colas de gran belleza.
A medida que crece, le van saliendo más."
37,33,8,"Quando è giovane ha sei meravigliose code,
che si moltiplicano durante la sua crescita."
37,33,9,"While young, it has six gorgeous tails. When it
grows, several new tails are sprouted."
37,33,11,"子どもだが 6本の しっぽが
美しい。 成長すると さらに
しっぽが 増える。"
37,34,1,"6ぽんの しっぽは そだつごとに
けなみが よくなり うつくしくなる。
だきしめると ほんのり あたたかい。"
37,34,3,"6개의 꼬리는 자라면서
털의 결이 좋아지며 아름다워진다.
안으면 살짝 따듯하다."
37,34,5,"Avec lâge, la fourrure de ses six queues devient
de plus en plus belle et soyeuse.
Elle est chaude au toucher."
37,34,6,"Sein Fell wird geschmeidiger, wenn seine sechs
Schweife wachsen. Wenn man das Fell berührt,
fühlt es sich leicht warm an."
37,34,7,"Su pelaje se va volviendo más suave, lustroso
y bello a medida que le crecen las seis colas.
Al abrazarlo, emana una ligera calidez."
37,34,8,"Man mano che cresce, le sue sei code diventano
sempre più belle. La pelliccia di cui sono
ricoperte è calda al tatto."
37,34,9,"As each tail grows, its fur becomes more lustrous.
When held, it feels slightly warm."
37,34,11,"6本の しっぽは 育つごとに
毛並みが 良くなり 美しくなる。
抱きしめると ほんのり 温かい。"
38,1,9,"Very smart and
very vengeful.
Grabbing one ofits many tails
could result in a
1000-year curse."
38,2,9,"Very smart and
very vengeful.
Grabbing one ofits many tails
could result in a
1000-year curse."
38,3,9,"According to an
enduring legend,
9 noble saintswere united and
reincarnated as
this POKéMON."
38,4,9,"Some legends claim
that each of its
nine tails has itsown unique type
of special
mystical power."
38,5,9,"Its nine beautiful
tails are filled
with a wondrousenergy that could
keep it alive for
1,000 years."
38,6,9,"It is said to live
a thousand years,
and each of itstails is loaded
with supernatural
38,7,9,"NINETALES casts a sinister light from
its bright red eyes to gain total
control over its foes mind.This POKéMON is said to live for a
thousand years."
38,8,9,"Legend has it that NINETALES came into
being when nine wizards possessing
sacred powers merged into one.This POKéMON is highly intelligent - it
can understand human speech."
38,9,9,"It has long been said that each of the
nine tails embody an enchanted power.
A long-lived NINETALES will have fur that
shines like gold."
38,10,9,"It has nine long tails and fur that 
gleams gold. It is said to live for 
1,000 years."
38,11,9,"Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing
one of its many tails could result in a
1,000-year curse."
38,12,9,"Its nine tails are said to be
imbued with a mystic power.
It can live for a thousand years."
38,13,9,"Its nine tails are said to be
imbued with a mystic power.
It can live for a thousand years."
38,14,9,"Its nine tails are said to be
imbued with a mystic power.
It can live for a thousand years."
38,15,9,"Some legends claim that each of its
nine tails has its own unique type
of special mystical power."
38,16,9,"Its nine beautiful tails are filled
with a wondrous energy that could
keep it alive for 1,000 years."
38,17,5,"On raconte que ses neuf queues
détiennent un pouvoir mystique.
Il peut vivre pendant mille ans."
38,17,9,"Its nine tails are said to be
imbued with a mystic power.
It can live for a thousand years."
38,18,5,"On raconte que ses neuf queues
détiennent un pouvoir mystique.
Il peut vivre pendant mille ans."
38,18,9,"Its nine tails are said to be
imbued with a mystic power.
It can live for a thousand years."
38,21,9,"Each of its nine tails is imbued
with supernatural power, and it
can live for a thousand years."
38,22,9,"Each of its nine tails is imbued
with supernatural power, and it
can live for a thousand years."
38,23,1,"おうごんに かがやく たいもうと
9ほんの ながい しっぽを もつ。
1000ねんは いきると いわれる。"
38,23,3,"황금빛으로 빛나는 털과
9개의 긴 꼬리를 지녔다.
1000년을 산다고 한다."
38,23,5,"Il a neuf longues queues et une fourrure qui brille
comme de lor. On dit quil peut vivre 1000 ans."
38,23,6,"Es hat neun lange Schweife und sein Fell glänzt
gülden. Man sagt, es soll 1 000 Jahre alt werden."
38,23,7,"Tiene nueve colas y un pelaje de color dorado.
Dicen que este Pokémon llega a vivir 1000 años."
38,23,8,"Dotato di nove code e di una pelliccia dorata,
si dice che viva 1000 anni."
38,23,9,"It has nine long tails and fur that gleams gold.
It is said to live for 1,000 years."
38,23,11,"黄金に 輝く 体毛と
9本の 長い 尻尾を 持つ。
1000年は 生きると 言われる。"
38,24,1,"あたまがよくて しゅうねんぶかい。
ふざけて しっぽを つかむと
1000ねん たたられるという。"
38,24,3,"머리가 좋고 집념이 강하다.
장난으로 꼬리를 잡으면
1000년 동안 화를 입는다고 한다."
38,24,5,"Il est très intelligent et rancunier. Attrapez une de
ses queues et il vous maudira pour 1000 ans."
38,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist intelligent, aber rachsüchtig.
Sein Schweif kann einen schweren Fluch übertragen."
38,24,7,"Muy inteligente y vengativo. Agarrar una de sus colas
podría traer 1000 años de mala suerte."
38,24,8,"Molto elegante e vendicativo. Chi gli afferra una
coda rischia una maledizione millenaria."
38,24,9,"Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of its
many tails could result in a 1,000-year curse."
38,24,11,"頭が良くて 執念深い。
ふざけて 尻尾を つかむと
1000年 たたられるという。"
38,25,1,"まっかな ひとみは あやしい ひかりを はなち
あいての こころを じざいに あやつる。
1000ねんかん いきると いわれている。"
38,25,3,"새빨간 눈은 괴상한 빛을 발산하여
상대의 마음을 자유로이 조종한다.
1000년을 산다고 전해진다."
38,25,5,"Feunard peut envoyer un inquiétant rayon avec ses yeux
rouge vif pour prendre le contrôle de lesprit de son ennemi.
On raconte que ce Pokémon peut vivre 1000 ans."
38,25,6,"Vulnona sendet einen unheimlichen Lichtstrahl aus seinen
hellroten Augen aus, um totale Kontrolle über die Gedanken
seines Gegners zu erlangen. Man sagt, dieses Pokémon
könne 1 000 Jahre leben."
38,25,7,"Ninetales emite una siniestra luz a través de los brillantes ojos
rojos que tiene, para conseguir controlar del todo la mente de
su rival. Dicen que este Pokémon llega a vivir mil años."
38,25,8,"Ninetales emana sinistri bagliori dai luminosi occhi rossi
per acquisire il controllo totale della mente del suo nemico.
Si dice che possa vivere anche per mille anni."
38,25,9,"Ninetales casts a sinister light from its bright red eyes to gain
total control over its foes mind. This Pokémon is said to live
for a thousand years."
38,25,11,"真っ赤な 瞳は 怪しい 光を 放ち
相手の 心を 自在に 操る。
1000年間 生きると いわれている。"
38,26,1,"9にんの せいなる ちからを もった せんにんが
がったいして うまれたという でんせつが ある。
ちのうが たかく ひとの ことばを りかいする。"
38,26,3,"성스러운 힘을 지닌 9명의 신선이
합체하여 태어났다는 전설이 있다.
지능이 높아서 사람의 말을 이해한다."
38,26,5,"La légende raconte que Feunard est apparu lorsque
neuf sorciers aux pouvoirs sacrés décidèrent de fusionner.
Ce Pokémon est très intelligent. Il comprend la langue
des hommes."
38,26,6,"Eine Legende besagt, dass Vulnona zu existieren begann,
als neun Zauberer mit heiligen Kräften zu einem verschmolzen.
Dieses Pokémon ist hochintelligent und versteht die
menschliche Sprache."
38,26,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que Ninetales nació de la fusión de nueve
hechiceros que tenían poderes sagrados. Este Pokémon es
realmente inteligente. Entiende el lenguaje humano."
38,26,8,"Narra la leggenda che Ninetales sia nato dalla fusione di
nove maghi dai sacri poteri in ununica creatura. Questo
Pokémon estremamente intelligente riesce a capire
il linguaggio umano."
38,26,9,"Legend has it that Ninetales came into being when
nine wizards possessing sacred powers merged into one.
This Pokémon is highly intelligent—it can understand
human speech."
38,26,11,"9人の 聖なる 力を 持った 仙人が
合体して 生まれたという 伝説が ある。
知能が 高く 人の 言葉を 理解する。"
38,27,1,"9にんの せいじゃが がったいし
キュウコンに なったという でんせつも
のこるほど しんぴにみちた ポケモン。"
38,27,3,"9명의 성자가 합체하여
나인테일이 되었다는 전설이
남을 정도로 신비함이 가득한 포켓몬."
38,27,5,"Laura mystique de ce Pokémon est telle quune
légende raconte que neuf grands sages ont
un jour fusionné pour devenir un Feunard."
38,27,6,"Einer Legende nach entstand dieses mystische
Pokémon, als einst neun Zauberer mit heiligen
Kräften zu einem verschmolzen."
38,27,7,"Siempre se le ha considerado un Pokémon
místico. Una leyenda asegura que se originó
a partir de la unión de nueve deidades."
38,27,8,"Questo Pokémon è avvolto nel mistero.
La leggenda narra che sia nato dalla fusione
di nove saggi."
38,27,9,"Legend has it that this mystical Pokémon was
formed when nine saints coalesced into one."
38,27,11,"9人の 聖者が 合体し
キュウコンに なったという 伝説も
残るほど 神秘に満ちた ポケモン。"
38,28,1,"1000ねん いきると いわれている。
じんつうりきで かえんを じざいに
あやつり えものを やきこがす。"
38,28,3,"1000년을 산다고 전해진다.
신통력으로 화염을 자유자재로
조종해서 먹이를 불태워버린다."
38,28,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon vit 1 000 ans.
Ses pouvoirs lui permettent de contrôler les
flammes à volonté pour griller ses proies."
38,28,6,"Man sagt, es könne bis zu 1000 Jahre alt
werden. Mit mystischen Kräften kontrolliert es
das Feuer und brät sich damit seine Beute."
38,28,7,"Se dice que este Pokémon llega a vivir mil años.
Con sus poderes, es capaz de controlar el fuego
a voluntad y calcinar a sus presas."
38,28,8,"Si dice che possa vivere mille anni.
Grazie ai suoi poteri magici, è in grado di
controllare le fiamme e incenerire le sue prede."
38,28,9,"Said to live for a thousand years, this Pokémon
uses its supernatural abilities to manipulate fire.
It can burn its prey to a crisp as it pleases."
38,28,11,"1000年 生きると いわれている。
神通力で 火炎を 自在に
操り 獲物を 焼き焦がす。"
38,29,1,"しつこく しゅうねんぶかい せいしつ。
1ど うらむと しそんを ふくめ
1000ねんかん たたりつづける。"
38,29,3,"끈질기고 집념이 강한 성질을 가졌다.
한 번 원한을 사면 자손을 포함해
1000년간 해를 입는다."
38,29,5,"Un Pokémon très rancunier. Sil est offensé,
son ressentiment peut poursuivre le coupable
et sa descendance pendant un millénaire."
38,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist sehr rachsüchtig. Wer
seinen Groll provoziert, den verfolgt bis in seine
Nachkommenschaft ein tausendjähriger Fluch."
38,29,7,"Un Pokémon extraordinariamente vengativo.
Si recibe una afrenta, su rencor puede perdurar
durante un milenio y trascender generaciones."
38,29,8,"È molto ostinato e vendicativo. Chi si attira il
suo rancore cade vittima di una maledizione
millenaria che si trasmette anche ai discendenti."
38,29,9,"It is vindictive and relentless by nature.
Those who cross it even once will be cursed for
a thousand years, along with their descendants."
38,29,11,"しつこく 執念深い 性質。
1度 恨むと 子孫を 含め
1000年間 祟り続ける。"
38,30,1,"くちから ふいた ゆらめく ほのおで
さいみん じょうたいにして えものを
おそう ひじょうに かしこいポケモン。"
38,30,3,"입에서 흔들리는 불꽃을 뿜어서
최면 상태로 만든 후에 먹이를
덮치는 매우 똑똑한 포켓몬이다."
38,30,5,"Un Pokémon extrêmement intelligent qui crache
des flammes vacillantes pour hypnotiser
et capturer ses proies."
38,30,6,"Ein höchst intelligentes Pokémon. Es speit
zuckende Flammen aus dem Mund, um seine
Beute vor dem Angriff zu hypnotisieren."
38,30,7,"Este Pokémon es sumamente inteligente.
Controla las llamas que expele por la boca para
hipnotizar y capturar a sus presas."
38,30,8,"È un Pokémon estremamente intelligente.
Dalla bocca sputa fiammelle con cui
ipnotizza le prede prima di attaccarle."
38,30,9,"The flickering flames it spews from its mouth
leave its opponents hypnotized. Then, this
extremely intelligent Pokémon attacks."
38,30,11,"口から 吹いた 揺らめく 炎で
催眠 状態にして 獲物を
襲う 非常に 賢いポケモン。"
38,31,1,"9にんの せいじゃが がったいして
このポケモンに うまれかわったと
いいつたえに のこっている。"
38,31,3,"9명의 성자가 합체하여
이 포켓몬으로 다시 태어났다는
전설이 남아 있다."
38,31,5,"Selon la légende, neuf sages se sont unis
et incarnés dans ce Pokémon mystique."
38,31,6,"Einer Sage nach ist Vulnona die Wiedergeburt
der Seelen von neun edlen Zauberern, die
miteinander verschmolzen sind."
38,31,7,"De acuerdo con una antigua leyenda, este
Pokémon es la reencarnación de nueve
deidades que se unieron en un solo ser."
38,31,8,"Narra la leggenda che le anime di nove saggi
si siano unite e reincarnate in questo Pokémon."
38,31,9,"According to an enduring legend, nine noble
saints were united and reincarnated
as this Pokémon."
38,31,11,"9人の 聖者が 合体して
このポケモンに 生まれかわったと
言い伝えに 残っている。"
38,32,1,"9にんの せいじゃが がったいして
このポケモンに うまれかわったと
いいつたえに のこっている。"
38,32,3,"9명의 성자가 합체하여
이 포켓몬으로 다시 태어났다는
전설이 남아 있다."
38,32,5,"Selon la légende, neuf sages se sont unis
et incarnés dans ce Pokémon mystique."
38,32,6,"Einer Sage nach ist Vulnona die Wiedergeburt
der Seelen von neun edlen Zauberern, die
miteinander verschmolzen sind."
38,32,7,"De acuerdo con una antigua leyenda, este
Pokémon es la reencarnación de nueve
deidades que se unieron en un solo ser."
38,32,8,"Narra la leggenda che le anime di nove saggi
si siano unite e reincarnate in questo Pokémon."
38,32,9,"According to an enduring legend, nine noble
saints were united and reincarnated
as this Pokémon."
38,32,11,"9人の 聖者が 合体して
このポケモンに 生まれかわったと
言い伝えに 残っている。"
38,33,1,"しっぽの いっぽん いっぽんに
じんつうりきが こめられている。
1000ねん いきると いわれる。"
38,33,3,"꼬리 하나하나에
신통력이 담겨 있다.
1000년을 산다고 한다."
38,33,5,"On dit quil vit 1000 ans et que chacune
de ses queues a un pouvoir magique."
38,33,6,"Man sagt, es lebe 1000 Jahre und jedem seiner
Schweife wohnen übernatürliche Kräfte inne."
38,33,7,"Cuentan que llega a vivir hasta mil años y que
cada una de las colas posee poderes
38,33,8,"Dicono che viva un millennio. Ognuna delle sue
code è dotata di un potere magico."
38,33,9,"It is said to live 1,000 years, and each of its tails
is loaded with supernatural powers."
38,33,11,"しっぽの 1本 1本に
神通力が 込められている。
1000年 生きると 言われる。"
38,34,1,"あたまがよくて しゅうねんぶかい。
ふざけて しっぽを つかむと
1000ねん たたられるという。"
38,34,3,"머리가 좋고 집념이 강하다.
장난으로 꼬리를 잡으면
1000년 동안 화를 입는다고 한다."
38,34,5,"Il est très intelligent et rancunier.
Quiconque attrape une de ses queues se fera
maudire pour 1000 ans."
38,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist intelligent, aber rachsüchtig.
Wer zum Spaß einen seiner Schweife ergreift,
kann sich einen tausendjährigen Fluch einhandeln."
38,34,7,"Muy inteligente y vengativo. Agarrar una de sus
colas podría traer 1000 años de mala suerte."
38,34,8,"Molto intelligente e vendicativo. Chi gli afferra
una coda rischia una maledizione millenaria."
38,34,9,"Very smart and very vengeful. Grabbing one of
its many tails could result in a 1,000-year curse."
38,34,11,"頭が良くて 執念深い。
ふざけて しっぽを つかむと
1000年 たたられるという。"
39,1,9,"When its huge eyes
light up, it sings
a mysteriouslysoothing melody
that lulls its
enemies to sleep."
39,2,9,"When its huge eyes
light up, it sings
a mysteriouslysoothing melody
that lulls its
enemies to sleep."
39,3,9,"Uses its alluring
eyes to enrapture
its foe. It thensings a pleasing
melody that lulls
the foe to sleep."
39,4,9,"If it inflates to
SING a lullaby, it
can perform longerand cause sure
drowsiness in its
39,5,9,"Looking into its
cute, round eyes
causes it to singa relaxing melody,
inducing its
enemies to sleep."
39,6,9,"It rolls its cute
eyes as it sings a
soothing lullaby.Its gentle song
puts anyone who
hears it to sleep."
39,7,9,"JIGGLYPUFFs vocal chords can freely
adjust the wavelength of its voice.
This POKéMON uses this ability to singat precisely the right wavelength to
make its foes most drowsy."
39,8,9,"When this POKéMON sings, it never
pauses to breathe. If it is in a battle
against an opponent that does noteasily fall asleep, JIGGLYPUFF cannot
breathe, endangering its life."
39,9,9,"Nothing can avoid falling asleep hearing a
JIGGLYPUFFs song. The sound waves of its
singing voice match the brain waves of
someone in a deep sleep."
39,10,9,"It captivates foes with its huge, round
eyes, then lulls them to sleep by singing
a soothing melody."
39,11,9,"When its huge eyes waver, it sings a
mysteriously soothing melody that lulls
its enemies to sleep."
39,12,9,"When it wavers its big, round
eyes, it begins singing a lullaby
that makes everyone drowsy."
39,13,9,"When it wavers its big, round
eyes, it begins singing a lullaby
that makes everyone drowsy."
39,14,9,"When it wavers its big, round
eyes, it begins singing a lullaby
that makes everyone drowsy."
39,15,9,"If it inflates to sing a lullaby,
it can perform longer and cause
sure drowsiness in its audience."
39,16,9,"Looking into its cute, round eyes
causes it to sing a relaxing melody,
inducing its enemies to sleep."
39,17,5,"Lorsquil roule ses grands yeux
ronds, il entonne une berceuse
qui endort son auditoire."
39,17,9,"When it wavers its big, round
eyes, it begins singing a lullaby
that makes everyone drowsy."
39,18,5,"Lorsquil roule ses grands yeux
ronds, il entonne une berceuse
qui endort son auditoire."
39,18,9,"When it wavers its big, round
eyes, it begins singing a lullaby
that makes everyone drowsy."
39,21,9,"Looking into its cute, round eyes makes
it start singing a song so pleasant
listeners cant help but fall asleep."
39,22,9,"Looking into its cute, round eyes makes
it start singing a song so pleasant
listeners cant help but fall asleep."
39,23,1,"まるくて おおきい ひとみで
さそいこみ ここちよい うたを
うたい あいてを ねむらせる。"
39,23,3,"동그랗고 커다란 눈동자로
유인하고 기분 좋은 노래를
불러 상대방을 잠들게 한다."
39,23,5,"Il hypnotise ses ennemis grâce à ses grands yeux
avant de les plonger dans un profond sommeil en
chantant une douce mélopée."
39,23,6,"Es fesselt die Gegner mit seinen großen,
runden Augen und versetzt sie in Schlaf,
indem es eine beruhigende Melodie singt."
39,23,7,"Cautiva con la mirada a su enemigo y hace que se
quede profundamente dormido mientras entona una
dulce melodía."
39,23,8,"Cattura lattenzione dei nemici grazie agli enormi
occhi rotondi, per poi farli addormentare con una
dolce ninnananna."
39,23,9,"It captivates foes with its huge, round eyes,
then lulls them to sleep by singing a
soothing melody."
39,23,11,"まるくて 大きい 瞳で 誘いこみ
心地よい 歌を 歌い
相手を 眠らせる。"
39,24,1,"おおきく からだを ふくらませてから
うたう こもりうたは いつもより
ながくて ぜったいに ねむくなる。"
39,24,3,"크게 몸을 부풀려
노래하는 자장가는 평소보다
길어서 반드시 잠이 온다."
39,24,5,"En se gonflant, il peut chanter une longue berceuse
qui endort inévitablement ses adversaires."
39,24,6,"Wenn es Gesang einsetzt, steigt seine Ausdauer
und seine Zuhörer werden in Tiefschlaf versetzt."
39,24,7,"Si se hincha para cantar una nana, cantará más tiempo
y podría causar sopor en el público."
39,24,8,"Se si gonfia e usa il suo Canto diventa più resistente
e causa una forte sonnolenza in chi lo ascolta."
39,24,9,"If it inflates to sing a lullaby, it can perform longer
and cause sure drowsiness in its audience."
39,24,11,"大きく 体を ふくらませてから
歌う 子守歌は いつもより
長くて ぜったいに 眠くなる。"
39,25,1,"こえの はちょうを じざいに かえる せいたいを
もっているので あいてが いちばん ねむくなる
はちょうで うたを うたう ことが できる。"
39,25,3,"목소리의 파장을 자유로이 바꿀 수 있는
성대가 있어서 상대가 가장 졸리게 되는
파장으로 노래를 부를 수 있다."
39,25,5,"Rondoudou utilise ses cordes vocales pour ajuster librement
la longueur donde de sa voix. Cela permet à ce Pokémon
de chanter en utilisant une longueur donde qui endort
ses ennemis."
39,25,6,"Pummeluffs Stimmbänder können die Tonlage seiner Stimme
beliebig variieren. Dieses Pokémon benutzt diese Fähigkeit,
um seine Gegner mit monotonem Gesang in Tiefschlaf zu
39,25,7,"Jigglypuff tiene unas cuerdas vocales que ajustan sin problema
la longitud de onda de su voz. Este Pokémon usa la habilidad
que tiene para cantar con la longitud de onda necesaria para
adormecer a su rival."
39,25,8,"Le corde vocali di Jigglypuff gli consentono di cantare
esattamente alla lunghezza donda richiesta per
addormentare il suo avversario."
39,25,9,"Jigglypuffs vocal cords can freely adjust the wavelength of its
voice. This Pokémon uses this ability to sing at precisely the
right wavelength to make its foes most drowsy."
39,25,11,"声の 波長を 自在に 変える 声帯を
持っているので 相手が いちばん 眠くなる
波長で 歌を 歌う ことが できる。"
39,26,1,"うたう ときは いちども いきつぎをしない。
なかなか ねむらない てきを あいてに した
ときは いきを できない プリンも いのちがけ。"
39,26,3,"노래할 때는 한 번도 숨을 쉬지 않는다.
어지간히 잠들지 않는 상대와 맞설 때는
숨을 쉴 수 없기에 푸린도 필사적이다."
39,26,5,"Lorsque ce Pokémon chante, il ne sarrête pas pour respirer.
Quand il se bat contre un adversaire quil ne peut pas
facilement endormir, Rondoudou reste donc sans respirer,
mettant sa vie en danger."
39,26,6,"Während dieses Pokémon singt, holt es niemals Luft.
Im Kampf gegen einen Gegner, der nicht so leicht in Schlaf
zu versetzen ist, kann Pummeluff nicht atmen. Leider gefährdet
es sich dadurch selbst."
39,26,7,"Cuando este Pokémon canta, no para nunca para respirar.
Si en combate el enemigo no se queda dormido con facilidad,
Jigglypuff no podrá respirar y su vida correrá peligro."
39,26,8,"Quando canta, Jigglypuff non si ferma a prendere fiato.
Se lotta contro un nemico che non si addormenta facilmente,
non respira rischiando così di esaurire tutte le sue energie."
39,26,9,"When this Pokémon sings, it never pauses to breathe.
If it is in a battle against an opponent that does not easily
fall asleep, Jigglypuff cannot breathe, endangering its life."
39,26,11,"歌う ときは 一度も 息継ぎをしない。
中々 眠らない 敵を 相手に した
ときは 息を 出来ない プリンも 命懸け。"
39,27,1,"おおきく おなかを ふくらませて
ふしぎな メロディーを うたう。
きくと すぐに ねむくなるぞ。"
39,27,3,"배를 크게 부풀려서
신비한 멜로디를 노래한다.
들으면 바로 졸음이 쏟아진다."
39,27,5,"Ce Pokémon aime inspirer profondément
et chanter une mélodie mystérieuse qui endort
immédiatement tous ceux qui lentendent."
39,27,6,"Es kann tief einatmen und seinen Bauch mit Luft
füllen, um ein sonderbares Lied anzustimmen.
Wer dieses hört, schläft auf der Stelle ein."
39,27,7,"Hincha su vientre considerablemente y entona
una melodía misteriosa que duerme en el acto
a todo aquel que la oye."
39,27,8,"Gonfia la pancia per cantare una melodia
misteriosa che fa addormentare chiunque
39,27,9,"It hugely inflates its stomach and sings a
mysterious melody. If you hear this melody,
youll become sleepy right away."
39,27,11,"大きく お腹を 膨らませて
不思議な メロディーを 歌う。
聞くと すぐに 眠くなるぞ。"
39,28,1,"12オクターブを こえる せいいきを
もつが うたが うまいか どうかは
それぞれの プリンの どりょくしだい。"
39,28,3,"12옥타브를 넘는 음역을
지녔지만 노래를 잘하는지는
푸린 저마다의 노력에 달렸다."
39,28,5,"Cette espèce possède une tessiture de douze
octaves, mais la beauté du chant dépend des
efforts déployés par chaque individu."
39,28,6,"Sein Stimmumfang übersteigt zwölf Oktaven.
Wie gut ein Pummeluff singen kann, hängt
jedoch davon ab, wie fleißig es übt."
39,28,7,"Su tesitura suele ser de 12 octavas, pero su
habilidad en el canto dependerá del esfuerzo
que realice cada individuo."
39,28,8,"Ha unestensione vocale più ampia di 12 ottave.
Labilità nel canto è diversa da un esemplare
allaltro e dipende dalla dedizione personale."
39,28,9,"Jigglypuff possess a vocal range that exceeds
12 octaves, but each individuals singing skill
depends on its own effort."
39,28,11,"12オクターブを 超える 声域を
持つが 歌が 上手いか どうかは
それぞれの プリンの 努力次第。"
39,29,1,"デパートの しんぐコーナーには
プリンの ふしぎな こもりうたを
しゅうろくしたCDが うられている。"
39,29,3,"백화점 침구 코너에는
푸린의 신비한 자장가를
수록한 CD를 판매하고 있다."
39,29,5,"Les rayons literie des magasins proposent
généralement des CD de berceuses chantées
par des Rondoudou."
39,29,6,"In der Bettenabteilung von Kaufhäusern erhält
man auch CDs mit Pummeluffs wundersam
einlullendem Gesang."
39,29,7,"En la sección de muebles de dormitorio de los
grandes almacenes se pueden encontrar discos
recopilatorios de nanas cantadas por Jigglypuff."
39,29,8,"Ai grandi magazzini nel reparto camera da letto
sono in vendita dei CD con la registrazione della
misteriosa ninnananna cantata da Jigglypuff."
39,29,9,"Recordings of Jigglypuffs strange lullabies can
be purchased from department stores. These
CDs can be found near the bedding area."
39,29,11,"デパートの 寝具コーナーには
プリンの 不思議な 子守唄を
収録した CDが 売られている。"
39,30,1,"うたう うたは すむ ちほうによって
ぜんぜん ちがっている。 なかには
シャウトするような ものまで あるぞ。"
39,30,3,"부르는 노래는 서식하는 지방에
따라 전혀 다르다. 그중에는
샤우팅하는 듯한 노래도 있다."
39,30,5,"Les airs quil chante varient selon la région
où il habite. Certains chants sapparentent
à des hurlements."
39,30,6,"Sein Gesang unterscheidet sich je nach der
Region, in der es lebt. Mancherorts erinnert er
mehr an Geschrei."
39,30,7,"Su canto varía enormemente de una región a
otra. En algunos casos, más que cantos parecen
39,30,8,"Il suo canto è diversissimo a seconda della
regione in cui vive. In alcuni casi, più che
cantare sembra quasi che urli."
39,30,9,"The songs they sing are totally different
depending on the region they live in. Some even
sound like theyre shouting!"
39,30,11,"歌う 歌は 棲む 地方によって
全然 違っている。 中には
シャウトするような ものまで あるぞ。"
39,31,1,"つぶらな ひとみで あいてを
みつめたあと ふしぎで ここちよい
うたを きかせて ねむらせてしまう。"
39,31,3,"초롱초롱한 눈동자로 상대를
바라본 다음 이상하고 기분 좋은
노래를 불러서 잠들게 한다."
39,31,5,"Il déstabilise ses adversaires grâce à son regard,
puis chante une berceuse pour les endormir."
39,31,6,"Es betört Gegner mit seinen Kulleraugen und
singt ihnen dann ein mysteriöses, wohlklingendes
Lied vor, das sie in den Schlaf lullt."
39,31,7,"Tras fijar su tierna mirada en el objetivo,
entona una dulce y misteriosa melodía para
39,31,8,"Usa gli enormi occhi per ammaliare i
nemici, poi canta una dolce melodia per
39,31,9,"Uses its cute round eyes to enrapture its foe.
It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls
the foe to sleep."
39,31,11,"つぶらな 瞳で 相手を
見つめたあと 不思議で 心地よい
歌を 聴かせて 眠らせてしまう。"
39,32,1,"つぶらな ひとみで あいてを
みつめたあと ふしぎで ここちよい
うたを きかせて ねむらせてしまう。"
39,32,3,"초롱초롱한 눈동자로 상대를
바라본 다음 이상하고 기분 좋은
노래를 불러서 잠들게 한다."
39,32,5,"Il déstabilise ses adversaires grâce à son regard,
puis chante une berceuse pour les endormir."
39,32,6,"Es betört Gegner mit seinen Kulleraugen und
singt ihnen dann ein mysteriöses, wohlklingendes
Lied vor, das sie in den Schlaf lullt."
39,32,7,"Tras fijar su tierna mirada en el objetivo,
entona una dulce y misteriosa melodía para
39,32,8,"Usa gli enormi occhi per ammaliare i
nemici, poi canta una dolce melodia per
39,32,9,"Uses its cute round eyes to enrapture its foe.
It then sings a pleasing melody that lulls
the foe to sleep."
39,32,11,"つぶらな 瞳で 相手を
見つめたあと 不思議で 心地よい
歌を 聴かせて 眠らせてしまう。"
39,33,1,"はいかつりょうは ポケモンかいでも
トップクラス。 あいてが ねむるまで
こもりうたを うたいつづけるぞ。"
39,33,3,"폐활량은 포켓몬 중에서도
톱클래스다. 상대가 잠들 때까지
자장가를 계속 부른다."
39,33,5,"Il a une des meilleures capacités pulmonaires
parmi les Pokémon. Il chante des berceuses à
son adversaire jusquà ce que sommeil sensuive."
39,33,6,"Sein Lungenvolumen übersteigt das der meisten
anderen Pokémon. Es singt so lange Schlaflieder,
bis seine Gegner eingenickt sind."
39,33,7,"Su capacidad pulmonar es excepcional, incluso
para un Pokémon. Es capaz de cantar nanas sin
cesar hasta que su rival se duerma."
39,33,8,"Dotato di una capacità polmonare fra le migliori
nel mondo Pokémon, canta una ninnananna
finché il suo avversario non saddormenta."
39,33,9,"Jigglypuff has top-notch lung capacity, even by
comparison to other Pokémon. It wont stop
singing its lullabies until its foes fall asleep."
39,33,11,"肺活量は ポケモン界でも
トップクラス。 相手が 眠るまで
子守唄を 歌いつづけるぞ。"
39,34,1,"こえの はちょうを じざいに かえて
きくと ぜったいに ねむくなる
ふしぎな メロディーを うたう。"
39,34,3,"목소리 파장을 자유자재로 바꾸어
들으면 반드시 잠드는
신비한 멜로디를 노래한다."
39,34,5,"Il module librement la longueur donde de
sa voix pour chanter une étrange mélodie
qui endort à tous les coups celui qui lécoute."
39,34,6,"Es kann die Tonlage seiner Stimme beliebig
variieren, um eine mysteriöse Melodie zu singen,
die jeden in Schlaf versetzt, der sie hört."
39,34,7,"Posee la capacidad de modular su voz a voluntad
cambiando la longitud de onda para entonar una
melodía misteriosa que provoca adormecimiento."
39,34,8,"Modulando a piacere la lunghezza donda della
sua voce, canta una melodia misteriosa che fa
addormentare immancabilmente chi la ascolta."
39,34,9,"By freely changing the wavelength of its voice,
Jigglypuff sings a mysterious melody sure to
make any listener sleepy."
39,34,11,"声の 波長を 自在に 変えて
聞くと 絶対に 眠くなる
不思議な メロディーを 歌う。"
40,1,9,"The body is soft
and rubbery. When
angered, it willsuck in air and
inflate itself to
an enormous size."
40,2,9,"The body is soft
and rubbery. When
angered, it willsuck in air and
inflate itself to
an enormous size."
40,3,9,"Its body is full
of elasticity. By
inhaling deeply,it can continue
to inflate itself
without limit."
40,4,9,"Their fur feels so
good that if two
of them snuggletogether, they
won't want to be
40,5,9,"It has a very fine
fur. Take care not
to make it angry,or it may inflate
steadily and hit
with a BODY SLAM."
40,6,9,"The rich, fluffy
fur that covers
its body feels sogood that anyone
who feels it can't
stop touching it."
40,7,9,"WIGGLYTUFF has large, saucerlike eyes.
The surfaces of its eyes are always
covered with a thin layer of tears.If any dust gets in this POKéMONs
eyes, it is quickly washed away."
40,8,9,"WIGGLYTUFFs body is very flexible.
By inhaling deeply, this POKéMON can
inflate itself seemingly without end.Once inflated, WIGGLYTUFF bounces
along lightly like a balloon."
40,9,9,"Its fur is the ultimate in luxuriousness.
Sleeping alongside a WIGGLYTUFF is simply
divine. Its body expands seemingly without
end when it inhales."
40,10,9,"Its fur is extremely fine, dense, and
supple. The exquisitely pleasant fur
conveys an image of luxury."
40,11,9,"The body is soft and rubbery. When
angered, it will suck in air and inflate
itself to an enormous size."
40,12,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the
touch. It can expand its body by
inhaling air."
40,13,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the
touch. It can expand its body by
inhaling air."
40,14,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the
touch. It can expand its body by
inhaling air."
40,15,9,"Their fur feels so good that if two
of them snuggle together,
they wont want to be separated."
40,16,9,"It has a very fine fur. Take care not
to make it angry, or it may inflate
steadily and hit with a body slam."
40,17,5,"Sa fourrure est dune douceur
incomparable au toucher. Il 
peut gonfler en aspirant de lair."
40,17,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the
touch. It can expand its body by
inhaling air."
40,18,5,"Sa fourrure est dune douceur
incomparable au toucher. Il 
peut gonfler en aspirant de lair."
40,18,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the
touch. It can expand its body by
inhaling air."
40,21,9,"Its fine fur feels so pleasant,
those who accidentally touch it
cannot take their hands away."
40,22,9,"Its fine fur feels so pleasant,
those who accidentally touch it
cannot take their hands away."
40,23,1,"2ひき よりそいあうと おたがいの
けがわが きもちよすぎて
はなれられなく なってしまう。"
40,23,3,"2마리가 바싹 붙어 있으면 서로의
털이 너무 기분 좋아서
떨어지지 않게 되어버린다."
40,23,5,"Leur fourrure est si douce que sils se font des câlins,
ils ne voudront plus se séparer."
40,23,6,"Sein Fell ist so flauschig, dass, wenn zwei
zusammenstehen, sie nicht getrennt werden möchten."
40,23,7,"Su piel es tan suave que si dos de ellos se acurrucan
juntos, no querrán separarse nunca."
40,23,8,"Hanno un pelo così morbido che se due di loro
si abbracciano non vogliono più separarsi."
40,23,9,"Their fur feels so good that if two of them snuggle
together, they wont want to be separated."
40,23,11,"2匹 寄り添いあうと お互いの
毛皮が 気持ち良すぎて
離れられなく なってしまう。"
40,24,1,"ボディーに だんりょくせいが あり
おこらせると いきを すいこんで
どんどん おおきく ふくらむ。"
40,24,3,"몸에 탄력성이 있어
화나게 하면 숨을 들이켜서
점점 몸을 크게 부풀린다."
40,24,5,"En cas de danger, il gonfle dair son corps doux et
potelé dans des proportions gigantesques."
40,24,6,"Der Körper dieses Pokémon ist sehr elastisch.
Bei Gefahr bläht es sich zu enormer Körpergröße auf."
40,24,7,"Su cuerpo es blando y gomoso. Cuando se enfada,
traga aire y se hincha muchísimo."
40,24,8,"Il suo corpo è morbido e gommoso. Se si arrabbia,
aspira aria e si gonfia enormemente."
40,24,9,"The body is soft and rubbery. When angered,
it will suck in air and inflate itself to an
enormous size."
40,24,11,"ボディーに 弾力性が あり
怒らせると 息を 吸いこんで
どんどん 大きく ふくらむ。"
40,25,1,"おおきな まるい ひとみの ひょうめんには
なみだの うすい まくが いつも はっている。
ほこりが ついても すぐに あらい ながされる。"
40,25,3,"크고 동그란 눈동자 표면에는
항상 얇은 눈물 막이 쳐져 있다.
먼지가 들어가도 바로 씻겨 나간다."
40,25,5,"Grodoudou a des yeux immenses et écarquillés. La surface
de ses yeux est couverte dune fine couche de larmes.
Si de la poussière est projetée dans les yeux de ce Pokémon,
elle est rapidement évacuée."
40,25,6,"Knuddeluff hat handtellergroße Augen, die immer mit
Tränenflüssigkeit bedeckt sind. Gerät Staub in die Augen
dieses Pokémon, so wird dieser sofort ausgespült."
40,25,7,"Wigglytuff tiene unos ojos enormes con forma de platillo, que
siempre están cubiertos de lágrimas. Si se le metiera algo en
el ojo, enseguida se le saldría solo."
40,25,8,"Wigglytuff è dotato di occhi grandi come dischi, resi lucidi
da un sottile strato lacrimale in superficie. Se gli va della
polvere negli occhi, questa è lavata via subito."
40,25,9,"Wigglytuff has large, saucerlike eyes. The surfaces of its eyes
are always covered with a thin layer of tears. If any dust gets in
this Pokémons eyes, it is quickly washed away."
40,25,11,"大きな 丸い 瞳の 表面には
涙の 薄い 膜が いつも 張っている。
ほこりが ついても すぐ 洗い 流される。"
40,26,1,"だんりょくせいに すぐれた からだは おおきく
いきを すいこむと どこまでも ふくれていく。
ふくらんだ プクリンは ふんわり はねるよ。"
40,26,3,"탄력이 뛰어난 몸은 크게
숨을 들이마시면 한없이 부푼다.
부푼 푸크린은 두둥실 떠오른다."
40,26,5,"Le corps de Grodoudou est très élastique. Sil inspire
profondément, ce Pokémon peut se gonfler à volonté.
Une fois gonflé, Grodoudou peut rebondir comme un ballon."
40,26,6,"Knuddeluffs Körper ist sehr dehnbar. Indem es tief einatmet,
kann sich dieses Pokémon selbst aufblasen. Wenn es
aufgepumpt ist, hüpft es wie ein Luftballon umher."
40,26,7,"El cuerpo de Wigglytuff es muy flexible. Dicen que, al aspirar
aire, puede hincharse sin límites. Y, una vez hinchado, se
pone a botar como si fuera una pelota."
40,26,8,"Wigglytuff è molto elastico. Se respira profondamente, questo
Pokémon riesce a gonfiarsi praticamente allinfinito. Una volta
gonfio, Wigglytuff rimbalza leggero come un pallone."
40,26,9,"Wigglytuffs body is very flexible. By inhaling deeply,
this Pokémon can inflate itself seemingly without end.
Once inflated, Wigglytuff bounces along lightly like a balloon."
40,26,11,"弾力性に 優れた 体は 大きく
息を 吸い込むと どこまでも 膨れていく。
膨らんだ プクリンは ふんわり 跳ねるよ。"
40,27,1,"ふわふわの けは きせつの かわりめに
ぬけおちる。 それを ひろいあつめて
つむいだ けいとは こうきゅうひん。"
40,27,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 계절이 바뀔 때
빠진다. 그걸 모아서
뽑아낸 털실은 고급품이다."
40,27,5,"Son pelage est doux et soyeux, mais il en
change à chaque saison. Certains le récupèrent
et en font des manteaux de grand luxe."
40,27,6,"Pünktlich zum Wechsel der Jahreszeiten streift
es sein kuschelig weiches Fell ab. Der Stoff, der
sich daraus spinnen lässt, gilt als Luxusgut."
40,27,7,"Este Pokémon muda con las estaciones su
pelaje suave y sedoso, que algunos recogen
para elaborar artículos de lujo."
40,27,8,"Al cambio di stagione perde il suo morbido
manto, che può essere raccolto e filato per
realizzare prodotti di lusso."
40,27,9,"It sheds its fine fur when the seasons change.
The fur is gathered and spun into a
luxurious yarn."
40,27,11,"ふわふわの 毛は 季節の 変わり目に
抜け落ちる。 それを 拾い集めて
紡いだ 毛糸は 高級品。"
40,28,1,"いきを すって どんどん ふくらむ。
プクリンどうしは どっちが おおきく
ふくらめるか しょうぶ するよ。"
40,28,3,"숨을 들이마셔서 점점 부풀어 오른다.
푸크린끼리는 누가 크게
부풀어 오르나 대결한다."
40,28,5,"Il aime se gonfler dair au maximum. Les conflits
de Grodoudou se règlent en regardant lequel
réussit à se faire plus gros que les autres."
40,28,6,"Es kann sich größer machen, indem es Luft
einatmet. Mit Artgenossen wetteifert es, wer
sich am meisten aufblasen kann."
40,28,7,"Puede hinchar su cuerpo tragando aire. Los
Wigglytuff suelen competir para ver quién es
capaz de hincharse más."
40,28,8,"Respira profondamente per gonfiarsi più
che può. Fa a gara con altri Wigglytuff a chi
si gonfia di più."
40,28,9,"As it inhales, it expands...and expands...and
expands. Wigglytuff compete to see which one
can inflate itself the most."
40,28,11,"息を 吸って どんどん 膨らむ。
プクリン同士は どっちが 大きく
膨らめるか 勝負 するよ。"
40,29,1,"だんりょくの ある ボディーと
キメこまやかな けがわが にんき。
だきしめて ねると きもちいい。"
40,29,3,"탄력 있는 몸과
세밀한 결의 모피가 인기다.
껴안고 자면 기분 좋다."
40,29,5,"Il est célébré pour son corps élastique et son
pelage soyeux. Quel bonheur que de faire une
sieste en serrant un Grodoudou contre soi!"
40,29,6,"Dank seines elastischen Körpers und feinen
Fells ist es sehr beliebt. Es fühlt sich herrlich
an, mit Knuddeluff in den Armen einzuschlafen."
40,29,7,"Su cuerpo flexible y su pelaje suave y sedoso lo
hacen muy popular. Muchos encuentran
reconfortante dormir abrazándolo."
40,29,8,"È molto amato per lelasticità del suo corpo
e la morbidezza della sua pelliccia. Dormire
abbracciati a questo Pokémon è molto piacevole."
40,29,9,"Thanks to its bouncy body and fine fur,
this Pokémon is sought after. Holding one
in your arms while you sleep feels great."
40,29,11,"弾力の ある ボディーと
キメ細やかな 毛皮が 人気。
抱きしめて 寝ると 気持ちいい。"
40,30,1,"おこると おもいっきり いきを
すいこみ どんどん ふくらんでいく。
なんと 20ばいに なることもある。"
40,30,3,"화가 나면 힘껏 숨을
들이쉬어서 점점 부풀어 오른다.
무려 20배로 커질 때도 있다."
40,30,5,"Lorsquil se fâche, il se gonfle dair et peut
atteindre jusquà vingt fois son volume normal."
40,30,6,"Ist es verärgert, atmet es möglichst viel Luft ein
und bläst damit sein Volumen auf das bis zu
Zwanzigfache auf."
40,30,7,"Cuando se enfada, inhala con fuerza e hincha
su cuerpo hasta aumentar incluso 20 veces su
tamaño normal."
40,30,8,"Se si arrabbia, aspira quanta più aria possibile
e si gonfia enormemente, fino ad aumentare la
sua taglia anche di 20 volte."
40,30,9,"When it gets angry, it inhales with all its might,
and its body gradually inflates. Sometimes they
can grow 20 times larger!"
40,30,11,"怒ると 思いっきり 息を
吸い込み どんどん 膨らんでいく。
なんと 20倍に なることもある。"
40,31,1,"だんりょくせいに すぐれた からだは
おおきく いきを すいこむと
どこまでも ふくらんでいく。"
40,31,3,"탄력성이 뛰어난 몸은
크게 숨을 들이마시면
끝없이 부풀어 오른다."
40,31,5,"Son corps est malléable. En aspirant de lair,
il se gonfle jusquà atteindre des proportions
40,31,6,"Knuddeluff verfügt über einen sehr elastischen
Körper. Es kann sich mit einem tiefen Atemzug
zu schier grenzenloser Größe aufblasen."
40,31,7,"Su cuerpo es muy elástico. Cuando inhala aire
profundamente, puede inflarse sin límite."
40,31,8,"Il suo corpo è estremamente elastico e può
gonfiarsi fino a dimensioni impressionanti."
40,31,9,"Its body is very elastic. By inhaling deeply,
it can continue to inflate itself without limit."
40,31,11,"弾力性に すぐれた 体は
大きく 息を 吸い込むと
どこまでも 膨らんでいく。"
40,32,1,"だんりょくせいに すぐれた からだは
おおきく いきを すいこむと
どこまでも ふくらんでいく。"
40,32,3,"탄력성이 뛰어난 몸은
크게 숨을 들이마시면
끝없이 부풀어 오른다."
40,32,5,"Son corps est malléable. En aspirant de lair,
il se gonfle jusquà atteindre des proportions
40,32,6,"Knuddeluff verfügt über einen sehr elastischen
Körper. Es kann sich mit einem tiefen Atemzug
zu schier grenzenloser Größe aufblasen."
40,32,7,"Su cuerpo es muy elástico. Cuando inhala aire
profundamente, puede inflarse sin límite."
40,32,8,"Il suo corpo è estremamente elastico e può
gonfiarsi fino a dimensioni impressionanti."
40,32,9,"Its body is very elastic. By inhaling deeply,
it can continue to inflate itself without limit."
40,32,11,"弾力性に すぐれた 体は
大きく 息を 吸い込むと
どこまでも 膨らんでいく。"
40,33,1,"いきを すえば すうほど ふくらむ。
ふきげんになると からだを おおきく
ふくらませて あいてを いあつする。"
40,33,3,"숨을 들이쉬면 쉴수록 몸이 부푼다.
기분이 나빠지면 몸을 커다랗게
부풀려 상대에게 위압을 가한다."
40,33,5,"Son corps gonfle à mesure quil inspire de lair.
Il se sert de cette particularité pour se grandir
et intimider son adversaire quand il est en colère."
40,33,6,"Je mehr Luft es einatmet, desto größer wird es.
Ist es verärgert, bläst es seinen Körper enorm auf
und schüchtert so seine Gegner ein."
40,33,7,"Cuanto más aire inhala, más aumenta de tamaño.
Si se enfada, hincha el cuerpo con el fin de
intimidar a su oponente."
40,33,8,"Più aria inala, più il suo corpo si gonfia.
Se è di cattivo umore, si gonfia per intimidire
40,33,9,"The more air it takes in, the more it inflates. If
opponents catch it in a bad mood, it will inflate
itself to an enormous size to intimidate them."
40,33,11,"息を 吸えば 吸うほど 膨らむ。
不機嫌になると 体を 大きく
膨らませて 相手を 威圧する。"
40,34,1,"キメこまやかな たいもうが じまん。
とくに ひたいの まきげは てんにも
のぼる ごくじょうの てざわり。"
40,34,3,"얇고 고운 털을 가졌다.
특히 이마에 동그랗게 말린 털은
하늘을 날 듯한 최고의 감촉을 지녔다."
40,34,5,"Sa fourrure soyeuse fait sa fierté. La touffe
sur son front est si douce que la caresser
donne limpression dêtre sur un petit nuage."
40,34,6,"Knuddeluffs weiches Fell ist sein ganzer Stolz.
Besonders die Locke auf seiner Stirn fühlt sich
herrlich an."
40,34,7,"Se enorgullece de su pelaje fino y sedoso. El rizo
de la frente, en especial, posee un tacto sublime."
40,34,8,"Va molto fiero del suo manto soffice. Il ricciolo
sulla fronte, in particolare, suscita una sensazione
sublime al tatto."
40,34,9,"Its proud of its fur, which is fine and delicate.
In particular, the curl on its forehead has a
texture thats perfectly heavenly."
40,34,11,"きめ細やかな 体毛が 自慢。
とくに 額の 巻き毛は
天にも 昇る 極上の 手触り。"
41,1,9,"Forms colonies in
perpetually dark
places. Usesultrasonic waves
to identify and
approach targets."
41,2,9,"Forms colonies in
perpetually dark
places. Usesultrasonic waves
to identify and
approach targets."
41,3,9,"Emits ultrasonic
cries while it
flies. They actas a sonar used
to check for ob­
jects in its way."
41,4,9,"While flying, it
constantly emits
ultrasonic wavesfrom its mouth to
check its sur­
41,5,9,"Capable of flying
safely in dark
places, it emitsultrasonic cries
to check for any
41,6,9,"During the day, it
gathers with
others and hangsfrom the ceilings
of old buildings
and caves."
41,7,9,"ZUBAT remains quietly unmoving in a
dark spot during the bright daylight
hours. It does so because prolongedexposure to the sun causes its body to
become slightly burned."
41,8,9,"ZUBAT avoids sunlight because exposure
causes it to become unhealthy.
During the daytime, it stays in caves orunder the eaves of old houses, sleeping
while hanging upside down."
41,9,9,"While living in pitch-black caverns, their
eyes gradually grew shut and deprived
them of vision. They use ultrasonic waves
to detect obstacles."
41,10,9,"It has no eyes. Instead, it relies on
its ultrasonic cries for echo location to
flit about in darkness."
41,11,9,"It forms colonies in perpetually dark 
places and uses ultrasonic waves to  
identify and approach targets."
41,12,9,"Even though it has no eyes, it can
sense obstacles using ultrasonic
waves it emits from its mouth."
41,13,9,"Disliking sunlight, it sleeps
deep in forests and caves
until sundown."
41,14,9,"It checks its surroundings and
location using reflections of the
ultrasonic waves from its mouth."
41,15,9,"While flying, it constantly emits
ultrasonic waves from its mouth to
check its surroundings."
41,16,9,"Capable of flying safely in dark
places, it emits ultrasonic cries
to check for any obstacles."
41,17,5,"Il se repère dans lespace grâce
aux ultrasons émis par sa gueule."
41,17,9,"It checks its surroundings and
location using reflections of the
ultrasonic waves from its mouth."
41,18,5,"Il se repère dans lespace grâce
aux ultrasons émis par sa gueule."
41,18,9,"It checks its surroundings and
location using reflections of the
ultrasonic waves from its mouth."
41,21,9,"It does not need eyes, because it
emits ultrasonic waves to check
its surroundings while it flies."
41,22,9,"It does not need eyes, because it
emits ultrasonic waves to check
its surroundings while it flies."
41,23,1,"くちから だす ちょうおんぱで
りょうめが なくても まわりの
しょうがいぶつを さっちできる。"
41,23,3,"입에서 내는 초음파로
두 눈이 없어도 주위의
장애물을 탐색할 수 있다."
41,23,5,"Bien que dépourvu dyeux, il repère les obstacles
grâce aux ultrasons émis par sa gueule."
41,23,6,"Obwohl es keine Augen hat, kann es Hindernisse
mithilfe von Ultraschallwellen wahrnehmen."
41,23,7,"Aunque carezca de ojos, puede detectar obstáculos
con las ondas ultrasónicas que emite su boca."
41,23,8,"Non ha occhi, ma avverte gli ostacoli con le onde
ultrasoniche che emette dalla bocca."
41,23,9,"Even though it has no eyes, it can sense obstacles
using ultrasonic waves it emits from its mouth."
41,23,11,"口から 出す 超音波で
両目が なくても
まわりの 障害物を 察知できる。"
41,24,1,"りょうほうの めが そんざいしない。
くちから ちょうおんぱを だして
くらやみを とびまわる。"
41,24,3,"양쪽 눈이 존재하지 않는다.
입에서 초음파를 내어
어둠 속을 날아다닌다."
41,24,5,"Comme il ne possède pas dyeux, il nutilise que
ses ultrasons pour se déplacer dans les ténèbres."
41,24,6,"Es hat keine Augen. Zur Orientierung nutzt es seine
Ultraschallwellen-Schreie, um in der Dunkelheit
zu fliegen."
41,24,7,"No tiene ojos. Se guía por las ondas ultrasónicas que
emite. El eco le indica por dónde tiene que ir en la
41,24,8,"Non ha occhi, ma si sposta agilmente nella notte
emettendo ultrasuoni la cui eco lo avverte degli
41,24,9,"It has no eyes. Instead, it relies on its ultrasonic
cries for echolocation to flit about in darkness."
41,24,11,"両方の 目が 存在しない。
口から 超音波を 出して
暗闇を 飛び回る。"
41,25,1,"ひるま くらやみで じっと しているのは
たいようの ひかりを ながい じかん あびると
ぜんしんが かるく やけどしてしまうからだ。"
41,25,3,"낮에 어두운 곳에서 가만히 있는 것은
긴 시간 동안 햇빛을 받으면
전신에 가벼운 화상을 입기 때문이다."
41,25,5,"Nosferapti reste calme et immobile dans un coin sombre
pendant la journée. En effet, une exposition trop longue
à la lumière du soleil lui brûle légèrement la peau."
41,25,6,"Tagsüber bleibt Zubat an einem dunklen Ort und bewegt sich
kaum. Wenn es dem Sonnenlicht längere Zeit ausgesetzt wird,
zieht es sich Verbrennungen an seinem Körper zu."
41,25,7,"Durante el día, Zubat permanece inmóvil y a oscuras. Si este
Pokémon pasara mucho tiempo expuesto al sol, correría el
peligro de sufrir quemaduras."
41,25,8,"Zubat rimane perfettamente immobile al buio durante le ore
diurne più luminose. Infatti la prolungata esposizione al sole
gli provoca delle bruciature."
41,25,9,"Zubat remains quietly unmoving in a dark spot during the bright
daylight hours. It does so because prolonged exposure to the
sun causes its body to become slightly burned."
41,25,11,"昼間 暗闇で じっと しているのは
太陽の 光を 長い 時間 浴びると
全身が 軽く 火傷してしまうからだ。"
41,26,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびると たいちょうが
わるくなるので ひるまは どうくつや ふるびた
いえの のきしたに ぶらさがって ねている。"
41,26,3,"태양의 빛을 받으면 몸 상태가
나빠지기 때문에 낮에는 동굴이나 오래된
집의 처마 밑에 매달려 자고 있다."
41,26,5,"Nosferapti évite la lumière du soleil, car ça le rend malade.
Pendant la journée, il reste dans les cavernes ou à lombre
des vieilles maisons, où il dort, la tête à lenvers."
41,26,6,"Zubat meidet Sonnenlicht, da es dadurch krank würde.
Am Tage hält es sich in Höhlen oder unter den Dachrinnen
alter Häuser auf. Dort schläft es mit dem Kopf nach unten."
41,26,7,"Zubat evita la luz del día porque le resulta perjudicial para la
salud. Durante el día, permanece en cuevas o bajo los aleros
de las casas viejas durmiendo colgado de las patas, cabeza
41,26,8,"Zubat evita la luce del sole perché nociva per la sua salute.
Durante il giorno sta rintanato in grotte o sotto i cornicioni
di vecchie case, dormendo appeso a testa in giù."
41,26,9,"Zubat avoids sunlight because exposure causes it to become
unhealthy. During the daytime, it stays in caves or under
the eaves of old houses, sleeping while hanging upside down."
41,26,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びると 体調が
悪くなるので 昼間は 洞窟や 古びた
家の 軒下に ぶら下がって 寝ている。"
41,27,1,"ひるまは ほらあなで ねている。
めが ないので ちょうおんぱで
まわりを かくにんしながら とぶ。"
41,27,3,"낮에는 동굴에서 자고 있다.
눈이 없어서 초음파로
주변을 확인하면서 날아다닌다."
41,27,5,"Il dort dans des grottes pendant la journée.
Comme il na pas dyeux, il vole en se repérant
grâce à ses ultrasons."
41,27,6,"Tagsüber schläft es in Höhlen. Da es keine
Augen hat, erschließt es sich seine Umgebung
im Flug durch das Aussenden von Schallwellen."
41,27,7,"Duerme en cuevas durante el día. Como no tiene
ojos, se guía emitiendo ultrasonidos cuando
41,27,8,"Di giorno dorme dentro le grotte.
Non ha occhi e quando vola emette ultrasuoni
tramite i quali percepisce lambiente circostante."
41,27,9,"It sleeps in caves during the day. It has no eyes,
so to check its surroundings while flying, it
emits ultrasonic waves."
41,27,11,"昼間は 洞穴で 寝ている。
目が ないので 超音波で
周りを 確認しながら 飛ぶ。"
41,28,1,"ひの ひかりを あびると ヤケドする。
つかう ちょうおんぱの しんどうは
むれに よって びみょうに ちがう。"
41,28,3,"햇빛을 받으면 화상을 입는다.
사용하는 초음파의 진동은
무리에 따라 조금씩 다르다."
41,28,5,"Sil vole en journée, la lumière du soleil brûle
sa peau. La fréquence de ses ultrasons est
légèrement différente dun groupe à lautre."
41,28,6,"Sonnenlicht verursacht bei ihm Verbrennungen.
Die Frequenz seiner Ultraschallwellen variiert
von Schwarm zu Schwarm."
41,28,7,"Si se expone al sol, puede sufrir quemaduras.
La vibración de las ondas ultrasónicas que emite
varía, curiosamente, de una colonia a otra."
41,28,8,"Lesposizione alla luce del sole gli provoca delle
bruciature. La frequenza degli ultrasuoni che
emette varia da un gruppo allaltro."
41,28,9,"When exposed to sunlight, they suffer burns.
The frequency of their ultrasonic waves can
differ slightly from colony to colony."
41,28,11,"日の 光を 浴びると 火傷する。
使う 超音波の 振動は
群れに よって 微妙に 違う。"
41,29,1,"めだまが ないので めは みえない。
くちから だす ちょうおんぱで
まわりの ようすを うかがっている。"
41,29,3,"눈이 없어서 보지 못한다.
입으로 초음파를 발산하여
주변의 상황을 파악한다."
41,29,5,"Dépourvu dyeux, il se repère dans lespace
grâce aux ultrasons quil émet avec sa bouche."
41,29,6,"Da es keine Augäpfel hat, ist es blind. Mithilfe
von Ultraschallwellen, die es aus dem Mund
aussendet, erkundet es seine Umgebung."
41,29,7,"Como carece de ojos y no puede ver, emite
ultrasonidos que le permiten escrutar el entorno
y orientarse."
41,29,8,"Non ha occhi e non può vedere, ma è in
grado di percepire lambiente circostante
emettendo ultrasuoni dalla bocca."
41,29,9,"It has no eyeballs, so it cant see. It checks its
surroundings via the ultrasonic waves it emits
from its mouth."
41,29,11,"目玉が ないので 目は 見えない。
口から 出す 超音波で
周りの 様子を うかがっている。"
41,30,1,"にっこうを あびると ヤケドするほど
ひふが うすい。 さむくなると むれて
からだを よせあい あたためあうのだ。"
41,30,3,"햇빛을 받으면 화상을 입을 정도로
피부가 얇다. 추워지면 무리 지어
서로 몸을 기대서 체온을 나눈다."
41,30,5,"Sa peau est si fine que la lumière du soleil
lui cause des brûlures. Lorsquil fait froid, ses
congénères et lui se serrent pour se réchauffer."
41,30,6,"Seine dünne Haut erleidet bei Sonnenlicht
Verbrennungen. Bei Kälte schmiegt es sich
an seine Artgenossen, um sich zu wärmen."
41,30,7,"Su piel es tan fina que, si se expone al sol,
puede sufrir quemaduras. Cuando hace frío,
se junta con los suyos para entrar en calor."
41,30,8,"Ha una pelle così sottile che la luce solare
gli provoca delle bruciature. Quando fa freddo
si stringe ai suoi simili per scaldarsi."
41,30,9,"Their skin is so thin that theyll be burned if
sunlight hits them. When it gets cold out, they
gather together to warm one anothers bodies."
41,30,11,"日光を 浴びると ヤケドするほど
皮膚が 薄い。 寒くなると 群れて
身体を 寄せあい 暖めあうのだ。"
41,31,1,"くちから ちょうおんぱを だしながら
とぶのは まえに なにが あるのか
しらべながら とんでいるからだ。"
41,31,3,"입에서 초음파를 내보내면서
나는 것은 앞에 무엇이 있는지
확인하면서 날기 때문이다."
41,31,5,"Il émet des ultrasons pour se diriger et
éviter les obstacles sur son trajet."
41,31,6,"Zubat stößt während des Fluges Ultraschalllaute
aus, um Hindernisse zu orten."
41,31,7,"Emite ultrasonidos que utiliza como sonar para
evitar obstáculos cuando vuela."
41,31,8,"Durante il volo emette degli ultrasuoni
dalla bocca per localizzare gli ostacoli
sul suo percorso."
41,31,9,"Emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as
a sonar used to check for objects in its way."
41,31,11,"口から 超音波を 出しながら
飛ぶのは 前に なにが あるのか
調べながら 飛んでいるからだ。"
41,32,1,"くちから ちょうおんぱを だしながら
とぶのは まえに なにが あるのか
しらべながら とんでいるからだ。"
41,32,3,"입에서 초음파를 내보내면서
나는 것은 앞에 무엇이 있는지
확인하면서 날기 때문이다."
41,32,5,"Il émet des ultrasons pour se diriger et
éviter les obstacles sur son trajet."
41,32,6,"Zubat stößt während des Fluges Ultraschalllaute
aus, um Hindernisse zu orten."
41,32,7,"Emite ultrasonidos que utiliza como sonar para
evitar obstáculos cuando vuela."
41,32,8,"Durante il volo emette degli ultrasuoni
dalla bocca per localizzare gli ostacoli
sul suo percorso."
41,32,9,"Emits ultrasonic cries while it flies. They act as
a sonar used to check for objects in its way."
41,32,11,"口から 超音波を 出しながら
飛ぶのは 前に なにが あるのか
調べながら 飛んでいるからだ。"
41,33,1,"くちから だす ちょうおんぱで
まわりの ようすを さぐる。 せまい
どうくつも きように とびまわる。"
41,33,3,"입에서 내보내는 초음파로
주위의 상황을 살핀다. 좁은
동굴에서도 능숙하게 날아다닌다."
41,33,5,"Il sonde les environs en émettant des ultrasons
avec sa bouche, et peut ainsi se frayer un chemin
même dans les grottes les plus étroites."
41,33,6,"Über den Mund stößt es Ultraschallwellen aus,
um seine Umgebung zu erkunden. So kann es
selbst in engen Höhlen geschickt umherfliegen."
41,33,7,"Emite ondas ultrasónicas por la boca para
escrutar el entorno, lo que le permite volar con
pericia por cuevas angostas."
41,33,8,"Sonda lambiente circostante emettendo
ultrasuoni dalla bocca. In questo modo riesce
a volteggiare agilmente anche in caverne strette."
41,33,9,"It emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check
its surroundings. Even in tight caves, Zubat flies
around with skill."
41,33,11,"口から 出す 超音波で
まわりの 様子を 探る。
狭い 洞窟も 器用に 飛びまわる。"
41,34,1,"ひの あたらない どうくつに すむ。
あさになると なかまで あつまり
からだを あたためあいながら ねる。"
41,34,3,"볕이 들지 않는 동굴에 산다.
아침이 되면 동료들끼리 모여
서로의 온기를 나누면서 잔다."
41,34,5,"Ils vivent dans les grottes où la lumière du jour
ne perce jamais. Le matin, ils se blottissent les uns
contre les autres pour se réchauffer et dormir."
41,34,6,"Zubat leben tief in Höhlen, wo das Sonnenlicht
sie nicht erreicht. Bei Tagesanbruch rücken sie
zusammen, um sich im Schlaf zu wärmen."
41,34,7,"Habitan en cuevas donde no llegan los rayos del
sol. De día, se acurrucan unos junto a otros para
entrar en calor mientras duermen."
41,34,8,"Vive in grotte mai rischiarate dalla luce del sole.
Quando si fa giorno, si raggruppa con i suoi
simili per scaldarsi mentre dorme."
41,34,9,"Zubat live in caves, down where the suns light
wont reach. In the morning, they gather together
to keep each other warm as they sleep."
41,34,11,"陽の 当たらない 洞窟に 棲む。
朝になると 仲間で 集まり
体を 温めあいながら 寝る。"
42,1,9,"Once it strikes,
it will not stop
draining energyfrom the victim
even if it gets
too heavy to fly."
42,2,9,"Once it strikes,
it will not stop
draining energyfrom the victim
even if it gets
too heavy to fly."
42,3,9,"It attacks in a
stealthy manner,
without warning.Its sharp fangs
are used to bite
and suck blood."
42,4,9,"However hard its
victim's hide may
be, it punctureswith sharp fangs
and gorges itself
with blood."
42,5,9,"It can drink more
than 10 ounces of
blood at once. Ifit has too much,
it gets heavy and
flies clumsily."
42,6,9,"When it plunges
its fangs into its
prey, it instantlydraws and gulps
down more than ten
ounces of blood."
42,7,9,"GOLBAT loves to drink the blood of
living things. It is particularly active
in the pitch black of night.This POKéMON flits around in the night
skies, seeking fresh blood."
42,8,9,"GOLBAT bites down on prey with its four
fangs and drinks the victims blood.
It becomes active on inky darkmoonless nights, flying around to
attack people and POKéMON."
42,9,9,"Its fangs easily puncture even thick
animal hide. It loves to feast on the blood
of people and POKéMON. It flits about in
darkness and strikes from behind."
42,10,9,"It clamps down on its prey with needle-
sharp fangs and drains over 10 ounces of
blood in one gulp."
42,11,9,"Once it bites, it will not stop draining
energy from the victim even if it gets too
heavy to fly."
42,12,9,"It loves the blood of humans and
Pokémon. It flies around at night
in search of neck veins."
42,13,9,"Once it starts sucking blood, it
does not stop until it is full. It
flies at night in search of prey."
42,14,9,"Its sharp fangs puncture the
toughest of hides and have small
holes for greedily sucking blood."
42,15,9,"However hard its victims hide may be,
it punctures with sharp fangs
and gorges itself with blood."
42,16,9,"It can drink more than 10 ounces of
blood at once. If it has too much,
it gets heavy and flies clumsily."
42,17,5,"Ses crocs acérés et creux peuvent
pénétrer la plus épaisse des peaux
et sucer le sang de la victime."
42,17,9,"Its sharp fangs puncture the
toughest of hides and have small
holes for greedily sucking blood."
42,18,5,"Ses crocs acérés et creux peuvent
pénétrer la plus épaisse des peaux
et sucer le sang de la victime."
42,18,9,"Its sharp fangs puncture the
toughest of hides and have small
holes for greedily sucking blood."
42,21,9,"Flitting around in the dead of night,
it sinks its fangs into its prey and
drains a nearly fatal amount of blood."
42,22,9,"Flitting around in the dead of night,
it sinks its fangs into its prey and
drains a nearly fatal amount of blood."
42,23,1,"かみついたら さいご。しぬほど
ちを すいまくるので おもたくなって
じぶんで とべなくなることもある。"
42,23,3,"물리면 끝이다. 죽을 정도로
피를 빨아들이기 때문에 무거워져서
날 수 없게 될 때도 있다."
42,23,5,"Il mord son adversaire et absorbe toute son énergie,
même sil devient trop lourd pour voler."
42,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon saugt dem Gegner selbst dann noch
Energie ab, wenn es zu schwer zum Fliegen wird."
42,23,7,"Cuando ataque, seguirá chupando energía de su
víctima, aunque pese tanto que ya no pueda volar."
42,23,8,"Quando attacca, non smette di succhiare lenergia
della vittima, fino a diventare troppo pesante
per volare."
42,23,9,"Once it bites, it will not stop draining energy
from the victim even if it gets too heavy to fly."
42,23,11,"かみついたら 最後。死ぬほど
血を 吸いまくるので 重たくなって
自分で 飛べなくなることもある。"
42,24,1,"ひとたび ちを すいはじめると
まんぷくに なるまで やめない。
くらやみを とび えものを さがす。"
42,24,3,"한번 피를 빨기 시작하면
배가 부를 때까지 그만두지 않는다.
어둠 속을 날며 먹이를 찾는다."
42,24,5,"Quand il se met à sucer du sang, il ne sarrête
quune fois rassasié. Cest un chasseur nocturne."
42,24,6,"Hat es einmal angefangen Blut zu saugen, hört es
erst wieder auf, wenn es satt ist. Es jagt nachts."
42,24,7,"Cuando chupa sangre, no para hasta hartarse.
Por la noche sale volando a la caza de presas."
42,24,8,"Quando inizia a succhiare sangue, non smette finché
non è sazio. Vola di notte in cerca di prede."
42,24,9,"Once it starts sucking blood, it does not stop until
it is full. It flies at night in search of prey."
42,24,11,"ひとたび 血を 吸いはじめると
満腹になるまで やめない。
暗闇を 飛び 獲物を 探す。"
42,25,1,"いきものの けつえきが だいこうぶつ。
とくに まよなか かつどうする ことが おおく
いきちを もとめて よぞらを とびまわる。"
42,25,3,"생물의 혈액을 매우 좋아한다.
특히 한밤중에 활동하는 경우가 많으며
생피를 찾아 밤하늘을 날아다닌다."
42,25,5,"Nosferalto adore boire le sang des créatures vivantes.
Il est particulièrement actif pendant les nuits noires.
Ce Pokémon se balade dans les cieux étoilés, à la recherche
de sang frais."
42,25,6,"Golbat hat es auf das Blut von Lebewesen abgesehen.
Im Schutze der Nacht wird es besonders aktiv. Dieses
Pokémon fliegt durch die Nacht, um nach frischem Blut
zu suchen."
42,25,7,"A Golbat le encanta chuparles la sangre a los seres vivos. Este
Pokémon es más activo en la oscuridad de la noche. Es al caer
la noche cuando sale a revolotear y a buscar sangre fresca."
42,25,8,"Golbat adora bere il sangue di creature viventi.
È particolarmente attivo di notte, nella totale oscurità.
Svolazza nel cielo notturno in cerca di sangue fresco."
42,25,9,"Golbat loves to drink the blood of living things. It is particularly
active in the pitch black of night. This Pokémon flits around in
the night skies, seeking fresh blood."
42,25,11,"生き物の 血液が 大好物。
特に 真夜中 活動する ことが 多く
生き血を 求めて 夜空を 飛び回る。"
42,26,1,"4ほんの キバで かみつき けつえきを のむ。
つきの でてない まっくらな よるは かっぱつに
とびまわり ひとや ポケモンを おそうぞ。"
42,26,3,"4개의 이빨로 물어 혈액을 마신다.
달이 뜨지 않은 캄캄한 밤에는 활발하게
날아다니며 사람이나 포켓몬을 습격한다."
42,26,5,"Nosferalto mord sa proie grâce à ses quatre crocs pour
boire son sang. Il ne sort que lorsque la nuit est noire
et sans lune, pour voleter en quête de gens et de Pokémon
à mordre."
42,26,6,"Golbat beißt seine Beute mit seinen vier Reißzähnen und trinkt
das Blut seiner Opfer. Es wird in Nächten aktiv, in denen nicht
einmal der Mond scheint. Es fliegt dann durch die Dunkelheit
und greift Menschen und Pokémon an."
42,26,7,"Golbat derriba a sus víctimas mordiéndoles con los cuatro
colmillos que tiene y chupándoles la sangre. Solo entra en
acción en las noches sin luna. Revolotea en la oscuridad para
atacar a Pokémon y personas."
42,26,8,"Golbat azzanna i nemici con i suoi quattro canini e ne beve
il sangue. È particolarmente attivo nel buio pesto delle notti
senza luna e vola attaccando le persone e gli altri Pokémon."
42,26,9,"Golbat bites down on prey with its four fangs and drinks
the victims blood. It becomes active on inky dark
moonless nights, flying around to attack people and Pokémon."
42,26,11,"4本の キバで かみつき 血液を 飲む。
月の 出てない 真っ暗な 夜は 活発に
飛び回り 人や ポケモンを 襲うぞ。"
42,27,1,"ふとい キバは ストローのように
なかが くうどうで いがいに もろい。
ちを すうのに とっか したのだ。"
42,27,3,"두꺼운 이빨은 빨대처럼
속이 비어있어 의외로 약하다.
피를 빠는데 특화된 것이다."
42,27,5,"Ses crocs sont creux comme des pailles et
étonnamment fragiles. Ils sont en revanche
parfaits pour sucer le sang de ses victimes."
42,27,6,"Seine dicken Reißzähne sind im Inneren hohl
wie Strohhalme und zerbrechlich. Sie sind das
Produkt seiner Entwicklung zum Blutsauger."
42,27,7,"Succiona la sangre de sus presas con sus
gruesos colmillos, que son huecos por dentro a
modo de caña y más frágiles de lo que parecen."
42,27,8,"I suoi grossi canini sono cavi come cannucce
e sorprendentemente fragili. Se ne serve per
succhiare il sangue."
42,27,9,"Its thick fangs are hollow like straws, making
them unexpectedly fragile. These fangs are
specialized for sucking blood."
42,27,11,"太い キバは ストローのように
中が 空洞で 意外に もろい。
血を 吸うのに 特化 したのだ。"
42,28,1,"ちを すいすぎて とべなくなり
じめんに おちて ほかの ポケモンの
えじきに なっていることも。"
42,28,3,"피를 너무 빨아들여 날 수 없게 되어
땅에 떨어져 다른 포켓몬의
먹이가 되는 일도 있다."
42,28,5,"Il arrive quun Nosferalto ayant trop sucé de
sang ne puisse plus voler et tombe au sol,
où il est dévoré par dautres Pokémon."
42,28,6,"Manchmal saugt es so viel Blut, dass es
hilflos zu Boden fällt und leichte Beute für
andere Pokémon wird."
42,28,7,"A veces chupa tanta sangre que es incapaz de
volar y cae al suelo para acabar siendo presa
de otros Pokémon."
42,28,8,"Se succhia troppo sangue, non riesce più
a volare e cade a terra diventando preda
di altri Pokémon."
42,28,9,"Sometimes they drink so much blood, they cant
fly anymore. Then they fall to the ground and
become food for other Pokémon."
42,28,11,"血を 吸い過ぎて 飛べなくなり
地面に 落ちて 他の ポケモンの
餌食に なっていることも。"
42,29,1,"くうふくの あまり はがねポケモンに
かみついたせいで キバの かけた
ゴルバットを たまに みかけるぞ。"
42,29,3,"배가 고픈 나머지 강철포켓몬을
물어 버리는 바람에 이빨이 빠진
골뱃을 가끔 볼 수 있다."
42,29,5,"On rencontre parfois des Nosferalto édentés
que la faim a poussés à attaquer un Pokémon
de type Acier."
42,29,6,"Um seinen Hunger zu stillen, versucht es
mitunter auch, in Stahl-Pokémon zu beißen,
und bricht sich dabei die Reißzähne ab."
42,29,7,"En ocasiones se ven ejemplares a los que les
falta algún colmillo por haber intentado morder
a un Pokémon de tipo Acero, presas del hambre."
42,29,8,"A volte si vedono dei Golbat senza canini
perché, spinti dalla fame, hanno provato
ad azzannare un Pokémon di tipo Acciaio."
42,29,9,"Every once in a while, youll see a Golbat thats
missing some fangs. This happens when hunger
drives it to try biting a Steel-type Pokémon."
42,29,11,"空腹の あまり はがねポケモンに
噛みついたせいで キバの 欠けた
ゴルバットを たまに 見かけるぞ。"
42,30,1,"1どに 300シーシーの けつえきを
すいとる。 あまりに たくさん ちを
すって とべなくなることも ある。"
42,30,3,"한 번에 300cc의 혈액을
빨아들인다. 너무 많은 피를
빨아들여서 날 수 없게 되는 일도 있다."
42,30,5,"Ce Pokémon peut absorber jusquà 300 ml
de sang dun coup. Victime de sa gourmandise,
il en devient parfois trop lourd pour voler."
42,30,6,"In einem Schluck kann es bis zu 300 ml Blut
absaugen. Manchmal trinkt es so viel, dass es
nicht mehr fliegen kann."
42,30,7,"Es capaz de ingerir 300 cc de sangre de una
sentada. A veces chupa tanta que es incapaz
de volar."
42,30,8,"Può succhiare 300 cc di sangue in un colpo
solo. Quando ne succhia troppo, non riesce
più a volare."
42,30,9,"They can suck down over 10 ounces of blood in
one go. They have been known to drink so much
blood that they can no longer fly."
42,30,11,"1度に 300シーシーの 血液を
吸い取る。 あまりに たくさん 血を
吸って 飛べなくなることも ある。"
42,31,1,"どこから ともなく ちかづいてくる。
するどいキバを つかって かみつくと
どうじに ちを すいまくる。"
42,31,3,"어디선가 소리 없이 다가온다.
날카로운 이빨로 무는
동시에 피를 빨아들인다."
42,31,5,"Il sapproche furtivement et attaque sans crier
gare. Ses crocs acérés lui servent à sucer le sang."
42,31,6,"Golbat nähert sich schnell und lautlos an.
Mit seinen spitzen Zähnen beißt es zu und
saugt seinen Opfern Blut ab."
42,31,7,"Tras aproximarse sigilosamente a su objetivo,
utiliza sus afilados colmillos para chuparle la
42,31,8,"Attacca in modo repentino e furtivo. Usa i denti
aguzzi per mordere e succhiare sangue."
42,31,9,"It attacks in a stealthy manner,
without warning. Its sharp fangs
are used to bite and to suck blood."
42,31,11,"どこから ともなく 近づいてくる。
するどいキバを 使って かみつくと
同時に 血を 吸いまくる。"
42,32,1,"どこから ともなく ちかづいてくる。
するどいキバを つかって かみつくと
どうじに ちを すいまくる。"
42,32,3,"어디선가 소리 없이 다가온다.
날카로운 이빨로 무는
동시에 피를 빨아들인다."
42,32,5,"Il sapproche furtivement et attaque sans crier
gare. Ses crocs acérés lui servent à sucer le sang."
42,32,6,"Golbat nähert sich schnell und lautlos an.
Mit seinen spitzen Zähnen beißt es zu und
saugt seinen Opfern Blut ab."
42,32,7,"Tras aproximarse sigilosamente a su objetivo,
utiliza sus afilados colmillos para chuparle la
42,32,8,"Attacca in modo repentino e furtivo. Usa i denti
aguzzi per mordere e succhiare sangue."
42,32,9,"It attacks in a stealthy manner,
without warning. Its sharp fangs
are used to bite and to suck blood."
42,32,11,"どこから ともなく 近づいてくる。
するどいキバを 使って かみつくと
同時に 血を 吸いまくる。"
42,33,1,"いきものの けつえきが こうぶつ。
はらぺこの なかまに すった ちを
わけあたえることも あるという。"
42,33,3,"살아 있는 생물의 혈액을 좋아한다.
굶주린 동료에게 빨아들인 피를
나눠주기도 한다고 한다."
42,33,5,"Le sang des êtres vivants est son péché mignon.
On dit quil partage parfois ce précieux breuvage
avec ses congénères affamés."
42,33,6,"Das Blut anderer Lebewesen ist seine Leibspeise.
Man sagt, dass es das abgesaugte Blut manchmal
mit hungrigen Artgenossen teilt."
42,33,7,"Le encanta chuparles la sangre a los seres vivos.
En ocasiones comparte la preciada colecta con
otros congéneres hambrientos."
42,33,8,"Va matto per il sangue di altre creature.
Si dice che a volte lo condivida con i compagni
42,33,9,"It loves to drink other creatures blood. Its said
that if it finds others of its kind going hungry,
it sometimes shares the blood its gathered."
42,33,11,"生き物の 血液が 好物。
腹ペコの 仲間に 吸った 血を
分け与えることも あるという。"
42,34,1,"ちいさな あしで きように あるく。
ねている エモノに しのびより
キバを つきたて ちを すするのだ。"
42,34,3,"작은 다리로 능숙하게 걷는다.
자고 있는 먹이에게 살며시 다가가
이빨을 꽂아 피를 빨아먹는다."
42,34,5,"Il se déplace habilement sur ses petites pattes,
sapproche silencieusement de sa proie endormie,
et lui suce le sang à laide de ses crocs."
42,34,6,"Golbat kann trotz seiner kleinen Beine geschickt
laufen. Es schleicht sich an schlafende Beute an,
stößt seine Zähne in sie und schlürft ihr Blut."
42,34,7,"Camina con soltura sobre sus pequeñas patas. Se
acerca con sigilo a su presa mientras esta duerme
y le clava los colmillos para chuparle la sangre."
42,34,8,"Cammina agilmente con i piccoli piedi.
Si avvicina di soppiatto alle prede addormentate
per azzannarle e berne il sangue."
42,34,9,"Its feet are tiny, but this Pokémon walks skillfully.
It sneaks up on sleeping prey before sinking in its
fangs and slurping up blood."
42,34,11,"小さな 脚で 器用に 歩く。
寝ている 獲物に 忍びより
キバを 突きたて 血を すするのだ。"
43,1,9,"During the day,
it keeps its face
buried in theground. At night,
it wanders around
sowing its seeds."
43,2,9,"During the day,
it keeps its face
buried in theground. At night,
it wanders around
sowing its seeds."
43,3,9,"It may be mistaken
for a clump of
weeds. If you tryto yank it out of
the ground, it
shrieks horribly."
43,4,9,"Awakened by moon­
light, it roams 
actively at night.In the day, it
stays quietly
43,5,9,"If exposed to
moonlight, it
starts to move.It roams far and
wide at night to
scatter its seeds."
43,6,9,"During the day, it
stays in the cold
underground toavoid the sun.
It grows by bath­
ing in moonlight."
43,7,9,"During the daytime, ODDISH buries
itself in soil to absorb nutrients from 
the ground using its entire body.The more fertile the soil, the glossier
its leaves become."
43,8,9,"ODDISH searches for fertile, nutrient-
rich soil, then plants itself.
During the daytime, while it is planted,this POKéMONs feet are thought to
change shape and become similar to
the roots of trees."
43,9,9,"This POKéMON grows by absorbing moonlight.
During the daytime, it buries itself in the
ground, leaving only its leaves exposed to
avoid detection by its enemies."
43,10,9,"Its scientific name is “Oddium Wanderus.”
At night, it is said to walk nearly 1,000
feet on its two roots."
43,11,9,"During the day, it keeps its face buried
in the ground. At night, it wanders around
sowing its seeds."
43,12,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,13,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,14,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,15,9,"Awakened by moonlight, it roams
actively at night. In the day, it stays
quietly underground."
43,16,9,"If exposed to moonlight, it
starts to move. It roams far and
wide at night to scatter its seeds."
43,17,5,"En journée, il plante ses pieds-racines
dans le sol. La nuit, il se promène en
semant des graines."
43,17,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,18,5,"En journée, il plante ses pieds-racines
dans le sol. La nuit, il se promène en
semant des graines."
43,18,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,21,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,22,9,"It often plants its root feet in the
ground during the day and sows
seeds as it walks about at night."
43,23,1,"ひるまは たいようを さけるため
つめたい じめんに もぐっている。
つきのひかりを あびて そだつ。"
43,23,3,"낮에는 태양을 피하려고
차가운 땅속에 들어가 있다.
달빛을 쬐어 성장한다."
43,23,5,"Le jour, il reste en sous-sol et évite le soleil.
Il grandit en se baignant au clair de lune."
43,23,6,"Tagsüber versteckt es sich in der kalten Erde,
um die Sonne zu meiden. Es wächst im Mondschein."
43,23,7,"Durante el día, se agazapa en el frío subsuelo huyendo
del sol. La luz de la luna le hace crecer mucho."
43,23,8,"Di giorno vive nel freddo sottosuolo, per evitare la
luce del sole. Cresce assorbendo la luce lunare."
43,23,9,"During the day, it stays in the cold underground
to avoid the sun. It grows by bathing in moonlight."
43,23,11,"昼間は 太陽を 避けるため
冷たい 地面に 潜っている。
月の 光を 浴びて 育つ。"
43,24,1,"べつめい アルキメンデス。
よるに なると 2ほんの ねっこで
300メートルも あるくという。"
43,24,3,"별명 걸어 다니는 독초.
밤이 되면 2개의 뿌리로
300m나 걷는다고 한다."
43,24,5,"Son nom scientifique est «Oddium Wanderus».
Lorsquil fait nuit, il se déplace à laide de ses
racines pour disséminer ses graines."
43,24,6,"Sein wissenschaftlicher Name lautet:
„Oddium Wanderus“. Nachts soll es knapp
300 m auf seinen zwei Wurzeln zurücklegen."
43,24,7,"Su nombre científico es “Oddium Wanderus”. Se dice
que de noche puede llegar a desplazarse hasta 300 m
con sus dos raíces."
43,24,8,"Nome scientifico: “Oddium Viandantis”. Percorre fino
a 300 m in una notte sulle due radici fatte a piede."
43,24,9,"Its scientific name is “Oddium Wanderus.” At night,
it is said to walk nearly 1,000 feet on its two roots.
43,24,11,"別名 アルキメンデス。
夜になると 2本の 根っこで
300メートルも 歩くという。"
43,25,1,"ひるま じめんの なかに からだを うめて
つちの えいようを ぜんしんで すいあげている。
こえた つちほど はっぱに ツヤが でるという。"
43,25,3,"낮에 땅속에 몸을 묻고
땅의 영양을 전신으로 빨아올린다.
비옥한 땅일수록 잎사귀에 윤이 난다고 한다."
43,25,5,"Pendant la journée, Mystherbe senterre dans le sol pour
absorber avec son corps tout entier les nutriments présents
dans la terre. Plus le sol est fertile, plus ses feuilles sont
43,25,6,"Am Tage vergräbt sich Myrapla im Boden, um mit seinem
ganzen Körper Nahrung aufzunehmen. Je fruchtbarer der
Boden ist, desto glänzender werden seine Blätter."
43,25,7,"Durante el día, Oddish se entierra en el suelo para absorber
nutrientes valiéndose de todo el cuerpo. Cuanto más fértil sea
el suelo, mayor brillo tendrá en las hojas."
43,25,8,"Durante il giorno, Oddish si nasconde nel terreno per
assorbire sostanze nutritive con tutto il corpo.
Più il suolo è fertile, più lucide diventano le foglie."
43,25,9,"During the daytime, Oddish buries itself in soil to absorb
nutrients from the ground using its entire body.
The more fertile the soil, the glossier its leaves become."
43,25,11,"昼間 地面の 中に 体を 埋めて
土の 栄養を 全身で 吸い上げている。
肥えた 土ほど 葉っぱに ツヤが 出るという。"
43,26,1,"えいよう たっぷりの つちを さがして うまる。
ひるま つちに うまっている ときには あしが
きの ねっこのような かたちを しているらしい。"
43,26,3,"영양 만점인 흙을 찾아 몸을 묻는다.
낮 동안 땅에 묻혀 있을 때는 다리가
나무뿌리 같은 형태를 띠고 있는 듯하다."
43,26,5,"Mystherbe cherche un sol fertile et riche en nutriments,
pour sy planter. Pendant la journée, quand il est planté,
les pieds de ce Pokémon changent de forme et deviennent
similaires à des racines."
43,26,6,"Myrapla sucht nach fruchtbarem, nahrhaftem Boden und pflanzt
sich selbst darin ein. Solange es eingepflanzt ist, nehmen seine
Füße tagsüber die Gestalt von Baumwurzeln an."
43,26,7,"Oddish busca los suelos fértiles y ricos en nutrientes para
plantarse en la tierra. Durante el día, se cree que le cambia
la forma de los pies y se le empiezan a parecer a las raíces
de los árboles."
43,26,8,"Oddish cerca suolo fertile e ricco di sostanze nutritive per
piantarvi le radici. Si dice che durante il giorno, quando
è fisso nel terreno, le sue zampe si trasformino prendendo
la forma delle radici degli alberi."
43,26,9,"Oddish searches for fertile, nutrient-rich soil, then plants itself.
During the daytime, while it is planted, this Pokémons feet
are thought to change shape and become similar to the roots
of trees."
43,26,11,"栄養 たっぷりの 土を 探して 埋まる。
昼間 土に 埋まっている ときには 足が
木の 根っこのような 形を しているらしい。"
43,29,6,"Wenn sich der Mond zeigt, taucht es aus dem
Boden auf. Über fruchtbarer Erde schüttelt es
seinen Kopf und verstreut Samen."
43,30,6,"Im warmen Klima Alolas gedeiht Myrapla
besonders gut. Hier lebende Exemplare
sind rund und schwer."
43,31,1,"ただの くさだと おもって
ひきぬこうとすると なきごえがする。
なぜか とても おそろしいきぶん。"
43,31,3,"평범한 풀이라 생각하고
뽑으려 하면 울음소리가 들린다.
어쩐지 매우 오싹한 기분이 든다."
43,31,5,"On le confond souvent avec de lherbe.
Si on essaie de le soulever du sol, il pousse
un cri terrifiant."
43,31,6,"Es wird oft mit Unkraut verwechselt. Versucht
man, es aus der Erde zu ziehen, stößt es einen
fürchterlichen Schrei aus."
43,31,7,"En ocasiones lo confunden con una mala hierba
y, al tratar de arrancarlo, profiere unos gritos
43,31,8,"Spesso confuso con unerbaccia, questo
Pokémon stride atrocemente se si prova
a estirparlo."
43,31,9,"It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds.
If you try to yank it out of the ground,
it shrieks horribly."
43,31,11,"ただの 草だと 思って
引き抜こうとすると 鳴き声がする。
なぜか とても 恐ろしい気分。"
43,32,1,"ただの くさだと おもって
ひきぬこうとすると なきごえがする。
なぜか とても おそろしいきぶん。"
43,32,3,"평범한 풀이라 생각하고
뽑으려 하면 울음소리가 들린다.
어쩐지 매우 오싹한 기분이 든다."
43,32,5,"On le confond souvent avec de lherbe.
Si on essaie de le soulever du sol, il pousse
un cri terrifiant."
43,32,6,"Es wird oft mit Unkraut verwechselt. Versucht
man, es aus der Erde zu ziehen, stößt es einen
fürchterlichen Schrei aus."
43,32,7,"En ocasiones lo confunden con una mala hierba
y, al tratar de arrancarlo, profiere unos gritos
43,32,8,"Spesso confuso con unerbaccia, questo
Pokémon stride atrocemente se si prova
a estirparlo."
43,32,9,"It may be mistaken for a clump of weeds.
If you try to yank it out of the ground,
it shrieks horribly."
43,32,11,"ただの 草だと 思って
引き抜こうとすると 鳴き声がする。
なぜか とても 恐ろしい気分。"
43,33,1,"つきのひかりを あびて うごきだす。
よるのあいだに タネを あちこちに
ばらまくため あるきまわる。"
43,33,3,"달빛을 받아 움직인다.
밤중에 씨앗을 여기저기
뿌리기 위해 돌아다닌다."
43,33,5,"Il ne bouge que lorsquil est exposé aux rayons
de la lune. Il se déplace alors pour disséminer
ses graines."
43,33,6,"Wird es vom Mondschein getroffen, bewegt es
sich. Nachts wandert es weite Wege, um seine
Samen zu verstreuen."
43,33,7,"Se mueve al exponerse a la luz de la luna.
Merodea por la noche para esparcir sus semillas."
43,33,8,"Inizia a muoversi quando è illuminato dalla luce
lunare. Di notte se ne va in giro a spargere semi."
43,33,9,"If exposed to moonlight, it starts to move.
It roams far and wide at night to scatter its seeds."
43,33,11,"月の光を 浴びて 動きだす。
夜のあいだに タネを あちこちに
ばらまくため 歩きまわる。"
43,34,1,"ひるまは たいようを さけるため
つめたい じめんに もぐっている。
つきのひかりを あびて そだつ。"
43,34,3,"낮에는 태양을 피하기 위해
차가운 땅속에 들어가 있다.
달빛을 쬐어 성장한다."
43,34,5,"Pendant la journée, il reste en sous-sol et évite
le soleil. Il grandit en se baignant au clair de lune."
43,34,6,"Tagsüber versteckt es sich in der kalten Erde,
um die Sonne zu meiden. Es wächst im
43,34,7,"Durante el día, se agazapa en el frío subsuelo
huyendo del sol. La luz de la luna le hace crecer."
43,34,8,"Di giorno vive nel freddo sottosuolo per
evitare la luce del sole. Cresce assorbendo
la luce lunare."
43,34,9,"During the day, it stays in the cold underground
to avoid the sun. It grows by bathing in moonlight."
43,34,11,"昼間は 太陽を 避けるため
冷たい 地面に もぐっている。
月の光を 浴びて 育つ。"
44,1,9,"The fluid that
oozes from its
mouth isn't drool.It is a nectar
that is used to
attract prey."
44,2,9,"The fluid that
oozes from its
mouth isn't drool.It is a nectar
that is used to
attract prey."
44,3,9,"Smells incredibly
foul! However,
around 1 out of1,000 people enjoy
sniffing its nose-
bending stink."
44,4,9,"What appears to be
drool is actually
sweet honey. It isvery sticky and
clings stubbornly
if touched."
44,5,9,"It secretes a
sticky, drool-like
honey. Althoughsweet, it smells
too repulsive to
get very close."
44,6,9,"The smell from its
drool-like syrup
and the pollen onits petals is so
bad, it may make
opponents faint."
44,7,9,"GLOOM releases a foul fragrance from
the pistil of its flower. When faced
with danger, the stench worsens.If this POKéMON is feeling calm and
secure, it does not release its usual
stinky aroma."
44,8,9,"From its mouth GLOOM drips honey that
smells absolutely horrible.
Apparently, it loves the horrid stench.It sniffs the noxious fumes and then 
drools even more of its honey."
44,9,9,"A horribly noxious honey drools from its
mouth. One whiff of the honey can result
in memory loss. Some fans are said to
enjoy this overwhelming stink, however."
44,10,9,"Its pistils exude an incredibly foul odor.
The horrid stench can cause fainting at a
distance of 1.25 miles."
44,11,9,"The fluid that oozes from its mouth isnt
drool. It is a nectar that is used to
attract prey."
44,12,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,13,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,14,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,15,9,"What appears to be drool is actually
sweet honey. It is very sticky and
clings stubbornly if touched."
44,16,9,"It secretes a sticky, drool-like
honey. Although sweet, it smells
too repulsive to get very close."
44,17,5,"Lodeur du nectar de sa bouche est
si répugnante quelle agresse les
narines à deux kilomètres."
44,17,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,18,5,"Lodeur du nectar de sa bouche est
si répugnante quelle agresse les
narines à deux kilomètres."
44,18,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,21,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,22,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth
smells so atrocious, it can curl
noses more than a mile away."
44,23,1,"もうれつな クサさ! それなのに
1000にんに ひとりぐらい
これを このんで かぐひとがいる。"
44,23,3,"강렬한 악취가 난다! 그럼에도
불구하고 1000명에 한 명 정도
이 냄새를 즐겨 맡는 사람이 있다."
44,23,5,"Il sent très mauvais! Mais une personne sur 1000
aime la puanteur de son corps nauséabond."
44,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon sondert einen übelriechenden
Geruch ab. Trotzdem halten einige Leute es im Haus."
44,23,7,"¡Huele bastante mal! De todas formas, una de cada
mil personas aprecian su fétido olor."
44,23,8,"Puzza da levare il fiato! Tuttavia circa una persona
su mille adora annusarne il fetido lezzo."
44,23,9,"Smells incredibly foul! However, around one out
of a thousand people enjoy sniffing its
nose-bending stink."
44,23,11,"猛烈な クサさ! それなのに
1000人に 1人ぐらい
これを 好んで かぐ 人がいる。"
44,24,1,"くちから たれている ミツは
2キロ はなれていても はなが
まがるほど もうれつに くさい。"
44,24,3,"입에서 흘러내리는 꿀은
2km 떨어져 있어도 머리가
아플 정도로 심한 악취가 난다."
44,24,5,"Lodeur du nectar de sa bouche est si répugnante
quelle agresse les narines à 2 km."
44,24,6,"Der Honig, den es abgibt, riecht so entsetzlich,
dass sich sogar Nasen in 2 km Entfernung rümpfen."
44,24,7,"La miel que emana de su boca posee un hedor capaz
de derribar enemigos a 2 km de distancia."
44,24,8,"Il fluido che fuoriesce dalla sua bocca è così
puzzolente che si sente anche a 2 km di distanza."
44,24,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth smells so
atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away."
44,24,11,"口から たれている ミツは
2キロ 離れていても 鼻が
まがるほど 猛烈に くさい。"
44,25,1,"きけんを かんじると めしべの はなつ くさい
においは さらに つよまるが こころ おだやかな
ときは くさい においを ださないのだ。"
44,25,3,"위험을 느끼면 암술에서 내는 구린
냄새가 더 강해지지만 마음이 평안할
때는 구린 냄새를 내지 않는다."
44,25,5,"La plupart du temps, Ortide dégage un parfum immonde du
pistil de sa fleur. Lorsquil se sent en danger, la puanteur est
encore pire. Lorsque ce Pokémon se sent bien et en sécurité,
il ne dégage aucune odeur nauséabonde."
44,25,6,"Duflor produziert einen ekelerregenden Gestank aus
dem Stempel seiner Blume. Wenn es in Gefahr gerät,
wird der Gestank noch unerträglicher. Wenn sich dieses
Pokémon in Sicherheit befindet, stößt es keinen
Gestank aus."
44,25,7,"Gloom libera un fétido olor por el pistilo de la flor. Cuando
está en peligro, el hedor se intensifica. Si este Pokémon está
tranquilo y no se siente amenazado, no libera el desagradable
44,25,8,"Gloom rilascia un odore fetido dal pistillo del suo fiore.
Quando è in pericolo, lolezzo peggiora. Quando invece
si sente tranquillo e sicuro, non emana questa sostanza
44,25,9,"Gloom releases a foul fragrance from the pistil of its flower.
When faced with danger, the stench worsens.
If this Pokémon is feeling calm and secure, it does not
release its usual stinky aroma."
44,25,11,"危険を 感じると めしべの 放つ くさい
臭いが さらに 強まるが 心が 穏やかな
ときは くさい 臭いを 出さないのだ。"
44,26,1,"どうやら クサイハナは くちから たらしている
もうれつに くさい ニオイが だいすき らしい。
ニオイを かいで さらに みつを あふれさせる。"
44,26,3,"아무래도 냄새꼬는 입에서 나는
맹렬한 악취를 매우 좋아하는 것 같다.
냄새를 맡으면 더욱 꿀이 넘쳐난다."
44,26,5,"Ortide bave un miel qui sent horriblement mauvais.
Apparemment, il adore cette odeur nauséabonde.
Il en renifle les fumées toxiques et se met à baver
du miel de plus belle."
44,26,6,"Aus Duflors Mund tropft übelst riechender Honig.
Diesen Gestank scheint es zu lieben, denn es
schnieft die giftigen Dämpfe ein und sabbert danach
noch mehr Honig."
44,26,7,"Gloom babea un néctar que tiene un olor realmente horrible,
aunque parece ser que a él le gusta. De hecho, aspira los
gases nocivos y libera más néctar aún."
44,26,8,"Dalla bocca di Gloom fuoriesce una resina maleodorante
e disgustosa. Evidentemente adora questo fetido olezzo,
poiché lo annusa avidamente producendo poi altra resina."
44,26,9,"From its mouth Gloom drips honey that smells absolutely
horrible. Apparently, it loves the horrid stench. It sniffs the
noxious fumes and then drools even more of its honey."
44,26,11,"どうやら クサイハナは 口から 垂らしている
猛烈に 臭い ニオイが 大好き らしい。
ニオイを 嗅いで さらに みつを あふれさせる。"
44,29,6,"Aus seinem Mund tropft übelriechender Honig.
Bekommt man etwas davon ab, haftet sein
Gestank selbst nach 10 Waschgängen noch an."
44,30,6,"Der Honig, der er aus seinem Mund tropft, riecht
zwar übel, lässt sich aber durch Trocknen und
Erwärmen zu wirkungsvoller Medizin verarbeiten."
44,31,1,"もうれつな クサさ! それなのに
1000にんに ひとりぐらい これを
このんで かぐひとがいる。"
44,31,3,"강렬한 악취가 난다! 그럼에도
불구하고 1000명에 한 명 정도
이 냄새를 즐겨 맡는 사람이 있다."
44,31,5,"Il sent très mauvais, mais une personne sur mille
aime lodeur de son corps nauséabond."
44,31,6,"Es riecht unglaublich widerlich. Trotzdem gibt
es unter tausend Menschen mindestens einen,
dem der Gestank gefällt."
44,31,7,"Huele bastante mal, pero una de cada mil
personas aprecia su fétido olor."
44,31,8,"Puzza da levare il fiato! Tuttavia circa una
persona su mille adora annusarne il fetido
44,31,9,"Smells incredibly foul! However, around one
out of a thousand people enjoy sniffing
its nose-bending stink."
44,31,11,"猛烈な クサさ! それなのに
1000人に 1人ぐらい これを
好んで 嗅ぐ人がいる。"
44,32,1,"もうれつな クサさ! それなのに
1000にんに ひとりぐらい これを
このんで かぐひとがいる。"
44,32,3,"강렬한 악취가 난다! 그럼에도
불구하고 1000명에 한 명 정도
이 냄새를 즐겨 맡는 사람이 있다."
44,32,5,"Il sent très mauvais, mais une personne sur mille
aime lodeur de son corps nauséabond."
44,32,6,"Es riecht unglaublich widerlich. Trotzdem gibt
es unter tausend Menschen mindestens einen,
dem der Gestank gefällt."
44,32,7,"Huele bastante mal, pero una de cada mil
personas aprecia su fétido olor."
44,32,8,"Puzza da levare il fiato! Tuttavia circa una
persona su mille adora annusarne il fetido
44,32,9,"Smells incredibly foul! However, around one
out of a thousand people enjoy sniffing
its nose-bending stink."
44,32,11,"猛烈な クサさ! それなのに
1000人に 1人ぐらい これを
好んで 嗅ぐ人がいる。"
44,33,1,"めしべが はなつ とてつもなく
くさい においは 2キロさきまで
とどき きを うしなわせる。"
44,33,3,"암술에서 내뿜는 지독하게
구린 냄새는 2km 떨어진 곳까지
퍼져 정신을 잃게 만든다."
44,33,5,"Ses pistils sécrètent une odeur incroyablement
fétide qui fait perdre connaissance à
ses adversaires jusquà 2 km à la ronde."
44,33,6,"Sein Stempel sondert einen unglaublich faulen
Gestank ab. Dieser stechende Geruch kann selbst
bis zu 2 km entfernte Gegner bewusstlos machen."
44,33,7,"Libera un fétido olor por los pistilos. El fuerte
hedor hace perder el conocimiento a cualquiera
que se encuentre en un radio de 2 km."
44,33,8,"I pistilli emanano un puzzo orribile, capace
di far svenire chiunque nel raggio di 2 km."
44,33,9,"Its pistils exude an incredibly foul odor.
The horrid stench can cause fainting at a distance
of 1.25 miles."
44,33,11,"めしべが 放つ とてつもなく
臭い においは 2キロ先まで
とどき 気を 失わせる。"
44,34,1,"よだれのように みえる あまいミツ。
とても ねばねば しており ふれると
いつまでも まとわりつく。"
44,34,3,"침처럼 보이는 달콤한 꿀은
매우 끈적거려서
묻으면 좀처럼 떨어지지 않는다."
44,34,5,"Ce qui semble être sa bave est en fait du nectar
très collant. Si on le touche, il est très difficile
de sen dépêtrer."
44,34,6,"Was wie Speichel aussieht, ist eigentlich Honig.
Er ist sehr klebrig und wenn man ihn berührt,
bekommt man ihn nicht mehr ab."
44,34,7,"Lo que parece baba es realmente un néctar muy
pegajoso que se adhiere sin remisión al tocarlo."
44,34,8,"Ciò che sembra bava è in realtà dolce nettare.
È molto viscoso: si appiccica appena lo si sfiora."
44,34,9,"What appears to be drool is actually sweet honey.
It is very sticky and clings stubbornly if touched."
44,34,11,"よだれのように 見える 甘い蜜。
とても ねばねば しており 触れると
いつまでも まとわりつく。"
45,1,9,"The larger its
petals, the more
toxic pollen itcontains. Its big
head is heavy and
hard to hold up."
45,2,9,"The larger its
petals, the more
toxic pollen itcontains. Its big
head is heavy and
hard to hold up."
45,3,9,"Flaps its broad
flower petals to
scatter itspoisonous pollen.
The flapping sound
is very loud."
45,4,9,"It has the world's
largest petals.
With every step,the petals shake
out heavy clouds
of toxic pollen."
45,5,9,"The bud bursts
into bloom with a
bang. It thenstarts scattering
allergenic, poi­
sonous pollen."
45,6,9,"By shaking its big
petals, it scat­
ters toxic polleninto the air,
turning the air
45,7,9,"VILEPLUMEs toxic pollen triggers
atrocious allergy attacks. Thats why
it is advisable never to approach anyattractive flowers in a jungle, however
pretty they may be."
45,8,9,"VILEPLUME has the worlds largest
petals. They are used to attract prey
that are then doused with toxic spores.Once the prey are immobilized, this
POKéMON catches and devours them."
45,9,9,"In seasons when it produces more pollen,
the air around a VILEPLUME turns yellow
with the powder as it walks. The pollen is
highly toxic and causes paralysis."
45,10,9,"Its petals are the largest in the world.
It fiendishly scatters allergy-causing
pollen from its petals."
45,11,9,"The larger its petals, the more toxic
pollen it contains. Its big head is heavy
and hard to hold up."
45,12,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,13,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,14,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,15,9,"It has the worlds largest petals.
With every step, the petals shake
out heavy clouds of toxic pollen."
45,16,9,"The bud bursts into bloom with a
bang. It then starts scattering
allergenic, poisonous pollen."
45,17,5,"Ses pétales sont les plus grands
du monde. Il marche en répandant
un pollen extrêmement allergène."
45,17,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,18,5,"Ses pétales sont les plus grands
du monde. Il marche en répandant
un pollen extrêmement allergène."
45,18,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,21,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,22,9,"Its petals are the largest in the
world. As it walks, it scatters
extremely allergenic pollen."
45,23,1,"はなびらが おおきいほど たくさん
かふんを だすが あたまが
おもたくて つかれてしまうという。"
45,23,3,"꽃잎이 클수록 많은
꽃가루를 만들어 내지만 머리가
무거워서 지쳐버린다고 한다."
45,23,5,"Plus ses pétales sont grands, plus ils contiennent de
pollen toxique."
45,23,6,"Je größer die Blütenblätter, desto mehr giftige
Pollen sind in der Blüte enthalten."
45,23,7,"Cuanto mayores son sus pétalos, más tóxico es su
polen. Le pesa la cabeza y le cuesta mantenerla
45,23,8,"Più grandi sono i petali, maggiore è la quantità di
polline tossico che contengono. La testa è
molto pesante."
45,23,9,"The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it
contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up."
45,23,11,"花びらが 大きいほど
たくさん 花粉を 出すが
頭が 重たくて 疲れてしまうという。"
45,24,1,"せかいいち おおきな はなびらは
あるくたびに ゆれて たいりょうの
どくかふんを ばらまいてしまう。"
45,24,3,"세계에서 제일 큰 꽃잎은
걸을 때마다 흔들려 대량의
독 꽃가루를 흩뿌린다."
45,24,5,"Il possède des pétales énormes. À chaque pas,
ils sèment dépais nuages de pollen toxique."
45,24,6,"Es besitzt die größten Blätter der Welt.
Bei jedem Schritt streut es Giftpollen zu Boden."
45,24,7,"Tiene los pétalos más grandes del mundo. Estos
expulsan densas nubes de polen tóxico al caminar."
45,24,8,"Ha i petali più grandi del mondo. Ad ogni suo passo,
i petali liberano fitte nubi di polline tossico."
45,24,9,"It has the worlds largest petals. With every step,
the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen."
45,24,11,"世界一 大きな 花びらは
歩くたびに 揺れて 大量の
毒花粉を ばらまいている。"
45,25,1,"どくかふんは ひどい アレルギーを おこす。
ジャングルで うつくしい はなを みつけても
うかつに ちかよらない ほうが いいよ。"
45,25,3,"독 꽃가루는 심한 알레르기를 일으킨다.
정글에서 아름다운 꽃을 발견해도
섣불리 다가가지 않는 것이 좋다."
45,25,5,"Le pollen toxique de Rafflesia déclenche daffreuses réactions
allergiques. Cest pourquoi il est conseillé de ne jamais
sapprocher des jolies fleurs trouvées dans la jungle,
même lorsquelles sont magnifiques."
45,25,6,"Giflors giftige Pollen rufen böse allergische Anfälle hervor.
Deshalb ist es ratsam, sich keiner schönen Blume im
Dschungel zu nähern, so anziehend sie auch sein mag."
45,25,7,"El polen que contienen las esporas tóxicas de Vileplume causa
unos ataques de alergia muy agudos. Por eso, no es
aconsejable acercarse a ninguna flor selvática, por muy bonita
que sea."
45,25,8,"Il polline velenoso di Vileplume scatena paurose reazioni
allergiche. Per questo motivo si consiglia di non avvicinarsi
mai a nessun fiore di bosco, per quanto bello possa essere."
45,25,9,"Vileplumes toxic pollen triggers atrocious allergy attacks.
Thats why it is advisable never to approach any attractive
flowers in a jungle, however pretty they may be."
45,25,11,"毒花粉は 酷い アレルギーを 起こす。
ジャングルで 美しい 花を みつけても
うかつに 近寄らない ほうが いいよ。"
45,26,1,"せかいいち おおきな はなびらで えものを
おびきよせ どくの かふんを あびせかける。
うごけなくなった えものを つかまえて たべる。"
45,26,3,"세계에서 제일 큰 꽃잎으로 먹이를
유인하여 독 꽃가루를 끼얹는다.
움직이지 못하게 된 먹이를 잡아먹는다."
45,26,5,"Rafflesia dispose des plus grands pétales du monde.
Il sen sert pour attirer ses proies avant de les endormir
avec ses spores toxiques. Ce Pokémon na plus alors
quà attraper sa proie et à la manger."
45,26,6,"Giflor hat die größten Blätter der Welt. Sie ziehen Beute an
und bestäuben sie mit giftigen Sporen. Wenn die Beute sich
nicht mehr rührt, fängt dieses Pokémon sie und frisst sie auf."
45,26,7,"Vileplume tiene los mayores pétalos del mundo. Los usa para
atraer a sus presas y llenarlas de esporas tóxicas. Una vez
que ha inmovilizado a las víctimas, las atrapa y las devora."
45,26,8,"Vileplume ha i petali più grandi al mondo. Li usa per attirare
la preda per poi ricoprirla di spore velenose. Una volta
immobilizzata la preda, il Pokémon la cattura e la divora."
45,26,9,"Vileplume has the worlds largest petals. They are used to
attract prey that are then doused with toxic spores. Once the
prey are immobilized, this Pokémon catches and devours them."
45,26,11,"世界一 大きな 花びらで 獲物を
おびき寄せ 毒の 花粉を 浴びせかける。
動けなくなった 獲物を 捕まえて 食べる。"
45,29,6,"Es verstreut hochgiftige Pollen. Man erkennt
Giflors Spur am leicht gelblichen Nebel,
den es hinterlässt."
45,30,6,"Giflors Pollen sind hochgiftig. Auf so manch
eigentümliches Käfer-Pokémon scheinen sie
aber eine anziehende Wirkung zu haben."
45,31,1,"どくの かふんを ふりまくために
おおきな はなびらを ゆらすと
ものすごい おとも ひびきわたる。"
45,31,3,"독성분의 꽃가루를 퍼뜨리기 위해
커다란 꽃잎을 흔들면
굉장한 소리도 함께 울려 퍼진다."
45,31,5,"Il fait un bruit terrible quand il secoue ses
pétales pour disperser son pollen empoisonné."
45,31,6,"Wenn es seine großen Blütenblätter schüttelt,
um giftige Pollen zu verteilen, entsteht dabei
ein unglaublich großer Lärm."
45,31,7,"Sacude sus enormes pétalos para propagar
polen venenoso, lo cual provoca un verdadero
45,31,8,"Scuote gli enormi petali per liberare polline
velenoso, producendo un gran frastuono."
45,31,9,"Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter
its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound
is very loud."
45,31,11,"毒の 花粉を ふりまくために
大きな はなびらを 揺らすと
ものすごい 音も 響き渡る。"
45,32,1,"どくの かふんを ふりまくために
おおきな はなびらを ゆらすと
ものすごい おとも ひびきわたる。"
45,32,3,"독성분의 꽃가루를 퍼뜨리기 위해
커다란 꽃잎을 흔들면
굉장한 소리도 함께 울려 퍼진다."
45,32,5,"Il fait un bruit terrible quand il secoue ses
pétales pour disperser son pollen empoisonné."
45,32,6,"Wenn es seine großen Blütenblätter schüttelt,
um giftige Pollen zu verteilen, entsteht dabei
ein unglaublich großer Lärm."
45,32,7,"Sacude sus enormes pétalos para propagar
polen venenoso, lo cual provoca un verdadero
45,32,8,"Scuote gli enormi petali per liberare polline
velenoso, producendo un gran frastuono."
45,32,9,"Flaps its broad flower petals to scatter
its poisonous pollen. The flapping sound
is very loud."
45,32,11,"毒の 花粉を ふりまくために
大きな はなびらを 揺らすと
ものすごい 音も 響き渡る。"
45,33,1,"せかいいち おおきな はなびらは
あるくたびに ゆれて たいりょうの
どくかふんを ばらまいてしまう。"
45,33,3,"세계에서 제일 큰 꽃잎은
걸을 때마다 흔들려 대량의
독 꽃가루를 흩뿌린다."
45,33,5,"Il possède les plus gros pétales au monde,
qui sèment dépais nuages de pollen toxique
à chacun de ses pas."
45,33,6,"Es besitzt die größten Blütenblätter der Welt.
Bei jedem Schritt streut es große Mengen an
Giftpollen zu Boden."
45,33,7,"Tiene los pétalos más grandes del mundo. Al
caminar, de ellos se desprenden densas nubes
de polen tóxico."
45,33,8,"Ha i petali più grandi del mondo. Ad ogni
suo passo, liberano fitte nubi di polline tossico."
45,33,9,"It has the worlds largest petals. With every step,
the petals shake out heavy clouds of toxic pollen."
45,33,11,"世界一 大きな 花びらは
歩くたびに 揺れて 大量の
毒花粉を ばらまいてしまう。"
45,34,1,"はなびらが おおきいほど たくさん
かふんを だすが あたまが
おもたくて つかれてしまうという。"
45,34,3,"꽃잎이 클수록 많은 꽃가루를
만들어 내지만 머리가
무거워서 지쳐버린다고 한다."
45,34,5,"Plus ses pétales sont grands, plus il produit
de pollen toxique. Toutefois, le poids de sa tête
le fatigue."
45,34,6,"Je größer die Blütenblätter, desto mehr giftige
Pollen enthält die Blüte. Aber es ist auch umso
erschöpfter, da sein Kopf so schwer wird."
45,34,7,"Cuanto mayores son sus pétalos, más tóxico es su
polen. Le pesa la cabeza y le cuesta mantenerla
45,34,8,"Più grandi sono i petali, maggiore è la quantità
di polline tossico che contengono. La testa, però,
diventa molto pesante e fa fatica a sostenerla."
45,34,9,"The larger its petals, the more toxic pollen it
contains. Its big head is heavy and hard to hold up."
45,34,11,"花びらが 大きいほど
たくさん 花粉を 出すが
頭が 重たくて 疲れてしまうという。"
46,1,9,"Burrows to suck
tree roots. The
mushrooms on itsback grow by draw­
ing nutrients from
the bug host."
46,2,9,"Burrows to suck
tree roots. The
mushrooms on itsback grow by draw­
ing nutrients from
the bug host."
46,3,9,"Burrows under the
ground to gnaw on
tree roots. Themushrooms on its
back absorb most
of the nutrition."
46,4,9,"It is doused with
mushroom spores
when it is born.As its body grows,
mushrooms sprout
from its back."
46,5,9,"As its body grows
large, oriental
mushrooms namedtochukaso start
sprouting out of
its back."
46,6,9,"The tochukaso
growing on this
POKéMON's backorders it to
extract juice from
tree trunks."
46,7,9,"PARAS has parasitic mushrooms growing
on its back called tochukaso. They grow
large by drawing nutrients from the BUGPOKéMON host. They are highly valued as
a medicine for extending life."
46,8,9,"PARAS has parasitic mushrooms growing
on its back called tochukaso. They grow
large by drawing nutrients from thisBUG POKéMON host. They are highly
valued as a medicine for extending life."
46,9,9,"A PARAS has parasitic tochukaso
mushrooms growing on its back. They grow
by drawing nutrients from the host. They
are valued as a medicine for long life."
46,10,9,"Growing out of the bugs back are
mushrooms called tochukaso. The mushrooms
grow with the bug host."
46,11,9,"Burrows to suck tree roots. The mushrooms
on its back grow by drawing nutrients from
the bug host."
46,12,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host PARAS."
46,13,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host PARAS."
46,14,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host PARAS."
46,15,9,"It is doused with mushroom spores
when it is born. As its body grows,
mushrooms sprout from its back."
46,16,9,"As its body grows, large mushrooms
named tochukaso start sprouting
out of its back."
46,17,5,"Des champignons appelés “tochukaso”
poussent sur son dos. Ils évoluent
avec le Paras hôte."
46,17,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host Paras."
46,18,5,"Des champignons appelés “tochukaso”
poussent sur son dos. Ils évoluent
avec le Paras hôte."
46,18,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host Paras."
46,21,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host Paras."
46,22,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow
on its back. They grow along
with the host Paras."
46,23,1,"むしの せなかに はえているのは
とうちゅうかそう という キノコ。
そだつと キノコも おおきくなる。"
46,23,3,"벌레의 등에 돋아나 있는 것은
동충하초라는 버섯이다.
성장하면 버섯도 커진다."
46,23,5,"Sur le dos de ce Pokémon se trouvent des
champignons appelés tochukaso. Ils se développent
au même rythme que leur hôte."
46,23,6,"Auf seinem Rücken wachsen Pilze, die man
Tochukaso nennt. Die Pilze wachsen mit ihrem Wirt."
46,23,7,"Lleva en el lomo dos setas parásitas llamadas
tochukaso, que crecen con él."
46,23,8,"Sul dorso di questo Pokémon nascono funghi
chiamati tochukaso, che crescono insieme a lui."
46,23,9,"Growing out of the bugs back are mushrooms
called tochukaso. The mushrooms grow
with the bug host."
46,23,11,"虫の 背中に 生えているのは
冬虫夏草 という キノコ。
育つと キノコも 大きくなる。"
46,24,1,"あなをほり きのねっこ から
えいようを とるが ほとんどは
せなかの キノコに うばわれる。"
46,24,3,"구멍을 파서 나무뿌리로부터
영양을 섭취하지만 대부분은
등에 있는 버섯에게 빼앗긴다."
46,24,5,"Il senfouit sous terre pour ronger des racines afin de
nourrir les champignons sur son dos."
46,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon gräbt sich in den Boden und frisst
Wurzeln. Die Pilze auf seinem Rücken sind Parasiten."
46,24,7,"Escarba bajo el suelo para roer las raíces de los
árboles. Sus setas absorben los nutrientes."
46,24,8,"Si nasconde sottoterra dove si ciba di radici.
I funghi che ha sulla schiena sono parassiti."
46,24,9,"Burrows under the ground to gnaw on tree roots.
The mushrooms on its back absorb most of
the nutrition."
46,24,11,"穴を 掘り 木の根っこから
栄養を 取るが ほとんどは
背中の キノコに 奪われる。"
46,25,1,"パラスから ようぶんを すいとって おおきくなる
キノコは とうちゅうかそう と よばれている。
ちょうじゅの くすりになる きちょうな キノコ。"
46,25,3,"파라스로부터 양분을 빨아들여 자란
버섯은 동충하초라고 불리고 있다.
장수의 약이 되는 귀중한 버섯이다."
46,25,5,"Paras accueille des champignons parasites appelés tochukaso
qui poussent sur son dos. Ils grandissent grâce aux nutriments
trouvés sur le dos de ce Pokémon Insecte.
Ils peuvent rallonger lespérance de vie."
46,25,6,"Auf Paras Rücken wachsen parasitäre Pilze,
die Tochukaso genannt werden. Sie wachsen,
indem sie dem Käfer-Pokémon Nährstoffe entziehen.
Sie sind sehr wertvoll als lebensverlängernde Medizin."
46,25,7,"Paras lleva dos setas parásitas a cuestas llamadas tochukaso.
Estas crecen alimentándose de los nutrientes de este
Pokémon de tipo Bicho y Planta que les sirve de huésped.
Las setas se usan como elixir de vida."
46,25,8,"Paras ha sulla schiena dei funghi parassiti chiamati tochukaso,
che crescono traendo nutrimento dal Paras ospite. Sono molto
apprezzati come farmaco di longevità."
46,25,9,"Paras has parasitic mushrooms growing on its back called
tochukaso. They grow large by drawing nutrients from this
Bug Pokémon host. They are highly valued as a medicine
for extending life."
46,25,11,"パラスから 養分を 吸い取って 大きくなる
キノコは 冬虫夏草 と 呼ばれている。
長寿の 薬になる 貴重な キノコ。"
46,26,1,"パラスから ようぶんを すいとって おおきくなる
キノコは とうちゅうかそう と よばれている。
ちょうじゅの くすりになる きちょうな キノコ。"
46,26,3,"파라스로부터 양분을 빨아들여 자란
버섯은 동충하초라고 불리고 있다.
장수의 약이 되는 귀중한 버섯이다."
46,26,5,"Paras accueille des champignons parasites appelés tochukaso
qui poussent sur son dos. Ils grandissent grâce aux nutriments
trouvés sur le dos de ce Pokémon Insecte.
Ils peuvent rallonger lespérance de vie."
46,26,6,"Auf Paras Rücken wachsen parasitäre Pilze,
die Tochukaso genannt werden. Sie wachsen,
indem sie dem Käfer-Pokémon Nährstoffe entziehen.
Sie sind sehr wertvoll als lebensverlängernde Medizin."
46,26,7,"Paras lleva dos setas parásitas a cuestas llamadas tochukaso.
Estas crecen alimentándose de los nutrientes de este
Pokémon de tipo Bicho y Planta que les sirve de huésped.
Las setas se usan como elixir de vida."
46,26,8,"Paras ha sulla schiena dei funghi parassiti chiamati tochukaso,
che crescono traendo nutrimento dal Paras ospite. Sono molto
apprezzati come farmaco di longevità."
46,26,9,"Paras has parasitic mushrooms growing on its back called
tochukaso. They grow large by drawing nutrients from this
Bug Pokémon host. They are highly valued as a medicine
for extending life."
46,26,11,"パラスから 養分を 吸い取って 大きくなる
キノコは 冬虫夏草 と 呼ばれている。
長寿の 薬になる 貴重な キノコ。"
46,27,1,"くっても くっても せなかに
はえている キノコが ほとんど
えいようを うばっていくのだ。"
46,27,3,"먹어도 먹어도 등에
돋아나 있는 버섯이 대부분의
영양을 빼앗아간다."
46,27,5,"Il a beau manger autant quil peut,
les champignons qui poussent sur son dos
lui volent la plupart de ses nutriments."
46,27,6,"Egal, wie viel Nahrung es auch zu sich nimmt,
die Pilze, die auf seinem Rücken wachsen,
entziehen ihm so gut wie alle Nährstoffe."
46,27,7,"Por mucho que coma, las setas parásitas que
tiene en el lomo le roban la mayor parte de los
46,27,8,"Mangia a più non posso, ma i funghi che
crescono sul suo dorso gli rubano quasi
tutto il nutrimento."
46,27,9,"No matter how much it eats, the mushrooms
growing on its back steal away most of
the nutrients it consumes."
46,27,11,"喰っても 喰っても 背中に
生えている キノコが ほとんど
栄養を 奪っていくのだ。"
46,28,1,"とうちゅうかそうと いう せなかの
キノコは ちょうじゅの くすり。
かわかし ふんまつにして つかう。"
46,28,3,"동충하초라고 불리는 등의
버섯은 장수의 약이다.
말려서 가루로 만들어 사용한다."
46,28,5,"Les champignons qui poussent sur son dos,
appelés tochukaso, peuvent être séchés puis
broyés pour obtenir un élixir de longue vie."
46,28,6,"Die Pilze auf seinem Rücken heißen Tochukaso.
Sie lassen sich als lebensverlängernde Medizin
verwerten, wenn man sie trocknet und zermahlt."
46,28,7,"Las setas que lleva en su lomo, llamadas
tochukaso, se pueden deshidratar y pulverizar
para crear un elixir que alarga la vida."
46,28,8,"I funghi che ha sul dorso, chiamati tochukaso,
sono considerati un farmaco di longevità.
Prima delluso, vanno essiccati e polverizzati."
46,28,9,"Mushrooms called tochukaso sprout from its
back. They can be dried and powdered to make
a medicine used to extend life."
46,28,11,"冬虫夏草と いう 背中の
キノコは 長寿の 薬。
乾かし 粉末にして 使う。"
46,29,1,"しっけが たりないのか えいようが
たりないのか アローラの パラスの
キノコは そだちが いまいち。"
46,29,3,"습도가 낮아서인지 영양이
부족해서인지 알로라 파라스의
버섯은 성장이 그저 그렇다."
46,29,5,"Cest probablement par manque de nutriments
et dhumidité que les champignons sur son dos
peinent à se développer à Alola."
46,29,6,"In Alola sind Paras Pilze etwas unterentwickelt.
Vielleicht mangelt es ihm hier an Feuchtigkeit
oder Nährstoffen."
46,29,7,"Ya sea por la falta de humedad o de nutrientes,
las setas parásitas de los Paras en Alola suelen
ser más pequeñas que en otras regiones."
46,29,8,"I funghi sul dorso di Paras crescono con
difficoltà ad Alola, forse per mancanza
di umidità o di nutrimento."
46,29,9,"Whether its due to a lack of moisture or a lack
of nutrients, in Alola the mushrooms on Paras
dont grow up quite right."
46,29,11,"湿気が 足りないのか 栄養が
足りないのか アローラの パラスの
キノコは 育ちが いまいち。"
46,30,1,"とうちゅうかそう という キノコが
ムシを あやつっているのだ。
ムシの いしは むしされる。"
46,30,3,"동충하초라고 불리는 버섯이
벌레를 조종하고 있다.
벌레의 의사는 무시된다."
46,30,5,"Les champignons, appelés tochukaso,
contrôlent linsecte contre sa volonté."
46,30,6,"Paras Körper kann nicht nach seinem eigenen
Willen handeln, da er von Tochukaso, den Pilzen
auf seinem Rücken, kontrolliert wird."
46,30,7,"Las setas que tiene en el dorso, llamadas
tochukaso, controlan al insecto contra su
46,30,8,"I funghi che crescono sul dorso di questo
Pokémon, chiamati tochukaso, controllano le sue
azioni contro la sua volontà."
46,30,9,"The mushrooms, known as tochukaso, are
controlling the bug. Even if the bug bugs the
mushrooms, they tell it to bug off."
46,30,11,"冬虫夏草と いう キノコが
虫を 操っているのだ。
虫の 意思は 無視される。"
46,31,1,"あなをほり きのねっこ から
えいようを とるが ほとんどは
せなかの キノコに うばわれる。"
46,31,3,"구멍을 파서 나무뿌리로부터
영양을 섭취하지만 대부분은
등에 있는 버섯에게 빼앗긴다."
46,31,5,"Il senfouit pour ronger des racines, mais ce sont
les champignons sur son dos qui absorbent
presque tous les nutriments."
46,31,6,"Es gräbt sich in den Boden, um Baumwurzeln
Nährstoffe zu entziehen. Den Großteil davon
absorbieren jedoch die Pilze auf seinem Rücken."
46,31,7,"Escarba en el suelo para extraer nutrientes de
las raíces de los árboles, que las setas del lomo
absorben después casi por completo."
46,31,8,"Scava nella terra per cibarsi delle radici degli
alberi, ma i funghi che ha sul dorso assorbono
quasi tutte le sostanze nutritive."
46,31,9,"Burrows under the ground to gnaw on
tree roots. The mushrooms on its back
absorb most of the nutrition."
46,31,11,"穴を掘り 木の根っこ から
栄養を 摂るが ほとんどは
背中の キノコに 奪われる。"
46,32,1,"あなをほり きのねっこ から
えいようを とるが ほとんどは
せなかの キノコに うばわれる。"
46,32,3,"구멍을 파서 나무뿌리로부터
영양을 섭취하지만 대부분은
등에 있는 버섯에게 빼앗긴다."
46,32,5,"Il senfouit pour ronger des racines, mais ce sont
les champignons sur son dos qui absorbent
presque tous les nutriments."
46,32,6,"Es gräbt sich in den Boden, um Baumwurzeln
Nährstoffe zu entziehen. Den Großteil davon
absorbieren jedoch die Pilze auf seinem Rücken."
46,32,7,"Escarba en el suelo para extraer nutrientes de
las raíces de los árboles, que las setas del lomo
absorben después casi por completo."
46,32,8,"Scava nella terra per cibarsi delle radici degli
alberi, ma i funghi che ha sul dorso assorbono
quasi tutte le sostanze nutritive."
46,32,9,"Burrows under the ground to gnaw on
tree roots. The mushrooms on its back
absorb most of the nutrition."
46,32,11,"穴を掘り 木の根っこ から
栄養を 摂るが ほとんどは
背中の キノコに 奪われる。"
47,1,9,"A host-parasite
pair in which the
parasite mushroomhas taken over the
host bug. Prefers
damp places."
47,2,9,"A host-parasite
pair in which the
parasite mushroomhas taken over the
host bug. Prefers
damp places."
47,3,9,"The bug host is
drained of energy
by the mushroomson its back. They
appear to do all
the thinking."
47,4,9,"It stays mostly in
dark, damp places,
the preference notof the bug, but
of the big mush­
rooms on its back."
47,5,9,"The larger the
mushroom on its
back grows, thestronger the mush­
room spores it
47,6,9,"When nothing's
left to extract
from the bug, themushrooms on its
back leave spores
on the bug's egg."
47,7,9,"PARASECT is known to infest large trees
en masse and drain nutrients from the
lower trunk and roots.When an infested tree dies, they move
onto another tree all at once."
47,8,9,"PARASECT is known to infest large trees
en masse and drain nutrients from the
lower trunk and roots.When an infested tree dies, they move
onto another tree all at once."
47,9,9,"PARASECT are known to infest the roots of
large trees en masse and drain nutrients.
When an infested tree dies, they move
onto another tree all at once."
47,10,9,"It scatters toxic spores from the
mushroom cap. In China, the spores are
used as herbal medicine."
47,11,9,"A host-parasite pair in which the parasite
mushroom has taken over the host bug.
Prefers damp places. "
47,12,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the
hosts body controls PARASECT.
It scatters poisonous spores."
47,13,9,"It is controlled by a mushroom
grown larger than the bug body.
It is said to prefer damp places."
47,14,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the
hosts body controls PARASECT.
It scatters poisonous spores."
47,15,9,"It stays mostly in dark, damp places,
the preference not of the bug, but
of the big mushroom on its back."
47,16,9,"The larger the mushroom on its
back grows, the stronger the
mushroom spores it scatters."
47,17,5,"Un champignon parasite plus gros
que Parasect contrôle son corps.
Il répand des spores empoisonnées."
47,17,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the
hosts body controls Parasect.
It scatters poisonous spores."
47,18,5,"Un champignon parasite plus gros
que Parasect contrôle son corps.
Il répand des spores empoisonnées."
47,18,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the
hosts body controls Parasect.
It scatters poisonous spores."
47,21,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the
hosts body controls Parasect.
It scatters poisonous spores."
47,22,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the
hosts body controls Parasect.
It scatters poisonous spores."
47,23,1,"からだよりも おおきな キノコが
パラセクトを あやつっている。
どくの ほうしを ばらまく。"
47,23,3,"몸보다 큰 버섯이
파라섹트를 조종하고 있다.
독 포자를 여기저기 뿌린다."
47,23,5,"Un champignon parasite plus gros que Parasect
contrôle son corps. Il répand des spores
47,23,6,"Parasek wird von einem Pilz, der größer als das
Pokémon ist, kontrolliert. Er gibt Giftsporen ab."
47,23,7,"Parasect está dominado por una seta parásita mayor
que él. Dispersa esporas venenosas."
47,23,8,"Parasect è controllato da un fungo ancora più
grosso del suo corpo. Diffonde spore velenose."
47,23,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the hosts body
controls Parasect. It scatters poisonous spores."
47,23,11,"体よりも 大きな キノコが
パラセクトを 操っている。
毒の 胞子を ばらまく。"
47,24,1,"せなかの キノコが そだつほど
ばらまかれる キノコのほうしの
こうかは きょうりょくになる。"
47,24,3,"등의 버섯이 자랄수록
흩뿌려지는 버섯포자의
효과는 강력해진다."
47,24,5,"Plus le champignon sur son dos grandit, plus celui-ci
émet des spores puissantes dans lair."
47,24,6,"Je größer der Pilz auf seinem Rücken wird, desto
stärker werden auch die Sporen, die es verteilt."
47,24,7,"Cuanto más grande sea la seta de su lomo, más
resistentes serán las esporas que esta suelta."
47,24,8,"Più cresce il fungo che ha sul dorso, più forti
diventano le spore che sparge."
47,24,9,"The larger the mushroom on its back grows,
the stronger the mushroom spores it scatters."
47,24,11,"背中の キノコが 育つほど
ばらまかれる キノコの 胞子の
効果は 強力になる。"
47,25,1,"パラセクトは しゅうだんで たいぼくの ねもとに
くっついて えいようを すいとってしまう。
かれると いっせいに べつの きに いどうする。"
47,25,3,"파라섹트는 집단으로 큰 나무의 밑동에
붙어 영양을 빨아들인다.
말라버리면 일제히 다른 나무로 이동한다."
47,25,5,"On sait que les Parasect vivent en groupe dans les grands
arbres et se nourrissent des nutriments contenus dans le tronc
et les racines. Lorsquun arbre infesté meurt, ils se précipitent
vers le prochain."
47,25,6,"Parasek sucht große Bäume heim und entzieht Nährstoffe aus
Stamm und Wurzeln. Wenn ein befallener Baum stirbt, sucht es
sich zusammen mit seinen Artgenossen einen neuen Wirt."
47,25,7,"Parasect es conocido por destruir en plaga grandes árboles,
absorbiendo los nutrientes que tienen en la parte baja del
tronco y las raíces. Cuando un árbol azotado por la plaga
muere, los Parasect van a por el siguiente al instante."
47,25,8,"I Parasect agiscono in gruppo e sono noti per la loro abilità
di infestare gli alberi traendo nutrimento da tronchi e radici.
Quando muore un albero infestato, ne cercano subito un altro."
47,25,9,"Parasect is known to infest large trees en masse and drain
nutrients from the lower trunk and roots. When an infested tree
dies, they move onto another tree all at once."
47,25,11,"パラセクトは 集団で 大木の 根元に
くっついて 栄養を 吸い取ってしまう。
枯れると 一斉に 別の 木に 移動する。"
47,26,1,"パラセクトは しゅうだんで たいぼくの ねもとに
くっついて えいようを すいとってしまう。
かれると いっせいに べつの きに いどうする。"
47,26,3,"파라섹트는 집단으로 큰 나무의 밑동에
붙어 영양을 빨아들인다.
말라버리면 일제히 다른 나무로 이동한다."
47,26,5,"On sait que les Parasect vivent en groupe dans les grands
arbres et se nourrissent des nutriments contenus dans le tronc
et les racines. Lorsquun arbre infesté meurt, ils se précipitent
vers le prochain."
47,26,6,"Parasek sucht große Bäume heim und entzieht Nährstoffe aus
Stamm und Wurzeln. Wenn ein befallener Baum stirbt, sucht es
sich zusammen mit seinen Artgenossen einen neuen Wirt."
47,26,7,"Parasect es conocido por destruir en plaga grandes árboles,
absorbiendo los nutrientes que tienen en la parte baja del
tronco y las raíces. Cuando un árbol azotado por la plaga
muere, los Parasect van a por el siguiente al instante."
47,26,8,"I Parasect agiscono in gruppo e sono noti per la loro abilità
di infestare gli alberi traendo nutrimento da tronchi e radici.
Quando muore un albero infestato, ne cercano subito un altro."
47,26,9,"Parasect is known to infest large trees en masse and drain
nutrients from the lower trunk and roots. When an infested
tree dies, they move onto another tree all at once."
47,26,11,"パラセクトは 集団で 大木の 根元に
くっついて 栄養を 吸い取ってしまう。
枯れると 一斉に 別の 木に 移動する。"
47,27,1,"おおきな キノコが パラセクトを
あやつっている。 よく マシェードと
なわばりあらそいを している。"
47,27,3,"큰 버섯이 파라섹트를
조종하고 있다. 자주 마셰이드와
영역싸움을 하고 있다."
47,27,5,"Le gros champignon sur son dos contrôle
le Pokémon. Lampignon et Parasect
se disputent souvent un même territoire."
47,27,6,"Parasek wird von dem Pilz auf seinen Rücken
kontrolliert. Es ist oft mit Lamellux in
Revierstreitigkeiten verstrickt."
47,27,7,"La gran seta en su lomo lo controla. A menudo
libra luchas territoriales contra Shiinotic."
47,27,8,"Parasect è controllato dal grande fungo che ha
sul dorso. Spesso si contende il territorio con
gli Shiinotic."
47,27,9,"The large mushroom on its back controls it.
It often fights over territory with Shiinotic."
47,27,11,"大きな キノコが パラセクトを
操っている。 よく マシェードと
縄張り争いを している。"
47,28,1,"キノコの カサから どくのほうしを
まきちらす。 ほうしを あつめて
せんじると かんぽうやくに なる。"
47,28,3,"버섯의 갓에서 독 포자를
흩뿌린다. 포자를 모아서
달이면 한약이 된다."
47,28,5,"Il répand des spores empoisonnées depuis son
chapeau. On peut les récolter et les faire sécher
pour préparer des remèdes traditionnels."
47,28,6,"Der Pilz auf seinem Rücken stößt Giftsporen
aus. Kocht man ihn ab, lässt er sich als
natürliches Heilmittel verwerten."
47,28,7,"La gran seta en su lomo dispersa esporas
venenosas, que pueden servir para elaborar
remedios medicinales."
47,28,8,"Sparge spore velenose dal fungo che ha
sul dorso. Se raccolte e fatte bollire, queste
spore possono essere usate come farmaco."
47,28,9,"It scatters toxic spores from its mushroom cap.
Once harvested, these spores can be steeped
and boiled down to prepare herbal medicines."
47,28,11,"キノコの カサから 毒の胞子を
撒き散らす。 胞子を 集めて
煎じると 漢方薬に なる。"
47,29,1,"ムシの ほうは ほぼ しんでいて
ほんたいは せなかの キノコだ。
もげると もう うごかなくなる。"
47,29,3,"벌레는 거의 죽은 상태이고
본체는 등의 버섯이다.
떨어지면 더는 움직일 수 없다."
47,29,5,"Linsecte est quasiment mort, à ce stade, et le
champignon est devenu le véritable cerveau.
Si on lôte de son dos, il ne peut plus bouger."
47,29,6,"Der Pilz auf seinem Rücken ist sein wichtigstes
Körperteil. Der Rest ist quasi leblos und kann
sich ohne den Pilz nicht bewegen."
47,29,7,"La mayor parte de su cuerpo está atrofiada,
excepto la seta del dorso, que controla al resto.
Si se desprende, Parasect ya no podrá moverse."
47,29,8,"La parte essenziale di questo Pokémon,
praticamente morto, è costituita dal fungo sulla
sua schiena. Se si stacca, non può più muoversi."
47,29,9,"The bug is mostly dead, with the mushroom on
its back having become the main body. If the
mushroom comes off, the bug stops moving."
47,29,11,"ムシの 方は ほぼ 死んでいて
本体は 背中の キノコだ。
もげると もう 動かなくなる。"
47,30,1,"どくの ほうしは かんぽうやくにも
つかわれる。 アローラさんは
あまり しつが よくないらしい。"
47,30,3,"독 포자는 한방약으로도
사용된다. 알로라산은
그다지 품질이 좋지 않다고 한다."
47,30,5,"Des remèdes traditionnels sont préparés avec
ses spores empoisonnées, mais ceux produits
à Alola seraient de moindre qualité."
47,30,6,"Seine Giftsporen werden als natürliches
Heilmittel verwendet, doch bei Parasek aus
Alola ist die Qualität etwas minderwertig."
47,30,7,"Sus esporas venenosas se usan para elaborar
remedios medicinales que en Alola, al parecer,
son de calidad más bien mediocre."
47,30,8,"Dalle sue spore velenose si possono ricavare
dei farmaci. Tuttavia, sembra che quelli prodotti
ad Alola non siano di buona qualità."
47,30,9,"Its poisonous spores are also used in traditional
medicine. Apparently, spores produced in Alola
are not of very good quality."
47,30,11,"毒の 胞子は 漢方薬にも
使われる。 アローラ産は
あまり 質が 良くないらしい。"
47,31,1,"ずっと エキスを すいつづけられ
もはや ムシではなく せなかの
キノコが かんがえているようだ。"
47,31,3,"계속 진액을 빨아 먹혀서
이제는 벌레가 아니라 등에 있는
버섯이 생각하고 있는 듯하다."
47,31,5,"À force de voir son énergie aspirée, il semblerait
que ce ne soit plus linsecte qui réfléchisse,
mais le champignon sur son dos."
47,31,6,"Der Pilz auf Paraseks Rücken nutzt das Pokémon
als Wirt und entzieht ihm Energie. Es scheint,
als habe er die Kontrolle über das Pokémon."
47,31,7,"Tras largo tiempo absorbiendo la energía del
huésped, la seta parásita del lomo es la que
parece controlar la voluntad de este Pokémon."
47,31,8,"Il fungo sulla schiena assorbe lenergia
dellorganismo ospite, su cui ha anche
pieno controllo."
47,31,9,"The bug host is drained of energy by
the mushroom on its back. The mushroom
appears to do all the thinking."
47,31,11,"ずっと エキスを 吸い続けられ
もはや ムシではなく 背中の
キノコが 考えているようだ。"
47,32,1,"ずっと エキスを すいつづけられ
もはや ムシではなく せなかの
キノコが かんがえているようだ。"
47,32,3,"계속 진액을 빨아 먹혀서
이제는 벌레가 아니라 등에 있는
버섯이 생각하고 있는 듯하다."
47,32,5,"À force de voir son énergie aspirée, il semblerait
que ce ne soit plus linsecte qui réfléchisse,
mais le champignon sur son dos."
47,32,6,"Der Pilz auf Paraseks Rücken nutzt das Pokémon
als Wirt und entzieht ihm Energie. Es scheint,
als habe er die Kontrolle über das Pokémon."
47,32,7,"Tras largo tiempo absorbiendo la energía del
huésped, la seta parásita del lomo es la que
parece controlar la voluntad de este Pokémon."
47,32,8,"Il fungo sulla schiena assorbe lenergia
dellorganismo ospite, su cui ha anche
pieno controllo."
47,32,9,"The bug host is drained of energy by
the mushroom on its back. The mushroom
appears to do all the thinking."
47,32,11,"ずっと エキスを 吸い続けられ
もはや ムシではなく 背中の
キノコが 考えているようだ。"
48,1,9,"Lives in the
shadows of tall
trees where iteats insects. It
is attracted by
light at night."
48,2,9,"Lives in the
shadows of tall
trees where iteats insects. It
is attracted by
light at night."
48,3,9,"Its large eyes act
as radars. In a
bright place, youcan see that they
are clusters of
many tiny eyes."
48,4,9,"Its eyes also
function as radar
units. It catchesand eats small
bugs that hide in
48,5,9,"Poison oozes from
all over its body.
It catches andeats small bugs at
night that are at­
tracted by light."
48,6,9,"The small bugs it
eats appear only
at night, so itsleeps in a hole
in a tree until
night falls."
48,7,9,"VENONAT is said to have evolved with
a coat of thin, stiff hair that covers
its entire body for protection.It possesses large eyes that never fail
to spot even miniscule prey."
48,8,9,"VENONAT is said to have evolved with
a coat of thin, stiff hair that covers
its entire body for protection.It possesses large eyes that never fail
to spot even miniscule prey."
48,9,9,"Its coat of thin, stiff hair that covers
its entire body is said to have evolved
for protection. Its large eyes never fail
to spot even miniscule prey."
48,10,9,"Its eyes act as radar, enabling it to be
active in darkness. The eyes can also
shoot powerful beams."
48,11,9,"Lives in the shadows of tall trees where
it eats bugs. It is attracted by light
at night."
48,12,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,13,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,14,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,15,9,"Its eyes also function as radar
units. It catches and eats small
bugs that hide in darkness."
48,16,9,"Poison oozes from all over its body.
It catches and eats small bugs at
night that are attracted by light."
48,17,5,"Ses grands yeux sont en fait des
amas dyeux minuscules. La nuit,
il est attiré par la lumière."
48,17,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,18,5,"Ses grands yeux sont en fait des
amas dyeux minuscules. La nuit,
il est attiré par la lumière."
48,18,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,21,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,22,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters
of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is
drawn by light."
48,23,1,"ちいさな めが たくさん あつまって
おおきな めに なっている。
よるになると あかりに あつまる。"
48,23,3,"작은 눈이 많이 모여
큰 눈을 이루고 있다.
밤이 되면 불빛을 향해 모여든다."
48,23,5,"Ses grands yeux sont en fait des amas dyeux
minuscules. La nuit, il est attiré par la lumière."
48,23,6,"Seine großen Augen bestehen aus vielen kleinen
Augen. Nachts wird es von Licht angezogen."
48,23,7,"Sus grandes ojos son en realidad grupos de ojos
diminutos. Por la noche se siente atraído por la luz."
48,23,8,"I suoi grandi occhi sono in realtà un insieme di tanti
piccoli occhi. Di notte, è attirato dalla luce."
48,23,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters of tiny eyes.
At night, its kind is drawn by light."
48,23,11,"小さな 目が たくさん 集まって
大きな 目に なっている。
夜になると 明かりに 集まる。"
48,24,1,"おおきな きのしたに すんでいて
むしなどを たべて いるらしい。
よるは あかりのそばに やってくる。"
48,24,3,"커다란 나무 밑에서 살며
벌레 따위를 먹고 지내는 듯하다.
밤에는 빛 주위로 찾아온다."
48,24,5,"Il vit à lombre des grands arbres où il se nourrit
dinsectes. Il est attiré par la lumière."
48,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt im Schatten großer Bäume.
Es frisst Insekten und wird von Licht angezogen."
48,24,7,"Vive entre las sombras de árboles altos, donde come
insectos. Por la noche, le atrae la luz."
48,24,8,"Vive allombra di alberi alti, dove si nutre di insetti.
Di notte è attirato dalla luce."
48,24,9,"Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats
bugs. It is attracted by light at night."
48,24,11,"大きな 木の下に 住んでいて
虫などを 食べているらしい。
夜は 明かりのそばに やってくる。"
48,25,1,"みを まもるために ほそく かたい たいもうが
ぜんしんを おおうように なったと いわれる。
ちいさな えものも みのがさない めを もつ。"
48,25,3,"몸을 지키기 위해 가늘고 딱딱한 털이
전신을 둘러싸게 됐다고 전해진다.
작은 먹잇감도 놓치지 않는 눈을 가졌다."
48,25,5,"On raconte que Mimitoss a évolué avec une fourrure de poils
fins et drus qui protège son corps tout entier. Il est doté de
grands yeux capables de repérer ses proies, même minuscules."
48,25,6,"Bluzuk hat einen Pelz aus dünnen Borsten entwickelt, der dem
Schutz seines Körpers dient. Es hat große Augen, denen auch
winzig kleine Beute nicht entgeht."
48,25,7,"Dicen que durante su evolución Venonat desarrolló una fina
capa de espeso pelo alrededor de todo el cuerpo para
protegerse. Tiene unos ojos tan grandes que no hay presa
que le pase desapercibida."
48,25,8,"Si dice che per proteggersi Venonat abbia sviluppato una
pelliccia sottile e irsuta che ricopre il suo corpo. Nemmeno
la preda più piccola può sfuggire ai suoi occhi enormi."
48,25,9,"Venonat is said to have evolved with a coat of thin,
stiff hair that covers its entire body for protection.
It possesses large eyes that never fail to spot even
minuscule prey."
48,25,11,"身を 守るために 細く 硬い 体毛が
全身を 覆うように なったと いわれる。
小さな 獲物を 見逃さない 目を 持つ。"
48,26,1,"みを まもるために ほそく かたい たいもうが
ぜんしんを おおうように なったと いわれる。
ちいさな えものも みのがさない めを もつ。"
48,26,3,"몸을 지키기 위해 가늘고 딱딱한 털이
전신을 둘러싸게 됐다고 전해진다.
작은 먹잇감도 놓치지 않는 눈을 가졌다."
48,26,5,"On raconte que Mimitoss a évolué avec une fourrure de poils
fins et drus qui protège son corps tout entier. Il est doté de
grands yeux capables de repérer ses proies, même minuscules."
48,26,6,"Bluzuk hat einen Pelz aus dünnen Borsten entwickelt, der dem
Schutz seines Körpers dient. Es hat große Augen, denen auch
winzig kleine Beute nicht entgeht."
48,26,7,"Dicen que durante su evolución Venonat desarrolló una fina
capa de espeso pelo alrededor de todo el cuerpo para
protegerse. Tiene unos ojos tan grandes que no hay presa
que le pase desapercibida."
48,26,8,"Si dice che per proteggersi Venonat abbia sviluppato una
pelliccia sottile e irsuta che ricopre il suo corpo. Nemmeno
la preda più piccola può sfuggire ai suoi occhi enormi."
48,26,9,"Venonat is said to have evolved with a coat of thin, stiff hair
that covers its entire body for protection. It possesses large
eyes that never fail to spot even minuscule prey."
48,26,11,"身を 守るために 細く 硬い 体毛が
全身を 覆うように なったと いわれる。
小さな 獲物を 見逃さない 目を 持つ。"
48,31,1,"レーダーになる おおきな めは
あかるいところでは ちいさな めが
あつまって できているのが わかる。"
48,31,3,"레이더 역할을 하는 큰 눈은
밝은 곳에서 보면 작은 눈이 모여서
이루어진 것임을 알 수 있다."
48,31,5,"Ses grands yeux lui servent de radar. En pleine
lumière, on peut y distinguer des facettes."
48,31,6,"Seine großen Augen fungieren als Radar.
Im Licht kann man erkennen, dass sie aus
unzähligen, sehr kleinen Augen bestehen."
48,31,7,"Sus grandes ojos actúan como radares. A plena
luz se percibe que son, en realidad, grupos de
ojos diminutos."
48,31,8,"Gli occhi enormi fungono da radar. Alla luce
si può notare che sono formati da molti occhi
più piccoli."
48,31,9,"Its large eyes act as radar. In a bright place, you
can see that they are clusters of many tiny eyes."
48,31,11,"レーダーになる 大きな 目は
明るいところでは 小さな 目が
集まって できているのが わかる。"
48,32,1,"レーダーになる おおきな めは
あかるいところでは ちいさな めが
あつまって できているのが わかる。"
48,32,3,"레이더 역할을 하는 큰 눈은
밝은 곳에서 보면 작은 눈이 모여서
이루어진 것임을 알 수 있다."
48,32,5,"Ses grands yeux lui servent de radar. En pleine
lumière, on peut y distinguer des facettes."
48,32,6,"Seine großen Augen fungieren als Radar.
Im Licht kann man erkennen, dass sie aus
unzähligen, sehr kleinen Augen bestehen."
48,32,7,"Sus grandes ojos actúan como radares. A plena
luz se percibe que son, en realidad, grupos de
ojos diminutos."
48,32,8,"Gli occhi enormi fungono da radar. Alla luce
si può notare che sono formati da molti occhi
più piccoli."
48,32,9,"Its large eyes act as radar. In a bright place, you
can see that they are clusters of many tiny eyes."
48,32,11,"レーダーになる 大きな 目は
明るいところでは 小さな 目が
集まって できているのが わかる。"
49,1,9,"The dust-like
scales covering
its wings arecolor coded to
indicate the kinds
of poison it has."
49,2,9,"The dust-like
scales covering
its wings arecolor coded to
indicate the kinds
of poison it has."
49,3,9,"The powdery scales
on its wings are
hard to remove.They also contain
poison that leaks
out on contact."
49,4,9,"When it attacks,
it flaps its large
wings violently toscatter its poi­
sonous powder all
49,5,9,"The powder on its
wings is poisonous
if it is dark incolor. If it is
light, it causes
49,6,9,"The scales it
scatters will
paralyze anyonewho touches them,
making that person
unable to stand."
49,7,9,"VENOMOTH is nocturnal - it is a POKéMON
that only becomes active at night.
Its favorite prey are small insectsthat gather around streetlights,
attracted by the light in the darkness."
49,8,9,"VENOMOTH is nocturnal - it is a POKéMON
that only becomes active at night.
Its favorite prey are small insectsthat gather around streetlights,
attracted by the light in the darkness."
49,9,9,"VENOMOTH are nocturnal--they only are
active at night. Their favorite prey are
insects that gather around streetlights,
attracted by the light in the darkness."
49,10,9,"The wings are covered with dustlike
scales. Every time it flaps its wings, it
looses highly toxic dust."
49,11,9,"The dustlike scales covering its wings
are color-coded to indicate the kinds of
poison it has."
49,12,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,13,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,14,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,15,9,"When it attacks, it flaps its large
wings violently to scatter its
poisonous powder all around."
49,16,9,"The powder on its wings is poisonous
if it is dark in hue. If it is light in hue,
it causes paralysis."
49,17,5,"Il répand ses écailles poudreuses
en battant des ailes. Elles sont
toxiques au toucher."
49,17,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,18,5,"Il répand ses écailles poudreuses
en battant des ailes. Elles sont
toxiques au toucher."
49,18,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,21,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,22,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter
dustlike scales. The scales leach
toxins if they contact skin."
49,23,1,"ばらまかれた りんぷんに ふれると
からだの かんかくが おかしくなって
まっすぐ たって いられなくなる。"
49,23,3,"흩뿌려진 날개 가루에 닿으면
몸의 감각이 이상해져서
똑바로 서 있을 수 없게 된다."
49,23,5,"Les écailles quil sème ont le pouvoir de paralyser
totalement un ennemi."
49,23,6,"Wer die von ihm verstreuten Schuppen berührt,
wird gelähmt und muss sich setzen."
49,23,7,"Lanza unas escamas que paralizan a cualquiera.
Quien las toque, no podrá ni ponerse de pie."
49,23,8,"Sparge scaglie che paralizzano chiunque le tocchi,
rendendolo incapace di stare in piedi."
49,23,9,"The scales it scatters will paralyze anyone who
touches them, making that person unable to stand."
49,23,11,"ばらまかれた りんぷんに 触れると
体の 感覚が おかしくなって
まっすぐ 立っていられなくなる。"
49,24,1,"はねに りんぷんが ついていて
ヒラヒラと はばたくたびに
もうどくの こなを ばらまく。"
49,24,3,"날개에 가루가 묻어 있어
팔락팔락 날개를 칠 때마다
맹독 가루를 흩뿌린다."
49,24,5,"Ses ailes sont couvertes décailles poudreuses.
À chaque battement dailes, il laisse tomber de
la poudre hautement toxique."
49,24,6,"Seine Flügel sind mit staubähnlichen Schuppen
überzogen. Mit jedem Flügelschlag verliert es
hochgiftigen Staub."
49,24,7,"Tiene las alas cubiertas de un polvillo de escamas que
esparce cada vez que las bate."
49,24,8,"Le ali sono ricoperte di polvere velenosa, che libera
nellaria a ogni batter dali."
49,24,9,"The wings are covered with dustlike scales.
Every time it flaps its wings, it looses highly
toxic dust."
49,24,11,"羽に りんぷんが ついていて
ヒラヒラと 羽ばたくたびに
猛毒の 粉を ばらまく。"
49,25,1,"やこうせいで よるに かつどうを はじめる。
がいとうの あかりに さそわれ あつまった
ちいさな むしを このんで たべる。"
49,25,3,"야행성으로 밤에 활동을 시작한다.
가로등 빛에 이끌려 모여든
작은 벌레를 즐겨 먹는다."
49,25,5,"Aéromite est un Pokémon nocturne, il ne sort donc que
la nuit. Ses proies préférées sont les petits insectes qui
se rassemblent autour des réverbères, attirés par la lumière."
49,25,6,"Omot ist ein nachtaktives Pokémon. Kleine Insekten,
die vom Licht in der Dunkelheit angezogen Straßenlaternen
umschwärmen, sind seine bevorzugte Beute."
49,25,7,"Venomoth es nocturno, solo actúa en la oscuridad.
Su alimento preferido son los pequeños insectos que se
concentran cerca de los focos de luz en la oscuridad de la
49,25,8,"Venomoth è un Pokémon notturno, cioè attivo soltanto
di notte. Le sue prede favorite sono i piccoli insetti che
si raggruppano attorno ai lampioni attratti dalla luce nel buio."
49,25,9,"Venomoth is nocturnal—it is a Pokémon that only becomes
active at night. Its favorite prey are small insects that gather
around streetlights, attracted by the light in the darkness."
49,25,11,"夜行性で 夜に 活動を 始める。
街灯の 灯りに 誘われ 集まった
小さな 虫を 好んで 食べる。"
49,26,1,"やこうせいで よるに かつどうを はじめる。
がいとうの あかりに さそわれ あつまった
ちいさな むしを このんで たべる。"
49,26,3,"야행성으로 밤에 활동을 시작한다.
가로등 빛에 이끌려 모여든
작은 벌레를 즐겨 먹는다."
49,26,5,"Aéromite est un Pokémon nocturne, il ne sort donc que
la nuit. Ses proies préférées sont les petits insectes qui
se rassemblent autour des réverbères, attirés par la lumière."
49,26,6,"Omot ist ein nachtaktives Pokémon. Kleine Insekten,
die vom Licht in der Dunkelheit angezogen Straßenlaternen
umschwärmen, sind seine bevorzugte Beute."
49,26,7,"Venomoth es nocturno, solo actúa en la oscuridad.
Su alimento preferido son los pequeños insectos que se
concentran cerca de los focos de luz en la oscuridad de la
49,26,8,"Venomoth è un Pokémon notturno, cioè attivo soltanto
di notte. Le sue prede favorite sono i piccoli insetti che
si raggruppano attorno ai lampioni attratti dalla luce nel buio."
49,26,9,"Venomoth is nocturnal—it is a Pokémon that only becomes
active at night. Its favorite prey are small insects that gather
around streetlights, attracted by the light in the darkness."
49,26,11,"夜行性で 夜に 活動を 始める。
街灯の 灯りに 誘われ 集まった
小さな 虫を 好んで 食べる。"
49,31,1,"ハネの りんぷんは からだにつくと
なかなか とれない。しかも そこから
どくの せいぶんが しみこんでくる。"
49,31,3,"날개의 인분은 몸에 묻으면
좀처럼 떨어지지 않는다. 게다가
거기에서 독성분이 스며든다."
49,31,5,"Les écailles de ses ailes sont presque impossibles
à retirer lorsquelles se collent à la peau,
et elles libèrent un poison violent au contact."
49,31,6,"Berührt man die staubartigen Schuppen auf
seinen Flügeln, heften diese sich hartnäckig am
Körper an und sondern darüber hinaus Gift ab."
49,31,7,"Las alas desprenden un polvillo de escamas
impregnado de toxinas que se adhiere al
contacto y resulta difícil de quitar."
49,31,8,"Se si attaccano alla pelle, le scaglie che
ricoprono le sue ali sono difficili da togliere.
Inoltre, rilasciano una sostanza velenosa."
49,31,9,"The powdery scales on its wings are hard to
remove from skin. They also contain poison
that leaks out on contact."
49,31,11,"ハネの りん粉は 体につくと
なかなか 取れない。しかも そこから
毒の 成分が 染み込んでくる。"
49,32,1,"ハネの りんぷんは からだにつくと
なかなか とれない。しかも そこから
どくの せいぶんが しみこんでくる。"
49,32,3,"날개의 인분은 몸에 묻으면
좀처럼 떨어지지 않는다. 게다가
거기에서 독성분이 스며든다."
49,32,5,"Les écailles de ses ailes sont presque impossibles
à retirer lorsquelles se collent à la peau,
et elles libèrent un poison violent au contact."
49,32,6,"Berührt man die staubartigen Schuppen auf
seinen Flügeln, heften diese sich hartnäckig am
Körper an und sondern darüber hinaus Gift ab."
49,32,7,"Las alas desprenden un polvillo de escamas
impregnado de toxinas que se adhiere al
contacto y resulta difícil de quitar."
49,32,8,"Se si attaccano alla pelle, le scaglie che
ricoprono le sue ali sono difficili da togliere.
Inoltre, rilasciano una sostanza velenosa."
49,32,9,"The powdery scales on its wings are hard to
remove from skin. They also contain poison
that leaks out on contact."
49,32,11,"ハネの りん粉は 体につくと
なかなか 取れない。しかも そこから
毒の 成分が 染み込んでくる。"
50,1,9,"Lives about one
yard underground
where it feeds onplant roots. It
sometimes appears
above ground."
50,2,9,"Lives about one
yard underground
where it feeds onplant roots. It
sometimes appears
above ground."
50,3,9,"It prefers dark
places. It spends
most of its timeunderground,
though it may pop
up in caves."
50,4,9,"Its skin is very
thin. If it is
exposed to light,its blood heats
up, causing it to
grow weak."
50,5,9,"If a DIGLETT DIGS
through a field,
it leaves the soilperfectly tilled
and ideal for
planting crops."
50,6,9,"It digs under­
ground and chews
on tree roots,sticking its head
out only when the
sun isn't bright."
50,7,9,"DIGLETT are raised in most farms.
The reason is simple - wherever this
POKéMON burrows, the soil is leftperfectly tilled for planting crops.
This soil is made ideal for growing
delicious vegetables."
50,8,9,"DIGLETT are raised in most farms.
The reason is simple - wherever this
POKéMON burrows, the soil is leftperfectly tilled for planting crops.
This soil is made ideal for growing
delicious vegetables."
50,9,9,"DIGLETT are raised in most farms.
The reason is simple--wherever they
burrow, the soil is left perfectly tilled
for growing delicious crops."
50,10,9,"It burrows through the ground at a
shallow depth. It leaves raised earth in
its wake, making it easy to spot."
50,11,9,"Lives about one yard underground where it
feeds on plant roots. It sometimes appears
50,12,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,13,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,14,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,15,9,"Its skin is very thin. If it is exposed
to light, its blood heats up,
causing it to grow weak."
50,16,9,"If a DIGLETT digs through a field,
it leaves the soil perfectly tilled
and ideal for planting crops."
50,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit sous terre.
Habitué aux souterrains, il fuit la
lumière du jour."
50,17,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit sous terre.
Habitué aux souterrains, il fuit la
lumière du jour."
50,18,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,21,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,22,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground.
Because of its dark habitat, it is
repelled by bright sunlight."
50,23,1,"ちか1メートルくらいを ほりすすみ
きのねっこなどを かじって いきる。
たまに ちじょうに かおをだす。"
50,23,3,"지하 1m 정도를 파고들어 가서
나무뿌리 등을 씹어 먹고 산다.
가끔 지상으로 얼굴을 내민다."
50,23,5,"Il vit à 1 m sous la terre et se nourrit de racines.
Il apparaît rarement à la surface."
50,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt 1 m unter der Erde.
Es frisst Wurzeln und kommt selten an die Oberfläche."
50,23,7,"Vive un metro por debajo del suelo, donde se alimenta
de raíces. También aparece en la superficie."
50,23,8,"Vive un metro sotto terra, dove si nutre di radici.
Talvolta compare in superficie."
50,23,9,"Lives about one yard underground where it feeds
on plant roots. It sometimes appears aboveground."
50,23,11,"地下1メートルくらいを 掘りすすみ
木の根っこなどを かじって 生きる。
たまに 地上に 顔を出す。"
50,24,1,"ひふが とても うすいので
ひかりに てらされると けつえきが
あたためられて よわってしまう。"
50,24,3,"피부가 매우 얇아서
빛을 쪼이게 되면 혈액이
데워져 약해진다."
50,24,5,"Son épiderme est très fin. Sil est exposé au soleil,
son sang se réchauffe, ce qui laffaiblit."
50,24,6,"Seine Haut ist sehr dünn. Wird es Sonnenlicht
ausgesetzt, erhitzt sich sein Blut und es wird schwach."
50,24,7,"Su piel es muy fina. Si se expone a la luz, su sangre
se calienta y su crecimiento se debilita."
50,24,8,"La sua pelle è sottilissima. Se si espone alla luce,
il sangue si riscalda, indebolendolo."
50,24,9,"Its skin is very thin. If it is exposed to light,
its blood heats up, causing it to grow weak."
50,24,11,"皮膚が とても 薄いので
光に 照らされると 血液が
温められて 弱ってしまう。"
50,25,1,"ほとんどの のうかは ディグダを そだてている。
ディグダが あなを ほった とちは ほどよく
たがやされ おいしい やさいが つくれるからだ。"
50,25,3,"농가 대부분이 디그다를 기르고 있다.
디그다가 구멍을 판 땅은 적당히
일궈져 있어 맛있는 채소가 재배되기 때문이다."
50,25,5,"Les Taupiqueur sont élevés dans la plupart des fermes.
En effet, lorsque ce Pokémon creuse quelque part, le sol
est comme labouré, prêt à recevoir les semences.
On peut alors y planter de délicieux légumes."
50,25,6,"Digda wird zumeist auf Farmen gezüchtet. Denn wo auch
immer dieses Pokémon zu graben beginnt, hinterlässt es Erde,
die für das Anpflanzen von Feldfrüchten perfekt geeignet und
für den Anbau köstlichen Gemüses ideal ist."
50,25,7,"En la mayoría de las granjas se suelen criar Diglett por la
sencilla razón de que, excaven donde excaven, dejan la tierra
perfectamente labrada para sembrar. El terreno queda listo
para plantar ricas verduras."
50,25,8,"Diglett è allevato in molte aziende agricole. La ragione
è semplice: quando questo Pokémon scava, lascia il suolo
perfettamente arato per la semina. Il suolo è poi pronto
per la coltivazione di squisite verdure."
50,25,9,"Diglett are raised in most farms. The reason is simple—
wherever this Pokémon burrows, the soil is left perfectly tilled
for planting crops. This soil is made ideal for growing
delicious vegetables."
50,25,11,"ほとんどの 農家は ディグダを 育てている。
ディグダが 穴を 掘った 土地は ほどよく
耕され 美味しい 野菜が つくれるからだ。"
50,26,1,"ほとんどの のうかは ディグダを そだてている。
ディグダが あなを ほった とちは ほどよく
たがやされ おいしい やさいが つくれるからだ。"
50,26,3,"농가 대부분이 디그다를 기르고 있다.
디그다가 구멍을 판 땅은 적당히
일궈져 있어 맛있는 채소가 재배되기 때문이다."
50,26,5,"Les Taupiqueur sont élevés dans la plupart des fermes.
En effet, lorsque ce Pokémon creuse quelque part, le sol
est comme labouré, prêt à recevoir les semences.
On peut alors y planter de délicieux légumes."
50,26,6,"Digda wird zumeist auf Farmen gezüchtet. Denn wo auch
immer dieses Pokémon zu graben beginnt, hinterlässt es Erde,
die für das Anpflanzen von Feldfrüchten perfekt geeignet und
für den Anbau köstlichen Gemüses ideal ist."
50,26,7,"En la mayoría de las granjas se suelen criar Diglett por la
sencilla razón de que, excaven donde excaven, dejan la tierra
perfectamente labrada para sembrar. El terreno queda listo
para plantar ricas verduras."
50,26,8,"Diglett è allevato in molte aziende agricole. La ragione
è semplice: quando questo Pokémon scava, lascia il suolo
perfettamente arato per la semina. Il suolo è poi pronto
per la coltivazione di squisite verdure."
50,26,9,"Diglett are raised in most farms. The reason is simple—
wherever this Pokémon burrows, the soil is left perfectly tilled
for planting crops. This soil is made ideal for growing
delicious vegetables."
50,26,11,"ほとんどの 農家は ディグダを 育てている。
ディグダが 穴を 掘った 土地は ほどよく
耕され 美味しい 野菜が つくれるからだ。"
50,27,1,"ちかで きのねを かじる。 そだてる
やさいの ひんしゅに よっては
のうかに がいを なす ポケモン。"
50,27,3,"지하에서 나무뿌리를 갉아먹는다.
키우는 채소의 품종에 따라서는
농가에 해를 끼치는 포켓몬이다."
50,27,5,"Il mange les racines souterraines des arbres,
et cause beaucoup de soucis aux fermiers
qui cultivent certains légumes."
50,27,6,"Es knabbert im Erdreich die Wurzeln von Bäumen
und Pflanzen an. Bei manchen Gemüsesorten
kann dies zu Ernteschäden führen."
50,27,7,"Le gusta mordisquear las raíces subterráneas
de las plantas. Puede causar estragos en las
granjas según el tipo de cultivos."
50,27,8,"Vive nutrendosi delle radici che trova
sottoterra. Causa problemi agli agricoltori
per la coltivazione di certe verdure."
50,27,9,"It chews on plant roots underground.
Farmers whose vegetables are vulnerable
find it can be quite a pest."
50,27,11,"地下で 木の根を かじる。 育てる
野菜の 品種に よっては
農家に 害を なす ポケモン。"
50,28,1,"ディグダが すむ とちは たがやされ
フンで ゆたかに なるため おおくの
のうかが たいせつに そだてている。"
50,28,3,"디그다가 사는 땅은 일궈져 있으며
배설물로 비옥해져서 많은
농가에서 소중히 기르고 있다."
50,28,5,"Ce Pokémon laboure le sol et le fertilise avec
ses déjections. Pour cette raison, beaucoup
dagriculteurs lélèvent avec soin."
50,28,6,"Digda wird gerne auf Farmen gezüchtet, da es
das Erdreich, in dem es wohnt, gut durchpflügt
und mit seinen Ausscheidungen düngt."
50,28,7,"En muchas granjas crían Diglett, pues dejan la
tierra perfectamente labrada y abonada, y así
las cosechas son mucho más productivas."
50,28,8,"È allevato in molte aziende agricole perché,
vivendo sottoterra, ara il terreno e lo concima
con i suoi escrementi."
50,28,9,"Many farmers cherish and nurture Diglett
because its droppings enrich the soil it lives in."
50,28,11,"ディグダが 棲む 土地は 耕され
フンで 豊かに なるため 多くの
農家が 大切に 育てている。"
50,29,1,"ちかに トンネルを ほって いどう。
ひかりが きらいなので ちじょうに
でてくるのは ひが しずんでから。"
50,29,3,"지하에 터널을 파서 이동한다.
빛을 싫어해서 해가 진 후에
지상으로 나온다."
50,29,5,"Il se déplace en creusant des tunnels.
Il déteste la lumière et napparaît à la
surface quune fois le soleil couché."
50,29,6,"Es gräbt unterirdische Tunnel und bewegt sich
darin fort. Da es Licht verabscheut, taucht es
erst nachts wieder an der Oberfläche auf."
50,29,7,"Se desplaza excavando túneles subterráneos.
No soporta la luz brillante, por lo que solo sale
a la superficie tras la puesta de sol."
50,29,8,"Si sposta scavando gallerie nel terreno.
Odia la luce e sale in superficie solo dopo
il tramonto."
50,29,9,"It travels through tunnels that it digs
underground. It hates sunlight, so it comes
out only after the sun goes down."
50,29,11,"地下に トンネルを 掘って 移動。
光が 嫌いなので 地上に
出てくるのは 日が 沈んでから。"
50,30,1,"のうかでは さくもつの まわりに
ディグダの こうぶつの きを うえて
じめんを たがやして もらっているよ。"
50,30,3,"농가에서는 작물 주변에
디그다가 좋아하는 나무를 심어서
땅을 일구게 하고 있다."
50,30,5,"Pour encourager les Taupiqueur à labourer leurs
champs, les agriculteurs les bordent darbres
appréciés de ces Pokémon."
50,30,6,"Auf Farmen werden Digdas Lieblingsbäume um
die Feldfrüchte herum gepflanzt. Im Gegenzug
durchpflügen sie dafür den Boden."
50,30,7,"Muchos agricultores flanquean sus campos con
árboles del agrado de los Diglett para atraerlos
y fomentar así que labren la tierra."
50,30,8,"Gli agricoltori piantano attorno ai campi gli alberi
amati da questi Pokémon per fare in modo che
arino il terreno per loro."
50,30,9,"Around their crops, farmers plant the kind of
tree that Diglett like to eat as a way of getting
Diglett to plow the fields for them."
50,30,11,"農家では 作物の まわりに
ディグダの 好物の 木を 植えて
地面を 耕して もらっているよ。"
50,31,1,"くらいところを このむ。ほとんど
ちちゅうですごすが どうくつでは
よく かおを だしている。"
50,31,3,"어두운 곳을 좋아한다.
거의 땅속에서 지내지만 동굴에서는
자주 얼굴을 내밀고 있다."
50,31,5,"Il aime les lieux sombres. Il passe la majeure
partie de son temps sous terre mais il remonte
souvent dans les cavernes."
50,31,6,"Digda bevorzugt dunkle Orte. Es hält sich meist
unter der Erdoberfläche auf, kommt aber auch
oft in Höhlen zum Vorschein."
50,31,7,"Prefiere los lugares oscuros. Pasa la mayor parte
del tiempo bajo tierra, pero también se avista
con frecuencia en cuevas."
50,31,8,"Ama i luoghi bui e vive soprattutto sottoterra,
ma esce spesso allo scoperto nelle grotte."
50,31,9,"It prefers dark places. It spends most of its time
underground, though it may pop up in caves."
50,31,11,"暗いところを 好む。ほとんど
地中で過ごすが 洞窟では
よく 顔を 出している。"
50,32,1,"くらいところを このむ。ほとんど
ちちゅうですごすが どうくつでは
よく かおを だしている。"
50,32,3,"어두운 곳을 좋아한다.
거의 땅속에서 지내지만 동굴에서는
자주 얼굴을 내밀고 있다."
50,32,5,"Il aime les lieux sombres. Il passe la majeure
partie de son temps sous terre mais il remonte
souvent dans les cavernes."
50,32,6,"Digda bevorzugt dunkle Orte. Es hält sich meist
unter der Erdoberfläche auf, kommt aber auch
oft in Höhlen zum Vorschein."
50,32,7,"Prefiere los lugares oscuros. Pasa la mayor parte
del tiempo bajo tierra, pero también se avista
con frecuencia en cuevas."
50,32,8,"Ama i luoghi bui e vive soprattutto sottoterra,
ma esce spesso allo scoperto nelle grotte."
50,32,9,"It prefers dark places. It spends most of its time
underground, though it may pop up in caves."
50,32,11,"暗いところを 好む。ほとんど
地中で過ごすが 洞窟では
よく 顔を 出している。"
50,33,1,"ディグダが とおったあとの だいちは
ほどよく たがやされて
さいこうの はたけに なる。"
50,33,3,"디그다가 지나간 뒤의
대지는 알맞게 땅이 일궈져
최고의 밭이 된다."
50,33,5,"Si un Taupiqueur creuse un tunnel sous un champ,
il retourne la terre et améliore les récoltes."
50,33,6,"Bewegt sich ein Digda unterirdisch fort, pflügt es
dabei den Erdboden gleich mit und bereitet so
den Anbau von Feldfrüchten vor."
50,33,7,"Si un Diglett excava un terreno, lo deja
perfectamente arado y preparado para
50,33,8,"Se Diglett attraversa un terreno nel corso dei
suoi scavi, lo lascia perfettamente lavorato e
pronto per la semina."
50,33,9,"If a Diglett digs through a field, it leaves the soil
perfectly tilled and ideal for planting crops."
50,33,11,"ディグダが 通ったあとの 大地は
ほどよく 耕されて
最高の 畑に なる。"
50,34,1,"ちちゅうの あさいところを いどう。
ほりすすんだあとは じめんが
もりあがっているので すぐわかる。"
50,34,3,"얕은 땅속을 이동한다.
굴을 파며 다닌 곳은 지면이
솟아 있기 때문에 바로 알 수 있다."
50,34,5,"Ce Pokémon creuse sous terre à faible profondeur.
La terre quil laisse dans son sillage le rend facile
à repérer."
50,34,6,"Es gräbt sich in geringer Tiefe durch den
Erdboden. Da es dabei durchwühlte Erde an der
Oberfläche hinterlässt, ist es leicht zu finden."
50,34,7,"Este Pokémon avanza horadando la tierra a poca
profundidad. Resulta fácil localizarlo por los
montículos que deja como rastro."
50,34,8,"Scava buche a bassa profondità. La terra
sollevata che lascia al suo passaggio lo rende
facilmente individuabile."
50,34,9,"It burrows through the ground at a shallow depth.
It leaves raised earth in its wake, making it easy
to spot."
50,34,11,"地中の 浅いところを 移動。
掘り進んだあとは 地面が
盛り上がっているので すぐわかる。"
51,1,9,"A team of DIGLETT
It triggers hugeearthquakes by
burrowing 60 miles
51,2,9,"A team of DIGLETT
It triggers hugeearthquakes by
burrowing 60 miles
51,3,9,"A team of triplets
that can burrow
over 60 MPH.Due to this, some
people think it's
an earthquake."
51,4,9,"Its three heads
bob separately up
and down to loosenthe soil nearby,
making it easier
for it to burrow."
51,5,9,"Extremely power­
ful, they can DIG
through even thehardest ground to
a depth of over 60
51,6,9,"These DIGLETT
triplets dig over
60 miles below sealevel. No one
knows what it's
like underground."
51,7,9,"DUGTRIO are actually triplets that
emerged from one body. As a result,
each triplet thinks exactly like theother two triplets.
They work cooperatively to burrow
51,8,9,"DUGTRIO are actually triplets that
emerged from one body. As a result,
each triplet thinks exactly like theother two triplets.
They work cooperatively to burrow
51,9,9,"Because the triplets originally split from
one body, they think exactly alike.
They work cooperatively to burrow
endlessly through the ground."
51,10,9,"In battle, it digs through the ground and
strikes the unsuspecting foe from an
unexpected direction."
51,11,9,"A team of DIGLETT triplets. It triggers
huge earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles
51,12,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,13,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,14,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,15,9,"Its three heads bob separately up
and down to loosen the soil nearby,
making it easier for it to burrow."
51,16,9,"Extremely powerful, they can dig
through even the hardest ground to
a depth of over 60 miles."
51,17,5,"Ses trois têtes creusent le sol à
tour de rôle. Il peut atteindre des
profondeurs de 100 kilomètres."
51,17,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,18,5,"Ses trois têtes creusent le sol à
tour de rôle. Il peut atteindre des
profondeurs de 100 kilomètres."
51,18,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,21,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,22,9,"Its three heads move alternately,
driving it through tough soil to
depths of over 60 miles."
51,23,1,"ちちゅうを ほりすすんで
あいてが ゆだんしているところを
べつの ばしょから こうげきする。"
51,23,3,"땅속을 파고들어 가
상대가 방심하고 있을 때
다른 곳에서 공격한다."
51,23,5,"Au combat, il senfouit sous terre pour pouvoir frapper
ses adversaires depuis nimporte quelle direction."
51,23,6,"Im Kampf gräbt es sich ein und attackiert den
Gegner aus einer unvorhersehbaren Richtung."
51,23,7,"En combate, cava la tierra, se esconde y sale de
repente para golpear a su rival. Nunca se sabe por
dónde puede aparecer."
51,23,8,"Nella lotta, scava tunnel nel terreno per sorprendere
il nemico attaccandolo da una direzione imprevedibile."
51,23,9,"In battle, it digs through the ground and strikes
the unsuspecting foe from an unexpected direction."
51,23,11,"地中を 掘りすすんで
相手が 油断しているところを
別の 場所から 攻撃する。"
51,24,1,"すごい ちからの もちぬしで
どんなに かたい じめんでも
ちか100キロまで ほりすすむ。"
51,24,3,"엄청난 힘의 소유자로
그 어떤 단단한 땅이라도
지하 100km까지 파고들어 간다."
51,24,5,"Terriblement puissants, ils peuvent creuser un
tunnel dans tout type de sol et jusquà 100 km
de profondeur."
51,24,6,"Es ist so stark, dass es sich mit Schaufler sogar durch
steinharten Boden bis in 100 km Tiefe gräbt."
51,24,7,"Muy poderosos, pueden excavar hasta los terrenos
más duros a una profundidad de más de 100 km."
51,24,8,"Estremamente forte, può scavare una fossa anche
nella terra più dura fino a 100 km di profondità."
51,24,9,"Extremely powerful, they can dig through even the
hardest ground to a depth of over 60 miles."
51,24,11,"すごい 力の 持ち主で
どんなに 硬い 地面でも
地下100キロまで 掘りすすむ。"
51,25,1,"もともと ひとつの からだから 3つごに
なったので みんな かんがえることは おなじ。
ちからを あわせ どこまでも ほりすすむ。"
51,25,3,"본래 하나의 몸에서 세쌍둥이가
된 것이라 모두 생각하는 것이 같다.
힘을 모아 끝없이 파나간다."
51,25,5,"Les Triopikeur sont en fait des triplés qui ont émergé du
même corps. Cest pourquoi chaque triplé pense exactement
comme les deux autres. Ils creusent inlassablement, dans
une coopération parfaite."
51,25,6,"Digdri sind Drillinge, die aus einem Körper entstanden sind.
Daher denken alle Köpfe gleich. Sie arbeiten so gut zusammen,
dass sie endlos graben können."
51,25,7,"Los Dugtrio son trillizos que se originaron a partir de un solo
cuerpo, por eso piensan de la misma forma. A la hora de
excavar, trabajan en equipo y sin descanso."
51,25,8,"Dugtrio è un Pokémon formato da tre unità legate in un solo
corpo. Ogni trio è ununica mente pensante. Le tre unità
collaborano scavando instancabilmente."
51,25,9,"Dugtrio are actually triplets that emerged from one body.
As a result, each triplet thinks exactly like the other
two triplets. They work cooperatively to burrow endlessly."
51,25,11,"元々 一つの 体から 3つ子に
なったので みんな 考えることは 同じ。
力を 合わせ どこまでも 掘り進む。"
51,26,1,"もともと ひとつの からだから 3つごに
なったので みんな かんがえることは おなじ。
ちからを あわせ どこまでも ほりすすむ。"
51,26,3,"본래 하나의 몸에서 세쌍둥이가
된 것이라 모두 생각하는 것이 같다.
힘을 모아 끝없이 파나간다."
51,26,5,"Les Triopikeur sont en fait des triplés qui ont émergé du
même corps. Cest pourquoi chaque triplé pense exactement
comme les deux autres. Ils creusent inlassablement, dans
une coopération parfaite."
51,26,6,"Digdri sind Drillinge, die aus einem Körper entstanden sind.
Daher denken alle Köpfe gleich. Sie arbeiten so gut zusammen,
dass sie endlos graben können."
51,26,7,"Los Dugtrio son trillizos que se originaron a partir de un solo
cuerpo, por eso piensan de la misma forma. A la hora de
excavar, trabajan en equipo y sin descanso."
51,26,8,"Dugtrio è un Pokémon formato da tre unità legate in un solo
corpo. Ogni trio è ununica mente pensante. Le tre unità
collaborano scavando instancabilmente."
51,26,9,"Dugtrio are actually triplets that emerged from one body.
As a result, each triplet thinks exactly like the other two
triplets. They work cooperatively to burrow endlessly."
51,26,11,"元々 一つの 体から 3つ子に
なったので みんな 考えることは 同じ。
力を 合わせ どこまでも 掘り進む。"
51,27,1,"3つごが きょうりょくして こうどう。
ちか100キロを ほりすすむほどの
パワーは チームワークの たまもの。"
51,27,3,"세쌍둥이가 협력해서 행동한다.
지하 100km를 파고 갈 정도의
파워는 팀워크 덕택이다."
51,27,5,"Des triplés Taupiqueur qui sentraident en tout.
En se coordonnant, ils peuvent creuser en
équipe jusquà 100 km de profondeur."
51,27,6,"Die drei arbeiten und handeln stets zusammen.
Durch Teamwork gelingt es dem Pokémon, sich
bis zu 100 km tief ins Erdreich zu graben."
51,27,7,"Este trío siempre trabaja en equipo, gracias a lo
cual puede perforar hasta alcanzar 100 km de
51,27,8,"Le tre unità agiscono collaborando fra loro.
Grazie al lavoro di squadra possono scavare
fino a raggiungere i 100 km di profondità."
51,27,9,"This set of triplets moves cooperatively.
Its the power of teamwork that enables
this Pokémon to dig to a depth of 60 miles."
51,27,11,"三つ子が 協力し 行動。
地下100キロを 掘り進むほどの
パワーは チームワークの 賜物。"
51,28,1,"のうかなど おおくの ひとびとに
したしまれているのに じめんの したの
すがたを みたものは いない。"
51,28,3,"농가 등 많은 사람에게
친숙하지만 땅 아래의
모습을 본 사람은 없다."
51,28,5,"Bien que beaucoup dagriculteurs élèvent
ce Pokémon, personne na jamais vu la partie
enfouie de son corps."
51,28,6,"Trotz seiner Beliebtheit bei Farmern und vielen
anderen Menschen, hat noch niemand den unter
der Erde versteckten Teil von Digdri gesehen."
51,28,7,"A pesar de ser muy comunes en las granjas,
nadie ha visto jamás la parte de sus cuerpos
que ocultan bajo tierra."
51,28,8,"È un Pokémon amato da molti, soprattutto dagli
agricoltori. Nessuno ha mai visto la parte del
suo corpo che si trova sottoterra."
51,28,9,"Despite the closeness between this Pokémon
and farmers and other people, no one has ever
seen the parts of it concealed underground."
51,28,11,"農家など 多くの 人々に
親しまれているのに 地面の 下の
姿を みたものは いない。"
51,29,1,"いつも なかよしの 3つごだが
ごく まれに どのあたまが はじめに
エサを くうかで おおゲンカになる。"
51,29,3,"언제나 사이좋은 세쌍둥이지만
극히 드물게 어느 머리가 먼저
먹이를 먹을까로 큰 싸움을 한다."
51,29,5,"Ces triplés sentendent à merveille, mais en
de rares occasions, une terrible dispute éclate
pour savoir qui va manger en premier."
51,29,6,"Digdri sind Drillinge und normalerweise ein Herz
und eine Seele. Nur ganz selten streiten sie sich,
welcher Kopf zuerst ans Futter darf."
51,29,7,"Este trío se lleva de maravilla, aunque muy de
vez en cuando se enzarzan en acaloradas
disputas para decidir cuál come primero."
51,29,8,"In genere le tre teste vanno daccordo, ma a
volte può capitare che scoppi una lite furiosa
per decidere quale mangerà per prima."
51,29,9,"While the three of them normally get along
splendidly, on rare occasions a huge fight will
break out over which head gets to eat first."
51,29,11,"いつも 仲良しの 3つ子だが
ごく まれに どの頭が 初めに
エサを 食うかで 大ゲンカになる。"
51,30,1,"つるりとした かたちを しているが
とてつもなく かたいあたま。 どんな
じばんも ずつきで ほりすすめるぞ。"
51,30,3,"매끄러운 형태를 하고 있지만
굉장히 머리가 단단하다. 어떤
지반이라도 박치기로 파고 간다."
51,30,5,"Dapparence lisse, ses têtes sont
incroyablement dures. Il creuse la terre
à coups de crâne répétés."
51,30,6,"Seine Köpfe sind vollkommen glatt und steinhart.
Mit Kopfnüssen gräbt es sich mühelos durch
jeden Untergrund."
51,30,7,"A pesar de ser lisas, sus cabezas son de una
dureza extraordinaria. Puede horadar el terreno
más difícil a base de testarazos."
51,30,8,"Le sue teste sono perfettamente lisce e
incredibilmente dure. Può scavare a testate
qualsiasi tipo di terreno."
51,30,9,"Dugtrios heads are sleek and smooth and
incredibly hard. It can dig through any soil with
its headbutts."
51,30,11,"つるりとした 形を しているが
とてつもなく 硬い頭。 どんな
地盤も 頭突きで 掘り進めるぞ。"
51,31,1,"みつごのパワーで ちか100キロまで
ほりすすむので じしんの げんいんに
なるとの ほうこくも されている。"
51,31,3,"세쌍둥이의 파워로 지하 100km까지
땅을 파고들어 간다. 이것이
지진의 원인이라는 보고도 있다."
51,31,5,"À trois, ils peuvent creuser jusquà 100 km
de profondeur. On les dit responsables des
tremblements de terre."
51,31,6,"Mit der vereinten Kraft von drei Digda gräbt
es sich bis zu 100 km tief in die Erde. Berichten
zufolge löst dies mitunter Erdbeben aus."
51,31,7,"Estos trillizos combinan su fuerza para excavar
hasta una profundidad de 100 km, razón por la
que se les atribuyen algunos terremotos."
51,31,8,"Un gruppo di tre Diglett che può scavare
gallerie fino a 100 km di profondità. Per questo
si dice che causi dei terremoti."
51,31,9,"A team of triplets that can burrow to a depth
of 60 miles. Its reported that this triggers
an earthquake."
51,31,11,"三つ子のパワーで 地下100キロまで
掘り進むので 地震の 原因に
なるとの 報告も されている。"
51,32,1,"みつごのパワーで ちか100キロまで
ほりすすむので じしんの げんいんに
なるとの ほうこくも されている。"
51,32,3,"세쌍둥이의 파워로 지하 100km까지
땅을 파고들어 간다. 이것이
지진의 원인이라는 보고도 있다."
51,32,5,"À trois, ils peuvent creuser jusquà 100 km
de profondeur. On les dit responsables des
tremblements de terre."
51,32,6,"Mit der vereinten Kraft von drei Digda gräbt
es sich bis zu 100 km tief in die Erde. Berichten
zufolge löst dies mitunter Erdbeben aus."
51,32,7,"Estos trillizos combinan su fuerza para excavar
hasta una profundidad de 100 km, razón por la
que se les atribuyen algunos terremotos."
51,32,8,"Un gruppo di tre Diglett che può scavare
gallerie fino a 100 km di profondità. Per questo
si dice che causi dei terremoti."
51,32,9,"A team of triplets that can burrow to a depth
of 60 miles. Its reported that this triggers
an earthquake."
51,32,11,"三つ子のパワーで 地下100キロまで
掘り進むので 地震の 原因に
なるとの 報告も されている。"
51,33,1,"チームワークに すぐれた みつごの
ディグダ。 ちか 100キロまで
ほって じしんを おこすこともある。"
51,33,3,"팀워크가 뛰어난 세쌍둥이 디그다.
지하 100km까지 파고들어
지진을 일으킬 때도 있다."
51,33,5,"Ces triplés forment une équipe de choc.
Ils causent parfois des séismes lorsquils creusent
jusquà 100 km de profondeur."
51,33,6,"Diese Digda-Drillinge graben sich manchmal
bis zu 100 km tief in den Erdboden und lösen
dadurch Erdbeben aus."
51,33,7,"Un trío de Diglett. Causa enormes terremotos al
cavar en el subsuelo a profundidades de hasta
100 km."
51,33,8,"Trio di Diglett che eccellono nel lavoro di
squadra. Scava fino a 100 km di profondità,
provocando a volte dei terremoti."
51,33,9,"A team of Diglett triplets. It triggers huge
earthquakes by burrowing 60 miles underground."
51,33,11,"チームワークに すぐれた 三つ子の
ディグダ。 地下 100キロまで
掘って 地震を 起こすこともある。"
51,34,1,"ちか100キロまで ほりすすむ
パワーをひめた みつごの ディグダ。
じめんのしたは だれも しらない。"
51,34,3,"지하 100km까지 파고들 수 있는
파워를 간직한 세쌍둥이 디그다.
땅 밑은 아무도 모른다."
51,34,5,"Ce trio de Taupiqueur est capable de creuser
jusquà 100 km sous terre, vers linconnu."
51,34,6,"Diese kraftvollen Digda-Drillinge graben bis zu
100 km tief. Keiner weiß, wie sie unter der Erde
51,34,7,"Estos trillizos cavan a una profundidad de hasta
100 km. Se desconoce el aspecto de la parte de
sus cuerpos que se oculta bajo tierra."
51,34,8,"Questo trio di Diglett può scavare fino a 100 km
di profondità. Nessuno ha mai visto la parte
nascosta sotto terra."
51,34,9,"These Diglett triplets dig over 60 miles below sea
level. No one knows what its like underground."
51,34,11,"地下100キロまで 掘り進む。
パワーを秘めた 三つ子の ディグダ。
地面の下は だれも 知らない。"
52,1,9,"Adores circular
objects. Wanders
the streets on anightly basis to
look for dropped
loose change."
52,2,9,"Adores circular
objects. Wanders
the streets on anightly basis to
look for dropped
loose change."
52,3,9,"Appears to be more
active at night.
It loves roundand shiny things.
It can't stop from
picking them up."
52,4,9,"It is fascinated
by round objects.
It can't stopplaying with them
until it tires and
falls asleep."
52,5,9,"It loves anything
that shines. It
especially adorescoins that it
picks up and se­
cretly hoards."
52,6,9,"It loves things
that sparkle. When
it sees a shinyobject, the gold
coin on its head
shines too."
52,7,9,"MEOWTH withdraws its sharp claws into
its paws to slinkily sneak about without
making any incriminating footsteps.For some reason, this POKéMON loves
shiny coins that glitter with light."
52,8,9,"MEOWTH withdraws its sharp claws into
its paws to slinkily sneak about without
making any incriminating footsteps.For some reason, this POKéMON loves
shiny coins that glitter with light."
52,9,9,"MEOWTH withdraw their sharp claws into
their paws to silently sneak about.
For some reason, this POKéMON loves
shiny coins that glitter with light."
52,10,9,"All it does is sleep during the daytime.
At night, it patrols its territory with its
eyes aglow."
52,11,9,"Adores round objects. It wanders the
streets on a nightly basis to look for
dropped loose change."
52,12,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,13,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,14,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,15,9,"It is fascinated by round objects.
It cant stop playing with them
until it tires and falls asleep."
52,16,9,"It loves anything that shines. It
especially adores coins that it
picks up and secretly hoards."
52,17,5,"Son regard sanime à la vue
dun objet brillant. Cest un
Pokémon nocturne."
52,17,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,18,5,"Son regard sanime à la vue
dun objet brillant. Cest un
Pokémon nocturne."
52,18,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,21,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,22,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it
spots something shiny, its eyes
glitter brightly."
52,23,1,"よなかに こうどうする しゅうせい。
きらきら ひかるものを みつけると
まけないくらい ひとみが かがやく。"
52,23,3,"한밤중에 움직이는 습성이 있다.
반짝반짝 빛나는 것을 발견하면
그에 못지않게 눈동자가 반짝인다."
52,23,5,"Son regard sanime à la vue dun objet brillant.
Cest un Pokémon nocturne."
52,23,6,"Ein nachtaktives Pokémon. Sieht es etwas
Schimmerndes, fangen seine Augen an zu glänzen."
52,23,7,"Es de naturaleza nocturna. Le atraen los objetos
52,23,8,"È un Pokémon attivo di notte. Se nota qualcosa
di luccicante, i suoi occhi cominciano a brillare."
52,23,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny,
its eyes glitter brightly."
52,23,11,"夜中に 行動する 習性。
キラキラ 光るものを 見つけると
負けないくらい 瞳が 輝く。"
52,24,1,"まるいものが だいすき。よなよな
でかけては おちている コインを
ひろい あつめて かえってくる。"
52,24,3,"둥근 물건을 정말 좋아한다.
밤마다 나가서는 떨어진 동전을
주워 모아서 돌아온다."
52,24,5,"Il adore les pièces de monnaie. Il hante les rues à
la recherche de pièces oubliées par les passants."
52,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon bewundert runde Objekte. Es sucht
nachts auf den Straßen nach verlorenen Münzen."
52,24,7,"Adora los objetos redondos. De noche, camina por las
calles en busca de monedas perdidas."
52,24,8,"Ama gli oggetti rotondi. Di notte vaga per le vie
in cerca di monetine perdute."
52,24,9,"Adores round objects. It wanders the streets on a
nightly basis to look for dropped loose change."
52,24,11,"まるいものが 大好き。夜な夜な
出かけては 落ちている コインを
拾い 集めて 帰ってくる。"
52,25,1,"するどい ツメを ひっこめて ぬきあし さしあし
あしおとを たてずに あるくことが できる。
キラキラ ひかる コインが なぜか だいすきだ。"
52,25,3,"날카로운 발톱을 집어넣고 살금살금
발소리를 내지 않고 걸을 수 있다.
반짝반짝 빛나는 동전을 왠지 모르지만 매우 좋아한다."
52,25,5,"Miaouss peut rentrer ses griffes dans ses pattes pour rôder
gracieusement sans laisser de traces. Étrangement,
ce Pokémon raffole des pièces dor qui brillent à la lumière."
52,25,6,"Mauzi zieht seine scharfen Krallen ein, um umherschleichen
zu können, ohne verräterische Spuren zu hinterlassen.
Dieses Pokémon hat eine Vorliebe für Münzen, die im
Licht glitzern."
52,25,7,"Meowth retrae las afiladas uñas de sus zarpas para caminar a
hurtadillas, dando sigilosos pasos para pasar inadvertido.
No se sabe muy bien por qué, pero este Pokémon adora las
monedas brillantes que resplandecen con la luz."
52,25,8,"Meowth ritira i suoi artigli affilati allinterno delle zampe
per poter aggirarsi furtivo camuffando le tracce.
Per qualche oscura ragione questo Pokémon è attratto
dalle monetine che splendono alla luce."
52,25,9,"Meowth withdraws its sharp claws into its paws to slinkily sneak
about without making any incriminating footsteps.
For some reason, this Pokémon loves shiny coins that
glitter with light."
52,25,11,"鋭い ツメを 引っ込めて 抜き足 差し足
足音を 立てずに 歩くことが できる。
キラキラ 光る コインが なぜか 大好きだ。"
52,26,1,"するどい ツメを ひっこめて ぬきあし さしあし
あしおとを たてずに あるくことが できる。
キラキラ ひかる コインが なぜか だいすきだ。"
52,26,3,"날카로운 발톱을 집어넣고 살금살금
발소리를 내지 않고 걸을 수 있다.
반짝반짝 빛나는 동전을 왠지 모르지만 매우 좋아한다."
52,26,5,"Miaouss peut rentrer ses griffes dans ses pattes pour rôder
gracieusement sans laisser de traces. Étrangement,
ce Pokémon raffole des pièces dor qui brillent à la lumière."
52,26,6,"Mauzi zieht seine scharfen Krallen ein, um umherschleichen
zu können, ohne verräterische Spuren zu hinterlassen.
Dieses Pokémon hat eine Vorliebe für Münzen, die das Licht
52,26,7,"Meowth retrae las afiladas uñas de sus zarpas para caminar a
hurtadillas, dando sigilosos pasos para pasar inadvertido.
No se sabe muy bien por qué, pero este Pokémon adora las
monedas brillantes que resplandecen con la luz."
52,26,8,"Meowth ritira i suoi artigli affilati allinterno delle zampe
per poter aggirarsi furtivo camuffando le tracce.
Per qualche oscura ragione questo Pokémon è attratto
dalle monetine che splendono alla luce."
52,26,9,"Meowth withdraws its sharp claws into its paws to slinkily sneak
about without making any incriminating footsteps. For some
reason, this Pokémon loves shiny coins that glitter with light."
52,26,11,"鋭い ツメを 引っ込めて 抜き足 差し足
足音を 立てずに 歩くことが できる。
キラキラ 光る コインが なぜか 大好きだ。"
52,27,1,"ひるまは だらだら ねてすごし
ひが くれるころに かつどうかいし。
よるのまちで コインを さがす。"
52,27,3,"낮에는 느긋하게 자면서 지내고
해가 떨어지면 활동을 시작한다.
밤이 되면 거리에서 동전을 찾는다."
52,27,5,"Il fait la sieste pendant la journée et devient
actif quand le soir tombe. Il passe sa nuit à
chercher des pièces perdues dans les rues."
52,27,6,"Tagsüber ist es faul und schläft ständig.
Erst nach Sonnenuntergang wird es aktiv
und durchstöbert die Stadt nach Münzen."
52,27,7,"Se pasa casi todo el día durmiendo y se vuelve
más activo al caer el sol. Por la noche merodea
por la ciudad buscando monedas."
52,27,8,"Dorme tutto il giorno e si attiva verso
il tramonto. Durante la notte gira per la città
in cerca di monetine."
52,27,9,"It lies around all day, becoming active near dusk.
At night, it wanders the city in search of
loose change."
52,27,11,"昼間は だらだら 寝て過ごし
日が 暮れるころに 活動開始。
夜の街で コインを 探す。"
52,28,1,"キラキラした ものが だいすき。
よく ヤミカラスと えものを
うばいあって ケンカを している。"
52,28,3,"반짝이는 물건을 매우 좋아한다.
자주 니로우와 먹이를
서로 빼앗으며 싸우고 있다."
52,28,5,"Il adore tout ce qui brille et doit souvent
affronter des Cornèbre qui convoitent
le même trophée que lui."
52,28,6,"Es liebt glänzende Objekte. Mauzi und Kramurx
nehmen sich oft gegenseitig die Beute weg,
was regelmäßig zu heftigem Streit führt."
52,28,7,"Le fascinan los objetos brillantes, por lo que a
menudo se disputa el botín con algún Murkrow."
52,28,8,"Ama gli oggetti luccicanti.
Spesso se li contende con Murkrow."
52,28,9,"It loves shiny things. It often fights with
Murkrow over prey theyre both trying to catch."
52,28,11,"キラキラした ものが 大好き。
よく ヤミカラスと 獲物を
奪い合って ケンカを している。"
52,29,1,"ゴミすてばに いくと ひかりものを
めぐって ヤミカラスと はげしく
ケンカする こうけいが みられる。"
52,29,3,"쓰레기장에 가면 빛이 나는 물건을
두고 니로우와 격렬하게
싸우는 광경을 볼 수 있다."
52,29,5,"Il nest pas rare de lapercevoir dans les
décharges, où il se dispute souvent quelque
objet brillant avec un Cornèbre."
52,29,6,"Auf Müllhalden wird man oft Zeuge davon, wie
es sich einen heftigen Streit mit Kramurx um
glänzende Gegenstände liefert."
52,29,7,"No es extraño encontrarlos en los vertederos,
donde suelen pelearse con los Murkrow por
cualquier objeto reluciente."
52,29,8,"Nelle discariche capita di vederlo lottare
furiosamente con Murkrow per gli oggetti
52,29,9,"When visiting a junkyard, you may catch sight
of it having an intense fight with Murkrow over
shiny objects."
52,29,11,"ゴミ捨て場に いくと ひかりものを
巡って ヤミカラスと 激しく
ケンカする 光景が 見られる。"
52,30,1,"コインが だいすき。 あげれば
かんたんに なつくが きまぐれなので
あんまり あてには ならないよ。"
52,30,3,"동전을 매우 좋아한다. 동전을 주면
쉽게 친해지지만 변덕스럽기 때문에
그다지 믿을 게 못 된다."
52,30,5,"Il raffole des pièces de monnaie. Il suffit de lui
en donner une pour acheter son affection, mais
vu son caractère, cela ne dure jamais longtemps."
52,30,6,"Es hat eine Vorliebe für Münzen. Gibt man ihm
eine, gewinnt man leicht sein Zutrauen, doch das
währt dank des launischen Wesens nicht lange."
52,30,7,"Adora las monedas y basta con darle una para
ganarse su afecto, que no suele durar mucho
debido a su carácter caprichoso."
52,30,8,"Adora le monetine. Basta dargliene un po
perché si affezioni, ma a causa del suo
carattere volubile non è affidabile."
52,30,9,"It loves coins, so if you give it one, you can
make friends with Meowth easily. But its fickle,
so you cant count on that friendship lasting."
52,30,11,"コインが 大好き。 あげれば
簡単に 懐くが 気まぐれなので
あんまり 当てには ならないよ。"
52,31,1,"よるのほうが げんきがあるようだ。
まるくて ひかるものが すきで
みつけると ひろわずに いられない。"
52,31,3,"밤에 더 기운이 넘치는 것 같다.
둥글고 빛나는 것을 좋아해서
발견하면 줍지 않고는 못 배긴다."
52,31,5,"Il est surtout actif la nuit. Il aime ramasser
les objets ronds et brillants."
52,31,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist offenbar nachtaktiv. Es liebt
glitzernde, runde Gegenstände und stiehlt diese
bei jeder Gelegenheit."
52,31,7,"Al parecer, es más activo por la noche. Adora de
tal manera los objetos redondos y brillantes que
no puede evitar recogerlos si se los encuentra."
52,31,8,"Pare che sia più attivo durante la notte. Ama
gli oggetti lucenti e rotondi, e quando ne vede
non può fare a meno di raccoglierli."
52,31,9,"Appears to be more active at night. It loves
round and shiny things. It cant stop itself from
picking them up."
52,31,11,"夜のほうが 元気があるようだ。
丸くて 光るものが 好きで
見つけると 拾わずに いられない。"
52,32,1,"よるのほうが げんきがあるようだ。
まるくて ひかるものが すきで
みつけると ひろわずに いられない。"
52,32,3,"밤에 더 기운이 넘치는 것 같다.
둥글고 빛나는 것을 좋아해서
발견하면 줍지 않고는 못 배긴다."
52,32,5,"Il est surtout actif la nuit. Il aime ramasser
les objets ronds et brillants."
52,32,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist offenbar nachtaktiv. Es liebt
glitzernde, runde Gegenstände und stiehlt diese
bei jeder Gelegenheit."
52,32,7,"Al parecer, es más activo por la noche. Adora de
tal manera los objetos redondos y brillantes que
no puede evitar recogerlos si se los encuentra."
52,32,8,"Pare che sia più attivo durante la notte. Ama
gli oggetti lucenti e rotondi, e quando ne vede
non può fare a meno di raccoglierli."
52,32,9,"Appears to be more active at night. It loves
round and shiny things. It cant stop itself from
picking them up."
52,32,11,"夜のほうが 元気があるようだ。
丸くて 光るものが 好きで
見つけると 拾わずに いられない。"
52,33,1,"ひかりものを あつめるのが すき。
きげんが いいときは トレーナーにも
コレクションを みせてくれるぞ。"
52,33,3,"빛나는 물건을 모으는 것을 좋아한다.
기분이 좋을 때는 트레이너에게도
컬렉션을 보여준다."
52,33,5,"Il aime rassembler des objets brillants.
Sil est de bonne humeur, il montre sa collection
à son Dresseur."
52,33,6,"Es sammelt mit Vorliebe glänzende Gegenstände.
Ist es gut gelaunt, lässt es seinen Trainer einen
Blick auf seine Sammlung werfen."
52,33,7,"Le encanta reunir objetos brillantes. Cuando está
de buen humor, hasta le muestra la colección a
su Entrenador."
52,33,8,"Ama raccogliere oggetti luccicanti.
Quando è di buon umore mostra la sua
collezione anche al suo Allenatore."
52,33,9,"It loves to collect shiny things. If its in a good
mood, it might even let its Trainer have a look
at its hoard of treasures."
52,33,11,"光り物を 集めるのが 好き。
機嫌が いいときは トレーナーにも
コレクションを 見せてくれるぞ。"
52,34,1,"ひたいの こばんが よごれないよう
まめに かおを あらう。 ガラルの
ニャースとは なかが わるい。"
52,34,3,"이마의 금화가 더러워지지 않도록
바지런히 얼굴을 씻는다.
가라르의 나옹과는 사이가 나쁘다."
52,34,5,"Tatillon sur la propreté de la pièce sur son front,
il se lave la figure avec grand soin. Il ne sentend
pas avec les Miaouss de Galar."
52,34,6,"Es wäscht sich regelmäßig das Gesicht, um die
Münze auf seiner Stirn sauber zu halten. Es hat
kein gutes Verhältnis zu den Mauzi aus Galar."
52,34,7,"Se lava cuidadosamente la cara para que no se le
ensucie la moneda de oro que tiene en la frente.
No se lleva nada bien con los Meowth de Galar."
52,34,8,"Si lava regolarmente il muso per tenere pulita
la moneta sulla fronte. Non va daccordo con
il Meowth di Galar."
52,34,9,"It washes its face regularly to keep the coin on
its forehead spotless. It doesnt get along with
Galarian Meowth."
52,34,11,"額の 小判が 汚れないよう
まめに 顔を 洗う。 ガラルの
ニャースとは 仲が 悪い。"
53,1,9,"Although its fur
has many admirers,
it is tough toraise as a pet
because of its
fickle meanness."
53,2,9,"Although its fur
has many admirers,
it is tough toraise as a pet
because of its
fickle meanness."
53,3,9,"The gem in its
forehead glows on
its own! It walkswith all the grace
and elegance of a
proud queen."
53,4,9,"Many adore it for
its sophisticated
air. However, itwill lash out and
scratch for little
53,5,9,"Its lithe muscles
allow it to walk
without makinga sound. It
attacks in an
53,6,9,"Behind its lithe,
elegant appearance
lies a barbaricside. It will tear
apart its prey on
a mere whim."
53,7,9,"PERSIAN has six bold whiskers that give
it a look of toughness. The whiskers  
sense air movements to determine whatis in the POKéMONs surrounding
vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed
by the whiskers."
53,8,9,"PERSIAN has six bold whiskers that give
it a look of toughness. The whiskers  
sense air movements to determine whatis in the POKéMONs surrounding
vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed
by the whiskers."
53,9,9,"A PERSIANs six bold whiskers sense air
movements to determine what is in its
vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed
by the whiskers."
53,10,9,"Has a vicious temperament. Beware if it
raises its tail straight up. It is a signal
that it is about to pounce and bite."
53,11,9,"Although its fur has many admirers, it is
tough to raise as a pet because of its
fickle meanness."
53,12,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,13,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,14,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,15,9,"Many adore it for its sophisticated air.
However, it will lash out and
scratch for little reason."
53,16,9,"Its lithe muscles allow it to walk
without making a sound. It
attacks in an instant."
53,17,5,"Un Pokémon très snob. La taille du
joyau qui orne son front alimente
bien des débats parmi ses fans."
53,17,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,18,5,"Un Pokémon très snob. La taille du
joyau qui orne son front alimente
bien des débats parmi ses fans."
53,18,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,21,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,22,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among
fans, the size of the jewel in its
forehead is a topic of much talk."
53,23,1,"けなみが うつくしく ペットに
したがる ひとも おおいが すぐ
ひっかいたり するので てごわいぞ。"
53,23,3,"털의 결이 아름다워 애완용으로
기르려는 사람이 많지만, 곧잘
할퀴려 들기 때문에 쉽지 않다."
53,23,5,"Très apprécié pour sa fourrure, il est difficile à
apprivoiser en raison de son caractère rétif."
53,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon hat sehr schönes Fell.
Es ist jedoch ein schwer erziehbares Haustier."
53,23,7,"Aunque es muy admirado por el pelo, es difícil de
entrenar como mascota, porque es un poco travieso."
53,23,8,"Sebbene molto amato per il suo pelo, è difficile
addomesticarlo per la volubile crudeltà."
53,23,9,"Although its fur has many admirers, it is tough
to raise as a pet because of its fickle meanness."
53,23,11,"毛並みが 美しく
ペットにしたがる 人も 多いが すぐ
ひっかいたり するので 手強いぞ。"
53,24,1,"しなやかな きんにくの おかげで
あしおとひとつ たてずに あるける。
えものを かるときは いっしゅん。"
53,24,3,"부드러운 근육 덕분에
발소리를 내지 않고 걸을 수 있다.
먹이를 사냥할 때는 순식간이다."
53,24,5,"Ses muscles souples lui permettent de marcher sans
un bruit et dattaquer en lespace dun instant."
53,24,6,"Aufgrund seiner geschmeidigen Muskeln kann es sich
lautlos bewegen. Es greift ohne Vorwarnung an."
53,24,7,"Sus ágiles músculos le permiten moverse sin hacer
ruido. Ataca al instante."
53,24,8,"I muscoli flessibili gli consentono di camminare
senza fare alcun rumore. Attacca in un lampo."
53,24,9,"Its lithe muscles allow it to walk without making a
sound. It attacks in an instant."
53,24,11,"しなやかな 筋肉の おかげで
足音ひとつ 立てずに 歩ける。
獲物を 狩るときは 一瞬。"
53,25,1,"たくましい 6ぽんの ヒゲは くうきの うごきで
まわりの ようすを キャッチする やくわり。
ヒゲを つかまれると おとなしくなって しまう。"
53,25,3,"튼튼한 6가닥의 수염은 공기의 움직임으로
주변의 상태를 파악하는 역할을 한다.
수염을 잡히면 얌전해진다."
53,25,5,"Persian a six grosses vibrisses qui lui donnent un air costaud
et lui permettent de sentir les mouvements de lair pour savoir
ce qui se trouve à proximité. Il devient docile lorsquon
lattrape par les moustaches."
53,25,6,"Snobilikat hat sechs dicke Schnurrhaare, wodurch es Furcht
einflößend wirkt. Durch diese nimmt es wahr, wenn sich etwas
in seiner Nähe bewegt. Es wird sehr zutraulich, wenn man es
an den Schnurrhaaren berührt."
53,25,7,"Persian tiene seis llamativos bigotes que le dan un aspecto
feroz. Además, le sirven para detectar el movimiento del aire,
delator de la presencia cercana de algún Pokémon. Si se le
agarra por los bigotes, se vuelve dócil."
53,25,8,"Persian è dotato di sei baffetti furbi che gli conferiscono
un aspetto forte. I baffi captano ogni movimento dellaria
riconoscendo presenze vicine. Se afferrato per i baffi,
diventa docile."
53,25,9,"Persian has six bold whiskers that give it a look of toughness.
The whiskers sense air movements to determine what is in the
Pokémons surrounding vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed
by the whiskers."
53,25,11,"たくましい 6本の ヒゲは 空気の 動きで
周りの 様子を キャッチする 役割。
ヒゲを つかまれると 大人しくなって しまう。"
53,26,1,"たくましい 6ぽんの ヒゲは くうきの うごきで
まわりの ようすを キャッチする やくわり。
ヒゲを つかまれると おとなしくなって しまう。"
53,26,3,"튼튼한 6가닥의 수염은 공기의 움직임으로
주변의 상태를 파악하는 역할을 한다.
수염을 잡히면 얌전해진다."
53,26,5,"Persian a six grosses vibrisses qui lui donnent un air costaud
et lui permettent de sentir les mouvements de lair pour savoir
ce qui se trouve à proximité. Il devient docile lorsquon
lattrape par les moustaches."
53,26,6,"Snobilikat hat sechs dicke Schnurrhaare, wodurch es Furcht
einflößend wirkt. Durch diese nimmt es wahr, wenn sich etwas
in seiner Nähe bewegt. Es wird sehr zutraulich, wenn man es
an den Schnurrhaaren berührt."
53,26,7,"Persian tiene seis llamativos bigotes que le dan un aspecto
feroz. Además, le sirven para detectar el movimiento del aire,
delator de la presencia cercana de algún Pokémon. Si se le
agarra por los bigotes, se vuelve dócil."
53,26,8,"Persian è dotato di sei baffetti furbi che gli conferiscono
un aspetto forte. I baffi captano ogni movimento dellaria
riconoscendo presenze vicine. Se afferrato per i baffi,
diventa docile."
53,26,9,"Persian has six bold whiskers that give it a look of toughness.
The whiskers sense air movements to determine what is in the
Pokémons surrounding vicinity. It becomes docile if grabbed
by the whiskers."
53,26,11,"たくましい 6本の ヒゲは 空気の 動きで
周りの 様子を キャッチする 役割。
ヒゲを つかまれると 大人しくなって しまう。"
53,27,1,"きしょうが あらく めが あうだけで
とびかかってくる。 するどいツメに
やられると ふかい きずを おう。"
53,27,3,"기질이 거칠어 눈이 마주치는 것만으로
덤벼든다. 날카로운 발톱으로
공격당하면 깊은 상처를 입는다."
53,27,5,"Un Pokémon très agressif, qui peut sauter à la
gorge si on le regarde dans les yeux. Ses
griffes acérées infligent de graves blessures."
53,27,6,"Sieht man diesem ungestümen Pokémon nur
in die Augen, fällt es einen bereits an. Seine
scharfen Klauen hinterlassen tiefe Wunden."
53,27,7,"De temperamento violento, ataca a cualquiera
que lo mira directamente a los ojos. Sus afiladas
garras infligen heridas muy profundas."
53,27,8,"È particolarmente suscettibile, tanto da
attaccare chiunque lo guardi negli occhi.
I suoi artigli affilati provocano profonde ferite."
53,27,9,"It has a violent temperament. It will attack
anything that looks it in the eye. Its sharp
claws inflict deep wounds."
53,27,11,"気性が 荒く 目が 合うだけで
飛び掛ってくる。 鋭いツメに
やられると 深い 傷を 負う。"
53,28,1,"アローラの ペルシアンほどではないが
きぐらいの たかい せいしつ。
なつかせるのが かなり むずかしい。"
53,28,3,"알로라의 페르시온 정도는 아니지만
자존심이 강하기 때문에
길들이기가 꽤 어렵다."
53,28,5,"Un Pokémon naturellement fier, mais pas aussi
orgueilleux que les Persian dAlola. Il est très
difficile à apprivoiser."
53,28,6,"Es ist von Natur aus sehr stolz, wenn auch
nicht im gleichen Maße wie Snobilikat aus Alola.
Sie lassen sich nur sehr schwer zähmen."
53,28,7,"Los Persian son Pokémon extremadamente
orgullosos, en especial los de Alola.
No es fácil hacerse amigo de este Pokémon."
53,28,8,"È un Pokémon molto altezzoso, caratteristica
particolarmente marcata nei Persian di Alola.
Conquistarsi il suo affetto è unimpresa ardua."
53,28,9,"It has a high opinion of itself, although not to
the same extent as the Alolan Persian. Its quite
difficult to make friends with this Pokémon."
53,28,11,"アローラの ペルシアンほどではないが
気位の 高い 性質。
懐かせるのが かなり 難しい。"
53,29,1,"アローラの ペルシアンとは ひたいの
ほうせきのいろが ちがって みえるが
せいぶんは あまり かわらないのだ。"
53,29,3,"알로라의 페르시온과는
이마의 보석 색깔이 다르지만,
성분은 크게 다르지 않다."
53,29,5,"Malgré une composition quasiment identique,
sa gemme est dune couleur différente de celle
du Persian dAlola."
53,29,6,"Das Juwel auf seiner Stirn hat eine andere Farbe
als jenes von Snobilikat aus Alola, doch die
Zusammensetzung ist großteils gleich."
53,29,7,"La joya que luce en la frente presenta una
coloración distinta a la del Persian de Alola,
aunque la composición es casi idéntica."
53,29,8,"La gemma che ha sulla fronte è di un colore
diverso da quella dei Persian di Alola, ma è
composta praticamente dello stesso il materiale."
53,29,9,"Although the jewel on its forehead appears to
be a different color than those of Alolan
Persian, its mostly made of the same material."
53,29,11,"アローラの ペルシアンとは 額の
宝石の色が 違って 見えるが
成分は あまり 変わらないのだ。"
53,30,1,"おかねもちに にんきの ポケモン。
ひたいの ほうせきを ねらって
ハンターたちに ねらわれることも。"
53,30,3,"부자들에게 인기가 많은 포켓몬이다.
이마에 박힌 보석 때문에
사냥꾼들이 노리는 경우도 있다."
53,30,5,"Un Pokémon prisé des classes aisées.
Il est néanmoins la cible des voleurs convoitant
la gemme qui orne son front."
53,30,6,"Unter Wohlbetuchten ein besonders beliebtes
Pokémon. Räuberbanden haben es stets auf
das Juwel auf seiner Stirn abgesehen."
53,30,7,"Un Pokémon de alto copete, objetivo primordial
de ladrones que quieren apoderarse de la joya
que luce en la frente."
53,30,8,"È molto popolare tra le persone facoltose.
A volte viene preso di mira dai cacciatori,
attirati dalla gemma che ha sulla fronte."
53,30,9,"This Pokémon is popular with rich people.
Its also targeted by hunters who are after
the jewel in its forehead."
53,30,11,"お金持ちに 人気の ポケモン。
額の 宝石を 狙って
ハンターたちに 狙われることも。"
53,31,1,"ひたいに ほうせきが かがやく!
また あるくすがたも しなやかで
おうじょのような はなやかさがある。"
53,31,3,"이마의 보석이 빛난다!
걷는 모습도 우아하고
왕녀와 같은 화려함이 있다."
53,31,5,"La pierre sur son front brille de mille feux.
Sa démarche est souple et majestueuse."
53,31,6,"Es trägt ein leuchtendes Juwel an der Stirn.
Zusammen mit seinem anmutigen Gang wirkt
es dadurch elegant wie eine Königin."
53,31,7,"La gema que tiene en la frente brilla por sí
misma. Camina con elegancia regia."
53,31,8,"La gemma che ha in fronte emette una luce
splendente. Ha le movenze sinuose ed eleganti
di una regina."
53,31,9,"The gem in its forehead glows on its own!
It walks with all the grace and elegance
of a proud queen."
53,31,11,"額に 宝石が 輝く!
また 歩く姿も しなやかで
王女のような 華やかさがある。"
53,32,1,"ひたいに ほうせきが かがやく!
また あるくすがたも しなやかで
おうじょのような はなやかさがある。"
53,32,3,"이마의 보석이 빛난다!
걷는 모습도 우아하고
왕녀와 같은 화려함이 있다."
53,32,5,"La pierre sur son front brille de mille feux.
Sa démarche est souple et majestueuse."
53,32,6,"Es trägt ein leuchtendes Juwel an der Stirn.
Zusammen mit seinem anmutigen Gang wirkt
es dadurch elegant wie eine Königin."
53,32,7,"La gema que tiene en la frente brilla por sí
misma. Camina con elegancia regia."
53,32,8,"La gemma che ha in fronte emette una luce
splendente. Ha le movenze sinuose ed eleganti
di una regina."
53,32,9,"The gem in its forehead glows on its own!
It walks with all the grace and elegance
of a proud queen."
53,32,11,"額に 宝石が 輝く!
また 歩く姿も しなやかで
王女のような 華やかさがある。"
53,33,1,"きぐらいが たかく なつかせるのは
たいへん。 きにくわない ことが
あると すぐに ツメを たててくる。"
53,33,3,"자존심이 세서 길들이기
힘들다. 마음에 들지 않는 일이
있으면 바로 발톱을 세운다."
53,33,5,"Très fier, il est difficile à apprivoiser.
Dès que quelque chose ne lui plaît pas,
il sort les griffes."
53,33,6,"Es ist sehr stolz, was es nicht leicht macht, mit
ihm Freundschaft zu schließen. Wenn ihm etwas
missfällt, fährt es unverzüglich die Krallen aus."
53,33,7,"Trabar amistad con este Pokémon es una ardua
tarea debido a su enorme orgullo. Cuando algo
no le place, saca las uñas de inmediato."
53,33,8,"Conquistarsi il suo affetto è unimpresa ardua
perché è molto altezzoso. Se qualcosa non gli
va, tira subito fuori gli artigli."
53,33,9,"Getting this prideful Pokémon to warm up to you
takes a lot of effort, and it will claw at you the
moment it gets annoyed."
53,33,11,"気位が 高く なつかせるのは
たいへん。 気に食わない ことが
あると すぐに ツメを 立ててくる。"
53,34,1,"ゆうがで じょうひんな みのこなし。
やばんな ニャイキングとは そりが
あわず おたがいを みくだしている。"
53,34,3,"움직임은 우아하고 품위 있다.
야만스러운 나이킹과는
잘 맞지 않아 서로를 멸시한다."
53,34,5,"Il se comporte avec grâce et élégance,
et ne sentend pas avec les rustres Berserkatt :
les deux espèces se méprisent."
53,34,6,"Sein Auftreten ist anmutig und elegant. Es kommt
mit Mauzingers grober Art nicht zurecht. Beide
Arten strafen sich gegenseitig mit Verachtung."
53,34,7,"Hace gala de un porte elegante y majestuoso.
No congenia con los toscos Perrserker y ambos
se profesan un mutuo desprecio."
53,34,8,"Ha un portamento elegante e distinto.
Non gli va a genio la rozzezza di Perrserker
e i due Pokémon si disprezzano a vicenda."
53,34,9,"Its elegant and refined behavior clashes with that
of the barbaric Perrserker. The relationship
between the two is one of mutual disdain."
53,34,11,"優雅で 上品な 身のこなし。
野蛮な ニャイキングとは そりが
あわず お互いを 見下している。"
54,1,9,"While lulling its
enemies with its
vacant look, thiswily POKéMON will
use psychokinetic
54,2,9,"While lulling its
enemies with its
vacant look, thiswily POKéMON will
use psychokinetic
54,3,9,"Always tormented
by headaches.
It uses psychicpowers, but it is
not known if it
intends to do so."
54,4,9,"It has mystical
powers but doesn't
recall that it hasused them. That is
why it always
looks puzzled."
54,5,9,"If its chronic
headache peaks, it
may exhibit oddpowers. It seems
unable to recall
such an episode."
54,6,9,"The only time it
can use its psy­
chic power is whenits sleeping brain
cells happen to
54,7,9,"PSYDUCK uses a mysterious power.
When it does so, this POKéMON 
generates brain waves that aresupposedly only seen in sleepers.
This discovery spurred controversy
among scholars."
54,8,9,"If it uses its mysterious power,
PSYDUCK cant remember having done so.
It apparently cant form a memory ofsuch an event because it goes into
an altered state that is much like
deep sleep."
54,9,9,"When its headache intensifies, it starts
using strange powers. However, it has no
recollection of its powers, so it always
looks befuddled and bewildered."
54,10,9,"It is constantly wracked by a headache.
When the headache turns intense, it begins
using mysterious powers."
54,11,9,"While lulling its enemies with its vacant
look, this wily POKéMON will use
psychokinetic powers."
54,12,9,"If its usual headache worsens, it
starts exhibiting odd powers. It
cant remember doing so, however."
54,13,9,"It never remembers using its
odd powers, so it always tilts
its head in puzzlement."
54,14,9,"Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities,
it suffers a constant headache. It
sometimes uses mysterious powers."
54,15,9,"It has mystical powers but doesnt
recall that it has used them.
That is why it always looks puzzled."
54,16,9,"If its chronic headache peaks, it
may exhibit odd powers. It seems
unable to recall such an episode."
54,17,5,"Ses pouvoirs déconcertants
et mystérieux lui font subir
de constantes migraines."
54,17,9,"Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities,
it suffers a constant headache. It
sometimes uses mysterious powers."
54,18,5,"Ses pouvoirs déconcertants
et mystérieux lui font subir
de constantes migraines."
54,18,9,"Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities,
it suffers a constant headache. It
sometimes uses mysterious powers."
54,21,9,"When headaches stimulate its brain
cells, which are usually inactive,
it can use a mysterious power."
54,22,9,"When headaches stimulate its brain
cells, which are usually inactive,
it can use a mysterious power."
54,23,1,"いつも ずつうに なやまされている。
この ずつうが はげしくなると
ふしぎな ちからを つかいはじめる。"
54,23,3,"항상 두통에 시달리고 있다.
이 두통이 심해지면
이상한 힘을 쓰기 시작한다."
54,23,5,"Ce Pokémon a tout le temps la migraine.
Quand la douleur devient insupportable, il se met à
utiliser ses pouvoirs psy."
54,23,6,"Es wird permanent von Kopfschmerzen geplagt.
Wird der Schmerz stärker, setzt es geheimnisvolle
Kräfte ein."
54,23,7,"Padece continuamente dolores de cabeza. Cuando
son muy fuertes, empieza a usar misteriosos poderes."
54,23,8,"È costantemente tormentato dal mal di testa che,
quando si fa particolarmente intenso, gli conferisce
strani poteri."
54,23,9,"It is constantly wracked by a headache.
When the headache turns intense,
it begins using mysterious powers."
54,23,11,"いつも 頭痛に 悩まされている。
この 頭痛が 激しくなると
不思議な 力を 使いはじめる。"
54,24,1,"ふしぎな ちからを ひめているが
つかった きおくが ないので
いつも くびを かしげている。"
54,24,3,"이상한 힘을 간직하고 있지만
사용했던 기억이 없으므로
항상 고개를 갸웃거리고 있다."
54,24,5,"Il ne se souvient pas quil a des pouvoirs psy.
Cest pour cela quil a lair si confus."
54,24,6,"Es besitzt mystische Kräfte, die es unbewusst einsetzt.
Daher ist sein Blick immer verwirrt."
54,24,7,"Tiene poderes místicos que no recuerda haber usado.
Por eso, siempre parece desconcertado."
54,24,8,"Ha poteri soprannaturali ma non ricorda di averli
usati. Per questo sembra sempre perplesso."
54,24,9,"It has mystical powers but doesnt recall that it has
used them. That is why it always looks puzzled."
54,24,11,"不思議な 力を 秘めているが
使った 記憶が ないので
いつも 首を かしげている。"
54,25,1,"ふしぎな ちからを はっきしている コダックから
ねむっている ときにだけ でるはずの のうはが
かんそくされて がっかいの わだいに なった。"
54,25,3,"이상한 힘을 발휘하는 고라파덕에게서
잠들어 있을 때만 발산되는 뇌파가
관측되어 학회에서 화제가 되었다."
54,25,5,"Psykokwak utilise un mystérieux pouvoir. Ce Pokémon
peut générer des ondes cérébrales normalement observées
chez les dormeurs. Cette découverte a lancé une polémique
dans le milieu universitaire."
54,25,6,"Enton verwendet eine geheimnisvolle Kraft. Dabei erzeugt
es Gehirnströme, die man sonst nur von Schlafenden kennt.
Diese Entdeckung führte zu einer kontroversen Diskussion
unter Wissenschaftlern."
54,25,7,"Psyduck tiene un extraño poder, que consiste en generar
ondas cerebrales iguales a las que se generan cuando se está
dormido. Este descubrimiento levantó una gran polémica entre
54,25,8,"Psyduck usa poteri misteriosi, che scatenano onde cerebrali
rilevabili apparentemente soltanto su persone addormentate.
Questa scoperta ha causato reazioni contrastanti tra gli
54,25,9,"Psyduck uses a mysterious power. When it does so, this
Pokémon generates brain waves that are supposedly only seen
in sleepers. This discovery spurred controversy
among scholars."
54,25,11,"不思議な 力を 発揮している コダックから
眠っている ときだけ 出るはずの 脳波が
観測されて 学会の 話題に なった。"
54,26,1,"ふしぎな ちからを つかった きおくが ないのは
ちからを はっきした ときは じゅくすいしている
ときと おなじ じょうたいだから らしい。"
54,26,3,"이상한 힘을 썼던 기억이 없는 것은
힘을 발휘할 때가 숙면 중일 때와
같은 상태이기 때문인 것 같다."
54,26,5,"Lorsquil utilise son mystérieux pouvoir, Psykokwak
ne sen souvient pas. Apparemment, il ne peut pas garder
ce genre dévénement en mémoire, car il pratique ce pouvoir
dans un état proche du sommeil profond."
54,26,6,"Enton besitzt mystische Kräfte. Wenn es sie einsetzt,
erinnert es sich nicht mehr daran. Es kann ein solches
Ereignis offensichtlich nicht im Gedächtnis behalten,
da es sich in einen tiefschlafähnlichen Zustand versetzt."
54,26,7,"Psyduck no se acuerda nunca de haber usado su misterioso
poder. Parece ser que no puede registrar en la memoria haber
usado el ataque porque se queda inmerso en un estado
parecido a un sueño profundo."
54,26,8,"Quando usa i suoi misteriosi poteri, Psyduck se ne dimentica
subito. Apparentemente non riesce a ricordarsene perché entra
in uno stato innaturale molto simile a un sonno profondo."
54,26,9,"If it uses its mysterious power, Psyduck cant remember
having done so. It apparently cant form a memory of such
an event because it goes into an altered state that is much
like deep sleep."
54,26,11,"不思議な 力を 使った 記憶が ないのは
力を 発揮した ときは 熟睡している
ときと 同じ 状態だから らしい。"
54,27,1,"じぶんの いしとは かんけいなく
ときおり ねんりきが でてきて
あたまが いたくて ないている。"
54,27,3,"가끔 자신의 의지와 상관없이
염동력이 나와버린다.
그 때문에 머리가 아파서 울곤 한다."
54,27,5,"Il arrive que des ondes psychiques fusent de
son cerveau sans quil ny soit pour rien, ce qui
lui donne mal à la tête au point de gémir."
54,27,6,"Es weint oft, da es immer unter Kopfschmerzen
leidet und seine Psycho-Kräfte von Zeit zu Zeit
gegen seinen Willen ausgelöst werden."
54,27,7,"En ocasiones utiliza sus poderes psíquicos
sin querer, lo que le provoca fuertes dolores
de cabeza que le hacen chillar."
54,27,8,"A volte i suoi poteri psicocinetici si attivano
in modo indipendente dalla sua volontà e gli
causano mal di testa così forti da farlo gemere."
54,27,9,"As a result of headaches so fierce they cause it
to cry, it sometimes uses psychokinesis without
meaning to."
54,27,11,"自分の 意思とは 関係なく
時折 念力が でてきて
頭が 痛くて 鳴いている。"
54,28,1,"いつも ずつうで なやんでいる。
いたみが ひどいときほど
きょうりょくな ねんりきを はなつ。"
54,28,3,"언제나 두통에 시달리고 있다.
고통이 심할 때 일수록
강력한 염동력을 발산한다."
54,28,5,"Il souffre dune migraine permanente. Plus sa
douleur augmente, plus il émet des ondes
psychiques intenses."
54,28,6,"Es wird permanent von Kopfschmerzen geplagt.
Je größer diese Schmerzen sind, desto stärker
werden seine Psycho-Kräfte."
54,28,7,"Siempre padece dolores de cabeza. Cuando
estos llegan a niveles insoportables, desata
un poder psíquico extraordinario."
54,28,8,"È costantemente tormentato dal mal di testa.
Più si acuiscono, maggiore è la sua capacità
di usare poteri psicocinetici."
54,28,9,"This Pokémon is troubled by constant
headaches. The more pain its in, the more
powerful its psychokinesis becomes."
54,28,11,"いつも 頭痛で 悩んでいる。
痛みが ひどいときほど
強力な 念力を 放つ。"
54,29,1,"ねんりきを つかうと ずつうが
するので ふだんは なるべく なにも
しないで ボーっと すごしているよ。"
54,29,3,"염동력을 사용하면 두통이 생겨서
평소에는 아무것도 하지 않고
가능한 멍하니 지낸다."
54,29,5,"Utiliser ses pouvoirs psychiques lui donne
de terribles migraines, aussi préfère-t-il passer
tout son temps immobile à ne rien faire."
54,29,6,"Wenn es seine Psycho-Kräfte einsetzt, bekommt
es Kopfschmerzen. Deshalb steht es lieber
untätig und geistesabwesend herum."
54,29,7,"El uso de sus poderes psíquicos le provoca un
gran dolor de cabeza, por lo que prefiere tener
la mente en blanco y no hacer nada en absoluto."
54,29,8,"Usare i suoi poteri psicocinetici gli causa dei
gran mal di testa, perciò passa il tempo
cercando di fare e pensare il meno possibile."
54,29,9,"Using psychokinesis gives it a headache, so it
normally passes the time spacing out and doing
as little as possible."
54,29,11,"念力を 使うと 頭痛が
するので 普段は なるべく 何も
しないで ボーっと 過ごしているよ。"
54,30,1,"ずつうが はっせいしている あいだ
のうさいぼうが ふだんの 10ばい
かつどう していることが わかった。"
54,30,3,"두통이 발생하는 동안
뇌세포가 평소의 10배나
활동한다는 사실이 밝혀졌다."
54,30,5,"Des scientifiques ont découvert que lorsquil
souffre de migraines, ses neurones fonctionnent
dix fois plus vite quen temps normal."
54,30,6,"Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die Aktivität
seiner Hirnzellen bei Kopfschmerzen auf das
Zehnfache ansteigt."
54,30,7,"Estudios recientes han desvelado que, cuando
sufre un episodio de cefalea, su actividad
neuronal es diez veces superior a lo normal."
54,30,8,"Gli scienziati hanno scoperto che quando ha
mal di testa la sua attività cerebrale aumenta
di dieci volte rispetto al solito."
54,30,9,"It has been found that its brain cells are
10 times more active when Psyduck is
experiencing a headache."
54,30,11,"頭痛が 発生している 間
脳細胞が 普段の 10倍
活動 していることが わかった。"
54,31,1,"いつも ずつうに なやまされている。
ねんりきを つかうが じぶんの
いしか どうか わからない。"
54,31,3,"항상 두통에 시달리고 있다.
염력을 사용하지만 자신의
의지인지 아닌지 알 수 없다."
54,31,5,"Il est toujours en proie à des maux de tête.
On ignore sil contrôle ses pouvoirs psychiques."
54,31,6,"Es wird von chronischen Kopfschmerzen geplagt.
Ob es seine Psycho-Kräfte aus eigenem Willen
einsetzt, ist unklar."
54,31,7,"Siempre tiene dolores de cabeza. Posee poderes
psíquicos, pero se desconoce si los controla a
54,31,8,"Ha sempre un forte mal di testa.
Non è chiaro se utilizzi volontariamente
i suoi poteri psicocinetici."
54,31,9,"Always tormented by headaches. It uses
psychic powers, but whether it intends to
do so is not known."
54,31,11,"いつも 頭痛に 悩まされている。
念力を 使うが 自分の
意思か どうか わからない。"
54,32,1,"いつも ずつうに なやまされている。
ねんりきを つかうが じぶんの
いしか どうか わからない。"
54,32,3,"항상 두통에 시달리고 있다.
염력을 사용하지만 자신의
의지인지 아닌지 알 수 없다."
54,32,5,"Il est toujours en proie à des maux de tête.
On ignore sil contrôle ses pouvoirs psychiques."
54,32,6,"Es wird von chronischen Kopfschmerzen geplagt.
Ob es seine Psycho-Kräfte aus eigenem Willen
einsetzt, ist unklar."
54,32,7,"Siempre tiene dolores de cabeza. Posee poderes
psíquicos, pero se desconoce si los controla a
54,32,8,"Ha sempre un forte mal di testa.
Non è chiaro se utilizzi volontariamente
i suoi poteri psicocinetici."
54,32,9,"Always tormented by headaches. It uses
psychic powers, but whether it intends to
do so is not known."
54,32,11,"いつも 頭痛に 悩まされている。
念力を 使うが 自分の
意思か どうか わからない。"
54,33,1,"いつも ずつうに なやんでいる。
ふしぎな ちからを ばくはつさせると
しばらく いたみは おさまるようだ。"
54,33,3,"언제나 두통에 시달린다.
신비한 힘을 폭발시키면
잠시 통증이 진정되는 듯하다."
54,33,5,"Il a toujours la migraine, mais la douleur semble
satténuer momentanément sil laisse exploser
son pouvoir mystérieux."
54,33,6,"Enton leidet permanent unter Kopfschmerzen.
Wenn es seine geheimnisvollen Kräfte freisetzt,
sollen die Schmerzen für eine Weile nachlassen."
54,33,7,"Siempre padece dolores de cabeza. Tras desatar
sus misteriosos poderes, la jaqueca remite unos
54,33,8,"È costantemente tormentato dal mal di testa,
ma se lascia esplodere il suo misterioso potere
pare che trovi temporaneamente sollievo."
54,33,9,"Psyduck is constantly beset by headaches. If the
Pokémon lets its strange power erupt, apparently
the pain subsides for a while."
54,33,11,"いつも 頭痛に 悩んでいる。
不思議な 力を 爆発させると
しばらく 痛みは 治まるようだ。"
54,34,1,"ストレスが たまると ずつうが
エスカレート。 きょうりょくな
ねんりきで まわりを あっとうする。"
54,34,3,"스트레스가 쌓이면
두통이 심해진다. 강력한
염동력으로 주위를 압도한다."
54,34,5,"Sa migraine sintensifie à mesure que son stress
monte. Il libère une force psychique puissante
qui terrasse tous ceux qui lentourent."
54,34,6,"Wenn es sehr gestresst ist, verstärken sich seine
Kopfschmerzen. Mit seinen Psycho-Kräften kann
es alles in der Umgebung überwältigen."
54,34,7,"Sus dolores de cabeza empeoran a medida que
aumenta su nivel de estrés. Su increíble poder
psíquico puede causar estragos a su alrededor."
54,34,8,"Più è stressato, più il suo mal di testa si fa
intenso. Con i suoi incredibili poteri psicocinetici
travolge chiunque nelle vicinanze."
54,34,9,"As Psyduck gets stressed out, its headache gets
progressively worse. It uses intense psychic
energy to overwhelm those around it."
54,34,11,"ストレスが 溜まると 頭痛が
エスカレート。 強力な 念力で
まわりを 圧倒する。"
55,1,9,"Often seen swim­
ming elegantly by
lake shores. Itis often mistaken
for the Japanese
monster, Kappa."
55,2,9,"Often seen swim­
ming elegantly by
lake shores. Itis often mistaken
for the Japanese
monster, Kappa."
55,3,9,"Its slim and long
limbs end in broad
flippers. Theyare used for swim­
ming gracefully
in lakes."
55,4,9,"When it swims at
full speed using
its long, webbedlimbs, its fore­
head somehow be­
gins to glow."
55,5,9,"It appears by
waterways at dusk.
It may use tele­kinetic powers if
its forehead glows
55,6,9,"It swims grace­
fully along on the
quiet, slow-movingrivers and lakes
of which it is so
55,7,9,"The webbed flippers on its forelegs and
hind legs and the streamlined body of
GOLDUCK give it frightening speed.This POKéMON is definitely much faster
than even the most athletic swimmer."
55,8,9,"GOLDUCK is the fastest swimmer among
all POKéMON. It swims effortlessly, even
in a rough, stormy sea.It sometimes rescues people from
wrecked ships floundering in high seas."
55,9,9,"A GOLDUCK is an adept swimmer.
It sometimes joins competitive swimmers
in training. It uses psychic powers when
its forehead shimmers with light."
55,10,9,"The forelegs are webbed, helping to make
it an adept swimmer. It can be seen
swimming elegantly in lakes, etc."
55,11,9,"Often seen swimming elegantly by
lakeshores. It is often mistaken for the
Japanese monster Kappa."
55,12,9,"A Pokémon that lives in lakes.
It swims faster than any human
swimming champion."
55,13,9,"The flippers of its well-developed
limbs give it shocking speed. It is
the best swimmer among Pokémon."
55,14,9,"It is seen swimming dynamically and
elegantly using its well-developed
limbs and flippers."
55,15,9,"When it swims at full speed using
its long, webbed limbs, its forehead
somehow begins to glow."
55,16,9,"It appears by waterways at dusk.
It may use telekinetic powers if
its forehead glows mysteriously."
55,17,5,"Ses membres palmés et son corps
parfaitement adapté font de lui
un nageur exceptionnel."
55,17,9,"It is seen swimming dynamically and
elegantly using its well-developed
limbs and flippers."
55,18,5,"Ses membres palmés et son corps
parfaitement adapté font de lui
un nageur exceptionnel."
55,18,9,"It is seen swimming dynamically and
elegantly using its well-developed
limbs and flippers."
55,21,9,"When its forehead shines mysteriously,
Golduck can use the full extent
of its power."
55,22,9,"When its forehead shines mysteriously,
Golduck can use the full extent
of its power."
55,23,1,"ゆうぐれ みずべに すがたをみせる。
ひたいが あやしく ひかるとき
じんつうりきを つかいこなすという。"
55,23,3,"해 질 무렵 강가에 모습을 나타낸다.
이마가 이상하게 빛날 때
신통력을 발휘한다고 전해진다."
55,23,5,"Il apparaît dans les étendues deau au crépuscule.
Si son front brille, il se sert de sa télékinésie."
55,23,6,"Es taucht bei Sonnenuntergang am Wasser auf.
Leuchtet seine Stirn, setzt es telekinetische Kräfte ein."
55,23,7,"Aparece en ríos al anochecer. Puede usar poderes
telequinéticos si su frente brilla misteriosamente."
55,23,8,"Appare presso i corsi dacqua col buio. Acquisisce
poteri telecinetici se la sua fronte diventa
55,23,9,"It appears by waterways at dusk.
It may use telekinetic powers
if its forehead glows mysteriously."
55,23,11,"夕暮れ 水辺に 姿をみせる。
額が あやしく 光るとき
神通力を 使いこなすという。"
55,24,1,"てのひらが みずかきに なっていて
およぐのが とくい。みずうみなどで
ゆうがな すがたが みかけられる。"
55,24,3,"손바닥이 물갈퀴로 되어 있어
헤엄을 잘 친다. 호수 등에서
우아한 모습을 볼 수 있다."
55,24,5,"Ses pattes arrière palmées font de ce Pokémon
un excellent nageur. On peut souvent le voir nager
élégamment dans les lacs."
55,24,6,"Seine Vorderbeine besitzen Schwimmhäute, um es
perfekt ans Wasser anzupassen. Daher schwimmt es
elegant in Flüssen."
55,24,7,"Las patas traseras palmípedas le permiten nadar. Es
común verlo chapotear con estilo en lagos y otras
zonas acuáticas."
55,24,8,"Le zampe anteriori palmate ne fanno un elegante
nuotatore, che si può incontrare nei laghi e in altri
specchi dacqua."
55,24,9,"The forelegs are webbed, helping to make it an
adept swimmer. It can be seen swimming elegantly
in lakes, etc."
55,24,11,"手のひらが 水かきに なっていて
泳ぐのが 得意。湖などで
優雅な 姿が 見かけられる。"
55,25,1,"てあしの みずかきと りゅうせんけいの からだが
すいちゅうで おそるべき スピードを うみだす。
きんメダリスト よりも だんぜん はやいぞ。"
55,25,3,"손발의 물갈퀴와 유선형의 몸이
수중에서 무서울 만큼 빠른 스피드를 낸다.
금메달리스트보다 단연 빠르다."
55,25,5,"Les pattes avant et arrière palmées et le corps aérodynamique
dAkwakwak lui donnent une vitesse effrayante. Ce Pokémon
est bien plus rapide que les plus grands champions de
55,25,6,"Die mit Schwimmhäuten überzogenen Flossen an seinen
Vorder- und Hinterbeinen und der stromlinienförmige Körper
machen Entoron unheimlich schnell. Dieses Pokémon ist auf
jeden Fall schneller als die meisten Hochleistungsschwimmer."
55,25,7,"Golduck alcanza una velocidad de vértigo gracias a las aletas
palmípedas de las extremidades y a la forma aerodinámica de
su cuerpo. Realmente, la velocidad de este Pokémon supera
la de cualquier nadador."
55,25,8,"Le zampe anteriori e posteriori a pinna dotate di membrana
interdigitale e il corpo longilineo di Golduck gli conferiscono
una velocità incredibile. Infatti è molto più veloce dei più
esperti nuotatori umani."
55,25,9,"The webbed flippers on its forelegs and hind legs and the
streamlined body of Golduck give it frightening speed.
This Pokémon is definitely much faster than even the most
athletic swimmer."
55,25,11,"手足の 水かきと 流線型の 体が
水中で 恐るべき スピードを 生みだす。
金メダリスト よりも 断然 速いぞ。"
55,26,1,"およぐ スピードは ポケモンじゅうで いちばん。
あらしで おおあれの うみでも へっちゃら。
なんぱせんから ひとを たすける ことも ある。"
55,26,3,"헤엄치는 스피드는 포켓몬 중 제일이다.
태풍으로 거칠어진 바다라도 문제없다.
난파선에서 사람을 구해내는 일도 있다."
55,26,5,"Akwakwak est le Pokémon qui nage le plus vite.
Il nage sans se fatiguer, même lorsque la mer est agitée.
Il sauve parfois des gens coincés dans les navires bloqués
en haute mer."
55,26,6,"Entoron ist der schnellste Schwimmer von allen Pokémon.
Es schwimmt mit Leichtigkeit auch durch eine raue, stürmische
See. Manchmal rettet es Menschen, die in Seenot geraten sind
und auf dem Meer treiben."
55,26,7,"Golduck es el nadador más rápido de los Pokémon. Además,
nada sin esfuerzo hasta en aguas turbulentas en plena
tormenta. En ocasiones, ha rescatado a náufragos en alta
55,26,8,"Golduck è il più veloce nuotatore tra tutti i Pokémon.
Nuota senza fatica anche nel mare agitato e tempestoso.
Talvolta salva naufraghi dai relitti affondati in alto mare."
55,26,9,"Golduck is the fastest swimmer among all Pokémon. It swims
effortlessly, even in a rough, stormy sea. It sometimes rescues
people from wrecked ships floundering in high seas."
55,26,11,"泳ぐ スピードは ポケモン中で 一番。
嵐で 大荒れの 海でも へっちゃら。
難破船から 人を 助ける ことも ある。"
55,27,1,"ひたいの あかい ぶぶんを もつと
じんつうりきを さずかると いわれ
らんかく された かこも ある。"
55,27,3,"이마의 붉은 부분을 가지면
신통력을 얻을 수 있다고 전해져
남획되었던 과거도 있다."
55,27,5,"Certains prétendaient que tenir la gemme rouge
de son front donnait des pouvoirs psychiques,
aussi a-t-il été braconné à certaines époques."
55,27,6,"Besitzt man den roten Fortsatz seiner Stirn,
erhält man angeblich telekinetische Kräfte. Einst
war es sehr selten, da es maßlos gejagt wurde."
55,27,7,"En el pasado fue objeto de una caza
indiscriminada, pues se decía que la parte roja
de su frente daba poderes a quien la poseyera."
55,27,8,"È stato a lungo oggetto di una caccia sfrenata
a causa dellescrescenza rossa che ha sulla
fronte, ritenuta fonte di poteri soprannaturali."
55,27,9,"It is said that the red part of its forehead
grants supernatural powers to those who
possess one, so it was over-hunted in the past."
55,27,11,"額の 赤い 部分を 持つと
神通力を 授かると いわれ
乱獲 された 過去も ある。"
55,28,1,"みずうみの ほとりを およぎまわり
つかまえた さかなポケモンを
きしべで しずかに くっている。"
55,28,3,"호수 근처를 헤엄쳐 다니며
잡은 물고기포켓몬을
물가에서 조용히 먹고 있다."
55,28,5,"Il nage à travers les lacs pour attraper des
Pokémon poissons, puis il remonte sur la rive
pour les déguster tranquillement."
55,28,6,"Es schwimmt Küstengebiete auf der Suche nach
Fisch-Pokémon ab. Hat es eines gefangen, geht
es ans Ufer, um es in aller Ruhe zu verschlingen."
55,28,7,"Se sumerge en las aguas de los lagos en busca
de Pokémon pez para luego darse un apacible
banquete en la orilla."
55,28,8,"Nuota nei laghi in cerca di Pokémon acquatici
e, dopo averli catturati, torna a riva per
mangiarli tranquillamente."
55,28,9,"It swims along the banks of lakes and catches
fish Pokémon. It takes them to the shore and
quietly eats them up."
55,28,11,"湖の ほとりを 泳ぎまわり
捕まえた さかなポケモンを
岸辺で 静かに 喰っている。"
55,29,1,"およぎが はやい さかなポケモンでも
かなしばりで うごきを とめて
かんたんに つかまえることができる。"
55,29,3,"빠르게 헤엄치는 물고기포켓몬이라도
사슬묶기로 꼼짝 못 하게 해서
쉽게 잡을 수 있다."
55,29,5,"Même les Pokémon poissons les plus rapides
ne peuvent pas lui échapper. Il les capture
avec facilité en les immobilisant."
55,29,6,"Es bringt selbst schnelle Fisch-Pokémon zum
Stillstand und ergreift sie anschließend mit
55,29,7,"Puede paralizar incluso a los Pokémon pez más
veloces, lo que le permite atraparlos con suma
55,29,8,"Riesce a immobilizzare anche i Pokémon
acquatici più veloci. In questo modo, può
catturarli con facilità."
55,29,9,"Even fast-swimming fish Pokémon can be
disabled by Golduck. It brings them to a
standstill and seizes them."
55,29,11,"泳ぎが 速い さかなポケモンでも
金縛りで 動きを 止めて
簡単に 捕まえることが できる。"
55,30,1,"およぎの プロフェッショナル。
ながい シッポを たくみに くねらせ
まるまる ふつか およいでいられる。"
55,30,3,"수영의 전문가다.
긴 꼬리를 능숙하게 흔들어서
이틀 내내 헤엄칠 수 있다."
55,30,5,"Ce professionnel de la natation dispose dune
longue queue souple qui lui permet de nager
sans interruption pendant deux jours."
55,30,6,"Ein exzellenter Schwimmer. Wenn es seinen
langen, beweglichen Schwanz geschickt
einsetzt, kann es zwei Tage durchschwimmen."
55,30,7,"Un portento de la natación capaz de nadar
durante dos días sin interrupción moviendo su
larga cola con destreza."
55,30,8,"È un nuotatore provetto. Muovendo abilmente
la sua lunga coda, può nuotare ininterrottamente
per due giorni."
55,30,9,"A professional swimmer, it can continue
swimming for two days straight by waving its
long tail skillfully."
55,30,11,"泳ぎの プロフェッショナル。
長い シッポを 巧みに くねらせ
丸々 2日 泳いでいられる。"
55,31,1,"すらりとした ながい てあしと
はったつした おおきな みずかきで
みずうみを ゆうがに およぐ。"
55,31,3,"날씬하고 긴 팔다리와
발달한 큰 물갈퀴로
호수를 우아하게 헤엄친다."
55,31,5,"Ses membres longs et fins se terminent par
des nageoires qui lui permettent de nager
55,31,6,"An seinen langen, dünnen Gliedmaßen befinden
sich Schwimmflossen. Mit diesen kann es
anmutig durch Seen schwimmen."
55,31,7,"Sus delgadas y largas extremidades terminan
en dedos palmeados muy desarrollados que
le permiten nadar en los lagos con gracilidad."
55,31,8,"Ha zampe palmate lunghe e sottili, che
gli permettono di nuotare elegantemente
nei laghi."
55,31,9,"Its long, slim limbs end in broad flippers.
They are used for swimming gracefully in lakes."
55,31,11,"すらりとした 長い 手足と
発達した 大きな 水かきで
湖を 優雅に 泳ぐ。"
55,32,1,"すらりとした ながい てあしと
はったつした おおきな みずかきで
みずうみを ゆうがに およぐ。"
55,32,3,"날씬하고 긴 팔다리와
발달한 큰 물갈퀴로
호수를 우아하게 헤엄친다."
55,32,5,"Ses membres longs et fins se terminent par
des nageoires qui lui permettent de nager
55,32,6,"An seinen langen, dünnen Gliedmaßen befinden
sich Schwimmflossen. Mit diesen kann es
anmutig durch Seen schwimmen."
55,32,7,"Sus delgadas y largas extremidades terminan
en dedos palmeados muy desarrollados que
le permiten nadar en los lagos con gracilidad."
55,32,8,"Ha zampe palmate lunghe e sottili, che
gli permettono di nuotare elegantemente
nei laghi."
55,32,9,"Its long, slim limbs end in broad flippers.
They are used for swimming gracefully in lakes."
55,32,11,"すらりとした 長い 手足と
発達した 大きな 水かきで
湖を 優雅に 泳ぐ。"
55,33,1,"ながれの おだやかな かわに すむ。
ながい てあしで みずを かきわけ
ゆうがな およぎを みせる。"
55,33,3,"잔잔히 흐르는 강에 산다.
긴 팔다리로 물을 헤치며
우아하게 헤엄친다."
55,33,5,"Vivant dans les rivières au cours tranquille,
il se sert de ses longs membres pour nager
avec élégance."
55,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt in sanft fließenden Flüssen.
Mit seinen langen Gliedmaßen schwimmt es
voller Eleganz durch das Wasser."
55,33,7,"Habita en ríos de aguas plácidas. Sus largas
extremidades le permiten nadar con gracilidad."
55,33,8,"Vive in fiumi dalle acque placide. Si serve
dei suoi lunghi arti per nuotare con eleganza."
55,33,9,"This Pokémon lives in gently flowing rivers. It
paddles through the water with its long limbs,
putting its graceful swimming skills on display."
55,33,11,"流れの 穏やかな 川に 棲む。
長い 手足で 水を 掻きわけ
優雅な 泳ぎを みせる。"
55,34,1,"かわを よごした にんげんを
すいちゅうに ひきこみ つれさる
むかしばなしが のこされている。"
55,34,3,"강을 더럽힌 사람을 물속으로
끌어들여 데려간다는
옛날이야기가 전해져 오고 있다."
55,34,5,"Daprès de vieilles légendes, ce Pokémon
entraînait au fond de leau tous ceux
qui osaient souiller sa rivière."
55,34,6,"Alten Legenden zufolge werden jene Menschen,
die es wagen, seinen Fluss zu verschmutzen,
von Entoron ins Wasser gezerrt und entführt."
55,34,7,"Cuenta una antigua leyenda que los Golduck
arrastraban a quienes contaminaran sus ríos al
fondo de las aguas."
55,34,8,"Secondo antichi racconti, Golduck trascina
in acqua gli esseri umani che inquinano il fiume
portandoli via con sé."
55,34,9,"Old tales tell of Golduck punishing those that
defiled its river. The guilty were dragged into
the water and taken away."
55,34,11,"川を 汚した 人間を
水中に 引き込み 連れ去る
昔話が 残されている。"
56,1,9,"Extremely quick to
anger. It could
be docile onemoment then
thrashing away
the next instant."
56,2,9,"Extremely quick to
anger. It could
be docile onemoment then
thrashing away
the next instant."
56,3,9,"An agile POKéMON
that lives in
trees. It angerseasily and will
not hesitate to
attack anything."
56,4,9,"It is extremely
Groups of themwill attack any
handy target for
no reason."
56,5,9,"It's unsafe to ap­
proach if it gets
violently enragedfor no reason and
can't distinguish
friends from foes."
56,6,9,"It lives in groups
in the treetops.
If it loses sightof its group, it
becomes infuriated
by its loneliness."
56,7,9,"When MANKEY starts shaking and its
nasal breathing turns rough, its a sure
sign that it is becoming angry.However, because it goes into a
towering rage almost instantly, it is
impossible for anyone to flee its wrath."
56,8,9,"When MANKEY starts shaking and its
nasal breathing turns rough, its a sure
sign that it is becoming angry.However, because it goes into a
towering rage almost instantly, it is
impossible for anyone to flee its wrath."
56,9,9,"When it starts shaking and its nasal
breathing turns rough, its a sure sign
of anger. However, since this happens
instantly, there is no time to flee."
56,10,9,"Light and agile on its feet, and ferocious
in temperament. When angered, it flies into
an uncontrollable frenzy."
56,11,9,"Extremely quick to anger. It could be
docile one moment, then thrashing away 
the next instant."
56,12,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,13,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,14,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,15,9,"It is extremely ill-tempered.
Groups of them will attack any
handy target for no reason."
56,16,9,"Its unsafe to approach if it gets
violently enraged for no reason and
cant distinguish friends from foes."
56,17,5,"Ils vivent en colonies sylvestres.
Quand un Férosinge sénerve, toute
la colonie suit son exemple."
56,17,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,18,5,"Ils vivent en colonies sylvestres.
Quand un Férosinge sénerve, toute
la colonie suit son exemple."
56,18,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,21,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,22,9,"It lives in treetop colonies.
If one becomes enraged, the whole
colony rampages for no reason."
56,23,1,"いみもなく おこって あばれだすと
なかまの くべつも つかなくなるので
ちかよるのは ひじょうに きけんだ。"
56,23,3,"이유 없이 화내고 날뛰기 시작하면
동료도 구별하지 못하기 때문에
가까이 가는 것은 매우 위험하다."
56,23,5,"Il ne peut dissocier ses amis de ses ennemis et a
tendance à enrager lorsquon lapproche."
56,23,6,"Da es grundlos angreift und nicht zwischen Freund
oder Feind unterscheidet, ist es sehr gefährlich."
56,23,7,"Es peligroso acercarse si se enfada sin razón aparente,
ya que no distingue entre amigos y enemigos."
56,23,8,"Se è tanto arrabbiato da non riuscire più a distinguere
gli amici dai nemici, è pericoloso avvicinarsi."
56,23,9,"Its unsafe to approach if it gets violently enraged
for no reason and cant distinguish friends
from foes."
56,23,11,"意味もなく 怒って 暴れ出すと
仲間の 区別も つかなくなるので
近寄るのは 非常に 危険だ。"
56,24,1,"きのうえで せいかつしている。
むれの 1ぴきが おこりはじめると
ぜんいんが いみもなく あばれだす。"
56,24,3,"나무 위에서 생활하고 있다.
무리 중 1마리가 화내기 시작하면
모두 아무 의미도 없이 난동을 부린다."
56,24,5,"Ils vivent en colonies sylvestres. Quand un Férosinge
sénerve, toute la colonie suit son exemple."
56,24,6,"Es lebt mit anderen in Baumkronen. Wird eines von
ihnen wütend, werden alle anderen auch wütend."
56,24,7,"Vive en colonias en los árboles. Si uno se enfada, el
resto de la manada ataca sin motivo."
56,24,8,"Vive in colonie sugli alberi. Se uno si adira, lintera
colonia comincia ad agire violentemente senza motivo."
56,24,9,"It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes
enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason."
56,24,11,"木の上で 生活している。
群れの 1匹が 怒り出すと
全員が 意味もなく 暴れ出す。"
56,25,1,"からだが ふるえ はないきが あらくなれば
おこりだす まえぶれ なのだが あっというまに
はげしく おこるので にげだす ひまは ない。"
56,25,3,"몸이 떨리며 콧김이 거칠어지면
화를 낼 조짐이지만 순식간에 격렬하게
화를 내기 때문에 도망갈 틈이 없다."
56,25,5,"Lorsque Férosinge commence à trembler et que sa respiration
devient haletante, cela signifie quil est en colère. En outre,
la moutarde lui monte au nez tellement vite quil est presque
impossible déchapper à sa colère."
56,25,6,"Wenn Menki sich schüttelt und schwer durch die Nase atmet,
dann ist es wütend. Da es blitzartig in Raserei gerät, ist es
unmöglich, seinem Zorn zu entkommen."
56,25,7,"Cuando Mankey empieza a temblar y a respirar con más
intensidad, seguro que va a enfadarse. Aunque prever su
enfado no sirve de nada porque alcanza un estado de rabia
tan rápido que no hay escapatoria."
56,25,8,"Quando Mankey inizia a tremare e la sua respirazione
nasale diventa pesante significa che si sta infuriando.
Tuttavia, a causa dei suoi repentini attacchi dira,
è impossibile per chiunque sfuggire alla sua furia."
56,25,9,"When Mankey starts shaking and its nasal breathing turns
rough, its a sure sign that it is becoming angry. However,
because it goes into a towering rage almost instantly,
it is impossible for anyone to flee its wrath."
56,25,11,"体が 震え 鼻息が 荒くなれば
怒りだす 前触れ なのだが あっという間に
激しく 怒るので 逃げ出す 暇は ない。"
56,26,1,"からだが ふるえ はないきが あらくなれば
おこりだす まえぶれ なのだが あっというまに
はげしく おこるので にげだす ひまは ない。"
56,26,3,"몸이 떨리며 콧김이 거칠어지면
화를 낼 조짐이지만 순식간에 격렬하게
화를 내기 때문에 도망갈 틈이 없다."
56,26,5,"Lorsque Férosinge commence à trembler et que sa respiration
devient haletante, cela signifie quil est en colère. En outre,
la moutarde lui monte au nez tellement vite quil est presque
impossible déchapper à sa colère."
56,26,6,"Wenn Menki sich schüttelt und schwer durch die Nase atmet,
dann ist es wütend. Da es blitzartig in Raserei gerät, ist es
unmöglich, seinem Zorn zu entkommen."
56,26,7,"Cuando Mankey empieza a temblar y a respirar con más
intensidad, seguro que va a enfadarse. Aunque prever su
enfado no sirve de nada porque alcanza un estado de rabia
tan rápido que no hay escapatoria."
56,26,8,"Quando Mankey inizia a tremare e la sua respirazione
nasale diventa pesante significa che si sta infuriando.
Tuttavia, a causa dei suoi repentini attacchi dira,
è impossibile per chiunque sfuggire alla sua furia."
56,26,9,"When Mankey starts shaking and its nasal breathing turns
rough, its a sure sign that it is becoming angry. However,
because it goes into a towering rage almost instantly,
it is impossible for anyone to flee its wrath."
56,26,11,"体が 震え 鼻息が 荒くなれば
怒りだす 前触れ なのだが あっという間に
激しく 怒るので 逃げ出す 暇は ない。"
56,27,1,"まえぶれもなく とつぜん おこる。
あばれまくって だれも いなくなると
こどくに たえられなくて またおこる。"
56,27,3,"예고 없이 갑자기 화낸다. 마구
난동을 부려 모두가 곁을 떠나면
고독을 참지 못하고 또 화낸다."
56,27,5,"Quand il pique soudain une terrible colère, tout
le monde autour de lui senfuit. Mais il supporte
mal la solitude, et ça lénerve encore davantage."
56,27,6,"Es rastet häufig völlig unvermittelt aus. Danach
findet es sich oft mutterseelenallein wieder.
Das macht es schließlich noch wütender."
56,27,7,"Se enfada sin razón aparente. Cuando todos lo
dejan solo para no tener que lidiar con su ira,
Mankey se enoja más aún."
56,27,8,"È soggetto ad attacchi di rabbia improvvisi e se
tutti attorno a lui si dileguano, si arrabbia ancora
di più per la stizza di essere rimasto solo."
56,27,9,"It can spontaneously become enraged. Everyone
near it clears out as it rampages, and the
resulting loneliness makes it angrier still."
56,27,11,"前触れもなく 突然 怒る。
暴れまくって 誰も いなくなると
孤独に 耐えられなくて また怒る。"
56,28,1,"いかりちらして つかれて ねむるが
ゆめの なかで はらをたて いかりで
めざめ めざめたことに またいかる。"
56,28,3,"마구 화를 내다 지쳐서 잠이 들지만
꿈속에서 화를 내서 분노로 일어나고
일어났다는 사실에 또 화를 낸다."
56,28,5,"Fatigué de sa colère permanente, il lui arrive
de dormir, mais il rêve de ses frustrations, se
réveille, et se met en colère davoir été réveillé."
56,28,6,"Es ärgert sich, bis es vor Erschöpfung eindöst.
Doch selbst im Traum findet es keine Ruhe, also
wacht es wieder auf und wird noch wütender."
56,28,7,"Tras desatar su ira, le entra sueño y se duerme.
Sin embargo, sus pesadillas lo atormentan aún
más, por lo que se despierta de muy mal humor."
56,28,8,"Quando si infuria si stanca così tanto che si
addormenta, ma si arrabbia anche in sogno,
e si risveglia ancora più arrabbiato."
56,28,9,"Its raging tires it out and causes it to fall asleep,
but the anger resonating in its dreams causes it
to wake up—which infuriates it all over again."
56,28,11,"怒り散らして 疲れて 眠るが
夢の 中で 腹を立て 怒りで
目覚め 目覚めたことに また怒る。"
56,29,1,"ちょっとしたことで すぐ おこる。
ストレスを ためこまないので
かなり ながいきする ポケモンだ。"
56,29,3,"작은 일에도 금방 화를 낸다.
스트레스를 쌓아 두지 않아서
꽤 오래 사는 포켓몬이다."
56,29,5,"La moindre contrariété le rend furieux. Comme
rien ne latteint durablement, il naccumule
pas de stress et peut vivre très vieux."
56,29,6,"Selbst Kleinigkeiten regen es sofort auf. Da es
Stress aber nicht in sich hineinfrisst, erfreut es
sich eines langen Lebens."
56,29,7,"Se encoleriza enseguida por cualquier minucia.
Por otro lado, al no acumular estrés, suele gozar
de una vida longeva."
56,29,8,"Basta un nonnulla per farlo andare su tutte
le furie. Tuttavia, non accumula stress e vive
molto a lungo."
56,29,9,"The smallest of things could cause it to lose its
temper. Because it doesnt hold in its stress,
this Pokémon can live a long time."
56,29,11,"ちょっとしたことで すぐ 怒る。
ストレスを ため込まないので
かなり 長生きする ポケモンだ。"
56,30,1,"1ぴきが おこりだすと まわりも
おこりだすので マンキーの むれに
せいじゃくが おとずれることは ない。"
56,30,3,"1마리가 화를 내면 주변에서도
화를 내기 때문에 망키 무리가
조용해지는 일은 없다."
56,30,5,"Il suffit quun Férosinge sénerve pour que
ses congénères en fassent de même, aussi
leurs groupes ne connaissent-ils jamais la paix."
56,30,6,"Wird es wütend, färbt das auch auf seine
Kameraden ab. In einer Schar von Menki kehrt
daher niemals Ruhe ein."
56,30,7,"Cuando un ejemplar se enfada, contagia su ira
al resto, por lo que los grupos de Mankey
desconocen el concepto de vida reposada."
56,30,8,"Se uno di loro si arrabbia, si infuriano anche
i Mankey che gli stanno intorno. Per questo
nelle loro colonie non regna mai il silenzio."
56,30,9,"If one gets angry, all the others around it will
get angry, so silence is a rare visitor in a troop
of Mankey."
56,30,11,"1匹が 怒りだすと まわりも
怒りだすので マンキーの 群れに
静寂が 訪れることは ない。"
56,31,1,"みがるで きのうえで せいかつする。
ふとしたことで きげんが わるくなり
まわりに いるものに とびかかる。"
56,31,3,"몸이 가벼워 나무 위에서 생활한다.
사소한 일로 기분이 나빠져
주변에 있는 것에 덤벼든다."
56,31,5,"Agile et rapide, ce Pokémon vit dans les arbres.
Il sénerve facilement et sattaque à tout ce qui
bouge quand il est en colère."
56,31,6,"Es ist sehr agil und lebt auf Bäumen. Aufgrund
seiner hitzköpfigen Natur wird es schnell wütend,
was dazu führt, dass es alles und jeden angreift."
56,31,7,"Este ágil Pokémon vive en los árboles. Se enfada
con facilidad y, cuando lo hace, se abalanza
contra todo lo que se encuentre a su alrededor."
56,31,8,"Un Pokémon agile che vive sugli alberi.
È molto irascibile e non esita ad attaccare
chiunque gli capiti a tiro."
56,31,9,"An agile Pokémon that lives in trees. It angers
easily and will not hesitate to attack anything."
56,31,11,"身軽で 木の上で 生活する。
ふとしたことで 機嫌が 悪くなり
まわりに いるものに 飛びかかる。"
56,32,1,"みがるで きのうえで せいかつする。
ふとしたことで きげんが わるくなり
まわりに いるものに とびかかる。"
56,32,3,"몸이 가벼워 나무 위에서 생활한다.
사소한 일로 기분이 나빠져
주변에 있는 것에 덤벼든다."
56,32,5,"Agile et rapide, ce Pokémon vit dans les arbres.
Il sénerve facilement et sattaque à tout ce qui
bouge quand il est en colère."
56,32,6,"Es ist sehr agil und lebt auf Bäumen. Aufgrund
seiner hitzköpfigen Natur wird es schnell wütend,
was dazu führt, dass es alles und jeden angreift."
56,32,7,"Este ágil Pokémon vive en los árboles. Se enfada
con facilidad y, cuando lo hace, se abalanza
contra todo lo que se encuentre a su alrededor."
56,32,8,"Un Pokémon agile che vive sugli alberi.
È molto irascibile e non esita ad attaccare
chiunque gli capiti a tiro."
56,32,9,"An agile Pokémon that lives in trees. It angers
easily and will not hesitate to attack anything."
56,32,11,"身軽で 木の上で 生活する。
ふとしたことで 機嫌が 悪くなり
まわりに いるものに 飛びかかる。"
57,1,9,"Always furious
and tenacious to
boot. It will notabandon chasing
its quarry until
it is caught."
57,2,9,"Always furious
and tenacious to
boot. It will notabandon chasing
its quarry until
it is caught."
57,3,9,"It stops being
angry only when
nobody else isaround. To view
this moment is
very difficult."
57,4,9,"If approached
while asleep, it
may awaken andangrily give chase
in a groggy state
of semi-sleep."
57,5,9,"It becomes wildly
furious if it even
senses someonelooking at it. It
chases anyone that
meets its glare."
57,6,9,"It will beat up
anyone who makes
it mad, even if ithas to chase them
until the end of
the world."
57,7,9,"When PRIMEAPE becomes furious, its
blood circulation is boosted. In turn,
its muscles are made even stronger.However, it also becomes much less
intelligent at the same time."
57,8,9,"When PRIMEAPE becomes furious, its
blood circulation is boosted. In turn,
its muscles are made even stronger.However, it also becomes much less
intelligent at the same time."
57,9,9,"When it becomes furious, its blood
circulation becomes more robust, and
its muscles are made stronger. But it
also becomes much less intelligent."
57,10,9,"It is always outrageously furious. If it
gives chase, it will tenaciously track the
target no matter how far."
57,11,9,"Always furious and tenacious to boot.
It will not abandon chasing its quarry
until it catches up."
57,12,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,13,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,14,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,15,9,"If approached while asleep,
it may awaken and angrily give chase
in a groggy state of semi-sleep."
57,16,9,"It becomes wildly furious if it even
senses someone looking at it. It
chases anyone that meets its glare."
57,17,5,"Il grogne quand on le toise, rugit
quand on senfuit et devient fou
de rage quand on le frappe."
57,17,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,18,5,"Il grogne quand on le toise, rugit
quand on senfuit et devient fou
de rage quand on le frappe."
57,18,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,21,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,22,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes
and gets angrier if you run. If you
beat it, it gets even madder."
57,23,1,"まわりに だれも いないときだけは
おこるのを やめている。しかし
それをみるのは むずかしい。"
57,23,3,"주위에 아무도 없을 때만은
화를 내지 않고 있다. 그러나
그 모습을 보기가 어렵다."
57,23,5,"Sa fureur prend fin quand il na plus personne à
frapper. Il est difficile den être témoin."
57,23,6,"In ganz seltenen Fällen beruhigt sich dieses sehr
jähzornige Pokémon und ist für einen Moment friedlich."
57,23,7,"Solo se calma cuando nadie está cerca. Llegar a ver
ese momento es realmente difícil."
57,23,8,"Questo Pokémon è costantemente furioso e si
calma solo nella solitudine più assoluta."
57,23,9,"It stops being angry only when nobody else is
around. To view this moment is very difficult."
57,23,11,"まわりに だれも いないときだけは
怒るのを やめている。しかし
それを 見るのは 難しい。"
57,24,1,"いつも もうれつに おこっており
にげても にげても
どこまでも おいかけてくる。"
57,24,3,"항상 맹렬하게 화내고 있어
도망치고 또 도망쳐도
끝까지 쫓아온다."
57,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est constamment en rogne.
Lorsquil traque une proie, il la pourchasse nimporte
où, peu importe la distance."
57,24,6,"Es ist immer außerordentlich wütend. Nimmt es
die Verfolgung auf, bleibt es dem Opfer hartnäckig
auf den Fersen, egal wie weit oder wie lange."
57,24,7,"Siempre está tremendamente enfadado. Cuando se
empeña en una presa, no hay distancia para él."
57,24,8,"Va facilmente su tutte le furie. Se insegue una preda,
non si dà per vinto finché non lha catturata."
57,24,9,"It is always outrageously furious. If it gives chase,
it will tenaciously track the target no matter
how far."
57,24,11,"いつも 猛烈に 怒っており
逃げても 逃げても
どこまでも 追いかけてくる。"
57,25,1,"はげしく おこる ことで けっこうが よくなり
きんにくの ちからを つよくするのだ。
ただし あたまの かいてんは おそくなるぞ。"
57,25,3,"격렬하게 화를 내면 혈액순환이
좋아져 근육의 힘을 강하게 만든다.
단 머리 회전은 느려진다."
57,25,5,"Lorsque Colossinge devient furieux, sa circulation sanguine
saccélère. Du coup, ses muscles sont encore plus puissants.
En revanche, il devient bien moins intelligent."
57,25,6,"Wenn Rasaff wütend ist, wird seine Blutzirkulation gesteigert
und seine Muskeln werden noch stärker. Allerdings mindert
das auch die Fähigkeit zum logischen Denken."
57,25,7,"Cuando Primeape se enfada, se le acelera el ritmo cardíaco
y se le fortalecen los músculos. Con todo, pierde en
57,25,8,"Quando Primeape sinfuria, la circolazione sanguigna
si fa intensa, irrobustendo i suoi muscoli. Allo stesso
tempo, tuttavia, perde anche la sua lucidità e intelligenza."
57,25,9,"When Primeape becomes furious, its blood circulation is
boosted. In turn, its muscles are made even stronger.
However, it also becomes much less intelligent at the
same time."
57,25,11,"激しく 怒る ことで 血行が 良くなり
筋肉の 力を 強くするのだ。
ただし 頭の 回転は 遅くなるぞ。"
57,26,1,"はげしく おこる ことで けっこうが よくなり
きんにくの ちからを つよくするのだ。
ただし あたまの かいてんは おそくなるぞ。"
57,26,3,"격렬하게 화를 내면 혈액순환이
좋아져 근육의 힘을 강하게 만든다.
단 머리 회전은 느려진다."
57,26,5,"Lorsque Colossinge devient furieux, sa circulation sanguine
saccélère. Du coup, ses muscles sont encore plus puissants.
En revanche, il devient bien moins intelligent."
57,26,6,"Wenn Rasaff wütend ist, wird seine Blutzirkulation gesteigert
und seine Muskeln werden noch stärker. Allerdings sinkt dabei
auch die Fähigkeit logischen Denkens."
57,26,7,"Cuando Primeape se enfada, se le acelera el ritmo cardíaco
y se le fortalecen los músculos. Con todo, pierde en
57,26,8,"Quando Primeape sinfuria, la circolazione sanguigna
si fa intensa, irrobustendo i suoi muscoli. Allo stesso
tempo, tuttavia, perde anche la sua lucidità e intelligenza."
57,26,9,"When Primeape becomes furious, its blood circulation
is boosted. In turn, its muscles are made even stronger.
However, it also becomes much less intelligent at the
same time."
57,26,11,"激しく 怒る ことで 血行が 良くなり
筋肉の 力を 強くするのだ。
ただし 頭の 回転は 遅くなるぞ。"
57,27,1,"あまりに おこりすぎて そのまま
しんでしまうことが あるほどだが
そのしにがおは とても やすらか。"
57,27,3,"너무 화를 내서 그대로
사망하는 경우가 있을 정도지만
죽은 후의 얼굴은 매우 평온하다."
57,27,5,"Il arrive quil sénerve tellement quil en meurt.
Son visage, lorsquil meurt ainsi, est empreint
dune grande sérénité."
57,27,6,"Manchmal rastet es so aus, dass es auf der
Stelle tot umfällt. Sein Gesichtsausdruck ist
danach jedoch äußerst friedlich."
57,27,7,"Se han conocido casos de Primeape que se han
enfadado tanto que han llegado a fallecer. Aun
así, sus rostros expresaban sosiego."
57,27,8,"A volte si arrabbia così tanto da morirne,
e allora finalmente il suo volto diventa sereno."
57,27,9,"It has been known to become so angry that
it dies as a result. Its face looks peaceful in
death, however."
57,27,11,"あまりに 怒りすぎて そのまま
死んでしまうことが あるほどだが
その死に顔は とても 安らか。"
57,28,1,"あるけんきゅうしゃの がくせつでは
モンスターボールの なかでも
オコリザルは おこっているらしい。"
57,28,3,"어느 연구자의 학설에 의하면
몬스터볼 안에서도
성원숭은 화나 있다는 듯하다."
57,28,5,"Daprès les recherches dun certain scientifique,
les Colossinge continuent de bouillonner de
fureur même à lintérieur dune Poké Ball."
57,28,6,"Der Theorie eines Forschers zufolge schäumt
Rasaff sogar im Inneren von Pokébällen weiter
vor Wut."
57,28,7,"Según muestran los estudios de un investigador
Pokémon, Primeape sigue enfadado incluso
dentro de la Poké Ball."
57,28,8,"Secondo le teorie di un certo studioso,
Primeape è arrabbiato anche quando
si trova dentro la Poké Ball."
57,28,9,"Some researchers theorize that Primeape
remains angry even when inside a Poké Ball."
57,28,11,"ある研究者の 学説では
モンスターボールの 中でも
オコリザルは 怒っているらしい。"
57,29,1,"おこらせた あいてを ゆるさず
おいつづける。 たたきのめして
うごかなくなっても まだ ゆるさない。"
57,29,3,"화나게 한 상대를 용서하지 않고
계속 쫓아다닌다. 때려눕혀
움직일 수 없게 돼도 용서하지 않는다."
57,29,5,"Il ne pardonne rien et poursuit sans relâche
ceux qui lont courroucé. Même les assommer
ne suffira pas à apaiser sa rancune."
57,29,6,"Wer es nervt, wird auf ewig verfolgt. Selbst
nachdem es seinen Gegner zu Boden gebracht
hat, kann es ihm noch nicht verzeihen."
57,29,7,"Si se enfada, perseguirá sin descanso al objeto
de su enojo. Aun habiéndolo golpeado hasta la
extenuación, seguirá guardándole rencor."
57,29,8,"Insegue chi lo fa arrabbiare senza dargli tregua
e non lo perdona neanche dopo averlo ridotto
allimmobilità a furia di percosse."
57,29,9,"It will never forgive opponents who have
angered it. Even after it has beaten them down
until they cant move, it never ever forgives."
57,29,11,"怒らせた 相手を 許さず
追い続ける。 叩きのめして
動かなくなっても まだ 許さない。"
57,30,1,"ほかの ポケモンよりも のうないの
けっかんが じょうぶなので おこり
つづけても げんきで いられるのだ。"
57,30,3,"다른 포켓몬들보다도
뇌의 혈관이 튼튼해서 계속
화를 내도 건강을 유지한다."
57,30,5,"Les vaisseaux sanguins de son cerveau étant
plus résistants que ceux dautres Pokémon,
il peut rester en état de colère perpétuelle."
57,30,6,"Da es robustere Hirnblutgefäße als andere
Pokémon hat, wirkt sich selbst kontinuierlicher
Zorn nicht schädlich auf seine Gesundheit aus."
57,30,7,"Los vasos sanguíneos de su cerebro son más
fuertes que los de otros Pokémon, por lo que
puede vivir en cólera perpetua sin problemas."
57,30,8,"I vasi sanguigni del suo cervello sono più robusti
di quelli degli altri Pokémon e sono in grado di
resistere al suo stato di collera perpetua."
57,30,9,"The blood vessels in its brain are sturdier than
those of other Pokémon, so it can stay healthy
despite its constant raging."
57,30,11,"他の ポケモンよりも 脳内の
血管が 丈夫なので 怒り
続けても 元気で いられるのだ。"
57,31,1,"まわりに だれも いないときだけは
おこるのを やめている。しかし
それをみるのは むずかしい。"
57,31,3,"주위에 아무도 없을 때만은
화를 내지 않고 있다. 그러나
그 모습을 보기가 어렵다."
57,31,5,"Sa fureur prend fin quand il na plus personne
à frapper. Il est difficile den être témoin."
57,31,6,"Es hört lediglich dann auf zu toben, wenn
niemand in der Nähe ist. Diesen Anblick zu
Gesicht zu bekommen, ist daher nicht einfach."
57,31,7,"Solo se calma cuando no hay nadie cerca,
por lo que llegar a ver ese momento resulta
verdaderamente difícil."
57,31,8,"È molto difficile vedere questo Pokémon calmo,
dato che la sua furia si placa solamente
quando si trova nella solitudine più assoluta."
57,31,9,"It stops being angry only when nobody else
is around. To view this moment is very difficult."
57,31,11,"まわりに 誰も いないときだけは
怒るのを やめている。しかし
それを見るのは 難しい。"
57,32,1,"まわりに だれも いないときだけは
おこるのを やめている。しかし
それをみるのは むずかしい。"
57,32,3,"주위에 아무도 없을 때만은
화를 내지 않고 있다. 그러나
그 모습을 보기가 어렵다."
57,32,5,"Sa fureur prend fin quand il na plus personne
à frapper. Il est difficile den être témoin."
57,32,6,"Es hört lediglich dann auf zu toben, wenn
niemand in der Nähe ist. Diesen Anblick zu
Gesicht zu bekommen, ist daher nicht einfach."
57,32,7,"Solo se calma cuando no hay nadie cerca,
por lo que llegar a ver ese momento resulta
verdaderamente difícil."
57,32,8,"È molto difficile vedere questo Pokémon calmo,
dato che la sua furia si placa solamente
quando si trova nella solitudine più assoluta."
57,32,9,"It stops being angry only when nobody else
is around. To view this moment is very difficult."
57,32,11,"まわりに 誰も いないときだけは
怒るのを やめている。しかし
それを見るのは 難しい。"
58,1,9,"Very protective
of its territory.
It will bark andbite to repel
intruders from
its space."
58,2,9,"Very protective
of its territory.
It will bark andbite to repel
intruders from
its space."
58,3,9,"A POKéMON with a
friendly nature.
However, it willbark fiercely at
anything invading
its territory."
58,4,9,"It has a brave and
trustworthy na­
ture. It fear­lessly stands up
to bigger and
stronger foes."
58,5,9,"Extremely loyal,
it will fearlessly
bark at any oppo­nent to protect
its own trainer
from harm."
58,6,9,"It controls a big
territory. If it
detects an unknownsmell, it roars
loudly to force
out the intruder."
58,7,9,"GROWLITHE has a superb sense of smell.
Once it smells anything, this POKéMON
wont forget the scent, no matter what.It uses its advanced olfactory sense
to determine the emotions of other
living things."
58,8,9,"GROWLITHE has a superb sense of smell.
Once it smells anything, this POKéMON
wont forget the scent, no matter what.It uses its advanced olfactory sense
to determine the emotions of other
living things."
58,9,9,"Its superb sense of smell ensures that
this POKéMON wont forget any scent,
no matter what. It uses its sense of smell
to detect the emotions of others."
58,10,9,"Very friendly and faithful to people.
It will try to repel enemies by barking
and biting."
58,11,9,"It is very protective of its territory.
It will bark and bite to repel intruders
from its space."
58,12,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature.
It will remain motionless until it is
given an order by its Trainer."
58,13,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature.
It will remain motionless until it is
given an order by its Trainer."
58,14,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature.
It will remain motionless until it is
given an order by its Trainer."
58,15,9,"It has a brave and trustworthy
nature. It fearlessly stands up
to bigger and stronger foes."
58,16,9,"Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly
bark at any opponent to protect
its own Trainer from harm."
58,17,5,"Un Pokémon très loyal. Il restera
immobile jusquà ce que son
Dresseur lui donne un ordre."
58,17,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature.
It will remain motionless until it is
given an order by its Trainer."
58,18,5,"Un Pokémon très loyal. Il restera
immobile jusquà ce que son
Dresseur lui donne un ordre."
58,18,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature.
It will remain motionless until it is
given an order by its Trainer."
58,21,9,"Extremely loyal to its Trainer, it will
bark at those who approach the Trainer
unexpectedly and run them out of town."
58,22,9,"Extremely loyal to its Trainer, it will
bark at those who approach the Trainer
unexpectedly and run them out of town."
58,23,1,"ひとなつこく せいじつな せいかく。
てきには ほえて かみつき
おいはらおう とする。"
58,23,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 충실한 성격이다.
적에게는 짖거나 물며
쫓아내려고 한다."
58,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est particulièrement affectueux et loyal.
Il aboie et il mord pour se débarrasser de ses
58,23,6,"Es ist sehr freundlich und bleibt den Menschen
treu. Durch Bellen und Beißen versucht es,
Gegner zu verscheuchen."
58,23,7,"Es muy agradable y leal. Para ahuyentar al enemigo,
se pone a ladrar y a dar bocados."
58,23,8,"Molto amichevole e fedele verso le persone.
Allontana i nemici abbaiando e mordendoli."
58,23,9,"Very friendly and faithful to people. It will try to
repel enemies by barking and biting."
58,23,11,"人懐こく 誠実な 性格。
敵には ほえて かみつき
58,24,1,"じぶんより つよくて おおきな
あいてにも おそれずに たちむかう
ゆうかんで たのもしい せいかく。"
58,24,3,"자신보다 강하고 큰
상대라도 겁 없이 맞서는
용감하고 믿음직한 성격이다."
58,24,5,"Il est courageux et fier. Il se dresse vaillamment
devant ses ennemis même sils sont plus puissants."
58,24,6,"Es ist von Natur aus tapfer und vertrauenswürdig.
Es scheut nicht vor starken Gegnern zurück."
58,24,7,"De naturaleza valiente y honrada, se enfrenta sin
miedo a enemigos más grandes y fuertes."
58,24,8,"Coraggioso e fedele, si oppone senza timore anche
a nemici più grandi e forti di lui."
58,24,9,"It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly
stands up to bigger and stronger foes."
58,24,11,"自分より 強くて 大きな 相手にも
恐れずに 立ち向かう
勇敢で 頼もしい 性格。"
58,25,1,"きゅうかくに すぐれ いちど かいだ においは
なにが あっても ぜったいに わすれない。
あいての きもちを においで さっちする。"
58,25,3,"후각이 뛰어나서 한 번 맡은 냄새는
무슨 일이 있어도 절대 잊지 않는다.
상대의 기분을 냄새로 감지한다."
58,25,5,"Caninos a un odorat très développé. Ce Pokémon noublie
jamais un parfum, quel quil soit. Il utilise son puissant sens
olfactif pour deviner les émotions des autres créatures
58,25,6,"Fukano hat einen ausgezeichneten Geruchssinn. Wenn
dieses Pokémon einmal einen Geruch wahrgenommen hat,
vergisst es ihn nicht mehr. Es benutzt diese Fähigkeit dazu,
die Gefühlslage von Lebewesen auszuloten."
58,25,7,"Growlithe tiene un sentido del olfato excepcional y una
memoria sensitiva tremenda, nunca olvida una esencia. Este
Pokémon saca provecho de este don para identificar las
sensaciones que tienen otros seres vivos."
58,25,8,"Growlithe ha un senso dellolfatto molto sviluppato:
una volta annusato qualcosa non scorda più quellodore.
Sfrutta questa dote per determinare le emozioni delle
altre creature."
58,25,9,"Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything,
this Pokémon wont forget the scent, no matter what. It uses
its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of
other living things."
58,25,11,"嗅覚に 優れ 一度 嗅いだ 臭いは
なにが あっても 絶対に 忘れない。
相手の 気持ちを 臭いで 察知する。"
58,26,1,"きゅうかくに すぐれ いちど かいだ においは
なにが あっても ぜったいに わすれない。
あいての きもちを においで さっちする。"
58,26,3,"후각이 뛰어나서 한 번 맡은 냄새는
무슨 일이 있어도 절대 잊지 않는다.
상대의 기분을 냄새로 감지한다."
58,26,5,"Caninos a un odorat très développé. Ce Pokémon noublie
jamais un parfum, quel quil soit. Il utilise son puissant sens
olfactif pour deviner les émotions des autres créatures
58,26,6,"Fukano hat einen ausgezeichneten Geruchssinn. Wenn
dieses Pokémon einmal einen Geruch wahrgenommen hat,
vergisst es ihn nicht mehr. Es benutzt diese Fähigkeit dazu,
die Gefühlslage von Lebewesen zu erkennen."
58,26,7,"Growlithe tiene un sentido del olfato excepcional y una
memoria sensitiva tremenda, nunca olvida una esencia. Este
Pokémon saca provecho de este don para identificar las
sensaciones que tienen otros seres vivos."
58,26,8,"Growlithe ha un senso dellolfatto molto sviluppato:
una volta annusato qualcosa non scorda più quellodore.
Sfrutta questa dote per determinare le emozioni delle
altre creature."
58,26,9,"Growlithe has a superb sense of smell. Once it smells anything,
this Pokémon wont forget the scent, no matter what. It uses
its advanced olfactory sense to determine the emotions of
other living things."
58,26,11,"嗅覚に 優れ 一度 嗅いだ 臭いは
なにが あっても 絶対に 忘れない。
相手の 気持ちを 臭いで 察知する。"
58,27,1,"りこうで ちゅうじつ。 ただし
みしらぬものや なわばりを おかす
ものには ほえたてて いかく するぞ。"
58,27,3,"똑똑하고 충실하다. 다만
모르는 자나 영역을 침범하는
자에게는 짖어대서 위협한다."
58,27,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent et affectueux.
Il aboie pour intimider les inconnus et ceux qui
pénètrent sur son territoire."
58,27,6,"Es ist klug und loyal. Sein Revier verteidigt es
jedoch mit lautem Bellen gegen Fremde und
58,27,7,"Es muy leal e inteligente por naturaleza. No
obstante, si un extraño invade su territorio,
le ladrará a modo de amenaza."
58,27,8,"È intelligente e fedele, ma abbaia minaccioso
contro gli sconosciuti e contro chiunque invada
il suo territorio."
58,27,9,"Its both clever and loyal, but if a stranger tries
to invade its territory, it barks threateningly."
58,27,11,"利口で 忠実。 ただし
見知らぬ者や 縄張りを 侵す
者には 吠えたてて いかく するぞ。"
58,28,1,"かわいいからと いって しらない
トレーナーの ガーディに ちかづくと
ほえかかられて かみつかれるぞ。"
58,28,3,"귀엽다고 해서 모르는
트레이너의 가디에게 다가가면
짖거나 물리기도 한다."
58,28,5,"Même sil a lair adorable, mieux vaut ne pas
sapprocher du Caninos dun Dresseur inconnu.
On risque de se faire mordre."
58,28,6,"Es mag zwar niedlich aussehen, doch nähert
man sich dem Fukano eines fremden Trainers,
bellt es laut und schnappt nach einem."
58,28,7,"Por muy adorable que parezca, si te acercas al
Growlithe de otro Entrenador, lo más probable
es que te ladre e intente morderte."
58,28,8,"Sembra tanto carino, ma se qualcuno si avvicina
al suo Allenatore, reagisce abbaiando
e mordendo."
58,28,9,"It looks cute, but when you approach another
Trainers Growlithe, it will bark at you and bite."
58,28,11,"可愛いからと いって 知らない
トレーナーの ガーディに 近づくと
吠えかかられて 噛みつかれるぞ。"
58,29,1,"なれれば ひとなつっこいのだが
やせいでは イワンコと なわばりを
めぐって はげしく あらそっている。"
58,29,3,"익숙해지면 사람을 잘 따르지만,
야생에서는 암멍이와
영역을 두고 격렬히 다툰다."
58,29,5,"Il est très facile à apprivoiser, mais à létat
sauvage, il combat férocement les Rocabot
pour le contrôle de son territoire."
58,29,6,"Hat es sich erst einmal an Menschen gewöhnt,
wird es sehr zutraulich. In der Wildnis liefert es
sich jedoch heftige Revierkämpfe mit Wuffels."
58,29,7,"Es muy afable con las personas una vez que ha
cogido confianza, pero, en estado salvaje, libra
violentas disputas territoriales con los Rockruff."
58,29,8,"È molto docile con gli esseri umani a cui
si affeziona, ma in natura lotta furiosamente
con i Rockruff per il controllo del territorio."
58,29,9,"While its quite friendly toward humans once its
grown used to them, in the wild it must be quite
fierce to defend its territory from Rockruff."
58,29,11,"慣れれば 人懐っこいのだが
野生では イワンコと 縄張りを
巡って 激しく 争っている。"
58,30,1,"おおむかしから にんげんと ともに
せいかつ してきた。 せっきじだいの
いせきから ホネが しゅつどされた。"
58,30,3,"먼 옛날부터 인간과 함께
생활해 왔다. 석기 시대
유적에서 뼈가 출토되었다."
58,30,5,"Cela fait des siècles quil vit avec les humains.
Des ossements de Caninos ont été retrouvés
sur des sites datant de lâge de pierre."
58,30,6,"Von alters her lebt es Seite an Seite mit den
Menschen. In Ausgrabungsstätten steinzeitlicher
Ruinen wurden Überreste von Fukano gefunden."
58,30,7,"Restos óseos hallados en yacimientos fósiles
muestran que su convivencia con los humanos
se remonta a la Edad de Piedra."
58,30,8,"Vive con gli esseri umani da tempi antichissimi.
Sono state ritrovate ossa di questo Pokémon
in siti archeologici risalenti alletà della pietra."
58,30,9,"It has lived alongside humans since ages ago.
Its bones have been found in excavations of
ruins from the Stone Age."
58,30,11,"大昔から 人間と ともに
生活 してきた。 石器時代の
遺跡から 骨が 出土された。"
58,31,1,"ひとなつっこい せいかくだが
なわばりに はいってきた てきに
たいしては はげしく ほえる。"
58,31,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 성격이지만
영역에 들어온 상대에게는
격렬하게 짖는다."
58,31,5,"Ce Pokémon est de nature amicale,
mais il devient hargneux quand son territoire
est menacé."
58,31,6,"Es ist von Natur aus sehr zutraulich. Doch wenn
jemand in sein Revier eindringt, wird dieser wild
58,31,7,"Este Pokémon es muy amistoso. Aun así, ladra
con fiereza a cualquiera que invada su territorio."
58,31,8,"È un Pokémon molto affettuoso, ma si mette
ad abbaiare impetuosamente contro chiunque
invada il suo habitat."
58,31,9,"A Pokémon with a friendly nature.
However, it will bark fiercely at
anything invading its territory."
58,31,11,"人なつっこい 性格だが
縄張りに 入ってきた 敵に
対しては 激しく 吠える。"
58,32,1,"ひとなつっこい せいかくだが
なわばりに はいってきた てきに
たいしては はげしく ほえる。"
58,32,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 성격이지만
영역에 들어온 상대에게는
격렬하게 짖는다."
58,32,5,"Ce Pokémon est de nature amicale,
mais il devient hargneux quand son territoire
est menacé."
58,32,6,"Es ist von Natur aus sehr zutraulich. Doch wenn
jemand in sein Revier eindringt, wird dieser wild
58,32,7,"Este Pokémon es muy amistoso. Aun así, ladra
con fiereza a cualquiera que invada su territorio."
58,32,8,"È un Pokémon molto affettuoso, ma si mette
ad abbaiare impetuosamente contro chiunque
invada il suo habitat."
58,32,9,"A Pokémon with a friendly nature.
However, it will bark fiercely at
anything invading its territory."
58,32,11,"人なつっこい 性格だが
縄張りに 入ってきた 敵に
対しては 激しく 吠える。"
58,33,1,"じぶんより つよくて おおきな
あいてにも おそれずに たちむかう
ゆうかんで たのもしい せいかく。"
58,33,3,"자신보다 강하고 큰
상대라도 겁 없이 맞서는
용감하고 믿음직스런 성격이다."
58,33,5,"Il est courageux et fiable. Il se dresse vaillamment
devant ses ennemis même sils sont plus puissants."
58,33,6,"Es ist von Natur aus tapfer und vertrauenswürdig
und scheut auch vor Gegnern nicht zurück, die
größer und stärker sind als es selbst."
58,33,7,"De naturaleza valiente y honrada, se enfrenta sin
miedo a enemigos más grandes y fuertes."
58,33,8,"Coraggioso e fedele, si oppone senza paura
anche a nemici più grandi e forti di lui."
58,33,9,"It has a brave and trustworthy nature. It fearlessly
stands up to bigger and stronger foes."
58,33,11,"自分より 強くて 大きな 相手にも
恐れずに 立ち向かう
勇敢で 頼もしい 性格。"
58,34,1,"ちゅうじつな せいかくで おやの
トレーナーを まもるため ひっしに
あいてに ほえかかる。"
58,34,3,"충직한 성격으로
자신의 트레이너를 지키기 위해
필사적으로 상대방에게 짖어댄다."
58,34,5,"Très fidèle, il aboie de toutes ses forces pour
protéger son Dresseur dOrigine quand un danger
le guette."
58,34,6,"Es ist sehr loyal und bellt jeden Gegner furchtlos
an, um seinen Trainer vor Schaden zu bewahren."
58,34,7,"Extremadamente fiel, ladrará furioso a cualquiera
que suponga una amenaza para su Entrenador
con tal de defenderlo."
58,34,8,"Di indole molto leale, abbaia furiosamente
contro chiunque minacci di attaccare il suo
58,34,9,"Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any
opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm."
58,34,11,"忠実な 性格で 親の
トレーナーを 守るため 必死に
相手に 吠えかかる。"
59,1,9,"A POKéMON that
has been admired
since the pastfor its beauty.
It runs agilely
as if on wings."
59,2,9,"A POKéMON that
has been admired
since the pastfor its beauty.
It runs agilely
as if on wings."
59,3,9,"A legendary POKé­
MON in China.
Many people arecharmed by its
grace and beauty
while running."
59,4,9,"This legendary
Chinese POKEMON is
considered magnif­icent. Many people
are enchanted by
its grand mane."
59,5,9,"Its magnificent
bark conveys a
sense of majesty.Anyone hearing it
can't help but
grovel before it."
59,6,9,"An ancient picture
scroll shows that
people wereattracted to its
movement as it ran
through prairies."
59,7,9,"ARCANINE is known for its high speed.
It is said to be capable of running over
6,200 miles in a single day and night.The fire that blazes wildly within this
POKéMONs body is its source of power."
59,8,9,"ARCANINE is known for its high speed.
It is said to be capable of running over
6,200 miles in a single day and night.The fire that blazes wildly within this
POKéMONs body is its source of power."
59,9,9,"This fleet-footed POKéMON is said to run
over 6,200 miles in a single day and night.
The fire that blazes wildly within its body
is its source of power."
59,10,9,"A POKéMON that is described in Chinese
legends. It is said to race at an
unbelievable speed."
59,11,9,"A POKéMON that has long been admired
for its beauty. It runs agilely as if
on wings."
59,12,9,"Its proud and regal appearance
has captured the hearts of
people since long ago."
59,13,9,"Its proud and regal appearance
has captured the hearts of
people since long ago."
59,14,9,"Its proud and regal appearance
has captured the hearts of
people since long ago."
59,15,9,"This legendary Chinese Pokémon is
considered magnificent. Many people
are enchanted by its grand mane."
59,16,9,"Its magnificent bark conveys a
sense of majesty. Anyone hearing it
cant help but grovel before it."
59,17,5,"Son port altier et son attitude
fière ont depuis longtemps
conquis le cœur des hommes."
59,17,9,"Its proud and regal appearance
has captured the hearts of
people since long ago."
59,18,5,"Son port altier et son attitude
fière ont depuis longtemps
conquis le cœur des hommes."
59,18,9,"Its proud and regal appearance
has captured the hearts of
people since long ago."
59,21,9,"The sight of it running over 6,200 miles
in a single day and night has captivated
many people."
59,22,9,"The sight of it running over 6,200 miles
in a single day and night has captivated
many people."
59,23,1,"むかしから おおくの ひとを
とりこにした うつくしい ポケモン。
とぶように かろやかに はしる。"
59,23,3,"옛날부터 많은 사람의
마음을 사로잡은 아름다운 포켓몬이다.
날듯이 경쾌하게 달린다."
59,23,5,"Un Pokémon très recherché pour sa grâce légendaire.
Il court avec tellement dagilité quon dirait quil vole."
59,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon trägt ein wunderschönes Fell.
Es ist obendrein schnell und sehr wendig."
59,23,7,"Un Pokémon muy admirado desde la antigüedad por
su belleza. Corre ágilmente como si tuviera alas."
59,23,8,"Da sempre ammirato per la sua bellezza, corre
veloce come se avesse le ali."
59,23,9,"A Pokémon that has long been admired for its
beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings."
59,23,11,"昔から 多くの 人を
虜にした 美しい ポケモン。
飛ぶように 軽やかに 走る。"
59,24,1,"どうどうとした なきごえは
いげんに あふれ きいたものは
おもわず ひれふしてしまう。"
59,24,3,"위풍당당한 울음소리는
위엄이 넘쳐 소리를 들은 상대는
무의식중에 몸을 움츠리게 된다."
59,24,5,"Son aboiement est tout simplement majestueux.
On ne peut que ramper à ses pieds après lavoir
59,24,6,"Sein bezauberndes Bellen klingt majestätisch. Jeder,
der es vernimmt, muss sich automatisch verbeugen."
59,24,7,"Su magnífico ladrido transmite majestuosidad. Todo
el que lo escuche no podrá evitar adularlo."
59,24,8,"Il suo incredibile ruggito ispira un senso di maestosità.
Chiunque lo senta non può far a meno di prostrarsi."
59,24,9,"Its magnificent bark conveys a sense of majesty.
Anyone hearing it cant help but grovel before it."
59,24,11,"堂々とした 鳴き声は
威厳に あふれ 聞いたものは
思わず ひれ伏してしまう。"
59,25,1,"10000キロの きょりを いっちゅうやで
はしると いわれている かいそくの ポケモン。
たいないで もえさかる ほのおが パワーとなる。"
59,25,3,"10000km 거리를 하루 만에 달려간다고
전해지는 매우 빠른 포켓몬이다.
체내에서 불타오르는 불꽃이 파워가 된다."
59,25,5,"Arcanin est célèbre pour son extraordinaire vitesse.
On le dit capable de parcourir plus de 10000 km en 24 h.
Le feu qui fait rage à lintérieur du corps de ce Pokémon
est la source de son pouvoir."
59,25,6,"Arkani ist sehr schnell. Es kann an einem Tag fast 10 000 km
zurücklegen. Das Feuer, das im Innern dieses Pokémon lodert,
dient ihm als Energiequelle."
59,25,7,"Arcanine es conocido por lo veloz que es. Dicen que es capaz
de correr 10 000 km en 24 horas. El fuego que arde con
vigor en el interior de este Pokémon constituye su fuente
de energía."
59,25,8,"Arcanine è noto per la sua velocità. Si dice sia in grado
di percorrere 10.000 km in un giorno e una notte.
Il fuoco che arde indomabile nel suo corpo è fonte di forza."
59,25,9,"Arcanine is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable of
running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night.
The fire that blazes wildly within this Pokémons body is its
source of power."
59,25,11,"10000キロの 距離を 一昼夜で
走ると いわれている 快速の ポケモン。
体内で 燃え盛る 炎が パワーとなる。"
59,26,1,"10000キロの きょりを いっちゅうやで
はしると いわれている かいそくの ポケモン。
たいないで もえさかる ほのおが パワーとなる。"
59,26,3,"10000km 거리를 하루 만에 달려간다고
전해지는 매우 빠른 포켓몬이다.
체내에서 불타오르는 불꽃이 파워가 된다."
59,26,5,"Arcanin est célèbre pour son extraordinaire vitesse.
On le dit capable de parcourir plus de 10000 km en 24 h.
Le feu qui fait rage à lintérieur du corps de ce Pokémon
est la source de son pouvoir."
59,26,6,"Arkani ist sehr schnell. Es kann an einem Tag fast 10 000 km
zurücklegen. Das Feuer, das im Innern dieses Pokémon lodert,
dient ihm als Energiequelle."
59,26,7,"Arcanine es conocido por lo veloz que es. Dicen que es capaz
de correr 10 000 km en 24 horas. El fuego que arde con
vigor en el interior de este Pokémon constituye su fuente
de energía."
59,26,8,"Arcanine è noto per la sua velocità. Si dice sia in grado
di percorrere 10.000 km in un giorno e una notte.
Il fuoco che arde indomabile nel suo corpo è fonte di forza."
59,26,9,"Arcanine is known for its high speed. It is said to be capable
of running over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The
fire that blazes wildly within this Pokémons body is its source
of power."
59,26,11,"10000キロの 距離を 一昼夜で
走ると いわれている 快速の ポケモン。
体内で 燃え盛る 炎が パワーとなる。"
59,27,1,"とうようの ふるい いいつたえ にも
とうじょうする。 いげんに あふれ
たくましくも うつくしい ポケモン。"
59,27,3,"동양의 오래된 전설에도
등장한다. 위엄이 넘치며
늠름하면서 아름다운 포켓몬."
59,27,5,"Ce Pokémon apparaît dans de vieux contes
dExtrême-Orient. Aussi beau que majestueux,
sa puissance est légendaire."
59,27,6,"Ein anmutiges Pokémon, das Kraft und Stolz
ausstrahlt. Bereits in alten Legenden aus dem
weit entfernten Osten wurde von ihm berichtet."
59,27,7,"Aparece en algunas leyendas de la antigüedad.
Es un Pokémon de una belleza y majestuosidad
59,27,8,"Il suo aspetto maestoso ed elegante incute
rispetto. Di lui si parla anche in antiche
leggende orientali."
59,27,9,"Overflowing with beauty and majesty,
this strong Pokémon appears in ancient
Eastern folklore."
59,27,11,"東洋の 古い 言い伝え にも
登場する。 威厳に あふれ
たくましくも 美しい ポケモン。"
59,28,1,"たいないで もえさかる ほのおを
エネルギーに だいちを かける。
おおくの でんせつが のこっている。"
59,28,3,"체내에서 불타오르는 불꽃을
에너지로 대지를 달린다.
많은 전설이 남아 있다."
59,28,5,"La flamme qui brûle dans son corps lui donne
lénergie de parcourir les contrées.
De nombreuses légendes existent à son sujet."
59,28,6,"Mithilfe der Energie, die das in ihm lodernde
Feuer erzeugt, eilt es über Berg und Tal. Viele
Legenden ranken sich um dieses Pokémon."
59,28,7,"Puede recorrer grandes distancias gracias a la
energía producida por el fuego de su interior.
Hay innumerables leyendas sobre este Pokémon."
59,28,8,"Corre instancabile attraverso distese sconfinate
grazie al fuoco indomabile che arde nel suo
corpo. Si narra di lui in molte leggende."
59,28,9,"The fire burning inside its body serves as the
energy to fuel it as it runs great distances.
It appears in many legends."
59,28,11,"体内で 燃え盛る 炎を
エネルギーに 大地を 駆ける。
多くの 伝説が 残っている。"
59,29,1,"おおむかしに とある ぶしょうと
ともに たたかい くにを おさめた
という でんせつが のこされている。"
59,29,3,"아주 먼 옛날 어느 장수와
함께 싸워 나라를 다스렸다고 하는
전설이 남아 있다."
59,29,5,"Une légende célèbre relate les exploits dun
chef de guerre et de son Arcanin à la conquête
dun certain royaume antique."
59,29,6,"Der Legende nach soll es vor langer Zeit an der
Seite eines Kriegshelden gekämpft und so an
der Eroberung eines Landes mitgewirkt haben."
59,29,7,"Cuenta una antigua leyenda que, tiempo ha, llegó
a conquistar territorios enteros luchando junto a
cierto señor de la guerra."
59,29,8,"Narra la leggenda che in un lontano passato
abbia lottato a fianco di un generale,
aiutandolo a conquistare paesi interi."
59,29,9,"Legends tell of its fighting alongside a general
and conquering a whole country."
59,29,11,"大昔に とある 武将と
ともに 戦い 国を 治めた
という 伝説が 残されている。"
59,30,1,"おおくの いいつたえが のこっており
でんせつの ポケモンと よばれるが
いがいと みつかる かずは おおい。"
59,30,3,"많은 전설이 남아 있어
전설의 포켓몬이라고 불리지만
의외로 발견되는 수는 많다."
59,30,5,"Tant de mythes circulent sur son compte
quil est parfois qualifié de légendaire, alors
quen réalité, il est on ne peut plus commun."
59,30,6,"Es ranken sich so viele Mythen um Arkani, dass
es gemeinhin als legendär gilt. In Wirklichkeit 
kommt es jedoch sehr häufig vor."
59,30,7,"La infinidad de mitos relacionados con este
Pokémon le ha conferido un carácter de leyenda,
aunque en realidad es muy común."
59,30,8,"Si narra di lui in molti racconti, tanto che viene
chiamato “Pokémon leggendario”. Non è però un
Pokémon raro, ma piuttosto comune."
59,30,9,"There are so many old tales about them that
theyre called legendary Pokémon, but there are
way more of them around than youd expect."
59,30,11,"多くの 言い伝えが 残っており
伝説の ポケモンと 呼ばれるが
意外と 見つかる 数は 多い。"
59,31,1,"とうようで でんせつの ポケモン。
かろやかに はしる そのすがたに
とりこに される ものも おおい。"
59,31,3,"동양의 전설의 포켓몬.
경쾌하게 달리는 그 모습에
반하는 자도 많다."
59,31,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire en Extrême-Orient.
Il est admiré pour la grâce et la beauté de
sa course."
59,31,6,"Weit entfernt im Osten gilt Arkani als legendär.
Wenn es rennt, zieht es mit seinen leichtfüßigen
Bewegungen so manche in seinen Bann."
59,31,7,"Este Pokémon es toda una leyenda en oriente.
Muchos han quedado cautivados por la belleza
y gracilidad que exhibe al correr."
59,31,8,"È considerato un Pokémon leggendario in
oriente. Molti sono ammaliati dal modo
leggiadro in cui corre."
59,31,9,"A legendary Pokémon in the East. Many people
are charmed by the grace and beauty of
its running."
59,31,11,"東洋で 伝説の ポケモン。
軽やかに 走る その姿に
虜にされる 者も 多い。"
59,32,1,"とうようで でんせつの ポケモン。
かろやかに はしる そのすがたに
とりこに される ものも おおい。"
59,32,3,"동양의 전설의 포켓몬.
경쾌하게 달리는 그 모습에
반하는 자도 많다."
59,32,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire en Extrême-Orient.
Il est admiré pour la grâce et la beauté de
sa course."
59,32,6,"Weit entfernt im Osten gilt Arkani als legendär.
Wenn es rennt, zieht es mit seinen leichtfüßigen
Bewegungen so manche in seinen Bann."
59,32,7,"Este Pokémon es toda una leyenda en oriente.
Muchos han quedado cautivados por la belleza
y gracilidad que exhibe al correr."
59,32,8,"È considerato un Pokémon leggendario in
oriente. Molti sono ammaliati dal modo
leggiadro in cui corre."
59,32,9,"A legendary Pokémon in the East. Many people
are charmed by the grace and beauty of
its running."
59,32,11,"東洋で 伝説の ポケモン。
軽やかに 走る その姿に
虜にされる 者も 多い。"
59,33,1,"いっちゅうやで 10000キロの
きょりを かけぬける すがたは
おおくの ひとを みりょうしてきた。"
59,33,3,"하루 만에 10000km의
거리를 달리는 모습은
많은 사람을 매료시켜 왔다."
59,33,5,"De nombreuses personnes ont été charmées
à la vue de ce Pokémon parcourant 10000 km
en 24 heures."
59,33,6,"Viele Trainer sind davon fasziniert, dass dieses
Pokémon innerhalb eines Tages 10000 km
zurücklegen kann."
59,33,7,"Es capaz de correr 10 000 km al día, lo que deja
embelesados a todos los que lo ven pasar."
59,33,8,"Sono molte le persone affascinate dalla capacità
di questo Pokémon di correre per una distanza
di 10.000 km in 24 ore."
59,33,9,"The sight of it running over 6,200 miles
in a single day and night has captivated
many people."
59,33,11,"一昼夜で 10000キロの
距離を 駆けぬける 姿は
多くの 人を 魅了してきた。"
59,34,1,"むかしから おおくの ひとを
とりこにした うつくしい ポケモン。
とぶように かろやかに はしる。"
59,34,3,"옛날부터 많은 사람의 마음을
사로잡은 아름다운 포켓몬이다.
마치 나는 것처럼 경쾌하게 달린다."
59,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est admiré depuis toujours pour
sa beauté. Il court avec tellement de légèreté
quon dirait quil vole."
59,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon verzaubert die Menschen seit
Urzeiten mit seiner Schönheit. Obendrein ist es
schnell und sehr wendig."
59,34,7,"Muchos han quedado cautivados por su belleza
desde la antigüedad. Corre ágilmente como si
tuviera alas."
59,34,8,"Da sempre ammirato per la sua bellezza,
corre veloce come se avesse le ali."
59,34,9,"A Pokémon that has long been admired for its
beauty. It runs agilely as if on wings."
59,34,11,"昔から 多くの 人を
虜にした 美しい ポケモン。
飛ぶように 軽やかに 走る。"
60,1,9,"Its newly grown
legs prevent it
from running. Itappears to prefer
swimming than
trying to stand."
60,2,9,"Its newly grown
legs prevent it
from running. Itappears to prefer
swimming than
trying to stand."
60,3,9,"The direction of
the spiral on the
belly differs byarea. It is more
adept at swimming
than walking."
60,4,9,"Because it is in­
ept at walking on
its newly grownlegs, it always 
swims around in
60,5,9,"The direction of
its belly spiral
differs by area.The equator is
thought to have an
effect on this."
60,6,9,"The swirl on its
belly is its
insides showingthrough the skin.
It looks clearer
after it eats."
60,7,9,"POLIWAG has a very thin skin. It is
possible to see the POKéMONs spiral
innards right through the skin.Despite its thinness, however, the skin
is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs
bounce right off it."
60,8,9,"POLIWAG has a very thin skin. It is
possible to see the POKéMONs spiral
innards right through the skin.Despite its thinness, however, the skin
is also very flexible. Even sharp fangs
bounce right off it."
60,9,9,"It is possible to see this POKéMONs spiral
innards right through its thin skin.
However, the skin is also very flexible.
Even sharp fangs bounce right off it."
60,10,9,"Its slick black skin is thin and damp.
A part of its internal organs can be seen
through the skin as a spiral pattern."
60,11,9,"Its newly grown legs prevent it from
walking well. It appears to prefer
swimming over walking."
60,12,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,13,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,14,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,15,9,"Because it is inept at walking on
its newly grown legs, it always 
swims around in water."
60,16,9,"The direction of its belly spiral
differs by area. The equator is
thought to have an effect on this."
60,17,5,"Sa peau est si mince quon voit
ses organes internes. Il tient
à peine sur ses nouveaux pieds."
60,17,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,18,5,"Sa peau est si mince quon voit
ses organes internes. Il tient
à peine sur ses nouveaux pieds."
60,18,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,21,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,22,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal
organs are visible. It has trouble
walking on its newly grown feet."
60,23,1,"スベスベした くろいひふは うすく
しめっている。ないぞうの いちぶが
すけて うずまきじょうに みえる。"
60,23,3,"매끄럽고 검은 피부는 얇고
축축하다. 내장 일부가
비쳐서 소용돌이 모양으로 보인다."
60,23,5,"Sa peau est humide, lisse et surtout très fine. La
forme en spirale sur son ventre est en fait une partie
de ses organes internes que lon peut apercevoir."
60,23,6,"Seine glatte, schwarze Haut ist dünn und feucht.
Teilweise sind seine Innereien als spiralförmige
Muster sichtbar."
60,23,7,"Tiene una piel extraordinaria, fina y húmeda, que deja
entrever las vísceras que tiene dispuestas en espiral."
60,23,8,"Dalla pelle nera, lucida, umida e sottile si intravedono
gli organi interni, che formano una spirale."
60,23,9,"Its slick black skin is thin and damp. A part of its
internal organs can be seen through the skin as a
spiral pattern."
60,23,11,"スベスベした 黒い皮膚は 薄く
湿っている。内臓の 一部が
透けて 渦巻状に 見える。"
60,24,1,"うずまきの むきは うまれた
ちほうに よって ちがうらしい。
あるくより およぐほうが じょうず。"
60,24,3,"배의 소용돌이 방향은 태어난
지방에 따라 다른 듯하다.
걷기보다 헤엄치기를 잘한다."
60,24,5,"Le sens de la spirale sur son ventre diffère selon
son origine. Il préfère la nage à la marche."
60,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann sehr schlecht laufen.
Sein Bauchmuster ist unterschiedlich, je nach Region."
60,24,7,"La dirección de la espiral en el vientre cambia según el
área. Prefiere nadar a correr."
60,24,8,"La spirale che ha sulla pancia varia da zona a zona.
È molto più bravo nel nuoto che nella corsa."
60,24,9,"The direction of the spiral on the belly differs by
area. It is more adept at swimming than walking."
60,24,11,"渦巻の 向きは 生まれた
地方によって 違うらしい。
歩くより 泳ぐほうが 上手。"
60,25,1,"うずまき もようの ないぞうが すけてしまうほど
うすい ひふだが するどい キバを はねかえす
だんりょくを もっているのだ。"
60,25,3,"소용돌이 모양인 내장이 비칠 정도로
얇은 피부이지만 날카로운 이빨을
튕겨내는 탄력을 지니고 있다."
60,25,5,"Ptitard a une peau très fine. On peut même voir les
entrailles en spirale de ce Pokémon à travers sa peau.
Malgré sa finesse, cette peau est aussi très élastique.
Même les crocs les plus acérés rebondissent dessus."
60,25,6,"Quapsel hat eine sehr dünne Haut. Durch sie hindurch
kann man sogar sein spiralförmiges Inneres sehen. Obwohl
seine Haut so dünn ist, ist sie sehr elastisch. Selbst scharfe
Reißzähne können sie nicht durchdringen."
60,25,7,"Poliwag tiene una piel muy fina. Tanto que es posible entrever
a través de la misma las vísceras en espiral que tiene. La piel,
aunque fina, tiene la ventaja de ser flexible y hacer rebotar
hasta los colmillos más afilados."
60,25,8,"Poliwag ha una pelle molto sottile, attraverso cui è possibile
intravedere i suoi organi interni spiraliformi.
Nonostante il suo esiguo spessore, la pelle è molto elastica.
Anche le zanne più affilate non riescono a lacerarla."
60,25,9,"Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the
Pokémons spiral innards right through the skin.
Despite its thinness, however, the skin is also very flexible.
Even sharp fangs bounce right off it."
60,25,11,"渦巻き 模様の 内臓が 透けてしまうほど
薄い 皮膚だが 鋭い キバを はね返す
弾力を 持っているのだ。"
60,26,1,"うずまき もようの ないぞうが すけてしまうほど
うすい ひふだが するどい キバを はねかえす
だんりょくを もっているのだ。"
60,26,3,"소용돌이 모양인 내장이 비칠 정도로
얇은 피부이지만 날카로운 이빨을
튕겨내는 탄력을 지니고 있다."
60,26,5,"Ptitard a une peau très fine. On peut même voir les
entrailles en spirale de ce Pokémon à travers sa peau.
Malgré sa finesse, cette peau est aussi très élastique.
Même les crocs les plus acérés rebondissent dessus."
60,26,6,"Quapsel hat eine sehr dünne Haut. Durch sie hindurch
kann man sogar sein spiralförmiges Inneres sehen. Obwohl
seine Haut so dünn ist, ist sie sehr elastisch. Selbst scharfe
Reißzähne können sie nicht durchdringen."
60,26,7,"Poliwag tiene una piel muy fina. Tanto que es posible entrever
a través de la misma las vísceras en espiral que tiene. La piel,
aunque fina, tiene la ventaja de ser flexible y hacer rebotar
hasta los colmillos más afilados."
60,26,8,"Poliwag ha una pelle molto sottile, attraverso cui è possibile
intravedere i suoi organi interni spiraliformi.
Nonostante il suo esiguo spessore, la pelle è molto elastica.
Anche le zanne più affilate non riescono a lacerarla."
60,26,9,"Poliwag has a very thin skin. It is possible to see the
Pokémons spiral innards right through the skin. Despite its
thinness, however, the skin is also very flexible. Even sharp
fangs bounce right off it."
60,26,11,"渦巻き 模様の 内臓が 透けてしまうほど
薄い 皮膚だが 鋭い キバを はね返す
弾力を 持っているのだ。"
60,27,1,"うずまきは すけてみえる ないぞう。
そのいろが しろみがかっているときは
なにかの びょうきに かかっている。"
60,27,3,"소용돌이는 비쳐서 보이는 내장이다.
그 색이 희뿌열 때는
뭔가 병에 걸린 것이다."
60,27,5,"La spirale est son intestin que lon distingue
par transparence. Lorsquelle blanchit, cest
signe quil a attrapé une maladie."
60,27,6,"Durch seine Haut hindurch kann man sein
spiralförmiges Inneres sehen. Färbt sich dieses
weiß, deutet das darauf hin, dass es krank ist."
60,27,7,"La espiral de su vientre no es otra cosa que sus
vísceras. Cuando estas se tornan de color
blanco, significa que Poliwag está enfermo."
60,27,8,"La spirale sulla pancia sono i suoi organi interni,
visibili sotto la pelle sottile. Se diventa bianca,
è segno che è malato."
60,27,9,"The swirl on its belly is its internal organs
showing through. If the swirl is tinged white,
that means its affected by some disease."
60,27,11,"渦巻きは 透けて見える 内臓。
その色が 白みがかっているときは
なにかの 病気に かかっている。"
60,28,1,"まだまだ あるくのが ヘタ。
トレーナーに なったら まいにち
あるく くんれんを してあげよう。"
60,28,3,"아직 걷는 것이 서투르다.
트레이너가 되면 매일
걷는 훈련을 시켜주자."
60,28,5,"Il ne sait pas encore bien marcher. Un Dresseur
de Ptitard doit lentraîner à marcher tous
les jours."
60,28,6,"Es kann noch nicht gut laufen. Sein Trainer
sollte daher jeden Tag Laufübungen mit ihm
60,28,7,"No se le da nada bien andar, por lo que se
recomienda a los Entrenadores que le hagan
practicar un poco cada día."
60,28,8,"Non è ancora in grado di camminare bene.
È importante che lAllenatore lo inciti a
esercitarsi ogni giorno."
60,28,9,"Its still not very good at walking. Its Trainers
should train this Pokémon to walk every day."
60,28,11,"まだまだ 歩くのが 下手。
トレーナーに なったら 毎日
歩く 訓練を してあげよう。"
60,29,1,"きけんなのに りくに あがりたがる。
まだ よちよちあるき なので てきに
みつかると あわてて みずのなかへ。"
60,29,3,"위험한데도 지상으로 올라가고 싶어한다.
아직 아장아장 걷기 때문에 적에게
노출되면 황급히 물속으로 들어간다."
60,29,5,"Malgré le danger, il ne cesse de sortir de leau.
Comme il a encore du mal à marcher, il sy
réfugie toutefois dès quun prédateur approche."
60,29,6,"Trotz der Gefahren kommt es gerne an Land.
Taucht ein Feind auf, flitzt es hastig auf seinen
noch wackligen Beinen zurück ins Wasser."
60,29,7,"A pesar del peligro, le gusta salir a tierra firme.
Como es un poco torpe al caminar, regresa al
agua rápidamente cuando se acerca un enemigo."
60,29,8,"Nonostante i pericoli, gli piace salire sulla
terraferma. Dato che non cammina ancora bene,
se incontra un nemico torna subito in acqua."
60,29,9,"Despite the danger, it wants to come up on land.
So it does its best to waddle along, but when
an enemy finds it, it rushes back to the water."
60,29,11,"危険なのに 陸に 上がりたがる。
まだ よちよち歩き なので 敵に
見つかると 慌てて 水の中へ。"
60,30,1,"うずまきの むきは ちいきにより
びみょうに ちがう。 ニョロモの
マニアは ひとめで みわけるらしい。"
60,30,3,"소용돌이의 방향은 지역에 따라
미묘하게 다르다. 발챙이 마니아는
한눈에 구분할 수 있다고 한다."
60,30,5,"Lorientation de sa spirale diffère légèrement
selon les régions. Les fans de ces Pokémon
peuvent les différencier au premier coup dœil."
60,30,6,"Die Ausrichtung seiner Spirale weist je nach
Region subtile Unterschiede auf. Quapsel-Fans
erkennen diese auf einen Blick."
60,30,7,"Un fan que se precie de serlo sabrá identificar
a primera vista la espiral de su vientre, cuya
orientación varía según su región de origen."
60,30,8,"La direzione della spirale che ha sulla pancia
varia da zona a zona. Gli appassionati di Poliwag
vedono la differenza a colpo docchio."
60,30,9,"The direction of the swirl on their stomachs
differs depending on where they live. Poliwag
aficionados can tell them apart at a glance."
60,30,11,"うずまきの 向きは 地域により
微妙に 違う。 ニョロモの
マニアは 一目で 見分けるらしい。"
60,31,1,"うずまきの むきは うまれた
ちほうに よって ちがうらしい。
あるくより およぐほうが じょうず。"
60,31,3,"배의 소용돌이 방향은 태어난
지방에 따라 다른 듯하다.
걷기보다 헤엄치기를 잘한다."
60,31,5,"Le sens de la spirale sur son ventre diffère selon
son origine. Il préfère la nage à la marche."
60,31,6,"Offenbar unterscheidet sich die Ausrichtung
seiner Spirale je nach Geburtsregion. Es kann
besser schwimmen als laufen."
60,31,7,"La dirección de la espiral en su vientre varía en
función de la región donde nace. Se mueve con
más facilidad en el agua que en tierra firme."
60,31,8,"La direzione della spirale che ha sulla pancia
varia a seconda della zona in cui è nato.
È più bravo a nuotare che a camminare."
60,31,9,"The direction of the spiral on the belly differs by
area. It is more adept at swimming than walking."
60,31,11,"渦巻きの 向きは 生まれた
地方に よって 違うらしい。
歩くより 泳ぐほうが 上手。"
60,32,1,"うずまきの むきは うまれた
ちほうに よって ちがうらしい。
あるくより およぐほうが じょうず。"
60,32,3,"배의 소용돌이 방향은 태어난
지방에 따라 다른 듯하다.
걷기보다 헤엄치기를 잘한다."
60,32,5,"Le sens de la spirale sur son ventre diffère selon
son origine. Il préfère la nage à la marche."
60,32,6,"Offenbar unterscheidet sich die Ausrichtung
seiner Spirale je nach Geburtsregion. Es kann
besser schwimmen als laufen."
60,32,7,"La dirección de la espiral en su vientre varía en
función de la región donde nace. Se mueve con
más facilidad en el agua que en tierra firme."
60,32,8,"La direzione della spirale che ha sulla pancia
varia a seconda della zona in cui è nato.
È più bravo a nuotare che a camminare."
60,32,9,"The direction of the spiral on the belly differs by
area. It is more adept at swimming than walking."
60,32,11,"渦巻きの 向きは 生まれた
地方に よって 違うらしい。
歩くより 泳ぐほうが 上手。"
60,33,1,"あるくよりも およぐほうが とくい。
おなかの うずまきもようは すけて
みえる ないぞうの いちぶだ。"
60,33,3,"걷기보다 헤엄치기가 특기다.
배의 소용돌이 모양은
내장의 일부가 비쳐 보이는 것이다."
60,33,5,"Il est plus à laise dans leau que sur la terre ferme.
Le motif de spirale sur son ventre est en fait une
partie de ses organes visibles à travers la peau."
60,33,6,"Quapsel kann besser schwimmen als laufen. Das
Spiralmuster auf seinem Bauch ist ein Teil seiner
Innereien, der durch die Haut sichtbar ist."
60,33,7,"Es más ágil en el agua que en la tierra. La espiral
de su vientre no es más que parte de sus vísceras
que se ven a través de la piel."
60,33,8,"È più portato per il nuoto che per la corsa.
Il motivo spiraliforme sul ventre è parte dei
suoi organi interni visibili in trasparenza."
60,33,9,"For Poliwag, swimming is easier than walking.
The swirl pattern on its belly is actually part of
the Pokémons innards showing through the skin."
60,33,11,"歩くよりも 泳ぐほうが 得意。
お腹の 渦巻き模様は
透けて 見える 内臓の 一部だ。"
60,34,1,"ながれが はやい かわでは ぶあつい
くちびるを きゅうばんのように
いわに くっつけて しがみつく。"
60,34,3,"유속이 빠른 강에서는
두꺼운 입술을 흡반처럼
사용해 바위에 달라붙는다."
60,34,5,"Dans les rivières au courant puissant, il se sert
de ses lèvres épaisses comme dune ventouse
pour saccrocher aux rochers."
60,34,6,"In schnell fließenden Flüssen hält es sich mithilfe
seiner dicken Lippen, die als Saugnapf fungieren,
an Felsen fest."
60,34,7,"En ríos de aguas bravas, usa sus gruesos labios
a modo de ventosa para adherirse a las rocas."
60,34,8,"Nei fiumi dalla corrente impetuosa, si attacca
alle rocce utilizzando le spesse labbra come
una ventosa."
60,34,9,"In rivers with fast-flowing water, this Pokémon will
cling to a rock by using its thick lips, which act
like a suction cup."
60,34,11,"流れが 速い 川では
ぶ厚い 唇を 吸盤のように
岩に くっつけて しがみつく。"
61,1,9,"Capable of living
in or out of
water. When outof water, it
sweats to keep
its body slimy."
61,2,9,"Capable of living
in or out of
water. When outof water, it
sweats to keep
its body slimy."
61,3,9,"Under attack, it
uses its belly 
spiral to put thefoe to sleep. It
then makes its
61,4,9,"The swirl on its
belly subtly un­
dulates. Staringat it may gradual­
ly cause drowsi­
61,5,9,"The skin on most
of its body is
moist. However,the skin on its
belly spiral feels
61,6,9,"Though it is
skilled at walk­
ing, it prefers tolive underwater
where there is
less danger."
61,7,9,"The surface of POLIWHIRLs body is
always wet and slick with an oily fluid.
Because of this greasy covering, it caneasily slip and slide out of the clutches
of any enemy in battle."
61,8,9,"The surface of POLIWHIRLs body is
always wet and slick with an oily fluid.
Because of this greasy covering, it caneasily slip and slide out of the clutches
of any enemy in battle."
61,9,9,"Its body surface is always wet and slick
with an oily fluid. Because of this greasy
covering, it can easily slip and slide out
of the clutches of any enemy in battle."
61,10,9,"Its two legs are well developed.
Even though it can live on the ground,
it prefers living in water."
61,11,9,"It can live in or out of water. When out
of water, it constantly sweats to keep its
body slimy."
61,12,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,13,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,14,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,15,9,"The swirl on its belly subtly undulates.
Staring at it may gradually
cause drowsiness."
61,16,9,"The skin on most of its body is
moist. However, the skin on its
belly spiral feels smooth."
61,17,5,"La spirale qui orne son ventre ondule
doucement. Celui qui la fixe est saisi
dune étrange torpeur."
61,17,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,18,5,"La spirale qui orne son ventre ondule
doucement. Celui qui la fixe est saisi
dune étrange torpeur."
61,18,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,21,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,22,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly
subtly undulates. Staring at it
gradually causes drowsiness."
61,23,1,"りくでも すいちゅうでも くらせる。
ちじょうでは いつも あせをかき
ひふを ぬめぬめ させている。"
61,23,3,"육지에서도 수중에서도 살 수 있다.
지상에서는 항상 땀을 흘려서
피부를 미끌미끌하게 하고 있다."
61,23,5,"Ce Pokémon amphibie transpire continuellement
quand il est hors de leau afin dhydrater son corps."
61,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann im Wasser und auch an Land
leben. An Land schwitzt es sich den Körper nass."
61,23,7,"Capaz de vivir dentro o fuera del agua. Fuera del agua
suda para mantener baboso su cuerpo."
61,23,8,"Capace di vivere dentro o fuori dallacqua. Sulla
terraferma suda per mantenere il suo corpo unto."
61,23,9,"It can live in or out of water. When out of water,
it constantly sweats to keep its body slimy."
61,23,11,"陸でも 水中でも 暮らせる。
地上では いつも 汗をかき
皮膚を ぬめぬめ させている。"
61,24,1,"2ほんの あしは はったつしており
ちじょうで くらせるのに なぜか
すいちゅう せいかつが すき。"
61,24,3,"두 다리가 발달하여
지상에서 살 수 있는데도 어째서인지
수중 생활을 좋아한다."
61,24,5,"Ses deux jambes sont très développées.
Bien quil puisse se déplacer sur la terre ferme,
ce Pokémon préfère vivre sous leau."
61,24,6,"Seine beiden Beine sind gut entwickelt. Auch wenn
es an Land leben kann, bevorzugt es das Leben
im Wasser."
61,24,7,"Tiene unas extremidades inferiores muy desarrolladas.
Aunque puede vivir en tierra, prefiere el medio
61,24,8,"Ha arti inferiori molto sviluppati. Può vivere anche
sulla terraferma, ma preferisce lacqua."
61,24,9,"Its two legs are well developed. Even though it can
live on the ground, it prefers living in water."
61,24,11,"2本の 脚は 発達しており
地上で 暮らせるのに なぜか
水中 生活が 好き。"
61,25,1,"いつも からだの ひょうめんが えきたいで
ぬるぬる ぬれているため てきに つかまっても
ぬるりと すりぬけ にげる ことが できるぞ。"
61,25,3,"항상 몸의 표면이 액체로 미끈미끈하게
젖어 있어서 적에게 붙잡혀도
미끄덩 빠져나와 도망갈 수 있다."
61,25,5,"La peau de Têtarte est toujours maintenue humide par
un liquide huileux. Grâce à cette protection graisseuse,
il peut facilement se glisser hors de létreinte de nimporte
quel ennemi."
61,25,6,"Quaputzis Körper ist immer feucht und glitschig. Dadurch kann
es während eines Kampfes leicht der Umklammerung eines
Gegners entkommen."
61,25,7,"La piel de Poliwhirl está siempre húmeda y lubricada con un
fluido viscoso. Gracias a esta película resbaladiza, puede
escapar de las garras del enemigo, resbalándosele de las
zarpas en pleno combate."
61,25,8,"La superficie del corpo di Poliwhirl è sempre umida e unta
di fluido oleoso. Grazie a questa pellicola viscida, nella lotta
riesce a sfuggire agilmente alle grinfie del nemico."
61,25,9,"The surface of Poliwhirls body is always wet and slick with
a slimy fluid. Because of this slippery covering, it can easily
slip and slide out of the clutches of any enemy in battle."
61,25,11,"いつも 体の 表面が 液体で
ぬるぬる ぬれているため 敵に 捕まっても
ぬるりと すり抜け 逃げる ことが できるぞ。"
61,26,1,"いつも からだの ひょうめんが えきたいで
ぬるぬる ぬれているため てきに つかまっても
ぬるりと すりぬけ にげる ことが できるぞ。"
61,26,3,"항상 몸의 표면이 액체로 미끈미끈하게
젖어 있어서 적에게 붙잡혀도
미끄덩 빠져나와 도망갈 수 있다."
61,26,5,"La peau de Têtarte est toujours maintenue humide par
un liquide huileux. Grâce à cette protection graisseuse,
il peut facilement se glisser hors de létreinte de nimporte
quel ennemi."
61,26,6,"Quaputzis Körper ist immer feucht und glitschig. Dadurch kann
es während eines Kampfes leicht der Umklammerung eines
Gegners entkommen."
61,26,7,"La piel de Poliwhirl está siempre húmeda y lubricada con un
fluido viscoso. Gracias a esta película resbaladiza, puede
escapar de las garras del enemigo, resbalándosele de las
zarpas en pleno combate."
61,26,8,"La superficie del corpo di Poliwhirl è sempre umida e unta
di fluido oleoso. Grazie a questa pellicola viscida, nella lotta
riesce a sfuggire agilmente alle grinfie del nemico."
61,26,9,"The surface of Poliwhirls body is always wet and slick with
a slimy fluid. Because of this slippery covering, it can easily
slip and slide out of the clutches of any enemy in battle."
61,26,11,"いつも 体の 表面が 液体で
ぬるぬる ぬれているため 敵に 捕まっても
ぬるりと すり抜け 逃げる ことが できるぞ。"
61,27,1,"りくのうえでも ふつうに くらせるが
てんてきの ポケモンが すくないので
みずの なかの せいかつを このむ。"
61,27,3,"육지 위에서도 문제없이 살 수 있지만
천적인 포켓몬이 적어서
물속 생활을 선호한다."
61,27,5,"Il est capable de vivre normalement sur la terre
ferme, mais il préfère vivre dans leau, où il a
beaucoup moins de prédateurs naturels."
61,27,6,"Es kann zwar auch an Land überleben, aber
bevorzugt das Wasser, da es dort kaum
natürliche Feinde hat."
61,27,7,"Puede vivir en tierra firme perfectamente, pero
prefiere el agua, donde encuentra menos
enemigos naturales."
61,27,8,"Può vivere anche sulla terraferma, ma preferisce
stare in acqua, dove ha meno nemici naturali."
61,27,9,"Although it can live on land, it prefers to stay in
the water, where it has fewer natural enemies."
61,27,11,"陸の上でも 普通に 暮らせるが
天敵の ポケモンが 少ないので
水の 中の 生活を 好む。"
61,28,1,"りくじょうを ねりあるいて
エサの むしポケモンを さがす。
たべるのは あんぜんな みずのなか。"
61,28,3,"육지를 누비며
먹이인 벌레포켓몬을 찾는다.
먹는 곳은 안전한 물 속이다."
61,28,5,"Il patrouille sur la terre ferme à la recherche de
nourriture, à savoir des Pokémon Insecte.
Il les mange dans leau, où il est en sécurité."
61,28,6,"Es geht an Land, um sich auf die Suche nach
Käfer-Pokémon zu machen. Diese nimmt es
als Beute mit ins Wasser, wo es sie verzehrt."
61,28,7,"Sale a la superficie en busca de Pokémon
insecto que llevarse a la boca, aunque luego
prefiere comérselos bajo la seguridad del agua."
61,28,8,"Cammina lentamente sulla terraferma in cerca
di Pokémon di tipo Coleottero di cui cibarsi.
Mangia solo in acqua, dove si sente più al sicuro."
61,28,9,"It marches over the land in search of bug
Pokémon to eat. Then it takes them underwater
so it can dine on them where its safe."
61,28,11,"陸上を 練り歩いて
餌の むしポケモンを 探す。
食べるのは 安全な 水の中。"
61,29,1,"りくでも くらせるように なったのに
えものの さかなポケモンが おおい
みずの なかで すごしている。"
61,29,3,"지상에서 살 수 있게 되었는데도
먹이인 물고기포켓몬이 많은
수중에서 지낸다."
61,29,5,"Il est enfin capable de vivre sur la terre ferme,
mais il passe le plus clair de son temps
à chasser dans les eaux poissonneuses."
61,29,6,"Es hat zwar gelernt, auch an Land zu überleben,
hält sich aber trotzdem vorwiegend im Wasser
auf, wo es nach Fisch-Pokémon jagen kann."
61,29,7,"Puede vivir en tierra firme perfectamente, pero
prefiere el agua, donde encuentra más Pokémon
pez que le sirven de sustento."
61,29,8,"Si è adattato anche alla terraferma, ma passa
la maggior parte del tempo in acqua, dove trova
molti Pokémon acquatici di cui cibarsi."
61,29,9,"Although it has become capable of living on
land, it spends its time in the water, where
its prey, fish Pokémon, are plentiful."
61,29,11,"陸でも 暮らせるように なったのに
獲物の さかなポケモンが 多い
水の 中で 過ごしている。"
61,30,1,"ひふが かんそうすると げんきが
なくなってしまうので こまめに
すいぶんを ほきゅうして あげよう。"
61,30,3,"피부가 건조해지면
기력이 없어지게 되므로
부지런히 수분을 보충해 주자."
61,30,5,"Son état de santé se dégrade à mesure que
sa peau sassèche, aussi faut-il veiller à ce
quil soit toujours bien hydraté."
61,30,6,"Trocknet seine Haut aus, verliert es an Vitalität.
An Land sollte man daher stets darauf achten,
es mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit zu versorgen."
61,30,7,"Cuando se le seca la piel, su salud se resiente,
por lo que conviene asegurarse de mantenerlo
siempre bien hidratado."
61,30,8,"Se la sua pelle si secca, perde vitalità, quindi
è importante assicurarsi che sia costantemente
61,30,9,"Its health suffers when its skin dries out, so be
sure to moisturize it diligently."
61,30,11,"皮膚が 乾燥すると 元気が
なくなってしまうので こまめに
水分を 補給して あげよう。"
61,31,1,"おそわれそうに なると おなかの
うずまきを つかって あいてを
ねむらせ そのすきに にげるらしい。"
61,31,3,"공격당할 위기에 처하면 배에 있는
소용돌이를 사용해 상대를
잠들게 한 뒤 그 틈에 도망치는 듯하다."
61,31,5,"Sil se fait attaquer, il se sert de sa spirale pour
endormir ses ennemis. Il peut ainsi senfuir."
61,31,6,"Wird es angegriffen, versetzt es seine Gegner
mit dem Spiralmuster auf seinem Bauch in den
Schlaf und flieht."
61,31,7,"Cuando se siente intimidado, usa la espiral del
vientre para adormecer al rival y aprovechar
para escaparse."
61,31,8,"Quando si sente in pericolo usa la spirale
che ha sulla pancia per addormentare
gli avversari, poi si dà alla fuga."
61,31,9,"Under attack, it uses its belly spiral to put
the foe to sleep. It then makes its escape."
61,31,11,"襲われそうに なると お腹の
渦巻きを 使って 相手を
眠らせ その隙に 逃げるらしい。"
61,32,1,"おそわれそうに なると おなかの
うずまきを つかって あいてを
ねむらせ そのすきに にげるらしい。"
61,32,3,"공격당할 위기에 처하면 배에 있는
소용돌이를 사용해 상대를
잠들게 한 뒤 그 틈에 도망치는 듯하다."
61,32,5,"Sil se fait attaquer, il se sert de sa spirale pour
endormir ses ennemis. Il peut ainsi senfuir."
61,32,6,"Wird es angegriffen, versetzt es seine Gegner
mit dem Spiralmuster auf seinem Bauch in den
Schlaf und flieht."
61,32,7,"Cuando se siente intimidado, usa la espiral del
vientre para adormecer al rival y aprovechar
para escaparse."
61,32,8,"Quando si sente in pericolo usa la spirale
che ha sulla pancia per addormentare
gli avversari, poi si dà alla fuga."
61,32,9,"Under attack, it uses its belly spiral to put
the foe to sleep. It then makes its escape."
61,32,11,"襲われそうに なると お腹の
渦巻きを 使って 相手を
眠らせ その隙に 逃げるらしい。"
61,33,1,"おなかの うずは ずっと みていると
ねむくなる。 こもりうた がわりに
こどもを ねつかせるのにも つかう。"
61,33,3,"배의 소용돌이를 계속 보다 보면
잠이 온다. 자장가 대용으로
아이를 재울 때도 사용한다."
61,33,5,"Il suffit de fixer la spirale sur son ventre pour
sassoupir. On se sert parfois de lui à la place
dune berceuse pour endormir les enfants."
61,33,6,"Wer länger auf seine Bauchspirale blickt, wird
schläfrig. Manche Leute nutzen dies anstelle
eines Schlaflieds, damit ihre Kinder einschlafen."
61,33,7,"Mirar fijamente la espiral de su vientre provoca
somnolencia, por lo que puede usarse como
alternativa a las nanas para dormir a los niños."
61,33,8,"Chi fissa a lungo il disegno spiraliforme sul ventre
si assopisce, tantè che Poliwhirl lo utilizza al
posto della ninnananna per far dormire i piccoli."
61,33,9,"Staring at the swirl on its belly causes drowsiness.
This trait of Poliwhirls has been used in place of
lullabies to get children to go to sleep."
61,33,11,"お腹の 渦は ずっと 見ていると
眠くなる。 子守唄がわりに
子どもを 寝つかせるのにも 使う。"
61,34,1,"ぬめぬめとした ねんえきじょうの
あせを かく。 てきに つかまっても
ぬるりと すりぬけ にげるのだ。"
61,34,3,"미끈미끈한 점액 형태의
땀을 흘린다. 적에게 붙잡혀도
스르륵 빠져나와 도망친다."
61,34,5,"Il sécrète une sorte de mucus huileux qui lui
permet déchapper aux ennemis qui tentent
de lattraper."
61,34,6,"Quaputzi schwitzt glitschigen Schleim, dank dem
es leicht der Umklammerung eines Feindes
entkommen kann."
61,34,7,"Secreta un sudor viscoso que le sirve para
escurrirse y escapar del agarre de sus enemigos."
61,34,8,"Secerne un sudore viscido simile a muco,
grazie al quale riesce a fuggire sgusciando
via dalla presa dei nemici."
61,34,9,"This Pokémons sweat is a slimy mucus. When
captured, Poliwhirl can slither from its enemies
grasp and escape."
61,34,11,"ぬめぬめとした 粘液状の
汗を かく。 敵に 捕まっても
ぬるりと すり抜け 逃げるのだ。"
62,1,9,"An adept swimmer
at both the front
crawl and breaststroke. Easily
overtakes the best
human swimmers."
62,2,9,"An adept swimmer
at both the front
crawl and breaststroke. Easily
overtakes the best
human swimmers."
62,3,9,"Swims powerfully
using all the
muscles in itsbody. It can even
overtake champion
62,4,9,"This strong and
skilled swimmer is
even capable ofcrossing the
Pacific Ocean just
by kicking."
62,5,9,"Although an ener­
getic, skilled
swimmer that usesall of its mus­
cles, it lives on
dry land."
62,6,9,"It can use its
arms and legs torun on the surface
of the water for a
split second."
62,7,9,"POLIWRATHs highly developed, brawny
muscles never grow fatigued, however
much it exercises.It is so tirelessly strong, this POKéMON
can swim back and forth across the
Pacific Ocean without effort."
62,8,9,"POLIWRATHs highly developed, brawny
muscles never grow fatigued, however
much it exercises.It is so tirelessly strong, this POKéMON
can swim back and forth across the
Pacific Ocean without effort."
62,9,9,"Its highly developed muscles never grow
fatigued, however much it exercises.
This POKéMON can swim back and forth
across the Pacific Ocean without effort."
62,10,9,"An adept swimmer, it knows the front
crawl, butterfly, and more. It is faster
than the best human swimmers."
62,11,9,"A swimmer adept at both the front crawl
and breaststroke. Easily overtakes the
best human swimmers."
62,12,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,13,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,14,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,15,9,"This strong and skilled swimmer is
even capable of crossing the
Pacific Ocean just by kicking."
62,16,9,"Although an energetic, skilled
swimmer that uses all of its muscles,
it lives on dry land."
62,17,5,"Il possède de sacrés biscoteaux.
Il peut parcourir sans relâche
lOcéan Pacifique."
62,17,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,18,5,"Il possède de sacrés biscoteaux.
Il peut parcourir sans relâche
lOcéan Pacifique."
62,18,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,21,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,22,9,"With its extremely tough muscles,
it can keep swimming in the Pacific
Ocean without resting."
62,23,1,"きょうじんな きんにくを もつ。
たいへいようを やすむことなく
およぎつづけることが できるのだ。"
62,23,3,"강인한 근육을 가지고 있다.
태평양을 쉬지 않고
계속 헤엄칠 수 있다."
62,23,5,"Il possède de sacrés biscoteaux. Il peut parcourir
sans relâche locéan Pacifique."
62,23,6,"Es hat extrem starke Muskeln und kann durch den
Ozean schwimmen, ohne sich ausruhen zu müssen."
62,23,7,"Tiene músculos muy desarrollados. Es capaz de nadar
en el océano sin descanso."
62,23,8,"Ha dei muscoli tanto sviluppati da riuscire ad
attraversare a nuoto interi oceani senza fermarsi."
62,23,9,"With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep
swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting."
62,23,11,"強靭な 筋肉を 持つ。
太平洋を 休むことなく
泳ぎ続けることが できるのだ。"
62,24,1,"クロールや バタフライが とくいで
オリンピックの せんしゅでも
ぐんぐんと おいぬいていく。"
62,24,3,"자유형이나 접영을 잘하여
올림픽 선수도 제치고
쑥쑥 앞질러 나아간다."
62,24,5,"Excellent nageur, il pratique le crawl ou la nage
papillon mieux quun champion olympique."
62,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist ein meisterhafter Schwimmer.
Seine Techniken schlagen selbst Olympiasieger."
62,24,7,"Experto nadador tanto a braza como a crol. Gana
fácilmente a los nadadores profesionales."
62,24,8,"Esperto nuotatore di rana, crawl e altri stili, supera
facilmente i migliori nuotatori umani."
62,24,9,"A swimmer adept at both the front crawl and
breaststroke. Easily overtakes the best
human swimmers."
62,24,11,"クロールや バタフライが 得意で
オリンピックの 選手でも
ぐんぐんと 追い抜いていく。"
62,25,1,"はったつした きょうじんな きんにくは どんなに
うんどうしても つかれる ことは ない。
たいへいようも かるく おうだん できるほどだ。"
62,25,3,"강인하게 발달한 근육은 아무리
운동해도 지치는 일이 없다.
태평양도 가볍게 횡단할 수 있을 정도다."
62,25,5,"Les muscles solides et surdéveloppés de Tartard ne se
fatiguent jamais, quels que soient les efforts quil produit.
Ce Pokémon est tellement endurant quil peut traverser
un océan à la nage avec une étonnante facilité."
62,25,6,"Quappo besitzt hochentwickelte, starke Muskeln, die niemals
ermüden, egal, wie sehr es sie auch beansprucht. Es ist so
kräftig, dass es mühelos große Ozeane durchschwimmen kann."
62,25,7,"Poliwrath tiene unos músculos fornidos y muy desarrollados,
por lo que nunca se agota. Es tan fuerte e incansable que
cruzar el océano a nado no le supone ningún esfuerzo."
62,25,8,"Poliwrath è dotato di muscoli molto sviluppati e robusti.
Per quanto si alleni, non si stanca mai.
Questo Pokémon è così infaticabile e forte che riesce
ad attraversare a nuoto interi oceani."
62,25,9,"Poliwraths highly developed, brawny muscles never grow
fatigued, however much it exercises. It is so tirelessly strong,
this Pokémon can swim back and forth across the ocean
without effort."
62,25,11,"発達した 強靭な 筋肉は どんなに
運動しても 疲れる ことは ない。
太平洋も 軽く 横断 できるほどだ。"
62,26,1,"はったつした きょうじんな きんにくは どんなに
うんどうしても つかれる ことは ない。
たいへいようも かるく おうだん できるほどだ。"
62,26,3,"강인하게 발달한 근육은 아무리
운동해도 지치는 일이 없다.
태평양도 가볍게 횡단할 수 있을 정도다."
62,26,5,"Les muscles solides et surdéveloppés de Tartard ne se
fatiguent jamais, quels que soient les efforts quil produit.
Ce Pokémon est tellement endurant quil peut traverser
un océan à la nage avec une étonnante facilité."
62,26,6,"Quappo besitzt hochentwickelte, starke Muskeln,
die niemals ermüden. Es ist so kräftig, dass es
mühelos große Ozeane durchschwimmen kann."
62,26,7,"Poliwrath tiene unos músculos fornidos y muy desarrollados,
por lo que nunca se agota. Es tan fuerte e incansable que
cruzar el océano a nado no le supone ningún esfuerzo."
62,26,8,"Poliwrath è dotato di muscoli molto sviluppati e robusti.
Per quanto si alleni, non si stanca mai.
Questo Pokémon è così infaticabile e forte che riesce
ad attraversare a nuoto interi oceani."
62,26,9,"Poliwraths highly developed, brawny muscles never grow
fatigued, however much it exercises. It is so tirelessly strong,
this Pokémon can swim back and forth across the ocean
without effort."
62,26,11,"発達した 強靭な 筋肉は どんなに
運動しても 疲れる ことは ない。
太平洋も 軽く 横断 できるほどだ。"
62,27,1,"アローラの ニョロボンは ひらおよぎが
とくい。 ニョロボンの マネで
およぎを まなぶ こどもも おおい。"
62,27,3,"알로라의 강챙이는 평영을
잘한다. 강챙이 흉내로
헤엄을 배우는 아이들도 많다."
62,27,5,"Les Tartard dAlola nagent la brasse avec
habileté. Beaucoup denfants apprennent à
nager en les imitant."
62,27,6,"Quappo, die aus Alola stammen, sind besonders
gut im Brustschwimmen. Viele Kinder lernen
Schwimmen, indem sie Quappo nachahmen."
62,27,7,"A los Poliwrath de Alola se les da de maravilla
nadar a braza. Muchos niños imitan a este
Pokémon para aprender a nadar."
62,27,8,"I Poliwrath di Alola sono specialisti del nuoto
a rana. Molti bambini imparano a nuotare
62,27,9,"Poliwrath in the Alola region are strong
swimmers that use the breaststroke. Many
children learn to swim by imitating Poliwrath."
62,27,11,"アローラの ニョロボンは 平泳ぎが
得意。 ニョロボンの マネで
泳ぎを 学ぶ 子どもも 多い。"
62,28,1,"たいしぼうりつは だいたい0%。
ぜんしん きんにくで おもいので
およぐ ちからが はったつした。"
62,28,3,"체지방률은 거의 0%
전신이 근육인 관계로 무거워서
헤엄치는 힘이 발달했다."
62,28,5,"Il a un indice de masse grasse proche de zéro.
Comme il est plein de muscles, il est très lourd
et a dû apprendre à nager pour se déplacer."
62,28,6,"Sein Körperfettanteil geht gegen null. Es ist sehr
schwer, besteht aber fast nur aus Muskeln. So
konnte es seine Schwimmfähigkeiten ausbauen."
62,28,7,"Tiene prácticamente un 0% de grasa corporal.
Es un excelente nadador debido a la fuerza que
posee, ya que su cuerpo es todo músculo."
62,28,8,"Ha una percentuale di grasso corporeo pari a
zero ed è tutto muscoli. Ha sviluppato una
grande forza per potersi spostare nuotando."
62,28,9,"Its percentage of body fat is nearly zero. Its
body is entirely muscle, which makes it heavy
and forces its swimming prowess to develop."
62,28,11,"体脂肪率は 大体0%。
全身が 筋肉で 重いので
泳ぐ 力が 発達した。"
62,29,1,"みずポケモンの なかでも かなり
およぎは たっしゃな ぶるい なのに
ふだんは りくで すごしている。"
62,29,3,"물포켓몬 중에서도 수영 실력이
매우 뛰어난 부류인데도
평상시에는 지상에서 지낸다."
62,29,5,"Bien quil fasse partie des Pokémon de type Eau
les plus doués pour la nage, il reste en général
sur la terre ferme."
62,29,6,"Selbst unter den Wasser-Pokémon gilt es als
hervorragender Schwimmer. Dennoch hält es
sich vorwiegend an Land auf."
62,29,7,"Pese a ser uno de los mejores nadadores entre
los Pokémon acuáticos, pasa la mayor parte del
tiempo en tierra firme."
62,29,8,"È un nuotatore particolarmente abile anche
rispetto ad altri Pokémon che vivono in acqua,
ma di solito vive sulla terraferma."
62,29,9,"Its quite a gifted swimmer, even among
Water-type Pokémon, but it normally spends its
time on land."
62,29,11,"みずポケモンの 中でも かなり
泳ぎは 達者な 部類 なのに
普段は 陸で 過ごしている。"
62,30,1,"およぎで きたえた きんにくは
ふとく たくましい。 せいけんづきで
おおきな いわも こなごなに する。"
62,30,3,"수영으로 단련한 근육은
두텁고 강하다. 정권 지르기로
큰 바위도 가루로 만들어 버린다."
62,30,5,"Son impressionnante musculature a été sculptée
par sa nage vigoureuse. Un direct du droit lui
suffit à réduire un gros rocher en miettes."
62,30,6,"Dank seines Schwimmtrainings ist es ein wahres
Muskelpaket. Ein Faustschlag reicht ihm aus, um
selbst riesige Felsen zu zertrümmern."
62,30,7,"Horas de nado han cincelado una musculatura
impresionante, hasta el punto de ser capaz de
pulverizar rocas de un puñetazo."
62,30,8,"È dotato di muscoli vigorosi, sviluppatisi
grazie al nuoto. Con un pugno può mandare
in frantumi anche un grosso masso."
62,30,9,"The muscles it has developed through swimming
are thick and powerful. When it lands a square
punch, it can turn huge boulders to dust."
62,30,11,"泳ぎで 鍛えた 筋肉は
太く たくましい。 正拳突きで
大きな 岩も 粉々に する。"
62,31,1,"ぜんしんの きんにくを つかった
パワフルな およぎで せかいレベルの
せんしゅも おいぬいていく。"
62,31,3,"전신의 근육을 사용한
파워풀한 헤엄으로 세계 레벨급
선수도 앞질러 간다."
62,31,5,"Son corps très musclé lui permet de nager plus
rapidement quun champion de natation."
62,31,6,"Seine beherzte Schwimmtechnik erfordert
vollen Körpereinsatz und ermöglicht es ihm,
selbst Weltmeister zu schlagen."
62,31,7,"La fuerza que le confiere toda la musculatura
del cuerpo le permite nadar con tal impulso que
puede rebasar hasta a nadadores profesionales."
62,31,8,"Nuota velocissimo usando tutti i muscoli.
Riesce persino a battere atleti di caratura
62,31,9,"Swims powerfully using all the muscles in its
body. It can even overtake world-class swimmers."
62,31,11,"全身の 筋肉を 使った
パワフルな 泳ぎで 世界レベルの
選手も 追い抜いていく。"
62,32,1,"ぜんしんの きんにくを つかった
パワフルな およぎで せかいレベルの
せんしゅも おいぬいていく。"
62,32,3,"전신의 근육을 사용한
파워풀한 헤엄으로 세계 레벨급
선수도 앞질러 간다."
62,32,5,"Son corps très musclé lui permet de nager plus
rapidement quun champion de natation."
62,32,6,"Seine beherzte Schwimmtechnik erfordert
vollen Körpereinsatz und ermöglicht es ihm,
selbst Weltmeister zu schlagen."
62,32,7,"La fuerza que le confiere toda la musculatura
del cuerpo le permite nadar con tal impulso que
puede rebasar hasta a nadadores profesionales."
62,32,8,"Nuota velocissimo usando tutti i muscoli.
Riesce persino a battere atleti di caratura
62,32,9,"Swims powerfully using all the muscles in its
body. It can even overtake world-class swimmers."
62,32,11,"全身の 筋肉を 使った
パワフルな 泳ぎで 世界レベルの
選手も 追い抜いていく。"
62,33,1,"ぜんしんが きんにくの かたまり。
さむい うみでも たくましい うでで
りゅうひょうを くだき つきすすむ。"
62,33,3,"전신이 근육 덩어리다.
추운 바다에서도 늠름한 팔로
유빙을 부수며 힘차게 나아간다."
62,33,5,"Cette véritable montagne de muscles peut
se frayer un chemin même dans les eaux glaciales
en éclatant la banquise avec ses bras robustes."
62,33,6,"Sein ganzer Körper besteht fast nur aus Muskeln.
In kalten Meeren zerschlägt es mit seinen starken
Armen Treibeis, um voranzukommen."
62,33,7,"Su cuerpo es puro músculo. Logra abrirse paso
por aguas gélidas partiendo el hielo con sus
fornidos brazos."
62,33,8,"Il suo corpo è un ammasso di muscoli. Nuota
anche nei mari più freddi frantumando il ghiaccio
fluttuante con le braccia vigorose per farsi strada."
62,33,9,"Its body is solid muscle. When swimming through
cold seas, Poliwrath uses its impressive arms to
smash through drift ice and plow forward."
62,33,11,"全身が 筋肉の 塊。
寒い 海でも たくましい 腕で
流氷を 砕き 突き進む。"
62,34,1,"およぎ だけでなく かくとうぎも
とくい。 きたえあげた うでから
ごうかいな パンチを くりだす。"
62,34,3,"헤엄뿐만 아니라 격투기도
특기다. 단련한 팔로
호쾌하게 펀치를 날린다."
62,34,5,"Aussi habile à la nage quau combat, il peut
donner de vigoureux coups de poing avec
ses bras musclés."
62,34,6,"Es ist sowohl ein begnadeter Schwimmer als auch
Kampfsportler. Mit seinen durchtrainierten Armen
teilt es kräftige Schläge aus."
62,34,7,"No solo es un experto nadador, sino que también
domina las artes marciales. Propina enérgicos
puñetazos gracias a sus musculosos brazos."
62,34,8,"È abile sia nel nuoto che nella lotta corpo
a corpo. Sferra pugni vigorosi grazie alle sue
braccia allenate."
62,34,9,"Poliwrath is skilled at both swimming and martial
arts. It uses its well-trained arms to dish out
powerful punches."
62,34,11,"泳ぎ だけでなく 格闘技も 得意。
鍛えあげた 腕から
豪快な パンチを 繰りだす。"
63,1,9,"Using its ability
to read minds, it
will identifyimpending danger
63,2,9,"Using its ability
to read minds, it
will identifyimpending danger
63,3,9,"Sleeps 18 hours a
day. If it senses
danger, it willteleport itself to
safety even as it
63,4,9,"It senses impend­
ing attacks and
TELEPORTS away tosafety before the
actual attacks can
63,5,9,"If it decides to
TELEPORT randomly,
it creates theillusion that it
has created copies
of itself."
63,6,9,"It hypnotizes
itself so that it
can teleport awaywhen it senses
danger, even
if it is asleep."
63,7,9,"ABRA sleeps for eighteen hours a day.
However, it can sense the presence of
foes even while it is sleeping.In such a situation, this POKéMON
immediately teleports to safety."
63,8,9,"ABRA needs to sleep for eighteen hours
a day. If it doesnt, this POKéMON loses
its ability to use telekinetic powers.If it is attacked, ABRA escapes using
TELEPORT while it is still sleeping."
63,9,9,"A POKéMON that sleeps 18 hours a day.
Observation revealed that it uses
TELEPORT to change its location once
every hour."
63,10,9,"It sleeps for 18 hours a day. It uses a
variety of extrasensory powers even
while asleep."
63,11,9,"Using its ability to read minds, it will
sense impending danger and TELEPORT to
63,12,9,"It sleeps for 18 hours a day.
Even when awake, it teleports
itself while remaining seated."
63,13,9,"Even while asleep, it maintains a
telepathic radar. It teleports
when it is threatened."
63,14,9,"Using its psychic power is such a
strain on its brain that it needs
to sleep for 18 hours a day."
63,15,9,"It senses impending attacks and
teleports away to safety before the
actual attacks can strike."
63,16,9,"If it decides to teleport randomly,
it evokes the illusion that it
has created copies of itself."
63,17,5,"Lutilisation de ses pouvoirs
mentaux le fatigue tellement
quil dort 18 heures par jour."
63,17,9,"Using its psychic power is such a
strain on its brain that it needs
to sleep for 18 hours a day."
63,18,5,"Lutilisation de ses pouvoirs
mentaux le fatigue tellement
quil dort 18 heures par jour."
63,18,9,"Using its psychic power is such a
strain on its brain that it needs
to sleep for 18 hours a day."
63,21,9,"Using its psychic power is such a
strain on its brain that it needs
to sleep for 18 hours a day."
63,22,9,"Using its psychic power is such a
strain on its brain that it needs
to sleep for 18 hours a day."
63,23,1,"1にち 18じかんは ねている。
ねむってる あいだでも さまざまな
ちょうのうりょくを つかう。"
63,23,3,"하루에 18시간은 자고 있다.
자는 동안에도 다양한
초능력을 사용한다."
63,23,5,"Il dort 18 h par jour. Il peut utiliser de nombreux
pouvoirs psy, même pendant son sommeil."
63,23,6,"Es schläft 18 Stunden am Tag.
Währenddessen setzt es eine Vielzahl
zusätzlicher sensorischer Kräfte ein."
63,23,7,"Duerme 18 horas al día y mientras lo hace es capaz de
usar una serie de poderes extrasensoriales."
63,23,8,"Dorme 18 ore al giorno. Anche da addormentato
utilizza una serie di poteri extrasensoriali."
63,23,9,"It sleeps for 18 hours a day. It uses a variety of
extrasensory powers even while asleep."
63,23,11,"1日 18時間は 寝ている。
眠ってる あいだでも
さまざまな 超能力を 使う。"
63,24,1,"こうげきの けはいを よみとって
おそわれるまえに さっさと
テレポートで そのばを さっていく。"
63,24,3,"공격의 낌새를 읽고
공격당하기 전에 얼른
순간이동으로 그 장소를 떠난다."
63,24,5,"Il prévoit les attaques futures et se téléporte pour
se mettre à labri et éviter le combat."
63,24,6,"Es sieht die Attacken der Gegner voraus und setzt
Teleport ein, um sich in Sicherheit zu bringen."
63,24,7,"Siente los ataques inminentes y se teletransporta a un
lugar seguro, antes de que estos puedan darle."
63,24,8,"Avverte gli attacchi imminenti e si teletrasporta in
salvo prima che lattacco lo possa colpire."
63,24,9,"It senses impending attacks and teleports away to
safety before the actual attacks can strike."
63,24,11,"攻撃の 気配を 読み取って
襲われる前に さっさと
テレポートで その場を 去っていく。"
63,25,1,"1にち 18じかん ねむっている ポケモン。
ねむったままでも てきの けはいを さっちすると
テレポートして にげる ことが できるぞ。"
63,25,3,"하루에 18시간 잠들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
잠든 상태에서도 적의 기척을 감지하면
순간이동하여 도망갈 수 있다."
63,25,5,"Abra dort dix-huit heures par jour. Pourtant, il peut sentir
la présence de ses ennemis, même endormi. Dans ce genre
de situation, ce Pokémon se téléporte en lieu sûr."
63,25,6,"Abra schläft 18 Stunden am Tag. Es nimmt die Gegenwart
von Feinden aber auch im Schlaf wahr. In einer solchen
Situation bringt es sich umgehend mit Teleport in Sicherheit."
63,25,7,"Abra duerme 18 horas al día, pero puede detectar a cualquier
enemigo que se le acerque mientras duerme. En una situación
así, usa Teletransporte para protegerse."
63,25,8,"Abra dorme per 18 ore al giorno, ma riesce a captare
la presenza dei nemici anche durante il sonno. In questo
caso il Pokémon si teletrasporta immediatamente al sicuro."
63,25,9,"Abra sleeps for eighteen hours a day. However, it can sense
the presence of foes even while it is sleeping. In such a
situation, this Pokémon immediately teleports to safety."
63,25,11,"1日 18時間 眠っている ポケモン。
眠ったままでも 敵の 気配を 察知すると
テレポートして 逃げる ことが できるぞ。"
63,26,1,"まいにち 18じかん ねむらないと ねぶそくで
ちょうのうりょくが つかえなくなってしまう。
おそわれると ねたまま テレポートで にげる。"
63,26,3,"매일 18시간을 자지 않으면 수면 부족으로
초능력을 사용할 수 없게 된다.
습격당하면 잠든 채로 순간이동하여 도망간다."
63,26,5,"Abra doit dormir dix-huit heures par jour. Sil dort moins,
ce Pokémon ne peut plus utiliser ses pouvoirs télékinétiques.
Lorsquil est attaqué, Abra senfuit en utilisant Téléport,
sans même se réveiller."
63,26,6,"Abra braucht 18 Stunden Schlaf pro Tag, sonst verliert
es die Fähigkeit, seine telekinetischen Kräfte zu nutzen.
Abra flüchtet mithilfe von Teleport, schläft dabei aber weiter."
63,26,7,"Abra necesita dormir 18 horas al día. Si no, pierde la habilidad
que tiene de usar poderes de telequinesia. Si le atacan, Abra
puede escapar usando Teletransporte mientras duerme."
63,26,8,"Abra ha bisogno di 18 ore di sonno al giorno. In caso
contrario perde le sue abilità telecinetiche. Se attaccato,
Abra fugge usando Teletrasporto mentre dorme."
63,26,9,"Abra needs to sleep for eighteen hours a day. If it doesnt,
this Pokémon loses its ability to use telekinetic powers. If it is
attacked, Abra escapes using Teleport while it is still sleeping."
63,26,11,"毎日 18時間 眠らないと 寝不足で
超能力が 使えなくなってしまう。
襲われると 寝たまま テレポートで 逃げる。"
63,27,1,"1にち 18じかんは ねむる。
ねたまま テレポートで きのうえに
いどうし きのみを とって くう。"
63,27,3,"1일 18시간을 잔다.
잠든 채 순간이동으로 나무 위에
이동하여 나무열매를 따서 먹는다."
63,27,5,"Il dort 18 heures par jour. Il lui arrive de se
téléporter dans les arbres et den manger
les Baies sans même se réveiller."
63,27,6,"Abra schläft 18 Stunden am Tag. Es kann sich
im Schlaf auf Bäume teleportieren, um dort
Beeren zu pflücken und zu essen."
63,27,7,"Abra duerme 18 horas al día. Se teletransporta
a las copas de los árboles y, aún dormido,
se alimenta de bayas."
63,27,8,"Dorme 18 ore al giorno. Anche nel sonno,
si teletrasporta sugli alberi, coglie le bacche
e le mangia."
63,27,9,"It sleeps 18 hours a day. Even while sleeping,
it will teleport itself to treetops and pick and
eat berries there."
63,27,11,"1日 18時間は 眠る。
寝たまま テレポートで 木の上に
移動し 木の実を 取って 喰う。"
63,28,1,"ねむっているときも テレポートして
みを まもっているが めざめたときに
どこに いるか わからず あわてる。"
63,28,3,"잠든 사이에도 순간이동 해서
몸을 지키지만 깨어났을 때
어디에 있는지 몰라서 당황한다."
63,28,5,"Il lui arrive de se téléporter pendant son sommeil
pour se protéger, mais lorsquil se réveille, il se
retrouve dans un endroit inconnu et panique."
63,28,6,"Es bringt sich selbst im Schlaf mit Teleport vor
Angreifern in Sicherheit. Wacht es danach auf,
gerät es in Panik, weil es nicht weiß, wo es ist."
63,28,7,"Puede teletransportarse mientras duerme para
evitar todo tipo de peligros, pero luego se
despierta desconcertado en un lugar extraño."
63,28,8,"Può teletrasportarsi al sicuro anche mentre
dorme, ma quando si sveglia non capisce dove
si trova e viene preso dallagitazione."
63,28,9,"It can teleport itself to safety while its asleep,
but when it wakes, it doesnt know where it is,
so it panics."
63,28,11,"眠っているときも テレポートして
身を 守っているが 目覚めたときに
どこに いるか 分からず あわてる。"
63,29,1,"ねむっている あいだも さまざまな
ちょうのうりょくを つかってくるので
おきているのか みわけが つかない。"
63,29,3,"자는 동안에도 다양한
초능력을 사용하기 때문에
깨어 있는 것이 아닌지 헷갈린다."
63,29,5,"Il utilise certains de ses pouvoirs psychiques
même quand il dort, aussi est-ce impossible
de savoir sil est éveillé ou non."
63,29,6,"Da es seine Psycho-Kräfte selbst im Schlaf
einsetzt, weiß man meistens nicht, ob es gerade
wach ist oder schläft."
63,29,7,"Es capaz de usar sus poderes psíquicos aun
estando dormido, por lo que es difícil distinguir
entre sus estados de sueño y vigilia."
63,29,8,"Può usare i suoi poteri psichici anche mentre
dorme. Per questo è difficile capire se è sveglio
oppure no."
63,29,9,"It uses various psychic powers even while its
sleeping, so you cant tell whether or not
its awake."
63,29,11,"眠っている あいだも 様々な
超能力を 使ってくるので
起きているのか 見分けが つかない。"
63,30,1,"あいての こころを よみとって
キケンが せまるまえに テレポート。
つかまえるには むしんに なれ。"
63,30,3,"상대의 마음을 읽어서
위험이 닥치기 전에 순간이동한다.
잡으려면 마음을 비워야 한다."
63,30,5,"Il lit les pensées de ses adversaires et se
téléporte au loin avant dêtre en danger. Pour
lattraper, il faut faire le vide dans son esprit."
63,30,6,"Es liest die Gedanken seines Gegners und setzt
bei Gefahr Teleport ein. Wer es fangen möchte,
übe seinen Geist in absoluter Gelassenheit."
63,30,7,"Lee el pensamiento del rival y se teletransporta
antes de verse en peligro. Para atraparlo es
necesario mantener la mente en blanco."
63,30,8,"Grazie alla sua capacità di leggere nel pensiero,
prevede il pericolo e si teletrasporta lontano.
Per catturarlo bisogna svuotare la mente."
63,30,9,"It can read others minds and will teleport away
when danger approaches. You must clear your
mind if you want to catch it."
63,30,11,"相手の 心を 読みとって
危険が 迫る前に テレポート。
捕まえるには 無心に なれ。"
63,31,1,"1にちに 18じかん ねむる。
きけんが せまると ねたままでも
テレポートして にげる。"
63,31,3,"하루에 18시간을 잔다.
위험이 닥치면 잠든 상태에서도
순간이동해서 도망친다."
63,31,5,"Il dort 18 heures par jour. En cas de danger, il se
téléporte vers un lieu sûr, même sil est assoupi."
63,31,6,"Dieses Pokémon schläft 18 Stunden am Tag.
Bei Gefahr teleportiert es sich in Sicherheit,
ohne dabei aufzuwachen."
63,31,7,"Duerme 18 horas al día. Si siente peligro, se
teletransporta a un lugar seguro, aun estando
63,31,8,"Dorme 18 ore al giorno. Se percepisce
un pericolo, riesce a teletrasportarsi anche
senza svegliarsi."
63,31,9,"Sleeps 18 hours a day. If it senses danger,
it will teleport itself to safety even as it sleeps."
63,31,11,"1日に 18時間 眠る。
危険が 迫ると 寝たままでも
テレポートして 逃げる。"
63,32,1,"1にちに 18じかん ねむる。
きけんが せまると ねたままでも
テレポートして にげる。"
63,32,3,"하루에 18시간을 잔다.
위험이 닥치면 잠든 상태에서도
순간이동해서 도망친다."
63,32,5,"Il dort 18 heures par jour. En cas de danger, il se
téléporte vers un lieu sûr, même sil est assoupi."
63,32,6,"Dieses Pokémon schläft 18 Stunden am Tag.
Bei Gefahr teleportiert es sich in Sicherheit,
ohne dabei aufzuwachen."
63,32,7,"Duerme 18 horas al día. Si siente peligro, se
teletransporta a un lugar seguro, aun estando
63,32,8,"Dorme 18 ore al giorno. Se percepisce
un pericolo, riesce a teletrasportarsi anche
senza svegliarsi."
63,32,9,"Sleeps 18 hours a day. If it senses danger,
it will teleport itself to safety even as it sleeps."
63,32,11,"1日に 18時間 眠る。
危険が 迫ると 寝たままでも
テレポートして 逃げる。"
63,33,1,"ねながら ちょうのうりょくを
あやつる。 ゆめの ないようが
つかう ちからに えいきょうする。"
63,33,3,"자면서 초능력을 구사한다.
꿈의 내용이
사용하는 힘에 영향을 준다."
63,33,5,"Le contenu de ses rêves influe sur les pouvoirs
psychiques quil utilise dans son sommeil."
63,33,6,"Es setzt seine Psycho-Kräfte selbst im Schlaf ein.
Der Inhalt seiner Träume hat Einfluss auf die
Kräfte, die es verwendet."
63,33,7,"Es capaz de usar sus poderes psíquicos aun
estando dormido. Al parecer, el contenido del
sueño influye en sus facultades."
63,33,8,"Il contenuto dei suoi sogni influisce sui suoi
poteri psichici, che può utilizzare anche
mentre dorme."
63,33,9,"This Pokémon uses its psychic powers while it
sleeps. The contents of Abras dreams affect the
powers that the Pokémon wields."
63,33,11,"寝ながら 超能力を 操る。
夢の 内容が 使う 力に 影響する。"
63,34,1,"ねむったまま テレポート できる。
ねむりが ふかいほど はなれた
ばしょに いどうする という。"
63,34,3,"잠이 든 상태에서 순간이동이
가능하다. 깊이 잠들수록
먼 곳으로 이동한다고 한다."
63,34,5,"Il peut se téléporter en dormant. On dit que plus
son sommeil est profond, plus il se téléporte loin."
63,34,6,"Es kann sich im Schlaf teleportieren. Je tiefer
Abra schläft, desto weiter entfernt soll der Ort
sein, an den es sich teleportiert."
63,34,7,"Puede teletransportarse mientras duerme. Se
dice que, cuanto más profundo sea su sueño,
mayor será la distancia a la que se desplace."
63,34,8,"È in grado di teletrasportarsi mentre dorme.
Si dice che più profondo sia il suo sonno, più
possa spostarsi lontano."
63,34,9,"Abra can teleport in its sleep. Apparently
the more deeply Abra sleeps, the farther its
teleportations go."
63,34,11,"眠ったまま テレポート できる。
眠りが 深いほど 離れた 場所に
移動する という。"
64,1,9,"It emits special
alpha waves from
its body thatinduce headaches
just by being
close by."
64,2,9,"It emits special
alpha waves from
its body thatinduce headaches
just by being
close by."
64,3,9,"Many odd things
happen if this
POKéMON is closeby. For example,
it makes clocks
run backwards."
64,4,9,"It possesses
strong spiritual
power. The moredanger it faces,
the stronger its
psychic power."
64,5,9,"If it uses its
abilities, it
emits specialalpha waves that
cause machines to
64,6,9,"When it closes its
eyes, twice as
many alpha parti­cles come out of
the surface of its
64,7,9,"KADABRA emits a peculiar alpha wave
if it develops a headache. Only those
people with a particularly strongpsyche can hope to become a TRAINER
of this POKéMON."
64,8,9,"KADABRA holds a silver spoon in its
hand. The spoon is used to amplify the
alpha waves in its brain.Without the spoon, the POKéMON is said
to be limited to half the usual amount
of its telekinetic powers."
64,9,9,"It is rumored that a boy with psychic
abilities suddenly transformed into
KADABRA while he was assisting research
into extrasensory powers."
64,10,9,"It happened one morning - a boy with
extrasensory powers awoke in bed
transformed into KADABRA."
64,11,9,"It emits special alpha waves from its
body that induce headaches just by being
64,12,9,"If one is nearby, an eerie shadow
appears on TV screens. Seeing the
shadow is said to bring bad luck."
64,13,9,"When it uses its psychic power, it
emits strong ha waves that can
ruin precision devices."
64,14,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to
focus its mind. It emits more alpha
waves while doing so."
64,15,9,"It possesses strong spiritual power.
The more danger it faces,
the stronger its psychic power."
64,16,9,"If it uses its abilities, it
emits special alpha waves that
cause machines to malfunction."
64,17,5,"Il fixe sa cuillère dargent afin de
concentrer son esprit et démettre
un maximum dondes alpha."
64,17,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to
focus its mind. It emits more alpha
waves while doing so."
64,18,5,"Il fixe sa cuillère dargent afin de
concentrer son esprit et démettre
un maximum dondes alpha."
64,18,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to
focus its mind. It emits more alpha
waves while doing so."
64,21,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to
focus its mind. It emits more alpha
waves while doing so."
64,22,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to
focus its mind. It emits more alpha
waves while doing so."
64,23,1,"ちょうのうりょくを はっきすると
つよい アルファはを だして
せいみつきかいを こわしてしまう。"
64,23,3,"초능력을 발휘하면
강한 알파파를 내어
정밀 기계를 고장 내 버린다."
64,23,5,"Son pouvoir psychique émet des ondes alpha qui
brouillent les appareils électroniques."
64,23,6,"Setzt es seine Psycho-Kräfte ein, sondert es
Alphawellen ab, die Präzisionsgeräten schaden
64,23,7,"Cuando utiliza su poder psíquico, emite poderosas
ondas alfa que pueden destruir dispositivos."
64,23,8,"Quando usa i poteri psichici, emette forti onde alfa
che possono rovinare strumenti di precisione."
64,23,9,"When it uses its psychic power, it emits strong
alpha waves that can ruin precision devices."
64,23,11,"超能力を 発揮すると
強い アルファ波を 出して
精密機械を 壊してしまう。"
64,24,1,"のうりょくを つかうたびに
からだから とくしゅな アルファはを
だして きかいをくるわせる。"
64,24,3,"능력을 사용할 때마다
몸에서 특수한 알파파를
발산하여 기계를 교란시킨다."
64,24,5,"En utilisant ses pouvoirs, il émet des ondes alpha et
cause des distorsions électroniques."
64,24,6,"Setzt es seine Kräfte ein, sendet es Alphawellen aus,
die einen Defekt bei Maschinen erzeugen können."
64,24,7,"Si usa sus habilidades, emite ondas alfa especiales
que hacen que las máquinas fallen."
64,24,8,"Usando le sue abilità emette speciali onde alfa che
causano malfunzionamenti nei macchinari."
64,24,9,"If it uses its abilities, it emits special alpha waves
that cause machines to malfunction."
64,24,11,"能力を 使うたびに
体から 特殊な アルファ波を
出して 機械を 狂わせる。"
64,25,1,"ずつうを おこす とくしゅな アルファはを
だすので つよい せいしんりょくの もちぬしじゃ
ないと ユンゲラーの トレーナーには なれない。"
64,25,3,"두통을 유발하는 특수한 알파파를
발산하기 때문에 강한 정신력의 소유자가
아니면 윤겔라의 트레이너가 될 수 없다."
64,25,5,"Kadabra émet une onde alpha si particulière quelle vous
donne mal à la tête. Seuls les gens avec un psychisme
puissant peuvent espérer devenir Dresseur de ce Pokémon."
64,25,6,"Kadabra sendet Alphawellen aus, wenn es Kopfschmerzen hat.
Nur wer eine besonders starke Psyche hat, kann dieses
Pokémon unter seine Fittiche nehmen."
64,25,7,"Kadabra emite unas ondas alfa muy particulares que provocan
dolores de cabeza a los demás. Solo aquellos que tengan gran
poder mental podrán optar a ser Entrenador de este Pokémon."
64,25,8,"Kadabra emette particolari onde alfa che causano mal di
testa a chi si trova nelle vicinanze. Soltanto chi ha una
psiche molto stabile può sperare di diventare Allenatore
di questo Pokémon."
64,25,9,"Kadabra emits a peculiar alpha wave if it develops a headache.
Only those people with a particularly strong psyche can hope
to become a Trainer of this Pokémon."
64,25,11,"頭痛を 起こす 特殊な アルファ波を
出すので 強い 精神力の 持ち主じゃ
ないと ユンゲラーの トレーナーには なれない。"
64,26,1,"ぎんの スプーンは アルファはを たかめる。
スプーンが ないと いつもの はんぶんしか
ちょうのうりょくを つかえなくなると いう。"
64,26,3,"은 숟가락은 알파파를 높여준다.
숟가락이 없으면 평상시의 반밖에
초능력을 사용할 수 없게 된다고 한다."
64,26,5,"Kadabra tient une cuiller en argent dans la main. Elle est
utilisée pour amplifier les ondes alpha de son cerveau.
Sans elle, on raconte que ce Pokémon ne peut utiliser que
la moitié de ses pouvoirs télékinétiques."
64,26,6,"Kadabra hält einen silbernen Löffel in der Hand.
Es verstärkt damit die Alphawellen in seinem Gehirn.
Ohne den Löffel könnte dieses Pokémon nur die Hälfte
seiner telekinetischen Kräfte nutzen."
64,26,7,"Kadabra lleva siempre una cuchara de plata en la mano, que
usa para amplificar las ondas alfa de su cerebro. Dicen que, sin
la cuchara, sus poderes de telequinesia se reducen a la mitad."
64,26,8,"Kadabra tiene in mano un cucchiaio dargento per amplificare
le onde alfa nel suo cervello. Si dice che senza cucchiaio
i suoi abituali poteri telecinetici siano dimezzati."
64,26,9,"Kadabra holds a silver spoon in its hand. The spoon is used
to amplify the alpha waves in its brain. Without the spoon, the
Pokémon is said to be limited to half the usual amount of its
telekinetic powers."
64,26,11,"銀の スプーンは アルファ波を 高める。
スプーンが ないと いつもの 半分しか
超能力を 使えなくなると いう。"
64,27,1,"エスパーしょうねんが じぶんの なかの
サイコパワーを おさえきれなくなり
へんしんして しまったとの せつも。"
64,27,3,"에스퍼 소년이 자신 안의
사이코 파워를 억누르지 못하고
변신했다는 설도 있다."
64,27,5,"Certains pensent que lorsquun enfant humain
télépathe perd le contrôle de ses pouvoirs
psychiques, il devient un Kadabra."
64,27,6,"Es heißt, dass es früher ein Junge mit Psikräften
war, der sich zu Kadabra verwandelte, weil er
seine Fähigkeiten nicht kontrollieren konnte."
64,27,7,"Algunos creen que Kadabra no es más que un
joven que perdió el control de sus poderes
psíquicos y que acabó transformándose."
64,27,8,"Secondo una teoria, in realtà è un ragazzo che
non è riuscito a controllare i suoi poteri psichici,
trasformandosi in Pokémon."
64,27,9,"A theory exists that this Pokémon was a young
boy who couldnt control his psychic powers
and ended up transformed into this Pokémon."
64,27,11,"エスパー少年が 自分の 中の
サイコパワーを 抑えきれなくなり
変身して しまったとの 説も。"
64,28,1,"ユンゲラーが いるとき テレビなど
きかいの モニターに ふこうを よぶ
ぶきみな かげが とおりすぎる。"
64,28,3,"윤겔라가 있을 때 TV 등
기계 모니터에 불행을 부르는
으스스한 그림자가 스쳐 간다."
64,28,5,"Lorsquun Kadabra se trouve à proximité dun
écran, une télé par exemple, une ombre sinistre
dont la vision porte malheur traverse limage."
64,28,6,"Hält sich Kadabra in der Nähe von Geräten mit
Bildschirmen wie Fernsehern auf, huscht ein
Unglück bringender Schatten über den Screen."
64,28,7,"Cuando Kadabra está cerca de la pantalla de
algún dispositivo, en esta aparece una sombra
ominosa que se dice que solo trae desdicha."
64,28,8,"In sua presenza, sugli schermi di televisori o
dispositivi simili appare unombra inquietante
che porta sfortuna a chi la guarda."
64,28,9,"Kadabras presence infests televisions and
monitors with creepy shadows that bring
bad luck."
64,28,11,"ユンゲラーが いるとき テレビなど
機械の モニターに 不幸を 呼ぶ
不気味な 影が 通り過ぎる。"
64,29,1,"ぎんの スプーンを じっと みつめ
サイコパワーを ぞうふくし はなつ。
きんの スプーンでは ダメらしい。"
64,29,3,"은 숟가락을 가만히 주시하고
사이코 파워를 증폭하여 발산한다.
금 숟가락으로는 안 되는 듯하다."
64,29,5,"Il fixe sa cuiller dargent pour concentrer son
énergie psychique avant de la libérer, mais
il ne peut rien faire avec une cuiller en or."
64,29,6,"Es verstärkt seine Psycho-Kräfte, indem es auf
seinen Silberlöffel starrt. Mit einem goldenen
Löffel funktioniert es anscheinend nicht."
64,29,7,"Es capaz de doblar una cuchara de plata fijando
la mirada y usando sus poderes psíquicos, pero
no puede hacer lo propio con una de oro."
64,29,8,"Prima di usare i suoi poteri psichici, li amplifica
fissando un cucchiaio dargento. Sembra che
non riesca a fare lo stesso con i cucchiai doro."
64,29,9,"It stares at a silver spoon to amplify its psychic
powers before it lets loose. Apparently, gold
spoons are no good."
64,29,11,"銀の スプーンを じっと 見つめ
サイコパワーを 増幅し 放つ。
金の スプーンでは ダメらしい。"
64,30,1,"つよい せいしんりょくを もつが
ぎんの スプーンを もっていないと
サイコパワーが はんげんしてしまう。"
64,30,3,"강한 정신력을 가졌지만
은 숟가락이 없으면
사이코 파워가 반감되어 버린다."
64,30,5,"Son esprit est doté dimpressionnantes
facultés, mais elles sont diminuées de moitié
sil na pas de cuiller dargent."
64,30,6,"Es verfügt über starke Psycho-Kräfte, doch
ohne seinen Silberlöffel reduzieren sich diese
um die Hälfte."
64,30,7,"Sus impresionantes poderes mentales se ven
reducidos a la mitad cuando no lleva consigo
su cuchara de plata."
64,30,8,"Ha una grande forza mentale, ma la potenza dei
suoi poteri è dimezzata se non ha con sé il suo
cucchiaio dargento."
64,30,9,"It possesses strong mental capabilities, but its
psychic powers are halved when its not
holding a silver spoon."
64,30,11,"強い 精神力を 持つが
銀の スプーンを 持っていないと
サイコパワーが 半減してしまう。"
64,31,1,"ユンゲラーが ちかくに いると
とけいが ぎゃくかいてん したり
おかしなことが おこるらしい。"
64,31,3,"윤겔라가 근처에 있으면
시계가 거꾸로 도는 등
이상한 일들이 일어나는 듯하다."
64,31,5,"Sa présence cause des évènements étranges,
comme des horloges tournant à lenvers."
64,31,6,"Viele seltsame Dinge passieren, wenn ein
Kadabra in der Nähe ist. Uhren laufen zum
Beispiel rückwärts."
64,31,7,"Hace que sucedan cosas extrañas cuando está
cerca, como que los relojes vayan al revés."
64,31,8,"Quando è vicino succedono molte cose strane.
Per esempio, gli orologi girano al contrario."
64,31,9,"Many odd things happen if this Pokémon is
close by. For example, it makes clocks
run backward."
64,31,11,"ユンゲラーが 近くに いると
時計が 逆回転 したり
おかしなことが 起こるらしい。"
64,32,1,"ユンゲラーが ちかくに いると
とけいが ぎゃくかいてん したり
おかしなことが おこるらしい。"
64,32,3,"윤겔라가 근처에 있으면
시계가 거꾸로 도는 등
이상한 일들이 일어나는 듯하다."
64,32,5,"Sa présence cause des évènements étranges,
comme des horloges tournant à lenvers."
64,32,6,"Viele seltsame Dinge passieren, wenn ein
Kadabra in der Nähe ist. Uhren laufen zum
Beispiel rückwärts."
64,32,7,"Hace que sucedan cosas extrañas cuando está
cerca, como que los relojes vayan al revés."
64,32,8,"Quando è vicino succedono molte cose strane.
Per esempio, gli orologi girano al contrario."
64,32,9,"Many odd things happen if this Pokémon is
close by. For example, it makes clocks
run backward."
64,32,11,"ユンゲラーが 近くに いると
時計が 逆回転 したり
おかしなことが 起こるらしい。"
64,33,1,"サイコパワーで ちゅうに ういたまま
ねむる。 だんりょくに すぐれた
しっぽを まくらがわりに するぞ。"
64,33,3,"사이코 파워로 공중에 떠서 잠든다.
탄력이 뛰어난 꼬리를
베개 대신으로 사용한다."
64,33,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques lui permettent de léviter
en dormant. Il utilise alors sa queue très souple
comme un oreiller."
64,33,6,"Kadabras Psycho-Kräfte ermöglichen es ihm,
schwebend zu schlafen. Seinen äußerst
elastischen Schweif nutzt es dabei als Kissen."
64,33,7,"Duerme suspendido en el aire gracias a sus
poderes psíquicos. La cola, de una flexibilidad
extraordinaria, hace las veces de almohada."
64,33,8,"I suoi poteri psichici gli permettono di levitare
mentre dorme. Come cuscino usa la sua coda
straordinariamente elastica."
64,33,9,"Using its psychic power, Kadabra levitates as it
sleeps. It uses its springy tail as a pillow."
64,33,11,"サイコパワーで 宙に 浮いたまま
眠る。 弾力に 優れた しっぽを
枕がわりに するぞ。"
64,34,1,"ねんりきの いりょくは ぜつだい。
しんかに そなえて ひたいの ほしに
サイコパワーを たくわえている。"
64,34,3,"염동력의 위력은 절대적이다.
진화에 대비하여 이마에 있는 별에
사이코 파워를 비축하고 있다."
64,34,5,"Incroyablement doué en télékinésie, il concentre
son énergie psychique dans létoile sur son front
en prévision de son évolution."
64,34,6,"Kadabra verfügt über enorme psychokinetische
Macht. Als Vorbereitung für seine Entwicklung
speichert es im Stern auf der Stirn Psycho-Kräfte."
64,34,7,"La potencia de su telequinesis es inmensa.
Acumula poder psíquico en la estrella de la
frente como preparativo de cara a su evolución."
64,34,8,"La potenza della sua psicocinesi è immensa.
Immagazzina i suoi poteri psichici nella stella
sulla fronte, preparandosi allevoluzione."
64,34,9,"This Pokémons telekinesis is immensely powerful.
To prepare for evolution, Kadabra stores up
psychic energy in the star on its forehead."
64,34,11,"念力の 威力は 絶大。
進化に 備えて 額の 星に
サイコパワーを 蓄えている。"
65,1,9,"Its brain can out­
perform a super­
computer.Its intelligence
quotient is said
to be 5,000."
65,2,9,"Its brain can out­
perform a super­
computer.Its intelligence
quotient is said
to be 5,000."
65,3,9,"A POKéMON that can
memorize anything.
It never forgetswhat it learns--
that's why this
POKéMON is smart."
65,4,9,"Closing both its
eyes heightens all
its other senses.This enables it to
use its abilities
to their extremes."
65,5,9,"Its brain cells
multiply continu­
ally until itdies. As a result,
it remembers
65,6,9,"It has an IQ of
5000. It calcu­
lates many thingsin order to gain
the edge in every
65,7,9,"ALAKAZAMs brain continually grows,
making its head far too heavy to
support with its neck.This POKéMON holds its head up using
its psychokinetic power instead."
65,8,9,"ALAKAZAMs brain continually grows,
infinitely multiplying brain cells.
This amazing brain gives this POKéMONan astoundingly high IQ of 5,000.
It has a thorough memory of everything
that has occurred in the world."
65,9,9,"While it has strong psychic abilities and
high intelligence, an ALAKAZAMs muscles
are very weak. It uses psychic power to
move its body."
65,10,9,"It does not like physical attacks very 
much. Instead, it freely uses extra­
sensory powers to defeat foes."
65,11,9,"Its brain can outperform a supercomputer.
Its IQ (intelligence quotient) is said to
be around 5,000."
65,12,9,"Its superb memory lets it recall
everything it has experienced from
birth. Its IQ exceeds 5,000."
65,13,9,"Its highly developed brain is on
par with a supercomputer. It can
use all forms of psychic abilities."
65,14,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands
are said to have been created by
its psychic powers."
65,15,9,"Closing both its eyes heightens all
its other senses. This enables it to
use its abilities to their extremes."
65,16,9,"Its brain cells multiply continually
until it dies. As a result,
it remembers everything."
65,17,5,"On dit que les cuillères quil tient
en permanence ont été créées
par la puissance de son esprit."
65,17,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands
are said to have been created by
its psychic powers."
65,18,5,"On dit que les cuillères quil tient
en permanence ont été créées
par la puissance de son esprit."
65,18,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands
are said to have been created by
its psychic powers."
65,21,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands
are said to have been created by
its psychic powers."
65,22,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands
are said to have been created by
its psychic powers."
65,23,1,"のうさいぼうは いつも ぶんれつして
しぬまで ふえつづけるので
あらゆることを おぼえておける。"
65,23,3,"뇌세포는 항상 분열해서
죽을 때까지 늘어나기 때문에
모든 것을 기억해 놓을 수 있다."
65,23,5,"Ses cellules cérébrales se multiplient jusquà sa mort.
Il se souvient donc de tout."
65,23,6,"Seine Gehirnzellen vervielfachen sich sein ganzes
Leben lang. Daher kann es sich immer an alles
65,23,7,"Sus neuronas se multiplican continuamente durante su
vida. Por eso, siempre lo recuerda todo."
65,23,8,"Le sue cellule cerebrali si moltiplicano di continuo.
Perciò ricorda qualsiasi cosa gli accada."
65,23,9,"Its brain cells multiply continually until it dies.
As a result, it remembers everything."
65,23,11,"脳細胞は いつも 分裂して
死ぬまで 増え続けるので
あらゆることを 覚えておける。"
65,24,1,"スーパーコンピュータより すばやく
けいさんする ずのうを もつ。
ちのうしすうは だいたい5000。"
65,24,3,"슈퍼컴퓨터보다 빠르게
계산하는 두뇌를 가졌다.
지능지수는 약 5000이다."
65,24,5,"Son cerveau hors du commun peut effectuer des
opérations à la vitesse dun ordinateur. Il a un QI
de 5000."
65,24,6,"Das Gehirn dieses Pokémon ist leistungsfähiger als
ein Computer. Sein IQ soll bei etwa 5 000 liegen."
65,24,7,"Su cerebro puede ganar al de un ordenador de alta
gama. Tiene un coeficiente intelectual de 5000."
65,24,8,"Il suo cervello può superare un supercomputer.
Il suo quoziente intellettivo è di 5000."
65,24,9,"Its brain can outperform a supercomputer. Its IQ
(intelligence quotient) is said to be around 5,000."
65,24,11,"スーパーコンピュータより 素早く
計算する 頭脳を 持つ。
知能指数は だいたい5000。"
65,25,1,"のうが どんどん おおきくなったので くびでは
ささえきれないほど あたまが おもくなった。
ちょうのうりょくで あたまを ささえているのだ。"
65,25,3,"뇌가 점점 커져서 목으로는 지탱할 수
없을 만큼 머리가 무거워졌다.
초능력으로 머리를 지탱하고 있다."
65,25,5,"Le cerveau dAlakazam grossit sans arrêt, si bien que sa tête
devient trop lourde pour son cou. Ce Pokémon maintient sa
tête relevée grâce à son pouvoir télékinétique."
65,25,6,"Simsalas Gehirn hört nicht auf zu wachsen, sodass sein Kopf
zu schwer für seine Nackenmuskulatur wird. Dieses Pokémon
hält seinen Kopf mit psychokinetischer Energie aufrecht."
65,25,7,"El cerebro de Alakazam nunca deja de crecer y por eso al
cuello le cuesta sostener el peso de la cabeza. Este Pokémon
usa sus poderes psicoquinéticos para mantener en alto la
65,25,8,"Il cervello di Alakazam cresce in continuazione rendendo
la sua testa troppo pesante per il collo. Pertanto è costretto
a usare i suoi poteri psicocinetici per sostenerla."
65,25,9,"Alakazams brain continually grows, making its head far too
heavy to support with its neck. This Pokémon holds its head up
using its psychokinetic power instead."
65,25,11,"脳が どんどん 大きくなったので 首では
支えきれないほど 頭が 重くなった。
超能力で 頭を 支えているのだ。"
65,26,1,"むげんに ふえる のうさいぼうが ちのうしすう
5000の スーパーずのうを つくりだした。
せかいの できごとを すべて きおくしている。"
65,26,3,"무한히 늘어나는 뇌세포가 지능지수
5000의 슈퍼 두뇌를 만들어냈다.
전 세계에서 일어난 일을 모두 기억하고 있다."
65,26,5,"Le cerveau dAlakazam grossit sans arrêt, multipliant sans
cesse ses cellules. Ce Pokémon a un QI incroyablement
élevé, de 5000. Il peut garder en mémoire tout ce qui
sest passé dans le monde."
65,26,6,"Simsalas Hirn wächst stetig weiter und seine Gehirnzellen
werden unendlich vervielfacht. Durch sein verblüffendes Gehirn
erreicht dieses Pokémon einen IQ von 5 000. Es erinnert sich
an alles, was in der Welt passiert ist."
65,26,7,"El cerebro de Alakazam siempre está creciendo y el número
de neuronas no deja de aumentar. Este Pokémon tiene un
cociente intelectual de 5000. Tiene archivado en su memoria
todo lo que ha ocurrido en el mundo."
65,26,8,"Il cervello di Alakazam cresce in continuazione, moltiplicando
allinfinito le cellule cerebrali. Questo gli assegna un
sorprendente QI di 5000. Ricorda nei minimi dettagli
ogni evento accaduto nel mondo."
65,26,9,"Alakazams brain continually grows, infinitely multiplying
brain cells. This amazing brain gives this Pokémon an
astoundingly high IQ of 5,000. It has a thorough memory
of everything that has occurred in the world."
65,26,11,"無限に 増える 脳細胞が 知能指数
5000の スーパー頭脳を つくりだした。
世界の 出来事を すべて 記憶している。"
65,27,1,"ちのうしすうは およそ 5000。
つよい ねんりきが あふれだしており
そばに いるだけで ずつうが する。"
65,27,3,"지능지수는 약 5000.
강한 염동력이 넘쳐흘러서
곁에 있는 것만으로 두통이 생긴다."
65,27,5,"Son Q.I. atteindrait les 5 000. Il émet des ondes
psychiques si fortes quil suffit de se tenir
près de lui pour avoir mal à la tête."
65,27,6,"Es hat einen IQ von 5000. Seine Psycho-Kräfte
sind so stark ausgeprägt, dass man Kopfweh
bekommt, wenn man nur neben ihm steht."
65,27,7,"Su coeficiente intelectual ronda los 5000. Los
poderes telequinéticos que rezuma causan
jaquecas a cualquiera que se acerque."
65,27,8,"Ha un quoziente intellettivo di circa 5.000. I suoi
poteri psicocinetici sono talmente intensi da
far venire mal di testa a chi gli sta vicino."
65,27,9,"It is said to have an IQ of approximately 5,000.
Its overflowing psychokinetic powers
cause headaches to anyone nearby."
65,27,11,"知能指数は およそ 5000。
強い 念力が あふれだしており
そばに いるだけで 頭痛が する。"
65,28,1,"その のうさいぼうは しぬまで
ふえつづける。 おいた フーディンほど
おおきな あたまを しているのだ。"
65,28,3,"그 뇌세포는 죽을 때까지
계속 늘어난다.
늙은 후딘일수록 머리가 크다."
65,28,5,"Ses neurones se développent jusquà sa mort.
Plus un Alakazam est vieux, plus sa tête
est grosse."
65,28,6,"Seine Gehirnzellen vervielfachen sich sein
ganzes Leben lang. Je älter ein Simsala ist,
desto größer ist demzufolge auch sein Kopf."
65,28,7,"Las neuronas de su cerebro se multiplican sin
descanso hasta el día de su muerte. Cuanto más
viejo es Alakazam, más grande es su cabeza."
65,28,8,"Le sue cellule cerebrali continuano a
moltiplicarsi per tutta la vita e man mano che
cresce la sua testa diventa sempre più grossa."
65,28,9,"Its brain cells continue to increase in number
until its death. The older the Alakazam, the
larger its head."
65,28,11,"その 脳細胞は 死ぬまで
増え続ける。 老いた フーディンほど
大きな 頭を しているのだ。"
65,29,1,"もっている スプーンは フーディンが
ちょうのうりょくで うみだしたもの。
せかいに 1ぽんだけの オリジナル。"
65,29,3,"지니고 있는 숟가락은 후딘이
초능력으로 만들어 낸 것이다.
이 세상에 1개뿐인 오리지널이다."
65,29,5,"Il a lui-même créé ses cuillers avec sa propre
force psychique. Chaque exemplaire est unique
au monde."
65,29,6,"Die beiden Löffel hat es mithilfe seiner Psycho-
Kräfte selbst erschaffen. Jeder von ihnen ist
weltweit einzigartig."
65,29,7,"Las cucharas que lleva las creó él mismo con
sus poderes psíquicos. Son únicas en el mundo
65,29,8,"I cucchiai che ha con sé sono stati creati grazie
ai suoi poteri psichici e sono esemplari unici
al mondo."
65,29,9,"Alakazam uses its psychic powers to make the
spoons it carries. Each spoon is an original that
theres only one of in the whole world."
65,29,11,"持っている スプーンは フーディンが
超能力で 生み出したもの。
世界に 1本だけの オリジナル。"
65,30,1,"こころから しんらいした あいてには
スプーンを ゆずる。 このスプーンで
たべると なんでも おいしいらしい。"
65,30,3,"진심으로 신뢰하는 상대에게는
숟가락을 양보한다. 이 숟가락으로
먹으면 무엇이든 맛있다고 한다."
65,30,5,"Sil a pleinement confiance en quelquun, il lui
offre une cuiller en gage damitié. Tout ce que
lon mange avec cette cuiller a un goût délicieux."
65,30,6,"Wenn es volles Vertrauen in jemanden hat,
überlässt es ihm einen Löffel. Mit diesem wird
angeblich alles zu einer Köstlichkeit."
65,30,7,"Quien se granjea su favor recibe como presente
una cuchara. Al parecer, todo cuanto se coma
con ella tendrá un sabor exquisito."
65,30,8,"Chi si guadagna la sua piena fiducia ottiene in
regalo uno dei suoi cucchiai. Se usato per
mangiare, dà un sapore delizioso a tutti i cibi."
65,30,9,"If it trusts someone deeply, it will let them have
one of its spoons. Anything you eat with that
spoon is apparently delicious."
65,30,11,"心から 信頼した 相手には
スプーンを 譲る。 このスプーンで
食べると なんでも 美味しいらしい。"
65,31,1,"なんでも おぼえることができる。
たいけんした あらゆることを
わすれないので あたまがいいのだ。"
65,31,3,"무엇이든 기억해 낸다.
체험한 모든 것을
잊지 않기에 머리가 좋은 것이다."
65,31,5,"Ce Pokémon est très intelligent. Sa mémoire
infaillible lui permet de retenir tout ce quil
65,31,6,"Es hat ein perfektes Gedächtnis und vergisst
nichts. Das macht es zu einem sehr schlauen
65,31,7,"Este Pokémon lo recuerda todo y nunca olvida
lo que aprende, de ahí que sea tan inteligente."
65,31,8,"Questo Pokémon intelligentissimo ha una
memoria prodigiosa e non dimentica mai
ciò che impara."
65,31,9,"A Pokémon that can memorize anything.
It never forgets what it learns—thats why
this Pokémon is smart."
65,31,11,"なんでも 覚えることができる。
体験した あらゆることを
忘れないので 頭がいいのだ。"
65,32,1,"なんでも おぼえることができる。
たいけんした あらゆることを
わすれないので あたまがいいのだ。"
65,32,3,"무엇이든 기억해 낸다.
체험한 모든 것을
잊지 않기에 머리가 좋은 것이다."
65,32,5,"Ce Pokémon est très intelligent. Sa mémoire
infaillible lui permet de retenir tout ce quil
65,32,6,"Es hat ein perfektes Gedächtnis und vergisst
nichts. Das macht es zu einem sehr schlauen
65,32,7,"Este Pokémon lo recuerda todo y nunca olvida
lo que aprende, de ahí que sea tan inteligente."
65,32,8,"Questo Pokémon intelligentissimo ha una
memoria prodigiosa e non dimentica mai
ciò che impara."
65,32,9,"A Pokémon that can memorize anything.
It never forgets what it learns—thats why
this Pokémon is smart."
65,32,11,"なんでも 覚えることができる。
体験した あらゆることを
忘れないので 頭がいいのだ。"
65,33,1,"ひじょうに たかい ちのうを もつ。
うまれてから しぬまでの できごとを
すべて おぼえている という。"
65,33,3,"매우 높은 지능을 지녔다.
태어나서 죽을 때까지 일어나는 일을
모두 기억한다고 한다."
65,33,5,"Doué dune intelligence hors du commun,
ce Pokémon serait capable de conserver tous
ses souvenirs, de sa naissance jusquà sa mort."
65,33,6,"Es verfügt über extrem hohe Intelligenz und soll
sich an alles erinnern können, was zwischen seiner
Geburt und seinem Tod passiert."
65,33,7,"Posee una capacidad intelectual fuera de lo
común que le permite recordar todo lo sucedido
desde el instante de su nacimiento."
65,33,8,"Possiede un intelletto estremamente elevato
e si dice sia in grado di ricordare ogni evento
della sua vita, dalla nascita alla morte."
65,33,9,"It has an incredibly high level of intelligence.
Some say that Alakazam remembers everything
that ever happens to it, from birth till death."
65,33,11,"非常に 高い 知能を 持つ。
生まれてから 死ぬまでの できごとを
すべて 覚えている という。"
65,34,1,"きょうりょくな ちょうのうりょくを
あやつる。 りょうての スプーンは
その ちからで つくりだしたという。"
65,34,3,"강력한 초능력을 구사한다.
양손에 든 숟가락은 그 힘으로
만들어낸 것이라고 한다."
65,34,5,"Il dispose dimmenses pouvoirs psychiques.
On raconte quil sen est servi afin de créer
les cuillères quil tient dans chaque main."
65,34,6,"Simsala verfügt über extrem starke Psycho-Kräfte.
Mit ihnen soll es die Löffel erschaffen haben,
die es in seinen Händen hält."
65,34,7,"Posee unos poderes psíquicos extraordinarios
con los que, según se dice, creó las cucharas
que lleva en las manos."
65,34,8,"Padroneggia potenti poteri psichici, con i quali
si dice abbia creato i cucchiai che tiene in mano."
65,34,9,"Alakazam wields potent psychic powers. Its said
that this Pokémon used these powers to create
the spoons it holds."
65,34,11,"強力な 超能力を 操る。
両手の スプーンは
その 力で 作りだしたという。"
66,1,9,"Loves to build
its muscles.
It trains in allstyles of martial
arts to become
even stronger."
66,2,9,"Loves to build
its muscles.
It trains in allstyles of martial
arts to become
even stronger."
66,3,9,"Very powerful in
spite of its small
size. Its masteryof many types of
martial arts makes
it very tough."
66,4,9,"Always brimming
with power, it
passes time bylifting boulders.
Doing so makes it
even stronger."
66,5,9,"It loves to work
out and build its
muscles. It isnever satisfied,
even if it trains
hard all day long."
66,6,9,"It trains by
lifting rocks in
the mountains. Itcan even pick up a
66,7,9,"MACHOPs muscles are special - they
never get sore no matter how much they
are used in exercise.This POKéMON has sufficient power to
hurl a hundred adult humans."
66,8,9,"MACHOP exercises by hefting around
a GRAVELER as if it were a barbell.
There are some MACHOP that travelthe world in a quest to master all
kinds of martial arts."
66,9,9,"It continually undertakes strenuous
training to master all forms of martial
arts. Its strength lets it easily hoist
a sumo wrestler onto its shoulders."
66,10,9,"Its whole body is composed of muscles.
Even though its the size of a human
child, it can hurl 100 grown-ups."
66,11,9,"Loves to build its muscles. It trains in
all styles of martial arts to become even
66,12,9,"It hefts a GRAVELER repeatedly to
strengthen its entire body. It
uses every type of martial arts."
66,13,9,"Its muscles never cramp however
much it trains. It lives in the
mountains away from humans."
66,14,9,"Though small in stature, it is
powerful enough to easily heft and
throw a number of GEODUDE at once."
66,15,9,"Always brimming with power,
it passes time by lifting boulders.
Doing so makes it even stronger."
66,16,9,"It loves to work out and build its
muscles. It is never satisfied,
even if it trains hard all day long."
66,17,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, sa force
lui permet de soulever plusieurs
Racaillou à la fois."
66,17,9,"Though small in stature, it is
powerful enough to easily heft and
throw a number of Geodude at once."
66,18,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, sa force
lui permet de soulever plusieurs
Racaillou à la fois."
66,18,9,"Though small in stature, it is
powerful enough to easily heft and
throw a number of Geodude at once."
66,21,9,"Though small in stature, it is
powerful enough to easily heft and
throw a number of Geodude at once."
66,22,9,"Though small in stature, it is
powerful enough to easily heft and
throw a number of Geodude at once."
66,23,1,"ゴローンを なんども あげおろしして
ぜんしんの きんにくを きたえる。
あらゆる かくとうぎを つかう。"
66,23,3,"데구리를 수없이 들었다 놨다 하며
전신의 근육을 단련한다.
모든 격투기를 사용한다."
66,23,5,"Il muscle son corps en soulevant régulièrement un
Gravalanch. Il est rompu à tous les arts martiaux."
66,23,6,"Es hebt Georok hoch, um seinen Körper zu trainieren.
Außerdem übt es sich in jeder Art von Kampfsport."
66,23,7,"Levanta un Graveler para mantener sus músculos en
forma. Domina todas las artes marciales."
66,23,8,"Solleva Graveler ripetutamente per mantenersi forte.
Conosce ogni tipo di arte marziale."
66,23,9,"It hefts a Graveler repeatedly to strengthen
its entire body. It uses every type of martial arts."
66,23,11,"ゴローンを 何度も 上げ下ろしして
全身の 筋肉を 鍛える。
あらゆる 格闘技を 使う。"
66,24,1,"ぜんしんが きんにくに なっており
こどもほどの おおきさしかないのに
おとな 100にんを なげとばせる。"
66,24,3,"몸집은 어린아이만 하지만
온몸이 근육으로 되어 있어서
어른 100명은 날려 버릴 수 있다."
66,24,5,"Son corps est essentiellement composé de muscles.
Même sil a la taille dun petit enfant, il peut soulever
100 adultes avec ses bras."
66,24,6,"Sein ganzer Körper besteht aus Muskeln. Auch wenn
es nur so groß wie ein Menschenkind ist, kann es
100 Erwachsene jonglieren."
66,24,7,"Es una masa de músculos y, aunque es pequeño, tiene
fuerza de sobra para tomar en brazos a 100 personas."
66,24,8,"Il suo corpo è formato interamente da muscoli. Non è
più alto di un bambino, ma può sollevare e lanciare
100 adulti."
66,24,9,"Its whole body is composed of muscles.
Even though its the size of a human child,
it can hurl 100 grown-ups."
66,24,11,"全身が 筋肉になっており
子供ほどの 大きさしかないのに
大人 100人を 投げ飛ばせる。"
66,25,1,"どんなに うんどうを しても いたくならない
とくべつな きんにくを もつ ポケモン。
おとな 100にんを なげとばす パワー。"
66,25,3,"아무리 운동을 해도 아프지 않은
특별한 근육을 가진 포켓몬이다.
어른 100명을 내던지는 파워다."
66,25,5,"Les muscles de Machoc sont spéciaux. Quels que soient
les efforts quil produit, il na jamais de courbature.
Ce Pokémon est assez puissant pour lancer une centaine
dhommes adultes."
66,25,6,"Machollos Muskeln sind etwas Besonderes. Sie schmerzen nie,
egal, wie sehr sie beansprucht werden. Dieses Pokémon hat
genug Kraft, um 100 Erwachsene umherzuwerfen."
66,25,7,"Gracias a su portentosa musculatura, Machop no se agota por
mucho esfuerzo que haga. Este Pokémon es tan fuerte que
puede derrotar a cien personas adultas de una sola vez."
66,25,8,"I particolari muscoli di Machop non si infiammano mai,
nemmeno in caso di esercizio eccessivo. Questo Pokémon ha
forza sufficiente per scagliare lontano un centinaio di uomini."
66,25,9,"Machops muscles are special—they never get sore no matter
how much they are used in exercise. This Pokémon has
sufficient power to hurl a hundred adult humans."
66,25,11,"どんなに 運動を しても 痛くならない
特別な 筋肉を 持つ ポケモン。
大人 100人を 投げ飛ばす パワー。"
66,26,1,"ゴローンを もちあげて からだを きたえる。
すべての かくとうぎを マスターするために
せかいじゅうを たびする ワンリキーも いる。"
66,26,3,"데구리를 들어 올려 몸을 단련한다.
모든 격투기를 마스터하기 위해
전 세계를 여행하는 알통몬도 있다."
66,26,5,"Machoc sentraîne en soulevant un Gravalanch, comme
sil sagissait dhaltères. Certains Machoc voyagent un peu
partout dans le monde pour apprendre à maîtriser tous
les types darts martiaux."
66,26,6,"Machollo trainiert, indem es ein Georok hochhebt, als wäre es
eine Hantel. Es gibt auch Machollo, die durch die Welt reisen,
um alle Arten der Kampfkunst zu erlernen."
66,26,7,"Machop se entrena levantando Graveler a modo de pesas.
Algunos de estos Pokémon viajan por todo el mundo para
aprender distintos tipos de artes marciales."
66,26,8,"Machop si allena sollevando un Graveler come fosse un
attrezzo ginnico. Esistono Machop che girano il mondo
nel tentativo di imparare ogni tipo di arte marziale."
66,26,9,"Machop exercises by hefting around a Graveler as if it were
a barbell. There are some Machop that travel the world in a
quest to master all kinds of martial arts."
66,26,11,"ゴローンを 持ち上げて 体を 鍛える。
すべての 格闘技を マスターするために
世界中を 旅する ワンリキーも いる。"
66,27,1,"きたえるのが だいすき。 ひにひに
ふくれていく きんにくを ながめて
ますます トレーニングに はげむぞ。"
66,27,3,"단련하는 것을 아주 좋아한다.
날마다 커지는 근육을 보면서
더욱 트레이닝을 열심히 한다."
66,27,5,"Il aime faire travailler ses muscles. Jour après
jour, il regarde sa masse musculaire gonfler, et
cela lencourage à sentraîner encore davantage."
66,27,6,"Es liebt Muskelaufbautraining und verfolgt jeden
Tag das Wachstum seiner Muskeln. Dies spornt
es zu noch intensiverem Training an."
66,27,7,"Le encanta entrenar su cuerpo. Cuando observa
cómo crecen sus músculos día tras día, se
apasiona más por su entrenamiento."
66,27,8,"Prova un particolare piacere ad allenarsi.
Osservando i suoi muscoli svilupparsi ogni
giorno, si sente spinto ad allenarsi ulteriormente."
66,27,9,"It loves working out. As it gazes at its muscles,
which continue to swell day by day, it becomes
more and more dedicated to its training."
66,27,11,"きたえるのが 大好き。 日に日に
膨れていく 筋肉を ながめて
ますます トレーニングに 励むぞ。"
66,28,1,"おとな100にんを なげとばすほどの
かいりきは まいにち ゴローンを
もちあげることで つくられる。"
66,28,3,"어른 100명을 내던질 정도의
괴력은 매일 데구리를
들어 올리는 과정에서 만들어진다."
66,28,5,"Il sentraîne en soulevant des Gravalanch tous
les jours jusquà pouvoir projeter en lair
une centaine dhumains adultes dun coup."
66,28,6,"Es stemmt jeden Tag Georok, wodurch seine
Muskelkraft ins schier Unendliche steigt. Daher
kann es auch 100 Erwachsene zugleich tragen."
66,28,7,"Obtiene su fuerza descomunal, con la que es
capaz de lanzar a 100 personas por los aires,
mediante un levantamiento de Graveler diario."
66,28,8,"Si allena ogni giorno sollevando Graveler.
La sua forza è tale che sarebbe in grado
di scagliare lontano 100 uomini."
66,28,9,"With its superhuman strength, its able to throw
a hundred people all at the same time. Its
strength comes from lifting Graveler every day."
66,28,11,"大人100人を 投げ飛ばすほどの
怪力は 毎日 ゴローンを
持ち上げることで つくられる。"
66,29,1,"なかまたちとの トレーニングで
じしんと きんにくが ついたら
マクノシタに しょうぶを いどむ。"
66,29,3,"동료들과의 트레이닝으로
자신감과 근육이 생기면
마크탕에게 대결을 신청한다."
66,29,5,"Il sentraîne avec ses amis pour accroître sa
masse musculaire et gagner en confiance.
Une fois prêt, il ira défier un Makuhita."
66,29,6,"Wenn es im Training mit seinen Kameraden genug
Selbstvertrauen und Muskeln aufgebaut hat,
fordert es Makuhita zu einem Kampf heraus."
66,29,7,"Entrena con sus congéneres para potenciar su
musculatura y confianza en sí mismo y, llegado
el momento, reta en combate a los Makuhita."
66,29,8,"Si allena assieme ai suoi simili per sviluppare
i muscoli e acquisire sicurezza. Quando si sente
pronto, sfida Makuhita."
66,29,9,"Once this Pokémon has gained enough
confidence and muscle from training with its
friends, it challenges Makuhita to a battle."
66,29,11,"仲間たちとの トレーニングで
自信と 筋肉が ついたら
マクノシタに 勝負を 挑む。"
66,30,1,"えいようかの たかい エサをこのむ。
こうりつよく きんにくを つけるため
ほんのうが もとめて いるのだ。"
66,30,3,"영양가 높은 먹이를 좋아한다.
효율적으로 근육을 키우기 위해
본능적으로 원하고 있는 것이다."
66,30,5,"Il aime les aliments très nutritifs. Il les choisit
instinctivement pour développer sa musculature
aussi efficacement que possible."
66,30,6,"Es liebt Futter mit besonders hohem Nährwert.
Dieses Instinktverhalten dient einem möglichst
effektiven Muskelaufbau."
66,30,7,"Prefiere los alimentos con gran valor nutritivo.
Los escoge instintivamente para desarrollar de
forma eficaz los músculos."
66,30,8,"Listinto lo spinge a preferire cibi ricchi
di nutrienti, in modo da poter sviluppare
i muscoli nel modo più efficiente."
66,30,9,"It likes food thats highly nutritious because its
instincts drive it to build muscle efficiently."
66,30,11,"栄養価の 高い エサを好む。
効率よく 筋肉を つけるため
本能が 求めて いるのだ。"
66,31,1,"ちいさな からだ だが ちからもち。
そのうえ いろいろな かくとうぎを
マスターしていて とても つよい。"
66,31,3,"몸집은 작지만 힘이 장사다.
게다가 다양한 격투기를
마스터해서 매우 강하다."
66,31,5,"Très puissant malgré sa petite taille, il est passé
maître en plusieurs types darts martiaux."
66,31,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist recht klein, doch seine
Kampfsportkenntnisse machen es zu einem
sehr starken Gegner."
66,31,7,"Es muy fuerte, a pesar de su pequeño tamaño.
Su dominio de varias artes marciales lo convierte
en un rival duro de pelar."
66,31,8,"È piccolo, ma molto potente. La sua maestria
in tutte le arti marziali lo rende un osso duro."
66,31,9,"Very powerful in spite of its small size.
Its mastery of many types of martial arts
makes it very tough."
66,31,11,"小さな 体 だが 力持ち。
そのうえ 色々な 格闘技を
マスターしていて とても 強い。"
66,32,1,"ちいさな からだ だが ちからもち。
そのうえ いろいろな かくとうぎを
マスターしていて とても つよい。"
66,32,3,"몸집은 작지만 힘이 장사다.
게다가 다양한 격투기를
마스터해서 매우 강하다."
66,32,5,"Très puissant malgré sa petite taille, il est passé
maître en plusieurs types darts martiaux."
66,32,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist recht klein, doch seine
Kampfsportkenntnisse machen es zu einem
sehr starken Gegner."
66,32,7,"Es muy fuerte, a pesar de su pequeño tamaño.
Su dominio de varias artes marciales lo convierte
en un rival duro de pelar."
66,32,8,"È piccolo, ma molto potente. La sua maestria
in tutte le arti marziali lo rende un osso duro."
66,32,9,"Very powerful in spite of its small size.
Its mastery of many types of martial arts
makes it very tough."
66,32,11,"小さな 体 だが 力持ち。
そのうえ 色々な 格闘技を
マスターしていて とても 強い。"
66,33,1,"ぜんしんが きんにくに なっており
こどもほどの おおきさしかないのに
おとな 100にんを なげとばせる。"
66,33,3,"몸집은 어린아이만 하지만
온몸이 근육으로 되어 있어서
어른 100명은 날려 버릴 수 있다."
66,33,5,"Son corps est essentiellement composé de
muscles. Même sil fait la taille dun petit enfant,
il peut soulever 100 adultes avec ses bras."
66,33,6,"Sein ganzer Körper besteht aus Muskeln. Auch
wenn es nur so groß wie ein Menschenkind ist,
kann es 100 Erwachsene jonglieren."
66,33,7,"Es una masa de músculos y, pese a su pequeño
tamaño, tiene fuerza de sobra para levantar en
brazos a 100 personas."
66,33,8,"Il suo corpo è formato interamente da muscoli.
Non è più alto di un bambino, ma può sollevare
e lanciare 100 adulti."
66,33,9,"Its whole body is composed of muscles.
Even though its the size of a human child, it can
hurl 100 grown-ups."
66,33,11,"全身が 筋肉になっており
子どもほどの 大きさしかないのに
大人 100人を 投げ飛ばせる。"
66,34,1,"いつも パワフル。 たいりょくが
ありあまっているので ひまつぶしに
いわをもちあげ さらに つよくなる。"
66,34,3,"언제나 파워풀하다.
체력이 남아돌기 때문에 심심풀이로
바위를 들어 올리며 더 강해진다."
66,34,5,"Il essaie de dépenser son énergie débordante
en soulevant des rochers, ce qui le rend encore
plus fort."
66,34,6,"Da es vor Kraft strotzt, hebt es zum Zeitvertreib
Felsen. Dadurch gewinnt es an zusätzlicher
66,34,7,"Siempre rebosante de energía, pasa el tiempo
levantando piedras para hacerse aún más fuerte."
66,34,8,"Sempre traboccante di energia, passa il tempo
a sollevare massi. Così diventa ancora più forte."
66,34,9,"Always brimming with power, it passes time by
lifting boulders. Doing so makes it even stronger."
66,34,11,"いつも パワフル。 体力が
有り余っているので 暇つぶしに
岩を持ち上げ さらに 強くなる。"
67,1,9,"Its muscular body
is so powerful, it
must wear a powersave belt to be
able to regulate
its motions."
67,2,9,"Its muscular body
is so powerful, it
must wear a powersave belt to be
able to regulate
its motions."
67,3,9,"The belt around
its waist holds
back its energy.Without it, this
POKéMON would be
67,4,9,"It always goes at
its full power,
but this verytough and durable
POKéMON never gets
67,5,9,"The muscles cover­
ing its body teem
with power. Evenwhen still, it
exudes an amazing
sense of strength."
67,6,9,"This tough POKéMON
always stays in
the zone. Itsmuscles become
thicker after
every battle."
67,7,9,"MACHOKEs thoroughly toned muscles
possess the hardness of steel.
This POKéMON has so much strength,it can easily hold aloft a sumo wrestler
on just one finger."
67,8,9,"MACHOKE undertakes bodybuilding every
day even as it helps people with tough,
physically demanding labor.On its days off, this POKéMON heads to
the fields and mountains to exercise
and train."
67,9,9,"A belt is worn by a MACHOKE to keep its
overwhelming power under control.
Because it is so dangerous, no one has
ever removed the belt."
67,10,9,"Its formidable body never gets tired.
It helps people by doing work such as
the moving of heavy goods."
67,11,9,"Its muscular body is so powerful, it must
wear a power-save belt to be able to
regulate its motions."
67,12,9,"MACHOKEs boundless power is very
dangerous, so it wears a belt that
suppresses its energy."
67,13,9,"It can lift a dump truck with one
hand. Using that power, it helps
people with heavy jobs."
67,14,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to
toughen up. It willingly does hard
work for people."
67,15,9,"It always goes at its full power,
but this very tough and durable
Pokémon never gets tired."
67,16,9,"The muscles covering its body teem
with power. Even when still, it
exudes an amazing sense of strength."
67,17,5,"Il soulève les plus lourdes charges
avec plaisir et facilité. Il donne un
coup de main tout en sentraînant!"
67,17,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to
toughen up. It willingly does hard
work for people."
67,18,5,"Il soulève les plus lourdes charges
avec plaisir et facilité. Il donne un
coup de main tout en sentraînant!"
67,18,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to
toughen up. It willingly does hard
work for people."
67,21,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to
toughen up. It willingly does hard
work for people."
67,22,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to
toughen up. It willingly does hard
work for people."
67,23,1,"すごく きょうじんな にくたいなので
パワーセーブ ベルトを つけて
つよさを せいぎょしている。"
67,23,3,"엄청나게 강한 육체를 지녔기 때문에
파워 세이브 벨트를 차서
힘을 제어하고 있다."
67,23,5,"Son corps est si puissant quil lui faut une ceinture
de force pour équilibrer ses mouvements."
67,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist superstark. Es kann sich nur
mit einem Kraft regulierenden Gürtel bewegen."
67,23,7,"Su musculoso cuerpo es tan fuerte que usa un cinto
antifuerza para controlar sus movimientos."
67,23,8,"Il suo corpo muscoloso è così forte che usa una
cintura antiforza per regolare i suoi movimenti."
67,23,9,"Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a
power-save belt to be able to regulate its motions."
67,23,11,"すごく 強靭な 肉体なので
パワーセーブ ベルトを つけて
強さを 制御している。"
67,24,1,"かたてで ダンプカーを もちあげる
パワーを いかして ひとの かわりに
ちからしごとを てつだう ポケモン。"
67,24,3,"한 손으로 덤프트럭을 들어 올린다.
파워를 살려서 사람 대신
힘쓰는 일을 돕는 포켓몬이다."
67,24,5,"Il peut soulever un camion dune main. Il se sert
de sa force pour aider dans les tâches physiques."
67,24,6,"Es kann einen LKW mit einer Hand hochheben.
Es nutzt die Kraft, um anderen bei der Arbeit zu helfen."
67,24,7,"Puede levantar un gran camión con una mano. Utiliza
su fuerza para ayudar a la gente."
67,24,8,"È così forte da sollevare un autocarro con una sola
mano. Aiuta le persone nei lavori pesanti."
67,24,9,"It can lift a dump truck with one hand. Using that
power, it helps people with heavy jobs."
67,24,11,"片手で ダンプカーを 持ち上げる
パワーを 活かして 人の かわりに
力仕事を 手伝う ポケモン。"
67,25,1,"きたえあげた きんにくは はがねの かたさ。
すもうとりの からだも ゆび 1ぽんで らくらく
もちあげてしまう かいりきの ポケモンだ。"
67,25,3,"잘 단련된 근육은 강철처럼 단단하다.
씨름 선수의 몸을 손가락 1개로 쉽게
들어 올릴 수 있는 괴력의 포켓몬이다."
67,25,5,"Les muscles toniques de Machopeur sont durs comme
de lacier. Ce Pokémon est si fort quil peut facilement
soulever un sumo avec un seul doigt."
67,25,6,"Maschocks starke Muskeln sind so hart wie Stahl.
Dieses Pokémon hat so viel Kraft, dass es mit nur
einem Finger einen Sumo-Ringer in der Luft halten kann."
67,25,7,"Los entrenados músculos de Machoke son tan fuertes como el
acero. Este Pokémon es tan fuerte que puede levantar con un
solo dedo a un luchador de sumo."
67,25,8,"I muscoli perfettamente tonici di Machoke possiedono
la durezza dellacciaio. Questo Pokémon è così forte
da riuscire a sollevare un lottatore di sumo con un dito."
67,25,9,"Machokes thoroughly toned muscles possess the hardness
of steel. This Pokémon has so much strength, it can easily
hold aloft a sumo wrestler on just one finger."
67,25,11,"鍛えあげた 筋肉は 鋼の 硬さ。
相撲取りの 体も 指 1本で 楽々
持ちあげてしまう 怪力の ポケモンだ。"
67,26,1,"にんげんの ちからしごとを てつだいながら
からだを まいにち きたえている ポケモン。
やすみの ひには のやまで からだを きたえる。"
67,26,3,"힘이 많이 드는 인간의 일을 도와주며
매일 몸을 단련하는 포켓몬이다.
쉬는 날에는 산야에서 몸을 단련한다."
67,26,5,"Machopeur pratique le body-building tous les jours,
même lorsquil aide les gens à réaliser de durs travaux.
Pendant ses congés, ce Pokémon va sentraîner dans
les champs et les montagnes."
67,26,6,"Maschock stählt seinen Körper jeden Tag, zum Beispiel
indem es Menschen bei einer harten körperlichen Arbeit hilft.
An seinen freien Tagen begibt es sich auf Felder und Berge,
um zu trainieren."
67,26,7,"Machoke realiza sesiones de culturismo todos los días.
De entrenamiento le sirven también las veces que ayuda a
la gente en tareas de esfuerzo físico. En sus días libres, va
al campo o a la montaña para hacer más ejercicio."
67,26,8,"Machoke si allena ogni giorno con esercizi di body building,
aiutando luomo nei lavori fisicamente pesanti. Nei giorni
di riposo, si reca in campagna o in montagna per allenarsi
67,26,9,"Machoke undertakes bodybuilding every day even as
it helps people with tough, physically demanding labor.
On its days off, this Pokémon heads to the fields and
mountains to exercise and train."
67,26,11,"人間の 力仕事を 手伝いながら
体を 毎日 鍛えている ポケモン。
休みの 日には 野山で 体を 鍛える。"
67,27,1,"きたえにきたえた けっか すさまじい
パワーを てにいれた。 そのちからを
いかし ひとのしごとを てつだう。"
67,27,3,"단련하고 단련한 결과 무시무시한
파워를 손에 넣었다. 그 힘을
살려서 사람 일을 돕는다."
67,27,5,"Grâce à un long entraînement, il a obtenu
une force incroyable, quil met au service des
humains pour les aider dans leurs travaux."
67,27,6,"Es hat sich durch unerbittliches Training
unglaubliche Kräfte angeeignet, mit denen
es die Menschen bei der Arbeit unterstützt."
67,27,7,"Posee una fuerza extraordinaria, obtenida a
través de un tenaz entrenamiento. Utiliza su
fuerza para ayudar a las personas."
67,27,8,"Grazie al costante allenamento fisico ha
sviluppato una forza straordinaria, di cui si
serve per aiutare gli uomini nel loro lavoro."
67,27,9,"As a result of its continual workouts, it has
developed tremendous power. It uses that
power to help people with their work."
67,27,11,"きたえにきたえた 結果 凄まじい
パワーを 手にいれた。 その力を
活かし 人の仕事を 手伝う。"
67,28,1,"すすんで じゅうろうどうを てつだう。
じぶんに とっての いい きんりょく
トレーニングになると しっているから。"
67,28,3,"자진해서 중노동을 돕는다.
자신에게 좋은 근력 트레이닝이
되는 것을 알기 때문이다."
67,28,5,"Il aide les humains dans les travaux de force.
Il ny a aucun scrupule à avoir, car il est ravi
de pouvoir faire travailler ses muscles."
67,28,6,"Es bietet freiwillig seine Hilfe bei körperlicher
Schwerstarbeit an, da es weiß, dass dies eine
sehr effektive Form des Muskeltrainings ist."
67,28,7,"Ayuda a las personas cuyos trabajos requieren
mucha fuerza, ya que esto le sirve de
entrenamiento para fortalecer sus músculos."
67,28,8,"È sempre disponibile ad aiutare nei lavori
pesanti, considerandoli un allenamento
per accrescere la sua forza muscolare."
67,28,9,"It willingly assists with hard labor because it
knows the work is good training for its muscles."
67,28,11,"進んで 重労働を 手伝う。
自分に とっての いい 筋力
トレーニングになると 知っているから。"
67,29,1,"しんの きょうてきに であうと
こしの パワーセーブ ベルトを
はずして ぜんりょくを はっきする。"
67,29,3,"진정한 강적을 만나면
허리의 파워 세이브 벨트를
풀고 전력을 발휘한다."
67,29,5,"Quand il rencontre un adversaire vraiment
redoutable, il retire sa ceinture de force
et déchaîne toute sa puissance."
67,29,6,"Trifft es auf einen wahrhaft starken Gegner,
nimmt es seinen kraftregulierenden Gürtel ab,
um seine volle Stärke entfalten zu können."
67,29,7,"Cuando encuentra un rival realmente formidable,
se quita el cinturón que restringe su energía y
combate con todas sus fuerzas."
67,29,8,"Quando incontra un nemico davvero formidabile,
si toglie la cintura che usa per contenere la sua
forza e scatena tutta la sua potenza."
67,29,9,"When it encounters an enemy thats truly
mighty, this Pokémon removes the power-save
belt from its waist and unleashes its full power."
67,29,11,"真の 強敵に 出会うと
腰の パワーセーブ ベルトを
外して 全力を 発揮する。"
67,30,1,"ちょうこくの モチーフとして にんき。
きたえぬかれた きんにくが おおくの
げいじゅつかを とりこに している。"
67,30,3,"조각의 모티브로 인기 있다.
잘 단련된 근육이 많은
예술가들을 사로잡는다."
67,30,5,"Cest un modèle très en vogue chez les
sculpteurs. De nombreux artistes ne jurent
que par sa musculature parfaite."
67,30,6,"Es gilt als beliebtes Motiv in der Bildhauerei.
Seinen wohlgeformten, stählernen Muskeln sind
nicht wenige Künstler verfallen."
67,30,7,"Su escultural figura lo convierte en un modelo
ideal para artistas del cincel, a los que su
perfecta musculatura embelesa sin remisión."
67,30,8,"Gli artisti sono rapiti dalla perfezione dei suoi
muscoli ben sviluppati e spesso lo scelgono
come soggetto delle loro sculture."
67,30,9,"A popular motif for sculptures, its incredibly
well-developed muscles have captured the
imagination of many an artist."
67,30,11,"彫刻の モチーフとして 人気。
鍛えぬかれた 筋肉が 多くの
芸術家を 虜に している。"
67,31,1,"こしにまいた パワーセーブベルトを
はずした ゴーリキーの いきおいを
とめることは だれにも ふかのうだ。"
67,31,3,"허리에 두른 파워 세이브 벨트를
풀면 그 누구도 근육몬의
기세를 막을 수 없다."
67,31,5,"Sa ceinture sert à retenir son énergie. Sans elle,
il serait incontrôlable."
67,31,6,"Der Gürtel an seiner Hüfte dient dazu, seine
Kraft zu begrenzen. Ohne ihn wäre Maschock
nicht zu bändigen."
67,31,7,"El cinto antifuerza que lleva puesto limita sus
movimientos. Sin él, resultaría imparable."
67,31,8,"La cintura che porta attorno alla vita serve
a contenere la sua energia. Senza di essa
sarebbe inarrestabile."
67,31,9,"The belt around its waist holds back its energy.
Without it, this Pokémon would be unstoppable."
67,31,11,"腰にまいた パワーセーブベルトを
外した ゴーリキーの 勢いを
止めることは 誰にも 不可能だ。"
67,32,1,"こしにまいた パワーセーブベルトを
はずした ゴーリキーの いきおいを
とめることは だれにも ふかのうだ。"
67,32,3,"허리에 두른 파워 세이브 벨트를
풀면 그 누구도 근육몬의
기세를 막을 수 없다."
67,32,5,"Sa ceinture sert à retenir son énergie. Sans elle,
il serait incontrôlable."
67,32,6,"Der Gürtel an seiner Hüfte dient dazu, seine
Kraft zu begrenzen. Ohne ihn wäre Maschock
nicht zu bändigen."
67,32,7,"El cinto antifuerza que lleva puesto limita sus
movimientos. Sin él, resultaría imparable."
67,32,8,"La cintura che porta attorno alla vita serve
a contenere la sua energia. Senza di essa
sarebbe inarrestabile."
67,32,9,"The belt around its waist holds back its energy.
Without it, this Pokémon would be unstoppable."
67,32,11,"腰にまいた パワーセーブベルトを
外した ゴーリキーの 勢いを
止めることは 誰にも 不可能だ。"
67,33,1,"すごく きょうじんな にくたいなので
パワーセーブ ベルトを つけて
つよさを せいぎょしている。"
67,33,3,"엄청나게 강한 육체를 지녔기 때문에
파워 세이브 벨트를 차서
힘을 제어하고 있다."
67,33,5,"Son corps est si puissant quil lui faut une ceinture
pour maîtriser sa force."
67,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist superstark. Es kann sich nur
mit einem kraftregulierenden Gürtel bewegen."
67,33,7,"Su musculoso cuerpo es tan fuerte que usa un
cinto antifuerza para controlar sus movimientos."
67,33,8,"Il suo corpo muscoloso è così forte che usa
una cintura per contenere la sua potenza."
67,33,9,"Its muscular body is so powerful, it must wear a
power-save belt to be able to regulate
its motions."
67,33,11,"すごく 強靭な 肉体なので
パワーセーブ ベルトを つけて
強さを 制御している。"
67,34,1,"つかれることのない きょうじんな
にくたいを もつ。 おもい にもつの
うんぱんなどの しごとを てつだう。"
67,34,3,"지치지 않는 강인한
육체를 가졌다. 무거운 물건을
옮기는 등의 일을 돕는다."
67,34,5,"Son corps robuste ne se fatigue jamais.
Il nhésite pas à aider les gens lorsquil sagit
de soulever des objets très lourds."
67,34,6,"Sein durchtrainierter Körper wird nie müde.
Es hilft den Menschen, indem es schwere
Sachen trägt."
67,34,7,"Tiene una complexión tan fuerte que nunca se
cansa. Suele ayudar a la gente a cargar objetos
67,34,8,"Ha un fisico vigoroso e instancabile. Aiuta
le persone a trasportare carichi e a svolgere
altri lavori pesanti."
67,34,9,"Its formidable body never gets tired. It helps
people by doing work such as the moving of
heavy goods."
67,34,11,"疲れることのない 強靭な
肉体を もつ。 重い 荷物の
運搬などの 仕事を 手伝う。"
68,1,9,"Using its heavy
muscles, it throws
powerful punchesthat can send the
victim clear over
the horizon."
68,2,9,"Using its heavy
muscles, it throws
powerful punchesthat can send the
victim clear over
the horizon."
68,3,9,"One arm alone can
move mountains.
Using all fourarms, this POKéMON
fires off awesome
68,4,9,"It quickly swings
its four arms to
rock its opponentswith ceaseless
punches and chops
from all angles."
68,5,9,"It uses its four
powerful arms to
pin the limbs ofits foe, then
throws the victim
over the horizon."
68,6,9,"With four arms
that react more
quickly than itcan think, it can
execute many
punches at once."
68,7,9,"MACHAMP has the power to hurl anything
aside. However, trying to do any work
requiring care and dexterity causesits arms to get tangled.
This POKéMON tends to leap into action
before it thinks."
68,8,9,"MACHAMP is known as the POKéMON that
has mastered every kind of martial arts.
If it grabs hold of the foe with its fourarms, the battle is all but over.
The hapless foe is thrown far over the
68,9,9,"It is impossible to defend against punches
and chops doled out by its four arms.
Its fighting spirit flares up when it faces
a tough opponent."
68,10,9,"Its four ruggedly developed arms can
launch a flurry of 1,000 punches in just
two seconds."
68,11,9,"Its superpowerful punches are said to
knock the victim flying clear over the
68,12,9,"It punches with its four arms at
blinding speed. It can launch
1,000 punches in two seconds."
68,13,9,"It can knock a train flying with a
punch. However, it is terrible at
delicate work using its fingers."
68,14,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes
with powerful punches and chops
at blinding speed."
68,15,9,"It quickly swings its four arms to
rock its opponents with ceaseless
punches and chops from all angles."
68,16,9,"It uses its four powerful arms to
pin the limbs of its foe, then
throws the victim over the horizon."
68,17,5,"La puissance et la rapidité de ses
quatre bras puissants font des
ravages sur ses adversaires."
68,17,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes
with powerful punches and chops
at blinding speed."
68,18,5,"La puissance et la rapidité de ses
quatre bras puissants font des
ravages sur ses adversaires."
68,18,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes
with powerful punches and chops
at blinding speed."
68,21,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes
with powerful punches and chops
at blinding speed."
68,22,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes
with powerful punches and chops
at blinding speed."
68,23,1,"はったつした 4ほんの うでは
2びょうかんに 1000ぱつの
パンチを くりだすことができる。"
68,23,3,"발달한 4개의 팔은
2초 동안 1000번의
펀치를 날릴 수 있다."
68,23,5,"Ses deux paires de bras permettent à Mackogneur
denvoyer une série de 1000 coups de poing en 2 s."
68,23,6,"Seine markigen Arme können innerhalb von nur
zwei Sekunden 1 000 Schläge verteilen."
68,23,7,"Tiene cuatro brazos tan bien desarrollados que puede
dar una serie de 1000 puñetazos en cuestión de dos
68,23,8,"Le braccia eccezionalmente sviluppate sono in
grado di assestare 1000 pugni in soli 2 secondi."
68,23,9,"Its four ruggedly developed arms can launch
a flurry of 1,000 punches in just two seconds."
68,23,11,"発達した 4本の 腕は
2秒間に 1000発の パンチを
68,24,1,"4ほんのうでで あいての てあしを
おさえこみ じゆうを うばうと
ちへいせんのむこうまで なげとばす。"
68,24,3,"4개의 팔로 상대방의 손발을
붙잡아 꼼짝 못하게 만들고
지평선 멀리까지 던져버린다."
68,24,5,"Il se sert de ses quatre bras pour enserrer les
membres de sa victime puis il la projette au loin."
68,24,6,"Es setzt seine vier Arme ein, um die Glieder seiner
Gegner festzuhalten. Dann wirft es sie hinfort."
68,24,7,"Usa sus cuatro poderosos brazos para agarrar a su
enemigo y lanzarlo lo más lejos posible."
68,24,8,"Con le sue quattro potenti braccia afferra gli arti del
nemico per poi lanciarlo lontano."
68,24,9,"It uses its four powerful arms to pin the limbs of its
foe, then throws the victim over the horizon."
68,24,11,"4本の 腕で 相手の 手足を
押さえこみ 自由を 奪うと
地平線の 向こうまで 投げ飛ばす。"
68,25,1,"なんでも なげとばす パワーを もつが こまかい
さぎょうを すると うでが からまってしまう。
かんがえる よりも さきに からだが うごく。"
68,25,3,"무엇이든 내던질 수 있는 파워를 지녔으나
세밀한 작업을 하면 팔이 얽히고 만다.
생각하기보다 몸이 먼저 움직인다."
68,25,5,"Mackogneur est capable de déplacer nimporte quelle masse.
Cependant, ses bras semmêlent dès quil essaie de réaliser
un travail délicat ou minutieux. Ce Pokémon a tendance à
cogner dabord et à réfléchir ensuite."
68,25,6,"Machomei hat genug Kraft, um alles Mögliche zu stemmen.
Bei Tätigkeiten, die Geschick und Sorgfalt erfordern, machen
es ihm seine Arme jedoch nicht leicht. Dieses Pokémon neigt
dazu, zuerst zu handeln und dann zu denken."
68,25,7,"Machamp es tan fuerte que puede derribar lo que quiera.
Sin embargo, cuando tiene que realizar una tarea que
requiere delicadeza y destreza, se le enredan los brazos.
Este Pokémon pasa a la acción sin pensar."
68,25,8,"Machamp è dotato di una forza tale da riuscire a scagliare
lontano ogni cosa. Le sue braccia sono troppo possenti per
riuscire a eseguire qualsiasi lavoro che richieda attenzione
e destrezza. Tende ad agire prima di pensare."
68,25,9,"Machamp has the power to hurl anything aside. However,
trying to do any work requiring care and dexterity causes its
arms to get tangled. This Pokémon tends to leap into action
before it thinks."
68,25,11,"なんでも 投げ飛ばす パワーを 持つが 細かい
作業を すると 腕が 絡まってしまう。
考える よりも 先に 体が 動く。"
68,26,1,"あらゆる かくとうぎを マスターした ポケモン。
4ほんの うでで つかまれたら もう おわり。
ちへいせんの むこうまで なげとばされてしまう。"
68,26,3,"모든 격투기를 마스터한 포켓몬이다.
4개의 팔에 잡히면 그대로 끝이다.
지평선 너머까지 집어 던져 버린다."
68,26,5,"Mackogneur est célèbre, car cest le seul Pokémon qui
a réussi à maîtriser tous les types darts martiaux.
Sil parvient à attraper son ennemi avec ses quatre bras,
il le projette par-delà lhorizon."
68,26,6,"Machomei wurde berühmt, da es alle Arten der Kampfkunst
beherrscht. Wenn es einen Gegner mit seinen vier Armen
zu fassen gekriegt hat, ist der Kampf so gut wie vorbei.
Es schleudert ihn dann nämlich weit über den Horizont hinaus."
68,26,7,"Machamp es conocido como el Pokémon que domina todas
las artes marciales. Si agarra a su rival con los cuatro brazos
que tiene, su enemigo no tendrá nada que hacer. El pobre
contrincante saldrá volando hasta perderse en el horizonte."
68,26,8,"Machamp è noto per la sua maestria nella pratica di tutte
le arti marziali. Se afferra il nemico con le sue quattro braccia
possenti, la lotta è già decisa. Lo sventurato avversario
verrà infatti scagliato ben oltre lorizzonte."
68,26,9,"Machamp is known as the Pokémon that has mastered
every kind of martial arts. If it grabs hold of the foe with its
four arms, the battle is all but over. The hapless foe is thrown
far over the horizon."
68,26,11,"あらゆる 格闘技を マスターした ポケモン。
4本の 腕で つかまれたら もう 終り。
地平線の 向こうまで 投げ飛ばされてしまう。"
68,27,1,"メガトンきゅうの パンチを はなち
たちふさがる てきを ちへいせんの
かなたまで ぶっとばすのだ。"
68,27,3,"메가톤급의 펀치를 날려
앞을 가로막는 적을 지평선
너머까지 날려버린다."
68,27,5,"Il est capable de donner des coups de poing
dune puissance dune mégatonne, qui envoient
ses adversaires voler jusquà lhorizon."
68,27,6,"Gegner, die sich ihm in den Weg stellen, werden
mit einem Faustschlag, dessen Wucht 1 Million
Tonnen übersteigt, gen Horizont geschleudert."
68,27,7,"Puede hacer que sus rivales se pierdan en el
horizonte con puñetazos que llegan a alcanzar
hasta un megatón de potencia."
68,27,8,"Sferra pugni di una potenza equivalente a
un megaton che fanno volare oltre lorizzonte
i nemici che gli si parano davanti."
68,27,9,"It unleashes megaton-level punches that send
opponents flying clear over the horizon."
68,27,11,"メガトン級の パンチを 放ち
立ちふさがる 敵を 地平線の
彼方まで ぶっ飛ばすのだ。"
68,28,1,"ダンプさえ かるがる もちあげる。
ただし ゆびさきは ぶきようで
こまかい しごとは まるで むり。"
68,28,3,"덤프트럭마저 가볍게 들어 올린다.
그러나 손끝은 둔해서
세밀한 작업은 전혀 못 한다."
68,28,5,"Il soulève sans effort les plus gros camions à
benne. Mais il nest pas habile de ses mains,
et est incapable de faire un travail de précision."
68,28,6,"Es kann mühelos Kipplaster hochheben. Da es
jedoch Grobmotoriker ist, sollte man ihm keine
Arbeit geben, die Fingerspitzengefühl erfordert."
68,28,7,"Puede levantar camiones pesados con gran
facilidad, pero cuando tiene que hacer algún
trabajo más delicado, fracasa estrepitosamente."
68,28,8,"Può sollevare senza sforzo anche un camion, ma
è piuttosto maldestro nei lavori di precisione."
68,28,9,"It can lift heavy loads with the greatest of ease.
It can even heft dump trucks. But its clumsy
fingers prevent it from doing any precision work."
68,28,11,"ダンプさえ 軽々 持ち上げる。
ただし 指先は 不器用で
細かい 仕事は まるで 無理。"
68,29,1,"4ほんの うでで あいてを とらえ
ふくざつな かたちに しめあげる。
カイリキースペシャルと ひとはよぶ。"
68,29,3,"4개의 팔로 상대를 붙잡아
복잡한 모양으로 세게 조른다.
사람들은 괴력몬 스페셜이라고 부른다."
68,29,5,"Il attrape son adversaire avec ses quatre mains
avant de le tordre de différentes façons.
On appelle cela le Massage Spécial Mackogneur."
68,29,6,"Es ergreift seinen Gegner mit seinen vier Armen
und hält ihn in einem komplizierten Würgegriff.
Man nennt dies Machomeis Spezialgriff."
68,29,7,"Agarra a su rival con sus cuatro manos y lo
inmoviliza con una llave imposible que se conoce
como la Especial de Machamp."
68,29,8,"Afferra lavversario con le sue quattro braccia
e lo avvinghia in una stretta complicatissima
comunemente chiamata “morsa di Machamp”."
68,29,9,"It grasps its opponents with its four arms and
twists them up in an intricate hold. People call
it “the Machamp special.”"
68,29,11,"4本の 腕で 相手を 捕らえ
複雑な 形に 締め上げる。
カイリキースペシャルと 人は呼ぶ。"
68,30,1,"4ほんの うでで せめも まもりも
どうじに こなす。 このよの すべての
かくとうぎを きわめている という。"
68,30,3,"4개의 팔로 공격도 방어도
동시에 해낸다. 이 세상의 모든
격투기를 통달했다고 한다."
68,30,5,"Ses quatre bras lui permettent dattaquer et
de se défendre en même temps. Il maîtriserait
tous les arts martiaux existants."
68,30,6,"Mithilfe seiner vier Arme kann es gleichzeitig
angreifen und verteidigen. Man sagt, es
beherrsche alle Arten der Kampfkunst."
68,30,7,"Sus cuatro brazos le permiten atacar y defender
simultáneamente. Se dice que domina todas las
artes marciales habidas y por haber."
68,30,8,"Grazie alle sue quattro braccia può attaccare
e difendersi allo stesso tempo. Si dice che sia
esperto di tutte le arti marziali del mondo."
68,30,9,"With four arms, it can attack and defend
simultaneously. Its said to have mastered
every martial art in the world."
68,30,11,"4本の 腕で 攻めも 守りも
同時に こなす。 この世の すべての
格闘技を 極めている という。"
68,31,1,"1ぽんでも やまを うごかせる
ちからをもった うでを 4ほんすべて
つかって すごいパンチを くりだす。"
68,31,3,"하나만으로도 산을 움직일 수 있는
힘을 가진 팔을 4개 모두 사용하여
굉장한 펀치를 날린다."
68,31,5,"Il peut bouger une montagne dun bras, alors
rien ne lui résiste quand il utilise les quatre
en même temps."
68,31,6,"Es kann mit nur einem Arm Berge versetzen.
Die geballte Kraft seiner vier Arme lässt es
unvorstellbare Schläge austeilen."
68,31,7,"Un brazo le basta para mover montañas y, si
usa los cuatro, asesta puñetazos de una potencia
68,31,8,"Con un solo braccio riesce a muovere una
montagna. Quando usa tutte e quattro le braccia
sferra pugni di una potenza inimmaginabile."
68,31,9,"One arm alone can move mountains.
Using all four arms, this Pokémon
fires off awesome punches."
68,31,11,"1本でも 山を 動かせる
力をもった 腕を 4本すべて
使って 凄いパンチを くり出す。"
68,32,1,"1ぽんでも やまを うごかせる
ちからをもった うでを 4ほんすべて
つかって すごいパンチを くりだす。"
68,32,3,"하나만으로도 산을 움직일 수 있는
힘을 가진 팔을 4개 모두 사용하여
굉장한 펀치를 날린다."
68,32,5,"Il peut bouger une montagne dun bras, alors
rien ne lui résiste quand il utilise les quatre
en même temps."
68,32,6,"Es kann mit nur einem Arm Berge versetzen.
Die geballte Kraft seiner vier Arme lässt es
unvorstellbare Schläge austeilen."
68,32,7,"Un brazo le basta para mover montañas y, si
usa los cuatro, asesta puñetazos de una potencia
68,32,8,"Con un solo braccio riesce a muovere una
montagna. Quando usa tutte e quattro le braccia
sferra pugni di una potenza inimmaginabile."
68,32,9,"One arm alone can move mountains.
Using all four arms, this Pokémon
fires off awesome punches."
68,32,11,"1本でも 山を 動かせる
力をもった 腕を 4本すべて
使って 凄いパンチを くり出す。"
68,33,1,"4ほんのうでを すばやく うごかし
あらゆる かくどから やすむことなく
パンチや チョップを たたきこむ。"
68,33,3,"4개의 팔을 재빠르게 움직여서
모든 각도에서 쉬지 않고
펀치와 당수를 날린다."
68,33,5,"Il peut bouger ses quatre bras à grande vitesse
et frapper du poing ou du tranchant de la main
dans toutes les directions sans se fatiguer."
68,33,6,"Es verwendet seine vier Arme, um seine Gegner
unermüdlich mit schnellen Schlägen aus allen
Winkeln einzudecken."
68,33,7,"Mueve rápidamente sus cuatro brazos para
asestar incesantes golpes y puñetazos desde
todos los ángulos."
68,33,8,"Agita velocemente le quattro braccia
tempestando gli avversari di pugni
e colpi da ogni direzione."
68,33,9,"It quickly swings its four arms to rock its
opponents with ceaseless punches and chops
from all angles."
68,33,11,"4本の腕を すばやく 動かし
あらゆる 角度から 休むことなく
パンチや チョップを 叩きこむ。"
68,34,1,"4ほんの うでは かんがえるより
はやく はんしゃてきに うごき
なんぱつもの パンチを くりだせる。"
68,34,3,"4개의 팔은 생각하는 것보다
빠르게 반사적으로 움직이며
여러 발의 펀치를 날린다."
68,34,5,"Il enchaîne les coups de poing avec ses quatre
bras à une vitesse surprenante."
68,34,6,"Seine vier Arme reagieren schneller, als es
denken kann. Daher ist es in der Lage, unzählige
Schläge reflexartig auszuführen."
68,34,7,"Puede dar varios puñetazos de una sola vez
gracias a sus cuatro brazos. Golpea más rápido
de lo que piensa."
68,34,8,"Muove le sue quattro braccia per riflesso prima
ancora di rendersene conto, sferrando pugni a
68,34,9,"With four arms that react more quickly than it
can think, it can execute many punches at once."
68,34,11,"4本の 腕は 考えるより
早く 反射的に 動き
何発もの パンチを 繰りだせる。"
69,1,9,"A carnivorous
POKéMON that traps
and eats bugs.It uses its root
feet to soak up
needed moisture."
69,2,9,"A carnivorous
POKéMON that traps
and eats bugs.It uses its root
feet to soak up
needed moisture."
69,3,9,"Prefers hot and
humid places.
It ensnares tinyinsects with its
vines and devours
69,4,9,"Even though its
body is extremely
skinny, it isblindingly fast
when catching its
69,5,9,"It plants its feet
deep underground
to replenish wa­ter. It can't es­
cape its enemy
while it's rooted."
69,6,9,"If it notices
anything that
moves, itimmediately flings
its vine at the
69,7,9,"BELLSPROUTs thin and flexible body
lets it bend and sway to avoid any
attack, however strong it may be.From its mouth, this POKéMON spits a
corrosive fluid that melts even iron."
69,8,9,"BELLSPROUTs thin and flexible body
lets it bend and sway to avoid any
attack, however strong it may be.From its mouth, this POKéMON spits a
corrosive fluid that melts even iron."
69,9,9,"A BELLSPROUTs thin and flexible body lets
it bend and sway to avoid any attack,
however strong it may be. From its mouth,
it leaks a fluid that melts even iron."
69,10,9,"Its bud looks like a human face. Because
of the bud, it is rumored to be a type of
legendary mandrake plant."
69,11,9,"A carnivorous POKéMON that traps and eats
bugs. It appears to use its root feet to
replenish moisture."
69,12,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,13,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,14,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,15,9,"Even though its body is extremely
skinny, it is blindingly fast
when catching its prey."
69,16,9,"It plants its feet deep underground
to replenish water. It cant escape
its enemy while its rooted."
69,17,5,"Il préfère les climats chauds et
humides. Ses lianes peuvent
capturer une proie en un clin dœil."
69,17,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,18,5,"Il préfère les climats chauds et
humides. Ses lianes peuvent
capturer une proie en un clin dœil."
69,18,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,21,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,22,9,"It prefers hot and humid
environments. It is quick at
capturing prey with its vines."
69,23,1,"ひょろっとした からだつき だが
えものを とらえるときの うごきは
めにも とまらないほど すばやい。"
69,23,3,"홀쭉한 체격이지만
먹이를 잡을 때의 움직임은
눈에 보이지 않을 정도로 빠르다."
69,23,5,"Même si son corps est très frêle, ce Pokémon est
extrêmement rapide quand il attaque ses adversaires."
69,23,6,"Obwohl sein Körper sehr schmal ist,
schnappt es blitzschnell nach Beute."
69,23,7,"Aunque su cuerpo es extremadamente delgado, es
muy rápido a la hora de capturar sus presas."
69,23,8,"Sebbene abbia un corpo magrissimo, sa essere
molto rapido quando si scaglia sulla preda."
69,23,9,"Even though its body is extremely skinny, it is
blindingly fast when catching its prey."
69,23,11,"ひょろっとした 体つきだが
獲物を 捕らえるときの 動きは
目にも とまらないほど 素早い。"
69,24,1,"ひとの かおのような ツボミから
でんせつの マンドラゴラの いっしゅ
ではないかと ささやかれている。"
69,24,3,"사람 얼굴 같은 봉오리 때문에
전설의 꽃 만드라고라의 일종이
아닐까 하는 소문이 돌고 있다."
69,24,5,"Son bourgeon ressemble à un visage humain.
Selon la légende, Chétiflor serait un type de
mandragore légendaire."
69,24,6,"Seine Knospe ähnelt einem Menschengesicht.
Man sagt, dass es mit der legendären Mandragora
verwandt ist."
69,24,7,"Tiene cara de persona. Por el aspecto que tiene se ha
comentado que podría ser algún tipo de mandrágora
69,24,8,"Il bocciolo somigliante a un volto umano fa ritenere
che si tratti di un leggendario esemplare di
69,24,9,"Its bud looks like a human face. Because of the
bud, it is rumored to be a type of legendary
mandrake plant."
69,24,11,"人の 顔のような つぼみから
伝説の マンドラゴラの
一種ではないかと ささやかれている。"
69,25,1,"ほそく しなやかな からだは どんな つよい
こうげきでも しなって よける ことが できる。
くちから てつも とかしてしまう えきを だす。"
69,25,3,"가늘고 유연한 몸은 아무리 강한
공격이라도 휘어져 피할 수 있다.
입에서 철도 녹일 수 있는 액체가 나온다."
69,25,5,"Le corps long et flexible de Chétiflor lui permet de se tordre
et dosciller pour éviter tout type dattaque, même les plus
puissantes. Ce Pokémon crache un fluide corrosif qui peut
même dissoudre le fer."
69,25,6,"Knofensas schlanker und elastischer Körper ermöglicht es ihm,
jedem Angriff auszuweichen, so heftig dieser auch sein mag.
Dieses Pokémon spuckt eine ätzende Flüssigkeit aus,
die sogar Eisen zersetzen kann."
69,25,7,"Bellsprout tiene un cuerpo delgado y flexible que le permite
inclinarse y balancearse para esquivar los ataques. Este
Pokémon escupe por la boca un fluido corrosivo capaz de
hacer que se derrita hasta el hierro."
69,25,8,"Il corpo esile e flessibile di Bellsprout gli consente
di piegarsi e oscillare per evitare ogni attacco, anche
violento. Dalla bocca sputa un fluido corrosivo in grado
di sciogliere anche il ferro."
69,25,9,"Bellsprouts thin and flexible body lets it bend and sway to
avoid any attack, however strong it may be. From its mouth,
this Pokémon spits a corrosive fluid that melts even iron."
69,25,11,"細く しなやかな 体は どんな 強い
攻撃でも しなって 避ける ことが できる。
口から 鉄も 溶かしてしまう 液を 出す。"
69,26,1,"ほそく しなやかな からだは どんな つよい
こうげきでも しなって よける ことが できる。
くちから てつも とかしてしまう えきを だす。"
69,26,3,"가늘고 유연한 몸은 아무리 강한
공격이라도 휘어져 피할 수 있다.
입에서 철도 녹일 수 있는 액체를 뿜는다."
69,26,5,"Le corps long et flexible de Chétiflor lui permet de se tordre
et dosciller pour éviter tout type dattaque, même les plus
puissantes. Ce Pokémon crache un fluide corrosif qui peut
même dissoudre le fer."
69,26,6,"Knofensas schlanker und elastischer Körper ermöglicht
es ihm, jeglichem Angriff auszuweichen, so heftig dieser
auch sein mag. Dieses Pokémon spuckt eine ätzende
Flüssigkeit aus, die sogar Eisen zersetzen kann."
69,26,7,"Bellsprout tiene un cuerpo delgado y flexible que le permite
inclinarse y balancearse para esquivar los ataques. Este
Pokémon escupe por la boca un fluido corrosivo capaz de
hacer que se derrita hasta el hierro."
69,26,8,"Il corpo esile e flessibile di Bellsprout gli consente
di piegarsi e oscillare per evitare ogni attacco, anche
violento. Dalla bocca sputa un fluido corrosivo in grado
di sciogliere anche il ferro."
69,26,9,"Bellsprouts thin and flexible body lets it bend and sway
to avoid any attack, however strong it may be. From its mouth,
this Pokémon spits a corrosive fluid that melts even iron."
69,26,11,"細く しなやかな 体は どんな 強い
攻撃でも しなって 避ける ことが できる。
口から 鉄も 溶かしてしまう 液を 出す。"
69,31,1,"おんどが たかく しつどの ある
ところを このむ。ツルを つかって
ちいさなムシを とらえて たべる。"
69,31,3,"온도가 높고 습기가 있는
장소를 좋아한다. 덩굴을 사용해
작은 벌레를 잡아먹는다."
69,31,5,"Il préfère les endroits chauds et humides.
Il capture les Pokémon Insecte avec ses lianes
pour les dévorer."
69,31,6,"Knofensa bevorzugt einen warmen und feuchten
Lebensraum. Es ernährt sich von kleinen Käfer-
Pokémon, die es mit seinen Ranken fängt."
69,31,7,"Prefiere lugares cálidos y húmedos. Atrapa
pequeños Pokémon insectos con sus lianas para
69,31,8,"Ama i luoghi caldi e umidi. Cattura minuscoli
Pokémon di tipo Coleottero con i suoi viticci
e poi li divora."
69,31,9,"Prefers hot and humid places. It ensnares
tiny bugs with its vines and devours them."
69,31,11,"温度が 高く 湿度の ある
ところを 好む。ツルを 使って
小さなムシを 捕らえて 食べる。"
69,32,1,"おんどが たかく しつどの ある
ところを このむ。ツルを つかって
ちいさなムシを とらえて たべる。"
69,32,3,"온도가 높고 습기가 있는
장소를 좋아한다. 덩굴을 사용해
작은 벌레를 잡아먹는다."
69,32,5,"Il préfère les endroits chauds et humides.
Il capture les Pokémon Insecte avec ses lianes
pour les dévorer."
69,32,6,"Knofensa bevorzugt einen warmen und feuchten
Lebensraum. Es ernährt sich von kleinen Käfer-
Pokémon, die es mit seinen Ranken fängt."
69,32,7,"Prefiere lugares cálidos y húmedos. Atrapa
pequeños Pokémon insectos con sus lianas para
69,32,8,"Ama i luoghi caldi e umidi. Cattura minuscoli
Pokémon di tipo Coleottero con i suoi viticci
e poi li divora."
69,32,9,"Prefers hot and humid places. It ensnares
tiny bugs with its vines and devours them."
69,32,11,"温度が 高く 湿度の ある
ところを 好む。ツルを 使って
小さなムシを 捕らえて 食べる。"
70,1,9,"It spits out
immobilize theenemy and then
finishes it with
a spray of ACID."
70,2,9,"It spits out
immobilize theenemy and then
finishes it with
a spray of ACID."
70,3,9,"When hungry, it
swallows anything
that moves. Itshapless prey is
melted inside by
strong acids."
70,4,9,"Even though it is
filled with ACID,
it does not meltbecause it also
oozes a neutral­
izing fluid."
70,5,9,"If its prey is
bigger than its
mouth, it slicesup the victim with
sharp leaves, then
eats every morsel."
70,6,9,"When it's hungry,
it swings its
razor-sharpleaves, slicing up
any unlucky object
nearby for food."
70,7,9,"WEEPINBELL has a large hook on its rear
end. At night, the POKéMON hooks on to
a tree branch and goes to sleep.If it moves around in its sleep, it may
wake up to find itself on the ground."
70,8,9,"WEEPINBELL has a large hook on its rear
end. At night, the POKéMON hooks on to
a tree branch and goes to sleep.If it moves around in its sleep, it may
wake up to find itself on the ground."
70,9,9,"At night, a WEEPINBELL hangs on to a tree
branch with its hooked rear and sleeps.
If it moves around in its sleep, it may
wake up to find itself on the ground."
70,10,9,"The leafy parts act as cutters for
slashing foes. It spits a fluid that
dissolves everything."
70,11,9,"It spits out POISONPOWDER to immobilize
the enemy and then finishes it with a
spray of ACID."
70,12,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,13,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,14,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,15,9,"Even though it is filled with acid,
it does not melt because it also
oozes a protective fluid."
70,16,9,"If its prey is bigger than its
mouth, it slices up the victim with
sharp leaves, then eats every morsel."
70,17,5,"Un Pokémon végétal. Il capture les
proies étourdies en les endormant
à laide dune poudre toxique."
70,17,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,18,5,"Un Pokémon végétal. Il capture les
proies étourdies en les endormant
à laide dune poudre toxique."
70,18,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,21,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,22,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a
plant. It captures unwary prey by
dousing them with a toxic powder."
70,23,1,"はっぱの ぶぶんは カッターになって
あいてを きりさく。くちからは
なんでも とかす えきたいを はく。"
70,23,3,"잎사귀 부분은 칼날이 되어
상대를 베어버린다. 입에서는
무엇이든 녹이는 액체를 뿜어낸다."
70,23,5,"Ses membres en forme de feuilles permettent à
Boustiflor de trancher ses adversaires. Il crache un
fluide capable de tout dissoudre."
70,23,6,"Die Blätter werden eingesetzt, um Gegner
aufzuschlitzen. Dieses Pokémon spuckt eine
Flüssigkeit, die alles auflöst."
70,23,7,"Las hojas que tiene actúan como cuchillas en
combate. Otra de sus armas es el corrosivo fluido
que expulsa."
70,23,8,"Si serve delle foglie laterali come lame contro i
nemici. Il fluido che secerne dalla bocca scioglie
qualsiasi cosa."
70,23,9,"The leafy parts act as cutters for slashing foes.
It spits a fluid that dissolves everything."
70,23,11,"葉っぱの 部分は カッターになって
相手を 切り裂く。口からは
なんでも 溶かす 液体を 吐く。"
70,24,1,"まず どくのこなを はき あいての
うごきを とめて しまってから
ようかいえきで とどめを さす。"
70,24,3,"우선 독가루를 뿌려 상대의
움직임을 멈추게 하고 나서
용해액으로 숨통을 끊는다."
70,24,5,"Il crache de la Poudre Toxik pour immobiliser sa proie
et il lachève avec de lAcide."
70,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon lähmt den Gegner mit Giftpuder,
bevor es ihn mit Säure erledigt."
70,24,7,"Escupe Polvo Veneno para envenenar al enemigo y,
luego, lo liquida con Ácido."
70,24,8,"Sputa Velenpolvere per immobilizzare il nemico e poi
lo finisce con il suo Acido."
70,24,9,"It spits out Poison Powder to immobilize the enemy
and then finishes it with a spray of Acid."
70,24,11,"まず 毒の粉を 吐き 相手の
動きを 止めてしまってから
溶解液で とどめを 刺す。"
70,25,1,"よるに なると おしりの フックを きの えだに
ひっかけて ぶらさがり ねむりに つく。
ねぞうが わるいと あさ おっこちているよ。"
70,25,3,"밤이 되면 엉덩이의 갈고리를 나뭇가지에
걸고 매달려서 잠든다.
잠버릇이 나쁘면 아침에 떨어져 있다."
70,25,5,"Boustiflor est doté dun gros crochet. La nuit, ce Pokémon
saccroche à une branche pour sendormir. Quand il a
un sommeil agité, il se réveille par terre."
70,25,6,"Ultrigaria hat einen großen Haken an seinem Hinterteil.
Nachts hängt sich dieses Pokémon zum Schlafen an einen
Ast. Wenn es sich im Schlaf bewegt, kann es passieren,
dass es auf dem Boden wieder aufwacht."
70,25,7,"Weepinbell tiene un gancho a modo de extremidad superior
trasera, que usa por la noche para colgarse de una rama y
echarse a dormir. Si se mueve mientras duerme, puede acabar
en el suelo."
70,25,8,"Weepinbell è dotato di un grande uncino posteriore.
Di notte lo usa per appendersi a un ramo e mettersi a
dormire. Talvolta, agitandosi nel sonno, si sveglia al suolo."
70,25,9,"Weepinbell has a large hook on its rear end. At night, the
Pokémon hooks on to a tree branch and goes to sleep.
If it moves around in its sleep, it may wake up to find itself
on the ground."
70,25,11,"夜に なると お尻の フックを 木の 枝に
引っ掛けて ぶら下がり 眠りに つく。
寝相が 悪いと 朝 落っこちているよ。"
70,26,1,"よるに なると おしりの フックを きの えだに
ひっかけて ぶらさがり ねむりに つく。
ねぞうが わるいと あさ おっこちているよ。"
70,26,3,"밤이 되면 엉덩이의 갈고리를 나뭇가지에
걸고 매달려서 잠든다.
잠버릇이 나쁘면 아침에 떨어져 있다."
70,26,5,"Boustiflor est doté dun gros crochet. La nuit, ce Pokémon
saccroche à une branche pour sendormir. Quand il a
un sommeil agité, il se réveille par terre."
70,26,6,"Ultrigaria hat einen großen Haken an seinem Hinterteil.
Nachts hängt sich dieses Pokémon zum Schlafen an einen
Ast. Wenn es sich im Schlaf bewegt, kann es passieren,
dass es auf dem Boden wieder aufwacht."
70,26,7,"Weepinbell tiene un gancho a modo de extremidad superior
trasera, que usa por la noche para colgarse de una rama y
echarse a dormir. Si se mueve mientras duerme, puede acabar
en el suelo."
70,26,8,"Weepinbell è dotato di un grande uncino posteriore.
Di notte lo usa per appendersi a un ramo e mettersi a
dormire. Talvolta, agitandosi nel sonno, si sveglia al suolo."
70,26,9,"Weepinbell has a large hook on its rear end. At night, the
Pokémon hooks on to a tree branch and goes to sleep.
If it moves around in its sleep, it may wake up to find itself
on the ground."
70,26,11,"夜に なると お尻の フックを 木の 枝に
引っ掛けて ぶら下がり 眠りに つく。
寝相が 悪いと 朝 落っこちているよ。"
70,31,1,"おなかが へると てあたりしだいに
うごくものを のみこんでは
ようかいえきで とどめを さす。"
70,31,3,"배가 고프면 움직이는 것을
닥치는 대로 삼킨 다음
용해액으로 마무리한다."
70,31,5,"Quand il a faim, il avale tout ce qui bouge,
puis achève ses proies avec de lacide."
70,31,6,"Wenn es hungrig ist, schnappt es willkürlich nach
allem, was sich bewegt. Nachdem es seine Beute
verschluckt hat, schaltet es sie mit Säure aus."
70,31,7,"Cuando tiene hambre, engulle a todo lo que
se mueve. La pobre presa acaba disuelta en
sus ácidos."
70,31,8,"Quando è affamato divora qualsiasi cosa
gli capiti a tiro e la scioglie con i suoi
potenti acidi."
70,31,9,"When hungry, it swallows anything that moves.
Its hapless prey is dissolved by strong acids."
70,31,11,"お腹が 減ると 手あたり次第に
動くものを 飲みこんでは
溶解液で とどめを さす。"
70,32,1,"おなかが へると てあたりしだいに
うごくものを のみこんでは
ようかいえきで とどめを さす。"
70,32,3,"배가 고프면 움직이는 것을
닥치는 대로 삼킨 다음
용해액으로 마무리한다."
70,32,5,"Quand il a faim, il avale tout ce qui bouge,
puis achève ses proies avec de lacide."
70,32,6,"Wenn es hungrig ist, schnappt es willkürlich nach
allem, was sich bewegt. Nachdem es seine Beute
verschluckt hat, schaltet es sie mit Säure aus."
70,32,7,"Cuando tiene hambre, engulle a todo lo que
se mueve. La pobre presa acaba disuelta en
sus ácidos."
70,32,8,"Quando è affamato divora qualsiasi cosa
gli capiti a tiro e la scioglie con i suoi
potenti acidi."
70,32,9,"When hungry, it swallows anything that moves.
Its hapless prey is dissolved by strong acids."
70,32,11,"お腹が 減ると 手あたり次第に
動くものを 飲みこんでは
溶解液で とどめを さす。"
71,1,9,"Said to live in
huge colonies
deep in jungles,although no one
has ever returned
from there."
71,2,9,"Said to live in
huge colonies
deep in jungles,although no one
has ever returned
from there."
71,3,9,"Lures prey with
the sweet aroma of
honey. Swallowedwhole, the prey is
melted in a day,
bones and all."
71,4,9,"ACID that has dis­
solved many prey
becomes sweeter,making it even
more effective at
attracting prey."
71,5,9,"This horrifying
plant POKéMON at­
tracts prey witharomatic honey,
then melts them in
its mouth."
71,6,9,"Once ingested into
this POKéMON's
body, even thehardest object
will melt into
71,7,9,"VICTREEBEL has a long vine that
extends from its head. This vine is
waved and flicked about as if it werean animal to attract prey. When an
unsuspecting prey draws near, this
POKéMON swallows it whole."
71,8,9,"VICTREEBEL has a long vine that
extends from its head. This vine is
waved and flicked about as if it werean animal to attract prey. When an
unsuspecting prey draws near, this
POKéMON swallows it whole."
71,9,9,"The long vine extending from its head is
waved about as if it were a living thing to
attract prey. When an unsuspecting victim
approaches, it is swallowed whole."
71,10,9,"Lures prey into its mouth with a honeylike
aroma. The helpless prey is melted with
a dissolving fluid."
71,11,9,"Said to live in huge colonies deep in
jungles, although no one has ever
returned from there."
71,12,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honeylike scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,13,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honeylike scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,14,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honeylike scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,15,9,"Acid that has dissolved many prey
becomes sweeter, making it even
more effective at attracting prey."
71,16,9,"This horrifying plant Pokémon attracts
prey with aromatic honey,
then melts them in its mouth."
71,17,5,"Sa bouche sécrète un fluide à
lodeur de miel, qui savère être
un acide extrêmement corrosif."
71,17,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honeylike scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,18,5,"Sa bouche sécrète un fluide à
lodeur de miel, qui savère être
un acide extrêmement corrosif."
71,18,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honeylike scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,21,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honey-like scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,22,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with
a honey-like scent, which is really
an acid that dissolves anything."
71,23,1,"ジャングルの おくちに ウツボット
ばかり いる ちたいが あって
いったら 2どと かえってこれない。"
71,23,3,"정글의 안쪽에 우츠보트만
있는 지대가 있어서
한 번 가면 두 번 다시 돌아올 수 없다."
71,23,5,"On dit quil vit en colonie dans la jungle, mais
personne nen est jamais revenu vivant pour
le confirmer."
71,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon soll in großen Kolonien
tief im Dschungel leben, doch niemand
kann dies bestätigen."
71,23,7,"Dicen que vive en grandes colonias en el interior de
las junglas, aunque nadie ha podido verificarlo."
71,23,8,"Pare che viva in grandi colonie nel cuore della giungla,
ma nessuno è mai tornato da lì per raccontarlo."
71,23,9,"Said to live in huge colonies deep in jungles,
although no one has ever returned from there."
71,23,11,"ジャングルの 奥地に ウツボット
ばかり いる 地帯が あって
行ったら 2度と 帰ってこれない。"
71,24,1,"たいないに とりこまれた ものは
どんなに かたくても ようかいえきで
あとかたなく とかされてしまう。"
71,24,3,"체내로 거둬들인 것은
아무리 단단할지라도 용해액으로
흔적도 없이 녹여버린다."
71,24,5,"Tout corps ingéré par ce Pokémon est
systématiquement dissous en bouillie."
71,24,6,"Selbst die härtesten Objekte werden zersetzt,
wenn der Körper sie erst aufgenommen hat."
71,24,7,"Cuando este Pokémon ingiere algo, incluso el objeto
más duro se disolverá al instante."
71,24,8,"Anche loggetto più resistente si scioglie non appena
viene ingerito da questo Pokémon."
71,24,9,"Once ingested into this Pokémons body,
even the hardest object will melt into nothing."
71,24,11,"体内に 取りこまれた ものは
どんなに 硬くても 溶解液で
跡形なく 溶かされてしまう。"
71,25,1,"あたまに ついた ながい つるを ちいさな
いきものの ように うごかし えものを さそう。
ちかづいてきた ところを ぱくりと ひとのみ。"
71,25,3,"머리에 달린 긴 덩굴을 작은
생물처럼 움직여서 먹이를 유인한다.
가까이 왔을 때 덥석 한 번에 삼킨다."
71,25,5,"Empiflor est doté dune longue liane qui part de sa tête.
Cette liane se balance et remue comme un animal pour attirer
ses proies. Lorsque lune delles sapproche un peu trop près,
ce Pokémon lavale entièrement."
71,25,6,"Aus Sarzenias Kopf ragt eine lange Ranke hervor, die es
bewegt, als wäre sie ein kleines Lebewesen. Nähert sich
ahnungslose Beute dieser Falle, verschlingt Sarzenia
sie im Ganzen."
71,25,7,"Victreebel tiene una enredadera que le sale de la cabeza y
que agita a modo de señuelo para atraer a sus presas y así
engullirlas por sorpresa cuando estas se aproximan incautas."
71,25,8,"Victreebel è dotato di una lunga liana che parte dalla testa.
Il Pokémon la sventola e la agita come fosse unesca
per attirare la preda. Quando la preda ignara
si avvicina, il Pokémon la inghiotte in un sol boccone."
71,25,9,"Victreebel has a long vine that extends from its head.
This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal to
attract prey. When an unsuspecting prey draws near, this
Pokémon swallows it whole."
71,25,11,"頭に ついた 長い つるを 小さな
生き物の ように 動かし 獲物を 誘う。
近づいてきた ところを ぱくりと ひとのみ。"
71,26,1,"あたまに ついた ながい つるを ちいさな
いきものの ように うごかし えものを さそう。
ちかづいてきた ところを ぱくりと ひとのみ。"
71,26,3,"머리에 달린 긴 덩굴을 작은
생물처럼 움직여서 먹이를 유인한다.
가까이 왔을 때 덥석 한 번에 삼킨다."
71,26,5,"Empiflor est doté dune longue liane qui part de sa tête.
Cette liane se balance et remue comme un animal pour attirer
ses proies. Lorsque lune delles sapproche un peu trop près,
ce Pokémon lavale entièrement."
71,26,6,"Aus Sarzenias Kopf ragt eine lange Ranke hervor, die es
bewegt, als wäre sie ein kleines Lebewesen. Nähert sich
ahnungslose Beute dieser Falle, verschlingt Sarzenia
sie im Ganzen."
71,26,7,"Victreebel tiene una enredadera que le sale de la cabeza y
que agita a modo de señuelo para atraer a sus presas y así
engullirlas por sorpresa cuando estas se aproximan incautas."
71,26,8,"Victreebel è dotato di una lunga liana che parte dalla testa.
Il Pokémon la sventola e la agita come fosse unesca
per attirare la preda. Quando la preda ignara si avvicina,
il Pokémon la inghiotte in un sol boccone."
71,26,9,"Victreebel has a long vine that extends from its head.
This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal
to attract prey. When an unsuspecting prey draws near,
this Pokémon swallows it whole."
71,26,11,"頭に ついた 長い つるを 小さな
生き物の ように 動かし 獲物を 誘う。
近づいてきた ところを ぱくりと ひとのみ。"
71,31,1,"ミツの かおりで えものを さそう。
くちのなかに いれたものは 1にちで
ホネまで とかしてしまうという。"
71,31,3,"꿀 냄새로 먹이를 끌어들인다.
입안에 넣은 것은 하루 만에
뼈까지 녹여버린다고 한다."
71,31,5,"Il attire ses proies avec une odeur de miel
et les avale tout entières. Il les digère en un
jour seulement, les os y compris."
71,31,6,"Es lockt Beute mit einem Duft an, der an Honig
erinnert. Was in sein Maul gelangt, wird samt
Knochen binnen eines Tages zersetzt."
71,31,7,"Atrae a su presa con un dulce aroma a miel.
Una vez atrapada en la boca, la disuelve en tan
solo un día, huesos incluidos."
71,31,8,"Attira le prede con il dolce aroma del miele,
le inghiotte e nel giro di un giorno le scioglie
completamente, ossa incluse."
71,31,9,"Lures prey with the sweet aroma of honey.
Swallowed whole, the prey is dissolved in a day,
bones and all."
71,31,11,"ミツの 香りで 獲物を 誘う。
口の中に 入れたものは 1日で
ホネまで 溶かしてしまうという。"
71,32,1,"ミツの かおりで えものを さそう。
くちのなかに いれたものは 1にちで
ホネまで とかしてしまうという。"
71,32,3,"꿀 냄새로 먹이를 끌어들인다.
입안에 넣은 것은 하루 만에
뼈까지 녹여버린다고 한다."
71,32,5,"Il attire ses proies avec une odeur de miel
et les avale tout entières. Il les digère en un
jour seulement, les os y compris."
71,32,6,"Es lockt Beute mit einem Duft an, der an Honig
erinnert. Was in sein Maul gelangt, wird samt
Knochen binnen eines Tages zersetzt."
71,32,7,"Atrae a su presa con un dulce aroma a miel.
Una vez atrapada en la boca, la disuelve en tan
solo un día, huesos incluidos."
71,32,8,"Attira le prede con il dolce aroma del miele,
le inghiotte e nel giro di un giorno le scioglie
completamente, ossa incluse."
71,32,9,"Lures prey with the sweet aroma of honey.
Swallowed whole, the prey is dissolved in a day,
bones and all."
71,32,11,"ミツの 香りで 獲物を 誘う。
口の中に 入れたものは 1日で
ホネまで 溶かしてしまうという。"
72,1,9,"Drifts in shallow
seas. Anglers who
hook them byaccident are
often punished by
its stinging acid."
72,2,9,"Drifts in shallow
seas. Anglers who
hook them byaccident are
often punished by
its stinging acid."
72,3,9,"It can sometimes
be found all dry
and shriveled upon a beach. Toss
it back into the
sea to revive it."
72,4,9,"When the tide goes
out, dehydrated
TENTACOOL remainscan be found
washed up on the
72,5,9,"It drifts aimless­
ly in waves. Very
difficult to seein water, it may
not be noticed
until it stings."
72,6,9,"As it floats along
on the waves, it
uses its toxicfeelers to stab
anything it
72,7,9,"TENTACOOLs body is largely composed
of water. If it is removed from the
sea, it dries up like parchment.If this POKéMON happens to become
dehydrated, put it back into the sea."
72,8,9,"TENTACOOL absorbs sunlight and
refracts it using water inside its body
to convert it into beam energy.This POKéMON shoots beams from its
crystal-like eyes."
72,9,9,"Its body is almost entirely composed of
water. It ensnares its foe with its two
long tentacles, then stabs with the poison
stingers at their tips."
72,10,9,"Its eyes are as transparent as crystals.
From them, it shoots mysterious
beams of light."
72,11,9,"Drifts in shallow seas. Anglers who hook
them by accident are often punished by
their stingers."
72,12,9,"Its body is virtually composed of
water. It shoots strange beams
from its crystal-like eyes."
72,13,9,"It drifts in sea currents.
Countless fishermen are
hurt by its poison stingers."
72,14,9,"Because its body is almost entirely
composed of water, it shrivels up if
it is washed ashore."
72,15,9,"When the tide goes out, dehydrated
TENTACOOL remains can be found
washed up on the shore."
72,16,9,"It drifts aimlessly in waves. Very
difficult to see in water, it may
not be noticed until it stings."
72,17,5,"Presque entièrement composé deau,
son corps a tendance à se dessécher
sur la terre ferme."
72,17,9,"Because its body is almost entirely
composed of water, it shrivels up if
it is washed ashore."
72,18,5,"Presque entièrement composé deau,
son corps a tendance à se dessécher
sur la terre ferme."
72,18,9,"Because its body is almost entirely
composed of water, it shrivels up if
it is washed ashore."
72,21,9,"Because its body is almost entirely
composed of water, it shrivels up if
it is washed ashore."
72,22,9,"Because its body is almost entirely
composed of water, it shrivels up if
it is washed ashore."
72,23,1,"からだの ほとんどが すいぶん。
すいしょうのような めだまから
ふしぎな ビームを はっしゃする。"
72,23,3,"몸 대부분이 수분이다.
수정 같은 눈에서
이상한 빔을 발사한다."
72,23,5,"Son corps est principalement composé deau.
Ses yeux cristallins projettent détranges rayons."
72,23,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Wasser. Aus seinen
kristallartigen Augen verschießt es eigenartige
72,23,7,"Su cuerpo se compone casi en exclusiva de agua.
Lanza extraños rayos con sus ojos cristalinos."
72,23,8,"Il suo corpo è quasi interamente composto dacqua.
Emette dei raggi misteriosi dagli occhi cristallini."
72,23,9,"Its body is virtually composed of water. It shoots
strange beams from its crystal-like eyes."
72,23,11,"体の ほとんどが 水分。
水晶のような 目玉から
不思議な ビームを 発射する。"
72,24,1,"うみの あさい ところを ただよう。
つりびとが まちがって つりあげ
さされる ことが おおいと きく。"
72,24,3,"바다 얕은 곳을 떠다닌다.
낚시꾼이 실수로 낚아 올려
찔리는 일이 많다고 한다."
72,24,5,"Il vit en bord de mer. Les pêcheurs se font souvent
arroser dacide quand ils en accrochent un."
72,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon findet man in flachen Gewässern.
Unachtsame Gegner empfängt es mit brennendem Gift."
72,24,7,"Va a la deriva a poca profundidad. Si es pescado por
accidente, el castigo será su punzante ácido."
72,24,8,"Va alla deriva in acque poco profonde. Se pescato
per sbaglio, colpisce con gli aculei pungenti."
72,24,9,"Drifts in shallow seas. Anglers who hook them by
accident are often punished by their stingers."
72,24,11,"海の 浅い ところを 漂う。
釣り人が 間違って 釣り上げ
刺されることが 多いと 聞く。"
72,25,1,"からだの ほとんどが みずで できているので
うみから でると からからに ひからびてしまう。
ひからびた ときは うみに もどしてあげよう。"
72,25,3,"몸 대부분이 물로 되어 있어
바다에서 나오면 바싹 말라버린다.
말라버렸을 때는 바다로 돌려보내 주자."
72,25,5,"Le corps de Tentacool est principalement aqueux. Si on le
retire de leau, il se déshydrate complètement. Si cela arrive,
il suffit de le replonger dans un liquide pour quil reprenne
sa forme normale."
72,25,6,"Tentachas Körper setzt sich zum größten Teil aus Wasser
zusammen. Wenn es das Meer verlässt, vertrocknet es.
Wenn dieses Pokémon auszutrocknen beginnt, sollte man
es schnell wieder ins Wasser zurückbringen."
72,25,7,"Tentacool está compuesto en su mayor parte por agua. Si se
le saca del mar, se secará y se quedará acartonado. Si este
Pokémon se deshidrata, hay que echarlo inmediatamente de
vuelta al mar."
72,25,8,"Il corpo di Tentacool è costituito quasi solo dacqua.
Se pescato ed esposto allaria, si secca totalmente.
In caso di disidratazione, dunque, si consiglia di rimetterlo
in mare."
72,25,9,"Tentacools body is largely composed of water. If it is removed
from the sea, it dries up like parchment. If this Pokémon
happens to become dehydrated, put it back into the sea."
72,25,11,"体の ほとんどが 水で できているので
海から 出ると からからに 干からびてしまう。
干からびた ときは 海に 戻してあげよう。"
72,26,1,"たいようこうせんを からだの なかの すいぶんで
くっせつさせて ビームの エネルギーに かえる。
すいしょうの ような めだまから はっしゃする。"
72,26,3,"태양 광선을 몸 안의 수분으로
굴절시켜서 빔 에너지로 바꾼다.
수정 같은 눈알에서 발사된다."
72,26,5,"Grâce à leau de son corps, Tentacool convertit la lumière
du soleil absorbée et la renvoie sous forme de rayon
dénergie. Ce Pokémon lance ces rayons par le petit
organe rond situé au-dessus de ses yeux."
72,26,6,"Tentacha nimmt Sonnenlicht auf und bricht es in seinem Körper
mithilfe von Wasser, um es in Strahlenenergie umzuwandeln.
Dieses Pokémon verschießt Strahlen aus dem kleinen, runden
Organ über seinen Augen."
72,26,7,"Tentacool absorbe luz solar, la refracta a través del agua que
tiene en su interior y la convierte en un rayo de energía. Este
Pokémon tiene un órgano que parece de cristal sobre los ojos
por el cual dispara los rayos."
72,26,8,"Tentacool assorbe la luce solare e la rifrange usando lacqua
che ha nel corpo per convertirla in raggi energetici.
Successivamente emette questi raggi dalla piccola sfera rossa
che ha sulla testa."
72,26,9,"Tentacool absorbs sunlight and refracts it using water inside
its body to convert it into beam energy. This Pokémon shoots
beams from the small round organ above its eyes."
72,26,11,"太陽光線を 体の 中の 水分で
屈折させて ビームの エネルギーに 変える。
水晶の ような 目玉から 発射する。"
72,27,1,"ビーチなどで ひからびているが
まだ いきていることも おおい。
みずに ひたせば ふやけて ふっかつ。"
72,27,3,"해변 등에서 말라버렸지만
아직 살아 있는 경우도 많다.
물에 적시면 불면서 부활한다."
72,27,5,"On en trouve parfois échoués sur le sable et
desséchés, mais certains sont encore en vie. Il
suffit de les mettre à leau pour les ranimer."
72,27,6,"Am Strand kann man oft stark ausgetrocknete
Exemplare finden, die aber noch leben. Taucht
man sie in Wasser, werden sie wieder topfit."
72,27,7,"A veces es posible encontrarlos deshidratados
en la playa, pero, si se los pone en remojo,
volverán a henchirse de vida."
72,27,8,"Se ne trovano spesso esemplari disidratati
sulla spiaggia. Se rigettati in acqua, di solito
si riprendono immediatamente."
72,27,9,"They can be found lying dehydrated on
beaches, but they are often still alive.
When soaked in water, they will revive."
72,27,11,"ビーチなどで 干からびているが
まだ 生きていることも 多い。
水に 浸せば ふやけて 復活。"
72,28,1,"すなはま などの あさせを ただよう。
どくの しょくしゅに さされたり
かまれたら びょういんに いそげ。"
72,28,3,"모래 해변 등의 얕은 물가를 떠돈다.
독 촉수에 쏘이거나
물리면 서둘러 병원에 가자."
72,28,5,"Il flotte dans les chenaux sablonneux. En cas de
piqûre par lun de ses tentacules empoisonnés,
il faut aller à lhôpital de toute urgence."
72,28,6,"Es treibt durch seichte Gewässer in der Nähe
von Stränden. Durch seine Tentakel verursachte
Verletzungen müssen sofort untersucht werden."
72,28,7,"Suele rondar las aguas poco profundas de la
orilla. Sus tentáculos son muy venenosos y, en
caso de picadura, hay que correr al hospital."
72,28,8,"Si aggira nelle secche vicino alle spiagge.
Se si viene punti dai suoi tentacoli velenosi,
è meglio correre subito allospedale."
72,28,9,"It drifts in shallow seas, such as the areas near
beaches. If you get bitten or stabbed by its
toxic tentacles, rush to the hospital."
72,28,11,"砂浜 などの 浅瀬を 漂う。
毒の 触手に 刺されたり
かまれたら 病院に 急げ。"
72,29,1,"うみべを ただよい えものを さがす。
どくの しょくしゅは ちぎれることも
あるが じかんが たてば はえてくる。"
72,29,3,"해변을 떠다니며 먹이를 찾는다.
독이 있는 촉수는 끊어지기도 하지만
시간이 흐르면 다시 자란다."
72,29,5,"Il flotte près des côtes à la recherche de proies.
Il lui arrive de perdre ses tentacules toxiques,
mais ceux-ci repoussent avec le temps."
72,29,6,"Es treibt in Küstennähe im Wasser und sucht
nach Beute. Seine giftigen Tentakel fallen ab und
zu ab, wachsen aber mit der Zeit wieder nach."
72,29,7,"Ronda las costas en busca de presas. Si pierde
alguno de sus tentáculos venenosos, le volverá
a crecer al cabo del tiempo."
72,29,8,"Fluttua in acqua lungo la costa in cerca di prede.
I tentacoli velenosi a volte si staccano, ma col
tempo ricrescono."
72,29,9,"It drifts through the sea searching for prey.
Its poisonous tentacles break off sometimes,
but after a while, they grow back."
72,29,11,"海辺を 漂い 獲物を 探す。
毒の 触手は ちぎれることも
あるが 時間が 経てば 生えてくる。"
72,30,1,"からだの 99パーセントが すいぶん。
のこりの 1パーセントに どくそを
つくる きかんが あるのだ。"
72,30,3,"몸의 99퍼센트가 수분이다.
남은 1퍼센트에 독소를
만드는 기관이 있다."
72,30,5,"Son corps est composé à 99 % deau. Le 1 %
restant est occupé par lorgane qui sécrète
les toxines."
72,30,6,"Es besteht zu 99 % aus Wasser. Das restliche
1 % wird von einem Organ für die Giftproduktion
72,30,7,"Su cuerpo está compuesto de agua en un 99%.
El 1% restante es el órgano que segrega sus
72,30,8,"Il 99% del suo corpo è composto dacqua.
Il restante 1% è costituito da un organo
che produce una sostanza velenosa."
72,30,9,"Its body is 99% water. The remaining 1%
contains the organ that makes its poison."
72,30,11,"身体の 99パーセントが 水分。
残りの 1パーセントに 毒素を
作る 器官が あるのだ。"
72,31,1,"なみうちぎわに ひからびた すがたを
はっけん することも あるが みずに
つけてやれば ふっかつする。"
72,31,3,"물가에 바싹 마른 상태로
발견될 때도 있지만
물에 담가주면 부활한다."
72,31,5,"Certains échouent sur la plage et sèchent sur
le sable. Poussez-les dans leau pour les ranimer."
72,31,6,"Findet man ein schwaches, ausgetrocknetes
Tentacha am Strand und bringt es ins Wasser
zurück, so wird es wieder topfit."
72,31,7,"A veces pueden encontrarse deshidratados en
las playas, pero reviven al sumergirlos de nuevo
en el agua."
72,31,8,"A volte lo si può trovare tutto rinsecchito
sulla spiaggia, ma basta gettarlo in mare
e si riprende allistante."
72,31,9,"It can sometimes be found all dry and
shriveled up on a beach. Toss it back
into the sea to revive it."
72,31,11,"波打ち際に 干からびた 姿を
発見 することも あるが 水に
浸けてやれば 復活する。"
72,32,1,"なみうちぎわに ひからびた すがたを
はっけん することも あるが みずに
つけてやれば ふっかつする。"
72,32,3,"물가에 바싹 마른 상태로
발견될 때도 있지만
물에 담가주면 부활한다."
72,32,5,"Certains échouent sur la plage et sèchent sur
le sable. Poussez-les dans leau pour les ranimer."
72,32,6,"Findet man ein schwaches, ausgetrocknetes
Tentacha am Strand und bringt es ins Wasser
zurück, so wird es wieder topfit."
72,32,7,"A veces pueden encontrarse deshidratados en
las playas, pero reviven al sumergirlos de nuevo
en el agua."
72,32,8,"A volte lo si può trovare tutto rinsecchito
sulla spiaggia, ma basta gettarlo in mare
e si riprende allistante."
72,32,9,"It can sometimes be found all dry and
shriveled up on a beach. Toss it back
into the sea to revive it."
72,32,11,"波打ち際に 干からびた 姿を
発見 することも あるが 水に
浸けてやれば 復活する。"
72,33,1,"およぐ ちからは つよくは ない。
あさい うみの みなもを
ただよいながら エモノを さがす。"
72,33,3,"헤엄치는 힘은 강하지 않다.
얕은 바다 수면을 떠다니면서
먹이를 찾는다."
72,33,5,"Peu doué pour la natation, ce Pokémon
se contente de flotter à la surface des eaux
peu profondes pour chasser ses proies."
72,33,6,"Da Tentacha kein besonders guter Schwimmer ist,
treibt es in seichten Gewässern an der
Wasseroberfläche und sucht nach Beute."
72,33,7,"Sus facultades natatorias son más bien escasas,
por lo que se limita a flotar a la deriva en aguas
poco profundas en busca de alimento."
72,33,8,"Non essendo molto abile a nuotare, va in cerca
di prede fluttuando in acque poco profonde."
72,33,9,"Tentacool is not a particularly strong swimmer.
It drifts across the surface of shallow seas as it
searches for prey."
72,33,11,"泳ぐ 力は 強くは ない。
浅い 海の 水面を
漂いながら 獲物を 探す。"
72,34,1,"ほとんどが すいぶんで できている
からだは うみの なかでは みずと
どうかして とても みえづらいのだ。"
72,34,3,"몸의 대부분이 수분이어서
바닷속에서는 물과
동화되어 매우 구분하기 힘들다."
72,34,5,"Il est presque totalement composé deau.
Lorsquil simmerge dans les flots, son corps se
fond dans leau, ce qui le rend presque invisible."
72,34,6,"Tentacha besteht fast vollständig aus Wasser,
wodurch man es im Meer nur sehr schwer
erkennen kann."
72,34,7,"Su cuerpo está compuesto casi por completo de
agua, por lo que resulta muy difícil distinguirlo
cuando está sumergido en el mar."
72,34,8,"Il suo corpo composto quasi interamente
dacqua rende molto difficile individuarlo
quando è in mare."
72,34,9,"This Pokémon is mostly made of water.
A Tentacool out in the ocean is very hard to
spot, because its body blends in with the sea."
72,34,11,"ほとんどが 水分で できている。
体は 海の中では 水と 同化して
とても 見えづらいのだ。"
73,1,9,"The tentacles are
normally kept
short. On hunts,they are extended
to ensnare and
immobilize prey."
73,2,9,"The tentacles are
normally kept
short. On hunts,they are extended
to ensnare and
immobilize prey."
73,3,9,"Its 80 tentacles
can stretch and
contract freely.They wrap around
prey and weaken
it with poison."
73,4,9,"Its 80 tentacles
absorb water and
stretch almostendlessly to CON­
STRICT its prey
and enemies."
73,5,9,"In battle, it
extends all 80 of
its tentacles toentrap its oppo­
nent inside a
poisonous net."
73,6,9,"When its 80 feel­
ers absorb water,
it stretches tobecome like a net
to entangle its
73,7,9,"TENTACRUEL has large red orbs on its
head. The orbs glow before lashing the
vicinity with a harsh ultrasonic blast.This POKéMONs outburst creates rough
waves around it."
73,8,9,"TENTACRUEL has tentacles that can be
freely elongated and shortened at will.
It ensnares prey with its tentacles andweakens the prey by dosing it with a
harsh toxin. It can catch up to 80
prey at the same time."
73,9,9,"It lives in complex rock formations on
the ocean floor and traps prey using its
80 tentacles. Its red orbs glow when it
grows excited or agitated."
73,10,9,"It has 80 tentacles that move about
freely. They can sting, causing poisoning
and sharp, stabbing pain."
73,11,9,"The tentacles are normally kept short.
On hunts, they are extended to ensnare
and immobilize prey."
73,12,9,"With 80 tentacles for ensnaring
victims, it prevents escape until
the prey is weakened by poison."
73,13,9,"It alerts others to danger by
stridently flashing the red orbs
on its head."
73,14,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to
form an encircling poisonous net
that is difficult to escape."
73,15,9,"Its 80 tentacles absorb water and
stretch almost endlessly to
constrict its prey and enemies."
73,16,9,"In battle, it extends all 80 of
its tentacles to entrap its opponent
inside a poisonous net."
73,17,5,"Ses 80 tentacules lui permettent
demprisonner ses adversaires
dans un redoutable filet venimeux."
73,17,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to
form an encircling poisonous net
that is difficult to escape."
73,18,5,"Ses 80 tentacules lui permettent
demprisonner ses adversaires
dans un redoutable filet venimeux."
73,18,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to
form an encircling poisonous net
that is difficult to escape."
73,21,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to
form an encircling poisonous net
that is difficult to escape."
73,22,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to
form an encircling poisonous net
that is difficult to escape."
73,23,1,"しょくしゅは ふだん みじかくて
えものを さすときに ながく
のびて からみつくのだ。"
73,23,3,"촉수는 평소에는 짧고
먹이를 찌를 때
길게 늘어나 휘감는다."
73,23,5,"Ses tentacules sont rétractés au repos. En situation
de chasse, ils sallongent pour prendre ses proies
au piège."
73,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann die Tentakel bei der Jagd
ausfahren, um die Beute leichter zu fangen."
73,23,7,"Cuando caza, extiende los cortos tentáculos que tiene
para atrapar e inmovilizar a su presa."
73,23,8,"I corti tentacoli si estendono durante la caccia
per catturare e immobilizzare la preda."
73,23,9,"The tentacles are normally kept short. On hunts,
they are extended to ensnare and immobilize prey."
73,23,11,"触手は 普段 短くて
獲物を 刺すときに
長く 伸びて 絡みつくのだ。"
73,24,1,"80ぽん の しょくしゅが じゆうに
うごく。さされると どくに おかされ
するどい いたみが はしる。"
73,24,3,"80개의 촉수를 자유롭게
움직인다. 찔리면 독이 퍼져
극심한 고통을 겪게 된다."
73,24,5,"Les 80 tentacules que Tentacruel laisse sagiter
lui permettent dinjecter du poison dans le corps
de ses ennemis mais aussi de les trancher."
73,24,6,"Es verfügt über 80 Tentakel, die es frei bewegen kann.
Damit kann es zustechen und so Vergiftung und starke
Schmerzen verursachen."
73,24,7,"Tiene 80 tentáculos que se mueven a su aire. Con
ellos, pica, envenena y causa un dolor agudo e
73,24,8,"Il contatto con i suoi 80 tentacoli, che si muovono
liberamente, avvelena la vittima e causa un dolore
73,24,9,"It has 80 tentacles that move about freely.
They can sting, causing poisoning and sharp,
stabbing pain."
73,24,11,"80本の 触手が 自由に 動く。
刺されると 毒に 侵され
鋭い 痛みが 走る。"
73,25,1,"あたまの あかい たまが ひかるとき はげしい
ちょうおんぱが あたりに はっしゃ される。
そのとき かいめんが はげしく なみうつという。"
73,25,3,"머리의 붉은 구슬이 반짝일 때 격렬한
초음파가 주변에 발사된다.
그때 바다가 격렬히 파도친다고 한다."
73,25,5,"Tentacruel a deux gros globes sur la tête. Les globes
silluminent lorsquil va envoyer un violent rayon dultrasons.
Lorsque ce Pokémon se déchaîne, il crée dénormes vagues
autour de lui."
73,25,6,"Tentoxa hat große, rote Kugeln auf seinem Kopf.
Sie glühen auf, bevor sie seine Gegner mit Ultraschall
erschüttern. Ein Ausbruch dieses Pokémon erzeugt
starke Wellen in seiner Umgebung."
73,25,7,"Tentacruel tiene unas enormes esferas rojas en la cabeza, que
brillan antes de lanzar una descarga ultrasónica a lo que le
rodea. Este estallido crea unas olas tremendas a su alrededor."
73,25,8,"Tentacruel ha due grandi sfere rosse sulla testa.
Le sfere brillano prima di emettere potenti ultrasuoni.
Gli attacchi di questo Pokémon creano onde impetuose
nei dintorni."
73,25,9,"Tentacruel has large red orbs on its head. The orbs glow
before lashing the vicinity with a harsh ultrasonic blast.
This Pokémons outburst creates rough waves around it."
73,25,11,"頭の 赤い 玉が 光るとき 激しい
超音波が あたりに 発射 される。
そのとき 海面が 激しく 波打つという。"
73,26,1,"じゆうに のびちぢみする しょくしゅで えものを
からめとり もうどくを あたえて よわらせる。
いっぺんに 80ぴきの えものを つかまえるぞ。"
73,26,3,"자유롭게 늘었다 줄었다 하는 촉수로 먹이를
휘감아 맹독을 주입해 약하게 만든다.
한 번에 80마리의 먹이를 잡는다."
73,26,5,"Les tentacules de Tentacruel peuvent sallonger et se rétracter
à volonté. Il serre sa proie dans ses tentacules et laffaiblit
en lui injectant une toxine. Il peut attraper jusquà 80 proies
en même temps."
73,26,6,"Tentoxa besitzt Tentakel, die es jederzeit ausfahren und
einziehen kann. Es fängt damit Beute und schwächt diese,
indem es ihr ein starkes Gift verabreicht. Es kann bis zu
80 Opfer gleichzeitig fangen."
73,26,7,"Tentacruel tiene unos tentáculos que puede alargar o acortar.
Los usa para atrapar a su presa y debilitarla mediante una
sustancia muy tóxica. Puede llegar a atrapar hasta a 80 presas
a la vez."
73,26,8,"Tentacruel è dotato di tentacoli che si allungano e accorciano
in base alle sue esigenze. Intrappola la preda con i tentacoli
e la indebolisce con un potente veleno. Riesce a catturare
fino a 80 prede contemporaneamente."
73,26,9,"Tentacruel has tentacles that can be freely elongated
and shortened at will. It ensnares prey with its tentacles
and weakens the prey by dosing it with a harsh toxin.
It can catch up to 80 prey at the same time."
73,26,11,"自由に 伸び縮みする 触手で 獲物を
絡め取り 猛毒を 与えて 弱らせる。
いっぺんに 80匹の 獲物を 捕まえるぞ。"
73,27,1,"どくのしょくしゅは ふつう 80ぽん。
ながく いきているもの ほど
その ほんすうは へっていく。"
73,27,3,"독 촉수는 보통 80개다.
오래 산 포켓몬일수록
그 개수는 줄어든다."
73,27,5,"Ce Pokémon a en moyenne 80 tentacules
venimeux. Plus un spécimen vit longtemps,
moins il lui en reste."
73,27,6,"Es hat für gewöhnlich 80 giftige Tentakel.
Mit dem Alter verliert es diese jedoch nach
und nach."
73,27,7,"Lo normal es que tenga 80 tentáculos
venenosos. Conforme se hace viejo, va
perdiendo extremidades."
73,27,8,"Ha circa 80 tentacoli velenosi, il cui numero
si riduce quando vive molto a lungo."
73,27,9,"Normally, it has 80 poisonous tentacles.
The longer one has been alive, the fewer
tentacles it will have."
73,27,11,"毒の触手は 普通 80本。
長く 生きているもの ほど
その 本数は 減っていく。"
73,28,1,"まれに たいりょうはっせい すると
あたりの うみから さかなポケモンが
いっさい いなくなってしまう。"
73,28,3,"드물게 대량 발생하면
주변 바다에서 물고기포켓몬이
모두 사라져 버리고 만다."
73,28,5,"Il arrive quune foule de Tentacruel se regroupe
en masse dans la mer. Lorsque cela arrive, tous
les Pokémon poissons alentour disparaissent."
73,28,6,"In äußerst seltenen Fällen bilden sie einen
Schwarm und rotten alle Fisch-Pokémon
in der näheren Umgebung aus."
73,28,7,"En ocasiones, los Tentacruel se concentran en
grandes bancos. Si eso ocurre, los Pokémon pez
de su alrededor desaparecen sin dejar rastro."
73,28,8,"Accade di rado, ma una comparsa massiccia
di Tentacruel può far piazza pulita di tutti
i Pokémon acquatici nel mare circostante."
73,28,9,"Although these Pokémon are rare, when a large
outbreak of them occurs, all fish Pokémon
disappear from the surrounding sea."
73,28,11,"まれに 大量発生 すると
あたりの 海から さかなポケモンが
一切 いなくなってしまう。"
73,29,1,"あかい たまから ちょうおんぱを
はっせいさせ えものを よわらせると
80ぽんの しょくしゅを まきつける。"
73,29,3,"붉은 구슬로 초음파를 발생시켜
먹이가 약해지면
80개의 촉수로 휘감는다."
73,29,5,"Il émet des ultrasons par ses globes rouges afin
daffaiblir ses proies, puis les enserre de ses
80 tentacules."
73,29,6,"Mit Ultraschallwellen aus seinen roten Kugeln
schwächt es zunächst seine Beute, um sie dann
mit seinen 80 Tentakeln fest zu umwickeln."
73,29,7,"Emite ondas ultrasónicas por sus esferas rojas
que inmovilizan a su presa para luego proceder
a rodearla con sus 80 tentáculos."
73,29,8,"Indebolisce la preda emettendo ultrasuoni
dalle sfere rosse per poi avvolgerla con i suoi
80 tentacoli."
73,29,9,"It fires off ultrasonic waves from its red orbs
to weaken its prey, and then it wraps them up
in its 80 tentacles."
73,29,11,"赤い 玉から 超音波を
発生させ 獲物を 弱らせると
80本の 触手を 巻きつける。"
73,30,1,"あかい たまを ひからせて なかまと
こうしん している。 てんめつは
けいかいを しらせる あいずなのだ。"
73,30,3,"붉은 구슬을 빛내서 동료와
교신하고 있다. 깜빡이는 것은
경계를 알리는 신호다."
73,30,5,"Il communique avec ses congénères en faisant
briller ses globes rouges. Il les fait clignoter
sil veut leur envoyer un avertissement."
73,30,6,"Wenn Tentoxa untereinander kommunizieren,
glühen ihre roten Kugeln. Ein wiederholtes
Aufleuchten steht für ein Warnsignal."
73,30,7,"Se comunica con los suyos mediante el brillo de
sus esferas rojas. Un parpadeo, por ejemplo, es
señal de advertencia."
73,30,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili facendo brillare
le sfere rosse. Le fa lampeggiare per segnalare
agli altri di fare attenzione."
73,30,9,"It communicates with others of its kind by
lighting up the red orbs on its head. When
the orbs are blinking, its a warning sign."
73,30,11,"紅い 玉を 光らせて 仲間と
交信 している。 点滅は
警戒を 知らせる 合図なのだ。"
73,31,1,"80ぽんの しょくしゅを じゆうに
のびちぢみさせ えものに まきつき
どくを あたえて よわらせる。"
73,31,3,"80개의 촉수를 자유자재로
늘이고 줄여 먹이를 휘감은 뒤
독을 주입해서 약하게 만든다."
73,31,5,"Ses 80 tentacules peuvent sallonger et se
rétracter à volonté. Il les utilise pour enserrer
sa proie et laffaiblir avec une toxine."
73,31,6,"Beute umwickelt es mit seinen 80 Tentakeln, die
es nach Belieben ausfahren oder einziehen kann.
Danach schwächt es sie mit Gift."
73,31,7,"Puede estirar y contraer con total libertad sus
80 tentáculos, con los que atrapa a su presa y
le inyecta un veneno debilitante."
73,31,8,"Usa gli 80 tentacoli, che può allungare
e ritrarre a piacimento, per avvolgere la
preda e indebolirla con il veleno."
73,31,9,"Its 80 tentacles can stretch and contract freely.
They wrap around prey and weaken it
with poison."
73,31,11,"80本の 触手を 自由に
伸び縮みさせ 獲物に 巻きつき
毒を あたえて 弱らせる。"
73,32,1,"80ぽんの しょくしゅを じゆうに
のびちぢみさせ えものに まきつき
どくを あたえて よわらせる。"
73,32,3,"80개의 촉수를 자유자재로
늘이고 줄여 먹이를 휘감은 뒤
독을 주입해서 약하게 만든다."
73,32,5,"Ses 80 tentacules peuvent sallonger et se
rétracter à volonté. Il les utilise pour enserrer
sa proie et laffaiblir avec une toxine."
73,32,6,"Beute umwickelt es mit seinen 80 Tentakeln, die
es nach Belieben ausfahren oder einziehen kann.
Danach schwächt es sie mit Gift."
73,32,7,"Puede estirar y contraer con total libertad sus
80 tentáculos, con los que atrapa a su presa y
le inyecta un veneno debilitante."
73,32,8,"Usa gli 80 tentacoli, che può allungare
e ritrarre a piacimento, per avvolgere la
preda e indebolirla con il veleno."
73,32,9,"Its 80 tentacles can stretch and contract freely.
They wrap around prey and weaken it
with poison."
73,32,11,"80本の 触手を 自由に
伸び縮みさせ 獲物に 巻きつき
毒を あたえて 弱らせる。"
73,33,1,"あたまの あかい たまの ひかりが
つよくなったら ようちゅうい。
ちょうおんぱを はなつ まえぶれだ。"
73,33,3,"머리의 빨간 구슬이
밝게 빛나면 주의가 필요하다.
초음파를 발산하려는 전조다."
73,33,5,"Il faut faire attention lorsque les globes rouges
sur sa tête se mettent à briller intensément,
car cest quil sapprête à émettre des ultrasons."
73,33,6,"Leuchten die roten Kugeln auf seinem Kopf stark
auf, ist Vorsicht geboten, da es kurz danach
Ultraschallwellen ausstoßen wird."
73,33,7,"Si las esferas rojas que tiene a ambos lados de la
cabeza brillan con intensidad, indica que está a
punto de lanzar ondas ultrasónicas."
73,33,8,"Meglio fare attenzione quando le sfere rosse
che ha sulla testa brillano intensamente, perché
vuol dire che sta per emettere ultrasuoni."
73,33,9,"When the red orbs on Tentacruels head glow
brightly, watch out. The Pokémon is about to
fire off a burst of ultrasonic waves."
73,33,11,"頭の 赤い 玉の 光が
強くなったら 要注意。
超音波を 放つ 前触れだ。"
73,34,1,"80ぽんの しょくしゅは のびちぢみ
じゆう。 あみの ように ひろげて
エモノを とらえ どくバリを さす。"
73,34,3,"80개의 촉수는 자유롭게 늘어났다가
줄어든다. 그물처럼 펼쳐서
먹이를 잡고 독바늘로 찌른다."
73,34,5,"Il peut allonger ses 80 tentacules à volonté et
les utiliser comme un filet pour attraper sa proie
et la transpercer de ses pics empoisonnés."
73,34,6,"Tentoxa kann seine 80 Tentakel beliebig
ausfahren und einziehen. Es breitet sie netzartig
aus, um Beute zu fangen und dann zu vergiften."
73,34,7,"Puede estirar y contraer con total libertad sus
80 tentáculos. Con ellos atrapa a sus presas y
les inyecta un veneno debilitante."
73,34,8,"Può allungare e accorciare a piacere i suoi 80
tentacoli. Li estende a mo di rete per catturare
le prede, che trafigge con aculei velenosi."
73,34,9,"Its 80 tentacles can stretch and shrink freely.
Tentacruel ensnares prey in a net of spread-out
tentacles, delivering venomous stings to its catch."
73,34,11,"80本の 触手は 伸び縮み 自由。
網のように 広げて
獲物を 捕らえ 毒バリを 刺す。"
74,1,9,"Found in fields
and mountains.
Mistaking themfor boulders,
people often step
or trip on them."
74,2,9,"Found in fields
and mountains.
Mistaking themfor boulders,
people often step
or trip on them."
74,3,9,"Commonly found
near mountain
trails, etc.If you step on
one by accident,
it gets angry."
74,4,9,"Most people may
not notice, but
a closer lookshould reveal that
there are many
GEODUDE around."
74,5,9,"It uses its arms
to steadily climb
steep mountainpaths. It swings
its fists around
if angered."
74,6,9,"Proud of their
sturdy bodies,
they bash againsteach other in a
contest to prove
whose is harder."
74,7,9,"The longer a GEODUDE lives, the more
its edges are chipped and worn away,
making it more rounded in appearance.However, this POKéMONs heart will
remain hard, craggy, and rough always."
74,8,9,"When GEODUDE sleeps deeply, it buries
itself halfway into the ground.
It will not awaken even if hikers stepon it unwittingly.
In the morning, this POKéMON rolls
downhill in search of food."
74,9,9,"It climbs mountain paths using only the
power of its arms. Because they look just
like boulders lining paths, hikers may step
on them without noticing."
74,10,9,"Its round form makes it easy to pick up.
Some people have used them to hurl
at each other in a snowball fight."
74,11,9,"Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking
them for boulders, people often step or
trip on them."
74,12,9,"Many live on mountain trails
and remain half buried while
keeping an eye on climbers."
74,13,9,"It is impossible to distinguish from
rocks. It slams against others in
contests of hardness."
74,14,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock.
Carelessly stepping on it will make
it swing its fists angrily."
74,15,9,"Most people may not notice,
but a closer look should reveal that
there are many GEODUDE around."
74,16,9,"It uses its arms to steadily climb
steep mountain paths. It swings
its fists around if angered."
74,17,5,"Au repos, rien ne le distingue dun
vulgaire caillou. Malheur à ceux qui
lui marchent dessus par mégarde!"
74,17,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock.
Carelessly stepping on it will make
it swing its fists angrily."
74,18,5,"Au repos, rien ne le distingue dun
vulgaire caillou. Malheur à ceux qui
lui marchent dessus par mégarde!"
74,18,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock.
Carelessly stepping on it will make
it swing its fists angrily."
74,21,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock.
Carelessly stepping on it will make
it swing its fists angrily."
74,22,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock.
Carelessly stepping on it will make
it swing its fists angrily."
74,23,1,"そうげんや やまに せいそくする。
いしころに にていて きがつかずに
ふんだり つまずいたり してしまう。"
74,23,3,"초원이나 산에 서식한다.
돌멩이와 닮은 탓에 알아채지 못하고
밟거나 발이 걸려 넘어지기도 한다."
74,23,5,"Il vit dans les plaines ou les montagnes.
On le confond souvent avec un petit caillou."
74,23,6,"Wanderer stolpern in den Bergen häufig über dieses
Pokémon, da es wie ein Stein aussieht."
74,23,7,"Aparecen en llanos y montañas. Como parecen rocas,
la gente se tropieza con ellos o los pisa."
74,23,8,"Si trova nei campi e in montagna. Se confuso con
una roccia, può succedere di inciamparvi."
74,23,9,"Found in fields and mountains. Mistaking them for
boulders, people often step or trip on them."
74,23,11,"草原や 山に 生息する。
石ころに 似ていて 気がつかず
踏んだり つまずいたりしてしまう。"
74,24,1,"いしころと みわけが つかない。
がんじょうな からだを なかまと
ぶつけあい かたさを きそいあう。"
74,24,3,"돌멩이와 구별되지 않는다.
튼튼한 몸을 동료와
서로 부딪쳐서 단단함을 겨룬다."
74,24,5,"Son corps se fond dans la roche. Les Pokémon
de cette espèce se bousculent au cours dépreuves
de force."
74,24,6,"Man kann es nicht von Felsbrocken unterscheiden.
Es rempelt andere an, um sich zu beweisen."
74,24,7,"Es imposible distinguirlos de las rocas. Para probar su
dureza, chocan entre sí en duelo."
74,24,8,"È impossibile distinguerlo dalle rocce. Si scaglia
contro gli altri per vedere chi è più duro."
74,24,9,"It is impossible to distinguish from rocks. It slams
against others in contests of hardness."
74,24,11,"石ころと 見分けが つかない。
頑丈な 体を 仲間と ぶつけ合い
硬さを 競い合う。"
74,25,1,"ながいきの イシツブテほど からだの かどは
けずれ まるくなっていくが きもちは いつまでも
ごつごつ とがって あらあらしいのだ。"
74,25,3,"오래 산 꼬마돌일수록 몸의 모난 부분이
깎여 둥그렇게 되지만 마음은 언제까지나
울퉁불퉁 뾰족하고 거칠다."
74,25,5,"Lorsquun Racaillou prend de lâge, ses bords sébrèchent
et susent, ce qui lui donne une apparence plus ronde.
Cependant, le cœur de ce Pokémon reste dur, rocailleux
et rugueux."
74,25,6,"Je länger ein Kleinstein lebt, desto mehr wird seine raue
Oberfläche abgeschliffen, sodass es runder wird. Das Herz
dieses Pokémon bleibt aber für immer versteinert, hart und rau."
74,25,7,"Cuanto más larga es la vida de Geodude, mayor es el desgaste
y la erosión que sufre, y más redondeada la forma que va
adquiriendo. Sin embargo, el corazón permanece siempre duro,
rocoso y tosco."
74,25,8,"Col passare del tempo, i profili di Geodude diventano
sempre più levigati, rendendolo più tondeggiante.
Tuttavia il cuore di questo Pokémon rimane sempre duro,
ruvido e roccioso."
74,25,9,"The longer a Geodude lives, the more its edges are chipped
and worn away, making it more rounded in appearance.
However, this Pokémons heart will remain hard, craggy,
and rough always."
74,25,11,"長生きの イシツブテほど 体の 角は
削れ 丸くなっていくが 気持ちは いつまでも
ごつごつ とがって 荒々しいのだ。"
74,26,1,"じめんに はんぶん うまり ぐっすり ねむる。
とざんしゃに ふまれても まったく おきないよ。
あさ エサを さがして さかを ころがりおちる。"
74,26,3,"땅에 반쯤 박혀서 푹 잠잔다.
등산 중인 사람에게 밟혀도 전혀 깨지 않는다.
아침에 먹이를 찾아 언덕을 굴러 내려온다."
74,26,5,"Pour dormir profondément, Racaillou senterre à moitié
dans le sol. Il ne se réveille pas, même si des randonneurs
lui marchent dessus. Au petit matin, ce Pokémon roule en
contrebas en quête de nourriture."
74,26,6,"Wenn Kleinstein tief und fest schläft, gräbt es sich selbst
zur Hälfte im Boden ein. Selbst wenn Wanderer versehentlich
auf Kleinstein treten, wacht es nicht auf. Am Morgen rollt es
auf der Suche nach Nahrung den Berg herunter."
74,26,7,"Cuando Geodude duerme profundamente, se entierra a
medias en el suelo y no se despierta ni aunque lo pisen sin
querer. Por la mañana, se dedica a buscar comida rodando
ladera abajo."
74,26,8,"Quando Geodude dorme profondamente si nasconde
parzialmente nel terreno. Non si sveglia neanche se i passanti
lo calpestano involontariamente. La mattina questo Pokémon
rotola a valle in cerca di cibo."
74,26,9,"When Geodude sleeps deeply, it buries itself halfway into the
ground. It will not awaken even if hikers step on it unwittingly.
In the morning, this Pokémon rolls downhill in search of food."
74,26,11,"地面に 半分 埋まり ぐっすり 眠る。
登山者に 踏まれても まったく 起きないよ。
朝 エサを 探して 坂を 転がり落ちる。"
74,27,1,"まるく もちやすいが なげあうには
かたくて おもい。 ゆきだまの ように
ぶつけあって あそぶには キケンだ。"
74,27,3,"동글고 들기 쉽지만 서로 던지기에는
딱딱하고 무겁다. 눈싸움처럼
서로 맞히며 놀기에는 위험하다."
74,27,5,"Il est rond comme une balle, mais aussi très
dur et lourd. Mieux vaut ne pas le lancer sur
quelquun comme si cétait une boule de neige."
74,27,6,"Trotz seiner griffigen, runden Form ist Kleinstein
hart und schwer. Bewirft man sich damit wie
mit Schneebällen, besteht Verletzungsgefahr!"
74,27,7,"Aunque su forma invita a lanzarlo cual bola de
nieve, su peso y dureza hacen de esta una
actividad de riesgo nada recomendable."
74,27,8,"La forma arrotondata lo rende facilmente
afferrabile, ma è duro e pesante. Lanciarlo
come se fosse una palla di neve è pericoloso."
74,27,9,"Its round body makes it easy to pick up,
but it is hard and heavy. Its dangerous
to play with them as if they were snowballs."
74,27,11,"丸く 持ちやすいが 投げあうには
硬くて 重い。 雪玉の ように
ぶつけあって 遊ぶには キケンだ。"
74,28,1,"そこらのみちばたに いくらでも いる。
ヒマな がくしゃが かぞえてみたら
1つのどうろに 100ぴき いた。"
74,28,3,"길가에서 흔히 볼 수 있다.
한가한 학자가 세어봤더니
하나의 도로에 100마리가 있었다."
74,28,5,"On en trouve en masse sur le bas-côté des
routes. Un universitaire qui sennuyait en a
dénombré une centaine sur la même route."
74,28,6,"Man findet sie in rauen Mengen am Straßenrand.
Ein Forscher hat in seiner Freizeit auf einer
Straße einmal 100 Exemplare gezählt."
74,28,7,"Se encuentran en masa en las cunetas de los
caminos. Un investigador con mucho tiempo libre
llegó a contar una vez una centena de Geodude."
74,28,8,"Se ne trovano spesso in gran numero ai lati delle
strade. Uno studioso senza nulla di meglio da
fare ne ha contati 100 in un certo percorso."
74,28,9,"There are plenty of them to be found along any
road. A scholar with too much free time once
counted a hundred of them along a single route."
74,28,11,"そこらの道端に いくらでも いる。
ヒマな 学者が 数えてみたら
1つの道路に 100匹 いた。"
74,29,1,"ながく いきた イシツブテは かどが
とれて まんまる。 せいかくも とても
おちついていて おだやか なのだ。"
74,29,3,"오래 산 꼬마돌은 모가 없이
동그랗다. 성격도 매우
차분하고 온화하다."
74,29,5,"Les aspérités de Racaillou sadoucissent au fil
des années, tout comme sa personnalité.
Il devient tout lisse, tout rond, et tout calme."
74,29,6,"Mit dem Alter verliert es zunehmend seine
Kantigkeit, bis es vollkommen rund und auch
charakterlich immer ausgeglichener wird."
74,29,7,"Con la edad, su temperamento se amansa y su
cuerpo se va alisando hasta adquirir una forma
completamente redonda."
74,29,8,"Col passare degli anni le asperità del suo corpo
vengono levigate, rendendolo perfettamente
rotondo, e il suo carattere si fa più tranquillo."
74,29,9,"Geodude that have lived a long life have had all
their edges smoothed out until theyre totally
round. They also have a calm, quiet disposition."
74,29,11,"長く 生きた イシツブテは 角が
とれて まんまる。 性格も とても
落ち着いていて 穏やか なのだ。"
74,30,1,"りょうてを つかい けわしい がけを
のぼる。 そのすがたを みた ひとが
ボルダリングを はじめたらしい。"
74,30,3,"양손을 사용해서 험한 절벽을
오른다. 그 모습을 본 사람이
볼더링을 시작했다고 한다."
74,30,5,"Il grimpe les côtes escarpées à mains nues.
Cest en le voyant à lœuvre que des humains
se sont mis à lescalade de bloc."
74,30,6,"Mit den Armen erklimmt es selbst steile Hänge.
Unter den Menschen soll diese Klettermethode
Vorbild für den Bouldersport gewesen sein."
74,30,7,"Escala a manos desnudas las pendientes de las
montañas. Al parecer, esta fue la fuente de
inspiración para la práctica de la escalada libre."
74,30,8,"Scala pareti scoscese a mani nude.
Si dice che la pratica del bouldering sia stata
ispirata da questo Pokémon."
74,30,9,"It uses both hands to climb precipitous cliffs.
People who see it in action have been known to
take up bouldering."
74,30,11,"両手を 使い 険しい 崖を
登る。 その姿を 見た 人が
ボルダリングを 始めたらしい。"
74,31,1,"やまみち などに おおく せいそく。
きづかずに ふみつけると
おこりだすので ようちゅういだ。"
74,31,3,"산길 등에 많이 서식한다.
실수로 밟으면
화를 내므로 주의가 필요하다."
74,31,5,"On en trouve près des sentiers de montagne.
Si vous marchez dessus par inadvertance,
ils sénervent et attaquent."
74,31,6,"Es hält sich gern in der Nähe von Gebirgspfaden
auf. Tritt man versehentlich auf eins, wird es sehr
wütend. Deshalb ist höchste Vorsicht geboten."
74,31,7,"Se suele encontrar en senderos de montaña y
sitios parecidos. Conviene andar con cuidado
para no pisarlo sin querer y provocar su enfado."
74,31,8,"Lo si può trovare vicino ai sentieri di montagna.
Bisogna fare attenzione a non calpestarlo per
sbaglio, altrimenti diventa furioso."
74,31,9,"Commonly found near mountain trails and
the like. If you step on one by accident,
it gets angry."
74,31,11,"山道 などに 多く 生息。
気づかずに 踏みつけると
怒りだすので 要注意だ。"
74,32,1,"やまみち などに おおく せいそく。
きづかずに ふみつけると
おこりだすので ようちゅういだ。"
74,32,3,"산길 등에 많이 서식한다.
실수로 밟으면
화를 내므로 주의가 필요하다."
74,32,5,"On en trouve près des sentiers de montagne.
Si vous marchez dessus par inadvertance,
ils sénervent et attaquent."
74,32,6,"Es hält sich gern in der Nähe von Gebirgspfaden
auf. Tritt man versehentlich auf eins, wird es sehr
wütend. Deshalb ist höchste Vorsicht geboten."
74,32,7,"Se suele encontrar en senderos de montaña y
sitios parecidos. Conviene andar con cuidado
para no pisarlo sin querer y provocar su enfado."
74,32,8,"Lo si può trovare vicino ai sentieri di montagna.
Bisogna fare attenzione a non calpestarlo per
sbaglio, altrimenti diventa furioso."
74,32,9,"Commonly found near mountain trails and
the like. If you step on one by accident,
it gets angry."
74,32,11,"山道 などに 多く 生息。
気づかずに 踏みつけると
怒りだすので 要注意だ。"
75,1,9,"Rolls down slopes
to move. It rolls
over any obstaclewithout slowing
or changing its
75,2,9,"Rolls down slopes
to move. It rolls
over any obstaclewithout slowing
or changing its
75,3,9,"Often seen rolling
down mountain
trails. Obstaclesare just things to
roll straight
over, not avoid."
75,4,9,"With a free and
uncaring nature,
it doesn't mind ifpieces break off
while it rolls
down mountains."
75,5,9,"A slow walker, it
rolls to move. It
pays no attentionto any object that
happens to be in
its path."
75,6,9,"It travels by rol­
ling on mountain
paths. If it gainstoo much speed, it
stops by running
into huge rocks."
75,7,9,"GRAVELER grows by feeding on rocks.
Apparently, it prefers to eat rocks
that are covered in moss.This POKéMON eats its way through
a ton of rocks on a daily basis."
75,8,9,"Rocks are GRAVELERs favorite food.
This POKéMON will climb a mountain from
the base to the summit, crunchinglyfeasting on rocks all the while.
Upon reaching the peak, it rolls back
down to the bottom."
75,9,9,"They descend from mountains by tumbling
down steep slopes. They are so brutal,
they smash aside obstructing trees and
massive boulders with thunderous tackles."
75,10,9,"Be careful while hiking on mountain trails.
GRAVELER may come rolling down the path
without slowing."
75,11,9,"Rolls down slopes to move. It rolls over
any obstacle without slowing or changing
its direction."
75,12,9,"GRAVELER make their homes on
sheer cliff faces by gouging out
numerous horizontal holes."
75,13,9,"It tumbles down slopes, heedless
of any body parts chipping off.
It eats a ton of rocks daily."
75,14,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move.
Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon
can stop it without difficulty."
75,15,9,"With a free and uncaring nature,
it doesnt mind if pieces break off
while it rolls down mountains."
75,16,9,"A slow walker, it rolls to move. It
pays no attention to any object that
happens to be in its path."
75,17,5,"Il dévale les montagnes pour se
déplacer. Une fois quil a pris tout
son élan, dur dur de larrêter!"
75,17,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move.
Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon
can stop it without difficulty."
75,18,5,"Il dévale les montagnes pour se
déplacer. Une fois quil a pris tout
son élan, dur dur de larrêter!"
75,18,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move.
Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon
can stop it without difficulty."
75,21,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move.
Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon
can stop it without difficulty."
75,22,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move.
Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon
can stop it without difficulty."
75,23,1,"やまから ころがり おちるとき
からだの あちこちが とれても
きにしない ごうかいな せいかく。"
75,23,3,"산에서 굴러 떨어질 때
몸의 여기저기가 부서져도
신경 쓰지 않는 호쾌한 성격이다."
75,23,5,"Dune nature téméraire, il se moque de perdre des
parties de son corps quand il dévale les pentes."
75,23,6,"Es ist ihm völlig gleichgültig, wenn Stücke aus ihm
herausbrechen, während es Berge hinabrollt."
75,23,7,"De naturaleza descuidada y libre, no le importa
dañarse cuando baja rodando montañas."
75,23,8,"Di natura libera e incurante, non si preoccupa se
perde dei pezzi mentre si rotola giù dai monti."
75,23,9,"With a free and uncaring nature, it doesnt mind
if pieces break off while it rolls down mountains."
75,23,11,"山から 転がり 落ちるとき
体の あちこちが 取れても
気にしない 豪快な 性格。"
75,24,1,"さかみちを ころがりながら いどう。
じゃまな ものは どんどん
おしつぶして すすんでいく。"
75,24,3,"언덕을 굴러서 이동한다.
방해물은 마구
짓누르며 나아간다."
75,24,5,"Pour se déplacer, il dégringole le long des pentes.
Il pulvérise tous les obstacles qui se trouvent sur
son passage."
75,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon bewegt sich nur rollend fort.
Kein Hindernis kann es vom Kurs abbringen."
75,24,7,"Se mueve rodando cuesta abajo y sobre cualquier
obstáculo, sin frenar ni cambiar de dirección."
75,24,8,"Si lancia in discesa, rotolando su ogni ostacolo
senza frenare o mutare direzione."
75,24,9,"Rolls down slopes to move. It rolls over any
obstacle without slowing or changing its direction."
75,24,11,"坂道を 転がりながら 移動。
邪魔な ものは どんどん
押しつぶして 進んでいく。"
75,25,1,"いわを たべて せいちょうする ポケモンだ。
コケの ついた いわの ほうが すき らしい。
1にちに 1トンの いわを たべてしまうぞ。"
75,25,3,"바위를 먹고 성장하는 포켓몬이다.
이끼가 낀 바위를 좋아하는 것 같다.
하루에 1톤의 바위를 먹어버린다."
75,25,5,"Gravalanch grandit en se nourrissant de cailloux.
Apparemment, il a une préférence pour les cailloux recouverts
de mousse. En moyenne, il mange une tonne de rochers
par jour."
75,25,6,"Georok wächst, indem es sich von Steinen ernährt. Am liebsten
mag es Steine, die mit Moos überzogen sind. Dieses Pokémon
frisst sich täglich durch eine riesige Menge von Steinen."
75,25,7,"Graveler crece alimentándose a base de piedras. Y, según
parece, las prefiere cubiertas de musgo. Cada día se abre
camino comiéndose una tonelada de rocas."
75,25,8,"Graveler si ciba di rocce. Pare che preferisca quelle
ricoperte di muschio. Questo Pokémon mangia ogni giorno
dieci quintali di pietre."
75,25,9,"Graveler grows by feeding on rocks. Apparently, it prefers to
eat rocks that are covered in moss. This Pokémon eats its way
through a ton of rocks on a daily basis."
75,25,11,"岩を 食べて 成長する ポケモンだ。
コケの ついた 岩の ほうが 好き らしい。
1日に 1トンの 岩を 食べてしまうぞ。"
75,26,1,"やまの ふもとから さんちょうまで のぼる
あいだに だいすきな いわを ガリガリ たべる。
ちょうじょうに つくと また ころがりおちる。"
75,26,3,"산기슭부터 산 정상까지 올라가는
동안 매우 좋아하는 바위를 으득으득 먹는다.
정상에 도달하면 다시 굴러 내려온다."
75,26,5,"La nourriture préférée de Gravalanch est la roche.
Ce Pokémon escalade parfois les montagnes, dévorant
les rochers sur son passage. Une fois au sommet,
il se laisse rouler jusquen bas."
75,26,6,"Steine sind Georoks Lieblingsspeise. Dieses Pokémon klettert
vom Fuße eines Berges zu seinem Gipfel empor und zermalmt
dabei das Gestein. Wenn es den Gipfel erreicht hat, rollt es
wieder herunter."
75,26,7,"Las piedras son la comida preferida de Graveler. Este
Pokémon sube a la cima de las montañas devorando todas
las rocas que va encontrando a su paso. Una vez que alcanza
la cumbre, baja rodando hasta la falda."
75,26,8,"Il cibo preferito da Graveler sono le rocce. Infatti è capace
di risalire un monte dalla base alla cima, sgranocchiando rocce
tutto il tempo. Una volta raggiunta la cima, si lancia in discesa
75,26,9,"Rocks are Gravelers favorite food. This Pokémon will climb a
mountain from the base to the summit, crunchingly feasting on
rocks all the while. Upon reaching the peak, it rolls back down
to the bottom."
75,26,11,"山の ふもとから 山頂まで 登る
間に 大好きな 岩を ガリガリ 食べる。
頂上に 着くと また 転がり落ちる。"
75,27,1,"コケの ついた いわが だいこうぶつ。
ボリボリと おとを たてながら
1にち 1トンいじょうを くらう。"
75,27,3,"이끼가 낀 바위를 아주 좋아한다.
어적어적 소리를 내면서
1일 1톤 이상을 먹는다."
75,27,5,"Ses aliments préférés sont les cailloux couverts
de mousse. Il peut en engloutir une tonne par
jour en les broyant bruyamment."
75,27,6,"Mit Moos überzogene Steine sind seine absolute
Leibspeise. Es vertilgt täglich laut knirschend
eine ganze Tonne davon."
75,27,7,"Su comida preferida son las rocas cubiertas de
musgo. Llega a comer más de una tonelada en un
día y causa un gran estruendo al masticar."
75,27,8,"Adora mangiare le rocce coperte di muschio.
Ogni giorno ne sgranocchia più di 10 quintali."
75,27,9,"Mossy rocks are its favorite food.
It can devour a ton a day while crunching loudly."
75,27,11,"コケの ついた 岩が 大好物。
ボリボリと 音を 立てながら
1日 1トン以上を 喰らう。"
75,28,1,"あしが のろいので からだを まるめ
ころがって いどう。 いきおいづくと
じそくは 100キロを こえる。"
75,28,3,"발이 둔해서 몸을 둥글게 말아
굴러서 이동한다. 기세가 더해지면
시속 100km를 넘는다."
75,28,5,"Ses jambes sont faibles, aussi se déplace-t-il
en se roulant en boule. Il peut ainsi rouler
jusquà 100 km/h."
75,28,6,"Da sich seine Beine nicht zum Gehen eignen,
bewegt es sich rollend fort. Kommt es richtig
in Fahrt, erreicht es dabei bis zu 100 km/h."
75,28,7,"Se desplaza rodando, pues a pie va muy
despacio. Si toma carrerilla, puede superar los
100 km/h."
75,28,8,"È molto lento nel camminare e si sposta
rotolando. Se acquista velocità, può superare
i 100 km/h."
75,28,9,"This slow-footed Pokémon moves by curling up
and rolling instead of walking. With enough
momentum, its speed can exceed 60 mph."
75,28,11,"足が のろいので 身体を 丸め
転がって 移動。 勢いづくと
時速は 100キロを 超える。"
75,29,1,"がけを のぼり さんちょうを めざす。
てっぺんに つくなり すぐに きた
やまみちを ころがり おちていく。"
75,29,3,"정상을 목표로 절벽을 오른다.
정상에 도착하면 곧바로
올라온 산길을 굴러 내려간다."
75,29,5,"Il escalade les falaises pour en atteindre les
sommets. Une fois tout en haut, il se laisse
rouler par le chemin doù il est arrivé."
75,29,6,"Es klettert Berghänge bis zum Gipfel empor.
Einmal oben angekommen, rollt es über den
Bergpfad sogleich wieder hinunter."
75,29,7,"Escala los riscos de las montañas y, una vez
alcanzada la cima, desciende rodando por los
75,29,8,"Scala le pareti scoscese delle montagne
e, una volta raggiunta la vetta, rotola
giù lungo lo stesso percorso."
75,29,9,"It climbs up cliffs as it heads toward the peak
of a mountain. As soon as it reaches the summit,
it rolls back down the way it came."
75,29,11,"崖を 登り 山頂を 目指す。
てっぺんに 着くなり すぐに 来た
山道を 転がり 落ちていく。"
75,30,1,"がけを ころがり いどうする。
まちがえて かわに おちると
さいごの あがきで だいばくはつ。"
75,30,3,"절벽을 굴러서 이동한다.
실수로 강에 떨어지면
최후의 발악으로 대폭발한다."
75,30,5,"Il se déplace en se laissant rouler le long des
falaises. Si par malheur il finit dans une rivière,
il se fait exploser en dernier recours."
75,30,6,"Es bewegt sich rollend über Abhänge fort.
Stürzt es versehentlich in einen Fluss, sprengt
es sich in seiner Verzweiflung selbst in die Luft."
75,30,7,"Se desplaza rodando por las laderas. Si por
mala fortuna termina cayendo en un río, con su
último aliento causa una gigantesca explosión."
75,30,8,"Si sposta rotolando lungo dirupi scoscesi.
Se finisce dentro a un fiume, viene colto dalla
disperazione e si fa esplodere."
75,30,9,"It travels by rolling down cliffs. If it falls into a
river, it will explode with its last gasp."
75,30,11,"崖を 転がり 移動する。
間違えて 川に 落ちると
最期の あがきで 大爆発。"
75,31,1,"やまみちを よく ころがっている。
とおりみちに なにが あろうと
いっさい きに していない。"
75,31,3,"산길에서 자주 굴러다닌다.
가는 길에 무엇이 있든
전혀 신경 쓰지 않는다."
75,31,5,"Il dévale les sentiers de montagne et traverse
les obstacles en les pulvérisant."
75,31,6,"Es rollt sich gerne Gebirgspfade hinunter.
Dabei ist es ihm egal, wer oder was sich in
seinem Weg befindet."
75,31,7,"Se le suele ver rodando montaña abajo. No evita
los obstáculos, sino que los arrolla."
75,31,8,"Spesso viene visto rotolare giù per i sentieri di
montagna, travolgendo tutto ciò che incontra."
75,31,9,"Often seen rolling down mountain trails.
Obstacles are just things to roll straight over,
not avoid."
75,31,11,"山道を よく 転がっている。
通り道に なにが あろうと
一切 気に していない。"
75,32,1,"やまみちを よく ころがっている。
とおりみちに なにが あろうと
いっさい きに していない。"
75,32,3,"산길에서 자주 굴러다닌다.
가는 길에 무엇이 있든
전혀 신경 쓰지 않는다."
75,32,5,"Il dévale les sentiers de montagne et traverse
les obstacles en les pulvérisant."
75,32,6,"Es rollt sich gerne Gebirgspfade hinunter.
Dabei ist es ihm egal, wer oder was sich in
seinem Weg befindet."
75,32,7,"Se le suele ver rodando montaña abajo. No evita
los obstáculos, sino que los arrolla."
75,32,8,"Spesso viene visto rotolare giù per i sentieri di
montagna, travolgendo tutto ciò che incontra."
75,32,9,"Often seen rolling down mountain trails.
Obstacles are just things to roll straight over,
not avoid."
75,32,11,"山道を よく 転がっている。
通り道に なにが あろうと
一切 気に していない。"
76,1,9,"Its boulder-like
body is extremely
hard. It caneasily withstand
dynamite blasts
without damage."
76,2,9,"Its boulder-like
body is extremely
hard. It caneasily withstand
dynamite blasts
without damage."
76,3,9,"Once it sheds its
skin, its body
turns tender andwhitish. Its hide
hardens when it's
exposed to air."
76,4,9,"It sheds its skin
once a year. The
discarded shellimmediately hard­
ens and crumbles
76,5,9,"It is capable of
blowing itself up.
It uses thisexplosive force to
jump from mountain
to mountain."
76,6,9,"Its rock-like body
is so durable,
even high-powereddynamite blasts
fail to scratch
its rugged hide."
76,7,9,"GOLEM live up on mountains.
If there is a large earthquake, these
POKéMON will come rolling down offthe mountains en masse to the
foothills below."
76,8,9,"GOLEM is known for rolling down from
mountains. To prevent them from rolling
into the homes of people downhill,grooves have been dug into the sides of
mountains to serve as guideways for
diverting this POKéMONs course."
76,9,9,"It is said to live in volcanic craters
on mountain peaks. Once a year, it sheds
its hide and grows larger. The shed hide
crumbles and returns to the soil."
76,10,9,"It is enclosed in a hard shell that is as
rugged as slabs of rock. It sheds skin
once a year to grow larger."
76,11,9,"Its boulder-like body is extremely hard.
It can easily withstand dynamite blasts
without taking damage."
76,12,9,"It sheds its hide once a year.
Its boulderlike body is so tough,
even dynamite cant harm it."
76,13,9,"It tumbles down mountains, leaving
grooves from peak to base.
Stay clear of these grooves."
76,14,9,"Even dynamite cant harm its hard,
boulderlike body. It sheds its hide
just once a year."
76,15,9,"It sheds its skin once a year.
The discarded shell immediately
hardens and crumbles away."
76,16,9,"It is capable of blowing itself up.
It uses this explosive force to
jump from mountain to mountain."
76,17,5,"Aucun explosif ne pourrait entamer
sa carapace de pierre. Il mue une
fois par an."
76,17,9,"Even dynamite cant harm its hard,
boulderlike body. It sheds its hide
just once a year."
76,18,5,"Aucun explosif ne pourrait entamer
sa carapace de pierre. Il mue une
fois par an."
76,18,9,"Even dynamite cant harm its hard,
boulderlike body. It sheds its hide
just once a year."
76,21,9,"Even dynamite cant harm its hard,
boulder-like body. It sheds its hide
just once a year."
76,22,9,"Even dynamite cant harm its hard,
boulder-like body. It sheds its hide
just once a year."
76,23,1,"さんちょうから ふもとまで つづく
みぞは ゴローニャが ころがりおちる
とおりみちなので ようちゅうい。"
76,23,3,"산 정상에서 산기슭까지 이어지는
움푹 패인 홈은 딱구리가 굴러
다니는 길이므로 주의가 필요하다."
76,23,5,"À force de dévaler les falaises, il a creusé de larges
sillons. Mieux vaut ne pas sen approcher."
76,23,6,"Sie rollen Berge hinunter und hinterlassen
Spurrillen. Halte dich von diesen Rillen fern."
76,23,7,"Se lanza montaña abajo y deja un surco desde la cima
hasta el pie. Es mejor mantenerse alejado."
76,23,8,"A furia di rotolare giù dalla cima dei monti, ha
formato dei solchi. Meglio evitarli."
76,23,9,"It tumbles down mountains, leaving grooves
from peak to base. Stay clear of these grooves."
76,23,11,"山頂から ふもとまで 続く 溝は
ゴローニャが 転がり落ちる
通り道なので 要注意。"
76,24,1,"がんせきの ような かたい からだは
ダイナマイトでも きずつかない。
1ねんに 1どだけ だっぴする。"
76,24,3,"암석 같은 단단한 몸은
다이너마이트로도 상처를
입힐 수 없다. 1년에 1번 탈피한다."
76,24,5,"Aucun explosif ne pourrait entamer sa carapace de
pierre. Il mue une fois par an."
76,24,6,"Selbst Sprengstoff kann seinem harten Körper
nichts anhaben. Häutet sich nur einmal jährlich."
76,24,7,"Ni siquiera la dinamita puede dañar su cuerpo rocoso.
Muda la piel una vez al año."
76,24,8,"Muta il guscio solo una volta allanno. Neanche la
dinamite può scalfire il suo corpo durissimo."
76,24,9,"Even dynamite cant harm its hard, boulder-like
body. It sheds its hide just once a year."
76,24,11,"岩石の ような 硬い 体は
ダイナマイトでも 傷つかない。
1年に 1度だけ 脱皮する。"
76,25,1,"おおきな じしんが おこると やまに すんでいる
ゴローニャが なんびきも ふもとまで ごろごろ
ころがり おちてくる ことが あるよ。"
76,25,3,"큰 지진이 일어나면 산에 사는 딱구리
여러 마리가 산기슭까지 데굴데굴
굴러 내려오는 일이 있다."
76,25,5,"Grolem vit à la montagne. Lorsquil y a un tremblement de
terre, ces Pokémon roulent en groupe vers les contreforts
76,25,6,"Geowaz lebt hoch in den Bergen. Gibt es ein starkes
Erdbeben, rollt dieses Pokémon so lange den Berg
hinunter, bis es schließlich unten angekommen ist."
76,25,7,"Golem vive en las montañas. Si se produce un gran terremoto,
estos Pokémon descienden rodando en masa por las laderas."
76,25,8,"I Golem vivono in alta montagna. In caso di terremoto,
questi Pokémon rotolano giù per i monti in massa
e si fermano a valle."
76,25,9,"Golem live up on mountains. If there is a large earthquake,
these Pokémon will come rolling down off the mountains
en masse to the foothills below."
76,25,11,"大きな 地震が 起こると 山に すんでいる
ゴローニャが 何匹も ふもとまで ごろごろ
転がり 落ちてくる ことが あるよ。"
76,26,1,"やまの しゃめんに ほってある みぞは ころがり
おちてきた ゴローニャが みんかに ぶつからない
ように するための とおりみちに なっているぞ。"
76,26,3,"산의 경사면에 파놓은 홈은 굴러
내려오는 딱구리가 민가에 부딪히지
않게 하기 위한 코스로 되어 있다."
76,26,5,"On sait que les Grolem se laissent rouler en bas
des montagnes. Afin déviter quils roulent sur les maisons
des gens, des tranchées ont été creusées le long des
montagnes pour les guider dans leurs descentes infernales."
76,26,6,"Geowaz ist dafür bekannt, dass es Berghänge herunterrollt.
Damit es nicht in die Häuser der Menschen hineinrollt, wurden
Gräben so an den Bergen angelegt, dass der Weg dieses
Pokémon umgeleitet wird."
76,26,7,"Golem es conocido por su afición a bajar de las montañas
rodando. La gente que vive en la falda de las mismas ha
cavado surcos para conducirlo en su descenso por las laderas
y evitar que se cuele en sus casas."
76,26,8,"Golem è noto per rotolare in discesa lungo il pendio dei monti.
Per evitare che finisca dentro le case a valle, sono stati creati
dei canaloni sui pendii dei monti per guidarne il percorso
durante la discesa."
76,26,9,"Golem is known for rolling down from mountains. To prevent
them from rolling into the homes of people downhill, grooves
have been dug into the sides of mountains to serve as
guideways for diverting this Pokémons course."
76,26,11,"山の 斜面に 掘ってある 溝は 転がり
落ちてきた ゴローニャが 民家に ぶつからない
ように するための 通り道に なっているぞ。"
76,27,1,"ダイナマイトで ばくは しても
キズひとつ つかない からだ だが
しっけや あめは だいきらい。"
76,27,3,"다이너마이트로 폭파해도
상처 하나 입지 않는 몸이지만
습기나 비는 아주 싫어한다."
76,27,5,"Son corps est si solide quil peut résister à
lexplosion dun bâton de dynamite, mais il
craint lhumidité et la pluie."
76,27,6,"Selbst Sprengstoff kann seinem harten Körper
nichts anhaben. Es verabscheut Feuchtigkeit
und Regen."
76,27,7,"Su robusto cuerpo puede soportar una explosión
de dinamita sin inmutarse, pero no tolera bien ni
la humedad ni la lluvia."
76,27,8,"Il suo corpo non viene scalfito neanche dalla
dinamite. Tuttavia, teme la pioggia e lumidità."
76,27,9,"Its body can survive dynamite blasts without
a single scratch, but it hates rain and humidity."
76,27,11,"ダイナマイトで 爆破 しても
傷ひとつ つかない 身体 だが
湿気や 雨は 大嫌い。"
76,28,1,"1ねんに 1ど だっぴ。 ぬいだカラは
つちに かえり どじょうを ゆたかに
するので のうかが あつめている。"
76,28,3,"1년에 1번 탈피한다. 벗어낸 껍데기는
흙으로 돌아가 토양을 비옥하게
해서 농가에서 모으고 있다."
76,28,5,"Ce Pokémon mue une fois par an. Sa carapace
se transforme en humus très prisé par les
76,28,6,"Einmal im Jahr häutet es sich. Die abgestreifte
Haut wird oft von Bauern eingesammelt, da sie
sich ausgezeichnet als Dünger verwenden lässt."
76,28,7,"Muda su caparazón una vez al año. En muchas
granjas lo aprovechan, pues este se puede
utilizar para fertilizar el suelo."
76,28,8,"Fa la muta una volta allanno. Il guscio
abbandonato viene recuperato dagli agricoltori
per le sue proprietà fertilizzanti."
76,28,9,"Once a year, this Pokémon molts, and its shed
shell returns to the soil. This process creates
enriched soil, so farmers collect the shells."
76,28,11,"1年に 1度 脱皮。 脱いだ殻は
土に かえり 土壌を 豊かに
するので 農家が 集めている。"
76,29,1,"としおいると だっぴ しなくなる。
ながくながく いきた ゴローニャの
カラは こけむしていて みどりだ。"
76,29,3,"나이가 들면 탈피를 하지 않는다.
긴 세월을 산 딱구리의 껍질은
이끼가 끼어 초록색이다."
76,29,5,"Lorsquil arrive à un âge avancé, il arrête de
muer. Un Grolem ayant vécu très longtemps
est recouvert de mousse verte."
76,29,6,"Im Alter hört es auf, sich zu häuten. Der Panzer
betagter Geowaz ist mit dichtem, grünem Moos
76,29,7,"A medida que envejece, pierde la facultad de
mudar la piel. Se han observado ejemplares de
edad avanzada totalmente cubiertos de musgo."
76,29,8,"Quando invecchia, non fa più la muta.
Il guscio dei Golem molto anziani si ricopre
di muschio tingendosi di verde."
76,29,9,"When Golem grow old, they stop shedding their
shells. Those that have lived a long, long time
have shells green with moss."
76,29,11,"年老いると 脱皮 しなくなる。
長く長く 生きた ゴローニャの
カラは 苔むしていて 緑だ。"
76,30,1,"じぶんで からだを ばくはつさせる。
そのパワーで きゅうな やまみちも
すごい スピードで のぼっていく。"
76,30,3,"스스로 몸을 폭발시킨다.
그 파워로 가파른 산길도
굉장한 스피드로 올라간다."
76,30,5,"Il est capable de faire exploser une partie de
son corps. Le souffle lui permet de se projeter
à toute vitesse vers les sommets."
76,30,6,"Es kann sich in die Luft sprengen. Diese
Explosionen setzt es ein, um selbst steile
Bergpfade in rasantem Tempo zu meistern."
76,30,7,"Puede hacer estallar su cuerpo a voluntad. El
impulso que esto genera le permite ascender
a toda velocidad a la cima de las montañas."
76,30,8,"Può farsi esplodere e risalire a gran velocità
i pendii montani più ripidi sfruttando la
spinta che riceve."
76,30,9,"It detonates its own body. The power from
that explosion can propel it up steep mountain
paths with amazing speed."
76,30,11,"自分で 身体を 爆発させる。
そのパワーで 急な 山道も
すごい スピードで 登っていく。"
76,31,1,"だっぴ したてのときは ぜんたいが
しろっぽく やわらかいが すぐに
くうきに ふれて かたくなる。"
76,31,3,"탈피한 직후에는 전체가
하얗고 부드럽지만 금방
공기와 접촉해서 단단해진다."
76,31,5,"Juste après la mue, son corps est blanc et
tendre. Au contact de lair, sa peau se solidifie
et forme une armure."
76,31,6,"Nachdem es sich gehäutet hat, wird sein Körper
weich und hell. Durch den Kontakt mit der Luft
erhärtet er aber sofort wieder."
76,31,7,"Nada más mudar la piel, su cuerpo se vuelve
blando y blanquecino, pero se endurece al poco
tiempo de entrar en contacto con el aire."
76,31,8,"Subito dopo la muta il suo corpo è bianco
e morbido, ma al contatto con laria si trasforma
immediatamente in una dura corazza."
76,31,9,"Once it sheds its skin, its body turns tender
and whitish. Its hide hardens when its
exposed to air."
76,31,11,"脱皮 したてのときは 全体が
白っぽく 柔らかいが すぐに
空気に ふれて 硬くなる。"
76,32,1,"だっぴ したてのときは ぜんたいが
しろっぽく やわらかいが すぐに
くうきに ふれて かたくなる。"
76,32,3,"탈피한 직후에는 전체가
하얗고 부드럽지만 금방
공기와 접촉해서 단단해진다."
76,32,5,"Juste après la mue, son corps est blanc et
tendre. Au contact de lair, sa peau se solidifie
et forme une armure."
76,32,6,"Nachdem es sich gehäutet hat, wird sein Körper
weich und hell. Durch den Kontakt mit der Luft
erhärtet er aber sofort wieder."
76,32,7,"Nada más mudar la piel, su cuerpo se vuelve
blando y blanquecino, pero se endurece al poco
tiempo de entrar en contacto con el aire."
76,32,8,"Subito dopo la muta il suo corpo è bianco
e morbido, ma al contatto con laria si trasforma
immediatamente in una dura corazza."
76,32,9,"Once it sheds its skin, its body turns tender
and whitish. Its hide hardens when its
exposed to air."
76,32,11,"脱皮 したてのときは 全体が
白っぽく 柔らかいが すぐに
空気に ふれて 硬くなる。"
77,1,9,"Its hooves are 10
times harder than
diamonds. It cantrample anything
completely flat
in little time."
77,2,9,"Its hooves are 10
times harder than
diamonds. It cantrample anything
completely flat
in little time."
77,3,9,"Capable of jumping
incredibly high.
Its hooves andsturdy legs absorb
the impact of a
hard landing."
77,4,9,"It is a weak run­
ner immediately
after birth. Itgradually becomes
faster by chasing
after its parents."
77,5,9,"Its hind legs,
which have hard­
er-than-diamondhooves, kick back
at any presence it
senses behind it."
77,6,9,"Training by
jumping over grass
that grows longerevery day has made
it a world-class
77,7,9,"PONYTA is very weak at birth.
It can barely stand up.
This POKéMON becomes stronger bystumbling and falling to keep up with
its parent."
77,8,9,"PONYTA is very weak at birth.
It can barely stand up.
This POKéMON becomes stronger bystumbling and falling to keep up with
its parent."
77,9,9,"A PONYTA is very weak at birth. It can
barely stand up. Its legs become stronger
as it stumbles and falls while trying to
keep up with its parent."
77,10,9,"Its body is light, and its legs are
incredibly powerful. It can clear
Ayers Rock in one leap."
77,11,9,"Its hooves are ten times harder than
diamond. It can trample anything
completely flat in little time."
77,12,9,"About an hour after birth, its
fiery mane and tail grow out,
giving it an impressive appearance."
77,13,9,"Its legs grow strong while it
chases after its parent. It runs
in fields and mountains all day."
77,14,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its
legs are made tougher and faster."
77,15,9,"It is a weak runner immediately
after birth. It gradually becomes
faster by chasing after its parents."
77,16,9,"Its hind legs, which have hooves that
are harder than diamond, kick back
at any presence it senses behind it."
77,17,5,"Chancelantes à la naissance, ses
pattes deviennent très vite sûres
et solides à force de galoper."
77,17,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its
legs are made tougher and faster."
77,18,5,"Chancelantes à la naissance, ses
pattes deviennent très vite sûres
et solides à force de galoper."
77,18,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its
legs are made tougher and faster."
77,21,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its
legs are made tougher and faster."
77,22,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its
legs are made tougher and faster."
77,23,1,"うまれたばかりでは たつのがやっと。
だが はしるほどに あしこしは
きたえられて そくどが ましていく。"
77,23,3,"막 태어나서는 겨우 일어설 수 있을
정도이지만 많이 달리면 하반신이
단련되어 달리는 속도가 빨라진다."
77,23,5,"Chancelantes à la naissance, ses pattes deviennent
très vite sûres et solides à force de galoper."
77,23,6,"Neugeboren kann es kaum stehen. Durch das
Galoppieren werden seine Beine aber schneller
und kräftiger."
77,23,7,"Cuando nace, apenas puede tenerse en pie. Pero va
fortaleciendo las patas en cuanto empieza a galopar."
77,23,8,"Alla nascita non riesce quasi a reggersi in piedi.
Galoppando si rinforza e diventa più veloce."
77,23,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand.
However, through galloping, its
legs are made tougher and faster."
77,23,11,"生まれたばかりでは 立つのがやっと。
だが 走るほどに 足腰は
鍛えられて 速度が 増していく。"
77,24,1,"おやの あとを おいかけるうちに
きょうじんな あしこしに なる。
1にちじゅう のやまを かけまわる。"
77,24,3,"부모의 뒤를 쫓아다니는 동안
다리가 강인해진다.
온종일 산과 들을 뛰어다닌다."
77,24,5,"Il muscle ses pattes en suivant ses parents. Il arpente
les plaines et les montagnes toute la journée."
77,24,6,"Seine Beine werden kräftig, da es seinen Eltern
hinterherläuft. Es rennt den ganzen Tag umher."
77,24,7,"Fortalece las patas mientras sigue a sus padres. Corre
en el campo y en la montaña todo el día."
77,24,8,"Si rafforza le zampe rincorrendo i suoi genitori.
Corre tutto il giorno per campi e monti."
77,24,9,"Its legs grow strong while it chases after its parent.
It runs in fields and mountains all day."
77,24,11,"親の あとを 追いかけるうちに
強靭な 足腰になる。
1日中 野山を 駆け回る。"
77,25,1,"うまれて すぐは たちあがるのも やっとだが
ころびながら おやの あとを おいかけている
うちに じょうぶな あしこしに そだつのだ。"
77,25,3,"막 태어나서는 겨우 설 수 있는 정도지만
넘어지면서 부모의 뒤를 쫓아다니는
동안 하반신이 튼튼하게 자라난다."
77,25,5,"À sa naissance, Ponyta est très faible. Il peut à peine tenir
debout. Ce Pokémon se muscle en trébuchant et en tombant,
lorsquil essaie de suivre ses parents."
77,25,6,"Nach seiner Geburt ist Ponita so schwach, dass es kaum von
alleine aufstehen kann. Dieses Pokémon wird dadurch schnell
stärker, dass es sich beim Versuch, mit seinen Eltern Schritt
zu halten, immer wieder aufrappeln muss."
77,25,7,"Al nacer, Ponyta es muy débil y apenas puede ponerse en pie.
Con todo, se va haciendo más fuerte al tropezarse y caerse
en su intento por seguir a sus progenitores."
77,25,8,"Ponyta è molto debole alla nascita e riesce a malapena
a reggersi in piedi. Poi si rinforza a furia di inciampare
e cadere, cercando di tenere il passo dei suoi genitori."
77,25,9,"Ponyta is very weak at birth. It can barely stand up.
This Pokémon becomes stronger by stumbling and falling to
keep up with its parent."
77,25,11,"生まれて すぐは 立ちあがるのも やっとだが
転びながら 親の 後を 追いかけている
うちに 丈夫な 足腰に 育つのだ。"
77,26,1,"うまれて すぐは たちあがるのも やっとだが
ころびながら おやの あとを おいかけている
うちに じょうぶな あしこしに そだつのだ。"
77,26,3,"막 태어나서는 겨우 설 수 있는 정도지만
넘어지면서 부모의 뒤를 쫓아다니는
동안 하반신이 튼튼하게 자라난다."
77,26,5,"À sa naissance, Ponyta est très faible. Il peut à peine tenir
debout. Ce Pokémon se muscle en trébuchant et en tombant,
lorsquil essaie de suivre ses parents."
77,26,6,"Nach seiner Geburt ist Ponita sehr schwach. Es braucht sehr
lange, bis es auf allen Vieren steht. Dieses Pokémon wird
stärker, da es bei dem Versuch, mit seinen Eltern Schritt zu
halten, immer wieder stolpert und hinfällt."
77,26,7,"Al nacer, Ponyta es muy débil y apenas puede ponerse en pie.
Con todo, se va haciendo más fuerte al tropezarse y caerse
en su intento por seguir a sus progenitores."
77,26,8,"Ponyta è molto debole alla nascita e riesce a malapena
a reggersi in piedi. Poi si rinforza a furia di inciampare
e cadere, cercando di tenere il passo dei suoi genitori."
77,26,9,"Ponyta is very weak at birth. It can barely stand up.
This Pokémon becomes stronger by stumbling and
falling to keep up with its parent."
77,26,11,"生まれて すぐは 立ちあがるのも やっとだが
転びながら 親の 後を 追いかけている
うちに 丈夫な 足腰に 育つのだ。"
77,31,1,"ものすごい ジャンプの あとの
ちゃくちの しょうげきは ヒヅメと
あしの きんにくで やわらげる。"
77,31,3,"엄청난 점프 뒤에 오는
착지의 충격은 발굽과
다리의 근육으로 완화한다."
77,31,5,"Il est capable de sauter très haut.
Ses sabots et ses jambes peuvent amortir
limpact de latterrissage."
77,31,6,"Es kann unglaublich hoch springen. Die Wucht
der Landung absorbiert es mit seinen robusten
Hufen und Beinen."
77,31,7,"Es capaz de saltar muy alto. Absorbe el impacto
del aterrizaje con sus robustas patas y pezuñas."
77,31,8,"È capace di salti altissimi. Quando tocca
terra, attutisce limpatto grazie agli zoccoli
e alle zampe muscolose."
77,31,9,"Capable of jumping incredibly high.
Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb
the impact of a hard landing."
77,31,11,"ものすごい ジャンプの 後の
着地の 衝撃は ヒヅメと
脚の 筋肉で やわらげる。"
77,32,1,"ものすごい ジャンプの あとの
ちゃくちの しょうげきは ヒヅメと
あしの きんにくで やわらげる。"
77,32,3,"엄청난 점프 뒤에 오는
착지의 충격은 발굽과
다리의 근육으로 완화한다."
77,32,5,"Il est capable de sauter très haut.
Ses sabots et ses jambes peuvent amortir
limpact de latterrissage."
77,32,6,"Es kann unglaublich hoch springen. Die Wucht
der Landung absorbiert es mit seinen robusten
Hufen und Beinen."
77,32,7,"Es capaz de saltar muy alto. Absorbe el impacto
del aterrizaje con sus robustas patas y pezuñas."
77,32,8,"È capace di salti altissimi. Quando tocca
terra, attutisce limpatto grazie agli zoccoli
e alle zampe muscolose."
77,32,9,"Capable of jumping incredibly high.
Its hooves and sturdy legs absorb
the impact of a hard landing."
77,32,11,"ものすごい ジャンプの 後の
着地の 衝撃は ヒヅメと
脚の 筋肉で やわらげる。"
77,33,1,"うまれたばかりは はしるのが へた。
なかまと かけっこを するうちに
あしこしが つよく そだっていく。"
77,33,3,"갓 태어났을 때는 달리는 것이 서툴다.
동료와 달리기 경주를 하는 사이에
하반신이 튼튼하게 성장한다."
77,33,5,"À la naissance, il ne court pas très vite.
Cest en faisant la course avec ses camarades
quil se muscle les jambes."
77,33,6,"Nach der Geburt fällt ihm das Laufen schwer.
Die Wettrennen, die es sich mit seinen Freunden
liefert, stärken jedoch seine Beinmuskulatur."
77,33,7,"Al nacer es un poco lento, pero va fortaleciendo
las patas paulatinamente al disputar carreras con
sus congéneres."
77,33,8,"Appena nato non è un buon corridore, ma col
tempo irrobustisce le sue zampe rincorrendo
i suoi simili."
77,33,9,"It cant run properly when its newly born.
As it races around with others of its kind,
its legs grow stronger."
77,33,11,"生まれたばかりは 走るのが へた。
仲間と かけっこを するうちに
足腰が 強く 育っていく。"
77,34,1,"ポニータに みとめられると
もえる たてがみに さわっても
ふしぎと あつくなくなるのだ。"
77,34,3,"포니타에게 인정받으면
타오르는 갈기를 만져도
뜨거움을 느끼지 않게 된다."
77,34,5,"Il semblerait quune fois quun Dresseur a gagné
la confiance de Ponyta, sa crinière enflammée
ne le brûle plus au toucher."
77,34,6,"Hat man erst einmal das Vertrauen eines Ponitas
gewonnen, kann man seltsamerweise sogar seine
feurige Mähne anfassen, ohne sich zu verbrennen."
77,34,7,"Por extraño que parezca, una vez que alguien
se ha hecho merecedor de su confianza, puede
tocarle la ardiente crin sin quemarse."
77,34,8,"Una volta conquistata la fiducia di Ponyta,
è possibile toccare la sua criniera infuocata
senza scottarsi."
77,34,9,"If youve been accepted by Ponyta, its burning
mane is mysteriously no longer hot to the touch."
77,34,11,"ポニータに 認められると
燃える たてがみに 触っても
不思議と 熱くなくなるのだ。"
78,1,9,"Very competitive,
this POKéMON will
chase anythingthat moves fast
in the hopes of
racing it."
78,2,9,"Very competitive,
this POKéMON will
chase anythingthat moves fast
in the hopes of
racing it."
78,3,9,"Just loves to run.
If it sees some­
thing faster thanitself, it will
give chase at top
78,4,9,"At full gallop,
its four hooves
barely touch theground because it
moves so incredi­
bly fast."
78,5,9,"With incredible
acceleration, it
reaches its topspeed of 150 mph
after running just
ten steps."
78,6,9,"It just loves to
gallop. The faster
it goes, the long­er the swaying
flames of its mane
will become."
78,7,9,"RAPIDASH usually can be seen casually
cantering in the fields and plains.
However, when this POKéMON turnsserious, its fiery manes flare and blaze
as it gallops its way up to 150 mph."
78,8,9,"RAPIDASH usually can be seen casually
cantering in the fields and plains.
However, when this POKéMON turnsserious, its fiery manes flare and blaze
as it gallops its way up to 150 mph."
78,9,9,"It usually canters casually in the fields
and plains. But once a RAPIDASH turns
serious, its fiery manes flare and blaze
as it gallops its way up to 150 mph."
78,10,9,"It can gallop at a top speed of 150
miles per hour. It can race as fast as a
bullet train while ablaze."
78,11,9,"Very competitive, this POKéMON will chase
anything that moves fast in the hopes of
racing it."
78,12,9,"It gallops at nearly 150 mph.
With its mane blazing ferociously,
it races as if it were an arrow."
78,13,9,"It has astounding acceleration.
From a standstill, it can reach
top speed within 10 steps."
78,14,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its
blazing mane sparkles, enhancing
its beautiful appearance."
78,15,9,"At full gallop, its four hooves
barely touch the ground because
it moves so incredibly fast."
78,16,9,"With incredible acceleration, it
reaches its top speed of 150 mph
after running just 10 steps."
78,17,5,"Au grand galop, sa crinière de feu
disperse au vent une myriade
détincelles ardentes."
78,17,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its
blazing mane sparkles, enhancing
its beautiful appearance."
78,18,5,"Au grand galop, sa crinière de feu
disperse au vent une myriade
détincelles ardentes."
78,18,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its
blazing mane sparkles, enhancing
its beautiful appearance."
78,21,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its
blazing mane sparkles, enhancing
its beautiful appearance."
78,22,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its
blazing mane sparkles, enhancing
its beautiful appearance."
78,23,1,"はやく うごく ぶったいを みると
きょうそう したくなり もうれつな
スピードで おいかけ はじめる。"
78,23,3,"빠르게 움직이는 물체를 보면
경주를 하고 싶어져서 맹렬한
스피드로 쫓아가기 시작한다."
78,23,5,"Doté dun esprit de compétition, il poursuit toute
créature rapide pour faire la course."
78,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon verfolgt schnelle Objekte in der
Hoffnung, ein Wettrennen gegen sie zu gewinnen."
78,23,7,"Muy competitivo, este Pokémon perseguirá a todo lo
que se mueva rápido e intentará salir airoso."
78,23,8,"Pokémon molto competitivo, rincorre tutto ciò
che si muove veloce, sperando di superarlo."
78,23,9,"Very competitive, this Pokémon will chase anything
that moves fast in the hopes of racing it."
78,23,11,"速く 動く 物体を 見ると
競争したくなり 猛烈な
スピードで 追いかけはじめる。"
78,24,1,"はしる そくどは じそく240キロ。
たてがみの ほのおが はげしく もえ
やの ように かけぬける。"
78,24,3,"달리는 속도는 시속 240km.
갈기의 불꽃이 세차게 타오르고
화살처럼 달려나간다."
78,24,5,"Son galop dépasse les 240 km/h. Il file comme
une flèche, laissant flotter sa crinière ardente."
78,24,6,"Seine Mähne lodert auf, wenn es mit 240 km/h
pfeilschnell galoppiert."
78,24,7,"Galopa a casi 240 km por hora. Su crin ardiente
parece una flecha cuando corre."
78,24,8,"Galoppa alla velocità di 240 km/h. Corre come una
freccia facendo ondeggiare la criniera ardente."
78,24,9,"It gallops at nearly 150 mph. With its mane blazing
ferociously, it races as if it were an arrow."
78,24,11,"走る 速度は 時速240キロ。
たてがみの 炎が 激しく 燃え
矢のように 駆け抜ける。"
78,25,1,"いつもは のんびり のはらを かけまわっているが
ひとたび ほんきを だすと たてがみの ほのおが
もえあがり じそく240キロで はしりだす。"
78,25,3,"평상시는 느긋하게 들판을 뛰어다니지만
한 번 마음먹으면 갈기의 불꽃을
불태우며 시속 240km로 달린다."
78,25,5,"On voit souvent Galopa trotter dans les champs et les plaines.
Cependant, lorsque ce Pokémon sen donne la peine, il peut
galoper à plus de 240 km/h et sa crinière flamboyante
78,25,6,"Man kann Gallopa dabei beobachten, wie es lässig über Felder
und Wiesen galoppiert. Wenn dieses Pokémon jedoch Ernst
macht, erreicht es bis zu 240 km/h. Dann beginnt seine Mähne
zu lodern."
78,25,7,"A Rapidash se le suele ver trotando sin rumbo fijo por los
campos y llanos. Cuando tiene que ir a algún sitio en concreto,
se le aviva el fuego de las melenas y emprende el galope
llameante llegando a los 240 km/h."
78,25,8,"Rapidash si vede comunemente galoppare in campagne
e pianure. Quando si lancia a tutta velocità la sua criniera
infuocata brilla e arde mentre galoppa fino a 240 km/h."
78,25,9,"Rapidash usually can be seen casually cantering in the
fields and plains. However, when this Pokémon turns serious,
its fiery manes flare and blaze as it gallops its way up to
150 mph."
78,25,11,"いつもは のんびり 野原を 駆けまわっているが
一度 本気を 出すと たてがみの 炎が
燃えあがり 時速240キロで 走りだす。"
78,26,1,"いつもは のんびり のはらを かけまわっているが
ひとたび ほんきを だすと たてがみの ほのおが
もえあがり じそく240キロで はしりだす。"
78,26,3,"평상시는 느긋하게 들판을 뛰어다니지만
한 번 마음먹으면 갈기의 불꽃을
불태우며 시속 240km로 달린다."
78,26,5,"On voit souvent Galopa trotter dans les champs et les plaines.
Cependant, lorsque ce Pokémon sen donne la peine, il peut
galoper à plus de 240 km/h et sa crinière flamboyante
78,26,6,"Man kann Gallopa dabei beobachten, wie es fröhlich über
Felder und Wiesen galoppiert. Wenn dieses Pokémon jedoch
Ernst macht, erreicht es bis zu 240 km/h. Dann beginnt seine
Mähne zu lodern."
78,26,7,"A Rapidash se le suele ver trotando sin rumbo fijo por los
campos y llanos. Cuando tiene que ir a algún sitio en
concreto, se le aviva el fuego de las melenas y emprende
el galope llameante llegando a los 240 km/h."
78,26,8,"Rapidash si vede comunemente galoppare in campagne
e pianure. Quando si lancia a tutta velocità la sua criniera
infuocata brilla e arde mentre galoppa fino a 240 km/h."
78,26,9,"Rapidash usually can be seen casually cantering in the fields
and plains. However, when this Pokémon turns serious, its
fiery manes flare and blaze as it gallops its way up to 150 mph."
78,26,11,"いつもは のんびり 野原を 駆けまわっているが
一度 本気を 出すと たてがみの 炎が
燃えあがり 時速240キロで 走りだす。"
78,31,1,"とにかく はしるのが だいすきで
じぶんより はやいものを みつけると
ぜんそくりょくで おいかける。"
78,31,3,"그저 달리는 것을 좋아해서
자신보다 빠른 상대를 발견하면
전속력으로 쫓아간다."
78,31,5,"Il aime la course. Il poursuit tout ce qui va
plus vite que lui. Question dhonneur."
78,31,6,"Es galoppiert für sein Leben gern. Entdeckt es
etwas, das schneller ist als es selbst, nimmt es
blitzschnell die Verfolgung auf."
78,31,7,"Le encanta galopar. Si ve algo más rápido,
intentará alcanzarlo a toda velocidad."
78,31,8,"Ama correre, e quando incontra qualcuno
più veloce si mette a inseguirlo con tutte
le sue forze."
78,31,9,"Just loves to run. If it sees something faster
than itself, it will give chase at top speed."
78,31,11,"とにかく 走るのが 大好きで
自分より 速いものを 見つけると
全速力で 追いかける。"
78,32,1,"とにかく はしるのが だいすきで
じぶんより はやいものを みつけると
ぜんそくりょくで おいかける。"
78,32,3,"그저 달리는 것을 좋아해서
자신보다 빠른 상대를 발견하면
전속력으로 쫓아간다."
78,32,5,"Il aime la course. Il poursuit tout ce qui va
plus vite que lui. Question dhonneur."
78,32,6,"Es galoppiert für sein Leben gern. Entdeckt es
etwas, das schneller ist als es selbst, nimmt es
blitzschnell die Verfolgung auf."
78,32,7,"Le encanta galopar. Si ve algo más rápido,
intentará alcanzarlo a toda velocidad."
78,32,8,"Ama correre, e quando incontra qualcuno
più veloce si mette a inseguirlo con tutte
le sue forze."
78,32,9,"Just loves to run. If it sees something faster
than itself, it will give chase at top speed."
78,32,11,"とにかく 走るのが 大好きで
自分より 速いものを 見つけると
全速力で 追いかける。"
78,33,1,"もえる たてがみを はためかせ
じそく 240キロの そくどで
だいそうげんを かけぬけるのだ。"
78,33,3,"불타는 갈기를 휘날리며
시속 240km의 속도로
넓은 초원을 달려나간다."
78,33,5,"Ce Pokémon traverse les plaines à plus
de 240 km/h, sa crinière flamboyante flottant
au vent."
78,33,6,"Die lodernde Mähne dieses Pokémon flattert im
Wind, wenn es mit einer Geschwindigkeit von
240 km/h über Felder und Wiesen galoppiert."
78,33,7,"Su ardiente crin ondea al viento mientras
atraviesa extensas praderas a una velocidad
de 240 km/h."
78,33,8,"Sfreccia nelle praterie a una velocità di
240 km/h, facendo sventolare la sua
criniera ardente."
78,33,9,"This Pokémon can be seen galloping through
fields at speeds of up to 150 mph, its fiery mane
fluttering in the wind."
78,33,11,"燃える たてがみを はためかせ
時速 240キロの 速度で
大草原を 駆けぬけるのだ。"
78,34,1,"いちばん あしが はやい ものが
リーダー。 むれが いく ばしょや
はしる そくどを きめている。"
78,34,3,"가장 발이 빠른 날쌩마가
리더가 되어 무리가 갈 장소나
달리는 속도를 정한다."
78,34,5,"Au sein dun troupeau, cest le plus rapide qui
devient le chef. Il choisit les lieux où se rendre
et détermine la vitesse de galop."
78,34,6,"Das schnellste Exemplar wird zum Anführer
bestimmt und gibt als solcher den Zielort und
die Geschwindigkeit der Herde vor."
78,34,7,"El ejemplar más rápido se convierte en el líder
de la manada y decide tanto el ritmo de galope
como su destino."
78,34,8,"Lesemplare più veloce diventa il capo del
gruppo e ne decide velocità e destinazione."
78,34,9,"The fastest runner becomes the leader, and it
decides the herds pace and direction of travel."
78,34,11,"いちばん 脚が 速い ものが
リーダー。 群れが 行く 場所や
走る 速度を 決めている。"
79,1,9,"Incredibly slow
and dopey. It
takes 5 secondsfor it to feel
pain when under
79,2,9,"Incredibly slow
and dopey. It
takes 5 secondsfor it to feel
pain when under
79,3,9,"Incredibly slow
and sluggish. It
is quite contentto loll about
without worrying
about the time."
79,4,9,"It lazes vacantly
near water. If
something bitesits tail, it won't
even notice for a
whole day."
79,5,9,"A sweet sap leaks
from its tail's
tip. Although notnutritious, the
tail is pleasant
to chew on."
79,6,9,"It is always so
absent-minded that
it won't react,even if its
flavorful tail is
79,7,9,"SLOWPOKE uses its tail to catch prey by
dipping it in water at the side of a
river.However, this POKéMON often forgets
what its doing and often spends entire
days just loafing at waters edge."
79,8,9,"SLOWPOKE uses its tail to catch prey by
dipping it in water at the side of a
river.However, this POKéMON often forgets
what its doing and often spends entire
days just loafing at waters edge."
79,9,9,"It catches prey by dipping its tail in
water at the side of a river. But it often
forgets what it is doing and spends entire
days just loafing at waters edge."
79,10,9,"It is always vacantly lost in thought, but
no one knows what it is thinking about.
It is good at fishing with its tail."
79,11,9,"Incredibly slow and dopey. It takes five
seconds for it to feel pain when under
79,12,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,13,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,14,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,15,9,"It lazes vacantly near water.
If something bites its tail, it wont
even notice for a whole day."
79,16,9,"A sweet sap leaks from its tails
tip. Although not nutritious, the
tail is pleasant to chew on."
79,17,5,"Bien que lent, cest un pêcheur
adroit qui utilise sa queue. Elle
est insensible aux morsures."
79,17,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,18,5,"Bien que lent, cest un pêcheur
adroit qui utilise sa queue. Elle
est insensible aux morsures."
79,18,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,21,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,22,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at
fishing with its tail. It does not
feel pain if its tail is bitten."
79,23,1,"いつも ボーッとしていて なにを
かんがえているか わからない。
しっぽで エサを つるのが とくい。"
79,23,3,"항상 멍하니 있으므로 무슨
생각을 하고 있는지 알 수 없다.
꼬리로 먹이를 낚는 것이 특기다."
79,23,5,"Ramoloss semble toujours perdu dans ses pensées,
mais personne ne sait vraiment à quoi il pense.
Il adore pêcher en utilisant sa queue."
79,23,6,"Es ist stets in Gedanken versunken und niemand
weiß, worüber es nachdenkt. Es kann mit seiner
Rute gut angeln."
79,23,7,"Está siempre en su mundo, pero nadie sabe en qué
piensa. Suele pescar con la cola."
79,23,8,"È sempre assorto, ma nessuno sa a cosa stia
pensando. Si serve della coda per pescare."
79,23,9,"It is always vacantly lost in thought, but no one
knows what it is thinking about. It is good at fishing
with its tail."
79,23,11,"いつも ボーッとしていて なにを
考えているか わからない。
尻尾で エサを 釣るのが 得意。"
79,24,1,"みずべで ボーッとしている。
なにかが しっぽに かみついても
まる1にち きづかない。"
79,24,3,"물가에서 멍하니 있다.
뭔가가 꼬리를 깨물어도
하루 종일 눈치채지 못한다."
79,24,5,"Il est tellement paresseux quil lui faut une journée
pour remarquer quon lui mord la queue."
79,24,6,"Es faulenzt am Wasser. Wenn es in den Schweif
gebissen wird, bemerkt es das erst am nächsten Tag."
79,24,7,"Descansa ocioso junto al agua. Si algo muerde su
cola, no lo notará en todo el día."
79,24,8,"Ozia distrattamente vicino allacqua. Se gli si
mordesse la coda non se ne accorgerebbe neppure."
79,24,9,"It lazes vacantly near water. If something bites its
tail, it wont even notice for a whole day."
79,24,11,"水辺で ボーッとしている。
なにかが 尻尾に かみついても
まる1日 気づかない。"
79,25,1,"しっぽを かわに いれて エサを つっているが
そのうち なにを しているのか わすれてしまい
かわべりに ねそべったまま 1にちを おえる。"
79,25,3,"꼬리를 강에 넣고 먹이를 낚지만
이윽고 무엇을 하고 있었는지 잊고
강변에 엎드려 누운 채로 하루를 보낸다."
79,25,5,"Ramoloss trempe sa queue dans leau au bord des rivières
pour attraper ses proies. Cependant, ce Pokémon oublie
souvent ce quil fait là et passe des jours entiers à traîner
au bord de leau."
79,25,6,"Flegmon benutzt seinen Schweif, um Beute zu fangen, indem
es ihn an einem Flussufer ins Wasser taucht. Dieses Pokémon
vergisst häufig, was es gerade tun wollte, und verbringt ganze
Tage damit, am Ufer herumzutrödeln."
79,25,7,"Slowpoke usa la cola para atrapar a sus presas metiéndola
bajo el agua en las riberas de los ríos. Con todo, es
olvidadizo, se le puede pasar lo que estaba haciendo y
quedarse días enteros holgazaneando en la orilla."
79,25,8,"Slowpoke usa la coda per pescare la preda, immergendola
in acqua dalle rive dei fiumi.
Tuttavia, spesso dimentica cosa stava facendo e trascorre
giorni interi a ciondolare vicino ai corsi dacqua."
79,25,9,"Slowpoke uses its tail to catch prey by dipping it in water at
the side of a river. However, this Pokémon often forgets what
its doing and often spends entire days just loafing at
waters edge."
79,25,11,"尻尾を 川に 入れて エサを 釣っているが
そのうち なにを しているのか 忘れてしまい
川べりに 寝そべったまま 1日を 終える。"
79,26,1,"しっぽを かわに いれて エサを つっているが
そのうち なにを しているのか わすれてしまい
かわべりに ねそべったまま 1にちを おえる。"
79,26,3,"꼬리를 강에 넣고 먹이를 낚지만
이윽고 무엇을 하고 있었는지 잊고
강변에 엎드려 누운 채로 하루를 보낸다."
79,26,5,"Ramoloss trempe sa queue dans leau au bord des rivières
pour attraper ses proies. Cependant, ce Pokémon oublie
souvent ce quil fait là et passe des jours entiers à traîner
au bord de leau."
79,26,6,"Flegmon benutzt seinen Schweif, um Beute zu fangen, indem
es ihn an einem Flussufer ins Wasser taucht. Dieses Pokémon
vergisst häufig, was es gerade tun wollte, und verbringt ganze
Tage damit, am Ufer herumzutrödeln."
79,26,7,"Slowpoke usa la cola para atrapar a sus presas metiéndola
bajo el agua en las riberas de los ríos. Con todo, es
olvidadizo, se le puede pasar lo que estaba haciendo y
quedarse días enteros holgazaneando en la orilla."
79,26,8,"Slowpoke usa la coda per pescare la preda, immergendola
in acqua dalle rive dei fiumi.
Tuttavia, spesso dimentica cosa stava facendo e trascorre
giorni interi a ciondolare vicino ai corsi dacqua."
79,26,9,"Slowpoke uses its tail to catch prey by dipping it in water
at the side of a river. However, this Pokémon often forgets
what its doing and often spends entire days just loafing
at waters edge."
79,26,11,"尻尾を 川に 入れて エサを 釣っているが
そのうち なにを しているのか 忘れてしまい
川べりに 寝そべったまま 1日を 終える。"
79,27,1,"ながい しっぽは よくちぎれる。
とくに いたみも かんじないし
すぐに はえるので きにしない。"
79,27,3,"긴 꼬리는 잘 잘린다.
특별히 아픔도 느끼지 않고
바로 자라기 때문에 신경 쓰지 않는다."
79,27,5,"Souvent, sa longue queue se coupe toute seule.
Cela ne lui cause aucune douleur et une autre
pousse aussitôt, donc il ny a pas à sen faire."
79,27,6,"Seine Rute bricht sehr leicht ab. Dies kümmert
es jedoch wenig, da es dabei keine Schmerzen
spürt und sie sofort wieder nachwächst."
79,27,7,"Pierde la cola con frecuencia, pero, como no
le duele y le crece de nuevo rápidamente, no
le da ninguna importancia."
79,27,8,"La sua lunga coda si spezza facilmente, ma
senza causargli dolore. Inoltre, ricresce sempre,
quindi il Pokémon non sembra preoccuparsene."
79,27,9,"Its long tail often breaks off. It doesnt really
feel any pain, though, and the tail grows back,
so Slowpoke isnt particularly bothered."
79,27,11,"長い 尻尾は よく千切れる。
特に 痛みも 感じないし
すぐに 生えるので 気にしない。"
79,28,1,"ヤドンのしっぽを ほしたあと
しおみずで にこんだ りょうりは
アローラの かていの あじ。"
79,28,3,"야돈의 꼬리를 말린 뒤
소금물에 푹 끓인 요리는
알로라의 가정식 메뉴다."
79,28,5,"Une recette traditionnelle dAlola consiste à
faire sécher des queues de Ramoloss puis à
les faire bouillir dans de leau salée."
79,28,6,"In Alola bereiten viele Familien Flegmon-Ruten
zu, indem sie diese zuerst trocknen und dann
in Salzwasser kochen."
79,28,7,"Un plato típico de la cocina de Alola son las
colas de Slowpoke desecadas y cocinadas
en agua salada."
79,28,8,"La coda di Slowpoke essiccata e bollita a fuoco
lento in acqua salata è un piatto tipico della
cucina di Alola."
79,28,9,"Alolan home cooking involves drying Slowpoke
tails and then simmering them into a salty stew."
79,28,11,"ヤドンの尻尾を 干したあと
塩水で 煮込んだ 料理は
アローラの 家庭の 味。"
79,29,1,"あくびを すると あめが ふる
という いいつたえ から ヤドンを
まつっている ちいきが あるという。"
79,29,3,"하품을 하면 비가 온다는
구전 때문에 야돈을
받을어 모시는 지역도 있다고 한다."
79,29,5,"Ce Pokémon, vénéré et considéré comme un
devin dans certaines régions, a donné naissance
au dicton : Ramoloss a bâillé, attention à londée."
79,29,6,"Einer Legende zufolge soll Flegmons Gähnen
Regen herbeiführen. In manchen Regionen wird
ihm deswegen gehuldigt."
79,29,7,"La leyenda afirma que su bostezo atrae las
lluvias, por lo que en ciertas regiones lo
consideran prácticamente una deidad."
79,29,8,"Secondo una leggenda, quando sbadiglia piove.
Sembra che in alcune regioni venga venerato
per questo motivo."
79,29,9,"There are some places where Slowpoke is
worshiped because of a long-standing belief
that whenever Slowpoke yawns, it rains."
79,29,11,"あくびを すると 雨が 降る
という 言い伝え から ヤドンを
まつっている 地域が あるという。"
79,30,1,"しぜんにちぎれ そこらに おちている
シッポは てがるで きちょうな
しょくりょうの ひとつ だった。"
79,30,3,"주변에 자연스럽게 떨어져 있는
꼬리는 손쉽게 얻을 수 있는
귀중한 식재료 중 하나였다."
79,30,5,"Les queues de Ramoloss parfois retrouvées
dans la nature étaient un ingrédient de cuisine
particulièrement prisé."
79,30,6,"Von selbst abgefallene Flegmon-Ruten scheinen
überall herumzuliegen. Dennoch gilt dieses
einfache Nahrungsmittel als hochwertig."
79,30,7,"Su cola se desprende con facilidad de forma
natural y es un ingrediente muy valorado en la
elaboración de platos de alta cocina."
79,30,8,"Le code di Slowpoke si staccano naturalmente
e cadono qua e là. Vengono raccolte e usate
come preziosi ingredienti in cucina."
79,30,9,"Although their tails, which fall off naturally, can
easily be found lying around, theyre a precious
ingredient for cooking."
79,30,11,"自然にちぎれ そこらに 落ちている
シッポは 手軽で 貴重な
食料の ひとつ だった。"
79,31,1,"とても まぬけで うごきも にぶい。
じかんの ながれを きにすることなく
のんびりと いきている。"
79,31,3,"매우 멍청하고 움직임도 둔하다.
시간의 흐름을 의식하지 않고
느긋하게 살고 있다."
79,31,5,"Lent et stupide, il aime se la couler douce
sans se soucier du temps qui passe."
79,31,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist unglaublich faul und träge.
Es faulenzt den ganzen Tag lang und schert sich
nicht um die verstrichene Zeit."
79,31,7,"Es increíblemente lento y perezoso. Se toma las
cosas con calma, sin preocuparse por el paso
del tiempo."
79,31,8,"Non è molto sveglio ed è lento nei movimenti.
Dorme e poltrisce tutto il giorno, incurante
del tempo che passa."
79,31,9,"Incredibly slow and sluggish. It is quite content
to loll about without worrying about the time."
79,31,11,"とても 間抜けで 動きも 鈍い。
時間の 流れを 気にすることなく
のんびりと 生きている。"
79,32,1,"とても まぬけで うごきも にぶい。
じかんの ながれを きにすることなく
のんびりと いきている。"
79,32,3,"매우 멍청하고 움직임도 둔하다.
시간의 흐름을 의식하지 않고
느긋하게 살고 있다."
79,32,5,"Lent et stupide, il aime se la couler douce
sans se soucier du temps qui passe."
79,32,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist unglaublich faul und träge.
Es faulenzt den ganzen Tag lang und schert sich
nicht um die verstrichene Zeit."
79,32,7,"Es increíblemente lento y perezoso. Se toma las
cosas con calma, sin preocuparse por el paso
del tiempo."
79,32,8,"Non è molto sveglio ed è lento nei movimenti.
Dorme e poltrisce tutto il giorno, incurante
del tempo che passa."
79,32,9,"Incredibly slow and sluggish. It is quite content
to loll about without worrying about the time."
79,32,11,"とても 間抜けで 動きも 鈍い。
時間の 流れを 気にすることなく
のんびりと 生きている。"
79,33,1,"まぬけで どんかん。 しっぽを
たべられても いたみを かんじないし 
はえかわったことにも きづかない。"
79,33,3,"멍청하고 둔감하다.
꼬리를 먹혀도 아픔을 느끼지 못하고
꼬리가 다시 자라도 눈치채지 못한다."
79,33,5,"Il est si bête et si lent quil na pas mal lorsquon
mange un morceau de sa queue. Il ne remarque
même pas quand elle repousse."
79,33,6,"Es ist so träge und unempfindlich, dass es keinen
Schmerz verspürt, wenn seine Rute gegessen wird.
Es bemerkt nicht einmal, dass sie nachwächst."
79,33,7,"Es lento y abstraído. Aunque le devoren la cola,
ni siquiera se percata, ya que no siente ningún
dolor. Tampoco nota cuando le vuelve a crecer."
79,33,8,"Poco sveglio e privo di intuito. Se gli mangiano
la coda non sente alcun dolore, e non si accorge
nemmeno quando gli ricresce."
79,33,9,"Slow-witted and oblivious, this Pokémon wont
feel any pain if its tail gets eaten. It wont notice
when its tail grows back, either."
79,33,11,"まぬけで 鈍感。 しっぽを
食べられても 痛みを 感じないし
生えかわったことにも 気づかない。"
79,34,1,"しっぽを みずに ひたすと あまみが
にじみでるので それを エサに
ポケモンを おびきよせ つりあげる。"
79,34,3,"꼬리를 물에 담가두면
단맛이 배어 나오기 때문에
이를 미끼로 포켓몬을 유인해서 낚는다."
79,34,5,"Lorsquil trempe le bout de sa queue dans leau,
une substance sucrée sen dégage. Il sen sert
pour appâter ses proies quand il pêche."
79,34,6,"Taucht es seine Rute ins Wasser, strömt sie ein
süßes Aroma aus. Mit diesem Köder lockt es
andere Pokémon an, die es dann an Land zieht."
79,34,7,"Hunde la cola en el agua y la usa cual caña de
pescar. La sustancia dulce que secreta le sirve
de cebo para atraer a sus presas."
79,34,8,"Se immersa nellacqua, la coda di Slowpoke
secerne una dolce linfa che il Pokémon usa
per attirare altri Pokémon e pescarli."
79,34,9,"When this Pokémons tail is soaked in water,
sweetness seeps from it. Slowpoke uses this trait
to lure in and fish up other Pokémon."
79,34,11,"しっぽを 水に 浸すと 甘味が
にじみ出るので それを エサに
ポケモンを おびき寄せ 釣りあげる。"
80,1,9,"The SHELLDER that
is latched onto
SLOWPOKE's tailis said to feed
on the host's left
over scraps."
80,2,9,"The SHELLDER that
is latched onto
SLOWPOKE's tailis said to feed
on the host's left
over scraps."
80,3,9,"Lives lazily by
the sea. If the
SHELLDER on itstail comes off,
it becomes a
SLOWPOKE again."
80,4,9,"If the tail-biting
SHELLDER is thrown
off in a harshbattle, it reverts
to being an ordi­
80,5,9,"Naturally dull to
begin with, it
lost its abilityto feel pain due
seeping poison."
80,6,9,"An attached
SHELLDER won't let
go because of thetasty flavor that
oozes out of its
80,7,9,"SLOWBROs tail has a SHELLDER firmly
attached with a bite. As a result, the
tail cant be used for fishing anymore.This causes SLOWBRO to grudgingly swim
and catch prey instead."
80,8,9,"SLOWBROs tail has a SHELLDER firmly
attached with a bite. As a result, the
tail cant be used for fishing anymore.This causes SLOWBRO to grudgingly swim
and catch prey instead."
80,9,9,"Its tail has a SHELLDER firmly attached
with a bite. As a result, the tail cant be
used for fishing anymore. This forces it
to reluctantly swim and catch prey."
80,10,9,"When a SLOWPOKE went hunting in the sea,
its tail was bitten by a SHELLDER. That
made it evolve into SLOWBRO."
80,11,9,"The SHELLDER that latches onto
SLOWPOKEs tail is said to feed on the
hosts leftover scraps."
80,12,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
SHELLDER on its tail bites down."
80,13,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
SHELLDER on its tail bites down."
80,14,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
SHELLDER on its tail bites down."
80,15,9,"If the tail-biting SHELLDER is thrown
off in a harsh battle, it reverts to
being an ordinary SLOWPOKE."
80,16,9,"Naturally dull to begin with, it
lost its ability to feel pain due
to SHELLDERs seeping poison."
80,17,5,"Ce grand benêt connaît des éclairs
de lucidité lorsque le Kokiyas de sa
queue se met à mordre."
80,17,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
Shellder on its tail bites down."
80,18,5,"Ce grand benêt connaît des éclairs
de lucidité lorsque le Kokiyas de sa
queue se met à mordre."
80,18,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
Shellder on its tail bites down."
80,21,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
Shellder on its tail bites down."
80,22,9,"Though usually dim witted, it
seems to become inspired if the
Shellder on its tail bites down."
80,23,1,"くっついている シェルダーは
しっぽから にじみでる うまみが
ほしくて ずっと はなれない。"
80,23,3,"붙어 있는 셀러는
꼬리에서 배어 나오는 맛을
좋아해서 계속 떨어지지 않는다."
80,23,5,"Le Kokiyas accroché à sa queue est friand de ce quil
dévore et ne veut pas lâcher prise."
80,23,6,"Das Muschas an seiner Rute lässt nicht locker,
da ein leckerer Geschmack aus seiner Rute strömt."
80,23,7,"Tiene una cola tan apetecible, que el Shellder que va
enganchado a ella no se soltará por nada del mundo."
80,23,8,"Lo Shellder che gli sta attaccato non si stacca mai
a causa del profumo appetitoso della coda."
80,23,9,"An attached Shellder wont let go because of
the tasty flavor that oozes out of its tail."
80,23,11,"くっついている シェルダーは
尻尾から にじみ出る うま味が
欲しくて ずっと 離れない。"
80,24,1,"ヤドンが うみへ エサを
とりにいったとき シェルダーに
しっぽをかまれ ヤドランになった。"
80,24,3,"야돈이 바다로 먹이를
잡으러 갔다가 셀러에게
꼬리를 물려 야도란이 되었다."
80,24,5,"Un Kokiyas sest un jour accroché à la queue dun
Ramoloss qui pêchait et la fait évoluer en Flagadoss."
80,24,6,"Als Flegmon im Wasser jagen ging, wurde es von
einem Muschas gebissen. Dadurch entwickelte es sich
zu Lahmus."
80,24,7,"Según parece, cuando Slowpoke fue a pescar al río,
le mordió un Shellder en la cola y así se convirtió en
80,24,8,"Uno Slowpoke che si trovava in mare in cerca di cibo
fu morso da uno Shellder, evolvendosi in Slowbro."
80,24,9,"When a Slowpoke went hunting in the sea, its tail
was bitten by a Shellder. That made it evolve
into Slowbro."
80,24,11,"ヤドンが 海へ エサを
取りにいったとき シェルダーに
尻尾を かまれ ヤドランになった。"
80,25,1,"シェルダーが かみついて いるので しっぽで
エサを つれなくなった ヤドランは しぶしぶ
すいちゅうを およいで エサを つかまえている。"
80,25,3,"셀러가 물고 있어서 꼬리로 먹이를
낚을 수 없게 된 야도란은 마지못해
물속을 헤엄쳐 먹이를 잡고 있다."
80,25,5,"Flagadoss a un Kokiyas solidement attaché à sa queue.
Du coup, il ne peut plus lutiliser pour pêcher. Flagadoss est
donc obligé, à contrecœur, de nager pour attraper ses proies."
80,25,6,"An Lahmus Rute hat sich ein Muschas festgebissen. Daher
kann es ihn nicht mehr zum Angeln benutzen und es ist dazu
gezwungen, umherzuschwimmen und nach Beute Ausschau
zu halten."
80,25,7,"Slowbro lleva en la cola un Shellder enganchado, sujeto por
los dientes. Como Slowbro no puede usar la cola para pescar,
se mete en el agua de mala gana en busca de sus presas."
80,25,8,"Slowbro ha uno Shellder saldamente attaccato alla coda,
che quindi non può più essere usata per pescare.
Così Slowbro può essere visto nuotare di malavoglia per
catturare una preda."
80,25,9,"Slowbros tail has a Shellder firmly attached with a bite.
As a result, the tail cant be used for fishing anymore.
This causes Slowbro to grudgingly swim and catch
prey instead."
80,25,11,"シェルダーが かみついて いるので 尻尾で
エサを 釣れなくなった ヤドランは 渋々
水中を 泳いで エサを 捕まえている。"
80,26,1,"シェルダーが かみついて いるので しっぽで
エサを つれなくなった ヤドランは しぶしぶ
すいちゅうを およいで エサを つかまえている。"
80,26,3,"셀러가 물고 있어서 꼬리로 먹이를
낚을 수 없게 된 야도란은 마지못해
물속을 헤엄쳐 먹이를 잡고 있다."
80,26,5,"Flagadoss a un Kokiyas solidement attaché à sa queue.
Du coup, il ne peut plus lutiliser pour pêcher. Flagadoss est
donc obligé, à contrecœur, de nager pour attraper ses proies."
80,26,6,"An Lahmus Schweif hat sich ein Muschas festgebissen.
Daher kann es ihn nicht mehr zum Fischen benutzen und
ist dazu gezwungen, umherzuschwimmen und Ausschau
nach Beute zu halten."
80,26,7,"Slowbro lleva en la cola un Shellder enganchado, sujeto por
los dientes. Como Slowbro no puede usar la cola para pescar,
se mete en el agua de mala gana en busca de sus presas."
80,26,8,"Slowbro ha uno Shellder saldamente attaccato alla coda,
che quindi non può più essere usata per pescare.
Così Slowbro può essere visto nuotare di malavoglia per
catturare una preda."
80,26,9,"Slowbros tail has a Shellder firmly attached with a bite.
As a result, the tail cant be used for fishing anymore. This
causes Slowbro to grudgingly swim and catch prey instead."
80,26,11,"シェルダーが かみついて いるので 尻尾で
エサを 釣れなくなった ヤドランは 渋々
水中を 泳いで エサを 捕まえている。"
80,27,1,"うみを ながめ ぼーっと している。
シェルダーのどくが からだに まわり
より ぼんやりするように なった。"
80,27,3,"바다를 바라보며 멍하니 있다.
셀러의 독이 몸에 퍼져서
더욱 멍하니 있게 되었다."
80,27,5,"Il aime contempler la mer sans bouger. Le poison
du Kokiyas répandu dans son organisme a
encore plus ralenti son métabolisme."
80,27,6,"Es betrachtet oft mit leerem Blick das Meer.
Das Gift, das Muschas in seinen Körper injiziert,
erhöht seine Begriffsstutzigkeit noch weiter."
80,27,7,"Contemplar el océano le permite relajarse y
desconectar. Si el veneno de Shellder circula por
sus venas, alcanza el culmen de la relajación."
80,27,8,"Contempla il mare con aria assente.
Il veleno di Shellder che circola nel suo corpo
lo rende ancora più stordito."
80,27,9,"It spaces out while gazing at the sea.
With Shellders poison flowing through its body,
it becomes even spacier."
80,27,11,"海を 眺め ぼーっと している。
シェルダーの毒が 身体に 回り
より ぼんやりするように なった。"
80,28,1,"シェルダーが つよく かむたび
いっしゅん なにかを ひらめくが
あっというまに わすれてしまう。"
80,28,3,"셀러가 세게 물 때마다
퍼뜩 무언가가 떠오르지만
순식간에 잊어버린다."
80,28,5,"Chaque fois que le Kokiyas mord avec force,
il a soudain une idée de génie, mais il loublie
80,28,6,"Beißt das Muschas an seinem Schweif beherzt
zu, hat es eine geniale Idee, die es aber sofort
wieder vergisst."
80,28,7,"Cada vez que Shellder le muerde la cola, se le
ocurre una idea brillante, pero la olvida instantes
80,28,8,"Ogni volta che lo Shellder che ha sulla coda
lo morde, aguzza lingegno e gli viene unidea
brillante, ma un attimo dopo lha già dimenticata."
80,28,9,"Whenever Shellder bites down hard on its tail,
it gives Slowbro a flash of inspiration...which it
forgets a moment later."
80,28,11,"シェルダーが 強く 噛むたび
一瞬 なにかを 閃くが
あっという間に 忘れてしまう。"
80,29,1,"きほんてきに ぼんやり している。
シッポが ちぎれて シェルダーが
はずれてしまうと ヤドンに もどる。"
80,29,3,"기본적으로 멍하니 있다.
꼬리가 끊겨 셀러가 떨어지면
야돈으로 돌아간다."
80,29,5,"Ce Pokémon passe son temps dans loisiveté
la plus totale. Sa queue se détache parfois et il
perd son Kokiyas, redevenant ainsi un Ramoloss."
80,29,6,"Ein von Grund auf begriffsstutziges Pokémon.
Verliert es seine Rute mitsamt Muschas,
entwickelt es sich zu Flegmon zurück."
80,29,7,"Vive en un estado de distracción constante.
Si el Shellder que tiene en la cola se desprende,
revierte a su estadio evolutivo anterior."
80,29,8,"Ha sempre unaria un po assente. Se perde la
coda e lo Shellder che vi è attaccato, si
trasforma in uno Slowpoke."
80,29,9,"Spacing out is basically all it does. It turns back
into Slowpoke if its tail, along with Shellder,
breaks off."
80,29,11,"基本的に ぼんやり している。
シッポが ちぎれて シェルダーが
外れてしまうと ヤドンに 戻る。"
80,30,1,"シッポの あまみを もっと もっと
すすろうと よくばった シェルダーが
まきがい じょうに へんかしたのだ。"
80,30,3,"꼬리의 단맛을 더 많이
마시기 위해 욕심을 낸 셀러가
고둥 모양으로 변화했다."
80,30,5,"Un Kokiyas avide sest accroché à sa queue
pour en sucer le jus sucré et sest transformé
pour prendre une forme en spirale."
80,30,6,"Das Muschas an seiner Rute bekommt von dem
süßen Geschmack einfach nicht genug und
mutiert für mehr Biss zu einer Spiralform."
80,30,7,"El Shellder que le muerde la cola para sorber su
dulce savia ha terminado por transformarse en
una especie de caracola."
80,30,8,"Lo Shellder che sta attaccato alla sua coda per
succhiarne avidamente la dolce linfa si è
trasformato, assumendo una forma a spirale."
80,30,9,"Shellder, in its greed to suck out more and more
sweetness from Slowbros tail, has
metamorphosed into a spiral-shaped shell."
80,30,11,"シッポの 甘みを もっと もっと
すすろうと 欲張った シェルダーが
巻き貝状に 変化したのだ。"
80,31,1,"うみのちかくで のんびり くらす。
もし シッポの シェルダーが
はずれてしまうと ヤドンにもどる。"
80,31,3,"바다 근처에서 느긋하게 산다.
만약 꼬리에 있는 셀러가
떨어지면 야돈으로 돌아간다."
80,31,5,"Il mène une vie tranquille en bord de mer.
Si le Kokiyas accroché à sa queue sen va,
il redevient un Ramoloss."
80,31,6,"Es führt ein ruhiges Leben in der Nähe des
Meeres. Verliert es das Muschas an seinem
Schwanz, wird es wieder zu einem Flegmon."
80,31,7,"Lleva una vida tranquila cerca del mar. Si el
Shellder de la cola se desprende, se convierte
de nuevo en un Slowpoke."
80,31,8,"Vive tranquillo vicino al mare. Se per caso
lo Shellder che ha sulla coda si stacca,
torna ad essere uno Slowpoke."
80,31,9,"Lives lazily by the sea. If the Shellder on its tail
comes off, it becomes a Slowpoke again."
80,31,11,"海の近くで のんびり 暮らす。
もし シッポの シェルダーが
外れてしまうと ヤドンに戻る。"
80,32,1,"うみのちかくで のんびり くらす。
もし シッポの シェルダーが
はずれてしまうと ヤドンにもどる。"
80,32,3,"바다 근처에서 느긋하게 산다.
만약 꼬리에 있는 셀러가
떨어지면 야돈으로 돌아간다."
80,32,5,"Il mène une vie tranquille en bord de mer.
Si le Kokiyas accroché à sa queue sen va,
il redevient un Ramoloss."
80,32,6,"Es führt ein ruhiges Leben in der Nähe des
Meeres. Verliert es das Muschas an seinem
Schwanz, wird es wieder zu einem Flegmon."
80,32,7,"Lleva una vida tranquila cerca del mar. Si el
Shellder de la cola se desprende, se convierte
de nuevo en un Slowpoke."
80,32,8,"Vive tranquillo vicino al mare. Se per caso
lo Shellder che ha sulla coda si stacca,
torna ad essere uno Slowpoke."
80,32,9,"Lives lazily by the sea. If the Shellder on its tail
comes off, it becomes a Slowpoke again."
80,32,11,"海の近くで のんびり 暮らす。
もし シッポの シェルダーが
外れてしまうと ヤドンに戻る。"
80,33,1,"シェルダーに しっぽを かまれて
しんか。 シェルダーは しっぽから
にじみでる あまみに ゆめごこちだ。"
80,33,3,"셀러에게 꼬리를 물려서 진화했다.
셀러는 꼬리에서 배어 나오는
단맛에 황홀한 기분이다."
80,33,5,"Il a évolué après quun Kokiyas lui a mordu
la queue. Celle-ci sécrète une substance sucrée
qui enchante particulièrement les Kokiyas."
80,33,6,"Es entwickelte sich, als ein Muschas in seine Rute
biss. Das süße Aroma, das aus der Rute strömt,
hat Muschas in eine Art Trance versetzt."
80,33,7,"Ha evolucionado después de que lo mordiera
un Shellder, al cual le embelesa la sustancia que
secreta por la cola."
80,33,8,"Si è evoluto in seguito al morso di uno Shellder.
Gli Shellder sono inebriati dalla dolce linfa
secreta dalla coda."
80,33,9,"Slowpoke became Slowbro when a Shellder bit
on to its tail. Sweet flavors seeping from the tail
make the Shellder feel as if its life is a dream."
80,33,11,"シェルダーに しっぽを 噛まれて
進化。 シェルダーは しっぽから
にじみ出る 甘味に 夢心地だ。"
80,34,1,"シェルダーに かまれた ショックで
にそくほこうになった。 シェルダーが
はなれると ヤドンに もどるらしい。"
80,34,3,"셀러에게 물린 충격으로 두 발로
걸을 수 있게 되었다. 셀러가 떨어지면
야돈으로 돌아간다고 한다."
80,34,5,"La morsure du Kokiyas la tellement surpris
quil est devenu bipède. Il paraît quil redevient
un Ramoloss si le Kokiyas lâche prise."
80,34,6,"Der Schock, den Muschas Biss verursachte,
ließ es auf zwei Beinen stehen. Löst das Muschas
sich von ihm, wird es wieder zu einem Flegmon."
80,34,7,"Se volvió bípedo por el impacto que le causó la
mordedura del Shellder. Si este se desprende,
vuelve a convertirse en un Slowpoke."
80,34,8,"Ha assunto una postura eretta per lo shock
causato dal morso di uno Shellder. Pare che torni
a essere uno Slowpoke se lo Shellder si stacca."
80,34,9,"Being bitten by a Shellder shocked this Pokémon
into standing on two legs. If the Shellder lets go,
it seems Slowbro will turn back into a Slowpoke."
80,34,11,"シェルダーに 噛まれた ショックで
二足歩行になった。 シェルダーが
離れると ヤドンに 戻るらしい。"
81,1,9,"Uses anti-gravity
to stay suspended.
Appears withoutwarning and uses
similar moves."
81,2,9,"Uses anti-gravity
to stay suspended.
Appears withoutwarning and uses
similar moves."
81,3,9,"It is born with
the ability to
defy gravity. Itfloats in air on
powerful electro­
magnetic waves."
81,4,9,"It is attracted by
waves. It mayapproach trainers
if they are using
their POKéGEAR."
81,5,9,"The units at the
sides of its body
generate anti­gravity energy to
keep it aloft in
the air."
81,6,9,"The electricity
emitted by the
units on each sideof its body cause
it to become a
strong magnet."
81,7,9,"MAGNEMITE attaches itself to power
lines to feed on electricity.
If your house has a power outage,check your circuit breakers. You may
find a large number of this POKéMON
clinging to the breaker box."
81,8,9,"MAGNEMITE floats in the air by emitting
electromagnetic waves from the units
at its sides. These waves block gravity.This POKéMON becomes incapable of
flight if its internal electrical supply
is depleted."
81,9,9,"The units at its sides are extremely
powerful magnets. They generate enough
magnetism to draw in iron objects from
over 300 feet away."
81,10,9,"It moves while constantly hovering.
It discharges THUNDER WAVE and so on
from the units at its sides."
81,11,9,"Uses antigravity to stay suspended.
Appears without warning and uses THUNDER
WAVE and similar moves."
81,12,9,"The units at its sides generate
electromagnetic waves that keep it
airborne. It feeds on electricity."
81,13,9,"The units at its sides generate
electromagnetic waves that keep it
airborne. It feeds on electricity."
81,14,9,"The faster the units at its sides
rotate, the greater the magnetic
force they generate."
81,15,9,"It is attracted by electromagnetic
waves. It may approach Trainers
if they are using their Pokégear."
81,16,9,"The units at the sides of its body
generate antigravity energy to
keep it aloft in the air."
81,17,5,"Plus la rotation de ses extrémités
est rapide, plus la force du champ
magnétique quil génère est grande."
81,17,9,"The faster the units at its sides
rotate, the greater the magnetic
force they generate."
81,18,5,"Plus la rotation de ses extrémités
est rapide, plus la force du champ
magnétique quil génère est grande."
81,18,9,"The faster the units at its sides
rotate, the greater the magnetic
force they generate."
81,21,9,"The electromagnetic waves emitted by
the units at the sides of its head expel
antigravity, which allows it to float."
81,22,9,"The electromagnetic waves emitted by
the units at the sides of its head expel
antigravity, which allows it to float."
81,23,1,"さゆうの ユニットから
じゅうりょくを さえぎる ちからを
だすので くうちゅうに うかべる。"
81,23,3,"좌우의 유닛에서
중력을 차단하는 힘을
발휘하기에 공중에 뜰 수 있다."
81,23,5,"Les parties sur les côtés de son corps génèrent
une énergie lui permettant de léviter."
81,23,6,"Die Magneten an seinem Körper erzeugen
ein Antigravitationsfeld, um es ständig
in der Schwebe zu halten."
81,23,7,"Las unidades a los lados de su cuerpo generan
energía antigravitatoria para mantenerlo en el aire."
81,23,8,"Le unità alle due estremità del corpo producono
energia antigravitazionale con cui si mantiene
a mezzaria."
81,23,9,"The units at the sides of its body generate
antigravity energy to keep it aloft in the air."
81,23,11,"左右の ユニットから
重力を さえぎる 力を
出すので 空中に 浮かべる。"
81,24,1,"くうちゅうに ういたまま いどうして
さゆうの ユニットから
でんじはなどを ほうしゃする。"
81,24,3,"공중에 뜬 채로 이동하여
좌우의 유닛에서
전기자석파를 방사한다."
81,24,5,"Il reste constamment en sustentation pour se
déplacer. Ce Pokémon peut envoyer de lélectricité
par les aimants situés sur ses côtés."
81,24,6,"Es bewegt sich schwebend. Seine Magnete an den
Seiten entladen eine Donnerwelle nach der nächsten."
81,24,7,"Está suspendido en el aire y no para de moverse. A
través de las extremidades laterales dispara Onda
81,24,8,"Si sposta restando sempre sollevato da terra. Si serve
dei due elementi laterali per lanciare Tuononda
e attacchi simili."
81,24,9,"It moves while constantly hovering. It discharges
Thunder Wave and so on from the units at its sides."
81,24,11,"空中に 浮いたまま 移動して
左右の ユニットから
電磁波などを 放射する。"
81,25,1,"でんせんに くっついて でんきを たべている。
ていでんに なったら ブレーカーを しらべよう。
コイルが びっしり くっついて いるかも。"
81,25,3,"전선에 들러붙어 전기를 먹고 있다.
정전되면 누전차단기를 살펴보자.
코일이 빽빽이 들러붙어 있을지도 모른다."
81,25,5,"Magnéti sattache aux lignes à haute tension pour se charger
en électricité. Si une maison a une panne de courant, il est
conseillé de vérifier les fusibles car on trouve parfois ces
Pokémon amassés sur la boîte à fusibles."
81,25,6,"Magnetilo ernährt sich von Elektrizität aus Stromleitungen.
Dieses Pokémon hängt sich gern an Sicherungskästen.
Wenn es in deinem Haus zu einem Stromausfall kommt,
solltest du die Sicherungen überprüfen."
81,25,7,"Magnemite se engancha a las líneas de tensión para nutrirse
de electricidad. Cuando se producen apagones en las casas,
es aconsejable revisar el automático y comprobar que no hay
Pokémon de este tipo colgados de la caja de fusibles."
81,25,8,"Magnemite si attacca alle linee elettriche per caricarsi di
energia. In caso di assenza di corrente in casa, controllare
gli interruttori. Potrebbero esserci dei Pokémon attaccati
alla cassetta degli interruttori."
81,25,9,"Magnemite attaches itself to power lines to feed on electricity.
If your house has a power outage, check your circuit breakers.
You may find a large number of this Pokémon clinging to the
breaker box."
81,25,11,"電線に くっついて 電気を 食べている。
停電に なったら ブレーカーを 調べよう。
コイルが びっしり くっついて いるかも。"
81,26,1,"さゆうの ユニットから でんじはを だす ことで
じゅうりょくを さえぎり くうちゅうに うかぶ。
たいないの でんきが なくなると とべなくなる。"
81,26,3,"좌우의 유닛에서 전자파를 내어
중력을 차단하여 공중에 뜬다.
체내의 전기가 없어지면 날지 못하게 된다."
81,26,5,"Magnéti flotte dans les airs en émettant des ondes
électromagnétiques par les aimants sur ses côtés.
Ces ondes annulent les effets de la gravité. Ce Pokémon
ne peut plus voler si son stock délectricité est épuisé."
81,26,6,"Magnetilo segelt durch die Luft und sendet dabei
elektromagnetische Wellen an beiden Seiten seines
Körpers aus. Dieses Pokémon wird flugunfähig,
wenn die Stromquelle in seinem Inneren erschöpft ist."
81,26,7,"Magnemite flota en el aire emitiendo ondas electromagnéticas,
a través de las unidades de las extremidades, que bloquean
la gravedad. Si se agota su suministro de electricidad interno,
es incapaz de mantenerse flotando."
81,26,8,"Magnemite fluttua a mezzaria emanando onde
elettromagnetiche dai suoi elementi laterali. Queste onde
bloccano la forza di gravità. Il Pokémon non riesce a rimanere
sospeso dopo aver esaurito la carica elettrica."
81,26,9,"Magnemite floats in the air by emitting electromagnetic waves
from the units at its sides. These waves block gravity. This
Pokémon becomes incapable of flight if its internal electrical
supply is depleted."
81,26,11,"左右の ユニットから 電磁波を 出す ことで
重力を 遮り 空中に 浮かぶ。
体内の 電気が なくなると 飛べなくなる。"
81,27,1,"でんきが ある ばしょに むれる。
でんきを おくる てっとう などに
ビッシリと はりついていることも。"
81,27,3,"전기가 있는 장소에 무리를 짓는다.
전기를 보내는 철탑 등에
빈틈없이 붙어 있는 일도 있다."
81,27,5,"Les Magnéti se rassemblent aux endroits où
il y a beaucoup délectricité, et sagglutinent
par exemple autour des pylônes électriques."
81,27,6,"Sie scharen sich um Orte, durch die Elektrizität
fließt. Deshalb klammern sie sich zum Beispiel
sehr oft in Massen an Strommasten fest."
81,27,7,"Estos Pokémon se agrupan en zonas donde hay
electricidad. A veces hasta se los ve
merodeando alrededor de las torres eléctricas."
81,27,8,"I Magnemite si radunano dove cè elettricità.
Si possono anche trovare attaccati ai tralicci
delle linee elettriche."
81,27,9,"They gather in places where electricity is
available. They can be found clinging to the
steel towers used to support power lines."
81,27,11,"電気が ある 場所に 群れる。
電気を 送る 鉄塔 などに
ビッシリと 張りついていることも。"
81,28,1,"でんじはを はなち そらを ただよう。
でんきを くっているときに さわると
ぜんしんが ビリッと しびれるぞ。"
81,28,3,"전기자석파를 발산하여 공중을 떠다닌다.
전기를 먹고 있을 때 만지면
전신이 찌릿하게 마비된다."
81,28,5,"Il lévite en émettant des ondes électro-
magnétiques. Si on le touche quand il salimente
en énergie, on risque un choc électrique."
81,28,6,"Es sendet elektromagnetische Wellen aus und
segelt durch die Luft. Berührt man es, während
es Strom saugt, bekommt man einen Schlag."
81,28,7,"Flota gracias a las ondas electromagnéticas
que desprende. Al tocarlo mientras está
alimentándose, uno puede electrocutarse."
81,28,8,"Fluttua in aria emettendo onde
elettromagnetiche. Se lo si tocca mentre si
nutre di elettricità, si prende la scossa."
81,28,9,"It sends out electromagnetic waves, which let it
float through the air. Touching it while its eating
electricity will give you a full-body shock."
81,28,11,"電磁波を 放ち 空を 漂う。
電気を 喰っているときに 触ると
全身が ビリッと 痺れるぞ。"
81,29,1,"たびたび ていでんの げんいんとなる
ため コイルが いやがる でんぱを
ながす はつでんしょも あるほど。"
81,29,3,"종종 정전의 원인이 되기 때문에
코일이 싫어하는 전파를
내보내는 발전소도 있을 정도다."
81,29,5,"Ce Pokémon causant des coupures de courant,
certaines centrales léloignent en diffusant
des ondes quil déteste."
81,29,6,"Da Magnetilo Stromausfälle verursacht, werden
in vielen Kraftwerken Radiowellen ausgesendet,
die es nicht leiden kann, um es zu vertreiben."
81,29,7,"Frecuentemente son la causa de apagones, por
lo que algunas centrales eléctricas emiten unas
ondas que detestan para ahuyentarlos."
81,29,8,"Poiché spesso causano dei blackout, alcune
centrali elettriche diffondono delle onde radio
che i Magnemite non sopportano."
81,29,9,"Its frequently the cause of power outages,
which is why some power plants send out
electrical signals that it cant stand."
81,29,11,"たびたび 停電の 原因と なる
ため コイルが 嫌がる 電波を
流す 発電所も あるほど。"
81,30,1,"さいきんは でんせんが じめんに
うめられているためか はつでんしょを
おそう コイルが ふえている。"
81,30,3,"최근에는 전선이 땅에
묻혀 있기 때문인지 발전소를
습격하는 코일이 늘고 있다."
81,30,5,"De nos jours, les câbles électriques sont
enterrés, aussi les Magnéti attaquent-ils
de plus en plus les centrales électriques."
81,30,6,"Seit Stromleitungen zunehmend unterirdisch
verlegt werden, stürzen sich mehr und mehr
Magnetilo direkt auf Kraftwerke."
81,30,7,"Debido a que el tendido eléctrico es ahora
soterrado, han aumentado los asaltos a
centrales eléctricas causados por Magnemite."
81,30,8,"Gli attacchi da parte dei Magnemite alle centrali
elettriche sono notevolmente aumentati, forse
perché al giorno doggi i cavi sono interrati."
81,30,9,"Perhaps because electrical lines are often
buried these days, the number of Magnemite
attacks on power plants has increased."
81,30,11,"最近は 電線が 地面に
埋められているためか 発電所を
襲う コイルが 増えている。"
81,31,1,"うまれつき じゅうりょくを さえぎる
のうりょくを もち でんじはを
だしながら くうちゅうを いどう。"
81,31,3,"태어날 때부터 중력을 차단하는
능력을 가지고 있어 전자파를
내면서 공중을 이동한다."
81,31,5,"Sa nature défie les lois de la gravité.
Il flotte grâce à un champ électromagnétique."
81,31,6,"Es trotzt von Geburt an der Schwerkraft und
schwebt auf elektromagnetischen Wellen durch
die Luft."
81,31,7,"Puede desafiar la gravedad desde su
nacimiento. Flota en el aire gracias a las
ondas electromagnéticas que emite."
81,31,8,"Ha linnata capacità di contrastare la forza di
gravità emettendo onde elettromagnetiche che
gli permettono di spostarsi fluttuando in aria."
81,31,9,"It is hatched with the ability to defy gravity.
It floats while emitting powerful
electromagnetic waves."
81,31,11,"生まれつき 重力を さえぎる
能力を もち 電磁波を
出しながら 空中を 移動。"
81,32,1,"うまれつき じゅうりょくを さえぎる
のうりょくを もち でんじはを
だしながら くうちゅうを いどう。"
81,32,3,"태어날 때부터 중력을 차단하는
능력을 가지고 있어 전자파를
내면서 공중을 이동한다."
81,32,5,"Sa nature défie les lois de la gravité.
Il flotte grâce à un champ électromagnétique."
81,32,6,"Es trotzt von Geburt an der Schwerkraft und
schwebt auf elektromagnetischen Wellen durch
die Luft."
81,32,7,"Puede desafiar la gravedad desde su
nacimiento. Flota en el aire gracias a las
ondas electromagnéticas que emite."
81,32,8,"Ha linnata capacità di contrastare la forza di
gravità emettendo onde elettromagnetiche che
gli permettono di spostarsi fluttuando in aria."
81,32,9,"It is hatched with the ability to defy gravity.
It floats while emitting powerful
electromagnetic waves."
81,32,11,"生まれつき 重力を さえぎる
能力を もち 電磁波を
出しながら 空中を 移動。"
81,33,1,"たいないの でんきが きれて
じめんに ころがっていることもある。
でんちを あげると うごきだすよ。"
81,33,3,"체내의 전기가 끊겨
땅에서 뒹굴기도 한다.
전지를 주면 움직이기 시작한다."
81,33,5,"Il lui arrive dêtre à court délectricité
et de tomber au sol, mais il suffit de
lui donner une batterie pour le ranimer."
81,33,6,"Manchmal geht die Elektrizität in seinem Körper
zur Neige, woraufhin es zu Boden fällt. Eine
Batterie bringt es wieder in Bewegung."
81,33,7,"A veces se desploman al suelo tras agotar su
suministro eléctrico interno, pero basta una
pequeña batería para reanimarlos."
81,33,8,"Gli capita di esaurire la sua riserva di elettricità
e di cadere al suolo. Se gli viene data una
batteria, torna a muoversi."
81,33,9,"At times, Magnemite runs out of electricity and
ends up on the ground. If you give batteries to a
grounded Magnemite, itll start moving again."
81,33,11,"体内の 電気が 切れて
地面に 転がっていることもある。
電池を あげると 動きだすよ。"
81,34,1,"でんきを くって いきている。
さゆうの ユニットから でんじはを
ほうしゃ しながら そらを とぶ。"
81,34,3,"전기를 먹으며 살아간다.
좌우의 유닛에서 전기자석파를
방사하며 하늘을 난다."
81,34,5,"Il se nourrit délectricité et flotte dans les airs
en libérant des ondes électromagnétiques avec
les aimants situés de part et dautre de son corps."
81,34,6,"Es ernährt sich von Strom und segelt durch die
Luft, indem es mit den Magneten an seinem
Körper elektromagnetische Wellen aussendet."
81,34,7,"Se nutre de electricidad. Puede flotar en el aire
gracias a las ondas electromagnéticas que emite
a través de las unidades de sus extremidades."
81,34,8,"Vive cibandosi di elettricità. Fluttua in aria
rilasciando onde elettromagnetiche dagli
elementi laterali."
81,34,9,"It subsists on electricity. As Magnemite flies, it
emits electromagnetic waves from the units on
each side of its body."
81,34,11,"電気を 食って 生きている。
左右の ユニットから 電磁波を
放射しながら 空を 飛ぶ。"
82,1,9,"Formed by several
together. Theyfrequently appear
when sunspots
flare up."
82,2,9,"Formed by several
together. Theyfrequently appear
when sunspots
flare up."
82,3,9,"Generates strange
radio signals. It
raises the tem­perature by 3.6F
degrees within
3,300 feet."
82,4,9,"Three MAGNEMITE
are linked by a
strong magneticforce. Earaches
will occur if you
get too close."
82,5,9,"The MAGNEMITE are
united by a mag­
netism so power­ful, it dries all
moisture in its
82,6,9,"When many
together, theresulting magnetic
storm disrupts
radio waves."
82,7,9,"MAGNETON emits a powerful magnetic
force that is fatal to mechanical
devices. As a result, large cities soundsirens to warn citizens of large-scale
outbreaks of this POKéMON."
82,8,9,"MAGNETON emits a powerful magnetic
force that is fatal to electronics and
precision instruments. Because ofthis, it is said that some towns warn
people to keep this POKéMON inside
82,9,9,"It is actually three MAGNEMITE linked
by magnetism. It generates powerful radio
waves that raise temperatures by 3.6
degrees F within a 3,300-foot radius."
82,10,9,"A linked cluster formed of several
MAGNEMITE. It discharges powerful
magnetic waves at high voltage."
82,11,9,"Formed by several MAGNEMITE linked
together. They frequently appear when
sunspots flare up."
82,12,9,"It is actually three MAGNEMITE
linked by magnetism. A group can
set off a magnetic storm."
82,13,9,"It is actually three MAGNEMITE
linked by magnetism. A group can
set off a magnetic storm."
82,14,9,"Many mysteriously appear when more
sunspots dot the sun. They stop
TV sets from displaying properly."
82,15,9,"Three MAGNEMITE are linked by a
strong magnetic force. Earaches
will occur if you get too close."
82,16,9,"The MAGNEMITE are united by a
magnetism so powerful, it dries all
moisture in its vicinity."
82,17,5,"Des groupes apparaissent si des
taches solaires couvrent le soleil.
Ils brouillent les télévisions."
82,17,9,"Many mysteriously appear when more
sunspots dot the sun. They stop
TV sets from displaying properly."
82,18,5,"Des groupes apparaissent si des
taches solaires couvrent le soleil.
Ils brouillent les télévisions."
82,18,9,"Many mysteriously appear when more
sunspots dot the sun. They stop
TV sets from displaying properly."
82,21,9,"The stronger electromagnetic waves
from the three linked Magnemite are
enough to dry out surrounding moisture."
82,22,9,"The stronger electromagnetic waves
from the three linked Magnemite are
enough to dry out surrounding moisture."
82,23,1,"ふくすうの コイルが れんけつして
きょうりょくな じりょくせんと
こうでんあつを ほうしゃする。"
82,23,3,"다수의 코일이 연결되어
강력한 자기장과
높은 전압을 방사한다."
82,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est composé de plusieurs Magnéti.
Il est capable de projeter de puissantes décharges
magnétiques à haute tension."
82,23,6,"Schließen sich mehrere Magnetilo zusammen,
entsteht dieses Pokémon. Es entlädt kräftige
82,23,7,"Lo constituye un grupo de Magnemite. Descarga
potentes ondas magnéticas de alto voltaje."
82,23,8,"Formato da vari Magnemite, è in grado di lanciare
onde magnetiche ad alto voltaggio."
82,23,9,"A linked cluster formed of several Magnemite.
It discharges powerful magnetic waves at
high voltage."
82,23,11,"複数の コイルが 連結して
強力な 磁力線と
高電圧を 放射する。"
82,24,1,"なぞのでんぱを はっしんしており
はんけい 1キロのはんいでは
きおんが 2ど あがる。"
82,24,3,"알 수 없는 전파를 발신하고 있어
반경 1km 범위는
기온이 2도 오른다."
82,24,5,"Il émet un signal radio étrange. Sa présence
augmente la température de 1 °C dans un rayon
de 1000 m."
82,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon erzeugt seltsame Radiowellen
und kann die Lufttemperatur geringfügig anheben."
82,24,7,"Es capaz de elevar 2 °C la temperatura en un radio
de un kilómetro emitiendo extrañas ondas
82,24,8,"Produce strane onde radio con cui può aumentare
la temperatura atmosferica di qualche grado."
82,24,9,"Generates strange radio signals. It raises the
temperature by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit within
3,300 feet."
82,24,11,"ナゾの 電波を 発信しており
半径1キロの 範囲では
気温が 2度 上がる。"
82,25,1,"つよい じりょくで きかいを こわしてしまうので
おおきな まちでは サイレンを ならして
レアコイルの たいりょう はっせいを しらせる。"
82,25,3,"강한 자력으로 기계를 망가트리기 때문에
큰 마을에서는 사이렌을 울려
레어코일의 대량 발생을 알린다."
82,25,5,"Magnéton émet un puissant champ magnétique qui neutralise
les appareils mécaniques. Lorsque ces Pokémon débarquent
en masse, les villes sonnent lalarme et préviennent les
82,25,6,"Magneton erzeugt ein sehr starkes Magnetfeld,
das Maschinen zerstören kann. Deshalb hört man
in großen Städten oft Sirenen, die die Bürger vor
Scharen dieser Pokémon warnen sollen."
82,25,7,"Magneton emite una fuerte energía magnética que causa
estragos en los instrumentos mecánicos. Por ello, en las
ciudades se avisa con sirenas cuando hay concentraciones de
estos Pokémon."
82,25,8,"Magneton emette una potente carica magnetica fatale per
tutte le apparecchiature meccaniche. Nelle città, le sirene
avvertono la popolazione di grandi invasioni di
questi Pokémon."
82,25,9,"Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to
mechanical devices. As a result, large cities sound sirens
to warn citizens of large-scale outbreaks of this Pokémon."
82,25,11,"強い 磁力で 機械を 壊してしまうので
大きな 街では サイレンを 鳴らして
レアコイルの 大量 発生を 報せる。"
82,26,1,"きょうりょくな じりょくせんで せいみつきかいを
こわしてしまうため モンスターボールに いれて
おかないと ちゅういされる まちも あるという。"
82,26,3,"강력한 자기장이 정밀 기계를
망가트리기 때문에 몬스터볼에 넣어
두지 않으면 주의를 받는 마을도 있다고 한다."
82,26,5,"Magnéton émet un puissant champ magnétique qui neutralise
les appareils électroniques. Certaines villes demandent
aux propriétaires de ces Pokémon de les garder dans
leurs Poké Balls."
82,26,6,"Magneton strahlt eine starke magnetische Energie ab,
die für elektronische Geräte und Präzisionsinstrumente
sehr schädlich ist. In einigen Städten werden die Bewohner
gebeten, dieses Pokémon in einem Pokéball zu halten."
82,26,7,"Magneton emite una fuerte energía magnética, fatal para los
instrumentos electrónicos y de precisión. Este es el motivo por
el que, dicen, mucha gente mantiene a este Pokémon en su
Poké Ball."
82,26,8,"Magneton emette una potente carica magnetica fatale per
gli strumenti elettronici e di precisione. Per questo motivo
molte città impongono ai cittadini di tenere questi Pokémon
nelle Poké Ball."
82,26,9,"Magneton emits a powerful magnetic force that is fatal to
electronics and precision instruments. Because of this, it is
said that some towns warn people to keep this Pokémon
inside a Poké Ball."
82,26,11,"強力な 磁力線で 精密機械を
壊してしまうため モンスターボールに 入れて
おかないと 注意される 街も あるという。"
82,27,1,"れんけつするとき 3びきのコイルの
のうも ひとつに れんけつする。
3ばい かしこくなりは しない。"
82,27,3,"연결할 때 3마리의 코일의
뇌도 하나로 연결된다.
3배로 똑똑해지지는 않는다."
82,27,5,"Lorsque trois Magnéti fusionnent, leurs cerveaux
fusionnent aussi. Mais cela ne signifie pas que
Magnéton est trois fois plus intelligent."
82,27,6,"Drei Magnetilo schließen sich zusammen und
vereinigen ihre Gehirne. Das heißt aber nicht,
dass dieses Pokémon dreimal so schlau wird."
82,27,7,"Cuando tres Magnemite se unen, sus cerebros
se convierten en uno. No obstante, su
inteligencia no se multiplica por tres."
82,27,8,"Quando tre Magnemite formano un Magneton,
anche il loro cervello si fonde. Ma non significa
che Magneton è tre volte più intelligente."
82,27,9,"When three Magnemite link together, their brains
also become one. They do not become three
times more intelligent."
82,27,11,"連結するとき 3匹のコイルの
脳も 一つに 連結する。
3倍 賢くなりは しない。"
82,28,1,"ほぼ コイル 3ばいの でんりょく。
たいようのこくてんが おおいとき
なぜか たいりょうはっせい。"
82,28,3,"거의 코일의 3배의 전력이다.
태양의 흑점이 많을 때
어찌 된 일인지 대량 발생한다."
82,28,5,"Il possède le triple de la puissance dun Magnéti.
Il en apparaît beaucoup lorsque les taches
solaires sont nombreuses."
82,28,6,"Seine Stromstärke ist fast dreimal so hoch wie
die eines Magnetilos. Es erscheint vermehrt,
wenn Flecken auf der Sonne auftauchen."
82,28,7,"Su poder eléctrico es unas tres veces superior
al de Magnemite. Aparecen en gran cantidad
cuando se vislumbran muchas manchas solares."
82,28,8,"Ha una potenza elettrica tre volte superiore a
quella di Magnemite. Si registrano comparse
massicce quando ci sono molte macchie solari."
82,28,9,"It has about three times the electrical power of
Magnemite. For some reason, outbreaks of this
Pokémon happen when lots of sunspots appear."
82,28,11,"ほぼ コイル 3倍の 電力。
太陽の黒点が 多いとき
なぜか 大量発生。"
82,29,1,"なぞの でんぱを はっしん しており
レアコイルが すんでいる ばしょでは
せいみつききが こしょうしてしまう。"
82,29,3,"정체 모를 전파를 발신하기 때문에
레어코일이 사는 곳에는
정밀 기기가 고장 난다."
82,29,5,"Les Magnéton émettent détranges ondes,
et les appareils de précision ont tendance
à tomber en panne à leur approche."
82,29,6,"Es erzeugt seltsame Radiowellen, die Störungen
an Präzisionsinstrumenten in seiner Umgebung
82,29,7,"Las misteriosas ondas eléctricas que emiten
provocan toda clase de averías en la electrónica
de precisión allí donde viven."
82,29,8,"Nelle zone abitate dai Magneton, i dispositivi
di precisione spesso si guastano a causa delle
strane onde prodotte da questi Pokémon."
82,29,9,"Delicate equipment can malfunction in areas
inhabited by Magneton, which send out
mysterious electrical signals."
82,29,11,"謎の 電波を 発信 しており
レアコイルが 棲んでいる 場所では
精密機器が 故障してしまう。"
82,30,1,"あまぐもが できると たかいところに
あつまってくる。 かみなりが
おちるのを まっているのだ。"
82,30,3,"비구름이 생기면 높은 곳에
모여든다. 번개가 치기를
기다리는 것이다."
82,30,5,"Quand de gros nuages de pluie samoncellent
dans le ciel, les Magnéton se rassemblent
sur les hauteurs pour attendre la foudre."
82,30,6,"Ziehen Regenwolken auf, versammeln sich
Magneton in großer Höhe und warten darauf,
dass der Blitz einschlägt."
82,30,7,"Cuando se forman nubes de tormenta, se
congregan en las alturas aguardando a que
caigan rayos."
82,30,8,"Quando il cielo si copre di nuvole temporalesche,
i Magneton si raggruppano in luoghi sopraelevati
in attesa dei fulmini."
82,30,9,"When rain clouds form, many Magneton gather
in high places to wait for lightning to strike."
82,30,11,"雨雲が できると 高いところに
集まってくる。 雷が
落ちるのを 待っているのだ。"
82,31,1,"なぞのでんぱを はっしんしており
はんけい 1キロのはんいでは
きおんが 2ど あがる。"
82,31,3,"알 수 없는 전파를 발신하고 있어
반경 1km 범위는
기온이 2도 오른다."
82,31,5,"Il émet un signal radio étrange. Sa présence
augmente la température de 2 ºC dans un rayon
de 1000 m."
82,31,6,"Es erzeugt seltsame Radiowellen, durch welche
die Lufttemperatur in einem Radius von 1 km
um 2 ºC steigt."
82,31,7,"Es capaz de elevar 2 °C la temperatura en
un radio de 1 km emitiendo extrañas ondas
82,31,8,"Emette strane onde radio che fanno aumentare
la temperatura atmosferica di 2 ºC nel raggio
di 1 km."
82,31,9,"Generates strange radio signals. It raises
the temperature by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit
within 3,300 feet."
82,31,11,"謎の電波を 発信しており
半径 1キロの範囲では
気温が 2度 上がる。"
82,32,1,"なぞのでんぱを はっしんしており
はんけい 1キロのはんいでは
きおんが 2ど あがる。"
82,32,3,"알 수 없는 전파를 발신하고 있어
반경 1km 범위는
기온이 2도 오른다."
82,32,5,"Il émet un signal radio étrange. Sa présence
augmente la température de 2 ºC dans un rayon
de 1000 m."
82,32,6,"Es erzeugt seltsame Radiowellen, durch welche
die Lufttemperatur in einem Radius von 1 km
um 2 ºC steigt."
82,32,7,"Es capaz de elevar 2 °C la temperatura en
un radio de 1 km emitiendo extrañas ondas
82,32,8,"Emette strane onde radio che fanno aumentare
la temperatura atmosferica di 2 ºC nel raggio
di 1 km."
82,32,9,"Generates strange radio signals. It raises
the temperature by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit
within 3,300 feet."
82,32,11,"謎の電波を 発信しており
半径 1キロの範囲では
気温が 2度 上がる。"
82,33,1,"3びきの コイルが れんけつした。
きょうりょくな でんぱを はなち
まわりの ようすを かんそくする。"
82,33,3,"3마리의 코일이 연결되었다.
강력한 전파를 발산해
주위의 상황을 관측한다."
82,33,5,"La fusion de trois Magnéti a donné naissance
à ce Pokémon. Il surveille les alentours en
libérant de puissantes ondes électriques."
82,33,6,"Es entsteht durch den Zusammenschluss dreier
Magnetilo und sendet starke Radiowellen aus,
um seine Umgebung zu untersuchen."
82,33,7,"Este Pokémon, surgido de la unión de tres
Magnemite, genera potentes ondas de radio
con las que examina el entorno."
82,33,8,"È formato dallunione di tre Magnemite.
Esamina i dintorni emettendo potenti onde radio."
82,33,9,"This Pokémon is three Magnemite that have
linked together. Magneton sends out powerful
radio waves to study its surroundings."
82,33,11,"3匹の コイルが 連結した。
強力な 電波を 放ち
まわりの 様子を 観測する。"
82,34,1,"つよい じりょくを たえず はなつ。
レアコイルが ちかづくと たいていの
コンピュータは いじょうを きたす。"
82,34,3,"강한 자력을 끊임없이 발산한다.
레어코일이 접근하면 대부분의
컴퓨터에 이상 현상이 발생한다."
82,34,5,"Il émet constamment une énergie magnétique
puissante qui interfère avec la grande majorité
des ordinateurs dont il sapproche."
82,34,6,"Es sondert stetig seine starken Magnetkräfte ab,
sodass bei den meisten Computern Störungen
auftreten, wenn es sich in deren Nähe aufhält."
82,34,7,"Emite de forma constante una potente fuerza
magnética que causa estragos en prácticamente
cualquier ordenador al que se acerque."
82,34,8,"Produce costantemente una potente carica
magnetica che causa malfunzionamenti
nella maggior parte dei computer."
82,34,9,"This Pokémon is constantly putting out a powerful
magnetic force. Most computers go haywire when
a Magneton approaches."
82,34,11,"強い 磁力を たえず 放つ。
レアコイルが 近づくと 大抵の
コンピュータは 異常を きたす。"
83,1,9,"The sprig of
green onions it
holds is itsweapon. It is
used much like a
metal sword."
83,2,9,"The sprig of
green onions it
holds is itsweapon. It is
used much like a
metal sword."
83,3,9,"Lives where reedy
plants grow. They
are rarely seen,so it's thought
their numbers are
83,4,9,"If anyone tries to
disturb where the
essential plantsticks grow, it
uses its own stick
to thwart them."
83,5,9,"If it eats the
plant stick it
carries as emer­gency rations, it
runs off in search
of a new stick."
83,6,9,"In order to pre­
vent their
extinction, morepeople have made
an effort to breed
these POKéMON."
83,7,9,"FARFETCHD is always seen with a stick
from a plant of some sort. Apparently,
there are good sticks and bad sticks.This POKéMON has been known to fight
with others over sticks."
83,8,9,"FARFETCHD is always seen with a stick
from a plant of some sort. Apparently,
there are good sticks and bad sticks.This POKéMON has been known to fight
with others over sticks."
83,9,9,"It is always seen with a stick from a plant.
Apparently, there are good sticks and bad
sticks. This POKéMON occasionally fights
with others over choice sticks."
83,10,9,"It always walks about with a plant stalk
clamped in its beak. The stalk is used for
building its nest."
83,11,9,"The plant stalk it holds is its weapon.
The stalk is used like a sword to cut all
sorts of things."
83,12,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,13,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,14,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,15,9,"If anyone tries to disturb where the
essential plant stalks grow, it uses its
own stalk to thwart them."
83,16,9,"If it eats the plant stalk it carries
as emergency rations, it runs off
in search of a new stalk."
83,17,5,"Il ne peut pas vivre sans son
légume, cest pourquoi il le
protégera au péril de sa vie."
83,17,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,18,5,"Il ne peut pas vivre sans son
légume, cest pourquoi il le
protégera au péril de sa vie."
83,18,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,21,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,22,9,"It cant live without the stalk it
holds. Thats why it defends the
stalk from attackers with its life."
83,23,1,"もっている クキは たいせつな
ぶきでもあり かたなを ふるように
いろんなものを きることが できる。"
83,23,3,"가지고 있는 파 줄기는 소중한
무기이기도 하며 칼을 휘두르듯
다양한 것을 자를 수 있다."
83,23,5,"Il utilise le légume quil tient comme sil
sagissait dune épée."
83,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon nutzt eine Lauchstange als Waffe.
Es setzt sie wie ein Schwert ein."
83,23,7,"El puerro que lleva es su mejor arma. Suele usarlo
como espada para cortar cosas."
83,23,8,"Il verde gambo di porro che brandisce è la sua
arma, che usa come spada."
83,23,9,"The plant stalk it holds is its weapon. The stalk is
used like a sword to cut all sorts of things."
83,23,11,"持っている 茎は 大切な
武器でもあり 刀を 振るように
いろんな ものを 切ることができる。"
83,24,1,"じぶんの すを つくるための
しょくぶつの クキを いっぽん
いつも もって あるいている。"
83,24,3,"자신의 둥지를 만들기 위해서
식물의 줄기 하나를
항상 들고 걷는다."
83,24,5,"Ce Pokémon se promène toujours en tenant un
légume. Il lutilise pour faire son nid."
83,24,6,"Es läuft stets mit einer Lauchstange umher.
Damit baut es sein Nest."
83,24,7,"Siempre lleva un puerro consigo, con el que
construye su nido."
83,24,8,"Si sposta sempre tenendo un gambo con il becco.
Gli serve per costruire il nido."
83,24,9,"It always walks about with a plant stalk clamped in
its beak. The stalk is used for building its nest."
83,24,11,"自分の 巣を 作るための
植物の 茎を 1本
いつも 持って 歩いている。"
83,25,1,"もっている しょくぶつの クキにも よいものと
そうでない ものが あるらしく カモネギどうしが
クキを めぐって たたかう ことが ある。"
83,25,3,"가지고 있는 식물의 줄기에도 좋은 것과
그렇지 않은 것이 있는 듯하여 파오리들이
줄기를 둘러싸고 싸우는 일도 있다."
83,25,5,"On voit souvent des Canarticho avec une tige, récupérée sur
une plante quelconque. Apparemment, ils peuvent distinguer
les bonnes des mauvaises. On a vu ces Pokémon se battre
pour des histoires de tiges."
83,25,6,"Porenta trifft man immer mit einer Lauchstange an. Es gibt
gute und schlechte Stangen. Dieses Pokémon kämpft mit
Hilfe seiner Stange gegen seine Gegner."
83,25,7,"Al parecer, entre los puerros que suelen llevar los Farfetchd,
los hay mejores y peores. A estos Pokémon se les ha visto
luchar entre ellos por los mejores puerros."
83,25,8,"Farfetchd ha sempre con sé il gambo di qualche pianta.
Pare che alcuni gambi siano migliori di altri. Spesso lotta
con altri Pokémon per avere i gambi migliori."
83,25,9,"Farfetchd is always seen with a stalk from a plant of some
sort. Apparently, there are good stalks and bad stalks. This
Pokémon has been known to fight with others over stalks."
83,25,11,"持っている 植物の クキにも 良いものと
そうでない ものが あるらしく カモネギ同士が
クキを 巡って 戦う ことが ある。"
83,26,1,"もっている しょくぶつの クキにも よいものと
そうでない ものが あるらしく カモネギどうしが
クキを めぐって たたかう ことが ある。"
83,26,3,"가지고 있는 식물의 줄기에도 좋은 것과
그렇지 않은 것이 있는 듯하여 파오리들이
줄기를 둘러싸고 싸우는 일도 있다."
83,26,5,"On voit souvent des Canarticho avec une tige, récupérée sur
une plante quelconque. Apparemment, ils peuvent distinguer
les bonnes des mauvaises. On a vu ces Pokémon se battre
pour des histoires de tiges."
83,26,6,"Porenta trifft man immer mit einem Pflanzenstängel an,
dessen Qualität unterschiedlich ausfallen kann.
Von diesem Pokémon wird behauptet, es kämpfe gegen
die eigenen Artgenossen um die besten Stängel."
83,26,7,"Al parecer, entre los puerros que suelen llevar los Farfetchd,
los hay mejores y peores. A estos Pokémon se les ha visto
luchar entre ellos por los mejores puerros."
83,26,8,"Farfetchd ha sempre con sé il gambo di qualche pianta.
Pare che alcuni gambi siano migliori di altri. Spesso lotta
con altri Pokémon per avere i gambi migliori."
83,26,9,"Farfetchd is always seen with a stalk from a plant of some
sort. Apparently, there are good stalks and bad stalks. This
Pokémon has been known to fight with others over stalks."
83,26,11,"持っている 植物の クキにも 良いものと
そうでない ものが あるらしく カモネギ同士が
クキを 巡って 戦う ことが ある。"
83,31,1,"クキが はえている ところに すむ。
めずらしく かずも すくないので
カモネギも へってきた らしい。"
83,31,3,"줄기가 자라는 곳에 산다.
이상하게 수도 적어서
파오리의 수도 줄고 있는 듯하다."
83,31,5,"Il vit là où poussent des tiges. Ces endroits sont
rares, ce qui pourrait faire penser que cette
espèce de Pokémon est en voie dextinction."
83,31,6,"Sie leben in Gebieten, in denen stangenförmige
Gewächse gedeihen. Da diese seltener werden,
scheint es auch weniger Porenta zu geben."
83,31,7,"Vive cerca de cultivos de puerros. Como estos
son cada vez más escasos, se cree que el
número de Farfetchd también ha disminuido."
83,31,8,"Vivono nei canneti, un tipo di habitat che sta
diventando sempre più raro. Per questo si pensa
che anche il numero di Farfetchd sia diminuito."
83,31,9,"They live where reedy plants grow.
Farfetchd are rarely seen, so its thought
their numbers are decreasing."
83,31,11,"クキが 生えている ところに 住む。
珍しく 数も 少ないので
カモネギも 減ってきた らしい。"
83,32,1,"クキが はえている ところに すむ。
めずらしく かずも すくないので
カモネギも へってきた らしい。"
83,32,3,"줄기가 자라는 곳에 산다.
이상하게 수도 적어서
파오리의 수도 줄고 있는 듯하다."
83,32,5,"Il vit là où poussent des tiges. Ces endroits sont
rares, ce qui pourrait faire penser que cette
espèce de Pokémon est en voie dextinction."
83,32,6,"Sie leben in Gebieten, in denen stangenförmige
Gewächse gedeihen. Da diese seltener werden,
scheint es auch weniger Porenta zu geben."
83,32,7,"Vive cerca de cultivos de puerros. Como estos
son cada vez más escasos, se cree que el
número de Farfetchd también ha disminuido."
83,32,8,"Vivono nei canneti, un tipo di habitat che sta
diventando sempre più raro. Per questo si pensa
che anche il numero di Farfetchd sia diminuito."
83,32,9,"They live where reedy plants grow.
Farfetchd are rarely seen, so its thought
their numbers are decreasing."
83,32,11,"クキが 生えている ところに 住む。
珍しく 数も 少ないので
カモネギも 減ってきた らしい。"
83,33,1,"はねで もつ クキを かたなのように
あやつり てきを きりすてる。
いざと いうときは エサに する。"
83,33,3,"날개로 쥐고 있는 파 줄기를
칼처럼 휘둘러 상대를 베어버린다.
몹시 허기질 때는 먹기도 한다."
83,33,5,"Il tranche ses adversaires avec sa tige, quil manie
comme une épée. Quand la situation lexige,
il sen nourrit."
83,33,6,"Unter seinem Flügel trägt es eine Lauchstange,
die es wie ein Schwert gegen Feinde einsetzt und
welche ihm im Bedarfsfall auch als Nahrung dient."
83,33,7,"Blande el puerro que sujeta con un ala como si se
tratase de una espada para rebanar a su rival. En
caso de necesidad, se lo come para nutrirse."
83,33,8,"Colpisce gli avversari con un gambo, che
brandisce con lala come se fosse una spada.
In caso di necessità, può anche mangiarselo."
83,33,9,"The stalk this Pokémon carries in its wings serves
as a sword to cut down opponents. In a dire
situation, the stalk can also serve as food."
83,33,11,"羽で もつ 茎を 刀のように
操り 敵を 切り捨てる。
いざと いうときは エサに する。"
83,34,1,"しょくぶつの クキで たたかう。
クキの ふりかたには いくつかの
りゅうはの ようなものが ある。"
83,34,3,"식물의 줄기로 싸운다.
줄기를 휘두르는 방식에 따라
몇 종류의 유파가 있는 듯하다."
83,34,5,"Il se bat à laide de sa tige. Il existe plusieurs
écoles quant à son maniement."
83,34,6,"Im Kampf verwendet es eine Lauchstange als
Waffe. Es gibt verschiedene Meinungen dazu,
wie diese korrekt zu schwingen sei."
83,34,7,"Combate empuñando un puerro como arma. La
forma de blandirlo es tan variada que ha llegado
a generar sus propias escuelas."
83,34,8,"Affronta i nemici usando il gambo di una
pianta, brandendolo secondo stili diversi
in base alla scuola di lotta che segue."
83,34,9,"They use a plant stalk as a weapon, but not all
of them use it in the same way. Several distinct
styles of stalk fighting have been observed."
83,34,11,"植物の 茎で 戦う。
茎の 振り方には いくつかの
流派の ようなものが ある。"
84,1,9,"A bird that makes
up for its poor
flying with itsfast foot speed.
Leaves giant
84,2,9,"A bird that makes
up for its poor
flying with itsfast foot speed.
Leaves giant
84,3,9,"Its short wings
make flying dif­
ficult. Instead,this POKéMON runs
at high speed on
developed legs."
84,4,9,"By alternately
raising and lower­
ing its two heads,it balances itself
to be more stable
while running."
84,5,9,"It races through
grassy plains with
powerful strides,leaving footprints
up to four inches
84,6,9,"It lives on a
grassy plain where
it can see a longway. If it sees an
enemy, it runs
away at 60 mph."
84,7,9,"DODUOs two heads never sleep at the
same time.
Its two heads take turns sleeping,so one head can always keep watch for
enemies while the other one sleeps."
84,8,9,"DODUOs two heads contain completely
identical brains.
A scientific study reported that onrare occasions, there will be examples
of this POKéMON possessing different
sets of brains."
84,9,9,"Even while eating or sleeping, one of the
heads remains always vigilant for any sign
of danger. When threatened, it flees at
over 60 miles per hour."
84,10,9,"A two-headed POKéMON that was discovered
as a sudden mutation. It runs at a pace
of over 60 miles per hour."
84,11,9,"A bird that makes up for its poor flying
with its fast foot speed. Leaves giant
84,12,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,13,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,14,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,15,9,"By alternately raising and lowering
its two heads, it balances itself
to be more stable while running."
84,16,9,"It races through grassy plains with
powerful strides, leaving footprints
up to four inches deep."
84,17,5,"Ses deux cerveaux semblent
communiquer leurs émotions
grâce à un lien télépathique."
84,17,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,18,5,"Ses deux cerveaux semblent
communiquer leurs émotions
grâce à un lien télépathique."
84,18,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,21,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,22,9,"The brains in its two heads appear
to communicate emotions to each
other with a telepathic power."
84,23,1,"とつぜんへんいで みつかった
2つの あたまを もつ ポケモン。
じそく 100キロで はしる。"
84,23,3,"돌연변이로 발견된
두 개의 머리를 지닌 포켓몬이다.
시속 100km로 달린다."
84,23,5,"Ce Pokémon à deux têtes est le résultat dune
soudaine mutation. Il peut courir jusquà 100 km/h."
84,23,6,"Dieses zweiköpfige Pokémon gilt als plötzliche
Mutation. Es rennt bis zu 100 km/h schnell."
84,23,7,"Este Pokémon de dos cabezas es el resultado de una
mutación. Cuando corre, puede alcanzar casi 100 km
por hora."
84,23,8,"Pokémon a due teste, scoperto a seguito di
unimprovvisa mutazione. Può correre a 100 km/h."
84,23,9,"A two-headed Pokémon that was discovered as a
sudden mutation. It runs at a pace of over 60 miles
per hour."
84,23,11,"突然変異で 見つかった
2つの 頭を 持つ ポケモン。
時速100キロで 走る。"
84,24,1,"2つの あたまの のうみそは
テレパシーのような ちからで
きもちを つうじあわせているらしい。"
84,24,3,"두 머리에 각각 존재하는 뇌는
텔레파시 같은 힘으로
의사를 맞춰나가는 듯하다."
84,24,5,"Ses deux cerveaux semblent communiquer leurs
émotions grâce à un lien télépathique."
84,24,6,"Die Gehirne der beiden Köpfe kommunizieren ihre
Gefühle über Telepathie."
84,24,7,"Parece que los cerebros de sus dos cabezas se
comunican por telepatía."
84,24,8,"I suoi due cervelli si comunicano le emozioni grazie
ai poteri telepatici."
84,24,9,"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate
emotions to each other with a telepathic power."
84,24,11,"2つの 頭の 脳みそは
テレパシーのような 力で
気持ちを 通じ合わせているらしい。"
84,25,1,"2つの あたまが どうじに ねむることは ない。
ねている とき てきから おそわれない ように
かわりばんこで みはりを しているからだ。"
84,25,3,"2개의 머리가 동시에 잠드는 일은 없다.
자고 있을 때 적에게 습격당하지 않도록
교대로 망을 보고 있기 때문이다."
84,25,5,"Les deux têtes de Doduo ne dorment jamais en même temps.
Elles se reposent à tour de rôle pour que lune puisse monter
la garde pendant que lautre dort."
84,25,6,"Dodu hat zwei Köpfe, die nie zur selben Zeit, sondern
abwechselnd schlafen. Während ein Kopf schläft, hält der
andere Ausschau nach Feinden."
84,25,7,"Las dos cabezas de Doduo duermen de forma independiente,
siempre por turnos. Mientras una duerme, la otra hace de
centinela por si aparecen enemigos."
84,25,8,"Le due teste di Doduo non dormono mai nello stesso
momento, in modo che una sia sempre vigile per difendersi
dai nemici, mentre laltra può riposare tranquilla."
84,25,9,"Doduos two heads never sleep at the same time. Its two
heads take turns sleeping, so one head can always keep
watch for enemies while the other one sleeps."
84,25,11,"2つの 頭が 同時に 眠ることは ない。
寝ている とき 敵から 襲われない ように
代りばんこで 見張りを しているからだ。"
84,26,1,"2つの あたまは おなじ のうみそを もつ。
まれに べつべつの のうを もった ドードーが
うまれてくると けんきゅうで ほうこくされた。"
84,26,3,"두 개의 머리는 같은 뇌를 지녔다.
드물게 각각의 뇌를 지닌 두두가
태어난다는 연구 결과도 보고되었다."
84,26,5,"Les deux têtes de Doduo contiennent des cerveaux
totalement identiques. Une étude scientifique démontra
que dans des cas rares, certains de ces Pokémon
possèdent des cerveaux différents."
84,26,6,"Dodu hat zwei Köpfe mit absolut identischen Gehirnen.
Eine wissenschaftliche Studie hat allerdings nachgewiesen,
dass es auch Exemplare dieses Pokémon gibt, die zwei
unterschiedliche Gehirne haben."
84,26,7,"Doduo es un Pokémon bicéfalo de cerebros idénticos. Según
un estudio científico, podría darse el extraño caso de que
hubiera algún Doduo con cerebros distintos."
84,26,8,"Le due teste di Doduo contengono lo stesso identico
cervello. Secondo uno studio scientifico sono stati riportati
rari casi di Doduo con cervelli diversi."
84,26,9,"Doduos two heads contain completely identical brains. A
scientific study reported that on rare occasions, there will be
examples of this Pokémon possessing different sets of brains."
84,26,11,"2つの 頭は 同じ 脳みそを 持つ。
まれに 別々の 脳を 持った ドードーが
生まれてくると 研究で 報告された。"
84,31,1,"はねは みじかく そらをとぶのは
にがてだが そのかわり はったつした
あしで はやく かけることができる。"
84,31,3,"날개가 짧아서 하늘을 나는 것은
서투르지만 대신 발달한
다리로 빠르게 달릴 수 있다."
84,31,5,"Ses petites ailes ne lui permettent pas de voler,
mais grâce à ses puissantes pattes, il peut courir
très rapidement."
84,31,6,"Es kann nicht gut fliegen, weil seine Flügel zu
klein sind. Dafür kann es mit seinen starken
Beinen sehr schnell laufen."
84,31,7,"Las diminutas alas apenas le permiten volar,
pero puede correr a gran velocidad gracias a
sus patas hiperdesarrolladas."
84,31,8,"Le cortissime ali non gli permettono di volare.
Può tuttavia correre velocissimo grazie alle
zampe ben sviluppate."
84,31,9,"Its short wings make flying difficult. Instead, this
Pokémon runs at high speed on developed legs."
84,31,11,"羽は 短く 空を飛ぶのは
苦手だが その代わり 発達した
足で 速く 駆けることができる。"
84,32,1,"はねは みじかく そらをとぶのは
にがてだが そのかわり はったつした
あしで はやく かけることができる。"
84,32,3,"날개가 짧아서 하늘을 나는 것은
서투르지만 대신 발달한
다리로 빠르게 달릴 수 있다."
84,32,5,"Ses petites ailes ne lui permettent pas de voler,
mais grâce à ses puissantes pattes, il peut courir
très rapidement."
84,32,6,"Es kann nicht gut fliegen, weil seine Flügel zu
klein sind. Dafür kann es mit seinen starken
Beinen sehr schnell laufen."
84,32,7,"Las diminutas alas apenas le permiten volar,
pero puede correr a gran velocidad gracias a
sus patas hiperdesarrolladas."
84,32,8,"Le cortissime ali non gli permettono di volare.
Può tuttavia correre velocissimo grazie alle
zampe ben sviluppate."
84,32,9,"Its short wings make flying difficult. Instead, this
Pokémon runs at high speed on developed legs."
84,32,11,"羽は 短く 空を飛ぶのは
苦手だが その代わり 発達した
足で 速く 駆けることができる。"
85,1,9,"Uses its three
brains to execute
complex plans.While two heads
sleep, one head
stays awake."
85,2,9,"Uses its three
brains to execute
complex plans.While two heads
sleep, one head
stays awake."
85,3,9,"One of DODUO's 2
heads splits to
form a uniquespecies. It runs
close to 40 MPH
in prairies."
85,4,9,"It collects data 
and plans three
times as wisely,but it may think
too much and be­
come immobilized."
85,5,9,"If one of the
heads gets to eat,
the others will besatisfied, too,
and they will stop
85,6,9,"An enemy that
takes its eyes off
any of the threeheads--even for a
second--will get
pecked severely."
85,7,9,"Watch out if DODRIOs three heads are
looking in three separate directions.
Its a sure sign that it is on its guard.Dont go near this POKéMON if its being
wary - it may decide to peck you."
85,8,9,"Apparently, the heads arent the only
parts of the body that DODRIO has
three of.It has three sets of hearts and lungs
as well, so it is capable of running long
distances without rest."
85,9,9,"A peculiar POKéMON species with three
heads. It vigorously races across grassy
plains even in arid seasons with little
85,10,9,"An odd species that is rarely found.
The three heads respectively represent
joy, sadness, and anger."
85,11,9,"Uses its three brains to execute complex
plans. While two heads sleep, one head is
said to stay awake."
85,12,9,"When DODUO evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,13,9,"When DODUO evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,14,9,"When DODUO evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,15,9,"It collects data and plans three times
as wisely, but it may think too much
and fall into a state of immobility."
85,16,9,"If one of the heads gets to eat,
the others will be satisfied, too,
and they will stop squabbling."
85,17,5,"Quand Doduo connaît cette étrange
évolution, lune de ses têtes se
dédouble. Il atteint les 60 km/h."
85,17,9,"When Doduo evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,18,5,"Quand Doduo connaît cette étrange
évolution, lune de ses têtes se
dédouble. Il atteint les 60 km/h."
85,18,9,"When Doduo evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,21,9,"When Doduo evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,22,9,"When Doduo evolves into this odd
breed, one of its heads splits into
two. It runs at nearly 40 mph."
85,23,1,"3つの あたまが みているまえで
わずかでも すきを みせると
くちばしで はげしく つつかれる。"
85,23,3,"3개의 머리가 보고 있는 앞에서
조금이라도 빈틈을 보이면
부리로 격렬하게 쪼아댄다."
85,23,5,"Un ennemi ne faisant pas attention à lune des trois
têtes pendant une seconde se fait picorer."
85,23,6,"Lässt ein Feind auch nur einen der drei Köpfe
für nur eine Sekunde aus den Augen, wird er
sofort gepickt."
85,23,7,"Más vale no perder de vista ninguna de las tres
cabezas. De lo contrario, el número de picotazos
será enorme."
85,23,8,"Occorre fare attenzione a tutte le sue tre teste,
altrimenti si rischia dessere colpiti duramente."
85,23,9,"An enemy that takes its eyes off any of the
three heads--even for a second--will get
pecked severely."
85,23,11,"3つの 頭が 見ている前で
わずかでも すきを 見せると
クチバシで 激しく つつかれる。"
85,24,1,"めったに みつからない ちんしゅ。
3つの あたまは よろこび かなしみ
いかりの かんじょうを あらわす。"
85,24,3,"좀처럼 발견하기 힘든 진귀한 종이다.
3개의 머리는 기쁨, 슬픔, 분노의
감정을 나타낸다."
85,24,5,"Une espèce étrange que lon trouve rarement.
Les trois têtes représentent la joie, la tristesse et
la colère."
85,24,6,"Ein seltsames Exemplar, das nur selten gefunden wird.
Die drei Köpfe repräsentieren Freude, Trauer und Wut."
85,24,7,"Es una especie muy rara y difícil de encontrar.
Las tres cabezas simbolizan la alegría, la tristeza
y la ira."
85,24,8,"Pokémon raro e bizzarro. Le sue tre teste
rappresentano rispettivamente la gioia, la tristezza
e la rabbia."
85,24,9,"An odd species that is rarely found. The three
heads respectively represent joy, sadness,
and anger."
85,24,11,"めったに 見つからない 珍種。
3つの 頭は 喜び 悲しみ
怒りの 感情を 表す。"
85,25,1,"3つの あたまが べつべつの ほうこうを
むいている ときは けいかいしている しょうこ。
うかつに ちかよると くちばしで つつかれるぞ。"
85,25,3,"3개의 머리가 서로 다른 방향을
향하고 있을 때는 경계 중인 증거다.
섣불리 가까이 가면 부리에 쪼인다."
85,25,5,"Il faut se méfier lorsque les trois têtes de Dodrio regardent
dans des directions différentes. Cela signifie quil est sur ses
gardes. Si cest le cas, il vaut mieux ne pas sapprocher de ce
Pokémon, il pourrait décider dattaquer."
85,25,6,"Dodris drei Köpfe blicken in drei verschiedene Richtungen.
Es ist immer auf der Hut. Du solltest dich diesem Pokémon
nicht nähern, wenn es bereits misstrauisch ist. Es könnte
nach dir hacken."
85,25,7,"Según parece, las cabezas no son las únicas partes del
cuerpo que tiene triplicadas. Dodrio también tiene tres
corazones y tres pares de pulmones. Con esta constitución,
puede correr largas distancias sin cansarse."
85,25,8,"Se le tre teste di Dodrio guardano in tre direzioni diverse,
significa che il Pokémon è vigile. In questo stato il Pokémon
non va avvicinato, poiché potrebbe decidere di attaccare."
85,25,9,"Watch out if Dodrios three heads are looking in three separate
directions. Its a sure sign that it is on its guard. Dont go near
this Pokémon if its being wary—it may decide to peck you."
85,25,11,"3つの 頭が 別々の 方向を
向いている ときは 警戒している 証拠。
うかつに 近寄ると くちばしで 突かれるぞ。"
85,26,1,"3つあるのは あたまだけでは ないらしい。
しんぞうと はいも 3つなので いきぎれしないで
ながい きょりを はしる ことが できるのだ。"
85,26,3,"3개 있는 것은 머리뿐이 아닌 것 같다.
심장과 폐도 3개라서 숨이 가빠지지
않으며 먼 거리를 달릴 수 있다."
85,26,5,"Apparemment, Dodrio ne se contente pas davoir trois têtes.
Il semble également avoir trois cœurs et six poumons,
ce qui lui permet de courir très longtemps sans sépuiser."
85,26,6,"Dodri hat nicht nur drei Köpfe, auch andere Körperteile sind
dreifach vorhanden. Es besitzt drei Herzen und drei Lungen,
sodass es lange Strecken ohne Pause rennen kann."
85,26,7,"Según parece, las cabezas no son las únicas partes del
cuerpo que tiene triplicadas. Dodrio también tiene tres
corazones y tres pares de pulmones. Con esta constitución,
puede correr largas distancias sin cansarse."
85,26,8,"Pare che Dodrio non abbia soltanto tre teste, ma anche altri
organi triplici: ha infatti anche tre cuori e sei polmoni che
gli consentono di percorrere grandi distanze senza sosta."
85,26,9,"Apparently, the heads arent the only parts of the body that
Dodrio has three of. It has three sets of hearts and lungs as
well, so it is capable of running long distances without rest."
85,26,11,"3つあるのは 頭だけでは ないらしい。
心臓と 肺も 3つなので 息切れしないで
長い 距離を 走る ことが できるのだ。"
85,31,1,"ドードーの どちらかの あたまが
ぶんれつした へんしゅ。そうげんを
じそく 60キロで はしっていく。"
85,31,3,"두두의 머리 중 한 쪽이
분열한 변종. 초원을
시속 60km로 달린다."
85,31,5,"Quand une des têtes de Doduo se divise,
il devient un Dodrio capable de courir à
60 km/h."
85,31,6,"Bei der Entwicklung zu Dodri hat sich einer von
Dodus Köpfen in zwei geteilt. Es flitzt mit einer
Geschwindigkeit von 60 km/h über Wiesen."
85,31,7,"Este Pokémon surge al dividirse una de las
cabezas de Doduo. Es capaz de correr por
las praderas a 60 km/h."
85,31,8,"Un Doduo si evolve in Dodrio quando una
delle due teste si divide. Lo si vede sfrecciare
per le praterie a 60 km/h."
85,31,9,"One of Doduos two heads splits to form
a unique species. It runs close to 40 mph
in prairies."
85,31,11,"ドードーの どちらかの 頭が
分裂した 変種。草原を
時速 60キロで 走っていく。"
85,32,1,"ドードーの どちらかの あたまが
ぶんれつした へんしゅ。そうげんを
じそく 60キロで はしっていく。"
85,32,3,"두두의 머리 중 한 쪽이
분열한 변종. 초원을
시속 60km로 달린다."
85,32,5,"Quand une des têtes de Doduo se divise,
il devient un Dodrio capable de courir à
60 km/h."
85,32,6,"Bei der Entwicklung zu Dodri hat sich einer von
Dodus Köpfen in zwei geteilt. Es flitzt mit einer
Geschwindigkeit von 60 km/h über Wiesen."
85,32,7,"Este Pokémon surge al dividirse una de las
cabezas de Doduo. Es capaz de correr por
las praderas a 60 km/h."
85,32,8,"Un Doduo si evolve in Dodrio quando una
delle due teste si divide. Lo si vede sfrecciare
per le praterie a 60 km/h."
85,32,9,"One of Doduos two heads splits to form
a unique species. It runs close to 40 mph
in prairies."
85,32,11,"ドードーの どちらかの 頭が
分裂した 変種。草原を
時速 60キロで 走っていく。"
86,1,9,"The protruding
horn on its head
is very hard.It is used for
bashing through
thick ice."
86,2,9,"The protruding
horn on its head
is very hard.It is used for
bashing through
thick ice."
86,3,9,"Loves freezing
cold conditions.
Relishes swimmingin a frigid cli­
mate of around 14F
86,4,9,"Although it can't
walk well on land,
it is a gracefulswimmer. It espe­
cially loves being
in frigid seas."
86,5,9,"In daytime, it is
often found asleep
on the seabed inshallow waters.
Its nostrils close
while it swims."
86,6,9,"The light blue fur
that covers it
keeps it protectedagainst the cold.
It loves iceberg-
filled oceans."
86,7,9,"SEEL hunts for prey in the frigid sea
underneath sheets of ice.
When it needs to breathe, it punchesa hole through the ice with the
sharply protruding section of its head."
86,8,9,"SEEL hunts for prey in the frigid sea
underneath sheets of ice.
When it needs to breathe, it punchesa hole through the ice with the
sharply protruding section of its head."
86,9,9,"SEEL hunt for prey in frigid, ice-covered
seas. When it needs to breathe, it punches
a hole through the ice with the sharply
protruding section of its head."
86,10,9,"Covered with light blue fur, its hide is
thick and tough. It is active in bitter
cold of minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit."
86,11,9,"The protruding horn on its head is very
hard. It is used for bashing through thick
86,12,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs.
It swims in the sea using the point
on its head to break up ice."
86,13,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs.
It swims in the sea using the point
on its head to break up ice."
86,14,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs.
It swims in the sea using the point
on its head to break up ice."
86,15,9,"Although it cant walk well on land,
it is a graceful swimmer. It especially
loves being in frigid seas."
86,16,9,"In daytime, it is often found asleep
on the seabed in shallow waters.
Its nostrils close while it swims."
86,17,5,"Un habitant des icebergs.
En mer, il utilise la corne sur
sa tête pour briser la banquise."
86,17,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs.
It swims in the sea using the point
on its head to break up ice."
86,18,5,"Un habitant des icebergs.
En mer, il utilise la corne sur
sa tête pour briser la banquise."
86,18,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs.
It swims in the sea using the point
on its head to break up ice."
86,21,9,"The colder it gets, the better it feels.
It joyfully swims around oceans so cold
that they are filled with floating ice."
86,22,9,"The colder it gets, the better it feels.
It joyfully swims around oceans so cold
that they are filled with floating ice."
86,23,1,"ひょうざんで くらす ポケモン。
あたまの とがった でっぱりで
こおりを わって うみを およぐ。"
86,23,3,"빙산에 사는 포켓몬이다.
머리의 뾰족하게 돌출된 부분으로
얼음을 깨고 바다를 헤엄친다."
86,23,5,"Un habitant des icebergs. En mer, il utilise la corne
sur sa tête pour briser la banquise."
86,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt auf Eisbergen. Es schwimmt
im Eiswasser und bricht das Eis mithilfe seines Horns."
86,23,7,"Este Pokémon vive en icebergs. Nada en el mar y usa
el cuerno de su cabeza para romper el hielo."
86,23,8,"Pokémon che vive sugli iceberg. Nuota spaccando
il ghiaccio con la punta che ha sulla testa."
86,23,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the
sea using the point on its head to break up ice."
86,23,11,"氷山で 暮らす ポケモン。
頭の とがった でっぱりで
氷を 割って 海を 泳ぐ。"
86,24,1,"みずいろの たいもうに おおわれた
ひふは ぶあつくて じょうぶ。
れいか40ど でも かつどうできる。"
86,24,3,"하늘색의 털로 뒤덮인
피부는 두껍고 튼튼하다.
영하 40도라도 활동할 수 있다."
86,24,5,"Sa peau épaisse et dure est recouverte dune
fourrure bleu clair. Elle permet à ce Pokémon
de résister aux températures les plus glaciales."
86,24,6,"Unter seinem hellblauen Pelz liegt eine dicke und
feste Haut. Es ist bei frostigen -40 °C noch aktiv."
86,24,7,"Está recubierto de un pelaje de color azul, y tiene una
piel gruesa y tosca. Se mantiene activo a -40 °C."
86,24,8,"Sotto la pelliccia azzurra ha una pelle spessa e dura.
Può resistere a una temperatura di -40 °C."
86,24,9,"Covered with light blue fur, its hide is thick and
tough. It is active in bitter cold of
-40 degrees Fahrenheit."
86,24,11,"水色の 体毛に 覆われた 皮膚は
分厚くて 丈夫。
零下40度でも 活動できる。"
86,25,1,"こおりに おおわれた うみで エサを とる。
いきつぎを するときは あたまの でっぱりで
こおりを わって うみから かおを だす。"
86,25,3,"얼음으로 뒤덮인 바다에서 먹이를 잡는다.
숨을 쉴 때는 머리의 돌출된 부분으로
얼음을 깨고 바다 밖으로 얼굴을 내민다."
86,25,5,"Otaria chasse ses proies dans leau gelée, sous la couche de
glace. Lorsquil cherche à respirer, il perce un trou en frappant
la glace avec la partie saillante de sa tête."
86,25,6,"Jurob jagt unter der eisigen Oberfläche des Eismeeres nach
Beute. Zum Luftholen schlägt es mit dem vorstehenden Teil
seines Kopfes ein Loch ins Eis."
86,25,7,"Seel busca a sus presas en aguas heladas, bajo las capas de
hielo. Cuando necesita respirar, abre un agujerito en el hielo
con la afilada protuberancia que tiene encima de la cabeza."
86,25,8,"Seel caccia le prede nel mare gelido sotto le lastre
di ghiaccio. Per respirare apre un foro nel ghiaccio
usando la protuberanza appuntita sulla sommità del capo."
86,25,9,"Seel hunts for prey in the frigid sea underneath sheets of ice.
When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice
with the sharply protruding section of its head."
86,25,11,"氷に 覆われた 海で エサを 採る。
息継ぎを するときは 頭の 出っ張りで
氷を 割って 海から 顔を 出す。"
86,26,1,"こおりに おおわれた うみで エサを とる。
いきつぎを するときは あたまの でっぱりで
こおりを わって うみから かおを だす。"
86,26,3,"얼음으로 뒤덮인 바다에서 먹이를 잡는다.
숨을 쉴 때는 머리의 돌출된 부분으로
얼음을 깨고 바다 밖으로 얼굴을 내민다."
86,26,5,"Otaria chasse ses proies dans leau gelée, sous la couche de
glace. Lorsquil cherche à respirer, il perce un trou en frappant
la glace avec la partie saillante de sa tête."
86,26,6,"Jurob jagt unter der frostigen Oberfläche des Eismeeres
nach Beute. Zum Luftholen schlägt es mit dem vorstehenden
Teil seines Kopfes ein Loch ins Eis."
86,26,7,"Seel busca a sus presas en aguas heladas, bajo las capas de
hielo. Cuando necesita respirar, abre un agujerito en el hielo
con la afilada protuberancia que tiene encima de la cabeza."
86,26,8,"Seel caccia le prede nel mare gelido sotto le lastre
di ghiaccio. Per respirare apre un foro nel ghiaccio
usando la protuberanza appuntita sulla sommità del capo."
86,26,9,"Seel hunts for prey in the frigid sea underneath sheets of ice.
When it needs to breathe, it punches a hole through the ice
with the sharply protruding section of its head."
86,26,11,"氷に 覆われた 海で エサを 採る。
息継ぎを するときは 頭の 出っ張りで
氷を 割って 海から 顔を 出す。"
86,29,1,"つめたい うみにしか すまないと
かんがえられてきた。 アローラに
あらわれる りゆうは ナゾ。"
86,29,3,"차가운 바다에서만 산다고
추정되었다. 알로라에
나타나는 이유를 알 수 없다."
86,29,5,"Tout le monde pensait quil ne pouvait survivre
que dans les mers froides.
Personne ne sait donc ce quil fait à Alola."
86,29,6,"Bisher wurde vermutet, dass es ausschließlich
in kalten Gewässern lebe. Warum es auch in
Alola auftaucht, ist noch ein Rätsel."
86,29,7,"Siempre se ha creído que solo puede subsistir
en aguas frías. El motivo de su aparición en
Alola es un misterio."
86,29,8,"Finora si pensava che i Seel potessero vivere
solo nei mari gelidi, pertanto la loro comparsa
ad Alola è alquanto misteriosa."
86,29,9,"It has always been supposed that Seel live only
in cold seas. Their having shown up in Alola is
a mystery."
86,29,11,"冷たい 海にしか 棲まないと
考えられてきた。 アローラに
現れる 理由は ナゾ。"
86,30,1,"ぶあつい しぼうの おかげで さむい
うみも へっちゃらだけど あたたかい
うみでは ちょっと バテやすいのだ。"
86,30,3,"두꺼운 지방 덕분에
추운 바다는 문제없지만
따뜻한 바다에서 쉽게 지친다."
86,30,5,"Sa couche de gras lui permet dêtre à laise
dans les eaux les plus froides. Il a par contre
plus de mal à supporter les mers chaudes."
86,30,6,"Kalte Meere machen ihm dank seiner dicken
Fettschicht nichts aus. Wärmere Gewässer
setzen ihm hingegen sehr zu."
86,30,7,"La gruesa capa de grasa que le permite nadar
sin problemas en aguas frías le da más de un
sofoco en climas más cálidos."
86,30,8,"Grazie al suo spesso strato di grasso nuota
tranquillamente nellacqua gelida. Nei mari
caldi rischia facilmente lo sfinimento."
86,30,9,"Thanks to its thick fat, cold seas dont bother it
at all, but it gets tired pretty easily in
warm waters."
86,30,11,"分厚い 脂肪の おかげで 寒い
海も へっちゃらだけど 暖かい
海では ちょっと バテやすいのだ。"
86,31,1,"こおるほど さむいところが すき。
ひょうてんか 10ど くらいで
きもちよく およいでいる。"
86,31,3,"얼어붙을 정도로 추운 곳을 좋아한다.
영하 10도 정도의 물속에서
기분 좋게 헤엄친다."
86,31,5,"Il est à laise dans les endroits gelés.
Il nage avec plaisir dans de leau à -10 ºC."
86,31,6,"Es bevorzugt eiskalte Lebensräume und
schwimmt mit Vorliebe in -10 ºC kaltem Wasser."
86,31,7,"Le encantan los lugares gélidos y disfruta
nadando en aguas a temperaturas en torno a
los -10 °C."
86,31,8,"Adora gli ambienti gelidi. Nuota con piacere
nellacqua a temperature di circa -10 ºC."
86,31,9,"Loves freezing-cold conditions.
Relishes swimming in a frigid climate
of around 14 degrees Fahrenheit."
86,31,11,"凍るほど 寒いところが 好き。
氷点下 10度 くらいで
気持ちよく 泳いでいる。"
86,32,1,"こおるほど さむいところが すき。
ひょうてんか 10ど くらいで
きもちよく およいでいる。"
86,32,3,"얼어붙을 정도로 추운 곳을 좋아한다.
영하 10도 정도의 물속에서
기분 좋게 헤엄친다."
86,32,5,"Il est à laise dans les endroits gelés.
Il nage avec plaisir dans de leau à -10 ºC."
86,32,6,"Es bevorzugt eiskalte Lebensräume und
schwimmt mit Vorliebe in -10 ºC kaltem Wasser."
86,32,7,"Le encantan los lugares gélidos y disfruta
nadando en aguas a temperaturas en torno a
los -10 °C."
86,32,8,"Adora gli ambienti gelidi. Nuota con piacere
nellacqua a temperature di circa -10 ºC."
86,32,9,"Loves freezing-cold conditions.
Relishes swimming in a frigid climate
of around 14 degrees Fahrenheit."
86,32,11,"凍るほど 寒いところが 好き。
氷点下 10度 くらいで
気持ちよく 泳いでいる。"
87,1,9,"Stores thermal
energy in its
body. Swims at asteady 8 knots
even in intensely
cold waters."
87,2,9,"Stores thermal
energy in its
body. Swims at asteady 8 knots
even in intensely
cold waters."
87,3,9,"Its entire body is
a snowy-white.
Unharmed by evenintense cold, it
swims powerfully
in icy waters."
87,4,9,"Its streamlined
body has little
drag in water.The colder the
temperature, the
friskier it gets."
87,5,9,"It loves frigid
seas with ice
floes. It uses itslong tail to
change swimming
direction quickly."
87,6,9,"It sleeps under
shallow ocean
waters during theday, then looks
for food at night
when it's cold."
87,7,9,"DEWGONG loves to snooze on bitterly
cold ice.
The sight of this POKéMON sleeping ona glacier was mistakenly thought to be
a mermaid by a mariner long ago."
87,8,9,"DEWGONG loves to snooze on bitterly
cold ice.
The sight of this POKéMON sleeping ona glacier was mistakenly thought to be
a mermaid by a mariner long ago."
87,9,9,"It loves to snooze on bitterly cold ice.
The sight of this POKéMON sleeping on
a glacier was mistakenly thought to be
a mermaid by a mariner long ago."
87,10,9,"Its body is covered with a pure white
fur. The colder the weather, the more
active it becomes."
87,11,9,"It stores thermal energy in the body.
It swims at a steady eight knots even in
intensely cold waters."
87,12,9,"In snow, the pure white coat
covering its body obscures it from
87,13,9,"In snow, the pure white coat
covering its body obscures it from
87,14,9,"In snow, the pure white coat
covering its body obscures it from
87,15,9,"Its streamlined body has little
drag in water. The colder the
temperature, the friskier it gets."
87,16,9,"It loves frigid seas with ice
floes. It uses its long tail to
change swimming direction quickly."
87,17,5,"Son corps est couvert dun grand
manteau blanc qui, dans la neige, le
dissimule aux yeux des prédateurs."
87,17,9,"In snow, the pure white coat
covering its body obscures it from
87,18,5,"Son corps est couvert dun grand
manteau blanc qui, dans la neige, le
dissimule aux yeux des prédateurs."
87,18,9,"In snow, the pure white coat
covering its body obscures it from
87,21,9,"Its streamlined body has low resistance,
and it swims around cold oceans at
a speed of eight knots."
87,22,9,"Its streamlined body has low resistance,
and it swims around cold oceans at
a speed of eight knots."
87,23,1,"ぜんしんが まっしろな けで
おおわれている。さむさに つよく
むしろ さむいほど げんきになる。"
87,23,3,"전신이 새하얀 털로
뒤덮여 있다. 추위에 강해서
오히려 추울수록 힘이 넘쳐 난다."
87,23,5,"Son corps est recouvert dune fourrure dun blanc pur.
Plus il fait froid, et plus ce Pokémon est actif."
87,23,6,"Sein Körper ist mit reinem, weißem Fell überzogen.
Je kälter es wird, desto aktiver wird dieses Pokémon."
87,23,7,"Está recubierto de un luminoso pelaje blanco. Este
Pokémon aumenta su actividad cuando bajan las
87,23,8,"Ha il corpo ricoperto da una candida pelliccia bianca.
Più fa freddo, più questo Pokémon è attivo."
87,23,9,"Its body is covered with a pure white fur.
The colder the weather, the more active
it becomes."
87,23,11,"全身が 真っ白な 毛で
覆われている。寒さに 強く
むしろ 寒いほど 元気になる。"
87,24,1,"からだは みずの ていこうが
すくない りゅうせんけい。
さむくなるほど げんきが でてくる。"
87,24,3,"몸은 물의 저항이
적은 유선형이다.
추워질수록 기운이 난다."
87,24,5,"Son corps hydrodynamique glisse dans leau.
Plus leau est froide plus il se sent à laise."
87,24,6,"Es verspürt kaum Widerstand im Wasser. Je niedriger
die Temperatur, desto verspielter verhält es sich."
87,24,7,"Su aerodinámico cuerpo avanza fácilmente por el agua.
Cuanto más fría, más diversión."
87,24,8,"Il suo corpo affusolato ha poco attrito nellacqua.
Le basse temperature lo rendono vivace."
87,24,9,"Its streamlined body has little drag in water.
The colder the temperature, the friskier it gets."
87,24,11,"体は 水の 抵抗が
少ない 流線型。
寒くなるほど 元気が 出てくる。"
87,25,1,"つめたい こおりの うえで ねるのが だいすき。
むかし ひょうざんで ねむる すがたを みた
ふなのりが にんぎょと まちがえた。"
87,25,3,"차가운 얼음 위에서 자는 것을 매우 좋아한다.
옛날에 빙산에서 자는 모습을 본
뱃사람이 인어로 착각했다."
87,25,5,"Lamantine adore piquer un roupillon à même la glace. Il y a
très longtemps, un marin ayant aperçu ce Pokémon dormant
sur un glacier a cru voir une sirène."
87,25,6,"Jugong liebt es, auf bitterkalten Eisschollen ein Nickerchen
zu machen. Ein Seemann, der einmal ein solches Pokémon
schlafend auf einem Eisberg sah, hielt es irrtümlicherweise
für eine Meerjungfrau."
87,25,7,"A Dewgong le encanta dormitar sobre la frialdad del hielo.
Antiguamente, algún que otro marino lo confundió con una
sirena al verlo dormido sobre un glaciar."
87,25,8,"Dewgong adora riposare su una gelida lastra di ghiaccio.
In passato i marinai confondevano il profilo di questo
Pokémon addormentato sulla superficie gelata con una sirena."
87,25,9,"Dewgong loves to snooze on bitterly cold ice. The sight of this
Pokémon sleeping on a glacier was mistakenly thought to be a
mermaid by a mariner long ago."
87,25,11,"冷たい 氷の 上で 寝るのが 大好き。
昔 氷山で 眠る 姿を 見た
船乗りが 人魚と 間違えた。"
87,26,1,"つめたい こおりの うえで ねるのが だいすき。
むかし ひょうざんで ねむる すがたを みた
ふなのりが にんぎょと まちがえた。"
87,26,3,"차가운 얼음 위에서 자는 것을 매우 좋아한다.
옛날에 빙산에서 자는 모습을 본
뱃사람이 인어로 착각했다."
87,26,5,"Lamantine adore piquer un roupillon à même la glace. Il y a
très longtemps, un marin ayant aperçu ce Pokémon dormant
sur un glacier a cru voir une sirène."
87,26,6,"Jugong liebt es, auf bitterkalten Eisschollen ein Nickerchen zu
machen. Ein Seemann, der ein solches Pokémon eines Tages
auf einem Eisberg schlafen sah, hielt es für eine Meerjungfrau."
87,26,7,"A Dewgong le encanta dormitar sobre la frialdad del hielo.
Antiguamente, algún que otro marino lo confundió con una
sirena al verlo dormido sobre un glaciar."
87,26,8,"Dewgong adora riposare su una gelida lastra di ghiaccio.
In passato i marinai confondevano il profilo di questo
Pokémon addormentato sulla superficie gelata con una sirena."
87,26,9,"Dewgong loves to snooze on bitterly cold ice. The sight of
this Pokémon sleeping on a glacier was mistakenly thought
to be a mermaid by a mariner long ago."
87,26,11,"冷たい 氷の 上で 寝るのが 大好き。
昔 氷山で 眠る 姿を 見た
船乗りが 人魚と 間違えた。"
87,29,1,"8ノットの そくどで うみを およぎ
えもので ある ポケモンを さがす。
とくに ヨワシが だいこうぶつ。"
87,29,3,"8노트의 속도로 바다를 헤엄쳐
먹이가 되는 포켓몬을 찾는다.
특히 약어리를 매우 좋아한다."
87,29,5,"Il sillonne les mers à la recherche de ses
proies à une vitesse de 8 nœuds.
Il raffole des Froussardine."
87,29,6,"Es schwimmt mit bis zu acht Knoten im Meer
und sucht nach Beute. Für Lusardin hat es eine
besondere Vorliebe."
87,29,7,"Surca los mares a velocidades de 8 nudos en
busca de Pokémon que le sirvan de sustento.
Siente predilección especial por los Wishiwashi."
87,29,8,"Nuota nel mare alla velocità di 8 nodi alla
ricerca dei Pokémon di cui si nutre.
È particolarmente ghiotto di Wishiwashi."
87,29,9,"It swims through the ocean at a speed of eight
knots, searching for Pokémon that will become
its prey. Its especially fond of Wishiwashi."
87,29,11,"8ノットの 速度で 海を 泳ぎ
獲物である ポケモンを 探す。
特に ヨワシが 大好物。"
87,30,1,"しょくじの あとは すなはまで
にっこうよくを している。 たいおんを
あげて しょうかを よく するのだ。"
87,30,3,"식사 후에는 모래 해변에서
일광욕을 하고 있다. 체온을
높여서 소화를 돕기 위함이다."
87,30,5,"Après manger, il sétale de tout son long sur
les plages de sable fin. Le soleil le réchauffe
et facilite sa digestion."
87,30,6,"Nach einer Mahlzeit genießt es ein Sonnenbad
am Strand. Durch die erhöhte Körpertemperatur
wird seine Verdauung unterstützt."
87,30,7,"Le gusta tenderse al sol en la playa después de
comer, ya que aumentar su temperatura
corporal le facilita la digestión."
87,30,8,"Dopo mangiato prende il sole sulla spiaggia
per far aumentare la sua temperatura corporea
e favorire la digestione."
87,30,9,"It sunbathes on the beach after meals. The rise
in its body temperature helps its digestion."
87,30,11,"食事の 後は 砂浜で
日光浴を している。 体温を
あげて 消化を よく するのだ。"
87,31,1,"ぜんしん ゆきのように まっしろ。
さむさに つよく こおりが うかぶ
うみも げんきよく およぎまわる。"
87,31,3,"온몸이 눈처럼 새하얗다.
추위에 강해 얼음이 떠 있는
바다도 기운차게 헤엄쳐 다닌다."
87,31,5,"Son corps entier est aussi blanc que la neige.
Il résiste bien au froid et peut même nager
au milieu des icebergs."
87,31,6,"Sein ganzer Körper ist schneeweiß. Da ihm Kälte
nichts ausmacht, kann es selbst in Eiswasser
kraftvoll schwimmen."
87,31,7,"Su cuerpo es blanco como la nieve. Puede nadar
plácidamente en mares gélidos gracias a su
resistencia al frío."
87,31,8,"Il suo corpo è bianco come la neve. Non soffre
il freddo e nuota senza problemi anche in acque
87,31,9,"Its entire body is a snowy white. Unharmed by
even intense cold, it swims powerfully
in icy waters."
87,31,11,"全身 雪のように 真っ白。
寒さに強く 氷が 浮かぶ
海も 元気よく 泳ぎまわる。"
87,32,1,"ぜんしん ゆきのように まっしろ。
さむさに つよく こおりが うかぶ
うみも げんきよく およぎまわる。"
87,32,3,"온몸이 눈처럼 새하얗다.
추위에 강해 얼음이 떠 있는
바다도 기운차게 헤엄쳐 다닌다."
87,32,5,"Son corps entier est aussi blanc que la neige.
Il résiste bien au froid et peut même nager
au milieu des icebergs."
87,32,6,"Sein ganzer Körper ist schneeweiß. Da ihm Kälte
nichts ausmacht, kann es selbst in Eiswasser
kraftvoll schwimmen."
87,32,7,"Su cuerpo es blanco como la nieve. Puede nadar
plácidamente en mares gélidos gracias a su
resistencia al frío."
87,32,8,"Il suo corpo è bianco come la neve. Non soffre
il freddo e nuota senza problemi anche in acque
87,32,9,"Its entire body is a snowy white. Unharmed by
even intense cold, it swims powerfully
in icy waters."
87,32,11,"全身 雪のように 真っ白。
寒さに強く 氷が 浮かぶ
海も 元気よく 泳ぎまわる。"
88,1,9,"Appears in filthy
areas. Thrives by
sucking uppolluted sludge
that is pumped
out of factories."
88,2,9,"Appears in filthy
areas. Thrives by
sucking uppolluted sludge
that is pumped
out of factories."
88,3,9,"Made of hardened
sludge. It smells
too putrid totouch.
Even weeds won't
grow in its path."
88,4,9,"As it moves, it
loses bits of its
body from whichnew GRIMER emerge.
This worsens the
stench around it."
88,5,9,"Wherever GRIMER
has passed, so
many germs areleft behind that
no plants will
ever grow again."
88,6,9,"When two of these
POKéMON's bodies
are combinedtogether, new
poisons are
88,7,9,"GRIMERs sludgy and rubbery body can
be forced through any opening, however
small it may be.This POKéMON enters sewer pipes to
drink filthy wastewater."
88,8,9,"GRIMER emerged from the sludge that
settled on a polluted seabed.
This POKéMON loves anything filthy.It constantly leaks a horribly germ-
infested fluid from all over its body."
88,9,9,"Born from polluted sludge in the sea,
GRIMERs favorite food is anything filthy.
They feed on wastewater pumped out from
88,10,9,"Sludge exposed to X rays from the moon
transformed into GRIMER. It loves feeding
on filthy things."
88,11,9,"Appears in filthy areas. It thrives by
sucking up polluted sludge that is pumped
out of factories."
88,12,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty
stream was exposed to the moons
X-rays. It appears among filth."
88,13,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty
stream was exposed to the moons
X-rays. It appears among filth."
88,14,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty
stream was exposed to the moons
X-rays. It appears among filth."
88,15,9,"As it moves, it loses bits of its body,
from which new GRIMER emerge.
This worsens the stench around it."
88,16,9,"Wherever GRIMER has passed, so
many germs are left behind that
no plants will ever grow again."
88,17,5,"Il est né dun torrent de boue
exposé aux rayons X de la lune.
Il vit dans les ordures."
88,17,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty
stream was exposed to the moons
X-rays. It appears among filth."
88,18,5,"Il est né dun torrent de boue
exposé aux rayons X de la lune.
Il vit dans les ordures."
88,18,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty
stream was exposed to the moons
X-rays. It appears among filth."
88,21,9,"Born from sludge, these Pokémon now
gather in polluted places and increase
the bacteria in their bodies."
88,22,9,"Born from sludge, these Pokémon now
gather in polluted places and increase
the bacteria in their bodies."
88,23,1,"つきからの エックスせんをあびた
ヘドロが ベトベターにへんかした。
きたないモノが だいこうぶつ。"
88,23,3,"달로부터의 X선을 쬔
오물이 질퍽이로 변화했다.
더러운 것을 좋아한다."
88,23,5,"Tadmorv est né dun tas de déchets exposé aux
rayons X lunaires. Ce Pokémon adore se nourrir
de choses dégoûtantes."
88,23,6,"Schlamm, der Röntgenstrahlung vom Mond
ausgesetzt war, wurde zu Sleima. Es isst
am liebsten dreckige Dinge."
88,23,7,"Nace de lodo alterado al filtrarse en el agua los
rayos X reflejados por la Luna. Se alimenta de
sustancias desagradables."
88,23,8,"Grimer è nato da fango esposto ai raggi X provenienti
dalla luna. Ama nutrirsi di sostanze sudicie."
88,23,9,"Sludge exposed to X-rays from the moon
transformed into Grimer. It loves feeding
on filthy things."
88,23,11,"月からの エックス線を 浴びた
ヘドロが ベトベターに 変化した。
汚いものが 大好物。"
88,24,1,"きたない ばしょに あらわれる。
こうじょうが ながす ヘドロ
はいえきを のんで いきている。"
88,24,3,"지저분한 곳에 모습을 드러낸다.
공장에서 내보내는 오물
폐수를 마시며 살고 있다."
88,24,5,"Vivant dans des tas dordures, il se nourrit des
déchets polluants rejetés par les usines."
88,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt vorwiegend in schmutzigen
Gebieten und ernährt sich von Industrieabfällen."
88,24,7,"Aparece en zonas asquerosas. Crece absorbiendo los
residuos tóxicos expulsados por las fábricas."
88,24,8,"Prospera in zone paludose. Cresce nutrendosi dei
liquami di scarico delle fabbriche."
88,24,9,"Appears in filthy areas. It thrives by sucking up
polluted sludge that is pumped out of factories."
88,24,11,"汚い 場所に 現れる。
工場が 流す ヘドロ廃液を
飲んで 生きている。"
88,25,1,"ドロドロ ブヨブヨした からだは どんなに
ほそい すきまにも はいりこむことが できる。
げすいかんに もぐって きたない みずを のむ。"
88,25,3,"흐물흐물 물렁물렁한 몸은 아무리
좁은 틈이라도 파고들어 갈 수 있다.
하수관에 들어가 지저분한 물을 마신다."
88,25,5,"Le corps boueux et gélatineux de Tadmorv peut senfoncer
dans nimporte quelle ouverture, même la plus petite.
Ce Pokémon se promène dans les tuyaux des égouts pour
boire de leau croupie."
88,25,6,"Sleimas glitschiger, gummiartiger Körper passt durch jede
noch so kleine Öffnung. Dieses Pokémon steigt in die
Kanalisation hinab, um fauliges Abwasser zu trinken."
88,25,7,"El elástico cuerpo de lodo de Grimer le permite colarse por
cualquier orificio, sea del tamaño que sea. Este Pokémon entra
en los bajantes de las cloacas para beberse el agua sucia."
88,25,8,"Il corpo fangoso e gommoso di Grimer può passare attraverso
ogni apertura, anche la più angusta. Si intrufola dentro
le condotte fognarie per bere le ripugnanti acque di scarico."
88,25,9,"Grimers sludgy and rubbery body can be forced through any
opening, however small it may be. This Pokémon enters sewer
pipes to drink filthy wastewater."
88,25,11,"ドロドロ ブヨブヨした 体は どんなに
細い すき間にも 入り込むことが できる。
下水管に 潜って 汚い 水を 飲む。"
88,26,1,"おせんされた かいていの ヘドロから うまれた。
きたない ものが だいすきで からだじゅうから
バイキンだらけの えきたいを たれながしている。"
88,26,3,"오염된 해저의 진흙에서 태어났다.
더러운 것을 매우 좋아해서 몸 전체에서
세균 범벅인 액체가 흘러나오고 있다."
88,26,5,"Tadmorv est apparu dans la vase accumulée sur un bord
de mer pollué. Ce Pokémon aime tout ce qui est dégoûtant.
Une substance pleine de germes suinte constamment
de tout son corps."
88,26,6,"Sleima ist aus dem Schlamm eines verseuchten Flussbetts
entstanden. Dieses Pokémon liebt verschmutzte Dinge.
Es scheidet ständig eine mit Bakterien verseuchte Flüssigkeit
aus seinem ganzen Körper aus."
88,26,7,"Grimer emergió del lodo que se formó en una zona
contaminada en el fondo del mar. A este Pokémon le encanta
todo lo que sea suciedad. Emana continuamente por todo el
cuerpo un horrible fluido contaminado por bacterias."
88,26,8,"Grimer proviene dal fango depositato sui fondali inquinati.
Infatti ama tutto ciò che è sudicio e tossico. Emana
continuamente un fluido batterico velenoso da ogni parte
del corpo."
88,26,9,"Grimer emerged from the sludge that settled on a polluted
seabed. This Pokémon loves anything filthy. It constantly
leaks a horribly germ-infested fluid from all over its body."
88,26,11,"汚染された 海底の ヘドロから 生まれた。
汚い ものが 大好きで 体中から
バイキンだらけの 液体を 垂れ流している。"
88,27,1,"こうじょうが たれながす ヘドロの
はいえきが おもな エサ なのだ。
さいきんは かずが へってきた。"
88,27,3,"공장에서 흘러나오는
오물 폐수가 주요 먹이다.
최근에는 수가 줄어들고 있다."
88,27,5,"Il salimente principalement des déchets
chimiques rejetés par les usines. Ce Pokémon
est devenu plus rare ces derniers temps."
88,27,6,"Es ernährt sich primär von Industrieabfällen.
In letzter Zeit sieht man es viel seltener als
88,27,7,"Su principal fuente de alimento son los residuos
industriales. Últimamente la población de Grimer
ha menguado bastante."
88,27,8,"Si nutre principalmente di rifiuti industriali
fangosi. Negli ultimi tempi, il numero di Grimer
sta diminuendo."
88,27,9,"Its main source of food is the slimy industrial
waste of factories. This Pokémons numbers
have been decreasing in recent years."
88,27,11,"工場が 垂れ流す ヘドロの
廃液が 主な 餌 なのだ。
最近は 数が 減ってきた。"
88,28,1,"つきからの エックスせんを あびた
ヘドロが へんかし たんじょう。
からだの ばいきんが へると しぬ。"
88,28,3,"달의 엑스선을 쬔
진흙이 변화하여 태어났다.
몸의 세균이 줄어들면 죽는다."
88,28,5,"Né dun tas de déchets exposés aux rayons X
réfléchis par la lune, il meurt si les microbes qui
pullulent sur son corps diminuent en nombre."
88,28,6,"Schlamm, der Röntgenstrahlung vom Mond
ausgesetzt war, wurde zu Sleima. Sinkt die
Zahl der Bakterien in seinem Körper, stirbt es."
88,28,7,"Nace del lodo expuesto a los rayos X reflejados
por la luna. Si el número de bacterias de su
cuerpo disminuye, su vida corre peligro."
88,28,8,"È nato da fango esposto ai raggi X provenienti
dalla luna. Per sopravvivere, deve conservare
unelevata popolazione batterica."
88,28,9,"It was born from sludge transformed by
exposure to X-rays from the moon. When its
internal load of germs decreases, it dies."
88,28,11,"月からの X線を 浴びた
ヘドロが 変化し 誕生。
身体の ばい菌が 減ると 死ぬ。"
88,29,1,"かいていの ヘドロから うまれた。
せいけつな ばしょでは たいないの
ばいきんが ふやせず しんでしまう。"
88,29,3,"바다 밑의 진흙에서 태어났다.
청결한 장소에서는 체내의
세균이 증식되지 않아 죽어 버린다."
88,29,5,"Il est né de la vase polluée des fonds marins.
Dans les lieux trop propres, sa flore bactérienne
ne peut pas proliférer et il dépérit."
88,29,6,"Sleima ist aus dem Schlamm am Meeresgrund
entstanden. An sterilen Orten kann es seine
Bakterien nicht kultivieren und stirbt."
88,29,7,"Surgió del limo oceánico. En hábitats impolutos,
los gérmenes de su cuerpo no pueden medrar y
termina falleciendo."
88,29,8,"Proviene dal fango dei fondali marini. Non può
sopravvivere in ambienti puliti perché i batteri
nel suo corpo non riescono a moltiplicarsi."
88,29,9,"It was born from sludge on the ocean floor. In a
sterile environment, the germs within its body
cant multiply, and it dies."
88,29,11,"海底の ヘドロから 生まれた。
清潔な 場所では 体内の
ばい菌が 増やせず 死んでしまう。"
88,30,1,"さいきんは こうじょうが ながす
はいえきが きれいで エサが ない。
じき ぜつめつすると いわれている。"
88,30,3,"최근에는 공장에서 나오는
폐수가 깨끗해서 먹이가 없다.
곧 멸종될 것이라고 전해진다."
88,30,5,"Les usines ne rejetant désormais plus de
déchets toxiques, il na plus rien à se mettre
sous la dent et se voit menacé dextinction."
88,30,6,"Es ernährt sich von Industrieabfällen, die durch
umweltfreundliche Methoden nun aber knapp
werden. Es ist daher vom Aussterben bedroht."
88,30,7,"Debido a la reducción en los vertidos de aguas
residuales, su fuente de alimento ha menguado
y ahora se encuentra en peligro de extinción."
88,30,8,"Poiché gli scarichi industriali sono sempre
più puliti, fatica a trovare fonti di nutrimento.
Sembra che per questo rischi lestinzione."
88,30,9,"The wastewater coming from factories is clean
these days, so Grimer have nothing to eat.
Theyre said to be on the verge of extinction."
88,30,11,"最近は 工場が 流す
廃液が 綺麗で エサが ない。
じき 絶滅すると いわれている。"
88,31,1,"ヘドロが かたまって うまれた。
くさくて さわることが できないし
とおったあとには くさも はえない。"
88,31,3,"진흙이 뭉쳐져서 태어났다.
악취 때문에 건드릴 엄두가 안 나고
지나간 자리에는 풀 한 포기 나지 않는다."
88,31,5,"Ce tas de fange sent si mauvais quil est
impossible de le toucher. Plus rien ne pousse
dans son sillage putride."
88,31,6,"Sleima ist aus erhärtetem Schlamm entstanden.
Es riecht sehr penetrant und man sollte es nicht
berühren. Wo es hintritt, wächst kein Gras mehr."
88,31,7,"Está hecho de lodo endurecido. Pocos se atreven
a tocarlo debido a su pestilencia y composición
nociva. Allá por donde pasa no crece la hierba."
88,31,8,"Formato da fanghi tossici solidificati, emana
un tanfo nauseabondo ed è impossibile toccarlo.
Dove passa lui non cresce più nemmeno lerba."
88,31,9,"Made of congealed sludge. It smells too putrid
to touch. Even weeds wont grow in its path."
88,31,11,"ヘドロが 固まって 生まれた。
臭くて さわることが できないし
通った跡には 草も 生えない。"
88,32,1,"ヘドロが かたまって うまれた。
くさくて さわることが できないし
とおったあとには くさも はえない。"
88,32,3,"진흙이 뭉쳐져서 태어났다.
악취 때문에 건드릴 엄두가 안 나고
지나간 자리에는 풀 한 포기 나지 않는다."
88,32,5,"Ce tas de fange sent si mauvais quil est
impossible de le toucher. Plus rien ne pousse
dans son sillage putride."
88,32,6,"Sleima ist aus erhärtetem Schlamm entstanden.
Es riecht sehr penetrant und man sollte es nicht
berühren. Wo es hintritt, wächst kein Gras mehr."
88,32,7,"Está hecho de lodo endurecido. Pocos se atreven
a tocarlo debido a su pestilencia y composición
nociva. Allá por donde pasa no crece la hierba."
88,32,8,"Formato da fanghi tossici solidificati, emana
un tanfo nauseabondo ed è impossibile toccarlo.
Dove passa lui non cresce più nemmeno lerba."
88,32,9,"Made of congealed sludge. It smells too putrid
to touch. Even weeds wont grow in its path."
88,32,11,"ヘドロが 固まって 生まれた。
臭くて さわることが できないし
通った跡には 草も 生えない。"
89,1,9,"Thickly covered
with a filthy,
vile sludge. Itis so toxic, even
its footprints
contain poison."
89,2,9,"Thickly covered
with a filthy,
vile sludge. Itis so toxic, even
its footprints
contain poison."
89,3,9,"Smells so awful,
it can cause
fainting. Throughdegeneration, it
lost its sense of
89,4,9,"They love to gath­
er in smelly areas
where sludge ac­cumulates, making
the stench around
them worse."
89,5,9,"Its body is made
of a powerful poi­
son. Touching itaccidentally will
cause a fever that
requires bed rest."
89,6,9,"As it moves, a
very strong poison
leaks from it,making the ground
there barren for
three years."
89,7,9,"From MUKs body seeps a foul fluid that
gives off a nose-bendingly horrible
stench.Just one drop of this POKéMONs body
fluid can turn a pool stagnant and
89,8,9,"This POKéMONs favorite food is
anything that is repugnantly filthy.
In dirty towns where people thinknothing of throwing away litter on the
streets, MUK are certain to gather."
89,9,9,"It prefers warm and humid habitats.
In the summertime, the toxic substances
in its body intensify, making MUK reek like
putrid kitchen garbage."
89,10,9,"It is usually undetectable because it
blends in with the ground. Touching it can
cause terrible poisoning."
89,11,9,"Thickly covered with a filthy, vile
sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints
contain poison."
89,12,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body.
The fluid instantly kills plants and
trees on contact."
89,13,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body.
The fluid instantly kills plants and
trees on contact."
89,14,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body.
The fluid instantly kills plants and
trees on contact."
89,15,9,"They love to gather in smelly areas
where sludge accumulates, making
the stench around them worse."
89,16,9,"Its body is made of a powerful poison.
Touching it accidentally will
cause a fever that requires bed rest."
89,17,5,"Son corps exsude un fluide toxique
qui tue instantanément les plantes
et les arbres au contact."
89,17,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body.
The fluid instantly kills plants and
trees on contact."
89,18,5,"Son corps exsude un fluide toxique
qui tue instantanément les plantes
et les arbres au contact."
89,18,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body.
The fluid instantly kills plants and
trees on contact."
89,21,9,"Its so stinky! Muks body contains
toxic elements, and any plant will
wilt when it passes by."
89,22,9,"Its so stinky! Muks body contains
toxic elements, and any plant will
wilt when it passes by."
89,23,1,"ヘドロが たまる くさい ばしょを
このんで あつまってくるので
あたりは いっそう くさくなる。"
89,23,3,"진흙이 쌓여 악취가 나는 장소를
좋아해서 모여들기 때문에
주변은 더욱 악취가 난다."
89,23,5,"Il recherche les endroits sales où il y a des ordures
pour y établir son habitat puant et infect."
89,23,6,"Sie treffen sich an stinkenden Orten, an denen der
Schleim sich türmt. Dies merkt man am Gestank."
89,23,7,"Les encanta reunirse en zonas apestosas donde se
acumula el lodo, haciendo su olor más insoportable."
89,23,8,"Amano riunirsi vicino a puzzolenti liquami di scolo,
rendendo il fetore ancora più intenso."
89,23,9,"They love to gather in smelly areas where sludge
accumulates, making the stench around
them worse."
89,23,11,"ヘドロが たまる くさい 場所を
好んで 集まってくるので
あたりは いっそう くさくなる。"
89,24,1,"からだから もうどくの たいえきが
しみでている。その えきに ふれた
くさきは あっというまに かれる。"
89,24,3,"몸에서 맹독의 체액이
배어 나오고 있다. 그 액에 스친
초목은 순식간에 시든다."
89,24,5,"Son corps exsude un fluide toxique qui tue
instantanément les plantes et les arbres au contact."
89,24,6,"Sein Körper sondert eine giftige Substanz ab,
die bei Kontakt Pflanzen und Bäume vernichtet."
89,24,7,"Su cuerpo segrega un fluido tóxico que elimina la vida
vegetal cuando la toca."
89,24,8,"Dal suo corpo filtra un fluido tossico che uccide
allistante piante e alberi con cui viene a contatto."
89,24,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly
kills plants and trees on contact."
89,24,11,"体から 猛毒の 体液が
染み出ている。その 液に 触れた
草木は あっというまに 枯れる。"
89,25,1,"からだから しみだしている たいえきは はなが
まがるほど きょうれつな においを はなつ。
1てきで プールのみずが にごり においだす。"
89,25,3,"몸에서 배어 나오는 체액은 코를
찌를 정도로 강렬한 냄새를 뿜는다.
한 방울로 수영장의 물이 탁해지고 냄새가 난다."
89,25,5,"Un fluide nauséabond suinte du corps de Grotadmorv,
agressant les narines de ses ennemis. Une seule goutte
de ce fluide suffit à faire croupir un bassin deau propre."
89,25,6,"Sleimok scheidet eine widerlich stinkende Substanz aus.
Ein einziger Tropfen dieser Substanz reicht aus, um ein
Gewässer zu verseuchen."
89,25,7,"Muk emana por todo el cuerpo un fluido maloliente que obliga
a taparse la nariz. Con solo una gota de la sustancia que
exuda este Pokémon, se podría contaminar un estanque."
89,25,8,"Il corpo di questo Pokémon emana un liquido marcio
dallodore nauseabondo. Una sola goccia di questo liquido
è in grado di rendere lacqua di una piscina putrida
e stagnante."
89,25,9,"From Muks body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a
nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of this
Pokémons body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid."
89,25,11,"体から 染み出している 体液は 鼻が
曲がるほど 強烈な 臭いを 放つ。
1滴で プールの水が 濁り 臭いだす。"
89,26,1,"きたない ものが だいこうぶつなので ゴミを
みちばたに すてる ような ひとが すんでいる
まちには ベトベトンが あつまってくるぞ。"
89,26,3,"더러운 것을 매우 좋아해서 쓰레기를
길가에 버릴 것 같은 사람이 사는
마을에는 질뻐기가 모여든다."
89,26,5,"Ce Pokémon ne mange que ce qui est répugnant et abject.
Les Grotadmorv se rassemblent dans les villes où les gens
jettent tout par terre, dans la rue."
89,26,6,"Sleimoks Lieblingsspeise ist alles, was widerlich
verschmutzt ist. In dreckigen Städten, in denen
sich Menschen nichts dabei denken, wenn sie Müll
auf die Straße werfen, lassen sich diese Pokémon
mit Vorliebe in Scharen nieder."
89,26,7,"A este Pokémon le encanta comer cosas repulsivas. En
ciudades sucias en las que la gente tira la basura por la calle,
los Muk tienen, sin duda, su punto de encuentro."
89,26,8,"Questo Pokémon si ciba di qualunque cosa sia sudicia
e ripugnante. Le città più inquinate, dove la popolazione
getta i rifiuti in strada, sono un luogo di ritrovo frequente
per i Muk."
89,26,9,"This Pokémons favorite food is anything that is repugnantly
filthy. In dirty towns where people think nothing of throwing
away litter on the streets, Muk are certain to gather."
89,26,11,"汚い ものが 大好物なので ゴミを
道端に 捨てる ような 人が 住んでいる
街には ベトベトンが 集まってくるぞ。"
89,27,1,"とにかく はなが まがるほど くさい。
だが いちぶには それがいいと いう
ベトベトンマニアも そんざいする。"
89,27,3,"코를 찌를 정도로 지독한 냄새가 난다.
하지만 오히려 그 냄새가 좋다는
질뻐기 마니아도 일부 존재한다."
89,27,5,"La puanteur quil dégage est presque
insoutenable. Mais certains aficionados trouvent
que cest ce qui fait son charme."
89,27,6,"Es sondert einen widerlichen Gestank ab.
In Fankreisen wird jedoch ausgerechnet
diese Eigenschaft besonders geschätzt."
89,27,7,"Desprende un hedor insoportable que invita a
taparse la nariz. A algunos fanáticos de este
Pokémon, este hecho les parece encantador."
89,27,8,"Emana un fetore insopportabile, ma i fanatici
di questo Pokémon lo considerano un pregio."
89,27,9,"The stench it gives off will make your nose
scrunch up. Still, there are Muk fans who think
thats a good thing."
89,27,11,"とにかく 鼻が 曲がるほど 臭い。
だが 一部には それがいいと いう
ベトベトンマニアも 存在する。"
89,28,1,"かんきょうが せいびされた さいきんは
めっきり すがたを みなくなった。
いずれ ぜつめつすると いわれている。"
89,28,3,"환경이 정비된 최근에는
좀처럼 모습을 볼 수 없게 되었다.
언젠가는 멸종될 것이라고 전해진다."
89,28,5,"La qualité de lenvironnement sétant améliorée
récemment, ce Pokémon est devenu plus rare.
On dit quil est en voie dextinction."
89,28,6,"Es wird immer seltener gesehen, da zunehmend
mehr Wert auf Umweltschutz gelegt wird. Man
vermutet, dass es irgendwann ganz ausstirbt."
89,28,7,"Con la reciente preocupación por el medio
ambiente, este Pokémon escasea cada vez más.
Podría considerarse en peligro de extinción."
89,28,8,"Ultimamente, laccresciuta sensibilità ambientale
ha portato a una diminuzione degli esemplari
di questo Pokémon, che rischia lestinzione."
89,28,9,"After recent environmental improvements, this
Pokémon is now hardly seen at all. People
speculate that it may go extinct at some point."
89,28,11,"環境が 整備された 最近は
めっきり 姿を みなくなった。
いずれ 絶滅すると いわれている。"
89,29,1,"エサが へって かずも げきげん。
ぜつめつを ふせぐため じんこうの
ヘドロいけが つくられはじめた。"
89,29,3,"먹이가 줄어들어 개체 수가 격감했다.
멸종을 방지하기 위해 
인공 진흙 연못을 만들기 시작했다."
89,29,5,"Faute de nourriture, la population de Grotadmorv
diminue rapidement. Pour éviter son extinction,
des étangs de fange artificiels ont été creusés."
89,29,6,"Aufgrund von Futtermangel sieht man es immer
seltener. Um es vom Aussterben zu bewahren,
werden nun künstliche Schlammteiche angelegt."
89,29,7,"Su número ha disminuido por falta de sustento,
por lo que se han creado estanques de lodo
artificiales para salvarlo de la extinción."
89,29,8,"Il loro numero è calato drasticamente a causa
della mancanza di cibo. Per evitarne lestinzione,
sono state create pozze di liquami artificiali."
89,29,9,"Their food sources have decreased, and their
numbers have declined sharply. Sludge ponds
are being built to prevent their extinction."
89,29,11,"エサが 減って 数も 激減。
絶滅を 防ぐため 人工の
ヘドロ池が 作られ始めた。"
89,30,1,"びょうげんきんを まきちらすので
くじょ しつづけた けっか
かずが げきげんして しまった。"
89,30,3,"병원균을 흩뿌리기 때문에
제거를 거듭한 결과
수가 급격히 줄어들었다."
89,30,5,"Comme il répand des microbes, on lui a
beaucoup fait la chasse. La population de
Grotadmorv a diminué de manière drastique."
89,30,6,"Da es Krankheitskeime verbreitet, hat man lange
versucht, es auszurotten. Heute sieht man es
daher nur noch selten."
89,30,7,"Al ser un portador de toda clase de gérmenes,
ha sido perseguido a lo largo de la historia
hasta verse abocado casi a la extinción."
89,30,8,"Essendo portatore di germi, è stato sempre
cacciato senza pietà. Per questo il numero di
esemplari si è ridotto drasticamente."
89,30,9,"Because they scatter germs everywhere,
theyve long been targeted for extermination,
leading to a steep decline in their population."
89,30,11,"病原菌を まき散らすので
駆除 し続けた 結果
数が 激減して しまった。"
89,31,1,"とっても くさい! きぜつするほど
きょうれつだが ベトベトンは はなが
たいかして においを かんじない。"
89,31,3,"악취가 심하다! 기절할 정도로
강렬하지만 질뻐기는 코가
퇴화해서 냄새를 맡지 못한다."
89,31,5,"Son odeur immonde provoque des
évanouissements. Son odorat sest atrophié
à cause de sa propre puanteur."
89,31,6,"Sein fürchterlicher Gestank kann zur Ohnmacht
führen. Da seine Nase so verkümmert ist, kann
es selbst nichts mehr riechen."
89,31,7,"Huele tan mal que puede provocar desmayos.
Su nariz se ha atrofiado de tal manera que
ha perdido por completo el sentido del olfato."
89,31,8,"Emette un tanfo così terribile da far svenire,
ma non sente alcun odore perché ormai
il suo naso si è atrofizzato."
89,31,9,"Smells so awful, it can cause fainting.
Through degeneration of its nose,
it lost its sense of smell."
89,31,11,"とっても 臭い! 気絶するほど
強烈だが ベトベトンは 鼻が
退化して 臭いを 感じない。"
89,32,1,"とっても くさい! きぜつするほど
きょうれつだが ベトベトンは はなが
たいかして においを かんじない。"
89,32,3,"악취가 심하다! 기절할 정도로
강렬하지만 질뻐기는 코가
퇴화해서 냄새를 맡지 못한다."
89,32,5,"Son odeur immonde provoque des
évanouissements. Son odorat sest atrophié
à cause de sa propre puanteur."
89,32,6,"Sein fürchterlicher Gestank kann zur Ohnmacht
führen. Da seine Nase so verkümmert ist, kann
es selbst nichts mehr riechen."
89,32,7,"Huele tan mal que puede provocar desmayos.
Su nariz se ha atrofiado de tal manera que
ha perdido por completo el sentido del olfato."
89,32,8,"Emette un tanfo così terribile da far svenire,
ma non sente alcun odore perché ormai
il suo naso si è atrofizzato."
89,32,9,"Smells so awful, it can cause fainting.
Through degeneration of its nose,
it lost its sense of smell."
89,32,11,"とっても 臭い! 気絶するほど
強烈だが ベトベトンは 鼻が
退化して 臭いを 感じない。"
90,1,9,"Its hard shell
repels any kind
of attack.It is vulnerable
only when its
shell is open."
90,2,9,"Its hard shell
repels any kind
of attack.It is vulnerable
only when its
shell is open."
90,3,9,"The shell can
withstand any
attack. However,when it is open,
the tender body
is exposed."
90,4,9,"It swims facing
backward by open­
ing and closingits two-piece
shell. It is
surprisingly fast."
90,5,9,"Grains of sand
trapped in its
shells mix withits body fluids to
form beautiful
90,6,9,"Clamping on to an
opponent reveals
its vulnerableparts, so it uses
this move only as
a last resort."
90,7,9,"At night, this POKéMON uses its broad
tongue to burrow a hole in the seafloor
sand and then sleep in it.While it is sleeping, SHELLDER closes its
shell, but leaves its tongue hanging
90,8,9,"At night, this POKéMON uses its broad
tongue to burrow a hole in the seafloor
sand and then sleep in it.While it is sleeping, SHELLDER closes its
shell, but leaves its tongue hanging
90,9,9,"At night, it burrows a hole in the seafloor
with its broad tongue to make a place to
sleep. While asleep, it closes its shell,
but leaves its tongue hanging out."
90,10,9,"It is encased in a shell that is harder
than diamond. Inside, however, it is
surprisingly tender."
90,11,9,"Its hard shell repels any kind of attack.
It is vulnerable only when its shell is
90,12,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,13,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,14,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,15,9,"It swims facing backward by opening
and closing its two-piece shell.
It is surprisingly fast."
90,16,9,"Grains of sand trapped in its
shells mix with its body fluids to
form beautiful pearls."
90,17,5,"Il nage à reculons en ouvrant et en
refermant ses deux coquilles. Il
laisse traîner sa large langue."
90,17,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,18,5,"Il nage à reculons en ouvrant et en
refermant ses deux coquilles. Il
laisse traîner sa large langue."
90,18,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,21,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,22,9,"It swims backward by opening and
closing its two shells. Its large
tongue is always kept hanging out."
90,23,1,"かたいカラは どんな こうげきも
はねかえす。ひらいた ときに
なかを こうげき されると よわい。"
90,23,3,"단단한 껍데기는 어떤 공격도
튕겨낸다. 껍데기를 벌리고 있을 때
안쪽을 공격당하는 것에는 약하다."
90,23,5,"Protégé par une carapace très résistante, il est
vulnérable quand celle-ci souvre."
90,23,6,"Eine harte Schale schützt dieses Pokémon.
Nur wenn es diese öffnet, wird es verwundbar."
90,23,7,"La concha lo protege de cualquier tipo de ataque.
Solo es vulnerable cuando se abre."
90,23,8,"La sua conchiglia dura respinge ogni tipo di attacco.
È vulnerabile solo quando apre il guscio."
90,23,9,"Its hard shell repels any kind of attack.
It is vulnerable only when its shell is open."
90,23,11,"硬い 殻は どんな 攻撃も
中を 攻撃されると 弱い。"
90,24,1,"カラで はさみこむのは
やわらかい なかみを さらけだすので
いちか ばちかの しゅだん なのだ。"
90,24,3,"껍데기로 물어 공격하는 것은
부드러운 안쪽이 드러나므로
궁지에 몰렸을 때 쓰는 수단이다."
90,24,5,"Il se referme sur un ennemi pour attaquer, mais ceci
le rend vulnérable et il ne le fait que rarement."
90,24,6,"Da es seine verwundbarste Stelle beim Klammern
preisgibt, tut es dies nur in wirklichen Notfällen."
90,24,7,"Cuando atenaza a sus enemigos, se vuelve vulnerable.
Por eso solo utiliza esta técnica como último recurso."
90,24,8,"Mentre attanaglia il nemico diviene vulnerabile,
perciò usa questa tecnica come ultima risorsa."
90,24,9,"Clamping on to an opponent reveals its vulnerable
parts, so it uses this move only as a last resort."
90,24,11,"殻で 挟みこむのは
やわらかい 中身を さらけ出すので
一か八かの 手段なのだ。"
90,25,1,"よるに なると おおきな ベロで かいていの
すなに あなを ほり そのなかで ねむる。
カラを とじて ねむるが ベロは だしたまま。"
90,25,3,"밤이 되면 큰 혀로 해저의
모래에 구멍을 뚫고 그 안에서 잔다.
혀를 내민 채로 껍질을 닫고 잠든다."
90,25,5,"La nuit, ce Pokémon utilise sa grande langue pour creuser
un trou dans le sable des fonds marins afin dy dormir.
Une fois endormi, Kokiyas referme sa coquille, mais laisse
sa langue dépasser."
90,25,6,"Nachts benutzt dieses Pokémon seine breite Zunge, um ein
Loch in den Meeresboden zu graben. Darin schläft es.
Dabei schließt es seine Schale, aber die Zunge hängt heraus."
90,25,7,"Por la noche, este Pokémon usa la ancha lengua que tiene
para hacer un agujero en el fondo del mar y echarse a dormir.
Mientras duerme, Shellder cierra la concha, pero deja la
lengua por fuera."
90,25,8,"Di notte Shellder usa la sua lingua larga per scavare una buca
sul fondo del mare e infilarcisi per dormire.
Quando dorme chiude la conchiglia ma lascia la lingua fuori
a penzoloni."
90,25,9,"At night, this Pokémon uses its broad tongue to burrow a hole
in the seafloor sand and then sleep in it. While it is sleeping,
Shellder closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out."
90,25,11,"夜に なると 大きな ベロで 海底の
砂に 穴を 掘り その中で 眠る。
カラを 閉じ 眠るが ベロは 出したまま。"
90,26,1,"よるに なると おおきな ベロで かいていの
すなに あなを ほり そのなかで ねむる。
カラを とじて ねむるが ベロは だしたまま。"
90,26,3,"밤이 되면 큰 혀로 해저의
모래에 구멍을 뚫고 그 안에서 잔다.
혀를 내민 채로 껍질을 닫고 잠든다."
90,26,5,"La nuit, ce Pokémon utilise sa grande langue pour creuser
un trou dans le sable des fonds marins afin dy dormir.
Une fois endormi, Kokiyas referme sa coquille, mais laisse
sa langue dépasser."
90,26,6,"Nachts verwendet dieses Pokémon seine breite Zunge, um ein
Loch in den Meeresboden zu graben. Darin schläft es. Dabei
schließt es seine Schale, lässt aber seine Zunge heraushängen."
90,26,7,"Por la noche, este Pokémon usa la ancha lengua que tiene
para hacer un agujero en el fondo del mar y echarse a dormir.
Mientras duerme, Shellder cierra la concha, pero deja la
lengua por fuera."
90,26,8,"Di notte Shellder usa la sua lingua larga per scavare una buca
sul fondo del mare e infilarcisi per dormire.
Quando dorme chiude la conchiglia ma lascia la lingua fuori
a penzoloni."
90,26,9,"At night, this Pokémon uses its broad tongue to burrow a hole
in the seafloor sand and then sleep in it. While it is sleeping,
Shellder closes its shell, but leaves its tongue hanging out."
90,26,11,"夜に なると 大きな ベロで 海底の
砂に 穴を 掘り その中で 眠る。
カラを 閉じ 眠るが ベロは 出したまま。"
90,27,1,"カラの こうどは ダイヤモンドを
こえる。 むかしのひとは カラを
あつめて たてを つくっていた。"
90,27,3,"껍질의 강도는 다이아몬드보다
높다. 옛날 사람은 껍질을
모아서 방패를 만들었었다."
90,27,5,"Sa coquille est plus dure que le diamant.
Dans lAntiquité, elle a été utilisée comme
90,27,6,"Ihre Schalen sind härter als Diamanten.
Vor langer Zeit sammelte man die Schalen
von Muschas und machte Schilde daraus."
90,27,7,"Su concha, más dura que un diamante, se
empleaba en la antigüedad para la fabricación
de escudos."
90,27,8,"La conchiglia esterna è più dura del diamante.
In passato era usata per costruire scudi."
90,27,9,"The hardness of its shell surpasses the
hardness of a diamond. In days gone by,
people used the shells to make shields."
90,27,11,"殻の 硬度は ダイヤモンドを
超える。 昔の人は カラを
集めて 盾を 造っていた。"
90,28,1,"つねに だしっぱなしの ベロを
きように つかって かいていの すなを
ほりおこし エサを さがす。"
90,28,3,"항상 내밀고 있는 혀를
능숙히 사용하여 해저의 모래를
파내 먹이를 찾는다."
90,28,5,"Il utilise sa langue protubérante avec habileté
pour creuser le sable au fond de la mer et
trouver sa nourriture."
90,28,6,"Seine Zunge hängt immer aus seiner Schale.
Es sucht nach Beute, indem es mit ihr gezielt
den Sand am Meeresboden aufwirbelt."
90,28,7,"Este Pokémon usa su lengua diestramente para
excavar en el fondo del mar y buscar alimento."
90,28,8,"Con la lingua che gli sporge sempre a penzoloni
scava abilmente sul fondo del mare in cerca
di cibo."
90,28,9,"This Pokémons tongue is always hanging out.
It uses its tongue with great dexterity to dig up
sand from the seabed in its search for food."
90,28,11,"常に 出しっぱなしの ベロを
器用に 使って 海底の
砂を 掘り起し 餌を 探す。"
90,29,1,"カラの なかに たまった すなは
やがて しんじゅに かわるが
じゃま なので はきだして すてる。"
90,29,3,"껍질 안에 쌓인 모래는
이윽고 진주가 되지만
방해가 되기 때문에 뱉어 버린다."
90,29,5,"Avec le temps, les grains de sable accumulés
dans sa coquille se changent en perles, mais
comme elles le gênent, il préfère les recracher."
90,29,6,"Der Sand, der sich in Muschas Schale sammelt,
entwickelt sich zu Perlen. Da es diese als
störend empfindet, spuckt es sie einfach aus."
90,29,7,"La arena que acumula en su interior termina por
transformarse en una perla, pero la escupe
porque le supone un estorbo."
90,29,8,"Con il tempo, la sabbia che si accumula
nel guscio forma delle perle. Poiché gli danno
noia, il Pokémon le sputa via."
90,29,9,"The sand that accumulates inside its shell
eventually becomes a pearl. But the pearl gets
in the way, so it spits it out and discards it."
90,29,11,"カラの 中に たまった 砂は
やがて 真珠に 変わるが
邪魔 なので 吐き出して 捨てる。"
90,30,1,"カラを とじているときも ベロだけは
だしっぱなし。 つよく ひっぱると
おどろき カラを ひらいてしまうよ。"
90,30,3,"껍질을 닫고 있을 때도 혀만은
내밀고 있다. 세게 잡아당기면
놀라서 껍질을 연다."
90,30,5,"Sa langue dépasse même quand sa coquille est
fermée. Si on tire fort dessus, cette dernière
souvre sous leffet de la surprise."
90,30,6,"Seine Zunge lässt es selbst bei geschlossener
Schale immer heraushängen. Zieht man fest
daran, öffnet es vor Schreck seine Schale."
90,30,7,"Siempre tiene la lengua fuera, aun con la concha
cerrada. Si uno tira de ella con fuerza, la abrirá
del susto."
90,30,8,"La lingua gli sporge a penzoloni anche quando la
conchiglia è chiusa. Se gliela si tira con forza,
Shellder apre la conchiglia per la sorpresa."
90,30,9,"Even when its shell is closed, its tongue still
hangs out. If you give its tongue a good yank,
the shock will cause Shellder to open its shell."
90,30,11,"カラを 閉じているときも ベロだけは
出しっぱなし。 強く 引っ張ると
驚き カラを 開いてしまうよ。"
90,31,1,"どんな こうげきにも たえる
かたいカラだが ひらくと やわらかい
なかみが むきだしになる。"
90,31,3,"어떤 공격에도 견디는
단단한 껍질을 가졌지만
열면 부드러운 몸이 드러난다."
90,31,5,"Sa coquille le protège de toute attaque.
Si elle souvre, son corps fragile devient
90,31,6,"Seine Schale ist hart genug, um allen Attacken
standzuhalten. Wenn sie offen ist, kommt sein
weiches Inneres zum Vorschein."
90,31,7,"La dura concha que lo recubre resiste cualquier
ataque, por lo que su frágil cuerpo solo queda
expuesto cuando esta se abre."
90,31,8,"La sua conchiglia è capace di resistere a
qualsiasi attacco, ma quando si apre
il Pokémon diventa molto vulnerabile."
90,31,9,"The shell can withstand any attack. However,
when it is open, the tender body is exposed."
90,31,11,"どんな 攻撃にも 耐える
硬いカラだが 開くと 柔らかい
中身が むきだしになる。"
90,32,1,"どんな こうげきにも たえる
かたいカラだが ひらくと やわらかい
なかみが むきだしになる。"
90,32,3,"어떤 공격에도 견디는
단단한 껍질을 가졌지만
열면 부드러운 몸이 드러난다."
90,32,5,"Sa coquille le protège de toute attaque.
Si elle souvre, son corps fragile devient
90,32,6,"Seine Schale ist hart genug, um allen Attacken
standzuhalten. Wenn sie offen ist, kommt sein
weiches Inneres zum Vorschein."
90,32,7,"La dura concha que lo recubre resiste cualquier
ataque, por lo que su frágil cuerpo solo queda
expuesto cuando esta se abre."
90,32,8,"La sua conchiglia è capace di resistere a
qualsiasi attacco, ma quando si apre
il Pokémon diventa molto vulnerabile."
90,32,9,"The shell can withstand any attack. However,
when it is open, the tender body is exposed."
90,32,11,"どんな 攻撃にも 耐える
硬いカラだが 開くと 柔らかい
中身が むきだしになる。"
90,33,1,"2まいのカラを あけたり とじたり
することで うしろむきに およぐ。
そのスピードは けっこう はやい。"
90,33,3,"2개의 껍질을 여닫아서
뒤쪽으로 헤엄친다.
그 스피드는 제법 빠르다."
90,33,5,"Il nage vers larrière à grande vitesse en ouvrant
puis refermant sa coquille."
90,33,6,"Es schwimmt rückwärts, indem es seine Schale
öffnet und schließt, und ist damit überraschend
90,33,7,"Nada hacia atrás abriendo y cerrando su concha.
Es sorprendentemente rápido."
90,33,8,"Nuota allindietro aprendo e chiudendo le
due valve. È sorprendentemente rapido."
90,33,9,"It swims facing backward by opening and closing
its two-piece shell. It is surprisingly fast."
90,33,11,"2枚の殻を 開けたり 閉じたり
することで 後ろ向きに 泳ぐ。
そのスピードは けっこう 速い。"
90,34,1,"かたいカラは どんな こうげきも
はねかえす。 ひらいた ときに
なかを こうげき されると よわい。"
90,34,3,"단단한 껍데기는 어떤 공격도
튕겨낸다. 껍데기를 열었을 때
안쪽을 공격당하는 것에는 약하다."
90,34,5,"Sa coquille est si résistante quelle repousse
toutes les attaques. En revanche, il est vulnérable
quand celle-ci souvre."
90,34,6,"Eine harte Schale schützt dieses Pokémon.
Nur wenn es diese öffnet, wird es verwundbar."
90,34,7,"La concha lo protege de cualquier tipo de
ataque. Solo es vulnerable cuando se abre."
90,34,8,"La sua conchiglia dura respinge ogni tipo
di attacco. È vulnerabile solo quando apre
le valve."
90,34,9,"Its hard shell repels any kind of attack. It is
vulnerable only when its shell is open."
90,34,11,"硬い 殻は どんな 攻撃も
跳ねかえす。 開いたときに
中を 攻撃されると 弱い。"
91,1,9,"When attacked, it
launches its
horns in quickvolleys. Its
innards have
never been seen."
91,2,9,"When attacked, it
launches its
horns in quickvolleys. Its
innards have
never been seen."
91,3,9,"For protection, it
uses its harder-
than-diamondsshell. It also
shoots spikes from
the shell."
91,4,9,"Once it slams its
shell shut, it is
impossible toopen, even by
those with superi­
or strength."
91,5,9,"CLOYSTER that live
in seas with harsh
tidal currentsgrow large, sharp
spikes on their
91,6,9,"Even a missile
can't break the
spikes it uses tostab opponents.
They're even hard­
er than its shell."
91,7,9,"CLOYSTER is capable of swimming in the
sea. It does so by swallowing water,
then jetting it out toward the rear.This POKéMON shoots spikes from its
shell using the same system."
91,8,9,"CLOYSTER is capable of swimming in the
sea. It does so by swallowing water,
then jetting it out toward the rear.This POKéMON shoots spikes from its
shell using the same system."
91,9,9,"It swims in the sea by swallowing water,
then jetting it out toward the rear.
The CLOYSTER shoots spikes from its
shell using the same system."
91,10,9,"Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be
shattered, even with a bomb. The shell
opens only when it is attacking."
91,11,9,"When attacked, it launches its horns in
quick volleys. Its innards have never been
91,12,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,13,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,14,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,15,9,"Once it slams its shell shut,
it is impossible to open, even by
those with superior strength."
91,16,9,"CLOYSTER that live in seas with harsh
tidal currents grow large, sharp
spikes on their shells."
91,17,5,"Il se défend en fermant sa coquille
et projette des piquants qui
repoussent ses agresseurs."
91,17,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,18,5,"Il se défend en fermant sa coquille
et projette des piquants qui
repoussent ses agresseurs."
91,18,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,21,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,22,9,"It fights by keeping its shell
tightly shut for protection and
by shooting spikes to repel foes."
91,23,1,"しおのながれが はげしい うみに
せいそくしている パルシェンの
カラのトゲは おおきく するどい。"
91,23,3,"조수의 흐름이 격한 바다에
서식하고 있는 파르셀의
껍질의 가시는 크고 날카롭다."
91,23,5,"Les Crustabri vivant dans des mers aux courants forts
développent des dards sur leur coquille."
91,23,6,"Austos, die im Meer mit starker Strömung leben,
werden groß und entwickeln scharfe Stacheln."
91,23,7,"A los Cloyster que viven en las fuertes corrientes
marinas les crecen largas y afiladas púas en la concha."
91,23,8,"Ai Cloyster che vivono in mari con forti maree
crescono grandi aculei affilati sui gusci."
91,23,9,"Cloyster that live in seas with harsh tidal currents
grow large, sharp spikes on their shells."
91,23,11,"潮の 流れが 激しい 海に
生息している パルシェンの
殻の トゲは 大きく 鋭い。"
91,24,1,"カラが ひじょうに かたく
ナパームだんでも こわせない。
こうげきするときだけ ひらく。"
91,24,3,"껍데기가 상당히 단단하여
네이팜탄으로도 부술 수 없다.
공격할 때만 연다."
91,24,5,"Sa coquille est extrêmement résistante. Rien ne peut
la détruire, pas même une bombe. Il ne louvre que
lorsquil attaque."
91,24,6,"Sein Panzer ist extrem hart. Es kann nicht
zerschmettert werden, auch nicht durch eine Bombe.
Der Panzer öffnet sich nur, wenn es angreift."
91,24,7,"La concha que lo cubre es extremadamente dura.
No es posible causarle rasguños y solo se abre si lo
91,24,8,"Neppure una bomba può scalfire il suo duro guscio,
che apre soltanto quando sta attaccando."
91,24,9,"Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered,
even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it
is attacking."
91,24,11,"殻が 非常に 硬く
ナパーム弾でも 壊せない。
攻撃するときだけ 開く。"
91,25,1,"のみこんだ かいすいを うしろへ いきおい よく
ふんしゃする ことで うみの なかを およぐ。
トゲを はっしゃする しくみも おなじ。"
91,25,3,"들이마신 바닷물을 뒤쪽으로 기운차게
뿜어내서 바닷속을 헤엄친다.
같은 방법으로 가시도 발사한다."
91,25,5,"Crustabri est capable de se déplacer dans les fonds marins
en avalant de leau et en la rejetant vers larrière.
Ce Pokémon envoie des pointes en utilisant la même méthode."
91,25,6,"Austos kann im Meerwasser schwimmen, indem es Wasser
schluckt und wieder herausspritzt. Dieses Pokémon kann
sich auch verteidigen, indem es spitze Stacheln mithilfe
des Wasserdrucks verschießt."
91,25,7,"Cloyster es capaz de nadar por el mar. Su técnica consiste en
tragar agua y expulsarla por el conducto que tiene en la parte
trasera. Este mismo sistema es el que usa para lanzar los
pinchos que tiene alrededor de la concha."
91,25,8,"Cloyster è in grado di nuotare in mare aperto, ingerendo
acqua dalla bocca per poi espellerla violentemente
a mo di propulsore. Questo Pokémon usa lo stesso
metodo per sparare punte dalla conchiglia."
91,25,9,"Cloyster is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by
swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear.
This Pokémon shoots spikes from its shell using the
same system."
91,25,11,"飲み込んだ 海水を 後ろへ 勢い よく
噴射する ことで 海の 中を 泳ぐ。
トゲを 発射する 仕組みも 同じ。"
91,26,1,"のみこんだ かいすいを うしろへ いきおい よく
ふんしゃする ことで うみの なかを およぐ。
トゲを はっしゃする しくみも おなじ。"
91,26,3,"들이마신 바닷물을 뒤쪽으로 기운차게
뿜어내서 바닷속을 헤엄친다.
같은 방법으로 가시도 발사한다."
91,26,5,"Crustabri est capable de se déplacer dans les fonds marins
en avalant de leau et en la rejetant vers larrière.
Ce Pokémon envoie des pointes en utilisant la même méthode."
91,26,6,"Austos kann im Meerwasser schwimmen, indem es Wasser
schluckt und mit Druck wieder herausspritzt. Auf dieselbe
Weise verschießt dieses Pokémon scharfe Stacheln."
91,26,7,"Cloyster es capaz de nadar por el mar. Su técnica consiste en
tragar agua y expulsarla por el conducto que tiene en la parte
trasera. Este mismo sistema es el que usa para lanzar los
pinchos que tiene alrededor de la concha."
91,26,8,"Cloyster è in grado di nuotare in mare aperto, ingerendo
acqua dalla bocca per poi espellerla violentemente
a mo di propulsore. Questo Pokémon usa lo stesso
metodo per sparare punte dalla conchiglia."
91,26,9,"Cloyster is capable of swimming in the sea. It does so by
swallowing water, then jetting it out toward the rear. This
Pokémon shoots spikes from its shell using the same system."
91,26,11,"飲み込んだ 海水を 後ろへ 勢い よく
噴射する ことで 海の 中を 泳ぐ。
トゲを 発射する 仕組みも 同じ。"
91,27,1,"かたいカラは ナパームだん でも
くだけない。 カラの なかみの
しょうたいは いまだ ふめい。"
91,27,3,"단단한 껍질은 폭탄이라도
깨지지 않는다. 껍질 속의
정체는 아직 밝혀지지 않았다."
91,27,5,"Sa carapace peut même résister à une bombe
au napalm. Personne ne sait ce quelle dissimule."
91,27,6,"Seine Schale ist so hart, dass nicht einmal eine
Bombe sie zerschmettern kann. Bis heute weiß
niemand, wie das Innere seiner Schale aussieht."
91,27,7,"Su dura concha es capaz de aguantar el impacto
de una bomba. La forma de su cuerpo, oculto en
el interior, sigue siendo un misterio."
91,27,8,"Il suo guscio non può essere scalfito neanche
da una bomba. Nessuno sa cosa si cela
al suo interno."
91,27,9,"Its hard shell cannot be shattered—not even
by a bomb. The contents of the shell
remain unknown."
91,27,11,"硬い殻は ナパーム弾 でも
砕けない。 カラの 中味の
正体は 未だ 不明。"
91,28,1,"カラから ぬけた トゲで つくった
ヤリが しゅりょうみんぞくの
こふんから たくさん しゅつどする。"
91,28,3,"껍질에서 떨어진 가시로 만든
창이 수렵 민족의
고분에서 많이 출토되었다."
91,28,5,"Les archéologues qui explorent les tombes de
chasseurs primitifs trouvent souvent des lances
faites avec des épines tombées de sa carapace."
91,28,6,"In Gräbern alter Jägervölker werden oft Speere
ausgegraben, welche aus abgebrochenen
Stacheln seiner Schale gefertigt wurden."
91,28,7,"Se han desenterrado numerosas lanzas hechas
con pinchos de la concha de Cloyster. Eran
utilizadas por antiguos pueblos de cazadores."
91,28,8,"Nei tumuli di popoli dediti alla caccia sono state
rinvenute lance fabbricate con aculei provenienti
dal guscio di questo Pokémon."
91,28,9,"Excavation of the tombs of ancient hunting
tribes has turned up many spears tipped with
spikes that had fallen off this Pokémons shell."
91,28,11,"殻から 抜けた トゲで 造った
ヤリが 狩猟民族の
古墳から たくさん 出土する。"
91,29,1,"とても かたいカラを もつ。 カラに
ついた キズは しだいに もりあがり
おおきく するどいトゲへと そだつ。"
91,29,3,"매우 단단한 껍질을 갖고 있다.
껍질에 생긴 상처는 점점 부풀어서
크고 날카로운 가시로 자란다."
91,29,5,"Il a une coquille à toute épreuve. En cicatrisant,
les blessures sur ses valves forment des
excroissances qui évoluent en dards pointus."
91,29,6,"Seine Schale ist extrem hart. Schäden an der
Schale schwellen zunächst an und entwickeln
sich allmählich zu großen, scharfen Stacheln."
91,29,7,"Su concha es increíblemente dura. Las heridas
que recibe en la misma, al cicatrizar, generan
enormes púas afiladas."
91,29,8,"Ha un guscio estremamente duro. Le parti
danneggiate si ispessiscono fino a diventare
dei grossi aculei affilati."
91,29,9,"If areas of Cloysters very hard shell get
damaged, those areas swell, gradually growing
into large sharp spikes."
91,29,11,"とても 硬いカラを 持つ。 カラに
ついた キズは 次第に 盛り上がり
大きく 鋭いトゲへと 育つ。"
91,30,1,"ヤドンの シッポが だいこうぶつ。
ときには りくに はいあがってまで
ヤドンを さがすことも あるほど。"
91,30,3,"야돈의 꼬리를 아주 좋아한다.
때로는 육지에 기어 올라와서
야돈을 찾을 때도 있을 정도다."
91,30,5,"Il raffole tant des queues de Ramoloss quil
lui arrive de ramper jusquà la terre ferme
pour rechercher son péché mignon."
91,30,6,"Flegmon-Ruten sind seine Leibspeise. Manchmal
kriecht es sogar an Land, nur um nach Flegmon
zu suchen."
91,30,7,"Las colas de Slowpoke le gustan tanto que en
ocasiones llega incluso a aventurarse en tierra
firme en busca de este Pokémon."
91,30,8,"A volte sale sulla terraferma in cerca di
Slowpoke perché va matto per la sua coda."
91,30,9,"Slowpoke tails are its favorite food. It has even
been known to come up on land to look for
Slowpoke from time to time."
91,30,11,"ヤドンの シッポが 大好物。
ときには 陸に はいあがってまで
ヤドンを 探すことも あるほど。"
91,31,1,"ダイヤモンドよりも かたいカラで
まもるだけでなく ついている トゲを
とばしてくるので かなり てごわい。"
91,31,3,"다이아몬드보다 단단한 껍질로
몸을 지킬 뿐만 아니라 달린 가시를
쏘아 대기 때문에 상당히 벅찬 상대다."
91,31,5,"Sa coquille, plus dure que le diamant,
le protège. Elle peut aussi envoyer de
redoutables volées de dards."
91,31,6,"Es wird von einer Schale geschützt, die härter als
Diamant ist. Dieses gefährliche Pokémon feuert
die Stacheln an seiner Schale auf Gegner ab."
91,31,7,"Se protege con su concha, que es más dura que
un diamante. Su capacidad de lanzar pinchos lo
convierte en un rival temible."
91,31,8,"Usa la sua conchiglia dura come il diamante
per proteggersi e può anche scagliare gli
aculei di cui è dotata per attaccare."
91,31,9,"For protection, it uses its harder-than-diamond
shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell."
91,31,11,"ダイヤモンドよりも 硬いカラで
守るだけでなく ついている トゲを
飛ばしてくるので かなり 手ごわい。"
91,32,1,"ダイヤモンドよりも かたいカラで
まもるだけでなく ついている トゲを
とばしてくるので かなり てごわい。"
91,32,3,"다이아몬드보다 단단한 껍질로
몸을 지킬 뿐만 아니라 달린 가시를
쏘아 대기 때문에 상당히 벅찬 상대다."
91,32,5,"Sa coquille, plus dure que le diamant,
le protège. Elle peut aussi envoyer de
redoutables volées de dards."
91,32,6,"Es wird von einer Schale geschützt, die härter als
Diamant ist. Dieses gefährliche Pokémon feuert
die Stacheln an seiner Schale auf Gegner ab."
91,32,7,"Se protege con su concha, que es más dura que
un diamante. Su capacidad de lanzar pinchos lo
convierte en un rival temible."
91,32,8,"Usa la sua conchiglia dura come il diamante
per proteggersi e può anche scagliare gli
aculei di cui è dotata per attaccare."
91,32,9,"For protection, it uses its harder-than-diamond
shell. It also shoots spikes from the shell."
91,32,11,"ダイヤモンドよりも 硬いカラで
守るだけでなく ついている トゲを
飛ばしてくるので かなり 手ごわい。"
91,33,1,"カラが ひじょうに かたく
ナパームだんでも こわせない。
こうげきするときだけ ひらく。"
91,33,3,"껍데기가 상당히 단단하여
네이팜탄으로도 부술 수 없다.
공격할 때만 연다."
91,33,5,"Sa coquille est tellement résistante que rien
ne peut la détruire, pas même une déflagration.
Il ne louvre que lorsquil attaque."
91,33,6,"Seine Schale ist extrem hart und kann nicht
einmal durch eine Bombe zerschmettert werden.
Sie öffnet sich nur, wenn es angreift."
91,33,7,"La concha que lo cubre es extremadamente dura,
hasta el punto de que ni siquiera una bomba
puede destrozarla. Solo se abre cuando ataca."
91,33,8,"Neppure una bomba può scalfire il suo duro
guscio, che apre soltanto quando sta attaccando."
91,33,9,"Its shell is extremely hard. It cannot be shattered,
even with a bomb. The shell opens only when it
is attacking."
91,33,11,"殻が 非常に 硬く
ナパーム弾でも 壊せない。
攻撃するときだけ 開く。"
91,34,1,"いちど カラを とじてしまうと
どんな かいりきの もちぬしでも
あけることは ふかのうだ。"
91,34,3,"한번 껍질을 닫아버리면
어떤 괴력의 소유자도
여는 것은 불가능하다."
91,34,5,"Quand il referme sa coquille, il est impossible de
la rouvrir, même avec une force hors du commun."
91,34,6,"Ist seine Schale erst geschlossen, ist es selbst mit
viel Kraft nicht mehr möglich, diese zu öffnen."
91,34,7,"Una vez que ha cerrado la concha, es imposible
abrirla, independientemente de la fuerza que se
91,34,8,"Quando richiude il guscio nessuno può aprirlo,
neppure chi è dotato di una forza straordinaria."
91,34,9,"Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to
open, even by those with superior strength."
91,34,11,"いちど 殻を 閉じてしまうと
どんな 怪力の 持ち主でも
開けることは 不可能だ。"
92,1,9,"Almost invisible,
this gaseous
POKéMON cloaksthe target and
puts it to sleep
without notice."
92,2,9,"Almost invisible,
this gaseous
POKéMON cloaksthe target and
puts it to sleep
without notice."
92,3,9,"Said to appear in
decrepit, deserted
buildings. It hasno real shape as
it appears to be
made of a gas."
92,4,9,"With its gas-like
body, it can sneak
into any place itdesires. However,
it can be blown
away by wind."
92,5,9,"Its thin body is
made of gas. It
can envelop anopponent of any
size and cause
92,6,9,"It wraps its op­
ponent in its gas-
like body, slowlyweakening its prey
by poisoning it
through the skin."
92,7,9,"GASTLY is largely composed of gaseous
matter. When exposed to a strong wind,
the gaseous body quickly dwindles away.Groups of this POKéMON cluster under
the eaves of houses to escape the
ravages of wind."
92,8,9,"GASTLY is largely composed of gaseous
matter. When exposed to a strong wind,
the gaseous body quickly dwindles away.Groups of this POKéMON cluster under
the eaves of houses to escape the
ravages of wind."
92,9,9,"When exposed to a strong wind, a GASTLYs
gaseous body quickly dwindles away.
They cluster under the eaves of houses
to escape the ravages of wind."
92,10,9,"A being that exists as a thin gas. It can
topple an Indian elephant by enveloping
the prey in two seconds."
92,11,9,"Almost invisible, this gaseous POKéMON
cloaks the target and puts it to sleep
without notice."
92,12,9,"This Pokémons body is 95% made up
of gases, which are blown away by
strong gusts of wind."
92,13,9,"A Pokémon born from poison gases.
It defeats even the largest foes
by enveloping them in gas."
92,14,9,"Born from gases, anyone would
faint if engulfed by its gaseous
body, which contains poison."
92,15,9,"With its gas-like body, it can sneak
into any place it desires. However,
it can be blown away by wind."
92,16,9,"Its body is made of gas. Despite lacking
substance, it can envelop an opponent
of any size and cause suffocation."
92,17,5,"Son corps composé de gaz toxique
pourrait asphyxier nimporte qui
en quelques secondes."
92,17,9,"Born from gases, anyone would
faint if engulfed by its gaseous
body, which contains poison."
92,18,5,"Son corps composé de gaz toxique
pourrait asphyxier nimporte qui
en quelques secondes."
92,18,9,"Born from gases, anyone would
faint if engulfed by its gaseous
body, which contains poison."
92,21,9,"Born from gases, anyone would
faint if engulfed by its gaseous
body, which contains poison."
92,22,9,"Born from gases, anyone would
faint if engulfed by its gaseous
body, which contains poison."
92,23,1,"ガスでできた うすい からだは
どんな おおきさの あいても
つつみこみ いきのねを とめる。"
92,23,3,"가스로 만들어진 몸은
어떠한 크기의 상대라도
둘러싸서 숨을 못 쉬게 한다."
92,23,5,"Son corps est composé de gaz. Il peut ainsi
envelopper un adversaire et le faire suffoquer."
92,23,6,"Es hat einen gasförmigen Körper. Es kann jeden
Gegner mit Giftgas einnebeln und dadurch ersticken."
92,23,7,"Su etéreo cuerpo está hecho de gas. Puede envolver
a un oponente de cualquier tamaño hasta ahogarlo."
92,23,8,"Il suo corpo sottile è fatto di gas. Avvolge nemici
di ogni dimensione, soffocandoli."
92,23,9,"Its body is made of gas. Despite lacking substance,
it can envelop an opponent of any size and
cause suffocation."
92,23,11,"ガスでできた 薄い 体は
どんな 大きさの 相手も
包みこみ 息の根を 止める。"
92,24,1,"ガスから うまれた せいめいたい。
どくをふくんだ ガスの からだに
つつまれると だれでも きぜつする。"
92,24,3,"가스에서 태어난 생명체다.
독을 포함한 가스로 된 몸에
둘러싸이면 누구든지 기절한다."
92,24,5,"Son corps composé de gaz toxique pourrait asphyxier
nimporte qui en quelques secondes."
92,24,6,"Eingehüllt in seinen gasförmigen, Gift enthaltenden
Körper würde jeder in Ohnmacht fallen."
92,24,7,"Nació a partir de gases venenosos que asfixiarían a
cualquiera que se viera envuelto en ellos."
92,24,8,"Generato da sostanze gassose, fa perdere i sensi a
chiunque respiri i gas tossici di cui è costituito."
92,24,9,"Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by
its gaseous body, which contains poison."
92,24,11,"ガスから 生まれた 生命体。
毒を含んだ ガスの 体に
包まれると だれでも 気絶する。"
92,25,1,"きょうふうを うけると ガスじょうの からだは
みるみる ふきとばされ ちいさくなって しまう。
かぜを さけた ゴースが のきしたに あつまる。"
92,25,3,"강풍을 맞으면 가스로 된 몸은
금세 날려져서 작아진다.
바람을 피해 고오스가 처마 밑에 모인다."
92,25,5,"Fantominus est principalement constitué de matière gazeuse.
Lorsquil est exposé au vent, son corps gazeux se disperse
et diminue. Des groupes de ce Pokémon se rassemblent sous
les auvents des maisons pour se protéger."
92,25,6,"Nebulak hat einen gasförmigen Körper. Wenn es starkem Wind
ausgesetzt wird, kann es davongeweht werden. Scharen dieser
Pokémon sammeln sich unter Dachrinnen, um sich vor dem
gefährlichen Wind zu schützen."
92,25,7,"Gastly está compuesto en gran medida de materia gaseosa.
Cuando hay viento, el aire arrastra parte de esta materia y el
Pokémon mengua. Suelen agruparse bajo los aleros de las
casas para resguardarse del viento."
92,25,8,"Gastly è composto prevalentemente di sostanze gassose.
Se esposto al vento forte il suo corpo gassoso si disperde
subito. Gruppi di questi Pokémon si radunano sotto
i cornicioni per ripararsi dal vento."
92,25,9,"Gastly is largely composed of gaseous matter. When exposed
to a strong wind, the gaseous body quickly dwindles away.
Groups of this Pokémon cluster under the eaves of houses to
escape the ravages of wind."
92,25,11,"強風を 受けると ガス状の 体は
みるみる 吹き飛ばされ 小さくなって しまう。
風を 避けた ゴースが 軒下に 集まる。"
92,26,1,"きょうふうを うけると ガスじょうの からだは
みるみる ふきとばされ ちいさくなって しまう。
かぜを さけた ゴースが のきしたに あつまる。"
92,26,3,"강풍을 맞으면 가스로 된 몸은
금세 날려져서 작아진다.
바람을 피해 고오스가 처마 밑에 모인다."
92,26,5,"Fantominus est principalement constitué de matière gazeuse.
Lorsquil est exposé au vent, son corps gazeux se disperse
et diminue. Des groupes de ce Pokémon se rassemblent sous
les auvents des maisons pour se protéger."
92,26,6,"Nebulak hat einen gasförmigen Körper. Wenn es starkem Wind
ausgesetzt wird, kann es davongeweht werden. Scharen dieser
Pokémon sammeln sich unter Dachrinnen, um sich vor dem
gefährlichen Wind zu schützen."
92,26,7,"Gastly está compuesto en gran medida de materia gaseosa.
Cuando hay viento, el aire arrastra parte de esta materia y el
Pokémon mengua. Suelen agruparse bajo los aleros de las
casas para resguardarse del viento."
92,26,8,"Gastly è composto prevalentemente di sostanze gassose.
Se esposto al vento forte il suo corpo gassoso si disperde
subito. Gruppi di questi Pokémon si radunano sotto
i cornicioni per ripararsi dal vento."
92,26,9,"Gastly is largely composed of gaseous matter. When exposed
to a strong wind, the gaseous body quickly dwindles away.
Groups of this Pokémon cluster under the eaves of houses to
escape the ravages of wind."
92,26,11,"強風を 受けると ガス状の 体は
みるみる 吹き飛ばされ 小さくなって しまう。
風を 避けた ゴースが 軒下に 集まる。"
92,27,1,"はいきょに なった たてものに
あやしいひかりが ともっていたら
そこに ゴースが ひそんでいる。"
92,27,3,"폐허가 된 건물에
수상한 빛이 비친다면
그곳에 고오스가 살고 있다."
92,27,5,"Lorsquon aperçoit une lueur diaphane dans
un bâtiment désaffecté, cest quun Fantominus
sy terre."
92,27,6,"Flackert in einem verlassenen alten Gebäude
plötzlich ein rätselhaftes Licht auf, hält sich
dort ein Nebulak versteckt."
92,27,7,"Si se aprecia una tenue luz en el interior de un
edificio abandonado, suele ser indicio de que
un Gastly mora en él."
92,27,8,"Gli strani bagliori che a volte si scorgono negli
edifici abbandonati potrebbero indicare la
presenza di Gastly."
92,27,9,"Should a strange light be seen flickering
in an abandoned building, Gastly is lurking there."
92,27,11,"廃墟に なった 建物に
怪しい光が 灯っていたら
そこに ゴースが 潜んでいる。"
92,28,1,"そのすがたは ほとんど みえないが
ゴースが ちかくに あらわれると
かすかに あまい においが する。"
92,28,3,"그 모습은 거의 보이지 않지만
고오스가 근처에 나타나면
희미하게 달콤한 향기가 난다."
92,28,5,"Il est presque invisible, mais lorsquil se
manifeste à proximité, une étrange odeur
sucrée flotte dans lair."
92,28,6,"Dass sich ein Nebulak in der Nähe aufhält,
erkennt man hauptsächlich an einem süßlichen
Duft. Sehen kann man es fast gar nicht."
92,28,7,"El cuerpo de Gastly es casi invisible. Aun así,
puede percibirse su presencia cuando está
cerca, pues desprende un sutil olor dulce."
92,28,8,"È molto difficile scorgere la sua sagoma,
ma è facilmente riconoscibile per via dellodore
vagamente dolciastro che emana."
92,28,9,"Although Gastly is barely visible, when its near,
a faint sweet smell lingers."
92,28,11,"その姿は ほとんど みえないが
ゴースが 近くに 現れると
微かに 甘い 匂いが する。"
92,29,1,"はかばで はっせいする ガスに
おんねんが やどるうち やがて
ポケモンに なったと いわれている。"
92,29,3,"무덤에서 발생한 가스에
원념이 머물러 이윽고
포켓몬이 되었다고 전해진다."
92,29,5,"Ce Pokémon serait né des émanations gazeuses
des cimetières et de la rancœur qui les habite."
92,29,6,"Es heißt, dieses Pokémon sei aus einem tiefen
Groll entstanden, der Gasen innewohnte, die auf
Friedhöfen ausgeströmt waren."
92,29,7,"Se dice que su origen son nubes de gas
provenientes de un cementerio que cobraron
vida al verse imbuidas de rencor."
92,29,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon sia nato quando
i gas esalati da un cimitero sono stati
animati da un sentimento di rancore."
92,29,9,"Its said that gas emanating from a graveyard
was possessed by the grievances of the
deceased and thus became a Pokémon."
92,29,11,"墓場で 発生する ガスに
怨念が 宿るうち やがて
ポケモンに なったと いわれている。"
92,30,1,"からだの 95パーセントは どくガス。
のこりの 5パーセントは どくガスで
しんだものの たましいだと いわれる。"
92,30,3,"몸의 95퍼센트는 독가스다.
남은 5퍼센트는 독가스에 의해
죽은 이들의 영혼이라고 전해진다."
92,30,5,"Il est composé à 95 % de gaz toxiques. Les 5 %
restants? Aux dires de certains, il sagirait dun
mélange de gaz toxiques et dâmes damnées."
92,30,6,"Es besteht zu 95 % aus Giftgas. Die restlichen
5 % bestehen aus Seelen von Opfern giftiger
92,30,7,"Su cuerpo está formado en un 95% por gas
venenoso. El 5% restante corresponde a las
almas de quienes fallecieran a causa del gas."
92,30,8,"Il 95% del suo corpo è composto da gas tossici.
Si dice che la percentuale restante sia lanima
di qualcuno morto intossicato."
92,30,9,"Poisonous gas comprises 95% of its body. Its
said that the remaining 5% is made up of the
souls of those who died from the gas."
92,30,11,"身体の 95パーセントは 毒ガス。
残りの 5パーセントは 毒ガスで
死んだ者の 魂だと いわれる。"
92,31,1,"ふるくなって だれも すまなくなった
たてものに はっせいするらしい。
かたちは あいまいで ガスのよう。"
92,31,3,"오래되어 아무도 살지 않는
건물에 나타나는 듯하다.
형태는 모호하고 가스 같다."
92,31,5,"On en trouve dans les maisons en ruine.
Composé de gaz, il ne possède pas de forme
92,31,6,"Es heißt, es erscheine in alten, verlassenen
Gebäuden. Sein Körper hat keine feste Form
und erinnert an Gas."
92,31,7,"Según dicen, aparece en edificios antiguos y
deshabitados. Su cuerpo, de aspecto gaseoso,
carece de una forma definida."
92,31,8,"Si dice che appaia nelle case diroccate
e abbandonate. Il suo corpo sembra fatto
di gas e non ha una forma definita."
92,31,9,"Said to appear in decrepit, deserted buildings.
It has no real shape, as it appears to be
made of a gas."
92,31,11,"古くなって 誰も 住まなくなった
建物に 発生するらしい。
形は あいまいで ガスのよう。"
92,32,1,"ふるくなって だれも すまなくなった
たてものに はっせいするらしい。
かたちは あいまいで ガスのよう。"
92,32,3,"오래되어 아무도 살지 않는
건물에 나타나는 듯하다.
형태는 모호하고 가스 같다."
92,32,5,"On en trouve dans les maisons en ruine.
Composé de gaz, il ne possède pas de forme
92,32,6,"Es heißt, es erscheine in alten, verlassenen
Gebäuden. Sein Körper hat keine feste Form
und erinnert an Gas."
92,32,7,"Según dicen, aparece en edificios antiguos y
deshabitados. Su cuerpo, de aspecto gaseoso,
carece de una forma definida."
92,32,8,"Si dice che appaia nelle case diroccate
e abbandonate. Il suo corpo sembra fatto
di gas e non ha una forma definita."
92,32,9,"Said to appear in decrepit, deserted buildings.
It has no real shape, as it appears to be
made of a gas."
92,32,11,"古くなって 誰も 住まなくなった
建物に 発生するらしい。
形は あいまいで ガスのよう。"
92,33,1,"ガスから うまれた せいめいたい。
どくをふくんだ ガスの からだに
つつまれると だれでも きぜつする。"
92,33,3,"가스에서 태어난 생명체다.
독을 포함한 가스의 몸에
둘러싸이면 누구든지 기절한다."
92,33,5,"Le corps de ce Pokémon sest formé à partir
de gaz si toxiques quils pourraient faire perdre
connaissance à nimporte qui."
92,33,6,"Es ist aus Gasen entstanden. Wird jemand in
seinen gasförmigen, giftigen Körper gehüllt,
so fällt er in Ohnmacht."
92,33,7,"Nació a partir de gases venenosos que asfixiarían
a cualquiera que se viera envuelto en ellos."
92,33,8,"Generato da sostanze gassose, fa perdere i sensi
a chiunque respiri i gas tossici di cui è costituito."
92,33,9,"Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed
by its gaseous body, which contains poison."
92,33,11,"ガスから 生まれた 生命体。
毒を含んだ ガスの 体に
包まれると だれでも 気絶する。"
92,34,1,"うすい ガスのような からだで
どこにでも しのびこむが
かぜが ふくと ふきとばされる。"
92,34,3,"몸은 옅은 가스로 되어 있어
어디든지 숨어들어 가지만
바람이 불면 날아가 버린다."
92,34,5,"Son corps gazéiforme lui permet de se glisser
nimporte où, mais au moindre coup de vent,
il senvole."
92,34,6,"Aufgrund seines an Gas erinnernden Körpers
kommt es an jeden Ort. Es kann jedoch vom
Wind davongeweht werden."
92,34,7,"Con su cuerpo gaseoso puede colarse por donde
quiera, aunque con un golpe de viento sale
92,34,8,"Il suo corpo gassoso può infilarsi ovunque, ma
un colpo di vento lo può spazzare via."
92,34,9,"With its gas-like body, it can sneak into any place
it desires. However, it can be blown away by wind."
92,34,11,"薄い ガスのような 体で
どこにでも 忍びこむが
風が 吹くと 吹きとばされる。"
93,1,9,"Because of its
ability to slip
through blockwalls, it is said
to be from an­
other dimension."
93,2,9,"Because of its
ability to slip
through blockwalls, it is said
to be from an­
other dimension."
93,3,9,"By licking, it
saps the victim's
life. It causesshaking that won't
stop until the
victim's demise."
93,4,9,"In total darkness,
where nothing is
visible, HAUNTERlurks, silently
stalking its next
93,5,9,"Its tongue is made
of gas. If licked,
its victim startsshaking constantly
until death even­
tually comes."
93,6,9,"It hides in the
dark, planning to
take the life ofthe next living
thing that wanders
close by."
93,7,9,"HAUNTER is a dangerous POKéMON.
If one beckons you while floating in
darkness, you must never approach it.This POKéMON will try to lick you with its
tongue and steal your life away."
93,8,9,"HAUNTER is a dangerous POKéMON.
If one beckons you while floating in
darkness, you must never approach it.This POKéMON will try to lick you with its
tongue and steal your life away."
93,9,9,"If a HAUNTER beckons you while it is
floating in darkness, dont approach it.
This POKéMON will try to lick you with its
tongue and steal your life away."
93,10,9,"If you get the feeling of being watched
in darkness when nobody is around,
HAUNTER is there."
93,11,9,"Because of its ability to slip through
block walls, it is said to be from another
93,12,9,"It can slip through any obstacle.
It lurks inside walls to keep an
eye on its foes."
93,13,9,"It licks with its gaseous tongue
to steal the victims life force.
It lurks in darkness for prey."
93,14,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap
shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its
touch causes endless shuddering."
93,15,9,"In total darkness, where nothing is
visible, HAUNTER lurks, silently
stalking its next victim."
93,16,9,"Its tongue is made of gas. If licked,
its victim starts shaking constantly
until death eventually comes."
93,17,5,"Il adore se tapir dans lombre et
faire frissonner ses proies en leur
touchant lépaule."
93,17,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap
shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its
touch causes endless shuddering."
93,18,5,"Il adore se tapir dans lombre et
faire frissonner ses proies en leur
touchant lépaule."
93,18,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap
shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its
touch causes endless shuddering."
93,21,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap
shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its
touch causes endless shuddering."
93,22,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap
shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its
touch causes endless shuddering."
93,23,1,"くらやみで だれもいないのに
みられているような きがしたら
そこに ゴーストが いるのだ。"
93,23,3,"어둠 속에서 아무도 없는데도
누군가가 보고 있다는 느낌이 들면
그곳에 고우스트가 있는 것이다."
93,23,5,"Si vous avez limpression quon vous surveille dans
le noir, cest sûrement quun Spectrum est dans
le coin."
93,23,6,"Falls du im Dunkeln das Gefühl hast,
beobachtet zu werden und niemand
ist zu sehen, ist es bestimmt Alpollo."
93,23,7,"Cuando tienes la sensación de que te están
observando, seguro que es porque Haunter está
93,23,8,"Se da soli, al buio, si ha limpressione di essere
osservati da qualcuno, si tratta di Haunter."
93,23,9,"If you get the feeling of being watched in darkness
when nobody is around, Haunter is there."
93,23,11,"暗闇で だれもいないのに
見られているような 気がしたら
そこに ゴーストが いるのだ。"
93,24,1,"ガスじょうの したで なめられると
たましいを とられてしまう。
やみに かくれて えものを ねらう。"
93,24,3,"가스로 된 혓바닥으로 핥이게 되면
영혼을 빼앗겨 버린다.
어둠에 숨어 먹이를 노린다."
93,24,5,"Il vole lénergie vitale de lennemi dun coup de
langue gazeuse. Il aime chasser dans lombre."
93,24,6,"Es beleckt seine Opfer mit seiner Zunge und stiehlt
ihnen so Lebenskraft. Es lauert im Dunkeln auf sie."
93,24,7,"Utiliza su lengua gaseosa para chupar la vida de la
víctima. Acecha a sus presas en la oscuridad."
93,24,8,"Lecca i nemici con la lingua tossica e sottrae la loro
vitalità. Si cela nelloscurità in attesa delle prede."
93,24,9,"It licks with its gaseous tongue to steal the victims
life force. It lurks in darkness for prey."
93,24,11,"ガス状の 舌で なめられると
魂を 取られてしまう。
闇に 隠れて 獲物を ねらう。"
93,25,1,"やみに うかぶ ゴーストが てまねきしても
ぜったいに ちかよっては いけないよ。
ペロリと なめられ いのちを すわれてしまうぞ。"
93,25,3,"어둠 속에서 나타나는 고우스트가 손짓으로
불러도 절대 가까이 가면 안 된다.
날름 핥아져 생명을 빨린다."
93,25,5,"Spectrum est un Pokémon dangereux. Si lun dentre eux fait
signe dapprocher, il ne faut jamais lécouter. Ce Pokémon
risque de sortir sa langue pour essayer de voler votre vie."
93,25,6,"Alpollo ist ein gefährliches Pokémon. Wenn es dich zu sich
lockt, während es durch die Dunkelheit schwebt, darfst du ihm
keinesfalls zu nahe kommen. Dieses Pokémon wird versuchen,
an dir zu lecken und dein Leben zu stehlen."
93,25,7,"Haunter es un Pokémon peligroso. Si se ve alguno flotando
en la oscuridad y haciendo señas, conviene no acercarse. Este
Pokémon intentará robarle la energía a su presa a base de
93,25,8,"Haunter è un Pokémon pericoloso. Se lo si vede far cenni
mentre fluttua nelloscurità, è meglio fuggire, poiché
il Pokémon cercherà di leccare il malcapitato e
succhiargli la vita."
93,25,9,"Haunter is a dangerous Pokémon. If one beckons you while
floating in darkness, you must never approach it. This Pokémon
will try to lick you with its tongue and steal your life away."
93,25,11,"闇に 浮かぶ ゴーストが 手招きしても
絶対に 近寄っては いけないよ。
ペロリと なめられ 命を 吸われてしまうぞ。"
93,26,1,"やみに うかぶ ゴーストが てまねきしても
ぜったいに ちかよっては いけないよ。
ペロリと なめられ いのちを すわれてしまうぞ。"
93,26,3,"어둠 속에서 나타나는 고우스트가 손짓으로
불러도 절대 가까이 가면 안 된다.
날름 핥아져 생명을 빨린다."
93,26,5,"Spectrum est un Pokémon dangereux. Si lun dentre eux fait
signe dapprocher, il ne faut jamais lécouter. Ce Pokémon
risque de sortir sa langue pour essayer de voler votre vie."
93,26,6,"Alpollo ist ein gefährliches Pokémon. Wenn es dir ein Zeichen
gibt, während es durch die Dunkelheit schwebt, darfst du dich
ihm nicht nähern. Dieses Pokémon wird versuchen, an dir zu
lecken und dein Leben zu stehlen."
93,26,7,"Haunter es un Pokémon peligroso. Si se ve alguno flotando
en la oscuridad y haciendo señas, conviene no acercarse. Este
Pokémon intentará robarle la energía a su presa a base de
93,26,8,"Haunter è un Pokémon pericoloso. Se lo si vede far cenni
mentre fluttua nelloscurità, è meglio fuggire, poiché
il Pokémon cercherà di leccare il malcapitato e
succhiargli la vita."
93,26,9,"Haunter is a dangerous Pokémon. If one beckons you while
floating in darkness, you must never approach it. This Pokémon
will try to lick you with its tongue and steal your life away."
93,26,11,"闇に 浮かぶ ゴーストが 手招きしても
絶対に 近寄っては いけないよ。
ペロリと なめられ 命を 吸われてしまうぞ。"
93,27,1,"くらやみから にんげんを ねらう。
つめたい したに なめられると
ひにひに よわり しに いたる。"
93,27,3,"어둠 속에서 인간을 노린다.
차가운 혀로 핥으면
날이 갈수록 약해져 죽음에 이른다."
93,27,5,"Il assaille les humains depuis les ténèbres.
Une personne léchée par sa langue glaciale
saffaiblit jour après jour jusquà décéder."
93,27,6,"Es lauert Menschen im Dunkeln auf und leckt sie
mit seiner kalten Zunge. Danach werden sie von
Tag zu Tag schwächer, bis sie dahinscheiden."
93,27,7,"Surge de la oscuridad para atacar a la gente.
Las víctimas de sus lametazos se debilitan
poco a poco hasta que se les escapa la vida."
93,27,8,"Si nasconde nel buio e tende agguati agli esseri
umani. Chi viene leccato dalla sua lingua gelida
si indebolisce lentamente fino allo sfinimento."
93,27,9,"It strikes at humans from total darkness.
Those licked by its cold tongue grow weaker
with each passing day until they die."
93,27,11,"暗闇から 人間を 狙う。
冷たい 舌に 舐められると
日に日に 弱り 死に 至る。"
93,28,1,"ひかりに おびえ やみよを このむ。
よなかも あかるい とかいでは
ぜつめつの ききに あるという。"
93,28,3,"빛을 무서워하고 어둠을 좋아한다.
밤중에도 밝은 도시에서는
멸종 위기에 처해있다고 전해진다."
93,28,5,"Il a peur de la lumière et se délecte de la nuit
noire. Dans les grandes villes où léclairage est
omniprésent, il est en voie dextinction."
93,28,6,"Es ist lichtscheu und bevorzugt die Dunkelheit.
Aufgrund der hellen Lichter der Großstädte ist
es dort vom Aussterben bedroht."
93,28,7,"Rehúye la luz y adora las noches oscuras. En
las ciudades su presencia es casi inexistente,
pues por la noche todo se ilumina."
93,28,8,"Ama loscurità e rifugge la luce.
Nelle città illuminate anche di notte rischia
di scomparire."
93,28,9,"It fears the light and revels in the dark. It may
be on the verge of extinction in cities that stay
brightly lit at night."
93,28,11,"光に おびえ 闇夜を 好む。
夜中も 明るい 都会では
絶滅の 危機に あるという。"
93,29,1,"つきのない よる。 ゴーストは
のろう あいてを さがしているので
であるかない ほうが いいぞ。"
93,29,3,"달이 뜨지 않은 밤. 고우스트는
저주할 상대를 찾기 때문에
나다니지 않는 것이 좋다."
93,29,5,"Gare aux nuits sans lune! Cest là que Spectrum
erre à la recherche dâmes à damner.
Toute promenade est fortement déconseillée."
93,29,6,"In mondlosen Nächten sucht es nach Opfern,
die es mit einem Fluch belegen kann. Zu Hause
ist man daher am sichersten aufgehoben."
93,29,7,"Se aconseja no salir a pasear en las noches de
luna nueva, cuando los Haunter acechan en
busca de su próxima víctima."
93,29,8,"Nelle notti senza luna è meglio rimanere in casa:
Haunter vaga in cerca di vittime su cui scagliare
93,29,9,"On moonless nights, Haunter searches for
someone to curse, so its best not to go out
walking around."
93,29,11,"月のない 夜。 ゴーストは
呪う 相手を 探しているので
出歩かない 方が いいぞ。"
93,30,1,"かなしい きもちの よるは ひとりで
そとに でると キケン。 ゴーストに
つかまり いえに かえれなくなる。"
93,30,3,"슬픈 기분이 드는 밤에는 혼자
밖에 나가면 위험하다. 고우스트에게
붙잡혀 집에 돌아갈 수 없게 된다."
93,30,5,"Évitez les balades nocturnes en solitaire en cas
de vague à lâme : si Spectrum vous attrape,
vous ne pourrez plus rentrer chez vous!"
93,30,6,"Von Kummer Geplagte sollten nachts nicht allein
herumspazieren. Ansonsten lauert ihnen Alpollo
auf und lässt sie nie mehr nach Hause zurück."
93,30,7,"Quienes se sientan tristes no deben salir solos
por la noche, pues Haunter estará al acecho, los
atrapará y no podrán volver a casa."
93,30,8,"È pericoloso uscire da soli la notte quando
si è tristi: si rischia di essere presi da Haunter
e non poter più fare ritorno a casa."
93,30,9,"Its dangerous to go outside alone on nights
when youre feeling sad. Haunter will catch you,
and you wont be able to go back home."
93,30,11,"悲しい 気持ちの 夜は 1人で
外に 出ると 危険。 ゴーストに
捕まり 家に 帰れなくなる。"
93,31,1,"なめられると いのちを すわれる。
からだが ふるえて とまらなくなり
やがては し に いたるという。"
93,31,3,"핥아서 상대의 생명을 흡수한다.
상대는 몸을 계속 벌벌 떨다가
결국에는 죽음에 이른다고 한다."
93,31,5,"Il lèche ses ennemis pour voler leur énergie
vitale. Ceux-ci sont alors pris de tremblements
jusquà ce que mort sensuive."
93,31,6,"Es saugt seinen Opfern das Leben aus, indem es
sie abschleckt. Man sagt, sie würden daraufhin
unentwegt zittern, bis sie schließlich entschlafen."
93,31,7,"Sus lengüetazos le arrebatan la energía vital a su
víctima y le causan unos temblores que no cesan
hasta que fallece."
93,31,8,"Lecca la preda per assorbirne lenergia vitale.
Si dice che la vittima venga colta da tremori
incontrollabili e spiri entro breve."
93,31,9,"By licking, it saps the victims life. It causes
shaking that wont stop until the victims demise."
93,31,11,"なめられると 命を 吸われる。
体が 震えて 止まらなくなり
やがては 死に 至るという。"
93,32,1,"なめられると いのちを すわれる。
からだが ふるえて とまらなくなり
やがては し に いたるという。"
93,32,3,"핥아서 상대의 생명을 흡수한다.
상대는 몸을 계속 벌벌 떨다가
결국에는 죽음에 이른다고 한다."
93,32,5,"Il lèche ses ennemis pour voler leur énergie
vitale. Ceux-ci sont alors pris de tremblements
jusquà ce que mort sensuive."
93,32,6,"Es saugt seinen Opfern das Leben aus, indem es
sie abschleckt. Man sagt, sie würden daraufhin
unentwegt zittern, bis sie schließlich entschlafen."
93,32,7,"Sus lengüetazos le arrebatan la energía vital a su
víctima y le causan unos temblores que no cesan
hasta que fallece."
93,32,8,"Lecca la preda per assorbirne lenergia vitale.
Si dice che la vittima venga colta da tremori
incontrollabili e spiri entro breve."
93,32,9,"By licking, it saps the victims life. It causes
shaking that wont stop until the victims demise."
93,32,11,"なめられると 命を 吸われる。
体が 震えて 止まらなくなり
やがては 死に 至るという。"
93,33,1,"ガスじょうの したで なめられると
からだの ふるえが とまらなくなり
やがては し に いたるという。"
93,33,3,"가스로 된 혀에 닿게 되면
몸의 떨림이 멈추지 않게 되어
결국에는 죽음에 이른다고 전해진다."
93,33,5,"On raconte que quiconque est léché par sa langue
faite de gaz est pris de tremblements jusquà
ce que mort sensuive."
93,33,6,"Seine Zunge besteht aus Gas. Schleckt es seine
Opfer damit ab, zittern diese unentwegt, bis sie
schließlich entschlafen."
93,33,7,"Su lengua está hecha de gas. Si lame a su víctima,
esta sufrirá constantes temblores hasta fallecer."
93,33,8,"Chi viene leccato dalla sua lingua gassosa
soccombe in breve tempo scosso da tremiti
93,33,9,"Its tongue is made of gas. If licked, its victim
starts shaking constantly until death
eventually comes."
93,33,11,"ガス状の 舌で なめられると
体の 震えが 止まらなくなり
やがては 死 に いたるという。"
93,34,1,"くらやみで だれもいないのに
みられているような きがしたら
そこに ゴーストが いるのだ。"
93,34,3,"어둠 속에서 아무도 없는데도
누군가가 보고 있다는 느낌이 들면
그곳에 고우스트가 있는 것이다."
93,34,5,"On dit que lorsque quelquun a limpression
dêtre surveillé dans le noir, cest sûrement
quun Spectrum se trouve dans les parages."
93,34,6,"Falls du im Dunkeln das Gefühl hast, beobachtet
zu werden, und niemand ist zu sehen, ist es
bestimmt Alpollo."
93,34,7,"Cuando se tiene la sensación de ser observado
en la oscuridad sin que haya nadie alrededor,
seguro que es porque un Haunter anda cerca."
93,34,8,"Se da soli, al buio, si ha limpressione di essere
osservati da qualcuno, si tratta di Haunter."
93,34,9,"If you get the feeling of being watched in darkness
when nobody is around, Haunter is there."
93,34,11,"暗闇で だれもいないのに
見られているような 気がしたら
そこに ゴーストが いるのだ。"
94,1,9,"Under a full moon,
this POKéMON
likes to mimicthe shadows of
people and laugh
at their fright."
94,2,9,"Under a full moon,
this POKéMON
likes to mimicthe shadows of
people and laugh
at their fright."
94,3,9,"A GENGAR is close
by if you feel a
sudden chill.It may be trying
to lay a curse
on you."
94,4,9,"It steals heat
from its surround­
ings. If you feela sudden chill, it
is certain that a
GENGAR appeared."
94,5,9,"To steal the life
of its target, it
slips into theprey's shadow and
silently waits for
an opportunity."
94,6,9,"Hiding in people's
shadows at night,
it absorbs theirheat. The chill it
causes makes the
victims shake."
94,7,9,"Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow
thrown by a streetlight will suddenly
and startlingly overtake you.It is actually a GENGAR running past
you, pretending to be your shadow."
94,8,9,"Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow
thrown by a streetlight will suddenly
and startlingly overtake you.It is actually a GENGAR running past
you, pretending to be your shadow."
94,9,9,"Deep in the night, your shadow cast by
a streetlight may suddenly overtake you.
It is actually a GENGAR running past
you, pretending to be your shadow."
94,10,9,"It is said to emerge from darkness to
steal the lives of those who become lost
in mountains."
94,11,9,"On the night of a full moon, if shadows
move on their own and laugh, it must be
GENGARs doing."
94,12,9,"It hides in shadows. It is said
that if GENGAR is hiding, it cools
the area by nearly 10 degrees F."
94,13,9,"Lurking in the shadowy corners
of rooms, it awaits chances to
steal its preys life force."
94,14,9,"The leer that floats in darkness
belongs to a GENGAR delighting in
casting curses on people."
94,15,9,"It steals heat from its surroundings.
If you feel a sudden chill,
it is certain that a GENGAR appeared."
94,16,9,"To steal the life of its target, it
slips into the preys shadow and
silently waits for an opportunity."
94,17,5,"Si vous croisez un regard
inquiétant qui perce la nuit,
cest sûrement un Ectoplasma."
94,17,9,"The leer that floats in darkness
belongs to a Gengar delighting in
casting curses on people."
94,18,5,"Si vous croisez un regard
inquiétant qui perce la nuit,
cest sûrement un Ectoplasma."
94,18,9,"The leer that floats in darkness
belongs to a Gengar delighting in
casting curses on people."
94,21,9,"The leer that floats in darkness
belongs to a Gengar delighting in
casting curses on people."
94,22,9,"The leer that floats in darkness
belongs to a Gengar delighting in
casting curses on people."
94,23,1,"ものかげに すがたを かくす。
ゲンガーの ひそんでいる へやは
おんどが 5ど さがると いわれる。"
94,23,3,"그림자에 모습을 숨긴다.
팬텀이 숨어 있는 방은
온도가 5도 내려간다고 전해진다."
94,23,5,"On dit que lorsquEctoplasma se cache dans lombre,
la température alentour chute de 5 °C."
94,23,6,"Es versteckt sich im Schatten. Man sagt, wenn sich
ein Gengar versteckt, kühlt es sich um 5 °C ab."
94,23,7,"Se esconde entre las sombras. Se dice que donde
Gengar acecha, la temperatura baja 5 °C."
94,23,8,"Si nasconde nellombra. Pare che nei luoghi in cui
Gengar si cela, la temperatura si abbassi di 5 °C."
94,23,9,"It hides in shadows. It is said that if Gengar
is hiding, it cools the area by nearly
10 degrees Fahrenheit."
94,23,11,"物陰に 姿を 隠す。
ゲンガーの 潜んでいる 部屋は
温度が 5度 下がるといわれる。"
94,24,1,"よなか ひとの かげに もぐりこみ
すこしずつ たいおんを うばう。
ねらわれると さむけが とまらない。"
94,24,3,"한밤중 사람의 그림자에 숨어들어
조금씩 체온을 뺏는다.
숨어들면 한기가 멈추지 않는다."
94,24,5,"Il se cache dans lombre des passants et vole leur
chaleur. Ses victimes ressentent alors un frisson."
94,24,6,"Es versteckt sich im Schatten der Menschen und
absorbiert deren Wärme, sodass die Menschen frieren."
94,24,7,"De noche, se oculta en las sombras y absorbe el calor
de la gente. El frío que transmite es estremecedor."
94,24,8,"Di notte si cela nellombra delle vittime per assorbirne
il calore, provocando loro un tremito."
94,24,9,"Hiding in peoples shadows at night, it absorbs their
heat. The chill it causes makes the victims shake."
94,24,11,"夜中 人の 影に 潜りこみ
少しずつ 体温を 奪う。
ねらわれると 寒気が 止まらない。"
94,25,1,"まよなか がいとうの あかりで できた かげが
じぶんを おいこして いくのは ゲンガーが
かげに なりすまして はしって いくからだ。"
94,25,3,"한밤중 가로등 빛에 생겨난 그림자가
자신을 앞질러 가는 것은 팬텀이
그림자인 척하며 뛰어가기 때문이다."
94,25,5,"Parfois, pendant les nuits noires, une ombre projetée par
un réverbère peut tout à coup vous dépasser. Il sagit dun
Ectoplasma qui court, en se faisant passer pour lombre
de quelquun dautre."
94,25,6,"Nachts kann es passieren, dass dich dein Schatten im Licht
einer Straßenlaterne plötzlich überholt. Dann ist es ein Gengar,
das an dir vorbeiläuft und sich als dein Schatten ausgibt."
94,25,7,"Si alguien ve que su sombra le adelanta de repente en una
noche oscura, es muy probable que lo que esté viendo no sea
su sombra, sino a un Gengar haciéndose pasar por la misma."
94,25,8,"Talvolta, nelle notti buie, può accadere che un passante
sia improvvisamente assalito dalla propria ombra.
È opera di Gengar, che usa avvicinarsi fingendosi unombra."
94,25,9,"Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow thrown by a
streetlight will suddenly and startlingly overtake you.
It is actually a Gengar running past you, pretending to be
your shadow."
94,25,11,"真夜中 街灯の 灯りで できた 影が
自分を 追い越して いくのは ゲンガーが
影に 成りすまして 走って いくからだ。"
94,26,1,"まよなか がいとうの あかりで できた かげが
じぶんを おいこして いくのは ゲンガーが
かげに なりすまして はしって いくからだ。"
94,26,3,"한밤중 가로등 빛에 생겨난 그림자가
자신을 앞질러 가는 것은 팬텀이
그림자인 척하며 뛰어가기 때문이다."
94,26,5,"Parfois, pendant les nuits noires, une ombre projetée par
un réverbère peut tout à coup vous dépasser. Il sagit dun
Ectoplasma qui court, en se faisant passer pour lombre
de quelquun dautre."
94,26,6,"Nachts kann es passieren, dass dich dein Schatten im Licht
einer Straßenlaterne plötzlich überholt. Dann ist es ein Gengar,
das an dir vorbeiläuft und sich als dein Schatten ausgibt."
94,26,7,"Si alguien ve que su sombra le adelanta de repente en una
noche oscura, es muy probable que lo que esté viendo no sea
su sombra, sino a un Gengar haciéndose pasar por la misma."
94,26,8,"Talvolta, nelle notti buie, può accadere che un passante
sia improvvisamente assalito dalla propria ombra.
È opera di Gengar, che usa avvicinarsi fingendosi unombra."
94,26,9,"Sometimes, on a dark night, your shadow thrown by a
streetlight will suddenly and startlingly overtake you.
It is actually a Gengar running past you, pretending to be
your shadow."
94,26,11,"真夜中 街灯の 灯りで できた 影が
自分を 追い越して いくのは ゲンガーが
影に 成りすまして 走って いくからだ。"
94,27,1,"とつぜん さむけに おそわれたら
ゲンガーに ねらわれた しょうこ。
にげるすべは ないので あきらめろ。"
94,27,3,"갑자기 졸음이 쏟아진다면
팬텀이 노리고 있다는 증거다.
도망갈 방법은 없으니 포기하자."
94,27,5,"Si vous frissonnez soudainement, cest quun
Ectoplasma en veut à votre vie. Vous ne pouvez
y échapper. Abandonnez toute espérance."
94,27,6,"Läuft es einem plötzlich eiskalt den Rücken
hinunter, wurde man von Gengar als nächstes
Opfer auserkoren. Widerstand ist zwecklos."
94,27,7,"Un descenso repentino de la temperatura es
señal de que Gengar está al acecho. Frente a
esta situación, no hay escapatoria alguna."
94,27,8,"Se allimprovviso si prova un brivido gelido,
è Gengar che si avvicina.
Fuggire è impossibile, bisogna rassegnarsi."
94,27,9,"Should you feel yourself attacked by a sudden
chill, it is evidence of an approaching Gengar.
There is no escaping it. Give up."
94,27,11,"突然 寒気に 襲われたら
ゲンガーに 狙われた 証拠。
逃げる術は ないので 諦めろ。"
94,28,1,"にんげんの いのちを ねらうのは
ゲンガーは ひとの なれのはてで
みちづれを つくるためらしい。"
94,28,3,"인간의 목숨을 노리는 이유는
팬텀이 인간의 비참한 말로여서
길동무를 만들기 위해서라고 한다."
94,28,5,"Sil attente à la vie des humains, cest parce
quils deviendront des Ectoplasma après la mort
et quil veut les entraîner avec lui."
94,28,6,"Gengar raubt Menschen das Leben, um einen
Begleiter an seiner Seite zu haben, der wie es
selbst einmal ein Mensch war."
94,28,7,"Parece que el motivo por el que Gengar agrede
a la gente es porque quiere que sus almas
le hagan compañía."
94,28,8,"Si dice che piombi sugli esseri umani per
impossessarsi del loro spirito affinché gli faccia
94,28,9,"It apparently wishes for a traveling companion.
Since it was once human itself, it tries to create
one by taking the lives of other humans."
94,28,11,"人間の 命を 狙うのは
ゲンガーは 人の 成れの果てで
道連れを つくるためらしい。"
94,29,1,"わるいこの ところには ゲンガーが
やってくる という いいつたえは
せかいじゅうで きくことが できる。"
94,29,3,"못된 아이가 있는 곳에 팬텀이
찾아온다고 하는 이야기는
전 세계에서 들을 수 있다."
94,29,5,"Les enfants du monde entier redoutent
la menace de lEctoplasma qui viendra les
chercher sils ne sont pas sages."
94,29,6,"Unartige Kinder holt sich Gengar. So heißt es
weltweit in mündlichen Überlieferungen."
94,29,7,"No es raro oír a padres de todos los rincones
del mundo advertir a sus hijos que, si no se
portan bien, un Gengar vendrá a por ellos."
94,29,8,"I genitori di tutto il mondo ammoniscono i
bambini dicendo loro che, se non fanno i bravi,
arriverà Gengar!"
94,29,9,"You can hear tales told all over the world about
how Gengar will pay a visit to children who
are naughty."
94,29,11,"悪い子の ところには ゲンガーが
やってくる という 言い伝えは
世界中で 聞くことが できる。"
94,30,1,"じたくに いても キケン。 へやの
すみに できた わずかな くらがりに
ひそみ えものを ねらっている。"
94,30,3,"집에 있어도 위험하다.
방구석에 생긴 작은 그림자에
숨어서 먹이를 노리고 있다."
94,30,5,"Même chez soi, on nest pas à labri.
Ectoplasma attend, tapi dans un recoin sombre,
pour mieux bondir sur ses proies..."
94,30,6,"Selbst zu Hause ist man vor Gengar nicht sicher.
In den kleinsten Schatten der engsten Winkel
lauert es auf Beute."
94,30,7,"Uno no está a salvo ni en su propia casa, pues
le basta una simple sombra para aparecer y
abalanzarse sobre su presa."
94,30,8,"Neanche casa propria è un luogo sicuro: Gengar
si cela negli angoli bui pronto a impossessarsi
dello spirito vitale delle sue prede."
94,30,9,"Even your home isnt safe. Gengar will lurk in
whatever dark corner of a room it can find and
wait for its chance to catch its prey."
94,30,11,"自宅に いても 危険。 部屋の
隅に できた わずかな 暗がりに
潜み 獲物を 狙っている。"
94,31,1,"とつぜん さむけを かんじるとき
ゲンガーが ちかくにいる。もしかして
のろいを かけるかも しれない。"
94,31,3,"갑자기 한기를 느꼈다면
팬텀이 가까이 있는 것이다.
어쩌면 저주를 걸지도 모른다."
94,31,5,"Si vous êtes pris de frissons soudains, cest quun
Ectoplasma rôde dans les parages. Il pourrait
peut-être même vous lancer une malédiction."
94,31,6,"Läuft es einem plötzlich eiskalt den Rücken
hinunter, ist ein Gengar in der Nähe. Womöglich
belegt es einen dann mit einem Fluch."
94,31,7,"Sentir un escalofrío repentino es señal de que
hay un Gengar cerca. Quien lo perciba puede
convertirse en víctima de su maldición."
94,31,8,"Un brivido di freddo improvviso significa che
Gengar è vicino. Meglio stare attenti, perché
si rischia di essere colpiti da una maledizione."
94,31,9,"A Gengar is close by if you feel a sudden chill.
It may be trying to lay a curse on you."
94,31,11,"とつぜん 寒気を 感じるとき
ゲンガーが 近くにいる。もしかして
呪いを かけるかも しれない。"
94,32,1,"とつぜん さむけを かんじるとき
ゲンガーが ちかくにいる。もしかして
のろいを かけるかも しれない。"
94,32,3,"갑자기 한기를 느꼈다면
팬텀이 가까이 있는 것이다.
어쩌면 저주를 걸지도 모른다."
94,32,5,"Si vous êtes pris de frissons soudains, cest quun
Ectoplasma rôde dans les parages. Il pourrait
peut-être même vous lancer une malédiction."
94,32,6,"Läuft es einem plötzlich eiskalt den Rücken
hinunter, ist ein Gengar in der Nähe. Womöglich
belegt es einen dann mit einem Fluch."
94,32,7,"Sentir un escalofrío repentino es señal de que
hay un Gengar cerca. Quien lo perciba puede
convertirse en víctima de su maldición."
94,32,8,"Un brivido di freddo improvviso significa che
Gengar è vicino. Meglio stare attenti, perché
si rischia di essere colpiti da una maledizione."
94,32,9,"A Gengar is close by if you feel a sudden chill.
It may be trying to lay a curse on you."
94,32,11,"とつぜん 寒気を 感じるとき
ゲンガーが 近くにいる。もしかして
呪いを かけるかも しれない。"
94,33,1,"まんげつのよる かげが かってに
うごきだして わらうのは
ゲンガーの しわざに ちがいない。"
94,33,3,"보름달이 뜬 밤에 그림자가
멋대로 움직이면서 웃는다면
팬텀의 소행임이 틀림없다."
94,33,5,"Un soir de pleine lune, si une ombre se met
à bouger et éclate de rire, cest sûrement
lœuvre dun Ectoplasma."
94,33,6,"Wenn Schatten bei Vollmond plötzlich anfangen,
sich zu bewegen und zu lachen, steckt zweifellos
Gengar dahinter."
94,33,7,"Las noches de luna llena, a este Pokémon le
gusta imitar las sombras de la gente y burlarse
de sus miedos."
94,33,8,"Se in una notte di luna piena le ombre iniziano
a muoversi e a ridere, è senza dubbio opera
di Gengar."
94,33,9,"On the night of a full moon, if shadows move on
their own and laugh, it must be Gengars doing."
94,33,11,"満月の夜 影が 勝手に
動きだして 笑うのは
ゲンガーの しわざに 違いない。"
94,34,1,"やまで そうなんしたとき
いのちを うばいに くらやみから
あらわれることが あるという。"
94,34,3,"산에서 조난하면 목숨을
빼앗기 위해 어둠 속에서
나타난다고 한다."
94,34,5,"On dit quEctoplasma surgit parfois des ténèbres
pour prendre la vie des personnes égarées
en montagne."
94,34,6,"Man sagt, es sei aus Dunkelheit entstanden, um
denjenigen, die sich in den Bergen verirrt haben,
das Leben zu rauben."
94,34,7,"Dicen que sale de la oscuridad para robarles el
alma a los que se pierden por las montañas."
94,34,8,"Si dice che emerga dalloscurità per sottrarre
la vita di chi si è perso tra le montagne."
94,34,9,"It is said to emerge from darkness to steal the
lives of those who become lost in mountains."
94,34,11,"山で 遭難したとき
命を 奪いに 暗闇から
現れることが あるという。"
95,1,9,"As it grows, the
stone portions of
its body hardento become similar
to a diamond, but
colored black."
95,2,9,"As it grows, the
stone portions of
its body hardento become similar
to a diamond, but
colored black."
95,3,9,"Burrows at high
speed in search
of food. Thetunnels it leaves
are used as homes
95,4,9,"It twists and
squirms through
the ground. Thethunderous roar of
its tunneling
echoes a long way."
95,5,9,"It rapidly bores
through the ground
at 50 mph bysquirming and
twisting its mas­
sive, rugged body."
95,6,9,"As it digs through
the ground, it
absorbs many hardobjects. This is
what makes its
body so solid."
95,7,9,"ONIX has a magnet in its brain. It acts
as a compass so that this POKéMON does
not lose direction while it is tunneling.As it grows older, its body becomes
increasingly rounder and smoother."
95,8,9,"ONIX has a magnet in its brain. It acts
as a compass so that this POKéMON does
not lose direction while it is tunneling.As it grows older, its body becomes
increasingly rounder and smoother."
95,9,9,"There is a magnet in its brain that
prevents an ONIX from losing direction
while tunneling. As it grows older, its body
becomes steadily rounder and smoother."
95,10,9,"It usually lives underground. It searches
for food while boring its way through the
ground at 50 miles per hour."
95,11,9,"As it grows, the stone portions of its
body harden to become similar to
black-colored diamonds."
95,12,9,"When it travels underground, it
causes rumbling and tremors.
It can move at 50 mph."
95,13,9,"It squirms through the ground
using its long and rugged body.
It always eats while burrowing."
95,14,9,"It burrows through the ground
at a speed of 50 mph while
feeding on large boulders.
95,15,9,"It twists and squirms through
the ground. The thunderous roar of
its tunneling echoes a long way."
95,16,9,"It rapidly bores through the ground
at 50 mph by squirming and
twisting its massive, rugged body."
95,17,5,"Il se nourrit des pierres quil
rencontre en creusant le sol.
Il peut creuser à 80 km/h!"
95,17,9,"It burrows through the ground
at a speed of 50 mph while
feeding on large boulders."
95,18,5,"Il se nourrit des pierres quil
rencontre en creusant le sol.
Il peut creuser à 80 km/h!"
95,18,9,"It burrows through the ground
at a speed of 50 mph while
feeding on large boulders."
95,21,9,"Opening its large mouth, it ingests
massive amounts of soil and creates
long tunnels."
95,22,9,"Opening its large mouth, it ingests
massive amounts of soil and creates
long tunnels."
95,23,1,"ちちゅうを ものすごい いきおいで
ほりすすみ エサを さがす。とおった
あとは ディグダの すみかになる。"
95,23,3,"땅속을 엄청난 기세로
뚫고 나아가며 먹이를 찾는다. 지나간
곳은 디그다의 보금자리가 된다."
95,23,5,"Il creuse sous terre en quête de nourriture.
Ses tunnels servent de maison aux Taupiqueur."
95,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon gräbt auf seiner Suche nach Futter
lange Tunnel, in denen sich später Digda einnisten."
95,23,7,"Cava a gran velocidad en busca de comida. Los
túneles que deja son usados por los Diglett."
95,23,8,"Scava veloce nel terreno in cerca di cibo lasciando
lunghi cunicoli usati poi come casa dai Diglett."
95,23,9,"Burrows at high speed in search of food.
The tunnels it leaves are used as homes
by Diglett."
95,23,11,"地中を ものすごい 勢いで
掘りすすみ エサを 探す。通った
跡は ディグダの 住処になる。"
95,24,1,"ふだんは つちのなかに すんでいる。
ちちゅうを じそく 80キロで
ほりながら エサを さがす。"
95,24,3,"평상시에는 땅속에 살고 있다.
땅속을 시속 80km로
파면서 먹이를 찾는다."
95,24,5,"Onix vit généralement sous terre. Il cherche de
la nourriture en creusant à plus de 80 km/h."
95,24,6,"Es lebt gewöhnlich unter der Erde. Während es sich
mit 80 km/h durchs Erdreich bohrt, sucht es nach
95,24,7,"Suele vivir bajo tierra. Va buscando comida a medida
que se va abriendo camino a 80 km por hora."
95,24,8,"Di solito vive sottoterra. Cerca cibo scavando
cunicoli nel terreno alla velocità di 80 km/h."
95,24,9,"It usually lives underground. It searches for food
while boring its way through the ground at 50 miles
per hour."
95,24,11,"普段は 土の中に 住んでいる。
地中を 時速80キロで
掘りながら エサを 探す。"
95,25,1,"のうみそに じしゃくが あるので つちの なかを
ほり すすんでいても ほうこうを まちがえない。
としを とるほど からだは まるみを おびる。"
95,25,3,"뇌에 자석이 있어서 땅속을
파고 나가도 방향을 틀리지 않는다.
나이를 먹을수록 몸이 둥그스름해진다."
95,25,5,"Onix a dans le cerveau un aimant qui lui sert de boussole.
Il permet à ce Pokémon de ne pas se perdre pendant
quil creuse. En prenant de lâge, son corps sarrondit
et se polit."
95,25,6,"Onix hat einen Magneten in seinem Gehirn. Er dient ihm
als Kompass, sodass es beim Graben von Tunneln nicht
die Orientierung verliert. Wenn es älter wird, wird sein
Körper immer runder und glatter."
95,25,7,"Onix tiene un imán en el cerebro, que actúa como una brújula
para no perder la orientación cuando está cavando túneles.
A medida que crece, se le redondea y suaviza el cuerpo."
95,25,8,"Onix nel cervello ha una calamita, che agisce da bussola
per consentirgli di non perdere lorientamento mentre
scava sottoterra. Con il passare del tempo il suo corpo
diventa sempre più smussato e levigato."
95,25,9,"Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that this
Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling.
As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder
and smoother."
95,25,11,"脳みそに 磁石が あるので 土の 中を
掘り 進んでいても 方向を 間違えない。
歳を 取るほど 体は 丸みを 帯びる。"
95,26,1,"のうみそに じしゃくが あるので つちの なかを
ほり すすんでいても ほうこうを まちがえない。
としを とるほど からだは まるみを おびる。"
95,26,3,"뇌에 자석이 있어서 땅속을
파고 나가도 방향을 틀리지 않는다.
나이를 먹을수록 몸이 둥그스름해진다."
95,26,5,"Onix a dans le cerveau un aimant qui lui sert de boussole.
Il permet à ce Pokémon de ne pas se perdre pendant
quil creuse. En prenant de lâge, son corps sarrondit
et se polit."
95,26,6,"Onix hat einen Magneten in seinem Gehirn. Er dient ihm
als Kompass, sodass es beim Graben von Tunneln nicht
die Orientierung verliert. Wenn es älter wird, wird sein
Körper immer runder und glatter."
95,26,7,"Onix tiene un imán en el cerebro, que actúa como una brújula
para no perder la orientación cuando está cavando túneles.
A medida que crece, se le redondea y suaviza el cuerpo."
95,26,8,"Onix nel cervello ha una calamita, che agisce da bussola
per consentirgli di non perdere lorientamento mentre
scava sottoterra. Con il passare del tempo il suo corpo
diventa sempre più smussato e levigato."
95,26,9,"Onix has a magnet in its brain. It acts as a compass so that
this Pokémon does not lose direction while it is tunneling.
As it grows older, its body becomes increasingly rounder
and smoother."
95,26,11,"脳みそに 磁石が あるので 土の 中を
掘り 進んでいても 方向を 間違えない。
歳を 取るほど 体は 丸みを 帯びる。"
95,31,1,"ちちゅうを ものすごい いきおいで
ほりすすみ エサを さがす。とおった
あとは ディグダの すみかになる。"
95,31,3,"땅속을 엄청난 기세로
뚫고 나아가며 먹이를 찾는다. 지나간
곳은 디그다의 보금자리가 된다."
95,31,5,"Il creuse la terre à toute allure en quête de
nourriture. Ses tunnels servent de maison
aux Taupiqueur."
95,31,6,"Es gräbt auf seiner Suche nach Futter mit
irrsinniger Geschwindigkeit lange Tunnel,
in denen sich später Digda einnisten."
95,31,7,"Cava a gran velocidad en busca de comida.
Los Diglett convierten en su hogar los túneles
que deja a su paso."
95,31,8,"Scava nel terreno con incredibile vigore in cerca
di cibo, creando cunicoli usati poi come tana
dai Diglett."
95,31,9,"Burrows at high speed in search of food.
The tunnels it leaves are used as homes
by Diglett."
95,31,11,"地中を ものすごい 勢いで
掘り進み エサを 探す。通った
跡は ディグダの 住みかになる。"
95,32,1,"ちちゅうを ものすごい いきおいで
ほりすすみ エサを さがす。とおった
あとは ディグダの すみかになる。"
95,32,3,"땅속을 엄청난 기세로
뚫고 나아가며 먹이를 찾는다. 지나간
곳은 디그다의 보금자리가 된다."
95,32,5,"Il creuse la terre à toute allure en quête de
nourriture. Ses tunnels servent de maison
aux Taupiqueur."
95,32,6,"Es gräbt auf seiner Suche nach Futter mit
irrsinniger Geschwindigkeit lange Tunnel,
in denen sich später Digda einnisten."
95,32,7,"Cava a gran velocidad en busca de comida.
Los Diglett convierten en su hogar los túneles
que deja a su paso."
95,32,8,"Scava nel terreno con incredibile vigore in cerca
di cibo, creando cunicoli usati poi come tana
dai Diglett."
95,32,9,"Burrows at high speed in search of food.
The tunnels it leaves are used as homes
by Diglett."
95,32,11,"地中を ものすごい 勢いで
掘り進み エサを 探す。通った
跡は ディグダの 住みかになる。"
95,33,1,"ちちゅうを ほりすすみながら
いろんな かたいものを とりこみ
がんじょうな からだをつくる。"
95,33,3,"땅속을 파고들면서 여러 가지
단단한 것들을 집어삼켜서
튼튼한 몸을 만든다."
95,33,5,"Il absorbe des éléments solides en creusant le sol,
ce qui le rend plus robuste."
95,33,6,"Wenn es sich durch die Erde gräbt, nimmt es
viele harte Gegenstände auf, die seinen Körper
95,33,7,"Al abrirse paso bajo tierra, va absorbiendo todo
lo que encuentra. Eso hace que su cuerpo sea
así de sólido."
95,33,8,"Scava nel terreno assorbendo gli oggetti più duri
per irrobustire il suo corpo."
95,33,9,"As it digs through the ground, it absorbs many
hard objects. This is what makes its body so solid."
95,33,11,"地中を 掘り進みながら
いろんな 硬いものを 取り込み
頑丈な 体をつくる。"
95,34,1,"おおきく じょうぶな からだを
くねらせ よじらせ じそく80キロで
じめんを いきおいよく ほりすすむ。"
95,34,3,"크고 튼튼한 몸을
뒤틀고 꼬아서 시속 80km로
힘차게 땅을 파나간다."
95,34,5,"Il creuse dans le sol à une vitesse de 80 km/h
en contorsionnant son immense corps de pierre."
95,34,6,"Es bohrt sich mit 80 km/h durch das Erdreich,
indem es seinen massiven, rauen Körper dreht
und windet."
95,34,7,"Perfora el suelo a una velocidad de 80 km/h
girando y retorciendo su robusto y enorme
95,34,8,"Scava nel terreno a una velocità di 80 km/h
contorcendo e agitando il corpo grande
e possente."
95,34,9,"It rapidly bores through the ground at 50 mph by
squirming and twisting its massive, rugged body."
95,34,11,"大きく 丈夫な 体を
くねらせ よじらせ 時速80キロで
地面を 勢いよく 掘り進む。"
96,1,9,"Puts enemies to
sleep then eats
their dreams.Occasionally gets
sick from eating
bad dreams."
96,2,9,"Puts enemies to
sleep then eats
their dreams.Occasionally gets
sick from eating
bad dreams."
96,3,9,"If you sleep by
it all the time,
it will sometimesshow you dreams
it has eaten in
the past."
96,4,9,"If you think that
you had a good
dream, but youcan't remember it,
probably eaten it."
96,5,9,"It remembers every
dream it eats. It
rarely eats thedreams of adults
because children's
are much tastier."
96,6,9,"When it twitches
its nose, it can
tell where someoneis sleeping and
what that person
is dreaming about."
96,7,9,"If your nose becomes itchy while you
are sleeping, its a sure sign that one
of these POKéMON is standing aboveyour pillow and trying to eat your dream
through your nostrils."
96,8,9,"If your nose becomes itchy while you
are sleeping, its a sure sign that one
of these POKéMON is standing aboveyour pillow and trying to eat your dream
through your nostrils."
96,9,9,"If your nose becomes itchy while you are
sleeping, its a sure sign that a DROWZEE is
standing above your pillow and trying to
eat your dream through your nostrils."
96,10,9,"A descendent of the legendary animal
baku, which is said to eat dreams. It is
skilled at hypnotism."
96,11,9,"Puts enemies to sleep, then eats their
dreams. Occasionally gets sick from eating
only bad dreams."
96,12,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,13,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,14,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,15,9,"If you think that you had a good dream
but you cant remember it,
a DROWZEE has probably eaten it."
96,16,9,"It remembers every dream it eats. It
rarely eats the dreams of adults
because childrens are much tastier."
96,17,5,"Son grand nez lui permet de lire
les rêves dautrui. Il adore les
songes amusants."
96,17,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,18,5,"Son grand nez lui permet de lire
les rêves dautrui. Il adore les
songes amusants."
96,18,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,21,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,22,9,"It can tell what people are
dreaming by sniffing with its big
nose. It loves fun dreams."
96,23,1,"ねむらせては ユメを たべるが
わるい ユメばかり たべてると
おなかを こわすことが あるらしい。"
96,23,3,"잠들게 한 뒤 꿈을 먹지만
나쁜 꿈만 먹고 있으면
배탈이 날 때도 있는 것 같다."
96,23,5,"Il endort ses ennemis et dévore leurs songes.
Sil mange trop de cauchemars, il fait une indigestion."
96,23,6,"Traumato versetzt Gegner in den Schlaf und frisst
deren Träume. Von Alpträumen wird ihm aber übel."
96,23,7,"Adormece a sus enemigos y se come sus sueños.
A veces se pone enfermo si come pesadillas."
96,23,8,"Addormenta i suoi nemici e poi si nutre dei loro
sogni. A volte fa indigestione di incubi."
96,23,9,"Puts enemies to sleep, then eats their dreams.
Occasionally gets sick from eating only bad dreams."
96,23,11,"眠らせては 夢を 食べるが
悪い 夢ばかり 食べてると
お腹を 壊すことが あるらしい。"
96,24,1,"たのしいユメを みていたはずなのに
どんなユメか おもいだせないとき。
きっと スリープに たべられたのだ。"
96,24,3,"즐거운 꿈을 꾸고 있었는데
어떤 꿈인지 생각나지 않을 때는
분명히 슬리프가 꿈을 먹었을 것이다."
96,24,5,"Si vous pensez avoir rêvé mais que vous ne vous en
souvenez pas, cest que Soporifik a tout mangé."
96,24,6,"Hast du gut geträumt und kannst dich nicht erinnern,
hat ein Traumato deinen Traum gefressen."
96,24,7,"Si crees haber tenido un buen sueño y no puedes
acordarte, seguro que se lo ha comido un Drowzee."
96,24,8,"Se si pensa di aver fatto un bel sogno, ma non lo
si ricorda, magari lha mangiato un Drowzee."
96,24,9,"If you think that you had a good dream but you
cant remember it, a Drowzee has probably eaten it."
96,24,11,"楽しい 夢を 見ていたはずなのに
どんな夢か 思い出せないとき。
きっと スリープに 食べられたのだ。"
96,25,1,"ねむっているとき キミの はなが ムズムズしたら
まくらもとに たった スリープが はなの
あなから ゆめを たべようとしている あいず。"
96,25,3,"잠들었을 때 너의 코가 근질근질하다면
슬리프가 머리맡에 서서 콧구멍을
통해 꿈을 먹으려고 하는 신호다."
96,25,5,"Lorsque les enfants ont le nez qui les démange en dormant,
cest sans doute parce que ce Pokémon se tient au-dessus
de leur oreiller, afin dessayer de manger leurs rêves par
leurs narines."
96,25,6,"Wenn dir im Schlaf die Nase juckt, ist das ein sicheres
Zeichen dafür, dass eines dieser Pokémon auf deinem
Kissen sitzt, um deinen Traum durch deine Nasenlöcher
hindurch zu verspeisen."
96,25,7,"Si a alguien le pica la nariz mientras duerme, seguro que es
porque tiene a uno de estos Pokémon cerca de la almohada
intentando sacarle los sueños por la nariz para comérselos."
96,25,8,"Drowzee è solito nutrirsi dei sogni degli altri mentre dormono,
estraendoli dalle loro narici. Se durante il sonno si avverte
prurito al naso, significa che Drowzee è già allopera."
96,25,9,"If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, its a sure
sign that one of these Pokémon is standing above your pillow
and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils."
96,25,11,"眠っているとき キミの 鼻が ムズムズしたら
まくら元に 立った スリープが 鼻の
穴から 夢を 食べようとしている 合図。"
96,26,1,"ねむっているとき キミの はなが ムズムズしたら
まくらもとに たった スリープが はなの
あなから ゆめを たべようとしている あいず。"
96,26,3,"잠들었을 때 너의 코가 근질근질하다면
슬리프가 머리맡에 서서 콧구멍을
통해 꿈을 먹으려고 하는 신호다."
96,26,5,"Lorsque les enfants ont le nez qui les démange en dormant,
cest sans doute parce que ce Pokémon se tient au-dessus
de leur oreiller, afin dessayer de manger leurs rêves par
leurs narines."
96,26,6,"Wenn dir im Schlaf die Nase juckt, ist das ein sicheres Zeichen
dafür, dass eines dieser Pokémon über deinem Kissen
schwebt, um deinen Traum durch deine Nasenlöcher hindurch
zu verspeisen."
96,26,7,"Si a alguien le pica la nariz mientras duerme, seguro que es
porque tiene a uno de estos Pokémon cerca de la almohada
intentando sacarle los sueños por la nariz para comérselos."
96,26,8,"Drowzee è solito nutrirsi dei sogni degli altri mentre dormono,
estraendoli dalle loro narici. Se durante il sonno si avverte
prurito al naso, significa che Drowzee è già allopera."
96,26,9,"If your nose becomes itchy while you are sleeping, its a sure
sign that one of these Pokémon is standing above your pillow
and trying to eat your dream through your nostrils."
96,26,11,"眠っているとき キミの 鼻が ムズムズしたら
まくら元に 立った スリープが 鼻の
穴から 夢を 食べようとしている 合図。"
96,27,1,"ユメを くらって いきる ポケモン。
ムンナや ムシャーナと きょうつうの
そせんを もつと かんがえられている。"
96,27,3,"꿈을 먹으며 살아가는 포켓몬이다.
몽나나 몽얌나와 선조가
같다고 여겨지고 있다."
96,27,5,"Un Pokémon qui se nourrit de rêves.
On suppose quil a un ancêtre commun avec
Munna et Mushana."
96,27,6,"Es ernährt sich von Träumen. Man geht davon
aus, dass es von demselben Vorfahren wie
Somniam und Somnivora abstammt."
96,27,7,"Drowzee se alimenta de sueños. Se cree que
comparte antepasados con Munna y Musharna."
96,27,8,"Si nutre dei sogni degli altri. Si pensa che abbia
degli antenati in comune con Munna e Musharna."
96,27,9,"A Pokémon that nourishes itself by eating
dreams, it is thought to share common ancestry
with Munna and Musharna."
96,27,11,"夢を 喰らって 生きる ポケモン。
ムンナや ムシャーナと 共通の
祖先を 持つと 考えられている。"
96,28,1,"こと たのしいユメは うまいらしい。
なつくと いちばん おいしかった
ユメを みせてくれることも あるよ。"
96,28,3,"특히 즐거운 꿈이 맛있다고 한다.
친해지면 가장 맛있었던
꿈을 보여줄 때도 있다."
96,28,5,"Les rêves agréables ont meilleur goût. Sil vous
considère comme un ami, il peut transformer les
vôtres en ceux quil a trouvés les plus délicieux."
96,28,6,"Lustige Träume schmecken ihm am besten.
Ist man nett zu ihm, zeigt es einem ab und an
Träume, die ihm besonders gemundet haben."
96,28,7,"Los sueños divertidos son sus favoritos. Si
consigues hacerte su amigo, es posible que te
enseñe el sueño más delicioso que haya tenido."
96,28,8,"Sembra che sia ghiotto di sogni divertenti.
Se si affeziona a qualcuno, gli mostra i sogni
che ha trovato più gustosi."
96,28,9,"It finds really fun dreams tasty. When it makes
friends with people, it may show them the most
delicious dreams its ever eaten."
96,28,11,"こと 楽しい夢は 美味いらしい。
なつくと 一番 美味しかった
夢を みせてくれることも あるよ。"
96,29,1,"レジャーしせつの ちかくで すがたを
みかける。 そのばん こどもが みる
たのしいユメを ねらって いるのだ。"
96,29,3,"레저 시설 근처에서 볼 수 있다. 
그날 밤 아이가 꾸는
즐거운 꿈을 노리고 있다."
96,29,5,"Il aime musarder près des parcs dattractions :
après y avoir passé une bonne journée, les
enfants font de beaux rêves, dont il se délecte."
96,29,6,"Traumato hat es auf die lustigen Träume von
Kindern abgesehen. Man sieht es daher oft in
der Nähe von Freizeiteinrichtungen."
96,29,7,"Se lo puede ver cerca de instalaciones lúdicas
donde, al caer la noche, sale a la caza de los
sueños de los niños."
96,29,8,"Ha un debole per i sogni divertenti dei bambini.
Per questo è facile incontrarlo vicino alle
strutture ricreative."
96,29,9,"It can be spotted near recreational facilities,
intending to eat the pleasant dreams of children
who enjoyed themselves there that day."
96,29,11,"レジャー施設の 近くで 姿を
見かける。 その晩 子どもが 見る
楽しいユメを 狙って いるのだ。"
96,30,1,"えものを ねむらせ みている ユメを
くらう。 わるいユメは すっぱくて
あまり このんで たべないらしい。"
96,30,3,"먹이를 잠들게 해 보고 있는 꿈을
먹는다. 나쁜 꿈은 시큼해서
그다지 즐겨 먹지 않는다고 한다."
96,30,5,"Il regarde ses proies dormir et avale leurs rêves.
Les cauchemars ayant un petit goût aigrelet,
il a tendance à les bouder."
96,30,6,"Traumato versetzt seine Beute in den Schlaf und
frisst ihre Träume. Alpträume mag es aufgrund
ihres säuerlichen Geschmacks nicht so gern."
96,30,7,"Duerme a sus víctimas para luego devorar sus
sueños. Las pesadillas no son de su agrado, ya
que al parecer tienen un regusto agrio."
96,30,8,"Addormenta le prede per mangiare i loro sogni.
Sembra che non gradisca gli incubi a causa del
loro sapore acido."
96,30,9,"It puts its prey to sleep and devours their
dreams. It seems that bad dreams taste sour,
so Drowzee doesnt particularly like eating them."
96,30,11,"獲物を 眠らせ 見ている ユメを
喰らう。 悪いユメは すっぱくて
あまり 好んで 食べないらしい。"
96,31,1,"いつも いっしょに ねむってみると
ときどき むかし たべたユメを
みせてくれる よるがある。"
96,31,3,"언제나 함께 잠들다 보면
가끔 옛날에 먹었던 꿈을
보여줄 때가 있다."
96,31,5,"Si vous dormez tout le temps près de lui,
il partagera parfois avec vous les rêves
quil a dévorés par le passé."
96,31,6,"Wenn man immer in der Nähe eines Traumato
schläft, zeigt es einem nachts manchmal Träume,
die es vor langer Zeit verspeist hat."
96,31,7,"Si se duerme siempre en compañía de un
Pokémon de esta especie, puede mostrar
sueños que haya ingerido con anterioridad."
96,31,8,"Se si dorme sempre vicino a un Drowzee,
può capitare di sognare uno dei sogni che
questo Pokémon ha mangiato in passato."
96,31,9,"If you sleep by it all the time, it will sometimes
show you dreams it had eaten in the past."
96,31,11,"いつも 一緒に 眠ってみると
ときどき 昔 食べたユメを
見せてくれる 夜がある。"
96,32,1,"いつも いっしょに ねむってみると
ときどき むかし たべたユメを
みせてくれる よるがある。"
96,32,3,"언제나 함께 잠들다 보면
가끔 옛날에 먹었던 꿈을
보여줄 때가 있다."
96,32,5,"Si vous dormez tout le temps près de lui,
il partagera parfois avec vous les rêves
quil a dévorés par le passé."
96,32,6,"Wenn man immer in der Nähe eines Traumato
schläft, zeigt es einem nachts manchmal Träume,
die es vor langer Zeit verspeist hat."
96,32,7,"Si se duerme siempre en compañía de un
Pokémon de esta especie, puede mostrar
sueños que haya ingerido con anterioridad."
96,32,8,"Se si dorme sempre vicino a un Drowzee,
può capitare di sognare uno dei sogni che
questo Pokémon ha mangiato in passato."
96,32,9,"If you sleep by it all the time, it will sometimes
show you dreams it had eaten in the past."
96,32,11,"いつも 一緒に 眠ってみると
ときどき 昔 食べたユメを
見せてくれる 夜がある。"
97,1,9,"When it locks eyes
with an enemy, it
will use a mix ofPSI moves such as
97,2,9,"When it locks eyes
with an enemy, it
will use a mix ofPSI moves such as
97,3,9,"Avoid eye contact
if you come across
one. It will tryto put you to
sleep by using
its pendulum."
97,4,9,"When it is very
hungry, it puts
humans it meets tosleep, then it
feasts on their
97,5,9,"Always holding a
pendulum that it
rocks at a steadyrhythm, it causes
drowsiness in any­
one nearby."
97,6,9,"The longer it
swings its
pendulum, thelonger the effects
of its hypnosis
97,7,9,"HYPNO holds a pendulum in its hand.
The arcing movement and glitter of the
pendulum lull the foe into a deep stateof hypnosis.
While this POKéMON searches for prey,
it polishes the pendulum."
97,8,9,"HYPNO holds a pendulum in its hand.
The arcing movement and glitter of the
pendulum lull the foe into a deep stateof hypnosis.
While this POKéMON searches for prey,
it polishes the pendulum."
97,9,9,"The arcing movement and glitter of the
pendulum in a HYPNOs hand lull the foe
into deep hypnosis. While searching for
prey, it polishes the pendulum."
97,10,9,"It carries a pendulum-like device. There
once was an incident in which it took 
away a child it hypnotized."
97,11,9,"When it locks eyes with an enemy, it will
use a mix of PSI moves such as HYPNOSIS
97,12,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,13,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,14,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,15,9,"When it is very hungry, it puts
humans it meets to sleep,
then it feasts on their dreams."
97,16,9,"Always holding a pendulum that it
swings at a steady rhythm, it causes
drowsiness in anyone nearby."
97,17,5,"La vue de son pendule oscillant
endort en trois secondes, même
quand on vient de se réveiller."
97,17,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,18,5,"La vue de son pendule oscillant
endort en trois secondes, même
quand on vient de se réveiller."
97,18,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,21,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,22,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can
induce sleep in three seconds,
even in someone who just woke up."
97,23,1,"ふりこのようなものを もちあるく。
こどもに さいみんじゅつを かけて
どこかへ つれさるじけんが あった。"
97,23,3,"추 같은 것을 들고 다닌다.
어린아이에게 최면술을 걸어
어딘가로 데려가 버린 사건이 있었다."
97,23,5,"Il transporte toujours un petit pendule. On raconte
quil aurait un jour enlevé un enfant après lavoir
97,23,6,"Es trägt ein Pendel. Man berichtet von einem
Vorfall, bei dem es ein Kind mitnahm,
das es zuvor hypnotisiert hatte."
97,23,7,"Lleva un péndulo en la mano. Una vez, hizo
desaparecer a un niño al que había hipnotizado."
97,23,8,"Ha con sé una sorta di pendolo. Una volta, per errore,
si è portato via un bambino che aveva ipnotizzato."
97,23,9,"It carries a pendulum-like device. There once
was an incident in which it took away a child
it hypnotized."
97,23,11,"振り子のようなものを 持ち歩く。
子供に 催眠術を かけて
どこかへ 連れ去る 事件があった。"
97,24,1,"ふりこを めのまえで ゆらされると
たったいま めざめたばかりの ひとも
3びょうごには ねむってしまう。"
97,24,3,"눈앞에서 추를 흔들면
방금 깨어난 사람도
3초 후에는 잠들어 버린다."
97,24,5,"La vue de son pendule oscillant endort en trois
secondes, même quand on vient de se réveiller."
97,24,6,"Ein Blick auf das Pendel versetzt einen in
drei Sekunden in Schlaf, selbst wenn man
gar nicht müde ist."
97,24,7,"Mirar su péndulo puede inducir al sueño en tres
segundos, incluso si acabas de despertarte."
97,24,8,"Con il suo pendolo fa addormentare chiunque nel giro
di 3 secondi, anche chi si è appena svegliato."
97,24,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in
three seconds, even in someone who just woke up."
97,24,11,"振り子を 目の前で ゆらされると
たった今 目覚めたばかりの 人も
3秒後には 眠ってしまう。"
97,25,1,"てに もっている ふりこの うごきと かがやきが
あいてを ふかい さいみんじょうたいに おとす。
えものを さがしながら ふりこを みがいている。"
97,25,3,"손에 쥐고 있는 추의 움직임과 반짝임이
상대를 깊은 최면 상태에 빠트린다.
먹이를 찾으며 추를 손질하고 있다."
97,25,5,"Hypnomade tient un pendule dans sa main. Le mouvement
de balancier et les reflets brillants du pendule hypnotisent
profondément son ennemi. Lorsque ce Pokémon cherche
ses proies, il nettoie son pendule."
97,25,6,"Hypno hält ein Pendel in der Hand. Das Schwingen und
Glitzern des Pendels versetzt seine Feinde in eine tiefe
Hypnose. Während dieses Pokémon auf der Suche nach
Beute ist, poliert es sein Pendel."
97,25,7,"Hypno lleva un péndulo en la mano. El balanceo y el brillo
que tiene sumen al rival en un estado de hipnosis profundo.
Mientras busca a su presa, saca brillo al péndulo."
97,25,8,"Hypno tiene in mano un pendolo. Il movimento oscillatorio
e i riflessi del pendolo fanno cadere lavversario in un
profondo stato dipnosi. Cercando la preda il Pokémon
si prepara lucidando il pendolo."
97,25,9,"Hypno holds a pendulum in its hand. The arcing movement and
glitter of the pendulum lull the foe into a deep state of
hypnosis. While this Pokémon searches for prey, it polishes
the pendulum."
97,25,11,"手に 持っている 振り子 の 動きと 輝きが
相手を 深い 催眠状態に 落とす。
獲物を 探しながら 振り子を 磨いている。"
97,26,1,"てに もっている ふりこの うごきと かがやきが
あいてを ふかい さいみんじょうたいに おとす。
えものを さがしながら ふりこを みがいている。"
97,26,3,"손에 쥐고 있는 추의 움직임과 반짝임이
상대를 깊은 최면 상태에 빠트린다.
먹이를 찾으며 추를 손질하고 있다."
97,26,5,"Hypnomade tient un pendule dans sa main. Le mouvement
de balancier et les reflets brillants du pendule hypnotisent
profondément son ennemi. Lorsque ce Pokémon cherche
ses proies, il nettoie son pendule."
97,26,6,"Hypno hält ein Pendel in der Hand. Das Schwingen und
Glitzern des Pendels versetzt seine Feinde in eine tiefe
Hypnose. Während dieses Pokémon auf der Suche nach
Beute ist, poliert es sein Pendel."
97,26,7,"Hypno lleva un péndulo en la mano. El balanceo y el brillo
que tiene sumen al rival en un estado de hipnosis profundo.
Mientras busca a su presa, saca brillo al péndulo."
97,26,8,"Hypno tiene in mano un pendolo. Il movimento oscillatorio
e i riflessi del pendolo fanno cadere lavversario in un
profondo stato dipnosi. Cercando la preda il Pokémon
si prepara lucidando il pendolo."
97,26,9,"Hypno holds a pendulum in its hand. The arcing movement and
glitter of the pendulum lull the foe into a deep state of
hypnosis. While this Pokémon searches for prey, it polishes
the pendulum."
97,26,11,"手に 持っている 振り子 の 動きと 輝きが
相手を 深い 催眠状態に 落とす。
獲物を 探しながら 振り子を 磨いている。"
97,27,1,"ひじょうに きけんな ポケモンだが
あんみんを もとめる ひとびとには
きゅうせいしゅと よばれている。"
97,27,3,"상당히 위험한 포켓몬이지만
편안한 잠을 원하는 사람들에게는
구세주로 불리고 있다."
97,27,5,"Bien que ce soit un Pokémon extrêmement
dangereux, les personnes victimes dinsomnie
le considèrent comme un sauveur."
97,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist äußerst gefährlich.
Für Menschen, die an Schlaflosigkeit leiden,
ist es aber ein wahrer Retter in der Not."
97,27,7,"Es un Pokémon muy peligroso, pero la gente
que padece de insomnio lo considera su
97,27,8,"È un Pokémon molto pericoloso, ma coloro che
soffrono di insonnia lo considerano il loro
97,27,9,"While it is an extremely dangerous Pokémon,
people who are in need of a good, sound sleep
call it their savior."
97,27,11,"非常に 危険な ポケモンだが
安眠を 求める 人々には
救世主と 呼ばれている。"
97,28,1,"であったものを とりあえず ねむらせ
そのユメを あじみ。 いいユメを
みていたら そのまま つれさる。"
97,28,3,"마주친 자를 일단 잠들게 해
그 꿈을 맛본다. 좋은 꿈을
꾸고 있다면 그대로 데리고 간다."
97,28,5,"Quand il rencontre quelquun, il lendort et goûte
ses rêves. Sils ont bon goût, il emporte la
personne avec lui."
97,28,6,"Es versetzt jeden, dem es begegnet, sofort in
Schlaf und kostet seine Träume. Schmeckt ihm
ein Traum, nimmt es die Person mit."
97,28,7,"Cuando se encuentra a una persona, la duerme
y posteriormente cata sus sueños. Si estos son
de su agrado, la retiene consigo."
97,28,8,"Fa addormentare chi incontra, assaggia i suoi
sogni e, se sono di suo gradimento, se lo porta
via con sé."
97,28,9,"As a matter of course, it makes anyone it meets
fall asleep and has a taste of their dreams.
Anyone having a good dream, it carries off."
97,28,11,"出会った者を 取りあえず 眠らせ
その夢を 味見。 いい夢を
見ていたら そのまま 連れ去る。"
97,29,1,"アローラに くらす スリーパーの
ターゲットは おもに ネッコアラ。
ひとは あまり ひがいに あわない。"
97,29,3,"알로라에서 사는 슬리퍼의
타깃은 주로 자말라다.
사람은 그다지 피해를 입지 않는다."
97,29,5,"À Alola, les Hypnomade sen prennent
principalement aux Dodoala. Les humains
nont donc pas grand-chose à craindre."
97,29,6,"In Alola hat es Hypno hauptsächlich auf Koalelu
abgesehen. Menschen schadet es kaum."
97,29,7,"En Alola, los altercados con humanos son
escasos, ya que el objetivo predilecto de los
Hypno son los Komala."
97,29,8,"Ad Alola, gli Hypno prendono di mira soprattutto
i Komala e raramente disturbano gli esseri
97,29,9,"In Alola, Komala is Hypnos main target. It rarely
harms people."
97,29,11,"アローラに 暮らす スリーパーの
ターゲットは 主に ネッコアラ。
人は あまり 被害に あわない。"
97,30,1,"よるに ねむれない ひとの ために
びょういんで おいしゃさんの
てつだいをする スリーパーも いる。"
97,30,3,"밤에 잠들지 못하는 사람을 위해
병원에서 의사를
도와주는 슬리퍼도 있다."
97,30,5,"Certains Hypnomade travaillent comme
assistants dans les cliniques visant à guérir
les patients de leurs insomnies."
97,30,6,"Manchmal unterstützt es das medizinische
Personal in Krankenhäusern, wenn Patienten
an Schlaflosigkeit leiden."
97,30,7,"Este Pokémon presta ayuda al personal médico
de los hospitales cuando algún paciente
presenta dificultades para conciliar el sueño."
97,30,8,"Alcuni Hypno fanno da assistenti ai medici
negli ospedali per curare i pazienti che
soffrono di insonnia."
97,30,9,"There are some Hypno that assist doctors with
patients who cant sleep at night in hospitals."
97,30,11,"夜に 眠れない 人の ために
病院で お医者さんの
手伝いをする スリーパーも いる。"
97,31,1,"うっかり であったときは めを
そらさないと きけん。てに もった
ふりこで ねむらされてしまう。"
97,31,3,"우연히 마주쳤을 때 다른 곳으로
눈을 돌리지 않으면 위험하다.
손에 든 추로 잠재워 버린다."
97,31,5,"Évitez son regard quand vous en croisez un,
ou il pourrait essayer de vous hypnotiser
avec son pendule."
97,31,6,"Läuft man einem Hypno über den Weg, sollte
man wegsehen, da es andere mit dem Pendel
in seiner Hand hypnotisieren kann."
97,31,7,"Conviene evitar el contacto visual en caso de
encontrarse con este Pokémon, ya que puede
hipnotizar con su péndulo."
97,31,8,"Quando se ne incontra uno, è meglio distogliere
lo sguardo, altrimenti si rischia di essere
ipnotizzati dal suo pendolo."
97,31,9,"Avoid eye contact if you come across one. It will
try to put you to sleep by using its pendulum."
97,31,11,"うっかり 出会ったときは 目を
そらさないと 危険。手に もった
振り子で 眠らされてしまう。"
97,32,1,"うっかり であったときは めを
そらさないと きけん。てに もった
ふりこで ねむらされてしまう。"
97,32,3,"우연히 마주쳤을 때 다른 곳으로
눈을 돌리지 않으면 위험하다.
손에 든 추로 잠재워 버린다."
97,32,5,"Évitez son regard quand vous en croisez un,
ou il pourrait essayer de vous hypnotiser
avec son pendule."
97,32,6,"Läuft man einem Hypno über den Weg, sollte
man wegsehen, da es andere mit dem Pendel
in seiner Hand hypnotisieren kann."
97,32,7,"Conviene evitar el contacto visual en caso de
encontrarse con este Pokémon, ya que puede
hipnotizar con su péndulo."
97,32,8,"Quando se ne incontra uno, è meglio distogliere
lo sguardo, altrimenti si rischia di essere
ipnotizzati dal suo pendolo."
97,32,9,"Avoid eye contact if you come across one. It will
try to put you to sleep by using its pendulum."
97,32,11,"うっかり 出会ったときは 目を
そらさないと 危険。手に もった
振り子で 眠らされてしまう。"
98,1,9,"Its pincers are
not only powerful
weapons, they areused for balance
when walking
98,2,9,"Its pincers are
not only powerful
weapons, they areused for balance
when walking
98,3,9,"Its pincers are
superb weapons.
They sometimesbreak off during
battle, but they
grow back fast."
98,4,9,"If it senses dan­
ger approaching,
it cloaks itselfwith bubbles from
its mouth so it
will look bigger."
98,5,9,"The pincers break
off easily. If it
loses a pincer,it somehow becomes
incapable of walk­
ing sideways."
98,6,9,"If it is unable
to find food, it
will absorbnutrients by
swallowing a
mouthful of sand."
98,7,9,"KRABBY live on beaches, burrowed inside
holes dug into the sand.
On sandy beaches with little in the wayof food, these POKéMON can be seen
squabbling with each other over
98,8,9,"KRABBY live on beaches, burrowed inside
holes dug into the sand.
On sandy beaches with little in the wayof food, these POKéMON can be seen
squabbling with each other over
98,9,9,"KRABBY live in holes dug into beaches.
On sandy shores with little in the way
of food, they can be seen squabbling with
each other over territory."
98,10,9,"It can be found near the sea. The large
pincers grow back if they are torn out of
their sockets."
98,11,9,"Its pincers are not only powerful weapons,
they are used for balance when walking
98,12,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,13,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,14,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,15,9,"If it senses danger approaching,
it cloaks itself with bubbles from
its mouth so it will look bigger."
98,16,9,"The pincers break off easily. If it
loses a pincer, it somehow becomes
incapable of walking sideways."
98,17,5,"Il creuse son terrier sur des plages
sablonneuses. Ses pinces repoussent
si on les brise."
98,17,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,18,5,"Il creuse son terrier sur des plages
sablonneuses. Ses pinces repoussent
si on les brise."
98,18,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,21,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,22,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy
beaches. Its pincers fully grow
back if they are broken in battle."
98,23,1,"きけんがせまると くちから はきだす
あわで ぜんしんを つつんで
からだを おおきく みせようとする。"
98,23,3,"위험이 닥치면 입에서 뿜어내는
거품으로 전신을 감싸서
몸을 크게 보이려고 한다."
98,23,5,"Sil est menacé, il se cache derrière les bulles
émises par sa bouche pour paraître plus gros."
98,23,6,"Wittert es Gefahr, hüllt es sich in Blasen
aus seinem Maul, um größer zu erscheinen."
98,23,7,"Ante el peligro, se camufla con las burbujas que
desprende su boca, para parecer más grande."
98,23,8,"Se si sente in pericolo, si circonda di bolle che
produce con la bocca per sembrare più grande."
98,23,9,"If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself with
bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger."
98,23,11,"危険が 迫ると 口から 吐き出す
泡で 全身を 包んで
体を 大きく みせようとする。"
98,24,1,"うみの ちかくで みつかる。
おおきな ハサミは もぎとっても
あとから また はえてくる。"
98,24,3,"바다 근처에서 발견된다.
커다란 집게는 뜯겨도
나중에 다시 자라난다."
98,24,5,"On trouve ce Pokémon près de la mer. Ses grosses
pinces peuvent repousser si elles se font arracher."
98,24,6,"Es kommt vor allem nahe des Meeres vor.
Die großen Scheren wachsen nach, wenn sie
vom Körper abgetrennt wurden."
98,24,7,"Es fácil encontrarlo cerca del mar. Las largas pinzas
que tiene vuelven a crecer si se las quitan de su sitio."
98,24,8,"Si trova vicino al mare. Le grandi chele, se asportate,
98,24,9,"It can be found near the sea. The large pincers
grow back if they are torn out of their sockets."
98,24,11,"海の 近くで 見つかる。
大きな ハサミは もぎとっても
あとから また 生えてくる。"
98,25,1,"すなはまに あなを ほり そこで くらしている。
エサの すくない すなはまでは ばしょとりをする
クラブたちの あらそいを みる ことが できる。"
98,25,3,"모래 해변에 구멍을 뚫고 거기서 살고 있다.
먹이가 적은 모래 해변에서는 자리 확보를
위해 다투는 크랩들을 볼 수 있다."
98,25,5,"Krabby vit sur les plages, enterré dans le sable. Sur les plages
où on trouve peu de nourriture, on peut voir ces Pokémon
se disputer pour défendre leur territoire."
98,25,6,"Krabby lebt an Stränden, in Löchern im Sand.
An Sandstränden, an denen es wenig Nahrung findet,
sieht man dieses Pokémon mit Artgenossen um sein
Revier streiten."
98,25,7,"Krabby vive en la playa, enterrado en agujeros en la arena.
Cuando en las playas de arena fina escasea la comida, es
común ver a estos Pokémon echando un pulso panza contra
panza en defensa de su territorio."
98,25,8,"Krabby vive in spiaggia, nascosto in buche scavate nella
sabbia. Sulle spiagge molto sabbiose, dove scarseggia
il cibo, è possibile vedere questi Pokémon attaccarsi
a vicenda in difesa del proprio territorio."
98,25,9,"Krabby live on beaches, burrowed inside holes dug into the
sand. On sandy beaches with little in the way of food, these
Pokémon can be seen squabbling with each other
over territory."
98,25,11,"砂浜に 穴を 掘り そこで 暮らしている。
エサの 少ない 砂浜では 場所取りをする
クラブたちの 争いを みる ことが できる。"
98,26,1,"すなはまに あなを ほり そこで くらしている。
エサの すくない すなはまでは ばしょとりをする
クラブたちの あらそいを みる ことが できる。"
98,26,3,"모래 해변에 구멍을 뚫고 거기서 살고 있다.
먹이가 적은 모래 해변에서는 자리 확보를
위해 다투는 크랩들을 볼 수 있다."
98,26,5,"Krabby vit sur les plages, enterré dans le sable. Sur les plages
où on trouve peu de nourriture, on peut voir ces Pokémon
se disputer pour défendre leur territoire."
98,26,6,"Krabby lebt an Stränden, in Löchern im Sand.
An Sandstränden, an denen es wenig Nahrung findet,
sieht man dieses Pokémon mit Artgenossen streiten."
98,26,7,"Krabby vive en la playa, enterrado en agujeros en la arena.
Cuando en las playas de arena fina escasea la comida, es
común ver a estos Pokémon echando un pulso panza contra
panza en defensa de su territorio."
98,26,8,"Krabby vive in spiaggia, nascosto in buche scavate nella
sabbia. Sulle spiagge molto sabbiose, dove scarseggia
il cibo, è possibile vedere questi Pokémon attaccarsi
a vicenda in difesa del proprio territorio."
98,26,9,"Krabby live on beaches, burrowed inside holes dug into
the sand. On sandy beaches with little in the way of food,
these Pokémon can be seen squabbling with each other
over territory."
98,26,11,"砂浜に 穴を 掘り そこで 暮らしている。
エサの 少ない 砂浜では 場所取りをする
クラブたちの 争いを みる ことが できる。"
98,31,1,"きょうりょくな ぶきとなる ハサミは
こうげきのとき まれに もげるが
あとから すぐに はえてくる。"
98,31,3,"강력한 무기인 집게는
공격하다 드물게 떨어지지만
나중에 금방 자라난다."
98,31,5,"Ses pinces sont des armes puissantes. Il peut
arriver quelles se brisent durant un combat,
mais elles repoussent vite."
98,31,6,"Die Scheren dieses Pokémon bilden perfekte
Waffen. Im Kampf brechen sie zwar manchmal
ab, wachsen aber schnell wieder nach."
98,31,7,"Sus pinzas son armas muy potentes y, aunque
en ocasiones se le rompen al atacar, le crecen
de nuevo con rapidez."
98,31,8,"Le sue chele sono armi formidabili. A volte
si staccano durante la lotta, ma ricrescono
98,31,9,"Its pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes
break off during battle, but they grow back fast."
98,31,11,"強力な 武器となる ハサミは
攻撃のとき まれに もげるが
後から すぐに 生えてくる。"
98,32,1,"きょうりょくな ぶきとなる ハサミは
こうげきのとき まれに もげるが
あとから すぐに はえてくる。"
98,32,3,"강력한 무기인 집게는
공격하다 드물게 떨어지지만
나중에 금방 자라난다."
98,32,5,"Ses pinces sont des armes puissantes. Il peut
arriver quelles se brisent durant un combat,
mais elles repoussent vite."
98,32,6,"Die Scheren dieses Pokémon bilden perfekte
Waffen. Im Kampf brechen sie zwar manchmal
ab, wachsen aber schnell wieder nach."
98,32,7,"Sus pinzas son armas muy potentes y, aunque
en ocasiones se le rompen al atacar, le crecen
de nuevo con rapidez."
98,32,8,"Le sue chele sono armi formidabili. A volte
si staccano durante la lotta, ma ricrescono
98,32,9,"Its pincers are superb weapons. They sometimes
break off during battle, but they grow back fast."
98,32,11,"強力な 武器となる ハサミは
攻撃のとき まれに もげるが
後から すぐに 生えてくる。"
98,33,1,"うみの ちかくで みつかる。
おおきな ハサミは もぎとっても
あとから また はえてくる。"
98,33,3,"바다 근처에서 발견된다.
커다란 집게는 뜯겨도
나중에 다시 자라난다."
98,33,5,"On trouve ce Pokémon près de la mer.
Ses grosses pinces peuvent repousser
si elles sont arrachées."
98,33,6,"Es kommt vor allem nahe dem Meer vor.
Die großen Scheren wachsen nach, wenn
sie vom Körper abgetrennt wurden."
98,33,7,"Es fácil encontrarlo cerca del mar. Las largas
pinzas que tiene vuelven a crecer si se las quitan
de su sitio."
98,33,8,"Lo si può trovare vicino al mare. Le grandi chele,
se si staccano, ricrescono."
98,33,9,"It can be found near the sea. The large pincers
grow back if they are torn out of their sockets."
98,33,11,"海の 近くで 見つかる。
大きな ハサミは もぎとっても
あとから また 生えてくる。"
98,34,1,"きけんがせまると くちから はきだす
あわで ぜんしんを つつんで
からだを おおきく みせようとする。"
98,34,3,"위험이 닥치면 입에서 뿜어내는
거품으로 전신을 감싸서
몸을 크게 보이려고 한다."
98,34,5,"Sil se sent menacé, il se cache derrière les bulles
émises par sa bouche pour paraître plus gros."
98,34,6,"Wittert es Gefahr, hüllt es sich in Blasen aus
seinem Maul, um größer zu erscheinen."
98,34,7,"Ante el peligro, se camufla con las burbujas que
desprende por la boca para parecer más grande."
98,34,8,"Se si sente in pericolo, emette bolle dalla bocca
e se ne circonda per sembrare più grande."
98,34,9,"If it senses danger approaching, it cloaks itself
with bubbles from its mouth so it will look bigger."
98,34,11,"危険がせまると 口から 吐きだす
泡で 全身を 包んで
体を 大きく みせようとする。"
99,1,9,"The large pincer
has 10000 hp of
crushing power.However, its huge
size makes it
unwieldy to use."
99,2,9,"The large pincer
has 10000 hp of
crushing power.However, its huge
size makes it
unwieldy to use."
99,3,9,"One claw grew
massively and as
hard as steel.It has 10,000-HP
strength. However,
it is too heavy."
99,4,9,"It can hardly
lift its massive,
overgrown pincer.The pincer's size
makes it difficult
to aim properly."
99,5,9,"Its pincers grow
peculiarly large.
If it lifts thepincers too fast,
it loses its bal­
ance and staggers."
99,6,9,"Its oversized claw
is very powerful,
but when it's notin battle, the
claw just gets in
the way."
99,7,9,"KINGLER has an enormous, oversized
claw. It waves this huge claw in the
air to communicate with others.However, because the claw is so heavy,
the POKéMON quickly tires."
99,8,9,"KINGLER has an enormous, oversized
claw. It waves this huge claw in the
air to communicate with others.However, because the claw is so heavy,
the POKéMON quickly tires."
99,9,9,"It waves its huge, oversized claw in the
air to communicate with others.
But since the claw is so heavy, this
POKéMON quickly tires."
99,10,9,"Its large and hard pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, being so
big, it is unwieldy to move."
99,11,9,"The large pincer has 10,000-horsepower
crushing force. However, its huge size
makes it unwieldy to use."
99,12,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,13,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,14,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,15,9,"It can hardly lift its massive,
overgrown pincer. The pincers size
makes it difficult to aim properly."
99,16,9,"Its pincers grow peculiarly large.
If it lifts the pincers too fast,
it loses its balance and staggers."
99,17,5,"Sa grande pince possède une puissance
de 10 000 chevaux. Son poids la rend
difficile à manier."
99,17,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,18,5,"Sa grande pince possède une puissance
de 10 000 chevaux. Son poids la rend
difficile à manier."
99,18,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,21,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,22,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000-
horsepower strength. However, it
is so heavy, it is difficult to aim."
99,23,1,"かたい ハサミは 1まんばりきの
パワーを もっているが
おおきすぎて うごきが にぶい。"
99,23,3,"단단한 집게는 1만 마력의
파워를 지녔지만
너무 커서 움직임이 둔하다."
99,23,5,"Sa grosse pince développe une puissance de
10000 CV. Toutefois, sa taille imposante la rend
difficile à utiliser."
99,23,6,"Die Kraft seiner großen und harten Schere
entspricht 10 000 PS. Durch die Größe ist sie
aber auch äußerst unhandlich und sperrig."
99,23,7,"La pinza tan grande que tiene posee una fuerza de
10 000 caballos de potencia. Pero, por su gran
tamaño, cuesta moverla."
99,23,8,"La chela più grande sprigiona una potenza di
10.000 CV. Le dimensioni gli rendono difficili
gli spostamenti."
99,23,9,"Its large and hard pincer has 10,000-horsepower
strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy
to move."
99,23,11,"硬い ハサミは 1万馬力の
パワーを 持っているが
大きすぎて 動きが 鈍い。"
99,24,1,"ぶかっこうに おおきくなった
ハサミを いきおいよく もちあげると
バランスがくずれ よたついてしまう。"
99,24,3,"볼품없이 크게 자라난
집게를 기세 좋게 들고 걷다 보면
밸런스가 무너져 뒤뚱거리게 된다."
99,24,5,"Sa pince devient énorme. Sil la soulève trop vite,
il risque de perdre léquilibre."
99,24,6,"Seine Scheren werden sehr groß. Hebt es sie
zu schnell, verliert es die Balance und strauchelt."
99,24,7,"Su pinza es muy grande. Si la levanta demasiado
rápido, pierde el equilibrio y se tambalea."
99,24,8,"Una delle sue chele è particolarmente grande. Se la
alza troppo rapidamente può perdere lequilibrio."
99,24,9,"Its pincers grow peculiarly large. If it lifts the
pincers too fast, it loses its balance and staggers."
99,24,11,"不格好に 大きくなった
ハサミを 勢いよく 持ち上げると
バランスが 崩れ よたついてしまう。"
99,25,1,"キングラーは きょだいな ハサミを ふって
なかまどうしで あいずを おくりあっているが
ハサミが おもすぎて すぐに つかれてしまう。"
99,25,3,"킹크랩은 거대한 집게를 휘둘러
동료 간에 신호를 보내지만
집게가 무거워서 곧 지쳐버린다."
99,25,5,"Krabboss est doté dune pince gigantesque, surdimensionnée.
Il lagite en lair pour communiquer avec ses semblables.
En revanche, sa pince est tellement lourde que ce Pokémon
se fatigue très vite."
99,25,6,"Kingler hat eine riesige Schere. Es winkt damit, um mit
anderen zu kommunizieren. Da seine Schere aber so
schwer ist, wird dieses Pokémon schnell müde."
99,25,7,"Kingler tiene una pinza enorme y descomunal que usa
agitándola en el aire para comunicarse con otros. Lo malo es
que, al pesarle tanto, se cansa enseguida."
99,25,8,"Kingler è dotato di unenorme chela, che brandisce nellaria
per comunicare con i suoi simili. Tuttavia, dato il notevole
peso della chela sovradimensionata, il Pokémon si stanca
in fretta."
99,25,9,"Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge
claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because
the claw is so heavy, the Pokémon quickly tires."
99,25,11,"キングラーは 巨大な ハサミを 振って
仲間同士で 合図を 送りあっているが
ハサミが 重すぎて すぐに 疲れてしまう。"
99,26,1,"キングラーは きょだいな ハサミを ふって
なかまどうしで あいずを おくりあっているが
ハサミが おもすぎて すぐに つかれてしまう。"
99,26,3,"킹크랩은 거대한 집게를 휘둘러
동료 간에 신호를 보내지만
집게가 무거워서 곧 지쳐버린다."
99,26,5,"Krabboss est doté dune pince gigantesque, surdimensionnée.
Il lagite en lair pour communiquer avec ses semblables.
En revanche, sa pince est tellement lourde que ce Pokémon
se fatigue très vite."
99,26,6,"Kingler hat eine riesige Schere. Es winkt damit, um mit
anderen zu kommunizieren. Da seine Schere aber so
schwer ist, wird dieses Pokémon schnell müde."
99,26,7,"Kingler tiene una pinza enorme y descomunal que usa
agitándola en el aire para comunicarse con otros. Lo malo es
que, al pesarle tanto, se cansa enseguida."
99,26,8,"Kingler è dotato di unenorme chela, che brandisce nellaria
per comunicare con i suoi simili. Tuttavia, dato il notevole
peso della chela sovradimensionata, il Pokémon si stanca
in fretta."
99,26,9,"Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge
claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because
the claw is so heavy, the Pokémon quickly tires."
99,26,11,"キングラーは 巨大な ハサミを 振って
仲間同士で 合図を 送りあっているが
ハサミが 重すぎて すぐに 疲れてしまう。"
99,31,1,"かたほうだけ きょだいか した
ハサミは こうてつの かたさと
1まんばりきを もつが おもすぎる。"
99,31,3,"한쪽만 거대해진 집게는
강철 같은 단단함과 1만 마력의
힘을 지녔지만 너무 무겁다."
99,31,5,"Sa grosse pince, dure comme de lacier,
est dune puissance incommensurable,
mais elle est trop lourde."
99,31,6,"Seine größere Schere ist zwar hart wie Stahl
und verfügt über eine außerordentliche Stärke,
aber gleichzeitig ist sie auch extrem schwer."
99,31,7,"Una de sus pinzas, enorme y dura como el
acero, tiene 10 000 CV. No obstante, resulta
demasiado pesada."
99,31,8,"Una delle sue chele è cresciuta a dismisura
ed è dura come lacciaio. Può sprigionare
una potenza di 10.000 CV, ma è pesantissima."
99,31,9,"One claw grew massively and is as hard as steel.
It has 10,000-horsepower strength.
However, it is too heavy."
99,31,11,"片方だけ 巨大か した
ハサミは 鋼鉄の 硬さと
1万馬力を もつが 重すぎる。"
99,32,1,"かたほうだけ きょだいか した
ハサミは こうてつの かたさと
1まんばりきを もつが おもすぎる。"
99,32,3,"한쪽만 거대해진 집게는
강철 같은 단단함과 1만 마력의
힘을 지녔지만 너무 무겁다."
99,32,5,"Sa grosse pince, dure comme de lacier,
est dune puissance incommensurable,
mais elle est trop lourde."
99,32,6,"Seine größere Schere ist zwar hart wie Stahl
und verfügt über eine außerordentliche Stärke,
aber gleichzeitig ist sie auch extrem schwer."
99,32,7,"Una de sus pinzas, enorme y dura como el
acero, tiene 10 000 CV. No obstante, resulta
demasiado pesada."
99,32,8,"Una delle sue chele è cresciuta a dismisura
ed è dura come lacciaio. Può sprigionare
una potenza di 10.000 CV, ma è pesantissima."
99,32,9,"One claw grew massively and is as hard as steel.
It has 10,000-horsepower strength.
However, it is too heavy."
99,32,11,"片方だけ 巨大か した
ハサミは 鋼鉄の 硬さと
1万馬力を もつが 重すぎる。"
99,33,1,"かたい ハサミは 1まんばりきの
パワーを もっているが おおきすぎて
うごきが にぶい。"
99,33,3,"단단한 집게는 1만 마력의
파워를 지녔지만
너무 커서 움직임이 둔하다."
99,33,5,"Sa grosse pince est dotée dune puissance
incommensurable. Sa taille imposante la rend
toutefois difficile à utiliser."
99,33,6,"Die Kraft seiner großen und harten Schere
entspricht 10000 PS. Durch die Größe ist sie
aber auch äußerst unhandlich und sperrig."
99,33,7,"La pinza tan grande que tiene posee una fuerza
de 10 000 CV, pero le cuesta moverla por su
gran tamaño."
99,33,8,"La chela più grande sprigiona una potenza
di 10.000 CV. Le dimensioni gli rendono
difficili gli spostamenti."
99,33,9,"Its large and hard pincer has 10,000-horsepower
strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy
to move."
99,33,11,"硬い ハサミは 1万馬力の
パワーを もっているが 大きすぎて
動きが 鈍い。"
99,34,1,"はかいりょく ばつぐんの おおきな
ハサミだが おもすぎるので
たたかわないときは じゃまになる。"
99,34,3,"큰 집게는 뛰어난 파괴력을
지녔지만 너무 무거워서
싸우지 않을 때는 거추장스럽다."
99,34,5,"Sa pince gigantesque possède une puissance
destructrice phénoménale, mais hors combat,
son poids devient un handicap."
99,34,6,"Seine Riesenschere ist sehr stark, aber wenn es
nicht kämpft, kommt sie ihm häufig in die Quere."
99,34,7,"Su gran pinza posee una potencia devastadora,
pero su peso excesivo la convierte en un estorbo
fuera del terreno de combate."
99,34,8,"La sua chela più grande ha una potenza
distruttiva fenomenale, ma fuori dalla lotta
gli è dimpiccio per via del peso."
99,34,9,"Its oversized claw is very powerful, but when its
not in battle, the claw just gets in the way."
99,34,11,"破壊力 抜群の 大きな
ハサミだが 重すぎるので
戦わないときは じゃまになる。"
100,1,9,"Usually found in
power plants.
Easily mistakenfor a POKé BALL,
they have zapped
many people."
100,2,9,"Usually found in
power plants.
Easily mistakenfor a POKé BALL,
they have zapped
many people."
100,3,9,"It is said to
camouflage itself
as a POKé BALL. Itwill self-destruct
with very little
100,4,9,"It rolls to move.
If the ground is
uneven, a suddenjolt from hitting
a bump can cause
it to explode."
100,5,9,"It was discovered
were introduced.It is said that
there is some
100,6,9,"During the study
of this POKéMON,
it was discoveredthat its compo­
nents are not
found in nature."
100,7,9,"VOLTORB was first sighted at a company
that manufactures POKé BALLS.
The link between that sighting andthe fact that this POKéMON looks very
similar to a POKé BALL remains a
100,8,9,"VOLTORB is extremely sensitive - it
explodes at the slightest of shocks.
It is rumored that it was first createdwhen a POKé BALL was exposed to a
powerful pulse of energy."
100,9,9,"It bears an uncanny and unexplained
resemblance to a POKé BALL. Because it
explodes at the slightest shock, even
veteran TRAINERS treat it with caution."
100,10,9,"A life-form whose identity is unknown.
It is said to SCREECH or suddenly
100,11,9,"Usually found in power plants. Easily
mistaken for a POKé BALL, it has
zapped many people."
100,12,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on touch."
100,13,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on touch."
100,14,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on touch."
100,15,9,"It rolls to move. If the ground is
uneven, a sudden jolt from hitting
a bump can cause it to explode."
100,16,9,"It was discovered when Poké Balls
were introduced. It is said that
there is some connection."
100,17,5,"Il ressemble à une Poké Ball. Ce
Pokémon dangereux peut exploser
ou sélectrifier au toucher."
100,17,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on touch."
100,18,5,"Il ressemble à une Poké Ball. Ce
Pokémon dangereux peut exploser
ou sélectrifier au toucher."
100,18,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on touch."
100,21,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on contact."
100,22,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball.
It is dangerous because it may
electrocute or explode on contact."
100,23,1,"モンスターボールが うりだされたのと
おなじ じきに はっけんされた。
なにか かんけいがある といわれる。"
100,23,3,"몬스터볼이 팔리기 시작했을 때와
같은 시기에 발견되었다.
뭔가 관계가 있다고 전해진다."
100,23,5,"Découvert en même temps que les Poké Balls.
Il paraît quil existe un lien entre les deux."
100,23,6,"Es wurde entdeckt, als man Pokébälle einführte.
Es scheint, als gäbe es da einen Zusammenhang."
100,23,7,"Fue descubierto cuando se crearon las Poké Balls.
Se dice que tiene algo que ver con ellas."
100,23,8,"Scoperto allepoca dellinvenzione delle Poké Ball.
Si pensa che i due fatti siano correlati."
100,23,9,"It was discovered when Poké Balls were
introduced. It is said that there is
some connection."
100,23,11,"モンスターボールが 売り出されたのと
同じ 時期に 発見された。
なにか 関係があると いわれる。"
100,24,1,"はつでんしょなどに あらわれる。
モンスターボールと まちがえて
さわって しびれるひとが おおい。"
100,24,3,"발전소 등에서 나타난다.
몬스터볼과 헷갈려서
만지고 마비되는 사람이 많다."
100,24,5,"Vivant près des centrales électriques, ce Pokémon
survolté est souvent confondu avec une Poké Ball."
100,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon wird oftmals mit einem Pokéball
verwechselt. Es lebt vorwiegend in Kraftwerken."
100,24,7,"Suele vivir en centrales de energía. Mucha gente
acaba muy mal al confundirlo con una Poké Ball."
100,24,8,"Di solito vive nelle centrali elettriche. Se confuso
con una Poké Ball, può essere fatale."
100,24,9,"Usually found in power plants. Easily mistaken for a
Poké Ball, it has zapped many people."
100,24,11,"発電所などに 現れる。
モンスターボールと 間違えて
触って しびれる 人が 多い。"
100,25,1,"モンスターボールを つくっている かいしゃで
はじめて はっけんされた ことと すがたかたちが
にている ことの かんけいは まだ ナゾである。"
100,25,3,"몬스터볼을 만드는 회사에서
처음 발견됐다는 점과 생김새가 비슷한
점의 관련성은 아직도 수수께끼다."
100,25,5,"La première fois quon a vu Voltorbe, cétait dans une usine
qui fabrique des Poké Balls. Personne na jamais pu expliquer
le lien entre cet événement et la ressemblance frappante
de ce Pokémon avec une Poké Ball."
100,25,6,"Voltobal wurde zuerst bei einer Firma beobachtet,
die Pokébälle herstellt. Der Zusammenhang zwischen
dieser Beobachtung und der Tatsache, dass dieses
Pokémon wie ein Pokéball aussieht, ist noch ungeklärt."
100,25,7,"Voltorb fue visto por primera vez en una empresa encargada
de comercializar Poké Balls. La conexión que existe entre
aquella primera vez que se le vio y el hecho de que se parece
mucho a una Poké Ball sigue siendo un misterio."
100,25,8,"Voltorb è stato avvistato per la prima volta in unazienda
produttrice di Poké Ball. Il nesso tra la sua presenza in
questa fabbrica e lestrema somiglianza a una Poké Ball
rimane un mistero."
100,25,9,"Voltorb was first sighted at a company that manufactures
Poké Balls. The link between that sighting and the fact
that this Pokémon looks very similar to a Poké Ball remains
a mystery."
100,25,11,"モンスターボールを つくっている 会社で
初めて 発見された ことと 姿形が
似ている ことの 関係は まだ ナゾである。"
100,26,1,"すこしの ショックで すぐに ばくはつする。
モンスターボールに きょうりょくな パルスを
あびせた ときに うまれたと ウワサされている。"
100,26,3,"작은 충격에도 바로 폭발한다.
몬스터볼에 강력한 전류를
가했을 때 태어났다는 소문이 돌고 있다."
100,26,5,"Voltorbe est extrêmement sensible. Il explose au moindre
choc. On raconte quil fut créé par lexposition dune
Poké Ball à une puissante dose dénergie."
100,26,6,"Voltobal ist äußerst empfindlich, es explodiert schon bei der
leichtesten Erschütterung. Man munkelt, es sei entstanden, als
ein Pokéball einen starken elektrischen Schlag bekommen hat."
100,26,7,"Voltorb es tremendamente sensible y a la más mínima
sacudida explota. Cuentan que se creó cuando alguien
expuso una Poké Ball a una gran descarga eléctrica."
100,26,8,"Voltorb è estremamente sensibile, esplode alla minima
sollecitazione. Si dice che sia stato creato esponendo
una Poké Ball a una forte carica energetica."
100,26,9,"Voltorb is extremely sensitive—it explodes at the slightest
of shocks. It is rumored that it was first created when a
Poké Ball was exposed to a powerful pulse of energy."
100,26,11,"少しの ショックで すぐに 爆発する。
モンスターボールに 強力な パルスを
浴びせた ときに 生まれたと ウワサされている。"
100,31,1,"モンスターボールに にているのは
ほごしょくの ためだと いわれるが
いがいと かんたんに じばくする。"
100,31,3,"몬스터볼과 닮은 것은 보호색으로
위장하기 위해서라고 전해지나
의외로 쉽게 자폭한다."
100,31,5,"On dit quil se déguise en Poké Ball.
Il sautodétruit à la moindre stimulation."
100,31,6,"Man sagt, es tarne sich als Pokéball, um sich zu
schützen. Allerdings zerstört es sich schon bei
der kleinsten äußeren Einwirkung selbst."
100,31,7,"Se dice que se camufla como una Poké Ball.
Al más mínimo estímulo se autodestruirá."
100,31,8,"Si dice che abbia un aspetto simile a una
Poké Ball per passare inosservato. Tende
ad autodistruggersi al minimo stimolo."
100,31,9,"It is said to camouflage itself as a Poké Ball.
It will self-destruct with very little stimulus."
100,31,11,"モンスターボールに 似ているのは
保護色の ためだと 言われるが
意外と 簡単に 自爆する。"
100,32,1,"モンスターボールに にているのは
ほごしょくの ためだと いわれるが
いがいと かんたんに じばくする。"
100,32,3,"몬스터볼과 닮은 것은 보호색으로
위장하기 위해서라고 전해지나
의외로 쉽게 자폭한다."
100,32,5,"On dit quil se déguise en Poké Ball.
Il sautodétruit à la moindre stimulation."
100,32,6,"Man sagt, es tarne sich als Pokéball, um sich zu
schützen. Allerdings zerstört es sich schon bei
der kleinsten äußeren Einwirkung selbst."
100,32,7,"Se dice que se camufla como una Poké Ball.
Al más mínimo estímulo se autodestruirá."
100,32,8,"Si dice che abbia un aspetto simile a una
Poké Ball per passare inosservato. Tende
ad autodistruggersi al minimo stimolo."
100,32,9,"It is said to camouflage itself as a Poké Ball.
It will self-destruct with very little stimulus."
100,32,11,"モンスターボールに 似ているのは
保護色の ためだと 言われるが
意外と 簡単に 自爆する。"
101,1,9,"It stores electric
energy under very
high pressure.It often explodes
with little or no
101,2,9,"It stores electric
energy under very
high pressure.It often explodes
with little or no
101,3,9,"Stores electrical
energy inside its
body. Even theslightest shock
could trigger a
huge explosion."
101,4,9,"It is dangerous.
If it has too much
electricity andhas nothing to do,
it amuses itself
by exploding."
101,5,9,"It stores an over­
flowing amount of
electric energyinside its body.
Even a small shock
makes it explode."
101,6,9,"The more energy it
charges up, the
faster it gets.But this also
makes it more
likely to explode."
101,7,9,"ELECTRODE eats electricity in the
atmosphere. On days when lightning
strikes, you can see this POKéMONexploding all over the place from
eating too much electricity."
101,8,9,"One of ELECTRODEs characteristics is
its attraction to electricity.
It is a problematical POKéMON thatcongregates mostly at electrical
power plants to feed on electricity
that has just been generated."
101,9,9,"They appear in great numbers at electric
power plants. Because they feed on
electricity, they cause massive and
chaotic blackouts in nearby cities."
101,10,9,"It explodes in response to even minor
stimuli. It is feared, with the nickname
of “The Bomb Ball.”"
101,11,9,"It stores electric energy under very high
pressure. It often explodes with little or
no provocation."
101,12,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,13,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,14,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,15,9,"It is dangerous. If it has too much
electricity and has nothing to do,
it amuses itself by exploding."
101,16,9,"It stores an overflowing amount of
electric energy inside its body.
Even a small shock makes it explode."
101,17,5,"Il se laisse porter par les vents
lorsque son corps est gonflé
délectricité à en éclater."
101,17,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,18,5,"Il se laisse porter par les vents
lorsque son corps est gonflé
délectricité à en éclater."
101,18,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,21,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,22,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it
is bloated to bursting with stored
101,23,1,"すこしの しげきに はんのうして
あだなで こわがられて いる。"
101,23,3,"작은 자극에도 반응해서
폭발한다. 폭탄볼이라 불리며
두려움의 대상이 되고 있다."
101,23,5,"Il explose au moindre choc. Son seul surnom de
«Bomb Ball» suffit à effrayer ses adversaires."
101,23,6,"Es explodiert schon bei kleinsten Reizen.
Sein Spitzname „Die Bombenkugel“ spiegelt
die Furcht der Menschen wider."
101,23,7,"Explotan a la mínima. Por eso se les tiene mucho
miedo. Estos Pokémon reciben el mote de Bomba Ball."
101,23,8,"Può esplodere anche alla minima provocazione.
Lo chiamano “Bomba Ball”."
101,23,9,"It explodes in response to even minor stimuli. It is
feared, with the nickname of “The Bomb Ball.”"
101,23,11,"少しの 刺激に 反応して
あだ名で 怖がられている。"
101,24,1,"あふれるほどの でんきエネルギーを
たいないに ためこんでいるので
すこしの しげきで ばくはつする。"
101,24,3,"넘칠 정도의 전기 에너지를
체내에 모으고 있기 때문에
약간의 자극만으로도 폭발한다."
101,24,5,"Il stocke tellement dénergie dans son corps
quune simple secousse peut le faire exploser."
101,24,6,"Es speichert eine riesige Menge Elektrizität in
seinem Körper. Es explodiert beim kleinsten Ruck."
101,24,7,"Almacena una enorme cantidad de electricidad en su
cuerpo. Una pequeña sacudida le hará explotar."
101,24,8,"Dato che accumula nel proprio corpo unincredibile
quantità di elettricità, esplode alla minima
101,24,9,"It stores an overflowing amount of electric energy
inside its body. Even a small shock makes
it explode."
101,24,11,"あふれるほどの 電気エネルギーを
体内に ためこんでいるので
少しの 刺激で 爆発する。"
101,25,1,"くうきちゅうの でんきエネルギーを たべる。
カミナリの おちる ひは でんきを たべすぎた
マルマインが あちらこちらで だいばくはつする。"
101,25,3,"공기 중의 전기 에너지를 먹는다.
번개가 치는 날에는 전기를 너무 먹은
붐볼이 이곳저곳에서 대폭발한다."
101,25,5,"Électrode mange lélectricité qui se trouve dans latmosphère.
Les jours dorage, on peut voir ce Pokémon exploser
sans arrêt parce quil a avalé trop délectricité."
101,25,6,"Lektrobal ernährt sich von Elektrizität aus der Atmosphäre.
An Tagen, an denen es blitzt, explodiert dieses Pokémon
dauernd, da es zu viel Elektrizität zu sich nimmt."
101,25,7,"Los Electrode se alimentan de la electricidad de la atmósfera.
En días de tormenta con rayos, es fácil verlos explotando por
todos lados tras haber consumido demasiada electricidad."
101,25,8,"Electrode si nutre dellelettricità presente nellatmosfera.
Quando i fulmini solcano il cielo, è possibile scorgere molti
di questi Pokémon esplodere per aver ingerito uneccessiva
dose di elettricità."
101,25,9,"Electrode eats electricity in the atmosphere. On days when
lightning strikes, you can see this Pokémon exploding all over
the place from eating too much electricity."
101,25,11,"空気中の 電気エネルギーを 食べる。
カミナリの 落ちる 日は 電気を 食べ過ぎた
マルマインが あちらこちらで 大爆発する。"
101,26,1,"でんきに ひきよせられる せいしつを もつ。
おもに はつでんしょに あつまってきて つくった
ばかりの でんきを たべてしまう こまりものだ。"
101,26,3,"전기에 끌리는 성질을 지녔다.
주로 발전소에 모여서 막 만들어진
전기를 먹어버리는 말썽꾼이다."
101,26,5,"Lune des caractéristiques dÉlectrode est son attirance
pour lélectricité. Ces Pokémon posent problème lorsquils
se rassemblent dans les centrales électriques pour se nourrir
de courant fraîchement généré."
101,26,6,"Typisch für Lektrobal ist seine große Faszination für Elektrizität.
Es ist ein problematisches Pokémon, das sich meistens in
Kraftwerken niederlässt, wo es sich von frisch erzeugtem Strom
ernähren kann."
101,26,7,"Una de las características de Electrode es la atracción que
siente hacia la electricidad. Son Pokémon problemáticos que
suelen agruparse cerca de centrales eléctricas para nutrirse
de la energía recién generada."
101,26,8,"Una delle caratteristiche di Electrode è la sua affinità con
lelettricità. Si tratta di un Pokémon problematico che spesso
si raduna attorno alle centrali elettriche per trarre nutrimento
dallelettricità appena generata."
101,26,9,"One of Electrodes characteristics is its attraction to electricity.
It is a problematical Pokémon that congregates mostly at
electrical power plants to feed on electricity that has just
been generated."
101,26,11,"電気に 引き寄せられる 性質を 持つ。
主に 発電所に 集まってきて つくった
ばかりの 電気を 食べてしまう 困りものだ。"
101,31,1,"すこしでも しょうげきを あたえると
たいないの エレクトンエネルギーが
あふれて ばくはつ してしまう。"
101,31,3,"조금이라도 충격을 주면
체내에 있는 전기 에너지가
넘쳐서 폭발해버린다."
101,31,5,"Il stocke de lénergie électrique dans son corps,
ce qui le rend instable et explosif."
101,31,6,"Es speichert elektrische Energie in seinem
Körper. Schon die geringste Erschütterung
lässt es explodieren."
101,31,7,"Almacena tal cantidad de energía eléctrica en
su cuerpo que el más leve impacto puede
provocar una gran explosión."
101,31,8,"Lenergia elettrica accumulata nel suo corpo
può provocare unesplosione al minimo urto."
101,31,9,"Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the
slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion."
101,31,11,"少しでも 衝撃を 与えると
体内の エレクトンエネルギーが
あふれて 爆発 してしまう。"
101,32,1,"すこしでも しょうげきを あたえると
たいないの エレクトンエネルギーが
あふれて ばくはつ してしまう。"
101,32,3,"조금이라도 충격을 주면
체내에 있는 전기 에너지가
넘쳐서 폭발해버린다."
101,32,5,"Il stocke de lénergie électrique dans son corps,
ce qui le rend instable et explosif."
101,32,6,"Es speichert elektrische Energie in seinem
Körper. Schon die geringste Erschütterung
lässt es explodieren."
101,32,7,"Almacena tal cantidad de energía eléctrica en
su cuerpo que el más leve impacto puede
provocar una gran explosión."
101,32,8,"Lenergia elettrica accumulata nel suo corpo
può provocare unesplosione al minimo urto."
101,32,9,"Stores electrical energy inside its body. Even the
slightest shock could trigger a huge explosion."
101,32,11,"少しでも 衝撃を 与えると
体内の エレクトンエネルギーが
あふれて 爆発 してしまう。"
102,1,9,"Often mistaken
for eggs.
When disturbed,they quickly
gather and attack
in swarms."
102,2,9,"Often mistaken
for eggs.
When disturbed,they quickly
gather and attack
in swarms."
102,3,9,"The heads attract
each other and
spin around.There must be 6
heads for it to
maintain balance."
102,4,9,"The shell is very
durable. Even if
it cracks, it cansurvive without
spilling the
102,5,9,"Using telepathy
only they can
receive, theyalways form a
cluster of six
102,6,9,"If even one is
separated from the
group, the energybond between the
six will make them
rejoin instantly."
102,7,9,"This POKéMON consists of six eggs that
form a closely knit cluster. The six eggs
attract each other and spin around.When cracks increasingly appear on the
eggs, EXEGGCUTE is close to evolution."
102,8,9,"This POKéMON consists of six eggs that
form a closely knit cluster. The six eggs
attract each other and spin around.When cracks increasingly appear on the
eggs, EXEGGCUTE is close to evolution."
102,9,9,"It consists of six eggs that care for each
other. The eggs attract each other and
spin around. When cracks increasingly
appear, it is close to evolution."
102,10,9,"Even though it appears to be eggs of
some sort, it was discovered to be a life-
form more like plant seeds."
102,11,9,"It is often mistaken for eggs. When
disturbed, they quickly gather and attack
in swarms."
102,12,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,13,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,14,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,15,9,"Their shells are very durable. Even if
they crack, they can survive without
spilling their contents."
102,16,9,"Using telepathy only they can
employ, they always form a
cluster of six EXEGGCUTE."
102,17,5,"Ces six œufs communiquent par
télépathie. Ils peuvent se réunir
rapidement si on les sépare."
102,17,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,18,5,"Ces six œufs communiquent par
télépathie. Ils peuvent se réunir
rapidement si on les sépare."
102,18,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,21,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,22,9,"Its six eggs converse using
telepathy. They can quickly gather
if they become separated."
102,23,1,"テレパシーで かいわをしているため
タマタマを ひきはなそうとしても
すぐに あつまって 6ぴきになる。"
102,23,3,"텔레파시로 대화를 하기 때문에
아라리를 갈라놓으려 해도
바로 모여들어 6마리가 된다."
102,23,5,"Ces six œufs communiquent par télépathie.
Ils peuvent se réunir rapidement si on les sépare."
102,23,6,"Die sechs Eier kommunizieren telepathisch.
Werden sie getrennt, finden sie sich schnell wieder."
102,23,7,"Estos seis huevos se comunican por telepatía. Si se
separan, se pueden reunir rápidamente."
102,23,8,"Queste sei uova comunicano per telepatia.
Si riuniscono subito anche se vengono divise."
102,23,9,"Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can
quickly gather if they become separated."
102,23,11,"テレパシーで 会話をしているため
タマタマを 引き離そうとしても
すぐに 集まって 6匹になる。"
102,24,1,"なにかの たまごの ようだが
じつは しょくぶつの タネにちかい
いきもの であることが わかった。"
102,24,3,"무언가의 알 같지만
실은 식물의 씨앗에 가까운
생물이라는 사실이 드러났다."
102,24,5,"Même sil ressemble à des œufs, ce Pokémon
appartient à la famille des végétaux."
102,24,6,"Auch wenn sein Erscheinungsbild eher Eiern ähnelt,
wurde entdeckt, dass es mehr mit pflanzenähnlichen
Wurzeln in Zusammenhang steht."
102,24,7,"Aunque los huevos que lo constituyen parecen de
verdad, se ha visto que son como semillas."
102,24,8,"Nonostante sia formato da uova, si è scoperto che
la sua struttura è più simile a quella dei semi."
102,24,9,"Even though it appears to be eggs of some sort,
it was discovered to be a life-form more like
plant seeds."
102,24,11,"なにかの タマゴのようだが
じつは 植物の タネにちかい
生き物であることが わかった。"
102,25,1,"なかまおもいの 6この たまごは おたがいに
ひきつけあい くるくる かいてんしている。
カラの ヒビが ふえると しんかは まぢかだ。"
102,25,3,"동료애가 강한 여섯 알은 서로
끌어당기며 빙글빙글 회전하고 있다.
껍질의 금이 늘어나면 진화가 가까워진 것."
102,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est constitué de six œufs formant une grappe
serrée. Ces six œufs sattirent mutuellement et pivotent.
Quand des fissures apparaissent sur les coquilles, ça signifie
que Noeunoeuf est sur le point dévoluer."
102,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon besteht aus sechs Eiern, die ein
engmaschiges Netz bilden. Die sechs Eier ziehen sich
gegenseitig an und drehen sich. Wenn die Eier Risse
bekommen, steht Owei kurz vor seiner Entwicklung."
102,25,7,"Este Pokémon está compuesto de seis huevos que forman
una tupida piña que va girando. Cuando se empiezan a
resquebrajar las cáscaras, no hay duda de que Exeggcute
está a punto de evolucionar."
102,25,8,"Questo Pokémon è costituito da un nucleo compatto
formato da sei uova, che girano vorticosamente attraendosi
a vicenda. Quando i gusci iniziano a rompersi, Exeggcute
è prossimo allevoluzione."
102,25,9,"This Pokémon consists of six eggs that form a closely knit
cluster. The six eggs attract each other and spin around.
When cracks increasingly appear on the eggs, Exeggcute is
close to evolution."
102,25,11,"仲間思いの 6個の 卵は お互いに
引きつけ合い くるくる 回転している。
カラの ヒビが 増えると 進化は 間近だ。"
102,26,1,"なかまおもいの 6この たまごは おたがいに
ひきつけあい くるくる かいてんしている。
カラの ヒビが ふえると しんかは まぢかだ。"
102,26,3,"동료애가 강한 여섯 알은 서로
끌어당기며 빙글빙글 회전하고 있다.
껍질의 금이 늘어나면 진화가 가까워진 것."
102,26,5,"Ce Pokémon est constitué de six œufs formant une grappe
serrée. Ces six œufs sattirent mutuellement et pivotent.
Quand des fissures apparaissent sur les coquilles, ça signifie
que Noeunoeuf est sur le point dévoluer."
102,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon besteht aus sechs Eiern, die ein
engmaschiges Netz bilden. Die sechs Eier ziehen sich
gegenseitig an und drehen sich. Wenn die Eier Risse
bekommen, steht Owei kurz vor seiner Entwicklung."
102,26,7,"Este Pokémon está compuesto de seis huevos que forman
una tupida piña que va girando. Cuando se empiezan a
resquebrajar las cáscaras, no hay duda de que Exeggcute
está a punto de evolucionar."
102,26,8,"Questo Pokémon è costituito da un nucleo compatto
formato da sei uova, che girano vorticosamente attraendosi
a vicenda. Quando i gusci iniziano a rompersi, Exeggcute
è prossimo allevoluzione."
102,26,9,"This Pokémon consists of six eggs that form a closely knit
cluster. The six eggs attract each other and spin around.
When cracks increasingly appear on the eggs, Exeggcute is
close to evolution."
102,26,11,"仲間思いの 6個の 卵は お互いに
引きつけ合い くるくる 回転している。
カラの ヒビが 増えると 進化は 間近だ。"
102,27,1,"テレパシーで なかまと こうしんする。
しょくぶつと あるしゅの タイプの
いでんしを あわせもつと いう。"
102,27,3,"텔레파시로 동료와 교신한다.
식물과 어떤 종의 타입의 유전자를
모두 갖추고 있다고 한다."
102,27,5,"Il communique avec ses amis par télépathie.
Son ADN est un mélange de celui dune plante
et dun autre type non identifié."
102,27,6,"Die sechs Eier kommunizieren telepathisch
miteinander. Sie tragen das Erbgut von Pflanzen
sowie Pokémon eines bestimmten Typs in sich."
102,27,7,"Los seis huevos que componen a Exeggcute se
comunican por medio de la telepatía. Se dice que
contiene genes de plantas y de otras especies."
102,27,8,"Le sei uova comunicano telepaticamente. Il loro
patrimonio genetico sembra avere elementi in
comune con quello dei vegetali e di altre specie."
102,27,9,"Its six eggs use telepathy to communicate
among themselves. It is believed to carry
plant genes and the genes of other species."
102,27,11,"テレパシーで 仲間と 交信する。
植物と ある種の タイプの
遺伝子を 併せ持つと いう。"
102,28,1,"6ぴきで 1にんまえの ポケモン。
マケンカニに よく ねらわれるが
ねんりきを つかって げきたいする。"
102,28,3,"여섯 마리가 하나인 포켓몬이다.
오기지게가 자주 노리지만
염동력을 사용해서 물리친다."
102,28,5,"Ce Pokémon est composé de six œufs.
Ils sont souvent attaqués par des Crabagarre,
mais ils se défendent avec leurs pouvoirs psy."
102,28,6,"Es besteht aus sechs Eiern. Krabbox versucht
oft, es sich einzuverleiben, doch wehrt es sich
tapfer mit seinen Psycho-Kräften."
102,28,7,"Este Pokémon está formado por seis huevos.
Se defiende con sus poderes psíquicos de los
frecuentes ataques de Crabrawler."
102,28,8,"È costituito da sei individui. Viene spesso preso
di mira dai Crabrawler, ma riesce a metterli
in fuga con i suoi poteri psichici."
102,28,9,"Six of them together form a full-fledged
Pokémon. Its often hunted by Crabrawler,
but uses psychokinesis to drive it off."
102,28,11,"6匹で 1人前の ポケモン。
マケンカニに よく 狙われるが
念力を 使って 撃退する。"
102,29,1,"6ぴきで 1ぴき。 なにかあって
1ぴき へっても よくあさに なると
かならず 6ぴきに もどっている。"
102,29,3,"6마리가 1마리다. 어쩌다
1마리가 줄어도 다음날 아침이 되면
다시 6마리로 돌아와 있다."
102,29,5,"Six pour le prix dun! Si par malheur lun dentre
eux disparaît, il est remplacé dès le lendemain
matin par une nouvelle recrue."
102,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon besteht aus sechs Individuen.
Geht eines verloren, sind es am nächsten
Morgen trotzdem auf jeden Fall wieder sechs."
102,29,7,"Seis criaturas en una. Si Exeggcute pierde alguno
de los huevos que lo componen, este volverá a
crecer a la mañana siguiente."
102,29,8,"Ciascun Pokémon è formato da sei individui.
Anche se dovesse sparirne uno per qualche
motivo, la mattina dopo sarebbero di nuovo sei."
102,29,9,"Six of them form a single Pokémon. Should one
of the six be lost, the next morning there will
once more be six."
102,29,11,"6匹で 1匹。 なにかあって
1匹 減っても 翌朝に なると
必ず 6匹に 戻っている。"
102,30,1,"アローラさんの タマタマは おんなじ
おおきさでも かなり おもたい。
しっかり なかみが つまっているのだ。"
102,30,3,"알로라산 아라리는
같은 크기라도 꽤 무겁다.
내용물이 꽉 차 있다."
102,30,5,"Bien quils fassent la même taille, les Noeunoeuf
dAlola sont plus lourds que ceux des autres
régions, car leur intérieur est bien plus dense."
102,30,6,"Owei in Alola sind trotz gleicher Größe schwerer
als ihre Artgenossen in anderen Regionen, da ihr
Inneres eine besonders hohe Dichte hat."
102,30,7,"Pese a tener el mismo tamaño, los Exeggcute de
Alola son más pesados que los de otras
regiones, ya que su interior es más denso."
102,30,8,"Gli Exeggcute che vivono ad Alola, pur essendo
grandi come quelli di altre regioni, sono più
pesanti per via dellinterno più denso."
102,30,9,"Although they are the same size as other
Exeggcute, the ones produced in Alola are quite
heavy. Their shells are packed full."
102,30,11,"アローラ産の タマタマは 同じ
大きさでも かなり 重たい。
しっかり 中身が 詰まっているのだ。"
102,31,1,"タマの ひとつひとつが おたがいに
ひきあって かいてんしている。
6つでないと あんていしないのだ。"
102,31,3,"알 하나하나가 서로를
끌어당겨서 회전한다.
6개가 아니면 불안해한다."
102,31,5,"Ses têtes sont attirées les unes vers les autres
et pivotent. Il en faut six pour quil maintienne
son équilibre."
102,31,6,"Oweis kleine Köpfe ziehen sich gegenseitig an
und drehen sich. Es braucht sechs von ihnen,
um die Balance zu halten."
102,31,7,"Las cabezas se atraen unas a otras y giran entre
sí. Debe tener seis para equilibrarse."
102,31,8,"Le teste si attraggono a vicenda, creando un
movimento circolare. Riescono a stabilizzarsi
solo se sono in sei."
102,31,9,"The heads attract each other and spin
around. There must be six heads for it to
maintain balance."
102,31,11,"タマの ひとつひとつが お互いに
引きあって 回転している。
6つでないと 安定しないのだ。"
102,32,1,"タマの ひとつひとつが おたがいに
ひきあって かいてんしている。
6つでないと あんていしないのだ。"
102,32,3,"알 하나하나가 서로를
끌어당겨서 회전한다.
6개가 아니면 불안해한다."
102,32,5,"Ses têtes sont attirées les unes vers les autres
et pivotent. Il en faut six pour quil maintienne
son équilibre."
102,32,6,"Oweis kleine Köpfe ziehen sich gegenseitig an
und drehen sich. Es braucht sechs von ihnen,
um die Balance zu halten."
102,32,7,"Las cabezas se atraen unas a otras y giran entre
sí. Debe tener seis para equilibrarse."
102,32,8,"Le teste si attraggono a vicenda, creando un
movimento circolare. Riescono a stabilizzarsi
solo se sono in sei."
102,32,9,"The heads attract each other and spin
around. There must be six heads for it to
maintain balance."
102,32,11,"タマの ひとつひとつが お互いに
引きあって 回転している。
6つでないと 安定しないのだ。"
102,33,1,"タマゴのように みえるが りっぱな
ポケモン。 テレパシーで なかまと
こうしん している らしいぞ。 "
102,33,3,"알처럼 보이지만 엄연한
포켓몬이다. 텔레파시로
동료와 교신하는 듯하다."
102,33,5,"Même sil ressemble à un tas dœufs, il sagit bien
dun Pokémon. Il paraît quils communiquent
entre eux par télépathie."
102,33,6,"Owei mag zwar Eiern ähneln, ist aber ein echtes
Pokémon, das aus sechs Individuen besteht, die
wohl telepathisch miteinander kommunizieren."
102,33,7,"Pese a su aspecto de mera piña de huevos, se
trata de un Pokémon. Al parecer, sus cabezas
se comunican entre sí por telepatía."
102,33,8,"Somiglia a un mucchio di uova, ma è un Pokémon
a tutti gli effetti. Pare che comunichi con i suoi
simili telepaticamente."
102,33,9,"Though it may look like its just a bunch of eggs,
its a proper Pokémon. Exeggcute communicates
with others of its kind via telepathy, apparently."
102,33,11,"タマゴのように 見えるが 立派な
ポケモン。 テレパシーで 仲間と
交信している らしいぞ。"
102,34,1,"6ぴきで いないと おちつかない。
1ぴきでも いなくなると とたんに
にげごしに なるのだ。"
102,34,3,"6마리가 아니면 진정하지 못한다.
1마리라도 없어지면 바로
도망태세가 된다."
102,34,5,"Il a besoin dêtre constitué de ses six membres
pour rester calme. Sitôt quil en manque un,
il lui prend soudainement lenvie de fuir."
102,34,6,"Es muss immer aus sechs Mitgliedern bestehen,
sonst herrscht Unruhe. Fehlt auch nur eines, steigt
bei den anderen die Bereitschaft zur Flucht."
102,34,7,"Necesita contar con la totalidad de sus seis
miembros para mantener la calma. Si desaparece
uno siquiera, le entran ganas de salir huyendo."
102,34,8,"Se non sono presenti tutti e sei gli individui
che lo compongono, non è tranquillo.
Appena ne sparisce uno si prepara alla fuga."
102,34,9,"These Pokémon get nervous when theyre not in a
group of six. The minute even one member of the
group goes missing, Exeggcute become cowardly."
102,34,11,"6匹で いないと 落ち着かない。
1匹でも いなくなると とたんに
逃げ腰に なるのだ。"
103,1,9,"Legend has it that
on rare occasions,
one of its headswill drop off and
continue on as an
103,2,9,"Legend has it that
on rare occasions,
one of its headswill drop off and
continue on as an
103,3,9,"Its cries are very
noisy. This is
because each ofthe 3 heads thinks
about whatever it
103,4,9,"Its three heads
think independent­
ly. However, theyare friendly and
never appear to
103,5,9,"If a head drops
off, it emits a
telepathic call insearch of others
to form an
EXEGGCUTE cluster."
103,6,9,"Living in a good
environment makes
it grow lots ofheads. A head that
drops off becomes
103,7,9,"EXEGGUTOR originally came from the
tropics. Its heads steadily grow larger
from exposure to strong sunlight.It is said that when the heads fall off,
they group together to form EXEGGCUTE."
103,8,9,"EXEGGUTOR originally came from the
tropics. Its heads steadily grow larger
from exposure to strong sunlight.It is said that when the heads fall off,
they group together to form EXEGGCUTE."
103,9,9,"Originally from the tropics, EXEGGUTORs
heads grow larger from exposure to strong
sunlight. It is said that when the heads
fall, they group to form an EXEGGCUTE."
103,10,9,"It is called “The Walking Tropical
Rainforest.” Each of the nuts has
a face and a will of its own."
103,11,9,"It is said that on rare occasions, one
of its heads will drop off and continue on
103,12,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE."
103,13,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE."
103,14,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an EXEGGCUTE."
103,15,9,"Its three heads think independently.
However, they are friendly and
never appear to squabble."
103,16,9,"If a head drops off, it emits a
telepathic call in search of others
to form an EXEGGCUTE cluster."
103,17,5,"On lappelle “jungle sur pattes”.
Si une tête devient trop grosse,
elle tombe et produit un Noeunoeuf."
103,17,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an Exeggcute."
103,18,5,"On lappelle “jungle sur pattes”.
Si une tête devient trop grosse,
elle tombe et produit un Noeunoeuf."
103,18,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an Exeggcute."
103,21,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an Exeggcute."
103,22,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.”
If a head grows too big, it falls
off and becomes an Exeggcute."
103,23,1,"3つの あたまは かんがえることは
べつべつでも なかよし なので
ケンカしたり しないらしい。"
103,23,3,"3개의 머리는 생각하는 것이
각각 다르지만 사이가 좋아서
싸우지 않는 것 같다."
103,23,5,"Ses trois têtes sont autonomes. Elles semblent
toutefois en harmonie et ne se disputent jamais."
103,23,6,"Seine drei Köpfe denken unabhängig voneinander.
Dennoch sind sie nett zueinander und streiten nie."
103,23,7,"Sus tres cabezas piensan de forma independiente.
Sin embargo, son amigas y no suelen discutir nunca."
103,23,8,"Ha tre teste che ragionano autonomamente.
Ma sono amichevoli e non litigano mai tra di loro."
103,23,9,"Its three heads think independently. However,
they are friendly and never appear to squabble."
103,23,11,"3つの 頭は 考えることは
別々でも 仲良しなので
ケンカしたり しないらしい。"
103,24,1,"あるく ねったいうりんと よばれる。
おおきくなった あたまの ひとつが
じめんに おちると タマタマになる。"
103,24,3,"걸어 다니는 열대 우림이라고
불린다. 크게 자란 머리 중 하나가
땅에 떨어지면 아라리가 된다."
103,24,5,"On lappelle «jungle sur pattes». Si une tête devient
trop grosse, elle tombe et produit un Noeunoeuf."
103,24,6,"Man nennt es den „Laufenden Dschungel“. Wird ein
Kopf zu groß, fällt er ab und wird zu einem Owei."
103,24,7,"Se le llama la Selva Andante. Si una cabeza crece
demasiado, se cae y forma un Exeggcute."
103,24,8,"Noto come “Giungla in moto”. Se una testa diventa
troppo grande, cade e si trasforma in Exeggcute."
103,24,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.” If a head grows
too big, it falls off and becomes an Exeggcute."
103,24,11,"歩く 熱帯雨林と 呼ばれる。
大きくなった 頭の ひとつが
地面に 落ちると タマタマになる。"
103,25,1,"なんごく うまれの ナッシーの あたまは つよい
ひざしを いっぱい あびて どんどん そだち
じめんに おちると タマタマに なると いう。"
103,25,3,"남쪽 나라 태생인 나시의 머리는 강한
햇빛을 잔뜩 받고 점점 자라
땅에 떨어지면 아라리가 된다고 한다."
103,25,5,"Noadkoko vient des tropiques. À force de vivre sous un soleil
ardent, ses têtes ont rapidement grandi. On raconte que
lorsque ses têtes tombent, elles se rassemblent et forment
un Noeunoeuf."
103,25,6,"Kokowei stammt ursprünglich aus den Tropen. Seine Köpfe
wachsen stetig, wenn es starkem Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt ist.
Wenn seine Köpfe abfallen, bilden sie zusammen ein Owei."
103,25,7,"Exeggutor es originario del trópico. Cuando se expone a un
sol intenso, le empiezan a crecer las cabezas. Hay quien dice
que, cuando las cabezas caen al suelo, se unen para formar
un Exeggcute."
103,25,8,"Exeggutor è originario dei tropici. Le teste crescono
costantemente se esposte a forte luce solare.
Pare che quando le teste cadono, si uniscano per formare
un Exeggcute."
103,25,9,"Exeggutor originally came from the tropics. Its heads
steadily grow larger from exposure to strong sunlight.
It is said that when the heads fall off, they group together
to form Exeggcute."
103,25,11,"南国 生まれの ナッシーの 頭は 強い
日差しを いっぱい 浴びて どんどん 育ち
地面に 落ちると タマタマに なると いう。"
103,26,1,"なんごく うまれの ナッシーの あたまは つよい
ひざしを いっぱい あびて どんどん そだち
じめんに おちると タマタマに なると いう。"
103,26,3,"남쪽 나라 태생인 나시의 머리는 강한
햇빛을 잔뜩 받고 점점 자라
땅에 떨어지면 아라리가 된다고 한다."
103,26,5,"Noadkoko vient des tropiques. À force de vivre sous un soleil
ardent, ses têtes ont rapidement grandi. On raconte que
lorsque ses têtes tombent, elles se rassemblent et forment
un Noeunoeuf."
103,26,6,"Kokowei stammt ursprünglich aus den Tropen. Seine Köpfe
wachsen stetig, wenn es starkem Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt ist.
Wenn seine Köpfe abfallen, bilden sie zusammen ein Owei."
103,26,7,"Exeggutor es originario del trópico. Cuando se expone a un
sol intenso, le empiezan a crecer las cabezas. Hay quien dice
que, cuando las cabezas caen al suelo, se unen para formar
un Exeggcute."
103,26,8,"Exeggutor è originario dei tropici. Le teste crescono
costantemente se esposte a forte luce solare.
Pare che quando le teste cadono, si uniscano per formare
un Exeggcute."
103,26,9,"Exeggutor originally came from the tropics. Its heads
steadily grow larger from exposure to strong sunlight. It is
said that when the heads fall off, they group together to
form Exeggcute."
103,26,11,"南国 生まれの ナッシーの 頭は 強い
日差しを いっぱい 浴びて どんどん 育ち
地面に 落ちると タマタマに なると いう。"
103,27,1,"それぞれの あたまに いしが あり
テレパシーで はなしあい みんなで
なにを するのか きめている。"
103,27,3,"각각의 머리에 의지가 있어
텔레파시로 대화하여 모두와
무엇을 할건지 정한다."
103,27,5,"Chaque tête a sa volonté propre. Toutes
discutent ensemble par télépathie et décident
de ce quelles vont faire dun commun accord."
103,27,6,"Jeder seiner Köpfe hat einen eigenen Willen.
Sie kommunizieren telepathisch miteinander,
um gemeinsam Entscheidungen zu treffen."
103,27,7,"Cada una de sus cabezas piensa de forma
individual. Para tomar decisiones, se comunican
entre ellas telepáticamente."
103,27,8,"Le tre teste ragionano autonomamente e
comunicano tramite telepatia per prendere
decisioni in comune."
103,27,9,"Each of its heads has its own will. They use
telepathy to discuss their plans before coming
to a joint decision."
103,27,11,"それぞれの 頭に 意思が あり
テレパシーで 話し合い みんなで
なにを するのか 決めている。"
103,28,1,"あるじきが くると 3つの あたまの
どれかが おちる。 それが やがて
タマタマへと せいちょう していく。"
103,28,3,"어느 시기가 되면 3개의 머리 중
하나가 떨어진다. 그것이 그대로
아라리로 성장해간다."
103,28,5,"À un certain moment de sa vie, lune des trois
têtes tombe. Elle germera en un nouveau
103,28,6,"Zu einer bestimmten Jahreszeit fällt einer seiner
drei Köpfe ab. Dieser wird schließlich zu einem
neuen Owei."
103,28,7,"En algún momento de su vida, una de sus tres
cabezas se desprende y se transforma en un
nuevo Exeggcute."
103,28,8,"Durante la crescita, una delle sue tre teste
cade e dà vita a un nuovo Exeggcute."
103,28,9,"When the time comes, one of its three heads
falls off. Before long, the fallen head grows into
an Exeggcute."
103,28,11,"ある時期が くると 3つの 頭の
どれかが 落ちる。 それが やがて
タマタマへと 成長 していく。"
103,29,1,"サイコパワーで てきを むかえうつ。
3つのあたま それぞれが ねんりきを
はなつので そのいりょくは 3ばいだ。"
103,29,3,"사이코 파워로 적을 대적한다.
3개의 머리가 각각 염동력을
발산해서 그 위력은 3배가 된다."
103,29,5,"Il frappe ses adversaires de ses pouvoirs
psychiques. Comme il a trois têtes, la puissance
de ses attaques sen voit triplée."
103,29,6,"Gegen Feinde setzt es Psycho-Kräfte ein. Seine
drei Köpfe greifen unabhängig voneinander an,
wodurch sich der Gesamtangriff verdreifacht."
103,29,7,"Ataca al rival con poderes psíquicos. Como tiene
tres cabezas, la potencia de sus ataques se ve
103,29,8,"Attacca lavversario emettendo onde
psicocinetiche da ogni testa. La potenza
complessiva risulta triplicata."
103,29,9,"It engages its enemies using psychic powers.
Each of its three heads fires off psychokinetic
energy, tripling its power."
103,29,11,"サイコパワーで 敵を 迎え撃つ。
3つの頭 それぞれが 念力を
放つので その威力は 3倍だ。"
103,30,1,"3つのあたまは みな べつの ことを
かんがえている。 いきたい ほうこうが
ちがうと みうごきが とれなくなる。"
103,30,3,"3개의 머리는 모두 다른 생각을
하고 있다. 가고 싶은 방향이
다르면 움직일 수 없게 된다."
103,30,5,"Ses trois têtes pensent indépendamment.
Si elles ne se mettent pas daccord sur le
chemin à emprunter, Noadkoko fait du surplace."
103,30,6,"Jeder seiner drei Köpfe hat einen eigenen Willen.
Können sie sich nicht auf eine Richtung einigen,
bleibt es wie angewurzelt auf der Stelle stehen."
103,30,7,"Sus tres cabezas poseen juicio propio. Si no se
ponen de acuerdo en qué dirección tomar,
Exeggutor se quedará plantado en el sitio."
103,30,8,"Le sue tre teste ragionano in modo indipendente.
Quando vogliono andare in direzioni diverse,
Exeggutor non riesce più a muoversi."
103,30,9,"Each of its three heads has its own thoughts.
When they want to go in different directions,
Exeggutor becomes unable to move."
103,30,11,"3つの頭は 皆 別の ことを
考えている。 行きたい 方向が
違うと 身動きが とれなくなる。"
103,31,1,"なきごえが にぎやかなのは 3つある
あたまが それぞれ すきなことを
103,31,3,"울음소리가 시끄러운 것은
3개의 머리가 좋아하는 것에 대해
따로따로 생각하고 있기 때문이다."
103,31,5,"Si son cri est aussi bruyant, cest parce que
chacune de ses trois têtes dit ce quelle pense."
103,31,6,"Der Schrei dieses Pokémon ist ohrenbetäubend,
weil jeder seiner drei Köpfe sagt, was er denkt."
103,31,7,"El estrépito que causa se debe a que cada
una de las tres cabezas habla y actúa de forma
independiente, sin tener en cuenta a las demás."
103,31,8,"Il suo verso chiassoso è dovuto alla confusione
creata dalle tre teste che pensano ognuna per
conto proprio."
103,31,9,"Its cries are very noisy. This is because each of
the three heads thinks about whatever it likes."
103,31,11,"鳴き声が にぎやかなのは 3つある
頭が それぞれ 好きなことを
103,32,1,"なきごえが にぎやかなのは 3つある
あたまが それぞれ すきなことを
103,32,3,"울음소리가 시끄러운 것은
3개의 머리가 좋아하는 것에 대해
따로따로 생각하고 있기 때문이다."
103,32,5,"Si son cri est aussi bruyant, cest parce que
chacune de ses trois têtes dit ce quelle pense."
103,32,6,"Der Schrei dieses Pokémon ist ohrenbetäubend,
weil jeder seiner drei Köpfe sagt, was er denkt."
103,32,7,"El estrépito que causa se debe a que cada
una de las tres cabezas habla y actúa de forma
independiente, sin tener en cuenta a las demás."
103,32,8,"Il suo verso chiassoso è dovuto alla confusione
creata dalle tre teste che pensano ognuna per
conto proprio."
103,32,9,"Its cries are very noisy. This is because each of
the three heads thinks about whatever it likes."
103,32,11,"鳴き声が にぎやかなのは 3つある
頭が それぞれ 好きなことを
103,33,1,"3つの あたまは べつのことを
かんがえている。 じぶんいがいは
あまり きょうみがない ようだ。"
103,33,3,"3개의 머리는 서로 다른
생각을 하고 있다. 자신 외에는
별로 흥미가 없는 듯하다."
103,33,5,"Chacune de ses trois têtes pense de manière
autonome. Elles ne semblent sintéresser
quà elles-mêmes."
103,33,6,"Jeder der drei Köpfe hat einen eigenen Willen
und scheint sich nur für sich selbst zu
103,33,7,"Cada una de las tres cabezas piensa de forma
independiente y apenas muestra interés por el
103,33,8,"Le sue tre teste ragionano in modo indipendente.
Sembra che ciascuna pensi solo a sé."
103,33,9,"Each of Exeggutors three heads is thinking
different thoughts. The three dont seem to be
very interested in one another."
103,33,11,"3つの 頭は べつのことを
考えている。 自分以外は
あまり 興味がない ようだ。"
103,34,1,"3つの あたまが いちがんと なって
うつ サイコパワーは きょうりょく。
そらが くもると うごきが にぶる。"
103,34,3,"3개의 머리가 똘똘 뭉쳐서 쏘는
사이코 파워는 강력하다.
날씨가 흐리면 움직임이 둔하다."
103,34,5,"Les attaques psychiques lancées par ses trois
têtes à lunisson sont très puissantes. Par temps
nuageux, ses mouvements sont plus lents."
103,34,6,"Seine drei Köpfe setzen mächtige Psycho-Kräfte
frei, wenn sie als Einheit agieren. Zieht sich der
Himmel zu, bewegt es sich nur noch schwerfällig."
103,34,7,"Puede lanzar ataques psíquicos de gran potencia
si sus tres cabezas se ponen de acuerdo. Cuando
se nubla el cielo, sus movimientos se ralentizan."
103,34,8,"I poteri psichici che le sue tre teste scatenano
allunisono sono travolgenti. Quando il cielo
si rannuvola, i suoi movimenti si fanno lenti."
103,34,9,"When they work together, Exeggutors three
heads can put out powerful psychic energy.
Cloudy days make this Pokémon sluggish."
103,34,11,"3つの 頭が 一丸となって
撃つ サイコパワーは 強力。
空が 曇ると 動きが 鈍る。"
104,1,9,"Because it never
removes its skull
helmet, no onehas ever seen
this POKéMON's
real face."
104,2,9,"Because it never
removes its skull
helmet, no onehas ever seen
this POKéMON's
real face."
104,3,9,"Wears the skull
of its deceased
mother. Its criesecho inside the
skull and come out
as a sad melody."
104,4,9,"If it is sad or
lonely, the skull
it wears shakes,and emits a plain­
tive and mournful
104,5,9,"It always wears
the skull of its
dead mother, so noone has any idea
what its hidden
face looks like."
104,6,9,"It lost its mother
after its birth.
It wears itsmother's skull,
never revealing
its true face."
104,7,9,"CUBONE pines for the mother it will
never see again. Seeing a likeness of
its mother in the full moon, it cries.The stains on the skull the POKéMON
wears are made by the tears it sheds."
104,8,9,"CUBONE pines for the mother it will
never see again. Seeing a likeness of
its mother in the full moon, it cries.The stains on the skull the POKéMON
wears are made by the tears it sheds."
104,9,9,"It pines for the mother it will never see
again. Seeing a likeness of its mother in
the full moon, it cries. The stains on the
skull it wears are from its tears."
104,10,9,"It wears the skull of its dead mother on
its head. When it becomes lonesome, it is
said to cry loudly."
104,11,9,"Because it never removes its skull helmet,
no one has ever seen this POKéMONs real
104,12,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,13,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,14,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,15,9,"If it is sad or lonely, the skull
it wears shakes and emits a plaintive
and mournful sound."
104,16,9,"It always wears the skull of its
dead mother, so no one has any idea
what its hidden face looks like."
104,17,5,"Il pleure en pensant à sa mère
disparue, et ses larmes résonnent
dans son crâne creux."
104,17,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,18,5,"Il pleure en pensant à sa mère
disparue, et ses larmes résonnent
dans son crâne creux."
104,18,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,21,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,22,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother,
it cries. Its crying makes the
skull it wears rattle hollowly."
104,23,1,"しにわかれた ははおやの ほねを
あたまに かぶっている。さびしいとき
おおごえで なくという。"
104,23,3,"죽은 어미의 해골을
머리에 쓰고 있다. 외로울 때는
큰 소리로 운다고 한다."
104,23,5,"Ce Pokémon porte le crâne de sa défunte mère sur
sa tête. On raconte quil se met à pleurer dès quil
se retrouve seul."
104,23,6,"Es trägt den Schädel seiner verstorbenen Mutter auf
seinem Kopf. Fühlt es sich einsam, soll es laut weinen."
104,23,7,"Lleva puesto el cráneo de su madre. Cuando se siente
solo se pone a gritar muy fuerte."
104,23,8,"Indossa il teschio della madre morta come un casco.
Quando si sente solo lancia urla strazianti."
104,23,9,"It wears the skull of its dead mother on its head.
When it becomes lonesome, it is said to cry loudly."
104,23,11,"死に別れた 母親の 骨を
頭に 覆っている。寂しいとき
大声で 泣くという。"
104,24,1,"しにわかれた ははおやの ホネを
いつも かぶっているので
すがおが どんなふうか わからない。"
104,24,3,"죽은 어미의 해골을
항상 뒤집어쓰고 있어서
얼굴이 어떻게 생겼는지 모른다."
104,24,5,"Il porte constamment le crâne de sa mère.
Personne ne sait à quoi il ressemble sans ce crâne."
104,24,6,"Es trägt immer den Schädel seiner verstorbenen
Mutter. Darum weiß niemand, wie sein Gesicht
104,24,7,"Siempre lleva la calavera de su difunta madre, así que
nadie sabe cómo es su cara oculta."
104,24,8,"Indossa sempre il teschio della mamma scomparsa:
nessuno lha mai potuto vedere in faccia."
104,24,9,"It always wears the skull of its dead mother, so no
one has any idea what its hidden face looks like."
104,24,11,"死に別れた 母親の 骨を
いつも 覆っているので
素顔が どんなふうか わからない。"
104,25,1,"2どと あえない ははおやの おもかげを
まんげつに みつけて なきごえを あげる。
かぶっている ホネの しみは なみだの あと。"
104,25,3,"두 번 다시 만나지 못하는 어미의 모습을
보름달에서 발견하고 울음소리를 낸다.
뒤집어쓰고 있는 뼈의 얼룩은 눈물 자국이다."
104,25,5,"La maman dOsselait lui manque terriblement et il ne la reverra
jamais. La lune le fait pleurer, car elle lui rappelle sa mère.
Les taches sur le crâne que porte ce Pokémon sont
les marques de ses larmes."
104,25,6,"Tragosso sehnt sich nach seiner Mutter, die nicht mehr da ist.
Wenn es im Vollmond das Ebenbild seiner Mutter erblickt,
muss es weinen. Die Flecken auf dem Totenkopf, den es trägt,
stammen von vergossenen Tränen."
104,25,7,"A Cubone le ahoga la pena porque no volverá a ver jamás a
su madre. La luna le recuerda a veces a ella, y se pone a
llorar. Los churretes que tiene en el cráneo que lleva puesto
son debidos a las lágrimas que derrama."
104,25,8,"Cubone si strugge per la madre che non rivedrà mai più.
Piange alla luna piena che somiglia molto alla madre.
Le macchie sul teschio che indossa sono dovute alle
lacrime copiose."
104,25,9,"Cubone pines for the mother it will never see again.
Seeing a likeness of its mother in the full moon, it cries.
The stains on the skull the Pokémon wears are made by the
tears it sheds."
104,25,11,"2度と 会えない 母親の 面影を
満月に みつけて 泣き声を あげる。
被っている ホネの 染みは 涙の あと。"
104,26,1,"2どと あえない ははおやの おもかげを
まんげつに みつけて なきごえを あげる。
かぶっている ホネの しみは なみだの あと。"
104,26,3,"두 번 다시 만나지 못하는 어미의 모습을
보름달에서 발견하고 울음소리를 낸다.
뒤집어쓰고 있는 뼈의 얼룩은 눈물 자국이다."
104,26,5,"La maman dOsselait lui manque terriblement et il ne la reverra
jamais. La lune le fait pleurer, car elle lui rappelle sa mère.
Les taches sur le crâne que porte ce Pokémon sont
les marques de ses larmes."
104,26,6,"Tragosso sehnt sich nach seiner Mutter, die nicht mehr da ist.
Wenn es im Vollmond das Ebenbild seiner Mutter erblickt,
muss es weinen. Die Flecken auf dem Totenkopf, den es trägt,
stammen von vergossenen Tränen."
104,26,7,"A Cubone le ahoga la pena porque no volverá a ver jamás a
su madre. La luna le recuerda a veces a ella, y se pone a
llorar. Los churretes que tiene en el cráneo que lleva puesto
son debidos a las lágrimas que derrama."
104,26,8,"Cubone si strugge per la madre che non rivedrà mai più.
Piange alla luna piena che somiglia molto alla madre.
Le macchie sul teschio che indossa sono dovute alle
lacrime copiose."
104,26,9,"Cubone pines for the mother it will never see again. Seeing a
likeness of its mother in the full moon, it cries. The stains on
the skull the Pokémon wears are made by the tears it sheds."
104,26,11,"2度と 会えない 母親の 面影を
満月に みつけて 泣き声を あげる。
被っている ホネの 染みは 涙の あと。"
104,27,1,"しにわかれた ははを おもいだして
おおごえで なく。 こえをききつけた
バルジーナに そらから ねらわれる。"
104,27,3,"사별한 어머니를 생각하며
큰 소리로 운다. 목소리를 들은
버랜지나가 하늘에서 노린다."
104,27,5,"Quand il se souvient de la mort de sa mère,
il pleure à grands sanglots. Les Vaututrice
entendent ces cris et fondent sur leur proie."
104,27,6,"Denkt es an seine verstorbene Mutter, weint es
laut. Hört dies ein Grypheldis, nutzt dieses die
Gelegenheit, um es aus der Luft anzugreifen."
104,27,7,"Llora desconsoladamente por la pérdida de su
madre. Los Mandibuzz que escuchan su llanto
se lanzan en picado al ataque."
104,27,8,"Piange disperatamente pensando alla madre
morta. Quando i Mandibuzz lo sentono,
si lanciano in picchiata per attaccarlo."
104,27,9,"When it thinks of its deceased mother, it weeps
loudly. Mandibuzz that hear its cries will attack
it from the air."
104,27,11,"死に別れた 母を 思いだして
大声で 泣く。 声を聞きつけた
バルジーナに 空から 狙われる。"
104,28,1,"あたまに かぶった ずがいこつは
しんだ ははおや。 しの かなしみを
のりこえたとき しんかする という。"
104,28,3,"머리에 뒤집어쓴 두개골은
죽은 어미의 것. 죽음의 슬픔을
뛰어넘었을 때 진화한다고 전해진다."
104,28,5,"Le crâne quil porte sur la tête est celui de sa
mère décédée. On dit quil évolue lorsquil
parvient à surpasser la douleur de sa mort."
104,28,6,"Der Schädel auf seinem Kopf gehörte seiner
verstorbenen Mutter. Überwindet es diesen
Verlust, setzt angeblich die Entwicklung ein."
104,28,7,"El cráneo que lleva en la cabeza pertenece a su
madre. Se dice que evoluciona una vez que ha
conseguido superar su pérdida."
104,28,8,"Il teschio che porta in testa apparteneva alla
madre morta. Si evolve dopo aver superato
il lutto per la sua perdita."
104,28,9,"The skull it wears on its head is that of its dead
mother. According to some, it will evolve when
it comes to terms with the pain of her death."
104,28,11,"頭に 被った 頭がい骨は
死んだ 母親。 死の 悲しみを
乗り越えたとき 進化する という。"
104,29,1,"なくした ははおやを おもい よるに
なきさけぶが そのせいで てんてきの
バルジーナに みつかってしまう。"
104,29,3,"밤이 되면 죽은 엄마를 생각하며
울부짖는데, 그 탓에 천적인
버랜지나에게 발각된다."
104,29,5,"La nuit, il pense avec nostalgie à sa défunte
mère et éclate en sanglots. Vaututrice, son
prédateur, le localise au son de ses pleurs."
104,29,6,"Nachts weint es laut, weil es seine verstorbene
Mutter vermisst. Dadurch wird jedoch sein
natürlicher Feind Grypheldis auf es aufmerksam."
104,29,7,"Al caer la noche, rompe a llorar pensando en su
difunta madre, lo que delata su presencia ante
los Mandibuzz, sus enemigos naturales."
104,29,8,"Di notte piange disperatamente pensando alla
madre morta. I suoi lamenti attirano i Mandibuzz,
suoi predatori naturali."
104,29,9,"At night, it weeps loudly for its dead mother,
but those cries only attract its natural
104,29,11,"亡くした 母親を 思い 夜に
泣き叫ぶが そのせいで 天敵の
バルジーナに 見つかってしまう。"
104,30,1,"ははおやの ホネを かぶっているので
すがおも ひょうじょうも わからない。
ただ いつも ずっと ないているぞ。 "
104,30,3,"어미의 뼈를 뒤집어쓰고 있어서
얼굴도 표정도 알 수 없다.
그저 언제나 계속해서 울고 있다."
104,30,5,"Comme il porte le crâne de sa mère sur sa tête,
nul ne connaît son vrai visage. Une seule chose
est sûre : il ne cesse de pleurer."
104,30,6,"Da es den Schädel seiner Mutter auf dem Kopf
trägt, weiß man nicht, wie sein Gesicht aussieht.
Bekannt ist nur, dass es ständig weint."
104,30,7,"Al cubrir su rostro con el cráneo de su madre,
su expresión queda velada. La única emoción
que lo delata es su llanto constante."
104,30,8,"Poiché indossa sempre il teschio della madre,
non si sa che viso o che espressione abbia,
ma è evidente che piange continuamente."
104,30,9,"It wears its mothers skull on its head, so no
one knows what its bare face looks like.
However, its clear that its always crying."
104,30,11,"母親の ホネを 被っているので
素顔も 表情も わからない。
ただ いつも ずっと 泣いているぞ。 "
104,31,1,"しんだ ははおやの ホネを かぶる。
なきごえは ホネのなかで ひびいて
ものがなしい メロディになる。"
104,31,3,"죽은 어미의 뼈를 뒤집어썼다.
울음소리는 뼈 안에서 울려서
구슬픈 멜로디가 된다."
104,31,5,"Il porte le crâne de sa défunte mère.
Ses pleurs résonnent dans son casque
en une triste mélodie."
104,31,6,"Es trägt den Schädel seiner Mutter als Maske.
Sein Weinen hallt darin wider und wird zu einer
traurigen Melodie."
104,31,7,"Siempre lleva puesto el cráneo de su difunta
madre. Su llanto resuena dentro como una
triste melodía."
104,31,8,"Indossa il teschio di sua madre come elmo.
Il suo verso riecheggia allinterno del teschio
producendo una triste melodia."
104,31,9,"Wears the skull of its deceased mother.
Its cries echo inside the skull and
come out as a sad melody."
104,31,11,"死んだ 母親の ホネを かぶる。
鳴き声は ホネの中で ひびいて
もの悲しい メロディになる。"
104,32,1,"しんだ ははおやの ホネを かぶる。
なきごえは ホネのなかで ひびいて
ものがなしい メロディになる。"
104,32,3,"죽은 어미의 뼈를 뒤집어썼다.
울음소리는 뼈 안에서 울려서
구슬픈 멜로디가 된다."
104,32,5,"Il porte le crâne de sa défunte mère.
Ses pleurs résonnent dans son casque
en une triste mélodie."
104,32,6,"Es trägt den Schädel seiner Mutter als Maske.
Sein Weinen hallt darin wider und wird zu einer
traurigen Melodie."
104,32,7,"Siempre lleva puesto el cráneo de su difunta
madre. Su llanto resuena dentro como una
triste melodía."
104,32,8,"Indossa il teschio di sua madre come elmo.
Il suo verso riecheggia allinterno del teschio
producendo una triste melodia."
104,32,9,"Wears the skull of its deceased mother.
Its cries echo inside the skull and
come out as a sad melody."
104,32,11,"死んだ 母親の ホネを かぶる。
鳴き声は ホネの中で ひびいて
もの悲しい メロディになる。"
104,33,1,"しにわかれた ははおやを おもいだし
なくと あたまに かぶった ホネの
なかで ものがなしく ひびくのだ。"
104,33,3,"죽은 어머니를 떠올리며 울면
머리에 쓴 뼈 안에서
울음소리가 구슬프게 퍼진다."
104,33,5,"Lorsquil repense à sa mère défunte,
ses sanglots résonnent tristement sous
le crâne quil porte sur la tête."
104,33,6,"Denkt Tragosso an seine verstorbene Mutter,
so weint es. Sein Schluchzen hallt dabei in dem
Schädel auf seinem Kopf klagend wider."
104,33,7,"Cuando llora al acordarse de su madre fallecida,
su llanto resuena en el cráneo que lleva en la
104,33,8,"Quando piange pensando alla madre defunta,
i suoi lamenti riecheggiano tristemente allinterno
del teschio che ha in testa."
104,33,9,"When the memory of its departed mother brings
it to tears, its cries echo mournfully within the
skull it wears on its head."
104,33,11,"死に別れた 母親を 思い出し
泣くと 頭に 被った 骨の 中で
物悲しく 響くのだ。"
104,34,1,"しんだ ははおやの ホネを かぶる。
ゆめを みて なくことも あるけれど
なみだを ながすたびに つよくなる。"
104,34,3,"죽은 어미의 뼈를 머리에 쓰고 있다.
어미의 꿈을 꾸고 울기도 하지만
눈물을 흘릴 때마다 강해진다."
104,34,5,"Il porte sur sa tête le crâne de sa défunte mère.
Il lui arrive de rêver delle et de pleurer, mais
chaque larme quil verse le rend plus fort."
104,34,6,"Es trägt den Schädel seiner verstorbenen Mutter.
Manchmal weint Tragosso, während es träumt,
doch jede vergossene Träne macht es stärker."
104,34,7,"Lleva puesto el cráneo de su difunta madre.
A veces llora en sueños, pero cada lágrima
vertida le hace más fuerte."
104,34,8,"Indossa il teschio della madre defunta. A volte
capita che pianga vedendola in sogno, ma a ogni
lacrima versata diventa più forte."
104,34,9,"This Pokémon wears the skull of its deceased
mother. Sometimes Cubones dreams make it cry,
but each tear Cubone sheds makes it stronger."
104,34,11,"死んだ 母親の 骨を 被る。
夢を 見て 泣くことも あるけど
涙を 流すたびに 強くなる。"
105,1,9,"The bone it holds
is its key weapon.
It throws thebone skillfully
like a boomerang
to KO targets."
105,2,9,"The bone it holds
is its key weapon.
It throws thebone skillfully
like a boomerang
to KO targets."
105,3,9,"Small and weak,
this POKéMON is
adept with itsbone club. It has
grown more vicious
over the ages."
105,4,9,"It has been seen
pounding boulders
with the bone itcarries in order
to tap out mes­
sages to others."
105,5,9,"It collects bones
from an unknown
place. A MAROWAKgraveyard exists
somewhere in the
world, rumors say."
105,6,9,"Somewhere in the
world is a ceme­
tery just forMAROWAK. It gets
its bones from
those graves."
105,7,9,"MAROWAK is the evolved form of a CUBONE
that has overcome its sadness at the
loss of its mother and grown tough.This POKéMONs tempered and hardened
spirit is not easily broken."
105,8,9,"MAROWAK is the evolved form of a CUBONE
that has overcome its sadness at the
loss of its mother and grown tough.This POKéMONs tempered and hardened
spirit is not easily broken."
105,9,9,"A MAROWAK is the evolved form of a CUBONE
that has grown tough by overcoming the
grief of losing its mother. Its tempered
and hardened spirit is not easily broken."
105,10,9,"It is small and was originally very weak.
Its temperament turned ferocious when it
began using bones."
105,11,9,"The bone it holds is its key weapon.
It throws the bone skillfully like a
boomerang to KO targets."
105,12,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,13,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,14,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,15,9,"It has been seen pounding boulders
with the bone it carries in order
to tap out messages to others."
105,16,9,"It collects bones from an unknown place.
Some whisper that a MAROWAK graveyard
exists somewhere in the world."
105,17,5,"Ce Pokémon sauvage possède des os
depuis sa naissance. Il sen sert
pour combattre avec dextérité."
105,17,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,18,5,"Ce Pokémon sauvage possède des os
depuis sa naissance. Il sen sert
pour combattre avec dextérité."
105,18,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,21,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,22,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon
constantly holds bones. It is
skilled in using them as weapons."
105,23,1,"からだも ちいさく もともと
よわかった。ホネを つかうようになり
せいかくが きょうぼうか した。"
105,23,3,"몸집도 작으며 원래는
약했다. 뼈를 쓰기 시작하면서
성격이 흉포해졌다."
105,23,5,"Ce petit Pokémon était à lorigine très faible. Il est
devenu redoutable le jour où il a appris à se servir
de ses os."
105,23,6,"Es ist klein und war ursprünglich sehr schwach.
Erst als es anfing Knochen einzusetzen, wurde es wild."
105,23,7,"Es pequeño y siempre ha sido muy débil. Cuando
empezó a usar huesos, se volvió más violento."
105,23,8,"Di piccole dimensioni, un tempo era del tutto innocuo.
È diventato più aggressivo brandendo un osso
come arma."
105,23,9,"It is small and was originally very weak.
Its temperament turned ferocious when it began
using bones."
105,23,11,"体も 小さく もともと 弱かった。
骨を 使うようになり
性格が 凶暴化した。"
105,24,1,"ほねは だいじな ぶき である。
ブーメランの ように なげて
えものに ぶつけ きぜつ させる。"
105,24,3,"뼈는 중요한 무기이다.
부메랑처럼 던져서
사냥감을 맞춰 기절시킨다."
105,24,5,"Los quil tient dans la main est son arme la plus
efficace. Il sen sert comme dun boomerang pour
assommer sa proie."
105,24,6,"Der Knochen, den dieses Pokémon hält, ist seine
Primärwaffe. Es wirft ihn wie einen Bumerang."
105,24,7,"El hueso que lleva es su gran arma. Lo lanza
hábilmente como un bumerán y deja a todos fuera
de combate."
105,24,8,"Losso che impugna è la sua arma. Lo scaglia come
un boomerang per mettere KO i suoi avversari."
105,24,9,"The bone it holds is its key weapon. It throws the
bone skillfully like a boomerang to KO targets."
105,24,11,"骨は 大事な 武器である。
ブーメランのように 投げて
獲物に ぶつけ 気絶させる。"
105,25,1,"ははおやに あえない かなしみを のりこえた
カラカラが たくましく しんかした すがた。
きたえられた こころは かんたんに くじけない。"
105,25,3,"어미를 만날 수 없는 슬픔을 극복한
탕구리가 늠름하게 진화한 모습이다.
단련된 마음은 간단히 꺾이지 않는다."
105,25,5,"Ossatueur est la forme évoluée dOsselait. Il a surmonté
le chagrin causé par la perte de sa maman et sest endurci.
Le tempérament décidé et entier de ce Pokémon le rend
très difficile à amadouer."
105,25,6,"Knogga ist eine entwickelte Form von Tragosso, die den
Verlust der Mutter überwunden hat und stärker geworden ist.
Die gestählte, abgehärtete Seele dieses Pokémon ist nur
schwer zu brechen."
105,25,7,"Marowak es la forma evolucionada de Cubone. Es más fuerte
porque ha superado la pena por la pérdida de su madre.
El ánimo de este Pokémon, ya curtido y fortalecido, no es
muy fácil de alterar."
105,25,8,"Marowak si evolve da Cubone dopo aver superato il lutto
per la perdita della madre ed essersi fatto forte. Questo
Pokémon dallanimo forgiato e temprato non si fa prendere
facilmente dallo sconforto."
105,25,9,"Marowak is the evolved form of a Cubone that has overcome
its sadness at the loss of its mother and grown tough.
This Pokémons tempered and hardened spirit is not
easily broken."
105,25,11,"母親に 会えない 悲しみを 乗り越えた
カラカラが たくましく 進化した 姿。
鍛えられた 心は 簡単に くじけない。"
105,26,1,"ははおやに あえない かなしみを のりこえた
カラカラが たくましく しんかした すがた。
きたえられた こころは かんたんに くじけない。"
105,26,3,"어미를 만날 수 없는 슬픔을 극복한
탕구리가 늠름하게 진화한 모습이다.
단련된 마음은 간단히 꺾이지 않는다."
105,26,5,"Ossatueur est la forme évoluée dOsselait. Il a surmonté
le chagrin causé par la perte de sa maman et sest endurci.
Le tempérament décidé et entier de ce Pokémon le rend
très difficile à amadouer."
105,26,6,"Knogga ist eine entwickelte Form von Tragosso, die den
Verlust der Mutter überwunden hat und stärker geworden ist.
Die gestählte, abgehärtete Seele dieses Pokémon ist nur
schwer zu brechen."
105,26,7,"Marowak es la forma evolucionada de Cubone. Es más fuerte
porque ha superado la pena por la pérdida de su madre.
El ánimo de este Pokémon, ya curtido y fortalecido, no es
muy fácil de alterar."
105,26,8,"Marowak si evolve da Cubone dopo aver superato il lutto
per la perdita della madre ed essersi fatto forte. Questo
Pokémon dallanimo forgiato e temprato non si fa prendere
facilmente dallo sconforto."
105,26,9,"Marowak is the evolved form of a Cubone that has overcome
its sadness at the loss of its mother and grown tough. This
Pokémons tempered and hardened spirit is not easily broken."
105,26,11,"母親に 会えない 悲しみを 乗り越えた
カラカラが たくましく 進化した 姿。
鍛えられた 心は 簡単に くじけない。"
105,27,1,"もともとは ひよわで おくびょう。
しんかで ホネを ふりまわす
きょうぼうな せいしつに なる。"
105,27,3,"원래는 약하고 겁이 많다.
진화로 뼈다귀를 휘두르는
난폭한 성질이 된다."
105,27,5,"Il était faible et peureux, mais après avoir
évolué, il a appris à manier son os avec férocité
et est devenu plus violent et agressif."
105,27,6,"Vor der Entwicklung war es schwach und
ängstlich. Jetzt ist es hitzköpfig und schlägt
wild mit einem Knochen um sich."
105,27,7,"Cuando Cubone evoluciona a Marowak, deja de
ser débil y cobarde, se vuelve más agresivo y
usa el hueso como arma."
105,27,8,"Prima era timido e pauroso, ma dopo
levoluzione è diventato aggressivo, come
dimostra losso che brandisce."
105,27,9,"Originally, it was weak and timid. After evolution,
its temperament becomes violent, and it begins
to wield bones as weapons."
105,27,11,"元々は ひ弱で おくびょう。
進化で 骨を 振り回す
乱暴な 性質に なる。"
105,28,1,"ホネを ブーメランのように なげつけ
てんてきだった バルジーナを
うちおとし ふくしゅう するのだ。"
105,28,3,"뼈다귀를 부메랑처럼 내던져서
천적이었던 버랜지나를
떨어뜨려 복수한다."
105,28,5,"Il lance le grand os comme un boomerang pour
abattre son ancien prédateur, les Vaututrice,
pour se venger."
105,28,6,"Es wirft seinen Knochen bumeranggleich nach
Grypheldis, dem Erzfeind seiner Vorstufe, um es
vom Himmel zu holen und sich an ihm zu rächen."
105,28,7,"Utiliza su hueso como si fuese un bumerán para
derribar a Mandibuzz, su enemigo natural, a
modo de venganza."
105,28,8,"Scaglia il suo osso come un boomerang per
abbattere i Mandibuzz, suoi antichi predatori,
e vendicarsi."
105,28,9,"This Pokémon is out for vengeance on its natural
enemy, Mandibuzz. It throws bones like
boomerangs to try to take it down."
105,28,11,"骨を ブーメランのように 投げつけ
天敵だった バルジーナを
撃ち落とし 復しゅう するのだ。"
105,29,1,"ホネを なげつけ バルジーナを
うちおとす。 おやの かたきを
うっていると かんがえられている。"
105,29,3,"뼈를 던져 버랜지나를
떨어뜨린다. 부모의 원한을
갚기 위한 것으로 추측된다."
105,29,5,"Il lance son os pour abattre les Vaututrice.
On pense quil agit ainsi pour venger sa mère."
105,29,6,"Es wirft seinen Knochen nach Grypheldis, um es
vom Himmel zu holen. Man nimmt an, dass es
sich für seine Mutter an ihm rächen will."
105,29,7,"Lanza su hueso para abatir a los Mandibuzz.
Según cuentan, es su forma de vengar a su
105,29,8,"Scaglia il suo osso per abbattere i Mandibuzz.
Si dice che in questo modo voglia vendicare
la morte di sua madre."
105,29,9,"It throws bones at Mandibuzz to knock it down.
Its thought that Marowak is trying to avenge
its parent."
105,29,11,"ホネを 投げつけ バルジーナを
撃ち落す。 親の かたきを
討っていると 考えられている。"
105,30,1,"リズミカルに ホネを うちならし
なかまと れんらくを とりあっている。
そのパターンは 50ちかく あるのだ。"
105,30,3,"리드미컬하게 뼈다귀를 두들겨서
동료와 연락을 주고받는다.
그 패턴은 50개 가까이 존재한다."
105,30,5,"Il joue des percussions avec son os afin de
communiquer avec ses congénères. Il existe
une cinquantaine de mélodies différentes."
105,30,6,"Es kommuniziert mit seinen Kameraden durch
rhythmisches Knochenklappern. Fast 50 Muster
sind bisher bekannt."
105,30,7,"Se comunica con los suyos golpeando su hueso
rítmicamente. Se han llegado a contabilizar
hasta cincuenta patrones distintos."
105,30,8,"Comunica con i propri simili sbattendo
ritmicamente il suo osso. Sono stati contati
circa 50 ritmi diversi."
105,30,9,"They thump their bones rhythmically to
communicate among themselves. There are
nearly 50 different rhythmic patterns."
105,30,11,"リズミカルに ホネを 打ち鳴らし
仲間と 連絡を 取りあっている。
そのパターンは 50近く あるのだ。"
105,31,1,"からだは ちいさく よわかったが
ホネを うまく つかって たたかう
きょうぼうな せいかくに なった。"
105,31,3,"몸집은 작고 약했지만
뼈를 능숙하게 사용해서 싸우는
흉포한 성격이 되었다."
105,31,5,"Ce Pokémon, autrefois si petit et si faible,
est devenu très féroce. Il se bat habilement,
armé de son os."
105,31,6,"Einst war es klein und schwach, doch jetzt ist es
geschickt im Umgang mit seinem Knochen und
verhält sich äußerst brutal."
105,31,7,"Este Pokémon ha dejado atrás su debilidad y
se ha vuelto más feroz con el paso del tiempo.
Blande su hueso con destreza."
105,31,8,"Questo Pokémon era piccolo e debole, ma
si è fatto aggressivo e ha imparato a usare
abilmente il suo osso nella lotta."
105,31,9,"Small and weak, this Pokémon is adept
with its bone club. It has grown more vicious
over the ages."
105,31,11,"体は 小さく 弱かったが
ホネを うまく 使って 戦う
凶暴な 性格に なった。"
105,32,1,"からだは ちいさく よわかったが
ホネを うまく つかって たたかう
きょうぼうな せいかくに なった。"
105,32,3,"몸집은 작고 약했지만
뼈를 능숙하게 사용해서 싸우는
흉포한 성격이 되었다."
105,32,5,"Ce Pokémon, autrefois si petit et si faible,
est devenu très féroce. Il se bat habilement,
armé de son os."
105,32,6,"Einst war es klein und schwach, doch jetzt ist es
geschickt im Umgang mit seinem Knochen und
verhält sich äußerst brutal."
105,32,7,"Este Pokémon ha dejado atrás su debilidad y
se ha vuelto más feroz con el paso del tiempo.
Blande su hueso con destreza."
105,32,8,"Questo Pokémon era piccolo e debole, ma
si è fatto aggressivo e ha imparato a usare
abilmente il suo osso nella lotta."
105,32,9,"Small and weak, this Pokémon is adept
with its bone club. It has grown more vicious
over the ages."
105,32,11,"体は 小さく 弱かったが
ホネを うまく 使って 戦う
凶暴な 性格に なった。"
105,33,1,"かなしみを のりこえて たくましく
しんかした。 ホネを ぶきにして
ゆうかんに てきと わたりあう。"
105,33,3,"슬픔을 극복하고 늠름하게
진화했다. 뼈를 무기 삼아
용감하게 적과 맞서 싸운다."
105,33,5,"Il sest endurci et a évolué depuis quil a réussi
à surmonter sa peine. Il utilise son os en guise
darme et affronte ses ennemis avec bravoure."
105,33,6,"Als es seine Trauer überwand, entwickelte es sich
und wurde stärker. Mit seinem Knochen als Waffe
stellt sich Knogga mutig seinen Feinden."
105,33,7,"Ha evolucionado tras fortalecerse y superar
su pena. Ahora lucha con arrojo blandiendo
su hueso a modo de arma."
105,33,8,"Si è evoluto dopo essersi temprato e aver
superato il lutto. Usa losso come unarma
e lotta valorosamente contro i nemici."
105,33,9,"This Pokémon overcame its sorrow to evolve a
sturdy new body. Marowak faces its opponents
bravely, using a bone as a weapon."
105,33,11,"悲しみを 乗りこえて たくましく
進化した。 骨を 武器にして
勇敢に 敵と 渡り合う。"
105,34,1,"しんかして かぶっていた ははおやの
ホネが いったいかして そのうえ
きょうぼうな せいかくに かわった。"
105,34,3,"진화로 인해 쓰고 있던
어미의 뼈는 일체화되었고
성격은 더욱 난폭해졌다."
105,34,5,"En évoluant, il est devenu violent, et le crâne
de sa mère quil portait a fusionné avec sa tête."
105,34,6,"Durch die Entwicklung wurde der Schädel seiner
Mutter, den es stets trug, zu einem Teil von ihm
und es bekam einen aggressiven Charakter."
105,34,7,"Al evolucionar, se ha fusionado con el cráneo de
su madre y, además, ha adquirido un carácter
105,34,8,"Evolvendosi è diventato tuttuno con il teschio
della madre che prima indossava e ha acquisito
un temperamento violento."
105,34,9,"When this Pokémon evolved, the skull of its
mother fused to it. Marowaks temperament also
turned vicious at the same time."
105,34,11,"進化して 被っていた 母親の 骨が
一体化して そのうえ
凶暴な 性格に 変わった。"
106,1,9,"When in a hurry,
its legs lengthen
progressively.It runs smoothly
with extra long,
loping strides."
106,2,9,"When in a hurry,
its legs lengthen
progressively.It runs smoothly
with extra long,
loping strides."
106,3,9,"When kicking, the
sole of its foot
turns as hard asa diamond on im­
pact and destroys
its enemy."
106,4,9,"This amazing POKé­
MON has an awesome
sense of balance.It can kick in
succession from
any position."
106,5,9,"If it starts kick­
ing repeatedly,
both legs willstretch even long­
er to strike a
fleeing foe."
106,6,9,"It is also called
the Kick Master.
It uses itselastic legs to
execute every
known kick."
106,7,9,"HITMONLEEs legs freely contract and
stretch. Using these springlike legs, it
bowls over foes with devastating kicks.After battle, it rubs down its legs and
loosens the muscles to overcome
106,8,9,"HITMONLEEs legs freely contract and
stretch. Using these springlike legs, it
bowls over foes with devastating kicks.After battle, it rubs down its legs and
loosens the muscles to overcome
106,9,9,"Its legs freely stretch and contract.
Using these springlike limbs, it bowls over
foes with devastating kicks. After battle,
it rubs down its tired legs."
106,10,9,"The legs freely contract and stretch.
The stretchy legs allow it to hit a
distant foe with a rising kick."
106,11,9,"When in a hurry, its legs lengthen
progressively. It runs smoothly with
extra-long, loping strides."
106,12,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,13,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,14,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,15,9,"This amazing Pokémon has an awesome
sense of balance. It can kick in
succession from any position."
106,16,9,"If it starts kicking repeatedly,
both legs will stretch even longer
to strike a fleeing foe."
106,17,5,"Ses pattes élastiques sallongent, ce
qui ne manque jamais de surprendre
au premier combat."
106,17,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,18,5,"Ses pattes élastiques sallongent, ce
qui ne manque jamais de surprendre
au premier combat."
106,18,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,21,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,22,9,"Its legs can stretch double.
First-time foes are startled by
its extensible reach."
106,23,1,"あしが じゆうに のびちぢみして
とおく はなれている ばあいでも
あいてを けりあげることが できる。"
106,23,3,"다리를 자유자재로 늘였다 줄였다 한다.
멀리 떨어져 있을 때도
상대를 차올릴 수 있다."
106,23,5,"Kicklee peut rétracter et allonger ses jambes à sa
guise. La formidable allonge dont il dispose lui donne
souvent lavantage en plein combat."
106,23,6,"Die Beine ziehen und strecken sich unabhängig
voneinander. Mit seinen dehnbaren Beinen
kann es einen entfernten Gegner treffen."
106,23,7,"Encoge y estira las patas a su antojo. Cuando las
estira, es capaz de propinar una buena patada al
106,23,8,"Le zampe gli si accorciano e allungano a piacere.
Con le gambe allungate, con un calcio può colpire
anche nemici distanti."
106,23,9,"The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy
legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick."
106,23,11,"脚が 自由に 伸び縮みして
遠く 離れている 場合でも
相手を 蹴り上げることができる。"
106,24,1,"れんぞくで キックを はなつうちに
りょうあしは どんどん のびて
にげだそうとする あいても けれる。"
106,24,3,"연속으로 킥을 하는 동안
양쪽 다리는 점점 길어져서
도망치려고 하는 상대도 걷어찬다."
106,24,5,"Sil commence à donner des séries de coups de pied,
ses jambes grandissent et il gagne en allonge."
106,24,6,"Wenn es anfängt pausenlos zu treten, kann es seine
Beine ausfahren, um fliehende Feinde zu treffen."
106,24,7,"Si empieza a dar patadas, sus patas se alargarán aún
más para golpear al enemigo en su huida."
106,24,8,"Se parte con una scarica di colpi, le gambe possono
farsi ancora più lunghe per colpire un nemico in fuga."
106,24,9,"If it starts kicking repeatedly, both legs will stretch
even longer to strike a fleeing foe."
106,24,11,"連続で キックを 放つうちに
両足は どんどん 伸びて
逃げ出そうとする 相手も 蹴れる。"
106,25,1,"じざいに のびちぢみする あしで きょうれつな
キックを はなち あいてを けりたおす。
たたかいの あと つかれた あしを もみほぐす。"
106,25,3,"자유롭게 신축되는 다리로 강렬한
킥을 날려 상대를 발로 차 쓰러트린다.
싸운 뒤에 지친 다리를 주물러 풀어준다."
106,25,5,"Les jambes de Kicklee peuvent se contracter et sétirer
à volonté. Grâce à ces jambes à ressort, il terrasse ses
ennemis en les rouant de coups de pied. Après les combats,
il masse ses jambes pour éviter de sentir la fatigue."
106,25,6,"Kicklee kann seine Beine ausfahren und einziehen. Es verblüfft
seine Gegner mit brutalen Tritten. Nach einem Kampf massiert
es seine Beine und lockert die Muskeln, um der Erschöpfung
106,25,7,"Hitmonlee tiene la facilidad de encoger y estirar las patas.
Con extremidades tan flexibles, propina unas patadas
demoledoras. Tras la lucha, se masajea las piernas y relaja
los músculos para descansar."
106,25,8,"Le zampe di Hitmonlee sono estremamente elastiche.
Usandole a mo di molla, si scaglia sul nemico con calci
rovinosi. Dopo la lotta si strofina le zampe e scioglie i
muscoli per recuperare le forze."
106,25,9,"Hitmonlees legs freely contract and stretch. Using these
springlike legs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks.
After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles to
overcome fatigue."
106,25,11,"自在に 伸び縮みする 足で 強烈な
キックを 放ち 相手を 蹴り倒す。
戦いの 後 疲れた 足を もみ解す。"
106,26,1,"じざいに のびちぢみする あしで きょうれつな
キックを はなち あいてを けりたおす。
たたかいの あと つかれた あしを もみほぐす。"
106,26,3,"자유롭게 신축되는 다리로 강렬한
킥을 날려 상대를 발로 차 쓰러트린다.
싸운 뒤에 지친 다리를 주물러 풀어준다."
106,26,5,"Les jambes de Kicklee peuvent se contracter et sétirer
à volonté. Grâce à ces jambes à ressort, il terrasse ses
ennemis en les rouant de coups de pied. Après les combats,
il masse ses jambes pour éviter de sentir la fatigue."
106,26,6,"Kicklee kann seine Beine ausfahren und einziehen. Es verblüfft
seine Gegner mit brutalen Tritten. Nach einem Kampf massiert
es seine Beine und lockert die Muskeln, um der Erschöpfung
106,26,7,"Hitmonlee tiene la facilidad de encoger y estirar las patas.
Con extremidades tan flexibles, propina unas patadas
demoledoras. Tras la lucha, se masajea las piernas y relaja
los músculos para descansar."
106,26,8,"Le zampe di Hitmonlee sono estremamente elastiche.
Usandole a mo di molla, si scaglia sul nemico con calci
rovinosi. Dopo la lotta si strofina le zampe e scioglie i
muscoli per recuperare le forze."
106,26,9,"Hitmonlees legs freely contract and stretch. Using these
springlike legs, it bowls over foes with devastating kicks.
After battle, it rubs down its legs and loosens the muscles
to overcome fatigue."
106,26,11,"自在に 伸び縮みする 足で 強烈な
キックを 放ち 相手を 蹴り倒す。
戦いの 後 疲れた 足を もみ解す。"
106,31,1,"キックがあたる しゅんかん!
あしのウラが ダイヤモンドのように
かたくなって あいてを はかいする。"
106,31,3,"킥이 명중하는 순간!
발바닥이 다이아몬드처럼
단단해져서 상대를 파괴한다."
106,31,5,"Ses pieds deviennent durs comme le diamant
quand il donne des coups, pulvérisant ainsi
ses adversaires."
106,31,6,"Tritt ein Kicklee zu, wird die Unterseite seines
Fußes im Moment des Aufpralls hart wie ein
Diamant. So zerschmettert es seinen Gegner."
106,31,7,"La planta de los pies se le vuelve tan dura como
el diamante al dar patadas a su oponente, hasta
el punto de aniquilarlo."
106,31,8,"Nel momento in cui il suo calcio colpisce,
la pianta del piede si fa dura come il diamante
producendo un impatto devastante."
106,31,9,"When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard
as a diamond on impact and destroys its enemy."
106,31,11,"キックがあたる 瞬間!
足のウラが ダイヤモンドのように
硬くなって 相手を 破壊する。"
106,32,1,"キックがあたる しゅんかん!
あしのウラが ダイヤモンドのように
かたくなって あいてを はかいする。"
106,32,3,"킥이 명중하는 순간!
발바닥이 다이아몬드처럼
단단해져서 상대를 파괴한다."
106,32,5,"Ses pieds deviennent durs comme le diamant
quand il donne des coups, pulvérisant ainsi
ses adversaires."
106,32,6,"Tritt ein Kicklee zu, wird die Unterseite seines
Fußes im Moment des Aufpralls hart wie ein
Diamant. So zerschmettert es seinen Gegner."
106,32,7,"La planta de los pies se le vuelve tan dura como
el diamante al dar patadas a su oponente, hasta
el punto de aniquilarlo."
106,32,8,"Nel momento in cui il suo calcio colpisce,
la pianta del piede si fa dura come il diamante
producendo un impatto devastante."
106,32,9,"When kicking, the sole of its foot turns as hard
as a diamond on impact and destroys its enemy."
106,32,11,"キックがあたる 瞬間!
足のウラが ダイヤモンドのように
硬くなって 相手を 破壊する。"
106,33,1,"みごとな バランスかんかく。
どんな しせいでも れんぞくで
キックを はなてる すごい やつ。"
106,33,3,"훌륭한 밸런스 감각으로
어떤 자세라도 연속
킥을 날리는 대단한 녀석이다."
106,33,5,"Il possède un fantastique sens de léquilibre,
et peut donner des rafales de coups de pied
dans toutes les positions."
106,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon besitzt einen formidablen
Gleichgewichtssinn. Es kann in jeder Position
pausenlos zutreten."
106,33,7,"Este Pokémon tiene un sentido del equilibrio
increíble. Puede dar patadas desde cualquier
106,33,8,"Questo straordinario Pokémon ha un grande
equilibrio. Può tirare raffiche di calci da qualsiasi
106,33,9,"This amazing Pokémon has an awesome sense of
balance. It can kick in succession from any position."
106,33,11,"見事な バランス感覚。
どんな 姿勢でも 連続で
キックを 放てる すごい やつ。"
106,34,1,"あしが じゆうに のびちぢみして
とおく はなれている ばあいでも
あいてを けりあげることが できる。"
106,34,3,"다리를 자유자재로 늘이고 줄인다.
상대가 멀리 떨어져 있어도
다리를 늘여서 차올릴 수 있다."
106,34,5,"Kicklee peut rétracter et étendre ses jambes
à sa guise. La formidable allonge dont il dispose
lui permet de frapper des adversaires éloignés."
106,34,6,"Es kann seine Beine nach Belieben ausfahren und
einziehen und so auch entfernte Gegner treffen."
106,34,7,"Encoge y estira las piernas a su antojo. De hecho,
hasta puede propinar una patada a un rival que
se encuentre lejos."
106,34,8,"Può accorciare o allungare le gambe a piacere.
In questo modo riesce a colpire con i calci anche
gli avversari distanti."
106,34,9,"The legs freely contract and stretch. The stretchy
legs allow it to hit a distant foe with a rising kick."
106,34,11,"脚が 自由に 伸び縮みして
遠く 離れている 場合でも
相手を 蹴り上げることが できる。"
107,1,9,"While apparently
doing nothing, it
fires punches inlightning fast
volleys that are
impossible to see."
107,2,9,"While apparently
doing nothing, it
fires punches inlightning fast
volleys that are
impossible to see."
107,3,9,"Punches in cork­
screw fashion. It
can punch its waythrough a concrete
wall in the same
way as a drill."
107,4,9,"Its punches slice
the air. However,
it seems to need ashort break after
fighting for three
107,5,9,"Its punches slice
the air. They are
launched at suchhigh speed, even a
slight graze could
cause a burn."
107,6,9,"To increase the
strength of all
its punch moves,it spins its arms
just before making
107,7,9,"HITMONCHAN is said to possess the
spirit of a boxer who had been working
towards a world championship.This POKéMON has an indomitable spirit
and will never give up in the face of
107,8,9,"HITMONCHAN is said to possess the
spirit of a boxer who had been working
towards a world championship.This POKéMON has an indomitable spirit
and will never give up in the face of
107,9,9,"A HITMONCHAN is said to possess the
spirit of a boxer who aimed to become the
world champion. Having an indomitable
spirit means that it will never give up."
107,10,9,"The spirit of a pro boxer has infused this
POKéMON. It throws punches that are
faster than a bullet train."
107,11,9,"While apparently doing nothing, it fires
punches in lightning-fast volleys that are
impossible to see."
107,12,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,13,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,14,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,15,9,"Its punches slice the air. However,
it seems to need a short break after
fighting for three minutes."
107,16,9,"Its punches slice the air. They are
launched at such high speed, even a
slight graze could cause a burn."
107,17,5,"Même le béton cède sous ses 
poings dévastateurs. Au combat, il
sessouffle au bout de 3 minutes."
107,17,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,18,5,"Même le béton cède sous ses 
poings dévastateurs. Au combat, il
sessouffle au bout de 3 minutes."
107,18,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,21,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,22,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws
pulverize even concrete. It rests
after three minutes of fighting."
107,23,1,"うでを ねじりながら くりだす
パンチは コンクリートも ふんさい。
3ぷん たたかうと ひとやすみする。"
107,23,3,"팔을 비틀며 날리는 펀치는
콘크리트도 부스러뜨린다.
3분 싸우면 잠시 쉰다."
107,23,5,"Même le béton cède sous ses poings dévastateurs.
Au combat, il sessouffle au bout de trois minutes."
107,23,6,"Die Schläge, die es austeilt, können Beton
pulverisieren. Es muss sich im Kampf alle
drei Minuten ausruhen."
107,23,7,"Los potentes golpes de sus brazos pueden pulverizar
el hormigón. Descansa tras luchar tres minutos."
107,23,8,"Sferra pugni così potenti da polverizzare persino
il cemento. Si riposa dopo 3 minuti di lotta."
107,23,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even
concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting."
107,23,11,"腕を ねじりながら 繰り出す
パンチは コンクリートも 粉砕。
3分 戦うと ひとやすみする。"
107,24,1,"プロボクサーの たましいが
しんかんせんよりも はやい。"
107,24,3,"프로 복서의 혼에 씌었다.
펀치의 스피드는
고속열차보다도 빠르다."
107,24,5,"Tygnon possède lesprit combatif des plus grands
champions de boxe. Ses coups de poing partent plus
vite quun boulet de canon."
107,24,6,"Der Geist eines Profi-Boxers hat dieses Pokémon
inspiriert. Seine Faustschläge sind schneller als
ein Hochgeschwindigkeitszug."
107,24,7,"Dicen que tiene el alma de un boxeador profesional.
Da puñetazos a la velocidad del rayo."
107,24,8,"Questo Pokémon ha lo spirito di un pugile
professionista. I suoi pugni sono più rapidi di un
treno superveloce."
107,24,9,"The spirit of a pro boxer has infused this Pokémon.
It throws punches that are faster than a bullet train."
107,24,11,"プロボクサーの 魂が
乗り移っている。パンチの スピードは
新幹線よりも 速い。"
107,25,1,"せかいチャンピオンを めざしていた ボクサーの
たましいが やどったと いわれる エビワラーは
ふくつの せいしんで ぜったいに へこたれない。"
107,25,3,"세계 챔피언을 목표했던 복서의
혼이 깃들었다고 하는 홍수몬은
불굴의 정신으로 절대 지쳐 쓰러지지 않는다."
107,25,5,"On raconte que Tygnon dispose de létat desprit dun boxeur
qui sentraîne pour le championnat du monde. Ce Pokémon
est doté dune ténacité à toute épreuve et nabandonne
jamais face à ladversité."
107,25,6,"Nockchan besitzt das Herz eines Boxers, der sich auf eine
Weltmeisterschaft vorbereitet. Dieses Pokémon hat einen
unbeugsamen Willen und gibt niemals auf."
107,25,7,"Dicen que Hitmonchan tiene el mismo ímpetu que un boxeador
entrenándose para un campeonato mundial. Este Pokémon
tiene un espíritu indomable que nunca se doblega ante la
107,25,8,"Si dice che Hitmonchan abbia lanimo di un pugile destinato
a partecipare al campionato mondiale. Questo Pokémon
ha uno spirito indomito e non demorde mai di fronte
alle avversità."
107,25,9,"Hitmonchan is said to possess the spirit of a boxer who had
been working toward a world championship. This Pokémon has
an indomitable spirit and will never give up in the face
of adversity."
107,25,11,"世界チャンピオンを 目指していた ボクサーの
魂が 宿ったと いわれる エビワラーは
不屈の 精神で 絶対に へこたれない。"
107,26,1,"せかいチャンピオンを めざしていた ボクサーの
たましいが やどったと いわれる エビワラーは
ふくつの せいしんで ぜったいに へこたれない。"
107,26,3,"세계 챔피언을 목표했던 복서의
혼이 깃들었다고 하는 홍수몬은
불굴의 정신으로 절대 지쳐 쓰러지지 않는다."
107,26,5,"On raconte que Tygnon dispose de létat desprit dun boxeur
qui sentraîne pour le championnat du monde. Ce Pokémon
est doté dune ténacité à toute épreuve et nabandonne
jamais face à ladversité."
107,26,6,"Nockchan besitzt das Herz eines Boxers, der sich auf eine
Weltmeisterschaft vorbereitet. Dieses Pokémon hat einen
unbeugsamen Willen und gibt niemals auf."
107,26,7,"Dicen que Hitmonchan tiene el mismo ímpetu que un boxeador
entrenándose para un campeonato mundial. Este Pokémon
tiene un espíritu indomable que nunca se doblega ante la
107,26,8,"Si dice che Hitmonchan abbia lanimo di un pugile destinato
a partecipare al campionato mondiale. Questo Pokémon
ha uno spirito indomito e non demorde mai di fronte
alle avversità."
107,26,9,"Hitmonchan is said to possess the spirit of a boxer who had
been working toward a world championship. This Pokémon
has an indomitable spirit and will never give up in the face
of adversity."
107,26,11,"世界チャンピオンを 目指していた ボクサーの
魂が 宿ったと いわれる エビワラーは
不屈の 精神で 絶対に へこたれない。"
107,31,1,"ねじりこむような パンチこうげき!
コンクリートのかべが ドリルじょうに
けずられて やがて あなが あく。"
107,31,3,"비틀면서 뚫는 듯한 펀치 공격!
콘크리트 벽이 드릴 모양으로
깎여나가 구멍이 뚫린다."
107,31,5,"Ses coups de poing rotatifs sont si puissants
quils peuvent percer le béton comme
une foreuse."
107,31,6,"Mit seinen rotierenden Hieben vermag es, sich
wie eine Bohrmaschine Stück für Stück durch
Betonwände zu bohren."
107,31,7,"Sus puñetazos, semejantes a una taladradora,
pueden perforar un muro de hormigón como si
107,31,8,"Attacca facendo ruotare i pugni come un
trapano. Grazie ad essi, è in grado di perforare
persino un muro di cemento."
107,31,9,"Punches in corkscrew fashion. It can punch
its way through a concrete wall like a drill."
107,31,11,"ねじり込むような パンチ攻撃!
コンクリートの壁が ドリル状に
削られて やがて 穴が あく。"
107,32,1,"ねじりこむような パンチこうげき!
コンクリートのかべが ドリルじょうに
けずられて やがて あなが あく。"
107,32,3,"비틀면서 뚫는 듯한 펀치 공격!
콘크리트 벽이 드릴 모양으로
깎여나가 구멍이 뚫린다."
107,32,5,"Ses coups de poing rotatifs sont si puissants
quils peuvent percer le béton comme
une foreuse."
107,32,6,"Mit seinen rotierenden Hieben vermag es, sich
wie eine Bohrmaschine Stück für Stück durch
Betonwände zu bohren."
107,32,7,"Sus puñetazos, semejantes a una taladradora,
pueden perforar un muro de hormigón como si
107,32,8,"Attacca facendo ruotare i pugni come un
trapano. Grazie ad essi, è in grado di perforare
persino un muro di cemento."
107,32,9,"Punches in corkscrew fashion. It can punch
its way through a concrete wall like a drill."
107,32,11,"ねじり込むような パンチ攻撃!
コンクリートの壁が ドリル状に
削られて やがて 穴が あく。"
107,33,1,"くうきを きりさく パンチ。
かすっただけで やけどに なるほど
パンチの スピードは はやいのだ。"
107,33,3,"주변의 공기를 가르는 펀치.
스치기만 해도 화상을 입을 정도로
펀치 스피드가 매우 빠르다."
107,33,5,"Ses poings fendent lair. Ils sont si rapides
quun simple frôlement peut causer une brûlure."
107,33,6,"Seine Fäuste zerschneiden regelrecht die Luft.
Sie sind so schnell, dass selbst die geringste
Berührung Verbrennungen verursacht."
107,33,7,"Sus puñetazos cortan el aire. Son tan veloces que
el mínimo roce podría causar una quemadura."
107,33,8,"I suoi pugni fendono laria a una tale velocità
che basta venire sfiorati per riportare
una scottatura."
107,33,9,"Its punches slice the air. They are launched at
such high speed, even a slight graze could cause
a burn."
107,33,11,"空気を 切り裂く パンチ。
かすっただけで 火傷に なるほど
パンチの スピードは 速いのだ。"
107,34,1,"くうきをも きりさく パンチ。
だが 3ぷんかん こうげきすると
ひとやすみ したくなるらしい。"
107,34,3,"공기마저 베어 가르는 펀치.
하지만 3분간 공격하면
잠시 쉬고 싶어하는 것 같다."
107,34,5,"Ses poings fendent lair, mais il se fatigue au bout
de trois minutes à enchaîner les coups."
107,34,6,"Seine Fäuste zerschneiden die Luft. Es muss
jedoch alle drei Minuten eine kurze Pause
107,34,7,"Sus puñetazos son capaces incluso de cortar el
aire, aunque parece necesitar un descanso tras
estar luchando durante 3 min."
107,34,8,"Fende laria con i suoi pugni. Tuttavia, dopo
tre minuti di lotta deve riprendere fiato."
107,34,9,"Its punches slice the air. However, it seems to
need a short break after fighting for three minutes."
107,34,11,"空気をも 切り裂く パンチ。
だが 3分間 攻撃すると
ひと休み したくなるらしい。"
108,1,9,"Its tongue can be
extended like a
chameleon's. Itleaves a tingling
sensation when it
licks enemies."
108,2,9,"Its tongue can be
extended like a
chameleon's. Itleaves a tingling
sensation when it
licks enemies."
108,3,9,"Its tongue spans
almost 7 feet and
moves more freelythan its forelegs.
Its licks can
cause paralysis."
108,4,9,"Its tongue has
nerves that runto the very tip,
so it can be deft­
ly manipulated."
108,5,9,"Its long tongue,
slathered with a
gooey saliva,sticks to any­
thing, so it is
very useful."
108,6,9,"It has a tongue
that is over 66
long. It uses thislong tongue to
lick its body
108,7,9,"Whenever LICKITUNG comes across
something new, it will unfailingly give it
a lick. It does so because it memorizesthings by texture and by taste.
It is somewhat put off by sour things."
108,8,9,"Whenever LICKITUNG comes across
something new, it will unfailingly give it
a lick. It does so because it memorizesthings by texture and by taste.
It is somewhat put off by sour things."
108,9,9,"Whenever it sees something unfamiliar,
it always licks the object because it
memorizes things by texture and taste.
It is somewhat put off by sour things."
108,10,9,"Its tongue is twice the length of its
body. It can be moved like an arm for
grabbing food and attacking."
108,11,9,"Its tongue can be extended like a
chameleons. It leaves a tingling
sensation when it licks enemies."
108,12,9,"Instead of hands, it uses its
tongue, which is twice its height.
Its sticky saliva grips anything."
108,13,9,"Instead of hands, it uses its
tongue, which is twice its height.
Its sticky saliva grips anything."
108,14,9,"When it extends its over-six-foot-
long tongue, its tail quivers. There
is a possibility they are connected."
108,15,9,"Its tongue has well-developed
nerves that run to the very tip,
so it can be deftly manipulated."
108,16,9,"Its long tongue, slathered with a
gooey saliva, sticks to anything,
so it is very useful."
108,17,5,"Quand il déploie sa langue de près
de deux mètres, sa queue sagite.
Elles seraient reliées entre elles."
108,17,9,"When it extends its over-six-foot-
long tongue, its tail quivers. There
is a possibility they are connected."
108,18,5,"Quand il déploie sa langue de près
de deux mètres, sa queue sagite.
Elles seraient reliées entre elles."
108,18,9,"When it extends its over-six-foot-
long tongue, its tail quivers. There
is a possibility they are connected."
108,21,9,"Being licked by its long, saliva-covered
tongue leaves a tingling sensation.
Extending its tongue retracts its tail."
108,22,9,"Being licked by its long, saliva-covered
tongue leaves a tingling sensation.
Extending its tongue retracts its tail."
108,23,1,"ながい したは ねばねばした
だえきで べっとり。どんなものでも
くっついて とても べんり。"
108,23,3,"긴 혀는 끈적끈적한
침으로 덮여 있다. 어떤 것이든
달라붙어서 매우 편리하다."
108,23,5,"Sa longue langue sécrète une salive gluante qui se
colle à nimporte quoi. Elle est très efficace!"
108,23,6,"Seine Zunge ist mit klebrigem Speichel bedeckt,
der überall haftet. Dies ist sehr nützlich."
108,23,7,"Su larga lengua, recubierta de saliva pegajosa, se
pega a todo, por lo que es muy útil."
108,23,8,"La lunga lingua intrisa di saliva appiccicosa si
attacca agli oggetti e può diventare molto utile."
108,23,9,"Its long tongue, slathered with a gooey saliva,
sticks to anything, so it is very useful."
108,23,11,"長い 舌は ねばねばした
だえきで べっとり。どんなものでも
くっついて とても 便利。"
108,24,1,"したが しんちょうの 2ばいもある。
エサをとったり こうげきをしたりと
まるで てのように うごかせる。"
108,24,3,"혀가 키의 2배나 된다.
먹이를 잡거나 공격을 할 때면
마치 손처럼 움직인다."
108,24,5,"Sa langue fait deux fois la taille de son corps.
Il lutilise comme un bras pour saisir de la nourriture
mais aussi pour attaquer."
108,24,6,"Seine Zunge ist doppelt so lang wie sein Körper.
Es kann sie wie einen Arm bewegen, um damit
Nahrung zu greifen oder zu attackieren."
108,24,7,"La lengua es tan larga que duplica su altura. Es útil
porque puede moverla para agarrar comida y atacar."
108,24,8,"La sua lingua è lunga il doppio del corpo. La usa
come un braccio per afferrare cibo e attaccare."
108,24,9,"Its tongue is twice the length of its body. It can be
moved like an arm for grabbing food and attacking."
108,24,11,"舌が 身長の 2倍もある。
エサを 取ったり 攻撃を したりと
まるで 手のように 動かせる。"
108,25,1,"はじめて めに する ものは かならず ペロリ。
したざわりと あじで きおくしているのだ。
でも すっぱい ものは ちょっと にがて。"
108,25,3,"처음 본 것은 반드시 핥아본다.
혀의 감촉과 맛으로 기억해두는 것이다.
하지만 시큼한 것을 핥는 것은 조금 꺼린다."
108,25,5,"Chaque fois quExcelangue découvre quelque chose
de nouveau, il le lèche. Sa mémoire est basée sur le goût
et la texture des objets. Il naime pas les choses acides."
108,25,6,"Wenn Schlurp etwas Neues entdeckt, leckt es daran.
Es merkt sich Gegenstände anhand der Struktur und
des Geschmacks. Saure Sachen schrecken es eher ab."
108,25,7,"Cada vez que Lickitung se encuentra con algo que no conoce,
le da un lametazo. Es la forma que tiene de memorizar las
cosas, por la textura y el sabor. No soporta los sabores
108,25,8,"Quando Lickitung si trova di fronte a qualcosa di nuovo,
istintivamente lo assaggia con una leccata.
È dotato infatti di una memoria legata al gusto e alla
consistenza degli oggetti. Non ama i sapori aspri."
108,25,9,"Whenever Lickitung comes across something new, it will
unfailingly give it a lick. It does so because it memorizes things
by texture and by taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things."
108,25,11,"初めて 目に する ものは 必ず ペロリ。
舌触りと 味で 記憶しているのだ。
でも 酸っぱい ものは ちょっと 苦手。"
108,26,1,"はじめて めに する ものは かならず ペロリ。
したざわりと あじで きおくしているのだ。
でも すっぱい ものは ちょっと にがて。"
108,26,3,"처음 본 것은 반드시 핥아본다.
혀의 감촉과 맛으로 기억해두는 것이다.
하지만 시큼한 것을 핥는 것은 조금 꺼린다."
108,26,5,"Chaque fois quExcelangue découvre quelque chose
de nouveau, il le lèche. Sa mémoire est basée sur le goût
et la texture des objets. Il naime pas les choses acides."
108,26,6,"Wenn Schlurp etwas Neues entdeckt, leckt es daran.
Es merkt sich Gegenstände anhand der Struktur und
des Geschmacks. Saure Sachen schrecken es eher ab."
108,26,7,"Cada vez que Lickitung se encuentra con algo que no conoce,
le da un lametazo. Es la forma que tiene de memorizar las
cosas, por la textura y el sabor. No soporta los sabores
108,26,8,"Quando Lickitung si trova di fronte a qualcosa di nuovo,
istintivamente lo assaggia con una leccata.
È dotato infatti di una memoria legata al gusto e alla
consistenza degli oggetti. Non ama i sapori aspri."
108,26,9,"Whenever Lickitung comes across something new, it will
unfailingly give it a lick. It does so because it memorizes things
by texture and by taste. It is somewhat put off by sour things."
108,26,11,"初めて 目に する ものは 必ず ペロリ。
舌触りと 味で 記憶しているのだ。
でも 酸っぱい ものは ちょっと 苦手。"
108,29,1,"ながい ベロで なんでも べろりと
なめて たしかめている。 なめられた
ぶぶんを ほうっておくと かぶれるぞ。"
108,29,3,"긴 혀를 내밀어 몇 번이고
핥아 확인한다. 핥은 부분을
방치하면 염증이 생긴다."
108,29,5,"Sa longue langue lui sert à goûter tout ce qui
lintrigue. Attention, car sil vous lèche une partie
du corps, vous risquez linfection cutanée."
108,29,6,"Mit seiner langen Zunge leckt es an allem, um es
zu prüfen. Lässt man eine abgeleckte Stelle
unbehandelt, entwickelt sich ein Ausschlag."
108,29,7,"Identifica las cosas lamiéndolas con su larga
lengua. Hay que tener cuidado, pues si no se
tratan, sus lametones tienen efectos urticantes."
108,29,8,"Esamina tutto ciò che lo circonda con la sua
lunga lingua. Le parti leccate, se trascurate,
possono sviluppare irritazioni."
108,29,9,"It checks out whatevers around it by licking
everything. If you dont clean off a spot where
its licked you, youll break out in a rash!"
108,29,11,"長い ベロで なんでも ベロリと
舐めて 確かめている。 舐められた
部分を 放っておくと かぶれるぞ。"
108,30,1,"よごれは ベロで きれいに なめとる。
なめたあとは なんだか くさいので
ほんとうに きれいなのかは あやしい。"
108,30,3,"더러워지면 혀로 깨끗하게 핥아 낸다.
핥고 난 뒤에도 왠지 냄새가 나서
정말로 깨끗한지는 의심스럽다."
108,30,5,"Il nettoie les saletés dun coup de langue,
mais vu lodeur nauséabonde qui sen dégage,
ce nest probablement pas très efficace."
108,30,6,"Seine Zunge leckt jede Unreinheit sauber.
Danach haftet allerdings ein übler Geruch daran,
was wiederum am Ergebnis zweifeln lässt."
108,30,7,"Se limpia y acicala a base de lengüetazos,
aunque el olor que deja su saliva sugiere de
todo menos pulcritud."
108,30,8,"Rimuove lo sporco leccandolo via, ma gli oggetti
leccati emanano un cattivo odore che fa
dubitare dellefficacia della pulizia."
108,30,9,"It licks filth clean with its tongue. Whatever it
licks always stinks afterward, so whether its
really clean is...questionable."
108,30,11,"汚れは ベロで 綺麗に 舐めとる。
舐めたあとは なんだか 臭いので
本当に 綺麗なのかは あやしい。"
108,31,1,"2メートルもある ながい したは
まえあしより きように うごかせる。
なめられると なぜか しびれてくる。"
108,31,3,"2m나 되는 긴 혀는 앞다리보다
능숙하게 움직일 수 있다.
혀로 핥으면 상대가 마비된다."
108,31,5,"Sa langue mesure 2 m et elle est plus agile
que ses pattes. Son contact provoque
la paralysie."
108,31,6,"Schlurps Zunge ist bis zu zwei Meter lang.
Es kann sie geschickter bewegen als seine
Vorderbeine und andere damit paralysieren."
108,31,7,"Su lengua puede llegar a medir dos metros y la
mueve con más soltura que las patas delanteras.
Sus lametazos pueden causar parálisis."
108,31,8,"Ha una lingua lunga circa 2 m, che può muovere
con più scioltezza rispetto alle sue zampe
anteriori. Le sue leccate paralizzano."
108,31,9,"Its tongue spans almost seven feet and moves
more freely than its forelegs. Its licks can
cause paralysis."
108,31,11,"2メートルもある 長い 舌は
前足より 器用に 動かせる。
なめられると なぜか 痺れてくる。"
108,32,1,"2メートルもある ながい したは
まえあしより きように うごかせる。
なめられると なぜか しびれてくる。"
108,32,3,"2m나 되는 긴 혀는 앞다리보다
능숙하게 움직일 수 있다.
혀로 핥으면 상대가 마비된다."
108,32,5,"Sa langue mesure 2 m et elle est plus agile
que ses pattes. Son contact provoque
la paralysie."
108,32,6,"Schlurps Zunge ist bis zu zwei Meter lang.
Es kann sie geschickter bewegen als seine
Vorderbeine und andere damit paralysieren."
108,32,7,"Su lengua puede llegar a medir dos metros y la
mueve con más soltura que las patas delanteras.
Sus lametazos pueden causar parálisis."
108,32,8,"Ha una lingua lunga circa 2 m, che può muovere
con più scioltezza rispetto alle sue zampe
anteriori. Le sue leccate paralizzano."
108,32,9,"Its tongue spans almost seven feet and moves
more freely than its forelegs. Its licks can
cause paralysis."
108,32,11,"2メートルもある 長い 舌は
前足より 器用に 動かせる。
なめられると なぜか 痺れてくる。"
108,33,1,"ネバネバした だえきに ふれたまま
ほうっておくと ものすごい かゆみが
はじまり とまらなくなるぞ。"
108,33,3,"끈적끈적한 타액에 접촉한 후
그대로 방치하면 굉장히 가렵고
급기야 멈출 수 없게 된다."
108,33,5,"Si sa salive gluante entre en contact avec la peau
et quon ne lessuie pas bien, elle provoque de
terribles démangeaisons qui ne sarrêtent jamais."
108,33,6,"Wäscht man sich nach der Berührung mit seinem
klebrigen Speichel nicht, setzt bald ein starker
Juckreiz ein, der nicht mehr zu stoppen ist."
108,33,7,"Si sus lametones no se tratan a tiempo, su saliva
pegajosa y urticante puede provocar picores
108,33,8,"La sua saliva appiccicosa provoca un prurito
terribile che non dà tregua se le parti leccate
non vengono ripulite."
108,33,9,"If this Pokémons sticky saliva gets on you and
you dont clean it off, an intense itch will set in.
The itch wont go away, either."
108,33,11,"ネバネバした 唾液に 触れたまま
放っておくと ものすごい 痒みが
はじまり とまらなくなるぞ。"
108,34,1,"むしポケモンが おもな エサ。
ながい したで あいてを なめて
しびれた ところを まるのみにする。"
108,34,3,"벌레포켓몬이 주된 먹이다.
긴 혀로 상대를 핥아
마비시킨 후 통째로 삼킨다."
108,34,5,"Excelangue se nourrit essentiellement de Pokémon
Insecte. Il lèche ses ennemis avec sa longue langue
pour les paralyser, puis les avale tout rond."
108,34,6,"Es ernährt sich vorwiegend von Käfer-Pokémon.
Hat es diese mit der langen Zunge abgeschleckt
und dadurch gelähmt, verschlingt es sie im Nu."
108,34,7,"Se nutre principalmente de Pokémon insecto,
a los que paraliza primero lamiéndolos con su
larga lengua y luego engulle de un bocado."
108,34,8,"Si nutre principalmente di Pokémon Coleottero.
Paralizza le prede leccandole con la lunga lingua
e le inghiotte in un boccone."
108,34,9,"Bug Pokémon are Lickitungs main food source.
This Pokémon paralyzes its prey with a lick from
its long tongue, then swallows the prey whole."
108,34,11,"虫ポケモンが おもな エサ。
長い 舌で 相手を 舐めて
痺れた ところを 丸飲みにする。"
109,1,9,"Because it stores
several kinds of
toxic gases inits body, it is
prone to exploding
without warning."
109,2,9,"Because it stores
several kinds of
toxic gases inits body, it is
prone to exploding
without warning."
109,3,9,"In hot places, its
internal gases
could expand andexplode without
any warning. Be
very careful!"
109,4,9,"Its thin, filmy
body is filled
with gases thatcause constant
sniffles, coughs
and teary eyes."
109,5,9,"The poisonous
gases it contains
are a little bitlighter than air,
keeping it slight­
ly airborne."
109,6,9,"If one gets close
enough to it when
it expels poison­ous gas, the gas
swirling inside it
can be seen."
109,7,9,"If KOFFING becomes agitated, it raises
the toxicity of its internal gases and
jets them out from all over its body.This POKéMON may also overinflate its
round body, then explode."
109,8,9,"KOFFING embodies toxic substances.
It mixes the toxins with raw garbage to
set off a chemical reaction thatresults in a terribly powerful poison
gas. The higher the temperature, the
more gas is concocted by this POKéMON."
109,9,9,"Getting up close to a KOFFING will give
you a chance to observe, through its thin
skin, the toxic gases swirling inside. It
blows up at the slightest stimulation."
109,10,9,"Its thin, balloon-like body is inflated by
horribly toxic gases. It reeks when it is
109,11,9,"Because it stores several kinds of toxic
gases in its body, it is prone to
exploding without warning."
109,12,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body
keep it aloft. The gases not only
smell, they are also explosive."
109,13,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body
keep it aloft. The gases not only
smell, they are also explosive."
109,14,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body
keep it aloft. The gases not only
smell, they are also explosive."
109,15,9,"Its thin, filmy body is filled
with gases that cause constant
sniffles, coughs and teary eyes."
109,16,9,"The poisonous gases it contains
are a little bit lighter than air,
keeping it slightly airborne."
109,17,5,"Il flotte en retenant des gaz plus
légers que lair. Ceux-ci sont
explosifs, en plus dêtre fétides."
109,17,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body
keep it aloft. The gases not only
smell, they are also explosive."
109,18,5,"Il flotte en retenant des gaz plus
légers que lair. Ceux-ci sont
explosifs, en plus dêtre fétides."
109,18,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body
keep it aloft. The gases not only
smell, they are also explosive."
109,21,9,"Toxic gas is held within its thin,
balloon-shaped body, so it can
cause massive explosions."
109,22,9,"Toxic gas is held within its thin,
balloon-shaped body, so it can
cause massive explosions."
109,23,1,"うすい バルーンじょうの からだに
もうどくの ガスが つまっている。
ちかくにくると くさい。"
109,23,3,"얇고 풍선 같은 몸에
맹독 가스가 차있다.
가까이 오면 역겨운 냄새가 난다."
109,23,5,"Son corps très fin en forme de ballon est rempli
dun horrible gaz toxique. Lair est nauséabond à
proximité de ce Pokémon."
109,23,6,"Sein dünner, ballonartiger Körper ist mit
schrecklichem Giftgas gefüllt. Es verbreitet einen
heftigen Gestank, wenn es in der Nähe ist."
109,23,7,"Tiene forma de globo y es muy ligero. Está compuesto
por gases tóxicos y apesta."
109,23,8,"Il suo corpo fatto a pallone è pieno di orribili sostanze
gassose, che emanano un puzzo disgustoso."
109,23,9,"Its thin, balloon-like body is inflated by horribly
toxic gases. It reeks when it is nearby."
109,23,11,"薄い バルーン状の 体に
猛毒の ガスが つまっている。
近くに 来ると くさい。"
109,24,1,"くうきよりも かるい ガスを
からだに ためて うかんでいる。
ガスは くさいうえに ばくはつする。"
109,24,3,"공기보다도 가벼운 가스를
몸에 모아서 떠 있다. 가스는
냄새나는 데다가 폭발도 한다."
109,24,5,"Il flotte en retenant des gaz plus légers que lair.
Ceux-ci sont explosifs, en plus dêtre fétides."
109,24,6,"Gase, die leichter als Luft sind, lassen es schweben.
Diese Gase stinken und sind explosiv."
109,24,7,"Los gases de su cuerpo le permiten flotar. Estos
gases, además de oler mal, también son explosivos."
109,24,8,"Fluttua a mezzaria grazie ai gas che ha in corpo.
Questi sono maleodoranti e altamente esplosivi."
109,24,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft.
The gases not only smell, they are also explosive."
109,24,11,"空気よりも 軽い ガスを
体に ためて 浮かんでいる。
ガスは くさい上に 爆発する。"
109,25,1,"しげきを あたえると ガスの どくそが つよまり
からだの あちこちから いきおいよく ふきだす。
まんまるに ふくらんだ あと だいばくはつする。"
109,25,3,"자극받으면 가스의 독소가 강해져
몸의 이곳저곳에서 강하게 내뿜는다.
동그랗게 부풀어 오른 후 대폭발한다."
109,25,5,"Lorsque Smogo sagite, ça augmente la toxicité de ses gaz
internes. Il les projette ensuite par les nombreux orifices de
son corps. Ce Pokémon peut aussi gonfler son corps
et le faire exploser."
109,25,6,"Wenn Smogon sich aufregt, lässt es das giftige Gas in seinem
Inneren entweichen. Wenn es sich zu sehr aufbläht, explodiert
dieses Pokémon."
109,25,7,"Si Koffing se pone nervioso, aumenta el nivel de toxicidad de
los gases que tiene y los expulsa por todo el cuerpo. También
suele hincharse mucho hasta llegar a explotar."
109,25,8,"Se Koffing si agita, aumenta la tossicità dei suoi gas interni
e li espelle violentemente da tutto il corpo. Questo Pokémon
riesce anche a gonfiarsi fino al punto di esplodere."
109,25,9,"If Koffing becomes agitated, it raises the toxicity of its internal
gases and jets them out from all over its body. This Pokémon
may also overinflate its round body, then explode."
109,25,11,"刺激を 与えると ガスの 毒素が 強まり
体の あちこちから 勢いよく 吹き出す。
真ん丸に 膨らんだ 後 大爆発する。"
109,26,1,"なまゴミと からだの どくそを かがくはんのう
させる ことで もうどくの ガスを つくりだす。
きおんが たかいほど ガスが たくさん できる。"
109,26,3,"음식물 쓰레기와 몸의 독소를 화학반응시켜
맹독 가스를 만들어 낸다.
기온이 높을수록 가스가 많이 만들어진다."
109,26,5,"Smogo est composé de substances toxiques. Il mélange
des toxines et des détritus pour déclencher une réaction
chimique générant un gaz très dangereux. Plus la température
est élevée, plus la quantité de gaz est importante."
109,26,6,"Smogons Körper enthält giftige Substanzen. Es vermischt
die Toxine mit Müll, um eine chemische Reaktion in Gang
zu bringen, die ein unheimlich starkes Giftgas hervorbringt.
Je höher die Temperatur, desto mehr Gas produziert es."
109,26,7,"Koffing contiene sustancias tóxicas que mezcla con
desperdicios para provocar una reacción química que libera
un gas tremendamente venenoso. A mayor temperatura,
mayor será la cantidad de gas que cree este Pokémon."
109,26,8,"Koffing è costituito da sostanze velenose. Mischia tossine
con rifiuti putrefatti per scatenare reazioni chimiche che
generano un micidiale gas velenoso. Con laumento della
temperatura, sale la quantità di gas prodotto da Koffing."
109,26,9,"Koffing embodies toxic substances. It mixes the toxins with raw
garbage to set off a chemical reaction that results in a terribly
powerful poison gas. The higher the temperature, the more gas
is concocted by this Pokémon."
109,26,11,"生ゴミと 体の 毒素を 化学反応
させる ことで 猛毒の ガスを つくりだす。
気温が 高いほど ガスが 沢山 できる。"
109,31,1,"あついところ では からだのなかの
ガスが ふくらんで はれつする
きけんせいも あるので ちゅういだ。"
109,31,3,"더운 곳에서는 몸 안의
가스가 부풀어 올라 파열될
위험성이 있으므로 주의해야 한다."
109,31,5,"Les gaz que renferme son corps deviennent
instables lorsquil se trouve dans un endroit
chaud. Prenez garde, il pourrait exploser!"
109,31,6,"Bei diesem Pokémon ist Vorsicht geboten,
da sich die Gase in seinem Innern an warmen
Orten ausbreiten und es explodieren lassen."
109,31,7,"A veces puede explotar sin avisar, ya que en
lugares calurosos su gas interno se expande."
109,31,8,"Nei luoghi caldi i suoi gas interni rischiano di
espandersi fino a farlo scoppiare, quindi bisogna
fare attenzione."
109,31,9,"In hot places, its internal gases could
expand and explode without any warning.
Be very careful!"
109,31,11,"暑いところ では 体の中の
ガスが 膨らんで 破裂する
危険性も あるので 注意だ。"
109,32,1,"あついところ では からだのなかの
ガスが ふくらんで はれつする
きけんせいも あるので ちゅういだ。"
109,32,3,"더운 곳에서는 몸 안의
가스가 부풀어 올라 파열될
위험성이 있으므로 주의해야 한다."
109,32,5,"Les gaz que renferme son corps deviennent
instables lorsquil se trouve dans un endroit
chaud. Prenez garde, il pourrait exploser!"
109,32,6,"Bei diesem Pokémon ist Vorsicht geboten,
da sich die Gase in seinem Innern an warmen
Orten ausbreiten und es explodieren lassen."
109,32,7,"A veces puede explotar sin avisar, ya que en
lugares calurosos su gas interno se expande."
109,32,8,"Nei luoghi caldi i suoi gas interni rischiano di
espandersi fino a farlo scoppiare, quindi bisogna
fare attenzione."
109,32,9,"In hot places, its internal gases could
expand and explode without any warning.
Be very careful!"
109,32,11,"暑いところ では 体の中の
ガスが 膨らんで 破裂する
危険性も あるので 注意だ。"
109,33,1,"どくガスで パンパンの からだ。
なまゴミの くさった においを
もとめ ゴミすてばに やってくる。"
109,33,3,"독가스로 몸 안이 가득 차 있다.
음식물 쓰레기의 악취에
이끌려 쓰레기장을 찾아간다."
109,33,5,"Son corps est gonflé de gaz toxique.
Il se rend dans les décharges, attiré par lodeur
des déchets alimentaires en décomposition."
109,33,6,"Sein Körper ist zum Bersten voll mit Giftgas.
Angelockt vom fauligen Geruch verrottender
Abfälle, lungert es auf Müllhalden herum."
109,33,7,"Su cuerpo está lleno a rebosar de gas venenoso.
Acude a los vertederos atraído por el putrefacto
olor que emana de los desperdicios."
109,33,8,"Il suo corpo è gonfio di gas velenosi.
Va nelle discariche attratto dallodore
di rifiuti putrescenti."
109,33,9,"Its body is full of poisonous gas. It floats into
garbage dumps, seeking out the fumes of raw,
rotting trash."
109,33,11,"毒ガスで パンパンの 体。
生ゴミの 腐った においを
求め ゴミ捨て場に やってくる。"
109,34,1,"きたない くうきが ごちそう。
むかしの ガラルちほうには いまより
たくさんの ドガースが いたという。"
109,34,3,"오염된 공기를 좋아한다.
옛날 가라르지방에는 지금보다
많은 또가스가 있었다고 한다."
109,34,5,"On raconte quil y a longtemps, ces Pokémon
amateurs dair pollué étaient beaucoup plus
nombreux à Galar."
109,34,6,"Angeblich waren diese nach verpesteter Luft
gierenden Pokémon früher weitaus häufiger
in der Galar-Region anzutreffen als heute."
109,34,7,"Se nutre de aire contaminado. Al parecer, antaño
eran mucho más numerosos en Galar."
109,34,8,"È ghiotto di aria inquinata.
Si dice che in passato a Galar ci fossero
molti più Koffing rispetto a ora."
109,34,9,"It adores polluted air. Some claim that Koffing
used to be more plentiful in the Galar region
than they are now."
109,34,11,"汚い 空気が ごちそう。
むかしの ガラル地方には いまより
たくさんの ドガースが いたという。"
110,1,9,"Where two kinds
of poison gases
meet, 2 KOFFINGscan fuse into a
WEEZING over many
110,2,9,"Where two kinds
of poison gases
meet, 2 KOFFINGscan fuse into a
WEEZING over many
110,3,9,"It lives and grows
by absorbing dust,
germs and poisongases that are
contained in toxic
waste and garbage."
110,4,9,"If one of the twin
KOFFING inflates,
the other onedeflates. It con­
stantly mixes its
poisonous gases."
110,5,9,"Top-grade perfume
is made using its
internal poisongases by diluting
them to the high­
est level."
110,6,9,"When it inhales
poisonous gases
from garbage, itsbody expands, and
its insides smell
much worse."
110,7,9,"WEEZING loves the gases given off by
rotted kitchen garbage. This POKéMON
will find a dirty, unkempt house andmake it its home. At night, when the
people in the house are asleep, it will
go through the trash."
110,8,9,"WEEZING alternately shrinks and
inflates its twin bodies to mix together
toxic gases inside.The more the gases are mixed, the more
powerful the toxins become. The
POKéMON also becomes more putrid."
110,9,9,"By diluting its toxic gases with a special
process, the highest grade of perfume can
be extracted. To WEEZING, gases emanating
from garbage are the ultimate feast."
110,10,9,"Very rarely, a sudden mutation can result
in two small KOFFING twins becoming
conjoined as a WEEZING."
110,11,9,"Where two kinds of poison gases meet, two
KOFFING can fuse into a WEEZING over
many years."
110,12,9,"It grows by feeding on gases
released by garbage. Though very
rare, triplets have been found."
110,13,9,"It grows by feeding on gases
released by garbage. Though very
rare, triplets have been found."
110,14,9,"It grows by feeding on gases
released by garbage. Though very
rare, triplets have been found."
110,15,9,"If one of the twin KOFFING inflates,
the other one deflates. It constantly
mixes its poisonous gases."
110,16,9,"Top-grade perfume is made using its
internal poison gases by diluting
them to the highest level."
110,17,5,"Il grandit en absorbant les gaz des
détritus. Des triplés existent, bien
quils soient fort rares."
110,17,9,"It grows by feeding on gases
released by garbage. Though very
rare, triplets have been found."
110,18,5,"Il grandit en absorbant les gaz des
détritus. Des triplés existent, bien
quils soient fort rares."
110,18,9,"It grows by feeding on gases
released by garbage. Though very
rare, triplets have been found."
110,21,9,"Inhaling toxic fumes from trash
and mixing them inside its body
lets it spread an even fouler stench."
110,22,9,"Inhaling toxic fumes from trash
and mixing them inside its body
lets it spread an even fouler stench."
110,23,1,"どちらかが ふくらむと かたほうは
しぼむ ふたごの ドガース。いつも
たいないの どくガスを まぜている。"
110,23,3,"한쪽이 부풀어 오르면 다른 한쪽은
오그라드는 쌍둥이 또가스. 항상
체내의 독가스를 섞고 있다."
110,23,5,"Si lun des deux Smogo se gonfle, lautre se
dégonfle. Ils mélangent leurs gaz en permanence."
110,23,6,"Pumpt sich eines der zwei Smogon auf, lässt das
andere Luft ab. So findet ein Giftgasaustausch statt."
110,23,7,"Si uno de los gemelos Koffing se infla, el otro se
desinfla. Mezclan constantemente sus venenosos
110,23,8,"Se un gemello Koffing si sgonfia, laltro si gonfia.
I gas velenosi dei due si mischiano continuamente."
110,23,9,"If one of the twin Koffing inflates, the other one
deflates. It constantly mixes its poisonous gases."
110,23,11,"どちらかが ふくらむと 片方は
しぼむ 双子の ドガース。いつも
体内の 毒ガスを 混ぜている。"
110,24,1,"ごくまれに とつぜんへんいで
ふたごの ちいさい ドガースが
れんけつしたまま でることがある。"
110,24,3,"극히 드물게 돌연변이로
쌍둥이인 작은 또가스가
연결된 채로 나오는 때가 있다."
110,24,5,"Il peut arriver que deux Smogo mutent et sassocient
pour former un Smogogo, mais cest très rare."
110,24,6,"Sehr selten führt eine plötzliche Mutation eines
Zwillings-Smogon zu einer Verbindung zu Smogmog."
110,24,7,"En raras ocasiones, se produce una mutación y dos
pequeños Koffing se unen formando un Weezing."
110,24,8,"Una rarissima mutazione può trasformare due
Koffing gemelli in un Weezing."
110,24,9,"Very rarely, a sudden mutation can result in two
small Koffing twins becoming conjoined as
a Weezing."
110,24,11,"ごくまれに 突然変異で
双子の 小さい ドガースが
連結したまま 出ることがある。"
110,25,1,"くさった なまゴミから でる ガスが だいすき。
そうじを しない いえに すみつき かぞくが
ねしずまった まよなか ゴミばこを あさる。"
110,25,3,"부패한 음식물 쓰레기에서 나온 가스를 매우 좋아한다.
청소하지 않는 집에서 눌러살며 가족이
모두 잠든 한밤중에 쓰레기통을 뒤진다."
110,25,5,"Smogogo adore les gaz qui se dégagent des aliments pourris
dans les poubelles. Ce Pokémon cherche généralement
les maisons sales et mal tenues pour y habiter.
La nuit, quand tout le monde est endormi, il fouille les détritus."
110,25,6,"Smogmog liebt die Gase verrottender, fauler Küchenabfälle.
Dieses Pokémon sucht sich ein vernachlässigtes, schmutziges
Gebäude und richtet sich dort häuslich ein. Nachts, wenn die
Menschen schlafen, wühlt es im Müll."
110,25,7,"A Weezing le encantan los gases que emanan de los
desperdicios que quedan en la cocina. Este Pokémon busca
casas sucias y descuidadas para crear su hogar. De noche,
cuando los habitantes de la casa duermen, va a por la basura."
110,25,8,"Weezing adora i gas emanati dai resti alimentari in
decomposizione. Si sente a suo agio in case sudicie
e maltenute. La notte, mentre dormono tutti, lui si aggira
furtivo tra i rifiuti domestici."
110,25,9,"Weezing loves the gases given off by rotted kitchen garbage.
This Pokémon will find a dirty, unkempt house and make it its
home. At night, when the people in the house are asleep, it will
go through the trash."
110,25,11,"腐った 生ゴミから 出る ガスが 大好き。
掃除を しない 家に すみつき 家族が
寝静まった 真夜中 ゴミ箱を 漁る。"
110,26,1,"ふたごの からだを こうごに しぼませたり
ふくらませたりして どくガスを まぜている。
まぜるほど どくそが つよまり くさくなる。"
110,26,3,"똑같이 생긴 몸을 교대로 오그라트리고
부풀리면서 독가스를 섞고 있다.
섞을수록 독소가 강해져 악취가 난다."
110,26,5,"Smogogo rétrécit ou gonfle ses deux corps pour mélanger
les gaz toxiques qui sy trouvent. Lorsque les gaz sont bien
mélangés, la toxine devient très puissante. Le Pokémon
se putréfie aussi un peu plus."
110,26,6,"Smogmog bläst seine beiden Körper abwechselnd auf
und lässt sie wieder zusammenschrumpfen, um die giftigen
Gase darin zu vermischen. Je mehr Gase vermischt werden,
desto stärker werden die Toxine."
110,26,7,"Weezing reduce y agranda el doble cuerpo que tiene para
mezclar los gases tóxicos que contiene. Cuantos más gases
mezcle, mayor será la toxicidad y el nivel de putrefacción
del Pokémon."
110,26,8,"Weezing gonfia e sgonfia ritmicamente il suo duplice corpo
per miscelare i gas tossici allinterno. Più a lungo vengono
mescolati i gas, più nocive diventano le tossine. Anche
il Pokémon diventa ancora più putrido."
110,26,9,"Weezing alternately shrinks and inflates its twin bodies to mix
together toxic gases inside. The more the gases are mixed,
the more powerful the toxins become. The Pokémon also
becomes more putrid."
110,26,11,"双子の 体を 交互に しぼませたり
膨らませたりして 毒ガスを 混ぜている。
混ぜるほど 毒素が 強まり 臭くなる。"
110,31,1,"ゴミのなかに ふくまれている
どくガス バイきん ほこりを
きゅうしゅうして いきている。"
110,31,3,"쓰레기 속에 포함된
독가스, 세균, 먼지를
흡수하며 살고 있다."
110,31,5,"Ce Pokémon se nourrit des gaz toxiques,
des germes et de la poussière quil trouve
dans les tas dordures."
110,31,6,"Smogmog ernährt sich von allerlei Müll, aus dem
es Köstlichkeiten wie giftige Gase, Bakterien und
Staub absorbiert."
110,31,7,"Este Pokémon se alimenta de los gases
venenosos, los gérmenes y el polvo que
encuentra en la basura."
110,31,8,"Vive assorbendo i gas tossici, i germi
e la polvere che si trovano nei rifiuti."
110,31,9,"This Pokémon lives and grows by absorbing
poison gas, dust, and germs that exist
inside garbage."
110,31,11,"ゴミの中に 含まれている
毒ガス バイ菌 ほこりを
吸収して 生きている。"
110,32,1,"ゴミのなかに ふくまれている
どくガス バイきん ほこりを
きゅうしゅうして いきている。"
110,32,3,"쓰레기 속에 포함된
독가스, 세균, 먼지를
흡수하며 살고 있다."
110,32,5,"Ce Pokémon se nourrit des gaz toxiques,
des germes et de la poussière quil trouve
dans les tas dordures."
110,32,6,"Smogmog ernährt sich von allerlei Müll, aus dem
es Köstlichkeiten wie giftige Gase, Bakterien und
Staub absorbiert."
110,32,7,"Este Pokémon se alimenta de los gases
venenosos, los gérmenes y el polvo que
encuentra en la basura."
110,32,8,"Vive assorbendo i gas tossici, i germi
e la polvere che si trovano nei rifiuti."
110,32,9,"This Pokémon lives and grows by absorbing
poison gas, dust, and germs that exist
inside garbage."
110,32,11,"ゴミの中に 含まれている
毒ガス バイ菌 ほこりを
吸収して 生きている。"
110,33,1,"2つの からだで ガスを まぜる。
むかしの ガラルでは そこらじゅうで
すがたを みかけたらしい。"
110,33,3,"2개의 몸에서 가스를 섞는다.
과거의 가라르에서는 흔하게
볼 수 있었다고 한다."
110,33,5,"Il mélange des gaz dans ses deux corps.
On raconte quautrefois, on en voyait partout
dans la région de Galar."
110,33,6,"In seinen beiden Körpern vermischt es Gase.
Man sagt, dass es früher überall in der
Galar-Region anzutreffen gewesen sei."
110,33,7,"Usa sus dos cuerpos para mezclar gases. Según
parece, en el pasado podían hallarse ejemplares
por todos los rincones de Galar."
110,33,8,"Si serve del suo duplice corpo per miscelare i
gas. Sembra che in passato lo si potesse avvistare
un po ovunque nella regione di Galar."
110,33,9,"It mixes gases between its two bodies.
Its said that these Pokémon were seen
all over the Galar region back in the day."
110,33,11,"2つの 体で ガスを 混ぜる。
むかしの ガラルでは そこらじゅうで
姿を 見かけたらしい。"
110,34,1,"ガラルの マタドガスよりも くうきを
すいこむ ちからは すこし よわいが
つくりだす どくそは きょうりょく。"
110,34,3,"가라르의 또도가스보다 공기를
흡입하는 힘은 조금 약하지만
내뿜는 독소는 강력하다."
110,34,5,"Il ne peut pas aspirer autant dair que le Smogogo
de Galar, mais le poison quil produit est plus
110,34,6,"Es kann zwar nicht so viel Luft einsaugen wie die
Smogmog aus Galar, dafür sind aber die Toxine,
die es produziert, umso stärker."
110,34,7,"Posee una capacidad de succión inferior a la del
Weezing de Galar, pero las toxinas que genera
son más potentes."
110,34,8,"La sua capacità di aspirare laria è leggermente
inferiore rispetto al Weezing di Galar, ma è
in grado di produrre tossine molto potenti."
110,34,9,"It cant suck in air quite as well as a Galarian
Weezing, but the toxins it creates are more
potent than those of its counterpart."
110,34,11,"ガラルの マタドガスよりも 空気を
吸いこむ 力は 少し 弱いが
作りだす 毒素は 強力。"
111,1,9,"Its massive bones
are 1000 times
harder than humanbones. It can
easily knock a
trailer flying."
111,2,9,"Its massive bones
are 1000 times
harder than humanbones. It can
easily knock a
trailer flying."
111,3,9,"A POKéMON with a
one-track mind.
Once it charges, it won't stop
running until it
falls asleep."
111,4,9,"It is inept at
turning because of
its four shortlegs. It can only
charge and run in
one direction."
111,5,9,"It doesn't care if
there is anything
in its way. Itjust charges and
destroys all ob­
111,6,9,"It can remember
only one thing at
a time. Once itstarts rushing, it
forgets why it
111,7,9,"RHYHORN runs in a straight line,
smashing everything in its path.
It is not bothered even if it rushesheadlong into a block of steel.
This POKéMON may feel some pain from
the collision the next day, however."
111,8,9,"RHYHORNs brain is very small. It is so
dense, while on a run it forgets why it
started running in the first place.It apparently remembers sometimes if it
demolishes something."
111,9,9,"Once it starts running, it doesnt stop.
Its tiny brain makes it so stupid that it
cant remember why it started running in
the first place."
111,10,9,"Strong, but not too bright, this POKéMON
can shatter even a skyscraper with its
charging TACKLES."
111,11,9,"Its massive bones are 1,000 times harder
than human bones. Its TACKLE can knock a
semitrailer flying."
111,12,9,"Its body is clad in a thick hide,
and its tackles topple buildings.
Unfortunately, it is not smart."
111,13,9,"Its body is clad in a thick hide,
and its tackles topple buildings.
Unfortunately, it is not smart."
111,14,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy
anything. However, it is too
slow witted to help people work."
111,15,9,"It is inept at turning because of
its four short legs. It can only
charge and run in one direction."
111,16,9,"It doesnt care if there is anything
in its way. It just charges and
destroys all obstacles."
111,17,5,"Ses puissantes charges pourraient
démolir nimporte quel bâtiment.
Dommage quil soit stupide."
111,17,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy
anything. However, it is too
slow witted to help people work."
111,18,5,"Ses puissantes charges pourraient
démolir nimporte quel bâtiment.
Dommage quil soit stupide."
111,18,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy
anything. However, it is too
slow witted to help people work."
111,21,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy
anything. However, it is too
slow witted to help people work."
111,22,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy
anything. However, it is too
slow witted to help people work."
111,23,1,"あたまは わるいが ちからが つよく
こうそうビルも たいあたりで
コナゴナに ふんさいする。"
111,23,3,"머리는 나쁘지만 힘이 세서
고층 빌딩도 몸통박치기로
산산조각 낸다."
111,23,5,"Costaud mais pas très intelligent, ce Pokémon est
capable de détruire un immeuble entier en utilisant
sa Charge."
111,23,6,"Stark, aber nicht allzu klug, kann dieses Pokémon
sogar Hochhäuser mit seinem Tackle-Angriff zum
Einsturz bringen."
111,23,7,"Es muy fuerte, pero no especialmente listo. Es capaz
de derribar rascacielos usando Placaje varias veces."
111,23,8,"Potente, benché non particolarmente brillante, con
Azione può distruggere anche un grattacielo."
111,23,9,"Strong, but not too bright, this Pokémon can
shatter even a skyscraper with its charging Tackles."
111,23,11,"頭は 悪いが 力が 強く
高層ビルも 体当たりで
コナゴナに 粉砕する。"
111,24,1,"4ほんの あしは みじかくて
うまく まがれない。ただひたすらに
とっしん するだけだ。"
111,24,3,"4개의 다리는 짧아서
잘 굽혀지지 않는다. 단지 한결같이
돌진할 뿐이다."
111,24,5,"Ses petites jambes ne lui permettent pas de tourner
facilement. Il ne peut charger que tout droit."
111,24,6,"Aufgrund seiner kurzen Beine kann es sich nicht
umdrehen. Es kann immer nur in eine Richtung laufen."
111,24,7,"Es un poco torpe al girar debido a sus cuatro cortas
patas. Solo puede atacar y correr en una dirección."
111,24,8,"Le quattro piccole zampe gli impediscono di voltarsi.
Così corre e attacca in una sola direzione."
111,24,9,"It is inept at turning because of its four short legs.
It can only charge and run in one direction."
111,24,11,"4本の 脚は 短くて
うまく 曲がれない。ただひたすらに
111,25,1,"ひたすら まっすぐ つきすすみ こわしまくる。
こうてつの かたまりに ぶつかっても へいきだが
1にち たつと ちょっと いたみを かんじる。"
111,25,3,"오로지 곧장 돌진하여 부순다.
강철 덩어리에 부딪혀도 멀쩡하지만
하루가 지나면 아픔을 조금 느낀다."
111,25,5,"Rhinocorne charge droit devant lui, détruisant tout sur
son passage. Il ne sarrête jamais, même lorsquil charge
un bloc dacier. Malgré tout, il sent la douleur le lendemain."
111,25,6,"Rihorn läuft immer geradeaus und zerstampft alles, was ihm
in die Quere kommt. Es macht ihm auch nichts aus, wenn es
mit dem Kopf voran gegen einen Stahlklotz rennt. Am nächsten
Tag allerdings könnte es Schmerzen haben."
111,25,7,"Rhyhorn corre en línea recta arrasando todo lo que encuentra
en su camino. Aun estrellándose de cabeza contra un bloque
de acero, no se vería afectado; a lo sumo, notaría algo de
dolor al día siguiente."
111,25,8,"Rhyhorn corre diritto per la sua strada fracassando tutto ciò
che trova. Non si scompone nemmeno scontrandosi con un
blocco dacciaio. Tuttavia, il giorno seguente può accusare
qualche dolore."
111,25,9,"Rhyhorn runs in a straight line, smashing everything in its path.
It is not bothered even if it rushes headlong into a block of
steel. This Pokémon may feel some pain from the collision the
next day, however."
111,25,11,"ひたすら 真っ直ぐ 突き進み 壊しまくる。
鋼鉄の 塊に ぶつかっても 平気だが
1日 経つと ちょっと 痛みを 感じる。"
111,26,1,"はしっているうちに もくてきを わすれるほど
のうみそが ちいさく あたまが わるいぞ。
なにかを こわすと たまに おもいだすらしい。"
111,26,3,"달리고 있다가 목적을 잊을 정도로
뇌가 작고 머리가 나쁘다.
뭔가를 부수면 가끔 기억해내는 것 같다."
111,26,5,"Le cerveau de Rhinocorne est tout petit, à tel point que
lorsquil attaque, il lui arrive doublier pourquoi il a commencé
à charger. Il lui arrive de se souvenir quil a démoli certaines
111,26,6,"Rihorns Hirn ist sehr klein. Es ist so beschränkt,
dass es während des Laufens vergisst, warum es
überhaupt losgelaufen ist. Manchmal erinnert es
sich aber daran, dass es etwas zerstört hat."
111,26,7,"Rhyhorn tiene un cerebro muy pequeño. Si se pone a correr,
por ejemplo, se le olvida qué le llevó a hacerlo. Lo que sí
parece recordar, a veces, es si ha destrozado alguna cosa."
111,26,8,"Il cervello di Rhyhorn è così piccolo che durante la corsa
il Pokémon non riesce neanche a ricordare dovera diretto.
A volte gli capita di ricordare di aver distrutto qualcosa."
111,26,9,"Rhyhorns brain is very small. It is so dense, while on a run
it forgets why it started running in the first place. It apparently
remembers sometimes if it demolishes something."
111,26,11,"走っているうちに 目的を 忘れるほど
脳みそが 小さく 頭が 悪いぞ。
なにかを 壊すと たまに 思い出すらしい。"
111,31,1,"たんさいぼうで ひとつの ことしか
はじめると ねむるまで とまらない。"
111,31,3,"단순해서 한가지 생각밖에
하지 못한다. 돌진을 시작하면
잠들 때까지 멈추지 않는다."
111,31,5,"Un Pokémon obstiné. Sil se met à charger,
il sarrête uniquement quand il sendort."
111,31,6,"Rihorn ist sehr einfach gestrickt und kann nur
eingleisig denken. Stürmt es einmal los, hört es
erst auf zu laufen, wenn es ermattet einschläft."
111,31,7,"Es algo simple y testarudo, y solo tiene una cosa
en la cabeza. Si carga contra algo, no se detiene
hasta caer rendido."
111,31,8,"Ha una mente molto semplice e riesce a
concentrarsi solo su una cosa alla volta. Quando
parte alla carica, si ferma solo se si addormenta."
111,31,9,"A Pokémon with a one-track mind. Once it
charges, it wont stop running until it falls asleep."
111,31,11,"単細胞で 一つの ことしか
始めると 眠るまで 止まらない。"
111,32,1,"たんさいぼうで ひとつの ことしか
はじめると ねむるまで とまらない。"
111,32,3,"단순해서 한가지 생각밖에
하지 못한다. 돌진을 시작하면
잠들 때까지 멈추지 않는다."
111,32,5,"Un Pokémon obstiné. Sil se met à charger,
il sarrête uniquement quand il sendort."
111,32,6,"Rihorn ist sehr einfach gestrickt und kann nur
eingleisig denken. Stürmt es einmal los, hört es
erst auf zu laufen, wenn es ermattet einschläft."
111,32,7,"Es algo simple y testarudo, y solo tiene una cosa
en la cabeza. Si carga contra algo, no se detiene
hasta caer rendido."
111,32,8,"Ha una mente molto semplice e riesce a
concentrarsi solo su una cosa alla volta. Quando
parte alla carica, si ferma solo se si addormenta."
111,32,9,"A Pokémon with a one-track mind. Once it
charges, it wont stop running until it falls asleep."
111,32,11,"単細胞で 一つの ことしか
始めると 眠るまで 止まらない。"
111,33,1,"あたまは わるいが ちからが つよく
こうそうビルも たいあたりで
コナゴナに ふんさいする。"
111,33,3,"머리는 나쁘지만 힘이 세서
고층 빌딩도 몸통박치기로
산산조각 낸다."
111,33,5,"Costaud, mais pas très intelligent, ce Pokémon
est capable de détruire un immeuble entier
en fonçant dessus."
111,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist zwar nicht besonders klug,
aber dafür so stark, dass es durch Rammen sogar
Hochhäuser zum Einsturz bringen kann."
111,33,7,"Su inteligencia es limitada, aunque posee una
fuerza tan considerable que le permite incluso
derribar rascacielos con solo embestirlos."
111,33,8,"È molto forte, benché non particolarmente
brillante. Se si scaglia contro un grattacielo
può raderlo al suolo."
111,33,9,"Strong, but not too bright, this Pokémon can
shatter even a skyscraper with its charging tackles."
111,33,11,"頭は 悪いが 力が 強く
高層ビルも 体当たりで
コナゴナに 粉砕する。"
111,34,1,"ひとつの ことしか おぼえられない。
とっしんを はじめると りゆうは
どうでもよくなり すぐに わすれる。"
111,34,3,"한 가지만 기억할 수 있다.
돌진하기 시작하면 이유가
무엇이었든 금방 잊어버린다."
111,34,5,"Il ne peut se souvenir que dune chose à la fois.
Sil se met à courir, il en oublie tout de suite
la raison."
111,34,6,"Es kann sich immer nur eine Sache merken.
Sobald es losgestürmt ist, vergisst es
augenblicklich den Auslöser dafür."
111,34,7,"La cabeza no le da para retener más de una cosa.
Si se pone a correr, se le olvida al instante por
qué empezó a hacerlo."
111,34,8,"Non è in grado di ricordare più di una cosa
alla volta. Quando parte alla carica
ne dimentica subito il motivo."
111,34,9,"It can remember only one thing at a time. Once it
starts rushing, it forgets why it started."
111,34,11,"ひとつの ことしか 覚えられない。
突進を はじめると 理由は
どうでもよくなり すぐに 忘れる。"
112,1,9,"Protected by an
armor-like hide,
it is capable ofliving in molten
lava of 3,600
112,2,9,"Protected by an
armor-like hide,
it is capable ofliving in molten
lava of 3,600
112,3,9,"Walks on its hind
legs. Shows signs
of intelligence.Its armor-like
hide even repels
molten lava."
112,4,9,"Its rugged hide
protects it from
even the heat oflava. However, the
hide also makes it
112,5,9,"Its brain devel­
oped when it began
walking on hindlegs. Its thick
hide protects it
even in magma."
112,6,9,"By lightly spin­
ning its drill-
like horn, it caneasily shatter
even a diamond in
the rough."
112,7,9,"RHYDONs horn can crush even uncut
diamonds. One sweeping blow of its tail
can topple a building.This POKéMONs hide is extremely tough.
Even direct cannon hits dont leave
a scratch."
112,8,9,"RHYDON has a horn that serves as a
drill. It is used for destroying rocks
and boulders.This POKéMON occasionally rams into
streams of magma, but the armor-like
hide prevents it from feeling the heat."
112,9,9,"Its horn, which rotates like a drill,
destroys tall buildings with one strike.
It stands on its hind legs, and its brain
is well developed."
112,10,9,"It begins walking on its hind legs after
evolution. It can punch holes through
boulders with its horn."
112,11,9,"Protected by an armor-like hide, it is
capable of living in molten lava of 3,600
degrees Fahrenheit."
112,12,9,"Its brain developed after it stood
up on its hind legs. Its drill horn
bores tunnels through solid rock."
112,13,9,"Its brain developed after it stood
up on its hind legs. Its drill horn
bores tunnels through solid rock."
112,14,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its
forelegs and made it smarter. It is
very forgetful, however."
112,15,9,"Its rugged hide protects it from
even the heat of lava. However,
the hide also makes it insensitive."
112,16,9,"Its brain developed when it began
walking on hind legs. Its thick
hide protects it even in magma."
112,17,5,"La station debout a libéré ses
pattes avant et la rendu plus
intelligent, mais il est distrait."
112,17,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its
forelegs and made it smarter. It is
very forgetful, however."
112,18,5,"La station debout a libéré ses
pattes avant et la rendu plus
intelligent, mais il est distrait."
112,18,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its
forelegs and made it smarter. It is
very forgetful, however."
112,21,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its
forelegs and made it smarter. It is
very forgetful, however."
112,22,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its
forelegs and made it smarter. It is
very forgetful, however."
112,23,1,"ぜんしんを よろいのような ひふで
マグマの なかでも いきられる。"
112,23,3,"전신을 갑옷 같은 피부로
보호하고 있다. 2000도의
마그마 속에서도 살 수 있다."
112,23,5,"Son épiderme très épais lui permet de survivre dans
un environnement où il fait plus de 2000 °C."
112,23,6,"Durch seine panzerähnliche Körperhülle kann es
in bis zu 2 000 °C heißer Lava leben."
112,23,7,"La piel le sirve de escudo protector. Puede vivir en
lava líquida a 2000 °C de temperatura."
112,23,8,"Protetto da una pelle-armatura, può vivere nella
lava liquida a 2000 °C."
112,23,9,"Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of
living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit."
112,23,11,"全身を よろいのような 皮膚で
マグマの 中でも 生きられる。"
112,24,1,"しんかして うしろあし だけで
たつようになった。ツノで つかれると
がんせきにも あながあいてしまう。"
112,24,3,"진화하여 뒷다리만으로
서게 되었다. 뿔에 찔리면
암석에도 구멍이 뚫리고 만다."
112,24,5,"Lévolution a permis à ce Pokémon de marcher sur
ses pattes arrière. Il peut facilement faire des trous
dans les rochers en utilisant sa corne."
112,24,6,"Nach seiner Entwicklung geht es aufrecht auf
seinen Hinterfüßen. Mit seinem Horn kann es
Löcher in Felsen bohren."
112,24,7,"Cuando evoluciona, comienza a andar con las patas
traseras. Es capaz de horadar rocas con el cuerno que
112,24,8,"Dopo levoluzione inizia a muoversi sulle zampe
posteriori. Con il corno può perforare la roccia."
112,24,9,"It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution.
It can punch holes through boulders with its horn."
112,24,11,"進化して 後ろ足だけで
立つようになった。ツノで 突かれると
岩石にも 穴が 開いてしまう。"
112,25,1,"ツノは ダイヤモンドの げんせきを くだき
しっぽの いちげきは ビルを なぎたおす。
かたい ひふは たいほうでも キズつかない。"
112,25,3,"뿔은 다이아몬드 원석을 부수고
꼬리의 일격은 빌딩을 쓰러트린다.
단단한 피부는 대포에도 상처 입지 않는다."
112,25,5,"La corne de Rhinoféros peut même casser du diamant brut.
Et avec un simple coup de queue, il peut détruire un bâtiment.
La peau de ce Pokémon est incroyablement dure.
Un boulet de canon ne lui ferait même pas une égratignure."
112,25,6,"Mit seinem Horn kann Rizeros selbst Diamanten zerbrechen.
Ein einziger Hieb mit seinem Schweif kann ein Haus zum
Einsturz bringen. Die Haut dieses Pokémon ist so hart,
dass nicht einmal Kanonenkugeln Kratzer hinterlassen."
112,25,7,"Rhydon tiene un cuerno capaz de horadar hasta un diamante
en bruto y con una sacudida de la cola puede derribar un
edificio. La piel de este Pokémon es muy fuerte; ni los
disparos de un cañón le arañarían."
112,25,8,"Il corno di Rhydon riesce a fracassare anche un diamante
grezzo. Un colpo della sua coda abbatte un edificio.
La pelle-armatura di questo Pokémon è così coriacea
da essere immune anche alle cannonate."
112,25,9,"Rhydons horn can crush even uncut diamonds. One sweeping
blow of its tail can topple a building. This Pokémons hide is
extremely tough. Even direct cannon hits dont leave a scratch."
112,25,11,"ツノは ダイヤモンドの 原石を 砕き
尻尾の 一撃は ビルを なぎ倒す。
硬い 皮膚は 大砲でも キズつかない。"
112,26,1,"ドリルに なる ツノで がんせきを はかいする。
マグマを ふきださせてしまう ことも あるが
よろいの ような ひふは あつさを かんじない。"
112,26,3,"드릴처럼 쓰는 뿔로 암석을 파괴한다.
마그마가 뿜어져 나오기도 하지만
갑옷 같은 피부는 뜨거움을 느끼지 않는다."
112,26,5,"La corne de Rhinoféros lui sert de foreuse. Il lutilise pour
détruire des rochers et des cailloux. Ce Pokémon charge
de temps en temps dans du magma en fusion, mais sa peau
blindée le protège de la chaleur."
112,26,6,"Rizeros hat ein Horn, das es als Bohrer benutzen kann.
Damit zerstört es Felsblöcke und Steine. Dieses Pokémon
rammt sein Horn manchmal in Ströme von Magma.
Seine panzerähnliche Haut schützt es dabei vor der Hitze."
112,26,7,"Rhydon tiene un cuerno anillado que le sirve de taladro. Le
resulta muy útil para horadar rocas y piedras. A veces, se
queda atrapado en corrientes de magma, pero la tosca piel
que tiene impide que sienta el calor."
112,26,8,"Rhydon è dotato di un corno che usa a mo di trapano.
Serve a distruggere rocce e massi. Talvolta questo Pokémon
simbatte in rivoli di magma, ma la sua pelle-armatura lo
protegge dalleccessivo calore."
112,26,9,"Rhydon has a horn that serves as a drill. It is used for
destroying rocks and boulders. This Pokémon occasionally
rams into streams of magma, but the armor-like hide prevents
it from feeling the heat."
112,26,11,"ドリルに なる ツノで 岩石を 破壊する。
マグマを 噴き出させてしまう ことも あるが
よろいの ような 皮膚は 熱さを 感じない。"
112,31,1,"うしろあしだけで あるくようになり
ちのうが はったつした。よろいの
ような ひふは マグマにも たえる。"
112,31,3,"뒷다리만으로 걸을 수 있게 되어
지능이 발달했다. 갑옷 같은
피부는 마그마에도 견딘다."
112,31,5,"Lévolution a permis à ce Pokémon de
développer son intelligence et de se tenir
debout. Son épiderme résiste à la lave."
112,31,6,"Es hat gelernt, auf seinen Hinterbeinen zu laufen
und komplex zu denken. Seine Haut gleicht
einer Rüstung und widersteht sogar heißer Lava."
112,31,7,"Pasar a ser bípedo le ha permitido desarrollar su
inteligencia. La piel, rígida como una armadura,
resiste incluso el magma."
112,31,8,"Ha imparato a camminare in posizione eretta
e il suo cervello si è evoluto. La sua pelle simile
a unarmatura può resistere anche al magma."
112,31,9,"Its brain developed when it began walking on
its hind legs. Its armor-like hide even repels
molten lava."
112,31,11,"後ろ足だけで 歩くようになり
知能が 発達した。鎧の
ような 皮膚は マグマにも 耐える。"
112,32,1,"うしろあしだけで あるくようになり
ちのうが はったつした。よろいの
ような ひふは マグマにも たえる。"
112,32,3,"뒷다리만으로 걸을 수 있게 되어
지능이 발달했다. 갑옷 같은
피부는 마그마에도 견딘다."
112,32,5,"Lévolution a permis à ce Pokémon de
développer son intelligence et de se tenir
debout. Son épiderme résiste à la lave."
112,32,6,"Es hat gelernt, auf seinen Hinterbeinen zu laufen
und komplex zu denken. Seine Haut gleicht
einer Rüstung und widersteht sogar heißer Lava."
112,32,7,"Pasar a ser bípedo le ha permitido desarrollar su
inteligencia. La piel, rígida como una armadura,
resiste incluso el magma."
112,32,8,"Ha imparato a camminare in posizione eretta
e il suo cervello si è evoluto. La sua pelle simile
a unarmatura può resistere anche al magma."
112,32,9,"Its brain developed when it began walking on
its hind legs. Its armor-like hide even repels
molten lava."
112,32,11,"後ろ足だけで 歩くようになり
知能が 発達した。鎧の
ような 皮膚は マグマにも 耐える。"
112,33,1,"しんかして うしろあし だけで
たつようになった。 ツノで つくと
がんせきにも あなを あけてしまう。"
112,33,3,"진화하여 뒷다리만으로
서게 되었다. 뿔로 찌르면
암석에도 구멍이 뚫리고 만다."
112,33,5,"Lévolution a permis à ce Pokémon de marcher
sur ses pattes postérieures. Il peut faire des trous
dans les rochers en utilisant sa corne."
112,33,6,"Nach seiner Entwicklung geht es aufrecht auf
seinen Hinterbeinen. Mit seinem Horn kann es
Löcher in Felsen bohren."
112,33,7,"Cuando evoluciona, comienza a andar con las
patas traseras. Es capaz de horadar rocas con el
cuerno que tiene."
112,33,8,"Dopo levoluzione inizia a muoversi sulle zampe
posteriori. Con il corno può perforare la roccia."
112,33,9,"It begins walking on its hind legs after evolution.
It can punch holes through boulders with its horn."
112,33,11,"進化して 後ろ足だけで
立つようになった。 ツノで 突くと
岩石にも 穴を 開けてしまう。"
112,34,1,"ぜんしんを よろいのような ひふで
まもっている。 2000どの
マグマの なかでも いきられる。"
112,34,3,"전신을 갑옷 같은 피부로
보호하고 있다. 2000도의
마그마 속에서도 살 수 있다."
112,34,5,"Son épiderme est si épais quil lui permet même
de survivre dans du magma dune température
de 2000 °C."
112,34,6,"Sein ganzer Körper ist von einer panzerähnlichen
Haut geschützt. Es kann sogar in bis zu 2000 ºC
heißer Lava leben."
112,34,7,"La piel le sirve de escudo protector. Puede vivir
en lava líquida a 2000 °C."
112,34,8,"La sua pelle, simile a unarmatura, lo protegge
consentendogli di vivere nel magma a 2.000 ºC."
112,34,9,"Protected by an armor-like hide, it is capable of
living in molten lava of 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit."
112,34,11,"全身を よろいのような 皮膚で
守っている。 2000度の
マグマの 中でも 生きられる。"
113,1,9,"A rare and elusive
POKéMON that is
said to bringhappiness to those
who manage to get
113,2,9,"A rare and elusive
POKéMON that is
said to bringhappiness to those
who manage to get
113,3,9,"A gentle and kind­
hearted POKéMON
that shares itsnutritious eggs
if it sees an
injured POKéMON."
113,4,9,"It walks carefully
to prevent its
egg from breaking.However, it is
extremely fast at
running away."
113,5,9,"Few in number and
difficult to cap­
ture, it is saidto bring happiness
to the trainer who
catches it."
113,6,9,"People try to
catch it for its
extremelynutritious eggs,
but it rarely can
be found."
113,7,9,"CHANSEY lays nutritionally excellent
eggs on an everyday basis.
The eggs are so delicious, they areeasily and eagerly devoured by even
those people who have lost their
113,8,9,"CHANSEY lays nutritionally excellent
eggs on an everyday basis.
The eggs are so delicious, they areeasily and eagerly devoured by even
those people who have lost their
113,9,9,"CHANSEY lay nutritionally excellent eggs
every day. The eggs are so delicious, they
are eagerly devoured by even those people
who have lost their appetite."
113,10,9,"It lays several eggs a day. The eggs are
apparently rich in nutrients and extremely
113,11,9,"A rare and elusive POKéMON that is said
to bring happiness to those who manage to
catch one."
113,12,9,"It is said to deliver happiness.
Being compassionate, it shares its
eggs with injured people."
113,13,9,"It lays several eggs a day and
wont share them with those
who have evil in their hearts."
113,14,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly
nutritious eggs and shares them
with injured Pokémon or people."
113,15,9,"It walks carefully to prevent its
egg from breaking. However,
it is extremely fast at running away."
113,16,9,"Being few in number and difficult to
capture, it is said to bring happiness
to the Trainer who catches it."
113,17,5,"Ce Pokémon très serviable distribue
ses œufs hautement nutritifs aux
humains et Pokémon blessés."
113,17,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly
nutritious eggs and shares them
with injured Pokémon or people."
113,18,5,"Ce Pokémon très serviable distribue
ses œufs hautement nutritifs aux
humains et Pokémon blessés."
113,18,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly
nutritious eggs and shares them
with injured Pokémon or people."
113,21,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly
nutritious eggs and shares them
with injured Pokémon or people."
113,22,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly
nutritious eggs and shares them
with injured Pokémon or people."
113,23,1,"しあわせを はこぶと いわれている。
きずついた ひとに タマゴを
わけてあげる やさしい ポケモン。"
113,23,3,"행복을 가져다준다고 전해진다.
상처 입은 사람에게 알을
나눠주는 상냥한 포켓몬이다."
113,23,5,"Il est censé apporter la joie. Ce Pokémon charitable
offre ses œufs aux blessés."
113,23,6,"Man sagt, es bringe Glück. Es ist sehr mitfühlend
und teilt seine Eier mit Verletzten."
113,23,7,"Se dice que reparte felicidad. Se caracteriza por su
compasión y reparte sus huevos entre la gente herida."
113,23,8,"Si dice che porti felicità. È molto altruista e condivide
le uova con chi è ferito."
113,23,9,"It is said to deliver happiness.
Being compassionate, it shares its eggs
with injured people."
113,23,11,"幸せを 運ぶと いわれている。
傷ついた 人に タマゴを
分けてあげる 優しい ポケモン。"
113,24,1,"1にちに いくつか たまごを うむ。
その たまごは えいよう まんてんで
ものすごく おいしい らしい。"
113,24,3,"하루에 몇 개의 알을 낳는다.
그 알은 영양 만점으로
굉장히 맛있다고 한다."
113,24,5,"Il peut pondre plusieurs œufs par jour. Ses œufs sont
très riches en nutriments et vraiment délicieux."
113,24,6,"Es legt mehrere Eier am Tag. Sie sind sehr nahrhaft
und außerordentlich schmackhaft."
113,24,7,"Pone varios huevos al día. Según parece son muy
nutritivos y están riquísimos."
113,24,8,"Ogni giorno depone diverse uova, che sembrano
essere deliziose e molto nutrienti."
113,24,9,"It lays several eggs a day. The eggs are apparently
rich in nutrients and extremely delicious."
113,24,11,"1日に いくつか タマゴを 産む。
その タマゴは 栄養満点で
ものすごく おいしいらしい。"
113,25,1,"えいよう まんてんの タマゴを まいにち うむ。
しょくよくを なくした ひとでも ペロリと
たべてしまうほど おいしい タマゴだ。"
113,25,3,"영양 만점인 알을 매일 낳는다.
식욕을 잃은 사람도 한 번에
먹어치울 정도로 맛있는 알이다."
113,25,5,"Leveinard pond tous les jours des œufs pleins de vitamines.
Ces œufs sont tellement bons que les gens les mangent
même quand ils nont pas faim."
113,25,6,"Chaneira legt täglich ausgesprochen nahrhafte Eier.
Sie sind so köstlich, dass sie sogar von Menschen
verspeist werden, die gar keinen Appetit haben."
113,25,7,"Chansey pone a diario huevos con un valor nutritivo altísimo.
Están tan ricos que hasta quien no tenga hambre se los
comerá en un abrir y cerrar de ojos."
113,25,8,"Ogni giorno Chansey depone uova molto nutrienti.
Queste uova sono così buone da far tornare lappetito
a chi lo ha perso."
113,25,9,"Chansey lays nutritionally excellent eggs on an everyday basis.
The eggs are so delicious, they are easily and eagerly
devoured by even those people who have lost their appetite."
113,25,11,"栄養 満点の タマゴを 毎日 産む。
食欲を 無くした 人でも ペロリと
食べてしまうほど 美味しい タマゴだ。"
113,26,1,"えいよう まんてんの タマゴを まいにち うむ。
しょくよくを なくした ひとでも ペロリと
たべてしまうほど おいしい タマゴだ。"
113,26,3,"영양 만점인 알을 매일 낳는다.
식욕을 잃은 사람도 한 번에
먹어치울 정도로 맛있는 알이다."
113,26,5,"Leveinard pond tous les jours des œufs pleins de vitamines.
Ces œufs sont tellement bons que les gens les mangent
même quand ils nont pas faim."
113,26,6,"Chaneira legt täglich ausgesprochen nahrhafte Eier.
Sie sind so köstlich, dass sie sogar von Menschen
verspeist werden, die gar keinen Appetit haben."
113,26,7,"Chansey pone a diario huevos con un valor nutritivo altísimo.
Están tan ricos que hasta quien no tenga hambre se los
comerá en un abrir y cerrar de ojos."
113,26,8,"Ogni giorno Chansey depone uova molto nutrienti.
Queste uova sono così buone da far tornare lappetito
a chi lo ha perso."
113,26,9,"Chansey lays nutritionally excellent eggs on an everyday basis.
The eggs are so delicious, they are easily and eagerly
devoured by even those people who have lost their appetite."
113,26,11,"栄養 満点の タマゴを 毎日 産む。
食欲を 無くした 人でも ペロリと
食べてしまうほど 美味しい タマゴだ。"
113,27,1,"ラッキーの うむ タマゴは えいようが
たっぷり つまっている。 おおくの
ポケモンが だいこうぶつだ。"
113,27,3,"럭키가 낳는 알은 영양이
듬뿍 들어있다. 많은
포켓몬들이 아주 좋아한다."
113,27,5,"Les œufs pondus par Leveinard sont
extrêmement nutritifs. Cest la nourriture
favorite de beaucoup de Pokémon."
113,27,6,"Die Eier, die es legt, sind ausgesprochen
nahrhaft. Sie sind die Leibspeise vieler
113,27,7,"Los huevos que pone Chansey tienen un valor
nutritivo altísimo. Muchos Pokémon los
consideran un manjar."
113,27,8,"Le uova di Chansey sono molto nutrienti
e molti Pokémon ne vanno ghiotti."
113,27,9,"The eggs laid by Chansey are rich in nutrients
and a favorite food of many Pokémon."
113,27,11,"ラッキーの 産む タマゴは 栄養が
たっぷり つまっている。 多くの
ポケモンが 大好物だ。"
113,28,1,"かずが すくないうえに にげあしの
はやい ポケモンなので
みつけた ひとは うんが いいぞ。"
113,28,3,"수가 적은 데다가 도주도
빠른 포켓몬이라
발견한 사람은 운이 좋은 것이다."
113,28,5,"Cest un Pokémon assez rare et qui prend la
fuite très rapidement. Apercevoir ce Pokémon
est un signe que la chance vous sourit."
113,28,6,"Es ist äußerst selten und kann zudem sehr
schnell davonlaufen. Schafft man es trotzdem,
eins zu fangen, bringt es angeblich Glück."
113,28,7,"Es un Pokémon poco común que escapa
rápidamente, por lo que quienes se topen con
uno pueden considerarse afortunados."
113,28,8,"Esistono pochi esemplari di questo Pokémon,
che inoltre è anche velocissimo nella fuga.
Solo chi ha la fortuna dalla sua riesce a trovarlo!"
113,28,9,"Not only are these Pokémon fast runners,
theyre also few in number, so anyone who finds
one must be lucky indeed."
113,28,11,"数が 少ないうえに 逃げ足の
速い ポケモンなので
見つけた 人は 運が いいぞ。"
113,29,1,"おいしく えいようもある タマゴを
ほかのポケモンに ねらわれるうちに
にげあしが はやくなったらしい。"
113,29,3,"맛있고 영양 많은 알을
다른 포켓몬들이 자꾸 노려서
도망치는 속도가 빨라진 듯하다."
113,29,5,"À force de fuir les Pokémon qui en avaient après
ses œufs, réputés pour leur goût et leur valeur
nutritive, il a appris à courir plus vite."
113,29,6,"Es hat gelernt, rasch davonzulaufen, da es viele
Pokémon auf die nahrhaften und köstlichen Eier
abgesehen haben, die es legt."
113,29,7,"Ha desarrollado gran velocidad para huir de los
Pokémon que quieren robarle sus huevos, que
son exquisitos y poseen un gran valor nutritivo."
113,29,8,"Molti Pokémon cercano di rubare le sue uova
gustose e nutrienti. Probabilmente per questo
è diventato velocissimo nella fuga."
113,29,9,"It seems that other Pokémons efforts to take
its delicious, nutritious egg away from it caused
Chansey to get faster at fleeing."
113,29,11,"おいしく 栄養もある タマゴを
他のポケモンに 狙われるうちに
逃げ足が 速くなったらしい。"
113,30,1,"おなかの タマゴを ねらい
らんかく されてきた れきしから
せいそくすうは とても すくない。"
113,30,3,"배에 있는 알을 노리고
마구잡이로 잡힌 역사에서
개체 수는 매우 적다."
113,30,5,"Pendant longtemps, ce Pokémon a été chassé
à outrance pour ses œufs, ce qui explique
sa population fort réduite."
113,30,6,"Einst wurde es exzessiv von Wilddieben gejagt,
die es auf das Ei in seinem Beutel abgesehen
hatten. Mittlerweile ist es daher sehr selten."
113,30,7,"Su número ha disminuido espectacularmente
debido al constante hurto del que son objeto
sus huevos."
113,30,8,"In passato è stato vittima di una caccia sfrenata
per le sue uova. Per questo motivo non sono
rimasti molti esemplari di questo Pokémon."
113,30,9,"Because the eggs on their bellies have been
overharvested by people in the past, the
Chansey population remains very small."
113,30,11,"お腹の タマゴを 狙い
乱獲 されてきた 歴史から
生息数は とても 少ない。"
113,31,1,"きずついた ものを みかけると
えいようまんてんの タマゴを
わけあたえる やさしい ポケモン。"
113,31,3,"상처 입은 자를 발견하면
영양 만점인 알을
나눠주는 상냥한 포켓몬."
113,31,5,"Dun naturel gentil et aimable, il partage
ses œufs nourrissants avec les blessés."
113,31,6,"Chaneira ist sehr warmherzig und freundlich. Es
kümmert sich liebevoll um verletzte Lebewesen,
indem es seine nahrhaften Eier mit ihnen teilt."
113,31,7,"Este amable Pokémon comparte sus nutritivos
huevos con quien encuentre herido."
113,31,8,"Un Pokémon gentile e generoso, sempre pronto
a condividere le sue uova nutrienti con chi si
trova in difficoltà."
113,31,9,"A gentle and kindhearted Pokémon that shares
its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon."
113,31,11,"傷ついた ものを 見かけると
栄養満点の タマゴを
分け与える 優しい ポケモン。"
113,32,1,"きずついた ものを みかけると
えいようまんてんの タマゴを
わけあたえる やさしい ポケモン。"
113,32,3,"상처 입은 자를 발견하면
영양 만점인 알을
나눠주는 상냥한 포켓몬."
113,32,5,"Dun naturel gentil et aimable, il partage
ses œufs nourrissants avec les blessés."
113,32,6,"Chaneira ist sehr warmherzig und freundlich. Es
kümmert sich liebevoll um verletzte Lebewesen,
indem es seine nahrhaften Eier mit ihnen teilt."
113,32,7,"Este amable Pokémon comparte sus nutritivos
huevos con quien encuentre herido."
113,32,8,"Un Pokémon gentile e generoso, sempre pronto
a condividere le sue uova nutrienti con chi si
trova in difficoltà."
113,32,9,"A gentle and kindhearted Pokémon that shares
its nutritious eggs if it sees an injured Pokémon."
113,32,11,"傷ついた ものを 見かけると
栄養満点の タマゴを
分け与える 優しい ポケモン。"
113,33,1,"タマゴは えいようまんてんで
あじも ばつぐん。 こうきゅうな
しょくざいとして あつかわれる。"
113,33,3,"알은 영양 만점에
맛도 뛰어나다.
고급 식재료로 취급된다."
113,33,5,"Ses œufs sont si délicieux et nutritifs quon
les considère comme des ingrédients de luxe."
113,33,6,"Seine Eier sind äußerst nahrhaft und schmecken
köstlich, weshalb sie als erlesene Kochzutat
113,33,7,"Los huevos que pone Chansey tienen un valor
nutritivo altísimo y un sabor exquisito.
Se consideran un manjar."
113,33,8,"Il suo uovo è molto nutriente ed estremamente
saporito, tanto che viene considerato un
ingrediente di lusso."
113,33,9,"The egg Chansey carries is not only delicious
but also packed with nutrition. Its used as a
high-class cooking ingredient."
113,33,11,"タマゴは 栄養満点で 味も 抜群。
高級な 食材として 扱われる。"
113,34,1,"もともとは うごきが にぶかった。
タマゴを ねらうものから まもるため
にげあしが はやくなった。"
113,34,3,"원래 움직임이 둔했지만
알을 노리는 자들로부터
지켜내기 위해 도주 속도가 빨라졌다."
113,34,5,"Ce Pokémon lent à lorigine a appris à fuir
plus vite pour protéger ses œufs des voleurs."
113,34,6,"Dieses ursprünglich eher träge Pokémon hat
gelernt, schnell davonzulaufen, um seine Eier vor
Räubern schützen zu können."
113,34,7,"Este Pokémon solía ser lento de reflejos, pero
ha desarrollado una gran velocidad para evitar
que le roben sus preciados huevos."
113,34,8,"Sarebbe lento per natura, ma è diventato svelto
nella fuga per difendersi da chi vuole rubare
il suo uovo."
113,34,9,"This species was once very slow. To protect their
eggs from other creatures, these Pokémon
became able to flee quickly."
113,34,11,"もともとは 動きが 鈍かった。
タマゴを 狙うものから 守るため
逃げ足が 速くなった。"
114,1,9,"The whole body is
swathed with wide
vines that aresimilar to sea­
weed. Its vines
shake as it walks."
114,2,9,"The whole body is
swathed with wide
vines that aresimilar to sea­
weed. Its vines
shake as it walks."
114,3,9,"Its identity is
obscured by masses
of thick, bluevines. The vines
are said to never
stop growing."
114,4,9,"The vines that
cloak its entire
body are alwaysjiggling. They
effectively un­
nerve its foes."
114,5,9,"It tangles any
moving thing with
its vines. Theirsubtle shaking
is ticklish if you
get ensnared."
114,6,9,"During battle, it
constantly moves
the vines thatcover its body in
order to annoy its
114,7,9,"TANGELAs vines snap off easily if they
are grabbed. This happens without pain,
allowing it to make a quick getaway.The lost vines are replaced by newly
grown vines the very next day."
114,8,9,"TANGELAs vines snap off easily if they
are grabbed. This happens without pain,
allowing it to make a quick getaway.The lost vines are replaced by newly
grown vines the very next day."
114,9,9,"Its vines snap off easily and painlessly
if they are grabbed, allowing it to make a
quick getaway. The lost vines are replaced
by new growth the very next day."
114,10,9,"Blue plant vines cloak the POKéMONs
identity in a tangled mass. It entangles
anything that gets close."
114,11,9,"The whole body is swathed with wide vines
that are similar to seaweed. The vines
sway as it walks."
114,12,9,"It is shrouded by blue vines.
No one has seen the face hidden
behind this growth of vines."
114,13,9,"It is shrouded by blue vines.
No one has seen the face hidden
behind this growth of vines."
114,14,9,"The blue vines shrouding its body
are covered in a growth of fine
hair. It is known to be ticklish."
114,15,9,"The vines that cloak its entire
body are always jiggling.
They effectively unnerve its foes."
114,16,9,"It tangles any moving thing with
its vines. Their subtle shaking
is ticklish if you get ensnared."
114,17,5,"Il se cache derrière des lianes
bleues recouvertes dun fin duvet.
Il est chatouilleux."
114,17,9,"The blue vines shrouding its body
are covered in a growth of fine
hair. It is known to be ticklish."
114,18,5,"Il se cache derrière des lianes
bleues recouvertes dun fin duvet.
Il est chatouilleux."
114,18,9,"The blue vines shrouding its body
are covered in a growth of fine
hair. It is known to be ticklish."
114,21,9,"Many writhing vines cover it,
so its true identity remains unknown.
The blue vines grow its whole life long."
114,22,9,"Many writhing vines cover it,
so its true identity remains unknown.
The blue vines grow its whole life long."
114,23,1,"たくさんの うごめく ツルに
おおわれて しょうたいふめい。
あおいツルは いっしょう のびる。"
114,23,3,"수많은 움직이는 덩굴에
둘러싸여 정체불명이다.
파란 덩굴은 평생 자란다."
114,23,5,"Ses lianes sallongent au fil du temps.
Elles recouvrent tout son corps, dont on ignore
la véritable forme."
114,23,6,"Aufgrund der Ranken, die seinen Körper bedecken,
kennt keiner seine wahre Form. Die blauen Ranken
wachsen immer weiter."
114,23,7,"Se camufla con la multitud de lianas que envuelven su
cuerpo y que no dejan de crecer a lo largo de toda su
114,23,8,"Una moltitudine di liane brulicanti, in crescita perenne,
ne ricopre il corpo celandone la vera forma."
114,23,9,"Many writhing vines cover it, so its true identity
remains unknown. The blue vines grow its whole
life long."
114,23,11,"たくさんの うごめく ツルに
覆われて 正体不明。
青いツルは 一生 伸びる。"
114,24,1,"うごくものに ツルを からめる。
ツルは びみょうに ゆれているので
からみつかれると くすぐったい。"
114,24,3,"움직이는 것에 덩굴을 감는다.
덩굴은 미묘하게 흔들리기 때문에
휘감기면 간지럽다."
114,24,5,"Il paralyse tout ce qui bouge avec ses lianes.
Elles vous chatouillent si vous êtes capturé."
114,24,6,"Es berührt alles, was sich bewegt, mit seinen Ranken.
Diese Berührungen kitzeln sehr."
114,24,7,"Enreda cualquier cosa que se mueva con sus lianas. Si
te atrapa, te hará cosquillas con su delicado balanceo."
114,24,8,"Intrappola nelle liane qualsiasi cosa si muova. Il lieve
movimento di queste può fare il solletico."
114,24,9,"It tangles any moving thing with its vines. Their
subtle shaking is ticklish if you get ensnared."
114,24,11,"動くものに ツルを 絡める。
ツルは 微妙に 揺れているので
絡みつかれると くすぐったい。"
114,25,1,"てきに つかまれると ツルは ぷちっと きれる。
ぜんぜん いたくないので その スキに にげる。
よくじつには あたらしい ツルが はえそろうぞ。"
114,25,3,"적에게 붙잡히면 덩굴이 뚝 하고 끊긴다.
전혀 아프지 않기 때문에 그 틈에 도망간다.
다음 날에는 새로운 덩굴이 자란다."
114,25,5,"Les lianes de Saquedeneu se brisent facilement lorsquon
les attrape. Cela ne lui fait pas mal et lui permet simplement
de séchapper rapidement. Les lianes cassées repoussent
le lendemain."
114,25,6,"Wenn man Tangelas Ranken berührt, fallen diese sofort ab.
Das tut ihm aber nicht weh und es kann sich schnell in
Sicherheit bringen. Verliert es Ranken, werden diese am
nächsten Tag durch neue ersetzt."
114,25,7,"A Tangela se le desprenden los tentáculos con facilidad en
cuanto se los agarras. Y no solo no le duele, sino que le
resulta muy útil para escapar rápido. Además, al día siguiente
le crecen otros."
114,25,8,"Se afferrate, le liane di Tangela si staccano con facilità,
ma in modo indolore, consentendo così una pratica
scappatoia. Le liane cadute vengono sostituite da quelle
nuove il giorno dopo."
114,25,9,"Tangelas vines snap off easily if they are grabbed.
This happens without pain, allowing it to make a quick
getaway. The lost vines are replaced by newly grown vines the
very next day."
114,25,11,"敵に つかまれると ツルは ぷちっと 切れる。
全然 痛くないので その スキに 逃げる。
翌日には 新しい ツルが 生えそろうぞ。"
114,26,1,"てきに つかまれると ツルは ぷちっと きれる。
ぜんぜん いたくないので その スキに にげる。
よくじつには あたらしい ツルが はえそろうぞ。"
114,26,3,"적에게 붙잡히면 덩굴이 뚝 하고 끊긴다.
전혀 아프지 않기 때문에 그 틈에 도망간다.
다음 날에는 새로운 덩굴이 자란다."
114,26,5,"Les lianes de Saquedeneu se brisent facilement lorsquon
les attrape. Cela ne lui fait pas mal et lui permet simplement
de séchapper rapidement. Les lianes cassées repoussent
le lendemain."
114,26,6,"Wenn man Tangelas Ranken berührt, fallen diese oft ab.
Dabei empfindet es keine Schmerzen und es kann sich schnell
in Sicherheit bringen. Verliert es Ranken, werden diese am
nächsten Tag durch neue ersetzt."
114,26,7,"A Tangela se le desprenden los tentáculos con facilidad en
cuanto se los agarras. Y no solo no le duele, sino que le
resulta muy útil para escapar rápido. Además, al día siguiente
le crecen otros."
114,26,8,"Se afferrate, le liane di Tangela si staccano con facilità,
ma in modo indolore, consentendo così una pratica
scappatoia. Le liane cadute vengono sostituite da quelle
nuove il giorno dopo."
114,26,9,"Tangelas vines snap off easily if they are grabbed. This
happens without pain, allowing it to make a quick getaway.
The lost vines are replaced by newly grown vines the very
next day."
114,26,11,"敵に つかまれると ツルは ぷちっと 切れる。
全然 痛くないので その スキに 逃げる。
翌日には 新しい ツルが 生えそろうぞ。"
114,31,1,"からだが あおいツルに おおわれて
しょうたいは わからない。
ツルは ずっと のびつづけるという。"
114,31,3,"몸이 파란 덩굴에 싸여 있어
정체를 알 수 없다.
덩굴은 계속해서 자란다고 한다."
114,31,5,"Son corps est masqué par une masse épaisse
de lianes bleues qui poussent en permanence."
114,31,6,"Sein Körper liegt unter dichten, blauen Ranken
verborgen, die niemals aufhören zu wachsen."
114,31,7,"Se camufla tras una gran masa de lianas azules.
Se dice que nunca dejan de crecer."
114,31,8,"È coperto da una massa di liane blu che non
smettono mai di crescere. Nessuno sa quale
sia il suo vero aspetto."
114,31,9,"Its identity is obscured by masses of thick blue
vines. The vines are said to never stop growing."
114,31,11,"体が 青いツルに 覆われて
正体は わからない。
ツルは ずっと 伸び続けるという。"
114,32,1,"からだが あおいツルに おおわれて
しょうたいは わからない。
ツルは ずっと のびつづけるという。"
114,32,3,"몸이 파란 덩굴에 싸여 있어
정체를 알 수 없다.
덩굴은 계속해서 자란다고 한다."
114,32,5,"Son corps est masqué par une masse épaisse
de lianes bleues qui poussent en permanence."
114,32,6,"Sein Körper liegt unter dichten, blauen Ranken
verborgen, die niemals aufhören zu wachsen."
114,32,7,"Se camufla tras una gran masa de lianas azules.
Se dice que nunca dejan de crecer."
114,32,8,"È coperto da una massa di liane blu che non
smettono mai di crescere. Nessuno sa quale
sia il suo vero aspetto."
114,32,9,"Its identity is obscured by masses of thick blue
vines. The vines are said to never stop growing."
114,32,11,"体が 青いツルに 覆われて
正体は わからない。
ツルは ずっと 伸び続けるという。"
114,33,1,"ちぎれても むげんに のびる
ツルの おくの しょうたいは
いまだ かいめいされていない。"
114,33,3,"잘려도 잘려도 무한으로 늘어나는
덩굴 속의 정체는
아직 밝혀지지 않았다."
114,33,5,"On ne sait toujours pas ce qui se cache
sous ses lianes. Même si on les coupe,
elles repoussent à linfini."
114,33,6,"Seine wahre Gestalt ist weiterhin ein Mysterium,
da sie von Ranken verdeckt wird, die unaufhörlich
nachwachsen, selbst wenn sie abreißen."
114,33,7,"Sus lianas no dejan de crecer aunque se le
desprendan. Aún se desconoce qué aspecto
tiene sin ellas."
114,33,8,"Non è ancora chiaro quale sia il vero aspetto
celato dietro alle sue liane, che crescono
allinfinito anche dopo essere state recise."
114,33,9,"Hidden beneath a tangle of vines that grows
nonstop even if the vines are torn off, this
Pokémons true appearance remains a mystery."
114,33,11,"ちぎれても 無限に 伸びる
ツルの 奥の 正体は
いまだ 解明されていない。"
114,34,1,"ツルは どくとくの かおりがする。
ガラルの いちぶの ちいきでは
ハーブとして つかわれている。"
114,34,3,"덩굴은 독특한 향이 난다.
가라르 일부 지역에서는
허브로 사용되고 있다."
114,34,5,"Ses lianes ont une odeur particulière.
Elles servent dherbes aromatiques
dans une certaine zone de Galar."
114,34,6,"Seine Ranken verströmen einen eigentümlichen
Duft, weshalb sie in bestimmten Gegenden von
Galar als aromatische Kräuter verwendet werden."
114,34,7,"Sus lianas despiden una fragancia peculiar.
En cierta zona de Galar se usan como aderezo."
114,34,8,"Le sue liane emanano un odore peculiare.
In alcune zone di Galar vengono usate come
erbe aromatiche."
114,34,9,"The vines of a Tangela have a distinct scent.
In some parts of Galar, Tangela vines are used
as herbs."
114,34,11,"ツルは 独特の 香りがする。
ガラルの 一部の 地域では
ハーブとして 使われている。"
115,1,9,"The infant rarely
ventures out of
its mother'sprotective pouch
until it is 3
years old."
115,2,9,"The infant rarely
ventures out of
its mother'sprotective pouch
until it is 3
years old."
115,3,9,"Raises its young
in its belly
pouch. Won't runfrom any fight
to keep its young
115,4,9,"If it is safe, the
young gets out of
the belly pouch toplay. The adult
keeps a close eye
on the youngster."
115,5,9,"To protect its
young, it will
never give upduring battle, no
matter how badly
wounded it is."
115,6,9,"To avoid
crushing the
baby it carries inits pouch, it
always sleeps
standing up."
115,7,9,"If you come across a young KANGASKHAN
playing by itself, you must never
disturb it or attempt to catch it.The baby POKéMONs parent is sure to
be in the area, and it will become
violently enraged at you."
115,8,9,"If you come across a young KANGASKHAN
playing by itself, you must never
disturb it or attempt to catch it.The baby POKéMONs parent is sure to
be in the area, and it will become
violently enraged at you."
115,9,9,"If you come across a young KANGASKHAN
playing by itself, never try to catch it.
The babys parent is sure to be in the area,
and it will become violently enraged."
115,10,9,"The female raises its offspring in a pouch
on its belly. It is skilled at attacking
115,11,9,"The infant rarely ventures out of its
mothers protective pouch until it is
three years old."
115,12,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,13,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,14,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,15,9,"If it is safe, the young gets out of
the belly pouch to play. The adult
keeps a close eye on the youngster."
115,16,9,"To protect its young, it will
never give up during battle, no
matter how badly wounded it is."
115,17,5,"Il élève ses petits dans sa poche
ventrale. Il attend dêtre en lieu
sûr pour les laisser jouer dehors."
115,17,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,18,5,"Il élève ses petits dans sa poche
ventrale. Il attend dêtre en lieu
sûr pour les laisser jouer dehors."
115,18,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,21,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,22,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly
pouch. It lets the baby out to
play only when it feels safe."
115,23,1,"おなかの ふくろで こそだてをする。
あんぜんな ときだけ こどもを
ふくろから だして あそばせる。"
115,23,3,"배의 주머니에서 새끼를 키운다.
안전할 때만 새끼를
주머니에서 꺼내어 놀게 한다."
115,23,5,"Il élève ses petits dans sa poche ventrale. Il attend
dêtre en lieu sûr pour les laisser jouer dehors."
115,23,6,"Sein Nachwuchs wächst in seinem Beutel heran.
Nur wenn es sicher ist, darf das Junge aus dem Beutel."
115,23,7,"Lleva a su cría en la bolsa de su panza. Solo deja que
su cría salga a jugar cuando no siente peligro."
115,23,8,"Tiene il cucciolo nel marsupio che ha sulla pancia e
lo lascia uscire solo quando non ci sono pericoli."
115,23,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the
baby out to play only when it feels safe."
115,23,11,"お腹の 袋で 子育てをする。
安全な ときだけ 子供を
袋から 出して 遊ばせる。"
115,24,1,"あんぜんな ばしょなら こどもも
おなかの ふくろから でて あそぶ。
おやは それを じっと みまもる。"
115,24,3,"안전한 장소라면 새끼도
배의 주머니에서 나와서 논다.
어미는 그것을 가만히 지켜본다."
115,24,5,"Dans les endroits sûrs, le petit quitte sa poche pour
jouer sous la protection des adultes."
115,24,6,"Fühlt es sich sicher, dann verlässt das Junge
den Beutel. Die Mutter behält es ständig im Auge."
115,24,7,"Si no hay peligro, el joven sale de la bolsa y juega.
El adulto vigila atentamente al joven."
115,24,8,"Se è al sicuro, il piccolo esce dal marsupio e inizia
a giocare sotto gli occhi vigili delladulto."
115,24,9,"If it is safe, the young gets out of the belly pouch
to play. The adult keeps a close eye on
the youngster."
115,24,11,"安全な 場所なら 子供も
お腹の 袋から 出て 遊ぶ。
親は それを じっと 見守る。"
115,25,1,"ガルーラの こどもが 1ぴきで あそんでいても
ぜったいに つかまえたりしては いけないよ。
ちかくに いる おやが はげしく おこりだすぞ。"
115,25,3,"캥카의 새끼가 혼자서 놀고 있어도
절대로 잡으려 하면 안 된다.
가까이 있는 부모가 격렬히 화낸다."
115,25,5,"Lorsquon rencontre un petit Kangourex qui joue tout seul,
il ne faut jamais le déranger ou essayer de lattraper.
Les parents du bébé Pokémon sont sûrement dans le coin
et ils risquent dentrer dans une colère noire."
115,25,6,"Wenn du auf ein junges, spielendes Kangama stößt,
solltest du es nicht stören oder versuchen, es einzufangen.
Die Mutter dieses Baby-Pokémon ist bestimmt in Reichweite
und könnte sehr wütend auf dich werden."
115,25,7,"No es recomendable molestar ni intentar atrapar a crías de
Kangaskhan mientras estén jugando, ya que seguro que su
madre anda cerca y reaccionará con enfado y violencia."
115,25,8,"Vedendo un cucciolo di Kangaskhan giocare per conto suo,
non bisogna mai disturbarlo o cercare di catturarlo.
Il suo genitore, infatti, è sicuramente nei paraggi e potrebbe
reagire molto violentemente."
115,25,9,"If you come across a young Kangaskhan playing by itself, you
must never disturb it or attempt to catch it. The baby
Pokémons parent is sure to be in the area, and it will become
violently enraged at you."
115,25,11,"ガルーラの 子どもが 1匹で 遊んでいても
絶対に 捕まえたりしては いけないよ。
近くに いる 親が 激しく 怒りだすぞ。"
115,26,1,"ガルーラの こどもが 1ぴきで あそんでいても
ぜったいに つかまえたりしては いけないよ。
ちかくに いる おやが はげしく おこりだすぞ。"
115,26,3,"캥카의 새끼가 혼자서 놀고 있어도
절대로 잡으려 하면 안 된다.
가까이 있는 부모가 격렬히 화낸다."
115,26,5,"Lorsquon rencontre un petit Kangourex qui joue tout seul,
il ne faut jamais le déranger ou essayer de lattraper.
Les parents du bébé Pokémon sont sûrement dans le coin
et ils risquent dentrer dans une colère noire."
115,26,6,"Wenn du auf ein junges, spielendes Kangama stößt,
solltest du es nicht stören oder versuchen, es einzufangen.
Die Mutter dieses Baby-Pokémon ist bestimmt in Reichweite
und könnte sehr wütend auf dich werden."
115,26,7,"No es recomendable molestar ni intentar atrapar a crías de
Kangaskhan mientras estén jugando, ya que seguro que su
madre anda cerca y reaccionará con enfado y violencia."
115,26,8,"Vedendo un cucciolo di Kangaskhan giocare per conto suo,
non bisogna mai disturbarlo o cercare di catturarlo.
Il suo genitore, infatti, è sicuramente nei paraggi e potrebbe
reagire molto violentemente."
115,26,9,"If you come across a young Kangaskhan playing by itself,
you must never disturb it or attempt to catch it. The baby
Pokémons parent is sure to be in the area, and it will
become violently enraged at you."
115,26,11,"ガルーラの 子どもが 1匹で 遊んでいても
絶対に 捕まえたりしては いけないよ。
近くに いる 親が 激しく 怒りだすぞ。"
115,27,1,"ガルーラの ははおやの あいじょうは
ふかい。 わがこを まもるためならば
しさえ おそれないと いわれている。"
115,27,3,"캥카의 모성애는 깊다.
자기 아이를 지키기 위해서라면
죽음조차 두려워하지 않는다고 한다."
115,27,5,"Lamour maternel de Kangourex est sans limites.
Elle marcherait au-devant de la mort pour
protéger son bébé."
115,27,6,"Die Mutterliebe des ausgewachsenen Kangama
ist tief. Es wäre sogar bereit, sein eigenes Leben
zu opfern, um sein Junges zu beschützen."
115,27,7,"Profesa un fuerte amor por su cría. Se dice que
es capaz de enfrentarse sin temor a cualquier
peligro con tal de protegerla."
115,27,8,"Lamore materno di Kangaskhan è molto
profondo. Non esiterebbe a mettere in pericolo
la propria vita pur di proteggere il suo piccolo."
115,27,9,"Kangaskhans maternal love is so deep that it
will brave death to protect its offspring."
115,27,11,"ガルーラの 母親の 愛情は
深い。 我が子を 守るためならば
死さえ 恐れないと いわれている。"
115,28,1,"おなかの こどもは およそ 3ねんで
おやばなれする。 ははおやが
おおごえで なくのは そのときだけ。"
115,28,3,"뱃속의 새끼는 대략 3년이면
자립한다. 어미가 큰 소리로
우는 것은 그때뿐이다."
115,28,5,"Le bébé quitte la poche de sa mère au bout
de trois ans. Cest le seul moment de sa vie
où elle pleure à chaudes larmes."
115,28,6,"Das Junge verlässt den Beutel der Mutter im
Alter von drei Jahren. Dies ist der einzige Zeit-
punkt, zu dem man die Mutter laut weinen hört."
115,28,7,"La cría se separa de su madre cuando ronda los
tres años. Es el único momento en el que la
madre llora con vehemencia."
115,28,8,"Il cucciolo esce dal marsupio verso i tre anni
ed è lunico momento in cui la madre si lascia
sfuggire possenti grida."
115,28,9,"The child in its pouch leaves home after roughly
three years. That is the only time the mother is
heard to cry wildly."
115,28,11,"お腹の 子どもは およそ 3年で
親離れする。 母親が
大声で 鳴くのは その時だけ。"
115,29,1,"おなかの ふくろに わがこを いれて
まもる。 こどもを きずつけたものは
ぜったいに ゆるさず たたきのめす。"
115,29,3,"배의 주머니에 자신의 새끼를 넣어
지킨다. 새끼에게 해를 끼치는 자는
절대 용서하지 않고 때려눕힌다."
115,29,5,"Kangourex protège son petit en le mettant
dans sa poche, et se montre sans pitié envers
quiconque ose lui faire du mal."
115,29,6,"Sein Junges beschützt es in seinem Beutel.
Wer dieses verwundet, den erwarten Kangamas
Groll und eine rücksichtslose Tracht Prügel."
115,29,7,"Mete a la cría en su marsupio para protegerla. Si
alguien hace daño a su retoño, monta en cólera
y ataca al agresor sin miramientos."
115,29,8,"Protegge il proprio cucciolo tenendolo nel
marsupio che ha sulla pancia e attacca
furiosamente chiunque osi ferirlo."
115,29,9,"Kangaskhan protects its child by keeping it in
its pouch. It has zero forgiveness for those
who harm its child and will beat them down."
115,29,11,"お腹の 袋に 我が子を 入れて
守る。 子どもを 傷つけた者は
絶対に 許さず 叩きのめす。"
115,30,1,"ふくろから ぬけだして あそんでいる
こどもには ちかづいては いけない。
どこかで ははおやが みまもっている。"
115,30,3,"주머니를 빠져나와 놀고 있는
새끼에게는 다가가선 안 된다.
어딘가에서 어미가 지켜보고 있다."
115,30,5,"Ne vous approchez surtout pas dun bébé
Kangourex sorti de sa poche pour jouer!
Sa mère le surveille sûrement dun peu plus loin."
115,30,6,"Wer ein Kangama-Junges sieht, das zum Spielen
den Beutel verlassen hat, sollte sich ihm nicht
nähern. Seine Mutter behält es stets im Auge."
115,30,7,"No es prudente acercarse a un retoño que esté
jugando fuera de su bolsa, pues la madre nunca
anda lejos."
115,30,8,"Non bisogna avvicinarsi a un cucciolo che gioca
fuori dal marsupio: la madre è sempre nei
paraggi e vigila attenta su di lui."
115,30,9,"You shouldnt get close to the child when its
playing outside its mothers pouch. Its mother is
always nearby watching over it."
115,30,11,"袋から 抜け出して 遊んでいる
子どもには 近付いては いけない。
どこかで 母親が 見守っている。"
115,31,1,"おなかのふくろで こどもをそだてる。
こどもを まもるためになら どんな
あいてにも たちむかっていく。"
115,31,3,"배의 주머니에서 새끼를 키운다.
새끼를 지키기 위해서라면
어떤 상대든지 맞서 싸운다."
115,31,5,"Ce Pokémon élève son petit dans sa poche
ventrale. Il est prêt à combattre nimporte quel
ennemi pour le protéger."
115,31,6,"Es zieht sein Junges in seiner Bauchtasche auf.
Um es zu schützen, nimmt es mit jedem Gegner
den Kampf auf."
115,31,7,"Cuida de la cría que lleva en la bolsa de su
panza y se enfrenta a todo aquel que supone
una amenaza para protegerla."
115,31,8,"Cresce il suo cucciolo dentro al marsupio.
È pronto a qualsiasi lotta pur di proteggerlo."
115,31,9,"Raises its young in its belly pouch. Wont run
from any fight to keep its young protected."
115,31,11,"お腹の袋で 子供を育てる。
子供を 守るためになら どんな
相手にも 立ち向かっていく。"
115,32,1,"おなかのふくろで こどもをそだてる。
こどもを まもるためになら どんな
あいてにも たちむかっていく。"
115,32,3,"배의 주머니에서 새끼를 키운다.
새끼를 지키기 위해서라면
어떤 상대든지 맞서 싸운다."
115,32,5,"Ce Pokémon élève son petit dans sa poche
ventrale. Il est prêt à combattre nimporte quel
ennemi pour le protéger."
115,32,6,"Es zieht sein Junges in seiner Bauchtasche auf.
Um es zu schützen, nimmt es mit jedem Gegner
den Kampf auf."
115,32,7,"Cuida de la cría que lleva en la bolsa de su
panza y se enfrenta a todo aquel que supone
una amenaza para protegerla."
115,32,8,"Cresce il suo cucciolo dentro al marsupio.
È pronto a qualsiasi lotta pur di proteggerlo."
115,32,9,"Raises its young in its belly pouch. Wont run
from any fight to keep its young protected."
115,32,11,"お腹の袋で 子供を育てる。
子供を 守るためになら どんな
相手にも 立ち向かっていく。"
115,33,1,"はらの ふくろに こどもが いるが
フットワークは とても かるい。
すばやいジャブで あいてを いかく。"
115,33,3,"배의 주머니에 새끼가 있지만
발놀림은 매우 가볍다.
재빠른 잽으로 상대를 위협한다."
115,33,5,"Porter son petit dans sa poche ventrale ne
lempêche pas davoir un bon jeu de jambes.
Ses coups rapides intimident ses ennemis."
115,33,6,"Obwohl es sein Junges im Beutel trägt, bewegt
sich dieses Pokémon äußerst leichtfüßig. Gegner
schreckt Kangama mit blitzschnellen Schlägen ab."
115,33,7,"Aunque lleve una cría en el marsupio, su juego
de pies no pierde ligereza. Abruma al rival con
ráfagas de ágiles puñetazos."
115,33,8,"Ha un agile gioco di gambe, nonostante si porti
appresso il cucciolo nel marsupio ventrale.
Intimidisce gli avversari con jab velocissimi."
115,33,9,"Although its carrying its baby in a pouch on
its belly, Kangaskhan is swift on its feet. It
intimidates its opponents with quick jabs."
115,33,11,"腹の 袋に 子どもが いるが
フットワークは とても 軽い。
素早いジャブで 相手を 威嚇。"
115,34,1,"こどもの いない ガルーラが
そうなんした にんげんの こを
そだてていたという きろくがある。"
115,34,3,"새끼가 없는 캥카가
조난한 사람의 아이를
길렀다는 기록이 있다."
115,34,5,"Certains documents certifient que les Kangourex
sans progéniture élevaient des enfants humains
en détresse."
115,34,6,"Es liegen Berichte vor, laut denen Kangama ohne
eigenen Nachwuchs stattdessen Menschenkinder
in Not aufgezogen haben."
115,34,7,"Se han documentado casos de Kangaskhan sin
crías que han adoptado bebés humanos cuyos
padres habían sido víctimas de accidentes."
115,34,8,"Alcuni documenti parlano di Kangaskhan
senza cuccioli che hanno allevato bambini
umani dispersi."
115,34,9,"There are records of a lost human child being
raised by a childless Kangaskhan."
115,34,11,"子どもの いない ガルーラが
遭難した 人間の 子を
育てていたという 記録がある。"
116,1,9,"Known to shoot
down flying bugs
with precisionblasts of ink
from the surface
of the water."
116,2,9,"Known to shoot
down flying bugs
with precisionblasts of ink
from the surface
of the water."
116,3,9,"If it senses any
danger, it will
vigorously spraywater or a special
type of ink from
its mouth."
116,4,9,"If attacked by a
larger enemy, it
quickly swims tosafety by adeptly
controlling its
dorsal fin."
116,5,9,"Its big, developed
fins move rapidly,
allowing it toswim backward
while still facing
116,6,9,"When they're in a
safe location,
they can be seenplayfully tangling
their tails
116,7,9,"HORSEA eats small insects and moss off
of rocks. If the ocean current turns
fast, this POKéMON anchors itself bywrapping its tail around rocks or coral
to prevent being washed away."
116,8,9,"If HORSEA senses danger, it will
reflexively spray a dense black ink
from its mouth and try to escape.This POKéMON swims by cleverly flapping
the fins on its back."
116,9,9,"By cleverly flicking the fins on its back
side to side, it moves in any direction
while facing forward. It spits ink to
escape if it senses danger."
116,10,9,"It maintains balance using its tail, which
is wound up like a coil. It may spray ink
from its mouth."
116,11,9,"Known to shoot down flying bugs with
precision blasts of ink from the surface
of the water."
116,12,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,13,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,14,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,15,9,"If attacked by a larger enemy,
it quickly swims to safety by adeptly
controlling its well-developed dorsal fin."
116,16,9,"Its big, developed fins move rapidly,
allowing it to swim backward
while still facing forward."
116,17,5,"Il niche à lombre du corail. Quand
il se sent menacé, il disparaît
dans un nuage dencre opaque."
116,17,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,18,5,"Il niche à lombre du corail. Quand
il se sent menacé, il disparaît
dans un nuage dencre opaque."
116,18,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,21,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,22,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of
corals. If it senses danger, it
spits murky ink and flees."
116,23,1,"すいめんから いきおいよく スミを
はっしゃして とんでいる ムシを
うちおとす ことが あるという。"
116,23,3,"수면에서 힘차게 먹물을
발사해서 날고 있는 벌레를
맞춰서 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다고 한다."
116,23,5,"Il abat les insectes volants en leur tirant un jet
dencre depuis la surface de leau. Ses tirs sont
toujours précis."
116,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon schießt mit Tinte auf über der
Wasseroberfläche fliegende Insekten."
116,23,7,"Es famoso por derribar a bichos voladores lanzando
tinta desde la superficie del agua."
116,23,8,"È noto per i suoi attacchi ai volatili con getti
dinchiostro dalla superficie dellacqua."
116,23,9,"Known to shoot down flying bugs with precision
blasts of ink from the surface of the water."
116,23,11,"水面から 勢いよく 墨を 発射して
飛んでいる 虫を
116,24,1,"サンゴの かげに すみかを つくる。
きけんを かんじると くちから
まっくろい スミを はいて にげる。"
116,24,3,"산호의 그늘에 거처를 만든다.
위험을 느끼면 입에서
새까만 먹물을 내뿜고 도망간다."
116,24,5,"Il niche à lombre du corail. Quand il se sent menacé,
il disparaît dans un nuage dencre opaque."
116,24,6,"Im Schatten von Korallen legt es sein Nest an.
Bei Gefahr versprüht es Tinte und flieht."
116,24,7,"Hace su nido entre los corales. Si se siente en peligro,
escupe tinta y huye."
116,24,8,"Crea la sua tana allombra dei coralli. Se avverte un
pericolo, spruzza inchiostro nero e fugge."
116,24,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses
danger, it spits murky ink and flees."
116,24,11,"サンゴの 陰に 住処を 作る。
危険を 感じると 口から
真っ黒い 墨を 吐いて 逃げる。"
116,25,1,"ちいさな ムシや いわばの コケを たべる。
かいりゅうが はやく なると しっぽを いわばや
サンゴに まきつけ ながされない ように する。"
116,25,3,"작은 벌레나 바위의 이끼를 먹는다.
해류가 빨라지면 꼬리로 바위나
산호를 휘감아 떠내려가지 않게 한다."
116,25,5,"Hypotrempe mange des petits insectes et de la mousse
trouvée sur les cailloux. Lorsque les courants océaniques
sont trop forts, ce Pokémon peut sancrer en accrochant
sa queue aux rochers ou aux coraux."
116,25,6,"Seeper ernährt sich von kleinen Insekten und dem Moos auf
Steinen. Bei unruhiger See verankert sich dieses Pokémon
mit seinem Schweif an Steinen oder Korallen, damit es nicht
weggespült wird."
116,25,7,"Horsea come insectos pequeños y el musgo de las rocas. Si
las corrientes del océano cobran fuerza, este Pokémon se
anclará con la cola a rocas o corales para evitar que las aguas
lo arrastren."
116,25,8,"Horsea si nutre di piccoli insetti e del muschio trovato
sugli scogli. Se la corrente oceanica si fa rapida, avvolge
la coda attorno agli spuntoni di roccia o ai coralli per evitare
di essere spazzato via."
116,25,9,"Horsea eats small insects and moss off of rocks. If the ocean
current turns fast, this Pokémon anchors itself by wrapping its
tail around rocks or coral to prevent being washed away."
116,25,11,"小さな ムシや 岩場の コケを 食べる。
海流が 速く なると 尻尾を 岩場や
サンゴに 巻きつけ 流されない ように する。"
116,26,1,"きけんを かんじると はんしゃてきに くちから
まっくろい スミを はきだして にげるぞ。
せびれを きように うごかして およぐ。"
116,26,3,"위험을 감지하면 반사적으로 입에서
새까만 먹물을 뿜어내고 도망간다.
등지느러미를 능숙히 움직여 헤엄친다."
116,26,5,"Lorsque Hypotrempe sent un danger, il libère instinctivement
une épaisse encre noire pour pouvoir séchapper.
Ce Pokémon nage en agitant sa nageoire dorsale."
116,26,6,"Wenn Seeper Gefahr wittert, versprüht es reflexartig eine
tiefschwarze Tinte aus seinem Mund und ergreift die Flucht.
Dieses Pokémon kann schwimmen, indem es geschickt mit
der Flosse auf seinem Rücken schlägt."
116,26,7,"Si Horsea siente peligro, echará por la boca una densa tinta
negra inconscientemente e intentará huir. Este Pokémon nada
muy bien batiendo la aleta que tiene en el lomo."
116,26,8,"Avvertendo il pericolo, Horsea spruzza istintivamente una nube
dinchiostro nero dalla bocca, tentando poi la fuga. Questo
Pokémon nuota agitando abilmente la pinna sulla schiena."
116,26,9,"If Horsea senses danger, it will reflexively spray a dense
black ink from its mouth and try to escape. This Pokémon
swims by cleverly flapping the fin on its back."
116,26,11,"危険を 感じると 反射的に 口から
真っ黒い スミを 吐き出して 逃げるぞ。
背びれを 器用に 動かして 泳ぐ。"
116,31,1,"みに きけんを かんじたときは
くちから みずや とくしゅなスミを
いきおいよく はきだす。"
116,31,3,"신변에 위험을 느끼면
입에서 물이나 특수한 먹물을
힘차게 뿜어낸다."
116,31,5,"Lorsquil est menacé, ce Pokémon crache une
encre spéciale ou de leau pour se défendre."
116,31,6,"Wenn Seeper sich in Gefahr wähnt, sprüht es
zur Verteidigung entweder Wasser oder eine
spezielle Tinte kraftvoll aus seinem Mund."
116,31,7,"Si se siente en peligro, arrojará un potente
chorro de agua o de una tinta especial por la
116,31,8,"Se si sente minacciato, sputa dalla bocca
un inchiostro speciale o un potente
getto dacqua per difendersi."
116,31,9,"If it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray
water or a special type of ink from its mouth."
116,31,11,"身に 危険を 感じたときは
口から 水や 特殊なスミを
勢いよく 吐き出す。"
116,32,1,"みに きけんを かんじたときは
くちから みずや とくしゅなスミを
いきおいよく はきだす。"
116,32,3,"신변에 위험을 느끼면
입에서 물이나 특수한 먹물을
힘차게 뿜어낸다."
116,32,5,"Lorsquil est menacé, ce Pokémon crache une
encre spéciale ou de leau pour se défendre."
116,32,6,"Wenn Seeper sich in Gefahr wähnt, sprüht es
zur Verteidigung entweder Wasser oder eine
spezielle Tinte kraftvoll aus seinem Mund."
116,32,7,"Si se siente en peligro, arrojará un potente
chorro de agua o de una tinta especial por la
116,32,8,"Se si sente minacciato, sputa dalla bocca
un inchiostro speciale o un potente
getto dacqua per difendersi."
116,32,9,"If it senses any danger, it will vigorously spray
water or a special type of ink from its mouth."
116,32,11,"身に 危険を 感じたときは
口から 水や 特殊なスミを
勢いよく 吐き出す。"
116,33,1,"しおの ながれが おだやかな うみに
すむ。 おそわれると まっくろな
スミをはいて そのすきに にげだす。"
116,33,3,"잔잔하게 흐르는 고요한 바다에
산다. 습격당하면 새까만
먹물을 내뿜고 그 틈에 도망친다."
116,33,5,"Il vit dans les mers calmes. Quand on lattaque,
il crache de lencre noire et profite de la diversion
pour senfuir."
116,33,6,"Es lebt in Meeren mit ruhigem Gezeitenstrom.
Wird es angegriffen, versprüht es tiefschwarze
Tinte und ergreift daraufhin die Flucht."
116,33,7,"Habita en mares de aguas tranquilas. Si se siente
en peligro, expulsará por la boca una densa tinta
negra para poder huir."
116,33,8,"Vive in mari dalle correnti tranquille. Quando
viene attaccato spruzza inchiostro nero e ne
approfitta per fuggire."
116,33,9,"Horsea makes its home in oceans with gentle
currents. If this Pokémon is under attack, it spits
out pitch-black ink and escapes."
116,33,11,"潮の 流れが 穏やかな 海に 棲む。
襲われると 真っ黒な 墨を吐いて
その隙に 逃げだす。"
116,34,1,"すいちゅうを おどるように およいで
うずを つくる。 なかまと うずの
おおきさを きそって あそぶ。"
116,34,3,"물속에서 춤추듯이 헤엄쳐
소용돌이를 만든다. 동료와
소용돌이의 크기를 겨루며 논다."
116,34,5,"Hypotrempe crée des tourbillons en dansant
sous leau. Il samuse à comparer la taille des
remous quil fait avec ceux de ses congénères."
116,34,6,"Es schwimmt elegant wie ein Tänzer und erzeugt
dabei Wasserstrudel. Mit Artgenossen wetteifert
es darum, wer den größten Strudel formen kann."
116,34,7,"Nada con la gracilidad de un bailarín, creando
remolinos a su paso, y juega con sus congéneres
a ver quién forma el más grande."
116,34,8,"Nuota come se danzasse nellacqua creando
mulinelli. Gioca con i suoi simili facendo a gara
a chi ne crea di più grandi."
116,34,9,"They swim with dance-like motions and cause
whirlpools to form. Horsea compete to see which
of them can generate the biggest whirlpool."
116,34,11,"水中を 踊るように 泳いで
渦を つくる。 仲間と 渦の
大きさを 競って 遊ぶ。"
117,1,9,"Capable of swim­
ming backwards by
rapidly flappingits wing-like
pectoral fins and
stout tail."
117,2,9,"Capable of swim­
ming backwards by
rapidly flappingits wing-like
pectoral fins and
stout tail."
117,3,9,"Touching the back
fin causes numb­
ness. It hooksits tail to coral
to stay in place
while sleeping."
117,4,9,"An examination of
its cells revealed
the presence of agene not found in
HORSEA. It became
a hot topic."
117,5,9,"Its fin-tips leak
poison. Its fins
and bones arehighly valued as
ingredients in
herbal medicine."
117,6,9,"The male raises
the young. If it
is approached, ituses its toxic
spikes to fend off
the intruder."
117,7,9,"SEADRA sleeps after wriggling itself
between the branches of coral.
Those trying to harvest coral areoccasionally stung by this POKéMONs
poison barbs if they fail to notice it."
117,8,9,"SEADRA generates whirlpools by spinning
its body. The whirlpools are strong
enough to swallow even fishing boats.This POKéMON weakens prey with these
currents, then swallows it whole."
117,9,9,"The poisonous barbs all over its body are
highly valued as ingredients for making
traditional herbal medicine. It shows no
mercy to anything approaching its nest."
117,10,9,"Its body bristles with sharp spikes.
Carelessly trying to touch it could cause
fainting from the spikes."
117,11,9,"It is capable of swimming backwards by
rapidly flapping its winglike pectoral fins
and stout tail."
117,12,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional medicine ingredients."
117,13,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional medicine ingredients."
117,14,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional medicine ingredients."
117,15,9,"An examination of its cells revealed
the presence of a gene not found in
HORSEA. It became a hot topic."
117,16,9,"Its fin-tips leak poison. Its fins
and bones are highly valued as
ingredients in herbal medicine."
117,17,5,"Son épine dorsale le protège.
Ses os et ses nageoires sont très
prisés en médecine traditionnelle."
117,17,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional medicine ingredients."
117,18,5,"Son épine dorsale le protège.
Ses os et ses nageoires sont très
prisés en médecine traditionnelle."
117,18,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional medicine ingredients."
117,21,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional-medicine ingredients."
117,22,9,"Its spines provide protection.
Its fins and bones are prized as
traditional-medicine ingredients."
117,23,1,"うかつに さわろうとすると
からだじゅうに はえる トゲに
さされて きぜつすることも ある。"
117,23,3,"섣불리 만지려고 하면
몸 전체에서 돋아나는 가시에
찔려 기절할 수도 있다."
117,23,5,"Son corps est recouvert de pointes tranchantes.
Il faut la plus grande attention pour le saisir, sous
peine de se faire piquer."
117,23,6,"Sein Körper ist mit scharfen Stacheln gespickt.
Wenn man sorglos ist und es berührt, kann man
durch die Stacheln bewusstlos werden."
117,23,7,"Las afiladas púas que le recubren el cuerpo se le
erizan y pueden causar el debilitamiento con solo
117,23,8,"Ha il corpo ispido di aculei pungenti. Un contatto
fortuito può causare uno svenimento."
117,23,9,"Its body bristles with sharp spikes. Carelessly trying
to touch it could cause fainting from the spikes."
117,23,11,"うかつに 触ろうとすると
体中に 生える トゲに 刺されて
117,24,1,"ハネと しっぽを すばやく うごかし
まえを むいたまま うしろへ
およぐことも できる ポケモン。"
117,24,3,"날개와 꼬리를 재빠르게 움직여
앞을 향한 채 뒤로
헤엄칠 수 있는 포켓몬이다."
117,24,5,"Il peut nager à lenvers en agitant ses petites
nageoires pectorales."
117,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann rückwärts schwimmen,
indem es Flügel und Schwanz als Flossen einsetzt."
117,24,7,"Puede nadar hacia atrás moviendo rápidamente las
aletas pectorales y la robusta cola que tiene."
117,24,8,"È capace di nuotare allindietro agitando rapidamente
le pinne pettorali e la robusta coda."
117,24,9,"It is capable of swimming backwards by rapidly
flapping its winglike pectoral fins and stout tail."
117,24,11,"羽と 尻尾を 素早く 動かし
前を 向いたまま 後ろへ
泳ぐこともできる ポケモン。"
117,25,1,"サンゴの えだの すきまに もぐって ねむる。
シードラに きづかず サンゴを とろうとして
どくの トゲに さされてしまう ことが ある。"
117,25,3,"산호 가지 사이로 들어가 잠잔다.
시드라가 있는 줄 모르고 산호를
잡으려다 독가시에 찔리곤 한다."
117,25,5,"Hypocéan saccroche aux récifs de corail avant de sendormir.
Les pêcheurs de coraux se font parfois piquer par les aiguillons
de ce Pokémon lorsquils ne font pas attention."
117,25,6,"Sobald sich Seemon um eine Koralle gewickelt hat, schläft es.
Von Zeit zu Zeit werden Menschen durch die Widerhaken
dieses Pokémon verletzt, wenn sie versuchen, Korallen zu
ernten und es dabei nicht bemerken."
117,25,7,"Seadra se echa a dormir tras abrirse un hueco entre las ramas
de los corales. Los pescadores de coral suelen pincharse con
las púas venenosas de estos Pokémon si no los ven."
117,25,8,"Seadra dorme dopo essersi sistemato tra i rami di un corallo.
I cercatori di corallo spesso rischiano di essere punti dai suoi
aculei velenosi se non si accorgono della sua presenza."
117,25,9,"Seadra sleeps after wriggling itself between the branches of
coral. Those trying to harvest coral are occasionally stung by
this Pokémons poison barbs if they fail to notice it."
117,25,11,"サンゴの 枝の すき間に 潜って 眠る。
シードラに 気づかず サンゴを 取ろうとして
毒の トゲに 刺されてしまう ことが ある。"
117,26,1,"からだを かいてんさせて うずまきを つくる。
ぎょせんも のみこまれる ほどの げきりゅうで
えものを よわらせてから まるごと のみこむ。"
117,26,3,"몸을 회전시켜 소용돌이를 만든다.
어선도 집어삼킬 만한 격류로
먹이를 약하게 만들고 통째로 삼킨다."
117,26,5,"Hypocéan déclenche des tourbillons en faisant tournoyer
son corps. Ces tourbillons sont assez puissants pour engloutir
des bateaux de pêche. Ce Pokémon affaiblit sa proie grâce à
ces courants, puis lavale en une bouchée."
117,26,6,"Seemon erzeugt Strudel, indem es sich schnell um die eigene
Achse dreht. Diese Strudel können sogar Fischerboote in die
Tiefe reißen. Damit schwächt es Beute, bevor es sie im Ganzen
117,26,7,"Seadra gira sobre sí mismo y crea unos remolinos lo
suficientemente fuertes como para engullir barcos de pesca.
Este Pokémon aprovecha las corrientes que crea para debilitar
a su presa y tragársela de una vez."
117,26,8,"Roteando turbinosamente, Seadra genera vortici così forti da
riuscire a inghiottire persino un peschereccio. In questo modo
il Pokémon indebolisce le prede e poi le inghiotte intere."
117,26,9,"Seadra generates whirlpools by spinning its body.
The whirlpools are strong enough to swallow even
fishing boats. This Pokémon weakens prey with
these currents, then swallows it whole."
117,26,11,"体を 回転させて 渦巻きを つくる。
漁船も のみこまれる ほどの 激流で
獲物を 弱らせてから 丸ごと のみこむ。"
117,31,1,"せびれに さわると しびれてしまう。
ねむるときは ながされないように
シッポを さんごに まきつける。"
117,31,3,"등지느러미를 건드리면 마비된다.
잘 때는 물살에 떠내려가지 않도록
꼬리를 산호에 휘감는다."
117,31,5,"Le contact de ses nageoires dorsales engourdit.
Il ancre sa queue au corail quand il dort pour
éviter que le courant ne lemporte."
117,31,6,"Eine Berührung seiner Rückenflossen betäubt. Es
klammert sich mit dem Schwanz an Korallen fest,
um sich im Schlaf vor der Strömung zu schützen."
117,31,7,"Tocar sus aletas dorsales causa entumecimiento.
Mientras duerme se agarra al coral con la cola
para que no se lo lleve la corriente."
117,31,8,"Il contatto con la sua pinna dorsale causa
stordimento. Dorme con la coda avvolta intorno
al corallo per non farsi portare via dalla corrente."
117,31,9,"Touching the back fin causes numbness. It hooks
its tail to coral to stay in place while sleeping."
117,31,11,"背びれに さわると 痺れてしまう。
眠るときは 流されないように
シッポを さんごに 巻きつける。"
117,32,1,"せびれに さわると しびれてしまう。
ねむるときは ながされないように
シッポを さんごに まきつける。"
117,32,3,"등지느러미를 건드리면 마비된다.
잘 때는 물살에 떠내려가지 않도록
꼬리를 산호에 휘감는다."
117,32,5,"Le contact de ses nageoires dorsales engourdit.
Il ancre sa queue au corail quand il dort pour
éviter que le courant ne lemporte."
117,32,6,"Eine Berührung seiner Rückenflossen betäubt. Es
klammert sich mit dem Schwanz an Korallen fest,
um sich im Schlaf vor der Strömung zu schützen."
117,32,7,"Tocar sus aletas dorsales causa entumecimiento.
Mientras duerme se agarra al coral con la cola
para que no se lo lleve la corriente."
117,32,8,"Il contatto con la sua pinna dorsale causa
stordimento. Dorme con la coda avvolta intorno
al corallo per non farsi portare via dalla corrente."
117,32,9,"Touching the back fin causes numbness. It hooks
its tail to coral to stay in place while sleeping."
117,32,11,"背びれに さわると 痺れてしまう。
眠るときは 流されないように
シッポを さんごに 巻きつける。"
117,33,1,"オスが こどもを そだてる。
こそだてちゅうは せなかの トゲの
どくそが つよく こくなるのだ。"
117,33,3,"수컷이 새끼를 기른다.
새끼를 기르는 동안 등에 난
가시의 독소는 강해지고 짙어진다."
117,33,5,"Les mâles soccupent des petits, et tant quils en
ont à élever, le venin contenu dans leurs épines
dorsales devient beaucoup plus fort."
117,33,6,"Männlichen Seemon obliegt es, den Nachwuchs
großzuziehen. In diesem Zeitraum ist das Gift in
ihren Rückenstacheln stärker und dickflüssiger."
117,33,7,"En esta especie, es el macho quien se ocupa de
la prole. Durante la época de cría, el veneno de
las púas de su espalda se vuelve más potente."
117,33,8,"Il maschio si occupa dei piccoli. Quando li alleva,
il veleno degli aculei dorsali diventa denso e
117,33,9,"Its the males that raise the offspring. While
Seadra are raising young, the spines on their
backs secrete thicker and stronger poison."
117,33,11,"オスが 子どもを 育てる。
子育て中は 背中の トゲの 毒素が
強く 濃くなるのだ。"
117,34,1,"ほそい くちだが きゅういんりょくは
つよい。 くちより おおきな エサも
いっしゅんで すいこみ たべるぞ。"
117,34,3,"입은 가늘지만 흡인력은 강하다.
입보다 큰 먹이도
순식간에 빨아들여 먹는다."
117,34,5,"Sa puissance de succion est si forte quil peut
aspirer en un instant ses proies pour les manger,
même si elles sont plus grosses que sa bouche."
117,34,6,"Selbst Beute, die größer als sein kleiner Mund ist,
kann es dank dessen starker Saugkraft im Nu
einsaugen und verspeisen."
117,34,7,"Su estrecho morro posee tal fuerza de succión
que es capaz de aspirar presas de mayor tamaño
y engullirlas enteras."
117,34,8,"Nonostante la misura ridotta, la sua bocca
ha un potere aspirante tale da permettergli di
risucchiare e inghiottire grosse prede allistante."
117,34,9,"Seadras mouth is slender, but its suction power
is strong. In an instant, Seadra can suck in food
thats larger than the opening of its mouth."
117,34,11,"細い 口だが 吸引力は 強い。
口より 大きな エサも
一瞬で 吸いこみ 食べるぞ。"
118,1,9,"Its tail fin
billows like an
elegant ballroomdress, giving it
the nickname of
the Water Queen."
118,2,9,"Its tail fin
billows like an
elegant ballroomdress, giving it
the nickname of
the Water Queen."
118,3,9,"When it is time
for them to lay
eggs, they can beseen swimming up
rivers and falls
in large groups."
118,4,9,"Its dorsal, pecto­
ral and tail fins
wave elegantly inwater. That is why
it is known as the
water dancer."
118,5,9,"A strong swimmer,
it is capable of
swimming nonstopup fast streams at
a steady speed of
five knots."
118,6,9,"During spawning
season, they swim
gracefully in thewater, searching
for their perfect
118,7,9,"GOLDEEN is a very beautiful POKéMON
with fins that billow elegantly in water.
However, dont let your guard downaround this POKéMON - it could ram you
powerfully with its horn."
118,8,9,"GOLDEEN loves swimming wild and free
in rivers and ponds.
If one of these POKéMON is placed in anaquarium, it will shatter even the
thickest glass with one ram of its horn
and make its escape."
118,9,9,"In the springtime, schools of GOLDEEN
can be seen swimming up falls and rivers.
It metes out staggering damage with its
single horn."
118,10,9,"Its dorsal and pectoral fins are strongly
developed like muscles. It can swim at a
speed of five knots."
118,11,9,"Its tail fin billows like an elegant
ballroom dress, giving it the nickname of
“The Water Queen.”"
118,12,9,"It swims elegantly by flittering
its tail fin as if it were a dress.
It has the look of a queen."
118,13,9,"It swims at a steady 5 knots.
If it senses danger, it will strike
back with its sharp horn."
118,14,9,"Though it appears very elegant
when swimming with fins unfurled, it
can jab powerfully with its horn."
118,15,9,"Its dorsal, pectoral and tail fins
wave elegantly in water. That is why
it is known as the water dancer."
118,16,9,"A strong swimmer, it is capable of
swimming nonstop up fast streams at
a steady speed of five knots per hour."
118,17,5,"Malgré son élégance quand il
nage, ses coups de corne sont
118,17,9,"Though it appears very elegant
when swimming with fins unfurled, it
can jab powerfully with its horn."
118,18,5,"Malgré son élégance quand il
nage, ses coups de corne sont
118,18,9,"Though it appears very elegant
when swimming with fins unfurled, it
can jab powerfully with its horn."
118,21,9,"Though it appears very elegant
when swimming with fins unfurled, it
can jab powerfully with its horn."
118,22,9,"Though it appears very elegant
when swimming with fins unfurled, it
can jab powerfully with its horn."
118,23,1,"5ノットの スピードで およぐ。
みの きけんを かんじると
するどい ツノで はんげきする。"
118,23,3,"5노트의 스피드로 헤엄친다.
몸에 위험을 느끼면
날카로운 뿔로 반격한다."
118,23,5,"Il nage à 5 nœuds. Quand on lagresse, il réplique
dun bon coup de corne aiguisée."
118,23,6,"Es schwimmt mit fünf Knoten. Wird es angegriffen,
wehrt es sich mit seinem scharfen Horn."
118,23,7,"Nada a una velocidad de cinco nudos. Si siente
peligro, golpea con su afilado cuerno."
118,23,8,"Nuota alla velocità di 5 nodi. Se avverte il pericolo,
contrattacca con il suo corno aguzzo."
118,23,9,"It swims at a steady 5 knots. If it senses danger,
it will strike back with its sharp horn."
118,23,11,"5ノットの スピードで 泳ぐ。
身の 危険を 感じると
鋭い ツノで 反撃する。"
118,24,1,"せびれ むなびれ おびれが
ゆうがに たなびくので
みずのおどりこ とよばれる。"
118,24,3,"등, 가슴, 꼬리지느러미가
우아하게 나부끼기 때문에
물의 무희라고 불린다."
118,24,5,"Ses nageoires dorsales et pectorales bougent avec
élégance. Il est surnommé le danseur des flots."
118,24,6,"Seine Brust-, Rücken- und Schweifflossen sehen
anmutig aus. Daher nennt man es den „Wassertänzer“."
118,24,7,"Sus aletas dorsal, trasera y pectoral ondean gráciles
en el agua. Por eso es llamado el Bailarín Acuático."
118,24,8,"Le pinne su dorso, petto e coda ondulano con grazia
in acqua. Per questo lo chiamano “danzatore dacqua”."
118,24,9,"Its dorsal, pectoral, and tail fins wave elegantly in
water. That is why it is known as the water dancer."
118,24,11,"背びれ 胸びれ 尾びれが
優雅に たなびくので
水の踊り子 と呼ばれる。"
118,25,1,"すいちゅうで ゆうがに たなびく ひれが とても
うつくしい ポケモンだが ゆだんを していると
きょうれつな ツノの ひとつきを くらうぞ。"
118,25,3,"물속에서 우아하게 나부끼는 지느러미가 매우
아름다운 포켓몬이지만 방심하고 있으면
강렬한 뿔의 일격을 당한다."
118,25,5,"Poissirène est un Pokémon magnifique doté de nageoires
qui ondulent élégamment dans les profondeurs. Il ne faut
pourtant pas baisser sa garde face à ce Pokémon, car il peut
charger avec sa puissante corne."
118,25,6,"Goldini ist ein wunderschönes Pokémon, dessen Flossen
sich elegant im Wasser wiegen. Aber man muss auf dieses
Pokémon achtgeben. Es könnte einen sonst heftig mit
seinem Horn rammen."
118,25,7,"Goldeen es un bello Pokémon que mueve con elegancia las
aletas en el agua. Con todo, no hay que bajar la guardia, en
cualquier momento puede embestir con el cuerno."
118,25,8,"Goldeen è un Pokémon molto elegante dai movimenti
aggraziati. Tuttavia, è necessario stare attenti poiché
potrebbe attaccare violentemente con il suo corno."
118,25,9,"Goldeen is a very beautiful Pokémon with fins that billow
elegantly in water. However, dont let your guard down around
this Pokémon—it could ram you powerfully with its horn."
118,25,11,"水中で 優雅に 棚引く ひれが とても
美しい ポケモンだが 油断を していると
強烈な ツノの 一突きを くらうぞ。"
118,26,1,"かわや いけを およぐ ことが だいすきなので
すいそう なんかに いれていたら ぶあつい
ガラスも ツノの ひとつきで わって にげるぞ。"
118,26,3,"강이나 연못을 헤엄치는 것을 매우 좋아해서
수조 같은 곳에 넣어 두면 두꺼운
유리도 뿔의 일격으로 깨고 도망간다."
118,26,5,"Poissirène adore nager librement dans les rivières et
les étangs. Si lun de ces Pokémon est mis dans un aquarium,
il nhésitera pas à casser la vitre avec sa puissante corne pour
118,26,6,"Goldini liebt es, in Teichen und Flüssen zu schwimmen.
Wenn ein solches Pokémon in ein Aquarium gebracht wird,
wird es selbst das dickste Glas mit einem Stoß seines Horns
zum Zerbersten bringen und die Flucht ergreifen."
118,26,7,"A Goldeen le encanta nadar libremente y a su aire en ríos y
estanques. Si pones a uno de estos Pokémon en un acuario,
usará el cuerno que tiene para romper las paredes,
independientemente del grosor del cristal, y escapar."
118,26,8,"Goldeen ama nuotare libero in fiumi e laghetti. Se messo
in acquario, questo Pokémon riesce a fuggire spaccando
anche il vetro più spesso con un colpo secco del suo corno."
118,26,9,"Goldeen loves swimming wild and free in rivers and ponds.
If one of these Pokémon is placed in an aquarium, it will
shatter even the thickest glass with one ram of its horn
and make its escape."
118,26,11,"川や 池を 泳ぐ ことが 大好きなので
水槽 なんかに 入れていたら ぶ厚い
ガラスも ツノの 一突きで 割って 逃げるぞ。"
118,27,1,"あたたかくなってくると むれをなし
かわを さかのぼる。 そのこうけいは
はるを つげる ふうぶつしだ。"
118,27,3,"따뜻해지면 무리를 지어
강을 거슬러 올라간다. 그 광경은
봄을 알리는 풍물시이다."
118,27,5,"À la fin de lhiver, des bancs de Poissirène
remontent les fleuves. Ce spectacle annonce
traditionnellement larrivée du printemps."
118,27,6,"Wenn es warm wird, bilden sie Schwärme und
schwimmen stromaufwärts. Dies ist ein Zeichen
dafür, dass der Frühling herannaht."
118,27,7,"Cuando el tiempo se vuelve más cálido, se
agrupan y nadan río arriba. Este espectáculo tan
poético anuncia la llegada de la primavera."
118,27,8,"Quando la temperatura comincia ad alzarsi,
forma un banco con i suoi simili e inizia a risalire
i fiumi, annunciando così linizio della primavera."
118,27,9,"When the weather grows warm, they form
groups and swim upriver. This sight serves
as a poetic reminder that spring has arrived."
118,27,11,"暖かくなってくると 群れをなし
川を さかのぼる。 その光景は
春を 告げる 風物詩だ。"
118,28,1,"ツノの ながさ ひれの うつくしさに
みせられ トサキントしか そだてない
おつな トレーナーも おおいのだ。"
118,28,3,"뿔의 길이와 지느러미의 아름다움에
매혹되어 콘치만 키우게 되는
특이한 트레이너도 많다."
118,28,5,"Séduits par la longueur de sa corne et la beauté
de ses nageoires, de nombreux Dresseurs
esthètes nélèvent plus que des Poissirène."
118,28,6,"Einige Trainer sind von seinem langem Horn
und seiner Eleganz so entzückt, dass sie
ausschließlich Goldini trainieren."
118,28,7,"Hay muchos Entrenadores que, fascinados por
el tamaño de su cuerno y la belleza de sus
aletas, entrenan únicamente Goldeen."
118,28,8,"Molti Allenatori dai gusti raffinati allenano solo
i Goldeen, affascinati dal loro lungo corno
e dalle bellissime pinne."
118,28,9,"Spellbound by the length of its horn and the
beauty of its fins, many strange Trainers raise
Goldeen and nothing but Goldeen."
118,28,11,"角の 長さ ヒレの 美しさに
魅せられ トサキント しか育てない
乙な トレーナーも 多いのだ。"
118,29,1,"うつくしい おびれが とくちょうだが
トサキントどうしは ツノの ふとさと
するどさを きそいあっているらしい。"
118,29,3,"아름다운 꼬리지느러미가 특징이지만
콘치끼리는 뿔의 굵기와
날카로움을 겨루는 듯 하다."
118,29,5,"Prisés pour la beauté de leur nageoire caudale,
les Poissirène rivalisent quant à eux pour savoir
qui a la corne la plus épaisse et la plus acérée."
118,29,6,"Es ist für seine schöne Schwanzflosse bekannt.
Miteinander wetteifern sie aber darum, wer das
dickste und spitzeste Horn auf dem Kopf hat."
118,29,7,"La hermosa aleta caudal es su rasgo distintivo,
pero por lo que compiten los propios Goldeen es
por lucir el cuerno más grueso y afilado."
118,29,8,"È famoso per le sue splendide pinne caudali.
Sembra che competa con i suoi simili per
stabilire chi ha il corno più spesso e affilato."
118,29,9,"Although known for their splendid tail fins,
Goldeen apparently compete among themselves
to see whose horn is thickest and sharpest."
118,29,11,"美しい 尾びれが 特徴だが
トサキント同士は ツノの 太さと
鋭さを 競い合っているらしい。"
118,30,1,"ドレスの ような ヒレを ひらひらと
ゆらしながら およぐ すがたから
みずの プリンセスと よばれる。"
118,30,3,"드레스 같은 지느러미를 하늘하늘
흔들면서 헤엄치는 모습 때문에
물의 프린세스라고 불린다."
118,30,5,"La beauté de ses nageoires, quil agite telle
une robe de bal, lui a valu le surnom de
«princesse des eaux»."
118,30,6,"Beim Schwimmen flattern seine Flossen wie ein
Kleid, was ihm eine märchenhafte Ausstrahlung
verleiht. Man nennt es auch „Wasserprinzessin“."
118,30,7,"Al nadar, sus hermosas aletas ondean gráciles
cual vestido de gala, lo que le ha merecido el
apodo de Princesa de los Mares."
118,30,8,"Quando nuota, le sue pinne fluttuano dolcemente
come un vestito da ballo. Da questo deriva il suo
soprannome “principessa delle acque”."
118,30,9,"The way it swims along fluttering its dress-like
fins has earned it the name “princess of
the water.”"
118,30,11,"ドレスの ような ヒレを ひらひらと
揺らしながら 泳ぐ 姿から
水の プリンセスと 呼ばれる。"
118,31,1,"タマゴをうむ じきになると かわや
たきを のぼってくる トサキントの
しゅうだんの すがたが みられる。"
118,31,3,"알을 낳을 때가 되면 강이나
폭포를 오르는 콘치 무리의
모습을 볼 수 있다."
118,31,5,"Quand vient la saison de ponte des Poissirène,
on peut en voir de larges groupes remonter
les rivières et les cascades."
118,31,6,"Während der Laichzeit kann man Schwärme von
Goldini dabei beobachten, wie sie gegen den
Strom von Flüssen und Wasserfällen schwimmen."
118,31,7,"Durante la época de desove, se les suele ver
nadando a contracorriente en ríos o remontando
cascadas en grandes grupos."
118,31,8,"Nel periodo in cui i Goldeen depongono
le Uova, se ne possono vedere a banchi
mentre risalgono fiumi e cascate."
118,31,9,"When it is time for them to lay eggs, they
can be seen swimming up rivers and falls
in large groups."
118,31,11,"タマゴをうむ 時季になると 川や
滝を のぼってくる トサキントの
集団の 姿が 見られる。"
118,32,1,"タマゴをうむ じきになると かわや
たきを のぼってくる トサキントの
しゅうだんの すがたが みられる。"
118,32,3,"알을 낳을 때가 되면 강이나
폭포를 오르는 콘치 무리의
모습을 볼 수 있다."
118,32,5,"Quand vient la saison de ponte des Poissirène,
on peut en voir de larges groupes remonter
les rivières et les cascades."
118,32,6,"Während der Laichzeit kann man Schwärme von
Goldini dabei beobachten, wie sie gegen den
Strom von Flüssen und Wasserfällen schwimmen."
118,32,7,"Durante la época de desove, se les suele ver
nadando a contracorriente en ríos o remontando
cascadas en grandes grupos."
118,32,8,"Nel periodo in cui i Goldeen depongono
le Uova, se ne possono vedere a banchi
mentre risalgono fiumi e cascate."
118,32,9,"When it is time for them to lay eggs, they
can be seen swimming up rivers and falls
in large groups."
118,32,11,"タマゴをうむ 時季になると 川や
滝を のぼってくる トサキントの
集団の 姿が 見られる。"
118,33,1,"せびれ むなびれ おびれが
ゆうがに たなびくので
みずのおどりこ とよばれる。"
118,33,3,"등, 가슴, 꼬리지느러미가
우아하게 나부끼기 때문에
물의 무희라고 불린다."
118,33,5,"Ses nageoires dorsales, pectorales et caudales
ondulent avec élégance. Il est surnommé
le «danseur des flots»."
118,33,6,"Seine Brust-, Rücken- und Schwanzflossen
bewegen sich anmutig. Daher nennt man es
den „Wassertänzer“."
118,33,7,"Sus aletas pectorales, caudal y dorsal ondean
gráciles en el agua. Por eso se le llama el Bailarín
118,33,8,"Le pinne su dorso, petto e coda ondeggiano
con grazia. Perciò viene chiamato “danzatore
118,33,9,"Its dorsal, pectoral, and tail fins wave elegantly
in water. That is why it is known as the Water Dancer."
118,33,11,"背びれ 胸びれ 尾びれが
優雅に たなびくので
水の踊り子 と呼ばれる。"
118,34,1,"せビレ むなビレが きんにくのように
はったつしており すいちゅうを
5ノットの はやさで およぐ。"
118,34,3,"등지느러미와 가슴지느러미가
근육처럼 발달하여 물속을
5노트의 속도로 헤엄친다."
118,34,5,"Ses nageoires dorsales et pectorales sont très
développées. Elles lui permettent de nager
à une vitesse de cinq nœuds."
118,34,6,"Seine Rücken- und Brustflossen sind muskelähnlich
entwickelt. Es erreicht beim Schwimmen eine
Geschwindigkeit von bis zu fünf Knoten."
118,34,7,"La aleta dorsal y las aletas pectorales están tan
desarrolladas que actúan como músculos. Puede
nadar a una velocidad de cinco nudos."
118,34,8,"Le pinne dorsali e pettorali sono sviluppate
come potenti muscoli. Può raggiungere
la velocità di 5 nodi."
118,34,9,"Its dorsal and pectoral fins are strongly developed
like muscles. It can swim at a speed of five knots."
118,34,11,"背びれ 胸びれが 筋肉のように
発達しており 水中を
5ノットの 速さで 泳ぐ。"
119,1,9,"In the autumn
spawning season,
they can be seenswimming power­
fully up rivers
and creeks."
119,2,9,"In the autumn
spawning season,
they can be seenswimming power­
fully up rivers
and creeks."
119,3,9,"It is the male's
job to make a
nest by carvingout boulders in a
stream using the
horn on its head."
119,4,9,"During spawning
season, SEAKING
gather from allover, coloring
the rivers a
brilliant red."
119,5,9,"Using its horn, it
bores holes in
riverbed boulders,making nests to
prevent its eggs
from washing away."
119,6,9,"When autumn comes,
the males patrol
the area aroundtheir nests in
order to protect
their offspring."
119,7,9,"In the autumn, SEAKING males can be
seen performing courtship dances in
riverbeds to woo females.During this season, this POKéMONs body
coloration is at its most beautiful."
119,8,9,"SEAKING is very protective of its eggs.
The male and female will take turns
patrolling around their nest and eggs.The guarding of eggs by these POKéMON
goes on for over a month."
119,9,9,"It punches holes in boulders on stream­
beds. This is a clever innovation that
prevents its eggs from being attacked or
washed away by the current."
119,10,9,"The horn on its head is sharp like a
drill. It bores a hole in a boulder to
make its nest."
119,11,9,"In the autumn spawning season, they can
be seen swimming powerfully up rivers and
119,12,9,"It makes its nest by hollowing out
boulders in streams with its horn.
It defends its eggs with its life."
119,13,9,"To protect its family, it will fight
with its drill-sharp horn. It lives
in hollowed rocks in streams."
119,14,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more
fatty in preparing to propose to a
mate. It takes on beautiful colors."
119,15,9,"During spawning season, SEAKING
gather from all over, causing rivers to
appear a brilliant red."
119,16,9,"Using its horn, it bores holes in
riverbed boulders, making nests to
prevent its eggs from washing away."
119,17,5,"En automne, à la saison des amours,
il fait des réserves de graisse et
arbore des couleurs chatoyantes."
119,17,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more
fatty in preparing to propose to a
mate. It takes on beautiful colors."
119,18,5,"En automne, à la saison des amours,
il fait des réserves de graisse et
arbore des couleurs chatoyantes."
119,18,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more
fatty in preparing to propose to a
mate. It takes on beautiful colors."
119,21,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more
fatty in preparing to propose to a
mate. It takes on beautiful colors."
119,22,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more
fatty in preparing to propose to a
mate. It takes on beautiful colors."
119,23,1,"あきが くると さんらんの ために
ながれに さからって ちからづよく
かわを およぐ すがたが みられる。"
119,23,3,"가을이 오면 산란을 위해
힘차게 강물을 거슬러 올라가며
헤엄치는 모습을 볼 수 있다."
119,23,5,"Pendant la saison des amours, on peut le voir nager
dans les rivières et les lacs."
119,23,6,"Im Herbst, zur Paarungszeit, sieht man diese
Pokémon kraftvoll Bäche und Flüsse hinaufschwimmen."
119,23,7,"En otoño, cuando se reproducen, se les puede ver
nadando con energía por ríos y arroyos."
119,23,8,"In autunno, quando si riproduce, può essere visto
risalire impetuoso fiumi e torrenti."
119,23,9,"In the autumn spawning season, they can be seen
swimming powerfully up rivers and creeks."
119,23,11,"秋が くると 産卵のために
流れに 逆らって 力強く
川を 泳ぐ 姿が みられる。"
119,24,1,"あたまの ツノで かわぞこにある
いわを くりぬいて すを つくる。
タマゴを いのちがけで まもる。"
119,24,3,"머리의 뿔로 강바닥에 있는
돌을 파내어 둥지를 만든다.
알을 목숨 걸고 지킨다."
119,24,5,"Il niche dans des rochers du ruisseau quil évide
avec sa corne. Il donnerait sa vie pour ses Œufs."
119,24,6,"Es baut Nester, indem es Steine im Fluss mit seinem
Horn aushöhlt. Es verteidigt seine Eier mit dem Leben."
119,24,7,"Hace su nido en los agujeros que cava con el cuerno.
Defiende sus huevos con su vida."
119,24,8,"Con il suo corno, perfora le rocce sul letto dei fiumi
per farsi il nido. Difende le uova a costo della vita."
119,24,9,"It makes its nest by hollowing out boulders in
streams with its horn. It defends its eggs with
its life."
119,24,11,"頭の ツノで 川底にある
岩を くり抜いて 巣を 作る。
タマゴを 命がけで 守る。"
119,25,1,"あきに なると メスに プロポーズする ために
かわぞこで おどる オスを みることが できる。
からだの いろが もっとも うつくしい きせつ。"
119,25,3,"가을이 되면 암컷에게 프러포즈하기 위해
강바닥에서 춤추는 수컷을 볼 수 있다.
몸의 색이 가장 아름다운 계절이다."
119,25,5,"En automne, on peut voir les Poissoroy mâles effectuer des
danses nuptiales dans les rivières pour plaire aux femelles.
Cest pendant cette saison que le corps de ce Pokémon
prend ses plus belles couleurs."
119,25,6,"Im Herbst kann man männliche Golking dabei beobachten,
wie sie Balztänze in Flussbetten aufführen, um die weiblichen
Exemplare zu beeindrucken. Während dieser Zeit ist die Farbe
dieser Pokémon am schönsten."
119,25,7,"En otoño, se ven ejemplares de Seaking macho danzando en
las riberas de los ríos para cortejar a las hembras. En esta
época, la coloración de este Pokémon alcanza sus niveles
máximos de belleza."
119,25,8,"In autunno, i Seaking maschio sono soliti corteggiare le
femmine con particolari danze rituali. In questa stagione il
corpo di questi Pokémon assume una colorazione particolare."
119,25,9,"In the autumn, Seaking males can be seen performing
courtship dances in riverbeds to woo females. During this
season, this Pokémons body coloration is at its most beautiful."
119,25,11,"秋に なると メスに プロポーズする ために
川底で 踊る オスを みることが できる。
体の 色が 最も 美しい 季節。"
119,26,1,"タマゴを まもるため オスと メスは こうたいで
すの まわりを およぎまわり パトロールする。
タマゴが かえるまで ひとつきいじょう つづく。"
119,26,3,"알을 지키기 위해서 수컷과 암컷은 교대로
서식지 주변을 헤엄쳐 다니며 순찰한다.
알이 부화할 때까지 한 달 이상 계속된다."
119,26,5,"Les Poissoroy font tout pour protéger leurs œufs.
Les mâles et les femelles patrouillent pour surveiller le nid et
les œufs. La garde de ces œufs dure un peu plus dun mois."
119,26,6,"Golking gibt sehr viel acht auf seine Brut. Es patrouilliert um
sein Nest und die Eier herum, wobei sich das männliche und
das weibliche Exemplar abwechseln. Das Bewachen der Eier
beschäftigt dieses Pokémon für über einen Monat."
119,26,7,"Seaking protege sus huevos con uñas y dientes. Macho y
hembra se turnan para vigilar el nido y los huevos. Este
período de protección dura más de un mes en el caso de
estos Pokémon."
119,26,8,"Seaking protegge gelosamente le sue uova. Il maschio e
la femmina si danno il cambio attorno alla tana e alle uova.
Le uova vengono sorvegliate per oltre un mese."
119,26,9,"Seaking is very protective of its eggs. The male and female
will take turns patrolling around their nest and eggs. The
guarding of eggs by these Pokémon goes on for over a month."
119,26,11,"タマゴを 守るため オスと メスは 交代で
巣の 周りを 泳ぎ回り パトロールする。
タマゴが かえるまで ひと月以上 続く。"
119,27,1,"はだざむくなるころ ぜんしんが
くれないに そまる。 そのすがたは
あきを かんじる ふうぶつしだ。"
119,27,3,"쌀쌀해질 무렵 전신이
주홍색으로 물든다. 그 모습은
가을을 느끼는 풍물시이다."
119,27,5,"Quand il commence à faire froid, son corps
devient rouge vif. Ce spectacle annonce
traditionnellement la venue de lautomne."
119,27,6,"Wenn es kälter wird, färbt sich sein ganzer
Körper tiefrot. Dieser Anblick versetzt die
Leute in Herbststimmung."
119,27,7,"Cuando las temperaturas bajan mucho, su piel
se torna de un color carmesí. Es una señal
inequívoca de que se aproxima el otoño."
119,27,8,"Quando le giornate cominciano a rinfrescarsi,
il suo corpo si tinge di rosso vivo, annunciando
così linizio dellautunno."
119,27,9,"When the weather grows cold, its whole body
flushes a deep red. This sight serves as a
poetic reminder that autumn has arrived."
119,27,11,"肌寒くなるころ 全身が
紅に 染まる。 その姿は
秋を 感じる 風物詩だ。"
119,28,1,"アズマオウマニアの トレーナーは
ツノあいこうかと ヒレあいこうかに
わかれ たがいの なかは わるい。"
119,28,3,"왕콘치 마니아인 트레이너는
뿔 애호가와 지느러미 애호가로
갈라져 서로 사이가 나쁘다."
119,28,5,"Il existe deux types de Dresseurs de Poissoroy :
ceux qui aiment sa corne et ceux qui préfèrent
ses nageoires. Les deux groupes se détestent."
119,28,6,"Golkings Fangemeinde spaltet sich in zwei
Lager, die sich gegenseitig nicht riechen können:
die Hornenthusiasten und die Flossenfans."
119,28,7,"Los fanáticos de este Pokémon pueden dividirse
en dos grupos: los que adoran sus aletas y los
que adoran su cuerno. No se llevan nada bien."
119,28,8,"Gli appassionati di Seaking si dividono in due
gruppi: gli estimatori del corno e gli amanti
delle pinne. Tra di loro non corre buon sangue."
119,28,9,"Trainers who are crazy for Seaking are divided
into horn enthusiasts and fin enthusiasts.
The two groups do not get along well."
119,28,11,"アズマオウマニアの トレーナーは
ツノ愛好家と ヒレ愛好家に
わかれ 互いの 仲は 悪い。"
119,29,1,"ツノは ドリルのように かいてんして
かたい いわも グングン くりぬく。
オスのほうが あざやかな いろあい。"
119,29,3,"뿔이 드릴처럼 회전하기 때문에
단단한 바위도 쉽게 뚫는다.
수컷이 선명한 색을 띤다."
119,29,5,"Il peut forer des rocs en faisant tourner sa
corne comme une perceuse. Les mâles ont
des couleurs plus vives que les femelles."
119,29,6,"Sein Horn rotiert wie ein Bohrer und höhlt selbst
die härtesten Felsen aus. Männliche Golking
erstrahlen in besonders prächtigen Farben."
119,29,7,"Es capaz de pulverizar las rocas más duras
haciendo girar su cuerno a modo de taladro.
Los machos presentan una coloración más viva."
119,29,8,"Facendo girare il corno come la punta
di un trapano perfora anche la roccia.
I maschi hanno colori più sgargianti."
119,29,9,"Its horn spins like a drill to steadily hollow out
rocks—even harder ones. The coloration of the
male is more vivid."
119,29,11,"ツノは ドリルのように 回転して
硬い 岩も グングン くり貫く。
オスの方が 鮮やかな 色合い。"
119,30,1,"オスは かわぞこで おどって メスに
アピール。 1ばん うつくしく
まった オスに メスが あつまる。"
119,30,3,"수컷은 강바닥에서 춤을 추며
암컷에게 어필한다. 가장 아름답게
춤을 추는 수컷에게 암컷이 모여든다."
119,30,5,"Les mâles dansent devant les femelles pour
sattirer leurs faveurs; les plus talentueux
gagneront leur admiration."
119,30,6,"Männliche Golking tanzen in Flussbetten, um die
weiblichen Exemplare zu beeindrucken, die sich
dann um den allerbesten Tänzer scharen."
119,30,7,"Los machos ejecutan una coreografía en el
lecho del río para ganarse la atención de las
hembras, que acuden al mejor bailarín."
119,30,8,"I maschi danzano sul letto dei fiumi cercando
di attirare lattenzione delle femmine, che si
radunano attorno al miglior danzatore."
119,30,9,"To attract females, males dance on the rivers
floor. The females gather around the male that
dances most gracefully."
119,30,11,"オスは 川底で 踊って メスに
アピール。 1番 美しく
舞った オスに メスが 集まる。"
119,31,1,"あたまのツノで かわぞこにある
いわを くりぬき すを つくるのは
オスの やくめ だ。"
119,31,3,"머리의 뿔로 강바닥에 있는
돌을 파내어 둥지를 만드는 것은
수컷의 역할이다."
119,31,5,"Le mâle utilise la corne située sur son front
pour creuser un nid dans les rochers au fond
des rivières."
119,31,6,"Männliche Exemplare dieses Pokémon höhlen
mit dem Horn an ihrem Kopf Steine im Flussbett
aus, um sich so ein Nest zu bauen."
119,31,7,"Los machos usan el cuerno de la cabeza para
horadar rocas en el lecho del río y construir allí
su nido."
119,31,8,"Il maschio di Seaking usa il corno che ha
sulla testa per scavare il nido nelle rocce
che si trovano sul letto dei fiumi."
119,31,9,"It is the males job to make a nest by carving out
boulders in a stream using the horn on its head."
119,31,11,"頭のツノで 川底にある
岩を くり抜き 巣を 作るのは
オスの 役目 だ。"
119,32,1,"あたまのツノで かわぞこにある
いわを くりぬき すを つくるのは
オスの やくめ だ。"
119,32,3,"머리의 뿔로 강바닥에 있는
돌을 파내어 둥지를 만드는 것은
수컷의 역할이다."
119,32,5,"Le mâle utilise la corne située sur son front
pour creuser un nid dans les rochers au fond
des rivières."
119,32,6,"Männliche Exemplare dieses Pokémon höhlen
mit dem Horn an ihrem Kopf Steine im Flussbett
aus, um sich so ein Nest zu bauen."
119,32,7,"Los machos usan el cuerno de la cabeza para
horadar rocas en el lecho del río y construir allí
su nido."
119,32,8,"Il maschio di Seaking usa il corno che ha
sulla testa per scavare il nido nelle rocce
che si trovano sul letto dei fiumi."
119,32,9,"It is the males job to make a nest by carving out
boulders in a stream using the horn on its head."
119,32,11,"頭のツノで 川底にある
岩を くり抜き 巣を 作るのは
オスの 役目 だ。"
119,33,1,"あきになると プロポーズのため
からだに あぶらが のってきて
とても きれいないろに へんかする。"
119,33,3,"가을이 되면 짝짓기를 위해
몸에 윤기가 돌게 되며
매우 아름다운 색으로 변화한다."
119,33,5,"En automne, à la saison des amours, il fait
des réserves de graisse et arbore des couleurs
119,33,6,"Im Herbst legt es an Gewicht zu und erscheint
in prächtigen Farben, um so einen Partner
119,33,7,"En otoño gana algo de peso para atraer a
posibles parejas y se cubre de llamativos colores."
119,33,8,"In autunno ingrassa in previsione della stagione
degli amori e assume colori sgargianti."
119,33,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in
preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on
beautiful colors."
119,33,11,"秋になると プロポーズのため
体に 脂が のってきて
とても きれいな色に 変化する。"
119,34,1,"ツノで かわぞこの いわを くりぬき
すをつくるのは うみつけた タマゴが
ながされないように するためだ。"
119,34,3,"뿔로 강바닥의 바위를 파헤쳐
둥지를 만드는 이유는 낳은 알이
떠내려가지 않도록 하기 위함이다."
119,34,5,"Sil fait des trous dans les rochers avec sa corne
pour bâtir son nid, cest pour éviter que ses Œufs
ne soient emportés par les flots."
119,34,6,"Es laicht in Löchern, die es mit seinem Horn in
Felsen des Flussbettes gebohrt hat, damit seine
Eier nicht vom Wasser fortgespült werden."
119,34,7,"Perfora las piedras del lecho del río con su
cuerno para hacer un nido y que la corriente
no arrastre sus huevos."
119,34,8,"Perfora con il suo corno le rocce sul letto dei
fiumi, costruendo tane che proteggono le Uova
dalla corrente."
119,34,9,"Using its horn, it bores holes in riverbed
boulders, making nests to prevent its eggs from
washing away."
119,34,11,"ツノで 川底の 岩を くりぬき
巣をつくるのは 産みつけた タマゴが
流されないように するためだ。"
120,1,9,"An enigmatic
POKéMON that can
effortlesslyregenerate any
appendage it
loses in battle."
120,2,9,"An enigmatic
POKéMON that can
effortlesslyregenerate any
appendage it
loses in battle."
120,3,9,"As long as the
center section is
unharmed, it cangrow back fully
even if it is
chopped to bits."
120,4,9,"At night, the cen­
ter of its body
slowly flickerswith the same
rhythm as a human
120,5,9,"Even if its body
is torn, it can
regenerate as longas the glowing
central core re­
mains intact."
120,6,9,"When the stars
twinkle at night,
it floats up fromthe sea floor, and
its body's center
core flickers."
120,7,9,"STARYUs center section has an organ
called the core that shines bright red.
If you go to a beach toward theend of summer, the glowing cores of
these POKéMON look like the stars
in the sky."
120,8,9,"STARYU apparently communicates with
the stars in the night sky by flashing
the red core at the center of its body.If parts of its body are torn, this
POKéMON simply regenerates the
missing pieces and limbs."
120,9,9,"It gathers with others in the night and
makes its red core glow on and off with
the twinkling stars. It can regenerate
limbs if they are severed from its body."
120,10,9,"It appears in large numbers by seashores.
At night, its central core flashes with a
red light."
120,11,9,"An enigmatic POKéMON that can effortlessly
regenerate any appendage it loses in
120,12,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow
back if the red core remains.
The core flashes at midnight."
120,13,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow
back if the red core remains.
The core flashes at midnight."
120,14,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow
back if the red core remains.
The core flashes at midnight."
120,15,9,"At night, the middle of its body
slowly flickers with the same
rhythm as a human heartbeat."
120,16,9,"Even if its body is torn, it can
regenerate as long as the glowing
central core remains intact."
120,17,5,"Même amoché, son corps se régénère
tant que le noyau rouge est intact.
Le noyau sillumine à minuit."
120,17,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow
back if the red core remains.
The core flashes at midnight."
120,18,5,"Même amoché, son corps se régénère
tant que le noyau rouge est intact.
Le noyau sillumine à minuit."
120,18,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow
back if the red core remains.
The core flashes at midnight."
120,21,9,"As long as its red core remains,
it can regenerate its body instantly,
even if its torn apart."
120,22,9,"As long as its red core remains,
it can regenerate its body instantly,
even if its torn apart."
120,23,1,"からだの ちゅうしんで ひかる
コアが あるかぎり からだが
ちぎれても さいせい できる。"
120,23,3,"몸의 중심에서 빛나는
핵이 있는 한 몸이
찢겨나가도 재생할 수 있다."
120,23,5,"Même si son corps est détruit, il peut se régénérer
aussi longtemps que son cœur est en bon état."
120,23,6,"Auch wenn sein Körper nicht mehr intakt ist,
kann es sich regenerieren, wenn der Kern leuchtet."
120,23,7,"Aunque sus brazos se rompan podrán regenerarse,
siempre y cuando su núcleo siga intacto."
120,23,8,"Anche se il corpo è lacerato, continua a rigenerarsi
finché il nucleo ardente centrale rimane intatto."
120,23,9,"Even if its body is torn, it can regenerate as long as
the glowing central core remains intact."
120,23,11,"体の 中心で 光る
コアが ある限り
体が ちぎれても 再生できる。"
120,24,1,"うみべに おおく あらわれ
よるになると ちゅうしんが
あかく てんめつする。"
120,24,3,"해변에 많이 나타나며
밤이 되면 가운데가
빨갛게 깜박거린다."
120,24,5,"On peut voir des Stari en grand nombre près des
côtes. La nuit, le centre de son corps clignote
dune lumière rouge."
120,24,6,"Es taucht in großer Anzahl an Ufern auf.
Nachts leuchtet der Kern in seiner Mitte rot auf."
120,24,7,"Suele aparecer en grupos en la orilla de la playa. Por
la noche, el órgano central que tiene brilla con una luz
120,24,8,"Se ne trovano molti in riva al mare. Di notte, il nucleo
al centro del corpo lampeggia di una luce rossa."
120,24,9,"It appears in large numbers by seashores. At night,
its central core flashes with a red light."
120,24,11,"海辺に 多く 現れ
夜になると 中心が
赤く 点滅する。"
120,25,1,"なつの おわりごろ よるに すなはまへ いくと
コアと よばれる きかんを あかく ひからせた
ヒトデマンが ほしの ように みえるよ。"
120,25,3,"여름이 끝날 무렵 밤에 모래 해변에 가면
핵이라고 불리는 기관을 붉게 빛내는
별가사리가 별처럼 보인다."
120,25,5,"Au centre de Stari se trouve un organe rouge et brillant appelé
le cœur. À la fin de lété, sur les plages, les cœurs de ces
Pokémon brillent comme les étoiles dans le ciel."
120,25,6,"In Sterndus Körpermitte befindet sich ein hellrot leuchtendes
Organ  sein Kern. Wenn du im Spätsommer an einen Strand
gehst, sehen die leuchtenden Kerne dieser Pokémon aus wie
120,25,7,"Staryu posee un órgano central, conocido como su núcleo,
que brilla con una luz roja. A finales de verano, pueden verse
en la playa los núcleos de estos Pokémon brillando como las
estrellas del cielo."
120,25,8,"Al centro del corpo di Staryu è presente un nucleo che brilla
di un rosso intenso. In spiaggia, a fine estate, il nucleo
di questi Pokémon ha laspetto delle stelle nel firmamento."
120,25,9,"Staryus center section has an organ called the core that
shines bright red. If you go to a beach toward the end of
summer, the glowing cores of these Pokémon look like the
stars in the sky."
120,25,11,"夏の 終わりごろ 夜に 砂浜に いくと
コアと 呼ばれる 器官を 赤く 光らせた
ヒトデマンが 星の ように 見えるよ。"
120,26,1,"ちゅうしんの あかい コアを てんめつさせて
よぞらの ほしと こうしん している らしい。
からだは ちぎれても じこさいせい するぞ。"
120,26,3,"가운데에 있는 빨간 코어를 점멸시켜
밤하늘의 별과 교신하는 것 같다.
몸은 찢겨 나가더라도 스스로 재생한다."
120,26,5,"Stari communique apparemment avec les étoiles dans
le ciel en faisant clignoter son cœur rouge. Si des parties
de son corps sont cassées, ce Pokémon les régénère."
120,26,6,"Sterndu kommuniziert mit den Sternen am Nachthimmel,
indem es den roten Kern in seiner Körpermitte blinken lässt.
Wenn Teile seines Körpers beschädigt wurden, stellt es die
fehlenden Teile selbst wieder her."
120,26,7,"Staryu parece comunicarse por la noche con las estrellas
haciendo brillar el núcleo rojo de su cuerpo. Si este Pokémon
sufre algún daño en alguna zona de su cuerpo, la regenerará
sin problema."
120,26,8,"Pare che la notte Staryu comunichi con le stelle facendo
brillare il suo nucleo rosso al centro del corpo. In caso di
perdita di qualche appendice questo Pokémon riesce a
rigenerarla senza problemi."
120,26,9,"Staryu apparently communicates with the stars in the night sky
by flashing the red core at the center of its body. If parts of its
body are torn, this Pokémon simply regenerates the missing
pieces and limbs."
120,26,11,"中心の 赤い コアを 点滅させて
夜空の 星と 交信 している らしい。
体は 千切れても 自己再生 するぞ。"
120,27,1,"うみべに おおく せいそく。
よるに なると からだの ちゅうしんが
あやしく あかく かがやきだす。"
120,27,3,"해변에 많이 서식한다.
밤이 되면 몸의 중심이
이상하고 빨갛게 빛을 낸다."
120,27,5,"Ce Pokémon vit en grand nombre au fond de
la mer. À la nuit tombée, son cœur émet une
étrange lumière rouge."
120,27,6,"Es taucht in großer Zahl an Ufern auf.
Nachts erstrahlt der Kern in seiner Mitte
in einem unheimlichen Rot."
120,27,7,"Suelen vivir en el mar, cerca de la costa. Por la
noche, su núcleo brilla con una misteriosa luz
120,27,8,"Gli Staryu vivono numerosi in riva al mare.
Di notte, il nucleo al centro del corpo brilla
di una strana luce rossa."
120,27,9,"Large numbers of these Pokémon make their
home at the seaside. At night, a strange red
glow radiates from the center of their bodies."
120,27,11,"海辺に 多く 生息。
夜に なると 身体の 中心が
怪しく 赤く 輝きだす。"
120,28,1,"ネオラントなどに かじられるが
あかいコアが あるかぎり すぐに
さいせいするので きにしていない。"
120,28,3,"네오라이트 등에게 물리지만
빨간 핵이 있는 한 바로
재생되므로 신경 쓰지 않는다."
120,28,5,"Même sil se fait manger des bras par un
Luminéon, il peut les régénérer tant que son
cœur rouge est intact, aussi ne sen fait-il pas."
120,28,6,"Es wird ab und zu von Lumineon angeknabbert,
aber solange es seinen roten Kern hat, kann es
den abgebissenen Teil sofort wiederherstellen."
120,28,7,"A veces recibe ataques de Lumineon y otros
Pokémon, pero puede regenerar cualquier parte
de su cuerpo mientras su núcleo siga intacto."
120,28,8,"Se gli capita di venire mangiucchiato da un
Lumineon, non si preoccupa, perché finché
il nucleo rosso rimane intatto, può rigenerarsi."
120,28,9,"This Pokémon gets nibbled on by Lumineon and
others. Thanks to its red core, it regenerates
fast, so its unconcerned by their snack attacks."
120,28,11,"ネオラントなどに かじられるが
赤いコアが ある限り すぐに
再生するので 気にしていない。"
120,29,1,"ほしくずが うみに おちて
ヒトデマンに なったのだ という
みんわが かくちに のこっている。"
120,29,3,"무수한 별들이 바다로 떨어져
별가사리가 되었다고 하는
민화가 각지에 남아 있다."
120,29,5,"Si lon en croit une légende populaire, il serait
né dune pluie de poussière détoiles tombée
dans la mer."
120,29,6,"Einer weitverbreiteten Volkssage zufolge ist
Sterndu aus Sternennebel entstanden, der ins
Meer gefallen war."
120,29,7,"Varias leyendas populares atribuyen su origen
a polvo de estrellas que se precipitó en la mar."
120,29,8,"In molti luoghi è ancora diffusa la credenza
che gli Staryu nascano da polvere di stelle
caduta in fondo al mare."
120,29,9,"In many places, there are folktales of stardust
falling into the ocean and becoming Staryu."
120,29,11,"星屑が 海に 落ちて
ヒトデマンに なったのだ という
民話が 各地に 残っている。"
120,30,1,"いくら きずついても へいき。
さいせいのうりょくが たかいので
はんにちぐらいで もとに もどるぞ。"
120,30,3,"아무리 상처를 입어도 문제없다.
재생 능력이 높아서
한나절이면 원래대로 돌아온다."
120,30,5,"Étant capable de se régénérer en une demi-
journée seulement, il ne craint aucune blessure."
120,30,6,"Verletzungen machen diesem Pokémon nichts
aus. Dank seiner Regenerationsfähigkeit ist es
einen halben Tag später schon wieder wie neu."
120,30,7,"Puede sufrir graves heridas sin problema,
ya que sus notables facultades regenerativas
le permiten recuperarse en apenas medio día."
120,30,8,"Le ferite non sono un problema per Staryu:
grazie alle sue eccellenti capacità rigenerative,
torna intero in mezza giornata."
120,30,9,"No number of injuries can bother Staryu. Its
amazing regenerative powers return it to its
previous state in half a day!"
120,30,11,"いくら 傷ついても 平気。
再生能力が 高いので
半日ぐらいで 元に 戻るぞ。"
120,31,1,"からだの ちゅうしんぶぶん さえ
のこっていれば どんなに こまかく
きられても さいせいするという。"
120,31,3,"몸의 중심 부분만
남아 있으면 아무리 잘게
잘려도 재생한다고 한다."
120,31,5,"Même découpé en mille morceaux, il peut
régénérer les parties de son corps tant que
sa partie centrale reste indemne."
120,31,6,"Selbst wenn es zerstückelt wird, kann es seinen
Körper immer wieder regenerieren, solange sein
Kernstück unversehrt bleibt."
120,31,7,"Aunque haya perdido partes de su cuerpo, le
crecerán de nuevo siempre y cuando su parte
central se mantenga intacta."
120,31,8,"Si dice che Staryu possa rigenerarsi anche dopo
essere stato fatto a pezzetti, purché il suo centro
sia rimasto intatto."
120,31,9,"As long as the center section is unharmed,
this Pokémon can grow back fully even if it is
chopped to bits."
120,31,11,"体の 中心部分 さえ
残っていれば どんなに 細かく
切られても 再生するという。"
120,32,1,"からだの ちゅうしんぶぶん さえ
のこっていれば どんなに こまかく
きられても さいせいするという。"
120,32,3,"몸의 중심 부분만
남아 있으면 아무리 잘게
잘려도 재생한다고 한다."
120,32,5,"Même découpé en mille morceaux, il peut
régénérer les parties de son corps tant que
sa partie centrale reste indemne."
120,32,6,"Selbst wenn es zerstückelt wird, kann es seinen
Körper immer wieder regenerieren, solange sein
Kernstück unversehrt bleibt."
120,32,7,"Aunque haya perdido partes de su cuerpo, le
crecerán de nuevo siempre y cuando su parte
central se mantenga intacta."
120,32,8,"Si dice che Staryu possa rigenerarsi anche dopo
essere stato fatto a pezzetti, purché il suo centro
sia rimasto intatto."
120,32,9,"As long as the center section is unharmed,
this Pokémon can grow back fully even if it is
chopped to bits."
120,32,11,"体の 中心部分 さえ
残っていれば どんなに 細かく
切られても 再生するという。"
120,33,1,"なつのおわりの はまべに いくと
きそくてきな リズムで ひかる
ヒトデマンの むれが みられるよ。"
120,33,3,"늦여름 해변에 가면
규칙적인 리듬으로 빛나는
별가사리의 무리를 볼 수 있다."
120,33,5,"Lorsquon se rend en bord de mer à la fin
de lété, on peut voir des groupes de Stari
clignoter à un rythme régulier."
120,33,6,"Bei spätsommerlichen Strandbesuchen kann man
Gruppen von Sterndu begegnen, deren Kerne in
gleichmäßigem Rhythmus aufblinken."
120,33,7,"A finales de verano, se pueden ver grupos de
Staryu en la orilla de la playa sincronizando el
brillo de sus núcleos a ritmo regular."
120,33,8,"Alla fine dellestate, sui litorali è possibile
osservare gruppi di Staryu che emettono luce
a un ritmo regolare."
120,33,9,"If you visit a beach at the end of summer, youll
be able to see groups of Staryu lighting up in a
steady rhythm."
120,33,11,"夏の終わりの 浜辺に 行くと
規則的な リズムで 光る
ヒトデマンの 群れが 見られるよ。"
120,34,1,"さかなポケモンに ついばまれるが
からだが ちぎれても すぐに
さいせいするので きにしない。 "
120,34,3,"물고기포켓몬에게 물리곤 하지만
몸이 찢겨도 금방 재생되기 때문에
신경 쓰지 않는다."
120,34,5,"Il ne se soucie guère des Pokémon poissons
qui viennent le grignoter, car même si son corps
est déchiqueté, il se régénère aussitôt."
120,34,6,"Ihm macht es nichts aus, von Fisch-Pokémon
angeknabbert zu werden, da sich sein Körper
bei Verletzungen im Nu regeneriert."
120,34,7,"No le importa que le mordisqueen el cuerpo los
Pokémon pez, ya que las partes desgarradas se
regeneran casi al instante."
120,34,8,"Viene mangiucchiato dai Pokémon acquatici,
ma non ci dà peso, perché le parti danneggiate
del suo corpo si rigenerano subito."
120,34,9,"Fish Pokémon nibble at it, but Staryu isnt
bothered. Its body regenerates quickly, even
if part of it is completely torn off."
120,34,11,"魚ポケモンに ついばまれるが
体が ちぎれても
すぐに 再生するので 気にしない。"
121,1,9,"Its central core
glows with the
seven colors ofthe rainbow. Some
people value the
core as a gem."
121,2,9,"Its central core
glows with the
seven colors ofthe rainbow. Some
people value the
core as a gem."
121,3,9,"The center section
is named the core.
People think itis communicating
when it glows in
7 colors."
121,4,9,"The center section
of its body is
called the core.It glows in a dif­
ferent color each
time it is seen."
121,5,9,"Regardless of the
environment it
lives in, its bodygrows to form a
symmetrical geo­
metric shape."
121,6,9,"It is said that it
uses the seven-
colored core ofits body to send
electric waves
into outer space."
121,7,9,"STARMIEs center section - the core -
glows brightly in seven colors.
Because of its luminous nature, thisPOKéMON has been given the nickname
“the gem of the sea.”"
121,8,9,"STARMIE swims through water by
spinning its star-shaped body as if it
were a propeller on a ship.The core at the center of this
POKéMONs body glows in seven colors."
121,9,9,"People in ancient times imagined that
STARMIE were transformed from the
reflections of stars that twinkled on
gentle waves at night."
121,10,9,"This POKéMON has a geometric body.
Because of its body, the locals suspect
that it is an alien creature."
121,11,9,"Its central core glows with the seven
colors of the rainbow. Some people value
the core as a gem."
121,12,9,"At the center of its body is a red
core, which sends mysterious
radio signals into the night sky."
121,13,9,"At the center of its body is a red
core, which sends mysterious
radio signals into the night sky."
121,14,9,"At the center of its body is a red
core, which sends mysterious
radio signals into the night sky."
121,15,9,"The middle section of its body is
called the core. It glows in a
different color each time it is seen."
121,16,9,"Regardless of the environment it
lives in, its body grows to form a
symmetrical geometric shape."
121,17,5,"Un noyau rouge trône en son centre.
Il envoie des signaux radio mystérieux
vers le ciel nocturne."
121,17,9,"At the center of its body is a red
core, which sends mysterious
radio signals into the night sky."
121,18,5,"Un noyau rouge trône en son centre.
Il envoie des signaux radio mystérieux
vers le ciel nocturne."
121,18,9,"At the center of its body is a red
core, which sends mysterious
radio signals into the night sky."
121,21,9,"Its core shines in many colors
and sends radio signals into space
to communicate with something."
121,22,9,"Its core shines in many colors
and sends radio signals into space
to communicate with something."
121,23,1,"まんなかの コアとよばれる ぶぶんは
なないろに かがやく。これを
ほうせきにする ひとも いるという。"
121,23,3,"코어라고 불리는 중심 부분은
일곱 빛깔로 빛난다. 이것을
보석으로 삼는 사람도 있다고 한다."
121,23,5,"Son cœur brille des couleurs de larc-en-ciel.
On raconte que cest une pierre précieuse."
121,23,6,"Der Kern dieses Pokémon leuchtet in den Farben
des Regenbogens. Sein Kern gilt als Edelstein."
121,23,7,"Su núcleo central brilla con los colores del arcoíris.
Para algunos tiene el valor de una gema."
121,23,8,"Nel suo nucleo brillano i sette colori dellarcobaleno.
Qualcuno lo considera una pietra preziosa."
121,23,9,"Its central core glows with the seven colors of the
rainbow. Some people value the core as a gem."
121,23,11,"真ん中の コアと呼ばれる 部分は
七色に 輝く。これを
宝石にする 人も いるという。"
121,24,1,"からだの ちゅうしんにある あかい
コアから よぞらに むかって
なぞの でんぱを はっしんしている。"
121,24,3,"몸의 중심에 있는 빨간
핵에서 밤하늘을 향해
알 수 없는 전파를 발신한다."
121,24,5,"Un noyau rouge trône en son centre. Il envoie
des signaux radio mystérieux vers le ciel nocturne."
121,24,6,"In der Körpermitte befindet sich ein roter Kern,
der mysteriöse Radiowellen in die Nacht sendet."
121,24,7,"El centro de su cuerpo alberga un órgano que emite
extrañas señales de radio en la noche."
121,24,8,"Al centro del corpo ha un nucleo rosso che diffonde
misteriosi segnali radio nel cielo notturno."
121,24,9,"At the center of its body is a red core, which sends
mysterious radio signals into the night sky."
121,24,11,"体の 中心にある 赤いコアから
夜空に 向かって ナゾの 電波を
121,25,1,"からだの ちゅうしんに ある コアと よばれる
ぶぶんが なないろに かがやく ことから
うみのほうせき という べつめいを つけられた。"
121,25,3,"몸의 중심에 있는 핵이라 불리는
부분이 일곱 빛깔로 빛나기에
바다의 보석이라는 별명이 붙었다."
121,25,5,"Le centre de Staross, son cœur, resplendit de sept
différentes couleurs. Du fait de sa brillance naturelle,
on appelle ce Pokémon le «joyau des mers»."
121,25,6,"Starmies Mittelteil, sein Kern, leuchtet in sieben Farben.
Aufgrund dieser Eigenschaft wird es auch „Juwel des Meeres“
121,25,7,"La parte central de Starmie, el núcleo brillante, resplandece
con siete colores distintos. Debido a su naturaleza luminosa, a
este Pokémon se le ha dado el apelativo de la Gema del Mar."
121,25,8,"Il centro del corpo di Starmie, il suo nucleo, brilla in sette
colori. Per la sua luminosità è chiamato “Gemma del mare”."
121,25,9,"Starmies center section—the core—glows brightly in seven
colors. Because of its luminous nature, this Pokémon has
been given the nickname “the gem of the sea.”"
121,25,11,"体の 中心に ある コアと 呼ばれる
部分が 七色に 輝く ことから
海の宝石 という 別名を つけられた。"
121,26,1,"ほしがたの からだを スクリューの ように
かいてんさせて すいちゅうを およぎまわる。
ちゅうおうに ある コアが なないろに ひかる。"
121,26,3,"별 모양인 몸을 스크루처럼
회전시켜 물속을 헤엄쳐 다닌다.
중앙에 있는 코어가 일곱 빛깔로 빛난다. "
121,26,5,"Staross nage en faisant tournoyer son corps en forme détoile,
un peu à la manière dune hélice de bateau. Le cœur au centre
du corps de ce Pokémon brille de sept couleurs."
121,26,6,"Starmie kann schwimmen, indem es seinen sternförmigen
Körper wie eine Schiffsschraube dreht. Der Kern in seiner
Körpermitte leuchtet in sieben Farben."
121,26,7,"Starmie nada por el agua haciendo girar su cuerpo estrellado
a modo de hélice. El núcleo de este Pokémon brilla y llega a
tornarse de siete colores."
121,26,8,"Starmie nuota roteando vorticosamente il corpo a stella come
fosse lelica di una nave. Il suo nucleo brilla in sette diversi
121,26,9,"Starmie swims through water by spinning its star-shaped
body as if it were a propeller on a ship. The core at the
center of this Pokémons body glows in seven colors."
121,26,11,"星型の 体を スクリューの ように
回転させて 水中を 泳ぎ回る。
中央に ある コアが 七色に 光る。"
121,27,1,"かがやく コアから なぞの でんぱを
そうじゅしん していると いう。
ちかづくと ずつうが することも。"
121,27,3,"빛나는 핵으로부터 의문의 전파를
송수신하고 있다고 한다.
다가가면 두통이 생길 때도 있다."
121,27,5,"Son cœur lumineux envoie et reçoit des signaux
mystérieux. Ils donnent la migraine à quiconque
sen approche."
121,27,6,"Offenbar sendet und empfängt sein leuchtender
Kern mysteriöse Radiowellen. Kommt man ihm
zu nahe, löst es eventuell Kopfschmerzen aus."
121,27,7,"Su brillante núcleo emite y recibe extrañas
señales de radio que pueden causarle jaquecas
a cualquiera que se aproxime demasiado."
121,27,8,"Si dice che il suo nucleo brillante emetta e riceva
misteriosi segnali radio.
Stargli vicino può far venire mal di testa."
121,27,9,"Its shining core is thought to receive and
transmit enigmatic signals. It has been known
to cause headaches in those who approach it."
121,27,11,"輝く コアから 謎の 電波を
送受信 していると いう。
近づくと 頭痛が することも。"
121,28,1,"アブストラクトな ボディの せいで
うちゅうからの しんりゃくしゃ ではと
じもとの ひとは うわさ している。"
121,28,3,"추상적인 몸 때문에
우주에서 온 침략자가 아닐까 하고
그 지방 사람들은 말한다."
121,28,5,"La forme abstraite de son corps ne ressemble à
rien de connu. On raconte dans les campagnes
quil sagit dun envahisseur venu de lespace."
121,28,6,"Aufgrund seiner ungewöhnlichen Körperform
hegen viele Einheimische den Verdacht, es sei
in Wirklichkeit ein Eindringling aus dem All."
121,28,7,"Corre el rumor de que Starmie es un invasor del
espacio exterior, debido a la forma tan peculiar
de su cuerpo."
121,28,8,"A causa dellinsolita forma del suo corpo, che
molti definiscono astratta, gira voce che si
tratti di un invasore alieno."
121,28,9,"Its unusual body shape, reminiscent of abstract
art, led local people to spread rumors that this
Pokémon may be an invader from outer space."
121,28,11,"アブストラクトな ボディの せいで
宇宙からの 侵略者 ではと
地元の 人は 噂 している。"
121,29,1,"かがやく コアは うみの ほうせきと
よばれる。 こうかな アクセサリーに
かえられ かくれて とりひきされる。"
121,29,3,"빛나는 코어는 바다의 보석이라고
불린다. 고가의 액세서리로
만들어져 은밀히 거래된다."
121,29,5,"On appelle son cœur lumineux «le joyau de la
mer». Les bijoux fabriqués à partir de celui-ci
se vendent à prix dor et en secret."
121,29,6,"Sein leuchtender Kern, das „Juwel des Meeres“,
ist so wertvoll, dass manche ihn zu Schmuck
verarbeiten und unter der Hand verkaufen."
121,29,7,"Su reluciente núcleo se conoce como la Gema
del Mar y con él se elaboran adornos por los
que se pagan fortunas."
121,29,8,"Con il suo nucleo brillante, chiamato
“gemma del mare”, si producono preziosi
accessori che vengono poi venduti di nascosto."
121,29,9,"Its sparkling core is called “the gem of the sea.”
This core can be made into high-priced
accessories that are traded in secret."
121,29,11,"輝く コアは 海の 宝石と
呼ばれる。 高価な アクセサリーに
変えられ 隠れて 取引される。"
121,30,1,"きかがくてきな ボディを かいてんし
すいちゅうを およぐ。 つねに なぞの
でんぱを はっしんして いるらしい。"
121,30,3,"기하학적인 몸을 회전시켜
수중에서 헤엄친다. 항상 의문의
전파를 발신하고 있다고 한다."
121,30,5,"Ce Pokémon fait tourner son corps géométrique
pour se déplacer dans leau. Il semblerait quil
émette continuellement des ondes mystérieuses."
121,30,6,"Es rotiert seinen geometrischen Körper, um sich
im Wasser fortzubewegen. Wie es scheint,
sendet es immerzu mysteriöse Radiowellen aus."
121,30,7,"Se desplaza por el agua haciendo girar su
cuerpo geométrico. Parece que emite unas
extrañas ondas electromagnéticas."
121,30,8,"Nuota ruotando il suo corpo geometrico.
Sembra che emetta costantemente dei
misteriosi segnali radio."
121,30,9,"It rotates its geometrically shaped body to swim
through the water. It always seems to be
sending out mysterious radio waves."
121,30,11,"幾何学的な ボディを 回転し
水中を 泳ぐ。 常に 謎の
電波を 発信して いるらしい。"
121,31,1,"コアと よばれる ちゅうしんぶぶんが
なないろに かがやくのは つうしん
しているからだと いわれている。"
121,31,3,"코어라고 불리는 중심 부분이
일곱 빛깔로 빛나는 것은 통신을
하고 있기 때문이라고 전해진다."
121,31,5,"On dit que si le centre de son corps, appelé
le cœur, brille de sept couleurs, cest parce
quil est en train de communiquer."
121,31,6,"Den Mittelteil seines Körpers nennt man „Kern“.
Man sagt, es würde damit kommunizieren, wenn
dieser in den Regenbogenfarben leuchtet."
121,31,7,"Su parte central se conoce como núcleo. Se
cree que, cuando este brilla con siete colores,
es señal de que se está comunicando."
121,31,8,"La parte centrale, chiamata nucleo, riluce dei
sette colori dellarcobaleno. Si dice che lo usi
per comunicare."
121,31,9,"The center section is named the core.
People think it is communicating when
it glows in seven colors."
121,31,11,"コアと 呼ばれる 中心部分が
七色に 輝くのは 通信
しているからだと 言われている。"
121,32,1,"コアと よばれる ちゅうしんぶぶんが
なないろに かがやくのは つうしん
しているからだと いわれている。"
121,32,3,"코어라고 불리는 중심 부분이
일곱 빛깔로 빛나는 것은 통신을
하고 있기 때문이라고 전해진다."
121,32,5,"On dit que si le centre de son corps, appelé
le cœur, brille de sept couleurs, cest parce
quil est en train de communiquer."
121,32,6,"Den Mittelteil seines Körpers nennt man „Kern“.
Man sagt, es würde damit kommunizieren, wenn
dieser in den Regenbogenfarben leuchtet."
121,32,7,"Su parte central se conoce como núcleo. Se
cree que, cuando este brilla con siete colores,
es señal de que se está comunicando."
121,32,8,"La parte centrale, chiamata nucleo, riluce dei
sette colori dellarcobaleno. Si dice che lo usi
per comunicare."
121,32,9,"The center section is named the core.
People think it is communicating when
it glows in seven colors."
121,32,11,"コアと 呼ばれる 中心部分が
七色に 輝くのは 通信
しているからだと 言われている。"
121,33,1,"きょうれつな サイコパワーを
はなつとき コアと よばれる
きかんが なないろに きらめく。 "
121,33,3,"강렬한 사이코 파워를 발산할 때
코어라고 불리는 기관이
일곱 색깔로 빛난다."
121,33,5,"Sil déchaîne son pouvoir psychique puissant,
son organe appelé «cœur» se met à briller
de sept couleurs."
121,33,6,"Das als Kern bezeichnete Organ dieses Pokémon
erstrahlt in den sieben Farben des Regenbogens,
wenn Starmie mächtige Psycho-Kräfte entfesselt."
121,33,7,"Su órgano central, conocido como núcleo, brilla
con los colores del arcoíris cuando se dispone a
liberar sus potentes poderes psíquicos."
121,33,8,"Quando scatena i suoi poteri psichici, lorgano
centrale, detto nucleo, brilla di sette colori
121,33,9,"This Pokémon has an organ known as its core.
The organ glows in seven colors when Starmie is
unleashing its potent psychic powers."
121,33,11,"強烈な サイコパワーを 放つとき
コアと 呼ばれる 器官が
七色に きらめく。"
121,34,1,"からだを こうそくで かいてんさせ
うみを およぎながら ちいさな
プランクトンを きゅうしゅうする。 "
121,34,3,"몸을 고속으로 회전시켜
바다를 헤엄치며
작은 플랑크톤을 흡수한다."
121,34,5,"Il aspire du plancton quand il nage dans la mer
en faisant tourner son corps à grande vitesse."
121,34,6,"Starmie bewegt sich im Wasser fort, indem es
seinen Körper mit hoher Geschwindigkeit rotieren
lässt. Unterwegs absorbiert es winziges Plankton."
121,34,7,"Starmie absorbe plancton al tiempo que nada
por el mar haciendo girar su cuerpo a gran
121,34,8,"Risucchia il plancton mentre nuota nel mare
facendo ruotare il suo corpo ad alta velocità."
121,34,9,"Starmie swims by spinning its body at high speed.
As this Pokémon cruises through the ocean, it
absorbs tiny plankton."
121,34,11,"体を 高速で 回転させ
海を 泳ぎながら
小さな プランクトンを 吸収する。"
122,1,9,"If interrupted
while it is
miming, it willslap around the
offender with its
broad hands."
122,2,9,"If interrupted
while it is
miming, it willslap around the
offender with its
broad hands."
122,3,9,"Always practices
its pantomime act.
It makes enemiesbelieve something
exists that
really doesn't."
122,4,9,"A skilled mime
from birth, it
gains the abilityto create invisi­
ble objects as it
122,5,9,"Its fingertips
emit a peculiar
force field thathardens air to
create an actual
122,6,9,"It uses the
power it has inits fingers to
solidify air into
an invisible wall."
122,7,9,"MR. MIME is a master of pantomime.
Its gestures and motions convince
watchers that something unseeableactually exists. Once it is believed,
it will exist as if it were a real thing."
122,8,9,"MR. MIME is a master of pantomime.
Its gestures and motions convince
watchers that something unseeableactually exists. Once it is believed,
it will exist as if it were a real thing."
122,9,9,"A MR. MIME is a master of pantomime. It can
convince others that something unseeable
actually exists. Once believed, the
imaginary object does become real."
122,10,9,"It is adept at conning people. It is said
to be able to create walls out of thin
air by miming."
122,11,9,"If interrupted while it is miming, it will
suddenly DOUBLESLAP the offender with its
broad hands."
122,12,9,"It is a pantomime expert that can
create invisible but solid walls
using miming gestures."
122,13,9,"Emanations from its fingertips
solidify the air into invisible walls
that repel even harsh attacks."
122,14,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair
by minutely vibrating its fingertips
to stop molecules in the air."
122,15,9,"A skilled mime from birth,
it gains the ability to create
invisible objects as it matures."
122,16,9,"Its fingertips emit a peculiar
force field that hardens air to
create an actual wall."
122,17,5,"En modifiant les molécules de lair
du bout de ses doigts, il parvient
à créer un mur invisible devant lui."
122,17,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair
by minutely vibrating its fingertips
to stop molecules in the air."
122,18,5,"En modifiant les molécules de lair
du bout de ses doigts, il parvient
à créer un mur invisible devant lui."
122,18,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair
by minutely vibrating its fingertips
to stop molecules in the air."
122,21,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair
by minutely vibrating its fingertips
to stop molecules in the air."
122,22,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair
by minutely vibrating its fingertips
to stop molecules in the air."
122,23,1,"ゆびさきから だす はどうが
くうきを かためて カベを つくる。
はげしい こうげきも はねかえす。"
122,23,3,"손가락 끝에서 내는 파동이
공기를 굳혀서 벽을 만든다.
격렬한 공격도 튕겨 낸다."
122,23,5,"Les murs invisibles quil matérialise du bout des doigts
repoussent les attaques les plus puissantes."
122,23,6,"Seine Fingerspitzen sondern etwas ab, das die Luft
zu einer schützenden Wand werden lässt."
122,23,7,"Para repeler ataques, solidifica el aire y crea muros
invisibles con emanaciones de sus dedos."
122,23,8,"Con le dita solidifica laria e crea pareti invisibili
che respingono gli attacchi più violenti."
122,23,9,"Emanations from its fingertips solidify the air into
invisible walls that repel even harsh attacks."
122,23,11,"指先から 出す 波動が
空気を 固めて 壁を 作る。
激しい 攻撃も 跳ね返す。"
122,24,1,"ひとを しんじこませるのが うまい。
パントマイムで つくったカベが
ほんとうに あらわれるという。"
122,24,3,"사람 속이기를 잘한다.
팬터마임으로 만든 벽이
정말로 나타난다고 한다."
122,24,5,"Il adore imiter les gens. On le dit capable de créer
de véritables murs juste en les mimant."
122,24,6,"Es ist geschickt darin, Menschen zu beeinflussen.
Man sagt, es könne dünne Wände aus Luft nur durch
Mimen entstehen lassen."
122,24,7,"Dicen que puede hacer un muro a partir del aire
mediante la pantomima. Es experto en crear ilusiones
122,24,8,"Si diletta a imbrogliare la gente. Si dice che sia in
grado di creare pareti daria servendosi della mimica."
122,24,9,"It is adept at conning people. It is said to be able
to create walls out of thin air by miming."
122,24,11,"人を 信じこませるのが うまい。
パントマイムで 作った 壁が
本当に 現れるという。"
122,25,1,"めに みえない ものを みぶりで そこに あると
しんじこませる パントマイムの たつじん。
しんじさせた ものは ほんとうに あらわれる。"
122,25,3,"몸짓으로 눈에 보이지 않는 것이 그곳에
있다고 믿게 만드는 팬터마임의 달인이다.
있다고 믿게 만든 것은 정말로 나타난다."
122,25,5,"M. Mime est un pantomime hors pair. Ses gestes et ses
mouvements parviennent à faire croire que quelque chose
dinvisible existe réellement. Lorsquon y croit, ces choses
deviennent palpables."
122,25,6,"Pantimos ist ein Meister der Pantomime. Seine Gesten und
Bewegungen machen den Zuschauer glauben, dass etwas
Unsichtbares tatsächlich existiert. Wenn ein Objekt für real
gehalten wird, beginnt es, wirklich zu existieren."
122,25,7,"Mr. Mime es un experto en pantomima. Con sus gestos y
movimientos es capaz de convencer a sus espectadores de
que algo existe, cuando en realidad no es así. Pero, cuando
el público se lo cree, las ilusiones se hacen realidad."
122,25,8,"Mr. Mime è un esperto di mimica. La sua gestualità e i suoi
movimenti convincono losservatore dellesistenza di oggetti
invisibili, che saranno percepiti come concreti e reali."
122,25,9,"Mr. Mime is a master of pantomime. Its gestures and motions
convince watchers that something unseeable actually exists.
Once the watchers are convinced, the unseeable thing exists
as if it were real."
122,25,11,"目に 見えない ものを 身振りで そこに あると
信じ込ませる パントマイムの 達人。
信じさせた ものは 本当に 現れる。"
122,26,1,"めに みえない ものを みぶりで そこに あると
しんじこませる パントマイムの たつじん。
しんじさせた ものは ほんとうに あらわれる。"
122,26,3,"몸짓으로 눈에 보이지 않는 것이 그곳에
있다고 믿게 만드는 팬터마임의 달인이다.
있다고 믿게 만든 것은 정말로 나타난다."
122,26,5,"M. Mime est un pantomime hors pair. Ses gestes et ses
mouvements parviennent à faire croire que quelque chose
dinvisible existe réellement. Lorsquon y croit, ces choses
deviennent palpables."
122,26,6,"Pantimos ist ein Meister der Pantomime. Seine Gesten und
Bewegungen machen den Zuschauer glauben, dass etwas
Unsichtbares tatsächlich existiert. Wenn ein Objekt für real
gehalten wird, beginnt es, wirklich zu existieren."
122,26,7,"Mr. Mime es un experto en pantomima. Con sus gestos y
movimientos es capaz de convencer a sus espectadores de
que algo existe, cuando en realidad no es así. Pero, cuando
el público se lo cree, las ilusiones se hacen realidad."
122,26,8,"Mr. Mime è un esperto di mimica. La sua gestualità e i suoi
movimenti convincono losservatore dellesistenza di oggetti
invisibili, che saranno percepiti come concreti e reali."
122,26,9,"Mr. Mime is a master of pantomime. Its gestures and motions
convince watchers that something unseeable actually exists.
Once the watchers are convinced, the unseeable thing exists
as if it were real."
122,26,11,"目に 見えない ものを 身振りで そこに あると
信じ込ませる パントマイムの 達人。
信じさせた ものは 本当に 現れる。"
122,29,1,"すばらしい パントマイムの うでまえ。
みとれている あいだに いつのまにか
ほんとうに かべが できているのだ。"
122,29,3,"팬터마임 실력이 굉장하다.
넋을 놓고 보다 보면
어느새 진짜 벽이 나타난다."
122,29,5,"Il est tellement doué pour lart du mime quil est
capable de faire apparaître un vrai mur sous
le regard médusé de son public."
122,29,6,"Sein Können als Pantomime ist verblüffend. Vor
lauter Bewunderung merkt man gar nicht, wie
plötzlich eine echte Wand vor einem erscheint."
122,29,7,"Su talento para el mimo es tal que resulta
cautivador, y llega a crear muros de verdad sin
que quien lo observa se dé cuenta."
122,29,8,"Con le sue eccezionali abilità di mimo incanta
gli spettatori e, prima che se ne accorgano,
crea dei muri in tutto e per tutto reali."
122,29,9,"Its pantomime skills are wonderful. You may
become enraptured while watching it, but next
thing you know, Mr. Mime has made a real wall."
122,29,11,"素晴らしい パントマイムの 腕前。
見とれている 間に いつの間にか
本当に 壁が できているのだ。"
122,30,1,"パントマイムで みえない かべを
うみだす。 かんしんして あげないと
おうふくビンタで おそってくるぞ。"
122,30,3,"팬터마임으로 보이지 않는 벽을
만들어 낸다. 감탄하지 않으면
연속뺨치기로 공격해 온다."
122,30,5,"Grâce à ses talents de mime, il est capable de
faire apparaître de vrais murs. Applaudissez-le,
au risque de recevoir une ou deux Torgnoles!"
122,30,6,"Durch Pantomime lässt es unsichtbare Wände
entstehen. Wer davon nicht beeindruckt ist,
wird mit einem Duplexhieb bestraft."
122,30,7,"Crea muros invisibles con sus grandes dotes de
mimo. Quien no se muestre impresionado recibirá
un sonoro Doble Bofetón."
122,30,8,"Crea pareti invisibili grazie alle sue doti da mimo.
Attacca chiunque non mostri ammirazione
con una sonora Doppiasberla."
122,30,9,"It creates invisible walls with its pantomiming.
If you dont act impressed, it will attack you
with a double slap!"
122,30,11,"パントマイムで 見えない 壁を
生みだす。 感心して あげないと
おうふくビンタで 襲ってくるぞ。"
122,31,1,"パントマイムが とくいで いつでも
れんしゅう している。ないものでも
そこに あると しんじこませる。"
122,31,3,"팬터마임이 특기로 언제나
연습을 하고 있다. 없는 것도
그곳에 있다고 믿게 만든다."
122,31,5,"Ce Pokémon très doué pour le mime sentraîne
sans cesse. Il arrive à faire croire que quelque
chose dinexistant est réel."
122,31,6,"Pantimos ist begabt im Mienenspiel und trainiert
dieses jederzeit. Es kann andere dazu verleiten,
Dinge zu sehen, die gar nicht existieren."
122,31,7,"Practica constantemente la pantomima. Tal es
su maestría que puede convencer a quien lo
observe de la existencia de algo que no es real."
122,31,8,"È molto abile nella mimica e si esercita
in continuazione. Chi lo osserva crede
di vedere cose che in realtà non esistono."
122,31,9,"Always practicing its pantomime act.
It makes enemies believe something exists
that really doesnt."
122,31,11,"パントマイムが 得意で いつでも
練習 している。ない物 でも
そこに あると 信じこませる。"
122,32,1,"パントマイムが とくいで いつでも
れんしゅう している。ないものでも
そこに あると しんじこませる。"
122,32,3,"팬터마임이 특기로 언제나
연습을 하고 있다. 없는 것도
그곳에 있다고 믿게 만든다."
122,32,5,"Ce Pokémon très doué pour le mime sentraîne
sans cesse. Il arrive à faire croire que quelque
chose dinexistant est réel."
122,32,6,"Pantimos ist begabt im Mienenspiel und trainiert
dieses jederzeit. Es kann andere dazu verleiten,
Dinge zu sehen, die gar nicht existieren."
122,32,7,"Practica constantemente la pantomima. Tal es
su maestría que puede convencer a quien lo
observe de la existencia de algo que no es real."
122,32,8,"È molto abile nella mimica e si esercita
in continuazione. Chi lo osserva crede
di vedere cose che in realtà non esistono."
122,32,9,"Always practicing its pantomime act.
It makes enemies believe something exists
that really doesnt."
122,32,11,"パントマイムが 得意で いつでも
練習 している。ない物 でも
そこに あると 信じこませる。"
122,33,1,"おおきな てのひらは パントマイムを
するために はったつ したと
かんがえる がくしゃも おおい。"
122,33,3,"커다란 손바닥은 팬터마임을
하기 위해 발달했다고
생각하는 학자도 많다."
122,33,5,"De nombreux savants pensent que ses mains
se sont développées pour faire de la pantomime."
122,33,6,"Viele Forscher glauben, seine Hände hätten nur
deshalb so eine beachtliche Größe angenommen,
damit es Pantomime praktizieren kann."
122,33,7,"Muchos estudiosos sostienen que el desarrollo
de sus enormes manos se debe a su afán por
practicar la pantomima."
122,33,8,"Molti studiosi ritengono che abbia sviluppato
mani così grandi perché gli sono utili per
la mimica."
122,33,9,"The broadness of its hands may be no
coincidence—many scientists believe its palms
became enlarged specifically for pantomiming."
122,33,11,"大きな 手のひらは パントマイムを
するために 発達 したと
考える 学者も 多い。"
122,34,1,"パントマイムが とくい。 ゆびから
だした はどうで かべを つくり
あまたの こうげきから みをまもる。"
122,34,3,"팬터마임이 특기다. 손가락에서
내보내는 파동으로 벽을 만들어
갖은 공격으로부터 몸을 지킨다."
122,34,5,"Son talent pour le mime est indéniable.
Il émet des ondes du bout des doigts pour créer
un mur qui le protège de nombreuses attaques."
122,34,6,"Es ist für die Pantomime geboren. Zur Abwehr
unterschiedlichster Angriffe erzeugt es mit einem
Kraftfeld aus seinen Fingerspitzen Schutzwände."
122,34,7,"Domina con maestría la pantomima. La barrera
generada con las ondas que emite por los dedos
le permite protegerse de numerosos ataques."
122,34,8,"È un ottimo mimo. Con le onde che emette
dalle dita può creare una barriera che lo
protegge da molti attacchi."
122,34,9,"Its known for its top-notch pantomime skills.
It protects itself from all sorts of attacks by
emitting auras from its fingers to create walls."
122,34,11,"パントマイムが 得意。 指から
出した 波動で 壁を つくり
あまたの 攻撃から 身を守る。"
123,1,9,"With ninja-like
agility and speed,
it can create theillusion that
there is more
than one."
123,2,9,"With ninja-like
agility and speed,
it can create theillusion that
there is more
than one."
123,3,9,"Leaps out of tall
grass and slices
prey with itsscythes. The move­
ment looks like
that of a ninja."
123,4,9,"It slashes through
grass with its
sharp scythes,moving too fast
for the human eye
to track."
123,5,9,"When it moves, it
leaves only a
blur. If it hidesin grass, its pro­
tective colors
make it invisible."
123,6,9,"It's very proud of
its speed. It
moves so fast thatits opponent does
not even know what
knocked it down."
123,7,9,"SCYTHER is blindingly fast. Its blazing
speed enhances the effectiveness of
the twin scythes on its forearms.This POKéMONs scythes are so
effective, they can slice through thick
logs in one wicked stroke."
123,8,9,"SCYTHER is blindingly fast. Its blazing
speed enhances the effectiveness of
the twin scythes on its forearms.This POKéMONs scythes are so
effective, they can slice through thick
logs in one wicked stroke."
123,9,9,"Its blindingly fast speed adds to the
sharpness of its twin forearm scythes.
The scythes can slice through thick logs
in one wicked stroke."
123,10,9,"It tears and shreds prey with its wickedly
sharp scythes. It very rarely spreads its
wings to fly."
123,11,9,"With ninja-like agility and speed, it can
create the illusion that there is more
than one of itself."
123,12,9,"It is nearly impossible to parry
its attacking scythes. Its
movements are like a ninjas."
123,13,9,"It is nearly impossible to parry
its attacking scythes. Its
movements are like a ninjas."
123,14,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms
become increasingly sharp by
cutting through hard objects."
123,15,9,"It slashes through grass with its
sharp scythes, moving too fast
for the human eye to track."
123,16,9,"When it moves, it leaves only a
blur. If it hides in grass, its protective
coloration makes it invisible."
123,17,5,"À force de trancher des objets
solides, les faux de ses bras
sont très aiguisées."
123,17,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms
become increasingly sharp by
cutting through hard objects."
123,18,5,"À force de trancher des objets
solides, les faux de ses bras
sont très aiguisées."
123,18,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms
become increasingly sharp by
cutting through hard objects."
123,21,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms
become increasingly sharp by
cutting through hard objects."
123,22,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms
become increasingly sharp by
cutting through hard objects."
123,23,1,"するどいカマで えものを きりさき
いきのねを とめる。ごくまれに
ハネをつかって とぶ。"
123,23,3,"날카로운 낫으로 먹이를 베고
숨통을 끊는다. 매우 드물게
날개를 사용해서 난다."
123,23,5,"Il déchiquette ses proies à laide de ses bras
tranchants comme des faux. Il nutilise ses ailes pour
voler que très rarement."
123,23,6,"Es zerreißt und zerkleinert seine Beute mit seinen
unglaublich scharfen Sicheln. Selten breitet es
seine Flügel aus, um zu fliegen."
123,23,7,"Destroza a su presa con las guadañas que tiene.
No es común que use las alas para volar."
123,23,8,"Fa a pezzi le prede con gli artigli spaventosamente
affilati. Solo raramente spiega le ali per alzarsi in volo."
123,23,9,"It tears and shreds prey with its wickedly sharp
scythes. It very rarely spreads its wings to fly."
123,23,11,"鋭い カマで 獲物を 切り裂き
息の根を 止める。ごくまれに
羽を 使って 飛ぶ。"
123,24,1,"きれあじ するどい カマをつかって
くさむらを きりすすむ。あまりに
はやい うごきで めがおいつかない。"
123,24,3,"잘 드는 예리한 낫을 써서
풀숲을 베고 지나간다. 매우
빠른 움직임에 눈이 따라가지 못한다."
123,24,5,"Il fauche les herbes avec ses lames acérées.
Il bouge si vite quon ne peut le voir à lœil nu."
123,24,6,"Es bewegt sich mit seinen Sensen so schnell durch
das Gras, dass es kein Mensch sehen kann."
123,24,7,"Avanza por la hierba con sus afiladas guadañas, más
rápido de lo que el ojo humano pueda percibir."
123,24,8,"Si fa strada tra lerba grazie alle lame affilate,
muovendosi troppo velocemente per locchio umano."
123,24,9,"It slashes through grass with its sharp scythes,
moving too fast for the human eye to track."
123,24,11,"切れ味 鋭い カマを 使って
草むらを 切り進む。あまりに
速い 動きで 目が 追いつかない。"
123,25,1,"めにも とまらぬ スピードが りょううでの
カマの きれあじを さらに するどく するのだ。
ひとふり すれば たいぼくも まっぷたつだ。"
123,25,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 빠른 스피드가 양팔에
달린 낫의 날카로움을 한층 높여준다.
한 번 휘두르면 큰 나무도 두 동강 난다."
123,25,5,"Insécateur est incroyablement rapide. Sa vitesse fulgurante
améliore lefficacité des deux lames situées sur ses avant-bras.
Elles sont si coupantes quelles peuvent trancher un énorme
tronc darbre en un coup."
123,25,6,"Sichlor ist unheimlich schnell. Dadurch werden die beiden
Sensen an seinen Unterarmen noch effektiver. Dieses
Pokémon kann mit seinen Sensen in Sekundenschnelle
Baumstämme zerteilen."
123,25,7,"Es espectacular ver lo rápido que es Scyther. Su increíble
velocidad refuerza el efecto del par de guadañas que tiene
en los brazos, que ya son de por sí contundentes; rebanan
gruesos troncos de un tajo."
123,25,8,"Scyther è veloce come una saetta. La sua rapidità migliora
lefficacia delle due falci sulle zampe anteriori.
Infatti riesce a tranciare con un colpo secco persino
un tronco secolare."
123,25,9,"Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the
effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms.
This Pokémons scythes are so effective, they can slice
through thick logs in one wicked stroke."
123,25,11,"目にも 止まらぬ スピードが 両腕の
カマの 切れ味を さらに 鋭く するのだ。
一振り すれば 大木も 真っ二つだ。"
123,26,1,"めにも とまらぬ スピードが りょううでの
カマの きれあじを さらに するどく するのだ。
ひとふり すれば たいぼくも まっぷたつだ。"
123,26,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 빠른 스피드가 양팔에
달린 낫의 날카로움을 한층 높여준다.
한 번 휘두르면 큰 나무도 두 동강 난다."
123,26,5,"Insécateur est incroyablement rapide. Sa vitesse fulgurante
améliore lefficacité des deux lames situées sur ses avant-bras.
Elles sont si coupantes quelles peuvent trancher un énorme
tronc darbre en un coup."
123,26,6,"Sichlor ist unheimlich schnell. Dadurch werden die beiden
Sensen an seinen Unterarmen noch effektiver. Dieses
Pokémon kann mit seinen Sensen in Sekundenschnelle
Baumstämme zerteilen."
123,26,7,"Es espectacular ver lo rápido que es Scyther. Su increíble
velocidad refuerza el efecto del par de guadañas que tiene
en los brazos, que ya son de por sí contundentes; rebanan
gruesos troncos de un tajo."
123,26,8,"Scyther è veloce come una saetta. La sua rapidità migliora
lefficacia delle due falci sulle zampe anteriori.
Infatti riesce a tranciare con un colpo secco persino
un tronco secolare."
123,26,9,"Scyther is blindingly fast. Its blazing speed enhances the
effectiveness of the twin scythes on its forearms. This
Pokémons scythes are so effective, they can slice through
thick logs in one wicked stroke."
123,26,11,"目にも 止まらぬ スピードが 両腕の
カマの 切れ味を さらに 鋭く するのだ。
一振り すれば 大木も 真っ二つだ。"
123,27,1,"ニンジャのように すばやい うごきで
えものを まどわせる。 いっしゅんの
スキに カマで きりさいて しまう。"
123,27,3,"닌자처럼 재빠른 행동으로
먹이를 혼란스럽게 한다. 한순간의
빈틈에 낫으로 잘라버린다."
123,27,5,"Sa rapidité de ninja embrouille sa proie.
Au moindre moment dhésitation, il la coupe
en deux dun coup de tranchant."
123,27,6,"Seine schnellen, Ninja-artigen Reflexe irritieren
seine Beute. Findet es eine Lücke in ihrer
Defensive, schlitzt es sie mit seinen Sicheln auf."
123,27,7,"Se mueve tan rápido como un ninja, lo que
desconcierta a sus presas. Es entonces cuando
aprovecha para atacar con su par de guadañas."
123,27,8,"Confonde la sua preda muovendosi veloce
come un ninja e in pochi attimi la fa a pezzi
con le sue falci."
123,27,9,"It confuses its prey with its quick, ninja-like
movements. Then, in an instant, it cleaves
them with its scythes."
123,27,11,"ニンジャのように 素早い 動きで
獲物を 惑わせる。 一瞬の
隙に 鎌で 切り裂いて しまう。"
123,28,1,"わかいうちは やまおくで むれて
くらし カマでの たたかいかたや
こうそくいどうを しゅぎょうする。"
123,28,3,"젊을 때는 산속에 무리 지어
살며 낫으로 싸우는 법이나
고속이동을 수련한다."
123,28,5,"Les jeunes Insécateur se rassemblent au fond
des montagnes pour sentraîner à se battre
avec leurs lames et à se déplacer à toute allure."
123,28,6,"Junge Sichlor wohnen in Gruppen tief in den
Bergen. Dort trainieren sie ihre Schnelligkeit
und üben den Kampf mit Sicheln."
123,28,7,"Cuando es joven, vive en grupo en las montañas,
donde lucha con sus guadañas y practica sus
raudos movimientos junto a sus compañeros."
123,28,8,"I giovani Scyther vivono in gruppi nei recessi
delle montagne, dove si esercitano a lottare
con le falci e a muoversi rapidissimi."
123,28,9,"While young, they live together deep in the
mountains, training themselves in how to fight
with their scythes and move at high speeds."
123,28,11,"若いうちは 山奥で 群れて
暮らし 鎌での 戦いかたや
高速移動を 修行する。"
123,29,1,"するどい 2つの カマは たんなる
ぶきでは ない。 きように あやつり
えものを さばいて くらうのだ。"
123,29,3,"날카로운 2개의 낫은 단순한
무기가 아니다. 요령 있게
먹이를 발라 먹는다."
123,29,5,"Ses avant-bras en forme de faux ne lui servent
pas uniquement à se battre : il les utilise aussi
pour dépecer ses proies avant de les dévorer."
123,29,6,"Seine scharfen Sicheln sind nicht nur Waffen.
Vor einer Mahlzeit filetiert es damit auch
geschickt seine Beute."
123,29,7,"Sus dos guadañas no son meras armas de
combate. También las utiliza diestramente para
desmenuzar y devorar a sus presas."
123,29,8,"Usa le due falci affilate sia come armi durante
la lotta, sia per sfilettare le prede prima di
123,29,9,"Its two sharp scythes are more than just
weapons. It uses them with dexterity to dress
its prey before eating."
123,29,11,"鋭い 2つの カマは 単なる
武器では ない。 器用に 操り
獲物を さばいて 食らうのだ。"
123,30,1,"めにも とまらぬ はやわざは
くうきを きりさくほど。 ニンジャと
よばれ アローラでは だいにんき。"
123,30,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 빠른 기술은
공기를 베어 가를 정도다. 닌자라
불리며 알로라에서는 인기가 많다."
123,30,5,"Sa vitesse incroyable lui permet de trancher
lair. Il jouit dune grande popularité à Alola,
où il est surnommé «le ninja»."
123,30,6,"Mit enormer Schnelligkeit zerkleinert es alles in
seinem Umfeld. Unter dem Spitznamen „Ninja“
erfreut es sich in Alola großer Beliebtheit."
123,30,7,"Goza de gran popularidad en Alola. Por sus
veloces movimientos que parecen cortar el
aire, algunos lo llaman el Ninja."
123,30,8,"I suoi rapidissimi movimenti gli permettono
di tagliare persino laria. Ad Alola è molto
popolare ed è comunemente chiamato “ninja”."
123,30,9,"Some call it a ninja. Its movements—
imperceptibly quick—are sufficient to cleave
the air in two. Its very popular in Alola."
123,30,11,"目にも 止まらぬ 早業は
空気を 切り裂くほど。 ニンジャと
呼ばれ アローラでは 大人気。"
123,31,1,"くさむらから いきなり とびだして
するどいカマで きりさく すがたは
まるで ニンジャの ようだ。"
123,31,3,"풀숲에서 갑자기 튀어나와
예리한 낫으로 베어 가르는 모습은
마치 닌자 같다."
123,31,5,"Bondissant hors de lherbe comme un ninja,
il lacère sa proie de ses griffes acérées."
123,31,6,"Sichlor gleicht einem Ninja, wenn es plötzlich
aus dem hohen Gras springt und mit seinen
scharfen, sichelförmigen Armen angreift."
123,31,7,"Se agazapa en la hierba alta y salta de repente
sobre el enemigo para hacerlo trizas con sus
afiladas guadañas. Se mueve como un ninja."
123,31,8,"Salta fuori allimprovviso dallerba alta per fare
a fettine le prede con le sue falci affilate.
I suoi movimenti ricordano quelli di un ninja."
123,31,9,"Leaps out of tall grass and slices prey with its
scythes. The movement looks like that of a ninja."
123,31,11,"草むらから いきなり 飛び出して
鋭いカマで 切りさく 姿は
まるで ニンジャの ようだ。"
123,32,1,"くさむらから いきなり とびだして
するどいカマで きりさく すがたは
まるで ニンジャの ようだ。"
123,32,3,"풀숲에서 갑자기 튀어나와
예리한 낫으로 베어 가르는 모습은
마치 닌자 같다."
123,32,5,"Bondissant hors de lherbe comme un ninja,
il lacère sa proie de ses griffes acérées."
123,32,6,"Sichlor gleicht einem Ninja, wenn es plötzlich
aus dem hohen Gras springt und mit seinen
scharfen, sichelförmigen Armen angreift."
123,32,7,"Se agazapa en la hierba alta y salta de repente
sobre el enemigo para hacerlo trizas con sus
afiladas guadañas. Se mueve como un ninja."
123,32,8,"Salta fuori allimprovviso dallerba alta per fare
a fettine le prede con le sue falci affilate.
I suoi movimenti ricordano quelli di un ninja."
123,32,9,"Leaps out of tall grass and slices prey with its
scythes. The movement looks like that of a ninja."
123,32,11,"草むらから いきなり 飛び出して
鋭いカマで 切りさく 姿は
まるで ニンジャの ようだ。"
123,33,1,"たたかいを かさねるごとに カマの
きれあじは あがる。 たいぼくも
いっとうりょうだんに きりさくぞ。"
123,33,3,"싸움을 거듭하면서 낫은
점점 더 날카로워진다. 거목도
일도양단으로 베어 가른다."
123,33,5,"Ses faux deviennent plus aiguisées à mesure
quil se bat. Il peut trancher un grand arbre
dun seul coup."
123,33,6,"Mit jedem Kampf werden seine Sicheln schärfer.
Es kann selbst einen massiven Baumstamm mit nur
einem Schnitt zerteilen."
123,33,7,"Sus guadañas se vuelven más afiladas con cada
combate. Es capaz de rebanar troncos gruesos
de un tajo."
123,33,8,"Ad ogni lotta che affronta le sue falci diventano
più affilate. Può tranciare in due grossi tronchi
con un solo colpo."
123,33,9,"As Scyther fights more and more battles, its
scythes become sharper and sharper. With a
single slice, Scyther can fell a massive tree."
123,33,11,"戦いを 重ねるごとに 鎌の
切れ味は 上がる。
大木も 一刀両断に 切り裂くぞ。"
123,34,1,"もりの なかで たくさんの きが
きりたおされた ばしょを みつけたら
そこは ストライクの ナワバリだ。"
123,34,3,"숲속에서 많은 나무가 베인 채
쓰러져 있는 장소를 발견했다면
그곳은 스라크의 영역이다."
123,34,5,"Si lon voit un grand nombre darbres abattus au
même endroit dans une forêt, cela signifie que
lon se trouve sur le territoire dun Insécateur."
123,34,6,"Entdeckt man im Wald ein Gebiet, in dem
besonders viele Bäume gefällt wurden,
befindet man sich im Revier eines Sichlors."
123,34,7,"El territorio de un Scyther se identifica fácilmente
por el gran número de árboles talados de forma
indiscriminada en una misma zona del bosque."
123,34,8,"Se ci si imbatte in una zona della foresta con
molti alberi abbattuti, si tratta del territorio
di uno Scyther."
123,34,9,"If you come across an area in a forest where a lot
of the trees have been cut down, what youve
found is a Scythers territory."
123,34,11,"森の中で たくさんの 木が
切り倒された 場所を 見つけたら
そこは ストライクの 縄張りだ。"
124,1,9,"It seductively
wiggles its hips
as it walks. Itcan cause people
to dance in
unison with it."
124,2,9,"It seductively
wiggles its hips
as it walks. Itcan cause people
to dance in
unison with it."
124,3,9,"Appears to move
to a rhythm of
its own, as if itwere dancing. It
wiggles its hips
as it walks."
124,4,9,"It rocks its body
rhythmically. It
appears to alterthe rhythm depend­
ing on how it is
124,5,9,"It speaks a lan­
guage similar to
that of humans.However, it seems
to use dancing to
124,6,9,"It has several
different cry pat­
terns, each ofwhich seems to
have its own
124,7,9,"JYNX walks rhythmically, swaying and
shaking its hips as if it were dancing.
Its motions are so bouncingly alluring,people seeing it are compelled to shake
their hips without giving any thought
to what they are doing."
124,8,9,"JYNX walks rhythmically, swaying and
shaking its hips as if it were dancing.
Its motions are so bouncingly alluring,people seeing it are compelled to shake
their hips without giving any thought
to what they are doing."
124,9,9,"A JYNX sashays rhythmically as if it were
dancing. Its motions are so bouncingly
alluring, people seeing it are compelled to
shake their hips without noticing."
124,10,9,"It speaks using a language that sounds
human. Research is under way to determine
what is being said."
124,11,9,"It seductively wiggles its hips as it
walks. It can cause people to dance in
unison with it."
124,12,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,13,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,14,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,15,9,"It rocks its body rhythmically.
It appears to alter the rhythm
depending on how it is feeling."
124,16,9,"It speaks a language similar to
that of humans. However, it seems
to use dancing to communicate."
124,17,5,"Son cri ressemble à des paroles
humaines. Mais nul nest jamais
parvenu à les comprendre."
124,17,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,18,5,"Son cri ressemble à des paroles
humaines. Mais nul nest jamais
parvenu à les comprendre."
124,18,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,21,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,22,9,"Its cries sound like human speech.
However, it is impossible to tell
what it is trying to say."
124,23,1,"こしを ふるように あるいている。
ゆだんをすると おもわず つられて
124,23,3,"허리를 흔드는 듯이 걷고 있다.
방심하면 엉겁결에 따라서
춤춰버린다고 한다."
124,23,5,"Il ondule ses hanches en marchant et entraîne les
gens dans des danses frénétiques."
124,23,6,"Der beschwingte Gang dieses Pokémon bezaubert
Zuschauer und lässt sie im Takt dazu tanzen."
124,23,7,"Camina moviendo las caderas de forma llamativa.
Puede hacer que la gente baile a su ritmo."
124,23,8,"Camminando ancheggia in modo seducente.
La gente può essere indotta a seguire la sua danza."
124,23,9,"It wiggles its hips as it walks. It can
cause people to dance in unison with it."
124,23,11,"腰を 振るように 歩いている。
油断をすると 思わず 釣られて
124,24,1,"にんげんのような ことばを はなすが
まだ なにをいっているか ふめいで
げんざい けんきゅうされている。"
124,24,3,"인간처럼 말을 하지만
아직 무슨 말을 하는지 알 수 없어
현재 연구 중이다."
124,24,5,"Il communique en utilisant un langage qui semble
être humain. Des recherches sont en cours pour
déterminer ce quil dit."
124,24,6,"Es spricht und benutzt dabei eine Sprache, die der
des Menschen sehr ähnelt. Noch wird erforscht,
was es wirklich spricht."
124,24,7,"Habla emitiendo sonidos que parecen humanos. Se
está intentando descifrar lo que dice cuando habla."
124,24,8,"Parla usando un linguaggio simile a quello umano.
Sono in corso studi per riuscire a interpretarlo."
124,24,9,"It speaks using a language that sounds human.
Research is under way to determine what is
being said."
124,24,11,"人間のような 言葉を 話すが
まだ なにを言っているか 不明で
現在 研究されている。"
124,25,1,"おどるような こしつきで リズミカルに あるく。
その うごきは みている ひとも おもわず
こしを ふってしまうほど かろやかなのだ。"
124,25,3,"춤추는 듯한 자세로 리드미컬하게 걷는다.
그 움직임은 보고 있는 사람마저 얼떨결에
허리를 흔들 정도로 경쾌하다."
124,25,5,"Lippoutou marche en rythme, ondule de tout son corps et
se déhanche comme sil dansait. Ses mouvements sont si
communicatifs que les gens qui le voient sont soudain pris
dune terrible envie de bouger les hanches, sans réfléchir."
124,25,6,"Rossana bewegt sich rhythmisch fort. Es wiegt und schwingt
seine Hüften, als würde es tanzen. Seine Bewegungen wirken
so anziehend auf Menschen, dass diese beginnen, mit den
Hüften zu schwingen, ohne darüber nachzudenken."
124,25,7,"Jynx camina con ritmo, balanceándose y moviendo las caderas
como si estuviera bailando. Realiza unos movimientos tan
vistosos y atractivos que no hay quien pueda resistirse a
mover las caderas."
124,25,8,"Jynx avanza oscillando e ancheggiando ritmicamente come
in una specie di danza tesa ad ammaliare il nemico.
Chi vede questo Pokémon è costretto a iniziare la stessa
danza senza pensare a cosa sta facendo."
124,25,9,"Jynx walks rhythmically, swaying and shaking its hips as if it
were dancing. Its motions are so bouncingly alluring, people
seeing it are compelled to shake their hips without giving any
thought to what they are doing."
124,25,11,"踊るような 腰つきで リズミカルに 歩く。
その 動きは 見ている 人も 思わず
腰を 振ってしまうほど 軽やかなのだ。"
124,26,1,"おどるような こしつきで リズミカルに あるく。
その うごきは みている ひとも おもわず
こしを ふってしまうほど かろやかなのだ。"
124,26,3,"춤추는 듯한 자세로 리드미컬하게 걷는다.
그 움직임은 보고 있는 사람마저 얼떨결에
허리를 흔들 정도로 경쾌하다."
124,26,5,"Lippoutou marche en rythme, ondule de tout son corps et
se déhanche comme sil dansait. Ses mouvements sont si
communicatifs que les gens qui le voient sont soudain pris
dune terrible envie de bouger les hanches, sans réfléchir."
124,26,6,"Rossana bewegt sich rhythmisch fort. Es wiegt und schwingt
seine Hüften, als würde es tanzen. Seine Bewegungen wirken
so anziehend auf Menschen, dass diese beginnen, mit den
Hüften zu schwingen, ohne darüber nachzudenken."
124,26,7,"Jynx camina con ritmo, balanceándose y moviendo las caderas
como si estuviera bailando. Realiza unos movimientos tan
vistosos y atractivos que no hay quien pueda resistirse a
mover las caderas."
124,26,8,"Jynx avanza oscillando e ancheggiando ritmicamente come
in una specie di danza tesa ad ammaliare il nemico.
Chi vede questo Pokémon è costretto a iniziare la stessa
danza senza pensare a cosa sta facendo."
124,26,9,"Jynx walks rhythmically, swaying and shaking its hips
as if it were dancing. Its motions are so bouncingly alluring,
people seeing it are compelled to shake their hips without
giving any thought to what they are doing."
124,26,11,"踊るような 腰つきで リズミカルに 歩く。
その 動きは 見ている 人も 思わず
腰を 振ってしまうほど 軽やかなのだ。"
124,29,1,"どくとくの リズムで こしを ふる。
アローラに すむ ルージュラは
そのキレが じつに すばらしい。"
124,29,3,"독특한 리듬으로 허리를 흔든다.
알로라에 사는 루주라는
그 동작이 실로 훌륭하다."
124,29,5,"Les Lippoutou se déhanchent sur un tempo très
particulier, et ceux dAlola sont particulièrement
réputés pour leur admirable sens du rythme."
124,29,6,"Es bewegt seine Hüften in einem eigentümlichen
Rhythmus. Rossana in Alola beherrschen einen
besonders anmutigen Hüftschwung."
124,29,7,"Se bambolea con un ritmo peculiar que, en el
caso de los ejemplares que viven en Alola, es
realmente cautivador."
124,29,8,"Cammina ancheggiando a un ritmo tutto suo.
I movimenti dei Jynx della regione di Alola sono
particolarmente affascinanti."
124,29,9,"It sways its hips to a rhythm all its own. The
precise movements of Jynx living in Alola are
truly wonderful."
124,29,11,"独特の リズムで 腰を 振る。
アローラに 棲む ルージュラは
そのキレが 実に 素晴らしい。"
124,30,1,"にんげんの ことばのような ふしぎな
なきごえ。 ルージュラに うたわせる
きょくを つくる おんがくかもいる。"
124,30,3,"인간의 언어를 닮은 이상한
울음소리를 가졌다. 루주라가 부르는
곡을 만드는 음악가도 있다."
124,30,5,"Ses étranges cris sapparentent à des mots.
Certains musiciens lui composent des chansons
pour quil les interprète."
124,30,6,"Sein sonderbarer Ruf klingt fast wie die Sprache
der Menschen. Manche Musiker schreiben sogar
eigens Lieder, damit Rossana sie singen kann."
124,30,7,"Sus particulares gritos recuerdan al lenguaje
humano. Algunos artistas han compuesto temas
específicamente para estos Pokémon."
124,30,8,"Emette strani versi che ricordano il linguaggio
umano. Alcuni compositori scrivono melodie
appositamente per farle cantare ai Jynx."
124,30,9,"Its strange cries sound like human language.
There are some musicians who compose songs
for Jynx to sing."
124,30,11,"人間の 言葉のような 不思議な
鳴き声。 ルージュラに 歌わせる
曲を 作る 音楽家もいる。"
124,31,1,"どくとくの リズムを もつらしく
おどるように かろやかに うごき
こしをふる ようにして あるく。"
124,31,3,"특유의 리듬감을 갖고 있다.
춤추듯 경쾌하게 움직이며
허리를 흔들며 걷는다."
124,31,5,"Ce Pokémon bouge en rythme comme
sil dansait. Il ondule même du popotin
quand il marche."
124,31,6,"Es scheint sich mit einem besonderen Rhythmus
zu bewegen. Beim Laufen schwingt es die Hüften
und sieht so aus, als würde es tanzen."
124,31,7,"Parece moverse como si estuviera bailando un
ritmo de su propia invención. Mueve mucho las
caderas al andar."
124,31,8,"Si muove in modo leggiadro, come se
danzasse seguendo un ritmo tutto suo.
Cammina ancheggiando."
124,31,9,"Appears to move to a rhythm of its own, as if it
were dancing. It wiggles its hips as it walks."
124,31,11,"独特の リズムを もつらしく
踊るように 軽やかに 動き
腰を振る ようにして 歩く。"
124,32,1,"どくとくの リズムを もつらしく
おどるように かろやかに うごき
こしをふる ようにして あるく。"
124,32,3,"특유의 리듬감을 갖고 있다.
춤추듯 경쾌하게 움직이며
허리를 흔들며 걷는다."
124,32,5,"Ce Pokémon bouge en rythme comme
sil dansait. Il ondule même du popotin
quand il marche."
124,32,6,"Es scheint sich mit einem besonderen Rhythmus
zu bewegen. Beim Laufen schwingt es die Hüften
und sieht so aus, als würde es tanzen."
124,32,7,"Parece moverse como si estuviera bailando un
ritmo de su propia invención. Mueve mucho las
caderas al andar."
124,32,8,"Si muove in modo leggiadro, come se
danzasse seguendo un ritmo tutto suo.
Cammina ancheggiando."
124,32,9,"Appears to move to a rhythm of its own, as if it
were dancing. It wiggles its hips as it walks."
124,32,11,"独特の リズムを もつらしく
踊るように 軽やかに 動き
腰を振る ようにして 歩く。"
124,33,1,"ガラルの とある ちいきでは
こおりの じょおうと よんで
ルージュラを おそれあがめていた。"
124,33,3,"가라르의 어느 지역에서는
얼음의 여왕이라고 부르며
루주라를 두려워하며 받들었다."
124,33,5,"Dans une certaine zone de Galar, Lippoutou
était craint et vénéré par la population qui lavait
surnommé la «reine des glaces»."
124,33,6,"In einer bestimmten Gegend von Galar wurde
Rossana einst als „Königin des Eises“
gleichermaßen gefürchtet wie verehrt."
124,33,7,"En cierta parte de Galar se conocía a Jynx como
la Reina del Hielo y se reverenciaba con cierto
124,33,8,"In una certa zona di Galar, Jynx era temuto
e venerato dagli abitanti, che lo chiamavano
“Regina dei ghiacci”."
124,33,9,"In certain parts of Galar, Jynx was once feared
and worshiped as the Queen of Ice."
124,33,11,"ガラルの とある 地域では
氷の 女王と 呼んで
ルージュラを 恐れ崇めていた。"
124,34,1,"ガラルの ルージュラは うつくしく
せんさいな なきごえを もつものが
おおく ファンも いるほど。"
124,34,3,"가라르에는 아름답고 섬세한
울음소리를 가진 루주라가
많아서 팬도 있을 정도다."
124,34,5,"Les Lippoutou vivant à Galar sont souvent dotés
dune belle voix cristalline, ce qui leur vaut
dattirer des fans."
124,34,6,"Viele Rossana in Galar verfügen über solch eine
schöne und zarte Stimme, dass sie sogar eine
Fangemeinde haben."
124,34,7,"Los ejemplares que habitan en Galar poseen
una voz tan delicada y hermosa que incluso
cuentan con su propio grupo de admiradores."
124,34,8,"La maggior parte dei Jynx di Galar hanno
una voce talmente incantevole e delicata
da avere addirittura dei fan."
124,34,9,"The Jynx of Galar often have beautiful and
delicate voices. Some of these Pokémon have
even gathered a fan base."
124,34,11,"ガラルの ルージュラは 美しく
繊細な 鳴き声を 持つものが 多く
ファンも いるほど。"
125,1,9,"Normally found
near power plants,
they can wanderaway and cause
major blackouts
in cities."
125,2,9,"Normally found
near power plants,
they can wanderaway and cause
major blackouts
in cities."
125,3,9,"If a major power
outage occurs, it
is certain thatthis POKéMON has
eaten electricity
at a power plant."
125,4,9,"Electricity runs
across the surface
of its body. Indarkness, its en­
tire body glows a
125,5,9,"Its body constant­
ly discharges
electricity. Get­ting close to it
will make your
hair stand on end."
125,6,9,"When two
they control theelectric currents
to communicate
their feelings."
125,7,9,"When a storm arrives, gangs of this
POKéMON compete with each other to
scale heights that are likely to bestricken by lightning bolts.
Some towns use ELECTABUZZ in place of
lightning rods."
125,8,9,"When a storm arrives, gangs of this
POKéMON compete with each other to
scale heights that are likely to bestricken by lightning bolts.
Some towns use ELECTABUZZ in place of
lightning rods."
125,9,9,"When a storm approaches, it competes with
others to scale heights that are likely to
be stricken by lightning. Some towns use
ELECTABUZZ in place of lightning rods."
125,10,9,"It loves to feed on strong electricity.
It occasionally appears around large
power plants and so on."
125,11,9,"Normally found near power plants, they
can wander away and cause major
blackouts in cities."
125,12,9,"Half of all blackouts occur when
this Pokémon appears at power
plants and eats electricity."
125,13,9,"Half of all blackouts occur when
this Pokémon appears at power
plants and eats electricity."
125,14,9,"It windmills its arms to slightly
boost its punches. Foes have been
known to escape in the meantime."
125,15,9,"Electricity runs across the surface
of its body. In darkness, its entire
body glows a whitish-blue."
125,16,9,"Its body constantly discharges
electricity. Getting close to it
will make your hair stand on end."
125,17,5,"Il fait tournoyer ses bras pour
donner de la force à ses coups.
Profitez-en pour filer!"
125,17,9,"It windmills its arms to slightly
boost its punches. Foes have been
known to escape in the meantime."
125,18,5,"Il fait tournoyer ses bras pour
donner de la force à ses coups.
Profitez-en pour filer!"
125,18,9,"It windmills its arms to slightly
boost its punches. Foes have been
known to escape in the meantime."
125,21,9,"Research is progressing on storing
lightning in Electabuzz so this
energy can be used at any time."
125,22,9,"Research is progressing on storing
lightning in Electabuzz so this
energy can be used at any time."
125,23,1,"からだの ひょうめんには でんきが
ながれている。あたりが くらいと
ぜんしんが あおじろく ひかるのだ。"
125,23,3,"몸의 표면에는 전기가
흐르고 있다. 주변이 어두우면
전신이 푸르스름하게 빛난다."
125,23,5,"Des ondes électriques parcourent la surface de son
corps. Il brille dun éclat bleuté dans le noir."
125,23,6,"Elektrizität bedeckt seinen Körper. Im Dunkeln
erstrahlt es in einem bläulichen Ton."
125,23,7,"Por la superficie de su piel corre la electricidad. En la
oscuridad, su cuerpo se torna blanquecino."
125,23,8,"La corrente elettrica attraversa la superficie del
suo corpo che al buio riluce di un blu perlato."
125,23,9,"Electricity runs across the surface of its body.
In darkness, its entire body glows a whitish blue."
125,23,11,"体の 表面には 電気が
流れている。あたりが 暗いと
全身が 青白く 光るのだ。"
125,24,1,"つよい でんきが だいこうぶつで
おおきな はつでんしょ などに
しばしば あらわれる。"
125,24,3,"강한 전기를 좋아하여
커다란 발전소 같은 곳에
종종 나타난다."
125,24,5,"Il adore se nourrir délectricité. Il apparaît
occasionnellement près des grandes centrales
125,24,6,"Es konsumiert am liebsten Elektrizität. Gelegentlich
sieht man es in der Nähe von Kraftwerken."
125,24,7,"Le encanta alimentarse de alta tensión. A veces,
aparece cerca de centrales eléctricas y zonas
125,24,8,"Ama nutrirsi di elettricità ad alta tensione. È possibile
trovarlo vicino a grandi centrali elettriche."
125,24,9,"It loves to feed on strong electricity. It occasionally
appears around large power plants and so on."
125,24,11,"強い 電気が 大好物で
大きな 発電所などに
しばしば 現れる。"
125,25,1,"あらしが くると きの うえ など カミナリの
おちそうな たかい ばしょへ きそって のぼる。
ひらいしん がわりに する まちも ある。"
125,25,3,"폭풍이 오면 나무 위처럼 벼락이
떨어질 만한 높은 장소로 앞다투어 올라간다.
피뢰침 대용으로 삼는 마을도 있다."
125,25,5,"Lorsquune tempête approche, des groupes entiers de
ce Pokémon se battent pour grimper sur les hauteurs,
où la foudre a le plus de chance de tomber. Certaines villes
se servent dÉlektek en guise de paratonnerres."
125,25,6,"Bei Gewitter entbrennt unter Elektek ein Wettstreit um höher
gelegene Orte, an denen ein Blitzeinschlag wahrscheinlich ist.
Einige Ortschaften benutzen diese Pokémon anstelle von
125,25,7,"Al desatarse una tormenta, bandadas de estos Pokémon se
enfrentan entre sí para ver quién alcanza antes sitios altos en
los que suelan caer rayos. Hay ciudades que usan Electabuzz
en lugar de pararrayos."
125,25,8,"Allarrivo di un temporale questi Pokémon si raggruppano
e a gara scalano le vette più alte sperando di riuscire
a prendere qualche fulmine. Alcune città usano
gli Electabuzz al posto dei parafulmini."
125,25,9,"When a storm arrives, gangs of this Pokémon compete with
each other to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by
lightning bolts. Some towns use Electabuzz in place of
lightning rods."
125,25,11,"嵐が くると 木の 上 など カミナリの
落ちそうな 高い 場所へ 競って 登る。
避雷針 代わりに する 街も ある。"
125,26,1,"あらしが くると きの うえ など カミナリの
おちそうな たかい ばしょへ きそって のぼる。
ひらいしん がわりに する まちも ある。"
125,26,3,"폭풍이 오면 나무 위처럼 벼락이
떨어질 만한 높은 장소로 앞다투어 올라간다.
피뢰침 대용으로 삼는 마을도 있다."
125,26,5,"Lorsquune tempête approche, des groupes entiers de
ce Pokémon se battent pour grimper sur les hauteurs,
où la foudre a le plus de chance de tomber. Certaines villes
se servent dÉlektek en guise de paratonnerres."
125,26,6,"Bei Gewitter entbrennt unter Elektek ein Wettstreit um höher
gelegene Orte, an denen ein Blitzeinschlag wahrscheinlich ist.
Einige Ortschaften benutzen diese Pokémon anstelle von
125,26,7,"Al desatarse una tormenta, bandadas de estos Pokémon se
enfrentan entre sí para ver quién alcanza antes sitios altos en
los que suelan caer rayos. Hay ciudades que usan Electabuzz
en lugar de pararrayos."
125,26,8,"Allarrivo di un temporale questi Pokémon si raggruppano
e a gara scalano le vette più alte sperando di riuscire
a prendere qualche fulmine. Alcune città usano
gli Electabuzz al posto dei parafulmini."
125,26,9,"When a storm arrives, gangs of this Pokémon compete with
each other to scale heights that are likely to be stricken by
lightning bolts. Some towns use Electabuzz in place of
lightning rods."
125,26,11,"嵐が くると 木の 上 など カミナリの
落ちそうな 高い 場所へ 競って 登る。
避雷針 代わりに する 街も ある。"
125,27,1,"とつぜんおこる ていでんの はんぶんは
エレブーが はつでんしょに あつまり
でんきを くいちらかした からだ。"
125,27,3,"갑자기 일어나는 정전의 반은
에레브가 발전소에 모여
전기를 마구 먹어대기 때문이다."
125,27,5,"La moitié des coupures de courant soudaines
est due à des groupes dÉlektek rassemblés
dans une centrale électrique pour se nourrir."
125,27,6,"Für die Hälfte aller plötzlichen Stromausfälle
sind Elektek verantwortlich. Sie belagern gerne
Kraftwerke und zapfen ihnen Strom ab."
125,27,7,"La mitad de los apagones los provoca este
Pokémon, pues suele merodear por las centrales
eléctricas para alimentarse de electricidad."
125,27,8,"Una buona metà dei blackout improvvisi sono
causati da Electabuzz che si riversano nelle
centrali per nutrirsi di elettricità."
125,27,9,"Half of all sudden blackouts are caused
by Electabuzz gathering at electric power
plants and gobbling up electricity."
125,27,11,"突然起こる 停電の 半分は
エレブーが 発電所に 集まり
電気を 喰い散らかした からだ。"
125,28,1,"エサで くう でんきりょう よりも
からだから もれる でんきりょうの
ほうが あっとうてきに おおい。"
125,28,3,"먹이로 먹는 전기량보다
몸에서 새는 전기량이
압도적으로 많다."
125,28,5,"Lélectricité qui se dégage de son corps est
largement supérieure à celle quil ingère pour
se nourrir."
125,28,6,"Die Menge an Elektrizität, die aus seinem Körper
austritt, ist sehr viel größer als jene, die es über
seine Nahrung zu sich nimmt."
125,28,7,"La cantidad de electricidad que descarga su
cuerpo supera con creces la cantidad que
consume para alimentarse."
125,28,8,"La quantità di elettricità che libera dal suo
corpo è nettamente superiore a quella che
assorbe come nutrimento."
125,28,9,"Electricity leaks from it in amounts far greater
than the amount of electricity it eats."
125,28,11,"餌で 喰う 電気量 よりも
身体から 漏れる 電気量の
ほうが 圧倒的に 多い。"
125,29,1,"ぜんしんが でんきを おびている。
うでを ぐるぐる まわし でんきを
チャージしてから パンチを はなつ。"
125,29,3,"온몸이 전기로 둘러싸여 있다.
팔을 빙빙 돌려 전기를
충전 후 펀치를 날린다."
125,29,5,"Son corps regorge délectricité. Il la concentre
dans ses bras en faisant des moulinets, avant
de décocher un coup dune violence fulgurante."
125,29,6,"Sein ganzer Körper speichert Elektrizität.
Vor einem Schlag lädt es seine Arme mit
kreisförmigen Bewegungen elektrisch auf."
125,29,7,"Su cuerpo entero emite energía eléctrica. Hace
girar los brazos cuales aspas de molino para
cargar sus puñetazos con electricidad."
125,29,8,"Tutto il suo corpo è pervaso di elettricità.
Fa roteare vorticosamente le braccia prima di
sferrare un pugno per caricarlo il più possibile."
125,29,9,"Electricity permeates its body. It swings
its arms round and round to charge up
electricity before unleashing a punch."
125,29,11,"全身が 電気を 帯びている。
腕を ぐるぐる まわし 電気を
チャージしてから パンチを 放つ。"
125,30,1,"ていでんが おこる げんいんに
されることが おおいが じつは
かいしゃの ミスの ほうが おおい。"
125,30,3,"정전이 일어나는 원인으로
지목되는 경우가 많지만 사실은
회사의 실수인 경우가 더 많다."
125,30,5,"On laccuse dêtre à lorigine des coupures
de courant, mais cest souvent une excuse pour
couvrir les bévues du personnel des centrales."
125,30,6,"Es wird oft für Stromausfälle verantwortlich
gemacht, doch viel häufiger handelt es sich
um eine Folge menschlichen Fehlverhaltens."
125,30,7,"Cuando se produce un apagón, a menudo se
culpa a este Pokémon, aunque en realidad el
fallo haya sido de la compañía eléctrica."
125,30,8,"Spesso gli si dà la colpa dei blackout, ma in
realtà in genere le vere responsabili sono le
compagnie elettriche."
125,30,9,"While its often blamed for power outages, the
truth is the cause of outages is more often
an error on the part of the electric company."
125,30,11,"停電が 起こる 原因に
されることが 多いが 実は
会社の ミスの ほうが多い。"
125,31,1,"おおきな ていでんが おきたときは
エレブーが はつでんしょの
でんきを たべたに ちがいない。"
125,31,3,"대규모 정전이 일어났을 땐
에레브가 발전소의 전기를
먹은 것임이 틀림없다."
125,31,5,"Il provoque de grosses pannes de courant en
se nourrissant de lélectricité des centrales."
125,31,6,"Größere Stromausfälle sind fast immer darauf
zurückzuführen, dass ein Elektek den Strom
eines Kraftwerks einfach gefressen hat."
125,31,7,"Cuando hay un apagón, es señal inequívoca de
que este Pokémon se ha comido la energía de
una central eléctrica."
125,31,8,"Quando si verifica un grosso blackout,
significa che questo Pokémon si è intrufolato
in una centrale per cibarsi di elettricità."
125,31,9,"If a major power outage occurs, it is certain
that this Pokémon has eaten electricity
at a power plant."
125,31,11,"大きな 停電が 起きたときは
エレブーが 発電所の
電気を 食べたに 違いない。"
125,32,1,"おおきな ていでんが おきたときは
エレブーが はつでんしょの
でんきを たべたに ちがいない。"
125,32,3,"대규모 정전이 일어났을 땐
에레브가 발전소의 전기를
먹은 것임이 틀림없다."
125,32,5,"Il provoque de grosses pannes de courant en
se nourrissant de lélectricité des centrales."
125,32,6,"Größere Stromausfälle sind fast immer darauf
zurückzuführen, dass ein Elektek den Strom
eines Kraftwerks einfach gefressen hat."
125,32,7,"Cuando hay un apagón, es señal inequívoca de
que este Pokémon se ha comido la energía de
una central eléctrica."
125,32,8,"Quando si verifica un grosso blackout,
significa che questo Pokémon si è intrufolato
in una centrale per cibarsi di elettricità."
125,32,9,"If a major power outage occurs, it is certain
that this Pokémon has eaten electricity
at a power plant."
125,32,11,"大きな 停電が 起きたときは
エレブーが 発電所の
電気を 食べたに 違いない。"
125,33,1,"でんきを ねらう エレブーの
たいさくに じめんポケモンを
おく はつでんしょは おおい。"
125,33,3,"전기를 노리는 에레브를
퇴치하고자 땅포켓몬을 두는
발전소도 많다."
125,33,5,"De nombreuses centrales électriques gardent
des Pokémon Sol à proximité afin dempêcher
les Élektek de leur voler de lélectricité."
125,33,6,"In vielen Elektrizitätswerken werden Pokémon
vom Typ Boden eingesetzt, um Elektek davon
abzuhalten, den dortigen Strom anzuzapfen."
125,33,7,"Es habitual que las centrales eléctricas cuenten
con Pokémon de tipo Tierra para hacer frente a
los Electabuzz ávidos de electricidad."
125,33,8,"Molte centrali elettriche utilizzano Pokémon
di tipo Terra per difendersi dagli Electabuzz
a caccia di elettricità."
125,33,9,"Many power plants keep Ground-type Pokémon
around as a defense against Electabuzz that
come seeking electricity."
125,33,11,"電気を 狙う エレブーの 対策に
じめんポケモンを 置く
発電所は 多い。"
125,34,1,"あらしが くると たかい きの
まわりに あつまり かみなりが
おちるのを じっと まちつづける。"
125,34,3,"폭풍이 치면 높은 나무
주위에 모여 번개가
떨어지기를 가만히 기다린다."
125,34,5,"Quand un orage approche, ils se réunissent
tous autour dun grand arbre et attendent
patiemment que la foudre sabatte."
125,34,6,"Bei Gewittern versammeln sich Elektek in der
Nähe von hohen Bäumen, wo sie regungslos auf
Blitzeinschläge warten."
125,34,7,"Al desatarse una tormenta, se reúnen en torno
a los árboles de mayor altura y esperan inmóviles
a que caiga algún rayo."
125,34,8,"Allarrivo di un temporale questi Pokémon si
raggruppano intorno agli alberi alti, aspettando
immobili che cada un fulmine."
125,34,9,"With the coming of a storm, many of these
Pokémon will gather under tall trees and sit there
waiting for lightning to strike."
125,34,11,"嵐が 来ると 高い 木の
まわりに 集まり 雷が 落ちるのを
じっと 待ち続ける。"
126,1,9,"Its body always
burns with an
orange glow thatenables it to
hide perfectly
among flames."
126,2,9,"Its body always
burns with an
orange glow thatenables it to
hide perfectly
among flames."
126,3,9,"Born in an active
volcano. Its body
is always cloakedin flames, so it
looks like a big
ball of fire."
126,4,9,"It dislikes cold
places, so it
blows scorchingflames to make the
environment suit­
able for itself."
126,5,9,"The fiery surface
of its body gives
off a wavering,rippling glare
that is similar to
the sun."
126,6,9,"It moves more
frequently in hot
areas. It can healitself by dipping
its wound into
126,7,9,"In battle, MAGMAR blows out intensely
hot flames from all over its body to
intimidate its opponent.This POKéMONs fiery bursts create
heat waves that ignite grass and trees
in its surroundings."
126,8,9,"In battle, MAGMAR blows out intensely
hot flames from all over its body to
intimidate its opponent.This POKéMONs fiery bursts create
heat waves that ignite grass and trees
in its surroundings."
126,9,9,"In battle, it blows out intense flames from
all over its body to intimidate its foe.
These fiery bursts create heat waves that
ignite grass and trees in the area."
126,10,9,"Found near the mouth of a volcano.
This fire-breathers body temperature is
nearly 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit."
126,11,9,"Its body always burns with an orange glow
that enables it to hide perfectly amidst
126,12,9,"Born in the spout of a volcano,
its body is covered by flames
that shimmer like the sun."
126,13,9,"Born in the spout of a volcano,
its body is covered by flames
that shimmer like the sun."
126,14,9,"When it breathes deeply, heat
waves form around its body, making
it hard to see clearly."
126,15,9,"It dislikes cold places, so it blows
scorching flames to make the
environment suitable for itself."
126,16,9,"The fiery surface of its body gives
off a wavering, rippling glare
that is similar to the sun."
126,17,5,"Quand il respire profondément, des
vagues de chaleur émanent de son
corps et le rendent difficile à voir."
126,17,9,"When it breathes deeply, heat
waves form around its body, making
it hard to see clearly."
126,18,5,"Quand il respire profondément, des
vagues de chaleur émanent de son
corps et le rendent difficile à voir."
126,18,9,"When it breathes deeply, heat
waves form around its body, making
it hard to see clearly."
126,21,9,"The scorching fire exhaled by Magmar
forms heat waves around its body, making
it hard to see the Pokémon clearly."
126,22,9,"The scorching fire exhaled by Magmar
forms heat waves around its body, making
it hard to see the Pokémon clearly."
126,23,1,"かざんの かこうちかくで
みつかった。くちから ほのおをはく。
たいおんは 1200ど もある。"
126,23,3,"화산의 분화구 근처에서
발견되었다. 입에서 불꽃을 뿜어낸다.
체온은 1200도나 된다."
126,23,5,"On trouve ce Pokémon près des bouches de volcans.
Son corps incandescent atteint 1200 °C."
126,23,6,"Es wurde in der Nähe eines Vulkans gefunden.
Die Körpertemperatur dieses Feuerspuckers
liegt bei fast 1 200 °C."
126,23,7,"A este Pokémon se lo encontraron cerca de un volcán.
Esta criatura ígnea tiene una temperatura corporal de
unos 1200 °C."
126,23,8,"È stato trovato presso il cratere di un vulcano.
La sua temperatura corporea si aggira sui 1200 °C."
126,23,9,"Found near the mouth of a volcano.
This fire-breathers body temperature is
nearly 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit."
126,23,11,"火山の 火口近くで 見つかった。
口から 炎を 吐く。
体温は 1200度もある。"
126,24,1,"かざんの かこうで うまれそだった。
たいようと おなじような ほのおの
ゆらめきが ぜんしんを おおう。"
126,24,3,"화산의 분화구에서 태어나 자랐다.
태양과도 같은 불꽃의
일렁임이 전신을 감싼다."
126,24,5,"Il est né au milieu dun volcan. Son corps est couvert
de flammes qui flambent comme un soleil."
126,24,6,"Es wurde bei einem Vulkanausbruch geboren.
Sein Körper ist von hellen Flammen umgeben."
126,24,7,"Nació en el centro de un volcán. Su cuerpo está
cubierto de llamas que brillan como el Sol."
126,24,8,"È nato dallo zampillo di un vulcano. Ha il corpo
ricoperto da fiamme che brillano come i raggi solari."
126,24,9,"Born in the spout of a volcano, its body is covered
by flames that shimmer like the sun."
126,24,11,"火山の 火口で 生まれ育った。
太陽と 同じような 炎の
ゆらめきが 全身を 覆う。"
126,25,1,"たたかいに なると からだから しゃくねつの
ほのおを ふきあげ あいてを いかくする。
その ねっぷうで まわりの くさきも もやすぞ。"
126,25,3,"싸우게 되면 몸에서 작열하는
불꽃을 뿜어내 상대를 위협한다.
그 열풍으로 주변의 초목도 불태운다."
126,25,5,"Lorsquil se bat, Magmar fait jaillir des flammes de son corps
pour intimider son adversaire. Les explosions enflammées de
ce Pokémon déclenchent des vagues de chaleur qui embrasent
la végétation environnante."
126,25,6,"Im Kampf stößt Magmar glühend heiße Flammen aus,
um seinen Gegner einzuschüchtern. Diese Feuersalven
erzeugen Hitzewellen, die das Gras und die Bäume der
Umgebung in Brand setzen."
126,25,7,"Al luchar, Magmar expulsa violentas llamas por todo el cuerpo
para intimidar a su rival. Estos estallidos de fuego crean
ondas de calor que abrasan la hierba y los árboles que haya
en las proximidades."
126,25,8,"In lotta, Magmar sputa fiamme roventi da tutto il corpo per
intimidire lavversario. La sua furia irruente provoca ondate
di calore che bruciano tutta la vegetazione attorno a lui."
126,25,9,"In battle, Magmar blows out intensely hot flames from all
over its body to intimidate its opponent. This Pokémons
fiery bursts create heat waves that ignite grass and trees
in its surroundings."
126,25,11,"戦いに なると 体から 灼熱の
炎を 噴き上げ 相手を 威嚇する。
その 熱風で 周りの 草木も 燃やすぞ。"
126,26,1,"たたかいに なると からだから しゃくねつの
ほのおを ふきあげ あいてを いかくする。
その ねっぷうで まわりの くさきも もやすぞ。"
126,26,3,"싸우게 되면 몸에서 작열하는
불꽃을 뿜어내 상대를 위협한다.
그 열풍으로 주변의 초목도 불태운다."
126,26,5,"Lorsquil se bat, Magmar fait jaillir des flammes de son corps
pour intimider son adversaire. Les explosions enflammées de
ce Pokémon déclenchent des vagues de chaleur qui embrasent
la végétation environnante."
126,26,6,"Im Kampf stößt Magmar glühend heiße Flammen aus,
um seinen Gegner einzuschüchtern. Diese Feuersalven
erzeugen Hitzewellen, die das Gras und die Bäume der
Umgebung in Brand setzen."
126,26,7,"Al luchar, Magmar expulsa violentas llamas por todo el cuerpo
para intimidar a su rival. Estos estallidos de fuego crean
ondas de calor que abrasan la hierba y los árboles que haya
en las proximidades."
126,26,8,"In lotta, Magmar sputa fiamme roventi da tutto il corpo per
intimidire lavversario. La sua furia irruente provoca ondate
di calore che bruciano tutta la vegetazione attorno a lui."
126,26,9,"In battle, Magmar blows out intensely hot flames from
all over its body to intimidate its opponent. This Pokémons
fiery bursts create heat waves that ignite grass and trees in
its surroundings."
126,26,11,"戦いに なると 体から 灼熱の
炎を 噴き上げ 相手を 威嚇する。
その 熱風で 周りの 草木も 燃やすぞ。"
126,27,1,"つかれると かこうに とびこみ
マグマに つかって からだを いやす。
ぜんしんが 1200どで もえている。"
126,27,3,"피곤하면 화구에 뛰어들어
마그마에 잠겨 몸을 치유한다.
전신이 1200도로 타고 있다."
126,27,5,"Quand il est fatigué, il se jette dans un volcan
pour se soigner dans le magma. Son corps brûle
à 1 200 °C."
126,27,6,"Wenn es erschöpft ist, springt es in einen
Vulkankrater und entspannt sich in der Lava.
Sein brennender Körper ist 1200 °C heiß."
126,27,7,"Cuando está agotado, se zambulle en el cráter
de un volcán para reponer energías. Su cuerpo
alcanza una temperatura de 1200 °C."
126,27,8,"Quando è stanco, si tuffa in un vulcano e si
immerge nel magma per rimettersi in forze. Il suo
corpo ardente ha una temperatura di 1.200 °C."
126,27,9,"When its tired, it leaps into the mouth of a
volcano and soaks its body in magma to ease its
weariness. Its body burns at 2,192 degrees F."
126,27,11,"疲れると 火口に 飛び込み
マグマに 浸かって 体を 癒す。
全身が 1200度で 燃えている。"
126,28,1,"おこると ぜんしんから しゃくねつの
ほのおを ふきあげる。 あいてを
すみに するまで おさまらない。"
126,28,3,"화가 나면 전신에서 작열하는
불꽃을 뿜어 올린다. 상대를
재로 만들 때까지 멈추지 않는다."
126,28,5,"Quand il sénerve, une flamme ardente
lenveloppe tout entier. Il ne se calme que
quand son adversaire est réduit en cendres."
126,28,6,"Ist es wütend, stößt es glühend heiße Flammen
aus. Es hört damit erst auf, wenn von seinem
Gegner nur noch Asche übrig ist."
126,28,7,"Cuando se enfada, llamas candentes empiezan a
brotar de su cuerpo. No se tranquiliza hasta que
su rival queda carbonizado por completo."
126,28,8,"Quando si arrabbia, sprigiona fiamme roventi
da tutto il corpo. Non si placa finché il nemico
non è carbonizzato."
126,28,9,"When angered, it spouts brilliant fire from all
over its body. It doesnt calm down until its
opponent has burned to ash."
126,28,11,"怒ると 全身から 灼熱の
炎を 噴き上げる。 相手を
炭に するまで 収まらない。"
126,29,1,"ぜんしんが もえていて いきを
するだけでも あつい。 くしゃみと
どうじに ほのおが ふきだすぞ。"
126,29,3,"온몸이 불에 타고 있어서
숨을 쉬기만 해도 뜨겁다.
재채기와 동시에 불꽃을 뿜어낸다."
126,29,5,"Son corps est tellement ardent que même son
souffle brûle. Lorsquil éternue, des flammes
séchappent de son bec."
126,29,6,"Mit seinem brennenden Körper und glühenden
Atem heizt es seine Umgebung auf. Beim Niesen
stößt es Flammen aus."
126,29,7,"Su cuerpo arde con tal fuerza que su aliento
resulta abrasador. Expulsa llamaradas con tan
solo estornudar."
126,29,8,"Tutto il suo corpo arde e persino il suo respiro
è rovente. Quando starnutisce sputa fiamme
dalla bocca."
126,29,9,"Its entire body is burning. When it breathes,
the temperature rises. When it sneezes, flames
shoot out!"
126,29,11,"全身が 燃えていて 息を
するだけでも 熱い。 くしゃみと
同時に 炎が 噴きだすぞ。"
126,30,1,"あついばしょほど ちょうしが よい。
アローラのブーバーは ほかの とちと
くらべ たくましいと いわれている。"
126,30,3,"더운 곳일수록 컨디션이 좋다.
알로라의 마그마는 다른 지역에
비해 늠름하다고 한다."
126,30,5,"Plus il fait chaud, mieux il se porte. On dit
dailleurs que le Magmar dAlola est plus robuste
que ses cousins habitant dautres contrées."
126,30,6,"Je heißer die Umgebung, desto besser ist
Magmar in Form. Im Vergleich zu anderen
Regionen ist es in Alola besonders stark."
126,30,7,"Se desarrolla mejor cuanto más cálido sea el
entorno, por lo que los ejemplares de Alola son
más robustos que los de otras regiones."
126,30,8,"Si trova molto a suo agio nei luoghi caldi.
Si dice che i Magmar che vivono ad Alola
siano più robusti di quelli delle altre regioni."
126,30,9,"The hotter the place, the better they feel.
Magmar in Alola are said to be hardier than
those in other areas."
126,30,11,"暑い場所ほど 調子が 良い。
アローラのブーバーは 他の 土地と
比べ たくましいと いわれている。"
126,31,1,"かざんの ふんかこうから うまれた。
ぜんしんが もえているため
ひのたまと みわけが つかない。"
126,31,3,"화산의 분화구에서 태어났다.
전신이 불타고 있어
불구슬과 구분이 안된다."
126,31,5,"Né dans le cratère dun volcan, son corps est
recouvert de flammes. Il ressemble ainsi à une
boule de feu."
126,31,6,"Magmar werden in Vulkankratern geboren.
Sie sehen aus wie Feuerbälle, da ihr ganzer
Körper in Flammen gehüllt ist."
126,31,7,"Nace en cráteres de volcanes. Su cuerpo
envuelto en llamas parece una bola de fuego."
126,31,8,"È nato nel cratere di un vulcano.
Il suo corpo interamente coperto
di fiamme sembra una palla di fuoco."
126,31,9,"Born in an active volcano. Its body is
always cloaked in flames, so it looks like
a big ball of fire."
126,31,11,"火山の 噴火口から 生まれた。
全身が 燃えているため
火の玉と 見分けが つかない。"
126,32,1,"かざんの ふんかこうから うまれた。
ぜんしんが もえているため
ひのたまと みわけが つかない。"
126,32,3,"화산의 분화구에서 태어났다.
전신이 불타고 있어
불구슬과 구분이 안된다."
126,32,5,"Né dans le cratère dun volcan, son corps est
recouvert de flammes. Il ressemble ainsi à une
boule de feu."
126,32,6,"Magmar werden in Vulkankratern geboren.
Sie sehen aus wie Feuerbälle, da ihr ganzer
Körper in Flammen gehüllt ist."
126,32,7,"Nace en cráteres de volcanes. Su cuerpo
envuelto en llamas parece una bola de fuego."
126,32,8,"È nato nel cratere di un vulcano.
Il suo corpo interamente coperto
di fiamme sembra una palla di fuoco."
126,32,9,"Born in an active volcano. Its body is
always cloaked in flames, so it looks like
a big ball of fire."
126,32,11,"火山の 噴火口から 生まれた。
全身が 燃えているため
火の玉と 見分けが つかない。"
126,33,1,"ほのおで えものを しとめる。
ついつい やきすぎて くろコゲに
してしまい こうかいする。"
126,33,3,"불꽃으로 먹이를 꼼짝 못 하게 한다.
무의식중에 너무 오래 익혀서
까맣게 태우고는 후회한다."
126,33,5,"Il achève ses proies avec ses flammes, mais
il lui arrive de les calciner accidentellement,
à son plus grand regret."
126,33,6,"Magmar erlegt seine Beute mit Feuer. Manchmal
röstet es diese zu seinem Bedauern so stark,
dass sie versehentlich verkohlt."
126,33,7,"Abate a sus presas con las llamas que genera y
con frecuencia acaba reduciéndolas a carbonilla
por accidente."
126,33,8,"Abbatte le sue prede con le fiamme, ma finisce
per carbonizzarle accidentalmente, con suo
grande rammarico."
126,33,9,"Magmar dispatches its prey with fire. But it
regrets this habit once it realizes that it has
burned its intended prey to a charred crisp."
126,33,11,"炎で 獲物を しとめる。
ついつい 焼きすぎて
黒コゲに してしまい 後悔する。"
126,34,1,"ぜんしんが つねに もえている。
かじを おこす げんいんの
ひとつとして おそれられる。"
126,34,3,"온몸이 늘 불타고 있다.
화재를 일으키는 원인 중 하나로
두려움의 대상이 되고 있다."
126,34,5,"Tout son corps est en combustion permanente.
Il est craint, car on dit quil cause des incendies."
126,34,6,"Sein Körper ist ständig in Flammen gehüllt,
wodurch es als eine Ursache von Bränden
gefürchtet wird."
126,34,7,"Un Pokémon cuyo cuerpo está siempre envuelto
en llamas. Es temido porque se lo considera un
causante potencial de incendios."
126,34,8,"Il suo corpo è perennemente in fiamme.
Viene considerato una delle cause degli incendi,
e per questo è temuto."
126,34,9,"These Pokémons bodies are constantly burning.
Magmar are feared as one of the causes
behind fires."
126,34,11,"全身が つねに 燃えている。
火事を 起こす 原因の
ひとつとして 恐れられる。"
127,1,9,"If it fails to
crush the victim
in its pincers,it will swing it
around and toss
it hard."
127,2,9,"If it fails to
crush the victim
in its pincers,it will swing it
around and toss
it hard."
127,3,9,"Grips its prey in
its pincers and
squeezes hard! Itcan't move if it's
cold, so it lives
in warm places."
127,4,9,"With its horns, it
digs burrows to
sleep in at night.In the morning,
damp soil clings
to its body."
127,5,9,"Swings its long
antlers wildly to
attack. Duringcold periods, it
hides deep in
127,6,9,"When the tempera­
ture drops at
night, it sleepson treetops or
among roots where
it is well hidden."
127,7,9,"PINSIR is astoundingly strong. It can
grip a foe weighing twice its weight
in its horns and easily lift it.This POKéMONs movements turn sluggish
in cold places."
127,8,9,"PINSIR has a pair of massive horns 
Protruding from the surface of these
horns are thorns.These thorns are driven deeply into the
foes body when the pincer closes,
making it tough for the foe to escape."
127,9,9,"Their pincers are strong enough to
shatter thick logs. Because they dislike
cold, PINSIR burrow and sleep under
the ground on chilly nights."
127,10,9,"Its two long pincer horns are powerful.
Once they grip an enemy, they wont
release until the foe is torn."
127,11,9,"If it fails to crush the foe in its
pincers, it will swing around and toss
the opponent."
127,12,9,"It grips prey with its pincers
until the prey is torn in half.
What it cant tear, it tosses far."
127,13,9,"It grips prey with its pincers
until the prey is torn in half.
What it cant tear, it tosses far."
127,14,9,"It grips prey with its pincers
until the prey is torn in half.
What it cant tear, it tosses far."
127,15,9,"With its pincer horns, it digs burrows
to sleep in at night. In the morning,
damp soil clings to its body."
127,16,9,"It swings its long pincer horns wildly
to attack. During cold periods, it
hides deep in forests."
127,17,5,"Il serre les proies dans ses pinces
pour les trancher en deux. Sil ny
arrive pas, il les jette au loin."
127,17,9,"It grips prey with its pincers
until the prey is torn in half.
What it cant tear, it tosses far."
127,18,5,"Il serre les proies dans ses pinces
pour les trancher en deux. Sil ny
arrive pas, il les jette au loin."
127,18,9,"It grips prey with its pincers
until the prey is torn in half.
What it cant tear, it tosses far."
127,21,9,"It grips prey with its powerful
pincers and will not let go
until the prey is torn in half."
127,22,9,"It grips prey with its powerful
pincers and will not let go
until the prey is torn in half."
127,23,1,"2ほんの ツノで えものを はさんで
ちぎれるまで はなさない。ちぎれない
ときは かなたまで なげとばすのだ。"
127,23,3,"2개의 뿔 사이에 먹이를 끼우고
조각날 때까지 놓지 않는다. 조각나지
않으면 저편으로 세게 내던진다."
127,23,5,"Il serre les proies dans ses pinces pour les trancher
en deux. Sil ny arrive pas, il les jette au loin."
127,23,6,"Es hält seine Beute mit seiner Zange fest und
teilt sie dann. Was es nicht teilen kann, wirft es fort."
127,23,7,"Atrapa presas con sus pinzas hasta que las parte en
dos. Lanza lejos lo que no puede quebrar."
127,23,8,"Afferra la preda con le pinze e non la molla finché
non lha tranciata. Se non ci riesce, la scaglia via."
127,23,9,"It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn
in half. What it cant tear, it tosses far."
127,23,11,"2本の ツノで 獲物を 挟んで
ちぎれるまで 放さない。ちぎれない
ときは かなたまで 投げ飛ばすのだ。"
127,24,1,"ながい ツノを ふりまわして
もりの おくに すがたを かくす。"
127,24,3,"긴 뿔을 휘둘러서
공격을 해온다. 추울 때는
숲 깊은 곳에 몸을 숨긴다."
127,24,5,"Il attaque sauvagement avec ses cornes. En hiver,
il se cache au plus profond des forêts."
127,24,6,"Beim Angriff verdreht es sein Geweih.
In Kälteperioden versteckt es sich tief im Wald."
127,24,7,"Arremete violentamente con su cornamenta. Cuando
llega el frío, se adentra en los bosques."
127,24,8,"Quando attacca agita le lunghe corna. Nei periodi
freddi sta nascosto nelle foreste."
127,24,9,"It swings its long pincer horns wildly to attack.
During cold periods, it hides deep in forests."
127,24,11,"長い ツノを 振り回して
森の 奥に 姿を 隠す。"
127,25,1,"じぶんの たいじゅうの 2ばいも ある あいてを
ツノで はさみ かるがる もちあげる かいりき。
さむい ばしょでは からだの うごきが にぶる。"
127,25,3,"자신의 몸무게 두 배나 되는 상대를 뿔로
집어 가볍게 들어 올리는 괴력을 지녔다.
추운 곳에서는 몸의 움직임이 둔해진다."
127,25,5,"Scarabrute est incroyablement fort. Il peut attraper un ennemi
qui pèse deux fois son poids dans ses mandibules et le
soulever sans le moindre problème. Lorsquil fait froid,
les mouvements de ce Pokémon sont un peu ralentis."
127,25,6,"Pinsir ist erstaunlich stark. Es kann einen Feind, der
doppelt so viel wiegt wie es selbst, mit seinen Hörnern
packen und hochheben. Bei niedrigen Temperaturen
werden die Bewegungen dieses Pokémon schwerfällig."
127,25,7,"Pinsir es sorprendentemente fuerte. Puede agarrar con los
cuernos a un rival que pese el doble que él y levantarlo por
los aires. En zonas frías, los movimientos de este Pokémon
se vuelven lentos."
127,25,8,"Pinsir è incredibilmente forte. Può afferrare e sollevare tra
le chele sul capo un nemico dal peso doppio rispetto al suo.
I suoi movimenti sono impacciati in luoghi freddi."
127,25,9,"Pinsir is astoundingly strong. It can grip a foe weighing twice
its weight in its horns and easily lift it. This Pokémons
movements turn sluggish in cold places."
127,25,11,"自分の 体重の 2倍も ある 相手を
ツノで 挟み 軽々 持ち上げる 怪力。
寒い 場所では 体の 動きが 鈍る。"
127,26,1,"たくましい 2ほんの ツノの ひょうめんに ある
トゲが あいての からだに ふかく くいこむので
はさまれると かんたんに はずせないのだ。"
127,26,3,"늠름한 2개의 뿔 표면에 있는
가시가 상대의 몸에 깊숙이 파고들어서
집히면 쉽게 벗어날 수 없다."
127,26,5,"Scarabrute est doté de cornes imposantes. Des pointes
jaillissent de la surface de ses cornes. Ces pointes senfoncent
profondément dans le corps de lennemi, lempêchant ainsi
de séchapper."
127,26,6,"Pinsir hat ein Paar massive Hörner. Aus diesen ragen Dornen
hervor, die sich in den Körper seines Gegners hineinbohren,
wenn sich die Zange schließt, und ihm das Entkommen
schwer machen."
127,26,7,"Pinsir tiene un par de cuernos imponentes recubiertos de
pinchos, que se clavan en el cuerpo del rival. Una vez que
los ha clavado, no hay quien escape de su abrazo."
127,26,8,"Pinsir è dotato di due chele enormi sul capo, dalla cui
superficie sporgono aculei. Questi vengono conficcati
nel corpo del nemico quando le chele si chiudono,
per impedirne la fuga."
127,26,9,"Pinsir has a pair of massive horns. Protruding from the surface
of these horns are thorns. These thorns are driven deeply into
the foes body when the pincer closes, making it tough for the
foe to escape."
127,26,11,"たくましい 2本の ツノの 表面に ある
トゲが 相手の 体に 深く 食い込むので
挟まれると 簡単に 外せないのだ。"
127,27,1,"ながい ツノで あいてを はさみこみ
そのまま まっぷたつに してしまう。
パワフルだが さむいのは にがて。"
127,27,3,"긴 뿔로 상대를 끼워 넣어
그대로 두 동강을 내 버린다.
파워풀하지만 추운 것을 싫어한다."
127,27,5,"Il attrape ses adversaires entre ses cornes et
les tranche en deux dun seul coup. Malgré sa
force, il a une faiblesse : le froid."
127,27,6,"Es nimmt Gegner mit seinen langen Hörnern in
die Zange und reißt sie damit entzwei. Es ist
sehr stark, aber es verabscheut Kälte."
127,27,7,"Atrapa a sus rivales con las pinzas y los parte
en dos con su enorme fuerza. A pesar de ser
muy fuerte, no soporta el frío."
127,27,8,"Afferra il nemico con le lunghe corna e lo trancia
in due. È estremamente forte, ma non sopporta
il freddo."
127,27,9,"It grips its prey in its pincers and splits them
apart. Although it is a powerful Pokémon, it
cant deal with the cold."
127,27,11,"長い 角で 相手を 挟み込み
そのまま 真っ二つに してしまう。
パワフルだが 寒いのは 苦手。"
127,28,1,"ツノの いちげきは たいぼく さえ
へしおるほど。 アローラでは
クワガノンが さいだいの ライバル。"
127,28,3,"뿔의 일격은 큰 나무조차도
부러뜨릴 정도다. 알로라에서는
투구뿌논이 최대의 라이벌이다."
127,28,5,"Il peut abattre un grand arbre dun coup de
corne. À Alola, son plus grand rival est Lucanon."
127,28,6,"Ein Stoß mit seinen Hörnern reicht, um große
Bäume zu zersplittern. In Alola ist Donarion
sein größter Rivale."
127,28,7,"Es capaz de derribar un árbol de una sola
arremetida. En Alola, su mayor rival es Vikavolt."
127,28,8,"Con le sue corna può abbattere un grande
albero in un colpo solo. Nella regione di Alola,
Vikavolt è il suo più acerrimo nemico."
127,28,9,"One solid blow from its horns is enough to split
apart a large tree. Its greatest rival in Alola
is Vikavolt."
127,28,11,"角の 一撃は 大木 さえ
へし折るほど。 アローラでは
クワガノンが 最大の ライバル。"
127,29,1,"クワガノンと なわばりを あらそう。
アローラでは なぜか ヘラクロスと
けっこう なかが よいらしい。"
127,29,3,"투구뿌논과 영역 다툼을 한다.
알로라에서는 어째서인지
헤라크로스와 사이가 좋은 듯하다."
127,29,5,"Des luttes territoriales lopposent aux Lucanon.
À Alola, il semble bien sentendre avec Scarhino."
127,29,6,"Es liefert sich Revierkämpfe mit Donarion. Aus
noch unbekannten Gründen versteht es sich in
Alola ausgesprochen gut mit Skaraborn."
127,29,7,"Son famosas sus disputas territoriales con los
Vikavolt. En Alola parece llevarse muy bien con
los Heracross por motivos que se desconocen."
127,29,8,"Si contende il territorio con i Vikavolt.
Per qualche motivo, ad Alola i Pinsir sembrano
andare daccordo con gli Heracross."
127,29,9,"It gets into territorial disputes with Vikavolt.
For some reason, it apparently gets along well
with Heracross in Alola."
127,29,11,"クワガノンと 縄張りを 争う。
アローラでは なぜか ヘラクロスと
結構 仲が 良いらしい。"
127,30,1,"たくましいが さむさが じゃくてん。
よるに なると このはの なかに
からだを うずめて ねむる。"
127,30,3,"늠름하지만 추위가 약점이다.
밤이 되면 나뭇잎 속에
몸을 파묻고 잔다."
127,30,5,"Ce Pokémon a beau être robuste, il supporte
mal le froid. La nuit, il senfouit donc sous un tas
de feuilles pour dormir au chaud."
127,30,6,"Es ist zwar robust, verträgt jedoch keine Kälte.
Bei Anbruch der Nacht vergräbt es sich im Laub
und schläft."
127,30,7,"Es de constitución robusta, pero no soporta el
frío. Al caer la noche, se cubre con un manto de
hojas antes de conciliar el sueño."
127,30,8,"È molto robusto ma non sopporta il freddo.
Al calare della notte, si ripara sotto uno strato
di foglie per dormire."
127,30,9,"Although its tough, it cant handle cold well.
When night falls, it buries itself in leafage
and sleeps."
127,30,11,"たくましいが 寒さが 弱点。
夜に なると 木の葉の 中に
身体を 埋めて 眠る。"
127,31,1,"ツノで はさんで パワーぜんかい!
さむくなると うごけなくなるから
あたたかい ところに すんでいる。"
127,31,3,"뿔로 집은 다음 있는 힘껏 조인다!
추워지면 움직일 수 없게 되므로
따뜻한 곳에 산다."
127,31,5,"Il enserre sa proie de sa puissante pince.
Il ne peut pas se déplacer dans le froid,
donc on le trouve dans les milieux chauds."
127,31,6,"Pinsir nimmt Gegner mit seinen Hörnern in die
Zange und drückt kräftig zu. Es lebt an warmen
Orten, da es bei niedrigen Temperaturen erstarrt."
127,31,7,"Atrapa a su presa con las pinzas y aprieta fuerte.
Habita en lugares cálidos, ya que el frío puede
llegar a inmovilizarlo."
127,31,8,"Afferra la preda tra le corna, stritolandola
con tutte le sue forze. Vive in ambienti caldi
poiché il freddo lo immobilizza."
127,31,9,"Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard!
It cant move if its cold out, so it lives in
warm places."
127,31,11,"ツノで 挟んで パワー全開!
寒くなると 動けなくなるから
暖かい ところに 住んでいる。"
127,32,1,"ツノで はさんで パワーぜんかい!
さむくなると うごけなくなるから
あたたかい ところに すんでいる。"
127,32,3,"뿔로 집은 다음 있는 힘껏 조인다!
추워지면 움직일 수 없게 되므로
따뜻한 곳에 산다."
127,32,5,"Il enserre sa proie de sa puissante pince.
Il ne peut pas se déplacer dans le froid,
donc on le trouve dans les milieux chauds."
127,32,6,"Pinsir nimmt Gegner mit seinen Hörnern in die
Zange und drückt kräftig zu. Es lebt an warmen
Orten, da es bei niedrigen Temperaturen erstarrt."
127,32,7,"Atrapa a su presa con las pinzas y aprieta fuerte.
Habita en lugares cálidos, ya que el frío puede
llegar a inmovilizarlo."
127,32,8,"Afferra la preda tra le corna, stritolandola
con tutte le sue forze. Vive in ambienti caldi
poiché il freddo lo immobilizza."
127,32,9,"Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard!
It cant move if its cold out, so it lives in
warm places."
127,32,11,"ツノで 挟んで パワー全開!
寒くなると 動けなくなるから
暖かい ところに 住んでいる。"
127,33,1,"ツノで たがいを かくづけする。
ふとく りっぱな ツノを もつ
カイロスほど いせいに にんき。"
127,33,3,"뿔로 서로의 등급을 매긴다.
굵고 훌륭한 뿔을 가진
쁘사이저일수록 이성에게 인기다."
127,33,5,"Ses cornes déterminent son rang au sein
du groupe. Plus elles sont imposantes, plus
les membres du sexe opposé lapprécient."
127,33,6,"Der Status eines Pinsirs hängt von seinen Hörnern
ab. Je dicker und stattlicher diese sind, desto
beliebter ist es beim anderen Geschlecht."
127,33,7,"Los Pinsir se juzgan entre ellos por la robustez
de la cornamenta. Cuanto más imponente sea,
más agradará a sus congéneres del sexo opuesto."
127,33,8,"I Pinsir si giudicano a vicenda in base alle corna.
Quelli con corna grosse e imponenti hanno
più successo con gli esemplari dellaltro sesso."
127,33,9,"These Pokémon judge one another based on
pincers. Thicker, more impressive pincers make
for more popularity with the opposite gender."
127,33,11,"ツノで 互いを 格付けする。
太く 立派な ツノを 持つ
カイロスほど 異性に 人気。"
127,34,1,"ツノで えものを はさみこみ
そのまま まっぷたつに するか
ごういんに なげとばしてしまう。 "
127,34,3,"뿔로 먹이를 찔러 넣어
그대로 두 동강으로 만들거나
강제로 던져버린다."
127,34,5,"Une fois sa proie enserrée entre ses cornes,
deux choix soffrent à lui : la couper en deux
ou la projeter au loin de toutes ses forces."
127,34,6,"Pinsir nimmt Beute mit seinen Hörnern in die
Zange, um sie anschließend entzweizureißen
oder mit Wucht fortzuschleudern."
127,34,7,"Usa la cornamenta a modo de pinza para atrapar
a sus presas. Acto seguido, las parte por la mitad
o las arroja lejos."
127,34,8,"Afferra le prede con le corna e le trancia in due,
oppure le lancia via con violenza."
127,34,9,"This Pokémon clamps its pincers down on its prey
and then either splits the prey in half or flings
it away."
127,34,11,"ツノで 獲物を 挟みこみ
そのまま まっぷたつに するか
強引に 投げ飛ばしてしまう。"
128,1,9,"When it targets
an enemy, it
charges furiouslywhile whipping its
body with its
long tails."
128,2,9,"When it targets
an enemy, it
charges furiouslywhile whipping its
body with its
long tails."
128,3,9,"A rowdy POKéMON
with a lot of
stamina. Oncerunning, it won't
stop until it hits
128,4,9,"They fight each
other by locking
horns. The herd'sprotector takes
pride in its bat­
tle-scarred horns."
128,5,9,"After heightening
its will to fight
by whipping itselfwith its three
tails, it charges
at full speed."
128,6,9,"These violent
POKéMON fight
with other mem­bers of their herd
in order to prove
their strength."
128,7,9,"This POKéMON is not satisfied unless
it is rampaging at all times.
If there is no opponent for TAUROS tobattle, it will charge at thick trees and
knock them down to calm itself."
128,8,9,"This POKéMON is not satisfied unless
it is rampaging at all times.
If there is no opponent for TAUROS tobattle, it will charge at thick trees and
knock them down to calm itself."
128,9,9,"It is not satisfied unless it is rampaging
at all times. If there is no opponent for
TAUROS to battle, it will charge at thick
trees and knock them down to calm itself."
128,10,9,"When it is about to TACKLE, it whips
its body repeatedly with its three
long tails."
128,11,9,"When it targets an enemy, it charges
furiously while whipping its body with its
long tails."
128,12,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,13,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,14,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,15,9,"They fight each other by locking
horns. The herds protector takes
pride in its battle-scarred horns."
128,16,9,"After heightening its will to fight
by whipping itself with its three
tails, it charges at full speed."
128,17,5,"Après avoir choisi sa cible, il fonce
dessus tête baissée. Il est réputé
pour sa nature violente."
128,17,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,18,5,"Après avoir choisi sa cible, il fonce
dessus tête baissée. Il est réputé
pour sa nature violente."
128,18,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,21,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,22,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it
makes a headlong charge. It is
famous for its violent nature."
128,23,1,"3ぼんのしっぽで じぶんを たたき
たたかう きもちを たかめると
ぜんそくりょくで つっこんでくる。"
128,23,3,"3개의 꼬리로 자신을 때려서
투지가 끓어오르면
전속력으로 돌진해온다."
128,23,5,"Après sêtre fouetté avec ses trois queues pour
augmenter son agressivité, il charge."
128,23,6,"Es kämpft mit vollem Einsatz, nachdem es sich
mit seinen drei Schweifen auspeitschte,
um sich anzustacheln."
128,23,7,"Después de animarse a luchar fustigándose con sus
tres colas, carga a toda velocidad."
128,23,8,"Prima si frusta con le tre code per caricarsi, poi
parte allattacco a tutta velocità."
128,23,9,"After heightening its will to fight by whipping itself
with its three tails, it charges at full speed."
128,23,11,"3本の 尻尾で 自分を たたき
戦う 気持ちを 高めると
全速力で 突っこんでくる。"
3ぼんの しっぽで じぶんの
からだを ピシピシと たたく。"
128,24,3,"몸통박치기로 공격해 올 때
3개의 꼬리로 자신의
몸을 가차 없이 때린다."
128,24,5,"Juste avant dutiliser Charge, ce Pokémon agite
frénétiquement ses trois grandes queues."
128,24,6,"Wenn es Tackle einsetzt, geißelt es mit seinen
drei Schwänzen wiederholt seinen Körper."
128,24,7,"Cuando va a usar Placaje, se azota repetidas veces
con las tres colas que tiene."
128,24,8,"Prima di usare Azione si frusta il corpo ripetutamente
con le tre lunghe code."
128,24,9,"When it is about to tackle, it whips its body
repeatedly with its three long tails."
3本の 尻尾で 自分の 体を
ピシピシと たたく。"
128,25,1,"いつも あばれて いないと きが すまない。
たたかう あいてが いない ときは たいぼくに
ぶちあたり なぎたおす ことで きを しずめる。"
128,25,3,"항상 날뛰지 않으면 성에 차지 않는다.
싸울 상대가 없을 때는 큰 나무를
들이받아 쓰러트리고 맘을 가라앉힌다."
128,25,5,"Ce Pokémon nest pas satisfait sil ne détruit pas tout sur
son passage. Lorsque Tauros ne trouve pas dadversaire,
il se rue sur de gros arbres et les déracine pour passer
ses nerfs."
128,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist nur zufrieden, wenn es kämpfen kann.
Wenn Tauros keinen Gegner findet, sucht es sich robuste
Bäume und haut sie um, um sich abzureagieren."
128,25,7,"Este Pokémon no está contento a menos que esté
continuamente de aquí para allá. Si no hay rival que luche
contra Tauros, se estampa contra árboles grandes para
calmarse y los embiste para echarlos abajo."
128,25,8,"Questo Pokémon è molto insofferente e sempre alla ricerca
della rissa. Se non trova un avversario con cui lottare,
Tauros si lancia contro grossi tronchi per abbatterli e calmarsi."
128,25,9,"This Pokémon is not satisfied unless it is rampaging at all
times. If there is no opponent for Tauros to battle, it will
charge at thick trees and knock them down to calm itself."
128,25,11,"いつも 暴れて いないと 気が すまない。
戦う 相手が いない ときは 大木に
ぶち当たり なぎ倒す ことで 気を 静める。"
128,26,1,"いつも あばれて いないと きが すまない。
たたかう あいてが いない ときは たいぼくに
ぶちあたり なぎたおす ことで きを しずめる。"
128,26,3,"항상 날뛰지 않으면 성에 차지 않는다.
싸울 상대가 없을 때는 큰 나무를
들이받아 쓰러트리고 맘을 가라앉힌다."
128,26,5,"Ce Pokémon nest pas satisfait sil ne détruit pas tout sur
son passage. Lorsque Tauros ne trouve pas dadversaire,
il se rue sur de gros arbres et les déracine pour passer
ses nerfs."
128,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist nur zufrieden, wenn es kämpfen kann.
Wenn Tauros keinen Gegner findet, sucht es sich robuste
Bäume und haut sie um, um sich abzureagieren."
128,26,7,"Este Pokémon no está contento a menos que esté
continuamente de aquí para allá. Si no hay rival que luche
contra Tauros, se estampa contra árboles grandes para
calmarse y los embiste para echarlos abajo."
128,26,8,"Questo Pokémon è molto insofferente e sempre alla ricerca
della rissa. Se non trova un avversario con cui lottare,
Tauros si lancia contro grossi tronchi per abbatterli e calmarsi."
128,26,9,"This Pokémon is not satisfied unless it is rampaging at all
times. If there is no opponent for Tauros to battle, it will
charge at thick trees and knock them down to calm itself."
128,26,11,"いつも 暴れて いないと 気が すまない。
戦う 相手が いない ときは 大木に
ぶち当たり なぎ倒す ことで 気を 静める。"
128,27,1,"せかいの かくちに ケンタロスに のり
せいかつ してきた れきしが あるが
そのはじまりは アローラ だという。"
128,27,3,"세계 각지에 켄타로스에 타서
생활해온 역사가 있으나
그 시초는 알로라라고 한다."
128,27,5,"Beaucoup de sociétés à travers le monde ont
appris à monter Tauros au cours de leur histoire.
Les premières à lavoir fait habitaient à Alola."
128,27,6,"Schon seit vielen Jahren reiten Menschen überall
auf der Welt auf Tauros. Diese Tradition hat
angeblich in Alola ihren Ursprung genommen."
128,27,7,"El uso de Tauros como montura se remonta a
tiempos muy remotos. Ahora es una práctica
muy extendida, pero parece que surgió en Alola."
128,27,8,"La storia insegna che in tutto il mondo gli esseri
umani hanno sempre cavalcato i Tauros.
Questa antica pratica nacque proprio ad Alola."
128,27,9,"Historically, people in areas all over the world
have ridden Tauros, but the practice is said to
have started in Alola."
128,27,11,"世界の 各地に ケンタロスに 乗り
生活 してきた 歴史が あるが
その始まりは アローラ だという。"
128,28,1,"あらっぽい ポケモンだが
アローラちほうの ケンタロスは
やや おちつきが あるという。"
128,28,3,"난폭한 포켓몬이지만
알로라지방의 켄타로스는
조금 침착하다고 한다."
128,28,5,"Il sagit normalement dun Pokémon très agressif,
mais les Tauros natifs dAlola sont dune nature
un peu plus paisible."
128,28,6,"Obwohl es sonst für seine ungestüme Art
bekannt ist, gelten Exemplare aus Alola als
vergleichsweise gelassen."
128,28,7,"Es un Pokémon muy famoso por su naturaleza
violenta, aunque el Tauros de Alola parece ser
algo más sosegado."
128,28,8,"Questo Pokémon ha unindole violenta, ma
sembra che i Tauros della regione di Alola
siano più docili."
128,28,9,"Although its known to be a fierce Pokémon,
Tauros in the Alola region are said to possess
a measure of calmness."
128,28,11,"荒っぽい ポケモンだが
アローラ地方の ケンタロスは
やや 落ち着きが あるという。"
128,29,1,"しゅうだんで せいかつする。 むれの
なかで 1ばん ふとく ながく
キズだらけの ツノをもつのが ボス。"
128,29,3,"집단생활을 한다. 무리 중에서
가장 굵고 길며 상처가 많은
뿔을 가진 것이 보스다."
128,29,5,"Les Tauros vivent en troupeaux menés par ceux
dont les cornes sont les plus grosses, les plus
longues et les plus abimées."
128,29,6,"Sie leben in Herden. Ihr Anführer ist das Tauros
mit den kräftigsten und längsten Hörnern sowie
den meisten Kampfspuren darauf."
128,29,7,"Vive en manadas dominadas por el ejemplar que
luce la cornamenta más mellada y de mayor
tamaño y grosor."
128,29,8,"I Tauros vivono in branchi capeggiati
dallesemplare che sfoggia le corna più grosse
e lunghe e che mostrano più scalfitture."
128,29,9,"They live in groups. The one with the longest,
thickest, and most-scarred horns is the boss
of the herd."
128,29,11,"集団で 生活する。 群れの
中で 1番 太く 長く
キズだらけの ツノを持つのが ボス。"
128,30,1,"アローラの ケンタロスが ほかの
ちほうより すこし おだやか なのは
きこうが かんけいして いるらしい。"
128,30,3,"알로라의 켄타로스가 다른
지방보다 조금 차분한 것은
기후와 관련이 있다고 한다."
128,30,5,"La douceur du climat local explique sans doute
pourquoi les Tauros dAlola sont plus paisibles
que leurs congénères doutre-mer."
128,30,6,"Tauros in Alola sind etwas sanftmütiger als in
anderen Regionen. Dies ist offenbar auf das
Klima zurückzuführen."
128,30,7,"En Alola, los Tauros muestran un carácter más
sosegado que en otras regiones. Posiblemente,
esto guarde relación con lo apacible del clima."
128,30,8,"I Tauros che vivono ad Alola hanno unindole
leggermente più docile. Sembra che questa
particolarità sia dovuta al clima di Alola."
128,30,9,"The climate seems to be related to the reason
Tauros in Alola are a little calmer than those in
other regions."
128,30,11,"アローラの ケンタロスが 他の
地方より 少し 穏やか なのは
気候が 関係して いるらしい。"
128,31,1,"スタミナに あふれた あばれんぼう。
はしりだすと たいあたりするまで
どこまでも ひたすら つきすすむ。"
128,31,3,"넘치는 체력의 난동꾼.
달리기 시작하면 몸통박치기를
할 때까지 끝없이 돌진한다."
128,31,5,"Ce Pokémon brutal est très endurant.
Rien narrête sa charge tant quil na pas
pulvérisé sa cible."
128,31,6,"Es ist ungestüm und strotzt nur so vor Kraft.
Wenn es erst einmal losprescht, rennt es so
lange weiter, bis es mit etwas zusammenstößt."
128,31,7,"Un Pokémon violento que rebosa energía.
Cuando echa a correr, no se detiene hasta que
choca con algo."
128,31,8,"È un Pokémon energico e impetuoso.
Quando comincia a correre non si ferma finché
non va a cozzare contro qualcosa."
128,31,9,"A rowdy Pokémon with a lot of stamina.
Once running, it wont stop until it
hits something."
128,31,11,"スタミナに あふれた 暴れん坊。
走りだすと たいあたりするまで
どこまでも ひたすら 突き進む。"
128,32,1,"スタミナに あふれた あばれんぼう。
はしりだすと たいあたりするまで
どこまでも ひたすら つきすすむ。"
128,32,3,"넘치는 체력의 난동꾼.
달리기 시작하면 몸통박치기를
할 때까지 끝없이 돌진한다."
128,32,5,"Ce Pokémon brutal est très endurant.
Rien narrête sa charge tant quil na pas
pulvérisé sa cible."
128,32,6,"Es ist ungestüm und strotzt nur so vor Kraft.
Wenn es erst einmal losprescht, rennt es so
lange weiter, bis es mit etwas zusammenstößt."
128,32,7,"Un Pokémon violento que rebosa energía.
Cuando echa a correr, no se detiene hasta que
choca con algo."
128,32,8,"È un Pokémon energico e impetuoso.
Quando comincia a correre non si ferma finché
non va a cozzare contro qualcosa."
128,32,9,"A rowdy Pokémon with a lot of stamina.
Once running, it wont stop until it
hits something."
128,32,11,"スタミナに あふれた 暴れん坊。
走りだすと たいあたりするまで
どこまでも ひたすら 突き進む。"
128,33,1,"しっぽで じぶんの からだを
たたきだしたら きけんだぞ。
もうスピードで つっこんでくる。"
128,33,3,"꼬리로 자신의 몸을
때리기 시작하면 위험하다.
맹렬한 스피드로 덤벼든다."
128,33,5,"Il faut prendre garde quand un Tauros fouette
son corps avec ses queues. Cela signifie quil
sapprête à charger à une vitesse démentielle."
128,33,6,"Peitscht es seinen Körper mit seinen Schweifen
aus, ist Vorsicht geboten, denn es steht kurz
davor, mit Karacho auf sein Ziel loszustürmen."
128,33,7,"Conviene tener cuidado si empieza a fustigarse
con las colas, pues es señal de que va a cargar a
máxima velocidad."
128,33,8,"Quando comincia a frustarsi con le sue stesse
code è pericoloso, in quanto è segno che sta
per partire alla carica a tutta velocità."
128,33,9,"When Tauros begins whipping itself with its tails,
its a warning that the Pokémon is about to
charge with astounding speed."
128,33,11,"しっぽで 自分の 体を
叩きだしたら 危険だぞ。
猛スピードで 突っ込んでくる。"
128,34,1,"ガラルに くらす ケンタロスは
きしょうが あらく にんげんが
せに のることを ゆるさない。"
128,34,3,"가라르에 서식하는 켄타로스는
기질이 거칠어서 사람이 등에
올라타는 것을 허용하지 않는다."
128,34,5,"Les Tauros vivant à Galar ont un tempérament
violent et ne tolèrent pas que les êtres humains
montent sur leur dos."
128,34,6,"Die Tauros in Galar haben ein ungestümes
Temperament und gestatten es Menschen nicht,
auf ihrem Rücken zu reiten."
128,34,7,"Los Tauros que habitan en la región de Galar son
de temperamento irascible y no permiten que los
humanos monten en su lomo."
128,34,8,"I Tauros che vivono a Galar hanno unindole
violenta e non tollerano che gli esseri umani
salgano loro in groppa."
128,34,9,"The Tauros of the Galar region are volatile in
nature, and they wont allow people to ride on
their backs."
128,34,11,"ガラルに 暮らす ケンタロスは
気性が 荒く 人間が
背に 乗ることを 許さない。"
129,1,9,"In the distant
past, it was
somewhat strongerthan the horribly
weak descendants
that exist today."
129,2,9,"In the distant
past, it was
somewhat strongerthan the horribly
weak descendants
that exist today."
129,3,9,"Famous for being
very unreliable.
It can be foundswimming in seas,
lakes, rivers and
shallow puddles."
129,4,9,"An underpowered,
pathetic POKéMON.
It may jump highon rare occasions,
but never more
than seven feet."
129,5,9,"For no reason, it
jumps and splashes
about, making iteasy for predators
catch it mid-jump."
129,6,9,"This weak and
pathetic POKéMON
gets easily pushedalong rivers when
there are strong
129,7,9,"MAGIKARP is a pathetic excuse for a
POKéMON that is only capable of
flopping and splashing.This behavior prompted scientists to
undertake research into it."
129,8,9,"MAGIKARP is virtually useless in battle
as it can only splash around.
As a result, it is considered to be weak.However, it is actually a very hardy
POKéMON that can survive in any body of
water no matter how polluted it is."
129,9,9,"Its swimming muscles are weak, so it is
easily washed away by currents. In places
where water pools, you can see many
MAGIKARP deposited there by the flow."
129,10,9,"It is virtually worthless in terms of both
power and speed. It is the most weak and
pathetic POKéMON in the world."
129,11,9,"In the distant past, it was somewhat
stronger than the horribly weak
descendants that exist today."
129,12,9,"It is said to be the worlds
weakest Pokémon. No one knows why
it has managed to survive."
129,13,9,"It is unable to swim against even
slow-moving currents. It always
splashes about for some reason."
129,14,9,"A MAGIKARP living for many years
can leap a mountain using Splash.
The move remains useless, though."
129,15,9,"An underpowered, pathetic Pokémon.
It may jump high on rare occasions,
but usually not more than seven feet."
129,16,9,"For no reason, it jumps and splashes
about, making it easy for predators
like PIDGEOTTO to catch it mid-jump."
129,17,5,"Un vénérable Magicarpe peut
franchir une montagne en utilisant
Trempette. Mais cest tout..."
129,17,9,"A Magikarp living for many years
can leap a mountain using Splash.
The move remains useless, though."
129,18,5,"Un vénérable Magicarpe peut
franchir une montagne en utilisant
Trempette. Mais cest tout..."
129,18,9,"A Magikarp living for many years
can leap a mountain using Splash.
The move remains useless, though."
129,21,9,"A Magikarp living for many years
can leap a mountain using Splash.
The move remains useless, though."
129,22,9,"A Magikarp living for many years
can leap a mountain using Splash.
The move remains useless, though."
129,23,1,"ちからも スピードも ほとんどダメ。
せかいで いちばん よわくて
なさけない ポケモンだ。"
129,23,3,"힘도 스피드도 거의 없다.
세상에서 가장 약하고
한심한 포켓몬이다."
129,23,5,"Magicarpe manque totalement de vitesse et de force.
Cest le Pokémon le plus pathétique sur terre."
129,23,6,"Es ist nutzlos, was Kraft und Geschwindigkeit
angeht. Dieses ist das schwächste
und erbärmlichste Pokémon der Welt."
129,23,7,"No es precisamente rápido ni fuerte. Es el Pokémon
más debilucho y simplón de todos los que hay."
129,23,8,"La sua forza e velocità sono praticamente nulle.
Si può tranquillamente definire il più debole e patetico
Pokémon del mondo."
129,23,9,"It is virtually worthless in terms of both power and
speed. It is the most weak and pathetic Pokémon
in the world."
129,23,11,"力も スピードも ほとんど ダメ。
世界で 一番 弱くて
情けない ポケモンだ。"
129,24,1,"おおむかしは まだ もうすこし
つよかったらしい。しかし いまは
かなしいくらいに よわいのだ。"
129,24,3,"아주 먼 옛날에는 좀 더
강했던 것 같다. 그러나 지금은
안쓰러울 정도로 약하다."
129,24,5,"La puissance de cette créature a beaucoup régressé
au fil des siècles."
129,24,6,"Die urzeitlichen Vorfahren dieses Pokémon waren
sehr viel stärker als ihre heutigen Nachkommen."
129,24,7,"En un pasado lejano, era más fuerte de lo que hoy
son sus débiles descendientes."
129,24,8,"Anticamente era molto più forte dellodierno
discendente, che è debolissimo."
129,24,9,"In the distant past, it was somewhat stronger than
the horribly weak descendants that exist today."
129,24,11,"大昔は まだ もう少し
強かったらしい。しかし 今は
悲しいくらいに 弱いのだ。"
129,25,1,"はねる ことしか しない なさけない ポケモン。
なぜ はねるのか しらべた けんきゅうしゃが
いるほど とにかく はねて はねて はねまくる。"
129,25,3,"튀어 오르기만 하는 한심한 포켓몬이다.
왜 튀어 오르는지 조사한 연구자가
있을 정도로 무조건 튀고 튀고 튀어 오르기만 한다."
129,25,5,"Magicarpe est un Pokémon ridicule qui ne sait faire que
des ronds dans leau ou se laisser porter par les courants.
Son comportement a donné envie aux savants détudier
son cas."
129,25,6,"Karpador ist ein armseliges Pokémon, das nur platschen kann.
Sein merkwürdiges Verhalten hat so manchen Wissenschaftler
zum Forschen angeregt."
129,25,7,"Magikarp es el triste ejemplo de un Pokémon capaz
únicamente de saltar y salpicar. Esta conducta llevó a
científicos a estudiarlo en profundidad."
129,25,8,"Magikarp è un patetico esempio di Pokémon capace soltanto
di dimenarsi e sguazzare. La natura di questo comportamento
inutile è oggetto di studi da parte del mondo scientifico."
129,25,9,"Magikarp is a pathetic excuse for a Pokémon that is only
capable of flopping and splashing. This behavior prompted
scientists to undertake research into it."
129,25,11,"跳ねる ことしか しない 情けない ポケモン。
なぜ 跳ねるのか 調べた 研究者が
いるほど とにかく 跳ねて 跳ねて 跳ねまくる。"
129,26,1,"はねている だけで まんぞくに たたかえないため
よわいと おもわれているが どんなに よごれた
みずでも くらせる しぶとい ポケモンなのだ。"
129,26,3,"튀어오르기만으로는 만족스럽게 싸울 수 없어서
약하다고 여겨지고 있지만 아무리 더러워진
물에서라도 살 수 있는 끈질긴 포켓몬이다."
129,26,5,"Magicarpe est virtuellement inutile en combat. Il se contente
de faire des ronds dans leau. On le considère plutôt faible.
Pourtant, ce Pokémon est très robuste et peut survivre
dans nimporte quel environnement, même très pollué."
129,26,6,"Karpador ist im Kampf praktisch nutzlos, da es nur
platschen kann. Daher wird es als schwach eingeschätzt.
Es ist aber tatsächlich sehr robust und kann in jedem
Gewässer überleben, egal, wie verseucht dieses ist."
129,26,7,"Magikarp es prácticamente inútil en combate; solo sirve para
salpicar, y se le considera muy débil. Con todo, en realidad
es un Pokémon muy resistente. Sobrevive en cualquier medio
acuático, aunque esté contaminado."
129,26,8,"Nella lotta Magikarp è inutile, poiché può solo sguazzare.
Infatti è considerato debole. In realtà si tratta di un Pokémon
molto robusto che sopravvive in tutte le acque, anche le più
129,26,9,"Magikarp is virtually useless in battle as it can only splash
around. As a result, it is considered to be weak. However,
it is actually a very hardy Pokémon that can survive in any
body of water no matter how polluted it is."
129,26,11,"跳ねている だけで 満足に 戦えないため
弱いと 思われているが どんなに 汚れた
水でも 暮らせる しぶとい ポケモンなのだ。"
129,27,1,"ちからは よわく たよりないのに
はんしょくりょくだけ ものすごい。
あきるほど みかけるぞ。"
129,27,3,"힘은 약하고 믿음직스럽지 못하지만
번식력만은 엄청나다.
질릴 정도로 눈에 띈다."
129,27,5,"Ce Pokémon est faible et ne sait pas faire
grand-chose à part se multiplier à toute allure.
On en trouve à ne plus savoir quen faire."
129,27,6,"Es ist schwach und unzuverlässig, aber es
vermehrt sich unglaublich schnell. Deshalb
trifft man es auch öfter an, als einem lieb ist."
129,27,7,"Es muy débil y de poca utilidad, aunque su
capacidad reproductora resulta abrumadora.
Lo normal es encontrar Magikarp por doquier."
129,27,8,"È debole e indifeso, ma è particolarmente
prolifico. Se ne vedono talmente tanti in giro
che vengono a noia."
129,27,9,"Although weak and helpless, this Pokémon is
incredibly fertile. They exist in such multitudes,
youll soon grow tired of seeing them."
129,27,11,"力は 弱く 頼りないのに
繁殖力だけ 物凄い。
飽きるほど みかけるぞ。"
129,28,1,"むやみに はねて すぐ おそわれるが
コイキングの おかげで おおくの
ポケモンが いきのびられると いう。"
129,28,3,"무턱대고 튀어 올라서 바로 공격당하지만
잉어킹 덕분에 많은 포켓몬이
살아남을 수 있다고 한다."
129,28,5,"Il bondit hors de leau sans faire attention et se
fait attraper par toutes sortes de Pokémon.
Beaucoup despèces dépendent de cette manne."
129,28,6,"Da es immer nur leichtsinnig herumplatscht,
ist es leichte Beute für hungrige Pokémon.
Für viele ist es daher ein Lebensretter."
129,28,7,"Como lo único que hace es chapotear en el
agua, resulta una presa fácil. Gracias a esto,
muchos otros Pokémon pueden sobrevivir."
129,28,8,"Non fa che sguazzare senza cautela. Questa
abitudine lo rende una facile preda e garantisce
la sopravvivenza di molti altri Pokémon."
129,28,9,"Its reckless leaps make it easy pickings for
predators. On the bright side, many Pokémon
enjoy longer life spans, thanks to Magikarp."
129,28,11,"無闇に 跳ねて すぐ 襲われるが
コイキングの おかげで 多くの
ポケモンが 生き延びられると いう。"
129,29,1,"はるか おおむかしは それなりに
つよかったが ときが たつに つれて
どんどんどんどん よわくなっていった。"
129,29,3,"먼 옛날에는 그럭저럭
강한 편이었으나
시간이 흐르면서 점점 약해졌다."
129,29,5,"Il y a fort, fort longtemps, il était relativement
puissant. Il est toutefois devenu de plus en plus
nul au fil du temps."
129,29,6,"Vor langer, langer Zeit war es anscheinend
ziemlich stark, doch es wurde zusehends
schwächer und schwächer."
129,29,7,"Al parecer, en la antigüedad había gozado de
gran fuerza, pero con el paso del tiempo se ha
ido debilitando hasta su estado actual."
129,29,8,"Anticamente Magikarp era piuttosto forte, ma
col tempo è diventato sempre più debole."
129,29,9,"In the distant past, they were fairly strong, but
they have become gradually weaker over time."
129,29,11,"遥か 大昔は それなりに 
強かったが 時が 経つに つれて
どんどんどんどん 弱くなっていった。"
129,30,1,"せいめいりょくが つよく きたない
みずでも へっちゃら。 せかいじゅうの
みずべに せいそく しているぞ。"
129,30,3,"생명력이 강해서 더러운
물이라도 문제없다. 전 세계의
물가에 서식하고 있다."
129,30,5,"Sa survie ne dépendant pas de la salubrité
des eaux dans lesquelles il nage, on rencontre
ce Pokémon aux quatre coins du monde."
129,30,6,"Unbekümmert strotzt es selbst in verseuchten
Gewässern nur so vor Lebenskraft. Man findet
es in allen Teilen der Welt in Ufernähe."
129,30,7,"Su resistencia le permite vivir en las aguas más
turbias. Por eso se los puede ver nadando en
cualquier lugar del mundo."
129,30,8,"È molto resistente e può sopravvivere anche
nelle acque più sporche. Se ne trovano nelle
acque di tutto il mondo."
129,30,9,"Thanks to their strong hold on life, dirty water
doesnt bother them at all. They live in waters
all over the world!"
129,30,11,"生命力が 強く 汚い
水でも へっちゃら。 世界中の
水辺に 生息 しているぞ。"
129,31,1,"たよりないので ゆうめいなポケモン。
うみ かわ いけ みずたまり
いたるところを およいでいる。"
129,31,3,"못 미덥기로 유명한 포켓몬.
바다, 강, 연못, 물웅덩이 등
다양한 곳에서 헤엄치고 있다."
129,31,5,"Célèbre pour son inutilité, on en trouve
beaucoup dans les océans, les étangs,
les rivières et même les flaques deau."
129,31,6,"Karpador ist für seine Nutzlosigkeit bekannt.
Ob Meer, Fluss, See oder Pfütze, es schwimmt
durch die verschiedensten Gewässer."
129,31,7,"Famoso por su ineptitud. Nada en todo tipo de
aguas, ya sean mares, lagos, ríos o charcas."
129,31,8,"È famoso per la sua debolezza. Lo si vede
comunemente nuotare nel mare, nei fiumi,
nei laghi e in qualsiasi altra pozza dacqua."
129,31,9,"Famous for being very unreliable. It can be
found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers,
and shallow puddles."
129,31,11,"頼りないので 有名なポケモン。
海 川 池 水たまり
至るところを 泳いでいる。"
129,32,1,"たよりないので ゆうめいなポケモン。
うみ かわ いけ みずたまり
いたるところを およいでいる。"
129,32,3,"못 미덥기로 유명한 포켓몬.
바다, 강, 연못, 물웅덩이 등
다양한 곳에서 헤엄치고 있다."
129,32,5,"Célèbre pour son inutilité, on en trouve
beaucoup dans les océans, les étangs,
les rivières et même les flaques deau."
129,32,6,"Karpador ist für seine Nutzlosigkeit bekannt.
Ob Meer, Fluss, See oder Pfütze, es schwimmt
durch die verschiedensten Gewässer."
129,32,7,"Famoso por su ineptitud. Nada en todo tipo de
aguas, ya sean mares, lagos, ríos o charcas."
129,32,8,"È famoso per la sua debolezza. Lo si vede
comunemente nuotare nel mare, nei fiumi,
nei laghi e in qualsiasi altra pozza dacqua."
129,32,9,"Famous for being very unreliable. It can be
found swimming in seas, lakes, rivers,
and shallow puddles."
129,32,11,"頼りないので 有名なポケモン。
海 川 池 水たまり
至るところを 泳いでいる。"
129,33,1,"ちからも スピードも ほとんどダメ。
せかいで いちばん よわくて
なさけない ポケモンだ。"
129,33,3,"힘도 스피드도 거의 없다.
세상에서 가장 약하고
한심한 포켓몬이다."
129,33,5,"Il manque totalement de vitesse et de force.
Cest le Pokémon le plus pathétique au monde."
129,33,6,"Es ist nutzlos, was Kraft und Geschwindigkeit
angeht. Dieses Pokémon ist das schwächste und
erbärmlichste der Welt."
129,33,7,"Es el Pokémon más débil y patético que existe,
con una fuerza y velocidad prácticamente nulas."
129,33,8,"La sua forza e velocità sono praticamente nulle.
Si può tranquillamente definire il più debole e
patetico Pokémon del mondo."
129,33,9,"It is virtually worthless in terms of both power
and speed. It is the most weak and pathetic
Pokémon in the world."
129,33,11,"力も スピードも ほとんどダメ。
世界で 一番 弱くて
情けない ポケモンだ。"
129,34,1,"ながれの はやい ところでは
ただ ながされて いくだけの
ひよわで なさけない ポケモン。"
129,34,3,"유속이 빠른 곳에서는
그저 떠내려갈 뿐인
약하고 한심한 포켓몬이다."
129,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est si faible que, dans les eaux
à forts courants, il se contente de se laisser
porter lamentablement."
129,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist so schwach und erbärmlich,
dass es sich in Gewässern mit starker Strömung
einfach vom Wasser treiben lässt."
129,34,7,"Este Pokémon débil y patético se limita a dejarse
llevar por la corriente cuando esta tiene fuerza."
129,34,8,"Un Pokémon debole e patetico: non fa che
lasciarsi trascinare dove lo porta la corrente."
129,34,9,"This weak and pathetic Pokémon gets easily
pushed along rivers when there are strong currents."
129,34,11,"流れの 速い ところでは
ただ 流されて いくだけの
ひ弱で 情けない ポケモン。"
130,1,9,"Rarely seen in
the wild. Huge
and vicious, itis capable of
destroying entire
cities in a rage."
130,2,9,"Rarely seen in
the wild. Huge
and vicious, itis capable of
destroying entire
cities in a rage."
130,3,9,"Brutally vicious
and enormously
destructive.Known for totally
destroying cities
in ancient times."
130,4,9,"They say that
during past wars,
GYARADOS wouldappear and leave
blazing ruins in
its wake."
130,5,9,"Once it appears,
it goes on a ram­
page. It remainsenraged until it
demolishes every­
thing around it."
130,6,9,"It appears when­
ever there is
world conflict,burning down any
place it travels
130,7,9,"When MAGIKARP evolves into GYARADOS,
its brain cells undergo a structural
transformation. It is said that thistransformation is to blame for this
POKéMONs wildly violent nature."
130,8,9,"Once GYARADOS goes on a rampage, its
ferociously violent blood doesnt calm
until it has burned everything down.There are records of this POKéMONs
rampages lasting a whole month."
130,9,9,"It is an extremely vicious and violent
POKéMON. When humans begin to fight,
it will appear and burn everything to the
ground with intensely hot flames."
130,10,9,"It has an extremely aggressive nature.
The HYPER BEAM it shoots from its mouth
totally incinerates all targets."
130,11,9,"Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious,
it is capable of destroying entire cities
in a rage."
130,12,9,"Once it appears, its rage never
settles until it has razed the
fields and mountains around it."
130,13,9,"In ancient literature, there is a
record of a GYARADOS that razed
a village when violence flared."
130,14,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a
GYARADOS will burn everything
down, even in a harsh storm."
130,15,9,"They say that during past strife,
GYARADOS would appear and leave
blazing ruins in its wake."
130,16,9,"Once it appears, it goes on a rampage.
It remains enraged until it
demolishes everything around it."
130,17,5,"Quand il se laisse emporter par la
rage, il ne se calme quaprès avoir
détruit tout ce qui lentoure."
130,17,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a
Gyarados will burn everything
down, even in a harsh storm."
130,18,5,"Quand il se laisse emporter par la
rage, il ne se calme quaprès avoir
détruit tout ce qui lentoure."
130,18,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a
Gyarados will burn everything
down, even in a harsh storm."
130,21,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a
Gyarados will burn everything
down, even in a harsh storm."
130,22,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a
Gyarados will burn everything
down, even in a harsh storm."
130,23,1,"あらそいの おこった むらを
やきつくしたという きろくが
こもんじょに のこされている。"
130,23,3,"분쟁이 일어난 마을을
다 태워버렸다는 기록이
고문서에 남아 있다."
130,23,5,"La littérature ancienne fait état dun Léviator qui
aurait rasé un village sous le coup de la colère."
130,23,6,"In alten Schriften wird von einem Garados berichtet,
das in einem Wutanfall ein Dorf zerstörte."
130,23,7,"En la literatura antigua se dice que un Gyarados
rebosante de violencia arrasó un poblado."
130,23,8,"Un antico documento riporta che Gyarados rase al
suolo un villaggio in cui dilagava la violenza."
130,23,9,"In ancient literature, there is a record of a Gyarados
that razed a village when violence flared."
130,23,11,"争いの 起こった 村を
焼きつくしたという 記録が
古文書に 残されている。"
130,24,1,"めったに すがたを あらわさないが
ひとたび あばれだすと おおきな
としが かいめつする ときもある。"
130,24,3,"거의 모습을 드러내지 않지만
한번 날뛰면 커다란 도시가
괴멸하는 경우도 있다."
130,24,5,"Gigantesque et maléfique, il est capable de raser
une ville entière dans un accès de rage."
130,24,6,"Ein gigantisches, sehr kraftvolles Pokémon.
Es ist fähig, ganze Städte zu zerstören."
130,24,7,"No es frecuente verlo en su medio. Es enorme y
malvado, y capaz de destruir ciudades enteras de
un ataque."
130,24,8,"Poco comune allo stato selvatico. Enorme e cattivo,
può distruggere intere città con un solo attacco."
130,24,9,"Rarely seen in the wild. Huge and vicious, it is
capable of destroying entire cities in a rage."
130,24,11,"めったに 姿を 現さないが
ひとたび 暴れ出すと 大きな
都市が 壊滅するときもある。"
130,25,1,"コイキングから ギャラドスに しんかする とき
のうさいぼうの こうぞうが くみかわる ために
せいかくが きょうぼうに なると いわれている。"
130,25,3,"잉어킹에서 갸라도스로 진화할 때
뇌세포의 구조가 재구성되기 때문에
성격이 난폭해진다고 전해진다."
130,25,5,"Quand Magicarpe évolue et devient Léviator, la structure de
ses cellules cérébrales est modifiée. On pense que lextrême
violence de ce Pokémon découle de cette modification."
130,25,6,"Wenn sich Karpador zu Garados entwickelt, durchlaufen
seine Gehirnzellen eine strukturelle Veränderung, was wohl
der Grund für die zügellose, gewalttätige Natur dieses
Pokémon ist."
130,25,7,"Cuando Magikarp evoluciona y se convierte en Gyarados,
sufre un cambio estructural en las células del cerebro. Dicen
que esa transformación es la causa de la naturaleza violenta
y salvaje de este Pokémon."
130,25,8,"Quando Magikarp si evolve in Gyarados, le cellule cerebrali
subiscono una trasformazione strutturale che presumibilmente
determina la natura selvaggia e violenta di questo Pokémon."
130,25,9,"When Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, its brain cells undergo a
structural transformation. It is said that this transformation is to
blame for this Pokémons wildly violent nature."
130,25,11,"コイキングから ギャラドスに 進化する とき
脳細胞の 構造が 組替わる ために
性格が 凶暴に なると いわれている。"
130,26,1,"いちど あばれはじめると すべてを もやさないと
きょうぼうな ちが おさまらなく なってしまう。
ひとつき あばれつづけた きろくが のこる。"
130,26,3,"한 번 날뛰기 시작하면 모든 것을
불태워야 난폭한 피가 가라앉는다.
한 달간을 날뛴 기록이 남아 있다."
130,26,5,"Lorsque Léviator commence à sénerver, sa nature violente
ne se calme quune fois quil a tout réduit en cendres.
La fureur de ce Pokémon peut durer pendant un mois."
130,26,6,"Wenn Garados in Rage gerät, ist sein wildes Blut kaum zu
beruhigen, bis es alles niedergebrannt hat. Aufzeichnungen
belegen, dass die Zerstörungswut dieses Pokémon einen
ganzen Monat anhalten kann."
130,26,7,"Una vez que Gyarados se desmanda, la presión incontrolable
y enrabiada de la sangre no se le calmará hasta que no haya
quemado todo lo que le rodea. Según parece, a este
Pokémon le duran los arranques de cólera hasta un mes."
130,26,8,"Quando Gyarados sinfuria, la sua indole feroce e violenta
non si placa finché non ha incendiato ogni cosa. Ci sono
testimonianze di sfuriate di questo Pokémon durate anche
un mese intero."
130,26,9,"Once Gyarados goes on a rampage, its ferociously violent
blood doesnt calm until it has burned everything down.
There are records of this Pokémons rampages lasting a
whole month."
130,26,11,"一度 暴れ始めると すべてを 燃やさないと
凶暴な 血が 収まらなく なってしまう。
ひと月 暴れ続けた 記録が 残る。"
130,27,1,"ギャラドスを おこらせた あるまちは
ひとばんの うちに やきつくされ
あとかたも なくなったと いわれる。"
130,27,3,"갸라도스를 화나게 한 어떤 마을은
하룻밤 만에 다 타버려서
흔적도 없어졌다고 전해진다."
130,27,5,"Il existe une légende à propos dune ville qui a
mis un Léviator en colère et qui a été réduite
en cendres en une nuit."
130,27,6,"Es heißt, es habe eine ganze Stadt, deren
Bewohner es verärgert hatten, über Nacht
vollständig in Schutt und Asche gelegt."
130,27,7,"Cuentan que un Gyarados se enfadó tanto que
arrasó un poblado en una sola noche y no dejó
ni rastro."
130,27,8,"Si racconta che Gyarados, infuriato contro gli
abitanti di una città, la incenerì nel giro di
una notte."
130,27,9,"A tale is told of a town that angered Gyarados.
Before the sun rose the next day, flames utterly
consumed the town, leaving not a trace behind."
130,27,11,"ギャラドスを 怒らせた ある街は
一晩の うちに 焼き尽くされ
跡形も なくなったと いわれる。"
130,28,1,"ギャラドスが あらわれる ばしょは
はかいされる さだめに あると
しんじている ひとも いる。"
130,28,3,"갸라도스가 나타난 장소는
파괴될 운명이라고
믿고 있는 사람도 있다."
130,28,5,"Certaines personnes croient que les endroits où
un Léviator apparaît sont destinés à connaître
la destruction."
130,28,6,"Manche Menschen sind fest davon überzeugt,
dass Orte, an denen ein Garados erscheint,
dem Untergang geweiht sind."
130,28,7,"Alguna gente cree que aquellos lugares donde
aparece Gyarados están abocados a la
130,28,8,"Secondo alcuni, i luoghi dove appare Gyarados
sono destinati alla distruzione."
130,28,9,"There are people who swear that any place
Gyarados appears is fated for destruction."
130,28,11,"ギャラドスが 現れる 場所は
破壊される 定めに あると
信じている 人も いる。"
130,29,1,"はかいこうせんを はきまくり
あたり いちめんを やきつくす。
はかいのかみと よぶ ちほうもある。"
130,29,3,"파괴광선을 무자비하게 쏘아
주변 일대를 태워 버린다.
파괴의 신이라고 부르는 지방도 있다."
130,29,5,"Avec son Ultralaser, il anéantit dimmenses
étendues. Dans ces régions dévastées, il est
surnommé «le dieu de la destruction»."
130,29,6,"Mit seinem Hyperstrahl legt es die Umgebung
in Schutt und Asche. Manchmal wird es auch
als „Gottheit der Zerstörung“ bezeichnet."
130,29,7,"Allí donde alcanza su Hiperrayo la tierra queda
carbonizada por completo. En algunas regiones
lo consideran una deidad destructiva."
130,29,8,"Incenerisce tutto ciò che lo circonda usando
Iper Raggio. In alcune regioni ci si riferiva
a lui con il nome di “dio della distruzione”."
130,29,9,"It fires hyper beams in all directions, burning the
surrounding area to ash. There are some regions
where its called “the deity of destruction.”"
130,29,11,"破壊光線を はきまくり
あたり 一面を 焼き尽くす。
破壊の神と 呼ぶ 地方もある。"
130,30,1,"しんか エネルギーが のうさいぼうを
つよく しげきした けっか とても
きょうぼうな せいかくに へんかした。"
130,30,3,"진화 에너지가 뇌세포를
강하게 자극한 결과 매우
난폭한 성격으로 변화했다."
130,30,5,"Lénergie libérée au moment de son évolution
a fortement stimulé ses cellules cérébrales
et causé son tempérament pour le moins violent."
130,30,6,"Die bei der Entwicklung freigesetzte Energie
stimuliert seine Gehirnzellen und verleiht ihm
eine sehr zügellose, gewalttätige Natur."
130,30,7,"La energía desprendida durante la evolución
afecta de forma irreversible sus neuronas,
dando origen a su agresividad manifiesta."
130,30,8,"La sua natura estremamente violenta è dovuta ai
forti stimoli subiti dalle sue cellule cerebrali a
causa dellenergia sprigionatasi con levoluzione."
130,30,9,"The energy from evolution stimulated its brain
cells strongly, causing it to become
very ferocious."
130,30,11,"進化 エネルギーが 脳細胞を
強く 刺激した 結果 とても
凶暴な 性格に 変化した。"
130,31,1,"やばんで はかいてきな せいかく。
おおむかし まちを やきつくした
きろくがある きょうふのポケモン。"
130,31,3,"야만스럽고 파괴적인 성격이다.
먼 옛날 마을을 불태워버렸다는
기록이 있는 공포의 포켓몬."
130,31,5,"Brutal et dangereux, il est connu pour avoir rasé
des villes entières par le passé."
130,31,6,"Garados ist brutal und zerstörungswütig. Es hat
Aufzeichnungen zufolge in alten Zeiten ganze
Städte in Schutt und Asche gelegt."
130,31,7,"Este Pokémon tan salvaje como destructivo es
conocido por haber reducido a escombros
ciudades enteras en el pasado."
130,31,8,"Pokémon brutale e feroce, è famoso per aver
ridotto in cenere intere città nel passato."
130,31,9,"Brutally vicious and enormously destructive.
Known for totally destroying cities in
ancient times."
130,31,11,"野蛮で 破壊的な 性格。
大昔 町を 焼き尽くした
記録がある 恐怖のポケモン。"
130,32,1,"やばんで はかいてきな せいかく。
おおむかし まちを やきつくした
きろくがある きょうふのポケモン。"
130,32,3,"야만스럽고 파괴적인 성격이다.
먼 옛날 마을을 불태워버렸다는
기록이 있는 공포의 포켓몬."
130,32,5,"Brutal et dangereux, il est connu pour avoir rasé
des villes entières par le passé."
130,32,6,"Garados ist brutal und zerstörungswütig. Es hat
Aufzeichnungen zufolge in alten Zeiten ganze
Städte in Schutt und Asche gelegt."
130,32,7,"Este Pokémon tan salvaje como destructivo es
conocido por haber reducido a escombros
ciudades enteras en el pasado."
130,32,8,"Pokémon brutale e feroce, è famoso per aver
ridotto in cenere intere città nel passato."
130,32,9,"Brutally vicious and enormously destructive.
Known for totally destroying cities in
ancient times."
130,32,11,"野蛮で 破壊的な 性格。
大昔 町を 焼き尽くした
記録がある 恐怖のポケモン。"
130,33,1,"ひじょうに きょうぼうな せいかく。
くちからだす はかいこうせんは
すべてのものを やきつくす。"
130,33,3,"성격이 매우 흉포하다.
입에서 나오는 파괴광선은
모든 것을 태워버린다."
130,33,5,"Il est dune nature très agressive.
Les lasers quil tire de sa bouche sont capables
de désintégrer nimporte quelle cible."
130,33,6,"Es ist von Natur aus sehr aggressiv.
Der Hyperstrahl, den es aus seinem Maul
verschießt, äschert seine Gegner ein."
130,33,7,"Es exageradamente agresivo. El Hiperrayo que
lanza por la boca reduce a cenizas todo lo que
130,33,8,"Pokémon estremamente aggressivo, incenerisce
ogni cosa con lIper Raggio che spara dalla
130,33,9,"It has an extremely aggressive nature.
The Hyper Beam it shoots from its mouth
totally incinerates all targets."
130,33,11,"非常に 狂暴な 性格。
口から出す 破壊光線は
すべてのものを 焼きつくす。"
130,34,1,"いちど あばれだした ギャラドスは
あらしが ふきすさんでいようとも
どんなものでも やきつくしてしまう。"
130,34,3,"한번 난동부리기 시작한 갸라도스는
태풍이 사납게 휘몰아쳐도
모든 것을 다 태워버린다."
130,34,5,"Quand il se laisse emporter par la rage,
même la plus violente des tempêtes ne peut
lempêcher de détruire tout ce qui lentoure."
130,34,6,"Wütet ein Garados, wird es alles niederbrennen.
Dies geschieht selbst während eines Sturms."
130,34,7,"Cuando monta en cólera, puede quemarlo todo,
incluso en medio de la más violenta tormenta."
130,34,8,"Quando va su tutte le furie, incenerisce ogni
cosa, anche nel mezzo di un violento temporale."
130,34,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn
everything down, even in a harsh storm."
130,34,11,"一度 暴れだした ギャラドスは
嵐が 吹き荒んでいようとも
どんなものでも 焼きつくしてしまう。"
131,1,9,"A POKéMON that
has been over­
hunted almost toextinction. It
can ferry people
across the water."
131,2,9,"A POKéMON that
has been over­
hunted almost toextinction. It
can ferry people
across the water."
131,3,9,"A gentle soul that
can read the minds
of people. It canferry people
across the sea on
its back."
131,4,9,"They have gentle
hearts. Because
they rarely fight,many have been
caught. Their num­
ber has dwindled."
131,5,9,"It ferries people
across the sea on
its back. It maysing an enchanting
cry if it is in a
good mood."
131,6,9,"This gentle
POKéMON loves to
give people ridesand provides a ve­
ry comfortable way
to get around."
131,7,9,"People have driven LAPRAS almost to the
point of extinction. In the evenings,
this POKéMON is said to sing plaintivelyas it seeks what few others of its kind
still remain."
131,8,9,"People have driven LAPRAS almost to the
point of extinction. In the evenings,
this POKéMON is said to sing plaintivelyas it seeks what few others of its kind
still remain."
131,9,9,"People have driven LAPRAS almost to the
point of extinction. In the evenings,
it is said to sing plaintively as it seeks
what few others of its kind still remain."
131,10,9,"Its high intelligence enables it to
understand human speech. It likes to ferry
people on its back."
131,11,9,"A POKéMON that has been overhunted
almost to extinction. It can ferry people
on its back."
131,12,9,"It loves crossing the sea with
people and Pokémon on its back.
It understands human speech."
131,13,9,"It loves crossing the sea with
people and Pokémon on its back.
It understands human speech."
131,14,9,"It loves crossing the sea with
people and Pokémon on its back.
It understands human speech."
131,15,9,"They have gentle hearts. Because
they rarely fight, many have been
caught. Their number has dwindled."
131,16,9,"It ferries people across the sea on
its back. It may sing an enchanting
cry if it is in a good mood."
131,17,5,"Il aime naviguer en portant des
humains et des Pokémon sur son
dos. Il comprend le langage humain."
131,17,9,"It loves crossing the sea with
people and Pokémon on its back.
It understands human speech."
131,18,5,"Il aime naviguer en portant des
humains et des Pokémon sur son
dos. Il comprend le langage humain."
131,18,9,"It loves crossing the sea with
people and Pokémon on its back.
It understands human speech."
131,21,9,"Able to understand human speech
and very intelligent, it loves to swim
in the sea with people on its back."
131,22,9,"Able to understand human speech
and very intelligent, it loves to swim
in the sea with people on its back."
131,23,1,"やさしい こころの もちぬし。
めったに あらそわないため たくさん
つかまえられ かずが へった。"
131,23,3,"부드러운 마음의 소유자다.
좀처럼 다투지 않아 많이
잡혔기 때문에 수가 줄었다."
131,23,5,"Ils sont dune nature gentille. Comme ils se défendent
rarement, ils sont en voie dextinction."
131,23,6,"Sie sind gutmütig. Da sie selten kämpfen,
wurden sie oft gefangen. Ihre Anzahl ist
stark reduziert."
131,23,7,"Son buenos de corazón. Muchos fueron capturados
por ser tan pacíficos. Ahora hay muchos menos."
131,23,8,"Sono buoni danimo e lottano di rado, così molti
di loro sono facili prede: sono stati decimati."
131,23,9,"They have gentle hearts. Because they rarely
fight, many have been caught. Their number
has dwindled."
131,23,11,"優しい 心の 持ち主。
めったに 争わないため たくさん
捕まえられ 数が 減った。"
131,24,1,"ひとの ことばを りかいする たかい
ちのうを もつ。うみの うえを
ひとを のせて すすむのが すき。"
131,24,3,"사람의 말을 이해하는 높은 지능을
가지고 있다. 사람을 태우고
바다를 건너는 것을 좋아한다."
131,24,5,"Son intelligence lui permet de comprendre le langage
des humains. Il adore promener les gens sur son dos."
131,24,6,"Aufgrund seiner hohen Intelligenz kann es
die menschliche Sprache verstehen. Es mag es,
Menschen auf seinem Rücken zu transportieren."
131,24,7,"Tiene un coeficiente intelectual tan alto que puede
entender el lenguaje humano. Le encanta llevar a
gente sobre el lomo."
131,24,8,"La sua intelligenza gli permette di comprendere il
linguaggio degli umani, che ama trasportare sul suo
131,24,9,"Its high intelligence enables it to understand human
speech. It likes to ferry people on its back."
131,24,11,"人の 言葉を 理解する 高い
知能を 持つ。海の 上を
人を 乗せて 進むのが 好き。"
131,25,1,"ひとが ぜつめつの ききに おいこんでしまった。
ゆうぐれどきになると すくなくなった なかまを
さがして かなしそうな こえで うたうと いう。"
131,25,3,"사람이 멸종의 위기로 몰아갔다.
석양이 내리면 수가 줄어든 동료를
찾아 슬픈 목소리로 노래한다고 한다."
131,25,5,"Les Lokhlass sont en voie dextinction. Le soir, on entend
ce Pokémon chantonner une complainte mélancolique,
espérant retrouver ses rares congénères."
131,25,6,"Die Menschen sind dafür verantwortlich, dass Lapras fast
ausgestorben wäre. Abends singt es traurige Klagelieder,
da nur noch wenige seiner Artgenossen übrig sind."
131,25,7,"Por culpa de la gente, Lapras está casi en extinción. Dicen
que, al anochecer, se pone a cantar quejicoso mientras busca
a los miembros de su especie que puedan quedar."
131,25,8,"Luomo ha portato Lapras alla sua quasi totale estinzione.
Si dice che la sera lo si senta cantare malinconico per
richiamare i suoi pochi simili ancora in vita."
131,25,9,"People have driven Lapras almost to the point of extinction.
In the evenings, this Pokémon is said to sing plaintively as it
seeks what few others of its kind still remain."
131,25,11,"人が 絶滅の 危機に 追い込んでしまった。
夕暮どきに なると 少なくなった 仲間を
探して 悲しそうな 声で 歌うと いう。"
131,26,1,"ひとが ぜつめつの ききに おいこんでしまった。
ゆうぐれどきになると すくなくなった なかまを
さがして かなしそうな こえで うたうと いう。"
131,26,3,"사람이 멸종의 위기로 몰아갔다.
석양이 내리면 수가 줄어든 동료를
찾아 슬픈 목소리로 노래한다고 한다."
131,26,5,"Les Lokhlass sont en voie dextinction. Le soir, on entend
ce Pokémon chantonner une complainte mélancolique,
espérant retrouver ses rares congénères."
131,26,6,"Die Menschen sind dafür verantwortlich, dass Lapras fast
ausgestorben wäre. Abends singt es traurige Klagelieder,
da nur noch wenige seiner Artgenossen übrig sind."
131,26,7,"Por culpa de la gente, Lapras está casi en extinción. Dicen
que, al anochecer, se pone a cantar quejicoso mientras busca
a los miembros de su especie que puedan quedar."
131,26,8,"Luomo ha portato Lapras alla sua quasi totale estinzione.
Si dice che la sera lo si senta cantare malinconico per
richiamare i suoi pochi simili ancora in vita."
131,26,9,"People have driven Lapras almost to the point of extinction.
In the evenings, this Pokémon is said to sing plaintively as
it seeks what few others of its kind still remain."
131,26,11,"人が 絶滅の 危機に 追い込んでしまった。
夕暮どきに なると 少なくなった 仲間を
探して 悲しそうな 声で 歌うと いう。"
131,27,1,"たかい ちのうを もち にんげんの
ことばを りかいする。 ごきげんに
なると うつくしい こえで うたう。"
131,27,3,"높은 지능을 가졌으며 인간의
말을 이해한다. 기분이 좋아지면
아름다운 목소리로 노래한다."
131,27,5,"Ce Pokémon est très intelligent et comprend
le langage humain. Quand il est de bonne
humeur, il chante avec une voix magnifique."
131,27,6,"Aufgrund seiner hohen Intelligenz kann es die
menschliche Sprache verstehen. Ist es gut
gelaunt, singt es mit wunderschöner Stimme."
131,27,7,"Es un Pokémon muy inteligente y comprende el
lenguaje humano. Cuando está de buen humor,
canta con su bella voz."
131,27,8,"È talmente intelligente da comprendere
il linguaggio degli esseri umani. Quando è di
buon umore, canta con la sua bellissima voce."
131,27,9,"Its high intelligence enables it to comprehend
human speech. When its in a good mood,
it sings in its beautiful voice."
131,27,11,"高い 知能を 持ち 人間の
言葉を 理解する。 ご機嫌に
なると 美しい 声で 歌う。"
131,28,1,"みつりょうで ぜつめつすんぜんに。
たいせつに ほご された けっか
ぎゃくに ふえすぎてきたという。"
131,28,3,"밀렵으로 멸종 위기에 처했다가
소중히 보호한 결과
오히려 수가 너무 늘었다고 한다."
131,28,5,"Il était en voie dextinction à cause de la pêche
illégale, mais après de stricts programmes de
protection, il y en a maintenant trop."
131,28,6,"Es wäre einst durch übermäßiges Fischen fast
ausgestorben. Durch ein strenges Abkommen
zum Artenschutz gibt es nun fast zu viele."
131,28,7,"Estuvo en peligro de extinción debido a la caza
ilegal. Sin embargo, desde que está protegido, la
población de Lapras ha crecido sin mesura."
131,28,8,"Le misure adottate per proteggerlo ne hanno
scongiurato il pericolo di estinzione, ma ha finito
per moltiplicarsi in modo eccessivo."
131,28,9,"These Pokémon were once near extinction due
to poaching. Following protective regulations,
there is now an overabundance of them."
131,28,11,"密漁で 絶滅寸前に。
大切に 保護 された 結果
逆に 増え過ぎてきたという。"
131,29,1,"ひとを のせて およぐのが すき。
アローラちほう では たいせつな
すいじょうの こうつう しゅだん。"
131,29,3,"사람을 태우고 헤엄치는 것을 좋아한다.
알로라지방에서는 소중한
수상 교통수단이다."
131,29,5,"Il prend plaisir à transporter des humains sur
son dos quand il nage. Les habitants dAlola
adorent ce moyen de transport."
131,29,6,"Da es liebend gerne beim Schwimmen Menschen
auf seinem Rücken trägt, gilt es in Alola als
bedeutendes Transportmittel."
131,29,7,"Debido a su buena disposición a llevar gente
sobre su lomo, ha terminado por convertirse en
un medio de transporte muy popular en Alola."
131,29,8,"Ama trasportare persone sul suo dorso.
Ad Alola, viaggiare in groppa a Lapras è un
modo molto popolare di spostarsi sullacqua."
131,29,9,"It likes swimming around with people on its
back. In the Alola region, its an important means
of transportation over water."
131,29,11,"人を 乗せて 泳ぐのが 好き。
アローラ地方 では 大切な
水上の 交通 手段。"
131,30,1,"たいせつに されすぎて ふえすぎた。
ラプラスが おおすぎる うみでは
さかなポケモンが へってきたという。"
131,30,3,"너무 소중히 여겨져서 수가 너무 늘었다.
라프라스가 너무 많은 바다에는
물고기포켓몬이 줄어든다고 한다."
131,30,5,"Cette espèce protégée a tellement proliféré que
les Pokémon poissons se font apparemment
plus rares dans les eaux peuplées de Lokhlass."
131,30,6,"Aufgrund eines Artenschutzabkommens gibt es
nun zu viele Lapras. In den betroffenen Meeren
sinkt daher das Vorkommen von Fisch-Pokémon."
131,30,7,"Desde que están protegidos, la población de
Lapras ha crecido sin mesura, a la par que la de
los Pokémon pez ha ido en descenso."
131,30,8,"Fin troppo protetto, ha finito per moltiplicarsi
in modo eccessivo e questo ha causato una
diminuzione dei Pokémon acquatici nei mari."
131,30,9,"Theyve been so cherished that theres now an
overabundance. The fish Pokémon population
has declined in waters with too many Lapras."
131,30,11,"大切に されすぎて 増えすぎた。
ラプラスが 多すぎる 海では
さかなポケモンが 減ってきたという。"
131,31,1,"にんげんの ことばを りかいする
やさしい こころの もちぬしだ。
せなかに のせて うみをゆく。"
131,31,3,"인간의 말을 이해하는
착한 마음의 소유자다.
사람을 등에 태우고 바다를 건넌다."
131,31,5,"Ce gentil Pokémon comprend le langage
humain. Il parcourt les mers en transportant
des gens sur son dos."
131,31,6,"Dieses freundliche Pokémon besitzt ein sanftes
Gemüt und versteht die Sprache der Menschen.
Auf seinem Rücken trägt es sie über das Meer."
131,31,7,"Este amable Pokémon es capaz de comprender
el lenguaje humano y deja que las personas
monten en él para navegar por el mar."
131,31,8,"Possiede un animo gentile e capisce il linguaggio
degli esseri umani. Trasporta le persone per
mare sul suo dorso."
131,31,9,"A gentle soul that can understand
human speech. It can ferry people across
the sea on its back."
131,31,11,"人間の 言葉を 理解する
優しい 心の 持ち主だ。
背中に 乗せて 海をゆく。"
131,32,1,"にんげんの ことばを りかいする
やさしい こころの もちぬしだ。
せなかに のせて うみをゆく。"
131,32,3,"인간의 말을 이해하는
착한 마음의 소유자다.
사람을 등에 태우고 바다를 건넌다."
131,32,5,"Ce gentil Pokémon comprend le langage
humain. Il parcourt les mers en transportant
des gens sur son dos."
131,32,6,"Dieses freundliche Pokémon besitzt ein sanftes
Gemüt und versteht die Sprache der Menschen.
Auf seinem Rücken trägt es sie über das Meer."
131,32,7,"Este amable Pokémon es capaz de comprender
el lenguaje humano y deja que las personas
monten en él para navegar por el mar."
131,32,8,"Possiede un animo gentile e capisce il linguaggio
degli esseri umani. Trasporta le persone per
mare sul suo dorso."
131,32,9,"A gentle soul that can understand
human speech. It can ferry people across
the sea on its back."
131,32,11,"人間の 言葉を 理解する
優しい 心の 持ち主だ。
背中に 乗せて 海をゆく。"
131,33,1,"かしこく こころやさしい ポケモン。
きれいな うたごえを ひびかせながら
うみのうえを およいで いく。"
131,33,3,"영리하고 마음 착한 포켓몬.
아름다운 소리로 노래 부르며
바다 위를 헤엄친다."
131,33,5,"Cest un Pokémon doux et intelligent.
Il vogue sur la mer en émettant un chant
131,33,6,"Ein intelligentes und herzensgutes Pokémon.
Während es auf dem Meer schwimmt, lässt es
seinen herrlichen Gesang erklingen."
131,33,7,"Este Pokémon posee una notable inteligencia y
un corazón de oro. Entona un canto melodioso
mientras surca el mar."
131,33,8,"È un Pokémon intelligente e dallanimo gentile.
Solca i mari facendo riecheggiare il suo canto
dolce e melodioso."
131,33,9,"A smart and kindhearted Pokémon,
it glides across the surface of the sea while
its beautiful song echoes around it."
131,33,11,"賢く 心優しい ポケモン。
きれいな 歌声を 響かせながら
海の上を 泳いで いく。"
131,34,1,"さむさに つよく こおりの うみも
へいき。 ひふは スベスベで
すこしだけ ひんやり しているよ。"
131,34,3,"추위에 강해서 얼음 바다에서도
끄떡없다. 피부는 매끈매끈하고
조금 차갑다."
131,34,5,"Il résiste bien aux très basses températures
et peut nager dans des mers glaciales.
Sa peau est lisse et légèrement froide au toucher."
131,34,6,"Es kommt gut mit Kälte zurecht und kann auch
in eisigen Meeren problemlos schwimmen.
Seine Haut fühlt sich glatt und kühl an."
131,34,7,"Nada sin problema en aguas heladas gracias a la
soberbia resistencia al frío que posee. Su tersa
piel es ligeramente fría al tacto."
131,34,8,"Resiste molto bene al freddo e si trova
a suo agio anche nei mari ghiacciati.
La sua pelle è liscia e fresca."
131,34,9,"Crossing icy seas is no issue for this
cold-resistant Pokémon. Its smooth skin
is a little cool to the touch."
131,34,11,"寒さに 強く 氷の 海も
平気。 皮膚は スベスベで
少しだけ ひんやり しているよ。"
132,1,9,"Capable of copying
an enemy's genetic
code to instantlytransform itself
into a duplicate
of the enemy."
132,2,9,"Capable of copying
an enemy's genetic
code to instantlytransform itself
into a duplicate
of the enemy."
132,3,9,"When it spots an
enemy, its body
transfigures intoan almost perfect
copy of its oppo­
132,4,9,"It can transform
into anything.
When it sleeps, itchanges into a
stone to avoid
being attacked."
132,5,9,"Its transformation
ability is per­
fect. However, ifmade to laugh, it
can't maintain its
132,6,9,"When it encount­
ers another DITTO,
it will movefaster than normal
to duplicate that
opponent exactly."
132,7,9,"DITTO rearranges its cell structure to
transform itself into other shapes.
However, if it tries to transform itselfinto something by relying on its memory,
this POKéMON manages to get details
132,8,9,"DITTO rearranges its cell structure to
transform itself into other shapes.
However, if it tries to transform itselfinto something by relying on its memory,
this POKéMON manages to get details
132,9,9,"A DITTO rearranges its cell structure to
transform itself. However, if it tries to
change based on its memory, it will get
details wrong."
132,10,9,"It can freely recombine its own cellular
structure to transform into other life-
132,11,9,"Capable of copying an opponents genetic
code to instantly transform itself into a
duplicate of the enemy."
132,12,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute
its entire cellular structure to
transform into whatever it sees."
132,13,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute
its entire cellular structure to
transform into whatever it sees."
132,14,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute
its entire cellular structure to
transform into whatever it sees."
132,15,9,"It can transform into anything.
When it sleeps, it changes into a
stone to avoid being attacked."
132,16,9,"Its transformation ability is perfect.
However, if made to laugh, it
cant maintain its disguise."
132,17,5,"Il a la capacité de modifier sa
structure cellulaire pour prendre
lapparence de ce quil voit."
132,17,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute
its entire cellular structure to
transform into whatever it sees."
132,18,5,"Il a la capacité de modifier sa
structure cellulaire pour prendre
lapparence de ce quil voit."
132,18,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute
its entire cellular structure to
transform into whatever it sees."
132,21,9,"It can reconstitute its entire cellular
structure to change into what it sees,
but it returns to normal when it relaxes."
132,22,9,"It can reconstitute its entire cellular
structure to change into what it sees,
but it returns to normal when it relaxes."
132,23,1,"ぜんしんの さいぼうを くみかえて
みたものの かたち そっくりに
へんしんする のうりょくを もつ。"
132,23,3,"전신의 세포를 재구성해서
본 것의 모양과 똑 닮게
변신하는 능력을 가지고 있다."
132,23,5,"Il a la capacité de modifier sa structure cellulaire pour
prendre lapparence de ce quil voit."
132,23,6,"Es kann seine Zellstruktur so verändern, dass es
sich in alles verwandeln kann, was es sieht."
132,23,7,"Puede alterar por completo su estructura celular para
emular cualquier objeto que vea."
132,23,8,"Ha la capacità di modificare la sua struttura cellulare
per trasformarsi in qualsiasi cosa veda."
132,23,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular
structure to transform into whatever it sees."
132,23,11,"全身の 細胞を 組み替えて
見たものの 形 そっくりに
変身する 能力を 持つ。"
132,24,1,"からだの さいぼうの つくりを
じぶんで くみかえて ほかの
せいめいたいに へんしんする。"
132,24,3,"몸의 세포 구성을
스스로 바꿔서 다른
생명체로 변신한다."
132,24,5,"Métamorph peut modifier sa structure cellulaire à
sa guise pour se transformer en nimporte quelle
forme vivante."
132,24,6,"Es kann seine eigene Zellstruktur frei zusammensetzen
und sich in jede andere Lebensform verwandeln."
132,24,7,"Tiene la capacidad de reorganizar su estructura celular
para convertirse en otras formas de vida."
132,24,8,"Può ricombinare a piacere la propria struttura
cellulare per trasformarsi in altri esseri viventi."
132,24,9,"It can freely recombine its own cellular structure to
transform into other life-forms."
132,24,11,"体の 細胞の 作りを
自分で 組み替えて
ほかの 生命体に 変身する。"
132,25,1,"からだの さいぼうを くみかえて へんしんする。
おもいだしながら いぜん みた ものに かわると
ちょっと ちがう かたちに なってしまうのだ。"
132,25,3,"몸의 세포를 재구성하여 변신한다.
전에 봤던 것을 기억해내면서 바뀌면
조금 다른 형태가 되어버린다."
132,25,5,"Métamorph peut modifier sa structure moléculaire pour
prendre dautres formes. Lorsquil essaie de se transformer
de mémoire, il lui arrive de se tromper sur certains détails."
132,25,6,"Ditto verändert seine Zellstruktur, um sich in eine andere Form
zu verwandeln. Wenn es sich dabei jedoch auf sein Gedächtnis
verlässt, unterlaufen diesem Pokémon schon mal Fehler."
132,25,7,"Ditto reorganiza la estructura de sus células para adoptar
otras formas. Pero, como intente transformarse en algo
guiándose por los datos que tenga almacenados en la
memoria, habrá detalles que se le escapen."
132,25,8,"Ditto cambia la sua struttura cellulare per assumere molte
altre forme. Tuttavia, quando si affida solo alla sua memoria,
talvolta dimentica dettagli importanti."
132,25,9,"Ditto rearranges its cell structure to transform itself into other
shapes. However, if it tries to transform itself into something
by relying on its memory, this Pokémon manages to get
details wrong."
132,25,11,"体の 細胞を 組み替えて 変身する。
思い出しながら 以前 見た ものに 変わると
ちょっと 違う 形に なってしまうのだ。"
132,26,1,"からだの さいぼうを くみかえて へんしんする。
おもいだしながら いぜん みた ものに かわると
ちょっと ちがう かたちに なってしまうのだ。"
132,26,3,"몸의 세포를 재구성하여 변신한다.
전에 봤던 것을 기억해내면서 바뀌면
조금 다른 형태가 되어버린다."
132,26,5,"Métamorph peut modifier sa structure moléculaire pour
prendre dautres formes. Lorsquil essaie de se transformer
de mémoire, il lui arrive de se tromper sur certains détails."
132,26,6,"Ditto verändert seine Zellstruktur, um sich in eine andere Form
zu verwandeln. Wenn es sich dabei jedoch auf sein Gedächtnis
verlässt, unterlaufen diesem Pokémon schon mal Fehler."
132,26,7,"Ditto reorganiza la estructura de sus células para adoptar
otras formas. Pero, como intente transformarse en algo
guiándose por los datos que tenga almacenados en la
memoria, habrá detalles que se le escapen."
132,26,8,"Ditto cambia la sua struttura cellulare per assumere molte
altre forme. Tuttavia, quando si affida solo alla sua memoria,
talvolta dimentica dettagli importanti."
132,26,9,"Ditto rearranges its cell structure to transform itself into other
shapes. However, if it tries to transform itself into something
by relying on its memory, this Pokémon manages to get
details wrong."
132,26,11,"体の 細胞を 組み替えて 変身する。
思い出しながら 以前 見た ものに 変わると
ちょっと 違う 形に なってしまうのだ。"
132,27,1,"さいぼうを くみかえ みた あいて
そっくりに すがたを へんかさせる。
さいげんどは こたいに よる。"
132,27,3,"세포를 재구성하여 본 상대와
똑같이 모습을 변화시킨다.
재현도는 개체에 따라 다르다."
132,27,5,"Il peut modifier sa structure moléculaire pour
prendre lapparence de son adversaire. Le degré
de ressemblance dépend de chaque individu."
132,27,6,"Es verändert seine Zellstruktur, um die Gestalt
anderer Lebewesen, die es sieht, anzunehmen.
Wie gut das Ebenbild ist, variiert nach Exemplar."
132,27,7,"Ditto reorganiza la estructura de sus células
para adoptar la forma de su oponente. La
calidad de la copia varía de Ditto a Ditto."
132,27,8,"Cambia la sua struttura molecolare per
assumere le sembianze del nemico. Il grado di
riuscita varia a seconda del Pokémon."
132,27,9,"It can reorganize its cells to make itself into a
duplicate of anything it sees. The quality of the
duplicate depends on the individual."
132,27,11,"細胞を 組み替え みた 相手
そっくりに 姿を 変化させる。
再現度は 個体に よる。"
132,28,1,"おどろきの へんしんのうりょくで
どんなものとも なかまに なれる。
メタモンどうしは なかが わるい。"
132,28,3,"놀라운 변신 능력으로
누구와도 동료가 될 수 있다.
메타몽끼리는 사이가 나쁘다."
132,28,5,"Grâce à son don de transformation, ce Pokémon
peut devenir lami de tous les êtres vivants, sauf
des autres Métamorph, quil déteste."
132,28,6,"Dank seiner Fähigkeiten als Gestaltwandler
kann es sich mit allen Lebewesen anfreunden.
Nur mit Artgenossen kommt es nicht zurecht."
132,28,7,"Ditto puede hacerse amigo de otros Pokémon
gracias a su habilidad para transformarse. Sin
embargo, los Ditto no se llevan bien entre sí."
132,28,8,"Grazie alle sue incredibili doti metamorfiche,
può assumere le sembianze di qualunque essere
vivente. I Ditto non vanno daccordo fra di loro."
132,28,9,"With its astonishing capacity for
metamorphosis, it can get along with anything.
It does not get along well with its fellow Ditto."
132,28,11,"驚きの 変身能力で
どんな者とも 仲間に なれる。
メタモン同士は 仲が 悪い。"
132,29,1,"どんなものにも へんしん できるが
メタモンごとに とくいな ものと
にがてな ものが あるらしい。"
132,29,3,"뭐든지 변신할 수 있지만
메타몽마다 잘하는 변신과
잘 못하는 변신이 있다고 한다."
132,29,5,"Il peut prendre lapparence de nimporte quoi,
mais chaque Métamorph a son propre domaine
de prédilection et ses propres faiblesses."
132,29,6,"Ditto kann jede beliebige Gestalt annehmen,
wobei aber jedes Exemplar individuelle
Stärken und Schwächen aufweist."
132,29,7,"Los Ditto pueden adoptar cualquier aspecto,
pero cada individuo tiene un objeto de imitación
que se le da mejor que otros."
132,29,8,"Ditto è in grado di assumere le sembianze di
qualsiasi cosa. Ogni esemplare riesce meglio
in alcune trasformazioni piuttosto che in altre."
132,29,9,"While it can transform into anything, each Ditto
apparently has its own strengths and
weaknesses when it comes to transformations."
132,29,11,"どんなものにも 変身 できるが
メタモンごとに 得意な ものと
苦手な ものが あるらしい。"
132,30,1,"みたものに へんしん する。 ただし
めのまえに いないものの ときは
きおくしだいなので しっぱいもする。"
132,30,3,"본 적이 있는 것으로 변신한다.
단 눈앞에 없는 것으로 변신할 때는
기억에 따르기 때문에 실패하기도 한다."
132,30,5,"Il prend la forme de ce quil voit. Lorsquil na
pas de modèle sous les yeux, il doit se fier à sa
mémoire et le résultat laisse parfois à désirer."
132,30,6,"Es kann sich in alles verwandeln, was es sieht.
Muss es sich dabei aber auf sein Gedächtnis
verlassen, macht es manchmal auch Fehler."
132,30,7,"Puede transformarse en cualquier cosa que vea,
pero, si intenta hacerlo de memoria, habrá
detalles que se le escapen."
132,30,8,"Si trasforma in qualsiasi cosa veda. Tuttavia,
quando non ha di fronte il suo modello si affida
alla memoria, e talvolta sbaglia."
132,30,9,"It transforms into whatever it sees. If the thing
its transforming into isnt right in front of it,
Ditto relies on its memory—so sometimes it fails."
132,30,11,"見たものに 変身 する。 ただし
目の前に いないものの ときは
記憶次第なので 失敗もする。"
132,31,1,"あいてをみた しゅんかん からだが
とけるように へんかを はじめる。
ほぼ おなじかたちに へんしんする。"
132,31,3,"상대를 본 순간 몸이
녹는 것처럼 변화하기 시작한다.
거의 똑같은 모습으로 변신한다."
132,31,5,"Quand il repère un ennemi, il adapte son corps
pour en faire une copie presque parfaite de
celui de son adversaire."
132,31,6,"Wenn es einen Gegner ausmacht, verwandelt es
seinen Körper in eine nahezu perfekte Kopie
seines Gegenübers."
132,31,7,"Cuando se fija en un enemigo, su cuerpo se
transforma en una copia casi perfecta del
132,31,8,"Quando incontra un nemico è capace di
trasformarsi in un baleno in una sua copia
quasi perfetta."
132,31,9,"When it spots an enemy, its body transfigures
into an almost-perfect copy of its opponent."
132,31,11,"相手を見た 瞬間 体が
溶けるように 変化を 始める。
ほぼ 同じ形に 変身する。"
132,32,1,"あいてをみた しゅんかん からだが
とけるように へんかを はじめる。
ほぼ おなじかたちに へんしんする。"
132,32,3,"상대를 본 순간 몸이
녹는 것처럼 변화하기 시작한다.
거의 똑같은 모습으로 변신한다."
132,32,5,"Quand il repère un ennemi, il adapte son corps
pour en faire une copie presque parfaite de
celui de son adversaire."
132,32,6,"Wenn es einen Gegner ausmacht, verwandelt es
seinen Körper in eine nahezu perfekte Kopie
seines Gegenübers."
132,32,7,"Cuando se fija en un enemigo, su cuerpo se
transforma en una copia casi perfecta del
132,32,8,"Quando incontra un nemico è capace di
trasformarsi in un baleno in una sua copia
quasi perfetta."
132,32,9,"When it spots an enemy, its body transfigures
into an almost-perfect copy of its opponent."
132,32,11,"相手を見た 瞬間 体が
溶けるように 変化を 始める。
ほぼ 同じ形に 変身する。"
132,33,1,"ぜんしんの さいぼうを くみかえて
みたもの そっくりに へんしんするが
ちからが ぬけると もとにもどる。"
132,33,3,"전신의 세포를 재구성해서
본 것과 똑 닮게 변신하지만
힘이 빠지면 원래대로 돌아간다."
132,33,5,"Il modifie sa structure cellulaire pour copier
lapparence de ce quil voit, mais au repos,
il reprend sa forme normale."
132,33,6,"Es modifiziert seine Zellstruktur, um sich in alles
zu verwandeln, was es sieht. Im entspannten
Zustand nimmt es wieder seine Ausgangsform an."
132,33,7,"Redistribuye las células de su cuerpo para cobrar
la apariencia de lo que ve, pero vuelve a la
normalidad al relajarse."
132,33,8,"Può modificare la sua struttura cellulare per
assumere le sembianze di ciò che vede.
Ritorna se stesso quando è stanco."
132,33,9,"It can reconstitute its entire cellular
structure to change into what it sees,
but it returns to normal when it relaxes."
132,33,11,"全身の 細胞を 組み替えて
見たもの そっくりに 変身するが
力が 抜けると もとにもどる。"
132,34,1,"メタモンどうし であってしまうと
あいてそっくりの かたちに なろうと
いつもより はげしく うごく。"
132,34,3,"메타몽끼리 만나게 되면
상대와 똑같은 모습이 되기 위해
평소보다 격렬하게 움직인다."
132,34,5,"Quand il rencontre lun de ses semblables,
il sagite avec plus de vivacité que dhabitude
pour adopter exactement la même forme que lui."
132,34,6,"Trifft es auf ein anderes Ditto, bewegt es sich
schneller als gewöhnlich, um es exakt
132,34,7,"Cuando se encuentra con otro Ditto, se mueve
más rápido de lo normal para intentar adoptar
su aspecto."
132,34,8,"Quando incontra un altro Ditto, si muove più
velocemente del solito nel tentativo di assumere
le sue sembianze."
132,34,9,"When it encounters another Ditto, it will move
faster than normal to duplicate that opponent exactly."
132,34,11,"メタモン同士 出会ってしまうと
相手そっくりの 形に なろうと
いつもより 激しく 動く。"
133,1,9,"Its genetic code
is irregular.
It may mutate ifit is exposed to
radiation from
element STONEs."
133,2,9,"Its genetic code
is irregular.
It may mutate ifit is exposed to
radiation from
element STONEs."
133,3,9,"Its genetic code
is unstable, so it
could evolve ina variety of ways.
There are only a
few alive."
133,4,9,"It has the ability
to alter the com­
position of itsbody to suit its
surrounding envi­
133,5,9,"Its irregularly
configured DNA is
affected by itssurroundings. It
evolves if its en­
vironment changes."
133,6,9,"Its ability to
evolve into many
forms allows it toadapt smoothly
and perfectly to
any environment."
133,7,9,"EEVEE has an unstable genetic makeup
that suddenly mutates due to the
environment in which it lives.Radiation from various STONES causes
this POKéMON to evolve."
133,8,9,"EEVEE has an unstable genetic makeup
that suddenly mutates due to the
environment in which it lives.Radiation from various STONES causes
this POKéMON to evolve."
133,9,9,"An EEVEE has an unstable genetic makeup
that suddenly mutates due to its
environment. Radiation from various
STONES causes this POKéMON to evolve."
133,10,9,"An extremely rare POKéMON that may
evolve in a number of different ways
depending on stimuli."
133,11,9,"Its genetic code is irregular. It may
mutate if it is exposed to radiation from
element STONES."
133,12,9,"A rare Pokémon that adapts to
harsh environments by taking on
different evolutionary forms."
133,13,9,"A rare Pokémon that adapts to
harsh environments by taking on
different evolutionary forms."
133,14,9,"Because its genetic makeup is
irregular, it quickly changes its
form due to a variety of causes."
133,15,9,"It has the ability to alter the
composition of its body to suit its
surrounding environment."
133,16,9,"Its irregularly configured DNA is
affected by its surroundings. It
evolves if its environment changes."
133,17,5,"Son ADN particulier lui permet de
sadapter très rapidement à son
133,17,9,"Because its genetic makeup is
irregular, it quickly changes its
form due to a variety of causes."
133,18,5,"Son ADN particulier lui permet de
sadapter très rapidement à son
133,18,9,"Because its genetic makeup is
irregular, it quickly changes its
form due to a variety of causes."
133,21,9,"Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup,
this special Pokémon conceals many
different possible evolutions."
133,22,9,"Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup,
this special Pokémon conceals many
different possible evolutions."
133,23,1,"しんかのとき すがたと のうりょくが
かわることで きびしい かんきょうに
たいおうする めずらしい ポケモン。"
133,23,3,"진화할 때 모습과 능력이
바뀜으로써 혹독한 환경에
적응하는 희귀한 포켓몬이다."
133,23,5,"Un Pokémon rare qui sadapte aux environnements
hostiles en variant ses formes évolutives."
133,23,6,"Ein seltenes Pokémon, das sich seiner Umgebung
anpasst, indem es sich in unterschiedliche Formen
133,23,7,"Un extraño Pokémon que se adapta a los entornos
más hostiles gracias a sus diferentes evoluciones."
133,23,8,"Un Pokémon raro che si adatta agli ambienti più
difficili assumendo diverse forme nellevoluzione."
133,23,9,"A rare Pokémon that adapts to harsh environments
by taking on different evolutionary forms."
133,23,11,"進化のとき 姿と 能力が
変わることで きびしい 環境に
対応する 珍しい ポケモン。"
133,24,1,"ふあんていな いでんしの おかげで
さまざまな しんかの かのうせいを
ひめている とくしゅな ポケモン。"
133,24,3,"불안정한 유전자 덕분에
여러 가지 진화 가능성을
간직하고 있는 특수한 포켓몬."
133,24,5,"LADN de ce Pokémon très particulier recèle de
nombreuses possibilités dévolution."
133,24,6,"Aufgrund einer genetischen Anomalie kann seine
Entwicklung viele verschiedene Formen annehmen."
133,24,7,"Su irregular estructura genética encierra el secreto de
su capacidad para adoptar evoluciones de lo más
133,24,8,"È un Pokémon molto particolare. Dotato di un corredo
genetico instabile, serba in sé le più varie possibilità
133,24,9,"Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this
special Pokémon conceals many different
possible evolutions."
133,24,11,"不安定な 遺伝子の おかげで
さまざまな 進化の 可能性を
秘めている 特殊な ポケモン。"
133,25,1,"くらしている かんきょうで とつぜんへんい する
ふあんていな いでんしを もつ ポケモン。
いしの ほうしゃせんが しんかを ひきおこす。"
133,25,3,"사는 환경에 따라 돌연변이하는
불안정한 유전자를 지닌 포켓몬이다.
돌의 방사선이 진화를 일으킨다."
133,25,5,"Évoli a une structure génétique instable qui se transforme
en fonction de lenvironnement dans lequel il vit.
Ce Pokémon peut évoluer grâce aux radiations de
diverses pierres."
133,25,6,"Evolis genetisches Erbmaterial ist so instabil, dass die
Umgebung plötzliche Mutationen auslösen kann. Unter
anderem führt die Wirkung verschiedener Steine zur
Entwicklung dieses Pokémon."
133,25,7,"La configuración genética de Eevee le permite mutar y
adaptarse enseguida a cualquier medio en el que viva.
La evolución de este Pokémon suele ser posible gracias a
las radiaciones emitidas por varias piedras."
133,25,8,"Eevee è dotato di un instabile corredo genetico che muta
in base allhabitat naturale in cui è integrato. Le radiazioni
di diverse pietre scatenano levoluzione di questo Pokémon."
133,25,9,"Eevee has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates
due to the environment in which it lives. Radiation from various
stones causes this Pokémon to evolve."
133,25,11,"暮らしている 環境で 突然変異 する
不安定な 遺伝子を 持つ ポケモン。
石の 放射線が 進化を 引き起こす。"
133,26,1,"くらしている かんきょうで とつぜんへんい する
ふあんていな いでんしを もつ ポケモン。
いしの ほうしゃせんが しんかを ひきおこす。"
133,26,3,"사는 환경에 따라 돌연변이하는
불안정한 유전자를 지닌 포켓몬이다.
돌의 방사선이 진화를 일으킨다."
133,26,5,"Évoli a une structure génétique instable qui se transforme
en fonction de lenvironnement dans lequel il vit.
Ce Pokémon peut évoluer grâce aux radiations de
diverses pierres."
133,26,6,"Evolis genetisches Erbmaterial ist so instabil, dass die
Umgebung plötzliche Mutationen auslösen kann. Unter
anderem führt die Wirkung verschiedener Steine zur
Entwicklung dieses Pokémon."
133,26,7,"La configuración genética de Eevee le permite mutar y
adaptarse enseguida a cualquier medio en el que viva.
La evolución de este Pokémon suele ser posible gracias a
las radiaciones emitidas por varias piedras."
133,26,8,"Eevee è dotato di un instabile corredo genetico che muta
in base allhabitat naturale in cui è integrato. Le radiazioni
di diverse pietre scatenano levoluzione di questo Pokémon."
133,26,9,"Eevee has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates
due to the environment in which it lives. Radiation from various
stones causes this Pokémon to evolve."
133,26,11,"暮らしている 環境で 突然変異 する
不安定な 遺伝子を 持つ ポケモン。
石の 放射線が 進化を 引き起こす。"
133,27,1,"アンバランス かつ ふあんていな
いでんしを もっており さまざまな
しんかの かのうせいを ひめている。"
133,27,3,"언밸런스하고도 불안정한
유전자를 가지고 있어 다양한
진화의 가능성을 품고 있다."
133,27,5,"Son ADN est instable et possède de
nombreuses possibilités dévolution."
133,27,6,"Sein instabiles Erbmaterial ermöglicht es ihm,
sich zu verschiedenen Pokémon zu entwickeln."
133,27,7,"Su irregular estructura genética encierra el
secreto de su capacidad para adoptar
evoluciones de lo más diversas."
133,27,8,"Dotato di un corredo genetico instabile,
serba in sé varie possibilità evolutive."
133,27,9,"Possessing an unbalanced and unstable genetic
makeup, it conceals many possible evolutions."
133,27,11,"アンバランス かつ 不安定な
遺伝子を 持っており 様々な
進化の 可能性を 秘めている。"
133,28,1,"いま げんざいの ちょうさでは
なんと 8しゅるいもの ポケモンへ
しんかする かのうせいを もつ。"
133,28,3,"지금까지 조사에 의하면
무려 8종류의 포켓몬으로
진화할 가능성을 갖고 있다."
133,28,5,"Daprès les dernières recherches, il semble que
ce Pokémon soit capable dévoluer en huit
espèces différentes."
133,28,6,"Nach derzeitigem Forschungsstand kann es sich
zu acht verschiedenen Pokémon entwickeln."
133,28,7,"Según las últimas investigaciones, Eevee es
capaz de evolucionar a ocho especies de
Pokémon distintas."
133,28,8,"Secondo le ultime ricerche, può evolversi in ben
otto specie diverse."
133,28,9,"Current studies show it can evolve into an
incredible eight different species of Pokémon."
133,28,11,"今 現在の 調査では
なんと 8種類もの ポケモンへ
進化する 可能性を 持つ。"
133,29,1,"イーブイだけが とても ふあんていな
いでんしを もっている りゆうは
いまだ かいめい されて いない。"
133,29,3,"이브이만 매우 불안정한
유전자를 갖고 있는 이유는
아직 해명되지 않았다."
133,29,5,"À ce jour, nul ne sait pourquoi Évoli est le seul
Pokémon dont lADN est instable."
133,29,6,"Evoli ist das einzige Pokémon mit einem höchst
instabilen Erbmaterial. Die Ursache dafür ist
nach wie vor unklar."
133,29,7,"Todavía no se ha esclarecido el motivo por el
que es el único Pokémon que presenta un
código genético inestable."
133,29,8,"Non si conosce ancora il motivo per cui Eevee
sia lunico Pokémon a possedere un corredo
genetico così instabile."
133,29,9,"The question of why only Eevee has such
unstable genes has still not been solved."
133,29,11,"イーブイだけが とても 不安定な
遺伝子を 持っている 理由は
未だ 解明 されて いない。"
133,30,1,"まわりの えいきょうを うけやすい
いでんしを もつ。 おやに なった
トレーナーの かおにも にてくるよ。"
133,30,3,"주위의 영향을 받기 쉬운
유전자를 가졌다. 어버이가 된
트레이너의 얼굴에도 닮아 간다."
133,30,5,"LADN dÉvoli est sujet aux influences de
son environnement. Sa tête finit même par
ressembler à celle de son Dresseur."
133,30,6,"Seine DNS-Struktur ist anfällig für Einflüsse von
außen. Selbst die Gesichtszüge seines Trainers
können sich in ihm wiedererkennen lassen."
133,30,7,"Su genética es muy sensible a la influencia del
entorno, hasta el punto de que su rostro puede
llegar a parecerse al de su Entrenador."
133,30,8,"Possiede un corredo genetico molto suscettibile
allinfluenza dellambiente in cui vive. Può anche
finire per assomigliare al suo Allenatore."
133,30,9,"Its genes are easily influenced by its
surroundings. Even its face starts to look like
that of its Trainer."
133,30,11,"まわりの 影響を 受けやすい
遺伝子を 持つ。 親に なった
トレーナーの 顔にも 似てくるよ。"
133,31,1,"さまざまな すがたに しんかする。
イーブイの いでんしは しんかの
ひみつを ときあかす かぎ だ。"
133,31,3,"다양한 모습으로 진화한다.
이브이의 유전자는 진화의
비밀을 밝혀낼 열쇠다."
133,31,5,"Il peut évoluer de diverses façons. Son ADN est
la clé pour percer le secret de lévolution."
133,31,6,"Es kann sich auf verschiedene Weise entwickeln.
Evolis genetischer Code ist der Schlüssel für das
Geheimnis der Entwicklung von Pokémon."
133,31,7,"Puede evolucionar a varias especies distintas.
Su código genético es la clave para descifrar el
misterio de dicha evolución."
133,31,8,"Eevee può evolversi in diverse specie.
Il suo corredo genetico è la chiave per fare luce
sul mistero dellevoluzione."
133,31,9,"It can evolve into a variety of forms.
Eevees genes are the key to solving
the mysteries of Pokémon evolution."
133,31,11,"様々な 姿に 進化する。
イーブイの 遺伝子は 進化の
秘密を 解き明かす カギだ。"
133,32,1,"さまざまな すがたに しんかする。
イーブイの いでんしは しんかの
ひみつを ときあかす かぎ だ。"
133,32,3,"다양한 모습으로 진화한다.
이브이의 유전자는 진화의
비밀을 밝혀낼 열쇠다."
133,32,5,"Il peut évoluer de diverses façons. Son ADN est
la clé pour percer le secret de lévolution."
133,32,6,"Es kann sich auf verschiedene Weise entwickeln.
Evolis genetischer Code ist der Schlüssel für das
Geheimnis der Entwicklung von Pokémon."
133,32,7,"Puede evolucionar a varias especies distintas.
Su código genético es la clave para descifrar el
misterio de dicha evolución."
133,32,8,"Eevee può evolversi in diverse specie.
Il suo corredo genetico è la chiave per fare luce
sul mistero dellevoluzione."
133,32,9,"It can evolve into a variety of forms.
Eevees genes are the key to solving
the mysteries of Pokémon evolution."
133,32,11,"様々な 姿に 進化する。
イーブイの 遺伝子は 進化の
秘密を 解き明かす カギだ。"
133,33,1,"まわりの かんきょうに あわせて
からだの つくりを かえていく
のうりょくの もちぬし。"
133,33,3,"주위의 환경에 맞춰서
몸의 구조를 바꿔나가는
능력의 소유자다."
133,33,5,"Il a la capacité de changer la composition de
son corps pour sadapter à son environnement."
133,33,6,"Es ist imstande, seinen Körper perfekt an die
jeweilige Umgebung anzupassen."
133,33,7,"Es capaz de alterar la composición de su cuerpo
para adaptarse al entorno."
133,33,8,"Ha la capacità di alterare la propria struttura
corporea per adattarsi allambiente circostante."
133,33,9,"It has the ability to alter the composition of its
body to suit its surrounding environment."
133,33,11,"まわりの 環境に 合わせて
体の つくりを 変えていく
能力の 持ち主。"
133,34,1,"ふあんていな いでんしの おかげで
さまざまな しんかの かのうせいを
ひめている とくしゅな ポケモン。"
133,34,3,"불안정한 유전자 덕분에
여러 가지 진화의 가능성을
가지고 있는 특수한 포켓몬."
133,34,5,"LADN de ce Pokémon très particulier recèle
de nombreuses possibilités dévolution."
133,34,6,"Das Erbmaterial dieses besonderen Pokémon ist
instabil, weshalb es das Potenzial für viele
verschiedene Entwicklungen in sich trägt."
133,34,7,"Su irregular estructura genética alberga el secreto
de la capacidad que posee este Pokémon tan
especial para adoptar evoluciones muy variadas."
133,34,8,"È un Pokémon molto particolare. Dotato di un
corredo genetico instabile, serba in sé le più
varie possibilità evolutive."
133,34,9,"Thanks to its unstable genetic makeup, this
special Pokémon conceals many different
possible evolutions."
133,34,11,"不安定な 遺伝子の おかげで
さまざまな 進化の 可能性を
秘めている 特殊な ポケモン。"
134,1,9,"Lives close to
water. Its long
tail is ridgedwith a fin which
is often mistaken
for a mermaid's."
134,2,9,"Lives close to
water. Its long
tail is ridgedwith a fin which
is often mistaken
for a mermaid's."
134,3,9,"Its cell structure
is similar to
water molecules.It will melt away
and become invis­
ible in water."
134,4,9,"When VAPOREON's
fins begin to vi­
brate, it is asign that rain
will come within a
few hours."
134,5,9,"It prefers beauti­
ful shores. With
cells similar towater molecules,
it could melt in
134,6,9,"As it uses the
fins on the tip
of its tail toswim, it blends
with the water
134,7,9,"VAPOREON underwent a spontaneous
mutation and grew fins and gills that
allow it to live underwater.This POKéMON has the ability to freely
control water."
134,8,9,"VAPOREON underwent a spontaneous
mutation and grew fins and gills that
allow it to live underwater.This POKéMON has the ability to freely
control water."
134,9,9,"VAPOREON underwent a spontaneous
mutation and grew fins and gills that
allow them to live underwater. They have
the ability to freely control water."
134,10,9,"Its bodys cellular structure is similar to
the molecular composition of water.
It can melt invisibly in water."
134,11,9,"Lives close to water. Its long tail is
ridged with a fin which is often mistaken
for a mermaids."
134,12,9,"It has evolved to be suitable for
an aquatic life. It can invisibly
melt away into water."
134,13,9,"It has evolved to be suitable for
an aquatic life. It can invisibly
melt away into water."
134,14,9,"Its cell composition is similar
to water molecules. As a result,
it can melt away into water."
134,15,9,"When VAPOREONs fins begin to
vibrate, it is a sign that rain
will come within a few hours."
134,16,9,"It prefers beautiful shores. With
cells similar to water molecules,
it could melt in water."
134,17,5,"Sa composition moléculaire est
proche de celle de leau, ce qui
lui permet de se liquéfier."
134,17,9,"Its cell composition is similar
to water molecules. As a result,
it can melt away into water."
134,18,5,"Sa composition moléculaire est
proche de celle de leau, ce qui
lui permet de se liquéfier."
134,18,9,"Its cell composition is similar
to water molecules. As a result,
it can melt away into water."
134,21,9,"Its cell composition is similar to water
molecules. As a result, it cant be seen
when it melts away into water."
134,22,9,"Its cell composition is similar to water
molecules. As a result, it cant be seen
when it melts away into water."
134,23,1,"きれいな みずべを このんでいる。
さいぼうが みずのぶんしに にており
みずに とけることもできる。"
134,23,3,"아름다운 물가를 좋아한다.
세포가 물의 분자구조와 닮아서
물에 녹는 것도 가능하다."
134,23,5,"Il préfère les belles plages. Il peut se dissoudre à
volonté grâce à ses cellules proches de leau."
134,23,6,"Es liebt schöne Ufer. Da seine Zellstruktur
Wassermolekülen ähnlich ist, kann es mit
Wasser verschmelzen."
134,23,7,"Prefiere las bellas costas. Con células parecidas al
agua, podría fundirse en la misma."
134,23,8,"Preferisce stare sulla costa. In acqua le sue cellule
simili a molecole acquee si possono scomporre."
134,23,9,"It prefers beautiful shores. With cells similar to
water molecules, it could melt in water."
134,23,11,"きれいな 水辺を 好んでいる。
細胞が 水の 分子に 似ており
水に 溶けることもできる。"
134,24,1,"すいちゅうでの せいかつに てきした
からだに しんかした。
みずに とけると みえなくなる。"
134,24,3,"수중에서의 생활에 적합한
몸으로 진화했다.
물에 녹으면 보이지 않게 된다."
134,24,5,"Il a évolué pour sadapter au milieu aquatique.
Il peut se fondre et disparaître dans lélément liquide."
134,24,6,"Es hat sich so entwickelt, dass es im Wasser
leben kann. Im Wasser selbst wird es unsichtbar."
134,24,7,"Ha evolucionado para adaptarse a la vida acuática.
Se mimetiza a la perfección con el agua."
134,24,8,"Si è evoluto per adattarsi alla vita acquatica. Si può
sciogliere nellacqua diventando invisibile."
134,24,9,"It has evolved to be suitable for an aquatic life.
It can invisibly melt away into water."
134,24,11,"水中での 生活に 適した
体に 進化した。
水に 溶けると 見えなくなる。"
134,25,1,"とつぜんへんいに より すいちゅうで せいかつ
できる ように ヒレと エラが はえてきた。
みずを じざいに あやつる ちからを もつ。"
134,25,3,"돌연변이로 인해 물속에서 생활할 수
있도록 지느러미와 아가미가 생겨났다.
물을 자유로이 조종하는 힘을 지녔다."
134,25,5,"Aquali a subi une mutation spontanée. Des nageoires et
des branchies sont apparues sur son corps, ce qui lui permet
de vivre dans les fonds marins. Ce Pokémon peut contrôler
leau à volonté."
134,25,6,"Aquana hat eine spontane Mutation durchgemacht und ihm
sind Flossen und Kiemen gewachsen. Dadurch kann es unter
Wasser leben. Dieses Pokémon kann Wasser nach Belieben
134,25,7,"Vaporeon sufrió una mutación repentina y desarrolló aletas y
branquias que le permiten vivir bajo el agua. Asimismo, este
Pokémon tiene la habilidad de controlar las aguas."
134,25,8,"Vaporeon, frutto di una mutazione naturale, ha sviluppato
pinne e branchie per poter vivere sottacqua. Questo
Pokémon ha la capacità di sfruttare lacqua a suo vantaggio."
134,25,9,"Vaporeon underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins
and gills that allow it to live underwater. This Pokémon has the
ability to freely control water."
134,25,11,"突然変異に より 水中で 生活
できる ように ヒレと エラが 生えてきた。
水を 自在に 操る 力を 持つ。"
134,26,1,"とつぜんへんいに より すいちゅうで せいかつ
できる ように ヒレと エラが はえてきた。
みずを じざいに あやつる ちからを もつ。"
134,26,3,"돌연변이로 인해 물속에서 생활할 수
있도록 지느러미와 아가미가 생겨났다.
물을 자유로이 조종하는 힘을 지녔다."
134,26,5,"Aquali a subi une mutation spontanée. Des nageoires et
des branchies sont apparues sur son corps, ce qui lui permet
de vivre dans les fonds marins. Ce Pokémon peut contrôler
leau à volonté."
134,26,6,"Aquana hat eine spontane Mutation durchlaufen. Ihm sind
Flossen und Kiemen gewachsen. Dadurch kann es unter
Wasser leben. Dieses Pokémon kann Wasser nach Belieben
134,26,7,"Vaporeon sufrió una mutación repentina y desarrolló aletas y
branquias que le permiten vivir bajo el agua. Asimismo, este
Pokémon tiene la habilidad de controlar las aguas."
134,26,8,"Vaporeon, frutto di una mutazione naturale, ha sviluppato
pinne e branchie per poter vivere sottacqua. Questo
Pokémon ha la capacità di sfruttare lacqua a suo vantaggio."
134,26,9,"Vaporeon underwent a spontaneous mutation and grew fins
and gills that allow it to live underwater. This Pokémon has
the ability to freely control water."
134,26,11,"突然変異に より 水中で 生活
できる ように ヒレと エラが 生えてきた。
水を 自在に 操る 力を 持つ。"
134,27,1,"さいぼうこうぞうが みずの ぶんしに
よく にている。 みずべに すむので
にんぎょに まちがわれることも。"
134,27,3,"세포구조가 물 분자와
아주 닮았다. 물가에 살아서
인어로 착각하기도 한다."
134,27,5,"La structure de ses cellules ressemble à celle
des molécules deau. Il vit sur les rives, et il
arrive quil soit pris pour une sirène."
134,27,6,"Seine Zellstruktur ist der von Wassermolekülen
ähnlich. Es lebt in der Nähe von Ufern, daher
wird es oft mit einer Meerjungfrau verwechselt."
134,27,7,"Su composición celular es muy parecida a la
estructura molecular del agua. Vive cerca de
ríos y mares y a veces lo toman por una sirena."
134,27,8,"La sua struttura cellulare è simile a quella delle
molecole dacqua. Vive sulle rive dei mari e dei
laghi e a volte viene scambiato per una sirena."
134,27,9,"Its cells are composed of units much like water
molecules. It lives close to water and is often
mistaken for a mermaid."
134,27,11,"細胞構造が 水の 分子に
よく 似ている。 水辺に 棲むので
人魚に 間違われることも。"
134,28,1,"みずのなかに とけこんで けはいを
かくし えものの さかなポケモンが
くるのを じっと まちかまえている。"
134,28,3,"물속에 녹아들어 기척을
숨기고 먹이인 물고기포켓몬이
오는 것을 가만히 기다리고 있다."
134,28,5,"Ce Pokémon plonge dans leau et y reste caché
jusquà ce quun Pokémon poisson passe à
sa portée."
134,28,6,"Es wird eins mit dem Wasser und somit
unsichtbar. So wartet es heimlich, still und leise
auf Fisch-Pokémon, die es sich als Beute fängt."
134,28,7,"Se funde con el agua y se oculta por completo.
Entonces espera pacientemente a que aparezca
algún Pokémon pez para atraparlo."
134,28,8,"Si nasconde alle prede dissolvendosi nellacqua
e aspetta paziente che arrivi un Pokémon
acquatico per catturarlo."
134,28,9,"Blending in with the water and erasing all signs
of its presence, it patiently waits for its prey,
fish Pokémon."
134,28,11,"水の中に 溶け込んで 気配を
隠し 獲物の さかなポケモンが
来るのを じっと 待ち構えている。"
134,29,1,"きれいな みずべが おもな すみか。
がいてきに おそわれそうに なると
みずに とびこみ すがたを かくす。"
134,29,3,"아름다운 물가가 주요 서식지다.
외적에게 습격당할 상황이 되면
물로 뛰어들어 모습을 감춘다."
134,29,5,"On le trouve principalement dans les sources
limpides. Lorsquun ennemi est sur le point
de lattaquer, il plonge se réfugier dans leau."
134,29,6,"Es lebt meist an klaren Gewässern. Wittert es
einen feindlichen Angriff, verschwindet es ins
Wasser und macht sich unsichtbar."
134,29,7,"Suele habitar en cuerpos de agua cristalina. Si
advierte un posible ataque enemigo, se sumerge
bajo el agua para ocultarse."
134,29,8,"Vive principalmente sulle rive più belle.
Quando percepisce la presenza di un predatore
si tuffa rapidamente nellacqua per nascondersi."
134,29,9,"Clean, clear waters are its usual habitat. When
its about to be attacked by an invading enemy,
it dives into the water to hide."
134,29,11,"綺麗な 水辺が 主な 棲み処。
外敵に 襲われそうに なると
水に 飛び込み 姿を 隠す。"
134,30,1,"ヒレで まわりの すいぶんを かんち
している。 こきざみに ふるえだすと
すうじかんご には あめが ふる。"
134,30,3,"지느러미로 주변의 수분을
감지한다. 조금씩 떨기 시작하면
수 시간 후에는 비가 내린다."
134,30,5,"Il perçoit lhumidité ambiante grâce aux ailerons
de sa tête. Sils frémissent, cest quil pleuvra
dici quelques heures."
134,30,6,"Mit seinen Flossen nimmt es die Feuchtigkeit in
seiner Umgebung wahr. Vibrieren diese, beginnt
es in den nächsten Stunden zu regnen."
134,30,7,"Sus aletas detectan la humedad del ambiente.
Si comienzan a vibrar, es señal de que lloverá
en las próximas horas."
134,30,8,"Riesce a percepire lumidità circostante con
le pinne. Se cominciano a vibrare vuol dire
che pioverà nel giro di poche ore."
134,30,9,"It detects nearby moisture with its fin. When its
fin begins trembling rapidly, that means rain will
fall in a few hours."
134,30,11,"ヒレで まわりの 水分を 感知
している。 小刻みに 震えだすと
数時間後には 雨が 降る。"
134,31,1,"さいぼうそしきが みずの ぶんしに
にているため みずに とけると
すがたが みえなく なってしまう。"
134,31,3,"세포 조직이 물 분자와
비슷하기 때문에 물에 녹아들면
모습이 보이지 않게 된다."
134,31,5,"Sa structure moléculaire est semblable à celle
de leau. Il est invisible en milieu aquatique."
134,31,6,"Seine Zellstruktur ähnelt der molekularen
Zusammensetzung von Wasser. Daher wird es
im Wasser unsichtbar."
134,31,7,"Su estructura celular se parece a las moléculas
de agua, por eso es invisible cuando está en
este elemento."
134,31,8,"La sua struttura cellulare è simile a quella
delle molecole dellacqua. Quando si immerge
diventa invisibile."
134,31,9,"Its cell structure is similar to water molecules.
It melts into the water and becomes invisible."
134,31,11,"細胞組織が 水の 分子に
似ているため 水に 溶けると
姿が 見えなく なってしまう。"
134,32,1,"さいぼうそしきが みずの ぶんしに
にているため みずに とけると
すがたが みえなく なってしまう。"
134,32,3,"세포 조직이 물 분자와
비슷하기 때문에 물에 녹아들면
모습이 보이지 않게 된다."
134,32,5,"Sa structure moléculaire est semblable à celle
de leau. Il est invisible en milieu aquatique."
134,32,6,"Seine Zellstruktur ähnelt der molekularen
Zusammensetzung von Wasser. Daher wird es
im Wasser unsichtbar."
134,32,7,"Su estructura celular se parece a las moléculas
de agua, por eso es invisible cuando está en
este elemento."
134,32,8,"La sua struttura cellulare è simile a quella
delle molecole dellacqua. Quando si immerge
diventa invisibile."
134,32,9,"Its cell structure is similar to water molecules.
It melts into the water and becomes invisible."
134,32,11,"細胞組織が 水の 分子に
似ているため 水に 溶けると
姿が 見えなく なってしまう。"
134,33,1,"シャワーズの ぜんしんの ひれが
こきざみに ふるえはじめるのは
すうじかんごに あめがふる しるし。"
134,33,3,"샤미드의 모든 지느러미가
조금씩 떨리기 시작했다면
몇 시간 뒤에 비가 내린다는 표시다."
134,33,5,"Quand ses nageoires se mettent à vibrer,
cest le signe quil va pleuvoir dans les heures
qui suivent."
134,33,6,"Wenn seine Flossen beginnen zu vibrieren,
ist das ein sicheres Zeichen dafür, dass in den
nächsten Stunden Regen aufziehen wird."
134,33,7,"Cuando las aletas de Vaporeon comienzan a
vibrar, significa que lloverá en las próximas
134,33,8,"Se le pinne di Vaporeon iniziano a vibrare,
vuol dire che pioverà nel giro di poche ore."
134,33,9,"When Vaporeons fins begin to vibrate, it is a
sign that rain will come within a few hours."
134,33,11,"シャワーズの 全身の ひれが
小刻みに 震えはじめるのは
数時間後に 雨が降る しるし。"
134,34,1,"からだの さいぼうの つくりが
みずの ぶんしと にている。
みずに とけると みえなくなる。"
134,34,3,"몸의 세포 구조가
물 분자와 닮았다.
물에 녹으면 보이지 않는다."
134,34,5,"Sa structure cellulaire est similaire à la composition
moléculaire de leau. Une fois dans cet élément,
il devient indétectable à lœil nu."
134,34,6,"Seine Zellstruktur ähnelt der molekularen
Zusammensetzung von Wasser, weshalb es sich
in Gewässern unsichtbar machen kann."
134,34,7,"La composición celular de su cuerpo es tan
similar a la estructura molecular del agua que
se vuelve invisible al fundirse en ella."
134,34,8,"La sua composizione cellulare è simile
a quella delle molecole dacqua, in cui
si può dissolvere diventando invisibile."
134,34,9,"Its bodys cellular structure is similar to the
molecular composition of water. It can melt
invisibly in water."
134,34,11,"体の 細胞の つくりが
水の 分子と 似ている。
水に 溶けると 見えなくなる。"
135,1,9,"It accumulates
negative ions in
the atmosphere toblast out 10000-
volt lightning
135,2,9,"It accumulates
negative ions in
the atmosphere toblast out 10000-
volt lightning
135,3,9,"A sensitive POKé­
MON that easily
becomes sad orangry. Every time
its mood changes,
it charges power."
135,4,9,"It concentrates
the weak electric
charges emittedby its cells and
launches wicked
lightning bolts."
135,5,9,"Every hair on its
body starts to
stand sharply onend if it becomes
charged with
135,6,9,"The negatively
charged ions
generated in itsfur create a
constant sparking
135,7,9,"JOLTEONs cells generate a low level of
electricity. This power is amplified by
the static electricity of its fur,enabling the POKéMON to drop
thunderbolts. The bristling fur is made
of electrically charged needles."
135,8,9,"JOLTEONs cells generate a low level of
electricity. This power is amplified by
the static electricity of its fur,enabling the POKéMON to drop
thunderbolts. The bristling fur is made
of electrically charged needles."
135,9,9,"Its cells generate weak power that is
amplified by its furs static electricity
to drop thunderbolts. The bristling fur is
made of electrically charged needles."
135,10,9,"If it is angered or startled, the fur all
over its body bristles like sharp needles
that pierce foes."
135,11,9,"It accumulates negative ions in the
atmosphere to blast out 10,000-volt
lightning bolts."
135,12,9,"It controls 10,000-volt power
and can raise all the fur on its
body as if it were sharp needles."
135,13,9,"It controls 10,000-volt power
and can raise all the fur on its
body as if it were sharp needles."
135,14,9,"If agitated, it uses electricity to
straighten out its fur and launch
it in small bunches."
135,15,9,"It concentrates the weak electric
charges emitted by its cells and
launches wicked lightning bolts."
135,16,9,"Every hair on its body starts to
stand sharply on end if it becomes
charged with electricity."
135,17,5,"Face au danger, il fait appel à
lélectricité pour dresser ses
poils et lancer des décharges."
135,17,9,"If agitated, it uses electricity to
straighten out its fur and launch
it in small bunches."
135,18,5,"Face au danger, il fait appel à
lélectricité pour dresser ses
poils et lancer des décharges."
135,18,9,"If agitated, it uses electricity to
straighten out its fur and launch
it in small bunches."
135,21,9,"By storing electricity in its body,
it can shoot its bristlelike fur
like a barrage of missiles."
135,22,9,"By storing electricity in its body,
it can shoot its bristlelike fur
like a barrage of missiles."
135,23,1,"たいないに でんきが たまると
ぜんしんの たいもうが ぜんぶ
するどく とがりはじめる。"
135,23,3,"체내에 전기가 모이면
전신의 털이 모두
날카롭게 곤두서기 시작한다."
135,23,5,"Chaque poil sur son corps se dresse quand il se
charge en électricité."
135,23,6,"Lädt es sich mit Elektrizität auf, steht jedes
einzelne seiner Körperhaare steil nach oben."
135,23,7,"Todos los pelos de su cuerpo se ponen de punta si
empieza a cargarse de electricidad."
135,23,8,"Quando inizia a caricarsi di elettricità, gli si rizza
ogni pelo del corpo."
135,23,9,"Every hair on its body starts to stand sharply on
end if it becomes charged with electricity."
135,23,11,"体内に 電気が たまると
全身の 体毛が 全部
鋭く とがりはじめる。"
135,24,1,"くうきちゅうの マイナスイオンを
すいこんで やく10000ボルトの
でんきを はきだすことができる。"
135,24,3,"공기 중의 마이너스 이온을
빨아들여 약 10000볼트의
전기를 내뱉을 수 있다."
135,24,5,"Il se charge délectricité statique pour envoyer
des décharges de 10000 V."
135,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon entzieht der Atmosphäre Ionen,
die es in Blitze von 10 000 V Stärke umwandelt."
135,24,7,"Acumula iones negativos de la atmósfera para lanzar
rayos de 10 000 voltios de potencia."
135,24,8,"Accumula ioni negativi nellatmosfera per lanciare
saette da 10.000 volt."
135,24,9,"It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to
blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts."
135,24,11,"空気中の マイナスイオンを
吸いこんで 約10000ボルトの
電気を 吐き出すことがある。"
135,25,1,"さいぼうの だす よわい でんきを たいもうの
せいでんきで ぞうふくさせ カミナリを おとす。
さかだった たいもうは でんきを おびた はり。"
135,25,3,"세포에서 나오는 약한 전기를 털의
정전기로 증폭시켜 번개를 떨어트린다.
곤두세운 털은 전기를 띤 바늘이다."
135,25,5,"Les cellules de Voltali génèrent un courant de faible intensité.
Ce pouvoir est amplifié par lélectricité statique de ses poils,
ce qui lui permet denvoyer des éclairs. Sa fourrure hérissée
est faite daiguilles chargées délectricité."
135,25,6,"Blitzas Zellen erzeugen schwache Elektrizität. Diese wird aber
durch die statische Aufladung seines Fells verstärkt, sodass es
Blitzschläge erzeugen kann. Sein Fell besteht aus elektrisch
geladenen Nadeln."
135,25,7,"Las células de Jolteon generan un nivel bajo de electricidad,
cuya intensidad aumenta con la electricidad estática que
acumula en un pelaje formado por agujas cargadas de
electricidad. Esta característica le permite lanzar rayos."
135,25,8,"Le cellule di Jolteon generano un basso potenziale elettrico,
che viene tuttavia amplificato dallelettricità statica della sua
pelliccia, da cui scatena fulmini. La pelliccia arruffata è fatta
di aghi caricati elettricamente."
135,25,9,"Jolteons cells generate a low level of electricity. This power is
amplified by the static electricity of its fur, enabling the
Pokémon to drop thunderbolts. The bristling fur is made of
electrically charged needles."
135,25,11,"細胞の 出す 弱い 電気を 体毛の
静電気で 増幅させ カミナリを 落とす。
逆立った 体毛は 電気を 帯びた 針。"
135,26,1,"さいぼうの だす よわい でんきを たいもうの
せいでんきで ぞうふくさせ カミナリを おとす。
さかだった たいもうは でんきを おびた はり。"
135,26,3,"세포에서 나오는 약한 전기를 털의
정전기로 증폭시켜 번개를 떨어트린다.
곤두세운 털은 전기를 띤 바늘이다."
135,26,5,"Les cellules de Voltali génèrent un courant de faible intensité.
Ce pouvoir est amplifié par lélectricité statique de ses poils,
ce qui lui permet denvoyer des éclairs. Sa fourrure hérissée
est faite daiguilles chargées délectricité."
135,26,6,"Blitzas Zellen erzeugen schwache Elektrizität. Diese wird aber
durch die statische Aufladung seines Fells verstärkt, sodass es
Blitzschläge erzeugen kann. Sein Fell besteht aus elektrisch
geladenen Nadeln."
135,26,7,"Las células de Jolteon generan un nivel bajo de electricidad,
cuya intensidad aumenta con la electricidad estática que
acumula en un pelaje formado por agujas cargadas de
electricidad. Esta característica le permite lanzar rayos."
135,26,8,"Le cellule di Jolteon generano un basso potenziale elettrico,
che viene tuttavia amplificato dallelettricità statica della sua
pelliccia, da cui scatena fulmini. La pelliccia arruffata è fatta
di aghi caricati elettricamente."
135,26,9,"Jolteons cells generate a low level of electricity. This power
is amplified by the static electricity of its fur, enabling the
Pokémon to drop thunderbolts. The bristling fur is made of
electrically charged needles."
135,26,11,"細胞の 出す 弱い 電気を 体毛の
静電気で 増幅させ カミナリを 落とす。
逆立った 体毛は 電気を 帯びた 針。"
135,27,1,"やく10000ボルトの でんきを
はきだす。 かなり しんけいしつで
なつかせるのは たいへんだ。"
135,27,3,"약 10000볼트의 전기를
토해낸다. 꽤 신경질적이어서
길들이는 것은 힘들다."
135,27,5,"Il peut projeter des décharges de 10 000 volts.
Il est très nerveux, ce qui le rend difficile à
135,27,6,"Es feuert Blitze von 10000 V Stärke aus seinem
Mund ab. Es ist sehr nervös, daher haben es
Trainer schwer, seine Zuneigung zu gewinnen."
135,27,7,"Lanza rayos de 10 000 voltios de potencia. Es
difícil congeniar con este Pokémon debido a su
naturaleza nerviosa."
135,27,8,"Lancia scariche da 10.000 volt.
È piuttosto nervoso e non è facile conquistarsi
il suo affetto."
135,27,9,"They send out electrical charges of about
10,000 volts. Because they are high-strung,
it can be difficult to grow close to them."
135,27,11,"約10000ボルトの 電気を
吐き出す。 かなり 神経質で
なつかせるのは 大変だ。"
135,28,1,"たいもうが さかだったら でんきを
はく サイン。 そばに かみなりが
おちることも あるので ちゅうい。"
135,28,3,"털이 곤두서면 전기를
뿜는다는 신호다. 근처에 번개가
떨어질 때도 있으므로 주의."
135,28,5,"Quand son pelage se hérisse, cest signe quil
va projeter de lélectricité. Attention, car il
arrive que la foudre tombe près de lui."
135,28,6,"Steht ihm das Fell zu Berge, ist das ein Zeichen,
dass es gleich aus seinem Mund einen Blitz
abfeuert. In seiner Nähe schlagen oft Blitze ein."
135,28,7,"Cuando su pelaje se pone de punta, es señal de
que va a soltar una descarga. Hay que tener
cuidado porque pueden caer rayos cerca."
135,28,8,"Quando rizza il pelo, è segno che sta per
lanciare una scarica elettrica. A volte attira
i fulmini, quindi è meglio stare attenti."
135,28,9,"When its fur stands on end, thats a sign its
about to give off a jolt of electricity. Take care,
as sometimes lightning strikes next to it, too."
135,28,11,"体毛が 逆立ったら 電気を
吐く サイン。 側に 雷が
落ちることも あるので 注意。"
135,29,1,"はいの なかに でんきを うみだす
きかんが ある。 といきに まざって
でんきの おとが バチバチきこえる。"
135,29,3,"폐 안에 전기를 만드는
기관이 있다. 날숨에 섞여
탁탁하는 전기 소리가 들린다."
135,29,5,"Un organe situé à lintérieur de ses poumons
produit de lélectricité. On entend une sorte
de crépitement chaque fois quil expire."
135,29,6,"Blitza verfügt über ein Organ in der Lunge,
das Elektrizität erzeugt. Wenn dieses Pokémon
ausatmet, hört man ein elektrisches Knistern."
135,29,7,"Posee un órgano en los pulmones que genera
electricidad. Cuando respira se puede oír un
crepitar eléctrico."
135,29,8,"I suoi polmoni contengono un organo che
produce elettricità. Quando respira, si può
udire un crepitio."
135,29,9,"Its lungs contain an organ that creates
electricity. The crackling sound of electricity
can be heard when it exhales."
135,29,11,"肺の 中に 電気を 生み出す
器官が ある。 吐息に 混ざって
電気の 音が バチバチ聞こえる。"
135,30,1,"さかだてた けを はりの ように
とばす。 てきが よわった ところを
1まんボルトの でんげきで しとめる。"
135,30,3,"곤두세운 털을 바늘처럼
날린다. 적이 약해진 순간
1만 볼트의 전격으로 처리한다."
135,30,5,"Il projette ses poils hérissés comme si cétaient
des aiguilles, avant dachever ses ennemis ainsi
affaiblis avec des décharges de 10000 volts."
135,30,6,"Es stellt seine Haare auf und feuert sie ab wie
Nadeln. Dann gibt es dem geschwächten Gegner
mit einem 10000 V starken Blitz den Rest."
135,30,7,"Lanza sus pelos erizados a modo de púas. Tras
debilitar a su rival, lo remata con una descarga
de 10 000 voltios."
135,30,8,"Rizza i peli e li scaglia come se fossero aghi.
Finisce gli avversari indeboliti con scariche da
10.000 volt."
135,30,9,"Its fur stands on end, becoming like needles
it fires at enemies. Once theyre weakened, it
finishes them off with a 10,000 volt shock."
135,30,11,"逆立てた 毛を 針の ように
飛ばす。 敵が 弱った ところを
1万ボルトの 電撃で 仕留める。"
135,31,1,"ちょっとした しげきで ないたり
おこったりする。また かんじょうが
かわるたびに でんきがたまる。"
135,31,3,"약간의 자극으로 울거나
화를 낸다. 또한 감정이
변할 때마다 전기가 모인다."
135,31,5,"Un Pokémon très sensible et lunatique.
Il se charge en électricité chaque fois
que son humeur change."
135,31,6,"Schon geringste Reize lösen bei Blitza Wut oder
Trauer aus. Wenn seine Gefühlslage umschlägt,
baut sich stets Elektrizität auf."
135,31,7,"Un Pokémon muy sensible que se entristece
o enfada con mucha facilidad. Se carga de
electricidad cada vez que cambia de humor."
135,31,8,"Passa dalla tristezza allira in un soffio.
Ogni volta che ha uno sbalzo di umore
si carica di elettricità."
135,31,9,"A sensitive Pokémon that easily becomes sad
or angry. Every time its mood changes, it
charges power."
135,31,11,"ちょっとした 刺激で 泣いたり
怒ったりする。また 感情が
変わるたびに 電気がたまる。"
135,32,1,"ちょっとした しげきで ないたり
おこったりする。また かんじょうが
かわるたびに でんきがたまる。"
135,32,3,"약간의 자극으로 울거나
화를 낸다. 또한 감정이
변할 때마다 전기가 모인다."
135,32,5,"Un Pokémon très sensible et lunatique.
Il se charge en électricité chaque fois
que son humeur change."
135,32,6,"Schon geringste Reize lösen bei Blitza Wut oder
Trauer aus. Wenn seine Gefühlslage umschlägt,
baut sich stets Elektrizität auf."
135,32,7,"Un Pokémon muy sensible que se entristece
o enfada con mucha facilidad. Se carga de
electricidad cada vez que cambia de humor."
135,32,8,"Passa dalla tristezza allira in un soffio.
Ogni volta che ha uno sbalzo di umore
si carica di elettricità."
135,32,9,"A sensitive Pokémon that easily becomes sad
or angry. Every time its mood changes, it
charges power."
135,32,11,"ちょっとした 刺激で 泣いたり
怒ったりする。また 感情が
変わるたびに 電気がたまる。"
135,33,1,"おこったり おどろいたりすると
ぜんしんの けが はりの ように
さかだって あいてを つらぬく。"
135,33,3,"화가 나거나 놀라면
전신의 털이 바늘처럼
곤두서서 상대를 꿰뚫는다."
135,33,5,"Sil est irrité ou surpris, toute la fourrure
de son corps se dresse comme des aiguilles
pour percer ses ennemis."
135,33,6,"Wenn es erschrickt oder wütend wird, stellt sich
sein Fell auf wie scharfe Nadeln und sticht den
135,33,7,"Si se enfada o asusta, se le eriza el pelaje. Cada
uno de sus pelos se convierte en una afilada púa
que hace trizas al rival."
135,33,8,"Se si arrabbia o è sorpreso, tutti i peli del corpo
gli si rizzano trasformandosi in aghi che infilzano
il nemico."
135,33,9,"If it is angered or startled, the fur all over its
body bristles like sharp needles that pierce foes."
135,33,11,"怒ったり 驚いたりすると
全身の 毛が 針の ように
逆立って 相手を つらぬく。"
135,34,1,"くうきちゅうの マイナスイオンを
すいこんで やく10000ボルトの
でんきを はきだすことができる。"
135,34,3,"공기 중의 마이너스 이온을
빨아들여 약 10000볼트의
전기를 내뱉을 수 있다."
135,34,5,"Il se charge dions négatifs contenus dans lair
pour envoyer des décharges denviron
10000 volts."
135,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon entzieht der Atmosphäre Ionen
und kann dann Blitze von 10000 V Stärke aus
seinem Maul abfeuern."
135,34,7,"Acumula iones negativos de la atmósfera para
lanzar rayos de 10 000 V de potencia."
135,34,8,"Accumula gli ioni negativi presenti nellatmosfera
per lanciare scariche elettriche da 10.000 volt."
135,34,9,"It accumulates negative ions in the atmosphere to
blast out 10,000-volt lightning bolts."
135,34,11,"空気中の マイナスイオンを
吸いこんで 約10000ボルトの
電気を 吐き出すことがある。"
136,1,9,"When storing
thermal energy in
its body, itstemperature could
soar to over 1600
136,2,9,"When storing
thermal energy in
its body, itstemperature could
soar to over 1600
136,3,9,"It has a flame
chamber inside its
body. It inhales,then blows out
fire that is over
3,000F degrees."
136,4,9,"It stores some of
the air it inhales
in its internalflame pouch, which
heats it to over
3,000 degrees."
136,5,9,"It fluffs out its
fur collar to cool
down its bodytemperature, which
can reach 1,650
136,6,9,"Once it has stored
up enough heat,
this POKéMON'sbody temperature
can reach up to
1700 degrees."
136,7,9,"FLAREONs fluffy fur has a functional
purpose - it releases heat into the air
so that its body does not getexcessively hot.
This POKéMONs body temperature can
rise to a maximum of 1,650 degrees F."
136,8,9,"FLAREONs fluffy fur has a functional
purpose - it releases heat into the air
so that its body does not getexcessively hot.
This POKéMONs body temperature can
rise to a maximum of 1,650 degrees F."
136,9,9,"FLAREONs fluffy fur releases heat into
the air so that its body does not get
excessively hot. Its body temperature can
rise to a maximum of 1,650 degrees F."
136,10,9,"It has a flame bag inside its body. After
inhaling deeply, it blows out flames of
nearly 3,100 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,11,9,"When storing thermal energy in its body,
its temperature can soar to over 1,600
degrees Fahrenheit."
136,12,9,"It has a flame sac in its body.
Its body temperature tops 1,650
degrees Fahrenheit before battle."
136,13,9,"It has a flame sac in its body.
Its body temperature tops 1,650
degrees Fahrenheit before battle."
136,14,9,"Inhaled air is heated in the flame
sac in its body to an intense fire
over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,15,9,"It stores some of the air it inhales in
its internal flame pouch, which heats it
to over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,16,9,"It fluffs out its fur collar to cool down
its body temperature, which can reach
1,650 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,17,5,"Lair quil inspire est chauffé par
la glande enflammée de son corps,
atteignant les 1 700 °C."
136,17,9,"Inhaled air is heated in the flame
sac in its body to an intense fire
over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,18,5,"Lair quil inspire est chauffé par
la glande enflammée de son corps,
atteignant les 1 700 °C."
136,18,9,"Inhaled air is heated in the flame
sac in its body to an intense fire
over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,21,9,"Inhaled air is carried to its flame sac,
heated, and exhaled as fire
that reaches over 3,000 degrees F."
136,22,9,"Inhaled air is carried to its flame sac,
heated, and exhaled as fire
that reaches over 3,000 degrees F."
136,23,1,"たいないに ほのおぶくろを もつ。
たたかいが はじまる ちょくぜんには
たいおんが 900どまで あがる。"
136,23,3,"체내에 불꽃 주머니를 가지고 있다.
싸움이 시작되기 직전에는
체온이 900도까지 올라간다."
136,23,5,"Son corps contient une glande enflammée.
Sa température monte à 900 °C avant le combat."
136,23,6,"In seinem Körper befindet sich eine Flamme.
Seine Körpertemperatur liegt vor dem Kampf
bei 900 °C."
136,23,7,"Almacena llamas en su cuerpo, que alcanza una
temperatura de 900 °C antes de un combate."
136,23,8,"Nel corpo conserva una tasca ardente. Prima di
lottare, la sua temperatura si innalza a 900 °C."
136,23,9,"It has a flame sac in its body. Its body temperature
tops 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit before battle."
136,23,11,"体内に 炎袋を 持つ。
戦いが はじまる 直前には
体温が 900度まで 上がる。"
136,24,1,"たいないに ほのおぶくろが あり
ふかく いきを すいこんだあと
1700ど の ひを はく。"
136,24,3,"체내에 불꽃 주머니가 있어
깊이 숨을 들이킨 후
1700도의 불을 내뿜는다."
136,24,5,"Pyroli a une poche de feu à lintérieur de son corps.
Après une bonne inspiration, il est capable de
recracher des flammes à 1700 °C."
136,24,6,"In seinem Körper hat es eine Flammentasche.
Wenn es tief eingeatmet hat, kann es Flammen
von bis zu 1 700 °C spucken."
136,24,7,"Almacena llamas en el interior de su cuerpo. Tras
inhalar profundamente, las lanza a una temperatura
de 1700 °C."
136,24,8,"Nel corpo ha una tasca infuocata. Dopo aver inspirato
profondamente, sputa fiamme alla temperatura di
1700 °C."
136,24,9,"It has a flame bag inside its body. After inhaling
deeply, it blows out flames of nearly
3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,24,11,"体内に 炎袋があり
深く 息を 吸いこんだあと
1700度の 火を 吐く。"
136,25,1,"ふさふさの たいもうは あがりすぎた たいおんを
くうきに ほうねつして さげる きのうを もつ。
たいおんは さいこう 900ど まで あがるぞ。"
136,25,3,"푹신한 털은 높이 오른 체온을
공기 중으로 발산하여 낮추는 기능을 지녔다.
체온은 최고 900도까지 올라간다."
136,25,5,"La fourrure soyeuse de Pyroli a une fonction anatomique.
Elle rejette la chaleur dans lair pour que son corps ne
surchauffe pas. La température du corps de ce Pokémon
peut atteindre 900 °C."
136,25,6,"Flamaras flauschiges Fell dient einem besonderen Zweck.
Es gibt Hitze an die Luft ab, damit sein Körper nicht zu heiß
wird. Die Körpertemperatur dieses Pokémon kann bis auf
900 °C ansteigen."
136,25,7,"La suavidad del pelaje de Flareon tiene una función clara:
libera calor para que el Pokémon no se asfixie. La temperatura
corporal de este Pokémon puede alcanzar los 900 °C."
136,25,8,"La morbida pelliccia di Flareon ha uno scopo ben preciso:
libera calore nellaria in modo da abbassare la temperatura
corporea, che nel caso di questo Pokémon può raggiungere
anche 900 °C."
136,25,9,"Flareons fluffy fur has a functional purpose—it releases heat
into the air so that its body does not get excessively hot.
This Pokémons body temperature can rise to a maximum of
1,650 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,25,11,"ふさふさの 体毛は 上がり過ぎた 体温を
空気に 放熱して 下げる 機能を 持つ。
体温は 最高 900度 まで 上がるぞ。"
136,26,1,"ふさふさの たいもうは あがりすぎた たいおんを
くうきに ほうねつして さげる きのうを もつ。
たいおんは さいこう 900ど まで あがるぞ。"
136,26,3,"푹신한 털은 높이 오른 체온을
공기 중으로 발산하여 낮추는 기능을 지녔다.
체온은 최고 900도까지 올라간다."
136,26,5,"La fourrure soyeuse de Pyroli a une fonction anatomique.
Elle rejette la chaleur dans lair pour que son corps ne
surchauffe pas. La température du corps de ce Pokémon
peut atteindre 900 °C."
136,26,6,"Flamaras flauschiges Fell dient einem besonderen Zweck.
Es gibt Hitze an die Luft ab, damit sein Körper nicht zu heiß
wird. Die Körpertemperatur dieses Pokémon kann bis auf
900 °C ansteigen."
136,26,7,"La suavidad del pelaje de Flareon tiene una función clara:
libera calor para que el Pokémon no se asfixie. La temperatura
corporal de este Pokémon puede alcanzar los 900 °C."
136,26,8,"La morbida pelliccia di Flareon ha uno scopo ben preciso:
libera calore nellaria in modo da abbassare la temperatura
corporea, che nel caso di questo Pokémon può raggiungere
anche 900 °C."
136,26,9,"Flareons fluffy fur has a functional purpose—it releases heat
into the air so that its body does not get excessively hot.
This Pokémons body temperature can rise to a maximum of
1,650 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,26,11,"ふさふさの 体毛は 上がり過ぎた 体温を
空気に 放熱して 下げる 機能を 持つ。
体温は 最高 900度 まで 上がるぞ。"
136,27,1,"きのみや えものを つかまえると
ほのおを ふいて ウェルダンぐらいに
なるまで やきあげてから ガブリ。"
136,27,3,"나무열매나 먹이를 잡으면
불꽃을 뿜어 웰던 정도가
될 때까지 구운 다음 꿀꺽한다."
136,27,5,"Après avoir trouvé une proie et quelques Baies,
il crache du feu jusquà ce quelles soient cuites
à point avant de les gober."
136,27,6,"Hat es Beeren oder Pokémon erbeutet, speit es
so lange Feuer, bis beides gut durchgebraten
ist. Danach beißt es beherzt zu."
136,27,7,"Antes de hincarle el diente a algo, ya sean
bayas o alguna presa, lo cocina con sus llamas
hasta que queda bien hecho."
136,27,8,"Arrostisce con le sue fiamme le prede che
cattura e le bacche che raccoglie finché non
sono ben cotte e poi le mangia."
136,27,9,"When it catches prey or finds berries, it
breathes fire on them until theyre well done,
and then it gobbles them up."
136,27,11,"木の実や 獲物を 捕まえると
炎を 吹いて ウェルダンぐらいに
なるまで 焼きあげてから ガブリ。"
136,28,1,"へいきんたいおん 7~800ど。
たいないに ある ほのおぶくろでは
1700どの ほのおが もえている。"
136,28,3,"평균 체온 7~800도.
체내에 있는 불꽃 주머니에서는
1700도의 불꽃이 타고 있다."
136,28,5,"Sa température moyenne est entre 700 et
800 °C. La poche de feu à lintérieur de son
corps peut atteindre 1 700 °C."
136,28,6,"Seine Körpertemperatur beträgt im Durchschnitt
700 bis 800 °C. In einem Flammensack im
Körper erzeugt es ein Feuer von 1 700 °C."
136,28,7,"La temperatura corporal de este Pokémon ronda
los 700 u 800 °C. Las llamas que almacena en
su bolsa interior pueden llegar a los 1700 °C."
136,28,8,"La sua temperatura corporea media oscilla tra
i 700 e gli 800 °C. In una sacca allinterno del
suo corpo ardono fiamme a 1.700 °C."
136,28,9,"Its average body temperature is between 1,300
and 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. In its internal
flame sac, temperatures reach 3,000 degrees."
136,28,11,"平均体温 7~800度。
体内に ある 炎袋では
1700度の 炎が 燃えている。"
136,29,1,"おおきく くうきを すいこむのは
こうげきの サイン。 1700どの
ほのおが おそってくるぞ。"
136,29,3,"크게 공기를 들이쉬는 것은
공격 신호다. 1700도의
불꽃이 엄습해 온다."
136,29,5,"Si vous le voyez inspirer profondément,
sauvez-vous, car cest le signe quil va attaquer
en soufflant une flamme à 1700 °C!"
136,29,6,"Wenn es tief einatmet, bereitet es gerade einen
Angriff vor. Es kann bis zu 1700 °C heiße
Flammen speien."
136,29,7,"Cuando inspira profundamente es señal de que
se dispone a atacar. Expele llamaradas que
alcanzan temperaturas de 1700 °C."
136,29,8,"Quando inspira profondamente significa che
si sta preparando allattacco. Sputa fiamme
alla temperatura di 1.700 °C."
136,29,9,"If it inhales deeply, thats a sign its about to
attack. Prepare to be hit by flames of over
3,000 degrees Fahrenheit!"
136,29,11,"大きく 空気を 吸い込むのは
攻撃の サイン。 1700度の
炎が 襲ってくるぞ。"
136,30,1,"こうふんすると たいないに ある
ほのおぶくろに ひが ついて
たいおんは 900ど まで あがる。"
136,30,3,"흥분하면 체내에 있는
불꽃 주머니에 불이 붙어서
체온이 900도까지 오른다."
136,30,5,"Lorsquil est agité, sa poche de feu interne
senflamme, et sa température corporelle peut
alors monter jusquà 900 °C."
136,30,6,"Ist Flamara aufgeregt, fängt der Flammensack
in seinem Körper Feuer, wodurch seine
Körpertemperatur auf bis zu 900 °C steigt."
136,30,7,"Cuando su ánimo se altera, las llamas que
almacena en su bolsa interior se avivan y su
temperatura corporal llega a los 900 °C."
136,30,8,"Quando si agita si genera del fuoco in una sacca
interna e la sua temperatura corporea sale fino
a raggiungere i 900 °C."
136,30,9,"The flame chamber inside its body ignites when
Flareon gets agitated, reaching temperatures of
up to 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,30,11,"興奮すると 体内に ある
炎袋に 火が ついて
体温は 900度 まで あがる。"
136,31,1,"たいないに ほのおぶくろが あって
すいこんだ いきを 1700どの
ほのおにして くちから はきだす。"
136,31,3,"체내에 불꽃 주머니가 있어
들이마신 숨을 1700도의
불꽃으로 바꿔 입에서 뿜어낸다."
136,31,5,"La poche de feu à lintérieur de son corps
transforme lair quil inspire en flammes
à 1700 ºC quil recrache par la bouche."
136,31,6,"In seinem Körper befindet sich ein Flammensack.
Dort wandelt es Luft in 1700 ºC heiße Flammen
um, die es über den Mund ausspeit."
136,31,7,"La bolsa en el interior de su cuerpo le permite
convertir el aire que aspira en llamas a 1700 °C
que luego exhala por la boca."
136,31,8,"Nel corpo ha una sacca ardente con cui
trasforma laria che respira in fiamme e le emette
dalla bocca alla temperatura di 1.700 ºC."
136,31,9,"It has a flame chamber inside its body. It inhales,
then breathes out fire that is over 3,000
degrees Fahrenheit."
136,31,11,"体内に 炎袋が あって
吸い込んだ 息を 1700度の
炎にして 口から 吐き出す。"
136,32,1,"たいないに ほのおぶくろが あって
すいこんだ いきを 1700どの
ほのおにして くちから はきだす。"
136,32,3,"체내에 불꽃 주머니가 있어
들이마신 숨을 1700도의
불꽃으로 바꿔 입에서 뿜어낸다."
136,32,5,"La poche de feu à lintérieur de son corps
transforme lair quil inspire en flammes
à 1700 ºC quil recrache par la bouche."
136,32,6,"In seinem Körper befindet sich ein Flammensack.
Dort wandelt es Luft in 1700 ºC heiße Flammen
um, die es über den Mund ausspeit."
136,32,7,"La bolsa en el interior de su cuerpo le permite
convertir el aire que aspira en llamas a 1700 °C
que luego exhala por la boca."
136,32,8,"Nel corpo ha una sacca ardente con cui
trasforma laria che respira in fiamme e le emette
dalla bocca alla temperatura di 1.700 ºC."
136,32,9,"It has a flame chamber inside its body. It inhales,
then breathes out fire that is over 3,000
degrees Fahrenheit."
136,32,11,"体内に 炎袋が あって
吸い込んだ 息を 1700度の
炎にして 口から 吐き出す。"
136,33,1,"たいないに ほのおが たまると
ブースターの たいおんも さいこう
900ど まで あがっていく。"
136,33,3,"체내에 불꽃이 쌓이면
부스터의 체온도 최고
900도까지 오른다."
136,33,5,"Après avoir emmagasiné suffisamment de chaleur,
sa température corporelle peut monter
jusquà 900 °C."
136,33,6,"Wenn die Flamme in seinem Körper heiß genug
brennt, kann seine Körpertemperatur bis zu
900 ºC erreichen."
136,33,7,"Una vez que ha almacenado el calor suficiente,
puede alcanzar una temperatura de 900 °C."
136,33,8,"Quando immagazzina abbastanza calore,
la sua temperatura corporea può salire fino
a 900 ºC."
136,33,9,"Once it has stored up enough heat, this
Pokémons body temperature can reach up to
1,700 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,33,11,"体内に 炎が 溜まると
ブースターの 体温も 最高
900度 まで 上がっていく。"
136,34,1,"すいこんだ くうきの いちぶは
たいないの ほのおぶくろに おくられ
1700どの ほのおに なる。"
136,34,3,"들이마신 공기 중 일부는
체내의 불꽃 주머니로 보내져
1700도의 불꽃이 된다."
136,34,5,"Il emmagasine de lair dans sa poche de flammes
et le chauffe à une température de 1700 °C."
136,34,6,"Ein Teil der von ihm eingeatmeten Luft wird
in einem Flammensack in seinem Körper
gespeichert und dort auf 1700 ºC erhitzt."
136,34,7,"Almacena parte del aire que inhala en la saca de
fuego de su interior, que llega a calentarse a más
de 1700 °C."
136,34,8,"Parte dellaria che inala finisce in una sacca
interna, dove brucia raggiungendo una
temperatura di 1.700 ºC."
136,34,9,"It stores some of the air it inhales in its internal
flame pouch, which heats it to over
3,000 degrees Fahrenheit."
136,34,11,"吸いこんだ 空気の 一部は
体内の 炎袋に 送られ
1700度の 炎に なる。"
137,1,9,"A POKéMON that
consists entirely
of programmingcode. Capable of
moving freely in
137,2,9,"A POKéMON that
consists entirely
of programmingcode. Capable of
moving freely in
137,3,9,"The only POKéMON
people anticipate
can fly intospace. None has
managed the feat
yet, however."
137,4,9,"It is a manmade
POKéMON. Since it
doesn't breathe,people are eager
to try it in any
137,5,9,"A manmade POKéMON
that came about as
a result of re­search. It is pro­
grammed with only
basic motions."
137,6,9,"An artificial
POKéMON created
due to extensiveresearch, it can
perform only what
is in its program."
137,7,9,"PORYGON is capable of reverting itself
entirely back to program data and
entering cyberspace.This POKéMON is copy-protected so it
cannot be duplicated by copying."
137,8,9,"PORYGON is capable of reverting itself
entirely back to program data and
entering cyberspace.This POKéMON is copy-protected so it
cannot be duplicated by copying."
137,9,9,"It is capable of reverting itself entirely
back to program data in order to enter
cyberspace. A PORYGON is copy-
protected so it cannot be duplicated."
137,10,9,"Using the most advanced technologies,
scientists finally succeeded in making the
first artificial POKéMON."
137,11,9,"A POKéMON that consists entirely of
programming code. It is capable of moving
freely in cyberspace."
137,12,9,"The worlds first artificially
created Pokémon. It can travel
through electronic space."
137,13,9,"The worlds first artificially
created Pokémon. It can travel
through electronic space."
137,14,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using
advanced scientific means. It can
move freely in cyberspace."
137,15,9,"It is a manmade Pokémon. Since it
doesnt breathe, people are eager
to try it in any environment."
137,16,9,"A manmade Pokémon that came about as
a result of research. It is programmed
with only basic motions."
137,17,5,"Ce Pokémon créé par des
scientifiques peut arpenter
librement le cyberespace."
137,17,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using
advanced scientific means. It can
move freely in cyberspace."
137,18,5,"Ce Pokémon créé par des
scientifiques peut arpenter
librement le cyberespace."
137,18,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using
advanced scientific means. It can
move freely in cyberspace."
137,21,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using
advanced scientific means. It can
move freely in cyberspace."
137,22,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using
advanced scientific means. It can
move freely in cyberspace."
137,23,1,"けんきゅうのすえ うみだされた
じんこうの ポケモン。きほんてきな
どうさしか プログラムされていない。"
137,23,3,"연구 끝에 태어난
인공 포켓몬이다. 기본적인
동작만 프로그램되어 있다."
137,23,5,"Un Pokémon créé par lhomme après de longues
recherches. Il ne connaît que peu de mouvements."
137,23,6,"Ein künstlich produziertes Pokémon, welches das
Ergebnis von Forschungen ist. Es ist simpel aufgebaut."
137,23,7,"Pokémon creado por el hombre tras muchas
investigaciones. Sus habilidades son básicas."
137,23,8,"Questo Pokémon è il risultato di una ricerca umana.
Esegue solo i movimenti più elementari."
137,23,9,"A man-made Pokémon that came about
as a result of research. It is programmed
with only basic motions."
137,23,11,"研究の末 生み出された
人工の ポケモン。基本的な
動作しか プログラムされていない。"
137,24,1,"からだが プログラムで できている。
でんしくうかんを じゆうじざいに
いどうできる のうりょくをもつ。"
137,24,3,"몸이 프로그램으로 만들어져 있다.
전자 공간을 자유자재로
이동할 수 있는 능력을 가졌다."
137,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est fait de programmes et dalgorithmes.
Il peut survivre en milieu virtuel."
137,24,6,"Porygon besteht komplett aus Computerdaten.
Es kann sich frei in virtuellen Welten bewegen."
137,24,7,"Un Pokémon formado por códigos de programación.
Se mueve libre por el ciberespacio."
137,24,8,"Formato per intero da codici programmatici, può
muoversi liberamente nel ciberspazio."
137,24,9,"A Pokémon that consists entirely of programming
code. It is capable of moving freely in cyberspace."
137,24,11,"体が プログラムで できている。
電子空間を 自由自在に
移動できる 能力を持つ。"
137,25,1,"ぜんしんを プログラム データに もどして
でんし くうかんに はいる ことが できる。
コピーガードされて いるので コピー できない。"
137,25,3,"전신을 프로그램 데이터로 되돌려
전자 공간에 들어갈 수 있다.
복사 방지가 되어 있어 복사할 수 없다."
137,25,5,"Porygon est capable de se décompiler et de retourner à létat
de programme informatique pour entrer dans le cyberespace.
Ce Pokémon est protégé contre le piratage, il est donc
impossible de le copier."
137,25,6,"Porygon ist in der Lage, sich in Daten zurückzuverwandeln
und in den Cyberspace zu gelangen. Dieses Pokémon ist
kopiergeschützt, sodass es durch Kopieren nicht vervielfältigt
werden kann."
137,25,7,"Porygon es capaz de convertirse otra vez en datos
informáticos y de entrar en el ciberespacio. Tiene protección
anticopia, así que es imposible duplicarlo."
137,25,8,"Porygon è in grado di regredire ai suoi codici di
programmazione originari ed entrare nel cyberspazio.
Questo Pokémon è dotato di un sistema antipirateria
per evitarne la duplicazione illecita."
137,25,9,"Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program
data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy protected
so it cannot be duplicated by copying."
137,25,11,"全身を プログラム データに 戻して
電子 空間に 入る ことが できる。
コピーガードされて いるので コピー できない。"
137,26,1,"ぜんしんを プログラム データに もどして
でんし くうかんに はいる ことが できる。
コピーガードされて いるので コピー できない。"
137,26,3,"전신을 프로그램 데이터로 되돌려
전자 공간에 들어갈 수 있다.
복사 방지가 되어 있어 복사할 수 없다."
137,26,5,"Porygon est capable de se décompiler et de retourner à létat
de programme informatique pour entrer dans le cyberespace.
Ce Pokémon est protégé contre le piratage, il est donc
impossible de le copier."
137,26,6,"Porygon ist in der Lage, sich in Daten zurückzuverwandeln
und in den Cyberspace zu gelangen. Dieses Pokémon ist
kopiergeschützt, sodass es durch Kopieren nicht vervielfältigt
werden kann."
137,26,7,"Porygon es capaz de convertirse otra vez en datos
informáticos y de entrar en el ciberespacio. Tiene protección
anticopia, así que es imposible duplicarlo."
137,26,8,"Porygon è in grado di regredire ai suoi codici di
programmazione originari ed entrare nel cyberspazio.
Questo Pokémon è dotato di un sistema antipirateria
per evitarne la duplicazione illecita."
137,26,9,"Porygon is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program
data and entering cyberspace. This Pokémon is copy protected
so it cannot be duplicated by copying."
137,26,11,"全身を プログラム データに 戻して
電子 空間に 入る ことが できる。
コピーガードされて いるので コピー できない。"
137,27,1,"およそ 20ねんまえに とうじの
かがくりょくを けっしゅうし
うみだされた じんこうの ポケモン。"
137,27,3,"약 20년 전에 당시의
과학력을 결집해서
태어난 인공 포켓몬이다."
137,27,5,"Un Pokémon artificiel créé il y a vingt ans
en utilisant des méthodes à la pointe de
la technologie de lépoque."
137,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde vor 20 Jahren künstlich
erschaffen. Damals stellte es das Nonplusultra
der technischen Möglichkeiten dar."
137,27,7,"Un Pokémon que fue creado por el hombre hace
unos 20 años con los medios tecnológicos que
había disponibles en aquel momento."
137,27,8,"Un Pokémon artificiale creato circa 20 anni fa
sfruttando le conoscenze scientifiche più
avanzate dellepoca."
137,27,9,"Roughly 20 years ago, it was artificially created,
utilizing the latest technology of the time."
137,27,11,"およそ 20年前に 当時の
科学力を 結集し
生みだされた 人工の ポケモン。"
137,28,1,"からだを デジタルデータか することが
できるので でんのう くうかんに
はいりこむことが できるのだ。"
137,28,3,"몸을 디지털 데이터화 하는 것이
가능해서 컴퓨터 공간에
파고들어 갈 수 있다."
137,28,5,"Il peut transformer son corps en données
numériques pour pénétrer dans le cyberespace."
137,28,6,"Es kann seinen Körper in Daten umwandeln
und somit nach Belieben den virtuellen Raum
betreten und verlassen."
137,28,7,"Porygon es capaz de convertirse en datos
informáticos y de entrar en el ciberespacio."
137,28,8,"Il suo corpo può essere digitalizzato, rendendolo
in grado di entrare nel cyberspazio."
137,28,9,"It can convert its body into digital data,
which enables it to enter cyberspace."
137,28,11,"身体を デジタルデータ化 することが
できるので 電脳空間に
入り込むことが できるのだ。"
137,29,1,"やく20ねんまえの かがくりょくで
うみだされた ポケモンなので いまや
じだいおくれな ぶぶんも おおい。"
137,29,3,"약 20년 전의 과학 기술로 태어난
포켓몬이기 때문에 지금은
시대에 뒤떨어진 부분도 많다."
137,29,5,"Un Pokémon artificiel créé il y a vingt ans,
et qui est donc complètement dépassé sur
bien des points."
137,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde vor etwa 20 Jahren
künstlich erschaffen. Ein Großteil der damals
verwendeten Technik ist heute längst überholt."
137,29,7,"Fue creado por el hombre unos 20 años atrás
con los medios del momento, por lo que ahora
está desfasado en muchos aspectos."
137,29,8,"Un Pokémon creato circa 20 anni fa grazie alle
conoscenze scientifiche dellepoca. Molte sue
parti sono ormai obsolete."
137,29,9,"This Pokémon was created using the
cutting-edge science of 20 years ago, so
many parts of it have since become obsolete."
137,29,11,"約20年前の 科学力で
生み出された ポケモンなので 今や
時代遅れな 部分も 多い。"
137,30,1,"20ねんまえ うちゅうを ゆめみた
かがくしゃたちに よって つくられた。
いまだ そのゆめは かなっていない。"
137,30,3,"20년 전 우주를 꿈꾸는
과학자들에 의해 만들어졌다.
아직 그 꿈은 이루지 못했다."
137,30,5,"Il a été conçu il y a vingt ans par des
chercheurs qui rêvaient de conquérir lespace.
Ce rêve nest toujours pas devenu réalité."
137,30,6,"Es wurde vor 20 Jahren von Wissenschaftlern
erschaffen, die vom Erforschen des Weltraums
träumten. Ihr Traum hat sich bisher nicht erfüllt."
137,30,7,"Fue creado hace 20 años por un grupo de
científicos que soñaba con explorar el espacio.
Dicho sueño aún no se ha cumplido."
137,30,8,"Un Pokémon creato 20 anni fa da alcuni
scienziati che sognavano di esplorare lo spazio.
Il loro sogno non è stato ancora realizzato."
137,30,9,"It was built 20 years ago by scientists who
dreamed of exploring space. Their dreams have
yet to come true."
137,30,11,"20年前 宇宙を 夢見た
科学者たちに よって 作られた。
未だ その夢は 叶っていない。"
137,31,1,"ゆいいつ うちゅうまで とんでいける
ポケモンと きたい されているが
いまだに せいこうれいは ない。"
137,31,3,"유일하게 우주까지 날아갈 수 있는
포켓몬으로 기대를 모으고 있지만
아직 성공한 사례는 없다."
137,31,5,"Ce Pokémon est censé être le seul à pouvoir
voler jusque dans lespace, mais pour linstant,
aucun Porygon ny est jamais parvenu."
137,31,6,"Porygon ist das einzige Pokémon, von dem man
sich erhofft, dass es ins Weltall fliegen kann.
Bislang ist dies aber keinem Exemplar gelungen."
137,31,7,"Se creía que sería el único Pokémon capaz de
volar por el espacio, pero aún no se ha visto a
ninguno que lo haya conseguido."
137,31,8,"Si ritiene che sia lunico Pokémon in grado
di volare fino allo spazio, ma ad oggi non è
ancora successo."
137,31,9,"The only Pokémon that people anticipate
can fly into space. None has managed
the feat yet, however."
137,31,11,"唯一 宇宙まで 飛んでいける
ポケモンと 期待 されているが
未だに 成功例は ない。"
137,32,1,"ゆいいつ うちゅうまで とんでいける
ポケモンと きたい されているが
いまだに せいこうれいは ない。"
137,32,3,"유일하게 우주까지 날아갈 수 있는
포켓몬으로 기대를 모으고 있지만
아직 성공한 사례는 없다."
137,32,5,"Ce Pokémon est censé être le seul à pouvoir
voler jusque dans lespace, mais pour linstant,
aucun Porygon ny est jamais parvenu."
137,32,6,"Porygon ist das einzige Pokémon, von dem man
sich erhofft, dass es ins Weltall fliegen kann.
Bislang ist dies aber keinem Exemplar gelungen."
137,32,7,"Se creía que sería el único Pokémon capaz de
volar por el espacio, pero aún no se ha visto a
ninguno que lo haya conseguido."
137,32,8,"Si ritiene che sia lunico Pokémon in grado
di volare fino allo spazio, ma ad oggi non è
ancora successo."
137,32,9,"The only Pokémon that people anticipate
can fly into space. None has managed
the feat yet, however."
137,32,11,"唯一 宇宙まで 飛んでいける
ポケモンと 期待 されているが
未だに 成功例は ない。"
137,33,1,"さいこうの かがくりょくを つかい
せかいで はじめて プログラムにより
つくられた じんこうの ポケモン。"
137,33,3,"최고의 과학 기술을 사용해
세계에서 처음으로 프로그래밍되어
만들어진 인공 포켓몬이다."
137,33,5,"Cest le premier Pokémon au monde à avoir
été créé à partir de programmes informatiques,
grâce à une technologie de pointe."
137,33,6,"Es ist weltweit das erste künstliche Pokémon,
das dank neuester Technologien mittels
Computerprogrammen erschaffen wurde."
137,33,7,"Se trata del primer Pokémon del mundo creado
a partir de códigos de programación gracias al
uso de tecnología de vanguardia."
137,33,8,"È il primo Pokémon della storia a essere stato
creato tramite programmi, grazie allimpiego
di tecnologie allavanguardia."
137,33,9,"State-of-the-art technology was used to create
Porygon. It was the first artificial Pokémon to be
created via computer programming."
137,33,11,"最高の 科学力を 使い
世界で はじめて プログラムにより
作られた 人工の ポケモン。"
137,34,1,"きんねんは でんのう くうかんで
だいかつやく。 あやしい データが 
ないか チェックして まわっている。"
137,34,3,"근래에는 컴퓨터 공간에서
대활약한다. 수상한 데이터가
없는지 체크하며 돌아다닌다."
137,34,5,"Ces dernières années, il sest rendu très utile
dans le cyberespace, quil arpente pour sassurer
quil ny a aucune donnée suspecte."
137,34,6,"In den letzten Jahren nahm es im Cyberspace
bei der Suche nach verdächtigen Daten eine
aktive Rolle ein."
137,34,7,"Durante los últimos años, ha estado muy activo
en el ciberespacio comprobando que no haya
datos sospechosos."
137,34,8,"Negli ultimi anni ha assunto un ruolo di rilevanza
nel cyberspazio, in cui si aggira per assicurarsi
che non ci siano dati sospetti."
137,34,9,"In recent years, this species has been very helpful
in cyberspace. These Pokémon will go around
checking to make sure no suspicious data exists."
137,34,11,"近年は 電脳空間で 大活躍。
怪しい データが ないか
チェックして まわっている。"
138,1,9,"Although long
extinct, in rare
cases, it can begenetically
resurrected from
138,2,9,"Although long
extinct, in rare
cases, it can begenetically
resurrected from
138,3,9,"An ancient POKéMON
that was recovered
from a fossil. Itswims by cleverly
twisting its 10
tentacles about."
138,4,9,"Revived from an
ancient fossil,
this POKéMON usesair stored in its
shell to sink and
rise in water."
138,5,9,"This POKéMON from
ancient times is
said to have navi­gated the sea by
adeptly twisting
its 10 tentacles."
138,6,9,"In prehistoric
times, it swam on
the sea floor,eating plankton.
Its fossils are
sometimes found."
138,7,9,"OMANYTE is one of the ancient and long-
since-extinct POKéMON that have been
regenerated from fossils by people.If attacked by an enemy, it withdraws
itself inside its hard shell."
138,8,9,"OMANYTE is one of the ancient and long-
since-extinct POKéMON that have been
regenerated from fossils by people.If attacked by an enemy, it withdraws
itself inside its hard shell."
138,9,9,"One of the ancient and long-since-extinct
POKéMON that have been regenerated
from fossils by humans. If attacked,
it withdraws into its hard shell."
138,10,9,"A prehistoric POKéMON that lived in the
primordial sea, it swims by twisting its
10 tentacles about."
138,11,9,"Although long extinct, in rare cases, it
can be genetically regenerated from
138,12,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,13,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,14,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,15,9,"Revived from an ancient fossil,
this Pokémon uses air stored in its
shell to sink and rise in water."
138,16,9,"This Pokémon from ancient times is
said to have navigated the sea by
adeptly twisting its 10 tentacles."
138,17,5,"Un Pokémon ramené à la vie par
la science à partir dun fossile. Il
peuplait autrefois les mers."
138,17,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,18,5,"Un Pokémon ramené à la vie par
la science à partir dun fossile. Il
peuplait autrefois les mers."
138,18,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,21,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,22,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected
from a fossil using modern science.
It swam in ancient seas."
138,23,1,"おおむかし うみに すんでいた
こだい ポケモン。10ぽんの あしを
くねらせて およぐ。"
138,23,3,"먼 옛날 바다에서 살고 있던
고대 포켓몬. 10개의 다리를
구불거리며 헤엄친다."
138,23,5,"Un Pokémon préhistorique qui vivait dans les
profondeurs marines. Il se déplace en agitant ses 10
138,23,6,"Ein prähistorisches Pokémon, das zur Urzeit im
Wasser lebte. Es schwimmt, indem es seine
zehn Tentakel bewegt."
138,23,7,"Pokémon prehistórico que vivió en el océano
primordial. Para nadar se valía de sus 10 tentáculos."
138,23,8,"Pokémon preistorico, che viveva nel mare primordiale.
Nuota facendo oscillare i suoi dieci tentacoli."
138,23,9,"A prehistoric Pokémon that lived in the primordial
sea, it swims by twisting its 10 tentacles about."
138,23,11,"大昔 海に 住んでいた
古代ポケモン。10本の 脚を
くねらせて 泳ぐ。"
138,24,1,"こだいの かせきから ふっかつ。
カラのなかに ためた くうきで
すいちゅうを うきしずみしていた。"
138,24,3,"고대의 화석에서 부활했다.
껍질 안에 모은 공기로
수중에서 뜨고 가라앉기를 반복했다."
138,24,5,"Recréé à partir dun fossile, il utilise lair dans sa
coquille pour senfoncer dans leau ou faire surface."
138,24,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil reanimiert. Es nutzt
die Luftkammern in seiner Schale, um ab- und
138,24,7,"Resucitado de un fósil, este Pokémon usa el aire de
su concha para sumergirse y emerger."
138,24,8,"Questo Pokémon, resuscitato da un antico fossile,
usa laria del guscio per immergersi."
138,24,9,"Revived from an ancient fossil, this Pokémon uses
air stored in its shell to sink and rise in water."
138,24,11,"古代の 化石から 復活。
殻の 中に ためた 空気で
水中を 浮き沈みしていた。"
138,25,1,"おおむかしに ぜつめつしたが にんげんの てで
かせきから ふっかつさせた ポケモンの ひとつ。
てきに おそわれると かたい カラに かくれる。"
138,25,3,"오랜 옛날에 멸종됐지만 인간의 손으로
화석에서 부활시킨 포켓몬 중 하나다.
적에게 습격당하면 단단한 껍질 속에 숨는다."
138,25,5,"Amonita est lun des Pokémon disparus depuis longtemps
et qui furent ressuscités à partir de fossiles.
Lorsquil est attaqué par un ennemi, il se rétracte dans
sa coquille."
138,25,6,"Amonitas ist ein Pokémon, das lange Zeit ausgestorben war,
aber von den Menschen aus Fossilien reproduziert wurde.
Wenn es von einem Feind angegriffen wird, zieht es sich in
sein hartes Gehäuse zurück."
138,25,7,"Omanyte es uno de esos Pokémon ancestrales que se
extinguieron hace muchísimo tiempo y que la gente ha
recuperado a partir de fósiles. Si un enemigo le ataca, se
esconderá dentro de la dura concha que tiene."
138,25,8,"Omanyte è uno degli antichi Pokémon estinti, recentemente
rigenerati dalluomo. In caso di aggressione da parte di
un nemico, si ritira allinterno della sua dura corazza."
138,25,9,"Omanyte is one of the ancient and long-since-extinct Pokémon
that have been regenerated from fossils by people. If attacked
by an enemy, it withdraws itself inside its hard shell."
138,25,11,"大昔に 絶滅したが 人間の 手で
化石から 復活させた ポケモンの 一つ。
敵に 襲われると 硬い カラに 隠れる。"
138,26,1,"おおむかしに ぜつめつしたが にんげんの てで
かせきから ふっかつさせた ポケモンの ひとつ。
てきに おそわれると かたい カラに かくれる。"
138,26,3,"오랜 옛날에 멸종됐지만 인간의 손으로
화석에서 부활시킨 포켓몬 중 하나다.
적에게 습격당하면 단단한 껍질 속에 숨는다."
138,26,5,"Amonita est lun des Pokémon disparus depuis longtemps
et qui furent ressuscités à partir de fossiles.
Lorsquil est attaqué par un ennemi, il se rétracte dans
sa coquille."
138,26,6,"Amonitas ist ein Pokémon, das lange Zeit ausgestorben war,
aber durch die Menschen aus Fossilien reproduziert wurde.
Wenn es von einem Feind angegriffen wird, zieht es sich in
sein hartes Gehäuse zurück."
138,26,7,"Omanyte es uno de esos Pokémon ancestrales que se
extinguieron hace muchísimo tiempo y que la gente ha
recuperado a partir de fósiles. Si un enemigo le ataca, se
esconderá dentro de la dura concha que tiene."
138,26,8,"Omanyte è uno degli antichi Pokémon estinti, recentemente
rigenerati dalluomo. In caso di aggressione da parte di
un nemico, si ritira allinterno della sua dura corazza."
138,26,9,"Omanyte is one of the ancient and long-since-extinct Pokémon
that have been regenerated from fossils by people. If attacked
by an enemy, it withdraws itself inside its hard shell."
138,26,11,"大昔に 絶滅したが 人間の 手で
化石から 復活させた ポケモンの 一つ。
敵に 襲われると 硬い カラに 隠れる。"
138,29,1,"こだいのうみに いきていた ポケモン。
アーケオスの エサだったようで
はがたのついた かせきが みつかる。"
138,29,3,"고대의 바다에 살았던 포켓몬.
아케오스의 먹이였던 것으로 추정되며
잇자국이 있는 화석이 발견된다."
138,29,5,"Un Pokémon qui vivait dans les mers antiques.
Des fossiles présentant des traces de morsures
indiquent quil était la proie dAéroptéryx."
138,29,6,"Es lebte im urzeitlichen Meer. Bissspuren auf
seinen Fossilien deuten darauf hin, dass es
damals von Aeropteryx gejagt wurde."
138,29,7,"Pokémon prehistórico que vivía en el océano.
Las marcas de mordeduras en sus fósiles
indican que solía ser presa de los Archeops."
138,29,8,"Pokémon che viveva nei mari ancestrali.
Per via dei segni di zanne ritrovati sui fossili,
si pensa che venisse cacciato dagli Archeops."
138,29,9,"Omanyte lived in the seas of antiquity. Its
fossils have been found bearing bite marks from
Archeops, so apparently Archeops preyed on it."
138,29,11,"古代の海に 生きていた ポケモン。
アーケオスの エサだったようで
歯型のついた 化石が 見つかる。"
138,30,1,"こだいの かせきから ふくげんされた。
おおむかし うみだった ばしょから
かいのカセキが はっくつ される。"
138,30,3,"고대 화석에서 복원되었다.
오랜 옛날 바다였던 곳에서
조개화석이 발굴된다."
138,30,5,"Un Pokémon recréé à partir dun fossile antique.
Ces Nautiles se trouvent en des endroits jadis
recouverts par les flots."
138,30,6,"Es konnte durch Fossilien seines Gehäuses
neu belebt werden, die an Orten gefunden
wurden, an denen sich früher das Meer befand."
138,30,7,"Este Pokémon ha sido regenerado a partir de
Fósiles Hélix hallados en estratos que
corresponden al lecho de océanos prehistóricos."
138,30,8,"Durante scavi in luoghi anticamente sommersi
si trovano spesso degli Helixfossili, da cui
questo Pokémon viene rigenerato."
138,30,9,"It was restored from an ancient fossil. Those
Helix Fossils are excavated from areas that
were once oceans long, long ago."
138,30,11,"古代の 化石から 復元された。
大昔 海だった 場所から
かいのカセキが 発掘 される。"
138,31,1,"10ぽんのあしを うまく くねらせて
こだいの うみを ただよっていた
ポケモンの カセキを ふくげんした。"
138,31,3,"10개의 다리를 자유자재로 구불거리며
고대의 바다를 떠돌던
포켓몬의 화석을 복원했다."
138,31,5,"Un ancien Pokémon reconstitué à partir dun
fossile. Il nageait dans les mers antiques grâce
à ses dix tentacules."
138,31,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
In der Urzeit schwamm es durch geschicktes
Bewegen seiner zehn Tentakel durch das Meer."
138,31,7,"Este antiguo Pokémon fue regenerado a partir
de un fósil. Solía nadar en antiguos mares
moviendo con destreza sus 10 tentáculos."
138,31,8,"Pokémon preistorico rigenerato da un fossile.
Nuotava nei mari primordiali agitando con
maestria i suoi dieci tentacoli."
138,31,9,"An ancient Pokémon that was recovered from
a fossil. It swam by cleverly twisting its
10 tentacles about."
138,31,11,"10本の足を うまく くねらせて
古代の 海を 漂っていた
ポケモンの カセキを 復元した。"
138,32,1,"10ぽんのあしを うまく くねらせて
こだいの うみを ただよっていた
ポケモンの カセキを ふくげんした。"
138,32,3,"10개의 다리를 자유자재로 구불거리며
고대의 바다를 떠돌던
포켓몬의 화석을 복원했다."
138,32,5,"Un ancien Pokémon reconstitué à partir dun
fossile. Il nageait dans les mers antiques grâce
à ses dix tentacules."
138,32,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
In der Urzeit schwamm es durch geschicktes
Bewegen seiner zehn Tentakel durch das Meer."
138,32,7,"Este antiguo Pokémon fue regenerado a partir
de un fósil. Solía nadar en antiguos mares
moviendo con destreza sus 10 tentáculos."
138,32,8,"Pokémon preistorico rigenerato da un fossile.
Nuotava nei mari primordiali agitando con
maestria i suoi dieci tentacoli."
138,32,9,"An ancient Pokémon that was recovered from
a fossil. It swam by cleverly twisting its
10 tentacles about."
138,32,11,"10本の足を うまく くねらせて
古代の 海を 漂っていた
ポケモンの カセキを 復元した。"
138,33,1,"ふくげんされた あと にげだしたり
にがしてしまう ものが いるため
もんだいに なりつつあるのだ。"
138,33,3,"복원된 후 도망치거나
놓쳐버리는 경우가 생겨서
문제시되고 있다."
138,33,5,"Ce Pokémon commence à poser problème,
car certains spécimens se sont enfuis ou
ont été relâchés après avoir été ressuscités."
138,33,6,"Diese Pokémon entwickeln sich allmählich zu
einem Problem, da einige wiederbelebte
Exemplare fliehen oder freigelassen werden."
138,33,7,"Varios ejemplares han escapado o bien han sido
liberados tras su restauración, lo que comienza a
suscitar una serie de problemas."
138,33,8,"Questo Pokémon si sta rivelando un problema
perché a volte fugge o viene liberato dopo
essere stato rigenerato."
138,33,9,"Because some Omanyte manage to escape after
being restored or are released into the wild by
people, this species is becoming a problem."
138,33,11,"復元されたあと 逃げだしたり
逃がしてしまう ものが いるため
問題に なりつつあるのだ。"
138,34,1,"ぜつめつした こだいのポケモン。
10ぽんのあしで みずを かき
ただようように およぐ。"
138,34,3,"멸종한 고대의 포켓몬이다.
10개의 다리로 물을 가르며
떠다니듯 헤엄친다."
138,34,5,"Un Pokémon préhistorique aujourdhui disparu.
Il semble flotter lorsquil nage en brassant leau
avec ses dix tentacules."
138,34,6,"Ein einst ausgestorbenes Urzeit-Pokémon. Wenn
es mit seinen zehn Tentakeln paddelnd durch das
Wasser gleitet, meint man, es würde schweben."
138,34,7,"Un Pokémon de la era prehistórica, ahora
extinto. Solía nadar moviendo sus diez tentáculos
para desplazarse por el agua como si flotara."
138,34,8,"È un antico Pokémon ormai estinto. Quando
nuota usando i suoi dieci tentacoli sembra
fluttuare nellacqua."
138,34,9,"This Pokémon is a member of an ancient, extinct
species. Omanyte paddles through water with its
10 tentacles, looking like its just drifting along."
138,34,11,"絶滅した 古代のポケモン。
10本の脚で 水を かき
漂うように 泳ぐ。"
139,1,9,"A prehistoric
POKéMON that died
out when itsheavy shell made
it impossible to
catch prey."
139,2,9,"A prehistoric
POKéMON that died
out when itsheavy shell made
it impossible to
catch prey."
139,3,9,"Sharp beaks ring
its mouth. Its
shell was too bigfor it to move
freely, so it
became extinct."
139,4,9,"Apparently, it
cracked SHELLDER's
shell with itssharp fangs and
sucked out the
139,5,9,"Once wrapped
around its prey,
it never lets go.It eats the prey
by tearing at it
with sharp fangs."
139,6,9,"Its heavy shell
allowed it to
reach only nearbyfood. This could
be the reason it
is extinct."
139,7,9,"OMASTAR uses its tentacles to capture
its prey. It is believed to have become
extinct because its shell grew too largeand heavy, causing its movements to
become too slow and ponderous."
139,8,9,"OMASTAR uses its tentacles to capture
its prey. It is believed to have become
extinct because its shell grew too largeand heavy, causing its movements to
become too slow and ponderous."
139,9,9,"An OMASTAR uses its tentacles to capture
its prey. It is believed to have become
extinct because its shell grew too large,
making its movements slow and ponderous."
139,10,9,"Its tentacles are highly developed as if
they are hands and feet. As soon as it
ensnares prey, it bites."
139,11,9,"Despite having strong fangs and tentacles,
it went extinct when its heavy shell made
it unable to catch prey."
139,12,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,13,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,14,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,15,9,"Apparently, it cracked SHELLDERs
shell with its sharp fangs and
sucked out the insides."
139,16,9,"Once wrapped around its prey,
it never lets go. It eats the prey
by tearing at it with sharp fangs."
139,17,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon a disparu
parce que sa coquille en spirale
était devenue trop grosse."
139,17,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,18,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon a disparu
parce que sa coquille en spirale
était devenue trop grosse."
139,18,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,21,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,22,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
became extinct because its spiral
shell grew too large."
139,23,1,"しょくしゅが てあしのように
どうじに かみついてくる。"
139,23,3,"촉수가 팔다리처럼
발달해 있다.
달라붙자마자 문다."
139,23,5,"Ses tentacules sont développés comme sil sagissait
de bras ou de jambes. Dès quil attrape une proie,
il la mord."
139,23,6,"Seine Tentakel sind hoch entwickelt und es setzt
sie ähnlich Händen und Füßen ein. Sobald es Beute
ergriffen hat, beißt es zu."
139,23,7,"Tiene los tentáculos tan desarrollados que le sirven de
manos y pies. Con ellos atrapa a su presa y le da un
139,23,8,"Ha tentacoli molto sviluppati, paragonabili ad arti
umani. Appena irretisce la preda, la morde."
139,23,9,"Its tentacles are highly developed as if they are
hands and feet. As soon as it ensnares prey,
it bites."
139,23,11,"触手が 手足のように
同時に かみついてくる。"
139,24,1,"いちど まきついたら ぜったいに
はなれない。するどい キバで
えものを ひきさくように たべる。"
139,24,3,"한번 휘감으면 절대
놓지 않는다. 날카로운 이빨로
먹이를 찢듯이 먹는다."
139,24,5,"Une fois enroulé autour de sa proie, il ne la laisse
pas repartir et la dévore avec ses crocs."
139,24,6,"Hat es die Beute erst eingewickelt, lässt es nicht
mehr los. Es verspeist sie, indem es sie zerreißt."
139,24,7,"Cuando agarra a su presa, nunca la deja escapar.
Se la come despedazándola con sus colmillos."
139,24,8,"Dopo aver avvolto la preda non la molla più. La
mangia facendola a brandelli con i denti affilati."
139,24,9,"Once wrapped around its prey, it never lets go.
It eats the prey by tearing at it with sharp fangs."
139,24,11,"一度 巻きついたら 絶対に
離れない。鋭い キバで
獲物を 引き裂くように 食べる。"
139,25,1,"しょくしゅを あやつり えものを つかまえる。
カラが おおきく なりすぎた ことで うごきが
にぶくなり ぜつめつしたと かんがえられている。"
139,25,3,"촉수를 이용하여 먹이를 잡는다.
껍질이 너무 커진 탓에 움직임이
둔해져서 멸종했다고 여겨지고 있다."
139,25,5,"Amonistar utilise ses tentacules pour capturer ses proies.
On pense que lespèce sest éteinte parce que sa coquille
était devenue trop grande et trop lourde, ce qui rendait
ses mouvements lents et pesants."
139,25,6,"Amoroso benutzt seine Tentakel, um Beute einzufangen.
Man nimmt an, dass es ausgestorben ist, weil seine Schale
zu groß und zu schwer geworden war, sodass seine
Bewegungen immer langsamer und schwerfälliger wurden."
139,25,7,"Omastar usa los tentáculos para atrapar a su presa. Se cree
que el motivo de su extinción fue el tamaño y el peso
que llegó a alcanzar la concha que lleva a cuestas, lo que le
entorpeció y ralentizó los movimientos."
139,25,8,"Omastar usa i suoi tentacoli per catturare la preda.
Si pensa che si sia estinto a causa della conchiglia ormai
troppo pesante e ingombrante, che rendeva i suoi movimenti
lenti e difficoltosi."
139,25,9,"Omastar uses its tentacles to capture its prey. It is believed to
have become extinct because its shell grew too large and
heavy, causing its movements to become too slow
and ponderous."
139,25,11,"触手を 操り 獲物を 捕まえる。
カラが 大きく なり過ぎた ことで 動きが
鈍くなり 絶滅したと 考えられている。"
139,26,1,"しょくしゅを あやつり えものを つかまえる。
カラが おおきく なりすぎた ことで うごきが
にぶくなり ぜつめつしたと かんがえられている。"
139,26,3,"촉수를 이용하여 먹이를 잡는다.
껍질이 너무 커진 탓에 움직임이
둔해져서 멸종했다고 여겨지고 있다."
139,26,5,"Amonistar utilise ses tentacules pour capturer ses proies.
On pense que lespèce sest éteinte parce que sa coquille
était devenue trop grande et trop lourde, ce qui rendait
ses mouvements lents et pesants."
139,26,6,"Amoroso benutzt seine Tentakel, um Beute einzufangen.
Man nimmt an, dass es ausgestorben ist, weil seine Schale
zu groß und zu schwer geworden ist, sodass seine
Bewegungen immer langsamer und schwerfälliger wurden."
139,26,7,"Omastar usa los tentáculos para atrapar a su presa. Se cree
que el motivo de su extinción fue el tamaño y el peso
que llegó a alcanzar la concha que lleva a cuestas, lo que le
entorpeció y ralentizó los movimientos."
139,26,8,"Omastar usa i suoi tentacoli per catturare la preda.
Si pensa che si sia estinto a causa della conchiglia ormai
troppo pesante e ingombrante, che rendeva i suoi movimenti
lenti e difficoltosi."
139,26,9,"Omastar uses its tentacles to capture its prey. It is
believed to have become extinct because its shell grew too
large and heavy, causing its movements to become too slow
and ponderous."
139,26,11,"触手を 操り 獲物を 捕まえる。
カラが 大きく なり過ぎた ことで 動きが
鈍くなり 絶滅したと 考えられている。"
139,29,1,"おもいカラが げんいんで ほろんだと
かんがえられている こだいポケモン。
オクタンの とおい そせん らしい。"
139,29,3,"무거운 껍질 때문에 멸종했다고
추정되는 고대 포켓몬.
대포무노의 먼 선조인 듯하다."
139,29,5,"On suppose que ce Pokémon antique a disparu
en raison de la lourdeur de sa coquille. Il est
lancêtre présumé des Octillery."
139,29,6,"Diesem prähistorischen Pokémon wurde wohl
das Gewicht seines Gehäuses zum Verhängnis.
Es ist ein ferner Vorfahre von Octillery."
139,29,7,"Un posible antepasado remoto de Octillery
cuya extinción se cree debida a que su concha
se hizo demasiado pesada."
139,29,8,"Si ritiene che questo antico Pokémon si sia
estinto a causa della conchiglia troppo pesante.
Sembra sia un lontano antenato di Octillery."
139,29,9,"Its heavy shell is thought to be the reason this
ancient Pokémon died out. Its apparently a
distant ancestor of Octillery."
139,29,11,"重いカラが 原因で 滅んだと
考えられている 古代ポケモン。
オクタンの 遠い 祖先 らしい。"
139,30,1,"しょくしゅで えものを からめとり
みうごきを ふうじて するどい
キバで とどめを さすのだ。"
139,30,3,"촉수로 먹이를 휘감아
움직임을 봉쇄한 뒤
날카로운 이빨로 마무리한다."
139,30,5,"Il immobilise ses proies avec ses tentacules
et leur inflige le coup de grâce à laide de
ses crocs aiguisés."
139,30,6,"Mit seinen Tentakeln umklammerte es fest seine
Beute, bevor es ihr mit seinen scharfen Zähnen
den Garaus machte."
139,30,7,"Atrapa a sus presas con los tentáculos y, una
vez inmovilizadas, las desgarra con sus afilados
139,30,8,"Afferra e immobilizza le prede con i tentacoli,
per poi infliggere il colpo di grazia con le sue
zanne affilate."
139,30,9,"It wraps its prey in its tentacles to immobilize
them and then finishes them off with its
sharp fangs."
139,30,11,"触手で 獲物を からめとり
身動きを 封じて 鋭い
キバで 止めを 刺すのだ。"
139,31,1,"するどい キバを もっていたが
カラが おおきすぎて うまく
うごけず ぜつめつ したらしい。"
139,31,3,"날카로운 이빨을 가졌지만
껍질이 너무 커서 제대로
움직이지 못해 멸종한 듯하다."
139,31,5,"Sa bouche est formée de crocs aiguisés.
Il aurait disparu car sa coquille, trop grosse,
lempêchait de se déplacer facilement."
139,31,6,"Es verfügt über sehr scharfe Zähne. Offenbar
starb es aus, weil seine Schale zu groß war und
es sich daher nicht frei bewegen konnte."
139,31,7,"Poseía unos colmillos afilados, pero el excesivo
tamaño de su concha le impedía moverse con
libertad, lo que acabó provocando su extinción."
139,31,8,"È dotato di denti affilati. Sembra che si sia
estinto a causa della conchiglia troppo grande,
che lo ostacolava nei movimenti."
139,31,9,"Its sharp beak rings its mouth. Its shell was too
big for it to move freely, so it became extinct."
139,31,11,"鋭い キバを 持っていたが
カラが 大きすぎて うまく
動けず 絶滅 したらしい。"
139,32,1,"するどい キバを もっていたが
カラが おおきすぎて うまく
うごけず ぜつめつ したらしい。"
139,32,3,"날카로운 이빨을 가졌지만
껍질이 너무 커서 제대로
움직이지 못해 멸종한 듯하다."
139,32,5,"Sa bouche est formée de crocs aiguisés.
Il aurait disparu car sa coquille, trop grosse,
lempêchait de se déplacer facilement."
139,32,6,"Es verfügt über sehr scharfe Zähne. Offenbar
starb es aus, weil seine Schale zu groß war und
es sich daher nicht frei bewegen konnte."
139,32,7,"Poseía unos colmillos afilados, pero el excesivo
tamaño de su concha le impedía moverse con
libertad, lo que acabó provocando su extinción."
139,32,8,"È dotato di denti affilati. Sembra che si sia
estinto a causa della conchiglia troppo grande,
che lo ostacolava nei movimenti."
139,32,9,"Its sharp beak rings its mouth. Its shell was too
big for it to move freely, so it became extinct."
139,32,11,"鋭い キバを 持っていたが
カラが 大きすぎて うまく
動けず 絶滅 したらしい。"
139,33,1,"おおきく おもい カラのせいで
うごきが にぶくなり えものを
とれずに ぜつめつした という。"
139,33,3,"크고 무거운 껍질 때문에
움직임이 둔해져서
먹이를 잡지 못해 멸종했다고 한다."
139,33,5,"Il se serait éteint à cause de la taille et du poids
importants de sa coquille, qui le ralentissait
quand il chassait ses proies."
139,33,6,"Es starb wohl aus, weil seine Bewegungen durch
das große, schwere Gehäuse so langsam wurden,
dass es keine Beute mehr fangen konnte."
139,33,7,"Se cree que se extinguió porque el excesivo
tamaño y peso de su concha le impedían
moverse con rapidez para capturar presas."
139,33,8,"Si dice si sia estinto per via della conchiglia
grossa e pesante che, rendendo i suoi movimenti
impacciati, gli impediva di catturare le prede."
139,33,9,"Weighed down by a large and heavy shell,
Omastar couldnt move very fast. Some say it
went extinct because it was unable to catch food."
139,33,11,"大きく 重い 殻のせいで
動きが 鈍くなり 獲物を 獲れずに
絶滅した という。"
139,34,1,"するどいキバは いわも くだくが
しょくしゅの とどく はんいの
えものしか おそえないのだ。"
139,34,3,"날카로운 이빨은 바위도 부수지만
촉수가 닿는 범위 안의
먹이만 공격할 수 있다."
139,34,5,"Ses crocs sont capables de broyer la roche,
mais il ne peut sattaquer quaux proies
à portée de ses tentacules."
139,34,6,"Mit seinen scharfen Zähnen ist es imstande,
selbst Felsen zu zermalmen. Angreifen kann es
jedoch nur Beute in Reichweite seiner Tentakel."
139,34,7,"Posee unos colmillos afilados con los que puede
partir piedras, pero solo ataca a presas que se
hallan al alcance de sus tentáculos."
139,34,8,"Le sue zanne affilate possono frantumare
anche le pietre, ma può attaccare solo le prede
a portata di tentacolo."
139,34,9,"Omastars sharp fangs could crush rock, but the
Pokémon can attack only the prey that come
within reach of its tentacles."
139,34,11,"鋭いキバは 岩も 砕くが
触手の とどく 範囲の
獲物しか 襲えないのだ。"
140,1,9,"A POKéMON that
was resurrected
from a fossilfound in what was
once the ocean
floor eons ago."
140,2,9,"A POKéMON that
was resurrected
from a fossilfound in what was
once the ocean
floor eons ago."
140,3,9,"A POKéMON that was
recovered from a
fossil. It usesthe eyes on its
back while hiding
on the sea floor."
140,4,9,"On rare occasions,
some have been
found as fossilswhich they became
while hiding on
the ocean floor."
140,5,9,"This POKéMON lived
in ancient times.
On rare occasions,it has been
discovered as a
living fossil."
140,6,9,"Three hundred
million years ago,
it hid on the seafloor. It also has
eyes on its back
that glow."
140,7,9,"KABUTO is a POKéMON that has been
regenerated from a fossil. However, in
extremely rare cases, living exampleshave been discovered.
The POKéMON has not changed at all for
300 million years."
140,8,9,"KABUTO is a POKéMON that has been
regenerated from a fossil. However, in
extremely rare cases, living exampleshave been discovered.
The POKéMON has not changed at all for
300 million years."
140,9,9,"It is a POKéMON that has been regenerated
from a fossil. However, in rare cases, living
examples have been discovered. KABUTO
have not changed for 300 million years."
140,10,9,"This POKéMON was regenerated from the
fossil of an ancient creature. It protects
itself with a hard shell."
140,11,9,"A POKéMON that was regenerated from a
fossil found in what was once the ocean
floor long ago."
140,12,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,13,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,14,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,15,9,"On rare occasions, some have been
found as fossils which they became
while hiding on the ocean floor."
140,16,9,"This Pokémon lived in ancient times.
On rare occasions, it has been
discovered as a living fossil."
140,17,5,"On pense quil peuplait les plages
il y a 300 millions dannées. Il est
protégé par une coquille robuste."
140,17,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,18,5,"On pense quil peuplait les plages
il y a 300 millions dannées. Il est
protégé par une coquille robuste."
140,18,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,21,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,22,9,"It is thought to have inhabited
beaches 300 million years ago.
It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,23,1,"3おくねんまえの すなはまで
くらしていたと かんがえられている。
かたい カラが みを まもる。"
140,23,3,"3억 년 전에 모래 해변에서
살고 있었던 것으로 추측된다.
단단한 껍질이 몸을 보호한다."
140,23,5,"On pense quil peuplait les plages il y a 300 millions
dannées. Il est protégé par une coquille robuste."
140,23,6,"Man geht davon aus, dass dieses Pokémon vor
300 Millionen Jahren die Strände bevölkerte."
140,23,7,"Se cree que habitó las playas hace 300 millones de
años. Se protege con una dura concha."
140,23,8,"Si ritiene che vivesse sulle spiagge 300 milioni di
anni fa. È protetto da una conchiglia robusta."
140,23,9,"It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million
years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell."
140,23,11,"3億年前の 砂浜で
暮らしていたと 考えられている。
硬い 殻が 身を 守る。"
140,24,1,"こだい せいぶつの かせきから
かたい カラで みを まもっている。"
140,24,3,"고대 생물의 화석에서
재생된 포켓몬.
단단한 껍데기로 몸을 지키고 있다."
140,24,5,"Ce Pokémon a été reconstitué à partir du fossile
dune ancienne créature. Il se protège à laide de
sa carapace."
140,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde aus dem Fossil einer
altertümlichen Kreatur geschaffen. Es schützt sich
mittels eines harten Panzers."
140,24,7,"Es un Pokémon regenerado a partir de un fósil de una
criatura ancestral. Está protegido por un duro
140,24,8,"Questo Pokémon è stato rigenerato dal fossile di
unantica creatura. È protetto da un guscio coriaceo."
140,24,9,"This Pokémon was regenerated from the fossil of an
ancient creature. It protects itself with a hard shell."
140,24,11,"古代生物の 化石から
再生した ポケモン。
硬い 殻で 身を 守っている。"
140,25,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモンだが まれに
いきつづけている カブトを はっけん できる。
その すがたは 3おくねん かわっていない。"
140,25,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이지만 드물게
살아 있는 투구를 발견할 수 있다.
그 모습은 3억 년 동안 변치 않았다."
140,25,5,"Kabuto est un Pokémon ressuscité à partir dun fossile.
Cependant, on a découvert des spécimens vivants.
Ce Pokémon na pas changé depuis 300 millions dannées."
140,25,6,"Kabuto ist ein Pokémon, das aus einem Fossil reproduziert
wurde. Höchst selten wurden lebende Exemplare dieser Art
entdeckt. Dieses Pokémon hat sich seit 300 Millionen Jahren
überhaupt nicht verändert."
140,25,7,"Kabuto es un Pokémon regenerado a partir de un fósil,
aunque, en raras ocasiones, se han encontrado casos de
ejemplares vivos en estado salvaje. En 300 millones de
años, este Pokémon no ha cambiado en nada."
140,25,8,"Kabuto è stato rigenerato da un fossile, sebbene in rarissimi
casi siano stati scoperti esemplari viventi. Il Pokémon non ha
subito alcuna mutazione nellarco di oltre 300 milioni di anni."
140,25,9,"Kabuto is a Pokémon that has been regenerated from a fossil.
However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have been
discovered. The Pokémon has not changed at all for
300 million years."
140,25,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモンだが まれに
生き続けている カブトを 発見 できる。
その 姿は 3億年 変わっていない。"
140,26,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモンだが まれに
いきつづけている カブトを はっけん できる。
その すがたは 3おくねん かわっていない。"
140,26,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이지만 드물게
살아 있는 투구를 발견할 수 있다.
그 모습은 3억 년 동안 변치 않았다."
140,26,5,"Kabuto est un Pokémon ressuscité à partir dun fossile.
Cependant, on a découvert des spécimens vivants.
Ce Pokémon na pas changé depuis 300 millions dannées."
140,26,6,"Kabuto ist ein Pokémon, das aus einem Fossil reproduziert
wurde. Höchst selten wurden lebende Exemplare dieser Art
entdeckt. Dieses Pokémon hat sich seit 300 Millionen Jahren
überhaupt nicht verändert."
140,26,7,"Kabuto es un Pokémon regenerado a partir de un fósil,
aunque, en raras ocasiones, se han encontrado casos de
ejemplares vivos en estado salvaje. En 300 millones de
años, este Pokémon no ha cambiado en nada."
140,26,8,"Kabuto è stato rigenerato da un fossile, sebbene in rarissimi
casi siano stati scoperti esemplari viventi. Il Pokémon non ha
subito alcuna mutazione nellarco di oltre 300 milioni di anni."
140,26,9,"Kabuto is a Pokémon that has been regenerated from a fossil.
However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have
been discovered. The Pokémon has not changed at all for
300 million years."
140,26,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモンだが まれに
生き続けている カブトを 発見 できる。
その 姿は 3億年 変わっていない。"
140,29,1,"3おくねんまえに さかえた ポケモン。
とある ちほうでは いまでも まれに
いきた すがたが みられると いう。"
140,29,3,"3억 년 전에 번성했던 포켓몬.
어느 지방에서는 지금도 드물게
살아 있는 모습을 볼 수 있다고 한다."
140,29,5,"Un Pokémon qui prospérait il y a 300 millions
dannées. On raconte que de rares survivants
subsistent dans une certaine région."
140,29,6,"Kabuto erlebte seine Blütezeit vor 300 Millionen
Jahren. Doch in einer bestimmten Region gibt es
angeblich noch einige lebende Exemplare."
140,29,7,"Este Pokémon vivió hace 300 millones de años,
pero en cierta región se dice que han llegado a
verse ejemplares vivos hoy en día."
140,29,8,"Pokémon vissuto 300 milioni di anni fa.
Si dice che in una certa regione si possano
ancora trovare rarissimi esemplari viventi."
140,29,9,"This Pokémon thrived 300 million years ago. Its
said that living specimens can still be seen
in a certain region—a rare sight."
140,29,11,"3億年前に 栄えた ポケモン。
とある 地方では 今でも まれに
生きた 姿が 見られると 言う。"
140,30,1,"ごく いちぶの ちいきを のぞいて
ぜつめつ してしまった ポケモン。
かたい カラで みを まもる。"
140,30,3,"극히 일부 지역을 제외하고
멸종해 버린 포켓몬이다.
단단한 껍질로 몸을 지킨다."
140,30,5,"Ce Pokémon, doté dune solide carapace
protectrice, a totalement disparu de la surface
de la terre, sauf dans une région particulière."
140,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist überall ausgestorben, mit
Ausnahme einer bestimmten Region. Es schützt
sich mit einem harten Panzer."
140,30,7,"Posee una dura coraza que lo protege. Este
Pokémon se ha extinguido en todo el mundo
salvo en una región determinada."
140,30,8,"Questo Pokémon si è ormai estinto in tutte le
regioni tranne una. È protetto da una conchiglia
140,30,9,"This Pokémon became extinct everywhere,
except in a few areas. It protects itself with its
hard shell."
140,30,11,"ごく 一部の 地域を 除いて
絶滅 してしまった ポケモン。
硬い カラで 身を 守る。"
140,31,1,"カセキから さいせいした ポケモン。
かいていに かくれては せなかの
めで あたりを みていたようだ。"
140,31,3,"화석에서 재생된 포켓몬.
해저에 숨어서 등에 달린
눈으로 주변을 살폈던 것 같다."
140,31,5,"Un Pokémon reconstitué à partir dun fossile.
Il utilise les yeux situés sur son dos pour regarder
alentour quand il se cache au fond de leau."
140,31,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
Aus Verstecken am Meeresboden spähte es mit
den Augen auf seinem Rücken die Gegend aus."
140,31,7,"Este Pokémon se regeneró a partir de un fósil.
Usaba los ojos de la espalda para explorar su
entorno al ocultarse en el lecho marino."
140,31,8,"Pokémon rigenerato da un fossile. Quando
si nasconde sul fondo del mare usa gli occhi
che ha sul dorso per guardarsi intorno."
140,31,9,"A Pokémon that was recovered from a fossil.
It used the eyes on its back while hiding
on the seafloor."
140,31,11,"カセキから 再生した ポケモン。
海底に 隠れては 背中の
目で あたりを 見ていたようだ。"
140,32,1,"カセキから さいせいした ポケモン。
かいていに かくれては せなかの
めで あたりを みていたようだ。"
140,32,3,"화석에서 재생된 포켓몬.
해저에 숨어서 등에 달린
눈으로 주변을 살폈던 것 같다."
140,32,5,"Un Pokémon reconstitué à partir dun fossile.
Il utilise les yeux situés sur son dos pour regarder
alentour quand il se cache au fond de leau."
140,32,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
Aus Verstecken am Meeresboden spähte es mit
den Augen auf seinem Rücken die Gegend aus."
140,32,7,"Este Pokémon se regeneró a partir de un fósil.
Usaba los ojos de la espalda para explorar su
entorno al ocultarse en el lecho marino."
140,32,8,"Pokémon rigenerato da un fossile. Quando
si nasconde sul fondo del mare usa gli occhi
che ha sul dorso per guardarsi intorno."
140,32,9,"A Pokémon that was recovered from a fossil.
It used the eyes on its back while hiding
on the seafloor."
140,32,11,"カセキから 再生した ポケモン。
海底に 隠れては 背中の
目で あたりを 見ていたようだ。"
140,33,1,"ほぼ ぜつめつした ポケモン。
みっかに いちど だっぴして
カラを どんどん かたくする。"
140,33,3,"거의 멸종된 포켓몬이다.
3일에 1번 탈피하여
껍질을 점점 단단하게 만든다."
140,33,5,"Ce Pokémon au bord de lextinction
mue tous les trois jours et renforce
ainsi davantage sa carapace."
140,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist so gut wie ausgestorben.
Sein Panzer wird immer härter, indem es sich
alle drei Tage häutet."
140,33,7,"Un Pokémon casi extinto. Cada tres días, muda
el caparazón, que se va endureciendo de forma
140,33,8,"È un Pokémon sullorlo dellestinzione. Fa la
muta ogni tre giorni indurendo gradualmente
il carapace."
140,33,9,"This species is almost entirely extinct. Kabuto
molt every three days, making their shells harder
and harder."
140,33,11,"ほぼ 全滅した ポケモン。
3日に 一度 脱皮して
殻を どんどん 硬くする。"
140,34,1,"ぜつめつしたとも いわれるが
いちぶの ちいきでは けっこう
ふつうに みかける らしい。"
140,34,3,"멸종되었다는 이야기가 있지만
일부 지역에서는 제법
많이 목격되는 듯하다."
140,34,5,"On raconte quils se seraient éteints,
mais apparemment, on peut souvent
en croiser dans une zone particulière."
140,34,6,"Es heißt zwar, dass Kabuto ausgestorben sei,
doch in einer bestimmten Gegend trifft man es
noch relativ häufig an."
140,34,7,"Se consideraba extinto, pero, al parecer, existen
determinadas zonas en las que es posible hallar
ejemplares con facilidad."
140,34,8,"Si dice che si sia estinto, ma pare che in certe
zone si possa avvistare con una certa facilità."
140,34,9,"While some say this species has gone extinct,
Kabuto sightings are apparently fairly common
in some places."
140,34,11,"絶滅したとも 言われるが
一部の 地域では けっこう
普通に 見かける らしい。"
141,1,9,"Its sleek shape is
perfect for swim­
ming. It slashesprey with its
claws and drains
the body fluids."
141,2,9,"Its sleek shape is
perfect for swim­
ming. It slashesprey with its
claws and drains
the body fluids."
141,3,9,"A slim and fast
swimmer. It slices
its prey with itssharp sickles and
drinks the body
141,4,9,"In the water, it
tucks in its limbs
to become morecompact, then it
wiggles its shell
to swim fast."
141,5,9,"With sharp claws,
this ferocious,
ancient POKéMONrips apart prey
and sucks their
body fluids."
141,6,9,"It was able to
swim quickly thro­
ugh the water bycompactly folding
up its razor-sharp
141,7,9,"KABUTOPS swam underwater to hunt for
its prey in ancient times.
The POKéMON was apparently evolvingfrom being a water-dweller to living on
land as evident from the beginnings of
change in its gills and legs."
141,8,9,"KABUTOPS swam underwater to hunt for
its prey in ancient times.
The POKéMON was apparently evolvingfrom being a water-dweller to living on
land as evident from the beginnings of
change in its gills and legs."
141,9,9,"KABUTOPS once swam underwater to hunt 
for prey. It was apparently evolving from
being a water dweller to living on land as
evident from changes in its gills and legs."
141,10,9,"It swims freely through water. It catches
prey with its scythe-like arms and drains
the victims fluids."
141,11,9,"Its sleek shape is perfect for swimming.
It slashes prey with its claws and drains
their fluids."
141,12,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,13,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,14,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,15,9,"In the water, it tucks in its limbs
to become more compact, then it
wiggles its shell to swim fast."
141,16,9,"With sharp claws, this ferocious,
ancient Pokémon rips apart prey
and sucks their body fluids."
141,17,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon est
venu sur la terre ferme pour
suivre lévolution de ses proies."
141,17,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,18,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon est
venu sur la terre ferme pour
suivre lévolution de ses proies."
141,18,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,21,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,22,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon
came onto land because its
prey adapted to life on land."
141,23,1,"すいちゅうを いどうするとき
てあしを ちいさく おりたたみ
こうらを くねらせ はやく およぐ。"
141,23,3,"수중을 이동할 때
손발을 작게 접고
등껍질을 구부려 빠르게 헤엄친다."
141,23,5,"Dans leau, il se recroqueville sur ses jambes et il
agite sa coquille pour nager à très grande vitesse."
141,23,6,"Im Wasser zieht es seine Beine an und bewegt
seinen Panzer, um so schneller schwimmen zu können."
141,23,7,"Repliega sus extremidades en el agua para hacerse
más compacto, y mueve su concha para nadar rápido."
141,23,8,"In acqua raccoglie gli arti per diventare più compatto,
agitando il guscio per nuotare veloce."
141,23,9,"In the water, it tucks in its limbs to become more
compact, then it wiggles its shell to swim fast."
141,23,11,"水中を 移動するとき
手足を 小さく 折りたたみ
甲羅を くねらせ 速く 泳ぐ。"
141,24,1,"ほそい からだで すばやく およぐ。
とらえた えものは カマで きりさき
たいえきを すっていたらしい。"
141,24,3,"날렵한 몸으로 재빠르게 헤엄친다.
잡은 먹이는 낫으로 베어
체액을 빨아들이는 듯하다."
141,24,5,"Cest un très bon nageur. Il lacère sa proie de ses
longues griffes et en absorbe les fluides corporels."
141,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist ein sehr guter Schwimmer.
Es attackiert Gegner mit seinen Sichelarmen."
141,24,7,"Este Pokémon es un hábil y rápido nadador. Atrapa a
su presa para drenar sus fluidos vitales."
141,24,8,"È un perfetto nuotatore che taglia la preda con le
sue falci e ne succhia il sangue."
141,24,9,"A slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its
sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids."
141,24,11,"細い 体で 素早く 泳ぐ。
捕らえた 獲物は カマで 切り裂き
体液を 吸っていたらしい。"
141,25,1,"すいちゅうを およぎ えものを とらえていた。
みずの せいかつから ちじょうで くらせるように
エラや あし などが へんかを はじめていた。"
141,25,3,"물속을 헤엄쳐 먹이를 잡았었다.
물에서의 생활을 지나 땅에서 살 수 있도록
아가미나 다리 등이 변화되기 시작했다."
141,25,5,"Jadis, Kabutops plongeait dans les profondeurs pour trouver
ses proies. Apparemment, ce Pokémon vivant sur terre est
lévolution dune créature marine, comme le prouvent
les changements dans ses branchies."
141,25,6,"Vor langer Zeit jagte Kabutops unter Wasser nach Beute.
Es hat sich von einem Meeresbewohner zu einem
Landbewohner entwickelt, was man an den Veränderungen
seiner Kiemen und Beine sehen kann."
141,25,7,"Hace mucho tiempo, Kabutops buceaba para atrapar a sus
presas. Parece ser que en algún momento cambió de hábitat
y se adaptó a vivir en tierra firme. La transformación que se
aprecia en las patas y branquias así lo confirma."
141,25,8,"Nellantichità Kabutops cacciava le prede nuotando
sottacqua. Pare che il Pokémon si stesse adattando alla vita
sulla terraferma, come confermano le mutazioni su branchie
e zampe."
141,25,9,"Kabutops swam underwater to hunt for its prey in ancient
times. The Pokémon was apparently evolving from being a
water dweller to living on land as evident from the beginnings
of change in its gills and legs."
141,25,11,"水中を 泳ぎ 獲物を 捕らえていた。
水の 生活から 地上で 暮らせるように
エラや 足 などが 変化を 始めていた。"
141,26,1,"すいちゅうを およぎ えものを とらえていた。
みずの せいかつから ちじょうで くらせるように
エラや あし などが へんかを はじめていた。"
141,26,3,"물속을 헤엄쳐 먹이를 잡았었다.
물에서의 생활을 지나 땅에서 살 수 있도록
아가미나 다리 등이 변화되기 시작했다."
141,26,5,"Jadis, Kabutops plongeait dans les profondeurs pour trouver
ses proies. Apparemment, ce Pokémon vivant sur terre est
lévolution dune créature marine, comme le prouvent
les changements dans ses branchies."
141,26,6,"Vor langer Zeit jagte Kabutops unter Wasser nach Beute.
Es hat sich von einem Meeresbewohner zu einem
Landbewohner entwickelt, was man an den Veränderungen
seiner Kiemen und Beine sehen kann."
141,26,7,"Hace mucho tiempo, Kabutops buceaba para atrapar a sus
presas. Parece ser que en algún momento cambió de hábitat
y se adaptó a vivir en tierra firme. La transformación que se
aprecia en las patas y branquias así lo confirma."
141,26,8,"Nellantichità Kabutops cacciava le prede nuotando
sottacqua. Pare che il Pokémon si stesse adattando alla vita
sulla terraferma, come confermano le mutazioni su branchie
e zampe."
141,26,9,"Kabutops swam underwater to hunt for its prey in ancient
times. The Pokémon was apparently evolving from being a
water dweller to living on land as evident from the beginnings
of change in its gills and legs."
141,26,11,"水中を 泳ぎ 獲物を 捕らえていた。
水の 生活から 地上で 暮らせるように
エラや 足 などが 変化を 始めていた。"
141,29,1,"りくでも かつどう できるよう
からだが へんかを はじめていたが
まにあわず ぜつめつ してしまった。"
141,29,3,"육지에서도 활동할 수 있도록
신체가 변화하기 시작했지만
때가 늦어서 멸종해 버렸다."
141,29,5,"Son corps avait commencé à évoluer pour
sadapter à la vie sur la terre ferme, mais il était
déjà trop tard, et son espèce sest éteinte."
141,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon hatte begonnen, sich an das
Leben an Land anzupassen, starb aber aus,
bevor es den Wandel vollziehen konnte."
141,29,7,"Empezó a desarrollar rasgos de adaptación a la
vida en tierra firme, pero fue demasiado tarde
para evitar la extinción de la especie."
141,29,8,"Questo Pokémon stava cominciando ad adattarsi
alla vita sulla terraferma, ma si è estinto prima
della conclusione del processo."
141,29,9,"Its body had begun to change so it could
function on land. But it didnt adapt in time and
went extinct."
141,29,11,"陸でも 活動 できるよう
身体が 変化を 始めていたが
間に合わず 絶滅 してしまった。"
141,30,1,"およそ 29ノットで およぐ。
すばやく えものに ちかづくと
カマで きりさき とどめを さす。"
141,30,3,"약 29노트로 헤엄친다.
재빠르게 먹이에 다가가
낫으로 베어 갈라 마무리한다."
141,30,5,"Capable datteindre une vitesse de 29 nœuds,
il se rue sur ses proies pour les transpercer
de ses lames."
141,30,6,"Mit einem Tempo von etwa 29 Knoten schwamm
es zu seiner Beute und schlitzte sie mit seinen
Sicheln auf, bevor es ihr den Gnadenstoß gab."
141,30,7,"Nada a una velocidad de 29 nudos. Se abalanza
sobre su presa y la desgarra con sus afiladas
patas antes de asestar el golpe de gracia."
141,30,8,"Nuota a una velocità di circa 29 nodi. Si avvicina
rapidamente alla preda e le dà il colpo di grazia
tagliandola con le falci."
141,30,9,"It swims at speeds of roughly 29 knots, quickly
closing in on its prey and slashing into them
with its scythes to finish them off."
141,30,11,"およそ 29ノットで 泳ぐ。
素早く 獲物に 近付くと
カマで 切り裂き 止めを 刺す。"
141,31,1,"ほそい からだで すばやく およぐ。
とらえた えものは カマで きりさき
たいえきを すっていたらしい。"
141,31,3,"날렵한 몸으로 재빠르게 헤엄친다.
잡은 먹이는 낫으로 베어
체액을 빨아들이는 듯하다."
141,31,5,"Ce Pokémon au corps fin est très bon nageur.
Il lacère sa proie de ses longues griffes pour en
absorber les fluides corporels."
141,31,6,"Sein dünner Körper ließ es rasant schwimmen.
Offenbar schlitzte es seine Beute mit seinen
Sicheln auf und saugte ihr die Körpersäfte aus."
141,31,7,"Este Pokémon es un rápido nadador gracias a su
cuerpo esbelto. Con las garras despedaza las
presas que atrapa para sorber sus fluidos."
141,31,8,"È un perfetto nuotatore. Taglia la preda
con le sue falci e ne succhia il sangue."
141,31,9,"A slim and fast swimmer. It sliced its prey with
its sharp sickles and drank the body fluids."
141,31,11,"細い 体で すばやく 泳ぐ。
捕らえた 獲物は カマで 切りさき
体液を 吸っていたらしい。"
141,32,1,"ほそい からだで すばやく およぐ。
とらえた えものは カマで きりさき
たいえきを すっていたらしい。"
141,32,3,"날렵한 몸으로 재빠르게 헤엄친다.
잡은 먹이는 낫으로 베어
체액을 빨아들이는 듯하다."
141,32,5,"Ce Pokémon au corps fin est très bon nageur.
Il lacère sa proie de ses longues griffes pour en
absorber les fluides corporels."
141,32,6,"Sein dünner Körper ließ es rasant schwimmen.
Offenbar schlitzte es seine Beute mit seinen
Sicheln auf und saugte ihr die Körpersäfte aus."
141,32,7,"Este Pokémon es un rápido nadador gracias a su
cuerpo esbelto. Con las garras despedaza las
presas que atrapa para sorber sus fluidos."
141,32,8,"È un perfetto nuotatore. Taglia la preda
con le sue falci e ne succhia il sangue."
141,32,9,"A slim and fast swimmer. It sliced its prey with
its sharp sickles and drank the body fluids."
141,32,11,"細い 体で すばやく 泳ぐ。
捕らえた 獲物は カマで 切りさき
体液を 吸っていたらしい。"
141,33,1,"えものを きりさき たいえきを
すする。 のこった からだは
ほかのポケモンの エサになる。"
141,33,3,"먹이를 베어 갈라 체액을
빨아먹는다. 남은 몸은
다른 포켓몬의 먹이가 된다."
141,33,5,"Il lacère sa proie pour boire ses fluides corporels,
puis jette son corps en pâture à dautres Pokémon."
141,33,6,"Kabutops schlitzt seine Beute auf und saugt ihre
Körpersäfte aus. Die Überreste dienen als
Nahrung für andere Pokémon."
141,33,7,"Despedaza a las presas que atrapa para sorber
sus fluidos y deja los restos para que otros
Pokémon den buena cuenta de ellos."
141,33,8,"Lacera le prede e ne succhia i fluidi corporei.
I resti diventano poi cibo per altri Pokémon."
141,33,9,"Kabutops slices its prey apart and sucks out
the fluids. The discarded body parts become
food for other Pokémon."
141,33,11,"獲物を 切り裂き 体液を すする。
残った 体は
ほかのポケモンの エサになる。"
141,34,1,"ぜつめつの りゆうは ふめい。
あたたかい うみに くらしていた
きょうぼうな こだいのポケモン。"
141,34,3,"멸종한 이유는 불명확하다.
따듯한 바다에 살고 있던
난폭한 고대의 포켓몬이다."
141,34,5,"Nul ne sait pourquoi il sest éteint.
Ce Pokémon préhistorique féroce
vivait dans les mers chaudes."
141,34,6,"Es ist unklar, warum dieses brutale urzeitliche
Pokémon, das in warmen Meeren lebte,
letztendlich ausstarb."
141,34,7,"Se desconoce el motivo de la extinción de este
feroz Pokémon prehistórico que habitaba en los
cálidos mares de antaño."
141,34,8,"Questo feroce Pokémon dellantichità viveva
nei mari caldi. Le cause della sua estinzione
sono ignote."
141,34,9,"The cause behind the extinction of this species is
unknown. Kabutops were aggressive Pokémon
that inhabited warm seas."
141,34,11,"絶滅の 理由は 不明。
暖かい 海に 暮らしていた
凶暴な 古代のポケモン。"
142,1,9,"A ferocious, pre­
historic POKéMON
that goes for theenemy's throat
with its serrated
saw-like fangs."
142,2,9,"A ferocious, pre­
historic POKéMON
that goes for theenemy's throat
with its serrated
saw-like fangs."
142,3,9,"A savage POKéMON
that died out in
ancient times. Itwas resurrected
using DNA taken
from amber."
142,4,9,"A vicious POKéMON
from the distant
past, it appearsto have flown by
spreading its
wings and gliding."
142,5,9,"This vicious POKé­
MON is said to
have flown in an­cient skies while
shrieking high-
pitched cries."
142,6,9,"In prehistoric
times, this
POKéMON flewfreely and
fearlessly through
the skies."
142,7,9,"AERODACTYL is a POKéMON from the age
of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from
genetic material extracted from amber.It is imagined to have been the king of
the skies in ancient times."
142,8,9,"AERODACTYL is a POKéMON from the age
of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from
genetic material extracted from amber.It is imagined to have been the king of
the skies in ancient times."
142,9,9,"AERODACTYL is a POKéMON from the age
of dinosaurs. It was regenerated from DNA
extracted from amber. It is imagined to
have been the king of the skies."
142,10,9,"It was regenerated from a dinosaurs
genetic matter that was found in amber.
It flies with high-pitched cries."
142,11,9,"A ferocious, prehistoric POKéMON that
goes for the enemys throat with its
serrated, sawlike fangs."
142,12,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,13,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,14,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,15,9,"A vicious Pokémon from the distant
past, it appears to have flown by
spreading its wings and gliding."
142,16,9,"This vicious Pokémon is said to
have flown in ancient skies while
shrieking high-pitched cries."
142,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui arpentait le ciel
au temps des dinosaures. Ses
crocs sont pareils à des scies."
142,17,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui arpentait le ciel
au temps des dinosaures. Ses
crocs sont pareils à des scies."
142,18,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,21,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,22,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies
in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are
like saw blades."
142,23,1,"こはくに のこされた きょうりゅうの
いでんしから ふっかつさせた。
たかいこえで なきながら とぶ。"
142,23,3,"호박에 남아 있던 공룡의
유전자에서 부활시켰다.
높은 소리로 울며 난다."
142,23,5,"Ce Pokémon a été reconstitué à partir dune cellule
de dinosaure trouvée dans un morceau dambre.
Il vole très haut en poussant des cris très aigus."
142,23,6,"In Bernstein eingeschlossenes genetisches Material
eines Dinosauriers war der Ursprung dieses
Pokémon. Beim Fliegen schreit es schrill."
142,23,7,"Se regeneró a partir de material genético de un
dinosaurio encontrado en ámbar. Cuando vuela emite
escandalosos alaridos."
142,23,8,"Rigenerato dal materiale organico di un dinosauro
ritrovato nellambra. Emette versi acuti mentre vola."
142,23,9,"It was regenerated from a dinosaurs genetic
matter that was found in amber. It flies with
high-pitched cries."
142,23,11,"こはくに 残された 恐竜の
遺伝子から 復活させた。
高い 声で 鳴きながら 飛ぶ。"
142,24,1,"かんだかい こえで さけびながら
こだいの おおぞらを とんでいたと
される どうもうな ポケモン。"
142,24,3,"날카로운 목소리로 울부짖으며
고대의 넓은 하늘을 날아다녔다고
여겨지는 거칠고 사나운 포켓몬이다."
142,24,5,"Ce terrible Pokémon a dominé les cieux dune autre
époque, terrorisant ses ennemis."
142,24,6,"Dieses grausame, antike Pokémon flog durch die Luft
und stieß sehr hohe und laute Schreie aus."
142,24,7,"Dicen que este malvado Pokémon volaba por los
antiguos cielos profiriendo sus agudos gritos."
142,24,8,"Si dice che questo feroce Pokémon volasse nei cieli
dellantichità lanciando versi acuti."
142,24,9,"This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in
ancient skies while shrieking high-pitched cries."
142,24,11,"甲高い 声で 叫びながら
古代の 大空を 飛んでいたとされる
どうもうな ポケモン。"
142,25,1,"コハクから とりだした いでんしを さいせいして
ふっかつした きょうりゅう じだいの ポケモン。
そらの おうじゃだったと そうぞうされている。"
142,25,3,"호박에서 추출한 유전자를 재생하여
부활한 공룡시대의 포켓몬이다.
하늘의 왕이었다고 상상된다."
142,25,5,"Ptéra est un Pokémon de lère des dinosaures. Il fut ressuscité
à partir de cellules extraites dun morceau dambre. On pense
quil était le roi des cieux à lépoque préhistorique."
142,25,6,"Aerodactyl ist ein Pokémon aus dem Zeitalter der Dinosaurier.
Es wurde aus genetischem Material reproduziert, das aus
Bernstein gewonnen wurde. Man geht davon aus, dass es
in grauer Vorzeit der König der Lüfte war."
142,25,7,"Los orígenes de Aerodactyl datan de la era de los dinosaurios.
Se regeneró a partir de material genético contenido en ámbar.
Se supone que fue el amo de los cielos en épocas pasadas."
142,25,8,"Aerodactyl risale allepoca dei dinosauri. È stato rigenerato
da materiale genetico estratto dallambra. Si suppone che
in tempi antichi fosse considerato il signore dei cieli."
142,25,9,"Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was
regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is
imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times."
142,25,11,"コハクから 取り出した 遺伝子を 再生して
復活した 恐竜 時代の ポケモン。
空の 王者だったと 想像されている。"
142,26,1,"コハクから とりだした いでんしを さいせいして
ふっかつした きょうりゅう じだいの ポケモン。
そらの おうじゃだったと そうぞうされている。"
142,26,3,"호박에서 추출한 유전자를 재생하여
부활한 공룡시대의 포켓몬이다.
하늘의 왕이었다고 상상된다."
142,26,5,"Ptéra est un Pokémon de lère des dinosaures. Il fut ressuscité
à partir de cellules extraites dun morceau dambre. On pense
quil était le roi des cieux à lépoque préhistorique."
142,26,6,"Aerodactyl ist ein Pokémon aus dem Zeitalter der Dinosaurier.
Es wurde aus genetischem Material reproduziert, das aus
Bernstein gewonnen wurde. Man geht davon aus, dass es
in grauer Vorzeit der König der Lüfte war."
142,26,7,"Los orígenes de Aerodactyl datan de la era de los dinosaurios.
Se regeneró a partir de material genético contenido en ámbar.
Se supone que fue el amo de los cielos en épocas pasadas."
142,26,8,"Aerodactyl risale allepoca dei dinosauri. È stato rigenerato
da materiale genetico estratto dallambra. Si suppone che
in tempi antichi fosse considerato il signore dei cieli."
142,26,9,"Aerodactyl is a Pokémon from the age of dinosaurs. It was
regenerated from genetic material extracted from amber. It is
imagined to have been the king of the skies in ancient times."
142,26,11,"コハクから 取り出した 遺伝子を 再生して
復活した 恐竜 時代の ポケモン。
空の 王者だったと 想像されている。"
142,27,1,"きょうりゅう じだいの ポケモン。
のこぎりのような キバで えものを
ひきさいて くっていた。"
142,27,3,"공룡시대의 포켓몬이다.
톱 같은 엄니로 먹이를
찢어서 먹었다."
142,27,5,"Un Pokémon de lépoque préhistorique.
Il mangeait ses proies en les déchiquetant
avec ses crocs acérés comme des scies."
142,27,6,"Es stammt aus dem Zeitalter der Dinosaurier.
Mit seinen Zähnen, die Sägeblättern gleichen,
zerreißt es seine Beute, bevor es sie frisst."
142,27,7,"Sus orígenes datan de la era de los dinosaurios.
Desgarra a sus presas con sus colmillos afilados
como sierras antes de devorarlas."
142,27,8,"Questo Pokémon, risalente allepoca dei
dinosauri, lacerava le prede con le zanne
affilate come lame per poi divorarle."
142,27,9,"A Pokémon from the age of the dinosaurs.
It used its sawlike fangs to shred its prey
before eating them."
142,27,11,"恐竜 時代の ポケモン。
のこぎりのような キバで 獲物を
引き裂いて 喰っていた。"
142,28,1,"こだいの おおぞらの おうじゃ。
きょだい いんせきの らっかで
ぜつめつした せつが ねづよい。"
142,28,3,"고대 하늘의 왕.
거대한 운석의 낙하로
멸종했다는 설이 뿌리깊다."
142,28,5,"Le roi des airs à lépoque préhistorique.
La théorie la plus crédible est quil aurait été
annihilé par la chute dune énorme météorite."
142,28,6,"Zu Urzeiten war es der Herrscher der Lüfte.
Es wird allgemein angenommen, dass es infolge
eines Kometenabsturzes ausstarb."
142,28,7,"Dominaba los cielos en la época prehistórica.
Se extinguió tras la caída de un gran meteorito,
según una de las teorías más arraigadas."
142,28,8,"In tempi antichi era il signore dei cieli.
Secondo una teoria molto diffusa, fu sterminato
dalla caduta di un meteorite."
142,28,9,"In ancient times, it ruled the skies. A widely
accepted theory is that it went extinct due to
a large meteor impact."
142,28,11,"古代の 大空の 王者。
巨大 隕石の 落下で
絶滅した 説が 根強い。"
142,29,1,"こはくに のこされた いでんしから
ふくげんさせた。 よそういじょうに
きょうぼうで ぎせいしゃも でた。"
142,29,3,"호박에 남겨진 유전자로
복원시켰다. 예상 밖으로
흉포하여 희생자도 발생했다."
142,29,5,"Recréé à partir dADN contenu dans de lambre,
il sest avéré plus féroce que prévu et a causé
la mort de plusieurs personnes."
142,29,6,"Ein grausames Pokémon, das vielen das Leben
schwer gemacht hat. Es wurde aus Genmaterial
reproduziert, das in Bernstein enthalten war."
142,29,7,"Recreado a partir de material genético extraído
del ámbar, es más feroz de lo que se preveía.
Quien lo subestime lo puede pagar caro."
142,29,8,"Questo Pokémon è stato rigenerato a partire da
materiale genetico ritrovato nellambra. La sua
inaspettata ferocia ha causato delle vittime."
142,29,9,"Restored from DNA found in amber, this
Pokémon exhibited ferocity that was greater
than expected. Some casualties resulted."
142,29,11,"琥珀に 残された 遺伝子から
復元させた。 予想以上に
凶暴で 犠牲者も でた。"
142,30,1,"こだいの おおぞらを わがものがおで
とびまわっていた。 じめんに おりると
あるくのも おそく よわかったらしい。"
142,30,3,"고대의 넓은 하늘을 제집처럼
날아다녔다. 땅에 내려오면
걷는 것도 느리고 약했다고 한다."
142,30,5,"Lair suffisant quil affichait lorsquil volait dans
les cieux seffaçait vite une fois sur terre, où il
était faible et peinait à se mouvoir rapidement."
142,30,6,"Dieses antike Pokémon flog einst gebieterisch
durch die Lüfte. Auf dem Boden hingegen war
es schwach und konnte nur langsam gehen."
142,30,7,"Dominaba los cielos en la época prehistórica.
En tierra firme, sin embargo, se revela como un
Pokémon débil y de movimientos torpes."
142,30,8,"Nei tempi antichi dominava i cieli, ma sulla
terraferma era debole e lento nei movimenti."
142,30,9,"It flew through the open skies over the ancient
continent as if they were its own. When it
touched ground, its walk was weak and slow."
142,30,11,"古代の 大空を 我がもの顔で
飛びまわっていた。 地面に 降りると
歩くのも 遅く 弱かったらしい。"
142,31,1,"コハクから とりだされた いでんしを
けんきゅうして ふっかつさせた
おおむかしの どうもうな ポケモン。"
142,31,3,"호박에서 추출한 유전자를
연구해서 부활시킨
먼 옛날의 사나운 포켓몬."
142,31,5,"Un Pokémon féroce disparu il y a longtemps.
Il a été reconstitué à partir dADN fossilisé
dans de lambre."
142,31,6,"Dieses wilde Pokémon aus der Urzeit wurde
mithilfe von in Bernstein eingeschlossenem
Genmaterial wieder zum Leben erweckt."
142,31,7,"Este Pokémon feroz, extinto hace siglos, fue
regenerado a partir de ADN extraído de un
142,31,8,"Estinto già nellantichità, questo feroce Pokémon
preistorico è stato rigenerato usando del DNA
estratto da un pezzo dambra."
142,31,9,"A savage Pokémon that died out in ancient
times. It was resurrected using DNA taken
from amber."
142,31,11,"コハクから 取り出された 遺伝子を
研究して 復活させた
大昔の 獰猛な ポケモン。"
142,32,1,"コハクから とりだされた いでんしを
けんきゅうして ふっかつさせた
おおむかしの どうもうな ポケモン。"
142,32,3,"호박에서 추출한 유전자를
연구해서 부활시킨
먼 옛날의 사나운 포켓몬."
142,32,5,"Un Pokémon féroce disparu il y a longtemps.
Il a été reconstitué à partir dADN fossilisé
dans de lambre."
142,32,6,"Dieses wilde Pokémon aus der Urzeit wurde
mithilfe von in Bernstein eingeschlossenem
Genmaterial wieder zum Leben erweckt."
142,32,7,"Este Pokémon feroz, extinto hace siglos, fue
regenerado a partir de ADN extraído de un
142,32,8,"Estinto già nellantichità, questo feroce Pokémon
preistorico è stato rigenerato usando del DNA
estratto da un pezzo dambra."
142,32,9,"A savage Pokémon that died out in ancient
times. It was resurrected using DNA taken
from amber."
142,32,11,"コハクから 取り出された 遺伝子を
研究して 復活させた
大昔の 獰猛な ポケモン。"
142,33,1,"こだいの どうもうな ポケモン。
かんぺきな ふくげんは いまの
かがくでも ふかのう らしい。"
142,33,3,"고대의 거칠고 사나운 포켓몬이다.
완벽한 복원은 현대의
과학으로도 불가능하다고 한다."
142,33,5,"On raconte quaujourdhui encore, il est
impossible de restaurer à la perfection
ce Pokémon féroce de lère préhistorique."
142,33,6,"Selbst mit moderner Technologie scheint es
unmöglich, ein perfektes Exemplar von diesem
wilden urzeitlichen Pokémon zu reproduzieren."
142,33,7,"Un feroz Pokémon de la época prehistórica al
que no bastan todos los avances tecnológicos
actuales para regenerar a la perfección."
142,33,8,"È un feroce Pokémon dellantichità. Pare che
con la tecnologia odierna non sia possibile
rigenerarlo perfettamente."
142,33,9,"This is a ferocious Pokémon from ancient times.
Apparently even modern technology is incapable
of producing a perfectly restored specimen."
142,33,11,"古代の 獰猛な ポケモン。
完璧な 復元は
いまの 科学でも 不可能らしい。"
142,34,1,"のこぎりの ような キバは
はがねポケモンの ひふ さえ
ズタズタに きりさいて しまう。"
142,34,3,"톱 같은 이빨은
강철포켓몬의 피부도
갈기갈기 베어 가른다."
142,34,5,"Sa dentition semblable à une scie peut même
broyer la peau des Pokémon Acier."
142,34,6,"Mit seinen Zähnen, die Sägeblättern gleichen,
kann es selbst die Haut von Stahl-Pokémon
142,34,7,"Sus colmillos, afilados como sierras, pueden
hacer trizas incluso la piel de Pokémon de tipo
142,34,8,"Le sue zanne simili a lame sono in grado di fare
a brandelli persino la pelle dei Pokémon di tipo
142,34,9,"Aerodactyls sawlike fangs can shred skin to
tatters—even the skin of Steel-type Pokémon."
142,34,11,"のこぎりの ような キバは
はがねポケモンの 皮膚さえ
ズタズタに 切り裂いてしまう。"
143,1,9,"Very lazy. Just
eats and sleeps.
As its rotundbulk builds, it
becomes steadily
more slothful."
143,2,9,"Very lazy. Just
eats and sleeps.
As its rotundbulk builds, it
becomes steadily
more slothful."
143,3,9,"Will eat anything,
even if the food
happens to be alittle moldy. It
never gets an
upset stomach."
143,4,9,"What sounds like
its cry may ac­
tually be itssnores or the
rumblings of its
hungry belly."
143,5,9,"Its stomach's di­
gestive juices can
dissolve any kindof poison. It can
even eat things
off the ground."
143,6,9,"This POKéMON's
stomach is so
strong, eveneating moldy or
rotten food will
not affect it."
143,7,9,"SNORLAXs typical day consists of
nothing more than eating and sleeping.
It is such a docile POKéMON that thereare children who use its expansive belly
as a place to play."
143,8,9,"SNORLAXs typical day consists of
nothing more than eating and sleeping.
It is such a docile POKéMON that thereare children who use its expansive belly
as a place to play."
143,9,9,"SNORLAXs typical day consists of nothing
more than eating and sleeping. It is such
a docile POKéMON that there are children
who use its big belly as a place to play."
143,10,9,"It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880
pounds of food every day. When it is done
eating, it goes promptly to sleep."
143,11,9,"Very lazy. Just eats and sleeps. As its
rotund bulk builds, it becomes steadily
more slothful."
143,12,9,"Its stomach can digest any kind
of food, even if it happens to be
moldy or rotten."
143,13,9,"It stops eating only to sleep.
It doesnt feel full unless it
eats nearly 900 pounds a day."
143,14,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes
too lethargic to even lift a finger,
so it is safe to bounce on its belly."
143,15,9,"What sounds like its cry may
actually be its snores or the
rumblings of its hungry belly."
143,16,9,"Its stomachs digestive juices can
dissolve any kind of poison. It can
even eat things off the ground."
143,17,5,"Une fois le ventre plein, il est trop
amorphe pour lever le petit doigt.
Sautez sur son ventre!"
143,17,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes
too lethargic to even lift a finger,
so it is safe to bounce on its belly."
143,18,5,"Une fois le ventre plein, il est trop
amorphe pour lever le petit doigt.
Sautez sur son ventre!"
143,18,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes
too lethargic to even lift a finger,
so it is safe to bounce on its belly."
143,21,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes
too lethargic to even lift a finger,
so it is safe to bounce on its belly."
143,22,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes
too lethargic to even lift a finger,
so it is safe to bounce on its belly."
143,23,1,"1にちに たべものを 400キロ
たべないと きが すまない。
たべおわると ねむってしまう。"
143,23,3,"하루에 먹을 것을 400kg
먹지 않으면 성에 차지 않는다.
다 먹으면 잠이 들어 버린다."
143,23,5,"Ronflex nest pas satisfait tant quil na pas avalé ses
400 kg de nourriture quotidienne. Dès quil a fini de
manger, il commence une sieste pour digérer."
143,23,6,"Es ist erst satt, wenn es über 400 kg Nahrung am
Tag gefressen hat. Ist es mit dem Essen fertig,
schläft es sofort ein."
143,23,7,"No se encuentra satisfecho hasta que no se come
400 kg de comida cada día. Cuando acaba de comer,
se queda dormido."
143,23,8,"Dopo aver trangugiato i suoi immancabili 400 kg di
cibo quotidiani, cade in un sonno profondo."
143,23,9,"It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 pounds of
food every day. When it is done eating, it goes
promptly to sleep."
143,23,11,"1日に 食べ物を 400キロ
食べないと 気がすまない。
食べ終わると 眠ってしまう。"
143,24,1,"カビが はえていても くさっていても
だいじょうぶ。カビゴンの いぶくろは
なんでも しょうかできるのだ。"
143,24,3,"곰팡이가 피어 있거나 상했어도
괜찮다. 잠만보의 위는
무엇이든 소화시킬 수 있다."
143,24,5,"Son estomac peut digérer nimporte quel type de
nourriture, même quand elle est moisie ou pourrie."
143,24,6,"Sein Magen kann jede Art von Nahrung verdauen,
selbst wenn sie verschimmelt und verdorben ist."
143,24,7,"Su estómago puede digerir todo tipo de comida,
incluso si está podrida o mohosa."
143,24,8,"Il suo stomaco riesce a digerire qualsiasi tipo di cibo,
anche se marcio o ammuffito."
143,24,9,"Its stomach can digest any kind of food,
even if it happens to be moldy or rotten."
143,24,11,"カビが 生えていても 腐っていても
大丈夫。カビゴンの 胃袋は
なんでも 消化できるのだ。"
143,25,1,"たべて ねての くりかえしで 1にちが おわる。
おおきな おなかの うえを あそびばに している
こどもたちも いるほど おとなしい ポケモンだ。"
143,25,3,"먹고 자는 것을 반복하다 하루가 끝난다.
큰 배 위를 놀이터로 삼은 아이들이
있을 정도로 얌전한 포켓몬이다."
143,25,5,"Les journées de Ronflex se résument aux repas et aux siestes.
Cest un Pokémon tellement gentil que les enfants nhésitent
pas à jouer sur son énorme ventre."
143,25,6,"Der typische Tagesablauf von Relaxo besteht lediglich aus
Essen und Schlafen. Es ist so zutraulich, dass Kinder seinen
dicken Bauch als Platz zum Spielen nutzen."
143,25,7,"Un día cualquiera en la vida de Snorlax consiste en comer y
dormir. Es un Pokémon tan dócil que es fácil ver niños usando
la gran panza que tiene como lugar de juegos."
143,25,8,"La giornata tipica di Snorlax consiste in nientaltro che
mangiare e dormire. È un Pokémon così docile che
i bambini usano la sua enorme pancia come parco giochi."
143,25,9,"Snorlaxs typical day consists of nothing more than eating and
sleeping. It is such a docile Pokémon that there are children
who use its expansive belly as a place to play."
143,25,11,"食べて 寝ての 繰り返しで 1日が 終わる。
大きな お腹の 上を 遊び場に している
子どもたちも いるほど 大人しい ポケモンだ。"
143,26,1,"たべて ねての くりかえしで 1にちが おわる。
おおきな おなかの うえを あそびばに している
こどもたちも いるほど おとなしい ポケモンだ。"
143,26,3,"먹고 자는 것을 반복하다 하루가 끝난다.
큰 배 위를 놀이터로 삼은 아이들이
있을 정도로 얌전한 포켓몬이다."
143,26,5,"Les journées de Ronflex se résument aux repas et aux siestes.
Cest un Pokémon tellement gentil que les enfants nhésitent
pas à jouer sur son énorme ventre."
143,26,6,"Der typische Tagesablauf von Relaxo besteht lediglich aus
Essen und Schlafen. Es ist so zutraulich, dass Kinder seinen
dicken Bauch als Platz zum Spielen nutzen."
143,26,7,"Un día cualquiera en la vida de Snorlax consiste en comer y
dormir. Es un Pokémon tan dócil que es fácil ver niños usando
la gran panza que tiene como lugar de juegos."
143,26,8,"La giornata tipica di Snorlax consiste in nientaltro che
mangiare e dormire. È un Pokémon così docile che
i bambini usano la sua enorme pancia come parco giochi."
143,26,9,"Snorlaxs typical day consists of nothing more than eating and
sleeping. It is such a docile Pokémon that there are children
who use its expansive belly as a place to play."
143,26,11,"食べて 寝ての 繰り返しで 1日が 終わる。
大きな お腹の 上を 遊び場に している
子どもたちも いるほど 大人しい ポケモンだ。"
143,27,1,"さいきょうの いぶくろを もつと
いわれる。 ベトベトンの どくでさえ
カビゴンの したには スパイスなのだ。"
143,27,3,"최강의 위를 가졌다고
전해진다. 질뻐기의 독조차
잠만보의 혀에는 향신료인 셈이다."
143,27,5,"On dit que son estomac na pas dégal.
Même les toxines de Grotadmorv ne sont rien
de plus quun assaisonnement épicé pour lui."
143,27,6,"Es heißt, sein Magen sei an Widerstandsfähigkeit
nicht zu übertreffen. Für Relaxo ist selbst das
Gift eines Sleimok nicht mehr als ein Würzstoff."
143,27,7,"Su estómago es exageradamente resistente.
Tanto que podría condimentar su comida con el
veneno de Muk sin inmutarse."
143,27,8,"Sembra che abbia uno stomaco fortissimo.
Il fluido tossico di Muk per lui è solo un
condimento un po speziato."
143,27,9,"Its stomach is said to be incomparably strong.
Even Muks poison is nothing more than a hint of
spice on Snorlaxs tongue."
143,27,11,"最強の 胃袋を 持つと
いわれる。 ベトベトンの 毒でさえ
カビゴンの 舌には スパイスなのだ。"
143,28,1,"まいにち 400キロの エサを くう。
くってるはじから いねむりを はじめ
ねむったままでも くっている。"
143,28,3,"매일 400kg의 먹이를 먹는다.
먹기 시작할 때부터 졸기 시작하여
자는 동안에도 먹고 있다."
143,28,5,"Il mange 400 kg de nourriture par jour.
Il arrive que sa sieste commence pendant quil
mange, mais il continue à manger même endormi."
143,28,6,"Es nimmt jeden Tag 400 kg an Nahrung zu sich.
Es schläft beim Essen ein und frisst selbst im
Schlaf noch weiter."
143,28,7,"Engulle 400 kg de comida a diario. Si le entra
sueño cuando está alimentándose, sigue
comiendo mientras echa una cabezada."
143,28,8,"Ogni giorno mangia 400 kg di cibo.
Appena inizia a mangiare, si addormenta, ma
continua anche mentre dorme."
143,28,9,"It eats nearly 900 pounds of food every day.
It starts nodding off while eating—and continues
to eat even while its asleep."
143,28,11,"毎日 400キロの 餌を 喰う。
喰ってるはじから 居眠りを はじめ
眠ったままでも 喰っている。"
143,29,1,"くうか ねるかしか していないが
なにかの きっかけで ほんきをだすと
すごい パワーを はっきするらしい。"
143,29,3,"먹거나 자는 것밖에 안 하지만
일단 진심을 다하게 되면
굉장한 파워를 발휘하는 듯하다."
143,29,5,"Il ne fait pas grand-chose à part manger
et dormir, mais gare à lui quand il décide
de passer à laction!"
143,29,6,"Wenn es nicht gerade frisst, dann schläft es.
Macht es aber einmal Ernst, ist Schluss mit
143,29,7,"Poco hace aparte de comer y dormir, pero
puede desatar una fuerza arrolladora si le da
un arrebato."
143,29,8,"Non fa altro che mangiare e dormire, ma quando
decide di fare sul serio tira fuori una potenza
143,29,9,"It doesnt do anything other than eat and sleep.
When prompted to make a serious effort,
though, it apparently displays awesome power."
143,29,11,"食うか 寝るかしか していないが
なにかの きっかけで 本気を出すと
凄い パワーを 発揮するらしい。"
143,30,1,"たべること いがいに きょうみが
ない。 ひるねちゅうに おなかのうえに
のっかっても まるで きにしないぞ。"
143,30,3,"먹는 것 외에는 관심이 없다.
낮잠 중에 배 위에 올라타도
전혀 신경 쓰지 않는다."
143,30,5,"La seule chose qui lintéresse, cest manger.
Il ne se réveille même pas si quelquun grimpe
sur son ventre pendant quil fait une sieste."
143,30,6,"Bei ihm geht es immer nur ums Fressen. Macht
man es sich auf seinem Bauch bequem, während
es döst, ist es ihm daher egal."
143,30,7,"Solo piensa en comer y lo demás no le interesa.
Cuando duerme la siesta, no se inmuta ni aunque
alguien se le tumbe en la barriga."
143,30,8,"Il suo unico interesse è il cibo. Quando fa
la sua pennichella pomeridiana, non si accorge
nemmeno se qualcuno gli sale sulla pancia."
143,30,9,"It has no interest in anything other than eating.
Even if you climb up on its stomach while its
napping, it doesnt seem to mind at all!"
143,30,11,"食べること 以外に 興味が
ない。 昼寝中に お腹の上に
乗っかっても まるで 気にしないぞ。"
143,31,1,"たしょう カビが はえていても
きにしないで たべまくる。
おなかを こわしたりもしない。"
143,31,3,"약간 곰팡이가 피어 있어도
신경 쓰지 않고 먹어 치운다.
배탈이 나는 일도 없다."
143,31,5,"Il peut tout manger, même de la nourriture
avariée. Il na jamais mal au ventre."
143,31,6,"Relaxo verschlingt sogar Nahrung, auf der sich
etwas Schimmel gebildet hat. Trotzdem verdirbt
es sich nie den Magen."
143,31,7,"Engulle cualquier cosa, incluso comida mohosa,
sin que esto le cause dolor de estómago."
143,31,8,"Mangia qualsiasi cosa gli capiti a tiro, anche
se ammuffita, senza mai soffrire di mal di pancia."
143,31,9,"Will eat anything, even if the food happens to
be a little moldy. It never gets an upset stomach."
143,31,11,"多少 カビが 生えていても
気にしないで 食べまくる。
お腹を 壊したりもしない。"
143,32,1,"たしょう カビが はえていても
きにしないで たべまくる。
おなかを こわしたりもしない。"
143,32,3,"약간 곰팡이가 피어 있어도
신경 쓰지 않고 먹어 치운다.
배탈이 나는 일도 없다."
143,32,5,"Il peut tout manger, même de la nourriture
avariée. Il na jamais mal au ventre."
143,32,6,"Relaxo verschlingt sogar Nahrung, auf der sich
etwas Schimmel gebildet hat. Trotzdem verdirbt
es sich nie den Magen."
143,32,7,"Engulle cualquier cosa, incluso comida mohosa,
sin que esto le cause dolor de estómago."
143,32,8,"Mangia qualsiasi cosa gli capiti a tiro, anche
se ammuffita, senza mai soffrire di mal di pancia."
143,32,9,"Will eat anything, even if the food happens to
be a little moldy. It never gets an upset stomach."
143,32,11,"多少 カビが 生えていても
気にしないで 食べまくる。
お腹を 壊したりもしない。"
143,33,1,"1にちに たべものを 400キロ
たべないと きが すまない。
たべおわると ねむってしまう。"
143,33,3,"하루에 400kg의 음식을
먹지 않으면 성에 차지 않는다.
다 먹으면 잠이 들어 버린다."
143,33,5,"Ronflex nest pas satisfait tant quil na pas avalé
ses 400 kg de nourriture quotidienne. Dès quil
a fini, il commence une sieste pour digérer."
143,33,6,"Es muss über 400 kg Nahrung am Tag fressen,
um satt zu werden. Ist es mit dem Essen fertig,
schläft es sofort ein."
143,33,7,"No se encuentra satisfecho hasta haber ingerido
400 kg de comida cada día. Cuando acaba de
comer, se queda dormido."
143,33,8,"Dopo aver trangugiato i suoi immancabili 400 kg
di cibo quotidiani, cade in un sonno profondo."
143,33,9,"It is not satisfied unless it eats over 880 pounds
of food every day. When it is done eating, it
goes promptly to sleep."
143,33,11,"1日に 食べ物を 400キロ
食べないと 気がすまない。
食べ終わると 眠ってしまう。"
143,34,1,"がんじょうな いぶくろは カビの
はえたものや くさったものを
たべても こわれることはない。"
143,34,3,"위장이 튼튼해서
곰팡이가 피거나 썩은 것을
먹어도 배탈이 나지 않는다."
143,34,5,"Lestomac de ce Pokémon est si résistant
quil peut même digérer de la nourriture avariée."
143,34,6,"Der Magen dieses Pokémon ist so resistent,
dass es sogar Verschimmeltes oder Verdorbenes
essen kann."
143,34,7,"Este Pokémon tiene un estómago a prueba de
bomba, por lo que es capaz de ingerir incluso
comida podrida o mohosa."
143,34,8,"Ha uno stomaco così resistente che può
ingerire anche cibo ammuffito o avariato."
143,34,9,"This Pokémons stomach is so strong, even eating
moldy or rotten food will not affect it."
143,34,11,"頑丈な 胃袋は カビの
生えたものや 腐ったものを
食べても 壊れることはない。"
144,1,9,"A legendary bird
POKéMON that is
said to appear todoomed people who
are lost in icy
144,2,9,"A legendary bird
POKéMON that is
said to appear todoomed people who
are lost in icy
144,3,9,"A legendary bird
freezes waterthat is contained
in winter air and
makes it snow."
144,4,9,"The magnificent,
seemingly translu­
cent wings of thislegendary bird
POKéMON are said
to be made of ice."
144,5,9,"One of the legen­
dary bird POKéMON,
it chills moisturein the atmosphere
to create snow
while flying."
144,6,9,"Legendary bird
POKéMON. As it
flies through thesky, it cools the
air, causing snow
to fall."
144,7,9,"ARTICUNO is a legendary bird POKéMON
that can control ice.
The flapping of its wings chills the air.As a result, it is said that when this
POKéMON flies, snow will fall."
144,8,9,"ARTICUNO is a legendary bird POKéMON
that can control ice.
The flapping of its wings chills the air.As a result, it is said that when this
POKéMON flies, snow will fall."
144,9,9,"ARTICUNO is a legendary bird POKéMON that
can control ice. The flapping of its wings
chills the air. As a result, it is said that
when this POKéMON flies, snow will fall."
144,10,9,"One of the legendary bird POKéMON.
With its long tail trailing behind, its
flying form is magnificent."
144,11,9,"A legendary bird POKéMON that is said to
appear to doomed people who are lost in
icy mountains."
144,12,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,13,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,14,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,15,9,"The magnificent, seemingly translucent
wings of this legendary bird Pokémon
are said to be made of ice."
144,16,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon,
it chills moisture in the atmosphere
to create snow while flying."
144,17,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire.
Il peut provoquer des blizzards
en gelant lhumidité de lair."
144,17,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,18,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire.
Il peut provoquer des blizzards
en gelant lhumidité de lair."
144,18,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,21,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,22,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon.
It can create blizzards by
freezing moisture in the air."
144,23,1,"でんせつの とりポケモン。
くうきちゅうの すいぶんを こおらせ
ふぶきを つくりだすことが できる。"
144,23,3,"전설의 새포켓몬이다.
공기 중의 수분을 얼려
눈보라를 만들어 낼 수 있다."
144,23,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire. Il peut provoquer
des blizzards en gelant lhumidité de lair."
144,23,6,"Ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon. Es kann Blizzards
verursachen, indem es Feuchtigkeit gefriert."
144,23,7,"Legendario Pokémon pájaro capaz de generar
ventiscas congelando la humedad del aire."
144,23,8,"Un Pokémon uccello leggendario. Riesce a creare
bufere di neve congelando lumidità dellaria."
144,23,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards
by freezing moisture in the air."
144,23,11,"伝説の とりポケモン。
空気中の 水分を 凍らせ
吹雪を 作り出すことが できる。"
144,24,1,"ゆきやまで さむくて しにそうなとき
めのまえに あらわれるといわれる
でんせつの れいとうポケモン。"
144,24,3,"설산에서 추워 죽을 것 같을 때
눈앞에 나타난다고 하는
전설의 냉동포켓몬."
144,24,5,"Le légendaire oiseau des glaces. On dit quil apparaît
aux gens perdus dans les sommets."
144,24,6,"Ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das angeblich
in Gletschern verirrten Wanderern den Weg weist."
144,24,7,"Es un legendario pájaro Pokémon. Se aparece a la
gente que se ha perdido en las heladas montañas."
144,24,8,"Uccello leggendario, si dice appaia per atterrire chi
si smarrisce sui ghiacciai."
144,24,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear to
doomed people who are lost in icy mountains."
144,24,11,"雪山で 寒くて 死にそうなとき
目の前に 現れるといわれる
伝説の ポケモン。"
144,25,1,"こおりを あやつる でんせつの とりポケモン。
はばたく ことで くうきを つめたく ひやすので
フリーザーが とぶと ゆきが ふると いわれる。"
144,25,3,"얼음을 조종하는 전설의 새포켓몬이다.
날갯짓하면 공기가 차갑게 식기 때문에
프리져가 날면 눈이 온다고 전해진다."
144,25,5,"Artikodin est un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire qui peut
contrôler la glace. Le battement de ses ailes gèle lair
tout autour de lui. Cest pourquoi on dit que lorsque
ce Pokémon vole, il va neiger."
144,25,6,"Arktos ist ein sagenumwobenes Vogel-Pokémon, das Eis
manipulieren kann. Das Schlagen seiner Flügel bringt die
Luft zum Gefrieren. Es wird behauptet, dass es zu schneien
beginnt, wenn dieses Pokémon fliegt."
144,25,7,"Articuno es un Pokémon pájaro legendario que puede
controlar el hielo. El batir de sus alas congela el aire. Dicen
que consigue hacer que nieve cuando vuela."
144,25,8,"Articuno è un Pokémon uccello leggendario, perfettamente
a suo agio tra i ghiacci. Quando batte le ali, laria circostante
diventa gelida. Per questo motivo, quando nevica, si dice
che sia passato di lì."
144,25,9,"Articuno is a legendary bird Pokémon that can control ice.
The flapping of its wings chills the air. As a result, it is said
that when this Pokémon flies, snow will fall."
144,25,11,"氷を 操る 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。
羽ばたく ことで 空気を 冷たく 冷やすので
フリーザーが 飛ぶと 雪が 降ると いわれる。"
144,26,1,"こおりを あやつる でんせつの とりポケモン。
はばたく ことで くうきを つめたく ひやすので
フリーザーが とぶと ゆきが ふると いわれる。"
144,26,3,"얼음을 조종하는 전설의 새포켓몬이다.
날갯짓하면 공기가 차갑게 식기 때문에
프리져가 날면 눈이 온다고 전해진다."
144,26,5,"Artikodin est un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire qui peut
contrôler la glace. Le battement de ses ailes gèle lair
tout autour de lui. Cest pourquoi on dit que lorsque
ce Pokémon vole, il va neiger."
144,26,6,"Arktos ist ein sagenumwobenes Vogel-Pokémon, das Eis
manipulieren kann. Das Schlagen seiner Flügel bringt die
Luft zum Gefrieren. Man nimmt an, dass es zu schneien
beginnt, wenn dieses Pokémon fliegt."
144,26,7,"Articuno es un Pokémon pájaro legendario que puede
controlar el hielo. El batir de sus alas congela el aire. Dicen
que consigue hacer que nieve cuando vuela."
144,26,8,"Articuno è un Pokémon uccello leggendario, perfettamente
a suo agio tra i ghiacci. Quando batte le ali, laria circostante
diventa gelida. Per questo motivo, quando nevica, si dice
che sia passato di lì."
144,26,9,"Articuno is a legendary bird Pokémon that can control ice.
The flapping of its wings chills the air. As a result, it is said
that when this Pokémon flies, snow will fall."
144,26,11,"氷を 操る 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。
羽ばたく ことで 空気を 冷たく 冷やすので
フリーザーが 飛ぶと 雪が 降ると いわれる。"
144,31,1,"ふゆぞらの くうきに ふくまれる
すいぶんを こおらせて ゆきを
ふらせる でんせつの とりポケモン。"
144,31,3,"겨울 하늘의 공기 중에 있는
수분을 얼려서 눈을
내리게 하는 전설의 새포켓몬."
144,31,5,"Un Pokémon oiseau légendaire. Lhiver, il glace
la vapeur deau contenue dans lair pour faire
de la neige."
144,31,6,"Ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das im Winter
die Wasserpartikel in der Luft gefrieren lässt,
um Schnee zu erzeugen."
144,31,7,"Un Pokémon pájaro legendario. En invierno,
crea nieve congelando la humedad del aire."
144,31,8,"Questo Pokémon alato leggendario congela
lumidità contenuta nellaria invernale e fa
cadere la neve."
144,31,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. It freezes water
that is contained in winter air and makes it snow."
144,31,11,"冬空の 空気に 含まれる
水分を 凍らせて 雪を
降らせる 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。"
144,32,1,"ふゆぞらの くうきに ふくまれる
すいぶんを こおらせて ゆきを
ふらせる でんせつの とりポケモン。"
144,32,3,"겨울 하늘의 공기 중에 있는
수분을 얼려서 눈을
내리게 하는 전설의 새포켓몬."
144,32,5,"Un Pokémon oiseau légendaire. Lhiver, il glace
la vapeur deau contenue dans lair pour faire
de la neige."
144,32,6,"Ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das im Winter
die Wasserpartikel in der Luft gefrieren lässt,
um Schnee zu erzeugen."
144,32,7,"Un Pokémon pájaro legendario. En invierno,
crea nieve congelando la humedad del aire."
144,32,8,"Questo Pokémon alato leggendario congela
lumidità contenuta nellaria invernale e fa
cadere la neve."
144,32,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. It freezes water
that is contained in winter air and makes it snow."
144,32,11,"冬空の 空気に 含まれる
水分を 凍らせて 雪を
降らせる 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。"
144,33,1,"あおく うつくしい はねは こおりで
できていると いわれている。 ながい
おを たなびかせ ゆきやまを とぶ。"
144,33,3,"푸르고 아름다운 날개는 얼음으로
되어 있다고 전해진다. 긴 꼬리를
나부끼며 설산 위를 난다."
144,33,5,"On raconte que ses belles plumes bleues sont
faites de glace. Sa longue queue flotte au vent
lorsquil vole au-dessus des monts enneigés."
144,33,6,"Seine wunderschönen blauen Flügel sollen aus Eis
bestehen. Es fliegt über schneebedeckte Berge,
während sein langer Schweif hinter ihm flattert."
144,33,7,"Se dice que sus bellas alas azules se componen
de hielo. Vuela en torno a las montañas nevadas
con su larga cola al viento."
144,33,8,"Si dice che le sue splendide ali azzurre siano
composte di ghiaccio. Vola fra le montagne
innevate facendo ondeggiare la sua lunga coda."
144,33,9,"Its said that this Pokémons beautiful blue wings
are made of ice. Articuno flies over snowy
mountains, its long tail fluttering along behind it."
144,33,11,"青く 美しい 羽根は 氷で
できていると 言われている。 長い
尾を たなびかせ 雪山を 飛ぶ。"
144,34,1,"こおりを じざいに あやつる
ちからを もつ。 えいきゅうとうどの
ゆきやまに すんでいると いう。"
144,34,3,"얼음을 자유자재로 조종하는 힘을
가졌다. 영구 동토의 설산에
살고 있다고 한다."
144,34,5,"Il possède le pouvoir de contrôler la glace.
Selon les dires, il vivrait sur les sommets
recouverts de neiges éternelles."
144,34,6,"Arktos ist imstande, Eis zu manipulieren.
Man sagt, es lebe in schneebedeckten Bergen,
wo ewiger Winter herrscht."
144,34,7,"Posee el poder de controlar el hielo a su antojo.
Se dice que este Pokémon habita en montañas
de nieves perpetuas."
144,34,8,"È in grado di controllare il ghiaccio a suo
piacimento. Si dice che viva sulle montagne
innevate nelle aree coperte da permafrost."
144,34,9,"This Pokémon can control ice at will. Articuno
is said to live in snowy mountains riddled
with permafrost."
144,34,11,"氷を 自在に 操る 力を もつ。
永久凍土の 雪山に
145,1,9,"A legendary bird
POKéMON that is
said to appearfrom clouds while
dropping enormous
lightning bolts."
145,2,9,"A legendary bird
POKéMON that is
said to appearfrom clouds while
dropping enormous
lightning bolts."
145,3,9,"This legendary
bird POKéMON is
said to appearwhen the sky turns
dark and lightning
showers down."
145,4,9,"This legendary
bird POKéMON
causes savagethunderstorms by
flapping its glit­
tering wings."
145,5,9,"This legendary
bird POKéMON is
said to appearonly when a thun­
dercloud parts
into two halves."
145,6,9,"Legendary bird
POKéMON. They say
lightning causedby the flapping of
its wings causes
summer storms."
145,7,9,"ZAPDOS is a legendary bird POKéMON that
has the ability to control electricity.
It usually lives in thunderclouds.The POKéMON gains power if it is
stricken by lightning bolts."
145,8,9,"ZAPDOS is a legendary bird POKéMON that
has the ability to control electricity.
It usually lives in thunderclouds.The POKéMON gains power if it is
stricken by lightning bolts."
145,9,9,"ZAPDOS is a legendary bird POKéMON that
has the ability to control electricity.
It usually lives in thunderclouds. It gains
power if it is stricken by lightning bolts."
145,10,9,"One of the legendary bird POKéMON.
While it is flying, it makes crackling and
snapping sounds."
145,11,9,"A legendary bird POKéMON that is said to
appear from clouds while dropping
enormous lightning bolts."
145,12,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,13,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,14,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,15,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon
causes savage thunderstorms by
flapping its glittering wings."
145,16,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon is
said to appear only when a thundercloud
parts into two halves."
145,17,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire dont
on dit quil vit dans les nuages
dorage. Il contrôle la foudre."
145,17,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,18,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire dont
on dit quil vit dans les nuages
dorage. Il contrôle la foudre."
145,18,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,21,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,22,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said
to live in thunderclouds. It freely
controls lightning bolts."
145,23,1,"くもの うえから きょだいな
いなずまを おとしながら あらわれる
でんせつの とりポケモンである。"
145,23,3,"구름 위에서 거대한
번개를 내리치며 나타난다.
전설의 새포켓몬이다."
145,23,5,"Loiseau légendaire de la foudre. Il surgit hors
des nuages en lançant dénormes éclairs."
145,23,6,"Ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das im Sturzflug
aus den Wolken bricht und Blitze schleudert."
145,23,7,"Es un legendario pájaro Pokémon. Dicen que aparece
entre las nubes lanzando enormes rayos brillantes."
145,23,8,"Uccello leggendario, si dice appaia tra le nuvole
scagliando enormi saette."
145,23,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to
appear from clouds while dropping enormous
lightning bolts."
145,23,11,"雲の 上から 巨大な 稲妻を
落としながら 現れる
伝説の とりポケモンである。"
145,24,1,"かみなりぐもの なかに いると
いわれる でんせつの ポケモン。
カミナリを じざいに あやつる。"
145,24,3,"번개 구름 안에 있다고
전해지는 전설의 포켓몬이다.
번개를 자유로이 조종한다."
145,24,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire dont on dit quil vit
dans les nuages dorage. Il contrôle la foudre."
145,24,6,"Ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das in
Gewitterwolken leben soll. Es kontrolliert Blitze."
145,24,7,"Legendario Pokémon pájaro del que se dice que vive
en los nubarrones. Controla los rayos eléctricos."
145,24,8,"Un Pokémon uccello leggendario. Si dice che viva
tra le nubi temporalesche. Controlla i fulmini."
145,24,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said to live in
thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts."
145,24,11,"雷雲の 中に いると
言われる 伝説の ポケモン。
雷を 自在に 操る。"
145,25,1,"でんきを あやつる でんせつの とりポケモン。
ふだんは カミナリぐもの なかで くらしている。
カミナリに うたれると ちからが わいてくる。"
145,25,3,"전기를 조종하는 전설의 새포켓몬이다.
평상시는 번개 구름 속에서 지낸다.
번개를 맞으면 힘이 솟아난다."
145,25,5,"Électhor est un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire capable de
contrôler lélectricité. Il vit généralement dans les nuages
orageux. Ce Pokémon gagne en puissance lorsquil est
frappé par la foudre."
145,25,6,"Zapdos ist ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das die Fähigkeit
besitzt, Elektrizität zu manipulieren. Es lebt in Gewitterwolken.
Dieses Pokémon nimmt Energie auf, wenn es vom Blitz
getroffen wird."
145,25,7,"Zapdos es un Pokémon pájaro legendario que tiene la
habilidad de controlar la electricidad. Suele vivir en
nubarrones. Este Pokémon gana mucha fuerza si le alcanzan
los rayos."
145,25,8,"Zapdos è un Pokémon uccello leggendario, perfettamente
in grado di gestire lelettricità.
Acquista forza ed energia se colpito da qualche fulmine."
145,25,9,"Zapdos is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the ability to
control electricity. It usually lives in thunderclouds.
The Pokémon gains power if it is stricken by lightning bolts."
145,25,11,"電気を 操る 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。
普段は カミナリ雲の 中で 暮らしている。
カミナリに 撃たれると 力が わいてくる。"
145,26,1,"でんきを あやつる でんせつの とりポケモン。
ふだんは カミナリぐもの なかで くらしている。
カミナリに うたれると ちからが わいてくる。"
145,26,3,"전기를 조종하는 전설의 새포켓몬이다.
평상시는 번개 구름 속에서 지낸다.
번개를 맞으면 힘이 솟아난다."
145,26,5,"Électhor est un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire capable de
contrôler lélectricité. Il vit généralement dans les nuages
orageux. Ce Pokémon gagne en puissance lorsquil est
frappé par la foudre."
145,26,6,"Zapdos ist ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das die Fähigkeit
besitzt, Elektrizität zu manipulieren. Es lebt in Gewitterwolken.
Dieses Pokémon nimmt Energie auf, wenn es vom Blitz
getroffen wird."
145,26,7,"Zapdos es un Pokémon pájaro legendario que tiene la
habilidad de controlar la electricidad. Suele vivir en
nubarrones. Este Pokémon gana mucha fuerza si le alcanzan
los rayos."
145,26,8,"Zapdos è un Pokémon uccello leggendario, perfettamente
in grado di gestire lelettricità.
Acquista forza ed energia se colpito da qualche fulmine."
145,26,9,"Zapdos is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the ability
to control electricity. It usually lives in thunderclouds.
The Pokémon gains power if it is stricken by lightning bolts."
145,26,11,"電気を 操る 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。
普段は カミナリ雲の 中で 暮らしている。
カミナリに 撃たれると 力が わいてくる。"
145,31,1,"そらが くらくなり いなづまが
れんぞくして おちていく はてに
でんせつの ポケモンは あらわれる。"
145,31,3,"하늘이 어두워지고 벼락이
연속으로 떨어지면 이윽고
전설의 포켓몬이 나타난다."
145,31,5,"Ce Pokémon oiseau légendaire apparaît quand
le ciel sassombrit et que la foudre ne cesse
de tomber."
145,31,6,"Dieses Legendäre Vogel-Pokémon erscheint,
wenn sich der Himmel verdunkelt und Blitze
unablässig herunterdonnern."
145,31,7,"Este Pokémon pájaro legendario solo aparece
cuando el cielo se torna oscuro y caen rayos
sin cesar."
145,31,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon alato leggendario
appaia quando il cielo si oscura e i fulmini
lacerano laria senza sosta."
145,31,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon is said to
appear when the sky turns dark and lightning
showers down."
145,31,11,"空が 暗くなり 稲妻が
連続して 落ちていく 果てに
伝説の ポケモンは 現れる。"
145,32,1,"そらが くらくなり いなづまが
れんぞくして おちていく はてに
でんせつの ポケモンは あらわれる。"
145,32,3,"하늘이 어두워지고 벼락이
연속으로 떨어지면 이윽고
전설의 포켓몬이 나타난다."
145,32,5,"Ce Pokémon oiseau légendaire apparaît quand
le ciel sassombrit et que la foudre ne cesse
de tomber."
145,32,6,"Dieses Legendäre Vogel-Pokémon erscheint,
wenn sich der Himmel verdunkelt und Blitze
unablässig herunterdonnern."
145,32,7,"Este Pokémon pájaro legendario solo aparece
cuando el cielo se torna oscuro y caen rayos
sin cesar."
145,32,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon alato leggendario
appaia quando il cielo si oscura e i fulmini
lacerano laria senza sosta."
145,32,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon is said to
appear when the sky turns dark and lightning
showers down."
145,32,11,"空が 暗くなり 稲妻が
連続して 落ちていく 果てに
伝説の ポケモンは 現れる。"
145,33,1,"でんきを じざいに あやつる。
まっくろな かみなりぐもの なかに
すが あると いいつたえられている。"
145,33,3,"전기를 자유로이 조종한다.
새까만 번개 구름 안에
거처가 있다고 전해지고 있다."
145,33,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon capable de contrôler
la foudre installe son nid au creux des nuages
dorage noirs."
145,33,6,"Zapdos kann Elektrizität manipulieren.
Überlieferungen nach soll sein Nest inmitten
pechschwarzer Gewitterwolken liegen."
145,33,7,"Posee el poder de controlar la electricidad a su
antojo. Según la creencia popular, anida oculto
en oscuros nubarrones de tormenta."
145,33,8,"È in grado di controllare lelettricità a suo
piacimento. Secondo le leggende,
fa il nido fra nere nubi temporalesche."
145,33,9,"This Pokémon has complete control over
electricity. There are tales of Zapdos nesting in
the dark depths of pitch-black thunderclouds."
145,33,11,"電気を 自在に 操る。
真っ黒な 雷雲の 中に
巣があると 言い伝えられている。"
145,34,1,"はねを こすりあわせると たちまち
いかずちが おちると いわれている
でんせつの とりポケモン。"
145,34,3,"날개를 비비대면 바로
천둥이 친다고 전해지는
전설의 새포켓몬이다."
145,34,5,"On raconte que lorsque ce Pokémon oiseau
légendaire fait vibrer ses plumes, le frottement
fait tomber la foudre instantanément."
145,34,6,"Es heißt, wenn dieses Legendäre Vogel-Pokémon
seine Flügel aneinanderreibt, brechen
unmittelbar danach Gewitter los."
145,34,7,"Una de las aves legendarias. Dicen que, cuando
este Pokémon frota las alas, cae al instante un
relámpago del cielo."
145,34,8,"Si dice che quando questo leggendario
Pokémon alato sfrega le ali fra loro,
cada istantaneamente un fulmine."
145,34,9,"Zapdos is a legendary bird Pokémon. Its said
that when Zapdos rubs its feathers together,
lightning will fall immediately after."
145,34,11,"羽根を こすり合わせると たちまち
雷が 落ちると 言われている
伝説の 鳥ポケモン。"
146,1,9,"Known as the
legendary bird of
fire. Every flapof its wings
creates a dazzling
flash of flames."
146,2,9,"Known as the
legendary bird of
fire. Every flapof its wings
creates a dazzling
flash of flames."
146,3,9,"A legendary bird
POKéMON. As it
flaps its flamingwings, even the
night sky will
turn red."
146,4,9,"This legendary
POKéMON scatters
embers with everyflap of its wings.
It is a thrilling
sight to behold."
146,5,9,"This legendary
bird POKéMON is
said to bringearly spring to
the wintry lands
it visits."
146,6,9,"Legendary bird
POKéMON. It is
said to migratefrom the south
along with the
146,7,9,"MOLTRES is a legendary bird POKéMON
that has the ability to control fire.
If this POKéMON is injured, it is said todip its body in the molten magma of a
volcano to burn and heal itself."
146,8,9,"MOLTRES is a legendary bird POKéMON
that has the ability to control fire.
If this POKéMON is injured, it is said todip its body in the molten magma of a
volcano to burn and heal itself."
146,9,9,"MOLTRES is a legendary bird POKéMON
that can control fire. If injured, it is said
to dip its body in the molten magma of
a volcano to burn and heal itself."
146,10,9,"One of the legendary bird POKéMON.
Those seeing it are overwhelmed by its
orange wings that seem to be on fire."
146,11,9,"It is said to be the legendary bird
POKéMON of fire. Every flap of its wings
creates a dazzling flare of flames."
146,12,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,13,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,14,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,15,9,"This legendary Pokémon scatters
embers with every flap of its wings.
It is a thrilling sight to behold."
146,16,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon is
said to bring early spring to
the wintry lands it visits."
146,17,5,"Lun des Pokémon Oiseaux légendaires.
On dit que sa venue annonce larrivée
du printemps."
146,17,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,18,5,"Lun des Pokémon Oiseaux légendaires.
On dit que sa venue annonce larrivée
du printemps."
146,18,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,21,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,22,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon.
It is said that its appearance
indicates the coming of spring."
146,23,1,"むかしから ひのとりでんせつとして
しられる。はばたくたびに はねが
あかるく もえあがり うつくしい。"
146,23,3,"오래전부터 불새의 전설로
알려져 있다. 날갯짓할 때마다
날개가 눈부시게 불타올라서 아름답다."
146,23,5,"Le légendaire oiseau du feu. Une pluie de flammes
surgit à chaque battement de ses ailes."
146,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist der Legendäre Feuervogel.
Sein Flügelschlag entfacht ein helles Feuermeer."
146,23,7,"Es más conocido como el legendario pájaro de fuego.
Con cada aleteo crea brillantes llamas."
146,23,8,"Noto come uccello leggendario del fuoco, quando
sbatte le ali crea scintillanti lingue infuocate."
146,23,9,"It is said to be the legendary bird Pokémon of fire.
Every flap of its wings creates a dazzling flare
of flames."
146,23,11,"昔から 火の鳥伝説として
知られる。羽ばたくたびに 羽が
明るく 燃え上がり 美しい。"
146,24,1,"でんせつの とりポケモンの 1ぴき。
ファイヤーが すがたを みせると
はるが おとずれると いわれている。"
146,24,3,"전설의 새포켓몬 중의 1마리다.
파이어가 모습을 보이면
봄이 찾아온다고 전해진다."
146,24,5,"Lun des Pokémon Oiseaux légendaires. On dit que
sa venue annonce larrivée du printemps."
146,24,6,"Eines der Legendären Vogel-Pokémon. Es wird
als Bote des Frühlings angesehen."
146,24,7,"Uno de los legendarios Pokémon pájaro. Dicen que su
presencia anuncia la llegada de la primavera."
146,24,8,"Un Pokémon uccello leggendario. Si dice che la sua
apparizione preannunci larrivo della primavera."
146,24,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon. It is said that
its appearance indicates the coming of spring."
146,24,11,"伝説の とりポケモンの 1匹。
ファイヤーが 姿を 見せると
春が 訪れると 言われている。"
146,25,1,"ほのおを あやつる でんせつの とりポケモン。
からだが きずつくと かこうの マグマに はいり
ぜんしんを もやして きずを いやすと いう。"
146,25,3,"불꽃을 조종하는 전설의 새포켓몬이다.
몸이 상처 입으면 분화구의 마그마에 들어가
전신을 불태워 상처를 치료한다고 한다."
146,25,5,"Sulfura est un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire capable de
contrôler le feu. On raconte que lorsque ce Pokémon est
blessé, il se baigne dans le magma en ébullition dun volcan
pour se soigner."
146,25,6,"Lavados ist ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das Feuer
manipulieren kann. Wenn es verletzt wird, taucht es seinen
Körper in das Magma eines Vulkans, um sich zu verbrennen
und selbst zu heilen."
146,25,7,"Moltres es un Pokémon pájaro legendario que tiene la
habilidad de controlar el fuego. Dicen que, si resulta herido,
se sumerge en el líquido magma de un volcán para arder y
146,25,8,"Moltres è un Pokémon uccello leggendario, perfettamente
in grado di gestire il fuoco. Se rimane ferito, si dice che
si immerga nel magma liquido di un vulcano per ardere
e tornare in salute."
146,25,9,"Moltres is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the ability to
control fire. If this Pokémon is injured, it is said to dip its body
in the molten magma of a volcano to burn and heal itself."
146,25,11,"炎を 操る 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。
体が 傷つくと 火口の マグマに 入り
全身を 燃やして 傷を 癒すと いう。"
146,26,1,"ほのおを あやつる でんせつの とりポケモン。
からだが きずつくと かこうの マグマに はいり
ぜんしんを もやして きずを いやすと いう。"
146,26,3,"불꽃을 조종하는 전설의 새포켓몬이다.
몸이 상처 입으면 분화구의 마그마에 들어가
전신을 불태워 상처를 치료한다고 한다."
146,26,5,"Sulfura est un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire capable de
contrôler le feu. On raconte que lorsque ce Pokémon est
blessé, il se baigne dans le magma en ébullition dun volcan
pour se soigner."
146,26,6,"Lavados ist ein Legendäres Vogel-Pokémon, das Feuer
manipulieren kann. Wenn es verletzt wird, taucht es seinen
Körper in das Magma eines Vulkans, um sich zu verbrennen
und selbst zu heilen."
146,26,7,"Moltres es un Pokémon pájaro legendario que tiene la
habilidad de controlar el fuego. Dicen que, si resulta herido,
se sumerge en el líquido magma de un volcán para arder y
146,26,8,"Moltres è un Pokémon uccello leggendario, perfettamente
in grado di gestire il fuoco. Se rimane ferito, si dice che
si immerga nel magma liquido di un vulcano per ardere
e tornare in salute."
146,26,9,"Moltres is a legendary bird Pokémon that has the ability
to control fire. If this Pokémon is injured, it is said to dip its
body in the molten magma of a volcano to burn and heal itself."
146,26,11,"炎を 操る 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。
体が 傷つくと 火口の マグマに 入り
全身を 燃やして 傷を 癒すと いう。"
146,31,1,"よぞら さえも あかく するほど
はげしく もえあがる つばさで
はばたく でんせつの とりポケモン。"
146,31,3,"밤하늘조차 붉게 물들일 정도로
격렬하게 타오르는 날개로
날갯짓하는 전설의 새포켓몬."
146,31,5,"Quand ce Pokémon oiseau légendaire agite
ses ailes de feu, même la nuit noire sembrase
et rougeoie."
146,31,6,"Wenn dieses Legendäre Vogel-Pokémon mit
seinen lodernden Flügeln schlägt, erstrahlt
sogar der Nachthimmel in gleißendem Rot."
146,31,7,"Un Pokémon pájaro legendario. Cuando aletea
sus flamígeras alas, la oscura noche se torna
146,31,8,"Quando questo Pokémon alato leggendario
sbatte le ali di fuoco, anche il cielo notturno
si tinge di rosso."
146,31,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. As it flaps its
flaming wings, even the night sky will turn red."
146,31,11,"夜空 さえも 赤く するほど
激しく 燃え上がる 翼で
羽ばたく 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。"
146,32,1,"よぞら さえも あかく するほど
はげしく もえあがる つばさで
はばたく でんせつの とりポケモン。"
146,32,3,"밤하늘조차 붉게 물들일 정도로
격렬하게 타오르는 날개로
날갯짓하는 전설의 새포켓몬."
146,32,5,"Quand ce Pokémon oiseau légendaire agite
ses ailes de feu, même la nuit noire sembrase
et rougeoie."
146,32,6,"Wenn dieses Legendäre Vogel-Pokémon mit
seinen lodernden Flügeln schlägt, erstrahlt
sogar der Nachthimmel in gleißendem Rot."
146,32,7,"Un Pokémon pájaro legendario. Cuando aletea
sus flamígeras alas, la oscura noche se torna
146,32,8,"Quando questo Pokémon alato leggendario
sbatte le ali di fuoco, anche il cielo notturno
si tinge di rosso."
146,32,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. As it flaps its
flaming wings, even the night sky will turn red."
146,32,11,"夜空 さえも 赤く するほど
激しく 燃え上がる 翼で
羽ばたく 伝説の 鳥ポケモン。"
146,33,1,"はばたくと つばさの ほのおが
あかく うつくしく きらめく
でんせつの とりポケモンの 1ぴき。"
146,33,3,"날갯짓을 하면 날개의 불꽃이
빨갛고 아름답게 빛나는
전설의 새포켓몬 중 1마리다."
146,33,5,"Il sagit dun des Pokémon oiseaux légendaires.
Des flammes rouges dune grande beauté
étincellent lorsquil bat des ailes."
146,33,6,"Schlägt dieses Legendäre Vogel-Pokémon mit
den Flügeln, so leuchten die Flammen an seinen
Schwingen in einem bezaubernden Rot."
146,33,7,"Una de las aves legendarias. Al batir las alas,
las llamas que las envuelven emiten un hermoso
fulgor rojo."
146,33,8,"Uno dei leggendari Pokémon alati. Quando
sbatte le ali, le fiamme che le circondano
brillano di uno splendido rosso acceso."
146,33,9,"Its one of the legendary bird Pokémon. When
Moltres flaps its flaming wings, they glimmer with
a dazzling red glow."
146,33,11,"羽ばたくと 翼の 炎が
赤く 美しく きらめく
伝説の 鳥ポケモンの 1匹。"
146,34,1,"うつくしく もえあがる つばさで
やまみちを てらし そうなんしゃを
たすけたと いいつたえられている。"
146,34,3,"아름답게 타오르는 날개로
산길을 비춰 조난자를
도왔다고 전해져 오고 있다."
146,34,5,"On raconte quil a sauvé des personnes perdues
en montagne en illuminant les sentiers à laide
de ses splendides ailes flamboyantes."
146,34,6,"Überlieferungen nach soll Lavados mit seinen
wunderschön lodernden Flügeln Bergpfade
erleuchtet und dadurch Verirrten geholfen haben."
146,34,7,"Se cuenta que alguna vez ha iluminado el camino
con sus alas flamígeras para rescatar a alguien
que se había perdido en la montaña."
146,34,8,"Si narra che abbia aiutato dei viandanti che si
erano persi illuminando i sentieri montuosi con
le splendide ali infuocate."
146,34,9,"There are stories of this Pokémon using its
radiant, flame-cloaked wings to light up paths
for those lost in the mountains."
146,34,11,"美しく 燃えあがる 翼で
山道を 照らし 遭難者を
助けたと 言い伝えられている。"
147,1,9,"Long considered a
mythical POKéMON
until recentlywhen a small
colony was found
living underwater."
147,2,9,"Long considered a
mythical POKéMON
until recentlywhen a small
colony was found
living underwater."
147,3,9,"The existence of
this mythical
POKéMON was onlyrecently confirmed
by a fisherman
who caught one."
147,4,9,"It is born large
to start with. It
repeatedly shedsits skin as it
steadily grows
147,5,9,"This POKéMON is
full of life ener­
gy. It continuallysheds its skin and
grows steadily
147,6,9,"It sheds many lay­
ers of skin as it
grows larger. Dur­ing this process,
it is protected by
a rapid waterfall."
147,7,9,"DRATINI continually molts and sloughs
off its old skin.
It does so because the life energywithin its body steadily builds to reach
uncontrollable levels."
147,8,9,"DRATINI continually molts and sloughs
off its old skin.
It does so because the life energywithin its body steadily builds to reach
uncontrollable levels."
147,9,9,"A DRATINI continually molts and sloughs
off its old skin. It does so because the
life energy within its body steadily builds
to reach uncontrollable levels."
147,10,9,"Even the young can exceed 6.5 feet in
length. It grows larger by repeatedly
shedding skin."
147,11,9,"Long considered a mythical POKéMON until
recently, when a small colony was found
living underwater."
147,12,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,13,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,14,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,15,9,"It is born large to start with.
It repeatedly sheds its skin as it
steadily grows longer."
147,16,9,"This Pokémon is full of life energy.
It continually sheds its skin and
grows steadily larger."
147,17,5,"On lappelle “Pokémon mirage”
en raison de sa rareté. On a
découvert sa mue."
147,17,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,18,5,"On lappelle “Pokémon mirage”
en raison de sa rareté. On a
découvert sa mue."
147,18,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,21,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,22,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon”
because so few have seen it.
Its shed skin has been found."
147,23,1,"もくげきしゃが すくないために
まぼろしのポケモンと よばれていた。
だっぴした かわが みつかっている。"
147,23,3,"목격자가 적기 때문에
환상의 포켓몬이라고 불리고 있다.
탈피한 껍질이 발견되고 있다."
147,23,5,"On lappelle «Pokémon mirage» en raison de sa
rareté. On a découvert sa mue."
147,23,6,"Man nennt es „Illusion-Pokémon“, denn nur wenige
haben es gesehen. Nur seine Haut wurde oft
147,23,7,"Se le llama el Pokémon Espejismo porque son muy
pocos los que lo han visto. Se encontró su muda."
147,23,8,"Detto “Pokémon miraggio” perché è stato avvistato
da pochi. È facile trovare la sua pelle della muta."
147,23,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon” because so few
have seen it. Its shed skin has been found."
147,23,11,"目撃者が 少ないために
幻のポケモンと 呼ばれていた。
脱皮した 皮が 見つかっている。"
147,24,1,"だっぴを くりかえしては
どんどん おおきくなる
せいめいりょく あふれる ポケモン。"
147,24,3,"탈피를 반복하면
점점 크게 자라게 되는
생명력 넘치는 포켓몬이다."
147,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est plein de vitalité. Il mue et grandit très
147,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon strotzt vor Lebensenergie.
Es häutet sich ständig und wird dadurch größer."
147,24,7,"Este Pokémon está lleno de vida. Muda su piel
continuamente y crece cada vez más."
147,24,8,"Un Pokémon pieno di energia vitale. Cambia la pelle
per diventare sempre più grande."
147,24,9,"This Pokémon is full of life energy. It continually
sheds its skin and grows steadily larger."
147,24,11,"脱皮を 繰り返しては
どんどん 大きくなる
生命力 あふれる ポケモン。"
147,25,1,"ミニリュウが だっぴを くりかえして いるのは
からだの なかで せいめいの エネルギーが
どんどん ふくらみ おさえきれなく なるからだ。"
147,25,3,"미뇽이 탈피를 반복하는 것은
몸속에서 생명 에너지가 점점 부풀어
올라 억제할 수 없게 되기 때문이다."
147,25,5,"Minidraco mue constamment, renouvelant sans arrêt sa peau.
En effet, lénergie vitale de son corps augmente régulièrement
et sa mue lui permet déviter datteindre des niveaux
147,25,6,"Dratini häutet sich ständig und entledigt sich so
seiner Haut, da die Lebensenergie in seinem Körper
stetig und unkontrollierbar ansteigt."
147,25,7,"Dratini muda y se despoja de la vieja piel continuamente. Es
algo que necesita hacer porque la energía que tiene en su
interior no para de alcanzar niveles incontrolables."
147,25,8,"Dratini fa la muta cambiando continuamente la pelle vecchia,
perché lenergia vitale del suo corpo aumenta fino a
raggiungere livelli incontrollabili."
147,25,9,"Dratini continually molts and sloughs off its old skin. It does so
because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach
uncontrollable levels."
147,25,11,"ミニリュウが 脱皮を 繰り返して いるのは
体の 中で 生命の エネルギーが
どんどん 膨らみ 抑えきれなく なるからだ。"
147,26,1,"ミニリュウが だっぴを くりかえして いるのは
からだの なかで せいめいの エネルギーが
どんどん ふくらみ おさえきれなく なるからだ。"
147,26,3,"미뇽이 탈피를 반복하는 것은
몸속에서 생명 에너지가 점점 부풀어
올라 억제할 수 없게 되기 때문이다."
147,26,5,"Minidraco mue constamment, renouvelant sans arrêt sa peau.
En effet, lénergie vitale de son corps augmente régulièrement
et sa mue lui permet déviter datteindre des niveaux
147,26,6,"Dratini häutet sich ständig, da die Lebensenergie in
seinem Körper stetig und unkontrollierbar ansteigt."
147,26,7,"Dratini muda y se despoja de la vieja piel continuamente. Es
algo que necesita hacer porque la energía que tiene en su
interior no para de alcanzar niveles incontrolables."
147,26,8,"Dratini fa la muta cambiando continuamente la pelle vecchia,
perché lenergia vitale del suo corpo aumenta fino a
raggiungere livelli incontrollabili."
147,26,9,"Dratini continually molts and sloughs off its old skin. It does so
because the life energy within its body steadily builds to reach
uncontrollable levels."
147,26,11,"ミニリュウが 脱皮を 繰り返して いるのは
体の 中で 生命の エネルギーが
どんどん 膨らみ 抑えきれなく なるからだ。"
147,27,1,"だっぴを くりかえし おおきくなる。
ぬけがらを なめして つくった
ブーツは ちょうこうきゅうひん。"
147,27,3,"탈피를 반복하며 커진다.
허물을 다듬어서 만든
부츠는 최고급품이다."
147,27,5,"Il grandit en enchaînant les mues.
Les bottes faites avec la peau de ces mues
sont des produits de grand luxe."
147,27,6,"Sein Wachstum wird durch wiederholtes Häuten
unterstützt. Gerbt man seine abgestreifte Haut,
kann man daraus hochwertige Stiefel schustern."
147,27,7,"Cada vez que muda la piel, se hace más grande.
Las botas fabricadas con la piel de Dratini son
un producto de lujo."
147,27,8,"Cresce cambiando continuamente pelle.
Quella vecchia viene conciata per ricavarne
stivali di lusso."
147,27,9,"It grows by molting repeatedly. Boots made from
the tanned cast-off skin are a super luxury item."
147,27,11,"脱皮を 繰り返し 大きくなる。
抜け殻を なめして つくった
ブーツは 超高級品。"
147,28,1,"とある つりしが 10じかんの
ファイトの すえに つりあげて
そんざいが かくにん された。"
147,28,3,"어떤 낚시꾼이 10시간의
싸움 끝에 낚아 올려
존재가 확인되었다."
147,28,5,"La première preuve de lexistence de ce
Pokémon est due à un pêcheur ayant bataillé
10 heures pour le tirer hors de leau."
147,28,6,"Seine Existenz konnte endlich nachgewiesen
werden, nachdem es einem Angler gelang, es
nach einem zehnstündigen Kampf zu fangen."
147,28,7,"La existencia de este Pokémon fue confirmada
por un pescador que batalló durante más de
diez horas hasta que consiguió apresar a uno."
147,28,8,"Lesistenza di questo Pokémon è stata scoperta
da un pescatore che ha faticato 10 ore prima
di riuscire a pescarlo."
147,28,9,"After a 10-hour struggle, a fisherman was able
to pull one up and confirm its existence."
147,28,11,"とある 釣り師が 10時間の
ファイトの 末に 釣り上げて
存在が 確認 された。"
147,29,1,"まだ よわいので みずそこに みを
ひそめ しずんできた ものを
くらいながら ひそかに くらす。"
147,29,3,"아직 약해서 물밑으로
몸을 숨기고 가라앉는 것을
먹으면서 얌전히 지낸다."
147,29,5,"Encore faible, il se cache dans les eaux
profondes et se nourrit de ce qui tombe de
la surface. Il mène une existence paisible."
147,29,6,"Dratini ist noch schwach und lebt daher ruhig
und verborgen in tiefen Gewässern. Es ernährt
sich von allem, was über ihm versinkt."
147,29,7,"Mientras todavía es débil, lleva una vida
discreta oculto en el lecho marino y se alimenta
de lo que cae al agua."
147,29,8,"Poiché è ancora debole, vive nascosto sui
fondali. Si ciba di tutto quello che cade in acqua."
147,29,9,"Its still weak, so it lurks on the floor of bodies
of water, eating whatever food sinks down and
living a quiet life."
147,29,11,"まだ 弱いので 水底に 身を
潜め 沈んできた ものを
食らいながら ひそかに 暮らす。"
147,30,1,"まいにちに ちかい ペースで
だっぴを くりかえし おおきくなる。
だっぴしたての ひふは やわらかい。"
147,30,3,"매일 비슷한 페이스로
탈피를 반복하며 커진다.
방금 탈피한 피부는 부드럽다."
147,30,5,"Il grandit en muant quasiment tous les jours.
Sa peau est toute douce après la mue."
147,30,6,"Es häutet sich fast täglich und wird dadurch
größer. Unmittelbar nach der Häutung fühlt sich
seine neue Haut angenehm weich an."
147,30,7,"Crece a gran ritmo y muda la piel casi a diario.
La piel nueva es muy suave al tacto."
147,30,8,"Cresce cambiando pelle quasi ogni giorno.
Subito dopo la muta, la pelle nuova è molto
147,30,9,"It sheds its skin—almost on a daily basis—and
grows larger. Its skin is soft just after its
been shed."
147,30,11,"毎日に 近い ペースで
脱皮を 繰り返し 大きくなる。
脱皮したての 皮膚は やわらかい。"
147,31,1,"ながらく まぼろしと されていたが
さいきん つりあげられて その
そんざいが かくにんされた。"
147,31,3,"오랫동안 환상 속의 존재로 여겨졌지만
최근 누군가가 낚시에 성공하여
그 존재가 확인되었다."
147,31,5,"Lexistence de ce Pokémon mythique na été
confirmée que récemment par un pêcheur."
147,31,6,"Die Existenz dieses mythischen Pokémon wurde
erst kürzlich bestätigt, als es von einem Angler
an Land gezogen wurde."
147,31,7,"La existencia de este mítico Pokémon fue
confirmada no hace mucho por un pescador
que capturó uno."
147,31,8,"Lesistenza di questo sfuggente Pokémon è stata
accertata recentemente, quando qualcuno ne ha
pescato un esemplare."
147,31,9,"Long thought to be a myth, this Pokémons
existence was only recently confirmed by a
fisherman who caught one."
147,31,11,"長らく 幻と されていたが
最近 釣りあげられて その
存在が 確認された。"
147,32,1,"ながらく まぼろしと されていたが
さいきん つりあげられて その
そんざいが かくにんされた。"
147,32,3,"오랫동안 환상 속의 존재로 여겨졌지만
최근 누군가가 낚시에 성공하여
그 존재가 확인되었다."
147,32,5,"Lexistence de ce Pokémon mythique na été
confirmée que récemment par un pêcheur."
147,32,6,"Die Existenz dieses mythischen Pokémon wurde
erst kürzlich bestätigt, als es von einem Angler
an Land gezogen wurde."
147,32,7,"La existencia de este mítico Pokémon fue
confirmada no hace mucho por un pescador
que capturó uno."
147,32,8,"Lesistenza di questo sfuggente Pokémon è stata
accertata recentemente, quando qualcuno ne ha
pescato un esemplare."
147,32,9,"Long thought to be a myth, this Pokémons
existence was only recently confirmed by a
fisherman who caught one."
147,32,11,"長らく 幻と されていたが
最近 釣りあげられて その
存在が 確認された。"
147,33,1,"たきつぼなど ながれの はげしい
みずべで くらしている。 だっぴを
くりかえして おおきく そだつ。"
147,33,3,"폭포 아래와 같이 물살이 센
물가에서 살고 있다. 탈피를
반복하면서 크게 성장한다."
147,33,5,"Ce Pokémon vit près des courants deau
puissants, comme au pied des cascades.
Il grandit en opérant une succession de mues."
147,33,6,"Dratini lebt in der Nähe reißender Gewässer,
wie etwa in tiefen Becken unter Wasserfällen.
Es wächst, indem es sich immer wieder häutet."
147,33,7,"Habita en orillas junto a fuertes corrientes de
agua, como bajo cascadas. Muda la piel una y
otra vez a medida que crece."
147,33,8,"Vive vicino a correnti dacqua impetuose, come
cascate e simili. Cresce di dimensioni facendo
più volte la muta."
147,33,9,"Dratini dwells near bodies of rapidly flowing
water, such as the plunge pools of waterfalls.
As it grows, Dratini will shed its skin many times."
147,33,11,"滝つぼなど 流れの 激しい
水辺で 暮らしている。 脱皮を
繰り返して 大きく 育つ。"
147,34,1,"ながく まぼろしと いわれていた。
ひたいにある ちいさな とっきは
せいちょう とちゅうの ツノ。"
147,34,3,"오랫동안 환상이라고 불렸다.
이마에 있는 작은 돌기는
성장하고 있는 뿔이다."
147,34,5,"On a longtemps douté de lexistence de
ce Pokémon. La petite bosse sur son front
est en fait sa corne en pleine croissance."
147,34,6,"Es wurde lange an Dratinis Existenz gezweifelt.
Der kleine Fortsatz an seiner Stirn ist ein
heranwachsendes Horn."
147,34,7,"Durante mucho tiempo se dudó de su existencia.
La pequeña protuberancia de la frente es en
realidad un cuerno incipiente."
147,34,8,"È stato a lungo considerato un miraggio.
La piccola protuberanza sulla fronte è un corno
in fase di crescita."
147,34,9,"This Pokémon was long considered to be no
more than a myth. The small lump on a Dratinis
forehead is actually a horn thats still coming in."
147,34,11,"ながく 幻と 言われていた。
額にある 小さな 突起は
成長途中の ツノ。"
148,1,9,"A mystical POKéMON
that exudes a
gentle aura.Has the ability
to change climate
148,2,9,"A mystical POKéMON
that exudes a
gentle aura.Has the ability
to change climate
148,3,9,"According to a
witness, its body
was surrounded bya strange aura
that gave it a
mystical look."
148,4,9,"They say that if
it emits an aura
from its wholebody, the weather
will begin to
change instantly."
148,5,9,"Its crystalline
orbs appear to
give this POKéMONthe power to
freely control the
148,6,9,"It is called the
divine POKéMON.
When its entirebody brightens
slightly, the
weather changes."
148,7,9,"DRAGONAIR stores an enormous amount
of energy inside its body.
It is said to alter weather conditionsin its vicinity by discharging energy
from the crystals on its neck and tail."
148,8,9,"DRAGONAIR stores an enormous amount
of energy inside its body.
It is said to alter weather conditionsin its vicinity by discharging energy
from the crystals on its neck and tail."
148,9,9,"A DRAGONAIR stores an enormous amount of
energy inside its body. It is said to alter
the weather around it by loosing energy
from the crystals on its neck and tail."
148,10,9,"It is said to live in seas and lakes.
Even though it has no wings, it has been
seen flying occasionally."
148,11,9,"A mystical POKéMON that exudes a gentle
aura. It is said to have the ability to
change the weather."
148,12,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,13,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,14,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,15,9,"They say that if it emits an aura
from its whole body, the weather
will begin to change instantly."
148,16,9,"Its crystalline orbs appear to
give this Pokémon the power to
freely control the weather."
148,17,5,"La météo change brusquement quand
il est entouré dune aura. On dit
quil peuple les mers et les lacs."
148,17,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,18,5,"La météo change brusquement quand
il est entouré dune aura. On dit
quil peuple les mers et les lacs."
148,18,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,21,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,22,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the
weather changes instantly. It is
said to live in seas and lakes."
148,23,1,"すいしょうのような タマには
てんこうを じゆうに あやつる
のうりょくが ひめられているらしい。"
148,23,3,"수정 같은 구슬에는
날씨를 자유롭게 조종하는
능력이 담겨 있는 듯하다."
148,23,5,"Ses orbes de cristal donnent le pouvoir de contrôler
le climat."
148,23,6,"Die kristallenen Bälle an seinem Schweif
ermöglichen es ihm, das Wetter zu beeinflussen."
148,23,7,"Sus cristalinos orbes parecen darle al Pokémon el
poder de controlar el clima libremente."
148,23,8,"Pare che le sfere di cristallo diano a questo Pokémon
il pieno controllo sulle condizioni atmosferiche."
148,23,9,"Its crystalline orbs appear to give this Pokémon
the power to freely control the weather."
148,23,11,"水晶のような 玉には
天候を 自由に 操る
能力が 秘められているらしい。"
148,24,1,"オーラに つつまれる しんせいな
いきものらしい。てんきを かえる
ちからを もつと いわれている。"
148,24,3,"오라에 싸여있는 신성한
생명체인 듯하다. 날씨를 바꾸는
힘을 가졌다고 한다."
148,24,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire plein de charme. Il peut
contrôler les variations climatiques."
148,24,6,"Ein mysteriöses Pokémon mit einer sehr freundlichen
Ausstrahlung. Es kann das Klima beeinflussen."
148,24,7,"Es un Pokémon misterioso. Está rodeado de una sutil
aura y tiene la capacidad de cambiar el clima."
148,24,8,"Pokémon etereo che emana unaura mite e ha la
capacità di mutare il clima."
148,24,9,"A mystical Pokémon that exudes a gentle aura.
It is said to have the ability to change the weather."
148,24,11,"オーラに 包まれる 神聖な
生き物らしい。天気を 変える
力を 持つと 言われている。"
148,25,1,"おおきな エネルギーを からだに ためている。
くびと しっぽの すいしょうから エネルギーを
ときはなち あたりの てんきを かえると いう。"
148,25,3,"큰 에너지를 몸에 모으고 있다.
목과 꼬리의 수정에서 에너지를
발산하여 주변 날씨를 바꾼다고 한다."
148,25,5,"Draco stocke une quantité dénergie considérable dans
son corps. On raconte quil peut modifier les conditions
climatiques autour de lui en déchargeant lénergie contenue
dans les cristaux de son cou et de sa queue."
148,25,6,"Dragonir speichert eine enorme Menge an Energie in seinem
Körper. Es kann die Witterung in seiner Umgebung ändern,
indem es Energie aus den Kristallen an seinem Hals und
an seinem Schweif entlädt."
148,25,7,"Dragonair acumula grandes cantidades de energía dentro de
sí. Dicen que altera el clima de la zona en la que está
descargando energía a través de las esferas de cristal que
tiene en el cuello y en la cola."
148,25,8,"Dragonair accumula unenorme quantità denergia allinterno
del corpo. Si dice che sia in grado di mutare le condizioni
meteorologiche circostanti scaricando energia dai cristalli
del collo e della coda."
148,25,9,"Dragonair stores an enormous amount of energy inside its
body. It is said to alter weather conditions in its vicinity by
discharging energy from the crystals on its neck and tail."
148,25,11,"大きな エネルギーを 体に ためている。
首と 尻尾の 水晶から エネルギーを
解き放ち あたりの 天気を 変えると いう。"
148,26,1,"おおきな エネルギーを からだに ためている。
くびと しっぽの すいしょうから エネルギーを
ときはなち あたりの てんきを かえると いう。"
148,26,3,"큰 에너지를 몸에 모으고 있다.
목과 꼬리의 수정에서 에너지를
발산하여 주변 날씨를 바꾼다고 한다."
148,26,5,"Draco stocke une quantité dénergie considérable dans
son corps. On raconte quil peut modifier les conditions
climatiques autour de lui en déchargeant lénergie contenue
dans les cristaux de son cou et de sa queue."
148,26,6,"Dragonir speichert eine enorme Menge an Energie in seinem
Körper. Es kann die Witterung in seiner Umgebung ändern,
indem es Energie aus den Kristallen an seinem Hals und
an seinem Schweif entlädt."
148,26,7,"Dragonair acumula grandes cantidades de energía dentro de
sí. Dicen que altera el clima de la zona en la que está
descargando energía a través de las esferas de cristal que
tiene en el cuello y en la cola."
148,26,8,"Dragonair accumula unenorme quantità denergia allinterno
del corpo. Si dice che sia in grado di mutare le condizioni
meteorologiche circostanti scaricando energia dai cristalli
del collo e della coda."
148,26,9,"Dragonair stores an enormous amount of energy inside
its body. It is said to alter weather conditions in its vicinity
by discharging energy from the crystals on its neck and tail."
148,26,11,"大きな エネルギーを 体に ためている。
首と 尻尾の 水晶から エネルギーを
解き放ち あたりの 天気を 変えると いう。"
148,27,1,"すいしょうの ような タマには
てんこうを あやつる パワーが
ひめられていると いわれている。"
148,27,3,"수정 같은 구슬에는
날씨를 조종하는 힘이
숨겨져 있다고 전해진다."
148,27,5,"Beaucoup pensent que les orbes cristallins
de ce Pokémon ont le pouvoir de modifier
le climat."
148,27,6,"Es heißt, es könne mit den kristallenen Bällen
an seinem Schweif das Wetter beeinflussen."
148,27,7,"Se dice que sus cristalinos orbes confieren a
este Pokémon el poder de controlar el clima."
148,27,8,"Si dice che le sfere di cristallo che ha sul corpo
gli permettano di controllare le condizioni
148,27,9,"It has long been thought that its crystalline
orbs are imbued with the power to control
the weather."
148,27,11,"水晶の ような 玉には
天候を 操る パワーが
秘められていると いわれている。"
148,28,1,"てんこうを つかさどる ものとして
たいこから のうぎょうを いとなむ
ひとびとに あがめられてきた。"
148,28,3,"날씨를 지배하는 존재로서
태고부터 농업에 종사하는
사람들에게 받들어져 왔다."
148,28,5,"Il est adoré depuis lAntiquité dans certaines
communautés paysannes en tant que divinité
des conditions climatiques."
148,28,6,"Bauern verehren es schon seit Urzeiten,
da es die Fähigkeit besitzt, das Wetter
zu beeinflussen."
148,28,7,"Ha sido venerado desde tiempos ancestrales
por los pueblos agrícolas, debido a que con sus
poderes puede controlar el clima."
148,28,8,"Fin dallantichità è venerato dai popoli dediti
allagricoltura per la sua capacità di controllare
le condizioni atmosferiche."
148,28,9,"From time immemorial, it has been venerated by
agricultural peoples as an entity able to control
the weather."
148,28,11,"天候を 司る 者として
太古から 農業を 営む
人々に 崇められてきた。"
148,29,1,"てんこうを あやつると しんじられ
ハクリューの すむ みずうみには
おそなえものが たえない。 "
148,29,3,"날씨를 조종한다는 믿음 때문에
신뇽이 있는 호수에는
공물이 끊이지 않는다."
148,29,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon a le pouvoir de
modifier le climat. Les offrandes affluent donc
au bord des lacs où il vit."
148,29,6,"Aufgrund der Annahme, es könne das Wetter
beeinflussen, finden sich an Seen, die es
bewohnt, viele Opfergaben."
148,29,7,"Existe la creencia de que puede controlar el
clima y a menudo se hallan ofrendas a orillas
de los lagos donde habita."
148,29,8,"Si crede che abbia il potere di controllare le
condizioni atmosferiche. Presso i laghi in cui
vive non mancano mai offerte a lui dedicate."
148,29,9,"Lakes where Dragonair live are filled with
offerings from people, because they believe this
Pokémon is able to control the weather."
148,29,11,"天候を 操ると 信じられ
ハクリューの 棲む 湖には
お供え物が 絶えない。"
148,30,1,"としあけに からだを くねらせながら
そらを とぶ すがたを みられると
いちねん けんこうだと いわれる。"
148,30,3,"새해에 몸을 구부리며
하늘을 나는 모습을 보면
1년 동안 건강하다고 전해진다."
148,30,5,"Voir ce Pokémon serpenter dans le ciel
au réveillon présage dune bonne santé
pour la nouvelle année."
148,30,6,"Wenn man zu Neujahr sieht, wie sich ein
Dragonir durch die Lüfte schlängelt, erwartet
einen angeblich ein Jahr bester Gesundheit."
148,30,7,"Se dice que ver a este Pokémon serpenteando
por los cielos en año nuevo es augurio de buena
salud para el año entrante."
148,30,8,"Si dice che se si vede questo Pokémon
serpeggiare nel cielo allinizio dellanno,
si avranno dodici mesi di ottima salute."
148,30,9,"Some say that if you see it at the start of the
year, flying through the sky and twisting its
body, youll be healthy all year long."
148,30,11,"年明けに 身体を くねらせながら
空を 飛ぶ 姿を 見られると
1年 健康だと いわれる。"
148,31,1,"もくげきした ひとの はなしによると
からだからは オーラが だされて
しんぴてきだった という。"
148,31,3,"목격한 사람의 말에 의하면
몸에서 오라가 나와서
신비로웠다고 한다."
148,31,5,"Selon des témoins, son corps est baigné dune
étrange aura lui donnant un air mystique."
148,31,6,"Augenzeugenberichten zufolge wird Dragonirs
Körper von einer seltsamen Aura umgeben,
die ihm eine mysteriöse Ausstrahlung verleiht."
148,31,7,"Según un testigo, está rodeado por una extraña
aura, que le da un aspecto misterioso y místico."
148,31,8,"Chi lo ha incontrato racconta che questo
Pokémon è circondato da unaura misteriosa."
148,31,9,"According to a witness, its body was surrounded
by a strange aura that gave it a mystical look."
148,31,11,"目撃した 人の 話によると
体からは オーラが 出されて
神秘的だった という。"
148,32,1,"もくげきした ひとの はなしによると
からだからは オーラが だされて
しんぴてきだった という。"
148,32,3,"목격한 사람의 말에 의하면
몸에서 오라가 나와서
신비로웠다고 한다."
148,32,5,"Selon des témoins, son corps est baigné dune
étrange aura lui donnant un air mystique."
148,32,6,"Augenzeugenberichten zufolge wird Dragonirs
Körper von einer seltsamen Aura umgeben,
die ihm eine mysteriöse Ausstrahlung verleiht."
148,32,7,"Según un testigo, está rodeado por una extraña
aura, que le da un aspecto misterioso y místico."
148,32,8,"Chi lo ha incontrato racconta che questo
Pokémon è circondato da unaura misteriosa."
148,32,9,"According to a witness, its body was surrounded
by a strange aura that gave it a mystical look."
148,32,11,"目撃した 人の 話によると
体からは オーラが 出されて
神秘的だった という。"
148,33,1,"きれいな うみや みずうみに すむ。
てんこうを あやつる ちからで
かぜに のり そらへと のぼる。"
148,33,3,"깨끗한 바다나 호수에 산다.
날씨를 조종하는 힘으로
바람을 타고 하늘로 오른다."
148,33,5,"Il vit dans les mers et les lacs aux eaux claires.
Sa maîtrise de la météo lui permet de sélever
dans le ciel en se laissant porter par le vent."
148,33,6,"Dragonir lebt in klaren Meeren und Seen.
Mit seiner Gabe, das Wetter zu beeinflussen,
schwingt es sich auf dem Wind in den Himmel."
148,33,7,"Vive en lagos y mares de aguas cristalinas. Su
poder para controlar el clima le permite alzar el
vuelo llevado por el viento."
148,33,8,"Vive in mari e laghi dalle acque limpide.
Grazie alla sua capacità di controllare il clima,
sfrutta il vento per spiccare il volo."
148,33,9,"This Pokémon lives in pristine oceans and lakes.
It can control the weather, and it uses this power
to fly into the sky, riding on the wind."
148,33,11,"きれいな 海や 湖に 棲む。
天候を 操る 力で
風に 乗り 空へと 昇る。"
148,34,1,"しっぽの たまに ちからを あつめて
てんこうを あやつる。 オーラを
まとう すがたは しんぴてき。"
148,34,3,"꼬리의 구슬에 힘을 모아
날씨를 조종한다. 오라에
둘러싸인 모습은 신비롭다."
148,34,5,"Il contrôle la météo en accumulant de lénergie
dans les orbes au bout de sa queue. Sa silhouette
nimbée dune aura lui confère un air mystique."
148,34,6,"Mit der Kraft, die es in den Bällen an seinem
Schweif sammelt, beeinflusst es das Wetter. Seine
in eine Aura gehüllte Gestalt steckt voller Mystik."
148,34,7,"Acumula energía en las esferas de la cola para
controlar el clima. La sutil aura que lo rodea le
confiere un aspecto misterioso y místico."
148,34,8,"Accumula energia nelle sfere che ha sulla coda
e controlla le condizioni atmosferiche. Avvolto
dalla sua aura ha un aspetto misterioso."
148,34,9,"This Pokémon gathers power in the orbs on its
tail and controls the weather. When enshrouded
by an aura, Dragonair has a mystical appearance."
148,34,11,"尻尾の 玉に 力を 集めて
天候を 操る。
オーラを まとう 姿は 神秘的。"
149,1,9,"An extremely
rarely seen
marine POKéMON.Its intelligence
is said to match
that of humans."
149,2,9,"An extremely
rarely seen
marine POKéMON.Its intelligence
is said to match
that of humans."
149,3,9,"It is said that
this POKéMON lives
somewhere in thesea and that it
flies. However, it
is only a rumor."
149,4,9,"It is said that
this POKéMON con­
stantly flies overthe immense seas
and rescues drown­
ing people."
149,5,9,"This marine POKé­
MON has an impres­
sive build thatlets it freely fly
over raging seas
without trouble."
149,6,9,"It is said that
somewhere in the
ocean lies anisland where these
gather. Only they
live there."
149,7,9,"DRAGONITE is capable of circling the
globe in just sixteen hours.
It is a kindhearted POKéMON that leadslost and foundering ships in a storm to
the safety of land."
149,8,9,"DRAGONITE is capable of circling the
globe in just sixteen hours.
It is a kindhearted POKéMON that leadslost and foundering ships in a storm to
the safety of land."
149,9,9,"It can circle the globe in just 16 hours.
It is a kindhearted POKéMON that leads
lost and foundering ships in a storm
to the safety of land."
149,10,9,"It can fly in spite of its big and bulky
physique. It circles the globe in just
16 hours."
149,11,9,"Only a very few people ever see this
POKéMON. Its intelligence is said to
match that of humans."
149,12,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,13,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,14,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,15,9,"It is said that this Pokémon constantly
flies over the immense seas
and rescues drowning people."
149,16,9,"This marine Pokémon has an impressive
build that lets it freely fly
over raging seas without trouble."
149,17,5,"On raconte quil vit quelque part
en mer. Il guide les équipages
naufragés jusquà la terre ferme."
149,17,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,18,5,"On raconte quil vit quelque part
en mer. Il guide les équipages
naufragés jusquà la terre ferme."
149,18,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,21,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,22,9,"It is said to make its home
somewhere in the sea. It guides
crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,23,1,"おおきな たいかくで そらを とぶ。
ちきゅうを やく16じかんで
1しゅう してしまう。"
149,23,3,"커다란 몸집으로 하늘을 난다.
지구를 약 16시간 만에
149,23,5,"Malgré son poids et son physique imposant,
Dracolosse est capable de voler. Il peut faire le tour
du monde en 16 heures."
149,23,6,"Trotz seines wuchtigen und massiven Körpers kann
es fliegen. Es umrundet den Erdball in nur 16 Stunden."
149,23,7,"A pesar del tamaño que tiene y de lo pesado que es,
puede volar. Es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en
solo 16 horas."
149,23,8,"Nonostante la stazza, è in grado di volare.
Può compiere il giro del mondo in 16 ore."
149,23,9,"It can fly in spite of its big and bulky physique.
It circles the globe in just 16 hours."
149,23,11,"大きな 体格で 空を 飛ぶ。
地球を 約16時間で
149,24,1,"ひろい うみの どこかに すみかが
あると いわれている。なんぱした
ふねを りくまで みちびいてくれる。"
149,24,3,"넓은 바다의 어딘가에 거처가
있다고 전해진다. 난파한
배를 육지까지 이끌어 준다."
149,24,5,"On raconte quil vit quelque part en mer. Il guide
les équipages naufragés jusquà la terre ferme."
149,24,6,"Man sagt, es lebe in den Meeren. Es bringt
Schiffbrüchige sicher an Land."
149,24,7,"Se dice que vive en algún lugar del mar. Guía a las
tripulaciones de los barcos hundidos a la costa."
149,24,8,"Si dice che faccia la sua tana da qualche parte nel
mare. Porta a riva le vittime di naufragi."
149,24,9,"It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea.
It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore."
149,24,11,"広い 海の どこかに 住処が
あると 言われている。難破した
船を 陸まで 導いてくれる。"
149,25,1,"16じかんで ちきゅうを 1しゅうできる。
あらしで なんぱしかけた ふねを みつけると
りくちまで ゆうどうする やさしい ポケモン。"
149,25,3,"16시간 만에 지구를 한 바퀴 돌 수 있다.
폭풍으로 난파 직전인 배를 발견하면
육지까지 유도하는 상냥한 포켓몬이다."
149,25,5,"Dracolosse est capable de faire le tour de la planète en seize
heures à peine. Cest un Pokémon au grand cœur qui ramène
à bon port les navires perdus dans les tempêtes."
149,25,6,"Dragoran kann die Welt innerhalb von 16 Stunden umkreisen.
Es ist ein gutherziges Pokémon, das vermisste und sinkende
Schiffe bei Unwetter sicher an Land zurückbringt."
149,25,7,"Dragonite es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en solo 16
horas. Es un Pokémon de buen corazón que guía hasta tierra
a los barcos que se encuentran perdidos en plena tormenta y
a punto de zozobrar."
149,25,8,"Dragonite è in grado di fare il giro del mondo in sole 16 ore.
È un Pokémon buono e mansueto che guida fino alla
terraferma le navi prossime al naufragio."
149,25,9,"Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours.
It is a kindhearted Pokémon that leads lost and foundering
ships in a storm to the safety of land."
149,25,11,"16時間で 地球を 1周できる。
嵐で 難破しかけた 船を 見つけると
陸地まで 誘導する 優しい ポケモン。"
149,26,1,"16じかんで ちきゅうを 1しゅうできる。
あらしで なんぱしかけた ふねを みつけると
りくちまで ゆうどうする やさしい ポケモン。"
149,26,3,"16시간 만에 지구를 한 바퀴 돌 수 있다.
폭풍으로 난파 직전인 배를 발견하면
육지까지 유도하는 상냥한 포켓몬이다."
149,26,5,"Dracolosse est capable de faire le tour de la planète en seize
heures à peine. Cest un Pokémon au grand cœur qui ramène
à bon port les navires perdus dans les tempêtes."
149,26,6,"Dragoran kann die Welt innerhalb von 16 Stunden umkreisen.
Es ist ein gutherziges Pokémon, das vermisste und sinkende
Schiffe bei Unwetter sicher an Land zurückbringt."
149,26,7,"Dragonite es capaz de dar la vuelta al mundo en solo 16
horas. Es un Pokémon de buen corazón que guía hasta tierra
a los barcos que se encuentran perdidos en plena tormenta y
a punto de zozobrar."
149,26,8,"Dragonite è in grado di fare il giro del mondo in sole 16 ore.
È un Pokémon buono e mansueto che guida fino alla
terraferma le navi prossime al naufragio."
149,26,9,"Dragonite is capable of circling the globe in just 16 hours.
It is a kindhearted Pokémon that leads lost and foundering
ships in a storm to the safety of land."
149,26,11,"16時間で 地球を 1周できる。
嵐で 難破しかけた 船を 見つけると
陸地まで 誘導する 優しい ポケモン。"
149,27,1,"そうなんした おとこが たすけられ
つれていかれた ことう は
カイリューだけの らくえんだった。"
149,27,3,"조난당한 남자가 도움을 받아
따라간 외딴섬은
망나뇽만의 낙원이었다."
149,27,5,"On raconte lhistoire dun naufragé sauvé par
ce Pokémon et emmené sur une île paradisiaque
uniquement peuplée de Dracolosse."
149,27,6,"Einst rettete ein Dragoran einen Schiffbrüchigen
und nahm ihn zu einem einsamen Inselparadies
mit. Dort wohnten angeblich nur Dragoran."
149,27,7,"Se narra la historia de un náufrago que fue
rescatado y transportado hasta una isla perdida
y habitada únicamente por Dragonite."
149,27,8,"Si racconta che un naufrago fu soccorso da
questo Pokémon e portato su una meravigliosa
isola remota abitata solo da Dragonite."
149,27,9,"This Pokémon saved a shipwrecked man, taking
him to a remote island—a paradise occupied
solely by Dragonite."
149,27,11,"遭難した 男が 助けられ
連れて行かれた 孤島 は
カイリューだけの 楽園だった。"
149,28,1,"ふだんは きわめて おだやかだが
その げきりんに ふれると すべてを
こわしつくすまで おさまらない。"
149,28,3,"평소에는 극히 온화하지만
역린을 건드리면 모든 것을
부술 때까지 진정하지 않는다."
149,28,5,"Il est dun naturel débonnaire, mais si quelque
chose parvient à le mettre en colère, il ne se
calmera quaprès avoir tout réduit en miettes."
149,28,6,"Eigentlich ist es ein äußerst sanftmütiges
Pokémon, aber wenn man es verärgert,
schlägt es alles um sich herum kurz und klein."
149,28,7,"Es bastante pacífico por naturaleza, pero, si
alguien le hace enfadar, no se calmará hasta
haber destruido todo lo que le rodea."
149,28,8,"Di solito è molto calmo, ma se qualcuno o
qualcosa lo fa infuriare, non si placa finché
non ha distrutto ogni cosa."
149,28,9,"Incur the wrath of this normally calm Pokémon
at your peril, because it will smash everything
to smithereens before its satisfied."
149,28,11,"普段は 極めて 穏やかだが
その 逆鱗に 触れると すべてを
壊し尽くすまで 収まらない。"
149,29,1,"あれくるう うみも ものともせずに
とんでいく。 そのすがたを みかけた
せんちょうは うみのけしんと よんだ。"
149,29,3,"성난 바다도 아랑곳하지 않고
날아간다. 그 모습을 본 선장은
바다의 화신이라고 불렀다."
149,29,5,"Il brave les flots impétueux sans ciller. Cest
pour cette raison quun capitaine layant vu à
lœuvre la surnommé «lavatar de la mer»."
149,29,6,"Es fliegt ohne Bedenken selbst über tosende
Meere. Ein Schiffskapitän nannte es nach
diesem Anblick die „Inkarnation des Meeres“."
149,29,7,"Sobrevuela los mares desafiando las más fieras
tempestades, lo que le valió que cierto capitán
de un buque lo llamara el Avatar de la Mar."
149,29,8,"Sorvola come se niente fosse anche i mari più
agitati. Un capitano, vedendolo allopera, lha
soprannominato “lincarnazione del mare”."
149,29,9,"It flies over raging seas as if they were nothing.
Observing this, a ships captain dubbed this
Pokémon “the sea incarnate.”"
149,29,11,"荒れ狂う 海も ものともせずに
飛んでいく。 その姿を 見かけた
船長は 海の化身と 呼んだ。"
149,30,1,"こころ やさしい ポケモンで うみで
おぼれた にんげんや ポケモンを
たすけたという はなしを よくきく。"
149,30,3,"상냥한 포켓몬으로
바다에 빠진 인간이나 포켓몬을
구해 주었다는 이야기가 자주 들린다."
149,30,5,"De nombreux témoignages racontent que ce
Pokémon, de nature bienveillante, aurait sauvé
des humains et des Pokémon de la noyade."
149,30,6,"Dragoran ist ein äußerst gutherziges Pokémon,
von dem man sich erzählt, es habe Menschen
und andere Pokémon vor dem Ertrinken gerettet."
149,30,7,"Un Pokémon benévolo que, según cuentan,
acude al rescate de Pokémon o humanos que se
encuentren a la deriva."
149,30,8,"È un Pokémon buono e mansueto. Si racconta
spesso di come accorra in aiuto di persone
e Pokémon che stanno affogando."
149,30,9,"Youll often hear tales of this kindhearted
Pokémon rescuing people or Pokémon that
are drowning."
149,30,11,"心 やさしい ポケモンで 海で
溺れた 人間や ポケモンを
助けたという 話を よく聞く。"
149,31,1,"ひろい うみの どこかを すみかにし
とんで いどうすると いわれているが
あくまで うわさに すぎない。"
149,31,3,"넓은 바다 어딘가를 거처로 삼아
날아서 이동한다고 전해지지만
어디까지나 소문에 지나지 않는다."
149,31,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon vit quelque part
dans la mer et quil peut voler. Rien nest moins
149,31,6,"Es heißt, dass Dragoran in einem entlegenen
Winkel des Meeres zu Hause sei und fliegen
könne, doch das sind nur Gerüchte."
149,31,7,"Se dice que este Pokémon vive en algún lugar
del mar y que también vuela. De todos modos,
solo es un rumor."
149,31,8,"Si racconta che questo Pokémon viva
da qualche parte nel mare e che si sposti
volando, ma in realtà non si sa nulla di certo."
149,31,9,"It is said that this Pokémon lives somewhere
in the sea and that it flies. However, these are
only rumors."
149,31,11,"広い 海の どこかを 住みかにし
飛んで 移動すると 言われているが
あくまで うわさに 過ぎない。"
149,32,1,"ひろい うみの どこかを すみかにし
とんで いどうすると いわれているが
あくまで うわさに すぎない。"
149,32,3,"넓은 바다 어딘가를 거처로 삼아
날아서 이동한다고 전해지지만
어디까지나 소문에 지나지 않는다."
149,32,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon vit quelque part
dans la mer et quil peut voler. Rien nest moins
149,32,6,"Es heißt, dass Dragoran in einem entlegenen
Winkel des Meeres zu Hause sei und fliegen
könne, doch das sind nur Gerüchte."
149,32,7,"Se dice que este Pokémon vive en algún lugar
del mar y que también vuela. De todos modos,
solo es un rumor."
149,32,8,"Si racconta che questo Pokémon viva
da qualche parte nel mare e che si sposti
volando, ma in realtà non si sa nulla di certo."
149,32,9,"It is said that this Pokémon lives somewhere
in the sea and that it flies. However, these are
only rumors."
149,32,11,"広い 海の どこかを 住みかにし
飛んで 移動すると 言われているが
あくまで うわさに 過ぎない。"
149,33,1,"おぼれている ひとや ポケモンを
みつけると たすけずには いられない
こころ やさしい ポケモン。"
149,33,3,"물에 빠진 사람이나 포켓몬을
발견하면 반드시 도와주는
마음 착한 포켓몬이다."
149,33,5,"Sa gentillesse est telle que sil voit un Pokémon
ou un être humain en train de se noyer, il nhésite
pas à lui venir en aide."
149,33,6,"Erspäht dieses gutherzige Pokémon ertrinkende
Menschen oder Pokémon, so kann es gar nicht
anders, als sie zu retten."
149,33,7,"Un Pokémon bondadoso y compasivo al que le
resulta imposible dar la espalda a Pokémon o
humanos que se encuentren a la deriva."
149,33,8,"È un Pokémon dal cuore gentile. Se vede persone
o Pokémon che stanno affogando, non può fare
a meno di salvarli."
149,33,9,"Its a kindhearted Pokémon. If it spots a drowning
person or Pokémon, Dragonite simply must
help them."
149,33,11,"溺れている 人や ポケモンを
見つけると 助けずには いられない
心優しい ポケモン。"
149,34,1,"うみの けしんと よばれる。
カイリューがたの ちょうぞうを
へさきに つける ふねも おおい。"
149,34,3,"바다의 화신이라고 불린다.
망나뇽 형태의 조각상을
뱃머리에 두는 배도 많다."
149,34,5,"On lappelle «lavatar de la mer». Nombreux
sont les navires arborant une figure de proue
en forme de Dracolosse."
149,34,6,"Dragoran wird die „Inkarnation des Meeres“
genannt. Sein Ebenbild ziert den Bug vieler
Schiffe als Galionsfigur."
149,34,7,"Se lo conoce como el Avatar de la Mar. Muchos
barcos lucen una talla de Dragonite como
mascarón de proa."
149,34,8,"Viene chiamato “Incarnazione del mare”.
Molte navi hanno una statua di Dragonite
sulla prua."
149,34,9,"This Pokémon is known as the Sea Incarnate.
Figureheads that resemble Dragonite decorate
the bows of many ships."
149,34,11,"海の 化身と 呼ばれる。
カイリュー型の 彫像を
舳先に 付ける 船も 多い。"
150,1,9,"It was created by
a scientist after
years of horrificgene splicing and
DNA engineering
150,2,9,"It was created by
a scientist after
years of horrificgene splicing and
DNA engineering
150,3,9,"Its DNA is almost
the same as MEW's.
However, its sizeand disposition
are vastly dif­
150,4,9,"Because its battle
abilities were
raised to theultimate level, it
thinks only of de­
feating its foes."
150,5,9,"It usually remains
motionless to con­
serve energy, sothat it may un­
leash its full
power in battle."
150,6,9,"Said to rest qui­
etly in an
undiscovered cave,this POKéMON was
created solely for
150,7,9,"MEWTWO is a POKéMON that was created
by genetic manipulation.
However, even though the scientificpower of humans created this POKéMONs
body, they failed to endow MEWTWO with
a compassionate heart."
150,8,9,"MEWTWO is a POKéMON that was created
by genetic manipulation.
However, even though the scientificpower of humans created this POKéMONs
body, they failed to endow MEWTWO with
a compassionate heart."
150,9,9,"A POKéMON that was created by genetic
manipulation. However, even though the
scientific power of humans made its body,
they failed to give it a warm heart."
150,10,9,"A POKéMON whose genetic code was
repeatedly recombined for research.
It turned vicious as a result."
150,11,9,"It was created by a scientist after years
of horrific gene-splicing and DNA-
engineering experiments."
150,12,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
MEWs genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,13,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
MEWs genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,14,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
MEWs genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,15,9,"Because its battle abilities were
raised to the ultimate level,
it thinks only of defeating its foes."
150,16,9,"It usually remains motionless to
conserve energy, so that it may
unleash its full power in battle."
150,17,5,"Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant
les gènes de Mew. On raconte quil
sagit du Pokémon le plus féroce."
150,17,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
Mews genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,18,5,"Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant
les gènes de Mew. On raconte quil
sagit du Pokémon le plus féroce."
150,18,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
Mews genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,21,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
Mews genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,22,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining
Mews genes. Its said to have the
most savage heart among Pokémon."
150,23,1,"ひとりの かがくしゃが なんねんも
おそろしい いでんし けんきゅうを
つづけた けっか たんじょうした。"
150,23,3,"한 과학자가 몇 년에 걸쳐
무서운 유전자의 연구를
계속한 결과 탄생했다."
150,23,5,"Il est le fruit de nombreuses expériences génétiques
horribles et malsaines."
150,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist das Resultat eines jahrelangen
und skrupellosen Experimentes."
150,23,7,"Fue creado por un científico tras años de horribles
experimentos de ingeniería genética."
150,23,8,"Creato da uno scienziato dopo anni di orribili
esperimenti di ingegneria genetica."
150,23,9,"It was created by a scientist after years of horrific
gene-splicing and DNA-engineering experiments."
150,23,11,"1人の 科学者が 何年も
恐ろしい 遺伝子 研究を
続けた 結果 誕生した。"
150,24,1,"ミュウの いでんしを くみかえて
うみだされた。ポケモンで いちばん
きょうぼうな こころを もつという。"
150,24,3,"뮤의 유전자를 재구성해서
만들어졌다. 포켓몬 중에서 가장
난폭한 마음을 가지고 있다고 한다."
150,24,5,"Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant les gènes de
Mew. On raconte quil sagit du Pokémon le plus
150,24,6,"Die Gene von Mew wurden neu angeordnet, wodurch
dieses Pokémon entstand. Es hat ein wildes Herz."
150,24,7,"Pokémon creado por recombinación genética de Mew.
Se dice que es el más salvaje de los Pokémon."
150,24,8,"Un Pokémon creato usando i geni di Mew. Si dice che
fra i Pokémon sia quello con lanimo più crudele."
150,24,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining Mews genes.
Its said to have the most savage heart
among Pokémon."
150,24,11,"ミュウの 遺伝子を 組み替えて
生み出された。ポケモンで 一番
凶暴な 心を 持つという。"
150,25,1,"いでんしそうさに よって つくられた ポケモン。
にんげんの かがくりょくで からだは つくれても
やさしい こころを つくることは できなかった。"
150,25,3,"유전자조작을 통해 만들어진 포켓몬이다.
인간은 과학의 힘으로 몸은 만들었지만
상냥한 마음을 만들 수는 없었다."
150,25,5,"Mewtwo est un Pokémon créé par manipulation génétique.
Cependant, bien que les connaissances scientifiques des
humains aient réussi à créer son corps, elles nont pas pu
doter Mewtwo dun cœur sensible."
150,25,6,"Mewtu ist ein Pokémon, das durch Genmanipulation
entstanden ist. Die Menschen haben es zwar mit ihrem
wissenschaftlichen Sachverstand erzeugt, aber nicht mit
einem mitfühlenden Herzen ausgestattet."
150,25,7,"Mewtwo fue creado por manipulación genética. Pero, a pesar
de que el hombre creó su cuerpo, dotar a Mewtwo de un
corazón compasivo quedó en el olvido."
150,25,8,"Mewtwo è stato creato grazie a una manipolazione genetica.
Tuttavia, sebbene la scienza sia riuscita a creare un corpo
di Pokémon, ha fallito nellintento di dare a Mewtwo
un animo generoso."
150,25,9,"Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic
manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of
humans created this Pokémons body, they failed to endow
Mewtwo with a compassionate heart."
150,25,11,"遺伝子操作に よって つくられた ポケモン。
人間の 科学力で 体は つくれても
優しい 心を つくることは できなかった。"
150,26,1,"いでんしそうさに よって つくられた ポケモン。
にんげんの かがくりょくで からだは つくれても
やさしい こころを つくることは できなかった。"
150,26,3,"유전자조작을 통해 만들어진 포켓몬이다.
인간은 과학의 힘으로 몸은 만들었지만
상냥한 마음을 만들 수는 없었다."
150,26,5,"Mewtwo est un Pokémon créé par manipulation génétique.
Cependant, bien que les connaissances scientifiques des
humains aient réussi à créer son corps, elles nont pas pu
doter Mewtwo dun cœur sensible."
150,26,6,"Mewtu ist ein Pokémon, das durch Genmanipulation
entstanden ist. Die Menschen haben es zwar mit ihrem
wissenschaftlichen Sachverstand erzeugt, aber nicht mit
einem mitfühlenden Herzen ausgestattet."
150,26,7,"Mewtwo fue creado por manipulación genética. Pero, a pesar
de que el hombre creó su cuerpo, dotar a Mewtwo de un
corazón compasivo quedó en el olvido."
150,26,8,"Mewtwo è stato creato grazie a una manipolazione genetica.
Tuttavia, sebbene la scienza sia riuscita a creare un corpo
di Pokémon, ha fallito nellintento di dare a Mewtwo
un animo generoso."
150,26,9,"Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic
manipulation. However, even though the scientific power
of humans created this Pokémons body, they failed to
endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart."
150,26,11,"遺伝子操作に よって つくられた ポケモン。
人間の 科学力で 体は つくれても
優しい 心を つくることは できなかった。"
150,31,1,"ミュウの いでんしと ほとんど
おなじ。だが おおきさも せいかくも
おそろしいほど ちがっている。"
150,31,3,"뮤의 유전자와 거의 같다.
하지만 크기도 성격도
무서울 정도로 다르다."
150,31,5,"Son ADN est presque le même que celui de
Mew, mais sa taille et son caractère sont très
150,31,6,"Mewtu und Mew weisen sehr ähnliche Gene auf,
doch hinsichtlich ihres Charakters und ihrer
Größe unterscheiden sich die beiden erheblich."
150,31,7,"Su ADN es casi el mismo que el de Mew.
Sin embargo, su tamaño y carácter son muy
150,31,8,"Il suo DNA è quasi uguale a quello di Mew.
Ciò nonostante, sono agli antipodi per
dimensioni e carattere."
150,31,9,"Its DNA is almost the same as Mews. However,
its size and disposition are vastly different."
150,31,11,"ミュウの 遺伝子と ほとんど
同じ。だが 大きさも 性格も
恐ろしいほど 違っている。"
150,32,1,"ミュウの いでんしと ほとんど
おなじ。だが おおきさも せいかくも
おそろしいほど ちがっている。"
150,32,3,"뮤의 유전자와 거의 같다.
하지만 크기도 성격도
무서울 정도로 다르다."
150,32,5,"Son ADN est presque le même que celui de
Mew, mais sa taille et son caractère sont très
150,32,6,"Mewtu und Mew weisen sehr ähnliche Gene auf,
doch hinsichtlich ihres Charakters und ihrer
Größe unterscheiden sich die beiden erheblich."
150,32,7,"Su ADN es casi el mismo que el de Mew.
Sin embargo, su tamaño y carácter son muy
150,32,8,"Il suo DNA è quasi uguale a quello di Mew.
Ciò nonostante, sono agli antipodi per
dimensioni e carattere."
150,32,9,"Its DNA is almost the same as Mews. However,
its size and disposition are vastly different."
150,32,11,"ミュウの 遺伝子と ほとんど
同じ。だが 大きさも 性格も
恐ろしいほど 違っている。"
151,1,9,"So rare that it
is still said to
be a mirage bymany experts. Only
a few people have
seen it worldwide."
151,2,9,"So rare that it
is still said to
be a mirage bymany experts. Only
a few people have
seen it worldwide."
151,3,9,"When viewed
through a micro­
scope, thisPOKéMON's short,
fine, delicate
hair can be seen."
151,4,9,"Apparently, it
appears only to
those people whoare pure of heart
and have a strong
desire to see it."
151,5,9,"Its DNA is said to
contain the genet­
ic codes of allPOKéMON, so it can
use all kinds of
151,6,9,"Because it can
learn any move,
some people beganresearch to see if
it is the ancestor
of all POKéMON."
151,7,9,"MEW is said to possess the genetic
composition of all POKéMON.
It is capable of making itself invisibleat will, so it entirely avoids notice even
if it approaches people."
151,8,9,"MEW is said to possess the genetic
composition of all POKéMON.
It is capable of making itself invisibleat will, so it entirely avoids notice even
if it approaches people."
151,9,9,"A MEW is said to possess the genes of all
POKéMON. It is capable of making itself
invisible at will, so it entirely avoids
notice even if it approaches people."
151,10,9,"A POKéMON of South America that was
thought to have been extinct. It is very
intelligent and learns any move."
151,11,9,"So rare that it is still said to be a
mirage by many experts. Only a few people
have seen it worldwide."
151,12,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe MEW
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,13,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe MEW
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,14,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe MEW
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,15,9,"Apparently, it appears only to
those people who are pure of heart
and have a strong desire to see it."
151,16,9,"Its DNA is said to contain the genetic
codes of all Pokémon, so it can
use all kinds of techniques."
151,17,5,"Nombre de scientifiques voient en
lui lancêtre des Pokémon car il
maîtrise toutes leurs capacités."
151,17,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe Mew
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,18,5,"Nombre de scientifiques voient en
lui lancêtre des Pokémon car il
maîtrise toutes leurs capacités."
151,18,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe Mew
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,21,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe Mew
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,22,9,"Because it can use all kinds of
moves, many scientists believe Mew
to be the ancestor of Pokémon."
151,23,1,"あらゆる わざを つかうため
ポケモンの せんぞと かんがえる
がくしゃが たくさん いる。"
151,23,3,"모든 기술을 사용하기 때문에
포켓몬의 조상이라고 생각하는
학자가 많다."
151,23,5,"Nombre de scientifiques voient en lui lancêtre
des Pokémon car il maîtrise toutes leurs capacités."
151,23,6,"Es beherrscht alle möglichen Attacken, daher sieht
man in ihm den Vorfahren aller Pokémon."
151,23,7,"Varios científicos lo consideran el antecesor de los
Pokémon porque usa todo tipo de movimientos."
151,23,8,"Poiché sa usare qualsiasi mossa, molti scienziati
ritengono che Mew sia lantenato di tutti i Pokémon."
151,23,9,"Because it can use all kinds of moves, many
scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor
of Pokémon."
151,23,11,"あらゆる 技を 使うため
ポケモンの 先祖と 考える
学者が たくさん いる。"
151,24,1,"いでんしには すべての ポケモンの
じょうほうが ふくまれているので
あらゆる わざが つかえるという。"
151,24,3,"유전자에는 모든 포켓몬의
정보가 담겨 있기 때문에
모든 기술을 쓸 수 있다고 전해진다."
151,24,5,"Son ADN contient les codes génétiques de tous
les Pokémon. Il peut utiliser nombre de techniques."
151,24,6,"Seine DNS soll den genetischen Code aller Pokémon
beinhalten. Dadurch kann es alle Attacken erlernen."
151,24,7,"Dicen que su ADN contiene el código genético de
todos los Pokémon, por lo que conoce cualquier
151,24,8,"Pare che il suo DNA contenga i codici genetici di tutti
i Pokémon; per questo può usare qualsiasi tecnica."
151,24,9,"Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all
Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques."
151,24,11,"遺伝子には すべての ポケモンの
情報が 含まれているので
あらゆる 技が 使えるという。"
151,25,1,"すべての ポケモンの いでんしを もつと いう。
じゆうじざいに すがたを けすことが できるので
ひとに ちかづいても まったく きづかれない。"
151,25,3,"모든 포켓몬의 유전자를 가졌다고 한다.
자유자재로 모습을 숨길 수 있어서
사람에게 가까이 다가가도 절대 들키지 않는다."
151,25,5,"On dit que Mew possède le code génétique de tous les autres
Pokémon. Il peut se rendre invisible à sa guise, ce qui lui
permet de ne pas se faire remarquer quand il sapproche
des gens."
151,25,6,"Mew soll die genetische Zusammensetzung aller Pokémon
besitzen. Es kann sich unsichtbar machen, sodass es sich
auch Menschen nähern kann, ohne bemerkt zu werden."
151,25,7,"Dicen que Mew posee el mapa genético de todos los
Pokémon. Puede hacerse invisible cuando quiere, así que
pasa desapercibido cada vez que se le acerca alguien."
151,25,8,"Si dice che Mew possegga il patrimonio genetico di tutti
i Pokémon. È in grado di rendersi invisibile, quando vuole,
in modo da non farsi notare nemmeno da vicino."
151,25,9,"Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all
Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will,
so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people."
151,25,11,"すべての ポケモンの 遺伝子を もつと いう。
自由自在に 姿を 消すことが できるので
人に 近づいても まったく 気づかれない。"
151,26,1,"すべての ポケモンの いでんしを もつと いう。
じゆうじざいに すがたを けすことが できるので
ひとに ちかづいても まったく きづかれない。"
151,26,3,"모든 포켓몬의 유전자를 가졌다고 한다.
자유자재로 모습을 숨길 수 있어서
사람에게 가까이 다가가도 절대 들키지 않는다."
151,26,5,"On dit que Mew possède le code génétique de tous les autres
Pokémon. Il peut se rendre invisible à sa guise, ce qui lui
permet de ne pas se faire remarquer quand il sapproche
des gens."
151,26,6,"Mew soll die genetische Zusammensetzung aller Pokémon
besitzen. Es kann sich unsichtbar machen, sodass es sich
auch Menschen nähern kann, ohne bemerkt zu werden."
151,26,7,"Dicen que Mew posee el mapa genético de todos los
Pokémon. Puede hacerse invisible cuando quiere, así que
pasa desapercibido cada vez que se le acerca alguien."
151,26,8,"Si dice che Mew possegga il patrimonio genetico di tutti
i Pokémon. È in grado di rendersi invisibile, quando vuole,
in modo da non farsi notare nemmeno da vicino."
151,26,9,"Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all
Pokémon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will,
so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people."
151,26,11,"すべての ポケモンの 遺伝子を もつと いう。
自由自在に 姿を 消すことが できるので
人に 近づいても まったく 気づかれない。"
151,31,1,"けんびきょうで のぞいてみたら
ひじょうに みじかくて ほそい
こまやかな たいもうが はえていた。"
151,31,3,"현미경으로 관찰하면
매우 짧고 가는 털이
촘촘하게 나 있다."
151,31,5,"À laide dun microscope, on peut distinguer
le pelage extrêmement court, fin et délicat
de ce Pokémon."
151,31,6,"Wenn man Mews Haut mithilfe eines Mikroskops
betrachtet, so erkennt man ein Fell aus vielen
feinen und kurzen Härchen."
151,31,7,"Si se observa a través de un microscopio, puede
distinguirse cuán corto, fino y delicado es el
pelaje de este Pokémon."
151,31,8,"Osservando al microscopio la pelle di Mew
si può constatare che è ricoperta da una fitta
peluria, corta e fine."
151,31,9,"When viewed through a microscope, this
Pokémons short, fine, delicate hair can be seen."
151,31,11,"顕微鏡で 覗いてみたら
非常に 短くて 細い
こまやかな 体毛が 生えていた。"
151,32,1,"けんびきょうで のぞいてみたら
ひじょうに みじかくて ほそい
こまやかな たいもうが はえていた。"
151,32,3,"현미경으로 관찰하면
매우 짧고 가는 털이
촘촘하게 나 있다."
151,32,5,"À laide dun microscope, on peut distinguer
le pelage extrêmement court, fin et délicat
de ce Pokémon."
151,32,6,"Wenn man Mews Haut mithilfe eines Mikroskops
betrachtet, so erkennt man ein Fell aus vielen
feinen und kurzen Härchen."
151,32,7,"Si se observa a través de un microscopio, puede
distinguirse cuán corto, fino y delicado es el
pelaje de este Pokémon."
151,32,8,"Osservando al microscopio la pelle di Mew
si può constatare che è ricoperta da una fitta
peluria, corta e fine."
151,32,9,"When viewed through a microscope, this
Pokémons short, fine, delicate hair can be seen."
151,32,11,"顕微鏡で 覗いてみたら
非常に 短くて 細い
こまやかな 体毛が 生えていた。"
152,4,9,"A sweet aroma
gently wafts from
the leaf on itshead. It is docile
and loves to soak
up the sun's rays."
152,5,9,"Its pleasantly
aromatic leaves
have the abilityto check the hu­
midity and tem­
152,6,9,"It loves to bask
in the sunlight.
It uses the leafon its head to
seek out warm
152,7,9,"In battle, CHIKORITA waves its leaf
around to keep the foe at bay.
However, a sweet fragrance also waftsfrom the leaf, becalming the battling
POKéMON and creating a cozy, friendly
atmosphere all around."
152,8,9,"In battle, CHIKORITA waves its leaf
around to keep the foe at bay.
However, a sweet fragrance also waftsfrom the leaf, becalming the battling
POKéMON and creating a cozy, friendly
atmosphere all around."
152,9,9,"It waves its leaf around to keep foes
at bay. However, a sweet fragrance also
wafts from the leaf, creating a friendly
atmosphere that becalms the battlers."
152,10,9,"Its pleasantly aromatic leaves have the
ability to check the humidity and
152,11,9,"A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf
on its head. It is docile and loves to
soak up the suns rays."
152,12,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,13,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,14,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,15,9,"A sweet aroma gently wafts from
the leaf on its head. It is docile
and loves to soak up sunrays."
152,16,9,"Its pleasantly aromatic leaf
has the ability to check
humidity and temperature."
152,17,5,"Il jauge la température et lhumidité
grâce à la feuille sur sa tête. Il
raffole des bains de soleil."
152,17,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,18,5,"Il jauge la température et lhumidité
grâce à la feuille sur sa tête. Il
raffole des bains de soleil."
152,18,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,21,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,22,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to
determine the temperature and
humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,23,1,"あたまのはっぱから ほのかに あまい
かおりが ただよう。おとなしくて
ひざしを あびるのが だいすき。"
152,23,3,"머리의 잎사귀에서 살짝 달콤한
향기가 감돈다. 얌전하며
햇볕을 쬐는 것을 매우 좋아한다."
152,23,5,"Un doux parfum émane de la feuille placée sur sa tête.
Il est très gentil et aime dormir au soleil."
152,23,6,"Ein süßer Duft geht von dem Blatt auf seinem Kopf
aus. Es ist ruhig und liegt gerne in der Sonne."
152,23,7,"Un dulce aroma se desprende de la hoja de su
cabeza. Es dócil y le encanta absorber los rayos
de sol."
152,23,8,"Un dolce profumo si diffonde dalla sua testa.
È docile e ama scaldarsi al sole."
152,23,9,"A sweet aroma gently wafts from the leaf on its
head. It is docile and loves to soak up sun rays."
152,23,11,"頭の 葉っぱから ほのかに 甘い
香りが 漂う。おとなしくて
日差しを 浴びるのが 大好き。"
152,24,1,"あたまの はっぱで まわりの
おんどや しつどを さぐる。
ひざしを あびることが だいすき。"
152,24,3,"머리의 잎사귀로 주위의
온도나 습도를 살핀다.
햇볕을 쬐는 것을 매우 좋아한다."
152,24,5,"Il jauge la température et lhumidité grâce à la feuille
sur sa tête. Il raffole des bains de soleil."
152,24,6,"Mit dem Blatt auf seinem Kopf bestimmt es die
Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit. Es liebt Sonnenbäder."
152,24,7,"Con la hoja de su cabeza puede medir la temperatura
y la humedad. Le encanta tomar el sol."
152,24,8,"Usa la foglia sulla sua testa per misurare la
temperatura e lumidità. Ama crogiolarsi al sole."
152,24,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to determine the
temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe."
152,24,11,"頭の 葉っぱで まわりの
温度や 湿度を 探る。
日差しを 浴びることが 大好き。"
152,25,1,"はっぱを ふりまわして あいてを いかくするが
はっぱから あまい かおりが ただようので
おたがいに なごやかな ふんいきに なるよ。"
152,25,3,"잎사귀를 휘둘러 상대를 위협하지만
잎사귀에서 달콤한 향기가 풍겨 나와
서로 온화한 분위기가 된다."
152,25,5,"Lorsquil se bat, Germignon secoue sa feuille pour tenir son
ennemi à distance. Un doux parfum sen dégage également,
apaisant les Pokémon qui se battent et créant une atmosphère
agréable et amicale."
152,25,6,"Im Kampf wedelt Endivie mit seinem Blatt, um den Feind
fernzuhalten. Von dem Blatt geht auch ein süßlicher Duft aus,
der die kämpfenden Pokémon beruhigt und eine gemütliche,
freundliche Atmosphäre schafft."
152,25,7,"Al luchar, Chikorita agita la hoja que tiene para mantener a
raya al rival. Pero, al mismo tiempo, libera una suave fragancia
que apacigua el encuentro y crea un ambiente agradable y de
152,25,8,"Nella lotta, Chikorita sventola la sua foglia in modo da tenere
a bada il nemico. Tuttavia, la foglia emana anche un aroma
dolce, che calma il Pokémon avversario, creando unatmosfera
gradevole e rilassata tuttattorno."
152,25,9,"In battle, Chikorita waves its leaf around to keep the foe at
bay. However, a sweet fragrance also wafts from the leaf,
becalming the battling Pokémon and creating a cozy, friendly
atmosphere all around."
152,25,11,"葉っぱを 振り回して 相手を 威嚇するが
葉っぱから 甘い 香りが 漂うので
お互いに 和やかな 雰囲気に なるよ。"
152,26,1,"はっぱを ふりまわして あいてを いかくするが
はっぱから あまい かおりが ただようので
おたがいに なごやかな ふんいきに なるよ。"
152,26,3,"잎사귀를 휘둘러 상대를 위협하지만
잎사귀에서 달콤한 향기가 풍겨 나와
서로 온화한 분위기가 된다."
152,26,5,"Lorsquil se bat, Germignon secoue sa feuille pour tenir son
ennemi à distance. Un doux parfum sen dégage également,
apaisant les Pokémon qui se battent et créant une atmosphère
agréable et amicale."
152,26,6,"Im Kampf wedelt Endivie mit seinem Blatt, um den Feind
fernzuhalten. Von dem Blatt geht auch ein süßlicher Duft aus,
der das gegnerische Pokémon im Kampf beruhigt und eine
gemütliche, freundliche Atmosphäre schafft."
152,26,7,"Al luchar, Chikorita agita la hoja que tiene para mantener a
raya al rival. Pero, al mismo tiempo, libera una suave fragancia
que apacigua el encuentro y crea un ambiente agradable y de
152,26,8,"Nella lotta, Chikorita sventola la sua foglia in modo da tenere
a bada il nemico. Tuttavia, la foglia emana anche un aroma
dolce, che calma il Pokémon avversario, creando unatmosfera
gradevole e rilassata tuttattorno."
152,26,9,"In battle, Chikorita waves its leaf around to keep the foe at
bay. However, a sweet fragrance also wafts from the leaf,
becalming the battling Pokémon and creating a cozy,
friendly atmosphere all around."
152,26,11,"葉っぱを 振り回して 相手を 威嚇するが
葉っぱから 甘い 香りが 漂うので
お互いに 和やかな 雰囲気に なるよ。"
153,4,9,"The scent of
spices comes from
around its neck.Somehow, sniffing
it makes you want
to fight."
153,5,9,"A spicy aroma ema­
nates from around
its neck. Thearoma acts as a
stimulant to re­
store health."
153,6,9,"The scent that
wafts from the
leaves on its neckcauses anyone who
smells it to
become energetic."
153,7,9,"BAYLEEFs neck is ringed by curled-up
leaves. Inside each tubular leaf is a
small shoot of a tree.The fragrance of this shoot makes
people peppy."
153,8,9,"BAYLEEFs neck is ringed by curled-up
leaves. Inside each tubular leaf is a
small shoot of a tree.The fragrance of this shoot makes
people peppy."
153,9,9,"A BAYLEEFs neck is ringed by curled-up
leaves. Inside each leaf is a small tree
shoot. The fragrance of this shoot
makes people peppy."
153,10,9,"A spicy aroma emanates from around its
neck. The aroma acts as a stimulant to
restore health."
153,11,9,"The scent of spices comes from around
its neck. Somehow, sniffing it makes you
want to fight."
153,12,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,13,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,14,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,15,9,"The scent of spices comes from
around its neck. Somehow,
sniffing it makes you want to fight."
153,16,9,"A spicy aroma emanates from around
its neck. The aroma acts as a
stimulant to restore health."
153,17,5,"Le collier de bourgeons à son cou
répand un arôme épicé qui vous
donne du tonus."
153,17,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,18,5,"Le collier de bourgeons à son cou
répand un arôme épicé qui vous
donne du tonus."
153,18,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,21,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,22,9,"The buds that ring its neck give
off a spicy aroma that perks
people up."
153,23,1,"くびの まわりから はっさんする
スパイスのような かおりには
げんきを ださせる こうかがある。"
153,23,3,"목 주변에서 발산하는
향신료 같은 향기에는
힘을 내도록 하는 효과가 있다."
153,23,5,"Un arôme épicé émane de son cou. Il agit comme
un stimulant et lui fait récupérer son énergie."
153,23,6,"Ein würziges Aroma geht von seinen Blättern aus.
Das Aroma soll gesundheitsfördernd sein."
153,23,7,"Emana un aroma picante de su cuello. El aroma actúa
como estimulante para recuperar salud."
153,23,8,"Dal suo collo si propaga un profumo vivace. Esso
stimola il recupero della salute."
153,23,9,"A spicy aroma emanates from around its neck.
The aroma acts as a stimulant to restore health."
153,23,11,"首の まわりから 発散する
スパイスのような 香りには
元気を 出させる 効果がある。"
153,24,1,"くびまわりの つぼみから におう
スパイシーな かおりは
かいだ ひとを げんきに させる。"
153,24,3,"목 주위의 봉오리로부터 풍기는
향긋한 향기는 향기를
맡은 사람을 힘이 나게 한다."
153,24,5,"Le collier de bourgeons à son cou répand un arôme
épicé qui vous donne du tonus."
153,24,6,"Die Knospen an seinem Hals geben ein
würziges Aroma ab, das andere aufheitert."
153,24,7,"Su cuello desprende un dulce aroma que anima a
quien lo huele."
153,24,8,"Le foglie attorno al suo collo emanano un aroma
speziato dalleffetto energizzante."
153,24,9,"The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma
that perks people up."
153,24,11,"首回りの つぼみから におう
スパイシーな 香りは
かいだ 人を 元気に させる。"
153,25,1,"くびの まわりの くるりと まいた はっぱの
なかには ちいさな きのめが 1こ なっている。
その かおりは ひとを げんきに させるぞ。"
153,25,3,"목 주변의 둥그렇게 말린 잎사귀
안에는 작은 새싹 한 개가 나 있다.
그 향기는 사람을 기운 나게 한다."
153,25,5,"Le cou de Macronium est entouré de nombreuses feuilles.
Dans chacune delles se trouve une pousse darbre. Le parfum
de cette pousse donne la pêche aux personnes qui le sentent."
153,25,6,"Lorblatts Nacken ist mit zusammengerollten Blättern behangen.
In jedem Blatt befindet sich ein kleiner Trieb eines Baumes.
Der Duft dieses Triebes bringt Menschen auf Trab."
153,25,7,"Bayleef tiene un collar de hojas alrededor del cuello y un
brote de un árbol en cada una de ellas. La fragancia que
desprenden estos brotes anima a la gente."
153,25,8,"Il collo di Bayleef è agghindato da foglie, dentro cui
è presente il piccolo germoglio di un albero. Laroma emanato
da questo germoglio ha un effetto energizzante sulluomo."
153,25,9,"Bayleefs neck is ringed by curled-up leaves. Inside each
tubular leaf is a small shoot of a tree. The fragrance of this
shoot makes people peppy."
153,25,11,"首の 周りの くるりと 巻いた 葉っぱの
中には 小さな 木の芽が 1個 なっている。
その 香りは 人を 元気に させるぞ。"
153,26,1,"くびの まわりの くるりと まいた はっぱの
なかには ちいさな きのめが 1こ なっている。
その かおりは ひとを げんきに させるぞ。"
153,26,3,"목 주변의 둥그렇게 말린 잎사귀
안에는 작은 새싹 한 개가 나 있다.
그 향기는 사람을 기운 나게 한다."
153,26,5,"Le cou de Macronium est entouré de nombreuses feuilles.
Dans chacune delles se trouve une pousse darbre. Le parfum
de cette pousse donne la pêche aux personnes qui le sentent."
153,26,6,"Lorblatts Nacken ist mit zusammengerollten Blättern behangen.
In jedem Blatt befindet sich ein kleiner Trieb eines Baumes.
Der Duft dieses Triebes bringt Menschen auf Trab."
153,26,7,"Bayleef tiene un collar de hojas alrededor del cuello y un
brote de un árbol en cada una de ellas. La fragancia que
desprenden estos brotes anima a la gente."
153,26,8,"Il collo di Bayleef è agghindato da foglie, dentro cui
è presente il piccolo germoglio di un albero. Laroma emanato
da questo germoglio ha un effetto energizzante sulluomo."
153,26,9,"Bayleefs neck is ringed by curled-up leaves. Inside each
tubular leaf is a small shoot of a tree. The fragrance of this
shoot makes people peppy."
153,26,11,"首の 周りの くるりと 巻いた 葉っぱの
中には 小さな 木の芽が 1個 なっている。
その 香りは 人を 元気に させるぞ。"
154,4,9,"The aroma that
rises from its
petals contains asubstance that
calms aggressive
154,5,9,"MEGANIUM's breath
has the power to
revive dead grassand plants. It can
make them healthy
154,6,9,"Anyone who stands
beside it becomes
refreshed, just asif they were
relaxing in a
sunny forest."
154,7,9,"The fragrance of MEGANIUMs flower
soothes and calms emotions.
In battle, this POKéMON gives off moreof its becalming scent to blunt the
foes fighting spirit."
154,8,9,"The fragrance of MEGANIUMs flower
soothes and calms emotions.
In battle, this POKéMON gives off moreof its becalming scent to blunt the
foes fighting spirit."
154,9,9,"The fragrance of a MEGANIUMs flower
soothes and calms emotions. In battle,
it gives off more of its becalming scent
to blunt the foes fighting spirit."
154,10,9,"MEGANIUMs breath has the power to revive
dead grass and plants. It can make them
healthy again."
154,11,9,"The aroma that rises from its petals
contains a substance that calms aggressive
154,12,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,13,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,14,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,15,9,"The aroma that rises from its
petals contains a substance that
calms aggressive feelings."
154,16,9,"MEGANIUMs breath has the power to
revive dead grass and plants. It can
make them healthy again."
154,17,5,"Son souffle a lincroyable capacité
de ranimer les plantes et les fleurs
154,17,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,18,5,"Son souffle a lincroyable capacité
de ranimer les plantes et les fleurs
154,18,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,21,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,22,9,"Its breath has the fantastic
ability to revive dead plants and
154,23,1,"はなびら から はっさんされる
においには あらそう きもちを
しずめる せいぶんが ふくまれる。"
154,23,3,"꽃잎에서 발산되는
향기에는 다투는 마음을
가라앉게 하는 성분이 담겨 있다."
154,23,5,"Larôme qui émane de ses pétales contient
une substance qui calme les pulsions agressives."
154,23,6,"Das Aroma aus seiner Blüte enthält Stoffe,
die jegliche Aggressivität schwinden lassen."
154,23,7,"El olor que desprenden sus pétalos contiene una
sustancia que calma el instinto agresivo."
154,23,8,"Laroma che si spande dai suoi petali contiene una
sostanza che placa gli istinti aggressivi."
154,23,9,"The aroma that rises from its petals contains a
substance that calms aggressive feelings."
154,23,11,"花びらから 発散される においには
争う 気持ちを 静める
成分が 含まれる。"
154,24,1,"メガニウムが はきだす いきには
かれた くさきを よみがえらせる
ちからが ひめられている。"
154,24,3,"메가니움이 뿜어내는 숨결에는
말라 죽은 풀과 나무를 살려내는
힘이 담겨 있다."
154,24,5,"Le souffle de Méganium a le pouvoir de redonner
la santé aux plantes malades ou mortes."
154,24,6,"Meganie kann mit seinem Atem abgestorbene Gräser
und Pflanzen reanimieren. Sie sind dann gesund."
154,24,7,"El aliento de Meganium tiene el poder de revivir los
rastrojos, además de regenerarlos."
154,24,8,"Il respiro di Meganium può far riprendere lerba e le
piante morte che ricrescono rigogliose."
154,24,9,"Meganiums breath has the power to revive dead
grass and plants. It can make them healthy again."
154,24,11,"メガニウムが 吐き出す 息には
枯れた 草木を よみがえらせる
力が 秘められている。"
154,25,1,"はなの かおりは きもちを おだやかにする。
たたかいの ときは かおりを はっさんさせて
あいての たたかう きもちを にぶらせるのだ。"
154,25,3,"꽃의 향기는 기분을 평안하게 만든다.
싸울 때는 향기를 발산하여
상대의 전의를 떨어뜨린다."
154,25,5,"Le parfum de la fleur de Méganium apaise et calme les esprits.
Pendant les combats, ce Pokémon émet son parfum relaxant
pour atténuer lagressivité de lennemi."
154,25,6,"Der Duft von Meganies Blume besänftigt Gemüter. Im Kampf
gibt dieses Pokémon mehr von seinem beruhigenden Duftstoff
ab, um den Kampfgeist des Gegners zu schwächen."
154,25,7,"La fragancia de la flor de Meganium aplaca y suaviza los
ánimos. Al luchar, este Pokémon libera mayor cantidad de
esencia para disminuir el ánimo de combate de su oponente."
154,25,8,"Laroma del fiore di Meganium placa le emozioni. Nella lotta
questo Pokémon emana un profumo con effetto calmante
per smorzare laggressività del nemico."
154,25,9,"The fragrance of Meganiums flower soothes and calms
emotions. In battle, this Pokémon gives off more of its
becalming scent to blunt the foes fighting spirit."
154,25,11,"花の 香りは 気持ちを 穏やかにする。
戦いの ときは 香りを 発散させて
相手の 戦う 気持ちを 鈍らせるのだ。"
154,26,1,"はなの かおりは きもちを おだやかにする。
たたかいの ときは かおりを はっさんさせて
あいての たたかう きもちを にぶらせるのだ。"
154,26,3,"꽃의 향기는 기분을 평안하게 만든다.
싸울 때는 향기를 발산하여
상대의 전의를 떨어뜨린다."
154,26,5,"Le parfum de la fleur de Méganium apaise et calme les esprits.
Pendant les combats, ce Pokémon émet son parfum relaxant
pour atténuer lagressivité de lennemi."
154,26,6,"Der Duft von Meganies Blume besänftigt die Gemüter.
Im Kampf gibt dieses Pokémon mehr von seinem beruhigenden
Duftstoff ab, um den Kampfgeist des Gegners zu besänftigen."
154,26,7,"La fragancia de la flor de Meganium aplaca y suaviza los
ánimos. Al luchar, este Pokémon libera mayor cantidad de
esencia para disminuir el ánimo de combate de su oponente."
154,26,8,"Laroma del fiore di Meganium placa le emozioni. Nella lotta
questo Pokémon emana un profumo con effetto calmante
per smorzare laggressività del nemico."
154,26,9,"The fragrance of Meganiums flower soothes and calms
emotions. In battle, this Pokémon gives off more of its
becalming scent to blunt the foes fighting spirit."
154,26,11,"花の 香りは 気持ちを 穏やかにする。
戦いの ときは 香りを 発散させて
相手の 戦う 気持ちを 鈍らせるのだ。"
155,4,9,"It is timid, and
always curls it­
self up in a ball.If attacked, it
flares up its back
for protection."
155,5,9,"It usually stays
hunched over.
If it is angry orsurprised, it
shoots flames out
of its back."
155,6,9,"The fire that
spouts from its
back burns hottestwhen it is angry.
The flaring flames
intimidate foes."
155,7,9,"CYNDAQUIL protects itself by flaring up
the flames on its back.
The flames are vigorous if the POKéMONis angry. However, if it is tired, the
flames splutter fitfully with incomplete
155,8,9,"CYNDAQUIL protects itself by flaring up
the flames on its back.
The flames are vigorous if the POKéMONis angry. However, if it is tired, the
flames splutter fitfully with incomplete
155,9,9,"It flares flames from its back to protect
itself. The fire burns vigorously if the
POKéMON is angry. When it is tired,
it sputters with incomplete combustion."
155,10,9,"It usually stays hunched over. If it is
angry or surprised, it shoots flames out
of its back."
155,11,9,"It is timid and always curls itself up in
a ball. If attacked, it flares up its back
for protection."
155,12,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,13,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,14,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,15,9,"It is timid, and always curls itself
up in a ball. If attacked, it
flares up its back for protection."
155,16,9,"It usually stays hunched over.
If it is angry or surprised, it
shoots flames out of its back."
155,17,5,"Ce Pokémon est un grand timide.
Les flammes sur son dos sintensifient
lorsquil prend peur."
155,17,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,18,5,"Ce Pokémon est un grand timide.
Les flammes sur son dos sintensifient
lorsquil prend peur."
155,18,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,21,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,22,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is
startled, the flames on its back
burn more vigorously."
155,23,1,"おくびょうで いつも からだを
まるめている。おそわれると せなかの
ほのおを もえあがらせ みをまもる。"
155,23,3,"겁이 많아서 늘 몸을 웅크리고
있다. 습격당하면 등의 불꽃을
타오르게 해서 몸을 보호한다."
155,23,5,"Il est timide et se roule en boule pour se protéger.
Attaqué, il senflamme le dos pour riposter."
155,23,6,"Es ist ruhig und kugelt sich stets zusammen.
Zum Schutz entflammt es seinen Rücken."
155,23,7,"Es tímido y siempre se enrosca como una pelota.
Si es atacado, enciende su lomo para protegerse."
155,23,8,"Spesso se ne sta appallottolato giacché timido. Se
è attaccato, si difende infuocando il dorso."
155,23,9,"It is timid and always curls itself up in a ball.
If attacked, it flares up its back for protection."
155,23,11,"臆病で いつも 体を まるめている。
襲われると 背中の 炎を
燃え上がらせて 身を守る。"
155,24,1,"おくびょうな せいかく。
おどろくと せなかの ほのおが
いちだんと つよく もえあがる。"
155,24,3,"겁쟁이 같은 성격이다.
놀라면 등의 불꽃이
한층 더 강하게 타오른다."
155,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est un grand timide. Les flammes sur
son dos sintensifient lorsquil prend peur."
155,24,6,"Erschrickt sich dieses scheue Pokémon,
lodern die Flammen auf seinem Rücken kräftiger."
155,24,7,"Es un Pokémon muy tímido. Si se asusta, las llamas
de su lomo arden con más fuerza."
155,24,8,"È riservato per natura. Se viene spaventato, le
fiamme sul suo dorso bruciano ardentemente."
155,24,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on
its back burn more vigorously."
155,24,11,"臆病な 性格。
驚くと 背中の 炎が
一段と 強く 燃え上がる。"
155,25,1,"せなかから ほのおを ふきあげて みを まもる。
おこった ときの ほのおは いきおいが いいが
つかれている ときは ふかんぜんねんしょうする。"
155,25,3,"등에서 불꽃을 내뿜어 몸을 지킨다.
화났을 때의 불꽃은 기운차지만
지쳤을 때는 불완전연소한다."
155,25,5,"Héricendre se protège en faisant jaillir des flammes de
son dos. Ces flammes peuvent être violentes si le Pokémon
est en colère. Cependant, sil est fatigué, seules quelques
flammèches vacillent laborieusement."
155,25,6,"Feurigel lässt Flammen aus seinem Rücken lodern, wenn
es sich schützen muss. Die Flammen sind sehr verzehrend,
wenn dieses Pokémon wütend ist. Ist es aber müde,
flackern die Flammen nur unregelmäßig und schwach."
155,25,7,"Cyndaquil se protege soltando llamas por el lomo. Cuando
está enfadado, las llamas son fieras, pero, si está cansado,
solo consigue echar algunas chispas que no llegan a cuajar
en una completa combustión."
155,25,8,"Cyndaquil si protegge grazie alle fiamme che gli ardono
sul dorso. Le fiamme divampano impetuose se il Pokémon
è adirato. Tuttavia, quando è stanco diventano fiammelle
innocue dalla combustione incompleta."
155,25,9,"Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back.
The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it
is tired, the flames splutter fitfully with incomplete combustion."
155,25,11,"背中から 炎を 噴き上げて 身を 守る。
怒った ときの 炎は 勢いが いいが
疲れている ときは 不完全燃焼する。"
155,26,1,"せなかから ほのおを ふきあげて みを まもる。
おこった ときの ほのおは いきおいが いいが
つかれている ときは ふかんぜんねんしょうする。"
155,26,3,"등에서 불꽃을 내뿜어 몸을 지킨다.
화났을 때의 불꽃은 기운차지만
지쳤을 때는 불완전연소한다."
155,26,5,"Héricendre se protège en faisant jaillir des flammes de
son dos. Ces flammes peuvent être violentes si le Pokémon
est en colère. Cependant, sil est fatigué, seules quelques
flammèches vacillent laborieusement."
155,26,6,"Feurigel lässt Flammen aus seinem Rücken lodern,
wenn es sich schützen muss. Die Flammen sind sehr stark,
wenn dieses Pokémon wütend ist. Ist es aber müde,
flackern die Flammen nur unregelmäßig und schwach."
155,26,7,"Cyndaquil se protege soltando llamas por el lomo. Cuando
está enfadado, las llamas son fieras, pero, si está cansado,
solo consigue echar algunas chispas que no llegan a cuajar
en una completa combustión."
155,26,8,"Cyndaquil si protegge grazie alle fiamme che gli ardono
sul dorso. Le fiamme divampano impetuose se il Pokémon
è adirato. Tuttavia, quando è stanco diventano fiammelle
innocue dalla combustione incompleta."
155,26,9,"Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back.
The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it
is tired, the flames splutter fitfully with incomplete combustion."
155,26,11,"背中から 炎を 噴き上げて 身を 守る。
怒った ときの 炎は 勢いが いいが
疲れている ときは 不完全燃焼する。"
156,4,9,"Be careful if it
turns its back
during battle. Itmeans that it will
attack with the
fire on its back."
156,5,9,"This POKéMON is
fully covered by
nonflammable fur.It can withstand
any kind of fire
156,6,9,"Before battle, it
turns its back on
its opponent todemonstrate how
ferociously its
fire blazes."
156,7,9,"QUILAVA keeps its foes at bay with the
intensity of its flames and gusts of
superheated air.This POKéMON applies its outstanding
nimbleness to dodge attacks even while
scorching the foe with flames."
156,8,9,"QUILAVA keeps its foes at bay with the
intensity of its flames and gusts of
superheated air.This POKéMON applies its outstanding
nimbleness to dodge attacks even while
scorching the foe with flames."
156,9,9,"It intimidates foes with intense gusts of
flames and superheated air. Its quick
nimbleness lets it dodge attacks even
while scorching an enemy."
156,10,9,"This POKéMON is fully covered by
nonflammable fur. It can withstand any
kind of fire attack."
156,11,9,"Be careful if it turns its back during
battle. It means that it will attack with
the fire on its back."
156,12,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,13,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,14,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,15,9,"Be careful if it turns its back
during battle. It means that it will
attack with the fire on its back."
156,16,9,"This Pokémon is fully covered by
nonflammable fur. It can withstand
any kind of fire attack."
156,17,5,"La chaleur de ses flammes intimide
lennemi. Elles sintensifient
lorsquil se prépare à combattre."
156,17,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,18,5,"La chaleur de ses flammes intimide
lennemi. Elles sintensifient
lorsquil se prépare à combattre."
156,18,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,21,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,22,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat
of its flames. The fire burns more
strongly when it readies to fight."
156,23,1,"たたかいのまえ せなかを むけて
じぶんの ほのおが どれくらい
すごいかを あいてに みせつける。"
156,23,3,"싸우기 전에 등을 보이며
자신의 불꽃이 얼마나
대단한지 상대에게 일부러 보여준다."
156,23,5,"Avant chaque combat, il tourne le dos et montre
la puissance de ses flammes."
156,23,6,"Vor dem Kampf dreht es dem Feind den Rücken zu,
um ihm zu zeigen, wie Furcht erregend sein Feuer
156,23,7,"Antes de empezar a luchar, se gira ante su rival para
alardear del alcance y la fuerza de sus llamas."
156,23,8,"Prima di lottare mostra il dorso al nemico per
impressionarlo con la potenza delle sue fiamme."
156,23,9,"Before battle, it turns its back on its opponent to
demonstrate how ferociously its fire blazes."
156,23,11,"戦いの前 背中を 向けて
自分の 炎が どれくらい
すごいかを 相手に 見せつける。"
156,24,1,"せんとうちゅう せなかを むけたら
ようちゅうい。せなかの ほのおで
こうげきしてくる まえぶれだ。"
156,24,3,"배틀 중에 등을 보이면
주의가 필요하다. 등의 불꽃으로
공격해올 것이라는 뜻이다."
156,24,5,"Attention! Quand il tourne le dos dans un combat,
cest quil va attaquer avec ses flammes dorsales."
156,24,6,"Dreht es dir im Kampf den Rücken zu, wird es dich
mit den Flammen seines Rückens angreifen."
156,24,7,"Ten cuidado si te da la espalda en combate.
Significa que te va a atacar con su lomo de fuego."
156,24,8,"Nella lotta, se sincurva vuol dire che sta per
attaccare con le fiamme che ha sul dorso."
156,24,9,"Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means
that it will attack with the fire on its back."
156,24,11,"戦闘中 背中を 向けたら 要注意。
背中の 炎で
攻撃してくる 前触れだ。"
156,25,1,"ほのおの いきおいと ねっぷうで いかくする。
すばやい みのこなしで あいての こうげきを
かわしながら どうじに ほのおで もやす。"
156,25,3,"불꽃의 기세와 열풍으로 위협한다.
재빠른 몸동작으로 상대의 공격을
피하면서 동시에 불꽃으로 태운다."
156,25,5,"Feurisson garde ses ennemis à distance grâce à lintensité
de ses flammes et à des rafales dair brûlant. Ce Pokémon
utilise son incroyable agilité pour éviter les attaques,
tout en enflammant ses ennemis."
156,25,6,"Igelavar hält seine Gegner mit Flammen und Böen heißer Luft
auf Distanz. Dieses Pokémon nutzt seine außergewöhnliche
Gewandtheit dazu, Angriffen auszuweichen und seinen Gegner
gleichzeitig zu versengen."
156,25,7,"Quilava mantiene a sus rivales a raya con la intensidad de
sus llamas y las ráfagas de aire ígneo que producen. También
aprovecha su espectacular agilidad para esquivar ataques
a la vez que abrasa al rival con sus llamas."
156,25,8,"Quilava tiene a bada il nemico grazie allintensità delle sue
fiamme e a getti di aria rovente. Questo Pokémon sfrutta
la sua estrema destrezza per evitare gli attacchi anche
mentre ustiona il nemico."
156,25,9,"Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and
gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding
nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe
with flames."
156,25,11,"炎の 勢いと 熱風で 威嚇する。
素早い 身のこなしで 相手の 攻撃を
かわしながら 同時に 炎で 燃やす。"
156,26,1,"ほのおの いきおいと ねっぷうで いかくする。
すばやい みのこなしで あいての こうげきを
かわしながら どうじに ほのおで もやす。"
156,26,3,"불꽃의 기세와 열풍으로 위협한다.
재빠른 몸동작으로 상대의 공격을
피하면서 동시에 불꽃으로 태운다."
156,26,5,"Feurisson garde ses ennemis à distance grâce à lintensité
de ses flammes et à des rafales dair brûlant. Ce Pokémon
utilise son incroyable agilité pour éviter les attaques,
tout en enflammant ses ennemis."
156,26,6,"Igelavar hält seine Gegner mit Flammen und Böen heißer Luft
auf Distanz. Dieses Pokémon nutzt seine außergewöhnliche
Gewandtheit dazu, Angriffen auszuweichen und seinen Gegner
gleichzeitig zu versengen."
156,26,7,"Quilava mantiene a sus rivales a raya con la intensidad de
sus llamas y las ráfagas de aire ígneo que producen. También
aprovecha su espectacular agilidad para esquivar ataques
a la vez que abrasa al rival con sus llamas."
156,26,8,"Quilava tiene a bada il nemico grazie allintensità delle sue
fiamme e a getti di aria rovente. Questo Pokémon sfrutta
la sua estrema destrezza per evitare gli attacchi anche
mentre ustiona il nemico."
156,26,9,"Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames
and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its
outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching
the foe with flames."
156,26,11,"炎の 勢いと 熱風で 威嚇する。
素早い 身のこなしで 相手の 攻撃を
かわしながら 同時に 炎で 燃やす。"
157,4,9,"If its rage peaks,
it becomes so hot
that anything thattouches it will
instantly go
up in flames."
157,5,9,"It has a secret,
devastating move.
It rubs its blaz­
ing fur together
to cause huge
157,6,9,"When heat from its
body causes the
air around it toshimmer, this is a
sign that it is
ready to battle."
157,7,9,"TYPHLOSION obscures itself behind a
shimmering heat haze that it creates
using its intensely hot flames.This POKéMON creates blazing explosive
blasts that burn everything to cinders."
157,8,9,"TYPHLOSION obscures itself behind a
shimmering heat haze that it creates
using its intensely hot flames.This POKéMON creates blazing explosive
blasts that burn everything to cinders."
157,9,9,"It can hide behind a shimmering heat haze
that it creates using its intense flames.
TYPHLOSION create blazing explosive
blasts that burn everything to cinders."
157,10,9,"It has a secret, devastating move. It
rubs its blazing fur together to cause
huge explosions."
157,11,9,"If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that
anything that touches it will instantly go
up in flames."
157,12,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,13,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,14,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,15,9,"If its rage peaks, it becomes so
hot that anything that touches it
will instantly go up in flames."
157,16,9,"It has a secret, devastating move.
It rubs its blazing fur together
to cause huge explosions."
157,17,5,"Il attaque en projetant des flammes.
Il se dissimule derrière les vagues
de chaleur quil produit."
157,17,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,18,5,"Il attaque en projetant des flammes.
Il se dissimule derrière les vagues
de chaleur quil produit."
157,18,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,21,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,22,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire.
It creates heat shimmers with
intense fire to hide itself."
157,23,1,"いかりが さいこうちょうのとき
さわったもの すべて いっしゅんで
もえあがらせるほどに あつい。"
157,23,3,"분노가 정점에 달했을 때
건드린 자를 모두 순식간에
불태워버릴 정도로 뜨겁다."
157,23,5,"Quand il est furieux, il devient si chaud que tout
ce quil touche senflamme instantanément."
157,23,6,"Wenn sein Zorn den Zenit übersteigt, wird es so
heiß, dass alles, was es berührt, in Flammen aufgeht."
157,23,7,"Si su furia crece, se calienta tanto que cualquier cosa
que toque se prenderá al instante."
157,23,8,"Quando è davvero arrabbiato diventa così caldo
che qualsiasi cosa tocchi va subito a fuoco."
157,23,9,"If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything
that touches it will instantly go up in flames."
157,23,11,"怒りが 最高潮のとき
触ったもの すべて 一瞬で
燃え上がらせるほどに 熱い。"
157,24,1,"もえさかる たいもうを こすりあわせ
ばくふうを おこして こうげきする
おおわざを かくしもっている。"
157,24,3,"활활 타오르는 털을 문질러
폭풍을 일으켜서 공격하는
큰 기술을 감추어 놓고 있다."
157,24,5,"Il a un coup secret dévastateur. En frottant sa fourrure
ardente, il crée une forte explosion."
157,24,6,"Es verfügt über eine verheerende Geheimattacke.
Es reibt sein Fell, um Explosionen zu erzeugen."
157,24,7,"Tiene una habilidad secreta y devastadora. Causa
explosiones al frotar su pelaje."
157,24,8,"Ha una devastante mossa segreta. Può sfregare la
pelliccia infuocata e causare forti esplosioni."
157,24,9,"It has a secret, devastating move. It rubs its blazing
fur together to cause huge explosions."
157,24,11,"燃えさかる 体毛を こすり合わせ
爆風を 起こして 攻撃する。
大技を 隠し持っている。"
157,25,1,"しゃくねつの ほのおで まわりに かげろうを
つくりだして すがたを かくす ことが できる。
もえあがる ばくふうは すべてを やきつくすぞ。"
157,25,3,"작열하는 불꽃으로 주변에 아지랑이를
만들어내서 모습을 숨길 수 있다.
불타오르며 폭발하는 바람은 모든 것을 태운다."
157,25,5,"Typhlosion se cache derrière un chatoyant nuage de chaleur
quil crée en attisant ses flammes intenses. Ce Pokémon
peut générer des rafales explosives qui réduisent tout
en cendres."
157,25,6,"Tornupto versteckt sich hinter einem flimmernden
Hitzeschild, den es mithilfe seiner heißen Flammen
erzeugt. Dieses Pokémon erzeugt Explosionen,
die alles in Schutt und Asche legen."
157,25,7,"Typhlosion se oculta tras un trémulo haz de calor que crea
mediante sus intensas y sofocantes llamaradas. Este Pokémon
causa explosiones de fuego que reducen todo a cenizas."
157,25,8,"Typhlosion si nasconde avvolto da una lucente nube di calore
creata dalle sue fiamme roventi. Questo Pokémon crea
esplosioni spettacolari che riducono in cenere ogni cosa."
157,25,9,"Typhlosion obscures itself behind a shimmering heat haze that
it creates using its intensely hot flames. This Pokémon creates
blazing explosive blasts that burn everything to cinders."
157,25,11,"灼熱の 炎で 周りに 陽炎を
つくりだして 姿を 隠す ことが できる。
燃えあがる 爆風は すべてを 焼き尽くすぞ。"
157,26,1,"しゃくねつの ほのおで まわりに かげろうを
つくりだして すがたを かくす ことが できる。
もえあがる ばくふうは すべてを やきつくすぞ。"
157,26,3,"작열하는 불꽃으로 주변에 아지랑이를
만들어내서 모습을 숨길 수 있다.
불타오르며 폭발하는 바람은 모든 것을 태운다."
157,26,5,"Typhlosion se cache derrière un chatoyant nuage de chaleur
quil crée en attisant ses flammes intenses. Ce Pokémon
peut générer des rafales explosives qui réduisent tout
en cendres."
157,26,6,"Tornupto versteckt sich hinter einem flimmernden
Hitzeschild, den es mithilfe seiner heißen Flammen
erzeugt. Dieses Pokémon erzeugt Explosionen,
die alles in Schutt und Asche legen."
157,26,7,"Typhlosion se oculta tras un trémulo haz de calor que crea
mediante sus intensas y sofocantes llamaradas. Este Pokémon
causa explosiones de fuego que reducen todo a cenizas."
157,26,8,"Typhlosion si nasconde avvolto da una lucente nube di calore
creata dalle sue fiamme roventi. Questo Pokémon crea
esplosioni spettacolari che riducono in cenere ogni cosa."
157,26,9,"Typhlosion obscures itself behind a shimmering heat haze that
it creates using its intensely hot flames. This Pokémon creates
blazing explosive blasts that burn everything to cinders."
157,26,11,"灼熱の 炎で 周りに 陽炎を
つくりだして 姿を 隠す ことが できる。
燃えあがる 爆風は すべてを 焼き尽くすぞ。"
158,4,9,"Its well-developed
jaws are powerful
and capable ofcrushing anything.
Even its trainer
must be careful."
158,5,9,"It is small but
rough and tough.
It won't hesitateto take a bite out
of anything that
158,6,9,"This rough critter
chomps at any
moving object itsees. Turning your
back on it is not
158,7,9,"Despite the smallness of its body,
TOTODILEs jaws are very powerful.
While the POKéMON may think it is justplayfully nipping, its bite has enough
power to cause serious injury."
158,8,9,"Despite the smallness of its body,
TOTODILEs jaws are very powerful.
While the POKéMON may think it is justplayfully nipping, its bite has enough
power to cause serious injury."
158,9,9,"Despite its small body, TOTODILEs jaws
are very powerful. While it may think it is
just playfully nipping, its bite has enough
strength to cause serious injury."
158,10,9,"It is small but rough and tough. It wont
hesitate to take a bite out of anything
that moves."
158,11,9,"Its well-developed jaws are powerful and
capable of crushing anything. Even its
TRAINER must be careful."
158,12,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,13,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,14,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,15,9,"Its powerful, well-developed jaws
are capable of crushing anything.
Even its Trainer must be careful."
158,16,9,"It is small but rough and tough.
It wont hesitate to take a bite out
of anything that moves."
158,17,5,"Il broie tout ce quil trouve avec
ses mâchoires puissantes. Même
son Dresseur doit sen méfier."
158,17,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,18,5,"Il broie tout ce quil trouve avec
ses mâchoires puissantes. Même
son Dresseur doit sen méfier."
158,18,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,21,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,22,9,"It has the habit of biting anything
with its developed jaws. Even its
Trainer needs to be careful."
158,23,1,"ちいさいながらも あばれんぼう。
めのまえで うごくものが あれば
とにかく かみついてくる。"
158,23,3,"작아도 성격은 아주 거칠다.
눈앞에서 움직이는 것이 있으면
무조건 물어버린다."
158,23,5,"Petit mais costaud, il nhésite pas à mordre tout
ce qui passe à portée de ses dents."
158,23,6,"Es ist klein, aber zäh und stark. Es zögert nicht,
jeden anzugreifen, wenn dieser ihm zu nahe kommt."
158,23,7,"Es pequeño pero violento. No dudará en morder
cualquier cosa que se mueva cerca."
158,23,8,"Piccolo, ma forte e deciso. Non esita ad avventarsi
su qualsiasi cosa si muova."
158,23,9,"It is small but rough and tough. It wont hesitate to
take a bite out of anything that moves."
158,23,11,"小さいながらも 暴れん坊。
目の前で 動くものが あれば
とにかく かみついてくる。"
158,24,1,"はったつした あごは パワフルで
なんでも かみくだいて しまうので
おやのトレーナーでも ようちゅうい。"
158,24,3,"발달한 턱은 파워풀해서
뭐든지 깨물어 부수기 때문에
어버이 트레이너라도 주의해야 한다."
158,24,5,"Sa mâchoire surdéveloppée est capable de tout
broyer. Même son Dresseur doit sen méfier."
158,24,6,"Seine starken Kiefer können alles zermalmen.
Selbst sein Trainer muss sich vor ihm in Acht nehmen."
158,24,7,"Sus desarrolladas y potentes fauces pueden romper
cualquier cosa. Su Entrenador debe tener cuidado."
158,24,8,"Le sue potenti mandibole possono frantumare
qualsiasi cosa. Anche lAllenatore devessere cauto."
158,24,9,"Its powerful, well-developed jaws are capable of
crushing anything. Even its Trainer must be careful."
158,24,11,"発達した アゴは パワフルで
なんでも かみくだいて しまうので
親のトレーナーでも 要注意。"
158,25,1,"ちいさな からだでも アゴの ちからは つよい。
ワニノコじしんは あまがみ している つもりでも
おおけがを してしまう ほどの ちからが ある。"
158,25,3,"몸은 작지만 턱의 힘은 강하다.
리아코 나름은 살포시 물려고 하지만
큰 상처를 입힐 정도의 힘이 있다."
158,25,5,"Malgré son tout petit corps, la mâchoire de Kaiminus est
très puissante. Parfois, ce Pokémon mordille les gens pour
jouer, sans se rendre compte que sa morsure peut gravement
blesser quelquun."
158,25,6,"Karnimani ist zwar sehr klein, aber seine Kiefer sind sehr stark.
Wenn die Pokémon denken, dass es nur spielerisch an ihnen
knabbert, sollten sie vorsichtig sein, denn sein Biss kann zu
schweren Verletzungen führen."
158,25,7,"Totodile tiene cuerpo pequeño, pero fuertes mandíbulas.
A veces, piensa que solo está dando un mordisquito y hace
unas heridas bastante considerables."
158,25,8,"Nonostante il suo corpicino minuto, le mascelle di Totodile
sono molto potenti. Sebbene creda solo di giocare, il suo
morso è così forte e pericoloso da causare serie ferite."
158,25,9,"Despite the smallness of its body, Totodiles jaws are very
powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully
nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury."
158,25,11,"小さな 体でも アゴの 力は 強い。
ワニノコ自身は 甘がみ している つもりでも
大怪我を してしまう ほどの 力が ある。"
158,26,1,"ちいさな からだでも アゴの ちからは つよい。
ワニノコじしんは あまがみ している つもりでも
おおけがを してしまう ほどの ちからが ある。"
158,26,3,"몸은 작지만 턱의 힘은 강하다.
리아코 나름은 살포시 물려고 하지만
큰 상처를 입힐 정도의 힘이 있다."
158,26,5,"Malgré son tout petit corps, la mâchoire de Kaiminus est
très puissante. Parfois, ce Pokémon mordille les gens pour
jouer, sans se rendre compte que sa morsure peut gravement
blesser quelquun."
158,26,6,"Karnimani ist zwar sehr klein, aber seine Kiefer sind sehr stark.
Wenn die Pokémon denken, dass es nur spielerisch an ihnen
knabbert, sollten sie vorsichtig sein, denn sein Biss kann zu
schweren Verletzungen führen."
158,26,7,"Totodile tiene cuerpo pequeño, pero fuertes mandíbulas.
A veces, piensa que solo está dando un mordisquito y hace
unas heridas bastante considerables."
158,26,8,"Nonostante il suo corpicino minuto, le mascelle di Totodile
sono molto potenti. Sebbene creda solo di giocare, il suo
morso è così forte e pericoloso da causare serie ferite."
158,26,9,"Despite the smallness of its body, Totodiles jaws are very
powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully
nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury."
158,26,11,"小さな 体でも アゴの 力は 強い。
ワニノコ自身は 甘がみ している つもりでも
大怪我を してしまう ほどの 力が ある。"
159,4,9,"If it loses a
fang, a new one
grows back in itsplace. There are
always 48 fangs
lining its mouth."
159,5,9,"It opens its huge
jaws wide when
attacking. If itloses any fangs
while biting, they
grow back in."
159,6,9,"The tips of its
fangs are slanted
backward. Oncethose fangs clamp
down, the prey has
no hope of escape."
159,7,9,"Once CROCONAW has clamped its jaws on
its foe, it will absolutely not let go.
Because the tips of its fangs areforked back like barbed fishhooks, they
become impossible to remove when 
they have sunk in."
159,8,9,"Once CROCONAW has clamped its jaws on
its foe, it will absolutely not let go.
Because the tips of its fangs areforked back like barbed fishhooks, they
become impossible to remove when 
they have sunk in."
159,9,9,"Once its jaws clamp down on its foe, it will
absolutely not let go. Because the tips of
its fangs are forked back like fishhooks,
they become irremovably embedded."
159,10,9,"It opens its huge jaws wide when
attacking. If it loses any fangs while
biting, they grow back in."
159,11,9,"If it loses a fang, a new one grows back
in its place. There are always 48 fangs
lining its mouth."
159,12,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,13,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,14,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,15,9,"If it loses a fang, a new one
grows back in its place. There are
always 48 fangs lining its mouth."
159,16,9,"It opens its huge jaws wide when
attacking. If it loses any fangs
while biting, they grow back in."
159,17,5,"Quand il mord, il ne lâche pas prise
avant que ses crocs se brisent.
Ils repoussent par la suite."
159,17,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,18,5,"Quand il mord, il ne lâche pas prise
avant que ses crocs se brisent.
Ils repoussent par la suite."
159,18,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,21,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,22,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go
until it loses its fangs. New fangs
quickly grow into place."
159,23,1,"キバは ぬけても つぎから つぎに
はえてくる。いつも くちのなかには
48ぽんの キバが そろっている。"
159,23,3,"이빨이 빠져도 계속해서
자란다. 항상 입안에는
48개의 이빨이 나 있다."
159,23,5,"Quand il perd un croc, il en repousse un autre.
Sa bouche est en permanence composée de 48
159,23,6,"Verliert es einen seiner Zähne, wächst ein neuer
nach. Es hat immer 48 Zähne in seinem Kiefer."
159,23,7,"Si pierde un colmillo, le crecerá otro en su lugar.
Siempre tiene 48 colmillos en su boca."
159,23,8,"Se perde un dente gliene ricresce un altro. La sua
bocca contiene sempre 48 denti."
159,23,9,"If it loses a fang, a new one grows back in its
place. There are always 48 fangs lining its mouth."
159,23,11,"キバは 抜けても 次から 次に
生えてくる。いつも 口の中には
48本の キバが そろっている。"
159,24,1,"いちど かみつくと キバが
ぬけるまで ぜったいに はなさない。
ぬけた キバは すぐに はえてくる。"
159,24,3,"한번 물면 이빨이
빠질 때까지 절대 놓지 않는다.
빠진 이빨은 바로 자라난다."
159,24,5,"Quand il mord, il ne lâche pas prise avant que
ses crocs se brisent. Ils repoussent par la suite."
159,24,6,"Hat es einmal zugebissen, lässt es erst los, wenn es
seine Zähne verliert, die schnell nachwachsen."
159,24,7,"Cuando muerde algo, no lo suelta hasta que pierde
sus colmillos. Estos se regeneran rápidamente."
159,24,8,"Quando azzanna il nemico, non molla la presa finché
non gli cadono le zanne, che però ricrescono subito."
159,24,9,"Once it bites down, it wont let go until it loses its
fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place."
159,24,11,"一度 かみつくと キバが
抜けるまで 絶対に 離さない。
抜けた キバは すぐに 生えてくる。"
159,25,1,"いちど かみついたら ぜったいに はなさない。
キバの さきが つりばり みたいに そりかえって
いるので いちど ささると ぬけなく なるのだ。"
159,25,3,"한 번 물고 늘어지면 절대로 놓지 않는다.
이빨 끝이 낚싯바늘처럼 휘어져
있어서 한 번 들어가면 빠지지 않는다."
159,25,5,"Une fois que Crocrodil a refermé sa mâchoire sur son ennemi,
il est impossible de le faire lâcher prise. Ses crocs sont
recourbés comme des hameçons et ne peuvent pas être
retirés une fois enfoncés."
159,25,6,"Wenn Tyracroc einen Feind mit seinen Kiefern eingeklemmt
hat, lässt es ihn nicht mehr los. Da seine Zahnspitzen wie
Angelhaken gebogen sind, kann man sie nicht mehr entfernen,
wenn sie sich verfangen haben."
159,25,7,"Una vez que Croconaw le ha clavado los colmillos a su presa,
es imposible que escape porque los tiene hacia adentro como
si fueran anzuelos. Cuando Croconaw hinca los dientes, no
hay escapatoria."
159,25,8,"Una volta azzannato il nemico, Croconaw non molla la presa
facilmente. Le zanne a punta ricurva allindietro, a mo di
amo da pesca, rendono impossibile estrarle quando sono
conficcate in profondità."
159,25,9,"Once Croconaw has clamped its jaws on its foe, it will
absolutely not let go. Because the tips of its fangs are forked
back like barbed fishhooks, they become impossible to remove
when they have sunk in."
159,25,11,"一度 かみついたら 絶対に 離さない。
キバの 先が 釣り針 みたいに 反り返って
いるので 一度 刺さると 抜けなく なるのだ。"
159,26,1,"いちど かみついたら ぜったいに はなさない。
キバの さきが つりばり みたいに そりかえって
いるので いちど ささると ぬけなく なるのだ。"
159,26,3,"한 번 물고 늘어지면 절대로 놓지 않는다.
이빨 끝이 낚싯바늘처럼 휘어져
있어서 한 번 들어가면 빠지지 않는다."
159,26,5,"Une fois que Crocrodil a refermé sa mâchoire sur son ennemi,
il est impossible de le faire lâcher prise. Ses crocs sont
recourbés comme des hameçons et ne peuvent pas être
retirés une fois enfoncés."
159,26,6,"Wenn Tyracroc einen Feind mit seinen Kiefern eingeklemmt
hat, lässt es ihn nicht mehr los. Da seine Zahnspitzen wie
Angelhaken gebogen sind, kann man sie nicht mehr entfernen,
wenn sie sich verfangen haben."
159,26,7,"Una vez que Croconaw le ha clavado los colmillos a su presa,
es imposible que escape porque los tiene hacia adentro como
si fueran anzuelos. Cuando Croconaw hinca los dientes, no
hay escapatoria."
159,26,8,"Una volta azzannato il nemico, Croconaw non molla la presa
facilmente. Le zanne a punta ricurva allindietro, a mo di
amo da pesca, rendono impossibile estrarle quando sono
conficcate in profondità."
159,26,9,"Once Croconaw has clamped its jaws on its foe, it will
absolutely not let go. Because the tips of its fangs are
forked back like barbed fishhooks, they become impossible
to remove when they have sunk in."
159,26,11,"一度 かみついたら 絶対に 離さない。
キバの 先が 釣り針 みたいに 反り返って
いるので 一度 刺さると 抜けなく なるのだ。"
160,4,9,"When it bites with
its massive and
powerful jaws, itshakes its head
and savagely tears
its victim up."
160,5,9,"It is hard for it
to support its own
weight out ofwater, so it gets
down on all fours.
But it moves fast."
160,6,9,"Although it has a
massive body, its
powerful hind legsenable it to move
quickly, even on
the ground."
160,7,9,"FERALIGATR intimidates its foes by
opening its huge mouth.
In battle, it will kick the ground hardwith its thick and powerful hind legs to
charge at the foe at an incredible
160,8,9,"FERALIGATR intimidates its foes by
opening its huge mouth.
In battle, it will kick the ground hardwith its thick and powerful hind legs to
charge at the foe at an incredible
160,9,9,"It opens its huge mouth to intimidate
enemies. In battle, it runs using its thick
and powerful hind legs to charge the
foe with incredible speed."
160,10,9,"It is hard for it to support its own
weight out of water, so it gets down on
all fours. But it moves fast."
160,11,9,"When it bites with its massive and
powerful jaws, it shakes its head and
savagely tears up its victim."
160,12,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,13,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,14,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,15,9,"When it bites with its massive and
powerful jaws, it shakes its head
and savagely tears its victim up."
160,16,9,"It is hard for it to support its weight
out of water, so it sometimes gets
down on all fours. But it moves fast."
160,17,5,"Ce Pokémon à lair pataud est
capable dattaquer à la vitesse
de léclair pour mordre sa proie."
160,17,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,18,5,"Ce Pokémon à lair pataud est
capable dattaquer à la vitesse
de léclair pour mordre sa proie."
160,18,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,21,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,22,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it
goes at blinding speed when it
attacks and bites prey."
160,23,1,"ふだんは ゆっくりとした うごきだが
えものに かみつくときは
めにも とまらない スピードだ。"
160,23,3,"평소에는 느긋하게 움직이지만
먹이를 물 때에는 눈에 보이지
않는 엄청난 스피드를 낸다."
160,23,5,"Ce Pokémon à lair pataud est capable dattaquer
à la vitesse de léclair pour mordre sa proie."
160,23,6,"Eigentlich bewegt es sich langsam, doch seine
Beute greift es blitzschnell an."
160,23,7,"Se suele mover lento, pero alcanza velocidades de
vértigo al atacar y morder a sus enemigos."
160,23,8,"Di solito si muove lentamente, ma quando attacca e
morde la preda si muove a una velocità incredibile."
160,23,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding
speed when it attacks and bites prey."
160,23,11,"普段は ゆっくりとした 動きだが
獲物に かみつくときは
目にも 止まらない スピードだ。"
160,24,1,"おおきく ちからづよい あごで
かみつくと そのまま くびをふって
あいてを ずたずたに ひきちぎる。"
160,24,3,"크고 힘센 턱으로
한번 물면 그대로 목을 흔들어
상대를 갈기갈기 찢는다."
160,24,5,"Quand il mord avec sa puissante mâchoire, il secoue
sa tête pour déchiqueter sa pauvre victime."
160,24,6,"Wenn es mit seinem kräftigen Kiefer zubeißt, schüttelt
es seinen Kopf und reißt seine Opfer in Stücke."
160,24,7,"Al morder con sus feroces fauces, mueve su cabeza
despedazando salvajemente a su víctima."
160,24,8,"Mordendo con le grandi e potenti mandibole, agita
il capo riducendo la vittima in brandelli."
160,24,9,"When it bites with its massive and powerful jaws,
it shakes its head and savagely tears its victim up."
160,24,11,"大きく 力強い アゴで
かみつくと そのまま 首を振って
相手を ずたずたに 引きちぎる。"
160,25,1,"おおきな くちを あけて あいてを いかくする。
きょうじんな うしろあしで じめんを けって
ものすごい スピードで とっしん してくるぞ。"
160,25,3,"큰 입을 열고 상대를 위협한다.
강인한 뒷다리로 땅을 차고
굉장한 스피드로 돌진해온다."
160,25,5,"Aligatueur impressionne ses ennemis en ouvrant son
énorme gueule. Pendant les combats, il piétine le sol
de ses puissantes pattes arrière avant de charger ses
adversaires à pleine vitesse."
160,25,6,"Impergator schüchtert seine Feinde dadurch ein, dass es sein
riesiges Maul aufreißt. Im Kampf erschüttert es den Boden mit
seinen kräftigen Hinterbeinen, wenn es mit unglaublicher
Geschwindigkeit auf seinen Gegner losrennt."
160,25,7,"Feraligatr intimida a sus oponentes abriendo las grandes
fauces que tiene. En combate, golpea el suelo bruscamente
con las gruesas y fuertes patas traseras que tiene para cargar
contra su rival a una velocidad de vértigo."
160,25,8,"Feraligatr spaventa il nemico spalancando la sua bocca
enorme. Nella lotta pesta pesantemente il terreno con le
sue possenti zampe posteriori per scagliarsi contro il nemico
a unincredibile velocità."
160,25,9,"Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth.
In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful
hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed."
160,25,11,"大きな 口を 開けて 相手を 威嚇する。
強靭な 後ろ足で 地面を 蹴って
ものすごい スピードで 突進 してくるぞ。"
160,26,1,"おおきな くちを あけて あいてを いかくする。
きょうじんな うしろあしで じめんを けって
ものすごい スピードで とっしん してくるぞ。"
160,26,3,"큰 입을 열고 상대를 위협한다.
강인한 뒷다리로 땅을 차고
굉장한 스피드로 돌진해온다."
160,26,5,"Aligatueur impressionne ses ennemis en ouvrant son
énorme gueule. Pendant les combats, il piétine le sol
de ses puissantes pattes arrière avant de charger ses
adversaires à pleine vitesse."
160,26,6,"Impergator schüchtert seine Feinde dadurch ein, dass es sein
riesiges Maul aufreißt. Im Kampf erschüttert es den Boden mit
seinen kräftigen Hinterbeinen, wenn es mit unglaublicher
Geschwindigkeit auf seinen Gegner losrennt."
160,26,7,"Feraligatr intimida a sus oponentes abriendo las grandes
fauces que tiene. En combate, golpea el suelo bruscamente
con las gruesas y fuertes patas traseras que tiene para cargar
contra su rival a una velocidad de vértigo."
160,26,8,"Feraligatr spaventa il nemico spalancando la sua bocca
enorme. Nella lotta pesta pesantemente il terreno con le
sue possenti zampe posteriori per scagliarsi contro il nemico
a unincredibile velocità."
160,26,9,"Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth.
In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful
hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed."
160,26,11,"大きな 口を 開けて 相手を 威嚇する。
強靭な 後ろ足で 地面を 蹴って
ものすごい スピードで 突進 してくるぞ。"
161,4,9,"A very cautious
POKéMON, it raises
itself up usingits tail to get a
better view of its
161,5,9,"It stands on its
tail so it can see
a long way. If itspots an enemy, it
cries loudly to
warn its kind."
161,6,9,"When acting as a
lookout, it warns
others of dangerby screeching and
hitting the ground
with its tail."
161,7,9,"When SENTRET sleeps, it does so while
another stands guard. The sentry wakes
the others at the first sign of danger.When this POKéMON becomes separated
from its pack, it becomes incapable of
sleep due to fear."
161,8,9,"When SENTRET sleeps, it does so while
another stands guard. The sentry wakes
the others at the first sign of danger.When this POKéMON becomes separated
from its pack, it becomes incapable of
sleep due to fear."
161,9,9,"They take turns standing guard when it
is time to sleep. The sentry awakens the
others if it senses danger. If one becomes
separated, it turns sleepless with fear."
161,10,9,"It stands on its tail so it can see a long
way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly
to warn its kind."
161,11,9,"A very cautious POKéMON, it raises itself
up using its tail to get a better view of
its surroundings."
161,12,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,13,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,14,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,15,9,"A very cautious Pokémon, it raises
itself up using its tail to get a
better view of its surroundings."
161,16,9,"It stands on its tail so it can see
a long way. If it spots an enemy, it
cries loudly to warn its kind."
161,17,5,"Ce Pokémon très nerveux
prend appui sur sa queue pour
observer ses alentours."
161,17,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,18,5,"Ce Pokémon très nerveux
prend appui sur sa queue pour
observer ses alentours."
161,18,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,21,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,22,9,"It has a very nervous nature.
It stands up high on its tail so it
can scan wide areas."
161,23,1,"みはりやくは するどく ないたり
しっぽで じめんを たたいたりして
なかまに きけんを しらせる。"
161,23,3,"망보기 역은 날카롭게 울거나
꼬리로 땅을 쳐서
동료에게 위험을 알린다."
161,23,5,"Sil fait le guet, il prévient les autres dun danger
en criant et en frappant le sol de sa queue."
161,23,6,"Wenn es Wache hat, warnt es seine Artgenossen,
indem es schreit und mit dem Schwanz auf den
Boden schlägt."
161,23,7,"Cuando hace de centinela, avisa del peligro a los
demás, chillando y dando golpes al suelo con la cola."
161,23,8,"La vedetta avverte i suoi compagni del pericolo
gridando e battendo la coda sul terreno."
161,23,9,"When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger
by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail."
161,23,11,"見張り役は 鋭く 鳴いたり
尻尾で 地面を たたいたりして
仲間に 危険を 知らせる。"
161,24,1,"とおくまで みれるように しっぽを
つかってたつ。てきを みつけると
おおごえで なかまに しらせる。"
161,24,3,"먼 곳까지 볼 수 있도록 꼬리를
사용해서 선다. 상대를 발견하면
큰 소리로 동료에게 알린다."
161,24,5,"Il se tient dressé sur sa queue pour voir les ennemis
arriver de loin. À ce moment, il avertit ses amis."
161,24,6,"Es stellt sich auf den Schweif, um weiter zu blicken.
Erspäht es einen Feind, schreit es laut auf."
161,24,7,"Se apoya sobre su cola para ver a mucha distancia.
Si divisa a un enemigo, dará la alarma a gritos."
161,24,8,"Ritto sulla coda, guarda lontano. Se nota un nemico
lancia forti richiami per avvertire quelli della sua specie."
161,24,9,"It stands on its tail so it can see a long way.
If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind."
161,24,11,"遠くまで 見れるように 尻尾を
使って 立つ。敵を 見つけると
大声で 仲間に 知らせる。"
161,25,1,"ねむる ときには こうたいで みはりをする。
きけんを さっちすると なかまを おこすのだ。
むれから はぐれると こわくて ねむれなくなる。"
161,25,3,"잠잘 때는 교대로 망을 본다.
위험을 탐지하면 동료를 깨운다.
무리에서 떨어지면 무서워서 자지 못한다."
161,25,5,"Lorsquun Fouinette dort, un autre monte la garde.
La sentinelle réveille les autres au moindre signe de danger.
Si un de ces Pokémon est séparé de sa meute, il est incapable
de dormir, car il a peur."
161,25,6,"Wenn Wiesor schläft, hält immer jemand Wache. Beim ersten
Anflug von Gefahr weckt die Wache die anderen auf. Wenn
dieses Pokémon von seinen Artgenossen getrennt wird,
kann es vor Angst nicht mehr schlafen."
161,25,7,"Sentret no duerme a menos que otro haga guardia. El que
hace de centinela lo despertará al mínimo signo de peligro.
Cuando este Pokémon se separa de su manada, es incapaz
de echarse a dormir, presa del miedo."
161,25,8,"Sentret dorme soltanto se un suo simile rimane vigile.
La vedetta allerta gli altri al primo segnale di pericolo.
Se viene allontanato dal branco, questo Pokémon
non riesce più a dormire dalla paura."
161,25,9,"When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard.
The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger.
When this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack,
it becomes incapable of sleep due to fear."
161,25,11,"眠る ときには 交代で 見張りをする。
危険を 察知すると 仲間を おこすのだ。
群れから はぐれると 怖くて 眠れなくなる。"
161,26,1,"ねむる ときには こうたいで みはりをする。
きけんを さっちすると なかまを おこすのだ。
むれから はぐれると こわくて ねむれなくなる。"
161,26,3,"잠잘 때는 교대로 망을 본다.
위험을 탐지하면 동료를 깨운다.
무리에서 떨어지면 무서워서 자지 못한다."
161,26,5,"Lorsquun Fouinette dort, un autre monte la garde.
La sentinelle réveille les autres au moindre signe de danger.
Si un de ces Pokémon est séparé de sa meute, il est incapable
de dormir, car il a peur."
161,26,6,"Wenn Wiesor schläft, hält immer jemand Wache. Beim ersten
Anflug von Gefahr weckt die Wache die anderen auf. Wenn
dieses Pokémon von seinen Artgenossen getrennt wird,
kann es vor Angst nicht mehr schlafen."
161,26,7,"Sentret no duerme a menos que otro haga guardia. El que
hace de centinela lo despertará al mínimo signo de peligro.
Cuando este Pokémon se separa de su manada, es incapaz
de echarse a dormir, presa del miedo."
161,26,8,"Sentret dorme soltanto se un suo simile rimane vigile.
La vedetta allerta gli altri al primo segnale di pericolo.
Se viene allontanato dal branco, questo Pokémon
non riesce più a dormire dalla paura."
161,26,9,"When Sentret sleeps, it does so while another stands guard.
The sentry wakes the others at the first sign of danger. When
this Pokémon becomes separated from its pack, it becomes
incapable of sleep due to fear."
161,26,11,"眠る ときには 交代で 見張りをする。
危険を 察知すると 仲間を おこすのだ。
群れから はぐれると 怖くて 眠れなくなる。"
162,4,9,"It makes a nest to
suit its long and
skinny body. Thenest is impossible
for other POKéMON
to enter."
162,5,9,"There is no tell­
ing where the tail
begins. Despiteits short legs, it
is quick at hunt­
162,6,9,"It lives in narrow
burrows that fit
its slim body. Thedeeper the nests
go, the more maze­
like they become."
162,7,9,"FURRET has a very slim build.
When under attack, it can slickly squirm
through narrow spaces and get away.In spite of its short limbs, this
POKéMON is very nimble and fleet."
162,8,9,"FURRET has a very slim build.
When under attack, it can slickly squirm
through narrow spaces and get away.In spite of its short limbs, this
POKéMON is very nimble and fleet."
162,9,9,"A FURRET has a very slim build. When under
attack, it can squirm through narrow
spaces and get away. In spite of its short
limbs, it is very nimble and fleet."
162,10,9,"There is no telling where its tail begins.
Despite its short legs, it is quick at
hunting RATTATA."
162,11,9,"It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny
body. The nest is impossible for other
POKéMON to enter."
162,12,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,13,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,14,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,15,9,"It makes a nest to suit its long and
skinny body. The nest is impossible
for other Pokémon to enter."
162,16,9,"There is no telling where the tail
begins. Despite its short legs, it is
quick and likes to chase RATTATA."
162,17,5,"La femelle senroule autour des
petits pour les bercer. Il accule
lennemi grâce à sa vitesse."
162,17,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,18,5,"La femelle senroule autour des
petits pour les bercer. Il accule
lennemi grâce à sa vitesse."
162,18,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,21,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,22,9,"The mother puts its offspring to
sleep by curling up around them.
It corners foes with speed."
162,23,1,"ははおやは ほそながい からだで
こどもを つつみこみ ねむらせる。
はやい うごきで てきを おいこむ。"
162,23,3,"엄마 포켓몬이 가늘고 긴 몸으로
새끼를 감싸 안아 재운다. 빠른
움직임으로 상대를 몰아붙인다."
162,23,5,"La femelle senroule autour des petits pour les bercer.
Il accule lennemi grâce à sa vitesse."
162,23,6,"Es rollt sich um seine Jungen, wenn diese schlafen
sollen. Gegnern begegnet es mit Schnelligkeit."
162,23,7,"Acurruca a sus crías para que duerman. Acorrala a los
enemigos con su enorme velocidad."
162,23,8,"Si addormenta avvolto nellesile corpo della madre.
Mette allangolo i nemici con movimenti rapidi."
162,23,9,"The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up
around them. It corners foes with speed."
162,23,11,"母親は 細長い 体で
子供を 包みこみ 眠らせる。
速い 動きで 敵を 追いこむ。"
162,24,1,"ほそながい からだの かたちに
あわせた すを つくり ほかの
ポケモンは はいれなくしている。"
162,24,3,"가늘고 긴 몸의 형태에
맞춘 둥지를 만들어 다른
포켓몬은 들어오지 못하게 한다."
162,24,5,"Il fabrique un nid qui convient à son corps très fin,
et où lui seul peut entrer."
162,24,6,"Sein Nest ist seinem schmalen und dünnen Körper
angepasst. Kein anderes Pokémon kommt hinein."
162,24,7,"Construye un nido donde introducir su largo y delgado
cuerpo, en el que no pueden entrar otros Pokémon."
162,24,8,"Il suo nido è adatto al corpo lungo e magro.
Gli altri Pokémon non riescono a entrarci."
162,24,9,"It makes a nest to suit its long and skinny body.
The nest is impossible for other Pokémon to enter."
162,24,11,"細長い 体の 形に
合わせた 巣を 作り
他の ポケモンは 入れなくしている。"
162,25,1,"てきに おそわれても ほそい すきまに
するりと もぐりこんで にげる ことが できる。
てあしは みじかいが とても すばしっこい。"
162,25,3,"적에게 습격당해도 좁은 틈으로
쑥 들어가서 도망갈 수 있다.
팔다리는 짧지만 매우 날쌔다."
162,25,5,"Fouinar est très mince. Lorsquil est attaqué, il peut
senfuir en se faufilant habilement dans les recoins étroits.
Malgré ses pattes courtes, ce Pokémon est très agile
et rapide."
162,25,6,"Wiesenior ist sehr schlank. Wenn es angegriffen wird, kann es
sich durch enge Zwischenräume schlängeln und entkommen.
Trotz seiner kurzen Gliedmaßen ist dieses Pokémon sehr
wendig und flink."
162,25,7,"Furret es de constitución muy delgada. En combate le resulta
útil porque puede escabullirse con habilidad por cualquier
huequito y escapar. A pesar de que tiene patas cortas, es ágil
y veloz."
162,25,8,"Furret è di esile costituzione. Quando è attaccato riesce
a scappare intrufolandosi in ogni fessura. Nonostante i suoi arti
corti, questo Pokémon è molto agile e rapido nei movimenti."
162,25,9,"Furret has a very slim build. When under attack, it can slickly
squirm through narrow spaces and get away. In spite of its
short limbs, this Pokémon is very nimble and fleet."
162,25,11,"敵に 襲われても 細い すき間に
するりと 潜り込んで 逃げる ことが できる、
手足は 短いが とても すばしっこい。"
162,26,1,"てきに おそわれても ほそい すきまに
するりと もぐりこんで にげる ことが できる。
てあしは みじかいが とても すばしっこい。"
162,26,3,"적에게 습격당해도 좁은 틈으로
쑥 들어가서 도망갈 수 있다.
팔다리는 짧지만 매우 날쌔다."
162,26,5,"Fouinar est très mince. Lorsquil est attaqué, il peut
senfuir en se faufilant habilement dans les recoins étroits.
Malgré ses pattes courtes, ce Pokémon est très agile
et rapide."
162,26,6,"Wiesenior ist sehr schlank. Wenn es angegriffen wird, kann es
sich durch enge Zwischenräume schlängeln und entkommen.
Trotz seiner kurzen Gliedmaßen ist dieses Pokémon sehr
wendig und flink."
162,26,7,"Furret es de constitución muy delgada. En combate le resulta
útil porque puede escabullirse con habilidad por cualquier
huequito y escapar. A pesar de que tiene patas cortas, es ágil
y veloz."
162,26,8,"Furret è di esile costituzione. Quando è attaccato riesce
a scappare intrufolandosi in ogni fessura. Nonostante i suoi arti
corti, questo Pokémon è molto agile e rapido nei movimenti."
162,26,9,"Furret has a very slim build. When under attack, it can slickly
squirm through narrow spaces and get away. In spite of its
short limbs, this Pokémon is very nimble and fleet."
162,26,11,"敵に 襲われても 細い すき間に
するりと 潜り込んで 逃げる ことが できる、
手足は 短いが とても すばしっこい。"
163,4,9,"It always stands
on one foot. It
changes feet sofast, the movement
can rarely be
163,5,9,"It has a perfect
sense of time.
Whatever happens,it keeps rhythm by
precisely tilting
its head in time."
163,6,9,"It begins to hoot
at the same time
every day. Sometrainers use them
in place of
163,7,9,"HOOTHOOT has an internal organ that
senses and tracks the earths rotation.
Using this special organ, this POKéMONbegins hooting at precisely the same
time every day."
163,8,9,"HOOTHOOT has an internal organ that
senses and tracks the earths rotation.
Using this special organ, this POKéMONbegins hooting at precisely the same
time every day."
163,9,9,"It has an internal organ that senses
the earths rotation. Using this special
organ, a HOOTHOOT begins hooting at
precisely the same time every day."
163,10,9,"It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever
happens, it keeps rhythm by precisely
tilting its head in time."
163,11,9,"It always stands on one foot. It changes
feet so fast, the movement can rarely be
163,12,9,"It always stands on one foot.
Even when attacked, it does not
brace itself using both feet."
163,13,9,"It switches its standing foot so
quickly, it cant be seen. It cries
at the same time every day."
163,14,9,"It marks time precisely. Some
countries consider it to be a wise
friend, versed in the worlds ways."
163,15,9,"It always stands on one foot.
It changes feet so fast,
the movement can rarely be seen."
163,16,9,"It has a perfect sense of time.
Whatever happens, it keeps rhythm by
precisely tilting its head in time."
163,17,5,"Il hulule chaque jour à la même
heure. Dans certaines cultures,
il incarne la sagesse."
163,17,9,"It marks time precisely. Some
countries consider it to be a wise
friend, versed in the worlds ways."
163,18,5,"Il hulule chaque jour à la même
heure. Dans certaines cultures,
il incarne la sagesse."
163,18,9,"It marks time precisely. Some
countries consider it to be a wise
friend, versed in the worlds ways."
163,21,9,"It marks time precisely. Some
countries consider it to be a wise
friend, versed in the worlds ways."
163,22,9,"It marks time precisely. Some
countries consider it to be a wise
friend, versed in the worlds ways."
163,23,1,"たいないの じかんの かんかくは
どんなときでも せいかくで
きまった リズムで くびをかしげる。"
163,23,3,"체내의 시간 감각은
어느 때든 정확해서
규칙적인 리듬으로 목을 기울인다."
163,23,5,"Il a un sens du timing parfait. Il reste toujours en
rythme en balançant sa tête."
163,23,6,"Sein Zeitgefühl ist perfekt. Was auch immer passiert,
es behält den Rhythmus, da sein Kopf wackelt."
163,23,7,"Su percepción del tiempo es exacta. Ocurra lo que
ocurra, lleva el ritmo moviendo la cabeza."
163,23,8,"Ha un eccezionale senso del ritmo. Tiene il tempo
piegando la testa a intervalli regolari."
163,23,9,"It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever happens,
it keeps rhythm by precisely tilting its head in time."
163,23,11,"体内の 時間の 間隔は
どんなときでも 正確で
決まった リズムで 首をかしげる。"
163,24,1,"いつも いっぽんあしで たっている。
あしを いれかえる しゅんかんは
すばやくて なかなか みられない。"
163,24,3,"항상 한 발로 서 있다.
발을 교체하는 순간이
빨라서 좀처럼 볼 수 없다."
163,24,5,"Il se tient toujours sur un pied. Il change de pied
si vite quon peut à peine distinguer ce mouvement."
163,24,6,"Es steht immer auf einem Bein. Es wechselt sein
Standbein so schnell, dass man es kaum sieht."
163,24,7,"Camina con una sola pata. Cambia tan rápidamente
de pata que apenas se le ve."
163,24,8,"Sta sempre su un piede solo. Cambia piede così
rapidamente che è raro vederlo mentre lo fa."
163,24,9,"It always stands on one foot. It changes feet so
fast, the movement can rarely be seen."
163,24,11,"いつも 一本足で 立っている。
脚を 入れ替える 瞬間は
素早くて なかなか 見られない。"
163,25,1,"からだの なかには ちきゅうの じてんを
かんじとる きかんを もっているので まいにち
おなじ じかんに なると なきごえを あげる。"
163,25,3,"몸 안에 지구의 자전을
감지해내는 기관을 지니고 있어서 매일
같은 시간이 되면 울음소리를 낸다."
163,25,5,"Hoothoot est doté dun organe interne qui ressent et suit
la rotation de la planète. Grâce à cet organe peu ordinaire,
ce Pokémon commence à hululer tous les jours exactement
à la même heure."
163,25,6,"Hoothoot besitzt ein inneres Organ, das die Erdumdrehung
wahrnimmt. Dieses besondere Organ ermöglicht es diesem
Pokémon, jeden Tag zur selben Zeit zu schreien."
163,25,7,"Hoothoot tiene un órgano interno que identifica y percibe la
rotación de la tierra. Gracias a este órgano, el Pokémon ulula
todos los días a la misma hora."
163,25,8,"Hoothoot è dotato di un organo interno che percepisce
e segue la rotazione terrestre. Grazie a questo speciale
organo inizia a urlare esattamente alla stessa ora ogni giorno."
163,25,9,"Hoothoot has an internal organ that senses and tracks the
earths rotation. Using this special organ, this Pokémon begins
hooting at precisely the same time every day."
163,25,11,"体の 中には 地球の 自転を
感じ取る 器官を 持っているので 毎日
同じ 時間に なると 鳴き声を あげる。"
163,26,1,"からだの なかには ちきゅうの じてんを
かんじとる きかんを もっているので まいにち
おなじ じかんに なると なきごえを あげる。"
163,26,3,"몸 안에 지구의 자전을
감지해내는 기관을 지니고 있어서 매일
같은 시간이 되면 울음소리를 낸다."
163,26,5,"Hoothoot est doté dun organe interne qui ressent et suit
la rotation de la planète. Grâce à cet organe peu ordinaire,
ce Pokémon commence à hululer tous les jours exactement
à la même heure."
163,26,6,"Hoothoot besitzt ein inneres Organ, das die Erdumdrehung
wahrnimmt. Dieses besondere Organ ermöglicht es diesem
Pokémon, jeden Tag zur selben Zeit zu schreien."
163,26,7,"Hoothoot tiene un órgano interno que identifica y percibe la
rotación de la tierra. Gracias a este órgano, el Pokémon ulula
todos los días a la misma hora."
163,26,8,"Hoothoot è dotato di un organo interno che percepisce
e segue la rotazione terrestre. Grazie a questo speciale
organo inizia a urlare esattamente alla stessa ora ogni giorno."
163,26,9,"Hoothoot has an internal organ that senses and tracks the
earths rotation. Using this special organ, this Pokémon
begins hooting at precisely the same time every day."
163,26,11,"体の 中には 地球の 自転を
感じ取る 器官を 持っているので 毎日
同じ 時間に なると 鳴き声を あげる。"
163,29,1,"まいにち かならず きまったリズムで
くびを かしげる。 むかしのひとは
とけいの かわりに かっていた。"
163,29,3,"매일 정해진 리듬에 맞춰
목을 기울인다. 옛날 사람들은
시계 대용으로 길렀다."
163,29,5,"Il hoche toujours la tête au même rythme,
aussi faisait-il fréquemment office dhorloge
par le passé."
163,29,6,"Es neigt seinen Kopf tagein, tagaus in einem
festgelegten Rhythmus. Früher verwendete man
es als Uhr."
163,29,7,"Mueve la cabeza a un ritmo preciso y constante,
por lo que en la antigüedad la gente lo usaba
como reloj."
163,29,8,"Ogni giorno piega la testa a intervalli regolari.
In passato questi Pokémon venivano usati
come veri e propri orologi."
163,29,9,"Every day, it tilts its head in the same rhythm.
A long time ago, people raised these Pokémon
to serve as clocks."
163,29,11,"毎日 必ず 決まったリズムで
首を かしげる。 昔の人は
時計の 代わりに 飼っていた。"
163,30,1,"まいにち きまった じかんに なく。
ときをつげる かみの つかい として
むかしのひとは たいせつに していた。"
163,30,3,"매일 정해진 시간에 운다.
옛날 사람들은 시간을 알리는
신의 사자라며 소중히 여겼다."
163,30,5,"Il hulule toujours à la même heure. Il était
autrefois vénéré comme le messager du dieu
du temps."
163,30,6,"Hoothoot ruft jeden Tag zur exakt gleichen Zeit.
Früher wurde es daher als Bote der Zeitgottheit
verehrt und geschätzt."
163,30,7,"Canta todos los días a la misma hora exacta.
Por eso en la antigüedad lo veneraban como
emisario de la divinidad del tiempo."
163,30,8,"Fa il suo verso ogni giorno alla stessa ora.
In passato era trattato con rispetto, poiché lo si
credeva il messaggero di una divinità del tempo."
163,30,9,"It cries out at the same time every day. A long
time ago, people cherished it and considered it
a divine messenger sent to tell the time."
163,30,11,"毎日 決まった 時間に 鳴く。
時を告げる 神の 使い として
昔の人は 大切に していた。"
163,33,1,"いつも いっぽんあしで たっている。
あしを いれかえる しゅんかんは
すばやくて なかなか みられない。"
163,33,3,"항상 한 발로 서 있다.
발을 교체하는 순간이
빨라서 좀처럼 볼 수 없다."
163,33,5,"Il se tient toujours sur un pied. Il en change si vite
quon peut à peine distinguer ce mouvement."
163,33,6,"Es steht immer auf einem Bein. Es wechselt sein
Standbein so schnell, dass man es kaum sieht."
163,33,7,"Se apoya en una sola pata y, cuando cambia de
una a otra, se mueve tan rápido que apenas se
163,33,8,"Sta sempre su una zampa sola. Cambia zampa
così rapidamente che è quasi impossibile
seguirne i movimenti."
163,33,9,"It always stands on one foot. It changes feet so
fast, the movement can rarely be seen."
163,33,11,"いつも 一本足で 立っている。
脚を 入れ替える 瞬間は
素早くて なかなか 見られない。"
163,34,1,"いつも きまった じかんになると
なきだすので とけいがわりに
つれてあるく トレーナーもいる。"
163,34,3,"언제나 정해진 시간이 되면
울음소리를 내어 시계 대용으로
데리고 다니는 트레이너도 있다."
163,34,5,"Il hulule chaque jour aux mêmes moments.
Certains Dresseurs sen servent comme
dune montre."
163,34,6,"Es stößt immer zur gleichen Uhrzeit seinen Ruf
aus. Einige Trainer nehmen es deswegen statt
einer Armbanduhr mit."
163,34,7,"Todos los días empieza a ulular a la misma hora,
por lo que algunos Entrenadores lo usan a modo
de reloj."
163,34,8,"Emette il suo verso ogni giorno alla stessa ora.
Alcuni Allenatori preferiscono affidarsi a questo
Pokémon anziché usare un orologio."
163,34,9,"It begins to hoot at the same time every day.
Some Trainers use them in place of clocks."
163,34,11,"いつも きまった 時間になると
鳴きだすので 時計代わりに
連れ歩く トレーナーもいる。"
164,4,9,"Its eyes are
specially adapted.
They concentrateeven faint light
and enable it to
see in the dark."
164,5,9,"When it needs to
think, it rotates
its head 180 de­grees to sharpen
its intellectual
164,6,9,"Its extremely soft
feathers make no
sound in flight.It silently sneaks
up on prey without
being detected."
164,7,9,"NOCTOWL never fails at catching prey in
darkness. This POKéMON owes its
success to its superior vision thatallows it to see in minimal light, and to
its soft,  supple wings that make no
sound in flight."
164,8,9,"NOCTOWL never fails at catching prey in
darkness. This POKéMON owes its
success to its superior vision thatallows it to see in minimal light, and to
its soft,  supple wings that make no
sound in flight."
164,9,9,"It unfailingly catches prey in darkness.
NOCTOWL owe their success to superior
vision that allows them to see in minimal
light, and to their supple and silent wings."
164,10,9,"When it needs to think, it rotates its head
180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual
164,11,9,"Its eyes are specially adapted. They
concentrate even faint light and enable it
to see in the dark."
164,12,9,"Its eyes are special. They can
pick out objects as long as there
is the tiniest amount of light."
164,13,9,"If it flips its head upside down,
its a sign that it is engaged in
very complex thinking."
164,14,9,"Its eyes are specially developed
to enable it to see clearly even in
murky darkness and minimal light."
164,15,9,"Its eyes are specially adapted.
They concentrate even faint light
and enable it to see in the dark."
164,16,9,"When it needs to think, it rotates
its head 180 degrees to sharpen
its intellectual power."
164,17,5,"Ses yeux sont capables de voir
distinctement même quand il fait
très sombre."
164,17,9,"Its eyes are specially developed
to enable it to see clearly even in
murky darkness and minimal light."
164,18,5,"Ses yeux sont capables de voir
distinctement même quand il fait
très sombre."
164,18,9,"Its eyes are specially developed
to enable it to see clearly even in
murky darkness and minimal light."
164,21,9,"Its eyes are specially developed
to enable it to see clearly even in
murky darkness and minimal light."
164,22,9,"Its eyes are specially developed
to enable it to see clearly even in
murky darkness and minimal light."
164,23,1,"りょうめは とくしゅな つくり。
わずかな ひかりを あつめては
くらやみでも まわりを みわける。"
164,23,3,"양쪽 눈이 특수한 구조다.
적은 양의 빛이라도 잘 모아
어둠 속에서도 주위를 분별한다."
164,23,5,"Ses yeux sont adaptés à la nuit. Ils peuvent
concentrer la faible lumière dans lobscurité."
164,23,6,"Sein Sehvermögen ist hervorragend. Selbst bei
schwachem Licht kann es jedes Detail erkennen."
164,23,7,"Sus ojos están especialmente adaptados.
Concentran la luz para poder ver en la oscuridad."
164,23,8,"Ha degli occhi speciali con cui concentra anche la
luce più fioca per poter vedere al buio."
164,23,9,"Its eyes are specially adapted. They concentrate
even faint light and enable it to see in the dark."
164,23,11,"両目は 特殊な つくり。
わずかな 光を 集めては
暗闇でも まわりを 見分ける。"
164,24,1,"ものごとを かんがえだすと
くびを 180ど かいてん させて
あたまの はたらきを たかめる。"
164,24,3,"뭔가를 생각해내면
목을 180도 회전시켜
두뇌 회전을 높인다."
164,24,5,"Quand il réfléchit, il tourne sa tête sur 180° pour
optimiser son mode de pensée."
164,24,6,"Muss es nachdenken, dreht es seinen Kopf um
180 Grad, um so seinen Intellekt zu schärfen."
164,24,7,"Cuando necesita pensar, gira su cabeza 180° para
agudizar su capacidad intelectual."
164,24,8,"Quando pensa ruota la testa di 180 gradi per
potenziare le sue capacità intellettive."
164,24,9,"When it needs to think, it rotates its head
180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual power."
164,24,11,"物事を 考え出すと
首を 180度 回転させて
頭の 働きを 高める。"
164,25,1,"わずかな ひかりでも みえる すぐれた めと
はおとを たてない やわらかい はねの おかげで
くらやみでは えものを ぜったいに にがさない。"
164,25,3,"약간의 빛만으로도 볼 수 있는 우수한 눈과
날갯소리를 내지 않는 부드러운 깃털 덕분에
어둠 속에서 먹이를 절대 놓치지 않는다."
164,25,5,"Dans lobscurité, Noarfang ne rate jamais une proie.
Il le doit à sa vision surdéveloppée qui lui permet de
tout voir, même avec une lueur très faible, ainsi quà
ses ailes très souples et silencieuses."
164,25,6,"Dank seines hervorragenden Sehvermögens, mit dem es
auch bei geringer Beleuchtung sehen kann, und dank seiner
geschmeidigen Flügel, mit denen es geräuschlos fliegt,
entgeht Noctuh keine Beute."
164,25,7,"Noctowl no falla a la hora de cazar a su presa en la oscuridad.
El éxito se lo debe a una vista privilegiada, que le permite ver
donde apenas hay luz, y a las ligeras y flexibles alas que
tiene, que no hacen ruido alguno al volar."
164,25,8,"Noctowl non manca mai la cattura di una preda nelloscurità.
Linfallibilità gli deriva dallacutissima vista, che gli consente
di vedere anche alla luce più flebile, e dalle ali morbide e
soffici, silenziosissime in volo."
164,25,9,"Noctowl never fails at catching prey in darkness. This Pokémon
owes its success to its superior vision that allows it to see in
minimal light, and to its soft, supple wings that make no sound
in flight."
164,25,11,"わずかな 光でも 見える 優れた 目と
羽音を 立てない 柔らかい 羽の おかげで
暗闇では 獲物を 絶対に 逃がさない。"
164,26,1,"わずかな ひかりでも みえる すぐれた めと
はおとを たてない やわらかい はねの おかげで
くらやみでは えものを ぜったいに にがさない。"
164,26,3,"약간의 빛만으로도 볼 수 있는 우수한 눈과
날갯소리를 내지 않는 부드러운 깃털 덕분에
어둠 속에서 먹이를 절대 놓치지 않는다."
164,26,5,"Dans lobscurité, Noarfang ne rate jamais une proie.
Il le doit à sa vision surdéveloppée qui lui permet de
tout voir, même avec une lueur très faible, ainsi quà
ses ailes très souples et silencieuses."
164,26,6,"Dank seines hervorragenden Sehvermögens, mit dem es
auch bei geringer Beleuchtung sehen kann, und dank seiner
geschmeidigen Flügel, mit denen es geräuschlos fliegen kann,
entgeht Noctuh keine Beute."
164,26,7,"Noctowl no falla a la hora de cazar a su presa en la oscuridad.
El éxito se lo debe a una vista privilegiada, que le permite ver
donde apenas hay luz, y a las ligeras y flexibles alas que
tiene, que no hacen ruido alguno al volar."
164,26,8,"Noctowl non manca mai la cattura di una preda nelloscurità.
Linfallibilità gli deriva dallacutissima vista, che gli consente
di vedere anche alla luce più flebile, e dalle ali morbide e
soffici, silenziosissime in volo."
164,26,9,"Noctowl never fails at catching prey in darkness. This Pokémon
owes its success to its superior vision that allows it to see in
minimal light, and to its soft, supple wings that make no sound
in flight."
164,26,11,"わずかな 光でも 見える 優れた 目と
羽音を 立てない 柔らかい 羽の おかげで
暗闇では 獲物を 絶対に 逃がさない。"
164,29,1,"くらやみでも はっきり みえる めを
もっており えものを にがさない。
やみよの ていおうとも よばれる。"
164,29,3,"어둠 속에서도 뚜렷이 볼 수 있는 눈을
갖고 있어 먹이를 놓치지 않는다.
어둠의 제왕이라고도 불린다."
164,29,5,"Sa vue perçante lui permettant de distinguer sa
proie même dans lobscurité la plus profonde,
il a reçu le surnom d«empereur de la nuit»."
164,29,6,"Dank seines perfekten Sehvermögens entgeht
ihm selbst in der Dunkelheit keine Beute. Man
nennt es auch den „Herrscher der Nacht“."
164,29,7,"Apodado el Emperador Nocturno, su aguzada
vista lo convierte en un formidable cazador aun
en la más impenetrable oscuridad."
164,29,8,"Riesce a vedere benissimo anche nelloscurità
e non si lascia mai sfuggire una preda.
È chiamato anche “re della notte”."
164,29,9,"With eyes that can see in pitch-darkness, it
never lets its prey escape. Some even call it
“the emperor of dark nights.”"
164,29,11,"暗闇でも はっきり 見える 目を
持っており 獲物を 逃がさない。
闇夜の 帝王とも 呼ばれる。"
164,30,1,"あたまが さかさまむきの ときは
とても なやんでいる あかし。
そっとしておかないと ついばまれる。"
164,30,3,"머리가 거꾸로 되었을 때는
매우 고민하고 있다는 증거다.
가만히 두지 않으면 쪼아 댄다."
164,30,5,"Quand il est soucieux, il tourne la tête à 180
degrés. Il ne faut alors surtout pas le déranger,
sous peine de recevoir un coup de bec."
164,30,6,"Dreht es seinen Kopf um 180 Grad, ist es aus
irgendeinem Grund besorgt. Man lässt es dann
zur eigenen Sicherheit am besten in Ruhe."
164,30,7,"Si da media vuelta a la cabeza es señal de que
está preocupado y conviene no molestarlo.
Quien lo haga se arriesga a recibir un picotazo."
164,30,8,"Quando capovolge la testa allingiù vuol dire che
cè qualcosa che lo preoccupa. Meglio non
disturbarlo o si rischia di venire beccati."
164,30,9,"When it turns its head entirely upside down,
you know its troubled by something. If you dont
leave it be, it will peck you."
164,30,11,"頭が 逆さま向きの ときは
とても 悩んでいる 証。
そっとしておかないと ついばまれる。"
164,33,1,"とくしゅな つくりの りょうめは
わずかな ひかりさえ あれば
くらやみでも ひるのように みえる。"
164,33,3,"특수한 구조의 두 눈은
약간의 빛만 있으면
어둠 속에서도 낮처럼 볼 수 있다."
164,33,5,"Ses yeux à la structure particulière sont capables
de voir comme en plein jour même quand il fait
très sombre."
164,33,6,"Seine Augen sind so gut entwickelt, dass es selbst
in fast kompletter Dunkelheit so klar sehen kann,
als wäre es Tag."
164,33,7,"Tiene los ojos muy desarrollados y puede ver con
increíble claridad en la oscuridad más absoluta."
164,33,8,"Grazie alla speciale struttura dei suoi occhi,
gli basta la luce più fioca per vedere anche
nelloscurità come fosse pieno giorno."
164,33,9,"Its eyes are specially developed to enable it to
see clearly even in murky darkness and minimal light."
164,33,11,"特殊な つくりの 両目は
わずかな 光さえ あれば
暗闇でも 昼のように 見える。"
164,34,1,"ものごとを かんがえだすと
くびを 180ど かいてん させて
あたまの はたらきを たかめる。"
164,34,3,"무언가를 생각하기 시작하면
목을 180도 회전시켜
두뇌 회전을 높인다."
164,34,5,"Quand il réfléchit, il tourne sa tête sur 180 degrés
pour optimiser son mode de pensée."
164,34,6,"Muss es nachdenken, dreht es seinen Kopf um
180 Grad, um so seinen Intellekt zu schärfen."
164,34,7,"Cuando necesita pensar, gira la cabeza 180°
para agudizar su capacidad intelectual."
164,34,8,"Quando pensa ruota la testa di 180 gradi
per potenziare le sue capacità intellettive."
164,34,9,"When it needs to think, it rotates its head
180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual power."
164,34,11,"ものごとを 考えだすと
首を 180度 回転 させて
頭の 働きを 高める。"
165,4,9,"It is very timid.
It will be afraid
to move if it isalone. But it will
be active if it is
in a group."
165,5,9,"When the weather
turns cold, lots
of LEDYBA gatherfrom everywhere to
cluster and keep
each other warm."
165,6,9,"It is timid and
clusters together
with others. Thefluid secreted by
its feet indicates
its location."
165,7,9,"LEDYBA secretes an aromatic fluid from
where its legs join its body. This fluid
is used for communicating with others.This POKéMON conveys its feelings to
others by altering the fluids scent."
165,8,9,"LEDYBA secretes an aromatic fluid from
where its legs join its body. This fluid
is used for communicating with others.This POKéMON conveys its feelings to
others by altering the fluids scent."
165,9,9,"LEDYBA communicate using a fluid that
they secrete from where the legs join the
body. They are said to convey feelings to
others by altering the fluids scent."
165,10,9,"When the weather turns cold, numerous
LEDYBA gather from everywhere to cluster
and keep each other warm."
165,11,9,"It is very timid. It will be afraid to
move if it is alone. But it will be active
if it is in a group."
165,12,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,13,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,14,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,15,9,"It is very timid. It will be afraid
to move if it is alone. But it will
be active if it is in a group."
165,16,9,"When the weather turns cold, lots
of LEDYBA gather from everywhere to
cluster and keep each other warm."
165,17,5,"Il est si timide quil ne se déplace
quau milieu dun essaim. Il exprime
ses émotions par lodeur."
165,17,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,18,5,"Il est si timide quil ne se déplace
quau milieu dun essaim. Il exprime
ses émotions par lodeur."
165,18,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,21,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,22,9,"It is so timid, it cant move if it
isnt with a swarm of others. It
conveys its feelings with scent."
165,23,1,"さむくなると あちこちから
レディバが たくさん あつまって
よりそいあい あたためあう。"
165,23,3,"추워지면 여기저기로부터
레디바가 많이 모여들어
바싹 붙어 서로 따뜻하게 해준다."
165,23,5,"Quand le temps se rafraîchit, de nombreux Coxy se
réunissent pour conserver un maximum de chaleur."
165,23,6,"Wird es kalt, versammeln sich viele Ledyba von
nah und fern, um sich gegenseitig Wärme zu schenken."
165,23,7,"Cuando llega el frío, se reúnen muchos Ledyba de
todas partes para darse calor."
165,23,8,"Quando inizia a far freddo, i Ledyba si riuniscono
da ogni luogo per scaldarsi tra loro."
165,23,9,"When the weather turns cold, lots of Ledyba gather
from everywhere to cluster and keep each
other warm."
165,23,11,"寒くなると あちこちから
レディバが たくさん 集まって
寄り添いあい 温め合う。"
165,24,1,"おくびょうで すぐに むれをつくる。
あしから でる えきたいの においで
じぶんの いばしょを しらせる。"
165,24,3,"겁쟁이여서 금방 무리를 만든다.
다리에서 나오는 액체의 냄새로
자신이 있는 곳을 알린다."
165,24,5,"Il est timide et reste près de ses semblables. Il a
un sens du toucher très développé."
165,24,6,"Es ist scheu und stets mit Artgenossen zusammen.
Das Sekret an seinen Füßen führt zu seinem Standort."
165,24,7,"Es muy tímido y se refugia con los de su especie.
Al caminar, deja una estela que indica dónde está."
165,24,8,"Timidi, stanno sempre uniti. La traccia del liquido
che esce dalle zampe mostra dove si trovano."
165,24,9,"It is timid and clusters together with others.
The fluid secreted by its feet indicates its location."
165,24,11,"臆病で すぐに 群れを作る。
脚から 出る 液体の においで
自分の 居場所を 知らせる。"
165,25,1,"あしの つけねから だす えきたいの においで
なかまと コミュニケーションを とっている。
においの ちがいで きもちを つたえるという。"
165,25,3,"몸통과 다리의 연결 부위에서 나는 액체의 냄새로
동료와 커뮤니케이션을 취하고 있다.
냄새의 차이로 기분을 전한다고 한다."
165,25,5,"Coxy sécrète un fluide aromatisé sortant des articulations
de ses pattes. Ce fluide lui permet de communiquer avec
ses congénères. Ce Pokémon exprime ses sentiments
en modifiant lodeur de ce fluide."
165,25,6,"Ledyba sondert eine duftende Flüssigkeit ab. Über diese
kommuniziert es mit anderen. Dieses Pokémon übermittelt
seine Gefühle, indem es die Duftnote des Sekrets verändert."
165,25,7,"Ledyba segrega un fluido aromático por los seis puntos de
unión que tiene entre las patas y el cuerpo. A través de este
fluido se comunica con otros y les informa acerca de sus
sentimientos variando la esencia."
165,25,8,"Dalla giuntura delle zampe col corpo Ledyba secerne
un fluido aromatico usato per comunicare con i suoi simili.
Questo Pokémon comunica le sue sensazioni alterando
lodore del fluido."
165,25,9,"Ledyba secretes an aromatic fluid from where its legs join its
body. This fluid is used for communicating with others.
This Pokémon conveys its feelings to others by altering the
fluids scent."
165,25,11,"足の 付け根から 出す 液体の 臭いで
仲間と コミュニケーションを 取っている。
臭いの 違いで 気持ちを 伝えるという。"
165,26,1,"あしの つけねから だす えきたいの においで
なかまと コミュニケーションを とっている。
においの ちがいで きもちを つたえるという。"
165,26,3,"몸통과 다리의 연결 부위에서 나는 액체의 냄새로
동료와 커뮤니케이션을 취하고 있다.
냄새의 차이로 기분을 전한다고 한다."
165,26,5,"Coxy sécrète un fluide aromatisé sortant des articulations
de ses pattes. Ce fluide lui permet de communiquer avec
ses congénères. Ce Pokémon exprime ses sentiments
en modifiant lodeur de ce fluide."
165,26,6,"Ledyba sondert eine duftende Flüssigkeit ab. Über diese
kommuniziert es mit anderen. Dieses Pokémon übermittelt
seine Gefühle, indem es die Duftnote des Sekrets verändert."
165,26,7,"Ledyba segrega un fluido aromático por los seis puntos de
unión que tiene entre las patas y el cuerpo. A través de este
fluido se comunica con otros y les informa acerca de sus
sentimientos variando la esencia."
165,26,8,"Dalla giuntura delle zampe col corpo Ledyba secerne
un fluido aromatico usato per comunicare con i suoi simili.
Questo Pokémon comunica le sue sensazioni alterando
lodore del fluido."
165,26,9,"Ledyba secretes an aromatic fluid from where its legs join its
body. This fluid is used for communicating with others.
This Pokémon conveys its feelings to others by altering the
fluids scent."
165,26,11,"足の 付け根から 出す 液体の 臭いで
仲間と コミュニケーションを 取っている。
臭いの 違いで 気持ちを 伝えるという。"
165,27,1,"おくびょうで つねに むれていないと
ふあん。 せなかのもようは 1ぴき
1ぴき びみょうに ちがう かたち。"
165,27,3,"겁이 많아 항상 무리 지어 있지
않으면 불안하다. 등의 무늬는
모두 미묘하게 다르게 생겼다"
165,27,5,"Il est si timide quil est inquiet sil nest pas
en groupe. Les motifs sur son dos diffèrent
légèrement dun individu à lautre."
165,27,6,"Es ist scheu und fürchtet sich, wenn es nicht
Teil des Schwarms ist. Das Muster auf seinem
Rücken ist bei jedem Exemplar minimal anders."
165,27,7,"Es muy tímido y se siente inseguro si no está
junto a los de su especie. El estampado de sus
alas varía de un Ledyba a otro."
165,27,8,"È molto timido e senza il suo gruppo si sente
perso. Il motivo sul dorso è leggermente diverso
in ciascun esemplare."
165,27,9,"They are timid and grow uneasy when not in a
swarm with others of their kind. The pattern on
their backs differs slightly from one to another."
165,27,11,"臆病で 常に 群れていないと
不安。 背中の模様は 1匹
1匹 微妙に 違う 形。"
165,28,1,"においのする たいえきで なかまと
コミュニケーションする。 おこった
ときの においは すっぱいぞ。"
165,28,3,"냄새나는 체액으로 동료와
커뮤니케이션을 한다. 화가
났을 때의 냄새는 시큼하다."
165,28,5,"Il communique avec ses congénères grâce à un
fluide odorant. Quand il est en colère, lodeur
en devient vraiment aigre."
165,28,6,"Es nutzt eine duftende Flüssigkeit, um mit seinen
Artgenossen zu kommunizieren. Ist es wütend,
nimmt diese einen stechenden Geruch an."
165,28,7,"Ledyba segrega un fluido aromático con el que
se comunica con los de su especie. El olor que
desprende cuando está enfadado es agrio."
165,28,8,"Secerne un fluido aromatico per comunicare con
i suoi simili. Quando è arrabbiato, lodore si fa
165,28,9,"They communicate with one another using bodily
fluids that give off odors. When theyre angry,
their odor smells sour."
165,28,11,"臭いのする 体液で 仲間と
コミュニケーションする。 怒った
ときの 臭いは すっぱいぞ。"
165,29,1,"さむさに とても よわい ポケモン。
おんだんな アローラでは とても
いきいきした すがたが みられる。"
165,29,3,"추위에 매우 약한 포켓몬.
온난한 알로라에서는 매우
생기가 넘치는 모습을 볼 수 있다."
165,29,5,"Ce Pokémon très sensible au froid semble
revivre lorsquil se trouve dans des régions
chaudes comme Alola."
165,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon reagiert sehr empfindlich auf
Kälte. Im warmen Klima Alolas strotzt es nur so
vor Lebensfreude."
165,29,7,"Este Pokémon no soporta el frío. En Alola, sin
embargo, se encuentra en su elemento y se lo
puede ver revoloteando vivaracho por doquier."
165,29,8,"Nel clima temperato di Alola, questo Pokémon
estremamente sensibile al freddo è arzillo
e pieno di vita."
165,29,9,"This Pokémon is very sensitive to cold. In the
warmth of Alola, it appears quite lively."
165,29,11,"寒さに とても 弱い ポケモン。
温暖な アローラでは とても
生き生きした 姿が 見られる。"
165,30,1,"とっても おくびょうな ポケモン。
なかまと いっしょに リフレクターを
はって すを まもって いるのだ。"
165,30,3,"매우 겁이 많은 포켓몬이다.
동료와 함께 리플렉터를 펼쳐서
보금자리를 지키고 있다."
165,30,5,"Extrêmement timide, ce Pokémon défend le nid
quil partage avec ses congénères en utilisant
165,30,6,"Es ist ein sehr scheues Pokémon. Gemeinsam
mit seinen Artgenossen nutzt es Reflektor, um
sein Nest zu beschützen."
165,30,7,"Un Pokémon bastante temeroso. Junto con sus
congéneres, protege su nido usando Reflejo."
165,30,8,"È un Pokémon incredibilmente timido. Protegge
il nido usando Riflesso assieme ai suoi simili."
165,30,9,"These very cowardly Pokémon join together and
use Reflect to protect their nest."
165,30,11,"とっても 臆病な ポケモン。
仲間と 一緒に リフレクターを
張って 巣を 守って いるのだ。"
166,4,9,"When the stars
flicker in the
night sky, itflutters about,
scattering a
glowing powder."
166,5,9,"The star patterns
on its back grow
larger or smallerdepending on the
number of stars in
the night sky."
166,6,9,"In the daytime
when it gets warm,
it curls up insidea big leaf and
drifts off into
a deep slumber."
166,7,9,"It is said that in lands with clean air,
where the stars fill the sky, there live
LEDIAN in countless numbers.There is a good reason for this - the
POKéMON uses the light of the stars
as its energy."
166,8,9,"It is said that in lands with clean air,
where the stars fill the sky, there live
LEDIAN in countless numbers.There is a good reason for this - the
POKéMON uses the light of the stars
as its energy."
166,9,9,"It is said that in lands with clean air,
where the stars fill the sky, there live
many LEDIAN. For good reason, they use
the light of the stars as energy."
166,10,9,"The star patterns on its back grow larger
or smaller depending on the number of
stars in the night sky."
166,11,9,"When the stars flicker in the night sky, it
flutters about, scattering a glowing
166,12,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,13,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,14,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,15,9,"When the stars flicker in the
night sky, it flutters about,
scattering a glowing powder."
166,16,9,"The spot patterns on its back grow
larger or smaller depending on the
number of stars in the night sky."
166,17,5,"Il tire sa force de la lumière des
étoiles. Plus il y en a et plus ses
motifs dorsaux sont grands."
166,17,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,18,5,"Il tire sa force de la lumière des
étoiles. Plus il y en a et plus ses
motifs dorsaux sont grands."
166,18,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,21,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,22,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When
more stars appear at night, the
patterns on its back grow larger."
166,23,1,"よぞらに ほしが またたくとき
かがやく こなを ふりまきながら
ひらひらと とんでいく。"
166,23,3,"밤하늘의 별이 깜빡일 때
반짝이는 가루를 흩뿌리며
훨훨 날아간다."
166,23,5,"Quand les étoiles brillent dans le ciel, il volette
partout en semant derrière lui une poudre brillante."
166,23,6,"Leuchten die Sterne am Nachthimmel,
schwirrt es umher und verstreut einen
strahlenden, leuchtenden Puder."
166,23,7,"Cuando parpadean las estrellas en el cielo nocturno,
se mece desprendiendo un polvo brillante."
166,23,8,"Si aggira nella notte stellata lasciando cadere una
scia di polvere incandescente."
166,23,9,"When the stars flicker in the night sky, it flutters
about, scattering a glowing powder."
166,23,11,"夜空に 星が 瞬くとき
輝く 粉を 振りまきながら
ひらひらと 飛んでいく。"
166,24,1,"せなかの ほしもようは
よぞらの ほしのかずに はんのうして
おおきくなったり ちいさくなる。"
166,24,3,"등의 별 모양은
밤하늘의 별의 숫자에 반응하여
커졌다가 작아졌다가 한다."
166,24,5,"Les points sur son dos deviennent plus grands ou
plus petits selon le nombre détoiles dans le ciel."
166,24,6,"Die Größe des gepunkteten Musters hängt direkt mit
der Anzahl der Sterne am Firmament zusammen."
166,24,7,"Los puntos de su caparazón crecen y decrecen
dependiendo de las estrellas del cielo nocturno."
166,24,8,"I puntini sulla schiena sono più grandi o più piccoli
secondo il numero di stelle nel cielo."
166,24,9,"The spot patterns on its back grow larger or smaller
depending on the number of stars in the night sky."
166,24,11,"背中の 星模様は
夜空の 星の数に 反応して
大きくなったり 小さくなる。"
166,25,1,"ほしが たくさん みえる くうきの きれいな
とちには レディアンが たくさん すむと いう。
ほしあかりを エネルギーに しているからだ。"
166,25,3,"별이 많이 보이는 공기가 깨끗한
장소에는 레디안이 많이 산다고 한다.
별빛을 에너지로 삼기 때문이다."
166,25,5,"On dit que dans les pays où le ciel est dégagé et où les
étoiles illuminent les cieux, vivent dinnombrables quantités
de Coxyclaque. La raison en est simple : lénergie de ce
Pokémon provient de la lumière des étoiles."
166,25,6,"In Ländern mit frischer Luft und Sternen am Himmel leben
unzählig viele Ledian. Dafür gibt es einen guten Grund:
Dieses Pokémon nutzt das Licht der Sterne als Energie."
166,25,7,"Dicen que en zonas en las que el aire está limpio, en las que
se ven las estrellas, hay enormes poblaciones de Ledian.
La razón es muy sencilla: este Pokémon usa la luz de las
estrellas como fuente de energía."
166,25,8,"Si dice che in luoghi dallaria pura e dal cielo terso e stellato
vivano moltissimi Ledian. Ciò è dovuto alla loro abitudine
di usare la luce delle stelle come fonte energetica."
166,25,9,"It is said that in lands with clean air, where the stars fill the
sky, there live Ledian in countless numbers. There is a good
reason for this—the Pokémon uses the light of the stars as
its energy."
166,25,11,"星が 沢山 見える 空気の きれいな
土地には レディアンが 沢山 すむと いう。
星明りを エネルギーに しているからだ。"
166,26,1,"ほしが たくさん みえる くうきの きれいな
とちには レディアンが たくさん すむと いう。
ほしあかりを エネルギーに しているからだ。"
166,26,3,"별이 많이 보이는 공기가 깨끗한
장소에는 레디안이 많이 산다고 한다.
별빛을 에너지로 삼기 때문이다."
166,26,5,"On dit que dans les pays où le ciel est dégagé et où les
étoiles illuminent les cieux, vivent dinnombrables quantités
de Coxyclaque. La raison en est simple : lénergie de ce
Pokémon provient de la lumière des étoiles."
166,26,6,"In Ländern mit frischer Luft und Sternen am Himmel leben
unzählig viele Ledian. Dafür gibt es einen guten Grund:
Dieses Pokémon nutzt das Licht der Sterne als Energie."
166,26,7,"Dicen que en zonas en las que el aire está limpio, en las que
se ven las estrellas, hay enormes poblaciones de Ledian.
La razón es muy sencilla: este Pokémon usa la luz de las
estrellas como fuente de energía."
166,26,8,"Si dice che in luoghi dallaria pura e dal cielo terso e stellato
vivano moltissimi Ledian. Ciò è dovuto alla loro abitudine
di usare la luce delle stelle come fonte energetica."
166,26,9,"It is said that in lands with clean air, where the stars fill the
sky, there live Ledian in countless numbers. There is a good
reason for this—the Pokémon uses the light of the stars as
its energy."
166,26,11,"星が 沢山 見える 空気の きれいな
土地には レディアンが 沢山 すむと いう。
星明りを エネルギーに しているからだ。"
166,27,1,"ほしあかりが エネルギーと いわれるが
ふつうに きのみも だいこうぶつ。
ひるまは くさに くるまって ねてる。"
166,27,3,"별빛이 에너지라고 전해지지만
평범하게 나무열매도 매우 좋아한다.
낮에는 풀을 뒤집어쓰고 잔다."
166,27,5,"On dit quil se nourrit de la lumière des étoiles,
mais il mange aussi des Baies comme les autres.
Il dort pendant la journée dans un lit dherbes."
166,27,6,"Es heißt, es ziehe seine Energie aus dem Licht
der Sterne, aber es frisst trotzdem mit Wonne
Beeren. Tagsüber schläft es im Gras."
166,27,7,"Usa la luz de las estrellas como fuente de
energía, pero también adora las bayas. Durante
el día, duerme envuelto en una manta de hierba."
166,27,8,"Si dice che tragga energia dalla luce delle stelle,
ma è anche molto ghiotto di bacche.
Di giorno dorme avvolto nellerba."
166,27,9,"While its believed that starlight provides it with
energy, this Pokémon also loves to eat berries.
In the daytime, it curls up in the grass to sleep."
166,27,11,"星明りが エネルギーと いわれるが
普通に 木の実も 大好物。
昼間は 草に 包まって 寝てる。"
166,28,1,"4つの うでで パンチを くりだし
たたかう。 1ぱつの いりょくは
さほどだが てかずで しょうぶする。"
166,28,3,"4개의 팔로 펀치를 날리며
싸운다. 1발의 위력은
별로지만 횟수로 승부한다."
166,28,5,"Il se bat en frappant avec ses quatre poings.
Chaque coup ne fait pas très mal mais assénées
en rafale, ses attaques sont dévastatrices."
166,28,6,"Es kämpft, indem es mit seinen vier Armen
Schläge verteilt. Da diese jedoch kaum Wucht
haben, setzt es alles auf lange Schlagserien."
166,28,7,"Combate asestando puñetazos con sus cuatro
brazos. Sus golpes no son muy poderosos, pero
resultan muy efectivos cuando ataca en ráfaga."
166,28,8,"Lotta sferrando pugni con le sue quattro
braccia e sopperisce alla poca potenza dei
singoli pugni con temibili scariche."
166,28,9,"In battle, it throws punches with all four arms.
The power of each individual blow is piddly,
so it aims to win by quantity rather than quality."
166,28,11,"4つの 腕で パンチを 繰り出し
戦う。 1発の 威力は
さほどだが 手数で 勝負する。"
166,29,1,"せなかの もようは よぞらの ほしと
かんけい していると いわれているが
くわしいことは まだ ふめいのまま。"
166,29,3,"등의 모양은 밤하늘의 별과
연관이 있다고 전해지지만
자세한 것은 아직 알려지지 않았다."
166,29,5,"Le motif qui orne son dos aurait un lien avec
les étoiles, mais nul ne sait encore en quoi
consiste ce lien."
166,29,6,"Es heißt, das Muster auf seinem Rücken stehe in
Zusammenhang mit den Sternen am Firmament.
Genaueres ist bisher aber noch nicht bekannt."
166,29,7,"Se dice que los motivos que luce en el dorso
guardan relación con las estrellas, aunque esta
teoría sigue siendo todo un misterio."
166,29,8,"Si dice che il motivo sul suo dorso abbia una
qualche relazione con le stelle, ma non si sa
ancora niente di preciso."
166,29,9,"Its said that the patterns on its back are
related to the stars in the night sky, but the
details of that relationship remain unclear."
166,29,11,"背中の 模様は 夜空の 星と
関係 していると 言われているが
詳しいことは まだ 不明のまま。"
166,30,1,"きらめく こなを ふりまきながら
よぞらを とぶ。 こなが からだに
つくと いいことが あるといわれる。"
166,30,3,"반짝이는 가루를 흩뿌리며
밤하늘을 난다. 가루가 몸에 붙으면
좋은 일이 생긴다고 전해진다."
166,30,5,"Il vole dans le ciel nocturne en répandant une
poudre scintillante. Si elle vous touche, quelque
chose de positif devrait bientôt vous arriver."
166,30,6,"Nachts fliegt Ledian durch die Gegend und
verstreut glitzernden Puder. Es soll Glück
bringen, wenn man etwas davon abbekommt."
166,30,7,"Vuela por el cielo nocturno esparciendo un polvo
brillante. Dicen que entrar en contacto con este
polvo trae buena suerte."
166,30,8,"Svolazza nel cielo notturno lasciando dietro di
sé una scia di polvere luccicante. Si dice che
il contatto con essa porti fortuna."
166,30,9,"It flies through the night sky, sprinkling sparkly
dust. According to some, if that dust sticks to
you, good things will happen to you."
166,30,11,"きらめく 粉を 振りまきながら
夜空を 飛ぶ。 粉が 身体に
つくと いいことが あるといわれる。"
167,4,9,"It lies still in
the same pose for
days in its web,waiting for its
unsuspecting prey
to wander close."
167,5,9,"It spins a web
using fine--but
durable--thread.It then waits pa­
tiently for prey
to be trapped."
167,6,9,"If prey becomes
ensnared in its
nest of spunstring, it waits
motionlessly until
it becomes dark."
167,7,9,"The web spun by SPINARAK can be
considered its second nervous system.
It is said that this POKéMON candetermine what kind of prey is touching
its web just by the tiny vibrations it
feels through the webs strands."
167,8,9,"The web spun by SPINARAK can be
considered its second nervous system.
It is said that this POKéMON candetermine what kind of prey is touching
its web just by the tiny vibrations it
feels through the webs strands."
167,9,9,"The web it spins can be considered its
second nervous system. It is said that a
SPINARAK determines its prey by the tiny
vibrations it feels through the web."
167,10,9,"It spins a web using fine--but durable--
thread. It then waits patiently for prey
to be trapped."
167,11,9,"It lies still in the same pose for days
in its web, waiting for its unsuspecting
prey to wander close."
167,12,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,13,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,14,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,15,9,"It lies still in the same pose for
days in its web, waiting for its
unsuspecting prey to wander close."
167,16,9,"It spins a web using fine--but
durable--thread. It then waits
patiently for prey to be trapped."
167,17,5,"Il tisse une toile fine mais solide
pour poser des pièges et se poste
dans lattente dune proie."
167,17,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,18,5,"Il tisse une toile fine mais solide
pour poser des pièges et se poste
dans lattente dune proie."
167,18,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,21,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,22,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web
with thin but strong silk. It waits
motionlessly for prey to arrive."
167,23,1,"ほそくて じょうぶな いとを
はりめぐらして わなを しかけると
えものが かかるのを ひたすらまつ。"
167,23,3,"가늘고 튼튼한 실을
뿜어 엮어서 덫을 만들고
먹이가 걸리기만을 기다린다."
167,23,5,"Il tisse une toile en utilisant un fil fin mais solide,
puis il attend tranquillement sa proie."
167,23,6,"Es spinnt ein Netz aus feinem, aber reißfestem
Faden. Dann wartet es auf Beute, die im Netz zappelt."
167,23,7,"Teje su telaraña con hilo fino pero resistente. Espera
pacientemente a que caiga su presa."
167,23,8,"Tesse la tela con un filo sottile ma resistente. Poi
attende paziente che una preda ci finisca dentro."
167,23,9,"It spins a web using fine--but durable--thread.
It then waits patiently for prey to be trapped."
167,23,11,"細くて 丈夫な 糸を
張り巡らして わなを 仕掛けると
獲物が かかるのを ひたすら待つ。"
167,24,1,"えものが ちかくを とおりかかるまで
じぶんの すで なんにちも おなじ
かっこうで じっと まちつづける。"
167,24,3,"먹이가 근처를 지나갈 때까지
자신의 둥지에서 며칠이고 같은
모습으로 가만히 기다린다."
167,24,5,"Il reste immobile dans sa toile pendant des jours.
Il attend que sa proie se rapproche pour la capturer."
167,24,6,"Es sitzt tagelang regungslos in seinem Netz und lauert
unvorsichtiger Beute auf, die ihm zu nahe kommt."
167,24,7,"Mantiene la misma postura en su telaraña durante días,
esperando a que se acerque una presa inocente."
167,24,8,"Può rimanere immobile nella tela per giorni,
attendendo che savvicini una preda ignara."
167,24,9,"It lies still in the same pose for days in its web,
waiting for its unsuspecting prey to wander close."
167,24,11,"獲物が 近くを 通りかかるまで
自分の 巣で 何日も 同じ 格好で
じっと 待ち続ける。"
167,25,1,"いとで つくった ワナは だい2の しんけい。
いとを つたわる わずかな しんどう だけで
えものの しゅるいが わかると いわれている。"
167,25,3,"실로 만든 함정은 제2의 신경이다.
실에 전해지는 약간의 진동만으로
먹이의 종류를 알 수 있다고 전해진다."
167,25,5,"La toile tissée par Mimigal peut être comparée à un second
système nerveux. On raconte que ce Pokémon peut déterminer
quel type de proie touche sa toile grâce aux infimes vibrations
des fils."
167,25,6,"Das von Webarak gesponnene Netz ist sein zweites
Nervensystem. Dieses Pokémon kann anhand der feinen
Vibrationen der Netzfäden bestimmen, welche Art Beute
sich darauf befindet."
167,25,7,"La tela que teje Spinarak puede considerarse como su
segundo sistema nervioso. Dicen que puede adivinar qué tipo
de presa ha caído en su red con solo observar las leves
vibraciones de los hilos de la tela."
167,25,8,"La ragnatela tessuta da Spinarak può essere considerata
il suo secondo sistema nervoso. Infatti, pare che questo
Pokémon riesca a capire la natura della sua preda dalle
leggere vibrazioni di tale ragnatela."
167,25,9,"The web spun by Spinarak can be considered its second
nervous system. It is said that this Pokémon can determine
what kind of prey is touching its web just by the tiny vibrations
it feels through the webs strands."
167,25,11,"糸で つくった ワナは 第2の 神経。
糸を 伝わる わずかな 振動 だけで
獲物の 種類が わかると いわれている。"
167,26,1,"いとで つくった ワナは だい2の しんけい。
いとを つたわる わずかな しんどう だけで
えものの しゅるいが わかると いわれている。"
167,26,3,"실로 만든 함정은 제2의 신경이다.
실에 전해지는 약간의 진동만으로
먹이의 종류를 알 수 있다고 전해진다."
167,26,5,"La toile tissée par Mimigal peut être comparée à un second
système nerveux. On raconte que ce Pokémon peut déterminer
quel type de proie touche sa toile grâce aux infimes vibrations
des fils."
167,26,6,"Das von Webarak gesponnene Netz ist sein zweites
Nervensystem. Dieses Pokémon kann anhand der feinen
Vibrationen der Netzfäden bestimmen, welche Art Beute
sich darauf befindet."
167,26,7,"La tela que teje Spinarak puede considerarse como su
segundo sistema nervioso. Dicen que puede adivinar qué tipo
de presa ha caído en su red con solo observar las leves
vibraciones de los hilos de la tela."
167,26,8,"La ragnatela tessuta da Spinarak può essere considerata
il suo secondo sistema nervoso. Infatti, pare che questo
Pokémon riesca a capire la natura della sua preda dalle
leggere vibrazioni di tale ragnatela."
167,26,9,"The web spun by Spinarak can be considered its second
nervous system. It is said that this Pokémon can determine
what kind of prey is touching its web just by the tiny vibrations
it feels through the webs strands."
167,26,11,"糸で つくった ワナは 第2の 神経。
糸を 伝わる わずかな 振動 だけで
獲物の 種類が わかると いわれている。"
167,27,1,"こうぶつの アブリーが すに
かかるまで ひたすら まちつづける。
じつに しんぼうづよい ポケモン。"
167,27,3,"좋아하는 에블리가 둥지에
걸릴 때까지 무작정 기다린다.
정말 참을성 많은 포켓몬이다."
167,27,5,"Il attend dans sa toile jusquà ce quun
Bombydou, son mets favori, sy fasse prendre.
Cest un Pokémon extrêmement patient."
167,27,6,"Ein sehr geduldiges Pokémon, das besonders
gern Wommel frisst. Es wartet beharrlich darauf,
dass sich welche in seinem Netz verfangen."
167,27,7,"Espera con determinación hasta que un Cutiefly
cae en su telaraña, pues es su comida favorita.
Es un Pokémon extremadamente paciente."
167,27,8,"Aspetta immobile finché le sue prede
preferite, i Cutiefly, non cadono nella tela.
È un Pokémon molto paziente."
167,27,9,"It waits intently until its preferred prey, Cutiefly,
gets caught in its web. In fact, its quite a
patient Pokémon."
167,27,11,"好物の アブリーが 巣に
かかるまで ひたすら 待ち続ける。
実に 辛抱強い ポケモン。"
167,28,1,"じょうぶな いとを よりあわせ
さかなポケモンを とらえる アミを
こしらえる りょうしも いるぞ。"
167,28,3,"튼튼한 실을 꼬아서
물고기포켓몬을 잡는 그물을
만드는 어부도 있다."
167,28,5,"Certains pêcheurs récoltent son fil solide pour
tisser des filets et attraper des Pokémon
167,28,6,"Einige Fischer knüpfen sich aus seinem robusten
Faden Netze, mit denen sie dann Fisch-Pokémon
167,28,7,"Algunos pescadores confeccionan redes para
pescar Pokémon pez con la robusta telaraña
que produce Spinarak."
167,28,8,"Alcuni pescatori usano il suo filo resistente per
fabbricare le reti con cui pescano i Pokémon
167,28,9,"Some fishermen weave its sturdy thread into
nets to catch fish Pokémon."
167,28,11,"丈夫な 糸を より合わせ
さかなポケモンを 捕らえる 網を
こしらえる 漁師も いるぞ。"
167,29,1,"いとを はいて つくった すは
けっこう がんじょう。 10キロの
いわを のせても やぶれない。"
167,29,3,"실을 내뿜어 만든 둥지는
제법 튼튼하다. 10kg의
바위를 올려도 끄떡없다."
167,29,5,"La toile quil tisse avec les fils quil sécrète est
tellement solide quelle peut soutenir une pierre
de dix kilos."
167,29,6,"Es spinnt ein äußerst robustes Netz aus seinen
Fäden, das selbst unter dem Gewicht eines
10 kg schweren Steines nicht reißt."
167,29,7,"Segrega un hilo de increíble resistencia con el
que teje su tela, capaz de soportar el peso de
una roca de 10 kg sin romperse."
167,29,8,"Con il filo che secerne dalla bocca tesse una
tela talmente resistente da sostenere il peso
di una roccia di 10 kg."
167,29,9,"With threads from its mouth, it fashions sturdy
webs that wont break even if you set a rock
on them."
167,29,11,"糸を はいて 作った 巣は
結構 頑丈。 10キロの
岩を 乗せても 破れない。"
167,30,1,"キバの どくは さほど つよくないが
すに かかって うごけない えものを
よわらせるには じゅうぶん。"
167,30,3,"이빨의 독은 그다지 강하진 않지만
둥지에 걸려서 움직일 수 없는 먹이를
약하게 만들기에는 충분하다."
167,30,5,"Le poison contenu dans les mandibules de
ce Pokémon nest pas très violent, mais il suffit
à immobiliser les proies piégées dans sa toile."
167,30,6,"Das Gift an seinen Mundwerkzeugen ist nicht
sonderlich stark, jedoch ausreichend, um Beute
zu schwächen, die ihm ins Netz gegangen ist."
167,30,7,"El veneno de sus colmillos no es demasiado
tóxico, pero basta para mantener inmovilizadas
a las presas que caen en sus redes."
167,30,8,"Il veleno delle zanne non è particolarmente
potente, ma è sufficiente a indebolire
le prede intrappolate nella tela."
167,30,9,"Although the poison from its fangs isnt that
strong, its potent enough to weaken prey that
gets caught in its web."
167,30,11,"キバの 毒は さほど 強くないが
巣に かかって 動けない 獲物を
弱らせるには 充分。"
168,4,9,"It spins string
not only from its
rear but also fromits mouth. It is
hard to tell which
end is which."
168,5,9,"A single strand of
a special string
is endlessly spunout of its rear.
The string leads
back to its nest."
168,6,9,"Rather than mak­
ing a nest in one
specific spot, itwanders in search
of food after
darkness falls."
168,7,9,"ARIADOSs feet are tipped with tiny
hooked claws that enable it to scuttle
on ceilings and vertical walls.This POKéMON constricts the foe with
thin and strong silk webbing."
168,8,9,"ARIADOSs feet are tipped with tiny
hooked claws that enable it to scuttle
on ceilings and vertical walls.This POKéMON constricts the foe with
thin and strong silk webbing."
168,9,9,"Its feet are tipped with tiny hooked claws
that enable it to scuttle on ceilings and
vertical walls. It constricts its foe with
thin and strong silk webbing."
168,10,9,"A single strand of a special string is
endlessly spun out of its rear. The string
leads back to its nest."
168,11,9,"It spins string not only from its rear but
also from its mouth. It is hard to tell
which end is which."
168,12,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,13,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,14,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,15,9,"It spins string not only from its
rear but also from its mouth. Its
hard to tell which end is which."
168,16,9,"A single strand of a special string
is endlessly spun out of its rear.
The string leads back to its nest."
168,17,5,"Il attache un fil à sa proie avant
de la libérer. Il sen servira pour
la retrouver, elle et ses amis."
168,17,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,18,5,"Il attache un fil à sa proie avant
de la libérer. Il sen servira pour
la retrouver, elle et ses amis."
168,18,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,21,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,22,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and
sets it free. Later, it tracks the
silk to the prey and its friends."
168,23,1,"おしりからだけでなく くちからも
いとを だすので みただけでは
どっちが あたまか わからない。"
168,23,3,"엉덩이뿐 아니라 입에서도
실을 내기 때문에 봐서는
어느 쪽이 머리인지 모른다."
168,23,5,"Il peut produire des fils de soie par larrière-train ou
par la bouche. Il est difficile de différencier les deux."
168,23,6,"Da es Fäden sowohl mit dem Hinterleib als auch mit
dem Mund spinnt, verwechselt man die beiden leicht."
168,23,7,"Teje su telaraña desde atrás y desde su boca. Es muy
difícil saber dónde está cada cual."
168,23,8,"Seguendo il filo che gli esce da dietro, si giunge
di certo fino al suo nido."
168,23,9,"It spins string not only from its rear but also from
its mouth. Its hard to tell which end is which."
168,23,11,"お尻からだけでなく 口からも
糸を 出すので 見ただけでは
どっちが 頭か わからない。"
168,24,1,"えものの からだに いとを つけて
わざと にがす。いとを たどれば
なかまごと つかまえられるからだ。"
168,24,3,"먹이의 몸에 실을 붙여
일부러 풀어준다. 실을 더듬어 가면
동료까지 잡을 수 있기 때문이다."
168,24,5,"Il attache un fil à sa proie avant de la libérer.
Il sen servira pour la retrouver, elle et ses amis."
168,24,6,"Es befestigt Seide an der Beute und lässt sie frei. Es
folgt dem Seidenfaden zur Beute und ihren Freunden."
168,24,7,"Pega hilos de seda a sus presas y las libera para
seguirlas más tarde y localizar también a sus amigos."
168,24,8,"Aggancia la preda con un filo di seta e la lascia
andare. Poi segue il filo e la trova quando è in gruppo."
168,24,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later,
it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends."
168,24,11,"獲物の 体に 糸を つけて
わざと 逃がす。糸を たどれば
仲間ごと 捕まえられるからだ。"
168,25,1,"あしの せんたんには ちいさな カギヅメが あり
てんじょうや すいちょくの かべも あるける。
ほそく じょうぶな いとで てきを しめあげる。"
168,25,3,"발끝에는 작은 갈고리발톱이 있어서
천장이나 수직인 벽도 걸을 수 있다.
가늘고 튼튼한 실로 적을 조른다."
168,25,5,"À lextrémité des pattes de Migalos, on trouve de petits
crochets qui lui permettent de cavaler sur les surfaces
verticales et au plafond. Ce Pokémon peut piéger ses
ennemis dans sa solide toile de soie."
168,25,6,"Ariados hat kleine hakenförmige Krallen an seinen Füßen.
Damit kann es an Decken und Wänden entlangflitzen.
Dieses Pokémon schnürt seine Gegner mit einem starken,
dünnen Seidenfaden ein."
168,25,7,"Ariados tiene unas patas con forma de garfio que le permiten
correr por techos y superficies verticales. Este Pokémon
oprime al rival con una tela de araña fina y resistente."
168,25,8,"Le zampe di Ariados sono dotate di artigli uncinati che gli
consentono di aggrapparsi a soffitti e pareti. Questo Pokémon
intrappola il nemico con la sua ragnatela sottile e robusta."
168,25,9,"Ariadoss feet are tipped with tiny hooked claws that enable it
to scuttle on ceilings and vertical walls. This Pokémon
constricts the foe with thin and strong silk webbing."
168,25,11,"足の 先端には 小さな カギヅメが あり
天井や 垂直の 壁も 歩ける。
細く 丈夫な 糸で 敵を 絞めあげる。"
168,26,1,"あしの せんたんには ちいさな カギヅメが あり
てんじょうや すいちょくの かべも あるける。
ほそく じょうぶな いとで てきを しめあげる。"
168,26,3,"발끝에는 작은 갈고리발톱이 있어서
천장이나 수직인 벽도 걸을 수 있다.
가늘고 튼튼한 실로 적을 조른다."
168,26,5,"À lextrémité des pattes de Migalos, on trouve de petits
crochets qui lui permettent de cavaler sur les surfaces
verticales et au plafond. Ce Pokémon peut piéger ses
ennemis dans sa solide toile de soie."
168,26,6,"Ariados hat kleine hakenförmige Krallen an seinen Füßen.
Damit kann es an Decken und Wänden entlangflitzen.
Dieses Pokémon schnürt seine Gegner mit einem starken,
dünnen Seidenfaden ein."
168,26,7,"Ariados tiene unas patas con forma de garfio que le permiten
correr por techos y superficies verticales. Este Pokémon
oprime al rival con una tela de araña fina y resistente."
168,26,8,"Le zampe di Ariados sono dotate di artigli uncinati che gli
consentono di aggrapparsi a soffitti e pareti. Questo Pokémon
intrappola il nemico con la sua ragnatela sottile e robusta."
168,26,9,"Ariadoss feet are tipped with tiny hooked claws that enable it
to scuttle on ceilings and vertical walls. This Pokémon
constricts the foe with thin and strong silk webbing."
168,26,11,"足の 先端には 小さな カギヅメが あり
天井や 垂直の 壁も 歩ける。
細く 丈夫な 糸で 敵を 絞めあげる。"
168,27,1,"アリアドスの いとを つかって
はたを おる ちいきも ある。
じょうぶな ぬので こうひょうだ。"
168,27,3,"아리아도스의 실을 사용해
직물을 짜는 지역도 있다.
튼튼한 천으로 호평이다."
168,27,5,"Dans certaines régions, on utilise le fil de
Migalos pour tisser des étoffes. Leur grande
solidité les rend très populaires."
168,27,6,"Man schätzt die Fäden von Ariados aufgrund
ihrer Stärke. Vielerorts werden sie zum Weben
168,27,7,"En ciertas regiones, se utiliza la telaraña de
Ariados para tejer. La tela tejida con este
hilo tiene fama de ser muy resistente."
168,27,8,"In alcune regioni il filo di Ariados viene usato per
tessere al telaio, grazie alla sua straordinaria
168,27,9,"There are some areas where people use the
string Ariados spins for their own weaving.
The resulting cloth is popular for its strength."
168,27,11,"アリアドスの 糸を 使って
機を 織る 地域も ある。
丈夫な 布で 好評だ。"
168,28,1,"しりからも くちからも いとをだす。
いとで えものを からめとり
ゆっくりと たいえきを すする。"
168,28,3,"엉덩이에서도 입에서도 실을 뿜는다.
실로 먹이를 휘감아 잡고
천천히 체액을 빨아들인다."
168,28,5,"Ce Pokémon peut créer du fil avec sa bouche
ou son abdomen. Il lutilise pour ligoter sa proie,
puis aspire lentement ses fluides vitaux."
168,28,6,"Es kann mit dem Hinterleib und dem Mund Fäden
spinnen. Mit diesen fesselt es seine Beute und
entzieht ihr gemächlich alle Flüssigkeit."
168,28,7,"Teje su telaraña con el abdomen o la boca.
Inmoviliza a sus presas con su hilo y se alimenta
lentamente de sus fluidos corporales."
168,28,8,"Tesse un filo sia dalla bocca che dalla parte
posteriore del corpo. Vi avvolge la preda
e lentamente ne succhia i fluidi vitali."
168,28,9,"It spins thread from both its rear and its mouth.
Then it wraps its prey up in thread and sips
their bodily fluids at its leisure."
168,28,11,"尻からも 口からも 糸をだす。
糸で 獲物を 絡め取り
ゆっくりと 体液を すする。"
168,29,1,"よごと えものを もとめて さまよう。
みつけた えものに いとを はき
みうごきを ふうじて キバで かじる。"
168,29,3,"밤마다 먹이를 찾아 떠돈다.
발견한 먹이에 실을 내뿜어
움직이지 못하게 하고 이빨로 갉아먹는다."
168,29,5,"Il erre chaque nuit à la recherche dune proie.
Quand il en trouve une, il limmobilise grâce à
ses fils, puis la croque avec ses mandibules."
168,29,6,"Nachts wandert es auf der Suche nach Futter
umher. Wird es fündig, fesselt es seine Beute
mit einem Seidenfaden und beißt zu."
168,29,7,"Ronda por la noche en busca de presas a las
que inmoviliza con su hilo para luego clavarles
los colmillos."
168,29,8,"Vaga di notte in cerca di prede. Quando ne
trova una, usa il suo filo per immobilizzarla e poi
la divora con le sue zanne."
168,29,9,"Every night, it wanders around in search of
prey, whose movements it restrains by spewing
threads before it bites into them with its fangs."
168,29,11,"夜ごと 獲物を 求めて さ迷う。
見つけた 獲物に 糸を 吐き
身動きを 封じて キバで かじる。"
168,30,1,"いとを はいて えものを とらえる。
よるに なると すから はなれて
せっきょくてきに かりを するぞ。"
168,30,3,"실을 뿜어서 먹이를 잡는다.
밤이 되면 둥지를 떠나
적극적으로 사냥에 나선다."
168,30,5,"Il capture ses proies en projetant un fil quil
sécrète. À la nuit tombée, il quitte sa toile
et part chasser activement."
168,30,6,"Seine Beute ergreift es mit einem Seidenfaden.
Bei Anbruch der Nacht verlässt es sein Netz
und macht sich auf die Jagd."
168,30,7,"Captura a sus presas con el hilo que segrega.
Al caer la noche, abandona su tela y sale a
cazar activamente."
168,30,8,"Intrappola la preda usando il filo che secerne
dalla bocca. Quando scende la notte si allontana
dalla tela per cacciare."
168,30,9,"It spews threads from its mouth to catch its
prey. When night falls, it leaves its web to go
hunt aggressively."
168,30,11,"糸を はいて 獲物を 捕らえる。
夜に なると 巣から 離れて
積極的に 狩りを するぞ。"
169,4,9,"It flies so si­
lently through the
dark on its fourwings that it may
not be noticed
even when nearby."
169,5,9,"The development of
wings on its legs
enables it to flyfast but also
makes it tough to
stop and rest."
169,6,9,"As a result of its
pursuit of faster,
yet more silentflight, a new set
of wings grew on
its hind legs."
169,7,9,"If this POKéMON is flying by fluttering
only a pair of wings on either the
forelegs or hind legs, its proof thatCROBAT has been flying a long distance.
It switches the wings it uses if it is
169,8,9,"CROBAT sneaks up on its intended prey
using wings that barely make a sound.
This POKéMON rests by hanging on atree branch with its rear legs that
serve as wings."
169,9,9,"Over the course of evolution, its hind legs
turned into wings. By alternately resting
its front and rear wings, it can fly all day
without having to stop."
169,10,9,"The development of wings on its legs
enables it to fly fast but also makes it
tough to stop and rest."
169,11,9,"It flies so silently through the dark on
its four wings that it may not be noticed
even when nearby."
169,12,9,"Having four wings enables it to fly
faster and more quietly. It turns
active when the night comes."
169,13,9,"A Pokémon that gained vastly
enhanced flying performance by
having its legs turn into wings."
169,14,9,"The transformation of its legs into
wings made it better at flying, but
more clumsy at walking."
169,15,9,"It flies so silently through the
dark on its four wings that it may
not be noticed even when nearby."
169,16,9,"The development of wings on its legs
enables it to fly fast but also
makes it tough to stop and rest."
169,17,5,"La transformation de ses pattes en
ailes a certes amélioré sa capacité
à voler, mais pas à marcher."
169,17,9,"The transformation of its legs into
wings made it better at flying, but
more clumsy at walking."
169,18,5,"La transformation de ses pattes en
ailes a certes amélioré sa capacité
à voler, mais pas à marcher."
169,18,9,"The transformation of its legs into
wings made it better at flying, but
more clumsy at walking."
169,21,9,"Having four wings allows it to fly more
quickly and quietly so it can sneak up
on prey without its noticing."
169,22,9,"Having four wings allows it to fly more
quickly and quietly so it can sneak up
on prey without its noticing."
169,23,1,"4まいに ふえた つばさで
くらやみを しずかに とんでいく。
となりを とおられても きづかない。"
169,23,3,"4장으로 수가 늘어난 날개로
어둠 속을 조용히 날아간다.
주위를 지나쳐도 눈치채지 못한다."
169,23,5,"Il vole en silence dans lobscurité à laide de ses
quatre ailes. On ne lentend pas, même sil est très
169,23,6,"Mit seinen vier Flügeln fliegt es so geräuschlos
durch die Nacht, dass man es nicht bemerkt."
169,23,7,"Es tan silencioso cuando vuela en la oscuridad con sus
cuatro alas, que cuesta percibirlo cuando se acerca."
169,23,8,"Vola nel buio con le sue quattro ali in modo talmente
silenzioso che è difficile notarlo anche se è vicino."
169,23,9,"It flies so silently through the dark on its four wings
that it may not be noticed even when nearby."
169,23,11,"4枚に 増えた 翼で
暗闇を 静かに 飛んでいく。
となりを 通られても 気づかない。"
169,24,1,"4まいに ふえた はねを つかい
さらに はやく しずかに とんで
えものに きづかれず しのびよる。"
169,24,3,"4장으로 늘어난 날개를 사용하여
더욱 빠르고 조용하게 날아
먹이가 눈치채지 않게 살며시 다가간다."
169,24,5,"Ses quatre ailes lui permettent de voler furtivement
pour approcher ses proies sans les effrayer."
169,24,6,"Dank seiner vier Flügel kann es sich seiner Beute
noch schneller und leiser nähern, ohne dabei
bemerkt zu werden."
169,24,7,"Al contar con cuatro alas, puede acechar de manera
más rápida y sigilosa a sus presas sin que estas lo
169,24,8,"Con il secondo paio dali ottenuto dallevoluzione,
vola verso le prede in modo ancora più veloce e
169,24,9,"Having four wings allows it to fly more quickly and
quietly so it can sneak up on prey without
its noticing."
169,24,11,"4枚に 増えた 羽を 使い
さらに 速く 静かに 飛んで
獲物に 気づかれず 忍びよる。"
169,25,1,"うでか あしの どちらかだけで はばたいている
ときは ながい きょりを とんでいる しょうこ。
つかれると はばたく ハネを かえるのだ。"
169,25,3,"팔이나 다리 어느 한쪽만으로 날갯짓할
때는 긴 거리를 날고 있다는 증거다.
지치면 날갯짓하는 날개를 바꾼다."
169,25,5,"Lorsque Nostenfer vole depuis longtemps, il utilise ses ailes
antérieures ou postérieures en alternance. Il peut aisément
changer de paire dailes lorsquil est fatigué."
169,25,6,"Wenn Iksbat fliegt, indem es entweder das vordere oder
das hintere Paar Flügel bewegt, ist dies ein Anzeichen dafür,
dass dieses Pokémon bereits eine lange Strecke hinter sich
hat. Dann wechselt es die Flügel häufig."
169,25,7,"Cuando este Pokémon vuela batiendo solo las alas delanteras
o traseras, es porque lleva volando bastante tiempo. Cuando
se cansa, Crobat alterna las alas."
169,25,8,"Quando Crobat vola agitando soltanto un paio dali, quelle
anteriori o quelle posteriori, significa che ha affrontato
un volo molto lungo. Infatti, se è stanco cambia le ali
che sta usando."
169,25,9,"If this Pokémon is flying by fluttering only a pair of wings on
either the forelegs or hind legs, its proof that Crobat has been
flying a long distance. It switches the wings it uses if it is tired."
169,25,11,"腕か 足の どちらかだけで 羽ばたいている
ときは 長い 距離を 飛んでいる 証拠。
疲れると 羽ばたく ハネを 変えるのだ。"
169,26,1,"みみを すまさないと きこえないほど ちいさな
はおとで ねらった えものに しのびよるぞ。
うしろあしの ハネで えだに つかまり やすむ。"
169,26,3,"귀를 기울이지 않으면 들리지 않을 정도로 작은
날갯소리로 노린 먹이에게 살며시 다가간다.
뒷다리의 날개로 가지를 붙잡고 쉰다."
169,26,5,"Nostenfer sapproche discrètement de sa proie grâce à
ses ailes silencieuses. Ce Pokémon se repose en saccrochant
à une branche avec ses pattes arrière, qui peuvent aussi lui
servir dailes."
169,26,6,"Iksbats Flügelschlag ist so leise, dass die Beute lautlos
überrascht wird. Dieses Pokémon ruht sich aus, indem es
sich mit seinen Hinterbeinen an einen Ast hängt."
169,26,7,"Crobat se acerca hasta su posible presa usando las alas casi
sin hacer ruido. La forma de descansar que tiene es colgarse
de la rama de un árbol por las patas traseras."
169,26,8,"Crobat si avvicina furtivo alla preda con le sue ali
silenziosissime. Questo Pokémon si riposa aggrappato ai rami
degli alberi con le zampe posteriori, che servono anche da ali."
169,26,9,"Crobat sneaks up on its intended prey using wings that barely
make a sound. This Pokémon rests by hanging on a tree
branch with its rear legs that serve as wings."
169,26,11,"耳を すまさないと 聞こえないほど 小さな
羽音で ねらった 獲物に 忍び寄るぞ。
後ろ足の ハネで 枝に つかまり 休む。"
169,27,1,"りょうあしも はねになった けっか
ちじょうでの うごきは にがて。
はいずりまわることしか できない。"
169,27,3,"양발이 날개가 된 결과
지상에서 움직이는 것이 서툴다.
기어 돌아다니는 것밖에 못 한다."
169,27,5,"Comme ses pattes sont devenues des ailes,
il a du mal à se mouvoir sur terre. Il ne peut
que se traîner péniblement au sol."
169,27,6,"Es kann sich nur schwer am Boden fortbewegen,
da aus seinen zwei Beinen Flügel geworden sind.
Daher ist es nur zu Kriechbewegungen fähig."
169,27,7,"Tiene una movilidad muy reducida en el suelo, ya
que sus patas se transformaron en alas. La
única opción que le queda es arrastrarse."
169,27,8,"Le sue zampe si sono trasformate in ali,
rendendolo molto goffo negli spostamenti a
terra, dove ormai può avanzare solo strisciando."
169,27,9,"Both its legs became wings, and as a result,
it cant move well on the ground. All it can do
is crawl around."
169,27,11,"両足も 羽になった 結果
地上での 動きは 苦手。
はいずりまわることしか できない。"
169,28,1,"4まいのハネで はやくしずかに とぶ。
きづかれるまえに えものを ガブリ。
あっというまに ちを ぬきさるぞ。"
169,28,3,"4장의 날개로 빠르고 조용하게 난다.
눈치채기 전에 먹이를 덥석 문다.
순식간에 피를 뽑아낸다."
169,28,5,"Il vole vite et sans bruit grâce à ses quatre
ailes, mord sa proie sans se faire remarquer,
et disparaît aussi vite, la laissant exsangue."
169,28,6,"Mit seinen vier Flügeln kann es schnell und leise
fliegen. Ehe seine Beute sich versieht, hat es sie
schon gebissen und ihr alles Blut ausgesaugt."
169,28,7,"Puede volar rápida y sigilosamente gracias a sus
cuatro alas. Se abalanza sobre sus presas y les
chupa toda la sangre antes de que se percaten."
169,28,8,"Vola rapido e silenzioso grazie alle sue quattro
ali. Azzanna lignara preda e fugge via in un
baleno lasciandola esangue."
169,28,9,"Silent and swift in its four-winged flight, it bites
down on its prey before they realize whats
happening. In a heartbeat, it drains their blood."
169,28,11,"4枚の羽で 速く静かに 飛ぶ。
気づかれる前に 獲物を ガブリ。
あっというまに 血を 抜き去るぞ。"
169,29,1,"キバが するどいので くらやみで
かまれ ちを すわれても いたみが
なくて すぐに きが つかない。"
169,29,3,"이빨이 예리해서 어둠 속에서 물려
피를 빨려도 통증이 없기 때문에
금세 알아차리지 못한다."
169,29,5,"Ses crocs sont si acérés quil peut sucer
le sang de ses proies dans lobscurité sans
même quelles sen rendent compte."
169,29,6,"Iksbat hat sehr scharfe Zähne, sodass seine
Beute oft nichts davon merkt, wenn es in der
Dunkelheit zubeißt und ihr Blut aussaugt."
169,29,7,"Sus colmillos son tan afilados que su mordedura
resulta indolora y puede chupar la sangre a sus
presas en la oscuridad sin que se percaten."
169,29,8,"Succhia il sangue alle sue vittime nelloscurità.
Le sue zanne sono così affilate che i suoi morsi
sono indolori e le vittime non se ne accorgono."
169,29,9,"Its fangs are so sharp, if it bites you in the dark
and sucks your blood, you wont notice any pain
or realize youve been bitten."
169,29,11,"キバが 鋭いので 暗闇で
噛まれ 血を 吸われても 痛みが
なくて すぐに 気が つかない。"
169,30,1,"ひとや ポケモンの いきちが エサ。
すこし すわないで いるだけで
よわって とべなくなって しまう。"
169,30,3,"사람이나 포켓몬의 피가 먹이다.
잠시만 피를 빨지 않아도
약해져서 날지 못하게 되어 버린다."
169,30,5,"Il se nourrit du sang frais dhumains et de
Pokémon. Sil en manque ne serait-ce quun
instant, il saffaiblit et ne peut plus voler."
169,30,6,"Frisches Blut von Menschen und Pokémon ist
seine Nahrung. Ohne konstanten Nachschub
wird es schwach und kann nicht mehr fliegen."
169,30,7,"Se alimenta de sangre fresca de humanos y
Pokémon. Debe alimentarse constantemente o,
de lo contrario, se vuelve débil y no puede volar."
169,30,8,"Si nutre del sangue di persone e Pokémon.
Se rimane senza anche solo per poco, si
indebolisce al punto di non riuscire più a volare."
169,30,9,"It feeds on the blood of living people and
Pokémon. If it cant drink any blood for even a
short while, it becomes weak and unable to fly."
169,30,11,"人や ポケモンの 生き血が エサ。
少し 吸わないで いるだけで
弱って 飛べなくなって しまう。"
169,33,1,"りょうあしが ハネに へんか。
おとを たてずに こうそくで とび
エモノの うなじに キバを たてる。"
169,33,3,"양발이 날개로 변화했다.
소리를 내지 않고 고속으로 날아
먹이의 목덜미에 이빨을 꽂는다."
169,33,5,"Ses pattes sont devenues des ailes.
Il fond sur sa proie furtivement puis
plante ses crocs dans sa nuque."
169,33,6,"Seine zwei Beine wurden zu Flügeln. Es fliegt
schnell und lautlos zu seiner Beute, um ihr dann
die Zähne in den Nacken zu bohren."
169,33,7,"Sus patas se han convertido en alas. Se lanza
sobre su presa en un vuelo silencioso a alta
velocidad y le clava los colmillos en la nuca."
169,33,8,"Le due zampe si sono mutate in ali. Vola verso la
preda ad alta velocità senza fare alcun rumore
e le affonda le zanne nella nuca."
169,33,9,"Both of its legs have turned into wings. Without a
sound, Crobat flies swiftly toward its prey and
sinks its fangs into the nape of its targets neck."
169,33,11,"両足が 羽に 変化。
音を たてずに 高速で 飛び
獲物の うなじに キバを たてる。"
169,34,1,"4まいの ハネを じざいに あやつり
はばたく。 せまい どうくつでも
スピードを おとさず とびまわれる。"
169,34,3,"4장의 날개를 자유자재로 움직이며
날갯짓한다. 좁은 동굴에서도
속도를 늦추지 않고 날아다닐 수 있다."
169,34,5,"Il vole en contrôlant librement ses quatre ailes
et peut se déplacer sans avoir besoin de ralentir,
même dans les grottes étroites."
169,34,6,"Seine vier Flügel können unabhängig voneinander
schlagen. So vermag es auch in engen Höhlen
ohne Geschwindigkeitsverlust umherzufliegen."
169,34,7,"Controla de forma independiente cada una de
sus cuatro alas. Puede revolotear por cuevas
estrechas sin aminorar la velocidad."
169,34,8,"Vola controllando indipendentemente le sue
quattro ali. Non riduce la velocità nemmeno
nelle caverne più anguste."
169,34,9,"This Pokémon flaps its four wings skillfully.
Crobat can fly through cramped caves without
needing to slow down."
169,34,11,"4枚の 羽を 自在に 操り
羽ばたく。 狭い 洞窟でも
スピードを 落とさず 飛びまわれる。"
170,4,9,"It shoots positive
and negative elec­
tricity betweenthe tips of its
two antennae and
zaps its enemies."
170,5,9,"On the dark ocean
floor, its only
means of communi­cation is its
constantly flash­
ing lights."
170,6,9,"Its antennae, whi­
ch evolved from a
fin, have both po­sitive and neg­
ative charges flo­
wing through them."
170,7,9,"CHINCHOU lets loose positive and
negative electrical charges from its
two antennas to make its prey faint.This POKéMON flashes its electric
lights to exchange signals with others."
170,8,9,"CHINCHOUs two antennas are filled with
cells that generate strong electricity.
This POKéMONs cells create so muchelectrical power, it even makes itself
tingle slightly."
170,9,9,"When it senses danger, it discharges
positive and negative electricity from its
two antennae. It lives in depths beyond
sunlights reach."
170,10,9,"On the dark ocean floor, its only means
of communication is its constantly
flashing lights."
170,11,9,"It shoots positive and negative
electricity between the tips of its two
antennae and zaps its enemies."
170,12,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,13,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,14,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,15,9,"It shoots positive and negative
electricity between the tips of its
two antennae and zaps its enemies."
170,16,9,"On the dark ocean floor, its only
means of communication is its
constantly flashing lights."
170,17,5,"Il envoie des décharges électriques
positives et négatives du bout des
antennes pour paralyser sa proie."
170,17,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,18,5,"Il envoie des décharges électriques
positives et négatives du bout des
antennes pour paralyser sa proie."
170,18,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,21,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,22,9,"It discharges positive and
negative electricity from its
antenna tips to shock its foes."
170,23,1,"くらい かいていでは いつも
てんめつ している しょくしゅの
あかり だけが つうしんしゅだん。"
170,23,3,"어두운 해저에서는 항상
깜빡거리고 있는 촉수의
빛만이 통신수단이다."
170,23,5,"Au plus profond de locéan, son seul moyen de
communication est sa lumière qui clignote
170,23,6,"Am Meeresgrund kann es sich nur durch ständiges
Flackern seiner Lichter der Umgebung kundtun."
170,23,7,"En el oscuro fondo del océano, su único modo de
comunicarse es emitiendo luces parpadeantes."
170,23,8,"Negli oscuri fondali oceanici il suo unico mezzo di
comunicazione sono le luci sempre lampeggianti."
170,23,9,"On the dark ocean floor, its only means of
communication is its constantly flashing lights."
170,23,11,"暗い 海底では いつも
点滅している 触手の
明かり だけが 通信手段。"
170,24,1,"2つの しょくしゅの さきから
プラスと マイナスの でんきを
ながして あいてを しびれさせる。"
170,24,3,"2개의 촉수 끝에서
플러스와 마이너스의 전기를
흘려보내 상대를 마비시킨다."
170,24,5,"Il émet avec ses antennes des impulsions positives
et négatives qui peuvent électrocuter ses ennemis."
170,24,6,"Es verschießt negative und positive Elektronen
zwischen seinen Antennen, um seine Feinde
zu erlegen."
170,24,7,"Descarga electricidad positiva y negativa entre las
puntas de sus dos antenas y electrocuta al enemigo."
170,24,8,"Spara elettricità positiva e negativa tra le punte delle
due antenne per colpire i nemici."
170,24,9,"It shoots positive and negative electricity between
the tips of its two antennae and zaps its enemies."
170,24,11,"2つの 触手の 先から
プラスと マイナスの 電気を 流して
相手を しびれさせる。"
170,25,1,"2ほんの しょくしゅから プラスと マイナスの
でんきを ながして えものを きぜつ させる。
でんきの あかりは なかまとの サインだ。"
170,25,3,"2개의 촉수로 플러스와 마이너스
전기를 흘려 먹이를 기절시킨다.
전기의 빛은 동료와의 신호다."
170,25,5,"Loupio relâche des charges électriques positives et négatives
de ses deux antennes pour mettre sa proie K.O. Ce Pokémon
illumine ses ampoules électriques pour communiquer avec
ses congénères."
170,25,6,"Lampi gibt positive und negative elektrische Ladungen
durch seine Antennen ab, um seine Beute zu lähmen.
Dieses Pokémon lässt seine Lichter aufflackern und
tauscht Signale mit seinen Artgenossen aus."
170,25,7,"Chinchou libera cargas eléctricas positivas y negativas a través
de las dos antenas que tiene para que su rival pierda el
conocimiento. Asimismo, usa los destellos de electricidad para
comunicarse con otros."
170,25,8,"Chinchou libera una carica elettrica positiva e negativa
dalle due antenne per intontire la preda. Il Pokémon usa
le sue luci elettriche per scambiare segnali coi suoi simili."
170,25,9,"Chinchou lets loose positive and negative electrical charges
from its two antennas to make its prey faint. This Pokémon
flashes its electric lights to exchange signals with others."
170,25,11,"2本の 触手から プラスと マイナスの
電気を 流して 獲物を 気絶 させる。
電気の 灯りは 仲間との サインだ。"
170,26,1,"つよい でんきを はっせいさせる さいぼうが
2ほんの しょくしゅの なかに つまっている。
じぶんも ちょっと ピリピリ しびれるらしい。"
170,26,3,"강한 전기를 발생시키는 세포가
2개의 촉수 안에 채워져 있다.
자신도 조금은 찌릿하고 마비된다고 한다."
170,26,5,"Les deux antennes de Loupio sont chargées de cellules
qui génèrent un courant de forte intensité. Ces cellules
libèrent tellement délectricité quelles vibrent légèrement."
170,26,6,"Lampis zwei Antennen sind mit Zellen gefüllt, die Elektrizität
erzeugen. Die elektrische Ladung ist so stark, dass es sogar
ein leichtes Kribbeln verspürt."
170,26,7,"Las dos antenas de Chinchou están llenas de células que
generan potente electricidad. Crean tal cantidad que hasta
el propio Pokémon siente cierto hormigueo."
170,26,8,"Le due antenne di Chinchou contengono cellule che generano
unelettricità incredibile, tanto forte da farlo vibrare tutto."
170,26,9,"Chinchous two antennas are filled with cells that generate
strong electricity. This Pokémons cells create so much
electrical power, it even makes itself tingle slightly."
170,26,11,"強い 電気を 発生させる 細胞が
2本の 触手の 中に 詰まっている。
自分も ちょっと ピリピリ しびれるらしい。"
170,27,1,"2ほんの しょくしゅは もとは ヒレ。
でんきを はなって えものを
しびれさせてから おそう。"
170,27,3,"2개의 촉수는 원래는 지느러미이다.
전기를 발산해서 먹이를
마비시킨 다음 덮친다."
170,27,5,"Ses deux antennes étaient à lorigine des
ailerons. Il libère de lélectricité pour étourdir
ses proies avant de passer à lattaque."
170,27,6,"Seine zwei Antennen waren ursprünglich
Flossen. Es greift seine Beute an, indem es
sie mit Strom lähmt."
170,27,7,"Sus dos antenas antes eran aletas. Ataca a sus
presas después de haberlas paralizado de una
descarga eléctrica."
170,27,8,"Le sue due antenne sono levoluzione di pinne
primitive da cui emette scariche elettriche per
tramortire la preda prima di attaccarla."
170,27,9,"Its two antennae were originally fins.
It discharges electricity to stun its prey
before attacking."
170,27,11,"2本の 触手は 元は ヒレ。
電気を 放って 獲物を
しびれさせてから 襲う。"
170,28,1,"ひかりの とどかない かいていに
くらす。 しょくしゅを ひからせ
なかまと コミュニケーション。"
170,28,3,"빛이 닿지 않는 해저에 산다.
촉수를 빛내 동료들과
커뮤니케이션을 한다."
170,28,5,"Il vit dans les profondeurs marines que le soleil
natteint pas. Il utilise ses antennes lumineuses
pour communiquer avec ses congénères."
170,28,6,"Es lebt in den Tiefen des Meeres, zu denen kein
Licht durchdringt. Es kommuniziert mit anderen
Lampi, indem es seine Antennen aufblitzen lässt."
170,28,7,"Vive en lo más profundo del océano, donde ya
no alcanza la luz. Se comunica con los de su
especie emitiendo luces con sus antenas."
170,28,8,"Vive in profondità marine al riparo dalla luce
del sole. Usa le antenne luminose per
comunicare con i suoi simili."
170,28,9,"It lives in the depths beyond the reach of
sunlight. It flashes lights on its antennae
to communicate with others of its kind."
170,28,11,"光の 届かない 海底に
暮らす。 触手を 光らせ
仲間と コミュニケーション。"
170,29,1,"2ほんの しょくしゅが ほのかに
ひかって えものを よびよせる。
よづりに べんりな ポケモンだ。"
170,29,3,"2개의 촉수가 어렴풋이 빛나
먹이를 불러들인다.
밤낚시에 편리한 포켓몬이다."
170,29,5,"Ses deux antennes luisent légèrement pour
attirer ses proies. Cest un Pokémon très
pratique pour pêcher la nuit."
170,29,6,"Das schwache Licht seiner zwei Antennen
zieht andere Pokémon an. Es ist somit ein
idealer Begleiter beim Nachtangeln."
170,29,7,"Sus dos antenas emiten una tenue luz con la que
atrae a sus presas. Resulta un compañero ideal
para una partida de pesca nocturna."
170,29,8,"Dalle antenne emette una debole luce che usa
per attirare a sé le prede. È un compagno
perfetto per la pesca notturna."
170,29,9,"Its two antennae glow softly to lure in prey,
making it a useful Pokémon for night fishing."
170,29,11,"2本の 触手が ほのかに
光って 獲物を 呼び寄せる。
夜釣りに 便利な ポケモンだ。"
170,30,1,"ひかる しょくしゅの てんめつで
チョンチーどうしは たがいの
なわばりを しゅちょう しあう。"
170,30,3,"빛나는 촉수를 깜빡여서
초라기끼리 서로의
영역을 주장한다."
170,30,5,"Les Loupio marquent les limites de leur territoire
en faisant clignoter leurs antennes."
170,30,6,"Es lässt seine leuchtenden Antennen aufblitzen,
um vor anderen Lampi sein Revier geltend zu
170,30,7,"Hace parpadear las luces de sus antenas para
comunicarse con sus congéneres y así marcar
su territorio."
170,30,8,"Vive nelle profondità marine, al riparo dalla luce
del sole. Usa le antenne luminose per
comunicare con i suoi simili."
170,30,9,"Chinchou blink their shining antennae at one
another to claim their respective turf."
170,30,11,"光る 触手の 点滅で
チョンチー同士は 互いの
縄張りを 主張 しあう。"
170,33,1,"ひれが へんかして できた
しょくしゅは それぞれ プラスと
マイナスの でんきが ながれている。"
170,33,3,"지느러미가 변해서 만들어진
촉수는 각각 플러스와
마이너스의 전기가 흐르고 있다."
170,33,5,"Ses antennes proviennent danciennes nageoires
et sont chargées dénergies positive et négative."
170,33,6,"Seine Antennen haben sich aus Flossen entwickelt
und sind sowohl positiv als auch negativ geladen."
170,33,7,"Sus otrora dos aletas han evolucionado a las
actuales antenas y ambas tienen carga positiva
y negativa."
170,33,8,"Le sue antenne, evoluzione di pinne primitive,
sono attraversate da energia elettrica, positiva
in una e negativa nellaltra."
170,33,9,"Its antennae, which evolved from a fin, have both
positive and negative charges flowing through them."
170,33,11,"ひれが 変化して できた
触手は それぞれが プラスと
マイナスの 電気が 流れている。"
170,34,1,"くらい かいていでは いつも
てんめつ している しょくしゅの
あかり だけが つうしんしゅだん。"
170,34,3,"어두운 해저에서는 항상
깜빡거리는 촉수의 빛이
유일한 통신 수단이다."
170,34,5,"Au plus profond de locéan, son seul moyen
de communication est la lumière de ses antennes,
qui clignotent constamment."
170,34,6,"Am dunklen Meeresgrund sind die ständig
flackernden Lichter seiner Antennen sein
einziges Kommunikationsmittel."
170,34,7,"En el oscuro fondo del océano, su único modo
de comunicarse son las luces parpadeantes que
emite por las antenas."
170,34,8,"Il suo unico mezzo di comunicazione negli oscuri
fondali oceanici sono le luci delle sue antenne,
che lampeggiano costantemente."
170,34,9,"On the dark ocean floor, its only means of
communication is its constantly flashing lights."
170,34,11,"暗い 海底では いつも
点滅している 触手の
灯り だけが 通信手段。"
171,4,9,"The light it emits
is so bright that
it can illuminatethe sea's surface
from a depth of
over three miles."
171,5,9,"It blinds prey
with an intense
burst of light,then swallows the
immobilized prey
in a single gulp."
171,6,9,"This POKéMON uses
the bright part of
its body, whichchanged from a
dorsal fin, to
lure prey."
171,7,9,"LANTURN is nicknamed “the deep-sea
star” for its illuminated antenna.
This POKéMON produces light bycausing a chemical reaction between
bacteria and its bodily fluids inside
the antenna."
171,8,9,"LANTURN is known to emit light.
If you peer down into the dark sea from
a ship at night, you can sometimes seethis POKéMONs light rising from the
depths where it swims. It gives the sea
an appearance of a starlit night."
171,9,9,"The light-emitting orbs on its back are
very bright. They are formed from a part of
its dorsal fin. This POKéMON illuminates
the inky darkness of deep seas."
171,10,9,"It blinds prey with an intense burst of
light, then swallows the immobilized prey
in a single gulp."
171,11,9,"The light it emits is so bright that it can
illuminate the seas surface from a depth
of over three miles."
171,12,9,"LANTURNs light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,13,9,"LANTURNs light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,14,9,"LANTURNs light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,15,9,"The light it emits is so bright that
it can illuminate the seas surface
from a depth of over three miles."
171,16,9,"It blinds prey with an intense burst of
light. With the prey incapacitated, the
Pokémon swallows it in a single gulp."
171,17,5,"La lumière de Lanturn surgit des
profondeurs. On le surnomme
“étoile des profondeurs”."
171,17,9,"Lanturns light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,18,5,"La lumière de Lanturn surgit des
profondeurs. On le surnomme
“étoile des profondeurs”."
171,18,9,"Lanturns light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,21,9,"Lanturns light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,22,9,"Lanturns light can shine up from
great depths. It is nicknamed
“The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,23,1,"しんかいを およぐ ランターンの
あかりは すいめんまで とどく。
しんかいのほし と よばれている。"
171,23,3,"심해를 헤엄치는 랜턴의
불빛은 수면까지 다다른다.
심해의 별이라고 불리고 있다."
171,23,5,"La lumière de Lanturn surgit des profondeurs.
On le surnomme «étoile des profondeurs»."
171,23,6,"Lanturns Licht kann aus großen Tiefen heraufscheinen.
Man nennt es auch „Tiefseestern“."
171,23,7,"La luz de Lanturn se puede ver desde lo más
profundo. Se le llama la Estrella de Alta Mar."
171,23,8,"La sua luce è visibile anche quando si trova in
profondità. È soprannominato “Stella degli abissi”."
171,23,9,"Lanturns light can shine up from great depths.
It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”"
171,23,11,"深海を 泳ぐ ランターンの
明かりは 水面まで 届く。
深海の星 と 呼ばれている。"
171,24,1,"まぶしい ひかりを はなって
あいての めを くらませ うごけない
あいだに まるのみに してしまう。"
171,24,3,"눈부신 빛을 발산하여 상대의 눈을
안 보이게 만들어 움직이지 못하는
동안에 통째로 삼켜버린다."
171,24,5,"Il aveugle sa proie avec une lumière intense, puis
lavale dun seul trait une fois immobilisée."
171,24,6,"Es blendet seine Beute mit einem starken Blitz und
verschlingt die gelähmte Beute mit einem Schluck."
171,24,7,"Ciega a su presa con una luz intensa y luego se la
traga de un solo bocado."
171,24,8,"Acceca la preda con unintensa ondata di luce,
immobilizzandola, per poi ingoiarla in un sol boccone."
171,24,9,"It blinds prey with an intense burst of light.
With the prey incapacitated, the Pokémon
swallows it in a single gulp."
171,24,11,"まぶしい 光を 放って
相手の 目を くらませ 動けない
あいだに まるのみに してしまう。"
171,25,1,"しんかいのほし と よばれる ポケモンだ。
しょくしゅの なかの バクテリアと たいえきを
かがくはんのうさせる ことで ひかりを つくる。"
171,25,3,"심해의 별이라 불리는 포켓몬이다.
촉수 안의 박테리아와 체액을
화학 반응시켜서 빛을 만든다."
171,25,5,"On surnomme Lanturn «létoile des profondeurs» à cause de
son antenne lumineuse. Ce Pokémon produit de la lumière
en provoquant une réaction chimique entre des bactéries
et les fluides corporels de son antenne."
171,25,6,"Lanturn wird auch „Tiefseestern“ genannt, da es eine
leuchtende Antenne besitzt. Dieses Pokémon erzeugt Licht,
indem es in der Antenne eine chemische Reaktion zwischen
Bakterien und seinen Körperflüssigkeiten erzeugt."
171,25,7,"A Lanturn lo llaman la Estrella del Fondo del Mar por la antena
iluminada que tiene. Este Pokémon produce luz creando una
reacción química entre una bacteria y los fluidos corporales de
la antena."
171,25,8,"Lanturn è detto anche “Stella degli abissi” per la sua
antenna-lanterna. Genera la luce grazie a una reazione
chimica tra i batteri e i fluidi corporei allinterno
dellantenna stessa."
171,25,9,"Lanturn is nicknamed “the deep-sea star” for its illuminated
antenna. This Pokémon produces light by causing a chemical
reaction between bacteria and its bodily fluids inside
the antenna."
171,25,11,"深海の星 と 呼ばれる ポケモンだ。
触手の 中の バクテリアと 体液を
科学反応させる ことで 光を つくる。"
171,26,1,"よなかに ふねから くらい うみを のぞきこむと
しんかいを およぐ ランターンの ひかりが
ほしぞらの ように みえる ことが あるよ。"
171,26,3,"밤중에 배에서 어두운 바다를 들여다보면
심해를 헤엄치는 랜턴의 빛이
별이 총총한 하늘처럼 보이는 일이 있다."
171,26,5,"On sait que Lanturn émet de la lumière. Si on regarde
attentivement la mer de nuit à partir dun bateau, on peut voir
la lumière générée par ce Pokémon éclairer les profondeurs.
Cela donne à la mer lapparence dun ciel étoilé."
171,26,6,"Lanturn strahlt Licht ab. Wenn du nachts aufs dunkle Meer
hinausblickst, kannst du vielleicht das Licht dieses Pokémon
aus der Tiefe, in der es schwimmt, heraufschimmern sehen.
Es lässt das Meer wie eine sternklare Nacht wirken."
171,26,7,"Todos saben que Lanturn emite luz. Si echas un ojo al mar
desde un barco en una noche cerrada, quizás veas su luz a
través de las aguas, brillando desde lo más profundo, por
donde suele nadar. Con él, el mar parece un cielo estrellado."
171,26,8,"Lanturn emette una luce intensa. Osservando il mare da
unimbarcazione, di notte, è possibile scorgere la sua luce
risalire dagli abissi dovè solito nuotare. Il mare assume
laspetto dun cielo stellato."
171,26,9,"Lanturn is known to emit light. If you peer down into the dark
sea from a ship at night, you can sometimes see this
Pokémons light rising from the depths where it swims. It gives
the sea an appearance of a starlit night."
171,26,11,"夜中に 船から 暗い 海を のぞき込むと
深海を 泳ぐ ランターンの 光が
星空の ように 見える ことが あるよ。"
171,27,1,"よるの かいめんを のぞきこんで
かがやく ほしの ような ひかりが
みえたら それは ランターンだよ。"
171,27,3,"밤에 해면을 들여다보다
반짝이는 별 같은 빛이
보이면 그것은 랜턴이다."
171,27,5,"Lorsquon regarde au fond de la mer au milieu
de la nuit et que lon croit apercevoir le reflet
des étoiles, cest probablement un Lanturn."
171,27,6,"Blickt man nachts in die Tiefen des Meeres
hinab und sieht am Grund ein helles Licht,
handelt es sich dabei um ein Lanturn."
171,27,7,"Cuando por la noche el mar parece un cielo
estrellado, es muy probable que se trate de
Lanturn haciendo brillar su antena."
171,27,8,"Quando sulla superficie del mare si vede brillare
una luce che sembra una stella, si tratta di
un Lanturn."
171,27,9,"Should you peer into the ocean at night and see
a light shining like the stars, that is Lanturn."
171,27,11,"夜の 海面を 覗き込んで
輝く 星の ような 光が
見えたら それは ランターンだよ。"
171,28,1,"つよい ひかりを はなち えものの
めを くらませる。 スキが できたら
でんげきを おみまいする。"
171,28,3,"강한 빛을 발산해 먹이의 눈을
멀게 한다. 허점이 생기면
전격을 먹인다."
171,28,5,"Il dégage une vive lumière pour éblouir ses
proies, puis les achève dun choc électrique
bien senti."
171,28,6,"Es blendet seine Beute mit einem starken Blitz.
Sieht es eine Chance zuzuschlagen, greift es
sie mit Elektrizität an."
171,28,7,"Ciega a sus presas con una luz intensa. Si tiene
la ocasión, les propina una buena descarga
171,28,8,"Acceca la preda con una luce intensa per poi
attaccarla immediatamente con una scossa
171,28,9,"This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds
its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver
an electrical attack."
171,28,11,"強い 光を 放ち 獲物の
目を くらませる。 隙が できたら
電撃を お見舞いする。"
171,29,1,"しょくしゅに すむ バクテリアが
ランターンの たいえきを すうとき
つよい はっこうげんしょうが おこる。"
171,29,3,"촉수에 사는 박테리아가
랜턴의 체액을 빨아들일 때
강한 발광 현상이 일어난다."
171,29,5,"Les bactéries nichées dans lantenne de Lanturn
émettent une lumière vive quand elles aspirent
ses fluides corporels."
171,29,6,"In Lanturns Antennen leben Bakterien, die seine
Körperflüssigkeiten aufnehmen und so ein
eindrucksvolles Lichtspektakel auslösen."
171,29,7,"Cuando las bacterias que viven en sus antenas
absorben sus fluidos corporales, sufren una
reacción que libera una luz intensa."
171,29,8,"Quando i batteri nelle antenne di Lanturn
assimilano i suoi fluidi corporei, scatenano una
reazione che sprigiona una forte luce."
171,29,9,"When the bacteria living inside its antennae
absorb Lanturns bodily fluids, a strong
luminescent effect is produced."
171,29,11,"触手に 棲む バクテリアが
ランターンの 体液を 吸うとき
強い 発光現象が 起こる。"
171,30,1,"かいちゅうの はるか ふかくに すむ。
ひかりで えものの めを くらませて
ひるんだ すきに まるのみに する。"
171,30,3,"바닷속 깊고 깊은 곳에 산다.
빛으로 먹이의 눈을 멀게 해서
풀이 죽은 틈을 타 통째로 삼킨다."
171,30,5,"Ce Pokémon des abysses immobilise ses proies
en les aveuglant grâce à la lumière de son
antenne, puis les gobe toutes crues."
171,30,6,"Dieses tief im Meer lebende Pokémon blendet
seine Beute mit dem Licht seiner Antennen und
verschlingt sie anschließend mit einem Schluck."
171,30,7,"Vive en lo más profundo del océano. Deslumbra
a su presa con la luz de sus antenas y, mientras
está confusa, la engulle de un bocado."
171,30,8,"Vive negli abissi più remoti. Abbaglia la preda
con la sua luce e approfitta del suo stordimento
per ingoiarla in un sol boccone."
171,30,9,"It lives far down in the depths of the ocean. It
blinds its prey with light, using the moment
theyre dazzled to swallow them whole."
171,30,11,"海中の 遥か 深くに 棲む。
光で 獲物の 目を くらませて
ひるんだ 隙に 丸呑みに する。"
171,33,1,"ランターンのだす ひかりは
5000メートルの ふかさ からでも
すいめんまで とどくほど あかるい。"
171,33,3,"랜턴이 내는 빛은
5000m의 깊이에서도
수면까지 전해질 정도로 밝다."
171,33,5,"Sa lumière est si intense quon peut la voir
à la surface de leau alors quil se trouve
à 5000 mètres de profondeur."
171,33,6,"Sein Licht ist so hell, dass es selbst aus 5000 m
Tiefe an die Meeresoberfläche dringt."
171,33,7,"La luz que emite es tan brillante que puede
iluminar la superficie del mar desde unos 5 km
de profundidad."
171,33,8,"Emette una luce così intensa da illuminare la
superficie del mare da oltre 5 km di profondità."
171,33,9,"The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate
the seas surface from a depth of over three miles."
171,33,11,"ランターンのだす 光は
5000メートルの 深さ からでも
水面まで 届くほど 明るい。"
171,34,1,"つよい ひかりを はなち えものの
めを くらませる。 スキが できたら
でんげきを おみまいする。"
171,34,3,"강한 빛을 발산해
먹이의 눈을 멀게 한다.
허점을 보이면 전격을 먹인다."
171,34,5,"Il dégage une vive lumière pour éblouir ses proies,
puis leur inflige un choc électrique bien senti."
171,34,6,"Es blendet seine Beute mit einem grellen Licht.
Sieht es eine Chance zuzuschlagen, greift es sie
mit Elektrizität an."
171,34,7,"Ciega a sus presas con una luz intensa. Si tiene la
ocasión, les propina una descarga eléctrica."
171,34,8,"Acceca la preda con una luce intensa per poi
attaccarla immediatamente con una scossa
171,34,9,"This Pokémon flashes a bright light that blinds
its prey. This creates an opening for it to deliver
an electrical attack."
171,34,11,"強い 光を 放ち 獲物の
目を 眩ませる。 隙が できたら
電撃を おみまいする。"
172,4,9,"It is not yet
skilled at storing
electricity.It may send out a
jolt if amused
or startled."
172,5,9,"Despite its small
size, it can zap
even adult humans.However, if it
does so, it also
surprises itself."
172,6,9,"It is unskilled at
storing electric
power. Any kind ofshock causes it to
discharge energy
172,7,9,"PICHU charges itself with electricity
more easily on days with thunderclouds
or when the air is very dry.You can hear the crackling of static
electricity coming off this POKéMON."
172,8,9,"When PICHU plays with others, it may
short out electricity with another
PICHU, creating a shower of sparks.In that event, this POKéMON will begin
crying, startled by the flash of sparks."
172,9,9,"It is still inept at retaining electricity.
When it is startled, it discharges power
accidentally. It gets better at holding
power as it grows older."
172,10,9,"Despite its small size, it can zap even
adult humans. However, if it does so, it
also surprises itself."
172,11,9,"It is not yet skilled at storing
electricity. It may send out a jolt if
amused or startled."
172,12,9,"The electric pouches on its cheeks
are still small. They cannot store
much electricity yet."
172,13,9,"It plays with others by touching
tails and setting off sparks. This
appears to be a test of courage."
172,14,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are
small. If even a little electricity
leaks, it becomes shocked."
172,15,9,"It is not yet skilled at storing
electricity. It may send out a
jolt if amused or startled."
172,16,9,"Despite its small size, it can zap
even adult humans. However, if it
does so, it also surprises itself."
172,17,5,"Les poches électriques de ses
joues sont encore petites, mais
risquent de lélectrocuter."
172,17,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are
small. If even a little electricity
leaks, it becomes shocked."
172,18,5,"Les poches électriques de ses
joues sont encore petites, mais
risquent de lélectrocuter."
172,18,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are
small. If even a little electricity
leaks, it becomes shocked."
172,21,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are
small. If even a little electricity
leaks, it becomes shocked."
172,22,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are
small. If even a little electricity
leaks, it becomes shocked."
172,23,1,"なかまと しっぽの さきを あわせて
ひばなを とばす あそびをする。
どきょうだめしを しているらしい。"
172,23,3,"동료와 꼬리의 끝을 맞추면서
불티를 튀기는 놀이를 한다.
담력 시험을 하고 있는 듯하다."
172,23,5,"Il prouve son courage en touchant la queue électrifiée
de ses pairs."
172,23,6,"Sie spielen miteinander, indem sie ihre Schweifspitzen
aneinanderhalten und Funken fliegen lassen."
172,23,7,"Cuando juegan, se tocan las colas y emiten chispas.
Al parecer, es una prueba de valor."
172,23,8,"Quando le code dei Pichu si toccano, fanno
scintille. Pare che si tratti di una prova di coraggio."
172,23,9,"It plays with others by touching tails and setting off
sparks. This appears to be a test of courage."
172,23,11,"仲間と 尻尾の 先を あわせて
火花を 飛ばす 遊びをする。
度胸試しを しているらしい。"
172,24,1,"まだまだ でんきを ためるのがへた。
おどろいたり わらったりすると
すぐに ほうでん してしまう。"
172,24,3,"아직 전기를 모으는 게 서툴다.
놀라거나 웃으면
바로 방전돼 버린다."
172,24,5,"Il ne sait pas encore stocker lélectricité. Il envoie
des décharges par jeu ou par peur."
172,24,6,"Es kann noch nicht mit Elektrizität umgehen.
Es wirft Blitze, wenn es sich freut oder erstaunt ist."
172,24,7,"Todavía no domina el almacenamiento de electricidad
y descargará un rayo si se divierte o asusta."
172,24,8,"Non è ancora bravo a immagazzinare elettricità. Se
si emoziona oppure è divertito ne perde un po."
172,24,9,"It is not yet skilled at storing electricity.
It may send out a jolt if amused or startled."
172,24,11,"まだまだ 電気を ためるのが下手。
驚いたり 笑ったりすると
すぐに 放電 してしまう。"
172,25,1,"かみなりぐもが でている ときや くうきの
かんそうした ひは でんきが たまりやすい。
パチパチ せいでんきの おとが なっているよ。"
172,25,3,"번개 구름이 있을 때나 공기가
건조한 날은 전기가 쉽게 모인다.
타다닥 정전기 소리가 난다."
172,25,5,"Pichu se charge plus facilement en électricité les jours dorage
ou lorsque lair est très sec. On peut entendre le crépitement
de lélectricité statique générée par ce Pokémon."
172,25,6,"An Gewittertagen oder Tagen, an denen die Luft sehr trocken
ist, kann sich Pichu leichter mit Elektrizität aufladen. Dann kann
man das Knistern statischer Aufladung hören."
172,25,7,"A Pichu le resulta más fácil cargarse de electricidad en días
de nubarrones o cuando sopla un aire muy seco. Es posible
oír la electricidad estática que emana de este Pokémon."
172,25,8,"Pichu si carica di elettricità più facilmente in caso di cielo
coperto da nubi temporalesche o aria molto secca. Spesso
si può percepire lo scoppiettio della sua carica elettrostatica."
172,25,9,"Pichu charges itself with electricity more easily on days with
thunderclouds or when the air is very dry. You can hear the
crackling of static electricity coming off this Pokémon."
172,25,11,"雷雲が でている ときや 空気の
乾燥した 日は 電気が たまりやすい。
パチパチ 静電気の 音が 鳴っているよ。"
172,26,1,"なかまと あそんでいるとき おたがいの でんきが
ショートして ひばなを だす ことが あるぞ。
ひばなに びっくり すると なきだしてしまうよ。"
172,26,3,"동료와 놀고 있을 때 서로의 전기가
합선되어 불꽃이 일어나는 일이 있다.
불꽃에 깜짝 놀라면 울기 시작한다."
172,26,5,"Lorsque Pichu joue, il lui arrive de faire des courts-circuits
avec un autre Pichu, créant ainsi une gerbe détincelles.
Du coup, ce Pokémon prend peur et se met à pleurer."
172,26,6,"Wenn Pichu mit anderen spielt, kann es einen Kurzschluss
mit einem seiner Artgenossen erzeugen, sodass die Funken
sprühen. Dann beginnt es zu weinen, weil es vor den Funken
172,26,7,"Cuando Pichu juega con otros, puede liberar electricidad y
producir una auténtica lluvia de chispas. Cuando esto ocurre,
chilla asustado por tanta chispa."
172,26,8,"Quando Pichu gioca con i suoi simili, la sua elettricità crea
una pioggia di scintille, scontrandosi con quella degli altri.
In questo caso, inizia a lacrimare accecato dalla luce
delle scintille."
172,26,9,"When Pichu plays with others, it may short out electricity with
another Pichu, creating a shower of sparks. In that event, this
Pokémon will begin crying, startled by the flash of sparks."
172,26,11,"仲間と 遊んでいるとき お互いの 電気が
ショートして 火花を 出す ことが あるぞ。
火花に びっくり すると 泣き出してしまうよ。"
172,27,1,"まだ でんきを あつかうのが ヘタ。
ちょっと めを はなすと じぶんの
でんきで しびれていることも。"
172,27,3,"아직 전기를 다루는 것이 서툴다.
잠시 한눈팔면 자기의 전기에
마비되어 있을 때도 있다."
172,27,5,"Il ne contrôle pas encore bien son électricité.
Si on le laisse sans surveillance, il est capable
de sélectrocuter lui-même."
172,27,6,"Es ist noch nicht sehr geübt im Umgang mit
Elektrizität. Lässt man es kurz aus den Augen,
lähmt es sich schon mal versehentlich selbst."
172,27,7,"No controla muy bien la electricidad. Como su
Entrenador se descuide, Pichu puede acabar
paralizado por sus propias descargas."
172,27,8,"Non sa ancora controllare bene lelettricità.
Se non lo si tiene docchio, rischia di darsi
la scossa da solo."
172,27,9,"It is not yet skilled at controlling electricity.
If you take your eyes off it, it may shock itself."
172,27,11,"まだ 電気を 扱うのが ヘタ。
ちょっと 目を 離すと 自分の
電気で しびれていることも。"
172,28,1,"かわいいけれど いっしょに くらすなら
でんきショックで ビリビリに される
かくごを しなければ いけないのだ。"
172,28,3,"귀엽지만 같이 산다면
전기쇼크로 찌릿찌릿해질
각오를 해야 한다."
172,28,5,"Bien quil soit adorable, il faut être prêt à
supporter ses décharges électriques répétées
si lon veut vivre avec un Pichu."
172,28,6,"Pichu sind sehr niedlich, aber wer mit einem
zusammenleben will, sollte sich besser auf
regelmäßige Stromschläge gefasst machen."
172,28,7,"Es un Pokémon adorable, pero cuando se
convive con él, uno tiene que estar preparado
para recibir alguna que otra descarga eléctrica."
172,28,8,"È molto carino, ma quando si sta con lui, bisogna
rassegnarsi a prendere la scossa a causa delle
sue scariche elettriche."
172,28,9,"Despite this Pokémons cute appearance, those
who want to live with one should prepare to be
on the receiving end of its electric jolts."
172,28,11,"可愛いけれど 一緒に暮らすなら
電気ショックで ビリビリに される
覚悟を しなければ いけないのだ。"
172,29,1,"まだまだ でんきを つかうのが へた。
おどろいたり きもちが たかぶると
すぐに ほうでん してしまうのだ。"
172,29,3,"여전히 전기 사용에 서툴다.
놀라거나 흥분하게 되면
바로 방전돼 버린다."
172,29,5,"Il ne contrôle pas encore bien lélectricité,
et laisse échapper des décharges lorsquil
est surpris ou en proie à de fortes émotions."
172,29,6,"Es ist noch nicht sehr geübt im Umgang mit
Elektrizität. Wenn es erschrickt oder aufgeregt
ist, wirft es mit Blitzen um sich."
172,29,7,"Aún no controla muy bien la electricidad, por lo
que suele emitir descargas involuntarias cuando
lo sorprenden o siente alguna emoción intensa."
172,29,8,"Non sa ancora controllare bene lelettricità.
Se è emozionato o sorpreso, rilascia delle
172,29,9,"It still cant use electricity well. When its
surprised or excited, it discharges
electricity unintentionally."
172,29,11,"まだまだ 電気を 使うのが 下手。
驚いたり 気持ちが 高ぶると
すぐに 放電 してしまうのだ。"
172,30,1,"ほっぺに でんきぶくろが ある。
じゅうでん できているときは
げんきいっぱい あそびまわる。"
172,30,3,"볼에 전기 주머니가 있다.
충전된 상태에서는
활발하게 돌아다닌다."
172,30,5,"Les poches de ses joues renferment de
lélectricité. Lorsquelles sont chargées, il a
tellement dénergie quil ne pense quà jouer."
172,30,6,"In den Backentaschen speichert es Elektrizität.
Sind diese vollständig aufgeladen, wirbelt es
beim Spielen voller Energie herum."
172,30,7,"Posee sacos eléctricos en los carrillos. Cuando
se cargan por completo, se siente pletórico de
energía y corre y juguetea sin parar."
172,30,8,"Ha due sacche elettriche sulle guance.
Quando sono completamente cariche, gioca
scorrazzando qua e là pieno di energie."
172,30,9,"It has electric sacs in its cheeks. When theyre
fully charged, Pichu plays very energetically."
172,30,11,"ほっぺに 電気袋が ある。
充電 できているときは
元気いっぱい 遊びまわる。"
172,33,1,"ちいさくても おとなを ビリビリ
させるほどの でんげきを はなてる。
ただし じぶんも おどろいてしまう。"
172,33,3,"작아도 어른을 찌릿찌릿
감전시킬 정도의 전기를 낸다.
단, 자신도 놀라 어찌할 줄 모른다."
172,33,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, il peut électrocuter
de grandes personnes, ce qui le surprend
172,33,6,"Obwohl es so klein ist, kann es genug Elektrizität
freisetzen, um sogar einen Erwachsenen zu
überwältigen. Tritt dies ein, ist es selbst erstaunt."
172,33,7,"A pesar de su pequeño tamaño, puede soltar
descargas capaces de electrocutar a un adulto,
si bien él también acaba sobresaltado."
172,33,8,"Nonostante sia minuto, può folgorare anche
una persona adulta... ma quando lo fa,
si sorprende da solo."
172,33,9,"Despite its small size, it can zap even adult
humans. However, if it does so, it also
surprises itself."
172,33,11,"小さくても 大人を ビリビリ
させるほどの 電撃を 放てる。
ただし 自分も 驚いてしまう。"
172,34,1,"ほほの でんきぶくろは ちいさく
ちょっとでも でんきが あふれると
じぶんじしんが しびれてしまう。"
172,34,3,"볼의 전기 주머니가 작아서
조금이라도 전기가 넘치게 되면
자기 자신이 감전되어 버린다."
172,34,5,"Les poches électriques de ses joues sont
très petites. Lorsquelles sont surchargées,
il sélectrocute lui-même."
172,34,6,"Tritt auch nur eine geringe Menge Elektrizität aus
seinen kleinen Backentaschen aus, bekommt es
einen Schlag."
172,34,7,"Las bolsas de electricidad de sus mejillas son muy
pequeñas y, a poco que se desborden, recibe
una fuerte descarga."
172,34,8,"Le sacche elettriche sulle sue guance sono molto
piccole e, se fuoriesce anche solo un po
di elettricità, resta fulminato."
172,34,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a
little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked."
172,34,11,"頬の 電気袋は 小さく
ちょっとでも 電気が あふれると
自分自身が 痺れてしまう。"
173,4,9,"Because of its
unusual, star-like
silhouette, peoplebelieve that it
came here on
a meteor."
173,5,9,"When numerous me­
teors illuminate
the night sky,sightings of
CLEFFA strangely
173,6,9,"If the impact site
of a meteorite is
found, thisPOKéMON is certain
to be within the
immediate area."
173,7,9,"On nights with many shooting stars,
CLEFFA can be seen dancing in a ring.
They dance through the night and stoponly at the break of day, when these
POKéMON quench their thirst with the
morning dew."
173,8,9,"On nights with many shooting stars,
CLEFFA can be seen dancing in a ring.
They dance through the night and stoponly at the break of day, when these
POKéMON quench their thirst with the
morning dew."
173,9,9,"On nights with many shooting stars,
CLEFFA can be seen dancing in a ring.
They dance until daybreak, when they
quench their thirst with the morning dew."
173,10,9,"When numerous meteors illuminate the
night sky, sightings of CLEFFA strangely
173,11,9,"Because of its unusual, starlike
silhouette, people believe that it came
here on a meteor."
173,12,9,"Its silhouette is like a star.
It is believed to arrive riding on
shooting stars."
173,13,9,"Many appear when the night skies
are filled with shooting stars.
They disappear with sunrise."
173,14,9,"It is often seen when shooting
stars fill the night skies. Its said
to arrive riding on a shooting star."
173,15,9,"Because of its unusual, starlike
silhouette, people believe that
it came here on a meteor."
173,16,9,"When numerous meteors illuminate
the night sky, sightings of
CLEFFA strangely increase."
173,17,5,"On dit quil se déplace à dos
détoile filante. Il se montre
souvent quand on en voit."
173,17,9,"It is often seen when shooting
stars fill the night skies. Its said
to arrive riding on a shooting star."
173,18,5,"On dit quil se déplace à dos
détoile filante. Il se montre
souvent quand on en voit."
173,18,9,"It is often seen when shooting
stars fill the night skies. Its said
to arrive riding on a shooting star."
173,21,9,"According to local rumors, Cleffa
are often seen in places where
shooting stars have fallen."
173,22,9,"According to local rumors, Cleffa
are often seen in places where
shooting stars have fallen."
173,23,1,"おほしさまのような シルエット。
そのすがたから ながれぼしにのって
やってくると しんじられている。"
173,23,3,"별님 같은 실루엣이다.
그 모습 때문에 별똥별을 타고
온다고 여겨진다."
173,23,5,"Il ressemble un peu à une étoile. On suppose quil est
venu sur terre accroché à une météorite."
173,23,6,"Aufgrund seiner ungewöhnlichen Sternform sagt
man, es sei auf einem Meteor hierhergereist."
173,23,7,"Por su inusual forma estrellada, la gente cree que
procede de un meteorito que cayó a la tierra."
173,23,8,"Per il suo aspetto bizzarro, a forma di stella, cè chi
crede che provenga da una meteora."
173,23,9,"Because of its unusual, starlike silhouette, people
believe that it came here on a meteor."
173,23,11,"お星さまのような シルエット。
その姿から 流れ星に乗って
やって来ると 信じられている。"
173,24,1,"ながれぼしの おおい よるは
ピィが たくさん すがたを みせる。
あさひが のぼると いなくなる。"
173,24,3,"별똥별이 많은 밤에는
삐가 많이 모습을 드러낸다.
아침 해가 떠오르면 사라지게 된다."
173,24,5,"On en voit beaucoup lorsque le ciel se remplit
détoiles filantes. Ils séclipsent au lever du soleil."
173,24,6,"In Nächten mit vielen Sternschnuppen sieht man diese
Pokémon. Am Morgen sind sie verschwunden."
173,24,7,"Muchos aparecen cuando hay estrellas fugaces en el
cielo nocturno. Se esfuman al amanecer."
173,24,8,"Se ne vedono molti nelle notti in cui il cielo è pieno
di stelle cadenti. Spariscono allalba."
173,24,9,"Many appear when the night skies are filled with
shooting stars. They disappear with sunrise."
173,24,11,"流れ星の 多い 夜は
ピィが たくさん 姿を 見せる。
朝日が 昇ると いなくなる。"
173,25,1,"ながれぼしの おおい よるは わ に なって
おどる ピィの すがたを みることが できる。
ひのでまで おどり よつゆで のどを うるおす。"
173,25,3,"별똥별이 많은 밤에는 둥글게 모여
춤추는 삐의 모습을 볼 수 있다.
일출 때까지 춤추며 밤이슬로 목을 축인다."
173,25,5,"Les nuits où il y a des étoiles filantes, on peut voir des Mélo
danser en cercle. Ils dansent toute la nuit et ne sarrêtent
quà laube. Ces Pokémon se désaltèrent alors avec la rosée
du matin."
173,25,6,"In Nächten mit vielen Sternschnuppen kann man Pii im Kreis
tanzen sehen. Es tanzt die ganze Nacht hindurch und hört
erst bei Sonnenaufgang auf, um seinen Durst mit Morgentau
zu stillen."
173,25,7,"Cuando hay lluvia de estrellas, a los Cleffa se les puede
ver danzando en círculos durante toda la noche. Solo paran
cuando rompe el día; entonces, dejan de bailar y calman su
sed con el rocío de la mañana."
173,25,8,"In notti con molte stelle cadenti, è facile vedere molti Cleffa
danzare in cerchio. Ballano per tutta la notte fermandosi
soltanto alle prime luci dellalba per dissetarsi bevendo
le gocce di rugiada."
173,25,9,"On nights with many shooting stars, Cleffa can be seen
dancing in a ring. They dance through the night and stop only
at the break of day, when these Pokémon quench their thirst
with the morning dew."
173,25,11,"流れ星の 多い 夜は 輪に なって
踊る ピィの 姿を みることが できる。
日の出まで 踊り 夜露で のどを 潤す。"
173,26,1,"ながれぼしの おおい よるは わ に なって
おどる ピィの すがたを みることが できる。
ひのでまで おどり よつゆで のどを うるおす。"
173,26,3,"별똥별이 많은 밤에는 둥글게 모여
춤추는 삐의 모습을 볼 수 있다.
일출 때까지 춤추며 밤이슬로 목을 축인다."
173,26,5,"Les nuits où il y a des étoiles filantes, on peut voir des Mélo
danser en cercle. Ils dansent toute la nuit et ne sarrêtent
quà laube. Ces Pokémon se désaltèrent alors avec la rosée
du matin."
173,26,6,"In Nächten mit vielen Sternschnuppen kann man Pii im Kreis
tanzen sehen. Es tanzt die ganze Nacht hindurch und hört
erst bei Sonnenaufgang auf, um seinen Durst mit Morgentau
zu stillen."
173,26,7,"Cuando hay lluvia de estrellas, a los Cleffa se les puede
ver danzando en círculos durante toda la noche. Solo paran
cuando rompe el día; entonces, dejan de bailar y calman su
sed con el rocío de la mañana."
173,26,8,"In notti con molte stelle cadenti, è facile vedere molti Cleffa
danzare in cerchio. Ballano per tutta la notte fermandosi
soltanto alle prime luci dellalba per dissetarsi bevendo
le gocce di rugiada."
173,26,9,"On nights with many shooting stars, Cleffa can be seen
dancing in a ring. They dance through the night and stop only
at the break of day, when these Pokémon quench their thirst
with the morning dew."
173,26,11,"流れ星の 多い 夜は 輪に なって
踊る ピィの 姿を みることが できる。
日の出まで 踊り 夜露で のどを 潤す。"
173,27,1,"りゅうせいの きらめく しんやに
じっと そらを ながめる すがたは
こきょうに おもいを はせているよう。"
173,27,3,"유성이 반짝거리는 심야에
지그시 하늘을 바라보는 모습은
고향의 기억을 떠올리는 것 같다."
173,27,5,"On dit que sil contemple fixement le ciel
lorsque des étoiles filantes passent, cest
parce que cela lui rappelle son bercail."
173,27,6,"Sieht man es tief in der Nacht gebannt das
Funkeln von Sternschnuppen beobachten,
schwelgt es wohl in Gedanken an seine Heimat."
173,27,7,"Se dice que este Pokémon se acuerda de su
hogar cuando observa el cielo durante una lluvia
de estrellas."
173,27,8,"Nel cuore della notte rimane a guardare le stelle
cadenti pensando alla sua terra natale."
173,27,9,"On late nights illuminated by shooting stars,
it gazes intently skyward, as if thinking of
its home."
173,27,11,"流星の 煌めく 深夜に
じっと 空を 眺める 姿は
故郷に 思いを 馳せているよう。"
173,28,1,"そのシルエットから おほしさまの
うまれかわりと しんじられている。
なぜか メテノが だいすき。"
173,28,3,"실루엣 때문에 별님이
다시 태어난 것이라고 여겨지고 있다.
왜인지 메테노를 매우 좋아한다."
173,28,5,"Selon certaines croyances, sa forme prouve
quil sagit de la réincarnation dune étoile.
Étrangement, il aime beaucoup les Météno."
173,28,6,"Aufgrund seines Aussehens wird es oft für
einen Stern gehalten. Aus unbekannten Gründen
liebt es Meteno über alles."
173,28,7,"Algunos creen que su forma es un indicio de que
Cleffa es, en realidad, la reencarnación de una
estrella. Por algún motivo, adora a los Minior."
173,28,8,"Il suo strano aspetto fa pensare che sia la
reincarnazione di una stella. Per qualche motivo
sconosciuto, gli piacciono molto i Minior."
173,28,9,"Because of its silhouette, its believed to be a
star reborn. For some reason, it loves Minior."
173,28,11,"そのシルエットから お星様の
生まれ変わりと 信じられている。
なぜか メテノが 大好き。"
173,29,1,"ながれぼしの おおい よるに むれ
わになって ダンス。 その すがたを
みると ちょっと いいことが あるよ。"
173,29,3,"별똥별이 많은 밤에 둥글게
무리 지어 춤을 춘다. 그 모습을
보면 조금 좋은 일이 생긴다."
173,29,5,"Les nuits où les étoiles filantes inondent le
ciel, il danse en cercle avec ses congénères.
On dit quadmirer ce spectacle porte bonheur."
173,29,6,"In Nächten mit vielen Sternschnuppen bilden
Pii einen Kreis und tanzen. Der Anblick dieses
Spektakels soll Glück bringen."
173,29,7,"Las noches de lluvia de estrellas, se congregan
y bailan en círculo. Se cree que presenciar este
espectáculo trae buena suerte."
173,29,8,"Nelle notti con molte stelle cadenti, i Cleffa si
riuniscono per danzare in cerchio. Si dice che
assistere alla loro danza sia di buon augurio."
173,29,9,"On nights with many shooting stars,
they gather in packs and dance in circles. If you
should see them, something good will happen!"
173,29,11,"流れ星の 多い 夜に 群れ
輪になって ダンス。 その 姿を
見ると ちょっと いいことが あるよ。"
173,30,1,"ながれぼしに のってきたと いわれる。
ピィが あらわれるのは むかし
いんせきが おちた ばしょ らしい。"
173,30,3,"별똥별을 타고 왔다고 전해진다.
삐가 나타나는 곳은 옛날에
운석이 떨어졌던 장소라는 듯하다."
173,30,5,"Il serait parvenu jusquà nous en chevauchant
une étoile filante. On le trouve dans les endroits
où des météorites sont tombées."
173,30,6,"Es heißt, Pii sei auf einem Meteor hierhergereist.
An Orten, wo diese Pokémon anzutreffen sind,
soll früher mal ein Meteorit eingeschlagen sein."
173,30,7,"Se dice que llegó en una estrella fugaz. Este
Pokémon suele encontrarse en lugares donde
han caído meteoritos."
173,30,8,"Si dice che sia arrivato in groppa a una stella
cadente. Sembra che appaia principalmente in
luoghi in cui in passato è caduto un meteorite."
173,30,9,"Said to have ridden here on a shooting star,
Cleffa seem to appear in places where
meteorites have struck in the past."
173,30,11,"流れ星に 乗ってきたと いわれる。
ピィが 現れるのは 昔
隕石が 落ちた 場所 らしい。"
173,33,1,"ピィを よく みかける ばしょは
ながれぼしが おちた ばしょと
じもとでは うわさ されている。"
173,33,3,"삐가 자주 보이는 장소는
별똥별이 떨어진 장소라고
그 고장에서 소문이 돈다."
173,33,5,"On dit quil apparaît souvent là où se sont
écrasées des météorites."
173,33,6,"Man erzählt sich, dass überall dort besonders
häufig Pii anzutreffen seien, wo einst eine
Sternschnuppe eingeschlagen ist."
173,33,7,"Los lugareños rumorean que suele encontrarse
en lugares donde han caído estrellas fugaces."
173,33,8,"Si dice che sia facile incontrarlo dove sono
precipitate delle stelle cadenti."
173,33,9,"According to local rumors, Cleffa are often seen
in places where shooting stars have fallen."
173,33,11,"ピィを よく 見かける 場所は
流れ星が 落ちた 場所と
地元では うわさ されている。"
173,34,1,"おほしさまのような シルエット。
そのすがたから ながれぼしにのって
やってくると しんじられている。"
173,34,3,"실루엣이 별 모양이다.
그 때문에 별똥별을 타고
온다고 여겨진다."
173,34,5,"Il ressemble un peu à une étoile. On suppose
quil est venu sur terre accroché à une météorite."
173,34,6,"Aufgrund seiner ungewöhnlichen Sternform sagt
man, es sei auf einem Meteor hierhergereist."
173,34,7,"Por su inusual forma estrellada, la gente cree que
procede de un meteorito que cayó a la tierra."
173,34,8,"Per il suo aspetto bizzarro, che ricorda una stella,
cè chi crede che provenga da una stella cadente."
173,34,9,"Because of its unusual, starlike silhouette, people
believe that it came here on a meteor."
173,34,11,"お星さまのような シルエット。
その姿から 流れ星に乗って
やって来ると 信じられている。"
174,4,9,"It has a very soft
body. If it starts
to roll, it willbounce all over
and be impossible
to stop."
174,5,9,"Its extremely
flexible and elas­
tic body makes itbounce continuous­
ly--anytime, any­
174,6,9,"Instead of walking
with its short
legs, it movesaround by bouncing
on its soft,
tender body."
174,7,9,"IGGLYBUFFs vocal chords are not
sufficiently developed. It would hurt
its throat if it were to sing too much.This POKéMON gargles with freshwater
from a clean stream."
174,8,9,"IGGLYBUFF has a soft and plushy body
that feels very much like a marshmallow.
From this body wafts a gently sweetfragrance that soothes and calms the
emotions of its foes."
174,9,9,"Its soft and pliable body is very bouncy.
When it sings continuously with all its
might, its body steadily turns a deepening
pink color."
174,10,9,"Its extremely flexible and elastic body
makes it bounce continuously--anytime,
174,11,9,"It has a very soft body. If it starts to
roll, it will bounce all over and be
impossible to stop."
174,12,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body.
Once it starts bouncing, it
becomes impossible to stop."
174,13,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body.
Once it starts bouncing, it
becomes impossible to stop."
174,14,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body.
Once it starts bouncing, it
becomes impossible to stop."
174,15,9,"It has a very soft body. If it
starts to roll, it will bounce all
over and be impossible to stop."
174,16,9,"Its extremely flexible and
elastic body makes it bounce
continuously--anytime, anywhere."
174,17,5,"Son corps est doux et élastique.
Quand il commence à rebondir,
on ne peut plus larrêter."
174,17,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body.
Once it starts bouncing, it
becomes impossible to stop."
174,18,5,"Son corps est doux et élastique.
Quand il commence à rebondir,
on ne peut plus larrêter."
174,18,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body.
Once it starts bouncing, it
becomes impossible to stop."
174,21,9,"Its body has a faintly sweet scent
and is bouncy and soft. If it bounces
even once, it cannot stop."
174,22,9,"Its body has a faintly sweet scent
and is bouncy and soft. If it bounces
even once, it cannot stop."
174,23,1,"みじかい あしで あるくより
やわらかい からだを つかって
とびはねながら うごきまわる。"
174,23,3,"짧은 다리로 걷는 것보다는
부드러운 몸으로
튀어 오르며 돌아다닌다."
174,23,5,"Plutôt que de se déplacer avec ses petites pattes,
il rebondit avec son corps doux et moelleux."
174,23,6,"Anstatt mit seinen kurzen Beinen zu laufen, hüpft es
mit seinem weichen und kuscheligen Körper."
174,23,7,"Para caminar, en lugar de usar los pies que tiene, opta
por dar botes con su cuerpo redondo y blandito."
174,23,8,"Anziché camminare sulle sue corte zampe, preferisce
rimbalzare sul suo corpo soffice e delicato."
174,23,9,"Instead of walking with its short legs, it moves
around by bouncing on its soft, tender body."
174,23,11,"短い 脚で 歩くより
やわらかい 体を 使って
飛び跳ねながら 動き回る。"
174,24,1,"とても やわらかい からだ。
いちど ころがると はずみまくって
ぜんぜん とまれなくなる。"
174,24,3,"매우 부드러운 몸이다.
한번 구르면 탄력이 붙어서
전혀 멈출 수 없게 된다."
174,24,5,"Son corps est très doux. Quand il commence à
rebondir, il est impossible de larrêter."
174,24,6,"Sein Körper ist sehr weich. Kommt es ins Rollen,
hüpft es herum und man kann es nicht aufhalten."
174,24,7,"Su cuerpo es muy blando. Si se pone a rodar,
rebotará contra todo y será imposible de parar."
174,24,8,"Il suo corpo è morbidissimo. Se inizia a rotolare,
rimbalza così forte che è impossibile fermarlo."
174,24,9,"It has a very soft body. If it starts to roll, it will
bounce all over and be impossible to stop."
174,24,11,"とても やわらかい 体。
1度 転がると 弾みまくって
ぜんぜん 止まれなくなる。"
174,25,1,"せいたいが まだ じゅうぶんに はったつして
いないので うたい つづけると ノドが いたむ。
きれいな おがわの みずで うがいをするよ。"
174,25,3,"성대가 아직 충분히 발달하지
않아 계속 노래 부르면 목이 아프다.
깨끗한 시냇물로 양치질한다."
174,25,5,"Les cordes vocales de Toudoudou ne sont pas assez
développées. Sil devait chanter trop longtemps, il se ferait
mal à la gorge. Ce Pokémon se gargarise souvent avec
de leau fraîche puisée dans un ruisseau clair."
174,25,6,"Fluffeluffs Stimmbänder sind noch nicht voll entwickelt. Wenn
es zu viel singt, schmerzt ihm die Kehle. Dieses Pokémon
gurgelt mit Süßwasser aus einem sauberen Fluss."
174,25,7,"Las cuerdas vocales de Igglybuff no están suficientemente
desarrolladas. Si tuviera que cantar mucho, se haría daño en
la garganta. Este Pokémon suele hacer gárgaras con agua
pura de manantial."
174,25,8,"Le corde vocali di Igglybuff non sono sufficientemente
sviluppate. Se eccede nel canto, gli viene il mal di gola.
È solito fare i gargarismi con lacqua corrente dei torrenti puri."
174,25,9,"Igglybuffs vocal cords are not sufficiently developed. It would
hurt its throat if it were to sing too much. This Pokémon
gargles with freshwater from a clean stream."
174,25,11,"声帯が まだ 十分に 発達して
いないので 歌い 続けると ノドが 痛む。
きれいな 小川の 水で うがいをするよ。"
174,26,1,"マシュマロ みたいな さわりごこちの からだから
ほんのり あまい においが ただよってくるよ。
においは てきの きもちを おだやかにする。"
174,26,3,"마시멜로 같은 촉감의 몸에서
은은하게 달콤한 냄새가 풍겨온다.
냄새는 적의 기분을 차분하게 만든다."
174,26,5,"Toudoudou a un corps mou et pelucheux, semblable à
de la guimauve. Un parfum doux et sucré séchappe de son
corps, ce qui lui permet dapaiser et de calmer ses ennemis."
174,26,6,"Fluffeluff hat einen weichen Körper, der sich anfühlt wie
ein Marshmallow. Es verströmt einen süßlichen Duft,
der die Emotionen seiner Gegner beruhigt."
174,26,7,"Igglybuff es suave y tierno, parece un merengue. Emana un
aroma dulce y agradable que le sirve para calmar los ánimos
de sus oponentes en combate."
174,26,8,"Igglybuff, così morbido e soffice, sembra fatto di gommapiuma
rosa. Il suo corpo emana un lieve aroma che placa le emozioni
e laggressività del nemico."
174,26,9,"Igglybuff has a soft and plushy body that feels very much like
a marshmallow. From this body wafts a gently sweet fragrance
that soothes and calms the emotions of its foes."
174,26,11,"マシュマロ みたいな 触り心地の 体から
ほんのり 甘い においが 漂ってくるよ。
においは 敵の 気持ちを 穏やかにする。"
174,27,1,"うたうのが すきだが まだまだ へた。
ちゃんと ほめてあげると すこしずつ
じょうずに なっていくよ。"
174,27,3,"노래 부르기를 좋아하지만
아직 서툴다. 제대로 칭찬해주면
조금씩 잘하게 된다."
174,27,5,"Il adore chanter, mais il nest pas encore très
doué. Il saméliore progressivement si on le
complimente suffisamment."
174,27,6,"Es liebt das Singen, ist aber noch nicht sehr gut
darin. Lobt man es regelmäßig, verbessern sich
seine Gesangskünste jedoch nach und nach."
174,27,7,"Le apasiona cantar, pero no se le da muy bien.
Cuantos más elogios reciba, más mejorarán sus
dotes de cantante."
174,27,8,"Gli piace molto cantare, ma è ancora inesperto.
Se incoraggiato nel modo giusto, migliora
a poco a poco."
174,27,9,"It likes to sing but is not yet good at it.
With praise and encouragement, it will get
better little by little."
174,27,11,"歌うのが 好きだが まだまだ 下手。
ちゃんと ほめてあげると 少しずつ
上手に なっていくよ。"
174,28,1,"ポンポン はずみながら いどう。
たくさん うごいて あせを かくと
ほんのり あまい たいしゅうが する。"
174,28,3,"통통 튀면서 이동한다.
많이 움직여서 땀이 나면
은은하게 달콤한 체취가 난다."
174,28,5,"Il se déplace en rebondissant comme une balle.
Quand il a beaucoup bougé et quil sue, son
corps dégage une légère odeur sucrée."
174,28,6,"Es bewegt sich hüpfend umher. Gerät es
dabei ins Schwitzen, sondert es einen
süßlichen Duft ab."
174,28,7,"Se desplaza dando botes con su cuerpo.
Después de hacer mucho ejercicio, empieza a
sudar y desprende un ligero aroma dulce."
174,28,8,"Si muove rimbalzando e quando suda molto
emana un lieve aroma dolciastro."
174,28,9,"It moves by bouncing along. As it moves a lot,
it sweats, and its body gives off a sweet aroma."
174,28,11,"ポンポン 弾みながら 移動。
たくさん 動いて 汗を かくと
ほんのり 甘い 体臭が する。"
174,29,1,"うまくなりたくて ずっと うたの
れんしゅうを している。 ねてるときも
ゆめの なかで うたっているよ。"
174,29,3,"노래를 잘하고 싶어서
계속 연습을 한다. 잘 때도
꿈속에서 노래를 부른다."
174,29,5,"Il sentraîne dur pour maîtriser le chant.
Même quand il dort, il continue de faire
des gammes dans ses rêves."
174,29,6,"Um seine Gesangskünste zu verbessern, übt es
pausenlos. Selbst wenn es schon schläft, singt
es in seinen Träumen weiter."
174,29,7,"Practica constantemente para mejorar su canto,
llegando incluso a cantar en sueños."
174,29,8,"Si allena continuamente nel canto per migliorare.
Anche mentre dorme, continua a cantare
in sogno."
174,29,9,"Its always practicing its singing because it
wants to improve. Even when its asleep,
it keeps singing in its dreams!"
174,29,11,"上手くなりたくて ずっと 歌の
練習を している。 寝ているときも
夢の 中で 歌っているよ。"
174,30,1,"ほうっておくと ずーっと うたの
れんしゅうを つづける。 のどを
いためないように やすませてあげて。"
174,30,3,"내버려 두면 계속해서
노래 연습을 반복한다.
목이 상하지 않도록 쉬게 해주자."
174,30,5,"Si on le laissait faire, il passerait son temps
à chanter. Il vaut donc mieux len empêcher
pour préserver sa petite gorge."
174,30,6,"Wenn man es lässt, widmet es sich unentwegt
dem Gesang. Zur Schonung der Stimmbänder
werden gezielte Pausen empfohlen."
174,30,7,"Si le dejan, se pasa el día entero practicando su
canto, así que conviene animarlo a descansar de
vez en cuando para que no se destroce la voz."
174,30,8,"Se lasciato fare, si allena nel canto senza sosta.
Ogni tanto è meglio fargli fare una pausa per
evitare che si faccia male alla gola."
174,30,9,"Left to its own devices, it will constantly
practice singing. You should make it take a
break so it doesnt hurt its throat."
174,30,11,"放っておくと ずーっと 歌の
練習を 続ける。 喉を
痛めないように 休ませてあげて。"
174,33,1,"うたを うたうことが だいすき。
マシュマロのような からだからは
ほんのり あまい においが するぞ。"
174,33,3,"노래 부르기를 굉장히 좋아한다.
마시멜로 같은 몸에서는
은은하게 달콤한 냄새가 난다."
174,33,5,"Il adore chanter. Son corps semblable à de
la guimauve dégage une légère odeur sucrée."
174,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon singt liebend gern. Von seinem
Körper, der an ein Marshmallow erinnert, geht
ein leicht süßlicher Duft aus."
174,33,7,"Le apasiona cantar. Su cuerpo suave y esponjoso
desprende un aroma ligeramente dulce."
174,33,8,"Adora cantare. Il suo corpo simile al
marshmallow emana una lieve e dolce fragranza."
174,33,9,"Igglybuff loves to sing. Its marshmallow-like body
gives off a faint sweet smell."
174,33,11,"歌を 歌うことが 大好き。
マシュマロのような 体からは
ほんのり 甘い 匂いが するぞ。"
174,34,1,"やわらかい からだで はずむように
うごきまわる。 たいおんが あがると
からだは こい ピンクいろに なる。"
174,34,3,"부드러운 몸으로 통통 튀며
움직인다. 체온이 오르면
몸은 짙은 핑크색이 된다."
174,34,5,"Il se déplace en faisant rebondir son corps
tout mou. Lorsque sa température corporelle
augmente, il devient rose foncé."
174,34,6,"Dank seines weichen Körpers bewegt es sich stets
hüpfend fort. Wenn Fluffeluffs Temperatur steigt,
ändert sich seine Farbe zu einem intensiven Pink."
174,34,7,"Se desplaza dando botes con su cuerpo mullido.
Cuando aumenta su temperatura corporal, se va
poniendo de un color rosa cada vez más intenso."
174,34,8,"Si sposta facendo rimbalzare il suo corpo
morbido. Quando la sua temperatura corporea
si alza, si colora di un rosa intenso."
174,34,9,"Taking advantage of the softness of its body,
Igglybuff moves as if bouncing. Its body turns a
deep pink when its temperature rises."
174,34,11,"柔らかい 体で 弾むように
動きまわる。 体温が 上がると
体は 濃い ピンク色になる。"
175,4,9,"The shell seems to
be filled with
joy. It is saidthat it will share
good luck when
treated kindly."
175,5,9,"A proverb claims
that happiness
will come to any­one who can make a
sleeping TOGEPI
stand up."
175,6,9,"It is considered
to be a symbol of
good luck. Itsshell is said to
be filled with
175,7,9,"As its energy, TOGEPI uses the positive
emotions of compassion and pleasure
exuded by people and POKéMON.This POKéMON stores up feelings of
happiness inside its shell, then shares
them with others."
175,8,9,"As its energy, TOGEPI uses the positive
emotions of compassion and pleasure
exuded by people and POKéMON.This POKéMON stores up feelings of
happiness inside its shell, then shares
them with others."
175,9,9,"As its energy, it uses the feelings of
compassion and pleasure exuded by
people and POKéMON. It stores up happy
feelings in its shell, then shares them out."
175,10,9,"A proverb claims that happiness will come
to anyone who can make a sleeping TOGEPI
stand up."
175,11,9,"The shell seems to be filled with joy.
It is said that it will share good luck
when treated kindly."
175,12,9,"Its shell is said to be stuffed
with happiness that it shares with
kindhearted people."
175,13,9,"Its shell is said to be stuffed
with happiness that it shares with
kindhearted people."
175,14,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy
of others into happiness, which it
stores in its shell."
175,15,9,"The shell seems to be filled with
joy. It is said that it will share
good luck when treated kindly."
175,16,9,"A proverb claims that happiness
will come to anyone who can make a
sleeping TOGEPI stand up."
175,17,5,"Il transforme les émotions
positives des autres en bonheur
quil stocke dans sa coquille."
175,17,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy
of others into happiness, which it
stores in its shell."
175,18,5,"Il transforme les émotions
positives des autres en bonheur
quil stocke dans sa coquille."
175,18,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy
of others into happiness, which it
stores in its shell."
175,21,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy
of others into happiness, which it
stores in its shell."
175,22,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy
of others into happiness, which it
stores in its shell."
175,23,1,"カラのなかに しあわせが たくさん
つまっているらしく やさしくされると
こううんを わけあたえる という。"
175,23,3,"껍질 안에 행복이 가득
차 있어서 상냥하게 대하면
행운을 나누어 준다고 한다."
175,23,5,"Sa coquille est remplie de joie. On dit que sil est
bien traité, il porte chance."
175,23,6,"Seine Schale ist voll von Freude. Es teilt sein
Glück, wenn man es freundlich und gut behandelt."
175,23,7,"El cascarón parece estar lleno de alegría. Dicen que
trae buena suerte si es tratado con cariño."
175,23,8,"Il suo guscio sembra ricolmo di gioia. Si dice che
porti fortuna se lo si tratta bene."
175,23,9,"The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said that
it will share good luck when treated kindly."
175,23,11,"殻の中に 幸せが たくさん
つまっているらしく 優しくされると
幸運を 分け与える という。"
175,24,1,"ねている トゲピーを うまく
たたせることが できれば しあわせに
なれるとの いいつたえがある。"
175,24,3,"자고 있는 토게피를 잘
세울 수 있다면 행복해질 수
있다는 이야기가 전해진다."
175,24,5,"Un proverbe nous enseigne que le bonheur touchera
celui qui peut faire tenir debout un Togepi endormi."
175,24,6,"Ein Sprichwort besagt, dass Glück dem widerfährt,
dem es gelingt, ein schlafendes Togepi zu wecken."
175,24,7,"Dice el proverbio que quien despierte a un Togepi de
su sueño, alcanzará la felicidad."
175,24,8,"Un proverbio dice che chi riuscirà a far alzare un
Togepi dormiente sarà baciato dalla fortuna."
175,24,9,"A proverb claims that happiness will come to
anyone who can make a sleeping Togepi stand up."
175,24,11,"寝ている トゲピーを うまく
立たせることが できれば 幸せに
なれるとの 言い伝えがある。"
175,25,1,"ひとや ポケモンが はっしている やさしさや
たのしい きもちを エネルギーに している。
カラの なかに ためた しあわせを わけている。"
175,25,3,"사람이나 포켓몬이 발산하는 상냥함이나
즐거운 마음을 에너지로 삼는다.
껍질 안에 모은 행복을 나눈다."
175,25,5,"Lénergie de Togepi provient des émotions positives et
du plaisir exprimé par les gens et les Pokémon.
Ce Pokémon accumule les sentiments de bonheur dans
sa coquille, puis les partage avec les autres."
175,25,6,"Togepi nutzt die positiven Emotionen, wie Freude und
Mitgefühl, von Menschen und Pokémon als Energie. Dieses
Pokémon speichert Glücksgefühle in seiner Schale und teilt
sie mit anderen."
175,25,7,"Togepi usa los sentimientos positivos de compasión y alegría
que desprenden las personas y los Pokémon. Este Pokémon
almacena sentimientos de felicidad en su interior y después
los comparte con otros."
175,25,8,"Togepi ricava la sua energia dai nobili sentimenti di affetto
e generosità emanati dai Pokémon e dalluomo.
Togepi immagazzina le sensazioni di felicità dentro il suo
guscio e le divide con gli altri."
175,25,9,"As its energy, Togepi uses the positive emotions of
compassion and pleasure exuded by people and Pokémon.
This Pokémon stores up feelings of happiness inside its shell,
then shares them with others."
175,25,11,"人や ポケモンが 発している 優しさや
楽しい 気持ちを エネルギーに している。
カラの 中に ためた 幸せを 分けている。"
175,26,1,"ひとや ポケモンが はっしている やさしさや
たのしい きもちを エネルギーに している。
カラの なかに ためた しあわせを わけている。"
175,26,3,"사람이나 포켓몬이 발산하는 상냥함이나
즐거운 마음을 에너지로 삼는다.
껍질 안에 모은 행복을 나눈다."
175,26,5,"Lénergie de Togepi provient des émotions positives et
du plaisir exprimé par les gens et les Pokémon.
Ce Pokémon accumule les sentiments de bonheur dans
sa coquille, puis les partage avec les autres."
175,26,6,"Togepi benutzt die positiven Emotionen Freude und
Mitgefühl von Menschen und Pokémon als Energie.
Dieses Pokémon speichert Glücksgefühle in seiner
Schale und teilt sie mit anderen."
175,26,7,"Togepi usa los sentimientos positivos de compasión y alegría
que desprenden las personas y los Pokémon. Este Pokémon
almacena sentimientos de felicidad en su interior y después
los comparte con otros."
175,26,8,"Togepi ricava la sua energia dai nobili sentimenti di affetto
e generosità emanati dai Pokémon e dalluomo.
Togepi immagazzina le sensazioni di felicità dentro il suo
guscio e le divide con gli altri."
175,26,9,"As its energy, Togepi uses the positive emotions of
compassion and pleasure exuded by people and Pokémon.
This Pokémon stores up feelings of happiness inside its shell,
then shares them with others."
175,26,11,"人や ポケモンが 発している 優しさや
楽しい 気持ちを エネルギーに している。
カラの 中に ためた 幸せを 分けている。"
175,33,1,"カラのなかに しあわせが たくさん
つまっているらしく やさしくされると
こううんを わけあたえる という。"
175,33,3,"껍질 안에 행복이 가득 차 있어서
상냥하게 대해준 사람에게
행운을 나누어 준다고 한다."
175,33,5,"Sa coquille est remplie de joie.
On dit que sil est bien traité, il porte chance."
175,33,6,"Seine Schale ist voll von Freude. Es heißt,
wenn man es freundlich und gut behandelt,
teile es sein Glück."
175,33,7,"El cascarón parece estar lleno de alegría. Dicen
que trae buena suerte si se le trata con cariño."
175,33,8,"Sembra che il suo guscio sia ricolmo di felicità.
Si dice che porti fortuna se lo si tratta bene."
175,33,9,"The shell seems to be filled with joy. It is said
that it will share good luck when treated kindly."
175,33,11,"殻の中に 幸せが たくさん
つまっているらしく 優しくされると
幸運を 分け与える という。"
175,34,1,"こううんの シンボル。
カラの なかには しあわせが
たくさん つまっている という。"
175,34,3,"행운의 상징이다.
껍질 안에는 행복이
가득 담겨 있다고 한다."
175,34,5,"Cest un symbole de chance.
On dit que sa coquille est remplie de joie."
175,34,6,"Es gilt als Glücksbringer. Man sagt, seine Schale
sei voll von purer Freude."
175,34,7,"Se lo considera un símbolo de buena suerte y,
según se dice, su cascarón está lleno de alegría."
175,34,8,"Viene considerato un simbolo di buona fortuna.
Si dice che il suo guscio sia ricolmo di felicità."
175,34,9,"It is considered to be a symbol of good luck.
Its shell is said to be filled with happiness."
175,34,11,"幸運の シンボル。
殻の 中には 幸せが
たくさん つまっている という。"
176,4,9,"They say that it
will appear before
kindhearted, car­ing people and
shower them with
176,5,9,"It grows dispirit­
ed if it is not
with kind people.It can float in
midair without
moving its wings."
176,6,9,"Although it does
not flap its wings
very much, it canstay up in the air
as it tags along
after its trainer."
176,7,9,"TOGETIC is said to be a POKéMON that
brings good fortune. When the POKéMON
spots someone who is pure of heart,it is said to appear and share its
happiness with that person."
176,8,9,"TOGETIC is said to be a POKéMON that
brings good fortune. When the POKéMON
spots someone who is pure of heart,it is said to appear and share its
happiness with that person."
176,9,9,"It is said to be a POKéMON that brings good
fortune. When it spots someone who is pure
of heart, a TOGETIC appears and shares its
happiness with that person."
176,10,9,"It grows dispirited if it is not with kind
people. It can float in midair without
moving its wings."
176,11,9,"They say that it will appear before
kindhearted, caring people and shower
them with happiness."
176,12,9,"It is said to appear in front of
kindly people to scatter a glowing
down called “joy dust.”"
176,13,9,"It is said to appear in front of
kindly people to scatter a glowing
down called “joy dust.”"
176,14,9,"To share its happiness, it flies
around the world seeking kind­
hearted people."
176,15,9,"They say that it will appear before
kindhearted, caring people and
shower them with happiness."
176,16,9,"It grows dispirited if it is not
with kind people. It can float in
midair without moving its wings."
176,17,5,"Il parcourt le monde pour
distribuer de la joie aux
êtres bons."
176,17,9,"To share its happiness, it flies
around the world seeking kind-
hearted people."
176,18,5,"Il parcourt le monde pour
distribuer de la joie aux
êtres bons."
176,18,9,"To share its happiness, it flies
around the world seeking kind-
hearted people."
176,21,9,"To share its happiness, it flies
around the world seeking kind-
hearted people."
176,22,9,"To share its happiness, it flies
around the world seeking kind-
hearted people."
176,23,1,"やさしいひとの そばに いないと
げんきが でなくなってしまう。
はねをうごかさずに そらにうかべる。"
176,23,3,"상냥한 사람 곁에 있지 않으면
기운이 나지 않게 되어버린다.
날개를 움직이지 않고 뜰 수 있다."
176,23,5,"Il se démoralise vite sil nest pas avec des gens
sympathiques. Il peut léviter sans battre des ailes."
176,23,6,"Es wird entmutigt, wenn es unter unfreundlichen
Menschen ist. Es kann ohne Flügel niedrig schweben."
176,23,7,"Si no está con gente amable, se entristece. Puede
flotar en el aire sin mover las alas."
176,23,8,"Sintristisce se non si trova con persone gentili.
Può restare sospeso in aria senza bisogno di
muovere le ali."
176,23,9,"It grows dispirited if it is not with kind people.
It can float in midair without moving its wings."
176,23,11,"優しい人の そばに いないと
元気が 出なくなってしまう。
羽を動かさずに 空に浮かべる。"
176,24,1,"こころやさしい ひとの まえに
しあわせを もたらすため
すがたを あらわすと いわれている。"
176,24,3,"마음 착한 사람 앞에
행복을 가져다주기 위해
모습을 나타낸다고 전해진다."
176,24,5,"On dit quil napparaît quaux cœurs purs et
quil leur apporte la joie et le bonheur."
176,24,6,"Man sagt, es zeigt sich nur gutherzigen und
einfühlsamen Menschen. Es überschüttet sie
mit Freude."
176,24,7,"Dicen que aparece entre gentes cuidadosas y de
buen corazón, a quienes inunda de felicidad."
176,24,8,"Si dice che appaia alle persone buone e premurose,
inondandole di felicità."
176,24,9,"They say that it will appear before kindhearted,
caring people and shower them with happiness."
176,24,11,"心優しい 人の 前に
幸せを もたらすため
姿を 現すと 言われている。"
176,25,1,"こううんを もたらす ポケモンと いわれている。
じゅんすいな こころの もちぬしを みつけると
すがたを あらわし しあわせを わけあたえる。"
176,25,3,"행운을 가져다주는 포켓몬이라고 전해진다.
순수한 마음을 지닌 자를 발견하면
모습을 드러내고 행복을 나누어준다."
176,25,5,"On raconte que Togetic est un Pokémon qui porte chance.
Si ce Pokémon remarque quelquun doté dun cœur pur,
il apparaît et partage son bonheur avec la personne
en question."
176,25,6,"Togetic ist ein Pokémon, das Glück bringt. Wenn es jemanden
trifft, der reinen Herzens ist, zeigt es sich und teilt sein Glück
mit dieser Person."
176,25,7,"Dicen que Togetic es un Pokémon que trae buena suerte y
que, si detecta a alguien que es puro de corazón, sale para
compartir su alegría con él."
176,25,8,"Togetic pare essere un Pokémon di buon auspicio.
Quando riconosce un cuore puro, si dice che condivida
la sua felicità con questa persona."
176,25,9,"Togetic is said to be a Pokémon that brings good fortune.
When the Pokémon spots someone who is pure of heart, it is
said to appear and share its happiness with that person."
176,25,11,"幸運を もたらす ポケモンと いわれている。
純粋な 心の 持ち主を みつけると
姿を あらわし 幸せを 分け与える。"
176,26,1,"こううんを もたらす ポケモンと いわれている。
じゅんすいな こころの もちぬしを みつけると
すがたを あらわし しあわせを わけあたえる。"
176,26,3,"행운을 가져다주는 포켓몬이라고 전해진다.
순수한 마음을 지닌 자를 발견하면
모습을 드러내고 행복을 나누어준다."
176,26,5,"On raconte que Togetic est un Pokémon qui porte chance.
Si ce Pokémon remarque quelquun doté dun cœur pur,
il apparaît et partage son bonheur avec la personne
en question."
176,26,6,"Togetic ist ein Pokémon, das Glück bringt. Wenn es jemanden
trifft, der gutherzig ist, teilt es seine Freude mit dieser Person."
176,26,7,"Dicen que Togetic es un Pokémon que trae buena suerte y
que, si detecta a alguien que es puro de corazón, sale para
compartir su alegría con él."
176,26,8,"Togetic pare essere un Pokémon di buon auspicio.
Quando riconosce un cuore puro, si dice che condivida
la sua felicità con questa persona."
176,26,9,"Togetic is said to be a Pokémon that brings good fortune.
When the Pokémon spots someone who is pure of heart,
it is said to appear and share its happiness with that person."
176,26,11,"幸運を もたらす ポケモンと いわれている。
純粋な 心の 持ち主を みつけると
姿を あらわし 幸せを 分け与える。"
176,33,1,"こころやさしい ひとの まえに
しあわせを もたらすため
すがたを あらわすと いわれている。"
176,33,3,"마음 착한 사람에게
행복을 가져다주기 위해
모습을 드러낸다고 전해진다."
176,33,5,"On dit quil se montre aux personnes dotées
dun cœur pur pour leur apporter joie et bonheur."
176,33,6,"Man sagt, es zeige sich nur gutherzigen und
einfühlsamen Menschen und überschütte sie
dann mit Freude."
176,33,7,"Dicen que se le aparece a la gente de buen
corazón y la inunda de felicidad."
176,33,8,"Si dice che appaia alle persone buone
e premurose, inondandole di felicità."
176,33,9,"They say that it will appear before kindhearted,
caring people and shower them with happiness."
176,33,11,"心優しい 人の 前に
幸せを もたらすため
姿を 現すと 言われている。"
176,34,1,"やさしいひとの そばに いないと
げんきが でなくなってしまう。
はねをうごかさずに そらにうかべる。"
176,34,3,"상냥한 사람 곁에 있지 않으면
기운을 내지 못한다.
날개를 움직이지 않고도 공중에 뜰 수 있다."
176,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est capable de léviter sans battre
des ailes. Il est vite démoralisé sil nest pas
en compagnie de gens sympathiques."
176,34,6,"Es kann, ohne mit den Flügeln zu schlagen, in der
Luft schweben. Ein Mangel an gutherzigen
Menschen in seiner Nähe schlägt ihm aufs Gemüt."
176,34,7,"Si no está con gente amable, se entristece.
Puede flotar en el aire sin mover las alas."
176,34,8,"Sintristisce se non ha persone gentili
al suo fianco. Può restare sospeso in aria
senza dover muovere le ali."
176,34,9,"It grows dispirited if it is not with kind people.
It can float in midair without moving its wings."
176,34,11,"優しい人の そばに いないと
元気が でなくなってしまう。
羽を動かさずに 空に浮かべる。"
177,4,9,"Because its wings
aren't yet fully
grown, it has tohop to get around.
It is always star­
ing at something."
177,5,9,"It usually forages
for food on the
ground but may, onrare occasions,
hop onto branches
to peck at shoots."
177,6,9,"It is extremely
good at climbing
tree trunks andlikes to eat the
new sprouts on
the trees."
177,7,9,"NATU cannot fly because its wings are
not yet fully grown. If your eyes meet
with this POKéMONs eyes, it will stareback intently at you. But if you move
even slightly, it will hop away to safety."
177,8,9,"NATU has a highly developed jumping
ability. The POKéMON flaps and leaps
onto tree branches that are taller thangrown-up people to pick at the trees
new shoots."
177,9,9,"It runs up short trees that grow on the
savanna to peck at new shoots.
A NATUs eyes look as if they are
always observing something."
177,10,9,"It usually forages for food on the ground
but may, on rare occasions, hop onto
branches to peck at shoots."
177,11,9,"Because its wings arent yet fully grown,
it has to hop to get around. It is always
staring at something."
177,12,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,13,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,14,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,15,9,"Because its wings arent yet fully
grown, it has to hop to get around.
It is always staring at something."
177,16,9,"It usually forages for food on the
ground but may, on rare occasions,
hop onto branches to peck at shoots."
177,17,5,"Il mange des cactus en prenant
soin déviter les bourgeons et les
épines. Il ne tient pas en place. "
177,17,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,18,5,"Il mange des cactus en prenant
soin déviter les bourgeons et les
épines. Il ne tient pas en place. "
177,18,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,21,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,22,9,"It picks food from cactus plants,
deftly avoiding buds and spines.
It seems to skip about to move."
177,23,1,"はねが そだちきって おらず
とびはねるようにして いどうする。
いつも なにかを みつめている。"
177,23,3,"날개가 아직 잘 발달하지 못해서
뛰어오르는 것처럼 이동한다.
항상 뭔가를 바라보고 있다."
177,23,5,"Ses ailes ne sont pas assez développées et il ne peut
que planer péniblement. Il fixe toujours quelque
177,23,6,"Da seine Flügel nicht voll ausgebildet sind,
bewegt es sich hüpfend. Es starrt immer etwas an."
177,23,7,"Va dando saltitos porque sus alas no han crecido lo
suficiente. Siempre está pendiente de algo."
177,23,8,"Poiché le sue ali non sono ancora ben sviluppate,
deve saltellare. Sembra fissare sempre qualcosa."
177,23,9,"Because its wings arent yet fully grown, it has
to hop to get around. It is always staring
at something."
177,23,11,"羽が 育ちきって おらず
飛び跳ねるようにして 移動する。
いつも なにかを 見つめている。"
177,24,1,"ふだんは ちじょうで エサをさがすが
ごくたまに きのえだに とびのって
きのめを ついばんだりする。"
177,24,3,"보통은 지상에서 먹이를 찾지만
극히 드물게 나뭇가지에 날아 앉아
나무의 순을 쪼아 먹기도 한다."
177,24,5,"Il cherche sa nourriture par terre, mais quelquefois
il grimpe aux arbres pour manger."
177,24,6,"Gewöhnlich sucht es am Boden nach Futter,
aber manchmal springt es auch auf Äste,
um dort zu suchen."
177,24,7,"Normalmente busca comida por el suelo. En raras
ocasiones, salta a las ramas para picotear brotes."
177,24,8,"Di solito cerca il cibo per terra, ma in rare occasioni
può saltare sui rami e beccare i germogli."
177,24,9,"It usually forages for food on the ground but may,
on rare occasions, hop onto branches to peck
at shoots."
177,24,11,"普段は 地上で エサを 探すが
ごくたまに 木の枝に 飛び乗って
木の芽を ついばんだりする。"
177,25,1,"はねが まだ そだって いないので とべない。
めを あわせると じっと みつめるが あいてが
すこしでも うごくと とびはねて にげていく。"
177,25,3,"날개가 아직 자라지 않아 날 수 없다.
눈을 마주치면 가만히 쳐다보지만 상대가
조금이라도 움직이면 뛰어올라 도망간다."
177,25,5,"Natu ne peut pas voler, car ses ailes nont pas encore fini de
grandir. Si ses yeux croisent le regard de quelquun dautre,
il reste immobile et concentré. Mais si la personne en question
détourne son regard, il senfuit en lieu sûr."
177,25,6,"Natu kann nicht fliegen, da seine Flügel noch nicht
ausgewachsen sind. Wenn du diesem Pokémon in die Augen
schaust, starrt es dich konzentriert an. Wenn du dich aber
bewegst, hüpft es weg, um sich in Sicherheit zu bringen."
177,25,7,"Natu no puede volar porque las alas no le han crecido lo
suficiente. Si alguien cruza la mirada con él, se la devolverá
fijamente, aunque, si hace el mínimo movimiento, huirá dando
saltitos para ponerse a salvo."
177,25,8,"Natu non riesce a volare a causa delle ali non ancora
totalmente sviluppate. Se lo si guarda negli occhi,
ricambia lo sguardo, ma al primo movimento scappa via
per mettersi al sicuro."
177,25,9,"Natu cannot fly because its wings are not yet fully grown.
If your eyes meet with this Pokémons eyes, it will stare back
intently at you. But if you move even slightly, it will hop away
to safety."
177,25,11,"羽が まだ 育って いないので 飛べない。
目を 合わせると じっと 見つめるが 相手が
少しでも 動くと 飛び跳ねて 逃げていく。"
177,26,1,"ジャンプりょくの はったつした ポケモン。
おとなの せたけ いじょうある たかさの えだに
ひらりと とびのり きのめを ついばむ。"
177,26,3,"점프력이 발달한 포켓몬이다.
어른 키 이상의 높이인 가지에
훌쩍 날아 앉아 나무순을 쪼아 먹는다."
177,26,5,"Natu est capable de sauter très haut. Ce Pokémon bat
des ailes et saute sur les branches élevées des arbres
pour en récupérer les bourgeons."
177,26,6,"Natu kann hervorragend springen. Dieses Pokémon schlägt
mit den Flügeln und springt auf Äste, die höher liegen,
als ein Erwachsener groß ist, um an die neuen Triebe eines
Baumes zu kommen."
177,26,7,"Natu ha desarrollado tremendamente la habilidad de saltar.
Este Pokémon aletea y da brinquitos por las ramas altas a las
que no alcanza nadie para hacerse con los nuevos brotes
de los árboles."
177,26,8,"Natu ha una spiccata attitudine al salto. È in grado di
raggiungere con un balzo rami più alti di un adulto,
e si ciba dei germogli di cui va ghiotto."
177,26,9,"Natu has a highly developed jumping ability. The Pokémon
flaps and leaps onto tree branches that are taller than
grown-up people to pick at the trees new shoots."
177,26,11,"ジャンプ力の 発達した ポケモン。
大人の 背丈 以上ある 高さの 枝に
ひらりと 飛び乗り 木の芽を ついばむ。"
177,29,1,"まだ とべないが ジャンプりょくは
ばつぐん。 たかい きの えだに
とびあがり きのめを ついばむ。"
177,29,3,"아직 날 수 없지만, 점프력은
상당하다. 높은 나뭇가지에
뛰어올라 나무순을 쪼아 먹는다."
177,29,5,"Bien quil ne sache pas encore voler, il peut
sauter jusquaux plus hautes branches des
arbres pour en picorer les bourgeons."
177,29,6,"Natu kann noch nicht fliegen, aber hervorragend
springen. So erreicht es selbst hoch liegende
Äste, an deren Knospen es dann pickt."
177,29,7,"Aún no puede volar, pero su increíble capacidad
de salto le permite alcanzar las ramas de los
árboles más altos y picotear los brotes tiernos."
177,29,8,"Non sa ancora volare, ma spiccando salti
eccezionali riesce a raggiungere anche i rami
più alti per cibarsi dei germogli che vi crescono."
177,29,9,"Although it still cant fly, its jumping power is
outstanding. It jumps way up into trees and
plucks the buds from the branches."
177,29,11,"まだ 飛べないが ジャンプ力は
抜群。 高い 木の 枝に
飛び上がり 木の芽を ついばむ。"
177,30,1,"こちらを じっと かんさつするような
まなざし。 ちょっとでも ちかづくと
ぴょんぴょん はねて にげていく。"
177,30,3,"이쪽을 가만히 관찰하는 듯한
눈빛이다. 조금이라도 다가가면
통통 튀어서 도망친다."
177,30,5,"Son regard fixe semble dévisager les gens.
Il senfuit en sautillant à la moindre tentative
177,30,6,"Sein durchdringender Blick scheint einen stets
zu beobachten. Kommt man ihm auch nur ein
bisschen näher, ergreift es hüpfend die Flucht."
177,30,7,"Con su penetrante mirada, parece estar en
vigilancia constante. A la mínima que se le
acercan, sale huyendo dando botes."
177,30,8,"Sembra osservare ciò che lo circonda con
sguardo inquisitore. Se si accenna appena ad
avvicinarsi, scappa via saltellando."
177,30,9,"The look in its eyes gives the impression that
its carefully observing you. If you approach it,
Natu will hop away."
177,30,11,"こちらを じっと 観察するような
眼差し。 ちょっとでも 近付くと
ぴょんぴょん はねて 逃げていく。"
177,33,1,"きように きのみきを かけのぼる。
えださきに できた あたらしい
きのめを このんで ついばむ。"
177,33,3,"능숙하게 나무줄기를 타고 올라간다.
가지 끝에 새로 자란
나무순을 즐겨 먹는다."
177,33,5,"Il est très doué pour grimper aux arbres et ainsi
manger les bourgeons dont il raffole."
177,33,6,"Es ist ein hervorragender Kletterer. Besonders
gern steigt es auf Bäume und frisst die jungen
Triebe ab."
177,33,7,"Trepa con gran habilidad por el tronco de los
árboles, donde aprovecha para picotear los
brotes nuevos."
177,33,8,"È molto bravo ad arrampicarsi sui tronchi degli
alberi per mangiare i germogli appena spuntati."
177,33,9,"It is extremely good at climbing tree trunks and
likes to eat the new sprouts on the trees."
177,33,11,"器用に 木の幹を 駆け登る。
枝先に できた 新しい
木の芽を 好んで ついばむ。"
177,34,1,"はねが そだちきって おらず
とびはねるようにして いどうする。
いつも なにかを みつめている。"
177,34,3,"날개가 아직 잘 발달하지 못해서
점프하듯 이동한다.
항상 뭔가를 바라보고 있다."
177,34,5,"Ses ailes ne sont pas assez développées
donc il ne peut se déplacer quen sautillant.
Il fixe toujours quelque chose du regard."
177,34,6,"Da seine Flügel nicht voll ausgebildet sind,
bewegt es sich hüpfend fort. Seinen Blick hat
es stets starr auf ein Ziel gerichtet."
177,34,7,"Se desplaza dando saltitos porque sus alas no
han crecido lo suficiente. Siempre está mirando
algo fijamente."
177,34,8,"Poiché le sue ali non sono ancora ben sviluppate,
è costretto ad andarsene in giro saltellando.
Sembra sempre intento a fissare qualcosa."
177,34,9,"Because its wings arent yet fully grown, it has to
hop to get around. It is always staring
at something."
177,34,11,"羽が 育ちきって おらず
飛び跳ねるようにして 移動する。
いつも なにかを 見つめている。"
178,4,9,"They say that it
stays still and
quiet because itis seeing both the
past and future at
the same time."
178,5,9,"In South America,
it is said that
its right eye seesthe future and its
left eye views the
178,6,9,"Once it begins to
meditate at sun­
rise, the entireday will pass
before it will
move again."
178,7,9,"XATU stands rooted and still in one
spot all day long. People believe that
this POKéMON does so out of fear ofthe terrible things it has foreseen in
the future."
178,8,9,"XATU is known to stand motionless while
staring at the sun all day long.
Some people revere it as a mysticalPOKéMON out of their belief that XATU
is in possession of the power to see
into the future."
178,9,9,"It has the enigmatic power of foreseeing
the future. Some people in different lands
have long believed that XATU are
emissaries from another world."
178,10,9,"In South America, it is said that its right
eye sees the future and its left eye
views the past."
178,11,9,"They say that it stays still and quiet
because it is seeing both the past and
future at the same time."
178,12,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,13,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,14,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,15,9,"They say that it stays still and
quiet because it is seeing both the
past and future at the same time."
178,16,9,"In South America, it is said that
its right eye sees the future and its
left eye views the past."
178,17,5,"Cet étrange Pokémon peut voir
lavenir et le passé. Il guette
sans cesse la course du soleil."
178,17,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,18,5,"Cet étrange Pokémon peut voir
lavenir et le passé. Il guette
sans cesse la course du soleil."
178,18,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,21,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,22,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both
the past and the future. It eyes
the suns movement all day."
178,23,1,"あさがた のぼる たいようを
じっと みつめ いのりを ささげると
ほとんど うごかず 1にちをおえる。"
178,23,3,"선명하게 떠오르는 태양을
조용히 바라보며 기도를 올리면
거의 움직이지 않고 하루가 간다."
178,23,5,"Il peut rester à méditer sans bouger, du lever du
soleil jusquà la tombée de la nuit."
178,23,6,"Wenn es bei Sonnenaufgang anfängt zu meditieren,
vergeht der ganze Tag, ehe es sich wieder bewegt."
178,23,7,"Cuando se pone a meditar al amanecer, pierde la
noción del tiempo. Puede pasarse así todo el día."
178,23,8,"Quando, allalba, inizia a meditare, riesce a rimanere
immobile fino alla fine del giorno."
178,23,9,"Once it begins to meditate at sunrise, the entire day
will pass before it will move again."
178,23,11,"朝方 昇る 太陽を
じっと 見つめ 祈りを ささげると
ほとんど 動かず 1日を終える。"
178,24,1,"ほとんど うごかず なきもせず
じっとするのは かこと みらいを
みているからだと しんじられている。"
178,24,3,"거의 움직이거나 울지 않고
가만히 있는 것은 과거와 미래를
보고 있기 때문이라고 여겨진다."
178,24,5,"On dit quil est calme et tranquille car il peut voir en
permanence le passé et le futur."
178,24,6,"Man sagt, es sei so still und in sich gekehrt, weil es
die Zukunft und die Vergangenheit parallel sieht."
178,24,7,"Dicen que se mantiene quieto y en silencio porque
observa el pasado y el futuro al mismo tiempo."
178,24,8,"Si dice che sia così quieto perché sta osservando
passato e futuro allo stesso tempo."
178,24,9,"They say that it stays still and quiet because it is
seeing both the past and future at the same time."
178,24,11,"ほとんど 動かず 鳴きもせず
じっとするのは 過去と 未来を
見ているからだと 信じられている。"
178,25,1,"いちにちじゅう ネイティオが じっとしているのは
みらいよちで わかった おそろしい できごとに
おびえているからだと しんじられている。"
178,25,3,"온종일 네이티오가 꼼짝하지 않는 것은
미래예지로 알게 된 무서운 사건에
겁을 먹고 있기 때문이라고 믿어지고 있다."
178,25,5,"Xatu se tient debout et immobile toute la journée.
Certains pensent que ce Pokémon a adopté cette
position à cause de la terreur quil a ressentie en
prévoyant lavenir."
178,25,6,"Xatu bleibt den ganzen Tag an ein und demselben Ort
wie angewurzelt stehen. Die Menschen glauben, dass es
dies aus Angst vor den Dingen tut, die es für die Zukunft
vorausgesehen hat."
178,25,7,"Xatu permanece de pie inmóvil y tranquilo en el mismo sitio
durante todo el día. Se cree que no se mueve por temor a lo
que ha visto que ocurrirá en el futuro."
178,25,8,"Xatu rimane in piedi immobile nello stesso punto
tutto il giorno. Qualcuno crede che si comporti così
per gli eventi terribili che ha previsto per il futuro."
178,25,9,"Xatu stands rooted and still in one spot all day long.
People believe that this Pokémon does so out of fear of the
terrible things it has foreseen in the future."
178,25,11,"一日中 ネイティオが じっとしているのは
未来予知で わかった 恐ろしい 出来事に
おびえているからだと 信じられている。"
178,26,1,"1にちじゅう たいようを みつめて うごかない。
みらいを みとおす ちからを もつと しんじられ
せいなる ポケモンとして まつる ひとも いる。"
178,26,3,"온종일 태양을 바라보며 움직이지 않는다.
미래를 내다보는 힘을 지녔다고 여겨져
성스러운 포켓몬으로 모시는 사람도 있다."
178,26,5,"On sait que Xatu se tient toute la journée debout,
les yeux perdus vers lhorizon. Certaines personnes
le vénèrent comme un Pokémon mystique, persuadées
que Xatu a le pouvoir de prédire lavenir."
178,26,6,"Xatu steht den ganzen Tag bewegungslos herum und starrt
die Sonne an. Einige Menschen verehren es als ein mystisches
Pokémon. Sie glauben, dass Xatu in die Zukunft sehen könne."
178,26,7,"Xatu es conocido por el hábito que tiene de quedarse todo
el día contemplando el sol. Hay mucha gente que lo venera
como Pokémon místico, pues piensan que Xatu tiene el poder
de ver el futuro."
178,26,8,"Xatu è noto per la sua immobilità mentre guarda il sole stando
in piedi tutto il giorno. Alcuni lo considerano un Pokémon
mistico, convinti che Xatu possegga il potere di prevedere
il futuro."
178,26,9,"Xatu is known to stand motionless while staring at the sun all
day long. Some people revere it as a mystical Pokémon out of
their belief that Xatu is in possession of the power to see into
the future."
178,26,11,"1日中 太陽を 見つめて 動かない。
未来を 見通す 力を 持つと 信じられ
聖なる ポケモンとして 祭る 人も いる。"
178,29,1,"みらいを よちする ちからが あるが
みらいを かえるほどの ちからは
もっていないと いわれる ポケモン。"
178,29,3,"미래를 예지하는 힘이 있지만,
미래를 바꿀 정도의 힘은
없다고 전해지는 포켓몬."
178,29,5,"Ce Pokémon aurait le pouvoir de voir lavenir.
Il na malheureusement pas celui de le changer."
178,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann zwar angeblich die
Zukunft voraussehen, aber seine Kräfte
reichen nicht aus, um diese auch zu ändern."
178,29,7,"Según se cree, este Pokémon posee el don de la
clarividencia, pero carece del poder para alterar
el futuro."
178,29,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon abbia il potere di
prevedere il futuro, ma non di cambiarlo."
178,29,9,"Its said that while this Pokémon has the power
to predict the future, its not powerful enough
to change the future it sees."
178,29,11,"未来を 予知する 力が あるが
未来を 変えるほどの 力は
持っていないと いわれる ポケモン。"
178,30,1,"みらいを みとおして いるが
その へんかを のぞんでいないので
じっと うごかずに いるらしい。"
178,30,3,"미래를 내다보고 있지만
그것의 변화를 바라지 않아서
가만히 움직이지 않는다고 한다."
178,30,5,"Bien quil puisse voir lavenir, il na aucune
intention de le changer. Cela expliquerait
pourquoi il reste immobile."
178,30,6,"Es kann anscheinend in die Zukunft sehen, hat
aber keine Absicht, diese zu ändern. Deshalb
steht es einfach nur bewegungslos herum."
178,30,7,"Puede prever el futuro, pero no alberga la menor
intención de alterarlo. Probablemente sea ese el
motivo por el que permanece inmóvil."
178,30,8,"Prevede il futuro ma non gradisce i mutamenti
che vi scorge. Per questo pare che se ne stia
sempre immobile."
178,30,9,"While it can see the future, it has no desire to
change it, which is probably why it remains
motionless at all times."
178,30,11,"未来を 見通して いるが
その 変化を 望んでいないので
じっと 動かずに いるらしい。"
178,33,1,"ほとんど うごかず なきもせず
じっとするのは かこと みらいを
みているからだと しんじられている。"
178,33,3,"움직이거나 울음소리를 내지 않고
가만히 있는 것은 과거와 미래를
보고 있기 때문이라고 여겨진다."
178,33,5,"On dit quil reste immobile et silencieux parce
quil observe simultanément le passé et le futur."
178,33,6,"Man sagt, es sei so still und in sich gekehrt,
weil es die Zukunft und die Vergangenheit
parallel sieht."
178,33,7,"Dicen que se mantiene prácticamente inmóvil y
en silencio porque observa el pasado y el futuro
al mismo tiempo."
178,33,8,"Si dice che se ne stia immobile e in silenzio
perché sta osservando passato e futuro allo
stesso tempo."
178,33,9,"They say that it stays still and quiet because it is
seeing both the past and future at the same time."
178,33,11,"ほとんど 動かず 鳴きもせず
じっとするのは 過去と 未来を
見ているからだと 信じられている。"
178,34,1,"かこと みらいを みとおせる。
まいにち たいようの うごきを
みつづけている ふしぎな ポケモン。"
178,34,3,"과거와 미래를 내다볼 수 있다.
매일 태양의 움직임을
관찰하는 이상한 포켓몬이다."
178,34,5,"Capable de voir le passé et lavenir, ce Pokémon
mystérieux consacre toutes ses journées
à observer la course du soleil."
178,34,6,"Dieses kuriose Pokémon kann die Vergangenheit
und die Zukunft sehen. Es beobachtet täglich den
Lauf der Sonne."
178,34,7,"Este extraño Pokémon puede ver el pasado y el
futuro. Se pasa el día mirando al sol."
178,34,8,"Pokémon enigmatico che vede il passato e
prevede il futuro osservando il sole tutto
il giorno."
178,34,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both the past and
the future. It eyes the suns movement all day."
178,34,11,"過去と 未来を 見通せる。
毎日 太陽の 動きを
見続けている 不思議な ポケモン。"
179,4,9,"If static elec­
tricity builds in
its body, itsfleece doubles in
volume. Touching
it will shock you."
179,5,9,"Its fleece grows
continually. In
the summer, thefleece is fully
shed, but it grows
back in a week."
179,6,9,"It stores lots of
air in its soft
fur, allowing itto stay cool in
summer and warm
in winter."
179,7,9,"MAREEPs fluffy coat of wool rubs
together and builds a static charge.
The more static electricity is charged,the more brightly the lightbulb at the
tip of its tail grows."
179,8,9,"MAREEPs fluffy coat of wool rubs
together and builds a static charge.
The more static electricity is charged,the more brightly the lightbulb at the
tip of its tail grows."
179,9,9,"Its fluffy wool rubs together and builds
a static charge. The more energy is
charged, the more brightly the lightbulb
at the tip of its tail glows."
179,10,9,"Its fleece grows continually. In the
summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it
grows back in a week."
179,11,9,"If static electricity builds in its body,
its fleece doubles in volume. Touching
it will shock you."
179,12,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double
when static electricity builds up.
Touching it can be shocking."
179,13,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double
when static electricity builds up.
Touching it can be shocking."
179,14,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double
when static electricity builds up.
Touching it can be shocking."
179,15,9,"If static electricity builds in its
body, its fleece doubles in volume.
Touching it will shock you."
179,16,9,"Its fleece grows continually. In
the summer, the fleece is fully
shed, but it grows back in a week."
179,17,5,"Sa laine fournie enfle lorsquil
accumule de lélectricité statique.
Son contact peut choquer. "
179,17,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double
when static electricity builds up.
Touching it can be shocking."
179,18,5,"Sa laine fournie enfle lorsquil
accumule de lélectricité statique.
Son contact peut choquer. "
179,18,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double
when static electricity builds up.
Touching it can be shocking."
179,21,9,"When cold weather increases static
electricity, its wool doubles in size
and the tip of its tail glows slightly."
179,22,9,"When cold weather increases static
electricity, its wool doubles in size
and the tip of its tail glows slightly."
179,23,1,"ふわふわの たいもうは せいでんきが
たまると 2ばいに ふくらむ。
さわると かんでんしてしまう。"
179,23,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 정전기가
쌓이면 2배로 부풀어 오른다.
만지면 감전되어 버린다."
179,23,5,"Sa laine fournie enfle lorsquil accumule de
lélectricité statique. Son contact peut choquer."
179,23,6,"Sein weiches Fell wird doppelt so dick,
wenn sich Elektrizität aufbaut."
179,23,7,"Su pelaje lanudo dobla su volumen al acumular
electricidad estática. Tocarlo puede dar calambre."
179,23,8,"Se il manto è carico delettricità, le sue dimensioni
raddoppiano e può dare la scossa."
179,23,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double when static
electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking."
179,23,11,"ふわふわの 体毛は 静電気が
たまると 2倍に ふくらむ。
触ると 感電してしまう。"
179,24,1,"ふかふかの たいもうは くうきを
たくさん ふくんで なつは すずしく
ふゆは あたたかいのが とくちょう。"
179,24,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 공기를
가득 품고 있어 여름은 시원하고
겨울은 따뜻한 것이 특징이다."
179,24,5,"Il garde une grande quantité dair dans sa toison pour
ne pas subir les variations de température."
179,24,6,"Es speichert viel Luft in seinem weichen Pelz.
Dadurch ist es im Sommer kalt und im Winter warm."
179,24,7,"Almacena aire en el lanudo pelaje que tiene. Así, se
mantiene fresco en verano y caliente en invierno."
179,24,8,"Laria che raccoglie nella pelliccia gli permette di
stare fresco destate e caldo dinverno."
179,24,9,"It stores lots of air in its soft fur, allowing it to stay
cool in summer and warm in winter."
179,24,11,"ふかふかの 体毛は 空気を
たくさん 含んで 夏は 涼しく
冬は 温かいのが 特徴。"
179,25,1,"たいもうが こすれて せいでんきが たまる。
でんりょくが たくさん たまるほど しっぽの
さきに ついた でんきゅうが あかるく ひかる。"
179,25,3,"털의 마찰로 정전기가 모인다.
전력이 많이 모일수록 꼬리
끝에 붙은 전구가 밝게 빛난다."
179,25,5,"Lépaisse fourrure cotonneuse de Wattouat se charge
délectricité statique lorsquon la frotte. Plus elle est chargée,
plus lampoule au bout de sa queue est lumineuse."
179,25,6,"Voltilamms flauschiges, wollenes Fell erzeugt Reibung und
statische Aufladung. Je höher die elektrische Ladung wird,
desto heller leuchtet die Glühbirne an seinem Schweif."
179,25,7,"Mareep tiene un pelaje lanudo suave que produce carga
estática por el roce. Cuanto más se carga de electricidad
estática, más brilla la bombilla que tiene en el extremo de la
179,25,8,"Il morbido manto lanoso di Mareep genera una carica
elettrostatica mediante sfregamento. La luminosità
della lampadina sulla punta della coda dipende dalla
potenza della carica elettrica."
179,25,9,"Mareeps fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static
charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly
the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows."
179,25,11,"体毛が こすれて 静電気が たまる。
電力が 沢山 たまるほど 尻尾の
先に ついた 電球が 明るく 光る。"
179,26,1,"たいもうが こすれて せいでんきが たまる。
でんりょくが たくさん たまるほど しっぽの
さきに ついた でんきゅうが あかるく ひかる。"
179,26,3,"털의 마찰로 정전기가 모인다.
전력이 많이 모일수록 꼬리
끝에 붙은 전구가 밝게 빛난다."
179,26,5,"Lépaisse fourrure cotonneuse de Wattouat se charge
délectricité statique lorsquon la frotte. Plus elle est chargée,
plus lampoule au bout de sa queue est lumineuse."
179,26,6,"Voltilamms flauschiges, wollenes Fell erzeugt Reibung und
statische Aufladung. Je höher die elektrische Ladung wird,
desto heller leuchtet die Glühbirne an seinem Schweif."
179,26,7,"Mareep tiene un pelaje lanudo suave que produce carga
estática por el roce. Cuanto más se carga de electricidad
estática, más brilla la bombilla que tiene en el extremo de la
179,26,8,"Il morbido manto lanoso di Mareep genera una carica
elettrostatica mediante sfregamento. La luminosità
della lampadina sulla punta della coda dipende dalla
potenza della carica elettrica."
179,26,9,"Mareeps fluffy coat of wool rubs together and builds a static
charge. The more static electricity is charged, the more brightly
the lightbulb at the tip of its tail glows."
179,26,11,"体毛が こすれて 静電気が たまる。
電力が 沢山 たまるほど 尻尾の
先に ついた 電球が 明るく 光る。"
179,29,1,"メリープの けで つくった いふくは
せいでんきが たまりやすい ので
とくしゅな かこうが されている。"
179,29,3,"메리프의 털로 만든 의복은
정전기가 잘 일어나기 때문에
특수한 가공이 되어 있다."
179,29,5,"En raison de leur tendance à stocker lélectricité
statique, les vêtements en laine de Wattouat
subissent un traitement spécial."
179,29,6,"Kleidung aus Voltilamms Wolle erfordert eine
spezielle Verarbeitung, da sie ansonsten zu
elektrostatischer Aufladung neigt."
179,29,7,"Las prendas elaboradas con la lana de Mareep
se cargan fácilmente de electricidad estática y
requieren de tratamientos especiales."
179,29,8,"Gli indumenti fatti con lana di Mareep si caricano
molto facilmente di elettricità statica e per
questo necessitano di un trattamento speciale."
179,29,9,"Clothing made from Mareeps fleece is easily
charged with static electricity, so a special
process is used on it."
179,29,11,"メリープの 毛で 作った 衣服は
静電気が たまりやすい ので
特殊な 加工が されている。"
179,30,1,"わたげが こすれ でんきが たまる。
かわいいからと すでで さわると
バチッと しびれて いたいのだ。"
179,30,3,"솜털이 마찰하여 전기가 모인다.
귀엽다고 맨손으로 만지면
따끔하게 저리고 아프다."
179,30,5,"Il a beau être mignon, sa laine génère de
lélectricité quand on la frotte. Tentez de le
caresser, et il vous mettra vite au courant!"
179,30,6,"Seine Wolle lädt sich durch Reibung elektrisch
auf. Streichelt man dieses süße Pokémon mit
bloßer Hand, bekommt man einen Elektroschock."
179,30,7,"Su lana acumula electricidad estática con la
fricción. Al ser tan adorable, la gente se acerca
para acariciarlo y se lleva un doloroso chispazo."
179,30,8,"La lana di Mareep genera elettricità se sfregata.
Chi lo tocca a mani nude, tentato dal suo
aspetto adorabile, riceve una dolorosa scossa."
179,30,9,"Rubbing its fleece generates electricity.
Youll want to pet it because its cute, but if you
use your bare hand, youll get a painful shock."
179,30,11,"綿毛が こすれ 電気が たまる。
かわいいからと 素手で 触ると
バチッと 痺れて 痛いのだ。"
180,4,9,"As a result of
storing too much
electricity, itdeveloped patches
where even downy
wool won't grow."
180,5,9,"Its fluffy fleece
easily stores
electricity. Itsrubbery hide keeps
it from being
180,6,9,"Because of its
rubbery, electric­
ity-resistantskin, it can store
lots of electric­
ity in its fur."
180,7,9,"FLAAFFYs wool quality changes so that
it can generate a high amount of static
electricity with a small amount of wool.The bare and slick parts of its hide are
shielded against electricity."
180,8,9,"FLAAFFYs wool quality changes so that
it can generate a high amount of static
electricity with a small amount of wool.The bare and slick parts of its hide are
shielded against electricity."
180,9,9,"Its fleece quality changes to generate
strong static electricity with a small
amount of wool. The bare, slick parts of its
hide are shielded against electricity."
180,10,9,"Its fluffy fleece easily stores
electricity. Its rubbery hide keeps it
from being electrocuted."
180,11,9,"As a result of storing too much
electricity, it developed patches where
even downy wool wont grow."
180,12,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged
with electricity, its tail lights up.
It fires hair that zaps on impact."
180,13,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged
with electricity, its tail lights up.
It fires hair that zaps on impact."
180,14,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged
with electricity, its tail lights up.
It fires hair that zaps on impact."
180,15,9,"As a result of storing too much
electricity, it developed patches
where even downy wool wont grow."
180,16,9,"Its fluffy fleece easily stores
electricity. Its rubbery hide keeps
it from being electrocuted."
180,17,5,"Sa queue sallume lorsque sa
laine se charge délectricité.
Il projette des poils électrifiés."
180,17,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged
with electricity, its tail lights up.
It fires hair that zaps on impact."
180,18,5,"Sa queue sallume lorsque sa
laine se charge délectricité.
Il projette des poils électrifiés."
180,18,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged
with electricity, its tail lights up.
It fires hair that zaps on impact."
180,21,9,"Not even downy wool will grow on
its rubbery, nonconductive patches
of skin that prevent electrical shock."
180,22,9,"Not even downy wool will grow on
its rubbery, nonconductive patches
of skin that prevent electrical shock."
180,23,1,"ふかふかの たいもうは でんきを
ためやすいが ゴムのような ひふの
おかげで じぶんは しびれない。"
180,23,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 전기를
모으기 쉽지만 고무 같은 피부
덕분에 자신은 마비되지 않는다."
180,23,5,"Sa douce laine stocke facilement lélectricité.
Sa peau caoutchouteuse prévient lélectrocution."
180,23,6,"Sein flauschiges Fell speichert Elektrizität.
Seine Gummihaut schützt es vor Stromstößen."
180,23,7,"Su esponjosa lana almacena electricidad. Su piel
gomosa evita que sea electrocutado."
180,23,8,"La soffice pelliccia raccoglie elettricità. Non resta
fulminato grazie a uno strato di pelle gommosa."
180,23,9,"Its fluffy fleece easily stores electricity. Its rubbery
hide keeps it from being electrocuted."
180,23,11,"ふかふかの 体毛は 電気を
ためやすいが ゴムのような 皮膚の
おかげで 自分は しびれない。"
180,24,1,"たいもうに ためた でんきが
まんたんになると しっぽが ひかる。
ふれると しびれる けを とばす。"
180,24,3,"털에 모아둔 전기가
다 채워지면 꼬리가 반짝인다.
접촉하면 마비되는 털을 날린다."
180,24,5,"Sa queue sallume lorsque sa laine se charge
délectricité. Il projette des poils électrifiés."
180,24,6,"Hat es sich mit Elektrizität aufgeladen, leuchtet sein
Schweif und es feuert Haare ab, die sich entladen."
180,24,7,"Cuando su pelaje se carga de electricidad, su cola se
enciende. Lanza pelo que explota al impacto."
180,24,8,"Se il suo manto è del tutto carico delettricità, la
coda sillumina. Lancia peli che danno la scossa."
180,24,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity,
its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact."
180,24,11,"体毛に ためた 電気が
満タンになると 尻尾が 光る。
触れると しびれる 毛を 飛ばす。"
180,25,1,"たいもうの せいしつが へんかするので すくない
りょうでも たくさんの でんきを つくりだせる。
でんきを さえぎる つるつるの はだを もつ。"
180,25,3,"털의 성질이 변화하기 때문에 적은
양으로도 많은 전기를 만들어낸다.
전기를 차단하는 반질반질한 피부를 가졌다."
180,25,5,"La qualité de la laine de Lainergie se modifie pour générer
un maximum délectricité statique avec un minimum de laine.
Les sections glabres de sa peau sont résistantes à lélectricité."
180,25,6,"Die Qualität von Waatys Wolle verändert sich, sodass es mit
nur wenig Wolle eine große statische Aufladung erzeugen
kann. Die kahlen Stellen in seinem Fell sind gegen Elektrizität
180,25,7,"La calidad de la lana de Flaaffy varía para poder generar
mucha electricidad estática con muy poca cantidad de lana.
Las zonas suaves de la piel en las que no tiene pelaje están
protegidas contra la electricidad."
180,25,8,"La qualità della lana di Flaaffy varia in modo da generare
unalta carica elettrostatica con un ridotto quantitativo di lana.
Le parti scoperte e vulnerabili del suo corpo sono schermate
contro le scosse."
180,25,9,"Flaaffys wool quality changes so that it can generate a high
amount of static electricity with a small amount of wool.
The bare and slick parts of its hide are shielded
against electricity."
180,25,11,"体毛の 性質が 変化するので 少ない
量でも 沢山の 電気を つくりだせる。
電気を 遮る つるつるの 肌を 持つ。"
180,26,1,"たいもうの せいしつが へんかするので すくない
りょうでも たくさんの でんきを つくりだせる。
でんきを さえぎる つるつるの はだを もつ。"
180,26,3,"털의 성질이 변화하기 때문에 적은
양으로도 많은 전기를 만들어낸다.
전기를 차단하는 반질반질한 피부를 가졌다."
180,26,5,"La qualité de la laine de Lainergie se modifie pour générer
un maximum délectricité statique avec un minimum de laine.
Les sections glabres de sa peau sont résistantes à lélectricité."
180,26,6,"Die Qualität von Waatys Wolle verändert sich, sodass es mit
nur wenig Wolle eine große statische Aufladung erzeugen
kann. Die kahlen Stellen in seinem Fell sind gegen Elektrizität
180,26,7,"La calidad de la lana de Flaaffy varía para poder generar
mucha electricidad estática con muy poca cantidad de lana.
Las zonas suaves de la piel en las que no tiene pelaje están
protegidas contra la electricidad."
180,26,8,"La qualità della lana di Flaaffy varia in modo da generare
unalta carica elettrostatica con un ridotto quantitativo di lana.
Le parti scoperte e vulnerabili del suo corpo sono schermate
contro le scosse."
180,26,9,"Flaaffys wool quality changes so that it can generate
a high amount of static electricity with a small amount of
wool. The bare and slick parts of its hide are shielded
against electricity."
180,26,11,"体毛の 性質が 変化するので 少ない
量でも 沢山の 電気を つくりだせる。
電気を 遮る つるつるの 肌を 持つ。"
180,29,1,"けの はえていない ゴムの ような
ひふは でんきを とおさないので
さわっても あんぜん なのだ。"
180,29,3,"털이 나지 않은 고무 같은
피부는 전기가 통하지 않아
만져도 안전하다."
180,29,5,"Sa peau lisse et élastique étant isolante,
on peut la caresser sans risquer de se
prendre une décharge électrique."
180,29,6,"Die unbehaarten Stellen seiner gummiartigen
Haut leiten keinen Strom weiter. Dort kann man
es daher ohne Gefahr anfassen."
180,29,7,"Las zonas de su piel desprovistas de lana no
transmiten electricidad, por lo que pueden
acariciarse sin miedo."
180,29,8,"La pelle gommosa che ricopre le aree del suo
corpo prive di pelliccia non conduce elettricità e
può essere toccata senza prendere la scossa."
180,29,9,"In the places on its body where fleece doesnt
grow, its skin is rubbery and doesnt conduct
electricity. Those spots are safe to touch."
180,29,11,"毛の 生えていない ゴムの ような
皮膚は 電気を 通さないので
触っても 安全 なのだ。"
180,30,1,"ふかふかの けに でんきを ためこむ。
たくわえすぎて ところどころ
つるつるに はげあがって しまった。"
180,30,3,"푹신푹신한 털에 전기를 저장한다.
너무 많이 저장해서 여기저기
반질반질하게 털이 빠져 버렸다."
180,30,5,"Il accumule de lélectricité dans sa toison
duveteuse. Il en a tellement stocké quil en
a perdu sa laine par endroits."
180,30,6,"Sein flauschiges Fell speichert Elektrizität. Zu
große Mengen bewirkten aber stellenweise einen
Haarausfall, wo nun glatte Haut freiliegt."
180,30,7,"Su lana sedosa acumula tanta electricidad que
algunas partes de su cuerpo se han quedado
desprovistas de pelo."
180,30,8,"Raccoglie elettricità nel soffice manto. Alcune
parti del suo corpo sono diventate interamente
glabre per la troppa elettricità immagazzinata."
180,30,9,"It stores electricity in its fluffy fleece. If it
stores up too much, it will start to go bald in
those patches."
180,30,11,"ふかふかの 毛に 電気を ためこむ。
蓄えすぎて ところどころ
つるつるに 禿げあがって しまった。"
181,4,9,"The tail's tip
shines brightly
and can be seenfrom far away. It
acts as a beacon
for lost people."
181,5,9,"The bright light
on its tail can be
seen far away. Ithas been treasured
since ancient
times as a beacon."
181,6,9,"When it gets dark,
the light from its
bright, shiny tailcan be seen from
far away on the
ocean's surface."
181,7,9,"AMPHAROS gives off so much light that
it can be seen even from space.
People in the old days used the light ofthis POKéMON to send signals back and
forth with others far away."
181,8,9,"AMPHAROS gives off so much light that
it can be seen even from space.
People in the old days used the light ofthis POKéMON to send signals back and
forth with others far away."
181,9,9,"It gives off so much light that it can be
seen even from space. People in the old
days used its light to send signals back
and forth with others far away."
181,10,9,"The bright light on its tail can be seen
far away. It has been treasured since
ancient times as a beacon."
181,11,9,"The tails tip shines brightly and can be
seen from far away. It acts as a beacon
for lost people."
181,12,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly.
In the olden days, people sent
signals using the tails light."
181,13,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly.
In the olden days, people sent
signals using the tails light."
181,14,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly.
In the olden days, people sent
signals using the tails light."
181,15,9,"The tails tip shines brightly and
can be seen from far away. It acts
as a beacon for lost people."
181,16,9,"The bright light on its tail can be
seen far away. It has been treasured
since ancient times as a beacon."
181,17,5,"Le bout de sa queue brille avec
intensité. Jadis, on sen servait
pour envoyer des signaux."
181,17,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly.
In the olden days, people sent
signals using the tails light."
181,18,5,"Le bout de sa queue brille avec
intensité. Jadis, on sen servait
pour envoyer des signaux."
181,18,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly.
In the olden days, people sent
signals using the tails light."
181,21,9,"The tip of its tail shines so brightly it
can be used to send sea-navigation
beacons to distant foreign shores."
181,22,9,"The tip of its tail shines so brightly it
can be used to send sea-navigation
beacons to distant foreign shores."
181,23,1,"しっぽのさきが ひかりかがやく。
ひかりは はるか とおくまで とどき
まよったものの みちしるべとなる。"
181,23,3,"꼬리 끝이 빛나며 반짝인다.
빛이 아득히 먼 곳까지 닿아서
길 잃은 자들의 이정표가 된다."
181,23,5,"Le bout de sa queue brille si fort quil peut être vu
de très loin. Il sert de balise aux gens."
181,23,6,"Seine Schweifspitze ist so hell, dass viele
Verschollene es als Orientierungspunkt nutzen."
181,23,7,"La punta de su cola reluce brillantemente y puede ser
vista desde lejos. Es usado como faro."
181,23,8,"La punta molto luminosa della coda è visibile da
grandi distanze. Fa da segnale per chi si è perso."
181,23,9,"The tails tip shines brightly and can be seen from
far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people."
181,23,11,"尻尾の先が 光り輝く。
光は はるか 遠くまで 届き
迷った者の 道標となる。"
181,24,1,"しっぽの さきが ひかりかがやく。
ひかりは はるか とおくまで とどき
まよったものの みちしるべとなる。"
181,24,3,"꼬리 끝이 빛나며 반짝인다.
빛이 아득히 먼 곳까지 닿아서
길 잃은 자들의 이정표가 된다."
181,24,5,"Le bout de sa queue brille si fort quil peut être vu de
très loin. Il sert de balise aux gens."
181,24,6,"Seine Schweifspitze ist so hell, dass viele
Verschollene es als Orientierungspunkt nutzen."
181,24,7,"La punta de su cola reluce brillantemente y puede ser
vista desde lejos. Es usado como faro."
181,24,8,"La punta molto luminosa della coda è visibile da
grandi distanze. Fa da segnale per chi si è perso."
181,24,9,"The tails tip shines brightly and can be seen from
far away. It acts as a beacon for lost people."
181,24,11,"尻尾の 先が 光り輝く。
光は はるか 遠くまで 届き
迷った者の 道標となる。"
181,25,1,"デンリュウの あかりは うちゅうからも みえる。
むかしの ひとは デンリュウの あかりを つかい
とおくの なかまと あいずを おくりあっていた。"
181,25,3,"전룡의 빛은 우주에서도 보인다.
옛날 사람은 전룡의 빛을 써서
멀리 있는 동료와 신호를 주고받았다."
181,25,5,"Pharamp est si lumineux quon peut le voir de lespace.
Jadis, les gens utilisaient la lumière de ce Pokémon pour
communiquer et senvoyer des signaux à grande distance."
181,25,6,"Ampharos strahlt so viel Licht aus, dass es sogar aus dem
Weltraum noch gesehen werden kann. In der Antike benutzten
die Menschen das Licht dieses Pokémon dazu, Signale über
weite Entfernungen auszutauschen."
181,25,7,"Ampharos desprende tanta luz que es posible verle hasta
desde el espacio. Antes, la gente usaba su luz como sistema
de comunicación para enviarse señales."
181,25,8,"Ampharos emana una luce così intensa da essere visibile
anche dallo spazio. In passato si usava questo Pokémon
per mandare segnali luminosi a persone molto lontane."
181,25,9,"Ampharos gives off so much light that it can be seen even from
space. People in the old days used the light of this Pokémon
to send signals back and forth with others far away."
181,25,11,"デンリュウの 灯りは 宇宙からも 見える。
昔の 人は デンリュウの 灯りを 使い
遠くの 仲間と 合図を 送りあっていた。"
181,26,1,"デンリュウの あかりは うちゅうからも みえる。
むかしの ひとは デンリュウの あかりを つかい
とおくの なかまと あいずを おくりあっていた。"
181,26,3,"전룡의 빛은 우주에서도 보인다.
옛날 사람은 전룡의 빛을 써서
멀리 있는 동료와 신호를 주고받았다."
181,26,5,"Pharamp est si lumineux quon peut le voir de lespace.
Jadis, les gens utilisaient la lumière de ce Pokémon pour
communiquer et senvoyer des signaux à grande distance."
181,26,6,"Ampharos strahlt so viel Licht aus, dass es sogar aus dem
Weltraum noch gesehen werden kann. In der Antike benutzten
die Menschen das Licht dieses Pokémon dazu, Signale über
weite Entfernungen auszutauschen."
181,26,7,"Ampharos desprende tanta luz que es posible verle hasta
desde el espacio. Antes, la gente usaba su luz como sistema
de comunicación para enviarse señales."
181,26,8,"Ampharos emana una luce così intensa da essere visibile
anche dallo spazio. In passato si usava questo Pokémon
per mandare segnali luminosi a persone molto lontane."
181,26,9,"Ampharos gives off so much light that it can be seen even from
space. People in the old days used the light of this Pokémon
to send signals back and forth with others far away."
181,26,11,"デンリュウの 灯りは 宇宙からも 見える。
昔の 人は デンリュウの 灯りを 使い
遠くの 仲間と 合図を 送りあっていた。"
181,29,1,"シッポの ひかりは うちゅうまで
とどくので どこにいるか まるわかり。
だから ふだんは けしている。"
181,29,3,"꼬리의 빛은 우주까지 도달하여
어디에 있든 바로 알 수 있다.
그래서 평소에는 끄고 있다."
181,29,5,"La lumière de sa queue est si vive quon peut
la voir depuis lespace. En général, il léteint
donc pour éviter de se faire repérer."
181,29,6,"Das Licht seiner Schweifspitze kann man selbst
aus dem Weltall noch sehen. Um seinen Standort
zu verbergen, macht es sein Licht zumeist aus."
181,29,7,"La luz que emite su cola puede verse desde el
espacio, delatando su presencia a todos. Es por
eso que normalmente la mantiene apagada."
181,29,8,"Questo Pokémon è facile da individuare grazie
alla luce della sua coda, visibile anche dallo
spazio. Per questo di solito la tiene spenta."
181,29,9,"The light from its tail can be seen from space.
This is why you can always tell exactly where it
is, which is why it usually keeps the light off."
181,29,11,"シッポの 光は 宇宙まで
届くので どこにいるか まるわかり。
だから 普段は 消している。"
181,30,1,"シッポは つよく あかるく かがやく。
ふなのりたちの みちしるべ として
むかしから たいせつに されてきた。"
181,30,3,"꼬리는 강하고 밝게 빛난다.
뱃사람들의 길잡이로서
옛날부터 소중히 여겨져 왔다."
181,30,5,"Sa queue brille dune lumière éclatante.
Depuis des temps très anciens, il est vénéré
comme le guide des marins."
181,30,6,"Seine Schweifspitze strahlt ein starkes, helles
Licht aus. Auf See gilt dieses Leuchten von
alters her als bedeutender Wegweiser."
181,30,7,"Su cola emite un brillo claro e intenso. Se lo
venera desde tiempos remotos como guía de los
181,30,8,"La punta della sua coda brilla di una luce molto
intensa che in passato era una preziosa guida
per i marinai."
181,30,9,"Its tail shines bright and strong. It has been
prized since long ago as a beacon for sailors."
181,30,11,"シッポは 強く 明るく 輝く。
船乗りたちの 道しるべ として
昔から 大切に されてきた。"
182,4,9,"BELLOSSOM gather
at times and
appear to dance.They say that the
dance is a ritual
to summon the sun."
182,5,9,"Plentiful in the
tropics. When it
dances, its petalsrub together and
make a pleasant
ringing sound."
182,6,9,"When these dance
together, their
petals rub againsteach other,
making pretty,
relaxing sounds."
182,7,9,"When BELLOSSOM gets exposed to plenty
of sunlight, the leaves ringing its body
begin to spin around.This POKéMONs dancing is renowned in
the southern lands."
182,8,9,"A BELLOSSOM grows flowers more
beautifully if it has evolved from a
smelly GLOOM - the stinkier the better.At night, this POKéMON closes its
petals and goes to sleep."
182,9,9,"Its flower petals deepen in color through
exposure to sunlight. When cloudy weather
persists, it does a dance that is thought
to be a ritual for summoning the sun."
182,10,9,"Plentiful in the tropics. When it dances,
its petals rub together and make a
pleasant ringing sound."
182,11,9,"BELLOSSOM gather at times and appear to
dance. They say that the dance is a
ritual to summon the sun."
182,12,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,13,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,14,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,15,9,"BELLOSSOM gather at times and seem
to dance. They say that the dance
is a ritual to summon the sun."
182,16,9,"Plentiful in the tropics. When it
dances, its petals rub together and
make a pleasant ringing sound."
182,17,5,"À la fin de la saison des pluies,
il sort danser en plein air,
attiré par la chaleur du soleil."
182,17,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,18,5,"À la fin de la saison des pluies,
il sort danser en plein air,
attiré par la chaleur du soleil."
182,18,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,21,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,22,9,"When the heavy rainfall season
ends, it is drawn out by warm
sunlight to dance in the open."
182,23,1,"ときおり キレイハナが あつまって
おどるような しぐさを みせる。
たいようをよぶ ぎしき といわれる。"
182,23,3,"가끔 아르코가 모여서
춤을 추는 듯한 동작을 보인다.
태양을 부르는 의식이라 전해진다."
182,23,5,"Les Joliflor se réunissent souvent pour danser.
On pense que cest un rituel pour appeler le soleil."
182,23,6,"Blubella kommen zusammen, um zu tanzen.
Man sagt, dieser Tanz sei ein Ritual,
um der Sonne zu huldigen."
182,23,7,"Los Bellossom suelen reunirse para bailar. Dicen que
sus danzas son un ritual para invocar al sol."
182,23,8,"A volte gruppi di Bellossom sembrano danzare.
Si dice che sia un rito per invocare il sole."
182,23,9,"Bellossom gather at times and seem to dance.
They say that the dance is a ritual to summon
the sun."
182,23,11,"ときおり キレイハナが 集まって
踊るような 仕草を みせる。
太陽を呼ぶ 儀式と いわれる。"
182,24,1,"おおあめの きせつが おわると
あたたかい ひざしに さそわれた
キレイハナが おどりはじめる。"
182,24,3,"장마의 계절이 끝나면
따뜻한 햇살에 이끌려나온
아르코가 춤추기 시작한다."
182,24,5,"À la fin de la saison des pluies, il sort danser en plein
air, attiré par la chaleur du soleil."
182,24,6,"Sobald die Regenzeit vorbei ist, wird es von der
warmen Sonne nach draußen gezogen, wo es tanzt."
182,24,7,"Cuando acaba la estación de las lluvias, sale al sol e
inicia una peculiar danza."
182,24,8,"Quando finisce la stagione delle piogge, lo si vede
danzare sotto i caldi raggi del sole."
182,24,9,"When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn
out by warm sunlight to dance in the open."
182,24,11,"大雨の 季節が 終わると
暖かい 日差しに 誘われた
キレイハナが 踊りはじめる。"
182,25,1,"たいようの ひかりを いっぱい あびると
からだの はっぱが くるくる まわり はじめる。
キレイハナの ダンスは なんごくの めいぶつだ。"
182,25,3,"태양의 빛을 잔뜩 받으면
몸의 잎사귀가 빙글빙글 돌기 시작한다.
아르코의 춤은 남쪽 나라의 명물이다."
182,25,5,"Lorsque Joliflor reste exposé à la lumière du soleil, les feuilles
autour de son corps se mettent à tournoyer. La danse de ce
Pokémon est très célèbre dans les régions du sud."
182,25,6,"Wenn Blubella starkem Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt ist, beginnen
sich die Blätter an seinem Körper zu drehen. Der Tanz dieses
Pokémon ist in südlichen Ländern sehr bekannt."
182,25,7,"Cuando Bellossom se expone a gran cantidad de luz solar, le
empiezan a girar las hojas que le rodean. La danza de este
Pokémon es famosa en las zonas del sur."
182,25,8,"Quando Bellossom si espone al sole, le foglie che circondano
il suo corpo iniziano a girare vorticosamente.
La danza di questo Pokémon è nota nelle regioni meridionali."
182,25,9,"When Bellossom gets exposed to plenty of sunlight, the leaves
ringing its body begin to spin around. This Pokémons dancing
is renowned in the southern lands."
182,25,11,"太陽の 光を いっぱい 浴びると
体の 葉っぱが くるくる 回り 始める。
キレイハナの ダンスは 南国の 名物だ。"
182,26,1,"より くさい クサイハナから しんかした ほうが
きれいな はなを つけた キレイハナに なるよ。
よるに なると はなびらを つぼめて ねむる。"
182,26,3,"좀 더 악취를 풍기는 냄새꼬 쪽이
진화하면 아름다운 꽃을 피운 아르코가 된다.
밤이 되면 꽃잎을 오므리고 잔다."
182,26,5,"Les fleurs de Joliflor sont encore plus jolies sil sagit
dune évolution dun Ortide qui sentait vraiment très mauvais.
La nuit, ce Pokémon ferme ses pétales pour dormir."
182,26,6,"Blubella wachsen schönere Blumen, wenn es sich aus
einem übel riechenden Duflor entwickelt hat  je stinkender,
desto besser. Nachts schließt dieses Pokémon seine Blätter
und schläft."
182,26,7,"La belleza de las flores que le crecen a Bellossom depende
de lo mal que oliera el Gloom a partir del cual evolucionó.
A mayor hedor, mayor belleza. Por la noche, este Pokémon
cierra los pétalos y se echa a dormir."
182,26,8,"I fiori di Bellossom sono tanto più belli quanto più forte
è il puzzo del Gloom da cui si evolve!
Quando la sera chiude i petali significa che se ne va a dormire."
182,26,9,"A Bellossom grows flowers more beautifully if it has evolved
from a smelly Gloom—the more stinky the better. At night, this
Pokémon closes its petals and goes to sleep."
182,26,11,"より 臭い クサイハナから 進化した ほうが
きれいな 花を つけた キレイハナに なるよ。
夜に なると 花びらを つぼめて 眠る。"
182,29,6,"In Alola erstrahlt Blubella in einer besonders
herrlichen Blütenpracht. Sein Tanz ist hier
besonders graziös."
182,30,6,"Es ist bekannt für seine Tänze. Je wärmer die
Sonnenstrahlen, die auf seine Blumen fallen,
desto kräftiger und strahlender ihre Farben."
182,33,1,"なんごくに おおく せいそくする。
おどるとき はなびらが ふれあい
ここちよい おとが なりひびく。"
182,33,3,"남국에 널리 분포하여 서식하고 있다.
춤출 때 꽃잎끼리 서로 부딪혀서
기분 좋은 소리가 울려 퍼진다."
182,33,5,"Ce Pokémon vit en nombre dans les tropiques.
Quand il danse, ses pétales frottent les uns
contre les autres et émettent un son mélodieux."
182,33,6,"Es lebt in den Tropen. Beim Tanzen reiben seine
Blüten aneinander und erzeugen ein wohliges
182,33,7,"Abunda en los trópicos. Al bailar, sus pétalos se
rozan y emiten un agradable sonido."
182,33,8,"Molto comune ai tropici. Quando danza, i petali
sfregano uno contro laltro producendo un
piacevole suono."
182,33,9,"Plentiful in the tropics. When it dances, its petals
rub together and make a pleasant ringing sound."
182,33,11,"南国に 多く 生息する。
踊るとき 花びらが 触れあい
心地よい 音が 鳴り響く。"
182,34,1,"ときおり キレイハナが あつまって
おどるような しぐさを みせる。
たいようをよぶ ぎしき といわれる。"
182,34,3,"가끔 아르코가 모여서
춤을 추는 듯한 동작을 한다.
태양을 부르는 의식이라 전해진다."
182,34,5,"Les Joliflor se réunissent parfois pour danser.
On pense que cest un rituel pour invoquer
le soleil."
182,34,6,"Von Zeit zu Zeit kommen Blubella zusammen,
um zu tanzen. Man sagt, ihr Tanz sei ein Ritual,
um die Sonne herbeizurufen."
182,34,7,"Los Bellossom se reúnen en ocasiones para
ejecutar una especie de danza, considerada
un ritual para invocar al sol."
182,34,8,"A volte i Bellossom si riuniscono ed eseguono
una specie di danza. Si dice che sia un rito
per invocare il sole."
182,34,9,"Bellossom gather at times and appear to dance.
They say that the dance is a ritual to summon
the sun."
182,34,11,"ときおり キレイハナが 集まって
踊るような しぐさを みせる。
太陽を呼ぶ 儀式と 言われる。"
183,4,9,"The tip of its
tail, which con­
tains oil that islighter than wa­
ter, lets it swim
without drowning."
183,5,9,"The end of its
tail serves as a
buoy that keepsit from drowning,
even in a vicious
183,6,9,"The fur on its
body naturally
repels water. Itcan stay dry, even
when it plays in
the water."
183,7,9,"MARILLs oil-filled tail acts much like
a life preserver. If you see just its
tail bobbing on the waters surface,its a sure indication that this POKéMON
is diving beneath the water to feed on
aquatic plants."
183,8,9,"When fishing for food at the edge of a
fast-running stream, MARILL wraps its
tail around the trunk of a tree.This POKéMONs tail is flexible and
configured to stretch."
183,9,9,"Its body is covered with water-repellent
fur. Because of the fur, it can swim
through water at high speed without being
slowed by the waters resistance."
183,10,9,"The end of its tail serves as a buoy that
keeps it from drowning, even in a vicious
183,11,9,"The tip of its tail, which contains oil
that is lighter than water, lets it swim
without drowning."
183,12,9,"Using its tail as a float, it dives
underwater. It likes eating plants
that grow on river bottoms."
183,13,9,"The tip of its tail is filled with oil
that is lighter than water, so it
acts as a float."
183,14,9,"The oil-filled end of its tail floats
on water. It keeps MARILL from
drowning even in a strong current."
183,15,9,"The tip of its tail, which contains
oil that is lighter than water,
lets it swim without drowning."
183,16,9,"The end of its tail serves as a
buoy that keeps it from drowning,
even in a vicious current."
183,17,5,"Sa queue à lextrémité remplie
dhuile fait office de flotteur et
lui permet de ne pas couler."
183,17,9,"The oil-filled end of its tail floats
on water. It keeps Marill from
drowning even in a strong current."
183,18,5,"Sa queue à lextrémité remplie
dhuile fait office de flotteur et
lui permet de ne pas couler."
183,18,9,"The oil-filled end of its tail floats
on water. It keeps Marill from
drowning even in a strong current."
183,21,9,"The oil-filled tail functions
as a buoy, so its fine even
in rivers with strong currents."
183,22,9,"The oil-filled tail functions
as a buoy, so its fine even
in rivers with strong currents."
183,23,1,"ぜんしんの たいもうは
みずを はじく せいしつを もち
みずあび しても かわいている。"
183,23,3,"전신의 털은
물을 튕겨내는 성질을 지녀
물을 끼얹어도 말라 있다."
183,23,5,"Sa fourrure est imperméable, si bien quil reste sec
même en jouant dans leau."
183,23,6,"Sein Fell ist von Natur aus wasserabweisend.
Es bleibt trocken, auch wenn es im Wasser spielt."
183,23,7,"Tiene una piel que repele el agua. De hecho, puede
pasarse horas jugando en el agua sin mojarse."
183,23,8,"La pelliccia è idrorepellente. Così, rimane asciutto
anche giocando nellacqua."
183,23,9,"The fur on its body naturally repels water. It can
stay dry, even when it plays in the water."
183,23,11,"全身の 体毛は
水を 弾く 性質を 持ち
水浴び しても 乾いている。"
183,24,1,"しっぽの さきには みずより かるい
あぶらが つまっているので
うきぶくろの かわりに なるのだ。"
183,24,3,"꼬리의 끝에는 물보다 가벼운
기름이 가득 차 있어서
부낭 대신 쓸 수 있다."
183,24,5,"Le bout de sa queue renferme une huile plus légère
que leau qui fait office de flotteur."
183,24,6,"Seine Schweifspitze ist mit Öl gefüllt, das leichter
als Wasser ist, sodass es nicht untergeht."
183,24,7,"La punta de su cola está llena de un aceite que, al
ser más ligero que el agua, le permite flotar."
183,24,8,"La punta della coda contiene un olio più leggero
dellacqua, che gli permette di stare a galla."
183,24,9,"The tip of its tail is filled with oil that is lighter than
water, so it acts as a float."
183,24,11,"尻尾の 先には 水より 軽い
油が つまっているので
浮き袋の かわりに なるのだ。"
183,25,1,"あぶらの つまった しっぽは うきわの かわり。
すいめんに しっぽだけが ういている ときは
もぐって みずくさを たべている めじるしだ。"
183,25,3,"기름이 가득한 꼬리는 튜브 대용이다.
수면에 꼬리만 떠 있을 때는
잠수하여 물풀을 먹고 있다는 표시다."
183,25,5,"La queue remplie dhuile de Marill lui sert de gilet de
sauvetage. Parfois, on peut voir sa queue flotter à la surface.
On peut en déduire que ce Pokémon a plongé sous leau
pour se nourrir de plantes aquatiques."
183,25,6,"Marills Schweif ist mit Öl gefüllt und dient ihm als eine Art
Rettungsring. Wenn nur sein Schweif an der Wasseroberfläche
zu sehen ist, taucht dieses Pokémon gerade, um sich von
Wasserpflanzen zu ernähren."
183,25,7,"La cola de Marill contiene un aceite que hace las veces de
chaleco salvavidas. Si ves una moviéndose en el agua, seguro
que debajo hay un Marill medio sumergido buscando plantas
acuáticas para comer."
183,25,8,"La coda di Marill contiene dellolio e agisce da salvagente.
Se si scorge soltanto la sua coda a pelo dacqua, significa
che questo Pokémon si sta immergendo in profondità
per cibarsi di piante acquatiche."
183,25,9,"Marills oil-filled tail acts much like a life preserver. If you see
just its tail bobbing on the waters surface, its a sure
indication that this Pokémon is diving beneath the water to
feed on aquatic plants."
183,25,11,"油の つまった 尻尾は 浮き輪の 代り。
水面に 尻尾だけが 浮いている ときは
潜って 水草を 食べている 目印だ。"
183,26,1,"ながれの はやい かわで エサを とる ときは
しっぽを かわべりの きの みきに まきつける。
しっぽは だんりょくがあって のびる しくみ。"
183,26,3,"흐름이 빠른 강에서 먹이를 잡을 때는
꼬리를 강가의 나무줄기에 휘감는다.
꼬리는 탄력이 있어서 늘어나는 구조다."
183,26,5,"Lorsquil pêche pour se nourrir sur les rives dun fleuve rapide,
Marill accroche sa queue autour dun tronc darbre pour
ne pas être emporté. La queue de ce Pokémon est flexible
et résiste à létirement."
183,26,6,"Wenn es am Ufer eines reißenden Flusses fischt,
wickelt Marill seinen Schweif um einen Baumstamm.
Der Schweif dieses Pokémon ist flexibel und elastisch,
sodass es ihn ausdehnen kann."
183,26,7,"Este Pokémon tiene la cola muy flexible y elástica. A la hora
de pescar a su presa en una rápida corriente, Marill enrosca
la cola en un árbol."
183,26,8,"Per nutrirsi Marill pesca il cibo in riva a torrenti impetuosi,
avvinghiando la coda attorno ai tronchi degli alberi. La coda
di questo Pokémon è flessibile e dalla costituzione elastica."
183,26,9,"When fishing for food at the edge of a fast-running stream,
Marill wraps its tail around the trunk of a tree. This Pokémons
tail is flexible and configured to stretch."
183,26,11,"流れの 速い 川で エサを 取る ときは
尻尾を 川べりの 木の 幹に 巻きつける。
尻尾は 弾力があって 伸びる 仕組み。"
183,33,1,"まるい しっぽは うきわの かわり。
たまの なかには あぶらに かえた
えいようが たっぷり つまっている。"
183,33,3,"둥근 꼬리는 튜브 대용이다.
그 안에는 영양으로 가득 찬
기름이 들어 있다."
183,33,5,"Sa queue ronde lui sert de bouée.
La boule au bout de celle-ci est remplie
de nutriments qui se sont changés en huile."
183,33,6,"Marills runde Schweifspitze dient ihm als eine Art
Schwimmring. Sie ist mit Nährstoffen gefüllt,
die in Fett umgewandelt wurden."
183,33,7,"La punta redonda de su cola hace las veces de
flotador. En ella almacena abundantes nutrientes
en forma de aceite."
183,33,8,"La coda rotonda funge da salvagente. Allinterno
della palla sono conservate sostanze nutritive
sotto forma di grasso."
183,33,9,"This Pokémon uses its round tail as a float. The
ball of Marills tail is filled with nutrients that
have been turned into an oil."
183,33,11,"丸い しっぽは 浮き輪の かわり。
球の 中には 脂に 変えた
栄養が たっぷり 詰まっている。"
183,34,1,"よく みずを はじく たいもうは
つめたい うみから あがったときでも
すぐに かわいて さむくないのだ。"
183,34,3,"물을 잘 튕겨내는 털은
차가운 바다에 있다가 나와도
금방 말라서 춥지 않다."
183,34,5,"Sa fourrure est hydrophobe, si bien quelle
sèche en un instant. Il na donc jamais froid,
même lorsquil sort dune mer glaciale."
183,34,6,"Sein wasserabweisendes Fell trocknet sofort und
hält Marill warm, selbst wenn es aus kaltem
Meerwasser auftaucht."
183,34,7,"Su pelaje repele el agua, lo que evita que pase
frío al salir de mares gélidos porque se seca al
183,34,8,"Non soffre il freddo nemmeno quando emerge
dai mari gelidi, grazie alla pelliccia idrorepellente
che si asciuga subito."
183,34,9,"Even after Marill swims in a cold sea, its water-
repellent fur dries almost as soon as Marill leaves
the water. Thats why this Pokémon is never cold."
183,34,11,"よく 水を 弾く 体毛は
冷たい 海から 上がったときでも
すぐに 乾いて 寒くないのだ。"
184,4,9,"By keeping still
and listening in­
tently, it cantell what is in
even wild, fast-
moving rivers."
184,5,9,"When it plays in
water, it rolls up
its elongated earsto prevent their
insides from get­
ting wet."
184,6,9,"The bubble-like
pattern on its
stomach helps itcamouflage itself
when it's in the
184,7,9,"AZUMARILLs long ears are indispensable
sensors. By focusing its hearing, this
POKéMON can identify what kinds ofprey are around, even in rough and
fast-running rivers."
184,8,9,"AZUMARILL can make balloons out of
air. It makes these air balloons if it
spots a drowning POKéMON.The air balloons enable the POKéMON in
trouble to breathe."
184,9,9,"It lives in water virtually all day long.
Its body color and pattern act as
camouflage that makes it tough for
enemies to spot in water."
184,10,9,"When it plays in water, it rolls up its
elongated ears to prevent their insides
from getting wet."
184,11,9,"By keeping still and listening intently, it
can even tell what is in wild, fast-moving
184,12,9,"It lives in rivers and lakes. In
water, its coloring and patterns
trick the vision of foes."
184,13,9,"Its long ears are superb sensors.
It can distinguish the movements
of living things on riverbeds."
184,14,9,"It can spend all day in water,
since it can inhale and store
a large volume of air."
184,15,9,"By keeping still and listening
intently, it can tell what is in even
wild, fast-moving rivers."
184,16,9,"When it plays in water, it rolls up
its elongated ears to prevent their
insides from getting wet."
184,17,5,"Ses poumons peuvent contenir
assez dair pour lui permettre de
passer une journée sous leau."
184,17,9,"It can spend all day in water,
since it can inhale and store
a large volume of air."
184,18,5,"Ses poumons peuvent contenir
assez dair pour lui permettre de
passer une journée sous leau."
184,18,9,"It can spend all day in water,
since it can inhale and store
a large volume of air."
184,21,9,"Its long ears are superb sensors.
It can distinguish the movements of
things in water and tell what they are."
184,22,9,"Its long ears are superb sensors.
It can distinguish the movements of
things in water and tell what they are."
184,23,1,"ながい みみは すぐれた センサー。
かわぞこで うごく いきものの
おとを ききわける ことが できる。"
184,23,3,"긴 귀는 우수한 센서다.
강바닥에서 움직이는 생명체의
소리를 분간할 수 있다."
184,23,5,"Ses longues oreilles font un radar efficace.
Elles décèlent les mouvements dans le lit des rivières."
184,23,6,"Seine langen Ohren sind hervorragende Sensoren.
Mit ihnen kann es Bewegungen im Fluss wahrnehmen."
184,23,7,"Sus largas orejas son sensores que pueden percibir
movimientos de seres vivos en el lecho del río."
184,23,8,"Le lunghe orecchie sono ottimi sensori. Distingue
i movimenti di esseri viventi sui fondali fluviali."
184,23,9,"Its long ears are superb sensors. It can distinguish
the movements of living things on riverbeds."
184,23,11,"長い 耳は 優れた センサー。
川底で 動く 生き物の 音を
聞き分ける ことが できる。"
184,24,1,"おなかの あわのような もようは
みずの なかで じぶんの すがたを
カモフラージュ してくれる。"
184,24,3,"배의 거품 같은 무늬는
물속에서 자신의 모습을
위장하게 해준다."
184,24,5,"Les motifs sur son ventre lui permettent de se
camoufler lorsquil est dans leau."
184,24,6,"Das blasenähnliche Muster auf seinem Bauch hilft
ihm, sich perfekt zu tarnen, wenn es im Wasser ist."
184,24,7,"Gracias al dibujo que tiene en el estómago, le resulta
bastante fácil camuflarse en el agua."
184,24,8,"Le bolle disegnate sulla pancia gli permettono di
mimetizzarsi quando si trova in acqua."
184,24,9,"The bubble-like pattern on its stomach helps it
camouflage itself when its in the water."
184,24,11,"お腹の 泡のような 模様は
水の 中で 自分の 姿を
カモフラージュ してくれる。"
184,25,1,"ながい みみは マリルリの だいじな センサー。
みみを すませば ながれの はげしい かわでも
そこに いる えものの しゅるいが わかるぞ。"
184,25,3,"긴 귀는 마릴리의 중요한 센서다.
귀를 기울이면 물살이 격한 강에서도
그곳에 있는 먹이의 종류를 안다."
184,25,5,"Les longues oreilles dAzumarill sont des capteurs
indispensables. Lorsquil se concentre pour écouter,
ce Pokémon peut identifier les proies aux alentours,
même dans les cours deau à fort courant ou les rapides."
184,25,6,"Azumarills lange Ohren dienen ihm als unentbehrliche
Sensoren. Wenn es sein Gehör fokussiert, kann dieses
Pokémon auch in reißenden Flüssen identifizieren,
welche Art von Beute sich in seiner Nähe befindet."
184,25,7,"Azumarill puede hacer burbujas de aire si ve a algún Pokémon
que esté a punto de ahogarse. Estas burbujas de aire son
básicas para que los Pokémon puedan seguir respirando."
184,25,8,"Le lunghe orecchie di Azumarill sono sensori indispensabili.
Concentrandosi sulludito, è in grado di identificare che tipo
di prede ci siano nelle vicinanze, anche in torrenti rapidi
e impetuosi."
184,25,9,"Azumarills long ears are indispensable sensors. By focusing its
hearing, this Pokémon can identify what kinds of prey are
around, even in rough and fast-running rivers."
184,25,11,"長い 耳は マリルリの 大事な センサー。
耳を 澄ませば 流れの 激しい 川でも
そこに いる 獲物の 種類が わかるぞ。"
184,26,1,"くうきの ふうせんを つくる ことが できる。
ポケモンが おぼれていると くうきだまを だして
こきゅうが できる ように してあげるのだ。"
184,26,3,"공기로 풍선을 만들 수 있다.
포켓몬이 물에 빠져 있으면 공기 방울을
만들어내 호흡을 할 수 있게 해준다."
184,26,5,"Azumarill peut faire des bulles dair. Il fabrique ces bulles
lorsquil voit un Pokémon en train de se noyer. Les bulles
dair permettent au Pokémon en difficulté de respirer."
184,26,6,"Azumarill kann aus Luft Ballons machen. Diese Luft-Ballons
erzeugt es, wenn es ein ertrinkendes Pokémon erspäht.
Durch die Ballons kann das Pokémon, das in Schwierigkeiten
geraten ist, atmen."
184,26,7,"Azumarill puede hacer burbujas de aire si ve a algún Pokémon
que esté a punto de ahogarse. Estas burbujas de aire son
básicas para que los Pokémon puedan seguir respirando."
184,26,8,"Azumarill riesce a creare bolle daria in grado di aiutare
un Pokémon che sta per affogare. Quando ne vede uno,
Azumarill gli manda una bolla per aiutarlo a respirare."
184,26,9,"Azumarill can make balloons out of air. It makes these air
balloons if it spots a drowning Pokémon. The air balloons
enable the Pokémon in trouble to breathe."
184,26,11,"空気の 風船を つくる ことが できる。
ポケモンが おぼれていると 空気玉を 出して
呼吸が できる ように してあげるのだ。"
184,33,1,"1にちの ほとんどを すいちゅうで
すごす。 はれた ひには すいめんに
うかんで ひなたぼっこを する。"
184,33,3,"하루의 대부분을 물속에서
지낸다. 맑은 날에는
수면으로 올라와서 햇볕을 쬔다."
184,33,5,"Il passe la majeure partie de la journée
dans leau. Quand il fait beau, il flotte
à la surface pour prendre un bain de soleil."
184,33,6,"Es verbringt fast den ganzen Tag im Wasser.
Bei schönem Wetter lässt sich Azumarill an der
Oberfläche treiben und badet im Sonnenschein."
184,33,7,"Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en el agua. Los
días despejados, aprovecha para tomar el sol
flotando en la superficie."
184,33,8,"Passa la maggior parte della giornata in acqua.
Se è bel tempo galleggia in superficie per
prendere il sole."
184,33,9,"It spends most of its time in the water. On sunny
days, Azumarill floats on the surface of the water
and sunbathes."
184,33,11,"1日の ほとんどを 水中で すごす。
晴れた 日には 水面に 浮かんで
184,34,1,"くうきが つまった あわを つくる。
ルリリが かわで あそぶときは
この あわで つつんで あげるのだ。"
184,34,3,"공기로 가득 찬 거품을 만든다.
루리리가 강에서 놀 때는
이 거품으로 감싸준다."
184,34,5,"Il crée des bulles dair dont il enveloppe
gentiment les Azurill venus jouer dans la rivière."
184,34,6,"Azumarill kann mit Luft gefüllte Blasen erzeugen,
in die es Azurill einhüllt, wenn diese im Fluss
184,34,7,"Crea burbujas llenas de aire con las que cubre a
los Azurill cuando juegan en el río."
184,34,8,"Crea delle bolle daria con cui avvolge
dolcemente gli Azurill che giocano nel fiume."
184,34,9,"These Pokémon create air-filled bubbles. When
Azurill play in rivers, Azumarill will cover them
with these bubbles."
184,34,11,"空気が 詰まった 泡を 作る。
ルリリが 川で 遊ぶときは
この 泡で 包んであげるのだ。"
185,4,9,"Although it always
pretends to be a
tree, its composi­tion appears to be
closer to a rock
than a plant."
185,5,9,"It disguises it­
self as a tree to
avoid attack. Ithates water, so it
will disappear if
it starts raining."
185,6,9,"If a tree branch
shakes when there
is no wind, it's aSUDOWOODO, not a
tree. It hides
from the rain."
185,7,9,"SUDOWOODO camouflages itself as a tree
to avoid being attacked by enemies.
However, because the forelegs remaingreen throughout the year, the POKéMON
is easily identified as a fake during
the winter."
185,8,9,"SUDOWOODO camouflages itself as a tree
to avoid being attacked by enemies.
However, because the forelegs remaingreen throughout the year, the POKéMON
is easily identified as a fake during
the winter."
185,9,9,"It mimics a tree to avoid being attacked
by enemies. But since its forelegs
remain green throughout the year, it is
easily identified as a fake in the winter."
185,10,9,"It disguises itself as a tree to avoid
attack. It hates water, so it will
disappear if it starts raining."
185,11,9,"Although it always pretends to be a tree,
its composition appears to be closer to a
rock than a plant."
185,12,9,"Despite appearing to be a tree,
its body is closer to rocks and
stones. It is very weak to water."
185,13,9,"It stands along paths pretending
to be a tree. If it starts raining,
it seems to disappear."
185,14,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does
nothing but mimic a tree. It hates
water and flees from rain."
185,15,9,"Although it always pretends to be a
tree, its composition appears more
similar to rock than to vegetation."
185,16,9,"It disguises itself as a tree to
avoid attack. It hates water, so it
will disappear if it starts raining."
185,17,5,"Il prend lapparence dun arbre
pour éviter les attaques, mais il
déteste leau et fuit la pluie."
185,17,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does
nothing but mimic a tree. It hates
water and flees from rain."
185,18,5,"Il prend lapparence dun arbre
pour éviter les attaques, mais il
déteste leau et fuit la pluie."
185,18,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does
nothing but mimic a tree. It hates
water and flees from rain."
185,21,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does
nothing but mimic a tree. It hates
water and flees from rain."
185,22,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does
nothing but mimic a tree. It hates
water and flees from rain."
185,23,1,"いつも きのふりを している。
からだの つくりは しょくぶつより
いしや いわなどに ちかいようだ。"
185,23,3,"항상 나무인 척하고 있다.
몸의 구조는 식물보다
돌이나 바위에 가까운 듯하다."
185,23,5,"Il fait semblant dêtre un arbre. Sa composition est
en fait plus proche de la pierre."
185,23,6,"Obwohl es vorgibt, ein Baum zu sein, kommt seine
Zusammensetzung einem Stein näher als einer Pflanze."
185,23,7,"Aunque pretende ser un árbol, en su composición se
parece más a una roca que a una planta."
185,23,8,"Sebbene finga di essere un albero, la composizione
sembra più simile a quella di una roccia."
185,23,9,"Although it always pretends to be a tree, its
composition appears more similar to rock than
to vegetation."
185,23,11,"いつも 木のふりを している。
体の つくりは 植物より
石や 岩などに 近いようだ。"
185,24,1,"おそわれないように きのまねをする。
みずがにがてで あめが ふりだすと
いつのまにか すがたを けす。"
185,24,3,"습격당하지 않도록 나무 흉내를 낸다.
물에 약하기 때문에 비가 내리면
어느 순간에 모습을 감춰버린다."
185,24,5,"Il se déguise en arbre pour éviter les problèmes.
Il déteste leau et se cache par temps de pluie."
185,24,6,"Es tarnt sich als Baum, um nicht angegriffen
zu werden. Es hasst Wasser, darum läuft es
bei Regen weg."
185,24,7,"Se disfraza de árbol para no ser atacado. Odia el agua,
por lo que desaparecerá si empieza a llover."
185,24,8,"Si traveste da albero per evitare gli attacchi. Odiando
lacqua, scompare appena inizia a piovere."
185,24,9,"It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates
water, so it will disappear if it starts raining."
185,24,11,"襲われないように 木の真似をする。
水が 苦手で 雨が 降り出すと
いつの間にか 姿を 消す。"
185,25,1,"てきに おそわれない ように きの ふりをする。
りょうては 1ねんじゅう みどりいろなので
ふゆは にせものだと すぐに ばれてしまう。"
185,25,3,"적에게 습격당하지 않으려 나무인 척한다.
양손이 일 년 내내 초록빛이라
겨울에는 가짜임이 바로 들통 난다."
185,25,5,"Simularbre se camoufle en arbre pour éviter dêtre attaqué
par ses ennemis. Mais étant donné que ses pattes restent
vertes toute lannée, ce Pokémon est facile à repérer
pendant lhiver."
185,25,6,"Mogelbaum tarnt sich als Baum, um Angriffen von Feinden
aus dem Weg zu gehen. Da seine Arme aber das ganze Jahr
über grün bleiben, fällt seine Tarnung im Winter leicht auf."
185,25,7,"Sudowoodo se camufla adoptando la imagen de un árbol para
que no le ataque ningún enemigo. El problema viene en
invierno, ya que las extremidades superiores tienen color verde
y es fácil identificarle."
185,25,8,"Sudowoodo si camuffa da albero per evitare gli attacchi
nemici. Tuttavia, poiché gli arti superiori sono sempreverdi,
dinverno viene scoperto facilmente."
185,25,9,"Sudowoodo camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being
attacked by enemies. However, because its hands remain
green throughout the year, the Pokémon is easily identified
as a fake during the winter."
185,25,11,"敵に 襲われない ように 木の ふりをする。
両手は 1年中 緑色なので
冬は 偽物だと すぐに ばれてしまう。"
185,26,1,"てきに おそわれない ように きの ふりをする。
りょうては 1ねんじゅう みどりいろなので
ふゆは にせものだと すぐに ばれてしまう。"
185,26,3,"적에게 습격당하지 않으려 나무인 척한다.
양손이 일 년 내내 초록빛이라
겨울에는 가짜임이 바로 들통 난다."
185,26,5,"Simularbre se camoufle en arbre pour éviter dêtre attaqué
par ses ennemis. Mais étant donné que ses pattes restent
vertes toute lannée, ce Pokémon est facile à repérer
pendant lhiver."
185,26,6,"Mogelbaum tarnt sich als Baum, um Angriffen von Feinden
aus dem Weg zu gehen. Da seine Arme aber das ganze Jahr
über grün bleiben, fällt seine Tarnung im Winter leicht auf."
185,26,7,"Sudowoodo se camufla adoptando la imagen de un árbol para
que no le ataque ningún enemigo. El problema viene en
invierno, ya que las extremidades superiores tienen color verde
y es fácil identificarle."
185,26,8,"Sudowoodo si camuffa da albero per evitare gli attacchi
nemici. Tuttavia, poiché gli arti superiori sono sempreverdi,
dinverno viene scoperto facilmente."
185,26,9,"Sudowoodo camouflages itself as a tree to avoid being
attacked by enemies. However, because its hands remain
green throughout the year, the Pokémon is easily identified
as a fake during the winter."
185,26,11,"敵に 襲われない ように 木の ふりをする。
両手は 1年中 緑色なので
冬は 偽物だと すぐに ばれてしまう。"
185,27,1,"おそわれないため じゅもくの マネを
するが きらいな みずを かけられて
あわてて にげだしていく。"
185,27,3,"공격을 당하지 않기 위해 나무인 척
하지만 싫어하는 물을 뒤집어쓰면
당황해서 도망가버린다."
185,27,5,"Il imite un arbre pour passer inaperçu, mais il
déteste tellement leau quil prend ses jambes
à son cou sil se fait arroser."
185,27,6,"Es tarnt sich als Baum, um Angriffen aus dem
Weg zu gehen. Es hasst jedoch Wasser und
ergreift die Flucht, wenn man es nass macht."
185,27,7,"Se disfraza de árbol para no ser atacado. Huirá
rápidamente si alguien le echa agua por encima,
pues no la soporta."
185,27,8,"Si camuffa da albero per evitare gli attacchi
nemici, ma odia lacqua e se viene annaffiato
scappa via."
185,27,9,"To avoid attack, it mimics a tree. It will run off
if splashed with water, which it hates."
185,27,11,"襲われないため 樹木の 真似を
するが 嫌いな 水を かけられて
あわてて 逃げだしていく。"
185,28,1,"おとしよりを ちゅうしんに にんき。
みどりの ぶぶんが おおきいほど
マニアの ひょうかは あがるらしい。"
185,28,3,"노인을 중심으로 인기다.
초록색 부분이 클수록
마니아의 평가가 높아지는 듯하다."
185,28,5,"Très populaire, notamment chez les personnes
âgées. Plus la partie verte est grande, plus
ses fans se larrachent."
185,28,6,"Es ist vor allem bei alten Leuten beliebt.
Je größer sein Grünanteil, desto mehr wird
es in Fankreisen geschätzt."
185,28,7,"Es bastante popular entre la gente de mayor
edad. La pasión que le profesan los fanáticos
es proporcional al tamaño de su parte verde."
185,28,8,"È popolare soprattutto tra gli anziani.
Gli appassionati apprezzano in particolare
quelli con la parte verde più sviluppata."
185,28,9,"Apparently, the larger the green parts of this
Pokémon, the more collectors value it. Its a
particular favorite among elderly people."
185,28,11,"お年寄りを 中心に 人気。
緑の 部分が 大きいほど
マニアの 評価は あがるらしい。"
185,29,1,"おとしよりに にんきで せんもんしも
あるほど。 あいこうかは うでの
ながさや かくどに こだわるのだ。"
185,29,3,"노인에게 인기로 전문지가
있을 정도다. 애호가는 팔의
길이와 각도에 신경 쓴다."
185,29,5,"Il fait lobjet de revues spécialisées tant il est
populaire auprès des personnes âgées. Ses fans
aiment surtout la longueur et langle de ses bras."
185,29,6,"Es ist sehr beliebt bei Senioren und hat sogar
seine eigene Fachzeitschrift. Auf Länge und
Winkel seiner Arme legen Fans besonderen Wert."
185,29,7,"Aparece en algunas revistas especializadas
populares entre la gente mayor. Sus fans adoran
lo largo y anguloso de sus extremidades."
185,29,8,"Gli anziani lo adorano e ci sono riviste dedicate
a lui. Gli appassionati danno molta importanza
alla lunghezza e allangolatura delle sue braccia."
185,29,9,"Its so popular with the elderly that theres a
magazine devoted to this Pokémon. Fans obsess
over the particular length and angle of its arms."
185,29,11,"お年寄りに 人気で 専門誌も
あるほど。 愛好家は 腕の
長さや 角度に こだわるのだ。"
185,30,1,"しなやか かつ たくましい うでは
おなじポーズを とりつづけるうちに
きたえられた たまもの なのだ。"
185,30,3,"유연하면서도 강인한 팔은
같은 포즈를 계속해서 취하는 동안
단련된 덕분에 얻을 수 있었다."
185,30,5,"La souplesse et la robustesse de ses bras sont
le fruit dun entraînement long et rigoureux
qui consiste en une immobilité prolongée."
185,30,6,"Mogelbaum verharrt lange in derselben Pose,
wodurch seine Arme äußerst gelenkig und
kräftig geworden sind."
185,30,7,"A fuerza de mantener la misma postura, sus
extremidades se han vuelto flexibles y robustas."
185,30,8,"Mantiene la stessa posizione tutto il giorno
e per questo le sue braccia sono diventate
robuste e flessibili."
185,30,9,"The result of its holding the same pose all the
time is arms that have become supple
yet strong."
185,30,11,"しなやか かつ たくましい 腕は
同じポーズを とり続けるうちに
鍛えられた 賜物 なのだ。"
185,33,1,"かぜも ないのに ゆれている きを
みかけたら それが ウソッキー。
あめのひは すがたを かくすという。"
185,33,3,"바람도 불지 않는데 흔들리는 나무를
발견했다면 그게 바로 꼬지모다.
비가 오는 날에는 모습을 감춘다고 한다."
185,33,5,"Si une branche remue alors quil ny a pas de vent,
cest quil sagit dun Simularbre.
On nen croise jamais les jours de pluie."
185,33,6,"Bewegt ein Baum bei Windstille einen Ast,
ist das kein Baum, sondern ein Mogelbaum.
An Regentagen hält es sich versteckt."
185,33,7,"Quien vea agitarse un árbol sin que sople el
viento habrá encontrado un Sudowoodo.
En los días lluviosos, sin embargo, se esconde."
185,33,8,"Se si nota un albero ondeggiare anche se non cè
vento, probabilmente è un Sudowoodo. Si dice
che nelle giornate piovose se ne stia nascosto."
185,33,9,"If a tree branch shakes when there is no wind, its
a Sudowoodo, not a tree. It hides from the rain."
185,33,11,"風も ないのに 揺れている 木を
見かけたら それが ウソッキー。
雨の日は 姿を 隠すという。"
185,34,1,"おそわれないように きのまねをする。
みずがにがてで あめが ふりだすと
いつのまにか すがたを けす。"
185,34,3,"습격당하지 않도록 나무 흉내를 낸다.
물에 약하기 때문에 비가 내리면
어느 틈에 모습을 감춰버린다."
185,34,5,"Il se déguise en arbre pour éviter de se faire
attaquer. Il déteste leau et se cache par temps
de pluie."
185,34,6,"Es tarnt sich als Baum, um nicht angegriffen zu
werden. Nur bei Regen sucht es das Weite, da es
Wasser nicht leiden kann."
185,34,7,"Finge ser un árbol para evitar que lo ataquen.
Odia tanto el agua que desaparecerá si empieza
a llover."
185,34,8,"Fa finta di essere un albero per evitare di essere
attaccato. Poiché odia lacqua, scompare appena
inizia a piovere."
185,34,9,"It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates
water, so it will disappear if it starts raining."
185,34,11,"襲われないように 木のまねをする。
水が 苦手で 雨が 降り出すと
いつの間にか 姿を 消す。"
186,4,9,"If POLIWAG and
POLIWHIRL hear its
echoing cry, theyrespond by gather­
ing from far and
186,5,9,"Whenever three or
more of these get
together, theysing in a loud
voice that sounds
like bellowing."
186,6,9,"When it expands
its throat to
croak out a tune,nearby POLIWAG and
186,7,9,"The curled hair on POLITOEDs head is
proof of its status as a king. It is said
that the longer and more curled thehair, the more respect this POKéMON
earns from its peers."
186,8,9,"The curled hair on POLITOEDs head is
proof of its status as a king. It is said
that the longer and more curled thehair, the more respect this POKéMON
earns from its peers."
186,9,9,"The curled hair on its head proves its
status as a king. It is said that the
longer and curlier the hair, the more
respect it earns from its peers."
186,10,9,"Whenever three or more of these get
together, they sing in a loud voice that
sounds like bellowing."
186,11,9,"If POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL hear its
echoing cry, they respond by gathering
from far and wide."
186,12,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
POLIWAG obey."
186,13,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
POLIWAG obey."
186,14,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
POLIWAG obey."
186,15,9,"If POLIWAG and POLIWHIRL hear its
echoing cry, they respond by
gathering from far and wide."
186,16,9,"Whenever three or more of these get
together, they sing in a loud
voice that sounds like bellowing."
186,17,5,"Il rassemble ses pairs pour les
commander. Il utilise son cri 
pour diriger Ptitard."
186,17,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
Poliwag obey."
186,18,5,"Il rassemble ses pairs pour les
commander. Il utilise son cri 
pour diriger Ptitard."
186,18,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
Poliwag obey."
186,21,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
Poliwag obey."
186,22,9,"It gathers groups of others as
their leader. Its cries make
Poliwag obey."
186,23,1,"3びき いじょう ニョロトノが
あつまると かならず どなるような
なきごえで がっしょうを はじめる。"
186,23,3,"3마리 이상 왕구리가
모이면 반드시 고함치는 듯한
울음소리로 합창하기 시작한다."
186,23,5,"Quand trois ou plus se réunissent, ils chantent dune
même voix ressemblant à un beuglement."
186,23,6,"Sind drei oder mehr von ihnen zusammen,
lassen sie einen schallenden Ruf erklingen."
186,23,7,"Cuando tres o más de estos se juntan, emiten un
sonido muy fuerte parecido a un bramido."
186,23,8,"Quando tre o più Politoed si trovano insieme, iniziano
a cantare ad alta voce producendo un gran frastuono."
186,23,9,"Whenever three or more of these get together,
they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing."
186,23,11,"3匹以上 ニョロトノが 集まると
かならず 怒鳴るような 鳴き声で
合唱を はじめる。"
186,24,1,"なきごえが ひびきわたると
あちこちから ニョロモや
ニョロゾたちが あつまってくる。"
186,24,3,"울음소리가 울려 퍼지면
여기저기에서 발챙이와
슈륙챙이들이 모인다."
186,24,5,"Si Ptitard et Têtarte entendent son cri, ils se
rassemblent pour venir le rencontrer."
186,24,6,"Hören Quapsel und Quaputzi seinen Ruf,
antworten sie, indem sie sich von nah und fern
186,24,7,"Si Poliwag y Poliwhirl oyen su llanto, acudirán de
todas partes para consolarlo."
186,24,8,"Se i Poliwag o i Poliwhirl odono il suo verso
rimbombante si radunano anche da enormi distanze."
186,24,9,"If Poliwag and Poliwhirl hear its echoing cry, they
respond by gathering from far and wide."
186,24,11,"鳴き声が 響きわたると
あちこちから ニョロモや
ニョロゾたちが 集まってくる。"
186,25,1,"あたまの まきげは おうじゃの あかしだ。
ながく きれいに まいている ニョロトノほど
なかまの そんけいを あつめると いわれている。"
186,25,3,"머리의 말린 머리칼은 왕의 징표이다.
길고 아름답게 말린 왕구리일수록
동료에게 존경받는다고 전해진다."
186,25,5,"Le cheveu bouclé sur la tête de Tarpaud est la preuve de
son statut de roi. On raconte que plus son cheveu est long
et bouclé, plus ce Pokémon est respecté par ses semblables."
186,25,6,"Quaxo hat gelocktes Haar, das ihm den Status eines Königs
bescheinigt. Je länger und lockiger sein Haar ist, desto mehr
Respekt erntet dieses Pokémon von seinen Artgenossen."
186,25,7,"El mechón rizado de Politoed confirma su condición de rey.
Dicen que cuanto más le crece y más se le riza, mayor es el
respeto que recibe de sus súbditos."
186,25,8,"Il pennacchio arricciato sul capo di Politoed simboleggia
il suo stato di re. Si dice che più lungo e più arricciato è
il pennacchio, maggiore sia il rispetto che questo Pokémon
riceve dai suoi pari."
186,25,9,"The curled hair on Politoeds head is proof of its status as a
king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the
more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers."
186,25,11,"頭の 巻き毛は 王者の 証だ。
長く きれいに 巻いている ニョロトノほど
仲間の 尊敬を 集めると いわれている。"
186,26,1,"あたまの まきげは おうじゃの あかしだ。
ながく きれいに まいている ニョロトノほど
なかまの そんけいを あつめると いわれている。"
186,26,3,"머리의 말린 머리칼은 왕의 징표이다.
길고 아름답게 말린 왕구리일수록
동료에게 존경받는다고 전해진다."
186,26,5,"Le cheveu bouclé sur la tête de Tarpaud est la preuve de
son statut de roi. On raconte que plus son cheveu est long
et bouclé, plus ce Pokémon est respecté par ses semblables."
186,26,6,"Quaxo hat lockiges Haar, das ihm den Status eines Königs
bescheinigt. Je länger und lockiger sein Haar ist, desto mehr
Respekt erntet dieses Pokémon von seinen Artgenossen."
186,26,7,"El mechón rizado de Politoed confirma su condición de rey.
Dicen que cuanto más le crece y más se le riza, mayor es el
respeto que recibe de sus súbditos."
186,26,8,"Il pennacchio arricciato sul capo di Politoed simboleggia
il suo stato di re. Si dice che più lungo e più arricciato è
il pennacchio, maggiore sia il rispetto che questo Pokémon
riceve dai suoi pari."
186,26,9,"The curled hair on Politoeds head is proof of its status as a
king. It is said that the longer and more curled the hair, the
more respect this Pokémon earns from its peers."
186,26,11,"頭の 巻き毛は 王者の 証だ。
長く きれいに 巻いている ニョロトノほど
仲間の 尊敬を 集めると いわれている。"
186,27,1,"つきよに あつまり だいがっしょう。
そのなきごえは どなりごえのようで
うつくしくはないが あじが あるぞ。"
186,27,3,"달밤에 모여 대합창을 한다.
그 울음소리는 고함치는 것 같아
아름답지는 않지만 멋이 있다."
186,27,5,"Ils se regroupent sous la lune pour chanter.
Leur musique est très bruyante et sapparente à
une dispute, mais certains esthètes lapprécient."
186,27,6,"In klaren Mondnächten versammeln sie sich und
singen im Chor. Ihr Gesang ist zwar nicht schön
und klingt eher wie Geschrei, aber er hat Stil."
186,27,7,"Se reúnen bajo la luz de la luna para cantar a
coro. No es la más bonita de las melodías, pues
parecen estar enfadados, pero tiene su encanto."
186,27,8,"Nelle notti di luna si radunano in grandi gruppi
e cantano in coro. Il loro verso gracchiante
non è proprio bello, ma ha un certo fascino."
186,27,9,"They gather on moonlit nights to form a large
chorus. Their cries sound angry and not at all
pleasant, but they are certainly distinctive."
186,27,11,"月夜に 集まり 大合唱。
その鳴き声は 怒鳴り声のようで
美しくはないが 味が あるぞ。"
186,28,1,"ニョロモや ニョロゾの リーダー。
ニョロトノが いっかつ すると
みな おびえて そのばに ふせる。"
186,28,3,"발챙이와 슈륙챙이의 리더.
왕구리가 크게 꾸짖으면
모두 겁을 먹고 그 자리에 엎드린다."
186,28,5,"Les Ptitard et Têtarte lui obéissent. Il na quà
donner de la voix pour les faire trembler comme
des feuilles."
186,28,6,"Es ist der Anführer von Quapsel und Quaputzi.
Fängt Quaxo an seinen Unmut zu äußern,
nehmen alle vor lauter Angst sofort Reißaus."
186,28,7,"Lidera a Poliwag y a Poliwhirl. Cuando Politoed
emite un bramido, todos se esconden en el acto
186,28,8,"È il re dei Poliwag e dei Poliwhirl. Il suo verso
tonante fa fuggire atterriti gli avversari."
186,28,9,"Its the leader of Poliwag and Poliwhirl.
When Politoed roars, they all cower in fear."
186,28,11,"ニョロモや ニョロゾの リーダー。
ニョロトノが 一喝 すると
皆 怯えて その場に 伏せる。"
186,29,1,"がなるような なきごえなのに とある
さっきょくかは えいきょうを うけて
うつくしい バラードを つくった。"
186,29,3,"고함치는 듯한 울음소리임에도
어느 작곡가는 영향을 받아
아름다운 발라드를 만들었다."
186,29,5,"Bien que le chant de ce Pokémon sapparente
à des cris, un musicien sen est inspiré pour
composer une magnifique ballade."
186,29,6,"Sein Ruf mag zwar wie Gebrüll klingen, doch
ein Komponist ließ sich von ihm zu einer
traumhaften Ballade inspirieren."
186,29,7,"A pesar de lo discordante de sus gritos, un
autor se inspiró en ellos para componer una
hermosa balada."
186,29,8,"Nonostante emetta un verso chiassoso,
un compositore si è ispirato alle sue grida
per scrivere delle splendide ballate."
186,29,9,"Although its cries sound like screams, a
composer created a beautiful ballad that was
influenced by the sounds."
186,29,11,"がなるような 鳴き声なのに とある
作曲家は 影響を 受けて
美しい バラードを 作った。"
186,30,1,"あたまの まきげが ながく りっぱな
ニョロトノほど おおくの ニョロモや
ニョロゾを したがえている。"
186,30,3,"둥글게 말린 머리칼이 길고 훌륭한
왕구리일수록 많은 발챙이나
슈륙챙이가 따르고 있다."
186,30,5,"La longueur et la beauté du cheveu bouclé qui
orne la tête de Tarpaud influencent directement
le nombre de Ptitard et de Têtarte lui obéissant."
186,30,6,"Je länger und prächtiger Quaxos Haarlocke ist,
desto mehr Quapsel und Quaputzi führt es an."
186,30,7,"Cuanto más largo y magnífico sea el rizo que
luce en la cabeza, más Poliwag y Poliwhirl se
someterán a su mandato."
186,30,8,"Più lungo e arricciato è il pennacchio sul capo
di un Politoed, maggiore è il numero di Poliwag
e Poliwhirl che obbediranno ai suoi ordini."
186,30,9,"The longer and more luxurious the curled hair on
its head, the greater the number of Poliwag and
Poliwhirl that will obey it."
186,30,11,"頭の 巻き毛が 長く 立派な
ニョロトノほど 多くの ニョロモや
ニョロゾを 従えている。"
186,33,1,"よるになると いけの ほとりに
あらわれる。 どなるような こえで
ないて ナワバリを アピールするぞ。"
186,33,3,"밤이 되면 연못 근처에
나타난다. 고함치는 듯한
울음소리로 영역을 알린다."
186,33,5,"Il apparaît sur les rives des étangs à la nuit
tombée. Il marque son territoire en poussant
des hurlements."
186,33,6,"Nachts erscheint Quaxo an Ufern von Teichen.
Mit seinem schallenden Ruf beansprucht es sein
186,33,7,"Aparece a orillas de las charcas al caer la noche.
Reclama su territorio profiriendo un fuerte grito
que recuerda a un bramido."
186,33,8,"Appare di notte sulle sponde degli stagni.
Segnala il proprio territorio gracidando
a squarciagola."
186,33,9,"At nightfall, these Pokémon appear on the shores
of lakes. They announce their territorial claims by
letting out cries that sound like shouting."
186,33,11,"夜になると 池の 畔に 現れる。
怒鳴るような 声で 鳴いて
縄張りを アピールするぞ。"
186,34,1,"オスのほうが なきごえが おおきい。
ひくく すごみのある こえで なく
ニョロトノが メスに すかれる。"
186,34,3,"수컷의 울음소리가 더 크다.
나지막하고 위협적인 목소리로 우는
왕구리가 암컷에게 인기다."
186,34,5,"Le cri des mâles est plus puissant que celui
des femelles, qui préfèrent les voix fortes
et intimidantes."
186,34,6,"Die Rufe der Männchen sind besonders laut.
Quaxo mit einer tiefen, bedrohlichen Stimme
sind bei den Weibchen sehr beliebt."
186,34,7,"Los machos emiten gritos muy potentes. Las
hembras sienten predilección por los de voz
grave e imponente."
186,34,8,"Il gracidio del maschio è più forte.
I Politoed con un verso basso e minaccioso
sono molto apprezzati dalle femmine."
186,34,9,"The cry of a male is louder than that of a female.
Male Politoed with deep, menacing voices find
more popularity with the opposite gender."
186,34,11,"オスのほうが 鳴き声が 大きい。
低く 凄みのある 声で 鳴く
ニョロトノが メスに 好かれる。"
187,4,9,"To keep from being
blown away by the
wind, they gatherin clusters. They
do enjoy gentle
breezes, though."
187,5,9,"Its body is so
light, it must
grip the groundfirmly with its
feet to keep from
being blown away."
187,6,9,"It can be carried
away on even the
gentlest breeze.It may even float
all the way to the
next town."
187,7,9,"This POKéMON drifts and floats with the
wind. If it senses the approach of
strong winds, HOPPIP links its leaveswith other HOPPIP to prepare against
being blown away."
187,8,9,"This POKéMON drifts and floats with the
wind. If it senses the approach of
strong winds, HOPPIP links its leaveswith other HOPPIP to prepare against
being blown away."
187,9,9,"This POKéMON drifts and floats with the
wind. If it senses the approach of strong
winds, a HOPPIP links leaves with others
to prepare against being blown away."
187,10,9,"Its body is so light, it must grip the
ground firmly with its feet to keep from
being blown away."
187,11,9,"To keep from being blown away by the
wind, they gather in clusters. They do
enjoy gentle breezes, though."
187,12,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when HOPPIP gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,13,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when HOPPIP gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,14,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when HOPPIP gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,15,9,"To keep from being blown away by
the wind, they gather in clusters.
But they do enjoy gentle breezes."
187,16,9,"Its body is so light, it must
grip the ground firmly with its
feet to keep from being blown away."
187,17,5,"Il dérive avec le vent. Sa présence
en nombre dans les champs et les
montagnes annonce le printemps."
187,17,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when Hoppip gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,18,5,"Il dérive avec le vent. Sa présence
en nombre dans les champs et les
montagnes annonce le printemps."
187,18,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when Hoppip gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,21,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when Hoppip gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,22,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that
when Hoppip gather in fields and
mountains, spring is on the way."
187,23,1,"とても かるい からだ。
ふきとばされないよう しっかり
じめんを ふみしめている。"
187,23,3,"매우 가벼운 몸을 가졌다.
바람에 날아가지 않도록 단단히
지면을 밟아 지탱하고 있다."
187,23,5,"Son corps est si léger quil doit sagripper au sol pour
éviter de senvoler les jours de brise."
187,23,6,"Sein Körper ist so leicht, dass es seine Füße im
Boden verankert, damit es nicht davongeweht wird."
187,23,7,"Su cuerpo es tan ligero, que debe agarrarse bien al
suelo con las patas para no irse con el viento."
187,23,8,"Ha un corpo così leggero che deve aggrapparsi
saldamente al suolo per non volare via."
187,23,9,"Its body is so light, it must grip the ground firmly
with its feet to keep from being blown away."
187,23,11,"とても 軽い 体。
吹き飛ばされないよう しっかり
地面を 踏みしめている。"
187,24,1,"かぜに ながされて ただよう。
のやまに ハネッコが あつまりだすと
はるが おとずれると いわれている。"
187,24,3,"바람에 날려 떠다닌다.
산과 들에 통통코가 모여들면
봄이 찾아온다고 전해진다."
187,24,5,"Il dérive avec le vent. Sa présence en nombre dans
les champs et les montagnes annonce le printemps."
187,24,6,"Es reitet auf dem Wind. Man sagt, wenn sich
Hoppspross versammeln, kommt der Frühling bald."
187,24,7,"Flotan en el aire. Se dice que, cuando los Hoppip se
reúnen, es que la primavera está al caer."
187,24,8,"Giunge sospinto dai venti. Si dice che quando
Hoppip appare su campi e monti, la primavera sia
in arrivo."
187,24,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that when Hoppip gather
in fields and mountains, spring is on the way."
187,24,11,"風に 流されて 漂う。
野山に ハネッコが 集まり出すと
春が 訪れると 言われている。"
187,25,1,"かぜに のって ふわふわ ただよう ポケモン。
きょうふうの けはいを かんじると なかまどうし
はっぱを からめ とばされない じゅんびをする。"
187,25,3,"바람을 타고 둥둥 떠다니는 포켓몬이다.
강풍의 기척을 느끼면 동료끼리
잎사귀를 휘감아 날아가지 않도록 준비한다."
187,25,5,"Ce Pokémon flotte à la dérive, porté par le vent. Sil sent
quun vent très fort approche, Granivol attache ses feuilles aux
autres Granivol pour ne pas être emporté par la bourrasque."
187,25,6,"Hoppspross lässt sich vom Wind treiben. Wenn es bemerkt,
dass ein Sturm aufkommt, verbindet es seine Blätter mit
anderen Hoppspross, damit es nicht davongeweht wird."
187,25,7,"Este Pokémon flota en el aire y se deja llevar. Cuando
percibe que el viento va a cambiar a fuerte, Hoppip entrelaza
sus hojas con otros Hoppip para hacer resistencia y evitar
salir volando por la fuerza de la corriente."
187,25,8,"Hoppip fluttua nellaria trasportato dal vento. Se percepisce
lavvicinarsi di una forte corrente, Hoppip unisce le foglie con
quelle dei suoi simili per non essere spazzato via."
187,25,9,"This Pokémon drifts and floats with the wind. If it senses the
approach of strong winds, Hoppip links its leaves with other
Hoppip to prepare against being blown away."
187,25,11,"風に 乗って ふわふわ 漂う ポケモン。
強風の 気配を 感じると 仲間同士
葉っぱを 絡め 飛ばされない 準備をする。"
187,26,1,"かぜに のって ふわふわ ただよう ポケモン。
きょうふうの けはいを かんじると なかまどうし
はっぱを からめ とばされない じゅんびをする。"
187,26,3,"바람을 타고 둥둥 떠다니는 포켓몬이다.
강풍의 기척을 느끼면 동료끼리
잎사귀를 휘감아 날아가지 않도록 준비한다."
187,26,5,"Ce Pokémon flotte à la dérive, porté par le vent. Sil sent
quun vent très fort approche, Granivol attache ses feuilles aux
autres Granivol pour ne pas être emporté par la bourrasque."
187,26,6,"Hoppspross lässt sich vom Wind treiben. Wenn es bemerkt,
dass ein Sturm aufkommt, verbindet es seine Blätter mit
anderen Hoppspross, damit es nicht davongeweht wird."
187,26,7,"Este Pokémon flota en el aire y se deja llevar. Cuando
percibe que el viento va a cambiar a fuerte, Hoppip entrelaza
sus hojas con otros Hoppip para hacer resistencia y evitar
salir volando por la fuerza de la corriente."
187,26,8,"Hoppip fluttua nellaria trasportato dal vento. Se percepisce
lavvicinarsi di una forte corrente, Hoppip unisce le foglie con
quelle dei suoi simili per non essere spazzato via."
187,26,9,"This Pokémon drifts and floats with the wind. If it senses the
approach of strong winds, Hoppip links its leaves with other
Hoppip to prepare against being blown away."
187,26,11,"風に 乗って ふわふわ 漂う ポケモン。
強風の 気配を 感じると 仲間同士
葉っぱを 絡め 飛ばされない 準備をする。"
187,29,6,"Seinen leichten Körper weht selbst eine Brise
davon. Es liebt es, sich vom warmen
Frühlingswind treiben zu lassen."
187,30,6,"Es lässt sich vom Wind treiben. Manchmal verirrt
es sich, wenn es von einem Windstoß davon-
geweht wird."
188,4,9,"The bloom on top
of its head opens
and closes as thetemperature fluc­
tuates up and
188,5,9,"It spreads its
petals to absorb
sunlight. It alsofloats in the air
to get closer to
the sun."
188,6,9,"As soon as it
rains, it closes
its flower andhides in the shade
of a tree to avoid
getting wet."
188,7,9,"SKIPLOOMs flower blossoms when the
temperature rises above 64 degrees F.
How much the flower opens depends onthe temperature. For that reason, this
POKéMON is sometimes used as a
188,8,9,"SKIPLOOMs flower blossoms when the
temperature rises above 64 degrees F.
How much the flower opens depends onthe temperature. For that reason, this
POKéMON is sometimes used as a
188,9,9,"It blossoms when the temperature rises
above 64 degrees F. Because its flowers
blooming changes with the temperature,
it is sometimes used as a thermometer."
188,10,9,"It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight.
It also floats in the air to get closer to
the sun."
188,11,9,"The bloom on top of its head opens and
closes as the temperature fluctuates up
and down."
188,12,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,13,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,14,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,15,9,"The bloom on top of its head opens
and closes as the temperature
fluctuates up and down."
188,16,9,"It spreads its petals to absorb
sunlight. It also floats in the air
to get closer to the sun."
188,17,5,"Il fleurit lorsque les températures
remontent. Il flotte dans le ciel 
pour absorber les rayons du soleil."
188,17,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,18,5,"Il fleurit lorsque les températures
remontent. Il flotte dans le ciel 
pour absorber les rayons du soleil."
188,18,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,21,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,22,9,"It blooms when the weather warms.
It floats in the sky to soak up as
much sunlight as possible."
188,23,1,"あたまのうえに さいた ハナは
きおんに よって ひらいたり
とじたりする せいしつを もつ。"
188,23,3,"머리 위에 핀 꽃은
기온에 따라 펴지거나
오므라드는 성질을 가졌다."
188,23,5,"Le bourgeon sur sa tête souvre et se ferme en
fonction des fluctuations de la température ambiante."
188,23,6,"Temperaturschwankungen veranlassen es, die Blüte
auf seinem Kopf immer zu öffnen oder zu schließen."
188,23,7,"La flor de su cabeza se abre y cierra según suba o
baje la temperatura."
188,23,8,"Il fiore sul capo si apre e si chiude con il continuo
mutare della temperatura corporea."
188,23,9,"The bloom on top of its head opens and closes
as the temperature fluctuates up and down."
188,23,11,"頭の上に 咲いた 花は
気温に よって 開いたり
閉じたりする 性質を 持つ。"
188,24,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびるため
はなびらを ひろげるだけでなく
ちかづこうと そらにうかんでしまう。"
188,24,3,"태양의 빛을 잘 받기 위해
꽃잎을 펼칠 뿐만 아니라
가까이 가려고 하늘로 떠올라버린다."
188,24,5,"Il étend ses pétales pour absorber la lumière du soleil.
Il flotte pour se rapprocher du soleil."
188,24,6,"Es öffnet seine Blüte, um Sonnenlicht aufzunehmen.
Es schwebt in der Luft, um der Sonne näher zu sein."
188,24,7,"Abre sus pétalos para absorber la luz solar. También
flota en el aire para estar más cerca del sol."
188,24,8,"Spalanca i petali per assorbire la luce solare.
Fluttua nellaria per essere più vicino al sole."
188,24,9,"It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight. It also floats
in the air to get closer to the sun."
188,24,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びるため
花びらを 広げるだけでなく
近づこうと 空に 浮かんでしまう。"
188,25,1,"きおんが 18どを こえると はなが ひらく。
おんどに より はなの ひらきかたが かわるので
おんどけいの かわりに することも ある。"
188,25,3,"기온이 18도를 넘으면 꽃이 핀다.
온도에 따라 꽃이 피는 모습이 바뀌어서
온도계 대신 쓰기도 한다."
188,25,5,"La fleur de Floravol éclot lorsque la température atteint 18 °C.
Louverture de la fleur change en fonction de la température.
Certaines personnes se servent de ce Pokémon comme dun
188,25,6,"Hubelupfs Blume beginnt zu blühen, wenn die Temperatur
über 18 °C steigt. Wie weit sich die Blüte öffnet, hängt von
der Höhe der Temperatur ab. Daher wird dieses Pokémon
manchmal als Thermometer eingesetzt."
188,25,7,"Skiploom florece cuando la temperatura llega a 18 °C.
La apertura de los pétalos varía según la temperatura que
haga. Por este motivo, la gente lo usa a veces a modo de
188,25,8,"Il fiore di Skiploom sboccia quando la temperatura sale
oltre i 18 °C. Lapertura del fiore dipende dalla temperatura.
Per questo motivo il Pokémon è usato anche come
188,25,9,"Skiplooms flower blossoms when the temperature rises
above 64 degrees Fahrenheit. How much the flower opens
depends on the temperature. For that reason, this Pokémon
is sometimes used as a thermometer."
188,25,11,"気温が 18度を 超えると 花が 開く。
温度に より 花の 開きかたが 変わるので
温度計の 代りに することも ある。"
188,26,1,"きおんが 18どを こえると はなが ひらく。
おんどに より はなの ひらきかたが かわるので
おんどけいの かわりに することも ある。"
188,26,3,"기온이 18도를 넘으면 꽃이 핀다.
온도에 따라 꽃이 피는 모습이 바뀌어서
온도계 대신 쓰기도 한다."
188,26,5,"La fleur de Floravol éclot lorsque la température atteint 18 °C.
Louverture de la fleur change en fonction de la température.
Certaines personnes se servent de ce Pokémon comme dun
188,26,6,"Hubelupfs Blume beginnt zu blühen, wenn die Temperatur
über 18 °C steigt. Wie weit sich die Blume öffnet, hängt von
der Temperatur ab. Daher wird dieses Pokémon manchmal
als Thermometer eingesetzt."
188,26,7,"Skiploom florece cuando la temperatura llega a 18 °C.
La apertura de los pétalos varía según la temperatura que
haga. Por este motivo, la gente lo usa a veces a modo de
188,26,8,"Il fiore di Skiploom sboccia quando la temperatura sale
oltre i 18 °C. Lapertura del fiore dipende dalla temperatura.
Per questo motivo il Pokémon è usato anche come
188,26,9,"Skiplooms flower blossoms when the temperature rises
above 64 degrees Fahrenheit. How much the flower opens
depends on the temperature. For that reason, this Pokémon
is sometimes used as a thermometer."
188,26,11,"気温が 18度を 超えると 花が 開く。
温度に より 花の 開きかたが 変わるので
温度計の 代りに することも ある。"
188,29,6,"Die Blüte auf seinem Kopf verströmt einen leicht
bitteren Geruch, der eine entspannende Wirkung
haben soll."
188,30,6,"Wie weit sich Hubelupfs Blume öffnet, hängt von
der Temperatur ab. Daher wurde es früher auch
als Thermometer eingesetzt."
189,4,9,"Once it catches
the wind, it deft­
ly controls itscotton-puff spores
to float, even
around the world."
189,5,9,"Drifts on seasonal
winds and spreads
its cotton-likespores all over
the world to make
more offspring."
189,6,9,"Even in the fierc­
est wind, it can
control its fluffto make its way to
any place in the
world it wants."
189,7,9,"JUMPLUFF rides warm southern winds to
cross the sea and fly to foreign lands.
The POKéMON descends to the groundwhen it encounters cold air while it is
189,8,9,"JUMPLUFF rides warm southern winds to
cross the sea and fly to foreign lands.
The POKéMON descends to the groundwhen it encounters cold air while it is
189,9,9,"JUMPLUFF ride warm southern winds to
cross the sea and fly to foreign lands.
This POKéMON lands when it encounters
cold air while it is floating."
189,10,9,"It drifts on seasonal winds and spreads
its cotton-like spores all over the world 
to make more offspring."
189,11,9,"Once it catches the wind, it deftly
controls its cotton-puff spores to float,
even around the world."
189,12,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,13,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,14,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,15,9,"Once it catches the wind, it deftly
controls its cotton-puff spores--
it can even float around the world."
189,16,9,"Drifts on seasonal winds and spreads
its cotton-like spores all over
the world to make more offspring."
189,17,5,"Poussé par les vents saisonniers,
il fait le tour du globe en semant
des spores de coton."
189,17,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,18,5,"Poussé par les vents saisonniers,
il fait le tour du globe en semant
des spores de coton."
189,18,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,21,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,22,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it
circles the globe, scattering
cotton spores as it goes."
189,23,1,"きせつふうに ながされて
せかいを いっしゅうしてしまう。
とちゅうで わたほうしを ばらまく。"
189,23,3,"계절풍에 날려서
세계 일주를 해 버린다.
도중에 솜 포자를 흩뿌린다."
189,23,5,"Poussé par les vents saisonniers, il fait le tour
du globe en semant des spores de coton."
189,23,6,"Es lässt sich von den Winden um den Globus tragen
und verteilt auf seinem Flug Baumwollsamen."
189,23,7,"Los vientos estacionales lo llevan por todo el mundo,
donde va soltando sus esporas."
189,23,8,"Sospinto dai venti stagionali, gira intorno al globo
sparpagliando i suoi semi simili al cotone."
189,23,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe,
scattering cotton spores as it goes."
189,23,11,"季節風に 流されて
世界を 1周してしまう。
途中で 綿胞子を ばらまく。"
189,24,1,"どんな かぜに あおられても
わたげを じざいに あやつって
せかいの すきなところへ いける。"
189,24,3,"어떤 바람이 불더라도
솜털을 자유자재로 조종하여
세계의 좋아하는 곳으로 갈 수 있다."
189,24,5,"Même sous un vent très violent, il contrôle sa
destination en bougeant ses appendices."
189,24,6,"Auch im stärksten Wind kann es kontrollieren,
wo seine Saat auf dem Erdball niedergehen soll."
189,24,7,"Aunque sople el viento más fuerte, es capaz de
controlar los pompones y moverse por donde quiera."
189,24,8,"Anche nel vento forte controlla abilmente il suo
batuffolo per volare in ogni parte del mondo."
189,24,9,"Even in the fiercest wind, it can control its fluff to
make its way to any place in the world it wants."
189,24,11,"どんな 風に あおられても
綿毛を 自在に 操って
世界の 好きなところへ 行ける。"
189,25,1,"あたたかい みなみかぜに のって うみを こえ
がいこくまで とんでいってしまう ポケモン。
つめたい くうきに ふれると じめんに おりる。"
189,25,3,"따뜻한 남풍을 타고 바다를 건너
외국까지 날아가는 포켓몬이다.
차가운 공기에 닿으면 땅에 내려온다."
189,25,5,"Cotovol traverse la mer, porté par les vents, pour découvrir
de nouveaux territoires. Ce Pokémon se rapproche du sol
quand le vent est trop froid."
189,25,6,"Papungha nutzt den Südwind, um das Meer zu überqueren und
in ferne Länder zu fliegen. Dieses Pokémon sinkt zu Boden,
wenn es während seines Fluges auf kalte Luftschichten stößt."
189,25,7,"Jumpluff se vale de los cálidos vientos del sur para volar a
tierras lejanas. Si llega a zonas de aire frío en pleno vuelo,
descenderá y tomará tierra."
189,25,8,"Jumpluff si affida alle correnti daria calda per attraversare
il mare e volare verso terre lontane. Questo Pokémon
ridiscende a terra quando incontra una corrente fredda
mentre fluttua."
189,25,9,"Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to
foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it
encounters cold air while it is floating."
189,25,11,"暖かい 南風に 乗って 海を 越え
外国まで 飛んでいってしまう ポケモン。
冷たい 空気に 触れると 地面に 降りる。"
189,26,1,"あたたかい みなみかぜに のって うみを こえ
がいこくまで とんでいってしまう ポケモン。
つめたい くうきに ふれると じめんに おりる。"
189,26,3,"따뜻한 남풍을 타고 바다를 건너
외국까지 날아가는 포켓몬이다.
차가운 공기에 닿으면 땅에 내려온다."
189,26,5,"Cotovol traverse la mer, porté par les vents, pour découvrir
de nouveaux territoires. Ce Pokémon se rapproche du sol
quand le vent est trop froid."
189,26,6,"Papungha nutzt den Südwind, um das Meer zu überqueren und
in ferne Länder zu fliegen. Dieses Pokémon sinkt zu Boden,
wenn es während seines Fluges auf kalte Luftschichten stößt."
189,26,7,"Jumpluff se vale de los cálidos vientos del sur para volar a
tierras lejanas. Si llega a zonas de aire frío en pleno vuelo,
descenderá y tomará tierra."
189,26,8,"Jumpluff si affida alle correnti daria calda per attraversare
il mare e volare verso terre lontane. Questo Pokémon
ridiscende a terra quando incontra una corrente fredda
mentre fluttua."
189,26,9,"Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to
foreign lands. The Pokémon descends to the ground when it
encounters cold air while it is floating."
189,26,11,"暖かい 南風に 乗って 海を 越え
外国まで 飛んでいってしまう ポケモン。
冷たい 空気に 触れると 地面に 降りる。"
189,29,6,"Die Baumwollsamen, die Papungha verstreut,
machen Allergikern das Leben schwer."
189,30,6,"Mit seinen Fallschirmchen lässt es sich vom
Wind tragen. Bei günstigen Luftströmungen
kommt es schneller als Vogel-Pokémon voran."
190,4,9,"Its tail is so
powerful that it
can use it to graba tree branch and
hold itself up in
the air."
190,5,9,"It lives atop tall
trees. When leap­
ing from branchto branch, it
deftly uses its
tail for balance."
190,6,9,"It uses its tail
to hang on to tree
branches. It usesits momentum to
swing from one
branch to another."
190,7,9,"AIPOMs tail ends in a hand-like
appendage that can be cleverly
manipulated.However, because the POKéMON uses its
tail so much, its real hands have become
rather clumsy."
190,8,9,"AIPOMs tail ends in a hand-like
appendage that can be cleverly
manipulated.However, because the POKéMON uses its
tail so much, its real hands have become
rather clumsy."
190,9,9,"Its tail ends with a dexterous, handlike
appendage. However, because it uses the
tail so much, AIPOMs real hands have
become rather clumsy."
190,10,9,"It lives atop tall trees. When leaping
from branch to branch, it deftly uses its
tail for balance."
190,11,9,"Its tail is so powerful that it can use it
to grab a tree branch and hold itself up
in the air."
190,12,9,"It uses its tail to pluck fruits
that are out of reach. Its tail is
more adept than its real hands."
190,13,9,"It lives atop giant trees.
It wraps its tail around a branch
so it wont fall off while asleep."
190,14,9,"It lives high among the treetops.
It can use its tail as freely and
cleverly as its hands."
190,15,9,"Its tail is so powerful that it can
use it to grab a tree branch and
hold itself up in the air."
190,16,9,"It lives atop tall trees. When
leaping from branch to branch, it
deftly uses its tail for balance."
190,17,5,"Sa queue est aussi agile que ses
mains. Il vit en haut des grands
190,17,9,"It lives high among the treetops.
It can use its tail as freely and
cleverly as its hands."
190,18,5,"Sa queue est aussi agile que ses
mains. Il vit en haut des grands
190,18,9,"It lives high among the treetops.
It can use its tail as freely and
cleverly as its hands."
190,21,9,"It lives high among the treetops.
It can use its tail as freely and
cleverly as its hands."
190,22,9,"It lives high among the treetops.
It can use its tail as freely and
cleverly as its hands."
190,23,1,"たかい きの うえで くらしている。
えだから えだへ とびうつるとき
しっぽで たくみに バランスをとる。"
190,23,3,"높은 나무 위에서 살고 있다.
나뭇가지에서 가지로 건너뛸 때
꼬리로 능숙하게 밸런스를 잡는다."
190,23,5,"Il vit sur les plus hautes cimes. Sautant de branche
en branche, sa queue lui assure un bon équilibre."
190,23,6,"Es lebt in den Kronen großer Bäume. Es hüpft von
Ast zu Ast und balanciert mit seinem Schweif."
190,23,7,"Vive en lo alto de los árboles. Cuando salta de rama
en rama, usa su cola para equilibrarse."
190,23,8,"Vive in cima agli alberi più alti. Usando abilmente
la coda, mantiene lequilibrio quando salta di ramo
in ramo."
190,23,9,"It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to
branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance."
190,23,11,"高い 木の上で 暮らしている。
枝から 枝へ 飛び移るとき
尻尾で 巧みに バランスをとる。"
190,24,1,"ちからづよい しっぽだけで
きの えだに ぶらさがって
からだを ささえることが できる。"
190,24,3,"힘이 센 꼬리만으로
나뭇가지에 매달려서
몸을 지탱할 수 있다."
190,24,5,"Sa queue est si forte quil peut lutiliser pour se
suspendre aux branches des arbres."
190,24,6,"Sein Schweif ist so kräftig, dass es sich stundenlang
damit an einem Ast in der Luft halten kann."
190,24,7,"Su cola es tan potente que puede usarla para
agarrarse a la rama de un árbol y no caer."
190,24,8,"La sua coda è così forte che può appendersi a un
albero e rimanere sospeso."
190,24,9,"Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a
tree branch and hold itself up in the air."
190,24,11,"力強い 尻尾だけで
木の枝に ぶら下がって
体を 支えることが できる。"
190,25,1,"きように うごく しっぽの さきを てのひらの
かわりに つかっていたら はんたいに りょうてが
ぶきように なってしまった ポケモンだ。"
190,25,3,"능숙하게 움직이는 꼬리 끝을 손바닥
대신 사용하다 보니 반대로 양손이
둔해져 버린 포켓몬이다."
190,25,5,"Lextrémité de la queue de Capumain ressemble à une main
et peut être utilisée de façon ingénieuse. Malheureusement,
ce Pokémon utilise tellement sa queue que ses véritables
mains sont devenues très maladroites."
190,25,6,"An Griffels Schweif befindet sich ein handähnliches Anhängsel,
mit dem es geschickt zu Werke gehen kann. Da dieses
Pokémon sehr häufig seinen Schweif einsetzt, wirken seine
Hände eher plump."
190,25,7,"La cola de Aipom termina en una especie de mano a la que,
con un poco de cabeza, se le puede dar muy buen uso. Pero
hay un problema: como se ha acostumbrado a usarla mucho,
las de verdad se le han vuelto algo torponas."
190,25,8,"La coda di Aipom termina in unappendice a forma di mano
dotata di grande abilità. Tuttavia, poiché il Pokémon usa
così tanto la coda, le sue vere mani sono diventate molto
190,25,9,"Aipoms tail ends in a hand-like appendage that can be cleverly
manipulated. However, because the Pokémon uses its tail so
much, its real hands have become rather clumsy."
190,25,11,"器用に 動く 尻尾の 先を 手のひらの
代りに 使っていたら 反対に 両手が
不器用に なってしまった ポケモンだ。"
190,26,1,"きように うごく しっぽの さきを てのひらの
かわりに つかっていたら はんたいに りょうてが
ぶきように なってしまった ポケモンだ。"
190,26,3,"능숙하게 움직이는 꼬리 끝을 손바닥
대신 사용하다 보니 반대로 양손이
둔해져 버린 포켓몬이다."
190,26,5,"Lextrémité de la queue de Capumain ressemble à une main
et peut être utilisée de façon ingénieuse. Malheureusement,
ce Pokémon utilise tellement sa queue que ses véritables
mains sont devenues très maladroites."
190,26,6,"An Griffels Schweif befindet sich ein handähnliches Anhängsel,
mit dem es geschickt zu Werke gehen kann. Da dieses
Pokémon sehr häufig seinen Schweif einsetzt, wirken seine
Hände eher plump."
190,26,7,"La cola de Aipom termina en una especie de mano a la que,
con un poco de cabeza, se le puede dar muy buen uso. Pero
hay un problema: como se ha acostumbrado a usarla mucho,
las de verdad se le han vuelto algo torponas."
190,26,8,"La coda di Aipom termina in unappendice a forma di mano
dotata di grande abilità. Tuttavia, poiché il Pokémon usa
così tanto la coda, le sue vere mani sono diventate molto
190,26,9,"Aipoms tail ends in a hand-like appendage that can be cleverly
manipulated. However, because the Pokémon uses its tail so
much, its real hands have become rather clumsy."
190,26,11,"器用に 動く 尻尾の 先を 手のひらの
代りに 使っていたら 反対に 両手が
不器用に なってしまった ポケモンだ。"
190,29,1,"シッポで いろんなことを していたら
てさきは ぶきように なってしまった。
たかい きのうえに すを つくる。"
190,29,3,"꼬리로 이것저것 하는 사이에
손이 둔해지고 말았다.
높은 나무 위에 둥지를 만든다."
190,29,5,"À force dutiliser sa queue à tort et à travers,
elle est devenue plus habile que ses mains.
Il lutilise pour faire son nid en haut des arbres."
190,29,6,"Der übermäßige Einsatz seines Schweifes hatte
die Zurückbildung seiner Hände zur Folge.
Es lebt in den Kronen hoher Bäume."
190,29,7,"De tanto utilizar la cola, esta se ha vuelto más
hábil que sus dedos. Construye sus nidos en
las copas de los árboles."
190,29,8,"Poiché utilizza la coda per fare qualsiasi cosa,
le sue vere mani sono diventate molto maldestre.
Fa il nido sugli alberi più alti."
190,29,9,"As it did more and more with its tail, its hands
became clumsy. It makes its nest high in
the treetops."
190,29,11,"シッポで いろんなことを していたら
手先は 不器用に なってしまった。
高い 木の上に 巣を 作る。"
190,30,1,"きの うえから えものが いないか
さがす。 こうぶつの アマカジを
みると こうふんして とびかかるぞ。"
190,30,3,"나무 위에서 먹이를 찾는다.
좋아하는 달콤아를 발견하면
흥분해서 덤벼든다."
190,30,5,"Il guette ses proies depuis la cime des arbres.
Quand il aperçoit un Croquine, son mets préféré,
il se jette dessus."
190,30,6,"Es sitzt in Baumwipfeln und hält Ausschau nach
Beute. Sieht es ein Frubberl, sein Leibgericht,
stürzt es begeistert auf es herab."
190,30,7,"Sube a las copas de los árboles para buscar
presas. Si encuentra un Bounsweet, su manjar
predilecto, se alboroza y se abalanza sobre él."
190,30,8,"Individua le prede dalla cima degli alberi.
Appena avvista un Bounsweet, di cui è ghiotto,
gli balza addosso preso dallentusiasmo."
190,30,9,"It searches for prey from the tops of trees.
When it spots its favorite food, Bounsweet,
Aipom gets excited and pounces."
190,30,11,"木の 上から 獲物が いないか
探す。 好物の アマカジを
見ると 興奮して 飛びかかるぞ。"
191,4,9,"It may drop out of
the sky suddenly.
If attacked by aSPEAROW, it will
violently shake
its leaves."
191,5,9,"It lives by drink­
ing only dewdrops
from under theleaves of plants.
It is said that it
eats nothing else."
191,6,9,"It is very weak.
Its only means of
defense is toshake its leaves
desperately at its
191,7,9,"SUNKERN tries to move as little as it
possibly can. It does so because it
tries to conserve all the nutrients ithas stored in its body for its
evolution. It will not eat a thing, 
subsisting only on morning dew."
191,8,9,"SUNKERN tries to move as little as it
possibly can. It does so because it
tries to conserve all the nutrients ithas stored in its body for its
evolution. It will not eat a thing, 
subsisting only on morning dew."
191,9,9,"SUNKERN try to minimize movement to
conserve the nutrients they have stored
in their bodies for evolution. They will
not eat, subsisting only on morning dew."
191,10,9,"It lives by drinking only dewdrops from
under the leaves of plants. It is said
that it eats nothing else."
191,11,9,"It may drop out of the sky suddenly.
If attacked by a SPEAROW, it will
violently shake its leaves."
191,12,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. A year after a cold
summer, their population explodes."
191,13,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. A year after a cold
summer, their population explodes."
191,14,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. A year after a cold
summer, their population explodes."
191,15,9,"It may plummet from the sky.
If attacked by a SPEAROW,
it will violently shake its leaves."
191,16,9,"It lives by drinking only dewdrops
from under the leaves of plants.
It is said that it eats nothing else."
191,17,5,"Il tombe du ciel sans crier gare en
matinée. On en croise énormément 
lannée suivant un été froid."
191,17,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. A year after a cold
summer, their population explodes."
191,18,5,"Il tombe du ciel sans crier gare en
matinée. On en croise énormément 
lannée suivant un été froid."
191,18,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. A year after a cold
summer, their population explodes."
191,21,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. Knowing its weak, it
simply feeds until it evolves."
191,22,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in
the morning. Knowing its weak, it
simply feeds until it evolves."
191,23,1,"あるあさ とつぜん ふってくる。
オニスズメに おそわれると はっぱを
はげしく ふって おいはらう。"
191,23,3,"어느 날 아침 갑자기 떨어진다.
깨비참에게 습격당하면 잎사귀를
세차게 흔들어서 쫓아 버린다."
191,23,5,"Il tombe du ciel soudainement. Sil est attaqué par
un Piafabec, il secoue violemment ses feuilles."
191,23,6,"Manchmal fällt es plötzlich vom Himmel. Wird es
von Habitak angegriffen, schüttelt es seine Blätter."
191,23,7,"Puede caer del cielo de repente. Si le ataca un
Spearow, moverá violentamente sus hojas."
191,23,8,"Piomba dallalto improvvisamente. Se è attaccato
da uno Spearow, agita violentemente le foglie."
191,23,9,"It may plummet from the sky. If attacked by a
Spearow, it will violently shake its leaves."
191,23,11,"ある朝 突然 降ってくる。
オニスズメに 襲われると 葉っぱを
激しく 振って 追い払う。"
191,24,1,"はっぱの うらがわに たまった
あさつゆ だけを のんで くらす。
ほかには なにも たべないという。"
191,24,3,"나뭇잎의 뒷면에 모인
이슬만을 먹고 산다. 그 밖에는
아무것도 먹지 않는다고 한다."
191,24,5,"Il vit en buvant la rosée sur les feuilles. On dit quil ne
peut rien avaler dautre."
191,24,6,"Es ernährt sich ausschließlich von den Tautropfen,
die von den Blättern über ihm hinabfallen."
191,24,7,"Se alimenta del rocío que hay sobre las hojas de las
plantas. Dicen que no come nada más."
191,24,8,"Vive nutrendosi delle gocce di rugiada che cadono
dalle foglie delle piante. Pare che non mangi altro."
191,24,9,"It lives by drinking only dewdrops from under the
leaves of plants. It is said that it eats nothing else."
191,24,11,"葉っぱの 裏側に たまった
朝露だけを 飲んで 暮らす。
他には なにも 食べないという。"
191,25,1,"からだに ためた えいようは しんかの ときまで
とっておくため ほとんど うごこうとしない。
なにも たべずに あさつゆ だけを のんでいる。"
191,25,3,"몸에 모은 영양을 진화할 때까지
간직하기 위해 거의 움직이려 하지 않는다.
아무것도 먹지 않고 아침 이슬만 마시고 있다."
191,25,5,"Tournegrin essaie de bouger le moins possible. Cest parce
quil veut conserver tous les nutriments quil stocke dans son
corps pour son évolution. Il ne mange pas, ne subsistant que
grâce à la rosée matinale."
191,25,6,"Sonnkern versucht, sich so wenig wie möglich zu bewegen,
um alle gespeicherten Nährstoffe für seine Entwicklung
aufzusparen. Außer Morgentau nimmt es nichts weiter zu sich."
191,25,7,"Sunkern intenta moverse lo menos posible para conservar
todos los nutrientes que ha guardado en su interior y poder
evolucionar. Ni come siquiera; se alimenta solo del rocío de
la mañana."
191,25,8,"Sunkern cerca di muoversi il meno possibile per preservare
le sostanze nutritive che ha immagazzinato nel corpo
per la sua evoluzione. Non mangia nulla, si nutre solo
di rugiada mattutina."
191,25,9,"Sunkern tries to move as little as it possibly can. It does so
because it tries to conserve all the nutrients it has stored in its
body for its evolution. It will not eat a thing, subsisting only on
morning dew."
191,25,11,"体に ためた 栄養は 進化の ときまで
取っておくため ほとんど 動こうとしない。
なにも 食べずに 朝露 だけを 飲んでいる。"
191,26,1,"からだに ためた えいようは しんかの ときまで
とっておくため ほとんど うごこうとしない。
なにも たべずに あさつゆ だけを のんでいる。"
191,26,3,"몸에 모은 영양을 진화할 때까지
간직하기 위해 거의 움직이려 하지 않는다.
아무것도 먹지 않고 아침 이슬만 마시고 있다."
191,26,5,"Tournegrin essaie de bouger le moins possible. Cest parce
quil veut conserver tous les nutriments quil stocke dans son
corps pour son évolution. Il ne mange pas, ne subsistant que
grâce à la rosée matinale."
191,26,6,"Sonnkern versucht, sich so wenig wie möglich zu bewegen,
um alle gespeicherten Nährstoffe für seine Entwicklung
aufzusparen. Außer Morgentau nimmt es nichts weiter zu sich."
191,26,7,"Sunkern intenta moverse lo menos posible para conservar
todos los nutrientes que ha guardado en su interior y poder
evolucionar. Ni come siquiera; se alimenta solo del rocío de
la mañana."
191,26,8,"Sunkern cerca di muoversi il meno possibile per preservare
le sostanze nutritive che ha immagazzinato nel corpo
per la sua evoluzione. Non mangia nulla, si nutre solo
di rugiada mattutina."
191,26,9,"Sunkern tries to move as little as it possibly can. It does so
because it tries to conserve all the nutrients it has stored in its
body for its evolution. It will not eat a thing, subsisting only on
morning dew."
191,26,11,"体に ためた 栄養は 進化の ときまで
取っておくため ほとんど 動こうとしない。
なにも 食べずに 朝露 だけを 飲んでいる。"
192,4,9,"It converts sun­
light into energy.
In the darknessafter sunset, it
closes its petals
and becomes still."
192,5,9,"In the daytime, it
rushes about in a
hectic manner, butit comes to a com­
plete stop when
the sun sets."
192,6,9,"As the hot season
approaches, the
petals on thisPOKéMON's face
become more vivid
and lively."
192,7,9,"SUNFLORA converts solar energy into
nutrition. It moves around actively in
the daytime when it is warm.It stops moving as soon as the sun goes
down for the night."
192,8,9,"SUNFLORA converts solar energy into
nutrition. It moves around actively in
the daytime when it is warm.It stops moving as soon as the sun goes
down for the night."
192,9,9,"SUNFLORA convert solar energy into
nutrition. They are highly active in the
warm daytime but suddenly stop moving as
soon as the sun sets."
192,10,9,"In the daytime, it rushes about in a
hectic manner, but it comes to a complete
stop when the sun sets."
192,11,9,"It converts sunlight into energy. In the
darkness after sunset, it closes its petals
and becomes still."
192,12,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight
and is known for its habit of
moving in pursuit of it."
192,13,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight
and is known for its habit of
moving in pursuit of it."
192,14,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight
and is known for its habit of
moving in pursuit of it."
192,15,9,"It converts sunlight into energy.
In the darkness after sunset, it
closes its petals and becomes still."
192,16,9,"In the daytime, it rushes about in a
hectic manner, but it comes to a
complete stop when the sun sets."
192,17,5,"Les rayons du soleil lui donnent de
lénergie. Il est connu pour migrer
vers les régions ensoleillées."
192,17,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight
and is known for its habit of
moving in pursuit of it."
192,18,5,"Les rayons du soleil lui donnent de
lénergie. Il est connu pour migrer
vers les régions ensoleillées."
192,18,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight
and is known for its habit of
moving in pursuit of it."
192,21,9,"Since it converts sunlight
into energy, it is always looking
in the direction of the sun."
192,22,9,"Since it converts sunlight
into energy, it is always looking
in the direction of the sun."
192,23,1,"あつい きせつが ちかづくと
かおの はなびらは あざやかになり
かっぱつに うごくようになる。"
192,23,3,"더운 계절이 다가오면
얼굴의 꽃잎이 선명해지고
활발하게 움직이게 된다."
192,23,5,"À lapproche des beaux jours, les pétales entourant
sa tête deviennent plus chatoyants."
192,23,6,"Steht der Sommer bevor, werden die Blätter um
das Gesicht dieses Pokémon aktiv und lebhaft."
192,23,7,"A medida que se acerca el verano, va adquiriendo un
color más vivo e intenso en los pétalos de la cara."
192,23,8,"Con lavvicinarsi della bella stagione, i suoi petali si
fanno più vivi e splendenti."
192,23,9,"As the hot season approaches, the petals on this
Pokémons face become more vivid and lively."
192,23,11,"暑い 季節が 近づくと
顔の 花びらは 鮮やかになり
活発に 動くようになる。"
192,24,1,"あたたかい ひざしが エネルギー。
たいようを おいかけて いどうする
しゅうせいで しられている。"
192,24,3,"따뜻한 햇살이 에너지다.
태양을 쫓아 이동하는
습성으로 알려져 있다."
192,24,5,"Les rayons du soleil lui donnent de lénergie. Il est
connu pour migrer vers les régions ensoleillées."
192,24,6,"Warmes Sonnenlicht gibt ihm Energie. Daher wandert
es stets dem Sonnenlicht hinterher."
192,24,7,"Obtiene energía de la luz solar. Este Pokémon es
famoso por su heliotropismo."
192,24,8,"Trae energia dalla luce del sole e si muove di continuo
per cercare di assorbirne sempre di più."
192,24,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for
its habit of moving in pursuit of it."
192,24,11,"暖かい 日差しが エネルギー。
太陽を 追いかけて 移動する
習性で 知られている。"
192,25,1,"たいようエネルギーから えいようを つくりだす。
きおんの たかい にっちゅう かっぱつに うごき
たいようが しずむと ぱったり うごかなくなる。"
192,25,3,"태양 에너지에서 영양을 만들어낸다.
기온이 높은 낮에는 활발하게 움직이고
태양이 지면 뚝 하니 움직이지 않게 된다."
192,25,5,"Héliatronc convertit lénergie solaire en nutriments. Il remue
activement pendant la journée, quand il fait chaud. Il redevient
immobile dès que le soleil se couche."
192,25,6,"Sonnflora verwandelt Solarenergie in Nährstoffe. Tagsüber,
wenn es warm ist, ist es sehr aktiv. Wenn aber die Sonne
untergegangen ist, hört es auf, sich zu bewegen."
192,25,7,"Sunflora transforma la energía solar en nutrientes. De día,
cuando hace calor, está en continuo movimiento. Solo para
cuando comienza a anochecer."
192,25,8,"Sunflora converte lenergia solare in nutrimento. È attivo
durante il giorno quando fa caldo. Tuttavia, appena il sole
tramonta non fa più il minimo movimento."
192,25,9,"Sunflora converts solar energy into nutrition. It moves around
actively in the daytime when it is warm. It stops moving as
soon as the sun goes down for the night."
192,25,11,"太陽エネルギーから 栄養を つくりだす。
気温の 高い 日中 活発に 動き
太陽が 沈むと ぱったり 動かなくなる。"
192,26,1,"たいようエネルギーから えいようを つくりだす。
きおんの たかい にっちゅう かっぱつに うごき
たいようが しずむと ぱったり うごかなくなる。"
192,26,3,"태양 에너지에서 영양을 만들어낸다.
기온이 높은 낮에는 활발하게 움직이고
태양이 지면 뚝 하니 움직이지 않게 된다."
192,26,5,"Héliatronc convertit lénergie solaire en nutriments. Il remue
activement pendant la journée, quand il fait chaud. Il redevient
immobile dès que le soleil se couche."
192,26,6,"Sonnflora verwandelt Solarenergie in Nährstoffe. Tagsüber,
wenn es warm ist, ist es sehr aktiv. Wenn aber die Sonne
untergegangen ist, hört es auf, sich zu bewegen."
192,26,7,"Sunflora transforma la energía solar en nutrientes. De día,
cuando hace calor, está en continuo movimiento. Solo para
cuando comienza a anochecer."
192,26,8,"Sunflora converte lenergia solare in nutrimento. È attivo
durante il giorno quando fa caldo. Tuttavia, appena il sole
tramonta non fa più il minimo movimento."
192,26,9,"Sunflora converts solar energy into nutrition. It moves around
actively in the daytime when it is warm. It stops moving as
soon as the sun goes down for the night."
192,26,11,"太陽エネルギーから 栄養を つくりだす。
気温の 高い 日中 活発に 動き
太陽が 沈むと ぱったり 動かなくなる。"
193,4,9,"If it flaps its
wings really fast,
it can generateshock waves that
will shatter win­
dows in the area."
193,5,9,"Its large eyes can
scan 360 degrees.
It looks in alldirections to seek
out insects as its
193,6,9,"It can see in all
directions without
moving its bigeyes, helping it
spot attackers and
food right away."
193,7,9,"YANMA is capable of seeing 360 degrees
without having to move its eyes.
It is a great flier that is adept atmaking sudden stops and turning midair.
This POKéMON uses its flying ability to
quickly chase down targeted prey."
193,8,9,"YANMA is capable of seeing 360 degrees
without having to move its eyes.
It is a great flier that is adept atmaking sudden stops and turning midair.
This POKéMON uses its flying ability to
quickly chase down targeted prey."
193,9,9,"It can see 360 degrees without moving
its eyes. It is a great flier capable of
making sudden stops and turning midair to
quickly chase down targeted prey."
193,10,9,"Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees.
It looks in all directions to seek out
insects as its prey."
193,11,9,"If it flaps its wings really fast, it can
generate shock waves that will shatter
windows in the area."
193,12,9,"Its eyes can see 360 degrees
without moving its head. It wont
miss prey--even those behind it."
193,13,9,"Its eyes can see 360 degrees
without moving its head. It wont
miss prey--even those behind it."
193,14,9,"It can hover in one spot by
flapping its wings at high speed. It
flits about to guard its territory."
193,15,9,"If it flaps its wings really fast,
it can generate shock waves that
will shatter windows in the area."
193,16,9,"Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees.
It looks in all directions to seek
out insects as its prey."
193,17,5,"La vitesse de ses ailes lui permet
un vol stationnaire. Il surveille
ainsi tout son territoire."
193,17,9,"It can hover in one spot by
flapping its wings at high speed. It
flits about to guard its territory."
193,18,5,"La vitesse de ses ailes lui permet
un vol stationnaire. Il surveille
ainsi tout son territoire."
193,18,9,"It can hover in one spot by
flapping its wings at high speed. It
flits about to guard its territory."
193,21,9,"By flapping its wings at high speed,
it can fly freely through the air.
Even sudden stops are no problem."
193,22,9,"By flapping its wings at high speed,
it can fly freely through the air.
Even sudden stops are no problem."
193,23,1,"かおを うごかさずに 360ど
すべてを みわたす めを もつので
まうしろの えものも みのがさない。"
193,23,3,"얼굴을 움직이지 않고 360도 전부
볼 수 있는 눈을 가지고 있어서
바로 뒤의 먹이도 놓치지 않는다."
193,23,5,"Il voit à 360° sans avoir à tourner la tête. Il ne loupe
jamais une proie, même dans son dos."
193,23,6,"Mit seinen Augen hat es einen Blickwinkel von
360 Grad. Es sieht sogar Beute, die sich hinter ihm
193,23,7,"Su campo visual es de 360° sin girar la cabeza.
Detecta hasta las presas que están a su espalda."
193,23,8,"Ha un campo visivo a 360 gradi senza muovere la
testa. Riesce a vedere persino le prede alle sue spalle."
193,23,9,"Its eyes can see 360 degrees without moving its
head. It wont miss prey--even those behind it."
193,23,11,"顔を 動かさずに 360度
すべてを 見渡す 目を 持つので
真後ろの 獲物も 見逃さない。"
193,24,1,"こうそくで ハネを はばたかせると
しょうげきは が はっせいして
まわりの まどガラスが われていく。"
193,24,3,"고속으로 날개를 치면
충격파가 발생해서
주변의 유리창이 깨진다."
193,24,5,"En battant des ailes très vite, il peut générer une
violente onde de choc qui peut briser les fenêtres."
193,24,6,"Schlägt es schnell mit den Flügeln, erzeugt es
Schockwellen, durch die sogar Fenster zerbersten."
193,24,7,"Si aletea muy rápido, genera ondas expansivas
capaces de hacer añicos todas las ventanas próximas."
193,24,8,"Se agita le ali ad altissima velocità può generare onde
che distruggono i vetri delle finestre nella zona."
193,24,9,"If it flaps its wings really fast, it can generate shock
waves that will shatter windows in the area."
193,24,11,"高速で 羽を 羽ばたかせると
衝撃波が 発生して
まわりの 窓ガラスが 割れていく。"
193,25,1,"めだまを うごかさずに 360ど みわたせる。
きゅうブレーキや ほうこうてんかんが とくい。
ねらった えものを すばやく おいつめていく。"
193,25,3,"눈알을 움직이지 않고 360도를 볼 수 있다.
급브레이크나 방향 전환이 특기다.
노린 먹이를 빠르게 몰아넣는다."
193,25,5,"Yanma a un champ de vision de 360 degrés sans avoir besoin
de bouger les yeux. Il vole incroyablement bien et peut faire
des figures acrobatiques. Ce Pokémon descend en piqué
sur ses proies."
193,25,6,"Yanma hat einen Blickwinkel von 360 Grad, ohne die Augen
bewegen zu müssen. Es ist ein großartiger Flieger und geübt
darin, plötzlich anzuhalten oder Wendemanöver vorzunehmen.
So kann es sich blitzschnell auf Beute stürzen."
193,25,7,"Yanma tiene un ángulo de visión de 360° sin mover los ojos.
Es un gran volador, experto en hacer repentinas paradas y
cambios de dirección en el aire. Aprovecha la habilidad que
tiene de volar para lanzarse sobre su presa."
193,25,8,"Yanma è dotato di un campo visivo a 360 gradi senza bisogno
di muovere gli occhi. Grazie alle grandi ali riesce a fermarsi
improvvisamente e virare a mezzaria. Sfrutta la sua abilità
in volo per abbattere la preda al suolo."
193,25,9,"Yanma is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to
move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept at making sudden
stops and turning midair. This Pokémon uses its flying ability to
quickly chase down targeted prey."
193,25,11,"目玉を 動かさずに 360度 見渡せる。
急ブレーキや 方向転換が 得意。
ねらった 獲物を 素早く 追いつめていく。"
193,26,1,"めだまを うごかさずに 360ど みわたせる。
きゅうブレーキや ほうこうてんかんが とくい。
ねらった えものを すばやく おいつめていく。"
193,26,3,"눈알을 움직이지 않고 360도를 볼 수 있다.
급브레이크나 방향 전환이 특기다.
노린 먹이를 빠르게 몰아넣는다."
193,26,5,"Yanma a un champ de vision de 360 degrés sans avoir besoin
de bouger les yeux. Il vole incroyablement bien et peut faire
des figures acrobatiques. Ce Pokémon descend en piqué
sur ses proies."
193,26,6,"Yanma hat einen Blickwinkel von 360 Grad, ohne die Augen
bewegen zu müssen. Es ist ein großartiger Flieger und geübt
darin, plötzlich anzuhalten oder Wendemanöver hinzulegen.
So kann es sich blitzschnell auf Beute stürzen."
193,26,7,"Yanma tiene un ángulo de visión de 360° sin mover los ojos.
Es un gran volador, experto en hacer repentinas paradas y
cambios de dirección en el aire. Aprovecha la habilidad que
tiene de volar para lanzarse sobre su presa."
193,26,8,"Yanma è dotato di un campo visivo a 360 gradi senza bisogno
di muovere gli occhi. Grazie alle grandi ali riesce a fermarsi
improvvisamente e virare a mezzaria. Sfrutta la sua abilità
in volo per abbattere la preda al suolo."
193,26,9,"Yanma is capable of seeing 360 degrees without having to
move its eyes. It is a great flier that is adept at making sudden
stops and turning midair. This Pokémon uses its flying ability
to quickly chase down targeted prey."
193,26,11,"目玉を 動かさずに 360度 見渡せる。
急ブレーキや 方向転換が 得意。
ねらった 獲物を 素早く 追いつめていく。"
194,4,9,"This POKéMON lives
in cold water. It
will leave thewater to search
for food when it
gets cold outside."
194,5,9,"When it walks a­
round on the
ground, it coatsits body with a
slimy, poisonous
194,6,9,"A mucous
membrane covers
its body. Touchingit barehanded will
cause a shooting
194,7,9,"WOOPER usually lives in water.
However, it occasionally comes out onto
land in search of food.On land, it coats its body with a gooey,
toxic film."
194,8,9,"WOOPER usually lives in water.
However, it occasionally comes out onto
land in search of food.On land, it coats its body with a gooey,
toxic film."
194,9,9,"WOOPER usually live in water but come
out onto land seeking food occasionally.
On land, they coat their bodies with a
gooey, toxic film."
194,10,9,"When it walks around on the ground,
it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous
194,11,9,"This POKéMON lives in cold water. It will
leave the water to search for food when
it gets cold outside."
194,12,9,"It lives in cold water, half
burying itself in mud at the
bottom to sleep."
194,13,9,"When the temperature cools in the
evening, they emerge from water
to seek food along the shore."
194,14,9,"When walking on land, it covers its
body with a poisonous film that
keeps its skin from dehydrating."
194,15,9,"This Pokémon lives in cold water.
It will leave the water to search
for food when it gets cold outside."
194,16,9,"When it walks around on the
ground, it coats its body with a
slimy, poisonous film."
194,17,5,"Sur la terre ferme, il couvre son
corps dun fluide toxique qui le
protège de la déshydratation."
194,17,9,"When walking on land, it covers its
body with a poisonous film that
keeps its skin from dehydrating."
194,18,5,"Sur la terre ferme, il couvre son
corps dun fluide toxique qui le
protège de la déshydratation."
194,18,9,"When walking on land, it covers its
body with a poisonous film that
keeps its skin from dehydrating."
194,21,9,"When walking on land, it covers its
body with a poisonous film that
keeps its skin from dehydrating."
194,22,9,"When walking on land, it covers its
body with a poisonous film that
keeps its skin from dehydrating."
194,23,1,"つめたい みずのなかで せいかつ。
あたりが すずしくなると エサを
さがしに ちじょうにも あらわれる。"
194,23,3,"차가운 물속에서 생활한다.
근처가 선선해지면 먹이를
찾으러 지상에도 나타난다."
194,23,5,"Ce Pokémon vit en eaux froides. Il ne les quitte que
pour se nourrir quand il fait froid à lextérieur."
194,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt in Eiswasser. Wird es an Land
kalt, verlässt es das Wasser und sucht nach Futter."
194,23,7,"Este Pokémon vive en aguas frías. Sale del agua para
buscar comida cuando refresca el ambiente."
194,23,8,"Vive nellacqua fredda. Quando fa freddo fuori,
esce dallacqua per cercare cibo."
194,23,9,"This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the
water to search for food when it gets cold outside."
194,23,11,"冷たい 水の中で 生活。
あたりが 涼しくなると エサを
探しに 地上にも 現れる。"
194,24,1,"ゆうぐれどき すずしくなると
みずから あがってきた ウパーたちは
エサを さがして みずべを あるく。"
194,24,3,"해질녘 시원해지면
물에서 올라온 우파들은
먹이를 찾으러 물가를 걷는다."
194,24,5,"Il émerge de leau lorsque lair se rafraîchit pour
partir chasser sur les berges."
194,24,6,"Wenn es am Abend kühler wird, kommen sie an Land,
um nach Nahrung zu suchen."
194,24,7,"Cuando la temperatura baja por la tarde, emerge del
agua y va a la orilla en busca de comida."
194,24,8,"Attende la sera, quando scende la temperatura, per
avventurarsi sulla riva alla ricerca di cibo."
194,24,9,"When the temperature cools in the evening,
they emerge from water to seek food along
the shore."
194,24,11,"夕暮れどき 涼しくなると
水から 上がってきた ウパーたちは
エサを 探して 水辺を 歩く。"
194,25,1,"ふだんは みずの なかで くらしているが エサを
さがすときなど たまに ちじょうに でてくる。
りくでは どくの ねんえきで からだを おおう。"
194,25,3,"평상시엔 물속에서 지내지만 먹이를
찾거나 할 때는 가끔 지상에 나온다.
땅에서는 독 점액으로 몸을 둘러싼다."
194,25,5,"Axoloto vit généralement dans leau. Mais de temps en temps,
il vient sur terre pour chercher à manger. À terre, il recouvre
son corps dun voile visqueux et toxique."
194,25,6,"Felino lebt eigentlich im Wasser. Manchmal kommt es jedoch
an Land, um nach Nahrung zu suchen. An Land bedeckt es
seinen Körper mit einem schleimigen Giftfilm."
194,25,7,"Wooper suele vivir en el agua, pero es posible también verle
en tierra en busca de comida. Cuando está en terreno firme,
se cubre con una película viscosa tóxica."
194,25,8,"Di solito Wooper vive in acqua. Tuttavia, talvolta si avventura
sulla terraferma in cerca di cibo. In queste occasioni, si ricopre
il corpo di una sostanza appiccicosa e velenosa."
194,25,9,"Wooper usually lives in water. However, it occasionally comes
out onto land in search of food. On land, it coats its body with
a gooey, toxic film."
194,25,11,"普段は 水の 中で 暮らしているが エサを
探すときなど たまに 地上に 出てくる。
陸では 毒の 粘液で 体を 覆う。"
194,26,1,"ふだんは みずの なかで くらしているが エサを
さがすときなど たまに ちじょうに でてくる。
りくでは どくの ねんえきで からだを おおう。"
194,26,3,"평상시엔 물속에서 지내지만 먹이를
찾거나 할 때는 가끔 지상에 나온다.
땅에서는 독 점액으로 몸을 둘러싼다."
194,26,5,"Axoloto vit généralement dans leau. Mais de temps en temps,
il vient sur terre pour chercher à manger. À terre, il recouvre
son corps dun voile visqueux et toxique."
194,26,6,"Felino lebt eigentlich im Wasser. Manchmal kommt es jedoch
an Land, um nach Nahrung zu suchen. An Land bedeckt es
seinen Körper mit einem schleimigen Giftfilm."
194,26,7,"Wooper suele vivir en el agua, pero es posible también verle
en tierra en busca de comida. Cuando está en terreno firme,
se cubre con una película viscosa tóxica."
194,26,8,"Di solito Wooper vive in acqua. Tuttavia, talvolta si avventura
sulla terraferma in cerca di cibo. In queste occasioni, si ricopre
il corpo di una sostanza appiccicosa e velenosa."
194,26,9,"Wooper usually lives in water. However, it occasionally comes
out onto land in search of food. On land, it coats its body with
a gooey, toxic film."
194,26,11,"普段は 水の 中で 暮らしているが エサを
探すときなど たまに 地上に 出てくる。
陸では 毒の 粘液で 体を 覆う。"
194,33,1,"つめたい みずのなかで せいかつ。
あたりが すずしくなると エサを
さがしに ちじょうにも あらわれる。"
194,33,3,"차가운 물속에서 생활한다.
근처가 선선해지면 먹이를
찾으러 지상에도 나타난다."
194,33,5,"Ce Pokémon vit en eaux froides. Si la température
extérieure est assez basse, il lui arrive de
se rendre sur la terre ferme pour se nourrir."
194,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt in kaltem Wasser. Wenn die
Temperaturen an Land tief genug fallen, verlässt
es das Wasser und sucht dort nach Futter."
194,33,7,"Este Pokémon vive en aguas frías. Sale del agua
para buscar comida cuando refresca el ambiente."
194,33,8,"Vive nellacqua fredda. Quando la temperatura
esterna è abbastanza fresca, si spinge sulla
terraferma in cerca di cibo."
194,33,9,"This Pokémon lives in cold water. It will leave the
water to search for food when it gets cold outside."
194,33,11,"冷たい 水の中で 生活。
あたりが 涼しくなると エサを
探しに 地上にも 現れる。"
194,34,1,"ちじょうを あるくときは ひふが
かんそう しないように どくの
ねんまくで からだを おおっている。"
194,34,3,"지상에서 걸을 때는 피부가
건조해지지 않도록 독성분의
점막으로 몸을 감싸고 있다."
194,34,5,"Lorsquil est sur la terre ferme, il couvre
son corps dun voile toxique qui le protège
de la déshydratation."
194,34,6,"An Land bedeckt es seine Haut mit einer giftigen
Schicht, die es vor dem Austrocknen bewahrt."
194,34,7,"Cuando se desplaza en tierra firme, cubre su
cuerpo con una membrana mucosa y venenosa
para mantener hidratada la piel."
194,34,8,"Quando si avventura sulla terraferma, ricopre
il suo corpo di una sostanza velenosa che
lo mantiene idratato."
194,34,9,"When walking on land, it covers its body with a
poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating."
194,34,11,"地上を 歩くときは 皮膚が
乾燥 しないように 毒の
粘膜で 体を 被っている。"
195,4,9,"This carefree
POKéMON has an
easy-going nature.While swimming, it
always bumps into
boat hulls."
195,5,9,"Due to its relaxed
and carefree atti­
tude, it oftenbumps its head on
boulders and boat
hulls as it swims."
195,6,9,"Its body is always
slimy. It often
bangs its head onthe river bottom
as it swims but
seems not to care."
195,7,9,"QUAGSIRE hunts for food by leaving
its mouth wide open in water and waiting
for its prey to blunder in unaware.Because the POKéMON does not move,
it does not get very hungry."
195,8,9,"QUAGSIRE hunts for food by leaving
its mouth wide open in water and waiting
for its prey to blunder in unaware.Because the POKéMON does not move,
it does not get very hungry."
195,9,9,"A QUAGSIRE hunts by leaving its mouth wide
open in water and waiting for its prey to
blunder in. Because it doesnt move, it
does not get very hungry."
195,10,9,"Due to its relaxed and carefree attitude,
it often bumps its head on boulders and
boat hulls as it swims."
195,11,9,"This carefree POKéMON has an easygoing
nature. While swimming, it always bumps
into boat hulls."
195,12,9,"It has a sluggish nature. It lies
at the rivers bottom, waiting for
prey to stray into its mouth."
195,13,9,"A dim-witted Pokémon. It doesnt
care if it bumps its head into
boats or rocks while swimming."
195,14,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It
doesnt care if it bumps its head on
boats and boulders while swimming."
195,15,9,"This carefree Pokémon has an
easy-going nature. While swimming,
it always bumps into boat hulls."
195,16,9,"Due to its relaxed and carefree
attitude, it often bumps its head on
boulders and boat hulls as it swims."
195,17,5,"De nature placide, il a tendance à
se cogner la tête contre les récifs
et autres bateaux de passage."
195,17,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It
doesnt care if it bumps its head on
boats and boulders while swimming."
195,18,5,"De nature placide, il a tendance à
se cogner la tête contre les récifs
et autres bateaux de passage."
195,18,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It
doesnt care if it bumps its head on
boats and boulders while swimming."
195,21,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It
doesnt care if it bumps its head on
boats and boulders while swimming."
195,22,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It
doesnt care if it bumps its head on
boats and boulders while swimming."
195,23,1,"のんびりとした せいかく。
かわぞこで くちを あけて エサが
とびこんでくるのを ひたすら まつ。"
195,23,3,"느긋한 성격이다.
강바닥에서 입을 벌려 먹이가
들어오는 것을 한결같이 기다린다."
195,23,5,"Cest un grand paresseux qui attend au fond de
la rivière quune proie lui tombe dans le bec."
195,23,6,"Ein träges Pokémon, das auf dem Grund des Flusses
liegt und wartet, dass ihm Beute ins Maul schwimmt."
195,23,7,"Es un Pokémon bastante perezoso. Para pescar
permanece en el fondo del río con la boca abierta."
195,23,8,"È pigro per natura. Sta sul fondo dei fiumi con la
bocca aperta in attesa di afferrare la preda."
195,23,9,"It has a sluggish nature. It lies at the rivers bottom,
waiting for prey to stray into its mouth."
195,23,11,"のんびりとした 性格。
川底で 口を 開けて エサが
飛びこんでくるのを ひたすら 待つ。"
195,24,1,"のんびりとした せいかくで
きままに およいでは いつも
ふなぞこに あたまを ぶつけている。"
195,24,3,"느긋한 성격으로
제멋대로 헤엄치고는 늘
배의 밑바닥에 머리를 들이받곤 한다."
195,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est très insouciant. Quand il nage,
il fonce tête la première dans la coque des bateaux."
195,24,6,"Dieses genügsame Pokémon ist sehr umgänglich.
Beim Schwimmen stößt es immer wieder gegen Schiffe."
195,24,7,"Este despreocupado Pokémon es de naturaleza
tranquila. Siempre que nada, choca con los barcos."
195,24,8,"Questo Pokémon sbarazzino non si fa grossi problemi:
nuotando urta sempre gli scafi delle barche."
195,24,9,"This carefree Pokémon has an easygoing nature.
While swimming, it always bumps into boat hulls."
195,24,11,"のんびりとした 性格で
気ままに 泳いでは いつも
船底に 頭を ぶつけている。"
195,25,1,"みずの なかで くちを あけて エサが ぐうぜん
とびこんで くるのを ただただ まっている。
うごかないので あまり おなかが すかないのだ。"
195,25,3,"물속에서 입을 열고 우연히 먹이가
뛰어들기를 그저 기다리고 있다.
움직이지 않기에 별로 배가 안 고프다."
195,25,5,"Maraiste trouve sa nourriture en laissant sa bouche ouverte
dans leau, et attend que ses proies y pénètrent sans faire
attention. Comme ce Pokémon est inactif, il na jamais
très faim."
195,25,6,"Morlord jagt seine Nahrung, indem es im Wasser sein Maul
weit aufmacht und auf unvorsichtige Beute wartet. Da sich
dieses Pokémon nicht bewegt, wird es auch nicht besonders
195,25,7,"Quagsire caza dejando las fauces abiertas en el agua y
esperando a que su presa entre sin darse cuenta. Como se
queda quieto, el Pokémon no pasa mucha hambre."
195,25,8,"In acqua Quagsire attende la preda tenendo sempre la bocca
spalancata per catturare qualche ignaro malcapitato.
Poiché questo Pokémon non fa molto moto, non è mai
troppo affamato."
195,25,9,"Quagsire hunts for food by leaving its mouth wide open in
water and waiting for its prey to blunder in unaware. Because
the Pokémon does not move, it does not get very hungry."
195,25,11,"水の 中で 口を 開けて エサが 偶然
飛び込んで くるのを ただただ 待っている。
動かないので あまり お腹が 空かないのだ。"
195,26,1,"みずの なかで くちを あけて エサが ぐうぜん
とびこんで くるのを ただただ まっている。
うごかないので あまり おなかが すかないのだ。"
195,26,3,"물속에서 입을 열고 우연히 먹이가
뛰어들기를 그저 기다리고 있다.
움직이지 않기에 별로 배가 안 고프다."
195,26,5,"Maraiste trouve sa nourriture en laissant sa bouche ouverte
dans leau, et attend que ses proies y pénètrent sans faire
attention. Comme ce Pokémon est inactif, il na jamais
très faim."
195,26,6,"Morlord jagt seine Nahrung, indem es im Wasser sein Maul
weit aufmacht und auf unvorsichtige Beute wartet. Da sich
dieses Pokémon nicht bewegt, wird es auch nicht besonders
195,26,7,"Quagsire caza dejando las fauces abiertas en el agua y
esperando a que su presa entre sin darse cuenta. Como se
queda quieto, el Pokémon no pasa mucha hambre."
195,26,8,"In acqua Quagsire attende la preda tenendo sempre la bocca
spalancata per catturare qualche ignaro malcapitato.
Poiché questo Pokémon non fa molto moto, non è mai
troppo affamato."
195,26,9,"Quagsire hunts for food by leaving its mouth wide open in
water and waiting for its prey to blunder in unaware. Because
the Pokémon does not move, it does not get very hungry."
195,26,11,"水の 中で 口を 開けて エサが 偶然
飛び込んで くるのを ただただ 待っている。
動かないので あまり お腹が 空かないのだ。"
195,33,1,"ふなぞこや かわのいわに あたまを
ぶつけまくっても きにせず きままに
およいでいる のんきな ポケモン。"
195,33,3,"배의 밑바닥이나 물가의 바위에
머리를 부딪쳐도 신경 쓰지 않고
헤엄치는 무사태평한 포켓몬이다."
195,33,5,"Il a tendance à se cogner la tête contre la coque
des navires et les rochers, mais, imperturbable,
il continue de nager comme si de rien nétait."
195,33,6,"Es ist sehr unbekümmert und stört sich nicht
daran, wenn es während des Schwimmens an
Boote oder Felsen stößt."
195,33,7,"Es de naturaleza tranquila. Permanece impasible
cuando, al nadar, choca de cabeza contra rocas
de río o el casco de los barcos."
195,33,8,"È molto tranquillo per natura. Non si scompone
se nuotando sbatte la testa contro lo scafo delle
barche o le rocce dei fiumi."
195,33,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It doesnt care if it
bumps its head on boats and boulders
while swimming."
195,33,11,"船底や 川の岩に 頭を
ぶつけまくっても 気にせず 気ままに
泳いでいる のんきな ポケモン。"
195,34,1,"からだは いつも ぬめっている。
およぐたびに かわぞこに あたまを
ぶつけているが きに していない。"
195,34,3,"몸은 항상 미끄럽다.
헤엄칠 때마다 강바닥에 머리를
부딪치지만 신경 쓰지 않는다."
195,34,5,"Il est toujours gluant. Quand il nage, il se cogne
souvent la tête au fond des rivières, mais semble
sen moquer."
195,34,6,"Es hat einen äußerst glitschigen Körper. Beim
Schwimmen stößt es sich regelmäßig den Kopf
am Flussgrund, was ihm aber egal zu sein scheint."
195,34,7,"Su cuerpo siempre resulta escurridizo al tacto.
Suele chocarse contra el lecho del río al nadar,
pero no le importa demasiado."
195,34,8,"Ha un corpo molto viscido. Spesso, nuotando,
sbatte la testa sul letto dei fiumi, ma non
se ne preoccupa."
195,34,9,"Its body is always slimy. It often bangs its head
on the river bottom as it swims but seems not
to care."
195,34,11,"体は いつも ぬめっている。
泳ぐたびに 川底に 頭を
ぶつけているが 気に していない。"
196,4,9,"It uses the fine
hair that covers
its body to senseair currents and
predict its ene­
my's actions."
196,5,9,"By reading air
currents, it can
predict thingssuch as the weath­
er or its foe's
next move."
196,6,9,"The tip of its
forked tail
quivers when it ispredicting its
opponent's next
196,7,9,"ESPEON is extremely loyal to any
TRAINER it considers to be worthy.
It is said that this POKéMON developedits precognitive powers to protect its
TRAINER from harm."
196,8,9,"ESPEON is extremely loyal to any
TRAINER it considers to be worthy.
It is said that this POKéMON developedits precognitive powers to protect its
TRAINER from harm."
196,9,9,"An ESPEON is extremely loyal to any
TRAINER it considers to be worthy. It is
said to have developed precognitive
powers to protect its TRAINER from harm."
196,10,9,"By reading air currents, it can predict
things such as the weather or its foes
next move."
196,11,9,"It uses the fine hair that covers its body
to sense air currents and predict its
enemys actions."
196,12,9,"Its fur has the look and feel of
velvet. The orb on its forehead
glows when it uses psycho-power."
196,13,9,"Its fur has the look and feel of
velvet. The orb on its forehead
glows when it uses psycho-power."
196,14,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can
sense minute shifts in the air
and predict the weather."
196,15,9,"It uses the fine hair that covers
its body to sense air currents and
predict its enemys actions."
196,16,9,"By reading air currents, it can
predict things such as the weather
or its foes next move."
196,17,5,"Sa fourrure est si sensible quil
peut détecter les vibrations de
lair et prédire le temps quil fera."
196,17,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can
sense minute shifts in the air
and predict the weather."
196,18,5,"Sa fourrure est si sensible quil
peut détecter les vibrations de
lair et prédire le temps quil fera."
196,18,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can
sense minute shifts in the air
and predict the weather."
196,21,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can feel
minute shifts in the air and predict the
weather...and its foes thoughts."
196,22,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can feel
minute shifts in the air and predict the
weather...and its foes thoughts."
196,23,1,"あいての うごきを よち するとき
ふたまたに なっている しっぽの
さきは びみょうに ゆれている。"
196,23,3,"상대의 움직임을 예지할 때
두 갈래로 갈라져 있는 꼬리의
끝이 미세하게 떨리고 있다."
196,23,5,"Le bout fourchu de sa queue frémit lorsquil prédit
la prochaine attaque de son adversaire."
196,23,6,"Die Spitze seines geteilten Schweifs bebt, wenn es
die nächste Attacke seines Feindes voraussagt."
196,23,7,"Al predecir el siguiente movimiento de su rival,
chasquea el extremo de la cola bífida que tiene."
196,23,8,"Mentre predice la prossima mossa del nemico,
la coda biforcuta gli inizia a tremare."
196,23,9,"The tip of its forked tail quivers when it is predicting
its opponents next move."
196,23,11,"相手の 動きを 予知するとき
ふたまたに なっている 尻尾の 先は
微妙に 揺れている。"
196,24,1,"ぜんしんの こまやかな たいもうで
くうきの ながれを かんじて てきの
かんがえや てんこうを よそくする。"
196,24,3,"전신의 세밀한 털로
공기의 흐름을 알아차려 상대의
생각이나 날씨를 예측한다."
196,24,5,"Sa fourrure ultrasensible détecte les vibrations de
lair. Il peut ainsi prédire le temps ou lire les pensées
196,24,6,"Die Haare seines Fells sind so feinfühlig, dass es
am Wind ablesen kann, was seine Gegner denken
und wie das Wetter wird."
196,24,7,"Su pelaje es tan sensible que percibe los cambios en
el aire y predice así los ataques de sus enemigos y el
196,24,8,"Grazie al pelo sensibile, percepisce pure gli
spostamenti daria. Sa leggere nel pensiero e
prevedere il tempo."
196,24,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can feel minute shifts in the
air and predict the weather...and its foes thoughts."
196,24,11,"全身の 細やかな 体毛で
空気の 流れを 感じて 敵の
考えや 天候を 予測する。"
196,25,1,"みとめた トレーナーには きわめて ちゅうじつ。
トレーナーを きけんから まもる ために
よちのうりょくが はったつしたと いわれている。"
196,25,3,"인정한 트레이너에게는 극히 충실하다.
트레이너를 위험에서 지키기 위해
예지능력이 발달했다고 전해진다."
196,25,5,"Mentali est extrêmement loyal envers les Dresseurs
quil respecte. On raconte que ce Pokémon a développé
des talents divinatoires pour protéger son Dresseur."
196,25,6,"Psiana ist jedem Trainer treu, dem es zugetan ist.
Dieses Pokémon hat die Fähigkeit der Prophezeiung
entwickelt, um seine Trainer vor Unheil zu bewahren."
196,25,7,"Espeon es tremendamente leal al Entrenador al que considera
digno de ello. Dicen que este Pokémon desarrolló sus poderes
adivinatorios para evitar que su Entrenador sufra daño alguno."
196,25,8,"Espeon è estremamente leale nei confronti di qualsiasi
Allenatore considerato allaltezza. Si dice che questo
Pokémon abbia sviluppato capacità precognitive per
proteggere il proprio Allenatore."
196,25,9,"Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to
be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its
precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm."
196,25,11,"認めた トレーナーには 極めて 忠実。
トレーナーを 危険から 守る ために
予知能力が 発達したと いわれている。"
196,26,1,"みとめた トレーナーには きわめて ちゅうじつ。
トレーナーを きけんから まもる ために
よちのうりょくが はったつしたと いわれている。"
196,26,3,"인정한 트레이너에게는 극히 충실하다.
트레이너를 위험에서 지키기 위해
예지능력이 발달했다고 전해진다."
196,26,5,"Mentali est extrêmement loyal envers les Dresseurs
quil respecte. On raconte que ce Pokémon a développé
des talents divinatoires pour protéger son Dresseur."
196,26,6,"Psiana ist jedem Trainer treu, dem es zugetan ist.
Dieses Pokémon hat die Fähigkeit der Prophezeiung
entwickelt, um seine Trainer vor Unheil zu bewahren."
196,26,7,"Espeon es tremendamente leal al Entrenador al que considera
digno de ello. Dicen que este Pokémon desarrolló sus poderes
adivinatorios para evitar que su Entrenador sufra daño alguno."
196,26,8,"Espeon è estremamente leale nei confronti di qualsiasi
Allenatore considerato allaltezza. Si dice che questo
Pokémon abbia sviluppato capacità precognitive per
proteggere il proprio Allenatore."
196,26,9,"Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to
be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its
precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm."
196,26,11,"認めた トレーナーには 極めて 忠実。
トレーナーを 危険から 守る ために
予知能力が 発達したと いわれている。"
196,27,1,"ほそく みじかい たいもうで くうきの
ながれから あいての こうどう まで
いっしゅんで よみとってしまう。"
196,27,3,"가늘고 짧은 털로 공기의
흐름부터 상대의 행동까지
순식간에 읽어버린다."
196,27,5,"Son pelage court et clairsemé détecte en un
instant le moindre mouvement de lair ou de
196,27,6,"Mit seinem feinen, kurzen Fell kann es anhand
von Luftbewegungen augenblicklich erkennen,
was sein Gegner plant."
196,27,7,"Su corto y fino pelaje percibe los cambios en el
aire y esto le permite predecir los movimientos
de sus oponentes."
196,27,8,"Riesce a prevedere in un istante le mosse
dei nemici analizzando le correnti daria
grazie al suo pelo corto e fine."
196,27,9,"It can instantaneously sense its opponents
movements by feeling air currents with its
fine fur."
196,27,11,"細く 短い 体毛で 空気の
流れから 相手の 行動 まで
一瞬で 読み取ってしまう。"
196,28,1,"ひたいの たまから サイコパワーを
ほうしゃして たたかう。 パワーが
つきると たまの いろが くすむ。"
196,28,3,"이마의 구슬에서 사이코 파워를
방사해서 싸운다. 파워가
다하면 구슬의 색이 흐려진다."
196,28,5,"Le joyau sur son front projette des ondes
psychiques en combat, et sobscurcit lorsque
Mentali est à bout de force."
196,28,6,"Über die Kugel an seiner Stirn feuert es
Psycho-Kräfte ab. Geht ihm die Kraft aus,
verliert die Farbe der Kugel an Glanz."
196,28,7,"Lucha con los poderes psíquicos que brotan de
la esfera de su frente, que se oscurece cuando
su energía disminuye."
196,28,8,"Lotta emettendo poteri psichici dalla sfera
che ha sulla fronte, che diventa più scura
man mano che le sue energie diminuiscono."
196,28,9,"It unleashes psychic power from the orb on its
forehead. When its power is exhausted, the orb
grows dull and dark."
196,28,11,"額の 玉から サイコパワーを
放射して 戦う。 パワーが
尽きると 玉の 色が くすむ。"
196,29,1,"もともとは なんの のうりょくも
なかったが みを まもるために
よちのうりょくに めざめたと いう。"
196,29,3,"원래는 아무런 능력도 없었지만
몸을 지키기 위해
예지 능력에 눈뜨게 됐다고 한다."
196,29,5,"À lorigine, il nétait doté daucune compétence
particulière, mais il a développé un don de
prescience pour se défendre."
196,29,6,"Es heißt, dass die Fähigkeit der Prophezeiung
erst im Laufe der Zeit in ihm erwacht sei, damit
es sich selbst vor Unheil bewahren könne."
196,29,7,"Originariamente, carecía de habilidades
especiales, pero terminó desarrollando
facultades premonitorias para protegerse."
196,29,8,"Inizialmente non aveva particolari abilità,
ma in seguito ha sviluppato delle capacità
premonitrici per difendersi."
196,29,9,"Although it originally had no powers at all,
people say its precognitive faculties were
awakened by its need to protect itself."
196,29,11,"元々は なんの 能力も
なかったが 身を 守るために
予知能力に 目覚めたと いう。"
196,30,1,"にっこうを あびていると ひたいの
たまに サイコパワーが たまっていく。
よるの たたかいは にがて なのだ。"
196,30,3,"햇빛을 받으면 이마의 구슬에
사이코 파워가 모인다.
밤에 하는 싸움에 약하다."
196,30,5,"Le joyau sur son front accumulant de la force
psychique lorsquil est exposé à la lumière
du soleil, il préfère les combats de jour."
196,30,6,"Indem es im Sonnenlicht badet, speichert es
Psycho-Kraft in der Kugel an seiner Stirn. Daher
tut es sich nachts beim Kämpfen etwas schwer."
196,30,7,"La luz del sol imbuye de poder psíquico la
esfera de su frente, por lo que los combates
nocturnos son su punto débil."
196,30,8,"Accumula poteri psichici esponendo alla luce
solare la sfera che ha sulla fronte.
Le lotte notturne non sono il suo forte."
196,30,9,"Psychic power builds up in the orb on its
forehead as it bathes in the sunshine. Espeon is
not good at battling at night."
196,30,11,"日光を 浴びていると 額の
玉に サイコパワーが たまっていく。
夜の 戦いは 苦手 なのだ。"
196,33,1,"くうきの ながれを よみとることで
これからの てんきや あいての
うごきなどを すべて あててしまう。"
196,33,3,"공기의 흐름을 읽어내서
앞으로의 날씨와 상대의
움직임 등을 모두 맞혀버린다."
196,33,5,"En analysant les courants aériens, il peut prédire
la météo ou même les mouvements de son ennemi."
196,33,6,"Es analysiert Luftströmungen und kann dadurch
das Wetter oder die nächste Attacke des
Gegners vorhersehen."
196,33,7,"Basándose en las corrientes de aire, predice
cosas como el tiempo atmosférico o la próxima
acción del enemigo."
196,33,8,"Analizza le correnti daria per predire le
condizioni atmosferiche o la prossima
mossa del nemico."
196,33,9,"By reading air currents, it can predict things such
as the weather or its foes next move."
196,33,11,"空気の 流れを 読みとることで
これからの 天気や 相手の
動きなどを すべて 当ててしまう。"
196,34,1,"ひたいの たまから サイコパワーを
ほうしゃして たたかう。 パワーが
つきると たまの いろが くすむ。"
196,34,3,"이마의 구슬에서 사이코 파워를
방사해서 싸운다. 파워가
다하면 구슬의 색이 흐려진다."
196,34,5,"Le joyau sur le front de Mentali projette
des ondes psychiques en combat, et sobscurcit
quand il est à bout de force."
196,34,6,"Über die Kugel an seiner Stirn feuert es
Psycho-Kräfte ab. Geht ihm die Kraft aus,
verliert die Farbe der Kugel an Glanz."
196,34,7,"Lucha con los poderes psíquicos que brotan de
la esfera de su frente, que se oscurece cuando
su energía disminuye."
196,34,8,"Lotta emettendo poteri psichici dalla sfera
che ha sulla fronte, che diventa più scura
man mano che le sue energie diminuiscono."
196,34,9,"It unleashes psychic power from the orb on its
forehead. When its power is exhausted, the orb
grows dull and dark."
196,34,11,"額の 珠から サイコパワーを
放射して 戦う。 パワーが
つきると 珠の 色が くすむ。"
197,4,9,"When agitated,
this POKéMON pro­
tects itself byspraying poisonous
sweat from its
197,5,9,"When darkness
falls, the rings
on the body beginto glow, striking
fear in the hearts
of anyone nearby."
197,6,9,"On the night of a
full moon, or when
it gets excited,the ring patterns
on its body glow
197,7,9,"UMBREON evolved as a result of exposure
to the moons waves.
It hides silently in darkness and waitsfor its foes to make a move.
The rings on its body glow when it leaps
to attack."
197,8,9,"UMBREON evolved as a result of exposure
to the moons waves.
It hides silently in darkness and waitsfor its foes to make a move.
The rings on its body glow when it leaps
to attack."
197,9,9,"UMBREON evolved from exposure to the
moons energy pulses. It lurks in darkness
and waits for its foes to move. The rings
on its body glow when it leaps to attack."
197,10,9,"When darkness falls, the rings on its body
begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts
of anyone nearby."
197,11,9,"When agitated, this POKéMON protects
itself by spraying poisonous sweat from its
197,12,9,"The light of the moon changed
EEVEEs genetic structure. It
lurks in darkness for prey."
197,13,9,"The light of the moon changed
EEVEEs genetic structure. It
lurks in darkness for prey."
197,14,9,"When exposed to the moons aura,
the rings on its body glow faintly
and it gains a mysterious power."
197,15,9,"When agitated, this Pokémon
protects itself by spraying
poisonous sweat from its pores."
197,16,9,"When darkness falls, the rings
on the body begin to glow, striking
fear in the hearts of anyone nearby."
197,17,5,"Quand il sexpose à la lumière de la
lune, ses anneaux brillent et il
obtient un mystérieux pouvoir."
197,17,9,"When exposed to the moons aura,
the rings on its body glow faintly
and it gains a mysterious power."
197,18,5,"Quand il sexpose à la lumière de la
lune, ses anneaux brillent et il
obtient un mystérieux pouvoir."
197,18,9,"When exposed to the moons aura,
the rings on its body glow faintly
and it gains a mysterious power."
197,21,9,"When exposed to the moons aura,
the rings on its body glow faintly
and its filled with a mysterious power."
197,22,9,"When exposed to the moons aura,
the rings on its body glow faintly
and its filled with a mysterious power."
197,23,1,"つきの ひかりが イーブイの
いでんしを へんかさせた。
やみに ひそみ えものを まつ。"
197,23,3,"달빛이 이브이의
유전자를 변화시켰다.
어둠에 숨어 먹이를 기다린다."
197,23,5,"La lumière de la lune a modifié le code génétique
dÉvoli. Il hante les ombres en quête dune proie."
197,23,6,"Mondlicht hat die genetische Struktur von Evoli
verändert. Im Dunkeln wartet es auf Beute."
197,23,7,"Creado cuando la luz lunar alteró la estructura
genética de Eevee. Busca presas en la oscuridad."
197,23,8,"La luce lunare ha mutato la struttura genetica di
Eevee. Si cela nel buio in attesa della preda."
197,23,9,"The light of the moon changed Eevees genetic
structure. It lurks in darkness for prey."
197,23,11,"月の 光が イーブイの
遺伝子を 変化させた。
闇に 潜み 獲物を 待つ。"
197,24,1,"つきの はどうを あびると
ぜんしんの わっかもようが ひかり
ふしぎな ちからに あふれるのだ。"
197,24,3,"달의 파동을 쬐면
전신의 고리 모양이 빛나며
이상한 힘이 넘친다."
197,24,5,"Quand il sexpose à la lumière de la lune, ses anneaux
brillent et il développe de mystérieux pouvoirs."
197,24,6,"Wird es der Aura des Mondes ausgesetzt,
glühen seine Ringe und es wird von einer
mysteriösen Kraft durchströmt."
197,24,7,"Cuando lo baña la luz de la luna, los círculos de su
pelaje brillan levemente y se ve revestido de un poder
197,24,8,"Quando è esposto alla luce lunare i cerchi sul suo
corpo brillano e si carica di uno strano potere."
197,24,9,"When exposed to the moons aura, the rings on its
body glow faintly and its filled with a
mysterious power."
197,24,11,"月の 波動を 浴びると
全身の 輪っか模様が 光り
不思議な 力に あふれるのだ。"
197,25,1,"つきの はどうを うけて しんかした ポケモン。
くらやみに じっと ひそみ あいてを うかがう。
おそいかかる とき からだの わっかが ひかる。"
197,25,3,"달의 파동을 받아 진화한 포켓몬이다.
어둠 속에 가만히 숨어 상대를 살핀다.
습격할 때 몸의 둥근 무늬가 빛난다."
197,25,5,"Noctali a évolué suite à une longue exposition aux rayons
lunaires. Il se cache dans les recoins sombres et attend
patiemment le passage de ses ennemis. Les anneaux sur
son corps silluminent au moment où il bondit."
197,25,6,"Nachtara hat sich dadurch entwickelt, dass es den Mondwellen
ausgesetzt war. Es versteckt sich im Schutze der Dunkelheit
und wartet darauf, dass sich ein Feind bewegt. Die Ringe an
seinem Körper leuchten auf, wenn es angreift."
197,25,7,"Umbreon evolucionó tras haber estado expuesto a ondas
lunares. Suele esconderse en la oscuridad en silencio y
esperar a que su presa se mueva. Cuando se lanza al ataque,
le brillan los anillos del cuerpo."
197,25,8,"Umbreon si è evoluto grazie allesposizione alle onde lunari.
Rimane nascosto silenzioso nelloscurità in attesa di un
movimento del suo nemico. I cerchi sul corpo brillano
durante lattacco."
197,25,9,"Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moons waves.
It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a
move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack."
197,25,11,"月の 波動を 受けて 進化した ポケモン。
暗闇に じっと 潜み 相手を うかがう。
襲いかかる とき 体の 輪っかが 光る。"
197,26,1,"つきの はどうを うけて しんかした ポケモン。
くらやみに じっと ひそみ あいてを うかがう。
おそいかかる とき からだの わっかが ひかる。"
197,26,3,"달의 파동을 받아 진화한 포켓몬이다.
어둠 속에 가만히 숨어 상대를 살핀다.
습격할 때 몸의 둥근 무늬가 빛난다."
197,26,5,"Noctali a évolué suite à une longue exposition aux rayons
lunaires. Il se cache dans les recoins sombres et attend
patiemment le passage de ses ennemis. Les anneaux sur
son corps silluminent au moment où il bondit."
197,26,6,"Nachtara hat sich dadurch entwickelt, dass es den Mondwellen
ausgesetzt war. Es versteckt sich im Schutze der Dunkelheit
und wartet darauf, dass sich ein Feind bewegt. Die Ringe an
seinem Körper leuchten auf, wenn es angreift."
197,26,7,"Umbreon evolucionó tras haber estado expuesto a ondas
lunares. Suele esconderse en la oscuridad en silencio y
esperar a que su presa se mueva. Cuando se lanza al ataque,
le brillan los anillos del cuerpo."
197,26,8,"Umbreon si è evoluto grazie allesposizione alle onde lunari.
Rimane nascosto silenzioso nelloscurità in attesa di un
movimento del suo nemico. I cerchi sul corpo brillano
durante lattacco."
197,26,9,"Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moons waves.
It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a
move. The rings on its body glow when it leaps to attack."
197,26,11,"月の 波動を 受けて 進化した ポケモン。
暗闇に じっと 潜み 相手を うかがう。
襲いかかる とき 体の 輪っかが 光る。"
197,27,1,"おこると ぜんしんの けあなから
どくその まじった あせを ふきだし
あいての めを ねらう。"
197,27,3,"화가 나면 전신의 모공으로부터
독소가 섞인 땀을 뿜어내어
상대의 눈을 노린다."
197,27,5,"Quand il sénerve, ses pores sécrètent une
sueur empoisonnée quil envoie dans les yeux
de ses ennemis."
197,27,6,"Ist es wütend, feuert es tödlichen Giftschweiß
aus all seinen Poren auf die Augen seines
Gegners ab."
197,27,7,"Cuando se enfurece, secreta un sudor venenoso
por los poros que lanza a los ojos de sus
197,27,8,"Quando si arrabbia, spruzza dai pori un
sudore velenoso direttamente sugli occhi
del nemico."
197,27,9,"When this Pokémon becomes angry, its pores
secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at
its opponents eyes."
197,27,11,"怒ると 全身の 毛穴から
毒素の 混じった 汗を 吹き出し
相手の 目を 狙う。"
197,28,1,"やみに とけこむ くろい たいもう。
じっと えものの スキを うかがい
のどぶえ めがけて くいかかる。"
197,28,3,"어둠에 녹아드는 검은 털.
가만히 먹이의 틈을 살피며
숨통을 노리고 덤벼든다."
197,28,5,"Son pelage noir lui permet de se fondre dans
la nuit. Il attend que sa proie baisse sa garde
pour lattaquer en visant la gorge."
197,28,6,"Sein schwarzes Fell verschmilzt mit der Nacht.
Es lauert seiner Beute geduldig auf und beißt
ihr bei erster Gelegenheit die Kehle durch."
197,28,7,"Su pelaje le permite camuflarse en la oscuridad,
donde espera con paciencia a que su presa se
distraiga para saltarle al cuello."
197,28,8,"Si nasconde nelloscurità grazie al colore del
suo pelo. Quando meno se laspetta, assale
la preda puntando alla gola."
197,28,9,"With its black fur, it blends into the darkness.
It bides its time, and when prey appears, this
Pokémon goes for its throat, and then eats it."
197,28,11,"闇に 溶け込む 黒い 体毛。
じっと 獲物の 隙を うかがい
喉笛 目掛けて 喰いかかる。"
197,29,1,"やこうせいの ポケモン。 おおきな
ひとみは まっくらやみでも えものの
すがたを ハッキリと とらえるぞ。"
197,29,3,"야행성 포켓몬. 큰 눈동자는
칠흑 같은 어둠에서도 먹이의
모습을 정확하게 찾아낸다."
197,29,5,"Les larges pupilles de ce Pokémon nocturne
lui permettent de distinguer parfaitement ses
proies même dans lobscurité la plus profonde."
197,29,6,"Die Pupillen dieses nachtaktiven Pokémon sind
groß genug, um auch in der schwärzesten Nacht
noch seine Beute deutlich erkennen zu können."
197,29,7,"Un Pokémon de hábitos nocturnos. Sus grandes
pupilas le permiten distinguir con total claridad
a sus presas en la más densa oscuridad."
197,29,8,"È un Pokémon notturno. Le sue grandi pupille
gli permettono di vedere chiaramente le prede
anche nelloscurità più profonda."
197,29,9,"This Pokémon is nocturnal. Even in total
darkness, its large eyes can spot its
prey clearly!"
197,29,11,"夜行性の ポケモン。 大きな
瞳は 真っ暗闇でも 獲物の
姿を ハッキリと とらえるぞ。"
197,30,1,"やみよに ひそみ えものを ねらう。
おそいかかる しゅんかん からだの
わっかが にぶく あやしく ひかる。"
197,30,3,"어둠 속에 숨어 먹이를 노린다.
습격하는 순간 몸의 둥근 무늬가
희미하고 이상하게 빛난다."
197,30,5,"Il se cache dans la pénombre pour chasser.
Les anneaux sur son corps brillent dune aura
lugubre quand il passe à lattaque."
197,30,6,"Es lauert seiner Beute im Schutz der Dunkelheit
auf. Greift es an, erzeugen die Ringe an seinem
Körper ein schwaches, ominöses Leuchten."
197,30,7,"Acecha a sus presas al amparo de la oscuridad.
Sus círculos emiten un brillo ominoso cuando se
dispone a saltar al ataque."
197,30,8,"Resta nascosto nelloscurità in attesa della
preda. Nellistante in cui attacca, i cerchi che ha
sul corpo brillano di una fioca luce misteriosa."
197,30,9,"It lurks in the dark of night looking for prey.
At the moment it pounces, the rings on its
body glow dimly but ominously."
197,30,11,"闇夜に 潜み 獲物を 狙う。
襲いかかる 瞬間 身体の
輪っかが 鈍く あやしく 光る。"
197,33,1,"おこると ぜんしんの けあなから
どくその まじった あせを ふきだし
あいての めを ねらう。"
197,33,3,"화가 나면 전신의 모공으로부터
독소가 섞인 땀을 뿜어내어
상대의 눈을 노린다."
197,33,5,"Quand il sénerve, ses pores sécrètent une sueur
empoisonnée quil projette dans les yeux
de ses ennemis."
197,33,6,"Ist es wütend, feuert es giftigen Schweiß aus all
seinen Poren auf die Augen seines Gegners ab."
197,33,7,"Cuando se enfurece, secreta un sudor venenoso
por los poros que lanza a los ojos de sus
197,33,8,"Quando si arrabbia, spruzza dai pori un sudore
velenoso mirando agli occhi del suo avversario."
197,33,9,"When this Pokémon becomes angry, its pores
secrete a poisonous sweat, which it sprays at
its opponents eyes."
197,33,11,"怒ると 全身の 毛穴から
毒素の 混じった 汗を 噴き出し
相手の 目を 狙う。"
197,34,1,"まんげつの よるや こうふん
したとき ぜんしんの わっかもようは
きいろく ひかる。"
197,34,3,"보름달이 뜬 밤이나 흥분했을 때
전신의 고리 무늬가
노랗게 빛난다."
197,34,5,"Les nuits de pleine lune, ou sil est agité,
les anneaux sur sa peau se mettent à briller."
197,34,6,"Bei Vollmond oder bei Aufregung leuchten die
ringförmigen Muster auf seinem Körper gelb auf."
197,34,7,"En las noches de luna llena, o cuando se exalta,
le empiezan a brillar los anillos de color dorado."
197,34,8,"I cerchi sul corpo emettono un bagliore giallo
quando è agitato o nelle notti di luna piena."
197,34,9,"On the night of a full moon, or when it gets
excited, the ring patterns on its body glow yellow."
197,34,11,"満月の 夜や 興奮
したとき 全身の 輪っか模様は
黄色く 光る。"
198,4,9,"Feared and loathed
by many, it is
believed to bringmisfortune to all
those who see it
at night."
198,5,9,"It is said that
when chased, it
lures its attackeronto dark mountain
trails where the
foe will get lost."
198,6,9,"It hides any shiny
object it finds in
a secret location.MURKROW and
MEOWTH loot one
another's stashes."
198,7,9,"MURKROW was feared and loathed as the
alleged bearer of ill fortune.
This POKéMON shows strong interest inanything that sparkles or glitters.
It will even try to steal rings from
198,8,9,"MURKROW was feared and loathed as the
alleged bearer of ill fortune.
This POKéMON shows strong interest inanything that sparkles or glitters.
It will even try to steal rings from
198,9,9,"MURKROW were feared as the alleged
bearers of ill fortune. It shows strong
interest in anything that sparkles. It will
even try to steal rings from women."
198,10,9,"It is said that when chased, it lures its
attacker onto dark mountain trails where
the foe will get lost."
198,11,9,"Feared and loathed by many, it is
believed to bring misfortune to all those
who see it at night."
198,12,9,"It is believed that seeing this
Pokémon at night will bring
about ominous occurrences."
198,13,9,"It appears near travelers to lure
them into deep forests. It is said
to carry misfortune."
198,14,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary
person into chasing it, then lose
the pursuer on mountain trails."
198,15,9,"Feared and loathed by many,
it is believed to bring misfortune to
all those who see it at night."
198,16,9,"It is said that when chased, it
lures its attacker onto dark mountain
trails where the foe will get lost."
198,17,5,"Quand il est en danger, il tente de
semer ses poursuivants dans les
chemins montagneux."
198,17,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary
person into chasing it, then lose
the pursuer on mountain trails."
198,18,5,"Quand il est en danger, il tente de
semer ses poursuivants dans les
chemins montagneux."
198,18,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary
person into chasing it, then lose
the pursuer on mountain trails."
198,21,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary
person into chasing it then lose
the pursuer on mountain trails."
198,22,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary
person into chasing it then lose
the pursuer on mountain trails."
198,23,1,"かがやく ものを ひろっては
ひみつの ばしょに かくしておく。
よく ニャースと うばいあいになる。"
198,23,3,"반짝이는 물건을 주워
비밀 장소에 숨겨 둔다.
나옹과 자주 쟁탈전을 벌인다."
198,23,5,"Il vole tous les objets brillants quil voit. Les Cornèbre
et les Miaouss se volent mutuellement."
198,23,6,"Es versteckt jeden schimmernden Gegenstand.
Kramurx und Mauzi rauben sich gegenseitig die Beute."
198,23,7,"Esconde objetos brillantes en un lugar secreto.
Meowth y Murkrow suelen saquear su escondite."
198,23,8,"Nasconde in un luogo segreto ogni oggetto che
trova. Murkrow e Meowth si derubano tra di loro."
198,23,9,"It hides any shiny object it finds in a secret
location. Murkrow and Meowth loot one
anothers stashes."
198,23,11,"輝く 物を 拾っては
秘密の 場所に 隠しておく。
よく ニャースと 奪い合いになる。"
198,24,1,"よる すがたを みかけると
ふきつなことが おきると しんじられ
いみきらわれている ポケモン。"
198,24,3,"밤에 모습을 발견하면
불길한 일이 생긴다고 여겨져
몹시 미움받는 포켓몬이다."
198,24,5,"Craint et peu aimé, il paraît quil porte malheur à ceux
qui croisent son chemin la nuit."
198,24,6,"Viele verabscheuen und hassen es, da sie glauben,
es bringe Verderben, wenn sie ihm nachts begegnen."
198,24,7,"Temido y odiado por muchos, dicen que trae la
desgracia a todos aquellos que lo ven por la noche."
198,24,8,"Molti lo temono e lo detestano credendo che porti
sfortuna a coloro che lo vedono di notte."
198,24,9,"Feared and loathed by many, it is believed to bring
misfortune to all those who see it at night."
198,24,11,"夜 姿を 見かけると
不吉なことが 起きると 信じられ
忌み嫌われている ポケモン。"
198,25,1,"ふこうを はこぶと いわれ おそれられていた。
キラキラ ひかる ものに きょうみを しめし
じょせいの ゆびわを とっていこうとする。"
198,25,3,"불행을 가져온다고 하여 두려움의 대상이었다.
반짝반짝 빛나는 것에 흥미를 보이며
여성의 반지를 가져가려 한다."
198,25,5,"Jadis, Cornèbre était craint et détesté, car on disait
quil portait malheur. Ce Pokémon est attiré par tout
ce qui brille. Parfois, il essaie de voler les bagues
des filles."
198,25,6,"Kramurx wurde als vermeintlicher Überbringer des Unheils
verabscheut und gefürchtet. Dieses Pokémon hat ein großes
Interesse an allem, was funkelt und glitzert. Es stiehlt auch
Ringe von Frauen."
198,25,7,"Murkrow ha sido temido y repudiado por todos por ser
supuestamente fuente de mala suerte. Este Pokémon siente
debilidad por todo lo que brilla y resplandece. A las mujeres
les roba los anillos."
198,25,8,"Murkrow era temuto e disprezzato poiché si pensava
portasse sfortuna. Questo Pokémon mostra un vivo interesse
per tutto ciò che luccica e brilla. Arriva persino a tentare di
rubare gli anelli alle signore."
198,25,9,"Murkrow was feared and loathed as the alleged bearer of ill
fortune. This Pokémon shows strong interest in anything that
sparkles or glitters. It will even try to steal rings from women."
198,25,11,"不幸を 運ぶと いわれ 恐れられていた。
キラキラ 光る ものに 興味を 示し
女性の 指輪を 取っていこうとする。"
198,26,1,"ふこうを はこぶと いわれ おそれられていた。
キラキラ ひかる ものに きょうみを しめし
じょせいの ゆびわを とっていこうとする。"
198,26,3,"불행을 가져온다고 하여 두려움의 대상이었다.
반짝반짝 빛나는 것에 흥미를 보이며
여성의 반지를 가져가려 한다."
198,26,5,"Jadis, Cornèbre était craint et détesté, car on disait
quil portait malheur. Ce Pokémon est attiré par tout
ce qui brille. Parfois, il essaie de voler les bagues
des filles."
198,26,6,"Kramurx wurde als vermeintlicher Überbringer des Unheils
verabscheut und gefürchtet. Dieses Pokémon hat ein großes
Interesse an allem, was funkelt und glitzert. Es stiehlt auch
Ringe von Frauen."
198,26,7,"Murkrow ha sido temido y repudiado por todos por ser
supuestamente fuente de mala suerte. Este Pokémon siente
debilidad por todo lo que brilla y resplandece. A las mujeres
les roba los anillos."
198,26,8,"Murkrow era temuto e disprezzato poiché si pensava
portasse sfortuna. Questo Pokémon mostra un vivo interesse
per tutto ciò che luccica e brilla. Arriva persino a tentare di
rubare gli anelli alle signore."
198,26,9,"Murkrow was feared and loathed as the alleged bearer of ill
fortune. This Pokémon shows strong interest in anything that
sparkles or glitters. It will even try to steal rings from women."
198,26,11,"不幸を 運ぶと いわれ 恐れられていた。
キラキラ 光る ものに 興味を 示し
女性の 指輪を 取っていこうとする。"
198,27,1,"ひぐれに めざめ ゆうやみを とぶ。
ヤミカラスが とぶまでに いえに
かえれ という ことわざも あるぞ。"
198,27,3,"해가 지면 일어나 저녁 하늘을 난다.
니로우가 날기 전에 집에
돌아가라는 속담도 있다."
也有所謂 「黑暗鴉出巢,
快點回家吧」 的俗語。"
198,27,5,"Il séveille au crépuscule et prend son envol à
la nuit tombée. Un proverbe local conseille de
rentrer chez soi avant lenvol du Cornèbre."
198,27,6,"Es wacht bei Dämmerung auf und fliegt durch
die Nacht. Daher das Sprichwort: „Flugs nach
Haus, mein Kind, wenn Kramurx am Himmel sind!“"
198,27,7,"Se despierta al ponerse el sol y vuela toda la
noche. Por eso, un viejo refrán aconseja volver
a casa antes de que Murkrow levante el vuelo."
198,27,8,"Si sveglia al tramonto e vola nella notte buia.
Un vecchio proverbio consiglia di tornare a casa
prima che Murkrow si alzi in volo."
198,27,9,"They awaken at dusk and take wing in the
twilight, leading to the expression,
“Get home before the Murkrow fly.”"
198,27,11,"日暮れに 目覚め 夕闇を 飛ぶ。
ヤミカラスが 飛ぶまでに 家に
帰れ という ことわざも あるぞ。"
198,28,1,"ふきつの あかしと きらわれるが
なかよしの トレーナーには キラキラ
ひかるものを プレゼントするよ。"
198,28,3,"불길의 상징으로 미움받지만
사이 좋은 트레이너에게는 반짝반짝
빛나는 물건을 선물한다."
198,28,5,"Les gens voient en lui un oiseau de malheur,
mais il offre des choses brillantes aux
Dresseurs dont il devient lami."
198,28,6,"Es ist als Unglücksbringer verschrien, aber wenn
es sich mit seinem Trainer gut versteht, schenkt
es ihm allerlei funkelnde und glitzernde Objekte."
198,28,7,"Es odiado por muchos, pues se dice que atrae
la desgracia. Si se lleva bien con su Entrenador,
lo obsequiará con objetos brillantes."
198,28,8,"Molti lo detestano credendo che porti sfortuna.
Se si affeziona al suo Allenatore, gli porta in
regalo oggetti luccicanti."
198,28,9,"Seen as a symbol of bad luck, its generally
disliked. Yet it gives presents—objects that
sparkle or shine—to Trainers its close to."
198,28,11,"不吉の 証と 嫌われるが
仲良しの トレーナーには キラキラ
光るものを プレゼントするよ。"
198,29,1,"ひかるものに めがない。 おたからを
もとめて ほうせきを ためこむ
ガバイトの すに しのびこむことも。"
198,29,3,"반짝이는 것을 매우 좋아한다.
보물을 찾아 보석을 모으는
한바이트 둥지에 몰래 들어가기도 한다."
198,29,5,"Il est fasciné par tout ce qui brille. Son
obsession pour les trésors est telle quil va
jusquà fouiller les nids des Carmache."
198,29,6,"Es hat eine Schwäche für glitzernde Objekte.
Hin und wieder schleicht es sich, in Erwartung
schillernder Schätze, ins Nest von Knarksel."
198,29,7,"Le gustan los objetos brillantes. Su fascinación
por todo cuanto reluce lo lleva a buscar tesoros
incluso en los nidos de Gabite."
198,29,8,"Adora gli oggetti luccicanti. La sua brama di
tesori lo porta a infiltrarsi nelle tane dei Gabite
per rubare le pietre preziose che custodiscono."
198,29,9,"It has a weakness for shiny things. Its been
known to sneak into the nests of Gabite—noted
collectors of jewels—in search of treasure."
198,29,11,"光るものに 目が ない。 お宝を
求めて 宝石を ため込む
ガバイトの 巣に 忍び込むことも。"
198,30,1,"ボスのために キラキラ ひかるものを
さがしている。 ふきつな そんざいと
いわれ いみきらう ひとも おおい。"
198,30,3,"보스를 위해 반짝반짝 빛나는 것을
찾고 있다. 불길한 존재로 여겨
몹시 싫어하는 사람도 많다."
198,30,5,"Il cherche des objets brillants pour son chef.
Sa réputation doiseau de mauvais augure lui
vaut la haine de nombreuses personnes."
198,30,6,"Für seinen Chef geht es auf die Jagd nach
glitzernden Objekten. Von vielen Menschen wird
es als Überbringer des Unheils verabscheut."
198,30,7,"Busca objetos brillantes para su patrón. No
cuenta con muchas simpatías, pues la gente lo
considera ave de mal agüero."
198,30,8,"Va in cerca di oggetti luccicanti per il suo capo.
Molti lo temono e lo detestano credendo che
porti sfortuna."
198,30,9,"It searches for shiny things for its boss.
Murkrows presence is said to be unlucky, so
many people detest it."
198,30,11,"ボスのために キラキラ 光るものを
探している。 不吉な 存在と
いわれ 忌み嫌う 人も 多い。"
199,4,9,"It has incredible
intellect and in­
tuition. Whateverthe situation, it
remains calm and
199,5,9,"When its head was
bitten, toxins
entered SLOWPOKE'shead and unlocked
an extraordinary
199,6,9,"Every time it ya­
injects more poi­son into it. The
poison makes it
more intelligent."
199,7,9,"SLOWKING undertakes research every
day in an effort to solve the mysteries
of the world.However, this POKéMON apparently
forgets everything it has learned if
the SHELLDER on its head comes off."
199,8,9,"SLOWKING undertakes research every
day in an effort to solve the mysteries
of the world.However, this POKéMON apparently
forgets everything it has learned if
the SHELLDER on its head comes off."
199,9,9,"It undertakes research every day to
solve the mysteries of the world.
However, it apparently forgets everything
if the SHELLDER on its head comes off."
199,10,9,"When its head was bitten, toxins entered
SLOWPOKEs head and unlocked an
extraordinary power."
199,11,9,"It has incredible intellect and intuition.
Whatever the situation, it remains calm
and collected."
199,12,9,"Being bitten by SHELLDER gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,13,9,"Being bitten by SHELLDER gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,14,9,"Being bitten by SHELLDER gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,15,9,"It has incredible intellect and
intuition. Whatever the situation,
it remains calm and collected."
199,16,9,"When its head was bitten, toxins
entered SLOWPOKEs head and unlocked
an extraordinary power."
199,17,5,"La morsure de Kokiyas a fait de lui
un génie dont lintelligence rivalise
avec celle dun prix Nobel."
199,17,9,"Being bitten by Shellder gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,18,5,"La morsure de Kokiyas a fait de lui
un génie dont lintelligence rivalise
avec celle dun prix Nobel."
199,18,9,"Being bitten by Shellder gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,21,9,"Being bitten by Shellder gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,22,9,"Being bitten by Shellder gave it
intelligence comparable to that of
award-winning scientists."
199,23,1,"すごい ちせいと ひらめきを
もっている。どんなときでも あわてず
さわがず のんびりとしている。"
199,23,3,"대단한 지성과 번뜩이는 재치를
가지고 있다. 어떤 때라도 당황하거나
소란 피우지 않고 느긋하게 있다."
199,23,5,"Dune grande intelligence, il sait rester calme, même
en situation stressante."
199,23,6,"Sein feines Gespür und Intellekt zeichnen es aus.
Es bleibt in jeder Situation gelassen und besonnen."
199,23,7,"Su intelecto e intuición son increíbles. No pierde la
compostura en ninguna situación."
199,23,8,"Dotato di incredibile intelligenza e intuito, sa restare
calmo e padrone di sé in ogni situazione."
199,23,9,"It has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever
the situation, it remains calm and collected."
199,23,11,"すごい 知性と ひらめきを
持っている。どんなときでも あわてず
騒がず のんびりとしている。"
199,24,1,"かまれたとき あたまに しみこんだ
どくそに よって ただならない
のうりょくに めざめた ヤドン。"
199,24,3,"물렸을 때 머리에 깊게 스며든
독소에 의해 심상치 않은
능력에 눈을 뜬 야돈이다."
199,24,5,"Une fois sa tête mordue, des toxines ont envahi
Ramoloss et lui ont conféré des pouvoirs immenses."
199,24,6,"Als Flegmon in den Kopf gebissen wurde, floss Gift
in seinen Kopf und setzte eine gewaltige Kraft frei."
199,24,7,"Al ser mordido en la cabeza, Slowpoke absorbió unas
toxinas que liberaron su oculto poder."
199,24,8,"Quando la testa di Slowpoke fu morsa, vi penetrarono
delle tossine che produssero un enorme potere."
199,24,9,"When its head was bitten, toxins entered
Slowpokes head and unlocked an
extraordinary power."
199,24,11,"かまれたとき 頭に 染みこんだ
毒素に よって ただならない
能力に 目覚めた ヤドン。"
199,25,1,"せかいの ふしぎを かいめい するため まいにち
けんきゅう しているが あたまの シェルダーが
はずれると ぜんぶ わすれてしまう らしい。"
199,25,3,"세계의 불가사의를 밝혀내기 위해 매일
연구하고 있지만 머리에 있는 셀러가
벗겨지면 전부 잊어버리는 것 같다."
199,25,5,"Tous les jours, Roigada entreprend des recherches pour
résoudre les mystères du monde. Cependant, ce Pokémon
oublie tout ce quil a appris si le Kokiyas qui se trouve
sur sa tête sen va."
199,25,6,"Laschoking betreibt jeden Tag Forschung, um die Geheimnisse
der Welt zu lüften. Dieses Pokémon vergisst aber alles, was es
bereits herausgefunden hat, wenn das Muschas auf seinem
Kopf abfällt."
199,25,7,"Slowking dedica cada día tiempo a investigar, en un intento
por resolver los misterios del mundo. Aunque, según parece,
a este Pokémon se le olvida todo lo que ha aprendido si se
separa del Shellder que lleva en la cabeza."
199,25,8,"Ogni giorno Slowking cerca di comprendere e svelare i misteri
del mondo. Tuttavia, pare che questo Pokémon dimentichi
tutto ciò che ha imparato se perde lo Shellder che ha
sul capo."
199,25,9,"Slowking undertakes research every day in an effort to solve
the mysteries of the world. However, this Pokémon apparently
forgets everything it has learned if the Shellder on its head
comes off."
199,25,11,"世界の 不思議を 解明 するため 毎日
研究 しているが 頭の シェルダーが
外れると 全部 忘れてしまう らしい。"
199,26,1,"せかいの ふしぎを かいめい するため まいにち
けんきゅう しているが あたまの シェルダーが
はずれると ぜんぶ わすれてしまう らしい。"
199,26,3,"세계의 불가사의를 밝혀내기 위해 매일
연구하고 있지만 머리에 있는 셀러가
벗겨지면 전부 잊어버리는 것 같다."
199,26,5,"Tous les jours, Roigada entreprend des recherches pour
résoudre les mystères du monde. Cependant, ce Pokémon
oublie tout ce quil a appris si le Kokiyas qui se trouve
sur sa tête sen va."
199,26,6,"Laschoking betreibt jeden Tag Forschung, um die Geheimnisse
der Welt zu lüften. Dieses Pokémon vergisst aber alles, was es
bereits herausgefunden hat, wenn das Muschas auf seinem
Kopf abfällt."
199,26,7,"Slowking dedica cada día tiempo a investigar, en un intento
por resolver los misterios del mundo. Aunque, según parece,
a este Pokémon se le olvida todo lo que ha aprendido si se
separa del Shellder que lleva en la cabeza."
199,26,8,"Ogni giorno Slowking cerca di comprendere e svelare i misteri
del mondo. Tuttavia, pare che questo Pokémon dimentichi
tutto ciò che ha imparato se perde lo Shellder che ha
sul capo."
199,26,9,"Slowking undertakes research every day in an effort to solve
the mysteries of the world. However, this Pokémon apparently
forgets everything it has learned if the Shellder on its head
comes off."
199,26,11,"世界の 不思議を 解明 するため 毎日
研究 しているが 頭の シェルダーが
外れると 全部 忘れてしまう らしい。"
199,27,1,"かまれた どくその えいきょうで
てんさいてき ずのうの もちぬしに。
サイコパワーを じざいに あやつる。"
199,27,3,"물린 독소의 영향으로
천재적인 두뇌를 가지게 되었다.
사이코 파워를 자유자재로 다룬다."
199,27,5,"Les toxines injectées dans son corps quand
il sest fait mordre ont fait de lui un génie.
Ses pouvoirs psy ont été grandement amplifiés."
199,27,6,"Durch einen giftigen Biss wurde es zu einer
wahren Intelligenzbestie. Es verfügt über
199,27,7,"El veneno de Shellder le confiere una inteligencia
brillante. Puede utilizar sus poderes psíquicos
con gran destreza."
199,27,8,"Il morso velenoso di Shellder gli ha conferito
unintelligenza straordinaria. È in grado di usare
i suoi poteri psichici con grande maestria."
199,27,9,"A poisonous bite reacted with its system,
blessing it with the enhanced intellect of a
genius. It has full control of its psychic powers."
199,27,11,"噛まれた 毒素の 影響で
天才的 頭脳の 持ち主に。
サイコパワーを 自在に 操る。"
199,28,1,"まよったら ヤドキングにきけ という
ことわざが のこる ちいきも あるほど
かしこいことで ゆうめい なのだ。"
199,28,3,"갈피를 못 잡을 때는 야도킹에게 물어보라는
속담이 남아있는 지역도 있을 정도로
똑똑한 것으로 유명하다."
199,28,5,"Il est tellement intelligent quil existe un
proverbe dans certaines régions qui dit :
«Si tu ne sais pas, demande au Roigada. »"
199,28,6,"Es ist so berühmt für seine Intelligenz, dass
sich vielerorts das Sprichwort „Nicht verzagen,
Laschoking fragen!“ durchgesetzt hat."
199,28,7,"Es muy famoso por su inteligencia y, en algunas
regiones, hasta tienen un refrán que dice:
“En caso de duda, pregúntale a Slowking”."
199,28,8,"È famoso per la sua grande intelligenza.
In alcune regioni si dice comunemente:
“Nel dubbio, chiedi a Slowking”."
199,28,9,"This Pokémon is so famed for its intellect that a
proverb still persists in some regions: “When in
doubt, ask Slowking.”"
199,28,11,"迷ったら ヤドキングに聞け という
ことわざが 残る 地域も あるほど
賢いことで 有名 なのだ。"
199,29,1,"あたまの なかでは つねに せかいを
かえるような アイデアが わきだして
いるが ひらめくはじから わすれる。"
199,29,3,"머릿속으로는 항상 세계를 바꿀
정도의 아이디어가 넘쳐 흐르지만
번뜩이는 순간 잊어버린다."
199,29,5,"Il trouve tout le temps des idées formidables
qui pourraient changer le monde, mais il les
oublie dans la foulée."
199,29,6,"In seinem Kopf kommen ihm ständig große Ideen,
die die Welt verändern könnten. Leider vergisst
es sie jedoch viel zu schnell wieder."
199,29,7,"A menudo se le ocurren ideas geniales que
cambiarían el mundo, pero tan pronto como las
tiene se le olvidan."
199,29,8,"Ha sempre un sacco di idee che potrebbero
cambiare il mondo, ma le dimentica un attimo
dopo che gli sono venute in mente."
199,29,9,"Its constantly coming up with new ideas that
would change the world, but as soon as it
hits upon a new idea, it forgets it."
199,29,11,"頭の 中では 常に 世界を
変えるような アイデアが わきだして
いるが ひらめく端から 忘れる。"
199,30,1,"うみの けんじゃと よばれる。
ヤレユータンと ちえくらべを するが
けっかは だいたい ひきわけ。"
199,30,3,"바다의 현자라고 불린다.
하랑우탄과 지혜를 겨루지만
결과는 대체로 무승부다."
199,30,5,"On lappelle «le Grand Sage des mers».
Ses fréquents concours dintelligence avec
Gouroutan se terminent souvent par une égalité."
199,30,6,"Man nennt es auch den „Weisen des Meeres“.
Es liefert sich mit Kommandutan epische
Quiz-Duelle, die zumeist im Gleichstand enden."
199,30,7,"Lo llaman el Sabio del Mar. Disfruta librando
duelos de inteligencia con Oranguru que suelen
terminar en tablas."
199,30,8,"È chiamato “il saggio del mare”. Rivaleggia per
intelligenza con Oranguru e quasi sempre
le loro sfide finiscono in parità."
199,30,9,"Its called “the sage of the sea.” It engages in
battles of wits with Oranguru, but the result is
usually a draw."
199,30,11,"海の 賢者と 呼ばれる。
ヤレユータンと 知恵比べを するが
結果は だいたい 引き分け。"
199,33,1,"シェルダーの どくそが ヤドンの
のうみそを かけめぐり きせきてきに
ひめた ちのうを かくせいさせた。"
199,33,3,"셀러의 독소가 야돈의
뇌를 돌아다니면서 숨겨진 지능을
기적적으로 각성시켰다."
199,33,5,"Les toxines du Kokiyas ont imprégné le cerveau
du Ramoloss, réveillant en lui une intelligence
insoupçonnée, comme par miracle."
199,33,6,"Das Gift von Muschas drang in Flegmons Gehirn
ein und erweckte dabei wie durch ein Wunder
bisher verborgene Intelligenz in ihm."
199,33,7,"Las toxinas del Shellder impregnaron el cerebro
del anfitrión y despertaron el increíble intelecto
oculto que poseía Slowpoke."
199,33,8,"Le tossine secrete da Shellder sono entrate in
circolo nel cervello di Slowpoke con il prodigioso
risultato di risvegliare capacità intellettive latenti."
199,33,9,"Miraculously, this former Slowpokes latent
intelligence was drawn out when Shellder poison
raced through its brain."
199,33,11,"シェルダーの 毒素が ヤドンの
脳みそを 駆けめぐり 奇跡的に
秘めた 知能を 覚醒させた。"
199,34,1,"たずねれば どんな なんだいでも
かいけつしてくれるが ヤドキングの
ことばは だれも りかいできない。"
199,34,3,"아무리 어려운 문제를 물어봐도
모두 해결해주지만
그 누구도 야도킹의 말을 이해하지 못한다."
199,34,5,"Il est capable de résoudre tous les problèmes
quon lui présente, mais personne ne parvient
à comprendre ce quil dit."
199,34,6,"Bittet man es darum, löst es jedes noch so
schwere Problem für einen. Jedoch ist niemand in
der Lage, Laschokings Sprache zu verstehen."
199,34,7,"Es capaz de dar respuesta a cualquier cuestión
que se le formule, pero, por desgracia, nadie
logra descifrar una sola palabra de lo que dice."
199,34,8,"È in grado di risolvere qualsiasi problema
gli venga sottoposto, ma nessuno riesce a
comprendere le sue parole."
199,34,9,"Slowking can solve any problem presented to it,
but no one can understand a thing Slowking says."
199,34,11,"尋ねれば どんな 難題でも
解決してくれるが ヤドキングの
言葉は だれも 理解できない。"
200,4,9,"It likes playing
mischievous tricks
such as screamingand wailing to
startle people at
200,5,9,"It loves to bite
and yank people's
hair from behindwithout warning,
just to see their
shocked reactions."
200,6,9,"It loves to watch
people it's scar­
ed. It frightensthem by screaming
loudly or appear­
ing suddenly."
200,7,9,"MISDREAVUS frightens people with a
creepy, sobbing cry. The POKéMON
apparently uses its red spheres toabsorb the fearful feelings of foes and
turn them into nutrition."
200,8,9,"MISDREAVUS frightens people with a
creepy, sobbing cry. The POKéMON
apparently uses its red spheres toabsorb the fearful feelings of foes and
turn them into nutrition."
200,9,9,"A MISDREAVUS frightens people with a
creepy, sobbing cry. It apparently uses
its red spheres to absorb the fear of foes
as its nutrition."
200,10,9,"It loves to bite and yank peoples hair
from behind without warning, just to see
their shocked reactions."
200,11,9,"It likes playing mischievous tricks such as
screaming and wailing to startle people at
night. "
200,12,9,"It loves to sneak up on people
late at night, then startle them
with its shrieklike cry."
200,13,9,"It gets nourishment from fear
that it absorbs into its red orbs.
In daytime, it sleeps in darkness."
200,14,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in
the middle of the night. It gathers
fear as its energy."
200,15,9,"It likes playing mischievous tricks,
such as screaming and wailing to
startle people at night. "
200,16,9,"It loves to bite and yank peoples
hair from behind without warning,
just to see their shocked reactions."
200,17,5,"Il fait peur aux aventuriers en
pleine nuit et se nourrit de leur
200,17,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in
the middle of the night. It gathers
fear as its energy."
200,18,5,"Il fait peur aux aventuriers en
pleine nuit et se nourrit de leur
200,18,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in
the middle of the night. It gathers
fear as its energy."
200,21,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in
the middle of the night. It gathers
fear as its energy."
200,22,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in
the middle of the night. It gathers
fear as its energy."
200,23,1,"こわがる こころを あかい たまで
きゅうしゅうして えいようにする。
ひるまは くらがりで ねむっている。"
200,23,3,"무서워하는 마음을 빨간 구슬로
흡수해 영양분으로 만든다. 낮에는
어두운 곳에서 잠자고 있다."
200,23,5,"Il se nourrit de la peur absorbée par ses orbes rouges.
Il somnole à lombre en journée."
200,23,6,"Es nährt sich von der Angst anderer Wesen und
nimmt diese in roten Kugeln auf. Schläft am Tage."
200,23,7,"Se deleita con el miedo, que absorbe con sus esferas
rojas. Por el día, duerme en la oscuridad."
200,23,8,"Si nutre delle preoccupazioni che assorbe con le
sue sfere rosse. Di giorno dorme nelloscurità."
200,23,9,"It gets nourishment from fear that it absorbs into its
red orbs. In daytime, it sleeps in darkness."
200,23,11,"怖がる 心を 赤い 玉で
吸収して 栄養にする。
昼間は 暗がりで 眠っている。"
200,24,1,"よなかに ひとの なきさけぶような
なきごえを だして みんなを
おどろかせる いたずらずき。"
200,24,3,"밤중에 사람이 울부짖는
울음소리를 내어 모두를
놀라게 하는 장난꾸러기다."
200,24,5,"Il pousse des hurlements la nuit pour effrayer
les gens."
200,24,6,"Es liebt Streiche und erschreckt nachts Menschen,
indem es heult oder ihnen im Dunkeln auflauert."
200,24,7,"Le gusta hacer travesuras, como gritar y aullar por la
noche, para asustar a la gente."
200,24,8,"Si diverte a fare brutti scherzi, come gridare e
lamentarsi in piena notte spaventando la gente."
200,24,9,"It likes playing mischievous tricks, such as
screaming and wailing to startle people at night."
200,24,11,"夜中に 人の 泣き叫ぶような
鳴き声を 出して
みんなを 驚かせる いたずら好き。"
200,25,1,"すすりなく ような なきごえで こわがらせる。
あいての こわがる こころを あかい たまで
きゅうしゅうして えいように している らしい。"
200,25,3,"흐느껴 우는 듯한 울음소리로 겁을 준다.
상대의 두려워하는 마음을 빨간 구슬로
흡수하여 영양분으로 삼는 것 같다."
200,25,5,"Feuforêve effraie les gens en poussant un cri à faire froid
dans le dos, une sorte de lamentation. Ce Pokémon utilise
ses sphères rouges pour absorber les sentiments de terreur
de ses ennemis et sen nourrir."
200,25,6,"Traunfugil erschreckt Menschen mit einem markerschütternden
Schrei. Dieses Pokémon verwendet seine roten Kraftfelder
dazu, die Ängste seiner Feinde aufzunehmen und sie in
Nahrung umzuwandeln."
200,25,7,"Misdreavus asusta a la gente con un chillido escalofriante y
sollozante. Y, al parecer, usa las esferas rojas para absorber
los sentimientos de miedo de los enemigos y usarlos como
200,25,8,"Misdreavus terrorizza le persone con un singhiozzo
raccapricciante. Pare usi le sue sfere rosse per assorbire
la paura dei nemici e cibarsene."
200,25,9,"Misdreavus frightens people with a creepy, sobbing cry.
The Pokémon apparently uses its red spheres to absorb the
fearful feelings of foes and turn them into nutrition."
200,25,11,"すすり泣く ような 鳴き声で 怖がらせる。
相手の 怖がる 心を 赤い 玉で
吸収して 栄養に している らしい。"
200,26,1,"すすりなく ような なきごえで こわがらせる。
あいての こわがる こころを あかい たまで
きゅうしゅうして えいように している らしい。"
200,26,3,"흐느껴 우는 듯한 울음소리로 겁을 준다.
상대의 두려워하는 마음을 빨간 구슬로
흡수하여 영양분으로 삼는 것 같다."
200,26,5,"Feuforêve effraie les gens en poussant un cri à faire froid
dans le dos, une sorte de lamentation. Ce Pokémon utilise
ses sphères rouges pour absorber les sentiments de terreur
de ses ennemis et sen nourrir."
200,26,6,"Traunfugil erschreckt Menschen mit einem markerschütternden
Schrei. Dieses Pokémon verwendet seine roten Kraftfelder
dazu, die Ängste seiner Feinde aufzunehmen und sie in
Nahrung umzuwandeln."
200,26,7,"Misdreavus asusta a la gente con un chillido escalofriante y
sollozante. Y, al parecer, usa las esferas rojas para absorber
los sentimientos de miedo de los enemigos y usarlos como
200,26,8,"Misdreavus terrorizza le persone con un singhiozzo
raccapricciante. Pare usi le sue sfere rosse per assorbire
la paura dei nemici e cibarsene."
200,26,9,"Misdreavus frightens people with a creepy, sobbing cry.
The Pokémon apparently uses its red spheres to absorb the
fearful feelings of foes and turn them into nutrition."
200,26,11,"すすり泣く ような 鳴き声で 怖がらせる。
相手の 怖がる 心を 赤い 玉で
吸収して 栄養に している らしい。"
200,27,1,"あのて このてで ひとを おどろかし
せいめいエネルギーを すいとる。
おどろかす れんしゅうは かかさない。"
200,27,3,"온갖 방법으로 사람을 놀라게 해서
생명 에너지를 빨아들인다.
놀라게 하는 연습을 꾸준히 한다."
200,27,5,"Il ne recule devant rien pour effrayer les
humains et leur voler leur énergie vitale.
Pour cela, il sentraîne régulièrement à faire peur."
200,27,6,"Es lässt nichts unversucht, um Menschen
zu erschrecken und ihnen Lebensenergie
abzusaugen. Dafür übt es regelmäßig."
200,27,7,"Atemoriza a la gente de distintas formas y
absorbe su energía vital. Entrena todos los días
para no perder su toque terrorífico."
200,27,8,"Assorbe lenergia vitale degli esseri umani
terrorizzandoli. Si allena per cercare di essere
il più spaventoso possibile."
200,27,9,"It will use any means necessary to frighten
people and absorb their life energy. It practices
constantly to hone its skill in causing fear."
200,27,11,"あの手 この手で 人を 驚かし
生命エネルギーを 吸い取る。
驚かす 練習は 欠かさない。"
200,28,1,"だれもいない へやから すすりなく
ような こえが きこえたら それは
ムウマの イタズラに ちがいない。"
200,28,3,"아무도 없는 방에서 흐느껴 우는
듯한 소리가 들린다면 그것은
무우마의 장난임에 틀림없다."
200,28,5,"Si vous entendez des pleurs provenant dune
pièce vide, cest sûrement un Feuforêve
qui vous fait une farce."
200,28,6,"Hört man ein Schluchzen in einem leeren Zimmer,
handelt es sich dabei eindeutig um einen Streich
von Traunfugil."
200,28,7,"Si se escucha un sollozo proveniente de una
habitación que en teoría está vacía, es probable
que sea Misdreavus haciendo de las suyas."
200,28,8,"Se vi sembra di sentire qualcuno singhiozzare
in una stanza apparentemente vuota, è
sicuramente un Misdreavus in vena di scherzi."
200,28,9,"If you hear a sobbing sound emanating from a
vacant room, its undoubtedly a bit of mischief
from Misdreavus."
200,28,11,"誰もいない 部屋から すすり泣く
ような 声が 聞こえたら それは
ムウマの イタズラに 違いない。"
200,29,1,"おどろかせることが いきがい。
くびの あかいたまに みみを あてると
なかから ひめいが きこえてくるぞ。"
200,29,3,"놀라게 하는 것이 삶의 낙이다.
목의 빨간 구슬에 귀를 대면
안에서 비명이 들려온다."
200,29,5,"Effrayer les gens est sa raison dêtre. Si lon
presse loreille contre les sphères rouges de
son cou, on peut entendre des gémissements."
200,29,6,"Andere zu erschrecken ist sein Lebenssinn.
Wenn man das Ohr auf die roten Kugeln an
seinem Hals legt, kann man Hilfeschreie hören."
200,29,7,"Vive para asustar a la gente. Al acercar la oreja
a las perlas rojas de su cuello, pueden oírse
sollozos de angustia en su interior."
200,29,8,"Terrorizzare gli altri è la sua ragione dessere.
Avvicinando lorecchio alle sfere rosse che ha
al collo, si sentono grida e gemiti."
200,29,9,"What gives meaning to its life is surprising
others. If you set your ear against the red orbs
around its neck, you can hear shrieking."
200,29,11,"驚かせることが 生きがい。
首の 赤い玉に 耳を あてると
中から 悲鳴が 聞こえてくるぞ。"
200,30,1,"ひとが なきさけぶ こえを まねて
みんなを おびえさせ よろこぶ。
きもが すわった あいては にがて。"
200,30,3,"사람이 울부짖는 소리를 흉내 내
모두를 겁주고 기뻐한다.
담력이 강한 상대는 좋아하지 않는다."
200,30,5,"Il adore faire peur aux humains en imitant
leurs pleurs, et napprécie guère ceux qui
ne se laissent pas intimider."
200,30,6,"Es genießt es, das Schluchzen eines Menschen
nachzuahmen und andere damit zu erschrecken.
Wen das kaltlässt, den kann es nicht leiden."
200,30,7,"Disfruta imitando llantos humanos para asustar
a la gente. Los valientes no le caen demasiado
200,30,8,"Si diverte a seminare il terrore imitando le grida
e i lamenti degli esseri umani.
Non ha vita facile con chi non si lascia intimidire."
200,30,9,"What makes it happy is imitating the voices of
weeping people and scaring everyone. It doesnt
deal well with folks who arent easily frightened."
200,30,11,"人が 泣き叫ぶ 声を 真似て
みんなを おびえさせ 喜ぶ。
肝が 据わった 相手は 苦手。"
201,4,9,"Their shapes look
like hieroglyphs
on ancient tab­lets. It is said
that the two are
somehow related."
201,5,9,"Its flat, thin
body is always
stuck on walls.Its shape appears
to have some mean­
201,6,9,"Because different
types of UNOWN
exist, it is saidthat they must
have a variety of
201,7,9,"This POKéMON is shaped like ancient
writing. It is a mystery as to which
came first, the ancient writings or thevarious UNOWN. Research into this
topic is ongoing but nothing is known."
201,8,9,"This POKéMON is shaped like ancient
writing. It is a mystery as to which
came first, the ancient writings or thevarious UNOWN. Research into this
topic is ongoing but nothing is known."
201,9,9,"This POKéMON is shaped like ancient text
characters. Although research is ongoing,
it is a mystery as to which came first,
the ancient writings or the various UNOWN."
201,10,9,"Its flat, thin body is always stuck on
walls. Its shape appears to have some
201,11,9,"Their shapes look like hieroglyphs on
ancient tablets. It is said that the two
are somehow related."
201,12,9,"Shaped like ancient writing, it is
a huge mystery whether
language or UNOWN came first."
201,13,9,"They seem to communicate among
each other telepathically. They
are always found stuck on walls."
201,14,9,"When alone, nothing happens.
However, if there are two or more,
an odd power is said to emerge."
201,15,9,"Their shapes look like hieroglyphs
on ancient tablets. It is said
that the two are somehow related."
201,16,9,"Its flat, thin body is always
stuck on walls. Its shape appears
to have some meaning."
201,17,5,"Quand il est seul, il ne se passe
rien... Mais en groupe, il semble
habité par un mystérieux pouvoir."
201,17,9,"When alone, nothing happens.
However, if there are two or more,
an odd power is said to emerge."
201,18,5,"Quand il est seul, il ne se passe
rien... Mais en groupe, il semble
habité par un mystérieux pouvoir."
201,18,9,"When alone, nothing happens.
However, if there are two or more,
an odd power is said to emerge."
201,21,9,"When alone, nothing happens.
However, if there are two or more,
an odd power is said to emerge."
201,22,9,"When alone, nothing happens.
However, if there are two or more,
an odd power is said to emerge."
201,23,1,"からだじたいは うすっぺらく
いつも かべに はりついている。
かたちに なにか いみがあるらしい。"
201,23,3,"몸 자체는 굉장히 얇고
항상 벽에 들러붙어 있다.
모습에는 뭔가 의미가 있는 듯하다."
201,23,5,"Son corps plat et fin est toujours collé aux murs.
On pense que sa forme a une signification."
201,23,6,"Sein flacher, dünner Körper hängt immer an Wänden.
Seine Form scheint eine Bedeutung zu haben."
201,23,7,"Su cuerpo fino y plano aparece siempre en los muros.
Su forma parece tener algún significado."
201,23,8,"Il corpo piatto e sottile sta sempre attaccato ai muri.
Pare che la forma abbia un preciso significato."
201,23,9,"Its flat, thin body is always stuck on walls. Its shape
appears to have some meaning."
201,23,11,"体自体は 薄っぺらく
いつも 壁に 張りついている。
形に なにか 意味があるらしい。"
201,24,1,"こだいぶんめいの もじに にている。
もじが さきか アンノーンが さきか
せかいの 7ふしぎの ひとつ。"
201,24,3,"고대 문명의 문자와 닮았다.
문자가 먼저인지 안농이 먼저인지
세계 7대 불가사의의 하나다."
201,24,5,"Il rappelle une écriture ancienne. Reste à savoir qui
du langage ou de Zarbi est apparu en premier."
201,24,6,"Seine Form sieht aus wie antike Schrift. Was war
zuerst da? Die Sprache oder Icognito?"
201,24,7,"Tienen forma de letras antiguas. Se desconoce qué
fue antes: si la escritura o los Unown."
201,24,8,"È a forma di lettera di un antico alfabeto. È un mistero
chi sia apparso prima, lalfabeto o Unown."
201,24,9,"Shaped like ancient writing, it is a huge mystery
whether language or Unown came first."
201,24,11,"古代文明の 文字に 似ている。
文字が 先か アンノーンが 先か
世界の 七不思議の ひとつ。"
201,25,1,"こだいの もじに にた すがたの ポケモン。
さきに うまれたのは もじか アンノーンなのか。
けんきゅうちゅうだが いまだに なぞである。"
201,25,3,"고대 문자를 닮은 모습의 포켓몬이다.
먼저 생겨난 것은 문자인가 안농인가.
연구 중이지만 아직도 수수께끼다."
201,25,5,"Ce Pokémon a la forme dun caractère décriture antique.
Personne ne sait si ces écritures antiques sont apparues
avant les Zarbi ou le contraire. Des études sont en cours,
mais aucun résultat na été annoncé."
201,25,6,"Icognito hat die Form antiker Schriftzeichen. Bis heute ist
unklar, was zuerst da war  die antiken Schriftzeichen oder
die vielen unterschiedlichen Icognito. Trotz umfangreicher
Forschung bleiben Fragen offen."
201,25,7,"Estos Pokémon tienen forma de caracteres antiguos. No se
sabe qué surgió primero, si la vieja escritura o los distintos
Unown. Esta cuestión sigue siendo objeto de estudio, pero
aún no se ha averiguado nada."
201,25,8,"Questo Pokémon pare una lettera di un alfabeto antico.
A tuttoggi rimane un mistero chi sia comparso prima,
se lalfabeto o Unown. Sono in corso ricerche in merito
ma non si sa ancora praticamente nulla."
201,25,9,"This Pokémon is shaped like ancient writing. It is a mystery as
to which came first, the ancient writings or the various Unown.
Research into this topic is ongoing but nothing is known."
201,25,11,"古代の 文字に 似た 姿の ポケモン。
先に 生まれたのは 文字か アンノーンなのか。
研究中だが いまだに 謎である。"
201,26,1,"こだいの もじに にた すがたの ポケモン。
さきに うまれたのは もじか アンノーンなのか。
けんきゅうちゅうだが いまだに なぞである。"
201,26,3,"고대 문자를 닮은 모습의 포켓몬이다.
먼저 생겨난 것은 문자인가 안농인가.
연구 중이지만 아직도 수수께끼다."
201,26,5,"Ce Pokémon a la forme dun caractère décriture antique.
Personne ne sait si ces écritures antiques sont apparues
avant les Zarbi ou le contraire. Des études sont en cours,
mais aucun résultat na été annoncé."
201,26,6,"Icognito hat die Form antiker Schriftzeichen. Bis heute ist
unklar, was zuerst da war  die antiken Schriftzeichen oder
die vielen unterschiedlichen Icognito. Trotz umfangreicher
Forschung bleiben Fragen offen."
201,26,7,"Estos Pokémon tienen forma de caracteres antiguos. No se
sabe qué surgió primero, si la vieja escritura o los distintos
Unown. Esta cuestión sigue siendo objeto de estudio, pero
aún no se ha averiguado nada."
201,26,8,"Questo Pokémon pare una lettera di un alfabeto antico.
A tuttoggi rimane un mistero chi sia comparso prima,
se lalfabeto o Unown. Sono in corso ricerche in merito
ma non si sa ancora praticamente nulla."
201,26,9,"This Pokémon is shaped like ancient writing. It is a mystery as
to which came first, the ancient writings or the various Unown.
Research into this topic is ongoing but nothing is known."
201,26,11,"古代の 文字に 似た 姿の ポケモン。
先に 生まれたのは 文字か アンノーンなのか。
研究中だが いまだに 謎である。"
202,4,9,"It hates light and
shock. If attack­
ed, it inflatesits body to pump
up its counter­
202,5,9,"To keep its pitch-
black tail hidden,
it lives quietlyin the darkness.
It is never first
to attack."
202,6,9,"In order to con­
ceal its black
tail, it lives ina dark cave and
only moves about
at night."
202,7,9,"If two or more WOBBUFFET meet, they will
turn competitive and try to outdo each
others endurance.However, they may try to see which one
can endure the longest without food.
TRAINERS need to beware of this habit."
202,8,9,"WOBBUFFET does nothing but endure
attacks - it wont attack on its own.
However, it wont endure an attack onits tail. When that happens, the
POKéMON will try to take the foe with it
202,9,9,"Usually docile, a WOBBUFFET strikes back
ferociously if its black tail is attacked.
It makes its lair in caves where it waits
for nightfall."
202,10,9,"To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it
lives quietly in the darkness. It is never
first to attack."
202,11,9,"It hates light and shock. If attacked,
it inflates its body to pump up its
202,12,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,13,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,14,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,15,9,"It hates light and shock. If
attacked, it inflates its body to
build up its counterstrike."
202,16,9,"To keep its pitch-black tail hidden,
it lives quietly in the darkness.
It is never first to attack."
202,17,5,"Il cherche désespérément à cacher
sa queue noire. Certains pensent
quelle renferme un secret."
202,17,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,18,5,"Il cherche désespérément à cacher
sa queue noire. Certains pensent
quelle renferme un secret."
202,18,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,21,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,22,9,"It desperately tries to keep its
black tail hidden. It is said to be
proof the tail hides a secret."
202,23,1,"ひかりや ショックを きらう。
こうげきされると からだが ふくらみ
はんげきが きょうりょくに なる。"
202,23,3,"빛과 쇼크를 싫어한다.
공격받으면 몸이 부풀어 올라
반격이 강력해진다."
202,23,5,"Il déteste la lumière et les chocs. Sil est attaqué,
il se gonflera pour riposter violemment."
202,23,6,"Es hasst Licht und Schläge. Wird es angegriffen,
pumpt es sich auf, um einen Gegenschlag
202,23,7,"Odia la luz y las sacudidas. Si le atacan, infla su
cuerpo para aumentar su contraataque."
202,23,8,"Odia la luce e gli shock. Se è attaccato, gonfia il
corpo per preparare il contrattacco."
202,23,9,"It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its
body to build up its counterstrike."
202,23,11,"光や ショックを 嫌う。
攻撃されると 体が ふくらみ
反撃が 強力に なる。"
202,24,1,"まっくろな しっぽを かくすため
くらやみで ひっそりと いきている。
じぶんからは こうげき しない。"
202,24,3,"새까만 꼬리를 숨기기 위해
어둠 속에서 은밀히 지내고 있다.
자신이 먼저 공격하는 일은 없다."
202,24,5,"Pour cacher sa queue noire, il vit discrètement dans
lobscurité. Il nattaque jamais le premier."
202,24,6,"Es lebt in der Dunkelheit, um seinen schwarzen
Schweif zu verstecken. Es greift nie zuerst an."
202,24,7,"Para mantener oculta su negra cola, vive en silencio
en la oscuridad. Nunca ataca primero."
202,24,8,"Se ne sta sempre tranquillo al buio per nascondere la
coda nera come la pece. Non attacca mai per primo."
202,24,9,"To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it lives quietly in
the darkness. It is never first to attack."
202,24,11,"真っ黒な 尻尾を 隠すため
暗闇で ひっそりと 生きている。
自分からは 攻撃しない。"
202,25,1,"2ひき いじょう あつまると がまん くらべを
はじめるが くうふくを がまんして しまうので
ソーナンス トレーナーは ちゅういが ひつよう。"
202,25,3,"두 마리 이상 모이면 참기 겨루기를
시작하는데 배고픔도 참아버리기 때문에
마자용 트레이너는 주의가 필요하다."
202,25,5,"Si un ou plusieurs Qulbutoké se rencontrent, ils se mesurent
les uns aux autres et font des concours dendurance. Parfois,
ils tentent de voir qui peut rester le plus longtemps sans
manger. Mieux vaut être prévenu."
202,25,6,"Wenn zwei oder mehr Woingenau aufeinandertreffen,
versuchen sie, gegenseitig ihre Geduld zu übertreffen.
Sie möchten herausfinden, welches Pokémon es am längsten
ohne Nahrung aushält. Darauf müssen Trainer achten."
202,25,7,"Si dos o más Wobbuffet se encuentran, se volverán
competitivos e intentarán superarse en resistencia. Pero
también puede que intenten aguantar sin comer; algo que
los Entrenadores deben tener muy en cuenta."
202,25,8,"Quando due o più Wobbuffet si incontrano, diventano
competitivi tentando di vanificare la reciproca resistenza.
Talvolta fanno anche a gara per vedere chi resiste di più
senza cibo. Gli Allenatori devono fare attenzione."
202,25,9,"If two or more Wobbuffet meet, they will turn competitive
and try to outdo each others endurance. However, they may
try to see which one can endure the longest without food.
Trainers need to beware of this habit."
202,25,11,"2匹 以上 集まると 我慢 比べを
始めるが 空腹を 我慢して しまうので
ソーナンス トレーナーは 注意が 必要。"
202,26,1,"ひたすら がまんする ポケモンだが しっぽを
こうげきされる ことだけは がまん できない。
あいてを みちづれにする チャンスを うかがう。"
202,26,3,"한결같이 참는 포켓몬이지만 꼬리를
공격당하는 것만은 참지 못한다.
상대를 길동무로 만들 기회를 살핀다."
202,26,5,"Qulbutoké ne fait rien, à part encaisser des coups.
Il nattaque jamais de lui-même. Cependant, il ne supporte
pas quon attaque sa queue. Lorsque ça arrive, ce Pokémon
essaie dentraîner son ennemi grâce à Prélèvem. Destin."
202,26,6,"Woingenau tut nichts anderes als Angriffe auszuhalten.
Von sich aus würde es nie angreifen. Eine Attacke auf
seinen Schweif würde es allerdings niemals dulden.
Wenn das passiert, setzt es Abgangsbund ein."
202,26,7,"Wobbuffet no hace otra cosa que aguantar los golpes que
recibe: nunca usa movimientos ofensivos. Pero, si le atacan
a la cola, intentará llevarse con él al enemigo usando
Mismo Destino."
202,26,8,"Wobbuffet non fa altro che subire le azioni nemiche:
non agisce mai per primo. Tuttavia, non sopporta di essere
attaccato alla coda. In questo caso cerca di trascinare
con sé il nemico usando Destinobbligato."
202,26,9,"Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks—it wont attack on
its own. However, it wont endure an attack on its tail. When
that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using
Destiny Bond."
202,26,11,"ひたすら 我慢する ポケモンだが 尻尾を
攻撃される ことだけは 我慢 出来ない。
相手を 道連れにする チャンスを 伺う。"
202,33,1,"ひかりや ショックを きらう。
こうげきされると からだが ふくらみ
はんげきが きょうりょくに なる。"
202,33,3,"빛과 쇼크를 싫어한다.
공격받으면 몸이 부풀어올라
반격이 강력해진다."
202,33,5,"Il déteste la lumière et les chocs. Sil est attaqué,
il se gonfle pour riposter violemment."
202,33,6,"Es hasst Licht und Schocks. Wird es angegriffen,
pumpt es sich auf, um einen Gegenschlag
202,33,7,"Odia la luz y las sacudidas. Si le atacan, infla su
cuerpo para contraatacar con más ímpetu."
202,33,8,"Odia la luce e gli shock. Quando viene attaccato,
gonfia il corpo per preparare il contrattacco."
202,33,9,"It hates light and shock. If attacked, it inflates its
body to pump up its counterstrike."
202,33,11,"光や ショックを 嫌う。
攻撃されると 体が ふくらみ
反撃が 強力に なる。"
202,34,1,"まっくろな シッポを かくすため
くらやみで ひっそりと いきている。
じぶんからは こうげき しない。"
202,34,3,"새까만 꼬리를 숨기기 위해
어둠 속에서 은밀히 지내고 있다.
자신이 먼저 공격하는 일은 없다."
202,34,5,"Il vit discrètement dans lobscurité pour cacher
sa queue noire. Il nattaque jamais en premier."
202,34,6,"Es lebt in der Dunkelheit, um seinen schwarzen
Schweif zu verstecken. Es greift nie zuerst an."
202,34,7,"Para mantener oculta su negra cola, vive en
silencio en la oscuridad. Nunca ataca primero."
202,34,8,"Vive nel silenzio e nelloscurità per nascondere
la coda nera come la pece. Non attacca mai
per primo."
202,34,9,"To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it lives quietly
in the darkness. It is never first to attack."
202,34,11,"真っ黒な 尻尾を 隠すため
暗闇で ひっそりと 生きている。
自分からは 攻撃しない。"
203,4,9,"Its tail has a
small brain of its
own. Beware! Ifyou get close, it
may react to your
scent and bite."
203,5,9,"Its tail, which
also contains a
small brain, maybite on its own if
it notices an
alluring smell."
203,6,9,"When it is in
danger, its tail
uses some sort ofmysterious powers
to drive away the
203,7,9,"GIRAFARIGs rear head also has a brain,
but it is small. The rear head attacks in
response to smells and sounds.Approaching this POKéMON from behind
can cause the rear head to suddenly
lash out and bite."
203,8,9,"GIRAFARIGs rear head contains a tiny
brain that is too small for thinking.
However, the rear head doesnt need tosleep, so it can keep watch over its
surroundings 24 hours a day."
203,9,9,"A GIRAFARIG is an herbivore--it eats
grass and tree shoots. While it is eating,
its tail makes chewing and swallowing
motions as if it were also eating."
203,10,9,"Its tail, which also contains a small
brain, may bite on its own if it notices an
alluring smell."
203,11,9,"Its tail has a small brain of its own.
Beware! If you get close, it may react
to your scent and bite."
203,12,9,"Its tail also has a small brain.
It bites to repel any foe trying
to sneak up on it from behind."
203,13,9,"While it sleeps, the head on its
tail keeps watch. The tail doesnt
need to sleep."
203,14,9,"The head on its tail contains a
small brain. It can instinctively
fight even while facing backward."
203,15,9,"Its tail has a small brain of its
own. Beware! If you get close, it
may react to your scent by biting."
203,16,9,"Its tail, which also contains a
small brain, may bite on its own if
it notices an alluring smell."
203,17,5,"La tête quil a sur la queue dispose
de son propre cerveau et lui
permet de couvrir ses arrières."
203,17,9,"The head on its tail contains a
small brain. It can instinctively
fight even while facing backward."
203,18,5,"La tête quil a sur la queue dispose
de son propre cerveau et lui
permet de couvrir ses arrières."
203,18,9,"The head on its tail contains a
small brain. It can instinctively
fight even while facing backward."
203,21,9,"The head on its tail contains a
small brain. It can instinctively
fight even while facing backward."
203,22,9,"The head on its tail contains a
small brain. It can instinctively
fight even while facing backward."
203,23,1,"ねむっている あいだ しっぽの
あたまが あたりを みはっている。
しっぽは ねむらなくても へいき。"
203,23,3,"잠자는 동안 꼬리의
머리가 주위를 망보고 있다.
꼬리는 잠을 잘 필요가 없다."
203,23,5,"La tête sur sa queue monte la garde quand il dort.
Elle na pas besoin de dormir."
203,23,6,"Während es schläft, hält sein Schweif Wache.
Dieser benötigt keinen Schlaf."
203,23,7,"Cuando duerme, la cabeza de su cola se queda
vigilando, ya que ella no necesita dormir."
203,23,8,"La testa che ha sulla coda rimane vigile mentre dorme.
La coda, infatti, non ha bisogno di riposare."
203,23,9,"While it sleeps, the head on its tail keeps watch.
The tail doesnt need to sleep."
203,23,11,"眠っている あいだ 尻尾の 頭が
あたりを 見張っている。
尻尾は 眠らなくても 平気。"
203,24,1,"しっぽにも ちいさな のうがある。
ちかよると においに はんのうして
かみついて くるので ちゅうい。"
203,24,3,"꼬리에도 작은 뇌가 있다.
다가가면 냄새에 반응해서
물어서 공격하므로 주의하자."
203,24,5,"Sa queue possède un cerveau. Si vous vous en
approchez, elle vous sentira et vous mordra."
203,24,6,"Sein Schweif hat ein eigenes Gehirn. Achtung!
Kommst du ihm zu nahe, kann es dich riechen
und beißt."
203,24,7,"Su cola tiene un pequeño cerebro. ¡Cuidado! Si te
acercas, puede reaccionar a tu olor y morder."
203,24,8,"La coda possiede un cervello autonomo. Se ci si
avvicina può fiutare la presenza e mordere."
203,24,9,"Its tail has a small brain of its own. Beware! If you
get close, it may react to your scent by biting."
203,24,11,"尻尾にも 小さな 脳がある。
近寄ると においに 反応して
かみついて くるので 注意。"
203,25,1,"シッポの あたまにも ちいさな のうが ある。
においや おとに はんのうして こうげきするので
うしろから ちかよると いきなり かみつかれる。"
203,25,3,"꼬리의 머리에도 작은 뇌가 있다.
냄새나 소리에 반응하여 공격하기 때문에
뒤에서 접근하면 느닷없이 물린다."
203,25,5,"La tête à larrière de Girafarig a aussi un cerveau, mais il est
plus petit. Elle attaque en réponse aux sons et aux odeurs.
Si on approche de ce Pokémon par derrière, cette petite tête
peut tout à coup jaillir et mordre."
203,25,6,"Der Kopf an Girafarigs Hinterteil hat ein eigenes Gehirn.
Er reagiert mit Angriffen auf Gerüche und Geräusche.
Wenn man sich diesem Pokémon von hinten nähert,
könnte der hintere Kopf plötzlich vorschnellen und zubeißen."
203,25,7,"Girafarig tiene un cerebro también en la cabeza de la cola que
reacciona atacando ante olores y sonidos. Cuando alguien se
acerca a este Pokémon por la espalda, puede provocar que la
cabeza trasera se abalance y lo muerda."
203,25,8,"La testa posteriore di Girafarig è dotata di un cervello
piccolissimo. Attacca soltanto in risposta agli odori
e ai suoni. Avvicinando questo Pokémon da dietro
sussiste il pericolo di essere morsi dalla testa posteriore."
203,25,9,"Girafarigs rear head also has a brain, but it is small. The rear
head attacks in response to smells and sounds. Approaching
this Pokémon from behind can cause the rear head to suddenly
lash out and bite."
203,25,11,"シッポの 頭にも 小さな 脳が ある。
臭いや 音に 反応して 攻撃するので
後ろから 近寄ると いきなり かみつかれる。"
203,26,1,"しっぽの のうは かんがえごとが できないほど
ちいさいけど ねむらなくても へいき なので
24じかん あたりを みはりつづけて いるぞ。"
203,26,3,"꼬리의 뇌는 생각을 할 수 없을 정도로
작지만 자지 않아도 괜찮아서
24시간 주변을 계속 망보고 있다."
203,26,5,"La tête à larrière de Girafarig abrite un cerveau trop petit
pour penser. En revanche, cette tête arrière na pas besoin
de dormir, ce qui lui permet de monter la garde tout le temps."
203,26,6,"Der Kopf an Girafarigs Hinterteil verfügt nur über
ein kleines Gehirn, mit dem es nicht denken kann.
Dieses Gehirn benötigt jedoch keinen Schlaf und
ist somit in der Lage, die Umgebung rund um die
Uhr im Auge zu behalten."
203,26,7,"La cabeza trasera de Girafarig tiene un cerebro muy pequeño
para pensar, pero, como no le hace falta dormir, al menos
puede hacer de centinela las 24 horas del día."
203,26,8,"La testa posteriore di Girafarig contiene un cervello minuto,
troppo piccolo per pensare. Tuttavia, questa testolina non
dorme mai, così può rimanere di sorveglianza 24 ore su 24."
203,26,9,"Girafarigs rear head contains a tiny brain that is too small for
thinking. However, the rear head doesnt need to sleep, so it
can keep watch over its surroundings 24 hours a day."
203,26,11,"尻尾の 脳は 考えごとが 出来ないほど
小さいけど 眠らなくても 平気 なので
24時間 あたりを 見張り続けて いるぞ。"
204,4,9,"It likes to make
its shell thicker
by adding layersof tree bark. The
additional weight
doesn't bother it."
204,5,9,"It hangs and waits
for flying insect
prey to come near.It does not move
about much on its
204,6,9,"It spits out a
fluid that it uses
to glue tree barkto its body. The
fluid hardens when
it touches air."
204,7,9,"PINECO hangs from a tree branch and
patiently waits for prey to come along.
If the POKéMON is disturbed whileeating by someone shaking its tree, it
drops down to the ground and explodes
with no warning."
204,8,9,"PINECO hangs from a tree branch and
patiently waits for prey to come along.
If the POKéMON is disturbed whileeating by someone shaking its tree, it
drops down to the ground and explodes
with no warning."
204,9,9,"A PINECO hangs from a tree branch and
waits for prey. While eating, if it is
disturbed by someone shaking its tree, it
falls on the ground and suddenly explodes."
204,10,9,"It hangs and waits for flying-insect prey
to come near. It does not move about
much on its own."
204,11,9,"It likes to make its shell thicker by
adding layers of tree bark. The extra
weight doesnt bother it."
204,12,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,13,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,14,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,15,9,"It likes to make its shell thicker
by adding layers of tree bark. The
additional weight doesnt bother it."
204,16,9,"It hangs and waits for flying insect
prey to come near. It does not move
about much on its own."
204,17,5,"Il ressemble à une pomme de pin.
Sa carapace le protège des Pokémon
Oiseaux qui le picorent par erreur."
204,17,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,18,5,"Il ressemble à une pomme de pin.
Sa carapace le protège des Pokémon
Oiseaux qui le picorent par erreur."
204,18,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,21,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,22,9,"It looks just like a pinecone.
Its shell protects it from bird
Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,23,1,"きの かわを かさねあわせて
カラを ぶあつくするのが だいすき。
おもくなっても きにしない。"
204,23,3,"나무껍질을 짜 맞춰서
껍질을 두껍게 하는 것을 좋아한다.
무거워져도 신경 쓰지 않는다."
204,23,5,"Il renforce sa carapace en y ajoutant des écorces
darbre. Il devient alors plus lourd."
204,23,6,"Es fügt seiner Schale schichtenweise Baumrinde
hinzu. Die zusätzliche Belastung ist ihm gleich."
204,23,7,"Le gusta engrosar su coraza añadiendo cortezas de
árbol. El aumento de peso no le molesta."
204,23,8,"Inspessisce il guscio aggiungendo strati di corteccia.
Non lo impensierisce laumento di peso."
204,23,9,"It likes to make its shell thicker by adding layers of
tree bark. The additional weight doesnt bother it."
204,23,11,"木の 皮を 重ね合わせて
殻を 分厚くするのが 大好き。
重くなっても 気にしない。"
204,24,1,"きのみに そっくり。まちがわれて
とりポケモンに つつかれてしまうが
かたい カラで まもられている。"
204,24,3,"나무열매와 똑 닮았다. 실수로
새포켓몬에게 쪼이기도 하지만
단단한 껍질이 몸을 보호하고 있다."
204,24,5,"Il ressemble à une pomme de pin. Sa carapace le
protège des Pokémon Oiseaux qui le picorent par
204,24,6,"Es sieht aus wie ein Tannenzapfen. Seine Schale
schützt es vor Vogel-Pokémon, die an ihm picken
204,24,7,"Es como una piña piñonera. Su coraza lo protege de
los pájaros que lo picotean por error."
204,24,8,"Ha laspetto di una pigna. Il suo guscio lo protegge
dai Pokémon uccello che lo beccano per errore."
204,24,9,"It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it
from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake."
204,24,11,"木の実に そっくり。間違われて
とりポケモンに つつかれてしまうが
硬い 殻で 守られている。"
204,25,1,"きの えだに ぶらさがり えものを まっている。
きを ゆらされて しょくじの じゃまを されると
じめんに おちてから いきなり ばくはつするぞ。"
204,25,3,"나뭇가지에 매달려 먹이를 기다린다.
나무가 흔들려 식사를 방해받으면
땅으로 떨어진 후 느닷없이 폭발한다."
204,25,5,"Pomdepik saccroche à une branche darbre et attend
patiemment que sa proie passe. Si ce Pokémon est dérangé
pendant quil mange par quelquun qui secoue son arbre,
il tombe au sol et explose sans prévenir."
204,25,6,"Tannza hängt an Ästen und wartet auf Beute. Wenn man
dieses Pokémon bei einer Mahlzeit stört, indem man den
Baum, auf dem es sich befindet, schüttelt, fällt es herunter
und explodiert ohne Vorwarnung."
204,25,7,"Pineco permanece colgado de la rama de un árbol esperando
pacientemente a su presa. Si alguien sacude el árbol en el
que está mientras come y le molesta, se tira al suelo y explota
sin dar ningún tipo de aviso."
204,25,8,"Pineco pende dal ramo di un albero e attende pazientemente
larrivo della sua preda. Se lalbero viene scosso mentre
il Pokémon mangia, Pineco cade a terra esplodendo
senza preavviso."
204,25,9,"Pineco hangs from a tree branch and patiently waits for prey to
come along. If the Pokémon is disturbed while eating by
someone shaking its tree, it drops down to the ground and
explodes with no warning."
204,25,11,"木の 枝に ぶら下がり 獲物を 待っている。
木を 揺らされて 食事の 邪魔を されると
地面に 落ちてから いきなり 爆発するぞ。
204,26,1,"きの えだに ぶらさがり えものを まっている。
きを ゆらされて しょくじの じゃまを されると
じめんに おちてから いきなり ばくはつするぞ。"
204,26,3,"나뭇가지에 매달려 먹이를 기다린다.
나무가 흔들려 식사를 방해받으면
땅으로 떨어진 후 느닷없이 폭발한다."
204,26,5,"Pomdepik saccroche à une branche darbre et attend
patiemment que sa proie passe. Si ce Pokémon est dérangé
pendant quil mange par quelquun qui secoue son arbre,
il tombe au sol et explose sans prévenir."
204,26,6,"Tannza hängt an Ästen und wartet auf Beute. Wenn man dieses
Pokémon bei einer Mahlzeit stört, indem man seinen Baum
schüttelt, fällt es herunter und explodiert ohne Vorwarnung."
204,26,7,"Pineco permanece colgado de la rama de un árbol esperando
pacientemente a su presa. Si alguien sacude el árbol en el
que está mientras come y le molesta, se tira al suelo y explota
sin dar ningún tipo de aviso."
204,26,8,"Pineco pende dal ramo di un albero e attende pazientemente
larrivo della sua preda. Se lalbero viene scosso mentre
il Pokémon mangia, Pineco cade a terra esplodendo
senza preavviso."
204,26,9,"Pineco hangs from a tree branch and patiently waits for prey to
come along. If the Pokémon is disturbed while eating by
someone shaking its tree, it drops down to the ground and
explodes with no warning."
204,26,11,"木の 枝に ぶら下がり 獲物を 待っている。
木を 揺らされて 食事の 邪魔を されると
地面に 落ちてから いきなり 爆発するぞ。
204,29,1,"きに ぶらさがり じっと えものの
むしポケモンが くるのを まっている。
アローラでの こうぶつは アブリーだ。"
204,29,3,"나무에 매달려 가만히 먹이인
벌레포켓몬이 올 때를 기다린다.
알로라에서 좋아하는 건 에블리다."
204,29,5,"Accroché à sa branche, il attend patiemment
ses proies favorites : les Pokémon Insecte.
Les Bombydou sont son péché mignon."
204,29,6,"Es hängt an Bäumen und wartet regungslos auf
seine Beute, Käfer-Pokémon. In Alola ernährt es
sich bevorzugt von Wommel."
204,29,7,"Se aposta en los árboles y espera inmóvil a
que pase un Pokémon insecto al que atrapar.
En Alola tiene predilección por los Cutiefly."
204,29,8,"Si ciba di Pokémon Coleottero e attende
pazientemente le prede appeso a un ramo. Quelli
che vivono ad Alola sono ghiotti di Cutiefly."
204,29,9,"Motionless, it hangs from trees, waiting for
its bug Pokémon prey to come to it. Its favorite
in Alola is Cutiefly."
204,29,11,"木に ぶら下がり じっと 獲物の
むしポケモンが 来るのを 待っている。
アローラでの 好物は アブリーだ。"
204,30,1,"きのかわを だえきで はりあわせ
あつく おおきくしていく。 としおいた
クヌギダマは とてつもない でかさ。"
204,30,3,"나무껍질을 타액으로 붙여서
몸을 두껍고 크게 만든다.
나이를 먹은 피콘은 엄청나게 크다."
204,30,5,"Il grandit en utilisant sa salive pour coller
lécorce des arbres sur son corps. Un Pomdepik
âgé peut prendre des proportions démesurées."
204,30,6,"Es macht seinen Körper breiter und größer,
indem es sich mit Speichel Baumrinde anklebt.
Ältere Tannza sind deshalb unfassbar groß."
204,30,7,"Usa saliva para adherir corteza de árbol a su
cuerpo y así aumentar de volumen. Con la edad
puede alcanzar un tamaño gigantesco."
204,30,8,"Aumenta di dimensioni e spessore incollandosi
addosso strati di corteccia con la saliva. Con il
tempo può raggiungere dimensioni spropositate."
204,30,9,"It sticks tree bark to itself with its saliva,
making itself thicker and larger. Elderly Pineco
are ridiculously huge."
204,30,11,"木の皮を 唾液で 貼り合わせ
厚く 大きくしていく。 年老いた
クヌギダマは とてつもない でかさ。"
205,4,9,"Its entire body is
shielded by a
steel-hard shell.What lurks inside
the armor is a
total mystery."
205,5,9,"It remains immova­
bly rooted to its
tree. It scatterspieces of its hard
shell to drive its
enemies away."
205,6,9,"Usually found
hanging on to a
fat tree trunk. Itshoots out bits of
its shell when it
sees action."
205,7,9,"FORRETRESS conceals itself inside its
hardened steel shell. The shell is opened
when the POKéMON is catching prey,but it does so at such a quick pace
that the shells inside cannot be seen."
205,8,9,"FORRETRESS conceals itself inside its
hardened steel shell. The shell is opened
when the POKéMON is catching prey,but it does so at such a quick pace
that the shells inside cannot be seen."
205,9,9,"It keeps itself inside its steel shell.
The shell is opened when it is catching
prey, but it is so quick that the shells
inside cannot be seen."
205,10,9,"It remains immovably rooted to its tree.
It scatters pieces of its hard shell to
drive its enemies away."
205,11,9,"Its entire body is shielded by a steel-
hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is
a total mystery."
205,12,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,13,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,14,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,15,9,"Its entire body is shielded by a
steel-hard shell. What lurks inside
this shell is a total mystery."
205,16,9,"It remains immovably rooted to its
tree. It scatters pieces of its hard
shell to drive its enemies away."
205,17,5,"Il est prisonnier dune coquille
dacier. Ses yeux vigilants sont la
seule partie visible de son corps."
205,17,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,18,5,"Il est prisonnier dune coquille
dacier. Ses yeux vigilants sont la
seule partie visible de son corps."
205,18,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,21,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,22,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its
peering eyes are all that can be
seen of its mysterious innards."
205,23,1,"こうてつの カラで まもられている。
すきまから めだまが のぞいているが
なかみの しょうたいは なぞのまま。"
205,23,3,"강철 껍질이 몸을 보호하고 있다.
틈새에서 엿보고 있는 눈이 있지만
내용물의 정체는 수수께끼다."
205,23,5,"Il est prisonnier dune coquille dacier. Ses yeux
vigilants sont la seule partie visible de son corps."
205,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist von einer Stahlhülle umgeben.
Seine stechenden Augen sind alles, was man von
ihm sieht."
205,23,7,"Se protege con su concha de acero de tal manera que
solo se pueden ver sus ojos."
205,23,8,"È incassato in una conchiglia dacciaio. A parte gli
occhi scrutatori, nessuno sa cosa ci sia allinterno."
205,23,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are
all that can be seen of its mysterious innards."
205,23,11,"鋼鉄の 殻で 守られている。
すきまから 目玉が のぞいているが
中身の 正体は ナゾのまま。"
205,24,1,"きに くっついたまま うごかない。
かたいカラの はへんを ばらまいて
ちかづくものを おいはらう。"
205,24,3,"나무에 붙어 있는 채로 안 움직인다.
단단한 껍질 파편을 흩뿌려서
다가오는 자를 쫓아버린다."
205,24,5,"Il est totalement fixé à son arbre. Il lance des
morceaux de sa carapace pour faire fuir son ennemi."
205,24,6,"Es bleibt stets bei seinem Baum. Es verstreut Teile
seiner Schale, um so seine Feinde zu verjagen."
205,24,7,"Permanece inmóvil agarrado a su árbol. Dispara trozos
de su dura coraza para alejar al enemigo."
205,24,8,"Rimane saldamente attaccato al suo albero. Tiene
lontani i nemici lanciando pezzi del duro guscio."
205,24,9,"It remains immovably rooted to its tree. It scatters
pieces of its hard shell to drive its enemies away."
205,24,11,"木に くっついたまま 動かない。
硬い殻の 破片を ばらまいて
近づくものを 追い払う。"
205,25,1,"こうてつの カラの なかに ほんたいが いる。
えものを つかまえる ときに カラが ひらくが
あまりの はやさに なかみは みえないのだ。"
205,25,3,"강철 껍질 안에 본체가 있다.
먹이를 잡을 때 껍질이 열리지만
너무 빨라서 안이 보이진 않는다."
205,25,5,"Foretress se cache dans sa carapace en acier trempé.
La carapace souvre quand il attrape sa proie, mais cela se
passe tellement vite quil est impossible de voir à lintérieur."
205,25,6,"Forstellka versteckt sich in seiner stahlharten Schale.
Die Schale öffnet sich, wenn es nach Beute schnappt.
Dies geht jedoch so schnell, dass man das Innere der
Schale nicht zu Gesicht bekommt."
205,25,7,"Forretress se esconde dentro de su concha de acero
reforzada. Solo la abre cuando va a atrapar a su presa, pero
ocurre tan rápido que no da tiempo de ver su interior."
205,25,8,"Forretress si nasconde allinterno della sua conchiglia
dacciaio temprato. La conchiglia si apre soltanto per catturare
la preda, ma il Pokémon ha una rapidità tale che non è
possibile osservarne linterno."
205,25,9,"Forretress conceals itself inside its hardened steel shell.
The shell is opened when the Pokémon is catching prey,
but it does so at such a quick pace that the shells inside
cannot be seen."
205,25,11,"鋼鉄の カラの 中に 本体が いる。
獲物を 捕まえる ときに カラが 開くが
あまりの 速さに 中身は 見えないのだ。"
205,26,1,"こうてつの カラの なかに ほんたいが いる。
えものを つかまえる ときに カラが ひらくが
あまりの はやさに なかみは みえないのだ。"
205,26,3,"강철 껍질 안에 본체가 있다.
먹이를 잡을 때 껍질이 열리지만
너무 빨라서 안이 보이진 않는다."
205,26,5,"Foretress se cache dans sa carapace en acier trempé.
La carapace souvre quand il attrape sa proie, mais cela se
passe tellement vite quil est impossible de voir à lintérieur."
205,26,6,"Forstellka versteckt sich in seiner stahlharten Schale.
Die Schale öffnet sich, wenn es nach Beute schnappt.
Dies geht jedoch so schnell, dass man das Innere der
Schale nicht zu Gesicht bekommt."
205,26,7,"Forretress se esconde dentro de su concha de acero
reforzada. Solo la abre cuando va a atrapar a su presa, pero
ocurre tan rápido que no da tiempo de ver su interior."
205,26,8,"Forretress si nasconde allinterno della sua conchiglia
dacciaio temprato. La conchiglia si apre soltanto per catturare
la preda, ma il Pokémon ha una rapidità tale che non è
possibile osservarne linterno."
205,26,9,"Forretress conceals itself inside its hardened steel shell.
The shell is opened when the Pokémon is catching prey,
but it does so at such a quick pace that the shells inside
cannot be seen."
205,26,11,"鋼鉄の カラの 中に 本体が いる。
獲物を 捕まえる ときに カラが 開くが
あまりの 速さに 中身は 見えないのだ。"
205,29,1,"なにかが ちかづくだけで こうてつの
カラのはへんを うちだし こうげき。
いしは なく じょうけんはんしゃだ。"
205,29,3,"무엇이든 다가오기만 하면
강철 껍질의 파편을 쏘며 공격한다.
의지가 없는 조건 반사다."
205,29,5,"Il attaque tout ce qui sapproche dun peu trop
près en lançant des morceaux de sa coquille
dacier. Il na aucun contrôle sur ce réflexe."
205,29,6,"Kommt ihm irgendetwas zu nahe, feuert es Teile
seiner stählernen Schale ab. Das geschieht
jedoch aus Reflex, nicht aus eigenem Willen."
205,29,7,"Cuando algo se le acerca, ataca disparando
fragmentos de su coraza de acero. Se trata de
un puro acto reflejo."
205,29,8,"Scaglia frammenti del suo guscio dacciaio
temprato contro qualunque cosa gli si avvicini,
ma si tratta di un riflesso involontario."
205,29,9,"When something approaches it, it fires off
fragments of its steel shell in attack. This is not
a conscious action but a conditioned reflex."
205,29,11,"なにかが 近付くだけで 鋼鉄の
カラの破片を 撃ちだし 攻撃。
意思は なく 条件反射だ。"
205,30,1,"えものを のみこむ いっしゅんだけ
カラの なかみが あらわれるが その
すがたを みたものは まだいない。"
205,30,3,"먹이를 삼키는 순간에는
껍질 안의 모습이 나타나지만
그 모습을 본 자는 아직 없다."
205,30,5,"On ne peut voir lintérieur de sa carapace que
lorsquil engloutit sa nourriture, mais il est si
rapide que personne na encore jamais réussi."
205,30,6,"Sein Inneres ist nur kurz sichtbar, wenn es flugs
seine Beute verschlingt. Bisher hat es noch kein
Mensch geschafft, einen Blick hineinzuwerfen."
205,30,7,"El momento en el que engulle a su presa es el
único instante donde muestra su cuerpo, pero
hasta ahora ningún humano lo ha visto."
205,30,8,"Listante in cui ingoia la preda è lunico momento
in cui è possibile sbirciare nella sua conchiglia.
Nessuno sa esattamente come sia fatto."
205,30,9,"In the moment that it gulps down its prey, the
inside of its shell is exposed, but to this day,
no one has ever seen that sight."
205,30,11,"獲物を 呑み込む 一瞬だけ
カラの 中身が 現れるが その
姿を 見た者は まだいない。"
206,4,9,"When spotted, this
POKéMON escapes
backward by furi­ously boring into
the ground with
its tail."
206,5,9,"If spotted, it es­
capes by burrowing
with its tail.It can float just
slightly using its
206,6,9,"It hides deep
inside caves where
no light everreaches it and
remains virtually
motionless there."
206,7,9,"DUNSPARCE has a drill for its tail.
It uses this tail to burrow into the
ground backwards.This POKéMON is known to make its nest
in complex shapes deep under the
206,8,9,"DUNSPARCE has a drill for its tail.
It uses this tail to burrow into the
ground backwards.This POKéMON is known to make its nest
in complex shapes deep under the
206,9,9,"Its drill-tipped tail is used to burrow into
the ground backwards. This POKéMON is
known to make its nest in complex shapes
deep under the ground."
206,10,9,"If spotted, it escapes by burrowing with
its tail. It can hover just slightly using
its wings."
206,11,9,"When spotted, this POKéMON escapes
backward by furiously boring into the
ground with its tail."
206,12,9,"It digs into the ground with its
tail and makes a mazelike nest.
It can fly just a little."
206,13,9,"It digs into the ground with its
tail and makes a mazelike nest.
It can fly just a little."
206,14,9,"It digs into the ground with its
tail and makes a mazelike nest.
It can fly just a little."
206,15,9,"When spotted, this Pokémon escapes
backward by furiously boring into
the ground with its tail."
206,16,9,"If spotted, it escapes by burrowing
with its tail. It can float just
slightly using its wings."
206,17,5,"Son nid est un véritable labyrinthe
quil creuse à laide de sa queue.
Il sait à peine voler."
206,17,9,"It digs into the ground with its
tail and makes a mazelike nest.
It can fly just a little."
206,18,5,"Son nid est un véritable labyrinthe
quil creuse à laide de sa queue.
Il sait à peine voler."
206,18,9,"It digs into the ground with its
tail and makes a mazelike nest.
It can fly just a little."
206,21,9,"It creates mazes in dark locations.
When spotted, it flees into the
ground by digging with its tail."
206,22,9,"It creates mazes in dark locations.
When spotted, it flees into the
ground by digging with its tail."
206,23,1,"だれかに みられると
しっぽで じめんを ほって
うしろむきに にげだすのだ。"
206,23,3,"누군가에게 들키면
꼬리로 땅을 파서
뒤쪽으로 도망친다."
206,23,5,"Il senfuit en creusant à reculons dans le sol avec
sa queue dès quun ennemi le repère."
206,23,6,"Wird es entdeckt, flüchtet dieses Pokémon,
indem es sich mit seinem Schweif in den Boden gräbt."
206,23,7,"Este Pokémon escapa hacia atrás perforando el suelo
con su cola, si es descubierto."
206,23,8,"Se lo si scopre, questo Pokémon fugge allindietro
scavando furiosamente nel terreno con la coda."
206,23,9,"When spotted, this Pokémon escapes backward by
furiously boring into the ground with its tail."
206,23,11,"だれかに 見られると
尻尾で 地面を 掘って
後ろ向きに 逃げ出すのだ。"
206,24,1,"しっぽで じめんを ほって
めいろのような すあなを つくる。
はねで すこしだけ とべる。"
206,24,3,"꼬리로 땅을 파서
미로 같은 둥지를 만든다.
날개로 조금 날 수 있다."
206,24,5,"Son nid est un véritable labyrinthe quil creuse à laide
de sa queue. Il sait à peine voler."
206,24,6,"Es gräbt sich mit seinem Schweif in die Erde und baut
ein labyrinthartiges Nest. Es kann kaum fliegen."
206,24,7,"Cava el suelo con su cola para construir su
madriguera. Puede volar distancias cortas."
206,24,8,"Scava nel terreno con la coda creando una tana
simile a un labirinto. Sa spiccare brevissimi voli."
206,24,9,"It digs into the ground with its tail and makes a
mazelike nest. It can fly just a little."
206,24,11,"尻尾で 地面を 掘って
迷路のような 巣穴を 作る。
羽で 少しだけ 飛べる。"
206,25,1,"ドリルの シッポを つかって うしろむきに
じめんを ほりすすみ ふくざつな かたちの
すあなを ちちゅう ふかくに つくる ポケモン。"
206,25,3,"드릴 꼬리를 사용해서 뒤쪽을 향해
땅을 파고 들어가 복잡한 형태의
둥지를 땅속 깊이 만드는 포켓몬이다."
206,25,5,"Insolourdo a une perceuse au bout de la queue. Il lutilise
pour creuser des souterrains, à reculons. On dit que ce
Pokémon enfouit son nid aux formes complexes sous terre."
206,25,6,"Dummisel hat einen Bohrer als Schweif. Diesen benutzt es,
um sich rückwärts in den Boden einzugraben. Dieses Pokémon
baut seinen Nestkomplex tief unter der Erdoberfläche auf."
206,25,7,"La cola de Dunsparce es un taladro que usa para enterrarse
en el suelo de espaldas. De todos es sabido que este
Pokémon hace su nido a gran profundidad y con una forma
muy compleja."
206,25,8,"Dunsparce ha un trapano al posto della coda, che usa per
scavare a ritroso nel terreno. È noto per la complessa forma
delle tane che crea sottoterra in profondità."
206,25,9,"Dunsparce has a drill for its tail. It uses this tail to burrow into
the ground backward. This Pokémon is known to make its
nest in complex shapes deep under the ground."
206,25,11,"ドリルの シッポを 使って 後ろ向きに
地面を 掘り進み 複雑な 形の
巣穴を 地中 深くに つくる ポケモン。"
206,26,1,"ドリルの シッポを つかって うしろむきに
じめんを ほりすすみ ふくざつな かたちの
すあなを ちちゅう ふかくに つくる ポケモン。"
206,26,3,"드릴 꼬리를 사용해서 뒤쪽을 향해
땅을 파고 들어가 복잡한 형태의
둥지를 땅속 깊이 만드는 포켓몬이다."
206,26,5,"Insolourdo a une perceuse au bout de la queue. Il lutilise
pour creuser des souterrains, à reculons. On dit que ce
Pokémon enfouit son nid aux formes complexes sous terre."
206,26,6,"Dummisel hat einen Bohrer als Schweif. Diesen benutzt es,
um sich rückwärts in den Boden einzugraben. Dieses Pokémon
baut seinen Nestkomplex tief unter der Erdoberfläche auf."
206,26,7,"La cola de Dunsparce es un taladro que usa para enterrarse
en el suelo de espaldas. De todos es sabido que este
Pokémon hace su nido a gran profundidad y con una forma
muy compleja."
206,26,8,"Dunsparce ha un trapano al posto della coda, che usa per
scavare a ritroso nel terreno. È noto per la complessa forma
delle tane che crea sottoterra in profondità."
206,26,9,"Dunsparce has a drill for its tail. It uses this tail to burrow into
the ground backward. This Pokémon is known to make its
nest in complex shapes deep under the ground."
206,26,11,"ドリルの シッポを 使って 後ろ向きに
地面を 掘り進み 複雑な 形の
巣穴を 地中 深くに つくる ポケモン。"
206,29,1,"じめんを ほりすすみ いどう。
ディグダと おたがいの トンネルを
なかよく きょうよう している。"
206,29,3,"지면을 파고 다니며 이동한다.
디그다와 서로의 터널을
사이좋게 같이 사용하고 있다."
206,29,5,"Il se déplace en creusant dans le sol et partage
les tunnels ainsi créés avec les Taupiqueur.
Ces Pokémon sentendent très bien."
206,29,6,"Sie bewegen sich fort, indem sie sich durch den
Boden graben. Da Dummisel sich mit Digda gut
verstehen, teilen sie ihre Tunnel miteinander."
206,29,7,"Se desplaza excavando túneles subterráneos.
Se lleva bien con los Diglett, con quienes suele
compartir túneles."
206,29,8,"Si sposta scavando nel terreno.
I Dunsparce e i Diglett condividono di buon
grado i tunnel che scavano."
206,29,9,"It travels by digging through the ground.
Diglett and Dunsparce share one anothers
tunnels happily."
206,29,11,"地面を 掘り進み 移動。
ディグダと お互いの トンネルを
仲良く 共用 している。"
206,30,1,"ひとの すがたを みると シッポで
あなを ほって にげてしまう。
もし であえたなら ラッキーだよ。"
206,30,3,"사람의 모습을 보면 꼬리로
구멍을 파서 도망가 버린다.
만났다면 운이 좋은 것이다."
206,30,5,"Quand il aperçoit la silhouette dun humain,
il senfuit en creusant un trou avec sa queue.
Quiconque en voit un peut sestimer chanceux!"
206,30,6,"Erblickt es einen Menschen, bohrt es mit seinem
Schweif ein Loch und ergreift sofort die Flucht.
Man braucht viel Glück, um ihm zu begegnen."
206,30,7,"En cuanto ve un humano, horada en el suelo un
agujero con la cola y huye. Quien logra ver uno
puede considerarse afortunado."
206,30,8,"Appena scorge un essere umano fugge
scavando con la coda. Incontrarne uno è
un vero e proprio colpo di fortuna."
206,30,9,"When it sees a person, it digs a hole with its tail
to make its escape. If you happen to find one,
consider yourself lucky."
206,30,11,"人の 姿を 見ると シッポで
穴を 掘って 逃げてしまう。
もし 出会えたなら ラッキーだよ。"
206,33,1,"ちいさな ハネを もっていることから
おおむかしは そらを とんでいたと
しゅちょうする がくしゃもいる。"
206,33,3,"작은 날개를 갖고 있어서
먼 옛날에는 하늘을 날았다고
주장하는 학자도 있다."
206,33,5,"Des savants affirment que ses petites ailes sont
la preuve quil y a fort longtemps, il était capable
de voler."
206,33,6,"Da es kleine Flügel hat, behaupten manche
Wissenschaftler, dass es vor langer Zeit fliegen
206,33,7,"Debido a que presenta pequeñas alas, algunos
científicos sostienen que antiguamente era capaz
de volar."
206,33,8,"Secondo alcuni studiosi, le sue piccole ali sono
la prova che in un lontano passato questo
Pokémon fosse in grado di volare."
206,33,9,"This Pokémons tiny wings have some scientists
saying that Dunsparce used to fly through the sky
in ancient times."
206,33,11,"小さな ハネを 持っていることから
大昔は 空を 飛んでいたと
主張する 学者もいる。"
206,34,1,"めいろのような すあなが すみか。
つちの においで じぶんの ばしょが
わかるので ぜったいに まよわない。"
206,34,3,"미로 같은 굴에 산다.
흙냄새로 자신이 있는 곳을
알 수 있어 절대 길을 잃지 않는다."
206,34,5,"Bien que son nid ressemble à un labyrinthe,
il ne sy perd jamais, car il se repère grâce
à lodeur de la terre."
206,34,6,"Es lebt in einem labyrinthartigen Nestkomplex.
Anhand des Geruchs der Erde weiß Dummisel
genau, wo es sich befindet und verirrt sich nie."
206,34,7,"Habita en madrigueras laberínticas. Gracias a su
capacidad para ubicarse por el olor de la tierra
que lo rodea, nunca se pierde."
206,34,8,"Costruisce tane simili a labirinti, ma poiché
riesce a capire dove si trova in base allodore
del terreno non si smarrisce mai."
206,34,9,"The nests Dunsparce live in are mazes of tunnels.
They never get lost in their own nests—they can
tell where they are by the scent of the dirt."
206,34,11,"迷路のような 巣穴が すみか。
土の 匂いで 自分の 場所が
わかるので ぜったいに 迷わない。"
207,4,9,"It flies straight
at its target's
face then clampsdown on the star­
tled victim to
inject poison."
207,5,9,"It usually clings
to cliffs. When it
spots its prey, itspreads its wings
and glides down to
207,6,9,"It builds its nest
on a steep cliff.
When it is donegliding, it hops
along the ground
back to its nest."
207,7,9,"GLIGAR glides through the air without
a sound as if it were sliding.
This POKéMON hangs on to the face ofits foe using its clawed hind legs and
the large pincers on its forelegs, then
injects the prey with its poison barb."
207,8,9,"GLIGAR glides through the air without
a sound as if it were sliding.
This POKéMON hangs on to the face ofits foe using its clawed hind legs and
the large pincers on its forelegs, then
injects the prey with its poison barb."
207,9,9,"It glides without making a single sound.
It grasps the face of its foe using its
hind and large front claws, then stabs
with its poison barb."
207,10,9,"It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots
its prey, it spreads its wings and glides
down to attack."
207,11,9,"It flies straight at its targets face,
then clamps down on the startled
victim to inject poison."
207,12,9,"It sails on the winds with its
limbs extended to strike from the
sky. It aims for the preys face."
207,13,9,"It sails on the winds with its
limbs extended to strike from the
sky. It aims for the preys face."
207,14,9,"It glides as if sliding. It startles
foes by clamping on to their faces,
then jabs with its poison stinger."
207,15,9,"It flies straight at its targets
face, then clamps down on the
startled victim to inject poison."
207,16,9,"It usually clings to cliffs. When it
spots its prey, it spreads its wings
and glides down to attack."
207,17,5,"Il fend lair et fond sur sa proie
pour sagripper à son visage et
la frapper avec son dard."
207,17,9,"It glides as if sliding. It startles
foes by clamping on to their faces,
then jabs with its poison stinger."
207,18,5,"Il fend lair et fond sur sa proie
pour sagripper à son visage et
la frapper avec son dard."
207,18,9,"It glides as if sliding. It startles
foes by clamping on to their faces,
then jabs with its poison stinger."
207,21,9,"It clamps on to its chosen prey then
jabs the stinger on its tail into the
prey while its stunned with surprise."
207,22,9,"It clamps on to its chosen prey then
jabs the stinger on its tail into the
prey while its stunned with surprise."
207,23,1,"いつもは がけに はりついている。
えものをみつけると はねをひろげ
かぜにのり おそいかかってくる。"
207,23,3,"보통은 벼랑에 붙어 있다.
먹이를 발견하면 날개를 펼쳐
바람을 타고 날아 덮친다."
207,23,5,"Il saccroche souvent aux falaises. Sa proie repérée,
il plane vers elle pour lattaquer."
207,23,6,"Es hängt meist an Klippen. Erspäht es Beute,
spreizt es seine Flügel und greift diese sofort an."
207,23,7,"A veces se sujeta a los precipicios. Cuando divisa una
presa, despliega sus alas y planea para atacar."
207,23,8,"Di solito sta attaccato agli scogli. Attacca la preda
spalancando le ali e planando."
207,23,9,"It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey,
it spreads its wings and glides down to attack."
207,23,11,"いつもは 崖に 張りついている。
獲物を見つけると 羽を広げ
風に乗り 襲いかかってくる。"
207,24,1,"がんめん めがけて とんでくる。
はりつかれた えものが おどろく
あいだに どくばりを さしこむ。"
207,24,3,"얼굴을 겨냥하고 날아와
들러붙어 먹이가 놀라는
사이에 독침을 찌른다."
207,24,5,"Il vole droit vers le visage de sa cible effrayée et sy
accroche pour lui injecter son poison."
207,24,6,"Es fliegt direkt auf das Gesicht seiner Feinde zu
und injiziert ihnen eine Überdosis Gift."
207,24,7,"Vuela directo a la cara del objetivo y acaba con su
aterrada víctima inyectándole veneno."
207,24,8,"Vola in picchiata sulla testa del nemico, lo atterra e
gli inietta il suo veleno."
207,24,9,"It flies straight at its targets face, then clamps
down on the startled victim to inject poison."
207,24,11,"顔面 めがけて 飛んでくる。
張りつかれた 獲物が 驚く
あいだに 毒針を 刺しこむ。"
207,25,1,"おとを たてず すべる ように かっくうする。
りょううでの おおきな ツメと あしの ツメで
えものの かおに しがみつき どくばりを さす。"
207,25,3,"소리 내지 않고 미끄러지듯 활공한다.
양손의 커다란 손톱과 발의 발톱으로
먹이의 얼굴에 달라붙어 독침을 찌른다."
207,25,5,"Scorplane plane dans les airs sans un bruit, comme sil glissait.
Ce Pokémon saccroche au visage de son ennemi grâce aux
serres de ses pattes arrière et aux pinces de ses pattes avant,
et pique avec son dard empoisonné."
207,25,6,"Skorgla segelt lautlos durch die Lüfte. Es verankert sich
mithilfe der Krallen an seinen Hinterbeinen und der riesigen
Scheren an seinen Vorderbeinen am Gesicht eines Feindes
und vergiftet ihn mit seinem Giftstachel."
207,25,7,"Gligar planea por el aire sin hacer ningún ruido, como si fuera
patinando. Este Pokémon se agarra a la cara de su rival con
las patas traseras, con forma de garra, y las pinzas de las
delanteras y le inyecta veneno por el aguijón."
207,25,8,"Gligar fende laria impercettibilmente come se stesse
scivolando. Questo Pokémon si aggrappa al viso del nemico
usando le zampe posteriori artigliate e le possenti chele
sulle zampe anteriori, poi avvelena la preda con il suo aculeo."
207,25,9,"Gligar glides through the air without a sound as if it were
sliding. This Pokémon hangs on to the face of its foe using
its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then
injects the prey with its poison barb."
207,25,11,"音を 立てず 滑る ように 滑空する。
両腕の 大きな ツメと 足の ツメで
獲物の 顔に しがみつき 毒針を 刺す。"
207,26,1,"おとを たてず すべる ように かっくうする。
りょううでの おおきな ツメと あしの ツメで
えものの かおに しがみつき どくばりを さす。"
207,26,3,"소리 내지 않고 미끄러지듯 활공한다.
양손의 커다란 손톱과 발의 발톱으로
먹이의 얼굴에 달라붙어 독침을 찌른다."
207,26,5,"Scorplane plane dans les airs sans un bruit, comme sil glissait.
Ce Pokémon saccroche au visage de son ennemi grâce aux
serres de ses pattes arrière et aux pinces de ses pattes avant,
et pique avec son dard empoisonné."
207,26,6,"Skorgla segelt lautlos durch die Lüfte. Es verankert sich
mithilfe der Krallen an seinen Hinterbeinen und der riesigen
Scheren an seinen Vorderbeinen am Gesicht eines Feindes
und vergiftet ihn mit seinem Giftstachel."
207,26,7,"Gligar planea por el aire sin hacer ningún ruido, como si fuera
patinando. Este Pokémon se agarra a la cara de su rival con
las patas traseras, con forma de garra, y las pinzas de las
delanteras y le inyecta veneno por el aguijón."
207,26,8,"Gligar fende laria impercettibilmente come se stesse
scivolando. Questo Pokémon si aggrappa al viso del nemico
usando le zampe posteriori artigliate e le possenti chele
sulle zampe anteriori, poi avvelena la preda con il suo aculeo."
207,26,9,"Gligar glides through the air without a sound as if it were
sliding. This Pokémon hangs on to the face of its foe using
its clawed hind legs and the large pincers on its forelegs, then
injects the prey with its poison barb."
207,26,11,"音を 立てず 滑る ように 滑空する。
両腕の 大きな ツメと 足の ツメで
獲物の 顔に しがみつき 毒針を 刺す。"
208,4,9,"Its body has been
compressed deep
under the ground.As a result, it is
even harder than a
208,5,9,"It is said that if
an ONIX lives for
over 100 years,its composition
changes to become
208,6,9,"The many small
metal particles
that cover thisPOKéMON's body
reflect bright
light well."
208,7,9,"STEELIX lives even further underground
than ONIX. This POKéMON is known to dig
towards the earths core.There are records of this POKéMON
reaching a depth of over six-tenths
of a mile underground."
208,8,9,"STEELIX lives even further underground
than ONIX. This POKéMON is known to dig
towards the earths core.There are records of this POKéMON
reaching a depth of over six-tenths
of a mile underground."
208,9,9,"STEELIX live even further underground
than ONIX. This POKéMON is known to dig
toward the earths core, reaching a depth
of over six-tenths of a mile underground."
208,10,9,"It is said that if an ONIX lives for over
100 years, its composition changes to
become diamond-like."
208,11,9,"Its body has been compressed deep under
the ground. As a result, it is even harder
than diamond."
208,12,9,"Tempered underground under
high pressure and heat, its
body is harder than any metal."
208,13,9,"It chews its way through boulders
with its sturdy jaws. Its eyes can
see in the darkness underground."
208,14,9,"It is thought its body transformed
as a result of iron accumulating
internally from swallowing soil."
208,15,9,"Its body has been compressed deep
under the ground. As a result,
it is even harder than a diamond."
208,16,9,"Its said that if an ONIX lives for 100
years, its composition becomes
diamondlike as it evolves into a STEELIX."
208,17,5,"On pense que son corps sest
transformé à cause du fer contenu
dans la terre dont il se nourrit."
208,17,9,"It is thought its body transformed
as a result of iron accumulating
internally from swallowing soil."
208,18,5,"On pense que son corps sest
transformé à cause du fer contenu
dans la terre dont il se nourrit."
208,18,9,"It is thought its body transformed
as a result of iron accumulating
internally from swallowing soil."
208,21,9,"The iron it ingested with the soil it
swallowed transformed its body and
made it harder than diamonds."
208,22,9,"The iron it ingested with the soil it
swallowed transformed its body and
made it harder than diamonds."
208,23,1,"ちちゅうの たかい あつりょくと
ねつで きたえられた からだは
あらゆる きんぞくよりも かたい。"
208,23,3,"땅속의 높은 압력과
열로 단련된 몸은
어떠한 금속보다도 단단하다."
208,23,5,"Grâce à la température élevée et à la haute pression
souterraines, son corps est plus dur que le métal."
208,23,6,"Hoher Druck und hohe Temperaturen haben
seinen Körper härter als Stahl werden lassen."
208,23,7,"Su cuerpo es más duro que cualquier metal debido a la
gran presión y calor de su hábitat."
208,23,8,"Temprato dalla pressione e dal calore sotterraneo,
il suo corpo è più duro di qualsiasi metallo."
208,23,9,"Tempered underground under high pressure and
heat, its body is harder than any metal."
208,23,11,"地中の 高い 圧力と 熱で
鍛えられた 体は
あらゆる 金属よりも 硬い。"
208,24,1,"じょうぶな あごで がんせきを
かみくだき すすむ。まっくらな
ちちゅうでも みえる めを もつ。"
208,24,3,"튼튼한 턱으로 암석을 깨물어
부수고 나아간다. 아주 캄캄한 땅속
에서도 보이는 눈을 가지고 있다."
208,24,5,"Ses mâchoires robustes peuvent broyer la pierre.
Ses yeux percent la pénombre souterraine."
208,24,6,"Es beißt sich mit seinen Kiefern seinen Weg durch
Felsen. Es kann auch im Dunkeln sehen."
208,24,7,"Atraviesa rocas a mordisco limpio. Sus ojos pueden
ver en la oscuridad subterránea."
208,24,8,"Distrugge le rocce con le mascelle robuste per farsi
strada. I suoi occhi vedono nei bui sotterranei."
208,24,9,"It chews its way through boulders with its
sturdy jaws. Its eyes can see in the
darkness underground."
208,24,11,"丈夫な アゴで 岩石を
かみくだき 進む。真っ暗な
地中でも 見える 目を 持つ。"
208,25,1,"イワークよりも ふかい ちちゅうに すんでいる。
ちきゅうの ちゅうしんに むかって ほりすすみ
ふかさ 1キロに たっする ことも ある。"
208,25,3,"롱스톤보다 깊은 땅속에 살고 있다.
지구의 중심을 향해 파고들어 가서
깊이가 1km에 달하기도 한다."
208,25,5,"Steelix vit sous terre, encore plus profondément quOnix.
On dit que ce Pokémon creuse vers le centre de la planète.
On a déjà vu ce Pokémon descendre à plus dun kilomètre
de profondeur."
208,25,6,"Stahlos lebt noch tiefer unter der Erde als Onix. Dieses
Pokémon gräbt immer in Richtung des Erdkerns. Nachweislich
hat dieses Pokémon bereits Tiefen von 1 km erreicht."
208,25,7,"Steelix vive a mayor profundidad aún que Onix. Se le conoce
por su tendencia a excavar hacia el interior del planeta. Hay
datos que muestran que este Pokémon ha llegado a alcanzar
1 km de profundidad."
208,25,8,"Steelix è noto per i suoi scavi in profondità, a distanze
maggiori rispetto a Onix. Sono stati riportati record
di profondità pari a 1 km sottoterra."
208,25,9,"Steelix lives even further underground than Onix.
This Pokémon is known to dig toward the earths core.
There are records of this Pokémon reaching a depth of over
six-tenths of a mile underground."
208,25,11,"イワークよりも 深い 地中に すんでいる。
地球の 中心に 向かって 掘り進み
深さ 1キロに 達する ことも ある。"
208,26,1,"イワークよりも ふかい ちちゅうに すんでいる。
ちきゅうの ちゅうしんに むかって ほりすすみ
ふかさ 1キロに たっする ことも ある。"
208,26,3,"롱스톤보다 깊은 땅속에 살고 있다.
지구의 중심을 향해 파고들어 가서
깊이가 1km에 달하기도 한다."
208,26,5,"Steelix vit sous terre, encore plus profondément quOnix.
On dit que ce Pokémon creuse vers le centre de la planète.
On a déjà vu ce Pokémon descendre à plus dun kilomètre
de profondeur."
208,26,6,"Stahlos lebt noch tiefer unter der Erde als Onix. Dieses
Pokémon gräbt immer in Richtung des Erdkerns. Nachweislich
hat dieses Pokémon bereits Tiefen von 1 km erreicht."
208,26,7,"Steelix vive a mayor profundidad aún que Onix. Se le conoce
por su tendencia a excavar hacia el interior del planeta. Hay
datos que muestran que este Pokémon ha llegado a alcanzar
1 km de profundidad."
208,26,8,"Steelix è noto per i suoi scavi in profondità, a distanze
maggiori rispetto a Onix. Sono stati riportati record
di profondità pari a 1 km sottoterra."
208,26,9,"Steelix lives even further underground than Onix.
This Pokémon is known to dig toward the earths core.
There are records of this Pokémon reaching a depth of
over six-tenths of a mile underground."
208,26,11,"イワークよりも 深い 地中に すんでいる。
地球の 中心に 向かって 掘り進み
深さ 1キロに 達する ことも ある。"
208,33,1,"イワークが 100ねん いじょう
いきると からだの せいぶんが
ダイヤのように へんかする という。"
208,33,3,"롱스톤이 100년 이상 살면
몸의 성분이 다이아몬드처럼
변한다고 전해진다."
208,33,5,"On raconte quil sagit dun Onix de plus
de 100 ans dont la structure corporelle
sest rapprochée de celle du diamant."
208,33,6,"Es heißt, dass der Körper von Onix so hart wie
ein Diamant werde, wenn es mehr als 100 Jahre
208,33,7,"Según dicen, si un Onix vive más de 100 años,
su cuerpo adquiere una composición que
recuerda a la de los diamantes."
208,33,8,"Un Onix vissuto più di 100 anni.
Il suo corpo ha cambiato composizione
ed è diventato duro come il diamante."
208,33,9,"It is said that if an Onix lives for over 100 years,
its composition changes to become diamond-like."
208,33,11,"イワークが 100年 以上
生きると 体の 成分が
ダイヤのように 変化する という。"
208,34,1,"つちと いっしょに のみこんだ
てつぶんが たまっていって からだが
へんかしたとも かんがえられる。"
208,34,3,"흙과 함께 삼킨 강철이
축적되어 몸이 변화한 것이라
여겨지고 있다."
208,34,5,"On pense que son corps sest transformé à force
davaler le fer contenu dans la terre en creusant."
208,34,6,"Man glaubt, dass sich sein Körper aufgrund des
Schluckens von eisenhaltiger Erde verwandelt
208,34,7,"Se cree que su cuerpo se ha ido transformando
por el hierro acumulado en la tierra que ha
208,34,8,"Si pensa che si sia trasformato a causa del
ferro contenuto nella terra che mangia."
208,34,9,"It is thought its body transformed as a result of
iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil."
208,34,11,"土と 一緒に 飲みこんだ
鉄分が 溜まっていって 体が
変化したとも 考えられる。"
209,4,9,"Although it looks
frightening, it is
actually kind andaffectionate. It
is very popular
among women."
209,5,9,"It has an active,
playful nature.
Many women liketo frolic with it
because of its af­
fectionate ways."
209,6,9,"In truth, it is a
cowardly POKéMON.
It growls eagerlyin order to hide
its fear from its
209,7,9,"By baring its fangs and making a scary
face, SNUBBULL sends smaller POKéMON
scurrying away in terror.However, this POKéMON seems a little
sad at making its foes flee."
209,8,9,"By baring its fangs and making a scary
face, SNUBBULL sends smaller POKéMON
scurrying away in terror.However, this POKéMON seems a little
sad at making its foes flee."
209,9,9,"By baring its fangs and making a scary
face, it sends smaller POKéMON scurrying
in terror. The SNUBBULL does seem a
little sad at making its foes flee."
209,10,9,"It has an active, playful nature. Many
women like to frolic with it because of
its affectionate ways."
209,11,9,"Although it looks frightening, it is
actually kind and affectionate. It is very
popular among women."
209,12,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,13,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,14,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,15,9,"Although it looks frightening, it
is actually kind and affectionate.
It is very popular among women."
209,16,9,"It has an active, playful nature.
Many women like to frolic with it
because of its affectionate ways."
209,17,5,"Son visage horrible fait fuir les
petits Pokémon. Par contre, les
femmes le trouvent mignon."
209,17,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,18,5,"Son visage horrible fait fuir les
petits Pokémon. Par contre, les
femmes le trouvent mignon."
209,18,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,21,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,22,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary
face. It is, however, considered
by women to be cute."
209,23,1,"かっぱつで あそびずきな せいかく。
なついてくれるので いっしょに
あそびたがる じょせいも おおい。"
209,23,3,"활발하고 노는 것을 좋아하는 성격.
잘 따르기 때문에 함께
놀고 싶어 하는 여성들이 많다."
209,23,5,"Il est dune nature joviale. De nombreuses femmes
lapprécient pour sa gentillesse."
209,23,6,"Es ist von Natur aus verspielt. Es tollt mit vielen
Frauen herum, da es ihnen zugeneigt ist."
209,23,7,"Muy travieso por naturaleza, a muchas mujeres les
gusta jugar con él porque es muy cariñoso."
209,23,8,"Ha uno spirito attivo e giocoso. A molti piace
giocherellare con lui per i suoi modi affettuosi."
209,23,9,"It has an active, playful nature. Many women like to
frolic with it because of its affectionate ways."
209,23,11,"活発で 遊び好きな 性格。
懐いてくれるので 一緒に
遊びたがる 女性も 多い。"
209,24,1,"ちいさな ポケモンが にげだすほどの
こわいかおが ぎゃくに かわいいと
じょせいに にんきの ポケモン。"
209,24,3,"작은 포켓몬이 도망칠 정도의
무서운 얼굴이 반대로 귀엽다며
여성에게 인기가 있는 포켓몬이다."
209,24,5,"Son visage horrible fait fuir les petits Pokémon.
Par contre, les femmes le trouvent mignon."
209,24,6,"Kleine Pokémon fliehen beim Anblick seines Gesichts.
Frauen aber finden es niedlich."
209,24,7,"Los Pokémon pequeños huyen al ver su cara agresiva.
No obstante, para muchas féminas es mono."
209,24,8,"I Pokémon più piccoli fuggono alla vista della sua
faccia terrificante. Ma le donne lo trovano carino."
209,24,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary face. It is,
however, considered by women to be cute."
209,24,11,"小さな ポケモンが 逃げ出すほどの
怖い顔が 逆に かわいいと
女性に 人気の ポケモン。"
209,25,1,"キバを むきだして こわい かおを すれば
ちいさな ポケモンなら おびえて にげだす。
にげられた ブルーは ちょっと さみしそう。"
209,25,3,"이빨을 드러내고 무서운 얼굴을 하면
작은 포켓몬은 겁을 먹고 도망친다.
남겨진 블루는 조금 외로워 보인다."
209,25,5,"Snubbull terrorise les Pokémon plus petits que lui en montrant
les dents et en faisant une grimace. Cependant, ce Pokémon
est toujours un peu triste de voir ses ennemis prendre la fuite."
209,25,6,"Indem es seine Zähne fletscht und ein furchterregendes
Gesicht macht, schlägt Snubbull kleinere Pokémon in die
Flucht. Es scheint darüber jedoch etwas traurig zu sein."
209,25,7,"Al tener los colmillos por fuera, Snubbull da miedo y espanta
a los Pokémon pequeños, que huyen aterrados. Parece que
a él le da un poco de pena que salgan huyendo."
209,25,8,"Mostrando le zanne e ringhiando furiosamente, Snubbull
terrorizza i Pokémon più piccoli mettendoli in fuga.
Tuttavia, pare intristirsi ogni volta che il nemico scappa
209,25,9,"By baring its fangs and making a scary face, Snubbull sends
smaller Pokémon scurrying away in terror. However, this
Pokémon seems a little sad at making its foes flee."
209,25,11,"キバを むき出して 怖い 顔を すれば
小さな ポケモンなら おびえて 逃げ出す。
逃げられた ブルーは ちょっと 寂しそう。"
209,26,1,"キバを むきだして こわい かおを すれば
ちいさな ポケモンなら おびえて にげだす。
にげられた ブルーは ちょっと さみしそう。"
209,26,3,"이빨을 드러내고 무서운 얼굴을 하면
작은 포켓몬은 겁을 먹고 도망친다.
남겨진 블루는 조금 외로워 보인다."
209,26,5,"Snubbull terrorise les Pokémon plus petits que lui en montrant
les dents et en faisant une grimace. Cependant, ce Pokémon
est toujours un peu triste de voir ses ennemis prendre la fuite."
209,26,6,"Indem es seine Zähne fletscht und ein furchterregendes
Gesicht macht, schlägt Snubbull kleinere Pokémon in die
Flucht. Es scheint darüber jedoch etwas traurig zu sein."
209,26,7,"Al tener los colmillos por fuera, Snubbull da miedo y espanta
a los Pokémon pequeños, que huyen aterrados. Parece que
a él le da un poco de pena que salgan huyendo."
209,26,8,"Mostrando le zanne e ringhiando furiosamente, Snubbull
terrorizza i Pokémon più piccoli mettendoli in fuga.
Tuttavia, pare intristirsi ogni volta che il nemico scappa
209,26,9,"By baring its fangs and making a scary face, Snubbull sends
smaller Pokémon scurrying away in terror. However, this
Pokémon seems a little sad at making its foes flee."
209,26,11,"キバを むき出して 怖い 顔を すれば
小さな ポケモンなら おびえて 逃げ出す。
逃げられた ブルーは ちょっと 寂しそう。"
209,27,1,"かおは いかついが じつは けっこう
おくびょう。 ひっしに いかくする
ひょうじょうが じょせいに にんき。"
209,27,3,"얼굴은 우락부락하지만 사실은 꽤
겁쟁이다. 필사적으로 위협하는
표정이 여성들에게 인기 있다."
209,27,5,"Malgré sa mine renfrognée, il est en réalité plutôt
craintif. Son visage faussement intimidant
fait craquer les gens."
209,27,6,"Es macht ein furchterregendes Gesicht, ist aber
an sich recht feige. Sein Bemühen, bedrohlich
zu wirken, macht es bei vielen beliebt."
209,27,7,"Su rostro da un poco de miedo, pero en realidad
es bastante cobardica. A la gente suele hacerle
gracia su cara de malas pulgas."
209,27,8,"Nonostante la faccia torva, è molto timido.
Si sforza di apparire minaccioso, ma proprio per
questo molti lo trovano carino."
209,27,9,"Despite its intimidating face, its quite cowardly.
Its desperate attempts to appear threatening
make it popular with people."
209,27,11,"顔は 厳ついが 実は 結構
臆病。 必死に いかくする
表情が 女性に 人気。"
209,28,1,"うなりごえは あいてを ふあんに
させる。 ふだんは のんびりやで
1にちの はんぶんは ねているよ。"
209,28,3,"으르렁거리는 소리는 상대를 불안하게
만든다. 평소에는 느긋한 성격으로
하루의 절반은 자고 있다."
209,28,5,"Lorsquil naboie pas pour effrayer ses
adversaires, ce Pokémon aime se la couler
douce et dort 12 h par jour."
209,28,6,"Es brüllt, um seine Feinde zu verunsichern.
Normalerweise geht es die Dinge gemütlich
an und schläft den halben Tag."
209,28,7,"Sus ladridos inquietan a sus adversarios.
Normalmente tiene una personalidad afable y se
pasa la mitad del día durmiendo."
209,28,8,"Emette versi inquietanti, ma di solito è tranquillo
e passa metà della giornata a dormire."
209,28,9,"Its growls make its opponents uneasy. This
laid-back Pokémon tends to sleep half the day."
209,28,11,"唸り声は 相手を 不安に
させる。 普段は のんびり屋で
1日の 半分は 寝ているよ。"
209,29,1,"よく なついて よく あまえる。
その しぐさと かおの ギャップで
わかい じょせいは メロメロらしい。 "
209,29,3,"금방 따르고 금방 응석을 부린다.
하는 행동과 생김새의 격차 때문에
젊은 여성은 헤롱헤롱하는 듯하다."
209,29,5,"Il sattache très facilement et aime être cajolé.
Une telle sensibilité cachée derrière une mine
renfrognée fait fondre beaucoup de jeunes gens."
209,29,6,"Es wird schnell zahm und wird gerne verwöhnt.
Viele lieben den Kontrast zwischen seiner
mürrischen Miene und dem putzigen Charakter."
209,29,7,"Le gusta que le hagan mimos y coge confianza
con facilidad. A la gente le fascina el contraste
entre su aspecto fiero y carácter dulce."
209,29,8,"Si affeziona facilmente ed è sempre in cerca di
attenzioni, nonostante la sua espressione.
I giovani lo adorano proprio per questo."
209,29,9,"It grows close to others easily and is also easily
spoiled. The disparity between its face and its
actions makes many young people wild about it."
209,29,11,"よく 懐いて よく 甘える。
その 仕草と 顔の ギャップで
若い 女性は メロメロらしい。"
209,30,1,"みためと ちがって おくびょうなので
ほかの こいぬポケモンと いっしょに
すると いじめられることも ある。"
209,30,3,"겉보기와 다르게 겁쟁이라
다른 강아지포켓몬과 함께
있으면 괴롭힘을 당할 때도 있다."
209,30,5,"Malgré les apparences, cest un grand timide
qui fait souvent lobjet de railleries quand il se
trouve au milieu dun groupe de Pokémon Chiot."
209,30,6,"Man sieht es ihm zwar nicht an, aber es ist
recht feige. Lässt man es mit anderen kleinen
Hunde-Pokémon spielen, wird es oft gehänselt."
209,30,7,"A pesar de su aspecto, es muy tímido y afable.
A menudo es objeto de burla cuando se junta
con Pokémon Perrito."
209,30,8,"Nonostante il suo aspetto, è piuttosto timido.
Quando si ritrova in mezzo a dei Pokémon
Cagnolino, tutti lo prendono in giro."
209,30,9,"In contrast to its appearance, its quite
timid. When playing with other puppy
Pokémon, it sometimes gets bullied."
209,30,11,"見た目と 違って 臆病なので
他の こいぬポケモンと 一緒に
すると いじめられることも ある。"
210,4,9,"It is actually
timid and easily
spooked. If at­tacked, it flails
about to fend off
its attacker."
210,5,9,"Because its fangs
are too heavy, it
always keeps itshead tilted down.
However, its BITE
is powerful."
210,6,9,"It can make most
any POKéMON run
away simply byopening its mouth
wide to reveal its
big fangs."
210,7,9,"GRANBULL has a particularly well-
developed lower jaw. The enormous fangs
are heavy, causing the POKéMON to tipits head back for balance.
Unless it is startled, it will not try to
bite indiscriminately."
210,8,9,"GRANBULL has a particularly well-
developed lower jaw. The enormous fangs
are heavy, causing the POKéMON to tipits head back for balance.
Unless it is startled, it will not try to
bite indiscriminately."
210,9,9,"It has a particularly well-developed lower
jaw. The huge fangs are heavy, causing
it to tilt its head. Unless it is startled, it
will not try to bite."
210,10,9,"Because its fangs are too heavy, it
always keeps its head tilted down.
However, its BITE is powerful."
210,11,9,"It is actually timid and easily spooked.
If attacked, it flails about to fend off
its attacker."
210,12,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,13,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,14,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,15,9,"It is actually timid and easily
spooked. If attacked, it flails
about to fend off its attacker."
210,16,9,"Because its fangs are too heavy, it
always keeps its head tilted down.
However, its bite is powerful."
210,17,5,"En dépit des apparences, cest un
grand timide. Quand il sénerve, il
mord de ses énormes crocs."
210,17,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,18,5,"En dépit des apparences, cest un
grand timide. Quand il sénerve, il
mord de ses énormes crocs."
210,18,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,21,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,22,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks.
If it becomes enraged, however,
it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,23,1,"かおに にあわず おくびょう。
しかし ひとたび おこりはじめると
おおきな キバで はんげきする。"
210,23,3,"얼굴에 어울리지 않게 겁이 많다.
그러나 한번 화내기 시작하면
큰 이빨로 반격한다."
210,23,5,"En dépit des apparences, cest un grand timide.
Quand il sénerve, il mord de ses énormes crocs."
210,23,6,"Es ist trotz seines Äußeren schüchtern. Wird es
wütend, schnappt es mit seinen Fängen zu."
210,23,7,"A pesar de su aspecto, es muy tímido. Sin embargo,
cuando se enfada, ataca con sus colmillos."
210,23,8,"Malgrado il suo aspetto, è molto timido. Se si
arrabbia, tuttavia, colpisce con le sue enormi zanne."
210,23,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes
enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs."
210,23,11,"顔に 似合わず 臆病。
しかし ひとたび 怒りはじめると
大きな キバで 反撃する。"
210,24,1,"おおきな くちを ひらいて
ふとい キバを みせつければ
たいていの ポケモンは にげだす。"
210,24,3,"커다란 입을 벌리고
두꺼운 송곳니를 드러내면
대부분의 포켓몬이 도망친다."
210,24,5,"Il peut faire fuir presque tous les Pokémon en ouvrant
très largement sa mâchoire."
210,24,6,"Es kann fast jedes Pokémon vertreiben, indem es sein
Maul weit öffnet und seine scharfen Reißzähne zeigt."
210,24,7,"Con solo enseñar las fauces, conseguirá ahuyentar
prácticamente a todos los Pokémon con los que se
210,24,8,"Se spalanca la bocca mostrando i grandi denti,
quasi tutti i Pokémon fuggono spaventati."
210,24,9,"It can make most any Pokémon run away simply by
opening its mouth wide to reveal its big fangs."
210,24,11,"大きな 口を 開いて
太い キバを 見せつければ
たいていの ポケモンは 逃げ出す。"
210,25,1,"したアゴが とても はったつした ポケモン。
キバが おもたいので くびを かしげている。
おどろかさなければ むやみに かみつかない。"
210,25,3,"아래턱이 매우 발달한 포켓몬이다.
이빨이 무거워서 목을 기울이고 있다.
놀라게 하지 않으면 무턱대고 물지 않는다."
210,25,5,"Granbull a une mâchoire inférieure particulièrement
développée. Ses énormes crocs sont tellement lourds
quils lobligent à pencher la tête.
Il ne mord jamais sans raison, sauf quand il a peur."
210,25,6,"Granbull besitzt einen besonders ausgeprägten Unterkiefer.
Wegen seiner schweren Zähne wackelt es mit dem Kopf.
Es beißt nur zu, wenn es erschreckt wird."
210,25,7,"Granbull tiene la mandíbula inferior demasiado desarrollada
y colmillos enormes y pesados que le obligan a inclinar la
cabeza hacia atrás para compensar el peso. Si no se le
asusta, no muerde."
210,25,8,"Granbull è dotato di una mascella inferiore particolarmente
sviluppata. A causa delle enormi e pesanti zanne deve
inclinare la testa per mantenersi in equilibrio.
Se spaventato, può mordere in modo inconsulto."
210,25,9,"Granbull has a particularly well-developed lower jaw.
The enormous fangs are heavy, causing the Pokémon to tip its
head back for balance. Unless it is startled, it will not try to
bite indiscriminately."
210,25,11,"下アゴが とても 発達した ポケモン。
キバが 重たいので 首を 傾げている。
驚かさなければ 無暗に かみつかない。"
210,26,1,"したアゴが とても はったつした ポケモン。
キバが おもたいので くびを かしげている。
おどろかさなければ むやみに かみつかない。"
210,26,3,"아래턱이 매우 발달한 포켓몬이다.
이빨이 무거워서 목을 기울이고 있다.
놀라게 하지 않으면 무턱대고 물지 않는다."
210,26,5,"Granbull a une mâchoire inférieure particulièrement
développée. Ses énormes crocs sont tellement lourds
quils lobligent à pencher la tête.
Il ne mord jamais sans raison, sauf quand il a peur."
210,26,6,"Granbull besitzt einen besonders ausgeprägten Unterkiefer.
Wegen seiner schweren Zähne wackelt es mit dem Kopf.
Es beißt nur zu, wenn es erschreckt wird."
210,26,7,"Granbull tiene la mandíbula inferior demasiado desarrollada
y colmillos enormes y pesados que le obligan a inclinar la
cabeza hacia atrás para compensar el peso. Si no se le
asusta, no muerde."
210,26,8,"Granbull è dotato di una mascella inferiore particolarmente
sviluppata. A causa delle enormi e pesanti zanne deve
inclinare la testa per mantenersi in equilibrio.
Se spaventato, può mordere in modo inconsulto."
210,26,9,"Granbull has a particularly well-developed lower jaw.
The enormous fangs are heavy, causing the Pokémon to tip
its head back for balance. Unless it is startled, it will not try to
bite indiscriminately."
210,26,11,"下アゴが とても 発達した ポケモン。
キバが 重たいので 首を 傾げている。
驚かさなければ 無暗に かみつかない。"
210,27,1,"はったつした したアゴと おもたい
キバが ぶき。 おこらせないかぎり
めったに かみついたり しないよ。"
210,27,3,"발달한 아래턱과 묵직한 이빨이
무기다. 화나게 하지 않는 한
웬만해서는 물거나 하지 않는다."
210,27,5,"Sa mâchoire inférieure et ses crocs
surdimensionnés sont ses armes de prédilection.
Il ne mord pas tant quon ne lénerve pas."
210,27,6,"Ein ausgeprägter Unterkiefer und schwere
Zähne sind seine Waffen. Es beißt nur zu,
wenn es verärgert wird."
210,27,7,"Ataca con su desarrollada mandíbula y sus
enormes colmillos. Rara es la vez que muerde a
alguien, a menos que le haya hecho enfadar."
210,27,8,"Attacca i nemici con la grossa mascella
inferiore, dotata di zanne massicce.
Morde solo quando è arrabbiato."
210,27,9,"Its well-developed lower jaw and heavy fangs
are its weapons. As long as its not provoked,
it rarely bites."
210,27,11,"発達した 下アゴと 重たい
キバが 武器。 怒らせない限り
滅多に 噛みついたり しないよ。"
210,28,1,"ブルー いじょうに おくびょう。
みためとの ギャップが うけて
わかい じょせいに だいにんき。"
210,28,3,"블루 이상으로 겁쟁이다.
겉모습과의 차이가 인기를 얻어
젊은 여성에게 인기가 높다."
210,28,5,"Encore plus peureux que Snubbull, son
apparence ô combien trompeuse lui vaut
un succès fou."
210,28,6,"Es ist noch schüchterner als Snubbull. Der
Kontrast zwischen seinem Äußeren und seinem
Wesen macht es bei jungen Leuten so beliebt."
210,28,7,"Es más miedica que Snubbull. Resulta muy
popular entre la gente joven debido a su
aspecto de duro y a su afable personalidad."
210,28,8,"È persino più timido di Snubbull. I giovani lo
trovano irresistibile proprio per lo scarto tra
il suo aspetto minaccioso e il suo carattere."
210,28,9,"More timid than Snubbull, this Pokémon is doted
on by young people amused at the contrast
between its looks and its attitude."
210,28,11,"ブルー 以上に 臆病。
見た目との ギャップが うけて
若い 女性に 大人気。"
210,29,1,"アゴの ちからは きょうりょくだが
あらそいを このまないので めったに
ひろうする きかいは ないのだ。"
210,29,3,"턱의 힘은 강력하지만
다툼을 좋아하지 않아 그다지
싸우는 걸 볼 기회가 많지 않다."
210,29,5,"Sa mâchoire est étonnamment puissante,
mais comme il naime pas se battre, il na
pas souvent loccasion de sen servir."
210,29,6,"Sein Unterkiefer ist sehr stark. Da es jedoch
den Kampf scheut, kommt es nur selten dazu,
dies zu demonstrieren."
210,29,7,"Su mandíbula posee una fuerza abrumadora,
pero, como no le gusta pelear, rara vez tiene
ocasión de demostrarlo."
210,29,8,"Ha una mascella molto potente, ma non ama
battersi, perciò non ha molte occasioni di dare
prova della sua forza."
210,29,9,"While it has powerful jaws, it doesnt care for
disputes, so it rarely has a chance to display
their might."
210,29,11,"アゴの 力は 強力だが
争いを 好まないので 滅多に
披露する 機会は ないのだ。"
210,30,1,"わかい じょせいに だいにんきだが
おくびょうなうえに せんさいなので
ばんけん としては むのうだ。"
210,30,3,"젊은 여성에게 인기가 많지만
겁쟁이인데다가 섬세하기 때문에
지킴이로는 무능하다."
210,30,5,"Les jeunes gens en sont fous, mais sa timidité
et sa grande délicatesse en font un piètre
Pokémon de garde."
210,30,6,"Es ist bei jungen Leuten sehr beliebt. Aufgrund
seines feigen und sensiblen Charakters ist es
als Wache allerdings völlig ungeeignet."
210,30,7,"Es muy popular entre la gente joven, pero su
personalidad afable y algo miedosa hacen de
él un pésimo guardián."
210,30,8,"Piace moltissimo ai giovani.
Di indole timida e delicata, non è adatto a fare
la guardia."
210,30,9,"Although its popular with young people,
Granbull is timid and sensitive, so its totally
incompetent as a watchdog."
210,30,11,"若い 女性に 大人気だが
臆病な上に 繊細なので
番犬 としては 無能だ。"
211,4,9,"To fire its poison
spikes, it must
inflate its bodyby drinking over
2.6 gallons of
water all at once."
211,5,9,"The small spikes
covering its body
developed fromscales. They in­
ject a toxin that
causes fainting."
211,6,9,"When faced with a
larger opponent,
it swallows asmuch water as it
can to match the
opponent's size."
211,7,9,"QWILFISH sucks in water, inflating
itself. This POKéMON uses the pressure
of the water it swallowed to shoottoxic quills all at once from all over
its body. It finds swimming somewhat
211,8,9,"QWILFISH sucks in water, inflating
itself. This POKéMON uses the pressure
of the water it swallowed to shoottoxic quills all at once from all over
its body. It finds swimming somewhat
211,9,9,"A QWILFISH uses the pressure of water
it swallows to shoot toxic quills all at
once from all over its body. It finds
swimming to be somewhat challenging."
211,10,9,"The small spikes covering its body
developed from scales. They inject a
toxin that causes fainting."
211,11,9,"To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate
its body by drinking over 2.6 gallons of 
water all at once."
211,12,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,13,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,14,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,15,9,"To fire its poison spikes, it must
inflate its body by drinking over
2.6 gallons of water all at once."
211,16,9,"The small spikes covering its body
developed from scales. They inject
a toxin that causes fainting."
211,17,5,"Il envoie ses piquants empoisonnés
à la ronde. Sa forme sphérique en
fait un piètre nageur."
211,17,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,18,5,"Il envoie ses piquants empoisonnés
à la ronde. Sa forme sphérique en
fait un piètre nageur."
211,18,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,21,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,22,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its
body in all directions. Its round
form makes it a poor swimmer."
211,23,1,"ぜんしんの どくばりを とばすため
10リットルの みずを いっきに
のみこみ からだを ふくらませる。"
211,23,3,"전신의 독침을 날리기 위해
10리터의 물을 단번에
마시고 몸을 부풀린다."
211,23,5,"Pour tirer ses dards empoisonnés, il gonfle son corps
en buvant 10 l deau subitement."
211,23,6,"Um seine Giftstacheln abzufeuern, muss es
seinen Körper aufpumpen, indem es 10 l trinkt."
211,23,7,"Para arrojar sus venenosas púas, infla su cuerpo
bebiendo hasta diez litros de agua de una sola vez."
211,23,8,"Per sparare le punte velenose, gonfia il corpo
bevendo più di 10 l dacqua in una volta."
211,23,9,"To fire its poison spikes, it must inflate its body by
drinking over 2.6 gallons of water all at once."
211,23,11,"全身の 毒針を 飛ばすため
10リットルの 水を 一気に
飲みこみ 体を ふくらませる。"
211,24,1,"ぜんしんの ちいさな ハリは
うろこが へんかしたもの。
ささると どくで きをうしなう。"
211,24,3,"전신의 작은 바늘은
비늘이 변화한 것이다.
찔리면 독 때문에 정신을 잃게 된다."
211,24,5,"Son corps est recouvert de pics provenant de ses
écailles. Ils sécrètent un poison étourdissant."
211,24,6,"Die kleinen Stacheln an seinem Körper sind aus
Schuppen entstanden. Damit injiziert es Gift."
211,24,7,"Las pequeñas púas que cubren su cuerpo eran
escamas. Inyectan una toxina que debilita."
211,24,8,"I piccoli aculei che coprono il suo corpo si sono
formati dalle squame. Contengono una tossina che
fa svenire."
211,24,9,"The small spikes covering its body developed from
scales. They inject a toxin that causes fainting."
211,24,11,"全身の 小さな 針は
ウロコが 変化したもの。
刺さると 毒で 気を失う。"
211,25,1,"のみこんだ みずの ちからを りようして
ぜんしんの どくばりを いっせいに うちだす。
およぐのは ちょっと にがてな ポケモンだ。"
211,25,3,"들이마신 물의 힘을 이용하여
전신의 독침을 일제히 쏘아댄다.
헤엄치는 것이 조금 서툰 포켓몬이다."
211,25,5,"Qwilfish se gonfle en aspirant de leau. Ce Pokémon utilise
la pression de leau avalée pour envoyer dun coup les pointes
toxiques de son corps. Nager lui demande un gros effort."
211,25,6,"Baldorfish saugt Wasser ein, um sich aufzublasen. Dieses
Pokémon nutzt den Druck des Wassers dazu, giftige Stacheln
aus seinem Körper zu verschießen. Es betrachtet Schwimmen
als eine echte Herausforderung."
211,25,7,"Qwilfish bebe agua y se hincha, y a continuación usa la
presión del agua que ha tragado para lanzar púas tóxicas
por todo el cuerpo. Para este Pokémon nadar es una especie
de desafío."
211,25,8,"Qwilfish si gonfia assorbendo acqua. Poi usa la pressione
dellacqua ingerita per sparare i suoi aculei velenosi
tutti insieme in un colpo solo.
Non si può certo dire che sia un grande nuotatore."
211,25,9,"Qwilfish sucks in water, inflating itself. This Pokémon
uses the pressure of the water it swallowed to shoot toxic
quills all at once from all over its body. It finds swimming
somewhat challenging."
211,25,11,"飲み込んだ 水の 力を 利用して
全身の 毒針を 一斉に 打ち出す。
泳ぐのは ちょっと 苦手な ポケモンだ。"
211,26,1,"のみこんだ みずの ちからを りようして
ぜんしんの どくばりを いっせいに うちだす。
およぐのは ちょっと にがてな ポケモンだ。"
211,26,3,"들이마신 물의 힘을 이용하여
전신의 독침을 일제히 쏘아댄다.
헤엄치는 것이 조금 서툰 포켓몬이다."
211,26,5,"Qwilfish se gonfle en aspirant de leau. Ce Pokémon utilise
la pression de leau avalée pour envoyer dun coup les pointes
toxiques de son corps. Nager lui demande un gros effort."
211,26,6,"Baldorfish saugt Wasser ein, um sich aufzublasen.
Dieses Pokémon nutzt den Druck des Wassers dazu,
giftige Stacheln zu verschießen. Es betrachtet Schwimmen
als eine echte Herausforderung."
211,26,7,"Qwilfish bebe agua y se hincha, y a continuación usa la
presión del agua que ha tragado para lanzar púas tóxicas
por todo el cuerpo. Para este Pokémon nadar es una especie
de desafío."
211,26,8,"Qwilfish si gonfia assorbendo acqua. Poi usa la pressione
dellacqua ingerita per sparare i suoi aculei velenosi
tutti insieme in un colpo solo.
Non si può certo dire che sia un grande nuotatore."
211,26,9,"Qwilfish sucks in water, inflating itself. This Pokémon
uses the pressure of the water it swallowed to shoot toxic
quills all at once from all over its body. It finds swimming
somewhat challenging."
211,26,11,"飲み込んだ 水の 力を 利用して
全身の 毒針を 一斉に 打ち出す。
泳ぐのは ちょっと 苦手な ポケモンだ。"
211,33,1,"あいてが おおきいほど からだが
はれつする げんかいまで みずを
のみこみ からだを ふくらませる。"
211,33,3,"상대가 크면 클수록 몸이
터지기 직전까지 물을
들이마셔서 몸을 부풀린다."
211,33,5,"Lorsquil est confronté à plus gros que lui,
il avale autant deau que possible pour égaler
le gabarit de son adversaire."
211,33,6,"Sieht es sich einem größeren Feind gegenüber,
schluckt es massenweise Wasser, um seinen
Körper aufzublähen und größer zu wirken."
211,33,7,"Cuando su rival es mayor que él, infla el cuerpo
bebiendo agua hasta casi reventar para lograr
igualarlo en tamaño."
211,33,8,"Se incontra un nemico più grande, ingoia acqua
gonfiando il corpo fino quasi a scoppiare."
211,33,9,"When faced with a larger opponent, it swallows
as much water as it can to match the
opponents size."
211,33,11,"相手が 大きいほど 体が
破裂する 限界まで 水を
飲みこみ 体を 膨らませる。"
211,34,1,"ぜんしんの ちいさな ハリは
うろこが へんかしたもの。
ささると どくで きをうしなう。"
211,34,3,"전신의 작은 바늘은
비늘이 변화한 것이다.
찔리면 독 때문에 정신을 잃게 된다."
211,34,5,"Ses petites épines étaient autrefois des écailles.
Elles sécrètent des toxines pouvant faire
perdre connaissance."
211,34,6,"Die kleinen Stacheln an seinem Körper sind aus
Schuppen entstanden. Damit injiziert es Gift,
das zu Ohnmacht führt."
211,34,7,"Las pequeñas púas que cubren su cuerpo eran
escamas. Inyectan una toxina que hace perder
el conocimiento."
211,34,8,"I piccoli aculei che coprono il suo corpo si sono
formati dalle squame. Contengono una tossina
che fa svenire."
211,34,9,"The small spikes covering its body developed
from scales. They inject a toxin that causes fainting."
211,34,11,"全身の 小さな 針は
ウロコが 変化したもの。
刺さると 毒で 気を失う。"
212,4,9,"It swings its eye-
patterned pincers
up to scare itsfoes. This makes
it look like it
has three heads."
212,5,9,"Its wings are not
used for flying.
They are flappedat high speed to
adjust its body
212,6,9,"This POKéMON's
pincers, which
contain steel, cancrush any hard
object it gets a
hold of into bits."
212,7,9,"SCIZOR has a body with the hardness of
steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary
sorts of attacks.This POKéMON flaps its wings to
regulate its body temperature."
212,8,9,"SCIZOR has a body with the hardness of
steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary
sorts of attacks.This POKéMON flaps its wings to
regulate its body temperature."
212,9,9,"A SCIZOR has a body with the hardness of
steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary
sorts of attacks. It flaps its wings to
regulate its body temperature."
212,10,9,"Its wings are not used for flying.
They are flapped at high speed to adjust
its body temperature."
212,11,9,"It swings its eye-patterned pincers up to
scare its foes. This makes it look like it
has three heads."
212,12,9,"It has a steel-hard body. It
intimidates foes by upraising its
eye-patterned pincers."
212,13,9,"It has a steel-hard body. It
intimidates foes by upraising its
eye-patterned pincers."
212,14,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike
markings for intimidation. It also
swings them down dangerously."
212,15,9,"It swings its eye-patterned pincers
up to scare its foes. This makes
it look like it has three heads."
212,16,9,"Its wings are not used for flying.
They are flapped at high speed to
adjust its body temperature."
212,17,5,"Les yeux sur ses pinces servent à
intimider lennemi avant de passer
à lattaque."
212,17,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike
markings for intimidation. It also
swings them down dangerously."
212,18,5,"Les yeux sur ses pinces servent à
intimider lennemi avant de passer
à lattaque."
212,18,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike
markings for intimidation. It also
swings them down dangerously."
212,21,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike
markings for intimidation. It also
swings them down dangerously."
212,22,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike
markings for intimidation. It also
swings them down dangerously."
212,23,1,"こうてつを ふくんでいる
ハサミで とらえたものは どんなに
かたくても コナゴナに くだく。"
212,23,3,"강철이 함유된
집게로 잡은 것은 아무리
딱딱해도 산산조각이 난다."
212,23,5,"Les pinces de ce Pokémon contiennent de lacier et
peuvent réduire en miettes quasiment nimporte quoi."
212,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann mit seinen stählernen
Scheren jeden harten Gegenstand mühelos zermalmen."
212,23,7,"Las pinzas que posee tienen acero. Con ellas, no hay
nada que se le resista. Rompen todo lo que pillan."
212,23,8,"Le chele, che contengono acciaio, possono fare a
pezzi qualsiasi oggetto afferrino."
212,23,9,"This Pokémons pincers, which contain steel, can
crush any hard object it gets ahold of into bits."
212,23,11,"鋼鉄を 含んでいる ハサミで
捕らえたものは どんなに 硬くても
コナゴナに 砕く。"
212,24,1,"はがねの からだを もつ。
めだまもようの ついた はさみを
ふりあげて あいてを いかくする。"
212,24,3,"강철의 몸을 가지고 있다.
눈알 무늬가 붙은 집게를
치켜들어 상대를 위협한다."
212,24,5,"Son corps est dur comme lacier. Il intimide ses
ennemis en levant ses pinces pareilles à des yeux."
212,24,6,"Sein Körper ist stahlhart. Es bedroht seine Gegner,
indem es die Augen auf seinen Scheren zeigt."
212,24,7,"Su cuerpo es duro como el acero. Confunde a los
rivales con los dibujos de ojos en sus pinzas."
212,24,8,"Ha un corpo duro come lacciaio. Spaventa i nemici
con le chele, su cui sono disegnati degli occhi."
212,24,9,"It has a steel-hard body. It intimidates foes by
upraising its eye-patterned pincers."
212,24,11,"鋼の 体を 持つ。
目玉模様の ついた ハサミを
振り上げて 相手を 威嚇する。"
212,25,1,"はがねの かたさを もつ からだは ちょっとや
そっとの こうげきでは びくとも しないぞ。
ハネを はばたかせ たいおんを ちょうせつする。"
212,25,3,"강철의 강도를 지닌 몸은 어지간한
공격으로는 꿈쩍도 하지 않는다.
날갯짓으로 체온을 조절한다."
212,25,5,"Le corps de Cizayox est dur comme de lacier. Les attaques
ordinaires ne le déstabilisent pas. Ce Pokémon bat des ailes
pour réguler sa température interne."
212,25,6,"Scherox Körper ist hart wie Stahl. Gewöhnliche Angriffe jagen
ihm keine Angst ein. Dieses Pokémon schlägt mit den Flügeln,
um seine Körpertemperatur zu regulieren."
212,25,7,"Scizor tiene un cuerpo duro como el acero que no es fácil de
alterar con ningún ataque común. Este Pokémon bate las alas
para regular la temperatura corporal."
212,25,8,"Il corpo di Scizor è duro come lacciaio. Gli attacchi
più comuni non riescono neanche a scalfirlo. Sbatte le ali
per regolare la propria temperatura corporea."
212,25,9,"Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily
fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. This Pokémon flaps its
wings to regulate its body temperature."
212,25,11,"鋼の 硬さを 持つ 体は ちょっとや
そっとの 攻撃では びくとも しないぞ。
ハネを 羽ばたかせ 体温を 調節する。"
212,26,1,"はがねの かたさを もつ からだは ちょっとや
そっとの こうげきでは びくとも しないぞ。
ハネを はばたかせ たいおんを ちょうせつする。"
212,26,3,"강철의 강도를 지닌 몸은 어지간한
공격으로는 꿈쩍도 하지 않는다.
날갯짓으로 체온을 조절한다."
212,26,5,"Le corps de Cizayox est dur comme de lacier. Les attaques
ordinaires ne le déstabilisent pas. Ce Pokémon bat des ailes
pour réguler sa température interne."
212,26,6,"Scherox Körper ist hart wie Stahl. Gewöhnliche Angriffe jagen
ihm keine Angst ein. Dieses Pokémon schlägt mit den Flügeln,
um seine Körpertemperatur zu regulieren."
212,26,7,"Scizor tiene un cuerpo duro como el acero que no es fácil de
alterar con ningún ataque común. Este Pokémon bate las alas
para regular la temperatura corporal."
212,26,8,"Il corpo di Scizor è duro come lacciaio. Gli attacchi
più comuni non riescono neanche a scalfirlo. Sbatte le ali
per regolare la propria temperatura corporea."
212,26,9,"Scizor has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily
fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. This Pokémon flaps its
wings to regulate its body temperature."
212,26,11,"鋼の 硬さを 持つ 体は ちょっとや
そっとの 攻撃では びくとも しないぞ。
ハネを 羽ばたかせ 体温を 調節する。"
212,27,1,"ハネを つかい たいおんちょうせつ。
たたかいで あつくなりすぎて
きんぞくの からだが とけないため。"
212,27,3,"날개를 사용해 체온조절을 한다.
싸움으로 너무 뜨거워져서
금속 몸이 녹지 않게 하기 위함이다."
212,27,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour réguler sa température
corporelle, ce qui empêche sa carcasse dacier
de fondre en cas dardent combat."
212,27,6,"Es schlägt mit den Flügeln, um seine Körper-
temperatur zu regulieren. So überhitzt und
schmilzt sein stählerner Körper im Kampf nicht."
212,27,7,"Este Pokémon bate las alas para regular su
temperatura corporal y evitar que su cuerpo
metálico se derrita en el fragor de la batalla."
212,27,8,"Quando lotta, sbatte continuamente le ali per
regolare la temperatura corporea ed evitare che
il suo corpo metallico si surriscaldi e fonda."
212,27,9,"It uses its wings to adjust its body temperature.
Otherwise, its metal body would become
too hot and melt in the heat of battle."
212,27,11,"ハネを 使い 体温調節。
戦いで 熱くなり過ぎて
金属の 身体が 溶けないため。"
212,28,1,"ひとたび てきと にんしきすると
こうてつの こうどを もつ ハサミで
ようしゃなく たたきつぶす。"
212,28,3,"한 번 적이라고 인식하면
강철의 경도를 지닌 집게로
봐주지 않고 때려눕힌다."
212,28,5,"Avec ses puissantes pinces dacier, ce Pokémon
implacable sacharne sur tout ce quil considère
comme un ennemi jusquà le briser."
212,28,6,"Sobald es einen Gegner bemerkt, schlägt es ihn
mit seinen stahlharten Scheren erbarmungslos
212,28,7,"Arremete contra sus enemigos con sus
poderosas pinzas, tan duras como el acero, sin
ningún tipo de compasión."
212,28,8,"Si scaglia implacabile sul nemico, attaccandolo
con le sue chele dure come lacciaio."
212,28,9,"Once it has identified an enemy, this Pokémon
smashes it mercilessly with pincers hard
as steel."
212,28,11,"ひとたび 敵と 認識すると
鋼鉄の 硬度を 持つ ハサミで
容赦なく 叩き潰す。"
212,29,1,"はがねの ような からだを もつ。
ごつくて おもい ハサミは てきを
はさむより たたきつぶすのに むく。"
212,29,3,"강철 같은 몸을 가졌다.
완고하고 무거운 집게는 적을
잡기보다 때려눕히기에 적당하다."
212,29,5,"Son corps est aussi solide que lacier. Ses
pinces, grosses et lourdes, sont plus adaptées
au broyage quà la capture dennemis."
212,29,6,"Sein Körper ist hart wie Stahl. Es nutzt seine
großen, schweren Scheren weniger, um Gegner
zu packen, als um sie niederzuschlagen."
212,29,7,"Su cuerpo es duro como el acero. Con sus
pinzas grandes y pesadas, si agarra a un rival,
más que inmovilizarlo lo destroza."
212,29,8,"Il suo corpo è duro come lacciaio. Con le pesanti
e robuste chele schiaccia facilmente il nemico
non appena lo afferra."
212,29,9,"Its body is like steel. Its tough, heavy pincers
are more suited to smashing enemies than
grabbing them."
212,29,11,"鋼の ような 身体を 持つ。
ごつくて 重い ハサミは 敵を
挟むより 叩き潰すのに 向く。"
212,30,1,"1ど てきと はんだんした ものは
こうてつの かたさを もつ ハサミで
こなごなになるまで なぐりつづける。"
212,30,3,"한번 적이라고 판단한 상대는
강철의 강도를 지닌 집게로
가루가 되도록 때린다."
212,30,5,"Il utilise ses énormes pinces dures comme
de lacier pour réduire en miettes ceux
quil identifie comme des ennemis."
212,30,6,"Sobald es ein anderes Pokémon als Feind
erkennt, schlägt es dieses mit seinen
stahlharten Scheren gnadenlos in Stücke."
212,30,7,"Una vez que identifica a su enemigo, arremete
contra él hasta hacerlo trizas con sus pinzas
duras como el acero."
212,30,8,"Dopo aver stabilito che qualcuno è suo nemico,
lo colpisce con le chele dure come lacciaio fino
a ridurlo in polvere."
212,30,9,"Once it has identified something as an enemy, it
will continue beating them with its steel-hard
pincers until theres nothing left but scraps."
212,30,11,"1度 敵と 判断した ものは
鋼鉄の 硬さを もつ ハサミで
粉々になるまで 殴り続ける。"
212,33,1,"おおきな ハサミは たいじゅうの
3ぶんの1の おもさ。 ふりおろせば
がんせきも いっぱつで こなごなだ。"
212,33,3,"커다란 집게의 무게는
체중의 3분의 1이다. 내리치면
암석도 일격에 산산조각이 난다."
212,33,5,"Ses grandes pinces représentent un tiers de
son poids. Un seul coup de lune dentre elles
peut réduire un rocher en poussière."
212,33,6,"Mit einer seiner großen Scheren, die ein Drittel
seines Körpergewichts ausmachen, kann es Felsen
mit einem einzigen Schlag zermalmen."
212,33,7,"Sus grandes pinzas representan un tercio de su
peso corporal. Basta el impacto de una de ellas
para reducir a escombros una enorme roca."
212,33,8,"Le grandi chele costituiscono un terzo del suo
peso corporeo. Agitandole può ridurre in polvere
una roccia con un colpo solo."
212,33,9,"Bulky pincers account for one third of Scizors
body weight. A single swing of one of these
pincers will crush a boulder completely."
212,33,11,"大きな ハサミは 体重の
3分の1の 重さ。 振り下ろせば
岩石も 一発で 粉々だ。"
212,34,1,"からだは ほそいが こうげきりょくは
すさまじい。 からだの きんにくも
きんぞくで できているのだ。"
212,34,3,"몸은 가늘지만 공격력은
무시무시하다. 몸의 근육도
금속으로 되어 있다."
212,34,5,"Malgré son corps fin, sa puissance de frappe
est prodigieuse, car même ses muscles sont
composés de métal."
212,34,6,"Trotz seines dünnen Körpers verfügt Scherox
über eine gewaltige Angriffsstärke. Selbst seine
Muskeln bestehen aus Metall."
212,34,7,"Su potencia de ataque, que asombra dada su
delgadez, se debe a que sus músculos están
hechos de metal."
212,34,8,"Nonostante il corpo esile, è dotato di capacità
offensive spaventose. Persino i suoi muscoli sono
formati da metallo."
212,34,9,"Though its body is slim, Scizor has tremendous
attacking power. Even Scizors muscles are made
of metal."
212,34,11,"体は 細いが 攻撃力は 凄まじい。
体の 筋肉も
金属で できているのだ。"
213,4,9,"The BERRIES it
stores in its
vase-like shelldecompose and
become a gooey
213,5,9,"It stores BERRIES
inside its shell.
To avoid attacks,it hides beneath
rocks and remains
completely still."
213,6,9,"The fluid secreted
by its toes carves
holes in rocks fornesting and can be
mixed with BERRIES
to make a drink."
213,7,9,"SHUCKLE quietly hides itself under
rocks, keeping its body concealed
inside its hard shell while eatingberries it has stored away.
The berries mix with its body fluids to
become a juice."
213,8,9,"SHUCKLE quietly hides itself under
rocks, keeping its body concealed
inside its hard shell while eatingberries it has stored away.
The berries mix with its body fluids to
become a juice."
213,9,9,"A SHUCKLE hides under rocks, keeping its
body concealed inside its shell while
eating stored berries. The berries mix with
its body fluids to become a juice."
213,10,9,"It stores BERRIES inside its shell.
To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks
and remains completely still."
213,11,9,"The BERRIES it stores in its vaselike
shell decompose and become a gooey
213,12,9,"It stores berries in its shell.
The berries eventually ferment to
become delicious juices."
213,13,9,"It stores berries in its shell.
The berries eventually ferment to
become delicious juices."
213,14,9,"It stores berries in its shell.
The berries eventually ferment to
become delicious juices."
213,15,9,"The berries it stores in its
vase-like shell decompose and
become a gooey liquid."
213,16,9,"It stores berries inside its shell.
To avoid attacks, it hides beneath
rocks and remains completely still."
213,17,5,"Il stocke des Baies sous sa
carapace. Elles fermentent et
produisent des jus délicieux."
213,17,9,"It stores berries in its shell.
The berries eventually ferment to
become delicious juices."
213,18,5,"Il stocke des Baies sous sa
carapace. Elles fermentent et
produisent des jus délicieux."
213,18,9,"It stores berries in its shell.
The berries eventually ferment to
become delicious juices."
213,21,9,"The berries stored in its
vaselike shell eventually
become a thick, pulpy juice."
213,22,9,"The berries stored in its
vaselike shell eventually
become a thick, pulpy juice."
213,23,1,"ツボのような こうらの なかに
ためこんだ きのみは いつのまにか
ドロドロの ジュースに かわる。"
213,23,3,"항아리 같은 등껍질 속에
모은 나무열매는 어느샌가
걸쭉한 주스로 변한다."
213,23,5,"Sa carapace, creuse comme une jarre, lui sert à
stocker des Baies jusquà ce quelles se transforment
en un jus épais et parfumé."
213,23,6,"In seinem topfförmigen Panzer gelagerte Beeren
verwandeln sich im Nu zu einem dickflüssigen Saft."
213,23,7,"Las bayas que almacena en su caparazón con forma
de tarro se convierten al final en un espeso zumo."
213,23,8,"Il suo guscio è come un vaso nel quale conserva
le bacche, che a un certo punto si trasformano
in un denso succo."
213,23,9,"The berries stored in its jar-like shell eventually
become a thick, pulpy juice."
213,23,11,"ツボのような 甲羅の 中に
ためこんだ 木の実は いつの間にか
ドロドロの ジュースに 変わる。"
213,24,1,"こうらに きのみを たくわえている。
おそわれないように いわの したに
こもって じっとしている。"
213,24,3,"껍질에 열매가 비축되어 있다.
공격받지 않도록 바위 밑에
틀어박혀 꼼짝하지 않고 있다."
213,24,5,"Il garde des Baies dans sa coquille. Pour éviter les
attaques, il simmobilise sous un rocher."
213,24,6,"Es sammelt Beeren in seiner Schale. Um sich vor
Attacken zu schützen, versteckt es sich unter Steinen."
213,24,7,"Almacena bayas dentro de su concha. Para evitar
ataques, se esconde inmóvil bajo las rocas."
213,24,8,"Nel guscio raccoglie delle bacche. Per evitare attacchi,
si nasconde sotto le rocce e non fa alcun rumore."
213,24,9,"It stores berries inside its shell. To avoid attacks,
it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still."
213,24,11,"甲羅に 木の実を たくわえている。
襲われないように 岩の 下に
こもって じっとしている。"
213,25,1,"いわの したで こうらの なかに たくわえた
きのみを たべながら みを ひそめている。
たいえきと まざり きのみは ジュースに なる。"
213,25,3,"바위 밑에서 껍질 안에 비축해둔
나무열매를 먹으면서 몸을 숨기고 있다.
나무열매는 체액과 섞여 주스가 된다."
213,25,5,"Caratroc se cache tranquillement sous les rochers, abritant
son corps dans sa carapace solide, pendant quil mange
les Baies quil a mises de côté. Les Baies se mélangent à
ses fluides corporels pour produire du jus."
213,25,6,"Pottrott versteckt sich leise unter Steinen und verbirgt seinen
Körper in seiner harten Schale, wenn es gesammelte Beeren
zu sich nimmt. Die Beeren vermischen sich mit seinen
Körperflüssigkeiten zu einem Saft."
213,25,7,"Shuckle permanece escondido bajo las rocas en silencio y,
cuando se pone a comer las bayas que almacena, se encierra
en el caparazón. Las bayas se mezclan con sus fluidos
corporales y originan zumo."
213,25,8,"Shuckle si nasconde tranquillo sotto le rocce mentre mangia
le bacche che ha raccolto precedentemente allinterno della
sua corazza. Queste si trasformano in succo col fluido
del corpo."
213,25,9,"Shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks, keeping its body
concealed inside its hard shell while eating berries it has
stored away. The berries mix with its body fluids to become
a juice."
213,25,11,"岩の 下で 甲羅の 中に たくわえた
きのみを 食べながら 身を 潜めている。
体液と 混ざり きのみは ジュースに なる。"
213,26,1,"いわの したで こうらの なかに たくわえた
きのみを たべながら みを ひそめている。
たいえきと まざり きのみは ジュースに なる。"
213,26,3,"바위 밑에서 껍질 안에 비축해둔
나무열매를 먹으면서 몸을 숨기고 있다.
나무열매는 체액과 섞여 주스가 된다."
213,26,5,"Caratroc se cache tranquillement sous les rochers, abritant
son corps dans sa carapace solide, pendant quil mange
les Baies quil a mises de côté. Les Baies se mélangent à
ses fluides corporels pour produire du jus."
213,26,6,"Pottrott versteckt sich leise unter Steinen und verbirgt seinen
Körper in seiner harten Schale, wenn es Beeren zu sich nimmt.
Die Beeren vermischen sich mit seinen Körperflüssigkeiten zu
einem Saft."
213,26,7,"Shuckle permanece escondido bajo las rocas en silencio y,
cuando se pone a comer las bayas que almacena, se encierra
en el caparazón. Las bayas se mezclan con sus fluidos
corporales y originan zumo."
213,26,8,"Shuckle si nasconde tranquillo sotto le rocce mentre mangia
le bacche che ha raccolto precedentemente allinterno della
sua corazza. Queste si trasformano in succo col fluido
del corpo."
213,26,9,"Shuckle quietly hides itself under rocks, keeping its body
concealed inside its hard shell while eating berries it has
stored away. The berries mix with its body fluids to become
a juice."
213,26,11,"岩の 下で 甲羅の 中に たくわえた
きのみを 食べながら 身を 潜めている。
体液と 混ざり きのみは ジュースに なる。"
213,33,1,"こうらに きのみを たくわえている。
おそわれないように いわの したに
こもって じっとしている。"
213,33,3,"껍질 속에 열매가 비축되어 있다.
공격받지 않도록 바위 밑에
틀어박혀 꼼짝하지 않는다."
213,33,5,"Il garde des Baies dans sa carapace. Pour éviter
de se faire attaquer, il simmobilise sous un rocher."
213,33,6,"Es sammelt Beeren in seiner Schale. Um sich vor
Attacken zu schützen, versteckt es sich unter
Steinen und verharrt dort regungslos."
213,33,7,"Almacena bayas dentro de su concha. Para evitar
ataques, se esconde inmóvil bajo las rocas."
213,33,8,"Nel guscio raccoglie delle bacche. Per evitare
gli attacchi, si nasconde sotto le rocce e rimane
immobile senza fare alcun rumore."
213,33,9,"It stores berries inside its shell. To avoid attacks,
it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still."
213,33,11,"甲羅に 木の実を たくわえている。
襲われないように 岩の 下に
こもって じっとしている。"
213,34,1,"ツボのような こうらの なかに
ためこんだ きのみは いつのまにか
ドロドロの ジュースに かわる。"
213,34,3,"항아리 같은 등껍질 속에
모은 나무열매는 어느샌가
걸쭉한 주스로 변한다."
213,34,5,"Les Baies quil conserve dans sa carapace
en forme durne se changent en jus onctueux
après un certain temps."
213,34,6,"In seinem vasenförmigen Panzer gelagerte Beeren
verwandeln sich mit der Zeit zu einem
dickflüssigen Saft."
213,34,7,"Las bayas que almacena en su caparazón con
forma de vasija se convierten al final en un
espeso zumo."
213,34,8,"Il suo guscio è come un vaso nel quale conserva
le bacche, che a un certo punto si trasformano
in un denso succo."
213,34,9,"The berries stored in its vaselike shell eventually
become a thick, pulpy juice."
213,34,11,"ツボのような 甲羅の 中に
ためこんだ 木の実は いつの間にか
ドロドロの ジュースに 変わる。"
214,4,9,"This powerful
POKéMON thrusts
its prized hornunder its enemies
bellies then lifts
and throws them."
214,5,9,"Usually docile,
but if disturbed
while sippinghoney, it chases
off the intruder
with its horn."
214,6,9,"With its Herculean
powers, it can
easily throw arou­nd an object that
is 100 times its
own weight."
214,7,9,"HERACROSS charges in a straight line at
its foe, slips beneath the foes grasp,
and then scoops up and hurls theopponent with its mighty horn.
This POKéMON even has enough power
to topple a massive tree."
214,8,9,"HERACROSS has sharp claws on its feet.
These are planted firmly into the
ground or the bark of a tree, giving thePOKéMON a secure and solid footing
to forcefully fling away foes with
its proud horn."
214,9,9,"They gather in forests seeking the sweet
sap of trees. It is completely clad in a
steel-hard shell. It is proud of its horn,
which it uses to fling foes."
214,10,9,"Usually docile, but if disturbed while
sipping honey, it chases off the intruder
with its horn."
214,11,9,"This powerful POKéMON thrusts its prized
horn under its enemies bellies, then lifts
and throws them."
214,12,9,"It gathers in forests to search
for tree sap, its favorite food.
Its strong enough to hurl foes."
214,13,9,"With powerful legs and claws,
it generates enough power to hurl
foes over great distances."
214,14,9,"It loves sweet honey. To keep all
the honey to itself, it hurls rivals
away with its prized horn."
214,15,9,"This powerful Pokémon thrusts
its prized horn under its enemies
bellies, then lifts and throws them."
214,16,9,"It is usually docile, but if it is
disturbed while sipping honey,
it chases off the intruder with its horn."
214,17,5,"Il défend vaillamment sa réserve de
miel personnelle à grand renfort
de coups de corne."
214,17,9,"It loves sweet honey. To keep all
the honey to itself, it hurls rivals
away with its prized horn."
214,18,5,"Il défend vaillamment sa réserve de
miel personnelle à grand renfort
de coups de corne."
214,18,9,"It loves sweet honey. To keep all
the honey to itself, it hurls rivals
away with its prized horn."
214,21,9,"No matter how heavy its opponents,
it flings them far away
with its prized horn."
214,22,9,"No matter how heavy its opponents,
it flings them far away
with its prized horn."
214,23,1,"じまんのツノを あいての おなかの
したに ねじこみ いっきに もちあげ
ぶんなげてしまう ちからもち。"
214,23,3,"자랑스러운 뿔을 상대의 배
밑에 틀어박고 단번에 들어 올려
집어 던지는 천하장사다."
214,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est si puissant quil peut projeter ses
ennemis en lair grâce à ses cornes."
214,23,6,"Dieses kräftige Pokémon rammt sein stolzes Horn
unter den Rumpf des Gegners und wirft ihn um."
214,23,7,"Este fuerte Pokémon clava su preciado cuerno en la
tripa del enemigo, lo eleva y luego lo arroja."
214,23,8,"Questo potente Pokémon infilza con il corno la pancia
del nemico, sollevandolo e lanciandolo lontano."
214,23,9,"This powerful Pokémon thrusts its prized horn under
its enemies bellies, then lifts and throws them."
214,23,11,"自慢のツノを 相手の お腹の
下に ねじこみ 一気に 持ち上げ
ぶん投げてしまう 力持ち。"
214,24,1,"ものすごい かいりきの もちぬし。
じぶんの たいじゅうの 100ばいの
おもさでも らくに ぶんなげる。"
214,24,3,"엄청난 괴력의 소유자.
자신 체중의 100배나 되는
무게도 가뿐히 내던진다."
214,24,5,"Sa force herculéenne lui permet de soulever et de
jeter plus de 100 fois son poids."
214,24,6,"Mit seiner herkulischen Kraft kann es Objekte,
die hundertmal sein Körpergewicht haben,
mühelos umwerfen."
214,24,7,"Tiene una fuerza descomunal. Puede, sin gran
esfuerzo, arrojar objetos que superen su peso en
cien veces."
214,24,8,"La forza erculea gli permette di lanciare oggetti
100 volte più pesanti di lui."
214,24,9,"With its Herculean powers, it can easily throw
around an object that is 100 times its own weight."
214,24,11,"ものすごい 怪力の 持ち主。
自分の 体重の 100倍の
重さでも 楽に ぶん投げる。"
214,25,1,"いっちょくせんに てきの ふところに もぐりこみ
たくましい ツノで すくいあげ なげとばす。
たいぼくも ねこそぎ たおす ほどの パワーだ。"
214,25,3,"똑바로 적에게 돌격하여
강인한 뿔로 들어 올려 내던진다.
큰 나무도 뿌리째 뽑아 쓰러트릴 만한 파워다."
214,25,5,"Scarhino charge ses ennemis en ligne droite, se glisse
dessous, les attrape et les projette violemment dun coup
de sa puissante corne. Ce Pokémon est tellement fort
quil pourrait déraciner un arbre."
214,25,6,"Skaraborn geht direkt auf seinen Gegner los, rutscht auf
ihn zu, um ihn auszuhebeln und mit seinem mächtigen Horn
wegzuschleudern. Dieses Pokémon hat genug Kraft, um einen
massigen Baum umzustoßen."
214,25,7,"Heracross carga en línea recta contra el enemigo, se le queda
encajado por debajo, lo agarra y lo lanza con ayuda del fuerte
cuerno que tiene. Este Pokémon tiene fuerza hasta para echar
abajo un árbol descomunal."
214,25,8,"Heracross si lancia allattacco dritto contro il nemico,
lo afferra con forza, lo solleva in aria e poi lo incorna
violentemente scagliandolo lontano.
Riesce ad abbattere un grosso albero."
214,25,9,"Heracross charges in a straight line at its foe, slips beneath the
foes grasp, and then scoops up and hurls the opponent with
its mighty horn. This Pokémon even has enough power to
topple a massive tree."
214,25,11,"一直線に 敵の 懐に 潜り込み
たくましい ツノで すくい上げ 投げ飛ばす。
大木も 根こそぎ 倒す ほどの パワーだ。"
214,26,1,"てあしの するどい ツメが じめんや じゅもくに
ふかく くいこむので じまんの ツノで あいてを
なげとばす とき おもいっきり ふんばれるのだ。"
214,26,3,"손발의 날카로운 손발톱이 땅이나 나무에
깊숙이 박히기 때문에 자랑스런 뿔로 상대를
내던질 때 단단히 버틸 수 있다. "
214,26,5,"Scarhino est doté de griffes acérées sur ses pieds. Elles se
plantent fermement dans le sol ou dans lécorce dun arbre,
ce qui permet à ce Pokémon dêtre bien stable lorsquil veut
projeter ses ennemis dun coup de corne."
214,26,6,"Skaraborn hat scharfe Krallen an den Füßen. Diese bohren sich
fest in den Boden oder in die Rinde eines Baumes und geben
diesem Pokémon einen sicheren Halt. So kann es seine Gegner
mit seinem imposanten Horn wegschleudern."
214,26,7,"Heracross tiene unas afiladas garras en los pies que se
clavan con firmeza en la tierra o la corteza de los árboles,
dando al Pokémon gran estabilidad y seguridad a la hora de
embestir y herir a su rival con el cuerno que tiene."
214,26,8,"Heracross è dotato di artigli affilati sulle zampe inferiori,
che conficca nel terreno o nella corteccia degli alberi per
guadagnare stabilità mentre incorna violentemente i nemici
e li scaglia lontano."
214,26,9,"Heracross has sharp claws on its feet. These are planted
firmly into the ground or the bark of a tree, giving the
Pokémon a secure and solid footing to forcefully fling away
foes with its proud horn."
214,26,11,"手足の 鋭い ツメが 地面や 樹木に
深く 食い込むので 自慢の ツノで 相手を
投げ飛ばす とき 思いっきり 踏ん張れるのだ。"
214,29,1,"ふといツノが じまん。 アローラでは
クワガノンが さいだいの ライバルで
しょっちゅう ケンカを している。"
214,29,3,"두꺼운 뿔이 자랑거리다. 
알로라에서는 투구뿌논이
최대 라이벌로 자주 싸움을 한다."
214,29,5,"Il est très fier de sa grosse corne. Il se chamaille
souvent avec Lucanon, son plus grand rival."
214,29,6,"Sein mächtiges Horn ist sein ganzer Stolz.
Es streitet sich ständig mit Donarion, seinem
größten Rivalen in Alola."
214,29,7,"Luce con orgullo su gran cornamenta. Los
Vikavolt son sus mayores rivales en Alola y
tienen enfrentamientos constantes."
214,29,8,"Il grosso corno è il suo punto di forza. Ad Alola
ha una forte rivalità con i Vikavolt, con i quali
è costantemente in lotta."
214,29,9,"Its proud of its thick horn. In Alola, its biggest
rival is Vikavolt, which its always fighting with."
214,29,11,"太いツノが 自慢。 アローラでは
クワガノンが 最大の ライバルで
しょっちゅう ケンカを している。"
214,30,1,"あまいミツを もとめ もりの なかを
さがしまわる。 かいりきは じまんだが
とぶのは あまり とくいでは ない。"
214,30,3,"달콤한꿀을 찾아 숲속을
돌아다닌다. 괴력을 자랑하지만
나는 것은 그리 잘하지 못한다."
214,30,5,"Il parcourt les forêts à la recherche de miel.
Il est très fier de sa force colossale, mais sa
capacité à voler laisse quelque peu à désirer."
214,30,6,"Auf der Suche nach süßem Honig durchstreift
es die Wälder. Es ist stolz auf seine Stärke,
aber fliegen kann es nicht besonders gut."
214,30,7,"Ronda los bosques en busca de miel. Se jacta
de su fuerza, pero su capacidad de vuelo deja
mucho que desear."
214,30,8,"Si aggira per le foreste in cerca di miele.
Possiede una forza spaventosa di cui va fiero,
ma non è molto abile nel volo."
214,30,9,"It roams through forests searching for sweet
nectar. Although it boasts fantastic physical
strength, its not that good at flying."
214,30,11,"甘いミツを 求め 森の 中を
探しまわる。 怪力は 自慢だが
飛ぶのは あまり 得意では ない。"
214,33,1,"あまい じゅえきが だいこうぶつ。
2ほんの しょっかくで においを
たよりに もりを さがしまわる。"
214,33,3,"달콤한 수액을 매우 좋아한다.
2개의 더듬이로 냄새를 따라
숲을 찾아다닌다."
214,33,5,"Il raffole de la sève sucrée dont il détecte
le parfum à laide de ses deux antennes
lorsquil parcourt la forêt."
214,33,6,"Skaraborn verspeist am liebsten süßen Baumsaft.
Mit seinen zwei Antennen nimmt es die Witterung
auf, während es den Wald danach absucht."
214,33,7,"Adora la savia dulce de los árboles. Recorre
el bosque en su busca y se sirve de las antenas
para detectar su olor."
214,33,8,"È ghiotto della dolce linfa degli alberi.
Perlustra la foresta alla sua ricerca, sfruttando
le antenne per percepire gli odori."
214,33,9,"Heracross loves sweet sap and will go looking
through forests for it. The Pokémon uses its two
antennae to pick up scents as it searches."
214,33,11,"甘い 樹液が 大好物。
2本の 触角で 匂いを 頼りに
森を 探しまわる。"
214,34,1,"じぶんの たいじゅうの 100ばいの
おもさでも かるがる もちあげる
かいりき じまんの ポケモン。"
214,34,3,"자신 몸무게의 100배에 달하는
무게도 거뜬히 들어 올리는
괴력을 자랑하는 포켓몬이다."
214,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est fier de sa force colossale
qui lui permet de soulever cent fois son propre
poids avec facilité."
214,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist stolz auf seine Stärke. Es kann
mit Leichtigkeit das Hundertfache seines eigenen
Körpergewichts stemmen."
214,34,7,"Este Pokémon muestra una fuerza hercúlea, que
le permite levantar cien veces su propio peso sin
214,34,8,"Questo Pokémon va molto fiero della sua forza
erculea, che gli permette di sollevare senza fatica
oggetti 100 volte più pesanti di lui."
214,34,9,"This Pokémon takes pride in its strength, which
allows it to lift things 100 times heavier than
itself with no trouble at all."
214,34,11,"自分の 体重の 100倍の 重さでも
軽がる 持ち上げる
怪力 自慢の ポケモン。"
215,4,9,"Its paws conceal
sharp claws. If
attacked, it sud­denly extends the
claws and startles
its enemy."
215,5,9,"Vicious in nature,
it drives PIDGEY
from their nestsand feasts on the
eggs that are left
215,6,9,"This cunning
POKéMON hides
under the coverof darkness,
waiting to attack
its prey."
215,7,9,"SNEASEL scales trees by punching its
hooked claws into the bark.
This POKéMON seeks out unguardednests and steals eggs for food while
the parents are away."
215,8,9,"SNEASEL scales trees by punching its
hooked claws into the bark.
This POKéMON seeks out unguardednests and steals eggs for food while
the parents are away."
215,9,9,"A SNEASEL scales trees by punching its
hooked claws into the bark. It seeks out
unguarded nests and steals eggs for food
while the parents are away."
215,10,9,"Vicious in nature, it drives PIDGEY from
their nests and feasts on the eggs that
are left behind."
215,11,9,"Its paws conceal sharp claws.
If attacked, it suddenly extends the
claws and startles its enemy."
215,12,9,"It feeds on eggs stolen from
nests. Its sharply hooked claws
rip vulnerable spots on prey."
215,13,9,"It is extremely vicious and will not
stop attacking until its foe is
incapable of moving."
215,14,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair
may work together to steal eggs by
having one lure the parents away."
215,15,9,"Its paws conceal sharp claws. If
attacked, it suddenly extends the
claws and startles its enemy."
215,16,9,"Vicious in nature, it drives PIDGEY
from their nests and scavenges any
leftovers it can find."
215,17,5,"Ce Pokémon rusé agit parfois en
équipe pour voler des œufs, lun
dentre eux faisant diversion."
215,17,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair
may work together to steal eggs by
having one lure the parents away."
215,18,5,"Ce Pokémon rusé agit parfois en
équipe pour voler des œufs, lun
dentre eux faisant diversion."
215,18,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair
may work together to steal eggs by
having one lure the parents away."
215,21,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon,
it makes its opponents flinch by suddenly
showing the claws hidden in its paws."
215,22,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon,
it makes its opponents flinch by suddenly
showing the claws hidden in its paws."
215,23,1,"すみかから タマゴを かすめとり
たべてしまう。するどい カギヅメが
あいての きゅうしょを きりさく。"
215,23,3,"거처에서 알을 가로채어 먹어
버린다. 날카로운 갈고리 손톱이
상대의 급소를 베어 가른다."
215,23,5,"Il se nourrit dœufs volés dans des nids. Ses griffes
crochues percent les défenses de lennemi."
215,23,6,"Es ernährt sich von Eiern, die es aus Nestern stiehlt.
Beute greift es mit seinen scharfen Krallen an."
215,23,7,"Se alimenta de huevos robados en nidos. Clava sus
afiladas garras en los puntos débiles de sus rivales."
215,23,8,"Mangia uova rubate dai nidi. Attacca i nemici nei
punti deboli con i suoi artigli uncinati."
215,23,9,"It feeds on eggs stolen from nests. Its sharply
hooked claws rip vulnerable spots on prey."
215,23,11,"住処から タマゴを かすめ取り
食べてしまう。鋭い カギヅメが
相手の 急所を 切り裂く。"
215,24,1,"するどいツメを ゆびの なかに
かくしている。いきなり のばして
おそってきた あいてを ひるませる。"
215,24,3,"예리한 손톱을 손가락 안에
감추고 있다. 갑자기 뻗어서
습격해온 상대를 풀죽게 만든다."
215,24,5,"Ses griffes sont cachées dans ses pattes. Sil est
attaqué, il les sort pour frapper ses ennemis."
215,24,6,"In seinen Pfoten stecken scharfe Krallen. Es fährt sie
blitzschnell aus, um die Gegner zu überraschen."
215,24,7,"Sus ocultas garras son muy afiladas. Si le atacan,
extiende sus garras y asusta al enemigo."
215,24,8,"Le zampe nascondono artigli affilati. Se è attaccato,
allunga gli artigli spaventando i nemici."
215,24,9,"Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked,
it suddenly extends the claws and startles
its enemy."
215,24,11,"鋭いツメを 指の 中に
隠している。いきなり 伸ばして
襲ってきた 相手を ひるませる。"
215,25,1,"てあしの カギヅメを つきたてて きを のぼる。
おやの いない すきを ねらって きの うえに
ある す から タマゴを ぬすんで たべる。"
215,25,3,"손발의 갈고리 손발톱을 꽂아 나무를 오른다.
부모가 없는 틈을 노려 나무 위에
있는 둥지에서 알을 훔쳐 먹는다."
215,25,5,"Farfuret grimpe aux arbres en enfonçant ses griffes crochues
dans lécorce. Ce Pokémon cherche les nids qui ne sont pas
surveillés et vole les œufs pour les manger pendant que
les parents sont partis."
215,25,6,"Sniebel klettert an Bäumen hoch, indem es seine
hakenförmigen Krallen in die Rinde schlägt. Dieses
Pokémon sucht nach unbewachten Nestern und
stiehlt die Eier. Davon ernährt es sich."
215,25,7,"Sneasel trepa por los árboles agarrándose a la corteza con las
garras curvas que tiene. Este Pokémon busca nidos
desprovistos de vigilancia paterna para robar los huevos y
215,25,8,"Sneasel si arrampica sugli alberi conficcando i suoi artigli
uncinati nella corteccia. È sempre alla ricerca di nidi incustoditi
per rubare le uova e cibarsene mentre i genitori sono assenti."
215,25,9,"Sneasel scales trees by punching its hooked claws into the
bark. This Pokémon seeks out unguarded nests and steals
eggs for food while the parents are away."
215,25,11,"手足の カギヅメを 突き立てて 木を 登る。
親の いない すきを ねらって 木の 上に
ある 巣 から タマゴを 盗んで 食べる。"
215,26,1,"てあしの カギヅメを つきたてて きを のぼる。
おやの いない すきを ねらって きの うえに
ある す から タマゴを ぬすんで たべる。"
215,26,3,"손발의 갈고리 손발톱을 꽂아 나무를 오른다.
부모가 없는 틈을 노려 나무 위에
있는 둥지에서 알을 훔쳐 먹는다."
215,26,5,"Farfuret grimpe aux arbres en enfonçant ses griffes crochues
dans lécorce. Ce Pokémon cherche les nids qui ne sont pas
surveillés et vole les œufs pour les manger pendant que
les parents sont partis."
215,26,6,"Sniebel klettert an Bäumen hoch, indem es seine
hakenförmigen Krallen in die Rinde schlägt. Dieses
Pokémon sucht nach unbewachten Nestern und
stiehlt die Eier. Davon ernährt es sich."
215,26,7,"Sneasel trepa por los árboles agarrándose a la corteza con las
garras curvas que tiene. Este Pokémon busca nidos
desprovistos de vigilancia paterna para robar los huevos y
215,26,8,"Sneasel si arrampica sugli alberi conficcando i suoi artigli
uncinati nella corteccia. È sempre alla ricerca di nidi incustoditi
per rubare le uova e cibarsene mentre i genitori sono assenti."
215,26,9,"Sneasel scales trees by punching its hooked claws into the
bark. This Pokémon seeks out unguarded nests and steals
eggs for food while the parents are away."
215,26,11,"手足の カギヅメを 突き立てて 木を 登る。
親の いない すきを ねらって 木の 上に
ある 巣 から タマゴを 盗んで 食べる。"
215,27,1,"ずるがしこく どうもうな せいしつ。
おやが いない スキに すあなに
しんにゅう。 タマゴを ぬすみだす。"
215,27,3,"교활하고 사나운 성질을 가졌다.
부모가 없는 틈에 둥지에
침입해서 알을 훔쳐낸다."
215,27,5,"Un Pokémon aussi roublard que fourbe.
Il se glisse dans le nid des autres Pokémon
en leur absence pour leur dérober leurs œufs."
215,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon hat ein durchtriebenes,
grausames Wesen. Es sucht nach unbewachten
Nestern und stiehlt die Eier."
215,27,7,"Es un Pokémon de naturaleza astuta y fiera.
Se cuela en los nidos de otros Pokémon cuando
no están y roba sus huevos."
215,27,8,"È furbo e subdolo. Si intrufola nei nidi
incustoditi per rubare le uova mentre i genitori
sono assenti."
215,27,9,"It has a cunning yet savage disposition.
It waits for parents to leave their nests,
and then it sneaks in to steal their eggs."
215,27,11,"ずる賢く 獰猛な 性質。
親が いない スキに 巣穴に
侵入。 タマゴを 盗みだす。"
215,28,1,"ツメで タマゴに あなを あけて
なかみを すする。 ブリーダーに
にくまれ くじょ されることもある。"
215,28,3,"손톱으로 알에 구멍을 뚫어서
내용물을 마신다. 브리더에게
미움을 받아 제거될 때도 있다."
215,28,5,"Avec ses griffes, il perce un trou dans les œufs
quil trouve pour en sucer le contenu. Bête noire
des Éleveurs qui le traquent parfois."
215,28,6,"Es rammt seine Krallen in Eier und schlürft
ihren Inhalt aus. Pokémon-Züchter können es
aus diesem Grund nicht ausstehen."
215,28,7,"Abre un pequeño agujero en los huevos con sus
garras y sorbe el interior. Los Criapokémon lo
detestan e intentan tomar medidas contra él."
215,28,8,"Buca le uova con gli artigli per succhiarne
il contenuto. Gli Allevapokémon lo considerano
un flagello e cercano di tenerlo alla larga."
215,28,9,"It uses its claws to poke holes in eggs so it can
slurp out the insides. Breeders consider it a
scourge and will drive it away or eradicate it."
215,28,11,"ツメで タマゴに 穴を 開けて
中味を すする。 ブリーダーに
憎まれ 駆除 されることもある。"
215,29,1,"チームプレイで とりポケモンの
すあなから タマゴを ぬすみだすが
だれが くうかで ケンカになるのだ。"
215,29,3,"팀플레이로 새포켓몬의
둥지에서 알을 훔쳐 내지만,
누가 먹을까로 싸움이 난다."
215,29,5,"Il fait équipe avec ses congénères pour voler
les œufs des Pokémon oiseaux, mais ils se font
la guerre pour décider de qui les mangera."
215,29,6,"Sie bilden ein Team, um gemeinsam Eier aus den
Nestern von Vogel-Pokémon zu klauen. Dann
streiten sie sich darüber, wer sie fressen darf."
215,29,7,"Colabora con los suyos para saquear nidos de
Pokémon pájaro, aunque luego se disputan
fieramente quién se come los huevos."
215,29,8,"Questi Pokémon agiscono in squadra per rubare
le Uova dai nidi dei Pokémon alati, ma poi
litigano per stabilire chi le mangerà."
215,29,9,"They will cooperate to steal eggs from the nests
of bird Pokémon, but fights break out to
determine which one gets to eat the eggs."
215,29,11,"チームプレイで とりポケモンの
巣穴から タマゴを 盗み出すが
誰が 食うかで ケンカになるのだ。"
215,30,1,"やみよに まぎれ えものを ねらう。
サンドを ねらい ツメを たてるが
ひふが かたく おれてしまうことも。"
215,30,3,"어둠 속에 숨어 먹이를 노린다.
모래두지를 노리고 손톱을 세우지만
피부가 단단해서 부러지는 경우도 있다."
215,30,5,"Ce chasseur nocturne profite de lobscurité
pour sattaquer aux Sabelette, mais il se casse
parfois les griffes sur leur peau très dure."
215,30,6,"Es lauert seiner Beute im Dunkeln auf. Wenn es
Sandan mit seinen Krallen angreift, brechen
diese manchmal an dessen robuster Haut ab."
215,30,7,"Acecha a sus presas en la oscuridad nocturna.
En ocasiones, ataca a algún Sandshrew y acaba
partiéndose las garras contra su dura piel."
215,30,8,"Si nasconde nelloscurità puntando la preda.
Quando attacca i Sandshrew, che hanno la pelle
molto dura, a volte i suoi artigli si spezzano."
215,30,9,"It blends into the dark of night to ambush its
prey. Sneasel will attack Sandshrew, but its
hard skin can cause Sneasels claws to snap off."
215,30,11,"闇夜に まぎれ 獲物を 狙う。
サンドを 狙い ツメを たてるが
皮膚が 硬く 折れてしまうことも。"
215,33,1,"するどいツメを ゆびの なかに
かくしている。 いきなり のばして
おそってきた あいてを ひるませる。"
215,33,3,"예리한 손톱을 손가락 안에
감추고 있다. 갑자기 뻗어서
습격해온 상대를 풀죽게 만든다."
215,33,5,"Ses griffes acérées sont cachées dans ses doigts.
Sil se fait attaquer, il les sort pour effrayer
son agresseur."
215,33,6,"In seinen Pfoten stecken scharfe Krallen. Es fährt
sie blitzschnell aus, um Gegner zu überraschen."
215,33,7,"Sus patas ocultan garras sumamente afiladas,
que extiende de repente para intimidar al
enemigo en caso de amenaza."
215,33,8,"Intimidisce lavversario sfoderando allimprovviso
gli affilati artigli nascosti nelle sue zampe."
215,33,9,"Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it
suddenly extends the claws and startles
its enemy."
215,33,11,"鋭いツメを 指の 中に
隠している。 いきなり 伸ばして
襲ってきた 相手を ひるませる。"
215,34,1,"ずるがしこく どうもうな せいしつ。
おやが いない スキに すあなに
しんにゅう。 タマゴを ぬすみだす。"
215,34,3,"교활하고 사나운 성질을 가졌다.
부모가 없는 틈에
둥지로 침입해서 알을 훔친다."
215,34,5,"Un Pokémon aussi cruel que fourbe.
Il se glisse dans le nid des autres Pokémon
en leur absence pour dérober leurs Œufs."
215,34,6,"Dieses durchtriebene und gewissenlose Pokémon
beobachtet Nester, bis die Eltern ausgeflogen
sind, und stiehlt dann deren Eier."
215,34,7,"Es un Pokémon de naturaleza astuta y fiera. Se
cuela en los nidos de otros Pokémon cuando no
están y roba sus huevos."
215,34,8,"È furbo e feroce. Si intrufola nei nidi incustoditi
per rubare le Uova mentre i genitori sono assenti."
215,34,9,"It has a cunning yet savage disposition.
It waits for parents to leave their nests,
and then it sneaks in to steal their eggs."
215,34,11,"ずる賢く 獰猛な 性質。
親が いない 隙に 巣穴に
侵入。 タマゴを 盗みだす。"
216,4,9,"If it finds honey,
its crescent mark
glows. It alwayslicks its paws
because they are
soaked with honey."
216,5,9,"Before food be­
comes scarce in
wintertime, itshabit is to hoard
food in many hid­
den locations."
216,6,9,"It always licks
honey. Its palm
tastes sweetbecause of all the
honey it has
216,7,9,"This POKéMON likes to lick its palms that
are sweetened by being soaked in honey.
TEDDIURSA concocts its own honey byblending fruits and pollen collected by
216,8,9,"This POKéMON likes to lick its palms that
are sweetened by being soaked in honey.
TEDDIURSA concocts its own honey byblending fruits and pollen collected by
216,9,9,"It licks its palms that are sweetened by
being soaked in honey. A TEDDIURSA makes
its own honey by blending fruits and pollen
collected by BEEDRILL."
216,10,9,"Before food becomes scarce in wintertime,
its habit is to hoard food in many hidden
216,11,9,"If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows.
It always licks its paws because they are
soaked with honey."
216,12,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,13,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,14,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,15,9,"If it finds honey, its crescent mark
glows. It always licks its paws
because theyre soaked with honey."
216,16,9,"Before food becomes scarce in
wintertime, its habit is to hoard
food in many hidden locations."
216,17,5,"Il baigne ses griffes dans le miel 
pour les lécher. Chaque paire
de pattes a un goût unique."
216,17,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,18,5,"Il baigne ses griffes dans le miel 
pour les lécher. Chaque paire
de pattes a un goût unique."
216,18,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,21,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,22,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws
so it can lick them all the time.
Every set of paws tastes unique."
216,23,1,"ミツをみつけると みかづきもようが
かがやく。あまいミツが しみこんだ
てのひらを いつも なめている。"
216,23,3,"꿀을 발견하면 초승달 모양이
빛난다. 달콤한꿀이 배어든
손바닥을 항상 핥고 있다."
216,23,5,"Sa marque en forme de lune brille quand il trouve
du miel. Il lèche ses pattes qui en sont toujours
216,23,6,"Findet es Honig, leuchtet die Sichel auf seinem
Kopf. Es leckt oft seine mit Honig bedeckten Pfoten."
216,23,7,"Si encuentra miel, brillará la marca de su frente.
Se lame las garras cuando están llenas de miel."
216,23,8,"Se trova del miele la sua mezzaluna diventa più
luminosa. Si lecca le zampe intrise di miele."
216,23,9,"If it finds honey, its crescent mark glows. It always
licks its paws because theyre soaked with honey."
216,23,11,"ミツを見つけると 三日月模様が
輝く。甘いミツが 染みこんだ
手のひらを いつも なめている。"
216,24,1,"たべものが へる ふゆのまえに
あちこちに たべものを かくす
しゅうせいを もっている。"
216,24,3,"먹이가 줄어드는 겨울 전에
이곳저곳에 먹을 것을 숨겨두는
습성을 지니고 있다."
216,24,5,"Il se fait des réserves de nourriture dans des
cachettes avant larrivée de lhiver."
216,24,6,"Steht der Winter vor der Türe, hortet es Nahrung
an vielen verschiedenen, nur ihm bekannten Orten."
216,24,7,"Antes de que la comida escasee en invierno, tiene
por costumbre ocultar comida en lugares secretos."
216,24,8,"Per prepararsi allinverno, è sua abitudine accumulare
il cibo in diversi nascondigli."
216,24,9,"Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit
is to hoard food in many hidden locations."
216,24,11,"食べ物が 減る 冬の前に
あちこちに 食べ物を 隠す
習性を 持っている。"
216,25,1,"ミツの しみこんだ てのひらを なめている。
ヒメグマの ミツは くだものと スピアーの
あつめた かふんが ブレンドされて つくられる。"
216,25,3,"꿀이 밴 손바닥을 핥고 있다.
깜지곰의 꿀은 과일과 독침붕이
모은 꽃가루가 혼합되어 만들어진다."
216,25,5,"Ce Pokémon aime se lécher les paumes quand elles sont
encore pleines de miel. Teddiursa concocte son propre miel
en mélangeant les fruits et le pollen ramassés par Dardargnan."
216,25,6,"Teddiursa leckt gern seine mit Honig bedeckten Pranken ab.
Dieses Pokémon bereitet seinen eigenen Honig zu, indem es
die von Bibor gesammelten Früchte und Pollen miteinander
216,25,7,"A Teddiursa le encanta chuparse las palmas impregnadas de
dulce miel. Este Pokémon fabrica su propia miel mezclando
frutos y el polen que recoge Beedrill."
216,25,8,"È solito inzuppare nel miele le zampe anteriori per poi
succhiarle avidamente. Teddiursa produce il proprio miele
dai frutti e dal polline raccolto da Beedrill."
216,25,9,"This Pokémon likes to lick its palms that are sweetened by
being soaked in honey. Teddiursa concocts its own honey
by blending fruits and pollen collected by Beedrill."
216,25,11,"ミツの 染み込んだ 手の平を なめている。
ヒメグマの ミツは 果物と スピアーの
集めた 花粉が ブレンドされて つくられる。"
216,26,1,"ハチミツの しみこんだ てのひらを なめている。
ヒメグマの ハチミツは くだものと スピアーの
あつめた かふんが ブレンドされて つくられる。"
216,26,3,"꿀이 밴 손바닥을 핥고 있다.
깜지곰의 꿀은 과일과 독침붕이
모은 꽃가루가 혼합되어 만들어진다."
216,26,5,"Ce Pokémon aime se lécher les paumes quand elles sont
encore pleines de miel. Teddiursa concocte son propre miel
en mélangeant les fruits et le pollen récolté par Dardargnan."
216,26,6,"Teddiursa leckt gern seine mit Honig bedeckten Pfoten ab.
Dieses Pokémon bereitet seinen eigenen Honig zu, indem es
die von Bibor gesammelten Früchte und Pollen vermengt."
216,26,7,"A Teddiursa le encanta chuparse las palmas impregnadas de
dulce miel. Este Pokémon fabrica su propia miel mezclando
frutos y el polen que recoge Beedrill."
216,26,8,"È solito inzuppare nel miele le zampe anteriori per poi
succhiarle avidamente. Teddiursa produce il proprio miele
dai frutti e dal polline raccolto da Beedrill."
216,26,9,"This Pokémon likes to lick its palms that are sweetened by
being soaked in honey. Teddiursa concocts its own honey
by blending fruits and pollen collected by Beedrill."
216,26,11,"ハチミツの 染み込んだ 手の平を なめている。
ヒメグマの ハチミツは 果物と スピアーの
集めた 花粉が ブレンドされて つくられる。"
217,4,9,"Although it is a
good climber, it
prefers to snaptrees with its
forelegs and eat
fallen BERRIES."
217,5,9,"With its ability
to distinguish any
aroma, it unfail­ingly finds all
food buried deep
217,6,9,"Although it has a
large body, it is
quite skilled atclimbing trees. It
eats and sleeps in
the treetops."
217,7,9,"In the forests inhabited by URSARING,
it is said that there are many streams
and towering trees where theygather food. This POKéMON walks
through its forest gathering food
every day."
217,8,9,"In the forests inhabited by URSARING,
it is said that there are many streams
and towering trees where theygather food. This POKéMON walks
through its forest gathering food
every day."
217,9,9,"In forests, it is said that there are many
streams and towering trees where an
URSARING gathers food. It walks through
its forest collecting food every day."
217,10,9,"With its ability to distinguish any smell,
it unfailingly finds all food buried deep
217,11,9,"Although it is a good climber, it prefers
to snap stout trees with its forelegs and
eat fallen BERRIES."
217,12,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,13,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,14,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,15,9,"Although it is a good climber,
it prefers to snap trees with its
forelegs and eat fallen berries."
217,16,9,"With its ability to distinguish any
aroma, it unfailingly finds all
food buried deep underground."
217,17,5,"Il marque de ses griffes les arbres
de son territoire qui portent des
Baies ou des fruits."
217,17,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,18,5,"Il marque de ses griffes les arbres
de son territoire qui portent des
Baies ou des fruits."
217,18,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,21,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,22,9,"In its territory, it leaves
scratches on trees that bear
delicious berries or fruits."
217,23,1,"どんな においも かぎわける。
じめんふかくに うまっている
たべものも のこらず みつけだす。"
217,23,3,"어떠한 냄새라도 구별할 수 있다.
땅속 깊이 파묻혀 있는
먹이도 남김없이 찾아낸다."
217,23,5,"Avec sa capacité à sentir toute odeur, il trouve sans
faillir de la nourriture enfouie dans le sol."
217,23,6,"Da es alle Gerüche perfekt unterscheiden kann,
findet es sogar Nahrung, die tief im Erdreich ist."
217,23,7,"Capaz de percibir cualquier tipo de aroma, encuentra
sin problemas todo alimento enterrado bajo tierra."
217,23,8,"Con la sua capacità di distinguere qualsiasi odore,
trova cibo nel terreno anche a grandi profondità."
217,23,9,"With its ability to distinguish any aroma, it
unfailingly finds all food buried deep underground."
217,23,11,"どんな においも かぎわける。
地面深くに 埋まっている
食べ物も 残らず 見つけ出す。"
217,24,1,"おおきな からだの もちぬしだが
きのぼりが じょうずで きの うえで
エサを たべたり ねたりする。"
217,24,3,"커다란 몸집을 가졌지만
나무 타기를 잘하여 나무 위에서
먹이를 먹거나 잔다."
217,24,5,"Bien que dune large corpulence, il grimpe aux arbres
pour sy nourrir et y dormir."
217,24,6,"Trotz seines riesigen Körpers ist es ein guter Kletterer.
Es frisst und schläft in Baumkronen."
217,24,7,"Aunque es muy grande, no se le da nada mal lo de
trepar árboles. Come y duerme en las copas."
217,24,8,"Nonostante la stazza, è abile ad arrampicarsi in cima
agli alberi, dove mangia e dorme."
217,24,9,"Although it has a large body, it is quite skilled at
climbing trees. It eats and sleeps in the treetops."
217,24,11,"大きな 体の 持ち主だが
木登りが 上手で 木の 上で
エサを 食べたり 寝たりする。"
217,25,1,"もりの なかには リングマが エサあつめを する
たいぼくや おがわが あちこちに あると いう。
まいにち エサを あつめて もりを あるく。"
217,25,3,"숲 속에는 링곰이 먹이를 수집하는
큰 나무나 시냇가가 여기저기에 있다고 한다.
매일 먹이를 모으며 숲을 걷는다."
217,25,5,"On dit que les Ursaring trouvent leur nourriture dans les cours
deau et les grands arbres des forêts où ils habitent.
Ce Pokémon erre dans la forêt toute la journée pour chercher
de la nourriture."
217,25,6,"In den von Ursaring bewohnten Wäldern gibt es viele Flüsse
und hohe Bäume, in denen es Nahrung findet. Dieses Pokémon
läuft täglich durch den Wald, um nach Essbarem zu suchen."
217,25,7,"En los bosques habitados por Ursaring, dicen que abundan
los arroyos y árboles gigantes en los que guardan su
alimento. Este Pokémon se dedica todos los días a pasear
por el bosque para buscar comida y guardarla."
217,25,8,"Si dice che nelle foreste in cui vive Ursaring ci siano molti
corsi dacqua e alberi giganti dove questo Pokémon
nasconde le proprie scorte di cibo. Ogni giorno si aggira
nella foresta alla ricerca di alimenti."
217,25,9,"In the forests inhabited by Ursaring, it is said that there are
many streams and towering trees where they gather food.
This Pokémon walks through its forest gathering food
every day."
217,25,11,"森の 中には リングマが エサ集めを する
大木や 小川が あちこちに あると いう。
毎日 エサを 集めて 森を 歩く。"
217,26,1,"もりの なかには リングマが エサあつめを する
たいぼくや おがわが あちこちに あると いう。
まいにち エサを あつめて もりを あるく。"
217,26,3,"숲 속에는 링곰이 먹이를 수집하는
큰 나무나 시냇가가 여기저기에 있다고 한다.
매일 먹이를 모으며 숲을 걷는다."
217,26,5,"On dit que les Ursaring trouvent leur nourriture dans les cours
deau et les grands arbres des forêts où ils habitent.
Ce Pokémon erre dans la forêt toute la journée pour chercher
de la nourriture."
217,26,6,"In den von Ursaring bewohnten Wäldern gibt es viele Flüsse
und hohe Bäume, in denen es Nahrung findet. Dieses Pokémon
läuft täglich durch den Wald, um nach Essbarem zu suchen."
217,26,7,"En los bosques habitados por Ursaring, dicen que abundan
los arroyos y árboles gigantes en los que guardan su
alimento. Este Pokémon se dedica todos los días a pasear
por el bosque para buscar comida y guardarla."
217,26,8,"Si dice che nelle foreste in cui vive Ursaring ci siano molti
corsi dacqua e alberi giganti dove questo Pokémon
nasconde le proprie scorte di cibo. Ogni giorno si aggira
nella foresta alla ricerca di alimenti."
217,26,9,"In the forests inhabited by Ursaring, it is said that there are
many streams and towering trees where they gather food. This
Pokémon walks through its forest gathering food every day."
217,26,11,"森の 中には リングマが エサ集めを する
大木や 小川が あちこちに あると いう。
毎日 エサを 集めて 森を 歩く。"
218,4,9,"It never sleeps.
It has to keep
moving because ifit stopped, its
magma body would
cool and harden."
218,5,9,"A common sight in
volcanic areas, it
slowly slithersaround in a con­
stant search for
warm places."
218,6,9,"These group to­
gether in areas
that are hotterthan normal. If it
cools off, its
skin hardens."
218,7,9,"Molten magma courses throughout
SLUGMAs circulatory system.
If this POKéMON is chilled, the magmacools and hardens. Its body turns
brittle and chunks fall off, reducing
its size."
218,8,9,"SLUGMA does not have any blood in its
body. Instead, intensely hot magma
circulates throughout this POKéMONsbody, carrying essential nutrients and
oxygen to its organs."
218,9,9,"It is a species of POKéMON that lives in
volcanic areas. If its body cools, its skin
hardens and immobilizes it. To avoid that,
it sleeps near magma."
218,10,9,"A common sight in volcanic areas, it
slowly slithers around in a constant
search for warm places."
218,11,9,"It never sleeps. It has to keep moving
because if it stopped, its magma body
would cool and harden."
218,12,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,13,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,14,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,15,9,"It never sleeps. It has to keep
moving because if it stopped, its
magma body would cool and harden."
218,16,9,"A common sight in volcanic areas, it
slowly slithers around in a
constant search for warm places."
218,17,5,"Son corps est fait de magma.
Sil cesse de bouger, il refroidit
et durcit."
218,17,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,18,5,"Son corps est fait de magma.
Sil cesse de bouger, il refroidit
et durcit."
218,18,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,21,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,22,9,"Its body is made of magma.
If it doesnt keep moving, its
body will cool and harden."
218,23,1,"かざんちたいに おおく はっせい。
あたたかい ところを さがして
のろのろ はいずりまわっている。"
218,23,3,"화산 지대에 많이 나타난다.
따뜻한 곳을 찾아서
느릿느릿 기어 다니고 있다."
218,23,5,"Commun dans les régions volcaniques, il se déplace
sans cesse pour trouver des endroits chauds."
218,23,6,"Es hält sich ständig bei Vulkanen auf und ist
stets kriechend auf der Suche nach warmen
218,23,7,"Asiduo a las zonas volcánicas, se desliza lentamente
en busca de lugares calientes."
218,23,8,"Comune nelle aree vulcaniche, striscia in giro
lentamente, sempre alla ricerca di luoghi caldi."
218,23,9,"A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers
around in a constant search for warm places."
218,23,11,"火山地帯に 多く 発生。
暖かい ところを 探して
のろのろ はいずり回っている。"
218,24,1,"ようがんで できた からだを もつ。
たえず うごいていないと からだが
ひえて かたまってしまうのだ。"
218,24,3,"용암으로 된 몸을 가지고 있다.
끊임없이 움직이지 않으면 몸이
식어 굳어져 버린다."
218,24,5,"Son corps est fait de magma. Sil cesse de bouger,
il refroidit et durcit."
218,24,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Magma. Bleibt es nicht
ständig in Bewegung, kühlt es aus und verhärtet sich."
218,24,7,"Su cuerpo se compone de magma. Si deja de
moverse, se enfría y se endurece."
218,24,8,"Nel suo corpo scorre magma. Se non si muove
continuamente, il suo corpo si raffredda e sindurisce."
218,24,9,"Its body is made of magma. If it doesnt keep
moving, its body will cool and harden."
218,24,11,"溶岩で できた 体を 持つ。
絶えず 動いていないと 体が
冷えて 固まってしまうのだ。"
218,25,1,"からだの なかでは しゃくねつの ようがんが
うずまいているが ひえると かたまって しまい
くずれて からだが ちいさく なっていく。"
218,25,3,"몸 안에는 작열하는 용암이
소용돌이치지만 식으면 굳어지고
부서져서 몸이 작아진다."
218,25,5,"Du magma en fusion coule dans les veines de Limagma.
Si ce Pokémon est refroidi, le magma se solidifie. Son corps
devient alors cassant et des morceaux sen détachent,
diminuant ainsi sa taille."
218,25,6,"Durch Schneckmags Kreislaufsystem fließt Magma.
Wenn dieses Pokémon erkältet ist, kühlt das Magma
aus und erhärtet. Sein Körper wird spröde und es
brechen Stücke heraus, sodass es kleiner wird."
218,25,7,"Por el sistema circulatorio de Slugma corre magma líquido. Si
este Pokémon se enfriara, el magma perdería el calor y se
solidificaría, por lo que se resquebrajaría por completo,
perdería algunos trozos y reduciría su tamaño."
218,25,8,"Nel corpo di Slugma scorre magma liquido. In caso di
congelamento, il magma si raffredda e si solidifica. Il corpo
diventa fragile e cade a pezzi consumandosi progressivamente."
218,25,9,"Molten magma courses throughout Slugmas circulatory
system. If this Pokémon is chilled, the magma cools and
hardens. Its body turns brittle and chunks fall off, reducing
its size."
218,25,11,"体の 中では 灼熱の 溶岩が
渦巻いているが 冷えると 固まって しまい
崩れて 体が 小さく なっていく。"
218,26,1,"からだの なかでは けつえきの かわりに
ひつような えいようと さんそを はこぶために
しゃくねつの マグマが じゅんかんしている。"
218,26,3,"몸 안에는 혈액 대신
필요한 영양과 산소를 운반하기 위해
작열하는 마그마가 순환되고 있다."
218,26,5,"Les veines de Limagma ne contiennent pas de sang.
Au lieu de ça, du magma en fusion circule dans le corps
de ce Pokémon, apportant les nutriments et loxygène
nécessaires à ses organes."
218,26,6,"Schneckmag hat kein Blut in seinem Körper. Stattdessen fließt
glühend heißes Magma in diesem Pokémon, das seine Organe
mit lebenswichtigen Nährstoffen und Sauerstoff versorgt."
218,26,7,"Slugma no tiene sangre en su organismo, sino ardiente
magma que hace circular por todo el cuerpo los nutrientes
y el oxígeno que necesitan sus órganos."
218,26,8,"Nel corpo di Slugma non scorre nemmeno una goccia di
sangue, bensì magma rovente, che garantisce lapporto di
ossigeno e sostanze nutritive fondamentali per i suoi organi."
218,26,9,"Slugma does not have any blood in its body. Instead, intensely
hot magma circulates throughout this Pokémons body,
carrying essential nutrients and oxygen to its organs."
218,26,11,"体の 中では 血液の かわりに
必要な 栄養と 酸素を 運ぶために
灼熱の マグマが 循環している。"
219,4,9,"The shell on its
back is just skin
that has cooledand hardened. It
breaks easily with
a slight touch."
219,5,9,"Its brittle shell
spouts intenseflames that cir­
culate throughout
its body."
219,6,9,"Its body is as hot
as lava and is
always billowing.Flames will
occasionally burst
from its shell."
219,7,9,"MAGCARGOs shell is actually its skin
that hardened as a result of cooling.
Its shell is very brittle and fragile -just touching it causes it to crumble
apart. This POKéMON returns to its
original size by dipping itself in magma."
219,8,9,"MAGCARGOs body temperature is
approximately 18,000 degrees F.
Water is vaporized on contact.If this POKéMON is caught in the rain,
the raindrops instantly turn into
steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog."
219,9,9,"The shell on its back is made of hardened
magma. Tens of thousands of years spent
living in volcanic craters have turned
MAGCARGOs bodies into magma."
219,10,9,"Its brittle shell occasionally spouts
intense flames that circulate throughout
its body."
219,11,9,"The shell on its back is just skin that
has cooled and hardened. It breaks easily
with a slight touch."
219,12,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,13,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,14,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,15,9,"The shell on its back is just skin
that has cooled and hardened. It
breaks easily with a slight touch."
219,16,9,"Its brittle shell occasionally
spouts intense flames that 
circulate throughout its body."
219,17,5,"Sa température corporelle avoisine
les 10 000 °C. Des flammes fusent
des fissures de sa coquille."
219,17,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,18,5,"Sa température corporelle avoisine
les 10 000 °C. Des flammes fusent
des fissures de sa coquille."
219,18,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,21,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,22,9,"Its body temperature is roughly
18,000 degrees F. Flames spout
from gaps in its hardened shell."
219,23,1,"せなかの カラは くずれやすいが
ときどき たいないを めぐっている
こうねつの ほのおが ふきだす。"
219,23,3,"등껍질은 깨어지기 쉬우며
가끔 체내를 순환하고 있는
고열의 불꽃을 뿜어낸다."
219,23,5,"Sa coquille, très fragile, projette régulièrement
des flammes qui circulent dans son corps."
219,23,6,"Aus seinem porösen Schneckengehäuse sprudeln
Feuerfontänen, die seinen Körper durchfluten."
219,23,7,"En ocasiones, su resbaladiza concha lanza intensas
llamaradas que recorren todo su cuerpo."
219,23,8,"A volte intense fiamme partono dal fragile guscio e
avvolgono tutto il suo corpo."
219,23,9,"Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames
that circulate throughout its body."
219,23,11,"背中の 殻は 崩れやすいが
ときどき 体内を 巡っている
高熱の 炎が 噴き出す。"
219,24,1,"からだは いつも なみうっていて
ようがんのように あつい。
ときどき カラから ひのこがもれる。"
219,24,3,"몸이 항상 일렁이고 있으며
용암처럼 뜨겁다.
때때로 껍데기에서 불티가 샌다."
219,24,5,"Son corps en ébullition est aussi chaud que de la
lave. Des flammes sortent de sa coquille."
219,24,6,"Sein Körper ist heißer als Lava und wogt stets.
Manchmal schießen Flammen aus seinem Haus."
219,24,7,"Tiene un cuerpo que no deja de hincharse y tan
caliente como la lava. La concha suelta llamas."
219,24,8,"Il corpo caldo come lava è sempre in ebollizione.
A volte si vedono fiammate uscire dal guscio."
219,24,9,"Its body is as hot as lava and is always billowing.
Flames will occasionally burst from its shell."
219,24,11,"体は いつも 波打っていて
溶岩のように 熱い。
ときどき 殻から 火の粉が漏れる。"
219,25,1,"カラは ひふが ひえて かたまった もの。
さわった だけで ボロボロと くずれて しまう。
マグマに はいると もとの おおきさに もどる。"
219,25,3,"껍질은 피부가 식어 굳어진 것이다.
만지기만 해도 산산이 부서져 버린다.
마그마에 들어가면 원래 크기로 돌아온다."
219,25,5,"La carapace de Volcaropod est en fait constituée de sa peau,
qui sest durcie après un refroidissement. Elle est très cassante
et fragile. Il suffit de la toucher pour quelle casse. Il reprend
sa forme en plongeant dans le magma."
219,25,6,"Magcargos Schale ist eigentlich seine Haut, die erhärtet
ist, als es auskühlte. Seine Schale ist sehr spröde und
zerbrechlich. Schon bei einer leichten Berührung bricht sie
auseinander. Dann muss es ein Bad in Magma nehmen."
219,25,7,"La coraza de Magcargo es en realidad su propia piel que
quedó endurecida al enfriarse. Está muy resquebrajada y es
muy frágil; se desharía solo con tocarla. Este Pokémon debe
sumergirse en magma para recuperar su forma."
219,25,8,"La corazza di Magcargo è formata dalla sua pelle induritasi
per effetto del raffreddamento. La corazza è fragile e friabile:
cade a pezzi al minimo contatto. Riacquista le sue dimensioni
normali immergendosi nel magma."
219,25,9,"Magcargos shell is actually its skin that hardened as a result
of cooling. Its shell is very brittle and fragile—just touching it
causes it to crumble apart. This Pokémon returns to its original
size by dipping itself in magma."
219,25,11,"カラは 皮膚が 冷えて 固まった もの。
触った だけで ボロボロと 崩れて しまう。
マグマに 入ると 元の 大きさに 戻る。"
219,26,1,"たいおんが やく1まんども あるので あまつぶに
うたれると じょうきが もうもうと たちこめて
あたりは ふかい きりに おおわれると いう。"
219,26,3,"체온이 약 1만 도나 돼서 빗방울이
몸에 닿으면 수증기가 자욱하게 피어나
주변이 깊은 안개에 둘러싸인다고 한다."
219,26,5,"La température de Volcaropod est denviron 10000 °C.
Leau sévapore à son contact. Si ce Pokémon se retrouve
sous la pluie, les gouttes deau forment de la vapeur et
couvrent la zone de brouillard."
219,26,6,"Magcargos Körpertemperatur liegt bei etwa 10 000 °C.
Dieses Pokémon bringt Wasser sofort zum Verdampfen.
Wenn dieses Pokémon im Regen steht, werden die Tropfen
augenblicklich zu Dampf und es entsteht dichter Nebel."
219,26,7,"Magcargo tiene una temperatura corporal de 1000 °C
aproximadamente. El agua se evapora al contacto con él.
Si llueve, las gotas que le rozan se transforman en vapor al
instante y crean una densa niebla."
219,26,8,"La temperatura corporea di Magcargo si aggira attorno
ai 10.000 °C. A contatto col suo corpo lacqua diventa vapore
allistante. In caso di pioggia la zona circostante è invasa da
una fitta nebbia."
219,26,9,"Magcargos body temperature is approximately
18,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Water is vaporized on contact.
If this Pokémon is caught in the rain, the raindrops instantly
turn into steam, cloaking the area in a thick fog."
219,26,11,"体温が 約1万度も あるので 雨粒に
打たれると 蒸気が もうもうと 立ち込めて
あたりは 深い 霧に 覆われると いう。"
220,4,9,"It rubs its snout
on the ground to
find and dig upfood. It sometimes
discovers hot
220,5,9,"If it smells some­
thing enticing, it
dashes headlongoff to find the
source of the
220,6,9,"It uses the tip of
its nose to dig
for food. Its noseis so tough that
even frozen ground
poses no problem."
220,7,9,"SWINUB roots for food by rubbing its
snout against the ground. Its favorite
food is a mushroom that grows underthe cover of dead grass.
This POKéMON occasionally roots out
hot springs."
220,8,9,"SWINUB roots for food by rubbing its
snout against the ground. Its favorite
food is a mushroom that grows underthe cover of dead grass.
This POKéMON occasionally roots out
hot springs."
220,9,9,"It roots for food by rubbing its snout
against the ground. Its favorite food is a
mushroom that grows under dried grass.
It occasionally roots out hot springs."
220,10,9,"If it smells something enticing, it dashes
off headlong to find the source of the
220,11,9,"It rubs its snout on the ground to find
and dig up food. It sometimes discovers
hot springs."
220,12,9,"It loves eating mushrooms that
grow under dead grass. It also
finds hot springs while foraging."
220,13,9,"It loves eating mushrooms that
grow under dead grass. It also
finds hot springs while foraging."
220,14,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It
can locate mushrooms, berries, and
even hot springs buried under ice."
220,15,9,"It rubs its snout on the ground to
find and dig up food. It sometimes
discovers hot springs."
220,16,9,"If it smells something enticing, it
dashes off headlong to find the
source of the aroma."
220,17,5,"Son nez très sensible détecte
champignons, Baies et sources
chaudes enfouis sous la glace."
220,17,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It
can locate mushrooms, berries, and
even hot springs buried under ice."
220,18,5,"Son nez très sensible détecte
champignons, Baies et sources
chaudes enfouis sous la glace."
220,18,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It
can locate mushrooms, berries, and
even hot springs buried under ice."
220,21,9,"Rooting the tip of its snout
into the ground, it searches for food.
Sometimes it even digs up a hot spring."
220,22,9,"Rooting the tip of its snout
into the ground, it searches for food.
Sometimes it even digs up a hot spring."
220,23,1,"エサを さがすため はなを
こすりあわせ じめんを ほっている。
たまに おんせんを ほりあてる。"
220,23,3,"먹이를 찾기 위해 코를
바닥에 비벼 땅을 파고 있다.
가끔 온천을 찾아낸다."
220,23,5,"Il renifle le sol avec sa truffe pour y dénicher de
la nourriture. Il trouve parfois des sources thermales."
220,23,6,"Auf Nahrungssuche schnüffelt es am Boden entlang.
Es entdeckt dabei manchmal auch heiße Quellen."
220,23,7,"Frota su hocico contra el suelo para desenterrar
comida. A veces descubre aguas termales."
220,23,8,"Sfrega il muso sul terreno per scovare del cibo.
Talvolta scopre sorgenti dacqua calda."
220,23,9,"It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up
food. It sometimes discovers hot springs."
220,23,11,"エサを 探すため 鼻を
こすり合わせ 地面を 掘っている。
たまに 温泉を 掘り当てる。"
220,24,1,"いい においを かぎつけると
あとさき かんがえず においの
ほうこうへ ダッシュしてしまう。"
220,24,3,"좋은 냄새를 맡으면
뒷일을 생각하지 않고 냄새 나는
방향으로 대시해버린다."
220,24,5,"Sil sent une odeur attirante, il fonce tête baissée
pour en trouver lorigine."
220,24,6,"Wenn es etwas Vielversprechendes erschnuppert,
dann stürzt es in Windeseile darauf zu."
220,24,7,"Si percibe un aroma tentador, se tira de cabeza para
encontrar el origen de dicho olor."
220,24,8,"Appena avverte un profumo invitante, cerca subito
di capire la provenienza di quellodore."
220,24,9,"If it smells something enticing, it dashes off
headlong to find the source of the aroma."
220,24,11,"いい においを かぎつけると
あとさき 考えずに においの
方向へ ダッシュしてしまう。"
220,25,1,"じめんに はなを こすりつけて エサを さがす。
かれくさの したに はえた キノコが こうぶつ。
たまに おんせんを ほりあてる ことが あるよ。"
220,25,3,"땅에 코를 비비며 먹이를 찾는다.
마른 풀 밑에 난 버섯을 좋아한다.
가끔 온천을 파내기도 한다."
220,25,5,"Marcacrin cherche sa nourriture en frottant son groin par terre.
Son plat préféré est un champignon qui pousse sous lherbe
fanée. Ce Pokémon découvre parfois des sources deau
220,25,6,"Auf Nahrungssuche schnüffelt Quiekel am Boden entlang.
Seine Lieblingsspeise ist ein Pilz, der unter verwesendem
Gras wächst. Manchmal spürt dieses Pokémon heiße
Quellen auf."
220,25,7,"Swinub busca el alimento frotando el hocico contra el suelo.
Su comida preferida es una seta que crece bajo la hierba
marchita. A veces, al frotar, descubre fuentes termales."
220,25,8,"Swinub cerca il proprio nutrimento strofinando il muso
sul terreno. È ghiotto dei funghi che crescono sotto
la coltre di erba e fogliame rinsecchito.
Talvolta scova qualche sorgente termale."
220,25,9,"Swinub roots for food by rubbing its snout against the ground.
Its favorite food is a mushroom that grows under the cover of
dead grass. This Pokémon occasionally roots out hot springs."
220,25,11,"地面に 鼻を 擦りつけて エサを 探す。
枯草の 下に 生えた キノコが 好物。
たまに 温泉を 掘り当てる ことが あるよ。"
220,26,1,"じめんに はなを こすりつけて エサを さがす。
かれくさの したに はえた キノコが こうぶつ。
たまに おんせんを ほりあてる ことが あるよ。"
220,26,3,"땅에 코를 비비며 먹이를 찾는다.
마른 풀 밑에 난 버섯을 좋아한다.
가끔 온천을 파내기도 한다."
220,26,5,"Marcacrin cherche sa nourriture en frottant son groin par terre.
Son plat préféré est un champignon qui pousse sous lherbe
fanée. Ce Pokémon découvre parfois des sources deau
220,26,6,"Auf Nahrungssuche schnüffelt Quiekel am Boden entlang.
Seine Lieblingsspeise ist ein Pilz, der unter abgestorbenem
Gras wächst. Manchmal spürt dieses Pokémon heiße Quellen
220,26,7,"Swinub busca el alimento frotando el hocico contra el suelo.
Su comida preferida es una seta que crece bajo la hierba
marchita. A veces, al frotar, descubre fuentes termales."
220,26,8,"Swinub cerca il proprio nutrimento strofinando il muso
sul terreno. È ghiotto dei funghi che crescono sotto
la coltre di erba e fogliame rinsecchito.
Talvolta scova qualche sorgente termale."
220,26,9,"Swinub roots for food by rubbing its snout against the ground.
Its favorite food is a mushroom that grows under the cover of
dead grass. This Pokémon occasionally roots out hot springs."
220,26,11,"地面に 鼻を 擦りつけて エサを 探す。
枯草の 下に 生えた キノコが 好物。
たまに 温泉を 掘り当てる ことが あるよ。"
220,33,1,"エサを さがすため はなを
こすりあわせ じめんを ほっている。
たまに おんせんを ほりあてる。"
220,33,3,"먹이를 찾기 위해 코를
바닥에 비벼 땅을 파고 있다.
가끔 온천을 찾아낸다."
220,33,5,"Il creuse le sol avec son groin pour y dénicher
de la nourriture. Il trouve parfois des sources
deau chaude."
220,33,6,"Auf Nahrungssuche wühlt es sich mit der Nase
durch den Erdboden. Manchmal entdeckt es
dabei auch heiße Quellen."
220,33,7,"Frota el hocico contra el suelo para desenterrar
comida. A veces descubre aguas termales."
220,33,8,"Scava con il muso nel terreno per scovare del
cibo. Talvolta scopre sorgenti dacqua calda."
220,33,9,"It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up
food. It sometimes discovers hot springs."
220,33,11,"エサを 探すため 鼻を
こすり合わせ 地面を 掘っている。
たまに 温泉を 掘り当てる。"
220,34,1,"いい においを かぎつけると
あとさき かんがえず においの
ほうこうへ ダッシュしてしまう。"
220,34,3,"좋은 냄새를 맡으면
뒷일을 생각하지 않고 냄새 나는
방향으로 대시해버린다."
220,34,5,"Sil sent une odeur attrayante, il fonce la tête
la première pour trouver doù elle vient."
220,34,6,"Wenn es etwas Vielversprechendes erschnuppert,
sprintet es Hals über Kopf darauf los, ohne
220,34,7,"Si percibe un aroma tentador, se lanza de cabeza
sin pensárselo dos veces para hallar su origen."
220,34,8,"Appena avverte un profumo invitante, si fionda
nella direzione da cui proviene senza la minima
220,34,9,"If it smells something enticing, it dashes off
headlong to find the source of the aroma."
220,34,11,"いい においを かぎつけると
あとさき 考えずに においの
方向へ ダッシュしてしまう。"
221,4,9,"Because the long
hair all over its
body obscures itssight, it just
keeps charging
221,5,9,"If it charges at
an enemy, the
hairs on its backstand up straight.
It is very sensi­
tive to sound."
221,6,9,"Although its legs
are short, its
rugged hoovesprevent it from
slipping, even on
icy ground."
221,7,9,"PILOSWINE is covered by a thick coat
of long hair that enables it to endure
the freezing cold.This POKéMON uses its tusks to dig up
food that has been buried under ice."
221,8,9,"PILOSWINE is covered by a thick coat
of long hair that enables it to endure
the freezing cold.This POKéMON uses its tusks to dig up
food that has been buried under ice."
221,9,9,"A PILOSWINE is covered by a thick coat
of long hair for enduring freezing cold.
It uses its tusks to dig up food that has
been buried under ice."
221,10,9,"If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on
its back stand up straight. It is very
sensitive to sound."
221,11,9,"Because the long hair all over its body
obscures its sight, it just keeps charging
221,12,9,"Its shaggy coat makes it unable
to see. It checks surroundings
with its sensitive nose instead."
221,13,9,"Its shaggy coat makes it unable
to see. It checks surroundings
with its sensitive nose instead."
221,14,9,"Covered by a shaggy coat, it is
strong against the cold. Its tusks
of ice thicken when it snows."
221,15,9,"Because the long hair all over its
body obscures its sight, it just
keeps charging repeatedly."
221,16,9,"If it charges at an enemy, the
hairs on its back stand up straight.
It is very sensitive to sound."
221,17,5,"Il est protégé du froid mordant par
son épais manteau de fourrure. Ses
cornes sont formées de glace."
221,17,9,"Covered by a shaggy coat, it is
strong against the cold. Its tusks
of ice thicken when it snows."
221,18,5,"Il est protégé du froid mordant par
son épais manteau de fourrure. Ses
cornes sont formées de glace."
221,18,9,"Covered by a shaggy coat, it is
strong against the cold. Its tusks
of ice thicken when it snows."
221,21,9,"With its excellent sense of smell,
its even able to find mushrooms that
are buried under frozen ground."
221,22,9,"With its excellent sense of smell,
its even able to find mushrooms that
are buried under frozen ground."
221,23,1,"4ほんの あしは みじかいが
ヒヅメは ひろく ギザギザ なので
ゆきのうえでも すべらず あるける。"
221,23,3,"4개의 다리는 짧지만
발굽이 넓고 거칠거칠하므로
눈 위도 미끄러지지 않고 걸을 수 있다."
221,23,5,"Bien que pourvu de courtes pattes, ses sabots sont
pointus pour lempêcher de glisser sur la glace."
221,23,6,"Trotz kurzer Beine rutscht es auf eisigen Flächen
nicht aus, da seine Hufe ihm genügend Halt bieten."
221,23,7,"Aunque tiene las patas cortas, las fuertes pezuñas le
permiten agarrarse bien al suelo, a pesar del hielo."
221,23,8,"Ha le zampe corte, ma grazie agli zoccoli ruvidi,
riesce a non scivolare neppure sul ghiaccio."
221,23,9,"Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves
prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground."
221,23,11,"4本の 脚は 短いが
ひづめは 広く ギザギザ なので
雪の上でも 滑らず 歩ける。"
221,24,1,"ながい たいもうに おおわれて
めのまえの ようすが わからず
ひたすらに とっしんを くりかえす。"
221,24,3,"긴 털로 덮여 있어서
눈앞의 상태를 모르고
한결같이 돌진만을 반복한다."
221,24,5,"Ses yeux sont masqués par ses longs poils. Il ne voit
rien et se déplace en chargeant."
221,24,6,"Da sein haariges Fell seine Sicht enorm beeinträchtigt,
greift es ständig an, um den Gegner zu treffen."
221,24,7,"Como su largo pelaje le impide ver con claridad, sigue
atacando repetidamente."
221,24,8,"Poiché il lungo pelo sul suo corpo gli impedisce di
vedere, non fa che caricare il nemico senza tregua."
221,24,9,"Because the long hair all over its body obscures its
sight, it just keeps charging repeatedly."
221,24,11,"長い 体毛に 覆われて
目の前の 様子が わからず
ひたすらに 突進を 繰り返す。"
221,25,1,"こごえる さむさにも たえられる ように
あつくて ながい けがわに おおわれている。
こおりに うまった エサを キバで ほりだす。"
221,25,3,"얼어붙는 추위에도 버틸 수 있도록
두껍고 긴 털가죽에 덮여 있다.
얼음에 묻힌 먹이를 이빨로 파낸다."
221,25,5,"Cochignon est recouvert de longs poils épais qui lui
permettent de supporter le froid hivernal. Ce Pokémon utilise
ses défenses pour déterrer la nourriture cachée sous la glace."
221,25,6,"Keifel hat ein dichtes Fell aus langen Haaren. Dadurch ist
es gegen eisige Kälte gewappnet. Dieses Pokémon benutzt
seine Hauer, um an Nahrung zu gelangen, die unter dem Eis
eingeschlossen ist."
221,25,7,"Piloswine está cubierto por un pelaje tupido y de largas
cerdas que le permite soportar el frío polar. Este Pokémon
usa los colmillos para desenterrar los alimentos que hayan
podido quedar bajo el hielo."
221,25,8,"Piloswine è ricoperto da una fitta chioma di pelo lungo
che lo aiuta a contrastare il freddo pungente. Usa le proprie
zanne per scavare in cerca del cibo sepolto sotto i ghiacci."
221,25,9,"Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables it
to endure the freezing cold. This Pokémon uses its tusks to
dig up food that has been buried under ice."
221,25,11,"凍える 寒さにも 耐えられる ように
厚くて 長い 毛皮に 覆われている。
氷に 埋まった エサを キバで 掘り出す。"
221,26,1,"こごえる さむさにも たえられる ように
あつくて ながい けがわに おおわれている。
こおりに うまった エサを キバで ほりだす。"
221,26,3,"얼어붙는 추위에도 버틸 수 있도록
두껍고 긴 털가죽에 덮여 있다.
얼음에 묻힌 먹이를 이빨로 파낸다."
221,26,5,"Cochignon est recouvert de longs poils épais qui lui
permettent de supporter le froid hivernal. Ce Pokémon utilise
ses défenses pour déterrer la nourriture cachée sous la glace."
221,26,6,"Keifel hat ein dichtes Fell aus langen Haaren. Dadurch ist
es gegen eisige Kälte gewappnet. Dieses Pokémon benutzt
seine Stoßzähne, um an Nahrung zu gelangen, die unter dem
Eis eingeschlossen ist."
221,26,7,"Piloswine está cubierto por un pelaje tupido y de largas
cerdas que le permite soportar el frío polar. Este Pokémon
usa los colmillos para desenterrar los alimentos que hayan
podido quedar bajo el hielo."
221,26,8,"Piloswine è ricoperto da una fitta chioma di pelo lungo
che lo aiuta a contrastare il freddo pungente. Usa le proprie
zanne per scavare in cerca del cibo sepolto sotto i ghiacci."
221,26,9,"Piloswine is covered by a thick coat of long hair that enables
it to endure the freezing cold. This Pokémon uses its tusks to
dig up food that has been buried under ice."
221,26,11,"凍える 寒さにも 耐えられる ように
厚くて 長い 毛皮に 覆われている。
氷に 埋まった エサを キバで 掘り出す。"
221,33,1,"あいて めがけて とっしんするとき
せなかの たいもうが さかだつ。
おとに ものすごく びんかん。"
221,33,3,"상대를 목표로 삼고 돌진할 때
등에 있는 털이 곤두선다.
소리에 매우 민감하다."
221,33,5,"Sil charge un ennemi, les poils de son dos
se dressent. Il est très sensible au bruit."
221,33,6,"Beim Angriff auf einen Gegner stellen sich seine
Rückenhaare auf. Es hört außergewöhnlich gut."
221,33,7,"Cuando carga contra un enemigo, se le erizan los
pelos del lomo. Es muy sensible al sonido."
221,33,8,"Quando carica il nemico, i peli gli si rizzano
sul dorso. È molto sensibile ai suoni."
221,33,9,"If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back
stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound."
221,33,11,"相手 めがけて 突進するとき
背中の 体毛が 逆立つ。
音に ものすごく 敏感。"
221,34,1,"4ほんの あしは みじかいが
ヒヅメは ひろく ギザギザ なので
ゆきのうえでも すべらず あるける。"
221,34,3,"4개의 다리는 짧지만
발굽이 넓고 거칠거칠하므로
눈 위도 미끄러지지 않고 걸을 수 있다."
221,34,5,"Bien quil soit pourvu de pattes courtes,
ses sabots larges et pointus lempêchent
de glisser sur la glace."
221,34,6,"Obwohl es sehr kurze Beine hat, rutscht es auf
eisigen Flächen nicht aus, da seine gespaltenen
Hufe ihm genügend Halt bieten."
221,34,7,"Aunque tiene las patas cortas, sus fuertes
pezuñas le permiten caminar por la nieve sin
221,34,8,"Ha le zampe corte, ma grazie agli zoccoli ruvidi
riesce a camminare sul ghiaccio senza scivolare."
221,34,9,"Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves
prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground."
221,34,11,"4本の 脚は 短いが
ひづめは 広く ギザギザ なので
雪の上でも 滑らず 歩ける。"
222,4,9,"It continuously
sheds and grows.
The tip of itshead is prized as
a treasure for its
222,5,9,"In a south sea
nation, the people
live in communi­ties that are
built on groups of
these POKéMON."
222,6,9,"The points on its
head absorb
nutrients fromclean water. They
cannot survive in
polluted water."
222,7,9,"CORSOLAs branches glitter very
beautifully in seven colors when they
catch sunlight.If any branch breaks off, this POKéMON
grows it back in just one night."
222,8,9,"Clusters of CORSOLA congregate in warm
seas where they serve as ideal hiding
places for smaller POKéMON.When the water temperature falls, this
POKéMON migrates to the southern seas."
222,9,9,"CORSOLA live in warm southern seas.
If the sea becomes polluted, the beautiful
coral stalks become discolored and crumble
away in tatters."
222,10,9,"In a south sea nation, the people live in
communities that are built on groups of
these POKéMON."
222,11,9,"It continuously sheds and grows. The tip
of its head is prized as a treasure for
its beauty."
222,12,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the
south. They apparently cant live
in polluted waters."
222,13,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the
south. They apparently cant live
in polluted waters."
222,14,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the
south. They apparently cant live
in polluted waters."
222,15,9,"It continuously sheds and grows.
The tip of its head is prized as
a treasure because of its beauty."
222,16,9,"In a south-sea nation, the people
live in communities that are
built on groups of these Pokémon."
222,17,5,"On en trouve beaucoup dans les mers
claires du sud. On dirait quil ne peut
pas vivre en eau polluée."
222,17,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the
south. They apparently cant live
in polluted waters."
222,18,5,"On en trouve beaucoup dans les mers
claires du sud. On dirait quil ne peut
pas vivre en eau polluée."
222,18,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the
south. They apparently cant live
in polluted waters."
222,21,9,"They prefer unpolluted southern seas.
Their coral branches lose their color
and deteriorate in dirty water."
222,22,9,"They prefer unpolluted southern seas.
Their coral branches lose their color
and deteriorate in dirty water."
222,23,1,"どんどん そだっては はえかわる
あたまの さきは きれいなので
たからもの として にんきがたかい。"
222,23,3,"점점 자라면서 다시 돋아나는
머리의 끝이 아름다워
보물로서 인기가 많다."
222,23,5,"Il grandit en permanence. Les exquises excroissances
de sa tête sont très recherchées."
222,23,6,"Es häutet sich ständig und wächst. Seine Kopfspitze
wurde als Schatz der Schönheit ausgezeichnet."
222,23,7,"Crece y muda continuamente. La parte superior de su
cabeza es muy apreciada por su belleza."
222,23,8,"Muta la pelle e cresce di continuo. La punta che
ha sul capo è un simbolo della sua bellezza."
222,23,9,"It continuously sheds and grows. The tip of its head
is prized as a treasure because of its beauty."
222,23,11,"どんどん 育っては 生えかわる
頭の 先は きれいなので
宝物として 人気が高い。"
222,24,1,"みなみの きれいな うみをこのむ。
よごれた うみだと サンゴの えだは
いろがくすみ ボロボロになるのだ。"
222,24,3,"남쪽의 깨끗한 바다를 좋아한다.
더러운 바다면 산호 가지는
색이 거무스레해지고 엉망이 된다."
222,24,5,"On le trouve souvent dans les mers claires du sud.
Leau polluée décolore son corail et le fait dépérir."
222,24,6,"Hält sich lieber in den sauberen Seen im Süden auf.
Seine Korallenarme verlieren in verschmutztem Wasser
Farbe und Form."
222,24,7,"Adoran las aguas cristalinas de los mares del sur, pues
su coral pierde color y se deteriora en aguas sucias."
222,24,8,"Preferisce i limpidi mari del sud. In quelli inquinati,
invece, i suoi coralli si logorano e perdono il loro
222,24,9,"They prefer unpolluted southern seas. Their coral
branches lose their color and deteriorate in
dirty water."
222,24,11,"南の きれいな 海を好む。
汚れた 海だと サンゴの 枝は
色がくすみ ボロボロになるのだ。"
222,25,1,"サンゴの えだは たいようの ひかりを あびると
なないろに キラキラ かがやき とても きれい。
おれても ひとばんで もとどおりに はえてくる。"
222,25,3,"산호 가지는 태양의 빛을 받으면
일곱 빛깔로 반짝반짝 빛이 나 정말 아름답다.
부러져도 하룻밤이면 원래대로 자라난다."
222,25,5,"Les branches de Corayon brillent de sept couleurs quand
elles sont exposées à la lumière du soleil. Si une des branches
casse, ce Pokémon peut la faire repousser en une nuit."
222,25,6,"Wenn Corasonns Arme Sonnenlicht abbekommen, glitzern sie
wunderschön in sieben Farben. Wenn ein Arm abbricht, wächst
über Nacht ein neuer nach."
222,25,7,"Las ramas de Corsola brillan con belleza hasta en siete
colores cuando les da el sol. Si se le rompe alguna, el
Pokémon la regenera en tan solo una noche."
222,25,8,"Le ramificazioni dei Corsola brillano in sette meravigliosi
colori se esposte alla luce del sole. Se qualche ramo
si spezza e cade viene rigenerato nellarco di una notte."
222,25,9,"Corsolas branches glitter very beautifully in seven colors when
they catch sunlight. If any branch breaks off, this Pokémon
grows it back in just one night."
222,25,11,"サンゴの 枝は 太陽の 光を 浴びると
七色に キラキラ 輝き とても きれい。
折れても 一晩で 元通りに 生えてくる。"
222,26,1,"あたたかい うみに あつまった サニーゴは
ちいさい ポケモンたちの かくれがに なる。
すいおんが さがると みなみへ いどうする。"
222,26,3,"따뜻한 바다에 모인 코산호는
작은 포켓몬들의 은신처가 된다.
수온이 낮아지면 남쪽으로 이동한다."
222,26,5,"Les Corayon se rassemblent dans les mers chaudes,
offrant ainsi un abri idéal aux plus petits Pokémon.
Quand la température baisse, ce Pokémon migre vers
les mers du sud."
222,26,6,"Scharen von Corasonn sammeln sich im warmen Meer und
dienen kleineren Pokémon als ideale Plätze zum Verstecken.
Wenn die Wassertemperatur sinkt, wandert dieses Pokémon
in die südlichen Meere ab."
222,26,7,"Las aguas templadas son el hábitat de Corsola. Allí se
agrupan grandes bancos de estos Pokémon que sirven de
escondite a Pokémon más pequeños. Cuando la temperatura
del agua baja, suelen migrar a los mares del sur."
222,26,8,"I Corsola formano grandi colonie nei mari più caldi dove
costituiscono rifugi ideali per Pokémon più piccoli. Quando
la temperatura dellacqua si abbassa, migrano verso i mari
del sud."
222,26,9,"Clusters of Corsola congregate in warm seas where they serve
as ideal hiding places for smaller Pokémon. When the water
temperature falls, this Pokémon migrates to the southern seas."
222,26,11,"暖かい 海に 集まった サニーゴは
小さい ポケモンたちの 隠れ家に なる。
水温が 下がると 南へ 移動する。"
222,27,1,"サンゴのえだが あたまに はえる。
かなり かんたんに おれるけど
みっかくらいで もとに もどるよ。"
222,27,3,"산호 가지가 머리에 자란다.
꽤 간단히 부러지지만
사흘 정도면 원래대로 돌아온다."
222,27,5,"Des cornes de corail poussent sur la tête
de ce Pokémon. Elles sont assez fragiles,
mais repoussent en trois jours seulement."
222,27,6,"Auf seinem Kopf wachsen Korallenarme, die
ziemlich leicht abbrechen, allerdings innerhalb
von etwa drei Tagen wieder nachwachsen."
222,27,7,"De su cabeza brotan ramas de coral. Son muy
frágiles, pero pueden regenerarse en un lapso
de tres días."
222,27,8,"Sul suo capo crescono dei coralli molto fragili.
Se un ramo si spezza e cade, viene rigenerato
nellarco di tre giorni."
222,27,9,"Coral branches grow from its head.
They break off quite easily, but they
grow back in about three days."
222,27,11,"サンゴの枝が 頭に 生える。
かなり 簡単に 折れるけど
3日くらいで 元に 戻るよ。"
222,28,1,"あたまの えだを ねらい ヒドイデが
おいかけてくると じぶんで えだを
ポキリと おって にげだすよ。"
222,28,3,"머리의 가지를 노리고 시마사리가
쫓아오면 자신의 가지를
뚝 부러뜨리고 도망친다."
222,28,5,"Lorsquil est poursuivi par des Vorastérie attirés
par les cornes sur sa tête, il les détache de
lui-même pour faire diversion et détaler."
222,28,6,"Drohen die Arme auf seinem Kopf von einem
Garstella verschlungen zu werden, wirft es
diese ab und sucht das Weite."
222,28,7,"Cuando Mareanie lo persigue para hacerse con
sus ramas de coral, Corsola se desprende de
ellas adrede para poder huir sin problemas."
222,28,8,"Quando è inseguito da un Mareanie attirato dai
coralli che ha sul capo, li stacca per distrarlo
e fuggire più agevolmente."
222,28,9,"Pursued by Mareanie for the branches on its
head, this Pokémon will sometimes snap its own
branches off as a diversion while it escapes."
222,28,11,"頭の 枝を 狙い ヒドイデが
追いかけてくると 自分で 枝を
ポキリと 折って 逃げだすよ。"
222,29,1,"アローラに くらす サニーゴは
ピンクが とても あざやかで こい。
えいようほうふな うみの おかげだ。"
222,29,3,"알로라에 사는 코산호는
핑크가 매우 선명하고 짙다.
영양이 풍부한 바다 덕분이다."
222,29,5,"Les nutriments présents dans les eaux riches
dAlola ont donné à Corayon cette couleur rose
si vive et chatoyante."
222,29,6,"Aufgrund des nährstoffreichen Meeres ist das
Pink der in Alola lebenden Corasonn besonders
strahlend und kräftig."
222,29,7,"La coloración rosa de los ejemplares de Alola es
extraordinariamente viva e intensa debido a la
abundancia de nutrientes de sus aguas."
222,29,8,"I Corsola che vivono ad Alola sono di un colore
rosa intenso e brillante grazie alle acque marine
ricche di elementi nutritivi."
222,29,9,"The pink of Corsola that live in Alola is deep
and vibrant, thanks to seas filled with nutrition."
222,29,11,"アローラに 暮らす サニーゴは
ピンクが とても 鮮やかで 濃い。
栄養豊富な 海の おかげだ。"
222,30,1,"てんてきの ヒドイデが たくさんいる
アローラでは あたまの えだが
みじかい サニーゴが おおいのだ。"
222,30,3,"천적인 시마사리가 잔뜩 있는
알로라에서는 머리의 가지가
짧은 코산호가 많다."
222,30,5,"À cause de la prolifération de Vorastérie,
son prédateur naturel, le Corayon dAlola
a souvent les cornes courtes."
222,30,6,"In Alola gibt es viele Corasonn mit kurzen
Korallenarmen, da es dort von ihren
Fressfeinden Garstella nur so wimmelt."
222,30,7,"En Alola abundan los Mareanie, su enemigo
natural, y por eso se ven muchos Corsola con
ramas de coral más cortas de lo normal."
222,30,8,"Ad Alola, i rametti sulla testa dei Corsola sono
spesso più corti del normale per la presenza
massiccia di Mareanie, i loro nemici naturali."
222,30,9,"In Alola, where their natural enemies Mareanie
are plentiful, many Corsola have stubby
branches on their heads."
222,30,11,"天敵の ヒドイデが たくさんいる
アローラでは 頭の 枝が
短い サニーゴが 多いのだ。"
222,33,1,"あたまに はえた えだは おれても
また はえてくる。 きれいな ものは
あんざんの おまもりに されるよ。"
222,33,3,"머리에 난 가지는 부러져도
다시 자란다. 예쁜 것은
순산을 기원하는 부적으로 쓰인다."
222,33,5,"Ses branches repoussent si elles sont brisées.
Les plus belles sont offertes aux futures mamans
comme porte-bonheurs."
222,33,6,"Die Äste auf seinem Kopf wachsen nach, wenn
sie abbrechen. Besonders schöne abgebrochene
Äste gelten als Glücksbringer für Geburten."
222,33,7,"Las ramas que le brotan de la cabeza se
regeneran si se rompen. Las más bellas se
emplean como amuleto en los partos."
222,33,8,"Se i coralli che ha sulla testa si spezzano
crescono nuovamente. Quelli più belli vengono
usati come portafortuna per il parto."
222,33,9,"It will regrow any branches that break off its
head. People keep particularly beautiful Corsola
branches as charms to promote safe childbirth."
222,33,11,"頭に 生えた 枝は 折れても
また 生えてくる。 きれいな ものは
安産の お守りに されるよ。"
222,34,1,"あたたかい うみで くらす。
たいこは ガラルきんかい にも
かずおおく せいそく していた。"
222,34,3,"따뜻한 바다에 서식한다.
태고에는 가라르 근해에서도
많은 수가 서식했었다."
222,34,5,"Ces Pokémon habitués des mers chaudes
se trouvaient autrefois en masse sur les côtes
de Galar."
222,34,6,"Es lebt in warmen Meeren. Vor langer Zeit konnte
man große Scharen dieses Pokémon auch an den
Küsten Galars antreffen."
222,34,7,"Habita en mares cálidos. Antiguamente vivían en
las aguas costeras de Galar un gran número de
222,34,8,"Vive nei mari più caldi. Anticamente, numerosi
esemplari di questo Pokémon vivevano anche
lungo le coste di Galar."
222,34,9,"These Pokémon live in warm seas.
In prehistoric times, many lived in the
oceans around the Galar region as well."
222,34,11,"温かい 海で 暮らす。
太古は ガラル近海 にも
数多く 生息していた。"
223,4,9,"It has superb ac­
curacy. The water
it shoots out canstrike even moving
prey from more
than 300 feet."
223,5,9,"Using its dorsal
fin as a suction
pad, it clings toa MANTINE's under­
side to scavenge
for leftovers."
223,6,9,"To escape from an
attacker, it may
shoot water out ofits mouth, then
use that force to
swim backward."
223,7,9,"REMORAID sucks in water, then expels it
at high velocity using its abdominal
muscles to shoot down flying prey.When evolution draws near, this POKéMON
travels downstream from rivers."
223,8,9,"REMORAID sucks in water, then expels it
at high velocity using its abdominal
muscles to shoot down flying prey.When evolution draws near, this POKéMON
travels downstream from rivers."
223,9,9,"A REMORAID uses its abdominal muscles
to forcefully expel swallowed water, then
shoot down flying prey. When evolution
approaches, it travels down rivers."
223,10,9,"Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it
clings to a MANTINEs underside to
scavenge for leftovers."
223,11,9,"It has superb accuracy. The water it
shoots out can strike even moving prey
from more than 100 yards."
223,12,9,"It squirts water forcefully from
its mouth to shoot down flying
223,13,9,"It clings to MANTINE to feed on
the big Pokémons scraps. This is
an adaptation to avoid foes."
223,14,9,"It forcefully squirts water. The
water jet never misses prey even
if the REMORAID is deep in the sea."
223,15,9,"It has superb accuracy. The water
it shoots out can strike moving
prey from more than 300 feet away."
223,16,9,"Using its dorsal fin as a suction
pad, it clings to a MANTINEs
underside to scavenge for leftovers. "
223,17,5,"Son puissant jet deau ne manque
jamais sa cible, même quand il est
au fond de leau."
223,17,9,"It forcefully squirts water. The
water jet never misses prey even
if the Remoraid is deep in the sea."
223,18,5,"Son puissant jet deau ne manque
jamais sa cible, même quand il est
au fond de leau."
223,18,9,"It forcefully squirts water. The
water jet never misses prey even
if the Remoraid is deep in the sea."
223,21,9,"The water they shoot from their mouths
can hit moving prey from more than
300 feet away."
223,22,9,"The water they shoot from their mouths
can hit moving prey from more than
300 feet away."
223,23,1,"ねらいは せいかく。ふきだす みずは
100メートルさきで うごく
えものに かならず めいちゅうする。"
223,23,3,"조준이 정확하다. 뿜어낸 물은
100m 앞에서 움직이는
먹이를 반드시 명중시킨다."
223,23,5,"Il est très précis quand il crache ses jets deau.
Il peut toucher une cible mouvante à 100 m."
223,23,6,"Es ist äußerst präzise. Es kann mit seinem
Wasserschuss Beute erlegen, die 100 m entfernt ist."
223,23,7,"Tiene muy buena puntería. Dispara agua a sus presas,
hasta si se están moviendo, a más de 100 metros."
223,23,8,"La sua precisione è straordinaria. Può colpire una
preda in movimento anche a più di 100 m."
223,23,9,"It has superb accuracy. The water it shoots out can
strike moving prey from more than 300 feet away."
223,23,11,"ねらいは 正確。噴き出す 水は
100メートル先で 動く 獲物に
かならず 命中する。"
223,24,1,"きゅうばんの ように へんかした
せびれで マンタインに くっつき
たべのこしを わけてもらっている。"
223,24,3,"빨판처럼 변화한
등지느러미로 만타인에게 달라붙어
먹다 남은 것을 얻어먹고 있다."
223,24,5,"Se servant de sa nageoire dorsale, il saccroche sous
un Démanta pour récupérer ses restes."
223,24,6,"Mit seiner Rückenflosse saugt es sich an der
Unterseite eines Mantax fest und lebt von
223,24,7,"Usando su aleta dorsal para succionar, se une a un
Mantine para buscar restos de comida."
223,24,8,"Usando la pinna dorsale come una ventosa, sattacca
alla pancia di un Mantine cibandosi dei suoi avanzi."
223,24,9,"Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a
Mantines underside to scavenge for leftovers."
223,24,11,"吸盤の ように 変化した
背びれで マンタインに くっつき
食べ残しを 分けてもらっている。"
223,25,1,"のんだ みずを ふっきんを つかい いきおいよく
ふきだして そらを とぶ えものを しとめる。
しんかが ちかづくと かわを くだっていく。"
223,25,3,"복근을 이용하여 마신 물을 힘차게
뿜어내서 하늘을 나는 먹이를 잡는다.
진화가 가까워지면 강을 따라 내려간다."
223,25,5,"Rémoraid aspire de leau, puis la recrache à forte pression
grâce à ses muscles abdominaux pour attaquer les proies
volantes. Quand son évolution approche, ce Pokémon
descend le courant des rivières."
223,25,6,"Remoraid saugt Wasser ein und spritzt es unter Einsatz seiner
Bauchmuskeln mit Hochdruck wieder heraus. So schießt es
fliegende Beute ab. Wenn seine Entwicklung näher rückt,
wandert dieses Pokémon flussabwärts."
223,25,7,"Remoraid traga agua y usa los abdominales para lanzarla a
gran velocidad contra una presa que esté en el aire. Cuando
está a punto de evolucionar, este Pokémon nada en los ríos
corriente abajo."
223,25,8,"Remoraid assorbe acqua che espelle ad alta pressione
usando la potenza degli addominali per abbattere le prede
in volo. Quando si avvicina il momento evolutivo si sposta
a valle seguendo il fiume."
223,25,9,"Remoraid sucks in water, then expels it at high velocity using
its abdominal muscles to shoot down flying prey. When
evolution draws near, this Pokémon travels downstream
from rivers."
223,25,11,"飲んだ 水を 腹筋を 使い 勢いよく
吹き出して 空を 飛ぶ 獲物を 仕留める。
進化が 近づくと 川を 下っていく。"
223,26,1,"のんだ みずを ふっきんを つかい いきおいよく
ふきだして そらを とぶ えものを しとめる。
しんかが ちかづくと かわを くだっていく。"
223,26,3,"복근을 이용하여 마신 물을 힘차게
뿜어내서 하늘을 나는 먹이를 잡는다.
진화가 가까워지면 강을 따라 내려간다."
223,26,5,"Rémoraid aspire de leau, puis la recrache à forte pression
grâce à ses muscles abdominaux pour attaquer les proies
volantes. Quand son évolution approche, ce Pokémon
descend le courant des rivières."
223,26,6,"Remoraid saugt Wasser ein und spritzt es unter Einsatz seiner
Bauchmuskeln mit Hochdruck wieder heraus. So schießt es
fliegende Beute ab. Wenn seine Entwicklung näher rückt,
wandert dieses Pokémon flussabwärts."
223,26,7,"Remoraid traga agua y usa los abdominales para lanzarla a
gran velocidad contra una presa que esté en el aire. Cuando
está a punto de evolucionar, este Pokémon nada en los ríos
corriente abajo."
223,26,8,"Remoraid assorbe acqua che espelle ad alta pressione
usando la potenza degli addominali per abbattere le prede
in volo. Quando si avvicina il momento evolutivo si sposta
a valle seguendo il fiume."
223,26,9,"Remoraid sucks in water, then expels it at high velocity using
its abdominal muscles to shoot down flying prey. When
evolution draws near, this Pokémon travels downstream
from rivers."
223,26,11,"飲んだ 水を 腹筋を 使い 勢いよく
吹き出して 空を 飛ぶ 獲物を 仕留める。
進化が 近づくと 川を 下っていく。"
223,29,1,"マンタインに はりつき おこぼれに
あずかる。 マンタインが おそわれると
いっしょに なって たたかうぞ。"
223,29,3,"만타인에 달라붙어 남긴 음식을
먹고 산다. 만타인이 습격당하면
함께 싸운다."
223,29,5,"Il se colle à un Démanta et se nourrit de
ses restes. Si le Démanta se fait attaquer,
il laccompagne au combat."
223,29,6,"Es heftet sich an Mantax und ernährt sich von
dessen Essensresten. Wird Mantax angegriffen,
kämpft es gemeinsam mit ihm."
223,29,7,"Se adhiere a los Mantine para alimentarse de
las sobras de su comida. Si atacan a su
anfitrión, luchará junto a él."
223,29,8,"Si attacca a Mantine e si ciba dei suoi avanzi.
Quando Mantine viene attaccato, lotta insieme
a lui."
223,29,9,"This Pokémon clings to Mantine and shares in
its prosperity. When its Mantine is attacked,
Remoraid will fight alongside it!"
223,29,11,"マンタインに 張りつき おこぼれに
あずかる。 マンタインが 襲われると
一緒に なって 戦うぞ。"
223,30,1,"べつめい うみの スナイパー。
みずでっぽうは 100メートルさきの
えものにも かならず めいちゅうする。"
223,30,3,"일명 바다의 스나이퍼다.
물대포는 100m 앞의 먹이도
반드시 명중시킨다."
223,30,5,"Surnommé «le tireur délite de la mer», il est
capable de toucher à coup sûr une cible située
à 100 m de distance grâce à son Pistolet à O."
223,30,6,"Es wird auch „Scharfschütze des Meeres“
genannt. Mit seinem Wasserstrahl kann es
Beute aus 100 m Entfernung treffen."
223,30,7,"Es capaz de alcanzar una presa a cien metros
con su Pistola Agua, lo que le ha valido el
sobrenombre de Francotirador del Mar."
223,30,8,"Detto anche “il cecchino del mare”, ha una
precisione straordinaria. Può colpire la preda
a più di 100 m di distanza con Pistolacqua."
223,30,9,"Also known as the “sniper of the seas,”
its water gun can hit prey without fail from
over 300 feet away."
223,30,11,"別名 海の スナイパー。
みずでっぽうは 100メートル先の
獲物にも 必ず 命中する。"
223,33,1,"くちから ふきだす すいりゅうは
100メートルさきで うごく
えものに だって めいちゅうする。"
223,33,3,"입에서 뿜어내는 수류는
100m 앞에서 움직이는
사냥감조차 명중시킨다."
223,33,5,"Son puissant jet deau ne manque jamais sa cible,
même à 100 m de distance."
223,33,6,"Selbst aus 100 m Entfernung treffen die
Wassersalven, die es mit seinem Maul abfeuert,
ihr Ziel."
223,33,7,"Los chorros de agua que escupe pueden alcanzar
a presas en movimiento a una distancia de hasta
100 m."
223,33,8,"I getti dacqua che spara dalla bocca riescono
a colpire una preda in movimento anche
a 100 m di distanza."
223,33,9,"The water they shoot from their mouths can hit
moving prey from more than 300 feet away."
223,33,11,"口から 噴き出す 水流は
100メートル先で 動く
獲物に だって 命中する。"
223,34,1,"きゅうばんの ように へんかした
せびれで マンタインに くっつき
たべのこしを わけてもらっている。"
223,34,3,"빨판처럼 변화한 등지느러미로
만타인에게 달라붙어
먹다 남은 것을 얻어먹고 있다."
223,34,5,"À laide de sa nageoire dorsale en forme
de ventouse, il saccroche sous un Démanta
pour récupérer ses restes."
223,34,6,"Mit seiner Rückenflosse saugt es sich an der
Unterseite eines Mantax fest und lebt von
dessen Speiseresten."
223,34,7,"Usa su aleta dorsal a modo de ventosa para
aferrarse a un Mantine en busca de restos de
223,34,8,"Usando la pinna dorsale come una ventosa,
sattacca alla pancia di Mantine cibandosi
dei suoi avanzi."
223,34,9,"Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a
Mantines underside to scavenge for leftovers."
223,34,11,"吸盤の ように 変化した
背びれで マンタインに くっつき
食べ残しを わけてもらっている。"
224,4,9,"It traps enemies
with its suction-
cupped tentaclesthen smashes them
with its rock-hard
224,5,9,"It instinctively
sneaks into rocky
holes. If it getssleepy, it steals
the nest of a fel­
224,6,9,"Its instinct is to
bury itself in
holes. It oftensteals the nesting
holes of others to
sleep in them."
224,7,9,"OCTILLERY grabs onto its foe using
its tentacles. This POKéMON tries to
immobilize it before delivering thefinishing blow.
If the foe turns out to be too strong,
OCTILLERY spews ink to escape."
224,8,9,"OCTILLERY grabs onto its foe using
its tentacles. This POKéMON tries to
immobilize it before delivering thefinishing blow.
If the foe turns out to be too strong,
OCTILLERY spews ink to escape."
224,9,9,"It ensnares its foe with its suction-
cupped tentacles before delivering the
finishing blow. If the foe turns out to be
too strong, it spews ink to escape."
224,10,9,"It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes.
If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a
fellow OCTILLERY."
224,11,9,"It traps enemies with its suction-cupped
tentacles, then smashes them with its
rock-hard head."
224,12,9,"It lives in the gaps of boulders
and in holes on the seafloor. Its
suction cups grip prey tightly."
224,13,9,"It obscures its foes vision by
spitting a cloud of murky ink.
It makes its nest among boulders."
224,14,9,"It loves to lurk inside holes in
rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on
prey by sticking out only its mouth."
224,15,9,"It traps foes with the suction cups
on its tentacles, then smashes
them with its rock-hard head."
224,16,9,"It instinctively sneaks into rocky
holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals
the nest of a fellow OCTILLERY."
224,17,5,"Il adore se cacher dans les
fissures de la roche. Il crache
parfois de lencre sur ses proies."
224,17,9,"It loves to lurk inside holes in
rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on
prey by sticking out only its mouth."
224,18,5,"Il adore se cacher dans les
fissures de la roche. Il crache
parfois de lencre sur ses proies."
224,18,9,"It loves to lurk inside holes in
rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on
prey by sticking out only its mouth."
224,21,9,"It has a tendency to want to be in holes.
It prefers rock crags or pots and
sprays ink from them before attacking."
224,22,9,"It has a tendency to want to be in holes.
It prefers rock crags or pots and
sprays ink from them before attacking."
224,23,1,"あなに はいりたがる せいしつで
いわあなや ツボを このみ そこから
スミを ふきだして こうげきする。"
224,23,3,"구멍에 들어가고 싶어 하는 성질로
바위굴이나 항아리를 좋아해 거기서
먹물을 뿜어내 공격한다."
224,23,5,"Il adore se cacher dans les fissures et les épaves,
doù il attaque en crachant de lencre."
224,23,6,"Es verkriecht sich gerne in Löchern, von wo aus
es Gegner mit Tinte beschießt. Es bevorzugt
Felsspalten und Vasen."
224,23,7,"Tiene querencia por los agujeros. Ataca escupiendo
tinta metido en las grietas de rocas o en recipientes."
224,23,8,"Ama rintanarsi nei vasi o nelle fessure della roccia,
da dove attacca sparando getti dinchiostro."
224,23,9,"It has a tendency to want to be in holes. It prefers
rock crags or pots and sprays ink from them
before attacking."
224,23,11,"穴に 入りたがる 性質で
岩穴や ツボを 好み そこから
墨を 噴き出して 攻撃する。"
224,24,1,"がんじょうな いしあたま。
きゅうばんつきの あしを からませ
ひたすら あたまで うちすえる。"
224,24,3,"튼튼한 돌머리다.
빨판이 붙어 있는 다리를 휘감아
한결같이 머리로 세게 때린다."
224,24,5,"Il capture ses ennemis avec ses tentacules et les
écrase ensuite avec sa tête dure comme la pierre."
224,24,6,"Beim Beutefang setzt es seine Tentakel ein.
Es zermalmt seine Beute mit seinem steinharten Kopf."
224,24,7,"Atrapa a los enemigos con sus tentáculos y después
los golpea con su dura cabeza."
224,24,8,"Cattura i nemici con le ventose dei tentacoli per poi
colpirli con il suo capo duro come pietra."
224,24,9,"It traps foes with the suction cups on its tentacles,
then smashes them with its rock-hard head."
224,24,11,"頑丈な 石頭。
吸盤つきの 脚を 絡ませ
ひたすらに 頭で 打ちすえる。"
224,25,1,"きゅうばんの うでで あいてに からみつく。
うごけなくなった ところを しとめるのだ。
かなわない ときは スミを はいて にげる。"
224,25,3,"흡반이 달린 팔로 상대를 휘감는다.
움직이지 못하게 되면 쓰러트린다.
버거울 때는 먹물을 뿜고 도망간다."
224,25,5,"Octillery attrape son ennemi avec ses tentacules.
Ce Pokémon essaie de limmobiliser avant de lui asséner
le coup final. Si lennemi savère trop fort, Octillery lui crache
de lencre à la figure et séchappe."
224,25,6,"Octillery saugt sich mit seinen Tentakeln an einem Feind fest.
Dieses Pokémon betäubt seinen Gegner, bevor es ihm den
Rest gibt. Wenn ein Feind zu stark ist, speit es Tinte aus und
224,25,7,"Octillery se apodera de su enemigo con los tentáculos y lo
deja inmovilizado antes de propinarle el golpe final. Si el
enemigo resulta ser demasiado fuerte, Octillery expulsará tinta
para escapar."
224,25,8,"Octillery afferra il nemico con i tentacoli immobilizzandolo
prima di sferrare il colpo finale. Se il nemico è molto forte,
Octillery sputa inchiostro e scappa."
224,25,9,"Octillery grabs onto its foe using its tentacles. This Pokémon
tries to immobilize it before delivering the finishing blow. If the
foe turns out to be too strong, Octillery spews ink to escape."
224,25,11,"吸盤の 腕で 相手に 絡みつく。
動けなくなった ところを 仕留めるのだ。
かなわない ときは スミを 吐いて 逃げる。"
224,26,1,"きゅうばんの うでで あいてに からみつく。
うごけなくなった ところを しとめるのだ。
かなわない ときは スミを はいて にげる。"
224,26,3,"흡반이 달린 팔로 상대를 휘감는다.
움직이지 못하게 되면 쓰러트린다.
버거울 때는 먹물을 뿜고 도망간다."
224,26,5,"Octillery attrape son ennemi avec ses tentacules.
Ce Pokémon essaie de limmobiliser avant de lui asséner
le coup final. Si lennemi savère trop fort, Octillery lui crache
de lencre à la figure et séchappe."
224,26,6,"Octillery saugt sich mit seinen Tentakeln an einem Feind fest.
Dieses Pokémon betäubt seinen Gegner, bevor es ihm den
Rest gibt. Wenn ein Feind zu stark ist, speit es Tinte aus und
224,26,7,"Octillery se apodera de su enemigo con los tentáculos y lo
deja inmovilizado antes de propinarle el golpe final. Si el
enemigo resulta ser demasiado fuerte, Octillery expulsará tinta
para escapar."
224,26,8,"Octillery afferra il nemico con i tentacoli immobilizzandolo
prima di sferrare il colpo finale. Se il nemico è molto forte,
Octillery sputa inchiostro e scappa."
224,26,9,"Octillery grabs onto its foe using its tentacles. This Pokémon
tries to immobilize it before delivering the finishing blow. If the
foe turns out to be too strong, Octillery spews ink to escape."
224,26,11,"吸盤の 腕で 相手に 絡みつく。
動けなくなった ところを 仕留めるのだ。
かなわない ときは スミを 吐いて 逃げる。"
224,29,1,"にげるときに はく スミはとくべつ。
きゅうかくを にぶらせる せいぶんで
はながきく ポケモンも まどわすぞ。"
224,29,3,"도망칠 때 내뿜는 먹물은 특별하다.
후각을 둔하게 하는 성분으로
후각이 발달한 포켓몬도 말려든다."
224,29,5,"Il projette une encre spéciale quand il senfuit.
Celle-ci perturbe lodorat des Pokémon, même
de ceux dotés dun bon flair."
224,29,6,"Die Tinte, die es während der Flucht ausspeit,
vermindert den Geruchssinn und verwirrt selbst
Pokémon mit einer guten Nase."
224,29,7,"La tinta que expulsa al huir inhibe la capacidad
olfativa del rival y afecta incluso a los Pokémon
con el olfato más aguzado."
224,29,8,"Mentre fugge dai nemici sputa un inchiostro
che inibisce le funzioni olfattive persino
dei Pokémon con lodorato più sviluppato."
224,29,9,"The ink it spits when escaping is special.
It contains a substance that dulls the sense of
smell, so Pokémon with keen noses get lost."
224,29,11,"逃げるときに はく スミは特別。
嗅覚を 鈍らせる 成分で
鼻がきく ポケモンも 惑わすぞ。"
224,30,1,"いわあなが おもな ねどこ。
オクタンが はく まっくろな スミは
りょうりの ざいりょうにも なる。"
224,30,3,"바위굴이 주된 잠자리다.
대포무노가 뱉는 새까만 먹물은
요리 재료로도 쓰인다."
224,30,5,"Il dort dans les cavités rocheuses.
Lencre noire quil projette sert aussi
dingrédient de cuisine."
224,30,6,"Es schläft hauptsächlich in Felshöhlen. Die
schwarze Tinte, die es ausspeit, wird auch als
Kochzutat verwendet."
224,30,7,"Duerme principalmente en cavidades rocosas.
La tinta negra que escupe se utiliza como
ingrediente en la alta cocina."
224,30,8,"Ha labitudine di dormire nelle fessure delle
rocce. Spara un inchiostro nerissimo che viene
usato anche come ingrediente per cucinare."
224,30,9,"It usually sleeps in caves. The pitch-black ink
that Octillery spits is also used for cooking."
224,30,11,"岩穴が おもな 寝床。
オクタンが はく まっくろな スミは
料理の 材料にも なる。"
224,33,1,"あなに はいりたがる せいしつで
ほかの ポケモンが つくった
すあなを よこどりして ねむる。"
224,33,3,"구멍에 들어가고 싶어하는
성질이 있어 다른 포켓몬이 만든
굴을 빼앗고 그곳에서 잠을 잔다."
224,33,5,"Il adore se cacher dans des trous. Il nhésite
pas à sapproprier les trous creusés par dautres
Pokémon pour y dormir."
224,33,6,"Es fühlt sich instinktiv in Löchern am wohlsten und
schläft auch am liebsten in solchen, wobei es
mitunter die Schlafplätze von anderen einnimmt."
224,33,7,"Tiene querencia por los agujeros, hasta el punto
de ocupar los que han hecho otros para anidar y
dormir en ellos."
224,33,8,"Ama nascondersi nei buchi. Spesso ruba le tane
di altri Pokémon per dormirvi."
224,33,9,"It has a tendency to want to be in holes. It
prefers rock crags or pots and sprays ink from
them before attacking."
224,33,11,"穴に 入りたがる 性質で
ほかの ポケモンが 作った
巣穴を 横取りして 眠る。"
224,34,1,"がんじょうな いしあたま。
きゅうばんつきの あしを からませ
ひたすら あたまで うちすえる。"
224,34,3,"머리가 돌처럼 단단하다.
빨판이 붙어 있는 다리를 휘감아
끊임없이 머리로 세게 때린다."
224,34,5,"Il capture ses ennemis avec ses tentacules
et les écrase ensuite avec sa tête dure comme
la pierre."
224,34,6,"Es umschlingt Beute mit seinen Tentakeln und
verpasst ihr dann eine beherzte Kopfnuss mit
seinem steinharten Schädel."
224,34,7,"Atrapa a sus enemigos con los tentáculos y
después los golpea con su dura cabeza."
224,34,8,"Cattura i nemici con le ventose dei tentacoli per
poi colpirli con il suo capo duro come pietra."
224,34,9,"It traps enemies with its suction-cupped
tentacles, then smashes them with its
rock-hard head."
224,34,11,"頑丈な 石頭。
吸盤つきの 脚を 絡ませ
ひたすら 頭で 打ちすえる。"
225,4,9,"It carries food
all day long.
There are talesabout lost people
who were saved by
the food it had."
225,5,9,"It nests at the
edge of sharp
cliffs. It spendsall day carrying
food to its await­
ing chicks."
225,6,9,"It always carries
its food with it,
wherever it goes.If attacked, it
throws its food at
the opponent."
225,7,9,"DELIBIRD carries its food bundled up
in its tail. There once was a famous
explorer who managed to reach the peakof Mt. Everest thanks to one of these
POKéMON sharing its food."
225,8,9,"DELIBIRD carries its food bundled up
in its tail. There once was a famous
explorer who managed to reach the peakof Mt. Everest thanks to one of these
POKéMON sharing its food."
225,9,9,"It carries food bundled up in its tail.
There was a famous explorer who
managed to scale Mt. Everest thanks
to a DELIBIRD sharing its food."
225,10,9,"It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs.
It spends all day carrying food to its
awaiting chicks."
225,11,9,"It carries food all day long. There are
tales about lost people who were saved
by the food it had."
225,12,9,"It carries food rolled up in its
tail. It has the habit of sharing
food with people lost in mountains."
225,13,9,"It carries food rolled up in its
tail. It has the habit of sharing
food with people lost in mountains."
225,14,9,"It carries food rolled up in its
tail. It has the habit of sharing
food with people lost in mountains."
225,15,9,"It carries food all day long.
There are tales about lost people
who were saved by its stored food."
225,16,9,"It nests at the edge of sharp
cliffs. It spends all day carrying
food to its awaiting chicks."
225,17,5,"Il dépose sa nourriture dans sa
queue enroulée. Il loffre souvent
aux gens égarés en montagne."
225,17,9,"It carries food rolled up in its
tail. It has the habit of sharing
food with people lost in mountains."
225,18,5,"Il dépose sa nourriture dans sa
queue enroulée. Il loffre souvent
aux gens égarés en montagne."
225,18,9,"It carries food rolled up in its
tail. It has the habit of sharing
food with people lost in mountains."
225,21,9,"It carries food all day long.
When someone is lost in the
mountains, it shares that food."
225,22,9,"It carries food all day long.
When someone is lost in the
mountains, it shares that food."
225,23,1,"しっぽで エサを つつんで はこぶ。
やまで そうなんした ひとに
エサを わけあたえる しゅうせい。"
225,23,3,"꼬리로 먹이를 싸서 운반한다.
산에서 조난당한 사람에게
먹이를 나눠주는 습성이 있다."
225,23,5,"Il dépose sa nourriture dans sa queue enroulée.
Il loffre souvent aux gens égarés en montagne."
225,23,6,"Im eingerollten Schweif transportiert es Futter,
das es mit denen teilt, die sich verlaufen haben."
225,23,7,"Transporta alimentos en su cola enrollada. Le gusta
compartir su comida con los montañistas perdidos."
225,23,8,"Trascina il cibo avvolgendolo nella coda e ha
labitudine di condividerlo con chi si perde fra
le montagne."
225,23,9,"It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of
sharing food with people lost in mountains."
225,23,11,"尻尾で エサを 包んで 運ぶ。
山で 遭難した 人に
エサを 分け与える 習性。"
225,24,1,"1にちじゅう エサを はこぶ。
やまで そうなんした ひとがいると
エサを わけあたえ たすけている。"
225,24,3,"온종일 먹이를 나른다.
산에서 조난당한 사람이 있으면
먹이를 나눠 도와주고 있다."
225,24,5,"Il passe ses journées à transporter de la nourriture.
Il loffre souvent aux gens égarés en montagne."
225,24,6,"Es trägt den ganzen Tag Essen mit sich herum, das es
mit Menschen teilt, die in den Bergen feststecken."
225,24,7,"Lleva siempre comida consigo. Si se encuentra con
montañeros que vagan perdidos, la comparte."
225,24,8,"Porta sempre del cibo con sé e lo condivide volentieri
con gli sfortunati che si sono persi in montagna."
225,24,9,"It carries food all day long. When someone is lost
in the mountains, it shares that food."
225,24,11,"1日中 エサを 運ぶ。
山で 遭難した 人がいると
エサを 分け与え 助けている。"
225,25,1,"しっぽで エサを つつみ もちはこぶ ポケモン。
デリバードに エサを わけてもらった おかげで
エベレストを のぼりきれた ぼうけんかが いた。"
225,25,3,"꼬리로 먹이를 둘러싸서 나르는 포켓몬이다.
딜리버드가 나눠준 먹이 덕분에
에베레스트 산을 등정한 모험가가 있었다."
225,25,5,"Cadoizo transporte sa nourriture dans sa queue. Il y a
longtemps, un célèbre explorateur réussit à atteindre
le sommet de la plus haute montagne du monde grâce
à un de ces Pokémon, qui partagea sa nourriture avec lui."
225,25,6,"Botogel sammelt seine Nahrung in seinem Schweif. Es gab
einmal einen berühmten Entdecker, der es dank eines Botogels
geschafft hat, einen der höchsten Berge der Welt zu besteigen.
Es hatte seine Nahrung mit ihm geteilt."
225,25,7,"Delibird usa la cola a modo de saco para llevar su alimento.
En una ocasión, un famoso escalador consiguió alcanzar la
cima más alta del mundo gracias a que uno de estos Pokémon
compartió sus alimentos con él."
225,25,8,"Delibird trasporta il cibo avvolgendolo nella coda. Si narra di
un esploratore che riuscì a raggiungere la vetta del monte più
alto del mondo grazie alla riserva di cibo di questo Pokémon."
225,25,9,"Delibird carries its food bundled up in its tail. There once was
a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of the
worlds highest mountain, thanks to one of these Pokémon
sharing its food."
225,25,11,"尻尾で エサを 包み 持ち運ぶ ポケモン。
デリバードに エサを 分けてもらった おかげで
エベレストを 登り切れた 冒険家が いた。"
225,26,1,"しっぽで エサを つつみ もちはこぶ ポケモン。
デリバードに エサを わけてもらった おかげで
エベレストを のぼりきれた ぼうけんかが いた。"
225,26,3,"꼬리로 먹이를 둘러싸서 나르는 포켓몬이다.
딜리버드가 나눠준 먹이 덕분에
에베레스트 산을 등정한 모험가가 있었다."
225,26,5,"Cadoizo transporte sa nourriture dans sa queue. Il y a
longtemps, un célèbre explorateur réussit à atteindre
le sommet de la plus haute montagne du monde grâce
à un de ces Pokémon, qui partagea sa nourriture avec lui."
225,26,6,"Botogel sammelt seine Nahrung in seinem Schweif. Es gab
einmal einen berühmten Entdecker, der es dank eines Botogels
geschafft hat, einen der höchsten Berge der Welt zu besteigen.
Es hat seine Nahrung mit ihm geteilt."
225,26,7,"Delibird usa la cola a modo de saco para llevar su alimento.
En una ocasión, un famoso escalador consiguió alcanzar la
cima más alta del mundo gracias a que uno de estos Pokémon
compartió sus alimentos con él."
225,26,8,"Delibird trasporta il cibo avvolgendolo nella coda. Si narra di
un esploratore che riuscì a raggiungere la vetta del monte più
alto del mondo grazie alla riserva di cibo di questo Pokémon."
225,26,9,"Delibird carries its food bundled up in its tail. There once was
a famous explorer who managed to reach the peak of the
worlds highest mountain, thanks to one of these Pokémon
sharing its food."
225,26,11,"尻尾で エサを 包み 持ち運ぶ ポケモン。
デリバードに エサを 分けてもらった おかげで
エベレストを 登り切れた 冒険家が いた。"
225,27,1,"ほんらい さむい とちを このむが
アローラの デリバードは あるていどの
あつさでも たえられる ようだ。"
225,27,3,"원래 추운 토지를 좋아하지만
알로라의 딜리버드는 어느 정도의
더위도 견딜 수 있는 것 같다."
225,27,5,"Il sagit à lorigine dun Pokémon venant du froid,
mais les Cadoizo se sont acclimatés à la chaleur
225,27,6,"Sie bevorzugen eigentlich kühle Gegenden,
aber die Botogel Alolas können bis zu einem
gewissen Grad auch heißes Klima ertragen."
225,27,7,"Este Pokémon es originario de tierras frías,
pero los Delibird de Alola se han adaptado
sin problemas al entorno cálido de la región."
225,27,8,"I Delibird prediligono normalmente i climi freddi,
ma quelli di Alola sembrano trovarsi a loro agio
anche con temperature piuttosto calde."
225,27,9,"Although it naturally prefers colder locales,
Delibird in Alola seem able to withstand the
heat to a certain extent."
225,27,11,"本来 寒い 土地を 好むが
アローラの デリバードは ある程度の
暑さでも 耐えられる ようだ。"
225,28,1,"じぶんの エサを ひとや ポケモンに
わける しゅうせいが あるため
いつも エサを さがしまわっている。"
225,28,3,"자신의 먹이를 사람이나 포켓몬에게
나눠주는 습성이 있어
언제나 먹이를 찾아다니고 있다."
225,28,5,"Ce Pokémon partage facilement son repas avec
dautres Pokémon et humains, ce qui loblige
constamment à courir après la nourriture."
225,28,6,"Es hat die Angewohnheit, seine eigene Nahrung
mit Menschen und Pokémon zu teilen, und ist
deshalb stets unterwegs auf Futtersuche."
225,28,7,"Tiene la costumbre de compartir su comida con
todo el mundo, ya sea humano o Pokémon, por lo
que está constantemente en busca de alimento."
225,28,8,"È sempre alla ricerca di cibo, che ama
condividere con esseri umani e Pokémon."
225,28,9,"It has a generous habit of sharing its food with
people and Pokémon, so its always scrounging
around for more food."
225,28,11,"自分の 餌を 人や ポケモンに
分け与える 習性が あるため
いつも 餌を 探しまわっている。"
225,29,1,"そうなんした ひとに じぶんのエサを
わけあたえる。 ざっしょく なので
むしポケモンを わたされることも。"
225,29,3,"조난 당한 사람에게 자신의 먹이를
나눠준다. 잡식이어서
벌레포켓몬을 건네주기도 한다."
225,29,5,"Il partage sa nourriture avec les personnes en
difficulté mais, étant omnivore, il peut lui arriver
de leur offrir des Pokémon Insecte."
225,29,6,"Es teilt sein Futter mit Menschen in Not. Da es
ein Allesfresser ist, kann es passieren, dass sie
auch mal Käfer-Pokémon bekommen."
225,29,7,"Si ve a alguien en apuros, comparte su alimento
con él. Aunque, al ser omnívoro, podría ser que
compartiera algún que otro Pokémon insecto."
225,29,8,"Se incontra qualcuno che si è perso, condivide
il cibo che ha con sé. È onnivoro, perciò
potrebbe offrire anche dei Pokémon Coleottero."
225,29,9,"It shares its food with people who are stranded.
Because Delibird is omnivorous, sometimes
it gives those people bug Pokémon."
225,29,11,"遭難した 人に 自分のエサを
わけ与える。 雑食 なので
むしポケモンを 渡されることも。"
225,30,1,"シッポで エサを つつみこみ
はこぶ。 1ばん おおきな シッポの
デリバードが むれの ボスだぞ。"
225,30,3,"꼬리로 먹이를 둘러싸서
운반한다. 가장 큰 꼬리를 가진
딜리버드가 무리의 보스다."
225,30,5,"Il transporte toute sa nourriture dans sa queue.
Le Cadoizo qui a la plus grande devient le chef
de la volée."
225,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon sammelt seine Nahrung in
seinem Schweif. Das Botogel mit dem größten
Schweif ist der Anführer der Gruppe."
225,30,7,"Usa la cola para transportar su alimento. El
ejemplar que posea la cola de mayor tamaño se
convertirá en el líder de la bandada."
225,30,8,"Trasporta il cibo avvolgendolo nella coda.
Il Delibird con la coda più grande diventa
il capo di tutto lo stormo."
225,30,9,"It wraps food in its tail to carry it around.
The Delibird with the biggest tail is the boss
of the flock!"
225,30,11,"シッポで エサを 包みこみ
運ぶ。 1番 大きな シッポの
デリバードが 群れの ボスだぞ。"
225,33,1,"1にち ずっと エサをはこんでる。
そうなんした ひとが デリバードの
エサで たすかった はなしもある。"
225,33,3,"온종일 먹이를 운반한다.
조난당한 사람이 딜리버드의
먹이로 살아났다는 이야기도 있다."
225,33,5,"Il transporte de la nourriture toute la journée.
Ses réserves de vivres auraient sauvé la vie
de nombreuses personnes en péril."
225,33,6,"Es trägt immer Lebensmittel bei sich. Man sagt,
dass viele Menschen in Not nur dank seiner
Notration überlebt hätten."
225,33,7,"Transporta comida durante todo el día. Según
dicen, muchos desaparecidos han sobrevivido
gracias a ella."
225,33,8,"Trasporta cibo per tutto il giorno. Si racconta
che diverse persone disperse o in difficoltà
si siano salvate grazie al suo cibo."
225,33,9,"It carries food all day long. There are tales about
lost people who were saved by the food it had."
225,33,11,"1日 ずっと エサを運んでいる。
遭難した 人が デリバードの
エサで 助かった 話もある。"
225,34,1,"じぶんの エサを ひとや ポケモンに
わける しゅうせいが あるため
いつも エサを さがしまわっている。"
225,34,3,"자신의 먹이를 사람이나 포켓몬에게
나눠주는 습성이 있어
언제나 먹이를 찾아다닌다."
225,34,5,"Ce Pokémon partage facilement son repas avec
dautres Pokémon et avec des humains, ce qui
loblige à constamment courir après la nourriture."
225,34,6,"Es hat die Angewohnheit, seine eigene Nahrung
mit Menschen und Pokémon zu teilen, und ist
deshalb stets unterwegs auf Futtersuche."
225,34,7,"Tiene la costumbre de compartir su comida con
todo el mundo, sea humano o Pokémon, por lo
que está constantemente en busca de alimento."
225,34,8,"È sempre alla ricerca di cibo, che ama
condividere con esseri umani e Pokémon."
225,34,9,"It has a generous habit of sharing its food with
people and Pokémon, so its always scrounging
around for more food."
225,34,11,"自分の エサを 人や ポケモンに
わける 習性が あるため
いつも エサを 探しまわっている。"
226,4,9,"As it majestically
swims, it doesn't
care if REMORAIDattach to it for
scavenging its
226,5,9,"Swimming freely in
open seas, it may
fly out of thewater and over the
waves if it builds
up enough speed."
226,6,9,"It swims along
freely, eating
things that swiminto its mouth.
Its whole body is
very coarse."
226,7,9,"On sunny days, schools of MANTINE can
be seen elegantly leaping over the
seas waves.This POKéMON is not bothered by the
REMORAID that hitches rides."
226,8,9,"On sunny days, schools of MANTINE can
be seen elegantly leaping over the
seas waves.This POKéMON is not bothered by the
REMORAID that hitches rides."
226,9,9,"On sunny days, schools of MANTINE can be
seen elegantly leaping over the waves.
It is not bothered by the REMORAID that
hitches rides."
226,10,9,"Swimming freely in open seas, it may fly
out of the water and over the waves if it
builds up enough speed."
226,11,9,"As it majestically swims, it doesnt care
if REMORAID attach to it to scavenge
for its leftovers."
226,12,9,"When the waves are calm, one may
encounter a swarm of MANTINE
swimming as if they are in flight."
226,13,9,"It swims elegantly, mindless of
REMORAID hitching on to its broad
fins. It has a docile nature."
226,14,9,"While elegantly swimming in the sea,
it ignores REMORAID that cling to
its fins seeking food scraps."
226,15,9,"As it majestically swims, it doesnt
care if REMORAID attach to it for
scavenging its leftovers."
226,16,9,"Swimming freely in open seas, it may
fly out of the water and over the
waves if it builds up enough speed. "
226,17,5,"Il ignore royalement les Rémoraid
qui saccrochent à ses nageoires
pour manger les restes quil sème."
226,17,9,"While elegantly swimming in the sea,
it ignores Remoraid that cling to
its fins seeking food scraps."
226,18,5,"Il ignore royalement les Rémoraid
qui saccrochent à ses nageoires
pour manger les restes quil sème."
226,18,9,"While elegantly swimming in the sea,
it ignores Remoraid that cling to
its fins seeking food scraps."
226,21,9,"If it builds up enough speed swimming, it
can fly over 300 feet out of the water
from the surface of the ocean."
226,22,9,"If it builds up enough speed swimming, it
can fly over 300 feet out of the water
from the surface of the ocean."
226,23,1,"およいで スピードが のってくると
なみのうえに とびだし そのまま
100メートルも かっくう する。"
226,23,3,"헤엄쳐서 스피드가 빨라지면
파도 위에 뛰어올라 그대로
100m나 활공한다."
226,23,5,"Il peut planer au-dessus des vagues sur plus de
100 m en prenant son élan dans la mer."
226,23,6,"Schwimmt es schnell genug, kann es über die Wellen
springen und bis zu 100 m durch die Lüfte gleiten."
226,23,7,"Acumula velocidad nadando y puede saltar fuera del
agua, alcanzando 100 metros de altura, para
descender luego planeando."
226,23,8,"Prende velocità nuotando e, quando è pronto, usa
le onde come trampolini per saltare a volte anche
fino a 100 m."
226,23,9,"If it builds up enough speed swimming, it can fly
over 300 feet out of the water from the surface of
the ocean."
226,23,11,"泳いで スピードが のってくると
波の上に 飛びだし そのまま
100メートルも 滑空 する。"
226,24,1,"ゆうぜんと うみを およぐうちに
たべのこしを ねらった テッポウオが
ヒレに くっつくが きにしていない。"
226,24,3,"유연하게 바다를 헤엄칠 때
먹다 남은 음식을 노린 총어가
지느러미에 달라붙지만 신경 안 쓴다."
226,24,5,"Il ignore royalement les Rémoraid qui saccrochent
à ses nageoires pour manger les restes quil sème."
226,24,6,"Zieht elegant durch die Meere und ignoriert dabei
Remoraid, die an seinen Flossen haften."
226,24,7,"Nada con gran elegancia e ignora a los Remoraid que
se aferran a sus aletas buscando restos de comida."
226,24,8,"Nuota in mare con eleganza e ignora i Remoraid che
gli si attaccano alle pinne in cerca di avanzi di cibo."
226,24,9,"While elegantly swimming in the sea, it ignores
Remoraid that cling to its fins seeking food scraps."
226,24,11,"悠然と 海を 泳ぐうちに
食べ残しを ねらった テッポウオが
ヒレに くっつくが 気にしていない。"
226,25,1,"はれた ひには うみの うえを ゆうがに はねる
マンタインの むれを みることが できるよ。
テッポウオが くっついていても きにしない。"
226,25,3,"맑은 날에는 바다 위를 우아하게 뛰어오르는
만타인 무리를 볼 수 있다.
총어가 들러붙어 있어도 신경 쓰지 않는다."
226,25,5,"Les jours de beau temps, on peut voir des bancs de Démanta
sauter au-dessus des vagues. Le Rémoraid qui laccompagne
ne dérange pas ce Pokémon."
226,25,6,"An schönen Tagen sieht man Schwärme von Mantax elegant
über die Wellen des Ozeans springen. Durch Remoraid, die
an ihm haften und es begleiten, fühlt sich dieses Pokémon
nicht belästigt."
226,25,7,"En los días que hace sol, es posible ver bancos de Mantine
saltando con elegancia por entre las olas del mar. A estos
Pokémon no les molestan los Remoraid que se les pegan."
226,25,8,"Nelle giornate soleggiate è possibile vedere banchi di Mantine
nuotare con eleganza sulle onde marine. Talvolta offrono
anche un comodo trasporto ai Remoraid."
226,25,9,"On sunny days, schools of Mantine can be seen elegantly
leaping over the seas waves. This Pokémon is not bothered
by the Remoraid that hitches rides."
226,25,11,"晴れた 日には 海の 上を 優雅に 跳ねる
マンタインの 群れを 見ることが できるよ。
テッポウオが くっついていても 気にしない。"
226,26,1,"はれた ひには うみの うえを ゆうがに はねる
マンタインの むれを みることが できるよ。
テッポウオが くっついていても きにしない。"
226,26,3,"맑은 날에는 바다 위를 우아하게 뛰어오르는
만타인 무리를 볼 수 있다.
총어가 들러붙어 있어도 신경 쓰지 않는다."
226,26,5,"Les jours de beau temps, on peut voir des bancs de Démanta
sauter au-dessus des vagues. Le Rémoraid qui laccompagne
ne dérange pas ce Pokémon."
226,26,6,"An schönen Tagen sieht man Scharen von Mantax elegant über
die Wellen des Ozeans springen. Durch Remoraid, die an ihm
haften und es begleiten, fühlt sich dieses Pokémon nicht
226,26,7,"En los días que hace sol, es posible ver bancos de Mantine
saltando con elegancia por entre las olas del mar. A estos
Pokémon no les molestan los Remoraid que se les pegan."
226,26,8,"Nelle giornate soleggiate è possibile vedere banchi di Mantine
nuotare con eleganza sulle onde marine. Talvolta offrono
anche un comodo trasporto ai Remoraid."
226,26,9,"On sunny days, schools of Mantine can be seen elegantly
leaping over the seas waves. This Pokémon is not bothered
by the Remoraid that hitches rides."
226,26,11,"晴れた 日には 海の 上を 優雅に 跳ねる
マンタインの 群れを 見ることが できるよ。
テッポウオが くっついていても 気にしない。"
226,29,1,"ゆうがに なみの うえを とびはねる
マンタインを えがいた えハガキや
ポスターは にんきのアローラみやげ。"
226,29,3,"우아하게 파도 위를 튀어 오르는
만타인을 그린 그림엽서나 포스터는
인기 있는 알로라 특산품이다."
226,29,5,"Une carte postale ou un poster dun Démanta
planant gracieusement au-dessus des vagues
est un souvenir typique dAlola."
226,29,6,"Postkarten und Poster, auf denen Mantax
elegant über die Wellen springt, sind beliebte
Mitbringsel aus Alola."
226,29,7,"Un souvenir típico de Alola son las postales y
pósteres con dibujos de Mantine saltando
grácilmente sobre las olas del mar."
226,29,8,"Volteggia con grazia sulle onde ed è raffigurato
in cartoline e poster di Alola molto apprezzati
come souvenir."
226,29,9,"Postcards and posters featuring Mantine
leaping elegantly above the waves are popular
souvenirs of Alola."
226,29,11,"優雅に 波の 上を 飛びはねる
マンタインを 描いた 絵ハガキや
ポスターは 人気のアローラ土産。"
226,30,1,"かれいに およぐ マンタインに
あこがれ サーフィンを はじめたと
いう ひとも おおいのだ。"
226,30,3,"화려하게 헤엄치는 만타인을
동경하여 서핑을 시작했다는
사람도 많이 있다."
226,30,5,"Nombreux sont les surfeurs qui ont trouvé leur
vocation après être tombés sous le charme
de la nage majestueuse dun Démanta."
226,30,6,"Es gibt viele Menschen, die mit dem Surfen
angefangen haben, weil sie die wunderschön
dahinschwimmenden Mantax so bewundern."
226,30,7,"Muchos surfistas se iniciaron en la disciplina
inspirados por el grácil nado de los Mantine."
226,30,8,"Mantine nuota con uneleganza tale che molti
dicono di aver iniziato a praticare il surf
per cercare di emularlo."
226,30,9,"Many people have taken up surfing because
they admire how magnificently Mantine swims."
226,30,11,"華麗に 泳ぐ マンタインに
憧れ サーフィンを 始めたと
いう 人も 多いのだ。"
226,33,1,"およいで スピードが のってくると
なみのうえに とびだし そのまま
100メートルも かっくう する。"
226,33,3,"헤엄쳐서 스피드가 빨라지면
파도 위로 뛰어올라
그대로 100m나 활공한다."
226,33,5,"Il peut planer au-dessus des vagues sur plus
de 100 m en prenant son élan dans la mer."
226,33,6,"Schwimmt es schnell genug, kann es über die
Wellen springen und bis zu 100 m durch die
Lüfte gleiten."
226,33,7,"Tras ganar velocidad nadando, aprovecha las olas
para proyectarse y recorrer planeando hasta
100 m de distancia."
226,33,8,"Prende velocità nuotando e, quando è pronto,
usa le onde come trampolini per saltare,
planando poi anche per 100 m."
226,33,9,"If it builds up enough speed swimming, it
can jump out above the waves and glide
for over 300 feet."
226,33,11,"泳いで スピードが のってくると
波の上に 飛びだし そのまま
100メートルも 滑空 する。"
226,34,1,"ゆうぜんと うみを およぐ。
たべのこしを ねらった テッポウオが
くっついていても きにしていない。"
226,34,3,"여유롭게 바다를 헤엄친다.
먹다 남은 음식을 노린 총어가
달라붙어 있어도 신경 쓰지 않는다."
226,34,5,"Il nage paisiblement, sans se soucier des Rémoraid
qui sagrippent à lui pour lui voler ses restes."
226,34,6,"Es schwimmt erhaben durch die Meere und
duldet dabei etwaige Remoraid, die sich in der
Hoffnung auf Futterreste an es heften."
226,34,7,"Mientras nada plácidamente, no le importa que
los Remoraid se aferren a él para comerse sus
226,34,8,"Nuota placidamente nel mare. Non si cura
dei Remoraid che gli si attaccano addosso
per cibarsi dei suoi avanzi."
226,34,9,"As it majestically swims, it doesnt care if
Remoraid attach to it to scavenge for its leftovers."
226,34,11,"悠然と 海を 泳ぐ。
食べ残しを 狙った テッポウオが
くっついていても 気にしていない。"
227,4,9,"Its sturdy wings
look heavy, but
they are actuallyhollow and light,
allowing it to fly
freely in the sky."
227,5,9,"After nesting in
bramble bushes,
the wings of itschicks grow hard
from scratches by
227,6,9,"The feathers that
it sheds are very
sharp. It is saidthat people once
used the feathers
as swords."
227,7,9,"SKARMORY is entirely encased in hard,
protective armor. This POKéMON flies at
close to 190 mph.It slashes foes with its wings that
possess swordlike cutting edges."
227,8,9,"SKARMORYs steel wings become tattered
and bashed in from repeated battles.
Once a year, the battered wings growback completely, restoring the cutting
edges to their pristine state."
227,9,9,"A POKéMON that has a body and wings of
steel. People in the past used feathers
fallen from SKARMORY to make swords and
227,10,9,"After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings
of its chicks grow hard from scratches by
227,11,9,"Its sturdy wings look heavy, but its bones
are hollow and light, allowing it to fly
freely in the sky."
227,12,9,"Despite being clad entirely in
iron-hard armor, it flies at
speeds over 180 mph."
227,13,9,"Despite being clad entirely in
iron-hard armor, it flies at
speeds over 180 mph."
227,14,9,"Despite being clad entirely in
iron-hard armor, it flies at
speeds over 180 mph."
227,15,9,"Its sturdy wings look heavy, but
they are actually hollow and light,
allowing it to fly freely in the sky."
227,16,9,"After nesting in bramble bushes,
the wings of its chicks grow hard
from scratches by thorns."
227,17,5,"Son corps est prisonnier dune armure
dure comme lacier, mais il vole à plus
de 300 km/h."
227,17,9,"Despite being clad entirely in
iron-hard armor, it flies at
speeds over 180 mph."
227,18,5,"Son corps est prisonnier dune armure
dure comme lacier, mais il vole à plus
de 300 km/h."
227,18,9,"Despite being clad entirely in
iron-hard armor, it flies at
speeds over 180 mph."
227,21,9,"Its heavy-looking iron body is
actually thin and light, so it can
fly at speeds over 180 mph."
227,22,9,"Its heavy-looking iron body is
actually thin and light, so it can
fly at speeds over 180 mph."
227,23,1,"いばらの なかに すをつくる。
トゲで きずつきながら そだてられた
ヒナの ハネは かたくなる。"
227,23,3,"가시나무 안에 둥지를 만든다.
가시에 상처를 입어가며 자라난
새끼들의 날개는 단단해진다."
227,23,5,"Comme il fait son nid dans les ronces, ses petits
sendurcissent à force dêtre sans cesse éraflés."
227,23,6,"Die dornigen Zweige seines Nests bewirken,
dass die Flügel seiner Jungen fest und hart werden."
227,23,7,"Después de anidar en zarzas, las alas de sus polluelos
crecen fortalecidas por los rasguños."
227,23,8,"Facendo il nido tra i rovi, le ali dei suoi piccoli si
rinforzano per i graffi causati dalle spine."
227,23,9,"After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its
chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns."
227,23,11,"いばらの 中に 巣を作る。
トゲで 傷つきながら 育てられた
ヒナの 羽は 硬くなる。"
227,24,1,"てつのような かたい よろいに
スピードで おおぞらを とびまわる。"
227,24,3,"철 같은 단단한 갑옷으로
덮여 있다. 시속 300km의
스피드로 넓은 하늘을 날아다닌다."
227,24,5,"Son corps est prisonnier dune armure dure comme
lacier, mais il vole à plus de 300 km/h."
227,24,6,"Es wird komplett von einer eisenharten Rüstung
geschützt. Wenn es fliegt, erreicht es bis zu 300 km/h."
227,24,7,"Una armadura de hierro cubre por completo su cuerpo.
Vuela a más de 300 km/h."
227,24,8,"È interamente rivestito da unarmatura dura come
lacciaio. Vola alla velocità di 300 km/h."
227,24,9,"Despite being clad entirely in iron-hard armor,
it flies at speeds over 180 mph."
227,24,11,"鉄のような 硬い よろいに
スピードで 大空を 飛び回る。"
227,25,1,"ぜんしんが かたい ヨロイに おおわれている。
じそく 300キロの スピードで そらを とび
かたなの きれあじを もつ ハネで きりさく。"
227,25,3,"전신이 단단한 갑옷으로 둘러싸여 있다.
시속 300km의 스피드로 하늘을 날아
칼날 같은 날카로운 날개로 베어낸다."
227,25,5,"Airmure est entièrement recouvert dune armure très dure.
Ce Pokémon peut voler à plus de 300 km/h. Il peut mettre
ses ennemis en pièces grâce à ses ailes tranchantes comme
des sabres."
227,25,6,"Panzaeron ist komplett in einen harten, schützenden Panzer
eingehüllt. Dieses Pokémon fliegt bis zu 300 km/h schnell.
Es greift seine Feinde mit seinen messerscharfen Flügeln an."
227,25,7,"Skarmory está totalmente encerrado en el interior de una
fuerte coraza protectora. En vuelo, puede llegar a alcanzar los
300 km/h y usa las afiladas alas que tiene para azotar al rival."
227,25,8,"Skarmory è interamente corazzato allinterno di una dura
armatura di protezione. Vola alla velocità di 300 km/h.
Lacera il nemico con le sue ali taglienti come la lama
di una spada."
227,25,9,"Skarmory is entirely encased in hard, protective armor.
This Pokémon flies at close to 190 mph. It slashes foes with
its wings that possess swordlike cutting edges."
227,25,11,"全身が 硬い ヨロイに 覆われている。
時速 300キロの スピードで 空を 飛び
刀の 切れ味を 持つ ハネで 切り裂く。"
227,26,1,"たたかいを くりかえして ボロボロに なった
はがねの ハネは 1ねんに 1かい はえかわり
もとどおりの きれあじを とりもどすのだ。"
227,26,3,"싸움을 반복하여 너덜너덜해진
강철의 날개는 1년에 1회 다시 돋아나
원래의 날카로움을 되찾는다."
227,26,5,"Les ailes dacier dAirmure sabîment et se cabossent à force
de se battre. Une fois par an, les ailes endommagées
repoussent complètement, rendant à leurs bords tranchants
leur état dorigine."
227,26,6,"Panzaerons Stahlflügel bekommen in den vielen Kämpfen,
die es austrägt, Risse und Beulen. Einmal im Jahr wachsen
seine Flügel komplett nach und werden wiederhergestellt."
227,26,7,"A Skarmory se le quedan las alas abolladas y desgarradas
tras varios combates. Una vez al año, le vuelven a crecer
completamente con los bordes cortantes que tenían en un
principio restaurados."
227,26,8,"Le ali dacciaio di Skarmory portano i segni e le ammaccature
delle lotte. Una volta lanno le ali ricrescono completamente,
ripristinando il filo tagliente delle lame."
227,26,9,"Skarmorys steel wings become tattered and bashed in from
repeated battles. Once a year, the battered wings grow back
completely, restoring the cutting edges to their pristine state."
227,26,11,"戦いを 繰り返して ボロボロに なった
鋼の ハネは 1年に 1回 生えかわり
元通りの 切れ味を 取り戻すのだ。"
227,27,1,"せいちょうのたび ぬけおちる ハネは
うすく するどい。 むかしの せんしは
かたな として りようした。"
227,27,3,"성장할 때마다 빠지는 날개는
얇고 날카롭다. 옛 전사들은
칼로 이용했다."
227,27,5,"Ce Pokémon perd ses plumes fines et acérées
durant sa croissance. Jadis, les guerriers sen
servaient pour fabriquer des lames."
227,27,6,"Die im Zuge seines Wachstums abgefallenen
Federn sind sehr scharf. Krieger verwendeten
sie früher als Schwerter."
227,27,7,"Las plumas que se le caen cuando lucha son
delgadas y afiladas. Guerreros de antaño las
usaban a modo de espada."
227,27,8,"Le piume che perde nella crescita sono sottili
e taglienti. In passato, i guerrieri le usavano
per fabbricare le spade."
227,27,9,"Its feathers, which fall off as it grows, are thin
and sharp. In times long past, warriors used
them as swords."
227,27,11,"成長の度 抜け落ちる 羽は
薄く 鋭い。 昔の 戦士は
刀 として 利用した。"
227,28,1,"てつの からだは がんじょうだが
さびやすいので あめの ひは
すあなで じっと しているよ。"
227,28,3,"철로 된 몸은 튼튼하지만
녹슬기 쉬워서 비가 내리는 날엔
둥지에서 가만히 있다."
227,28,5,"Son plumage dacier, bien que très résistant,
est sujet à la rouille. Cest pourquoi ce Pokémon
préférera rester au nid les jours de pluie."
227,28,6,"Sein stählerner Körper ist robust, aber anfällig
für Rost. Regnerische Tage verbringt es daher
geduldig in seinem Nest."
227,28,7,"Su cuerpo metálico es muy robusto, pero se
oxida con facilidad, por lo que suele quedarse
descansando en su nido cuando llueve."
227,28,8,"Il suo corpo dacciaio è molto robusto, ma si
arrugginisce facilmente, quindi quando piove
deve starsene rintanato."
227,28,9,"Its metal body is sturdy, but it does rust rather
easily. So on rainy days, this Pokémon prefers
to stay put in its nest."
227,28,11,"鉄の 身体は 頑丈だが
さびやすいので 雨の 日は
巣穴で じっと しているよ。"
227,29,1,"ぬけおちた つばさを かこうして
つくる ほうちょうは いちりゅうの
りょうりにんも なっとくのきれあじ。"
227,29,3,"빠진 날개를 가공해서
만드는 식칼은 일류 요리사도
인정할 정도로 날카롭다."
227,29,5,"Les couteaux fabriqués à partir des plumes
de ce Pokémon sont appréciés des plus grands
chefs cuisiniers pour leur tranchant acéré."
227,29,6,"Die Federn, die ihm ausfallen, werden zu
Küchenmessern verarbeitet, mit deren Schärfe
auch erstklassige Köche zufrieden sind."
227,29,7,"Los cuchillos fabricados con las plumas que se
le caen son reconocidos entre los cocineros más
prestigiosos por la gran calidad de sus filos."
227,29,8,"Le piume che perde vengono usate per
fabbricare coltelli affilatissimi, particolarmente
apprezzati dai migliori cuochi."
227,29,9,"The wing feathers it sheds can be processed
and made into knives whose sharpness is
recognized by the finest chefs."
227,29,11,"抜け落ちた 翼を 加工して
作る 包丁は 一流の
料理人も 納得の切れ味。"
227,30,1,"はがねの よろいを みに まとう。
おもそうに みえるが さいだい
300キロの そくどで とべるぞ。"
227,30,3,"강철의 갑옷을 몸에 걸친다.
무거워 보이지만 최고
300km의 속도로 날 수 있다."
227,30,5,"Il peut paraître lourd, avec son armure dacier,
mais il est en fait capable de voler à une vitesse
de 300 km/h."
227,30,6,"Durch seinen stählernen Panzer sieht es zwar
schwer aus, aber dennoch kann es bis zu
300 km/h schnell fliegen."
227,30,7,"Su cuerpo está recubierto de una coraza
metálica que, por pesada que parezca, no le
impide volar a 300 km/h."
227,30,8,"Larmatura dacciaio di cui è rivestito lo fa
sembrare pesante, ma nonostante questa può
volare a una velocità di 300 km/h."
227,30,9,"Its body is draped in steel armor. It looks heavy,
but it can fly at speeds of up to 185 miles
an hour!"
227,30,11,"鋼の 鎧を 身に まとう。
重そうに 見えるが 最大
300キロの 速度で 飛べるぞ。"
227,33,1,"するどい ハネは つるぎに まさる
きれあじ。 ナワバリを めぐって
アーマーガアと はげしく あらそう。"
227,33,3,"날카로운 날개는 검보다
예리하다. 영역을 두고
아머까오와 격렬하게 싸운다."
227,33,5,"Ses plumes sont plus tranchantes que des lames.
Il se dispute violemment son territoire avec
les Corvaillus."
227,33,6,"Seine spitzen Federn sind schärfer als jedes
Schwert. Es liefert sich erbitterte Revierkämpfe
mit Krarmor."
227,33,7,"Sus afiladas plumas son más cortantes que el filo
de una espada. Tiene disputas territoriales muy
agresivas con Corviknight."
227,33,8,"Le sue piume affilate sono più taglienti di una
spada. Ha violenti scontri con Corviknight per
il controllo del territorio."
227,33,9,"The pointed feathers of these Pokémon are
sharper than swords. Skarmory and Corviknight
fight viciously over territory."
227,33,11,"鋭い 羽根は 剣に 勝る 切れ味。
縄張りを めぐって
アーマーガアと 激しく 争う。"
227,34,1,"ぬけおちた ハネから つるぎが
つくられることから もんしょうの
ずあんとして にんきが たかい。"
227,34,3,"빠진 깃털로 검을
만들 수 있어서 문장
도안으로 인기가 많다."
227,34,5,"Ce Pokémon orne souvent les blasons,
car les plumes quil perd sont utilisées
pour forger des épées."
227,34,6,"Es wird gern als Vorlage für Wappenmotive
genutzt, da aus den Federn, die ihm ausfallen,
Schwerter hergestellt werden."
227,34,7,"Aparece a menudo en escudos heráldicos, pues
se pueden forjar espadas a partir de las plumas
que pierde."
227,34,8,"Le piume perse da Skarmory sono utilizzate per
produrre spade. Per questo è molto apprezzato
come motivo degli stemmi nobiliari."
227,34,9,"People fashion swords from Skarmorys shed
feathers, so this Pokémon is a popular element
in heraldic designs."
227,34,11,"抜け落ちた 羽根から 剣が
作られることから 紋章の
図案として 人気が 高い。"
228,4,9,"It uses different
kinds of cries for
communicating withothers of its kind
and for pursuing
its prey."
228,5,9,"To corner prey,
they check each
other's locationusing barks that
only they can
228,6,9,"Around dawn, its
ominous howl
echoes through thearea to announce
that this is its
228,7,9,"HOUNDOUR hunt as a coordinated pack.
They communicate with each other using
a variety of cries to corner their prey.This POKéMONs remarkable teamwork is
228,8,9,"HOUNDOUR hunt as a coordinated pack.
They communicate with each other using
a variety of cries to corner their prey.This POKéMONs remarkable teamwork is
228,9,9,"HOUNDOUR communicate with each other
using a variety of cries to corner their
prey. This POKéMONs remarkable teamwork
is simply unparalleled."
228,10,9,"To corner prey, they check each others
location using barks that only they can
228,11,9,"It uses different kinds of cries for
communicating with others of its kind and
for pursuing prey."
228,12,9,"It conveys its feelings using
different cries. It works in a pack
to cleverly take down prey."
228,13,9,"It conveys its feelings using
different cries. It works in a pack
to cleverly take down prey."
228,14,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in
packs. It uses a variety of cries
for communicating with others."
228,15,9,"It uses different kinds of cries for
communicating with others of its
kind and for pursuing its prey."
228,16,9,"To corner prey, they check each
others location using barks that
only they can understand."
228,17,5,"Il est assez évolué pour chasser
en meute et communiquer par
des séries de cris modulés."
228,17,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in
packs. It uses a variety of cries
for communicating with others."
228,18,5,"Il est assez évolué pour chasser
en meute et communiquer par
des séries de cris modulés."
228,18,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in
packs. It uses a variety of cries
for communicating with others."
228,21,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in
packs. It uses a variety of cries
for communicating with others."
228,22,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in
packs. It uses a variety of cries
for communicating with others."
228,23,1,"よあけごろ あたりいったいに
ひびきわたる ぶきみな とおぼえで
じぶんたちの なわばりを アピール。"
228,23,3,"새벽녘에 주변 일대에
울려 퍼지는 기분 나쁜 울음소리로
자신들의 영역을 어필한다."
228,23,5,"Il hurle dès laube pour délimiter son territoire.
On lentend à des kilomètres à la ronde."
228,23,6,"Im Morgengrauen schallt sein ominöses Geheule
über das Gebiet, das es für sich beansprucht."
228,23,7,"Al amanecer, resuena por la zona su inquietante
aullido para anunciar que es su territorio."
228,23,8,"Allalba, i suoi sinistri urli riecheggiano nellaria.
In questo modo demarca il territorio."
228,23,9,"Around dawn, its ominous howl echoes through
the area to announce that this is its territory."
228,23,11,"夜明けごろ あたり一帯に
響きわたる 不気味な 遠ぼえで
自分たちの 縄張りを アピール。"
228,24,1,"なかまだけで わかりあえる
なきごえで おたがいの いちを
たしかめながら えものをおいつめる。"
228,24,3,"동료끼리만 서로 알 수 있는
울음소리로 서로의 위치를
확인해가며 먹이를 몰아붙인다."
228,24,5,"Pour traquer leur proie, ils se localisent mutuellement
avec des aboiements compris par eux seuls."
228,24,6,"Sie treiben ihre Beute in die Enge und orientieren sich
dabei anhand ihres Bellens, das nur sie verstehen."
228,24,7,"Para arrinconar a sus presas, comprueban sus
posiciones con ladridos que solo ellos entienden."
228,24,8,"Per circondare la preda, gli Houndour si comunicano
la posizione reciproca con ululati che capiscono solo
228,24,9,"To corner prey, they check each others location
using barks that only they can understand."
228,24,11,"仲間だけで わかりあえる
鳴き声で お互いの 位置を
確かめながら 獲物を 追いつめる。"
228,25,1,"さまざまな なきごえを つかいわけ なかまと
れんらくを とりあい えものを おいこんでいく。
チームワークの みごとさは ポケモンずいいち。"
228,25,3,"여러 가지 울음소리를 사용하여 동료와
연락을 주고받아 먹이를 몰아간다.
팀워크는 포켓몬 중 제일이다."
228,25,5,"Les Malosse chassent en meute organisée. Ils communiquent
entre eux grâce à une série de petits cris pour encercler leur
proie. Létonnant travail déquipe de ces Pokémon est sans
228,25,6,"Hunduster jagen in Gruppen. Sie kommunizieren miteinander
über verschiedene Arten von Geheul und treiben ihre Feinde in
die Enge. Die Zusammenarbeit dieser Pokémon ist einzigartig."
228,25,7,"Houndour sale a cazar con el resto de la manada con total
coordinación. Estos Pokémon se comunican unos con otros
usando una serie de aullidos para acorralar a su presa.
El compañerismo que existe entre ellos es incomparable."
228,25,8,"Gli Houndour cacciano in squadre organizzate. Comunicano
tra loro con svariati versi per intrappolare la preda.
Questincredibile lavoro di squadra è unico nel suo genere."
228,25,9,"Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with
each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey.
This Pokémons remarkable teamwork is unparalleled."
228,25,11,"様々な 鳴き声を 使いわけ 仲間と
連絡を 取りあい 獲物を 追い込んでいく。
チームワークの 見事さは ポケモン随一。"
228,26,1,"さまざまな なきごえを つかいわけ なかまと
れんらくを とりあい えものを おいこんでいく。
チームワークの みごとさは ポケモンずいいち。"
228,26,3,"여러 가지 울음소리를 사용하여 동료와
연락을 주고받아 먹이를 몰아간다.
팀워크는 포켓몬 중 제일이다."
228,26,5,"Les Malosse chassent en meute organisée. Ils communiquent
entre eux grâce à une série de petits cris pour encercler leur
proie. Létonnant travail déquipe de ces Pokémon est sans
228,26,6,"Hunduster jagen in Gruppen. Sie kommunizieren miteinander
über verschiedene Arten von Geheul und treiben ihre Feinde in
die Enge. Die Zusammenarbeit dieser Pokémon ist einzigartig."
228,26,7,"Houndour sale a cazar con el resto de la manada con total
coordinación. Estos Pokémon se comunican unos con otros
usando una serie de aullidos para acorralar a su presa.
El compañerismo que existe entre ellos es incomparable."
228,26,8,"Gli Houndour cacciano in squadre organizzate. Comunicano
tra loro con svariati versi per intrappolare la preda.
Questincredibile lavoro di squadra è unico nel suo genere."
228,26,9,"Houndour hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate
with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey.
This Pokémons remarkable teamwork is unparalleled."
228,26,11,"様々な 鳴き声を 使いわけ 仲間と
連絡を 取りあい 獲物を 追い込んでいく。
チームワークの 見事さは ポケモン随一。"
228,29,1,"なかまとの れんけいが とくい。
パートナーに なると トレーナーの
めいれいに とっても ちゅうじつだ。"
228,29,3,"동료와의 연계가 특기다.
파트너가되면 트레이너의
명령에 매우 충실하다."
228,29,5,"Ce Pokémon est doué pour le travail en équipe.
Cest un compagnon fidèle qui écoute les ordres
de son Dresseur sans sourciller."
228,29,6,"Es ist auf Zusammenarbeit spezialisiert und
folgt den Befehlen seines Trainers aufs Wort."
228,29,7,"Famoso por su lealtad y ánimo cooperativo.
Obedecerá sin dudar todo cuanto le ordene
su Entrenador."
228,29,8,"Agisce sempre in squadra con i suoi simili.
È un compagno fedele e segue attentamente
le istruzioni del suo Allenatore."
228,29,9,"It cooperates with others skillfully. When it
becomes your partner, its very loyal to you as
its Trainer and will obey your orders."
228,29,11,"仲間との 連携が 得意。
パートナーに なると トレーナーの
命令に とっても 忠実だ。"
228,30,1,"よあけまえに ぶきみな とおぼえを
くりかえし じぶんたちの むれの
そんざいを アピール している。"
228,30,3,"동이 트기 전에 기분 나쁜 울음을
반복하여 자신들 무리의
존재를 어필한다."
228,30,5,"Si ses congénères et lui poussent de sinistres
hurlements avant laube, cest pour signaler
leur présence à tout le monde."
228,30,6,"Mit wiederholtem unheimlichen Heulen vor
Tagesanbruch machen sie auf die Existenz
ihres Rudels aufmerksam."
228,30,7,"Los escalofriantes aullidos que profiere justo
antes del alba son para señalar la presencia de
su manada."
228,30,8,"Gli urli sinistri che emette prima dellalba hanno
la funzione di segnalare la presenza del suo
228,30,9,"They make repeated eerie howls before dawn
to call attention to their pack."
228,30,11,"夜明け前に 不気味な 遠吠えを
繰り返し 自分たちの 群れの
存在を アピール している。"
229,4,9,"If you are burned
by the flames it
shoots from itsmouth, the pain
will never go
229,5,9,"Upon hearing its
eerie howls, other
POKéMON get theshivers and head
straight back to
their nests."
229,6,9,"The pungent-
smelling flame
that shoots fromits mouth results
from toxins burn­
ing in its body."
229,7,9,"In a HOUNDOOM pack, the one with its
horns raked sharply towards the back
serves a leadership role.These POKéMON choose their leader by
fighting amongst themselves."
229,8,9,"In a HOUNDOOM pack, the one with its
horns raked sharply towards the back
serves a leadership role.These POKéMON choose their leader by
fighting amongst themselves."
229,9,9,"In a HOUNDOOM pack, the one with its horns
raked sharply back serves a leadership
role. They choose their leader by fighting
among themselves."
229,10,9,"Upon hearing its eerie howls, other
POKéMON get the shivers and head straight
back to their nests."
229,11,9,"If you are burned by the flames it shoots
from its mouth, the pain will never go
229,12,9,"Long ago, people imagined
its eerie howls to be the call
of the grim reaper."
229,13,9,"Long ago, people imagined
its eerie howls to be the call
of the grim reaper."
229,14,9,"The flames it breathes when angry
contain toxins. If they cause a
burn, it will hurt forever."
229,15,9,"If you are burned by the flames
it shoots from its mouth,
the pain will never go away."
229,16,9,"Upon hearing its eerie howls, other
Pokémon get the shivers and head
straight back to their nests."
229,17,5,"En colère, il crache des flammes
contenant une toxine qui peut
causer des dégâts irréversibles."
229,17,9,"The flames it breathes when angry
contain toxins. If they cause a
burn, it will hurt forever."
229,18,5,"En colère, il crache des flammes
contenant une toxine qui peut
causer des dégâts irréversibles."
229,18,9,"The flames it breathes when angry
contain toxins. If they cause a
burn, it will hurt forever."
229,21,9,"The flames it breathes when angry
contain toxins. If they cause a
burn, it will hurt forever."
229,22,9,"The flames it breathes when angry
contain toxins. If they cause a
burn, it will hurt forever."
229,23,1,"ヘルガーの ぶきみな とおぼえは
じごくから しにがみが よぶ こえと
むかしの ひとは そうぞうしていた。"
229,23,3,"헬가가 으스스하게 멀리서 짖으면
지옥에서 사신이 부르는 소리라고
옛날 사람들은 상상하고 있었다."
229,23,5,"Jadis, les gens prenaient son étrange hurlement pour
lappel de la Faucheuse."
229,23,6,"In alten Zeiten glaubte man, das Heulen dieses
Pokémon sei der Ruf des Todes."
229,23,7,"Hace mucho, la gente creía que sus horripilantes
aullidos eran de la muerte personificada."
229,23,8,"Molto tempo fa, si riteneva che le sue urla sinistre
coincidessero con la chiamata della morte."
229,23,9,"Long ago, people imagined its eerie howls to be
the call of the grim reaper."
229,23,11,"ヘルガーの 不気味な 遠ぼえは
地獄から 死神が 呼ぶ 声と
昔の 人は 想像していた。"
229,24,1,"おこったときに くちから ふきだす
ほのおには どくそも まじっていて
やけどになると いつまでも うずく。"
229,24,3,"화가 났을 때 입에서 뿜어내는
불꽃에는 독소도 섞여 있기에
화상을 입으면 계속 욱신거린다."
229,24,5,"En colère, il crache des flammes contenant une toxine
qui peut causer des dégâts irréversibles."
229,24,6,"Ist es wütend, spuckt es giftige Flammen.
Die Schmerzen der Verbrennungen dauern ewig an."
229,24,7,"Las llamas que respira cuando se enfada contienen
toxinas. Si causan una quemadura, dolerá toda la vida."
229,24,8,"Se sinfuria, sputa fiamme contenenti una tossina.
Se ci si brucia, il dolore permane a lungo."
229,24,9,"The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins.
If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever."
229,24,11,"怒ったときに 口から 噴き出す
炎には 毒素も 混じっていて
やけどになると いつまでも うずく。"
229,25,1,"あたまの ツノが おおきく そりかえって いる
ヘルガーが グループの リーダーてき そんざい。
なかま どうしで あらそい リーダーが きまる。"
229,25,3,"머리의 뿔이 크게 뒤로 꺾여 있는
헬가가 그룹의 리더 격인 존재다.
동료 간에 경쟁하여 리더가 결정된다."
229,25,5,"Dans une meute de Démolosse, le leader est doté de cornes
inclinées vers larrière. Ces Pokémon choisissent leur chef en
organisant des combats entre eux."
229,25,6,"In einer Gruppe von Hundemon ist dasjenige mit den nach
hinten gebogenen Hörnern der Anführer. Diese Pokémon
bestimmen ihren Anführer durch das Ausfechten von Kämpfen
229,25,7,"En la manada de Houndoom, el que tiene los cuernos más
arqueados hacia atrás tiene un mayor papel de liderazgo.
Estos Pokémon suelen elegir al jefe en duelo."
229,25,8,"In un branco di Houndoom, il capobranco è riconoscibile
dalle corna fortemente arcuate allindietro ed è quello
che si dimostra più forte nella lotta contro gli altri."
229,25,9,"In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply
toward the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon
choose their leader by fighting among themselves."
229,25,11,"頭の ツノが 大きく 反り返って いる
ヘルガーが グループの リーダー的 存在。
仲間 同士で 争い リーダーが 決まる。"
229,26,1,"あたまの ツノが おおきく そりかえって いる
ヘルガーが グループの リーダーてき そんざい。
なかま どうしで あらそい リーダーが きまる。"
229,26,3,"머리의 뿔이 크게 뒤로 꺾여 있는
헬가가 그룹의 리더 격인 존재다.
동료 간에 경쟁하여 리더가 결정된다."
229,26,5,"Dans une meute de Démolosse, le leader est doté de cornes
inclinées vers larrière. Ces Pokémon choisissent leur chef en
organisant des combats entre eux."
229,26,6,"In einer Gruppe von Hundemon ist dasjenige mit den nach
hinten gebogenen Hörnern der Anführer. Diese Pokémon
bestimmen ihren Anführer durch das Ausfechten von Kämpfen
229,26,7,"En la manada de Houndoom, el que tiene los cuernos más
arqueados hacia atrás tiene un mayor papel de liderazgo.
Estos Pokémon suelen elegir al jefe en duelo."
229,26,8,"In un branco di Houndoom, il capobranco è riconoscibile
dalle corna fortemente arcuate allindietro ed è quello
che si dimostra più forte nella lotta contro gli altri."
229,26,9,"In a Houndoom pack, the one with its horns raked sharply
toward the back serves a leadership role. These Pokémon
choose their leader by fighting among themselves."
229,26,11,"頭の ツノが 大きく 反り返って いる
ヘルガーが グループの リーダー的 存在。
仲間 同士で 争い リーダーが 決まる。"
229,29,1,"どくその まじった ほのおを ふいて
あいてに とどめを さす。 えものは
むれで びょうどうに わけあうぞ。"
229,29,3,"독소가 섞인 불꽃을 불어
상대를 처리한다. 먹이는
무리가 공평에게 나눈다."
229,29,5,"Il crache des flammes empoisonnées pour
achever ses proies, quil partage avec les
autres membres de sa meute."
229,29,6,"Es bekämpft seine Gegner mit giftigen Flammen.
Erlegte Beute wird im Rudel gerecht aufgeteilt."
229,29,7,"Remata a sus rivales exhalando llamas tóxicas.
Si abate una presa, la compartirá a partes
iguales con el resto de la manada."
229,29,8,"Mette KO il nemico sputando fiamme che
contengono una tossina. Divide equamente
le prede con il resto del branco."
229,29,9,"They spew flames mixed with poison to finish
off their opponents. They divvy up their prey
evenly among the members of their pack."
229,29,11,"毒素の 混じった 炎を 吹いて
相手に 止めを 刺す。 獲物は
群れで 平等に 分け合うぞ。"
229,30,1,"ぶきみな とおぼえが とくちょう。
むかしの ひとは じごく からの
つかいと かんがえ おそれていた。"
229,30,3,"기분 나쁜 울음소리가 특징이다.
옛날 사람들은 지옥에서 온
사자라고 여겨 두려워했다."
229,30,5,"Ceux qui le craignaient jadis lui ont donné le
surnom de «messager de la Faucheuse» à
cause de son hurlement sinistre si particulier."
229,30,6,"Sein unheimliches Heulen ist unverkennbar.
Früher wurde es von den Menschen als Bote
des Todes gefürchtet."
229,30,7,"Su rasgo distintivo son los escalofriantes
aullidos que profiere. Antiguamente, era temido
y considerado un emisario del inframundo."
229,30,8,"Le sue urla sinistre sono inconfondibili.
Un tempo era ritenuto un messaggero degli
inferi e tutti lo temevano."
229,30,9,"Identifiable by its eerie howls, people a long
time ago thought it was the grim reaper and
feared it."
229,30,11,"不気味な 遠吠えが 特徴。
昔の 人は 地獄 からの
使いと 考え 恐れていた。"
230,4,9,"It is said that it
usually hides in
underwater caves.It can create
whirlpools by
230,5,9,"It sleeps deep on
the ocean floor to
build its energy.It is said to
cause tornadoes as
it wakes."
230,6,9,"It stores energy
by sleeping at
underwater depthsat which no other
life forms can
230,7,9,"KINGDRA lives at extreme ocean depths
that are otherwise uninhabited.
It has long been believed that theyawning of this POKéMON creates
spiraling ocean currents."
230,8,9,"KINGDRA sleeps on the seafloor where
it is otherwise devoid of life.
When a storm arrives, the POKéMON issaid to awaken and wander about in
search of prey."
230,9,9,"It sleeps quietly, deep on the seafloor.
When it comes up to the surface, it
creates a huge whirlpool that can swallow
even ships."
230,10,9,"It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to
build its energy. It is said to cause
tornadoes as it wakes."
230,11,9,"It is said that it usually hides in
underwater caves. It can create
whirlpools by yawning."
230,12,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,13,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,14,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,15,9,"It is said that it usually hides in
underwater caves. It can create
whirlpools by yawning."
230,16,9,"It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to
build its energy. It is said to
cause tornadoes as it wakes."
230,17,5,"Chacun de ses déplacements provoque
des tourbillons. Il vit dans les grottes
230,17,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,18,5,"Chacun de ses déplacements provoque
des tourbillons. Il vit dans les grottes
230,18,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,21,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,22,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor
and creates giant whirlpools
every time it moves."
230,23,1,"ふだんは かいていどうくつに
みを ひそめているらしい。あくびで
うずしおを はっせいさせる。"
230,23,3,"평소에는 해저동굴에
몸을 숨기고 있는 것 같다. 하품으로
소용돌이를 발생시킨다."
230,23,5,"On dit quil se cache dans les grottes sous-marines.
Il peut créer des tourbillons en bâillant."
230,23,6,"Man sagt, es hause in Unterwasserhöhlen. Es kann
mächtige Strudel generieren, wenn es gähnt."
230,23,7,"Dicen que suele esconderse en cuevas submarinas.
Puede crear torbellinos al bostezar."
230,23,8,"Si dice che si nasconda in grotte sottacqua. Il suo
sbadiglio può provocare dei vortici."
230,23,9,"It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves.
It can create whirlpools by yawning."
230,23,11,"普段は 海底洞窟に
身を 潜めているらしい。
あくびで 渦潮を 発生させる。"
230,24,1,"どんな いきものも おりられない
ふかい うみのそこで ねむりながら
ちからを たくわえている という。"
230,24,3,"어떤 생물도 접근할 수 없는
깊은 해저에서 자면서
힘을 비축하고 있다고 한다."
230,24,5,"Il emmagasine de lénergie en restant dans les fonds
marins, là où rien dautre ne peut survivre."
230,24,6,"Kein anderes Lebewesen kann in den Tiefen existieren,
in denen es schläft und so Energie speichert."
230,24,7,"Almacena energía durmiendo en las profundidades
submarinas, allá donde no llegan otros seres."
230,24,8,"Accumula energia dormendo sottacqua a profondità
proibitive per ogni altra forma di vita."
230,24,9,"It stores energy by sleeping at underwater depths
at which no other life-forms can survive."
230,24,11,"どんな 生き物も 降りられない
深い 海の底で 眠りながら
力を 蓄えている という。"
230,25,1,"せいぶつの すまない しんかいに せいそくする。
キングドラの あくびが さかまく かいりゅうを
ひきおこすと ながい あいだ しんじられてきた。"
230,25,3,"생물이 살지 않는 심해에 서식한다.
킹드라의 하품이 해류의 소용돌이를
일으킨다고 오랫동안 믿어져 왔다."
230,25,5,"Hyporoi vit au fin fond des profondeurs océaniques
généralement inhabitées. On a longtemps cru que
le bâillement de ce Pokémon créait les tourbillons
dans les océans."
230,25,6,"Seedraking lebt in den Tiefen des Ozeans, die ansonsten
verwaist sind. Lange hat man geglaubt, dass das Gähnen
dieses Pokémon Strudel auslöst."
230,25,7,"Kingdra vive en lo más profundo del océano, donde no habita
ninguna otra especie. Siempre se ha pensado que su bostezo
causaba las corrientes en remolino que se dan en el océano."
230,25,8,"Kingdra vive negli abissi oceanici di solito privi di ogni forma
di vita. Si crede che uno sbadiglio di Kingdra generi correnti
oceaniche spiraliformi."
230,25,9,"Kingdra lives at extreme ocean depths that are otherwise
uninhabited. It has long been believed that the yawning of this
Pokémon creates spiraling ocean currents."
230,25,11,"生物の すまない 深海に 生息する。
キングドラの 欠伸が 逆巻く 海流を
引き起こすと 長い 間 信じられてきた。"
230,26,1,"いきものの すまない かいていで ねむっている。
たいふうが やってくると めを さまして
えものを さがしに うろつきまわると いわれる。"
230,26,3,"생물이 살지 않는 해저에서 자고 있다.
태풍이 오면 눈을 뜨고
먹이를 찾으러 돌아다닌다고 전해진다."
230,26,5,"Hyporoi dort au fond de locéan, où aucune autre forme
de vie ne réside. On raconte que lorsquune tempête survient,
cest que ce Pokémon séveille et erre dans les profondeurs
en quête de proies."
230,26,6,"Seedraking schläft auf dem Meeresboden, wo ansonsten
niemand lebt. Wenn ein Sturm aufkommt, wacht es auf und
macht sich auf die Suche nach Beute."
230,26,7,"Kingdra duerme en el lecho marino, donde apenas pueden
encontrarse otras formas de vida. Cuando estalla una
tormenta, dicen que se despierta y se pone a vagar en busca
de su presa."
230,26,8,"Kingdra dorme sui fondali marini dove di solito non esistono
forme di vita. Si dice che in caso di tempesta Kingdra si svegli
e vada in cerca di prede."
230,26,9,"Kingdra sleeps on the seafloor where it is otherwise devoid
of life. When a storm arrives, the Pokémon is said to awaken
and wander about in search of prey."
230,26,11,"生き物の すまない 海底で 眠っている。
台風が やってくると 目を 覚まして
獲物を 探しに うろつき回ると いわれる。"
230,33,1,"あらしがくると かいめんに すがたを
みせる。 カイリューに でくわすと
はげしい あらそいが はじまる。"
230,33,3,"폭풍우가 휘몰아치면 해수면에
모습을 드러낸다. 망나뇽과 맞닥뜨리면
격렬한 싸움이 시작된다."
230,33,5,"Il apparaît à la surface de locéan lorsquune
tempête arrive. Dès quil croise un Dracolosse,
un combat féroce sensuit."
230,33,6,"Wenn ein Sturm aufzieht, schwimmt es an die
Meeresoberfläche. Stößt es auf ein Dragoran,
bricht ein erbitterter Kampf zwischen ihnen aus."
230,33,7,"Se deja ver en la superficie del mar cuando hay
tormentas. Si se encuentra con Dragonite, tendrá
lugar una violenta pelea."
230,33,8,"Appare in superficie con larrivo delle tempeste.
Se si imbatte in Dragonite, si lancia in una lotta
230,33,9,"With the arrival of a storm at sea, this Pokémon
will show itself on the surface. When a Kingdra
and a Dragonite meet, a fierce battle ensues."
230,33,11,"嵐が来ると 海面に 姿を 見せる。
カイリューに 出くわすと
激しい 争いが はじまる。"
230,34,1,"はがれた ウロコは おうぞくへ
けんじょうされるほど じょうひんで
ふかみのある かがやきを もつ。"
230,34,3,"떨어진 비늘은 왕족에게
헌상될 정도의 최상품으로
심오한 빛을 띤다."
230,34,5,"Les écailles qui se détachent de son corps
brillent dun éclat si élégant et si intense
quon les offre aux familles royales."
230,34,6,"Seine abgefallenen Schuppen tragen einen tiefen
Glanz in sich und sind so hochwertig, dass selbst
Königshäuser mit ihnen beschenkt werden."
230,34,7,"Las escamas que se le desprenden poseen una
calidad tan excelsa y un resplandor tan intenso
que han sido ofrecidas a la realeza como regalos."
230,34,8,"Le scaglie che perde sono così pregiate
e splendenti che vengono offerte in dono
alle famiglie reali."
230,34,9,"Scales shed by this Pokémon have such a
splendorous gleam to them that theyve been
given to royalty as gifts."
230,34,11,"剥がれた ウロコは 王族へ
献上されるほど 上質で
深みのある 輝きを もつ。"
231,4,9,"It swings its long
snout around play­
fully, but becauseit is so strong,
that can be dan­
231,5,9,"As a sign of af­
fection, it bumps
with its snout.However, it is so
strong, it may
send you flying."
231,6,9,"During the desert­
ed morning hours,
it comes ashorewhere it deftly
uses its trunk to
take a shower."
231,7,9,"For its nest, PHANPY digs a vertical pit 
in the ground at the edge of a river.
It marks the area around its nest withits trunk to let the others know that
the area has been claimed."
231,8,9,"PHANPY uses its long nose to shower
itself. When others gather around, they
thoroughly douse each other with water.These POKéMON can be seen drying their
soaking-wet bodies at the edge of
231,9,9,"PHANPYs big ears serve as broad fans.
When it becomes hot, it flaps the ears
busily to cool down. Even the young are
very strong."
231,10,9,"As a sign of affection, it bumps with its
snout. However, it is so strong, it may
send you flying."
231,11,9,"It swings its long snout around playfully,
but because it is so strong, this can be
231,12,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,13,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,14,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,15,9,"It swings its long snout around
playfully, but because it is so
strong, that can be dangerous."
231,16,9,"As a sign of affection, it bumps
with its snout. However, it is so
strong, it may send you flying."
231,17,5,"Il est fort malgré son aspect ramassé.
Il na aucun mal à porter un humain
adulte sur son dos."
231,17,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,18,5,"Il est fort malgré son aspect ramassé.
Il na aucun mal à porter un humain
adulte sur son dos."
231,18,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,21,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,22,9,"It is strong despite its compact
size. It can easily pick up and
carry an adult human on its back."
231,23,1,"あいじょう ひょうげんで はなを
ぶつけてくるが ちからが あるので
きをつけないと ふっとばされる。"
231,23,3,"애정 표현으로 코를
부딪쳐 오지만 힘이 있기 때문에
조심하지 않으면 날아가 버린다."
231,23,5,"Il se cogne sur celui ou celle quil apprécie. Il est
cependant si fort quil fait souvent mal."
231,23,6,"Als Zeichen seiner Zuneigung stupst es dich mit
dem Rüssel, was dich aber buchstäblich umwerfen
231,23,7,"Como muestra de afecto, golpea con su trompa.
Aunque es tan fuerte que te mandará lejos."
231,23,8,"Dà colpi con il muso in segno di affetto, ma è così
forte che può far volare la gente in questo modo."
231,23,9,"As a sign of affection, it bumps with its snout.
However, it is so strong, it may send you flying."
231,23,11,"愛情表現で 鼻を ぶつけてくるが
力が あるので
気をつけないと 吹っ飛ばされる。"
231,24,1,"からだは ちいさいが ちからもち。
おとなの ひとを かるがると
せなかに のせて あるいてしまう。"
231,24,3,"몸은 작지만 힘이 장사다.
어른인 사람을 가볍게
등에 태우고 걸어 다닌다."
231,24,5,"Il est fort malgré son aspect ramassé. Il na aucun mal
à porter un humain adulte sur son dos."
231,24,6,"Trotz seiner geringen Größe ist es stark. Es kann
einen Erwachsenen mühelos auf dem Rücken tragen."
231,24,7,"A pesar de su tamaño reducido, es tan fuerte que
puede llevar a un humano a su espalda con facilidad."
231,24,8,"Non è molto grande, ma è forte. Può sollevare un
adulto e trasportarlo sul dorso senza fatica."
231,24,9,"It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily
pick up and carry an adult human on its back."
231,24,11,"体は 小さいが 力持ち。
大人の 人を 軽々と
背中に 乗せて 歩いてしまう。"
231,25,1,"かわの ほとりに たてあなを ほって くらす。
すみかの ちかくに はなの しるしを つけて
じぶんの ばしょだと なかまに おしえているよ。"
231,25,3,"강 근처에 수직으로 구멍을 파고 산다.
사는 곳 가까이에 코의 표시를 남겨
자신의 장소라고 동료에게 알리고 있다."
231,25,5,"Pour faire son nid, Phanpy creuse un trou au bord dune
rivière. Il délimite la zone autour de son nid avec sa trompe
pour prévenir les autres que ce territoire est le sien."
231,25,6,"Um sich ein Nest zu bauen, gräbt Phanpy am Flussufer ein
Loch ins Erdreich. Es markiert die Umgebung seines Nests
mithilfe seines Rüssels, damit seine Artgenossen wissen,
dass dieses Gebiet vergeben ist."
231,25,7,"Phanpy cava un agujero profundo para hacer su nido en el
suelo, en la ribera de los ríos, y marca con la trompa la zona
para que el resto vea que ese terreno ya está ocupado."
231,25,8,"Phanpy crea il suo nido scavando delle fosse profonde
nel terreno in riva al fiume. Delimita larea attorno al nido
usando la proboscide per indicare la sua proprietà."
231,25,9,"For its nest, Phanpy digs a vertical pit in the ground at the
edge of a river. It marks the area around its nest with its trunk
to let the others know that the area has been claimed."
231,25,11,"川の 畔に 縦穴を 掘って 暮らす。
すみかの 近くに 鼻の 印を つけて
自分の 場所だと 仲間に 教えているよ。"
231,26,1,"ながい はなを つかって みずあびを する。
なかまが あつまってくると みずを かけあう。
ずぶぬれの からだを みずべで かわかすよ。"
231,26,3,"긴 코를 써서 물을 끼얹는다.
동료가 모여들면 서로 물을 끼얹는다.
흠뻑 젖은 몸을 물가에서 말린다."
231,26,5,"Phanpy utilise sa petite trompe pour se doucher.
Quand plusieurs dentre eux se réunissent, ils sarrosent
joyeusement. On peut souvent voir ces Pokémon se sécher
au bord de leau."
231,26,6,"Phanpy kann sich mit seiner Nase selbst duschen. Wenn
andere dabei sind, begießen sie sich gegenseitig mit Wasser.
Danach trocknet es seinen durchnässten Körper am Ufer."
231,26,7,"Phanpy se vale de la trompa para ducharse. Cuando varios se
agrupan, se dedican a echarse agua unos a otros. Es muy fácil
ver a estos Pokémon secándose cerca del agua."
231,26,8,"Phanpy usa la proboscide per farsi la doccia. Questi Pokémon
sono soliti raggrupparsi per spruzzarsi dacqua a vicenda.
Poi, è frequente vederli mentre si asciugano il corpo fradicio
a riva."
231,26,9,"Phanpy uses its long nose to shower itself. When others
gather around, they thoroughly douse each other with water.
These Pokémon can be seen drying their soaking-wet
bodies at the edge of water."
231,26,11,"長い 鼻を 使って 水浴びを する。
仲間が 集まってくると 水を 掛け合う。
ずぶぬれの 体を 水辺で 乾かすよ。"
232,4,9,"It has sharp, hard
tusks and a rugged
hide. Its TACKLEis strong enough
to knock down a
232,5,9,"The longer and
bigger its tusks,
the higher itsrank in its herd.
The tusks take
long to grow."
232,6,9,"Because this
POKéMON's skin is
so tough, a normalattack won't even
leave a scratch on
232,7,9,"DONPHANs favorite attack is curling
its body into a ball, then charging at
its foe while rolling at high speed.Once it starts rolling, this POKéMON
cant stop very easily."
232,8,9,"If DONPHAN were to tackle with its hard
body, even a house could be destroyed.
Using its massive strength, thePOKéMON helps clear rock and mud slides
that block mountain trails."
232,9,9,"A DONPHAN is so strong it can easily haul
a dump truck. Its hide has toughened to a
rock-hard state. An ordinary sort of
attack wont even leave a scratch."
232,10,9,"The longer and bigger its tusks, the
higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take
a long time to grow."
232,11,9,"It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged
hide. Its TACKLE is strong enough to
knock down a house."
232,12,9,"It attacks by curling up, then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,13,9,"It attacks by curling up, then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,14,9,"It attacks by curling up, then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,15,9,"It has sharp, hard tusks and a
rugged hide. Its tackle is strong
enough to knock down a house."
232,16,9,"The longer and bigger its tusks,
the higher its rank in its herd.
The tusks take long to grow."
232,17,5,"Il attaque en se roulant en boule
pour percuter lennemi. Il peut
abattre une maison dun seul coup."
232,17,9,"It attacks by curling up, then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,18,5,"Il attaque en se roulant en boule
pour percuter lennemi. Il peut
abattre une maison dun seul coup."
232,18,9,"It attacks by curling up, then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,21,9,"It attacks by curling up then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,22,9,"It attacks by curling up then
rolling into its foe. It can blow
apart a house in one hit."
232,23,1,"するどく かたい キバと
さらに がんじょうな ひふでの
たいあたりは いえをも こわすほど。"
232,23,3,"예리하고 단단한 이빨과
더욱 튼튼한 피부의
몸통박치기는 집도 부술 정도다."
232,23,5,"Il a des défenses aiguisées et une peau épaisse.
Ses charges peuvent détruire une maison."
232,23,6,"Aufgrund seiner scharfen Stoßzähne und seiner
rauen Haut könnte es mit Tackle ein Haus
232,23,7,"Tiene afilados y duros colmillos, y una gruesa piel.
Su Placaje es tan fuerte que puede derribar una casa."
232,23,8,"Ha zanne dure e affilate e la pelle grinzosa. La sua
Azione è così forte da abbattere una casa."
232,23,9,"It has sharp, hard tusks and a rugged hide.
Its Tackle is strong enough to knock down a house."
232,23,11,"鋭く 硬い キバと
さらに 頑丈な 皮膚で
体当たりは 家をも 壊すほど。"
232,24,1,"キバが ながくて おおきいほど
むれのなかでの ランクが たかい。
キバがのびるには じかんがかかる。"
232,24,3,"송곳니가 길고 클수록
무리 중에서 서열이 높다.
송곳니가 자라는 데는 시간이 걸린다."
232,24,5,"Plus grandes sont ses défenses, plus haut est son
rang dans le troupeau. Elles poussent lentement."
232,24,6,"Je größer und länger die Stoßzähne, desto höher
ist ihr Rang in der Herde, doch das dauert lange."
232,24,7,"Cuanto más grandes son sus colmillos, mayor su
estatus en la manada. Los colmillos tardan mucho en
232,24,8,"Più grandi sono le zanne, più alto è il suo rango nel
branco. Le zanne crescono lentamente."
232,24,9,"The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank
in its herd. The tusks take long to grow."
232,24,11,"キバが 長くて 大きいほど
群れの中での ランクが 高い。
キバが 伸びるには 時間が かかる。"
232,25,1,"からだを まるめて こうそくかいてん しながら
あいてに とっしんする こうげきが とくい。
ころがり はじめると なかなか とまれなくなる。"
232,25,3,"몸을 둥글게 말아 고속 회전하며
상대에게 돌진하는 공격이 특기다.
구르기 시작하면 어지간해서는 멈출 수 없다."
232,25,5,"Lattaque favorite de Donphan consiste à se mettre en boule
et à charger son ennemi en roulant à pleine vitesse. Une fois
quil commence à rouler, ce Pokémon a du mal à sarrêter."
232,25,6,"Donphans Lieblingsattacke ist es, als Ball zusammengerollt
mit voller Wucht gegen seine Gegner zu krachen. Wenn es
erst einmal rollt, ist dieses Pokémon nur schwer aufzuhalten."
232,25,7,"A Donphan le encanta enrollarse como una pelota y cargar
contra el enemigo rodando a toda velocidad. Una vez que ha
comenzado a rodar, no es fácil pararlo."
232,25,8,"Donphan adora attaccare arrotolandosi in forma sferica
e puntando sul nemico ad elevata velocità. Una volta partito,
questo Pokémon è molto difficile da fermare."
232,25,9,"Donphans favorite attack is curling its body into a ball, then
charging at its foe while rolling at high speed. Once it starts
rolling, this Pokémon cant stop very easily."
232,25,11,"体を 丸めて 高速回転 しながら
相手に 突進する 攻撃が 得意。
転がり 始めると なかなか 止まれなくなる。"
232,26,1,"かたい からだで ぶつかれば いえも こわれる。
その ちからを つかって やまみちを ふさいだ
どしゃくずれを どかす しごとを てつだうよ。"
232,26,3,"단단한 몸으로 부딪치면 집도 부서진다.
그 힘을 이용해 산길을 막고 있는
토사를 치우는 일을 돕는다."
232,26,5,"Si Donphan décidait de charger, il pourrait détruire
une maison. Grâce à sa force étonnante, ce Pokémon
peut aider à déplacer les rochers et les coulées de boue
qui bloquent les chemins de montagne."
232,26,6,"Donphan kann mit seinem harten Körper sogar ein
Haus zerstören. Mit seiner imposanten Kraft hilft dieses
Pokémon dabei, Erdrutsche aus dem Weg zu räumen,
die Bergpfade versperren."
232,26,7,"Si Donphan tuviera que dar un golpe con todo el cuerpo, con
lo robusto que es echaría abajo hasta una casa. Estos
Pokémon usan su fuerza para ayudar a despejar pasos de
montaña cuando hay piedras o lodo."
232,26,8,"Il massiccio corpo di Donphan dispone di una forza tale
da poter abbattere persino una casa. La sua incredibile
potenza aiuta a liberare i sentieri montani dopo una frana
di massi o fango."
232,26,9,"If Donphan were to tackle with its hard body, even a house
could be destroyed. Using its massive strength, the Pokémon
helps clear rock and mud slides that block mountain trails."
232,26,11,"硬い 体で ぶつかれば 家も 壊れる。
その 力を 使って 山道を ふさいだ
土砂崩れを どかす 仕事を 手伝うよ。"
233,4,9,"This upgraded
version of PORYGON
is designed forspace exploration.
It can't fly,
233,5,9,"Further research
enhanced its abil­
ities. Sometimes,it may exhibit
motions that were
not programmed."
233,6,9,"This manmade
POKéMON evolved
from the latesttechnology. It
may have unprog­
rammed reactions."
233,7,9,"PORYGON2 was created by humans using
the power of science. The man-made
POKéMON has been endowed withartificial intelligence that enables it
to learn new gestures and emotions
on its own."
233,8,9,"PORYGON2 was created by humans using
the power of science. The man-made
POKéMON has been endowed withartificial intelligence that enables it
to learn new gestures and emotions
on its own."
233,9,9,"It was created by humans using the power
of science. It has been given artificial
intelligence that enables it to learn new
gestures and emotions on its own."
233,10,9,"Further research enhanced its abilities.
Sometimes, it may exhibit motions that
were not programmed."
233,11,9,"This upgraded version of PORYGON is
designed for space exploration. However,
it cant even fly."
233,12,9,"With planetary development
software installed, it became
capable of working in space."
233,13,9,"With planetary development
software installed, it became
capable of working in space."
233,14,9,"It was upgraded to enable the
exploration of other planets.
However, it failed to measure up."
233,15,9,"This upgraded version of PORYGON
is designed for space exploration.
It cant fly, however."
233,16,9,"Further research enhanced its 
abilities. Sometimes, it may exhibit
motions that were not programmed."
233,17,5,"Il a subi une mise à jour censée lui
permettre dexplorer dautres
planètes... Cest un échec."
233,17,9,"It was upgraded to enable the
exploration of other planets.
However, it failed to measure up."
233,18,5,"Il a subi une mise à jour censée lui
permettre dexplorer dautres
planètes... Cest un échec."
233,18,9,"It was upgraded to enable the
exploration of other planets.
However, it failed to measure up."
233,21,9,"It was upgraded to enable the
exploration of other planets.
However, it failed to measure up."
233,22,9,"It was upgraded to enable the
exploration of other planets.
However, it failed to measure up."
233,23,1,"さらに けんきゅうが すすめられ
のうりょくが たかまった。ときどき
プログラムにない しぐさを みせる。"
233,23,3,"더욱 연구가 진행되어
능력이 올라갔다. 가끔
프로그램에 없는 행동을 보인다."
233,23,5,"Des recherches poussées ont amélioré ses capacités.
Il a appris de nouveaux mouvements."
233,23,6,"Seine Fähigkeiten wurden verbessert. Es zeigt
manchmal sogar Handlungen, die nicht
einprogrammiert sind."
233,23,7,"La investigación mejoró sus habilidades. A veces,
puede actuar de forma no programada."
233,23,8,"Ricerche avanzate hanno potenziato le sue capacità.
Ora può fare movimenti che non erano programmati."
233,23,9,"Further research enhanced its abilities. Sometimes,
it may exhibit motions that were not programmed."
233,23,11,"さらに 研究が 進められ
能力が 高まった。ときどき
プログラムにない 仕草を 見せる。"
233,24,1,"わくせいかいはつようの プログラムが
うちゅうでも かつどうできるのだ。"
233,24,3,"행성 개발용 프로그램이
인스톨되어 있다. 우주와 같은
진공 공간에서도 활동할 수 있다."
233,24,5,"On lui a installé un logiciel de terraformation pour
lui permettre de travailler dans lespace."
233,24,6,"Interstellare Software wurde installiert, sodass
dieses Pokémon sich auch im All bewegen kann."
233,24,7,"Tiene instalado un avanzado software astrofísico que
le permite trabajar en el espacio."
233,24,8,"Gli è stato installato un programma di sviluppo
planetario che lo rende capace di lavorare nello
233,24,9,"With planetary development software installed,
it became capable of working in space."
233,24,11,"惑星開発用の プログラムが
真空の 宇宙でも 活動できるのだ。"
233,25,1,"にんげんが かがくの ちからで つくりだした。
じんこう ちのうを もたせたので あたらしい
しぐさや かんじょうを ひとりで おぼえていく。"
233,25,3,"인간이 과학의 힘으로 만들어냈다.
인공 지능을 지니고 있어서 새로운
동작이나 감정을 혼자서 익혀간다."
233,25,5,"Porygon2 fut créé par des humains grâce aux progrès
de la science. Ce Pokémon a été doté dune intelligence
artificielle qui lui permet dapprendre de nouveaux
mouvements et des émotions par lui-même."
233,25,6,"Porygon2 wurde in einem wissenschaftlichen Experiment
von Menschen erzeugt. Es verfügt über künstliche Intelligenz,
wodurch es selbstständig neue Gesten und Gefühle erlernen
233,25,7,"Porygon2 fue creado por el hombre gracias a los avances de
la ciencia. Esta obra humana ha sido provista de inteligencia
artificial que le permite aprender gestos y sensaciones nuevas
por su cuenta."
233,25,8,"Porygon2 è una creatura artificiale frutto del sapere scientifico.
Questo Pokémon è dotato di unintelligenza artificiale che
gli consente dimparare autonomamente nuovi comportamenti
ed emozioni."
233,25,9,"Porygon2 was created by humans using the power of science.
The man-made Pokémon has been endowed with artificial
intelligence that enables it to learn new gestures and emotions
on its own."
233,25,11,"人間が 科学の 力で つくりだした。
人工 知能を 持たせたので 新しい
仕草や 感情を ひとりで 覚えていく。"
233,26,1,"にんげんが かがくの ちからで つくりだした。
じんこう ちのうを もたせたので あたらしい
しぐさや かんじょうを ひとりで おぼえていく。"
233,26,3,"인간이 과학의 힘으로 만들어냈다.
인공 지능을 지니고 있어서 새로운
동작이나 감정을 혼자서 익혀간다."
233,26,5,"Porygon2 fut créé par des humains grâce aux progrès
de la science. Ce Pokémon a été doté dune intelligence
artificielle qui lui permet dapprendre de nouveaux
mouvements et des émotions par lui-même."
233,26,6,"Porygon2 wurde in einem wissenschaftlichen Experiment
von Menschen erzeugt. Es verfügt über künstliche Intelligenz,
wodurch es selbstständig neue Gesten und Gefühle erlernen
233,26,7,"Porygon2 fue creado por el hombre gracias a los avances de
la ciencia. Esta obra humana ha sido provista de inteligencia
artificial que le permite aprender gestos y sensaciones nuevas
por su cuenta."
233,26,8,"Porygon2 è una creatura artificiale frutto del sapere scientifico.
Questo Pokémon è dotato di unintelligenza artificiale che
gli consente dimparare autonomamente nuovi comportamenti
ed emozioni."
233,26,9,"Porygon2 was created by humans using the power of science.
The man-made Pokémon has been endowed with artificial
intelligence that enables it to learn new gestures and emotions
on its own."
233,26,11,"人間が 科学の 力で つくりだした。
人工 知能を 持たせたので 新しい
仕草や 感情を ひとりで 覚えていく。"
233,27,1,"わくせい かいはつを しやに いれ
とうじの さいしん ぎじゅつで
ポリゴンを アップデートしたのだ。"
233,27,3,"행성 개발을 시야에 넣어
당시의 최신 기술로
폴리곤을 업데이트했다."
233,27,5,"Cette mise à jour de Porygon a été conçue
dans le cadre dun projet de terraformation,
grâce aux avancées scientifiques de lépoque."
233,27,6,"In der Absicht, andere Planeten zu erforschen,
verpasste man Porygon ein Upgrade auf dem
höchsten Stand der damaligen Technologie."
233,27,7,"Esta versión actualizada de Porygon ha sido
dotada de la más avanzada tecnología, lo que,
en teoría, le permite explorar otros planetas."
233,27,8,"È stato creato aggiornando Porygon con la
tecnologia più avanzata per lepoca, in vista
di un progetto di sviluppo planetario."
233,27,9,"For the purposes of planetary development,
Porygon was updated with the most
cutting-edge technology available."
233,27,11,"惑星 開発を 視野に 入れ
当時の 最新 技術で
ポリゴンを アップデートしたのだ。"
233,28,1,"わくせい かいはつを もくひょうに
ポリゴンを バージョンアップしたが
まだまだ ゆめには とどかない。"
233,28,3,"행성 개발을 목표로
폴리곤을 버전 업 했지만
아직 꿈에 도달하지 못했다."
233,28,5,"Version évoluée de Porygon, créée dans lespoir
de pouvoir un jour terraformer des planètes,
un rêve loin dêtre concrétisé pour linstant."
233,28,6,"Porygon erfuhr ein Upgrade auf diese Version
mit dem Ziel, andere Planeten zu erschließen.
Bislang bleibt diese Vision unverwirklicht."
233,28,7,"Esta versión de Porygon mejorada se creó para
posibilitar la exploración de otros planetas. Por
desgracia, este sueño sigue siendo inalcanzable."
233,28,8,"È nato da un potenziamento di Porygon per un
progetto di esplorazione di altri pianeti che
però non ha avuto successo."
233,28,9,"Porygon was updated to a new version in
readiness for planetary development. But that
dream remains unrealized as yet."
233,28,11,"惑星 開発を 目標に
ポリゴンを バージョンアップしたが
まだまだ 夢には 届かない。"
233,29,1,"AIを とうさい。 じりきで
さまざまなことを まなんでいくが
よけいなことまで おぼえだす。"
233,29,3,"AI를 탑재했다. 자력으로
다양한 것을 습득하지만
필요 없는 것까지 배운다."
233,29,5,"Grâce à son intelligence artificielle, il peut
apprendre beaucoup de choses par lui-même,
quelles soient utiles... ou un peu superflues."
233,29,6,"Es ist mit künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet
und kann selbstständig verschiedene Dinge
lernen. Darunter ist jedoch auch viel Unnützes."
233,29,7,"Un Pokémon dotado de inteligencia artificial y
capacidad de aprendizaje autónomo, aunque a
veces aprende cosas que no debería."
233,29,8,"Dotato di intelligenza artificiale, è in grado di
imparare autonomamente molte cose... anche
quelle che non dovrebbe!"
233,29,9,"AI has been installed in it. It learns various
things all on its own, but it even remembers
things it doesnt need to know."
233,29,11,"AIを 搭載。 自力で
様々なことを 学んでいくが
余計なことまで 覚えだす。"
233,30,1,"うちゅうくうかん でも しなないが
むじゅうりょく では うまく
みうごきを とることが できない。"
233,30,3,"우주 공간에서도 죽지 않지만
무중력 상태에서는
제대로 몸을 가누지 못한다."
233,30,5,"Bien quil puisse survivre dans lespace, il peine
malheureusement à se mouvoir en apesanteur."
233,30,6,"Es ist zwar imstande, auch im All zu überleben,
aber in der Schwerelosigkeit kann es sich nicht
gut fortbewegen."
233,30,7,"Puede sobrevivir en el espacio, aunque la
ausencia de gravedad entorpece sus
233,30,8,"Sopravvive anche nello spazio, ma non è in
grado di muoversi agevolmente a causa
dellassenza di gravità."
233,30,9,"Even though it doesnt die in the vacuum of
space, it cant move around very well in
zero gravity."
233,30,11,"宇宙空間 でも 死なないが
無重力 では うまく
身動きを とることが できない。"
233,33,1,"ポリゴンを とくべつな データで
アップデート。 さまざまな ことを
じぶんで まなび せいちょうする。"
233,33,3,"폴리곤을 특별한 데이터로
업데이트했다. 다양한 것을
스스로 배우고 성장한다."
233,33,5,"Fruit de la mise à jour dun Porygon avec
des données spéciales, il peut apprendre
et se développer de manière autonome."
233,33,6,"Durch ein Update mit besonderen Daten wurde
Porygon zu Porygon2. Es erweitert sein Wissen,
indem es selbstständig verschiedene Dinge lernt."
233,33,7,"Se trata de una versión mejorada de Porygon
mediante un software especial. Tiene capacidad
de aprendizaje autónomo."
233,33,8,"È un Porygon aggiornato con dei dati particolari.
Cresce imparando autonomamente svariate cose."
233,33,9,"This is a Porygon that was updated with special
data. Porygon2 develops itself by learning about
many different subjects all on its own."
233,33,11,"ポリゴンを 特別な データで
アップデート。 さまざまな ことを
自分で 学び 成長する。"
233,34,1,"AIきのうを とうさいした けっか
ポリゴン2 どうしにしか わからない
なぞの げんごを はなし はじめた。"
233,34,3,"AI 기능을 탑재한 결과
폴리곤2끼리만 통하는 수수께끼의
언어로 말하기 시작했다."
233,34,5,"Depuis quon la doté dune intelligence
artificielle, il parle un langage mystérieux
que seuls ses congénères comprennent."
233,34,6,"Als es mit künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestattet
wurde, begann es, eine rätselhafte Sprache zu
sprechen, die nur andere Porygon2 verstehen."
233,34,7,"Al dotarlo de inteligencia artificial, desarrolló un
misterioso lenguaje que solo los miembros de su
especie son capaces de comprender."
233,34,8,"Dopo essere stati dotati dintelligenza artificiale,
i Porygon2 hanno cominciato a parlare fra di loro
utilizzando una lingua misteriosa."
233,34,9,"After artificial intelligence was implemented in
Porygon2, the Pokémon began using a strange
language that only other Porygon2 understand."
233,34,11,"AI機能を 搭載した 結果
ポリゴン2 同士にしか わからない
謎の 言語を 話しはじめた。"
234,4,9,"The curved antlers
subtly change the
flow of air tocreate a strange
space where real­
ity is distorted."
234,5,9,"Those who stare at
its antlers will
gradually losecontrol of their
senses and be
unable to stand."
234,6,9,"The round balls
found on the
fallen antlers canbe ground into a
powder that aids
in sleeping."
234,7,9,"STANTLERs magnificent antlers were
traded at high prices as works of art.
As a result, this POKéMON was huntedclose to extinction by those who were
after the priceless antlers."
234,8,9,"STANTLERs magnificent antlers were
traded at high prices as works of art.
As a result, this POKéMON was huntedclose to extinction by those who were
after the priceless antlers."
234,9,9,"STANTLERs magnificent antlers were
once traded at high prices as works of art.
As a result, this POKéMON was hunted
close to extinction."
234,10,9,"Those who stare at its antlers will
gradually lose control of their senses
and be unable to stand."
234,11,9,"Its curved antlers subtly change the flow
of air to create a strange space where
reality is distorted."
234,12,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,13,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,14,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,15,9,"The curved antlers subtly change
the flow of air to create a strange
space where reality is distorted."
234,16,9,"Those who stare at its antlers will
gradually lose control of their
senses and be unable to stand."
234,17,5,"Quiconque observe ses antennes
ressent une sensation étrange,
comme si leur centre lattirait."
234,17,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,18,5,"Quiconque observe ses antennes
ressent une sensation étrange,
comme si leur centre lattirait."
234,18,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,21,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,22,9,"Staring at its antlers creates
an odd sensation as if one were
being drawn into their centers."
234,23,1,"ツノを みつめていると わっかの
ちゅうしんに すいこまれそうな
ふしぎな きぶんに なってしまう。"
234,23,3,"뿔을 응시하고 있으면 원의
중심에 빨려 들어가는 것 같은
이상한 기분이 든다."
234,23,5,"Quiconque observe ses bois ressent une sensation
étrange, comme si leur centre lattirait."
234,23,6,"Starrt man auf sein Geweih, bekommt man
das seltsame Gefühl, in dessen Mitte
gezogen zu werden."
234,23,7,"Mirar a su cornamenta provoca una extraña sensación
de pérdida de equilibrio."
234,23,8,"Chi fissa le sue corna riceve una strana sensazione,
quasi come se venisse risucchiato."
234,23,9,"Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation
as if one were being drawn into their centers."
234,23,11,"ツノを 見つめていると 輪っかの
中心に 吸いこまれそうな
不思議な 気分に なってしまう。"
234,24,1,"ツノの まがりぐあいが まわりの
くうきの ながれを びみょうにかえ
ふしぎな くうかんを つくりだす。"
234,24,3,"뿔의 휘어진 상태가 주변
공기의 흐름을 미묘하게 바꿔서
이상한 공간을 만들어낸다."
234,24,5,"Ses bois tordus changent le flot de lair et créent
une distorsion spatiale dans la réalité."
234,24,6,"Sein gebogenes Geweih generiert via Luftänderung
einen Raum, in dem die Wirklichkeit verzerrt wird."
234,24,7,"Su cornamenta cambia el flujo del aire para crear un
espacio de realidad distorsionada."
234,24,8,"Le corna ricurve modificano le correnti daria, creando
una strana zona di distorsione della realtà."
234,24,9,"The curved antlers subtly change the flow of air to
create a strange space where reality is distorted."
234,24,11,"ツノの 曲がり具合が まわりの
空気の 流れを 微妙に 変え
不思議な 空間を 作り出す。"
234,25,1,"みごとな かたちの ツノは びじゅつひん として
たかく うれた ために ぜつめつ すんぜんまで
らんかくされた ことのある ポケモン。"
234,25,3,"멋지게 생긴 뿔은 미술품으로
비싸게 팔리기 때문에 멸종 직전까지
남획됐었던 포켓몬이다."
234,25,5,"Les superbes bois de Cerfrousse étaient vendus très cher
comme œuvres dart. Ce Pokémon fut chassé et lespèce
proche de lextinction à cause des gens qui recherchaient
leurs précieux bois."
234,25,6,"Damhirplex hat ein prächtiges Geweih, für das hohe Preise
gezahlt werden, da sie als Kunstwerke gelten. Daher wurde
dieses Pokémon gejagt und wäre beinahe ausgestorben."
234,25,7,"Hace tiempo, se comerciaba con la magnífica cornamenta de
Stantler. Se vendía como obra de arte a alto precio. Los
interesados en cornamentas de valor incalculable empezaron
a cazarlos y casi provocan su extinción."
234,25,8,"Le magnifiche corna ramificate di Stantler venivano vendute
a caro prezzo come ornamenti preziosi. Questo ha causato
una caccia indiscriminata di questo Pokémon fin quasi
234,25,9,"Stantlers magnificent antlers were traded at high prices as
works of art. As a result, this Pokémon was hunted close to
extinction by those who were after the priceless antlers."
234,25,11,"見事な 形の ツノは 美術品 として
高く 売れた ために 絶滅 寸前まで
乱獲された ことのある ポケモン。"
234,26,1,"みごとな かたちの ツノは びじゅつひん として
たかく うれた ために ぜつめつ すんぜんまで
らんかくされた ことのある ポケモン。"
234,26,3,"멋지게 생긴 뿔은 미술품으로
비싸게 팔리기 때문에 멸종 직전까지
남획됐었던 포켓몬이다."
234,26,5,"Les superbes bois de Cerfrousse étaient vendus très cher
comme œuvres dart. Ce Pokémon fut chassé et lespèce
proche de lextinction à cause des gens qui recherchaient
leurs précieux bois."
234,26,6,"Damhirplex hat ein prächtiges Geweih, für das hohe Preise
gezahlt werden. Daher wurde dieses Pokémon gejagt und
wäre beinahe ausgestorben."
234,26,7,"Hace tiempo, se comerciaba con la magnífica cornamenta de
Stantler. Se vendía como obra de arte a alto precio. Los
interesados en cornamentas de valor incalculable empezaron
a cazarlos y casi provocan su extinción."
234,26,8,"Le magnifiche corna ramificate di Stantler venivano vendute
a caro prezzo come ornamenti preziosi. Questo ha causato
una caccia indiscriminata di questo Pokémon fin quasi
234,26,9,"Stantlers magnificent antlers were traded at high prices as
works of art. As a result, this Pokémon was hunted close to
extinction by those who were after the priceless antlers."
234,26,11,"見事な 形の ツノは 美術品 として
高く 売れた ために 絶滅 寸前まで
乱獲された ことのある ポケモン。"
235,4,9,"A special fluid
oozes from the tip
of its tail. Itpaints the fluid
everywhere to mark
its territory."
235,5,9,"Once it becomes an
adult, it has a
tendency to letits comrades plant
footprints on its
235,6,9,"The color of the
mysterious fluid
secreted from itstail is predeter­
mined for each
235,7,9,"SMEARGLE marks the boundaries of its
territory using a body fluid that leaks
out from the tip of its tail.Over 5,000 different marks left by this
POKéMON have been found."
235,8,9,"SMEARGLE marks the boundaries of its
territory using a body fluid that leaks
out from the tip of its tail.Over 5,000 different marks left by this
POKéMON have been found."
235,9,9,"A SMEARGLE marks its territory using a
fluid that leaks out from the tip of its
tail. About 5,000 different marks left by
this POKéMON have been found."
235,10,9,"Once it becomes an adult, it has a
tendency to let its comrades plant
footprints on its back."
235,11,9,"A special fluid oozes from the tip of its
tail. It paints the fluid everywhere to
mark its territory."
235,12,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,13,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,14,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,15,9,"A special fluid oozes from the tip
of its tail. It paints the fluid
everywhere to mark its territory."
235,16,9,"Once it becomes an adult, it has a
tendency to let its comrades plant
footprints on its back."
235,17,5,"Il marque son territoire en maniant
sa queue comme un pinceau. On
dénombre plus de 5 000 marques."
235,17,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,18,5,"Il marque son territoire en maniant
sa queue comme un pinceau. On
dénombre plus de 5 000 marques."
235,18,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,21,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,22,9,"It marks its territory by using its
tail like a paintbrush. There are
more than 5,000 different marks."
235,23,1,"しっぽを ふでのように つかって
なわばりに マークを えがく。
その しゅるいは 5000いじょう。"
235,23,3,"꼬리를 붓처럼 써서
영역에 마크를 그린다.
그 종류는 5000개 이상이다."
235,23,5,"Il marque son territoire en maniant sa queue comme
un pinceau. On dénombre plus de 5000 marques."
235,23,6,"Sein Revier markiert es mit seinem pinselartigen
Schweif. Es kennt mehr als 5 000 Markierungen."
235,23,7,"Marca su territorio usando su cola a modo de pincel.
Ha hecho más de 5000 marcas diferentes."
235,23,8,"Delimita il suo territorio usando la coda come se fosse
un pennello. Ha lasciato oltre 5000 segni diversi."
235,23,9,"It marks its territory by using its tail like a
paintbrush. There are more than 5,000
different marks."
235,23,11,"尻尾を 筆のように 使って
縄張りを マークで 描く。
その 種類は 5000以上。"
235,24,1,"おとなになると なかまから
せなかに あしあとの マークを
つけられる しゅうせいを もつ。"
235,24,3,"어른이 되면 동료로부터
등에 발자국 마크를
받는 습성을 가진다."
235,24,5,"Arrivé à lâge adulte, il laisse ses camarades poser
leur empreinte de patte sur son dos."
235,24,6,"Ist es erwachsen, lässt es sich gern von seinen
Kameraden Fußabdrücke auf den Rücken setzen."
235,24,7,"Cuando llega a adulto, suele dejar que sus camaradas
dejen sus huellas sobre su lomo."
235,24,8,"Quando è adulto tende a farsi lasciare orme di zampe
sul dorso dai propri compagni."
235,24,9,"Once it becomes an adult, it has a tendency to let
its comrades plant footprints on its back."
235,24,11,"大人になると 仲間から
背中に 足跡の マークを
つけられる 習性を 持つ。"
235,25,1,"しっぽの さきから にじみでる たいえきで
なわばりの まわりに じぶんの マークを かく。
5000 しゅるいの マークが みつかっている。"
235,25,3,"꼬리 끝에서 배어 나오는 체액으로
영역 주변에 자신의 마크를 그린다.
5000종의 마크가 발견됐다."
235,25,5,"Queulorior délimite son territoire en libérant un fluide corporel
qui sort de sa queue. On a découvert plus de 5000 traces
différentes de fluide laissées par ce Pokémon."
235,25,6,"Farbeagle markiert sein Revier mit einer Flüssigkeit,
die aus seiner Schweifspitze austritt. Es wurden über
5 000 unterschiedliche Markierungen entdeckt,
die dieses Pokémon hinterlassen hat."
235,25,7,"Smeargle marca los límites de su territorio liberando un fluido
corporal por el extremo de la cola. En la actualidad se han
encontrado más de 5000 tipos de marcas distintas dejadas
por este Pokémon."
235,25,8,"Smeargle delimita i confini del suo territorio con il fluido
corporeo secreto dalla punta della coda. Sono state
rinvenute ben 5000 diverse delimitazioni lasciate
da questo Pokémon."
235,25,9,"Smeargle marks the boundaries of its territory using a body
fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail. Over 5,000 different
marks left by this Pokémon have been found."
235,25,11,"尻尾の 先から にじみ出る 体液で
縄張りの 周りに 自分の マークを 描く。
5000 種類の マークが 見つかっている。"
235,26,1,"しっぽの さきから にじみでる たいえきで
なわばりの まわりに じぶんの マークを かく。
5000 しゅるいの マークが みつかっている。"
235,26,3,"꼬리 끝에서 배어 나오는 체액으로
영역 주변에 자신의 마크를 그린다.
5000종의 마크가 발견됐다."
235,26,5,"Queulorior délimite son territoire en libérant un fluide corporel
qui sort de sa queue. On a découvert plus de 5000 traces
différentes de fluide laissées par ce Pokémon."
235,26,6,"Farbeagle markiert sein Revier mit einer Flüssigkeit,
die aus seiner Schweifspitze austritt. Es wurden über
5 000 unterschiedliche Markierungen entdeckt,
die dieses Pokémon hinterlassen hat."
235,26,7,"Smeargle marca los límites de su territorio liberando un fluido
corporal por el extremo de la cola. En la actualidad se han
encontrado más de 5000 tipos de marcas distintas dejadas
por este Pokémon."
235,26,8,"Smeargle delimita i confini del suo territorio con il fluido
corporeo secreto dalla punta della coda. Sono state
rinvenute ben 5000 diverse delimitazioni lasciate
da questo Pokémon."
235,26,9,"Smeargle marks the boundaries of its territory using a body
fluid that leaks out from the tip of its tail. Over 5,000 different
marks left by this Pokémon have been found."
235,26,11,"尻尾の 先から にじみ出る 体液で
縄張りの 周りに 自分の マークを 描く。
5000 種類の マークが 見つかっている。"
235,27,1,"シッポの さきから にじみでてくる
たいえきで どくじの マークを
えがいて なわばりを アピール。"
235,27,3,"꼬리의 끝에서 배어 나오는
체액으로 독자적인 마크를
그려 영역을 어필한다."
235,27,5,"Ce Pokémon marque son territoire en peignant
à laide du liquide suintant du bout de sa queue."
235,27,6,"Farbeagle markiert sein Revier mit einer
Flüssigkeit, die aus seiner Schweifspitze
235,27,7,"Smeargle marca los límites de su territorio
dibujando marcas personales con el fluido
que libera por la punta de la cola."
235,27,8,"Delimita i confini del suo territorio dipingendo
segni particolari con il fluido corporeo
che secerne dalla punta della coda."
235,27,9,"The unique creations produced by each
Smeargle are painted using the fluid that oozes
from its tail. This is how it marks its territory."
235,27,11,"シッポの 先から にじみでてくる
体液で 独自の マークを
描いて 縄張りを アピール。"
235,28,1,"じぶんの なわばりを しめす マークを
えがきちらすので ドーブルの おおい
まちの かべは らくがき だらけ。"
235,28,3,"자신의 영역을 나타내는 마크를
여기저기 그리기 때문에 루브도가 많은
동네의 벽은 낙서투성이다."
235,28,5,"Ce Pokémon peint pour marquer son territoire.
On reconnaît les villes peuplées de nombreux
Queulorior à leurs murs recouverts de graffitis."
235,28,6,"Hinterlässt allerlei Markierungen, um sein Revier
zu kennzeichnen. Wände in Städten mit vielen
Farbeagle sind daher ziemlich vollgeschmiert."
235,28,7,"Los muros de las ciudades donde viven
Smeargle están llenos de las marcas que van
dejando para indicar los límites de su territorio."
235,28,8,"Marca il suo territorio dipingendo con la coda.
Nelle città che ospitano molti Smeargle, i muri
sono pieni di graffiti."
235,28,9,"It draws symbols all over the place to mark its
territory. In towns with many Smeargle, the walls
are covered in graffiti."
235,28,11,"自分の 縄張りを 示す マークを
描き散らすので ドーブルの 多い
街の 壁は 落書き だらけ。"
235,29,1,"シッポの さきから でる たいえきは
ドーブルの かんじょうに よって
いろあいが へんか するのだ。"
235,29,3,"꼬리 끝에서 나오는 체액은
루브도의 감정에 따라
색조가 변화한다."
235,29,5,"La teinte du liquide qui coule de sa queue varie
en fonction de son humeur."
235,29,6,"Der Farbton der Flüssigkeit, die aus seiner
Schweifspitze austritt, ändert sich je nach
235,29,7,"La tonalidad del líquido que libera por la cola
cambia en función de su estado anímico."
235,29,8,"Dalla punta della coda secerne un fluido
corporeo la cui tonalità cambia in base
alle sue emozioni."
235,29,9,"The fluid of Smeargles tail secretions changes
in the intensity of its hue as the Pokémons
emotions change."
235,29,11,"シッポの 先から でる 体液は
ドーブルの 感情に よって
色合いが 変化 するのだ。"
235,30,1,"シッポの さきから でる たいえきで
マークを えがく。 マークに よっては
マニアに たかねで とりひきされる。"
235,30,3,"꼬리 끝에서 나오는 체액으로
마크를 그린다. 마크에 따라서는
마니아에게 비싼 값에 거래된다."
235,30,5,"Il se sert du liquide qui sort de sa queue pour
dessiner sa marque. Ses fans sarrachent ses
plus beaux tracés à prix dor."
235,30,6,"Mit der Flüssigkeit, die aus seiner Schweifspitze
austritt, hinterlässt es Markierungen. Die besten
werden unter Fans zu hohen Preisen gehandelt."
235,30,7,"Dibuja marcas con el líquido que secreta por la
cola. Algunos de sus admiradores han llegado a
pagar auténticas fortunas por ellas."
235,30,8,"Traccia dei segni con il fluido prodotto dalla
punta della coda. Gli appassionati comprano
le sue opere a caro prezzo."
235,30,9,"It draws symbols with the fluid that oozes from
the tip of its tail. Depending on the symbol,
Smeargle fanatics will pay big money for them."
235,30,11,"シッポの 先から でる 体液で
マークを えがく。 マークに よっては
マニアに 高値で 取引される。"
236,4,9,"It is always
bursting with en­
ergy. To make it­self stronger, it
keeps on fighting
even if it loses."
236,5,9,"Even though it is
small, it can't be
ignored becauseit will slug any
handy target with­
out warning."
236,6,9,"To brush up on its
fighting skills,
it will challengeanyone. It has a
very strong com­
petitive spirit."
236,7,9,"TYROGUE becomes stressed out if it
does not get to train every day.
When raising this POKéMON, the TRAINERmust establish and uphold various
training methods."
236,8,9,"TYROGUE becomes stressed out if it
does not get to train every day.
When raising this POKéMON, the TRAINERmust establish and uphold various
training methods."
236,9,9,"TYROGUE become stressed out if they do
not get to train every day. When raising
this POKéMON, the TRAINER must establish
a regular training schedule."
236,10,9,"Even though it is small, it cant be
ignored because it will slug any handy
target without warning."
236,11,9,"It is always bursting with energy. To make
itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even
if it loses."
236,12,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,13,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,14,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,15,9,"It is always bursting with energy.
To make itself stronger, it
keeps on fighting even if it loses."
236,16,9,"Even though it is small, it cant be
ignored because it will slug any
handy target without warning."
236,17,5,"Il est réputé pour sa combativité.
Il se blesse toujours en défiant
des ennemis plus grands."
236,17,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,18,5,"Il est réputé pour sa combativité.
Il se blesse toujours en défiant
des ennemis plus grands."
236,18,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,21,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,22,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to
fight and always nurses injuries
from challenging larger foes."
236,23,1,"いつでも げんきいっぱい。
つよくなるため まけても まけても
あいてに たちむかっていく。"
236,23,3,"항상 기운이 넘친다.
강해지기 위해 계속 져도
상대에게 맞선다."
236,23,5,"Il est plein dénergie. Il se bat tout le temps pour
être plus fort, quitte à perdre un combat."
236,23,6,"Es strotzt vor Energie. Um noch stärker zu werden,
kämpft es weiter, auch wenn es verloren hat."
236,23,7,"Ataca siempre con mucha energía. Para fortalecerse a
sí mismo, sigue luchando aunque pierda."
236,23,8,"Sempre traboccante di energia. Per rinforzarsi
continua a combattere anche dopo aver perso."
236,23,9,"It is always bursting with energy. To make itself
stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses."
236,23,11,"いつでも 元気いっぱい。
強くなるため 負けても 負けても
相手に 立ち向かっていく。"
236,24,1,"かくとうセンスを みがくため
あらゆる あいてに たちむかう。
まけんきが ものすごく つよい。"
236,24,3,"격투 감각을 닦기 위해
모든 상대에게 맞선다.
오기가 굉장히 세다."
236,24,5,"Pour augmenter ses capacités, il cherche à se battre
contre nimporte qui. Il est très courageux."
236,24,6,"Um seine Kampffähigkeiten zu verbessern, tritt es
gegen jeden an. Es besitzt großen Kampfgeist."
236,24,7,"Para mejorar sus técnicas de lucha, desafiará a
cualquiera. Tiene un espíritu muy competitivo."
236,24,8,"Sfida chiunque per mettere alla prova le sua abilità
nella lotta. Ha un forte spirito agonistico."
236,24,9,"To brush up on its fighting skills, it will challenge
anyone. It has a very strong competitive spirit."
236,24,11,"格闘センスを 磨くため
あらゆる 相手に 立ち向かう。
負けん気が ものすごく 強い。"
236,25,1,"まいにち トレーニング しないと ストレスが
たまってしまうので トレーナーは そだてる とき
スケジュールかんりに くふうが ひつようだ。"
236,25,3,"매일 트레이닝하지 않으면 스트레스가
쌓이기 때문에 트레이너는 키울 때
스케줄 관리에 여러모로 고민해야 한다."
236,25,5,"Debugant devient nerveux sil ne sentraîne pas tous les jours.
Lorsquun Dresseur élève ce Pokémon, il doit établir et
appliquer un programme dentraînement très complet."
236,25,6,"Rabauz muss jeden Tag trainieren, sonst ist es nicht
ausgelastet und reagiert gestresst. Wenn man dieses
Pokémon trainiert, muss man zahlreiche Trainingsmethoden
einsetzen und sie ständig ausbauen."
236,25,7,"Tyrogue se pone demasiado nervioso si no lo sacan a
entrenarse cada día. Su Entrenador debe establecer y
mantener ciertos métodos de entrenamiento durante la cría."
236,25,8,"Tyrogue ha bisogno di allenarsi ogni giorno per scaricare
la sua energia. Gli Allenatori che lo allevano devono stabilire
e praticare diverse metodologie di allenamento."
236,25,9,"Tyrogue becomes stressed out if it does not get to train every
day. When raising this Pokémon, the Trainer must establish
and uphold various training methods."
236,25,11,"毎日 トレーニング しないと ストレスが
たまってしまうので トレーナーは 育てる とき
スケジュール管理に 工夫が 必要だ。"
236,26,1,"まいにち トレーニング しないと ストレスが
たまってしまうので トレーナーは そだてる とき
スケジュールかんりに くふうが ひつようだ。"
236,26,3,"매일 트레이닝하지 않으면 스트레스가
쌓이기 때문에 트레이너는 키울 때
스케줄 관리에 여러모로 고민해야 한다."
236,26,5,"Debugant devient nerveux sil ne sentraîne pas tous les jours.
Lorsquun Dresseur élève ce Pokémon, il doit établir et
appliquer un programme dentraînement très complet."
236,26,6,"Rabauz muss jeden Tag trainieren, sonst ist es nicht
ausgelastet und reagiert gestresst. Wenn man dieses
Pokémon trainiert, muss man zahlreiche Trainingsmethoden
einsetzen und ausbauen."
236,26,7,"Tyrogue se pone demasiado nervioso si no lo sacan a
entrenarse cada día. Su Entrenador debe establecer y
mantener ciertos métodos de entrenamiento durante la cría."
236,26,8,"Tyrogue ha bisogno di allenarsi ogni giorno per scaricare
la sua energia. Gli Allenatori che lo allevano devono stabilire
e praticare diverse metodologie di allenamento."
236,26,9,"Tyrogue becomes stressed out if it does not get to train every
day. When raising this Pokémon, the Trainer must establish
and uphold various training methods."
236,26,11,"毎日 トレーニング しないと ストレスが
たまってしまうので トレーナーは 育てる とき
スケジュール管理に 工夫が 必要だ。"
236,33,1,"いつでも げんきいっぱい。
つよくなるため まけても まけても
あいてに たちむかっていく。"
236,33,3,"항상 기운이 넘친다.
강해지기 위해 지고 또 져도
계속 상대에게 맞선다."
236,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est débordant dénergie.
Même sil perd encore et encore, il se relève
toujours pour devenir plus fort."
236,33,6,"Es strotzt vor Energie. Um stärker zu werden,
fordert es seine Gegner immer wieder heraus,
auch wenn es schon mehrmals verloren hat."
236,33,7,"Siempre está rebosante de energía. Por muchas
derrotas que acumule, no deja de plantar cara a
sus rivales con tal de fortalecerse."
236,33,8,"Sempre traboccante di energia. Per rinforzarsi
continua a sfidare il suo avversario anche dopo
essere stato ripetutamente sconfitto."
236,33,9,"It is always bursting with energy. To make itself
stronger, it keeps on fighting even if it loses."
236,33,11,"いつでも 元気いっぱい。
強くなるため 負けても 負けても
相手に 立ち向かっていく。"
236,34,1,"てごろな あいてを みつけると
すぐに なぐりかかってくるので
ちいさくても ゆだんならない。"
236,34,3,"만만한 상대를 발견하면
바로 공격해오기 때문에
몸집이 작아도 방심은 할 수 없다."
236,34,5,"Même sil est petit, il vaut mieux ne pas lignorer :
quand il trouve un adversaire à sa hauteur,
il frappe fort et souvent sans prévenir."
236,34,6,"Es ist zwar nicht groß, geht aber entschlossen
zum Angriff über, sobald es einen angemessenen
Gegner sichtet. Vorsicht ist also geboten."
236,34,7,"Su pequeño tamaño no debe ser motivo para
subestimarlo, ya que se liará de inmediato a
golpes con cualquier rival que estime oportuno."
236,34,8,"Anche se è piccolo, non bisogna abbassare
la guardia: quando trova un avversario che fa
al caso suo, inizia subito a tempestarlo di colpi."
236,34,9,"Even though it is small, it cant be ignored because
it will slug any handy target without warning."
236,34,11,"手ごろな 相手を 見つけると
すぐに 殴りかかってくるので
小さくても 油断ならない。"
237,4,9,"If you become
enchanted by its
smooth, elegant,dance-like kicks,
you may get
drilled hard."
237,5,9,"It launches kicks
while spinning. If
it spins at highspeed, it may bore
its way into the
237,6,9,"After doing a
handstand to
throw off theopponent's timing,
it presents its
fancy kick moves."
237,7,9,"HITMONTOP spins on its head at high
speed, all the while delivering kicks.
This technique is a remarkable mix ofboth offense and defense at the same
time. The POKéMON travels faster
spinning than it does walking."
237,8,9,"HITMONTOP spins on its head at high
speed, all the while delivering kicks.
This technique is a remarkable mix ofboth offense and defense at the same
time. The POKéMON travels faster
spinning than it does walking."
237,9,9,"Its technique of kicking while spinning is
a remarkable mix of both offense and
defense. HITMONTOP travel faster
spinning than they do walking."
237,10,9,"It launches kicks while spinning. If it
spins at high speed, it may bore its way
into the ground."
237,11,9,"If you become enchanted by its smooth,
elegant, dance-like kicks, you may get
drilled hard."
237,12,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by ten."
237,13,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by ten."
237,14,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by ten."
237,15,9,"If you are enchanted by its smooth,
dance-like kicks, you may get a closer
experience with one than youd like."
237,16,9,"It launches kicks while spinning. If
it spins at high speed, it may bore
its way into the ground."
237,17,5,"Il combat en tournoyant comme une
toupie. La force centrifuge décuple
sa puissance destructrice."
237,17,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by ten."
237,18,5,"Il combat en tournoyant comme une
toupie. La force centrifuge décuple
sa puissance destructrice."
237,18,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by ten."
237,21,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by 10."
237,22,9,"It fights while spinning like a top.
The centrifugal force boosts its
destructive power by 10."
237,23,1,"コマのように かいてんしながら
たたかう。えんしんりょくの パワーで
はかいりょくは 10ばいだ。"
237,23,3,"팽이처럼 회전하면서
싸운다. 원심력의 파워로
파괴력은 10배다."
237,23,5,"Il combat en tournoyant comme une toupie.
La force centrifuge décuple sa puissance destructrice."
237,23,6,"Es kämpft, während es sich wie ein Kreisel dreht.
Die Zentrifugalkraft verzehnfacht seine Kampfkraft.
237,23,7,"Gira a gran velocidad al luchar. La fuerza centrífuga
multiplica su poder de destrucción por diez."
237,23,8,"Combatte mentre gira come una trottola. La forza
centrifuga decuplica il suo potere distruttivo."
237,23,9,"It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal
force boosts its destructive power by 10."
237,23,11,"コマのように 回転しながら 戦う。
遠心力の パワーで
破壊力は 10倍だ。"
237,24,1,"おどるように かれいで なめらかな
キックわざに みとれていると
きつい いちげきを おみまいされる。"
237,24,3,"춤추듯이 화려하고 부드러운
킥 기술에 빠져 있으면
제대로 일격을 선사한다."
237,24,5,"Si sa danse de coups de pied vous fascine, vous
risquez de le regretter."
237,24,6,"Lässt du dich von seinen eleganten, anmutigen und
tanzartigen Tritten betören, wirst du vermöbelt."
237,24,7,"Si te encantan sus suaves, elegantes y danzarinas
patadas, acabarás taladrado."
237,24,8,"Se ci si fa incantare dallelegante danza dei suoi
calci, si rischia di ricevere una bella lezione."
237,24,9,"If you are enchanted by its smooth, dance-like
kicks, you may get a closer experience with one
than youd like."
237,24,11,"踊るように 華麗で 滑らかな
キック技に 見とれていると
きつい 一撃を お見舞いされる。"
237,25,1,"こうそく かいてんしながら はなつ キックは
こうげきと ぼうぎょを かねた みごとな わざ。
あるく よりも かいてんした ほうが はやい。"
237,25,3,"고속 회전하며 날리는 킥은
공격과 방어를 겸비한 훌륭한 기술이다.
걷는 것보다 회전하는 편이 빠르다."
237,25,5,"Kapoera tournoie à toute vitesse sur sa tête, tout en donnant
des coups de pied. Cette technique combine des attaques
offensives et défensives. Ce Pokémon se déplace plus vite
sur la tête quen marchant."
237,25,6,"Kapoera dreht sich auf dem Kopf stehend um die eigene
Achse und teilt Tritte aus. Seine Technik ist eine
bemerkenswerte Mischung aus Angriff und Verteidigung.
Es bewegt sich drehend schneller voran als laufend."
237,25,7,"Hitmontop hace el pino con la cabeza y se pone a girar rápido
al tiempo que reparte patadas. Esta es una técnica ofensiva
y defensiva a la vez. Este Pokémon se desplaza más rápido
girando sobre sí que caminando."
237,25,8,"Hitmontop rotea sulla testa ad alta velocità sferrando calci
violenti. Questa tecnica è molto efficace sia in attacco che
in difesa. Il Pokémon si muove molto più velocemente
roteando che non camminando."
237,25,9,"Hitmontop spins on its head at high speed, all the while
delivering kicks. This technique is a remarkable mix of both
offense and defense at the same time. The Pokémon travels
faster spinning than it does walking."
237,25,11,"高速 回転しながら 放つ キックは
攻撃と 防御を 兼ねた 見事な 技。
歩く よりも 回転した ほうが 速い。"
237,26,1,"こうそく かいてんしながら はなつ キックは
こうげきと ぼうぎょを かねた みごとな わざ。
あるく よりも かいてんした ほうが はやい。"
237,26,3,"고속 회전하며 날리는 킥은
공격과 방어를 겸비한 훌륭한 기술이다.
걷는 것보다 회전하는 편이 빠르다."
237,26,5,"Kapoera tournoie à toute vitesse sur sa tête, tout en donnant
des coups de pied. Cette technique combine des attaques
offensives et défensives. Ce Pokémon se déplace plus vite
sur la tête quen marchant."
237,26,6,"Kapoera dreht sich auf dem Kopf stehend um die eigene
Achse und teilt Tritte aus. Seine Technik ist eine
bemerkenswerte Mischung aus Angriff und Verteidigung.
Es bewegt sich drehend schneller voran als laufend."
237,26,7,"Hitmontop hace el pino con la cabeza y se pone a girar rápido
al tiempo que reparte patadas. Esta es una técnica ofensiva
y defensiva a la vez. Este Pokémon se desplaza más rápido
girando sobre sí que caminando."
237,26,8,"Hitmontop rotea sulla testa ad alta velocità sferrando calci
violenti. Questa tecnica è molto efficace sia in attacco che
in difesa. Il Pokémon si muove molto più velocemente
roteando che non camminando."
237,26,9,"Hitmontop spins on its head at high speed, all the while
delivering kicks. This technique is a remarkable mix of both
offense and defense at the same time. The Pokémon travels
faster spinning than it does walking."
237,26,11,"高速 回転しながら 放つ キックは
攻撃と 防御を 兼ねた 見事な 技。
歩く よりも 回転した ほうが 速い。"
237,33,1,"くるくる まわって キックをはなつ。
こうそくで まわっていると
そのまま じめんに もぐっていく。"
237,33,3,"빙글빙글 돌며 킥을 날린다.
고속으로 돌다 보면
그대로 지면을 파고들어 간다."
237,33,5,"Il assène des coups de pied tout en tournant
sur lui-même. Il va parfois si vite quil commence
à senfoncer dans le sol."
237,33,6,"Es dreht sich um sich selbst und verteilt Tritte.
Gewinnt es ausreichend an Schwung, bohrt es
sich dabei in den Boden."
237,33,7,"Lanza patadas mientras gira. Si alcanza mucha
velocidad, puede cavar un hoyo en la tierra."
237,33,8,"Gira su se stesso tirando calci. Se gira molto
velocemente può scavare una fossa nel terreno."
237,33,9,"It launches kicks while spinning. If it spins at high
speed, it may bore its way into the ground."
237,33,11,"くるくる 回って キックをはなつ。
高速で 回っていると
そのまま 地面に 潜っていく。"
237,34,1,"さかだちを することで あいての
タイミングを くるわせ そのすきに
はでな キックわざを おみまいする。"
237,34,3,"물구나무를 서서 상대의
타이밍을 흐트러뜨리고 그 틈에
화려한 발차기를 먹인다."
237,34,5,"Après avoir effectué un poirier visant
à désorienter son adversaire, il lui assène
des coups de pied furieux."
237,34,6,"Im Kampf bringt dieses Pokémon seine Gegner
mit einem Handstand aus dem Takt und lehrt sie
dann mit schwungvollen Tritten das Fürchten."
237,34,7,"Tras hacer el pino para desconcertar a su rival,
comienza a propinar sus espectaculares patadas."
237,34,8,"Prima esegue una verticale per spiazzare il
nemico, poi parte con i suoi calci spettacolari."
237,34,9,"After doing a handstand to throw off the
opponents timing, it presents its fancy kick moves."
237,34,11,"逆立ちを することで 相手の
タイミングを 狂わせ そのすきに
派手な キック技を おみまいする。"
238,4,9,"Its lips are the
most sensitive
parts on its body.It always uses its
lips first to
examine things."
238,5,9,"It always rocks
its head slowly
backwards and for­wards as if it is
trying to kiss
238,6,9,"The sensitivity of
its lips develops
most quickly.It uses them to
try to identify
unknown objects."
238,7,9,"SMOOCHUM actively runs about, but
also falls quite often.
Whenever the chance arrives, it willlook for its reflection to make sure its
face hasnt become dirty."
238,8,9,"SMOOCHUM actively runs about, but
also falls quite often.
Whenever the chance arrives, it willlook for its reflection to make sure its
face hasnt become dirty."
238,9,9,"It actively runs about, but also falls
often. Whenever it falls, it will check its
reflection on a lakes surface to make
sure its face hasnt become dirty."
238,10,9,"It always rocks its head slowly backwards
and forwards as if it is trying to kiss
238,11,9,"Its lips are the most sensitive parts on
its body. It always uses its lips first to
examine things."
238,12,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,13,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,14,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,15,9,"Its lips are the most sensitive
part of its body. It always uses
its lips first to examine things."
238,16,9,"It always rocks its head slowly
backwards and forwards as if it is
trying to kiss someone."
238,17,5,"Il goûte à tout du bout des lèvres.
Elles gardent en mémoire ses
goûts et ses dégoûts."
238,17,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,18,5,"Il goûte à tout du bout des lèvres.
Elles gardent en mémoire ses
goûts et ses dégoûts."
238,18,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,21,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,22,9,"It tests everything by touching
with its lips, which remember
what it likes and dislikes."
238,23,1,"くちびるが いちばん びんかん。
なんでも まず くちびるで ふれて
どんなものか かくにんする。"
238,23,3,"입술이 제일 민감하다.
뭐든지 먼저 입술로 건드려서
어떤 것인지 확인한다."
238,23,5,"Ses lèvres sont la partie la plus sensible de son corps.
Il les utilise pour examiner les objets."
238,23,6,"Die Lippen sind sein empfindlichster Körperteil.
Neue Dinge untersucht es zuerst damit."
238,23,7,"Sus labios son la parte más sensible de su cuerpo.
Siempre los usa para examinar las cosas."
238,23,8,"Le labbra sono la parte più sensibile del corpo,
il primo organo con cui analizza nuovi oggetti."
238,23,9,"Its lips are the most sensitive part of its body.
It always uses its lips first to examine things."
238,23,11,"唇が 一番 敏感。
なんでも まず 唇で 触れて
どんなものか 確認する。"
238,24,1,"なんでも くちびるで ふれてみて
たしかめる。すきな ものも きらいな
ものも くちびるが おぼえている。"
238,24,3,"무엇이든 입술로 건드려보고
확인한다. 좋아하는 것도 싫어하는
것도 입술이 기억하고 있다."
238,24,5,"Il goûte à tout du bout des lèvres. Elles gardent
en mémoire ses goûts et ses dégoûts."
238,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon berührt alles mit den Lippen.
Diese merken sich, was es mag und nicht mag."
238,24,7,"Analiza todo tocándolo con los labios. Así puede
recordar las cosas que le gustan y disgustan."
238,24,8,"Analizza tutto con le labbra e con esse riesce a
memorizzare ciò che gli piace e ciò che non gli piace."
238,24,9,"It tests everything by touching with its lips,
which remember what it likes and dislikes."
238,24,11,"なんでも 唇で 触れてみて
確かめる。好きな 物も 嫌いな 物も
唇が 覚えている。"
238,25,1,"げんき いっぱい うごきまわるが よく ころぶ。
むっくり おきあがると みずうみの すいめんに
かおを うつして よごれていないか しらべる。"
238,25,3,"기운차게 돌아다니지만 자주 넘어진다.
벌떡 일어나서는 호수의 수면에 얼굴을
비추고 더러워지지 않았는지 살핀다."
238,25,5,"Lippouti court dans tous les sens et tombe assez souvent.
Quand il en a loccasion, il regarde son reflet dans leau
pour vérifier si son visage na pas été sali par ses chutes."
238,25,6,"Kussilla läuft hektisch umher, fällt aber auch ziemlich oft hin.
Es lässt keine Möglichkeit aus, sein Spiegelbild zu betrachten,
um sicherzustellen, dass sein Gesicht nicht schmutzig
geworden ist."
238,25,7,"Smoochum va corriendo por todos lados, pero se cae también
con frecuencia. Y, en cuanto tiene ocasión, se mira en algún
sitio para ver si se ha manchado la cara."
238,25,8,"Smoochum scorrazza vivacemente, ma spesso inciampa
e cade. Così, appena può, cerca di specchiarsi da qualche
parte per assicurarsi di non essersi imbrattato il volto."
238,25,9,"Smoochum actively runs about, but also falls quite often.
Whenever the chance arrives, it will look for its reflection to
make sure its face hasnt become dirty."
238,25,11,"元気 いっぱい 動き回るが よく 転ぶ。
むっくり 起き上がると 湖の 水面に
顔を 映して 汚れていないか 調べる。"
238,26,1,"げんき いっぱい うごきまわるが よく ころぶ。
むっくり おきあがると みずうみの すいめんに
かおを うつして よごれていないか しらべる。"
238,26,3,"기운차게 돌아다니지만 자주 넘어진다.
벌떡 일어나서는 호수의 수면에 얼굴을
비추고 더러워지지 않았는지 살핀다."
238,26,5,"Lippouti court dans tous les sens et tombe assez souvent.
Quand il en a loccasion, il regarde son reflet dans leau
pour vérifier si son visage na pas été sali par ses chutes."
238,26,6,"Kussilla läuft hektisch umher, fällt aber auch ziemlich oft hin.
Es lässt keine Möglichkeit aus, sein Spiegelbild zu betrachten,
um sicherzustellen, dass sein Gesicht nicht schmutzig
geworden ist."
238,26,7,"Smoochum va corriendo por todos lados, pero se cae también
con frecuencia. Y, en cuanto tiene ocasión, se mira en algún
sitio para ver si se ha manchado la cara."
238,26,8,"Smoochum scorrazza vivacemente, ma spesso inciampa
e cade. Così, appena può, cerca di specchiarsi da qualche
parte per assicurarsi di non essersi imbrattato il volto."
238,26,9,"Smoochum actively runs about, but also falls quite often.
Whenever the chance arrives, it will look for its reflection to
make sure its face hasnt become dirty."
238,26,11,"元気 いっぱい 動き回るが よく 転ぶ。
むっくり 起き上がると 湖の 水面に
顔を 映して 汚れていないか 調べる。"
238,29,1,"なにかを たしかめるときは て より
さきに くちびるで ふれてみる。
こまめに なめて よごれを おとす。"
238,29,3,"무언가를 확인할 때는
손보다 입술을 먼저 갖다 댄다.
바지런히 핥아 더러운 것을 닦는다."
238,29,5,"Avant même de toucher de ses mains un objet
qui lintéresse, il le tâte de ses lèvres. Sil est
sale, il le lèche au passage pour le nettoyer."
238,29,6,"Bevor es Dinge in die Hände nimmt, die es
interessieren, untersucht es diese mit den
Lippen. Dabei leckt es sie sorgfältig sauber."
238,29,7,"Cuando quiere examinar algo, lo toca con los
labios antes que con las manos. Si está sucio,
limpia la mugre lamiendo repetidamente."
238,29,8,"Tocca gli oggetti con le labbra prima ancora
che con le mani per analizzarli. Se sono sporchi,
li lecca accuratamente per pulirli."
238,29,9,"When it examines things, before touching them
with its hands, it makes lip contact and then
diligently licks all the dirt off its lips."
238,29,11,"なにかを 確かめるときは 手 より
先に 唇で 触れてみる。
こまめに 舐めて 汚れを 落とす。"
238,30,1,"くちびるは びんかんな センサー。
あれないように きの じゅえきを
まいにち ぬって ほしつしているよ。"
238,30,3,"입술은 민감한 센서다.
트지 않게 나무 수액을 매일 발라서
촉촉하게 유지하고 있다."
238,30,5,"Ses lèvres sont des détecteurs hypersensibles.
Il les enduit de sève tous les jours pour les
garder hydratées et éviter les gerçures."
238,30,6,"Die Lippen sind sein empfindlichster Körperteil.
Es schmiert sie täglich mit Baumsaft ein, damit
sie nicht austrocknen und rissig werden."
238,30,7,"Los labios son la parte más sensible de su
cuerpo. Para que no se le cuarteen, los mantiene
hidratados a diario con savia de los árboles."
238,30,8,"Le sue labbra sono recettori molto sensibili.
Per evitare che si rovinino, le mantiene idratate
applicandovi ogni giorno la linfa degli alberi."
238,30,9,"Highly perceptive sensors, Smoochums lips are
kept moist by its daily application of tree sap."
238,30,11,"唇は 敏感な センサー。
荒れないように 木の 樹液を
毎日 塗って 保湿しているよ。"
238,33,1,"ちょっとでも かおが よごれると
みずあび。 からだの よごれは
あまり きに していないみたい。"
238,33,3,"조금이라도 얼굴이 지저분해지면
물로 씻는다. 몸은 지저분해져도
별로 신경 쓰지 않는 듯하다."
238,33,5,"Quand il saperçoit que son visage est sale,
il le lave à leau, mais la propreté du reste
de son corps ne semble pas le préoccuper."
238,33,6,"Wird Kussillas Gesicht auch nur ein bisschen
schmutzig, wäscht es sich sofort. Schmutz am
Rest seines Körpers scheint es nicht zu stören."
238,33,7,"En cuanto se le ensucia la cara, aunque sea un
poco, se la lava con agua. En el resto del cuerpo,
la suciedad no parece importarle mucho."
238,33,8,"Si sciacqua il volto alla minima traccia
di sporcizia. Pare non presti la stessa
attenzione al resto del corpo."
238,33,9,"If its face gets even slightly dirty, Smoochum will
bathe immediately. But if its body gets dirty,
Smoochum doesnt really seem to care."
238,33,11,"ちょっとでも 顔が 汚れると
水浴び。 体の 汚れは
あまり 気にしていないみたい。"
238,34,1,"こうきしんおうせいな ポケモン。
なんでも くちびるで ふれてみて
すきか きらいかを きめている。"
238,34,3,"호기심이 왕성한 포켓몬이다.
뭐든지 입술에 대보고
좋은지 싫은지 판단한다."
238,34,5,"Ce Pokémon très curieux touche tout et nimporte
quoi avec ses lèvres pour déterminer ce quil aime
et ce quil déteste."
238,34,6,"Ein äußerst neugieriges Pokémon, das alles mit
seinen Lippen berührt, um herauszufinden, ob es
etwas mag oder nicht."
238,34,7,"Este Pokémon rebosante de curiosidad lo toca
todo con los labios para determinar qué cosas
le gustan y cuáles no."
238,34,8,"È un Pokémon traboccante di curiosità.
Stabilisce cosa gli piace e cosa no
appoggiandovi le labbra."
238,34,9,"This is a very curious Pokémon. Smoochum
decides what it likes and dislikes by touching
things with its lips."
238,34,11,"好奇心旺盛な ポケモン。
なんでも 唇で 触れてみて
好きか 嫌いかを 決めている。"
239,4,9,"It rotates its
arms to generate
electricity, butit tires easily,
so it charges up
only a little bit."
239,5,9,"Even in the most
vicious storm,
this POKéMON playshappily if thunder
rumbles in the
239,6,9,"It loves violent
thunder. The space
between its hornsflickers bluish-
white when it is
charging energy."
239,7,9,"ELEKID stores electricity in its body.
If it touches metal and accidentally
discharges all its built-up electricity,this POKéMON begins swinging its arms
in circles to recharge itself."
239,8,9,"ELEKID stores electricity in its body.
If it touches metal and accidentally
discharges all its built-up electricity,this POKéMON begins swinging its arms
in circles to recharge itself."
239,9,9,"If it touches metal and discharges the
electricity it has stored in its body, an
ELEKID begins swinging its arms in circles
to recharge itself."
239,10,9,"Even in the most vicious storm, this
POKéMON plays happily if thunder rumbles
in the sky."
239,11,9,"It rotates its arms to generate
electricity, but it tires easily, so it
charges up only a little bit."
239,12,9,"It generates electricity by
whirling its arms. However, it
cant store the energy it makes."
239,13,9,"It generates electricity by
whirling its arms. However, it
cant store the energy it makes."
239,14,9,"A weak electric current flows
between its horns. Sticking a hand
there shocks the unwary."
239,15,9,"It rotates its arms to generate
electricity, but it tires easily,
so it only charges up a little bit."
239,16,9,"Even in the most vicious storm,
this Pokémon plays happily if thunder
rumbles in the sky."
239,17,5,"Un faible courant électrique circule
entre ses cornes. Attention à ne
pas y mettre la main!"
239,17,9,"A weak electric current flows
between its horns. Sticking a hand
there shocks the unwary."
239,18,5,"Un faible courant électrique circule
entre ses cornes. Attention à ne
pas y mettre la main!"
239,18,9,"A weak electric current flows
between its horns. Sticking a hand
there shocks the unwary."
239,21,9,"Spinning its arms around
to generate electricity makes the area
between its horns shine light blue."
239,22,9,"Spinning its arms around
to generate electricity makes the area
between its horns shine light blue."
239,23,1,"りょううでを ぐるぐる ふりまわして
でんきを はっせいさせる。しかし
つくった でんきは ためておけない。"
239,23,3,"양팔을 빙글빙글 휘둘러서
전기를 발생시킨다. 그러나
만들어낸 전기는 모아둘 수 없다."
239,23,5,"Il génère de lélectricité en battant des bras, mais
il na aucun moyen de stocker cette énergie."
239,23,6,"Es bewegt seine Arme und generiert damit
Elektrizität. Diese kann es aber nicht speichern."
239,23,7,"Genera electricidad girando los brazos. No obstante,
es incapaz de almacenar la energía creada."
239,23,8,"Genera elettricità roteando le braccia. Tuttavia,
non riesce a immagazzinare lenergia creata."
239,23,9,"It generates electricity by whirling its arms.
However, it cant store the energy it makes."
239,23,11,"両腕を ぐるぐる 振り回して
電気を 発生させる。しかし
作った 電気は ためておけない。"
239,24,1,"りょううでを ぐるぐる まわして
でんきを はっせい させると
ツノのあいだが あおじろく ひかる。"
239,24,3,"양팔을 빙글빙글 돌려
전기를 발생시키면
뿔 사이가 푸르스름하게 빛난다."
239,24,5,"Ses cornes silluminent lorsquil fait tourner ses bras
pour générer de lélectricité."
239,24,6,"Wenn es seine Arme kreisen lässt, um Strom
zu erzeugen, entstehen zwischen seinen Hörnern
hellblaue Funken."
239,24,7,"Al girar ambos brazos para generar electricidad, sus
cuernos se iluminan con una luz blanquecina."
239,24,8,"Quando rotea le braccia per produrre elettricità, le
sue corna si illuminano."
239,24,9,"Spinning its arms around to generate electricity
makes the area between its horns shine light blue."
239,24,11,"両腕を ぐるぐる まわして
電気を 発生させると
ツノのあいだが 青白く 光る。"
239,25,1,"きんぞくに さわって からだに ためた でんきが
ほうでん してしまうと りょううでを ぐるぐる
まわして ふたたび でんきを ためる。"
239,25,3,"금속을 만져서 몸에 모은 전기가
방전돼버리면 양손을 빙글빙글
돌려서 다시 전기를 모은다."
239,25,5,"Élekid stocke de lélectricité dans son corps. Sil touche
du métal et décharge sans le faire exprès son électricité,
ce Pokémon fait des cercles avec ses bras pour se recharger."
239,25,6,"Elekid speichert Elektrizität in seinem Körper. Wenn es Metall
berührt und versehentlich die aufgestaute Energie entlädt,
rotiert es mit den Armen, um sich wieder aufzuladen."
239,25,7,"Elekid acumula electricidad. Si entra en contacto con algo de
metal y descarga accidentalmente toda la electricidad
almacenada, empieza a agitar los brazos en círculo para volver
a cargarse."
239,25,8,"Elekid immagazzina elettricità nel corpo. Se, a contatto
col metallo, scarica accidentalmente lelettricità accumulata,
inizia a far oscillare gli arti superiori con movimenti circolari
per ricaricarsi."
239,25,9,"Elekid stores electricity in its body. If it touches metal and
accidentally discharges all its built-up electricity, this Pokémon
begins swinging its arms in circles to recharge itself."
239,25,11,"金属に 触って 体に ためた 電気が
放電 してしまうと 両腕を ぐるぐる
回して 再び 電気を ためる。"
239,26,1,"きんぞくに さわって からだに ためた でんきが
ほうでん してしまうと りょううでを ぐるぐる
まわして ふたたび でんきを ためる。"
239,26,3,"금속을 만져서 몸에 모은 전기가
방전돼버리면 양손을 빙글빙글
돌려서 다시 전기를 모은다."
239,26,5,"Élekid stocke de lélectricité dans son corps. Sil touche
du métal et décharge sans le faire exprès son électricité,
ce Pokémon fait des cercles avec ses bras pour se recharger."
239,26,6,"Elekid speichert Elektrizität in seinem Körper. Wenn es Metall
berührt und versehentlich die aufgestaute Energie entlädt,
rotiert es mit den Armen, um sich wieder aufzuladen."
239,26,7,"Elekid acumula electricidad. Si entra en contacto con algo de
metal y descarga accidentalmente toda la electricidad
almacenada, empieza a agitar los brazos en círculo para volver
a cargarse."
239,26,8,"Elekid immagazzina elettricità nel corpo. Se, a contatto
col metallo, scarica accidentalmente lelettricità accumulata,
inizia a far oscillare gli arti superiori con movimenti circolari
per ricaricarsi."
239,26,9,"Elekid stores electricity in its body. If it touches metal and
accidentally discharges all its built-up electricity, this Pokémon
begins swinging its arms in circles to recharge itself."
239,26,11,"金属に 触って 体に ためた 電気が
放電 してしまうと 両腕を ぐるぐる
回して 再び 電気を ためる。"
239,27,1,"いえに いるときは コンセントが
ほにゅうびん がわり。 でんきを
ちゅうちゅう すってるよ。"
239,27,3,"집에 있을 때는 콘센트가
젖병 대신이다. 전기를
쪽쪽 빨고 있다."
239,27,5,"Ce Pokémon «tète» les prises électriques
des maisons comme sil sagissait de biberons
de lait, et ce jusquau dernier ampère."
239,27,6,"Daheim hängt es an der Steckdose wie an
einem Babyfläschchen und nuckelt genüsslich
den Strom."
239,27,7,"Cuando está en una casa, usa los enchufes de
la pared a modo de biberones. Le encanta
chupar electricidad."
239,27,8,"Quando si trova in una casa, succhia lenergia
elettrica attaccandosi alle prese di corrente."
239,27,9,"When its in a house, electrical outlets serve as
its baby bottles. It sucks down electricity."
239,27,11,"家に いるときは コンセントが
ほ乳びん 代わり。 電気を
ちゅうちゅう 吸ってるよ。"
239,28,1,"でんきを うばいにきた トゲデマルと
しょっちゅう ケンカ。 けっかは
だいたい ごかくと いった ところ。"
239,28,3,"전기를 빼앗으러 온
토게데마루와 늘 싸운다.
결과는 거의 무승부."
239,28,5,"Togedemaru et lui se disputent les mêmes
sources délectricité. Leurs combats
se terminent souvent par une égalité."
239,28,6,"Es muss sich oft mit Togedemaru herumärgern,
das ihm Strom klauen will. Ihre Raufereien enden
jedoch meist unentschieden."
239,28,7,"Los Togedemaru siempre intentan robarles la
electricidad, lo que suele terminar en combates
muy reñidos."
239,28,8,"Spesso si azzuffa con i Togedemaru che
entrano in casa per rubare lenergia elettrica.
In genere, i loro scontri finiscono in parità."
239,28,9,"This Pokémon is constantly fighting with
Togedemaru that try to steal its electricity.
Its a pretty even match."
239,28,11,"電気を 奪いにきた トゲデマルと
しょっちゅう ケンカ。 結果は
大体 互角と いった ところ。"
239,29,1,"かみなりの おちる おとを きくと
ごきげん。 おちこんだときの ために
ろくおん しておくと べんりだよ。"
239,29,3,"번개 소리를 들으면 기분이 좋아진다.
우울해질 때를 대비해서
녹음해 두면 편리하다."
239,29,5,"Il adore le bruit de la foudre. Si vous
lenregistrez, vous pouvez le lui diffuser
à loisir pour le mettre de bonne humeur."
239,29,6,"Elekid freut sich, wenn es Donner hört. Es lohnt
sich, das Geräusch aufzunehmen und es ihm
vorzuspielen, wenn es mal schlecht drauf ist."
239,29,7,"El ruido de los truenos le mejora el ánimo.
Conviene tener a mano una grabación para
cuando esté en horas bajas."
239,29,8,"Il rombo dei tuoni lo mette di buon umore, perciò
è utile averne una registrazione a portata
di mano per quando è triste."
239,29,9,"When it hears the crash of thunder, Elekids
mood improves. It can be useful to record that
sound and play it when Elekids feeling down."
239,29,11,"雷の 落ちる 音を 聞くと
ご機嫌。 落ち込んだときの ために
録音 しておくと 便利だよ。"
239,30,1,"ツノが あおじろく ひかったときが
じゅうでん かんりょうの サイン。
さわると ビリリと しびれるぞ。"
239,30,3,"뿔이 푸르스름하게 빛날 때가
충전이 완료되었다는 신호다.
만지면 찌릿하게 저리다."
239,30,5,"Lorsquil est chargé à bloc, ses cornes émettent
une lueur bleuâtre. Attention à ne pas les
toucher ou vous risquez lélectrocution!"
239,30,6,"Seine Hörner leuchten weiß-blau, wenn es sich
fertig aufgeladen hat. Fasst man es dann an,
bekommt man einen Schlag und wird gelähmt."
239,30,7,"Cuando se carga de electricidad, sus cuernos
emiten una luz blanquecina. Quien lo toque
recibirá un potente calambrazo."
239,30,8,"Quando le corna si illuminano di una luce
biancastra dalle sfumature blu, è carico di
elettricità. Chi lo tocca rimane fulminato."
239,30,9,"When its horns shine a bluish white, thats the
sign its fully charged. Youll get a shocking
jolt if you touch it!"
239,30,11,"ツノが 青白く 光ったときが
充電 完了の サイン。
触ると ビリリと 痺れるぞ。"
239,33,1,"あらしが ちかづくと おちつきが
なくなる。 かみなりの おとが
きこえると たまらず さわぎだす。"
239,33,3,"폭풍우가 다가오면 안절부절못한다.
천둥소리가 들리면
참지 못하고 동요하기 시작한다."
239,33,5,"Il ne tient plus en place quand un orage
approche. Lorsquil entend le tonnerre
gronder, il devient tout excité."
239,33,6,"Nähert sich ein Sturm, wird Elekid unruhig.
Sobald es Donnergrollen hört, ist es nicht
mehr zu halten und fängt an zu toben."
239,33,7,"Cuando se acerca una tormenta, pierde la
compostura. Si oye el sonido de un trueno,
no se puede contener y monta un revuelo."
239,33,8,"Quando si sta per scatenare una tempesta perde
il controllo. Si fa prendere dallagitazione
se sente il rombo dei tuoni."
239,33,9,"When a storm approaches, this Pokémon gets
restless. Once Elekid hears the sound of thunder,
it gets full-on rowdy."
239,33,11,"嵐が 近づくと 落ち着きが
なくなる。 雷の 音が 聞こえると
たまらず 騒ぎだす。"
239,34,1,"まだ でんきを ためるのが へた。
でんきを たべるために みんかに
しのびこみ コンセントを さがす。"
239,34,3,"아직 전기를 모으는 게 서툴다.
전기를 먹기 위해 민가에
숨어들어 콘센트를 찾는다."
239,34,5,"Il a encore du mal à emmagasiner lélectricité.
Pour sen nourrir, il se faufile dans les maisons
à la recherche de prises électriques."
239,34,6,"Es kann Elektrizität noch nicht so gut speichern.
Um sich diese einzuverleiben, schleicht es sich
auf der Suche nach Steckdosen in fremde Häuser."
239,34,7,"No se le da bien acumular electricidad, por lo
que se cuela en las casas en busca de enchufes
para alimentarse."
239,34,8,"Non è ancora abile nellimmagazzinare elettricità.
Si intrufola nelle abitazioni in cerca di prese
di corrente, che sfrutta per nutrirsi."
239,34,9,"Its not good at storing electricity yet. This
Pokémon sneaks into peoples homes, looking
for electrical outlets to eat electricity from."
239,34,11,"まだ 電気を 溜めるのが 下手。
電気を 食べるために 民家に
忍びこみ コンセントを 探す。"
240,4,9,"Each and every
time it inhales
and exhales, hotembers dribble out
of its mouth and
240,5,9,"It is found in
volcanic craters.
Its body temp. isover 1100 degrees,
so don't under­
estimate it."
240,6,9,"It naturally spits
an 1100-degree
flame. It is saidwhen many appear,
it heralds a
volcanic eruption."
240,7,9,"MAGBYs state of health is determined
by observing the fire it breathes.
If the POKéMON is spouting yellowflames from its mouth, it is in good
health. When it is fatigued, black smoke
will be mixed in with the flames."
240,8,9,"MAGBYs state of health is determined
by observing the fire it breathes.
If the POKéMON is spouting yellowflames from its mouth, it is in good
health. When it is fatigued, black smoke
will be mixed in with the flames."
240,9,9,"If a MAGBY is spouting yellow flames from
its mouth, it is in good health. When it is
fatigued, black smoke will be mixed in with
the flames."
240,10,9,"It is found in volcanic craters. Its body
heat exceeds 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit,
so dont underestimate it."
240,11,9,"Each and every time it inhales and
exhales, hot embers dribble out of its
mouth and nostrils."
240,12,9,"Its body temperature is around
1,100 degrees F. It is healthy if
it is breathing yellow flames."
240,13,9,"Its body temperature is around
1,100 degrees F. It is healthy if
it is breathing yellow flames."
240,14,9,"Its magma-like blood circulates
throughout its body. Its bodys
heat can top 1,100 degrees F."
240,15,9,"Each and every time it inhales
and exhales, hot embers dribble
from its mouth and nostrils."
240,16,9,"It is found in volcanic craters. Its body
temperature is over 1,100 degrees
Fahrenheit, so dont underestimate it."
240,17,5,"Son sang est chaud comme du magma
et la température de son corps
peut atteindre 600 °C."
240,17,9,"Its magma-like blood circulates
throughout its body. Its bodys
heat can top 1,100 degrees F."
240,18,5,"Son sang est chaud comme du magma
et la température de son corps
peut atteindre 600 °C."
240,18,9,"Its magma-like blood circulates
throughout its body. Its bodys
heat can top 1,100 degrees F."
240,21,9,"Its small, but its body temperature
is over 1,100 degrees F. Embers escape
its mouth and nose when it breathes."
240,22,9,"Its small, but its body temperature
is over 1,100 degrees F. Embers escape
its mouth and nose when it breathes."
240,23,1,"こがらだが たいおんは 600ど。
いきを すったり はいたりするたび
くちと はなから ひのこが もれる。"
240,23,3,"작은 몸이지만 체온은 600도다.
숨을 들이쉬고 내쉴 때마다
입과 코에서 불꽃이 샌다."
240,23,5,"La température de son corps peut atteindre 600 °C.
Son nez et sa bouche laissent échapper des
240,23,6,"Seine Körpertemperatur misst 600 °C.
Beim Ein- und Ausatmen springen
glühende Kohlenstücke aus seinem Mund."
240,23,7,"Es pequeño, pero su cuerpo puede llegar a alcanzar
600 °C. Cuando inspira y espira, expulsa llamas por la
nariz y por la boca."
240,23,8,"È di piccole dimensioni, ma la temperatura del suo
corpo è di 600 °C. Quando respira emette scintille
da naso e bocca."
240,23,9,"Its small, but its body temperature is over
1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Embers escape its
mouth and nose when it breathes."
240,23,11,"小柄だが 体温は 600度。
息を 吸ったり 吐いたりするたび
口と 鼻から 火の粉が 漏れる。"
240,24,1,"マグマのような けつえきが
たいないに ながれているため
たいおんは 600どにも なる。"
240,24,3,"마그마 같은 혈액이
체내에 흐르고 있기 때문에
체온은 600도나 된다."
240,24,5,"Son sang est chaud comme du magma et la
température de son corps peut atteindre 600 °C."
240,24,6,"Durch seinen Körper fließt magmaartiges Blut.
Die Körpertemperatur kann auf ca. 600 °C steigen."
240,24,7,"Su sangre es como magma y su temperatura corporal
puede alcanzar los 600 °C."
240,24,8,"Il suo sangue assomiglia al magma. La sua
temperatura corporea raggiunge i 600 °C."
240,24,9,"Its magma-like blood circulates throughout
its body. Its bodys heat can top
1,100 degrees Fahrenheit."
240,24,11,"マグマのような 血液が
体内に 流れているため
体温は 600度にも なる。"
240,25,1,"きいろい ほのおを くちから ふいている ときは
けんこうな しょうこだが つかれていると くろい
けむりが まざる ように なるぞ。"
240,25,3,"노란색 불꽃이 입에서 뿜어져 나오는 것은
건강하다는 증거이지만 지쳐 있을 때는
검은 연기가 섞이게 된다."
240,25,5,"Létat de santé de Magby peut être deviné selon le type
de flamme quil crache. Si ce Pokémon crache des flammes
jaunes, cest quil est en bonne santé. Lorsquil est fatigué,
de la fumée noire sajoute aux flammes."
240,25,6,"Magbys Gesundheitszustand kann man am Feuer erkennen,
das es ausatmet. Wenn es gelbe Flammen ausstößt, ist es in
guter Verfassung. Ist es erschöpft, vermischen sich die
Flammen mit schwarzem Rauch."
240,25,7,"El estado de salud de Magby se puede determinar observando
el fuego que emana al respirar. Si las llamas que echa por la
boca son amarillas, está bien. Pero, si además de las llamas
sale humo negro, está cansado."
240,25,8,"Lo stato di salute di Magby si evince osservando il fuoco
che emette dalla bocca. Se sputa fiamme gialle, gode
di buona salute, mentre se è stanco o affaticato, le fiamme
sono miste a fumo nero."
240,25,9,"Magbys state of health is determined by observing the fire it
breathes. If the Pokémon is spouting yellow flames from its
mouth, it is in good health. When it is fatigued, black smoke
will be mixed in with the flames."
240,25,11,"黄色い 炎を 口から 吹いている ときは
健康な 証拠だが 疲れていると 黒い
煙が 混ざる ように なるぞ。"
240,26,1,"きいろい ほのおを くちから ふいている ときは
けんこうな しょうこだが つかれていると くろい
けむりが まざる ように なるぞ。"
240,26,3,"노란색 불꽃이 입에서 뿜어져 나오는 것은
건강하다는 증거이지만 지쳐 있을 때는
검은 연기가 섞이게 된다."
240,26,5,"Létat de santé de Magby peut être deviné selon le type
de flamme quil crache. Si ce Pokémon crache des flammes
jaunes, cest quil est en bonne santé. Lorsquil est fatigué,
de la fumée noire sajoute aux flammes."
240,26,6,"Magbys Gesundheitszustand kann man am Feuer erkennen,
das es ausatmet. Wenn es gelbe Flammen ausstößt, ist es in
guter Verfassung. Ist es erschöpft, vermischen sich die
Flammen mit schwarzem Rauch."
240,26,7,"El estado de salud de Magby se puede determinar observando
el fuego que emana al respirar. Si las llamas que echa por la
boca son amarillas, está bien. Pero, si además de las llamas
sale humo negro, está cansado."
240,26,8,"Lo stato di salute di Magby si evince osservando il fuoco
che emette dalla bocca. Se sputa fiamme gialle, gode
di buona salute, mentre se è stanco o affaticato, le fiamme
sono miste a fumo nero."
240,26,9,"Magbys state of health is determined by observing the fire it
breathes. If the Pokémon is spouting yellow flames from its
mouth, it is in good health. When it is fatigued, black smoke
will be mixed in with the flames."
240,26,11,"黄色い 炎を 口から 吹いている ときは
健康な 証拠だが 疲れていると 黒い
煙が 混ざる ように なるぞ。"
240,27,1,"かざんちたいで おおく みかける。
ヘタに エサを あげると よろこび
こうふんして 600どの ひを ふく。"
240,27,3,"화산지대에서 많이 보인다.
어설프게 먹이를 주면 좋아하며
흥분해서 600도의 불을 뿜는다."
240,27,5,"Ce Pokémon est souvent aperçu dans les
régions volcaniques. Donnez-lui à manger
et il vous déclarera sa flamme... littéralement."
240,27,6,"Häufig in Vulkangebieten anzutreffen. Füttert
man es, kann es sein, dass es vor lauter
Freude 600 °C heißes Feuer ausstößt."
240,27,7,"Es fácil encontrarse con un Magby en áreas
cercanas a volcanes. Si se le da comida, se
emociona y expulsa fuego a 600 °C."
240,27,8,"Viene spesso avvistato nelle zone vulcaniche.
Quando gli si dà da mangiare, si entusiasma
e sputa fiamme a 600 °C."
240,27,9,"Many of these Pokémon can be seen in areas
with volcanic activity. Feeding can get them so
excited, they exhale flames of 1,100 degrees F."
240,27,11,"火山地帯で 多く みかける。
ヘタに 餌を あげると 喜び
興奮して 600度の 火を 吹く。"
240,28,1,"ブビィと くらす ゆうめいな
とうげいかが いる。 やわらかい
ほのおが いいさくひんを うむらしい。"
240,28,3,"마그비와 사는 유명한
도예가가 있다. 부드러운
불꽃이 좋은 작품을 만드는 듯하다."
240,28,5,"Magby est le partenaire privilégié dun potier
extrêmement célèbre. Sa flamme légère laiderait
à créer des œuvres dun raffinement exquis."
240,28,6,"Ein berühmter Kunstkeramiker hat ein Magby
als Mitbewohner. Seine Kunstwerke profitieren
von den sanften Flammen, die es ausstößt."
240,28,7,"Hay reputados alfareros que viven con Magby.
Al parecer, sus suaves llamas son ideales para
cocer grandes obras de alfarería."
240,28,8,"Pare che alcuni famosi vasai lavorino assieme
a questi Pokémon, creando delle opere stupende
grazie alle fiamme che producono."
240,28,9,"A famous potter lives with a Magby.
Apparently its soft flames produce fine works."
240,28,11,"ブビィと 暮らす 有名な
陶芸家が いる。 柔らかい
炎が いい作品を 生むらしい。"
240,29,1,"はなから ちょろちょろと ほのおが
もれているときは かぜを ひいている。
マグマのなかで やすませて あげてね。"
240,29,3,"코에서 불꽃이 줄줄 흐른다면
감기에 걸린 것이다.
마그마에서 쉬게 해 주자."
240,29,5,"Lorsque de petites flammes séchappent
de son nez, cest quil est enrhumé. Le meilleur
remède est encore de lui donner un bain de lave."
240,29,6,"Wenn es kleine Flammen aus seiner Nase
ausstößt, ist es erkältet. Dann sollte man ihm
eine Ruhepause in Magma gönnen."
240,29,7,"Cuando se le escapan pequeñas llamaradas por
el hocico significa que está resfriado y el mejor
remedio es un buen baño de magma."
240,29,8,"Quando dalle narici escono piccole fiamme
tremule, significa che è raffreddato. In questi
casi bisogna farlo riposare nel magma."
240,29,9,"When flames drip from its nose, that means it
has a cold. Have it lie down for a nice rest in
some magma."
240,29,11,"鼻から ちょろちょろと 炎が
漏れているときは 風邪を ひいている。
マグマの中で 休ませて あげてね。"
240,30,1,"たいおんは つねに 600どぜんご。
ブビィが おっこちると ちいさな
いけ くらいなら ひあがってしまう。"
240,30,3,"체온은 항상 600도 전후다.
마그비가 물에 떨어지면 작은
연못 정도는 말라붙어 버린다."
240,30,5,"Sa température corporelle est denviron 600 °C.
Sil tombe dans une mare, celle-ci sévapore
et il nen reste plus rien."
240,30,6,"Seine Körpertemperatur liegt immer bei etwa
600 °C. Wenn es in einen kleinen See fällt,
trocknet dieser komplett aus."
240,30,7,"Su temperatura corporal ronda los 600 °C. Si
cae en un pequeño estanque, es capaz de
evaporarlo por completo."
240,30,8,"Ha una temperatura corporea di circa 600 °C.
Se cade in un piccolo stagno, può farlo
evaporare completamente."
240,30,9,"Its body temperature is always around 1,100
degrees Fahrenheit. If Magby falls into a small-
enough pond, the whole thing will dry up."
240,30,11,"体温は 常に 600度前後。
ブビィが 落っこちると 小さな
池 くらいなら 干上がってしまう。"
240,33,1,"まだまだ ちいさく おくびょう。
こうふんしたり びっくりすると
はなや くちから ひが もれる。"
240,33,3,"아직은 작고 겁이 많다.
흥분하거나 놀라면
코나 입에서 불꽃이 새어 나온다."
240,33,5,"Ce nest encore quun petit Pokémon craintif.
Lorsquil est excité ou étonné, du feu séchappe
de son nez ou de sa bouche."
240,33,6,"Es ist noch klein und furchtsam. Wenn es sich
aufregt oder erschrickt, entweichen Flammen aus
seinem Mund und seiner Nase."
240,33,7,"Como todavía es pequeño, se asusta fácilmente.
Cuando se emociona o se sorprende, se le
escapa fuego por la nariz y por la boca."
240,33,8,"È ancora piccolo e si intimorisce facilmente.
Quando si emoziona o si spaventa, emette fuoco
dalla bocca o dal naso."
240,33,9,"This Pokémon is still small and timid.
Whenever Magby gets excited or surprised,
flames leak from its mouth and its nose."
240,33,11,"まだまだ 小さく 臆病。
興奮したり びっくりすると
鼻や 口から 火が もれる。"
240,34,1,"かざんの まわりに すんでいる。
いちにちの おわりには マグマに
つかり つかれを いやしている。"
240,34,3,"화산 주위에 살고 있다.
하루를 마칠 때에는
마그마에 잠겨 피로를 푼다."
240,34,5,"Il vit près des volcans. À la fin de la journée,
il se détend dans un bon bain de magma."
240,34,6,"Es lebt in der Nähe von Vulkanen. Nach einem
anstrengenden Tag badet es in Magma und
schöpft so neue Energie."
240,34,7,"Vive en los alrededores de los volcanes.
Al final del día, se baña en magma para
aliviar el cansancio."
240,34,8,"Vive nei pressi dei vulcani. Dopo una faticosa
giornata, si gode un rilassante bagno nel magma."
240,34,9,"This Pokémon makes its home near volcanoes.
At the end of the day, Magby soaks in magma,
resting and recovering from the days fatigue."
240,34,11,"火山の まわりに 棲んでいる。
1日の 終わりには マグマに 浸かり
疲れを 癒している。"
241,4,9,"Its milk is packed
with nutrition,
making it theultimate beverage
for the sick or
241,5,9,"If it has just had
a baby, the milk
it produces con­tains much more
nutrition than
241,6,9,"In order to milk a
MILTANK, one must
have a knack forrhythmically pull­
ing up and down
on its udders."
241,7,9,"MILTANK gives over five gallons of milk
on a daily basis. Its sweet milk is
enjoyed by children and grown-ups alike.People who cant drink milk turn it into
yogurt and eat it instead."
241,8,9,"MILTANK gives over five gallons of milk
on a daily basis. Its sweet milk is
enjoyed by children and grown-ups alike.People who cant drink milk turn it into
yogurt and eat it instead."
241,9,9,"It gives over five gallons of milk daily.
Its sweet milk is enjoyed by children and
grown-ups alike. People who cant drink
milk turn it into yogurt and eat it instead."
241,10,9,"If it has just had a baby, the milk it
produces contains much more nutrition than
241,11,9,"Its milk is packed with nutrition, making
it the ultimate beverage for the sick or
241,12,9,"It is said that kids who drink
MILTANKs milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,13,9,"It is said that kids who drink
MILTANKs milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,14,9,"It is said that kids who drink
MILTANKs milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,15,9,"Its milk is packed with nutrition,
making it the ultimate beverage
for the sick or weary."
241,16,9,"If it is around babies, the milk
it produces contains much more
nutrition than usual."
241,17,5,"On raconte que les enfants élevés
au lait dÉcrémeuh deviennent des
adultes braves et robustes."
241,17,9,"It is said that kids who drink
Miltanks milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,18,5,"On raconte que les enfants élevés
au lait dÉcrémeuh deviennent des
adultes braves et robustes."
241,18,9,"It is said that kids who drink
Miltanks milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,21,9,"It is said that kids who drink
Miltanks milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,22,9,"It is said that kids who drink
Miltanks milk grow up to become
hearty, healthy adults."
241,23,1,"こどもが うまれたときに
しぼられた ミルクには いつもより
えいようが たっぷり つまっている。"
241,23,3,"새끼가 태어났을 때에
짜낸 우유는 평상시보다
영양이 듬뿍 담겨 있다."
241,23,5,"Si elle vient davoir un petit, son lait est bien plus
nutritif que dhabitude."
241,23,6,"Wenn es gerade ein Junges hat, dann enthält
seine Milch mehr Nährstoffe als gewöhnlich."
241,23,7,"Si tiene crías, la leche que produce contiene muchos
más nutrientes de lo normal."
241,23,8,"Se ha appena avuto un piccolo, il latte che produce
è molto più nutriente del normale."
241,23,9,"If it is around babies, the milk it produces contains
much more nutrition than usual."
241,23,11,"子供が 生まれたときに
しぼられた ミルクには いつもより
栄養が たっぷり つまっている。"
241,24,1,"ミルクは えいようまんてん。
おとしよりや びょうきの ひとに
とって さいこうの のみもの。"
241,24,3,"우유는 영양 만점이다.
노인과 병든 사람에게
최고의 음료수다."
241,24,5,"Son lait est très nutritif. Cest une boisson parfaite
pour les malades et les personnes âgées."
241,24,6,"Aufgrund der vielen Nährstoffe stellt seine Milch
das ideale Getränk für Kranke und Schwache dar."
241,24,7,"Su leche, rica en nutrientes, es la mejor bebida contra
el cansancio y la enfermedad."
241,24,8,"Il suo latte è ricco di sostanze nutrienti, che ne
fanno il miglior rimedio per chi è stanco o malato."
241,24,9,"Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the
ultimate beverage for the sick or weary."
241,24,11,"ミルクは 栄養満点。
お年寄りや 病気の 人に とって
最高の 飲み物。"
241,25,1,"まいにち 20リットルの ミルクを だす。
あまい ミルクは おとなも こどもも だいすき。
にがてな ひとは ヨーグルトにして たべている。"
241,25,3,"매일 20리터의 우유가 나온다.
달콤한 우유는 어른도 아이도 매우 좋아한다.
싫어하는 사람은 요구르트로 만들어 먹는다."
241,25,5,"Écrémeuh produit plus de 20 l de lait par jour.
Son lait sucré fait le bonheur des petits et des grands.
Les gens qui ne boivent pas de lait en font du yaourt."
241,25,6,"Miltank gibt täglich 20 l Milch. Sie ist süßlich und wird
von Kindern und Erwachsenen gleichermaßen genossen.
Menschen, die keine Milch trinken, essen sie stattdessen
als Joghurt."
241,25,7,"Miltank da al día 20 l de una leche dulce que es la delicia de
pequeños y mayores. Aquellos que no pueden tomarla, se
decantan por los yogures."
241,25,8,"Miltank produce 20 litri di latte al giorno. Il latte è apprezzato
da adulti e bambini perché leggermente dolce. Chi non può
bere latte, lo usa per farne uno yogurt squisito."
241,25,9,"Miltank gives over five gallons of milk on a daily basis.
Its sweet milk is enjoyed by children and grown-ups alike.
People who cant drink milk turn it into yogurt and eat
it instead."
241,25,11,"毎日 20リットルの ミルクを だす。
甘い ミルクは 大人も 子どもも 大好き。
苦手な 人は ヨーグルトにして 食べている。"
241,26,1,"まいにち 20リットルの ミルクを だす。
あまい ミルクは おとなも こどもも だいすき。
にがてな ひとは ヨーグルトにして たべている。"
241,26,3,"매일 20리터의 우유가 나온다.
달콤한 우유는 어른도 아이도 매우 좋아한다.
싫어하는 사람은 요구르트로 만들어 먹는다."
241,26,5,"Écrémeuh produit plus de 20 l de lait par jour.
Son lait sucré fait le bonheur des petits et des grands.
Les gens qui ne boivent pas de lait en font du yaourt."
241,26,6,"Miltank gibt täglich 20 l Milch. Sie ist süßlich und wird
von Kindern und Erwachsenen gleichermaßen genossen.
Menschen, die keine Milch trinken, essen sie stattdessen
als Joghurt."
241,26,7,"Miltank da al día 20 l de una leche dulce que es la delicia de
pequeños y mayores. Aquellos que no pueden tomarla, se
decantan por los yogures."
241,26,8,"Miltank produce 20 litri di latte al giorno. Il latte è apprezzato
da adulti e bambini perché leggermente dolce. Chi non può
bere latte, lo usa per farne uno yogurt squisito."
241,26,9,"Miltank gives over five gallons of milk on a daily basis. Its
sweet milk is enjoyed by children and grown-ups alike. People
who cant drink milk turn it into yogurt and eat it instead."
241,26,11,"毎日 20リットルの ミルクを だす。
甘い ミルクは 大人も 子どもも 大好き。
苦手な 人は ヨーグルトにして 食べている。"
241,27,1,"そのミルクは えいようまんてんで
こうカロリー。 ゆえに のみすぎると
ミルタンクみたいな たいけいに なる。"
241,27,3,"그 우유는 영양 만점에
고칼로리이다. 고로 너무 많이
마시면 밀탱크 같은 체형이 된다."
241,27,5,"Son lait est aussi nutritif quhypercalorique.
À consommer avec modération, sous peine de
finir avec une silhouette «Écrémeuh-esque»."
241,27,6,"Seine Milch ist kalorienreich und enthält viele
Nährstoffe. Trinkt man zu viel davon, hat man
allerdings selbst bald eine Figur wie Miltank."
241,27,7,"La leche que produce Miltank tiene muchas
calorías y es muy nutritiva. Si bebes demasiada,
tu cuerpo se empezará a parecer al suyo."
241,27,8,"Il suo latte è ricco di sostanze nutritive e molto
calorico. Se se ne beve troppo, si finisce per
avere quello che si definisce “girovita Miltank”."
241,27,9,"Its milk is high in calories and packed with
nutrients. Therefore, if you drink too much of it,
you may wind up with a body like Miltanks."
241,27,11,"そのミルクは 栄養満点で
高カロリー。 ゆえに 飲みすぎると
ミルタンクみたいな 体型に なる。"
241,28,1,"ミルクを とるため そだてる ひとが
ほとんどだが かなり たくましくて
タフなので たたかいにも むいている。"
241,28,3,"우유를 얻기 위해 키우는 사람이
대부분이지만 상당히 늠름하고
터프해서 싸움에도 적합하다."
241,28,5,"Ce Pokémon est surtout élevé pour son lait,
bien que sa stature imposante en fasse un
Pokémon de combat tout à fait respectable."
241,28,6,"Den meisten Menschen dient Miltank in erster
Linie als Milchlieferant, doch es ist stark genug,
um auch im Kampf eine gute Figur abzugeben."
241,28,7,"La mayoría de la gente cría Miltank por su leche,
pero al ser tan resistente, este Pokémon
también puede usarse para combatir."
241,28,8,"Viene allevato principalmente per il latte,
ma poiché è piuttosto forte e robusto,
è efficace anche nelle lotte."
241,28,9,"Most people raise it for its milk, but its quite
tough and strong, so its also well suited
for battle."
241,28,11,"ミルクを 採るため 育てる 人が
ほとんどだが かなり たくましくて
タフなので 戦いにも 向いている。"
241,29,1,"ひに 20リットルの ちちを だす。
ぼくそうの しつが よい とちほど
だす ミルクは コクがあり うまい。"
241,29,3,"하루에 20리터의 젖을 짠다.
목초의 질이 좋은 산지일수록
밀크는 진해서 맛있다."
241,29,5,"Les 20 litres de lait quil produit chaque jour
gagneront en saveur et en caractère sil vit
dans un pâturage de bonne qualité."
241,29,6,"Es gibt täglich 20 l Milch. Je besser die Qualität
des Grases ist, desto schmackhafter ist sie."
241,29,7,"Produce 20 litros de leche al día, que es más
sabrosa cuanto mejor sea el pasto."
241,29,8,"Produce 20 litri di latte al giorno. Più alta è la
qualità del pascolo, più gustoso sarà il latte."
241,29,9,"It produces over five gallons of milk a day. The
higher the quality of the pastures it lives in,
the richer and tastier its milk becomes."
241,29,11,"日に 20リットルの 乳を 出す。
牧草の 質が 良い 土地ほど
出す ミルクは コクがあり 美味い。"
241,30,1,"ミルクは おいしく えいようまんてん。
ただし のみすぎると おなかが
くだることも あるので ちゅういだ。"
241,30,3,"우유는 맛있고 영양 만점이다.
단 너무 마시면 배가
아플 수도 있으므로 주의하자."
241,30,5,"Son lait est délicieux et très nutritif, mais il ne
faut pas en abuser pour éviter déventuels
petits problèmes de digestion."
241,30,6,"Seine Milch ist lecker und nahrhaft. Doch wenn
man zu viel davon trinkt, kann man Durchfall
241,30,7,"La leche de Miltank es deliciosa y nutritiva,
pero, consumida en exceso, puede causar
241,30,8,"Il suo latte è buono e ricco di sostanze nutritive,
ma se se ne beve troppo, si rischia il mal di
241,30,9,"Its milk is delicious and chock-full of nutrients.
However, if you drink too much, it could make
your stomach hurt, so be careful."
241,30,11,"ミルクは おいしく 栄養満点。
ただし 飲みすぎると お腹が
下ることも あるので 注意だ。"
241,33,1,"えいよう まんてんの ミルクを だす
ことから ふるくから にんげんと
ポケモンの くらしを ささえてきた。"
241,33,3,"영양 만점의 우유를 만들어내서
옛날부터 사람과 포켓몬의
삶을 지탱해왔다."
241,33,5,"Grâce à son lait très nutritif, Écrémeuh contribue
depuis longtemps au bien-être des humains
et des Pokémon."
241,33,6,"Dank seiner äußerst nährstoffreichen Milch trägt
Miltank seit langer Zeit zum Wohl von Menschen
und Pokémon bei."
241,33,7,"Debido a la nutritiva leche que produce, ha
contribuido al bienestar de humanos y Pokémon
desde tiempos inmemoriales."
241,33,8,"Il suo latte altamente nutriente contribuisce
al sostentamento di persone e Pokémon
da tempo immemore."
241,33,9,"Miltank produces highly nutritious milk, so its
been supporting the lives of people and other
Pokémon since ancient times."
241,33,11,"栄養満点の ミルクを 出すことから
古くから 人間と ポケモンの
暮らしを 支えてきた。"
241,34,1,"まいにち ミルクを しぼらないと
ぐあいが わるくなる。 ミルクの
あじは きせつに よって かわるぞ。"
241,34,3,"매일 우유를 짜지 않으면
컨디션이 나빠진다. 우유의
맛은 계절에 따라 다르다."
241,34,5,"Sa santé décline si on ne le trait pas tous les jours.
Le goût de son lait varie selon la saison."
241,34,6,"Miltanks Gesundheit leidet darunter, wenn es
nicht jeden Tag gemolken wird. Der Geschmack
seiner Milch ändert sich je nach Jahreszeit."
241,34,7,"Si no se ordeña a Miltank a diario, enferma. El
sabor de la leche que produce cambia según la
época del año."
241,34,8,"Se non viene munto ogni giorno, la sua salute
ne risente. Il sapore del suo latte può variare
in base alla stagione."
241,34,9,"This Pokémon needs to be milked every day,
or else it will fall ill. The flavor of Miltank milk
changes with the seasons."
241,34,11,"毎日 ミルクを 搾らないと
具合が 悪くなる。 ミルクの 味は
季節によって 変わるぞ。"
242,4,9,"Anyone who takes
even one bite of
BLISSEY's egg be­comes unfailingly
caring and pleas­
ant to everyone."
242,5,9,"It has a very com­
passionate nature.
If it sees a sickPOKéMON, it will
nurse the sufferer
back to health."
242,6,9,"Biting into one
of the delicious
eggs that BLISSEYprovides will make
everyone around
smile with joy."
242,7,9,"BLISSEY senses sadness with its fluffy
coat of fur. If it does so, this POKéMON
will rush over to the sad person,however far they may be, to share an
egg of happiness that brings a smile
to any face."
242,8,9,"BLISSEY senses sadness with its fluffy
coat of fur. If it does so, this POKéMON
will rush over to the sad person,however far they may be, to share an
egg of happiness that brings a smile
to any face."
242,9,9,"If it senses sadness with its fluffy fur,
a BLISSEY will rush over to the sad person,
however far away, to share an egg of
happiness that brings a smile to any face."
242,10,9,"It has a very compassionate nature. If it
sees a sick POKéMON, it will nurse the
sufferer back to health."
242,11,9,"Anyone who takes even one bite of
BLISSEYs egg becomes unfailingly caring
and pleasant to everyone."
242,12,9,"This kindhearted Pokémon
nurses sick Pokémon to health.
It senses feelings of sadness."
242,13,9,"It is a Pokémon that delivers
happiness. Eating its egg is said
to make one kind to everyone."
242,14,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with
happiness. Eating even one bite
will bring a smile to anyone."
242,15,9,"Anyone who takes even one taste of
BLISSEYs egg becomes unfailingly
caring and pleasant to everyone."
242,16,9,"It has a very compassionate nature.
If it sees a sick Pokémon, it will
nurse the sufferer back to health."
242,17,5,"Les œufs que pond Leuphorie sont
un concentré de bonheur dont une
bouchée suffit à apporter la joie."
242,17,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with
happiness. Eating even one bite
will bring a smile to anyone."
242,18,5,"Les œufs que pond Leuphorie sont
un concentré de bonheur dont une
bouchée suffit à apporter la joie."
242,18,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with
happiness. Eating even one bite
will bring a smile to anyone."
242,21,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with
happiness. Eating even one bite
will bring a smile to anyone."
242,22,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with
happiness. Eating even one bite
will bring a smile to anyone."
242,23,1,"ハピナスの うむ タマゴには
しあわせが つまっていて ひとくち
たべると だれでも えがおになれる。"
242,23,3,"해피너스가 낳은 알에는
행복이 담겨 있어서 한 입 먹으면
누구든지 웃음 띤 얼굴이 된다."
242,23,5,"Les œufs que pond Leuphorie sont un concentré
de bonheur dont une bouchée suffit à apporter la joie."
242,23,6,"Eier, die es legt, stecken voller Fröhlichkeit.
Schon ein Bissen erzeugt ein breites Lächeln."
242,23,7,"Los huevos que pone están llenos de felicidad. Solo
con probar un poquito de uno, cualquiera sonríe."
242,23,8,"Le uova che depone sono piene di felicità. Un
assaggio rende chiunque allegro."
242,23,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating
even one bite will bring a smile to anyone."
242,23,11,"ハピナスの 産む タマゴには
幸せが つまっていて ひとくち
食べると だれでも 笑顔になれる。"
242,24,1,"よわった ポケモンを なおるまで
かんびょうする やさしい ポケモン。
かなしい きもちを キャッチする。"
242,24,3,"약해진 포켓몬을 나을 때까지
간호하는 상냥한 포켓몬이다.
슬퍼하는 기분을 알아챈다."
242,24,5,"Ce Pokémon au cœur dor soigne les Pokémon
malades. Il ressent la tristesse dautrui."
242,24,6,"Dieses gutherzige Pokémon pflegt kranke Pokémon
gesund. Es spürt die Traurigkeit anderer Lebewesen."
242,24,7,"Este amable Pokémon cuida de Pokémon enfermos y
los sana. Puede percibir la tristeza."
242,24,8,"Questo Pokémon buono cura i Pokémon malati e li
fa guarire. Percepisce la tristezza altrui."
242,24,9,"This kindhearted Pokémon nurses sick Pokémon to
health. It senses feelings of sadness."
242,24,11,"弱った ポケモンを 治るまで
看病する 優しい ポケモン。
悲しい 気持ちを キャッチする。"
242,25,1,"ふわふわの たいもうで かなしんでいる こころを
キャッチすると どんなに とおくでも かけつけて
えがおに なる しあわせタマゴを わけてあげる。"
242,25,3,"푹신푹신한 털로 슬퍼하는 마음을
감지하면 아무리 멀어도 바로 달려가서
미소 짓게 되는 행복의알을 나눠준다."
242,25,5,"Leuphorie ressent la tristesse grâce à son pelage duveteux.
Lorsquil la remarque, ce Pokémon se précipite vers la
personne triste pour partager avec elle un Œuf Chance,
capable de faire naître un sourire sur tout visage."
242,25,6,"Heiteira nimmt mit seinem flauschigen Fell Traurigkeit wahr.
Es hastet zu einer traurigen Person, egal, wie weit diese
entfernt ist, und teilt ein Glücks-Ei mit ihr, um sie zum
Lächeln zu bringen."
242,25,7,"Blissey es capaz de sentir la tristeza a través del sedoso
pelaje. Si detecta que alguien está apenado, irá hasta donde
esté y compartirá un Huevo Suerte para devolverle la sonrisa."
242,25,8,"Blissey percepisce la tristezza degli altri tramite la sua soffice
pelliccia. In tal caso si reca da chi è triste, ovunque si trovi,
per condividere un Fortunuovo che riporta il sorriso
sul volto afflitto."
242,25,9,"Blissey senses sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. If it does so,
this Pokémon will rush over to a sad person, no matter how far
away, to share a Lucky Egg that brings a smile to any face."
242,25,11,"ふわふわの 体毛で 悲しんでいる 心を
キャッチすると どんなに 遠くでも 駆けつけて
笑顔に なる しあわせタマゴを 分けてあげる。"
242,26,1,"ふわふわの たいもうで かなしんでいる こころを
キャッチすると どんなに とおくでも かけつけて
えがおに なる しあわせタマゴを わけてあげる。"
242,26,3,"푹신푹신한 털로 슬퍼하는 마음을
감지하면 아무리 멀어도 바로 달려가서
미소 짓게 되는 행복의알을 나눠준다."
242,26,5,"Leuphorie ressent la tristesse grâce à son pelage duveteux.
Lorsquil la remarque, ce Pokémon se précipite vers la
personne triste pour partager avec elle un Œuf Chance,
capable de faire naître un sourire sur tout visage."
242,26,6,"Heiteira nimmt mit seinem flauschigen Fell Traurigkeit wahr.
Es hastet zu einer traurigen Person, egal, wie weit diese
entfernt ist, und teilt ein Glücks-Ei mit ihr, um sie zum
Lächeln zu bringen."
242,26,7,"Blissey es capaz de sentir la tristeza a través del sedoso
pelaje. Si detecta que alguien está apenado, irá hasta donde
esté y compartirá un Huevo Suerte para devolverle la sonrisa."
242,26,8,"Blissey percepisce la tristezza degli altri tramite la sua soffice
pelliccia. In tal caso si reca da chi è triste, ovunque si trovi,
per condividere un Fortunuovo che riporta il sorriso
sul volto afflitto."
242,26,9,"Blissey senses sadness with its fluffy coat of fur. If it does so,
this Pokémon will rush over to a sad person, no matter how far
away, to share a Lucky Egg that brings a smile to any face."
242,26,11,"ふわふわの 体毛で 悲しんでいる 心を
キャッチすると どんなに 遠くでも 駆けつけて
笑顔に なる しあわせタマゴを 分けてあげる。"
242,27,1,"しあわせが つまっていると いわれる
ハピナスの タマゴを たべれば どんな
きょうぼうな ポケモンも おだやかに。"
242,27,3,"행복이 가득 차 있다고 전해지는
해피너스의 알을 먹으면 어떤
난폭한 포켓몬도 온화해진다."
242,27,5,"On dit que les œufs de Leuphorie seraient
de véritables concentrés de bonheur, capables
dadoucir les Pokémon les plus hargneux."
242,27,6,"Ein Bissen von seinem Glücks-Ei, das voller
Fröhlichkeit steckt, lässt selbst das wildeste
Pokémon ganz sanft und ruhig werden."
242,27,7,"Se dice que los huevos de Blissey están llenos
de felicidad y que un solo bocado puede calmar
hasta al más feroz de los Pokémon."
242,27,8,"Si dice che le sue uova siano ricche di felicità
e che rendano mansueti persino i Pokémon più
242,27,9,"Even the most ferocious Pokémon become calm
when they eat Blisseys egg, which is said
to be filled with happiness."
242,27,11,"幸せが つまっていると いわれる
ハピナスの タマゴを 食べれば どんな
凶暴な ポケモンも 穏やかに。"
242,28,1,"ふわふわの たいもうは センサー。
ポケモンや ひとの きもちを
キャッチすることが できるのだ。"
242,28,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 센서다.
포켓몬이나 사람의 기분을
캐치할 수 있다."
242,28,5,"Le pelage de ce Pokémon lui fait office de radar
à émotions. Il est ainsi capable de capter
les humeurs des Pokémon et humains alentour."
242,28,6,"Sein flauschiges Fell ist wie ein Sensor,
mit dem es die Gefühle von Pokémon und
Menschen wahrnehmen kann."
242,28,7,"Con su sedoso pelaje, que funciona como un
sensor, puede detectar los sentimientos de los
Pokémon y las personas."
242,28,8,"È in grado di percepire i sentimenti di Pokémon
ed esseri umani tramite la sua soffice pelliccia."
242,28,9,"Its fluffy fur coat acts as a sensor, enabling it to
read the feelings of people and Pokémon."
242,28,11,"ふわふわの 体毛は センサー。
ポケモンや 人の 気持ちを
キャッチすることが できるのだ。"
242,29,1,"タマゴは たべると しあわせになると
いわれるほど ぜっぴん。 しじょうで
1ばん たかい ねだんが つく。"
242,29,3,"알을 먹으면 행복해진다고
전해질 정도로 맛이 일품이다.
시장에서 제일 가격이 비싸다."
242,29,5,"Ses œufs sont si bons quil suffirait den manger
un pour trouver le bonheur. Au marché, cest
le produit qui se vend le plus cher."
242,29,6,"Sein Ei ist eine Kostbarkeit, denn es heißt, wer
davon esse, werde glücklich. Auf dem Markt
erzielt es deshalb Spitzenpreise."
242,29,7,"Se dice que los huevos de Blissey están tan
ricos que dan la felicidad a quien los prueba.
Por eso alcanzan precios exorbitantes."
242,29,8,"Le sue uova sono talmente deliziose che si dice
rendano felice chiunque le mangi. Per questo
hanno prezzi altissimi sul mercato."
242,29,9,"Their eggs are such a delicacy that some say
eating one will bring you happiness. These eggs
fetch the highest prices on the market."
242,29,11,"タマゴは 食べると 幸せになると
いわれるほど 絶品。 市場で
1番 高い 値段が つく。"
242,30,1,"あいじょうに みちあふれた ポケモン。
トレーナーと こころを かよわせた
ラッキーだけが しんかできるという。"
242,30,3,"애정이 넘치는 포켓몬이다.
트레이너와 마음이 통하는
럭키만이 진화할 수 있다고 한다."
242,30,5,"Ce Pokémon déborde de compassion.
On raconte que seuls les Leveinard ayant ouvert
leur cœur à leur Dresseur peuvent évoluer."
242,30,6,"Es ist ein sehr liebevolles Pokémon. Nur ein
Chaneira, das in völligem Einklang mit seinem
Trainer ist, entwickelt sich zu Heiteira."
242,30,7,"Un Pokémon que rebosa amor y del que se dice
que solo puede evolucionar de un Chansey que
esté muy unido a su Entrenador."
242,30,8,"È molto affettuoso e comprensivo. Si dice che
possa evolversi solo da un Chansey che va
damore e daccordo con il proprio Allenatore."
242,30,9,"This Pokémon is overflowing with love. Only
Chansey that share a strong bond with their
Trainer can evolve, so people say."
242,30,11,"愛情に 満ちあふれた ポケモン。
トレーナーと 心を 通わせた
ラッキーだけが 進化できるという。"
242,33,1,"よわった ポケモンを みつけると
じぶんの タマゴを わけあたえ
なおるまで かんびょうを つづける。"
242,33,3,"약해진 포켓몬을 발견하면
자신의 알을 나눠주고
치료될 때까지 병간호한다."
242,33,5,"Lorsquil croise un Pokémon affaibli, il partage
son œuf avec ce dernier et lui prodigue des soins
jusquà ce quil soit rétabli."
242,33,6,"Stößt Heiteira auf geschwächte Pokémon, teilt es
sein Ei mit ihnen und pflegt sie wieder gesund."
242,33,7,"Si se encuentra un Pokémon enfermo, comparte
su huevo con él y lo cuida hasta que se recupera."
242,33,8,"Quando incontra un Pokémon indebolito,
condivide con lui il proprio uovo e lo accudisce
fino alla completa guarigione."
242,33,9,"Whenever a Blissey finds a weakened Pokémon,
it will share its egg and offer its care until the
other Pokémon is all better."
242,33,11,"弱った ポケモンを 見つけると
自分の タマゴを 分け与え
治るまで 看病を 続ける。"
242,34,1,"しあわせが つまった ふしぎな
タマゴを うむ。 たべた ひとは
だれにでも やさしく なれるという。"
242,34,3,"행복이 가득 찬 신비한
알을 낳는다. 먹은 사람은
누구에게나 친절해진다고 한다."
242,34,5,"Il pond détranges œufs remplis de bonheur.
On raconte que quiconque en mange un
devient aimable envers tout le monde."
242,34,6,"Es legt mysteriöse Eier, die voller Glück stecken.
Wer davon isst, soll anderen gegenüber sorgsam
und höflich werden."
242,34,7,"Pone unos extraños huevos llenos de felicidad.
Dicen que aquellos que los prueban se vuelven
amables con todo el mundo."
242,34,8,"Le sue uova sono un magico concentrato
di felicità. Si dice che rendano gentile
chiunque le mangia."
242,34,9,"Blissey lays mysterious eggs that are filled with
happiness. Its said that anyone who eats a
Blissey egg will start acting kindly to all others."
242,34,11,"幸せが 詰まった 不思議な
タマゴを 産む。 食べた 人は
誰にでも 優しくなれるという。"
243,4,9,"The rain clouds it
carries let it
fire thunderboltsat will. They say
that it descended
with lightning."
243,5,9,"A POKéMON that
races across the
land while barkinga cry that sounds
like crashing
243,6,9,"This rough POKéMON
stores energy
inside its body,then sweeps across
the land, shooting
off electricity."
243,7,9,"RAIKOU embodies the speed of lightning.
The roars of this POKéMON send shock
waves shuddering through the air andshake the ground as if lightning bolts
had come crashing down."
243,8,9,"RAIKOU embodies the speed of lightning.
The roars of this POKéMON send shock
waves shuddering through the air andshake the ground as if lightning bolts
had come crashing down."
243,9,9,"RAIKOU embodies the speed of lightning.
Its roars send shock waves shuddering
through the air and ground as if
lightning bolts were crashing down."
243,10,9,"This POKéMON races across the
land while barking a cry that sounds
like crashing thunder."
243,11,9,"The rain clouds it carries let it fire
thunderbolts at will. They say that it
descended with lightning."
243,12,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,13,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,14,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,15,9,"The rain clouds it carries let it
fire thunderbolts at will. They say
that it descended with lightning."
243,16,9,"A Pokémon that races across the
land while barking a cry that sounds
like crashing thunder."
243,17,5,"On prétend quil est tombé avec la
foudre. Il peut lancer des éclairs
grâce aux nuages sur son dos."
243,17,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,18,5,"On prétend quil est tombé avec la
foudre. Il peut lancer des éclairs
grâce aux nuages sur son dos."
243,18,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,21,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,22,9,"It is said to have fallen with
lightning. It can fire thunderbolts
from the rain clouds on its back."
243,23,1,"あまぐもを せおっているので
どんなときでも かみなりを だせる。
かみなりとともに おちてきたという。"
243,23,3,"비구름을 짊어지고 있어서
어떤 때라도 번개를 칠 수 있다.
번개와 함께 떨어졌다고 한다."
243,23,5,"Le nuage de pluie quil porte peut relâcher la foudre
à volonté. On dit de lui quil est venu avec lorage."
243,23,6,"Die Regenwolken, die es trägt, ermöglichen es ihm,
Gewitter zu erzeugen. Es strotzt vor Blitzen."
243,23,7,"Las nubes de lluvia que lleva le permiten lanzar rayos
a voluntad. Dicen que apareció con un rayo."
243,23,8,"Grazie alle nubi di pioggia che ha con sé lancia
fulmini a volontà. Pare che sia arrivato con un lampo."
243,23,9,"The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts
at will. They say that it descended with lightning."
243,23,11,"雨雲を 背負っているので
どんなときでも 雷を 出せる。
雷とともに 落ちてきたという。"
243,24,1,"たいないで うずまく ちからを
でんげきとして だしながら だいちを
かけめぐる あらあらしい ポケモン。"
243,24,3,"체내에서 들끓는 힘을
전격으로 내보내면서 대지를
달리는 난폭한 포켓몬이다."
243,24,5,"Ce terrible Pokémon emmagasine de lénergie puis
court en lançant de puissants éclairs."
243,24,6,"Dieses aggressive Pokémon speichert Energie
in seinem Körper und entlädt sie, wenn es über
das Land streift."
243,24,7,"Este duro Pokémon almacena energía en su cuerpo.
Después, cuando se desplaza por tierra, la suelta."
243,24,8,"Pokémon violento che accumula energia nel corpo
e poi corre allimpazzata, scaricando elettricità."
243,24,9,"This rough Pokémon stores energy inside its body,
then sweeps across the land, shooting
off electricity."
243,24,11,"体内で 渦巻く 力を
電撃として 出しながら 大地を
駆け巡る 荒々しい ポケモン。"
243,25,1,"かみなりの スピードを やどした ポケモン。
その とおぼえは かみなりが おちた ときの
ように くうきを ふるわせ だいちを ゆるがす。"
243,25,3,"번개의 스피드가 깃들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
그 울음소리는 번개가 내리쳤을 때처럼
공기를 떨리게 하며 대지를 흔든다."
243,25,5,"Raikou incarne la vitesse de léclair. Les rugissements de
ce Pokémon libèrent des ondes de choc provenant du ciel
et frappant le sol avec la puissance de la foudre."
243,25,6,"Raikou ist so schnell wie der Blitz. Das Gebrüll dieses
Pokémon sendet Schockwellen aus, die wie Donnerschläge
durch die Luft beben und den Boden erschüttern."
243,25,7,"Raikou tiene la velocidad del rayo. Los rugidos de este
Pokémon emiten ondas de choque que se esparcen vibrando
por el aire y sacuden el suelo como si fueran auténticas
descargas de rayo."
243,25,8,"Raikou rappresenta la velocità del fulmine. Il suo ruggito crea
terrificanti onde durto nellaria e scuote il suolo come se
fosse percosso dalla furia di un fulmine durante il temporale."
243,25,9,"Raikou embodies the speed of lightning. The roars of this
Pokémon send shock waves shuddering through the air
and shake the ground as if lightning bolts had come
crashing down."
243,25,11,"雷の スピードを 宿した ポケモン。
その 遠ぼえは 雷が 落ちた ときの
ように 空気を 震わせ 大地を 揺るがす。"
243,26,1,"かみなりの スピードを やどした ポケモン。
その とおぼえは かみなりが おちた ときの
ように くうきを ふるわせ だいちを ゆるがす。"
243,26,3,"번개의 스피드가 깃들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
그 울음소리는 번개가 내리쳤을 때처럼
공기를 떨리게 하며 대지를 흔든다."
243,26,5,"Raikou incarne la vitesse de léclair. Les rugissements de
ce Pokémon libèrent des ondes de choc provenant du ciel
et frappant le sol avec la puissance de la foudre."
243,26,6,"Raikou ist so schnell wie der Blitz. Das Gebrüll dieses
Pokémon sendet Schockwellen aus, die wie Donnerschläge
durch die Luft beben und den Boden erschüttern."
243,26,7,"Raikou tiene la velocidad del rayo. Los rugidos de este
Pokémon emiten ondas de choque que se esparcen vibrando
por el aire y sacuden el suelo como si fueran auténticas
descargas de rayo."
243,26,8,"Raikou rappresenta la velocità del fulmine. Il suo ruggito crea
terrificanti onde durto nellaria e scuote il suolo come se
fosse percosso dalla furia di un fulmine durante il temporale."
243,26,9,"Raikou embodies the speed of lightning. The roars of
this Pokémon send shock waves shuddering through the
air and shake the ground as if lightning bolts had come
crashing down."
243,26,11,"雷の スピードを 宿した ポケモン。
その 遠ぼえは 雷が 落ちた ときの
ように 空気を 震わせ 大地を 揺るがす。"
244,4,9,"Volcanoes erupt
when it barks. Un­
able to restrainits extreme power,
it races headlong
around the land."
244,5,9,"A POKéMON that
races across the
land. It is saidthat one is born
every time a new
volcano appears."
244,6,9,"This brawny
POKéMON courses
around the earth,spouting flames
hotter than a
volcano's magma."
244,7,9,"ENTEI embodies the passion of magma.
This POKéMON is thought to have been
born in the eruption of a volcano.It sends up massive bursts of fire that
utterly consume all that they touch."
244,8,9,"ENTEI embodies the passion of magma.
This POKéMON is thought to have been
born in the eruption of a volcano.It sends up massive bursts of fire that
utterly consume all that they touch."
244,9,9,"ENTEI embodies the passion of magma.
It is thought to have been born in the
eruption of a volcano. It blasts fire that
consumes all that it touches."
244,10,9,"A POKéMON that races across the land.
It is said that one is born every time a
new volcano appears."
244,11,9,"Volcanoes erupt when it barks. Unable to
restrain its extreme power, it races
headlong around the land."
244,12,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,13,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,14,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,15,9,"Volcanoes erupt when it barks.
Unable to contain its sheer power,
it races headlong around the land."
244,16,9,"A Pokémon that races across the
land. It is said that one is born
every time a new volcano appears."
244,17,5,"On raconte quà chaque fois quil
rugit, un volcan entre en éruption
quelque part."
244,17,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,18,5,"On raconte quà chaque fois quil
rugit, un volcan entre en éruption
quelque part."
244,18,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,21,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,22,9,"It is said that when it roars, a
volcano erupts somewhere around
the globe."
244,23,1,"あたらしい かざんが できるたび
うまれてくると つたえられる
だいちを かけめぐる ポケモン。"
244,23,3,"새로운 화산이 생길 때마다
태어난다고 전해지는
대지를 달리는 포켓몬이다."
244,23,5,"Un Pokémon qui parcourt le monde. On dit quil en
naît un à chaque fois quun volcan apparaît."
244,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon jagt über das Land. Man sagt,
in jedem neuen Vulkan wird ein Entei geboren."
244,23,7,"Un Pokémon que corre por la tierra. Dicen que siempre
nace uno cuando aparece un nuevo volcán."
244,23,8,"Un Pokémon che corre in lungo e in largo. Si dice
che nasca ogni volta che si forma un nuovo vulcano."
244,23,9,"A Pokémon that races across the land. It is said
that one is born every time a new volcano appears."
244,23,11,"新しい 火山が できるたび
生まれてくると 伝えられる
大地を 駆け巡る ポケモン。"
244,24,1,"エンテイが ほえると
せかいの どこかの かざんが
ふんかすると いわれている。"
244,24,3,"앤테이가 울부짖으면
세계 어딘가의 화산이
분화한다고 전해진다."
244,24,5,"On raconte quà chaque fois quil rugit, un volcan
entre en éruption quelque part."
244,24,6,"Man sagt, wenn es brüllt, bricht irgendwo
in der Welt ein Vulkan aus."
244,24,7,"Se dice que, cuando ruge, un volcán entra en erupción
en algún punto del globo."
244,24,8,"Si dice che quando emette il suo verso, da qualche
parte nel mondo un vulcano stia eruttando."
244,24,9,"It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts
somewhere around the globe."
244,24,11,"エンテイが ほえると
世界の どこかの 火山が
噴火すると 言われている。"
244,25,1,"マグマの じょうねつを やどした ポケモン。
かざんの ふんかから うまれたと かんがえられ
すべてを やきつくす ほのおを ふきあげる。"
244,25,3,"마그마의 정열이 깃들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
화산 분화 속에서 태어났다고 여겨지며
모든 것을 태워버리는 불꽃을 뿜어 올린다."
244,25,5,"Entei incarne la colère du magma. On pense que ce
Pokémon est né suite à léruption dun volcan. Il peut
envoyer dénormes jets de flammes qui calcinent tout
ce quils touchent."
244,25,6,"Entei verfügt über die Leidenschaft von Magma. Dieses
Pokémon wurde bei einem Vulkanausbruch geboren und
bringt Feuersbrünste hervor, die alles auslöschen, was mit
ihnen in Kontakt kommt."
244,25,7,"Entei contiene el fulgor del magma en su interior. Se cree que
este Pokémon nació de la erupción de un volcán. Escupe
numerosas ráfagas de fuego que devoran y reducen a cenizas
todo lo que tocan."
244,25,8,"Entei rappresenta lardore del magma. Si narra che questo
Pokémon sia nato dalleruzione di un vulcano. Emette lingue
di fuoco così violente da incenerire tutto ciò che lambiscono."
244,25,9,"Entei embodies the passion of magma. This Pokémon is
thought to have been born in the eruption of a volcano.
It sends up massive bursts of fire that utterly consume all that
they touch."
244,25,11,"マグマの 情熱を 宿した ポケモン。
火山の 噴火から 生まれたと 考えられ
すべてを 焼き尽くす 炎を 噴き上げる。"
244,26,1,"マグマの じょうねつを やどした ポケモン。
かざんの ふんかから うまれたと かんがえられ
すべてを やきつくす ほのおを ふきあげる。"
244,26,3,"마그마의 정열이 깃들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
화산 분화 속에서 태어났다고 여겨지며
모든 것을 태워버리는 불꽃을 뿜어 올린다."
244,26,5,"Entei incarne la colère du magma. On pense que ce
Pokémon est né suite à léruption dun volcan. Il peut
envoyer dénormes jets de flammes qui calcinent tout
ce quils touchent."
244,26,6,"Entei verfügt über die Leidenschaft von Magma. Dieses
Pokémon wurde bei einem Vulkanausbruch geboren und
bringt Feuersbrünste hervor, die alles auslöschen, was mit
ihnen in Kontakt kommt."
244,26,7,"Entei contiene el fulgor del magma en su interior. Se cree que
este Pokémon nació de la erupción de un volcán. Escupe
numerosas ráfagas de fuego que devoran y reducen a cenizas
todo lo que tocan."
244,26,8,"Entei rappresenta lardore del magma. Si narra che questo
Pokémon sia nato dalleruzione di un vulcano. Emette lingue
di fuoco così violente da incenerire tutto ciò che lambiscono."
244,26,9,"Entei embodies the passion of magma. This Pokémon is
thought to have been born in the eruption of a volcano.
It sends up massive bursts of fire that utterly consume all
that they touch."
244,26,11,"マグマの 情熱を 宿した ポケモン。
火山の 噴火から 生まれたと 考えられ
すべてを 焼き尽くす 炎を 噴き上げる。"
245,4,9,"Said to be the
reincarnation of
north winds, itcan instantly
purify filthy,
murky water."
245,5,9,"This POKéMON races
across the land.
It is said thatnorth winds will
somehow blow when­
ever it appears."
245,6,9,"This divine
POKéMON blows
around the world,always in search
of a pure
245,7,9,"SUICUNE embodies the compassion of
a pure spring of water. It runs across
the land with gracefulness.This POKéMON has the power to purify
dirty water."
245,8,9,"SUICUNE embodies the compassion of
a pure spring of water. It runs across
the land with gracefulness.This POKéMON has the power to purify
dirty water."
245,9,9,"SUICUNE embodies the compassion of
a pure spring of water. It runs across
the land with gliding elegance. It has the
power to purify dirty water."
245,10,9,"This POKéMON races across the land.
It is said that north winds will somehow
blow whenever it appears."
245,11,9,"Said to be the reincarnation of north
winds, it can instantly purify filthy,
murky water."
245,12,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,13,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,14,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,15,9,"Said to be the embodiment of
north winds, it can instantly
purify filthy, murky water."
245,16,9,"This Pokémon races across the land.
It is said that north winds will
somehow blow whenever it appears."
245,17,5,"Il parcourt le vaste monde pour
purifier les eaux polluées. Il
accompagne le vent du nord."
245,17,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,18,5,"Il parcourt le vaste monde pour
purifier les eaux polluées. Il
accompagne le vent du nord."
245,18,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,21,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,22,9,"It races around the world to
purify fouled water. It dashes
away with the north wind."
245,23,1,"せかいじゅうを かけめぐり
よごれた みずを きよめている。
きたかぜと ともに はしりさる。"
245,23,3,"세계 곳곳을 뛰어다니며
오염된 물을 정화시킨다.
북풍과 함께 달려나간다."
245,23,5,"Il parcourt le vaste monde pour purifier les eaux
polluées. Il accompagne le vent du nord."
245,23,6,"Es wandert beständig in der Welt herum,
um verunreinigtes Wasser zu reinigen.
Es zieht mit dem Nordwind."
245,23,7,"Recorre el mundo para purificar agua contaminada.
Corre veloz con el viento del norte."
245,23,8,"Corre per tutto il mondo per purificare lacqua
contaminata. Si allontana con i venti del nord."
245,23,9,"It races around the world to purify fouled water.
It dashes away with the north wind."
245,23,11,"世界中を 駆け巡り
汚れた 水を 清めている。
北風と ともに 走り去る。"
245,24,1,"いっしゅんで きたなく にごった
みずも きよめる ちからをもつ。
きたかぜの うまれかわり という。"
245,24,3,"순식간에 더럽고 탁한
물도 깨끗하게 하는 힘을 가졌다.
북풍이 다시 태어난 것이라고 한다."
245,24,5,"Il serait la réincarnation du vent du nord. Il peut
purifier instantanément les eaux polluées."
245,24,6,"Man sagt, es sei die Wiedergeburt des Nordwindes.
Es kann verschmutztes Wasser im Nu reinigen."
245,24,7,"Conocido como la reencarnación de los vientos del
norte, puede purificar aguas turbias y sucias."
245,24,8,"Si dice che sia la reincarnazione dei venti nordici.
Purifica allistante lacqua torbida e putrida."
245,24,9,"Said to be the embodiment of north winds, it can
instantly purify filthy, murky water."
245,24,11,"一瞬で 汚く 濁った 水も
清める 力を 持つ。
北風の 生まれ変わり という。"
245,25,1,"わきみずの やさしさを やどした ポケモン。
すべる ような みのこなしで だいちを はしり
にごった みずを きよめる ちからを もつ。"
245,25,3,"솟아나는 물의 부드러움이 깃들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
흐르는 듯한 몸놀림으로 대지를 달려
탁해진 물을 맑게 하는 힘을 지녔다."
245,25,5,"Suicune incarne la tranquillité dune source deau pure.
Il parcourt les plaines avec grâce. Ce Pokémon a le pouvoir
de purifier leau."
245,25,6,"Suicune wohnt die Reinheit einer Quelle inne. Es bewegt sich
graziös und hat die Macht, schmutziges Wasser zu reinigen."
245,25,7,"Suicune emana la pureza de los manantiales. Suele corretear
por el campo con gran elegancia. Este Pokémon tiene el poder
de purificar el agua contaminada."
245,25,8,"Suicune rappresenta la purezza delle sorgenti dacqua dolce.
Corre con grazia immerso nella natura. Questo Pokémon
ha la facoltà di depurare le acque di scarico."
245,25,9,"Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water.
It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has
the power to purify dirty water."
245,25,11,"わき水の 優しさを 宿した ポケモン。
滑る ような 身のこなしで 大地を 走り
濁った 水を 清める 力を 持つ。"
245,26,1,"わきみずの やさしさを やどした ポケモン。
すべる ような みのこなしで だいちを はしり
にごった みずを きよめる ちからを もつ。"
245,26,3,"솟아나는 물의 부드러움이 깃들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
흐르는 듯한 몸놀림으로 대지를 달려
탁해진 물을 맑게 하는 힘을 지녔다."
245,26,5,"Suicune incarne la tranquillité dune source deau pure.
Il parcourt les plaines avec grâce. Ce Pokémon a le pouvoir
de purifier leau."
245,26,6,"Suicune wohnt die Reinheit einer Quelle inne. Es läuft graziös
herum und hat die Macht, schmutziges Wasser zu reinigen."
245,26,7,"Suicune emana la pureza de los manantiales. Suele corretear
por el campo con gran elegancia. Este Pokémon tiene el poder
de purificar el agua contaminada."
245,26,8,"Suicune rappresenta la purezza delle sorgenti dacqua dolce.
Corre con grazia immerso nella natura. Questo Pokémon
ha la facoltà di depurare le acque di scarico."
245,26,9,"Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water.
It runs across the land with gracefulness. This Pokémon has
the power to purify dirty water."
245,26,11,"わき水の 優しさを 宿した ポケモン。
滑る ような 身のこなしで 大地を 走り
濁った 水を 清める 力を 持つ。"
246,4,9,"It feeds on soil.
After it has eaten
a large mountain,it will fall
asleep so it can
246,5,9,"It is born deep
underground. It
can't emerge untilit has entirely
consumed the soil
around it."
246,6,9,"Born deep under­
ground, this
POKéMON becomes apupa after eating
enough dirt to
make a mountain."
246,7,9,"LARVITAR is born deep under the ground.
To come up to the surface, this POKéMON
must eat its way through the soil above.Until it does so, LARVITAR cannot see
its parents face."
246,8,9,"LARVITAR is born deep under the ground.
To come up to the surface, this POKéMON
must eat its way through the soil above.Until it does so, LARVITAR cannot see
its parents face."
246,9,9,"A LARVITAR is born deep under the ground.
It must eat its way through the soil above
and reach the surface for it to see its
parents faces."
246,10,9,"It is born deep underground. It cant
emerge until it has entirely consumed the
soil around it."
246,11,9,"It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a
large mountain, it will fall asleep so it
can grow."
246,12,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it
has eaten a large mountain, it
goes to sleep so it can grow."
246,13,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it
has eaten a large mountain, it
goes to sleep so it can grow."
246,14,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it
has eaten a large mountain, it
goes to sleep so it can grow."
246,15,9,"It feeds on soil. After it has eaten
a large mountain, it falls asleep
so it can grow."
246,16,9,"It is born deep underground. It
cant emerge until it has entirely
consumed the soil around it."
246,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui se nourrit de terre.
Après avoir dévoré une montagne,
il sendort pour grandir."
246,17,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it
has eaten a large mountain, it
goes to sleep so it can grow."
246,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui se nourrit de terre.
Après avoir dévoré une montagne,
il sendort pour grandir."
246,18,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it
has eaten a large mountain, it
goes to sleep so it can grow."
246,21,9,"Born deep underground, it comes
aboveground and becomes a pupa once it
has finished eating the surrounding soil."
246,22,9,"Born deep underground, it comes
aboveground and becomes a pupa once it
has finished eating the surrounding soil."
246,23,1,"つちを たべて いきている。
おおきな やまひとつ たべおわると
せいちょうのため ねむりはじめる。"
246,23,3,"흙을 먹으며 살고 있다.
큰 산을 하나 다 먹으면
성장을 위해 잠자기 시작한다."
246,23,5,"Il se nourrit de terre. Une fois quil a absorbé une
montagne, il sendort et commence à évoluer."
246,23,6,"Es ernährt sich von Erde. Nachdem es einen Berg
verspeist hat, schläft es ein, um zu wachsen."
246,23,7,"Se alimenta de tierra. Después de comer una gran
montaña, se duerme y empieza a crecer."
246,23,8,"Si nutre di terra. Dopo aver divorato una montagna
intera, si addormenta per poter crescere."
246,23,9,"It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain,
it falls asleep so it can grow."
246,23,11,"土を 食べて 生きている。
大きな 山ひとつ 食べ終わると
成長のため 眠りはじめる。"
246,24,1,"ちてい おくふかくで うまれる。
まわりの つちを たいらげると
ちじょうに あらわれ サナギになる。"
246,24,3,"땅속 깊은 곳에서 태어난다.
주변의 흙을 다 먹으면
지상으로 올라와 번데기가 된다."
246,24,5,"Il vit très profond sous terre. Il nen sort pour évoluer
quaprès avoir dévoré tout ce qui lentourait."
246,24,6,"Sie schlüpfen tief unter der Erde und fressen sich
durch das Erdreich bis zur Oberfläche durch,
wo sie sich verpuppen."
246,24,7,"Nace muy profundo en el suelo y sube a la superficie,
donde se convierte en una larva comiéndose la tierra
que lo rodea."
246,24,8,"Nasce nelle profondità del sottosuolo. Dopo aver
divorato la terra circostante emerge in superficie e
diventa crisalide."
246,24,9,"Born deep underground, it comes aboveground and
becomes a pupa once it has finished eating the
surrounding soil."
246,24,11,"地底 奥深くで 生まれる。
まわりの 土を たいらげると
地上に 現われ サナギになる。"
246,25,1,"ちちゅう ふかくで うまれる ヨーギラスは
つちを たべつくして ちじょうへ でないと
おやの かおを みる ことが できないのだ。"
246,25,3,"땅속 깊은 곳에서 태어나는 애버라스는
흙을 먹어치우고 지상에 나오지 않으면
부모의 얼굴을 볼 수가 없다."
246,25,5,"Embrylex est né sous terre. Pour remonter à la surface,
ce Pokémon doit manger la terre au-dessus de lui.
Jusquà ce quil y parvienne, Embrylex ne peut pas voir
le visage de ses parents."
246,25,6,"Larvitar wurde tief unter der Erde geboren. Um an die
Oberfläche zu gelangen, muss es sich durch das Erdreich
fressen. Erst dann bekommt es seine Eltern zu Gesicht."
246,25,7,"Larvitar nace bajo tierra a gran profundidad. Para subir a la
superficie, este Pokémon debe comer lo que encuentra en su
camino para abrirse paso. Y, hasta que no está arriba, no
puede verles la cara a sus padres."
246,25,8,"Larvitar nasce nelle viscere della terra. Per emergere
in superficie deve farsi strada inghiottendo la terra che
lo ostacola. Larvitar non può vedere il volto dei propri
genitori finché non emerge."
246,25,9,"Larvitar is born deep under the ground. To come up to the
surface, this Pokémon must eat its way through the soil above.
Until it does so, Larvitar cannot see its parents."
246,25,11,"地中 深くで 生まれる ヨーギラスは
土を 食べ尽くして 地上へ 出ないと
親の 顔を 見る ことが できないのだ。"
246,26,1,"ちちゅう ふかくで うまれる ヨーギラスは
つちを たべつくして ちじょうへ でないと
おやの かおを みる ことが できないのだ。"
246,26,3,"땅속 깊은 곳에서 태어나는 애버라스는
흙을 먹어치우고 지상에 나오지 않으면
부모의 얼굴을 볼 수가 없다."
246,26,5,"Embrylex est né sous terre. Pour remonter à la surface,
ce Pokémon doit manger la terre au-dessus de lui.
Jusquà ce quil y parvienne, Embrylex ne peut pas voir
le visage de ses parents."
246,26,6,"Larvitar wurde tief unter der Erde geboren. Um an die
Oberfläche zu gelangen, muss es sich durch das Erdreich
fressen. Erst dann bekommt es seine Eltern zu Gesicht."
246,26,7,"Larvitar nace bajo tierra a gran profundidad. Para subir a la
superficie, este Pokémon debe comer lo que encuentra en su
camino para abrirse paso. Y, hasta que no está arriba, no
puede verles la cara a sus padres."
246,26,8,"Larvitar nasce nelle viscere della terra. Per emergere
in superficie deve farsi strada inghiottendo la terra che
lo ostacola. Larvitar non può vedere il volto dei propri
genitori finché non emerge."
246,26,9,"Larvitar is born deep under the ground. To come up to the
surface, this Pokémon must eat its way through the soil above.
Until it does so, Larvitar cannot see its parents."
246,26,11,"地中 深くで 生まれる ヨーギラスは
土を 食べ尽くして 地上へ 出ないと
親の 顔を 見る ことが できないのだ。"
246,29,1,"ちかで うまれ つちを くいながら
おやの いる ちじょうを めざす。
まぶしいので ひかりは にがてだよ。"
246,29,3,"지하에서 태어나 흙을 먹으면서
어버이가 있는 지상을 향해 올라간다.
눈이 부셔서 빛은 좋아하지 않는다."
246,29,5,"Il naît sous terre et doit se frayer un chemin à
coups de mâchoire pour rejoindre ses parents
à la surface. Il déteste la lumière, qui léblouit."
246,29,6,"Es wird unterirdisch geboren und frisst sich
durchs Erdreich an die Oberfläche zu seinen
Eltern. Es verabscheut grelles, blendendes Licht."
246,29,7,"Nace bajo el suelo y, para reunirse con sus
progenitores en la superficie, asciende comiendo
tierra. Evita la luz directa porque lo deslumbra."
246,29,8,"Nasce sottoterra e risale in superficie verso i
genitori mangiando la terra lungo il cammino.
Detesta la luce, che trova troppo abbagliante."
246,29,9,"Born underground, it eats its way through dirt to
the surface, where its parents are. It doesnt
deal well with the bright light it finds there."
246,29,11,"地下で 生まれ 土を 食いながら
親の いる 地上を 目指す。
まぶしいので 光は 苦手だよ。"
246,30,1,"つちの なかの えいようで そだつ。
およそ やま ひとつぶんの つちを
くうことで サナギに なるのだ。"
246,30,3,"땅속의 영양으로 성장한다.
대략 산 하나만큼의 흙을
먹으면 번데기가 된다."
246,30,5,"Il se nourrit des nutriments présents dans le
sol. Il lui faut dévorer léquivalent dune petite
montagne pour se changer en chrysalide."
246,30,6,"Es wächst durch die Nährstoffe im Boden.
Wenn es ungefähr einen ganzen Berg Erde
gefressen hat, verpuppt es sich."
246,30,7,"Crece alimentándose de nutrientes del suelo.
Tras devorar el equivalente a una pequeña
montaña, se prepara para convertirse en pupa."
246,30,8,"Cresce assorbendo nutrimento dal terreno.
Dopo aver divorato una quantità di terra
pari a una montagna, diventa crisalide."
246,30,9,"Raised on nutrients it finds in the dirt, it eats
roughly a mountains worth of dirt before
it becomes a pupa."
246,30,11,"土の 中の 栄養で 育つ。
およそ 山 1つ分の 土を
食うことで サナギに なるのだ。"
246,33,1,"ちてい おくふかくで うまれる。
まわりの つちを たいらげると
ちじょうに あらわれ サナギになる。"
246,33,3,"땅속 깊은 곳에서 태어난다.
주변의 흙을 다 먹으면
지상으로 올라와 번데기가 된다."
246,33,5,"Il naît dans les profondeurs du sol.
Après avoir englouti toute la terre qui lentoure,
il fait surface et se change en chrysalide."
246,33,6,"Sie schlüpfen tief unter der Erde und fressen sich
durch das Erdreich bis zur Oberfläche durch,
wo sie sich verpuppen."
246,33,7,"Nace en el subsuelo a gran profundidad. Tras
ingerir la tierra que lo rodea, emerge a la
superficie y se convierte en pupa."
246,33,8,"Nasce nelle profondità del sottosuolo.
Dopo aver divorato la terra circostante
emerge in superficie e diventa crisalide."
246,33,9,"Born deep underground, it comes
aboveground and becomes a pupa once it
has finished eating the surrounding soil."
246,33,11,"地底 奥深くで 生まれる。
まわりの 土を たいらげると
地上に 現われ サナギになる。"
246,34,1,"つちを たべて いきている。
おおきな やまひとつ たべおわると
せいちょうのため ねむりはじめる。"
246,34,3,"흙을 먹으며 살고 있다.
큰 산 하나를 다 먹으면
성장을 위해 잠자기 시작한다."
246,34,5,"Il vit en se nourrissant de terre.
Après avoir dévoré une montagne, il sendort
et entame sa croissance."
246,34,6,"Es ernährt sich von Erde. Nachdem es einen Berg
verspeist hat, schläft es ein, um zu wachsen."
246,34,7,"Se alimenta de tierra. Después de devorar el
equivalente a una montaña, se duerme y empieza
a crecer."
246,34,8,"Si nutre di terra. Dopo aver divorato una
montagna intera, si addormenta per poter
246,34,9,"It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large
mountain, it will fall asleep so it can grow."
246,34,11,"土を 食べて 生きている。
大きな 山ひとつ 食べ終わると
成長のため 眠りはじめる。"
247,4,9,"Its shell is as
hard as sheet
rock, and it isalso very strong.
topple a mountain."
247,5,9,"Even sealed in its
shell, it can move
freely. Hard andfast, it has out­
standing destruc­
tive power."
247,6,9,"It will not stay
still, even while
it's a pupa. Italready has arms
and legs under its
solid shell."
247,7,9,"PUPITAR creates a gas inside its body
that it compresses and forcefully
ejects to propel itself like a jet.The body is very durable - it avoids
damage even if it hits solid steel."
247,8,9,"PUPITAR creates a gas inside its body
that it compresses and forcefully
ejects to propel itself like a jet.The body is very durable - it avoids
damage even if it hits solid steel."
247,9,9,"A PUPITAR creates a gas inside its body
that it ejects under compression to propel
itself like a jet. Its body can withstand
a collision with solid steel."
247,10,9,"Even sealed in its shell, it can move
freely. Hard and fast, it has outstanding
destructive power."
247,11,9,"Its shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it
is also very strong. Its THRASHING can
topple a mountain."
247,12,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock.
By venting pressurized gas, it can
launch itself like a rocket."
247,13,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock.
By venting pressurized gas, it can
launch itself like a rocket."
247,14,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock.
By venting pressurized gas, it can
launch itself like a rocket."
247,15,9,"Its shell is as hard as sheet rock,
and it is also very strong. Its
thrashing can topple a mountain."
247,16,9,"Even sealed in its shell, it can move
freely. Hard and fast, it has
outstanding destructive power."
247,17,5,"Son corps est dur comme la pierre
souterraine. Il file comme une
fusée en expulsant des gaz."
247,17,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock.
By venting pressurized gas, it can
launch itself like a rocket."
247,18,5,"Son corps est dur comme la pierre
souterraine. Il file comme une
fusée en expulsant des gaz."
247,18,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock.
By venting pressurized gas, it can
launch itself like a rocket."
247,21,9,"This pupa flies around wildly
by venting with great force the
gas pressurized inside its body."
247,22,9,"This pupa flies around wildly
by venting with great force the
gas pressurized inside its body."
247,23,1,"がんばんのような かたい からだ。
あっしゅくした ガスを ふんしゃして
まるで ロケットのように とびだす。"
247,23,3,"암반 같은 단단한 몸이다.
압축한 가스를 분사해서
마치 로켓같이 날아간다."
247,23,5,"Son corps est dur comme la pierre souterraine.
Il file comme une fusée en expulsant des gaz."
247,23,6,"Sein Körper ist hart wie Fels. Es lässt mit
Hochdruck Gas ab, um wie eine Rakete nach
oben zu schießen."
247,23,7,"Su cuerpo es duro como la roca. Se autopropulsa
como un cohete soltando los gases de su interior."
247,23,8,"Il suo corpo è duro come la roccia. Riesce a muoversi
come un razzo espellendo gas con tutta la sua forza."
247,23,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock. By venting
pressurized gas, it can launch itself like a rocket."
247,23,11,"岩盤のような 硬い 体。
圧縮した ガスを 噴射して
まるで ロケットのように 飛び出す。"
247,24,1,"がんばんのような かたい カラに
おおわれているが ちからは つよく
あばれると やまも くずれてしまう。"
247,24,3,"암반 같은 단단한 껍질로
둘러싸여 있지만 힘이 강해서
난동을 부리면 산도 무너져버린다."
247,24,5,"Sa carapace est aussi dure que la pierre et il est très
fort. Ses coups peuvent raser une montagne."
247,24,6,"Es ist sehr stark und sein Panzer ist steinhart. Setzt es
Fuchtler ein, kann es einen Berg umstürzen."
247,24,7,"Su caparazón es duro como una piedra y muy
resistente. Su Golpe puede derribar montañas."
247,24,8,"Fortissimo e con un guscio duro come roccia.
Ha un Colpo capace di abbattere una montagna."
247,24,9,"Its shell is as hard as sheet rock, and it is also very
strong. Its thrashing can topple a mountain."
247,24,11,"岩盤のような 硬い 殻に
覆われているが 力は 強く
暴れると 山も 崩れてしまう。"
247,25,1,"たいないで つくりだした ガスを あっしゅくして
いきおいよく ふんしゃする ことで とんでいく。
こうてつに ぶつかっても へいきな ボディだ。"
247,25,3,"체내에서 만들어낸 가스를 압축하여
기운차게 분사해서 날아간다.
강철에 부딪혀도 멀쩡한 몸이다."
247,25,5,"Ymphect crée un gaz dans son corps quil comprime
puissamment pour se propulser, comme un avion à réaction.
Son corps est très solide. Il ne lendommage pas,
même lorsquil frappe de lacier trempé."
247,25,6,"Pupitar erzeugt in seinem Körper ein Gas, das es komprimiert
und kraftvoll ausstößt, um sich wie ein Düsenflugzeug
anzutreiben. Sein Körper ist sehr robust und er hält auch
massivem Stahl stand."
247,25,7,"Pupitar crea un gas en su interior que comprime y expulsa
violentamente a modo de autopropulsión. Tiene un cuerpo
resistente que se mantiene inalterable hasta cuando se golpea
contra duro acero."
247,25,8,"Allinterno del suo corpo Pupitar genera un gas che comprime
ed espelle con forza come il propulsore di un jet. Il suo corpo
è estremamente resistente, anche in caso di impatto con
acciaio massiccio."
247,25,9,"Pupitar creates a gas inside its body that it compresses and
forcefully ejects to propel itself like a jet. The body is very
durable—it avoids damage even if it hits solid steel."
247,25,11,"体内で つくりだした ガスを 圧縮して
勢いよく 噴射する ことで 飛んでいく。
鋼鉄に ぶつかっても 平気な ボディだ。"
247,26,1,"たいないで つくりだした ガスを あっしゅくして
いきおいよく ふんしゃする ことで とんでいく。
こうてつに ぶつかっても へいきな ボディだ。"
247,26,3,"체내에서 만들어낸 가스를 압축하여
기운차게 분사해서 날아간다.
강철에 부딪혀도 멀쩡한 몸이다."
247,26,5,"Ymphect crée un gaz dans son corps quil comprime
puissamment pour se propulser, comme un avion à réaction.
Son corps est très solide. Il ne lendommage pas,
même lorsquil frappe de lacier trempé."
247,26,6,"Pupitar erzeugt in seinem Körper ein Gas, das es komprimiert
und kraftvoll ausstößt, um sich wie ein Düsenflugzeug
anzutreiben. Sein Körper ist robust und hält auch Angriffen mit
massivem Stahl stand."
247,26,7,"Pupitar crea un gas en su interior que comprime y expulsa
violentamente a modo de autopropulsión. Tiene un cuerpo
resistente que se mantiene inalterable hasta cuando se golpea
contra duro acero."
247,26,8,"Allinterno del suo corpo Pupitar genera un gas che comprime
ed espelle con forza come il propulsore di un jet. Il suo corpo
è estremamente resistente, anche in caso di impatto con
acciaio massiccio."
247,26,9,"Pupitar creates a gas inside its body that it compresses and
forcefully ejects to propel itself like a jet. The body is very
durable—it avoids damage even if it hits solid steel."
247,26,11,"体内で つくりだした ガスを 圧縮して
勢いよく 噴射する ことで 飛んでいく。
鋼鉄に ぶつかっても 平気な ボディだ。"
247,29,1,"しんかを まてず あっしゅくガスで
とびまわり あばれて ストレスを
かいしょうする めいわくな ポケモン。"
247,29,3,"진화를 기다리지 못하고 압축가스로
날아다니며 날뛰어 스트레스를
해소하는 성가신 포켓몬."
247,29,5,"Impatient dévoluer, il évacue son stress en
libérant des gaz sous haute pression qui le
font bondir dans tous les sens. Une vraie plaie!"
247,29,6,"Es kann seine Entwicklung nicht erwarten und
stört andere, wenn es zum Stressabbau mithilfe
von komprimiertem Gas durch die Luft zischt."
247,29,7,"Este Pokémon está impaciente por evolucionar
y libera tensiones expulsando gas comprimido
con el que se propulsa. Un verdadero incordio."
247,29,8,"In attesa dellevoluzione, sfoga la sua
impazienza svolazzando ovunque spinto dal gas
compresso che espelle, dando fastidio a tutti."
247,29,9,"This troublesome Pokémon cant wait to evolve,
so it relieves its stress by wildly propelling itself
around using compressed gas."
247,29,11,"進化を 待てず 圧縮ガスで
飛びまわり 暴れて ストレスを
解消する 迷惑な ポケモン。"
247,30,1,"あばれまわる きけんな サナギ。
がんばんの ような カラの なかでは
つぎの からだが できあがりつつある。"
247,30,3,"마구 날뛰는 위험한 번데기다.
암반 같은 껍질 속에서는
다음 몸이 만들어지고 있다."
247,30,5,"Cette chrysalide est très dangereuse.
À lintérieur de cette carapace solide comme
le roc, son nouveau corps se développe."
247,30,6,"Pupitar ist wild und gefährlich. In seinem
steinharten Panzer arbeitet es an der
Fertigstellung seines nächsten Körpers."
247,30,7,"Posee un enorme poder destructivo. Dentro de
su caparazón duro como la roca, su cuerpo
experimenta una metamorfosis."
247,30,8,"È una pericolosa crisalide che semina
distruzione. Allinterno del guscio duro come
una roccia si sta formando il suo nuovo corpo."
247,30,9,"This dangerous pupa thrashes about. Its shell is
as hard as bedrock, containing its gradually
forming new body within."
247,30,11,"暴れまわる 危険な サナギ。
岩盤の ような カラの 中では
次の 身体が できあがりつつある。"
247,33,1,"カラに おおわれているが じゆうに
とびまわれる。 かたさと はやさを
もつので はかいりょく ばつぐんだ。"
247,33,3,"껍질에 덮여 있지만 자유로이
뛰어다닌다. 단단함과 스피드를
지니고 있어서 파괴력이 대단하다."
247,33,5,"Il peut se déplacer même sil est coincé
dans sa coquille. Sa robustesse et sa vitesse
lui confèrent un terrible pouvoir de destruction."
247,33,6,"Trotz seiner harten Schale kann es sich frei
bewegen. Es ist flink und äußerst zerstörerisch."
247,33,7,"Se mueve libremente aun encerrado en la coraza.
Su enorme poder destructivo se une a su dureza
y rapidez."
247,33,8,"Può muoversi liberamente anche se è chiuso
nel guscio. Resistente e rapido, ha un enorme
potere distruttivo."
247,33,9,"Even sealed in its shell, it can move freely.
Hard and fast, it has outstanding
destructive power."
247,33,11,"殻に 被われているが 自由に
飛びまわれる。 硬さと 速さを
もつので 破壊力 抜群だ。"
247,34,1,"さなぎだが じっと していない。
がんじょうな カラの したでは
すでに てあしが できている。"
247,34,3,"번데기지만 가만히 있지 않는다.
단단한 껍질 안에는
이미 팔다리가 만들어져 있다."
247,34,5,"Malgré son état de chrysalide, il ne reste pas
immobile. Sous sa solide carapace, ses pattes
sortent déjà."
247,34,6,"Obwohl es sich noch im Puppenstadium befindet,
bewegt es sich rege. Es hat schon Arme und
Beine unter seinem harten Panzer."
247,34,7,"No se está quieto ni aun siendo una pupa. Sus
extremidades ya se han formado bajo su robusta
247,34,8,"È una crisalide ma non sta mai fermo. Gli arti
sono già formati sotto il duro guscio."
247,34,9,"It will not stay still, even while its a pupa.
It already has arms and legs under its solid shell."
247,34,11,"さなぎだが じっと していない。
頑丈な 殻の 下では
すでに 手足が できている。"
248,4,9,"Its body can't be
harmed by any sort
of attack, so itis very eager to
make challenges
against enemies."
248,5,9,"Extremely strong,
it can change the
landscape. It hasan insolent nature
that makes it not
care about others."
248,6,9,"In just one of its
mighty hands, it
has the power tomake the ground
shake and moun­
tains crumble."
248,7,9,"TYRANITAR is so overwhelmingly
powerful, it can bring down a whole
mountain to make its nest.This POKéMON wanders about in
mountains seeking new opponents to
248,8,9,"TYRANITAR is so overwhelmingly
powerful, it can bring down a whole
mountain to make its nest.This POKéMON wanders about in
mountains seeking new opponents to
248,9,9,"A TYRANITAR is so overwhelmingly powerful,
it can bring down a whole mountain to make
its nest. It roams in mountains seeking
new opponents to fight."
248,10,9,"Its body cant be harmed by any sort of
attack, so it is very eager to make
challenges against enemies."
248,11,9,"Its body cant be harmed by any sort of
attack, so it is very eager to make
challenges against enemies."
248,12,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down
mountains and buries rivers. Maps
must be redrawn afterward."
248,13,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down
mountains and buries rivers. Maps
must be redrawn afterward."
248,14,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down
mountains and buries rivers. Maps
must be redrawn afterward."
248,15,9,"Its body cant be harmed by any
sort of attack, so it is very eager
to make challenges against enemies."
248,16,9,"Extremely strong, it can change the
landscape. It has an insolent nature
that makes it not care about others."
248,17,5,"Lorsquil est en colère, il abat des
montagnes et enterre des fleuves.
On doit alors modifier les cartes."
248,17,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down
mountains and buries rivers. Maps
must be redrawn afterward."
248,18,5,"Lorsquil est en colère, il abat des
montagnes et enterre des fleuves.
On doit alors modifier les cartes."
248,18,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down
mountains and buries rivers. Maps
must be redrawn afterward."
248,21,9,"The quakes caused when it walks
make even great mountains crumble
and change the surrounding terrain."
248,22,9,"The quakes caused when it walks
make even great mountains crumble
and change the surrounding terrain."
248,23,1,"かたうでを うごかしただけで
やまをくずし じひびきを おこす
とてつもない パワーを ひめる。"
248,23,3,"한쪽 팔을 움직이는 것만으로도
산을 무너뜨리고 땅을 울리게 하는
엄청난 힘을 감추고 있다."
248,23,5,"Dune main seulement il a assez de force pour faire
trembler la terre et sécrouler une montagne."
248,23,6,"Es besitzt so viel Kraft, dass es mit nur einer Hand
die Erde beben lassen und Berge zerbröckeln kann."
248,23,7,"En una de sus poderosas garras tiene el poder de
hacer temblar la tierra y las montañas."
248,23,8,"Anche una sola delle sue mani può far tremare
la terra e sbriciolare le montagne."
248,23,9,"In just one of its mighty hands, it has the power to
make the ground shake and mountains crumble."
248,23,11,"片腕を 動かしただけで
山を崩し 地響きを 起こす
とてつもない パワーを 秘める。"
248,24,1,"バンギラスが あばれると
やまが くずれ かわが うまるため
ちずを かきかえる ことになる。"
248,24,3,"마기라스가 난동을 부리면
산이 무너지고 강이 메워지므로
지도를 다시 그려야 한다."
248,24,5,"Lorsquil est en colère, il abat des montagnes et
enterre des fleuves. On doit alors modifier les cartes."
248,24,6,"Bei einem Tobsuchtsanfall zerstört es ganze Gebirge
und legt Flüsse trocken."
248,24,7,"Puede alterar el paisaje derribando montañas y
enterrando ríos. Da mucho trabajo a los cartógrafos."
248,24,8,"Se sinfuria, abbatte le montagne e seppellisce i
fiumi. In seguito, le mappe devono essere riscritte."
248,24,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries
rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward."
248,24,11,"バンギラスが 暴れると
山が 崩れ 川が 埋まるため
地図を 書き換える ことになる。"
248,25,1,"じぶんの すみかを つくる ために やま ひとつ
くずしてしまう ほどの つよい パワーを もつ。
たたかう あいてを もとめて やまを さまよう。"
248,25,3,"자신의 거처를 만들기 위해 산 하나를
부숴버릴 정도로 강한 파워를 지녔다.
싸울 상대를 찾아 산을 떠돈다."
248,25,5,"Tyranocif est si incroyablement puissant quil peut abattre
une montagne pour y faire son nid. Ce Pokémon se promène
dans les montagnes pour y trouver de nouveaux adversaires."
248,25,6,"Despotar ist erstaunlich stark. Es kann einen ganzen Berg
vernichten, um sein Nest zu bauen. Dieses Pokémon wandert
in den Bergen umher und sucht nach Gegnern für einen Kampf."
248,25,7,"Tyranitar tiene una fuerza imponente; es capaz de echar abajo
una montaña para hacer su nido. Este Pokémon suele
merodear por las zonas de montaña en busca de nuevos
rivales contra los que luchar."
248,25,8,"Tyranitar ha una potenza tale da abbattere anche unintera
montagna per crearsi la tana. Vaga tra i monti alla ricerca
di nuovi avversari con cui lottare."
248,25,9,"Tyranitar is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a
whole mountain to make its nest. This Pokémon wanders about
in mountains seeking new opponents to fight."
248,25,11,"自分の すみかを つくる ために 山を 一つ
崩してしまう ほどの 強い パワーを 持つ。
戦う 相手を 求めて 山を さまよう。"
248,26,1,"じぶんの すみかを つくる ために やま ひとつ
くずしてしまう ほどの つよい パワーを もつ。
たたかう あいてを もとめて やまを さまよう。"
248,26,3,"자신의 거처를 만들기 위해 산 하나를
부숴버릴 정도로 강한 파워를 지녔다.
싸울 상대를 찾아 산을 떠돈다."
248,26,5,"Tyranocif est si incroyablement puissant quil peut abattre
une montagne pour y faire son nid. Ce Pokémon se promène
dans les montagnes pour y trouver de nouveaux adversaires."
248,26,6,"Despotar ist erstaunlich stark. Es kann einen ganzen Berg
vernichten, um sein Nest zu bauen. Dieses Pokémon wandert
in den Bergen umher und sucht nach Gegnern für einen Kampf."
248,26,7,"Tyranitar tiene una fuerza imponente; es capaz de echar abajo
una montaña para hacer su nido. Este Pokémon suele
merodear por las zonas de montaña en busca de nuevos
rivales contra los que luchar."
248,26,8,"Tyranitar ha una potenza tale da abbattere anche unintera
montagna per crearsi la tana. Vaga tra i monti alla ricerca
di nuovi avversari con cui lottare."
248,26,9,"Tyranitar is so overwhelmingly powerful, it can bring down a
whole mountain to make its nest. This Pokémon wanders about
in mountains seeking new opponents to fight."
248,26,11,"自分の すみかを つくる ために 山を 一つ
崩してしまう ほどの 強い パワーを 持つ。
戦う 相手を 求めて 山を さまよう。"
248,29,1,"たたかう あいてを もとめて やまを
さまよう。 であっても かくしたが
あいてだと むしして さっていく。"
248,29,3,"싸울 상대를 찾아 산을 떠돈다.
만나도 격이 떨어지는
상대라고 무시하고 떠나간다."
248,29,5,"Il parcourt les montagnes à la recherche dun
adversaire. Si ce dernier nest pas à la hauteur,
il préfère lignorer et sen aller."
248,29,6,"Es durchstreift die Berge auf der Suche nach
Gegnern. Begegnet es einem, der ihm nicht
ebenbürtig ist, ignoriert es ihn und zieht weiter."
248,29,7,"Recorre las montañas en busca de rivales para
combatir. Si juzga que no están a su altura, los
ignora y pasa de largo."
248,29,8,"Vaga tra i monti alla ricerca di avversari con
cui lottare. Se però non li ritiene alla sua altezza,
li ignora e se ne va."
248,29,9,"It wanders through the mountains seeking
opponents to fight. If it finds an opponent thats
not worthy, Tyranitar ignores it and wanders on."
248,29,11,"戦う 相手を 求めて 山を
さ迷う。 出会っても 格下が
相手だと 無視して 去っていく。"
248,30,1,"すすむ みちの まえに やまが
あれば くずし いえが あれば
はかいする うごく さいがいポケモン。"
248,30,3,"앞길에 산이 있으면 무너뜨리고
집이 있으면 파괴하는
걸어다니는 재해 포켓몬이다."
248,30,5,"Aucun obstacle narrête ce Pokémon lorsquil
se déplace : les montagnes, il les démolit;
les maisons, il les anéantit."
248,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist ein wandelndes Desaster.
Berge, die ihm im Weg stehen, reißt es ein und
Häuser macht es dem Erdboden gleich."
248,30,7,"Nada puede parar a este Pokémon cuando se
mueve: derriba montañas, arrasa edificios y
destroza todo lo que se le ponga por delante."
248,30,8,"Provoca disastri non appena si muove.
Se sul suo cammino incontra una montagna,
la spiana, e se trova una casa la distrugge."
248,30,9,"This Pokémon is a mobile disaster, leaving
mountains crumbled and houses destroyed in
its wake."
248,30,11,"進む 道の 前に 山が
あれば 崩し 家が あれば
破壊する 動く 災害ポケモン。"
248,33,1,"どんな こうげきにも びくともしない
からだを もっているため
どんどん しょうぶを しかけてくる。"
248,33,3,"어떤 공격에도 꿈쩍도 하지 않는
몸을 가졌기 때문에
자꾸 승부를 걸어온다."
248,33,5,"Son corps est invulnérable à toutes les attaques,
cest pourquoi il aime tant mettre ses forces
à lépreuve."
248,33,6,"Dank seines starken Körpers fürchtet es sich vor
keiner Form von Angriff. Deshalb zettelt es
ununterbrochen Kämpfe an."
248,33,7,"Casi ningún ataque hace mella en su cuerpo, por
lo que le encanta desafiar a sus enemigos."
248,33,8,"Il suo corpo non è scalfito da alcun attacco,
perciò sfida un avversario dietro laltro senza
248,33,9,"Its body cant be harmed by any sort of attack,
so it is very eager to make challenges
against enemies."
248,33,11,"どんな 攻撃にも びくともしない
体を もっているため
どんどん 勝負を 仕掛けてくる。"
248,34,1,"じひびきを ならしながら あるくと
おおきな やまでさえ くずれ
まわりの ちけいは かわってしまう。"
248,34,3,"지축을 울리면서 걸으면
큰 산조차 무너지며
주변의 지형은 변해버린다."
248,34,5,"Son pas est si lourd quil fait trembler le sol
et sécrouler même les plus grandes montagnes,
ce qui altère la topographie de la zone."
248,34,6,"Seine Schritte erzeugen Erdbeben, die selbst
große Berge plätten und die Form ganzer
Landstriche verändern."
248,34,7,"Sus estrepitosos pasos derrumban montañas
y hacen que el terreno a su alrededor cambie
248,34,8,"Può camminare a passi così pesanti da far
crollare perfino le montagne più grosse,
trasformando così il paesaggio circostante."
248,34,9,"The quakes caused when it walks make even
great mountains crumble and change
the surrounding terrain."
248,34,11,"地響きを 鳴らしながら 歩くと
大きな 山でさえ 崩れ
まわりの 地形は 変わってしまう。"
249,4,9,"It is said that it
quietly spends its
time deep at thebottom of the sea
because its powers
are too strong."
249,5,9,"It is said to be
the guardian of
the seas. It isrumored to have
been seen on the
night of a storm."
249,6,9,"It has an incred­
ible ability to
calm raging sto­rms. It is said
that LUGIA appears
when storms start."
249,7,9,"LUGIAs wings pack devastating power -
a light fluttering of its wings can blow
apart regular houses.As a result, this POKéMON chooses to
live out of sight deep under the sea."
249,8,9,"LUGIAs wings pack devastating power -
a light fluttering of its wings can blow
apart regular houses.As a result, this POKéMON chooses to
live out of sight deep under the sea."
249,9,9,"LUGIA is so powerful even a light
fluttering of its wings can blow apart
houses. As a result, it chooses to live out
of sight deep under the sea."
249,10,9,"It is said to be the guardian of the seas.
It is rumored to have been seen on the
night of a storm."
249,11,9,"It is said that it quietly spends its time
deep at the bottom of the sea because
its powers are too strong."
249,12,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,13,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,14,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,15,9,"It is said that it quietly spends its
time deep at the bottom of the sea
because its powers are too strong."
249,16,9,"It is said to be the guardian of
the seas. It is rumored to have
been seen on the night of a storm."
249,17,5,"Il dort dans une faille des grands
fonds. Ses battements dailes
génèrent une tempête de 40 jours."
249,17,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,18,5,"Il dort dans une faille des grands
fonds. Ses battements dailes
génèrent une tempête de 40 jours."
249,18,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,21,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,22,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench.
If it flaps its wings, it is said to
cause a 40-day storm."
249,23,1,"ふかい かいこうの そこで ねむる。
ルギアが はばたくと 40にち
あらしが つづくと いわれている。"
249,23,3,"깊은 해구의 밑바닥에서 잠잔다.
루기아가 날개를 치면 40일 동안
폭풍우가 계속된다고 전해진다."
249,23,5,"Il dort dans une faille des grands fonds.
Ses battements dailes génèrent une tempête de 40
249,23,6,"Es schläft in einem Tiefseegraben. Schwingt es
seine Flügel, entsteht ein Sturm, der 40 Tage dauert."
249,23,7,"Duerme en una dorsal marina. Si bate sus alas, puede
causar tormentas de 40 días."
249,23,8,"Dorme in una fossa negli abissi marini. Con un
battito dali provoca una tempesta di 40 giorni."
249,23,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings,
it is said to cause a 40-day storm."
249,23,11,"深い 海溝の 底で 眠る。
ルギアが 羽ばたくと 40日
嵐が 続くと 言われている。"
249,24,1,"うみのかみさま と つたえられる
ポケモン。あらしのよる すがたを
みたという はなしが つたえられる。"
249,24,3,"바다의 신이라고 전해지는
포켓몬이다. 폭풍 치는 밤에 모습을
봤다는 이야기가 전해져온다."
249,24,5,"Il est supposé être le gardien des sept mers.
On raconte quil est apparu une nuit de forte tempête."
249,24,6,"Man berichtet, es sei der Wächter der Meere und man
habe es im Herzen eines tosenden Sturmes gesehen."
249,24,7,"Dicen que es el guardián de los mares. Hay rumores
de que fue visto en una noche de tormenta."
249,24,8,"Viene definito il guardiano dei mari. Si dice che sia
stato visto nelle notti di tempesta."
249,24,9,"It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is
rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm."
249,24,11,"海の神様と 伝えられる ポケモン。
嵐の 夜 姿を 見たという 話が
249,25,1,"つばさを かるく はばたかせた だけで みんかを
ふきとばす はかいりょくを もっている ために
かいていで ひとしれず くらす ように なった。"
249,25,3,"가벼운 날갯짓만으로도 민가를
날려버릴 만한 파괴력을 지니고 있어서
해저에서 사람들 몰래 살게 됐다."
249,25,5,"Les ailes de Lugia renferment une puissance dévastatrice.
Un simple battement de ses ailes peut détruire de petites
maisons. Du coup, ce Pokémon a choisi de vivre loin de tout,
dans les profondeurs océaniques."
249,25,6,"Lugias Flügel haben eine zerstörerische Kraft. Bereits ein
leichtes Flattern kann Häuser hinfortwehen. Daher hat sich
dieses Pokémon dafür entschieden, tief unter dem Meer
zu leben, wo es niemand sieht."
249,25,7,"La fuerza que tiene Lugia en las alas es devastadora; con
nada que las bata es capaz de derribar edificios enteros.
Por eso mismo, prefiere vivir donde no haya nadie, en lo más
profundo del mar."
249,25,8,"Le ali di Lugia hanno unenorme potenza distruttiva:
un leggero battito dali è in grado di abbattere una
normale abitazione. Perciò il Pokémon ha scelto
di vivere lontano dalluomo, nelle profondità abissali."
249,25,9,"Lugias wings pack devastating power—a light fluttering of its
wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this
Pokémon chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea."
249,25,11,"翼を 軽く 羽ばたかせた だけで 民家を
吹き飛ばす 破壊力を 持っている ために
海底で 人知れず 暮らす ように なった。"
249,26,1,"つばさを かるく はばたかせた だけで みんかを
ふきとばす はかいりょくを もっている ために
かいていで ひとしれず くらす ように なった。"
249,26,3,"가벼운 날갯짓만으로도 민가를
날려버릴 만한 파괴력을 지니고 있어서
해저에서 사람들 몰래 살게 됐다."
249,26,5,"Les ailes de Lugia renferment une puissance dévastatrice.
Un simple battement de ses ailes peut détruire de petites
maisons. Du coup, ce Pokémon a choisi de vivre loin de tout,
dans les profondeurs océaniques."
249,26,6,"Lugias Flügel haben eine zerstörerische Kraft. Bereits ein
leichtes Flattern kann Häuser hinfortwehen. Daher hat sich
dieses Pokémon dafür entschieden, tief unten im Meer zu
leben, wo es niemand sieht."
249,26,7,"La fuerza que tiene Lugia en las alas es devastadora; con
nada que las bata es capaz de derribar edificios enteros.
Por eso mismo, prefiere vivir donde no haya nadie, en lo más
profundo del mar."
249,26,8,"Le ali di Lugia hanno unenorme potenza distruttiva:
un leggero battito dali è in grado di abbattere una
normale abitazione. Perciò il Pokémon ha scelto
di vivere lontano dalluomo, nelle profondità abissali."
249,26,9,"Lugias wings pack devastating power—a light fluttering of its
wings can blow apart regular houses. As a result, this
Pokémon chooses to live out of sight deep under the sea."
249,26,11,"翼を 軽く 羽ばたかせた だけで 民家を
吹き飛ばす 破壊力を 持っている ために
海底で 人知れず 暮らす ように なった。"
250,4,9,"Legends claim this
POKéMON flies the
world's skies con­tinuously on its
magnificent seven-
colored wings."
250,5,9,"A legend says that
its body glows in
seven colors. Arainbow is said to
form behind it
when it flies."
250,6,9,"It will reveal
itself before a
pure-heartedtrainer by shining
its bright rain­
bow-colored wings."
250,7,9,"HO-OHs feathers glow in seven colors
depending on the angle at which they
are struck by light.These feathers are said to bring
happiness to the bearers. This POKéMON
is said to live at the foot of a rainbow."
250,8,9,"HO-OHs feathers glow in seven colors
depending on the angle at which they
are struck by light.These feathers are said to bring
happiness to the bearers. This POKéMON
is said to live at the foot of a rainbow."
250,9,9,"Its feathers--which glow in seven colors
depending on the angle at which they are
struck by light--are thought to bring joy.
It is said to live at the foot of a rainbow."
250,10,9,"A legend says that its body glows in
seven colors. A rainbow is said to form
behind it when it flies."
250,11,9,"Legends claim this POKéMON flies the
worlds skies continuously on its
magnificent seven-colored wings."
250,12,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,13,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,14,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,15,9,"Legends claim this Pokémon flies the
worlds skies continuously on its
magnificent, seven-colored wings."
250,16,9,"A legend says that its body glows in
seven colors. A rainbow is said to
form behind it when it flies."
250,17,5,"Ses plumes possèdent sept couleurs.
On prétend que sa vue apporte la
joie éternelle."
250,17,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,18,5,"Ses plumes possèdent sept couleurs.
On prétend que sa vue apporte la
joie éternelle."
250,18,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,21,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,22,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors.
It is said that anyone seeing it is
promised eternal happiness."
250,23,1,"からだは なないろに かがやき
とんだあとに にじが できると
しんわに のこされている ポケモン。"
250,23,3,"몸은 일곱 빛으로 빛나고
날아간 자리에는 무지개가 생긴다는
신화 속에 남아 있는 포켓몬이다."
250,23,5,"Son corps brille des sept couleurs de larc-en-ciel,
arc-en-ciel qui se constitue derrière lui quand il vole."
250,23,6,"Sein Körper soll in sieben Farben leuchten. Im Flug
zieht es einen Regenbogen hinter sich her."
250,23,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que brilla en siete colores. Dicen
que deja un arcoíris tras de sí al volar."
250,23,8,"Narra la leggenda che il suo corpo brilli di sette
colori. Volando lascia un arcobaleno dietro di sé."
250,23,9,"A legend says that its body glows in seven colors.
A rainbow is said to form behind it when it flies."
250,23,11,"体は 七色に 輝き
飛んだあとは 虹が できると
神話に 残されている ポケモン。"
250,24,1,"こころただしき トレーナーの まえに
なないろの つばさを ひからせながら
すがたをあらわすと つたえられる。"
250,24,3,"마음이 올바른 트레이너의 앞에
무지개색의 날개를 빛내며
모습을 드러낸다고 전해진다."
250,24,5,"Il ne se montre quà un Dresseur au cœur pur en
dévoilant ses magnifiques ailes colorées."
250,24,6,"Es wird sich dem Trainer offenbaren, der reinen
Herzens ist, und ihm seine bunten Schwingen zeigen."
250,24,7,"Se revelará ante Entrenadores de corazón puro
mostrando sus brillantes alas arcoíris."
250,24,8,"Può mostrarsi a un Allenatore puro di cuore spiegando
le ali, che hanno i colori dellarcobaleno."
250,24,9,"It will reveal itself before a pure-hearted Trainer by
shining its bright, rainbow-colored wings."
250,24,11,"心正しき トレーナーの 前に
七色の 翼を 光らせながら
姿を 現すと 伝えられる。"
250,25,1,"ひかりの あたる かくどに よって なないろに
かがやく ハネは しあわせを もたらすと いう。
にじの ふもとに すむと いわれている。"
250,25,3,"빛이 닿는 각도에 따라 일곱 빛깔로
반짝이는 깃털은 행복을 가져다준다고 한다.
무지개 끝에 산다고 전해진다."
250,25,5,"Les plumes de Ho-Oh brillent de sept couleurs selon
lorientation de son corps par rapport à la lumière.
On raconte que ces plumes portent bonheur. On dit
aussi que ce Pokémon vit au pied dun arc-en-ciel."
250,25,6,"Ho-Ohs Federn leuchten in sieben Farben, je nachdem aus
welchem Winkel das Licht auf sie fällt. Die Federn sollen ihrem
Besitzer Glück bringen. Dieses Pokémon lebt am Fuße eines
250,25,7,"El plumaje de Ho-Oh contiene siete colores que pueden
apreciarse según el ángulo desde el que les dé la luz. Dicen
que sus plumas dan felicidad a quienes las llevan y, también,
que este Pokémon vive a los pies del arco iris."
250,25,8,"Il piumaggio di Ho-Oh brilla in sette colori a seconda
dellangolazione dei raggi luminosi. Si dice che le sue
piume portino felicità a chi le possiede. Si narra che viva
ai piedi di un arcobaleno."
250,25,9,"Ho-Ohs feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle
at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to
bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at
the foot of a rainbow."
250,25,11,"光の 当たる 角度に よって 七色に
輝く ハネは 幸せを もたらすと いう。
虹の ふもとに すむと いわれている。"
250,26,1,"ひかりの あたる かくどに よって なないろに
かがやく ハネは しあわせを もたらすと いう。
にじの ふもとに すむと いわれている。"
250,26,3,"빛이 닿는 각도에 따라 일곱 빛깔로
반짝이는 깃털은 행복을 가져다준다고 한다.
무지개 끝에 산다고 전해진다."
250,26,5,"Les plumes de Ho-Oh brillent de sept couleurs selon
lorientation de son corps par rapport à la lumière.
On raconte que ces plumes portent bonheur. On dit
aussi que ce Pokémon vit au pied dun arc-en-ciel."
250,26,6,"Ho-Ohs Federn leuchten in sieben Farben, je nachdem aus
welchem Winkel das Licht auf sie fällt. Die Federn sollen ihrem
Besitzer Glück bringen. Dieses Pokémon lebt am Fuße eines
250,26,7,"El plumaje de Ho-Oh contiene siete colores que pueden
apreciarse según el ángulo desde el que les dé la luz. Dicen
que sus plumas dan felicidad a quienes las llevan y, también,
que este Pokémon vive a los pies del arco iris."
250,26,8,"Il piumaggio di Ho-Oh brilla in sette colori a seconda
dellangolazione dei raggi luminosi. Si dice che le sue
piume portino felicità a chi le possiede. Si narra che viva
ai piedi di un arcobaleno."
250,26,9,"Ho-Ohs feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle
at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to
bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at
the foot of a rainbow."
250,26,11,"光の 当たる 角度に よって 七色に
輝く ハネは 幸せを もたらすと いう。
虹の ふもとに すむと いわれている。"
251,4,9,"This POKéMON wan­
ders across time.
Grass and treesflourish in the
forests in which
it has appeared."
251,5,9,"When CELEBI disap­
pears deep in a
forest, it is saidto leave behind an
egg it brought
from the future."
251,6,9,"Revered as a
guardian of the
forest, CELEBIappears wherever
beautiful forests
251,7,9,"This POKéMON came from the future by
crossing over time.
It is thought that so long as CELEBIappears, a bright and shining future
awaits us."
251,8,9,"This POKéMON came from the future by
crossing over time.
It is thought that so long as CELEBIappears, a bright and shining future
awaits us."
251,9,9,"This POKéMON came from the future by
crossing over time. It is thought that so
long as CELEBI appears, a bright and
shining future awaits us."
251,10,9,"When CELEBI disappears deep in a forest,
it is said to leave behind an egg it
brought from the future."
251,11,9,"This POKéMON wanders across time.
Grass and trees flourish in the forests in
which it has appeared."
251,12,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,13,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,14,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,15,9,"This Pokémon wanders across time.
Grass and trees flourish in the
forests in which it has appeared."
251,16,9,"When CELEBI disappears deep in a
forest, it is said to leave behind an
egg it brought from the future."
251,17,5,"Il a le pouvoir de voyager dans le
temps. Cependant, on dit quil
napparaît quen temps de paix."
251,17,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,18,5,"Il a le pouvoir de voyager dans le
temps. Cependant, on dit quil
napparaît quen temps de paix."
251,18,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,21,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,22,9,"It has the power to travel across
time, but it is said to appear only
in peaceful times."
251,23,1,"じかんをこえて あちこち さまよう。
セレビィが すがたを あらわした
もりは くさきが おいしげるという。"
251,23,3,"시간을 넘어 여기저기를 방황한다.
세레비가 모습을 나타낸
숲은 초목이 무성해진다고 한다."
251,23,5,"Ce Pokémon voyage dans le temps. Les forêts où
il apparaît deviennent prodigieusement luxuriantes."
251,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon reist durch Zeit und Raum.
Bäume und Wiesen wuchern, wenn es in der Nähe ist."
251,23,7,"Este Pokémon vaga por el tiempo. La hierba y los
árboles crecen por los campos por donde pasa."
251,23,8,"Questo Pokémon viaggia attraverso il tempo. Le
foreste in cui appare prosperano rigogliose."
251,23,9,"This Pokémon wanders across time. Grass and trees
flourish in the forests in which it has appeared."
251,23,11,"時間を超えて あちこち さまよう。
セレビィが 姿を 現した 森は
草木が 生い茂るという。"
251,24,1,"じかんを こえる ちからを つかう。
へいわな じだいにだけ
すがたを みせると いわれている。"
251,24,3,"시간을 초월하는 힘을 사용한다.
평화스러운 시대에만
모습을 보인다고 한다."
251,24,5,"Il a le pouvoir de voyager dans le temps.
Cependant, on dit quil napparaît quen temps de
251,24,6,"Es kann durch die Zeit reisen, aber es erscheint nur
zu friedlichen Zeiten."
251,24,7,"Puede viajar en el tiempo, pero se dice que solo
aparece en tiempos de paz."
251,24,8,"Ha il potere di viaggiare attraverso il tempo, ma si
dice che appaia solo in periodi di pace."
251,24,9,"It has the power to travel across time, but it is said
to appear only in peaceful times."
251,24,11,"時間を 越える 力を 使う。
平和な 時代にだけ
姿を 見せると 言われている。"
251,25,1,"ときを こえ みらいから やってきた ポケモン。
セレビィが すがたを あらわす かぎり あかるい
みらいが まっていると かんがえられている。"
251,25,3,"시간을 넘어 미래에서 찾아온 포켓몬이다.
세레비가 모습을 나타내는 한 밝은
미래가 기다린다고 여겨지고 있다."
251,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est venu du futur en voyageant dans le temps.
On raconte que quand Celebi apparaît, cela signifie que
le futur sera bon et agréable."
251,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon kommt aus der Zukunft und ist durch die
Zeit gereist. Solange Celebi auftaucht, ist der Menschheit
angeblich eine rosige Zukunft beschieden."
251,25,7,"Este Pokémon vino del futuro haciendo un viaje en el tiempo.
Hay quien piensa que, mientras Celebi siga apareciendo, hay
un futuro brillante y esperanzador."
251,25,8,"Celebi è giunto a noi dal futuro, viaggiando attraverso
il tempo. Si dice che ogni sua apparizione preannunci
un futuro roseo e splendente."
251,25,9,"This Pokémon came from the future by crossing over time.
It is thought that so long as Celebi appears, a bright and
shining future awaits us."
251,25,11,"時を 越え 未来から やってきた ポケモン。
セレビィが 姿を 現す 限り 明るい
未来が 待っていると 考えられている。"
251,26,1,"ときを こえ みらいから やってきた ポケモン。
セレビィが すがたを あらわす かぎり あかるい
みらいが まっていると かんがえられている。"
251,26,3,"시간을 넘어 미래에서 찾아온 포켓몬이다.
세레비가 모습을 나타내는 한 밝은
미래가 기다린다고 여겨지고 있다."
251,26,5,"Ce Pokémon est venu du futur en voyageant dans le temps.
On raconte que quand Celebi apparaît, cela signifie que
le futur sera bon et agréable."
251,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon kommt aus der Zukunft und ist durch die
Zeit gereist. Solange Celebi auftaucht, ist der Menschheit
angeblich eine rosige Zukunft beschieden."
251,26,7,"Este Pokémon vino del futuro haciendo un viaje en el tiempo.
Hay quien piensa que, mientras Celebi siga apareciendo, hay
un futuro brillante y esperanzador."
251,26,8,"Celebi è giunto a noi dal futuro, viaggiando attraverso
il tempo. Si dice che ogni sua apparizione preannunci
un futuro roseo e splendente."
251,26,9,"This Pokémon came from the future by crossing over time.
It is thought that so long as Celebi appears, a bright and
shining future awaits us."
251,26,11,"時を 越え 未来から やってきた ポケモン。
セレビィが 姿を 現す 限り 明るい
未来が 待っていると 考えられている。"
251,33,1,"ときを こえる ちからを もつ。
もりの かみさまとして さまざまな
じだいに きろくが のこされている。"
251,33,3,"시간을 이동하는 힘을 가졌다.
숲의 신으로서 여러 시대에
기록이 남겨져 있다."
251,33,5,"Il possède le pouvoir de voyager dans le temps.
Il a été considéré comme une divinité sylvestre
à différentes époques."
251,33,6,"Es kann durch die Zeit reisen und findet in
Aufzeichnungen aus verschiedenen Zeitaltern
als „Hüter des Waldes“ Erwähnung."
251,33,7,"Es capaz de viajar en el tiempo. Su condición de
guardián del bosque ha quedado constatada en
documentos conservados de diversas épocas."
251,33,8,"Ha il potere di viaggiare nel tempo. Documenti
di epoche diverse lo descrivono come divinità
delle foreste."
251,33,9,"This Pokémon has the ability to move through
time. Records describing it as a forest deity can
be found from many different eras."
251,33,11,"時を 超える 力を もつ。
森の 神様として さまざまな
時代に 記録が 残されている。"
251,34,1,"みらいから ときを わたって
やってきた。 きずを いやし
くさきに ちからを わけあたえる。"
251,34,3,"미래에서 시간을 건너
찾아왔다. 상처를 치료하고
초목에 힘을 나누어준다."
251,34,5,"Ce Pokémon venu du futur soigne les blessures
et donne de la force aux plantes."
251,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon kommt aus der Zukunft und ist
durch die Zeit gereist. Es heilt Wunden und
spendet Pflanzen Kraft."
251,34,7,"Vino del futuro haciendo un viaje en el tiempo.
Además de curar las heridas, posee la capacidad
de revitalizar la hierba y los árboles."
251,34,8,"È giunto dal futuro, viaggiando nel tempo.
Cura le ferite e dona vigore alla vegetazione."
251,34,9,"This Pokémon traveled through time to come
from the future. It bolsters grass and trees with
its own strength, and it can heal wounds, too."
251,34,11,"未来から 時を 渡って
やって来た。 キズを 癒し
草木に 力を 分け与える。"
252,7,9,"TREECKO has small hooks on the bottom
of its feet that enable it to scale
vertical walls.This POKéMON attacks by slamming foes
with its thick tail."
252,8,9,"TREECKO is cool, calm, and collected -
it never panics under any situation.
If a bigger foe were to glare at thisPOKéMON, it would glare right back
without conceding an inch of ground."
252,9,9,"It makes its nest in a giant tree in the
forest. It ferociously guards against
anything nearing its territory. It is said
to be the protector of the forests trees."
252,10,9,"It quickly scales even vertical walls.
It senses humidity with its tail to predict
the next days weather."
252,11,9,"It quickly scales even vertical walls.
It senses humidity with its tail to predict
the next days weather."
252,12,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,13,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,14,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,15,9,"Small hooks on the bottom of its
feet catch on walls and ceilings.
That is how it can hang from above."
252,16,9,"Small hooks on the bottom of its
feet catch on walls and ceilings.
That is how it can hang from above."
252,17,5,"Ses plantes de pieds sont couvertes
dépines lui permettant de marcher
au mur et au plafond."
252,17,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,18,5,"Ses plantes de pieds sont couvertes
dépines lui permettant de marcher
au mur et au plafond."
252,18,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,21,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,22,9,"The soles of its feet are covered
by countless tiny spikes, enabling
it to walk on walls and ceilings."
252,23,1,"すいちょくの カベも すいすい
のぼる。しっぽで くうきの しつどを
かんじ あしたの てんきを あてる。"
252,23,3,"수직으로 된 벽도 쭉쭉
타고 올라간다. 꼬리로 공기 중의 습도를
감지해서 내일 날씨를 맞힌다."
252,23,5,"Arcko peut grimper aux murs à laide de ses pattes.
Grâce à sa queue, il est capable de mesurer lhumidité
de lair et de prédire le temps du jour suivant."
252,23,6,"Es klettert blitzschnell Wände empor. Mit seinem
Schwanz misst es die Luftfeuchtigkeit, um das
Wetter am nächsten Tag vorherzusagen."
252,23,7,"Escala superficies verticales muy rápido. Con la cola
detecta la humedad y prevé el tiempo que va a hacer."
252,23,8,"Riesce a scalare rapidamente anche pareti verticali.
Rileva lumidità attraverso la coda per prevedere il
tempo dellindomani."
252,23,9,"It quickly scales even vertical walls. It senses
humidity with its tail to predict the next
days weather."
252,23,11,"垂直の 壁も すいすい 登る。
尻尾で 空気の 湿度を 感じ
明日の 天気を 当てる。"
252,24,1,"あしの うらの ちいさな トゲが
カベや てんじょうに ひっかかるので
さかさまに なっても おちないのだ。"
252,24,3,"발바닥의 작은 가시가
벽이나 천장에 걸리므로
거꾸로 매달려도 떨어지지 않는다."
252,24,5,"Les épines de ses plantes de pieds lui permettent
de marcher aux murs et au plafond sans tomber."
252,24,6,"Dank seiner mit winzigen Stacheln besetzten Sohlen
haftet es sogar kopfüber an Wänden und Decken."
252,24,7,"Tiene pequeñas púas en las plantas de los pies que
le permiten andar por techos y paredes sin caerse."
252,24,8,"Le piante dei suoi piedi sono piene di uncini che gli
permettono di camminare su muri e soffitti."
252,24,9,"Small hooks on the bottom of its feet catch on
walls and ceilings. That is how it can hang
from above."
252,24,11,"足の 裏の 小さな トゲが
壁や 天井に 引っかかるので
逆さまに なっても 落ちないのだ。"
252,25,1,"あしの うらの ちいさな トゲを ひっかけて
すいちょくの カベを のぼることが できる。
ふとい しっぽを たたきつけて こうげきする。"
252,25,3,"다리 뒤의 작은 가시를 박아
수직인 벽을 올라갈 수 있다.
굵은 꼬리로 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다."
252,25,5,"Arcko est doté de petits crochets sous les pattes, ce qui lui
permet de grimper aux murs. Ce Pokémon attaque en frappant
ses ennemis avec son épaisse queue."
252,25,6,"Mit den kleinen Haken unter seinen Füßen kann Geckarbor
an Wänden hochklettern. Dieses Pokémon greift Feinde an,
indem es mit seinem mächtigen Schweif zuschlägt."
252,25,7,"Treecko tiene unos ganchos pequeños en las plantas de los
pies con los que puede escalar superficies verticales. Este
Pokémon ataca dando un golpetazo con la cola."
252,25,8,"Treecko è dotato di piccoli uncini sulla pianta delle zampe,
che gli consentono di camminare su pareti verticali. Attacca
frustando i suoi nemici con la coda grossa e forte."
252,25,9,"Treecko has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable
it to scale vertical walls. This Pokémon attacks by slamming
foes with its thick tail."
252,25,11,"足の 裏の 小さな トゲを 引っ掛けて
垂直の カベを 登ることが できる。
太い 尻尾を たたきつけて 攻撃する。"
252,26,1,"ちんちゃく れいせい なにごとにも どうじない。
からだの おおきな ポケモンに にらまれても
いっぽも ひかずに にらみかえすぞ。"
252,26,3,"침착 냉정 어떤 일에도 동요하지 않는다.
체격이 큰 포켓몬이 노려봐도
한 발짝도 물러서지 않고 같이 노려본다."
252,26,5,"Arcko est cool, calme et serein. Il ne panique jamais,
quelle que soit la situation. Quand un ennemi plus gros
que lui lui lance un regard de défi, ce Pokémon reste
stoïque et ne cède pas un centimètre de terrain."
252,26,6,"Geckarbor ist ruhig und beherrscht, es gerät niemals in Panik.
Wenn es ein stärkerer Feind zornig anstarrt, erwidert es den
bösen Blick, weicht aber keinen Millimeter zurück."
252,26,7,"Treecko es tranquilo y tiene gran capacidad de autocontrol;
no pierde la calma en ninguna situación. Si algún rival se le
queda mirando fijamente, le devolverá la mirada sin ceder ni
lo más mínimo de su territorio."
252,26,8,"Treecko ha classe, è calmo e posato: non si lascia mai
prendere dal panico. Quando affronta un nemico più grande
di lui, lo fissa dritto negli occhi senza la minima esitazione."
252,26,9,"Treecko is cool, calm, and collected—it never panics under
any situation. If a bigger foe were to glare at this Pokémon,
it would glare right back without conceding an inch of ground."
252,26,11,"沈着 冷静 何事にも 動じない。
体の 大きな ポケモンに にらまれても
一歩も 引かずに にらみかえすぞ。"
253,7,9,"The leaves growing out of GROVYLEs
body are convenient for camouflaging
it from enemies in the forest.This POKéMON is a master at climbing
trees in jungles."
253,8,9,"This POKéMON adeptly flies from branch
to branch in trees.
In a forest, no POKéMON can ever hopeto catch a fleeing GROVYLE however
fast they may be."
253,9,9,"Leaves grow out of this POKéMONs body.
They help obscure a GROVYLE from the eyes
of its enemies while it is in a thickly
overgrown forest."
253,10,9,"Its strongly developed thigh muscles
give it astounding agility and jumping
253,11,9,"Its strongly developed thigh muscles
give it astounding agility and jumping
253,12,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While 
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,13,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While 
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,14,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While 
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,15,9,"It leaps from tree branch to tree
branch quite swiftly. It shows
astounding agility."
253,16,9,"It leaps from tree branch to tree
branch quite swiftly. It shows
astounding agility."
253,17,5,"Il vit dans les jungles denses.
Il saute de branche en branche
pour approcher de sa proie."
253,17,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While 
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,18,5,"Il vit dans les jungles denses.
Il saute de branche en branche
pour approcher de sa proie."
253,18,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While 
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,21,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,22,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While
closing in on its prey, it leaps
from branch to branch."
253,23,1,"はったつした ふとももの きんにくが
きょういてきな しゅんぱつりょくと
ちょうやくりょくを うみだすぞ。"
253,23,3,"발달한 넓적다리의 근육이
경이로운 순발력과
도약력을 만들어 낸다."
253,23,5,"Les muscles surdéveloppés de ses cuisses permettent
à Massko de sauter incroyablement haut."
253,23,6,"Seine stark entwickelten Oberschenkelmuskeln
verleihen ihm außergewöhnliche Agilität und
253,23,7,"Los desarrollados músculos que tiene en las
extremidades inferiores le hacen ser muy ágil y le
permiten dar grandes saltos."
253,23,8,"I muscoli delle zampe estremamente sviluppati gli
permettono di saltare fino a grandi altezze."
253,23,9,"Its strongly developed thigh muscles give it
astounding agility and jumping performance."
253,23,11,"発達した 太ももの 筋肉が
驚異的な 瞬発力と
跳躍力を 生み出すぞ。"
253,24,1,"みつりんに せいそくする。
えだから えだへ とびうつりながら
いどうして えものに せっきんする。"
253,24,3,"밀림에 서식한다.
가지에서 가지로 뛰어 옮겨가며
이동해서 먹이에 접근한다."
253,24,5,"Il vit dans les jungles denses. Il saute de branche
en branche pour approcher de sa proie."
253,24,6,"Es lebt im dichten Dschungel. Es springt von
Ast zu Ast, wenn es sich einer Beute nähert."
253,24,7,"Vive en selvas frondosas. Salta de rama en rama para
acercarse a sus presas."
253,24,8,"Vive in giungle fitte. Si avvicina alle prede saltando
di ramo in ramo."
253,24,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its
prey, it leaps from branch to branch."
253,24,11,"密林に 生息する。
枝から 枝へ 飛び移りながら
移動して 獲物に 接近する。"
253,25,1,"からだから はえた はっぱは もりの なかで
てきから すがたを かくす ときに べんり。
みつりんに くらす きのぼりの めいしゅ。"
253,25,3,"몸에서 난 잎사귀는 숲 속에서
적으로부터 몸을 숨길 때 편리하다.
밀림에 사는 나무 타기의 명수다."
253,25,5,"Les feuilles qui poussent sur le corps de Massko sont
bien pratiques lorsquil veut se camoufler dans la forêt.
Ce Pokémon est passé maître dans lart de grimper
aux arbres."
253,25,6,"Reptain kann sich mit den Blättern, die aus seinem
Körper herauswachsen, im Wald hervorragend tarnen.
Dieses Pokémon ist ein wahrer Meister darin, auf die
Bäume des Dschungels zu klettern."
253,25,7,"Las hojas que Grovyle tiene por el cuerpo le resultan muy
útiles para camuflarse en el bosque y esconderse de los
enemigos. A este Pokémon no hay quien lo supere subiendo
a los árboles del bosque."
253,25,8,"Le foglie che crescono sul corpo di Grovyle sono utili per
mimetizzarsi contro i nemici nella foresta.
Questo Pokémon sa arrampicarsi sugli alberi della giungla
con una maestria senza pari."
253,25,9,"The leaves growing out of Grovyles body are convenient for
camouflaging it from enemies in the forest. This Pokémon is a
master at climbing trees in jungles."
253,25,11,"体から 生えた 葉っぱは 森の 中で
敵から 姿を 隠す ときに 便利。
密林に 暮らす 木登りの 名手。"
253,26,1,"えだから えだへ みがるに とびまわる。
どんなに すばやい ポケモンも もりの なかで
ジュプトルを つかまえる ことは ふかのうだ。"
253,26,3,"가지에서 가지로 가볍게 뛰어다닌다.
아무리 빠른 포켓몬도 숲 속에서
나무돌이를 잡기란 불가능하다."
253,26,5,"Ce Pokémon vole de branche en branche avec brio.
En forêt, aucun Pokémon, même le plus rapide, ne peut
espérer attraper un Massko qui senfuit."
253,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon fliegt geschickt von Ast zu Ast. Keinem
Pokémon wird es jemals gelingen, ein Reptain zu erwischen.
Da kann es noch so schnell sein."
253,26,7,"Este Pokémon revolotea de rama en rama con maestría.
Cuando Grovyle va volando por el bosque, no hay quien lo
alcance por muy rápido que sea."
253,26,8,"Grovyle vola di ramo in ramo e di albero in albero. Non cè
nessun Pokémon nella foresta in grado di catturarlo in volo:
la sua velocità è impressionante!"
253,26,9,"This Pokémon adeptly flies from branch to branch in trees.
In a forest, no Pokémon can ever hope to catch a fleeing
Grovyle however fast they may be."
253,26,11,"枝から 枝へ 身軽に 飛び回る。
どんなに 素早い ポケモンも 森の 中で
ジュプトルを 捕まえる ことは 不可能だ。"
254,7,9,"The leaves growing on SCEPTILEs body
are very sharp edged. This POKéMON is
very agile - it leaps all over thebranches of trees and jumps on its foe
from above or behind."
254,8,9,"SCEPTILE has seeds growing on its back.
They are said to be bursting with
nutrients that revitalize trees.This POKéMON raises the trees in a
forest with loving care."
254,9,9,"In the jungle, its power is without equal.
This POKéMON carefully grows trees and
plants. It regulates its body temperature
by basking in sunlight."
254,10,9,"The leaves on its forelegs are as sharp
as swords. It agilely leaps about the
branches of trees to strike."
254,11,9,"The leaves on its forelegs are as sharp
as swords. It agilely leaps about the
branches of trees to strike."
254,12,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,13,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,14,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,15,9,"It agilely leaps about the jungle
and uses the sharp leaves on its
arms to strike its prey."
254,16,9,"It agilely leaps about the jungle
and uses the sharp leaves on its
arms to strike its prey."
254,17,5,"Les feuilles sur ses bras peuvent
trancher des troncs épais. Cest
le meilleur combattant des jungles."
254,17,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,18,5,"Les feuilles sur ses bras peuvent
trancher des troncs épais. Cest
le meilleur combattant des jungles."
254,18,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,21,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,22,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms
can slice down thick trees. It is
without peer in jungle combat."
254,23,1,"うでに はえた はっぱは たいぼくも
すっぱり きりたおす きれあじ。
みつりんの たたかいでは むてき。"
254,23,3,"팔에 자란 잎사귀는 큰 나무도
싹둑 베어 넘어뜨리는 정도다.
밀림의 싸움에서는 무적이다."
254,23,5,"Les feuilles sur ses bras peuvent trancher des troncs
épais. Cest le meilleur combattant des jungles."
254,23,6,"Die Blätter an seinen Armen können dicke Bäume
fällen. Im Dschungelkampf gibt es kein stärkeres
254,23,7,"Las hojas de sus brazos pueden cortar gruesos
árboles. Invencible en los combates en la jungla."
254,23,8,"Le foglie che crescono sulle sue braccia tagliano
anche grandi alberi. Nel suo habitat, è imbattibile."
254,23,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down
thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat."
254,23,11,"腕に 生えた 葉っぱは 大木も
スッパリ 切り倒す 切れ味。
密林の 戦いでは 無敵。"
254,24,1,"ジャングルを みがるに はしりまわり
うでに はえた きれあじ するどい
はっぱで えものを しとめるのだ。"
254,24,3,"정글을 가볍게 뛰어
팔에 자란 예리하며 잘 드는
잎날로 먹이를 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
254,24,5,"Il parcourt la jungle avec agilité et attaque ses proies
grâce aux feuilles tranchantes sur ses bras."
254,24,6,"Flink zischt es durch den Dschungel. Mit den
Blattklingen an seinen Armen schlägt es seine Beute."
254,24,7,"Corre con elegancia de un lugar a otro de la selva y
usa las afiladas hojas de sus brazos para cazar."
254,24,8,"Percorre agile e veloce la giungla abbattendo le prede
con le affilate foglie che ha sugli arti anteriori."
254,24,9,"It agilely leaps about the jungle and uses the sharp
leaves on its arms to strike its prey."
254,24,11,"ジャングルを 身軽に 走り回り
腕に 生えた 切れ味 鋭い 葉っぱで
獲物を しとめるのだ。"
254,25,1,"からだに はえた はっぱは するどい きれあじ。
すばやい みのこなしで きの えだを とびまわり
てきの ずじょうや はいごから おそいかかるぞ。"
254,25,3,"몸에 난 잎사귀는 예리한 칼과 같다.
빠른 몸놀림으로 나뭇가지를 뛰어다니며
적의 머리 위나 배후에서 덮친다."
254,25,5,"Les feuilles qui poussent sur le corps de Jungko sont
extrêmement tranchantes. Ce Pokémon est très agile.
Il bondit de branche en branche avant de sauter sur
son ennemi."
254,25,6,"Die Blätter, die auf Gewaldros Körper wachsen, sind sehr
scharfkantig. Dieses Pokémon ist sehr agil. Es hüpft von
Ast zu Ast und springt seine Feinde von oben oder hinten an."
254,25,7,"Las hojas que le salen a Sceptile del cuerpo tienen unos
bordes muy afilados. Este Pokémon es muy ágil, va saltando
de rama en rama y se lanza sobre el enemigo por la espalda."
254,25,8,"Le foglie che crescono sul corpo di Sceptile hanno margini
taglienti. Questo Pokémon è agilissimo, infatti salta da
un ramo allaltro e piomba sui nemici sorprendendoli dallalto."
254,25,9,"The leaves growing on Sceptiles body are very sharp edged.
This Pokémon is very agile—it leaps all over the branches of
trees and jumps on its foe from above or behind."
254,25,11,"体に 生えた 葉っぱは 鋭い 切れ味。
素早い 身のこなしで 木の 枝を 飛び回り
敵の 頭上や 背後から 襲いかかるぞ。"
254,26,1,"せなかの タネには じゅもくを げんきにする
えいようが たくさん つまっていると いわれる。
もりの きを だいじに そだてている ポケモン。"
254,26,3,"등의 씨앗에는 나무를 건강하게 만드는
영양이 많이 채워져 있다고 전해진다.
숲의 나무를 소중히 키우고 있는 포켓몬이다."
254,26,5,"Jungko a des graines qui lui poussent sur le dos. On dit
quelles regorgent de nutriments qui revitalisent les arbres.
Ce Pokémon soccupe des forêts avec amour."
254,26,6,"Auf Gewaldros Rücken wachsen Samen. Darin sind Nährstoffe,
die Bäume beleben können. Dieses Pokémon achtet mit viel
Fürsorge darauf, dass die Bäume seines Waldes prächtig
254,26,7,"A Sceptile le crecen en la espalda unas semillas llenas de
nutrientes que sirven para revitalizar los árboles. De hecho,
se dedica a cuidarlos con mimo para que crezcan bien."
254,26,8,"Sulla schiena di Sceptile crescono alcuni semi che si dice
siano ricchi di nutrienti per gli alberi. Questo Pokémon
coltiva amorevolmente le sue piante nella foresta."
254,26,9,"Sceptile has seeds growing on its back. They are said to be
bursting with nutrients that revitalize trees. This Pokémon
raises the trees in a forest with loving care."
254,26,11,"背中の タネには 樹木を 元気にする
栄養が 沢山 詰まっていると いわれる。
森の 木を 大事に 育てている ポケモン。"
255,7,9,"TORCHIC sticks with its TRAINER,
following behind with unsteady
steps.This POKéMON breathes fire of over
1,800 degrees F, including fireballs
that leave the foe scorched black."
255,8,9,"TORCHIC has a place inside its body
where it keeps its flame. Give it a hug -
it will be glowing with warmth.This POKéMON is covered all over by a
fluffy coat of down."
255,9,9,"If attacked, it strikes back by spitting
balls of fire it forms in its stomach.
A TORCHIC dislikes darkness because it
cant see its surroundings."
255,10,9,"It has a flame sac inside its belly that
perpetually burns. It feels warm if it is
255,11,9,"It has a flame sac inside its belly that
perpetually burns. It feels warm if it is
255,12,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,13,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,14,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,15,9,"Inside its body is a place where it
keeps a small flame. Hug it! It will
be as warm as a hot-water bottle."
255,16,9,"Inside its body is a place where it
keeps a small flame. Hug it! It will
be as warm as a hot-water bottle."
255,17,5,"Ses câlins réchauffent car il renferme
une fournaise. Il envoie des boules de
feu à 1 000 °C."
255,17,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,18,5,"Ses câlins réchauffent car il renferme
une fournaise. Il envoie des boules de
feu à 1 000 °C."
255,18,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,21,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,22,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels
very warm to hug. It launches
fireballs of 1,800 degrees F."
255,23,1,"おなかに ほのおぶくろを もつ。
だきしめると ぽかぽか あたたかい。
いのち ある かぎり もえつづける。"
255,23,3,"몸속에 불꽃 주머니를 지니고 있어서
껴안으면 따끈따끈하다.
살아 있는 한 계속 불타오른다."
255,23,5,"Poussifeu possède, dans son ventre, une poche
de feu qui brûle sans arrêt. Il donne une impression
de chaleur quand on lui fait des câlins."
255,23,6,"In seinem Bauch ist ein Flammensack, der stets
brennt. Umarmt man es, fühlt es sich warm an."
255,23,7,"En su interior, guarda una llama que arde sin cesar.
Si se le abraza, se nota que tiene una temperatura
muy alta."
255,23,8,"Nel ventre ha una sacca di fuoco che brucia in
continuazione. Se lo si abbraccia, emana calore."
255,23,9,"It has a flame sac inside its belly that perpetually
burns. It feels warm if it is hugged."
255,23,11,"お腹に 炎袋を 持つ。
抱きしめると ぽかぽか 温かい。
命ある 限り 燃え続ける。"
255,24,1,"たいないで ほのおが もえているので
だきしめると とても あたたかい。
1000どの ひのたまを とばす。"
255,24,3,"체내에 불꽃이 타오르고 있어
껴안으면 무척 따뜻하다.
1000도의 불구슬을 날린다."
255,24,5,"Ses câlins réchauffent car il renferme une fournaise.
Il envoie des boules de feu à 1000 °C."
255,24,6,"In seinem Inneren lodert ein Feuer. Es schleudert
1 000 °C heiße Feuerbälle."
255,24,7,"En su interior arde una llama que mantiene su cuerpo
caliente. Tira bolas de fuego a 1000 °C."
255,24,8,"Nel suo corpo brucia una fiamma e abbracciandolo
si avverte calore. Lancia palle di fuoco a 1000 °C."
255,24,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug.
It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit."
255,24,11,"体内で 炎が 燃えているので
抱きしめると とても 温かい。
1000度の 火の玉を 飛ばす。"
255,25,1,"トレーナーに くっついて ちょこちょこ あるく。
くちから とばす ほのおは せっし 1000ど。
あいてを くろコゲにする しゃくねつの たまだ。"
255,25,3,"트레이너에게 바짝 붙어 아장아장 걷는다.
입에서 날리는 불꽃은 섭씨 1000도다.
상대를 새까맣게 태우는 작열하는 불덩이다."
255,25,5,"Poussifeu ne lâche pas son Dresseur dune semelle,
marchant maladroitement derrière lui. Ce Pokémon crache
des flammes pouvant atteindre 1 000 °C et des boules de feu
qui carbonisent lennemi."
255,25,6,"Flemmli hängt an seinem Trainer wie eine Klette. Es schlurft
immer hinter ihm her. Dieses Pokémon spuckt 1 000 °C
heißes Feuer, das seinen Feinden ordentlich einheizt."
255,25,7,"Torchic no se separa de su Entrenador. Siempre va tras él con
sus pasitos inseguros. Este Pokémon escupe bolas de fuego
que pueden alcanzar los 1000 °C y carbonizar al enemigo."
255,25,8,"Torchic segue il proprio Allenatore ovunque, saltellandogli
dietro con passo incerto. Questo Pokémon sputa fiammate
roventi a 1000 °C, con sfere infuocate capaci di carbonizzare
il nemico."
255,25,9,"Torchic sticks with its Trainer, following behind with
unsteady steps. This Pokémon breathes fire of over
1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, including fireballs that leave
the foe scorched black."
255,25,11,"トレーナーに くっついて ちょこちょこ 歩く。
口から 飛ばす 炎は 摂氏 1000度。
相手を 黒コゲにする 灼熱の 玉だ。"
255,26,1,"たいないに ほのおを もやす ばしょが あるので
だきしめると ぽかぽか とっても あたたかい。
ぜんしん ふかふかの うもうに おおわれている。"
255,26,3,"체내에 불꽃을 태우는 곳이 있어서
껴안으면 따끈따끈 정말 따뜻하다.
전신이 푹신푹신한 깃털로 덮여 있다."
255,26,5,"Poussifeu dispose dun endroit dans son corps pour stocker
sa flamme. Si on lui fait un gros câlin, sa flamme sillumine
chaleureusement. Ce Pokémon est couvert dun duvet
très doux."
255,26,6,"In Flemmlis Körper brennt eine Flamme. Wenn man es
umarmt, beginnt es zu glühen. Dieses Pokémon trägt ein
flauschiges Fell aus Daunen."
255,26,7,"Torchic tiene un lugar en el interior de su organismo en el
que guarda la llama que posee. Si le das un abrazo, arderá
encantado. Este Pokémon está recubierto totalmente de
sedoso plumón."
255,26,8,"Nel corpo di Torchic è custodita la sua fiamma.
Abbracciandolo si illumina emanando un incredibile calore.
Questo Pokémon è ricoperto da un piumaggio soffice e caldo."
255,26,9,"Torchic has a place inside its body where it keeps its flame.
Give it a hug—it will be glowing with warmth. This Pokémon is
covered all over by a fluffy coat of down."
255,26,11,"体内に 炎を 燃やす 場所が あるので
抱きしめると ぽかぽか とっても 暖かい。
全身 ふかふかの 羽毛に 覆われている。"
256,7,9,"COMBUSKEN toughens up its legs and
thighs by running through fields and
mountains.This POKéMONs legs possess both speed
and power, enabling it to dole out ten
kicks in one second."
256,8,9,"COMBUSKEN battles with the intensely
hot flames it spews from its beak and
with outstandingly destructive kicks.This POKéMONs cry is very loud and
256,9,9,"It lashes out with 10 kicks per second.
Its strong fighting instinct compels it
to keep up its offensive until the
opponent gives up."
256,10,9,"It boosts its concentration by emitting
harsh cries. Its kicks have outstanding
destructive power."
256,11,9,"It boosts its concentration by emitting
harsh cries. Its kicks have outstanding
destructive power."
256,12,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,13,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,14,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,15,9,"During a battle, the hot flame in
its body increases. Its kicks have
outstanding destructive power."
256,16,9,"During a battle, the hot flame in
its body increases. Its kicks have
outstanding destructive power."
256,17,5,"Ce maître du coup de pied peut donner
10 coups par seconde. Ses cris aigus
intimident lennemi."
256,17,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,18,5,"Ce maître du coup de pied peut donner
10 coups par seconde. Ses cris aigus
intimident lennemi."
256,18,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,21,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,22,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose
10 kicks per second. It emits
sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,23,1,"1びょうかんに キックを 10ぱつ
くりだす あしわざの もちぬし。
するどい なきごえで いかくする。"
256,23,3,"1초에 킥을 10번 날릴 정도로
발을 사용하는 기술에 능하다.
날카로운 울음소리로 위협한다."
256,23,5,"Ce maître du coup de pied peut donner 10 coups
par seconde. Ses cris aigus intimident lennemi."
256,23,6,"Es kann zehn Tritte pro Sekunde austeilen.
Es gibt schrille Schreie von sich, um Gegner
256,23,7,"Su habilidad le permite dar diez patadas por segundo.
Lanza potentes gritos para intimidar."
256,23,8,"Possiede labilità di sferrare anche dieci calci al
secondo. Emette urla strazianti per intimorire i nemici."
256,23,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per
second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes."
256,23,11,"1秒間に キックを 10発
繰り出す 足技の 持ち主。
鋭い 鳴き声で 威嚇する。"
256,24,1,"たたかいに なると たいないの
ほのおが はげしく もえあがる。
キックは はかいりょく ばつぐんだ。"
256,24,3,"싸우게 되면 체내의
불꽃이 세차게 타오른다.
킥은 파괴력이 굉장하다."
256,24,5,"Au combat, les flammes dans son corps redoublent
dintensité. Ses coups de pied sont dévastateurs."
256,24,6,"Im Kampf lodert sein inneres Feuer hoch auf. Wo seine
mächtigen Tritte landen, wächst kein Gras mehr."
256,24,7,"Al pelear, el fuego de su interior se intensifica. Es
capaz de propinar unas patadas demoledoras."
256,24,8,"Quando lotta, il suo fuoco interiore diventa
incandescente. Sferra calci di notevole potenza
256,24,9,"During a battle, the hot flame in its body increases.
Its kicks have outstanding destructive power."
256,24,11,"戦いに なると 体内の 炎が
激しく 燃え上がる。
キックは 破壊力 抜群だ。"
256,25,1,"のやまを はしりまわって あしこしを きたえる。
スピードと パワーを かねそなえた あしは
1びょうかんに 10ぱつの キックを くりだす。"
256,25,3,"산과 들을 뛰어다니며 하반신을 단련한다.
스피드와 파워를 겸비한 다리는
1초에 10번 킥을 날린다."
256,25,5,"Galifeu muscle ses cuisses et ses mollets en courant dans les
champs ou dans les montagnes. Les jambes de ce Pokémon
sont très puissantes et rapides, capables de donner 10 coups
de pied en 1 seconde."
256,25,6,"Jungglut trainiert seine Beine und Oberschenkel, indem es über
Felder und Berge läuft. Die Beine dieses Pokémon sind sowohl
schnell als auch kräftig, sodass es 10 Tritte pro Sekunde
ausführen kann."
256,25,7,"Combusken fortalece las piernas corriendo por llanos y
montañas. Este Pokémon tiene en las extremidades inferiores
tanto fuerza como velocidad. Puede dar hasta diez patadas
por segundo."
256,25,8,"Combusken si allena correndo in campagna e in montagna.
Le zampe inferiori sono rapide e potenti e riescono a sferrare
dieci calci al secondo."
256,25,9,"Combusken toughens up its legs and thighs by running
through fields and mountains. This Pokémons legs possess
both speed and power, enabling it to dole out 10 kicks in
one second."
256,25,11,"野山を 走り回って 足腰を 鍛える。
スピードと パワーを 兼ね備えた 足は
1秒間に 10発の キックを 繰り出す。"
256,26,1,"クチバシから はきだす しゃくねつの ほのおと
はかいりょく ばつぐんの キックで たたかう。
なきごえが おおきいので とても やかましい。"
256,26,3,"부리에서 토해 내는 작열하는 불꽃과
뛰어난 파괴력의 킥으로 싸운다.
울음소리가 커서 무척 시끄럽다."
256,26,5,"Galifeu combat grâce aux flammes ardentes quil crache
de son bec et à ses coups de pied destructeurs.
Le cri de ce Pokémon est très puissant et très gênant
pour ladversaire."
256,26,6,"Jungglut stößt im Kampf glühend heiße Flammen aus seinem
Schnabel aus und setzt extrem vernichtende Tritte ein.
Das Geschrei dieses Pokémon ist sehr laut und verwirrend."
256,26,7,"Combusken lucha haciendo uso de las abrasadoras llamas
que expulsa por el pico y de unas patadas fulminantes.
Este Pokémon emite un sonido muy fuerte y molesto."
256,26,8,"Combusken combatte sputando fiamme roventi dal becco
e sferrando calci dallenorme potenza distruttiva.
Il verso di questo Pokémon è lacerante e distrae gli avversari."
256,26,9,"Combusken battles with the intensely hot flames it spews from
its beak and with outstandingly destructive kicks. This
Pokémons cry is very loud and distracting."
256,26,11,"クチバシから 吐きだす 灼熱の 炎と
破壊力 抜群の キックで 戦う。
鳴き声が 大きいので とても やかましい。"
257,7,9,"In battle, BLAZIKEN blows out intense
flames from its wrists and attacks foes
courageously.The stronger the foe, the more
intensely this POKéMONs wrists burn."
257,8,9,"BLAZIKEN has incredibly strong legs -
it can easily clear a 30-story building
in one leap.This POKéMONs blazing punches leave
its foes scorched and blackened."
257,9,9,"It learns martial arts that use punches
and kicks. Every several years, its old
feathers burn off, and new, supple
feathers grow back in their place."
257,10,9,"When facing a tough foe, it looses flames
from its wrists. Its powerful legs let it
jump clear over buildings."
257,11,9,"When facing a tough foe, it looses flames
from its wrists. Its powerful legs let it
jump clear over buildings."
257,12,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,13,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,14,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,15,9,"It can clear a 30-story building
in a leap. Its fiery punches scorch
its foes."
257,16,9,"It can clear a 30-story building
in a leap. Its fiery punches scorch
its foes."
257,17,5,"Des flammes fusent de ses
poignets et ses coups brûlent
257,17,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,18,5,"Des flammes fusent de ses
poignets et ses coups brûlent
257,18,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,21,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,22,9,"Flames spout from its wrists,
enveloping its knuckles. Its
punches scorch its foes."
257,23,1,"30かいだての ビルを ジャンプで
とびこす ちょうやくりょく。ほのおの
パンチが あいてを やきつくす。"
257,23,3,"30층 빌딩을 점프로
넘는 점프력을 가졌다.
불꽃펀치가 상대를 태운다."
257,23,5,"Il peut bondir par-dessus un bâtiment de 30 étages.
Ses poings enflammés brûlent ses adversaires."
257,23,6,"Mühelos springt es selbst über 30-stöckige Häuser.
Sein Feuerschlag fügt dem Gegner Verbrennungen zu."
257,23,7,"Puede saltar edificios de 30 plantas. Con sus golpes
de fuego quema a sus rivales."
257,23,8,"Riesce a superare un edificio di 30 piani con un salto.
I suoi pugni di fuoco inceneriscono il nemico."
257,23,9,"It can clear a 30-story building in a leap.
Its fiery punches scorch its foes."
257,23,11,"30階建ての ビルを ジャンプで
跳び越す 跳躍力。炎の パンチが
相手を 焼きつくす。"
257,24,1,"きょうてきに であうと てくびから
ほのおを ふきだす。ジャンプで
ビルを とびこす きゃくりょく。"
257,24,3,"강적을 만나면 손목에서
불꽃을 내뿜는다. 점프로
빌딩을 뛰어넘는 다릿심을 가졌다."
257,24,5,"Quand il est face à un ennemi, il laisse séchapper
des gerbes de flammes par ses poignets. Ses jambes
lui permettent de sauter par-dessus les immeubles."
257,24,6,"Trifft es auf einen hartnäckigen Gegner, schießen
Flammen aus seinen Handgelenken. Seine starken
Beine ermöglichen ihm, über Häuser zu springen."
257,24,7,"Ante un rival difícil, expulsa llamas por las muñecas.
Tiene mucha fuerza en las patas; hasta puede saltar
257,24,8,"Quando affronta un forte nemico lancia fiammate
dai polsi. Le zampe poderose gli permettono di
scavalcare interi palazzi."
257,24,9,"When facing a tough foe, it looses flames from
its wrists. Its powerful legs let it jump clear
over buildings."
257,24,11,"強敵に 出会うと 手首から
炎を 噴き出す。ジャンプで
ビルで 跳び越す 脚力。"
257,25,1,"たたかいに なると てくびから しゃくねつの
ほのおを ふきあげ ゆうかんに いどみかかる。
あいてが てごわいほど はげしく もえあがる。"
257,25,3,"싸우게 되면 손목에서 작열하는
불꽃을 뿜어 올려 용감히 덤벼든다.
상대가 버거울수록 강렬히 불타오른다."
257,25,5,"Au combat, Braségali envoie des flammes ardentes de
ses poignets. Il fait preuve dun courage exceptionnel.
Plus lennemi est puissant, plus les poignets de ce Pokémon
sont ardents."
257,25,6,"Lohgock stößt heftige Flammen aus seinen Handgelenken
aus und greift seine Feinde mutig an. Je stärker ein Feind ist,
desto stärker lodern die Handgelenke dieses Pokémon."
257,25,7,"En combate, Blaziken expulsa vivas llamas por las muñecas y
ataca al enemigo con fiereza. Cuanto más fuerte sea el
enemigo, más intensas serán las llamas."
257,25,8,"In lotta Blaziken emette fiamme micidiali coi suoi pugni,
attaccando coraggiosamente il nemico. Più forte è il nemico,
tanto più intenso è il fuoco proveniente dai pugni."
257,25,9,"In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and
attacks foes courageously. The stronger the foe, the more
intensely this Pokémons wrists burn."
257,25,11,"戦いに なると 手首から 灼熱の
炎を 噴き上げ 勇敢に 挑みかかる、
相手が 手強いほど 激しく 燃えあがる。"
257,26,1,"きょうじんな あしこしを もち 30かい だての
ビルも らくらく とびこす ことが できる。
ほのおの パンチで あいてを くろこげに する。"
257,26,3,"강인한 하반신을 지녀 30층짜리
빌딩도 가볍게 뛰어넘을 수 있다.
불꽃의 펀치로 상대를 새까맣게 태운다."
257,26,5,"Braségali a des jambes incroyablement puissantes. Il peut
sauter par-dessus un immeuble de trente étages. Les coups
de poing enflammés de ce Pokémon peuvent carboniser
ses ennemis."
257,26,6,"Lohgock besitzt unglaublich starke Beine, mit denen
es ein 30 Stockwerke hohes Gebäude mit einem Sprung
überwinden kann. Die flammenden Schläge dieses
Pokémon lassen verkohlte Gegner zurück."
257,26,7,"Blaziken tiene unas piernas tan fuertes que puede saltar por
encima de un edificio de 30 pisos con facilidad. Además, da
unos puñetazos fulminantes que dejan al oponente
chamuscado y lleno de tizne."
257,26,8,"Blaziken è dotato di zampe molto potenti in grado di radere
al suolo un edificio di 30 piani in un colpo solo. I suoi pugni
fulminei lasciano il nemico ustionato e talvolta carbonizzato."
257,26,9,"Blaziken has incredibly strong legs—it can easily clear a
30-story building in one leap. This Pokémons blazing punches
leave its foes scorched and blackened."
257,26,11,"強靭な 足腰を 持ち 30階 建ての
ビルも 楽々 飛び越す ことが できる。
炎の パンチで 相手を 黒焦げに する。"
258,7,9,"The fin on MUDKIPs head acts as highly
sensitive radar. Using this fin to sense
movements of water and air, thisPOKéMON can determine what is taking
place around it without using its eyes."
258,8,9,"In water, MUDKIP breathes using the
gills on its cheeks.
If it is faced with a tight situation inbattle, this POKéMON will unleash its
amazing power - it can crush rocks
bigger than itself."
258,9,9,"On land, it can powerfully lift large
boulders by planting its four feet and
heaving. It sleeps by burying itself in soil
at the waters edge."
258,10,9,"Its large tail fin propels it through
water with powerful acceleration. It is
strong in spite of its size."
258,11,9,"Its large tail fin propels it through
water with powerful acceleration. It is
strong in spite of its size."
258,12,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,13,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,14,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,15,9,"Its power can crush boulders.
It rests by covering itself with mud
at the bottom of a river."
258,16,9,"Its power can crush boulders.
It rests by covering itself with mud
at the bottom of a river."
258,17,5,"Il analyse le courant grâce à la
nageoire sur sa tête. Il est assez
fort pour soulever des rochers."
258,17,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,18,5,"Il analyse le courant grâce à la
nageoire sur sa tête. Il est assez
fort pour soulever des rochers."
258,18,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,21,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,22,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head
senses the flow of water. It has
the strength to heft boulders."
258,23,1,"おおきな おびれで みずを かけば
ぐんぐん スピードが あがる。
ちいさい からだでも ちからもち。"
258,23,3,"커다란 꼬리지느러미로 물을 헤치면
스피드가 쑥쑥 오른다.
작은 몸이지만 힘이 장사다."
258,23,5,"Sa grande queue en forme de nageoire lui donne
une puissance daccélération incroyable. Il est très
costaud malgré sa taille."
258,23,6,"Durch den propellerartigen Einsatz seiner großen
Schwanzflosse schwimmt es schnell durchs Wasser.
Trotz seiner kleinen Größe ist es stark."
258,23,7,"Tiene una larga cola que le propulsa por el agua con
mucha potencia. A pesar de ser pequeño, tiene mucha
258,23,8,"La grande pinna sulla coda gli conferisce una
straordinaria accelerazione in acqua. È minuto,
ma forte."
258,23,9,"Its large tail fin propels it through water with
powerful acceleration. It is strong in spite of
its size."
258,23,11,"大きな 尾びれで 水を かけば
ぐんぐん スピードが 上がる。
小さい 体でも 力持ち。"
258,24,1,"あたまの ひれで みずの ながれを
かんじて まわりの ようすを しる。
いわを もちあげる ちからもち。"
258,24,3,"머리의 지느러미로 물의 흐름을
느껴 주위의 상황을 파악한다.
바위를 들어 올릴 정도로 힘이 세다."
258,24,5,"Il analyse le courant grâce à la nageoire sur sa tête.
Il est assez fort pour soulever des rochers."
258,24,6,"Die Flosse auf seinem Kopf prüft die Strömung des
Wassers. Dieses Pokémon kann Felsen heben."
258,24,7,"La aleta de su cabeza detecta las corrientes de agua
y los peligros. Tiene fuerza para levantar rocas."
258,24,8,"Con la pinna sulla testa percepisce i movimenti
dellacqua e sta in guardia. Riesce a sollevare rocce."
258,24,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of
water. It has the strength to heft boulders."
258,24,11,"頭の ヒレで 水の 流れを
感じて まわりの 様子を 知る。
岩を 持ち上げる 力持ち。"
258,25,1,"あたまの ひれは とても びんかんな レーダー。
みずや くうきの うごきから めを つかわずに
まわりの ようすを キャッチすることが できる。"
258,25,3,"머리의 지느러미는 매우 민감한 레이더다.
물이나 공기의 움직임을 통해 눈을 쓰지 않고
주변의 상황을 알아낼 수 있다."
258,25,5,"La nageoire sur la tête de Gobou lui sert de radar
hypersensible. Il lutilise pour sentir les mouvements
de leau et de lair. Ainsi, ce Pokémon peut savoir ce qui
se passe autour de lui sans avoir à se servir de ses yeux."
258,25,6,"Die Flosse an Hydropis Kopf dient als hochempfindliches
Radar. Damit kann es Bewegungen im Wasser und in der
Luft wahrnehmen. So weiß es jederzeit, was in seiner
Umgebung passiert, ohne dabei seine Augen zu benutzen."
258,25,7,"La aleta que tiene Mudkip en la cabeza actúa de radar y es
muy sensible. Puede captar movimientos que se produzcan en
el agua y en el aire, y todo lo que ocurra a su alrededor, sin
necesidad de abrir los ojos."
258,25,8,"La pinna sulla testa di Mudkip agisce come un radar
sensibilissimo. Usando questa pinna come sensore
in acqua e in aria, riesce a determinare cosa succede
attorno a lui senza bisogno di guardare."
258,25,9,"The fin on Mudkips head acts as highly sensitive radar.
Using this fin to sense movements of water and air, this
Pokémon can determine what is taking place around it
without using its eyes."
258,25,11,"頭の ひれは とても 敏感な レーダー。
水や 空気の 動きから 目を 使わずに
周りの 様子を キャッチすることが できる。"
258,26,1,"すいちゅうでは ほっぺの エラで こきゅうする。
ピンチに なると からだより おおきな いわを
こなごなに くだく パワーを はっきする。"
258,26,3,"물속에서는 뺨의 아가미로 호흡한다.
위급해지면 몸보다 큰 바위를
산산이 부숴버리는 파워를 발휘한다."
258,26,5,"Sous leau, Gobou peut respirer grâce aux branchies sur
ses joues. Sil se retrouve en difficulté pendant un combat,
ce Pokémon déchaîne ses pouvoirs incroyables. Il peut
détruire des rochers plus gros que lui."
258,26,6,"Im Wasser atmet Hydropi durch die Kiemen
an seinen Wangen. Wenn es im Kampf in eine
brenzlige Situation gerät, setzt es seine
verblüffende Kraft ein, mit der es Felsbrocken
zerquetschen kann, die größer sind als es selbst."
258,26,7,"En el agua, Mudkip usa las branquias que tiene en los
mofletes para respirar. Cuando tiene que enfrentarse a una
situación delicada en combate, desata una fuerza asombrosa
con la que puede destruir rocas incluso mayores que él."
258,26,8,"In acqua Mudkip respira usando le branchie sulle mascelle.
In caso di situazioni critiche nella lotta scatena la sua forza
strabiliante, riuscendo a frantumare rocce più grandi di lui."
258,26,9,"In water, Mudkip breathes using the gills on its cheeks. If it is
faced with a tight situation in battle, this Pokémon will unleash
its amazing power—it can crush rocks bigger than itself."
258,26,11,"水中では ほっぺの エラで 呼吸する。
ピンチに なると 体より 大きな 岩を
粉々に 砕く パワーを 発揮する。"
259,7,9,"The surface of MARSHTOMPs body is
enveloped by a thin, sticky film that
enables it to live on land.This POKéMON plays in mud on beaches
when the ocean tide is low."
259,8,9,"MARSHTOMP is much faster at traveling
through mud than it is at swimming.
This POKéMONs hindquarters exhibitobvious development, giving it the
ability to walk on just its hind legs."
259,9,9,"Its toughened hind legs enable it to stand
upright. Because it weakens if its skin
dries out, it replenishes fluids by playing
in mud."
259,10,9,"It is at its best when on muddy ground
with poor footing. It quickly overwhelms
foes struggling in mud."
259,11,9,"It is at its best when on muddy ground
with poor footing. It quickly overwhelms
foes struggling in mud."
259,12,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,13,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,14,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,15,9,"Living on muddy ground that
provides poor footing has made
its legs sturdy."
259,16,9,"Living on muddy ground that
provides poor footing has made
its legs sturdy."
259,17,5,"Ses jambes robustes lui donnent
un bon appui, même dans la boue.
Il dort enfoui dans la saleté."
259,17,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,18,5,"Ses jambes robustes lui donnent
un bon appui, même dans la boue.
Il dort enfoui dans la saleté."
259,18,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,21,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,22,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure
footing, even in mud. It
burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,23,1,"ぬかるんだ あしばでも しっかり
あるける じょうぶな あしこし。
どろに からだを うめて ねむる。"
259,23,3,"발밑이 질퍽거려도 잘 걸을 수
있는 튼튼한 다리를 가졌다.
진흙에 몸을 묻고 잠잔다."
259,23,5,"Ses jambes robustes lui donnent un bon appui,
même dans la boue. Il dort enfoui dans la saleté."
259,23,6,"Seine kräftigen Beine geben ihm sicheren Halt.
Es gräbt sich in Dreck ein, wenn es schlafen will."
259,23,7,"Sus piernas robustas impiden que pierda el equilibrio y
caiga, incluso en el barro. Duerme bajo la arena."
259,23,8,"Grazie alle zampe vigorose, si muove con disinvoltura
anche nel fango. Dorme immerso nella melma."
259,23,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud.
It burrows into dirt to sleep."
259,23,11,"ぬかるんだ 足場でも しっかり
歩ける 丈夫な 足腰。
泥に 体を 埋めて 眠る。"
259,24,1,"ドロドロに ぬかるんだ あしばで
せいかつする うちに きたえられ
きょうじんな あしこしに なった。"
259,24,3,"걸쭉하게 질퍽거리는 땅을
밟으며 생활하면서 단련되어
팔다리가 강인해졌다."
259,24,5,"À force de marcher et de vivre dans la boue,
son arrière-train est devenu particulièrement robuste."
259,24,6,"Der zähe Morast seiner Heimat hat seine Beine
gestählt und ihnen gewaltige Kraft verliehen."
259,24,7,"Vive en el lodo, lo que contribuye a que sus piernas
sean extremadamente robustas."
259,24,8,"Dato che si allena sempre sguazzando nel fango, si
ritrova con due arti inferiori fortissimi."
259,24,9,"Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing
has made its legs sturdy."
259,24,11,"ドロドロに ぬかるんだ 足場で
生活する うちに 鍛えられ
強靭な 足腰に なった。"
259,25,1,"ちじょうでも せいかつできる ように からだの
ひょうめんを うすい ねんまくが つつんでいる。
しおの ひいた かいがんで どろあそびを する。"
259,25,3,"지상에서도 생활할 수 있도록 몸의
표면을 얇은 점막이 둘러싸고 있다.
썰물이 된 해안에서 흙놀이를 한다."
259,25,5,"Le corps de Flobio est enveloppé par un film fin et collant
qui lui permet de vivre hors de leau. Ce Pokémon joue
dans la vase sur les plages lorsque la marée est basse."
259,25,6,"Moorabbels Körper ist mit einem klebrigen Film überzogen,
durch den es an Land überleben kann. Dieses Pokémon spielt
bei Ebbe in den Schlammpfützen am Strand."
259,25,7,"El cuerpo de Marshtomp está cubierto por una fina película
pegajosa gracias a la cual puede vivir en tierra. Cuando la
marea está baja, a este Pokémon le encanta jugar en el fango."
259,25,8,"La superficie corporea di Marshtomp è avvolta da una
spessa pellicola appiccicosa che gli consente di vivere
sulla terraferma. Questo Pokémon gioca con la fanghiglia
sul fondo del mare nei momenti di bassa marea."
259,25,9,"The surface of Marshtomps body is enveloped by a thin, sticky
film that enables it to live on land. This Pokémon plays in mud
on beaches when the ocean tide is low."
259,25,11,"地上でも 生活できる ように 体の
表面を 薄い 粘膜が 包んでいる。
潮の 引いた 海岸で 泥遊びを する。"
259,26,1,"すいちゅうを およぐより どろの なかを
すすむ ほうが だんぜん はやく いどうできる。
あしこしが はったつして 2ほんあしで あるく。"
259,26,3,"물속을 헤엄치는 것보다 진흙 속에서
이동하는 편이 훨씬 빠르게 이동할 수 있다. 
하반신이 발달하여 두 다리로 걷는다."
259,26,5,"Flobio est bien plus rapide dans la boue que dans leau.
Larrière-train de ce Pokémon est particulièrement développé,
ce qui lui donne la capacité de marcher sur ses pattes arrière."
259,26,6,"Moorabbel kommt im Schlamm besser voran als im Wasser.
Das Hinterteil dieses Pokémon ist gut entwickelt, sodass es
auf seinen Hinterbeinen laufen kann."
259,26,7,"Marshtomp se desplaza más rápido por el lodo que por el
agua. Los cuartos traseros de este Pokémon muestran un
desarrollo más que evidente, lo que le permite andar solo
sobre las patas traseras."
259,26,8,"Marshtomp è molto più a suo agio nel fango che non in acqua
e sa muoversi con estrema rapidità. La parte inferiore del suo
corpo mostra un chiaro sviluppo, consentendogli di camminare
solo sugli arti inferiori."
259,26,9,"Marshtomp is much faster at traveling through mud than it is at
swimming. This Pokémons hindquarters exhibit obvious
development, giving it the ability to walk on just its hind legs."
259,26,11,"水中を 泳ぐより 泥の 中を
進む ほうが 断然 速く 移動できる。
足腰が 発達して 2本足で 歩く。"
260,7,9,"SWAMPERT is very strong. It has enough
power to easily drag a boulder weighing
more than a ton.This POKéMON also has powerful vision
that lets it see even in murky water."
260,8,9,"SWAMPERT predicts storms by sensing
subtle differences in the sounds of
waves and tidal winds with its fins.If a storm is approaching, it piles up
boulders to protect itself."
260,9,9,"If it senses the approach of a storm and
a tidal wave, it protects its seaside nest
by piling up boulders. It swims as fast as
a jet ski."
260,10,9,"Its arms are rock-hard. With one swing,
they can batter down its foe. It makes its
nest on beautiful beaches."
260,11,9,"Its arms are rock-hard. With one swing,
they can batter down its foe. It makes its
nest on beautiful beaches."
260,12,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,13,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,14,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,15,9,"Its arms are hard as rock.
With one swing, it can
break a boulder into pieces."
260,16,9,"Its arms are hard as rock.
With one swing, it can
break a boulder into pieces."
260,17,5,"Il peut traîner un grand bateau en
nageant. Il assomme lennemi dun
grand coup de ses bras épais."
260,17,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,18,5,"Il peut traîner un grand bateau en
nageant. Il assomme lennemi dun
grand coup de ses bras épais."
260,18,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,21,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,22,9,"It can swim while towing a large
ship. It bashes down foes with a
swing of its thick arms."
260,23,1,"いわの ように かたい うでを
ひとふり するだけで きょだいな
いわを コナゴナに くだくぞ。"
260,23,3,"돌처럼 딱딱한 팔을
한 번 휘두르는 것만으로 거대한
돌을 조각조각으로 부순다."
260,23,5,"Un seul coup de ses puissants bras suffit pour
pulvériser même les plus gros rochers."
260,23,6,"Schon ein Hieb seiner steinharten Arme schlägt
selbst den stärksten Felsen zu Bruch."
260,23,7,"Con sus brazos duros como el acero puede partir
rocas gigantescas en mil pedazos de un solo golpe."
260,23,8,"Ha braccia dure come roccia, capaci di frantumare
in mille pezzi un masso con un colpo solo."
260,23,9,"Its arms are hard as rock. With one swing, it can
break a boulder into pieces."
260,23,11,"岩の ように 硬い 腕を
一振り するだけで 巨大な 岩を
コナゴナに 砕くぞ。"
260,24,1,"おおがたせんを ひっぱって およぐ
パワーの もちぬし。ふとい うでの
ひとふりで あいてを たたきのめす。"
260,24,3,"큰 배를 끌며 헤엄치는
파워의 소유자이다. 굵은 팔을
한 번 휘둘러 상대를 때려눕힌다."
260,24,5,"Il peut traîner un grand bateau en nageant.
Il assomme lennemi dun grand coup de ses bras
260,24,6,"Es kann im Schwimmen ein großes Schiff ziehen.
Seine Gegner schlägt es mit Schlägen seiner Arme
260,24,7,"Puede nadar y arrastrar un barco grande. Golpea a sus
enemigos con sus gruesos brazos."
260,24,8,"Nuotando riesce a trainare una grande nave. Con le
braccia vigorose abbatte i nemici in un sol colpo."
260,24,9,"It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes
down foes with a swing of its thick arms."
260,24,11,"大型船を 引っ張って 泳ぐ
パワーの 持ち主。太い 腕の
一振りで 相手を たたきのめす。"
260,25,1,"おもさ 1トンいじょう ある いわの かたまりを
かるがる ひっぱる パワーを もつ ポケモンだ。
にごった すいちゅうも みとおす しりょく。"
260,25,3,"무게 1톤 이상인 바위 덩어리를
가볍게 잡아당기는 파워를 지닌 포켓몬이다.
탁해진 물속도 들여다볼 수 있는 시력을 지녔다."
260,25,5,"Laggron est très fort. Tellement fort quil peut aisément
tirer un rocher pesant plus dune tonne. Ce Pokémon
est également doté dune vue si efficace quil peut même
voir à travers leau trouble."
260,25,6,"Sumpex ist sehr stark. Es kann mit Leichtigkeit einen Felsblock
bewegen, der über eine Tonne wiegt. Weiterhin ist es mit
einem exzellenten Sehvermögen ausgestattet, wodurch es
auch in trüben Gewässern sehen kann."
260,25,7,"Swampert es muy fuerte. Puede arrastrar una roca que pese
más de una tonelada sin ningún problema. Este Pokémon
tiene el sentido de la vista muy desarrollado. Es capaz de ver
hasta en aguas cenagosas."
260,25,8,"Swampert è molto forte. Ha una forza tale da riuscire a
trascinare un masso del peso di 1 tonnellata senza
fatica. La sua vista è così acuta da riuscire a penetrare
anche lacqua più torbida."
260,25,9,"Swampert is very strong. It has enough power to easily drag a
boulder weighing more than a ton. This Pokémon also has
powerful vision that lets it see even in murky water."
260,25,11,"重さ 1トン以上 ある 岩の 塊を
軽々 引っ張る パワーを 持つ ポケモンだ。
濁った 水中も 見通す 視力。"
260,26,1,"ラグラージは なみおとや しおかぜの わずかな
ちがいを ヒレで かんじ あらしを よかんする。
あらしになると いわを つみあげ すを まもる。"
260,26,3,"대짱이는 파도 소리나 바닷바람의 아주 작은
차이를 지느러미로 감지하여 태풍을 예감한다.
태풍이 불면 바위를 쌓아서 둥지를 지킨다."
260,26,5,"Laggron peut prédire larrivée des tempêtes en utilisant
ses nageoires pour sentir les variations dans les vagues
et les marées. Si une tempête sapproche, il empile
des rochers pour protéger son habitat."
260,26,6,"Sumpex kann Stürme voraussagen, indem es feine
Veränderungen der Geräusche von Wellen und Wind
mit seinen Flossen wahrnimmt. Wenn eine Sturmfront
aufzieht, häuft es Felsbrocken an, um sich zu schützen."
260,26,7,"Swampert puede predecir tormentas al percibir con las aletas
los sutiles cambios que producen las olas y las corrientes.
Si está a punto de estallar una tormenta, empezará a apilar
piedras para resguardarse."
260,26,8,"Swampert prevede le tempeste poiché grazie alle pinne
percepisce le sottili differenze nel suono delle onde e dei
venti dovuti alle maree. In caso di burrasca imminente,
crea delle pile di massi per proteggere la tana."
260,26,9,"Swampert predicts storms by sensing subtle differences in the
sounds of waves and tidal winds with its fins. If a storm is
approaching, it piles up boulders to protect itself."
260,26,11,"ラグラージは 波音や 潮風の わずかな
違いを ヒレで 感じ 嵐を 予感する。
嵐になると 岩を 積み上げ 巣を 守る。"
261,7,9,"At first sight, POOCHYENA takes a bite
at anything that moves.
This POKéMON chases after prey untilthe victim becomes exhausted.
However, it may turn tail if the prey
strikes back."
261,8,9,"POOCHYENA is an omnivore - it will eat
anything. A distinguishing feature is
how large its fangs are compared toits body. This POKéMON tries to
intimidate its foes by making the hair
on its tail bristle out."
261,9,9,"It savagely threatens foes with bared
fangs. It chases after fleeing targets
tenaciously. It turns tail and runs,
however, if the foe strikes back."
261,10,9,"It has a very tenacious nature. Its acute
sense of smell lets it chase a chosen
prey without ever losing track."
261,11,9,"It has a very tenacious nature. Its acute
sense of smell lets it chase a chosen
prey without ever losing track."
261,12,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,13,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,14,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,15,9,"It chases its prey until the victim
becomes exhausted. However, it
turns tail if the prey strikes back."
261,16,9,"It chases its prey until the victim
becomes exhausted. However, it
turns tail if the prey strikes back."
261,17,5,"Un Pokémon très obstiné qui
poursuit sa proie jusquà ce
quelle soit épuisée."
261,17,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,18,5,"Un Pokémon très obstiné qui
poursuit sa proie jusquà ce
quelle soit épuisée."
261,18,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,21,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,22,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent
nature, it chases its chosen prey
until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,23,1,"しつこい せいかくの ポケモン。
めをつけた えものが ヘトヘトに
つかれるまで おいかけまわす。"
261,23,3,"집요한 성격의 포켓몬이다.
점찍은 먹이가 기진맥진
지칠 때까지 뒤쫓아간다."
261,23,5,"Un Pokémon très obstiné qui poursuit sa proie jusquà
ce quelle soit épuisée."
261,23,6,"Ein beharrliches Pokémon, das seine Beute jagt,
bis diese erschöpft ist."
261,23,7,"Es muy persistente. Si se fija en una presa, no la
dejará hasta que caiga agotada."
261,23,8,"Pokémon di natura ostinata. Insegue la preda
prescelta finché questa non è esausta."
261,23,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its
chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted."
261,23,11,"しつこい 性格の ポケモン。
目をつけた 獲物が ヘトヘトに
疲れるまで 追いかけ回す。"
261,24,1,"するどい きゅうかくで ねらった
えものは ぜったいに にがさない。
とっても しつこい せいかくだ。"
261,24,3,"날카로운 후각으로 노린
먹이는 절대로 놓치지 않는다.
매우 끈질긴 성격이다."
261,24,5,"Medhyèna est dun tempérament tenace.
Son odorat très développé lui permet de ne jamais
perdre la trace de sa proie."
261,24,6,"Es hat ein hartnäckiges Wesen. Sein präziser
Geruchssinn ermöglicht ihm, seiner Beute
nachzujagen, ohne die Fährte zu verlieren."
261,24,7,"Es tenaz por naturaleza. Tiene un sentido del olfato
tan agudo que nunca se le escapa la presa que quiere."
261,24,8,"Pokémon molto tenace. Lolfatto sviluppatissimo gli
permette di seguire una preda senza mai perderne
le tracce."
261,24,9,"It has a very tenacious nature. Its acute sense of
smell lets it chase a chosen prey without ever
losing track."
261,24,11,"鋭い きゅうかくで ねらった 獲物は
絶対に 逃がさない。
とっても しつこい 性格だ。"
261,25,1,"うごく ものを みつけると すぐに かみつく。
えものが ヘトヘトに なるまで おいかけまわすが
はんげきされると しりごみする ことも あるよ。"
261,25,3,"움직이는 것을 발견하면 바로 문다.
먹이가 기진맥진해질 때까지 쫓아다니지만
반격당하면 뒷걸음치기도 한다."
261,25,5,"Sans se poser de questions, Medhyèna essaie de mordre
tout ce qui bouge. Ce Pokémon pourchasse sa proie jusquà
ce quelle sépuise. Cependant, il se peut quil prenne peur
et senfuie si la proie riposte."
261,25,6,"Sobald Fiffyen eine Bewegung wahrnimmt, schnappt es zu.
Es jagt seine Beute so lange, bis sie vollkommen erschöpft ist.
Wenn sich die Beute allerdings wehrt, kann es passieren,
dass Fiffyen klein beigibt und flieht."
261,25,7,"La primera reacción que Poochyena tiene al ver algo moverse
es darle un mordisco. Este Pokémon persigue a su presa hasta
que cae agotada. Aunque, a veces, sale huyendo si su presa
le responde con un ataque."
261,25,8,"Poochyena azzanna al minimo movimento senza riflettere.
Caccia la sua preda finché questa non è tanto stanca
da cedere. Tuttavia, se il nemico contrattacca, Poochyena
talvolta scappa."
261,25,9,"At first sight, Poochyena takes a bite at anything that moves.
This Pokémon chases after prey until the victim becomes
exhausted. However, it may turn tail if the prey strikes back."
261,25,11,"動く ものを 見つけると すぐに かみつく。
獲物が ヘトヘトに なるまで 追いかけ回すが
反撃されると 尻ごみする ことも あるよ。"
261,26,1,"なんでも たべる ざっしょくせいの ポケモン。
からだに くらべ おおきな キバが とくちょう。
しっぽの けを さかだてて てきを いかくする。"
261,26,3,"무엇이든 먹는 잡식성인 포켓몬이다.
몸에 비해 큰 이빨이 특징이다.
꼬리의 털을 세우고 적을 위협한다."
261,26,5,"Medhyèna est omnivore. Il mange de tout. Ses crocs sont
très gros, comparés à son corps. Ce Pokémon essaie
dintimider ses ennemis en hérissant les poils de sa queue."
261,26,6,"Fiffyen ist ein Allesfresser. Auffällig an diesem Pokémon
ist das Verhältnis seiner Körpergröße zur Länge seiner Zähne.
Es versucht Feinde einzuschüchtern, indem es die Haare
an seinem Schweif abstehen lässt."
261,26,7,"Poochyena es un Pokémon omnívoro. Se come lo que sea.
Le caracteriza el gran tamaño de sus colmillos respecto al
resto del cuerpo. Este Pokémon hace que se le erice la cola
para intentar intimidar a su rival."
261,26,8,"Poochyena è onnivoro: mangia di tutto. Una caratteristica
distintiva è la dimensione delle zanne rispetto al corpo.
Cerca di intimidire i nemici rizzando il pelo della coda."
261,26,9,"Poochyena is an omnivore—it will eat anything. A distinguishing
feature is how large its fangs are compared to its body. This
Pokémon tries to intimidate its foes by making the hair on its
tail bristle out."
261,26,11,"なんでも 食べる 雑食性の ポケモン。
体に 比べ 大きな キバが 特徴。
尻尾の 毛を 逆立てて 敵を 威嚇する。"
262,7,9,"MIGHTYENA gives obvious signals when
it is preparing to attack. It starts to
growl deeply and then flattens its body.This POKéMON will bite savagely with its
sharply pointed fangs."
262,8,9,"MIGHTYENA travel and act as a pack
in the wild. The memory of its life in the
wild compels the POKéMON to obey onlythose TRAINERS that it recognizes to
possess superior skill."
262,9,9,"In the wild, MIGHTYENA live in a pack.
They never defy their leaders orders.
They defeat foes with perfectly
coordinated teamwork."
262,10,9,"It will always obey the commands of a
skilled TRAINER. Its behavior arises from
its living in packs in ancient times."
262,11,9,"It will always obey the commands of a
skilled TRAINER. Its behavior arises from
its living in packs in ancient times."
262,12,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,13,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,14,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,15,9,"It chases down prey in a pack of
around ten. They defeat foes with
perfectly coordinated teamwork."
262,16,9,"It chases down prey in a pack of
around ten. They defeat foes with
perfectly coordinated teamwork."
262,17,5,"Il traque ses proies en groupe.
Il ne désobéira jamais aux
ordres dun bon Dresseur."
262,17,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,18,5,"Il traque ses proies en groupe.
Il ne désobéira jamais aux
ordres dun bon Dresseur."
262,18,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,21,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,22,9,"It chases down prey in a pack.
It will never disobey the commands
of a skilled Trainer."
262,23,1,"すぐれた トレーナーの めいれいには
ぜったい ふくじゅう。おおむかしに
むれで こうどうしていた なごり。"
262,23,3,"우수한 트레이너의 명령에는
절대복종한다. 먼 옛날
무리를 지어 행동했던 영향이다."
262,23,5,"Il obéit toujours aux ordres de son Dresseur si celui-ci
est très doué. Son comportement vient de lépoque
reculée où il vivait en meute."
262,23,6,"Es wird stets die Befehle eines begabten Trainers
befolgen. Dieses Verhalten geht darauf zurück,
dass es früher im Rudel lebte."
262,23,7,"Siempre obedece a los buenos Entrenadores. Está
acostumbrado a vivir en jaurías en estado salvaje."
262,23,8,"La sua eccezionale obbedienza verso gli Allenatori
esperti deriva dallantica abitudine di vivere in branchi."
262,23,9,"It will always obey the commands of a skilled
Trainer. Its behavior arises from its living in packs
in ancient times."
262,23,11,"優れた トレーナーの 命令には
絶対に 服従。大昔に
群れで 行動していた 名残り。"
262,24,1,"10ひき ていどの むれを つくって
いっしみだれぬ チームワークで
えものを おいつめて しとめるのだ。"
262,24,3,"10마리 정도의 무리를 이루어
한 치의 흐트러짐 없는 팀워크로
먹이를 쫓아 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
262,24,5,"Les Grahyèna forment des meutes de dix qui
excellent au travail de groupe pour capturer leurs
262,24,6,"Es jagt in Rudeln von ungefähr zehn Magnayen. Beim
Einkreisen der Beute arbeiten sie perfekt zusammen."
262,24,7,"Forman manadas de diez individuos y cercan a sus
presas valiéndose de un trabajo en equipo impecable."
262,24,8,"Una decina di Mightyena per branco cacciano e
sconfiggono il nemico con un perfetto lavoro di
262,24,9,"It chases down prey in a pack of around ten.
They defeat foes with perfectly
coordinated teamwork."
262,24,11,"10匹 程度の 群れを 作って
一糸乱れぬ チームワークで
獲物を 追いつめて しとめるのだ。"
262,25,1,"どうもうな うなりごえを あげながら しせいを
ひくく している ときは こうげきの まえぶれ。
するどく とがった キバで がぶりと かみつく。"
262,25,3,"사납게 으르렁거리는 소리를 내며 자세를
낮추고 있는 것은 공격의 전조이다.
날카롭고 뾰족한 이빨로 덥석 문다."
262,25,5,"On peut facilement deviner quand Grahyèna se prépare à
attaquer. Il grogne et se met à plat ventre. Ce Pokémon mord
sauvagement ses ennemis avec ses crocs acérés."
262,25,6,"Magnayen sendet deutliche Signale aus, wenn es sich auf
einen Angriff vorbereitet. Es knurrt heftig und macht sich flach.
Dieses Pokémon kann mit seinen spitzen Zähnen brutal
262,25,7,"Es muy fácil prever cuándo va a atacar Mightyena; se pone
a gruñir con fuerza y se estira. Este Pokémon da unos
mordiscos tremendos con los afilados colmillos que tiene."
262,25,8,"Mightyena invia chiari segnali quando sta preparando
un attacco. Inizia a ringhiare cupo e si appiattisce.
Morde selvaggiamente con le zanne appuntite e affilate."
262,25,9,"Mightyena gives obvious signals when it is preparing to attack.
It starts to growl deeply and then flattens its body.
This Pokémon will bite savagely with its sharply pointed fangs."
262,25,11,"どう猛な うなり声を あげながら 姿勢を
低く している ときは 攻撃の 前触れ。
鋭く とがった キバで がぶりと かみつく。"
262,26,1,"グループで こうどうしていた やせいの ちが
のこっているので すぐれた トレーナー だけを
リーダーと みとめて めいれいに したがう。"
262,26,3,"그룹으로 행동하던 야생의 피가
남아 있어서 우수한 트레이너만을
리더로서 인정하고 명령을 따른다."
262,26,5,"Les Grahyèna vivent et se déplacent en meute.
Leurs réminiscences de la vie sauvage les poussent à nobéir
quaux Dresseurs quils considèrent comme réellement
262,26,6,"Magnayen zieht in Gruppen durch die Wildnis.
Durch seine Erfahrungen in der Wildnis hört es nur
auf Trainer, die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten haben."
262,26,7,"Mightyena se desplaza y vive con su jauría en estado salvaje.
Por eso, acostumbrado a esta libertad, obedece al Entrenador
al que considere realmente dotado de habilidades superiores
al resto."
262,26,8,"Allo stato brado Mightyena si sposta e agisce soltanto
assieme al suo branco. A causa della sua natura selvatica
obbedisce solo a quegli Allenatori che considera possedere
abilità superiori."
262,26,9,"Mightyena travel and act as a pack in the wild. The memory
of its life in the wild compels the Pokémon to obey only
those Trainers that it recognizes to possess superior skill."
262,26,11,"グループで 行動していた 野生の 血が
残っているので 優れた トレーナー だけを
リーダーと 認めて 命令に 従う。"
263,7,9,"ZIGZAGOON restlessly wanders
everywhere at all times. This POKéMON
does so because it is very curious.It becomes interested in anything
that it happens to see."
263,8,9,"The hair on ZIGZAGOONs back is 
bristly. It rubs the hard back hair
against trees to leave its territorialmarkings.
This POKéMON may play dead to fool foes
in battle."
263,9,9,"Rubbing its nose against the ground, it
always wanders about back and forth in
search of something. It is distinguished
by the zigzag footprints it leaves."
263,10,9,"A POKéMON with abundant curiosity.
It shows an interest in everything, so it
always zigs and zags."
263,11,9,"A POKéMON with abundant curiosity.
It shows an interest in everything, so it
always zigs and zags."
263,12,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,13,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,14,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,15,9,"It gets interested in everything,
which is why it zigs and zags.
It is good at finding items."
263,16,9,"It gets interested in everything,
which is why it zigs and zags.
It is good at finding items."
263,17,5,"Il marche en zigzaguant et na
pas son pareil pour trouver des
objets dans lherbe ou sous terre."
263,17,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,18,5,"Il marche en zigzaguant et na
pas son pareil pour trouver des
objets dans lherbe ou sous terre."
263,18,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,21,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,22,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is
good at finding items in the
grass and even in the ground."
263,23,1,"ジグザグに あるいて くさかげや
じめんに うまっている たからものを
みつけるのが とくいな ポケモン。"
263,23,3,"지그재그로 걸어서 풀숲이나
땅에 묻혀 있는 보물을
찾아내는 것이 특기인 포켓몬이다."
263,23,5,"Il marche en zigzaguant et na pas son pareil pour
trouver des objets dans lherbe ou sous terre."
263,23,6,"Es läuft im Zickzack. Es hat das Talent, Items
im Gras, aber auch im Boden, zu finden."
263,23,7,"Se mueve en zigzag. Se le da bien encontrar
objetos ocultos en la hierba e incluso enterrados."
263,23,8,"Avanza a zigzag. È bravo a trovare strumenti
nellerba e sul terreno."
263,23,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. Its good at finding
items in the grass and even in the ground."
263,23,11,"ジグザグに 歩いて 草陰や
地面に 埋まっている 宝物を
見つけるのが 得意な ポケモン。"
263,24,1,"こうきしん おうせいな ポケモン。
なににでも きょうみを もつので
いつも ジグザグに あるいている。"
263,24,3,"호기심이 왕성한 포켓몬.
무엇이든지 흥미를 가지므로
항상 지그재그로 걷고 있다."
263,24,5,"Un Pokémon dune curiosité insatiable. Il montre
de lintérêt pour tout ce qui lentoure et passe dun
endroit à un autre en zigzaguant pour tout regarder."
263,24,6,"Ein sehr neugieriges Pokémon. Es zeigt an allem
Interesse, daher läuft es zickzack."
263,24,7,"Es un Pokémon muy inquieto, se interesa por todo.
Siempre está de aquí para allá."
263,24,8,"Lestrema curiosità lo porta a spostarsi di continuo
in ogni direzione."
263,24,9,"A Pokémon with abundant curiosity. It shows an
interest in everything, so it always zigzags."
263,24,11,"好奇心 旺盛な ポケモン。
なににでも 興味を 持つので
いつも ジグザグに 歩いている。"
263,25,1,"いつも あっち こっちへ ジグザグ あるくのは
こうきしんが とても つよくて めに うつる
いろんな ものに きょうみを もつからだ。"
263,25,3,"항상 이쪽저쪽 지그재그로 걷는 것은
호기심이 매우 강해서 눈에 비친
여러 가지 것들에 흥미를 느끼기 때문이다."
263,25,5,"Zigzaton se promène nerveusement un peu partout. En effet,
ce Pokémon est très curieux. Tout ce quil voit lintéresse."
263,25,6,"Zigzachs ist ein rastloser Wanderer. Dieses Pokémon
ist nämlich sehr neugierig und es inspiziert alles, was ihm
zufällig begegnet."
263,25,7,"Zigzagoon está todo el día dando vueltas de aquí para allá.
Es un Pokémon muy inquieto. Se interesa por todo lo que se
encuentra en su camino."
263,25,8,"Zigzagoon scorrazza a destra e a manca senza sosta,
a causa della sua indole molto curiosa. Qualunque cosa
veda riesce ad attirare la sua attenzione."
263,25,9,"Zigzagoon restlessly wanders everywhere at all times.
This Pokémon does so because it is very curious. It becomes
interested in anything that it happens to see."
263,25,11,"いつも あっち こっちへ ジグザグ 歩くのは
好奇心が とても 強くて 目に 映る
色んな ものに 興味を 持つからだ。"
263,26,1,"せなかの かたい けを じゅもくに こすりつけ
じぶんの なわばりで ある しるしを つける。
しんだ ふりを して てきの めを ごまかすぞ。"
263,26,3,"등의 뻣뻣한 털을 나무에 문질러서
자신의 영역이란 표시를 해둔다.
죽은 척하며 적의 눈을 속인다."
263,26,5,"Les poils sur le dos de Zigzaton sont durs. Il frotte son dos
contre les arbres pour marquer son territoire. Ce Pokémon
fait parfois le mort pour tromper ses ennemis au combat."
263,26,6,"Das Haar auf Zigzachs Rücken ist struppig. Es reibt seine
Rückenborsten an Bäumen, um sein Revier zu markieren.
Dieses Pokémon stellt sich im Kampf schon einmal tot,
um seine Feinde reinzulegen."
263,26,7,"Zigzagoon tiene erizado el pelo del lomo, y suele frotárselo
contra los árboles para marcar su territorio. Este Pokémon
hace como si estuviera debilitado para engañar a sus
enemigos en combate."
263,26,8,"La schiena di Zigzagoon è caratterizzata da una folta pelliccia
rizzata. Per delimitare il suo territorio strofina il suo pelo irsuto
contro i tronchi degli alberi. Per confondere i nemici, in lotta
si finge morto."
263,26,9,"The hair on Zigzagoons back is bristly. It rubs the hard back
hair against trees to leave its territorial markings. This Pokémon
may play dead to fool foes in battle."
263,26,11,"背中の 硬い 毛を 樹木に こすりつけ
自分の 縄張りで ある 印を つける。
死んだ ふりを して 敵の 目を 誤魔化すぞ。"
263,33,1,"かたい たいもうを きに こすりつけ
ナワバリの しるしを つける。
ガラルの ジグザグマより おんこう。"
263,33,3,"뻣뻣한 털을 나무에 문질러서
영역을 표시한다.
가라르의 지그제구리보다 온순하다."
263,33,5,"Il frotte son pelage dur sur les arbres pour
marquer son territoire. Il est plus docile
que son cousin de Galar."
263,33,6,"Sie markieren ihr Revier, indem sie ihr hartes Fell
an Bäumen reiben. Sie sind weniger aggressiv als
die Zigzachs der Galar-Region."
263,33,7,"Frota su pelo hirsuto contra los árboles con el fin
de marcar su territorio. Tiene un carácter más
afable que el Zigzagoon de Galar."
263,33,8,"Strofina la sua pelliccia ispida contro i tronchi
degli alberi per delimitare il suo territorio. Ha un
carattere più pacifico dello Zigzagoon di Galar."
263,33,9,"It marks its territory by rubbing its bristly fur on
trees. This variety of Zigzagoon is friendlier and
calmer than the kind native to Galar."
263,33,11,"硬い 体毛を 木に こすりつけ
縄張りの 印を 付ける。
ガラルの ジグザグマより 温厚。"
263,34,1,"ガラルの ジグザグマが ほかの
ちいきに てきおうした すがた。
さがしものを みつけるのが とくい。"
263,34,3,"가라르의 지그제구리가
다른 지역에 적응한 모습이다.
물건을 찾는 게 특기다."
263,34,5,"Le Zigzaton de Galar a adopté cette forme
dans les autres régions.
Il est très doué pour dénicher des choses."
263,34,6,"Diese Form nahmen die Zigzachs Galars an, um
sich an andere Regionen anzupassen. Sie haben
ein Talent dafür, Dinge aufzuspüren."
263,34,7,"El Zigzagoon de Galar desarrolló este aspecto
tras adaptarse a otras regiones. Muestra una gran
habilidad a la hora de encontrar cosas."
263,34,8,"Lo Zigzagoon di Galar ha assunto questo aspetto
negli altri territori in cui si è diffuso. Ritrovare
gli oggetti smarriti è la sua specialità."
263,34,9,"Zigzagoon that adapted to regions outside
Galar acquired this appearance. If youve lost
something, this Pokémon can likely find it."
263,34,11,"ガラルの ジグザグマが ほかの
地域に 適応した 姿。
探し物を 見つけるのが 得意。"
264,7,9,"LINOONE always runs full speed and only
in straight lines. If facing an obstacle,
it makes a right-angle turn to evade it.This POKéMON is very challenged by
gently curving roads."
264,8,9,"When hunting, LINOONE will make a
beeline straight for the prey at a full
run. While this POKéMON is capable oftopping 60 mph, it has to come to a
screeching halt before it can turn."
264,9,9,"It is exceedingly fast if it only has to run
in a straight line. When it spots pond-
dwelling prey underwater, it quickly leaps
in and catches it with its sharp claws."
264,10,9,"When running in a straight line, it can top
60 miles per hour. However, it has a
tough time with curved roads."
264,11,9,"When running in a straight line, it can top
60 miles per hour. However, it has a
tough time with curved roads."
264,12,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,13,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,14,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,15,9,"When running in a straight line, it
can easily top 60 miles an hour. It
has a tough time with curved roads."
264,16,9,"When running in a straight line, it
can easily top 60 miles an hour. It
has a tough time with curved roads."
264,17,5,"Il fonce sur sa proie à plus de 100 km/h.
Mais il ne peut pas dévier sa course
et loupe souvent sa cible."
264,17,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,18,5,"Il fonce sur sa proie à plus de 100 km/h.
Mais il ne peut pas dévier sa course
et loupe souvent sa cible."
264,18,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,21,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,22,9,"It charges prey at speeds over
60 mph. However, because it can
only run straight, it often fails."
264,23,1,"まっすぐ はしる スピードは
じそく100キロを かるく こえる。
まがった みちは とても にがて。"
264,23,3,"똑바로 달리는 스피드는
시속 100km를 가볍게 넘는다.
휘어진 길은 매우 서툴다."
264,23,5,"Il peut courir en ligne droite à plus de 100 km/h.
Hélas, il nest pas doué pour prendre les virages."
264,23,6,"Auf gerader Strecke erreicht es mühelos 100 km/h.
Nur die Kurven bereiten ihm große Schwierigkeiten."
264,23,7,"En línea recta corre a algo más de 100 km/h, pero no
es tan hábil si hay curvas de por medio."
264,23,8,"Quando corre in rettilineo può raggiungere
i 100 km/h, ma le curve non sono il suo forte."
264,23,9,"When running in a straight line, it can easily top
60 miles an hour. It has a tough time with
curved roads."
264,23,11,"まっすぐ 走る スピードは
時速100キロを 軽く 超える。
曲がった 道は とても 苦手。"
264,24,1,"じそく100キロで えものに
おそいかかるが まっすぐにしか
はしれないので しっぱいも おおい。"
264,24,3,"시속 100km로 먹이를
덮치지만 똑바로밖에 달릴 수
없어서 실패할 때도 많다."
264,24,5,"Il fonce sur sa proie à plus de 100 km/h. Mais il
ne peut pas dévier sa course et loupe souvent sa
264,24,6,"Es stürzt sich mit 100 km/h auf Beute. Aber es kann
nur geradeaus laufen und die Jagd misslingt oft."
264,24,7,"Carga contra sus enemigos a más de 100 km/h.
Como solo va en línea recta, falla a menudo."
264,24,8,"Carica la preda a una velocità di 100 km/h. Ma dal
momento che va solo dritto, sbaglia spesso."
264,24,9,"It charges prey at speeds over 60 mph. However,
because it can only run straight, it often fails."
264,24,11,"時速100キロで 獲物に
襲いかかるが 真っ直ぐにしか
走れないので 失敗も 多い。"
264,25,1,"まっすぐに つっぱしり しょうがいぶつが ある
ときは ちょっかくに おれまがって よける。
ゆるやかに カーブした みちが とても にがて。"
264,25,3,"똑바로 힘껏 달리며 장애물이 있을
때는 직각으로 꺾어서 피한다.
완만하게 굽은 길은 달리는 데 매우 서툴다."
264,25,5,"Linéon court très vite et toujours en ligne droite.
Si un obstacle survient, il lévite en prenant un angle droit.
Ce Pokémon a beaucoup de mal à suivre les routes
légèrement courbées."
264,25,6,"Geradaks rennt immer mit vollem Tempo und nie im Zickzack,
sondern nur gerade. Wenn ihm ein Hindernis im Weg ist, läuft
es rechtwinklig daran vorbei. Für dieses Pokémon stellen
leichte Kurven eine große Herausforderung dar."
264,25,7,"Linoone siempre corre todo lo rápido que puede y solo en
línea recta. Si encuentra un obstáculo en el camino, girará
en ángulo recto para esquivarlo. Correr bien por caminos
tortuosos es todo un reto para él."
264,25,8,"Linoone è solito correre a tutta velocità e sempre in linea
retta. Davanti a un ostacolo fa una curva ad angolo retto
per evitarlo. Questo Pokémon si trova in difficoltà su percorsi
con curve poco accentuate."
264,25,9,"Linoone always runs full speed and only in straight lines.
If facing an obstacle, it makes a right-angle turn to evade it.
This Pokémon is very challenged by gently curving roads."
264,25,11,"真っ直ぐに 突っ走り 障害物が ある
ときは 直角に 折れ曲がって 避ける。
緩やかに カーブした 道が とても 苦手。"
264,26,1,"えもの めがけて いっちょくせんに つっぱしる。
じそく 100キロを こえる スピードを だすが
いちど きゅうていし しないと まがれないのだ。"
264,26,3,"먹이를 쫓아 일직선으로 질주한다.
시속 100km를 넘는 스피드를 내지만
한 번 급정지하지 않으면 꺾을 수 없다."
264,26,5,"Lorsquil chasse, Linéon fonce toujours tout droit sur sa proie
à pleine vitesse. Bien que ce Pokémon puisse atteindre
100 km/h, il doit sarrêter en catastrophe avant de pouvoir
264,26,6,"Auf der Jagd rennt Geradaks so schnell es kann schnurstracks
hinter seiner Beute her. Es erreicht zwar über 100 km/h, muss
aber erst aus vollem Lauf zum Stehen kommen, bevor es die
Richtung wechseln kann."
264,26,7,"Cuando Linoone caza, va directo hacia su presa a toda
velocidad. Si por un lado puede alcanzar 100 km/h, por
otro tiene que frenar en seco para poder cambiar de sentido."
264,26,8,"Quando caccia, Linoone si lancia rapido sulla preda. Infatti
riesce a raggiungere la velocità di 100 km/h ma prima di
girare è costretto a fermarsi in modo brusco e repentino."
264,26,9,"When hunting, Linoone will make a beeline straight for the
prey at a full run. While this Pokémon is capable of topping
60 mph, it has to come to a screeching halt before it can turn."
264,26,11,"獲物 目掛けて 一直線に 突っ走る。
時速 100キロを 超える スピードを 出すが
一度 急停止 しないと 曲がれないのだ。"
264,33,1,"つよくて コシの ある たいもう。
ぬけげで つくられた シェービング
ブラシは ちょうこうきゅうひん。"
264,33,3,"강하고 탄력 있는 털을 가졌다.
빠진 털로 만든 면도솔은
최고의 명품이다."
264,33,5,"Son pelage est à la fois solide et flexible.
Les blaireaux conçus à partir des poils de sa mue
sont des produits de très grand luxe."
264,33,6,"Sein Fell ist kräftig und fest. Rasierpinsel, die aus
seinen ausgefallenen Haaren hergestellt werden,
sind absolute Luxusartikel."
264,33,7,"Posee un pelaje fuerte y firme. Las brochas de
afeitar cuyas cerdas están hechas con el pelo
que se le desprende son un producto de lujo."
264,33,8,"Ha un pelo forte e resistente. I pennelli da barba
realizzati con le setole perse da questo Pokémon
sono molto pregiati."
264,33,9,"Its fur is strong and supple. Shaving brushes
made with shed Linoone hairs are highly prized."
264,33,11,"強くて コシの ある 体毛。
抜け毛で 作られた シェービング
ブラシは 超高級品。"
264,34,1,"バツグンの しゅんぱつりょくと
するどいツメで エモノを しとめる。
まがった みちを はしるのは ヘタ。"
264,34,3,"뛰어난 순발력과 예리한
발톱으로 먹이의 숨통을 끊는다.
굽은 길을 달리는 게 서툴다."
264,34,5,"Il se sert de sa force de propulsion et de
ses griffes aiguisées pour achever ses proies.
Il a du mal à courir sur les routes sinueuses."
264,34,6,"Es erlegt seine Beute mit schnellen Bewegungen
und scharfen Klauen. Kurven zu nehmen bereitet
ihm aber große Schwierigkeiten."
264,34,7,"Abate a sus presas con su vertiginosa velocidad
y sus afiladas garras. Los trayectos sinuosos
merman notablemente su capacidad para correr."
264,34,8,"Si serve della sua straordinaria forza esplosiva
e dei suoi artigli affilati per abbattere la preda.
Correre lungo strade tortuose non è il suo forte."
264,34,9,"It uses its explosive speed and razor-sharp claws
to bring down prey. Running along winding
paths is not its strong suit."
264,34,11,"抜群の 瞬発力と
するどいツメで 獲物を しとめる。
曲がった 道を 走るのは 下手。"
265,7,9,"Using the spikes on its rear end,  
WURMPLE peels the bark off trees and
feeds on the sap that oozes out.This POKéMONs feet are tipped with
suction pads that allow it to cling to
glass without slipping."
265,8,9,"WURMPLE is targeted by SWELLOW as
prey. This POKéMON will try to resist by
pointing the spikes on its rear at theattacking predator.
It will weaken the foe by leaking poison
from the spikes."
265,9,9,"It sticks to tree branches and eats
leaves. The thread it spits from its mouth,
which becomes gooey when it touches
air, slows the movement of its foes."
265,10,9,"It lives amidst tall grass and in forests.
When attacked, it resists by pointing its
venomous spikes at the foe."
265,11,9,"It lives amidst tall grass and in forests.
When attacked, it resists by pointing its
venomous spikes at the foe."
265,12,9,"It loves to eat leaves. If it is
attacked by a STARLY, it will defend
itself with its spiked rear."
265,13,9,"It spits a white silk that turns
sticky when it contacts air. It is
used to immobilize foes."
265,14,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon,
it desperately resists by releasing
poison from its tail spikes."
265,15,9,"It lives among the tall grass and in
forests. It repels attacks by 
raising up the spikes on its rear."
265,16,9,"It lives among the tall grass and in
forests. It repels attacks by 
raising up the spikes on its rear."
265,17,5,"Cible favorite des Pokémon Oiseaux,
il tente de se protéger avec ses
épines venimeuses."
265,17,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon,
it desperately resists by releasing
poison from its tail spikes."
265,18,5,"Cible favorite des Pokémon Oiseaux,
il tente de se protéger avec ses
épines venimeuses."
265,18,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon,
it desperately resists by releasing
poison from its tail spikes."
265,21,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon,
it desperately resists by releasing
poison from its tail spikes."
265,22,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon,
it desperately resists by releasing
poison from its tail spikes."
265,23,1,"はっぱが だいこうぶつ。
ムックルに おそわれたときは
おしりの トゲで げきたいする。"
265,23,3,"잎사귀를 매우 좋아한다.
찌르꼬에게 습격당했을 때는
엉덩이의 가시로 물리친다."
265,23,5,"Il adore manger des feuilles. Si un Étourmi lattaque,
il riposte avec les piquants de son postérieur."
265,23,6,"Es isst am liebsten Blätter. Wird es von einem
Staralili angegriffen, verteidigt es sich mit Stacheln."
265,23,7,"Le encanta comer hojas. Si le ataca un Starly, se
defenderá con sus púas."
265,23,8,"Ama mangiare le foglie. Se Starly lo attacca, si
difende con gli aculei che ha sulla parte posteriore."
265,23,9,"It loves to eat leaves. If it is attacked by a Starly,
it will defend itself with its spiked rear."
265,23,11,"葉っぱが 大好物。
ムックルに 襲われたときは
お尻の トゲで 撃退する。"
265,24,1,"もりや くさむらに せいそく。
てきに おそわれた ときは おしりの
どくの トゲで たいこうする。"
265,24,3,"숲과 수풀에 서식한다.
적에게 습격당했을 때는 엉덩이의
독가시로 대항한다."
265,24,5,"Il habite les forêts et les hautes herbes. Attaqué,
il riposte avec les piquants de son postérieur."
265,24,6,"Es haust in Wäldern und auf Wiesen. Bei Angriffen
wehrt es sich mit den Giftstacheln auf seinem
265,24,7,"Vive en bosques y zonas de hierba alta. Si le atacan,
se defiende con las púas venenosas de su cola."
265,24,8,"Vive nelle foreste e tra lerba alta. Se è attaccato,
usa gli aculei velenosi che ha sulla parte posteriore."
265,24,9,"It lives among the tall grass and in forests. It repels
attacks by raising up the spikes on its rear."
265,24,11,"森や 草むらに 生息。
敵に 襲われた ときは お尻の
毒の トゲで 対抗する。"
265,25,1,"おしりの トゲで きの かわを はがして
しみだした じゅえきを しょくりょうに する。
きゅうばんの あしは ガラスでも すべらない。"
265,25,3,"엉덩이의 가시로 나무의 껍질을 벗기고
배어 나온 수액을 식량으로 삼는다.
흡반이 달린 다리는 유리에서도 미끄러지지 않는다."
265,25,5,"À laide de ses pointes arrière, Chenipotte déchire lécorce
des arbres et mange la sève qui coule dessus.
Les pattes de ce Pokémon sont dotées de coussinets à
ventouses pour adhérer aux parois en verre sans en glisser."
265,25,6,"Waumpel kann mit den Stacheln an seinem Hinterteil die Rinde
von Bäumen entfernen und ernährt sich von dem austretenden
Saft. An den Füßen dieses Pokémon befinden sich Saugnäpfe,
mit denen es auch an Glas nicht abrutscht."
265,25,7,"Wurmple usa las púas del lomo para raspar los troncos de los
árboles, quitarles la corteza y beber la savia que emanan. Este
Pokémon tiene unas ventosas rematándole los pies, con las
que se adhiere al cristal sin resbalarse."
265,25,8,"Grazie agli aculei sulla parte posteriore del corpo, Wurmple
scorteccia i tronchi degli alberi e si nutre della loro linfa.
Le sue zampe sono dotate di ventose che gli consentono
di attaccarsi ai vetri senza scivolare."
265,25,9,"Using the spikes on its rear end, Wurmple peels the bark off
trees and feeds on the sap that oozes out. This Pokémons
feet are tipped with suction pads that allow it to cling to glass
without slipping."
265,25,11,"お尻の トゲで 木の 皮を はがして
染み出した 樹液を 食料に する。
吸盤の 足は ガラスでも 滑らない。"
265,26,1,"エサにしようと つかまえにきた オオスバメに
おしりの トゲを むけて ていこうする。
しみだした どくで あいてを よわらせるぞ。"
265,26,3,"먹이로 삼으려고 다가온 스왈로에게
엉덩이의 가시를 들이밀고 저항한다.
배어 나온 독으로 상대를 약하게 만든다."
265,26,5,"Chenipotte est la proie de Hélédelle. Ce Pokémon essaie de
résister en dirigeant les pointes de son dos vers le prédateur.
Il affaiblit son ennemi en lui injectant du poison."
265,26,6,"Waumpel wird von Schwalboss als Beute angesehen.
Dieses Pokémon wehrt sich gegen angreifende Räuber,
indem es die Stacheln an seinem Hinterteil auf sie richtet.
Es schwächt seine Gegner mit dem Gift, das aus den
Stacheln austritt."
265,26,7,"Wurmple es la presa preferida de Swellow. La forma que tiene
de intentar defenderse es apuntar con las púas del lomo al
amenazante enemigo y debilitarlo inyectándole veneno."
265,26,8,"Wurmple è la preda favorita di Swellow. Questo Pokémon
cerca di resistere puntando gli aculei irti sulla schiena contro
il predatore che attacca. Poi indebolisce il nemico emettendo
veleno da questi aculei."
265,26,9,"Wurmple is targeted by Swellow as prey. This Pokémon
will try to resist by pointing the spikes on its rear at the
attacking predator. It will weaken the foe by leaking poison
from the spikes."
265,26,11,"エサにしようと 捕まえにきた オオスバメに
お尻の トゲを 向けて 抵抗する。
染み出した 毒で 相手を 弱らせるぞ。"
266,7,9,"SILCOON tethers itself to a tree branch
using silk to keep from falling. There, 
this POKéMON hangs quietly while itawaits evolution.
It peers out of the silk cocoon through
a small hole."
266,8,9,"SILCOON was thought to endure hunger
and not consume anything before its
evolution. However, it is now thoughtthat this POKéMON slakes its thirst by
drinking rainwater that collects on its
266,9,9,"It prepares for evolution using the
energy it stored while it was a WURMPLE.
It keeps watch over the surroundings with
its two eyes."
266,10,9,"It conserves its energy by moving as
little as possible. It awaits evolution
while drinking only a little rainwater."
266,11,9,"It conserves its energy by moving as
little as possible. It awaits evolution
while drinking only a little rainwater."
266,12,9,"It anchors itself by wrapping
twigs with the silk from its body.
It motionlessly awaits evolution."
266,13,9,"It drinks dew that collects on its
silk and waits for evolution. Its
hard cocoon repels attacks."
266,14,9,"It wraps silk around the branches
of a tree. It drinks rainwater on
its silk while awaiting evolution."
266,15,9,"Having wrapped silk around the
branches of a tree, it quiescently
awaits evolution."
266,16,9,"Having wrapped silk around the
branches of a tree, it quiescently
awaits evolution."
266,17,5,"Il attend dévoluer dans son cocon
de soie accroché aux branches et
se nourrit deau de pluie."
266,17,9,"It wraps silk around the branches
of a tree. It drinks rainwater on
its silk while awaiting evolution."
266,18,5,"Il attend dévoluer dans son cocon
de soie accroché aux branches et
se nourrit deau de pluie."
266,18,9,"It wraps silk around the branches
of a tree. It drinks rainwater on
its silk while awaiting evolution."
266,21,9,"It wraps silk around the branches
of a tree. It drinks rainwater on
its silk while awaiting evolution."
266,22,9,"It wraps silk around the branches
of a tree. It drinks rainwater on
its silk while awaiting evolution."
266,23,1,"いとを きのえだに まきつけている。
いとについた あまみずを のみながら
しんかの ときを まっている。"
266,23,3,"실을 나뭇가지에 휘감고 있다.
실에 묻은 빗물을 마시며
진화할 때를 기다리고 있다."
266,23,5,"Il attend dévoluer dans son cocon de soie accroché
aux branches et se nourrit deau de pluie."
266,23,6,"Es bindet sich mit Seide an Äste und trinkt
Regenwasser, während es starr auf seine
Entwicklung wartet."
266,23,7,"Se agarra con su seda a las ramas de un árbol y
espera su evolución bebiendo agua de lluvia."
266,23,8,"Si appende ai rami con fili di seta. Aspetta levoluzione
bevendo lacqua piovana che si posa sulla seta."
266,23,9,"It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks
rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution."
266,23,11,"糸を 木の枝に 巻きつけている。
糸についた 雨水を 飲みながら
進化の ときを 待っている。"
266,24,1,"いとに ついた あさつゆを のんで
しんかの ときを まちつづける。
かたい マユが こうげきを ふせぐ。"
266,24,3,"실에 묻은 아침 이슬을 마시고
진화할 때를 기다린다.
단단한 고치가 공격을 막는다."
266,24,5,"Il boit la rosée récoltée par sa soie en attendant
dévoluer. Il est à labri dans son robuste cocon."
266,24,6,"Es trinkt den Tau, der sich in der Seide fängt, und
wartet auf seine Entwicklung. Sein Kokon schützt es."
266,24,7,"Bebe el rocío que recoge con su seda mientras espera
evolucionar. Se defiende en su capullo."
266,24,8,"Beve la rugiada che si posa sulla seta e aspetta
levoluzione. Il suo bozzolo duro respinge gli attacchi."
266,24,9,"It drinks dew that collects on its silk and waits for
evolution. Its hard cocoon repels attacks."
266,24,11,"糸に ついた 朝露を 飲んで
進化の ときを 待ち続ける。
硬い 繭が 攻撃を 防ぐ。"
266,25,1,"おちない ように いとを えだに まきつけて
からだを ささえながら しんかを まっている。
ちいさな あなから そとの ようすを うかがう。"
266,25,3,"떨어지지 않도록 실을 가지에 휘감아서
몸을 지탱하며 진화를 기다리고 있다.
작은 구멍을 통해 밖의 상황을 살핀다."
266,25,5,"Armulys saccroche à une branche darbre avec de la soie
pour éviter de tomber. Ce Pokémon y reste tranquillement
en attendant son évolution. Il regarde lextérieur à travers
deux petits trous dans son cocon de soie."
266,25,6,"Schaloko bindet sich mit einem Seidenfaden an einen Ast.
Es baumelt dort und wartet auf seine Entwicklung. Durch zwei
kleine Löcher in seinem Seidenkokon lugt es heraus."
266,25,7,"Silcoon usa la seda que produce para aferrarse a la rama de un
árbol y sujetarse bien. Se queda ahí colgado a la espera de su
evolución, mientras lo observa todo a través de dos pequeños
agujeros en su capullo de seda."
266,25,8,"Silcoon si lega ai rami degli alberi grazie ad alcuni fili di seta
che gli impediscono di cadere. In tale posizione aspetta
pazientemente levoluzione. Sbircia fuori dal proprio bozzolo
di seta attraverso piccoli fori."
266,25,9,"Silcoon tethers itself to a tree branch using silk to keep from
falling. There, this Pokémon hangs quietly while it awaits
evolution. It peers out of the silk cocoon through a small hole."
266,25,11,"落ちない ように 糸を 枝に 巻きつけて
体を 支えながら 進化を 待っている。
小さな 穴から 外の 様子を 伺う。"
266,26,1,"しんかするまで なにも たべずに たえていると
かんがえられていたが どうやら いとに ついた
あまみずで かわきを いやしているらしい。"
266,26,3,"진화할 때까지 아무것도 먹지 않고 참는 것으로
여겨져 왔으나 아무래도 실에 맺힌
빗방울로 갈증을 푸는 것 같다."
266,26,5,"On pensait quArmulys pouvait résister à la faim et ne
consommait rien avant son évolution. On sait maintenant
que ce Pokémon étanche sa soif en récupérant leau
de pluie déposée sur sa soie."
266,26,6,"Bisher nahm man an, dass Schaloko vor seiner Entwicklung
hungert und überhaupt nichts zu sich nimmt. Nun aber wird
behauptet, dass es seinen Durst mit Regenwasser löscht,
das sich auf seiner seidigen Hülle sammelt."
266,26,7,"Se pensaba que Silcoon podía aguantar el hambre y no
consumir nada antes de evolucionar. Sin embargo, ahora se
cree que sacia su sed bebiendo el agua de la lluvia que se le
queda sobre la seda del capullo."
266,26,8,"In passato si pensava che Silcoon resistesse alla fame senza
ingerire nulla fino allevoluzione. Tuttavia, ora si presume che
il Pokémon plachi la sua sete bevendo lacqua piovana che
si posa sul suo bozzolo."
266,26,9,"Silcoon was thought to endure hunger and not consume
anything before its evolution. However, it is now thought
that this Pokémon slakes its thirst by drinking rainwater
that collects on its silk."
266,26,11,"進化するまで なにも 食べずに 耐えていると
考えられていたが どうやら 糸に ついた
雨水で 乾きを 癒しているらしい。"
267,7,9,"BEAUTIFLYs favorite food is the sweet
pollen of flowers. If you want to see
this POKéMON, just leave a pottedflower by an open window. BEAUTIFLY
is sure to come looking for pollen."
267,8,9,"BEAUTIFLY has a long mouth like a coiled
needle, which is very convenient for
collecting pollen from flowers.This POKéMON rides the spring winds as
it flits around gathering pollen."
267,9,9,"Its colorfully patterned wings are its
most prominent feature. It flies through
flower-covered fields collecting pollen.
It attacks ferociously when angered."
267,10,9,"Despite its appearance, it has an
aggressive nature. It attacks by jabbing
with its long, thin mouth."
267,11,9,"Despite its appearance, it has an
aggressive nature. It attacks by jabbing
with its long, thin mouth."
267,12,9,"It has an aggressive nature. It
stabs prey with its long, narrow
mouth to drain the preys fluids."
267,13,9,"When flower fields bloom, it flits
around, collecting pollen. Despite
its appearance, it is savage."
267,14,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive.
It jabs with its long, thin mouth if
disturbed while collecting pollen."
267,15,9,"Vibrantly patterned wings are its
prominent feature. It sucks sweet
flower nectar with its long mouth."
267,16,9,"Vibrantly patterned wings are its
prominent feature. It sucks sweet
flower nectar with its long mouth."
267,17,5,"Malgré les apparences, il est très
agressif et attaque avec sa trompe
quand on le dérange."
267,17,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive.
It jabs with its long, thin mouth if
disturbed while collecting pollen."
267,18,5,"Malgré les apparences, il est très
agressif et attaque avec sa trompe
quand on le dérange."
267,18,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive.
It jabs with its long, thin mouth if
disturbed while collecting pollen."
267,21,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive.
It jabs with its long, thin mouth if
disturbed while collecting pollen."
267,22,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive.
It jabs with its long, thin mouth if
disturbed while collecting pollen."
267,23,1,"いろ あざやかな はねの もようが
とくちょう。ほそい くちを のばして
はなの あまい ミツを すいとる。"
267,23,3,"색이 선명한 날개의 무늬가
특징이다. 가는 입을 뻗어
꽃의 달콤한 꿀을 흡수한다."
267,23,5,"Réputé pour les motifs de ses ailes aux couleurs vives.
Il allonge sa trompe pour butiner le nectar."
267,23,6,"Die bunten Flügel sind sein Markenzeichen.
Mit seinem Rüssel saugt es süßen Honig aus Blumen."
267,23,7,"Los dibujos de sus coloridas alas son muy peculiares.
Liba el néctar de las flores con su fina trompa."
267,23,8,"Sulle ali ha splendidi, vividi colori. Succhia il dolce
polline dai fiori allungando la bocca sottile."
267,23,9,"Vibrantly patterned wings are its prominent feature.
It sucks sweet flower nectar with its long mouth."
267,23,11,"色 鮮やかな 羽の 模様が 特徴。
細い 口を 伸ばして
花の 甘い ミツを 吸い取る。"
267,24,1,"ほそながい くちを つきさして
あいての たいえきを すいとる。
こうげきてきな せいかく。"
267,24,3,"가늘고 긴 입을 깊이 찔러
상대의 체액을 흡수한다.
공격적인 성격이다."
267,24,5,"Il est très agressif. Il pique sa proie avec son long
museau étroit et absorbe sa vitalité."
267,24,6,"Es besitzt ein aggressives Wesen. Es sticht seinen
Rüssel in seine Beute und saugt sie aus."
267,24,7,"Es un Pokémon agresivo. Con su boca larga y afilada
ataca a sus rivales para drenar sus fluidos."
267,24,8,"Ha unindole aggressiva. Conficca la sua bocca
lunga e sottile nelle prede e ne succhia i fluidi."
267,24,9,"It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its
long, narrow mouth to drain the preys fluids."
267,24,11,"長細い 口を 突き刺して
相手の 体液を 吸い取る。
攻撃的な 性格。"
267,25,1,"あまい かふんが だいこうぶつの ポケモン。
はなを つけた はちうえを まどべに おけば
かふんを あつめに かならず とんでくるよ。"
267,25,3,"달콤한 꽃가루를 매우 좋아하는 포켓몬이다.
꽃이 핀 화분을 창가에 두면
꽃가루를 모으려고 반드시 날아온다."
267,25,5,"La nourriture préférée de Charmillon est le pollen sucré
des fleurs. Si on veut voir ce Pokémon, il suffit de laisser
une fleur en pot sur un rebord de fenêtre. Charmillon viendra
sûrement voir sil y a du pollen."
267,25,6,"Papinellas Lieblingsspeise ist Blütenstaub. Wenn du dieses
Pokémon beobachten möchtest, musst du bloß einen
Blumentopf vor ein geöffnetes Fenster stellen. Papinella
wird sich diese Leckerei nicht entgehen lassen."
267,25,7,"La comida favorita de Beautifly es el dulce polen de las flores.
Si quieres ver a este Pokémon, deja una maceta con flores al
lado de la ventana y verás cómo aparece un ejemplar de
Beautifly en busca de polen."
267,25,8,"Il nutrimento preferito da Beautifly è il polline dei fiori.
Per attirare questo Pokémon basta mettere una pianta fiorita
sul davanzale: senza dubbio si avvicinerà in cerca di polline."
267,25,9,"Beautiflys favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you
want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by an
open window. Beautifly is sure to come looking for pollen."
267,25,11,"甘い 花粉が 大好物の ポケモン。
花を つけた 鉢植えを 窓辺に 置けば
花粉を 集めに 必ず 飛んでくるよ。"
267,26,1,"くるりと まいた はりの ような ながい くちは
かふんを あつめる ときに とても べんり。
はるかぜに のって かふんを あつめて まわる。"
267,26,3,"둥글게 말린 바늘같이 생긴 긴 입은
꽃가루를 모을 때 매우 편리하다.
봄바람을 타고 꽃가루를 모으러 돌아다닌다."
267,26,5,"Charmillon a une longue trompe en spirale, particulièrement
pratique pour récupérer le pollen des fleurs. Ce Pokémon
se laisse porter par les vents printaniers pendant quil butine."
267,26,6,"Papinella hat einen langen Rüssel, der hervorragend zum
Sammeln von Blütenpollen geeignet ist. Dieses Pokémon
flattert im Frühlingswind herum und sammelt Blütenstaub."
267,26,7,"Beautifly tiene una boca enorme en espiral que parece una
aguja y le resulta muy útil para recolectar polen. Este
Pokémon va revoloteando de flor en flor para recogerlo."
267,26,8,"La bocca di Beautifly è costituita da un ago spiraliforme, molto
utile per succhiare il polline dai fiori. Questo Pokémon si
fa trasportare dal vento nei suoi viaggi alla ricerca del polline."
267,26,9,"Beautifly has a long mouth like a coiled needle, which is very
convenient for collecting pollen from flowers. This Pokémon
rides the spring winds as it flits around gathering pollen."
267,26,11,"くるりと 巻いた 針の ような 長い 口は
花粉を 集める ときに とても 便利。
春風に 乗って 花粉を 集めてまわる。"
268,7,9,"CASCOON makes its protective cocoon
by wrapping its body entirely with a
fine silk from its mouth. Once the silkgoes around its body, it hardens.
This POKéMON prepares for its evolution
inside the cocoon."
268,8,9,"If it is attacked, CASCOON remains
motionless however badly it may be
hurt. It does so because if it were tomove, its body would be weak upon
evolution. This POKéMON will also not
forget the pain it endured."
268,9,9,"To avoid detection by its enemies, it hides
motionlessly beneath large leaves and in
the gaps of branches. It also attaches
dead leaves to its body for camouflage."
268,10,9,"Its body, which is made of soft silk,
hardens over time. When cracks appear,
evolution is near."
268,11,9,"Its body, which is made of soft silk,
hardens over time. When cracks appear,
evolution is near."
268,12,9,"It is hot inside its cocoon. All
the cells in its body create the
energy for it to evolve."
268,13,9,"Encased within its tough cocoon, it
endures attacks. It never forgets
the appearance of its foes."
268,14,9,"It never forgets any attack it
endured while in the cocoon.
After evolution, it seeks payback."
268,15,9,"It endures attacks with patience,
because the more pain before
evolution, the sturdier it becomes."
268,16,9,"It endures attacks with patience,
because the more pain before
evolution, the sturdier it becomes."
268,17,5,"Rancunier, il noublie aucune des
attaques subies dans le cocon et
se venge une fois quil a évolué."
268,17,9,"It never forgets any attack it
endured while in the cocoon.
After evolution, it seeks payback."
268,18,5,"Rancunier, il noublie aucune des
attaques subies dans le cocon et
se venge une fois quil a évolué."
268,18,9,"It never forgets any attack it
endured while in the cocoon.
After evolution, it seeks payback."
268,21,9,"It never forgets any attack it
endured while in the cocoon.
After evolution, it seeks payback."
268,22,9,"It never forgets any attack it
endured while in the cocoon.
After evolution, it seeks payback."
268,23,1,"やわらかい いとで できた からだは
じかんと ともに かたくなっていく。
ひびわれると しんかは まぢかだ。"
268,23,3,"부드러운 실로 된 몸은
시간이 지나면서 단단해진다.
진화가 임박하면 갈라지기 시작한다."
268,23,5,"Son corps, constitué de soie fine, durcit avec le
temps. Si vous voyez apparaître des fissures, cest
quil va très bientôt évoluer."
268,23,6,"Sein aus weicher Seide bestehender Körper erhärtet
mit der Zeit. Sobald Risse sichtbar sind, steht die
Entwicklung kurz bevor."
268,23,7,"Está formado por seda que se endurece poco a
poco. Si se resquebraja el capullo, está a punto
de evolucionar."
268,23,8,"Il corpo di soffice seta si indurisce nel corso del
tempo. Quando appaiono crepe, levoluzione è vicina."
268,23,9,"Its body, which is made of soft silk, hardens over
time. When cracks appear, evolution is near."
268,23,11,"やわらかい 糸で できた 体は
時間と ともに 硬くなっていく。
ひび割れると 進化は 間近だ。"
268,24,1,"マユに こもっている あいだに
うけた こうげきは しんかしても
わすれずに かならず しかえしする。"
268,24,3,"고치에 들어가 있는 사이에
받은 공격은 진화해도
잊지 않고 반드시 앙갚음한다."
268,24,5,"Rancunier, il noublie aucune des attaques subies
dans le cocon et se venge une fois quil a évolué."
268,24,6,"Es vergisst keinen Angriff, den es im Kokon erdulden
musste. Nach der Entwicklung sinnt es auf Rache."
268,24,7,"Jamás olvida a quienes lo atacaron mientras estaba
en su capullo. Cuando evoluciona, busca venganza."
268,24,8,"Non dimentica mai gli attacchi subiti dentro il bozzolo.
Dopo levoluzione cerca di vendicarsi."
268,24,9,"It never forgets any attack it endured while in the
cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback."
268,24,11,"マユに こもっている あいだに
受けた 攻撃は 進化しても
忘れずに かならず 仕返しする。"
268,25,1,"マユルドの からだは くちから だした ほそい
いとが からだを つつみ かたくなった もの。
マユの なかで しんかの じゅんびを している。"
268,25,3,"카스쿤의 몸은 입에서 나온 가는
실이 몸을 둘러싸 딱딱해진 것이다.
고치 안에서 진화의 준비를 하고 있다."
268,25,5,"Blindalys fabrique son cocon protecteur en senveloppant
dans la soie qui sort de sa bouche. Une fois la soie autour
de son corps, elle se met à durcir. Ce Pokémon prépare
son évolution à lintérieur du cocon."
268,25,6,"Panekon baut seinen schützenden Kokon, indem es seinen
Körper mit feiner Seide einwickelt, die aus seinem Mund
austritt. Wenn sein Körper mit Seide bedeckt ist, wird diese
hart. Im Kokon wartet es auf seine Entwicklung."
268,25,7,"Cascoon forma el capullo que lo protege enrollándose por
completo en la seda que libera por la boca. Cuando está
totalmente recubierto, se prepara para evolucionar en el
interior del capullo."
268,25,8,"Cascoon crea il bozzolo protettivo avvolgendo interamente
il proprio corpo con finissima seta secreta dalla bocca.
Successivamente la seta si indurisce. A questo punto Cascoon
si prepara allevoluzione."
268,25,9,"Cascoon makes its protective cocoon by wrapping its body
entirely with a fine silk from its mouth. Once the silk goes
around its body, it hardens. This Pokémon prepares for its
evolution inside the cocoon."
268,25,11,"マユルドの 体は 口から 出した 細い
糸が 体を 包み 硬くなった もの。
マユの 中で 進化の 準備を している。"
268,26,1,"うごくと つよい からだに しんか できないので
どんなに いためつけられても じっと している。
そのとき うけた いたみは ずっと わすれない。"
268,26,3,"움직이면 튼튼한 몸으로 진화할 수 없어서
아무리 괴롭혀도 가만히 있는다.
그때 느낀 아픔을 계속 잊지 않는다."
268,26,5,"Lorsquil est attaqué, Blindalys reste immobile, même sil a
très mal. En effet, sil bougeait, son corps serait affaibli lors
de son évolution. En revanche, ce Pokémon noubliera pas
la douleur endurée."
268,26,6,"Wenn es angegriffen wird, bewegt sich Panekon in
keiner Weise, egal, wie schwer es dabei verletzt wird.
Wenn es sich bewegen würde, wäre sein Körper zu
schwach für seine Entwicklung. Die Schmerzen allerdings
vergisst es nie."
268,26,7,"Si atacan a Cascoon, se queda inmóvil aunque le hayan hecho
mucho daño, puesto que, si se moviera, perdería fuerzas para
evolucionar. Nunca olvida el daño que le han hecho."
268,26,8,"In caso di aggressione Cascoon rimane immobile
indipendentemente dalla violenza dellattacco subito.
Questo lo aiuta a evitare di indebolire il suo corpo in vista
dellevoluzione. Non dimentica mai il dolore provato."
268,26,9,"If it is attacked, Cascoon remains motionless however badly it
may be hurt. It does so because if it were to move, its body
would be weak upon evolution. This Pokémon will also not
forget the pain it endured."
268,26,11,"動くと 強い 体に 進化 できないので
どんなに 痛めつけられても じっと している。
そのとき 受けた 痛みは ずっと 忘れない。"
269,7,9,"DUSTOX is instinctively drawn to light.
Swarms of this POKéMON are attracted
by the bright lights of cities, wherethey wreak havoc by stripping the
leaves off roadside trees for food."
269,8,9,"When DUSTOX flaps its wings, a fine
dust is scattered all over. This dust is
actually a powerful poison that willeven make a pro wrestler sick.
This POKéMON searches for food using
its antennae like radar."
269,9,9,"It is a nocturnal POKéMON that flies from
fields and mountains to the attraction of
streetlights at night. It looses highly
toxic powder from its wings."
269,10,9,"It scatters horribly toxic dust when it
senses danger. They tend to gather in the
glow of streetlamps at night."
269,11,9,"It scatters horribly toxic dust when it
senses danger. They tend to gather in the
glow of streetlamps at night."
269,12,9,"A nocturnal Pokémon. Drawn by
streetlights, they messily eat the
leaves of trees lining boulevards."
269,13,9,"It violently flutters its wings to
scatter toxic dust when attacked.
It becomes active after sunset."
269,14,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each
flap. At night, it is known to strip
leaves off trees lining boulevards."
269,15,9,"It scatters its fine dust all over
when it is attacked. It is a
nocturnal Pokémon."
269,16,9,"It scatters its fine dust all over
when it is attacked. It is a
nocturnal Pokémon."
269,17,5,"Il disperse un nuage de poudre
toxique à chaque coup daile. Il
aime les feuilles darbres urbains."
269,17,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each
flap. At night, it is known to strip
leaves off trees lining boulevards."
269,18,5,"Il disperse un nuage de poudre
toxique à chaque coup daile. Il
aime les feuilles darbres urbains."
269,18,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each
flap. At night, it is known to strip
leaves off trees lining boulevards."
269,21,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each
flap. At night, it is known to strip
leaves off trees lining boulevards."
269,22,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each
flap. At night, it is known to strip
leaves off trees lining boulevards."
269,23,1,"やこうせいの ポケモン。
あかりに さそわれた ドクケイルが
がいろじゅの はを くいちらかす。"
269,23,3,"야행성 포켓몬이다. 불빛에
이끌려나온 독케일이 가로수의
잎을 헤적거리며 먹어댄다."
269,23,5,"Ce Pokémon nocturne est attiré par les lueurs de
la ville et aime les feuilles des arbres urbains."
269,23,6,"Nachtaktives Pokémon, das vom Licht der Stadt
angezogen wird und dort die Blätter der Bäume frisst."
269,23,7,"Pokémon nocturno. Atraído por las luces de la ciudad,
se come las hojas y arbustos de las avenidas."
269,23,8,"Pokémon notturno. Attirato dalla luce dei lampioni,
divora le foglie degli alberi lungo i viali."
269,23,9,"A nocturnal Pokémon. Drawn by streetlights, they
messily eat the leaves of trees lining boulevards."
269,23,11,"夜行性の ポケモン。
明かりに 誘われた ドクケイルが
街路樹の 葉を 食い散らかす。"
269,24,1,"おそわれると はげしく はばたいて
もうどくの こなを まきちらす。
ひがくれると こうどうを はじめる。"
269,24,3,"습격당하면 격하게 날개를 쳐서
맹독 가루를 흩뿌린다.
날이 저물면 행동을 시작한다."
269,24,5,"Quand on lattaque, il bat des ailes pour répandre sa
poudre toxique. Il sort après le coucher du soleil."
269,24,6,"Wird es angegriffen, flattert es mit den Flügeln
und verteilt giftigen Puder. Es ist nachtaktiv."
269,24,7,"Cuando se le ataca, bate las alas con fuerza para
esparcir polvo tóxico. Es un Pokémon nocturno."
269,24,8,"Se attaccato, sbatte con forza le ali e sparge una
polvere tossica. Lo si vede in giro dopo il tramonto."
269,24,9,"It violently flutters its wings to scatter toxic dust
when attacked. It becomes active after sunset."
269,24,11,"襲われると 激しく 羽ばたいて
猛毒の 粉を まき散らす。
日が暮れると 行動を はじめる。"
269,25,1,"あかりに ひきよせられる しゅうせいを もつ。
まちあかりに さそわれた ドクケイルの むれが
がいろじゅの はっぱを たべちらかしてしまう。"
269,25,3,"불빛에 이끌리는 습성을 지녔다.
거리의 불빛에 유인된 독케일 무리가
가로수의 잎을 어지르며 먹어버린다."
269,25,5,"Papinox est instinctivement attiré par la lumière. Des nuées
de ce Pokémon sont attirées par les réverbères des villes,
où il sème la pagaille en grignotant les feuilles des arbres
en bordure de route."
269,25,6,"Pudox wird instinktiv vom Licht angezogen. In hell
erleuchteten Städten kann man Scharen dieser Pokémon
dabei beobachten, wie sie großen Schaden anrichten,
indem sie die Blätter von Bäumen abfressen."
269,25,7,"Los Dustox se acercan a la luz de forma instintiva. De hecho,
se agrupan en enjambres alrededor de las luces de las
ciudades y causan estragos en las hojas de los árboles que
están a pie de calle para alimentarse."
269,25,8,"Dustox è istintivamente attratto dalla luce. Nugoli di questi
Pokémon sono attirati dalla luce intensa delle città, dove
causano danni ingenti strappando le foglie delle piante
di cui si nutrono lungo le strade urbane."
269,25,9,"Dustox is instinctively drawn to light. Swarms of this Pokémon
are attracted by the bright lights of cities, where they wreak
havoc by stripping the leaves off roadside trees for food."
269,25,11,"灯りに 引き寄せられる 習性を 持つ。
街灯りに 誘われた ドクケイルの 群れが
街路樹の 葉っぱを 食べ散らかしてしまう。"
269,26,1,"はばたくと こまかい こなが まいあがる。
すいこむと プロレスラーも ねこむ もうどくだ。
しょっかくの レーダーで エサを さがす。"
269,26,3,"날갯짓하면 미세한 가루가 날린다.
들이마시면 프로레슬러도 잠드는 맹독이다.
더듬이의 레이더로 먹이를 찾는다."
269,26,5,"Lorsque Papinox bat des ailes, une légère poussière
se répand. Cette poussière est en fait un puissant poison
capable de mettre au tapis un boxeur professionnel.
Ce Pokémon cherche sa nourriture avec ses antennes,
comme un radar."
269,26,6,"Wenn Pudox mit den Flügeln schlägt, verteilt es einen
feinen Puder. Es handelt sich um ein starkes Gift,
das sogar einen Profiboxer umhauen würde. Bei der
Futtersuche benutzt dieses Pokémon seine Antennen
als Radar."
269,26,7,"Cuando Dustox bate las alas, libera un polvillo fino que en
realidad es un peligroso veneno que puede resultar dañino
hasta al más fuerte de los fuertes. Las antenas le sirven de
radar para buscar comida."
269,26,8,"Quando agita le ali, Dustox sparge una polvere sottile
tuttintorno. In realtà si tratta di un potente veleno capace
di mettere al tappeto anche un campione di lotta libera.
Per cercare il cibo usa le antenne come un radar."
269,26,9,"When Dustox flaps its wings, a fine dust is scattered all over.
This dust is actually a powerful poison that will even make a
pro wrestler sick. This Pokémon searches for food using its
antennae like radar."
269,26,11,"羽ばたくと 細かい 粉が 舞い上がる。
吸いこむと プロレスラーも 寝込む 猛毒だ。
触角の レーダーで エサを 探す。"
270,7,9,"LOTAD live in ponds and lakes, where
they float on the surface.
It grows weak if its broad leaf dies.On rare occasions, this POKéMON travels
on land in search of clean water."
270,8,9,"LOTAD is said to have dwelled on land
before. However, this POKéMON is
thought to have returned to waterbecause the leaf on its head grew large
and heavy. It now lives by floating
atop the water."
270,9,9,"This POKéMON lives in ponds with clean
water. It is known to ferry small POKéMON
across ponds by carrying them on the
broad leaf on its head."
270,10,9,"It searches about for clean water. If it
does not drink water for too long, the
leaf on its head wilts."
270,11,9,"It searches about for clean water. If it
does not drink water for too long, the
leaf on its head wilts."
270,12,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,13,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,14,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,15,9,"Its leaf grew too large for it to
live on land. That is how it began
to live floating in the water."
270,16,9,"Its leaf grew too large for it to
live on land. That is how it began
to live floating in the water."
270,17,5,"Il ressemble à une plante aquatique
et fait la navette pour les Pokémon
qui ne savent pas nager."
270,17,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,18,5,"Il ressemble à une plante aquatique
et fait la navette pour les Pokémon
qui ne savent pas nager."
270,18,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,21,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,22,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and
serves as a ferry to Pokémon
that cant swim."
270,23,1,"みずくさに そっくりな ポケモン。
およげない ポケモンを はっぱに
のせて むこうぎしまで はこぶ。"
270,23,3,"수초를 똑 닮은 포켓몬이다.
헤엄을 못 치는 포켓몬을 잎사귀에
태워 건너편 물가까지 운반한다."
270,23,5,"Il ressemble à une plante aquatique et fait la navette
pour les Pokémon qui ne savent pas nager."
270,23,6,"Es sieht aus wie eine Wasserpflanze. Es dient den
Pokémon, die nicht schwimmen können, als Fähre."
270,23,7,"Parece una planta acuática. Hace de ferry para los
Pokémon que no saben nadar."
270,23,8,"Sembra una pianta acquatica e viene usato come
traghetto dai Pokémon che non sanno nuotare."
270,23,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry
to Pokémon that cant swim."
270,23,11,"水草に そっくりな ポケモン。
泳げない ポケモンを 葉っぱに
乗せて 向こう岸まで 運ぶ。"
270,24,1,"きれいな みずを さがして あるく。
ながい じかん みずを のまないと
あたまの はっぱが かれてしまう。"
270,24,3,"깨끗한 물을 찾아 걷는다.
오랫동안 물을 마시지 않으면
머리의 잎이 시들어 버린다."
270,24,5,"Nénupiot recherche toujours les coins où coule
de leau pure. Sil reste longtemps sans boire,
la feuille sur sa tête commence à faner."
270,24,6,"Es sucht nach reinem Wasser. Wenn es für längere Zeit
kein Wasser trinkt, verwelkt das Blatt auf seinem Kopf."
270,24,7,"Va buscando agua potable para beber. Si no la
encuentra pasado un tiempo, se le marchita la hoja
de la cabeza."
270,24,8,"Vaga alla ricerca di acqua pulita. Se non beve per
parecchio tempo, la foglia che ha sul capo appassisce."
270,24,9,"It searches about for clean water. If it does not
drink water for too long, the leaf on its head wilts."
270,24,11,"きれいな 水を 探して 歩く。
長い 時間 水を 飲まないと
頭の 葉っぱが 枯れてしまう。"
270,25,1,"いけや みずうみの すいめんに ういて くらす。
はっぱが かれると よわってしまうが きれいな
みずを もとめて たまに りくちを いどうする。"
270,25,3,"연못이나 호수의 수면에 떠서 산다.
잎사귀가 마르면 약해지지만 깨끗한
물을 찾아 가끔 육지로 이동한다."
270,25,5,"Nénupiot vit dans les étangs et les lacs, sur lesquels
il flotte à la surface. Si sa feuille tombe, il est affaibli.
De temps en temps, ce Pokémon sort sur la terre ferme
à la recherche deau propre."
270,25,6,"Loturzel lebt auf der Wasseroberfläche von Teichen oder Seen.
Es wird schwächer, wenn sein breites Blatt abstirbt. Nur selten
geht dieses Pokémon an Land, um nach sauberem Wasser
Ausschau zu halten."
270,25,7,"Lotad vive en estanques y lagos, donde permanece flotando.
Si se le marchita la ancha hoja que tiene en la cabeza, se
debilitará. De vez en cuando, se desplaza en busca de agua
270,25,8,"Lotad vive in stagni e laghi, galleggiando a pelo dacqua.
Sindebolisce se muoiono le larghe foglie in superficie.
In rare occasioni si avventura sulla terraferma in cerca
di acqua pulita."
270,25,9,"Lotad live in ponds and lakes, where they float on the surface.
It grows weak if its broad leaf dies. On rare occasions, this
Pokémon travels on land in search of clean water."
270,25,11,"池や 湖の 水面に 浮いて 暮らす。
葉っぱが 枯れると 弱ってしまうが きれいな
水を 求めて たまに 陸地を 移動する。"
270,26,1,"もともとは ちじょうで せいかつしていたが
あたまの はっぱが おもくなったので みずに
うかんで くらすようになったと いわれている。"
270,26,3,"원래는 지상에서 생활했으나
머리의 잎사귀가 무거워져서 물에
떠서 생활하게 됐다고 전해진다."
270,26,5,"On raconte que jadis, Nénupiot vivait sur terre. Mais on pense
que ce Pokémon est retourné dans leau car la feuille sur
sa tête était devenue trop grande et trop lourde. Maintenant,
il vit en flottant à la surface de leau."
270,26,6,"Loturzel soll einige Zeit an Land verbracht haben, aber ins
Wasser zurückgekehrt sein, weil das Blatt auf seinem Kopf
zu groß und zu schwer geworden ist. Nun lässt es sich auf
dem Wasser treiben."
270,26,7,"A Lotad se le atribuye el haber vivido antes en tierra. En
cualquier caso, se cree que volvió al agua porque la hoja de
la cabeza le creció mucho y le empezó a pesar. Ahora vive
flotando en el agua."
270,26,8,"Si dice che prima Lotad vivesse sulla terraferma. Tuttavia,
si dice che sia tornato allacqua perché le foglie che ha
sulla testa erano diventate troppo grandi e pesanti.
Ora vive galleggiando a pelo dacqua."
270,26,9,"Lotad is said to have dwelled on land before. However, this
Pokémon is thought to have returned to water because the
leaf on its head grew large and heavy. It now lives by floating
atop the water."
270,26,11,"元々は 地上で 生活していたが
頭の 葉っぱが 重くなったので 水に
浮かんで 暮らすようになったと いわれている。"
270,33,1,"きれいな みずを さがして あるく。
ながい じかん みずを のまないと
あたまの はっぱが かれてしまう。"
270,33,3,"깨끗한 물을 찾아 걷는다.
오랫동안 물을 마시지 않으면
머리의 잎이 시들어 버린다."
270,33,5,"Il recherche toujours les endroits où coule
de leau pure. Sil reste longtemps sans boire,
la feuille sur sa tête commence à faner."
270,33,6,"Es sucht nach reinem Wasser. Wenn es für längere
Zeit kein Wasser trinkt, verwelkt das Blatt auf
seinem Kopf."
270,33,7,"Va buscando agua potable para beber. Si no la
encuentra pasado bastante tiempo, la hoja de la
cabeza se le marchita."
270,33,8,"Vaga alla ricerca di acqua pulita. Se non beve
per parecchio tempo, la foglia che ha sul capo
270,33,9,"It searches about for clean water. If it does not
drink water for too long, the leaf on its
head wilts."
270,33,11,"きれいな 水を 探して 歩く。
長い 時間 水を 飲まないと
頭の 葉っぱが 枯れてしまう。"
270,34,1,"はっぱが おおきく なりすぎて
おもくなって しまったため みずに
うかんで くらすように なった。"
270,34,3,"잎사귀가 너무 커서
무거워졌기 때문에 물에
떠서 생활하게 되었다."
270,34,5,"Sa feuille est devenue si grande et si lourde
quil doit vivre en flottant sur leau."
270,34,6,"Da sein Blatt zu groß und schwer für das Leben
an Land geworden ist, lebt es nun im Wasser
270,34,7,"El excesivo tamaño y peso de la hoja que tiene
en la cabeza ha propiciado que viva flotando en
el agua."
270,34,8,"La foglia che ha in testa, diventata
troppo grande e pesante, lo ha spinto
a vivere galleggiando a pelo dacqua."
270,34,9,"Its leaf grew too large for it to live on land.
That is how it began to live floating in the water."
270,34,11,"葉っぱが 大きく なりすぎて
重くなって しまったため 水に
浮かんで 暮らすように なった。"
271,7,9,"LOMBRE is nocturnal - it will get active
after dusk. It is also a mischief-maker.
When this POKéMON spots anglers,it tugs on their fishing lines from
beneath the surface and enjoys their
271,8,9,"LOMBREs entire body is covered by a
slippery, slimy film. It feels horribly
unpleasant to be touched by thisPOKéMONs hands.
LOMBRE is often mistaken for a human
271,9,9,"In the evening, it takes great delight in
popping out of rivers and startling people.
It feeds on aquatic moss that grows on
rocks in the riverbed."
271,10,9,"It lives at the waters edge where it is
sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass
by day and becomes active at night."
271,11,9,"It lives at the waters edge where it is
sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass
by day and becomes active at night."
271,12,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,13,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,14,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,15,9,"It is nocturnal and becomes active
at nightfall. It feeds on aquatic
mosses that grow in the riverbed."
271,16,9,"It is nocturnal and becomes active
at nightfall. It feeds on aquatic
mosses that grow in the riverbed."
271,17,5,"Cest un mauvais plaisantin. Quand
il repère un pêcheur, il tire sur sa
ligne pour le déranger."
271,17,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,18,5,"Cest un mauvais plaisantin. Quand
il repère un pêcheur, il tire sur sa
ligne pour le déranger."
271,18,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,21,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,22,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it
spots an angler, it will tug on the
fishing line to interfere."
271,23,1,"ひあたりの よい みずべに すむ。
ひるまは みずくさの ベッドで
ねむり ひが くれると うごきだす。"
271,23,3,"햇볕이 잘 드는 물가에 산다.
낮에는 수초로 된 침대에서
자고 해가 지면 활동하기 시작한다."
271,23,5,"Il vit au bord de leau dans les endroits ensoleillés.
Le jour, il sendort sur un tas dalgues et ne se lève
quà la nuit tombée."
271,23,6,"Es lebt am Ufer, wo die Sonne scheint.
Tagsüber schläft es in einem Bett aus Schilf
und wird nachts aktiv."
271,23,7,"Vive en el agua y, cuando hace sol, se queda en la
orilla. De día duerme sobre las algas y de noche entra
en acción."
271,23,8,"Vive in riva a specchi dacqua, in aree soleggiate.
Di giorno dorme su di un letto di alghe, mentre la
notte è attivo."
271,23,9,"It lives at the waters edge where it is sunny.
It sleeps on a bed of water-grass by day and
becomes active at night."
271,23,11,"日当たりの 良い 水辺に 住む。
昼間は 水草の ベッドで 眠り
日が 暮れると 動き出す。"
271,24,1,"つりびとを みつけると
すいちゅうから つりいとを ひっぱり
ジャマして よろこぶ いたずらもの。"
271,24,3,"낚시꾼을 발견하면
물속에서 낚싯줄을 잡아당겨
방해하며 좋아하는 장난꾸러기다."
271,24,5,"Cest un mauvais plaisantin. Quand il repère un
pêcheur, il tire sur sa ligne pour le déranger."
271,24,6,"Es hat ein spitzbübisches Wesen. Sieht es einen
Angler, zieht es an der Angelschnur, um ihn zu ärgern."
271,24,7,"Tiene carácter travieso. Si ve un pescador, tira del
anzuelo para confundirlo."
271,24,8,"È un po dispettoso. Se vede un pescatore, gli tira
la lenza solo per dargli fastidio."
271,24,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler,
it will tug on the fishing line to interfere."
271,24,11,"釣り人を 見つけると
水中から 釣り糸を 引っ張り
ジャマして 喜ぶ いたずらもの。"
271,25,1,"ゆうぐれになると かつどうする やこうせい。
つりびとを みかけると すいちゅうから いとを
ひっぱり ジャマをしては よろこんでいる。"
271,25,3,"해 질 무렵이 되면 활동하는 야행성이다.
낚시꾼을 발견하면 물속에서 줄을
당겨 방해하고선 기뻐한다."
271,25,5,"Lombre est nocturne, il commence ses activités malicieuses
et sournoises au crépuscule. Lorsque ce Pokémon repère
des pêcheurs, il sapproche de leur ligne, tire dessus
et se moque de leur regard perplexe."
271,25,6,"Lombrero liebt die Nacht und wird bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit
aktiv. Es spielt auch gerne Streiche. Wenn es Angler sieht,
zieht es unter Wasser an ihren Angelschnüren und erfreut sich
an ihrer Entrüstung."
271,25,7,"Lombre es, además de travieso, nocturno; entra en acción de
noche. Cuando ve a gente pescando, se pone a tirar del sedal
por debajo del agua y se divierte viendo la cara de enfado que
se les queda."
271,25,8,"Lombre è un Pokémon notturno, che si sveglia dopo
il crepuscolo. È anche molto dispettoso: quando scopre
un pescatore, inizia a tirare lamo sottacqua e si diverte
a spiare la costernazione del malcapitato."
271,25,9,"Lombre is nocturnal—it will get active after dusk.
It is also a mischief maker. When this Pokémon
spots anglers, it tugs on their fishing lines from
beneath the surface and enjoys their consternation."
271,25,11,"夕暮れになると 活動する 夜行性。
釣り人を 見かけると 水中から 糸を
引っ張り ジャマをしては 喜んでいる。"
271,26,1,"からだじゅう ヌルヌルした ねんえきで おおわれ
その てで さわられると とても きもちわるい。
にんげんの こどもと よく まちがえられる。"
271,26,3,"몸 전체가 미끈미끈한 점액으로 덮여 있어서
그 손에 닿으면 매우 기분 나쁘다.
곧잘 인간의 아이로 오인된다."
271,26,5,"Le corps de Lombre tout entier est recouvert dun voile
visqueux et glissant. Toucher ce Pokémon est extrêmement
déplaisant. On croit souvent à tort que Lombre est un enfant."
271,26,6,"Lombreros Körper ist mit einem glitschigen Film bedeckt.
Es fühlt sich widerlich an, wenn einen dieses Pokémon mit
seinen Händen berührt. Lombrero wird häufig für ein Kind
271,26,7,"Lombre está completamente recubierto por una película
viscosa y resbaladiza. La sensación que produce cuando
roza a alguien con las manos es muy desagradable. A veces
se confunde a este Pokémon con un niño pequeño."
271,26,8,"Lintero corpo di Lombre è ricoperto di una pellicola viscida
e scivolosa. Il contatto con le sue zampe dà una sensazione
orribile. Spesso Lombre è confuso con un bambino piccolo."
271,26,9,"Lombres entire body is covered by a slippery, slimy film.
It feels horribly unpleasant to be touched by this Pokémons
hands. Lombre is often mistaken for a human child."
271,26,11,"体中 ヌルヌルした 粘液で 覆われ
その 手で 触られると とても 気持ち悪い。
人間の 子どもと よく 間違えられる。"
271,33,1,"ゆうぐれどきに なると かつどうを
はじめる やこうせいの ポケモン。
かわぞこの みずごけを たべる。"
271,33,3,"해질녘이 되면 활동을
시작하는 야행성 포켓몬이다.
강바닥의 이끼를 먹는다."
271,33,5,"Ce Pokémon nocturne sactive au crépuscule.
Il se nourrit dalgues qui poussent au fond
des rivières."
271,33,6,"Lombrero wird erst in der Abenddämmerung
aktiv. Es ernährt sich von Moos, das am Boden
von Flüssen gedeiht."
271,33,7,"Este Pokémon nocturno entra en acción al caer
la tarde. Se alimenta del musgo que crece en el
lecho de los ríos."
271,33,8,"È un Pokémon notturno, che si sveglia dopo
il crepuscolo. Si nutre di sfagno, che trova nei
letti dei fiumi."
271,33,9,"It is nocturnal and becomes active at nightfall.
It feeds on aquatic mosses that grow
in the riverbed."
271,33,11,"夕暮れどきに なると 活動を
はじめる 夜行性の ポケモン。
川底の 水苔を 食べる。"
271,34,1,"ひあたりの よい みずべに すむ。
ひるまは みずくさの ベッドで
ねむり ひが くれると うごきだす。"
271,34,3,"햇볕이 잘 드는 물가에 산다.
낮에는 수초로 된 침대에서 자고
해가 지면 활동하기 시작한다."
271,34,5,"Il vit au bord de leau dans les endroits
ensoleillés. Il sendort sur un tas dalgues
dans la journée et ne se lève quà la nuit tombée."
271,34,6,"Es lebt am Ufer, wo die Sonne scheint. Tagsüber
schläft es in einem Bett aus Wasserpflanzen,
nachts wird es dann aktiv."
271,34,7,"Vive en las riberas bañadas por el sol. De día
duerme sobre un lecho de plantas acuáticas y de
noche entra en acción."
271,34,8,"Vive in riva a specchi dacqua, in aree soleggiate.
Di giorno dorme su di un letto di piante
acquatiche, mentre la notte è attivo."
271,34,9,"It lives at the waters edge where it is sunny.
It sleeps on a bed of water grass by day and
becomes active at night."
271,34,11,"日当たりの 良い 水辺に 棲む。
昼間は 水草の ベッドで 眠り
日が 暮れると 動き出す。"
272,7,9,"LUDICOLO begins dancing as soon as
it hears cheerful, festive music.
This POKéMON is said to appear when ithears the singing of children on hiking
272,8,9,"Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful
rhythm, the cells in LUDICOLOs body
become very energetic and active.Even in battle, this POKéMON will
exhibit an amazing amount of power."
272,9,9,"When it hears festive music, all the cells
in its body become stimulated, and it
begins moving in rhythm. It does not
quail even when it faces a tough opponent."
272,10,9,"The rhythm of bright, festive music
activates LUDICOLOs cells, making it more
272,11,9,"The rhythm of bright, festive music
activates LUDICOLOs cells, making it more
272,12,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,13,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,14,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,15,9,"If it hears festive music, it begins
moving in rhythm in order to
amplify its power."
272,16,9,"If it hears festive music, it begins
moving in rhythm in order to
amplify its power."
272,17,5,"Ses muscles se tonifient au son
dune musique entraînante. Il ne
peut pas sempêcher de danser."
272,17,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,18,5,"Ses muscles se tonifient au son
dune musique entraînante. Il ne
peut pas sempêcher de danser."
272,18,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,21,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,22,9,"If it hears festive music, all its
muscles fill with energy. It cant
help breaking out into a dance."
272,23,1,"ようきな おんがくを きくと
からだじゅうに ちからが みなぎり
おどらずには いられなくなるのだ。"
272,23,3,"경쾌한 음악을 들으면
몸속의 힘이 넘쳐흘러
춤추지 않고는 견딜 수 없게 된다."
272,23,5,"Ses muscles se tonifient au son dune musique
entraînante. Il ne peut pas sempêcher de danser."
272,23,6,"Hört es fröhliche Musik, füllen sich seine Muskeln
mit Energie. Es muss dann einfach tanzen."
272,23,7,"Cuando oye música alegre, sus músculos se llenan de
energía, y no puede evitar ponerse a bailar."
272,23,8,"Se ascolta musica allegra, tutto il suo corpo si
rivitalizza e non riesce a evitare di ballare."
272,23,9,"If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with
energy. It cant help breaking out into a dance."
272,23,11,"陽気な 音楽を 聴くと
体中に 力が みなぎり
踊らずには いられなくなるのだ。"
272,24,1,"たのしい おんがくの リズムが
ルンパッパの さいぼうを かっせいか
させて パワーを はっきするのだ。"
272,24,3,"즐거운 음악의 리듬이
로파파의 세포를 활성화시켜
파워를 발휘한다."
272,24,5,"Les cellules de Ludicolo sactivent sil entend
une musique entraînante, le rendant encore plus
272,24,6,"Der Rhythmus von Partymusik bringt das Blut von
Kappalores in Wallung und es wird dadurch stärker."
272,24,7,"El ritmo de la música alegre y animada activa las
células de Ludicolo y estas le dan fuerza."
272,24,8,"Le sue cellule sono sollecitate dalla musica festosa,
che lo rende più potente."
272,24,9,"The rhythm of bright, festive music activates
Ludicolos cells, making it more powerful."
272,24,11,"楽しい 音楽の リズムが
ルンパッパの 細胞を 活性化させて
パワーを 発揮するのだ。"
272,25,1,"ようきな おんがくを みみにすると おどりだす。
ハイキングを している こどもの がっしょうに
さそわれて すがたを あらわすと いわれている。"
272,25,3,"경쾌한 음악을 들으면 춤춘다.
하이킹하는 아이들의 합창에
이끌려 모습을 나타낸다고 전해진다."
272,25,5,"Ludicolo ne peut pas sempêcher de danser quand il entend
une musique joyeuse et festive. On raconte que ce Pokémon
apparaît lorsquil entend les enfants chanter pendant leurs
272,25,6,"Kappalores fängt sofort zu tanzen an, wenn es stimmungsvolle,
feierliche Musik vernimmt. Dieses Pokémon erscheint
angeblich, wenn es Kinder auf Wanderausflügen singen hört."
272,25,7,"Ludicolo empieza a bailar en cuanto oye música alegre y de
fiesta. Dicen que este Pokémon aparece cuando oye cantar a
los niños que van de excursión para hacer senderismo."
272,25,8,"Ludicolo inizia a ballare appena sente una musica allegra
e festosa. Pare che questo Pokémon appaia quando sente
il canto gioioso dei bambini durante le escursioni."
272,25,9,"Ludicolo begins dancing as soon as it hears cheerful,
festive music. This Pokémon is said to appear when it
hears the singing of children on hiking outings."
272,25,11,"陽気な 音楽を 耳にすると 踊り出す。
ハイキングを している 子どもの 合唱に
誘われて 姿を 現すと いわれている。"
272,26,1,"ようきな リズムを きくと からだの さいぼうが
かっぱつに かつどうを はじめる たいしつ。
たたかいでも すごい パワーを はっきするぞ。"
272,26,3,"명랑한 리듬을 들으면 몸의 세포가
활발하게 활동하기 시작하는 체질이다.
싸움에서도 굉장한 파워를 발휘한다."
272,26,5,"Lorsque Ludicolo entend un rythme entraînant et joyeux,
les cellules de son corps sactivent énergiquement.
Même pendant les combats, ce Pokémon montre énormément
272,26,6,"Wenn Kappalores einen fröhlichen Rhythmus hört, werden die
Zellen in seinem Körper aktiviert. Auch im Kampf zeigt dieses
Pokémon seine verblüffende Stärke."
272,26,7,"Las células de Ludicolo se revolucionan y llenan de energía
cuando oye sonidos rítmicos y alegres. En combate hace gala
también de esta cantidad desmesurada de energía."
272,26,8,"Quando sente un motivetto allegro e vivace, le cellule
corporee di Ludicolo diventano attive e piene di energia.
Anche in lotta il Pokémon dimostra una potenza incredibile."
272,26,9,"Upon hearing an upbeat and cheerful rhythm, the cells in
Ludicolos body become very energetic and active. Even
in battle, this Pokémon will exhibit an amazing amount
of power."
272,26,11,"陽気な リズムを 聞くと 体の 細胞が
活発に 活動を 始める 体質。
戦いでも すごい パワーを 発揮するぞ。"
272,33,1,"たのしい おんがくの リズムが
ルンパッパの さいぼうを かっせいか
させて パワーを はっきするのだ。"
272,33,3,"즐거운 음악의 리듬이
로파파의 세포를 활성화시켜
파워를 발휘한다."
272,33,5,"Les cellules de Ludicolo sactivent sil entend
une musique entraînante, le rendant encore
plus puissant."
272,33,6,"Der Rhythmus von fröhlicher Musik aktiviert die
Zellen von Kappalores und macht es so stärker."
272,33,7,"El ritmo de la música alegre estimula sus células
y aumenta su fuerza."
272,33,8,"Le sue cellule sono sollecitate dalla musica
festosa, che lo rende più potente."
272,33,9,"The rhythm of bright, festive music activates
Ludicolos cells, making it more powerful."
272,33,11,"楽しい 音楽の リズムが
ルンパッパの 細胞を 活性化
させて パワーを 発揮するのだ。"
272,34,1,"ようきな リズムに あわせて
からだを うごかす ことで
パワーを ぞうふくさせて いるのだ。"
272,34,3,"경쾌한 리듬에 맞춰
몸을 움직여서
파워를 증폭시키고 있다."
272,34,5,"Il bouge son corps sur un rythme entraînant
pour décupler ses forces."
272,34,6,"Es bewegt seinen Körper zu fröhlichen Rhythmen.
Auf diese Weise erhöht es seine Kraft."
272,34,7,"Mover su cuerpo al ritmo de música festiva
puede hacer que aumente su fuerza."
272,34,8,"Aumenta la propria forza danzando al ritmo
di una musica giocosa."
272,34,9,"If it hears festive music, it begins moving in
rhythm in order to amplify its power."
272,34,11,"陽気な リズムに あわせて
体を 動かす ことで
パワーを 増幅させて いるのだ。"
273,7,9,"SEEDOT attaches itself to a tree
branch using the top of its head.
It sucks moisture from the tree whilehanging off the branch.
The more water it drinks, the glossier
this POKéMONs body becomes."
273,8,9,"SEEDOT looks exactly like an acorn
when it is dangling from a tree branch.
It startles other POKéMON by suddenlymoving.
This POKéMON polishes its body once a
day using leaves."
273,9,9,"It hangs off branches and absorbs
nutrients. When it finishes eating, its
body becomes so heavy that it drops to
the ground with a thump."
273,10,9,"If it remains still, it becomes impossible
to distinguish from real nuts. It delights
in surprising foraging PIDGEY."
273,11,9,"If it remains still, it becomes impossible
to distinguish from real nuts. It delights
in surprising foraging PIDGEY."
273,12,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,13,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,14,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,15,9,"It attaches itself to a tree branch
using the top of its head. Strong
winds can sometimes make it fall."
273,16,9,"It attaches itself to a tree branch
using the top of its head. Strong
winds can sometimes make it fall."
273,17,5,"Il ressemble à un gland pendu à
une branche. Il adore effrayer
les autres Pokémon."
273,17,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,18,5,"Il ressemble à un gland pendu à
une branche. Il adore effrayer
les autres Pokémon."
273,18,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,21,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,22,9,"When it dangles from a tree
branch, it looks just like an acorn.
It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,23,1,"あたまの さきを えだに くっつけて
ぶらさがる。きょうふうに あおられ
おちてしまう ことも あるのだ。"
273,23,3,"머리끝을 가지에 붙여
매달린다. 강풍이 불어
떨어지기도 한다."
273,23,5,"Il se suspend aux branches par lextrémité de sa tête.
Il arrive quil tombe sil est pris de panique."
273,23,6,"Mit dem Stiel auf seinem Kopf hängt es sich an Äste.
Bei starkem Wind fällt es durchaus einmal herunter."
273,23,7,"Se cuelga de las ramas con el extremo de su cabeza.
A veces se cae cuando soplan vientos fuertes."
273,23,8,"Si attacca ai rami degli alberi usando il picciolo che
ha sul capo. Talvolta il vento lo fa cadere."
273,23,9,"It attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of
its head. Strong winds can sometimes make it fall."
273,23,11,"頭の 先を 枝に くっつけて
ぶら下がる。強風に あおられ
落ちてしまう ことも あるのだ。"
273,24,1,"えだに ぶらさがっていると
きのみに そっくり。ついばもうとした
ポケモンを おどろかせて よろこぶ。"
273,24,3,"가지에 매달려 있으면 나무열매와
똑 닮았다. 쪼아 먹으려 한
포켓몬을 놀래주며 좋아한다."
273,24,5,"Il ressemble à un gland pendu à une branche.
Il adore effrayer les autres Pokémon."
273,24,6,"Es sieht aus wie eine Eichel, die am Baum hängt.
Es liebt es, andere Pokémon zu erschrecken."
273,24,7,"Cuando cuelga de las ramas, parece una bellota.
Le encanta asustar a otros Pokémon."
273,24,8,"Quando si attacca a un ramo, sembra una vera
ghianda. Si diverte a spaventare gli altri Pokémon."
273,24,9,"When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just
like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon."
273,24,11,"枝に ぶらさがっていると
木の実に そっくり。ついばもうとした
ポケモンを 驚かせて 喜ぶ。"
273,25,1,"あたまの てっぺんを きの えだに くっつけて
ぶらさがり ながら すいぶんを すいとっている。
みずを のむほど からだが ツヤツヤ ひかる。"
273,25,3,"머리의 정수리를 나뭇가지에 붙이고
매달려 수분을 빨아들이고 있다.
물을 마실수록 몸이 반들반들 빛난다."
273,25,5,"Grainipiot saccroche par la tête aux branches darbre.
Il en profite alors pour absorber lhumidité de larbre.
Plus ce Pokémon boit deau, plus son corps devient brillant."
273,25,6,"Samurzel hängt sich mit dem Kopf an einen Ast. Dabei entzieht
es dem Baum Feuchtigkeit. Je mehr Wasser es trinkt, desto
glänzender wird der Körper dieses Pokémon."
273,25,7,"Seedot se queda enganchado a las ramas de los árboles por el
extremo que tiene en la cabeza. Mientras está ahí colgado,
aprovecha para tomar la humedad del árbol. Cuanta más agua
bebe, más lustroso se le ve."
273,25,8,"Seedot si attacca ai rami degli alberi usando il picciolo che ha
sul capo. In questa posizione succhia lumidità dellalbero
per nutrirsi. Più acqua assume, più lucido appare il suo corpo."
273,25,9,"Seedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its
head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the
branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémons
body becomes."
273,25,11,"頭の てっぺんを 木の 枝に くっつけて
ぶら下がり ながら 水分を 吸い取っている。
水を 飲むほど 体が ツヤツヤ 光る。"
273,26,1,"えだに ぶらさがる すがたは きのみ そっくり。
いきなり うごいて ポケモンを ビックリさせる。
1にち 1かい はっぱで からだを みがくよ。"
273,26,3,"가지에 매달린 모습이 나무열매와 똑 닮았다.
갑자기 움직여서 포켓몬을 놀라게 한다.
하루에 한 번 잎사귀로 몸을 닦는다."
273,26,5,"Grainipiot ressemble à sy méprendre à un gland quand
il saccroche à une branche. Il effraie les autres Pokémon
quand il se met à bouger. Ce Pokémon se lustre le corps
une fois par jour avec des feuilles."
273,26,6,"Samurzel sieht aus wie eine Eichel, wenn es an einem
Ast hängt. Es erschreckt andere Pokémon, indem es sich
dann plötzlich bewegt. Dieses Pokémon poliert seinen
Körper einmal am Tag mit Blättern."
273,26,7,"Seedot es igualito a una bellota colgada de la rama de un
árbol. A veces asusta a más de un Pokémon con movimientos
repentinos. Seedot suele acicalarse con hojas una vez al día."
273,26,8,"Seedot è molto simile a una ghianda penzolante da
un ramo. È solito spaventare gli altri Pokémon con
movimenti improvvisi. Lucida il proprio corpo una volta
al giorno usando delle foglie."
273,26,9,"Seedot looks exactly like an acorn when it is dangling from a
tree branch. It startles other Pokémon by suddenly moving.
This Pokémon polishes its body once a day using leaves."
273,26,11,"枝に ぶら下がる 姿は きのみ そっくり。
いきなり 動いて ポケモンを ビックリさせる。
1日 1回 葉っぱで 体を 磨くよ。"
273,33,1,"じっと うごかずに いると きのみと
そっくり。 ついばみに やってきた
ポケモンを おどろかせて あそぶ。"
273,33,3,"가만히 움직이지 않고 있으면
나무열매와 똑같이 생겼다.
먹으러 온 포켓몬을 놀라게 하면서 논다."
273,33,5,"Sil reste immobile, il a lair dune Baie.
Il adore surprendre les Pokémon qui tentent
de le picorer."
273,33,6,"Zeigt es sich regungslos, kann man es nicht von
echten Nüssen unterscheiden. Es überrascht
liebend gern Pokémon, die es aufpicken wollen."
273,33,7,"Cuando se queda inmóvil, parece una bellota
de verdad. Le encanta sorprender a los Pokémon
que se acercan a picotearlo."
273,33,8,"Quando è immobile è identico a una ghianda.
Si diverte a sorprendere i Pokémon che si
avvicinano con lintenzione di beccarlo."
273,33,9,"If it remains still, it looks just like a real nut.
It delights in surprising foraging Pokémon."
273,33,11,"じっと 動かずに いると 木の実と
そっくり。 ついばみに やって来た
ポケモンを 驚かせて 遊ぶ。"
273,34,1,"あたまの さきを えだに くっつけて
ぶらさがる。 きょうふうに あおられ
おちてしまう ことも あるのだ。"
273,34,3,"머리끝을 가지에 붙여
매달린다. 강풍이 불면
떨어지기도 한다."
273,34,5,"Il se suspend aux branches par lextrémité
de sa tête. Il arrive quune bourrasque
le fasse tomber."
273,34,6,"Mit dem Stiel auf seinem Kopf hängt es sich an
Äste. Bei starkem Wind kann es durchaus mal
273,34,7,"Se cuelga de las ramas con el extremo de la
cabeza. A veces se cae cuando soplan vientos
273,34,8,"Si attacca ai rami degli alberi usando il picciolo
che ha sul capo. Talvolta il vento lo fa cadere."
273,34,9,"It attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of
its head. Strong winds can sometimes make it fall."
273,34,11,"頭の 先を 枝に くっつけて
ぶら下がる。 強風に あおられ
落ちてしまう ことも あるのだ。"
274,7,9,"NUZLEAF live in densely overgrown
forests. They occasionally venture out
of the forest to startle people.This POKéMON dislikes having its long
nose pinched."
274,8,9,"This POKéMON pulls out the leaf on its
head and makes a flute with it.
The sound of NUZLEAFs flute strikesfear and uncertainty in the hearts of
people lost in a forest."
274,9,9,"A forest-dwelling POKéMON that is skilled
at climbing trees. Its long and pointed
nose is its weak point. It loses power if
the nose is gripped."
274,10,9,"They live in holes bored in large trees.
The sound of NUZLEAFs grass flute fills
listeners with dread."
274,11,9,"They live in holes bored in large trees.
The sound of NUZLEAFs grass flute fills
listeners with dread."
274,12,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,13,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,14,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,15,9,"It lives deep in forests. With the
leaf on its head, it makes a flute
whose song makes listeners uneasy."
274,16,9,"It lives deep in forests. With the
leaf on its head, it makes a flute
whose song makes listeners uneasy."
274,17,5,"Le son de sa flûte dherbe
déstabilise lauditeur. Il vit au 
plus profond des forêts."
274,17,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,18,5,"Le son de sa flûte dherbe
déstabilise lauditeur. Il vit au 
plus profond des forêts."
274,18,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,21,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,22,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes
its listeners uneasy. It lives deep
in forests."
274,23,1,"コノハナが かなでる くさぶえの
ねいろは ひとを ふあんにさせる。
もりの おくに すんでいる。"
274,23,3,"잎새코가 연주하는 풀피리의
음색은 사람을 불안하게 만든다.
숲 속에서 살고 있다."
274,23,5,"Le son de sa flûte dherbe déstabilise lauditeur.
Il vit au plus profond des forêts."
274,23,6,"Der Ton seiner Grasflöte beunruhigt die,
die ihn hören. Es lebt tief in den Wäldern."
274,23,7,"Cuando usa la hoja de su cabeza como flauta, asusta
a la gente. Vive en lo más profundo de los bosques."
274,23,8,"Il fischio del suo flauto di foglia mette a disagio chi
lo sente. Vive nelle foreste più fitte."
274,23,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners
uneasy. It lives deep in forests."
274,23,11,"コノハナが 奏でる 草笛の 音色は
人を 不安にさせる。
森の 奥に 住んでいる。"
274,24,1,"もりの おくふかくに せいそく。
あたまの はっぱで ふえを つくり
ふあんに させる ねいろを だす。"
274,24,3,"깊은 숲 속에서 서식한다.
머리의 잎날로 피리를 만들어
불안하게 만드는 음색을 낸다."
274,24,5,"Il vit au plus profond des forêts. Le son de sa flûte,
faite avec la feuille de sa tête, est inquiétant."
274,24,6,"Lebt tief im Wald. Es baut sich eine Flöte aus den
Blättern seines Kopfes. Ihr Ton verbreitet Schrecken."
274,24,7,"Vive en lo más profundo del bosque. Utiliza la hoja de
su cabeza como flauta con un sonido perturbador."
274,24,8,"Vive nelle foreste più fitte. Con la foglia che ha in
testa, crea un flauto dal suono inquietante."
274,24,9,"It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head,
it makes a flute whose song makes
listeners uneasy."
274,24,11,"森の 奥深くに 生息。
頭の 葉っぱで 笛を 作り
不安に させる 音色を 出す。"
274,25,1,"うっそうと しげった もりに すむ ポケモン。
たまに もりを でては ひとを おどろかせる。
ながい はなを つかまれるのは だいきらい。"
274,25,3,"울창하게 우거진 숲에 사는 포켓몬이다.
가끔 숲을 나와 사람들을 놀라게 한다.
긴 코가 잡히는 걸 매우 싫어한다."
274,25,5,"Les Pifeuil vivent dans des forêts très densément boisées.
Il leur arrive de sortir de la forêt pour faire peur aux gens.
Ce Pokémon déteste quon lui pince son grand nez."
274,25,6,"Blanas lebt in dichten Wäldern. Manchmal wagt es sich aus
dem Wald heraus, um Menschen zu erschrecken. Dieses
Pokémon mag es überhaupt nicht, wenn man seine lange
Nase zwickt."
274,25,7,"Nuzleaf habita bosques muy poblados y, en ocasiones, se
atreve a salir para asustar a la gente. A este Pokémon no le
gusta nada que le pellizquen la nariz."
274,25,8,"Nuzleaf vive in foreste molto fitte. A volte si avventura fuori
dalla foresta per spaventare le persone. Questo Pokémon
si irrita molto se qualcuno tenta di pizzicargli il lungo naso."
274,25,9,"Nuzleaf live in densely overgrown forests. They occasionally
venture out of the forest to startle people. This Pokémon
dislikes having its long nose pinched."
274,25,11,"うっそうと 茂った 森に すむ ポケモン。
たまに 森を 出ては 人を 驚かせる。
長い 鼻を つかまれるのは 大嫌い。"
274,26,1,"あたまの はっぱを ぬいて くさぶえを つくる。
コノハナが かなでる くさぶえの ねいろは
もりで まよった ひとを ふあんにさせる。"
274,26,3,"머리의 잎사귀를 뽑아 풀피리를 만든다.
잎새코가 연주하는 풀피리의 음색은
숲에서 길을 잃은 사람을 불안하게 한다."
274,26,5,"Ce Pokémon se sert de la feuille sur sa tête pour jouer
de la flûte. Le son de la flûte de Pifeuil effraie et
décontenance les gens perdus en forêt."
274,26,6,"Dieses Pokémon reißt das Blatt auf seinem Kopf heraus und
benutzt es als Flöte. Diese Geräusche jagen den Menschen,
die sich im Wald verirrt haben, Angst ein."
274,26,7,"Nuzleaf saca la hoja que tiene en la cabeza y la usa como
flauta. El sonido que emite infunde miedo e incertidumbre a
quien se encuentre perdido por el bosque."
274,26,8,"Nuzleaf crea una sorta di flauto con la foglia che ha sul capo.
Il suono di questo flauto fa crescere la paura e lincertezza
nel cuore di coloro che si sono persi nella foresta."
274,26,9,"This Pokémon pulls out the leaf on its head and makes a flute
with it. The sound of Nuzleafs flute strikes fear and uncertainty
in the hearts of people lost in a forest."
274,26,11,"頭の 葉っぱを 抜いて 草笛を つくる。
コノハナが 奏でる 草笛の 音色は
森で 迷った 人を 不安にさせる。"
274,33,1,"もりの おくふかくに せいそく。
あたまの はっぱで ふえを つくり
ふあんに させる ねいろを だす。"
274,33,3,"깊은 숲속에서 서식한다.
머리의 이파리로 피리를 만들어
불안하게 만드는 음색을 낸다."
274,33,5,"Il vit au plus profond des forêts.
Sa flûte faite avec la feuille de sa tête
émet un son inquiétant."
274,33,6,"Es lebt tief im Wald. Aus dem Blatt auf seinem
Kopf kann es sich eine Flöte bauen, deren Klang
Unruhe verbreitet."
274,33,7,"Vive en lo más profundo del bosque. Utiliza la
hoja de la cabeza como flauta para emitir un
sonido perturbador."
274,33,8,"Vive nelle foreste più fitte. Con la foglia che ha
in testa, crea un flauto dal suono inquietante."
274,33,9,"It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head,
it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy."
274,33,11,"森の 奥深くに 生息。
頭の 葉っぱで 笛を 作り
不安に させる 音色を 出す。"
274,34,1,"コノハナの ふく くさぶえの おとは
きいた ものを ふあんに させる。
たいぼくに あいた あなで くらす。"
274,34,3,"잎새코가 부는 풀피리 소리는
듣는 이를 불안하게 만든다.
큰 나무의 비어 있는 구멍에 산다."
274,34,5,"Il vit dans les trous des grands arbres.
Le sifflement quil produit avec sa feuille
suffit à remplir ses adversaires deffroi."
274,34,6,"Sie leben in Löchern, die sie in große Bäume
gebohrt haben. Der Ton ihrer Grasflöten erfüllt
Zuhörer mit Unruhe."
274,34,7,"Vive en las oquedades de los árboles grandes.
El sonido que emite al usar la hoja de la cabeza
como flauta asusta a quienes lo escuchan."
274,34,8,"Vive in buchi scavati in grandi alberi. Il suono
del suo flauto di foglia inquieta chi lo ascolta."
274,34,9,"They live in holes bored in large trees. The sound
of Nuzleafs grass flute fills listeners with dread."
274,34,11,"コノハナの 吹く 草笛の 音は
聞いた ものを 不安に させる。
大木に 開いた 穴で 暮らす。"
275,7,9,"SHIFTRY is a mysterious POKéMON that
is said to live atop towering trees 
dating back over a thousand years.It creates terrific windstorms with
the fans it holds."
275,8,9,"SHIFTRYs large fans generate awesome
gusts of wind at a speed close to 100
feet per second. The whipped-up windblows anything away.
This POKéMON chooses to live quietly
deep in forests."
275,9,9,"It is said to arrive on chilly, wintry winds.
Feared from long ago as the guardian of
forests, this POKéMON lives in a deep
forest where people do not venture."
275,10,9,"A POKéMON that was feared as a forest
guardian. It can read the foes mind and
take preemptive action."
275,11,9,"A POKéMON that was feared as a forest
guardian. It can read the foes mind and
take preemptive action."
275,12,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,13,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,14,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,15,9,"It lives quietly in the deep forest.
It is said to create chilly winter
winds with the fans it holds."
275,16,9,"It lives quietly in the deep forest.
It is said to create chilly winter
winds with the fans it holds."
275,17,5,"Dun coup de sa feuille éventail, il
génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s
capables de souffler une maison."
275,17,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,18,5,"Dun coup de sa feuille éventail, il
génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s
capables de souffler une maison."
275,18,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,21,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,22,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can
whip up gusts of 100 ft/second
that can level houses."
275,23,1,"もりの かみさまと おそれられていた
ポケモン。あいての かんがえを よみ
さきまわりする のうりょくを もつ。"
275,23,3,"숲의 신이라고 여겨져 두려움의
대상이 되고 있던 포켓몬. 상대의
생각을 읽고 앞지르는 능력을 지녔다."
275,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est le gardien des forêts. Il peut lire
les pensées de ses ennemis et agir en conséquence."
275,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde als Wächter des Waldes
gefürchtet. Es kann die Gedanken des Gegners
lesen und präventiv handeln."
275,23,7,"Habita los bosques y se le tiene miedo. Es capaz
de leer los pensamientos del rival y actuar en
275,23,8,"Un tempo era un temuto guardiano della foresta.
Sa leggere nella mente del nemico, anticipandolo."
275,23,9,"A Pokémon that was feared as a forest guardian.
It can read the foes mind and take
preemptive action."
275,23,11,"森の 神様と 恐れられていた
ポケモン。相手の 考えを 読み
先回りする 能力を 持つ。"
275,24,1,"はっぱの うちわを あおぐと
ふうそく30メートルの とっぷうが
まきおこり みんかを ふきとばす。"
275,24,3,"잎사귀 부채를 부치면
풍속 30m의 돌풍이 일어나
민가를 날려버린다."
275,24,5,"Dun coup de sa feuille éventail, il génère des
bourrasques de 30 m/s capables de souffler une
275,24,6,"Seine großen Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine
Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/s erreichen können."
275,24,7,"Con sus abanicos puede provocar vientos de 30 m/s
capaces de levantar casas."
275,24,8,"Con le sue foglie provoca raffiche di vento della
velocità di 30 m/s che spazzano via interi edifici."
275,24,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of
100 feet per second that can level houses."
275,24,11,"葉っぱの ウチワを あおぐと
風速30メートルの 突風が
巻き起こり 民家を 吹き飛ばす。"
275,25,1,"じゅれい 1000ねんを こえた たいぼくの
てっぺんに すむと いわれる なぞの ポケモン。
はっぱの うちわで きょうふうを まきおこす。"
275,25,3,"수령 1000년을 넘은 큰 나무 꼭대기에
산다고 전해지는 불가사의한 포켓몬이다.
잎사귀 부채로 강풍을 일으킨다."
275,25,5,"Tengalice est un mystérieux Pokémon vivant dans les cimes
dimmenses arbres, vieux de plus de mille ans. Il peut créer
de formidables tempêtes grâce à ses éventails."
275,25,6,"Tengulist ist ein geheimnisvolles Pokémon, das angeblich
auf hohen Bäumen lebt, die Tausende von Jahren alt sind.
Mit den Blätterfächern an seinen Händen kann es heftige
Stürme erzeugen."
275,25,7,"Shiftry es un enigmático Pokémon que vive, dicen, en las
copas de los árboles milenarios. Este Pokémon genera fuertes
corrientes de aire con los abanicos que lleva en las manos."
275,25,8,"Shiftry è un misterioso Pokémon che vive sulla cima degli
alberi più alti, di solito plurisecolari. Usa le foglie degli arti
superiori come ventole per generare terribili raffiche di vento."
275,25,9,"Shiftry is a mysterious Pokémon that is said to live atop
towering trees dating back over a thousand years. It creates
terrific windstorms with the fans it holds."
275,25,11,"樹齢 1000年を 超えた 大木の
てっぺんに すむと いわれる 謎の ポケモン。
葉っぱの 団扇で 強風を 巻き起こす。"
275,26,1,"おおきな うちわは ふうそく 30メートルの
きょうふうを おこし なんでも ふきとばす。
もりの おくで ひっそり くらす ポケモンだ。"
275,26,3,"큰 부채는 풍속 30m의
강풍을 일으켜 무엇이든 날려버린다.
숲 속 깊은 곳에서 조용히 사는 포켓몬이다."
275,26,5,"Les grands éventails de Tengalice peuvent déclencher
des bourrasques de vent allant jusquà 30 m/s. Le vent
déchaîné peut tout envoyer balader. Ce Pokémon a choisi
de vivre tranquillement dans la forêt."
275,26,6,"Tengulists große Fächer erzeugen Böen, die eine
Geschwindigkeit von 30 m/s erreichen können und
alles und jeden hinwegfegen können. Dieses Pokémon
lebt still und zurückgezogen in den Tiefen der Wälder."
275,26,7,"Las grandes manos con forma de hoja que tiene Shiftry
generan grandes corrientes de aire que pueden alcanzar
30 m/s y barrer lo que sea. Este Pokémon opta por vivir
tranquilo en medio del bosque."
275,26,8,"Le grandi ventole di Shiftry generano forti raffiche di vento
alla velocità di 30 metri al secondo. La violenza del vento
spazza via ogni cosa. Vive pacifico nel cuore della foresta."
275,26,9,"Shiftrys large fans generate awesome gusts of wind at a
speed close to 100 feet per second. The whipped-up wind
blows anything away. This Pokémon chooses to live quietly
deep in forests."
275,26,11,"大きな 団扇は 風速 30メートルの
強風を 起こし なんでも 吹き飛ばす。
森の 奥で ひっそり 暮らす ポケモンだ。"
275,33,1,"もりの かみさまと おそれられていた
ポケモン。 あいての かんがえを よみ
さきまわりする のうりょくを もつ。"
275,33,3,"숲의 신이라고 여겨져 두려움의
대상이었던 포켓몬. 상대의 생각을 읽고
앞서 행동하는 능력을 지녔다."
275,33,5,"Ce gardien des forêts inspirait la crainte.
Il peut lire les pensées de ses ennemis et agir
en conséquence."
275,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde als „Wächter des Waldes“
gefürchtet. Es kann die Gedanken des Gegners
lesen und präventiv handeln."
275,33,7,"Infundía temor por su condición de guardián de
los bosques. Es capaz de leer los pensamientos
del rival y actuar en consecuencia."
275,33,8,"Un tempo era un temuto guardiano della foresta.
Sa leggere nella mente del nemico anticipandolo."
275,33,9,"A Pokémon that was feared as a forest guardian.
It can read the foes mind and take
preemptive action."
275,33,11,"森の 神様と 恐れられていた
ポケモン。 相手の 考えを 読み
先回りする 能力を もつ。"
275,34,1,"もりの おくで ひっそりと くらす。
おおきな うちわを あおぐと
こがらしが ふくと いわれている。"
275,34,3,"숲속에서 조용히 지낸다.
큰 부채로 부치면
쌀쌀한 바람이 분다고 한다."
275,34,5,"Il vit caché au fond des forêts.
On raconte quil fait souffler la bise
lorsquil agite ses grands éventails."
275,34,6,"Es lebt in den einsamen Tiefen der Wälder. Man
sagt, wenn es seine großen Fächer schwingt,
jagen eisige Windböen über das Land."
275,34,7,"Vive sigiloso en lo más profundo del bosque.
Se dice que con sus abanicos puede generar
vientos gélidos."
275,34,8,"Vive nella calma delle foreste. Si dice che sia
in grado di creare raffiche di vento gelido
agitando i suoi grandi ventagli."
275,34,9,"It lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to
create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds."
275,34,11,"森の 奥で ひっそりと 暮らす。
大きな 団扇を あおぐと
木枯らしが 吹くと いわれている。"
276,7,9,"TAILLOW courageously stands its
ground against foes, however strong
they may be.This gutsy POKéMON will remain defiant
even after a loss. On the other hand,
it cries loudly if it becomes hungry."
276,8,9,"TAILLOW is young - it has only just
left its nest. As a result, it sometimes
becomes lonesome and cries at night.This POKéMON feeds on WURMPLE that
live in forests."
276,9,9,"Although it is small, it is very courageous.
It will take on a larger SKARMORY on an
equal footing. However, its will weakens if
it becomes hungry."
276,10,9,"It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to
other lands in search of warmth, flying
over 180 miles a day."
276,11,9,"It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to
other lands in search of warmth, flying
over 180 miles a day."
276,12,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,13,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,14,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,15,9,"When it gets cold, they migrate,
flying over 180 miles a day.
It hunts for tasty prey."
276,16,9,"When it gets cold, they migrate,
flying over 180 miles a day.
It hunts for tasty prey."
276,17,5,"Ce Pokémon téméraire na pas peur
daffronter des ennemis puissants.
Il vole en quête de climats chauds."
276,17,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,18,5,"Ce Pokémon téméraire na pas peur
daffronter des ennemis puissants.
Il vole en quête de climats chauds."
276,18,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,21,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,22,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes
it bravely take on tough foes. It
flies in search of warm climates."
276,23,1,"つよい あいてにも ゆうかんに
たちむかう こんじょうの もちぬし。
あたたかい とちを めざして とぶ。"
276,23,3,"강한 상대에게도 용감히
맞서는 근성의 소유자다.
따뜻한 땅을 찾아서 난다."
276,23,5,"Ce Pokémon téméraire na pas peur daffronter
des ennemis puissants. Il vole en quête de climats
276,23,6,"Es ist sehr mutig und stellt sich auch starken
Gegnern. Es sucht ständig nach warmen Regionen."
276,23,7,"Es un Pokémon valiente que no teme a los rivales
fuertes. Vuela en busca de climas templados."
276,23,8,"È molto coraggioso e affronta spavaldo i nemici
più forti. Migra verso i paesi caldi."
276,23,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on
tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates."
276,23,11,"強い 相手にも 勇敢に
立ち向かう 根性の 持ち主。
暖かい 土地を 目指して 飛ぶ。"
276,24,1,"さむい きせつは にがて。あたたかい
とちを さがし 1にち 300キロの
きょりを とんで いどうする。"
276,24,3,"추운 계절에 약하다. 따뜻한
지방을 찾아 하루에 300km의
거리를 날아서 이동한다."
276,24,5,"Nirondelle ne supporte pas les saisons froides.
Il vole vers dautres terres à la recherche de chaleur
et peut ainsi parcourir 300 km par jour."
276,24,6,"Es mag die kalte Jahreszeit nicht. Daher legt es
auf der Suche nach wärmeren Gefilden mehr als
300 km am Tag zurück."
276,24,7,"No le gustan las bajas temperaturas. En las estaciones
frías se recorre casi 300 km al día en busca de zonas
276,24,8,"Non ama il freddo. In inverno emigra verso regioni
calde, viaggiando a una velocità di 300 km al giorno."
276,24,9,"It dislikes cold seasons. They migrate to other
lands in search of warmth, flying over 180 miles
a day."
276,24,11,"寒い 季節は 苦手。暖かい 土地を
探し 1日 300キロの 距離を
飛んで 移動する。"
276,25,1,"どんな つよい あいてでも ゆうかんに いどむ。
まけても へこたれない こんじょうの もちぬし。
おなかが すくと おおごえで ないて しまう。"
276,25,3,"아무리 강한 상대라도 용감히 맞선다.
져도 주저앉지 않는 근성의 소유자다.
배가 고프면 큰 소리로 운다."
276,25,5,"Nirondelle défend courageusement son territoire contre
ses ennemis, même les plus puissants. Ce vaillant Pokémon
est toujours prêt à relever un défi, mais sil a faim, il se met
à pleurer à chaudes larmes."
276,25,6,"Mutig behauptet Schwalbini sein Territorium gegen
Eindringlinge, so stark diese auch sein mögen. Dieses
unerschrockene Pokémon bleibt trotz einer Niederlage
angriffslustig, heult aber laut, wenn es Hunger hat."
276,25,7,"Taillow se mantiene firme ante sus rivales, sean lo fuertes que
sean. Este valiente Pokémon seguirá mostrándose desafiante,
aunque pierda en combate. Además, si se enfada, se pondrá a
gritar con energía."
276,25,8,"Taillow affronta coraggiosamente persino i nemici più forti.
Anche in caso di sconfitta rimane fiero e spavaldo.
Ma quando ha fame, si lamenta rumorosamente."
276,25,9,"Taillow courageously stands its ground against foes, however
strong they may be. This gutsy Pokémon will remain defiant
even after a loss. On the other hand, it cries loudly if it
becomes hungry."
276,25,11,"どんな 強い 相手でも 勇敢に 挑む。
負けても へこたれない 根性の 持ち主。
お腹が 空くと 大声で 泣いて しまう。"
276,26,1,"すだちを おえたばかり なので よるに なると
さみしく なって ないてしまう ことも ある。
もりに すむ ケムッソを つかまえて たべる。"
276,26,3,"둥지를 떠난 지 얼마 안 돼서 밤이 되면
쓸쓸함에 우는 일도 있다.
숲에 사는 개무소를 잡아먹는다."
276,26,5,"Nirondelle est jeune. Il vient de quitter son nid. Du coup,
il se sent parfois un peu seul et pleure la nuit. Ce Pokémon
se nourrit des Chenipotte quil trouve dans les forêts."
276,26,6,"Schwalbini ist noch klein, es hat gerade erst sein Nest
verlassen. Daher fühlt es sich manchmal einsam und weint
nachts. Dieses Pokémon ernährt sich von Waumpel."
276,26,7,"Taillow es pequeño, está recién salido del nido. Por eso, se
siente solo con frecuencia y se pone a piar. Este Pokémon
se alimenta de los Wurmple que hay por el bosque."
276,26,8,"Taillow è molto piccolo, infatti ha appena lasciato il nido.
Talvolta di notte si sente solo e piange.
Si nutre dei Wurmple che vivono nella foresta."
276,26,9,"Taillow is young—it has only just left its nest. As a result,
it sometimes becomes lonesome and cries at night.
This Pokémon feeds on Wurmple that live in forests."
276,26,11,"巣立ちを 終えたばかり なので 夜に なると
寂しく なって 泣いてしまう ことも ある。
森に すむ ケムッソを 捕まえて 食べる。"
277,7,9,"SWELLOW flies high above our heads,
making graceful arcs in the sky.
This POKéMON dives at a steep angle assoon as it spots its prey. The hapless
prey is tightly grasped by SWELLOWs
clawed feet, preventing escape."
277,8,9,"SWELLOW is very conscientious about
the upkeep of its glossy wings.
Once two SWELLOW are gathered, theydiligently take care of cleaning each
others wings."
277,9,9,"A SWELLOW dives upon prey from far above.
It never misses its targets. It takes to
the skies in search of lands with a warm
277,10,9,"If its two tail feathers are standing at
attention, it is proof of good health.
It soars elegantly in the sky."
277,11,9,"If its two tail feathers are standing at
attention, it is proof of good health.
It soars elegantly in the sky."
277,12,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,13,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,14,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,15,9,"It dives at a steep angle as soon
as it spots its prey. It catches
its prey with sharp claws."
277,16,9,"It dives at a steep angle as soon
as it spots its prey. It catches
its prey with sharp claws."
277,17,5,"Il vole en cercle en quête dune
proie. Dès quil la repérée, il fond
sur elle en un éclair."
277,17,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,18,5,"Il vole en cercle en quête dune
proie. Dès quil la repérée, il fond
sur elle en un éclair."
277,18,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,21,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,22,9,"It circles the sky in search of
prey. When it spots one, it dives
steeply to catch the prey."
277,23,1,"2ほんの おばねが ピンと たって
いれば けんこうな しょうこ。
ゆうがに おおぞらを とびまわる。"
277,23,3,"2개의 꼬리날개가 꼿꼿하게
서 있으면 건강하다는 증거다.
우아하게 넓은 하늘을 날아다닌다."
277,23,5,"Si les plumes de ses deux queues restent bien
droites, cela signifie quHélédelle est en bonne santé.
Son élégance est sans pareille."
277,23,6,"Wenn seine beiden Schwanzfedern aufrecht stehen,
zeigt das, dass es bei bester Gesundheit ist.
Es fliegt elegant in den Himmel empor."
277,23,7,"Cuando se encuentra bien, pone firmes las plumas de
la cola doble que tiene. Remonta el vuelo de forma
muy elegante."
277,23,8,"Se le due penne sulla coda sono ritte, significa che
è in buona salute. Si libra elegantemente nel cielo."
277,23,9,"If its two tail feathers are standing at attention, it is
proof of good health. It soars elegantly in the sky."
277,23,11,"2本の 尾羽が ピンと 立って
いれば 健康な 証拠。
優雅に 大空を 飛び回る。"
277,24,1,"もりに すむ えものを みつけると
じょうくうから きゅうこうか。
するどい ツメで つかまえる。"
277,24,3,"숲에 사는 먹이를 찾으면
상공에서 급강하해서
예리한 발톱으로 잡는다."
277,24,5,"Une fois sa proie repérée, il fond sur elle en un éclair
et la capture avec ses griffes acérées."
277,24,6,"Findet es Beute, stürzt es sich aus großer Höhe
darauf und packt sie mit seinen spitzen Krallen."
277,24,7,"Vive en los bosques. Si encuentra una presa, se lanza
en picado y la atrapa con sus afiladas garras."
277,24,8,"Trova nella foresta le sue prede, vi si scaglia sopra
in picchiata e le afferra con i suoi artigli affilati."
277,24,9,"It dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its
prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws."
277,24,11,"森に 住む 獲物を 見つけると
上空から 急降下。
鋭い ツメで 捕まえる。"
277,25,1,"はるか じょうくうを えんを えがく ように
とびまわり えものを みつけると きゅうこうか。
あしの ツメで がっしり つかんで にがさない。"
277,25,3,"높은 상공을 원을 그리듯 날아다니다
먹이를 발견하면 급강하한다.
발톱으로 단단히 잡고 놓치지 않는다."
277,25,5,"Hélédelle vole dans les cieux en dessinant de grands arcs.
Ce Pokémon plonge en piqué dès quil repère sa proie.
Il attrape fermement la malheureuse cible dans ses serres,
empêchant toute fuite."
277,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon taucht in einem steilen Winkel ab, sobald es
Beute wahrgenommen hat. Es packt seine Beute mit seinen
Krallen und lässt sie nicht mehr entkommen."
277,25,7,"Swellow vuela muy alto dibujando elegantes arcos en el cielo.
Este Pokémon se sumerge en el agua con rapidez y eficacia
en cuanto detecta una presa. Con las garras, atrapa a la
desdichada víctima y no la deja huir."
277,25,8,"Swellow vola alto sopra le nostre teste disegnando armoniosi
archi in cielo. Appena scova una preda si lancia su di essa
in picchiata. Swellow cattura poi la sventurata preda con le sue
zampe artigliate impedendole la fuga."
277,25,9,"Swellow flies high above our heads, making graceful arcs
in the sky. This Pokémon dives at a steep angle as soon as
it spots its prey. The hapless prey is tightly grasped by
Swellows clawed feet, preventing escape."
277,25,11,"はるか 上空を 円を 描く ように
飛び回り 獲物を 見つけると 急降下。
足の ツメで がっしり つかんで 逃がさない。"
277,26,1,"ツヤの ある はねの ていれは おこたらない。
オオスバメが 2ひき あつまると かならず
おたがいの はねを きれいに ていれするぞ。"
277,26,3,"윤이 나는 깃털의 손질을 게을리하지 않는다.
스왈로 두 마리가 모이면 반드시
서로의 깃털을 깨끗이 손질한다."
277,26,5,"Hélédelle fait attention à bien entretenir ses ailes brillantes.
Lorsque deux Hélédelle se rencontrent, ils se nettoient
mutuellement les ailes avec attention."
277,26,6,"Schwalboss ist sehr gewissenhaft bei der Pflege seiner
glänzenden Flügel. Wenn zwei Schwalboss zusammen sind,
putzen sie sich ihre Flügel gegenseitig."
277,26,7,"Swellow se preocupa a conciencia del mantenimiento de sus
lustrosas alas. Cuando hay dos juntos, el uno se ocupa de
limpiarle las alas al otro."
277,26,8,"Swellow è molto attento a mantenere le proprie ali sempre
lucide e splendenti. Spesso si incontra coi propri simili
e questi Pokémon in gruppo si lisciano vicendevolmente
le piume."
277,26,9,"Swellow is very conscientious about the upkeep of its glossy
wings. Once two Swellow are gathered, they diligently take
care of cleaning each others wings."
277,26,11,"ツヤの ある 羽の 手入れは 怠らない。
オオスバメが 2匹 集まると 必ず
お互いの 羽を きれいに 手入れするぞ。"
278,7,9,"WINGULL has the habit of carrying prey
and valuables in its beak and hiding
them in all sorts of locations.This POKéMON rides the winds and flies
as if it were skating across the sky."
278,8,9,"WINGULL rides updrafts rising from the
sea by extending its long and narrow
wings to glide.This POKéMONs long beak is useful for
catching prey."
278,9,9,"It makes its nest on a sheer cliff at the
edge of the sea. It has trouble keeping
its wings flapping in flight. Instead, it
soars on updrafts."
278,10,9,"It rides upon ocean winds as if it were
a glider. In the winter, it hides food
around its nest."
278,11,9,"It rides upon ocean winds as if it were
a glider. In the winter, it hides food
around its nest."
278,12,9,"It makes its nest on steep sea
cliffs. Riding updrafts, it soars
to great heights."
278,13,9,"Catching sea winds with its long
wings, it soars as if it were a
glider. It folds its wings to rest."
278,14,9,"It soars high in the sky, riding on
updrafts like a glider. It carries
food tucked in its bill."
278,15,9,"It soars on updrafts without
flapping its wings. It makes a nest
on sheer cliffs at the seas edge."
278,16,9,"It soars on updrafts without
flapping its wings. It makes a nest
on sheer cliffs at the seas edge."
278,17,5,"Il utilise les courants ascendants
pour planer en altitude. Son bec lui
sert à transporter la nourriture."
278,17,9,"It soars high in the sky, riding on
updrafts like a glider. It carries
food tucked in its bill."
278,18,5,"Il utilise les courants ascendants
pour planer en altitude. Son bec lui
sert à transporter la nourriture."
278,18,9,"It soars high in the sky, riding on
updrafts like a glider. It carries
food tucked in its bill."
278,21,9,"It makes its nest on sheer cliffs.
Riding the sea breeze, it glides
up into the expansive skies."
278,22,9,"It makes its nest on sheer cliffs.
Riding the sea breeze, it glides
up into the expansive skies."
278,23,1,"ながい つばさで うみかぜを うけて
グライダーのように かっくうする。
やすむときは つばさを おりたたむ。"
278,23,3,"긴 날개로 바닷바람을 받아서
글라이더처럼 활공한다.
쉴 때는 날개를 접는다."
278,23,5,"Il plane sur les vents marins grâce à ses longues ailes.
Il les replie pour se reposer."
278,23,6,"Es lässt sich vom Wind der Meere treiben,
als wäre es ein Segelflugzeug."
278,23,7,"Sus largas alas aprovechan los vientos marinos para
planear. Cuando descansa, las pliega."
278,23,8,"Segue i venti marini con le sue lunghe ali e si libra
in volo come un aliante. Si riposa piegando le ali."
278,23,9,"Catching sea winds with its long wings, it soars
as if it were a glider. It folds its wings to rest."
278,23,11,"長い 翼で 海風を 受けて
グライダーのように 滑空する。
休むときは 翼を 折り畳む。"
278,24,1,"うみべの だんがいぜっぺきに
すを つくる。じょうしょうきりゅうを
りようして おおぞらに まいあがる。"
278,24,3,"해변의 낭떠러지 절벽에
둥지를 튼다. 상승기류를
이용하여 넓은 하늘로 날아오른다."
278,24,5,"Il niche sur les falaises escarpées face à la mer.
Il vole en altitude grâce aux courants ascendants."
278,24,6,"Es baut sein Nest auf steilen Klippen. Es nutzt die
Aufwinde, um in größerer Höhe fliegen zu können."
278,24,7,"Anida en acantilados y alcanza gran altura
aprovechando las corrientes ascendentes."
278,24,8,"Nidifica su scogliere a picco sul mare. Si fa trasportare
ad alta quota dalle correnti ascensionali."
278,24,9,"It makes its nest on steep sea cliffs.
Riding updrafts, it soars to great heights."
278,24,11,"海辺の 断崖絶壁に
巣を 作る。上昇気流を 利用して
大空に 舞い上がる。"
278,25,1,"エサや だいじな ものを くちばしに はさみ
いろんな ばしょに かくす しゅうせいを もつ。
かぜに のって すべる ように そらを とぶ。"
278,25,3,"먹이나 소중한 것을 부리에 끼우고
여러 장소에 숨기는 습성을 지녔다.
바람을 타고 미끄러지듯 하늘을 난다."
278,25,5,"Goélise a lhabitude de transporter ses proies et ses objets
de valeur dans son bec avant de les cacher. Ce Pokémon
se laisse porter par le vent et vole comme sil surfait
dans les cieux."
278,25,6,"Man sieht Wingull oft mit seiner Beute oder seinen
Besitztümern im Schnabel herumfliegen auf der Suche
nach geeigneten Verstecken. Dieses Pokémon fliegt
durch die Lüfte, als würde es gleiten."
278,25,7,"Wingull tiene la costumbre de llevar a su presa y objetos de
valor en el pico, y esconderlos en distintos sitios. Este
Pokémon vuela dejándose llevar por las corrientes de aire
como si fuera patinando por el cielo."
278,25,8,"Wingull ha labitudine di trasportare prede e oggetti preziosi
nel becco per poi nasconderli dappertutto. Questo Pokémon
vola a cavallo dei venti planando in cielo."
278,25,9,"Wingull has the habit of carrying prey and valuables in its beak
and hiding them in all sorts of locations. This Pokémon rides
the winds and flies as if it were skating across the sky."
278,25,11,"エサや 大事な ものを くちばしに 挟み
色んな 場所に 隠す 習性を 持つ。
風に 乗って 滑る ように 空を 飛ぶ。"
278,26,1,"うみから ふく じょうしょう きりゅうに のり
ほそながい つばさを のばして かっくうする。
ながい くちばしは エサを とるときに べんり。"
278,26,3,"바다에서 불어오는 상승기류를 타고
가늘고 긴 날개를 펼쳐 활공한다.
긴 부리는 먹이를 잡을 때 편리하다."
278,26,5,"Grâce à ses ailes longues et étroites, Goélise se laisse porter
par les courants dair ascendants venant de la mer. Le long
bec de ce Pokémon est bien pratique pour attraper ses proies."
278,26,6,"Wingull breitet seine langen, schmalen Flügel aus und segelt
im Seewind. Der lange Schnabel dieses Pokémon ist ihm beim
Jagen nach Beute sehr hilfreich."
278,26,7,"Wingull emerge del mar y asciende desplegando las largas y
estrechas alas que posee. Este Pokémon tiene un pico largo
que le resulta muy útil para pescar."
278,26,8,"Wingull segue le correnti ascensionali presenti sul mare
allargando le sue ali lunghe e strette per planare.
Il lungo becco del Pokémon è utile per catturare la preda."
278,26,9,"Wingull rides updrafts rising from the sea by extending its long
and narrow wings to glide. This Pokémons long beak is useful
for catching prey."
278,26,11,"海から 吹く 上昇 気流に 乗り
細長い 翼を 伸ばして 滑空する。
長い くちばしは エサを 取るときに 便利。"
278,27,1,"ホネは かるさのために スカスカ。
おおきな つばさで かぜを うけ
おおぞらへと まいあがる。"
278,27,3,"뼈는 무게를 줄이기 위해 비어 있다.
큰 날개로 바람을 타고
넓은 하늘로 날아오른다."
278,27,5,"Son ossature légère lui confère un vol gracieux,
tandis que le vent sengouffre sous ses grandes
ailes, lui permettant de sélever au firmament."
278,27,6,"Seine Knochen sind hohl und daher sehr leicht.
Mit seinen ausgebreiteten großen Flügeln steigt
es hoch in den Himmel empor."
278,27,7,"Sus huesos livianos y sus grandes alas le
permiten dejarse llevar por el viento y surcar
los cielos grácilmente."
278,27,8,"Volteggia lieve nel cielo sfruttando le correnti
grazie alle ossa leggere e alle grandi ali."
278,27,9,"Its hollow bones enhance its lightness.
It spreads its wings to the wind and soars away
into the sky."
278,27,11,"骨は 軽さのために スカスカ。
大きな 翼で 風を 受け
大空へと 舞いあがる。"
278,28,1,"キャモメが とびかう うみの したは
さかなポケモンが むれているので
りょうしは まずキャモメを さがす。"
278,28,3,"갈모매가 어지럽게 나는 바다 아래에는
물고기포켓몬이 무리 지어 있으므로
어부들은 우선 갈모매부터 찾는다."
278,28,5,"Les Goélise survolent les mers qui grouillent de
Pokémon poissons. Un grand pêcheur a dit :
«Si tu veux une bonne prise, suis le Goélise. »"
278,28,6,"Fischer halten gerne Ausschau nach Wingull,
denn wo diese ihre Kreise ziehen, scharen sich
unter Wasser Schwärme von Fisch-Pokémon."
278,28,7,"Suele sobrevolar los bancos de Pokémon pez,
por lo que los pescadores siguen a Wingull
cuando buscan buenas capturas."
278,28,8,"I pescatori li tengono docchio per via della
loro abitudine di volare sui tratti di mare dove
si radunano i Pokémon acquatici."
278,28,9,"Fishermen keep an eye out for Wingull in the
sky, because wherever theyre circling, the
ocean is sure to be teeming with fish Pokémon."
278,28,11,"キャモメが 飛び交う 海の 下は
さかなポケモンが 群れているので
漁師は まずキャモメを 探す。"
278,29,1,"ほそく ながい つばさ。 じょうしょう
きりゅうに のって グライダーの
ように おおぞらに まいあがるのだ。"
278,29,3,"가늘고 긴 날개다. 상승 기류를
타고 글라이더처럼
넓은 하늘로 높이 떠오른다."
278,29,5,"Grâce à ses ailes longues et fines, il se laisse
porter par les courants ascendants pour planer
jusquau firmament."
278,29,6,"Seine Flügel sind lang und schmal. Es nutzt die
Aufwinde, um wie ein Segelflugzeug hoch in den
Himmel emporzusteigen."
278,29,7,"Tiene alas largas y finas. Se deja llevar por las
corrientes ascendentes y luego planea a alta
cota grácilmente."
278,29,8,"Grazie alle ali lunghe e strette, vola in alto
lasciandosi trasportare dalle correnti
ascensionali come un aliante."
278,29,9,"With its long, thin wings, it catches updrafts
and flies like a glider high up into the sky."
278,29,11,"細く 長い 翼。 上昇
気流に 乗って グライダーの
ように 大空に 舞い上がるのだ。"
278,30,1,"うみべの がけに すをつくる。
だいこうぶつの ヨワシを さがし
うみの うえを せんかい している。"
278,30,3,"바닷가 절벽에 둥지를 짓는다.
가장 좋아하는 약어리를 찾아
바다 위를 선회하고 있다."
278,30,5,"Il fait son nid sur les falaises du littoral
et survole la mer en cercle à la recherche
de son mets favori : les petits Froussardine."
278,30,6,"Es baut sein Nest auf steilen Klippen und kreist
über dem Meer auf der Suche nach Lusardin,
seiner Lieblingsspeise."
278,30,7,"Anida en los riscos junto a la costa y sobrevuela
el mar trazando círculos en busca de algún
Wishiwashi que llevarse al buche."
278,30,8,"Fa il nido sulle rocce a picco lungo la costa.
Vola sul mare in cerca delle sue prede preferite,
i Wishiwashi."
278,30,9,"It builds nests in cliffs by the sea. It circles the
skies above the ocean looking for its favorite
278,30,11,"海辺の 崖に 巣を作る。
大好物の ヨワシを 探し
海の 上を 旋回 している。"
278,33,1,"きりたった がけに すを つくり
うみかぜを りようして ひろいそらを
じょうしょうし かっくう するのだ。"
278,33,3,"깎아지른 절벽에 둥지를 만들고
바닷바람을 이용하여
넓은 하늘 위로 올라 활공한다."
278,33,5,"Il construit son nid le long des falaises et utilise
les courants ascendants pour planer en altitude."
278,33,6,"Es baut sein Nest an Steilhängen und nutzt die
Seebrise, um beim Gleiten am weiten Himmel
an Höhe zu gewinnen."
278,33,7,"Construye sus nidos en acantilados escarpados.
Aprovecha la brisa marina para elevarse hacia el
inmenso cielo y planear."
278,33,8,"Costruisce il nido a ridosso dei precipizi.
Sfrutta la brezza marina per levarsi alto in cielo."
278,33,9,"It makes its nest on sheer cliffs. Riding the sea
breeze, it glides up into the expansive skies."
278,33,11,"切り立った 崖に 巣を つくり
海風を 利用して 広い空を
上昇し 滑空 するのだ。"
278,34,1,"くうきの ながれを りようして
はばたかずに そらへ まいあがる。
うみべの がけに すを つくる。"
278,34,3,"공기의 흐름을 이용하여
날갯짓하지 않고 하늘로 날아오른다.
해변의 절벽에 둥지를 만든다."
278,34,5,"Il niche dans les falaises.
En utilisant les courants dair, il peut voler
sans battre des ailes."
278,34,6,"Es nistet an Steilküsten und nutzt die Luftströme,
um im Gleitflug in den Himmel emporzusteigen."
278,34,7,"Aprovecha las corrientes de aire para ganar
altura sin necesidad de batir las alas. Anida
en acantilados costeros."
278,34,8,"Sfrutta le correnti ascensionali per volteggiare
nel cielo senza sbattere le ali. Fa il nido nelle
scogliere lungo la costa."
278,34,9,"It soars on updrafts without flapping its wings.
It makes a nest on sheer cliffs at the seas edge."
278,34,11,"空気の 流れを 利用して
羽ばたかずに 空へ 舞い上がる。
海辺の 崖に 巣を つくる。"
279,7,9,"PELIPPER is a flying transporter that
carries small POKéMON and eggs inside
its massive bill.This POKéMON builds its nest on steep
cliffs facing the sea."
279,8,9,"PELIPPER searches for food while in
flight by skimming the wave tops.
This POKéMON dips its large bill in thesea to scoop up food, then swallows
everything in one big gulp."
279,9,9,"It skims the tops of waves as it flies.
When it spots prey, it uses its large beak
to scoop up the victim with water.
It protects its eggs in its beak."
279,10,9,"It is a flying transporter that carries
small POKéMON in its beak. It bobs on the
waves to rest its wings."
279,11,9,"It is a flying transporter that carries
small POKéMON in its beak. It bobs on the
waves to rest its wings."
279,12,9,"It dips its large bill in the sea,
then scoops up numerous prey
along with water."
279,13,9,"It acts as a delivery service by
carrying small Pokémon in its bill.
It bobs on the waves to rest."
279,14,9,"It is a messenger of the skies,
carrying small Pokémon and
eggs to safety in its bill."
279,15,9,"It protects its young in its beak.
It bobs on waves, resting on them
on days when the waters are calm."
279,16,9,"It protects its young in its beak.
It bobs on waves, resting on them
on days when the waters are calm."
279,17,5,"Ce messager du ciel transporte
petits Pokémon et œufs dans son
bec en toute sécurité."
279,17,9,"It is a messenger of the skies,
carrying small Pokémon and
eggs to safety in its bill."
279,18,5,"Ce messager du ciel transporte
petits Pokémon et œufs dans son
bec en toute sécurité."
279,18,9,"It is a messenger of the skies,
carrying small Pokémon and
eggs to safety in its bill."
279,21,9,"Skimming the waters surface, it dips
its large bill in the sea, scoops up food
and water, and carries it."
279,22,9,"Skimming the waters surface, it dips
its large bill in the sea, scoops up food
and water, and carries it."
279,23,1,"おおきな クチバシを うみに いれて
ひとすくいすると エサが たくさん
はいっているという すんぽうだ。"
279,23,3,"큰 부리를 바다에 넣고 먹이를
한 번에 많이 건져 올리려는
279,23,5,"Il trempe son grand bec dans la mer pour charrier
de leau et de nombreuses proies."
279,23,6,"Es taucht seinen großen Schnabel ins Wasser
und fängt so eine Menge Beute."
279,23,7,"Hunde su gran pico en el mar para sacar numerosas
presas junto con mucha agua."
279,23,8,"Immerge il suo enorme becco nel mare, raccogliendo
acqua e numerose prede."
279,23,9,"It dips its large bill in the sea, then scoops up
numerous prey along with water."
279,23,11,"大きな クチバシを 海に 入れて
ひとすくいすると エサが たくさん
入っているという 寸法だ。"
279,24,1,"くちのなかに ちいさなポケモンや
タマゴをいれて あんぜんな ばしょに
とどけてくれる そらの はこびや。"
279,24,3,"입속에 작은 포켓몬이나
알을 넣고 안전한 장소로
전해주는 하늘의 운반자."
279,24,5,"Ce messager du ciel transporte petits Pokémon et
Œufs dans son bec en toute sécurité."
279,24,6,"Ein Bote der Lüfte. Bringt Eier und kleine Pokémon
in seinem Schnabel in Sicherheit."
279,24,7,"Transporta a pequeños Pokémon y Huevos en su pico
hasta lugares seguros."
279,24,8,"È un corriere dei cieli e porta uova e piccoli Pokémon
nel suo enorme becco."
279,24,9,"It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small
Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill."
279,24,11,"口の中に 小さなポケモンや
タマゴを入れて 安全な 場所に
届けてくれる 空の 運び屋。"
279,25,1,"ちいさな ポケモンや タマゴを クチバシに
いれて はこぶ そらの はこびやだ。
うみべの けわしい がけに すを つくる。"
279,25,3,"작은 포켓몬이나 알을 부리에
넣고 나르는 하늘의 운반자다.
바닷가의 험한 절벽에 둥지를 만든다."
279,25,5,"Bekipan est un transporteur volant chargeant des petits
Pokémon et des œufs dans son énorme bec. Ce Pokémon
construit son nid sur les falaises, face à la mer."
279,25,6,"Pelipper transportiert kleine Pokémon und Eier in seinem
riesigen Schnabel durch die Lüfte. Dieses Pokémon baut
sein Nest auf steilen Klippen am Meer."
279,25,7,"Pelipper vuela transportando pequeños huevos y Pokémon
dentro del descomunal pico que tiene. Este Pokémon
construye su nido en escarpados acantilados frente al mar."
279,25,8,"Pelipper fa le veci di un aereo cargo poiché trasporta piccoli
Pokémon e uova allinterno del suo becco enorme.
Questo Pokémon crea il proprio nido sulle scogliere a picco
sul mare."
279,25,9,"Pelipper is a flying transporter that carries small Pokémon and
eggs inside its massive bill. This Pokémon builds its nest on
steep cliffs facing the sea."
279,25,11,"小さな ポケモンや タマゴを クチバシに
入れて 運ぶ 空の 運び屋だ。
海辺の 険しい 崖に 巣を つくる。"
279,26,1,"かいめん すれすれを とび エサを さがす。
おおきな クチバシを うみの なかへ いれて
エサを すくいとり ひとのみで たべるぞ。"
279,26,3,"해수면을 스칠 듯이 날며 먹이를 찾는다.
큰 부리를 바닷속에 넣고
먹이를 퍼 올려 한입에 먹는다."
279,26,5,"Bekipan récupère sa nourriture en vol, en rasant lécume
des vagues. Ce Pokémon trempe son énorme bec dans leau,
puis avale tout en une bouchée."
279,26,6,"Pelipper sucht nach Nahrung, während es über die Wellen
fliegt. Dieses Pokémon taucht seinen großen Schnabel ins
Meer, um seine Beute abzuschöpfen. Dann schluckt es alles
auf einmal herunter."
279,26,7,"Pelipper busca su comida mientras vuela y esquiva las crestas
de las olas. Cuando localiza una presa, sumerge el largo pico
en el agua para pescarla y se la traga de una vez."
279,26,8,"Pelipper si avventura in cerca di cibo volando radente
sulla cresta delle onde. Immerge il suo becco enorme
nellacqua del mare per catturare la preda e poi inghiotte
tutto in un sol boccone."
279,26,9,"Pelipper searches for food while in flight by skimming the wave
tops. This Pokémon dips its large bill in the sea to scoop up
food, then swallows everything in one big gulp."
279,26,11,"海面 すれすれを 飛び エサを 探す。
大きな クチバシを 海の 中へ 入れて
エサを すくい取り 一飲みで 食べるぞ。"
279,27,1,"おおきく ふくらんだ クチバシは
ようちえんじ くらいの こどもなら
すっぽり はいる おおきさだ。"
279,27,3,"크게 부풀어 오른 부리는
유치원생 정도의 어린아이라면
쏙 들어갈 수 있는 크기이다."
279,27,5,"Le bec de ce Pokémon est énorme, tellement
énorme quun petit enfant pourrait grimper
dedans et sy cacher sans problème."
279,27,6,"Sein riesiger Schnabel ist so groß, dass sogar
ein kleines Kind problemlos hineinpassen würde."
279,27,7,"Su pico es tan grande que podría acomodar a un
niño pequeño sin ningún problema."
279,27,8,"Il suo becco è talmente grande che potrebbe
contenere senza problemi un bambino piccolo."
279,27,9,"Its spacious beak is large enough for a
small child to fit right inside."
279,27,11,"大きく 膨らんだ クチバシは
幼稚園児 くらいの 子どもなら
すっぽり 入る 大きさだ。"
279,28,1,"エサあつめは わかい ♂の しごと。
おおきなクチバシに エサを ためて
なかまが まつ すまで はこぶ。"
279,28,3,"먹이를 모으는 일은 젊은 수컷의 일이다.
커다란 부리에 먹이를 저장해서
동료가 기다리는 둥지까지 운반한다."
279,28,5,"Les Bekipan mâles ramènent la nourriture, quils
transportent dans leur énorme bec jusquau nid
où les attendent leurs congénères."
279,28,6,"Die jungen Männchen beschaffen die Nahrung.
Sie sammeln die Beute in ihrem großen Schnabel
und bringen sie zurück ins Nest zu den anderen."
279,28,7,"Los machos jóvenes se encargan de reunir
comida. La acumulan en sus grandes picos para
luego llevarla a sus compañeros en los nidos."
279,28,8,"I giovani maschi hanno il compito di procurare
il cibo. Catturano le prede col loro becco enorme
e le portano al nido dai loro compagni."
279,28,9,"Gathering food is the work of young males.
They store food in their capacious beaks and
carry it back to others waiting in the nest."
279,28,11,"餌集めは 若い ♂の 仕事。
大きなクチバシに 餌を 溜めて
仲間が 待つ 巣まで 運ぶ。"
279,29,1,"ふくらんだ クチバシの なかに
ちいさなポケモンを いれて はこぶ。
どこに つれていくのかは わからない。"
279,29,3,"부풀린 부리 안에
작은 포켓몬을 넣어 운반한다.
어디로 데려가는지는 알 수 없다."
279,29,5,"Il se sert de son énorme bec pour transporter
de petits Pokémon, mais nul ne sait où il les
279,29,6,"In seinem riesigen Schnabel transportiert es
kleine Pokémon. Niemand weiß, wohin es sie
279,29,7,"Transporta Pokémon pequeños en su enorme
pico, aunque nadie sabe a dónde los lleva."
279,29,8,"Trasporta piccoli Pokémon tenendoli nel suo
enorme becco, ma non si sa dove li porti."
279,29,9,"It places small Pokémon into its spacious beak
and carries them around. No one knows where
its taking them."
279,29,11,"膨らんだ クチバシの 中に
小さなポケモンを 入れて 運ぶ。
どこに 連れていくのかは わからない。"
279,30,1,"おおきな クチバシで ヨワシを
すくって まるのみに する。 1どで
30ぴき いじょうを たいらげるぞ。"
279,30,3,"커다란 부리로 약어리를
건져 올려 통째로 삼킨다.
한 번에 30마리 이상 먹어 치운다."
279,30,5,"Il pêche les Froussardine à laide de son large
bec et les avale dun trait. Il peut en ingurgiter
jusquà trente dun coup."
279,30,6,"Mit seinem großen Schnabel schöpft es Lusardin
aus dem Wasser und schluckt sie im Ganzen.
Es kann über 30 Stück auf einmal verspeisen."
279,30,7,"Atrapa Wishiwashi con su enorme pico para
luego engullirlos enteros, llegando a comer más
de 30 ejemplares de una sentada."
279,30,8,"Pesca i Wishiwashi con lenorme becco e li
inghiotte in un sol boccone. Può mangiarne
anche 30 per volta."
279,30,9,"It scoops up Wishiwashi in its huge beak and
swallows them whole. It can devour more than
30 at one go!"
279,30,11,"大きな クチバシで ヨワシを
すくって 丸呑みに する。 1度で
30匹 以上を 平らげるぞ。"
279,33,1,"くちのなかに ちいさなポケモンや
タマゴをいれて あんぜんな ばしょに
とどけてくれる そらの はこびや。"
279,33,3,"입속에 작은 포켓몬이나
알을 넣고 안전한 장소로
운반해주는 하늘의 배달꾼."
279,33,5,"Ce messager du ciel transporte les petits
Pokémon et les Œufs dans son bec pour
les conduire en lieu sûr."
279,33,6,"Ein Bote der Lüfte. Es bringt Eier und kleine
Pokémon in seinem Schnabel in Sicherheit."
279,33,7,"Transporta a pequeños Pokémon y Huevos en su
pico hasta lugares seguros."
279,33,8,"È un corriere dei cieli che trasporta Uova e
piccoli Pokémon nel suo enorme becco per
condurli in un luogo sicuro."
279,33,9,"It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small
Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill."
279,33,11,"口の中に 小さなポケモンや
タマゴを入れて 安全な 場所に
届けてくれる 空の 運び屋。"
279,34,1,"かいめん すれすれを とんで
おおきな くちばしで かいすいごと
エサを すくいとって はこぶのだ。"
279,34,3,"해면 아주 가까이 날아
큰 부리로 해수와 함께
먹이를 건져 나른다."
279,34,5,"Avec son grand bec, il transporte de la nourriture
quil a récoltée en volant la bouche ouverte
au ras de la mer, gobant de leau au passage."
279,34,6,"Es schnappt sich seine Beute, indem es beim
Fliegen mit seinem großen Schnabel das Wasser
279,34,7,"Vuela a ras de la superficie marina para llenar
su inmenso pico de agua y comida, que se lleva
279,34,8,"Si libra a pelo dellacqua del mare pescando
il suo cibo e trasportandolo via con il suo grande
279,34,9,"Skimming the waters surface, it dips its large bill
in the sea, scoops up food and water, and
carries it."
279,34,11,"海面 すれすれを 飛んで
大きな くちばしで 海水ごと
エサを すくい取って 運ぶのだ。"
280,7,9,"RALTS senses the emotions of
people using the horns on its head.
This POKéMON rarely appears beforepeople. But when it does, it draws
closer if it senses that the person has
a positive disposition."
280,8,9,"RALTS has the ability to sense the
emotions of people.
If its TRAINER is in a cheerful mood,this POKéMON grows cheerful and joyous
in the same way."
280,9,9,"A RALTS has the power to sense the
emotions of people and POKéMON with the
horns on its head. It takes cover if it
senses any hostility."
280,10,9,"It is highly attuned to the emotions of
people and POKéMON. It hides if it senses
280,11,9,"It is highly attuned to the emotions of
people and POKéMON. It hides if it senses
280,12,9,"It uses the horns on its head to
sense human emotions. It is said to
appear in front of cheerful people."
280,13,9,"It uses the horns on its head to
sense human emotions. It is said to
appear in front of cheerful people."
280,14,9,"If its horns capture the warm
feelings of people or Pokémon,
its body warms up slightly."
280,15,9,"The horns on its head provide a
strong power that enables
it to sense peoples emotions."
280,16,9,"The horns on its head provide
a strong power that enables
it to sense peoples emotions."
280,17,5,"Quand ses cornes captent les ondes
positives dun Pokémon ou dun
humain, son corps se réchauffe."
280,17,9,"If its horns capture the warm
feelings of people or Pokémon,
its body warms up slightly."
280,18,5,"Quand ses cornes captent les ondes
positives dun Pokémon ou dun
humain, son corps se réchauffe."
280,18,9,"If its horns capture the warm
feelings of people or Pokémon,
its body warms up slightly."
280,21,9,"If its horns capture the warm
feelings of people or Pokémon,
its body warms up slightly."
280,22,9,"If its horns capture the warm
feelings of people or Pokémon,
its body warms up slightly."
280,23,1,"あかいツノで ひとや ポケモンの
あたたかな きもちを キャッチすると
ぜんしんが ほのかに あつくなる。"
280,23,3,"빨간 뿔로 사람이나 포켓몬의
따뜻한 마음을 캐치하면
전신이 미약하게 뜨거워진다."
280,23,5,"Quand ses cornes captent les ondes positives dun
Pokémon ou dun humain, son corps se réchauffe."
280,23,6,"Es erfasst warme Gefühle von Menschen
und Pokémon mit seinen Hörnern und wärmt
sich daran auf."
280,23,7,"Si sus cuernos perciben emociones positivas de
personas o Pokémon, su cuerpo se calienta un poco."
280,23,8,"Se con le corna avverte emozioni positive di persone
o Pokémon, il suo corpo si scalda leggermente."
280,23,9,"If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or
Pokémon, its body warms up slightly."
280,23,11,"赤いツノで 人や ポケモンの
温かな 気持ちを キャッチすると
全身が ほのかに 熱くなる。"
280,24,1,"ひとや ポケモンの かんじょうを
びんかんに キャッチ。てきいを
かんじると ものかげに かくれる。"
280,24,3,"사람이나 포켓몬의 감정을
민감하게 캐치한다. 적의를
느끼면 그늘로 숨는다."
280,24,5,"Il est très sensible aux émotions des gens et
des Pokémon. Il se cache au moindre signe
280,24,6,"Es nimmt die Gefühle der Menschen und Pokémon
mit großer Sorgfalt wahr. Spürt es Feindseligkeit,
versteckt es sich."
280,24,7,"Capta muy bien lo que sienten las personas y los
Pokémon. Cuando nota cierta hostilidad, se esconde."
280,24,8,"È molto sensibile agli umori delle persone e degli altri
Pokémon. Se avverte ostilità, va a nascondersi."
280,24,9,"It is highly attuned to the emotions of people and
Pokémon. It hides if it senses hostility."
280,24,11,"人や ポケモンの 感情を
敏感に キャッチ。敵意を 感じると
物陰に 隠れる。"
280,25,1,"あたまの ツノで ひとの きもちを かんじとる。
ひとまえには めったに すがたを あらわさないが
まえむきな きもちを キャッチすると ちかよる。"
280,25,3,"머리의 뿔로 사람의 기분을 감지한다.
사람 앞에는 좀처럼 모습을 나타내지 않지만
긍정적인 기분을 캐치하면 다가온다."
280,25,5,"Tarsal ressent les émotions des gens grâce à ses cornes.
Ce Pokémon se montre rarement, mais il arrive quil sapproche
dune personne sil la sent dans un état desprit positif."
280,25,6,"Trasla nimmt mit den Hörnern an seinem Kopf die Gefühle
von Menschen wahr. Menschen bekommen dieses Pokémon
nur selten zu Gesicht. Wenn es bemerkt, dass eine Person
gut gelaunt ist, traut es sich näher an sie heran."
280,25,7,"Ralts percibe las sensaciones de la gente por los cuernos que
tiene encima y detrás de la cabeza. No es común que este
Pokémon aparezca en público, pero cuando lo hace, se acerca
si ve buena disposición en la gente."
280,25,8,"Ralts percepisce le emozioni delle persone usando le corna
poste sul capo. Raramente si fa vedere dagli esseri umani,
ma se percepisce unenergia positiva provenire da qualcuno
è possibile che si avvicini."
280,25,9,"Ralts senses the emotions of people using the horns on
its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people.
But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person
has a positive disposition."
280,25,11,"頭の ツノで 人の 気持ちを 感じ取る。
人前には めったに 姿を 現さないが
前向きな 気持ちを キャッチすると 近寄る。"
280,26,1,"ひとの かんじょうを さっちする ちからを もち
トレーナーが あかるい きぶんの ときには
いっしょに なって よろこぶ ポケモンだ。"
280,26,3,"사람의 감정을 감지하는 힘을 지녀서
트레이너가 밝은 감정일 때는
함께하며 기뻐하는 포켓몬이다."
280,26,5,"Tarsal a le pouvoir de ressentir les émotions des gens.
Si son Dresseur est dhumeur joyeuse, ce Pokémon devient
lui aussi gai et enjoué."
280,26,6,"Trasla hat die Fähigkeit, die Emotionen von Menschen
wahrzunehmen. Wenn sein Trainer gute Laune hat,
ist dieses Pokémon ebenfalls fröhlich."
280,26,7,"Ralts tiene la habilidad de percibir las sensaciones que tiene
la gente. Si su Entrenador está alegre, este Pokémon se
pondrá igualmente contento."
280,26,8,"Ralts ha la capacità di percepire le emozioni delle persone.
Se il suo Allenatore è di buon umore, questo influisce
positivamente sul carattere di Ralts, che crescerà così
allegro e gioioso."
280,26,9,"Ralts has the ability to sense the emotions of people. If its
Trainer is in a cheerful mood, this Pokémon grows cheerful
and joyous in the same way."
280,26,11,"人の 感情を 察知する 力を 持ち
トレーナーが 明るい 気分の ときには
一緒に なって 喜ぶ ポケモンだ。"
280,33,1,"ひとや ポケモンの かんじょうを
びんかんに キャッチ。 てきいを
かんじると ものかげに かくれる。"
280,33,3,"사람이나 포켓몬의 감정을
민감하게 캐치한다.
적의가 느껴지면 그늘로 숨는다."
280,33,5,"Il est très sensible aux émotions des gens
et des Pokémon. Il se cache au moindre
signe dhostilité."
280,33,6,"Es hat ein feines Gespür für die Gefühle der
Menschen und Pokémon. Wenn es Feindseligkeit
wahrnimmt, versteckt es sich."
280,33,7,"Capta muy bien lo que sienten las personas y
los Pokémon. Cuando nota cierta hostilidad, se
280,33,8,"È molto sensibile agli umori delle persone e
degli altri Pokémon. Se avverte ostilità, va a
280,33,9,"It is highly attuned to the emotions of people
and Pokémon. It hides if it senses hostility."
280,33,11,"人や ポケモンの 感情を
敏感に キャッチ。 敵意を
感じると 物陰に 隠れる。"
280,34,1,"あかいツノで ひとや ポケモンの
あたたかな きもちを キャッチすると
ぜんしんが ほのかに あつくなる。"
280,34,3,"빨간 뿔로 사람이나 포켓몬의
따뜻한 마음을 캐치하면
전신이 미약하게 뜨거워진다."
280,34,5,"Quand ses cornes rouges captent les ondes
positives dun Pokémon ou dun humain,
tout son corps se réchauffe."
280,34,6,"Wenn es mit seinen roten Hörnern freundliche
Gefühle von Menschen oder Pokémon erfasst,
erwärmt sich sein ganzer Körper ein bisschen."
280,34,7,"Si sus cuernos perciben emociones positivas de
personas o Pokémon, su cuerpo se calienta un
280,34,8,"Se con le sue corna rosse avverte emozioni
positive di persone o Pokémon, il suo corpo
si scalda leggermente."
280,34,9,"If its horns capture the warm feelings of people
or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly."
280,34,11,"赤いツノで 人や ポケモンの
温かな 気持ちを キャッチすると
全身が ほのかに 熱くなる。"
281,7,9,"It is said that a KIRLIA that is
exposed to the positive emotions of
its TRAINER grows beautiful.This POKéMON controls psychokinetic
powers with its highly developed brain."
281,8,9,"KIRLIA uses the horns on its head
to amplify its psychokinetic power.
When the POKéMON uses its power,the air around it becomes distorted,
creating mirages of nonexistent
281,9,9,"A KIRLIA has the psychic power to create 
a rip in the dimensions and see into the
future. It is said to dance with pleasure
on sunny mornings."
281,10,9,"The cheerful spirit of its TRAINER gives
it energy for its psychokinetic power.
It spins and dances when happy."
281,11,9,"The cheerful spirit of its TRAINER gives
it energy for its psychokinetic power.
It spins and dances when happy."
281,12,9,"It is highly perceptive of its
Trainers feelings. It dances when
it is feeling happy."
281,13,9,"It is highly perceptive of its
Trainers feelings. It dances when
it is feeling happy."
281,14,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it
overflows with energy, dancing
joyously while spinning about."
281,15,9,"It has a psychic power that
enables it to distort the space
around it and see into the future."
281,16,9,"It has a psychic power that
enables it to distort the space
around it and see into the future."
281,17,5,"Quand il sent la joie de son
Dresseur, il se met à danser,
débordant dénergie."
281,17,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it
overflows with energy, dancing
joyously while spinning about."
281,18,5,"Quand il sent la joie de son
Dresseur, il se met à danser,
débordant dénergie."
281,18,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it
overflows with energy, dancing
joyously while spinning about."
281,21,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it
overflows with energy, dancing
joyously while spinning about."
281,22,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it
overflows with energy, dancing
joyously while spinning about."
281,23,1,"トレーナーの あかるい きもちが
サイコパワーの みなもと。たのしい
きぶんに なると クルクル おどる。"
281,23,3,"트레이너의 밝은 마음이
사이코 파워의 근원이다.
즐거워지면 빙글빙글 춤춘다."
281,23,5,"Ce Pokémon tire ses pouvoirs psy du soutien de son
Dresseur. Il danse et tourne sur lui-même quand il est
281,23,6,"Die fröhliche Stimmung seines Trainers verleiht ihm
Energie für psychokinetische Kraft. Wenn es
glücklich ist, tanzt und dreht es sich."
281,23,7,"Al percibir la alegría de su Entrenador refuerza sus
ataques psicoquinéticos. Cuando está contento, da
vueltas y baila."
281,23,8,"Lo spirito gioioso è alla base dei suoi poteri
psicocinetici. Quando è felice si lancia in danze
e piroette."
281,23,9,"The cheerful spirit of its Trainer gives it energy for
its psychokinetic power. It spins and dances
when happy."
281,23,11,"トレーナーの 明るい 気持ちが
サイコパワーの 源。楽しい
気分に なると クルクル 踊る。"
281,24,1,"サイコパワーを あやつり まわりの
くうかんを ねじまげる ことで
みらいを みとおす ことが できる。"
281,24,3,"사이코 파워를 조작해 주변의
공간을 비틀고 구부려
미래를 내다볼 수 있다."
281,24,5,"Il peut distordre lespace-temps grâce à ses pouvoirs
psy et ainsi voir lavenir."
281,24,6,"Seine Psycho-Kräfte erlauben es ihm, den Raum
um sich zu verformen und so in die Zukunft zu sehen."
281,24,7,"Con sus poderes psíquicos puede deformar el espacio
a su alrededor y predecir el futuro."
281,24,8,"Usa i suoi poteri psichici per dare allaria circostante
un aspetto distorto e prevedere lavvenire."
281,24,9,"It has a psychic power that enables it to distort the
space around it and see into the future."
281,24,11,"サイコパワーを 操り まわりの 空間を
ねじ曲げる ことで
未来を 見通す ことが できる。"
281,25,1,"トレーナーの あかるい かんじょうに ふれている
キルリアは うつくしく せいちょうすると いう。
はったつした のうで サイコパワーを あやつる。"
281,25,3,"트레이너의 긍정적인 감정에 닿은
킬리아는 아름답게 성장한다고 한다.
발달한 뇌로 사이코 파워를 다룬다."
281,25,5,"On dit quun Kirlia exposé aux émotions positives de
son Dresseur devient très beau. Le cerveau surdéveloppé
de ce Pokémon lui permet de contrôler les forces
281,25,6,"Man sagt, dass ein Kirlia, das häufig positive Emotionen
seines Trainers wahrnimmt, sehr schön wird. Dieses
Pokémon kontrolliert psychokinetische Energie mit
seinem hochentwickelten Gehirn."
281,25,7,"Dicen que, al recibir los sentimientos positivos de su
Entrenador, Kirlia crece con gran belleza. Este Pokémon
controla poderes psicoquinéticos gracias al desarrollado
cerebro que tiene."
281,25,8,"Si dice che Kirlia cresca molto bene se viene esposto alle
emozioni positive del suo Allenatore. Questo Pokémon
è dotato di poteri psicocinetici grazie al suo cervello
altamente sviluppato."
281,25,9,"It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions
of its Trainer grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls
psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain."
281,25,11,"トレーナーの 明るい 感情に 触れている
キルリアは 美しく 成長すると いう。
発達した 脳で サイコパワーを 操る。"
281,26,1,"あたまの ツノで ぞうふくされた サイコパワーが
つかわれるとき まわりの くうかんが ねじまがり
げんじつには ない けしきが みえると いう。"
281,26,3,"머리의 뿔로 증폭된 사이코 파워를
사용할 때 주변의 공간이 비틀어져
현실에는 없는 풍경이 보인다고 한다."
281,26,5,"Kirlia utilise ses cornes pour amplifier ses pouvoirs
télékinétiques. Lorsque ce Pokémon utilise son pouvoir,
lair ambiant se déforme et crée des mirages de paysages
qui nexistent pas."
281,26,6,"Kirlia benutzt die Hörner an seinem Kopf dazu, seine
psychokinetische Energie zu verstärken. Wenn dieses
Pokémon seine spezielle Kraft einsetzt, wird die Luft
verformt und ein Trugbild einer Landschaft erzeugt."
281,26,7,"Kirlia usa los cuernos para amplificar los poderes de
psicoquinesia que tiene. Cuando los usa, altera el ambiente,
lo transforma y crea espejismos."
281,26,8,"Kirlia usa le corna sul capo per amplificare i suoi poteri
psicocinetici. Quando il Pokémon usa tali poteri, laria
circostante assume un aspetto distorto, creando miraggi
di scenari inesistenti."
281,26,9,"Kirlia uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic
power. When the Pokémon uses its power, the air around it
becomes distorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenery."
281,26,11,"頭の ツノで 増幅された サイコパワーが
使われるとき 周りの 空間が ねじ曲がり
現実には ない 景色が 見えると いう。"
281,33,1,"トレーナーが よろこぶと キルリアに
エネルギーが みちあふれ
たのしそうに くるくると おどる。"
281,33,3,"트레이너가 기뻐하면
킬리아에게 에너지가 넘쳐나서
기쁜 듯이 빙글빙글 춤춘다."
281,33,5,"Quand il ressent la joie de son Dresseur,
il déborde dénergie et se met à danser
en tournant sur lui-même."
281,33,6,"Wenn sich sein Trainer freut, tanzt es in einem
Schwall von Energie fröhlich kreisend umher."
281,33,7,"Si su Entrenador está contento, desborda energía
y baila alegremente dando giros."
281,33,8,"Quando il suo Allenatore si sente felice, trabocca
di energia e inizia a ballare girando su se stesso."
281,33,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with
energy, dancing joyously while spinning about."
281,33,11,"トレーナーが 喜ぶと キルリアに
エネルギーが 満ちあふれ
楽しそうに くるくると 踊る。"
281,34,1,"サイコパワーを あやつり まわりの
くうかんを ねじまげる ことで
みらいを みとおす ことが できる。"
281,34,3,"사이코 파워를 조작해
주변의 공간을 일그러뜨려
미래를 내다볼 수 있다."
281,34,5,"Il peut distordre lespace-temps grâce
à ses pouvoirs psychiques et ainsi voir lavenir."
281,34,6,"Seine Psycho-Kräfte erlauben es ihm, den Raum
um sich selbst zu verformen und so in die Zukunft
zu sehen."
281,34,7,"Con sus poderes psíquicos puede deformar
el espacio a su alrededor y predecir el futuro."
281,34,8,"Sfruttando i suoi poteri psichici può distorcere
lo spazio circostante per prevedere lavvenire."
281,34,9,"It has a psychic power that enables it to distort
the space around it and see into the future."
281,34,11,"サイコパワーを 操り まわりの
空間を ねじ曲げる ことで
未来を 見通す ことが できる。"
282,7,9,"GARDEVOIR has the ability to read the
future. If it senses impending danger
to its TRAINER, this POKéMON is said tounleash its psychokinetic energy at
full power."
282,8,9,"GARDEVOIR has the psychokinetic
power to distort the dimensions and
create a small black hole.This POKéMON will try to protect its
TRAINER even at the risk of its own
282,9,9,"It apparently does not feel the pull of
gravity because it supports itself with
psychic power. It will give its life to
protect its TRAINER."
282,10,9,"It has the power to predict the future.
Its power peaks when it is protecting its
282,11,9,"It has the power to predict the future.
Its power peaks when it is protecting its
282,12,9,"It will try to guard its trusted
Trainer with its life. It has the
ability to see the future."
282,13,9,"It will try to guard its trusted
Trainer with its life. It has the
ability to see the future."
282,14,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will
expend all its psychic power
to create a small black hole."
282,15,9,"It unleashes psychokinetic energy
at full power when protecting a
Trainer it has bonded closely with."
282,16,9,"It unleashes psychokinetic energy
at full power when protecting a
Trainer it has bonded closely with."
282,17,5,"Prêt à tout pour protéger son
Dresseur, il peut créer un mini trou
noir par sa seule force mentale."
282,17,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will
expend all its psychic power
to create a small black hole."
282,18,5,"Prêt à tout pour protéger son
Dresseur, il peut créer un mini trou
noir par sa seule force mentale."
282,18,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will
expend all its psychic power
to create a small black hole."
282,21,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will
expend all its psychic power
to create a small black hole."
282,22,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will
expend all its psychic power
to create a small black hole."
282,23,1,"トレーナーを まもるためなら
サイコパワーを つかいきり ちいさな
ブラックホールを つくりだす。"
282,23,3,"트레이너를 지키기 위해서라면
사이코 파워를 모두 써서 작은
블랙홀을 만들어 낸다."
282,23,5,"Prêt à tout pour protéger son Dresseur, il peut créer
un mini trou noir par sa seule force mentale."
282,23,6,"Erzeugt ein kleines schwarzes Loch mithilfe all seiner
Psycho-Kräfte, um seinen Trainer zu schützen."
282,23,7,"Para proteger a su Entrenador, emplea todo su poder
psíquico en crear un pequeño agujero negro."
282,23,8,"Quando il suo Allenatore è in pericolo usa tutto il suo
potere psichico per creare un piccolo buco nero."
282,23,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic
power to create a small black hole."
282,23,11,"トレーナーを 守るためなら
サイコパワーを 使いきり 小さな
ブラックホールを 作り出す。"
282,24,1,"みらいを よちする ちからを もつ。
トレーナーを まもる ときに
さいだい パワーを はっきする。"
282,24,3,"미래를 예지하는 힘을 가진다.
트레이너를 지킬 때
최대 파워를 발휘한다."
282,24,5,"Gardevoir est capable de prédire lavenir.
Sa puissance augmente quand il protège son
282,24,6,"Es kann die Zukunft vorhersagen. Beschützt es
seinen Trainer, erreicht seine Kraft den Höhepunkt."
282,24,7,"Tiene la capacidad de predecir el futuro. Cuando
protege a su Entrenador se vuelve más fuerte."
282,24,8,"Ha la capacità di prevedere il futuro. Le sue
potenzialità sono esaltate quando protegge
il suo Allenatore."
282,24,9,"It has the power to predict the future. Its power
peaks when it is protecting its Trainer."
282,24,11,"未来を 予知する 力を 持つ。
トレーナーを 守る ときに
最大 パワーを 発揮する。"
282,25,1,"みらいを よちする のうりょくで トレーナーの
きけんを さっちしたとき さいだい パワーの
サイコエネルギーを つかうと いわれている。"
282,25,3,"미래를 예지하는 능력으로 트레이너의
위험을 감지했을 때 최대 파워의
사이코 에너지를 사용한다고 전해진다."
282,25,5,"Gardevoir a le pouvoir de prédire lavenir. On raconte que
lorsquil sent que son Dresseur est en danger, il libère
une puissante décharge dénergie télékinétique."
282,25,6,"Guardevoir kann in die Zukunft schauen. Wenn es eine
Gefahr für seinen Trainer voraussieht, entlädt es seine
psychokinetische Energie mit voller Kraft."
282,25,7,"Gardevoir es capaz de leer el futuro. Si siente que su
Entrenador está en peligro inminente, dicen que libera
automáticamente toda su energía psicoquinética."
282,25,8,"Gardevoir ha labilità di prevedere il futuro. Se percepisce
un pericolo imminente per il proprio Allenatore, pare che
scateni tutta lenergia psicocinetica di cui è capace."
282,25,9,"Gardevoir has the ability to read the future. If it senses
impending danger to its Trainer, this Pokémon is said
to unleash its psychokinetic energy at full power."
282,25,11,"未来を 予知する 能力で トレーナーの
危険を 察知したとき 最大 パワーの
サイコエネルギーを 使うと いわれている。"
282,26,1,"サイコパワーで くうかんを ねじまげ ちいさな
ブラックホールを つくりだす ちからを もつ。
いのちがけで トレーナーを まもる ポケモン。"
282,26,3,"사이코 파워로 공간을 비틀어 작은
블랙홀을 만들어내는 힘을 지녔다.
목숨을 걸고 트레이너를 지키는 포켓몬이다."
282,26,5,"Gardevoir est doté dun pouvoir télékinétique lui permettant
de déformer les dimensions et de créer un petit trou noir.
Ce Pokémon est prêt à risquer sa vie pour protéger
son Dresseur."
282,26,6,"Guardevoir kann mit seiner psychokinetischen Energie
die Dimensionen verzerren und ein kleines Schwarzes Loch
erzeugen. Es schützt seinen Trainer selbst unter Einsatz
seines eigenen Lebens."
282,26,7,"Gardevoir tiene el poder psicoquinético de alterar las
dimensiones y crear un agujero negro pequeño. Este
Pokémon intenta proteger siempre a su Entrenador aunque
tenga que arriesgar su propia vida."
282,26,8,"Gardevoir ha il potere psicocinetico di distorcere le dimensioni
creando un piccolo buco nero. Questo Pokémon cerca di
proteggere il proprio Allenatore anche a rischio della sua
stessa vita."
282,26,9,"Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the
dimensions and create a small black hole. This Pokémon
will try to protect its Trainer even at the risk of its own life."
282,26,11,"サイコパワーで 空間を ねじ曲げ 小さな
ブラックホールを つくりだす 力を 持つ。
命懸けで トレーナーを 守る ポケモン。"
282,33,1,"みらいを よちする ちからを もつ。
トレーナーを まもる ときに
さいだい パワーを はっきする。"
282,33,3,"미래를 예지하는 힘을 가졌다.
트레이너를 지킬 때
최대 파워를 발휘한다."
282,33,5,"Gardevoir est capable de prédire lavenir.
Il déploie toute sa puissance quand il doit
protéger son Dresseur."
282,33,6,"Es kann die Zukunft vorhersagen. Beschützt es
seinen Trainer, erreicht seine Kraft ihren
282,33,7,"Tiene la capacidad de predecir el futuro. Para
proteger a su Entrenador, emplea hasta la última
gota de su poder psíquico."
282,33,8,"Ha la capacità di prevedere il futuro. Quando
deve proteggere il suo Allenatore, mette in
mostra tutta la sua potenza."
282,33,9,"It has the power to predict the future. Its power
peaks when it is protecting its Trainer."
282,33,11,"未来を 予知する 力を もつ。
トレーナーを 守る ときに
最大 パワーを 発揮する。"
282,34,1,"トレーナーを まもるためなら
サイコパワーを つかいきり ちいさな
ブラックホールを つくりだす。"
282,34,3,"트레이너를 지키기 위해서라면
사이코 파워를 모두 써서
작은 블랙홀을 만들어 낸다."
282,34,5,"Prêt à tout pour protéger son Dresseur,
il peut aller jusquà épuiser sa force mentale
pour créer un mini trou noir."
282,34,6,"Wenn es seinen Trainer schützen will, nimmt es all
seine Psycho-Kräfte zusammen, um so ein kleines
schwarzes Loch zu erzeugen."
282,34,7,"Para proteger a su Entrenador, emplea todo su
poder psíquico en crear un pequeño agujero
282,34,8,"Quando il suo Allenatore è in pericolo, usa tutto
il suo potere psichico per creare un piccolo buco
282,34,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic
power to create a small black hole."
282,34,11,"トレーナーを 守るためなら
サイコパワーを 使いきり 小さな
ブラックホールを つくりだす。"
283,7,9,"From the tips of its feet, SURSKIT
secretes an oil that enables it to walk
on water as if it were skating.This POKéMON feeds on microscopic
organisms in ponds and lakes."
283,8,9,"If SURSKIT senses danger, it secretes
a thick, sugary syrup from the tip of
its head.There are some POKéMON that love
eating this syrup."
283,9,9,"They gather on puddles after evening
downpours, gliding across the surface
of water as if sliding. It secretes honey
with a sweet aroma from its head."
283,10,9,"They usually live on ponds, but after an
evening shower, they may appear on
puddles in towns."
283,11,9,"They usually live on ponds, but after an
evening shower, they may appear on
puddles in towns."
283,12,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,13,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,14,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,15,9,"It secretes a thick, sweet-scented
syrup from the tip of its head.
It lives on weed-choked ponds."
283,16,9,"It secretes a thick, sweet-scented
syrup from the tip of its head.
It lives on weed-choked ponds."
283,17,5,"Il semble patiner sur leau. Le parfum
diffusé par le sommet de sa tête sert
à attirer ses proies."
283,17,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,18,5,"Il semble patiner sur leau. Le parfum
diffusé par le sommet de sa tête sert
à attirer ses proies."
283,18,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,21,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,22,9,"It appears as if it is skating on
water. It draws prey with a sweet
scent from the tip of its head."
283,23,1,"ふだんは いけに すんでいるが
ゆうだちの あとには まちなかの
みずたまりに すがたを あらわす。"
283,23,3,"보통은 연못에서 살고 있지만
소나기가 온 뒤에는 마을 안의
물웅덩이에 모습을 드러낸다."
283,23,5,"Ils vivent généralement dans les étangs mais, après
des averses passagères, on peut en trouver dans
des flaques au milieu des villes."
283,23,6,"Normalerweise leben sie in Teichen, aber nach
einem Schauer am Abend kann man sie auch in
Pfützen in den Städten finden."
283,23,7,"Vive en estanques, pero cuando se desata una
tormenta puede aparecer en los charcos que se
forman en las ciudades."
283,23,8,"Normalmente vivono negli stagni, ma dopo un
acquazzone è possibile trovarli anche in città,
nelle pozzanghere."
283,23,9,"They usually live on ponds, but after an evening
shower, they may appear on puddles in towns."
283,23,11,"普段は 池に 住んでいるが
夕立の 後には 街中の
水たまりに 姿を 現す。"
283,24,1,"すいめんを すべるように あるく。
あたまの さきから あまい においを
だして えものを さそう。"
283,24,3,"수면을 미끄러지듯이 걷는다.
머리끝에서 달콤한 냄새를
내어 먹이를 끌어들인다."
283,24,5,"Il semble patiner sur leau. Le parfum diffusé par
le sommet de sa tête sert à attirer ses proies."
283,24,6,"Scheinbar reitet es auf dem Wasser. Es lockt seine
Beute mit einem süßen Duft an."
283,24,7,"Parece que patina sobre el agua. Atrae a las presas
con el suave aroma de su cabeza."
283,24,8,"Cammina a pelo dacqua. Dallaculeo sulla testa
emana un dolce aroma con cui attira le prede."
283,24,9,"It appears as if it is skating on water. It draws prey
with a sweet scent from the tip of its head."
283,24,11,"水面を 滑るように 歩く。
頭の 先から 甘い においを
出して 獲物を 誘う。"
283,25,1,"つまさきから あぶらが にじみでて いるので
みずの うえを すべる ように あるけるのだ。
いけや みずうみの びせいぶつを たべている。"
283,25,3,"발끝에서 기름이 배어 나와
물 위를 미끄러지듯 걸을 수 있다.
연못이나 호수의 미생물을 먹고 있다."
283,25,5,"Du bout de ses pattes, Arakdo sécrète une huile lui
permettant de marcher sur leau, comme sil glissait.
Ce Pokémon se nourrit des organismes microscopiques
présents dans les lacs et les étangs."
283,25,6,"Gehweiher scheidet aus seinen Zehen ein Öl aus, das es ihm
ermöglicht, über Wasser zu gleiten. Dieses Pokémon ernährt
sich von Mikroorganismen aus Teichen und Seen."
283,25,7,"Surskit segrega un aceite por la punta de las patas que le
permite caminar sobre el agua como si fuera patinando. Este
Pokémon se alimenta de microorganismos en charcas y lagos."
283,25,8,"Dalla punta delle zampe Surskit secerne un olio che gli
consente di camminare sul pelo dellacqua come se
stesse pattinando. Si ciba di organismi microscopici
in stagni e laghi."
283,25,9,"From the tips of its feet, Surskit secretes an oil that enables it
to walk on water as if it were skating. This Pokémon feeds on
microscopic organisms in ponds and lakes."
283,25,11,"つま先から 油が にじみ出て いるので
水の 上を 滑る ように 歩けるのだ。
池や 湖の 微生物を 食べている。"
283,26,1,"きけんを かんじると あたまの さきっぽから
みずあめのような あまい えきたいを だす。
これが こうぶつの ポケモンも いるよ。"
283,26,3,"위험을 감지하면 머리끝에서
물엿같이 달콤한 액체가 나온다.
이것을 좋아하는 포켓몬도 있다."
283,26,5,"Lorsque Arakdo se sent en danger, le haut de sa tête sécrète
un sirop épais et sucré. Certains Pokémon adorent boire
de ce sirop."
283,26,6,"Wenn Gehweiher Gefahr wittert, scheidet es einen
dickflüssigen Sirup aus seinem Kopf aus. Es gibt einige
Pokémon, die ganz wild auf diesen Sirup sind."
283,26,7,"Cuando Surskit siente que hay peligro, segrega un néctar
espeso y dulce por la cabeza. Hay Pokémon a los que les
encanta bebérselo."
283,26,8,"In caso di pericolo Surskit secerne un fluido denso e
zuccheroso dallaculeo posto sulla sommità del capo.
Esistono Pokémon che adorano cibarsi di questo fluido."
283,26,9,"If Surskit senses danger, it secretes a thick, sugary syrup from
the tip of its head. There are some Pokémon that love eating
this syrup."
283,26,11,"危険を 感じると 頭の 先っぽから
水あめのような 甘い 液体を 出す。
これが 好物の ポケモンも いるよ。"
283,27,1,"すいめんを すべるように いどう。
エサを もとめて シズクモと
ケンカすることも しばしば。"
283,27,3,"수면을 미끄러지듯 이동한다.
먹이를 구하고자 물거미와
싸우는 일도 가끔씩 있다."
283,27,5,"Ce Pokémon se déplace en glissant à la surface
de leau. Les Arakdo se chamaillent souvent
avec les Araqua pour de la nourriture."
283,27,6,"Es scheint, als würde es übers Wasser gleiten.
Auf der Suche nach Futter gerät es immer
wieder mit Araqua aneinander."
283,27,7,"Se mueve como si patinara sobre el agua.
Suele pelearse con Dewpider por la comida."
283,27,8,"Si muove scivolando sul pelo dellacqua come
se stesse pattinando. Spesso si scontra con
i Dewpider per il cibo."
283,27,9,"It moves as if skating on the surface of the
water. It often fights with Dewpider over food."
283,27,11,"水面を 滑るように 移動。
餌を 求めて シズクモと
ケンカすることも しばしば。"
283,28,1,"きけんが およぶと あたまの さきから
あまいあじの えきたいが にじみだす。
とりポケモンが きらいな あじだ。"
283,28,3,"위험에 처하면 머리끝에서
달콤한 액체가 배어 나온다.
새포켓몬이 싫어하는 맛이다."
283,28,5,"Dès quil se sent en danger, le sommet de sa
tête sécrète un liquide sucré, qui a le don de
provoquer le dégoût chez les Pokémon oiseaux."
283,28,6,"Wittert es Gefahr, scheidet es eine süßliche
Flüssigkeit aus seinem Kopf aus. Vogel-Pokémon
behagt dieser Geschmack überhaupt nicht."
283,28,7,"Si se encuentra en peligro, segrega un líquido
dulce que los Pokémon pájaro encuentran
283,28,8,"Quando si sente minacciato, secerne dalla punta
della testa un liquido dal sapore dolciastro che
i Pokémon alati detestano."
283,28,9,"When this Pokémon senses danger, a sweet
fluid oozes from the tip of its head. The taste
of it disgusts bird Pokémon."
283,28,11,"危険が 及ぶと 頭の 先から
甘い味の 液体が にじみだす。
とりポケモンが 嫌いな味だ。"
283,29,1,"ピンチに なると とっきから あまい
しるを だす。 これを あつめた
シロップは パンにつけると うまい。"
283,29,3,"위기를 맞으면 돌기에서
달콤한 액체가 나온다. 이것을 모은
시럽을 빵에 바르면 맛있다."
283,29,5,"En cas de danger, il sécrète un liquide sucré
du sommet de sa tête. Le sirop fabriqué à partir
de ce liquide est délicieux étalé sur du pain!"
283,29,6,"In Gefahrensituationen scheidet es eine süße
Flüssigkeit aus seinem Fortsatz aus. Der daraus
hergestellte Sirup schmeckt köstlich auf Brot."
283,29,7,"Si se siente amenazado, segrega un líquido
dulce por la cabeza. El sirope elaborado con
ese líquido resulta delicioso untado en pan."
283,29,8,"Quando è in difficoltà, secerne un liquido dolce
dalla punta della testa. Lo sciroppo ricavato da
questo liquido è ottimo da spalmare sul pane."
283,29,9,"If its in a pinch, it will secrete a sweet liquid
from the tip of its head. Syrup made from
gathering that liquid is tasty on bread."
283,29,11,"ピンチに なると 突起から 甘い
汁を 出す。 これを 集めた
シロップは パンにつけると 美味い。"
283,30,1,"みずくさの おおい いけや ぬまに
すむ。 せいそくちも くう エサも 
ちかい シズクモと よく あらそう。"
283,30,3,"물풀이 많은 연못이나 늪에 산다.
서식지도 먹는 먹이도 비슷한
물거미와 자주 싸운다."
283,30,5,"Il vit dans les lacs ou les marais où prospèrent
les plantes hydrophiles. Il se dispute souvent
proies et territoire avec son voisin, Araqua."
283,30,6,"Es lebt in pflanzenreichen Teichen und Sümpfen
und streitet sich oft mit Araqua, da sie ähnliche
Habitate haben und ähnliches Futter fressen."
283,30,7,"Vive en estanques y pantanales donde abunde
la flora acuática y compite fieramente con los
Dewpider por el territorio y el sustento."
283,30,8,"Vive tra le piante acquatiche di stagni e paludi.
Spesso lotta con i Dewpider per contendersi
il cibo e il territorio."
283,30,9,"It lives in ponds and marshes that feature lots
of plant life. It often fights with Dewpider,
whose habitat and diet are similar."
283,30,11,"水草の 多い 池や 沼に
棲む。 棲息地も 食う エサも
近い シズクモと よく 争う。"
284,7,9,"MASQUERAIN intimidates enemies with
the eyelike patterns on its antennas.
This POKéMON flaps its four wings tofreely fly in any direction - even
sideways and backwards - as if it were
a helicopter."
284,8,9,"MASQUERAINs antennas have eyelike
patterns that usually give it an angry
look. If the “eyes” are droopy andappear sad, it is said to be a sign
that a heavy rainfall is on its way."
284,9,9,"It intimidates foes with the large eyelike
patterns on its antennae. Because it cant
fly if its wings get wet, it shelters itself
from rain under large trees and eaves."
284,10,9,"The antennae have distinctive patterns
that look like eyes. When it rains, they
grow heavy, making flight impossible."
284,11,9,"The antennae have distinctive patterns
that look like eyes. When it rains, they
grow heavy, making flight impossible."
284,12,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,13,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,14,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,15,9,"It flaps its four wings to hover and
fly freely in any direction--
to and fro and sideways."
284,16,9,"It flaps its four wings to hover and
fly freely in any direction--
to and fro and sideways."
284,17,5,"Des motifs en forme dyeux ornent
ses antennes. Ses 4 ailes laident
à voler dans toutes les directions."
284,17,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,18,5,"Des motifs en forme dyeux ornent
ses antennes. Ses 4 ailes laident
à voler dans toutes les directions."
284,18,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,21,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,22,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns
on them. Its four wings enable it
to hover and fly in any direction."
284,23,1,"めだまもようの しょっかくを もつ。
4まいの はねで うかびあがり
ぜんごさゆうに うごくことができる。"
284,23,3,"눈알 모양의 더듬이를 가지고 있다.
4장의 날개로 떠올라
전후좌우로 움직일 수 있다."
284,23,5,"Des motifs en forme dyeux ornent ses antennes.
Ses quatre ailes laident à voler dans toutes les
284,23,6,"Seine Antenne besitzt ein Augenmuster. Seine vier
Flügel erlauben es, in alle Richtungen zu fliegen."
284,23,7,"Sus antenas tienen dibujos de ojos, mientras que sus
alas le permiten volar en cualquier dirección."
284,23,8,"Le sue antenne presentano un motivo a occhi.
Con le quattro ali riesce a volare in ogni direzione."
284,23,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns on them. Its four
wings enable it to hover and fly in any direction."
284,23,11,"目玉模様の 触角を 持つ。
4枚の 羽で 浮かび上がり
前後左右に 動くことができる。"
284,24,1,"4まいの はねで うかびあがり
ぜんご さゆうへ じゆうじざいに
とびまわる ことが できる。"
284,24,3,"4장의 날개로 떠올라
전후좌우로 자유자재로
날아다닐 수 있다."
284,24,5,"Ses quatre ailes permettent à ce Pokémon de voler
dans toutes les directions."
284,24,6,"Dank seiner vier Flügel kann es frei in alle Richtungen
fliegen, sogar seitwärts und rückwärts."
284,24,7,"Sus cuatro alas le permiten volar en cualquier
dirección a su antojo."
284,24,8,"Spalanca le quattro ali per poter svolazzare a
piacimento avanti e indietro, a destra e a sinistra."
284,24,9,"It flaps its four wings to hover and fly freely in any
direction--to and fro and sideways."
284,24,11,"4枚の 羽で 浮かび上がり
前後 左右 自由自在に
飛び回る ことが できる。"
284,25,1,"しょっかくの めだま もようで てきを いかく。
4まいの はねを つかい ヘリコプターの ように
くうちゅうで ぜんごさゆう じゆうに すすめる。"
284,25,3,"더듬이의 눈알 무늬로 적을 위협한다.
4개의 날개를 사용하여 헬리콥터처럼
공중에서 전후좌우로 자유롭게 나아간다."
284,25,5,"Maskadra intimide ses ennemis grâce aux motifs en forme
de regard sur ses antennes. En battant des ailes,
ce Pokémon peut voler librement dans toutes les directions,
même latéralement ou à reculons."
284,25,6,"Maskeregen schüchtert seine Feinde mit den augenähnlichen
Mustern auf seinen Antennen ein. Dieses Pokémon kann mit
seinen vier Flügeln wie ein Hubschrauber in jede Richtung
fliegen, sogar seitwärts und rückwärts."
284,25,7,"Masquerain intimida a sus enemigos con los ojos que tiene
dibujados en las antenas. Este Pokémon bate las cuatro alas
que tiene para volar libremente en cualquier dirección, hasta
de lado y hacia atrás, como un helicóptero."
284,25,8,"Masquerain intimorisce i nemici con il motivo a forma
docchio sulle antenne. Agita le quattro ali per volare libero
in ogni direzione, anche lateralmente e posteriormente,
come fosse un elicottero."
284,25,9,"Masquerain intimidates enemies with the eyelike patterns
on its antennas. This Pokémon flaps its four wings to freely fly
in any direction—even sideways and backwards—as if it were
a helicopter."
284,25,11,"触角の 目玉 模様 で 敵を 威嚇。
4枚の 羽を 使い ヘリコプターの ように
空中で 前後左右 自由に 進める。"
284,26,1,"おこった ひょうじょうの めだま もようが
かなしそうに たれさがっている ときは
ゆうだちの ふりだす ぜんちょうと いわれる。"
284,26,3,"화난 표정의 눈알 무늬가
슬픈 듯이 처져 있을 때는
소나기가 내릴 전조라고 전해진다."
284,26,5,"Les antennes de Maskadra ont la forme de grands yeux
qui lancent un regard malfaisant. Si ces «yeux» sont tristes,
cela signifie quun déluge se prépare."
284,26,6,"Maskeregens Antennen haben ein augenähnliches Muster,
das ihm ein furchterregendes Äußeres verleiht. Wenn seine
„Augen“ traurig aussehen, ist ein heftiger Regenguss im Anzug."
284,26,7,"Masquerain tiene unas antenas con ojos dibujados que le dan
aspecto de estar enfadado. Si tiene los “ojos” medio cerrados
y con aspecto triste, es probable que esté a punto de caer
un buen aguacero."
284,26,8,"Le antenne di Masquerain presentano un motivo
a forma docchio che gli conferisce un aspetto aggressivo.
Quando questi motivi simili a occhi hanno un aspetto triste
e depresso significa che si sta avvicinando un acquazzone."
284,26,9,"Masquerains antennas have eyelike patterns that usually
give it an angry look. If the “eyes” are droopy and appear sad,
it is said to be a sign that a heavy rainfall is on its way."
284,26,11,"怒った 表情の 目玉 模様が
悲しそうに 垂れ下がっている ときは
夕立ちの 降り出す 前兆と いわれる。"
284,27,1,"しょっかくに ある めだまもようで
てきを いかく。 4まいの はねで
ぜんごさゆうに とびまわる。"
284,27,3,"더듬이에 있는 눈알 모양으로
적을 위협한다. 4개의 날개로
전후좌우로 날아다닌다."
284,27,5,"Ses antennes semblables à des yeux servent
à intimider ses ennemis, et ses quatre ailes lui
permettent de voler dans toutes les directions."
284,27,6,"Schüchtert seine Feinde mit den augenähnlichen
Mustern auf seinen Antennen ein. Kann dank
seiner vier Flügel frei in alle Richtungen fliegen."
284,27,7,"Amenaza a sus enemigos con las grandes
pupilas de sus antenas. Sus cuatro alas le
permiten volar en cualquier dirección."
284,27,8,"Intimorisce i nemici con i motivi a forma di
occhio sulle antenne. Vola libero in ogni
direzione agitando le sue quattro ali."
284,27,9,"It intimidates enemies with the eye-like
patterns on its antennae. Its four wings
allow it to fly in any direction."
284,27,11,"触角に ある 目玉模様で
敵を いかく。 4枚の 羽で
前後左右に 飛びまわる。"
284,28,1,"はねや しょっかくは しっけが
にがて。 あめあがりには たいようの
ほうを むいて からだを かわかす。"
284,28,3,"날개와 더듬이는 습기에 약하다.
비가 갠 뒤에는 태양 쪽을
향해 몸을 말린다."
284,28,5,"Ses ailes et ses antennes tolèrent mal lhumidité.
En cas de pluie, ce Pokémon se réfugie là où
le soleil brille pour y faire sécher son corps."
284,28,6,"Seine Flügel und Fühler sind empfindlich gegen
Feuchtigkeit. Nachdem es geregnet hat, streckt
es sie gen Sonne, um sie zu trocknen."
284,28,7,"Sus alas y antenas son muy sensibles a la
humedad. Cuando deja de llover se dirige
volando hacia el sol para secarlas."
284,28,8,"Le ali e le antenne sono molto sensibili
allumidità. Se ha piovuto, vola al sole per
farle asciugare."
284,28,9,"Its wings and antennae dont cope well with
moisture. After a rain, it faces sunward to
dry off."
284,28,11,"羽や 触角は 湿気が
苦手。 雨上がりには 太陽の
ほうを 向いて 身体を 乾かす。"
284,29,1,"めだまもようで てきを いかく。
それで ダメなら 4まいの ハネを
つかって きように にげまわるのだ。"
284,29,3,"눈알 모양으로 적을 위협한다.
그래도 안 되면 4장의 날개를
사용해 재빠르게 도망친다."
284,29,5,"Ses protubérances en forme dyeux servent
à intimider ses ennemis. Si cela ne marche pas,
il utilise ses quatre ailes pour senfuir."
284,29,6,"Kann es Feinde nicht mit seinen augenähnlichen
Mustern einschüchtern, flieht es geschwind
mithilfe seiner vier Flügel."
284,29,7,"Intimida a sus enemigos con las grandes pupilas
de sus antenas. Si esto no funciona, bate sus
cuatro alas para huir."
284,29,8,"Intimorisce i nemici con i motivi a forma di
occhio. Se lo stratagemma non funziona,
fugge via agitando le quattro ali."
284,29,9,"Masquerain intimidates enemies with the eyelike
patterns of its eyespots. If that doesnt work, it
deftly makes its escape on its set of four wings."
284,29,11,"目玉模様で 敵を 威嚇。
それで ダメなら 4枚の ハネを
使って 器用に 逃げまわるのだ。"
284,30,1,"うすい ハネの ような しょっかくは
しっけを すいやすい。 あめの ひは
きの ウロなどで じっと すごす。"
284,30,3,"얇은 날개처럼 생긴 더듬이는
습기를 머금기 쉽다. 비가 오는 날은
나무 구멍 등에서 얌전히 지낸다."
284,30,5,"Ses antennes en forme dailes absorbent
facilement lhumidité. Par temps de pluie,
il attend patiemment au creux dun arbre."
284,30,6,"Seine Antennen erinnern an dünne Flügel und
saugen leicht Flüssigkeit auf. Regentage
verbringt es regungslos in Baumhöhlen."
284,30,7,"Sus grandes antenas en forma de ojos tienden a
absorber humedad. Los días de lluvia, se refugia
en cavidades de los árboles y espera paciente."
284,30,8,"Le sue antenne, simili ad ali sottili, assorbono
lumidità. Quando piove si rifugia allinterno
delle cavità degli alberi."
284,30,9,"Its thin, winglike antennae are highly absorbent.
It waits out rainy days in tree hollows."
284,30,11,"薄い ハネの ような 触角は
湿気を 吸いやすい。 雨の 日は
木の ウロなどで じっと 過ごす。"
285,7,9,"SHROOMISH live in damp soil in the dark
depths of forests. They are often
found keeping still under fallen leaves.This POKéMON feeds on compost that
is made up of fallen, rotted leaves."
285,8,9,"If SHROOMISH senses danger, it shakes
its body and scatters spores from the
top of its head.This POKéMONs spores are so toxic,
they make trees and weeds wilt."
285,9,9,"It loves to eat damp, composted soil in
forests. If you enter a forest after a
long rain, you can see many SHROOMISH
feasting on composted soil."
285,10,9,"It prefers damp places. By day it remains
still in the forest shade. It releases
toxic powder from its head."
285,11,9,"It prefers damp places. By day it remains
still in the forest shade. It releases
toxic powder from its head."
285,12,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,13,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,14,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,15,9,"If it senses danger, it scatters
spores from the top of its head to
protect itself."
285,16,9,"If it senses danger, it scatters
spores from the top of its head to
protect itself."
285,17,5,"Le sommet de sa tête libère des
spores empoisonnées. Il est
dangereux de les inhaler."
285,17,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,18,5,"Le sommet de sa tête libère des
spores empoisonnées. Il est
dangereux de les inhaler."
285,18,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,21,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,22,9,"It spouts poison spores from the
top of its head. These spores
cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,23,1,"しめった ばしょを このみ ひるまは
もりの こかげで じっと している。
あたまから どくの こなを だす。"
285,23,3,"습한 장소를 좋아해서 낮에는
숲의 그늘에서 가만히 있다.
머리에서 독가루를 뿌린다."
285,23,5,"Il préfère les endroits humides. La journée, il reste
à la lisière de la forêt. Il libère de la poudre toxique
par sa tête."
285,23,6,"Es bevorzugt feuchte Orte. Am Tag sitzt es
regungslos im Schatten des Waldes. Von seinem
Kopf sondert es einen giftigen Puder ab."
285,23,7,"Prefiere los sitios húmedos. De día está tranquilamente
en el bosque, a la sombra. Expulsa polvo tóxico por la
285,23,8,"Predilige le aree umide. Di giorno resta immobile
nellombra della foresta. Dal capo rilascia polvere
285,23,9,"It prefers damp places. By day it remains still in
the forest shade. It releases toxic powder from
its head."
285,23,11,"湿った 場所を 好み 昼間は
森の 木陰で じっと している。
頭から 毒の 粉を 出す。"
285,24,1,"あたまの てっぺんから どくほうしを
ふきだす。ほうしを すいこむと
からだの ふしぶしが いたくなる。"
285,24,3,"머리의 정수리에서 독 포자를
뿜어낸다. 포자를 들이마시면
몸의 마디마디가 아파진다."
285,24,5,"Le sommet de sa tête libère des spores
empoisonnées. Il est dangereux de les inhaler."
285,24,6,"Es setzt an seinem Kopf Giftsporen frei. Werden diese
eingeatmet, verursachen sie Schmerzen."
285,24,7,"Lanza esporas venenosas desde la parte superior de
la cabeza. Inhalarlas es muy doloroso."
285,24,8,"Sparge spore tossiche dalla sommità del capo. Se
inalate, queste spore provocano dolore in tutto il
285,24,9,"It spouts poison spores from the top of its head.
These spores cause pain all over if inhaled."
285,24,11,"頭の てっぺんから 毒胞子を
噴き出す。胞子を 吸いこむと
体の 節々が 痛くなる。"
285,25,1,"ふかい もりの しめった じめんに せいそく。
おちばの したで じっとしていることが おおい。
おちばが つもって できた ふようどを たべる。"
285,25,3,"깊은 숲의 축축한 땅에 서식한다.
낙엽 밑에서 꼼짝하지 않고 있을 때가 많다.
낙엽이 쌓여 만들어진 부엽토를 먹는다."
285,25,5,"Les Balignon vivent dans les sols humides et les recoins
sombres des grandes forêts. On les trouve souvent immobiles
sous les feuilles mortes. Ce Pokémon se nourrit dun compost
fait de feuilles mortes pourries."
285,25,6,"Knilz lebt im feuchten Erdboden finsterer Wälder. Es wird
oft reglos unter herabgefallenen Blättern gefunden. Dieses
Pokémon ernährt sich von Kompost aus verrotteten Blättern."
285,25,7,"Los Shroomish viven en zonas húmedas en la profunda
oscuridad del bosque. Suelen quedarse tranquilamente bajo
las hojas caídas. Se alimentan del abono que estas generan al
empezar a pudrirse."
285,25,8,"Shroomish vive nel suolo umido nel cuore della foresta buia.
Spesso si nasconde sotto le foglie cadute. Si ciba dellhumus
creato dal letto di foglie decomposte sul terreno."
285,25,9,"Shroomish live in damp soil in the dark depths of forests.
They are often found keeping still under fallen leaves.
This Pokémon feeds on compost that is made up of fallen,
rotted leaves."
285,25,11,"深い 森の 湿った 地面に 生息。
落ち葉の 下で じっとしていることが 多い。
落ち葉が 積もって できた 腐葉土を 食べる。"
285,26,1,"きけんを かんじると からだを ふるわせて
あたまの てっぺんから ほうしを ばらまくぞ。
くさきも しおれてしまうほどの もうどくだ。"
285,26,3,"위험을 느끼면 몸을 흔들어
머리의 정수리에서 포자를 뿌린다.
풀과 나무가 시들 정도의 맹독이다."
285,26,5,"Lorsque Balignon sent un danger, il secoue son corps et
répand ses spores du haut de sa tête. Les spores de ce
Pokémon sont si toxiques quelles font dépérir les arbres
et les herbes."
285,26,6,"Wenn Knilz Gefahr wittert, schüttelt es seinen Körper und
verteilt Sporen von seinem Kopf. Diese Sporen sind so giftig,
dass Bäume und Gräser davon eingehen."
285,26,7,"Si Shroomish siente peligro, agita el cuerpo y libera esporas
venenosas por la cabeza. Estas esporas son tan tóxicas que
pueden hacer que se marchiten los árboles y hasta las malas
285,26,8,"In caso di pericolo Shroomish agita il proprio corpo spargendo
spore dalla sommità del capo. Le spore di questo Pokémon
sono così tossiche da far appassire fiori e piante."
285,26,9,"If Shroomish senses danger, it shakes its body and scatters
spores from the top of its head. This Pokémons spores are
so toxic, they make trees and weeds wilt."
285,26,11,"危険を 感じると 体を 震わせて
頭の てっぺんから 胞子を ばらまくぞ。
草木も しおれてしまうほどの 猛毒だ。"
286,7,9,"BRELOOM closes in on its foe with light
and sprightly footwork, then throws
punches with its stretchy arms.This POKéMONs fighting technique puts
boxers to shame."
286,8,9,"The seeds ringing BRELOOMs tail are
made of hardened toxic spores. It is
horrible to eat the seeds.Just taking a bite of this POKéMONs
seed will cause your stomach to rumble."
286,9,9,"It scatters spores from holes in the cap
on its head. It loves warm and humid
climates. It feeds on trees and plants in
fields and forests."
286,10,9,"The seeds on its tail are made of toxic
spores. It knocks out foes with quick,
virtually invisible punches."
286,11,9,"The seeds on its tail are made of toxic
spores. It knocks out foes with quick,
virtually invisible punches."
286,12,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,13,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,14,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,15,9,"It scatters poisonous spores and
throws powerful punches while its
foe is hampered by inhaled spores."
286,16,9,"It scatters poisonous spores and
throws powerful punches while its
foe is hampered by inhaled spores."
286,17,5,"Ses petits bras sétendent quand il
donne un coup de poing. Son talent
égale celui dun boxeur pro."
286,17,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,18,5,"Ses petits bras sétendent quand il
donne un coup de poing. Son talent
égale celui dun boxeur pro."
286,18,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,21,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,22,9,"Its short arms stretch when it
throws punches. Its technique is
equal to that of pro boxers."
286,23,1,"みじかい うでは パンチを だすとき
ぐーんと のびる。プロボクサー
かおまけの テクニックを もつ。"
286,23,3,"짧은 팔은 펀치를 날릴 때
쑤-욱 늘어난다. 프로 복서를
압도하는 기술을 가지고 있다."
286,23,5,"Ses petits bras sétendent quand il donne un coup
de poing. Son talent égale celui dun boxeur pro."
286,23,6,"Seine kurzen Arme dehnen sich aus, wenn es
zuschlägt. Seine Technik ähnelt der von Profi-Boxern."
286,23,7,"Sus cortos brazos se expanden cuando da puñetazos.
Tiene una técnica pugilística muy depurada."
286,23,8,"Tirando pugni, i suoi cortissimi arti si allungano. Usa
una tecnica simile a quella dei pugili professionisti."
286,23,9,"Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its
technique is equal to that of pro boxers."
286,23,11,"短い 腕は パンチを 出すとき
グーンと 伸びる。プロボクサー
顔負けの テクニックを 持つ。"
286,24,1,"どくの ほうしを ばらまき
すいこんで くるしむ あいてに
きょうれつな パンチを くらわせる。"
286,24,3,"독 포자를 뿌려
들이마시고 괴로워하는 상대에게
강렬한 펀치를 날린다."
286,24,5,"Il frappe de toutes ses forces ses ennemis étourdis
par ses spores empoisonnées."
286,24,6,"Erst lässt es den Gegner seine giftigen Sporen
einatmen, dann traktiert es ihn mit Boxschlägen."
286,24,7,"Esparce esporas venenosas muy nocivas y asesta
puñetazos de gran intensidad a sus enemigos."
286,24,8,"Sparge spore tossiche con orribili effetti sul nemico
che le respira, e aggiunge una scarica di pugni."
286,24,9,"It scatters poisonous spores and throws powerful
punches while its foe is hampered by
inhaled spores."
286,24,11,"毒の 胞子を ばらまき
吸いこんで 苦しむ 相手に
強烈な パンチを くらわせる。"
286,25,1,"かろやかな フットワークで てきに ちかづき
のびちぢみする うでで パンチを くりだす。
ボクサー かおまけの テクニックの もちぬし。"
286,25,3,"경쾌한 풋워크로 적에게 다가가
늘었다 줄었다 하는 팔로 펀치를 날린다.
복서가 무색할 만할 테크닉의 소유자다."
286,25,5,"Chapignon se rapproche de son ennemi en se servant de
son jeu de jambes, puis donne des coups de poing avec
ses bras élastiques. La technique de combat de ce Pokémon
est digne des meilleurs boxeurs."
286,25,6,"Mit leichtfüßiger Beinarbeit nähert sich Kapilz seinen Feinden
und schlägt dann mit seinen dehnbaren Armen um sich.
Die Kampftechnik dieses Pokémon treibt Profiboxern die
Schamesröte ins Gesicht."
286,25,7,"Breloom se acerca al enemigo realizando un juego de piernas
ágil y enérgico. Y, a continuación, le da unos puñetazos con
los brazos elásticos que tiene. Las técnicas de lucha que usa
dejan en ridículo al boxeador más profesional."
286,25,8,"Breloom si avvicina al nemico con passettini leggeri e veloci,
poi sferra scariche di pugni con gli elastici arti superiori.
Le sue tecniche di lotta superano quelle dei pugili più esperti."
286,25,9,"Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork,
then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémons
fighting technique puts boxers to shame."
286,25,11,"軽やかな フットワークで 敵に 近づき
伸び縮みする 腕で パンチを 繰り出す。
ボクサー 顔負けの テクニックの 持ち主。"
286,26,1,"シッポの タネは どくの ほうしが かたまって
できた ものなので たべたら たいへんだ。
ひとくちで おなかが グルグル なりだすぞ。"
286,26,3,"꼬리의 씨앗은 독 포자가 굳어져
생긴 것이라 먹으면 큰일 난다.
한 입만 먹어도 배 속에서 부글부글 소리가 난다."
286,26,5,"Les graines autour de la queue de Chapignon sont des spores
toxiques. Elles sont totalement immangeables. Une simple
bouchée dune graine de ce Pokémon peut causer
de grandes douleurs à lestomac."
286,26,6,"Die Samen am Schweif von Kapilz bestehen aus
gehärteten Giftsporen. Man sollte sie lieber nicht
essen. Ein einziger Bissen davon kann eine heftige
Magenverstimmung hervorrufen."
286,26,7,"Las semillas que Breloom tiene prendidas de la cola están
formadas por sólidas esporas tóxicas. Comérselas puede
resultar fatal. Hasta el más mínimo bocado puede hacerte
polvo el estómago."
286,26,8,"I semi sulla punta della coda di Breloom sono costituiti da
spore tossiche indurite. Se ingeriti hanno un effetto orribile,
infatti un solo morso a questi semi crea gravi disturbi
allo stomaco."
286,26,9,"The seeds ringing Brelooms tail are made of hardened toxic
spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bite of this
Pokémons seed will cause your stomach to rumble."
286,26,11,"シッポの タネは 毒の 胞子が 固まって
できた ものなので 食べたら 大変だ。
一口で お腹が グルグル 鳴りだすぞ。"
287,7,9,"SLAKOTH lolls around for over twenty
hours every day. Because it moves so
little, it does not need much food.This POKéMONs sole daily meal consists
of just three leaves."
287,8,9,"SLAKOTHs heart beats just once a
minute. Whatever happens, it is
content to loaf around motionless.It is rare to see this POKéMON in
287,9,9,"It sleeps virtually all day and night long.
It doesnt change its nest its entire life,
but it sometimes travels great distances
by swimming in rivers."
287,10,9,"It sleeps for 20 hours every day. Making
drowsy those that see it is one of
its abilities."
287,11,9,"It sleeps for 20 hours every day. Making
drowsy those that see it is one of
its abilities."
287,12,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a
day sprawled out. Just seeing it
makes one drowsy."
287,13,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a
day sprawled out. Just seeing it
makes one drowsy."
287,14,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a
day sprawled out. Just seeing it
makes one drowsy."
287,15,9,"The way SLAKOTH lolls around makes
anyone who watches it feel like
doing the same."
287,16,9,"The way SLAKOTH lolls around makes
anyone who watches it feel like
doing the same."
287,17,5,"Il passe le plus clair de son temps
affalé. Rien quà le voir, on a
envie de bâiller."
287,17,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a
day sprawled out. Just seeing it
makes one drowsy."
287,18,5,"Il passe le plus clair de son temps
affalé. Rien quà le voir, on a
envie de bâiller."
287,18,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a
day sprawled out. Just seeing it
makes one drowsy."
287,21,9,"If it eats just three leaves in a day,
it is satisfied. Other than that,
it sleeps for 20 hours a day."
287,22,9,"If it eats just three leaves in a day,
it is satisfied. Other than that,
it sleeps for 20 hours a day."
287,23,1,"ナマケロの なまけた ようすは
みている ひとの なまけごころを
ぞんぶんに しげきするのだ。"
287,23,3,"게을로의 게으른 모습은
보고 있는 사람의 게으른 마음을
충분히 자극한다."
287,23,5,"Rien quà voir un Parecool, on na plus envie de
bouger et on sendort."
287,23,6,"Allein bei Bummelz Anblick werden Gegner von
Trägheit gepackt und schlummern alsbald ein."
287,23,7,"Slakoth se pasa todo el día holgazaneando y solo con
verlo a uno le entra mucha pereza."
287,23,8,"Coloro che osservano Slakoth, perdono la voglia di
muoversi e vengono colti da sonnolenza."
287,23,9,"The way Slakoth lolls around makes anyone who
watches it feel like doing the same."
287,23,11,"ナマケロの 怠けた 様子は
見ている 人の 怠け心を
存分に 刺激するのだ。"
287,24,1,"1にちに はっぱを 3まいも
たべれば まんぞくで それいがいは
20じかんも ねむっている。"
287,24,3,"하루에 잎을 3장만
먹으면 만족하고 그 외에는
20시간이나 자고 있다."
287,24,5,"Il dort 20 heures par jour et ne fait rien dautre,
si ce nest manger trois ou quatre feuilles dans
la journée."
287,24,6,"Solange es täglich drei Blätter zu essen bekommt,
ist es zufrieden. Abgesehen davon schläft es
20 Stunden am Tag."
287,24,7,"Si se come tres hojas al día, ya se queda satisfecho.
Aparte de eso, se pasa durmiendo 20 horas al día."
287,24,8,"Tre foglie al giorno bastano a saziarlo e dorme fino
a 20 ore."
287,24,9,"If it eats just three leaves in a day, it is satisfied.
Other than that, it sleeps for 20 hours a day."
287,24,11,"1日に 葉っぱを 3枚も
食べれば 満足で それ以外は
20時間も 眠っている。"
287,25,1,"1にち 20じかん いじょう ねそべっている。
ほとんど からだを うごかさないので はっぱを
3まい たべれば 1にちの しょくじが おわる。"
287,25,3,"하루에 20시간 이상 엎드려 누워 있다.
거의 몸을 움직이지 않아서 잎사귀를
3장 먹으면 하루 식사가 끝난다."
287,25,5,"Parecool se prélasse plus de vingt heures par jour.
Il bouge tellement peu quil na presque pas besoin de
manger. Le repas quotidien de ce Pokémon nest constitué
que de trois feuilles."
287,25,6,"Bummelz faulenzt zwanzig Stunden pro Tag. Da es sich
sehr wenig bewegt, braucht es auch nicht viel Nahrung.
Seine Tagesration besteht lediglich aus drei Blättern."
287,25,7,"Slakoth se pasa más de veinte horas al día tumbado. Como se
mueve tan poco, necesita muy poca comida. De hecho, la
única toma que hace al día la componen tan solo tres hojas."
287,25,8,"Slakoth ciondola in ozio per oltre 20 ore al giorno. Poiché
si muove così poco, non ha bisogno di molto nutrimento.
Lunico pasto giornaliero di questo Pokémon consiste
in tre foglie fresche."
287,25,9,"Slakoth lolls around for over 20 hours every day. Because it
moves so little, it does not need much food. This Pokémons
sole daily meal consists of just three leaves."
287,25,11,"1日 20時間 以上 寝そべっている。
ほとんど 体を 動かさないので 葉っぱを
3枚 食べれば 1日の 食事が 終わる。"
287,26,1,"しんぞうの こどうは 1ぷんかんに 1かい。
とにかく じっと ねそべっている ポケモンで
うごく すがたを みることは ほとんど ない。"
287,26,3,"심장의 고동이 1분에 1번 뛴다.
아무튼 가만히 누워 있는 포켓몬으로
움직이는 모습을 거의 볼 수가 없다."
287,26,5,"Le cœur de Parecool ne bat quune fois par minute.
Quoi quil arrive, il se contente de savachir, immobile.
Il est très rare de voir ce Pokémon se déplacer."
287,26,6,"Bummelz Herz schlägt nur ein Mal pro Minute. Dieses
Pokémon ist damit zufrieden, bewegungslos herumzulungern.
Nur ganz selten sieht man dieses Pokémon in Bewegung."
287,26,7,"A Slakoth le late el corazón una vez por minuto. Ya puede
pasar lo que pase, que este Pokémon no mueve un dedo.
Está todo el día holgazaneando. Es muy raro verlo en
287,26,8,"Il cuore di Slakoth batte con una frequenza di appena
un battito al minuto. Qualsiasi cosa accada, non si muove mai.
Infatti adora poltrire, riducendo al minimo i suoi movimenti."
287,26,9,"Slakoths heart beats just once a minute. Whatever happens,
it is content to loaf around motionless. It is rare to see this
Pokémon in motion."
287,26,11,"心臓の 鼓動は 1分間に 1回。
とにかく じっと 寝そべっている ポケモンで
動く 姿を 見ることは ほとんど ない。"
288,7,9,"VIGOROTH is always itching and agitated
to go on a wild rampage. It simply cant
tolerate sitting still for even a minute.This POKéMONs stress level rises if it
cant be moving constantly."
288,8,9,"VIGOROTH is simply incapable of
remaining still. Even when it tries to
sleep, the blood in its veins growsagitated, compelling this POKéMON to
run wild throughout the jungle before
it can settle down."
288,9,9,"It cant keep still because its blood boils
with energy. It runs through the fields
and mountains all day to calm itself. If it
doesnt, it cant sleep at night."
288,10,9,"It is always hungry because it wont stop
rampaging. Even while it is eating, it
cant keep still."
288,11,9,"It is always hungry because it wont stop
rampaging. Even while it is eating, it
cant keep still."
288,12,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold
tempo, so it cannot sit still for
even a moment."
288,13,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold
tempo, so it cannot sit still for
even a moment."
288,14,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold
tempo, so it cannot sit still for
even a moment."
288,15,9,"Its stress level rises if it
cannot keep moving constantly.
Too much stress makes it feel sick."
288,16,9,"Its stress level rises if it
cannot keep moving constantly.
Too much stress makes it feel sick."
288,17,5,"Son cœur bat dix fois plus vite que
la normale, cest pourquoi il ne
tient pas en place."
288,17,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold
tempo, so it cannot sit still for
even a moment."
288,18,5,"Son cœur bat dix fois plus vite que
la normale, cest pourquoi il ne
tient pas en place."
288,18,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold
tempo, so it cannot sit still for
even a moment."
288,21,9,"Its heartbeat is fast and
its blood so agitated that
it cant sit still for one second."
288,22,9,"Its heartbeat is fast and
its blood so agitated that
it cant sit still for one second."
288,23,1,"しんぞうの こどうが はやく
ぜんしんの ちが たぎっているため
1びょうも じっと していられない。"
288,23,3,"심장 박동이 빨라 전신의
피가 끓어오르고 있기 때문에
1초도 가만히 있지 못한다."
288,23,5,"Son cœur bat tellement vite que son sang bout dans
ses veines, lempêchant de rester immobile même
une seconde."
288,23,6,"Sein Puls ist konstant so hoch, dass sein Blut
immer in Wallung ist und es keine Sekunde
stillhalten kann."
288,23,7,"Su corazón palpita a un ritmo frenético, haciendo que
su sangre bulla, así que no puede estarse quieto ni un
288,23,8,"I battiti del suo cuore sono rapidissimi e il suo
sangue scorre con tale impeto che non riesce a
stare fermo un istante."
288,23,9,"Its heartbeat is fast and its blood so agitated that
it cant sit still for one second."
288,23,11,"心臓の 鼓動が 速く
全身の 血が たぎっているため
1秒も じっと していられない。"
288,24,1,"からだを うごかして いないと
ストレスが たまり すぎて
ぐあいが わるくなって しまうのだ。"
288,24,3,"몸을 움직이지 않으면
스트레스가 너무 쌓여서
상태가 나빠져 버린다."
288,24,5,"Quand il ne bouge pas, il accumule du stress et
devient très irritable."
288,24,6,"Würde es sich nicht bewegen, würde sein Stress
unerträglich und es ginge ihm augenblicklich
288,24,7,"Si no puede estar en continuo movimiento, su nivel
de estrés se dispara y puede llegar a enfermar."
288,24,8,"Quando è costretto a stare fermo raggiunge un tale
livello di stress da farne una malattia."
288,24,9,"Its stress level rises if it cannot keep moving
constantly. Too much stress makes it feel sick."
288,24,11,"体を 動かしていないと
ストレスが たまりすぎて
具合が 悪くなって しまうのだ。"
288,25,1,"いつも あばれたくて ウズウズ している。
1ぷんでも すわっている ことが たえられない。
うごいて いないと ストレスが たまってしまう。"
288,25,3,"항상 날뛰고 싶어서 근질근질해 한다.
1분도 앉아 있지를 못한다.
움직이지 않으면 스트레스가 쌓인다."
288,25,5,"Vigoroth est toujours impatient de se défouler. Il ne supporte
pas lidée de rester sans rien faire, même une minute.
Le niveau de stress de ce Pokémon augmente énormément
sil ne peut pas bouger."
288,25,6,"Muntier brennt darauf, sich auszutoben. Es kann nicht einmal
für eine Minute stillsitzen. Es gerät in Stress, wenn es sich
nicht andauernd bewegen kann."
288,25,7,"Vigoroth está continuamente inquieto, rabiando por salir
corriendo sin control. Estar quieto un solo minuto es superior
a sus fuerzas. Si no puede estar en continuo movimiento, el
nivel de estrés de este Pokémon se dispara."
288,25,8,"Vigoroth scalpita e smania continuamente dalla voglia
di correre selvaggiamente. Non sopporta di stare fermo
neanche un secondo. Il livello di stress di questo Pokémon
va alle stelle in mancanza di movimento."
288,25,9,"Vigoroth is always itching and agitated to go on a wild
rampage. It simply cant tolerate sitting still for even
a minute. This Pokémons stress level rises if it cant
be moving constantly."
288,25,11,"いつも 暴れたくて ウズウズ している。
1分でも 座っている ことが 耐えられない。
動いて いないと ストレスが たまってしまう。"
288,26,1,"じっとしている ことが できない ポケモンだ。
ねむろうとしても からだの ちが たぎってしまい
もりじゅうを かけまわらないと おさまらない。"
288,26,3,"가만히 있질 못하는 포켓몬이다.
자려고 해도 몸의 피가 끓어올라서
숲 속을 뛰어다니지 않으면 가라앉지 않는다."
288,26,5,"Vigoroth ne tient pas en place. Même quand il essaie
de dormir, le sang dans ses veines sagite, obligeant
ce Pokémon à courir comme un fou dans la forêt pour
sépuiser afin de pouvoir se reposer."
288,26,6,"Muntier findet einfach keine Ruhe. Wenn es versucht
zu schlafen, beginnt das Blut in seinen Adern zu pulsieren.
Dann muss es wie wild durch den Dschungel rennen,
um überhaupt Ruhe zu finden."
288,26,7,"A Vigoroth le resulta totalmente imposible estarse quieto.
Cuando intenta dormir, la sangre le fluye a velocidad de
vértigo y se pone a correr por el bosque de un lado a otro
hasta que se calma."
288,26,8,"Vigoroth è incapace di stare fermo e tranquillo. Anche
quando cerca di dormire, il sangue gli ribolle nelle vene,
costringendolo a correre selvaggiamente in lungo e in largo
nella foresta prima di riuscire a calmarsi."
288,26,9,"Vigoroth is simply incapable of remaining still. Even when it
tries to sleep, the blood in its veins grows agitated, compelling
this Pokémon to run wild throughout the jungle before it can
settle down."
288,26,11,"じっとしている ことが できない ポケモンだ。
眠ろうとしても 体の 血が たぎってしまい
森中を 駆けまわらないと 収まらない。"
289,7,9,"SLAKING spends all day lying down and
lolling about.
It eats grass growing within its reach.If it eats all the grass it can reach,
this POKéMON reluctantly moves to
another spot."
289,8,9,"Wherever SLAKING live, rings of over
a yard in diameter appear in grassy
fields. They are made by the POKéMONas it eats all the grass within reach
while lying prone on the ground."
289,9,9,"Hordes of SLAKING gather around trees
when fruits come into season. They wait
around patiently for ripened fruits to fall
out of the trees."
289,10,9,"It is the worlds most slothful POKéMON.
However, it can exert horrifying power by
releasing pent-up energy all at once."
289,11,9,"It is the worlds most slothful POKéMON.
However, it can exert horrifying power by
releasing pent-up energy all at once."
289,12,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon. When
it is lounging, it is actually saving
energy for striking back."
289,13,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon. When
it is lounging, it is actually saving
energy for striking back."
289,14,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon. When
it is lounging, it is actually saving
energy for striking back."
289,15,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon.
It moves to another spot when theres
no food left within its reach."
289,16,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon.
It moves to another spot when theres
no food left within its reach."
289,17,5,"Le Pokémon le plus fainéant du
monde. Il sallonge pour économiser
ses forces et contre-attaquer."
289,17,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon. When
it is lounging, it is actually saving
energy for striking back."
289,18,5,"Le Pokémon le plus fainéant du
monde. Il sallonge pour économiser
ses forces et contre-attaquer."
289,18,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon. When
it is lounging, it is actually saving
energy for striking back."
289,21,9,"This Pokémon lives lying on its side.
It only rolls over and moves when
there is no more grass to eat."
289,22,9,"This Pokémon lives lying on its side.
It only rolls over and moves when
there is no more grass to eat."
289,23,1,"せかいいち ぐうたらな ポケモン。
てが とどく はんいの エサを
たべつくすと いばしょを かえる。"
289,23,3,"세계에서 제일 게으른 포켓몬이다.
손이 닿는 범위의 먹이를
다 먹으면 있는 거처를 바꾼다."
289,23,5,"Le Pokémon le plus fainéant du monde. Il bouge
quand il a mangé tout ce qui était à portée de main."
289,23,6,"Das faulste Pokémon der Welt. Es bewegt sich nur,
wenn alles Essbare in Reichweite verputzt ist."
289,23,7,"El Pokémon más perezoso del mundo. Cambia de lugar
para coger la comida al alcance de su mano."
289,23,8,"Il più pigro Pokémon del mondo. Si sposta solo
quando non ha più cibo a portata di mano."
289,23,9,"The worlds laziest Pokémon. It moves to another
spot when theres no food left within its reach."
289,23,11,"世界一 ぐうたらな ポケモン。
手が 届く 範囲の エサを
食べつくすと 居場所を 替える。"
289,24,1,"せかいいちの ぐうたらだが たまった
エネルギーを いっきに だす ことで
おそろしい パワーを はっきする。"
289,24,3,"세계에서 제일 게으르지만
쌓인 에너지를 한 번에 내면
무서울 정도의 파워를 발휘한다."
289,24,5,"Cest le Pokémon le plus paresseux du monde.
Il est cependant capable de libérer une puissance
phénoménale en une seule attaque."
289,24,6,"Es ist das faulste Pokémon der Welt. Doch kann es
überaus kräftige Angriffe fahren, wenn es die
komplette angestaute Energie auf einmal einsetzt."
289,24,7,"Es el Pokémon más vago que hay. Aun así, puede
liberar de una vez una cantidad tremenda de energía
289,24,8,"È il Pokémon più pigro del mondo, ma può sprigionare
di colpo una quantità spaventosa di energia a lungo
289,24,9,"It is the worlds most slothful Pokémon. However,
it can exert horrifying power by releasing pent-up
energy all at once."
289,24,11,"世界一の ぐうたらだが たまった
エネルギーを 一気に 出す ことで
恐ろしい パワーを 発揮する。"
289,25,1,"1にちじゅう ねそべったまま くらす ポケモン。
ての とどく ばしょに はえている くさを たべ
くさが なくなると しぶしぶ ばしょを かえる。"
289,25,3,"온종일 엎드려 누워 지내는 포켓몬이다.
손이 닿는 장소에 난 풀을 먹으며
풀이 없어지면 마지못해 장소를 옮긴다."
289,25,5,"Monaflèmit passe toute sa journée allongé à paresser.
Il mange toute lherbe quil trouve à portée de main.
Ensuite, il change dendroit, à contrecœur."
289,25,6,"Letarking verbringt den Tag damit, herumzuliegen und nichts
zu tun. Es ernährt sich von Gras, das in seiner Reichweite
wächst. Hat es alles aufgefressen, so sucht es sich widerwillig
ein anderes Plätzchen."
289,25,7,"Slaking se pasa todo el día tumbado vagueando. Se come la
hierba que tiene a su alcance y, una vez que ha acabado con
ella, se va de mala gana a otro sitio."
289,25,8,"Slaking passa tutto il giorno disteso pigramente, mangiando
lerba che cresce a portata di mano. Dopo aver esaurito
lerba vicino a sé, si sposta controvoglia in un altro luogo."
289,25,9,"Slaking spends all day lying down and lolling about. It eats
grass growing within its reach. If it eats all the grass it can
reach, this Pokémon reluctantly moves to another spot."
289,25,11,"1日中 寝そべったまま 暮らす ポケモン。
手の 届く 場所に 生えている 草を 食べ
草が なくなると しぶしぶ 場所を 変える。"
289,26,1,"そうげんに きざまれた はんけい 1メートルの
わっかは ケッキングが ねそべったまま まわりの
くさを たべつくして できた ものだ。"
289,26,3,"초원에 새겨진 반경 1m의
둥근 띠 모양은 게을킹이 누운 채로
주변의 풀을 먹어치워 생긴 것이다."
289,26,5,"On trouve parfois des cercles de plus de 1 m de rayon
totalement désherbés dans les plaines. Ils sont faits
par les Monaflèmit qui passent leurs journées allongés
à manger toute lherbe à portée de main."
289,26,6,"Wo dieses Letarking lebt, hinterlässt es Kreise von 1 m Radius
auf den Wiesen. Es frisst nämlich all das Gras, das in seiner
Reichweite wächst. Dabei liegt es bäuchlings auf dem Boden."
289,26,7,"Cuando Slaking se instala a vivir en una zona, aparecen
círculos de un metro de radio de terreno baldío, pues se
come todo el césped que pilla mientras está tumbado boca
289,26,8,"Dove vive Slaking, si formano anelli del raggio di 1 m nei
prati erbosi. Infatti, quando questo Pokémon si stende
prono al suolo, mangia tutta lerba che riesce a raggiungere."
289,26,9,"Wherever Slaking live, rings of over a yard in diameter appear
in grassy fields. They are made by the Pokémon as it eats all
the grass within reach while lying prone on the ground."
289,26,11,"草原に 刻まれた 半径 1メートルの
輪っかは ケッキングが 寝そべったまま 周りの
草を 食べ尽くして できた ものだ。"
290,7,9,"NINCADA lives underground for many
years in complete darkness.
This POKéMON absorbs nutrients fromthe roots of trees. It stays motionless
as it waits for evolution."
290,8,9,"NINCADA lives underground. It uses its
sharp claws to carve the roots of trees
and absorb moisture and nutrients.This POKéMON cant withstand bright
sunlight so avoids it."
290,9,9,"It makes its nest at the roots of a mighty
tree. Using its whiskerlike antennae, it
probes its surroundings in the
pitch-black darkness of soil."
290,10,9,"Because it lived almost entirely
underground, it is nearly blind.
It uses its antennae instead."
290,11,9,"Because it lived almost entirely
underground, it is nearly blind.
It uses its antennae instead."
290,12,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,13,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,14,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,15,9,"It can sometimes live underground for
more than 10 years. It absorbs
nutrients from the roots of trees."
290,16,9,"It can sometimes live underground for
more than 10 years. It absorbs
nutrients from the roots of trees."
290,17,5,"Il grandit sous terre et se repère
grâce à ses antennes car ses
yeux sont quasiment aveugles."
290,17,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,18,5,"Il grandit sous terre et se repère
grâce à ses antennes car ses
yeux sont quasiment aveugles."
290,18,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,21,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,22,9,"It grows underground, sensing
its surroundings using antennae
instead of its virtually blind eyes."
290,23,1,"ながい あいだ ちちゅうで くらして
いたため めは ほとんど みえない。
しょっかくで ようすを さぐる。"
290,23,3,"긴 시간 동안 땅속에서 살고
있었기 때문에 눈은 거의 보이지 않는다.
더듬이로 주변 상황을 살핀다."
290,23,5,"Comme il vit presque toujours sous terre, sa vue est
très peu développée et il est presque aveugle.
Il utilise ses antennes pour se repérer."
290,23,6,"Da es fast sein gesamtes Leben unter der Erde
verbracht hat, ist es nahezu blind. Es setzt daher
als Augenersatz seine Fühler ein."
290,23,7,"Como se ha pasado casi toda la vida viviendo bajo
tierra, no ve bien. Las antenas que tiene le ayudan
a orientarse."
290,23,8,"Poiché passa quasi tutta lesistenza sottoterra, è
quasi cieco. Usa le antenne per orientarsi."
290,23,9,"Because it lived almost entirely underground, it is
nearly blind. It uses its antennae instead."
290,23,11,"長い あいだ 地中で 暮らして
いたため 目は ほとんど 見えない。
触覚で 様子を 探る。"
290,24,1,"10ねん いじょう つちの なかで
くらす ことも ある。じゅもくの
ねっこから えいようを すいとる。"
290,24,3,"10년 이상 땅속에서
지내는 경우도 있다. 수목의
뿌리에서 영양을 흡수한다."
290,24,5,"Il peut passer jusquà dix ans sous terre. Les racines
des arbres constituent son régime alimentaire."
290,24,6,"Manches Nincada lebt bis zu zehn Jahre unter der Erde
und saugt Nährstoffe aus Baumwurzeln."
290,24,7,"Algunos pasan más de diez años bajo tierra.
Absorbe nutrientes de las raíces de los árboles."
290,24,8,"Gli capita di restare anche più di dieci anni sottoterra.
Si nutre delle radici di enormi alberi."
290,24,9,"It can sometimes live underground for more than
10 years. It absorbs nutrients from the roots
of trees."
290,24,11,"10年以上 土の 中で
暮らす ことも ある。樹木の
根っこから 栄養を 吸い取る。"
290,25,1,"なんねんも まっくらな つちの なかで くらす。
きの ねっこから えいようを きゅうしゅうして
じっと うごかず しんかの ときを まっている。"
290,25,3,"몇 년을 캄캄한 땅속에서 산다.
나무의 뿌리에서 영양을 흡수하며 가만히
움직이지 않고 진화의 때를 기다리고 있다."
290,25,5,"Ningale vit depuis des années sous terre, dans lobscurité
la plus totale. Ce Pokémon absorbe les nutriments des racines
des arbres. Il reste immobile, attendant patiemment
son évolution."
290,25,6,"Nincada lebt viele Jahre in absoluter Dunkelheit unter der
Erde. Dieses Pokémon nimmt Nährstoffe aus Baumwurzeln
auf. Es rührt sich nicht, da es auf seine Entwicklung wartet."
290,25,7,"Nincada vive bajo tierra en la más absoluta oscuridad durante
años. Este Pokémon absorbe nutrientes de las raíces de los
árboles y permanece inmóvil a la espera de su evolución."
290,25,8,"Nincada vive sottoterra per molti anni nelloscurità più
assoluta. Questo Pokémon assume le sostanze nutritive
dalle radici degli alberi. Rimane immobile in attesa
290,25,9,"Nincada lives underground for many years in complete
darkness. This Pokémon absorbs nutrients from the roots of
trees. It stays motionless as it waits for evolution."
290,25,11,"何年も 真っ暗な 土の 中で 暮らす。
木の 根っこから 栄養を 吸収して
じっと 動かず 進化の ときを 待っている。"
290,26,1,"するどい ツメで じゅもくの ねっこを けずり
すいぶんや えいようを きゅうしゅうする。
たいようの ひかりは まぶしいので にがて。"
290,26,3,"날카로운 발톱으로 나무뿌리를 깎아내어
수분이나 영양을 흡수한다.
태양의 빛은 눈이 부셔서 싫어한다."
290,26,5,"Ningale vit sous terre. Il utilise ses griffes acérées pour
creuser les racines des arbres et en absorber lhumidité
et les nutriments. Ce Pokémon ne supporte pas la lumière
du soleil."
290,26,6,"Nincada lebt unter der Erde. Es benutzt seine scharfen
Krallen, um die Wurzeln von Bäumen freizulegen und an
Flüssigkeit und Nährstoffe zu kommen. Dieses Pokémon
kann grelles Sonnenlicht nicht aushalten und meidet es."
290,26,7,"Nincada vive bajo tierra y usa las garras afiladas que tiene
para escarbar y buscar raíces de árboles y absorber humedad
y nutrientes. Este Pokémon huye de la luz del sol porque le
hace daño."
290,26,8,"Nincada vive sottoterra. Usa i suoi artigli affilati per incidere
le radici degli alberi e assorbirne lacqua e altre sostanze
nutritive. Il Pokémon non sopporta la luce del sole, quindi
cerca di evitarla."
290,26,9,"Nincada lives underground. It uses its sharp claws to carve the
roots of trees and absorb moisture and nutrients.
This Pokémon cant withstand bright sunlight so avoids it."
290,26,11,"鋭い ツメで 樹木の 根っこを 削り
水分や 栄養を 吸収する。
太陽の 光は まぶしいので 苦手。"
290,33,1,"ながい あいだ ちちゅうで くらして
いたため めは ほとんど みえない。
しょっかくで ようすを さぐる。"
290,33,3,"긴 시간 동안 땅속에서 살았기 때문에
눈이 거의 보이지 않는다.
더듬이로 주변 상황을 살핀다."
290,33,5,"Parce quil a longtemps vécu sous terre,
il est presque aveugle et utilise ses antennes
pour se repérer."
290,33,6,"Da es fast sein gesamtes Leben unter der Erde
verbracht hat, ist es nahezu blind. Es setzt daher
als Augenersatz seine Fühler ein."
290,33,7,"Vivir bajo tierra durante tanto tiempo lo ha
dejado prácticamente ciego. Las antenas que
tiene le ayudan a orientarse."
290,33,8,"Poiché passa quasi tutta lesistenza sottoterra,
è quasi cieco. Usa le antenne per sondare ciò
che lo circonda."
290,33,9,"Because it lived almost entirely underground,
it is nearly blind. It uses its antennae instead."
290,33,11,"長い あいだ 地中で 暮らして
いたため 目は ほとんど 見えない。
触角で 様子を 探る。"
290,34,1,"10ねん いじょう つちの なかで
くらす ことも ある。 じゅもくの
ねっこから えいようを すいとる。"
290,34,3,"10년 이상 땅속에서
지내는 경우도 있다. 수목의
뿌리에서 영양을 흡수한다."
290,34,5,"Il peut passer plus de dix ans sous terre.
Les racines des arbres constituent son régime
290,34,6,"Manche Nincada leben mehr als zehn Jahre unter
der Erde und saugen Nährstoffe aus den Wurzeln
von Bäumen."
290,34,7,"Pueden pasar más de diez años bajo tierra.
Absorben nutrientes de las raíces de los árboles."
290,34,8,"Gli capita di restare anche più di dieci anni
sottoterra. Assorbe le sostanze nutritive
dalle radici degli alberi."
290,34,9,"It can sometimes live underground for more than
10 years. It absorbs nutrients from the roots
of trees."
290,34,11,"10年以上 土の 中で
暮らす ことも ある。 樹木の
根っこから 栄養を 吸い取る。"
291,7,9,"NINJASK moves around at such a high
speed that it cannot be seen, even
while its crying can be clearly heard.For that reason, this POKéMON was long
believed to be invisible."
291,8,9,"If NINJASK is not trained properly,
it will refuse to obey the TRAINER and
cry loudly continuously.Because of this quality, this POKéMON
is said to be one that puts the
TRAINERs abilities to the test."
291,9,9,"Because it darts about vigorously at high
speed, it is very difficult to see. Hearing
its distinctive cries for too long induces
a headache."
291,10,9,"This POKéMON is so quick, it is said to
be able to avoid any attack. It loves to
feed on tree sap."
291,11,9,"This POKéMON is so quick, it is said to
be able to avoid any attack. It loves to
feed on tree sap."
291,12,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,13,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,14,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,15,9,"Its cry leaves a lasting headache
if heard for too long. It moves so
quickly that it is almost invisible."
291,16,9,"Its cry leaves a lasting headache
if heard for too long. It moves so
quickly that it is almost invisible."
291,17,5,"Il bouge si vite que lœil a parfois du
mal à le suivre. Ils se regroupent près
de la sève des arbres."
291,17,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,18,5,"Il bouge si vite que lœil a parfois du
mal à le suivre. Ils se regroupent près
de la sève des arbres."
291,18,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,21,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,22,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it
sometimes becomes unseeable. It
congregates around tree sap."
291,23,1,"なきごえを きき つづけると
ずつうが おさまらなくなる。
みえない ほどの はやさで うごく。"
291,23,3,"울음소리를 계속 들으면
두통이 낫지 않게 된다.
안 보일 정도의 스피드로 움직인다."
291,23,5,"Cest la migraine assurée quand il pousse son cri
perçant. On le perd facilement de vue tant il est vif."
291,23,6,"Sein Gesang erzeugt unausweichlich Kopfweh.
Es bewegt sich so schnell, dass es beinah
unsichtbar zu sein scheint."
291,23,7,"Escuchar su zumbido de forma continuada provoca
jaquecas. Casi no se le ve de lo rápido que es."
291,23,8,"I suoi continui lamenti provocano atroci emicranie.
Si sposta così velocemente che... non si vede!"
291,23,9,"Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too
long. It moves so quickly that it is almost invisible."
291,23,11,"鳴き声を 聞き続けると
頭痛が 治まらなくなる。
見えない ほどの 速さで 動く。"
291,24,1,"あまりに こうそくで うごくため
すがたが みえなくなる ことがある。
じゅえきに あつまってくる。"
291,24,3,"매우 고속으로 움직이므로
모습이 보이지 않게 될 때가 있다.
수액에 모여든다."
291,24,5,"Il bouge si vite que lœil a parfois du mal à le suivre.
Les Pokémon de cette espèce se regroupent près
de la sève des arbres."
291,24,6,"Es bewegt sich so schnell, dass es manchmal
unsichtbar zu sein scheint. Es liebt Baumsaft."
291,24,7,"Se mueve tan rápido que a veces resulta invisible.
Le atrae la savia de los árboles."
291,24,8,"Si muove così in fretta da risultare quasi invisibile.
Lo si vede in gruppo attorno agli alberi ricchi di linfa."
291,24,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes
unseeable. It congregates around tree sap."
291,24,11,"あまりに 高速で 動くため
姿が 見えなくなる ことがある。
樹液に 集まってくる。"
291,25,1,"こうそくで うごきまわり すがたが みえない。
なきごえしか きこえて こないので ながいあいだ
とうめいな ポケモンと かんがえられていた。"
291,25,3,"고속으로 움직여서 모습이 보이지 않는다.
울음소리만 들려서 오랫동안
투명한 포켓몬이라고 여겨져 왔다."
291,25,5,"Ninjask se déplace tellement vite quil est impossible
de le voir. En revanche, on entend clairement son cri.
On a pendant très longtemps cru que ce Pokémon
était invisible."
291,25,6,"Ninjask bewegt sich so schnell, dass man es nicht sehen kann.
Seine Schreie sind aber laut und deutlich zu hören. Deshalb
hielt man dieses Pokémon lange für unsichtbar."
291,25,7,"Ninjask se mueve de un lado a otro a tal velocidad que es
imposible verlo. Sin embargo, como su zumbido no deja de
oírse, se pensó durante mucho tiempo que este Pokémon era
291,25,8,"Ninjask si muove a una velocità tale da rendersi praticamente
invisibile, nonostante il suo verso si possa udire chiaramente.
Per questo motivo, per molto tempo si è pensato che fosse
effettivamente invisibile."
291,25,9,"Ninjask moves around at such a high speed that it
cannot be seen, even while its crying can be clearly heard.
For that reason, this Pokémon was long believed to
be invisible."
291,25,11,"高速で 動き回り 姿が 見えない。
鳴き声しか 聞こえて こないので 長い間
透明な ポケモンと 考えられていた。"
291,26,1,"じょうずに そだてないと いうことを きかず
おおごえで なきつづけるので トレーナーの
うでが ためされる ポケモンと いわれている。"
291,26,3,"잘 키우지 않으면 말을 듣지 않고
큰 소리로 계속 울어대기 때문에 트레이너의
실력이 시험되는 포켓몬이라고 전해진다."
291,26,5,"Si Ninjask nest pas dressé correctement, il refuse dobéir
à son Dresseur et crie sans arrêt. Cest pourquoi on dit que
ce Pokémon peut réellement mettre son Dresseur à lépreuve."
291,26,6,"Wenn Ninjask nicht richtig trainiert wird, hört es nicht mehr auf
seinen Trainer und beginnt, unaufhörlich und laut zu brüllen.
Es stellt die Fähigkeiten eines Trainers auf eine harte Probe."
291,26,7,"Si Ninjask no recibe un entrenamiento adecuado, desobedece
a su Entrenador y empieza a dar zumbidos sin parar.
Por ello, se dice que pone a prueba las habilidades de su
291,26,8,"Se Ninjask non viene allenato adeguatamente, si rifiuta di
obbedire allAllenatore, lamentandosi di continuo. Questa sua
caratteristica mette alla prova le capacità di ciascun Allenatore
di Pokémon."
291,26,9,"If Ninjask is not trained properly, it will refuse to obey
the Trainer and cry loudly continuously. Because of this
quality, this Pokémon is said to be one that puts the
Trainers abilities to the test."
291,26,11,"上手に 育てないと いうことを 聞かず
大声で 鳴き続けるので トレーナーの
腕が 試される ポケモンと いわれている。"
291,33,1,"なきごえを きき つづけると
ずつうが おさまらなくなる。
みえない ほどの はやさで うごく。"
291,33,3,"울음소리를 계속 들으면
두통이 낫지 않게 된다.
안 보일 정도의 스피드로 움직인다."
291,33,5,"Une écoute prolongée de son cri provoque
des maux de tête persistants.
On le perd facilement de vue tant il est vif."
291,33,6,"Lauscht man längere Zeit seinem Gesang, löst er
dauerhafte Kopfschmerzen aus. Es ist so schnell,
dass es beinahe unsichtbar zu sein scheint."
291,33,7,"Escuchar su zumbido de forma continuada
provoca jaquecas persistentes. Se mueve con
tanta rapidez que es casi imposible verlo."
291,33,8,"I suoi continui lamenti provocano atroci
emicranie. Si sposta così velocemente che...
non si vede!"
291,33,9,"Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too
long. It moves so quickly that it is almost invisible."
291,33,11,"鳴き声を 聴き つづけると
頭痛が 治まらなくなる。
見えない ほどの 速さで 動く。"
291,34,1,"どんな こうげきでも よけてしまうと
いわれるほど すばやい ポケモン。
あまい じゅえきが だいこうぶつ。"
291,34,3,"어떤 공격이든 피할 수 있다고
이야기될 정도로 빠른 포켓몬이다.
달콤한 수액을 매우 좋아한다."
291,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est tellement rapide quon le dit
capable déviter toutes les attaques.
Il adore se nourrir de la sève sucrée des arbres."
291,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist so schnell, dass es jedem
Angriff ausweichen kann. Es ernährt sich am
liebsten von süßem Baumsaft."
291,34,7,"Este Pokémon es tan rápido que, según dicen,
puede esquivar cualquier ataque. Le encanta
alimentarse de la dulce savia de los árboles."
291,34,8,"È così rapido che si dice sia in grado di schivare
qualsiasi attacco. Ama nutrirsi della linfa degli
291,34,9,"This Pokémon is so quick, it is said to be able to
avoid any attack. It loves to feed on tree sap."
291,34,11,"どんな 攻撃でも 避けてしまうと
いわれるほど 素早い ポケモン。
甘い 樹液が 大好物。"
292,7,9,"SHEDINJAs hard body doesnt move -
not even a twitch. In fact, its body
appears to be merely a hollow shell.It is believed that this POKéMON will
steal the spirit of anyone peering into
its hollow body from its back."
292,8,9,"SHEDINJA is a peculiar POKéMON.
It seems to appear unsought in a POKé
BALL after a NINCADA evolves.This bizarre POKéMON is entirely
immobile - it doesnt even breathe."
292,9,9,"A peculiar POKéMON that floats in air even
though its wings remain completely still.
The inside of its body is hollow and
utterly dark."
292,10,9,"A most peculiar POKéMON that somehow
appears in a POKé BALL when a NINCADA
292,11,9,"A most peculiar POKéMON that somehow
appears in a POKé BALL when a NINCADA
292,12,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,13,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,14,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,15,9,"A strange Pokémon--it flies without
moving its wings, has a hollow shell
for a body, and does not breathe."
292,16,9,"A strange Pokémon--it flies without
moving its wings, has a hollow shell
for a body, and does not breathe."
292,17,5,"Une carapace dinsecte laissée à
labandon. On dit quil vole lâme
de celui qui regarde à lintérieur."
292,17,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,18,5,"Une carapace dinsecte laissée à
labandon. On dit quil vole lâme
de celui qui regarde à lintérieur."
292,18,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,21,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,22,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to
life. Peering into the crack on its
back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,23,1,"ぬけがらが たましいを やどした。
せなかの すきまから のぞきこむと
たましいを すわれてしまうらしい。"
292,23,3,"허물 속으로 영혼이 들어갔다.
등에 난 틈새로 들여다보면
영혼을 빼앗겨버린다고 한다."
292,23,5,"Une carapace dinsecte laissée à labandon. On dit
quil vole lâme de celui qui regarde à lintérieur."
292,23,6,"Ein weggeworfener Käferpanzer, der zum Leben
erwachte. Schaut man hinein, stiehlt es einem
die Seele."
292,23,7,"Es el caparazón de un bicho que cobró vida. Si alguien
lo mira por la espalda, le robará el alma."
292,23,8,"È nato dal guscio vuoto di un insetto. Pare che
chi spia nella fessura sul suo dorso perda lanima."
292,23,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into
the crack on its back is said to steal ones spirit."
292,23,11,"抜け殻が 魂を 宿した。
背中の すきまから のぞきこむと
魂を 吸われてしまうらしい。"
292,24,1,"ツチニンが しんかする ときに
いつの まにか モンスターボールに
はいっている ふしぎな ポケモンだ。"
292,24,3,"토중몬이 진화할 때
어느샌가 몬스터볼에
들어와 있는 신기한 포켓몬이다."
292,24,5,"Un Pokémon étrange que lon trouve dans les
Poké Balls après lévolution dun Ningale."
292,24,6,"Ein sehr spezielles Pokémon, das irgendwie in einem
Pokéball auftaucht, wenn Nincada sich entwickelt."
292,24,7,"Es un Pokémon muy peculiar; aparece de repente en
una Poké Ball cuando Nincada evoluciona."
292,24,8,"Pokémon particolare, che appare misteriosamente
in una Poké Ball dopo levoluzione di un Nincada."
292,24,9,"A most peculiar Pokémon that somehow appears in
a Poké Ball when a Nincada evolves."
292,24,11,"ツチニンが 進化する ときに
いつの間にか モンスターボールに
入っている 不思議な ポケモンだ。"
292,25,1,"かたい からだは ぴくりとも うごかない。
せなかから からだの くうどうを のぞくと
たましいを すいとられると しんじられている。"
292,25,3,"단단한 몸은 꿈쩍도 하지 않는다.
등을 통해 몸의 구멍을 들여다보면
혼이 빨려 들어간다고 믿어지고 있다."
292,25,5,"Le corps robuste de Munja ne bouge pas dun pouce. En fait,
son corps semble être une coquille vide. Certains croient que
ce Pokémon peut voler lâme de quiconque regarderait
à lintérieur de son corps creux."
292,25,6,"Ninjatoms harter Körper bewegt sich überhaupt nicht.
Er scheint bloß eine hohle Schale zu sein. Dieses Pokémon
soll angeblich die Seele eines jeden stehlen, der hinterrücks
einen Blick in seinen hohlen Körper riskiert."
292,25,7,"Shedinja tiene un cuerpo robusto que no mueve en absoluto.
De hecho, parece una especie de caparazón hueco. Se cree
que, si alguien se atreviera a mirarle por la espalda lo que
tiene en su interior, Shedinja le robaría el alma."
292,25,8,"Il corpo coriaceo di Shedinja non si muove neanche
di un millimetro. In realtà sembra quasi un guscio vuoto.
Si dice che questo Pokémon rubi lo spirito di chiunque
osi spiare dentro il suo guscio."
292,25,9,"Shedinjas hard body doesnt move—not even a twitch. In fact,
its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that
this Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its
hollow body from its back."
292,25,11,"硬い 体は ぴくりとも 動かない。
背中から 体の 空洞を のぞくと
魂を 吸い取られると 信じられている。"
292,26,1,"ツチニンが しんかしたとき なぜか かってに
モンスターボールに はいっている ポケモンだ。
からだは まったく うごかず いきも しない。"
292,26,3,"토중몬이 진화했을 때 어찌 된 영문인지 제멋대로
몬스터볼에 들어 있는 포켓몬이다.
몸을 전혀 움직이지 않으며 숨도 쉬지 않는다."
292,26,5,"Munja est un étrange Pokémon. Il semble apparaître sans
raison dans une Poké Ball après lévolution dun Ningale.
Ce Pokémon bizarre est totalement immobile. Il ne respire
même pas."
292,26,6,"Ninjatom ist ein ganz besonderes Pokémon. Es taucht plötzlich
in einem Pokéball auf, nachdem sich ein Nincada entwickelt
hat. Dieses Pokémon ist absolut bewegungsunfähig und atmet
nicht einmal."
292,26,7,"Shedinja es un Pokémon peculiar. Según parece, surge por
las buenas en una Poké Ball cuando Nincada evoluciona. Este
raro Pokémon no se mueve nada; ni siquiera respira."
292,26,8,"Shedinja è molto particolare. Pare comparire allimprovviso
in una Poké Ball dopo levoluzione di Nincada. Questo strano
Pokémon è completamente immobile. Non è nemmeno
in grado di respirare."
292,26,9,"Shedinja is a peculiar Pokémon. It seems to appear unsought
in a Poké Ball after a Nincada evolves. This bizarre Pokémon
is entirely immobile—it doesnt even breathe."
292,26,11,"ツチニンが 進化したとき なぜか 勝手に
モンスターボールに 入っている ポケモンだ。
体は まったく 動かず 息も しない。"
292,33,1,"ツチニンが しんかする ときに
いつの まにか モンスターボールに
はいっている ふしぎな ポケモンだ。"
292,33,3,"토중몬이 진화할 때
어느샌가 몬스터볼에
들어와 있는 신기한 포켓몬이다."
292,33,5,"Un Pokémon étrange que lon trouve dans
une Poké Ball après lévolution dun Ningale."
292,33,6,"Ein äußerst sonderbares Pokémon, das plötzlich
auf rätselhafte Weise in einem Pokéball
auftaucht, wenn Nincada sich entwickelt."
292,33,7,"Es un Pokémon muy peculiar; aparece de repente
en una Poké Ball cuando Nincada evoluciona."
292,33,8,"È un Pokémon molto particolare. Appare
misteriosamente in una Poké Ball dopo
levoluzione di un Nincada."
292,33,9,"A most peculiar Pokémon that somehow appears
in a Poké Ball when a Nincada evolves."
292,33,11,"ツチニンが 進化する ときに
いつの間にか モンスターボールに
入っている 不思議な ポケモンだ。"
292,34,1,"ハネを うごかさずに とびまわる。
からだの なかは からっぽで
いきを しない ふしぎな ポケモン。"
292,34,3,"날개를 움직이지 않고 날아다닌다.
몸속이 텅 비어 있고
숨을 쉬지 않는 이상한 포켓몬이다."
292,34,5,"Cet étrange Pokémon, dont le corps
est comme une coquille vide, ne respire pas
et peut voler sans battre des ailes."
292,34,6,"Ninjatom ist ein äußerst sonderbares Pokémon.
Es fliegt umher, ohne seine Flügel zu bewegen,
sein Körper ist hohl und es atmet nicht."
292,34,7,"Es un Pokémon muy peculiar: revolotea sin batir
las alas, no respira y su cuerpo está hueco por
292,34,8,"Svolazza in giro senza muovere le ali.
È un Pokémon strano: è vuoto allinterno
e non respira."
292,34,9,"A strange Pokémon—it flies without moving its
wings, has a hollow shell for a body, and does
not breathe."
292,34,11,"ハネを 動かさずに 飛びまわる。
体の 中は 空っぽで
息を しない 不思議な ポケモン。"
293,7,9,"Normally, WHISMURs voice is very quiet -
it is barely audible even if one is
paying close attention.However, if this POKéMON senses danger,
it starts crying at an earsplitting
293,8,9,"WHISMUR is very timid. If it starts to
cry loudly, it becomes startled by its
own crying and cries even harder.When it finally stops crying, the
POKéMON goes to sleep, all tired out."
293,9,9,"Its cries equal a jet plane in volume.
It inhales through its ear canals. Because
of this system, it can cry continually
without having to catch its breath."
293,10,9,"It usually murmurs, but starts crying
loudly if it senses danger. It stops when
its ear covers are shut."
293,11,9,"It usually murmurs, but starts crying
loudly if it senses danger. It stops when
its ear covers are shut."
293,12,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,13,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,14,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,15,9,"If it senses danger, it scares
the foe by crying out with the
volume of a jet-plane engine."
293,16,9,"If it senses danger, it scares
the foe by crying out with the
volume of a jet-plane engine."
293,17,5,"En temps normal, son cri est pareil
à un murmure. Effrayé, il atteint le
volume dun avion à réaction."
293,17,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,18,5,"En temps normal, son cri est pareil
à un murmure. Effrayé, il atteint le
volume dun avion à réaction."
293,18,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,21,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,22,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet
murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks
at the same volume as a jet plane."
293,23,1,"ふだんは ささやき ごえ。きけんを
さっちすると おおごえで なきだす。
みみの ふたを とじると なきやむ。"
293,23,3,"평소에는 속삭이는 듯한 목소리다. 위험을
감지하면 큰 소리로 울기 시작한다.
귀의 덮개를 닫으면 울음을 멈춘다."
293,23,5,"Il communique en murmurant, mais se met à hurler
sil sent le moindre danger. Il sarrête quand on lui
bouche les oreilles."
293,23,6,"Normalerweise murmelt es, aber bei Gefahr beginnt
es laut zu schreien. Es hört auf zu schreien,
wenn seine Ohrmuscheln bedeckt werden."
293,23,7,"Normalmente murmulla, pero cuando siente que hay
peligro se pone a chillar. Solo para cuando se le
cierran las orejas."
293,23,8,"Di solito sussurra, ma se avverte un pericolo lancia
grida acute, che interrompe quando ha le orecchie
293,23,9,"It usually murmurs but starts crying
loudly if it senses danger. It stops
when its ear covers are shut."
293,23,11,"普段は ささやき 声。危険を
察知すると 大声で 泣き出す。
耳の 蓋を 閉じると 泣きやむ。"
293,24,1,"きけんを さっちすると ジェットきと
おなじ おんりょうの なきごえを
あげて てきを ひるませるのだ。"
293,24,3,"위험을 감지하면 제트기와
같은 음량의 울음소리를
내서 적을 풀죽게 한다."
293,24,5,"Il repousse ses ennemis grâce à un cri aussi puissant
que le bruit dun avion à réaction."
293,24,6,"Sein Schrei ist so laut wie ein Düsenflugzeug.
Bei Gefahr vertreibt es damit seine Feinde."
293,24,7,"Cuando percibe peligro, lanza gritos con volumen
similar al de un reactor e intimida a sus enemigos."
293,24,8,"Se sospetta un pericolo, leva grida agli stessi
assordanti decibel di un jet, gettando nel panico i
293,24,9,"If it senses danger, it scares the foe by crying out
with the volume of a jet-plane engine."
293,24,11,"危険を 察知すると ジェット機と
同じ 音量の 鳴き声を 上げて
敵を ひるませるのだ。"
293,25,1,"ふだんは ちゅういしないと ききとれない くらい
ちいさな こえだが きけんを さっち すると
ずつうを おこす ほどの おおごえで なきだす。"
293,25,3,"평소에는 주의를 기울여야 들릴 만큼
작은 목소리지만 위험을 감지하면
두통을 일으킬 만큼 큰 소리로 울어댄다."
293,25,5,"Généralement, la voix de Chuchmur est très douce, à peine
audible, même si on tend loreille. Pourtant, lorsque
ce Pokémon sent lapproche du danger, il se met à crier
si fort quil peut déchirer des tympans."
293,25,6,"Normalerweise ist Flurmels Stimme sehr leise,
selbst mit größter Anstrengung ist sie kaum hörbar.
Wenn dieses Pokémon jedoch eine Gefahr wittert,
stößt es ohrenbetäubende Schreie aus."
293,25,7,"Normalmente, Whismur tiene una voz tenue, casi inaudible,
aunque se preste atención. No obstante, si este Pokémon
siente que el peligro acecha, puede ponerse a chillar con un
volumen ensordecedor."
293,25,8,"Normalmente la voce di Whismur è molto tenue, quasi
impercettibile, anche se ci si concentra. Tuttavia,
se questo Pokémon percepisce un pericolo, inizia
a emettere suoni assordanti."
293,25,9,"Normally, Whismurs voice is very quiet—it is barely audible
even if one is paying close attention. However, if this Pokémon
senses danger, it starts crying at an earsplitting volume."
293,25,11,"普段は 注意しないと 聞き取れない くらい
小さな 声だが 危険を 察知 すると
頭痛を 起こす ほどの 大声で 鳴き出す。"
293,26,1,"ひとたび おおごえで なきだすと じぶんの
こえに びっくりして さらに はげしく なく。
なきやむと つかれて ねむってしまう。"
293,26,3,"한 번 큰 소리로 울기 시작하면 자신의
목소리에 놀라 한층 더 심하게 운다.
울음을 그치면 지쳐서 잠들어버린다."
293,26,5,"Chuchmur est très timide. Sil commence à pleurer, il seffraie
tout seul et pleure de plus belle. Quand ce Pokémon finit
enfin de pleurer, il sendort, épuisé."
293,26,6,"Flurmel ist sehr scheu. Wenn es laut brüllt, erschrickt es und
brüllt dadurch noch lauter. Wenn es schließlich damit aufhört,
ist es völlig ausgepumpt und legt sich schlafen."
293,26,7,"Whismur es muy tímido. Si empieza a gritar fuerte, se asusta a
sí mismo y chilla más alto todavía. Cuando para por fin, se va
a dormir completamente agotado."
293,26,8,"Whismur è estremamente timido. Se gli capita di emettere
suoni forti, è atterrito nelludire la sua stessa voce, quindi
urla ancora più fragorosamente. Quando finalmente si placa,
va a dormire, spossato."
293,26,9,"Whismur is very timid. If it starts to cry loudly, it becomes
startled by its own crying and cries even harder. When it finally
stops crying, the Pokémon goes to sleep, all tired out."
293,26,11,"一度 大声で 鳴き出すと 自分の
声に びっくりして さらに 激しく 鳴く。
鳴き止むと 疲れて 眠ってしまう。"
293,33,1,"なきごえは 100デシベルを こえる
おんりょう。 ちかくで なかれると
いちにち ずつうが おさまらない。"
293,33,3,"울음소리는 100데시벨을 넘는
음량이다. 가까이에서 울면
온종일 두통에 시달린다."
293,33,5,"Le cri quil émet dépasse les 100 décibels et
donne une migraine qui dure toute la journée
à quiconque se trouve à proximité."
293,33,6,"Sein Schrei erreicht eine Lautstärke von über
100 Dezibel. Hört man diesen aus der Nähe,
leidet man den ganzen Tag unter Kopfschmerzen."
293,33,7,"Su grito llega a superar los 100 decibelios y
provoca a quien lo oiga un dolor de cabeza
que puede durar un día entero."
293,33,8,"Il suo grido, che può superare i 100 decibel,
fa venire mal di testa per tutta la giornata
a chiunque si trovi nelle vicinanze."
293,33,9,"The cry of a Whismur is over 100 decibels.
If youre close to a Whismur when it lets out a
cry, youll be stuck with an all-day headache."
293,33,11,"鳴き声は 100デシベルを 超える
音量。 近くで 鳴かれると
一日 頭痛が 治まらない。"
293,34,1,"なきはじめると じぶんの こえに
おどろいて さらに はげしく なく。
なきつかれると ねむってしまう。"
293,34,3,"울음이 터지면 자신의 목소리에
놀라 더 격렬하게 운다.
울다 지치면 잠들어 버린다."
293,34,5,"Quand il se met à crier, il se surprend lui-même
et hurle de plus belle. Il continue ainsi jusquà
ce quil se fatigue et tombe de sommeil."
293,34,6,"Stößt Flurmel einen Schrei aus, so erschrickt es
vor seiner eigenen Stimme und brüllt noch lauter,
bis es erschöpft ist und sich schlafen legen muss."
293,34,7,"Al chillar, se asusta con su propia voz, lo cual
le lleva a gritar más fuerte todavía. Cuando
se cansa, se echa a dormir."
293,34,8,"Se inizia a gridare, si spaventa al suono della sua
stessa voce e urla ancora di più. Quando si stanca
di urlare, va a dormire."
293,34,9,"When Whismur cries, the sound of its own voice
startles it, making the Pokémon cry even louder.
It cries until its exhausted, then it falls asleep."
293,34,11,"鳴きはじめると 自分の 声に
驚いて さらに 激しく 鳴く。
鳴き疲れると 眠ってしまう。"
294,7,9,"LOUDREDs bellowing can completely
decimate a wood-frame house. It uses
its voice to punish its foes.This POKéMONs round ears serve as
294,8,9,"LOUDRED shouts while stamping its feet.
After it finishes shouting, this
POKéMON becomes incapable of hearinganything for a while. This is considered
to be a weak point."
294,9,9,"It positions the round speakers on its
head to assail foes with ultrasonic waves
at massive volume. It builds power by
stomping the ground."
294,10,9,"When it stamps its feet and bellows, it
generates ultrasonic waves that can blow
apart a house."
294,11,9,"When it stamps its feet and bellows, it
generates ultrasonic waves that can blow
apart a house."
294,12,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,13,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,14,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,15,9,"It shouts loudly by inhaling air, and
then uses its well-developed
stomach muscles to exhale."
294,16,9,"It shouts loudly by inhaling air, and
then uses its well-developed
stomach muscles to exhale."
294,17,5,"Londe de choc provoquée par son
cri peut renverser un camion. Il
trépigne pour augmenter sa force."
294,17,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,18,5,"Londe de choc provoquée par son
cri peut renverser un camion. Il
trépigne pour augmenter sa force."
294,18,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,21,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,22,9,"The shock waves from its cries can
tip over trucks. It stamps its
feet to power up."
294,23,1,"おもいきり すいこんだ くうきを
はったつした ふっきんを つかって
はきだすことで おおごえを だす。"
294,23,3,"마음껏 들이마신 공기를
발달한 복근을 써서
토해내 큰 소리를 낸다."
294,23,5,"Grâce à ses puissants muscles abdominaux, il peut
crier en expulsant lair quil avait aspiré."
294,23,6,"Es atmet tief ein und nutzt seine Bauchmuskeln,
um die Luft in einem gewaltigen Schrei auszustoßen."
294,23,7,"Aspira profundamente y luego, usando sus fuertes
abdominales, suelta un potente vozarrón."
294,23,8,"Leva potenti grida inspirando tanta aria e poi
sparandola fuori con tutta la forza degli addominali."
294,23,9,"It shouts loudly by inhaling air, and then uses its
well-developed stomach muscles to exhale."
294,23,11,"思い切り 吸いこんだ 空気を
発達した 腹筋を 使って
吐き出すことで 大声を 出す。"
294,24,1,"おおごえの しょうげきはで
トラックを ひっくりかえしてしまう。
あしを ふみならして パワーアップ。"
294,24,3,"큰 소리의 충격파로
트럭을 뒤집어 버린다.
발을 쿵쾅거리며 파워를 올린다."
294,24,5,"Londe de choc provoquée par son cri peut renverser
un camion. Il trépigne pour augmenter sa force."
294,24,6,"Die Schockwellen, die durch sein Rufen entstehen,
können einen LKW umkippen."
294,24,7,"Las ondas de sus gritos pueden voltear un camión.
Patea el suelo para ganar potencia."
294,24,8,"Le onde durto dei suoi versi ribaltano anche i
camion. Pesta i piedi per accumulare energia."
294,24,9,"The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks.
It stamps its feet to power up."
294,24,11,"大声の 衝撃波で
トラックを ひっくりかえしてしまう。
足を 踏みならして パワーアップ。"
294,25,1,"もくぞうの いえを コナゴナに ふきとばすほどの
おおごえを だして あいてを いためつける。
まるい みみが スピーカーの はたらきを する。"
294,25,3,"나무로 만든 집을 산산조각 내 날려버릴 만큼
큰 소리를 내어 상대를 혼내준다.
둥근 귀가 스피커 역할을 한다."
294,25,5,"Le hurlement de Ramboum est si fort quil peut faire
seffondrer une petite maison en bois. Il se sert de sa voix
pour punir ses ennemis. Les oreilles rondes de ce Pokémon
servent de haut-parleurs."
294,25,6,"Krakeelos Brüllen kann ein Holzhaus zum Einsturz bringen.
Es setzt seine Stimme ein, um seine Gegner anzugreifen.
Die runden Ohren dieses Pokémon dienen als Lautsprecher."
294,25,7,"Los bramidos de Loudred pueden echar abajo una casa
reforzada con vigas de madera. Este Pokémon usa el vozarrón
que tiene para castigar a sus rivales. Las orejas redondas le
sirven de altavoces."
294,25,8,"I suoni assordanti emessi da Loudred sono in grado
di abbattere anche una casa in legno. La sua voce è
così potente da poter essere usata come attacco contro
i nemici. Le sue orecchie tonde fungono da altoparlanti."
294,25,9,"Loudreds bellowing can completely decimate a wood-frame
house. It uses its voice to punish its foes. This Pokémons
round ears serve as loudspeakers."
294,25,11,"木造の 家を コナゴナに 吹き飛ばすほどの
大声を 出して 相手を 痛めつける。
丸い 耳が スピーカーの 働きを する。"
294,26,1,"あしを ふみならしながら おおごえを だす。
おおごえを だしたあとは しばらくの あいだ
なにも きこえなくなってしまうのが じゃくてん。"
294,26,3,"발을 동동 구르면서 큰 소리를 낸다.
큰 소리를 낸 후에는 잠시 동안
아무것도 듣지 못하게 되는 것이 약점이다."
294,26,5,"Ramboum hurle en trépignant. Quand il a fini de hurler,
ce Pokémon reste incapable dentendre le moindre son
pendant un long moment. Il semble que ce soit son point
294,26,6,"Krakeelo schreit und stampft mit seinen Füßen auf den Boden.
Danach kann es für eine Weile nichts hören. Dies scheint die
Schwachstelle dieses Pokémon zu sein."
294,26,7,"Loudred grita a la vez que da pisotones. Una vez que deja de
chillar, se queda ensordecido durante un buen rato; lo que se
considera su punto débil."
294,26,8,"Loudred urla pestando i piedi. Alla fine dei suoi strepiti è
temporaneamente incapace di udire qualsiasi rumore.
Questo è considerato il suo punto debole."
294,26,9,"Loudred shouts while stamping its feet. After it finishes
shouting, this Pokémon becomes incapable of hearing
anything for a while. This is considered to be a weak point."
294,26,11,"足を 踏み鳴らしながら 大声を 出す。
大声を 出した後は しばらくの 間
なにも 聞こえなくなってしまうのが 弱点。"
294,33,1,"みみは スピーカーの やくわり。
いっけんやを ふきとばす いりょくの
おんぱを みみから ほうしゃする。"
294,33,3,"귀는 스피커 역할을 한다.
집 한 채를 날려버릴 위력의
음파를 귀에서 내뿜는다."
294,33,5,"Ses oreilles lui servant de haut-parleurs
peuvent émettre des ondes sonores dont
la puissance suffit à balayer une maison."
294,33,6,"Seine Ohren fungieren als Lautsprecher. Mit ihnen
kann es starke Schallwellen ausstoßen, die ganze
Häuser zum Einsturz bringen."
294,33,7,"A través de las orejas, que le sirven de altavoces,
emite ondas sonoras capaces de echar abajo una
294,33,8,"Le sue orecchie fungono da altoparlanti e sono
in grado di emettere onde sonore talmente
potenti da abbattere una casa."
294,33,9,"Loudreds ears serve as speakers, and they can
put out sound waves powerful enough to blow
away a house."
294,33,11,"耳は スピーカーの 役割。
一軒家を 吹きとばす 威力の
音波を 耳から 放射する。"
294,34,1,"おおごえは ちょうかく だけでなく
くうきの あつりょくとなり てきを
ふきとばし ダメージを あたえる。"
294,34,3,"큰 목소리는 청각뿐만 아니라
공기의 압력마저 변화시켜
상대를 날려버리고 데미지를 준다."
294,34,5,"Ses hurlements naffectent pas seulement louïe;
ils provoquent aussi une onde de choc qui balaie
les ennemis et leur inflige des dégâts."
294,34,6,"Sein Brüllen ist nicht nur ein Angriff aufs Gehör,
sondern erzeugt auch Schockwellen, durch die
Gegner weggefegt und verletzt werden."
294,34,7,"Su voz no afecta solo al oído. Sus ondas sonoras
provocan variaciones de presión en el aire que
hacen que sus enemigos salgan despedidos."
294,34,8,"Oltre a colpire ludito, la sua potente voce
produce anche delle onde durto con le quali
spazza via e danneggia i nemici."
294,34,9,"The force of this Pokémons loud voice isnt just
the sound—its also the wave of air pressure that
blows opponents away and damages them."
294,34,11,"大声は 聴覚だけでなく
空気の 圧力となり 敵を
吹きとばし ダメージを 与える。"
295,7,9,"EXPLOUD triggers earthquakes with the
tremors it creates by bellowing. If this
POKéMON violently inhales from theports on its body, its a sign that it is
preparing to let loose a huge bellow."
295,8,9,"EXPLOUD communicates its feelings to
the others by emitting whistle-like
sounds from the tubes on its body.This POKéMON only raises its voice when
it is in battle."
295,9,9,"It has sound-generating organs all over
its body. It communicates with others by
adjusting the tone and volume of the cries
it emits."
295,10,9,"It emits a variety of sounds from the 
holes all over its body. Its loud cries
can be heard from over six miles away."
295,11,9,"It emits a variety of sounds from the 
holes all over its body. Its loud cries
can be heard from over six miles away."
295,12,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,13,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,14,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,15,9,"Its roar in battle shakes the
ground like a tremor--or like
an earthquake has struck."
295,16,9,"Its roar in battle shakes the
ground like a tremor--or like
an earthquake has struck."
295,17,5,"Son hurlement sentend à 10 km à la
ronde. Ses orifices émettent toutes
sortes de bruits."
295,17,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,18,5,"Son hurlement sentend à 10 km à la
ronde. Ses orifices émettent toutes
sortes de bruits."
295,18,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,21,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,22,9,"Its howls can be heard over six
miles away. It emits all sorts of
noises from the ports on its body."
295,23,1,"バクオングの とおぼえは 10キロ
さきまで とどく。からだじゅうの
あなから さまざまな おとを だす。"
295,23,3,"폭음룡이 짖는 소리는 10km
전방까지 닿는다. 몸 곳곳의
구멍에서 갖가지 소리를 낸다."
295,23,5,"Son hurlement sentend à 10 km à la ronde.
Ses orifices émettent toutes sortes de bruits."
295,23,6,"Sein Heulen hört man in 10 km Entfernung.
Es gibt alle Arten von Geräuschen von sich."
295,23,7,"Su aullido se puede oír a 10 km. Emite todo tipo de
sonidos desde los tubos de su cuerpo."
295,23,8,"Le sue urla si sentono a 10 km di distanza. Emette
diversi suoni dalle numerose aperture del suo corpo."
295,23,9,"Its howls can be heard over six miles away. It emits
all sorts of noises from the ports on its body."
295,23,11,"バクオングの 遠ぼえは 10キロ
先まで 届く。体中の 穴から
さまざまな 音を 出す。"
295,24,1,"たたかいのときに だす うなりごえは
まるで じしんの ように
じめんを グラグラと ゆらす。"
295,24,3,"싸울 때 내는 으르렁거리는 소리는
마치 지진처럼
땅을 쿵쿵 울린다."
295,24,5,"Au combat, son hurlement fait trembler le sol comme
un séisme."
295,24,6,"Sein Grollen, das es während des Kampfs ausstößt,
erschüttert den Boden ganz wie bei einem Erdbeben."
295,24,7,"El bramido que emite al atacar puede sacudir la tierra
con la intensidad de un terremoto."
295,24,8,"In lotta emette ululati che possono veramente far
tremare la terra alla stregua di un terremoto."
295,24,9,"Its roar in battle shakes the ground like a
tremor--or like an earthquake has struck."
295,24,11,"戦いのときに 出す うなり声は
まるで 地震の ように
地面を グラグラと 揺らす。"
295,25,1,"おおごえの しんどうで じしんを おこす。
からだの あなから くうきを はげしく すいこみ
はじめたら おおごえを だす まえぶれだ。"
295,25,3,"큰 소리의 진동으로 지진을 일으킨다.
몸에 난 구멍으로 공기를 세차게 빨아들이기
시작하면 큰 소리를 낼 조짐이다."
295,25,5,"Brouhabam peut déclencher des tremblements de terre
grâce aux vibrations de son hurlement. Lorsque ce Pokémon
inspire fortement, cela signifie quil se prépare à pousser
un gigantesque rugissement."
295,25,6,"Krawumms kann durch sein Brüllen Erdbeben auslösen.
Wenn dieses Pokémon durch seine Körperöffnungen kräftig
einatmet, ist es kurz davor, ein mächtiges Brüllen von sich
zu geben."
295,25,7,"Exploud provoca terremotos con el temblor que causa al
levantar la voz. Cuando inhala aire por los tubos, hay que
prestar atención, ya que está a punto de soltar un buen
295,25,8,"Exploud è in grado di generare terremoti con le vibrazioni
vocali. Quando inala grandi quantità daria dalle numerose
aperture del corpo, significa che si sta preparando a emettere
un grido lancinante."
295,25,9,"Exploud triggers earthquakes with the tremors it creates
by bellowing. If this Pokémon violently inhales from the
ports on its body, its a sign that it is preparing to let loose
a huge bellow."
295,25,11,"大声の 振動で 地震を 起こす。
体の 穴から 空気を 激しく 吸い込み
始めたら 大声を 出す 前触れだ。"
295,26,1,"からだの あなから ふえの ような おとを
だして なかまに きもちを つたえている。
おおごえは たたかう ときしか ださないのだ。"
295,26,3,"몸의 구멍에서 피리 같은 소리를
내서 동료에게 기분을 전달하고 있다.
큰 소리는 싸울 때만 낸다."
295,26,5,"Brouhabam communique avec les autres en émettant
un sifflement qui provient des tubes de son corps.
Ce Pokémon nélève la voix que pendant les combats."
295,26,6,"Krawumms vermittelt seinen Artgenossen seine Gefühle,
indem es eine Art Pfeifen durch die Röhren an seinem Körper
von sich gibt. Dieses Pokémon erhebt nur im Kampf seine
295,26,7,"Exploud expresa sus sentimientos a los otros emitiendo una
especie de silbidos a través de los tubos que tiene. Este
Pokémon solo levanta la voz cuando está en combate."
295,26,8,"Exploud comunica le sue sensazioni emettendo
dei fischi dai canali tubolari del suo corpo.
Questo Pokémon alza la voce soltanto nella lotta."
295,26,9,"Exploud communicates its feelings to the others by emitting
whistle-like sounds from the tubes on its body. This Pokémon
only raises its voice when it is in battle."
295,26,11,"体の 穴から 笛の ような 音を
出して 仲間に 気持ちを 伝えている。
大声は 戦う ときしか 出さないのだ。"
295,33,1,"むかしの ひとは とおく はなれた
まち どうしの れんらく ほうほうに
バクオングの おおごえを つかった。"
295,33,3,"옛날 사람은 멀리 떨어진
마을끼리 연락하는 방법으로
폭음룡의 큰 목소리를 사용했다."
295,33,5,"Autrefois, lHomme se servait du cri puissant
de ce Pokémon pour communiquer dune ville
à lautre sur de longues distances."
295,33,6,"Einst nutzten die Menschen das Gebrüll von
Krawumms zur Kommunikation zwischen weit
voneinander entfernten Dörfern."
295,33,7,"En la antigüedad, los bramidos de Exploud se
utilizaban como medio de comunicación entre
pueblos alejados."
295,33,8,"Un tempo la potente voce di questo Pokémon
veniva utilizzata come mezzo di comunicazione
tra città distanti."
295,33,9,"In the past, people would use the loud voices of
these Pokémon as a means of communication
between distant cities."
295,33,11,"昔の 人は 遠く 離れた
街同士の 連絡方法に
バクオングの 大声を 使った。"
295,34,1,"おおごえ だけじゃない。 からだの
あなから いろいろな ねいろを だし
なかまと いしそつうを するのだ。"
295,34,3,"큰 목소리만 가진 것이 아니다.
몸의 구멍에서 다양한 소리를 내어
동료와 의사소통을 한다."
295,34,5,"Pour communiquer avec ses semblables,
il nutilise pas que son cri puissant; il émet
aussi des sons par les trous de son corps."
295,34,6,"Es nutzt nicht nur seine laute Stimme, sondern
stößt auch über seine Körperöffnungen allerlei
Töne aus, um mit Artgenossen zu kommunizieren."
295,34,7,"Además de sus bramidos, es capaz de emitir
distintos tonos por los tubos de su cuerpo, que
le permiten comunicarse con sus semejantes."
295,34,8,"Oltre a emettere potenti urla, grazie alle
aperture del suo corpo produce suoni di tonalità
diverse, che usa per comunicare con i suoi simili."
295,34,9,"This Pokémon can do more than just shout. To
communicate with others of its kind, itll emit all
sorts of sounds from the holes in its body."
295,34,11,"大声だけじゃない。 体の 穴から
いろいろな 音色を 出し
仲間と 意思疎通を するのだ。"
296,7,9,"MAKUHITA is tenacious - it will keep
getting up and attacking its foe
however many times it is knocked down.Every time it gets back up, this
POKéMON stores more energy in its body
for evolving."
296,8,9,"MAKUHITA has a tireless spirit -
it will never give up hope. It eats a lot
of food, gets plenty of sleep, and ittrains very rigorously. By living that
way, this POKéMON packs its body with
296,9,9,"It loves to toughen up its body above all
else. If you hear quaking rumbles in a cave,
it is the sound of MAKUHITA undertaking
strenuous training."
296,10,9,"It grows stronger by enduring harsh
training. It is a gutsy POKéMON that can
withstand any attack."
296,11,9,"It grows stronger by enduring harsh
training. It is a gutsy POKéMON that can
withstand any attack."
296,12,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,13,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,14,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,15,9,"It toughens up by slamming into
thick trees over and over. It gains
a sturdy body and dauntless spirit."
296,16,9,"It toughens up by slamming into
thick trees over and over. It gains
a sturdy body and dauntless spirit."
296,17,5,"Il fortifie son corps en fonçant
sur des arbres épais. Son nid est
entouré darbres abattus."
296,17,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,18,5,"Il fortifie son corps en fonçant
sur des arbres épais. Son nid est
entouré darbres abattus."
296,18,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,21,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,22,9,"It toughens its body by slamming
into thick trees. Many snapped
trees can be found near its nest."
296,23,1,"たいぼくに なんども たいあたりして
きょうじんな からだと くじけない
こころを きたえ あげるのだ。"
296,23,3,"큰 나무에 몇 번이나 몸통박치기를
하며 강인한 몸과 굴하지 않는
마음을 단련한다."
296,23,5,"Il fonce sur des arbres larges pour fortifier son corps
robuste et son cœur vaillant."
296,23,6,"Indem es wieder und wieder Bäume rammt,
erhält es einen zähen Körper und einen
stahlharten Willen."
296,23,7,"Endurece su cuerpo golpeando grandes árboles sin
perder jamás el ánimo."
296,23,8,"Sbattendo a ripetizione contro enormi alberi, si
costruisce un corpo e uno spirito indistruttibili."
296,23,9,"It toughens up by slamming into thick trees over
and over. It gains a sturdy body and
dauntless spirit."
296,23,11,"大木に 何度も 体当たりして
強靭な 体と くじけない 心を
296,24,1,"きびしい けいこを くりかえして
つよくなる。どんな こうげきにも
たえる こんじょうの ポケモン。"
296,24,3,"힘든 수행을 반복하며
강해진다. 어떤 공격도
참아내는 근성의 포켓몬이다."
296,24,5,"Il suit un entraînement drastique pour devenir encore
plus fort. Cest un Pokémon plein de volonté, et
capable de faire face à toutes les attaques."
296,24,6,"Sein hartes Training macht es stärker. Es ist ein
tapferes Pokémon, das jeder Attacke trotzen kann."
296,24,7,"A base de duro entrenamiento se hace cada vez más
fuerte. Es tan resistente que puede soportar cualquier
296,24,8,"Si rafforza allenandosi duramente. Molto coraggioso,
può resistere a qualsiasi attacco."
296,24,9,"It grows stronger by enduring harsh training. It is a
gutsy Pokémon that can withstand any attack."
296,24,11,"きびしい けいこを 繰り返して
強くなる。どんな 攻撃にも 耐える
根性の ポケモン。"
296,25,1,"なんかい たおされても あきらめず たちあがる。
たちあがるたび しんかするための エネルギーが
からだの なかに どんどん たくわえられていく。"
296,25,3,"몇 번을 쓰러져도 포기하지 않고 일어선다.
일어설 때마다 진화를 위한 에너지가
몸 안에 점점 비축되어간다."
296,25,5,"Makuhita est tenace. Même sil est presque battu,
il continue à se relever et à attaquer son ennemi.
Chaque fois quil se relève, ce Pokémon stocke plus
dénergie en vue de sa future évolution."
296,25,6,"Makuhita ist sehr zäh. Selbst wenn es im Kampf mehrfach
niedergeschlagen wurde, steht es immer wieder auf und greift
seinen Gegner an. Bei jedem Mal speichert es mehr Energie in
seinem Körper für seine Entwicklung."
296,25,7,"Makuhita es tenaz. Da igual las veces que le venzan; volverá a
ponerse en pie y a atacar. De hecho, cada vez que se
recupera, acumula más energía para poder evolucionar."
296,25,8,"Makuhita è estremamente tenace: anche se messo al tappeto
più volte si rialza sempre e contrattacca. Ogni volta che
si rialza, questo Pokémon accumula ulteriore energia per
la futura evoluzione."
296,25,9,"Makuhita is tenacious—it will keep getting up and attacking
its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it
gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body
for evolving."
296,25,11,"何回 倒されても あきらめず 立ちあがる。
立ちあがる度 進化するための エネルギーが
体の 中に どんどん 蓄えられていく。"
296,26,1,"ぜったいに あきらめない こんじょうを もつ。
たくさん たべ よく ねて うんどうする ことで
からだの なかに エネルギーが じゅうまんする。"
296,26,3,"절대 포기하지 않는 근성을 지녔다.
많이 먹고 잘 자고 운동하여
몸 안에 에너지가 충만하다."
296,26,5,"Makuhita a un moral dacier. Il ne désespère jamais.
Il mange beaucoup, dort beaucoup et sentraîne avec rigueur.
Son hygiène de vie permet à ce Pokémon daccumuler
un maximum dénergie."
296,26,6,"Makuhitas Geist ist unbezwingbar. Es gibt die Hoffnung
niemals auf. Es frisst eine Menge, bekommt viel Schlaf
und trainiert unermüdlich. Dadurch füllt es seinen Körper
mit Energie auf."
296,26,7,"Makuhita tiene un ánimo inagotable. Nunca pierde la
esperanza. Come mucho, duerme bastante y se entrena de
forma metódica. Siguiendo estos hábitos de vida, este
Pokémon tiene siempre mucha energía."
296,26,8,"Makuhita è infaticabile, perseverante e non perde mai
la speranza. Mangia molto, dorme molto e si allena con rigore.
Questo tenore di vita gli consente di essere sempre carico
di energia."
296,26,9,"Makuhita has a tireless spirit—it will never give up hope.
It eats a lot of food, gets plenty of sleep, and it trains very
rigorously. By living that way, this Pokémon packs its body
with energy."
296,26,11,"絶対に あきらめない 根性を 持つ。
沢山 食べ よく 寝て 運動する ことで
体の 中に エネルギーが 充満する。"
296,27,1,"もともとは ほかの ちほうから
つれてこられたが いまは アローラの
マクノシタの ほうが ゆうめい。"
296,27,3,"원래는 다른 지방에서
데려왔지만 지금은 알로라의
마크탕이 더 유명하다."
296,27,5,"Les Makuhita dAlola sont aujourdhui les plus
connus, bien quils aient à lorigine été amenés
sur larchipel depuis des régions étrangères."
296,27,6,"Obwohl sie ursprünglich aus einer anderen
Region kommen, sind Alola-Makuhita heute
bekannter als ihre übrigen Artgenossen."
296,27,7,"Aunque son originarios de otras regiones, los
Makuhita de Alola son ahora los más populares
de todos."
296,27,8,"Pur non essendo un Pokémon originario di Alola,
oggi i Makuhita di Alola sono quelli più famosi."
296,27,9,"It was originally brought in from another region,
but now Makuhita from Alola are more famous."
296,27,11,"元々は 他の 地方から
連れてこられたが 今は アローラの
マクノシタの ほうが 有名。"
296,28,1,"あさ めざめると みんなで けいこ。
ひるに なると エサを たべ ひるね。
めざめれば また けいこの まいにち。"
296,28,3,"아침에 눈을 뜨면 모두와 연습한다.
낮이 되면 먹이를 먹고 낮잠을 잔다.
눈을 뜨면 다시 연습을 하는 매일을 보낸다."
296,28,5,"La journée de ce Pokémon est placée sous
le signe de lentraînement intensif, qui ne
sinterrompt que pour manger et faire la sieste."
296,28,6,"Seine Tage beginnen morgens mit Training.
Es folgen Mittagessen und Mittagsschlaf.
Danach wird wieder fleißig weitertrainiert."
296,28,7,"Su jornada gira en torno al entrenamiento
intensivo, que solo interrumpe para comer
y para echarse una siestecilla."
296,28,8,"Si allena duramente ogni giorno assieme ai suoi
compagni, fermandosi solo per mangiare e per
fare un pisolino."
296,28,9,"Their daily routine consists of training together
first thing in the morning, eating and napping in
the afternoon, and then more training afterward."
296,28,11,"朝 目覚めると 皆で けいこ。
昼に なると 餌を 食べ 昼寝。
目覚めれば また けいこの 毎日。"
296,29,1,"きの みきに むかって はりてを
くりかえし けいこする。 ナッシーに
はりてして なげとばされることも。"
296,29,3,"나무줄기에 손바닥 치기를 하며
단련한다. 나시에게 손바닥 치기를
해서 내던져지기도 한다."
296,29,5,"Il sentraîne en frappant les arbres de la paume
de la main. Il peut arriver quil sattaque à un
pauvre Noadkoko, qui lenvoie alors valser."
296,29,6,"Es trainiert, indem es mit der flachen Hand auf
Baumstämme einschlägt. Manchmal erwischt es
Kokowei und wird von diesen weggeschleudert."
296,29,7,"Entrena golpeando los troncos de los árboles
con la mano abierta. A veces le da por error a
un Exeggutor y este lo lanza volando."
296,29,8,"Si allena tirando manate contro gli alberi.
A volte finisce per colpire un Exeggutor, che
gli rende la pariglia scaraventandolo via."
296,29,9,"It practices its slaps by repeatedly slapping
tree trunks. It has been known to slap an
Exeggutor and get flung away."
296,29,11,"木の 幹に 向かって 張り手を
繰り返し 稽古する。 ナッシーに
張り手して 投げ飛ばされることも。"
296,30,1,"つよい マクノシタを そだてるために
トレーナーたちが でんとうてきに
つくる ナベりょうりが あるという。"
296,30,3,"강한 마크탕을 키우기 위해
트레이너들이 전통적으로
만드는 전골 요리가 있다고 한다."
296,30,5,"Il existerait un plat mijoté traditionnel que
les Dresseurs cuisinent pour rendre leur
Makuhita encore plus fort."
296,30,6,"Es heißt, es gebe einen Eintopf, den Trainer auf
traditionelle Weise zubereiten, um Makuhita
damit noch stärker zu machen."
296,30,7,"Dicen que los Entrenadores dan de comer a sus
Makuhita un guiso tradicional para que se hagan
más fuertes todavía."
296,30,8,"Sembra che gli Allenatori preparino un piatto
tradizionale particolarmente indicato per far
crescere forti i propri Makuhita."
296,30,9,"Theres a rumor of a traditional recipe for stew
that Trainers can use to raise strong Makuhita."
296,30,11,"強い マクノシタを 育てるために
トレーナーたちが 伝統的に
作る ナベ料理が あるという。"
297,7,9,"HARIYAMA practices its straight-arm
slaps in any number of locations.
One hit of this POKéMONs powerful,openhanded, straight-arm punches
could snap a telephone pole in two."
297,8,9,"HARIYAMAs thick body may appear fat,
but it is actually a hunk of solid muscle.
If this POKéMON bears down andtightens all its muscles, its body
becomes as hard as a rock."
297,9,9,"It has the habit of challenging others
without hesitation to tests of strength.
Its been known to stand on train tracks
and stop trains using forearm thrusts."
297,10,9,"It stomps on the ground to build power.
It can send a 10-ton truck flying with a
straight-arm punch."
297,11,9,"It stomps on the ground to build power.
It can send a 10-ton truck flying with a
straight-arm punch."
297,12,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,13,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,14,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,15,9,"It loves challenging others to
tests of strength. It has the
power to stop a train with a slap."
297,16,9,"It loves challenging others to
tests of strength. It has the
power to stop a train with a slap."
297,17,5,"Il aime mesurer sa force à celle des
plus grands Pokémon. Ses coups de
paume peuvent projeter un camion."
297,17,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,18,5,"Il aime mesurer sa force à celle des
plus grands Pokémon. Ses coups de
paume peuvent projeter un camion."
297,18,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,21,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,22,9,"It loves to match power with
big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a
truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,23,1,"りょうあしで じめんを ふみならして
パワーを ためる。はりて いっぱつで
10トン トラックを ふっとばす。"
297,23,3,"두 다리로 땅을 힘껏 밟아서
파워를 모은다. 손바닥 치기 한 방으로
10톤 트럭을 날려버린다."
297,23,5,"Il piétine le sol violemment pour concentrer son
énergie. Il peut envoyer en lair un camion de 10 t
dun seul coup de poing."
297,23,6,"Es stampft auf den Boden, um Energie zu
generieren. Ein einziger Armschlag reicht aus, um
einen 10 t schweren LKW durch die Luft zu wirbeln."
297,23,7,"Para aumentar su fuerza, da un pisotón en el suelo.
Puede lanzar un camión de 10 toneladas por los aires
de un puñetazo."
297,23,8,"Pesta i piedi sul terreno per accumulare energia.
Con uno dei suoi schiaffi può far prendere il volo
a un camion di 10 t."
297,23,9,"It stomps on the ground to build power. It can send
a 10-ton truck flying with a straight-arm punch."
297,23,11,"両足で 地面を 踏み鳴らして
パワーを ためる。張り手 1発で
10トン トラックを 吹っ飛ばす。"
297,24,1,"からだの おおきな ポケモンたちと
ちからくらべをすることが だいすき。
はりてで トラックを ふっとばす。"
297,24,3,"몸집이 큰 포켓몬들과 힘 겨루는
것을 매우 좋아한다. 손바닥 치기로
트럭을 멀리 날려 버린다."
297,24,5,"Il aime mesurer sa force à celle des plus grands
Pokémon. Ses coups de paume peuvent projeter
un camion."
297,24,6,"Es liebt das Kräftemessen mit großen Pokémon. Mit
seinem Armwurf kann es LKW durch die Luft werfen."
297,24,7,"Le encanta enfrentarse a Pokémon grandes y probar
su fuerza. Sus brazos pueden derribar un camión."
297,24,8,"Ama confrontarsi con Pokémon grossi. Con uno dei
suoi schiaffi, può far prendere il volo a un camion."
297,24,9,"It loves to match power with big-bodied Pokémon.
It can knock a truck flying with its arm thrusts."
297,24,11,"体の 大きな ポケモンたちと
力比べをすることが 大好き。
張り手で トラックを ぶっ飛ばす。"
297,25,1,"いろんな ばしょで はりての けいこに はげむ。
きょうれつな はりて こうげきを くらうと
でんしんばしらも いちげきで まっぷたつだ。"
297,25,3,"다양한 장소에서 손바닥 치기 연습에 힘쓴다.
강렬한 손바닥 치기 공격을 맞으면
전봇대도 한 방에 두 동강 난다."
297,25,5,"Hariyama sentraîne à donner ses coups directs avec sa paume
le plus souvent possible. Un seul de ces puissants coups
de paume peut plier un poteau téléphonique en deux."
297,25,6,"Hariyama führt seinen berüchtigten Streckarm-Schlag
überall aus. Ein Schlag von diesem Pokémon reicht aus,
um einen Strommast zu zerlegen."
297,25,7,"Hariyama practica los empujones que da estirando los brazos
allá por donde va. Este Pokémon puede partir por la mitad un
poste de teléfono de un enérgico golpe con los brazos
estirados y las manos abiertas."
297,25,8,"Hariyama sferra potenti schiaffi a braccia tese in ogni
occasione. Un colpo delle sue violente mani aperte
è in grado di spaccare in due un palo della luce."
297,25,9,"Hariyama practices its straight-arm slaps in any number of
locations. One hit of this Pokémons powerful, openhanded,
straight-arm punches could snap a telephone pole in two."
297,25,11,"色んな 場所で 張り手の けいこに 励む。
強烈な 張り手 攻撃を くらうと
電信柱も 一撃で 真っ二つだ。"
297,26,1,"ふとった からだは きんにくの かたまり。
ぐぐっと ぜんしんに ちからを こめると
きんにくは いわと おなじ かたさになるぞ。"
297,26,3,"살이 찐 몸은 근육 덩어리다.
힘껏 전신에 힘을 집중하면
근육은 바위만큼 단단해진다."
297,26,5,"Hariyama a lair un peu enrobé, mais cest en fait
une montagne de muscles. Si ce Pokémon se raidit
et contracte ses muscles, son corps devient dur
comme de la pierre."
297,26,6,"Hariyamas Körper mag vielleicht fett aussehen, er besteht aber
aus festen Muskeln. Wenn dieses Pokémon all seine Muskeln
anspannt, wird sein Körper steinhart."
297,26,7,"Puede que parezca que Hariyama está grueso, pero en
realidad es una mole de puro músculo. Si este Pokémon hace
fuerza y tensa la musculatura, se pone sólido como una roca."
297,26,8,"Il robusto corpo di Hariyama può apparire grasso, ma in realtà
è formato da una muscolatura tonica. Se contrae e tende ogni
singolo muscolo, il suo corpo diventa duro come la roccia."
297,26,9,"Hariyamas thick body may appear fat, but it is actually a hunk
of solid muscle. If this Pokémon bears down and tightens all its
muscles, its body becomes as hard as a rock."
297,26,11,"肥った 体は 筋肉の 塊。
ぐぐっと 全身に 力を 込めると
筋肉は 岩と 同じ 硬さになるぞ。"
297,27,1,"かいりきで しられるが としおいると
たたかうことを やめ マクノシタに
けいこを つけるように なるのだ。"
297,27,3,"괴력으로 알려졌지만 나이가 들면
싸우는 것을 그만두고
마크탕을 훈련시키며 지낸다."
297,27,5,"Malgré leur force spectaculaire, les vieux
Hariyama préfèrent délaisser le combat au
profit de lentraînement des jeunes Makuhita."
297,27,6,"Es ist für seine unglaubliche Stärke bekannt,
lässt das Kämpfen mit dem Alter aber sein und
trainiert stattdessen Makuhita."
297,27,7,"Los Hariyama veteranos son conocidos por su
fuerza descomunal, pero prefieren retirarse de
la vida de combate y entrenar a los Makuhita."
297,27,8,"È famoso per la sua incredibile forza.
In età avanzata, smette di lottare e inizia
ad allenare i Makuhita."
297,27,9,"It is known for its fantastic strength, but as it
grows older, it focuses more on
training Makuhita."
297,27,11,"怪力で 知られるが 年老いると
戦うことを やめ マクノシタに
稽古を つけるように なるのだ。"
297,28,1,"はりて いっぱつで トラックを
ふっとばすほどの かいりきで
ちからくらべが だいすき。"
297,28,3,"손바닥 치기 한 번에 트럭을
날려버릴 정도의 괴력으로
힘겨루기를 아주 좋아한다."
297,28,5,"Sa force herculéenne lui permet de renverser
un camion dune seule main. Les Hariyama
aiment sadonner à des concours de force pure."
297,28,6,"Hariyama ist stark genug, um mit einem einzigen
Armschlag einen LKW durch die Luft zu wirbeln.
Es misst gerne seine Kräfte mit anderen."
297,28,7,"Los Hariyama pueden tumbar un camión dándole
un tortazo con la mano abierta. Les encantan
las pruebas de fuerza."
297,28,8,"Con uno dei suoi potentissimi schiaffi può
scaraventare lontano un camion.
Adora le gare di forza."
297,28,9,"They love to compare their freakish strength—
strength enough to send a truck flying with a
single slap."
297,28,11,"張り手 一発で トラックを
ふっ飛ばすほどの 怪力で
力比べが 大好き。"
297,29,1,"ちからくらべが すきだが やさしさも
あわせもち たたかった あいてを
ねぎらうなど れいぎを おもんじる。"
297,29,3,"힘겨루기를 좋아하지만,
선한 성품도 겸비하여 대결 상대를
치하하는 등 예의를 중시한다."
297,29,5,"Bien quil aime les rapports de force, cest aussi
un cœur tendre qui sait respecter et féliciter
ses adversaires pour leur combativité."
297,29,6,"Es liebt das Kräftemessen, vergisst dabei aber
nie die Etikette und bedankt sich nach dem
Kampf stets höflich bei seinem Gegner."
297,29,7,"Adora las competiciones de fuerza, pero el
respeto y la cortesía hacia sus adversarios
son muy importantes para este noble Pokémon."
297,29,8,"Adora le gare di forza, ma dà anche molta
importanza alla gentilezza e alle buone maniere.
Per questo ringrazia lavversario dopo la lotta."
297,29,9,"Although they enjoy comparing their strength,
theyre also kind. They value etiquette, praising
opponents they battle."
297,29,11,"力比べが 好きだが 優しさも
あわせもち 戦った 相手を
ねぎらうなど 礼儀を 重んじる。"
297,30,1,"ふとって おおきな ハリテヤマが
つよいとは かぎらない。 こがらでも
みがるで わざに たけたものもいる。"
297,30,3,"뚱뚱하고 큰 하리뭉이 다 강한 것은
아니다. 작지만 몸이 가볍고
기술이 뛰어난 하리뭉도 있다."
297,30,5,"Les Hariyama les plus forts ne sont pas
forcément les plus grands. Les petits gabarits
aussi ont plus dun tour dans leur sac."
297,30,6,"Hariyama sind nicht nur stark, wenn sie groß
und schwer sind. Auch kleine und leichte
Exemplare können Attacken effektiv einsetzen."
297,30,7,"No todos los Hariyama son grandotes, recios y
fuertes. También los hay de menor tamaño pero
mayor agilidad y precisión en los movimientos."
297,30,8,"Gli Hariyama non hanno bisogno di essere
grandi e grossi per essere forti. Quelli piccoli
sono agili ed efficaci nelleseguire le mosse."
297,30,9,"Hariyama that are big and fat arent necessarily
strong. There are some small ones that move
nimbly and use moves skillfully."
297,30,11,"太って 大きな ハリテヤマが
強いとは 限らない。 小柄でも
身軽で 技に 長けたものもいる。"
298,7,9,"AZURILL spins its tail as if it were a
lasso, then hurls it far. The momentum
of the throw sends its body flying, too.Using this unique action, one of these
POKéMON managed to hurl itself a record
33 feet."
298,8,9,"AZURILLs tail is large and bouncy.
It is packed full of the nutrients this
POKéMON needs to grow.AZURILL can be seen bouncing and
playing on its big, rubbery tail."
298,9,9,"Its tail, which is packed with nutrition,
is very bouncy like a rubber ball. On sunny
days they gather at the edge of water and
splash about for fun."
298,10,9,"It battles by flinging around its tail,
which is bigger than its body. The
tail is a flotation device in water."
298,11,9,"It battles by flinging around its tail,
which is bigger than its body. The
tail is a flotation device in water."
298,12,9,"A Pokémon that lives by water.
It moves quickly on land by
bouncing on its big tail."
298,13,9,"Its tail is filled with nutrients
necessary for growth. It plays
by bouncing on its tail."
298,14,9,"Its tail bounces like a rubber ball.
It flings that tail around to fight
opponents bigger than itself."
298,15,9,"Its tail is packed full of the
nutrients it needs to grow."
298,16,9,"Its tail is packed full of the
nutrients it needs to grow."
298,17,5,"Sa queue est plus rebondissante
quune balle du même nom. Cest
aussi une massue très puissante."
298,17,9,"Its tail bounces like a rubber ball.
It flings that tail around to fight
opponents bigger than itself."
298,18,5,"Sa queue est plus rebondissante
quune balle du même nom. Cest
aussi une massue très puissante."
298,18,9,"Its tail bounces like a rubber ball.
It flings that tail around to fight
opponents bigger than itself."
298,21,9,"It swings its large, nutrient-filled
tail around to fight opponents
bigger than itself."
298,22,9,"It swings its large, nutrient-filled
tail around to fight opponents
bigger than itself."
298,23,1,"おおきな しっぽに のって はずむと
ちじょうでは はやく いどうできる。
みずべで くらす ポケモン。"
298,23,3,"큰 꼬리에 타고 튀면
지상에서 빨리 이동할 수 있다.
물가에서 사는 포켓몬이다."
298,23,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit près de leau. Au sol, il se
déplace rapidement en rebondissant sur sa grosse
298,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt am Wasser. An Land bewegt
es sich schnell, indem es auf seinem großen
Schweif hüpft."
298,23,7,"Vive cerca del agua. En la tierra se mueve muy rápido
botando sobre su gran cola."
298,23,8,"Pokémon che vive nellacqua. Si muove rapidamente
sulla terraferma saltellando sulla grossa coda."
298,23,9,"A Pokémon that lives by water. It moves quickly on
land by bouncing on its big tail."
298,23,11,"大きな 尻尾に 乗って 弾むと
地上では 速く 移動できる。
水辺で 暮らす ポケモン。"
298,24,1,"えいようが つまった おおきな
しっぽを ふりまわして じぶんより
てごわい あいてにも たちむかう。"
298,24,3,"영양이 채워진 큰
꼬리를 휘두르며 자신보다
벅찬 상대에게도 맞선다."
298,24,5,"Il fait tournoyer sa queue, connue pour ses qualités
nutritives, pour labattre comme une puissante massue
sur lennemi."
298,24,6,"Es legt sich mit starken Gegnern an, indem es seinen
großen, mit Nährstoffen gefüllten Schweif
298,24,7,"Para hacer frente a oponentes más grandes que él,
agita su gran cola, llena de nutrientes, de un lado a
298,24,8,"Si scaglia contro avversari più forti di lui agitando la
grande coda in cui conserva le sostanze di cui si nutre."
298,24,9,"It swings its large, nutrient-filled tail around to fight
opponents bigger than itself."
298,24,11,"栄養が つまった 大きな
尻尾を 振り回して 自分より
手強い 相手にも たちむかう。"
298,25,1,"なげなわの ようりょうで しっぽを ふりまわし
なげた ときの ちからで とんでいく。
さいこう 10メートル とんだ きろくが ある。"
298,25,3,"올가미를 쓰듯 꼬리를 휘휘 돌려
던질 때의 힘으로 날아간다.
최고 10m를 날아간 기록이 있다."
298,25,5,"Azurill fait tournoyer sa queue comme un lasso et lenvoie
si fort que le reste de son corps est également projeté.
Le record de lancer de ce Pokémon est actuellement de 10 m."
298,25,6,"Azurill schleudert seinen Schweif wie ein Lasso weit aus und
fliegt dann selbst hinterher. Ein Azurill hat es auf diese Weise
geschafft, die Rekordweite von 10 m zurückzulegen."
298,25,7,"Azurill enrolla la cola como si fuera un lazo y la despliega a
continuación todo lo que puede. De esta forma, un Azurill
llegó a lanzarse a sí mismo hasta 10 m."
298,25,8,"Azurill fa roteare la propria coda come un lazo, poi la scaglia
lontano. Nel momento del lancio prende il volo anche
il suo corpo. Grazie a questa tecnica unica, uno di questi
Pokémon è riuscito a lanciarsi a 10 m di distanza."
298,25,9,"Azurill spins its tail as if it were a lasso, then hurls it far.
The momentum of the throw sends its body flying, too.
Using this unique action, one of these Pokémon managed to
hurl itself a record 33 feet."
298,25,11,"投げ縄の 要領で 尻尾を 振り回し
投げた ときの 力で 飛んでいく。
最高 10メートル 飛んだ 記録が ある。"
298,26,1,"しっぽには せいちょうする ために ひつような
えいようが たっぷり つまっているぞ。
だんりょくの ある しっぽに のって あそぶ。"
298,26,3,"꼬리에는 성장을 위해 필요한
영양이 가득 채워져 있다.
탄력 있는 꼬리에 올라가 논다."
298,26,5,"La grande queue dAzurill est élastique. Elle lui permet
de stocker les nutriments nécessaires à sa croissance.
Parfois, on voit Azurill samuser à rebondir sur sa queue
298,26,6,"Azurills Schweif ist lang und federnd. Er ist vollgepackt
mit Nährstoffen, die dieses Pokémon zum Wachsen braucht.
Man kann es häufig dabei beobachten, wie es auf seinem
gummiartigen Schweif umherhüpft und spielt."
298,26,7,"Azurill tiene una especie de pelota en la cola, que contiene los
nutrientes necesarios para crecer. Es fácil ver a este Pokémon
saltando y jugueteando sentado encima de la misma."
298,26,8,"Azurill è dotato di una coda lunga ed elastica. Inoltre, è ricca
di sostanze nutritive indispensabili per la sua sopravvivenza.
Spesso lo si vede saltellare e giocare sulla coda gommosa
e molleggiata."
298,26,9,"Azurills tail is large and bouncy. It is packed full of the
nutrients this Pokémon needs to grow. Azurill can be seen
bouncing and playing on its big, rubbery tail."
298,26,11,"尻尾には 成長する ために 必要な
栄養が たっぷり 詰まっているぞ。
弾力の ある 尻尾に 乗って 遊ぶ。"
298,33,1,"ゴムまりのように はずむ しっぽの
たまには せいちょうに ひつような
えいようが たっぷり つまっている。"
298,33,3,"고무공처럼 튀는 꼬리의 구슬에는
성장에 필요한 영양분이
가득 들어 있다."
298,33,5,"La boule située au bout de sa queue rebondit
telle une balle de caoutchouc. Elle regorge des
nutriments nécessaires à la croissance dAzurill."
298,33,6,"Die Kugel an seinem Schweif kann wie ein
Gummiball hüpfen und steckt voller Nährstoffe,
die Azurill zum Wachsen braucht."
298,33,7,"La bola que tiene en la cola rebota como una
pelota de goma y está repleta de los nutrientes
que este Pokémon necesita para crecer."
298,33,8,"Nella sfera allestremità della coda, che rimbalza
come una palla, sono conservate le sostanze
nutritive necessarie per la crescita del Pokémon."
298,33,9,"The ball on Azurills tail bounces like a rubber
ball, and its full of the nutrients the Pokémon
needs to grow."
298,33,11,"ゴムまりのように 弾む しっぽの
玉には 成長に 必要な 栄養が
たっぷり 詰まっている。"
298,34,1,"おとなしい ポケモンだが おこると
しっぽの おおきな たまを ぶんぶん
ふりまわして たたきつけてくるぞ。"
298,34,3,"얌전한 포켓몬이지만
화가 나면 꼬리의 큰 공을 붕붕
휘두르다 세차게 내리친다."
298,34,5,"Cest un Pokémon docile, mais si on lénerve,
il nhésite pas à frapper en faisant tournoyer
la grosse boule au bout de sa queue."
298,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist zwar sanftmütig, doch wenn
es wütend wird, schwingt es die große Kugel an
seinem Schweif und schlägt damit zu."
298,34,7,"Es un Pokémon tranquilo, pero, si se le hace
enfadar, atacará utilizando la enorme bola que
tiene en la cola."
298,34,8,"È un Pokémon docile, ma se si arrabbia attacca
agitando la grossa palla che ha sulla coda."
298,34,9,"Although Azurill are normally docile, an angry
one will swing around the big ball on its tail and
try to smash its opponents."
298,34,11,"おとなしい ポケモンだが 怒ると
しっぽの 大きな 玉を ぶんぶん
振りまわして 叩きつけてくるぞ。"
299,7,9,"NOSEPASSs magnetic nose is always
pointed to the north. If two of these
POKéMON meet, they cannot turntheir faces to each other when they
are close because their magnetic noses
repel one another."
299,8,9,"NOSEPASS had been said to be completely
unmoving, with its magnetic nose
pointed due north.However, close observation has revealed
that the POKéMON actually moves by a
little over 3/8 of an inch every year."
299,9,9,"Its body emits a powerful magnetism.
It feeds on prey that is pulled in by the
force. Its magnetism is stronger in cold
299,10,9,"Its magnetic nose consistently faces
north. Travelers check NOSEPASS to get
their bearings."
299,11,9,"Its magnetic nose consistently faces
north. Travelers check NOSEPASS to get
their bearings."
299,12,9,"Its nose is a magnet. As a result,
this Pokémon always keeps its face
pointing north."
299,13,9,"Its nose is a magnet. As a result,
this Pokémon always keeps its face
pointing north."
299,14,9,"When endangered, it may protect
itself by raising its magnetism and
drawing iron objects to its body."
299,15,9,"If two of these meet, they cannot
get too close because their noses
repel each other."
299,16,9,"If two of these meet, they cannot
get too close because their noses
repel each other."
299,17,5,"Face au danger, il se protège en
augmentant son magnétisme et en
attirant tout objet métallique."
299,17,9,"When endangered, it may protect
itself by raising its magnetism and
drawing iron objects to its body."
299,18,5,"Face au danger, il se protège en
augmentant son magnétisme et en
attirant tout objet métallique."
299,18,9,"When endangered, it may protect
itself by raising its magnetism and
drawing iron objects to its body."
299,21,9,"Its magnetic nose always faces north
and draws iron objects to its body
to protect itself better."
299,22,9,"Its magnetic nose always faces north
and draws iron objects to its body
to protect itself better."
299,23,1,"いつも きたを むいている
じしゃくの はなで まわりの てつを
ひきよせて まもりを かためるのだ。"
299,23,3,"항상 북쪽을 향한다.
자석의 코로 주변의 철을
끌어당겨 방어를 굳힌다."
299,23,5,"Son nez polarisé lui permet de se défendre en
augmentant son magnétisme et en attirant tout objet
299,23,6,"Es schützt sich mit Objekten aus Eisen, die es
mithilfe seiner immer nach Norden zeigenden
magnetischen Nase anzieht."
299,23,7,"Siempre apunta al norte con su nariz imantada. Con
ella reviste su cuerpo de objetos metálicos para
299,23,8,"Rafforza le sue difese attirando su di sé gli oggetti
di ferro circostanti con il suo naso magnetico che
indica sempre il nord."
299,23,9,"Its magnetic nose always faces north and draws
iron objects to its body to protect itself better."
299,23,11,"いつも 北を 向いている
磁石の 鼻で まわりの 鉄を
引き寄せて 守りを 固めるのだ。"
299,24,1,"じしゃくの はなは いつも きたを
むいている。たびびとは ノズパスを
みて ほうがくを たしかめる。"
299,24,3,"자석 코는 항상 북쪽을
향하고 있다. 여행자는 코코파스를
보고 방향을 확인한다."
299,24,5,"Son nez magnétique pointe constamment vers
le nord. Les voyageurs lobservent pour connaître
leur position."
299,24,6,"Seine magnetische Nase zeigt stets gen Norden.
Reisende überprüfen Nasgnet, um sich zu orientieren."
299,24,7,"Siempre está con el pico magnético orientado hacia
el norte. Quienes viajan toman a Nosepass como
299,24,8,"Ha un naso magnetico che punta sempre verso nord,
e che i viaggiatori controllano per orientarsi."
299,24,9,"Its magnetic nose consistently faces north.
Travelers check Nosepass to get their bearings."
299,24,11,"磁石の 鼻は いつも 北を
向いている。旅人は ノズパスを
見て 方角を 確かめる。"
299,25,1,"じしゃくの はなは いつも きたを むいている。
ノズパスどうしは じしゃくが はんぱつしあうため
ちかくで かおを あわせる ことが できない。"
299,25,3,"자석으로 된 코는 항상 북쪽을 향하고 있다.
코코파스끼리는 자석의 반발력 때문에
가까이에서 얼굴을 마주 볼 수가 없다."
299,25,5,"Le nez magnétique de Tarinor pointe toujours vers le nord.
Si deux de ces Pokémon se rencontrent, ils ne peuvent pas
se faire face car leurs nez magnétiques se repoussent."
299,25,6,"Nasgnet besitzt eine magnetische Nase, die immer nach
Norden zeigt. Wenn sich zwei Nasgnet treffen, können sie
sich einander nicht zuwenden, da ihre magnetischen Nasen
sich gegenseitig abstoßen."
299,25,7,"Nosepass siempre está con la nariz magnética que tiene
orientada hacia el norte. Si se encuentra con otro ejemplar
de su especie, no puede mirarle de frente porque sus polos
magnéticos se repelen."
299,25,8,"Il naso magnetico di Nosepass è sempre puntato verso nord.
Quando incontra un suo simile, non riesce a guardarlo in volto
da vicino perché i nasi magnetici si respingono lun laltro."
299,25,9,"Nosepasss magnetic nose is always pointed to the north.
If two of these Pokémon meet, they cannot turn their faces to
each other when they are close because their magnetic noses
repel one another."
299,25,11,"磁石の 鼻は いつも 北を 向いている。
ノズパス同士は 磁石が 反発しあうため
近くで 顔を 合わせる ことが できない。"
299,26,1,"じしゃくの はなを きたに むけたまま まったく
うごかないと いわれていたが 1ねんに 1センチ
いどう している ことが かんそくされた。"
299,26,3,"자석인 코를 북쪽으로 향한 채 전혀
움직이지 않는다고 전해졌지만 1년에 1cm
이동하는 것이 관측되었다."
299,26,5,"On raconte que Tarinor reste complètement immobile,
avec son nez magnétique orienté vers le nord. Cependant,
des études minutieuses ont démontré que ce Pokémon
se déplace de 1 cm par an."
299,26,6,"Nasgnet wurde zunächst als völlig unbeweglich beschrieben,
da seine magnetische Nase immer nach Norden zeigt.
Genauere Beobachtungen haben jedoch ergeben, dass es sich
pro Jahr tatsächlich etwa um 1 cm bewegt."
299,26,7,"De Nosepass se llegó a decir que era totalmente estático;
siempre con su nariz magnética orientada hacia el norte.
Sin embargo, tras recientes estudios se ha visto que sí se
mueve en realidad, apenas un centímetro al año."
299,26,8,"Pare che Nosepass sia completamente immobile, sempre
col naso magnetico puntato verso nord. Tuttavia, studi più
dettagliati hanno rivelato che questo Pokémon si sposta
di 1 cm allanno."
299,26,9,"Nosepass had been said to be completely unmoving, with its
magnetic nose pointed due north. However, close observation
has revealed that the Pokémon actually moves by a little over
3/8 of an inch every year."
299,26,11,"磁石の 鼻を 北に 向けたまま まったく
動かないと いわれていたが 1年に 1センチ
移動 している ことが 観測された。"
299,27,1,"ノズパスの はなの じしゃくは
ぜったいに くるわないので たびする
トレーナーの よき パートナーだ。"
299,27,3,"코코파스의 코의 자석은
절대로 고장 나지 않아서 여행하는
트레이너의 좋은 파트너이다."
299,27,5,"Le nez de Tarinor, qui fonctionne comme une
boussole infaillible, en fait un allié de choix pour
tout Dresseur Pokémon."
299,27,6,"Seine magnetische Nase ist unbeirrbar und
erweist sich daher als ganz hervorragender
Partner für Pokémon-Trainer auf Reisen."
299,27,7,"Los Nosepass tienen una nariz brújula infalible,
por lo que los Entrenadores viajeros suelen
llevar uno consigo."
299,27,8,"Il naso magnetico di Nosepass è una bussola
infallibile e questo lo rende il compagno
di viaggio ideale per ogni Allenatore."
299,27,9,"The magnet in Nosepasss nose provides an
unerring compass, making it an excellent
partner for Trainers going on a journey."
299,27,11,"ノズパスの 鼻の 磁石は
絶対 狂わないので 旅する
トレーナーの 良き パートナーだ。"
299,28,1,"きょうりょくな じりょくで えものを
ひきよせる。 てつを ひきよせ
みを まもることも ある。"
299,28,3,"강력한 자력으로 먹이를
끌어당긴다. 철을 끌어당겨
몸을 지킬 때도 있다."
299,28,5,"Sa puissance magnétique lui sert à attirer
ses proies, mais également des objets
métalliques quil utilise en guise de bouclier."
299,28,6,"Es nutzt sein starkes Magnetfeld, um Beute zu
sich heranzuziehen. Ebenso zieht es Objekte
aus Eisen an, um sich mit ihnen zu schützen."
299,28,7,"Atraen a sus presas usando su potente fuerza
magnética. En algunos casos también atraen
metales para proteger sus cuerpos."
299,28,8,"Il suo potente magnetismo gli permette di
attirare le prede e anche oggetti di ferro, che
usa per proteggersi."
299,28,9,"It uses powerful magnetism to drag its prey
toward it. Its also been known to pull in metal,
which it collects and uses to protect itself."
299,28,11,"強力な 磁力で 獲物を
引き寄せる。 鉄を 引き寄せ
身を 守ることも ある。"
299,29,1,"1ねんに 1センチしか うごかないが
ピンチに おちいると かいてんし
いっしゅんで ちちゅうに もぐる。"
299,29,3,"1년에 1cm밖에 움직이지 않지만
위기에 처하면 회전하여
순식간에 땅속으로 파고든다."
299,29,5,"Il ne se déplace que dun centimètre par an,
mais sil se sent menacé, il virevolte et senfonce
dans le sol en un instant."
299,29,6,"Es bewegt sich nur 1 cm pro Jahr, aber in
Notlagen bohrt es sich mit seinem Körper
blitzschnell in den Boden."
299,29,7,"Solo se desplaza un centímetro al año, pero, si
se siente amenazado, gira sobre sí mismo y se
hunde bajo tierra en un abrir y cerrar de ojos."
299,29,8,"Si sposta di 1 cm allanno, ma quando si trova
in difficoltà ruota su se stesso e in un attimo
si nasconde sottoterra."
299,29,9,"It moves less than an inch a year, but when
its in a jam, it will spin and drill down into the
ground in a split second."
299,29,11,"1年に 1センチしか 動かないが
ピンチに 陥ると 回転し
一瞬で 地中に 潜る。"
299,30,1,"きょうりょくな じりょくで えものを
ひきよせ うごかず かりを するが
てんてきを ひきよせることもある。"
299,30,3,"강력한 자력으로 먹이를 끌어당겨
움직이지 않고 사냥을 하지만
천적을 끌어당기는 일도 있다."
299,30,5,"Grâce à sa force magnétique, il peut chasser
ses proies sans se déplacer, mais il attire
parfois ses pires ennemis."
299,30,6,"Es jagt bewegungslos, indem es Beute mit
seinem starken Magnetfeld zu sich heranzieht.
Manchmal sind jedoch auch Fressfeinde dabei."
299,30,7,"Su potente fuerza magnética le permite atraer a
sus presas sin necesidad de moverse, aunque a
veces también atrae a sus enemigos naturales."
299,30,8,"Il suo potente magnetismo gli permette di
attirare le prede senza muoversi, ma a volte
attrae anche i suoi nemici naturali."
299,30,9,"It hunts without twitching a muscle by pulling in
its prey with powerful magnetism. But
sometimes it pulls natural enemies in close."
299,30,11,"強力な 磁力で 獲物を
引き寄せ 動かず 狩りを するが
天敵を 引き寄せることもある。"
300,7,9,"SKITTY has the habit of becoming
fascinated by moving objects and
chasing them around.This POKéMON is known to chase after
its own tail and become dizzy."
300,8,9,"SKITTY is known to chase around
playfully after its own tail. In the wild,
this POKéMON lives in holes in the treesof forests. It is very popular as a pet
because of its adorable looks."
300,9,9,"A SKITTYs adorably cute behavior makes it
highly popular. In battle, it makes its tail
puff out. It threatens foes with a sharp
300,10,9,"It is said to be difficult to earn its
trust. However, it is extremely popular
for its cute looks and behavior."
300,11,9,"It is said to be difficult to earn its
trust. However, it is extremely popular
for its cute looks and behavior."
300,12,9,"It cant stop itself from chasing
moving things, and it runs in a
circle, chasing its own tail."
300,13,9,"It cant stop itself from chasing
moving things, and it runs in a
circle, chasing its own tail."
300,14,9,"It cant stop itself from chasing
moving things, and it runs in a
circle, chasing its own tail."
300,15,9,"Its adorable when it chases its own
tail. Its difficult to earn its trust."
300,16,9,"Its adorable when it chases its own
tail. Its difficult to earn its trust."
300,17,5,"Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On
le voit parfois courir en cercle,
chassant sa propre queue."
300,17,9,"It cant stop itself from chasing
moving things, and it runs in a
circle, chasing its own tail."
300,18,5,"Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On
le voit parfois courir en cercle,
chassant sa propre queue."
300,18,9,"It cant stop itself from chasing
moving things, and it runs in a
circle, chasing its own tail."
300,21,9,"It shows its cute side
by chasing its own tail
until it gets dizzy."
300,22,9,"It shows its cute side
by chasing its own tail
until it gets dizzy."
300,23,1,"うごくものを つい おってしまう。
じぶんの しっぽを おいかけて
おなじ ばしょを グルグル まわる。"
300,23,3,"움직이는 것을 무심코 쫓아간다.
자신의 꼬리를 쫓아서
똑같은 장소를 빙글빙글 돈다."
300,23,5,"Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On le voit parfois courir
en cercle, chassant sa propre queue."
300,23,6,"Es muss Dinge, die sich bewegen, einfach jagen.
Es rennt oft im Kreis und jagt seinen eigenen Schweif."
300,23,7,"No puede evitar ir tras las cosas que se mueven.
Hasta corre en círculos persiguiéndose la cola."
300,23,8,"Non riesce a evitare di inseguire tutto ciò che si
muove e corre in tondo a caccia della propria coda."
300,23,9,"It cant stop itself from chasing moving things,
and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail."
300,23,11,"動くものを つい 追ってしまう。
自分の 尻尾を 追いかけて
同じ 場所を グルグル 回る。"
300,24,1,"じぶんの しっぽを おいかけて
あそんでいると めを まわすといった
かわいらしい いちめんを みせる。"
300,24,3,"자신의 꼬리를 쫓아서
놀고 있으면 눈이 핑 돌고 마는
귀여운 일면을 보인다."
300,24,5,"Un Pokémon très mignon qui aime parfois courir
en cercle en chassant sa propre queue."
300,24,6,"Es zeigt gerne seine niedliche Seite, indem es seinen
eigenen Schweif jagt, bis ihm schwindlig wird."
300,24,7,"Le gusta jugar persiguiéndose la cola hasta que se
marea, mostrando así su lado más mono."
300,24,8,"È davvero carino quando barcolla per i giramenti di
testa, dopo aver cercato di mordersi la coda."
300,24,9,"It shows its cute side by chasing its own tail
until it gets dizzy."
300,24,11,"自分の 尻尾を 追いかけて
遊んでいると 目を 回すといった
可愛らしい 一面を みせる。"
300,25,1,"うごく ものを みつけると むちゅうに なって
おいかけまわす しゅうせいを もつ ポケモン。
じぶんの シッポを おいかけて めを まわす。"
300,25,3,"움직이는 것을 발견하면 푹 빠져서
뒤쫓아 가는 습성을 지닌 포켓몬이다.
자기 꼬리를 쫓다 현기증을 일으킨다."
300,25,5,"Skitty a pris lhabitude de pourchasser les objets mobiles
qui le fascinent. On sait que ce Pokémon court souvent
après sa queue, jusquà ce quil ait la tête qui tourne."
300,25,6,"Eneco ist fasziniert von Dingen, die sich bewegen, und jagt
ihnen hinterher. Dieses Pokémon jagt häufig seinen eigenen
Schweif, sodass ihm schwindlig wird."
300,25,7,"A Skitty le encanta mover cosas e ir detrás de ellas. Es de
todos sabido que se dedica a ir detrás de su propia cola y
que, al final, acaba mareándose."
300,25,8,"Skitty ha labitudine di lasciarsi ammaliare dagli oggetti
in movimento e seguirli dando loro la caccia. Questo
Pokémon è noto anche per rincorrere la sua stessa
coda fino a rimanere stordito."
300,25,9,"Skitty has the habit of becoming fascinated by moving objects
and chasing them around. This Pokémon is known to chase
after its own tail and become dizzy."
300,25,11,"動く ものを 見つけると 夢中に なって
追いかけ回す 習性を 持つ ポケモン。
自分の シッポを 追いかけて 目を 回す。"
300,26,1,"じぶんの シッポを おいかけまわす ポケモン。
やせいは もりの じゅもくの あなで くらす。
あいくるしい かおで ペットとして だいにんき。"
300,26,3,"자신의 꼬리를 쫓아다니는 포켓몬이다.
야생에서는 숲의 나무 구멍에서 산다.
귀염성 있는 얼굴 때문에 애완동물로 인기가 높다."
300,26,5,"On sait que Skitty court souvent après sa queue.
À létat sauvage, ce Pokémon vit dans les cavités des arbres
de la forêt. Il est tellement adorable quil a un grand succès
comme animal de compagnie."
300,26,6,"Eneco jagt spielerisch seinen eigenen Schweif. In der Wildnis
lebt dieses Pokémon in den Löchern von Bäumen. Es ist als
Haustier sehr beliebt, da es bezaubernd aussieht."
300,26,7,"Skitty es conocido por la costumbre que tiene de juguetear y
de intentar pillarse la cola. En estado salvaje, habita en las
cavidades de los troncos de los árboles del bosque. Es la
mascota de muchos por lo dulce que parece."
300,26,8,"Skitty è noto per il suo movimento rotatorio inteso a mordere
la propria coda. Allo stato brado, vive allinterno di tronchi
cavi nella foresta. È molto amato come animale domestico
grazie allaspetto estremamente dolce."
300,26,9,"Skitty is known to chase around playfully after its own tail.
In the wild, this Pokémon lives in holes in the trees of forests.
It is very popular as a pet because of its adorable looks."
300,26,11,"自分の シッポを 追いかけ回す ポケモン。
野生は 森の 樹木の 穴で 暮らす。
愛くるしい 顔で ペットとして 大人気。"
301,7,9,"DELCATTY prefers to live an unfettered
existence in which it can do as it
pleases at its own pace.Because this POKéMON eats and sleeps
whenever it decides, its daily routines
are completely random."
301,8,9,"DELCATTY sleeps anywhere it wants
without keeping a permanent nest.
If other POKéMON approach it as itsleeps, this POKéMON will never fight -
it will just move away somewhere else."
301,9,9,"Rather than keeping a permanent lair,
it habitually seeks comfortable spots and
sleeps there. It is nocturnal and becomes
active at dusk."
301,10,9,"The favorite of trend-conscious
female TRAINERS, they are used in
competition for their style and fur."
301,11,9,"The favorite of trend-conscious
female TRAINERS, they are used in
competition for their style and fur."
301,12,9,"It is highly popular among female
Trainers for its sublime fur.
It does not keep a nest."
301,13,9,"It is highly popular among female
Trainers for its sublime fur.
It does not keep a nest."
301,14,9,"It is highly popular among female
Trainers for its sublime fur.
It does not keep a nest."
301,15,9,"It dislikes dirty places. It often
searches for a comfortable place
in which to groom itself."
301,16,9,"It dislikes dirty places. It often
searches for a comfortable place
in which to groom itself."
301,17,5,"Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent
de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne
possède pas de nid."
301,17,9,"It is highly popular among female
Trainers for its sublime fur.
It does not keep a nest."
301,18,5,"Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent
de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne
possède pas de nid."
301,18,9,"It is highly popular among female
Trainers for its sublime fur.
It does not keep a nest."
301,21,9,"The reason it does not have a nest
is that it simply searches for a clean,
comfortable place then sleeps there."
301,22,9,"The reason it does not have a nest
is that it simply searches for a clean,
comfortable place then sleeps there."
301,23,1,"きたない ばしょが だいきらい。
いごこちの よい ばしょで
いつも けなみを ていれしている。"
301,23,3,"더러운 곳을 아주 싫어한다.
편안한 곳에서
늘 털을 다듬고 있다."
301,23,5,"Il déteste la saleté et passe son temps à entretenir
sa fourrure, confortablement installé."
301,23,6,"Hasst schmutzige Orte. Behagt ihm ein Platz,
fängt es sofort an, sein glänzendes Fell zu pflegen."
301,23,7,"No soporta los lugares sucios. Le encanta acicalarse
el pelaje cuando está a gusto en un sitio."
301,23,8,"Detesta gli ambienti sporchi. Se ne sta sempre
ad allisciarsi la pelliccia in luoghi accoglienti."
301,23,9,"It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a
comfortable place in which to groom itself."
301,23,11,"汚い 場所が 大嫌い。
居心地の 良い 場所で
いつも 毛並みを 手入れしている。"
301,24,1,"うつくしい けなみを もち
じょせいトレーナーに だいにんき。
きまった すみかを もたない。"
301,24,3,"아름다운 털을 가지고 있어서 여성
트레이너들에게 매우 인기 있다.
정해진 거처를 갖고 있지 않다."
301,24,5,"Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent de sa sublime
fourrure. Il ne possède pas de nid."
301,24,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist bei weiblichen Trainern
aufgrund seines Fells beliebt."
301,24,7,"Tiene mucho éxito entre las Entrenadoras por su suave
pelaje. No vive en un sitio fijo."
301,24,8,"Ha successo fra gli Allenatori di sesso femminile per
la sua bellissima pelliccia. Non ha una tana fissa."
301,24,9,"It is highly popular among female Trainers for its
sublime fur. It does not keep a nest."
301,24,11,"美しい 毛並みを 持ち
女性トレーナーに 大人気。
決まった 住処を 持たない。"
301,25,1,"マイペースで じゆうきままな くらしを このむ。
きのむくまま エサを たべたり ねむったり
しているので 1にちの リズムが バラバラだ。"
301,25,3,"자기 방식대로 자유로운 삶을 즐긴다.
마음 내키는 대로 먹이를 먹고 잠을 자기
때문에 하루의 리듬이 제각각이다."
301,25,5,"Delcatty préfère vivre une existence sans contraintes,
au cours de laquelle chacun pourrait faire ce quil veut.
Comme ce Pokémon mange et dort quand il le décide,
son rythme de vie est totalement aléatoire."
301,25,6,"Enekoro liebt seine Eigenständigkeit. So kann es das tun,
was es möchte, und kann selbst das Tempo bestimmen.
Da dieses Pokémon schläft und isst, wenn es Lust dazu hat,
ist sein Tagesablauf eher zufälliger Natur."
301,25,7,"Delcatty prefiere llevar una vida independiente y hacer lo que
se le antoje. Como este Pokémon come y duerme según vea
en cada momento, no se puede decir que tenga unos hábitos
regulares en el día a día."
301,25,8,"Delcatty preferisce vivere una vita in libertà, in cui poter
fare ciò che più gli aggrada in base alle proprie esigenze.
Poiché anche gli orari dei pasti e del sonno sono
completamente liberi, la sua vita quotidiana è casuale."
301,25,9,"Delcatty prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can
do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this Pokémon eats
and sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are
completely random."
301,25,11,"マイペースで 自由気ままな 暮らしを 好む。
気の向くまま エサを 食べたり 眠ったり
しているので 1日の リズムが バラバラだ。"
301,26,1,"きまった すみかを もたずに くらす ポケモン。
ほかの ポケモンが ねどこに ちかよって きても
けっして あらそわず ねる ばしょを かえる。"
301,26,3,"일정한 거처 없이 생활하는 포켓몬이다.
다른 포켓몬이 잠자리에 가까이 다가와도
절대 다투지 않고 이동하여 잔다."
301,26,5,"Delcatty peut dormir nimporte où. Il na pas de nid
permanent. Lorsque dautres Pokémon lui cherchent
des noises pendant son sommeil, il ne répond pas et
se contente de partir dormir ailleurs."
301,26,6,"Enekoro schläft dort, wo es ihm gefällt und hat kein
dauerhaftes Nest. Nähern sich ihm andere Pokémon,
wenn es schläft, kämpft es nicht mit ihnen, sondern
zieht weiter."
301,26,7,"Delcatty duerme en cualquier lugar sin tener que mantener el
nido en un mismo sitio. Si otro Pokémon se le acerca mientras
duerme, no se pondrá a luchar con él; simplemente se irá a
otro sitio."
301,26,8,"Delcatty dorme dove più gli aggrada senza mai una dimora
fissa. Se gli si avvicinano altri Pokémon, Delcatty non lotta
mai, ma leva le tende e si sposta da unaltra parte."
301,26,9,"Delcatty sleeps anywhere it wants without keeping a permanent
nest. If other Pokémon approach it as it sleeps, this Pokémon
will never fight—it will just move away somewhere else."
301,26,11,"決まった すみかを 持たずに 暮らす ポケモン。
他の ポケモンが 寝床に 近寄って きても
決して 争わず 寝る 場所を 変える。"
302,7,9,"SABLEYE lead quiet lives deep inside
caverns. They are feared, however,
because these POKéMON are thought tosteal the spirits of people when their
eyes burn with a sinister glow in the
302,8,9,"SABLEYE digs the ground with sharpened
claws to find rocks that it eats.
Substances in the eaten rockscrystallize and rise up to the POKéMONs
body surface."
302,9,9,"It digs branching holes in caves using its
sharp claws in search of food--raw gems.
A SABLEYE lurks in darkness and is seen
only rarely."
302,10,9,"It feeds on gemstone crystals.
In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the
glitter of jewels."
302,11,9,"It feeds on gemstone crystals.
In darkness, its eyes sparkle with the
glitter of jewels."
302,12,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,13,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,14,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,15,9,"It dwells in the darkness of caves.
It uses its sharp claws to dig up
gems to nourish itself."
302,16,9,"It dwells in the darkness of caves.
It uses its sharp claws to dig up
gems to nourish itself."
302,17,5,"À force de manger des gemmes, les
yeux de ce Pokémon des grottes
obscures sont devenus des joyaux."
302,17,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,18,5,"À force de manger des gemmes, les
yeux de ce Pokémon des grottes
obscures sont devenus des joyaux."
302,18,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,21,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,22,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves.
Its diet of gems has transformed
its eyes into gemstones."
302,23,1,"どうくつの くらやみに ひそむ。
ほうせきを たべているうちに
めが ほうせきに なってしまった。"
302,23,3,"동굴의 어둠에 숨는다.
보석을 먹는 사이에
눈이 보석이 되어 버렸다."
302,23,5,"À force de manger des gemmes, les yeux de ce
Pokémon des grottes obscures sont devenus des
302,23,6,"Es versteckt sich im Dunkeln von Höhlen.
Seine Augen sind Edelsteine."
302,23,7,"Se oculta en cavernas oscuras. De tanto comer gemas,
sus ojos son piedras preciosas."
302,23,8,"Si cela nelloscurità delle caverne. Si nutre di gemme
e per questo i suoi occhi sono pietre preziose."
302,23,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems
has transformed its eyes into gemstones."
302,23,11,"洞窟の 暗闇に 潜む。
宝石を 食べているうちに
目が 宝石に なってしまった。"
302,24,1,"くらい どうくつに すみかを つくり
するどい ツメを つかって
ほうせきを ほりだしては たべる。"
302,24,3,"어두운 동굴에 거처를 만들어
예리한 손톱을 써서
보석을 파내어 먹는다."
302,24,5,"Ce Pokémon vit dans les grottes obscures et mange
des gemmes quil déterre avec ses griffes acérées."
302,24,6,"Es haust in düsteren Höhlen, wo es mit seinen
spitzen Klauen Edelsteine ausgräbt und verspeist."
302,24,7,"Hace su guarida en cuevas oscuras. Usa sus afiladas
garras para desenterrar las gemas que se come."
302,24,8,"Si costruisce la tana in grotte oscure dove con le
affilate unghie scava gemme per poi nutrirsene."
302,24,9,"It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp
claws to dig up gems to nourish itself."
302,24,11,"暗い 洞窟に 住処を 作り
鋭い ツメを 使って
宝石を 掘り出しては 食べる。"
302,25,1,"どうくつの おくで ひっそりと せいかつする。
くらやみで ひとみが あやしく かがやく とき
ひとの たましいを うばうと おそれられている。"
302,25,3,"동굴 깊은 곳에서 은밀히 생활한다.
어둠 속에서 눈동자가 수상하게 빛날 때 사람의
영혼을 빼앗는다며 두려움의 대상이 되고 있다."
302,25,5,"Les Ténéfix mènent une vie tranquille dans les cavernes.
Pourtant, ils sont craints, car on raconte que ces Pokémon
volent lesprit des gens quand leurs yeux brillent
dans lobscurité."
302,25,6,"Zobiris führt ein ruhiges, zurückgezogenes Leben tief im Innern
einer Höhle. Es ist aber trotzdem sehr gefürchtet, da man sagt,
es stehle die Seelen der Menschen, wenn seine Augen im
Dunkeln furchterregend funkeln."
302,25,7,"Los Sableye hacen una vida muy tranquila en cavernas, pero
son muy temidos. Se dice que, cuando los ojos les brillan de
manera siniestra, están robándole el alma a alguien."
302,25,8,"Sableye conduce una vita tranquilla nel profondo delle grotte.
Tuttavia, è molto temuto perché si dice che rubi lo spirito
degli umani con lo sguardo sinistro dei suoi occhi opalescenti
che fendono le tenebre."
302,25,9,"Sableye lead quiet lives deep inside caverns.
They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are
thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn
with a sinister glow in the darkness."
302,25,11,"洞窟 奥で ひっそりと 生活する。
暗闇で 瞳が 怪しく 輝く とき
人の 魂を 奪うと 恐れられている。"
302,26,1,"するどい ツメで つちを ほり いしを たべる。
いしに ふくまれた せいぶんは けっしょうとなり
からだの ひょうめんに うかびあがってくる。"
302,26,3,"날카로운 발톱으로 땅을 파고 돌을 먹는다.
돌에 포함된 성분은 결정이 되어
몸의 표면에 나타난다."
302,26,5,"Ténéfix creuse le sol avec ses griffes acérées pour trouver
des rochers à manger. Les substances des rochers avalés
se cristallisent et remontent sur la peau de ce Pokémon."
302,26,6,"Zobiris durchwühlt mit seinen scharfen Krallen den Erdboden
auf der Suche nach Steinen, von denen es sich ernährt.
Die Substanzen in den Steinen nehmen schließlich eine
feste Form an und gelangen auf seine Körperoberfläche."
302,26,7,"Sableye cava en el suelo para buscar con las afiladas garras
que tiene rocas para comer. Las sustancias que hay en las
rocas que ingiere se solidifican y se le quedan en la piel."
302,26,8,"Sableye scava il terreno con i suoi artigli affilati per trovare
le pietre di cui si nutre. Le sostanze ingerite si cristallizzano
ed emergono a livello epidermico."
302,26,9,"Sableye digs the ground with sharpened claws to find rocks
that it eats. Substances in the eaten rocks crystallize and rise
up to the Pokémons body surface."
302,26,11,"鋭い ツメで 土を 掘り 石を 食べる。
石に 含まれた 成分は 結晶となり
体の 表面に 浮かび上がってくる。"
302,27,1,"ほうせきが こうぶつで メレシーを
ねらって つけまわしているが
ガバイトに よこどり されてしまう。"
302,27,3,"보석을 좋아해서 멜리시를
노리고 끈질기게 따라다니지만
한바이트가 가로채 버린다."
302,27,5,"Comme il adore tout ce qui brille, il traque
souvent les Strassie. Malheureusement, il se fait
tout aussi souvent devancer par Carmache."
302,27,6,"Seine Liebe zu Edelsteinen treibt es dazu,
Rocara nachzustellen. Knarksel kommt ihm
allerdings immer zuvor."
302,27,7,"Le gustan mucho las joyas, por lo que suele
merodear cerca de los Carbink. Sin embargo, los
Gabite siempre se le suelen adelantar."
302,27,8,"È ghiotto di gemme e va sempre a caccia di
Carbink, ma è spesso preceduto dai Gabite."
302,27,9,"Its a fiend for gemstones, so it stalks Carbink.
Unfortunately, Gabite almost always grabs
them first."
302,27,11,"宝石が 好物で メレシーを
狙って 付け回しているが
ガバイトに 横取り されてしまう。"
302,28,1,"ほうせきの ひとみが あやしく
かがやくとき ひとの たましいを
うばうと おそれられる ポケモン。"
302,28,3,"보석 눈동자가 수상하게 빛날 때
사람의 영혼을 빼앗는다며
두려움의 대상이 된 포켓몬이다."
302,28,5,"Pokémon redouté de beaucoup, car léclat
de ses yeux précieux donne limpression quil
sapprête à dérober lâme de ceux quil regarde."
302,28,6,"Es ist gefürchtet, da man sagt, es stehle
die Seelen der Menschen, wenn seine
Edelsteinaugen furchterregend funkeln."
302,28,7,"Se dice que, cuando las gemas de los ojos
de estos Pokémon brillan de manera siniestra,
están robándole el alma a alguien."
302,28,8,"È molto temuto perché si dice che rubi lo spirito
degli esseri umani con lo sguardo sinistro
dei suoi occhi opalescenti."
302,28,9,"This Pokémon is feared. When its gemstone eyes
begin to glow with a sinister shine, its believed
that Sableye will steal peoples spirits away."
302,28,11,"宝石の 瞳が 怪しく
輝くとき 人の 魂を
奪うと 恐れられる ポケモン。"
302,29,1,"かたいツメで つちを ほり ふとい
キバで ほうせきを バリバリかじる。
メレシーが だいこうぶつだ。"
302,29,3,"딱딱한 발톱으로 땅에 구멍을 파고
굵은 이빨로 보석을 북북 갉는다.
멜리시를 매우 좋아한다."
302,29,5,"Il creuse le sol de ses griffes acérées pour
trouver des gemmes, quil croque comme
sil sagissait de chips. Il raffole des Strassie."
302,29,6,"Mit seinen scharfen Krallen gräbt es nach
Edelsteinen, die es mit seinen dicken Fängen
zerbeißt. Besonders gern frisst es Rocara."
302,29,7,"Horada la tierra con sus duras garras y extrae
gemas que luego desmenuza con sus gruesos
colmillos. Los Carbink son su manjar predilecto."
302,29,8,"Scava il terreno con gli artigli robusti e frantuma
le gemme con le grosse zanne.
È molto ghiotto di Carbink."
302,29,9,"It digs through the ground with its hard claws
and crunches down gems with its thick pointy
teeth. Carbink is its favorite food."
302,29,11,"硬いツメで 土を 掘り 太い
キバで 宝石を バリバリかじる。
メレシーが 大好物だ。"
302,30,1,"からだの ひょうめんに くった
ほうせきの せいぶんが うきだす。
その パターンは むげんだいだ。"
302,30,3,"신체의 표면에 먹은
보석의 성분이 떠오른다.
그 패턴은 무한대다."
302,30,5,"Les éléments présents dans les gemmes quil
mange remontent à la surface de son corps,
formant des motifs dune infinie variété."
302,30,6,"Die Substanzen der Edelsteine, die es frisst,
verfestigen sich an seiner Körperoberfläche,
wobei unendlich viele Musterungen entstehen."
302,30,7,"Algunos de los elementos de las gemas con las
que se alimenta emergen en su piel creando
patrones variopintos."
302,30,8,"Le sostanze contenute nelle gemme che
ingerisce emergono a livello epidermico e
formano i motivi più disparati."
302,30,9,"Materials from gems it has eaten float to the
surface of its body and can form an infinite
number of patterns among individuals."
302,30,11,"身体の 表面に 食った
宝石の 成分が 浮きだす。
その パターンは 無限大だ。"
302,33,1,"ほうせきの ひとみが あやしく
かがやくとき ひとの たましいを
うばうと おそれられる ポケモン。"
302,33,3,"보석 눈동자가 수상하게 빛날 때
사람의 영혼을 빼앗는다며
두려움의 대상이 된 포켓몬이다."
302,33,5,"Beaucoup de gens le craignent, car léclat
de ses yeux précieux donne limpression quil
sapprête à dérober lâme de ceux quil regarde."
302,33,6,"Man sagt, es stehle die Seelen der Menschen,
wenn seine Edelsteinaugen furchterregend
funkeln. Viele fürchten es deswegen."
302,33,7,"Se dice que, cuando las gemas de los ojos de
estos Pokémon tan temidos brillan de manera
siniestra, están robándole el alma a alguien."
302,33,8,"È molto temuto perché si dice che rubi lo spirito
degli esseri umani con lo sguardo sinistro dei suoi
occhi opalescenti."
302,33,9,"This Pokémon is feared. When its gemstone eyes
begin to glow with a sinister shine, its believed
that Sableye will steal peoples spirits away."
302,33,11,"宝石の 瞳が 怪しく
輝くとき 人の 魂を
奪うと 恐れられる ポケモン。"
302,34,1,"ほうせきの けっしょうを たべる。
くらやみの なかでは りょうめが
ほうせきの かがやきを はなつ。"
302,34,3,"보석의 결정을 먹는다.
어둠 속에서는 두 눈이 
보석의 빛을 낸다."
302,34,5,"Ce Pokémon se nourrit de pierres précieuses.
Dans les ténèbres, ses yeux brillent du reflet
des joyaux."
302,34,6,"Es ernährt sich von Edelsteinen. Im Dunkeln
funkeln seine beiden Augen wie Juwelen."
302,34,7,"Se alimenta de gemas. En la oscuridad, los ojos
le brillan con el destello de las piedras preciosas."
302,34,8,"Si nutre di gemme. Nelloscurità i suoi occhi
brillano come gioielli."
302,34,9,"It feeds on gemstone crystals. In darkness, its
eyes sparkle with the glitter of jewels."
302,34,11,"宝石の 結晶を 食べる。
暗闇の 中では 両目が
宝石の 輝きを 放つ。"
303,7,9,"MAWHILEs huge jaws are actually steel
horns that have been transformed.
Its docile-looking face serves to lullits foe into letting down its guard.
When the foe least expects it, MAWHILE
chomps it with its gaping jaws."
303,8,9,"Dont be taken in by this POKéMONs
cute face - its very dangerous. MAWILE
fools the foe into letting down itsguard, then chomps down with its
massive jaws. The steel jaws are really
horns that have been transformed."
303,9,9,"Its giant jaws are actually steel horns
that transformed. It fools foes into
complacency with its adorable gestures,
then chomps them with its huge jaws."
303,10,9,"It uses its docile-looking face to lull
foes into complacency, then bites with its
huge, relentless jaws."
303,11,9,"It uses its docile-looking face to lull
foes into complacency, then bites with its
huge, relentless jaws."
303,12,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,13,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,14,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,15,9,"It chomps with its gaping mouth.
Its huge jaws are actually steel
horns that have been transformed."
303,16,9,"It chomps with its gaping mouth.
Its huge jaws are actually steel
horns that have been transformed."
303,17,5,"Ses cornes forment une grande
mâchoire attachée à sa tête. Elle
peut broyer des barres de fer."
303,17,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,18,5,"Ses cornes forment une grande
mâchoire attachée à sa tête. Elle
peut broyer des barres de fer."
303,18,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,21,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,22,9,"Attached to its head is a huge
set of jaws formed by horns.
It can chew through iron beams."
303,23,1,"おとなしい かおで あいてを ゆだん
させてから おおあごで がぶり。
かみつくと ぜったいに はなさない。"
303,23,3,"얌전한 얼굴로 상대를 방심하게
만들고 큰 턱으로 덥석 문다.
한번 물면 절대로 놓지 않는다."
303,23,5,"Il utilise son visage charmeur pour tromper ses
ennemis avant de les mordre avec ses énormes
303,23,6,"Mit seinem friedlichen Gesicht bringt es Gegner zur
Selbstgefälligkeit und beißt anschließend mit seinem
riesigen Kiefer gnadenlos zu."
303,23,7,"Engaña con su aspecto dócil; hace que el rival se
confíe y le da un mordisco con sus enormes e
implacables mandíbulas."
303,23,8,"Intenerisce i nemici con la sua faccia innocente,
per poi morderli con le forti e instancabili mascelle."
303,23,9,"It uses its docile-looking face to lull foes into
complacency, then bites with its huge,
relentless jaws."
303,23,11,"おとなしい 顔で 相手を 油断
させてから おおあごで がぶり。
かみつくと 絶対に 放さない。"
303,24,1,"ツノが へんけいして できた
おおあごが あたまに ついている。
てっこつを かみきってしまう。"
303,24,3,"뿔이 변형되어 생긴
큰 턱이 머리에 달려 있다.
철골을 물어서 끊어 버린다."
303,24,5,"Ses cornes forment une grande mâchoire attachée
à sa tête. Elle peut broyer des barres de fer."
303,24,6,"Auf seinem Kopf befindet sich ein riesiger Kiefer,
der aus Hörnern besteht. Er kann Eisen zermalmen."
303,24,7,"Las grandes fauces de su cabeza están formadas por
cuernos. Puede romper el hierro con ellas."
303,24,8,"Le sue due enormi mandibole sono corna trasformate.
Con esse può masticare persino travi di ferro."
303,24,9,"Attached to its head is a huge set of jaws formed
by horns. It can chew through iron beams."
303,24,11,"ツノが 変形して できた
おおあごが 頭に ついている。
鉄骨を かみきってしまう。"
303,25,1,"はがねの ツノが へんけいした おおきな あご。
おとなしそうな かおに ゆだんを していると
とつぜん ふりむき バクリと かみつかれるぞ。"
303,25,3,"강철 뿔이 변형된 큰 턱이다.
얌전해 보이는 얼굴에 방심하고 있으면
갑자기 뒤돌아서 덥석 문다."
303,25,5,"Les énormes mâchoires de Mysdibule sont en réalité
des cornes en métal transformées. Son visage doux et gentil
est un leurre pour tromper lennemi. Quand lennemi sy attend
le moins, il le croque dun coup de mâchoire."
303,25,6,"Flunkifers sagenhafter Kiefer besteht aus umgewandelten
Stahlhörnern. Sein unterwürfiger Gesichtsausdruck dient dazu,
seinen Gegner in Sicherheit zu wiegen, sodass er
unaufmerksam wird. Dann schnappt es zu!"
303,25,7,"Las descomunales fauces de acero de Mawile son la evolución
de unos cuernos que tuvo en su día. Con su expresión dócil
puede engañar al enemigo y hacer que baje la guardia para
sorprenderle con las fauces."
303,25,8,"Le enormi mascelle di Mawile sono in realtà corna dacciaio
trasformate. Il volto dallo sguardo tanto mansueto serve
a indurre i nemici ad abbassare la guardia. Infatti Mawile
attacca quando lavversario meno se laspetta."
303,25,9,"Mawiles huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been
transformed. Its docile-looking face serves to lull its foe into
letting down its guard. When the foe least expects it, Mawile
chomps it with its gaping jaws."
303,25,11,"鋼の ツノが 変形した 大きな あご。
大人しそうな 顔に 油断を していると
突然 振り向き バクリと かみつかれるぞ。"
303,26,1,"あいてを ゆだんさせ おおきな あごで がぶり。
かわいい かおに だまされると きけんだよ。
はがねの あごは ツノが へんけいした ものだ。"
303,26,3,"상대를 방심하게 하고 큰 턱으로 덥석 문다.
귀여운 얼굴에 속아 넘어가면 위험하다.
강철의 턱은 뿔이 변형된 것이다."
303,26,5,"Il ne faut pas se fier au visage mignon de ce Pokémon. Il est
très dangereux. Mysdibule leurre son ennemi, puis le croque
avec son énorme mâchoire constituée en fait des cornes
303,26,6,"Fall bloß nicht auf das hübsche Gesicht dieses Pokémon
herein  es ist sehr gefährlich. Flunkifer lenkt seine Feinde
ab und schlägt dann mit seinem massiven Kiefer zu. Sein
kräftiger Stahlkiefer besteht aus umgewandelten Hörnern."
303,26,7,"No hay que dejarse engañar por el aspecto tierno de este
Pokémon; es un verdadero peligro. Mawile engaña, así, a su
rival. Primero, hace que baje la guardia y, después, despliega
sus horribles fauces de acero, que antes eran cuernos."
303,26,8,"Non bisogna mai farsi ingannare dallo sguardo mansueto
di Mawile, che è invece estremamente pericoloso. Tenta così
di far abbassare la guardia al nemico per attaccare con le
possenti mascelle formate da corna trasformate."
303,26,9,"Dont be taken in by this Pokémons cute face—its very
dangerous. Mawile fools the foe into letting down its guard,
then chomps down with its massive jaws. The steel jaws are
really horns that have been transformed."
303,26,11,"相手を 油断させ 大きな あごで がぶり。
可愛い 顔に だまされると 危険だよ。
鋼の あごは ツノが 変形した ものだ。"
303,29,1,"ずるがしこく おそろしい ポケモン。
キュートな しぐさで ゆだんさせ
いきなり おおアゴで まるのみにする。"
303,29,3,"약삭빠르고 무서운 포켓몬.
귀여운 행동으로 방심하게 한 후
느닷없이 큰 턱으로 통째로 삼켜 버린다."
303,29,5,"Rusé et dangereux, ce Pokémon profite de son
air candide pour tromper ses ennemis, et les
gobe dun trait dès quils ont le dos tourné."
303,29,6,"Ein verschlagenes Pokémon, das sich niedlich
gibt, um die Beute in Sicherheit zu wiegen. Dann
verschlingt es diese mit seinem riesigen Kiefer."
303,29,7,"Este Pokémon astuto y temible engaña al rival
con su aspecto dulce para luego engullirlo de un
bocado cuando menos se lo espera."
303,29,8,"Scaltro e pericoloso, induce il nemico ad
abbassare la guardia con atteggiamenti graziosi
e lo divora in un colpo con le possenti mascelle."
303,29,9,"A cunning and terrifying Pokémon, its cuteness
makes opponents let down their guard—and
then it swallows them whole with its huge jaws."
303,29,11,"ずる賢く 恐ろしい ポケモン。
キュートな 仕草で 油断させ
いきなり おおアゴで 丸呑みにする。"
303,30,1,"2つの くちを もつ。 こうとうぶの
おおアゴには みかくが ないため
にがてな ものは こちらで たべる。"
303,30,3,"2개의 입을 가졌다. 후두부의
큰 턱에는 미각이 없어서
싫어하는 것은 이쪽으로 먹는다."
303,30,5,"Il possède deux bouches. Celle au sommet de sa
tête ne percevant pas les saveurs, il sen sert
pour manger les aliments qui lui déplaisent."
303,30,6,"Es hat zwei Münder. Mit dem großen Kiefer auf
seinem Hinterkopf kann es nichts schmecken,
deswegen isst es damit Dinge, die es nicht mag."
303,30,7,"Tiene dos bocas. Las grandes mandíbulas a su
espalda carecen de sentido del gusto, por lo
que las usa para comer lo que no le agrada."
303,30,8,"Ha due bocche. Quella dietro la nuca, dotata di
possenti mascelle, non percepisce i sapori e
viene usata per mangiare i cibi meno graditi."
303,30,9,"It has two mouths. The big jaws on the back of
its head cant taste anything, so thats the
mouth it uses to eat foods it doesnt like."
303,30,11,"2つの 口を 持つ。 後頭部の
大アゴには 味覚が ないため
苦手な ものは こちらで 食べる。"
303,33,1,"おとなしい かおで あいてを ゆだん
させてから おおあごで がぶり。
かみつくと ぜったいに はなさない。"
303,33,3,"얌전한 얼굴로 상대를 방심하게
만들고 큰 턱으로 덥석 문다.
한번 물면 절대로 놓지 않는다."
303,33,5,"Trompés par son visage innocent, ses ennemis
se font happer par ses énormes mâchoires
et ne peuvent plus séchapper."
303,33,6,"Mit seinem friedlichen Gesicht wiegt es Gegner
in Sicherheit und beißt dann mit seinem riesigen
Kiefer zu. Danach gibt es kein Entkommen mehr."
303,33,7,"Con su cara inocente hace que el rival se confíe
y, al bajar la guardia, le da un mordisco con sus
enormes fauces del que no se puede liberar."
303,33,8,"Distrae i nemici con la sua faccia innocente,
per poi azzannarli con le sue possenti mascelle.
Non molla la presa a nessun costo."
303,33,9,"It uses its docile-looking face to lull foes into
complacency, then bites with its huge,
relentless jaws."
303,33,11,"おとなしい 顔で 相手を 油断
させてから おおあごで がぶり。
噛みつくと 絶対に 放さない。"
303,34,1,"はがねの ツノが へんけいして
できた おおきな アゴで
あいてに がぶりと かみつくのだ。"
303,34,3,"강철의 뿔이 변형되어
생긴 큰 턱으로
상대를 덥석 문다."
303,34,5,"Ses cornes dacier forment une grande mâchoire
avec laquelle il mord férocement ses adversaires."
303,34,6,"Sein riesiger Kiefer hat sich aus stählernen
Hörnern entwickelt. Mit ihm beißt es seine
303,34,7,"Sus otrora cuernos de acero se han transformado
en grandes fauces con las que muerde a sus
303,34,8,"Le sue corna dacciaio si sono trasformate in
enormi mascelle, con cui morde i nemici."
303,34,9,"It chomps with its gaping mouth. Its huge jaws are
actually steel horns that have been transformed."
303,34,11,"鋼の ツノが 変形して
できた 大きな アゴで
相手に がぶりと 噛みつくのだ。"
304,7,9,"This POKéMON has a body of steel.
To make its body, ARON feeds on
iron ore that it digs from mountains.Occasionally, it causes major trouble by
eating bridges and rails."
304,8,9,"ARON has a body of steel.
With one all-out charge, this POKéMON
can demolish even a heavy dump truck.The destroyed dump truck then becomes
a handy meal for the POKéMON."
304,9,9,"A POKéMON that is clad in steel armor.
A new suit of armor is made when it evolves.
The old, discarded armor is salvaged as
metal for making iron products."
304,10,9,"It eats iron to build its steel body.
It is a pest that descends from mountains
to eat bridges and train tracks."
304,11,9,"It eats iron to build its steel body.
It is a pest that descends from mountains
to eat bridges and train tracks."
304,12,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains.
However, hunger may drive it to
eat railroad tracks and cars."
304,13,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains.
However, hunger may drive it to
eat railroad tracks and cars."
304,14,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains.
However, hunger may drive it to
eat railroad tracks and cars."
304,15,9,"When it evolves, it sheds the steel
carapace that covered its whole body
and develops a new one."
304,16,9,"When it evolves, it sheds the steel
carapace that covered its whole body
and develops a new one."
304,17,5,"Il vit habituellement au cœur des
montagnes. Affamé, il dévore
parfois des rails et des voitures."
304,17,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains.
However, hunger may drive it to
eat railroad tracks and cars."
304,18,5,"Il vit habituellement au cœur des
montagnes. Affamé, il dévore
parfois des rails et des voitures."
304,18,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains.
However, hunger may drive it to
eat railroad tracks and cars."
304,21,9,"In order to build up its steel body,
it eats iron ore. This pesky Pokémon
is known to eat railroad tracks."
304,22,9,"In order to build up its steel body,
it eats iron ore. This pesky Pokémon
is known to eat railroad tracks."
304,23,1,"ふだんは やまおくで くらしているが
おなかが すくと ふもとに あらわれ
せんろや くるまを たべてしまう。"
304,23,3,"평소에는 산속에서 살고 있지만
배가 고프면 산기슭에 나타나
선로나 차를 먹어 버린다."
304,23,5,"Il vit habituellement au cœur des montagnes.
Affamé, il dévore parfois des rails et des voitures."
304,23,6,"Normalerweise lebt es in dunklen Bergen. Ist es
hungrig, frisst es auch Eisenbahnschienen und Autos."
304,23,7,"Suele vivir en lugares inaccesibles de las montañas,
pero el hambre lo empuja a comer raíles y coches."
304,23,8,"Vive generalmente sui monti ma, spinto dalla fame,
scende per cibarsi di binari ferroviari e automobili."
304,23,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger
may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars."
304,23,11,"普段は 山奥で 暮らしているが
お腹が すくと ふもとに 現われ
線路や 車を 食べてしまう。"
304,24,1,"からだを おおう はがねの よろいは
しんかするとき ポロリと はがれおち
あたらしい よろいが つくられる。"
304,24,3,"몸을 감싼 강철 갑옷은
진화할 때 똑 떨어져
새 갑옷이 만들어진다."
304,24,5,"Larmure dacier qui recouvre son corps sémiette
quand il évolue pour laisser place à une nouvelle."
304,24,6,"Entwickelt es sich, wirft es seinen alten Stahlpanzer ab
und bildet einen neuen aus."
304,24,7,"Al evolucionar, la coraza de acero que recubre todo
su cuerpo se cae para crear una nueva."
304,24,8,"Larmatura dacciaio che riveste Aron viene sostituita
da una nuova quando il Pokémon si evolve."
304,24,9,"When it evolves, it sheds the steel carapace that
covered its whole body and develops a new one."
304,24,11,"体を 覆う 鋼の よろいは
進化するとき ポロリと はがれ落ち
新しい よろいが 作られる。"
304,25,1,"はがねの からだを つくるため てっこうせきを
やまから ほりだして たべているが たまに
はしや レールを たべてしまう こまりものだ。"
304,25,3,"강철 몸을 만들기 위해 철광석을
산에서 채광해 먹지만 가끔
다리나 레일을 먹어버리는 말썽꾸러기다."
304,25,5,"Ce Pokémon a un corps en acier. Pour constituer son corps,
Galekid se nourrit de minerai de fer extrait des montagnes.
De temps en temps, il cause de nombreux dégâts en mangeant
des ponts ou des rails."
304,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon hat einen Körper aus Stahl. Stollunior ernährt
sich von Eisenerz aus den Bergen. Zuweilen richtet es großen
Schaden an, weil es Brücken und Bahngleise auffrisst."
304,25,7,"Este Pokémon tiene el cuerpo de acero. Para mantenerlo, se
alimenta del hierro que saca de las montañas. A veces, causa
verdaderos problemas, pues se come puentes y vías de tren."
304,25,8,"Il corpo di Aron è costituito dacciaio. Per mantenerne
la consistenza Aron si ciba di pepite di ferro rinvenute
scavando in montagna. Talvolta crea enorme scompiglio
poiché si nutre anche di ponti e ferrovie."
304,25,9,"This Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, Aron
feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Occasionally,
it causes major trouble by eating bridges and rails."
304,25,11,"鋼の 体を つくるため 鉄鉱石を
山から 掘り出して 食べているが たまに
橋や レールまで 食べてしまう 困りものだ。"
304,26,1,"こうてつの からだで おもいっきり ぶつかれば
おおきな ダンプカーも いちげきで バラバラだ。
こわれた ダンプカーを むしゃむしゃ たべるぞ。"
304,26,3,"강철의 몸으로 힘껏 부딪치면
큰 덤프트럭도 한 방에 엉망이 된다.
부서진 덤프트럭을 우적우적 먹는다."
304,26,5,"Galekid a un corps dacier. En une seule charge, ce Pokémon
peut démolir un camion poids lourd. Le camion détruit devient
ensuite le repas de ce Pokémon."
304,26,6,"Stolluniors Körper besteht aus Stahl. Mit einem Schlag kann
dieses Pokémon einen Schwerlasttransporter demolieren.
Der Lastwagen stellt danach eine handliche Mahlzeit für
dieses Pokémon dar."
304,26,7,"Aron tiene el cuerpo de acero. Con una carga hecha con toda
la fuerza es capaz de demoler hasta un camión de basura y,
a continuación, comérselo."
304,26,8,"Aron è dotato di un corpo dacciaio. Con una sola potente
carica riesce a demolire anche un camion a rimorchio. Questo
costituisce poi un sano e ricco pasto per il Pokémon."
304,26,9,"Aron has a body of steel. With one all-out charge, this
Pokémon can demolish even a heavy dump truck.
The destroyed dump truck then becomes a handy meal
for the Pokémon."
304,26,11,"鋼鉄の 体で 思いっきり ぶつかれば
大きな ダンプカーも 一撃で バラバラだ。
壊れた ダンプカーを むしゃむしゃ 食べるぞ。"
304,33,1,"てっこうせきや たまに てつどうの
レールを たべて からだを まもる
はがねの よろいが つくられる。"
304,33,3,"철광석을 먹거나 가끔은
철도의 레일을 먹고
몸을 지키는 강철 갑옷을 만든다."
304,33,5,"Il se nourrit de minerai de fer et parfois même
de rails pour se fabriquer une armure dacier
qui protège son corps."
304,33,6,"Es frisst Eisenerz und manchmal auch Bahngleise.
So bildet es einen Panzer aus Stahl, der seinen
Körper schützt."
304,33,7,"Se alimenta de minerales de hierro o, en
ocasiones, de vías de tren para producir la
coraza de acero que le protege el cuerpo."
304,33,8,"Si ciba di minerali ferrosi e talvolta di rotaie,
che vanno poi a costituire larmatura dacciaio
che protegge il suo corpo."
304,33,9,"It eats iron ore—and sometimes railroad tracks—
to build up the steel armor that protects its body."
304,33,11,"鉄鉱石や たまに 鉄道の レールを
食べて 体を 守る
鋼の 鎧が つくられる。"
304,34,1,"しんかのとき はがねの よろいが
はがれおちる。 むかしの ひとは
ひろって せいかつに やくだてた。"
304,34,3,"진화할 때 강철의 갑옷이
떨어진다. 옛날 사람들은 주워서
일상생활에서 유용하게 사용했다."
304,34,5,"Quand il évolue, il perd son armure dacier.
Autrefois, les gens la ramassaient pour
en faire usage dans leur vie quotidienne."
304,34,6,"Stollunior wirft seinen Stahlpanzer ab, wenn es
sich entwickelt. Früher sammelten Menschen
diesen auf und nutzten ihn für Alltagszwecke."
304,34,7,"Antiguamente se recogía la coraza de acero
que este Pokémon desprende al evolucionar
y se empleaba para distintos usos."
304,34,8,"Quando si evolve, larmatura dacciaio si stacca.
In passato, gli esseri umani la raccoglievano per
utilizzarla in attività quotidiane."
304,34,9,"When Aron evolves, its steel armor peels off. In
ancient times, people would collect Arons shed
armor and make good use of it in their daily lives."
304,34,11,"進化のとき 鋼の 鎧が
剥がれ落ちる。 昔の 人は
拾って 生活に 役立てた。"
305,7,9,"LAIRON tempers its steel body by
drinking highly nutritious mineral
springwater until it is bloated.This POKéMON makes its nest close to
springs of delicious water."
305,8,9,"LAIRON feeds on iron contained in
rocks and water. It makes its nest on
mountains where iron ore is buried.As a result, the POKéMON often clashes
with humans mining the iron ore."
305,9,9,"When two LAIRON meet in the wild, they
fight for territory by bashing into each
other with their steel bodies. The sound
of their collision carries for miles."
305,10,9,"It habitually shows off its strength with
the size of sparks it creates by ramming
its steel body into boulders."
305,11,9,"It habitually shows off its strength with
the size of sparks it creates by ramming
its steel body into boulders."
305,12,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It
smashes its steely body against
others to fight over territory."
305,13,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It
smashes its steely body against
others to fight over territory."
305,14,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It
smashes its steely body against
others to fight over territory."
305,15,9,"It loves iron ore. Groups of them
fight for territory by bashing one
another with their steel bodies."
305,16,9,"It loves iron ore. Groups of them
fight for territory by bashing one
another with their steel bodies."
305,17,5,"Il se nourrit du minerai de fer quil
fore. Il défend son territoire en
chargeant avec son corps dacier."
305,17,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It
smashes its steely body against
others to fight over territory."
305,18,5,"Il se nourrit du minerai de fer quil
fore. Il défend son territoire en
chargeant avec son corps dacier."
305,18,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It
smashes its steely body against
others to fight over territory."
305,21,9,"Lairon fight over territory,
and when their steel bodies
collide, sparks fly."
305,22,9,"Lairon fight over territory,
and when their steel bodies
collide, sparks fly."
305,23,1,"てっこうせきが だいこうぶつ。
はがねの からだを ぶつけあって
なわばり あらそいを する。"
305,23,3,"철광석을 매우 좋아한다.
강철의 몸을 서로 부딪치며
영역 싸움을 한다."
305,23,5,"Il raffole du minerai de fer. Il défend son territoire
en chargeant avec son corps dacier."
305,23,6,"Ist verrückt nach Eisenerz. Bei Revierkämpfen
stoßen Stollrak einander mit ihren Stahlkörpern."
305,23,7,"Le encanta comer hierro. Lucha por su territorio
embistiendo a sus rivales con su cuerpo de acero."
305,23,8,"Adora i minerali di ferro. Scaglia il suo corpo dacciaio
contro gli altri nella lotta per il territorio."
305,23,9,"It loves iron ore. Groups of them fight for territory
by bashing one another with their steel bodies."
305,23,11,"鉄鉱石が 大好物。
鋼の 体を ぶつけ合って
縄張り 争いを する。"
305,24,1,"はがねの よろいを いわに ぶつけた
ときに でる ひばなの おおきさで
つよさを アピールする しゅうせい。"
305,24,3,"강철의 갑옷을 바위에 부딪쳤을 때
튀는 불꽃의 크기로
강함을 어필하는 습성이 있다."
305,24,5,"Pour montrer sa force à ses ennemis, Galegon frotte
son corps dacier contre les rochers pour produire
de gigantesques étincelles."
305,24,6,"Gelegentlich demonstriert es seine Kraft, indem es
mit der Größe der Funken angibt, die entstehen,
wenn es seinen stählernen Körper in Felsen rammt."
305,24,7,"Para alardear de su fuerza, hace saltar chispas
frotando contra grandes rocas el cuerpo de acero
que tiene."
305,24,8,"Per sfoggiare la sua potenza, crea grandi scintille
scontrandosi contro i massi con il suo corpo dacciaio."
305,24,9,"It habitually shows off its strength with the size of
sparks it creates by ramming its steel body
into boulders."
305,24,11,"鋼の よろいを 岩に ぶつけた
ときに 出る 火花の 大きさで
強さを アピールする 習性。"
305,25,1,"えいよう まんてんの わきみずを おなかいっぱい
のむ ことで はがねの からだが きたえられる。
おいしい わきみずの ちかくに すを つくる。"
305,25,3,"영양 만점인 샘물을 배 속 가득
마셔서 강철 몸을 단련시킨다.
맛있는 샘물 가까이에 거처를 만든다."
305,25,5,"Galegon adoucit son corps dacier en buvant une eau minérale
jusquà ce quil soit tout boursouflé. Ce Pokémon fait son nid
près des sources deau minérale riches en nutriments."
305,25,6,"Stollrak temperiert seinen Körper, indem es ausgesprochen
nahrhaftes Quellwasser trinkt, bis es völlig aufgebläht ist.
Dieses Pokémon baut sein Nest in der Nähe von Quellen,
aus denen köstliches Wasser sprudelt."
305,25,7,"Lairon templa su cuerpo de acero bebiendo agua mineral muy
rica en nutrientes hasta que no puede más. Este Pokémon
suele crear su nido cerca de manantiales de rica agua."
305,25,8,"Lairon tempra la sua fibra dacciaio ingerendo dosi enormi
di minerali altamente nutritivi presenti nellacqua di sorgente.
Questo Pokémon crea la propria dimora nei pressi di sorgenti
dacqua purissima."
305,25,9,"Lairon tempers its steel body by drinking highly nutritious
mineral springwater until it is bloated. This Pokémon makes its
nest close to springs of delicious water."
305,25,11,"栄養 満点の わき水を お腹いっぱい
飲む ことで 鋼の 体が 鍛えられる。
美味しい わき水の 近くに 巣を つくる。"
305,26,1,"いしや みずに ふくまれる てつぶんを たべる。
てっこうせきの うもれた やまに すを つくるが
てつを とりにくる にんげんと あらそいになる。"
305,26,3,"돌이나 물에 포함된 철 성분을 먹는다.
철광석이 묻힌 산에 둥지를 만들지만
철을 캐러 오는 인간과 다투게 된다."
305,26,5,"Galegon se nourrit du fer contenu dans les rochers et
dans leau. Il fait son nid sur les montagnes renfermant
du minerai de fer. Du coup, il se confronte souvent
aux humains travaillant dans les mines."
305,26,6,"Stollrak ernährt sich von Eisen, das in Steinen und Wasser
enthalten ist. Es baut sein Nest in Bergen, in denen Eisenerz
abgebaut wird. Es gerät dabei häufig mit Bergarbeitern
in Konflikt."
305,26,7,"Lairon se alimenta del hierro que hay en las rocas y el agua.
Hace su nido en las montañas, de donde se saca el hierro.
Por eso, se encuentra muchas veces con las personas que
están trabajando en las minas extrayéndolo."
305,26,8,"Lairon si nutre del ferro contenuto nelle rocce e nellacqua.
Crea la propria dimora in montagna vicino a giacimenti ferrosi.
Per questo motivo il Pokémon si scontra spesso con minatori
alla ricerca di pepite di ferro."
305,26,9,"Lairon feeds on iron contained in rocks and water. It makes
its nest on mountains where iron ore is buried. As a result,
the Pokémon often clashes with humans mining the iron ore."
305,26,11,"石や 水に 含まれている 鉄分を 食べる。
鉄鉱石の 埋もれた 山に 巣を つくるが
鉄を 取りに来る 人間と 争いになる。"
305,33,1,"コドラが くらす やまは わきみずと
てっこうせきが ほうふなので ひとと
あらそいに なることも おおかった。"
305,33,3,"갱도라가 사는 산은
샘물과 철광석이 풍부하여
사람과 다투는 일도 잦았다."
305,33,5,"Vivre au sein de montagnes riches en minerai
et abondantes en eau de source lui a souvent
valu dentrer en conflit avec lHomme."
305,33,6,"Stollrak leben in Bergen, die reich an Quellwasser
und Eisenerz sind, weshalb sie oft mit Menschen
in Konflikt gerieten."
305,33,7,"Habita en zonas ricas en hierro y con numerosos
manantiales, por lo que en el pasado las disputas
territoriales con los humanos eran frecuentes."
305,33,8,"I monti in cui vive sono ricchi di minerali ferrosi
e sorgenti dacqua. Per questo, spesso in passato
questo Pokémon si scontrava con gli esseri umani."
305,33,9,"Lairon live in mountains brimming with spring
water and iron ore, so these Pokémon often
came into conflict with humans in the past."
305,33,11,"コドラが 暮らす 山は 湧き水と
鉄鉱石が 豊富なので 人と
争いに なることも 多かった。"
305,34,1,"からだを ぶつけあって なわばりを
あらそう。 はがねの よろいは よく
みると きずや へこみが あるのだ。"
305,34,3,"서로 몸을 부딪치며 영역
싸움을 한다. 강철의 갑옷은
잘 보면 흠집과 파인 곳이 있다."
305,34,5,"Les Galegon se disputent les territoires en luttant
au corps à corps, comme le montrent les éraflures
sur leur armure dacier."
305,34,6,"Bei Revierkämpfen prallen sie mit ihren Körpern
gegeneinander. Betrachtet man die Stahlpanzer
genauer, entdeckt man Kratzer und Dellen."
305,34,7,"Resuelven sus disputas territoriales embistiendo
y golpeando con el cuerpo. En sus corazas de
acero se pueden apreciar hendiduras y rasguños."
305,34,8,"I Lairon lottano per il territorio scagliandosi luno
contro laltro. A unosservazione attenta, la loro
armatura dacciaio mostra graffi e ammaccature."
305,34,9,"During territorial disputes, Lairon fight by
slamming into each other. Close inspection of
their steel armor reveals scratches and dents."
305,34,11,"体を ぶつけ合って 縄張りを
争う。 鋼の 鎧は よく
見ると 傷や へこみが あるのだ。"
306,7,9,"AGGRON claims an entire mountain as its
own territory. It mercilessly beats up
anything that violates its environment.This POKéMON vigilantly patrols its
territory at all times."
306,8,9,"AGGRON is surprisingly protective
of its environment. If its mountain
is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, thisPOKéMON will haul topsoil to the area,
plant trees, and beautifully restore its
own territory."
306,9,9,"Its iron horns grow longer a little at
a time. They are used to determine the
AGGRONs age. The gouges in its armor are
worn with pride as mementos from battles."
306,10,9,"It claims a large mountain as its sole
territory. It mercilessly thrashes those
that violate its space."
306,11,9,"It claims a large mountain as its sole
territory. It mercilessly thrashes those
that violate its space."
306,12,9,"While seeking iron for food, it
digs tunnels by breaking through
bedrock with its steel horns."
306,13,9,"While seeking iron for food, it
digs tunnels by breaking through
bedrock with its steel horns."
306,14,9,"While seeking iron for food, it
digs tunnels by breaking through
bedrock with its steel horns."
306,15,9,"You can tell its age by the length
of its iron horns. It claims an
entire mountain as its territory."
306,16,9,"You can tell its age by the length
of its iron horns. It claims an
entire mountain as its territory."
306,17,5,"Il creuse des galeries à travers la
pierre avec ses cornes dacier pour
trouver le fer quil apprécie."
306,17,9,"While seeking iron for food, it
digs tunnels by breaking through
bedrock with its steel horns."
306,18,5,"Il creuse des galeries à travers la
pierre avec ses cornes dacier pour
trouver le fer quil apprécie."
306,18,9,"While seeking iron for food, it
digs tunnels by breaking through
bedrock with its steel horns."
306,21,9,"It claims an entire mountain as its own.
The more wounds it has, the more it has
battled, so dont take it lightly."
306,22,9,"It claims an entire mountain as its own.
The more wounds it has, the more it has
battled, so dont take it lightly."
306,23,1,"やまを まるごと なわばりに する。
キズが おおい ボスゴドラほど
たたかっているので あなどれない。"
306,23,3,"산을 통째로 영역으로 한다.
상처가 많은 보스로라일수록
많이 싸웠다는 것이므로 얕볼 수 없다."
306,23,5,"Il établit son territoire sur toute une montagne.
Ses cicatrices indiquent son expérience : plus il en a,
plus il est fort!"
306,23,6,"Ihre Reviere erstrecken sich über ganze Gebirge.
Stolloss, die mit Narben übersät sind, sollte man
besser meiden."
306,23,7,"Hacen de toda una montaña su territorio. Cuantas más
cicatrices tienen, más curtidos en disputas. ¡Mucha
306,23,8,"Sceglie come territorio intere montagne. Se ha tante
cicatrici sul suo corpo, è meglio non scherzare con lui."
306,23,9,"It claims an entire mountain as its own.
The more wounds it has, the more it has battled,
so dont take it lightly."
306,23,11,"山を まるごと 縄張りに する。
傷が 多い ボスゴドラほど
戦っているので 侮れない。"
306,24,1,"はがねの ツノで かたい がんばんを
つきくずしながら しょくりょうの
てつを さがして トンネルを ほる。"
306,24,3,"강철의 뿔로 단단한 암반을
무너뜨리며 식량이 되는
철을 찾아서 터널을 판다."
306,24,5,"Il creuse des galeries à travers la pierre avec ses
cornes dacier pour trouver le fer quil apprécie."
306,24,6,"Auf der Suche nach Eisen, seiner Nahrung, gräbt es
mit seinen Stahlhörnern sogar Tunnel durch Felsen."
306,24,7,"Mientras busca hierro para comer, excava túneles en
la roca con sus potentes cuernos de acero."
306,24,8,"Cerca ferro da mangiare scavando tunnel nella roccia
con le sue corna dacciaio."
306,24,9,"While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by
breaking through bedrock with its steel horns."
306,24,11,"鋼の ツノで 硬い 岩盤を
突き崩しながら 食料の
鉄を 探して トンネルを 掘る。"
306,25,1,"やま ひとつを じぶんの なわばりに していて
あらした あいては ようしゃなく たたきのめす。
いつも やまの なかを みまわり している。"
306,25,3,"산 하나를 자신의 영역으로 만들고
침범한 상대는 봐주지 않고 때려눕힌다.
항상 산속을 돌아보고 있다."
306,25,5,"Galeking marque son territoire autour dune montagne
entière. Il combat sans merci quiconque pénètre dans
son environnement. Ce Pokémon patrouille sans arrêt
sur son territoire."
306,25,6,"Stolloss nennt einen ganzen Berg sein Territorium. Gnadenlos
schlägt es jeden in die Flucht, der sein Reich betritt. Dieses
Pokémon behält sein Territorium jederzeit im Auge."
306,25,7,"Aggron marca una montaña entera como su territorio y acaba
con todo lo que pueda ponerlo en peligro. Este Pokémon está
continuamente patrullando la zona en defensa de su terreno."
306,25,8,"Aggron è solito delimitare unintera montagna come suo
territorio esclusivo ed è spietato con coloro che osano
violare tali confini. Questo Pokémon pattuglia il proprio
spazio senza mai abbassare la guardia."
306,25,9,"Aggron claims an entire mountain as its own territory.
It mercilessly beats up anything that violates its environment.
This Pokémon vigilantly patrols its territory at all times."
306,25,11,"山 一つを 自分の 縄張りに していて
荒らした 相手は 容赦なく たたきのめす。
いつも 山の 中を 見回り している。"
306,26,1,"どしゃくずれや やまかじで やまが あれると
せっせと つちを はこび きの なえを うえて
じぶんの なわばりを きれいに そうじする。"
306,26,3,"산사태나 산불로 산이 황폐해지면
열심히 흙을 나르고 나무 모종을 심어
자신의 영역을 깨끗히 청소한다."
306,26,5,"Galeking est attentif à son environnement. Si sa montagne
est ravagée par un glissement de terrain ou un incendie,
ce Pokémon laboure la terre, plante des arbres et restaure
le paysage."
306,26,6,"Stolloss geht sehr behutsam mit der Umwelt um. Wenn der
Berg von Stolloss von einem Erdrutsch oder einem Feuer
verwüstet wurde, schleppt es Erde in das Gebiet,
pflanzt Bäume und richtet sein Territorium wieder her."
306,26,7,"Aggron es increíblemente cuidadoso con su hábitat. Si su
montaña sufre algún corrimiento de tierras o algún incendio,
cargará con tierra nueva, plantará árboles y restaurará con
cuidado el terreno."
306,26,8,"Aggron difende strenuamente il proprio territorio.
In caso di frana o incendio, questo Pokémon è in grado
di risistemare il terreno, ripiantare gli alberi e ristabilire
al meglio il proprio ambiente naturale."
306,26,9,"Aggron is protective of its environment. If its mountain is
ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul
topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its
own territory."
306,26,11,"土砂崩れや 山火事で 山が 荒れると
せっせと 土を 運び 木の 苗を 植えて
自分の 縄張りを きれいに 掃除する。"
306,33,1,"ぶあつい てっぱんを つらぬくほどの
するどい ツノを たいあたりとともに
くらわせて てきを しとめる。"
306,33,3,"두꺼운 철판을 꿰뚫을 정도로
예리한 뿔을 몸통박치기와 함께
찔러넣어 상대를 처리한다."
306,33,5,"Il terrasse ses ennemis en chargeant et en donnant
des coups avec ses cornes acérées capables de
transpercer des plaques de fer épaisses."
306,33,6,"Mit seinen spitzen Hörnern, die selbst massive
Eisenplatten durchbohren können, rammt es seine
Gegner und macht ihnen so den Garaus."
306,33,7,"Sus cuernos duros y afilados pueden perforar
hasta las planchas de hierro más gruesas.
Derriba a sus rivales cargando contra ellos."
306,33,8,"Abbatte i nemici caricandoli e speronandoli
con le sue corna, talmente affilate da perforare
spesse lastre di metallo."
306,33,9,"Aggron has a horn sharp enough to perforate
thick iron sheets. It brings down its opponents by
ramming into them horn first."
306,33,11,"ぶ厚い 鉄板を 貫くほどの
鋭い ツノを 体当たりとともに
くらわせて 敵を しとめる。"
306,34,1,"おおむかし ボスゴドラの つよさに
あやかり あたまの かたちを もした
かぶとを かぶる おうさまが いた。"
306,34,3,"먼 옛날 어떤 왕은 보스로라의
강함을 선망하여 머리 모양을
본떠 만든 투구를 쓰기도 했다."
306,34,5,"Il y a fort longtemps, un roi portait un casque
à leffigie de Galeking, pensant quil pourrait
ainsi sapproprier sa force."
306,34,6,"Einst gab es einen König, der einen Helm in Form
von Stolloss Kopf trug, in der Hoffnung, sich
dadurch dessen Stärke aneignen zu können."
306,34,7,"En la antigüedad, hubo un monarca que llevaba
un casco hecho a imagen de Aggron para que le
otorgase fuerza."
306,34,8,"In tempi antichi ci fu un re che, aspirando alla
forza di Aggron, indossava un elmo ispirato
alla testa di questo Pokémon."
306,34,9,"Long ago, there was a king who wore a helmet
meant to resemble the head of an Aggron. He
was trying to channel the Pokémons strength."
306,34,11,"大昔 ボスゴドラの 強さに
あやかり 頭の 形を 模した
かぶとを 被る 王様が いた。"
307,7,9,"MEDITITE undertakes rigorous mental
training deep in the mountains.
However, whenever it meditates, thisPOKéMON always loses its concentration
and focus. As a result, its training
never ends."
307,8,9,"MEDITITE heightens its inner energy
through meditation. It survives on
just one berry a day.Minimal eating is another aspect of
this POKéMONs training."
307,9,9,"It continually meditates for hours every
day. As a result of rigorous and dedicated
yoga training, it has tempered its
spiritual power so much it can fly."
307,10,9,"It never skips its daily yoga training.
It heightens its inner strength through
307,11,9,"It never skips its daily yoga training.
It heightens its inner strength through
307,12,9,"It eats just one berry a day.
By enduring hunger, its spirit is
tempered and made sharper."
307,13,9,"It never misses its daily yoga
workouts, and it heightens its
spiritual power through meditation."
307,14,9,"It always trains deep in mountains.
It levitates when it heightens its
spiritual power through meditation."
307,15,9,"It meditates to heighten its inner
energy and to float in the air.
It eats one berry a day."
307,16,9,"It meditates to heighten its inner
energy and to float in the air.
It eats one berry a day."
307,17,5,"Son entraînement dermite lui
permet de léviter par le seul
pouvoir de la méditation."
307,17,9,"It always trains deep in mountains.
It levitates when it heightens its
spiritual power through meditation."
307,18,5,"Son entraînement dermite lui
permet de léviter par le seul
pouvoir de la méditation."
307,18,9,"It always trains deep in mountains.
It levitates when it heightens its
spiritual power through meditation."
307,21,9,"It always trains deep in mountains.
It levitates when it heightens its
spiritual power through meditation."
307,22,9,"It always trains deep in mountains.
It levitates when it heightens its
spiritual power through meditation."
307,23,1,"いつもは やまおくで しゅぎょう。
めいそうをして せいしんりょくを
たかめると からだが うかびあがる。"
307,23,3,"평상시는 깊은 산속에서 수행한다.
명상을 하고 정신력을
높이면 몸이 떠오른다."
307,23,5,"Son entraînement dermite lui permet de léviter par
le seul pouvoir de la méditation."
307,23,6,"Trainiert tief in den Bergen. Erhöht es seine
spirituelle Kraft durch Meditation, kann es schweben."
307,23,7,"Se entrena en la profundidad de las montañas. Cuando
aumenta su poder espiritual con meditación, levita."
307,23,8,"Si allena in montagna per elevare il suo potere
spirituale. Con la meditazione riesce a levitare."
307,23,9,"It always trains deep in mountains. It levitates
when it heightens its spiritual power
through meditation."
307,23,11,"いつもは 山奥で 修行。
めいそうをして 精神力を 高めると
体が 浮かび上がる。"
307,24,1,"1にち 1こだけ きのみを たべる。
くうふくに たえることで
こころが とぎすまされていく。"
307,24,3,"하루에 하나만 나무열매를 먹는다.
배고픔을 참는 것으로
마음을 갈고 닦아간다."
307,24,5,"Il ne mange quune Baie par jour. La faim lui a forgé
une volonté de fer."
307,24,6,"Es isst gerade mal eine Beere am Tag. Durch Hunger
wird sein Geist ruhiger und schärfer."
307,24,7,"Solo come una baya al día. El ayuno fortalece su
espíritu y su capacidad de concentración."
307,24,8,"Mangia solo una bacca al giorno. Resistendo alla
fame, il suo spirito viene temprato e rinvigorito."
307,24,9,"It eats just one berry a day. By enduring hunger,
its spirit is tempered and made sharper."
307,24,11,"1日 1個だけ 木の実を 食べる。
空腹に 耐えることで
心が 研ぎ澄まされていく。"
307,25,1,"やまおくで ヨガの しゅぎょうを している。
めいそうを していても しゅうちゅうりょくが
とぎれてしまうため しゅぎょうは おわらない。"
307,25,3,"산속에서 요가 수행을 한다.
명상을 하고 있어도 집중력이
떨어지기 때문에 수행이 끝나지 않는다."
307,25,5,"Méditikka poursuit un difficile entraînement mental dans
les montagnes. Cependant, à chaque fois quil médite,
ce Pokémon perd sa concentration. Du coup, son
entraînement ne sarrête jamais."
307,25,6,"Meditie unterzieht sich einem strikten mentalen Training
tief in den Bergen. Wenn es meditiert, verliert es jedoch
immer seine Konzentration. Deshalb wird sein Training
niemals ein Ende haben."
307,25,7,"Meditite lleva a cabo un entrenamiento mental exhaustivo en lo
más profundo de las montañas. Aunque, cuando medita, pierde
toda la concentración y se descentra. Por eso, no deja nunca
de entrenarse."
307,25,8,"Meditite esegue rigorosi esercizi mentali in montagna.
Tuttavia, quando è immerso in meditazione, perde sempre
la concentrazione, dovendo così ricominciare da capo.
Il suo esercizio dunque non finisce mai."
307,25,9,"Meditite undertakes rigorous mental training deep in the
mountains. However, whenever it meditates, this Pokémon
always loses its concentration and focus. As a result,
its training never ends."
307,25,11,"山奥で ヨガの 修行を している。
めいそうを していても 集中力が
途切れてしまうため 修行は 終わらない。
307,26,1,"めいそうで せいしんエネルギーを たかめている。
1にちに きのみを 1こだけしか たべない。
あまり たべない ことも しゅぎょうの ひとつ。"
307,26,3,"명상으로 정신 에너지를 높이고 있다.
하루에 나무열매를 한 개만 먹는다.
별로 먹지 않는 것도 수행의 하나다."
307,26,5,"Méditikka intensifie son énergie intérieure grâce à la
méditation. Il lui suffit dune Baie par jour pour survivre.
La diète fait partie de lentraînement de ce Pokémon."
307,26,6,"Meditie erhöht seine Energie durch Meditation. Es lebt von
nur einer Beere am Tag. Diese absolut reduzierte Ernährung
ist Bestandteil seines Trainings."
307,26,7,"Meditite aumenta su energía interior mediante meditación.
Para subsistir le basta con una baya al día. El comer poco
entra dentro de su entrenamiento."
307,26,8,"Meditite incrementa la sua energia interiore grazie alla
meditazione. La sua alimentazione minima - si nutre di
una bacca al giorno - è unaltra peculiarità dellesercizio
di questo Pokémon."
307,26,9,"Meditite heightens its inner energy through meditation.
It survives on just one berry a day. Minimal eating is another
aspect of this Pokémons training."
307,26,11,"めいそうで 精神エネルギーを 高めている。
1日に きのみを 1個だけしか 食べない。
あまり 食べない ことも 修行の 一つ。"
308,7,9,"It is said that through meditation,
MEDICHAM heightens energy inside
its body and sharpens its sixth sense.This POKéMON hides its presence by
merging itself with fields and
308,8,9,"Through the power of meditation,
MEDICHAM developed its sixth sense.
It gained the ability to usepsychokinetic powers. This POKéMON is
known to meditate for a whole month
without eating."
308,9,9,"Through crushingly harsh yoga training, it
gained the power to foretell its foes
actions. It battles with elegant, dance-
like movement."
308,10,9,"It elegantly avoids attacks with dance-
like steps, then launches a devastating
blow in the same motion."
308,11,9,"It elegantly avoids attacks with dance-
like steps, then launches a devastating
blow in the same motion."
308,12,9,"Through yoga training, it has
honed its sixth sense. Its
movements are elegant."
308,13,9,"Through daily meditation, it hones
its spiritual power. It can sense
what others are thinking."
308,14,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura
of its opponents by honing its mind
through starvation."
308,15,9,"Through yoga training, it gained
the psychic power to predict
its foes next move."
308,16,9,"Through yoga training, it gained
the psychic power to predict
its foes next move."
308,17,5,"Le jeûne lui permet de concentrer
son esprit au point de déceler
laura de ses adversaires."
308,17,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura
of its opponents by honing its mind
through starvation."
308,18,5,"Le jeûne lui permet de concentrer
son esprit au point de déceler
laura de ses adversaires."
308,18,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura
of its opponents by honing its mind
through starvation."
308,21,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura
of its opponents by honing its mind
through starvation."
308,22,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura
of its opponents by honing its mind
through starvation."
308,23,1,"ダンスの ような ゆうがな うごきで
こうげきを かわして きょうれつな
いちげきを あいてに おみまいする。"
308,23,3,"춤추는 듯한 우아한 움직임으로
공격을 피하며 상대에게
강력한 일격을 선사한다."
308,23,5,"Charmina évite les attaques en exécutant délégants
pas de danse avant de lancer une attaque dévastatrice
dans son élan."
308,23,6,"Es weicht Attacken elegant tänzerisch aus,
um anschließend eine verheerende Attacke aus
derselben Bewegung heraus zu lancieren."
308,23,7,"Evita los ataques moviéndose de forma elegante,
como si bailara. Ataca dando un golpe devastador y
moviéndose igual."
308,23,8,"Evita elegantemente gli attacchi a passo di danza, per
poi lanciare devastanti attacchi con la stessa grazia."
308,23,9,"It elegantly avoids attacks with dance-like steps,
then launches a devastating blow in the
same motion."
308,23,11,"ダンスの ような 優雅な 動きで
攻撃を 交わして 強烈な 一撃を
相手に お見舞いする。"
308,24,1,"ヨガの しゅぎょうで きたえられた
サイコパワーで あいての うごきを
よそくする ことが できるのだ。"
308,24,3,"요가 수행으로 단련된
사이코 파워로 상대의 움직임을
예상할 수 있다."
308,24,5,"Ses pouvoirs psy, renforcés par la pratique du yoga,
lui permettent de prédire les mouvements ennemis."
308,24,6,"Mit Yoga-Training hat es seine Psycho-Kräfte geschärft
und ahnt so die Attacken seiner Gegner voraus."
308,24,7,"Puede prever los movimientos de su rival usando sus
poderes psíquicos, fortalecidos por el yoga."
308,24,8,"Conosce le mosse del nemico grazie ai poteri di
preveggenza ottenuti con le pratiche yoga."
308,24,9,"Through yoga training, it gained the psychic power
to predict its foes next move."
308,24,11,"ヨガの 修行で 鍛えられた
サイコパワーで 相手の 動きを
予測する ことが できるのだ。"
308,25,1,"めいそうする ことで からだの エネルギーが
たかまり だい6かんが するどくなる という。
のやまと いったいになって けはいを けす。"
308,25,3,"명상을 하면 몸의 에너지가 높아지고
여섯 번째 감각이 예리해진다고 한다.
산야와 일체화되어 기척을 지운다."
308,25,5,"On dit que grâce à la méditation, Charmina stocke
de lénergie dans son corps et affine son sixième sens.
Ce Pokémon se cache des autres en se fondant dans
les champs et les montagnes."
308,25,6,"Mittels Meditation erhöht Meditalis seine Körperenergie und
schärft seinen sechsten Sinn. Dieses Pokémon verbirgt sich,
indem es eins mit den Feldern und Bergen wird."
308,25,7,"Dicen que, a través de la meditación, Medicham aumenta su
energía interior y agudiza su sexto sentido. Este Pokémon
suele pasar desapercibido mimetizándose con el campo y las
308,25,8,"Si dice che, grazie alla meditazione, Medicham incrementi
la propria energia fisica e affini il sesto senso. Si nasconde
efficacemente mimetizzandosi nei campi e in montagna."
308,25,9,"It is said that through meditation, Medicham heightens energy
inside its body and sharpens its sixth sense. This Pokémon
hides its presence by merging itself with fields and mountains."
308,25,11,"めいそうする ことで 体の エネルギーが
高まり 第6感が 鋭くなる という。
野山と 一体になって 気配を 消す。"
308,26,1,"ヨガの ちからで だい6かんが はったつして
サイコパワーを あやつれる ように なった。
1かげつかん なにも たべずに めいそうする。"
308,26,3,"요가의 힘으로 제6의 감각이 발달하여
사이코 파워를 다룰 수 있게 되었다.
1개월간 아무것도 먹지 않고 명상한다."
308,26,5,"Grâce au pouvoir de la méditation, Charmina a développé
son sixième sens. Il peut utiliser des pouvoirs télékinétiques.
On sait que ce Pokémon peut méditer pendant un mois sans
308,26,6,"Mittels Meditation hat Meditalis seinen sechsten Sinn
entwickelt. So kann es seine psychokinetischen Kräfte
nutzen. Dieses Pokémon meditiert einen ganzen Monat,
ohne etwas zu essen."
308,26,7,"A través de la meditación, Medicham desarrolló su sexto
sentido y aprendió a usar poderes psicoquinéticos. Se sabe
que este Pokémon puede pasarse un mes meditando y sin
308,26,8,"Grazie alla propria abilità meditativa Medicham ha sviluppato
il sesto senso. Ha acquisito anche la capacità di usare i poteri
psicocinetici. È noto per rimanere fermo in meditazione
un mese intero senza mangiare."
308,26,9,"Through the power of meditation, Medicham developed its
sixth sense. It gained the ability to use psychokinetic powers.
This Pokémon is known to meditate for a whole month
without eating."
308,26,11,"ヨガの 力で 第6感が 発達して
サイコパワーを 操れる ように なった。
1ヶ月間 なにも 食べずに めいそうする。"
309,7,9,"ELECTRIKE stores electricity in its
long body hair. This POKéMON stimulates
its leg muscles with electric charges.These jolts of power give its legs
explosive acceleration performance."
309,8,9,"ELECTRIKE runs faster than the human
eye can follow. The friction from
running is converted into electricity,which is then stored in this POKéMONs
309,9,9,"It generates electricity using friction
from the atmosphere. In seasons with
especially arid air, its entire body blazes
with violent showers of sparks."
309,10,9,"It stores static electricity in its fur
for discharging. It gives off sparks if a
storm approaches."
309,11,9,"It stores static electricity in its fur
for discharging. It gives off sparks if a
storm approaches."
309,12,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,13,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,14,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,15,9,"It stores electricity in its fur. It
gives off sparks from all over its
body in seasons when the air is dry."
309,16,9,"It stores electricity in its fur. It
gives off sparks from all over its
body in seasons when the air is dry."
309,17,5,"Il améliore ses réflexes en
stimulant ses muscles grâce à 
lélectricité dans sa fourrure."
309,17,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,18,5,"Il améliore ses réflexes en
stimulant ses muscles grâce à 
lélectricité dans sa fourrure."
309,18,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,21,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,22,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur,
it stimulates its muscles to
heighten its reaction speed."
309,23,1,"たいもうに ためた でんきを つかい
きんにくを しげきすることで
しゅんぱつりょくを たかめる。"
309,23,3,"털에 모은 전기를 써서
근육을 자극함으로써
순발력을 높인다."
309,23,5,"Il améliore ses réflexes en stimulant ses muscles
grâce à lélectricité dans sa fourrure."
309,23,6,"Die Elektrizität, die es im Fell speichert, nutzt es,
um seine Muskeln zu stimulieren."
309,23,7,"Estimula sus músculos y aumenta sus reflejos con la
electricidad que almacena su pelaje."
309,23,8,"Lelettricità immagazzinata nella pelliccia gli stimola
i muscoli e aumenta la sua velocità di reazione."
309,23,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its
muscles to heighten its reaction speed."
309,23,11,"体毛に ためた 電気を 使い
筋肉を 刺激することで
瞬発力を 高める。"
309,24,1,"せいでんきを たいもうに たくわえて
ほうでんする。あらしが ちかづくと
ぜんしんから ひばなを ちらす。"
309,24,3,"정전기를 털에 비축하여
방전한다. 폭풍이 가까이 오면
온몸에서 불꽃을 튀긴다."
309,24,5,"Dynavolt stocke de lélectricité statique dans sa
fourrure. Il produit des étincelles lorsque le temps
devient orageux."
309,24,6,"In seinem Fell speichert es statische Elektrizität für
spätere Entladungen. Braut sich ein Sturm zusammen,
entlädt es Funken."
309,24,7,"Acumula electricidad estática en el pelaje para lanzar
descargas. Cuando va a haber tormenta, suelta
309,24,8,"Accumula elettricità statica nella pelliccia, che poi
scarica. Se si avvicina una tempesta, lo si vede
309,24,9,"It stores static electricity in its fur for discharging.
It gives off sparks if a storm approaches."
309,24,11,"静電気を 体毛に たくわえて
放電する。嵐が 近づくと
全身から 火花を 散らす。"
309,25,1,"ながい たいもうに でんきを ためている。
でんりゅうで あしの きんにくを しげきして
ばくはつてきな しゅんぱつりょくを うみだす。"
309,25,3,"긴 털에 전기를 모으고 있다.
전류로 다리 근육을 자극하여
폭발적인 순발력을 낸다."
309,25,5,"Dynavolt stocke de lélectricité dans les poils de son corps
allongé. Ce Pokémon stimule les muscles de ses jambes
avec des charges électriques, ce qui le rend capable
daccélérations fulgurantes."
309,25,6,"Frizelbliz speichert Elektrizität in seiner langen
Körperbehaarung. Dieses Pokémon stimuliert seine
Beinmuskulatur durch Stromstöße. Dadurch ist es
in der Lage, explosiv zu beschleunigen."
309,25,7,"Electrike acumula electricidad en el largo pelaje que tiene.
Este Pokémon estimula los músculos de las patas mediante
descargas eléctricas. Estas explosiones de energía le permiten
acelerar de forma increíble."
309,25,8,"Electrike accumula lelettricità nella sua folta pelliccia.
Stimola i muscoli degli arti inferiori con cariche elettriche,
grazie alle quali ottiene prestazioni e accelerazioni esplosive."
309,25,9,"Electrike stores electricity in its long body hair. This Pokémon
stimulates its leg muscles with electric charges. These jolts of
power give its legs explosive acceleration performance."
309,25,11,"長い 体毛に 電気を ためている。
電流で 足の 筋肉を 刺激して
爆発的 瞬発力を 生み出す。"
309,26,1,"めにも とまらぬ スピードで はしる ポケモン。
くうきの まさつで でんきを はっせいさせて
ぜんしんの たいもうに たくわえている。"
309,26,3,"눈에 안 보이는 스피드로 달리는 포켓몬이다.
공기의 마찰로 전기를 발생시켜
전신의 털에 비축하고 있다."
309,26,5,"Dynavolt court tellement vite que lœil humain ne peut pas
le suivre. La friction générée par sa course est convertie en
électricité, puis stockée dans la fourrure de ce Pokémon."
309,26,6,"Frizelbliz rennt so schnell, dass das menschliche Auge es nicht
wahrnehmen kann. Die Reibung, die dabei entsteht, wandelt es
in Elektrizität um, die es in seinem Fell speichert."
309,26,7,"Electrike corre tan rápido que escapa hasta al ojo humano.
La fricción que se origina en la carrera se transforma en
electricidad que almacena en el pelaje."
309,26,8,"Electrike corre più velocemente di quanto locchio umano
possa percepire. Lattrito dovuto alla corsa viene trasformato
in elettricità, accumulata poi nella pelliccia del Pokémon."
309,26,9,"Electrike runs faster than the human eye can follow.
The friction from running is converted into electricity,
which is then stored in this Pokémons fur."
309,26,11,"目にも 止まらぬ スピードで 走る ポケモン。
空気の 摩擦で 電気を 発生させて
全身の 体毛に 蓄えている。"
309,29,1,"くうきと たいもうの まさつで
せいでんきが はっせい。 ラクライが
はしると バチバチと おとが なる。"
309,29,3,"공기와 털의 마찰로
정전기가 발생한다. 썬더라이가
달리면 탁탁 소리가 난다."
309,29,5,"La friction de ses poils avec lair génère de
lélectricité statique quand il court et produit
un son qui sapparente à des crépitements."
309,29,6,"Durch die Reibung zwischen seinem Fell und
der Luft entsteht Elektrizität. Wenn es rennt,
verursacht es ein knisterndes Geräusch."
309,29,7,"La fricción con el aire carga su pelaje de
electricidad estática, por lo que pueden oírse
crepitantes chispazos cuando corre."
309,29,8,"Lattrito fra latmosfera e la sua pelliccia genera
elettricità statica e quando corre si avverte
un crepitio."
309,29,9,"Friction between the air and its fur produces
static electricity. When Electrike runs, it makes
a crackling sound."
309,29,11,"空気と 体毛の 摩擦で
静電気が 発生。 ラクライが
走ると バチバチと 音が 鳴る。"
309,30,1,"ながい たいもうが こすれあうことで
ぜんしんに せいでんきが たまる。
スピードが じまんの ポケモン。"
309,30,3,"긴 털이 마찰하는 과정에서
전신에 정전기가 모인다.
스피드가 특기인 포켓몬이다."
309,30,5,"Il est très fier de sa vitesse et peut envelopper
son corps délectricité statique en frottant
ses longs poils."
309,30,6,"Durch das Aneinanderreiben seiner langen
Haare speichert sein ganzer Körper Elektrizität.
Es ist besonders stolz auf seine Schnelligkeit."
309,30,7,"Este Pokémon genera electricidad estática
frotando su largo pelaje. También destaca por
su velocidad."
309,30,8,"Accumula elettricità statica in tutto il corpo
sfregando la folta pelliccia. Il suo punto di forza
è la velocità."
309,30,9,"Static electricity builds up all over its body
as strands of its long fur rub together. This
Pokémon boasts incredible speed."
309,30,11,"長い 体毛が こすれあうことで
全身に 静電気が たまる。
スピードが 自慢の ポケモン。"
309,33,1,"せいでんきを たいもうに たくわえて
ほうでんする。 あらしが ちかづくと
ぜんしんから ひばなを ちらす。"
309,33,3,"정전기를 털에 비축하여
방전한다. 폭풍이 가까이 오면
온몸에서 불꽃을 튀긴다."
309,33,5,"Il émet des décharges à partir de lélectricité
statique accumulée dans sa fourrure. Il produit
des étincelles lorsque le temps devient orageux."
309,33,6,"In seinem Fell speichert es statische Elektrizität
für spätere Entladungen. Braut sich ein Sturm
zusammen, entlädt es Funken."
309,33,7,"Acumula electricidad estática en el pelaje para
lanzar descargas. Cuando va a haber tormenta,
suelta chispas por todo el cuerpo."
309,33,8,"Accumula elettricità statica nella pelliccia e poi
la rilascia. Se si avvicina una tempesta, emette
309,33,9,"It stores static electricity in its fur for discharging.
It gives off sparks if a storm approaches."
309,33,11,"静電気を 体毛に たくわえて
放電する。 嵐が 近づくと
全身から 火花を 散らす。"
309,34,1,"せいでんきを たいもうに ためる。
くうきの かんそうした きせつには
ぜんしんから ひばなを ちらす。"
309,34,3,"정전기를 털에 모은다.
공기가 건조한 계절에는
전신에서 스파크를 뿌린다."
309,34,5,"Lélectricité statique saccumule dans sa fourrure.
Par temps sec, elle dégage des étincelles."
309,34,6,"Es speichert statische Elektrizität in seinem Fell.
In Jahreszeiten mit trockener Luft sprüht sein
ganzer Körper Funken."
309,34,7,"Almacena electricidad estática en su pelaje.
En estaciones secas, suelta chispas por todo
el cuerpo."
309,34,8,"Accumula elettricità statica nella pelliccia. Nella
stagione secca, il suo corpo sprizza scintille."
309,34,9,"It stores electricity in its fur. It gives off sparks
from all over its body in seasons when the air is dry."
309,34,11,"静電気を 体毛に 溜める。
空気の 乾燥した 季節には
全身から 火花を 散らす。"
310,7,9,"MANECTRIC is constantly discharging
electricity from its mane. The sparks
sometimes ignite forest fires.When it enters a battle, this POKéMON
creates thunderclouds."
310,8,9,"MANECTRIC discharges strong
electricity from its mane. The mane is
used for collecting electricity in theatmosphere. This POKéMON creates
thunderclouds above its head."
310,9,9,"Because lightning falls in their vicinities,
MANECTRIC were thought to have been born
from lightning. In battle, they create
310,10,9,"It rarely appears before people.
It is said to nest where lightning has
310,11,9,"It rarely appears before people.
It is said to nest where lightning has
310,12,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,13,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,14,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,15,9,"Its nest can be found where a
thunderbolt hits. It is discharging
electricity from its mane."
310,16,9,"Its nest can be found where a
thunderbolt hits. It is discharging
electricity from its mane."
310,17,5,"Il libère lélectricité par sa crinière.
Il crée un nuage dorage pour appeler
la foudre."
310,17,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,18,5,"Il libère lélectricité par sa crinière.
Il crée un nuage dorage pour appeler
la foudre."
310,18,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,21,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,22,9,"It discharges electricity from its
mane. It creates a thundercloud
overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,23,1,"ひとまえには めったに すがたを
みせない。かみなりの おちた
ばしょに すみかが あると いう。"
310,23,3,"좀처럼 사람 앞에 모습을
드러내지 않는다. 번개가 떨어진
곳에 보금자리가 있다고 한다."
310,23,5,"Ce Pokémon évite le contact des humains.
On raconte quil fait son nid là où la foudre est déjà
310,23,6,"Es zeigt sich selten den Menschen. Man sagt, dass es
sein Nest baut, wo der Blitz eingeschlagen hat."
310,23,7,"No suele aparecer ante la gente. Dicen que suele
colocar su nido donde caen los rayos."
310,23,8,"Raramente si mostra agli umani. Si dice che nidifichi
nelle zone dove è caduto un fulmine."
310,23,9,"It rarely appears before people. It is said to nest
where lightning has fallen."
310,23,11,"人前には めったに 姿を 見せない。
雷の 落ちた 場所に
住処が あると いう。"
310,24,1,"たてがみから ほうでんしている。
ずじょうに かみなりぐもを つくり
いなずまを おとして こうげきする。"
310,24,3,"갈기에서 방전을 하고 있다.
머리 위에 번개 구름을 만들고
천둥번개를 떨어뜨려 공격한다."
310,24,5,"Il libère lélectricité par sa crinière. Il crée un nuage
dorage pour appeler la foudre."
310,24,6,"Aus seiner Mähne entlädt es Elektrizität. Es generiert
eine Gewitterwolke, aus der es Blitze entlädt."
310,24,7,"Descarga electricidad desde su melena. Crea
nubarrones desde los que lanza rayos."
310,24,8,"Scarica elettricità dalla criniera. Crea nubi
temporalesche in cielo che fanno cadere saette."
310,24,9,"It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a
thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts."
310,24,11,"たてがみから 放電している。
頭上に 雷雲を 作り
稲妻を 落として 攻撃する。"
310,25,1,"たてがみから いつも ほうでんしているため
ひばなで やまかじを おこしてしまう ことも。
たたかいに なると かみなりぐもを つくりだす。"
310,25,3,"갈기를 통해 항상 방전 중이기 때문에
불꽃이 튀어 산불이 일어나기도 한다.
싸우게 되면 번개 구름을 만들어낸다."
310,25,5,"La crinière dÉlecsprint libère constamment de lélectricité.
Les étincelles déclenchent parfois des feux de forêt.
Au début de ses combats, ce Pokémon crée des nuages
310,25,6,"Voltenso entlädt ständig Elektrizität aus seiner Mähne.
Es fliegen dabei Funken, die zuweilen zu Waldbränden führen.
In einem Kampf erzeugt dieses Pokémon Gewitterwolken."
310,25,7,"Manectric está continuamente descargando electricidad por
las melenas, y a veces causa incendios en el bosque con las
chispas que suelta. Cuando entra en combate, este Pokémon
crea nubarrones."
310,25,8,"Manectric scarica costantemente lelettricità dalla propria
criniera. Spesso le scintille scatenano incendi nei boschi.
In lotta questo Pokémon crea nubi temporalesche."
310,25,9,"Manectric is constantly discharging electricity from its mane.
The sparks sometimes ignite forest fires. When it enters a
battle, this Pokémon creates thunderclouds."
310,25,11,"たてがみから いつも 放電しているため
火花で 山火事を 起してしまう ことも。
戦いに なると 雷雲を つくりだす。"
310,26,1,"たてがみから つよい でんきを はっしている。
くうきちゅうの でんきを たてがみに あつめ
あたまの うえに かみなりぐもを つくりだす。"
310,26,3,"갈기에서 강한 전기를 발산하고 있다.
공기 중의 전기를 갈기에 모아
머리 위에 번개 구름을 만들어낸다."
310,26,5,"Élecsprint peut libérer un courant intense de sa crinière.
Cette crinière lui permet de récupérer lélectricité de
latmosphère. Ce Pokémon peut créer des nuages orageux
au-dessus de sa tête."
310,26,6,"Voltenso sammelt Elektrizität aus der Atmosphäre
in seiner Mähne und entlädt diese. Dieses Pokémon
erzeugt Gewitterwolken über seinem Kopf."
310,26,7,"Manectric acumula en las melenas la electricidad que hay en
el ambiente, y la descarga a través de ellas en grandes dosis.
Este Pokémon crea nubarrones que se le quedan por encima
de la cabeza."
310,26,8,"Manectric scarica forti scosse elettriche dalla propria criniera,
usata come collettore dellelettricità presente nellatmosfera.
Crea inoltre nubi temporalesche sopra la sua testa."
310,26,9,"Manectric discharges strong electricity from its mane.
The mane is used for collecting electricity in the atmosphere.
This Pokémon creates thunderclouds above its head."
310,26,11,"たてがみから 強い 電気を 発している。
空気中の 電気を たてがみに 集め
頭の 上に 雷雲を つくりだす。"
310,29,1,"ふしぜんな かみなりぐもの したには
ライボルトが いる。 かみなりと
おなじ スピードで かけると いう。"
310,29,3,"이상한 번개 구름 아래에는
썬더볼트가 있다. 번개와
같은 스피드로 달린다고 한다."
310,29,5,"Si un nuage orageux un peu louche apparaît
dans le ciel, un Élecsprint se trouve sûrement
en dessous. On le dit aussi rapide que léclair."
310,29,6,"Voltenso ist unter ungewöhnlichen
Gewitterwolken zu finden. Man erzählt sich,
dass es so schnell wie ein Blitz sei."
310,29,7,"Cuando se dan nubes de tormenta un tanto
inusuales, este Pokémon suele hallarse debajo.
Se dice que se mueve a la velocidad del rayo."
310,29,8,"Se si notano strane nubi temporalesche, sotto
di loro si vedrà questo Pokémon. Si dice che sia
in grado di correre alla velocità del fulmine."
310,29,9,"Manectric can be found beneath unnatural
thunderclouds. People say it can run at the
same speed as lightning striking."
310,29,11,"不自然な 雷雲の 下には
ライボルトが いる。 雷と
同じ スピードで 駆けると いう。"
310,30,1,"でんきで きんにくを しげきするので
すばやく うごける。 きんにくつうも
でんきで ほぐすので すぐ なおる。"
310,30,3,"전기로 근육을 자극해서
재빠르게 움직일 수 있다. 근육통도
전기로 풀기 때문에 금방 낫는다."
310,30,5,"Il diffuse de lélectricité dans ses membres pour
augmenter sa vitesse. Cest également ainsi
quil apaise ses douleurs musculaires."
310,30,6,"Da es seine Muskeln mit Elektrizität stimuliert,
kann es sich sehr schnell bewegen. Auch
Muskelkater heilt es sofort mit Strom."
310,30,7,"La electricidad estimula su musculatura para
que pueda moverse a gran velocidad y le ayuda
a recuperarse del dolor muscular rápidamente."
310,30,8,"Lelettricità gli stimola i muscoli rendendolo
più veloce e inoltre allevia i suoi dolori muscolari
facendolo tornare rapidamente in forma."
310,30,9,"It stimulates its own muscles with electricity, so
it can move quickly. It eases its soreness with
electricity, too, so it can recover quickly as well."
310,30,11,"電気で 筋肉を 刺激するので
素早く 動ける。 筋肉痛も
電気で ほぐすので すぐ 治る。"
310,33,1,"でんきで きんにくを しげきするので
すばやく うごける。 きんにくつうも
でんきで ほぐすので すぐ なおる。"
310,33,3,"전기로 근육을 자극해서
재빠르게 움직일 수 있다. 근육통도
전기로 풀기 때문에 금방 낫는다."
310,33,5,"Il diffuse de lélectricité dans ses membres
pour augmenter sa vitesse. Cest également
ainsi quil apaise ses douleurs musculaires."
310,33,6,"Da es seine Muskeln mit Elektrizität stimuliert,
kann es sich sehr schnell bewegen. Auch
Muskelkater heilt es sofort mit Strom."
310,33,7,"La electricidad estimula su musculatura para que
pueda moverse a gran velocidad y le ayuda a
recuperarse del dolor muscular rápidamente."
310,33,8,"Lelettricità gli stimola i muscoli rendendolo più
veloce e inoltre allevia i suoi dolori muscolari
facendolo tornare rapidamente in forma."
310,33,9,"It stimulates its own muscles with electricity, so
it can move quickly. It eases its soreness with
electricity, too, so it can recover quickly as well."
310,33,11,"電気で 筋肉を 刺激するので
素早く 動ける。 筋肉痛も
電気で ほぐすので すぐ 治る。"
310,34,1,"ひとまえには めったに すがたを
みせない。 かみなりの おちた
ばしょに すみかが あると いう。"
310,34,3,"좀처럼 사람 앞에 모습을
드러내지 않는다. 번개가 떨어진
곳에 보금자리가 있다고 한다."
310,34,5,"Ce Pokémon évite de se montrer aux humains.
On raconte quil fait son nid aux endroits
où la foudre sest abattue."
310,34,6,"Es zeigt sich selten den Menschen. Man sagt,
dass es sein Nest an Orten baut, wo ein Blitz
eingeschlagen hat."
310,34,7,"Rara vez aparece ante la gente. Dicen que suele
colocar su madriguera donde caen rayos."
310,34,8,"Raramente si mostra agli umani. Si dice che
viva nelle zone dove è caduto un fulmine."
310,34,9,"It rarely appears before people. It is said to nest
where lightning has fallen."
310,34,11,"人前には めったに 姿を
見せない。 雷の 落ちた
場所に すみかが あると いう。"
311,7,9,"PLUSLE always acts as a cheerleader
for its partners. Whenever a teammate
puts out a good effort in battle, thisPOKéMON shorts out its body to create
the crackling noises of sparks to show
its joy."
311,8,9,"When PLUSLE is cheering on its partner,
it flashes with electric sparks from all
over its body.If its partner loses, this POKéMON cries
311,9,9,"It has the trait of cheering on its fellow
POKéMON. By shorting out the electricity
it releases from its paws, it creates
pom-poms for cheering."
311,10,9,"It cheers on partners while scattering
sparks from its body. It climbs telephone
poles to absorb electricity."
311,11,9,"It cheers on partners while scattering
sparks from its body. It climbs telephone
poles to absorb electricity."
311,12,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,13,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,14,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,15,9,"It absorbs electricity from
telephone poles. It shorts out its
body to create crackling noises."
311,16,9,"It absorbs electricity from
telephone poles. It shorts out its
body to create crackling noises."
311,17,5,"Il absorbe lénergie des poteaux
électriques et encourage ses amis
avec des pompons détincelles."
311,17,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,18,5,"Il absorbe lénergie des poteaux
électriques et encourage ses amis
avec des pompons détincelles."
311,18,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,21,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,22,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms
made of sparks. It drains power
from telephone poles."
311,23,1,"ひばなの ボンボンを つくって
なかまを おうえんする。
でんちゅうから でんきを すいとる。"
311,23,3,"스파크를 톡톡 만들어
동료를 응원한다.
전신주에서 전기를 흡수한다."
311,23,5,"Il absorbe lénergie des poteaux électriques et
encourage ses amis avec des pompons détincelles."
311,23,6,"Es feuert Freunde mit Pompons an, die aus
Funken bestehen. Es holt sich Energie aus
311,23,7,"Anima a sus compañeros con pompones de chispas.
Roba energía de los postes telefónicos."
311,23,8,"Incoraggia gli amici con un vivace scoppiettio di
scintille. Assorbe elettricità dai pali telefonici."
311,23,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms made of sparks.
It drains power from telephone poles."
311,23,11,"火花の ボンボンを 作って
仲間を 応援する。
電柱から 電気を 吸い取る。"
311,24,1,"でんちゅうから でんきを すいとる。
からだに ためた でんきを
ショートさせて おとを だす。"
311,24,3,"전신주에서 전기를 흡수한다.
몸에 모은 전기를
합선시켜 소리를 낸다."
311,24,5,"Il absorbe lénergie des poteaux électriques et
court-circuite son corps pour produire du bruit."
311,24,6,"Es holt sich Energie aus Telegrafenmasten.
Wenn es diese entlädt, hört man ein lautes Prasseln."
311,24,7,"Absorbe electricidad de los postes de teléfono.
La almacena en su cuerpo y crea cortocircuitos."
311,24,8,"Assorbe elettricità dai pali della luce, la accumula
e poi crea dei rumorosi cortocircuiti."
311,24,9,"It absorbs electricity from telephone poles. It shorts
out its body to create crackling noises."
311,24,11,"電柱から 電気を 吸い取る。
体に ためた 電気を
ショートさせて 音を 出す。"
311,25,1,"いつも なかまを おうえんしている ポケモン。
なかまが がんばると からだを ショートさせて
パチパチと ひばなの おとを たてて よろこぶ。"
311,25,3,"항상 동료를 응원하고 있는 포켓몬이다.
동료가 힘을 내면 몸을 합선시켜
타다닥 불꽃 소리를 내며 기뻐한다."
311,25,5,"Posipi sert de supporter à ses partenaires. Chaque fois quun
membre de son équipe fait une belle action dans un combat,
ce Pokémon court-circuite son corps et libère des étincelles
pour montrer sa joie."
311,25,6,"Plusle dient seinen Artgenossen als Cheerleader. Wenn ein
Teamkamerad im Kampf erfolgreich ist, erzeugt es das
prasselnde Geräusch von Funken, um so seine Freude zu
311,25,7,"Plusle siempre anima a sus compañeros. Cuando algún
miembro de su grupo hace un gran esfuerzo en combate,
causa un cortocircuito en su interior para mostrar con el
chisporroteo su alegría."
311,25,8,"Plusle agisce sempre da mascotte del gruppo. Ogni volta
che un suo compagno ottiene buoni risultati nella lotta,
Plusle crea un cortocircuito per provocare lallegro
scoppiettio delle scintille e dimostrare la sua gioia."
311,25,9,"Plusle always acts as a cheerleader for its partners.
Whenever a teammate puts out a good effort in battle, this
Pokémon shorts out its body to create the crackling noises of
sparks to show its joy."
311,25,11,"いつも 仲間を 応援している ポケモン。
仲間が 頑張ると 体を ショートさせて
パチパチと 火花の 音を 立てて 喜ぶ。"
311,26,1,"なかまを おうえんする ときは ぜんしんから
でんきの ひばなを だして パチパチ ひかる。
なかまが まけると おおごえで ないてしまう。"
311,26,3,"동료를 응원할 때는 온몸에서
전기 불꽃을 내 타다닥 빛난다.
동료가 지면 큰 소리로 운다. "
311,26,5,"Quand Posipi veut encourager son partenaire, des étincelles
jaillissent un peu partout de son corps. Si son partenaire perd,
ce Pokémon pleure à chaudes larmes."
311,26,6,"Wenn Plusle seinen Partner anfeuert, sprüht es Funken
aus seinem Körper. Wenn sein Partner verliert, brüllt dieses
Pokémon laut."
311,26,7,"Cuando Plusle está animando a su compañero, resplandece y
provoca un chisporroteo que le rodea todo el cuerpo. Si su
compañero pierde, se pone a chillar a voz en grito."
311,26,8,"Quando Plusle si esibisce per rallegrare i suoi compagni,
emana vivaci scintille elettriche da tutto il corpo.
Se la sua squadra perde, piange rumorosamente."
311,26,9,"When Plusle is cheering on its partner, it flashes with electric
sparks from all over its body. If its partner loses, this Pokémon
cries loudly."
311,26,11,"仲間を 応援する ときは 全身から
電気の 火花を 出して パチパチ 光る。
仲間が 負けると 大声で 泣いてしまう。"
312,7,9,"MINUN is more concerned about cheering
on its partners than its own safety.
It shorts out the electricity in itsbody to create brilliant showers of
sparks to cheer on its teammates."
312,8,9,"MINUN loves to cheer on its partner in
battle. It gives off sparks from its
body while it is doing so.If its partner is in trouble, this
POKéMON gives off increasing amounts
of sparks."
312,9,9,"At a meeting of POKéMON academics, it was
announced that simultaneous exposure to
electricity from a PLUSLE and MINUN will
promote circulation and boost vitality."
312,10,9,"Its dislike of water makes it take shelter
under the eaves of houses in rain. It uses
pom-poms made of sparks for cheering."
312,11,9,"Its dislike of water makes it take shelter
under the eaves of houses in rain. It uses
pom-poms made of sparks for cheering."
312,12,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,13,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,14,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,15,9,"Exposure to electricity from MINUN
and PLUSLE promotes blood
circulation and relaxes muscles."
312,16,9,"Exposure to electricity from MINUN
and PLUSLE promotes blood
circulation and relaxes muscles."
312,17,5,"Il encourage ses amis. Son corps
produit plus détincelles quand il
est en mauvaise posture."
312,17,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,18,5,"Il encourage ses amis. Son corps
produit plus détincelles quand il
est en mauvaise posture."
312,18,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,21,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,22,9,"It cheers on friends. If its
friends are losing, its body lets
off more and more sparks."
312,23,1,"マイナンと プラスルの でんきは
けつえきの ながれを よくして
こりを ほぐす こうかが ある。"
312,23,3,"마이농과 플러시의 전기는
혈액의 흐름을 좋게 하여
근육 결림을 푸는 효과가 있다."
312,23,5,"Lélectricité de Posipi et Négapi favorise la circulation
sanguine et guérit les courbatures."
312,23,6,"Mit elektrischen Schlägen regen Plusle und Minun
den Blutkreislauf an und lösen so Verspannungen."
312,23,7,"La electricidad de Minun y Plusle es buena para la
circulación y para desentumecer músculos."
312,23,8,"Lelettricità tra un Plusle e un Minun favorisce la
circolazione sanguigna e scioglie le tensioni."
312,23,9,"Exposure to electricity from Minun and Plusle
promotes blood circulation and relaxes muscles."
312,23,11,"マイナンと プラスルの 電気は
血液の 流れを 良くして
こりを ほぐす 効果が ある。"
312,24,1,"なかまを おうえんする しゅうせい。
まけそうになると からだから だす
ひばなの かずが どんどん ふえる。"
312,24,3,"동료를 응원하는 습성이 있다.
질 것 같아지면 몸에서 내는
스파크의 수가 점점 늘어난다."
312,24,5,"Il encourage ses amis. Son corps produit plus
détincelles quand il est en mauvaise posture."
312,24,6,"Es feuert Freunde an. Sind diese im Begriff zu
verlieren, gibt sein Körper immer mehr Funken ab."
312,24,7,"Le gusta animar a sus amigos. Si pierden, su cuerpo
suelta cada vez más chispas."
312,24,8,"Incoraggia gli amici e, se questi perdono, il suo
corpo emette una maggiore quantità di scintille."
312,24,9,"It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing,
its body lets off more and more sparks."
312,24,11,"仲間を 応援する 習性。
負けそうになると 体から 出す
火花の 数が どんどん 増える。"
312,25,1,"じぶんよりも なかまの おうえんが だいじ。
からだから はっする でんきを ショートさせて
はでに ひばなを だしながら おうえんするぞ。"
312,25,3,"자신보다 동료를 응원하는 것이 중요하다.
몸에서 나오는 전기를 합선시켜
화려한 불꽃을 내며 응원한다."
312,25,5,"Négapi nhésite pas à se mettre en danger pour soutenir
ses partenaires. Il court-circuite son corps pour faire jaillir
des gerbes détincelles et donner du cœur à louvrage
à ses équipiers."
312,25,6,"Minun kümmert sich mehr um das Anfeuern seiner Partner
als um seine eigene Sicherheit. Es nutzt die Elektrizität in
seinem Körper dazu, einen Funkenregen zu erzeugen und
seine Teamkameraden anzufeuern."
312,25,7,"Minun se preocupa más por alentar a sus compañeros de
equipo que por su propia seguridad. Para animar a los
miembros de su grupo, crea un cortocircuito en su interior
y libera un chisporroteo espectacular."
312,25,8,"Minun si impegna a tenere alto il morale dei suoi compagni
di squadra, anche a rischio della sua stessa sicurezza.
Crea vivaci cortocircuiti con lelettricità del suo corpo per
rallegrare tutta la squadra."
312,25,9,"Minun is more concerned about cheering on its partners than
its own safety. It shorts out the electricity in its body to create
brilliant showers of sparks to cheer on its teammates."
312,25,11,"自分よりも 仲間の 応援が 大事。
体から 発する 電気を ショートさせて
派手に 火花を 出しながら 応援するぞ。"
312,26,1,"なかまの おうえんが だいすきな ポケモン。
なかまが まけそうに なると からだから でる
ひばなの かずが どんどん ふえていくよ。"
312,26,3,"동료를 응원하는 것을 매우 좋아하는 포켓몬이다.
동료가 질 것 같으면 몸에서 나오는
불꽃의 수가 점점 늘어난다."
312,26,5,"Négapi adore encourager son partenaire pendant les combats.
Des étincelles jaillissent alors de son corps. Lorsque son
partenaire est en difficulté, le corps de ce Pokémon libère
encore plus détincelles."
312,26,6,"Minun liebt es, seinen Partner im Kampf anzufeuern. Dabei
sprüht es Funken aus seinem Körper. Wenn sein Partner in
Schwierigkeiten gerät, sprüht es immer mehr Funken."
312,26,7,"Minun empieza a echar chispas cuando está animando a su
compañero en pleno combate. Si su compañero está en
peligro, el chisporroteo aumenta su intensidad por momentos."
312,26,8,"Minun ama tenere alto il morale della squadra nella lotta,
emanando scintille da tutto il corpo. Se la sua squadra
è in difficoltà, emette una maggiore quantità di scintille."
312,26,9,"Minun loves to cheer on its partner in battle. It gives off sparks
from its body while it is doing so. If its partner is in trouble,
this Pokémon gives off increasing amounts of sparks."
312,26,11,"仲間の 応援が 大好きな ポケモン。
仲間が 負けそうに なると 体から 出る
火花の 数が どんどん 増えていくよ。"
313,7,9,"With the arrival of night, VOLBEAT emits
light from its tail. It communicates with
others by adjusting the intensity andflashing of its light.
This POKéMON is attracted by the sweet
aroma of ILLUMISE."
313,8,9,"VOLBEATs tail glows like a lightbulb.
With other VOLBEAT, it uses its tail to
draw geometric shapes in the night sky.This POKéMON loves the sweet aroma
given off by ILLUMISE."
313,9,9,"With their taillights lit, VOLBEAT fly in
a swarm, drawing geometric designs in the
night sky. They move their nests if their
pond water becomes dirty."
313,10,9,"It lives around clean ponds. At night,
its rear lights up. It converses with
others by flashing its light."
313,11,9,"It lives around clean ponds. At night,
its rear lights up. It converses with
others by flashing its light."
313,12,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves ILLUMISEs sweet aroma."
313,13,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves ILLUMISEs sweet aroma."
313,14,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves ILLUMISEs sweet aroma."
313,15,9,"It emits light from its tail to
communicate. It loves the
sweet aroma given off by ILLUMISE."
313,16,9,"It emits light from its tail to
communicate. It loves the
sweet aroma given off by ILLUMISE."
313,17,5,"Il communique avec ses pairs en
allumant son postérieur la nuit. Il
adore le doux parfum de Lumivole."
313,17,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves Illumises sweet aroma."
313,18,5,"Il communique avec ses pairs en
allumant son postérieur la nuit. Il
adore le doux parfum de Lumivole."
313,18,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves Illumises sweet aroma."
313,21,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves Illumises sweet aroma."
313,22,9,"It communicates with others by
lighting up its rear at night. It
loves Illumises sweet aroma."
313,23,1,"よるになると おしりを ひからせ
なかまと かいわする。イルミーゼの
だす あまい かおりが だいすき。"
313,23,3,"밤이 되면 엉덩이를 빛나게 해
동료와 대화한다. 네오비트가
내는 달콤한 향기를 매우 좋아한다."
313,23,5,"Il communique avec ses pairs en allumant son
postérieur la nuit. Il adore le doux parfum de
313,23,6,"Es kommuniziert mit anderen, indem es sein
Hinterteil zum Leuchten bringt. Es liebt Illumises Duft."
313,23,7,"Se comunica con otros iluminando su cola por la
noche. Le encanta el suave aroma de Illumise."
313,23,8,"Di notte comunica con gli altri illuminando la sua
coda. Ama il dolce aroma di Illumise."
313,23,9,"It communicates with others by lighting up its rear
at night. It loves Illumises sweet aroma."
313,23,11,"夜になると お尻を 光らせ
仲間と 会話する。イルミーゼの
出す 甘い 香りが 大好き。"
313,24,1,"みずの きれいな いけに せいそく。
よるに なると おしりが ひかり
てんめつさせて なかまと かいわ。"
313,24,3,"물이 깨끗한 연못에 서식한다.
밤이 되면 엉덩이가 빛나며
이를 깜박여서 동료와 대화한다."
313,24,5,"Il vit aux abords des étangs. La nuit, son corps émet
de la lumière pour communiquer avec dautres
313,24,6,"Es lebt in der Nähe von reinen Teichen. Nachts
leuchtet sein Hinterteil und es kommuniziert durch
dessen Blinken mit Artgenossen."
313,24,7,"Vive cerca de estanques de agua clara. De noche,
enciende la luz de la cola para comunicarse con
otros de su especie."
313,24,8,"Vive vicino a stagni puliti. Di notte, la sua coda
lancia una luce intermittente per comunicare."
313,24,9,"It lives around clean ponds. At night, its rear lights
up. It converses with others by flashing its light."
313,24,11,"水の きれいな 池に 生息。
夜に なると お尻が 光り
点滅させて 仲間と 会話。"
313,25,1,"ひが くれると しっぽから ひかりを だして
あかるさや てんめつで なかまと かいわする。
イルミーゼの あまい かおりに ひきよせられる。"
313,25,3,"날이 저물면 꼬리에서 빛을 내어
밝기나 점멸로 동료와 대화한다.
네오비트의 달콤한 향기에 유인된다."
313,25,5,"À la tombée de la nuit, la queue de Muciole émet de la
lumière. Il communique avec les autres en ajustant lintensité
et le clignotement de sa lumière. Ce Pokémon est attiré
par le doux parfum de Lumivole."
313,25,6,"Wenn es Nacht wird, beginnt Volbeats Schweif zu leuchten.
Es kommuniziert mit anderen, indem es die Helligkeit und das
Blinken dieses Lichts reguliert. Dieses Pokémon wird vom
süßen Duft der Illumise angezogen."
313,25,7,"Cuando llega la noche, Volbeat emite luz por la cola y regula
la intensidad y el destello para comunicarse con el resto. A
este Pokémon le atrae el dulce aroma de Illumise."
313,25,8,"Quando cala la notte, Volbeat emette una luce intensa
dalla coda. Comunica con gli altri regolando lintensità e
lintermittenza della propria luce. Il Pokémon è attratto
dal dolce aroma di Illumise."
313,25,9,"With the arrival of night, Volbeat emits light from its tail.
It communicates with others by adjusting the intensity and
flashing of its light. This Pokémon is attracted by the sweet
aroma of Illumise."
313,25,11,"日が 暮れると 尻尾から 光を 出して
明るさや 点滅で 仲間と 会話する。
イルミーゼの 甘い 香りに 引き寄せられる。"
313,26,1,"しっぽの あかりを つかって しゅうだんで
よぞらに きかがくてきな ずけいを えがく。
イルミーゼの だす あまい かおりが だいすき。"
313,26,3,"꼬리의 불빛을 사용하여 단체로
밤하늘에 기하학적인 도형을 그린다.
네오비트가 내는 달콤한 향기를 매우 좋아한다."
313,26,5,"La queue de Muciole éclaire comme une ampoule.
Ensemble, les Muciole dessinent des figures géométriques
dans la nuit étoilée. Ce Pokémon adore le parfum dégagé
par Lumivole."
313,26,6,"Volbeats Schweif leuchtet wie eine Glühbirne. Zusammen mit
anderen Volbeat malt es mit seinem Schweif geometrische
Figuren an den Nachthimmel. Dieses Pokémon liebt den von
Illumise verströmten Duft."
313,26,7,"La cola de Volbeat brilla como una bombilla. Ante otro de su
grupo, la usa para dibujar formas geométricas en la oscuridad
del cielo por la noche. Este Pokémon adora el dulce aroma
que desprende Illumise."
313,26,8,"La coda di Volbeat si illumina come una lampadina.
Assieme ai suoi simili usa la coda per tracciare figure
geometriche nel cielo notturno. Questo Pokémon ama
il dolce aroma emanato da Illumise."
313,26,9,"Volbeats tail glows like a lightbulb. With other Volbeat,
it uses its tail to draw geometric shapes in the night sky.
This Pokémon loves the sweet aroma given off by Illumise."
313,26,11,"尻尾の 明かりを つかって 集団で
夜空に 幾何学的な 図形を 描く。
イルミーゼの 出す 甘い 香りが 大好き。"
314,7,9,"ILLUMISE attracts a swarm of VOLBEAT
using a sweet fragrance. Once the
VOLBEAT have gathered, this POKéMONleads the lit-up swarm in drawing
geometric designs on the canvas of
the night sky."
314,8,9,"ILLUMISE leads a flight of illuminated
VOLBEAT to draw signs in the night sky.
This POKéMON is said to earn greaterrespect from its peers by composing
more complex designs in the sky."
314,9,9,"A nocturnal POKéMON that becomes active
upon nightfall. It leads a VOLBEAT swarm
to draw patterns in the night sky. Over 200
different patterns have been confirmed."
314,10,9,"It guides VOLBEAT to draw signs in night
skies. There are scientists that study the
patterns it creates."
314,11,9,"It guides VOLBEAT to draw signs in night
skies. There are scientists that study the
patterns it creates."
314,12,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
VOLBEAT to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,13,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
VOLBEAT to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,14,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
VOLBEAT to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,15,9,"Its fragrance attracts a swarm of
VOLBEAT, so they draw over 200
patterns in the night sky."
314,16,9,"Its fragrance attracts a swarm of
VOLBEAT, so they draw over 200
patterns in the night sky."
314,17,5,"Il utilise son doux parfum pour aider
Muciole à décrire des arabesques
dans le ciel nocturne."
314,17,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
Volbeat to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,18,5,"Il utilise son doux parfum pour aider
Muciole à décrire des arabesques
dans le ciel nocturne."
314,18,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
Volbeat to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,21,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
Volbeat to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,22,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides
Volbeat to draw signs with light in
the night sky."
314,23,1,"あまい かおりで バルビートを
ゆうどうして 200 いじょうの
もようを よぞらに えがく。"
314,23,3,"달콤한 향기로 볼비트를
유도해서 200개 이상의
모양을 밤하늘에 그린다."
314,23,5,"Il utilise son doux parfum pour aider Muciole à décrire
plus de 200 arabesques dans le ciel nocturne."
314,23,6,"Sein süßer Duft leitet Volbeat an,
über 200 verschiedene Lichtmuster
an den Nachthimmel zu malen."
314,23,7,"Con su dulce aroma guía a grupos de Volbeat para
que tracen hasta 200 dibujos distintos en el cielo
314,23,8,"Con un dolce aroma dirige il volo dei Volbeat, che
disegnano più di 200 figure luminose nel cielo stellato."
314,23,9,"Its fragrance attracts a swarm of Volbeat, so they
draw over 200 patterns in the night sky."
314,23,11,"甘い 香りで バルビートを 誘導して
200 以上の 模様を
夜空に 描く。"
314,24,1,"あまい かおりで バルビートを
ゆうどうして よぞらに
ひかりの サインを えがく。"
314,24,3,"달콤한 향기로 볼비트를
유도해서 밤하늘에
빛의 사인을 그린다."
314,24,5,"Il utilise son doux parfum pour aider Muciole à décrire
des arabesques dans le ciel nocturne."
314,24,6,"Sein süßer Duft leitet Volbeat an, Zeichen aus Licht
an den Nachthimmel zu malen."
314,24,7,"Su suave aroma guía a Volbeat para que haga señales
luminosas en el cielo nocturno."
314,24,8,"Con il suo dolce aroma dirige il volo di Volbeat,
che disegna figure luminose nel cielo stellato."
314,24,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides Volbeat to draw
signs with light in the night sky."
314,24,11,"甘い 香りで バルビートを
誘導して 夜空に
光の サインを 描く。"
314,25,1,"あまい かおりで バルビートを ひきよせる。
たくさん あつまった バルビートを ゆうどうして
よぞらに きかがくてきな ずけいを えがくぞ。"
314,25,3,"달콤한 향기로 볼비트를 유인한다.
많이 모인 볼비트를 유도하여
밤하늘에 기하학적인 도형을 그린다."
314,25,5,"Lumivole peut attirer un essaim de Muciole grâce à son
doux parfum. Une fois les Muciole rassemblés, ce Pokémon
dirige cette nuée lumineuse et lui fait dessiner des figures
géométriques dans la nuit étoilée."
314,25,6,"Illumise zieht ganze Scharen Volbeat mit seinem süßlichen
Duft an. Dann lässt es diesen hell leuchtenden Schwarm
geometrische Figuren aus Licht an den Nachthimmel malen."
314,25,7,"Illumise atrae mediante su dulce aroma a enjambres de
Volbeat. Una vez que los ha agrupado, les guía en el vuelo
para que dibujen formas geométricas en el lienzo del oscuro
314,25,8,"Illumise attrae uno sciame di Volbeat con la sua fragranza
dolce. Una volta radunato un gruppo di Volbeat, Illumise
dirige lo sciame luminoso, che disegna così figure
geometriche nel setoso cielo notturno."
314,25,9,"Illumise attracts a swarm of Volbeat using a sweet fragrance.
Once the Volbeat have gathered, this Pokémon leads the
lit-up swarm in drawing geometric designs on the canvas of
the night sky."
314,25,11,"甘い 香りで バルビートを 引き寄せる。
沢山 集まった バルビートを 誘導して
夜空に 幾何学的な 図形を 描くぞ。"
314,26,1,"バルビートを ゆうどうして サインを えがく。
ふくざつな サインを えがく イルミーゼほど
なかまから そんけいされると いわれているよ。"
314,26,3,"볼비트를 유도하여 사인을 그린다.
복잡한 사인을 그리는 네오비트일수록
동료에게 존경받는다고 전해진다."
314,26,5,"Lumivole dirige un vol de Muciole lumineux pour dessiner
des figures dans la nuit étoilée. On raconte que ce Pokémon
gagne le respect de ses pairs en composant des figures
complexes dans le ciel."
314,26,6,"Illumise leitet einen Schwarm Volbeat an, wenn sie Zeichen
an den Nachthimmel malen. Je komplexer diese werden,
desto mehr Respekt bekommt es von seinen Artgenossen."
314,26,7,"Illumise guía en el vuelo a un grupo de iluminados Volbeat
para que hagan dibujos en el oscuro cielo. Según dicen,
cuanto más complejos sean los dibujos, más le respetan los
miembros de su grupo."
314,26,8,"Illumise dirige i voli dei Volbeat luminosi per disegnare figure
nel cielo notturno. Pare che guadagni maggior rispetto dai
suoi simili componendo disegni sempre più complessi."
314,26,9,"Illumise leads a flight of illuminated Volbeat to draw signs in
the night sky. This Pokémon is said to earn greater respect
from its peers by composing more complex designs in the sky."
314,26,11,"バルビートを 誘導して サインを 描く。
複雑な サインを 描く イルミーゼほど
仲間から 尊敬されると いわれているよ。"
315,7,9,"ROSELIA shoots sharp thorns as
projectiles at any opponent that tries
to steal the flowers on its arms.The aroma of this POKéMON brings
serenity to living things."
315,8,9,"On extremely rare occasions, a ROSELIA
is said to appear with its flowers in
unusual colors.The thorns on this POKéMONs head
contain a vicious poison."
315,9,9,"A ROSELIA that drinks nutritionally rich
springwater blooms with lovely flowers.
The fragrance of its flowers has the
effect of making its foes careless."
315,10,9,"Its flowers give off a relaxing fragrance.
The stronger its aroma, the healthier
the ROSELIA is."
315,11,9,"Its flowers give off a relaxing fragrance.
The stronger its aroma, the healthier
the ROSELIA is."
315,12,9,"ROSELIA raised on clean drinking
water are known to grow vividly
colored flowers."
315,13,9,"The beautiful flowers on its arms
have toxic thorns. Dont even
think about picking those flowers."
315,14,9,"The more healthy the ROSELIA, the
more pleasant its flowers aroma.
Its scent deeply relaxes people."
315,15,9,"ROSELIA that drink nutritionally
rich springwater are said to reveal
rare coloration when they bloom."
315,16,9,"ROSELIA that drink nutritionally
rich springwater are said to reveal
rare coloration when they bloom."
315,17,5,"Plus le Rosélia est en bonne santé
et plus son parfum est agréable et
relaxant pour son entourage."
315,17,9,"The more healthy the Roselia, the
more pleasant its flowers aroma.
Its scent deeply relaxes people."
315,18,5,"Plus le Rosélia est en bonne santé
et plus son parfum est agréable et
relaxant pour son entourage."
315,18,9,"The more healthy the Roselia, the
more pleasant its flowers aroma.
Its scent deeply relaxes people."
315,21,9,"It uses the different poisons in each
hand separately when it attacks. The
stronger its aroma, the healthier it is."
315,22,9,"It uses the different poisons in each
hand separately when it attacks. The
stronger its aroma, the healthier it is."
315,23,1,"みぎてと ひだりてで 2しゅるいの
どくを つかいわけて こうげきする。
かおりが つよいほど げんきだ。"
315,23,3,"오른손과 왼손으로 2종류의
독을 구별하여 공격한다.
향기가 강할수록 기운이 넘친다."
315,23,5,"Chacune de ses mains sécrète un poison différent.
Plus un Rosélia est en bonne santé, plus ses parfums
sont puissants."
315,23,6,"Aus seinen Händen verströmt es jeweils
ein anderes Gift. Je stärker Roselia duftet,
desto gesünder ist es."
315,23,7,"Ataca con sus manos, en las que tiene un tipo de
veneno diferente en cada una. Cuanto más aroma,
mejor salud tiene."
315,23,8,"Attacca usando abilmente i due tipi di veleno delle
estremità dei suoi arti. Più è forte la sua fragranza,
più è in salute."
315,23,9,"It uses the different poisons in each hand
separately when it attacks. The stronger its aroma,
the healthier it is."
315,23,11,"右手と 左手で 2種類の
毒を 使いわけて 攻撃する。
香りが 強いほど 元気だ。"
315,24,1,"えいよう まんてんの わきみずを
のんだ ロゼリアは めずらしい
いろの はなを さかせる らしい。"
315,24,3,"영양 만점의 샘물을
마신 로젤리아는 희귀한
색의 꽃을 피우는 듯하다."
315,24,5,"Les Rosélia arrosés avec une eau de source riche
en nutriments prendraient des couleurs uniques."
315,24,6,"Gibt man ihm besonders nahrhaftes Quellwasser
zu trinken, entwickelt es Blüten in seltenen Farben."
315,24,7,"Se dice que le brotan flores de colores poco usuales
si bebe agua de manantial rica en nutrientes."
315,24,8,"Beve solo acqua di fonte, ricca di sostanze nutritive,
che conferisce ai suoi fiori dei colori preziosi."
315,24,9,"Roselia that drink nutritionally rich springwater are
said to reveal rare coloration when they bloom."
315,24,11,"栄養満点の わき水を
飲んだ ロゼリアは 珍しい 色の
花を 咲かせる らしい。"
315,25,1,"りょうての はなを ねらう あいてには
するどい トゲを とばして こうげきする。
はなの かおりは きもちを なごませる。"
315,25,3,"양손의 꽃을 노리는 상대에게는
날카로운 가시를 날려 공격한다.
꽃의 향기는 기분을 누그러트린다."
315,25,5,"Rosélia utilise ses épines pointues comme projectiles
si on tente de cueillir les fleurs sur ses bras. Le parfum de ce
Pokémon apporte sérénité et plénitude à ceux qui le sentent."
315,25,6,"Roselia verschießt scharfe Stacheln auf jeden Feind,
der versucht, die Blumen an seinen Armen zu stehlen.
Der Duft dieses Pokémon beruhigt Lebewesen."
315,25,7,"Roselia lanza finas espinas a todo el que se le acerca con
intención de robarle las flores de los brazos. El aroma de este
Pokémon resulta relajante a los seres vivos."
315,25,8,"Roselia spara spine molto affilate come fossero proiettili
a tutti coloro che tentano di rubargli i fiori dal braccio.
Il profumo di questo Pokémon infonde serenità a tutti
gli esseri viventi."
315,25,9,"Roselia shoots sharp thorns as projectiles at any opponent that
tries to steal the flowers on its arms. The aroma of this
Pokémon brings serenity to living things."
315,25,11,"両手の 花を ねらう 相手には
鋭い トゲを 飛ばして 攻撃する。
花の 香りは 気持ちを 和ませる。"
315,26,1,"ごく まれに めずらしい いろの はなを
さかせている ロゼリアが いると いわれる。
あたまの トゲは もうどくを もっているぞ。"
315,26,3,"아주 드물게 희귀한 색의 꽃을
피우는 로젤리아가 있다고 전해진다.
머리의 가시는 맹독을 지니고 있다."
315,26,5,"En de très rares occasions, on dit quun Rosélia peut
apparaître en arborant des fleurs aux couleurs inhabituelles.
Les épines sur la tête de ce Pokémon contiennent un
dangereux poison."
315,26,6,"Nur sehr selten bekommt man Roselia mit seinen
ungewöhnlich farbigen Blumen zu Gesicht. Die Dornen
am Kopf dieses Pokémon enthalten ein grausames Gift."
315,26,7,"Dicen que, en muy raras ocasiones, aparece un ejemplar de
Roselia con las flores de colores muy poco comunes. Las
espinas que este Pokémon tiene en la cabeza contienen un
veneno extremadamente peligroso."
315,26,8,"In qualche rarissima occasione, Roselia è stato visto con fiori
dai colori inconsueti. Le spine sulla testa di questo Pokémon
contengono un veleno micidiale."
315,26,9,"On extremely rare occasions, a Roselia is said to appear with
its flowers in unusual colors. The thorns on this Pokémons
head contain a vicious poison."
315,26,11,"ごく まれに 珍しい 色の 花を
咲かせている ロゼリアが いると いわれる。
頭の トゲは 猛毒を 持っているぞ。"
315,33,1,"はなの かおりを かぐと きもちが
リラックスする。 かおりの つよい
ロゼリアは げんきな しょうこ。"
315,33,3,"꽃향기를 맡으면 기분이
편안해진다. 향이 강하면
건강한 로젤리아라는 뜻이다."
315,33,5,"Ses fleurs dégagent un parfum relaxant.
Plus cet arôme est fort, meilleure est la santé
de Rosélia."
315,33,6,"Seine Blüten verströmen einen entspannenden
Duft. Je stärker dieser Duft ist, desto gesünder
ist Roselia."
315,33,7,"Las flores que tiene emanan un aroma relajante.
Cuanto más intenso, mejor es su estado de salud."
315,33,8,"Dai suoi fiori si diffonde una fragranza rilassante.
Più è intenso il suo profumo, più il Pokémon
è in salute."
315,33,9,"Its flowers give off a relaxing fragrance.
The stronger its aroma, the healthier
the Roselia is."
315,33,11,"花の 香りを かぐと 気持ちが
リラックスする。 香りの 強い
ロゼリアは 元気な 証拠。"
315,34,1,"みぎてと ひだりてで 2しゅるいの
どくを つかいわけて こうげきする。
かおりが つよいほど げんきだ。"
315,34,3,"오른손과 왼손으로 2종류의
독을 구별하여 공격한다.
향기가 강할수록 기운이 넘친다."
315,34,5,"Ses mains sécrètent chacune un poison différent
dont il se sert pour attaquer. Plus le parfum
de Rosélia est intense, plus sa santé est bonne."
315,34,6,"Seine Hände scheiden beim Angriff jeweils ein
anderes Gift aus. Je stärker Roselia duftet, desto
gesünder ist es."
315,34,7,"Ataca con sus manos, cada una de las cuales
contiene un tipo de veneno diferente. Cuanto
más intenso es su aroma, mejor salud tiene."
315,34,8,"Attacca usando abilmente i suoi arti, che
contengono veleni diversi. Più è forte la sua
fragranza, più è in salute."
315,34,9,"It uses the different poisons in each hand
separately when it attacks. The stronger its
aroma, the healthier it is."
315,34,11,"右手と 左手で 2種類の
毒を 使いわけて 攻撃する。
香りが 強いほど 元気だ。"
316,7,9,"Virtually all of GULPINs body is its
stomach. As a result, it can swallow
something its own size.This POKéMONs stomach contains a
special fluid that digests anything."
316,8,9,"Most of GULPINs body is made up of its
stomach - its heart and brain are very
small in comparison.This POKéMONs stomach contains
special enzymes that dissolve anything."
316,9,9,"This POKéMONs stomach fluid can even
digest scrap iron. In one gulp, it can
swallow something that is as large as
316,10,9,"There is nothing its stomach cant digest.
While it is digesting, vile, overpowering
gases are expelled."
316,11,9,"There is nothing its stomach cant digest.
While it is digesting, vile, overpowering
gases are expelled."
316,12,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,13,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,14,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,15,9,"It has a small heart and brain. Its
stomach comprises most of its body,
with enzymes to dissolve anything."
316,16,9,"It has a small heart and brain. Its
stomach comprises most of its body,
with enzymes to dissolve anything."
316,17,5,"Il est principalement composé dun
estomac dont les sucs digestifs
dissolvent tout ce quil avale."
316,17,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,18,5,"Il est principalement composé dun
estomac dont les sucs digestifs
dissolvent tout ce quil avale."
316,18,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,21,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,22,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach.
Its harsh digestive juices quickly
dissolve anything it swallows."
316,23,1,"しんぞうや のうみそは ちいさく
からだの だいぶぶんが いぶくろ。
なんでも とかす いえきを だす。"
316,23,3,"심장과 뇌가 작고
몸 대부분이 위다.
무엇이든 녹이는 위액을 낸다."
316,23,5,"Son corps est principalement constitué dun estomac
dont les sucs digestifs dissolvent tout."
316,23,6,"Sein Körper besteht fast nur aus Magen. Herz und
Hirn sind winzig. Sein Magensaft verdaut alles."
316,23,7,"Sus sesos y corazón son diminutos; es casi todo
estómago. Sus jugos gástricos disuelven lo que sea."
316,23,8,"Ha cuore e cervello mini: lo stomaco prende troppo
spazio! Con i succhi gastrici scioglie qualunque cosa."
316,23,9,"It has a small heart and brain. Its stomach
comprises most of its body, with enzymes to
dissolve anything."
316,23,11,"心臓や 脳みそは 小さく
体の 大部分が 胃袋。
なんでも 溶かす 胃液を 出す。"
316,24,1,"なんでも しょうかする いぶくろ。
しょうかする ときに はっせいする
ガスは きょうれつな あくしゅうだ。"
316,24,3,"무엇이든 소화하는 위다.
소화할 때 발생하는
가스는 강렬한 악취가 난다."
316,24,5,"Il ny a rien que son estomac ne puisse digérer.
Pendant sa digestion, il laisse séchapper des gaz très
bruyants et nauséabonds."
316,24,6,"Es gibt nichts, das sein Magen nicht verdauen könnte.
Während des Verdauungsvorgangs werden eklige,
penetrante Gase freigesetzt."
316,24,7,"Es capaz de digerir cualquier cosa. Para hacer la
digestión, se ayuda de un fluido y un gas capaces
de corroerlo todo."
316,24,8,"Non cè nulla che il suo stomaco non possa digerire.
Durante la digestione espelle gas insopportabilmente
316,24,9,"There is nothing its stomach cant digest. While it is
digesting, vile, overpowering gases are expelled."
316,24,11,"なんでも 消化する 胃袋。
消化する ときに 発生する ガスは
強烈な 悪臭だ。"
316,25,1,"からだの ほとんどが いぶくろで できているので
じぶんと おなじ おおきさの ものも のみこむ。
とくしゅな いえきで なんでも しょうかするぞ。"
316,25,3,"몸 대부분이 위로 되어 있어
자신과 크기가 같은 것도 삼킨다.
특수한 위액으로 무엇이든 소화한다."
316,25,5,"Virtuellement, le corps de Gloupti nest quun estomac.
Il est capable davaler des objets aussi gros que lui.
Lestomac de ce Pokémon contient un fluide spécial
qui lui permet de digérer nimporte quoi."
316,25,6,"Eigentlich besteht Schluppucks Körper nur aus einem Magen.
Daher kann es etwas verschlingen, das beinahe seine Größe
hat. Sein Magen enthält eine spezielle Flüssigkeit, die wirklich
alles verdauen kann."
316,25,7,"Casi la totalidad del cuerpo de Gulpin está compuesto por el
estómago. Por eso, puede tragarse todo lo que tenga su
tamaño. En el interior del estómago tiene un fluido capaz de
corroerlo todo."
316,25,8,"Praticamente lintero corpo di Gulpin è costituito
dallo stomaco, che gli consente di ingoiare oggetti delle
sue stesse dimensioni. Inoltre, il suo stomaco contiene
un fluido speciale in grado di fargli digerire ogni cosa."
316,25,9,"Virtually all of Gulpins body is its stomach. As a result, it can
swallow something its own size. This Pokémons stomach
contains a special fluid that digests anything."
316,25,11,"体の ほとんどが 胃袋で できているので
自分と 同じ 大きさの ものも のみ込む。
特殊な 胃液で なんでも 消化するぞ。"
316,26,1,"からだの だいぶぶんが いぶくろで できていて
しんぞうや のうみそは とても ちいさい。
なんでも とかす とくしゅな いえきを もつ。"
316,26,3,"몸 대부분이 위로 되어 있어
심장이나 뇌는 매우 작다.
무엇이든 녹이는 특수한 위액을 지녔다."
316,26,5,"Le corps de Gloupti nest pratiquement quun gros estomac.
En comparaison, son cœur et son cerveau sont tout petits.
Lestomac de ce Pokémon contient des enzymes spéciales
capables de tout dissoudre."
316,26,6,"Schluppucks Körper besteht zum größten Teil aus seinem
Magen. Sein Herz und sein Gehirn sind im Vergleich dazu
sehr klein. Der Magen dieses Pokémon enthält Enzyme,
die alles zersetzen können."
316,26,7,"La mayor parte del cuerpo de Gulpin está ocupado por su
estómago. En comparación, el corazón y el cerebro son muy
pequeños. Este Pokémon tiene enzimas especiales en el
estómago capaces de corroerlo todo."
316,26,8,"La maggior parte del corpo di Gulpin è formato dallo stomaco
di dimensioni enormi rispetto al cuore e al cervello.
Lo stomaco di questo Pokémon contiene enzimi speciali che
sciolgono qualsiasi cosa."
316,26,9,"Most of Gulpins body is made up of its stomach—its heart and
brain are very small in comparison. This Pokémons stomach
contains special enzymes that dissolve anything."
316,26,11,"体の 大部分が 胃袋で できていて
心臓や 脳みそは とても 小さい。
なんでも 溶かす 特殊な 胃液を 持つ。"
317,7,9,"When SWALOT spots prey, it spurts out
a hideously toxic fluid from its pores
and sprays the target.Once the prey has weakened, this
POKéMON gulps it down whole with its
cavernous mouth."
317,8,9,"SWALOT has no teeth, so what it
eats, it swallows whole, no matter what.
Its cavernous mouth yawns widely.An automobile tire could easily fit
inside this POKéMONs mouth."
317,9,9,"Its powerful stomach acid is capable of
digesting almost anything. The one thing
in the whole world a SWALOT cant digest is
its own stomach."
317,10,9,"It can swallow a tire whole in one gulp.
It secretes a horribly toxic fluid from
the pores on its body."
317,11,9,"It can swallow a tire whole in one gulp.
It secretes a horribly toxic fluid from
the pores on its body."
317,12,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,13,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,14,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,15,9,"It gulps anything that fits in its
mouth. Its special enzymes can
dissolve anything."
317,16,9,"It gulps anything that fits in its
mouth. Its special enzymes can
dissolve anything."
317,17,5,"Il avale tout en une bouchée. Ses
follicules sécrètent des fluides
toxiques qui endorment lennemi."
317,17,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,18,5,"Il avale tout en une bouchée. Ses
follicules sécrètent des fluides
toxiques qui endorment lennemi."
317,18,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,21,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,22,9,"It swallows anything whole.
It sweats toxic fluids from its
follicles to douse foes."
317,23,1,"なんでも まるのみしてしまう。
けあなから もうどくの たいえきを
ぶんぴつして てきに あびせかける。"
317,23,3,"무엇이든 통째로 삼켜 버린다.
모공에서 맹독의 체액을
분비하여 상대에게 끼얹는다."
317,23,5,"Il avale tout en une bouchée. Ses follicules sécrètent
des fluides toxiques qui endorment lennemi."
317,23,6,"Es verschluckt alles in einem Stück und sondert
giftige Stoffe ab, mit denen es Gegner besprüht."
317,23,7,"Se traga cualquier cosa de una pieza. Sus poros
segregan fluidos tóxicos que dañan a sus enemigos."
317,23,8,"Inghiotte intera qualsiasi cosa. Dai pori traspira
un liquido tossico con cui bagna i nemici."
317,23,9,"It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids
from its follicles to douse foes."
317,23,11,"なんでも まるのみしてしまう。
毛穴から 猛毒の 体液を
分泌して 敵に 浴びせかける。"
317,24,1,"くちに はいる おおきさの ものなら
なんでも まるのみ。とくしゅな
いえきで なんでも しょうかする。"
317,24,3,"입에 들어가는 크기의 것이라면
무엇이든 통째로 삼킨다. 특수한
위액으로 무엇이든 소화한다."
317,24,5,"Il avale tout en une bouchée. Ses sucs digestifs
peuvent digérer nimporte quoi."
317,24,6,"Es verschluckt, was in sein Maul passt, und verdaut es
mit seiner alles zersetzenden Magensäure."
317,24,7,"Se traga todo lo que le quepa en su enorme boca.
Sus jugos gástricos pueden digerir cualquier cosa."
317,24,8,"Inghiotte qualunque cosa che possa infilarsi in
bocca. Digerisce tutto con succhi gastrici speciali."
317,24,9,"It gulps anything that fits in its mouth. Its special
enzymes can dissolve anything."
317,24,11,"口に 入る 大きさの ものなら
なんでも まる飲み。特殊な
胃液で なんでも 消化する。"
317,25,1,"えものを みつけると けあなから もうどくの
たいえきを ふきだして あびせかけるぞ。
よわった ところを おおきな くちで ペロリ。"
317,25,3,"먹이를 발견하면 모공에서 맹독의
체액을 뿜어내어 끼얹는다.
약해지면 커다란 입으로 한입에 먹는다."
317,25,5,"LorsquAvaltout repère une proie, il libère une substance
terriblement toxique de ses pores et en enduit son ennemi
pour laffaiblir. Ce Pokémon peut ensuite lavaler dun coup
dans sa gigantesque bouche."
317,25,6,"Wenn Schlukwech Beute sichtet, verspritzt es eine höchst
giftige Substanz aus seinen Poren und besprüht damit sein
Ziel. Wenn die Beute geschwächt ist, schluckt es sie mit
seinem riesigen Maul im Ganzen herunter."
317,25,7,"Cuando Swalot detecta una presa, echa por los poros, y a
borbotones, un fluido tóxico espantoso con el que rocía a su
víctima. Una vez que la debilita, se la traga entera gracias a
la gigantesca boca que tiene."
317,25,8,"Quando individua la preda, Swalot spruzza sul bersaglio
un ripugnante fluido tossico dai propri pori. Una volta
indebolito lavversario, Swalot lo ingoia intero con la bocca
simile a una voragine."
317,25,9,"When Swalot spots prey, it spurts out a hideously toxic fluid
from its pores and sprays the target. Once the prey has
weakened, this Pokémon gulps it down whole with its
cavernous mouth."
317,25,11,"獲物を 見つけると 毛穴から 猛毒の
体液を 吹き出して 浴びせかけるぞ。
弱った ところを 大きな 口で ペロリ。"
317,26,1,"はが 1ぽんも ないので なんでも まるのみ。
いっぱいに あけた くちは とても おおきく
じどうしゃの タイヤだって すっぽり はいるぞ。"
317,26,3,"이빨이 하나도 없어서 무엇이든 통째로 삼킨다.
최대한 벌린 입은 정말 커서
자동차 타이어마저도 쑥 들어간다."
317,26,5,"Avaltout na pas de dents, ce qui le force à tout avaler en
une bouchée. Quand il bâille, sa bouche prend une taille
impressionnante, et on pourrait y placer une roue de voiture."
317,26,6,"Schlukwech hat keine Zähne. Alles was es isst, schluckt es im
Ganzen herunter. Sein Maul ist so riesig, dass mit Leichtigkeit
ein Autoreifen hineinpassen würde."
317,26,7,"Swalot no tiene dientes, así que lo que come se lo traga de
una vez; da igual lo que sea. A este Pokémon le cabría un
neumático en la boca sin problema."
317,26,8,"Swalot non ha denti, così quando mangia ingoia ogni cosa
intera, senza masticare. Quando sbadiglia, la sua bocca
enorme si apre a mo di voragine. È così grande che potrebbe
contenere persino uno pneumatico."
317,26,9,"Swalot has no teeth, so what it eats, it swallows whole, no
matter what. Its cavernous mouth yawns widely. An automobile
tire could easily fit inside this Pokémons mouth."
317,26,11,"歯が 1本も ないので なんでも 丸のみ。
いっぱいに 開けた 口は とても 大きく
自動車の タイヤだって すっぽり 入るぞ。"
318,7,9,"CARVANHAs strongly developed jaws
and its sharply pointed fangs pack the
destructive power to rip out boat hulls.Many boats have been attacked and
sunk by this POKéMON."
318,8,9,"If anything invades CARVANHAs
territory, it will swarm and tear at the
intruder with its pointed fangs.On its own, however, this POKéMON turns
suddenly timid."
318,9,9,"CARVANHA attack ships in swarms, making
them sink. Although it is said to be a very
vicious POKéMON, it timidly flees as soon
as it finds itself alone."
318,10,9,"It lives in massive rivers that course
through jungles. It swarms prey that
enter its territory."
318,11,9,"It lives in massive rivers that course
through jungles. It swarms prey that
enter its territory."
318,12,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,13,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,14,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,15,9,"They form packs to attack boats
and rip out their hulls to sink them.
They live in rivers in the jungle."
318,16,9,"They form packs to attack boats
and rip out their hulls to sink them.
They live in rivers in the jungle."
318,17,5,"Il attaque en banc quand on menace
son territoire. Ses dents aiguisées
peuvent couler un navire."
318,17,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,18,5,"Il attaque en banc quand on menace
son territoire. Ses dents aiguisées
peuvent couler un navire."
318,18,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,21,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,22,9,"They swarm any foe that invades
their territory. Their sharp fangs
can tear out boat hulls."
318,23,1,"しゅうだんで ふねに おそいかかり
ふなぞこを くいちぎり しずめる。
ジャングルの かわに せいそくする。"
318,23,3,"집단으로 배를 공격해
배의 밑바닥도 물어뜯어 가라앉힌다.
정글의 강에 서식한다."
318,23,5,"Il sattaque en banc aux bateaux dont il dévore la
coque. Les rivières de la jungle forment son habitat."
318,23,6,"Schwärme von Kanivanha haben in Dschungelflüssen
schon so manches Boot zerbissen und versenkt."
318,23,7,"Atacan en grupo a los barcos y los hunden a base de
bocados. Habitan en los ríos de la jungla."
318,23,8,"I Carvanha attaccano le navi in branco e ne strappano
gli scafi a morsi. Abitano i fiumi della giungla."
318,23,9,"They form packs to attack boats and rip out their
hulls to sink them. They live in rivers in the jungle."
318,23,11,"集団で 船に 襲いかかり
船底を 食いちぎり 沈める。
ジャングルの 川に 生息する。"
318,24,1,"ジャングルを ながれる たいがに
せいそく。なわばりに まぎれこんだ
えものを しゅうだんで おそう。"
318,24,3,"정글을 흐르는 큰 강에 서식한다.
영역에 섞여 들어온
먹이를 집단으로 덮친다."
318,24,5,"Ce Pokémon vit dans les fleuves qui traversent les
forêts tropicales. Il attaque en groupe ceux qui
saventurent sur son territoire."
318,24,6,"Es lebt in reißenden Flüssen, die sich ihren Weg
durch den Dschungel bahnen. Es fängt Beute,
die sich in sein Gebiet wagt."
318,24,7,"Habita caudalosos ríos que atraviesan las junglas.
Si alguien invade su territorio, acude con más de su
318,24,8,"Vive in grandi fiumi che attraversano la giungla,
lanciandosi in branco contro gli intrusi."
318,24,9,"It lives in massive rivers that course through
jungles. It swarms prey that enter its territory."
318,24,11,"ジャングルを 流れる 大河に 生息。
縄張りに 紛れこんだ 獲物を
集団で 襲う。"
318,25,1,"はったつした アゴと するどく とがった キバは
ふなぞこを かみちぎる ほどの はかいりょく。
キバニアに おそわれ しずんだ ふねは おおい。"
318,25,3,"발달한 턱과 날카롭고 뾰족한 이빨은
배 밑바닥을 물어뜯을 정도의 파괴력을 지녔다.
샤프니아에게 습격당해 가라앉은 배가 많다."
318,25,5,"Les mâchoires surdéveloppées de Carvanha et ses crocs
acérés sont si puissants quils peuvent déchirer la coque
des bateaux. De nombreux navires ont été attaqués
et coulés par ce Pokémon."
318,25,6,"Kanivanhas starke Kiefer und seine spitzen Zähne verfügen
über die zerstörerische Kraft, Bootsrümpfe verschlingen zu
können. Dieses Pokémon hat schon viele Boote versenkt."
318,25,7,"Carvanha, gracias a las descomunales fauces de afilados
colmillos que tiene, es capaz de hacer trizas un barco. Son
muchas las naves que han sufrido el ataque de este Pokémon
y han acabado naufragando."
318,25,8,"Le sviluppate mascelle di Carvanha e i denti estremamente
appuntiti e affilati hanno una potenza distruttiva tale da
sventrare la carena di una nave. Già molte navi sono state
attaccate e affondate da questo Pokémon."
318,25,9,"Carvanhas strongly developed jaws and its sharply pointed
fangs pack the destructive power to rip out boat hulls.
Many boats have been attacked and sunk by this Pokémon."
318,25,11,"発達した アゴと 鋭く とがった キバは
船底を かみ千切る ほどの 破壊力。
キバニアに 襲われ 沈んだ 船は 多い。"
318,26,1,"テリトリーを あらす ものには しゅうだんで
おそいかかり とがった キバで やつざきにする。
1ぴきに なると とたんに よわごしに なるぞ。"
318,26,3,"영역을 침범하는 자는 집단으로
덤벼들어 뾰족한 이빨로 갈가리 찢는다.
혼자가 되면 바로 소극적인 모습을 보인다."
318,26,5,"Si un intrus saventure sur le territoire des Carvanha, ils se
ruent sur lui et le mordent à laide de leurs crocs acérés.
En revanche, lorsquil est seul, ce Pokémon devient tout
à coup très timide."
318,26,6,"Wenn jemand Kanivanhas Revier betritt, schwärmt es aus und
schnappt mit seinen spitzen Zähnen nach dem Eindringling.
Wenn es allein ist, ist dieses Pokémon sehr scheu."
318,26,7,"Si algo o alguien invade el territorio de los Carvanha, se
acercarán en masa y harán trizas al intruso con los afilados
colmillos. Sin embargo, cuando están en solitario, estos
Pokémon se vuelven tímidos de repente."
318,26,8,"In caso di invasione del proprio territorio, i Carvanha si
lanciano in branco contro gli intrusi annientandoli senza
pietà. Preso singolarmente, invece, questo Pokémon diventa
estremamente timido."
318,26,9,"If anything invades Carvanhas territory, it will swarm and tear
at the intruder with its pointed fangs. On its own, however, this
Pokémon turns suddenly timid."
318,26,11,"テリトリーを 荒らす ものには 集団で
襲いかかり とがった キバで 八つ裂きにする。
1匹に なると 途端に 弱腰に なるぞ。"
318,27,1,"むれごとに テリトリーを もっている。
しんにゅうする ものは ようしゃなく
キバを むきだしにして おそいかかる。"
318,27,3,"무리별로 영역이 있다.
침입하는 자는 봐주지 않고
이빨을 드러내며 덤벼든다."
318,27,5,"Il protège son territoire en se déplaçant en banc.
Le moindre intrus est raccompagné sans pitié,
à grands claquements de mâchoire."
318,27,6,"Schwärme von Kanivanha schützen ihr Revier,
indem sie sich mit gefletschten Zähnen
gnadenlos auf Eindringlinge stürzen."
318,27,7,"Cada banco de Carvanha tiene su propio
territorio. En cuanto detectan a un intruso, sacan
los dientes y lo atacan sin miramientos."
318,27,8,"I branchi di Carvanha difendono il territorio
lanciandosi contro gli intrusi e attaccandoli
con le zanne micidiali."
318,27,9,"Each school has its own territory. Any intruders
are mercilessly attacked with fangs bared."
318,27,11,"群れごとに テリトリーを 持っている。
侵入する 者は 容赦なく
キバを むきだしにして 襲いかかる。"
318,28,1,"わずかな ちの においを かぎつけ
しゅうだんで えものを おそう。
1ぴきでは けっこう おくびょう。"
318,28,3,"아주 적은 피 냄새에도 먹이를 찾아내
집단으로 먹이를 덮친다.
1마리만 있으면 꽤 겁쟁이다."
318,28,5,"En banc, il guette lodeur du sang et fond sur
sa proie sans aucune pitié. Seul, il se montre
plus timoré."
318,28,6,"Wittert es auch nur einen Hauch von Blut,
greift es im Schwarm seine Beute an.
Alleine ist es hingegen ziemlich furchtsam."
318,28,7,"En cuanto huelen la menor cantidad de sangre,
todo el grupo ataca a la presa, pero cuando van
en solitario se amilanan fácilmente."
318,28,8,"In gruppo, questo Pokémon attacca le prede
appena avverte odore di sangue.
Da solo, invece, è molto timido."
318,28,9,"If they scent the faintest trace of blood, they
rush to attack en masse. When alone, theyre
rather cowardly."
318,28,11,"わずかな 血の 匂いを 嗅ぎつけ
集団で 獲物を 襲う。
1匹では 結構 おくびょう。"
318,29,1,"おくびょうで 1ぴきでは かりも
しない。 5ひき くらい あつまると
きゅうに きょうぼうに なるぞ。"
318,29,3,"겁이 많아 1마리일 때는 사냥도
하지 않는다. 5마리 정도 모이면
갑자기 흉포해진다."
318,29,5,"Cest un couard qui ne chasse jamais tout seul.
Dès quil se retrouve dans un groupe de cinq,
par contre, il devient on ne peut plus féroce!"
318,29,6,"Dieses ängstliche Pokémon jagt nicht, wenn es
allein ist. Aber sobald sich fünf von ihnen
versammeln, geraten sie in Rage."
318,29,7,"Es algo timorato, por lo que nunca va solo. Pero,
en cuanto se reúnen cinco ejemplares, de pronto
se convierten en una fuerza de la naturaleza."
318,29,8,"È di indole timida e non va mai a caccia da solo,
ma in un gruppo di quattro o cinque esemplari
diventa molto feroce."
318,29,9,"Theyre such cowards that they wont hunt
alone. When five or so of them get together,
they suddenly turn ferocious!"
318,29,11,"臆病で 1匹では 狩りも
しない。 5匹 くらい 集まると
急に 凶暴に なるぞ。"
318,30,1,"じょうぶなアゴと キバは もくぞうの
ふね なら かんたんに かみくだく。
エサをめぐり バスラオと あらそう。"
318,30,3,"튼튼한 턱과 이빨은 나무로 만든
배라면 간단하게 깨물어 부순다.
먹이를 두고 배쓰나이와 싸운다."
318,30,5,"Grâce à sa mâchoire dacier et ses dents
acérées, il déchiquette sans peine les canots.
Bargantua et lui se disputent le menu fretin."
318,30,6,"Mit seinem robusten Kiefer und starken Zähnen
zerbeißt es mühelos Holzboote. Es streitet mit
Barschuft um Futter."
318,30,7,"Puede destrozar a bocados fácilmente un barco
de madera con sus potentes mandíbulas y
colmillos. Compite por presas con los Basculin."
318,30,8,"Può frantumare una nave di legno usando le
sue mascelle robuste e dai denti affilati.
Si contende il cibo con i Basculin."
318,30,9,"With its sturdy jaws and fangs, it can easily
chomp wooden boats to splinters. It fights with
Basculin over food."
318,30,11,"丈夫なアゴと キバは 木造の
船 なら 簡単に 噛み砕く。
エサを巡り バスラオと 争う。"
318,33,1,"えものを みつけても 1ぴきのときは
おそわない。 なかまが くるのを
まって しゅうだんで おそいかかる。"
318,33,3,"먹이를 발견해도 혼자일 때는
공격하지 않는다. 동료가 오는 것을
기다린 다음 집단으로 공격한다."
318,33,5,"Il ne sattaque jamais à une proie tout seul,
préférant attendre larrivée de ses congénères
pour lancer lassaut."
318,33,6,"Kanivanha jagt Beute nicht im Alleingang,
sondern wartet auf seine Artgenossen, um mit
ihnen im Schwarm anzugreifen."
318,33,7,"Nunca aborda a su presa en solitario, sino que
espera a que lleguen sus semejantes para atacar
en grupo."
318,33,8,"Se è da solo, non assale la preda.
Preferisce aspettare i suoi compagni
per attaccare in gruppo."
318,33,9,"It wont attack while its alone—not even if it
spots prey. Instead, it waits for other Carvanha to
join it, and then the Pokémon attack as a group."
318,33,11,"獲物を 見つけても 1匹のときは
襲わない。 仲間が 来るのを 待って
集団で 襲いかかる。"
318,34,1,"するどい キバと たくましい アゴを
もつ。 ふなのりたちは キバニアの
すみかには けっして ちかづかない。"
318,34,3,"날카로운 이빨과 튼튼한 턱을
갖고 있다. 선원들은 샤프니아
거처에 결코 가까이 가지 않는다."
318,34,5,"Il possède une mâchoire puissante garnie de
dents acérées. Les marins ne sapprochent
jamais des eaux habitées par les Carvanha."
318,34,6,"Es verfügt über äußerst spitze Zähne und kräftige
Kiefer. Seefahrer meiden die Lebensräume von
Kanivanha um jeden Preis."
318,34,7,"Los marineros evitan por completo las zonas
donde habita este Pokémon de afilados colmillos
y fuertes mandíbulas."
318,34,8,"È dotato di denti affilati e mascelle robuste.
Chi viaggia per mare si tiene accuratamente
alla larga dalle tane di Carvanha."
318,34,9,"These Pokémon have sharp fangs and powerful
jaws. Sailors avoid Carvanha dens at all costs."
318,34,11,"鋭い キバと たくましい 顎を
もつ。 船乗りたちは キバニアの
すみかには けっして 近づかない。"
319,7,9,"Nicknamed “the bully of the sea,”
SHARPEDO is widely feared.
Its cruel fangs grow back immediatelyif they snap off.
Just one of these POKéMON can
thoroughly tear apart a supertanker."
319,8,9,"SHARPEDO can swim at speeds of up to
75 mph by jetting seawater out of its
backside.This POKéMONs drawback is its inability
to swim long distances."
319,9,9,"The vicious and sly gangster of the sea.
Its skin is specially textured to minimize
drag in water. Its speed tops out at over
75 miles per hour."
319,10,9,"The ruffian of the seas, it has fangs that
crunch through iron. It swims by jetting
water from its rear."
319,11,9,"The ruffian of the seas, it has fangs that
crunch through iron. It swims by jetting
water from its rear."
319,12,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,13,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,14,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,15,9,"It can swim at speeds of 75 mph by
jetting seawater through its body.
It is the bandit of the sea."
319,16,9,"It can swim at speeds of 75 mph by
jetting seawater through its body.
It is the bandit of the sea."
319,17,5,"Ses crocs lacèrent des feuilles
dacier. Il nage à 120 km/h. On
lappelle “tyran des mers”."
319,17,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,18,5,"Ses crocs lacèrent des feuilles
dacier. Il nage à 120 km/h. On
lappelle “tyran des mers”."
319,18,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,21,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,22,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron.
It swims at 75 mph and is known as
“The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,23,1,"てっぱんも かみちぎる キバを もち
およぐ そくどは じそく120キロ。
べつめいは うみのギャング。"
319,23,3,"철판도 물어 찢는 이빨을 가지며
헤엄치는 속도는 시속 120km다.
별명은 바다의 건달이다."
319,23,5,"Ses crocs lacèrent des feuilles dacier. Il nage à
120 km/h. On lappelle «tyran des mers»."
319,23,6,"Seine Zähne durchdringen sogar Eisen.
Es schwimmt mit 120 km/h und wird
„Tyrann des Meeres“ genannt."
319,23,7,"Con sus colmillos puede atravesar el acero. Nada a
120 km/h. Le llaman el Terror de los Mares."
319,23,8,"Con le sue zanne può spezzare il ferro. Nuota
a 120 km/h. È noto come il “Tiranno del mare”."
319,23,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron. It swims at 75 mph
and is known as “The Bully of the Sea.”"
319,23,11,"鉄板も かみちぎる キバを 持ち
泳ぐ 速度は 時速120キロ。
別名は 海のギャング。"
319,24,1,"おしりから かいすいを ふんしゃして
じそく 120キロの スピードで
およぎまわる うみの あばれんぼう。"
319,24,3,"엉덩이에서 해수를 분사해
시속 120km의 스피드로
헤엄치는 바다의 난동꾼이다."
319,24,5,"Ce petit voyou fend les mers en se propulsant à
120 km/h grâce à son postérieur."
319,24,6,"Tohaido mag Radau und schwimmt bis zu
120 km/h schnell, indem es Wasser aus
seinem Hinterteil ausstößt."
319,24,7,"Propulsándose con sus aletas, nada a 120 km/h.
Es el terror de los mares."
319,24,8,"Il “Tiranno del mare”! Nuota a 120 km/h espellendo
acqua marina dal didietro a mo di propulsore."
319,24,9,"It can swim at speeds of 75 mph by jetting
seawater through its body. It is the bandit of
the sea."
319,24,11,"お尻から 海水を 噴射して
時速 120キロの スピードで
泳ぎ回る 海の 暴れん坊。"
319,25,1,"うみのギャングと よばれ おそれられている。
おれても すぐに はえかわる キバを もち
おおがたタンカーも 1ぴきで バラバラに する。"
319,25,3,"바다의 건달이라 불리는 두려움의 대상이다.
부러져도 바로 다시 나는 이빨이 있어서
한 마리가 대형 유조선을 엉망으로 만든다."
319,25,5,"Surnommé le «tyran des mers», Sharpedo est craint
de par le monde. Ses crocs menaçants repoussent
lorsquils se brisent. Un seul de ces Pokémon peut
détruire un pétrolier gros porteur."
319,25,6,"Tohaido trägt den Spitznamen „Tyrann des Meeres“ und ist
sehr gefürchtet. Seine grausamen Zähne wachsen sofort nach,
wenn sie ausgebrochen sind. Es kann sogar einen Öltanker
319,25,7,"Conocido como el Terror de los Mares, Sharpedo es temido
por todos. Si este Pokémon pierde los escalofriantes
colmillos que tiene, los recupera en breve. Basta con un
Sharpedo para destrozar un buque-cisterna."
319,25,8,"Soprannominato “Tiranno del mare”, Sharpedo è molto
temuto. Se perde qualcuno dei suoi temibili denti, questo
ricresce allistante. Uno di questi Pokémon da solo
riesce ad affondare una superpetroliera."
319,25,9,"Nicknamed “the bully of the sea,” Sharpedo is widely feared.
Its cruel fangs grow back immediately if they snap off. Just one
of these Pokémon can thoroughly tear apart a supertanker."
319,25,11,"海のギャングと 呼ばれ 恐れられている。
折れても すぐに 生え変わる キバを 持ち
大型タンカーも 1匹で バラバラに する。"
319,26,1,"かいすいを おしりの あなから ふきだして
じそく120キロで およぐことが できる。
ながい きょりを およげないのが じゃくてんだ。"
319,26,3,"바닷물을 엉덩이의 구멍으로 뿜어내서
시속 120km로 헤엄칠 수 있다.
장거리를 헤엄칠 수 없는 것이 약점이다."
319,26,5,"Sharpedo peut nager à plus de 120 km/h en propulsant de
leau de mer par larrière de son corps. Ce Pokémon a un
point faible : il ne peut pas parcourir de longues distances."
319,26,6,"Tohaido kann bis zu 120 km/h schnell schwimmen, indem
es Meerwasser aus seinem Hinterteil herausschießt. Dieses
Pokémon kann jedoch keine weiten Strecken zurücklegen."
319,26,7,"Sharpedo puede alcanzar nadando los 120 km/h agitando
la aleta trasera y propulsándose por el agua. El punto flaco
de este Pokémon es la imposibilidad que tiene de nadar
largas distancias."
319,26,8,"Sharpedo riesce a nuotare fino alla velocità di 120 km/h,
espellendo acqua di mare dalla parte posteriore del corpo
come un propulsore. La sua unica debolezza è la mancanza
di resistenza sulle lunghe distanze."
319,26,9,"Sharpedo can swim at speeds of up to 75 mph by jetting
seawater out of its backside. This Pokémons drawback is its
inability to swim long distances."
319,26,11,"海水を お尻の 穴から 吹き出して
時速120キロで 泳ぐことが できる。
長い 距離を 泳げないのが 弱点だ。"
319,27,1,"じそく 120キロで えものを おい
てつをも くだく キバで しとめる。
つうしょう うみのギャング。"
319,27,3,"시속 120km로 먹이를 쫓아
철도 부수는 어금니로 잡는다.
통칭 바다의 건달."
319,27,5,"Sa vitesse de pointe atteint les 120 km/h et
ses dents acérées viennent même à bout de
lacier. On le surnomme le «tyran des mers»."
319,27,6,"Es jagt mit 120 km/h seine Beute und erlegt sie
mithilfe seiner Zähne, die selbst Eisen durch-
dringen. Sein Spitzname ist „Tyrann des Meeres“."
319,27,7,"Puede nadar a 120 km/h y abatir a su presa
con sus colmillos, capaces de destrozar incluso
el metal. Su apodo es el Terror de los Mares."
319,27,8,"Insegue le prede nuotando a 120 km/h e le
afferra con le potenti zanne in grado di
spezzare il ferro. È detto il “Tiranno del mare”."
319,27,9,"It pursues its prey at speeds of 75 mph and
finishes them off with fangs that can crush iron.
It is known as the bully of the sea."
319,27,11,"時速 120キロで 獲物を 追い
鉄をも 砕く キバで 仕留める。
通称 海のギャング。"
319,28,1,"かつては せビレが しょくざいとして
ちんちょうされ らんかく された
かなしい かこを もっている。"
319,28,3,"한때 등지느러미가 귀한
식재료로 여겨져 남획된
슬픈 과거를 갖고 있다."
319,28,5,"Ce Pokémon a un bien triste passé : il était
en effet impitoyablement chassé pour son
aileron, fort apprécié des gourmets."
319,28,6,"Tohaido hat eine traurige Vergangenheit: Seine
Rückenflosse gilt als Delikatesse, weshalb es
lange Zeit gnadenlos überfischt wurde."
319,28,7,"Este Pokémon tiene un pasado triste, ya que
antaño fue pescado en exceso por lo deliciosa
que era su aleta dorsal."
319,28,8,"In un triste passato, la sua pinna dorsale era
considerata una prelibatezza e questo lha
reso vittima di una caccia indiscriminata."
319,28,9,"It has a sad history. In the past, its dorsal fin
was a treasured foodstuff, so this Pokémon
became a victim of overfishing."
319,28,11,"かつては 背ビレが 食材として
珍重され 乱獲 された
悲しい 過去を 持っている。"
319,29,1,"ぬけた キバを もっていると うみで
じこに あわないと しんじられており
アクセサリーなどに かこう される。"
319,29,3,"빠진 이빨을 지니고 있으면 바다에서
사고를 당하지 않는다고 믿어
액세서리 등으로 가공된다."
319,29,5,"On fabrique des accessoires à partir de ses
dents, car elles ont la réputation de protéger
leurs porteurs des accidents en mer."
319,29,6,"Man glaubt, dass die ausgefallenen Zähne von
Tohaido vor Unfällen auf dem Meer schützen.
Deswegen werden sie zu Schmuck verarbeitet."
319,29,7,"Existe la creencia de que sus dientes traen
buena suerte en la mar, por lo que se usan para
la elaboración de amuletos y adornos."
319,29,8,"Si dice che i suoi denti siano dei portafortuna
che proteggono dagli incidenti in mare. Con
quelli che perde vengono fabbricati accessori."
319,29,9,"People believe that carrying one of its
discarded fangs will prevent mishaps at sea,
so the fangs are made into accessories."
319,29,11,"抜けた キバを 持っていると 海で
事故に 遭わないと 信じられており
アクセサリーなどに 加工 される。"
319,30,1,"おしりの あなから のみこんだ
かいすいを ふきだし およぐ。
ちの においには とても びんかん。"
319,30,3,"엉덩이의 구멍으로 들이마신
바닷물을 뿜어내서 헤엄친다.
피 냄새에는 매우 민감하다."
319,30,5,"Ce Pokémon extrêmement sensible à lodeur
du sang se déplace en évacuant par son orifice
postérieur leau de mer quil avale."
319,30,6,"Es schwimmt, indem es das Meerwasser, das es
trinkt, aus seinem Hinterteil ausstößt. Für den
Geruch von Blut ist es sehr empfänglich."
319,30,7,"Nada tragando agua marina, que le sirve de
propulsión al expelerla por detrás. Su olfato es
extremadamente sensible al olor de la sangre."
319,30,8,"Nuota espellendo dalla parte posteriore del
corpo lacqua di mare ingerita. È molto sensibile
allodore del sangue."
319,30,9,"It drinks in seawater and jets it from its rear to
propel itself. Its very sensitive to the scent
of blood."
319,30,11,"おしりの 穴から 飲み込んだ
海水を 噴き出し 泳ぐ。
血の 匂いには とても 敏感。"
319,33,1,"えものの においを かぎとると
おしりから かいすいを ふんしゃして
じそく120キロで しゅうげきする。"
319,33,3,"먹이의 냄새를 맡으면
엉덩이로 바닷물을 내뿜어서
시속 120km의 속도로 습격한다."
319,33,5,"Dès quil détecte lodeur dune proie, il fonce
sur elle à une vitesse de 120 km/h en propulsant
de leau de mer par son postérieur."
319,33,6,"Wittert es Beute, schießt es Wasser aus seinem
Hinterteil und jagt ihr mit einer Geschwindigkeit
von 120 km/h hinterher."
319,33,7,"En cuanto detecta el olor de una presa, expele
agua marina para propulsarse hacia delante y
atacar a una velocidad de 120 km/h."
319,33,8,"Se fiuta lodore di una preda, la assale alla
velocità di 120 km/h, che raggiunge espellendo
acqua marina dalla parte posteriore del corpo."
319,33,9,"As soon as it catches the scent of prey, Sharpedo
will jet seawater from its backside, hurtling
toward the target to attack at 75 mph."
319,33,11,"獲物の 匂いを 嗅ぎとると
お尻から 海水を 噴射して
時速120キロで 襲撃する。"
319,34,1,"うみのギャングと よばれ せいそく
かいいきに はいりこんでしまった
ふねは もれなく おそわれてしまう。"
319,34,3,"바다의 건달로 불리며
서식하는 해역에 들어간
배는 모조리 공격당한다."
319,34,5,"Surnommé le «tyran des mers», ce Pokémon
attaque sans exception tous les navires
qui osent saventurer sur son territoire."
319,34,6,"Tohaido trägt den Spitznamen „Tyrann des
Meeres“. Schiffe, die in sein Revier eindringen,
greift es ausnahmslos an."
319,34,7,"Conocido como el Terror de los Mares, ataca sin
excepción a todo barco que ose adentrarse en su
territorio oceánico."
319,34,8,"Questo Pokémon, detto “Tiranno del mare”,
assale qualsiasi nave si addentri nelle acque
in cui dimora."
319,34,9,"This Pokémon is known as the Bully of the Sea.
Any ship entering the waters Sharpedo calls
home will be attacked—no exceptions."
319,34,11,"海のギャングと 呼ばれ 生息
海域に 入りこんでしまった
船は もれなく 襲われてしまう。"
320,7,9,"WAILMERs nostrils are located above
its eyes. This playful POKéMON loves
to startle people by forcefully snortingout seawater it stores inside its body
out of its nostrils."
320,8,9,"WAILMER can store water inside its body
to transform itself into a ball for
bouncing around on the ground.By filling itself up with more water, this
POKéMON can elevate the height of its
320,9,9,"While this POKéMON usually lives in the sea,
it can survive on land, although not too
long. It loses vitality if its body becomes
dried out."
320,10,9,"When it sucks in a large volume of
seawater, it becomes like a big, bouncy
ball. It eats a ton of food daily."
320,11,9,"When it sucks in a large volume of
seawater, it becomes like a big, bouncy
ball. It eats a ton of food daily."
320,12,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches
to bounce like a ball and play.
It spouts water from its nose."
320,13,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches
to bounce like a ball and play.
It spouts water from its nose."
320,14,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches
to bounce like a ball and play.
It spouts water from its nose."
320,15,9,"It bounces playfully like a ball.
The more seawater it swallows,
the higher it bounces."
320,16,9,"It bounces playfully like a ball.
The more seawater it swallows,
the higher it bounces."
320,17,5,"Par beau temps, il se pose sur les
plages pour jouer et rebondir. Il
expulse de leau par son évent."
320,17,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches
to bounce like a ball and play.
It spouts water from its nose."
320,18,5,"Par beau temps, il se pose sur les
plages pour jouer et rebondir. Il
expulse de leau par son évent."
320,18,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches
to bounce like a ball and play.
It spouts water from its nose."
320,21,9,"It eats one ton of food every day.
It plays by shooting stored seawater
out its blowholes with great force."
320,22,9,"It eats one ton of food every day.
It plays by shooting stored seawater
out its blowholes with great force."
320,23,1,"ボールの ように はずんで あそぶ。
たくさん かいすいを のみこむ ほど
たかく はずむ ように なるのだ。"
320,23,3,"공처럼 튀면서 논다.
해수를 많이 마실수록
높이 튀게 된다."
320,23,5,"Il rebondit comme un ballon pour samuser.
Plus il boit deau, plus il va haut."
320,23,6,"Es hüpft gerne wie ein Ball herum. Je mehr
Meerwasser es trinkt, desto höher kann es springen."
320,23,7,"Le gusta botar como una pelota de playa. Cuanta más
agua de mar traga, más alto puede llegar."
320,23,8,"Si diverte a rimbalzare come una palla. Più acqua di
mare ingolla, più in alto riesce a rimbalzare."
320,23,9,"It bounces playfully like a ball. The more seawater
it swallows, the higher it bounces."
320,23,11,"ボールの ように 弾んで 遊ぶ。
たくさんの 海水を 飲みこむほど
高く 弾むように なるのだ。"
320,24,1,"まいにち 1トンの エサをたべる。
はなから ためこんだ かいすいを
いきおいよく ふきだして あそぶ。"
320,24,3,"매일 1톤의 먹이를 먹는다.
코에서 모은 해수를
기세 좋게 내뿜으며 논다."
320,24,5,"Il mange près dune tonne de nourriture par jour.
Jouer avec son jet deau est son passe-temps favori."
320,24,6,"Es nimmt täglich 1 t an Nahrung auf und lässt verspielt
Wasserfontänen aus seinem Atemloch aufschießen."
320,24,7,"Engulle una tonelada de comida al día. Le gusta
jugar expulsando con energía el agua marina por
sus espiráculos."
320,24,8,"Mangia una tonnellata di cibo al giorno. Si diverte a
spruzzare con forza lacqua marina attraverso il suo
320,24,9,"It eats one ton of food every day. It plays by
shooting stored seawater out its blowholes with
great force."
320,24,11,"毎日 1トンの エサを食べる。
鼻から ためこんだ 海水を
勢いよく 噴き出して 遊ぶ。"
320,25,1,"めの うえに ついている はなの あなから
からだに ためた かいすいを ふきだし
ひとを おどろかすのが だいすきな ポケモンだ。"
320,25,3,"눈 위에 있는 콧구멍을 통해
몸에 모아둔 바닷물을 뿜어내서
사람을 놀라게 하는 것을 좋아하는 포켓몬이다."
320,25,5,"Les narines de Wailmer sont situées au-dessus de ses yeux.
Ce joyeux Pokémon adore effrayer les gens en expulsant
de leau de mer par les narines."
320,25,6,"Wailmers Nasenlöcher liegen über seinen Augen. Dieses
verspielte Pokémon erschreckt gern Menschen, indem
es das Meerwasser, das es in seinem Körper speichert,
mit aller Kraft herausprustet."
320,25,7,"Wailmer tiene los espiráculos encima de la cabeza. A este
juguetón Pokémon le encanta asustar a la gente expulsando
el agua que acumula a través de estos orificios."
320,25,8,"Le narici di Wailmer sono posizionate sopra gli occhi.
È un giocherellone e ama spaventare le persone sparando
dalle narici lacqua del mare, che accumula allinterno
del proprio corpo."
320,25,9,"Wailmers nostrils are located above its eyes. This playful
Pokémon loves to startle people by forcefully snorting out
seawater it stores inside its body out of its nostrils."
320,25,11,"目の 上に ついている 鼻の 穴から
体に ためた 海水を 吹き出し
人を 驚かすのが 大好きな ポケモンだ。"
320,26,1,"からだに かいすいを ためると ボールの ように
じめんで とびはねることが できるように なる。
たくさん ためると たかく ジャンプできる。"
320,26,3,"몸에 바닷물을 저장하면 공처럼
땅에서 튀어 오를 수 있게 된다.
많이 저장하면 더 높이 점프할 수 있다."
320,26,5,"Wailmer peut stocker de leau dans son corps pour se
transformer en balle et rebondir sur le sol. Plus ce Pokémon
se remplit deau, plus il peut rebondir haut."
320,26,6,"Wailmer kann Wasser in seinem Körper speichern,
um sich in einen Ball zu verwandeln und herumzuhüpfen.
Wenn es die Wassermenge steigert, kann dieses Pokémon
noch höher hüpfen."
320,26,7,"Wailmer puede almacenar agua dentro de su organismo para
convertirse en una pelota y botar por tierra firme. Cuanta más
agua trague, mayor altura alcanzará al saltar."
320,26,8,"Wailmer accumula acqua allinterno del proprio corpo per
trasformarsi in un pallone e rimbalzare al suolo. Questo
Pokémon aumenta laltezza del balzo incrementando
la quantità dacqua con cui si gonfia."
320,26,9,"Wailmer can store water inside its body to transform itself
into a ball for bouncing around on the ground. By filling itself
up with more water, this Pokémon can elevate the height of
its bounces."
320,26,11,"体に 海水を ためると ボールの ように
地面で 飛び跳ねることが できるように なる。
沢山 ためると 高く ジャンプできる。"
320,27,1,"ひとを おどろかせるのが すき。
かいすいを のみこんで ボールの
ように ふくらみ はずんで あそぶ。"
320,27,3,"사람을 놀라게 하는 것을 좋아한다.
해수를 삼켜서 공처럼
몸을 부풀려 튀면서 논다."
320,27,5,"Très joueur, il adore faire des blagues.
Il engloutit des litres deau de mer et enfle
comme une baudruche, pour mieux rebondir."
320,27,6,"Wailmer liebt es, Menschen zu erschrecken.
Es trinkt so viel Meerwasser, dass es sich in
einen Ball verwandeln und herumhüpfen kann."
320,27,7,"A este Pokémon le gusta dar sustos a la gente.
Se divierte tragando mucha agua de mar para
hincharse como una bola y dar grandes saltos."
320,27,8,"Si diverte a spaventare la gente.
Ama gonfiarsi riempiendosi dacqua e rimbalzare
qua e là."
320,27,9,"It loves to startle people. It fills itself up with
seawater and plays by bouncing around like
a ball."
320,27,11,"人を 驚かせるのが 好き。
海水を 飲み込んで ボールの
ように ふくらみ 弾んで 遊ぶ。"
320,28,1,"のみこんだ かいすいを めの うえの
はなの あなから ふきだし アピール。
まいにち 1トンの ヨワシを くう。"
320,28,3,"들이마신 바닷물을 눈 위의
콧구멍으로 뿜어내어 어필한다.
매일 1톤의 약어리를 먹는다."
320,28,5,"Il recrache leau avalée par son évent, cest
ce qui le rend si charmant. Il gobe une tonne
de Froussardine par jour."
320,28,6,"Es prustet Meerwasser aus den über seinen
Augen liegenden Nasenlöchern hinaus.
Außerdem frisst es täglich eine Tonne Lusardin."
320,28,7,"Wailmer se come una tonelada de Wishiwashi
cada día. Le gusta llamar la atención expulsando
chorros de agua marina por su espiráculo."
320,28,8,"Gioca spruzzando lacqua di mare dalle narici
situate sopra gli occhi.
Mangia una tonnellata di Wishiwashi al giorno."
320,28,9,"It shows off by spraying jets of seawater from
the nostrils above its eyes. It eats a solid ton of
Wishiwashi every day."
320,28,11,"飲み込んだ 海水を 目の 上の
鼻の 穴から 吹きだし アピール。
毎日 1トンの ヨワシを 喰う。"
320,29,1,"くちを ひらいたまま およいで
かいすいごと エサをくう。 いらない
みずは はなから ふきだし すてる。"
320,29,3,"입을 열고 헤엄쳐서
해수와 함께 먹이를 먹는다.
필요없는 물은 코로 내뿜는다."
320,29,5,"Pour se nourrir, il nage en gardant la bouche
grande ouverte, et recrache leau dont il na
pas besoin par son évent."
320,29,6,"Es schwimmt mit offenem Maul und nimmt mit
dem Wasser sein Futter auf. Überschüssiges
Wasser stößt es durch seine Nasenlöcher aus."
320,29,7,"Nada con la boca abierta para engullir alimento
y cantidades ingentes de agua de mar, cuyo
exceso expulsa luego por el espiráculo."
320,29,8,"Nuota con la bocca aperta, ingoiando cibo e
acqua marina, poi espelle lacqua in eccesso
spruzzandola dallo sfiatatoio."
320,29,9,"It swims along with its mouth open and
swallows down seawater along with its food.
It sprays excess water out of its nostrils."
320,29,11,"口を 開いたまま 泳いで
海水ごと エサを 食う。 いらない
水は 鼻から 噴き出し 捨てる。"
320,30,1,"ごくごく まれに むれが すなはまに
うちあがるのは おおむかし りくに
すんでいた なごりと いわれている。"
320,30,3,"매우 드물게 무리가 모래 해변에
올라오는 것은 먼 옛날 육지에
살았던 기억 때문이라고 전해진다."
320,30,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon habitait jadis
sur terre. En de rares occasions, on peut en
voir se regrouper sur les plages."
320,30,6,"Als Überbleibsel ihres einstigen Lebens an Land
deutet man den Umstand, dass Wailmer ab und
an auch heute noch Strände aufsuchen."
320,30,7,"En raras ocasiones, bancos enteros quedan
varados en la playa, tal vez debido a que en un
pasado vivía en tierra firme."
320,30,8,"Molto raramente si possono vedere gruppi
di questi Pokémon adagiati a riva, segno che
in tempi antichi vivevano sulla terraferma."
320,30,9,"Due to their memories of when they once lived
on land, pods of them will, very rarely, wash up
on shore."
320,30,11,"極々 まれに 群れが 砂浜に
打ちあがるのは 大昔 陸に
棲んでいた 名残と いわれている。"
320,33,1,"のみこんだ かいすいを めの うえの
はなの あなから ふきだし アピール。
まいにち 1トンの ヨワシを くう。"
320,33,3,"들이마신 바닷물을 눈 위의
콧구멍으로 뿜어내어 어필한다.
매일 1톤의 약어리를 먹는다."
320,33,5,"Il aime faire le beau en recrachant par son évent
leau quil a avalée.
Il gobe une tonne de Froussardine chaque jour."
320,33,6,"Es prustet Meerwasser aus den Nasenlöchern,
die über seinen Augen liegen. Außerdem frisst
es täglich eine Tonne Lusardin."
320,33,7,"Wailmer se come una tonelada de Wishiwashi
cada día. Le gusta llamar la atención expulsando
chorros de agua marina por su espiráculo."
320,33,8,"Gioca spruzzando lacqua di mare dalle narici
situate sopra gli occhi. Mangia una tonnellata
di Wishiwashi al giorno."
320,33,9,"It shows off by spraying jets of seawater from
the nostrils above its eyes. It eats a solid ton of
Wishiwashi every day."
320,33,11,"飲みこんだ 海水を 目の 上の
鼻の 穴から 噴き出し アピール。
毎日 1トンの ヨワシを 食う。"
320,34,1,"かいすいを たくさん のみこむと
からだが ボールの ように はずむ。
まいにち 1トンの エサを たべる。"
320,34,3,"바닷물을 많이 마시면
몸이 공처럼 튄다.
매일 1톤의 먹이를 먹는다."
320,34,5,"Il ressemble à un énorme ballon quand il avale
de très grandes quantités deau de mer.
Il dévore une tonne de nourriture par jour."
320,34,6,"Verschluckt es eine große Menge Meerwasser,
wird sein Körper elastisch wie ein Ball. Es frisst
täglich eine Tonne Nahrung."
320,34,7,"Cuando traga una gran cantidad de agua marina,
se hincha hasta parecer una pelota. Necesita una
tonelada de alimento al día."
320,34,8,"Se inghiotte molta acqua diventa una specie
di palla rimbalzante. Ha bisogno di una
tonnellata di cibo al giorno."
320,34,9,"When it sucks in a large volume of seawater,
it becomes like a big, bouncy ball. It eats a ton
of food daily."
320,34,11,"海水を たくさん 飲みこむと
体が ボールの ように 弾む。
毎日 1トンの エサを 食べる。"
321,7,9,"WAILORD is the largest of all identified
POKéMON up to now.
This giant POKéMON swims languorouslyin the vast open sea, eating massive
amounts of food at once with its
enormous mouth."
321,8,9,"When chasing prey, WAILORD herds them
by leaping out of the water and making
a humongous splash.It is breathtaking to see this POKéMON
leaping out of the sea with others in
its pod."
321,9,9,"It breathes through nostrils that it
raises above the sea. By inhaling to its
maximum capacity, a WAILORD can dive close
to 10,000 feet beneath the waves."
321,10,9,"It is among the largest of all POKéMON.
It herds prey in a pack then swallows the
massed prey in one gulp."
321,11,9,"It is among the largest of all POKéMON.
It herds prey in a pack then swallows the
massed prey in one gulp."
321,12,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon.
It can dive to a depth of almost
10,000 feet on only one breath."
321,13,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon.
It can dive to a depth of almost
10,000 feet on only one breath."
321,14,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon.
It can dive to a depth of almost
10,000 feet on only one breath."
321,15,9,"It is the largest of all identified
Pokémon. They jump as a pack
to herd their prey."
321,16,9,"It is the largest of all identified
Pokémon. They jump as a pack
to herd their prey."
321,17,5,"Le plus grand des Pokémon. Il peut
plonger à une profondeur de 
3 000 m en retenant son souffle."
321,17,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon.
It can dive to a depth of almost
10,000 feet on only one breath."
321,18,5,"Le plus grand des Pokémon. Il peut
plonger à une profondeur de 
3 000 m en retenant son souffle."
321,18,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon.
It can dive to a depth of almost
10,000 feet on only one breath."
321,21,9,"It can sometimes knock out opponents
with the shock created by breaching and
crashing its big body onto the water."
321,22,9,"It can sometimes knock out opponents
with the shock created by breaching and
crashing its big body onto the water."
321,23,1,"おおきな からだを なみのうえで
ジャンプさせ しょうげきを うみだし
あいてを きぜつ させることがある。"
321,23,3,"커다란 몸을 파도 위에서
점프시켜 충격을 만들어
상대를 기절시킬 때가 있다."
321,23,5,"Lénorme fracas résultant de ses sauts par-dessus
les vagues peut faire perdre connaissance à ses
321,23,6,"Springt es mit seinem gewaltigen Körper von einer
Welle ab, kann es Gegner allein mit der Wucht des
Aufpralls besiegen."
321,23,7,"Puede dejar fuera de combate a sus oponentes con el
impacto de su enorme cuerpo al caer en el agua tras
un salto."
321,23,8,"Limpatto creato dai suoi salti fuori e dentro lacqua
può arrivare a mandare KO un avversario."
321,23,9,"It can sometimes knock out opponents with the
shock created by breaching and crashing its big
body onto the water."
321,23,11,"大きな 体を 波の上で
ジャンプさせ 衝撃を 生みだし
相手を 気絶 させることがある。"
321,24,1,"いちばん おおきい ポケモン。
いきつぎせずに 3000メートルの
ふかさまで もぐることが できる。"
321,24,3,"제일 큰 포켓몬이다.
숨을 들이쉬지 않고 3000m의
깊이까지 잠수할 수 있다."
321,24,5,"Le plus grand des Pokémon. Il peut plonger à
une profondeur de 3000 m en retenant son souffle."
321,24,6,"Das größte Pokémon. Es kann mit nur einem Atemzug
in Tiefen bis 3 000 m tauchen."
321,24,7,"Es el más grande de los Pokémon. Puede nadar a una
profundidad de 3000 m aguantando la respiración."
321,24,8,"Il Pokémon più grande che esista. Dopo aver inalato
aria, si immerge a una profondità di 3000 m."
321,24,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth
of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath."
321,24,11,"一番 大きい ポケモン。
息つぎせずに 3000メートルの
深さまで 潜ることが できる。"
321,25,1,"みつかった なかでは さいだいの ポケモン。
おおうなばらを ゆったりと およぎ おおきな
くちで いっきに たいりょうの エサを たべる。"
321,25,3,"발견된 것 중 가장 큰 포켓몬이다.
크고 넓은 바다를 느긋이 헤엄치며
큰 입으로 한 번에 대량의 먹이를 먹는다."
321,25,5,"Wailord est le plus grand Pokémon découvert à ce jour.
Ce Pokémon géant nage lascivement dans les grandes
étendues maritimes, avalant dénormes quantités
de nourriture en une seule de ses monstrueuses bouchées."
321,25,6,"Wailord ist bisher das größte aller identifizierten Pokémon.
Es schwimmt reglos auf dem offenen Meer und nimmt mit
seinem enormen Maul riesige Mengen an Nahrung auf."
321,25,7,"Wailord es el mayor Pokémon registrado hasta la fecha. Este
coloso va nadando lánguidamente por el ancho mar con la
boca abierta para que penetre la mayor cantidad posible de
321,25,8,"Wailord è il più grande tra tutti i Pokémon finora identificati.
Con la sua gigante mole nuota dolcemente nella vastità
del mare aperto, ingoiando enormi quantità di cibo con
la bocca enorme."
321,25,9,"Wailord is the largest of all identified Pokémon up to now.
This giant Pokémon swims languorously in the vast open sea,
eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous
321,25,11,"見つかった 中では 最大の ポケモン。
大海原を ゆったりと 泳ぎ 大きな
口で 一気に 大量の エサを 食べる。"
321,26,1,"えものを おいたてる ために すいちゅうから
ジャンプして おおきな みずしぶきを あげる。
むれで ジャンプする すがたは だいはくりょく。"
321,26,3,"먹이를 몰아가기 위해서 물속부터
점프하여 큰 물보라를 일으킨다.
무리로 점프하는 모습은 박력이 넘친다."
321,26,5,"Lorsquil chasse ses proies, Wailord les rassemble en sautant
hors de leau et en créant une énorme vague. La vue de
plusieurs de ces Pokémon bondissant hors de leau laisse
généralement sans voix."
321,26,6,"Wailord jagt seine Beute, indem es aus dem Meer
herausspringt und ein gewaltiges Platschen erzeugt.
Es ist atemberaubend, eine Gruppe dieser Pokémon
aus dem Wasser springen zu sehen."
321,26,7,"Wailord caza con otros miembros de su especie. Es
espectacular ver cómo saltan y chapotean en el agua para
agrupar a sus presas. Realmente impresiona ver cómo
impactan contra el agua."
321,26,8,"Cacciando le prede, i Wailord eseguono balzi e tuffi
spettacolari in acqua. È davvero uno spettacolo mozzafiato
vedere questi Pokémon esibirsi in branco."
321,26,9,"When chasing prey, Wailord herds them by leaping out of the
water and making a humongous splash. It is breathtaking to
see this Pokémon leaping out of the sea with others in its pod."
321,26,11,"獲物を 追い立てる ために 水中から
ジャンプして 大きな 水しぶきを あげる。
群れで ジャンプする 姿は 大迫力。"
321,27,1,"むれで えものを おう しゅうせい。
おおきな くちで ヨワシの むれごと
いっきに のみこんでしまうぞ。"
321,27,3,"무리 지어 먹이를 쫓는 습성이 있다.
큰 입으로 약어리의 무리를
통째로 삼켜버린다."
321,27,5,"Il a pour habitude de chasser en groupe.
Sa large gueule lui permet dengloutir un banc
de Froussardine dun seul coup."
321,27,6,"Wailord jagt seine Beute in der Gruppe. Mit
seinem enormen Maul kann es ganze Schwärme
von Lusardin auf einmal verschlingen."
321,27,7,"Tienen el hábito de cazar en grupo. Con sus
tremendas bocas pueden engullir de un trago
bancos enteros de Wishiwashi."
321,27,8,"Ha labitudine di cacciare le prede in branco.
Con la sua enorme bocca può inghiottire
in un colpo solo un banco di Wishiwashi."
321,27,9,"Wailord pursue their prey in pods. With their
large mouths, they can swallow entire schools
of Wishiwashi whole."
321,27,11,"群れで 獲物を 追う 習性。
大きな 口で ヨワシの 群れごと
一気に 呑み込んでしまうぞ。"
321,28,1,"とにかく どでかいので にんき。
ホエルオーウォッチングは かくちで
にんきの かんこうプラン なのだ。"
321,28,3,"어찌 됐든 거대해서 인기가 있다.
고래왕 워칭은 각지에서
인기 있는 관광 코스다."
321,28,5,"Sa taille fait de lui un Pokémon fascinant.
Les sites touristiques proposant dobserver
les Wailord ont toujours beaucoup de succès."
321,28,6,"Es ist allein schon aufgrund seiner schieren
Größe sehr beliebt. Wailord-Watching gilt
vielerorts als beliebte Touristenattraktion."
321,28,7,"Su descomunal tamaño lo convierte en un
Pokémon muy popular. Los enclaves turísticos
donde se observan Wailord son todo un éxito."
321,28,8,"È molto amato per la sua enorme stazza.
Il Wailord watching è unattività turistica
popolare in tutto il mondo."
321,28,9,"Its immense size is the reason for its popularity.
Wailord watching is a favorite sightseeing
activity in various parts of the world."
321,28,11,"とにかく どでかいので 人気。
ホエルオーウォッチングは 各地で
人気の 観光プラン なのだ。"
321,29,1,"あまりに たくさん さかなポケモンを
くらうので かずが ふえすぎると
りょうしたちに おいはらわれている。"
321,29,3,"너무 많은 물고기포켓몬을
먹기 때문에 개체 수가 많이 늘어나면
어부들에게 내쫓긴다."
321,29,5,"Les Wailord se sont multipliés à force de se
gaver de Pokémon poissons, tant et si bien que
les pêcheurs doivent les renvoyer vers le large."
321,29,6,"Sie verzehren Unmengen an Fisch-Pokémon,
weshalb sie von Fischern vertrieben werden,
wenn sie sich zu stark vermehren."
321,29,7,"Debido a su voraz apetito por los Pokémon pez,
los pescadores se ven obligados a controlar su
número si proliferan demasiado."
321,29,8,"Si nutrono di enormi quantità di Pokémon
acquatici. Quando diventano troppo numerosi,
i pescatori li allontanano."
321,29,9,"They eat so many fish Pokémon that when
Wailord become too numerous, fishermen have
to chase them off."
321,29,11,"あまりに たくさん さかなポケモンを
食らうので 数が 増えすぎると
漁師たちに 追い払われている。"
321,30,1,"ちいさな ホエルコが サメハダーや
ダダリンに おそわれると むれの
なかまが いちがんになって まもる。"
321,30,3,"작은 고래왕자가 샤크니아나
타타륜에게 공격당하면 무리의
동료들이 한마음이 되어 지켜 준다."
321,30,5,"Si un petit Wailmer vient à se faire attaquer par
un Sharpedo ou un Sinistrail, les Wailord du banc
se regroupent autour de lui pour le protéger."
321,30,6,"Wenn ein kleines Wailmer von Tohaido oder
Moruda angegriffen wird, schließt sich der Rest
seiner Gruppe zusammen und beschützt es."
321,30,7,"Cuando un Sharpedo o un Dhelmise acechan a
un pequeño Wailmer, el banco entero de Wailord
se une para protegerlo."
321,30,8,"Se un piccolo Wailmer viene attaccato da uno
Sharpedo o da un Dhelmise, gli altri Wailord
gli si raggruppano attorno per proteggerlo."
321,30,9,"When a small Wailmer is attacked by Sharpedo
or Dhelmise, its whole pod works together to
protect it."
321,30,11,"小さな ホエルコが サメハダーや
ダダリンに 襲われると 群れの
仲間が 一丸になって 守る。"
321,33,1,"おおきな からだを なみのうえで
ジャンプさせ しょうげきを うみだし
あいてを きぜつ させることがある。"
321,33,3,"커다란 몸으로 파도 위에서
점프해서 그 충격으로
상대를 기절시킬 때가 있다."
321,33,5,"Lénorme fracas causé par ses sauts par-dessus
les vagues peut faire perdre connaissance
à ses adversaires."
321,33,6,"Springt es mit seinem gewaltigen Körper von
einer Welle ab, kann es Gegner allein mit der
Wucht des Aufpralls besiegen."
321,33,7,"Puede dejar fuera de combate a sus oponentes
con el impacto de su enorme cuerpo al caer en
el agua tras uno de sus saltos."
321,33,8,"Con limpatto creato dal suo enorme corpo
quando salta sulle onde è perfino in grado di far
perdere i sensi allavversario."
321,33,9,"It can sometimes knock out opponents
with the shock created by breaching and
crashing its big body onto the water."
321,33,11,"大きな 体を 波の上で
ジャンプさせ 衝撃を 生みだし
相手を 気絶 させることがある。"
321,34,1,"とにかく どでかいので にんき。
ホエルオーウォッチングは かくちで
にんきの かんこうプラン なのだ。"
321,34,3,"엄청나게 거대해서 인기가 있다.
고래왕 워칭은 각지에서
인기 있는 관광 코스다."
321,34,5,"Sa taille fait de lui un Pokémon fascinant.
Les sites touristiques proposant dobserver
les Wailord ont toujours beaucoup de succès."
321,34,6,"Es ist allein schon aufgrund seiner schieren Größe
sehr beliebt. Wailord-Watching gilt vielerorts als
beliebte Touristenattraktion."
321,34,7,"Su descomunal tamaño lo convierte en un
Pokémon muy popular. Los enclaves turísticos
donde se avistan Wailord son todo un éxito."
321,34,8,"È molto amato per la sua enorme stazza.
Il Wailord watching è unattività turistica
popolare in tutto il mondo."
321,34,9,"Its immense size is the reason for its popularity.
Wailord watching is a favorite sightseeing
activity in various parts of the world."
321,34,11,"とにかく どでかいので 人気。
ホエルオーウォッチングは 各地で
人気の 観光プラン なのだ。"
322,7,9,"NUMEL is extremely dull witted - it
doesnt notice being hit. However, it
cant stand hunger for even a second.This POKéMONs body is a seething
cauldron of boiling magma."
322,8,9,"NUMEL stores magma of almost 2,200
degrees F within its body. If it gets
wet, the magma cools and hardens.In that event, the POKéMONs body
grows heavy and its movements become
322,9,9,"A NUMEL stores boiling magma in the hump
on its back. It is a hardy POKéMON that can
transport a 220-pound load. It has served
humans at work since long ago."
322,10,9,"Magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit
courses through its body. When it grows
cold, the magma hardens and slows it."
322,11,9,"Magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit
courses through its body. When it grows
cold, the magma hardens and slows it."
322,12,9,"Its humped back stores intensely
hot magma. In rain, the magma
cools, slowing its movement."
322,13,9,"Its humped back stores intensely
hot magma. In rain, the magma
cools, slowing its movement."
322,14,9,"Its humped back stores intensely
hot magma. In rain, the magma
cools, slowing its movement."
322,15,9,"The flaming magma it stores in the
hump on its back is the source of
its tremendous power."
322,16,9,"The flaming magma it stores in the
hump on its back is the source of
its tremendous power."
322,17,5,"Son dos bossu renferme une lave
bouillonnante. Elle refroidit par 
temps de pluie, ce qui le ralentit."
322,17,9,"Its humped back stores intensely
hot magma. In rain, the magma
cools, slowing its movement."
322,18,5,"Son dos bossu renferme une lave
bouillonnante. Elle refroidit par 
temps de pluie, ce qui le ralentit."
322,18,9,"Its humped back stores intensely
hot magma. In rain, the magma
cools, slowing its movement."
322,21,9,"The magma in its body reaches
2,200 degrees F. Its hump gets smaller
when it uses Fire-type moves."
322,22,9,"The magma in its body reaches
2,200 degrees F. Its hump gets smaller
when it uses Fire-type moves."
322,23,1,"しゃくねつの マグマを せなかの
コブに ためている。あめに あたると
マグマが ひえて うごきが にぶる。"
322,23,3,"이글거리는 마그마를 등의
혹에 모으고 있다. 비를 맞으면
마그마가 식어 움직임이 둔해진다."
322,23,5,"Son dos bossu renferme une lave bouillonnante.
Elle refroidit par temps de pluie, ce qui le ralentit."
322,23,6,"In seinem Rücken speichert es sehr heißes Magma.
Regnet es, kühlt das Magma ab und es wird
322,23,7,"En su joroba almacena magma ardiente que se enfría
cuando llueve y lo ralentiza."
322,23,8,"Nella gobba accumula magma. Quando piove, il
magma si indurisce e il Pokémon diventa più lento."
322,23,9,"Its humped back stores intensely hot magma.
In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement."
322,23,11,"灼熱の マグマを 背中の
コブに ためている。雨に 当たると
マグマが 冷えて 動きが 鈍る。"
322,24,1,"1200どの マグマを たいないに
ためこんでいる。ほのおの わざを
つかうと コブは ちいさく しぼむ。"
322,24,3,"1200도의 마그마를 체내에
모아두고 있다. 불꽃 기술을
사용하면 혹은 작게 쪼그라든다."
322,24,5,"Son corps renferme une lave à plus de 1200 °C.
Sa bosse se contracte lorsquil utilise des capacités
de type Feu."
322,24,6,"In seinem Körper fließt 1 200 °C heißes Magma. Nach
Einsatz einer Feuer-Attacke schrumpft sein Höcker."
322,24,7,"Almacena en su cuerpo magma a 1200 °C. Su joroba
mengua cuando utiliza movimientos de tipo Fuego."
322,24,8,"Nel suo corpo accumula magma che ribolle a 1200 °C.
Dopo aver usato una mossa di tipo Fuoco, la sua
gobba si restringe."
322,24,9,"The magma in its body reaches 2,200 degrees
Fahrenheit. Its hump gets smaller when it uses
Fire-type moves."
322,24,11,"1200度の マグマを 体内に
ためこんでいる。炎の 技を
使うと コブは 小さく しぼむ。"
322,25,1,"たたかれても きが つかない にぶさ だが
くうふくは 1びょうでも がまん できない。
からだの なかでは マグマが にえたぎっている。"
322,25,3,"맞아도 알아채지 못할 정도로 둔하지만
배고픔은 단 1초도 참지 못한다.
몸 안에는 마그마가 끓어오르고 있다."
322,25,5,"Chamallot est terriblement lent desprit. Il ne remarque même
pas quand il est touché. Il ne supporte pas davoir faim,
même une seconde. Le corps de ce Pokémon est comparable
à un chaudron de magma bouillonnant."
322,25,6,"Camaub ist nicht besonders helle. Es nimmt nicht einmal wahr,
wenn es getroffen wurde. Ein Hungergefühl allerdings kann es
nicht einmal eine Sekunde lang aushalten. In seinem Körper
brodelt glühend heißes Magma."
322,25,7,"Numel tarda en percibir las cosas, no se entera ni cuando lo
golpean, pero se da cuenta enseguida de si tiene hambre. El
cuerpo de este Pokémon es un caldero de magma hirviendo."
322,25,8,"Numel è estremamente tardo, tanto da non notare di essere
attaccato. Tuttavia, non sa resistere alla fame per più di
un secondo. Il suo corpo è un calderone bollente di
magma liquido."
322,25,9,"Numel is extremely dull witted—it doesnt notice being hit.
However, it cant stand hunger for even a second.
This Pokémons body is a seething cauldron of boiling magma."
322,25,11,"たたかれても 気が つかない 鈍さ だが
空腹は 1秒でも 我慢 できない。
体の 中では マグマが 煮えたぎっている。"
322,26,1,"1200どの マグマを からだに ためている。
みずに ぬれると マグマが ひえて かたまり
おもたくなるので うごきが にぶって しまう。"
322,26,3,"1200도의 마그마를 몸에 저장하고 있다.
물에 젖으면 마그마가 식어서 덩어리져
무거워지므로 움직임이 둔해진다."
322,26,5,"Chamallot stocke du magma à 1200 °C dans son corps.
Lorsquil est mouillé, le magma se refroidit et durcit. Le corps
du Pokémon devient alors très lourd et ses mouvements
très lents."
322,26,6,"Camaub speichert fast 1 200 °C heißes Magma in seinem
Körper. Wenn es nass wird, kühlt das Magma ab und wird hart.
Dadurch wird der Körper dieses Pokémon schwer und seine
Bewegungen träge."
322,26,7,"Numel acumula en su interior un magma de 1200 °C. Si se
moja, el magma se enfría y se solidifica. Cuando esto ocurre,
aumenta su tamaño y se vuelve pesado y lento en sus
322,26,8,"Numel accumula magma a una temperatura di 1200 °C
allinterno del proprio corpo. Se si bagna, il magma si
raffredda e si solidifica. Se si appesantisce diventa goffo
nei movimenti."
322,26,9,"Numel stores magma of almost 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit
within its body. If it gets wet, the magma cools and hardens.
In that event, the Pokémons body grows heavy and its
movements become sluggish."
322,26,11,"1200度の マグマを 体に ためている。
水に ぬれると マグマが 冷えて 固まり
重たくなるので 動きが 鈍って しまう。"
323,7,9,"CAMERUPT has a volcano inside its body.
Magma of 18,000 degrees F courses
through its body.Occasionally, the humps on this
POKéMONs back erupt, spewing the
superheated magma."
323,8,9,"The humps on CAMERUPTs back are
formed by a transformation of its
bones. They sometimes blast out moltenmagma. This POKéMON apparently erupts
often when it is enraged."
323,9,9,"A POKéMON that lives in the crater of
a volcano. Every 10 years, the volcanoes
on its back erupt violently. Research is
under way on the cause of eruption."
323,10,9,"If angered, the humps on its back erupt
in a shower of molten lava. It lives in
the craters of volcanoes."
323,11,9,"If angered, the humps on its back erupt
in a shower of molten lava. It lives in
the craters of volcanoes."
323,12,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If
magma builds up in its body, it
shudders, then erupts violently."
323,13,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If
magma builds up in its body, it
shudders, then erupts violently."
323,14,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If
magma builds up in its body, it
shudders, then erupts violently."
323,15,9,"It lives in the crater of a volcano.
It is well known that the humps on
its back erupt every 10 years."
323,16,9,"It lives in the crater of a volcano.
It is well known that the humps on
its back erupt every 10 years."
323,17,5,"Il porte des volcans sur son dos.
Quand le magma remonte, il
frissonne et entre en éruption."
323,17,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If
magma builds up in its body, it
shudders, then erupts violently."
323,18,5,"Il porte des volcans sur son dos.
Quand le magma remonte, il
frissonne et entre en éruption."
323,18,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If
magma builds up in its body, it
shudders, then erupts violently."
323,21,9,"The volcanoes on its back have a
major eruption every 10 years--or
whenever it becomes really angry."
323,22,9,"The volcanoes on its back have a
major eruption every 10 years--or
whenever it becomes really angry."
323,23,1,"せなかの コブの かざんは
10ねんごとに だいふんか するが
はげしく おこっても ふんかする。"
323,23,3,"등의 혹 모양 화산은
10년마다 대분화하나
심하게 화가 나도 분화한다."
323,23,5,"Les volcans sur son dos entrent en éruption tous
les dix ans ou chaque fois quil se met en colère."
323,23,6,"Seine Vulkanhöcker brechen nur alle zehn Jahre
aus oder wenn es richtig wütend ist."
323,23,7,"Los volcanes de su joroba entran en erupción cada
10 años o cuando Camerupt se enfada mucho."
323,23,8,"I vulcani sul suo dorso eruttano ogni dieci anni o
quando è veramente arrabbiato."
323,23,9,"The volcanoes on its back have a major eruption
every 10 years--or whenever it becomes
really angry."
323,23,11,"背中の コブの 火山は
10年ごとに 大噴火 するが
激しく 怒っても 噴火する。"
323,24,1,"おこると しゃくねつの マグマを
せなかの コブから ふきあげる。
かざんの かこうに すみかが ある。"
323,24,3,"화나면 작열하는 마그마를
등의 혹에서 분출한다.
화산의 분화구에 거처가 있다."
323,24,5,"Sil sénerve, Camérupt fait jaillir de la lave en fusion
par les bosses qui se trouvent sur son dos. Il vit dans
les cratères des volcans."
323,24,6,"Wenn es wütend ist, regnet es aus den Höckern
auf seinem Rücken flüssige Lava. Es lebt in den
Kratern von Vulkanen."
323,24,7,"Cuando se enfada, las jorobas del lomo entran en
erupción y expulsan lava. Habita los cráteres de los
323,24,8,"Vive nei crateri dei vulcani. Se è adirato, erutta una
pioggia di lava fusa dalle gobbe sul dorso."
323,24,9,"If angered, the humps on its back erupt in a shower
of molten lava. It lives in the craters of volcanoes."
323,24,11,"怒ると 灼熱の マグマを
背中の コブから 噴き上げる。
火山の 火口に 住処が ある。"
323,25,1,"からだの なかに かざんを もつ ポケモンだ。
からだに たまった せっし 1まんどの マグマを
ときどき せなかの コブから ふきあげている。"
323,25,3,"몸 안에 화산을 지닌 포켓몬이다.
몸에 모은 섭씨 1만 도의 마그마를
가끔 등의 혹에서 뿜어 올리고 있다."
323,25,5,"Le corps de Camérupt renferme un volcan. Du magma
à 10000 °C coule dans ses veines. De temps en temps,
les bosses sur le dos de ce Pokémon entrent en éruption
et crachent le magma surchauffé."
323,25,6,"Camerupt trägt einen Vulkan in seinem Körper. 10 000 °C
heißes Magma fließt in ihm. Manchmal brechen die Höcker auf
seinem Rücken aus und verspucken glühend heißes Magma."
323,25,7,"Camerupt encierra un volcán en su interior y magma de
10 000 °C le recorre el cuerpo. A veces, las jorobas de la
espalda entran en erupción y escupen el abrasivo magma."
323,25,8,"Camerupt ha un vulcano allinterno del proprio corpo.
Nelle sue vene scorre magma liquido a 10.000 °C.
Talvolta le gobbe che ha sulla schiena eruttano, espellendo
magma rovente."
323,25,9,"Camerupt has a volcano inside its body. Magma of
18,000 degrees Fahrenheit courses through its body.
Occasionally, the humps on this Pokémons back erupt,
spewing the superheated magma."
323,25,11,"体の 中に 火山を 持つ ポケモンだ。
体に たまった 摂氏 1万度の マグマを
時々 背中の コブから 噴き上げている。"
323,26,1,"せなかの コブは ほねが かたちを かえたもの。
にえたぎった マグマを ときどき ふきあげる。
おこった ときに よく ふんかする らしい。"
323,26,3,"등의 혹은 뼈가 변형된 것이다.
펄펄 끓는 마그마를 가끔 뿜어 올린다.
화났을 때 자주 분화하는 것 같다."
323,26,5,"Les bosses sur le dos de Camérupt sont apparues après
une déformation de ses os. Elles crachent parfois du magma
en fusion. Ce Pokémon entre apparemment en éruption
lorsquil est énervé."
323,26,6,"Die Höcker auf Camerupts Rücken sind durch eine
Transformation seiner Knochen entstanden. Hin und
wieder stoßen sie Magma aus. Dieses Pokémon bricht
häufig aus, wenn es wütend ist."
323,26,7,"Las jorobas de Camerupt se originaron por una deformación
de los huesos. A veces escupen magma líquido, sobre todo
cuando el Pokémon se enfada."
323,26,8,"Le gobbe sulla schiena di Camerupt si sono formate dalla
trasformazione delle sue ossa. Talvolta emettono magma fuso.
Pare che questo Pokémon erutti spesso quando è infuriato."
323,26,9,"The humps on Camerupts back are formed by a transformation
of its bones. They sometimes blast out molten magma.
This Pokémon apparently erupts often when it is enraged."
323,26,11,"背中の コブは 骨が 形を 変えたもの。
煮えたぎった マグマを 時々 噴き上げる。
怒った ときに よく 噴火する らしい。"
324,7,9,"TORKOAL digs through mountains in
search of coal. If it finds some, it fills
hollow spaces on its shell with the coaland burns it.
If it is attacked, this POKéMON spouts
thick black smoke to beat a retreat."
324,8,9,"TORKOAL generates energy by burning
coal. It grows weaker as the fire
dies down.When it is preparing for battle, this
POKéMON burns more coal."
324,9,9,"It battles using energy it gets from
burning coal. When loosing smoke from its
nostrils, it lets off a sound that is
similar to a locomotives horn."
324,10,9,"It burns coal inside its shell. If it is
attacked, it belches thick, black smoke
and flees."
324,11,9,"It burns coal inside its shell. If it is
attacked, it belches thick, black smoke
and flees."
324,12,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,13,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,14,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,15,9,"You find abandoned coal mines full
of them. They dig tirelessly in
search of coal."
324,16,9,"You find abandoned coal mines full
of them. They dig tirelessly in
search of coal."
324,17,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon quil
brûle dans sa carapace et crache
de la suie noire en cas de danger."
324,17,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,18,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon quil
brûle dans sa carapace et crache
de la suie noire en cas de danger."
324,18,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,21,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,22,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for
energy. It blows out black soot if
it is endangered."
324,23,1,"つかわれなくなった たんこうには
たくさんの コータスが すみついて
せきたんを せっせと ほっている。"
324,23,3,"사용할 수 없게 된 탄광에는
많은 코터스가 살며
석탄을 부지런히 캐고 있다."
324,23,5,"Les Chartor vivent dans les mines abandonnées,
où ils extraient le charbon avec ardeur."
324,23,6,"Große Gruppen Qurtel siedeln sich in stillgelegten
Bergwerken an und graben dort emsig nach Kohle."
324,23,7,"Trabaja sin descanso en minas en desuso localizando
y extrayendo carbón."
324,23,8,"I Torkoal eleggono a propria dimora miniere di carbone
abbandonate e vi scavano carbone con ardore."
324,23,9,"You find abandoned coal mines full of them.
They dig tirelessly in search of coal."
324,23,11,"使われなくなった 炭鉱には
たくさんの コータスが 住みついて
石炭を せっせと 掘っている。"
324,24,1,"こうらの なかで せきたんを もやし
エネルギーに している。ピンチの
ときは くろい ススを ふきだす。"
324,24,3,"등껍질 속에 석탄을 태워서
에너지로 사용한다. 위급할
때는 까만 그을음을 뿜어낸다."
324,24,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon quil brûle dans sa
carapace et crache de la suie noire en cas de danger."
324,24,6,"In seinem Panzer verbrennt es Kohle und gewinnt
daraus Energie. Bei Gefahr sondert es Ruß ab."
324,24,7,"Quema carbón en su caparazón para obtener energía.
Si le atacan, echa un denso humo negro."
324,24,8,"Genera energia bruciando carbone allinterno della
corazza. Se è in pericolo, emette fuliggine scura."
324,24,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows out
black soot if it is endangered."
324,24,11,"甲羅の 中で 石炭を 燃やし
エネルギーに している。ピンチの
ときは 黒い ススを 噴き出す。"
324,25,1,"やまを ほって せきたんを みつけては せっせと
こうらの くうどうに いれて もやす ポケモン。
おそわれると くろい けむりを だして にげる。"
324,25,3,"산을 파서 석탄을 발견하면 부지런히
등껍질의 빈 곳에 넣고 태우는 포켓몬이다.
습격당하면 검은 연기를 내고 도망간다."
324,25,5,"Chartor fore les montagnes à la recherche de charbon.
Lorsquil en trouve, il le met dans les emplacements creux
de sa carapace pour le brûler. Quand il est attaqué,
ce Pokémon crache une épaisse fumée noire pour senfuir."
324,25,6,"Qurtel schaufelt sich auf der Suche nach Kohle durch
die Berge. Wenn es welche findet, füllt es die Hohlräume
seines Panzers mit Kohle und verbrennt diese. Wenn es
angegriffen wird, stößt es dicken schwarzen Rauch aus."
324,25,7,"Torkoal va cavando por las montañas en busca de carbón.
Cuando lo encuentra, rellena los huecos que tiene dentro del
caparazón y lo quema. Si le atacan, este Pokémon echa un
humo negro que le permite la retirada."
324,25,8,"Torkoal scava in montagna in cerca di carbone. Quando
lo trova, lo usa per riempire la cavità della propria corazza
e poi lo brucia. In caso di aggressione, emette nubi di
fumo nero per poi battere in ritirata."
324,25,9,"Torkoal digs through mountains in search of coal. If it finds
some, it fills hollow spaces on its shell with the coal and burns
it. If it is attacked, this Pokémon spouts thick black smoke to
beat a retreat."
324,25,11,"山を 掘って 石炭を 見つけては せっせと
甲羅の 空洞に 入れて 燃やす ポケモン。
襲われると 黒い 煙を 出して 逃げる。"
324,26,1,"せきたんを もやして エネルギーを つくりだす。
ひの いきおいが よわまると げんきが なくなり
たたかう ときは せきたんを たくさん もやす。"
324,26,3,"석탄을 태워서 에너지를 만들어낸다.
불의 기세가 약해지면 기운이 없어져
싸울 때는 석탄을 많이 태운다."
324,26,5,"Chartor génère de lénergie en brûlant du charbon.
Il saffaiblit lorsque le feu séteint. Lorsquil se prépare
au combat, ce Pokémon brûle plus de charbon."
324,26,6,"Qurtel erzeugt Energie, indem es Kohle verbrennt. Wenn das
Feuer nachlässt, wird es schwächer. In der Vorbereitung auf
einen Kampf verbrennt dieses Pokémon mehr Kohle."
324,26,7,"Torkoal genera energía quemando carbón. A medida que se
extingue el fuego, se va debilitando. Antes de entrar en
combate, quema más carbón de lo habitual."
324,26,8,"Torkoal genera energia bruciando il carbone. Si indebolisce
con laffievolirsi del fuoco. In preparazione alle lotte
il Pokémon brucia maggiori quantità di carbone."
324,26,9,"Torkoal generates energy by burning coal. It grows weaker
as the fire dies down. When it is preparing for battle, this
Pokémon burns more coal."
324,26,11,"石炭を 燃やして エネルギーを つくりだす。
火の 勢いが 弱まると 元気が なくなり
戦う ときは 石炭を 沢山 燃やす。"
324,27,1,"せきたんが エネルギーの みなもと。
コータスの すんでいる やまには
おおくの せきたんが ねむっている。"
324,27,3,"석탄이 에너지의 근원이다.
코터스가 사는 산에는
많은 석탄이 잠들어 있다."
324,27,5,"Les Chartor peuplent les montagnes abritant
de grands gisements de charbon, dont ils se
servent comme source dénergie."
324,27,6,"Kohle ist die Quelle seiner Energie. Ein Glück,
dass in den von Qurtel bewohnten Bergen
große Kohlevorkommen schlummern."
324,27,7,"La fuente de su energía es el carbón. Torkoal
suele vivir en montañas donde yacen grandes
cantidades de esta roca mineral."
324,27,8,"Genera energia bruciando carbone allinterno
della corazza. Le montagne in cui vive sono
ricche di questo materiale."
324,27,9,"Coal is the source of Torkoals energy. Large
amounts of coal can be found in the mountains
where they live."
324,27,11,"石炭が エネルギーの 源。
コータスの 棲んでいる 山には
多くの 石炭が 眠っている。"
324,28,1,"こうらのなかの ほのおが きえると
しんでしまう。 いえで そだてるには
つねに もやすものが いるぞ。"
324,28,3,"등껍질 안의 불꽃이 꺼지면
죽어버린다. 집에서 키우기 위해서는
항상 태울 것이 필요하다."
324,28,5,"Si le feu brûlant sous sa carapace séteint,
il meurt. Si vous le gardez à la maison, il y a
toujours quelque chose qui flambe."
324,28,6,"Erlöschen die Flammen in seinem Panzer,
stirbt es. Will man es bei sich zu Hause halten,
braucht man daher stets brennbares Material."
324,28,7,"Si se extingue el fuego que arde en el interior de
su caparazón, puede perecer. Si se cría en casa,
no hay día que no queme algo accidentalmente."
324,28,8,"Se il fuoco che brucia dentro la sua corazza si
estingue, le sue energie vitali si esauriscono.
Se tenuto in casa, dà spesso fuoco agli oggetti."
324,28,9,"If the fire burning within its shell goes out, it will
die. Those who wish to raise one in their home
must always keep something flammable at hand."
324,28,11,"甲羅の中の 炎が 消えると
死んでしまう。 家で 育てるには
常に 燃やすものが いるぞ。"
324,29,1,"こうらから ふきだす けむりで
たいちょうが わかる。 いきおいが
はげしいときは げんきな しょうこ。"
324,29,3,"등껍질에서 내뿜는 연기로
몸 상태를 알 수 있다. 기세가
격렬할 때는 건강하다는 증거다."
324,29,5,"Un bon indicateur de sa santé est le débit
de la fumée qui séchappe de sa carapace :
sil est important, cest quil est en pleine forme."
324,29,6,"Am Rauch, den es aus seinem Panzer ausstößt,
erkennt man seine Verfassung. Stößt es diesen
kraftvoll aus, geht es ihm gut."
324,29,7,"El humo que expulsa por el dorso es indicativo
de su estado de salud. Si las fumarolas brotan
con fuerza, significa que está en plena forma."
324,29,8,"Il fumo che fuoriesce dalla sua corazza permette
di capire il suo stato di salute. Quando i getti
sono vigorosi, significa che sta bene."
324,29,9,"You can tell how its feeling by the smoke
spouting from its shell. Tremendous velocity
is a sign of good health."
324,29,11,"甲羅から 噴きだす 煙で
体調が わかる。 勢いが
激しいときは 元気な 証拠。"
324,30,1,"せきたんを もやして エネルギーを
つくる。 せきたんが もえつきると
みうごきが とれなくなってしまう。"
324,30,3,"석탄을 태워서 에너지를
만든다. 석탄이 다 타 버리면
움직이지 못하게 된다."
324,30,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon quil fait brûler.
Une fois quil a tout consommé, il ne peut plus
324,30,6,"Es erzeugt Energie, indem es Kohle verbrennt.
Wenn diese vollständig verbrannt ist, kann es
sich nicht mehr bewegen."
324,30,7,"Genera su energía quemando carbón y, una vez
que lo ha consumido por completo, ya no puede
324,30,8,"Genera energia bruciando carbone e quando lo
esaurisce non riesce più a muoversi."
324,30,9,"It burns coal to produce energy. When it has
burned through all of its coal, it becomes unable
to move."
324,30,11,"石炭を 燃やして エネルギーを
作る。 石炭が 燃え尽きると
身動きが とれなくなってしまう。"
324,33,1,"こうらの なかで せきたんを もやし
エネルギーに している。 ピンチの
ときは くろい ススを ふきだす。"
324,33,3,"등껍질 속에 석탄을 태워서
에너지로 사용한다. 위급할
때는 까만 매연을 뿜어낸다."
324,33,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon quil brûle
dans sa carapace, et crache de la suie noire
en cas de danger."
324,33,6,"In seinem Panzer verbrennt es Kohle und gewinnt
daraus Energie. Bei Gefahr sondert es Ruß ab."
324,33,7,"Quema carbón en su caparazón para obtener
energía. Si se ve amenazado, despide un hollín
324,33,8,"Genera energia bruciando carbone allinterno
della corazza. Se è in pericolo, emette fuliggine
324,33,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows
out black soot if it is endangered."
324,33,11,"甲羅の 中で 石炭を 燃やし
エネルギーに している。 ピンチの
ときは 黒い ススを 噴き出す。"
324,34,1,"つかわれなくなった たんこうには
たくさんの コータスが すみついて
せきたんを せっせと ほっている。"
324,34,3,"사용할 수 없게 된 탄광에는
많은 코터스가 살며
석탄을 부지런히 캐고 있다."
324,34,5,"Les Chartor vivent en grand nombre dans
les mines abandonnées, où ils extraient
le charbon avec ardeur."
324,34,6,"Große Gruppen von Qurtel siedeln sich in
stillgelegten Bergwerken an und graben dort
emsig nach Kohle."
324,34,7,"Se junta con numerosos congéneres para
establecer su morada en minas abandonadas,
donde se afanan en localizar y extraer carbón."
324,34,8,"Elegge a propria dimora miniere abbandonate,
dove cerca carbone scavando con ardore."
324,34,9,"You find abandoned coal mines full of them.
They dig tirelessly in search of coal."
324,34,11,"使われなくなった 炭鉱には
たくさんの コータスが 棲みついて
石炭を せっせと 掘っている。"
325,7,9,"SPOINK bounces around on its tail.
The shock of its bouncing makes its
heart pump. As a result, this POKéMONcannot afford to stop bouncing - if it
stops, its heart will stop."
325,8,9,"SPOINK keeps a pearl on top of its head.
The pearl functions to amplify this
POKéMONs psychokinetic powers.It is therefore on a constant search
for a bigger pearl."
325,9,9,"A POKéMON that manipulates psychic power
at will. It doesnt stop bouncing even when
it is asleep. It loves eating mushrooms
that grow underground."
325,10,9,"It apparently dies if it stops bouncing
about. It carries a pearl from CLAMPERL
on its head."
325,11,9,"It apparently dies if it stops bouncing
about. It carries a pearl from CLAMPERL
on its head."
325,12,9,"It bounces constantly, using its
tail like a spring. The shock of
bouncing keeps its heart beating."
325,13,9,"It bounces constantly, using its
tail like a spring. The shock of
bouncing keeps its heart beating."
325,14,9,"It bounces constantly, using its
tail like a spring. The shock of
bouncing keeps its heart beating."
325,15,9,"It bounces around on its tail to
keep its heart pumping. It carries
a pearl from CLAMPERL on its head."
325,16,9,"It bounces around on its tail to
keep its heart pumping. It carries
a pearl from CLAMPERL on its head."
325,17,5,"Il utilise sa queue comme un ressort
et bondit partout. Chaque nouveau
choc fait battre son cœur."
325,17,9,"It bounces constantly, using its
tail like a spring. The shock of
bouncing keeps its heart beating."
325,18,5,"Il utilise sa queue comme un ressort
et bondit partout. Chaque nouveau
choc fait battre son cœur."
325,18,9,"It bounces constantly, using its
tail like a spring. The shock of
bouncing keeps its heart beating."
325,21,9,"Using its tail like a spring, it keeps
its heart beating by bouncing
constantly. If it stops, it dies."
325,22,9,"Using its tail like a spring, it keeps
its heart beating by bouncing
constantly. If it stops, it dies."
325,23,1,"しっぽを バネのかわりに いつも
とびはねている。はねる しんどうで
しんぞうを こどう させているのだ。"
325,23,3,"꼬리를 용수철 대용으로 써서 항상
뛰어오르고 있다. 뛰는 반동으로
심장을 고동시키고 있는 것이다."
325,23,5,"Il utilise sa queue comme un ressort et bondit partout.
Chaque nouveau choc fait battre son cœur."
325,23,6,"Es hüpft beständig umher, wobei es seinen Schweif
als Feder verwendet. Nur so bleibt sein Herz aktiv."
325,23,7,"Bota continuamente usando su cola como muelle.
Salta para mantener el latido de su corazón."
325,23,8,"Rimbalza costantemente usando la coda come una
molla. Il movimento sollecita il cuore e lo fa battere."
325,23,9,"It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring.
The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating."
325,23,11,"尻尾を バネのかわりに いつも
飛び跳ねている。跳ねる 振動で
心臓を 鼓動 させているのだ。"
325,24,1,"しっぽで とびはねて しんぞうを
うごかしている。パールルの つくった
しんじゅを あたまに のせている。"
325,24,3,"꼬리로 뛰어올라 심장을
움직이고 있다. 진주몽이 만든
진주를 머리에 이고 있다."
325,24,5,"Il rebondit sur sa queue pour faire battre son cœur.
La perle sur sa tête vient dun Coquiperl."
325,24,6,"Seine Hüpfbewegungen bringen sein Herz zum
Schlagen. Es trägt eine Perle von Perlu auf dem Kopf."
325,24,7,"Bota usando su cola para mantener el latido de su
corazón. Lleva una perla de Clamperl en la cabeza."
325,24,8,"Deve saltellare continuamente per far battere il suo
cuore. Porta una perla di Clamperl sul capo."
325,24,9,"It bounces around on its tail to keep its
heart pumping. It carries a pearl from
Clamperl on its head."
325,24,11,"尻尾で 飛び跳ねて 心臓を
動かしている。パールルの 作った
真珠を 頭に 乗せている。"
325,25,1,"シッポで びょんびょん とびはねる ポケモン。
とびはねる しんどうで しんぞうを うごかして
いるので とびはねる ことは やめられないのだ。"
325,25,3,"꼬리로 뿅뿅 뛰어오르는 포켓몬이다.
뛰어오르는 진동으로 심장을 움직이기
때문에 뛰어오르는 것을 멈출 수 없다."
325,25,5,"Spoink rebondit sur sa queue. Le choc du rebond fait battre
son cœur. Du coup, ce Pokémon ne peut pas sarrêter
de rebondir, sinon, son cœur sarrête."
325,25,6,"Spoink hüpft auf seinem Schweif durch die Gegend.
Die Erschütterung des Hüpfens bringt sein Herz zum Schlagen.
Deshalb kann dieses Pokémon das Hüpfen nicht sein lassen,
ansonsten würde sein Herz aufhören zu schlagen."
325,25,7,"Spoink se pasa todo el día saltando sobre la cola. Cada salto
hace que le lata el corazón. Por eso, no puede permitirse
dejar de saltar. Si lo hiciera, se le pararía."
325,25,8,"Spoink rimbalza come una molla sulla coda. Il colpo ricevuto
dal rimbalzo gli fa battere il cuore. Di conseguenza, non può
mai smettere di saltellare, altrimenti il suo cuore smette
di battere."
325,25,9,"Spoink bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing
makes its heart pump. As a result, this Pokémon cannot afford
to stop bouncing—if it stops, its heart will stop."
325,25,11,"シッポで びょんびょん 飛び跳ねる ポケモン。
飛び跳ねる 振動で 心臓を 動かして
いるので 飛び跳ねる ことは 止められないのだ。"
325,26,1,"あたまに のせた しんじゅが バネブーの
サイコパワーを たかめる はたらきをする。
おおきな しんじゅを いつも さがしている。"
325,26,3,"머리에 얹은 진주가 피그점프의
사이코 파워를 높여주는 역할을 한다.
항상 큰 진주를 찾고 있다."
325,26,5,"Spoink garde une perle sur sa tête. Elle lui sert à amplifier
ses pouvoirs télékinétiques. Il est constamment en quête
dune perle plus grosse."
325,26,6,"Spoink trägt eine Perle auf seinem Kopf, die seine
psychokinetische Energie verstärkt. Deshalb ist es
dauernd auf der Suche nach einer größeren Perle."
325,26,7,"Spoink lleva una perla en la cabeza, que sirve para amplificar
los poderes psicoquinéticos que tiene. Por eso, está
continuamente buscando una perla mayor."
325,26,8,"Sulla sommità del capo Spoink porta una perla che serve per
amplificare i suoi poteri psicocinetici. Per questo motivo è
sempre in cerca di una perla più grande."
325,26,9,"Spoink keeps a pearl on top of its head. The pearl functions to
amplify this Pokémons psychokinetic powers. It is therefore on
a constant search for a bigger pearl."
325,26,11,"頭に 乗せた 真珠が バネブーの
サイコパワーを 高める 働きをする。
大きな 真珠を いつも 探している。"
326,7,9,"GRUMPIG uses the black pearls on its
body to amplify its psychic power waves
for gaining total control over its foe.When this POKéMON uses its special
power, its snorting breath grows
326,8,9,"GRUMPIG uses the black pearls on its
body to wield its fantastic powers.
When it is doing so, it dances bizarrely.This POKéMONs black pearls are valuable
as works of art."
326,9,9,"It stores power in the black pearls on its
forehead. When it uses psychic power, it
performs an odd dance step. Its style of
dancing became hugely popular overseas."
326,10,9,"It can gain control over foes by doing
odd dance steps. The black pearls on its
forehead are precious gems."
326,11,9,"It can gain control over foes by doing
odd dance steps. The black pearls on its
forehead are precious gems."
326,12,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psycho-power. It does an odd
dance to gain control over foes."
326,13,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psycho-power. It does an odd
dance to gain control over foes."
326,14,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psycho-power. It does an odd
dance to gain control over foes."
326,15,9,"It can perform odd dance steps to
influence foes. Its style of dancing
became hugely popular overseas."
326,16,9,"It can perform odd dance steps to
influence foes. Its style of dancing
became hugely popular overseas."
326,17,5,"Les perles noires amplifient ses
pouvoirs psy. Sa danse étrange lui
permet de contrôler ses ennemis."
326,17,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psycho-power. It does an odd
dance to gain control over foes."
326,18,5,"Les perles noires amplifient ses
pouvoirs psy. Sa danse étrange lui
permet de contrôler ses ennemis."
326,18,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psycho-power. It does an odd
dance to gain control over foes."
326,21,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psychic power. It does a strange
dance to control foes minds."
326,22,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its
psychic power. It does a strange
dance to control foes minds."
326,23,1,"くろしんじゅで サイコパワーを
つよめ きみょうな ステップで
あいての こころを あやつるぞ。"
326,23,3,"흑진주로 사이코 파워를
강하게 하여 기묘한 스텝으로
상대의 마음을 조종한다."
326,23,5,"Les perles noires amplifient ses pouvoirs psychiques,
lui permettant de contrôler ses ennemis avec sa danse
326,23,6,"Mit schwarzen Perlen verstärkt es seine Psycho-Kräfte.
Mit einem Tanz kontrolliert es seine Gegner."
326,23,7,"Las perlas negras aumentan sus poderes psíquicos.
Controla las mentes de sus rivales con un extraño
326,23,8,"Amplifica i suoi poteri psichici con le sue perle nere.
Si esibisce anche in danze bizzarre per controllare
i suoi nemici."
326,23,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its psychic power.
It does a strange dance to control foes minds."
326,23,11,"黒真珠で サイコパワーを
強め 奇妙な ステップで
相手の 心を 操るぞ。"
326,24,1,"くろしんじゅで サイコパワーを
ぞうふくさせる。ふしぎな ステップで
あいての こころを あやつる。"
326,24,3,"흑진주로 사이코 파워를
증폭시킨다. 이상한 스텝으로
상대의 마음을 조종한다."
326,24,5,"Les perles noires amplifient ses pouvoirs psy.
Sa danse étrange lui permet de contrôler ses ennemis."
326,24,6,"Mit schwarzen Perlen verstärkt es seine Psycho-Kräfte.
Mit einem Tanz kontrolliert es seine Gegner."
326,24,7,"Usa perlas negras para potenciar sus poderes
psíquicos. Con su raro baile controla a los rivales."
326,24,8,"Usa perle nere per amplificare i suoi poteri psichici.
Con una danza acquisisce controllo sul nemico."
326,24,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its psychic power.
It does an odd dance to gain control over foes."
326,24,11,"黒真珠で サイコパワーを
増幅させる。不思議な ステップで
相手の 心を 操る。"
326,25,1,"サイコパワーの はどうを くろしんじゅで つよめ
じゆうじざいに あいてを あやつる ポケモン。
ちからを つかうとき はないきが あらくなるぞ。"
326,25,3,"사이코 파워의 파동을 흑진주로 강화해
자유자재로 상대를 조종하는 포켓몬이다.
힘을 사용할 때 콧김이 거칠어진다."
326,25,5,"Groret utilise les perles noires situées sur son corps pour
amplifier la puissance de ses ondes psychiques et prendre
le contrôle de son ennemi. Quand il utilise son pouvoir spécial,
ce Pokémon a du mal à respirer."
326,25,6,"Groink benutzt die schwarzen Perlen an seinem Körper dazu,
die psychischen Kraftwellen zu verstärken. Wenn es diese
spezielle Fähigkeit nutzt, wird sein schnaubender Atem
326,25,7,"Grumpig usa las perlas negras que tiene para amplificar las
ondas de su poder psíquico y controlar del todo al rival.
Cuando usa su poder especial, le cuesta respirar y resopla
con pesadez."
326,25,8,"Grumpig usa le perle nere del suo corpo per amplificare
le onde psichiche e acquisire il pieno controllo del nemico.
Quando usa i suoi speciali poteri, il suo respiro diventa
326,25,9,"Grumpig uses the black pearls on its body to amplify its
psychic power waves for gaining total control over its foe.
When this Pokémon uses its special power, its snorting breath
grows labored."
326,25,11,"サイコパワーの 波動を 黒真珠で 強め
自由自在に 相手を 操る ポケモン。
力を 使うとき 鼻息が 荒くなるぞ。"
326,26,1,"くろしんじゅを りようして ふしぎな ちからを
つかうとき きみょうな ステップで おどりだす。
くろしんじゅは びじゅつひんの かちを もつ。"
326,26,3,"흑진주를 이용하여 이상한 힘을
사용할 때 기묘한 스텝으로 춤을 춘다.
흑진주는 미술품으로서의 가치를 지녔다."
326,26,5,"Groret utilise les perles noires sur son corps pour exercer
ses formidables pouvoirs. Quand il est en action, il entame
une étrange danse. Les perles noires de ce Pokémon
ont une valeur inestimable."
326,26,6,"Groink benutzt die schwarzen Perlen an seinem Körper,
um seine fantastischen Kräfte nutzen zu können. Dabei
tanzt es sonderbar. Die schwarzen Perlen dieses Pokémon
sind wahre Kunstwerke und ebenso wertvoll."
326,26,7,"Grumpig utiliza las perlas negras que tiene para usar
fantásticos poderes mientras baila de forma muy extraña. Las
perlas de este Pokémon están consideradas como valiosas
obras de arte."
326,26,8,"Grumpig usa le perle nere che ha sul corpo per esercitare
i suoi fantastici poteri. In queste occasioni danza in modo
bizzarro. Le perle nere di questo Pokémon sono preziose
opere darte."
326,26,9,"Grumpig uses the black pearls on its body to wield
its fantastic powers. When it is doing so, it dances bizarrely.
This Pokémons black pearls are valuable as works of art."
326,26,11,"黒真珠を 利用して 不思議な 力を
使うとき 奇妙な ステップで 踊りだす。
黒真珠は 美術品の 価値を 持つ。"
327,7,9,"All the SPINDA that exist in the
world are said to have utterly unique
spot patterns.The shaky, tottering steps of this
POKéMON give it the appearance of
327,8,9,"No two SPINDA are said to have
identical spot patterns on their hides.
This POKéMON moves in a curious manneras if it is stumbling in dizziness.
Its lurching movements can cause the
opponent to become confused."
327,9,9,"It is distinguished by a pattern of
spots that is always different. Its
unsteady, tottering walk has the
effect of fouling its foes aim."
327,10,9,"No two SPINDA are said to have identical
patterns. It confuses foes with its
stumbling motions."
327,11,9,"No two SPINDA are said to have identical
patterns. It confuses foes with its
stumbling motions."
327,12,9,"No two SPINDA have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,13,9,"No two SPINDA have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,14,9,"No two SPINDA have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,15,9,"The chances of two SPINDA having
identical spot patterns is less
than one in four billion."
327,16,9,"The chances of two SPINDA having
identical spot patterns is less
than one in four billion."
327,17,5,"Les motifs sur leur fourrure sont
propres à chaque Spinda. Son pas
chancelant le rend difficile à viser."
327,17,9,"No two Spinda have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,18,5,"Les motifs sur leur fourrure sont
propres à chaque Spinda. Son pas
chancelant le rend difficile à viser."
327,18,9,"No two Spinda have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,21,9,"No two Spinda have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,22,9,"No two Spinda have the same
pattern of spots. Its tottering
step fouls the aim of foes."
327,23,1,"おなじ ブチもようの パッチールは
いない。フラフラした あしどりで
あいての ねらいを はずす。"
327,23,3,"똑같은 얼룩무늬의 얼루기는
없다. 휘청휘청거리는 걸음걸이로
상대의 노림수를 피한다."
327,23,5,"Les motifs sur leur fourrure sont propres à chaque
Spinda. Son pas chancelant le rend difficile à viser."
327,23,6,"Das Muster eines Pandir ist wie ein Fingerabdruck.
Sein Taumeln senkt die gegnerische Zielsicherheit."
327,23,7,"No hay dos Spinda que tengan idénticos pelajes.
Su tambaleo al bailar confunde a los rivales."
327,23,8,"Non ci sono due Spinda con lo stesso motivo
maculato. Il suo passo barcollante confonde i nemici."
327,23,9,"No two Spinda have the same pattern of spots.
Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes."
327,23,11,"同じ ブチ模様の パッチールは
いない。フラフラした 足取りで
相手の ねらいを 外す。"
327,24,1,"おなじ ブチもようの パッチールが
ぐうぜんに であう かくりつは
40おくぶんの1 いかだ。"
327,24,3,"똑같은 얼룩무늬의 얼루기를
우연히 만날 확률은
40억분의 1 이하다."
327,24,5,"La chance que deux Spinda avec les mêmes motifs se
rencontrent est de moins dune pour quatre milliards."
327,24,6,"Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sich zwei gleich
gemusterte Pandir begegnen, ist vier Milliarden
zu eins."
327,24,7,"La probabilidad de que dos Spinda con dibujos
idénticos en su pelaje se encuentren es casi
327,24,8,"La probabilità che due Spinda con lo stesso disegno
si incontrino è praticamente nulla."
327,24,9,"The chances of two Spinda having identical spot
patterns is less than one in four billion."
327,24,11,"同じ ブチ模様の パッチールが
偶然に 出会う 確率は
40億分の1 以下だ。"
327,25,1,"よのなかに いる パッチールは みんな ちがう
ところに ブチもようが あると いわれている。
おぼつかない あゆみが おどりのように みえる。"
327,25,3,"세상에 있는 모든 얼루기는 얼룩무늬의
위치가 다르다고 전해진다.
불안한 걸음걸이가 춤추는 것처럼 보인다."
327,25,5,"On raconte que chaque Spinda dispose dun agencement
de taches tout à fait unique. La démarche chancelante et
titubante de ce Pokémon donne limpression quil danse."
327,25,6,"Jedes Pandir auf der Welt soll ein einzigartiges
Fleckenmuster haben. Der schwankende Gang dieses
Pokémon erweckt den Eindruck, es würde tanzen."
327,25,7,"Dicen que no hay dos Spinda que tengan los mismos dibujos
en el pelaje. Este Pokémon tiene una forma de andar
inestable, va tambaleándose. Da la sensación de ir bailando."
327,25,8,"Pare che ogni Spinda esistente abbia un motivo maculato
unico rispetto agli altri. Il suo passo barcollante e malsicuro
dà limpressione che stia ballando."
327,25,9,"All the Spinda that exist in the world are said to have utterly
unique spot patterns. The shaky, tottering steps of this
Pokémon give it the appearance of dancing."
327,25,11,"世の中に いる パッチールは みんな 違う
ところに ブチ模様が あると いわれている。
おぼつかない 歩みが 踊りのように 見える。"
327,26,1,"おなじ ブチもようは ないと いわれている。
いつも めを まわしている ような フラフラした
うごきには てきを まどわせる こうかが ある。"
327,26,3,"똑같은 얼룩무늬는 없다고 전해진다.
항상 어지러운 것처럼 비틀거리며 움직이는데
이에는 상대를 혼란시키는 효과가 있다."
327,26,5,"On dit que chaque Spinda dispose dun agencement de
taches unique. Ce Pokémon se déplace bizarrement, comme
sil titubait. Ses mouvements hésitants décontenancent
ses ennemis."
327,26,6,"Jedes Pandir trägt ein einzigartiges Fleckenmuster auf
seiner Haut. Dieses Pokémon bewegt sich höchst seltsam.
Es schwankt und stolpert, als wäre ihm schwindlig. Seine
schlingernden Bewegungen verwirren seine Gegner."
327,26,7,"No hay dos Spinda con los mismos dibujos en el pelaje. Este
Pokémon se mueve de forma muy curiosa. Da la impresión
de estar mareado. Se tambalea y puede llegar a causar
confusión a su enemigo."
327,26,8,"Pare che non esistano due Spinda dallidentico motivo
maculato. Questo Pokémon si muove in modo curioso
barcollando come in preda alle vertigini. Tale comportamento
può confondere lavversario."
327,26,9,"No two Spinda are said to have identical spot patterns on their
hides. This Pokémon moves in a curious manner as if it is
stumbling in dizziness. Its lurching movements can cause the
opponent to become confused."
327,26,11,"同じ ブチ模様は ないと いわれている。
いつも 目を 回している ような フラフラした
動きには 敵を 惑わせる 効果が ある。"
327,27,1,"フラフラ おぼつかない あしどりだが
パッチールじたいは まっすぐに
あるいている つもりだよ。"
327,27,3,"휘청휘청 불안한 걸음걸이지만
얼루기 본인은 똑바로
걷고 있다고 생각한다."
327,27,5,"Bien quil semble peu assuré sur ses pattes,
Spinda est quant à lui persuadé davancer
tout droit, faisant fi de ses embardées."
327,27,6,"Pandir hat einen unsicheren, schwankenden
Gang, obwohl es sich große Mühe gibt,
geradeaus zu gehen."
327,27,7,"Aunque Spinda pretende avanzar en línea recta,
no puede evitar andar tambaleándose."
327,27,8,"Si muove con passo incerto e barcollante,
cercando invano di camminare dritto."
327,27,9,"Its steps are staggering and unsteady, but
Spinda thinks its walking in a straight line."
327,27,11,"フラフラ おぼつかない 足取りだが
パッチール自体は 真っ直ぐに
歩いている つもりだよ。"
327,28,1,"ブチもようは 1ぴき1ぴき ちがう。
わずかなブチの いちの ちがいを
たのしむ マニアも いるという。"
327,28,3,"얼룩무늬는 1마리 1마리 다르다.
얼룩 위치의 근소한 차이를
즐기는 마니아도 있다고 한다."
327,28,5,"Chaque Spinda possède un pelage unique.
Chercher les différences dun Spinda à lautre
serait même un passe-temps pour certains."
327,28,6,"Jedes Pandir hat ein einzigartiges Flecken-
muster. Kleine, aber feine Unterschiede:
eine wahre Freude für eingefleischte Fans."
327,28,7,"Cada Spinda tiene dibujos diferentes en su
pelaje. Dicen que algunos estudiosos disfrutan
analizando los distintos patrones."
327,28,8,"Ogni Spinda ha un motivo maculato unico.
Alcuni appassionati si divertono a notare
le differenze nella posizione delle macchie."
327,28,9,"Each and every Spinda has a slightly different
configuration of spots. There are collectors who
enjoy the tiny differences in their spot patterns."
327,28,11,"ブチ模様は 1匹1匹 違う。
僅かなブチの 位置の 違いを
楽しむ マニアも いるという。"
327,29,1,"フラフラ おぼつかない あしどり。
ながい あいだ あるきつづけると
きぶんが わるくなってしまう。"
327,29,3,"걸음걸이가 비틀비틀 불안하다.
긴 시간 계속 걸으면
기분이 나빠진다."
327,29,5,"Il déambule dun pas chancelant. Sil marche
trop longtemps, il finit par avoir le tournis."
327,29,6,"Es hat einen unsicheren, schwankenden Gang.
Wenn es längere Zeit läuft, wird ihm schlecht."
327,29,7,"Se mueve tambaleándose de un lado para otro
y termina mareado si camina durante un largo
327,29,8,"Si muove con passo incerto e barcollante.
Se cammina troppo finisce per sentirsi male."
327,29,9,"Its steps are shaky and stumbling. Walking for a
long time makes it feel sick."
327,29,11,"フラフラ おぼつかない 足取り。
長い 間 歩き続けると
気分が 悪くなってしまう。"
327,30,1,"1ぴきずつ ブチもようは ことなる。
フラフラした うごきで あいての
こうげきを ぜつみょうに かわすぞ。"
327,30,3,"개체마다 얼룩무늬가 다르다.
비틀거리는 움직임으로
상대의 공격을 절묘하게 피한다."
327,30,5,"Chaque Spinda possède un pelage unique.
Ce Pokémon esquive les attaques de son
adversaire grâce à dimprévisibles oscillations."
327,30,6,"Jedes Pandir hat ein anderes Fleckenmuster.
Mit seinem taumelnden Gang weicht es
gegnerischen Angriffen souverän aus."
327,30,7,"Los dibujos en el pelaje de cada Spinda son
diferentes. Esquiva de forma asombrosa los
ataques de los rivales gracias a sus tambaleos."
327,30,8,"Ogni Spinda ha un motivo maculato unico.
Grazie ai suoi movimenti incerti, riesce a
schivare brillantemente gli attacchi nemici."
327,30,9,"Each Spindas spot pattern is different. With its
stumbling movements, it evades opponents
attacks brilliantly!"
327,30,11,"1匹ずつ ブチ模様は 異なる。
フラフラした 動きで 相手の
攻撃を 絶妙に かわすぞ。"
328,7,9,"TRAPINCHs nest is a sloped, bowl-like
pit dug in sand. This POKéMON patiently
waits for prey to tumble down the pit.Its giant jaws have enough strength
to crush even boulders."
328,8,9,"TRAPINCH is a patient hunter. It digs
an inescapable pit in a desert and waits
for its prey to come tumbling down.This POKéMON can go a whole week
without access to any water."
328,9,9,"Its big jaws crunch through boulders.
Because its head is so big, it has a hard
time getting back upright if it tips over
onto its back."
328,10,9,"It lives in arid deserts. It makes a
sloping pit trap in sand where it
patiently awaits prey."
328,11,9,"It lives in arid deserts. It makes a
sloping pit trap in sand where it
patiently awaits prey."
328,12,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert
sand and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,13,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert
sand and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,14,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert
sand and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,15,9,"Its nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit
in the desert. Once something has
fallen in, there is no escape."
328,16,9,"Its nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit
in the desert. Once something has
fallen in, there is no escape."
328,17,5,"Il creuse un trou conique dans le
sable du désert et se terre en
attendant quune proie trébuche."
328,17,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert
sand and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,18,5,"Il creuse un trou conique dans le
sable du désert et se terre en
attendant quune proie trébuche."
328,18,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert
sand and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,21,9,"It makes an inescapable conical pit
and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,22,9,"It makes an inescapable conical pit
and lies in wait at the bottom
for prey to come tumbling down."
328,23,1,"かんそうした さばくに せいそく。
すりばちじょうの すあなの なかで
えものを じっと まち つづける。"
328,23,3,"건조한 사막에 서식한다.
원뿔형의 보금자리 속에서
조용히 먹잇감을 계속 기다린다."
328,23,5,"Il vit dans les déserts arides. Pour attraper ses proies,
il se place dans un trou et laisse sa gueule grande
ouverte en attendant quelles tombent dedans."
328,23,6,"Es lebt in trockenen Wüstengebieten, wo es eine
Trichterfalle baut und seelenruhig darauf wartet,
dass Beute hinabrutscht."
328,23,7,"Habita desiertos áridos. Cava fosas profundas, en las
que espera que caiga su presa."
328,23,8,"Vive nei deserti. Scava buche nel terreno e vi si
apposta, attendendo che le prede vi caschino dentro."
328,23,9,"It lives in arid deserts. It makes a sloping pit trap in
sand where it patiently awaits prey."
328,23,11,"乾燥した 砂漠に 生息。
すり鉢状の 巣穴の 中で
獲物を じっと 待ち続ける。"
328,24,1,"ぜったいに だっしゅつ ふかのうな
すりばちじょうの すあなを つくって
えものが おちてくるのを まつ。"
328,24,3,"절대 탈출 불가능한
원뿔형의 둥지를 만들어
먹이가 떨어지는 것을 기다린다."
328,24,5,"Il creuse puis attend ses proies dans son antre, un
trou conique dont il est impossible de séchapper."
328,24,6,"Es baut sich ein trichterförmiges Loch, aus dem es
kein Entrinnen gibt, und wartet, bis Beute hineinfällt."
328,24,7,"Excava fosas cóncavas de las cuales resulta imposible
escapar y espera a que una presa caiga en su interior."
328,24,8,"Costruisce un nido a forma di imbuto dal quale non si
può scappare, aspettando poi che le prede cadano in
328,24,9,"It makes an inescapable conical pit and lies in wait
at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down."
328,24,11,"絶対に 脱出 不可能な
すりばち状の 巣穴を つくって
獲物が 落ちてくるのを 待つ。"
328,25,1,"すりばちじょうの すあなの そこで じっと
えものが おちて くるのを まちつづけている。
おおきな アゴは いわをも くだく いりょく。"
328,25,3,"원뿔형의 보금자리 밑에서 가만히
먹이가 빠지기를 계속 기다리고 있다.
큰 턱의 위력은 바위도 부술 정도다."
328,25,5,"Le nid de Kraknoix consiste en un trou en pente creusé dans
le sable, comme une cuvette. Ce Pokémon attend patiemment
que sa proie tombe dedans. Ses gigantesques mâchoires sont
assez puissantes pour croquer des rochers."
328,25,6,"Knacklions Bau ist eine Art in den Sand gegrabener Kessel.
Dieses Pokémon wartet geduldig darauf, dass Beute in seinen
Bau hineinfällt. Seine gigantischen Kiefer verfügen über
genügend Kraft, um einen Felsen zu zerquetschen."
328,25,7,"El nido de Trapinch está situado bajo la arena, en una zona
cóncava. Este Pokémon espera con paciencia a que su presa
caiga en la misma. Con las fauces que tiene puede destruir
hasta piedras."
328,25,8,"La tana di Trapinch è ricavata in una ripida fossa a forma
di sacca scavata nella sabbia. Il Pokémon attende
pazientemente che la preda cada in trappola.
Le sue possenti mascelle frantumano anche la pietra."
328,25,9,"Trapinchs nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand.
This Pokémon patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit.
Its giant jaws have enough strength to crush even boulders."
328,25,11,"すり鉢状の 巣穴の 底で じっと
獲物が 落ちて くるのを 待ち続けている。
大きな アゴは 岩をも 砕く 威力。"
328,26,1,"だっしゅつ ふかのうな あなを さばくに つくり
えものが くるのを ひたすら まちかまえている。
みずが なくても 1しゅうかんは へっちゃら。"
328,26,3,"탈출 불가능한 구멍을 사막에 만들어
먹이가 오는 것을 한결같이 기다리고 있다.
물이 없어도 1주일 동안 문제없다."
328,26,5,"Kraknoix est un chasseur patient. Dans le désert, il creuse
un trou dont on ne peut pas séchapper et attend que sa proie
tombe dedans. Ce Pokémon peut se passer deau une semaine
328,26,6,"Knacklion ist ein geduldiger Jäger. Es gräbt in einer Wüste
eine tiefe Grube und wartet auf Beute, die hineinfällt. Dieses
Pokémon kommt eine ganze Woche ohne Wasser aus."
328,26,7,"Trapinch es un cazador paciente. Suele cavar una fosa
profunda en el desierto y esperar a que su presa caiga en
ella. Este Pokémon puede aguantar toda una semana sin
beber nada de agua."
328,26,8,"Trapinch è un paziente cacciatore. Nel deserto scava fosse
micidiali e attende che la preda cada in trappola. Questo
Pokémon può vivere senzacqua anche per una settimana."
328,26,9,"Trapinch is a patient hunter. It digs an inescapable pit in a
desert and waits for its prey to come tumbling down. This
Pokémon can go a whole week without access to any water."
328,26,11,"脱出 不可能な 穴を 砂漠に つくり
獲物が くるのを ひたすら 待ち構えている。
水が なくても 1週間は へっちゃら。"
328,27,1,"1しゅうかんは なにも くわずに
いきられる。 すあなの そこで
えものが くるのを じっと まつ。"
328,27,3,"1주일은 아무것도 먹지 않고
살 수 있다. 보금자리의 속에서
먹이가 오기만을 가만히 기다린다."
328,27,5,"Il peut survivre une semaine entière sans se
sustenter. Il attend patiemment au fond de
son trou, guettant sa proie."
328,27,6,"Knacklion kann eine Woche überleben, ohne
zu essen. Es wartet geduldig in seinem Bau
darauf, dass seine Beute zu ihm kommt."
328,27,7,"Puede sobrevivir una semana entera sin comer.
Se queda muy quieto en su fosa, esperando a
que se acerquen sus presas."
328,27,8,"Può sopravvivere senza cibo nella sua tana
anche per una settimana, mentre attende
paziente che le prede cadano in trappola."
328,27,9,"It can live for a week without eating a thing.
It waits patiently at the bottom of its nest for
prey to appear."
328,27,11,"1週間は なにも 喰わずに
生きられる。 巣穴の 底で
獲物が くるのを じっと 待つ。"
328,28,1,"おおきな アゴで じゃまな いわを
くだきながら すなを ほる。
すあなの かたちは スリばちじょう。"
328,28,3,"커다란 턱으로 방해되는 바위를
부수며 모래를 판다.
둥지 모양은 원뿔형."
328,28,5,"Il creuse des trous dans le sable et brise les
rochers qui le gênent dun coup de mâchoire.
Ses terriers ressemblent à un entonnoir."
328,28,6,"Es gräbt im Sand und zerquetscht dabei mit
seinem gigantischen Kiefer störende Felsen.
Sein Bau hat die Form eines Trichters."
328,28,7,"Cava su nido de forma cóncava en la arena y, si
aparece una roca que le molesta, la destroza
con sus grandes mandíbulas."
328,28,8,"Scava una tana a forma di imbuto nella sabbia
frantumando le rocce che lo ostacolano
con le sue possenti mascelle."
328,28,9,"As it digs through the sand, its giant jaws
crush any rocks that obstruct its path. It builds
a funnel-shaped nest."
328,28,11,"大きな 顎で 邪魔な 岩を
砕きながら 砂を 掘る。
巣穴の 形は スリ鉢状。"
328,29,1,"アゴは いわも くだくが おもくて
ひっくり かえると おきられない。
メグロコは そのすきを ねらうのだ。 "
328,29,3,"턱은 바위도 부수지만 무거워서
뒤집히면 일어나지 못한다.
깜눈크는 그 틈을 노린다."
328,29,5,"Sa lourde mâchoire peut briser le roc, mais sil
tombe à la renverse, il ne peut plus se relever.
Mascaïman en profite alors pour lattaquer."
328,29,6,"Sein Kiefer kann sogar Felsen zermalmen, ist
aber so schwer, dass es sich nicht aufrichten
kann, wenn es hinfällt. Das nutzen Ganovil aus."
328,29,7,"Puede triturar rocas con su mandíbula, pero su
peso le impide darse la vuelta si lo tumban. Los
Sandile sacan provecho de este punto débil."
328,29,8,"Con le pesanti mascelle spacca anche le pietre.
Tuttavia, se cade allindietro non può rialzarsi
e Sandile ne approfitta per attaccarlo."
328,29,9,"Its jaws are strong enough to crush rocks but
so heavy that it cant get up if it flips over.
Sandile seize those moments as their chance."
328,29,11,"アゴは 岩も 砕くが 重くて
ひっくり 返ると 起きられない。
メグロコは その隙を 狙うのだ。"
328,30,1,"わなを かねた すを つくり
ひたすら えものを まちかまえる。
よるになると すなに もぐり ねる。"
328,30,3,"함정을 겸하는 둥지를 만들고
한결같이 먹이를 기다리고 있다.
밤이 되면 모래 속에 숨어서 잔다."
328,30,5,"Pour attraper ses proies, il bâtit un nid piégé
et attend patiemment. Lorsque la nuit tombe,
il senfouit dans le sable pour dormir."
328,30,6,"Sein Bau dient gleichzeitig als Falle, in der es
Beute auflauert. Nachts gräbt es sich zum
Schlafen im Sand ein."
328,30,7,"Construye un nido, que también sirve de trampa,
y espera pacientemente a su presa. Durante la
noche duerme enterrado en la arena."
328,30,8,"Costruisce una tana che fa anche da trappola e
attende pazientemente le prede. La notte dorme
sotto la sabbia."
328,30,9,"It builds nests that double as traps, lying in
wait for its prey to get caught. When night falls,
it digs itself a spot beneath the sand to sleep."
328,30,11,"罠を 兼ねた 巣を 作り
ひたすら 獲物を 待ちかまえる。
夜になると 砂に 潜り 寝る。"
328,33,1,"さばくに つくられた すあなは
すりばちの かたちを しているので
おちてしまうと だっしゅつふかのう。"
328,33,3,"사막에 만들어진 둥지는
깔때기 모양이므로
떨어지면 탈출할 수 없다."
328,33,5,"Il est impossible de séchapper de son antre
en forme de cône quil creuse dans le sable
du désert."
328,33,6,"Der Bau, den es sich in der Wüste errichtet, ist
trichterförmig. Fällt man einmal hinein, gibt es
kein Entkommen."
328,33,7,"Si una presa cae en las fosas cóncavas de arena
que cava en el desierto, no podrá salir de ellas."
328,33,8,"Se si cade in una delle tane a forma di imbuto
che scava nel deserto, è impossibile sfuggirne."
328,33,9,"Its nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit in the desert.
Once something has fallen in, there is no escape."
328,33,11,"砂漠に つくられた 巣穴は
すり鉢の 形を しているので
落ちてしまうと 脱出不可能。"
328,34,1,"ぜったいに だっしゅつ ふかのうな
すりばちじょうの すあなを つくって
えものが おちてくるのを まつ。"
328,34,3,"절대 탈출 불가능한
원뿔형의 둥지를 만들어
먹이가 떨어지는 것을 기다린다."
328,34,5,"Il creuse, puis attend ses proies dans son antre
en forme de cône, dont il est impossible
de séchapper."
328,34,6,"Es errichtet einen trichterförmigen Bau, aus dem
es kein Entrinnen gibt, und wartet, bis Beute
328,34,7,"Excava fosas cóncavas, de las cuales resulta
imposible escapar, y espera a que una presa
caiga en su interior."
328,34,8,"Costruisce una tana a forma di imbuto dalla
quale non si può scappare, aspettando poi
che le prede cadano in trappola."
328,34,9,"It makes an inescapable conical pit and lies in
wait at the bottom for prey to come
tumbling down."
328,34,11,"絶対に 脱出 不可能な
すり鉢状の 巣穴を つくって
獲物が 落ちてくるのを 待つ。"
329,7,9,"To make prey faint, VIBRAVA generates
ultrasonic waves by vigorously making
its two wings vibrate.This POKéMONs ultrasonic waves are so
powerful, they can bring on headaches
in people."
329,8,9,"VIBRAVAs wings have not yet
completed the process of growing.
Rather than flying long distances,they are more useful for generating
ultrasonic waves by vibrating."
329,9,9,"It looses ultrasonic waves by rubbing its
wings together. Since a VIBRAVAs wings
are still in the process of growing, it can
only fly short distances."
329,10,9,"It generates ultrasonic waves by violently
flapping its wings. After making its prey
faint, it melts the prey with acid."
329,11,9,"It generates ultrasonic waves by violently
flapping its wings. After making its prey
faint, it melts the prey with acid."
329,12,9,"It violently shudders its wings,
generating ultrasonic waves to
induce headaches in people."
329,13,9,"It violently shudders its wings,
generating ultrasonic waves to
induce headaches in people."
329,14,9,"It violently shudders its wings,
generating ultrasonic waves to
induce headaches in people."
329,15,9,"It vibrates its wings vigorously,
creating ultrasonic waves that
cause serious headaches."
329,16,9,"It vibrates its wings vigorously,
creating ultrasonic waves that
cause serious headaches."
329,17,5,"Ses violents battements dailes
génèrent des vagues dultrasons
qui donnent mal au crâne."
329,17,9,"It violently shudders its wings,
generating ultrasonic waves to
induce headaches in people."
329,18,5,"Ses violents battements dailes
génèrent des vagues dultrasons
qui donnent mal au crâne."
329,18,9,"It violently shudders its wings,
generating ultrasonic waves to
induce headaches in people."
329,21,9,"The ultrasonic waves it generates
by rubbing its two wings together
cause severe headaches."
329,22,9,"The ultrasonic waves it generates
by rubbing its two wings together
cause severe headaches."
329,23,1,"2まいの ハネを こうそくで
しんどうさせて だす ちょうおんぱは
はげしい ずつうを ひきおこす。"
329,23,3,"2장의 날개를 고속으로
진동시켜서 내는 초음파는
격렬한 두통을 불러일으킨다."
329,23,5,"Ses violents battements dailes génèrent des vagues
dultrasons qui donnent dintenses migraines."
329,23,6,"Die Schallwellen, die es durch eine hohe
Flügelschlagfrequenz erzeugt, verursachen
heftige Kopfschmerzen."
329,23,7,"Al agitar a gran velocidad ambas alas, emite ondas
ultrasónicas que provocan fuertes dolores de cabeza."
329,23,8,"Fa vibrare velocemente le ali generando onde
ultrasoniche che provocano dei forti mal di testa."
329,23,9,"The ultrasonic waves it generates by rubbing its two
wings together cause severe headaches."
329,23,11,"2枚の 羽を 高速で
振動させて 出す 超音波は
激しい 頭痛を ひきおこす。"
329,24,1,"ハネを はげしく しんどうさせて
ちょうおんぱを はっせい。きぜつした
えものを しょうかえきで とかす。"
329,24,3,"날개를 격렬하게 진동시켜서
초음파를 발생시킨다. 기절한
먹이를 소화액으로 녹인다."
329,24,5,"Il génère des ondes ultrasoniques en battant
violemment des ailes. Dès que sa proie est
inconsciente, il larrose dacide pour pouvoir lavaler."
329,24,6,"Durch gewaltiges Schlagen seiner Flügel entstehen
Ultraschallwellen. Ist sein Gegner besiegt, löst es ihn
mittels Säure auf."
329,24,7,"Genera ondas ultrasónicas batiendo las alas
violentamente. Cuando debilita a su presa, la
destruye con ácido."
329,24,8,"Sbattendo violentemente le ali genera onde
ultrasoniche per far svenire la preda che poi scioglie
col proprio acido."
329,24,9,"It generates ultrasonic waves by violently flapping
its wings. After making its prey faint, it melts the
prey with acid."
329,24,11,"羽を 激しく 振動させて
超音波を 発生。気絶した 獲物を
消化液で 溶かす。"
329,25,1,"2まいの ハネを はげしく しんどうさせて
ちょうおんぱを だし えものを きぜつさせる。
にんげんも ずつうを おこす ほどの いりょく。"
329,25,3,"두 장의 날개를 세차게 진동시켜서
초음파를 내 먹이를 기절시킨다.
인간도 두통이 일어날 정도의 위력이다."
329,25,5,"Pour mettre ses proies K.O., Vibraninf envoie des ultrasons
en faisant vibrer ses deux ailes. Les ondes sonores de ce
Pokémon sont si puissantes quelles peuvent déclencher
des maux de tête chez les gens."
329,25,6,"Um seine Beute zu schwächen, erzeugt Vibrava
Ultraschallwellen, indem es seine Flügel vibrieren lässt.
Die Ultraschallwellen dieses Pokémon sind so stark, dass
sie bei Menschen Kopfschmerzen verursachen können."
329,25,7,"Para debilitar a su víctima, Vibrava genera ondas ultrasónicas
haciendo vibrar con fuerza las alas. Las ondas que crea son
tan fuertes que pueden dar dolor de cabeza a la gente."
329,25,8,"Vibrava attacca la preda generando onde a ultrasuoni con
le vigorose vibrazioni delle due ali. Tali onde sono così potenti
da causare il mal di testa a chi le sente."
329,25,9,"To make prey faint, Vibrava generates ultrasonic waves by
vigorously making its two wings vibrate. This Pokémons
ultrasonic waves are so powerful, they can bring on headaches
in people."
329,25,11,"2枚の ハネを 激しく 振動させて
超音波を 出し 獲物を 気絶させる。
人間も 頭痛を 起こす ほどの 威力。"
329,26,1,"ビブラーバの ハネは まだ せいちょうとちゅう。
ながい きょりを とぶ よりも しんどうさせて
ちょうおんぱを だす ほうが とくいなのだ。"
329,26,3,"비브라바의 날개는 아직 성장 중이다.
장거리를 나는 것보다 진동시켜
초음파를 내는 것이 특기다."
329,26,5,"Les ailes de Vibraninf nont pas complètement fini de pousser.
Elles ne lui servent pas à voler sur de longues distances,
mais plutôt à générer des ultrasons en vibrant."
329,26,6,"Vibravas Flügel sind noch nicht ganz ausgewachsen. Für lange
Strecken sind seine Flügel weniger geeignet. Aber es kann mit
ihnen Ultraschallwellen erzeugen, wenn es sie vibrieren lässt."
329,26,7,"Vibrava no ha desarrollado las alas del todo. Más que para
volar y recorrer largas distancias, le resultan útiles para
generar ondas ultrasónicas al hacer que vibren."
329,26,8,"Le ali di Vibrava non hanno ancora completato il loro sviluppo.
Più che per affrontare lunghe distanze, le utilizza per generare
onde ultrasoniche facendole vibrare."
329,26,9,"Vibravas wings have not yet completed the process of
growing. Rather than flying long distances, they are more
useful for generating ultrasonic waves by vibrating."
329,26,11,"ビブラーバの ハネは まだ 成長途中。
長い 距離を 飛ぶ よりも 振動させて
超音波を 出す ほうが 得意なのだ。"
329,27,1,"みじゅくな ハネは とぶことよりも
こすって ちょうおんぱを はっせいさせ
てきを こうげきするのに つかう。"
329,27,3,"미숙한 날개는 나는 것보다는
비벼서 초음파를 발생시켜
적을 공격하는 데 사용한다."
329,27,5,"Ses ébauches dailes ne lui servent pas tant à
voler quà produire des ultrasons par frottement
pour neutraliser ses ennemis."
329,27,6,"Vibravas Flügel sind zum Fliegen kaum geeignet.
Es lässt sie vibrieren, um Ultraschallwellen
zu erzeugen und so seine Gegner anzugreifen."
329,27,7,"Las alas de Vibrava están subdesarrolladas.
Más que para volar, las utiliza para crear ondas
ultrasónicas con las que ataca a sus enemigos."
329,27,8,"Le sue ali non sono del tutto sviluppate. Più che
per volare, le usa per attaccare i nemici con le
onde ultrasoniche prodotte dalle loro vibrazioni."
329,27,9,"Rather than using its underdeveloped wings for
flight, it rubs them together, producing
ultrasonic waves to attack its enemies."
329,27,11,"未熟な ハネは 飛ぶことよりも
擦って 超音波を 発生させ
敵を 攻撃するのに 使う。"
329,28,1,"ハネを せいちょう させるために
まいにち たいりょうの えものを
しょうかえきで とかして すする。"
329,28,3,"날개를 성장시키기 위해
매일 대량의 먹잇감을
소화액으로 녹여 마신다."
329,28,5,"Pour aider ses ailes à pousser, il fait un vrai
carnage tous les jours, arrosant ses moult
proies dacide pour les dissoudre et sen nourrir."
329,28,6,"Um das Wachstum seiner Flügel zu fördern,
schlürft es täglich große Mengen an Beute,
die es zuvor in Säure aufgelöst hat."
329,28,7,"Para terminar de desarrollar sus alas, se nutre
a diario de un gran número de presas, a las que
disuelve con ácido antes de devorarlas."
329,28,8,"Per far sviluppare le ali, si nutre ogni giorno
di una grande quantità di prede, che succhia
dopo averle sciolte con il proprio acido."
329,28,9,"To help make its wings grow, it dissolves
quantities of prey in its digestive juices and
guzzles them down every day."
329,28,11,"ハネを 成長 させるために
毎日 大量の 獲物を
消化液で 溶かして すする。"
329,29,1,"ハネを しんどうさせ ちょうおんぱを
はなつ。 きぜつした えものを すなの
なかに いきうめにして ほぞんする。"
329,29,3,"날개를 진동시켜 초음파를 발산한다.
기절한 먹이를 모래 속에
산 채로 묻어 저장한다."
329,29,5,"Il émet des ultrasons avec ses ailes pour
assommer ses proies, puis les ensable vivantes
pour les conserver."
329,29,6,"Durch die Vibration seiner Flügel erzeugt es
Ultraschallwellen. Es vergräbt bewusstlose
Beute im Sand, um sie zu konservieren."
329,29,7,"Emite ondas ultrasónicas cuando hace vibrar
sus alas. Entierra bajo la arena a las presas que
ha dejado inconscientes para conservarlas."
329,29,8,"Grazie agli ultrasuoni che produce con le
vibrazioni delle ali, fa svenire le prede e le
seppellisce nella sabbia per conservarle."
329,29,9,"It vibrates its wings to generate ultrasonic
waves, causing its prey to faint. Then it buries
the prey alive in the sand to preserve it."
329,29,11,"ハネを 振動させ 超音波を
放つ。 気絶した 獲物を 砂の
中に 生き埋めにして 保存する。"
329,30,1,"ハネを しんどうさせ おんぱを
はっせいさせる。 いっしょに いる
トレーナーは みみせんが ひつよう。"
329,30,3,"날개를 진동시켜서 음파를
발생시킨다. 함께 있는
트레이너는 귀마개가 필요하다."
329,30,5,"Il émet de puissantes ondes sonores en battant
des ailes, aussi est-il recommandé à son
Dresseur de se protéger les tympans."
329,30,6,"Es lässt seine Flügel vibrieren, um dadurch
bizarre Schallwellen zu erzeugen. Seine Trainer
brauchen Ohrstöpsel."
329,30,7,"Genera raras ondas sónicas batiendo las alas.
El estruendo es tal que sus Entrenadores
necesitan tapones para los oídos."
329,30,8,"Genera strane onde acustiche con le vibrazioni
delle ali. Gli Allenatori devono proteggersi le
orecchie con dei tappi."
329,30,9,"It vibrates its wings to send out odd sound
waves. Trainers who are with it need earplugs."
329,30,11,"ハネを 振動させ 音波を
発生させる。 一緒に いる
トレーナーは 耳栓が 必要。"
329,33,1,"2まいの ハネを こうそくで
しんどうさせて だす ちょうおんぱは
はげしい ずつうを ひきおこす。"
329,33,3,"2장의 날개를 고속으로
진동시켜서 내는 초음파는
격렬한 두통을 불러일으킨다."
329,33,5,"Ses violents battements dailes génèrent
des vagues dultrasons qui donnent
des migraines intenses."
329,33,6,"Die Schallwellen, die es durch seine hohe
Flügelschlagfrequenz erzeugt, verursachen
heftige Kopfschmerzen."
329,33,7,"Al agitar sus alas a gran velocidad, emite ondas
ultrasónicas que provocan fuertes dolores de
329,33,8,"Fa vibrare velocemente le ali generando
onde ultrasoniche che provocano dei
forti mal di testa."
329,33,9,"The ultrasonic waves it generates by rubbing its
two wings together cause severe headaches."
329,33,11,"2枚の ハネを 高速で
振動させて だす 超音波は
激しい 頭痛を ひきおこす。"
329,34,1,"ハネを せいちょう させるために
まいにち たいりょうの えものを
しょうかえきで とかして すする。"
329,34,3,"날개를 성장시키기 위해
매일 대량의 먹잇감을
소화액으로 녹여 마신다."
329,34,5,"Pour aider ses ailes à pousser, il se nourrit chaque
jour dun grand nombre de proies quil dissout
en projetant de lacide."
329,34,6,"Um das Wachstum seiner Flügel zu fördern,
schlürft es täglich große Mengen an Beute,
die es zuvor in Magensäure aufgelöst hat."
329,34,7,"Para terminar de desarrollar sus alas, se nutre
a diario de un gran número de presas, a las que
disuelve con ácido antes de devorarlas."
329,34,8,"Per far sviluppare le ali, si nutre ogni giorno
di una grande quantità di prede, che succhia
dopo averle sciolte con il proprio acido."
329,34,9,"To help make its wings grow, it dissolves
quantities of prey in its digestive juices and
guzzles them down every day."
329,34,11,"ハネを 成長 させるために
毎日 大量の 獲物を
消化液で 溶かして すする。"
330,7,9,"FLYGON is nicknamed “the elemental 
spirit of the desert.” Because its
flapping wings whip up a cloud of sand,this POKéMON is always enveloped in a
sandstorm while flying."
330,8,9,"FLYGON whips up a sandstorm by
flapping its wings. The wings create a
series of notes that sound like singing.Because the “singing” is the only thing
that can be heard in a sandstorm, this
POKéMON is said to be the desert spirit."
330,9,9,"The flapping of its wings sounds like
singing. To prevent detection by enemies,
it hides itself by flapping up a cloud of
desert sand."
330,10,9,"It hides itself by kicking up desert sand
with its wings. Red covers shield its eyes
from sand."
330,11,9,"It hides itself by kicking up desert sand
with its wings. Red covers shield its eyes
from sand."
330,12,9,"It whips up sandstorms with
powerful flaps of its wings. It is
known as “The Desert Spirit.”"
330,13,9,"It whips up sandstorms with
powerful flaps of its wings. It is
known as “The Desert Spirit.”"
330,14,9,"It whips up sandstorms with
powerful flaps of its wings. It is
known as “The Desert Spirit.”"
330,15,9,"It is nicknamed “The Desert
Spirit” because the flapping of its
wings sounds like a woman singing."
330,16,9,"It is nicknamed “The Desert
Spirit” because the flapping of its
wings sounds like a woman singing."
330,17,5,"Son puissant battement dailes
provoque des tempêtes de sable.
On lappelle “esprit du désert”."
330,17,9,"It whips up sandstorms with
powerful flaps of its wings. It is
known as “The Desert Spirit.”"
330,18,5,"Son puissant battement dailes
provoque des tempêtes de sable.
On lappelle “esprit du désert”."
330,18,9,"It whips up sandstorms with
powerful flaps of its wings. It is
known as “The Desert Spirit.”"
330,21,9,"Known as “The Desert Spirit,”
this Pokémon hides in the sandstorms
it causes by beating its wings."
330,22,9,"Known as “The Desert Spirit,”
this Pokémon hides in the sandstorms
it causes by beating its wings."
330,23,1,"ハネの はばたきで さばくの すなを
まきあげて すがたを かくす。あかい
カバーが すなから めを まもる。"
330,23,3,"날갯짓으로 모래 폭풍을
일으켜 모습을 감춘다. 빨간
덮개가 모래로부터 눈을 보호한다."
330,23,5,"Il se cache du regard des autres en soulevant le sable
du désert avec ses ailes. Une fine peau rouge protège
ses yeux du sable."
330,23,6,"Es versteckt sich, indem es mit seinen Flügeln
Wüstensand aufwirbelt. Rote Augenlider schützen
es vor dem Sand."
330,23,7,"Su medio es el desierto. Para esconderse, levanta
arena con las patas. Tiene los ojos protegidos con
mallas rojas."
330,23,8,"Solleva sabbia con le ali per nascondersi. Un
rivestimento rosso protegge gli occhi dalla sabbia
330,23,9,"It hides itself by kicking up desert sand with its
wings. Red covers shield its eyes from sand."
330,23,11,"羽の 羽ばたきで 砂漠の 砂を
巻き上げて 姿を 隠す。
赤い カバーが 砂から 目を 守る。"
330,24,1,"さばくのせいれい と よばれる。
はばたくことで まきおこした
すなあらしの なかに かくれている。"
330,24,3,"사막의 정령이라고 불린다.
날개를 쳐서 일으킨
모래바람 속에 숨어 있다."
330,24,5,"On lappelle «esprit du désert». Son puissant
battement dailes provoque des tempêtes de sable
qui le dissimulent."
330,24,6,"Auch bekannt als „Geist der Wüste“. Es versteckt sich
in Sandstürmen, die es durch seinen Flügelschlag
330,24,7,"Se le conoce como el Alma del Desierto. Levanta
tormentas de arena al batir sus alas y se refugia en
su interior."
330,24,8,"Viene chiamato “Spirito primordiale del deserto”.
Si nasconde nelle tempeste di sabbia che genera
battendo le ali."
330,24,9,"Known as “The Desert Spirit,” this Pokémon hides in
the sandstorms it causes by beating its wings."
330,24,11,"砂漠の精霊 と 呼ばれる。
はばたくことで 巻き起こした
砂嵐の 中に 隠れている。"
330,25,1,"さばくの せいれいと よばれる ポケモン。
ハネの はばたきで すなを まいあげるため
とんでいる ときは いつも すなあらしの なか。"
330,25,3,"사막의 정령이라 불리는 포켓몬이다.
날갯짓이 모래를 흩날리기 때문에
언제나 모래바람 속에서 날고 있다."
330,25,5,"Libégon est surnommé «lesprit élémentaire du désert».
Le battement de ses ailes soulève des nuages de sable.
Cest pourquoi ce Pokémon est toujours entouré
dune tempête de sable quand il vole."
330,25,6,"Libelldra wird auch „Geist der Wüste“ genannt. Da seine
flatternden Flügel eine Sandwolke aufwirbeln, ist dieses
Pokémon beim Fliegen immer von einem Sandsturm umgeben."
330,25,7,"A Flygon se le conoce como el Espíritu del Desierto. Al volar,
como levanta una nube de arena al batir las alas, está siempre
envuelto en una tormenta de arena."
330,25,8,"Flygon è detto anche “Spirito primordiale del deserto”.
Poiché le sue ali sollevano nubi di sabbia, è sempre
accompagnato da una tempesta di sabbia quando vola."
330,25,9,"Flygon is nicknamed “the elemental spirit of the desert.”
Because its flapping wings whip up a cloud of sand, this
Pokémon is always enveloped in a sandstorm while flying."
330,25,11,"砂漠の 精霊と 呼ばれる ポケモン。
ハネの 羽ばたきで 砂を 舞い上げるため
飛んでいる ときは いつも 砂嵐の 中。"
330,26,1,"はばたきで おこす すなあらしの なかから
うたごえの ような はおと だけが きこえるため
フライゴンは さばくの せいれいと いわれた。"
330,26,3,"날갯짓으로 일으키는 모래바람 속에서
노랫소리 같은 날갯소리만이 들리기 때문에
플라이곤은 사막의 정령이라고 전해졌다."
330,26,5,"Libégon peut déclencher une tempête de sable en battant
des ailes. Les ailes créent une suite de notes ressemblant
à une mélodie. Comme cette «mélodie» est le seul son
audible, on appelle ce Pokémon lesprit du désert."
330,26,6,"Libelldra wirbelt einen Sandsturm auf, wenn es mit den
Flügeln schlägt. Seine Flügel erzeugen dabei Töne, die wie
Gesang klingen. Da dieser „Gesang“ das Einzige ist, was man
in einem Sandsturm hört, wird es auch Wüstengeist genannt."
330,26,7,"Flygon puede provocar una tormenta de arena batiendo las
alas. Estas, al ser agitadas, crean una melodía. Y, como las
“melodías” pueden oírse cuando hay tormenta, dicen que es
el espíritu del desierto."
330,26,8,"Flygon crea tempeste di sabbia agitando le ali, che emettono
note musicali creando una sorta di canto. Poiché questo
“canto” è lunica cosa udibile durante la tempesta, Flygon
è considerato lo spirito del deserto."
330,26,9,"Flygon whips up a sandstorm by flapping its wings. The wings
create a series of notes that sound like singing. Because the
“singing” is the only thing that can be heard in a sandstorm,
this Pokémon is said to be the desert spirit."
330,26,11,"羽ばたきで 起こす 砂嵐の 中から
歌声の ような 羽音 だけが 聞こえるため
フライゴンは 砂漠の 精霊と いわれた。"
330,27,1,"はばたく はおとは まるで うたごえ。
おとに みせられたものは すなあらしに
まきこまれ フライゴンの えじきに。"
330,27,3,"날개 치는 날갯소리는 마치 노랫소리 같다.
소리에 매혹된 자는 모래 폭풍에
휩쓸려 플라이곤의 먹이가 된다."
330,27,5,"Le bruissement de ses ailes est très mélodieux.
Les malheureux envoûtés par ce chant se
retrouvent prisonniers de sa tempête de sable."
330,27,6,"Erzeugt mit seinem Flügelschlag Töne, die wie
Gesang klingen. Der so bezirzte Gegner wird von
einem Sandsturm umgeben und zu seiner Beute."
330,27,7,"Al batir las alas, crea una melodía que atrae a
sus presas. Cuando estas se acercan, quedan
atrapadas en una tormenta de arena."
330,27,8,"Agitando le ali, emette un suono simile a un
canto. Le prede ammaliate si ritrovano
intrappolate in una tempesta di sabbia."
330,27,9,"The flapping of its wings sounds something like
singing. Those lured by the sound are enveloped
in a sandstorm, becoming Flygons prey."
330,27,11,"羽ばたく 羽音は まるで 歌声。
音に 魅せられた者は 砂嵐に
巻き込まれ フライゴンの 餌食に。"
330,28,1,"みずからが まきおこす すなあらしの
ちゅうしんに いるので めったに
ひとまえに あらわれない ポケモン。"
330,28,3,"스스로 일으키는 모래바람의
중심에 있어 좀처럼
사람들 앞에 나타나지 않는 포켓몬이다."
330,28,5,"Comme il est souvent caché au cœur des
tempêtes de sable quil déclenche, ce Pokémon
nest que rarement aperçu par lhomme."
330,28,6,"Da es sich stets im Zentrum des von ihm
entfachten Sandsturms aufhält, bekommen
Menschen es so gut wie nie zu Gesicht."
330,28,7,"Al batir las alas, provoca tormentas de arena
que lo ocultan por completo, por lo que rara vez
se ha visto a este Pokémon."
330,28,8,"Si nasconde nelle tempeste di sabbia che
genera sbattendo le ali. Raramente gli esseri
umani riescono a vederlo."
330,28,9,"This Pokémon hides in the heart of sandstorms
it creates and seldom appears where people
can see it."
330,28,11,"自らが 巻き起こす 砂嵐の
中心に いるので 滅多に
人前に 現れない ポケモン。"
330,29,1,"はばたきで すなあらしを まきおこし
そこに ワルビアルを ひそませる。
つかまえた えものは わけあうぞ。"
330,29,3,"날갯짓으로 모래바람을 일으켜
그곳에 악비아르를 숨긴다.
잡은 먹이는 나누어 갖는다."
330,29,5,"Dun battement dailes, il provoque des
tempêtes qui engloutissent les Crocorible.
Il partage ses proies avec ses congénères."
330,29,6,"Durch das Schlagen ihrer Flügel erzeugen sie
Sandstürme, von denen Rabigator erfasst
werden. Gefangene Beute teilen sie auf."
330,29,7,"Al batir las alas levanta tormentas de arena en
las que se esconden los Krookodile, para luego
compartir las presas que cacen entre ambos."
330,29,8,"Sbattendo le ali, genera tempeste di sabbia in
cui fa nascondere Krookodile, poi spartisce
con lui le prede catturate."
330,29,9,"By flapping their wings, Flygon cause
sandstorms that conceal Krookodile.
The team then splits the prey they catch."
330,29,11,"羽ばたきで 砂嵐を 巻き起こし
そこに ワルビアルを 潜ませる。
捕まえた 獲物は 分け合うぞ。"
330,30,1,"うつくしい うたの ような はおとに
こころを うばわれて さばくで
そうなんする ひとが ぞくしゅつ。"
330,30,3,"아름다운 노랫소리 같은 날갯소리에
마음을 빼앗겨 사막에서
조난당하는 사람이 속출한다."
330,30,5,"Il nest pas rare que des gens se perdent dans
le désert après avoir succombé au charme
du son mélodieux quil émet avec ses ailes."
330,30,6,"Sein wie wunderschöner Gesang klingender
Flügelschlag verzaubert Menschen und sorgt
ständig dafür, dass diese in der Wüste stranden."
330,30,7,"Muchas personas se han perdido en el desierto
tras quedar cautivadas por el sonido que emite
al batir las alas, semejante a una bella melodía."
330,30,8,"Genera un suono simile a un canto melodioso
con le ali. Molti, incantati da questa melodia,
finiscono per smarrirsi nel deserto."
330,30,9,"People continue to have their hearts stolen by
its enchanting songs and find themselves
stranded in the desert."
330,30,11,"美しい 歌の ような 羽音に
心を 奪われて 砂漠で
遭難する 人が 続出。"
330,33,1,"みずからが まきおこす すなあらしの
ちゅうしんに いるので めったに
ひとまえに あらわれない ポケモン。"
330,33,3,"스스로 일으키는 모래바람의
중심에 있어 좀처럼
사람들 앞에 나타나지 않는 포켓몬이다."
330,33,5,"Comme il est souvent caché au cœur des
tempêtes de sable quil déclenche, ce Pokémon
nest que rarement aperçu par lHomme."
330,33,6,"Da es sich stets im Zentrum des von ihm
entfachten Sandsturms aufhält, bekommen
Menschen es so gut wie nie zu Gesicht."
330,33,7,"Al batir las alas, provoca tormentas de arena que
lo ocultan por completo, por lo que rara vez se
ha visto a este Pokémon."
330,33,8,"Si nasconde nelle tempeste di sabbia che
genera sbattendo le ali. Raramente gli esseri
umani riescono a vederlo."
330,33,9,"This Pokémon hides in the heart of sandstorms
it creates and seldom appears where people
can see it."
330,33,11,"自らが 巻き起こす 砂嵐の
中心に いるので 滅多に
人前に 現れない ポケモン。"
330,34,1,"はばたく おとが おんなのひとの
うつくしい うたごえに にているため
さばくのせいれい と よばれている。"
330,34,3,"날갯짓하는 소리가 여성의
아름다운 노랫소리와 닮아서
사막의 정령이라고 불린다."
330,34,5,"On lappelle «lesprit du désert», car ses
battements dailes résonnent comme une mélodie
entonnée par une voix douce."
330,34,6,"Sein Flügelschlag klingt wie wunderschöner
Frauengesang. Daher nennt man es auch
„Geist der Wüste“."
330,34,7,"El batir de sus alas suena como un bello canto de
mujer. Se lo conoce como el Alma del Desierto."
330,34,8,"Viene chiamato anche “spirito del deserto”,
poiché il suono del suo battito dali ricorda
un bellissimo canto di donna."
330,34,9,"It is nicknamed the Desert Spirit because the
flapping of its wings sounds like a woman singing."
330,34,11,"はばたく 音が 女の人の
美しい 歌声に 似ているため
砂漠の精霊 と 呼ばれている。"
331,7,9,"CACNEA lives in arid locations such
as deserts. It releases a strong aroma
from its flower to attract prey.When prey comes near, this POKéMON
shoots sharp thorns from its body to
bring the victim down."
331,8,9,"The more arid and harsh the
environment, the more pretty and
fragrant a flower CACNEA grows.This POKéMON battles by wildly swinging
its thorny arms."
331,9,9,"CACNEA live in deserts with virtually no
rainfall. It battles by swinging its thick,
spiked arms. Once a year, a yellow flower
331,10,9,"It prefers harsh environments such as
deserts. It can survive for 30 days on
water stored in its body."
331,11,9,"It prefers harsh environments such as
deserts. It can survive for 30 days on
water stored in its body."
331,12,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,13,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,14,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,15,9,"It lives in arid locations. Its
yellow flowers bloom once a year."
331,16,9,"It lives in arid locations. Its
yellow flowers bloom once a year."
331,17,5,"En stockant leau dans son corps,
cet habitant du désert peut 
survivre 30 jours sans boire."
331,17,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,18,5,"En stockant leau dans son corps,
cet habitant du désert peut 
survivre 30 jours sans boire."
331,18,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,21,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,22,9,"By storing water in its body, this
desert dweller can survive for 30
days without water."
331,23,1,"あめが すくない かんそうした
ちいきに せいそく。1ねんに 1かい
きいろの はなを さかせる。"
331,23,3,"비가 적은 건조한
지역에 서식한다. 1년에 1번
노랑 꽃을 피운다."
331,23,5,"Cacnea vit dans les zones arides. Une fois par an,
une fleur jaune éclot sur sa tête."
331,23,6,"Es wächst an trockenen Orten mit wenig Niederschlag.
Nur einmal im Jahr bildet es eine gelbe Blüte."
331,23,7,"Vive en regiones secas y con pocas lluvias. Una vez al
año, le brota una flor amarilla."
331,23,8,"Cacnea vive in zone aride, dove non piove quasi mai.
Il suo fiore giallo sboccia una volta allanno."
331,23,9,"It lives in arid locations. Its yellow flowers bloom
once a year."
331,23,11,"雨が 少ない 乾燥した
地域に 生息。1年に 1回
黄色の 花を 咲かせる。"
331,24,1,"さばくなどの かこくな かんきょうを
このむ。からだの なかに たくわえた
みずで 30にちかん いきられる。"
331,24,3,"사막 같은 혹독한 환경을
좋아한다. 몸속에 축적된
물로 30일간 살 수 있다."
331,24,5,"Il se sent plus à laise dans des endroits hostiles
comme le désert. Il peut survivre 30 jours en utilisant
seulement leau stockée dans son corps."
331,24,6,"Es bevorzugt lebenswidrige Gebiete wie Wüsten.
Der Wasserspeicher in seinem Körper reicht für
bis zu 30 Tage."
331,24,7,"Prefiere los medios hostiles como los desiertos.
Puede sobrevivir 30 días sin beber, gracias al agua
que almacena."
331,24,8,"Predilige ambienti ostili, come i deserti. Grazie
allacqua immagazzinata nel corpo, può resistere
30 giorni senza bere."
331,24,9,"It prefers harsh environments such as deserts.
It can survive for 30 days on water stored in
its body."
331,24,11,"砂漠などの 過酷な 環境を 好む。
体の 中に たくわえた 水で
30日間 生きられる。"
331,25,1,"さばく など かんそうした ちいきに せいそく。
つよい はなの かおりで えものを さそいこみ
するどい からだの トゲを とばして しとめる。"
331,25,3,"사막같이 건조한 지역에 서식한다.
강한 꽃의 향기로 먹이를 유인하고
몸에 난 날카로운 가시를 날려 잡는다."
331,25,5,"Cacnea vit dans les milieux arides, tels les déserts.
Sa fleur libère un parfum entêtant pour attirer sa proie.
Lorsquelle sapproche, ce Pokémon envoie des épines
pour la neutraliser."
331,25,6,"Tuska lebt an trockenen Orten, z. B. in Wüsten. Es versprüht
einen starken Duft aus seiner Blume, um Beute anzuziehen.
Wenn sich Beute nähert, verschießt es scharfe Stacheln,
um seinen Gegner zu überwältigen."
331,25,7,"Cacnea habita en desiertos y otras zonas áridas. Para atraer
a su presa, libera un fuerte aroma por la flor y, cuando se le
acerca, le lanza pinchos por todo el cuerpo para reducirla."
331,25,8,"Cacnea vive in luoghi molto aridi come il deserto. Il suo fiore
rilascia un forte aroma per attirare le prede. Quando la preda
si avvicina, il Pokémon le spara contro un nugolo di spine
del proprio corpo per abbatterla."
331,25,9,"Cacnea lives in arid locations such as deserts. It releases a
strong aroma from its flower to attract prey. When prey comes
near, this Pokémon shoots sharp thorns from its body to bring
the victim down."
331,25,11,"砂漠 など 乾燥した 地域に 生息。
強い 花の 香りで 獲物を 誘い込み
鋭い 体の トゲを 飛ばして 仕留める。"
331,26,1,"あめの すくない きびしい かんきょう ほど
きれいで かおりの つよい はなを さかせる。
トゲの ついた うでを ふりまわして たたかう。"
331,26,3,"비가 적은 척박한 환경일수록
아름답고 향기가 강한 꽃을 피운다.
가시가 달린 팔을 휘두르며 싸운다."
331,26,5,"Si son environnement est aride et difficile, la fleur de Cacnea
devient plus jolie et dégage un parfum délicat. Ce Pokémon
se bat en agitant ses bras épineux."
331,26,6,"Je trockener und trostloser seine Umgebung ist, desto schöner
und duftender wird Tuskas Blume. Dieses Pokémon schwingt
im Kampf wild mit seinen dornigen Armen."
331,26,7,"Cuanto más árido y hostil sea el hábitat de Cacnea, más
bonita y aromática será la flor que le crece. Este Pokémon
lucha agitando violentamente los brazos cargados de pinchos
que tiene."
331,26,8,"Quanto più arido e aspro è lambiente, tanto più rigoglioso
cresce il fiore di Cacnea. Il Pokémon lotta agitando
furiosamente gli spinosi arti superiori."
331,26,9,"The more arid and harsh the environment, the more pretty and
fragrant a flower Cacnea grows. This Pokémon battles by
wildly swinging its thorny arms."
331,26,11,"雨の 少ない 厳しい 環境 ほど
きれいで 香りの 強い 花を 咲かせる。
トゲの ついた 腕を 振り回して 戦う。"
332,7,9,"During the daytime, CACTURNE remains
unmoving so that it does not lose any
moisture to the harsh desert sun.This POKéMON becomes active at night
when the temperature drops."
332,8,9,"If a traveler is going through a desert
in the thick of night, CACTURNE
will follow in a ragtag group.The POKéMON are biding their time,
waiting for the traveler to tire and
become incapable of moving."
332,9,9,"After spending thousands of years in
harsh deserts, its blood transformed into
the same substances as sand. It is
nocturnal, so it hunts at night."
332,10,9,"It lives in deserts. It becomes active at
night when it hunts for prey exhausted
from the deserts heat."
332,11,9,"It lives in deserts. It becomes active at
night when it hunts for prey exhausted
from the deserts heat."
332,12,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,13,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,14,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,15,9,"Packs of them follow travelers
through the desert until
the travelers can no longer move."
332,16,9,"Packs of them follow travelers
through the desert until
the travelers can no longer move."
332,17,5,"Il sort la nuit pour chasser. Il
traque les proies épuisées après
une journée dans le désert."
332,17,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,18,5,"Il sort la nuit pour chasser. Il
traque les proies épuisées après
une journée dans le désert."
332,18,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,21,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,22,9,"It becomes active at night,
seeking prey that is exhausted
from the days desert heat."
332,23,1,"よるになると かつどうを はじめる。
さばくの あつさに つかれはてた
えものを みつけだし とらえるのだ。"
332,23,3,"밤이 되면 활동을 시작한다.
사막의 뜨거움에 몹시 지친
먹이를 찾아내어 붙잡는다."
332,23,5,"Il sort la nuit pour chasser. Il traque les proies
épuisées après une journée dans le désert."
332,23,6,"Ein nachtaktives Pokémon, das Beute sucht, die durch
die Tageshitze der Wüste bereits erschöpft ist."
332,23,7,"Es un Pokémon nocturno. Busca presas agotadas por
el calor diurno del desierto."
332,23,8,"Diventa attivo di notte, quando va a caccia di
prede stremate dalla calura del deserto."
332,23,9,"It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is
exhausted from the days desert heat."
332,23,11,"夜になると 活動を はじめる。
砂漠の 暑さに 疲れ果てた
獲物を 見つけ出し 捕らえるのだ。"
332,24,1,"さばくの たびびとの うしろを
しゅうだんで つきまとい つかれて
うごけなく なるのを まつのだ。"
332,24,3,"사막의 여행자 뒤를
집단으로 뒤쫓아 가 지쳐
움직이지 못하기를 기다린다."
332,24,5,"Les Cacturne traquent en groupe les voyageurs du
désert, guettant les signes de fatigue pour frapper."
332,24,6,"Gruppen von Noktuska folgen müden Wüstenreisenden
und warten, bis diese bewegungsunfähig werden."
332,24,7,"Persiguen en grupo a los viajeros del desierto y los
acechan hasta que el cansancio los agote."
332,24,8,"Gruppi di Cacturne nel deserto braccano i passanti
finché questi, spossati, non si muovono più."
332,24,9,"Packs of them follow travelers through the desert
until the travelers can no longer move."
332,24,11,"砂漠の 旅人の 後ろを
集団で つきまとい 疲れて
動けなく なるのを 待つのだ。"
332,25,1,"さばくの ひざしで すいぶんを うしなわない
ように ひるまは じっと たちつくしている。
きおんの さがる よるに かつどうを はじめる。"
332,25,3,"사막의 햇빛에 수분을 빼앗기지 않도록
낮에는 가만히 계속하여 서 있다.
기온이 떨어지는 밤에 활동을 시작한다."
332,25,5,"Pendant la journée, Cacturne reste immobile pour éviter
de se déshydrater sous le soleil du désert. Ce Pokémon
ne commence son activité quune fois la nuit tombée,
sous une température plus fraîche."
332,25,6,"Am Tage bleibt Noktuska reglos, damit es in der brennenden
Wüstenhitze keine Feuchtigkeit verliert. Dieses Pokémon wird
bei Nacht aktiv, wenn die Temperatur sinkt."
332,25,7,"Durante el día, Cacturne permanece inmóvil para no perder
nada de humedad bajo el sol de justicia del desierto. Este
Pokémon entra en acción por la noche, cuando bajan las
332,25,8,"Di giorno Cacturne rimane immobile in modo da non perdere
neanche una goccia dacqua al sole cocente del deserto.
Il Pokémon si desta di notte quando cala la temperatura."
332,25,9,"During the daytime, Cacturne remains unmoving so that it does
not lose any moisture to the harsh desert sun. This Pokémon
becomes active at night when the temperature drops."
332,25,11,"砂漠の 日差しで 水分を 失わない
ように 昼間は じっと 立ち尽くしている。
気温の 下がる 夜に 活動を 始める。"
332,26,1,"まよなか さばくを あるく たびびとの うしろを
ぞろぞろと しゅうだんで くっついて あるく。
つかれて うごけなく なるのを まっているのだ。"
332,26,3,"한밤중에 사막을 걷는 여행자의 뒤를
단체로 줄줄 달라붙어 걷는다.
지쳐 움직이지 못하게 되기를 기다리고 있다."
332,26,5,"Lorsquun voyageur traverse le désert au milieu de la nuit,
les Cacturne le suivent en groupe. Ces Pokémon attendent
le bon moment, quand le voyageur est fatigué et quil nest
plus capable de bouger."
332,26,6,"Wenn ein Reisender mitten in der Nacht durch eine
Wüste wandert, folgt Noktuska ihm und spielt ihm Streiche.
Dann wartet dieses Pokémon darauf, dass der Reisende
müde wird und sich nicht mehr bewegen kann."
332,26,7,"Cuando alguien se adentra en un desierto por la noche,
Cacturne le sigue junto con varios de los suyos. Este
Pokémon espera pacientemente a que el viajero se fatigue
y no pueda continuar más, vencido por el cansancio."
332,26,8,"Se un viaggiatore passa attraverso il deserto nella notte
tenebrosa, un gruppo scomposto di Cacturne lo segue.
Poi attende pazientemente che il malcapitato sia esausto
e incapace di muoversi."
332,26,9,"If a traveler is going through a desert in the thick of night,
Cacturne will follow in a ragtag group. The Pokémon are
biding their time, waiting for the traveler to tire and become
incapable of moving."
332,26,11,"真夜中 砂漠を 歩く 旅人の 後ろを
ぞろぞろと 集団で くっついて 歩く。
疲れて 動けなく なるのを 待っているのだ。"
333,7,9,"SWABLU has light and fluffy wings that
are like cottony clouds. This POKéMON
is not frightened of people.It lands on the heads of people and
sits there like a cotton-fluff hat."
333,8,9,"SWABLU loves to make things clean.
If it spots something dirty, it will wipe
and polish it with its cottony wings.If its wings become dirty, this POKéMON
finds a stream and showers itself."
333,9,9,"A POKéMON that has wings like cottony
clouds. After enduring winter, in which
little food is available, SWABLU flocks
move closer to towns in the spring."
333,10,9,"It constantly grooms its cotton-like
wings. It takes a shower to clean
itself if it becomes dirty."
333,11,9,"It constantly grooms its cotton-like
wings. It takes a shower to clean
itself if it becomes dirty."
333,12,9,"Its wings are like cotton tufts.
If it perches on someones head,
it looks like a cotton hat."
333,13,9,"Its wings are like cotton tufts.
If it perches on someones head,
it looks like a cotton hat."
333,14,9,"It cant relax if it or its
surroundings are not clean.
It wipes off dirt with its wings."
333,15,9,"Its wings bring cottony clouds to
mind. It grooms with springwater
and loves to sit on heads."
333,16,9,"Its wings bring cottony clouds to
mind. It grooms with springwater
and loves to sit on heads."
333,17,5,"Il ne se sent à laise que dans un
milieu propre et repousse la
poussière avec ses ailes."
333,17,9,"It cant relax if it or its
surroundings are not clean.
It wipes off dirt with its wings."
333,18,5,"Il ne se sent à laise que dans un
milieu propre et repousse la
poussière avec ses ailes."
333,18,9,"It cant relax if it or its
surroundings are not clean.
It wipes off dirt with its wings."
333,21,9,"For some reason, it likes
to land on peoples heads
softly and act like its a hat."
333,22,9,"For some reason, it likes
to land on peoples heads
softly and act like its a hat."
333,23,1,"ひとの あたまの うえに
ちょこんと のって ぼうしのように
ふるまうのが なぜか だいすき。"
333,23,3,"사람의 머리 위에
살짝 앉아 모자처럼
구는 것을 왠지 좋아한다."
333,23,5,"Son jeu préféré : se poser sur la tête des gens et
se faire passer pour un joli chapeau."
333,23,6,"Aus irgendeinem Grund setzt es sich gerne auf den
Kopf von Menschen und tut so, als sei es ein Hut."
333,23,7,"Se desconoce el porqué, pero le encanta posarse
sobre la cabeza de los humanos y fingir que es un
333,23,8,"Per qualche motivo adora salire sulla testa delle
persone e far finta di essere un cappello."
333,23,9,"For some reason, it likes to land on peoples heads
softly and act like its a hat."
333,23,11,"人の 頭の 上に
ちょこんと 乗って 帽子のように
ふるまうのが なぜか 大好き。"
333,24,1,"まわたの ような つばさの ていれは
ぜったいに かかさない。よごれると
みずあびをして きれいに あらう。"
333,24,3,"솜 같은 날개를 손질하는 일은
절대 거르지 않는다. 더러워지면
물로 깨끗하게 씻는다."
333,24,5,"Il toilette constamment ses ailes duveteuses. Il se
dépêche de se laver à la moindre salissure pour que
ses ailes restent le plus blanc possible."
333,24,6,"Ständig pflegt es seine watteartigen Flügel. Falls es
schmutzig wird, nimmt es eine Dusche, um sich zu
333,24,7,"Está continuamente acicalándose las alas de algodón
que tiene. Si se ensucia, se da una ducha para
limpiarse enseguida."
333,24,8,"Si liscia in continuazione le ali simili al cotone.
Appena si sporca corre a lavarsi."
333,24,9,"It constantly grooms its cotton-like wings. It takes
a shower to clean itself if it becomes dirty."
333,24,11,"真綿の ような 翼の 手入れは
絶対に 欠かさない。汚れると
水浴びをして きれいに 洗う。"
333,25,1,"わたぐもの ような ふさふさの つばさを もつ。
ひとを こわがらず わたの ぼうし みたいに
あたまに ちょこんと のっかる ポケモンだ。"
333,25,3,"뭉게구름처럼 푹신한 날개를 지녔다.
사람을 무서워하지 않고 솜 모자처럼
머리에 살포시 앉는 포켓몬이다."
333,25,5,"Tylton est doté dailes légères et duveteuses comme
des nuages cotonneux. Ce Pokémon nest pas très sauvage.
Il lui arrive datterrir sur la tête des gens et dy rester,
comme un chapeau ouaté."
333,25,6,"Wablu hat leichte, flauschige Flügel, die wie Schäfchenwolken
aussehen. Dieses Pokémon hat keine Angst vor Menschen.
Es landet auf ihren Köpfen und bleibt dort sitzen wie ein
wattierter Hut."
333,25,7,"Swablu tiene unas alas ligeras y esponjosas que parecen
nubes de algodón. A este Pokémon no le asusta la gente.
De hecho, puede llegar a posarse en la cabeza de alguien y
servirle de gorro sedoso."
333,25,8,"Swablu ha ali leggere e soffici molto simili a nuvole di cotone.
Non ha paura degli esseri umani. Si posa sulla testa delle
persone come fosse un copricapo cotonato."
333,25,9,"Swablu has light and fluffy wings that are like cottony clouds.
This Pokémon is not frightened of people. It lands on the
heads of people and sits there like a cotton-fluff hat."
333,25,11,"綿雲の ような ふさふさの 翼を 持つ。
人を 怖がらず 綿の 帽子 みたいに
頭に ちょこんと 乗っかる ポケモンだ。"
333,26,1,"よごれたものを みると わたの ような つばさで
せっせと ふきとる きれいずきな ポケモンだ。
つばさが よごれると かわで みずあびを する。"
333,26,3,"지저분한 것을 보면 솜 같은 날개로
부지런히 닦아내는 깔끔쟁이 포켓몬이다.
날개가 지저분해지면 강에서 물로 씻는다."
333,26,5,"Tylton adore nettoyer. Sil repère quelque chose de sale,
il lessuie et le polit avec ses ailes cotonneuses. Lorsque
ses ailes se salissent, ce Pokémon trouve un cours deau
et se lave."
333,26,6,"Wablu liebt es, Dinge zu putzen. Wenn es etwas Schmutziges
bemerkt, fängt es an, dieses mit seinen weichen Flügeln
zu putzen. Wenn seine Flügel dreckig werden, sucht sich
dieses Pokémon einen Fluss und duscht sich ab."
333,26,7,"A Swablu le encanta limpiarlo todo. Si ve algo sucio, lo dejará
como nuevo y reluciente con las alas de algodón que tiene.
Cuando se le ensucian, busca un manantial y las limpia."
333,26,8,"Swablu ama la pulizia. Se vede qualcosa di sporco, inizia a
pulire meticolosamente con le sue ali di cotone. Se poi le ali
si sporcano, il Pokémon cerca un corso dacqua per lavarsi."
333,26,9,"Swablu loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty,
it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If its wings
become dirty, this Pokémon finds a stream and showers itself."
333,26,11,"汚れたものを 見ると 綿の ような 翼で
せっせと ふき取る きれい好きな ポケモンだ。
翼が 汚れると 川で 水浴びを する。"
333,33,1,"まわたのような つばさは くうきを
ふくんで ふわふわの さわりごこち。
こまめな ていれを かかさない。"
333,33,3,"솜 같은 날개에는 공기가 들어 있어
만지면 푹신푹신한 느낌이 든다.
항상 꼼꼼하게 손질한다."
333,33,5,"Ses ailes ressemblant à du coton contiennent de
lair, ce qui leur confère une texture duveteuse.
Elles nécessitent un entretien minutieux."
333,33,6,"Seine watteartigen Flügel enthalten Luft und
fühlen sich daher schön flauschig an. Wablu lässt
keine Gelegenheit aus, sie zu pflegen."
333,33,7,"Sus alas algodonadas contienen aire, lo que les
aporta un tacto suave y esponjoso. Se las acicala
333,33,8,"Si prende meticolosamente cura delle sue ali
simili a batuffoli di cotone. Ha labitudine di
gonfiarle rendendole soffici al tatto."
333,33,9,"Its cottony wings are full of air, making them light
and fluffy to the touch. Swablu takes diligent care
of its wings."
333,33,11,"真綿のような 翼は 空気を 含んで
ふわふわの 触り心地。
こまめな 手入れを 欠かさない。"
333,34,1,"わたぐもに みえるため てきから
みつかりにくい。 せだいを かさねる
うち つばさが しろくなったという。"
333,34,3,"솜구름처럼 보이기 때문에 적의
눈에 잘 띄지 않는다. 세대를 거치면서
날개가 하얗게 되었다고 한다."
333,34,5,"Ses ailes en forme de nuage le dissimulent
aux yeux des ennemis. On raconte quelles sont
devenues blanches après plusieurs générations."
333,34,6,"Es sieht Schäfchenwolken sehr ähnlich, weshalb
Gegner es nur schwer entdecken. Seine Flügel
wurden wohl über Generationen hinweg weiß."
333,34,7,"Sus alas parecen nubes algodonadas y lo ocultan
de sus rivales. Se cree que se volvieron blancas
con el paso de las generaciones."
333,34,8,"Poiché sembra una nuvola, è difficile che i nemici
lo individuino. Si dice che le ali siano diventate
bianche con il passare delle generazioni."
333,34,9,"Since Swablu looks like a cumulus cloud, foes can
have a hard time finding it. Apparently its wings
turned white over many generations."
333,34,11,"綿雲に 見えるため 敵から
見つかりにくい。 世代を 重ねるうち
翼が 白くなったという。"
334,7,9,"ALTARIA dances and wheels through the
sky among billowing, cotton-like clouds.
By singing melodies in its crystal-clearvoice, this POKéMON makes its listeners
experience dreamy wonderment."
334,8,9,"ALTARIA sings in a gorgeous soprano.
Its wings are like cotton clouds.
This POKéMON catches updrafts with itsbuoyant wings and soars way up into
the wild blue yonder."
334,9,9,"It hums in a beautiful soprano voice.
It flies among white clouds in the blue
sky. It launches intensely hot fireballs
from its mouth."
334,10,9,"If you hear a beautiful melody trilling
deep among mountains far from people,
it is ALTARIAs humming."
334,11,9,"If you hear a beautiful melody trilling
deep among mountains far from people,
it is ALTARIAs humming."
334,12,9,"It looks like a fluffy cloud when
it is in flight. It hums with its
soprano voice."
334,13,9,"It looks like a fluffy cloud when
it is in flight. It hums with its
soprano voice."
334,14,9,"If it bonds with a person, it will
gently envelop the friend with its
soft wings, then hum."
334,15,9,"It flies gracefully through the
sky. Its melodic humming makes
you feel like youre in a dream."
334,16,9,"It flies gracefully through the
sky. Its melodic humming makes
you feel like youre in a dream."
334,17,5,"Il aime enlacer ses amis dans ses
ailes cotonneuses et ronronner."
334,17,9,"If it bonds with a person, it will
gently envelop the friend with its
soft wings, then hum."
334,18,5,"Il aime enlacer ses amis dans ses
ailes cotonneuses et ronronner."
334,18,9,"If it bonds with a person, it will
gently envelop the friend with its
soft wings, then hum."
334,21,9,"On sunny days, it flies freely through
the sky and blends into the clouds.
It sings in a beautiful soprano."
334,22,9,"On sunny days, it flies freely through
the sky and blends into the clouds.
It sings in a beautiful soprano."
334,23,1,"おおぞらを ゆったりと とぶ。
チルタリスの うつくしい ハミングを
きくと うっとり ゆめごこちだ。"
334,23,3,"넓은 하늘을 느긋하게 난다.
파비코리의 아름다운 콧노래를
들으면 황홀한 꿈을 꾸는 기분이다."
334,23,5,"Il vole doucement dans le ciel. Ceux qui lentendent
fredonner sont comme plongés dans un rêve."
334,23,6,"Es schwebt gemächlich durch den Himmel.
Sein wunderschönes Summen gibt einem
das Gefühl zu träumen."
334,23,7,"Vuela pausadamente por el cielo azul. Su hermoso
trino cautiva a todo aquel que lo escucha."
334,23,8,"Volteggia elegante nel cielo. Canticchia soavemente,
mandando in onirica estasi chi lo ascolta."
334,23,9,"It flies gracefully through the sky. Its melodic
humming makes you feel like youre in a dream."
334,23,11,"大空を ゆったりと 飛ぶ。
チルタリスの 美しい ハミングを
聴くと うっとり 夢心地だ。"
334,24,1,"はれたひ わたぐもに まぎれながら
おおぞらを じゆうに とびまわり
うつくしい ソプラノで うたう。"
334,24,3,"맑은 날 뭉게구름에 뒤섞이면서
넓은 하늘을 자유롭게 날아다니며
아름다운 소프라노로 노래한다."
334,24,5,"Il vole librement en se cachant dans les nuages.
Son chant est digne de celui de la plus douée des
334,24,6,"Bei gutem Wetter mischt es sich unter die Wolken
und genießt die Freiheit. Es hat eine entzückende
334,24,7,"En días soleados, le gusta mezclarse con las nubes
y disfrutar de la libertad del cielo mientras trina con
voz de soprano."
334,24,8,"Nelle belle giornate, ama confondersi con le poche
nuvole in cielo e cantare con una bellissima voce di
334,24,9,"On sunny days, it flies freely through the sky and
blends into the clouds. It sings in a
beautiful soprano."
334,24,11,"晴れた日 綿雲に まぎれながら
大空を 自由に 飛び回り
美しい ソプラノで 歌う。"
334,25,1,"わたぐもに まぎれて おおぞらを まう。
すきとおった こえで メロディを さえずれば
みみにした ものは うっとり ゆめごこち。"
334,25,3,"뭉게구름에 뒤섞여 넓은 하늘을 떠돈다.
맑은 목소리로 멜로디를 지저귀면
그 소리를 들은 자들은 꿈꾸는 듯한 기분이 된다."
334,25,5,"Altaria danse et tournoie dans les cieux, au milieu
des nuages gonflés et cotonneux. Ce Pokémon chante
des mélodies de sa voix cristalline pour offrir aux auditeurs
une expérience merveilleuse et inoubliable."
334,25,6,"Altaria tanzt und dreht sich in der Luft durch viele
Schäfchenwolken. Indem es mit seiner kristallklaren
Stimme Melodien singt, versetzt es seine Zuhörer in
verträumtes Erstaunen."
334,25,7,"Altaria baila y revolotea por el cielo entre ondeantes nubes
que parecen de algodón. Al entonar melodías con su voz
cristalina, este Pokémon deja a sus oyentes embobados y
334,25,8,"Altaria danza e volteggia nel cielo tra le nubi soffici come
batuffoli di cotone. Cantando con la sua voce cristallina,
riesce a mandare in onirica estasi chi lo ascolta."
334,25,9,"Altaria dances and wheels through the sky among billowing,
cotton-like clouds. By singing melodies in its crystal-clear
voice, this Pokémon makes its listeners experience dreamy
334,25,11,"綿雲に 紛れて 大空を 舞う。
透き通った 声で メロディを さえずれば
耳にした ものは うっとり 夢心地。"
334,26,1,"うつくしい ソプラノで うたう ポケモン。
わたぐもの ような つばさで じょうしょう
きりゅうを うけて おおぞらへ まいあがる。"
334,26,3,"아름다운 소프라노 음색으로 노래하는 포켓몬이다.
솜구름 같은 날개로 상승기류를
타고 넓은 하늘로 날아오른다."
334,26,5,"Altaria chante avec une magnifique voix de soprano. Ses ailes
ressemblent à des nuages cotonneux. Ce Pokémon se laisse
porter par les courants dair ascendants et disparaît dans
le bleu du ciel."
334,26,6,"Altaria hat eine tolle Sopran-Stimme. Seine Flügel sehen aus
wie Schäfchenwolken. Dieses Pokémon stürzt sich in einen
Aufwind und steigt in den Himmel empor."
334,26,7,"Altaria canta de maravilla, como una soprano. Tiene unas alas
que parecen nubes de algodón. Este Pokémon aprovecha las
corrientes ascendentes y remonta el vuelo con sus flamantes
alas hacia la inmensidad del cielo azul."
334,26,8,"Altaria canta con una sublime voce di soprano. Le sue ali
spumeggianti, che sembrano nubi di cotone, gli consentono
di sfruttare le correnti ascensionali e di risalire verso linfinito
cielo blu."
334,26,9,"Altaria sings in a gorgeous soprano. Its wings are like cotton
clouds. This Pokémon catches updrafts with its buoyant wings
and soars way up into the wild blue yonder."
334,26,11,"美しい ソプラノで 歌う ポケモン。
綿雲の ような 翼で 上昇
気流を 受けて 大空へ 舞い上がる。"
334,33,1,"おおぞらを ゆったりと とびながら
みみにした ものを うっとりさせる
うつくしい ハミングを かなでる。"
334,33,3,"넓은 하늘을 유유히 날면서
듣는 이를 사로잡는
아름다운 콧노래를 부른다."
334,33,5,"Il vole doucement dans le ciel et fredonne
de magnifiques mélodies qui enchantent
tous ceux qui les entendent."
334,33,6,"Es schwebt gemächlich durch die Lüfte und
lässt dabei ein wunderschönes Summen ertönen,
das alle in seinen Bann zieht, die es hören."
334,33,7,"Mientras vuela pausadamente, emite un bello
trino que cautiva a todo el que lo oye."
334,33,8,"Mentre si libra elegante in cielo, intona un canto
soave che ammalia chi lo sente."
334,33,9,"As it flies in a calm and relaxed manner, Altaria
performs a humming song that would enrapture
any audience."
334,33,11,"大空を ゆったりと 飛びながら
耳にした 者を うっとりさせる
美しい ハミングを 奏でる。"
334,34,1,"やさしい せいしつだが おこらせると
するどい なきごえで いかくして
ようしゃない こうげきを くわえる。"
334,34,3,"온순한 성질이지만 화나게 하면
날카로운 울음소리로 위협하며
가차 없이 공격한다."
334,34,5,"Il est de nature aimable, mais si on le met en
colère, il intimide son adversaire en poussant
un cri strident et lattaque sans pitié."
334,34,6,"Altaria ist von sanfter Natur, doch wird es
verärgert, stößt es zur Einschüchterung schrilles
Geschrei aus und greift dann gnadenlos an."
334,34,7,"Es de carácter amable, pero, si monta en cólera,
intimidará al oponente con estridentes chillidos
y atacará sin piedad."
334,34,8,"Ha un carattere gentile, ma se lo si fa arrabbiare
emette un verso minaccioso, per poi attaccare
senza pietà."
334,34,9,"This Pokémon has a kind disposition, but if its
provoked, it will threaten opponents with shrill
cries before attacking them without mercy."
334,34,11,"優しい 性質だが 怒らせると
鋭い 鳴き声で 威嚇して
容赦ない 攻撃を くわえる。"
335,7,9,"Memories of battling its arch-rival
SEVIPER are etched into every cell of
ZANGOOSEs body.This POKéMON adroitly dodges attacks
with incredible agility."
335,8,9,"ZANGOOSE usually stays on all fours,
but when angered, it gets up on its
hind legs and extends its claws.This POKéMON shares a bitter rivalry
with SEVIPER that dates back over
335,9,9,"When it battles, it stands on its hind legs
and attacks with its sharply clawed
forelegs. Its fur bristles if it encounters
335,10,9,"If it comes across a SEVIPER, its fur
bristles and it assumes its battle pose.
Its sharp claws are its best weapon."
335,11,9,"If it comes across a SEVIPER, its fur
bristles and it assumes its battle pose.
Its sharp claws are its best weapon."
335,12,9,"It has feuded with SEVIPER for
many generations. Its sharp claws
are its biggest weapons."
335,13,9,"It has feuded with SEVIPER for
many generations. Its sharp claws
are its biggest weapons."
335,14,9,"It has feuded with SEVIPER for
many generations. Its sharp claws
are its biggest weapons."
335,15,9,"Its fur would all stand on end if
it smelled a SEVIPER nearby.
Its sharp claws tear up its foes."
335,16,9,"Its fur would all stand on end if
it smelled a SEVIPER nearby.
Its sharp claws tear up its foes."
335,17,5,"Cest le rival de Séviper depuis
des générations. Ses griffes
aiguisées sont son meilleur atout."
335,17,9,"It has feuded with Seviper for
many generations. Its sharp claws
are its biggest weapons."
335,18,5,"Cest le rival de Séviper depuis
des générations. Ses griffes
aiguisées sont son meilleur atout."
335,18,9,"It has feuded with Seviper for
many generations. Its sharp claws
are its biggest weapons."
335,21,9,"Its Sevipers archrival. To threaten
those it encounters, it fans out
the claws on its front paws."
335,22,9,"Its Sevipers archrival. To threaten
those it encounters, it fans out
the claws on its front paws."
335,23,1,"なんせだいにも わたって
ハブネークと たたかってきた。
するどい ツメが さいだいの ぶき。"
335,23,3,"몇 대에 걸쳐서
세비퍼와 싸워왔다.
날카로운 발톱이 최대의 무기다."
335,23,5,"Cest le rival de Séviper depuis des générations.
Ses griffes aiguisées sont son meilleur atout."
335,23,6,"Seit Generationen ist es mit Vipitis verfeindet.
Seine scharfen Klauen sind seine stärksten Waffen."
335,23,7,"Hace muchos años que se enfrenta a Seviper. Su arma
más eficaz son sus zarpas afiladas."
335,23,8,"Da generazioni, è acerrimo nemico di Seviper. Gli
artigli aguzzi sono le sue armi più potenti."
335,23,9,"It has feuded with Seviper for many generations.
Its sharp claws are its biggest weapons."
335,23,11,"何世代にも 渡って
ハブネークと 戦ってきた。
鋭い ツメが 最大の 武器。"
335,24,1,"ハブネークの においを かぐ だけで
ぜんしんの たいもうが さかだつ。
するどい ツメが てきを きりさく。"
335,24,3,"세비퍼의 냄새를 맡는 것만으로도
전신의 털이 곤두선다.
예리한 손톱으로 적을 베어 가른다."
335,24,5,"Son poil se hérisse dès quil sent un Séviper.
Il lacère ses ennemis avec ses griffes acérées."
335,24,6,"Vipitis Geruch lässt ihm alle Haare zu Berge stehen.
Mit seinen scharfen Klauen kratzt es seine Feinde."
335,24,7,"Se le eriza todo el pelaje con solo oler un Seviper.
Con sus afiladas zarpas puede rajar a sus enemigos."
335,24,8,"Se sente anche solo lodore di Seviper, gli si rizza
la pelliccia. Lacera il nemico con artigli affilati."
335,24,9,"Its fur would all stand on end if it smelled a Seviper
nearby. Its sharp claws tear up its foes."
335,24,11,"ハブネークの においを かぐ だけで
全身の 体毛が 逆立つ。
鋭い ツメが 敵を 切り裂く。"
335,25,1,"しゅくてき ハブネークとの たたかいの きおくが
からだじゅうの さいぼうに きざみこまれている。
びんしょうな みのこなしで こうげきを かわす。"
335,25,3,"숙적 세비퍼와 대결했던 기억이
전신의 세포에 새겨져 있다.
민첩한 몸동작으로 공격을 피한다."
335,25,5,"Chaque cellule du corps de Mangriff porte les stigmates
de sa rivalité avec Séviper. Ce Pokémon est capable
desquiver les attaques avec une agilité incroyable."
335,25,6,"Die Erinnerungen an den Kampf mit seinem Erzrivalen Vipitis
haben sich in jede Zelle von Sengos Körper eingebrannt.
Dieses Pokémon weicht feindlichen Angriffen unheimlich
raffiniert und geschickt aus."
335,25,7,"Los ecos del combate mantenido con su rival más feroz,
Seviper, resuenan aún en cada célula de Zangoose. Este
Pokémon esquiva los ataques con auténtica destreza."
335,25,8,"I ricordi delle lotte contro il suo acerrimo nemico Seviper sono
insiti in ogni cellula del corpo di Zangoose. Questo Pokémon
riesce a schivare gli attacchi con incredibile maestria."
335,25,9,"Memories of battling its archrival Seviper are etched into every
cell of Zangooses body. This Pokémon adroitly dodges
attacks with incredible agility."
335,25,11,"宿敵 ハブネークとの 戦いの 記憶が
体中の 細胞に 刻み込まれている。
敏しょうな 身のこなしで 攻撃を かわす。"
335,26,1,"ふだんは 4ほんあしで こうどうするが おこると
うしろあしで たち まえあしの ツメが とびだす。
ハブネークとは せんぞから つづく ライバルだ。"
335,26,3,"평소에는 4개의 다리로 행동하지만 화나면
뒷다리로 서서 앞발의 발톱을 내보인다.
세비퍼와는 선조 대대로 라이벌이다."
335,26,5,"Mangriff est généralement à quatre pattes, mais lorsquil
est en colère, il se lève sur ses pattes arrière et montre
ses griffes. Ce Pokémon est lennemi juré de Séviper depuis
plusieurs générations."
335,26,6,"Sengo bewegt sich normalerweise auf allen Vieren. Wenn es
aber wütend wird, stellt es sich auf seine Hinterbeine und
fährt die Klauen an seinen Vorderbeinen aus. Dieses Pokémon
ist seit Generationen ein erbitterter Rivale von Vipitis."
335,26,7,"Zangoose suele caminar a cuatro patas, pero cuando se
enfada se pone de pie sobre las traseras y saca las zarpas.
Este Pokémon tiene desde hace varias generaciones una
áspera rivalidad con Seviper."
335,26,8,"Di solito Zangoose cammina a quattro zampe, ma quando
si infuria si alza sulle zampe posteriori ed estrae gli artigli.
Questo Pokémon è acerrimo nemico di Seviper, infatti la loro
inimicizia è ormai leggendaria."
335,26,9,"Zangoose usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets
up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This Pokémon shares
a bitter rivalry with Seviper that dates back over generations."
335,26,11,"普段は 4本足で 行動するが 怒ると
後足で 立ち 前足の ツメが 飛び出す。
ハブネークとは 先祖から 続く ライバルだ。"
336,7,9,"SEVIPER shares a generations-long
feud with ZANGOOSE. The scars on its
body are evidence of vicious battles.This POKéMON attacks using its sword-
edged tail."
336,8,9,"SEVIPERs swordlike tail serves two
purposes - it slashes foes and douses
them with secreted poison.This POKéMON will not give up its long-
running blood feud with ZANGOOSE."
336,9,9,"SEVIPER and ZANGOOSE are eternal rivals.
It counters a ZANGOOSEs dazzling agility
with its swordlike tail, which also oozes
a horrible poison."
336,10,9,"It sharpens its swordlike tail on hard
rocks. It hides in tall grass and strikes
unwary prey with venomous fangs."
336,11,9,"It sharpens its swordlike tail on hard
rocks. It hides in tall grass and strikes
unwary prey with venomous fangs."
336,12,9,"For many generations, it has
feuded with ZANGOOSE. It whets its
bladed tail on rocks for battle."
336,13,9,"For many generations, it has
feuded with ZANGOOSE. It whets its
bladed tail on rocks for battle."
336,14,9,"For many generations, it has
feuded with ZANGOOSE. It whets its
bladed tail on rocks for battle."
336,15,9,"In battle, it uses its bladed tail to
counter any ZANGOOSE. It secretes
a deadly venom in its tail."
336,16,9,"In battle, it uses its bladed tail to
counter any ZANGOOSE. It secretes
a deadly venom in its tail."
336,17,5,"Le rival historique de Mangriff.
Il affûte la lame de sa queue 
sur les rochers avant le combat."
336,17,9,"For many generations, it has
feuded with Zangoose. It whets its
bladed tail on rocks for battle."
336,18,5,"Le rival historique de Mangriff.
Il affûte la lame de sa queue 
sur les rochers avant le combat."
336,18,9,"For many generations, it has
feuded with Zangoose. It whets its
bladed tail on rocks for battle."
336,21,9,"Constant polishing makes the edge
of the blade on its tail extremely sharp.
Its Zangooses archrival."
336,22,9,"Constant polishing makes the edge
of the blade on its tail extremely sharp.
Its Zangooses archrival."
336,23,1,"もうどくが しみだしている
するどい きれあじの しっぽで
すばやい ザングースに たちむかう。"
336,23,3,"맹독이 배어 나오는
예리하고 잘 드는 꼬리로
재빠른 쟝고에게 맞선다."
336,23,5,"Il rivalise avec Mangriff grâce à la lame affûtée de
sa queue qui sécrète un puissant venin."
336,23,6,"Die flinken Angriffe von Sengo kontert es mit
seinem messerscharfen Schweif, aus dem Gift austritt."
336,23,7,"Hace frente a Zangoose con su agilidad y su afilada
cola, que está cargada con un veneno letal."
336,23,8,"Respinge gli attacchi dellagile Zangoose con la
coda affilatissima, che secerne un micidiale veleno."
336,23,9,"In battle, it uses its bladed tail to counter any
Zangoose. It secretes a deadly venom in its tail."
336,23,11,"猛毒が 染み出している
鋭い 切れ味の 尻尾で
素早い ザングースに 立ち向かう。"
336,24,1,"しっぽの かたなは いつも いわで
といでいるので きれあじ ばつぐん。
ザングースとは いんねんの あいだ。"
336,24,3,"꼬리의 칼은 항상 바위로
갈고 있어 날카로움이 뛰어나다.
쟝고와는 사연이 깊은 사이다."
336,24,5,"Il affûte la lame de sa queue sur des rochers pour
la rendre bien tranchante. Le rival de longue date
de Mangriff."
336,24,6,"Es hält die Klinge an seinem Schweif scharf,
indem es sie ständig an Steinen wetzt. Es ist
der Erzfeind von Sengo."
336,24,7,"Le une una relación de enemistad con Zangoose.
Se lima con las rocas su cola en forma de espada
para tenerla afilada."
336,24,8,"Affila di continuo la lama della sua coda sulle rocce
per renderla taglientissima. È un acerrimo nemico di
336,24,9,"Constant polishing makes the edge of the blade on
its tail extremely sharp. Its Zangooses archrival."
336,24,11,"尻尾の 刀は いつも 岩で
研いでいるので 切れ味 ばつぐん。
ザングースとは 因縁の あいだ。"
336,25,1,"せんぞだいだい ザングースと たたかってきた。
からだの キズは はげしい たたかいの しるし。
するどい きれあじの しっぽで こうげきするぞ。"
336,25,3,"조상 대대로 쟝고와 싸워왔다.
몸의 상처는 격렬한 싸움의 증거다.
날카롭고 예리한 꼬리로 공격한다."
336,25,5,"Séviper se querelle avec Mangriff depuis plusieurs générations.
Ses cicatrices sont les preuves de ses nombreux combats.
Ce Pokémon attaque à laide de sa queue, aiguisée comme
une épée."
336,25,6,"Vipitis lebt seit Generationen in Fehde mit Sengo.
Die Narben auf seinem Körper sind Zeugen grausamer
Kämpfe. Dieses Pokémon greift seine Gegner mit seinem
scharfkantigen Schweif an."
336,25,7,"Seviper lleva años de gran enemistad con Zangoose. Las
cicatrices que tiene por todo el cuerpo dan buena muestra de
los encarnizados combates en los que se han enfrentado.
Seviper ataca usando su cola con forma de espada."
336,25,8,"Da generazioni Seviper è in lotta contro Zangoose,
suo nemico dichiarato. Le cicatrici sul suo corpo sono prove
di scontri efferati. Questo Pokémon attacca usando la coda
a forma di spada."
336,25,9,"Seviper shares a generations-long feud with Zangoose.
The scars on its body are evidence of vicious battles.
This Pokémon attacks using its sword-edged tail."
336,25,11,"先祖代々 ザングースと 戦ってきた。
体の キズは 激しい 戦いの 印。
鋭い 切れ味の 尻尾で 攻撃するぞ。"
336,26,1,"かたなの ような しっぽは てきを きりさくのと
どうじに しみだした もうどくを あびせるぞ。
しゅくてき ザングースと たたかい つづける。"
336,26,3,"칼과 같은 꼬리는 적을 베어 가르는
동시에 스며 나온 맹독을 끼얹는다.
숙적인 쟝고와 계속하여 싸운다."
336,26,5,"La queue tranchante comme un sabre de Séviper a
deux fonctions : elle peut frapper lennemi et lui injecter
un poison quil sécrète. Ce Pokémon noublie jamais
sa vieille rancune envers Mangriff."
336,26,6,"Vipitis kann mit seinem Schweif Feinden einen Hieb versetzen
und sie mit einem abgesonderten Gift bespritzen. Dieses
Pokémon wird in der langwährenden Blutfehde mit Sengo
nicht nachgeben."
336,26,7,"Seviper tiene una cola que parece una espada y le sirve para
dar un sablazo al enemigo y para envenenarlo. Este Pokémon
se mantiene firme en la enemistad que siente hacia Zangoose."
336,26,8,"La coda a forma di spada di Seviper ha una duplice funzione:
lacera il nemico e gli inietta un potente veleno.
Il Pokémon non dimentica mai le lotte con il suo secolare
nemico, Zangoose."
336,26,9,"Sevipers swordlike tail serves two purposes—it slashes foes
and douses them with secreted poison. This Pokémon will not
give up its long-running blood feud with Zangoose."
336,26,11,"刀の ような 尻尾は 敵を 切り裂くのと
同時に 染み出した 猛毒を 浴びせるぞ。
宿敵 ザングースと 戦い 続ける。"
337,7,9,"LUNATONE was discovered at a location
where a meteorite fell. As a result, some
people theorize that this POKéMONcame from space. However, no one has
been able to prove this theory so far."
337,8,9,"LUNATONE becomes active around the
time of the full moon. Instead of
walking, it moves by floating in midair.The POKéMONs intimidating red eyes
cause all those who see it to become
transfixed with fear."
337,9,9,"It becomes very active on the night of
a full moon. This POKéMON was first
discovered 40 years ago at the site of
a meteor strike."
337,10,9,"Its health ebbs and flows with the lunar
cycle. It brims with power when exposed
to the light of the full moon."
337,11,9,"Its health ebbs and flows with the lunar
cycle. It brims with power when exposed
to the light of the full moon."
337,12,9,"Because it turns active on nights
of the full moon, it is said to have
some link to the lunar phases."
337,13,9,"Because it turns active on nights
of the full moon, it is said to have
some link to the lunar phases."
337,14,9,"Because it turns active on nights
of the full moon, it is said to have
some link to the lunar phases."
337,15,9,"It was discovered at the site of a
meteor strike 40 years ago. Its
stare can lull its foes to sleep."
337,16,9,"It was discovered at the site of a
meteor strike 40 years ago. Its
stare can lull its foes to sleep."
337,17,5,"On suppose quil est lié au cycle
lunaire, car il ne sort que les
soirs de pleine lune."
337,17,9,"Because it turns active on nights
of the full moon, it is said to have
some link to the lunar phases."
337,18,5,"On suppose quil est lié au cycle
lunaire, car il ne sort que les
soirs de pleine lune."
337,18,9,"Because it turns active on nights
of the full moon, it is said to have
some link to the lunar phases."
337,21,9,"The phase of the moon apparently
has some effect on its power.
Its active on the night of a full moon."
337,22,9,"The phase of the moon apparently
has some effect on its power.
Its active on the night of a full moon."
337,23,1,"まんげつの よるになると かっぱつに
かつどうするため つきの みちかけと
かんけいしていると いわれている。"
337,23,3,"보름달의 밤이 되면 활발하게
활동하기 때문에 달의 변화와
관계 있다고 전해진다."
337,23,5,"On suppose quil est lié au cycle lunaire, car il ne sort
que les soirs de pleine lune."
337,23,6,"Da es in Vollmondnächten aktiv wird, sagt man ihm
nach, mit den Mondphasen in Verbindung zu stehen."
337,23,7,"Se piensa que está muy influido por las fases lunares,
ya que solo actúa en noches de luna llena."
337,23,8,"Diventa attivo nelle notti di luna piena, pertanto
si dice che abbia qualche legame con le fasi lunari."
337,23,9,"Because it turns active on nights of the full moon,
it is said to have some link to the lunar phases."
337,23,11,"満月の 夜になると 活発に
活動するため 月の 満ち欠けと
関係していると 言われている。"
337,24,1,"40ねんまえに いんせきの おちた
ばしょで はじめて みつかった。
にらむ だけで てきを ねむらせる。"
337,24,3,"40년 전에 운석이 떨어진
장소에서 처음 발견되었다.
노려보는 것만으로 적을 재운다."
337,24,5,"Il a été découvert dans le cratère dune météorite
il y a 40 ans. Son simple regard endort ses ennemis."
337,24,6,"Wurde erstmals vor 40 Jahren bei einem
Meteoritenkrater entdeckt. Sein Blick wirkt
337,24,7,"Descubierto hace 40 años junto a un meteorito.
Duerme a sus enemigos con solo mirarlos."
337,24,8,"Fu scoperto 40 anni fa nella zona dimpatto di un
meteorite. Con il solo sguardo addormenta il nemico."
337,24,9,"It was discovered at the site of a meteor strike
40 years ago. Its stare can lull its foes to sleep."
337,24,11,"40年前に 隕石の 落ちた
場所で 初めて 見つかった。
にらむ だけで 敵を 眠らせる。"
337,25,1,"いんせきの おちた ばしょから みつかったため
うちゅうから やってきた ポケモンという せつも
あるが まだ しょうめいされていない。"
337,25,3,"운석이 떨어진 장소에서 발견되어
우주에서 온 포켓몬이라는 설도
있지만 아직 증명되지 않았다."
337,25,5,"Séléroc fut découvert à côté dun cratère de météorite.
Du coup, certaines personnes pensent que ce Pokémon
vient de lespace. Cependant, rien ne peut prouver
cette théorie pour le moment."
337,25,6,"Lunastein wurde in der Nähe eines Meteoritenkraters entdeckt.
Daher nehmen einige Menschen an, dass dieses Pokémon
aus dem Weltall stammt. Diese Theorie konnte allerdings
bisher noch nicht belegt werden."
337,25,7,"Lunatone fue descubierto en el lugar de impacto de un
meteorito. Por eso, hay quien especula con la idea de que
procede del espacio. Con todo, hasta el día de hoy nadie ha
podido probar esta teoría."
337,25,8,"Lunatone è stato scoperto nel luogo dove una volta cadde
un meteorite. Si è pertanto dedotto che questo Pokémon
venga dallo spazio. Tuttavia, questa teoria non è ancora
stata confermata."
337,25,9,"Lunatone was discovered at a location where a meteoroid fell.
As a result, some people theorize that this Pokémon came
from space. However, no one has been able to prove this
theory so far."
337,25,11,"隕石の 落ちた 場所から 見つかったため
宇宙から やってきた ポケモンという 説も
あるが まだ 証明されていない。"
337,26,1,"まんげつの じき かっぱつになる しゅうせい。
くうちゅうに ういて いどうし あかい ひとみは
みたものの からだを すくませる はくりょく。"
337,26,3,"보름달일 때 활발해지는 습성이 있다.
공중에 떠서 이동하며 빨간 눈동자는
그것을 본 자를 움츠러들게 하는 박력을 지녔다."
337,26,5,"Séléroc ne sactive que pendant la période de pleine lune.
Il ne marche pas, mais se déplace en lévitant. Les yeux
rouges et intimidants de ce Pokémon pétrifient ses ennemis
de terreur."
337,26,6,"Lunastein wird bei Vollmond aktiv. Es läuft nicht, sondern
schwebt durch die Luft. Die bedrohlichen roten Augen dieses
Pokémon lassen alle, die es sehen, vor Angst erstarren."
337,26,7,"Lunatone entra en actividad en épocas de luna llena más o
menos. No camina, se desplaza flotando por el aire. Tiene
unos ojos rojos sobrecogedores que cortan la respiración a
todo aquel que los ve."
337,26,8,"Lunatone si desta quando domina la luna piena.
Invece di camminare, fluttua a mezzaria. I suoi occhi rossi
così minacciosi terrorizzano chiunque li guardi."
337,26,9,"Lunatone becomes active around the time of the full moon.
Instead of walking, it moves by floating in midair.
The Pokémons intimidating red eyes cause all those who
see it to become transfixed with fear."
337,26,11,"満月の 時期 活発になる 習性。
空中に 浮いて 移動し 赤い 瞳は
見たものの 体を すくませる 迫力。"
337,33,1,"つきの みちかけと パワーの
ぞうげんが かんけい しているらしく
まんげつの よる かっぱつになる。"
337,33,3,"달의 차고 기욺과 힘의
증감이 관계하고 있는 듯
보름달 밤에 활발해진다."
337,33,5,"Sa force est liée au cycle lunaire.
Il est surtout actif les soirs de pleine lune."
337,33,6,"Anscheinend steht die Zunahme seiner Kraft mit
den Mondphasen in Verbindung, da es bei
Vollmond aktiv wird."
337,33,7,"Se piensa que las fases lunares tienen relación
con la fluctuación de su poder. Se vuelve activo
las noches de luna llena."
337,33,8,"La sua forza sembra aumentare o diminuire
a seconda delle fasi lunari. È più attivo nelle
notti di luna piena."
337,33,9,"The phase of the moon apparently has some
effect on its power. Its active on the night of
a full moon."
337,33,11,"月の 満ち欠けと パワーの
増減が 関係 しているらしく
満月の 夜 活発になる。"
337,34,1,"40ねんまえに いんせきの おちた
ばしょで はじめて みつかった。
にらむ だけで てきを ねむらせる。"
337,34,3,"40년 전에 운석이 떨어진
장소에서 처음 발견되었다.
노려보기만 해도 적을 잠들게 한다."
337,34,5,"Il a été découvert dans le cratère dune météorite
il y a 40 ans. Un simple regard de sa part
endort ses ennemis."
337,34,6,"Es wurde erstmals vor 40 Jahren bei einem
Meteoritenkrater entdeckt. Gegner versetzt es
allein mit seinem Blick in Schlaf."
337,34,7,"Fue descubierto hace 40 años en el lugar donde
había caído un meteorito. Le basta fulminar a sus
enemigos con la mirada para dormirlos."
337,34,8,"Fu scoperto 40 anni fa nella zona dimpatto
di un meteorite. Può addormentare il nemico
con il solo sguardo."
337,34,9,"It was discovered at the site of a meteor strike
40 years ago. Its stare can lull its foes to sleep."
337,34,11,"40年前に 隕石の 落ちた
場所で 初めて 見つかった。
にらむ だけで 敵を 眠らせる。"
338,7,9,"SOLROCK is a new species of POKéMON
that is said to have fallen from space.
It floats in air and moves silently.In battle, this POKéMON releases
intensely bright light."
338,8,9,"Sunlight is the source of SOLROCKs
power. It is said to possess the ability
to read the emotions of others.This POKéMON gives off intense heat
while rotating its body."
338,9,9,"Solar energy is the source of this 
POKéMONs power. On sunny days, groups of
SOLROCK line up facing the sun and absorb
its light."
338,10,9,"It absorbs solar energy during the day.
Always expressionless, it can sense what
its foe is thinking."
338,11,9,"It absorbs solar energy during the day.
Always expressionless, it can sense what
its foe is thinking."
338,12,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored
to be from the sun. It gives off
light while spinning."
338,13,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored
to be from the sun. It gives off
light while spinning."
338,14,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored
to be from the sun. It gives off
light while spinning."
338,15,9,"When it rotates itself, it gives off
light similar to the sun, thus
blinding its foes."
338,16,9,"When it rotates itself, it gives off
light similar to the sun, thus
blinding its foes."
338,17,5,"Le bruit court que cette nouvelle
espèce vient du soleil. Il produit
de la lumière en tournoyant."
338,17,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored
to be from the sun. It gives off
light while spinning."
338,18,5,"Le bruit court que cette nouvelle
espèce vient du soleil. Il produit
de la lumière en tournoyant."
338,18,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored
to be from the sun. It gives off
light while spinning."
338,21,9,"Solar energy is the source of its power,
so it is strong during the daytime.
When it spins, its body shines."
338,22,9,"Solar energy is the source of its power,
so it is strong during the daytime.
When it spins, its body shines."
338,23,1,"たいようエネルギーが パワーの
みなもと なので ひるまは つよい。
かいてんすると からだが ひかる。"
338,23,3,"태양 에너지가 파워의
근원이라서 낮에는 강하다.
회전하면 몸이 빛난다."
338,23,5,"Il tire sa force de lénergie solaire.
Il est donc particulièrement à laise en journée.
Il sillumine quand il tourne."
338,23,6,"Da es seine Energie aus Sonnenlicht gewinnt,
ist es tagsüber am stärksten. Wenn es sich dreht,
leuchtet es."
338,23,7,"Usa el sol como fuente de energía, por lo que es más
poderoso de día. Brilla al rotar."
338,23,8,"Lenergia solare è la fonte della sua potenza, per cui
è più forte di giorno. Emana luce quando ruota su
se stesso."
338,23,9,"Solar energy is the source of its power,
so it is strong during the daytime.
When it spins, its body shines."
338,23,11,"太陽エネルギーが パワーの
源 なので 昼間は 強い。
回転すると 体が 光る。"
338,24,1,"ひるまに たいよう エネルギーを
たくわえる。いつも むひょうじょう。
あいての かんがえを よみとる。"
338,24,3,"낮 동안 태양 에너지를
비축한다. 항상 무표정으로
상대의 생각을 읽어낸다."
338,24,5,"Solaroc absorbe lénergie du soleil pendant la
journée. Toujours impassible, il parvient à lire
les pensées de ses ennemis."
338,24,6,"Tagsüber absorbiert es Sonnenlicht. Ohne je seinen
Ausdruck zu verändern, kann es die Gedanken des
Gegners lesen."
338,24,7,"De día, absorbe energía solar. No es nada expresivo,
pero capta perfectamente lo que piensa su rival."
338,24,8,"Durante il giorno assorbe la luce solare. Sempre
perfettamente inespressivo, può leggere nel pensiero
del nemico."
338,24,9,"It absorbs solar energy during the day. Always
expressionless, it can sense what its foe is thinking."
338,24,11,"昼間に 太陽エネルギーを
たくわえる。いつも 無表情。
相手の 考えを 読み取る。"
338,25,1,"うちゅうから おちてきたと いわれる しんしゅ。
くうちゅうに うかび おともなく いどうする。
たたかいに なると つよい ひかりを はなつ。"
338,25,3,"우주에서 떨어졌다고 전해지는 새로운 종이다.
공중에 떠서 소리 없이 이동한다.
싸울 때는 강한 빛을 발산한다."
338,25,5,"Solaroc est une nouvelle espèce de Pokémon. On raconte
quil serait tombé de lespace. Il flotte dans les airs et
se déplace silencieusement. Au combat, ce Pokémon
libère une lumière intense."
338,25,6,"Sonnfel ist eine neue Pokémon-Art, die angeblich aus dem
Weltall kam. Es gleitet durch die Luft und bewegt sich leise.
Im Kampf setzt dieses Pokémon sehr helles Licht ein."
338,25,7,"Solrock pertenece a una nueva especie de Pokémon a la que
se le atribuye una procedencia extraterrestre. Este Pokémon
permanece flotando en el aire y se mueve muy despacio. Al
luchar, desprende una luz viva e intensa."
338,25,8,"Solrock è una nuova specie di Pokémon che pare sia
precipitata dallo spazio. Fluttua a mezzaria spostandosi
silenziosamente. In lotta emana una luce estremamente
338,25,9,"Solrock is a new species of Pokémon that is said to have fallen
from space. It floats in air and moves silently. In battle, this
Pokémon releases intensely bright light."
338,25,11,"宇宙から 落ちてきたと いわれる 新種。
空中に 浮かび 音もなく 移動する。
戦いに なると 強い 光を 放つ。"
338,26,1,"たいよう こうせんが パワーの みなもと。
あいての こころを よみとると いわれている。
からだを かいてんさせて こうねつを はなつ。"
338,26,3,"태양 광선이 파워의 원천이다.
상대의 마음을 읽어낸다고 전해지고 있다.
몸을 회전시켜 고열을 발산한다."
338,26,5,"La lumière du soleil est à lorigine du pouvoir de Solaroc.
On raconte quil peut lire les pensées dautrui. Ce Pokémon
peut libérer une chaleur insoutenable en faisant tournoyer
son corps."
338,26,6,"Aus Sonnenlicht zieht Sonnfel seine Energie.
Es kann angeblich die Emotionen anderer sehen.
Dieses Pokémon gibt eine starke Hitze ab,
wenn es sich um die eigene Achse dreht."
338,26,7,"La fuente de energía de Solrock es la luz del sol. Dicen que
tiene la habilidad de leer la mente de los demás. Al rotar,
libera mucho calor."
338,26,8,"La luce solare è la fonte primaria dellenergia di Solrock.
Pare che riesca a carpire i pensieri degli altri. Il Pokémon
emana un calore intenso roteando vorticosamente."
338,26,9,"Sunlight is the source of Solrocks power. It is said to possess
the ability to read the emotions of others. This Pokémon gives
off intense heat while rotating its body."
338,26,11,"太陽 光線が パワーの 源。
相手の 心を 読み取ると いわれている。
体を 回転させて 高熱を 放つ。"
338,33,1,"からだを かいてん させると
たいようの ような ひかりを はなち
てきの めを くらませる。"
338,33,3,"몸을 회전시키면
태양과 같은 빛을 발산해
적의 눈을 멀게 한다."
338,33,5,"Il produit une lumière aussi aveuglante
que le soleil quand il se met à tournoyer."
338,33,6,"Es rotiert um die eigene Achse und strahlt dabei
sonnengleiches Licht aus, mit dem es den Gegner
338,33,7,"Al girar emite una luz como la del sol, con la que
consigue deslumbrar a sus enemigos."
338,33,8,"Ruota vorticosamente su se stesso per emanare
una luce abbagliante che acceca il nemico."
338,33,9,"When it rotates itself, it gives off light similar to
the sun, thus blinding its foes."
338,33,11,"体を 回転 させると
太陽の ような 光を 放ち
敵の 目を 眩ませる。"
338,34,1,"たいようエネルギーが パワーの
みなもと なので ひるまは つよい。
かいてんすると からだが ひかる。"
338,34,3,"태양 에너지가 파워의
근원이라서 낮에는 강하다.
회전하면 몸이 빛난다."
338,34,5,"Tirant sa force de lénergie solaire, il est
particulièrement puissant pendant la journée.
Il sillumine quand il tourne."
338,34,6,"Da es seine Energie aus Sonnenlicht gewinnt,
ist es tagsüber am stärksten. Wenn es sich dreht,
leuchtet es."
338,34,7,"Usa el sol como fuente de energía, por lo que es
más poderoso de día. Brilla al rotar."
338,34,8,"Lenergia solare è la fonte della sua potenza,
per cui è più forte di giorno. Emana luce quando
ruota su se stesso."
338,34,9,"Solar energy is the source of its power, so it is
strong during the daytime. When it spins, its
body shines."
338,34,11,"太陽エネルギーが パワーの
源 なので 昼間は 強い。
回転すると 体が 光る。"
339,7,9,"BARBOACHs sensitive whiskers serve
as a superb radar system.
This POKéMON hides in mud, leaving onlyits two whiskers exposed while it waits
for prey to come along."
339,8,9,"BARBOACHs body is covered with a
slimy film. If a foe grabs it, this
POKéMON just slips out of the enemysgrip.
This POKéMON grows weak if the slimy
coating dries up."
339,9,9,"Its body is covered with a slimy film.
The film acts as a barrier to prevent germs
in muddy water from entering the
BARBOACHs body."
339,10,9,"It probes muddy riverbeds with its two
long whiskers. A slimy film protects its
339,11,9,"It probes muddy riverbeds with its two
long whiskers. A slimy film protects its
339,12,9,"It coats its entire body with a
slimy fluid so it can squirm and
slip away if grabbed."
339,13,9,"Its whiskers make a superb radar.
They are used to locate prey,
even in the murkiest of water."
339,14,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In
one region, it is said to have been
born from hardened mud."
339,15,9,"BARBOACH uses its whiskers to
taste things just as a person uses
his or her tongue to taste things."
339,16,9,"BARBOACH uses its whiskers to
taste things just as a person uses
his or her tongue to taste things."
339,17,5,"Son corps glissant est difficile à
attraper. On dit quil a été créé
dans de la boue solidifiée."
339,17,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In
one region, it is said to have been
born from hardened mud."
339,18,5,"Son corps glissant est difficile à
attraper. On dit quil a été créé
dans de la boue solidifiée."
339,18,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In
one region, it is said to have been
born from hardened mud."
339,21,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In
one region, it is said to have been
born from hardened mud."
339,22,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In
one region, it is said to have been
born from hardened mud."
339,23,1,"ぜんしんが ヌルヌルの たいえきで
おおわれているため つかまっても
ぬるりと ぬけだすことが できる。"
339,23,3,"전신이 미끈미끈한 체액으로
덮여있기 때문에 잡아도
미끈하게 빠져나갈 수 있다."
339,23,5,"Il enduit son corps dune substance visqueuse pour
glisser et se libérer quand on lagrippe."
339,23,6,"Es bedeckt seinen Körper mit einer schleimigen
Substanz und kann sich so aus Umklammerungen
339,23,7,"Recubre su cuerpo de una película viscosa que le
permite escapar si alguien lo agarra."
339,23,8,"Il suo corpo è ricoperto da una pellicola viscida,
che gli permette di sgusciare via, se afferrato."
339,23,9,"It coats its entire body with a slimy fluid so it can
squirm and slip away if grabbed."
339,23,11,"全身が ヌルヌルの 体液で
覆われているため 捕まっても
ぬるりと 抜け出すことが できる。"
339,24,1,"ヒゲは ゆうしゅうな レーダー。
にごった みずの なかでも ヒゲを
つかって エサを みつけだす。"
339,24,3,"수염은 우수한 레이더다.
탁해진 물속에서도 수염을
써서 먹이를 찾아낸다."
339,24,5,"Ses barbillons font un excellent radar qui lui permet
de repérer ses proies, même en eau trouble."
339,24,6,"Seine Barthaare sind ein hervorragendes Radar.
Mit ihnen spürt es selbst in Dreckwasser Beute auf."
339,24,7,"Sus bigotes le sirven de radar para localizar a sus
presas, incluso en las aguas más turbias."
339,24,8,"I suoi baffi sono un eccellente radar. Possono
localizzare le prede persino nelle acque più torbide."
339,24,9,"Its whiskers make a superb radar. They are used to
locate prey, even in the murkiest of water."
339,24,11,"ヒゲは 優秀な レーダー。
濁った 水の 中でも ヒゲを 使って
エサを 見つけ出す。"
339,25,1,"びんかんな ヒゲは すぐれた レーダーだ。
ドロの なかから 2ほんの ヒゲだけを だして
えものが ちかよってくるのを まちかまえている。"
339,25,3,"민감한 수염은 우수한 레이더다.
진흙 속에서 2개의 수염만을 내놓고
먹이가 가까이 오는 것을 기다리고 있다."
339,25,5,"Les vibrisses sensibles de Barloche agissent comme
un système radar sophistiqué. Ce Pokémon se cache
dans la boue, laissant dépasser ses vibrisses, et attend
que sa proie passe à proximité."
339,25,6,"Schmerbes empfindliche Barthaare dienen ihm als
hervorragendes Radarsystem. Dieses Pokémon versteckt sich
im Schlamm, sodass nur noch seine Barthaare herausgucken,
und wartet auf Beute."
339,25,7,"Barboach tiene unos bigotes sensibles que le sirven de
infalible radar. Este Pokémon se sumerge en lodo y solo deja
los bigotes por fuera de la superficie, al acecho, mientras
espera a que llegue su presa."
339,25,8,"I sensibili baffi di Barboach fungono da sistema radar
precisissimo. Il Pokémon vive nel fango, lasciando
esposti soltanto i due baffi mentre attende pazientemente
che si avvicini la preda."
339,25,9,"Barboachs sensitive whiskers serve as a superb radar system.
This Pokémon hides in mud, leaving only its two whiskers
exposed while it waits for prey to come along."
339,25,11,"敏感な ヒゲは 優れた レーダーだ。
ドロの 中から 2本の ヒゲだけを 出して
獲物が 近寄ってくるのを 待ち構えている。"
339,26,1,"からだが ヌルヌルの まくで おおわれているので
てきに つかまれても ヌルリと にげだせるのだ。
ヌルヌルが かわくと からだが よわってしまう。"
339,26,3,"몸이 미끈미끈한 막으로 덮여 있어서
적에게 붙잡혀도 매끄럽게 도망칠 수 있다.
미끈미끈한 막이 마르면 몸이 약해진다."
339,26,5,"Le corps de Barloche est couvert dun voile visqueux.
Lorsquun ennemi lattrape, ce Pokémon peut se glisser
hors de son étreinte. Il saffaiblit quand la pellicule
visqueuse de son corps sassèche."
339,26,6,"Schmerbes Körper ist mit einem schleimigen Film bedeckt.
Wenn ein Gegner es packen will, entgeht es seinem Griff.
Dieses Pokémon wird geschwächt, wenn sein schleimiger
Überzug austrocknet."
339,26,7,"Barboach está completamente recubierto por una película
viscosa. Si lo atrapan, puede escurrirse fácilmente. Si se le
seca la capa viscosa, este Pokémon se debilitará."
339,26,8,"Il corpo di Barboach è coperto da una pellicola viscida.
Se un nemico cerca di afferrarlo, il Pokémon gli scivola
via dalle grinfie. Se la pellicola viscida si secca, Barboach
si indebolisce."
339,26,9,"Barboachs body is covered with a slimy film. If a foe grabs it,
this Pokémon just slips out of the enemys grip. This Pokémon
grows weak if the slimy coating dries up."
339,26,11,"体が ヌルヌルの 膜で 覆われているので
敵に 捕まれても ヌルリと 逃げ出せるのだ。
ヌルヌルが 乾くと 体が 弱ってしまう。"
339,27,1,"2ほんのヒゲは びんかんなレーダー。
どろで にごった みずの なかでも
えものの いちを さっちするぞ。"
339,27,3,"2개의 수염은 민감한 레이더이다.
진흙으로 탁해진 물속에서도
먹이의 위치를 감지한다."
339,27,5,"Il se sert de ses barbillons comme dun radar
ultra-sophistiqué. Ils lui permettent de détecter
ses proies même dans leau boueuse."
339,27,6,"Seine zwei Barthaare dienen als empfindliches
Radarsystem. Selbst in schlammigem Wasser
kennt es so die Position seiner Beute."
339,27,7,"Sus bigotes son muy sensibles y le sirven de
radar. Puede detectar la posición de su presa
incluso en el agua turbia de los lodazales."
339,27,8,"I suoi baffi sono un radar sensibilissimo, in grado
di individuare la preda persino nelle acque
più torbide."
339,27,9,"Its two whiskers provide a sensitive radar.
Even in muddy waters, it can detect its
preys location."
339,27,11,"2本のヒゲは 敏感なレーダー。
泥で 濁った 水の 中でも
獲物の 位置を 察知するぞ。"
339,28,1,"ヌメる からだは つかみにくい。
すでで つかまえる かずを
きそう おまつりが あるほど。"
339,28,3,"미끄러운 몸은 잡기 힘들다.
맨손으로 잡은 수를
겨루는 축제가 있을 정도다."
339,28,5,"Son corps tout visqueux le rend impossible à
attraper. Il existe des concours dadresse dont
le but est dattraper des Barloche à mains nues."
339,28,6,"Sein schleimiger Körper ist schwer zu greifen.
Auf Volksfesten wetteifert man gar, wer mit
bloßen Händen die meisten fangen kann."
339,28,7,"Su cuerpo es tan escurridizo que incluso hay
competiciones para ver cuántas veces puede
ser agarrado con las manos desnudas."
339,28,8,"Il suo corpo viscido è così difficile da afferrare
che nelle feste popolari si fa a gara a chi riesce
a prenderne di più a mani nude."
339,28,9,"Its slippery body is hard to grasp, so much so
that there are festivals where people compete
to see how many they can catch barehanded."
339,28,11,"ヌメる 身体は 掴みにくい。
素手で 捕まえる 数を
競う お祭りが あるほど。"
339,29,1,"ぜんしん ヌメヌメ。 とりポケモンに
ついばまれても ぬるりと すべって
にげだすことが できるのだ。"
339,29,3,"전신이 미끈미끈하다. 
새포켓몬이 쪼아도 미끄덩
미끄러져 도망칠 수 있다."
339,29,5,"Son corps est tout visqueux, ce qui lui permet
de glisser entre les serres des Pokémon oiseaux
afin de séchapper."
339,29,6,"Sein glitschiger Körper ermöglicht es ihm, dem
Schnabel von Vogel-Pokémon zu entkommen."
339,29,7,"Su cuerpo viscoso y resbaladizo le permite
escapar indemne de las garras de los Pokémon
pájaro que intentan atraparlo."
339,29,8,"Grazie al corpo viscido, riesce a sgusciare via
dalla presa dei Pokémon alati e fuggire."
339,29,9,"Its entire body is gooey. When pecked at by
bird Pokémon, it slips and slides its way
to freedom."
339,29,11,"全身 ヌメヌメ。 とりポケモンに
ついばまれても ぬるりと 滑って
逃げ出すことが できるのだ。"
339,30,1,"ヒゲに しんけいが あつまっている。
にんげんの はなや ベロの ように
においや あじを かんじとるぞ。"
339,30,3,"수염에 신경이 모여 있다.
인간의 코나 혀와 같이
냄새나 맛을 감지해 낸다."
339,30,5,"Ses barbillons sont des organes sensoriels :
ils peuvent détecter le goût et les odeurs,
comme le font la langue et le nez des humains."
339,30,6,"In seinen Barthaaren laufen Nervenstränge
zusammen. Damit riecht und schmeckt es wie
Menschen mit ihrer Nase und Zunge."
339,30,7,"Sus bigotes contienen terminaciones nerviosas.
Eso les permite captar olores y sabores, como
si fueran la nariz o la lengua de un ser humano."
339,30,8,"I suoi baffi sono ricchi di terminazioni nervose e
percepiscono odori e sapori come il naso e la
lingua nellessere umano."
339,30,9,"Its whiskers are filled with nerves. They can
sense smells and flavors just as a persons nose
or tongue would."
339,30,11,"ヒゲに 神経が 集まっている。
人間の 鼻や ベロの ように
匂いや 味を 感じとるぞ。"
339,33,1,"ぬるぬるの からだは つかみにくい。
ある ちほうでは どろが かたまって
ドジョッチが うまれたと いわれる。"
339,33,3,"미끈미끈한 몸은 잡기 어렵다.
어떤 지방에서는 진흙이 굳어져서
미꾸리가 생겨났다고 전해진다."
339,33,5,"Son corps glissant est difficile à attraper.
Dans une certaine région, on raconte quil est né
à partir de boue solidifiée."
339,33,6,"Sein schleimiger Körper ist schwer zu greifen.
In einer Region sagt man, es sei aus gehärtetem
Schlamm entstanden."
339,33,7,"Su escurridizo cuerpo es difícil de agarrar. En
cierta región se dice que ha nacido de barro
339,33,8,"Ha un corpo viscido e difficile da afferrare.
In una regione si dice che sia nato da fango
339,33,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In one region, it is
said to have been born from hardened mud."
339,33,11,"ぬるぬるの 体は 掴みにくい。
ある 地方では 泥が 固まって
ドジョッチが 生まれたと いわれる。"
339,34,1,"2ほんの ながい ヒゲで にごった
かわぞこを さぐる。 ヌルヌルした
ねんまくが からだを まもっている。"
339,34,3,"2개의 긴 수염으로 탁한
강바닥을 더듬는다. 미끈미끈한
점막으로 몸을 보호한다."
339,34,5,"Il sonde les bords boueux des rivières
avec ses barbillons.
Un film fin et visqueux protège tout son corps."
339,34,6,"Es untersucht schlammige Flussbetten mit seinen
beiden langen Schnurrhaaren. Sein Körper wird
von einem Schleimfilm geschützt."
339,34,7,"Examina los lechos lodosos de los ríos con los
largos bigotes que tiene. Está protegido por una
capa viscosa."
339,34,8,"Si serve dei lunghi baffi per saggiare i letti
fangosi dei fiumi. Ha il corpo protetto da
una membrana viscida."
339,34,9,"It probes muddy riverbeds with its two long
whiskers. A slimy film protects its body."
339,34,11,"2本の 長い ヒゲで 濁った
川底を 探る。 ヌルヌルした
粘膜が 体を 守っている。"
340,7,9,"WHISCASH is extremely territorial.
Just one of these POKéMON will claim a
large pond as its exclusive territory.If a foe approaches it, it thrashes
about and triggers a massive
340,8,9,"If WHISCASH goes on a wild rampage,
it sets off a quake-like tremor with a
radius of over three miles.This POKéMON has the ability to predict
real earthquakes."
340,9,9,"Mysteriously, it can foretell earthquakes.
In the daytime, it sleeps in mud at the
bottom of a pond. When it awakens, it
continually feeds throughout the night."
340,10,9,"It makes its nest at the bottom of 
swamps. It will eat anything - if it is
alive, WHISCASH will eat it."
340,11,9,"It makes its nest at the bottom of 
swamps. It will eat anything - if it is
alive, WHISCASH will eat it."
340,12,9,"It is very territorial. It repels
foes by setting off tremors that
extend over a three-mile radius."
340,13,9,"As a result of causing tremors by
thrashing about, it developed the
ability to foretell real quakes."
340,14,9,"It is extremely protective of its
territory. If any foe approaches,
it attacks using vicious tremors."
340,15,9,"It claims a large swamp to itself.
If a foe comes near it, it sets off
tremors by thrashing around."
340,16,9,"It claims a large swamp to itself.
If a foe comes near it, it sets off
tremors by thrashing around."
340,17,5,"Il défend férocement son territoire
en déclenchant des secousses
340,17,9,"It is extremely protective of its
territory. If any foe approaches,
it attacks using vicious tremors."
340,18,5,"Il défend férocement son territoire
en déclenchant des secousses
340,18,9,"It is extremely protective of its
territory. If any foe approaches,
it attacks using vicious tremors."
340,21,9,"It is extremely protective of its
territory. If any foe approaches,
it attacks using vicious tremors."
340,22,9,"It is extremely protective of its
territory. If any foe approaches,
it attacks using vicious tremors."
340,23,1,"おおきな ぬまを なわばりにする。
てきが ちかづくと おおあばれして
おおきな じしんを おこすのだ。"
340,23,3,"큰 늪을 영역으로 한다.
적이 가까이 오면 크게 난동 부려서
큰 지진을 일으킨다."
340,23,5,"Il a besoin dun étang entier pour vivre. Si un ennemi
sapproche, il sénerve et déclenche un séisme."
340,23,6,"Sein Revier hat es im Sumpfland. Nähert sich ein Feind,
zappelt es wie wild und erzeugt so Erdbeben."
340,23,7,"Habita en grandes pantanos. Si se acerca un enemigo,
se alborota y causa temblores monumentales."
340,23,8,"Stabilisce il suo territorio nelle grandi paludi. Se
il nemico gli si accosta, provoca un terremoto."
340,23,9,"It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes
near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around."
340,23,11,"大きな 沼を 縄張りにする。
敵が 近づくと 大暴れして
大きな 地震を 起こすのだ。"
340,24,1,"ぬまの そこに すみかを つくる。
いきものなら すききらい なく
なんでも たべてしまう おおぐらい。"
340,24,3,"늪 바닥에 거처를 만든다.
살아 있는 것이라면 좋고 싫고 없이
뭐든 먹어버리고 마는 대식가다."
340,24,5,"Il fait son nid au fond des marais. Il ne se pose pas
de questions et avale toutes les créatures qui passent
près de lui."
340,24,6,"Sein Nest baut es am Grund von Sümpfen. Es frisst
alles, wenn es nur lebendig ist. Welsar frisst einfach
340,24,7,"Construye su nido en el fondo de los pantanos.
Es capaz de comerse cualquier cosa."
340,24,8,"Nidifica nel letto delle paludi. È in grado di mangiare
qualsiasi essere vivente."
340,24,9,"It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps.
It will eat anything--if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it."
340,24,11,"沼の 底に 住処を 作る。
生き物なら 好き嫌いなく
なんでも 食べてしまう 大食らい。"
340,25,1,"なわばり いしきが とても つよい ポケモン。
おおきな ぬま ぜんぶを なわばりに している。
てきが ちかづくと あばれて じしんを おこす。"
340,25,3,"영역에 대한 집착이 매우 강한 포켓몬이다.
큰 늪 전부를 영역으로 삼는다.
적이 다가오면 날뛰어 지진을 일으킨다."
340,25,5,"Quand il sagit de territoire, Barbicha est très possessif.
Un seul de ces Pokémon réclame parfois un étang entier.
Si un ennemi sapproche, il fonce sur lui et déclenche
un violent tremblement de terre."
340,25,6,"Welsar legt viel Wert auf sein Territorium. Ein einzelnes
Pokémon dieser Art nennt einen Teich sein Eigen. Wenn
sich ein Feind nähert, schlägt es um sich und verursacht
ein gewaltiges Erdbeben."
340,25,7,"Whiscash defiende su territorio a toda costa. Es capaz de
apoderarse de un estanque entero para sí solo. Si alguien se
le acerca, se revolverá y provocará un terremoto devastador."
340,25,8,"Whiscash è estremamente legato allarea in cui vive e
delimita laghi enormi come proprio territorio. Allavvicinarsi
di un nemico, sinfuria scatenando terribili terremoti."
340,25,9,"Whiscash is extremely territorial. Just one of these Pokémon
will claim a large pond as its exclusive territory. If a foe
approaches it, it thrashes about and triggers a massive
340,25,11,"縄張り 意識が とても 強い ポケモン。
大きな 沼 全部を 縄張りに している。
敵が 近づくと 暴れて 地震を 起こす。"
340,26,1,"おおあばれ すると ぬまの しゅうい 5キロの
はんいで じしんの ような ゆれが おこる。
ほんとうの じしんを よちする ちからも もつ。"
340,26,3,"크게 난동 부리면 늪 주변 5km
범위에 지진처럼 흔들림이 일어난다.
진짜 지진을 예지하는 힘도 지녔다."
340,26,5,"Lorsque Barbicha se déchaîne, il déclenche des secousses
sismiques dans un rayon de plus de 5 km autour de lui.
Ce Pokémon a le pouvoir de prédire les véritables
tremblements de terre."
340,26,6,"Wenn Welsar auf einen wilden Beutezug geht, erzeugt
es ein Beben mit einem Radius von 5 km. Dieses Pokémon
kann wirkliche Erdbeben voraussehen."
340,26,7,"Si Whiscash entra en estado de cólera salvaje, provoca un
temblor sísmico de un radio de 5 km. Este Pokémon tiene
la habilidad de predecir terremotos de verdad."
340,26,8,"Se Whiscash si infuria, è in grado di scatenare una specie
di terremoto del raggio di 5 km. Inoltre ha la capacità di
prevedere i terremoti reali."
340,26,9,"If Whiscash goes on a wild rampage, it sets off a quake-like
tremor with a radius of over three miles. This Pokémon has
the ability to predict real earthquakes."
340,26,11,"大暴れ すると 沼の 周囲 5キロの
範囲で 地震の ような 揺れが 起こる。
本当の 地震を 予知する 力も 持つ。"
340,27,1,"うごくものなら なんでも くいつく
おおぐらい。 ふだんは ぬまぞこで
じっと えものを まちかまえている。"
340,27,3,"움직이는 것이라면 뭐든지 먹으려는
대식가다. 평소에는 늪 바닥에서
가만히 먹이를 기다리고 있다."
340,27,5,"Ce glouton dévore tout ce qui bouge.
La plupart du temps, il reste tapi au fond de
son marais, en guettant sa proie."
340,27,6,"Es frisst einfach alles, was ihm vor die Kiemen
kommt. Normalerweise verharrt es im Schlamm
und wartet auf Beute."
340,27,7,"Es un Pokémon muy voraz que se come todo lo
que se mueve. Suele quedarse quieto en el
lecho del río esperando a sus presas."
340,27,8,"Incredibilmente vorace, mangia qualunque
essere vivente. Attende immobile le prede
sul fondo delle paludi."
340,27,9,"A glutton that devours anything that moves,
it quietly lurks at the bottom of swamps,
lying in wait for prey."
340,27,11,"動くものなら なんでも 喰いつく
大食らい。 普段は 沼底で
じっと 獲物を 待ち構えている。"
340,28,1,"ナマズンの むれが すいめんを
はねる こうけいは じしんの
まえぶれと しんじられている。"
340,28,3,"메깅 무리가 수면을
튀어 오르는 광경은 지진의
전조로 여기고 있다."
340,28,5,"On dit que lorsquun banc de Barbicha jaillit
hors de leau, un tremblement de terre est
sur le point de se produire."
340,28,6,"Man glaubt, der Anblick eines über die
Wasseroberfläche springenden Welsar-
Schwarms sei ein Vorbote für ein Erdbeben."
340,28,7,"Se cree que cuando los bancos de Whiscash
saltan sobre la superficie del agua, es señal
premonitoria de un terremoto."
340,28,8,"Si dice che se si vedono gruppi di Whiscash
saltare fuori dallacqua sia segno di un
terremoto imminente."
340,28,9,"Sighting Whiscash leaping from the water
is believed to herald an earthquake."
340,28,11,"ナマズンの 群れが 水面を
跳ねる 光景は 地震の
前触れと 信じられている。"
340,29,1,"はげしく じめんを ゆらし あいてを
いかくする。 ぬまぞこの えものは
どろごと まるのみにして しまう。"
340,29,3,"격렬하게 지면을 흔들어 상대를
위협한다. 늪 바닥의 먹이는
진흙과 함께 통째로 삼켜 버린다."
340,29,5,"Il subjugue ses adversaires en déclenchant de
violents séismes. Il racle le fond des marais pour
se nourrir, avalant proies et vase au passage."
340,29,6,"Es schüchtert seine Gegner ein, indem es den
Boden beben lässt. Seine Beute verschluckt es
mitsamt dem Schlamm, in dem sie sich aufhält."
340,29,7,"Provoca fuertes temblores de tierra con los que
intimida a sus rivales. Al engullir a las presas del
fondo del cenagal también traga bastante lodo."
340,29,8,"Intimorisce il nemico scatenando una specie di
terremoto. Si nutre sul fondo delle paludi e
inghiotte prede e fango insieme."
340,29,9,"Whiscash shakes the ground at high intensities
to intimidate its opponents. It swallows its prey
whole—along with mud from the swamp floor."
340,29,11,"激しく 地面を 揺らし 相手を
威嚇する。 沼底の 獲物は
泥ごと 丸呑みにして しまう。"
340,30,1,"しりょくは あまりよくない。 ヒゲで
みずの しんどうを かんちして
えものの いちを つきとめるのだ。"
340,30,3,"시력은 그다지 좋지 않다.
수염으로 물의 진동을 감지해서
먹이의 위치를 찾아낸다."
340,30,5,"Sa vision nétant pas très bonne, il utilise ses
barbillons pour capter les vibrations de leau
et repérer ses proies."
340,30,6,"Seine Sehkraft ist schlecht. Es nimmt mit seinen
Barthaaren Schwingungen im Wasser wahr und
spürt so seine Beute auf."
340,30,7,"Como su vista no es muy aguda, utiliza los
barbillones para detectar las vibraciones que se
producen en el agua y localizar así a su presa."
340,30,8,"Poiché la sua vista non è molto sviluppata,
individua la posizione della preda percependo
le vibrazioni dellacqua con i baffi."
340,30,9,"Its vision is not that good. It senses vibrations in
the water with its whiskers to determine the
location of its prey."
340,30,11,"視力は あまりよくない。 ヒゲで
水の 振動を 感知して
獲物の 位置を つきとめるのだ。"
340,33,1,"ぬまの そこに すみかを つくる。
いきものなら すききらい なく
なんでも たべてしまう おおぐらい。"
340,33,3,"늪 바닥에 거처를 만든다.
살아 있는 것이라면 가리지 않고
뭐든 먹어버리고 마는 대식가다."
340,33,5,"Il fait son nid au fond des marais.
Il ne se pose pas de question et avale
toutes les créatures qui passent près de lui."
340,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon baut sein Nest am Grund von
Sümpfen. Es ist ein Vielfraß und verspeist
Lebewesen aller Art."
340,33,7,"Construye su nido en el fondo de los pantanos.
Es tan voraz que no le hace ascos a ningún tipo
de comida, siempre que se trate de seres vivos."
340,33,8,"Nidifica nel letto delle paludi. Incredibilmente
vorace, mangia qualunque essere vivente senza
distinzione di sorta."
340,33,9,"It makes its nest at the bottom of swamps. It will
eat anything—if it is alive, Whiscash will eat it."
340,33,11,"沼の 底に すみかを つくる。
生き物なら 好き嫌いなく
なんでも 食べてしまう 大食らい。"
340,34,1,"おおきな ぬまを なわばりにする。
てきが ちかづくと おおあばれして
おおきな じしんを おこすのだ。"
340,34,3,"큰 늪을 영역으로 한다.
적이 가까이 오면 크게 난동부려서
큰 지진을 일으킨다."
340,34,5,"Il a besoin dun marais entier pour vivre.
Si un ennemi sapproche, il sénerve et déclenche
un séisme."
340,34,6,"Sein Revier hat es im Sumpfland. Nähert sich
ein Feind, zappelt es wie wild und erzeugt so
340,34,7,"Habita en grandes pantanos. Si se acerca un
enemigo, monta en cólera y causa temblores
340,34,8,"Stabilisce il suo territorio nelle grandi paludi.
Se un nemico si avvicina, si scatena provocando
grossi terremoti."
340,34,9,"It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes
near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around."
340,34,11,"大きな 沼を 縄張りにする。
敵が 近づくと 大暴れして
大きな 地震を 起こすのだ。"
341,7,9,"CORPHISH were originally foreign
POKéMON that were imported as pets.
They eventually turned up in the wild.This POKéMON is very hardy and has
greatly increased its population."
341,8,9,"CORPHISH catches prey with its sharp
claws. It has no likes or dislikes when it
comes to food - it will eat anything.This POKéMON has no trouble living in
filthy water."
341,9,9,"Once it grips prey with its large pincers,
it will never let go, no matter what.
It is a hardy POKéMON that can thrive
in any environment."
341,10,9,"It came from overseas. It is a very hardy
creature that will quickly proliferate,
even in polluted streams."
341,11,9,"It came from overseas. It is a very hardy
creature that will quickly proliferate,
even in polluted streams."
341,12,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to
adapt to any environment. Its
pincers will never release prey."
341,13,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to
adapt to any environment. Its
pincers will never release prey."
341,14,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to
adapt to any environment. Its
pincers will never release prey."
341,15,9,"It was originally a Pokémon from
afar that escaped to the wild. It
can adapt to the dirtiest river."
341,16,9,"It was originally a Pokémon from
afar that escaped to the wild. It
can adapt to the dirtiest river."
341,17,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de
vivre sur nimporte quel terrain. 
Ses pinces ne lâchent jamais prise."
341,17,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to
adapt to any environment. Its
pincers will never release prey."
341,18,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de
vivre sur nimporte quel terrain. 
Ses pinces ne lâchent jamais prise."
341,18,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to
adapt to any environment. Its
pincers will never release prey."
341,21,9,"No matter how dirty the water
in the river, it will adapt and thrive.
It has a strong will to survive."
341,22,9,"No matter how dirty the water
in the river, it will adapt and thrive.
It has a strong will to survive."
341,23,1,"どんなに みずが よごれた
かわでも てきおうして ふえていく
タフな せいめいりょくの もちぬし。"
341,23,3,"아무리 물이 더러운
강이라도 적응해서 번식하는
터프한 생명력의 소유자."
341,23,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de prospérer dans
nimporte quelles eaux, aussi polluées soient-elles."
341,23,6,"Egal, wie schmutzig der Fluss ist, in dem sie leben,
sie passen sich daran an und vermehren sich.
Sie sind hart im Nehmen."
341,23,7,"Por sucio o contaminado que esté el río, se adaptan
rápido y se multiplican. Poseen una gran fuerza vital."
341,23,8,"La sua grande vitalità gli permette di adattarsi e
proliferare anche nelle acque dei fiumi più inquinati."
341,23,9,"No matter how dirty the water in the river, it will
adapt and thrive. It has a strong will to survive."
341,23,11,"どんなに 水が 汚れた
川でも 適応して 増えていく
タフな 生命力の 持ち主。"
341,24,1,"どんな かんきょうにも てきおうする
つよい せいめいりょくの もちぬし。
はさんだ えものは はなさない。"
341,24,3,"어떤 환경에도 적응하는
강한 생명력의 소유자다.
집은 먹이는 놓치지 않는다."
341,24,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de vivre sur nimporte
quel terrain. Ses pinces ne lâchent jamais prise."
341,24,6,"Ein robustes Pokémon, das sich jeder Umgebung
anpassen kann. Seine Zangen geben keine Beute frei."
341,24,7,"Su organismo le permite adaptarse a cualquier
entorno. Sus pinzas nunca sueltan a su presa."
341,24,8,"La sua grande vitalità gli permette di adattarsi a ogni
habitat. Le sue chele non rilasciano mai la preda."
341,24,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any
environment. Its pincers will never release prey."
341,24,11,"どんな 環境にも 適応する
強い 生命力の 持ち主。
挟んだ 獲物は 離さない。"
341,25,1,"もともと がいこくに すんでいた ポケモンを
ペットとして つれてきた ものが やせいかした。
せいめいりょくが つよいので どんどん ふえた。"
341,25,3,"원래는 외국에 살던 포켓몬을
애완용으로 데려왔던 것이 야생화됐다.
생명력이 강해서 점점 늘어났다."
341,25,5,"Les Écrapince étaient au départ des Pokémon étrangers
importés comme animaux domestiques. Ils ont fini par retrouver
leur état sauvage. Ce Pokémon est particulièrement robuste
et sa population augmente sans arrêt."
341,25,6,"Krebscorps ist kein heimisches Pokémon, sondern wurde als
Haustier importiert. Schließlich verwilderte es. Dieses Pokémon
ist mittlerweile sehr robust und hat seine Population
341,25,7,"En un principio, se importaban Corphish como mascota. Pero,
al final, se hicieron salvajes. Este Pokémon es muy resistente
y ha aumentado su población de forma considerable."
341,25,8,"Originariamente Corphish era stato importato da altre regioni
come Pokémon domestico. Attualmente ne sono stati
trovati anche allo stato brado. Essendo molto resistente,
ha moltiplicato la sua popolazione."
341,25,9,"Corphish were originally foreign Pokémon that were imported
as pets. They eventually turned up in the wild. This Pokémon is
very hardy and has greatly increased its population."
341,25,11,"元々 外国に すんでいた ポケモンを
ペットとして 連れてきた ものが 野生化した。
生命力が 強いので どんどん 増えた。"
341,26,1,"するどい ハサミで えものを つかまえる。
すき きらいが ないので なんでも たべるぞ。
きたない みずでも へっちゃらな ポケモン。"
341,26,3,"날카로운 집게로 먹이를 잡는다.
편식하지 않아서 뭐든지 먹는다.
더러운 물에서도 아무렇지 않은 포켓몬이다."
341,26,5,"Écrapince attrape ses proies avec ses puissantes pinces.
Pour la nourriture, il nest pas difficile. Il mange de tout.
Vivre dans de leau sale ne dérange pas ce Pokémon."
341,26,6,"Krebscorps fängt seine Beute mit seinen scharfen Krallen.
Es hat keine besonderen Ansprüche an seine Nahrung,
es frisst einfach alles. Dieses Pokémon lebt gern in
schmutzigem Wasser."
341,26,7,"Corphish atrapa a su presa con finas pinzas. En lo referente a
comida no es delicado; se come lo que sea. Tampoco tiene
ningún problema en vivir en aguas sucias."
341,26,8,"Corphish cattura la preda con le sue temibili chele.
Non ha esigenze particolari riguardo al cibo, infatti mangia
di tutto. Riesce a vivere anche in acque molto inquinate."
341,26,9,"Corphish catches prey with its sharp claws. It has no
likes or dislikes when it comes to food—it will eat anything.
This Pokémon has no trouble living in filthy water."
341,26,11,"鋭い ハサミで 獲物を 捕まえる。
好き 嫌いが ないので なんでも 食べるぞ。
汚い 水でも へっちゃらな ポケモン。"
341,29,1,"そだてきれなく なった トレーナーが
にがした こたいが ふえ アローラ
でも よく みかけるように なった。"
341,29,3,"트레이너가 기를 수 없게 되어
놓아 주었던 개체가 늘어나서
알로라에서도 흔해졌다."
341,29,5,"On voit souvent des Écrapince sur les plages.
Il sagit en fait de Pokémon relâchés par leurs
Dresseurs, qui ne parvenaient pas les élever."
341,29,6,"Da immer mehr Krebscorps von überforderten
Trainern in die Freiheit entlassen werden, sieht
man dieses Pokémon nun auch oft in Alola."
341,29,7,"Son muchos los Entrenadores que lo liberan sin
terminar de criarlo, y su población ha crecido
tanto que se les ha empezado a avistar en Alola."
341,29,8,"Sempre più Corphish vengono liberati da
Allenatori che non possono più allenarli.
Ormai si incontrano spesso anche ad Alola."
341,29,9,"Individuals that have been set free by Trainers
who could no longer raise them have become
common, and they can now be found in Alola."
341,29,11,"育てきれなく なった トレーナーが
逃がした 個体が 増え アローラ
でも よく 見かけるように なった。"
341,30,1,"かんきょうに てきおうする ちからが
とてもつよい。 よどんだドブに いる
のは ヒンバスと こいつ くらいだ。"
341,30,3,"환경에 적응하는 힘이 매우 강하다.
탁한 개울에 살 수 있는 건
빈티나와 이 녀석 정도다."
341,30,5,"Il peut sadapter à nimporte quel environnement.
Barpau et lui sont dailleurs les seuls Pokémon
à vivre dans leau des égouts!"
341,30,6,"Sie sind sehr gut darin, sich an ihre Umwelt
anzupassen. In Gräben mit trübem Wasser
findet man nur sie und Barschwa."
341,30,7,"Posee una excelente capacidad para adaptarse
a su entorno. Solo Corphish o Feebas habitan
las aguas estancadas de los canales."
341,30,8,"Si adatta a ogni habitat. Insieme a Feebas, è
lunico Pokémon che vive nelle acque stagnanti
dei canali."
341,30,9,"It can adapt very well to its environment.
Feebas and Corphish are about the only
Pokémon to live in stagnant ditches."
341,30,11,"環境に 適応する 力が
とても強い。 淀んだドブに いる
のは ヒンバスと こいつ くらいだ。"
341,33,1,"どんなに みずが よごれた
かわでも てきおうして ふえていく
タフな せいめいりょくの もちぬし。"
341,33,3,"심하게 오염된 강에서도
적응해서 번식하는
강인한 생명력의 소유자."
341,33,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de prospérer
dans nimporte quelles eaux, aussi polluées
341,33,6,"Egal, wie schmutzig der Fluss ist, in dem sie
leben, sie passen sich daran an und vermehren
sich. Sie sind hart im Nehmen."
341,33,7,"Por muy sucio o contaminado que esté el río, se
adaptan rápido y se multiplican. Poseen una gran
fuerza vital."
341,33,8,"La sua grande vitalità gli permette di adattarsi
e proliferare anche nelle acque dei fiumi più
341,33,9,"No matter how dirty the water in the river, it will
adapt and thrive. It has a strong will to survive."
341,33,11,"どんなに 水が 汚れた
川でも 適応して 増えていく
タフな 生命力の 持ち主。"
341,34,1,"がいこくから やってきた ポケモンが
やせいかした。 どんなに きたない
かわでも てきおうしてしまう。"
341,34,3,"외국에서 온 포켓몬이
야생화했다. 아무리 더러운
강이라도 적응해버린다."
341,34,5,"Un Pokémon importé, retourné à létat sauvage.
Il sadapte même aux rivières les plus polluées."
341,34,6,"Es stammt eigentlich aus dem Ausland und
verwilderte. Es passt sich auch an die dreckigsten
Flüsse an."
341,34,7,"Si bien procede del extranjero, ahora se halla en
estado salvaje. Puede vivir hasta en los ríos más
341,34,8,"Importato dallestero, si è successivamente
rinselvatichito. Si adatta anche ai fiumi più
341,34,9,"It was originally a Pokémon from afar that escaped
to the wild. It can adapt to the dirtiest river."
341,34,11,"外国から やってきた ポケモンが
野生化した。 どんなに 汚い
川でも 適応してしまう。"
342,7,9,"CRAWDAUNT has an extremely violent
nature that compels it to challenge
other living things to battle.Other life-forms refuse to live in
ponds inhabited by this POKéMON,
making them desolate places."
342,8,9,"CRAWDAUNT molts (sheds) its shell
regularly. Immediately after molting,
its shell is soft and tender.Until the shell hardens, this POKéMON
hides in its streambed burrow to avoid
attack from its foes."
342,9,9,"A brutish POKéMON that loves to battle.
A veteran CRAWDAUNT that has prevailed in
hundreds of battles has giant pincers
marked with countless scars."
342,10,9,"A rough customer that wildly flails its
giant claws. It is said to be extremely
hard to raise."
342,11,9,"A rough customer that wildly flails its
giant claws. It is said to be extremely
hard to raise."
342,12,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its
pincers to pick up and toss out
other Pokémon from its pond."
342,13,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its
pincers to pick up and toss out
other Pokémon from its pond."
342,14,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its
pincers to pick up and toss out
other Pokémon from its pond."
342,15,9,"A brutish Pokémon that loves to
battle. It will crash itself into any
foe that approaches its nest."
342,16,9,"A brutish Pokémon that loves to
battle. It will crash itself into any
foe that approaches its nest."
342,17,5,"Cest un voyou qui utilise ses
pinces pour chasser les autres
Pokémon hors de sa mare."
342,17,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its
pincers to pick up and toss out
other Pokémon from its pond."
342,18,5,"Cest un voyou qui utilise ses
pinces pour chasser les autres
Pokémon hors de sa mare."
342,18,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its
pincers to pick up and toss out
other Pokémon from its pond."
342,21,9,"Loving to battle, this Pokémon pinches
all Pokémon that enter its territory
with its pincers and throws them out."
342,22,9,"Loving to battle, this Pokémon pinches
all Pokémon that enter its territory
with its pincers and throws them out."
342,23,1,"いけに すむ ほかの ポケモンを
ハサミで つまみあげ いけの そとへ
ほうりだしてしまう あばれんぼう。"
342,23,3,"연못에 사는 다른 포켓몬을
집게로 집어들어 연못 밖으로
내던져버리는 난동꾼이다."
342,23,5,"Cest un voyou qui utilise ses pinces pour chasser
les autres Pokémon hors de sa mare."
342,23,6,"Dieser Grobian ergreift andere Pokémon mit seinen
Scheren und wirft sie aus seinem Teich."
342,23,7,"Este malandrín usa sus pinzas para atosigar y expulsar
a los otros Pokémon que viven en su estanque."
342,23,8,"Pokémon violento che afferra il nemico con le chele
e lo scaraventa fuori dal suo stagno."
342,23,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its pincers to pick up and
toss out other Pokémon from its pond."
342,23,11,"池に 住む ほかの ポケモンを
ハサミで つまみ上げ 池の 外へ
放り出してしまう 暴れん坊。"
342,24,1,"こうせんてきな ポケモンで じぶんの
なわばりから あらゆる ポケモンを
ハサミで つまんで なげとばすぞ!"
342,24,3,"호전적인 포켓몬으로 자신의
영역에서 모든 포켓몬을
집게로 집어서 내던진다!"
342,24,5,"Cest un voyou qui utilise ses pinces pour chasser
les autres Pokémon hors de son territoire."
342,24,6,"Dieses rauflustige Pokémon nimmt Eindringlinge
mit seinen Scheren in die Zange und wirft sie aus
seinem Revier."
342,24,7,"De naturaleza violenta. Si un Pokémon se aventura
en su territorio, lo agarra con sus tenazas y lo arroja
por los aires."
342,24,8,"È un Pokémon molto bellicoso che afferra con le
chele chiunque osi entrare nel suo territorio per
scaraventarlo fuori."
342,24,9,"Loving to battle, this Pokémon pinches all Pokémon
that enter its territory with its pincers and throws
them out."
342,24,11,"好戦的な ポケモンで 自分の
縄張りから あらゆる ポケモンを
ハサミで つまんで 投げ飛ばすぞ!"
342,25,1,"すぐに たたかいを いどむ きしょうの あらさ。
シザリガーの すむ いけには ほかの いきものが
すみつかず さみしい ばしょに なってしまう。"
342,25,3,"천성이 거칠어서 바로 싸움을 건다.
가재장군이 사는 연못에는 다른 생물이
살 수 없어 쓸쓸한 장소가 돼버린다."
342,25,5,"Colhomard a un tempérament très violent, ce qui le pousse
à défier tout ce qui passe près de lui. Certaines formes de vie
refusent dhabiter dans les étangs occupés par ce Pokémon
et désertent ces eaux."
342,25,6,"Krebutack ist von Natur aus sehr gewalttätig, sodass es
dauernd andere Lebewesen zum Kampf herausfordern muss.
Andere Lebensformen lehnen es ab, mit diesem Pokémon
in ein und demselben Teich zu leben."
342,25,7,"Crawdaunt es de una naturaleza extremadamente violenta que
le lleva a desafiar a otros seres vivos. Hay formas de vida que
se niegan a vivir en los estanques donde habitan estos
Pokémon, y los dejan medio vacíos."
342,25,8,"Crawdaunt, dalla natura estremamente violenta, sfida sempre
a una lotta gli altri esseri viventi, che per questo motivo
abbandonano i laghi abitati da questo Pokémon, lasciandoli
deserti e desolati."
342,25,9,"Crawdaunt has an extremely violent nature that compels it to
challenge other living things to battle. Other life-forms refuse
to live in ponds inhabited by this Pokémon, making them
desolate places."
342,25,11,"すぐに 戦いを 挑む 気性の 荒さ。
シザリガーの すむ 池には 他の 生き物が
すみつかず 寂しい 場所に なってしまう。"
342,26,1,"だっぴした ちょくごは こうらが やわらかい。
こうらが かたくなるまで てきの こうげきを
さけるため かわぞこの あなに かくれている。"
342,26,3,"탈피한 직후에는 껍질이 부드럽다.
껍질이 단단해질 때까지 적의 공격을
피하고자 강바닥의 구멍에 숨어 있다."
342,26,5,"Colhomard mue et perd sa carapace régulièrement.
Immédiatement après sa mue, sa nouvelle carapace est tendre
et molle. Il senterre au fond des cours deau pour ne pas
être attaqué avant que sa carapace ne soit assez dure."
342,26,6,"Krebutack legt seine Schale regelmäßig ab. Direkt danach
ist seine Schale weich und empfindlich. Bis sie gehärtet ist,
sucht es sich ein Versteck in einem Flussbett, damit es nicht
von Gegnern angegriffen wird."
342,26,7,"Crawdaunt muda el caparazón regularmente y, en cuanto lo
hace, se le queda la piel tersa y suave. Mientras el nuevo
caparazón se endurece, permanece escondido en su
madriguera para que no le ataquen."
342,26,8,"Crawdaunt muta regolarmente la corazza. Subito dopo la muta,
la nuova corazza è tenera e delicata. Finché non si è indurita
totalmente, il Pokémon vive nascosto nella sua tana sottacqua
per evitare attacchi."
342,26,9,"Crawdaunt molts (sheds) its shell regularly. Immediately after
molting, its shell is soft and tender. Until the shell hardens,
this Pokémon hides in its streambed burrow to avoid attack
from its foes."
342,26,11,"脱皮した 直後は 甲羅が 柔らかい。
甲羅が 硬くなるまで 敵の 攻撃を
避けるため 川底の 穴に 隠れている。"
342,29,1,"きしょうがあらく ケンカを このむが
ハサミが もげると とたんによわき。
さいせいするまで ビクビクしている。"
342,29,3,"기질이 거칠고 싸움을 좋아하지만,
집게가 떨어지면 바로 약해진다.
재생될 때까지 벌벌 떤다."
342,29,5,"Dun tempérament fougueux, il adore se battre,
mais perd tout courage si ses pinces tombent.
Il nattend alors quune chose : leur repousse!"
342,29,6,"Es ist ungestüm und liebt Kämpfe, doch sobald
es seine Scheren verliert, wird es mutlos. Bis sie
nachgewachsen sind, zittert es vor Angst."
342,29,7,"Su carácter agresivo le incita a pelear siempre
que puede, pero si se le rompe una pinza se
amedrenta y acobarda hasta que se le regenera."
342,29,8,"Ha una natura estremamente violenta e ama
le lotte, ma quando gli cadono le chele perde
tutto il suo coraggio finché non ricrescono."
342,29,9,"Its temperament is rough and it loves to fight,
but as soon as its pincers break off, it turns
cowardly. It stays timid until they grow back."
342,29,11,"気性が 荒く ケンカを 好むが
ハサミが もげると 途端に弱気。
再生するまで ビクビクしている。"
342,30,1,"よく ハサミが もげる。 ハサミの
なかみは マケンカニや ウデッポウと
ちがって ドロくさく じつにまずい。"
342,30,3,"자주 집게가 떨어진다. 집게의
속살은 오기지게나 완철포와 달리
흙내가 나고 정말 맛없다."
342,30,5,"Ses pinces tombent facilement, mais sa chair
est poisseuse et dégoûtante, contrairement
à celle de Crabagarre et de Flingouste."
342,30,6,"Es verliert oft seine Scheren. Anders als bei
Krabbox und Scampisto ist das Innere der
Scheren unappetitlich und stinkt."
342,30,7,"Pierde las pinzas fácilmente. Al contrario que las
de Crabrawler o Clauncher, su carne apesta a
lodo y tiene un sabor desagradable."
342,30,8,"Spesso perde le chele, ma la polpa allinterno,
a differenza delle chele dei Crabrawler e dei
Clauncher, ha uno sgradevole sapore di terra."
342,30,9,"Its pincers often fall off. Unlike with Crabrawler
or Clauncher, the meat in its claws is utterly
nasty and stinking."
342,30,11,"よく ハサミが もげる。 ハサミの
中身は マケンカニや ウデッポウと
違って ドロ臭く 実に不味い。"
342,33,1,"きょだいな ハサミを ふりまわす
あばれもの。 そだてるのが とても
むずかしい ポケモンと いわれる。"
342,33,3,"거대한 집게를 휘두르는
난폭한 포켓몬. 키우는 것이
매우 어렵다고 전해진다."
342,33,5,"Ce Pokémon très coriace agite tout le temps
ses énormes pinces. Il faut beaucoup de patience
pour le dresser."
342,33,6,"Ein grobes Pokémon, das mit seinen riesigen
Scheren wild um sich schlägt. Man sagt, dass es
sehr schwer zu trainieren sei."
342,33,7,"Esta violenta criatura agita de forma salvaje las
gigantes pinzas que tiene. Dicen que es muy
difícil criarlo."
342,33,8,"Pokémon violento che flagella il nemico con
le sue chele affilate. Sembra che sia molto
difficile allenarlo."
342,33,9,"A rough customer that wildly flails its giant claws.
It is said to be extremely hard to raise."
342,33,11,"巨大な ハサミを 振りまわす
暴れ者。 育てるのが とても
難しい ポケモンと いわれる。"
342,34,1,"たたかいを このむ せいかく。
すみかに ちかづく あいてを
ようしゃなく たたきのめす。"
342,34,3,"싸움을 좋아하는 성격.
거처에 가까이 오는 상대를
가차 없이 때려눕힌다."
342,34,5,"Il adore se battre et frappe comme une brute
tous ceux qui approchent de sa mare."
342,34,6,"Es ist sehr rauflustig. Nähert sich ein Gegner
seinem Unterschlupf, geht es gnadenlos auf
ihn los."
342,34,7,"Le encanta pelear, debido a su naturaleza. Si
alguien se acerca a su madriguera, le propinará
una paliza sin ningún tipo de miramiento."
342,34,8,"Ama la lotta. Il malcapitato che si avvicina
alla sua tana verrà brutalmente malmenato."
342,34,9,"A brutish Pokémon that loves to battle. It will
crash itself into any foe that approaches its nest."
342,34,11,"戦いを 好む 性格。
すみかに 近づく 相手を
容赦なく 叩きのめす。"
343,7,9,"BALTOY moves while spinning around on
its one foot. Primitive wall paintings
depicting this POKéMON living amongpeople were discovered in some ancient
343,8,9,"As soon as it spots others of its kind,
BALTOY congregates with them and
then begins crying noisily in unison.This POKéMON sleeps while cleverly
balancing itself on its one foot."
343,9,9,"A BALTOY moves by spinning on its single
foot. It has been depicted in murals 
adorning the walls of a once-bustling city
in an ancient age."
343,10,9,"It was discovered in ancient ruins.
While moving, it constantly spins. It
stands on one foot even when asleep."
343,11,9,"It was discovered in ancient ruins.
While moving, it constantly spins. It
stands on one foot even when asleep."
343,12,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot.
It is a rare Pokémon that was
discovered in ancient ruins."
343,13,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot.
It is a rare Pokémon that was
discovered in ancient ruins."
343,14,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot.
It is a rare Pokémon that was
discovered in ancient ruins."
343,15,9,"It moves while spinning around on
its single foot. Some BALTOY have
been seen spinning on their heads."
343,16,9,"It moves while spinning around on
its single foot. Some BALTOY have
been seen spinning on their heads."
343,17,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur
son pied. Ce Pokémon rare fut
découvert dans de vieilles ruines."
343,17,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot.
It is a rare Pokémon that was
discovered in ancient ruins."
343,18,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur
son pied. Ce Pokémon rare fut
découvert dans de vieilles ruines."
343,18,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot.
It is a rare Pokémon that was
discovered in ancient ruins."
343,21,9,"Discovered in ancient ruins, it moves
by spinning around and forms a group
when it finds others."
343,22,9,"Discovered in ancient ruins, it moves
by spinning around and forms a group
when it finds others."
343,23,1,"いっぽんあしで かいてん しながら
いどうする。さかさまに なって
かいてんする ヤジロンも みかける。"
343,23,3,"한 다리로 회전하면서
이동한다. 거꾸로
회전하는 오뚝군도 발견된다."
343,23,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur son pied. Même mis
sur la tête, il peut continuer à tourner."
343,23,6,"Es bewegt sich, indem es auf seinem Fuß kreiselt.
Vereinzelt sieht man Puppance, die kopfüber kreiseln."
343,23,7,"Se mueve girando sobre su eje. También se le puede
ver girando cabeza abajo."
343,23,8,"Si sposta piroettando sullunica estremità inferiore
del proprio corpo. Molti fanno la verticale."
343,23,9,"It moves while spinning around on its single foot.
Some Baltoy have been seen spinning on
their heads."
343,23,11,"一本足で 回転しながら 移動する。
逆さまに なって
回転する ヤジロンも 見かける。"
343,24,1,"いっぽんあしで かいてんしながら
いどうする。こだいの いせきから
みつかった めずらしい ポケモン。"
343,24,3,"한 다리로 회전하면서
이동한다. 고대 유적에서
발견된 희귀한 포켓몬이다."
343,24,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur son pied. Ce Pokémon
rare fut découvert dans de vieilles ruines."
343,24,6,"Es bewegt sich, indem es sich auf seinem Fuß dreht.
Ein seltenes Pokémon, das in alten Ruinen lebte."
343,24,7,"Se mueve girando sobre su eje. Es un extraño
Pokémon que fue encontrado en unas viejas ruinas."
343,24,8,"Pokémon raro che si muove roteando su se stesso.
È stato scoperto nei pressi di antiche rovine."
343,24,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot. It is a rare
Pokémon that was discovered in ancient ruins."
343,24,11,"一本足で 回転しながら 移動する。
古代の 遺跡から 見つかった
珍しい ポケモン。"
343,25,1,"いっぽんあしで かいてん しながら いどうする。
ヤジロンと にんげんが いっしょに くらす
こだいの へきがが いせきから はっけんされた。"
343,25,3,"외다리로 회전하며 이동한다.
오뚝군과 인간이 함께 사는
고대 벽화가 유적에서 발견됐다."
343,25,5,"Balbuto se déplace en pivotant sur son unique pied.
Des peintures rupestres montrant ce Pokémon vivant
avec les hommes furent découvertes dans des ruines
très anciennes."
343,25,6,"Puppance bewegt sich, indem es sich auf seinem Fuß im Kreis
dreht. In sehr alten Ruinen wurden primitive Wandmalereien
entdeckt, die dieses Pokémon in Begleitung von Menschen
343,25,7,"Baltoy se mueve girando alrededor de sí mismo sobre la
extremidad inferior que tiene. En unas ruinas antiguas,
descubrieron pinturas rupestres en las que aparecía este
Pokémon conviviendo con personas."
343,25,8,"Baltoy si muove piroettando sullunica estremità inferiore
del proprio corpo. La scoperta di alcune rovine antiche
ha portato alla luce dipinti di questo Pokémon che viveva
a stretto contatto con gli esseri umani."
343,25,9,"Baltoy moves while spinning around on its one foot. Primitive
wall paintings depicting this Pokémon living among people
were discovered in some ancient ruins."
343,25,11,"一本足で 回転 しながら 移動する。
ヤジロンと 人間が 一緒に 暮らす
古代の 壁画が 遺跡から 発見された。"
343,26,1,"なかまを みつけると すぐに あつまって きて
いっせいに なきごえを あげるので うるさい。
いっぽんあしで きように たったまま ねむる。"
343,26,3,"동료를 발견하면 바로 모여들어
일제히 울음소리를 내기 때문에 시끄럽다.
외다리로 능숙하게 선 채로 잔다."
343,26,5,"Dès quil repère ses congénères, Balbuto les rejoint et
ils se mettent tous à crier en chœur. Ce Pokémon arrive
à dormir en restant adroitement en équilibre."
343,26,6,"Sobald es Artgenossen bemerkt, tut sich Puppance mit ihnen
zusammen und sie brüllen gemeinsam. Dieses Pokémon
schläft, während es geschickt auf seinem Fuß balanciert."
343,26,7,"Al ver a más de los suyos, Baltoy se une al grupo y todos se
ponen a chillar escandalosamente y al unísono. Este Pokémon
duerme manteniendo hábilmente el equilibrio sobre la
extremidad inferior que tiene."
343,26,8,"Appena incontra i propri simili, Baltoy forma un gruppo molto
rumoroso. Questo Pokémon dorme bilanciandosi con maestria
sullunica estremità inferiore del proprio corpo."
343,26,9,"As soon as it spots others of its kind, Baltoy congregates with
them and then begins crying noisily in unison. This Pokémon
sleeps while cleverly balancing itself on its one foot."
343,26,11,"仲間を 見つけると すぐに 集まって きて
一斉に 鳴き声を あげるので うるさい。
一本足で 器用に 立ったまま 眠る。"
343,29,1,"げんしじんが すんでいた ほらあなの
かべに ヤジロンらしき ポケモンの
すがたが えがかれていた。"
343,29,3,"원시인이 살았던 동굴 벽에
오뚝군으로 추정되는
포켓몬의 모습이 그려져 있다."
343,29,5,"Des esquisses de Pokémon ressemblant à des
Balbuto ont été retrouvées dans des grottes
jadis habitées par des hommes préhistoriques."
343,29,6,"In Höhlen, in denen Urmenschen lebten, gibt es
Wandmalereien von einem Pokémon, das wie
Puppance aussieht."
343,29,7,"Los humanos de tiempos primitivos solían pintar
en las cuevas donde habitaban siluetas muy
parecidas a las de Baltoy."
343,29,8,"Nelle pareti delle grotte in cui vivevano gli uomini
primitivi sono state trovate raffigurazioni di
Pokémon simili ai Baltoy."
343,29,9,"Depictions of Pokémon similar to Baltoy have
been found on the walls of caves where
primitive humans lived."
343,29,11,"原始人が 住んでいた 洞穴の
壁に ヤジロンらしき ポケモンの
姿が 描かれていた。"
343,30,1,"なかまを みつけると やかましく
なきわめき あつまる。 おおむかしの
ぼちから たいりょうに みつかる。"
343,30,3,"동료를 발견하면 시끄럽게
울부짖으며 모인다. 오래된
묘지에서 대량으로 발견된다."
343,30,5,"Quand il aperçoit des congénères, il les rejoint
en émettant des sons stridents. On en a trouvé
beaucoup dans de très vieux cimetières."
343,30,6,"Wenn sie Artgenossen entdecken, versammeln
sie sich und brüllen gemeinsam. Sie wurden
zuhauf in alten Grabstätten gefunden."
343,30,7,"Al ver a más de los suyos, se juntan y emiten
unos chillidos estridentes. Su presencia solía ser
numerosa en cementerios de gran antigüedad."
343,30,8,"Quando incontra i propri simili si unisce a loro
formando un gruppo molto chiassoso. Ne sono
stati trovati in gran numero in antichi cimiteri."
343,30,9,"When they find others of their kind, they cry
out loudly and gather together. Large numbers
of them can be found in old graveyards."
343,30,11,"仲間を 見つけると やかましく
鳴きわめき 集まる。 大昔の
墓地から 大量に 見つかる。"
343,33,1,"いっぽんあしで かいてん しながら
いどうする。 さかさまに なって
かいてんする ヤジロンも みかける。"
343,33,3,"한 다리로 회전하면서
이동한다. 거꾸로
회전하는 오뚝군도 발견된다."
343,33,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur son pied.
On le voit parfois faire de même sur la tête."
343,33,6,"Es bewegt sich, indem es auf seinem Fuß kreiselt.
Vereinzelt sieht man auch Puppance, die dies
kopfüber tun."
343,33,7,"Se mueve girando una única extremidad. Se han
avistado algunos ejemplares capaces de hacerlo
cabeza abajo."
343,33,8,"Si sposta piroettando sullestremità inferiore
del proprio corpo. Alcuni Baltoy sono stati visti
piroettare a testa in giù."
343,33,9,"It moves while spinning around on its single foot.
Some Baltoy have been seen spinning on
their heads."
343,33,11,"一本足で 回転しながら 移動する。
逆さまに なって
回転する ヤジロンも 見かける。"
343,34,1,"こだい いせきで はっけんされた。
かいてん しながら いどう。 よる
ねむる ときも いっぽんあしだ。"
343,34,3,"고대 유적에서 발견되었다.
회전하면서 이동한다.
밤에 잘 때도 다리 하나로 서 있다."
343,34,5,"Ce Pokémon découvert dans des ruines anciennes
tourne sur lui-même pour se déplacer. Il se tient
toujours sur un pied, même quand il dort."
343,34,6,"Es wurde in antiken Ruinen entdeckt. Wenn es
sich bewegt, dreht es sich. Auch im Schlaf steht
es auf einem Bein."
343,34,7,"Fue hallado en unas ruinas antiguas. Se desplaza
girando sobre sí mismo y se mantiene sobre una
extremidad incluso cuando duerme."
343,34,8,"Scoperto in antiche rovine. Si sposta girando
su se stesso e rimane bilanciato sullestremità
inferiore del suo corpo anche quando dorme."
343,34,9,"It was discovered in ancient ruins. While moving,
it constantly spins. It stands on one foot even
when asleep."
343,34,11,"古代 遺跡で 発見された。
回転 しながら 移動。 夜
眠る ときも 一本足だ。"
344,7,9,"CLAYDOL are said to be dolls of mud made
by primitive humans and brought to life
by exposure to a mysterious ray.This POKéMON moves about while
344,8,9,"CLAYDOL is an enigma that appeared
from a clay statue made by an ancient
civilization dating back 20,000 years.This POKéMON shoots beams from both
its hands."
344,9,9,"A CLAYDOL sleeps while hovering in midair.
Its arms are separate from its body.
They are kept floating by the POKéMONs
manipulation of psychic power."
344,10,9,"It appears to have been born from clay
dolls made by ancient people. It uses
telekinesis to float and move."
344,11,9,"It appears to have been born from clay
dolls made by ancient people. It uses
telekinesis to float and move."
344,12,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came
to life as a Pokémon from exposure
to a mysterious ray of light."
344,13,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came
to life as a Pokémon from exposure
to a mysterious ray of light."
344,14,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came
to life as a Pokémon from exposure
to a mysterious ray of light."
344,15,9,"It is said that it originates from clay
dolls made by an ancient civilization."
344,16,9,"It is said that it originates from clay
dolls made by an ancient civilization."
344,17,5,"Une ancienne figurine dargile qui 
sest animée suite à son exposition
à un rayon de lumière étrange."
344,17,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came
to life as a Pokémon from exposure
to a mysterious ray of light."
344,18,5,"Une ancienne figurine dargile qui 
sest animée suite à son exposition
à un rayon de lumière étrange."
344,18,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came
to life as a Pokémon from exposure
to a mysterious ray of light."
344,21,9,"This mysterious Pokémon started life
as an ancient clay figurine made over
20,000 years ago."
344,22,9,"This mysterious Pokémon started life
as an ancient clay figurine made over
20,000 years ago."
344,23,1,"こだいの どろにんぎょうが
かいこうせんを あびたことで
いのちが やどり ポケモンとなった。"
344,23,3,"고대의 진흙인형이 괴이한
광선을 쬐어 생명이 깃들면서
포켓몬이 되었다."
344,23,5,"Une ancienne figurine dargile qui sest animée suite à
son exposition à un rayon de lumière étrange."
344,23,6,"Eine antike Lehmstatue, die durch ein mysteriöses
Licht zum Leben erwacht ist."
344,23,7,"Este Pokémon es una vieja figurilla de barro que cobró
vida mediante la exposición a extraños rayos de luz."
344,23,8,"Pokémon nato da unantica statuetta dargilla
portata in vita da misteriose radiazioni."
344,23,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came to life as a
Pokémon from exposure to a mysterious ray
of light."
344,23,11,"古代の 泥人形が
怪光線を 浴びたことで
命が 宿り ポケモンとなった。"
344,24,1,"2まんねんまえの こだいじんが
ドロで つくった にんぎょうに
いのちが やどったと いわれている。"
344,24,3,"2만 년 전에 고대인이
진흙으로 만든 인형에
생명이 깃들었다고 한다."
344,24,5,"Une figurine dargile fabriquée par une civilisation
vieille de 20000 ans et amenée à la vie."
344,24,6,"In die Puppe, die Menschen vor 20 000 Jahren aus
Lehm formten, ist anscheinend Leben eingefahren."
344,24,7,"Dicen que es una figurilla de barro elaborada por una
civilización de hace 20 000 años que cobró vida."
344,24,8,"Si tramanda che sia una statuetta dargilla creata
dagli antichi 20.000 anni fa che ha preso vita."
344,24,9,"It is said that it originates from clay dolls made by
an ancient civilization."
344,24,11,"2万年前の 古代人が
泥で 作った 人形に
命が 宿ったと 言われている。"
344,25,1,"こだいじんの どろにんぎょうが かいこうせんを
あびて せいめいを やどしたと いわれている。
くうちゅうに ういて いどうしている。"
344,25,3,"괴이한 광선을 쬔 고대인의 진흙인형에
생명이 깃들었다고 전해진다.
공중에 떠서 이동하고 있다."
344,25,5,"On raconte que les Kaorine sont des poupées de boue créées
par les premiers hommes et quelles furent amenées à la vie
après une exposition à un mystérieux rayon.
Ce Pokémon se déplace en lévitant."
344,25,6,"Lepumentas sind aus Schlamm gefertigte Puppen, die von
primitiven Menschen hergestellt und durch mysteriöse Strahlen
zum Leben erweckt wurden. Diese Pokémon bewegen sich
schwebend fort."
344,25,7,"Se cree que los Claydol son figuras de barro hechas por
humanos primitivos y que un misterioso rayo les hizo cobrar
vida. Este Pokémon se desplaza levitando."
344,25,8,"Pare che Claydol sia una bambola dargilla creata dalluomo
primitivo e portata in vita grazie allesposizione a misteriose
radiazioni. Questo Pokémon si muove per levitazione."
344,25,9,"Claydol are said to be dolls of mud made by primitive humans
and brought to life by exposure to a mysterious ray.
This Pokémon moves about while levitating."
344,25,11,"古代人の 泥人形が 怪光線を
浴びて 生命を 宿したと いわれている。
空中に 浮いて 移動している。"
344,26,1,"2まんねんまえに さかえた こだい ぶんめいの
どろにんぎょうから うまれた ナゾの ポケモン。
りょうてから ビームを はっしゃするぞ。"
344,26,3,"2만 년 전에 번창한 고대 문명의
진흙 인형에서 태어난 수수께끼의 포켓몬이다.
양손에서 빔을 발사한다."
344,26,5,"Kaorine est un mystérieux Pokémon apparu sous la forme
dune statue en argile fabriquée par une civilisation vieille
de plus de 20000 ans. Ce Pokémon envoie des rayons
avec ses mains."
344,26,6,"Lepumentas ist auf mysteriöse Weise aus einer Tonstatue
entstanden, die vor 20 000 Jahren von einer antiken
Zivilisation geschaffen wurde. Dieses Pokémon verschießt
Strahlen aus beiden Händen."
344,26,7,"Claydol es un enigma, una figura de barro procedente de una
civilización antigua de hace más de 20 000 años. Este
Pokémon dispara rayos por las manos."
344,26,8,"Claydol rimane ancora un mistero: comparve da una statua
dargilla creata da un popolo antico 20.000 anni fa. Questo
Pokémon emette radiazioni dai propri arti superiori."
344,26,9,"Claydol is an enigma that appeared from a clay statue made by
an ancient civilization dating back 20,000 years. This Pokémon
shoots beams from both its hands."
344,26,11,"2万年前に 栄えた 古代 文明の
泥人形から 生まれた ナゾの ポケモン。
両手から ビームを 発射するぞ。"
344,29,1,"ぬれると からだが とけてしまう。
あめが ふってくると サイコパワーで
ぜんしんを つつんで まもる。"
344,29,3,"젖으면 몸이 녹아버린다.
비가 오면 사이코 파워로
전신을 감싸서 지킨다."
344,29,5,"Il fond au moindre contact avec leau et doit
donc entourer son corps dénergie psychique
pour se protéger les jours de pluie."
344,29,6,"Wenn es nass wird, schmilzt es. Fängt es an zu
regnen, errichtet es mit seinen Psycho-Kräften
eine schützende Hülle um seinen Körper."
344,29,7,"Su cuerpo se disuelve si se moja, razón por la
que emplea su poder psíquico para crear una
barrera a su alrededor los días de lluvia."
344,29,8,"Se si bagna, si scioglie. Quando piove,
si protegge usando i suoi poteri psichici."
344,29,9,"If it gets wet, its body melts. When rain starts
to fall, it wraps its whole body up with its
psychic powers to protect itself."
344,29,11,"濡れると 身体が 溶けてしまう。
雨が 降ってくると サイコパワーで
全身を 包んで 守る。"
344,30,1,"こだいじんが そらから おりてきた
なにかを もして つくったらしい。
りょううで から ビームを はなつ。"
344,30,3,"고대인이 하늘에서 내려온
무언가를 본떠서 만들었다고 한다.
양팔에서 빔을 발사한다."
344,30,5,"Il aurait été fabriqué par une civilisation
ancienne, sur le modèle dun objet mystérieux
tombé du ciel. Ses bras peuvent tirer des lasers."
344,30,6,"Menschen der Urzeit haben es als Nachbildung
von etwas, das vom Himmel kam, hergestellt.
Es verschießt Strahlen aus beiden Händen."
344,30,7,"Se cree que fue creado por humanos primitivos
que tomaron como modelo algo caído del cielo.
Dispara rayos por las manos."
344,30,8,"Sembra che sia stato creato da un popolo antico
ispirandosi a qualcosa di misterioso caduto
dal cielo. Emette raggi dagli arti superiori."
344,30,9,"The ancient people who made it apparently
modeled it after something that descended
from the sky. It fires beams from both arms."
344,30,11,"古代人が 空から 降りてきた
なにかを 模して 作ったらしい。
両腕 から ビームを 放つ。"
344,33,1,"2まんねんまえの こだいじんが
つくった ドロにんぎょうから
うまれたらしい ナゾの ポケモン。"
344,33,3,"2만 년 전 고대인이
만든 진흙인형에서
태어난 듯한 의문의 포켓몬."
344,33,5,"Ce Pokémon mystérieux serait né dune figurine
dargile vieille de près de 20000 ans."
344,33,6,"Dieses rätselhafte Pokémon ist aus einer
Lehmpuppe entstanden, die vor 20000 Jahren
von einem uralten Volk angefertigt wurde."
344,33,7,"Al parecer, este misterioso Pokémon nació a
partir de una figurilla de barro creada por una
civilización de hace más de 20 000 años."
344,33,8,"Un Pokémon enigmatico nato da una statuetta
dargilla costruita dagli antichi 20.000 anni
or sono."
344,33,9,"This mysterious Pokémon started life as an ancient
clay figurine made over 20,000 years ago."
344,33,11,"2万年前の 古代人が
つくった 泥人形から
生まれたらしい 謎の ポケモン。"
344,34,1,"こだいじんの どろにんぎょうから
うまれたらしい。 ねんりきを つかい
くうちゅうに ういて いどうする。"
344,34,3,"고대인의 진흙인형에서
태어난 것 같다. 염력을
사용해 공중을 떠다닌다."
344,34,5,"Ce Pokémon aurait été créé à partir dune poupée
dargile confectionnée par une ancienne
civilisation. Il se déplace en lévitant."
344,34,6,"Es scheint, sein Ursprung geht auf altertümliche
Lehmpuppen zurück. Durch Telekinese kann es
schweben und sich bewegen."
344,34,7,"Dicen que surgió de una figurilla de barro hecha
por una antigua civilización. Usa telequinesia
para levitar y moverse."
344,34,8,"Pare che sia nato da unantica bambola
di argilla. Si sposta levitando a mezzaria
grazie alla telecinesi."
344,34,9,"It appears to have been born from clay dolls
made by ancient people. It uses telekinesis to
float and move."
344,34,11,"古代人の 泥人形から
生まれたらしい。 念力を 使い
空中に 浮いて 移動する。"
345,7,9,"LILEEP became extinct approximately
a hundred million years ago.
This ancient POKéMON attaches itselfto a rock on the seafloor and catches
approaching prey using tentacles 
shaped like flower petals."
345,8,9,"LILEEP is an ancient POKéMON that was
regenerated from a fossil. It remains
permanently anchored to a rock.From its immobile perch, this POKéMON
intently scans for prey with its two
345,9,9,"It disguises itself as seaweed by making
its tentacles sway. Unsuspecting prey
that come too close are swallowed whole.
It became extinct 100 million years ago."
345,10,9,"It became extinct roughly 100 million
years ago. It was regenerated from a
fossil using advanced techniques."
345,11,9,"It became extinct roughly 100 million
years ago. It was regenerated from a
fossil using advanced techniques."
345,12,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,13,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,14,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,15,9,"It disguises its tentacles as
flowers to attract and catch prey.
It became extinct in ancient times."
345,16,9,"It disguises its tentacles as
flowers to attract and catch prey.
It became extinct in ancient times."
345,17,5,"Il vivait au fond de la mer il y a
100 millions dannées. La science
a permis de le ressusciter."
345,17,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,18,5,"Il vivait au fond de la mer il y a
100 millions dannées. La science
a permis de le ressusciter."
345,18,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,21,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,22,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100
million years ago and was
reanimated scientifically."
345,23,1,"しょくしゅを はなびらに みせかけて
ちかよってきた えものを とらえる。
1おくねん まえに ぜつめつした。"
345,23,3,"촉수를 꽃잎으로 보이게 하여
가까이 온 먹이를 잡는다.
1억 년 전에 멸종했다."
345,23,5,"Il attrape ses proies avec ses tentacules-pétales.
Il a disparu il y a cent millions dannées."
345,23,6,"Vor 100 Millionen Jahren starb es aus. Es fängt
seine Beute mit als Blüte getarnten Tentakeln."
345,23,7,"Se extinguió hace 100 millones de años. Sus
tentáculos parecen pétalos para atraer a sus presas."
345,23,8,"Cattura le prede che si avvicinano con i tentacoli a
forma di corolla. Si è estinto 100 milioni di anni fa."
345,23,9,"It disguises its tentacles as flowers to attract and
catch prey. It became extinct in ancient times."
345,23,11,"触手を 花びらに 見せかけて
近寄ってきた 獲物を 捕らえる。
1億年前に 絶滅した。"
345,24,1,"およそ 1おくねんまえの かいていで
くらしていた こだいの ポケモン。
かがくの ちからで ふっかつした。"
345,24,3,"약 1억 년 전의 해저에서
살고 있던 고대의 포켓몬이다.
과학의 힘으로 부활했다."
345,24,5,"Il vivait au fond de la mer il y a 100 millions dannées.
La science a permis de le ressusciter."
345,24,6,"Vor 100 Millionen Jahren lebte dieses Pokémon auf
dem Meeresgrund. Die Wissenschaft belebte es neu."
345,24,7,"Vivió en los fondos marinos hace unos 100 millones
de años y fue recreado científicamente."
345,24,8,"Viveva sul fondo marino 100 milioni di anni fa ed è
stato rigenerato in laboratorio."
345,24,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and
was reanimated scientifically."
345,24,11,"およそ 1億年前の 海底で
暮らしていた 古代の ポケモン。
科学の 力で 復活した。"
345,25,1,"やく 1おくねんまえに ぜつめつした ポケモン。
かいていの いわに くっつき はなびらの ような
しょくしゅで よってきた えものを つかまえる。"
345,25,3,"약 1억 년 전에 멸종한 포켓몬이다.
해저의 바위에 붙어서 꽃잎 같은
촉수로 가까이 온 먹이를 잡는다."
345,25,5,"Lespèce des Lilia sest éteinte il y a environ 100 millions
dannées. Cet ancien Pokémon saccroche à un rocher,
sous leau, et attrape ses proies à laide de ses tentacules
en forme de pétales de fleur."
345,25,6,"Von Liliep nahm man an, es sei seit etwa 100 Millionen
Jahren ausgestorben. Mit seinen wie Blütenblätter geformten
Tentakeln heftet es sich an einen Felsen auf dem Meeresboden
und fängt Beute."
345,25,7,"Los Lileep se extinguieron hace unos cien millones de años
aproximadamente. Este Pokémon se ancla a una roca en el
fondo del mar y atrapa a las presas que se le acercan con los
tentáculos que tiene en forma de pétalos de flor."
345,25,8,"Lileep si è estinto circa 100 milioni di anni or sono.
Questo Pokémon antico si aggrappa alle rocce sui fondali
marini e cattura le prede che si avvicinano con i propri
tentacoli a forma di petali di fiori."
345,25,9,"Lileep became extinct approximately a hundred million years
ago. This ancient Pokémon attaches itself to a rock on the
seafloor and catches approaching prey using tentacles shaped
like flower petals."
345,25,11,"約 1億年前に 絶滅した ポケモン。
海底の 岩に くっつき 花びらの ような
触手で 寄ってきた 獲物を 捕まえる。"
345,26,1,"かせきから さいせいした こだいの ポケモン。
いわに くっつき あるく ことが できない。
2つの めで じっと えものを さがしている。"
345,26,3,"화석에서 재생된 고대의 포켓몬이다.
바위에 딱 붙어 있어서 걸을 수 없다.
두 개의 눈으로 가만히 먹이를 찾고 있다."
345,26,5,"Lilia est un Pokémon très ancien ressuscité à partir dun
fossile. Il reste en permanence fixé à un rocher.
Ce Pokémon balaie lhorizon depuis son perchoir, immobile,
en quête de proies."
345,26,6,"Liliep ist ein urzeitliches Pokémon, das aus einem Fossil
erzeugt wurde. Es bleibt ständig an einem Felsen verankert.
Mit seinen beiden Augen hält es ständig Ausschau nach Beute."
345,26,7,"Lileep es un Pokémon antiguo que se regeneró a partir de un
fósil. Siempre está anclado a una roca. Desde su percha
inmóvil está al acecho y pendiente de que no se le escape su
345,26,8,"Lileep è un Pokémon antico rigenerato da un fossile. Rimane
sempre attaccato alla roccia. Dalla sua postazione fissa,
questo Pokémon scandaglia attentamente i fondali con i suoi
due occhi."
345,26,9,"Lileep is an ancient Pokémon that was regenerated from a
fossil. It remains permanently anchored to a rock. From its
immobile perch, this Pokémon intently scans for prey with its
two eyes."
345,26,11,"化石から 再生した 古代の ポケモン。
岩に くっつき 歩く ことが できない。
2つの 目で じっと 獲物を 探している。"
345,29,1,"こだいの あたたかい うみに いた。
かいそうに ばけ えものを まちぶせ
ちかよったところを まるのみにする。"
345,29,3,"고대의 따듯한 바다에 살았다.
해초로 둔갑해 먹이를 기다리다가
다가오면 통째로 삼킨다."
345,29,5,"Il vivait déjà dans les mers chaudes il y a fort
longtemps. Il imite les algues pour masquer sa
présence et gobe toute proie qui lapproche."
345,29,6,"In der Vorzeit lebte es im warmen Meer. Es
tarnte sich als Seegras, um Beute aufzulauern
und sie dann zu verschlingen."
345,29,7,"Habitaba en los cálidos mares de antaño. Se
hace pasar por alga marina, espera al acecho de
su presa y la engulle cuando esta se acerca."
345,29,8,"Anticamente viveva nei mari caldi. Si finge alga
marina per tendere un agguato alla preda e
quando si avvicina la inghiotte in un sol boccone."
345,29,9,"In ancient times, it lived in warm seas. It
disguised itself as seaweed to ambush its prey
and devoured them whole when they got close."
345,29,11,"古代の 暖かい 海に いた。
海草に 化け 獲物を 待ち伏せ
近寄ったところを 丸呑みにする。"
345,30,1,"きょうりょくな きゅうばんで いわに
はりついているので どんな
あらなみでも ながされないのだ。"
345,30,3,"강력한 흡반으로 바위에
달라붙어 있어서 아무리
거친 파도가 쳐도 떠내려가지 않는다."
345,30,5,"Il saccroche aux rochers grâce à ses ventouses
puissantes. Une fois fixé, aucun courant marin,
aussi violent soit-il, ne peut len déloger."
345,30,6,"Da es sich mit seinen starken Saugnäpfen an
Felsen heftete, konnte es selbst von den
stärksten Wellen nicht mitgerissen werden."
345,30,7,"Sus potentes ventosas le permiten aferrarse
firmemente a las rocas, de tal manera que ni
una violenta marejada consigue arrastrarlo."
345,30,8,"Si attacca alle rocce con ventose potentissime,
resistendo anche alle mareggiate più violente."
345,30,9,"It sticks to rocks with its powerful suckers and
cant be washed away no matter how rough the
surf gets."
345,30,11,"強力な 吸盤で 岩に
張り付いているので どんな
荒波でも 流されないのだ。"
345,33,1,"かせきから ふくげんした ポケモン。
およそ 1おくねんまえの あたたかい
うみに せいそくしていた。"
345,33,3,"화석에서 복원된 포켓몬.
약 1억 년 전에 따뜻한 바다에
345,33,5,"Reconstitué à partir dun fossile, ce Pokémon
vivait dans les mers chaudes il y a environ
100 millions dannées."
345,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde aus einem Fossil
wiederbelebt. Vor etwa 100 Millionen Jahren
war es in warmen Meeren zu Hause."
345,33,7,"Este Pokémon se regeneró a partir de un fósil.
Habitaba en los mares cálidos hace unos cien
millones de años."
345,33,8,"Questo Pokémon è stato rigenerato da un fossile.
Viveva nei mari caldi circa 100 milioni di anni fa."
345,33,9,"This Pokémon was restored from a fossil.
Lileep once lived in warm seas that existed
approximately 100,000,000 years ago."
345,33,11,"化石から 復元した ポケモン。
およそ 1億年前の 温かい
海に 生息していた。"
345,34,1,"かいていの いわに はりつき
えものが ちかくにくると はなびらの
ような しょくしゅで からめとる。"
345,34,3,"해저 바위에 달라붙어
먹이가 가까이 오면 꽃잎처럼
생긴 촉수로 감아버린다."
345,34,5,"Accroché aux rochers des profondeurs, il attend
quune proie sapproche de lui pour lattraper
avec ses tentacules en forme de pétales."
345,34,6,"Liliep heftet sich an Felsen am Meeresgrund.
Nähert sich Beute, fängt es diese mit seinen
wie Blütenblätter geformten Tentakeln."
345,34,7,"Se ancla a una roca en el lecho marino y atrapa
a las presas que se le acercan con sus tentáculos
en forma de pétalos."
345,34,8,"Si attacca alle rocce dei fondali marini e usa
i tentacoli simili a petali per catturare le prede
che si avvicinano."
345,34,9,"Lileep clings to rocks on the seabed. When prey
comes close, this Pokémon entangles it with
petallike tentacles."
345,34,11,"海底の 岩に 貼りつき
獲物が 近くにくると 花びらのような
触手で 絡めとる。"
346,7,9,"CRADILY roams around the ocean floor
in search of food. This POKéMON freely
extends its tree trunk-like neck andcaptures unwary prey using its eight
346,8,9,"CRADILYs body serves as an anchor,
preventing it from being washed away in
rough seas.This POKéMON secretes a strong
digestive fluid from its tentacles."
346,9,9,"It drags its heavy body along the
seafloor. It makes its nest in the shallows
of warm seas. CRADILY can be seen on
beaches when the tide goes out."
346,10,9,"It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles.
It then melts the prey with a strong acid
before feeding."
346,11,9,"It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles.
It then melts the prey with a strong acid
before feeding."
346,12,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,13,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,14,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,15,9,"It lives in warm seas. Its heavy
body weighs it down so it wont
get washed away in rough weather."
346,16,9,"It lives in warm seas. Its heavy
body weighs it down so it wont
get washed away in rough weather."
346,17,5,"Vit dans les hauts-fonds des mers
chaudes. Il déterre sa proie du
sable quand la marée se retire."
346,17,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,18,5,"Vit dans les hauts-fonds des mers
chaudes. Il déterre sa proie du
sable quand la marée se retire."
346,18,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,21,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,22,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm
seas. When the tide goes out, it
digs up prey from beaches."
346,23,1,"あたたかい うみの あさせに いる。
しおが ひくと すなはまに もぐった
えものを ほりだして たべる。"
346,23,3,"따뜻한 바다의 얕은 곳에 있다.
바닷물이 빠지면 모래 해변에
숨어 있는 먹이를 파내어 먹는다."
346,23,5,"Vit dans les hauts-fonds des mers chaudes.
Il déterre sa proie du sable quand la marée se retire."
346,23,6,"Es lebt in seichten Stellen warmer Meere.
Bei Ebbe sucht es im Sand nach Beute."
346,23,7,"Vive en el fondo de los mares de aguas templadas.
Emerge para cazar cuando baja la marea."
346,23,8,"Vive in acque poco profonde nei mari caldi. Con la
bassa marea, scava sulla riva in cerca di prede."
346,23,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide
goes out, it digs up prey from beaches."
346,23,11,"暖かい 海の 浅瀬に いる。
潮が 引くと 砂浜に 潜った
獲物を 掘り出して 食べる。"
346,24,1,"8まいの しょくしゅで えものを
からめとり つよい しょうかえきで
とかしてから むしゃむしゃ たべる。"
346,24,3,"8개의 촉수로 먹이를
감싸 강한 소화액으로
녹이고 나서 우걱우걱 먹는다."
346,24,5,"Lorsquil chasse, Vacilys utilise ses huit tentacules.
Il dissout sa proie à laide dun puissant acide avant
de lavaler."
346,24,6,"Es fängt Beute mit seinen acht Tentakeln. Ehe es sie
verspeist, löst es sie mit einer starken Säure auf."
346,24,7,"Atrapa a su presa con los ocho tentáculos que tiene y,
antes de devorarla, la baña en ácido."
346,24,8,"Irretisce la preda con gli otto tentacoli, poi la scioglie
usando un forte acido e, infine, se ne ciba."
346,24,9,"It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then
melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding."
346,24,11,"8枚の 触手で 獲物を 絡め取り
強い 消化液で 溶かしてから
むしゃむしゃ 食べる。"
346,25,1,"うみの そこで エサを さがして あるきまわる。
きの えだの ような くびを じざいに のばして
8まいの しょくしゅで えものを つかまえる。"
346,25,3,"바다 밑에서 먹이를 찾아 돌아다닌다.
나뭇가지 같은 목을 자유롭게 늘여서
8개의 촉수로 먹이를 잡는다."
346,25,5,"Vacilys erre dans les profondeurs de locéan pour chercher
de la nourriture. Ce Pokémon peut allonger son cou à volonté
et capturer ses proies à laide de ses huit tentacules."
346,25,6,"Wielie sucht den Meeresboden nach Beute ab. Dieses
Pokémon fährt seinen baumstammartigen Nacken aus
und fängt mit seinen acht Tentakeln Beute."
346,25,7,"Cradily va por el fondo oceánico sin rumbo fijo en busca de
comida. El cuello de este Pokémon se parece al tronco de
un árbol. Cuando quiere atrapar a su presa desprevenida, lo
estira y usa los ocho tentáculos que tiene."
346,25,8,"Cradily scandaglia i fondali oceanici in cerca di nutrimento.
Riesce a estendere il collo, simile al tronco di un albero,
per catturare ignare prede con i propri otto tentacoli."
346,25,9,"Cradily roams around the ocean floor in search of food.
This Pokémon freely extends its tree trunk-like neck and
captures unwary prey using its eight tentacles."
346,25,11,"海の 底で エサを 探して 歩き回る。
木の 枝の ような 首を 自在に 伸ばして
8枚の 触手で 獲物を 捕まえる。"
346,26,1,"からだが おもりがわりに なっているので
うみが あれても ながされる ことは ない。
しょくしゅから つよい しょうかえきを だす。"
346,26,3,"몸이 추와 같은 역할을 해서
바다가 거칠어져도 떠내려가는 일이 없다.
촉수에서 강한 소화액이 나온다."
346,26,5,"Le corps de Vacilys lui sert dancre et lempêche dêtre
emporté quand la mer est déchaînée. Les tentacules
de ce Pokémon sécrètent un puissant fluide digestif."
346,26,6,"Wielies Körper dient ihm als Anker und schützt es davor,
in die stürmische See gespült zu werden. Dieses Pokémon
sondert eine starke Verdauungsflüssigkeit aus seinen
Tentakeln ab."
346,26,7,"A Cradily le sirve el cuerpo de ancla y sostén en aguas
turbulentas. Gracias a él no es arrastrado por las corrientes.
Este Pokémon segrega un fuerte jugo digestivo a través de
los tentáculos."
346,26,8,"Il corpo di Cradily funge da ancora, per evitare di essere
spazzato via dal mare grosso. Il Pokémon secerne un potente
liquido digestivo dai propri tentacoli."
346,26,9,"Cradilys body serves as an anchor, preventing it from being
washed away in rough seas. This Pokémon secretes a strong
digestive fluid from its tentacles."
346,26,11,"体が 錘替わりに なっているので
海が 荒れても 流される ことは ない。
触手から 強い 消化液を 出す。"
346,29,1,"ふだんは あさせの かいていに すみ
しおが ひくと そのまま りくに
あがって えものを さがしていた。"
346,29,3,"평소에는 얕은 여울 바다 밑에 살고
물이 빠지면 그대로 지상으로
올라가 먹이를 찾았다."
346,29,5,"Il habitait généralement dans les hauts-fonds,
mais parcourait le littoral en quête de proies
lorsque la marée était basse."
346,29,6,"Es lebte für gewöhnlich an seichten Stellen im
Meer. Bei Ebbe kam es an Land, um nach Beute
zu suchen."
346,29,7,"Por lo general habitaba en las profundidades
del mar y salía a tierra firme en busca de presas
cuando bajaba la marea."
346,29,8,"Questo Pokémon viveva sui fondali di acque
poco profonde e con la bassa marea andava in
cerca di prede sulla riva."
346,29,9,"Normally, it lived on shallow sea shoals. When
the tide went out, this Pokémon came up on
land to search for prey."
346,29,11,"普段は 浅瀬の 海底に 棲み
潮が 引くと そのまま 陸に
あがって 獲物を 探していた。"
346,30,1,"こだいのうみの にくしょくポケモン。
8つのしょくしゅで えものを とらえ
しょうかえきで とかしながら くう。"
346,30,3,"고대 바다의 육식 포켓몬.
8개의 촉수로 먹이를 잡아서
소화액으로 녹여 가며 먹는다."
346,30,5,"Ce carnivore des mers antiques attrape sa proie
à laide de ses huit tentacules, puis la dissout
avec ses sucs digestifs."
346,30,6,"Ein fleischfressendes Pokémon aus dem Urmeer.
Mit seinen acht Tentakeln fing es Beute und
löste sie in Verdauungssaft auf, bevor es sie aß."
346,30,7,"Pokémon carnívoro de mares ancestrales. Con
los ocho tentáculos atrapa a su presa y la come
a medida que sus jugos gástricos la disuelven."
346,30,8,"Questo antico Pokémon carnivoro afferra
la preda con gli otto tentacoli, poi la scioglie
usando un acido e cibandosene man mano."
346,30,9,"This carnivorous Pokémon lived in primordial
seas. It catches prey in its eight tentacles and
dissolves them with digestive fluid as it eats."
346,30,11,"古代の海の 肉食ポケモン。
8つの触手で 獲物を 捕らえ
消化液で 溶かしながら 食う。"
346,33,1,"あしが みじかく あゆみは おそいが
くびと しょくしゅが 3ばい のびて
とおくにいる えものを つかまえる。"
346,33,3,"다리가 짧아 걸음이 느리지만
목과 촉수가 3배로 늘어나서
멀리 있는 먹이를 잡는다."
346,33,5,"Il se déplace lentement avec ses petites pattes,
mais il peut tripler la longueur de son cou et
de ses tentacules pour capturer ses proies."
346,33,6,"Durch die kurzen Beine läuft Wielie nur langsam,
doch um ferne Beute zu fangen, kann es Hals und
Tentakel auf die dreifache Länge ausstrecken."
346,33,7,"Sus cortas patas le impiden desplazarse con
rapidez, pero puede triplicar la longitud de sus
tentáculos y cuello para atrapar a presas lejanas."
346,33,8,"Il suo passo è lento a causa delle corte zampe,
ma può triplicare la lunghezza del collo e dei
tentacoli per catturare le prede."
346,33,9,"It has short legs and cant walk very fast, but its
neck and tentacles can extend to over three
times their usual length to nab distant prey."
346,33,11,"脚が 短く 歩みは 遅いが
首と 触手が 3倍 伸びて
遠くにいる 獲物を 捕まえる。"
346,34,1,"しょくしゅで えものを つかまえると
そのまま しょうかえきで とかして
えいようぶんを きゅうしゅうする。"
346,34,3,"촉수로 먹이를 잡은 후
그대로 소화액으로 녹여
영양분을 흡수한다."
346,34,5,"Il attrape ses proies à laide de ses tentacules,
puis les dissout immédiatement avec ses sucs
digestifs pour en absorber les nutriments."
346,34,6,"Sobald es mit seinen Tentakeln Beute erfasst hat,
löst es diese mit seiner Verdauungsflüssigkeit auf
und absorbiert ihre Nährstoffe."
346,34,7,"Atrapa a sus presas con los tentáculos y
enseguida las disuelve con sus jugos gástricos
para absorber los nutrientes."
346,34,8,"Cattura le prede con i tentacoli e le scioglie
con un fluido digestivo, assorbendone così
le sostanze nutritive."
346,34,9,"Once Cradily catches prey in its tentacles,
it digests them whole and absorbs their nutrients."
346,34,11,"触手で 獲物を 捕まえると
そのまま 消化液で 溶かして
栄養分を 吸収する。"
347,7,9,"ANORITH was regenerated from a
prehistoric fossil. This primitive
POKéMON once lived in warm seas.It grips its prey firmly between its
two large claws."
347,8,9,"ANORITH is said to be a type of 
POKéMON predecessor, with eight wings
at the sides of its body.This POKéMON swam in the primordial sea
by undulating these eight wings."
347,9,9,"It was resurrected from a fossil using the
power of science. It swims by undulating
the eight wings at its sides. They were
feet that adapted to life in the sea."
347,10,9,"It is a kind of POKéMON progenitor.
It uses its extending claws to catch prey
hiding among rocks on the seafloor."
347,11,9,"It is a kind of POKéMON progenitor.
It uses its extending claws to catch prey
hiding among rocks on the seafloor."
347,12,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,13,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,14,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,15,9,"An ancestral Pokémon that lived in
the ocean. Over time, its eight feet
transformed into wings."
347,16,9,"An ancestral Pokémon that lived in
the ocean. Over time, its eight feet
transformed into wings."
347,17,5,"Un ancêtre Pokémon réanimé à partir
dun fossile. Il vivait en mer et
chassait avec ses pinces."
347,17,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,18,5,"Un ancêtre Pokémon réanimé à partir
dun fossile. Il vivait en mer et
chassait avec ses pinces."
347,18,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,21,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,22,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was
reanimated from a fossil. It lived
in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,23,1,"ポケモンの せんぞの いっしゅ。
かいていの いわばに かくれた
えものを のびる ツメで とらえる。"
347,23,3,"포켓몬의 조상 중 하나다.
해저의 바위 지대에 숨어 있는
먹잇감을 늘어나는 발톱으로 잡는다."
347,23,5,"Cest un Pokémon préhistorique. Caché derrière
les rochers, il utilise ses pinces extensibles pour
attraper ses proies."
347,23,6,"Es ist eine Art Vorfahre der Pokémon. Mit seinen
erweiterten Scheren geht es zwischen den Felsen
am Meeresgrund auf Beutefang."
347,23,7,"Es una especie de Pokémon predecesor. Estira las
pinzas para cazar a sus presas, que se esconden en
las rocas del mar."
347,23,8,"Pokémon di tipo primitivo, usa i lunghi artigli per
catturare prede nascoste tra le rocce in fondo al mare."
347,23,9,"It is a kind of Pokémon progenitor. It uses its
extending claws to catch prey hiding among rocks
on the seafloor."
347,23,11,"ポケモンの 先祖の 一種。
海底の 岩場に 隠れた 獲物を
伸びる ツノで 捕らえる。"
347,24,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモンの
せんぞの いっしゅ。うみで くらし
ツメで えものを つかまえる。"
347,24,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬의
조상 중 하나. 바다에서 살고
발톱으로 먹이를 잡는다."
347,24,5,"Un ancêtre Pokémon réanimé à partir dun fossile.
Il vivait en mer et chassait avec ses pinces."
347,24,6,"Ein Vorfahre der Pokémon, der aus einem Fossil neu
belebt wurde. Es lebte im Meer und jagte mit Klauen."
347,24,7,"Este Pokémon fue recreado a partir de restos fósiles.
Vivía en el mar y cazaba con sus pinzas."
347,24,8,"Un antico Pokémon rigenerato da un fossile. Viveva
nel mare e catturava le prede con gli artigli."
347,24,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a
fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws."
347,24,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモンの
先祖の 一種。海で 暮らし
ツメで 獲物を 捕まえる。"
347,25,1,"たいこの かせきから よみがえった ポケモン。
あたたかい うみに せいそくし はったつした
2ほんの ツメで えものを がっちり つかむ。"
347,25,3,"태고의 화석에서 되살아난 포켓몬이다.
따뜻한 바다에 서식하며 발달한
2개의 발톱으로 먹이를 꽉 잡는다."
347,25,5,"Anorith fut ressuscité à partir dun fossile préhistorique.
Ce Pokémon primitif vivait à lépoque dans les eaux tropicales.
Il attrape fermement sa proie avec ses deux grandes pinces."
347,25,6,"Anorith wurde aus einem prähistorischen Fossil erzeugt. Dieses
primitive Pokémon lebte einst in warmen Gewässern. Es klemmt
seine Beute fest zwischen seine beiden riesigen Klauen ein."
347,25,7,"Anorith se regeneró a partir de un fósil prehistórico. Este
Pokémon primitivo vivía en mares cálidos. Gracias a sus
enormes pinzas puede agarrar a su presa con firmeza."
347,25,8,"Anorith è stato rigenerato da un fossile preistorico. Un tempo
viveva nei mari caldi. Questo Pokémon afferra saldamente
la preda con i suoi due artigli."
347,25,9,"Anorith was regenerated from a prehistoric fossil. This primitive
Pokémon once lived in warm seas. It grips its prey firmly
between its two large claws."
347,25,11,"太古の 化石から 蘇った ポケモン。
暖かい 海に 生息し 発達した
2本の ツメで 獲物を がっちり つかむ。"
347,26,1,"ポケモンの せんぞの いっしゅと いわれている。
からだの よこに ついた 8まいの はねを
くねらせて たいこの うみを およいでいた。"
347,26,3,"포켓몬의 조상 중 하나라고 전해지고 있다.
몸의 측면에 붙어 있는 8개의 날개를
구부려 태고의 바다를 헤엄쳤다."
347,26,5,"On raconte quAnorith est lun des ancêtres des Pokémon.
Il nageait dans la mer originelle en faisant onduler les huit
ailes placées sur les côtés de son corps."
347,26,6,"Anorith soll ein Pokémon-Vorgänger sein, es hat acht Flügel
an seinem Körper. Dieses Pokémon schwamm im Urmeer,
indem es seine acht Flügel schwang."
347,26,7,"De Anorith dicen que es una especie de Pokémon predecesor.
Tiene ocho alas a ambos lados del cuerpo. Gracias a ellas,
pudo nadar por las primeras aguas que hubo."
347,26,8,"Si dice che Anorith sia un Pokémon antenato, con otto ali
sui fianchi. Il Pokémon nuotava nei mari primordiali remando
con le otto ali."
347,26,9,"Anorith is said to be a type of Pokémon predecessor, with
eight wings at the sides of its body. This Pokémon swam in the
primordial sea by undulating these eight wings."
347,26,11,"ポケモンの 先祖の 一種と いわれている。
体の 横に ついた 8枚の 羽を
くねらせて 太古の 海を 泳いでいた。"
347,29,1,"かせきから ふくげんした アノプスを
うみに はなっても げんきが ない。
とうじと すいしつが ちがうからだ。"
347,29,3,"화석에서 복원한 아노딥스를
바다에 놓아줘도 기운이 없다.
당시와 수질이 다르기 때문이다."
347,29,5,"Ce Pokémon ranimé à partir dun fossile
vivait dans des eaux très pures. Il ne pourrait
donc pas sacclimater aux océans actuels."
347,29,6,"Wenn man es aus einem Fossil wiederherstellt
und ins Meer entlässt, geht es ihm dort nicht
gut, da die Wasserqualität sich verändert hat."
347,29,7,"Si este Pokémon, regenerado a partir de un fósil,
se libera en el mar, no se aclimata bien debido a
la notable diferencia en la calidad del agua."
347,29,8,"Questo Pokémon rigenerato da un fossile non è
a suo agio se rilasciato nel mare, a causa del
peggioramento nella qualità delle acque odierne."
347,29,9,"When restored Anorith are released into the
ocean, they dont thrive, because the water
composition has changed since their era."
347,29,11,"化石から 復元した アノプスを
海に 放っても 元気が ない。
当時と 水質が 違うからだ。"
347,30,1,"こだいの むしポケモンの いっしゅ。
8まいの ハネを つかって いがいに
すばやく およいでいた らしい。"
347,30,3,"고대 벌레포켓몬의 일종.
8장의 날개를 사용해서 제법
빠르게 헤엄쳤다고 한다."
347,30,5,"Ce Pokémon Insecte préhistorique nageait
apparemment à une vitesse surprenante
grâce à ses huit «ailes»."
347,30,6,"Dieses urzeitliche Käfer-Pokémon konnte mit
seinen acht Flügeln ungewöhnlich schnell
347,30,7,"Un Pokémon insecto ancestral. Según parece,
era capaz de nadar sorprendentemente rápido
gracias a sus ocho alas."
347,30,8,"È un antico Pokémon Coleottero. Pare che
nuotasse in modo sorprendentemente rapido
usando le sue otto ali."
347,30,9,"This is one kind of primeval bug Pokémon.
With eight wings, it could apparently swim
a lot faster than youd expect."
347,30,11,"古代の むしポケモンの 1種。
8枚の ハネを 使って 意外に
素早く 泳いでいた らしい。"
347,33,1,"かせきから ふくげんした ポケモン。
1おくねんほどまえの うみで くらし
2ほんの ツメで かりをしていた。"
347,33,3,"화석에서 복원된 포켓몬.
1억 년 전의 바다에 살며
2개의 발톱으로 사냥을 했었다."
347,33,5,"Restauré à partir dun fossile, ce Pokémon vivait
dans locéan il y a environ 100 millions dannées
et chassait ses proies avec ses deux pinces."
347,33,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil wiederbelebt. Vor circa
100 Millionen Jahren war es im Meer zu Hause,
wo es mit seinen beiden Klauen auf Jagd ging."
347,33,7,"Este Pokémon se regeneró a partir de un fósil.
Habitaba en los mares de hace cien millones de
años. Atrapaba a sus presas con sus dos pinzas."
347,33,8,"Questo Pokémon è stato rigenerato da un fossile.
Viveva nei mari circa 100 milioni di anni fa e
usava i suoi due artigli per cacciare."
347,33,9,"This Pokémon was restored from a fossil.
Anorith lived in the ocean about 100,000,000
years ago, hunting with its pair of claws."
347,33,11,"化石から 復元した ポケモン。
1億年ほど前の 海で 暮らし
2本の ツメで 狩りをしていた。"
347,34,1,"8まいの ハネを ボートの オールの
ように うごかし はやく およげる。
むしポケモンの そせんの いっしゅ。"
347,34,3,"8장의 날개를 배의 노처럼
움직여 빠르게 헤엄친다.
벌레포켓몬 선조의 일종이다."
347,34,5,"Ce Pokémon peut nager très vite en agitant
ses huit ailes comme des rames de bateau.
Il fait partie des ancêtres des Pokémon Insecte."
347,34,6,"Anorith schwimmt sehr schnell, indem es seine
acht Flügel wie die Ruder eines Bootes bewegt.
Es ist einer der Vorfahren von Käfer-Pokémon."
347,34,7,"Puede nadar rápidamente gracias a sus ocho
alas que usa a modo de remo. Es uno de los
antepasados de los Pokémon insecto."
347,34,8,"Nuota rapidamente utilizzando le sue otto ali
come fossero remi di una barca. È uno degli
antenati dei Pokémon di tipo Coleottero."
347,34,9,"Anorith can swim swiftly by pulling its eight wings
through the water like oars on a boat. This
Pokémon is an ancestor of modern bug Pokémon."
347,34,11,"8枚の ハネを ボートの オールの
ように 動かし 速く 泳げる。
虫ポケモンの 祖先の 一種。"
348,7,9,"ARMALDOs tough armor makes all attacks
bounce off. This POKéMONs two
enormous claws can be freely extendedor contracted. They have the power to
punch right through a steel slab."
348,8,9,"ARMALDO is a POKéMON species that
became extinct in prehistoric times.
This POKéMON is said to have walked onits hind legs, which would have been
more convenient for life on land."
348,9,9,"ARMALDO usually lives on land. However,
when it hunts for prey, it dives beneath
the ocean. It swims around using its two
large wings."
348,10,9,"Protected by a hard shell, its body is
very sturdy. It skewers prey with its
claws to feed."
348,11,9,"Protected by a hard shell, its body is
very sturdy. It skewers prey with its
claws to feed."
348,12,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,13,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,14,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,15,9,"Its enormous, retractable claws
can cut through most anything. Its
entire body is clad in sturdy plates."
348,16,9,"Its enormous, retractable claws
can cut through most anything. Its
entire body is clad in sturdy plates."
348,17,5,"Il a gagné la côte après son
évolution. Une armure robuste
recouvre son corps."
348,17,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,18,5,"Il a gagné la côte après son
évolution. Une armure robuste
recouvre son corps."
348,18,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,21,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,22,9,"It went ashore after evolving.
Its entire body is clad in a sturdy
348,23,1,"のびちぢみする きょだいな ツメで
えものを くしざしにして とらえる。
じょうぶな よろいを みに まとう。"
348,23,3,"늘었다 줄었다 하는 거대한 손톱으로
먹이를 찔러서 잡는다.
튼튼한 갑옷을 몸에 두르고 있다."
348,23,5,"Ce Pokémon au corps blindé peut allonger ou
rétracter ses énormes pinces pour embrocher ses
348,23,6,"Es spießt die Beute mit seinen Scheren auf,
ehe es sie verspeist. Den Körper umgibt
ein robuster Panzer."
348,23,7,"Ensarta a sus presas con sus gigantescas garras
elásticas. Una fuerte coraza cubre su cuerpo."
348,23,8,"Cattura il nemico infilzandolo con gli enormi artigli
retrattili. È rivestito di una robusta corazza."
348,23,9,"Its enormous, retractable claws can cut through
most anything. Its entire body is clad in
sturdy plates."
348,23,11,"伸び縮みする 巨大な ツメで
獲物を くし刺しにして 捕らえる。
丈夫な よろいを 身に まとう。"
348,24,1,"こうらに おおわれた からだは
とても がんじょう。するどい ツメで
えものを くしざしにして たべる。"
348,24,3,"등껍질이 감싸고 있는 몸은
매우 단단하다. 날카로운 손톱으로
먹이를 찔러서 먹는다."
348,24,5,"Rien ne peut transpercer la cuirasse dArmaldo.
Ce Pokémon embroche ses proies avec ses griffes
pour les avaler plus facilement."
348,24,6,"Sein robuster Körper wird von einem harten Panzer
geschützt. Es spießt die Beute mit seinen Scheren auf,
ehe es sie verspeist."
348,24,7,"Está protegido por una fuerte armadura y tiene un
cuerpo robusto. Engancha a sus presas con las pinzas
y las devora."
348,24,8,"Ha un corpo molto resistente, protetto da un duro
guscio. Infilza le prede con gli artigli per poi cibarsene."
348,24,9,"Protected by a hard shell, its body is very sturdy.
It skewers prey with its claws to feed."
348,24,11,"甲羅に 覆われた 体は
とても 頑丈。鋭い ツメで
獲物を くしざしにして 食べる。"
348,25,1,"こうらは あらゆる こうげきを はねかえす。
のび ちぢみする きょだいな 2ほんの ツメは
てっぱんを くしざしにする ほどの いりょくだ。"
348,25,3,"등껍질은 어떠한 공격이라도 튕겨낸다.
늘었다 줄었다 하는 거대한 2개의 발톱은
철판을 찔러 뚫을 정도의 위력을 지녔다."
348,25,5,"Le puissant blindage dArmaldo peut repousser toute attaque.
Les énormes pinces de ce Pokémon peuvent sallonger ou
se rétracter. Elles peuvent transpercer une plaque dacier."
348,25,6,"Von Armaldos hartem Panzer prallen alle Angriffe ab. Dieses
Pokémon hat zwei mächtige Klauen, die es ausfahren oder
einziehen kann. Es hat so viel Kraft, dass es damit eine
Stahlplatte pulverisieren kann."
348,25,7,"Armaldo tiene una sólida armadura que repele cualquier
ataque. Este Pokémon puede estirar o encoger todo lo que
quiera las pinzas que tiene. Con ellas, puede atravesar una
plancha de acero."
348,25,8,"La dura corazza di Armaldo protegge da ogni tipo di attacco.
I suoi due enormi artigli sono in grado di estendersi
e contrarsi. Inoltre sono dotati di una potenza tale
da spaccare una lastra dacciaio."
348,25,9,"Armaldos tough armor makes all attacks bounce off. This
Pokémons two enormous claws can be freely extended or
contracted. They have the power to punch right through a
steel slab."
348,25,11,"甲羅は あらゆる 攻撃を はね返す。
伸び 縮みする 巨大な 2本の ツメは
鉄板を くし刺しにする ほどの 威力だ。"
348,26,1,"おおむかし ぜつめつした ポケモンの いっしゅ。
ちじょうで くらすとき べんりな ように
2ほんの あしで あるくように なったと いう。"
348,26,3,"오랜 옛날 멸종된 포켓몬의 한 종류다.
땅 위에서 살 때 편리하도록
2개의 다리로 걸을 수 있게 됐다고 한다."
348,26,5,"Armaldo fait partie dune espèce de Pokémon qui sest
éteinte à lépoque préhistorique. On raconte que ce Pokémon
marchait sur ses pattes arrière, ce qui facilitait sa vie sur
la terre ferme."
348,26,6,"Armaldo ist eine Pokémon-Art, die vor vielen Jahren
ausgestorben ist. Dieses Pokémon soll sich auf seinen
Hinterbeinen fortbewegt haben, da dies für das Leben
an Land bequemer war."
348,26,7,"Armaldo es una de las especies de Pokémon que se
extinguieron en la era prehistórica. Se cree que caminaban
sobre las patas traseras; lo más apropiado para la vida en
tierra firme."
348,26,8,"Armaldo è una specie di Pokémon estinta già in tempi antichi.
Si dice che camminasse sugli arti inferiori per affrontare meglio
il tipo di vita che conduceva sulla terraferma."
348,26,9,"Armaldo is a Pokémon species that became extinct in
prehistoric times. This Pokémon is said to have walked
on its hind legs, which would have been more convenient
for life on land."
348,26,11,"大昔 絶滅した ポケモンの 一種。
地上で 暮らすとき 便利な ように
2本の 足で 歩くように なったと いう。"
348,29,1,"りくに くらし えものを もとめて
うみへ かりへと でかけていた。
するどい ツメが さいだいの ぶき。"
348,29,3,"지상에 살며 먹이를 찾아
바다로 사냥을 나갔다.
날카로운 발톱이 최대 무기다."
348,29,5,"Ce Pokémon terrestre avait pour habitude
daller chasser ses proies en mer à laide de
ses armes de prédilection : ses griffes acérées."
348,29,6,"Es lebte an Land und jagte im Meer nach Beute.
Seine scharfen Klauen waren seine größte Waffe."
348,29,7,"Vivía en tierra firme, pero se adentraba en el
mar en busca de presas a las que cazar con
sus afiladas pinzas, un arma de lo más temible."
348,29,8,"Viveva sulla terraferma e si tuffava in mare
per cacciare le prede. La sua arma migliore
erano gli artigli affilati."
348,29,9,"It lived on land and went out into the sea to
hunt for prey. Its sharp claws were its
greatest weapon."
348,29,11,"陸に 暮らし 獲物を 求めて
海へ 狩りへと でかけていた。
鋭い ツメが 最大の 武器。"
348,30,1,"うみから ちじょうで くらすように
なった。 いちぶの むしポケモンの
そせんで あることが わかった。"
348,30,3,"바다에서 살다가 지상에서도
살 수 있게 되었다. 일부 벌레포켓몬의
조상인 것으로 밝혀졌다."
348,30,5,"Considéré comme lun des ancêtres des
Pokémon Insecte, il avait quitté la mer pour
sinstaller sur la terre ferme."
348,30,6,"Es hat früher im Meer gelebt und ist dann an
Land gekommen. Man hat herausgefunden, dass
es der Vorfahre einiger Käfer-Pokémon ist."
348,30,7,"Este Pokémon abandonó el mar para habitar en
tierra firme. Según se ha demostrado, es el
antepasado de algunos Pokémon insecto."
348,30,8,"Originariamente viveva in mare, ma poi si spostò
sulla terraferma. Si è scoperto che è lantenato
di alcuni Pokémon Coleottero."
348,30,9,"Armaldo adapted from living in water to living on
land. It has been determined that it is the
ancestor of some bug Pokémon."
348,30,11,"海から 地上で 暮らすように
なった。 一部の むしポケモンの
祖先で あることが わかった。"
348,33,1,"しんかして りくちに あがった。
かはんしんが きょうかされ しっぽの
いちげきは すごい はかいりょくだ。"
348,33,3,"진화해서 육지로 올라왔다.
하반신이 강화되어 꼬리로 가하는
일격은 굉장한 파괴력을 자랑한다."
348,33,5,"Depuis son évolution, il vit sur la terre ferme.
Ses membres inférieurs se sont développés
et ses coups de queue sont dévastateurs."
348,33,6,"Nach seiner Entwicklung ging es an Land, sodass
sich sein Unterkörper verstärkte. Ein Hieb seines
Schweifs besitzt gewaltige Zerstörungskraft."
348,33,7,"Tras evolucionar, pasó a vivir en tierra firme.
Posee tal fuerza en la parte inferior del cuerpo
que un solo coletazo puede resultar devastador."
348,33,8,"Dopo levoluzione, è salito sulla terraferma.
La parte inferiore del corpo si è rafforzata,
rendendo i colpi della sua coda devastanti."
348,33,9,"After evolution, this Pokémon emerged onto
land. Its lower body has become stronger, and
blows from its tail are devastating."
348,33,11,"進化して 陸地に 上がった。
下半身が 強化され しっぽの
一撃は すごい 破壊力だ。"
348,34,1,"りくちで せいかつするが およぎも
とくい。 えものを もとめて うみに
もぐり するどい ツメで しとめる。"
348,34,3,"육지에서 생활하지만 헤엄도 잘 친다.
먹이를 찾아 바다로 잠수해
날카로운 발톱으로 꼼짝 못 하게 한다."
348,34,5,"Bien que vivant sur la terre ferme, il est très
bon nageur. Il plonge dans la mer à la recherche
de proies et les abat avec ses pinces acérées."
348,34,6,"Es lebt an Land, kann aber auch gut schwimmen.
Zum Jagen taucht es ins Meer und erledigt Beute
mit seinen scharfen Klauen."
348,34,7,"Vive en tierra firme, pero es un hábil nadador.
Se zambulle en el agua en busca de presas y las
atrapa con sus afiladas pinzas."
348,34,8,"Vive sulla terraferma, ma è un abile nuotatore.
Si tuffa in mare alla ricerca di prede, che abbatte
con i suoi artigli affilati."
348,34,9,"Though it lives on land, its also a good swimmer.
It dives into the ocean in search of prey, using its
sharp claws to take down its quarry."
348,34,11,"陸地で 生活するが 泳ぎも 得意。
獲物を 求めて 海に 潜り
鋭い ツメで しとめる。"
349,7,9,"FEEBASs fins are ragged and
tattered from the start of its life.
Because of its shoddy appearance, thisPOKéMON is largely ignored.
It is capable of living in both the sea
and in rivers."
349,8,9,"While FEEBASs body is in tatters,
it has a hardy and tenacious life force
that enables it to live anywhere.However, this POKéMON is also slow and
dimwitted, making it an easy catch."
349,9,9,"FEEBAS live in ponds that are heavily
infested with weeds. Because of its
hopelessly shabby appearance, it
seems as if few TRAINERS raise it."
349,10,9,"Ridiculed for its shabby appearance,
it is ignored by researchers. It lives in
ponds choked with weeds."
349,11,9,"Ridiculed for its shabby appearance,
it is ignored by researchers. It lives in
ponds choked with weeds."
349,12,9,"It is famous for its shabby
appearance. While populous, they
tend to cluster in set locations."
349,13,9,"It eats anything, so it can even
live in polluted streams and lakes.
No one pays any attention to it."
349,14,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon.
However, it is very hardy and
can survive on little water."
349,15,9,"It is the shabbiest Pokémon of all.
It forms in schools and lives at the
bottom of rivers."
349,16,9,"It is the shabbiest Pokémon of all.
It forms in schools and lives at the
bottom of rivers."
349,17,5,"Ce Pokémon a peut-être un physique
disgracieux, mais il est robuste et
peut survivre dans très peu deau."
349,17,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon.
However, it is very hardy and
can survive on little water."
349,18,5,"Ce Pokémon a peut-être un physique
disgracieux, mais il est robuste et
peut survivre dans très peu deau."
349,18,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon.
However, it is very hardy and
can survive on little water."
349,21,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon.
However, it is very hardy and
can survive on little water."
349,22,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon.
However, it is very hardy and
can survive on little water."
349,23,1,"なんでも たべるので きたない
かわや みずうみでも いきていける。
だれも ちゅうもくしない ポケモン。"
349,23,3,"무엇이든 먹기 때문에 더러운
강이나 호수에서도 살 수 있다.
누구도 주목하지 않는 포켓몬이다."
349,23,5,"Il peut vivre dans les fleuves et les lacs pollués car
il mange de tout. Personne ne se soucie de lui."
349,23,6,"Es frisst einfach alles und kann daher
auch in verschmutzter Umgebung leben.
Niemand beachtet es."
349,23,7,"Come de todo, por lo que puede vivir en aguas
contaminadas. Nadie le presta atención."
349,23,8,"Si nutre di qualsiasi cosa, pertanto vive anche in fiumi
e laghi inquinati. È un Pokémon di scarso interesse."
349,23,9,"It eats anything, so it can even live in polluted
streams and lakes. No one pays any attention to it."
349,23,11,"なんでも 食べるので
汚い 川や 湖でも 生きていける。
だれも 注目しない ポケモン。"
349,24,1,"いちばん みすぼらしい ポケモン。
みずくさの おおい かわぞこで
おおぜい あつまって くらしている。"
349,24,3,"제일 볼품없는 포켓몬이다.
수초가 많은 강바닥에
한데 모여 살고 있다."
349,24,5,"Son apparence est pathétique. Il forme des bancs
dans les rivières riches en plantes aquatiques."
349,24,6,"Das schäbigste Pokémon von allen. Es lebt auf dem
Grund von Flüssen, wo viele Wasserpflanzen wachsen."
349,24,7,"Es el Pokémon con peor aspecto. Vive en grupos en
lechos de ríos con abundantes plantas acuáticas."
349,24,8,"Il Pokémon più sciatto. Vive in grandi gruppi nei
letti dei fiumi ricchi di piante acquatiche."
349,24,9,"It is the shabbiest Pokémon of all. It forms in
schools and lives at the bottom of rivers."
349,24,11,"一番 みすぼらしい ポケモン。
水草の 多い 川底で
大勢 集まって 暮らしている。"
349,25,1,"うまれつき ヒレが ボロボロで みっともないため
だれにも あいてに されない ポケモンだ。
うみと かわの どちらでも せいかつできる。"
349,25,3,"태어날 때부터 지느러미가 너덜너덜
보기 흉해서 아무도 상대해주지 않는 포켓몬이다.
바다와 강 양쪽 모두에서 생활할 수 있다."
349,25,5,"Les nageoires de Barpau sont abîmées et déchirées
dès sa naissance. Ce Pokémon est généralement ignoré
à cause de son apparence miséreuse. Il peut vivre
dans la mer ou en eau douce."
349,25,6,"Barschwas Flossen waren schon immer zerfetzt. Wegen seines
merkwürdigen Aussehens wird dieses Pokémon weitgehend
ignoriert. Es kann sowohl im Meer als auch in Flüssen leben."
349,25,7,"Feebas tiene las aletas melladas y rasgadas desde que nace.
Debido a este aspecto poco imponente, son pocos los que lo
tienen en cuenta. Este Pokémon puede vivir tanto en agua
salada como dulce."
349,25,8,"Le pinne di Feebas sono logore e sbrindellate fin dalla
nascita. A causa di questo suo aspetto disordinato,
il Pokémon è solitamente ignorato. È in grado di vivere
in mare e nei fiumi."
349,25,9,"Feebass fins are ragged and tattered from the start of its life.
Because of its shoddy appearance, this Pokémon is largely
ignored. It is capable of living in both the sea and in rivers."
349,25,11,"生まれつき ヒレが ボロボロで みっともないため
誰にも 相手に されない ポケモンだ。
海と 川の どちらでも 生活できる。"
349,26,1,"からだは ボロボロだが どこでも いきていける
しぶとい せいめいりょくを もつ ポケモン。
しかし ノロマなので すぐに つかまってしまう。"
349,26,3,"몸은 엉망이지만 어디에서든 살아갈 수 있는
끈질긴 생명력을 지닌 포켓몬이다.
하지만 아둔해서 금방 붙잡힌다."
349,26,5,"Même si le corps de Barpau est en lambeaux, il reste tenace
et obstiné, ce qui lui permet de survivre partout. Cependant,
ce Pokémon est très lent et un peu bête, ce qui en fait
une proie facile."
349,26,6,"Obwohl Barschwas Körper zerfetzt ist, besitzt es eine harte
und zähe Lebenskraft, sodass es überall leben kann. Aber
dieses Pokémon ist langsam und dusselig. Daher ist es leicht
zu fangen."
349,26,7,"Aunque Feebas tenga el cuerpo mellado, posee una
tremenda y constante fuerza vital que le permite vivir en
cualquier lugar. Con todo, es un Pokémon lento y simplón;
es fácil de atrapar."
349,26,8,"Sebbene abbia il corpo logoro, Feebas è molto tenace
e resistente, potendo così vivere in ogni luogo. Tuttavia,
questo Pokémon è anche lento e poco sveglio, il che
lo rende una preda facile."
349,26,9,"While Feebass body is in tatters, it has a hardy and tenacious
life force that enables it to live anywhere. However, this
Pokémon is also slow and dimwitted, making it an easy catch."
349,26,11,"体は ボロボロだが どこでも 生きていける
しぶとい 生命力を 持つ ポケモン。
しかし ノロマなので すぐに 捕まってしまう。"
349,27,1,"きたない みずでも ぜんぜん へいきな
タフな ポケモン。 でも ボロボロで
みすぼらしいので にんきは ない。"
349,27,3,"더러운 물이라도 아무렇지 않은
터프한 포켓몬. 하지만 추레하고
초라해서 인기는 없다."
349,27,5,"Ce Pokémon na pas beaucoup dadeptes, du
fait de son air miteux. Il est pourtant robuste
et na pas peur de nager en eaux troubles."
349,27,6,"Dieses robuste Pokémon fühlt sich selbst in
verschmutztem Wasser wohl. So schäbig und
zerfetzt es ist, so unbeliebt ist es auch."
349,27,7,"Este Pokémon es tan resistente que puede vivir
sin problema hasta en las aguas más sucias,
pero no es muy popular a causa de su aspecto."
349,27,8,"Non è molto popolare per via del suo misero
aspetto, ma è molto resistente e in grado di
vivere anche in acque inquinate."
349,27,9,"A tough Pokémon that is perfectly fine even
in dirty water. However, due to its ragged,
shabby appearance, it isnt popular."
349,27,11,"汚い 水でも ぜんぜん 平気な
タフな ポケモン。 でも ボロボロで
みすぼらしいので 人気は ない。"
349,28,1,"みためが わるいので にんきはないが
きょういの せいめいりょくが あり
けんきゅうたいしょうには なっている。"
349,28,3,"겉모습이 좋지 않아 인기는 없지만
경이로운 생명력을 지니고 있어
연구대상이 되고 있다."
349,28,5,"Comme il est tout de même franchement laid,
ce Pokémon a un succès très mitigé. Sa grande
vitalité fait néanmoins lobjet de moult études."
349,28,6,"Sein unvorteilhaftes Aussehen macht es zwar
unbeliebt, doch seine erstaunliche Lebenskraft
hat das Interesse der Forscher an ihm geweckt."
349,28,7,"Como su aspecto deja bastante que desear, no
se le aprecia mucho. Aun así, su gran vitalidad
puede ser muy interesante para la ciencia."
349,28,8,"È un Pokémon poco popolare per via del suo
misero aspetto. Tuttavia, la sua prodigiosa
vitalità ha attirato linteresse dei ricercatori."
349,28,9,"Although unattractive and unpopular, this
Pokémons marvelous vitality has made it a
subject of research."
349,28,11,"見た目が 悪いので 人気はないが
脅威の 生命力が あり
研究対象には なっている。"
349,29,1,"ボロボロなので だれも つかまえない。
まずそうなので えものにも されない。
けっかてきに どんどん ふえていく。"
349,29,3,"모습이 초라해서 아무도 잡지 않는다.
맛없어 보여서 아무도 먹지 않는다.
결과적으로 개체 수만 점점 늘어난다."
349,29,5,"Son apparence peu ragoûtante repousse les
prédateurs et dissuade les gens de le pêcher.
Sa population augmente donc rapidement."
349,29,6,"Wegen ihres schäbigen Aussehens werden sie
nicht gefangen und auch als Beute verschmäht.
Dadurch vermehren sie sich ungehindert."
349,29,7,"Debido a su cuerpo mellado y su feo aspecto, no
es muy apetecible como presa ni popular entre
los Entrenadores y por eso está proliferando."
349,29,8,"Per via del suo misero aspetto, nessuno lo
cattura e nessun predatore lo trova appetitoso.
Per questo continua a proliferare."
349,29,9,"They look ragged, so no one catches them. They
look like theyd taste bad, so predators wont
eat them. And their numbers continue to grow."
349,29,11,"ボロボロなので 誰も 捕まえない。
まずそうなので 獲物にも されない。
結果的に どんどん 増えていく。"
349,30,1,"みすぼらしいので たいていの ひとは
みむきも しないが ヒンバス だけを
あつめる コレクターだって いるぞ。"
349,30,3,"외모가 초라해서 대부분 사람은
거들떠보지도 않지만 빈티나만을
모으는 컬렉터도 있다."
349,30,5,"En raison de sa laideur, la plupart des gens
détournent le regard quand ils le croisent.
Il a cependant des fans qui le collectionnent."
349,30,6,"Die meisten Menschen schenken ihm wegen
seines armseligen Äußeren keine Beachtung.
Doch es gibt Sammler, die nur Barschwa wollen."
349,30,7,"Debido a su aspecto tan descuidado, la mayoría
de la gente no le presta atención. Sin embargo,
hay personas que coleccionan solo Feebas."
349,30,8,"Molti non lo degnano di uno sguardo per via del
suo misero aspetto. Tuttavia, alcuni collezionisti
catturano solo i Feebas."
349,30,9,"Because of its wretched appearance, most
people pay it no attention, but there are some
who collect Feebas—and Feebas alone!"
349,30,11,"みすぼらしいので 大抵の 人は
見向きも しないが ヒンバス だけを
集める コレクターだって いるぞ。"
349,33,1,"みためが わるいので にんきはないが
きょういの せいめいりょくが あり
けんきゅうたいしょうには なっている。"
349,33,3,"겉모습이 좋지 않아 인기는 없지만
경이로운 생명력을 지니고 있어
연구 대상이 되고 있다."
349,33,5,"Comme il est tout de même franchement laid,
ce Pokémon a un succès très mitigé. Sa grande
vitalité fait néanmoins lobjet de moult études."
349,33,6,"Sein unvorteilhaftes Aussehen macht es zwar
unbeliebt, doch seine erstaunliche Lebenskraft
hat das Interesse der Forscher an ihm geweckt."
349,33,7,"Su aspecto poco agraciado hace que no sea muy
popular, pero su gran vitalidad resulta de gran
interés para la ciencia."
349,33,8,"È un Pokémon poco popolare per via del suo
misero aspetto. Tuttavia, la sua prodigiosa
vitalità ha attirato linteresse dei ricercatori."
349,33,9,"Although unattractive and unpopular, this
Pokémons marvelous vitality has made it a
subject of research."
349,33,11,"見た目が 悪いので 人気はないが
脅威の 生命力が あり
研究対象には なっている。"
349,34,1,"みすぼらしく みにくい ポケモンだが
しぶとい せいめいりょくを もち
わずかな みずだけでも いきのびる。"
349,34,3,"볼품없고 못생긴 포켓몬이지만
강인한 생명력을 가져
약간의 물만 있어도 살아남는다."
349,34,5,"Ce Pokémon a peut-être un physique disgracieux,
mais il est robuste et peut survivre dans très peu
349,34,6,"Ein schäbiges, ja sogar hässliches Pokémon.
Dafür ist es abgehärtet und überlebt auch mit
wenig Wasser."
349,34,7,"Su apariencia deja bastante que desear, pero es
muy resistente y puede sobrevivir con poca agua."
349,34,8,"È un Pokémon dallaspetto brutto e misero.
Tuttavia, è molto resistente e può sopravvivere
anche in pochissima acqua."
349,34,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is
very hardy and can survive on little water."
349,34,11,"みすぼらしく 醜い ポケモンだが
しぶとい 生命力を もち
わずかな 水だけでも 生き延びる。"
350,7,9,"MILOTIC is said to be the most
beautiful of all the POKéMON.
It has the power to becalm suchemotions as anger and hostility to quell
bitter feuding."
350,8,9,"MILOTIC live at the bottom of large
lakes. When this POKéMONs body glows a
vivid pink, it releases a pulsing wave ofenergy that brings soothing calm to
restless spirits."
350,9,9,"It is said to live at the bottom of
large lakes. Considered to be the most
beautiful of all POKéMON, it has been
depicted in paintings and statues."
350,10,9,"MILOTIC is breathtakingly beautiful.
Those that see it are said to forget their
combative spirits."
350,11,9,"MILOTIC is breathtakingly beautiful.
Those that see it are said to forget their
combative spirits."
350,12,9,"When people bicker, it is said to
arise from the depths of lakes to
becalm violent hearts."
350,13,9,"It is the worlds most beautiful
Pokémon. There are many works of
art featuring MILOTIC."
350,14,9,"Its lovely scales are described as
rainbow colored. They change color
depending on the viewing angle."
350,15,9,"Its said that a glimpse of a
MILOTIC and its beauty will calm any
hostile emotions youre feeling."
350,16,9,"Its said that a glimpse of a
MILOTIC and its beauty will calm any
hostile emotions youre feeling."
350,17,5,"Ses splendides écailles aux couleurs
de larc-en-ciel changent de teinte
selon langle de vue."
350,17,9,"Its lovely scales are described as
rainbow colored. They change color
depending on the viewing angle."
350,18,5,"Ses splendides écailles aux couleurs
de larc-en-ciel changent de teinte
selon langle de vue."
350,18,9,"Its lovely scales are described as
rainbow colored. They change color
depending on the viewing angle."
350,21,9,"Its lovely scales are described as
rainbow colored. They change color
depending on the viewing angle."
350,22,9,"Its lovely scales are described as
rainbow colored. They change color
depending on the viewing angle."
350,23,1,"ミロカロスの うつくしい すがたを
みた ものは あらそいの きもちを
わすれてしまうと いわれている。"
350,23,3,"밀로틱의 아름다운 모습을
본 이는 싸우려던 마음가짐을
잊어버린다고 한다."
350,23,5,"Milobellus est dune beauté à couper le souffle.
Ceux qui en voient un perdent aussitôt lenvie de se
350,23,6,"Milotic ist atemberaubend schön. Man sagt,
dass diejenigen, die es sehen, vergessen zu kämpfen."
350,23,7,"Milotic es impresionantemente bello. Quienes lo ven,
temen perder las ganas de luchar contra él."
350,23,8,"Pokémon di una bellezza vertiginosa. Chi lo vede
perde ogni voglia di combattere."
350,23,9,"Milotic is breathtakingly beautiful. Those that see it
are said to forget their combative spirits."
350,23,11,"ミロカロスの 美しい 姿を
見た者は 争いの 気持ちを
忘れてしまうと 言われている。"
350,24,1,"せかいいち うつくしい ポケモン。
ミロカロスを モデルにした かいがや
ちょうこくが たくさん ある。"
350,24,3,"세계에서 제일 아름다운
포켓몬이다. 밀로틱을 모델로 한
회화나 조각이 많이 있다."
350,24,5,"Le plus beau Pokémon du monde. De nombreuses
œuvres dart représentent Milobellus."
350,24,6,"Dies ist das schönste Pokémon der Welt. Es gibt
viele Kunstwerke, die Milotic darstellen."
350,24,7,"Es el Pokémon más hermoso del mundo. Milotic ha
inspirado numerosas obras de arte."
350,24,8,"È il Pokémon più bello del mondo. Ci sono parecchie
opere darte ispirate a Milotic."
350,24,9,"It is the worlds most beautiful Pokémon. There are
many works of art featuring Milotic."
350,24,11,"世界一 美しい ポケモン。
ミロカロスを モデルにした
絵画や 彫刻が たくさん ある。"
350,25,1,"もっとも うつくしい ポケモンと いわれている。
いかりや にくしみの こころを いやして
あらそいを しずめる ちからを もっている。"
350,25,3,"가장 아름다운 포켓몬이라고 불리고 있다.
분노나 증오의 마음을 치유하여
분쟁을 진정시키는 힘을 지니고 있다."
350,25,5,"Certains prétendent que Milobellus est le plus beau de tous
les Pokémon. Il a le pouvoir dapaiser certaines émotions
comme la colère ou lhostilité, afin déviter les querelles
350,25,6,"Milotic soll das schönste aller Pokémon sein. Es hat die
Macht, Emotionen wie Wut und Feindseligkeit zu besänftigen
und somit erbitterten Streit zu vermeiden."
350,25,7,"De Milotic se dice que es el Pokémon más bello. Tiene la
capacidad de calmar sentimientos tales como el miedo y la
hostilidad, y apaciguar las relaciones de áspera enemistad."
350,25,8,"Pare che Milotic sia il più bello tra tutti i Pokémon.
Ha il potere di placare emozioni come la rabbia e lastio,
domando così anche le più accese controversie."
350,25,9,"Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon.
It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and
hostility to quell bitter feuding."
350,25,11,"最も 美しい ポケモンと いわれている。
怒りや 憎しみの 心を 癒して
争いを 鎮める 力を 持っている。"
350,26,1,"おおきな みずうみの そこに すんでいる。
からだが あざやかな ピンクいろに かがやくとき
すさんだ こころを いやす はどうを はなつ。"
350,26,3,"큰 호수의 밑바닥에 살고 있다.
몸이 선명한 핑크빛으로 반짝일 때
피폐해진 마음을 치유하는 파동을 발산한다."
350,26,5,"Milobellus vit au fond des grands lacs. Lorsque le corps
de ce Pokémon devient rose vif, il libère une pulsation
dénergie, capable dapaiser les esprits agités."
350,26,6,"Milotic lebt auf dem Grund großer Seen. Wenn dieses
Pokémon rosa leuchtet, gibt es eine Energiewelle ab,
die einem zornigen Herzen wohltuende Ruhe verschaffen
350,26,7,"Milotic vive en lo más profundo de los lagos. Cuando
intensifica el color rosa de la piel, libera una fuerte onda de
energía que tranquiliza a todo el que tenga el ánimo alterado."
350,26,8,"Milotic vive sui fondali dei grandi laghi. Quando il suo corpo
riluce di un rosa intenso, rilascia una forte onda energetica,
in grado di placare gli spiriti irrequieti."
350,26,9,"Milotic live at the bottom of large lakes. When this
Pokémons body glows a vivid pink, it releases a pulsing
wave of energy that brings soothing calm to troubled hearts."
350,26,11,"大きな 湖の 底に すんでいる。
体が 鮮やかな ピンク色に 輝くとき
荒んだ 心を 癒す 波動を 放つ。"
350,27,1,"もっとも うつくしい ポケモンとも
よばれ おおくの げいじゅつかに
インスピレーションを あたえてきた。"
350,27,3,"가장 아름다운 포켓몬으로
불리며 많은 예술가에게
영감을 주고 있다."
350,27,5,"Célébré comme lun des plus beaux Pokémon,
il sert souvent de modèle et dinspiration aux
plus grands artistes."
350,27,6,"Milotic soll das schönste aller Pokémon sein.
Es hat schon so manchem Künstler
als Quelle der Inspiration gedient."
350,27,7,"Se dice que es el Pokémon más bello. Ha sido
la fuente de inspiración de un gran número de
350,27,8,"È considerato il Pokémon più bello del mondo
ed è fonte dispirazione per tantissimi artisti."
350,27,9,"Milotic has provided inspiration to many artists.
It has even been referred to as the most
beautiful Pokémon of all."
350,27,11,"最も 美しい ポケモンとも
呼ばれ 多くの 芸術家に
インスピレーションを 与えてきた。"
350,28,1,"すんだ みずうみの そこに すむ。
せんそうが おこるとき あらわれ
ひとびとの こころを いやす。"
350,28,3,"맑은 호수 바닥에 산다.
전쟁이 일어날 때 나타나
사람들의 마음을 치유한다."
350,28,5,"Il vit au fond des lacs à leau claire. Il se révèle
aux hommes en temps de guerre et apaise
leurs cœurs meurtris."
350,28,6,"Es lebt auf dem Grund von klaren, ungetrübten
Seen. Zu Kriegszeiten taucht es empor, um die
Menschen zu besänftigen."
350,28,7,"Milotic vive en lo más profundo de lagos de
agua cristalina. En tiempos de guerra aparece
para calmar el corazón de los hombres."
350,28,8,"Vive in laghi dalle acque cristalline.
Quando scoppia una guerra, compare
per placare i cuori degli esseri umani."
350,28,9,"It lives at the bottom of clear lakes. In times of
war, it shows itself, which soothes peoples
minds and hearts."
350,28,11,"澄んだ 湖の 底に 棲む。
戦争が 起こるとき 現れ
人々の 心を いやす。"
350,29,1,"もっとも うつくしいと いわれるが
ヒンバスが すきで そだててきた
トレーナーには びみょう らしい。"
350,29,3,"가장 아름답다고 하지만
빈티나가 좋아서 기른
트레이너에게는 미묘한 듯하다."
350,29,5,"Il est considéré comme le plus beau de tous
les Pokémon, mais il est loin de faire lunanimité
auprès des fans de Barpau!"
350,29,6,"Es soll das schönste Pokémon sein, aber Trainer,
die Barschwa trainiert haben, weil sie es mögen,
sollen nicht so begeistert sein."
350,29,7,"Dicen que es el Pokémon más bello, pero es algo
que los Entrenadores forofos de los Feebas
ponen en tela de juicio."
350,29,8,"Si dice che sia il Pokémon più bello del mondo,
ma su questo gli appassionati di Feebas più
incalliti non sono daccordo."
350,29,9,"While Milotic is said to be the most beautiful
Pokémon, Trainers who like Feebas and have
raised it are seemingly disappointed by Milotic."
350,29,11,"最も 美しいと いわれるが
ヒンバスが 好きで 育ててきた
トレーナーには 微妙 らしい。"
350,30,1,"おおきな みずうみの そこに すむ。
うつくしい そのすがたは みたものの
こころの けがれを はらう という。"
350,30,3,"큰 호수 바닥에 산다.
아름다운 그 모습은 보는 이의
마음의 부정함을 없앤다고 한다."
350,30,5,"Le simple fait dapercevoir cet habitant du fond
des grands lacs permettrait de purifier son
cœur des troubles qui lhabitent."
350,30,6,"Es lebt auf dem Grund großer Seen. Es heißt, der
Anblick seiner Schönheit befreie jedes Herz von
350,30,7,"Vive en lo más profundo de los grandes lagos.
Se dice que su gran belleza purifica el corazón
de todos aquellos que lo contemplen."
350,30,8,"Vive sul fondo dei grandi laghi. Pare che la sua
bellezza vertiginosa purifichi lanimo di chi lo
vede da tutte le brutture."
350,30,9,"Its dwelling place is the bottom of big lakes.
Those who behold its loveliness are said to
have their hearts purified."
350,30,11,"大きな 湖の 底に 棲む。
美しい その姿は 見た者の
心の けがれを はらう という。"
350,33,1,"もっとも うつくしい ポケモンとも
よばれ おおくの げいじゅつかに
インスピレーションを あたえてきた。"
350,33,3,"가장 아름다운 포켓몬으로
불리며 많은 예술가에게
영감을 주고 있다."
350,33,5,"Célébré comme lun des plus beaux Pokémon,
il sert souvent de modèle et dinspiration
aux plus grands artistes."
350,33,6,"Milotic soll das schönste aller Pokémon sein.
Es hat schon so manchem Künstler als Quelle
der Inspiration gedient."
350,33,7,"Se dice que es el Pokémon más bello. Ha sido
la fuente de inspiración de un sinnúmero de
350,33,8,"È considerato il Pokémon più bello del mondo
ed è fonte dispirazione per tantissimi artisti."
350,33,9,"Milotic has provided inspiration to many artists.
It has even been referred to as the most
beautiful Pokémon of all."
350,33,11,"もっとも 美しい ポケモンとも
呼ばれ 多くの 芸術家に
インスピレーションを 与えてきた。"
350,34,1,"ミロカロスの うつくしい すがたを
みた ものは すさんだ こころが
いやされると いわれている。"
350,34,3,"밀로틱의 아름다운 모습을
본 자는 황폐해진 마음이
치유된다고 한다."
350,34,5,"On dit que la beauté de ce Pokémon est telle
quelle apaise lesprit de ceux qui le voient."
350,34,6,"Es heißt, der Anblick seiner wunderschönen
Gestalt könne selbst das verrohteste Herz
350,34,7,"Se dice que su hermosa figura puede apaciguar
el corazón de aquellos que tengan el ánimo
350,34,8,"Si dice che la sua bellezza sia in grado
di alleviare qualsiasi dolore nel cuore di chi
lo ammira."
350,34,9,"Its said that a glimpse of a Milotic and its beauty
will calm any hostile emotions youre feeling."
350,34,11,"ミロカロスの 美しい 姿を
見た 者は 荒んだ 心が
癒されると いわれている。"
351,7,9,"CASTFORMs appearance changes with
the weather.
This POKéMON gained the ability to usethe vast power of nature to protect
its tiny body."
351,8,9,"CASTFORM borrows the power of nature
to transform itself into the guises of
the sun, rain clouds, and snow clouds.This POKéMONs feelings change with the
351,9,9,"It alters its form depending on the
weather. Changes in the climate such as
the temperature and humidity appear to
affect its cellular structure."
351,10,9,"It has the ability to change its form into
the sun, the rain, or a snow cloud, 
depending on the weather."
351,11,9,"It has the ability to change its form into
the sun, the rain, or a snow cloud, 
depending on the weather."
351,12,9,"Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules
were found to be just like water."
351,13,9,"Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules
were found to be just like water."
351,14,9,"Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules
were found to be just like water."
351,15,9,"This Pokémon can change its cells,
taking different forms based on
the temperature and humidity."
351,16,9,"This Pokémon can change its cells,
taking different forms based on
the temperature and humidity."
351,17,5,"Son aspect change avec la météo.
On a récemment découvert que ses
molécules étaient pareilles à leau."
351,17,9,"Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules
were found to be just like water."
351,18,5,"Son aspect change avec la météo.
On a récemment découvert que ses
molécules étaient pareilles à leau."
351,18,9,"Its appearance changes with the
weather. Recently, its molecules
were found to be just like water."
351,21,9,"Temperature and weather affect its
cellular structure, so this Pokémon
changes form according to the weather."
351,22,9,"Temperature and weather affect its
cellular structure, so this Pokémon
changes form according to the weather."
351,23,1,"きおんや しつどの へんかが
からだの さいぼうに えいきょうして
すがたを かえる ポケモン。"
351,23,3,"기온이나 습도의 변화가
몸의 세포에 영향을 주어
모습을 바꾸는 포켓몬이다."
351,23,5,"Les variations de température ou dhumidité affectent
sa structure cellulaire et son apparence."
351,23,6,"Formeo kann seine Gestalt ändern. Seine Zellen
reagieren auf Temperaturschwankungen und
351,23,7,"Sus células son muy sensibles a los cambios de
temperatura y humedad y se adapta sin problema."
351,23,8,"Il suo aspetto varia con lumidità e la temperatura,
che influenzano la sua struttura molecolare."
351,23,9,"This Pokémon can change its cells, taking different
forms based on the temperature and humidity."
351,23,11,"気温や 湿度の 変化が
体の 細胞に 影響して
姿を 変える ポケモン。"
351,24,1,"しぜんの ちからを うけて たいよう
あまみず ゆきぐもと すがたを
かえる のうりょくを もっている。"
351,24,3,"자연의 힘을 받아 태양,
빗물, 설운으로 모습을
바꾸는 능력을 가지고 있다."
351,24,5,"Morphéo a la capacité de changer son apparence
en fonction du temps. Il utilise la force de la nature
pour combattre."
351,24,6,"Es verfügt über die Eigenschaft, seinen Körper
in die Sonne, den Regen oder eine Schneewolke,
je nach Wetter, zu verändern."
351,24,7,"Tiene la habilidad de cambiar y adaptarse al tiempo.
Según el clima, se transformará en sol, nubarrones
de lluvia o nieve."
351,24,8,"Ha la capacità di trasformarsi in sole, pioggia o in una
nuvola di neve, secondo le condizioni atmosferiche."
351,24,9,"It has the ability to change its form into the sun,
the rain, or a snow cloud, depending on
the weather."
351,24,11,"自然の 力を 受けて
太陽 雨水 雪雲と 姿を 変える
能力を 持っている。"
351,25,1,"てんきに よって すがたが かわる ポケモン。
ちいさい からだを まもる ために だいしぜんの
おおきな パワーを つかえる ように なった。"
351,25,3,"날씨에 따라 모습이 바뀌는 포켓몬이다.
작은 몸을 지키기 위해 대자연의
거대한 힘을 사용할 수 있게 됐다."
351,25,5,"Lapparence de Morphéo change en fonction du temps.
Ce Pokémon a appris à utiliser limmense pouvoir de la nature
pour protéger son corps minuscule."
351,25,6,"Formeos Erscheinung ändert sich mit dem Wetter. Dieses
Pokémon hat die Fähigkeit erworben, die mächtige Kraft der
Natur zu nutzen, um seinen winzigen Körper zu schützen."
351,25,7,"La forma de Castform cambia con las variaciones del tiempo.
Este Pokémon consiguió aprender a usar el gran poder de la
naturaleza para proteger el pequeño cuerpo que tiene."
351,25,8,"Laspetto di Castform cambia con le condizioni atmosferiche.
Questo Pokémon ha imparato a usare la potente forza
della natura per proteggere il suo corpicino indifeso."
351,25,9,"Castforms appearance changes with the weather.
This Pokémon gained the ability to use the vast power of
nature to protect its tiny body."
351,25,11,"天気に よって 姿が 変わる ポケモン。
小さい 体を 守る ために 大自然の
大きな パワーを 使える ように なった。"
351,26,1,"しぜんの ちからを うけて たいよう あまみず
ゆきぐもに すがたを かえる ポケモン。
きしょうが かわると きしょうも かわるぞ。"
351,26,3,"자연의 힘을 받아 태양과 빗방울
그리고 설운으로 모습을 바꾸는 포켓몬이다.
날씨가 바뀌면 기질도 바뀐다."
351,26,5,"Morphéo emprunte le pouvoir de la nature pour prendre
lapparence du soleil, de la pluie ou de la neige. Le type
de ce Pokémon change en fonction du temps."
351,26,6,"Formeo bedient sich der Kraft der Natur, um die Gestalt
der Sonne, des Regens oder von Schneewolken anzunehmen.
Die Gefühlslage dieses Pokémon verändert sich mit dem
351,26,7,"Castform se vale del poder de la naturaleza para tomar el
aspecto del sol, la lluvia o nubarrones de nieve. El estado de
ánimo de este Pokémon varía según el clima."
351,26,8,"Castform usa il potere della natura per trasformarsi in sole,
gocce di pioggia e nubi nevose. Il tipo di questo Pokémon
varia con i mutamenti meteorologici."
351,26,9,"Castform borrows the power of nature to transform itself
into the guises of the sun, rain, and snow-clouds.
This Pokémons feelings change with the weather."
351,26,11,"自然の 力を 受けて 太陽 雨水
雪雲に 姿を 変える ポケモン。
気象が 変わると 気性も 変わるぞ。"
351,27,1,"てんきに よって すがたを かえる。
きおんや しつどの へんかが
さいぼうに えいきょう するらしい。"
351,27,3,"날씨에 따라 모습을 바꾼다.
기온과 습도의 변화가
세포에 영향을 준다고 한다."
351,27,5,"Son apparence change en fonction du temps.
Les changements de température et dhumidité
influenceraient sa structure cellulaire."
351,27,6,"Es ändert seine Erscheinung je nach Wetter.
Seine Zellen reagieren anscheinend auf
Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsschwankungen."
351,27,7,"Cambia de apariencia en función del tiempo
atmosférico. Se cree que las variaciones en la
temperatura y la humedad afectan a sus células."
351,27,8,"Le sue cellule reagiscono allumidità
e alla temperatura, facendogli assumere
un aspetto diverso a seconda del clima."
351,27,9,"It changes its form depending on the weather.
Changes in the temperature or humidity
appear to affect its cellular structure."
351,27,11,"天気に よって 姿を 変える。
気温や 湿度の 変化が
細胞に 影響 するらしい。"
351,28,1,"きおんや しつどに さいぼうが
びんかんに はんのうし すがたが
かってに かわって しまうのだ。"
351,28,3,"기온이나 습도에 세포가
민감하게 반응해 모습이
멋대로 변해버린다."
351,28,5,"Comme ses cellules réagissent au moindre
changement de température ou dhumidité, il ne
contrôle pas ses changements dapparence."
351,28,6,"Seine Zellen reagieren empfindlich auf
Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit, wodurch sich
unweigerlich seine Gestalt verändert."
351,28,7,"Sus células captan la más mínima variación en la
temperatura y la humedad, y cambian la forma
de este Pokémon de manera espontánea."
351,28,8,"Il suo aspetto varia in base allumidità
e alla temperatura, che ne influenzano
la struttura molecolare."
351,28,9,"Its form changes on its own, due to its cells
sensitive reactions to temperature and humidity."
351,28,11,"気温や 湿度に 細胞が
敏感に 反応し 姿が
勝手に 変わって しまうのだ。"
351,29,1,"てんきに よって すがたが かわるが
かがくてきな はんのうの けっかで
じぶんの いしでは ないらしい。"
351,29,3,"날씨에 따라 모습이 바뀌지만,
화학 반응의 결과일 뿐
자신의 의지는 아닌 듯하다."
351,29,5,"Il change de forme en fonction de la météo,
mais ce phénomène serait en fait une réaction
chimique indépendante de sa volonté."
351,29,6,"Seine Erscheinung ändert sich je nach Wetter.
Dies hat weniger mit seinem eigenen Willen zu
tun als vielmehr mit einer chemischen Reaktion."
351,29,7,"Cambia de apariencia en función del tiempo
atmosférico, pero se trata más bien de una
reacción química ajena a su voluntad."
351,29,8,"Il suo aspetto cambia con le condizioni
atmosferiche per effetto di una reazione
chimica indipendente dalla sua volontà."
351,29,9,"Although its form changes with the weather,
that is apparently the result of a chemical
reaction and not the result of its own free will."
351,29,11,"天気に よって 姿が 変わるが
化学的な 反応の 結果で
自分の 意思では ないらしい。"
351,30,1,"てんきに よって すがたが かわる。
きしょうが あらくなるほど
きしょうも あらっぽく なってくる。"
351,30,3,"날씨에 따라 모습이 바뀐다.
날씨가 궂을수록
성질도 난폭해진다."
351,30,5,"Il ny a pas que son apparence qui change en
fonction de la météo : son tempérament aussi!
Plus il y a de vent, plus il se montre agressif."
351,30,6,"Seine Gestalt ändert sich abhängig vom Wetter.
Je ungestümer dieses ist, desto gröber wird
auch sein Charakter."
351,30,7,"El tiempo atmosférico cambia tanto su aspecto
como su estado de ánimo. Cuanto más arrecia,
más agresivo se vuelve."
351,30,8,"Il suo aspetto cambia con le condizioni
atmosferiche. Più il tempo è brutto, più
diventa aggressivo."
351,30,9,"Its form changes depending on the weather.
The rougher conditions get, the rougher
Castforms disposition!"
351,30,11,"天気に よって 姿が 変わる。
気象が 荒くなるほど
気性も 荒っぽく なってくる。"
352,7,9,"KECLEON is capable of changing its body
colors at will to blend in with its
surroundings.There is one exception - this POKéMON
cant change the zigzag pattern on its
352,8,9,"KECLEON alters its body coloration to
blend in with its surroundings, allowing
it to sneak up on its prey unnoticed.Then it lashes out with its long,
stretchy tongue to instantly ensnare
the unsuspecting target."
352,9,9,"A POKéMON that has the ability to alter its
body colors to match its surroundings.
A KECLEON reverts to its original colors if
it is startled."
352,10,9,"It changes body color to blend in with
its surroundings. It also changes color if
it is happy or sad."
352,11,9,"It changes body color to blend in with
its surroundings. It also changes color if
it is happy or sad."
352,12,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,13,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,14,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,15,9,"It changes its shading to match its
surroundings so it can sneak up on prey.
Only its belly patterns stay fixed."
352,16,9,"It changes its shading to match its
surroundings so it can sneak up on prey.
Only its belly patterns stay fixed."
352,17,5,"Il change de couleur à volonté,
mais le motif en zigzag qui orne
son ventre reste le même."
352,17,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,18,5,"Il change de couleur à volonté,
mais le motif en zigzag qui orne
son ventre reste le même."
352,18,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,21,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,22,9,"It can freely change its bodys
color. The zigzag pattern on its
belly doesnt change, however."
352,23,1,"からだの いろを じゆうに かえる
のうりょくを もつ。おなかにある
ギザギザもよう だけは かわらない。"
352,23,3,"몸의 색을 자유롭게 바꾸는
능력을 가지고 있다. 배에 있는
톱니무늬만은 바뀌지 않는다."
352,23,5,"Il change de couleur à volonté, mais le motif en
zigzag qui orne son ventre reste le même."
352,23,6,"Es kann nach Belieben seine Farbe ändern. Nur das
gezackte Muster auf seinem Bauch bleibt gleich."
352,23,7,"Puede mudar el color de su cuerpo a voluntad, pero el
dibujo en zigzag de su panza nunca desaparece."
352,23,8,"Può mutare il colore del corpo a piacimento.
Tuttavia, il motivo a zigzag sul ventre non cambia."
352,23,9,"It can freely change its bodys color. The zigzag
pattern on its belly doesnt change, however."
352,23,11,"体の 色を 自由に 変える
能力を 持つ。お腹にある
ギザギザ模様 だけは 変わらない。"
352,24,1,"からだの いろを かえて けしきに
とけこみ えものに しのびよる。
おなかの もようは けせないのだ。"
352,24,3,"몸의 색을 바꿔 풍경에
녹아들어 먹이에게 다가간다.
배의 모양은 지울 수 없다."
352,24,5,"Il se fond dans son environnement en changeant de
couleur, mais le motif sur son ventre reste le même."
352,24,6,"Beim Beutefang passt es seine Farbe der Umgebung
an. Nur das Muster auf seinem Bauch bleibt gleich."
352,24,7,"Acecha a sus presas adaptando sus colores a los del
paisaje, pero los dibujos de su panza nunca cambian."
352,24,8,"Cambia colore per mimetizzarsi e sorprendere la
preda. Il disegno sulla pancia rimane sempre visibile."
352,24,9,"It changes its shading to match its surroundings
so it can sneak up on prey. Only its belly patterns
stay fixed."
352,24,11,"体の 色を 変えて 景色に 溶けこみ
獲物に 忍び寄る。
お腹の 模様は 消せないのだ。"
352,25,1,"からだの いろを じざいに かえる ことで
まわりの けしきに とけこむ ことが できる。
おなかの ギザギザもよう だけは かえられない。"
352,25,3,"몸의 색을 자유로이 바꿔서
주변의 경치에 녹아들 수 있다.
배의 삐쭉삐쭉한 무늬만은 바꿀 수 없다."
352,25,5,"Kecleon est capable de modifier les couleurs de son corps
pour se fondre dans son environnement. Il y a cependant
une exception : ce Pokémon ne peut pas modifier la figure
géométrique en zigzag sur son ventre."
352,25,6,"Kecleon kann die Farbe seines Körpers bei Bedarf verändern,
um sich seiner Umgebung anzupassen. Es gibt allerdings eine
Ausnahme: Das Zickzackmuster auf seinem Bauch kann es
nicht verändern."
352,25,7,"Kecleon puede alterar la pigmentación de la piel para
mezclarse con su entorno. Lo único que no es capaz de
cambiar es el trazado en zigzag que tiene en la panza."
352,25,8,"Kecleon è in grado di mutare il colore del proprio corpo per
mimetizzarsi con lambiente circostante.
Tuttavia, fa eccezione il motivo zigzagato sulla pancia,
che rimane sempre visibile."
352,25,9,"Kecleon is capable of changing its body colors at will to blend
in with its surroundings. There is one exception—this Pokémon
cant change the zigzag pattern on its belly."
352,25,11,"体の 色を 自在に 変える ことで
周りの 景色に 溶けこむ ことが できる。
お腹の ギザギザ模様 だけは 変えられない。"
352,26,1,"からだを けしきと おなじ いろに かえて
えものに きづかれない ように しのびよる。
ながく のびる ベロで すばやく つかまえる。"
352,26,3,"몸을 경치와 같은 색으로 바꿔
먹이에게 들키지 않고 살며시 다가간다.
길게 늘어나는 혓바닥으로 빠르게 잡는다."
352,26,5,"Kecleon change la couleur de son corps pour se fondre
dans son environnement, ce qui lui permet de sapprocher
de sa proie sans être repéré. Il envoie ensuite sa grande
langue élastique pour piéger sa proie qui ne se doute de rien."
352,26,6,"Kecleon verändert seine Körperfärbung, um sich seiner
Umgebung anzupassen. Dadurch kann es sich prima an
seine ahnungslose Beute anschleichen. Es schlägt mit
seiner dehnbaren, langen Zunge aus und fängt sie."
352,26,7,"Kecleon modifica la coloración de la piel para camuflarse en el
medio en el que esté. Así, puede acercarse a hurtadillas a su
enemigo sin que se dé cuenta y lanzarle la larga y elástica
lengua que tiene para atraparlo por sorpresa."
352,26,8,"Kecleon varia la colorazione del proprio corpo per mimetizzarsi
con lambiente circostante, consentendogli di tendere un
agguato alla preda senza farsi notare. Poi lattacca con la sua
lingua elastica sopraffacendola."
352,26,9,"Kecleon alters its body coloration to blend in with its
surroundings, allowing it to sneak up on its prey unnoticed.
Then it lashes out with its long, stretchy tongue to instantly
ensnare the unsuspecting target."
352,26,11,"体を 景色と 同じ 色に 変えて
獲物に 気づかれない ように 忍びよる。
長く 伸びる ベロで 素早く 捕まえる。"
352,29,1,"からだの いろを かえて けしきに
とけこむ。 ながく かまわないでいると
スネて すがたを みせなくなる。"
352,29,3,"몸의 색을 바꿔 경치에 녹아든다.
오랫동안 방치하면 토라져서
모습을 볼 수 없게 된다."
352,29,5,"Il change de couleur pour se camoufler, mais si
on cesse de lui prêter attention pendant trop
longtemps, il se vexe et ne se montre plus..."
352,29,6,"Es kann mit der Umgebung verschmelzen, indem
es seine Farbe ändert. Wenn man es längere Zeit
ignoriert, macht es sich schmollend unsichtbar."
352,29,7,"Cambia de color para fundirse con el paisaje,
pero, si pasa desapercibido demasiado tiempo,
se enfurruña y no vuelve a hacerse visible."
352,29,8,"Si mimetizza con lambiente mutando il colore
del proprio corpo. Se lo si ignora, si imbroncia
e non si fa più vedere."
352,29,9,"It changes its hue to blend into its surroundings.
If no one takes notice of it for too long, it will
pout and never reveal itself."
352,29,11,"身体の 色を 変えて 景色に
溶け込む。 長く かまわないでいると
スネて 姿を 見せなくなる。"
352,30,1,"かくれるとき いがいにも きぶんや
ちょうしで からだのいろが かわる。
いろが こいときほど げんきだぞ。"
352,30,3,"숨을 때 말고도 기분이나
컨디션에 따라 몸의 색이 바뀐다.
색이 진할수록 건강하다."
352,30,5,"Sa couleur change quand il se cache, mais varie
aussi selon son humeur et son état de santé :
plus il est en forme, plus sa couleur est vive."
352,30,6,"Seine Färbung ändert sich nicht nur zur Tarnung,
sondern auch je nach Laune und Verfassung. Je
kräftiger seine Farben sind, desto vitaler ist es."
352,30,7,"Incluso cuando no se está mimetizando, el color
de su cuerpo cambia según cómo se encuentre.
Un color más intenso indica mayor vitalidad."
352,30,8,"Cambia colore non solo per mimetizzarsi ma
anche in base allumore e allo stato di salute.
Più il suo colore è intenso, più è in forze."
352,30,9,"Its color changes for concealment and also
when its mood or health changes. The darker
the color, the healthier it is."
352,30,11,"隠れるとき 以外にも 気分や
調子で 身体の色が 変わる。
色が 濃いときほど 元気だぞ。"
353,7,9,"SHUPPET is attracted by feelings
of jealousy and vindictiveness.
If someone develops strong feelings ofvengeance, this POKéMON will appear
in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves
of that persons home."
353,8,9,"SHUPPET grows by feeding on dark
emotions, such as vengefulness and 
envy, in the hearts of people.It roams through cities in search of
grudges that taint people."
353,9,9,"This POKéMON roams about deep in the
night seeking such negative emotions as
grudges and envy. It retreats to its nest
when the sun begins to rise."
353,10,9,"It loves to feed on feelings like envy and
malice. Its upright horn catches the
emotions of people."
353,11,9,"It loves to feed on feelings like envy and
malice. Its upright horn catches the
emotions of people."
353,12,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and
hangs in rows under the eaves of
houses where vengeful people live."
353,13,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and
hangs in rows under the eaves of
houses where vengeful people live."
353,14,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and
hangs in rows under the eaves of
houses where vengeful people live."
353,15,9,"It uses its horn to feed on envy
and malice, or so its said.
Its very active at night."
353,16,9,"It uses its horn to feed on envy
and malice, or so its said.
Its very active at night."
353,17,5,"Il aime le goût de la vengeance.
Ils vivent en rangs sous les
gouttières des gens vindicatifs."
353,17,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and
hangs in rows under the eaves of
houses where vengeful people live."
353,18,5,"Il aime le goût de la vengeance.
Ils vivent en rangs sous les
gouttières des gens vindicatifs."
353,18,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and
hangs in rows under the eaves of
houses where vengeful people live."
353,21,9,"It feeds on the dark emotions of
sadness and hatred, which make it
grow steadily stronger."
353,22,9,"It feeds on the dark emotions of
sadness and hatred, which make it
grow steadily stronger."
353,23,1,"あたまの ツノで うらみや ねたみの
かんじょうを たべると いわれる。
まよなか かっぱつに かつどうする。"
353,23,3,"머리의 뿔로 원한과 질투의
감정을 먹는다고 전해진다.
한밤중에 활발하게 활동한다."
353,23,5,"Ce Pokémon, très actif la nuit, utilise sa corne pour
se repaître de rancune ou de jalousie."
353,23,6,"Man sagt, durch sein Horn ernähre es sich von
Rachsucht und Neid. Erst nachts wird es richtig aktiv."
353,23,7,"Dicen que con su cuerno se alimenta de sentimientos
de celos y envidia. Es muy activo a medianoche."
353,23,8,"Si dice che si nutra di rancore e invidia con il corno
che ha sulla testa. A mezzanotte si scatena."
353,23,9,"It uses its horn to feed on envy and malice--
or so its said. Its very active at night."
353,23,11,"頭の ツノで 恨みや ねたみの
感情を 食べると 言われる。
真夜中 活発に 活動する。"
353,24,1,"うらみの かんじょうが だいすき。
うらみを もつ ひとが すむ いえの
のきしたに ずらりと ぶらさがる。"
353,24,3,"원망하는 감정을 매우 좋아한다.
원한을 가지고 있는 사람이 사는 집
처마 밑에 죽 매달려 있다."
353,24,5,"Il aime le goût de la vengeance. Les Pokémon de
cette espèce vivent en rangs sous les gouttières
des gens vindicatifs."
353,24,6,"Es liebt Rachegefühle. Diese Pokémon hängen sich
an Dachrinnen von Häusern, in denen Rachsüchtige
353,24,7,"Les atraen los sentimientos de rencor y celos.
Suelen vivir cerca de las casas de gente vengativa."
353,24,8,"Si annida sotto le grondaie di case dove vive gente
che cova sentimenti di vendetta, che lui adora."
353,24,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under
the eaves of houses where vengeful people live."
353,24,11,"恨みの 感情が 大好き。
恨みを 持つ 人が 住む 家の
軒下に ずらりと ぶらさがる。"
353,25,1,"ねたみ うらみの かんじょうに ひきよせられる。
だれかを うらむ こころが つよく なると
カゲボウズが のきしたに ずらりと ならぶぞ。"
353,25,3,"질투와 원한의 감정에 이끌린다.
누군가를 원망하는 마음이 강해지면
어둠대신이 처마 밑에 죽 줄을 선다."
353,25,5,"Les Polichombr sont attirés par les sentiments de jalousie
et les esprits revanchards. Si quelquun veut se venger,
ces Pokémon apparaissent en nuée et salignent devant
la porte des gens concernés."
353,25,6,"Shuppet wird durch Gefühle wie Neid und Rachsucht
angezogen. Wenn jemand starke Rachegelüste entwickelt,
erscheinen diese Pokémon in Scharen und reihen sich unter
der Dachrinne des Hauses dieser Person auf."
353,25,7,"A Shuppet le atraen los sentimientos de celos y rencor.
Si alguien desarrolla fuertes sentimientos de venganza,
aparecerá una multitud de Shuppet que se quedará bajo
los aleros de su casa."
353,25,8,"Shuppet è attratto dai sentimenti turpi di gelosia e vendetta.
Se qualcuno serba un forte rancore, questi Pokémon arrivano
a frotte per annidarsi sotto i cornicioni di casa sua."
353,25,9,"Shuppet is attracted by feelings of jealousy and vindictiveness.
If someone develops strong feelings of vengeance, this
Pokémon will appear in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves
of that persons home."
353,25,11,"ねたみ 恨みの 感情に 引き寄せられる。
誰かを 恨む 心が 強く なると
カゲボウズが 軒下に ずらりと 並ぶぞ。"
353,26,1,"ひとの こころに ある うらみや ねたみ などの
かんじょうを たべて せいちょうする ポケモン。
うらむ こころを さがして まちを さまよう。"
353,26,3,"사람의 마음속에 있는 원한과 질투 같은
감정을 먹고 성장하는 포켓몬이다.
원망하는 마음을 찾아 마을을 헤맨다."
353,26,5,"Polichombr grandit en se nourrissant des émotions négatives
des gens, comme le désir de vengeance ou la jalousie. Il erre
dans les villes à la recherche des gens qui nont pas le moral."
353,26,6,"Shuppet wächst, indem es sich von düsteren Gefühlen
wie Rachsucht und Neid ernährt. Es streift durch Städte
und sucht nach Empfindungen, die als Ursache für den
Verderb der Menschen gelten."
353,26,7,"Shuppet crece alimentándose de sentimientos negativos,
como el rencor y la envidia, que nacen en el corazón de las
personas. Se dedica a vagar por las ciudades en busca del
rencor que contamina a la gente."
353,26,8,"Shuppet cresce alimentandosi di sentimenti turpi, come la
vendetta e linvidia, insiti nel cuore delle persone. Si aggira
per le città in cerca del rancore che insudicia gli animi."
353,26,9,"Shuppet grows by feeding on dark emotions, such as
vengefulness and envy, in the hearts of people. It roams
through cities in search of grudges that taint people."
353,26,11,"人の 心に ある うらみや ねたみ などの
感情を 食べて 成長する ポケモン。
恨む 心を 探して 街を さまよう。"
353,29,1,"うらみ ねたみ そねみの ような
かんじょうを くらうので ひとに
よっては ありがたい そんざいだ。"
353,29,3,"원한, 시샘, 질투 같은
감정을 먹기 때문에 사람에게는
고마운 존재다."
353,29,5,"Les gens apprécient ce Pokémon, car il se
nourrit de leurs émotions négatives telles que
la rancœur et la jalousie."
353,29,6,"Da es sich von Gefühlen wie Rachsucht, Neid
und Eifersucht ernährt, sind die Menschen für
die Existenz dieses Pokémon dankbar."
353,29,7,"Se alimenta de sentimientos negativos como la
envidia, el rencor y el odio, así que su presencia
es más que bienvenida por los humanos."
353,29,8,"Si nutre di sentimenti turpi come rancore, invidia
e gelosia. Per questo, alcuni sono felici che
353,29,9,"It eats up emotions like malice, jealousy, and
resentment, so some people are grateful for
its presence."
353,29,11,"恨み 妬み 嫉みの ような
感情を 食らうので 人に よっては
ありがたい 存在だ。"
353,30,1,"ひぐれに カゲボウズが ならぶような
いえとは つきあうな と いう
ふるい ことわざが のこっている。"
353,30,3,"해질녘에 어둠대신이 줄지어 있는
집과는 어울리지 말라는
오랜 속담이 남아 있다."
353,30,5,"Il existe un proverbe ancien qui dit :
«Fuis la demeure où les Polichombr se
rassemblent en nombre à la pénombre. »"
353,30,6,"Einem alten Sprichwort zufolge soll man sich von
Häusern fernhalten, an denen sich bei Einbruch
der Dunkelheit Shuppet aneinanderreihen."
353,30,7,"Según un viejo proverbio, conviene mantenerse
alejado de aquellas casas a las que se arrime
una multitud de Shuppet cuando cae la noche."
353,30,8,"Un vecchio proverbio esorta a stare lontani
dalle case in cui, al calar del sole, si annidano
gli Shuppet."
353,30,9,"Theres a proverb that says, “Shun the house
where Shuppet gather in the growing dusk.”"
353,30,11,"日暮れに カゲボウズが 並ぶような
家とは 付き合うな と いう
古い ことわざが 残っている。"
354,7,9,"BANETTE generates energy for laying
strong curses by sticking pins into its
own body.This POKéMON was originally a pitiful
plush doll that was thrown away."
354,8,9,"A cursed energy permeated the stuffing
of a discarded and forgotten plush doll,
giving it new life as BANETTE.The POKéMONs energy would escape if it
were to ever open its mouth."
354,9,9,"An abandoned plush doll became this
POKéMON. They are said to live in garbage
dumps and wander about in search of the
children that threw them away."
354,10,9,"Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet
into a POKéMON. If it opens its mouth,
its cursed energy escapes."
354,11,9,"Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet
into a POKéMON. If it opens its mouth,
its cursed energy escapes."
354,12,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge from being junked. It
seeks the child that disowned it."
354,13,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge from being junked. It
seeks the child that disowned it."
354,14,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge from being junked. It
seeks the child that disowned it."
354,15,9,"This Pokémon developed from an
abandoned doll that amassed a
grudge. It is seen in dark alleys."
354,16,9,"This Pokémon developed from an
abandoned doll that amassed a
grudge. It is seen in dark alleys."
354,17,5,"Une poupée mue par la tristesse qui
la ronge depuis quon la délaissée.
Elle recherche son propriétaire."
354,17,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge from being junked. It
seeks the child that disowned it."
354,18,5,"Une poupée mue par la tristesse qui
la ronge depuis quon la délaissée.
Elle recherche son propriétaire."
354,18,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge from being junked. It
seeks the child that disowned it."
354,21,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge of being thrown away. It
seeks the child who disowned it."
354,22,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over
its grudge of being thrown away. It
seeks the child who disowned it."
354,23,1,"すてられた ぬいぐるみに おんねんが
やどり ポケモンになった。じぶんを
すてた こどもを さがしている。"
354,23,3,"버려진 인형에 원념이
깃들어 포켓몬이 되었다.
자신을 버린 아이를 찾고 있다."
354,23,5,"Une poupée mue par la tristesse qui la ronge depuis
quon la délaissée. Elle recherche son propriétaire."
354,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon war eine Puppe, die weggeworfen
wurde. Es sucht nun das Kind, das dies getan hat."
354,23,7,"Este muñeco se convirtió en un Pokémon cuando lo
tiraron a la basura. Busca a su antiguo dueño."
354,23,8,"Un peluche divenuto Pokémon per la rabbia di essere
stato buttato via da un bimbo, di cui è alla ricerca."
354,23,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from
being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it."
354,23,11,"捨てられた ぬいぐるみに おんねんが
宿り ポケモンになった。自分を
捨てた 子供を 捜している。"
354,24,1,"つよい おんねんが ぬいぐるみを
ポケモンに かえた。くちを あけると
のろいの エネルギーが にげていく。"
354,24,3,"강한 원념이 인형을
포켓몬으로 바꿨다. 입을 열면
저주의 에너지가 빠져나간다."
354,24,5,"Un très violent sentiment de haine a transformé
une poupée de chiffon en Branette. Sil ouvre la
bouche, une énergie négative sen échappe."
354,24,6,"Starke Gefühle des Hasses machten aus einer Puppe
ein Pokémon. Öffnet es seinen Mund, kann die ganze
verfluchte Energie hinaus."
354,24,7,"Cuando abandonaron a este muñeco de felpa, se
convirtió en Pokémon. Libera una energía que hechiza
al enemigo."
354,24,8,"Peluche trasformato in Pokémon da un forte odio.
Appena apre la sua bocca, sprigiona una forte
energia negativa."
354,24,9,"Strong feelings of hatred turned a puppet into a
Pokémon. If it opens its mouth, its cursed
energy escapes."
354,24,11,"強い おん念が ぬいぐるみを
ポケモンに 変えた。口を 開けると
のろいの エネルギーが 逃げていく。"
354,25,1,"じぶんの からだを はりで キズつける とき
つよい のろいの エネルギーが はっせいする。
もとは すてられた かわいそうな ぬいぐるみ。"
354,25,3,"자신의 몸을 바늘로 상처 낼 때
강한 저주 에너지가 발생한다.
원래는 버려진 불쌍한 인형이다."
354,25,5,"En plantant des aiguilles dans son propre corps,
Branette génère de lénergie permettant de lancer
de puissantes malédictions. Au départ, ce Pokémon
nétait quune malheureuse peluche jetée à la poubelle."
354,25,6,"Banette belegt andere mit Flüchen, indem es Nadeln in seinen
eigenen Körper sticht. Dieses Pokémon war ursprünglich eine
mitleiderregende Plüschpuppe, die weggeworfen wurde."
354,25,7,"Banette genera energía para echar un infalible hechizo
clavándose púas a sí mismo. Los orígenes de este Pokémon
son algo tristes: era un muñeco de felpa al que tiraron a la
354,25,8,"Banette genera energia per lanciare terribili maledizioni,
conficcandosi alcuni spilli nel corpo. Originariamente questo
Pokémon era un dolce peluche, successivamente gettato via."
354,25,9,"Banette generates energy for laying strong curses by sticking
pins into its own body. This Pokémon was originally a pitiful
plush doll that was thrown away."
354,25,11,"自分の 体を 針で キズつける とき
強い のろいの エネルギーが 発生する。
元は 捨てられた 可哀想な ぬいぐるみ。"
354,26,1,"すてられた ぬいぐるみの わたに のろいの
エネルギーが しみこんで ポケモンに なった。
くちを あけると エネルギーが にげてしまう。"
354,26,3,"버려진 인형의 솜에 저주
에너지가 스며들어 포켓몬이 되었다.
입을 열면 에너지가 빠져나간다."
354,26,5,"Une énergie maudite a pénétré le rembourrage dune vieille
peluche abandonnée, donnant ainsi vie à Branette. Lénergie
de ce Pokémon séchappe sil ouvre la bouche."
354,26,6,"Die Energie eines Fluchs durchdrang die Füllung einer
weggeworfenen und vergessenen Plüschpuppe und erweckte
Banette zum Leben. Die Energie dieses Pokémon würde
entweichen, wenn es seinen Mund öffnen sollte."
354,26,7,"Fue un hechizo el que hizo que el relleno de este muñeco de
felpa olvidado y abandonado pasara a ser Banette. Si este
Pokémon abriera la boca, se quedaría sin energía."
354,26,8,"Unenergia maledetta ha permeato limbottitura di un peluche
vecchio e dimenticato, dando vita a Banette.
Questo Pokémon deve tenere sempre la bocca chiusa per
evitare che lenergia accumulata scappi fuori."
354,26,9,"A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and
forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as Banette.
The Pokémons energy would escape if it were to ever open
its mouth."
354,26,11,"捨てられた ぬいぐるみの 綿に のろいの
エネルギーが 染み込んで ポケモンに なった。
口を 開けると エネルギーが 逃げてしまう。"
354,29,1,"すてられた ヌイグルミに おんねんが
やどった。 じぶんを すてたものを
さがし ふくしゅうする つもりだ。"
354,29,3,"버려진 인형에 원념이 깃들었다.
자신을 버린 자를 
찾아내 복수할 셈이다."
354,29,5,"Animée par la rancune, cette poupée
abandonnée traque son ancien propriétaire
pour se venger."
354,29,6,"Einst als Plüschpuppe weggeworfen, ist dieses
hasserfüllte Pokémon auf der Suche nach dem
Täter, um sich an ihm zu rächen."
354,29,7,"Este muñeco de trapo alberga gran odio por la
persona que lo abandonó, a quien busca sin
descanso para vengarse."
354,29,8,"È un peluche pieno di rancore per essere stato
buttato via. Cerca senza darsi pace il vecchio
proprietario per vendicarsi."
354,29,9,"Its a stuffed toy that was thrown away and
became possessed, ever searching for the one
who threw it away so it can exact its revenge."
354,29,11,"捨てられた ヌイグルミに 怨念が
宿った。 自分を 捨てた者を
探し 復しゅうする つもりだ。"
354,30,1,"すてられた おんねんで うまれる。
たいせつに されると まんぞくして
もとの ヌイグルミに もどるという。"
354,30,3,"버려진 원념에 의해 태어난다.
소중히 대하면 만족해서
원래의 인형으로 돌아간다고 한다."
354,30,5,"Il est né de la rancune quil a ressentie quand
il a été abandonné. Il redevient apparemment
une poupée si lon en prend grand soin."
354,30,6,"Geboren aus Hass, weil es weggeworfen wurde,
soll es sich wieder in eine Plüschpuppe
zurückverwandeln, wenn es sich geliebt fühlt."
354,30,7,"El rencor de haber sido tirado a la basura fue lo
que le dio vida. Se dice que puede convertirse
de nuevo en muñeco si se le trata con cariño."
354,30,8,"È stato generato dalla rabbia per essere stato
buttato via. Si dice che se ci si prende cura di
lui, tornerà a essere il peluche di un tempo."
354,30,9,"Resentment at being cast off made it spring into
being. Some say that treating it well will satisfy
it, and it will once more become a stuffed toy."
354,30,11,"捨てられた 怨念で 生まれる。
大切に されると 満足して
元の ヌイグルミに 戻るという。"
355,7,9,"DUSKULL can pass through any wall no
matter how thick it may be.
Once this POKéMON chooses a target,it will doggedly pursue the intended
victim until the break of dawn."
355,8,9,"DUSKULL wanders lost among the deep
darkness of midnight. There is an oft-
told admonishment given to misbehavingchildren that this POKéMON will spirit
away bad children who earn scoldings
from their mothers."
355,9,9,"A glare from its single scarlet eye makes
even burly grown-ups freeze in utter fear.
It is a nocturnal POKéMON that roams
about under the cloak of darkness."
355,10,9,"Making itself invisible, it silently sneaks
up to prey. It has the ability to slip
through thick walls."
355,11,9,"Making itself invisible, it silently sneaks
up to prey. It has the ability to slip
through thick walls."
355,12,9,"It doggedly pursues its prey
wherever it goes. However, the
chase is abandoned at sunrise."
355,13,9,"It doggedly pursues its prey
wherever it goes. However, the
chase is abandoned at sunrise."
355,14,9,"It loves the crying of children. It
startles bad kids by passing
through walls and making them cry."
355,15,9,"If it finds bad children who wont
listen to their parents, it will
spirit them away--or so its said."
355,16,9,"If it finds bad children who wont
listen to their parents, it will
spirit them away--or so its said."
355,17,5,"Les cris des enfants lamusent.
Il effraie les moins sages dentre
eux en traversant les murs."
355,17,9,"It loves the crying of children. It
startles bad kids by passing
through walls and making them cry."
355,18,5,"Les cris des enfants lamusent.
Il effraie les moins sages dentre
eux en traversant les murs."
355,18,9,"It loves the crying of children. It
startles bad kids by passing
through walls and making them cry."
355,21,9,"It loves the crying of children. It
startles bad kids by passing
through walls and making them cry."
355,22,9,"It loves the crying of children. It
startles bad kids by passing
through walls and making them cry."
355,23,1,"どこまでも えものを おいつづける
しゅうねんぶかい せいかくだが
あさひが のぼると あきらめる。"
355,23,3,"어디까지라도 먹이를 쫓아가는
집념이 강한 성격이지만
아침 해가 떠오르면 포기한다."
355,23,5,"Il poursuit assidûment sa proie, où quelle aille.
Il nabandonne sa traque quau lever du soleil."
355,23,6,"Verbissen verfolgt es seine Beute überallhin.
Doch sobald die Sonne aufgeht, ist die Jagd vorbei."
355,23,7,"Persigue a su presa sin descanso allá donde vaya.
No obstante, abandona la caza al amanecer."
355,23,8,"Segue ostinatamente la preda ovunque essa vada.
Abbandona la caccia solo allalba."
355,23,9,"It doggedly pursues its prey wherever it goes.
However, the chase is abandoned at sunrise."
355,23,11,"どこまでも 獲物を 追い続ける。
執念深い 性格だが
朝日が 昇ると あきらめる。"
355,24,1,"いいつけを まもらない こどもを
みつけると よなかに どこかへ
つれて いくと いわれている。"
355,24,3,"말을 잘 안 듣는 아이를
발견하면 한밤중에 어딘가로
데려간다고 전해진다."
355,24,5,"On dit que Skelénox emporte les enfants
désobéissants à la nuit tombée."
355,24,6,"Man sagt, es suche sich unartige Kinder und
verschleppe sie nachts an einen unbekannten Ort."
355,24,7,"Corre el rumor de que, por las noches, se lleva a los
niños que no son obedientes."
355,24,8,"Si racconta che questo Pokémon porti via nella
notte i bambini che sono stati disobbedienti."
355,24,9,"If it finds bad children who wont listen to their
parents, it will spirit them away--or so its said."
355,24,11,"いいつけを 守らない 子供を
見つけると 真夜中に どこかへ
連れて行くと 言われている。"
355,25,1,"どんなに あつい カベも とおりぬける。
ねらわれたら さいご あさひが のぼるまで
ずっと おいかけられる ことに なるぞ。"
355,25,3,"아무리 두꺼운 벽이라도 통과한다.
한 번 노려지면 아침 해가 뜰 때까지
계속 쫓겨 다니게 된다."
355,25,5,"Skelénox peut traverser nimporte quel mur, même le plus
épais. Une fois que ce Pokémon a choisi une cible,
il la pourchasse sans relâche jusquà laube."
355,25,6,"Zwirrlicht kann durch jede Wand gehen, egal, wie dick diese
ist. Wenn dieses Pokémon sich ein Ziel gesucht hat, verfolgt
es seinen Feind unnachgiebig bis zum Sonnenaufgang."
355,25,7,"Duskull puede atravesar los muros, sea cual sea el grosor que
tengan. Cuando este Pokémon elige su objetivo, lo persigue
hábilmente hasta el amanecer."
355,25,8,"Duskull riesce a passare attraverso i muri indipendentemente
dal loro spessore. Una volta scelto un bersaglio perseguita
la vittima designata fino allalba."
355,25,9,"Duskull can pass through any wall no matter how thick it may
be. Once this Pokémon chooses a target, it will doggedly
pursue the intended victim until the break of dawn."
355,25,11,"どんなに 厚い カベも 通り抜ける。
ねらわれたら 最後 朝日が 登るまで
ずっと 追いかけられる ことに なるぞ。"
355,26,1,"まよなか やみに まぎれて さまよっている。
ママに しかられるような わるいこは ヨマワルに
さらわれるという いいつたえが のこっている。"
355,26,3,"한밤중 어둠에 섞여 떠돌고 있다.
엄마에게 꾸중을 듣는 나쁜 아이는
해골몽이 잡아간다는 전설이 남아 있다."
355,26,5,"Skelénox erre seul dans lobscurité de la nuit. On fait souvent
peur aux enfants en leur disant que ce Pokémon viendra
les chercher sils nobéissent pas à leur maman."
355,26,6,"Zwirrlicht wandert verloren durch die tiefe Dunkelheit
der Nacht. Kinder werden oft ermahnt, dass dieses
Pokémon böse Kinder wegzaubert, die von ihren
Müttern ausgeschimpft worden sind."
355,26,7,"Duskull vaga perdido por la oscuridad de la noche. Cuando
los niños se portan mal y desobedecen a sus padres, se les
dice que este Pokémon aparecerá y se los llevará con él."
355,26,8,"Duskull vaga come unanima persa nella tetra oscurità
notturna. Spesso ai bimbi capricciosi si dice che questo
Pokémon si porta via i bambini che fanno arrabbiare la mamma."
355,26,9,"Duskull wanders lost among the deep darkness of midnight.
There is an oft-told admonishment given to misbehaving
children that this Pokémon will spirit away bad children who
earn scoldings from their mothers."
355,26,11,"真夜中 闇に 紛れて さまよっている。
ママに しかられるような 悪い子は ヨマワルに
さらわれるという 言い伝えが 残っている。"
355,33,1,"いいつけを まもらない こどもを
みつけると よなかに どこかへ
つれて いくと いわれている。"
355,33,3,"말을 잘 안 듣는 아이를
발견하면 한밤중에 어딘가로
데려간다고 전해진다."
355,33,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon emporte les enfants
désobéissants à la nuit tombée."
355,33,6,"Man sagt, es suche sich unartige Kinder und
verschleppe sie nachts an einen unbekannten Ort."
355,33,7,"Corre el rumor de que, por las noches, se lleva a
los niños que no son obedientes."
355,33,8,"Si racconta che questo Pokémon porti via nella
notte i bambini che sono stati disobbedienti."
355,33,9,"If it finds bad children who wont listen to their
parents, it will spirit them away—or so its said."
355,33,11,"いいつけを 守らない 子供を
見つけると 夜中に どこかへ
連れていくと いわれている。"
355,34,1,"すがたを とうめいに して そっと
えものに ちかよる。 あつい カベを
とおりぬける のうりょくを もつ。"
355,34,3,"모습을 투명하게 하고 몰래
먹잇감에 다가간다. 두꺼운 벽을
통과하는 능력을 지녔다."
355,34,5,"Ce Pokémon devient invisible pour se rapprocher
furtivement de ses proies.
Il a le pouvoir de traverser les murs."
355,34,6,"Es macht sich unsichtbar, um sich an seine Beute
anzuschleichen. Außerdem kann es durch dicke
Wände gehen."
355,34,7,"Se vuelve invisible para acercarse sigilosamente
a su presa. Es capaz de atravesar anchos muros."
355,34,8,"Si avvicina alla preda rendendosi invisibile.
Ha la capacità di passare attraverso spesse
355,34,9,"Making itself invisible, it silently sneaks up to
prey. It has the ability to slip through thick walls."
355,34,11,"姿を 透明に して そっと
獲物に 近寄る。 厚い 壁を
通りぬける 能力を もつ。"
356,7,9,"DUSCLOPSs body is completely hollow -
there is nothing at all inside.
It is said that its body is like a blackhole. This POKéMON will absorb anything
into its body, but nothing will ever come
back out."
356,8,9,"DUSCLOPS absorbs anything, however
large the object may be. This POKéMON
hypnotizes its foe by waving its handsin a macabre manner and by bringing its
single eye to bear. The hypnotized foe
is made to do DUSCLOPSs bidding."
356,9,9,"It is thought that its body is hollow with
only a spectral ball of fire burning inside.
However, no one has been able to
confirm this theory as fact."
356,10,9,"Its body is entirely hollow. When it opens
its mouth, it sucks everything in as if it
were a black hole."
356,11,9,"Its body is entirely hollow. When it opens
its mouth, it sucks everything in as if it
were a black hole."
356,12,9,"Its body is hollow. It is said that
those who look into its body are
sucked into the void."
356,13,9,"Its body is hollow. It is said that
those who look into its body are
sucked into the void."
356,14,9,"It seeks drifting will-o-the-wisps
and sucks them into its empty body.
What happens inside is a mystery."
356,15,9,"Anyone who dares peer into its body
to see its spectral ball of fire
will have their spirit stolen away."
356,16,9,"Anyone who dares peer into its body
to see its spectral ball of fire
will have their spirit stolen away."
356,17,5,"Il cherche des feux follets pour
les avaler. Ce qui se passe alors
dans son corps est un mystère."
356,17,9,"It seeks drifting will-o-the-wisps
and sucks them into its empty body.
What happens inside is a mystery."
356,18,5,"Il cherche des feux follets pour
les avaler. Ce qui se passe alors
dans son corps est un mystère."
356,18,9,"It seeks drifting will-o-the-wisps
and sucks them into its empty body.
What happens inside is a mystery."
356,21,9,"It seeks drifting will-o-the-wisps
and sucks them into its empty body.
What happens inside is a mystery."
356,22,9,"It seeks drifting will-o-the-wisps
and sucks them into its empty body.
What happens inside is a mystery."
356,23,1,"からだの なかで もえている
ひとだまを のぞきこむと
たましいを すいとられてしまう。"
356,23,3,"몸 안에서 불타고 있는
도깨비불을 들여다보면
영혼을 빼앗겨버린다."
356,23,5,"Il aspire lâme de ceux qui regardent dans son corps
creux où rougeoie son unique œil."
356,23,6,"Blickt man direkt in den Feuerball in seinem
Inneren, wird einem die Seele ausgesaugt."
356,23,7,"Si alguien mira los fuegos fatuos del interior de
Dusclops, perderá su alma irremediablemente."
356,23,8,"Se si osserva troppo da vicino la palla di fuoco
dentro Dusclops, la propria anima viene risucchiata."
356,23,9,"Anyone who dares peer into its body to see its
spectral ball of fire will have their spirit stolen away."
356,23,11,"体の 中で 燃えている
人魂を のぞきこむと
魂を 吸い取られてしまう。"
356,24,1,"からだの なかみは くうどうに
なっていて のぞきこんだ あいてを
すいこんでしまうと いわれている。"
356,24,3,"몸 안은 빈 공간으로
이루어져 있어서 들여다본 상대를
빨아들여 버린다고 전해진다."
356,24,5,"Son corps est creux. On raconte que celui qui regarde
à lintérieur finira aspiré par le néant."
356,24,6,"Sein Körper ist hohl. Man sagt, dass diejenigen,
die in den Körper blicken, hineingezogen werden."
356,24,7,"Su cuerpo está hueco. Se dice que quien mire dentro,
será tragado por un agujero negro."
356,24,8,"Il suo corpo è vuoto. Pare che chiunque si avvicini
per guardare dentro venga risucchiato."
356,24,9,"Its body is hollow. It is said that those who look
into its body are sucked into the void."
356,24,11,"体の 中身は 空洞に なっていて
のぞきこんだ 相手を
吸いこんでしまうと 言われている。"
356,25,1,"からだの なかみは くうどうで なにも ない。
ブラックホールの ように なんでも すいこみ
すいこまれると もどって これないと いわれる。"
356,25,3,"몸 안에는 텅 비어서 아무것도 없다.
블랙홀처럼 무엇이든 빨아들이며
빨려 들어가면 되돌아 올 수 없다고 전해진다."
356,25,5,"Le corps de Téraclope est totalement creux. Il ny a rien
du tout à lintérieur. On raconte que son corps est comme
un trou noir. Ce Pokémon peut absorber nimporte quoi,
mais rien nen ressort jamais."
356,25,6,"Zwirrklops Körper ist komplett hohl. Es wird auch mit einem
Schwarzen Loch verglichen. Dieses Pokémon nimmt alles
in seinem Körper auf, es kommt jedoch nichts wieder heraus."
356,25,7,"Dusclops está completamente hueco por dentro. Dicen que su
cuerpo es como un agujero negro. Este Pokémon es capaz de
absorber cualquier cosa, pero cosa que absorba, cosa que no
dejará salir nunca más."
356,25,8,"Il corpo di Dusclops è completamente vuoto. Non contiene
assolutamente nulla. Infatti si dice che sia una sorta di
buco nero. Il Pokémon assorbe ogni cosa allinterno del
proprio corpo, ma non rilascia mai nulla."
356,25,9,"Dusclopss body is completely hollow—there is nothing at all
inside. It is said that its body is like a black hole. This
Pokémon will absorb anything into its body, but nothing will
ever come back out."
356,25,11,"体の 中身は 空洞で なにも ない。
ブラックホールの ように なんでも 吸い込み
吸い込まれると 戻って これないと いわれる。"
356,26,1,"どんな おおきさの ものも すいこんで しまう。
あやしげな ての うごきと ひとつめの ちからで
あいてを さいみん じょうたいにして あやつる。"
356,26,3,"아무리 큰 것도 빨아들인다.
괴상한 손의 움직임과 외눈의 힘으로
상대를 최면 상태로 만들어 조종한다."
356,26,5,"Téraclope peut absorber des objets de toute taille.
Ce Pokémon hypnotise son ennemi en faisant des gestes
macabres et en attirant lattention sur son unique œil.
Lennemi hypnotisé obéit ensuite aux ordres de Téraclope."
356,26,6,"Zwirrklop absorbiert alles, egal, wie groß es auch sein mag.
Dieses Pokémon hypnotisiert seinen Gegner, indem es auf
makabre Weise winkt und sein einziges Auge zeigt.
Der hypnotisierte Gegner führt dann seine Befehle aus."
356,26,7,"Dusclops absorbe todo lo que pilla, al margen del tamaño que
tenga. Este Pokémon hipnotiza a su rival moviendo las manos
de forma macabra y usando el ojo de manera implacable.
Una vez hipnotizado, el enemigo obedecerá."
356,26,8,"Dusclops assorbe qualsiasi cosa indipendentemente dalle sue
dimensioni. Questo Pokémon ipnotizza il nemico con un
macabro movimento delle mani e con il suo unico occhio,
costringendolo a eseguire i suoi ordini."
356,26,9,"Dusclops absorbs anything, however large the object may be.
This Pokémon hypnotizes its foe by waving its hands in a
macabre manner and by bringing its single eye to bear.
The hypnotized foe is made to do Dusclopss bidding."
356,26,11,"どんな 大きさの ものも 吸いこんで しまう。
怪しげな 手の 動きと 一つ目の 力で
相手を 催眠 状態にして 操る。"
356,33,1,"からだの なかは からっぽ。
くちを あけると ブラックホールの
ように なんでも すいこんでしまう。"
356,33,3,"몸속은 텅 비어 있다.
입을 열면 블랙홀처럼
무엇이든 빨아들인다."
356,33,5,"Son corps est complètement creux. Quand il ouvre
la bouche, il aspire tout ce qui passe près de lui,
à la façon dun trou noir."
356,33,6,"Sein Körper ist vollkommen hohl. Wenn es sein
Maul öffnet, saugt es wie ein schwarzes Loch
alles in sich auf."
356,33,7,"Está completamente hueco. Cuando abre la
boca, es capaz de absorber cualquier cosa,
como si fuera un agujero negro."
356,33,8,"Linterno del suo corpo è completamente vuoto.
Apre la bocca per risucchiare qualsiasi cosa,
come un buco nero."
356,33,9,"Its body is entirely hollow. When it opens its
mouth, it sucks everything in as if it were a
black hole."
356,33,11,"体の 中は 空っぽ。
口を 開けると ブラックホールの
ように なんでも 吸いこんでしまう。"
356,34,1,"さまよっている ひとだまを みつけ
からっぽの たいないに すいこむ。
すいこまれて どうなるかは なぞ。"
356,34,3,"떠도는 사람의 영혼을 찾아
텅 빈 체내로 빨아들인다.
그 후 영혼이 어떻게 되는지는 알 수 없다."
356,34,5,"Il cherche des feux follets pour les avaler.
Ce quil se passe alors à lintérieur de son corps
vide est un mystère."
356,34,6,"Es sucht umherirrende Seelen und saugt sie in
seinen leeren Körper. Was dann mit ihnen
passiert, ist ein Rätsel."
356,34,7,"Busca fuegos fatuos y los absorbe en su cuerpo
hueco. Lo que pasa dentro luego es un misterio."
356,34,8,"Va in cerca di fuochi fatui e li risucchia nel
suo corpo vuoto. Cosa succeda allinterno
è un mistero."
356,34,9,"It seeks drifting will-o-the-wisps and sucks them
into its empty body. What happens inside is
a mystery."
356,34,11,"さまよっている 人魂を 見つけ
空っぽの 体内に 吸いこむ。
吸いこまれて どうなるかは 謎。"
357,7,9,"The bunches of fruit around TROPIUSs
neck are very popular with children.
This POKéMON loves fruit, and eats itcontinuously. Apparently, its love for
fruit resulted in its own outgrowth
of fruit."
357,8,9,"Children of the southern tropics eat
as snacks the fruit that grows in
bunches around the neck of TROPIUS.This POKéMON flies by flapping the
leaves on its back as if they were
357,9,9,"It flies by flapping its broad leaves.
The bunch of fruit that grows around its
neck is deliciously sweet. In the spring,
it scatters pollen from its neck."
357,10,9,"It lives in tropical jungles. The bunch of
fruit around its neck is delicious.
The fruit grows twice a year."
357,11,9,"It lives in tropical jungles. The bunch of
fruit around its neck is delicious.
The fruit grows twice a year."
357,12,9,"Because it continually ate only
its favorite fruit, the fruit
started growing around its neck."
357,13,9,"Because it continually ate only
its favorite fruit, the fruit
started growing around its neck."
357,14,9,"Delicious fruits grew out from
around its neck because it always
ate the same kind of fruit."
357,15,9,"The bunch of fruit around its neck
ripens twice a year and is delicious.
Its a highly favored tropical snack."
357,16,9,"The bunch of fruit around its neck
ripens twice a year and is delicious.
Its a highly favored tropical snack."
357,17,5,"À force de toujours manger le même
fruit succulent, il en pousse à la
base de son cou."
357,17,9,"Delicious fruits grew out from
around its neck because it always
ate the same kind of fruit."
357,18,5,"À force de toujours manger le même
fruit succulent, il en pousse à la
base de son cou."
357,18,9,"Delicious fruits grew out from
around its neck because it always
ate the same kind of fruit."
357,21,9,"It flies by flapping its broad leaves
and gives the sweet, delicious
fruit around its neck to children."
357,22,9,"It flies by flapping its broad leaves
and gives the sweet, delicious
fruit around its neck to children."
357,23,1,"おおきな はっぱで そらをとんで
こどもたちに だいにんきの くびに
できる あまい くだものを くばる。"
357,23,3,"커다란 잎으로 하늘을 날며
아이들에게 인기가 많은 목에
생기는 달콤한 과일을 나눠준다."
357,23,5,"Ses grandes feuilles lui servent à voler.
Il distribue les fruits qui pendent à son cou aux
enfants, qui sen régalent."
357,23,6,"Es nutzt seine großen Blätter als Flügel und verteilt die
süßen Früchte, die an seinem Hals wachsen, an Kinder."
357,23,7,"Puede volar al agitar sus grandes hojas. Reparte entre
los niños la codiciada fruta dulce que crece de su
357,23,8,"Vola sbattendo delle grandi ali a forma di foglia
e distribuisce ai bambini i deliziosi frutti che gli
crescono sul collo."
357,23,9,"It flies by flapping its broad leaves and gives
the sweet, delicious fruit around its neck
to children."
357,23,11,"大きな 葉っぱで 空を飛んで
子供たちに 大人気の 首に
できる 甘い くだものを 配る。"
357,24,1,"くびの フサは 1ねんに 2かい
みを つける。あまくて おいしい。
なんごくの こどもの おやつだ。"
357,24,3,"목의 송이는 1년에 2번
열매를 맺는다. 달고 맛있다.
남쪽에 사는 아이들의 간식이다."
357,24,5,"Les succulents fruits de son cou poussent deux fois
lan et font le régal des enfants des tropiques."
357,24,6,"Sein Hals trägt zweimal im Jahr süße Früchte.
Kinder in den südlichen Tropen naschen oft davon."
357,24,7,"Los racimos de su cuello dan fruto cada seis meses. A
los niños de zonas tropicales les encanta su dulzor."
357,24,8,"Due volte lanno il suo collare produce dei frutti dolci
e squisiti, molto amati dai bambini dei tropici."
357,24,9,"The bunch of fruit around its neck ripens twice a
year and is delicious. Its a highly favored
tropical snack."
357,24,11,"首の 房は 1年に 2回
実を つける。甘くて おいしい。
南国の 子供の おやつだ。"
357,25,1,"くびの フサは あまくて こどもに だいにんき。
くだものが だいこうぶつで たべつづけて いたら
くびに くだものが できるように なったらしい。"
357,25,3,"목에 난 송이는 달콤해서 아이들에게 인기가 많다.
과일을 매우 좋아하여 계속 먹다 보니
목에 과일이 열리게 됐다고 한다."
357,25,5,"Les enfants adorent les fruits autour du cou de Tropius.
Apparemment, son penchant pour les fruits la conduit
à en faire pousser sur son propre corps. Il les aime tant
quil en mange sans arrêt."
357,25,6,"Die Früchte am Hals von Tropius sind bei Kindern sehr
beliebt. Dieses Pokémon liebt Früchte und isst sie ständig.
Offensichtlich sind ihm wegen dieser Vorliebe selbst Früchte
357,25,7,"A los niños les encantan los racimos de fruta que Tropius tiene
en el cuello. Este Pokémon siempre come fruta; le encanta.
De hecho, ese parece ser el motivo por el que él mismo da
357,25,8,"Tutti i bambini conoscono i grappoli di frutti penzolanti attorno
al collo di Tropius. Anche il Pokémon stesso ne mangia
in continuazione. Pare che il suo amore per la frutta sia
allorigine del fatto che egli stesso la produca."
357,25,9,"The bunches of fruit around Tropiuss neck are very popular
with children. This Pokémon loves fruit, and eats it
continuously. Apparently, its love for fruit resulted in its own
outgrowth of fruit."
357,25,11,"首の フサは 甘くて 子どもに 大人気。
果物が 大好物で 食べ続けて いたら
首に 果物が できるように なったらしい。"
357,26,1,"なんごくの こどもたちは トロピウスの くびに
なった くだものの フサを おやつに たべるよ。
せなかの はっぱを はばたかせて そらを とぶ。"
357,26,3,"남쪽 나라의 아이들은 트로피우스의 목에
난 과일 송이를 간식으로 먹는다.
등의 잎사귀를 펄럭거려 하늘을 난다."
357,26,5,"Les enfants des tropiques mangent les fruits qui poussent
autour du cou de Tropius pour leur goûter. Ce Pokémon
peut voler en agitant les feuilles situées sur son dos,
comme sil sagissait dailes."
357,26,6,"Kinder aus den südlichen Tropen essen die Früchte,
die am Hals von Tropius hängen, als Zwischenmahlzeit.
Dieses Pokémon kann fliegen, indem es mit den Blättern
auf seinem Rücken schlägt, als ob es Flügel wären."
357,26,7,"Los niños de la zona sur de los trópicos se comen los racimos
de fruta que le crecen a Tropius alrededor del cuello. Este
Pokémon vuela batiendo las hojas que tiene en el lomo como
si fueran alas."
357,26,8,"I bambini dei tropici meridionali fanno merenda coi frutti che
crescono a grappoli attorno al collo di Tropius. Questo
Pokémon vola agitando le foglie sulla schiena come
se fossero ali."
357,26,9,"Children of the southern tropics eat as snacks the fruit that
grows in bunches around the neck of Tropius. This Pokémon
flies by flapping the leaves on its back as if they were wings."
357,26,11,"南国の 子どもたちは トロピウスの 首に
なった 果物の フサを おやつに 食べるよ。
背中の 葉っぱを 羽ばたかせて 空を 飛ぶ。"
357,29,1,"アローラにすむ トロピウスの くびに
みのる フサは ほかの ちほうより
かくべつに あまくて もうさいこう。"
357,29,3,"알로라에 사는 트로피우스는
다른 지방에 비해 목에 열리는
송이가 특히 달콤하고 맛있다."
357,29,5,"Les fruits qui poussent sur le cou des Tropius
dAlola sont si doux quils surclassent ceux
des autres régions."
357,29,6,"Die Früchte, die am Hals der in Alola lebenden
Tropius hängen, sind die besten, denn sie sind
süßer als die in anderen Regionen."
357,29,7,"Los frutos que crecen en el cuello del Tropius de
la región de Alola son mucho más dulces y ricos
que los de otros lugares."
357,29,8,"I grappoli di frutti che crescono attorno al collo
dei Tropius che vivono ad Alola sono più dolci e
prelibati di quelli degli esemplari di altre regioni."
357,29,9,"The bunches of fruit growing around the necks
of Tropius in Alola are especially sweet
compared to those in other regions."
357,29,11,"アローラに棲む トロピウスの 首に
実る フサは 他の 地方より
格別に 甘くて もう最高。"
357,30,1,"くびの フサが おいしくて にんき。
あたたかい とちには トロピウスを
そだてる ぼくじょうが たくさん。"
357,30,3,"목에 난 송이는 맛있어서 인기다.
따뜻한 장소에는 트로피우스를
키우는 목장이 많다."
357,30,5,"Dans les régions où il fait chaud, on trouve des
fermes dédiées à lélevage de ce Pokémon, très
apprécié pour les fruits poussant sur son cou."
357,30,6,"Die leckeren Früchte an seinem Hals sind sehr
beliebt. In warmen Gebieten gibt es viele
Farmen, auf denen Tropius gezüchtet werden."
357,30,7,"A la gente le encanta la deliciosa fruta de sus
racimos. En las regiones cálidas abundan las
granjas que se dedican a criar Tropius."
357,30,8,"Molti amano i grappoli di frutti che crescono
attorno al collo di Tropius. Nelle regioni calde,
diversi pascoli sono riservati a questo Pokémon."
357,30,9,"Bunches of delicious fruit grow around its neck.
In warm areas, many ranches raise Tropius."
357,30,11,"首の フサが 美味しくて 人気。
暖かい 土地には トロピウスを
育てる 牧場が たくさん。"
358,7,9,"CHIMECHO makes its cries echo
inside its hollow body. When this
POKéMON becomes enraged, its criesresult in ultrasonic waves that have
the power to knock foes flying."
358,8,9,"In high winds, CHIMECHO cries as it
hangs from a tree branch or the eaves
of a building using a suction cup on itshead.
This POKéMON plucks berries with its
long tail and eats them."
358,9,9,"They fly about very actively when the hot
season arrives. They communicate among
themselves using seven different and
distinguishing cries."
358,10,9,"It travels by riding on winds. It cleverly
uses its long tail to pluck nuts and
berries, which it loves to eat."
358,11,9,"It travels by riding on winds. It cleverly
uses its long tail to pluck nuts and
berries, which it loves to eat."
358,12,9,"To knock foes flying, it makes the
air shudder with its cries. It
converses using seven cries."
358,13,9,"Emitting ultrasonic cries, it
floats on winds to travel great
358,14,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow
body to emerge as beautiful notes
for startling and repelling foes."
358,15,9,"It uses the sucker on its head to
hang from a tree or from eaves. It
can produce seven different tones."
358,16,9,"It uses the sucker on its head to
hang from a tree or from eaves. It
can produce seven different tones."
358,17,5,"Ses cris se répercutent dans son
corps creux avant dexploser en
notes mélodieuses et saisissantes."
358,17,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow
body to emerge as beautiful notes
for startling and repelling foes."
358,18,5,"Ses cris se répercutent dans son
corps creux avant dexploser en
notes mélodieuses et saisissantes."
358,18,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow
body to emerge as beautiful notes
for startling and repelling foes."
358,21,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow
body to emerge as beautiful notes
for startling and repelling foes."
358,22,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow
body to emerge as beautiful notes
for startling and repelling foes."
358,23,1,"あたまの きゅうばんで きの えだや
いえの のきしたに ぶらさがる。
7しゅるい ねいろを つかいわける。"
358,23,3,"머리의 빨판으로 나뭇가지나
집의 처마 밑에 매달린다.
7종류의 음색을 나누어 쓴다."
358,23,5,"Il se suspend sous une branche ou un auvent avec
la ventouse de sa tête. Son langage comporte sept
358,23,6,"Mit seinem Saugnapf hängt es sich an Äste oder unter
Vordächer. Es kennt sieben verschiedene Schreie."
358,23,7,"Se cuelga de ramas y aleros con la ventosa de su
cabeza. Tiene siete tipos de gritos diferentes."
358,23,8,"Emette sette tipi di versi penzolando da rami
o cornicioni, a cui si attacca con la ventosa che ha
sul capo."
358,23,9,"It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree
or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones."
358,23,11,"頭の 吸盤で 木の 枝や
家の 軒下に ぶら下がる。
7種類 音色を 使い分ける。"
358,24,1,"ちょうおんぱの なきごえを もつ。
ふわふわと うかび かぜに のって
ながい きょりを たびする。"
358,24,3,"초음파 울음소리를 가지고 있다.
둥둥 떠서 바람을 타고
긴 거리를 여행한다."
358,24,5,"Il émet des cris à ultrasons et chevauche le vent pour
parcourir de grandes distances."
358,24,6,"Es setzt Ultraschallwellen frei, während es sich
vom Wind über große Distanzen tragen lässt."
358,24,7,"Emite ondas ultrasónicas que le permiten flotar en el
viento para viajar grandes distancias."
358,24,8,"Emette versi ultrasonici. Percorre grandi distanze
facendosi trascinare dai venti."
358,24,9,"Emitting ultrasonic cries, it floats on winds to travel
great distances."
358,24,11,"超音波の 鳴き声を 持つ。
ふわふわと 浮かび 風に 乗って
長い 距離を 旅する。"
358,25,1,"こえを からだの くうどうに はんきょうさせる。
おこった ときの なきごえは てきを ふきとばす
いりょくを もった ちょうおんぱに なるぞ。"
358,25,3,"목소리를 몸의 빈 곳에 메아리치게 한다.
화가 났을 때의 울음소리는 적을 날려버릴
위력을 지닌 초음파가 된다."
358,25,5,"Éoko fait résonner son cri dans son corps creux.
Lorsque ce Pokémon est en colère, les échos de
son cri génèrent des ultrasons capables denvoyer
voler des ennemis."
358,25,6,"Palimpalims Schreie hallen durch seinen hohlen Körper.
Wenn dieses Pokémon wütend wird, erzeugen seine Schreie
Ultraschallwellen, die seine Feinde buchstäblich wegfegen
358,25,7,"Chimecho hace que sus gritos resuenen con eco en su
interior. Cuando se enfada, los chillidos se convierten en
ondas ultrasónicas capaces de derribar a los enemigos
358,25,8,"Chimecho fa riecheggiare il suo verso dentro al corpo vuoto.
Quando sinfuria emette onde a ultrasuoni in grado di
abbattere i nemici in volo."
358,25,9,"Chimecho makes its cries echo inside its hollow body.
When this Pokémon becomes enraged, its cries result in
ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying."
358,25,11,"声を 体の 空洞に 反響させる。
怒った ときの 鳴き声は 敵を 吹き飛ばす
威力を 持った 超音波に なるぞ。"
358,26,1,"かぜが つよくなると きの えだや のきしたに
あたまの きゅうばんで ぶらさがり なきだす。
ながい シッポで きのみを つまんで たべる。"
358,26,3,"바람이 강해지면 나뭇가지나 처마 끝에
머리의 흡반으로 매달려 울기 시작한다.
긴 꼬리로 나무열매를 집어서 먹는다."
358,26,5,"Lorsquil y a beaucoup de vent, Éoko pousse des cris,
accroché à une branche ou à un auvent par une ventouse
placée sur sa tête. Ce Pokémon attrape des Baies avec
sa longue queue pour les manger."
358,26,6,"Bei starkem Wind hängt sich Palimpalim an einen Ast oder an
die Dachrinne eines Gebäudes, wobei es eine Saugkappe auf
seinem Kopf benutzt. Das Pokémon pflückt mit seinem langen
Schweif Beeren und verspeist sie."
358,26,7,"Cuando hay viento fuerte, Chimecho chilla colgado de la rama
de un árbol o de los aleros de un edificio por la ventosa que
tiene en la cabeza. Este Pokémon usa la larga cola que tiene
para agarrar bayas y comérselas."
358,26,8,"Quando soffia il vento forte, Chimecho emette il suo verso
penzolando dai rami degli alberi o dai cornicioni, a cui
si attacca con la ventosa che ha sul capo. Con la sua
lunga coda scova le bacche dal terreno e se ne ciba."
358,26,9,"In high winds, Chimecho cries as it hangs from a tree branch or
the eaves of a building using a suction cup on its head. This
Pokémon plucks berries with its long tail and eats them."
358,26,11,"風が 強くなると 木の 枝や 軒下に
頭の 吸盤で ぶら下がり 鳴き出す。
長い シッポで きのみを つまんで 食べる。"
359,7,9,"Every time ABSOL appears before people,
it is followed by a disaster such as an
earthquake or a tidal wave.As a result, it came to be known as the
disaster POKéMON."
359,8,9,"ABSOL has the ability to foretell the
coming of natural disasters.
It lives in a harsh, rugged mountainenvironment. This POKéMON very rarely
ventures down from the mountains."
359,9,9,"It sharply senses even subtle changes in
the sky and the land to predict natural
disasters. It is a long-lived POKéMON that
has a life-span of 100 years."
359,10,9,"It appears when it senses an impending
natural disaster. As a result, it was
mistaken as a doom-bringer."
359,11,9,"It appears when it senses an impending
natural disaster. As a result, it was
mistaken as a doom-bringer."
359,12,9,"It senses coming disasters and
appears before people only to
warn them of impending danger."
359,13,9,"It senses coming disasters and
appears before people only to
warn them of impending danger."
359,14,9,"Rumored to sense disasters with its
horn, it became a target. It fled
deep into the mountains."
359,15,9,"It has the ability to foretell
natural disasters. Its life span is
over a hundred years."
359,16,9,"It has the ability to foretell
natural disasters. Its life span is
over a hundred years."
359,17,5,"La capacité de sa corne à sentir
les catastrophes ayant trop attiré
lattention sur lui, il vit reclus."
359,17,9,"Rumored to sense disasters with its
horn, it became a target. It fled
deep into the mountains."
359,18,5,"La capacité de sa corne à sentir
les catastrophes ayant trop attiré
lattention sur lui, il vit reclus."
359,18,9,"Rumored to sense disasters with its
horn, it became a target. It fled
deep into the mountains."
359,21,9,"It appears from deep in the mountains
to warn people about upcoming disasters
it has sensed with its horn."
359,22,9,"It appears from deep in the mountains
to warn people about upcoming disasters
it has sensed with its horn."
359,23,1,"さいがいを よかんする。
きけんを しらせる ときだけ
ひとまえに あらわれるという。"
359,23,3,"재해의 위험을 감지한다.
위험을 알리는 때에만
사람 앞에 나타난다고 한다."
359,23,5,"Il pressent les catastrophes et napparaît aux gens
que pour les prévenir dun danger imminent."
359,23,6,"Es spürt drohende Katastrophen und erscheint nur
dann, wenn es andere vor der Gefahr warnen will."
359,23,7,"Presiente desastres inminentes y se aparece a la gente
para advertir del peligro."
359,23,8,"Percepisce i disastri naturali imminenti e si mostra
solo per avvertire la gente del pericolo."
359,23,9,"It senses coming disasters and appears before
people only to warn them of impending danger."
359,23,11,"災害を 予感する。
危険を 知らせる ときだけ
人前に 現れるという。"
359,24,1,"さいがいの よちょうを かんじると
すがたを みせる ために わざわいを
よぶ ポケモンと ごかいされていた。"
359,24,3,"재해의 징조를 느끼면 모습을
보이기 때문에 재앙을 부르는
포켓몬으로 오해받고 있었다."
359,24,5,"Absol apparaît dès quune catastrophe naturelle est
sur le point de se produire. Pour cette raison,
les gens ont longtemps pensé quil portait malheur."
359,24,6,"Es taucht auf, wenn es spürt, dass eine
Naturkatastrophe kurz bevorsteht. Daher wurde es
irrtümlicherweise für einen Unheilsboten gehalten."
359,24,7,"Aparece cuando prevé una catástrofe natural
inminente, por eso dicen que trae mala suerte."
359,24,8,"Appare quando avverte un imminente disastro
naturale. Ciò ha fatto credere che portasse sfortuna."
359,24,9,"It appears when it senses an impending natural
disaster. As a result, it was mistaken as a
doom bringer."
359,24,11,"災害の 予兆を 感じると
姿を 見せる ために 災いを 呼ぶ
ポケモンと 誤解されていた。"
359,25,1,"アブソルが ひとまえに あらわれると かならず
じしんや つなみなどの さいがいが おこったので
わざわいポケモン という べつめいで よばれた。"
359,25,3,"앱솔이 사람들 앞에 나타나면 반드시
지진이나 해일 등의 재해가 일어나서
재난포켓몬이라는 별명으로 불렸다."
359,25,5,"Chaque fois quAbsol apparaît devant des gens,
une catastrophe comme un tremblement de terre
ou un raz-de-marée survient peu de temps après.
Il est devenu tristement célèbre sous lappellation
de Pokémon désastreux."
359,25,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn Absol sich den Menschen zeigt, endet dies
in einer Katastrophe wie Erdbeben oder Sturmflut. Deswegen
ist es auch als das Desaster-Pokémon bekannt."
359,25,7,"Cada vez que Absol aparece ante la gente, ocurre una
catástrofe natural como un terremoto o un maremoto. Por esta
razón se le conoce como el Pokémon de las catástrofes."
359,25,8,"Ogni volta che compare Absol, segue un disastro come
un terremoto o un maremoto. Per questo motivo è noto
come il Pokémon dei disastri."
359,25,9,"Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a
disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result,
it came to be known as the disaster Pokémon."
359,25,11,"アブソルが 人前に 現れると 必ず
地震や 津波などの 災害が 起こったので
災いポケモン という 別名で 呼ばれた。"
359,26,1,"しぜんさいがいを キャッチする ちからを もつ。
けわしい さんがくちたいに せいそくし
めったに やまの ふもとには おりてこない。"
359,26,3,"자연재해를 감지하는 힘을 지녔다.
험한 산악 지대에 서식하며
좀처럼 산기슭에는 내려오지 않는다."
359,26,5,"Absol a le pouvoir de prédire les catastrophes naturelles.
Il vit dans un milieu montagneux aride et accidenté.
Ce Pokémon séloigne très rarement des montagnes."
359,26,6,"Absol kann bevorstehende Naturkatastrophen voraussagen.
Es lebt auf einem kargen, zerklüfteten Berg. Dieses Pokémon
wagt sich nur sehr selten ins Tal herunter."
359,26,7,"Absol tiene la habilidad de predecir las catástrofes naturales.
Este Pokémon vive en hábitats montañosos, hostiles y
accidentados de los que rara vez se aleja."
359,26,8,"Absol ha labilità di predire le catastrofi naturali. Vive negli
ambienti montani più aspri e inospitali. Soltanto raramente
si allontana dalle montagne per avventurarsi a valle."
359,26,9,"Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters.
It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This
Pokémon very rarely ventures down from the mountains."
359,26,11,"自然災害を キャッチする 力を 持つ。
険しい 山岳地帯に 生息し
滅多に 山の ふもとには 降りてこない。"
359,27,1,"めいしんが はびこる むかし
わざわいを もたらすと いみきらわれ
やまの おくへと おいやられた。"
359,27,3,"미신이 만연했던 옛날에
재앙을 초래한다고 미움을 받아
산속으로 쫓겨났다."
359,27,5,"Autrefois la cible de superstitions le rendant
responsable des catastrophes, il sest retiré
dans les montagnes pour y échapper."
359,27,6,"Aus Aberglauben war Absol einst
als Unheilsbote verhasst und wurde
in die tiefsten Berge vertrieben."
359,27,7,"Repudiado por las supersticiones de antaño
que lo proclamaban heraldo de catástrofes
naturales, tuvo que refugiarse en las montañas."
359,27,8,"In un antico passato dominato dalle superstizioni
era odiato perché ritenuto latore di disastri.
Questo lha costretto a rifugiarsi sulle montagne."
359,27,9,"Long ago, superstitions were spread about it,
saying it brought disaster. This fed a hatred
of it, and it was driven deep into the mountains."
359,27,11,"迷信が はびこる 昔
災いを もたらすと 忌み嫌われ
山の 奥へと 追いやられた。"
359,28,1,"わざわいを もたらすと いわれるが
じっさいには おだやかな せいしつ。
さいがいの ききを ひとに つたえる。"
359,28,3,"재앙을 가져온다고 전해지지만
실제로는 온화한 성질이다.
재해의 위기를 사람들에게 알린다."
359,28,5,"On le dit annonciateur de catastrophes, mais
cest en fait un Pokémon paisible. Il prévient les
hommes de limminence des cataclysmes."
359,28,6,"Es heißt, Absol sei ein Unheilsbote, doch in
Wahrheit hat es ein sanftes Wesen. Es warnt
die Menschen vor drohenden Katastrophen."
359,28,7,"Se rumorea que es portador de calamidades,
pero en realidad tiene un carácter muy dócil.
Alerta a los humanos cuando vienen catástrofes."
359,28,8,"Si dice che sia latore di disgrazie. In realtà
ha un carattere molto gentile e avvisa gli esseri
umani di disastri naturali imminenti."
359,28,9,"Although its said to bring disaster, in actuality,
this Pokémon possesses a calm disposition and
warns people of any crises that loom."
359,28,11,"災いを もたらすと いわれるが
実際には おだやかな 性質。
災害の 危機を 人に 伝える。"
359,29,1,"ふきつなのは みためだけ。 たはたを
まもってくれたり いへんを ひとに
つげてくれる ありがたい そんざい。"
359,29,3,"비록 겉모습은 불길하지만
논밭을 지키거나 이변을 사람에게
알려 주는 고마운 존재다."
359,29,5,"Contrairement à ce que son apparence suggère,
il sagit dun Pokémon bienveillant qui protège
les champs et annonce les catastrophes."
359,29,6,"Nur sein Erscheinen ist unheilvoll. Die Menschen
sind ihm dankbar, weil es ihre Felder beschützt
und sie vor drohenden Katastrophen warnt."
359,29,7,"Aunque su apariencia sea siniestra, en realidad
le agradecen que alerte de cualquier catástrofe
inminente y que proteja los cultivos."
359,29,8,"Nonostante laspetto inquietante, è un Pokémon
benevolo che protegge i campi e avvisa gli
esseri umani di calamità naturali imminenti."
359,29,9,"The only thing unlucky about Absol is its
appearance. It protects fields and warns people
of disaster, so one ought to be grateful for it."
359,29,11,"不吉なのは 見た目だけ。 田畑を
守ってくれたり 異変を 人に
告げてくれる ありがたい 存在。"
359,30,1,"ろうじんは わざわいポケモンと よび
いみきらうが さいがいを よち する
ちからに かんしんが たかまっている。"
359,30,3,"노인들은 재난포켓몬이라고 부르며
미워하지만 재해를 예지하는
능력에 관심이 높아지고 있다."
359,30,5,"Les anciens le détestent et le nomment «le
Pokémon Désastre», mais dautres lapprécient
pour son aptitude à prédire les catastrophes."
359,30,6,"Alte Leute verabscheuen es als das Desaster-
Pokémon, aber seine Fähigkeit, Katastrophen
vorherzusagen, findet immer mehr Anerkennung."
359,30,7,"Pese a que los ancianos lo repudian tildándolo
de Pokémon Catástrofe, cada vez es mayor el
interés por su capacidad de prever desastres."
359,30,8,"Gli anziani lo detestano chiamandolo “il Pokémon
dei disastri”, ma la sua capacità di predire i
cataclismi desta sempre più interesse."
359,30,9,"The elderly call it the disaster Pokémon and
detest it, but interest in its power to predict
disasters is on the rise."
359,30,11,"老人は わざわいポケモンと 呼び
忌み嫌うが 災害を 予知 する
力に 関心が 高まっている。"
359,33,1,"かぜのように のやまを かけぬける。
ゆみなりの ツノは しぜんさいがいの
よちょうを びんかんに かんじとる。"
359,33,3,"바람처럼 산과 들을 달려나간다.
초승달 모양의 뿔은 자연재해의
징조를 민감하게 감지한다."
359,33,5,"Il court par monts et par vaux, rapide comme
le vent. Sa corne arquée lui permet de percevoir
les signes avant-coureurs des cataclysmes."
359,33,6,"Schnell wie der Wind rauscht es über Felder
und Berge. Sein gebogenes Horn ist sehr sensibel
gegenüber herannahenden Naturkatastrophen."
359,33,7,"Corre por montañas y prados a la velocidad del
viento. Su cuerno curvado tiene tal sensibilidad
que puede predecir catástrofes naturales."
359,33,8,"Corre veloce come il vento attraverso colline
e campi. Il suo corno ricurvo è in grado di
prevedere con precisione le calamità naturali."
359,33,9,"Swift as the wind, Absol races through fields and
mountains. Its curved, bow-like horn is acutely
sensitive to the warning signs of natural disasters."
359,33,11,"風のように 野山を 駆けぬける。
弓なりの ツノは 自然災害の
予兆を 敏感に 感じとる。"
359,34,1,"きけんを さっちする のうりょくを
もつがゆえに ひとからは わざわいを
もたらす ポケモンと ごかいされた。"
359,34,3,"위험을 감지하는 능력이 있어
사람들로부터 재앙을 불러오는
포켓몬이라는 오해를 샀다."
359,34,5,"Sa capacité à pressentir le danger lui a autrefois
valu la réputation de porter malheur."
359,34,6,"Absol kann Gefahr verspüren, weshalb Menschen
irrtümlicherweise dachten, dieses Pokémon
bringe ihnen Unheil."
359,34,7,"Debido a su capacidad para predecir desastres,
se lo ha considerado desacertadamente un
Pokémon portador de desgracias."
359,34,8,"A causa della sua capacità di percepire i disastri
è stato considerato erroneamente un Pokémon
portatore di disgrazie."
359,34,9,"Because of this Pokémons ability to detect
danger, people mistook Absol as a bringer
of doom."
359,34,11,"危険を 察知する 能力を
持つがゆえに 人からは 災いを
もたらす ポケモンと 誤解された。"
360,7,9,"WYNAUT can always be seen with a big,
happy smile on its face. Look at its tail
to determine if it is angry.When angered, this POKéMON will be
slapping the ground with its tail."
360,8,9,"WYNAUT gather on moonlit nights to play
by squeezing up against each other.
By being squeezed, this POKéMON gainsendurance and is trained to dole out
powerful counterattacks."
360,9,9,"A WYNAUT loves to eat sweet fruits.
It cleverly picks fruits using its earlike
arms. They gather in fruit gardens, drawn
by the fragrance."
360,10,9,"It tends to move in a pack with others.
They cluster in a tight group to sleep in
a cave."
360,11,9,"It tends to move in a pack with others.
They cluster in a tight group to sleep in
a cave."
360,12,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,13,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,14,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,15,9,"It tends to move in a pack.
Individuals squash against one
another to toughen their spirits."
360,16,9,"It tends to move in a pack.
Individuals squash against one
another to toughen their spirits."
360,17,5,"Il se muscle en bousculant ses
semblables lors de mêlées. Il
raffole des fruits sucrés."
360,17,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,18,5,"Il se muscle en bousculant ses
semblables lors de mêlées. Il
raffole des fruits sucrés."
360,18,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,21,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,22,9,"It grows strong by pushing up
against others en masse.
It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,23,1,"むれで こうどうする しゅうせい。
ねむる ときは どうくつの なかで
なかまたちと からだを よせあう。"
360,23,3,"무리를 지어 행동하는 습성이 있다.
잠들 때는 동굴 안에서
동료들과 서로 몸을 붙인다."
360,23,5,"Okéoké adore se déplacer en groupe.
Ils se réunissent souvent pour dormir la nuit dans les
360,23,6,"Es zieht normalerweise im Rudel umher.
Zum Schlafen drängen sie sich ganz eng
in einer Höhle zusammen."
360,23,7,"Suelen ir en grupo y a la hora de dormir se resguardan
en una cueva."
360,23,8,"Tendono a spostarsi in gruppo. Anche per dormire
si stringono fra loro, nelle grotte."
360,23,9,"It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster
in a tight group to sleep in a cave."
360,23,11,"群れで 行動する 習性。
眠る ときは 洞窟の 中で
仲間たちと 体を 寄せ合う。"
360,24,1,"なかまたちと おしくらまんじゅうを
やることで がまんづよく そだつ。
あまい くだものが だいこうぶつ。"
360,24,3,"동료들과 밀어내기 놀이를 하면서
인내심이 강한 성격으로 자란다.
달콤한 과일을 매우 좋아한다."
360,24,5,"Il se muscle en bousculant ses semblables lors de
mêlées. Il raffole des fruits sucrés."
360,24,6,"Es wird stärker, indem es andere ständig anrempelt.
Es liebt Süßigkeiten."
360,24,7,"Se fortalecen empujándose unos a otros en grupos.
Les encantan los dulces."
360,24,8,"Questi Pokémon si allenano in gruppo caricandosi
lun laltro per rafforzarsi. Amano i frutti dolci."
360,24,9,"It grows strong by pushing up against others en
masse. It loves eating sweet fruit."
360,24,11,"仲間たちと おしくらまんじゅうを
やることで 我慢強く 育つ。
甘い 果物が 大好物。"
360,25,1,"いつも ニコニコ えがおの ソーナノ。
おこっているときは しっぽに ちゅうもく。
じめんを パタパタ たたいているぞ。"
360,25,3,"언제나 싱글벙글 미소 짓는 마자.
화났을 때는 꼬리에 주목하자.
땅을 탁탁 치고 있다."
360,25,5,"Okéoké a toujours un grand sourire qui illumine son visage.
On peut savoir sil est en colère en regardant sa queue.
Lorsquil est furieux, sa queue remue en frappant le sol."
360,25,6,"Isso hat immer ein breites, fröhliches Lächeln auf seinem
Gesicht. Um festzustellen, ob es wütend ist, muss man seinen
Schweif betrachten. Wenn es wütend ist, schlägt es damit auf
den Boden."
360,25,7,"Wynaut está siempre con una gran sonrisa puesta. Para ver si
está enfadado, basta con mirarle la cola. Cuando se le
molesta, se pone a dar golpetazos en el suelo."
360,25,8,"Wynaut ha sempre un sorriso grande e genuino stampato
sul volto. La coda è indice del suo vero stato danimo.
Se la sbatte violentemente a terra, significa che è infuriato."
360,25,9,"Wynaut can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face.
Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, this
Pokémon will be slapping the ground with its tail."
360,25,11,"いつも ニコニコ 笑顔の ソーナノ。
怒っているときは 尻尾に 注目。
地面を パタパタ たたいているぞ。"
360,26,1,"つきのよる なかまたちと おしくらまんじゅう。
ぎゅうぎゅう おされて がまんづよくなる。
きょうれつな カウンターを くりだす くんれん。"
360,26,3,"달밤에 동료들과 밀어내기 놀이를 한다.
이리저리 밀리면 인내심이 강해진다.
강렬한 카운터를 쓰는 훈련이다."
360,26,5,"Les Okéoké se rassemblent quand la nuit est claire pour jouer
à se presser les uns contre les autres. En se poussant,
ces Pokémon améliorent leur endurance et sentraînent à
renvoyer de puissantes contre-attaques."
360,26,6,"Isso sammeln sich in Mondnächten, um sich gegenseitig
anzurempeln. Dadurch gewinnt dieses Pokémon an Ausdauer
und kann wirkungsvolle Gegenangriffe trainieren."
360,26,7,"Los Wynaut se agrupan cuando hay luna para jugar
achuchándose unos a otros. Cuanto más se achuchan, más
ganan en resistencia y lanzan fuertes contraataques con más
360,26,8,"Gli Wynaut si riuniscono di notte al chiaro di luna per giocare
stringendosi fra loro. In tal modo il Pokémon acquisisce
resistenza per poter sferrare potenti contrattacchi."
360,26,9,"Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up
against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains
endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks."
360,26,11,"月の夜 仲間たちと おしくらまんじゅう。
ぎゅうぎゅう 押されて 我慢強くなる。
強烈な カウンターを 繰り出す 訓練。"
360,33,1,"おおぜいの なかまと こうどうする。
おしくらまんじゅうで がまんづよい
こんじょうを きたえるのだ。"
360,33,3,"많은 동료와 함께 행동한다.
밀어내기 놀이로 인내심과
근성을 강하게 단련한다."
360,33,5,"Il fait toutes ses activités en groupe.
Lune delles consiste à se bousculer mutuellement
afin de sendurcir."
360,33,6,"Isso bleiben immer im Rudel und schubsen
einander spielerisch, um ihre Ausdauer zu
360,33,7,"Suelen ir en grupo. Templan su paciencia jugando
a empujarse los unos a los otros."
360,33,8,"I Wynaut fanno tutto in gruppo. Giocando
a darsi spintoni, si tengono sempre allenati."
360,33,9,"It tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash
against one another to toughen their spirits."
360,33,11,"大勢の 仲間と 行動する。
おしくらまんじゅうで 我慢強い
根性を 鍛えるのだ。"
360,34,1,"むれで こうどうする しゅうせい。
ねむる ときは どうくつの なかで
なかまたちと からだを よせあう。"
360,34,3,"무리를 지어 행동하는 습성이 있다.
잠들 때는 동굴 안에서
동료들과 서로 몸을 붙인다."
360,34,5,"Ces Pokémon adorent se déplacer en groupe.
Ils se blottissent les uns contre les autres
dans des cavernes pour dormir."
360,34,6,"Sie ziehen normalerweise im Rudel umher. Zum
Schlafen drängen sie sich ganz eng in einer Höhle
360,34,7,"Suelen ir en grupo y, a la hora de dormir, se
pegan unos a otros para descansar resguardados
en cuevas."
360,34,8,"Hanno labitudine di spostarsi in gruppo.
Quando è ora di dormire, si radunano in
una grotta e riposano stretti luno allaltro."
360,34,9,"It tends to move in a pack with others.
They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave."
360,34,11,"群れで 行動する 習性。
眠る ときは 洞窟の 中で
仲間たちと 体を 寄せあう。"
361,7,9,"SNORUNT live in regions with heavy
snowfall. In seasons without snow, such
as spring and summer, this POKéMONsteals away to live quietly among
stalactites and stalagmites deep in
361,8,9,"SNORUNT survives by eating only snow
and ice.
Old folklore claims that a house visitedby this POKéMON is sure to prosper for
many generations to come."
361,9,9,"They tend to move about in groups of
around five SNORUNT. In snowy regions,
it is said that when they are seen late at
night, snowfall will arrive by morning."
361,10,9,"It is said that a home visited by a
SNORUNT will prosper. It can withstand
cold of minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit."
361,11,9,"It is said that a home visited by a
SNORUNT will prosper. It can withstand
cold of minus 150 degrees Fahrenheit."
361,12,9,"In the snow country, certain
folklore says a house will
prosper if a SNORUNT lives there."
361,13,9,"In the snow country, certain
folklore says a house will
prosper if a SNORUNT lives there."
361,14,9,"It is said that several SNORUNT
gather under giant leaves and
live together in harmony."
361,15,9,"Its said that if they are seen at
midnight, theyll cause heavy snow.
They eat snow and ice to survive."
361,16,9,"Its said that if they are seen at
midnight, theyll cause heavy snow.
They eat snow and ice to survive."
361,17,5,"On dit que des groupes entiers de
Stalgamin vivent en harmonie
sous des feuilles gigantesques."
361,17,9,"It is said that several Snorunt
gather under giant leaves and
live together in harmony."
361,18,5,"On dit que des groupes entiers de
Stalgamin vivent en harmonie
sous des feuilles gigantesques."
361,18,9,"It is said that several Snorunt
gather under giant leaves and
live together in harmony."
361,21,9,"It is said that several Snorunt
gather under giant leaves and
live together in harmony."
361,22,9,"It is said that several Snorunt
gather under giant leaves and
live together in harmony."
361,23,1,"おおきな はっぱの したに
すうひきの ユキワラシが あつまり
なかよく くらしているという。"
361,23,3,"커다란 잎사귀 아래서
여러 마리의 눈꼬마가 모여
사이좋게 살고 있다고 한다."
361,23,5,"On dit que des groupes entiers de Stalgamin vivent
en harmonie sous des feuilles gigantesques."
361,23,6,"Gerüchten zufolge sammeln sich Schneppke unter
riesigen Blättern und leben dort friedlich zusammen."
361,23,7,"Se dice que se reúnen en grupos bajo hojas
gigantescas y viven allí en total armonía."
361,23,8,"Si dice che gli Snorunt vivano in armonia riuniti
sotto gigantesche foglie."
361,23,9,"It is said that several Snorunt gather under giant
leaves and live together in harmony."
361,23,11,"大きな 葉っぱの 下に
数匹の ユキワラシが 集まり
仲良く 暮らしているという。"
361,24,1,"ユキワラシの すみついた いえは
おかねもちになるという いいつたえが
ゆきぐにには のこっている。"
361,24,3,"눈꼬마가 자리 잡은 집은
부자가 된다고 하는 전설이
설국에는 남아 있다."
361,24,5,"Selon un vieux dicton des régions enneigées :
«Stalgamin dans la maison, richesse à lhorizon»."
361,24,6,"Im Land des Schnees sagt eine Legende, dass in
ein Haus Wohlstand einzieht, wenn es darin lebt."
361,24,7,"En las zonas nevadas, las leyendas dicen que si un
Snorunt vive en una casa, trae prosperidad."
361,24,8,"Secondo alcune leggende delle regioni fredde, uno
Snorunt porta prosperità alla casa in cui vive."
361,24,9,"In the snow country, certain folklore says a house
will prosper if a Snorunt lives there."
361,24,11,"ユキワラシの 住み着いた 家は
お金持ちになるという 言い伝えが
雪国には 残っている。"
361,25,1,"ゆきの おおい とちで くらす ポケモン。
はるや なつの ゆきの ふらない きせつには
しょうにゅうどうの おくで しずかに くらす。"
361,25,3,"눈이 많은 땅에서 사는 포켓몬이다.
봄이나 여름처럼 눈이 내리지 않는 계절에는
석회암 동굴 깊은 곳에서 조용히 산다."
361,25,5,"Les Stalgamin vivent dans les régions enneigées.
Pendant les saisons sans neige, comme le printemps
et lété, ces Pokémon se retirent pour vivre dans
les cavernes, au milieu des stalactites et des stalagmites."
361,25,6,"Schneppke lebt in Gebieten mit heftigem Schneefall.
In Jahreszeiten, in denen es nicht schneit, wie im Frühling
oder im Sommer, nimmt das Pokémon Reißaus, um in einer
Höhle ein ruhiges Leben zwischen Stalaktiten und Stalagmiten
zu führen."
361,25,7,"Snorunt vive en zonas de grandes nevadas. En primavera y
verano, cuando no nieva, se retira a las cavernas para vivir
tranquilamente entre estalactitas y estalagmitas."
361,25,8,"Snorunt vive in regioni molto nevose. Nelle stagioni più calde,
come lestate e la primavera, questo Pokémon si ritira a vivere
in tranquillità nel cuore delle caverne tra stalattiti e stalagmiti."
361,25,9,"Snorunt live in regions with heavy snowfall. In seasons
without snow, such as spring and summer, this Pokémon
steals away to live quietly among stalactites and stalagmites
deep in caverns."
361,25,11,"雪の 多い 土地で 暮らす ポケモン。
春や 夏の 雪の 降らない 季節には
しょう乳洞の 奥で 静かに 暮らす。"
361,26,1,"ゆきや こおりだけを たべて くらしている。
ユキワラシの おとずれた いえは だいだい
さかえるという いいつたえが のこっている。"
361,26,3,"눈이나 얼음만 먹고 생활하고 있다.
눈꼬마가 찾아간 집은 대대로
번창한다는 전설이 남아 있다."
361,26,5,"Stalgamin survit en se nourrissant uniquement de neige
et deau. De vieilles légendes racontent que les maisons
visitées par ce Pokémon sont assurées dêtre prospères
pendant plusieurs générations."
361,26,6,"Schneppke kann überleben, indem es nur Schnee und Eis
zu sich nimmt. Alte Überlieferungen besagen, dass ein Haus,
welches von diesem Pokémon besucht wird, vielen kommenden
Generationen Glück und Erfolg beschert."
361,26,7,"Snorunt sobrevive alimentándose solo de nieve y hielo. Se
dice que la casa por la que pase este Pokémon estará llena
de prosperidad durante generaciones."
361,26,8,"Snorunt si nutre soltanto di neve e ghiaccio.
Gli antichi detti popolari affermano che questo Pokémon porta
fortuna e prosperità per molte generazioni alle case che visita."
361,26,9,"Snorunt survives by eating only snow and ice. Old folklore
claims that a house visited by this Pokémon is sure to prosper
for many generations to come."
361,26,11,"雪や 氷だけを 食べて 暮らしている。
ユキワラシの 訪れた 家は 代々
栄えるという 言い伝えが 残っている。"
361,27,1,"きづくと アローラで ふえていた。
ユキワラシが すみついた いえは
ししそんそんに さかえると いう。"
361,27,3,"어느새 알로라에서 늘어나 있었다.
눈꼬마가 살고 있는 집은
자자손손 번창한다고 한다."
361,27,5,"De nombreux spécimens de ce Pokémon vivent
dans la région dAlola. On dit que les maisons
abritant un Stalgamin seront prospères."
361,27,6,"Schneppke hat sich rasant in Alola verbreitet.
Es heißt, das Haus, in dem es lebt, werde über
viele Generationen blühen und gedeihen."
361,27,7,"Su número ha aumentado en la región de Alola.
Dicen que traen prosperidad durante
generaciones a las casas en las que habitan."
361,27,8,"È sempre più diffuso nella regione di Alola.
Si dice che porti prosperità per generazioni
agli abitanti delle case in cui vive."
361,27,9,"Their numbers seem to have rapidly increased in
Alola. Custom has it that houses where Snorunt
live will be prosperous for generations to come."
361,27,11,"気づくと アローラで 増えていた。
ユキワラシが 棲みついた 家は
子々孫々に 栄えると いう。"
361,28,1,"さむい とちでしか いきられない。
マイナス 100どの かんきょうでも
げんきに はねまわっているよ。"
361,28,3,"추운 땅에서만 살 수 있다.
영하 100도의 환경에서도
건강하게 뛰어다닌다."
361,28,5,"Il ne peut voir le jour que dans les plus froides
contrées. Il saccommode parfaitement de
températures atteignant les -100 °C."
361,28,6,"Schneppke kann nur in besonders kalten
Gebieten leben. Selbst bei -100 °C hopst es
munter umher."
361,28,7,"Las regiones frías son su hábitat natural. Se
encuentra a sus anchas en lugares donde la
temperatura alcanza los -100 °C."
361,28,8,"Sopravvive solo nelle regioni fredde.
Si trova perfettamente a suo agio anche
a una temperatura di -100 °C."
361,28,9,"It can only survive in cold areas. It bounces
happily around, even in environments as cold as
-150 degrees Fahrenheit."
361,28,11,"寒い 土地でしか 生きられない。
マイナス 100度の 環境でも
元気に 跳ねまわっているよ。"
361,29,1,"ゆきや こおりが おもな エサ。
あたたかな アローラでは かぎられた
ばしょ でしか いきていけない。"
361,29,3,"눈과 얼음이 주요 먹이다.
따듯한 알로라에서는 한정된
장소에서만 살 수 있다."
361,29,5,"Il se nourrit principalement de neige et de glace.
Le climat chaud dAlola le contraint à vivre dans
des lieux bien spécifiques."
361,29,6,"Es ernährt sich hauptsächlich von Eis und
Schnee. Im warmen Alola kann es daher nur
an wenigen Orten überleben."
361,29,7,"Se alimenta sobre todo de hielo y nieve. Debido
a las temperaturas cálidas que reinan en Alola,
solo puede habitar en contados lugares."
361,29,8,"Si nutre principalmente di neve e ghiaccio.
Ad Alola, dove il clima è generalmente caldo,
sopravvive solo in determinate zone."
361,29,9,"It feeds mainly on ice and snow. Its only able to
survive in a limited number of places in the
warm Alola region."
361,29,11,"雪や 氷が 主な エサ。
暖かな アローラでは 限られた
場所 でしか 生きていけない。"
361,30,1,"さむい とちの かねもちは みんな
こどもの ころに ユキワラシと
あそんだ おもいでが あるらしい。"
361,30,3,"추운 토지의 부자들은 모두
어린 시절에 눈꼬마와
놀았던 추억이 있다고 한다."
361,30,5,"Il semblerait que toute personne aisée ayant
grandi dans les régions enneigées se rappelle
avoir joué avec un Stalgamin étant enfant."
361,30,6,"Wohlhabende Leute aus kalten Gebieten haben
alle in ihrer Kindheit mit Schneppke gespielt."
361,30,7,"Según parece, en las regiones frías todos los
miembros de las familias pudientes recuerdan
haber jugado con Snorunt en su infancia."
361,30,8,"Sembra che tutte le persone facoltose delle
regioni fredde ricordino di aver giocato con
uno Snorunt da piccoli."
361,30,9,"Rich people from cold areas all share childhood
memories of playing with Snorunt."
361,30,11,"寒い 土地の 金持ちは みんな
子どもの 頃に ユキワラシと
遊んだ 思い出が あるらしい。"
361,33,1,"まよなか あらわれる ユキワラシは
おおゆきを ふらせると いわれる。
ゆきや こおりを たべて くらす。"
361,33,3,"한밤중에 나타나는 눈꼬마는
큰 눈을 내리게 한다고 전해진다.
눈과 얼음을 먹으며 지낸다."
361,33,5,"Quand ce Pokémon apparaît la nuit, il provoque
de fortes chutes de neige.
Il se nourrit de glace et de neige."
361,33,6,"Erscheint es mitten in der Nacht, so sagt man,
steht starker Schneefall bevor. Es ernährt sich
von Eis und Schnee."
361,33,7,"Dicen que, si aparece a medianoche, provoca
grandes nevadas. Se alimenta de nieve y hielo."
361,33,8,"Si dice che provochi forti nevicate se appare
nel cuore della notte. Si nutre di neve e ghiaccio."
361,33,9,"Its said that if they are seen at midnight, theyll
cause heavy snow. They eat snow and ice
to survive."
361,33,11,"真夜中 現れる ユキワラシは
大雪を 降らせると いわれる。
雪や 氷を 食べて 暮らす。"
361,34,1,"さむい とちでしか いきられない。
マイナス 100どの かんきょうでも
げんきに はねまわっているよ。"
361,34,3,"추운 땅에서만 살 수 있다.
영하 100도의 환경에서도
건강하게 뛰어다닌다."
361,34,5,"Il ne peut vivre que dans les plus froides contrées.
Il saccommode parfaitement de températures
atteignant les - 100 °C."
361,34,6,"Schneppke kann nur in besonders kalten
Gebieten leben. Selbst bei -100 ºC hopst es
munter umher."
361,34,7,"Las regiones frías son su hábitat natural. Se
encuentra a sus anchas incluso en lugares donde
la temperatura alcanza los -100 °C."
361,34,8,"Sopravvive solo nelle regioni fredde.
Si trova perfettamente a suo agio anche
a una temperatura di -100 ºC."
361,34,9,"It can only survive in cold areas. It bounces
happily around, even in environments as cold as
150 degrees Fahrenheit."
361,34,11,"寒い 土地でしか 生きられない。
マイナス 100度の 環境でも
元気に 跳ねまわっているよ。"
362,7,9,"GLALIE has a body made of rock, which it
hardens with an armor of ice.
This POKéMON has the ability to freezemoisture in the atmosphere into any
shape it desires."
362,8,9,"GLALIE has the ability to freely
control ice. For example, it can
instantly freeze its foe solid.After immobilizing its foe in ice, this
POKéMON enjoys eating it in leisurely
362,9,9,"A GLALIE has the power to instantaneously
freeze moisture in the atmosphere.
A dazzling cloud of diamondlike ice
crystals forms around its body."
362,10,9,"It has a body of ice that wont melt,
even with fire. It can instantly freeze
moisture in the atmosphere."
362,11,9,"It has a body of ice that wont melt,
even with fire. It can instantly freeze
moisture in the atmosphere."
362,12,9,"To protect itself, it clads its
body in an armor of ice, made
by freezing moisture in the air."
362,13,9,"To protect itself, it clads its
body in an armor of ice, made
by freezing moisture in the air."
362,14,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by
instantaneously freezing moisture
in the air."
362,15,9,"It can instantly freeze moisture in
the atmosphere. It uses this power
to freeze its foes."
362,16,9,"It can instantly freeze moisture in
the atmosphere. It uses this power
to freeze its foes."
362,17,5,"Il empêche ses proies de prendre
la fuite en gelant instantanément
lhumidité de lair."
362,17,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by
instantaneously freezing moisture
in the air."
362,18,5,"Il empêche ses proies de prendre
la fuite en gelant instantanément
lhumidité de lair."
362,18,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by
instantaneously freezing moisture
in the air."
362,21,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by
instantaneously freezing moisture
in the air."
362,22,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by
instantaneously freezing moisture
in the air."
362,23,1,"くうきちゅうの すいぶんを こおらせ
こおりの そうこうで からだを
つつみこみ みを まもっている。"
362,23,3,"공기 중의 수분을 얼려서
얼음 갑옷으로 몸을
둘러싸 몸을 보호한다."
362,23,5,"Il gèle lhumidité de lair pour former une armure
de glace protectrice autour de son corps."
362,23,6,"Um sich zu schützen, umgibt es seinen Körper
mit einer Rüstung aus Eis."
362,23,7,"Se protege con una armadura de hielo creada por
congelación de la humedad del aire."
362,23,8,"Per difendersi, riveste il suo corpo con unarmatura
di ghiaccio, fatta congelando lumidità dellaria."
362,23,9,"To protect itself, it clad its body in an armor of ice,
made by freezing moisture in the air."
362,23,11,"空気中の 水分を 凍らせ
氷の 装甲で 体を 包みこみ
身を 守っている。"
362,24,1,"くうきちゅうの すいぶんを
いっしゅんで こおらせる ちからで
えものを れいとうして しまう。"
362,24,3,"공기 중의 수분을
단숨에 얼게 하는 힘으로
먹이를 냉동시켜 버린다."
362,24,5,"Il a le pouvoir de geler lhumidité ambiante en un
instant et peut ainsi pétrifier ses proies."
362,24,6,"Es kann Feuchtigkeit in der Atmosphäre gefrieren.
Auf diese Weise macht es auch seine Beute haltbar."
362,24,7,"Congela a sus presas enfriando en un momento la
humedad contenida en el aire que lo rodea."
362,24,8,"Capace di congelare istantaneamente lumidità
dellatmosfera, finisce per surgelare la preda."
362,24,9,"It can instantly freeze moisture in the atmosphere.
It uses this power to freeze its foes."
362,24,11,"空気中の 水分を
一瞬で 凍らせる 力で
獲物を 冷凍して しまう。"
362,25,1,"いわの からだを こおりの よろいで かためた。
くうきちゅうの すいぶんを こおらせて じゆうな
かたちに かえる のうりょくを もつ ポケモン。"
362,25,3,"바위로 된 몸을 얼음 갑옷으로 단단히 했다.
공기 중의 수분을 얼려서 자유로운
형태로 바꾸는 능력을 지닌 포켓몬이다."
362,25,5,"Le corps de Oniglali est fait de rochers quil endurcit grâce
à une couche de glace. Ce Pokémon a le pouvoir de geler
lhumidité ambiante et de lui donner nimporte quelle forme."
362,25,6,"Firnontor hat einen Körper aus Stein, den es mit einem
Panzer aus Eis noch verstärkt. Dieses Pokémon kann die
Luftfeuchtigkeit der Atmosphäre einfrieren und in jegliche
Form verwandeln."
362,25,7,"Glalie endurece el cuerpo rocoso que tiene con una coraza
de hielo. Este Pokémon tiene la habilidad de congelar la
humedad del ambiente y formar la figura que se le antoje."
362,25,8,"Il corpo di Glalie è fatto di pietra rivestita da unarmatura
di ghiaccio. Questo Pokémon ha la capacità di congelare
lumidità nellatmosfera e darle le forme più svariate."
362,25,9,"Glalie has a body made of rock, which it hardens with an armor
of ice. This Pokémon has the ability to freeze moisture in the
atmosphere into any shape it desires."
362,25,11,"岩の 体を 氷の よろいで かためた。
空気中の 水分を 凍らせて 自由な
形に 変える 能力を 持つ ポケモン。"
362,26,1,"こおりを じざいに あつかう ちからを もつ。
えものを いっしゅんで こおらせて うごけなく
なった ところを おいしく いただくのだ。"
362,26,3,"얼음을 자유롭게 사용하는 힘을 지녔다.
먹이를 한순간에 얼려 움직이지
못하게 하고 맛있게 먹는다."
362,26,5,"Oniglali a le pouvoir de contrôler la glace à volonté.
Par exemple, il peut geler sa proie sur place.
Une fois la proie immobilisée, ce Pokémon la mange
sans se presser."
362,26,6,"Firnontor hat die Fähigkeit, Eis zu kontrollieren. Es kann
beispielsweise seine Beute augenblicklich einfrieren.
Nachdem es sie im Eis bewegungsunfähig gemacht hat,
verspeist es sie genüsslich."
362,26,7,"Glalie tiene la habilidad de controlar el hielo con total libertad.
Por ejemplo, puede dejar a su presa totalmente congelada en
un instante. Y, una vez helada, la devora lentamente."
362,26,8,"Glalie ha la capacità di sfruttare il ghiaccio a suo vantaggio.
Ad esempio riesce a congelare la preda allistante. Dopo
averla immobilizzata nel ghiaccio, se la mangia con gusto
e in tutta calma."
362,26,9,"Glalie has the ability to freely control ice. For example, it can
instantly freeze its prey solid. After immobilizing its prey in ice,
this Pokémon enjoys eating it in leisurely fashion."
362,26,11,"氷を 自在に 扱う 力を 持つ。
獲物を 一瞬で 凍らせて 動けなく
なった ところを 美味しく 頂くのだ。"
362,27,1,"とうちょう まぢかに ゆきやまで
そうなんした とざんかの むねんが
いわに とりつき うまれたと いう。"
362,27,3,"등정을 코앞에 둔 설산에서
조난당한 등산가의 원통함이
바위에 씌어서 태어났다고 한다."
362,27,5,"La légende veut quil naisse de la détresse
et de la rancœur des alpinistes égarés dans
les cimes enneigées."
362,27,6,"Man sagt, Firnontor sei aus dem Unmut
verunglückter Bergsteiger geboren, der
von einem Felsen Besitz ergriff."
362,27,7,"Se cree que estos Pokémon surgen de la
desazón de los montañeros perdidos en las
cumbres nevadas."
362,27,8,"Lo sconforto degli scalatori smarritisi a un passo
dalla vetta ha animato certe rocce di montagna
e dato vita a questo Pokémon."
362,27,9,"Legend says a boulder on an icy mountain
absorbed the distress and regrets of a
stranded mountaineer, giving rise to Glalie."
362,27,11,"登頂 間近に 雪山で
遭難した 登山家の 無念が
岩に 取りつき 生まれたと いう。"
362,28,1,"おおきな くちから はく れいきで
えものは いっしゅんで カチコチ。
そのまま バリバリ いただくのだ。"
362,28,3,"커다란 입에서 뿜는 냉기로
먹이는 한순간에 꽁꽁.
그대로 아드득아드득 잡아먹는다."
362,28,5,"Le souffle glacé qui sort de sa large gueule lui
permet de congeler instantanément ses proies.
Il les croque ensuite comme des glaçons."
362,28,6,"Mit dem Eiseshauch aus seinem riesigen Mund
friert es seine Beute augenblicklich ein, um sie
dann genüsslich zu verspeisen."
362,28,7,"Congela a sus presas instantáneamente con el
aire frío que expulsa por la boca y acto seguido
las devora."
362,28,8,"Congela le prede in un istante soffiando
aria gelida dalla grande bocca e poi
le sgranocchia ancora ghiacciate."
362,28,9,"Its prey is instantaneously frozen stiff by the
cold air it exhales from its huge mouth. While
theyre in that frozen state, it gobbles them up."
362,28,11,"大きな 口から 吐く 冷気で
獲物は 一瞬で カチコチ。
そのまま バリバリ 頂くのだ。"
362,29,1,"えものを こおらせ まるかじり。
だけど こうぶつは バニプッチなどの
もともと こおっている ポケモンだ。"
362,29,3,"먹이를 얼려 통째로 갉아먹는다.
하지만 바닐프티처럼 처음부터
얼어 있는 포켓몬을 더 좋아한다."
362,29,5,"Il gèle ses proies avant de les croquer
goulûment, même sil préfère largement les
Pokémon déjà glacés, comme les Sorbébé."
362,29,6,"Es friert seine Beute ein und verschlingt sie im
Ganzen. Am liebsten frisst es von vornherein
gefrorene Pokémon wie Gelatini."
362,29,7,"Congela a sus presas antes de hincarles el
diente, pero su presa favorita son los Pokémon
que ya están congelados, como los Vanillite."
362,29,8,"Congela la preda prima di affondarvi i denti.
Tuttavia, preferisce cibarsi di Pokémon già
ghiacciati come Vanillite."
362,29,9,"It freezes its prey and chews them whole.
However, it prefers to eat Pokémon like Vanillite
that are already frozen."
362,29,11,"獲物を 凍らせ 丸かじり。
だけど 好物は バニプッチなどの
もともと 凍っている ポケモンだ。"
362,30,1,"さほど かたくない いわがほんたい。
くうきちゅうの すいぶんを こおらせ
こおりの そうこうを みにまとう。"
362,30,3,"그다지 단단하지 않은 바위가 본체다.
공기 중의 수분을 얼려
얼음의 장갑을 몸에 두른다."
362,30,5,"Il gèle les particules deau présentes dans lair
pour se couvrir dune carapace de glace et ainsi
pallier la fragilité de son corps."
362,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon besteht aus einem nicht allzu
harten Felsen. Es lässt die Feuchtigkeit in der
Luft gefrieren und hüllt sich in einen Eispanzer."
362,30,7,"Su cuerpo rocoso no es excesivamente duro.
Congela la humedad del ambiente para cubrirse
con una armadura de hielo protectora."
362,30,8,"Poiché il suo corpo è fatto di una pietra non
particolarmente dura, congela lumidità intorno
a lui per rivestirsi di unarmatura di ghiaccio."
362,30,9,"Its actual body is a rock that isnt particularly
hard. Glalie absorbs moisture from the air and
drapes itself in an armor of ice."
362,30,11,"さほど 硬くない 岩が本体。
空気中の 水分を 凍らせ
氷の 装甲を 身にまとう。"
362,33,1,"ほのおでも とけない こおりの
からだ。 くうきちゅうの すいぶんを
いっしゅんで こおらせてしまう。"
362,33,3,"불꽃에도 녹지 않는 얼음으로 된 몸.
공기 중의 수분을
순식간에 얼려버린다."
362,33,5,"Son corps constitué de glace ne peut pas fondre,
même sil est exposé au feu. Il peut geler
lhumidité contenue dans lair instantanément."
362,33,6,"Seinen Eiskörper bringt nichts zum Schmelzen,
auch Feuer nicht. Es kann Feuchtigkeit in der
Luft sofort in Eis verwandeln."
362,33,7,"Ni siquiera el fuego puede derretir su cuerpo
de hielo. Es capaz de congelar en un instante
la humedad del ambiente."
362,33,8,"Neppure il fuoco riesce a sciogliere il suo corpo
di ghiaccio. Può congelare istantaneamente
lumidità dellatmosfera."
362,33,9,"It has a body of ice that wont melt, even with
fire. It can instantly freeze moisture in
the atmosphere."
362,33,11,"炎でも 溶けない 氷の
体。 空気中の 水分を
一瞬で 凍らせてしまう。"
362,34,1,"くうきちゅうの すいぶんを
いっしゅんで こおらせる ちからで
えものを れいとうして しまう。"
362,34,3,"공기 중의 수분을
단숨에 얼게 하는 힘으로
먹이를 냉동시켜 버린다."
362,34,5,"Il a le pouvoir de geler lhumidité ambiante
en un instant et peut ainsi immobiliser ses proies."
362,34,6,"Es kann Feuchtigkeit in der Luft augenblicklich
zum Gefrieren bringen und nutzt dies, um seine
Beute zu Eis erstarren zu lassen."
362,34,7,"Congela a sus presas helando en un momento la
humedad contenida en el aire que lo rodea."
362,34,8,"È capace di ghiacciare istantaneamente
lumidità dellatmosfera. Sfrutta questo
potere per congelare la preda."
362,34,9,"It can instantly freeze moisture in the
atmosphere. It uses this power to freeze its foes."
362,34,11,"空気中の 水分を
一瞬で 凍らせる 力で
獲物を 冷凍して しまう。"
363,7,9,"SPHEAL is much faster rolling than 
walking to get around. When groups of
this POKéMON eat, they all clap at onceto show their pleasure. Because of this,
their mealtimes are noisy."
363,8,9,"SPHEAL always travels by rolling
around on its ball-like body. When the
season for ice floes arrives, thisPOKéMON can be seen rolling about on
ice and crossing the sea."
363,9,9,"It is completely covered with plushy fur.
As a result, it never feels the cold even
when it is rolling about on ice floes or
diving in the sea."
363,10,9,"Its body is covered in fluffy fur. The
fur keeps it from feeling cold while
it is rolling on ice."
363,11,9,"Its body is covered in fluffy fur.
The fur keeps it from feeling cold while
it is rolling on ice."
363,12,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach
shore because its body is poorly
shaped for swimming."
363,13,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach
shore because its body is poorly
shaped for swimming."
363,14,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach
shore because its body is poorly
shaped for swimming."
363,15,9,"It crosses the oceans by rolling itself
on drifting ice. Fluffy fur keeps it warm
when the temperature is below freezing."
363,16,9,"It crosses the oceans by rolling itself
on drifting ice. Fluffy fur keeps it warm
when the temperature is below freezing."
363,17,5,"Il gagne la côte en roulant sur les
blocs de glace car sa morphologie
nest pas adaptée à la nage."
363,17,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach
shore because its body is poorly
shaped for swimming."
363,18,5,"Il gagne la côte en roulant sur les
blocs de glace car sa morphologie
nest pas adaptée à la nage."
363,18,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach
shore because its body is poorly
shaped for swimming."
363,21,9,"They cant swim well yet,
and they move much faster by rolling.
When theyre happy, they clap fins."
363,22,9,"They cant swim well yet,
and they move much faster by rolling.
When theyre happy, they clap fins."
363,23,1,"まだ じょうずに およげず
ころがったほうが はやく うごける。
うれしいと みんなで てをたたく。"
363,23,3,"아직 능숙하게 헤엄치지 못하고
구르는 쪽이 빨리 움직일 수 있다.
기쁘면 다 같이 손뼉을 친다."
363,23,5,"Il se déplace en roulant, car il nest pas doué pour
la nage. Quand il est heureux, il applaudit avec ses
363,23,6,"Es ist noch kein guter Schwimmer und bewegt sich
rollend schneller fort. Ist es froh, klatscht es mit
seinen Flossen."
363,23,7,"Como no saben nadar muy bien, se mueven
rápidamente rodando. Cuando están alegres, dan
palmadas con las aletas."
363,23,8,"Non sa ancora nuotare molto bene e si muove più
velocemente rotolando. Quando è felice batte le
363,23,9,"They cant swim well yet, and they move much
faster by rolling. When theyre happy, they
clap fins."
363,23,11,"まだ 上手に 泳げず
転がったほうが 速く 動ける。
うれしいと みんなで 手をたたく。"
363,24,1,"フサフサの たいもうで からだが
おおわれて いるので こおりの
うえを ころがっても つめたくない。"
363,24,3,"북실북실한 털로 몸이
뒤덮여있기 때문에 얼음 위를
굴러도 차갑지 않다."
363,24,5,"Son corps est couvert dune douce fourrure.
Elle le protège du sentiment de froid quand il se
déplace en roulant sur la glace."
363,24,6,"Sein Körper ist mit flauschigem Fell bedeckt.
Das Fell sorgt dafür, dass es nicht friert, auch
wenn es sich auf dem Eis hin und her rollt."
363,24,7,"Tiene un suave pelaje que lo protege del frío cuando
se revuelca por el hielo."
363,24,8,"Ha il corpo ricoperto di una morbida pelliccia, che
gli permette di rotolare sul ghiaccio senza avvertire
il freddo."
363,24,9,"Its body is covered in fluffy fur. The fur keeps it
from feeling cold while it is rolling on ice."
363,24,11,"フサフサの 体毛で
体が 覆われて いるので
氷の 上を 転がっても 冷たくない。"
363,25,1,"あるくより ころがる ほうが だんぜん はやい。
しょくじの じかんは みんなが いっせいに てを
たたいて よろこぶので けっこう うるさいのだ。"
363,25,3,"걷는 것보다 구르는 편이 단연 빠르다.
식사 시간에는 모두가 일제히 손뼉을
치며 기뻐하기 때문에 꽤 시끄럽다."
363,25,5,"Obalie est bien plus rapide quand il roule que quand
il marche. Lorsque des groupes de ce Pokémon mangent,
ils applaudissent tous en même temps pour montrer
quils sont contents. Leurs repas sont très bruyants."
363,25,6,"Seemops kann schneller rollen als laufen. Wenn Gruppen
dieses Pokémon zusammen essen, klatschen sie gleichzeitig,
um ihre Freude zu zeigen. Deswegen sind ihre Mahlzeiten
sehr laut."
363,25,7,"Spheal se desplaza por el suelo más rápido rodando que
caminando. Cuando come con otros de su especie, todos se
ponen a aplaudir para expresar su alegría. Por eso, a veces
son algo escandalosos."
363,25,8,"Spheal si muove molto più velocemente rotolando che non
camminando. Quando si raggruppano per mangiare, questi
Pokémon sbattono le zampette per dimostrare la loro gioia.
I loro pasti sono molto rumorosi."
363,25,9,"Spheal is much faster rolling than walking to get around.
When groups of this Pokémon eat, they all clap at once to
show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy."
363,25,11,"歩くより 転がる ほうが 断然 速い。
食事の 時間は みんなが 一斉に 手を
たたいて 喜ぶので 結構 うるさいのだ。"
363,26,1,"いつも ころがって いどうする ポケモンだ。
りゅうひょうの きせつに こおりの うえを
ころがり うみを わたる すがたを みかける。"
363,26,3,"항상 굴러서 이동하는 포켓몬이다.
얼음이 떠다니는 계절에는 얼음 위를
굴러 바다를 건너는 모습을 볼 수 있다."
363,26,5,"Obalie voyage toujours en faisant rouler son corps tout rond.
Lorsque la saison des neiges arrive, on peut voir ce Pokémon
rouler sur la glace et traverser la mer."
363,26,6,"Seemops bewegt sich fort, indem es seinen ballartigen Körper
herumrollt. Wenn Eisschollen auftauchen, kann man dieses
Pokémon dabei beobachten, wie es über das Eis rollt und
das Meer überquert."
363,26,7,"Spheal se desplaza siempre rodando gracias al cuerpo
esférico que tiene. Al comenzar la época glacial, es fácil verle
rodando por superficies heladas y atravesando el mar."
363,26,8,"Spheal si muove sempre rotolando sul corpo a pallone.
Nella stagione del disgelo lo si vede rotolare da una lastra
di ghiaccio allaltra per attraversare il mare."
363,26,9,"Spheal always travels by rolling around on its ball-like body.
When the season for ice floes arrives, this Pokémon can be
seen rolling about on ice and crossing the sea."
363,26,11,"いつも 転がって 移動する ポケモンだ。
流氷の 季節に 氷の 上を
転がり 海を 渡る 姿を 見かける。"
363,33,1,"ぶあつい しぼうに つつまれた
みごとに まんまるな からだ。
あるくより ころがるほうが はやい。"
363,33,3,"두꺼운 지방에 둘러싸인
완벽하게 둥근 몸을 가졌다.
걷는 것보다 굴러가는 게 더 빠르다."
363,33,5,"Grâce à son corps composé dune épaisse
couche de graisse qui lui donne sa forme ronde,
il se déplace plus vite en roulant quen marchant."
363,33,6,"Der Körper von Seemops ist kugelrund und von
einer dicken Speckschicht umgeben. Es kann
schneller rollen als laufen."
363,33,7,"La gruesa capa de grasa bajo la piel le confiere
una forma perfectamente esférica. Se desplaza
más rápido rodando que caminando."
363,33,8,"Il suo corpo, avvolto in uno spesso strato
lipidico, è perfettamente rotondo. Si sposta
più velocemente rotolando che camminando."
363,33,9,"This Pokémons body is covered in blubber and
impressively round. Its faster for Spheal to roll
around than walk."
363,33,11,"ぶ厚い 脂肪に 包まれた
見事に まんまるな 体。
歩くより 転がるほうが 速い。"
363,34,1,"なみまに ただよい うみの ようすを
さぐる。 えものを はっけんすると
むれの トドゼルガに しらせるのだ。"
363,34,3,"파도에 떠다니며 바다의 상태를
살핀다. 먹이를 발견하면
무리의 씨카이저에게 알린다."
363,34,5,"Il scrute la mer en se laissant porter par
les vagues. Lorsquil repère des proies,
il avertit les Kaimorse du groupe."
363,34,6,"Seemops lässt sich von den Wellen treiben, um
das Meer zu erkunden. Entdeckt es Beute, setzt
es die Walraisa seiner Herde davon in Kenntnis."
363,34,7,"Flota entre las olas para examinar el océano.
Si encuentra una presa, avisa enseguida a los
Walrein de su manada."
363,34,8,"Fluttua tra le onde ispezionando il mare.
Quando individua una preda, avverte i Walrein
del suo gruppo."
363,34,9,"As it drifts among the waves, Spheal probes
the sea. As soon as it spots prey, it informs the
Walrein in its herd."
363,34,11,"波間に 漂い 海の 様子を 探る。
獲物を 発見すると
群れの トドゼルガに 知らせるのだ。"
364,7,9,"SEALEO has the habit of always juggling
on the tip of its nose anything it sees
for the first time.This POKéMON occasionally entertains
itself by balancing and rolling a SPHEAL
on its nose."
364,8,9,"SEALEO often balances and rolls
things on the tip of its nose. While the
POKéMON is rolling something, it checksthe objects aroma and texture to
determine whether it likes the object
or not."
364,9,9,"SEALEO live in herds on ice floes. Using its
powerful flippers, it shatters ice.
It dives into the sea to hunt prey five
times a day."
364,10,9,"It touches new things with its nose to
test for smell and feel. It plays by
spinning SPHEAL on its nose."
364,11,9,"It touches new things with its nose to
test for smell and feel. It plays by
spinning SPHEAL on its nose."
364,12,9,"It habitually spins things on its
nose. By doing so, it learns
textures and odors."
364,13,9,"It habitually spins things on its
nose. By doing so, it learns
textures and odors."
364,14,9,"It habitually spins things on its
nose. By doing so, it learns
textures and odors."
364,15,9,"It has a very sensitive nose.
It touches new things with its nose
to examine them."
364,16,9,"It has a very sensitive nose.
It touches new things with its nose
to examine them."
364,17,5,"Il fait souvent tourner des objets
sur son museau pour connaître
leur odeur et leur texture."
364,17,9,"It habitually spins things on its
nose. By doing so, it learns
textures and odors."
364,18,5,"Il fait souvent tourner des objets
sur son museau pour connaître
leur odeur et leur texture."
364,18,9,"It habitually spins things on its
nose. By doing so, it learns
textures and odors."
364,21,9,"Be it Spheal or Poké Ball, it will spin
any round object on its nose
with the greatest of ease."
364,22,9,"Be it Spheal or Poké Ball, it will spin
any round object on its nose
with the greatest of ease."
364,23,1,"はなの しんけいが びんかん。
はじめて めに する ものは
はなで さわって おぼえるのだ。"
364,23,3,"코의 신경이 민감하다.
처음 보는 것은
코로 문질러서 기억한다."
364,23,5,"Il utilise son museau hypersensible pour toucher et
comprendre tout ce quil voit pour la première fois."
364,23,6,"Die Nerven in seiner Nase sind sehr empfindlich.
Sieht es etwas Neues, berührt es es zuerst mit
der Nase."
364,23,7,"Su nariz es muy sensible. Cuando ve algo por primera
vez, lo toca con ella para recordarlo después."
364,23,8,"Per memorizzare un nuovo oggetto, ha bisogno di
toccarlo con il naso, dove risiede la sua sensibilità."
364,23,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It touches new things
with its nose to examine them."
364,23,11,"鼻の 神経が 敏感。
はじめて 目に する 物は
鼻で 触って 覚えるのだ。"
364,24,1,"まるければ モンスターボールでも
タマザラシでも はなのうえに のせて
じゆうじざいに くるくる まわすぞ。"
364,24,3,"둥글면 몬스터볼이든
대굴레오든 코 위에 올려
자유자재로 빙글빙글 돌린다."
364,24,5,"Pour samuser, il fait tourner tout ce qui est rond
sur son museau, quil sagisse de Poké Balls ou
364,24,6,"Pokébälle, Seemops und alles, was sonst noch
rund ist, balanciert es mit großem Geschick
auf seiner Nasenspitze."
364,24,7,"Hace girar con pericia sobre la punta de su nariz
cualquier cosa redondeada, ya sea una Poké Ball o
un Spheal."
364,24,8,"Fa roteare sul naso qualsiasi cosa abbia forma sferica,
Poké Ball e Spheal inclusi."
364,24,9,"Be it Spheal or Poké Ball, it will spin any round
object on its nose with the greatest of ease."
364,24,11,"まるければ モンスターボールでも
タマザラシでも 鼻の上に 乗せて
自由自在に くるくる 回すぞ。"
364,25,1,"はじめて めにした ものは かならず はなで
クルクル まわしてみる しゅうせいを もつ。
タマザラシを まわして あそぶ ことが ある。"
364,25,3,"처음 본 것은 반드시 코로
빙글빙글 돌려보는 습성을 지녔다.
대굴레오를 돌리며 놀기도 한다."
364,25,5,"Phogleur a pris lhabitude de jongler avec tout ce quil
découvre pour la première fois. Ce Pokémon se divertit
parfois en faisant tourner un Obalie sur le bout de son museau."
364,25,6,"Seejong hat die Angewohnheit, alles, was es zum ersten Mal
sieht, auf seiner Nasenspitze zu jonglieren. Dieses Pokémon
hält sich bei Laune, indem es manchmal ein Seemops auf
seiner Nase balanciert und hin- und herrollt."
364,25,7,"Cada vez que Sealeo ve algo nuevo, se lo pone en el morro y
empieza a darle vueltas. A veces, para entretenerse, hace lo
mismo con un Spheal."
364,25,8,"Sealeo è solito giocare con qualsiasi cosa veda per la prima
volta, tenendola in equilibrio sulla punta del naso.
Talvolta, si diverte a far rotolare sul proprio naso
anche Spheal."
364,25,9,"Sealeo has the habit of always juggling on the tip of its nose
anything it sees for the first time. This Pokémon occasionally
entertains itself by balancing and rolling a Spheal on its nose."
364,25,11,"初めて 目にした ものは 必ず 鼻で
クルクル 回してみる 習性を 持つ。
タマザラシを 回して 遊ぶ ことが ある。"
364,26,1,"しょっちゅう はなで なにかを まわしている。
まわしながら においや かんしょくを たしかめて
すきな ものと きらいな ものを わけるのだ。"
364,26,3,"늘 코로 무언가를 돌리고 있다.
돌리면서 냄새나 감촉을 확인하여
좋아하는 것과 싫어하는 것을 구별한다."
364,26,5,"Phogleur tient souvent quelque chose en équilibre sur son
museau et le fait rouler. Pendant ce temps, ce Pokémon peut
sentir lodeur et la texture de lobjet pour savoir sil lui plaît
ou pas."
364,26,6,"Seejong balanciert häufig Dinge auf seiner Nasenspitze
und rollt sie hin und her. Während es das tut, überprüft es
den Duft und die Beschaffenheit des Gegenstandes und
stellt fest, ob es das Objekt mag oder nicht."
364,26,7,"Sealeo suele balancear y hacer rodar cosas en la punta del
morro. Al mismo tiempo, aprovecha para olerlas y detectar la
textura que tienen para ver si le gustan o no."
364,26,8,"Sealeo gioca spesso tenendo in equilibrio oggetti sulla punta
del naso e facendoli rotolare. Riesce così anche ad annusarli
e provarne la consistenza per capire se sono di suo
gradimento o meno."
364,26,9,"Sealeo often balances and rolls things on the tip of its
nose. While the Pokémon is rolling something, it checks
the objects aroma and texture to determine whether it likes
the object or not."
364,26,11,"しょっちゅう 鼻で なにかを 回している。
回しながら 臭いや 感触を 確かめて
好きな ものと 嫌いな ものを 分けるのだ。"
364,33,1,"りゅうひょうの うえで せいかつ。
およぎながら えものの においを
かぎわけて みつけだし つかまえる。"
364,33,3,"유빙 위에서 생활한다.
헤엄치다가 먹이의 냄새를
맡고는 찾아내서 잡는다."
364,33,5,"Cet habitant de la banquise attrape ses proies
en les repérant à lodeur quand il nage."
364,33,6,"Seejong lebt auf Eisschollen. Wittert es beim
Schwimmen Beute, spürt es sie auf und schnappt
sie sich."
364,33,7,"Vive sobre placas de hielo. Detecta el olor de
sus presas mientras nada."
364,33,8,"Vive su banchi di ghiaccio alla deriva. Individua
le prede fiutandone lodore mentre nuota."
364,33,9,"Sealeo live on top of drift ice. They go swimming
when theyre on the hunt, seeking out their prey
by scent."
364,33,11,"流氷の 上で 生活。
泳ぎながら 獲物の 匂いを
嗅ぎわけて 見つけだし 捕まえる。"
364,34,1,"タマザラシや モンスターボールなど
まるい ものなら なんでも はなの
うえで まわしてしまう しゅうせい。"
364,34,3,"대굴레오나 몬스터볼 등
둥근 것이라면 뭐든지 코 위에
올려놓고 돌리는 습성이 있다."
364,34,5,"Il ne peut pas sempêcher de faire tourner sur
son museau tout ce qui a une forme sphérique,
comme les Obalie ou les Poké Balls."
364,34,6,"Seejong balanciert gerne Pokébälle, Seemops
und alles, was sonst noch rund ist, auf seiner
364,34,7,"Tiene la costumbre de hacer girar en la punta del
morro cualquier objeto redondeado, ya sea una
Poké Ball o un Spheal."
364,34,8,"È solito giocare facendo ruotare sulla punta
del naso qualsiasi cosa rotonda gli capiti a tiro,
compresi Spheal e Poké Ball."
364,34,9,"This Pokémon has a habit of spinning round
things on its nose, whether those things are
Poké Balls or Spheal."
364,34,11,"タマザラシや モンスターボールなど
丸い ものなら なんでも 鼻の
上で 回してしまう 習性。"
365,7,9,"WALREINs two massively developed
tusks can totally shatter blocks of
ice weighing ten tons with one blow.This POKéMONs thick coat of blubber
insulates it from subzero temperatures."
365,8,9,"WALREIN swims all over in frigid
seawater while crushing icebergs with
its grand, imposing tusks.Its thick layer of blubber makes enemy
attacks bounce off harmlessly."
365,9,9,"To protect its herd, the leader battles
anything that invades its territory, even
at the cost of its life. Its tusks may snap
off in battle."
365,10,9,"It swims through icy seas while shattering
ice floes with its large tusks. It is
protected by its thick blubber."
365,11,9,"It swims through icy seas while shattering
ice floes with its large tusks. It is
protected by its thick blubber."
365,12,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks.
Its thick blubber repels not only
the cold, but also enemy attacks."
365,13,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks.
Its thick blubber repels not only
the cold, but also enemy attacks."
365,14,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks.
Its thick blubber repels not only
the cold, but also enemy attacks."
365,15,9,"It shatters drift ice with its
strong tusks. Its thick layer of
blubber repels enemy attacks."
365,16,9,"It shatters drift ice with its
strong tusks. Its thick layer of
blubber repels enemy attacks."
365,17,5,"Il brise la glace avec ses grosses
défenses. Sa graisse le protège du
froid, mais aussi des attaques."
365,17,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks.
Its thick blubber repels not only
the cold, but also enemy attacks."
365,18,5,"Il brise la glace avec ses grosses
défenses. Sa graisse le protège du
froid, mais aussi des attaques."
365,18,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks.
Its thick blubber repels not only
the cold, but also enemy attacks."
365,21,9,"Not only does its thick blubber keep it
warm, it also protects it from attacks.
It shatters ice with its prized tusks."
365,22,9,"Not only does its thick blubber keep it
warm, it also protects it from attacks.
It shatters ice with its prized tusks."
365,23,1,"おおきな こおりを キバで くだく。
あつい しぼうは さむさだけでなく
てきの こうげきも はねかえす。"
365,23,3,"큰 얼음을 이빨로 부순다.
두꺼운 지방은 추위뿐만 아니라
상대의 공격도 이겨낸다."
365,23,5,"Il brise la glace avec ses grosses défenses.
Sa graisse le protège du froid, mais aussi des
365,23,6,"Mit seinen Stoßzähnen bricht es durch Eis.
Eine Speckschicht schützt es vor Kälte und Angriffen."
365,23,7,"Rompe el hielo con sus colmillos. Su gruesa capa de
grasa le protege del frío y de los enemigos."
365,23,8,"Frantuma il ghiaccio con le zanne. Lo spesso strato
adiposo respinge il freddo e gli attacchi nemici."
365,23,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks. Its thick blubber
repels not only the cold, but also enemy attacks."
365,23,11,"大きな 氷を キバで 砕く。
厚い 脂肪は 寒さだけでなく
敵の 攻撃も はね返す。"
365,24,1,"たくましい キバで りゅうひょうを
ふんさいする。ぶあつい しぼうが
てきの こうげきを はねかえす。"
365,24,3,"믿음직한 송곳니로 유빙을
부스러뜨린다. 두꺼운 지방으로
적의 공격을 이겨낸다."
365,24,5,"Ses robustes défenses pulvérisent la glace, et son
épaisse couche de graisse repousse les attaques."
365,24,6,"Seine kräftigen Stoßzähne können Eisschollen
zerschmettern. Sein dicker Speck wehrt Angriffe ab."
365,24,7,"Sus fuertes colmillos destrozan los témpanos de hielo.
Su capa de grasa lo protege de sus enemigos."
365,24,8,"Frantuma il ghiaccio con le potenti zanne. Il suo
spesso strato adiposo respinge gli attacchi nemici."
365,24,9,"It shatters drift ice with its strong tusks. Its thick
layer of blubber repels enemy attacks."
365,24,11,"たくましい キバで 流氷を
粉砕する。分厚い 脂肪が
敵の 攻撃を 跳ね返す。"
365,25,1,"はったつした 2ほんの キバは 10トンも ある
ひょうざんを いちげきで ふんさいする。
しぼうが ぶあつく ひょうてんかでも へいき。"
365,25,3,"발달한 2개의 이빨은 10톤이나 되는
빙산을 일격에 분쇄한다.
지방이 두꺼워서 영하의 기온에서도 끄떡없다."
365,25,5,"Les deux énormes défenses de Kaimorse peuvent détruire
en un seul coup des blocs de glace de plus de 10 t.
Lépaisse couche de graisse de ce Pokémon lisole
lorsque la température est en dessous de zéro."
365,25,6,"Walraisa hat zwei massive Stoßzähne, die mit einem Hieb
Eisblöcke zertrümmern können, die bis zu 10 t wiegen.
Es besitzt eine dicke Speckschicht, die es vor eisigen
Temperaturen schützt."
365,25,7,"Walrein tiene unos exagerados colmillos con los que puede
hacer añicos bloques de hielo de hasta 10 toneladas de una
sola dentellada. La gruesa capa de grasa que lo recubre le
protege de temperaturas inferiores a 0 °C."
365,25,8,"Le due zanne molto sviluppate di Walrein sono in grado
di ridurre in polvere blocchi di ghiaccio del peso di
100 quintali. Lo spesso strato di grasso attorno al corpo
lo isola dalle rigide temperature polari."
365,25,9,"Walreins two massively developed tusks can totally shatter
blocks of ice weighing 10 tons with one blow. This Pokémons
thick coat of blubber insulates it from subzero temperatures."
365,25,11,"発達した 2本の キバは 10トンも ある
氷山を 一撃で 粉砕する。
脂肪が ぶ厚く 氷点下でも 平気。"
365,26,1,"おおきな キバで ひょうざんを くだきながら
ひょうてんかの うみを およぎまわる。
ぶあつい しぼうが こうげきを はねかえす。"
365,26,3,"큰 이빨로 빙산을 깨트리며
영하의 바다를 헤엄쳐 다닌다.
두꺼운 지방이 공격을 튕겨낸다."
365,26,5,"Kaimorse nage dans leau glacée et détruit les icebergs
sur son passage à laide de ses grandes et impressionnantes
défenses. Son épaisse couche de graisse lui permet de faire
rebondir les attaques ennemies."
365,26,6,"Walraisa schwimmt in eiskaltem Meerwasser und zertrümmert
Eisberge mit seinen beeindruckenden Stoßzähnen. Eine dicke
Schicht aus Walfischspeck lässt gegnerische Attacken von ihm
365,26,7,"Walrein va nadando por mares glaciales y destrozando
icebergs con los enormes e imponentes colmillos que tiene.
La gruesa capa de grasa que tiene en el cuerpo hace que los
ataques enemigos reboten y no le hagan ningún daño."
365,26,8,"Walrein nuota in tutti i mari glaciali e frantuma gli iceberg con
le sue enormi e potenti zanne. Lo spesso strato di grasso che
avvolge il suo corpo fa rimbalzare senza danno gli attacchi
365,26,9,"Walrein swims all over in frigid seawater while crushing
icebergs with its grand, imposing tusks. Its thick layer of
blubber makes enemy attacks bounce off harmlessly."
365,26,11,"大きな キバで 氷山を 砕きながら
氷点下の 海を 泳ぎ回る。
ぶ厚い 脂肪が 攻撃を 跳ね返す。"
365,33,1,"2、30ひきで むれを つくる。
てきに おそわれると リーダーは
からだを はって むれを まもる。"
365,33,3,"2, 30마리가 무리를 이룬다.
적에게 공격받으면 리더는
몸을 던져서 무리를 지킨다."
365,33,5,"Ils vivent en groupes de 20 à 30 individus.
Si un ennemi les attaque, le chef sinterpose
pour tous les protéger, au péril de sa vie."
365,33,6,"Es bildet mit 20 bis 30 Artgenossen eine Herde.
Wird diese angegriffen, verteidigt der Anführer
sie unter Einsatz seines Lebens."
365,33,7,"Forman manadas de unos 20 o 30 individuos. Si
el grupo se ve atacado por un enemigo, el líder
se interpondrá para proteger al resto."
365,33,8,"Vive in branchi di 20-30 esemplari. In caso
di attacco nemico, il capo protegge il gruppo
a costo della vita."
365,33,9,"Walrein form herds of 20 to 30 individuals.
When a threat appears, the herds leader will
protect the group with its life."
365,33,11,"2、30匹で 群れを つくる。
敵に 襲われると リーダーは
体を 張って 群れを 守る。"
365,34,1,"キバは いっしょう のびつづける。
たたかいで おれても 1ねんあれば
もとの りっぱな キバに もどる。"
365,34,3,"이빨은 평생 자란다.
싸우다 부러져도 1년이 지나면
원래의 훌륭한 이빨로 복원된다."
365,34,5,"Ses défenses poussent tout au long de sa vie.
Si lune delles se brise au cours dun combat,
au bout dun an, elle aura repoussé entièrement."
365,34,6,"Die Stoßzähne wachsen sein Leben lang. Selbst,
wenn sie im Kampf abbrechen, erreichen sie nach
nur einem Jahr wieder ihre alte imposante Größe."
365,34,7,"Sus colmillos nunca dejan de crecer. Aunque los
pierda en un combate, al cabo de un año ya los
habrá regenerado por completo."
365,34,8,"Le sue zanne continuano a crescere per tutta la
vita. Se si spezzano mentre lotta, tornano
forti e robuste nellarco di un anno."
365,34,9,"Walreins tusks keep growing throughout its life.
Tusks broken in battle will grow back to their
usual impressive size in a year."
365,34,11,"キバは 一生 伸び続ける。
戦いで 折れても 1年あれば
もとの 立派な キバに もどる。"
366,7,9,"CLAMPERLs sturdy shell is not only good
for protection - it is also used for
clamping and catching prey.A fully grown CLAMPERLs shell will be
scored with nicks and scratches all
366,8,9,"CLAMPERL grows while being protected
by its rock-hard shell. When its body
becomes too large to fit inside theshell, it is sure evidence that this
POKéMON is getting close to evolution."
366,9,9,"A CLAMPERL slams its shell closed on prey
to prevent escape. The pearl it creates
upon evolution is said to be infused with
a mysterious energy."
366,10,9,"It is protected by a sturdy shell.
Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent
366,11,9,"It is protected by a sturdy shell.
Once in a lifetime, it makes a magnificent
366,12,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,13,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,14,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,15,9,"When it evolves, it makes a
mysterious pearl that amplifies
psychic powers when its held."
366,16,9,"When it evolves, it makes a
mysterious pearl that amplifies
psychic powers when its held."
366,17,5,"Il ne produit quune perle durant
son existence. On raconte quelle
amplifie les pouvoirs psychiques."
366,17,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,18,5,"Il ne produit quune perle durant
son existence. On raconte quelle
amplifie les pouvoirs psychiques."
366,18,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,21,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,22,9,"It makes a single pearl during
its lifetime. The pearl is said
to amplify psychic power."
366,23,1,"いっしょうに 1かい しんかの とき
サイコパワーを ぞうふくする
ふしぎな しんじゅを つくるのだ。"
366,23,3,"일생에 한 번 진화할 때
사이코 파워를 증폭시키는
이상한 진주를 만든다."
366,23,5,"Il ne produit quune perle durant son existence,
quand il évolue. Elle amplifie les pouvoirs psychiques."
366,23,6,"Es entwickelt sich nur einmal im Leben, wobei es
eine wundersame Perle erzeugt, die Psycho-Kräfte
366,23,7,"Produce durante su vida una sola perla que aumenta
los poderes psíquicos al evolucionar."
366,23,8,"Crea una sola perla in tutta la sua vita, quando si
evolve. Questa perla amplifica i poteri psichici."
366,23,9,"When it evolves, it makes a mysterious pearl that
amplifies psychic powers when its held."
366,23,11,"一生に 1回 進化の とき
サイコパワーを 増幅する
不思議な 真珠を 作るのだ。"
366,24,1,"がんじょうな カラに まもられて
いっしょうの うちに 1こだけ
みごとな しんじゅを つくる。"
366,24,3,"단단한 껍데기로 감싸여
평생 동안 단 1개의
훌륭한 진주를 만든다."
366,24,5,"Ce Pokémon ferme sa coquille pour se protéger du
danger. Il ne crée quune seule perle de toute sa vie,
mais celle-ci est magnifique."
366,24,6,"Es ist durch einen harten Panzer geschützt.
Einmal im Leben stellt es eine bezaubernde Perle her."
366,24,7,"Está protegido por una sólida concha. Puede llegar a
formar una perla extraordinaria."
366,24,8,"È protetto da un guscio coriaceo. Una sola volta in
tutta la sua vita produce una magnifica perla."
366,24,9,"It is protected by a sturdy shell. Once in a lifetime,
it makes a magnificent pearl."
366,24,11,"頑丈な 殻に 守られて
一生の うちに 1個だけ
見事な 真珠を 作る。"
366,25,1,"がんじょうな カラは みを まもる だけではなく
えものを はさんで つかまえる ことも できる。
そだった パールルの かいがらは キズだらけ。"
366,25,3,"튼튼한 껍데기는 몸을 지키는 것뿐 아니라
먹이를 집어서 잡을 수도 있다.
성장한 진주몽의 조개껍데기는 상처투성이다."
366,25,5,"La puissante coquille de Coquiperl ne sert pas quà
le protéger. Elle lui permet également de pincer et
dattraper sa proie. Une coquille de Coquiperl adulte
porte souvent de nombreuses égratignures et éraflures."
366,25,6,"Perlus kräftige Schale dient nicht nur dem Schutz,
es nutzt sie auch zum Fangen von Beute. Die Schale eines
ausgewachsenen Perlu weist viele Kerben und Kratzer auf."
366,25,7,"La sólida concha que rodea a Clamperl no solo le sirve para
protegerse, sino también de cepo para atrapar a su presa.
Cuando la concha alcanza su mayor tamaño, presenta
muescas y rasguños por todas partes."
366,25,8,"La robusta conchiglia di Clamperl è uneccellente protezione,
ma è anche molto utile per intrappolare e catturare la preda.
Di solito una conchiglia giunta alla sua completa maturità
è segnata da tacche e graffi."
366,25,9,"Clamperls sturdy shell is not only good for protection—it is
also used for clamping and catching prey. A fully grown
Clamperls shell will be scored with nicks and scratches
all over."
366,25,11,"頑丈な カラは 身を 守る だけではなく
獲物を 挟んで 捕まえる ことも できる。
育った パールルの 貝殻は キズだらけ。"
366,26,1,"かたい かいがらに まもられて せいちょうする。
ほんたいが カラに おさまり きらなくなると
しんかの しゅんかんが ちかづいた しょうこ。"
366,26,3,"단단한 껍데기에 보호받으며 성장한다.
몸이 껍데기보다 커져 버리면
진화의 순간이 가까워진 증거다."
366,26,5,"Coquiperl grandit protégé par sa coquille dure comme de la
pierre. Lorsque son corps devient trop grand pour sa coquille,
cela signifie que ce Pokémon va bientôt évoluer."
366,26,6,"Perlu wächst, während es von seiner steinharten Schale
geschützt wird. Wenn sein Körper zu groß für seine Schale
wird, ist dies ein sicheres Anzeichen dafür, dass dieses
Pokémon kurz vor seiner Entwicklung steht."
366,26,7,"Clamperl crece protegido por la sólida concha que tiene. Si
vemos que el cuerpo no le cabe, será porque está a punto de
366,26,8,"Clamperl cresce ben protetto dalla sua conchiglia dura come
la pietra. Quando cresce oltre la misura della conchiglia,
significa che è prossimo allevoluzione."
366,26,9,"Clamperl grows while being protected by its rock-hard shell.
When its body becomes too large to fit inside the shell, it is
sure evidence that this Pokémon is getting close to evolution."
366,26,11,"硬い 貝殻に 守られて 成長する。
本体が カラに 収まり 切らなくなると
進化の 瞬間が 近づいた 証拠。"
366,29,1,"こうみえて にくしょく。 2まいの
カラで えものを がっちり はさんで
うごかなくなるまで はなさない。"
366,29,3,"보기와는 다르게 육식이다.
2개의 껍질로 먹이를 꽉 물고
움직이지 않을 때까지 놓지 않는다."
366,29,5,"Malgré les apparences, cest un carnivore qui
attrape sa proie avec sa coquille et limmobilise
jusquà ce quelle ne se débatte plus."
366,29,6,"Dieses fleischfressende Pokémon klemmt seine
Beute mit seiner Schale fest und lässt sie erst
los, wenn sie sich nicht mehr rührt."
366,29,7,"Este Pokémon, que no aparenta ser carnívoro,
atrapa a sus presas con ambas conchas y no
las suelta hasta que dejan de moverse."
366,29,8,"Nonostante le apparenze, è carnivoro. Intrappola
la preda con la conchiglia bivalve e la tiene
stretta finché non smette di muoversi."
366,29,9,"Despite its appearance, its carnivorous. It
clamps down on its prey with both sides of its
shell and doesnt let go until they stop moving."
366,29,11,"こう見えて 肉食。 2枚の
カラで 獲物を がっちり 挟んで
動かなくなるまで 離さない。"
366,30,1,"パールルの しんじゅは とても
きちょう。 シェルダーの しんじゅの
10ばいいじょう かちが あるとも。"
366,30,3,"진주몽의 진주는 매우 귀하다.
셀러의 진주의 10배 이상
가치가 있다고도 한다."
366,30,5,"La perle de Coquiperl est tellement précieuse
quelle peut valoir plus de dix fois la valeur
de celle de Kokiyas."
366,30,6,"Seine Perle ist sehr kostbar. Es heißt, sie sei
mindestens zehnmal so viel wert wie jene von
366,30,7,"La perla que contiene vale un potosí. De hecho,
su precio puede llegar a ser incluso más de diez
veces superior al de la perla de Shellder."
366,30,8,"La perla di Clamperl è talmente preziosa da
valere fino a oltre dieci volte quella di Shellder."
366,30,9,"Clamperls pearls are exceedingly precious.
They can be more than 10 times as costly
as Shellders pearls."
366,30,11,"パールルの 真珠は とても
貴重。 シェルダーの 真珠の
10倍以上 価値が あるとも。"
367,7,9,"HUNTAILs presence went unnoticed by
people for a long time because it lives
at extreme depths in the sea.This POKéMONs eyes can see clearly
even in the murky dark depths of the
367,8,9,"HUNTAILs tail is shaped like a fish.
It uses the tail to attract prey, then
swallows the prey whole with its large,gaping mouth.
This POKéMON swims by wiggling its
slender body like a snake."
367,9,9,"To withstand the crushing pressure of
water deep under the sea, its spine is very
thick and sturdy. Its tail, which is shaped
like a small fish, has eyes that light up."
367,10,9,"It lives deep in the sea where no light
ever filters down. It lights up its small
fishlike tail to attract prey."
367,11,9,"It lives deep in the sea where no light
ever filters down. It lights up its small
fishlike tail to attract prey."
367,12,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,13,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,14,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,15,9,"It lives deep in the pitch-dark sea.
It attracts prey by moving its tail
in mimicry of a small animal."
367,16,9,"It lives deep in the pitch-dark sea.
It attracts prey by moving its tail
in mimicry of a small animal."
367,17,5,"Il vit loin sous la mer. Il appâte
les proies crédules avec sa queue
qui rappelle un petit poisson."
367,17,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,18,5,"Il vit loin sous la mer. Il appâte
les proies crédules avec sa queue
qui rappelle un petit poisson."
367,18,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,21,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,22,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a
tail shaped like a small fish, it
attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,23,1,"ひかりの とどかない しんかいに
せいそく。こざかなに にた しっぽを
ひからせて えものを さそいだす。"
367,23,3,"빛이 닿지 않는 심해에 서식한다.
작은 생선처럼 생긴 꼬리를
빛내어 먹잇감을 유인한다."
367,23,5,"Il vit dans les abysses, là où la lumière ne va jamais.
Il allume le bout de sa queue, qui ressemble à un
poisson, pour attirer ses proies."
367,23,6,"Es lebt tief im Meer, wo Sonnenlicht nie vordringt.
Beim Beutefang leuchtet sein fischartiger Schwanz,
um Beute anzulocken."
367,23,7,"Vive en los abismos marinos, donde no se filtra la luz.
Tiene una cola en forma de pez, que enciende para
atraer a su presa."
367,23,8,"Vive in mare a grandi profondità, dove non filtra
nessuna luce. Attira le prede illuminando la codina
a forma di pesce."
367,23,9,"It lives deep in the sea where no light ever filters
down. It lights up its small fishlike tail to
attract prey."
367,23,11,"光の 届かない 深海に 生息。
小魚に 似た 尻尾を 光らせて
獲物を 誘い出す。"
367,24,1,"しんかいに せいそくする ポケモン。
こざかなの かたちをした しっぽで
えものを おびきよせ つかまえる。"
367,24,3,"심해에 서식하는 포켓몬이다.
작은 물고기 형태를 한 꼬리로
먹이를 끌어들여 붙잡는다."
367,24,5,"Il vit loin sous la mer. Il appâte les proies crédules
avec sa queue qui rappelle un petit poisson."
367,24,6,"Es lebt tief im Meer. Sein Schweif ist wie ein kleiner
Fisch geformt. Mit ihm lockt es Beute an."
367,24,7,"Vive en los fondos marinos. Atrae a sus confiadas
presas con la cola, que tiene forma de pez."
367,24,8,"Vive nei mari profondi. Con la coda a forma di
pesciolino attrae prede ignare del pericolo."
367,24,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a tail shaped like a
small fish, it attracts unsuspecting prey."
367,24,11,"深海に 生息する ポケモン。
小魚の 形をした 尻尾で
獲物を 誘き寄せ 捕まえる。"
367,25,1,"とても ふかい うみの そこに すんでいるため
ながい あいだ ひとに みつからなかった。
くらい しんかいでも よく みえる めを もつ。"
367,25,3,"매우 깊은 바다 밑에 살고 있어서
오랫동안 사람에게 발견되지 않았다.
어두운 심해에서도 잘 볼 수 있는 눈을 지녔다."
367,25,5,"Lexistence de Serpang fut longtemps ignorée, car il vit
dans les profondeurs abyssales des océans. Les yeux
de ce Pokémon sont excellents et peuvent même voir
à travers les eaux troubles des grandes profondeurs."
367,25,6,"Aalabyss entging lange der Aufmerksamkeit des Menschen,
da es in extremen Tiefen des Meeres lebt. Die Augen dieses
Pokémon können selbst in den dunklen und trüben Tiefen des
Meeres einwandfrei sehen."
367,25,7,"Huntail ha pasado desapercibido durante mucho tiempo por
vivir en las profundidades del mar. El sentido de la vista de
este Pokémon le permite ver en las oscuras y turbias aguas
367,25,8,"Lesistenza di Huntail è rimasta a lungo sconosciuta perché
vive solo in mare a incredibili profondità.
Con la sua vista così acuta riesce a vedere chiaramente
persino nel buio pesto dei fondali marini."
367,25,9,"Huntails presence went unnoticed by people for a long
time because it lives at extreme depths in the sea.
This Pokémons eyes can see clearly even in the murky
dark depths of the ocean."
367,25,11,"とても 深い 海の 底に すんでいるため
長い 間 人に 見つからなかった。
暗い 深海でも よく 見える 目を 持つ。"
367,26,1,"さかなの かたちをした シッポで おびきよせ
おおきな くちで エサを まるのみ する。
ヘビのように からだを くねらせて およぐ。"
367,26,3,"물고기 모양 꼬리로 유인하여
큰 입으로 먹이를 통째로 삼킨다.
뱀처럼 몸을 구부리며 헤엄친다."
367,26,5,"La queue de Serpang est en forme de poisson. Il lutilise pour
attirer sa proie quil avale en une fois grâce à sa bouche
béante. Ce Pokémon nage en tortillant son corps comme
un serpent."
367,26,6,"Aalabyss Schweif ist wie ein Fisch geformt. Es benutzt ihn,
um Beute anzuziehen und schluckt diese dann im Ganzen
herunter. Beim Schwimmen bewegt es seinen schlanken Körper
wie eine Schlange."
367,26,7,"Huntail tiene una cola en forma de pez, que usa para atraer a
su presa. Una vez que la tiene cerca, la engulle sin más. Este
Pokémon nada haciendo serpentear el cuerpo como si fuera
un reptil."
367,26,8,"La coda di Huntail è a forma di pesce. Il Pokémon la usa
come esca per la preda, che poi ingoia intera con lenorme
bocca spalancata. Nuota facendo ondeggiare il corpo
snello a forma di serpente."
367,26,9,"Huntails tail is shaped like a fish. It uses the tail to attract
prey, then swallows the prey whole with its large, gaping
mouth. This Pokémon swims by wiggling its slender body
like a snake."
367,26,11,"魚の 形をした シッポで おびき寄せ
大きな 口で エサを 丸のみ する。
ヘビのように 体を くねらせて 泳ぐ。"
367,29,1,"およぐちからは あまり つよくない。
シッポを ふって えものを よびよせ
ちかよったところを ガブリと いく。"
367,29,3,"헤엄치는 힘은 그다지 강하지 않다.
꼬리를 흔들어 먹이를 유인해
다가오면 덥석 문다."
367,29,5,"Ce piètre nageur se sert de sa queue pour
appâter ses proies. Il les gobe si elles
approchent de trop près."
367,29,6,"Schwimmen ist nicht seine Stärke. Es schwingt
seinen Schweif, um Beute anzulocken und
verschluckt sie im Ganzen, wenn sie sich nähert."
367,29,7,"Curiosamente, no es un gran nadador. Agita la
cola para atraer a sus presas y, cuando estas
se acercan, las engulle de golpe."
367,29,8,"Non è un grande nuotatore. Attira la preda
agitando la coda, e non appena si avvicina
la ingoia in un boccone."
367,29,9,"Its not the strongest swimmer. It wags its tail to
lure in its prey and then gulps them down as
soon as they get close."
367,29,11,"泳ぐ力は あまり 強くない。
シッポを 振って 獲物を 呼び寄せ
近寄ったところを ガブリと いく。"
367,30,1,"しんかいに せいそく。 ハンテールが
はまに うちあがると ふきつなことが
おこるという いいつたえが ある。"
367,30,3,"심해에 서식한다. 헌테일이
해변에 올라오면 불길한 일이
일어난다는 전설이 있다."
367,30,5,"Il habite dans les profondeurs de locéan.
Un Serpang trouvé sur la plage serait
un mauvais présage."
367,30,6,"Es lebt in der Tiefsee. Einer Überlieferung
zufolge geschieht etwas Unheilvolles, wenn
ein Aalabyss am Strand auftaucht."
367,30,7,"Vive en los fondos marinos. Según una leyenda,
que un Huntail aparezca varado en la playa es
señal de mal augurio."
367,30,8,"Vive nelle profondità marine. Secondo le
leggende, quando un Huntail si arena sulla riva
è segno che sta per accadere una disgrazia."
367,30,9,"Deep seas are their habitat. According to
tradition, when Huntail wash up onshore,
something unfortunate will happen."
367,30,11,"深海に 生息。 ハンテールが
浜に 打ちあがると 不吉なことが
起こるという 言い伝えが ある。"
368,7,9,"GOREBYSS lives in the southern seas
at extreme depths. Its body is built to
withstand the enormous pressure ofwater at incredible depths. Because of
this, this POKéMONs body is unharmed
by ordinary attacks."
368,8,9,"Although GOREBYSS is the very picture
of elegance and beauty while swimming,
it is also cruel. When it spots prey, thisPOKéMON inserts its thin mouth into the
preys body and drains the prey of its
body fluids."
368,9,9,"A GOREBYSS siphons the body fluids of prey
through its thin, tubular mouth. Its light
pink body color turns vivid when it
finishes feeding."
368,10,9,"Its swimming form is exquisitely elegant.
With its thin mouth, it feeds on seaweed
that grows between rocks."
368,11,9,"Its swimming form is exquisitely elegant.
With its thin mouth, it feeds on seaweed
that grows between rocks."
368,12,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,13,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,14,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,15,9,"Its pink body becomes more vivid
with the rise of water
temperatures in the springtime."
368,16,9,"Its pink body becomes more vivid
with the rise of water
temperatures in the springtime."
368,17,5,"Au printemps, son corps rose se
fait plus vif sans que lon sache
pourquoi. Il vit au fond de la mer."
368,17,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,18,5,"Au printemps, son corps rose se
fait plus vif sans que lon sache
pourquoi. Il vit au fond de la mer."
368,18,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,21,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,22,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea.
In the springtime, its pink body
turns more vivid for some reason."
368,23,1,"うみの そこで くらしているが
はるになると からだの ピンクいろが
なぜか あざやかに いろづく。"
368,23,3,"바다의 밑바닥에 살고 있지만
봄이 되면 몸의 분홍색이
웬일인지 선명하게 물든다."
368,23,5,"Au printemps, son corps rose se fait plus vif sans que
lon sache pourquoi. Il vit au fond de la mer."
368,23,6,"Es lebt auf dem Grund des Meeres. Im Frühling
wirkt die Farbe seines Körpers viel kräftiger."
368,23,7,"Vive en el fondo del mar. En primavera, su cuerpo
rosado adquiere colores más vivos."
368,23,8,"Vive sui fondali marini. In primavera il suo corpo
rosato diventa più vivido per chissà quale motivo."
368,23,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea. In the springtime,
its pink body turns more vivid for some reason."
368,23,11,"海の 底で 暮らしているが
春になると 体の ピンク色が
なぜか 鮮やかに 色づく。"
368,24,1,"およぐ すがたは とても ゆうが。
ほそい くちで いわばの すきまに
はえた かいそうを たべる。"
368,24,3,"헤엄치는 모습이 굉장히 우아하다.
가는 입으로 바위 틈새에 나 있는
해초를 먹는다."
368,24,5,"Sa façon de se déplacer sous leau est dune
élégance incomparable. Du bout de sa fine bouche, il
se nourrit des algues qui poussent entre les rochers."
368,24,6,"Es schwimmt äußerst elegant. Mit seinem dünnen
Maul ernährt es sich von Seetang, der zwischen
Felsen wächst."
368,24,7,"Tiene una forma de nadar de lo más elegante. Se
alimenta de las algas marinas que crecen entre las
368,24,8,"Nuota con grande eleganza. Si nutre di alghe, che
cattura tra le rocce con il muso appuntito."
368,24,9,"Its swimming form is exquisitely elegant.
With its thin mouth, it feeds on seaweed
that grows between rocks."
368,24,11,"泳ぐ 姿は とても 優雅。
細い 口で 岩場の すき間に
生えた 海藻を 食べる。"
368,25,1,"みなみの しんかいに せいそくする ポケモン。
しんかいの すいあつに きたえられた からだは
ちょっとの こうげきでは キズも つかない。"
368,25,3,"남쪽 심해에 서식하는 포켓몬이다.
심해의 수압에 단련된 몸은
어지간한 공격에는 상처조차 입지 않는다."
368,25,5,"Rosabyss vit dans les profondeurs des mers du sud.
Son corps est conçu pour supporter lénorme pression
des profondeurs abyssales. Du coup, le corps de ce Pokémon
nest pas endommagé par les attaques ordinaires."
368,25,6,"Saganabyss lebt in extremen Tiefen des Südmeeres. Sein
Körper ist so angelegt, dass er dem enormen Wasserdruck
dieser unglaublichen Tiefe standhalten kann. Daher übersteht
dieses Pokémon gewöhnliche Attacken unbeschadet."
368,25,7,"Gorebyss vive en los mares del sur, en lo más profundo; de
ahí que tenga el cuerpo preparado para soportar la presión tan
grande que hay en el fondo marino, y que no le hagan daño
los ataques comunes."
368,25,8,"Gorebyss vive nei mari meridionali a profondità estreme.
Il suo corpo è strutturato in modo da poter resistere
allincredibile pressione degli abissi. Proprio per questo
il Pokémon è immune agli attacchi comuni."
368,25,9,"Gorebyss lives in the southern seas at extreme depths. Its
body is built to withstand the enormous pressure of water at
incredible depths. Because of this, this Pokémons body is
unharmed by ordinary attacks."
368,25,11,"南の 深海に 生息する ポケモン。
深海の 水圧に 鍛えられた 体は
ちょっとの 攻撃では キズも つかない。"
368,26,1,"およぐ すがたは ゆうがで とても きれいだが
えものを みつけると ほそい くちを からだに
さしこんで たいえきを ずるずる すするぞ。"
368,26,3,"헤엄치는 모습은 우아하고 매우 아름답지만
먹이를 발견하면 가는 입을 몸에
박아 넣고 체액을 후루룩 마신다."
368,26,5,"Même si Rosabyss est limage même de lélégance et de la
beauté quand il nage, il est aussi très cruel. Quand il repère
sa proie, ce Pokémon insère sa fine bouche dans le corps
de sa proie et aspire ses fluides corporels."
368,26,6,"Obwohl Saganabyss beim Schwimmen ein Bild von Eleganz
und Schönheit bietet, kann es auch sehr grausam sein.
Wenn es Beute sichtet, sticht es sein dünnes Maul in den
Körper eines Gegners und entzieht ihm die Flüssigkeit."
368,26,7,"Aunque Gorebyss es la imagen de la elegancia y la belleza al
nadar, es también la definición de la crueldad. Al detectar a su
presa, este Pokémon le hinca los finos dientes que tiene y le
absorbe los fluidos corporales."
368,26,8,"Nonostante Gorebyss sia il ritratto delleleganza e della
bellezza in nuoto, è anche molto crudele. Quando scova
una preda, la perfora con il muso appuntito e ne succhia
i fluidi corporei."
368,26,9,"Although Gorebyss is the very picture of elegance and beauty
while swimming, it is also cruel. When it spots prey, this
Pokémon inserts its thin mouth into the preys body and drains
the prey of its body fluids."
368,26,11,"泳ぐ 姿は 優雅で とても きれいだが
獲物を 見つけると 細い 口を 体に
刺し込んで 体液を ずるずる すするぞ。"
368,29,1,"からだの いろは みずの おんどで
へんかする。 アローラの サクラビスは
まぶしいほど あざやかに いろづく。"
368,29,3,"몸의 색깔은 물의 온도로 변화한다.
알로라의 분홍장이는 눈부실 정도로
선명한 빛깔을 지녔다."
368,29,5,"La température de leau influence la couleur
de son corps. À Alola, elle est tellement vive
quelle en est éblouissante."
368,29,6,"Die Farbe seines Körpers ändert sich je nach
Wassertemperatur. In Alola verfügt es über eine
fast schon blendend grelle Färbung."
368,29,7,"Su color de piel varía en base a la temperatura
del agua, y los que viven en Alola adoptan
colores tan vivos que llegan a deslumbrar."
368,29,8,"Cambia colore in base alla temperatura
dellacqua. I Gorebyss che vivono ad Alola
hanno un colore vivido e quasi abbagliante."
368,29,9,"The color of its body changes with the water
temperature. The coloration of Gorebyss in Alola
is almost blindingly vivid."
368,29,11,"身体の 色は 水の 温度で
変化する。 アローラの サクラビスは
まぶしいほど 鮮やかに 色付く。"
368,30,1,"えものの たいえきを すう。
にくは かいていに しずみ ほかの
ポケモンの エサに なるのだ。"
368,30,3,"먹이의 체액을 빨아들인다.
고기는 바다 밑으로 가라앉아
다른 포켓몬의 먹이가 된다."
368,30,5,"Il se nourrit en aspirant les fluides corporels
de ses proies. Le reste tombe au fond de la mer,
nourrissant ainsi dautres Pokémon."
368,30,6,"Es saugt die Körpersäfte seiner Beute aus.
Was übrig bleibt, sinkt zu Boden und wird
von anderen Pokémon verspeist."
368,30,7,"Absorbe los fluidos corporales de su presa. Los
restos que deja caen hasta el lecho marino y se
convierten en alimento para otros Pokémon."
368,30,8,"Succhia i fluidi corporei delle sue prede. La
carne che ne rimane sprofonda sui fondali marini
e diventa prezioso nutrimento per altri Pokémon."
368,30,9,"It sucks bodily fluids out of its prey. The
leftover meat sinks to the seafloor, where it
becomes food for other Pokémon."
368,30,11,"獲物の 体液を 吸う。
肉は 海底に 沈み 他の
ポケモンの エサに なるのだ。"
369,7,9,"RELICANTH is a POKéMON species that
existed for a hundred million years
without ever changing its form.This ancient POKéMON feeds on
microscopic organisms with its
toothless mouth."
369,8,9,"RELICANTH is a rare species that was
discovered in deep-sea explorations.
This POKéMONs body withstands theenormous water pressure of the ocean
depths. Its body is covered in tough
scales that are like craggy rocks."
369,9,9,"A POKéMON that was once believed to have
been extinct. The species has not changed
its form for 100 million years. It walks on
the seafloor using its pectoral fins."
369,10,9,"It has remained unchanged for 100
million years. It was discovered
during a deep-sea exploration."
369,11,9,"It has remained unchanged for 100
million years. It was discovered
during a deep-sea exploration."
369,12,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,13,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,14,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,15,9,"Discovered by chance during
deep-sea explorations, it has not
changed since ancient times."
369,16,9,"Discovered by chance during
deep-sea explorations, it has not
changed since ancient times."
369,17,5,"Un Pokémon rare aperçu lors dune
exploration sous-marine. Il na pas
évolué depuis 100 millions dannées."
369,17,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,18,5,"Un Pokémon rare aperçu lors dune
exploration sous-marine. Il na pas
évolué depuis 100 millions dannées."
369,18,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,21,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,22,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during
a deep-sea exploration. It has not
changed in over 100 million years."
369,23,1,"1おくねん まえから すがたが
かわらない ポケモン。しんかいを
ちょうさちゅうに はっけんされた。"
369,23,3,"1억 년 전부터 모습이
바뀌지 않은 포켓몬이다. 심해를
조사하던 중 발견되었다."
369,23,5,"Relicanth na connu aucune évolution depuis 100
millions dannées. Il a été découvert pendant une
exploration dans les profondeurs de la mer."
369,23,6,"100 Millionen Jahre lang blieb es unverändert.
Es wurde bei einer Tiefsee-Tauchexpedition entdeckt."
369,23,7,"No ha sufrido ningún cambio desde hace 100 millones
de años. Fue descubierto durante una expedición
369,23,8,"Immutato da 100 milioni di anni, è stato scoperto
durante unesplorazione nelle profondità marine."
369,23,9,"It has remained unchanged for 100 million years.
It was discovered during a deep-sea exploration."
姿が 変わらない ポケモン。
深海を 調査中に 発見された。"
369,24,1,"しんかいちょうさで はっけんされた
めずらしい ポケモン。1おくねんの
あいだ すがたが かわっていない。"
369,24,3,"심해 조사에서 발견된
희귀한 포켓몬이다. 1억 년
동안 모습이 바뀌지 않았다."
369,24,5,"Un Pokémon rare aperçu lors dune exploration
sous-marine. Il na pas évolué depuis 100 millions
369,24,6,"Tiefseeforscher fanden dieses seltene Pokémon,
das sich in 100 Millionen Jahren nicht verändert hat."
369,24,7,"Un Pokémon raro descubierto en una exploración
marina. No ha cambiado en más de 100 millones de
369,24,8,"Un Pokémon raro scoperto durante unesplorazione
del mare profondo. È immutato da 100 milioni di anni."
369,24,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea
exploration. It has not changed in over
100 million years."
369,24,11,"深海調査で 発見された
珍しい ポケモン。1億年の あいだ
姿が 変わっていない。"
369,25,1,"1おくねんの ながい あいだ まったく すがたが
かわらずに しんかいで くらしていた ポケモン。
はの ない くちで びせいぶつだけを たべる。"
369,25,3,"1억 년이란 긴 세월 동안 전혀 모습이
바뀌지 않고 심해에서 살고 있던 포켓몬이다.
이빨이 없는 입으로 미생물만을 먹는다."
369,25,5,"Les Relicanth sont une espèce de Pokémon qui a existé
pendant 100 millions dannées sans jamais changer de forme.
Ce Pokémon antique se nourrit dorganismes microscopiques
avec sa bouche édentée."
369,25,6,"Relicanth ist eine Pokémon-Art, die seit 100 Millionen Jahren
existiert, ohne jemals ihre Form zu verändern. Dieses
prähistorische Pokémon hat ein zahnloses Maul und ernährt
sich von Mikroorganismen."
369,25,7,"Relicanth pertenece a una especie de Pokémon que lleva
millones de años sin cambiar de forma. Este ancestral
Pokémon se alimenta de microorganismos por la boca
desdentada que tiene."
369,25,8,"Relicanth è una specie esistente da 100 milioni di anni senza
alcuna mutazione di forma. Questo antichissimo Pokémon
si nutre di microrganismi, come prova la sua bocca sdentata."
369,25,9,"Relicanth is a Pokémon species that existed for a hundred
million years without ever changing its form. This ancient
Pokémon feeds on microscopic organisms with its
toothless mouth."
369,25,11,"1億年の 長い 間 まったく 姿が
変わらずに 深海で 暮らしていた ポケモン。
歯の ない 口で 微生物だけを 食べる。"
369,26,1,"しんかい ちょうさで はっけんされた ちんしゅ。
ごつごつした いわの ような うろこで おおわれ
かいていの すいあつに たえる からだを もつ。"
369,26,3,"심해 조사로 발견된 희귀종이다.
울퉁불퉁한 바위 같은 비늘에 덮여
해저의 수압을 견뎌내는 몸을 지녔다."
369,26,5,"Relicanth est une espèce rare découverte pendant des
explorations sous-marines. Son corps peut supporter
lénorme pression des profondeurs océaniques. Il est
recouvert décailles semblables à des pierres."
369,26,6,"Relicanth ist eine seltene Art, die auf einer
Tiefsee-Expedition entdeckt wurde. Dieses Pokémon
hält dem enormen Wasserdruck des Ozeans stand.
Sein Körper ist mit steinharten Schuppen bedeckt."
369,26,7,"Relicanth pertenece a una rara especie descubierta al explorar
el fondo marino. Es grande y está cubierto de toscas y duras
escamas, con las que puede soportar la presión del fondo
369,26,8,"Relicanth è una specie rara scoperta durante le esplorazioni
nelle profondità marine. Il suo corpo riesce a resistere
allincredibile pressione degli abissi oceanici ed è ricoperto
di squame dure come roccia viva."
369,26,9,"Relicanth is a rare species that was discovered in deep-sea
explorations. This Pokémons body withstands the enormous
water pressure of the ocean depths. Its body is covered in
tough scales that are like craggy rocks."
369,26,11,"深海 調査で 発見された 珍種。
ごつごつした 岩の ような うろこで 覆われ
海底の 水圧に 耐える 体を 持つ。"
369,27,1,"1おくねんまえから おなじ すがた。
たいないが あぶらまみれ なので
しんかいの すいあつに たえられる。"
369,27,3,"1억 년 전부터 같은 모습이다.
체내가 기름투성이라서
심해의 수압을 견딜 수 있다."
369,27,5,"Il na pas changé dapparence en 100 millions
dannées. La densité de sa couche graisseuse
laide à supporter la pression des grands fonds."
369,27,6,"Relicanth existiert seit 100 Millionen Jahren in
unveränderter Form. Dank seines Körperfetts
hält es dem Wasserdruck der Tiefsee stand."
369,27,7,"No ha cambiado de aspecto en 100 millones de
años. Su gruesa capa de grasa le permite
soportar la presión abisal."
369,27,8,"Il suo aspetto è immutato da 100 milioni di anni.
Resiste allenorme pressione degli abissi marini
grazie a uno spesso strato di grasso corporeo."
369,27,9,"Its form has remained the same for one hundred
million years. Its body is filled with fat, so it can
withstand the water pressure of the deep sea."
369,27,11,"約1億年前から 同じ 姿。
体内が 脂まみれ なので
深海の 水圧に 耐えられる。"
369,28,1,"しんかいちょうさちゅう ぐうぜんに
はっけん された。 はが たいかし
すうようにして びせいぶつを とる。"
369,28,3,"심해 조사 중 우연히
발견되었다. 이빨이 퇴화하여
빨아들이듯 미생물을 먹는다."
369,28,5,"Il a été découvert complètement par hasard au
fin fond de locéan. Sa dentition déplorable le
contraint à se nourrir de micro-organismes."
369,28,6,"Es wurde zufällig auf einer Tiefsee-Expedition
entdeckt. Es ernährt sich von Mikroorganismen,
die es mit seinem zahnlosen Maul einsaugt."
369,28,7,"Fue descubierto de forma accidental durante
unas exploraciones marinas. No tiene dientes,
por lo que se alimenta de microorganismos."
369,28,8,"È stato scoperto per caso nelle profondità
marine durante una perlustrazione. Sprovvisto
di denti, si nutre risucchiando microrganismi."
369,28,9,"It was fortuitously discovered during a deep sea
expedition. Its teeth have atrophied, so it now
survives on microscopic organisms it sucks up."
369,28,11,"深海調査中 偶然に
発見 された。 歯が 退化し
吸うようにして 微生物を 取る。"
369,29,1,"ぜつめつしたと かんがえられていた。
ジーランスの なは はっけんしゃの
なまえを もじって つけられた。"
369,29,3,"멸종되었고 여겨져 왔다.
시라칸의 이름은 발견한
사람의 이름을 따서 만들어졌다."
369,29,5,"On a longtemps cru son espèce disparue.
Son nom serait une déformation du patronyme
de la personne qui la découvert."
369,29,6,"Es galt als ausgestorben. Der Name Relicanth
ist eine Abwandlung des Namens seines
369,29,7,"Se creía que esta especie se había extinguido.
Le pusieron su nombre, Relicanth, en honor a
su descubridor."
369,29,8,"Un tempo si credeva che si fosse estinto.
Prende il nome dalla persona che lo ha
369,29,9,"Thought to have gone extinct, Relicanth was
given a name that is a variation of the name of
the person who discovered it."
369,29,11,"絶滅したと 考えられていた。
ジーランスの 名は 発見者の
名前を もじって つけられた。"
369,30,1,"1おくねんかん まったく すがたが
かわっていないのは せいめい として
かんせい されているから らしい。"
369,30,3,"1억년 동안 전혀 모습이
바뀌지 않은 것은 생명체로서
완성되었기 때문이라고 한다."
369,30,5,"On raconte que sil na pas changé dapparence
en 100 millions dannées, cest parce quil
a atteint le stade de forme de vie parfaite."
369,30,6,"Seine seit 100 Millionen Jahren unveränderte
Gestalt wird als Zeichen dafür gesehen, dass
es eine vollendete Lebensform ist."
369,30,7,"La razón por la que su aspecto no ha cambiado
un ápice durante 100 millones de años se debe,
al parecer, a que es una forma de vida perfecta."
369,30,8,"La sua forma è immutata da 100 milioni di anni
e ciò sembra indicare che abbia raggiunto
la perfezione."
369,30,9,"The reason it hasnt changed at all in a hundred
million years is that its apparently already a
perfect life-form."
369,30,11,"1億年間 まったく 姿が
変わっていないのは 生命 として
完成 されているから らしい。"
369,33,1,"いわのように かたい ウロコと
あぶらの つまった うきぶくろで
しんかいの すいあつに たえる。"
369,33,3,"바위처럼 단단한 비늘과
기름으로 가득 찬 부레로
심해의 수압을 견딘다."
369,33,5,"Il peut supporter la pression des profondeurs
grâce à ses écailles aussi solides que le roc et
à ses vessies natatoires remplies de graisse."
369,33,6,"Dank seiner steinharten Schuppen und mit
Fett gefüllten Schwimmblasen kann es dem
Wasserdruck der Tiefsee standhalten."
369,33,7,"Es capaz de soportar la alta presión del fondo
marino gracias a sus escamas, duras como rocas,
y a sus vejigas natatorias llenas de grasa."
369,33,8,"Riesce a sopportare la pressione degli abissi
marini grazie alle sue scaglie dure come la roccia
e alle vesciche natatorie piene di grasso."
369,33,9,"Rock-hard scales and oil-filled swim bladders
allow this Pokémon to survive the intense water
pressure of the deep sea."
369,33,11,"岩のように 硬い ウロコと
脂の 詰まった 浮袋で
深海の 水圧に 耐える。"
369,34,1,"しんかいちょうさで はっけんされた。
1おくねんかん すがたが かわらず
いきているかせき と よばれている。"
369,34,3,"심해 조사를 통해 발견되었다.
1억 년 동안 모습이 변하지 않아
살아 있는 화석이라고 불린다."
369,34,5,"Découvert lors dune expédition dans les abysses,
son apparence inchangée depuis 100 millions
dannées lui a valu le surnom de «fossile vivant»."
369,34,6,"Es wurde auf einer Tiefsee-Expedition entdeckt.
Man nennt es ein „lebendes Fossil“, da es sich
seit 100 Millionen Jahren nicht verändert hat."
369,34,7,"Fue descubierto durante una expedición marina.
Se lo considera un fósil viviente, pues no ha
cambiado en cien millones de años."
369,34,8,"Scoperto durante una perlustrazione degli abissi
marini, viene chiamato “fossile vivente” per via
del suo aspetto, immutato da 100 milioni di anni."
369,34,9,"This Pokémon was discovered during deep-sea
exploration. Its appearance hasnt changed in
100,000,000 years, so its called a living fossil."
369,34,11,"深海調査で 発見された。
1億年間 姿が 変わらず
生きている化石 と 呼ばれている。"
370,7,9,"LUVDISC live in shallow seas in the
tropics. This heart-shaped POKéMON
earned its name by swimming afterloving couples it spotted in the
oceans waves."
370,8,9,"LUVDISCs heart-shaped body is a
symbol of love and romance.
It is said that any couple meeting thisPOKéMON is promised a loving
relationship that never ends."
370,9,9,"LUVDISC make the branches of CORSOLA
their nests. There is a custom from long
ago of giving a LUVDISC as a gift to
express ones feelings of love."
370,10,9,"During the spawning season, countless
LUVDISC congregate at coral reefs,
turning the waters pink."
370,11,9,"During the spawning season, countless
LUVDISC congregate at coral reefs,
turning the waters pink."
370,12,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,13,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,14,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,15,9,"Its heart-shaped body makes it
popular. In some places, you would
give a LUVDISC to someone you love."
370,16,9,"Its heart-shaped body makes it
popular. In some places, you would
give a LUVDISC to someone you love."
370,17,5,"Un habitant des mers chaudes. On
dit que le couple qui tombe sur ce
Pokémon connaîtra lamour éternel."
370,17,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,18,5,"Un habitant des mers chaudes. On
dit que le couple qui tombe sur ce
Pokémon connaîtra lamour éternel."
370,18,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,21,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,22,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said
that a couple finding this Pokémon
will be blessed with eternal love."
370,23,1,"あたたかい うみに せいそくする。
ラブカスを みつけた カップルは
えいえんの あいが つづくという。"
370,23,3,"따뜻한 바다에서 서식한다.
사랑동이를 발견한 커플은
영원한 사랑이 지속된다고 한다."
370,23,5,"Un habitant des mers chaudes. On dit que le couple
qui tombe sur ce Pokémon connaîtra lamour éternel."
370,23,6,"Es lebt in warmen Meeren. Man sagt, dass Verliebte,
die es sehen, mit ewiger Liebe gesegnet sind."
370,23,7,"Vive en mares cálidos. Se dice que, si una pareja lo
encuentra, será bendecida con amor eterno."
370,23,8,"Vive nei mari caldi. Si dice che le coppie che trovano
questo Pokémon riceveranno in dono leterno amore."
370,23,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding
this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love."
370,23,11,"暖かい 海に 生息する。
ラブカスを 見つけた カップルは
永遠の 愛が 続くという。"
370,24,1,"はんしょく シーズンには たくさんの
ラブカスが さんごしょうに あつまり
かいめんが ピンクいろに そまる。"
370,24,3,"번식기에는 많은 사랑동이가
산호초에 모여들어서
해수면이 핑크색으로 물든다."
370,24,5,"Pendant la saison des amours, dinnombrables
Lovdisc se réunissent près des barrières de corail et
donnent limpression que la mer est rose."
370,24,6,"Während der Laichzeit versammeln sich zahllose
Liebiskus in den Korallenriffen. Daher erstrahlt
das Wasser rosa."
370,24,7,"Durante el desove, multitud de Luvdisc se concentran
en los arrecifes de coral coloreando de rosa el agua."
370,24,8,"Durante il periodo riproduttivo, numerosi Luvdisc si
riuniscono intorno alla barriera corallina, colorando
lacqua di rosa."
370,24,9,"During the spawning season, countless Luvdisc
congregate at coral reefs, turning the waters pink."
370,24,11,"繁殖シーズンには たくさんの
ラブカスが サンゴ礁に 集まり
海面が ピンク色に 染まる。"
370,25,1,"ねったいの あさい うみで くらしている。
カップルを みつけると うしろに くっついて
およぐ ことから この なまえが つけられた。"
370,25,3,"열대의 얕은 바다에서 살고 있다.
커플을 발견하면 뒤에 붙어서
헤엄치기 때문에 이런 이름이 붙었다."
370,25,5,"Lovdisc vit dans les mers peu profondes des tropiques.
Ce Pokémon en forme de cœur a gagné son nom en nageant
derrière les couples damoureux quil repérait dans les eaux
claires de locéan."
370,25,6,"Liebiskus lebt in den seichten Gewässern der Tropen. Dieses
herzförmige Pokémon verdankt seinen Namen der Tatsache,
dass es hinter Liebespaaren herschwamm, die es in den Wellen
des Ozeans beobachtet hatte."
370,25,7,"Luvdisc vive en aguas tropicales poco profundas. Este
Pokémon con forma de corazón se ha ganado la reputación
que tiene por ir nadando detrás de las parejas de enamorados
que veía entre las olas del océano."
370,25,8,"Luvdisc vive nei mari tropicali poco profondi.
Questo Pokémon a forma di cuore ha preso
questo nome perché segue le coppie innamorate
che scorge tra le onde oceaniche."
370,25,9,"Luvdisc live in shallow seas in the tropics. This heart-shaped
Pokémon earned its name by swimming after loving couples it
spotted in the oceans waves."
370,25,11,"熱帯の 浅い 海で 暮らしている。
カップルを 見つけると 後ろに くっついて
泳ぐ ことから この 名前が つけられた。"
370,26,1,"ハートがたの からだは あいじょうの シンボル。
ラブカスに であった カップルは えいえんの
あいが やくそくされると いわれているよ。"
370,26,3,"하트 모양의 몸은 애정의 상징이다.
사랑동이를 만난 커플에게는 영원한
사랑이 약속된다고 전해진다."
370,26,5,"Le corps en forme de cœur de Lovdisc représente lamour
et les sentiments. On raconte quun couple qui rencontre
ce Pokémon saimera jusquà la fin des temps."
370,26,6,"Liebiskus herzförmiger Körper ist ein Symbol der Liebe
und der Romantik. Man sagt, jedem Paar, dem es begegnet,
stünde eine unendliche Liebesbeziehung bevor."
370,26,7,"Luvdisc tiene forma de corazón y simboliza el amor y el
romanticismo. Dicen que la pareja que se encuentre con él
mantendrá una relación de amor de por vida."
370,26,8,"Il corpo a forma di cuore di Luvdisc è il simbolo delle storie
damore. Si dice che le coppie a cui capita di vederlo siano
destinate a vivere unintensa passione che non avrà mai fine."
370,26,9,"Luvdiscs heart-shaped body is a symbol of love and romance.
It is said that any couple meeting this Pokémon is promised a
loving relationship that never ends."
370,26,11,"ハート型の 体は 愛情の シンボル。
ラブカスに 出会った カップルは 永遠の
愛が 約束されると いわれているよ。"
370,27,1,"1ぴきだけに なった ラブカスは
げんきが なくなり スキだらけ。
そこを ペリッパーに さらわれる。"
370,27,3,"혼자가 된 사랑동이는
기력이 없어지고 빈틈이 많다.
그럴 때 패리퍼가 잡아간다."
370,27,5,"Un Lovdisc esseulé perd tout entrain et baisse
sa garde. Le Bekipan nattend que cela pour
370,27,6,"Einsame Liebiskus verlieren den Lebensmut und
vernachlässigen die Deckung. Diese Schwäche
nutzen Pelipper, um sie sich zu schnappen."
370,27,7,"Cuando un Luvdisc se halla solo, su energía
disminuye y baja la guardia, momento que
aprovechan los Pelipper para hacerse con ellos."
370,27,8,"Se rimane solo, Luvdisc perde vitalità
e abbassa la guardia, diventando una facile
preda per Pelipper."
370,27,9,"If a Luvdisc is left on its own, it becomes
despondent, leaving itself open to attack.
That is when Pelipper snatch them up."
370,27,11,"1匹だけに なった ラブカスは
元気が なくなり スキだらけ。
そこを ペリッパーに さらわれる。"
370,28,1,"カップルに にんきが たかいので
ハネムーンきゃくが とまる ホテルの
プールに ほうりゅう される。"
370,28,3,"커플에게 인기가 높아서
신혼 여행객이 묵는 호텔의
수영장에 방류된다."
370,28,5,"Comme il est très populaire auprès des
amoureux, les hôtels fréquentés par les couples
en lune de miel en ont souvent dans leur piscine."
370,28,6,"Da Liebiskus besonders bei Pärchen beliebt
sind, findet man sie oft in Swimmingpools von
Hotels für Frischvermählte."
370,28,7,"Es popular entre las parejas de enamorados,
por lo que se suelen soltar en las piscinas de
los hoteles donde se celebran lunas de miel."
370,28,8,"È molto popolare tra gli innamorati, perciò viene
messo nelle piscine degli hotel frequentati
dalle coppiette in luna di miele."
370,28,9,"Loving couples have a soft spot for this
Pokémon, so honeymoon hotels often release
this Pokémon into their pools."
370,28,11,"カップルに 人気が 高いので
ハネムーン客が 泊まる ホテルの
プールに 放流 される。"
370,29,1,"ハートがたの ウロコを もっていると
こいびとが できると ウワサに なり
らんかくされた じだいも あった。"
370,29,3,"하트 모양의 비늘을 갖고 있으면
연인이 생긴다는 소문이 돌아
남획된 시대도 있었다."
370,29,5,"Il fut un temps où les gens le capturaient en
masse pour sapproprier ses écailles en forme
de cœur, supposées porter chance en amour."
370,29,6,"Früher wurde es überfischt, weil man glaubte,
der Besitz einer seiner herzförmigen Schuppen
führe zu einer erfolgreichen Partnersuche."
370,29,7,"Según las leyendas, una escama con forma de
corazón brinda suerte en el amor, lo que condujo
tiempo ha a su pesca excesiva."
370,29,8,"In passato è stato vittima di una caccia sfrenata
per via delle sue scaglie a forma di cuore, che si
riteneva facessero trovare lanima gemella."
370,29,9,"There was an era when it was overfished due to
the rumor that having one of its heart-shaped
scales would enable you to find a sweetheart."
370,29,11,"ハート型の ウロコを 持っていると
恋人が できると ウワサに なり
乱獲された 時代も あった。"
370,30,1,"あたたかい うみの サンゴしょうが
すみか。 サニーゴのえだの あいだで
ねむるのが とくに おきにいり。"
370,30,3,"따뜻한 바다의 산호초가 서식지다.
코산호의 가지 사이에서
자는 것을 특히 좋아한다."
370,30,5,"Il vit dans les récifs coralliens des mers
chaudes, et aime particulièrement dormir
entre les cornes des Corayon."
370,30,6,"Es lebt in den Korallenriffen warmer Meere und
schläft besonders gern zwischen den Armen
von Corasonn."
370,30,7,"Vive en los arrecifes de coral de mares cálidos.
Dormir entre las ramas de los Corsola es algo
por lo que siente una especial predilección."
370,30,8,"Vive nelle barriere coralline dei mari caldi.
Ama particolarmente dormire fra le ramificazioni
dei Corsola."
370,30,9,"Luvdisc makes its home in coral reefs in warm
seas. It especially likes sleeping in the space
between Corsolas branches."
370,30,11,"暖かい 海の サンゴ礁が
棲み処。 サニーゴの枝の 間で
眠るのが 特に お気に入り。"
371,7,9,"BAGON has a dream of one day soaring
in the sky. In doomed efforts to fly,
this POKéMON hurls itself off cliffs.As a result of its dives, its head has 
grown tough and as hard as tempered
371,8,9,"BAGON harbors a never-ending dream of
one day soaring high among the clouds.
As if trying to dispel its frustrationover its inability to fly, this POKéMON
slams its hard head against huge rocks
and shatters them into pebbles."
371,9,9,"Although it is small, this POKéMON is very
powerful because its body is a bundle of
muscles. It launches head-butts with its
ironlike skull."
371,10,9,"Its steel-hard head can shatter boulders.
It longingly hopes for wings to grow so it
can fly."
371,11,9,"Its steel-hard head can shatter boulders.
It longingly hopes for wings to grow so it
can fly."
371,12,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,13,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,14,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,15,9,"Its well-developed neck muscles
and ironlike head can smash
boulders into pieces."
371,16,9,"Its well-developed neck muscles
and ironlike head can smash
boulders into pieces."
371,17,5,"Il rêve de pouvoir voler un jour.
Pour lheure, il sentraîne en
sautant du haut des falaises."
371,17,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,18,5,"Il rêve de pouvoir voler un jour.
Pour lheure, il sentraîne en
sautant du haut des falaises."
371,18,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,21,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,22,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it
practices by leaping off cliffs
every day."
371,23,1,"きたえられた くびの きんにくと
てつの ように かたい あたまで
おおいわを コナゴナに くだく。"
371,23,3,"단련된 목 근육과
철과 같이 단단한 머리로
커다란 바위를 조각조각으로 부순다."
371,23,5,"Il réduit en miettes les plus gros rochers grâce à
son cou musculeux et à sa tête dure comme lacier."
371,23,6,"Mit seinen robusten Nackenmuskeln und seinem
stahlharten Kopf kann es sogar Felsen zertrümmern."
371,23,7,"Su desarrollado cuello y su cabeza dura como el acero
le permiten reducir a añicos rocas enormes."
371,23,8,"Frantuma grandi massi con la testa dura come il
ferro e gli allenatissimi muscoli del collo."
371,23,9,"Its well-developed neck muscles and iron-like
head can smash boulders into pieces."
371,23,11,"鍛えられた 首の 筋肉と
鉄の ように 硬い 頭で
大岩を コナゴナに 砕く。"
371,24,1,"おおぞらを とぶことを ゆめみて
まいにち とぶ れんしゅうのために
がけから とびおりている。"
371,24,3,"넓은 하늘을 나는 것을 꿈꾸며
매일 나는 연습을 하려고
절벽에서 뛰어내린다."
371,24,5,"Il rêve de pouvoir voler un jour. Pour lheure,
il sentraîne en sautant du haut des falaises."
371,24,6,"Es träumt davon, eines Tages fliegen zu können
und springt daher jeden Tag von hohen Klippen."
371,24,7,"Sueña con volar algún día, por lo que siempre practica
saltando desde acantilados."
371,24,8,"Sogna di poter volare un giorno e, pertanto, si allena
regolarmente gettandosi da alture."
371,24,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping
off cliffs every day."
371,24,11,"大空を 飛ぶことを 夢見て
毎日 飛ぶ 練習のために
崖から 飛び降りている。"
371,25,1,"おおぞらを とぶことを ゆめみて くりかえし
だんがいから とびおりている うちに あたまが
きたえられ こうてつの ように かたく なった。"
371,25,3,"넓은 하늘을 나는 것을 꿈꾸며 연거푸
낭떠러지에서 뛰어내리다 보니 머리가
단련되어 강철처럼 단단해졌다."
371,25,5,"Draby rêve de pouvoir un jour sélancer dans les cieux.
Bien que voué à léchec, ce Pokémon se jette des falaises
pour essayer de voler. À force, sa tête est devenue
aussi dure que de lacier."
371,25,6,"Kindwurm hat den Traum, fliegen zu können. In zahlreichen
vergeblichen Versuchen stürzte es sich die Klippen herunter.
Daher ist sein Kopf sehr robust und so hart wie Stahl
371,25,7,"Bagon sueña con poder pasar un día volando por el cielo. En
vanos intentos por volar, ha llegado a tirarse desde riscos.
Como resultado de estas caídas en picado, se le ha puesto la
cabeza dura como las piedras."
371,25,8,"Bagon serba in sé il sogno di volare alto in cielo. Nei suoi vani
tentativi di spiccare il volo, si lancia a picco dalle alture.
A causa di queste rovinose cadute, la testa gli è diventata
dura come lacciaio temprato."
371,25,9,"Bagon has a dream of one day soaring in the sky.
In doomed efforts to fly, this Pokémon hurls itself off cliffs.
As a result of its dives, its head has grown tough and as hard
as tempered steel."
371,25,11,"大空を 飛ぶことを 夢見て 繰り返し
断崖から 飛び降りている うちに 頭が
鍛えられ 鋼鉄の ように 硬く なった。"
371,26,1,"おおぞらを とぶことを ゆめみている ポケモン。
とべない くやしさを はらす ように おおいわに
いしあたまを うちつけては コナゴナに くだく。"
371,26,3,"넓은 하늘을 나는 것을 꿈꾸는 포켓몬이다.
날지 못하는 분함을 떨치기 위한 것인 양 큰 바위에
돌머리를 부딪쳐서 산산조각으로 부순다."
371,26,5,"Draby rêve depuis toujours de voler au milieu des nuages.
Ce Pokémon éclate dénormes rochers avec sa tête, comme
pour exorciser le fait quil ne puisse pas voler."
371,26,6,"Kindwurm hegt einen unerfüllten Traum. Es möchte einmal
hoch über den Wolken fliegen. Um seinen Frust über seine
Flugunfähigkeit zu vertreiben, rammt es seinen harten Kopf
gegen riesige Felsen und macht Kiesel aus ihnen."
371,26,7,"Bagon sueña siempre con lo mismo: pasar todo un día
volando entre las nubes. Frustrado ante la imposibilidad de
volar, parece que se desahoga dándose cabezazos contra
rocas enormes hasta hacerlas añicos."
371,26,8,"Da sempre Bagon serba in sé il sogno di volare alto tra le
nuvole. Sfoga la sua frustrazione per lincapacità di volare
sbattendo la testa dura contro rocce enormi, che frantuma
in mille pezzi."
371,26,9,"Bagon harbors a never-ending dream of one day soaring high
among the clouds. As if trying to dispel its frustration over its
inability to fly, this Pokémon slams its hard head against huge
rocks and shatters them into pebbles."
371,26,11,"大空を 飛ぶことを 夢見ている ポケモン。
飛べない 悔しさを 晴らす ように 大岩に
石頭を 打ちつけては コナゴナに 砕く。"
371,27,1,"いつか とべると しんじているのは
いでんしの なかの じょうほうが
えいきょう しているから らしい。"
371,27,3,"언젠가 날 수 있다고 믿는 것은
유전자 안의 정보가
영향을 주고 있기 때문이라고 한다."
371,27,5,"Sa lubie de voler lui viendrait dune information
contenue dans ses gènes."
371,27,6,"Es liegt wohl an den Erbinformationen in
seinen Genen, dass es glaubt, eines Tages
fliegen zu können."
371,27,7,"Parece ser que la información genética de los
Bagon les impulsa a creer que algún día serán
capaces de volar."
371,27,8,"Pare che la sua convinzione di poter imparare
a volare sia dovuta a delle informazioni
contenute nel suo codice genetico."
371,27,9,"Its belief that it will be able to fly one day
is apparently the influence of information
carried in its genes."
371,27,11,"いつか 飛べると 信じているのは
遺伝子の 中の 情報が
影響 しているから らしい。"
371,28,1,"こうてつなみの いしあたまで
やたら めったら ずつきする。
そらを とべない ストレスの せいだ。"
371,28,3,"강철 수준의 돌머리로
마구잡이로 박치기한다.
하늘을 날 수 없는 스트레스 때문이다."
371,28,5,"Il charge sans distinction tout ce qui lentoure,
distribuant allègrement les coups de tête.
Il extériorise ainsi son stress de ne pas voler."
371,28,6,"Es verteilt oft Kopfstöße mit seinem stahlharten
Schädel. Grund ist offenbar der Frust darüber,
dass es nicht fliegen kann."
371,28,7,"Se lanza de cabeza contra todo lo que se le
pone a tiro para lidiar con la frustración que le
causa el no poder surcar los cielos."
371,28,8,"Colpisce tutto quello che gli capita a tiro
con la testa dura come lacciaio per sfogare
la frustrazione dovuta allincapacità di volare."
371,28,9,"With its steel-hard stone head, it headbutts
indiscriminately. This is because of the stress
it feels at being unable to fly."
371,28,11,"鋼鉄並みの 石頭で
やたら めったら 頭突きする。
空を 飛べない ストレスの せいだ。"
371,29,1,"そらをとぶ とりポケモンを みるたび
うらやましくなって ヘッドバッドで
あたりのものを こなごなに くだく。"
371,29,3,"하늘을 나는 새포켓몬을 볼 때마다
부러워서 머리로 주변에 있는 것을
들이받아 산산조각으로 부숴 버린다."
371,29,5,"Il est jaloux des Pokémon oiseaux. Dès quil en
voit un voler, il donne des coups de tête dans
tous les sens et détruit tout sur son passage."
371,29,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn es ein Vogel-Pokémon am
Himmel fliegen sieht, zerstört es vor Neid
alles in seiner Umgebung mit Kopfstößen."
371,29,7,"Cada vez que ve volar a un Pokémon pájaro le
corroe la envidia por dentro y asesta cabezazos
a todo lo que le rodea hasta hacerlo añicos."
371,29,8,"Ogni volta che vede volare i Pokémon alati,
viene preso dallinvidia e polverizza a testate
qualunque cosa abbia a tiro."
371,29,9,"Whenever it sees bird Pokémon flying through
the sky, it becomes envious and smashes its
surroundings to bits with headbutts."
371,29,11,"空を飛ぶ とりポケモンを 見るたび
羨ましくなって ヘッドバッドで
あたりのものを 粉々に 砕く。"
371,30,1,"あたまを つよく うちつける ことで
しんかに えいきょうする さいぼうを
しげきしている というせつも ある。"
371,30,3,"머리를 강하게 부딪쳐서
진화에 영향을 주는 세포를
자극하고 있다는 설도 있다."
371,30,5,"Selon certaines théories, il donne des coups
de tête pour stimuler les cellules qui lui
permettent dévoluer."
371,30,6,"Einer Theorie zufolge werden durch seine
Kopfstöße Zellen angeregt, die seine
Entwicklung beeinflussen."
371,30,7,"Según una teoría, los fuertes cabezazos que
propina estimulan las células implicadas en su
371,30,8,"Secondo una teoria, le potenti testate che sferra
permetterebbero di stimolare le cellule che
presiedono allevoluzione."
371,30,9,"Some theories suggest that its behavior
of forcefully bashing its head into things
stimulates cells that affect its evolution."
371,30,11,"頭を 強く 打ちつける ことで
進化に 影響する 細胞を
刺激している という説も ある。"
371,33,1,"いつか そらを とぶために まいにち
がけから とびおりて からだを
きたえる くんれんを つづけている。"
371,33,3,"언젠가 하늘을 날기 위해
매일같이 절벽에서 뛰어내리며
몸을 단련하는 훈련을 계속하고 있다."
371,33,5,"Tous les jours, il se jette du haut dune falaise
pour renforcer son corps, dans lespoir de
pouvoir voler un jour."
371,33,6,"In der Hoffnung, eines Tages fliegen zu können,
stürzt es sich täglich von Klippen, um seinen
Körper zu stählen."
371,33,7,"En su afán por volar, fortalece su cuerpo a diario
saltando desde acantilados."
371,33,8,"Tempra il suo corpo ogni giorno gettandosi
in un precipizio, nella speranza di riuscire
a volare, prima o poi."
371,33,9,"Bagon jumps off cliffs every day, trying to
grow stronger so that someday it will be able
to fly."
371,33,11,"いつか 空を 飛ぶために 毎日
崖から 飛び降りて 体を
鍛える 訓練を 続けている。"
371,34,1,"むれを つくらず 1ぴきで くらす。
いちげきで かたい がんせきを
まっぷたつにする いしあたまをもつ。"
371,34,3,"무리를 짓지 않고 혼자서 지낸다.
단단한 화석을 단 일격으로
두 동강 내버리는 돌머리를 가졌다."
371,34,5,"La tête de ce Pokémon solitaire est si solide
quil est capable de fendre en deux un rocher
dun seul coup."
371,34,6,"Es lebt in Einsamkeit, ohne Gruppen zu bilden.
Sein steinharter Schädel kann mit einem Schlag
einen massiven Felsen entzweihauen."
371,34,7,"Vive en solitario, sin formar manadas, y posee
una cabeza dura como la piedra que le permite
hacer añicos rocas enormes de un solo golpe."
371,34,8,"Vive in solitudine senza formare branchi.
È dotato di una testa così dura da poter spaccare
in due rocce granitiche con un solo colpo."
371,34,9,"Bagon is a solitary Pokémon that doesnt form
groups with others of its kind. It also has a head
hard enough to cleave a boulder in one strike."
371,34,11,"群れを つくらず 1匹で 暮らす。
一撃で 硬い 岩石を
真っ二つにする 石頭をもつ。"
372,7,9,"Inside SHELGONs armor-like shell, cells
are in the midst of transformation
to create an entirely new body.This POKéMONs shell is extremely heavy,
making its movements sluggish."
372,8,9,"Covering SHELGONs body are outgrowths
much like bones. The shell is very hard
and bounces off enemy attacks.When awaiting evolution, this POKéMON
hides away in a cavern."
372,9,9,"It hardly eats while it awaits evolution.
It becomes hardier by enduring hunger.
Its shell peels off the instant it begins
to evolve."
372,10,9,"Its armored body makes all attacks bounce
off. The armor is too tough, however,
making it heavy and somewhat sluggish."
372,11,9,"Its armored body makes all attacks bounce
off. The armor is too tough, however,
making it heavy and somewhat sluggish."
372,12,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,13,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,14,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,15,9,"It surrounds its body in an
iron-hard shell to accumulate
enough power to evolve."
372,16,9,"It surrounds its body in an
iron-hard shell to accumulate
enough power to evolve."
372,17,5,"Ses cellules ont commencé à changer
dans sa robuste coquille. Il la perd
en évoluant."
372,17,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,18,5,"Ses cellules ont commencé à changer
dans sa robuste coquille. Il la perd
en évoluant."
372,18,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,21,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,22,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells
have begun changing. The shell
peels off the instant it evolves."
372,23,1,"かたい カラの なかでは さいぼうが
へんかを はじめている。しんかする
しゅんかんに カラが はがれおちる。"
372,23,3,"단단한 껍질 안은 세포가
변화를 시작하고 있다. 진화하는
순간에 껍질이 벗겨져 떨어진다."
372,23,5,"Ses cellules ont commencé à changer dans sa
robuste coquille. Il la perd en évoluant."
372,23,6,"Die Zellen seines Panzers fingen an, sich zu verändern.
Er fällt ab, sobald sich das Pokémon entwickelt."
372,23,7,"Las células han empezado a cambiar dentro de su dura
concha, que se separa cuando evoluciona."
372,23,8,"Nella sua dura corazza le cellule hanno cominciato
a cambiare. Quando si evolve, la corazza cade."
372,23,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells have begun
changing. The shell peels off the instant it evolves."
372,23,11,"硬い 殻の 中では 細胞が
変化を はじめている。進化する
瞬間に 殻が はがれ落ちる。"
372,24,1,"あらゆる こうげきを はねかえす。
じょうぶすぎて からだが おもいため
すこし うごきが にぶい。"
372,24,3,"모든 공격을 튕겨낸다.
너무 튼튼해서 몸이 무겁기 때문에
약간 움직임이 둔하다."
372,24,5,"Son corps renforcé repousse toutes les attaques.
Cependant, le poids important de cette armure
empêche Drackhaus de se déplacer librement."
372,24,6,"Von seinem gepanzerten Körper prallen alle
Angriffe ab. Die Panzerung ist jedoch zu hart,
sodass es schwer und träge ist."
372,24,7,"La robusta capa que lo rodea repele los ataques.
Aunque es una buena protección, lo hace lento y
372,24,8,"La sua corazza è capace di respingere qualsiasi
attacco, ma lo appesantisce, rendendolo piuttosto
372,24,9,"Its armored body makes all attacks bounce off.
The armor is too tough, however, making it heavy
and somewhat sluggish."
372,24,11,"あらゆる 攻撃を 跳ね返す。
丈夫すぎて 体が 重いため
少し 動きが 鈍い。"
372,25,1,"かたい カラの ないぶは さいぼうが へんかして
あたらしい からだを つくっている さいちゅう。
カラが とても おもいので うごきは にぶいぞ。"
372,25,3,"단단한 껍질 내부는 세포가 변화되어
새로운 몸을 만드는 중이다.
껍질이 매우 무거워서 움직임이 둔하다."
372,25,5,"À lintérieur de la carapace blindée de Drackhaus,
ses cellules sont en pleine transformation pour créer
un nouveau corps. La carapace de ce Pokémon est
très lourde, ce qui rend ses mouvements très lents."
372,25,6,"In Draschels panzerartiger Schale vollziehen seine Zellen
eine Transformation, um einen völlig neuen Körper zu bilden.
Die Schale dieses Pokémon ist ausgesprochen schwer,
sodass seine Bewegungen träge wirken."
372,25,7,"Dentro de la capa acorazada de Shelgon, las células están en
pleno proceso de creación de un cuerpo nuevo. El peso de la
coraza le hace tener unos movimientos lentos."
372,25,8,"Allinterno della corazza-armatura di Shelgon, le cellule
sono in continua trasformazione per creare un corpo
completamente nuovo. La corazza pesantissima rende
difficili i movimenti."
372,25,9,"Inside Shelgons armor-like shell, cells are in the midst of
transformation to create an entirely new body. This Pokémons
shell is extremely heavy, making its movements sluggish."
372,25,11,"硬い カラの 内部は 細胞が 変化して
新しい 体を つくっている 最中。
カラが とても 重いので 動きは 鈍いぞ。"
372,26,1,"からだを おおっているのは ホネのような もの。
とても かたく てきの こうげきを はねかえす。
ほらあなで みを ひそめ しんかを まっている。"
372,26,3,"몸을 감싸고 있는 것은 뼈와 같은 것이다.
매우 단단해서 적의 공격을 튕겨낸다.
동굴에서 몸을 숨기고 진화를 기다리고 있다."
372,26,5,"Des excroissances osseuses recouvrent le corps de
Drackhaus. Cette carapace est extrêmement dure et le
protège des attaques ennemies. En attendant son évolution,
ce Pokémon reste caché dans une caverne."
372,26,6,"Auf Draschels Körper befinden sich knochenähnliche
Auswüchse. Sein Panzer ist sehr hart und wehrt jeden
Angriff eines Gegners ab. Während es auf seine Entwicklung
wartet, versteckt es sich in einer Höhle."
372,26,7,"Shelgon está recubierto por una especie de capa ósea: una
coraza muy dura que hace rebotar los ataques enemigos. Este
Pokémon se esconde en las cavernas para evolucionar."
372,26,8,"Il corpo di Shelgon è ricoperto da escrescenze simili a ossa.
Questa corazza è così dura da proteggere completamente
dagli attacchi nemici. Si rintana nelle grotte in attesa
372,26,9,"Covering Shelgons body are outgrowths much like bones.
The shell is very hard and bounces off enemy attacks.
When awaiting evolution, this Pokémon hides away in a cavern."
372,26,11,"体を 覆っているのは ホネのような もの。
とても 硬く 敵の 攻撃を 跳ね返す。
洞穴で 身を 潜め 進化を 待っている。"
372,27,1,"カラの なかでは ばくはつてきな
スピードで さいぼうが へんかし
しんかの じゅんびを しているぞ。"
372,27,3,"껍질 안에서는 폭발적인
스피드로 세포가 변화하며
진화의 준비를 하고 있다."
372,27,5,"À lintérieur de sa carapace, ses cellules
subissent un bouleversement cataclysmique.
Il se prépare ainsi à son évolution."
372,27,6,"In Draschels Schale vollziehen seine Zellen
in Vorbereitung auf seine Entwicklung
eine explosionsartige Transformation."
372,27,7,"En el interior de su coraza, las células se
transforman a una velocidad vertiginosa para
preparar su evolución."
372,27,8,"Le cellule allinterno della sua corazza mutano
a velocità vertiginosa in vista dellevoluzione."
372,27,9,"The cells within its shell transform with
explosive speed, preparing it for evolution."
372,27,11,"殻の 中では 爆発的な
スピードで 細胞が 変化し
進化の 準備を しているぞ。"
372,28,1,"ほらあなの おくに じっと ひそみ
なにも くわず なにも のまない。
なぜ しなないのかは ふめいだ。"
372,28,3,"동굴 깊숙한 곳에 가만히 숨어
아무것도 먹지도 마시지도 않는다.
어째서 죽지 않는지는 의문이다."
372,28,5,"Il se cache sans bouger au fond de sa grotte,
sans eau ni nourriture. Les raisons de sa survie
sont, à franchement parler, un véritable mystère."
372,28,6,"Es hält sich in den Tiefen einer Höhle versteckt,
wo es weder trinkt noch isst. Niemand weiß so
recht, wie es eigentlich überleben kann."
372,28,7,"Permanece quieto en el fondo de las grutas sin
probar bocado ni beber ningún líquido. Resulta
sorprendente que pueda sobrevivir así."
372,28,8,"Si rintana nelle grotte senza bere né mangiare
nulla. Gli studiosi non hanno ancora capito
come faccia a sopravvivere."
372,28,9,"They lurk deep within caves—motionless,
neither eating nor drinking. Why they dont die is
not known."
372,28,11,"洞穴の 奥に じっと 潜み
何も 喰わず 何も 飲まない。
なぜ 死なないのかは 不明だ。"
372,29,1,"たいないの さいぼうが めまぐるしく
へんかしている さいちゅう。 かたい
カラは ホネと おなじ せいぶんだ。"
372,29,3,"체내의 세포가 빠르게
변화하고 있는 중이다. 단단한
껍질은 뼈와 같은 성분이다."
372,29,5,"À lintérieur de sa carapace, dont la composition
sapparente à celle des os, son corps subit
une véritable révolution cellulaire."
372,29,6,"Die Zellen in seinem Körper sind in ständigem,
rasantem Wandel begriffen. Seine Schale
besteht aus derselben Substanz wie Knochen."
372,29,7,"Las células de su cuerpo se transforman a una
velocidad vertiginosa. Su dura coraza está
formada por una especie de tejido óseo."
372,29,8,"Le cellule allinterno della dura corazza,
composta da materiale osseo, mutano a una
velocità vertiginosa."
372,29,9,"The cells within its body are changing at a
bewildering pace. Its hard shell is made from
the same substance as bone."
372,29,11,"体内の 細胞が 目まぐるしく
変化している 最中。 硬い
カラは ホネと 同じ 成分だ。"
372,30,1,"どうくつの おくふかくに すむ。
かたい カラの なかに とじこもり
そらを とぶ ひを ゆめ みている。"
372,30,3,"동굴 깊숙한 곳에 산다.
단단한 껍질 속에 틀어박혀
하늘을 나는 날을 꿈꾸고 있다."
372,30,5,"Il habite au fond des grottes et, bien à labri
au creux de sa solide carapace, il rêve du jour
où il pourra enfin senvoler dans les cieux."
372,30,6,"Es lebt tief im Inneren von Höhlen. Von seiner
harten Schale umgeben träumt es von dem Tag,
an dem es am Himmel fliegt."
372,30,7,"Vive en el fondo de las grutas. Mientras se
recluye en su dura concha, sueña con el día
en el que pueda surcar el cielo volando."
372,30,8,"Vive nelle profondità delle grotte. Resta chiuso
nella dura corazza sognando il giorno in cui
sarà in grado di volare."
372,30,9,"Shelgon lives deep within caves. It stays shut
up in its hard shell, dreaming of the day it will
be able to fly."
372,30,11,"洞窟の 奥深くに 棲む。
硬い カラの 中に 閉じこもり
空を 飛ぶ 日を 夢見ている。"
372,33,1,"ほねと おなじ せいぶんで できた
かたい カラで からだを つつむ。
しんかの エネルギーを たくわえる。"
372,33,3,"뼈와 같은 성분으로 만들어진
단단한 껍질로 몸을 감쌌다.
진화의 에너지를 비축하고 있다."
372,33,5,"Ce Pokémon emmagasine lénergie nécessaire
à son évolution sous sa carapace dont
la composition est identique à celles des os."
372,33,6,"Es hüllt seinen Körper in eine harte Schale,
die Knochengewebe gleicht, und sammelt so
Energie für seine Entwicklung."
372,33,7,"Lo recubre una dura coraza de tejido óseo. En el
interior, acumula energía de cara a la evolución."
372,33,8,"Il suo corpo è protetto da una dura corazza
composta di materiale osseo.
Accumula energia per poi evolversi."
372,33,9,"This Pokémon has covered its body in a hard
shell that has the same composition as bone.
Shelgon stores energy for evolution."
372,33,11,"骨と 同じ 成分で できた
硬い 殻で 体を 包む。
進化の エネルギーを 蓄える。"
372,34,1,"エサを たべず くうふくに たえる。
ためた エネルギーを つかいきると
しんかが はじまるらしい。"
372,34,3,"먹이를 먹지 않고 공복으로 버틴다.
모은 에너지를 다 사용하면
진화가 시작되는 듯하다."
372,34,5,"Il se prive de nourriture, résistant à la faim.
On dit que son évolution commence lorsque
ses réserves dénergie sont épuisées."
372,34,6,"Es ignoriert sein Hungergefühl und isst nichts.
Draschels Entwicklung setzt anscheinend ein,
wenn all seine Energiereserven aufgebraucht sind."
372,34,7,"Aguanta el hambre sin comer nada. Al parecer,
inicia el proceso evolutivo cuando se agota toda
la energía que tenía acumulada."
372,34,8,"Resta a digiuno, sopportando la fame.
Sembra che levoluzione si inneschi quando
esaurisce lenergia accumulata."
372,34,9,"Shelgon ignores its hunger entirely, never eating
any food. Apparently, Shelgon will evolve once
all its energy stores are used up."
372,34,11,"エサを 食べず 空腹に 耐える。
溜めた エネルギーを 使い切ると
進化が 始まるらしい。"
373,7,9,"SALAMENCE came about as a result of a
strong, long-held dream of growing
wings. It is said that this powerfuldesire triggered a sudden mutation in
this POKéMONs cells, causing it to
sprout its magnificent wings."
373,8,9,"By evolving into SALAMENCE, this
POKéMON finally realizes its long-held
dream of growing wings.To express its joy, it flies and wheels
all over the sky while spouting flames
from its mouth."
373,9,9,"After many long years, its cellular
structure underwent a sudden mutation to
grow wings. When angered, it loses all
thought and rampages out of control."
373,10,9,"It becomes uncontrollable if it is
enraged. It destroys everything with
shredding claws and fire."
373,11,9,"It becomes uncontrollable if it is
enraged. It destroys everything with
shredding claws and fire."
373,12,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,13,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,14,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,15,9,"Its uncontrollable if enraged.
It flies around spouting flames and
scorching fields and mountains."
373,16,9,"Its uncontrollable if enraged.
It flies around spouting flames and
scorching fields and mountains."
373,17,5,"À force de rêver de pouvoir voler,
sa structure cellulaire a évolué
et il sest vu pousser des ailes."
373,17,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,18,5,"À force de rêver de pouvoir voler,
sa structure cellulaire a évolué
et il sest vu pousser des ailes."
373,18,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,21,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,22,9,"As a result of its long-held dream
of flying, its cellular structure
changed, and wings grew out."
373,23,1,"おこらせると てが つけられない。
すべての ものを ツメで きりさき
ほのおで もやして はかいする。"
373,23,3,"화나게 하면 어쩔 도리가 없다.
모든 것을 발톱으로 갈기갈기 찢고
불꽃으로 태워서 파괴한다."
373,23,5,"Une fois enragé, plus rien ne peut arrêter Drattak.
Il détruit tout ce quil voit en utilisant ses griffes ou
en crachant des flammes."
373,23,6,"Wenn es wütend ist, gerät es außer Kontrolle.
Es zerstört alles mit seinen Klauen und mit Feuer."
373,23,7,"Si se enfada, no hay forma de calmarlo; lo destruye
todo lanzando arañazos y llamas."
373,23,8,"Quando è adirato diventa una furia. Con i suoi artigli
laceranti e le fiammate che lancia può distruggere
qualsiasi cosa."
373,23,9,"It becomes uncontrollable if it is enraged. It
destroys everything with shredding claws and fire."
373,23,11,"怒らせると 手が つけられない。
すべての ものを ツメで 切り裂き
炎で 燃やして 破壊する。"
373,24,1,"ひとたび おこると おおあばれ。
そらを とびながら ちじょうの
のやまを ほのおで やきはらう。"
373,24,3,"한번 화내면 크게 난동을 부린다.
하늘을 날며 지상의
산과 들을 불꽃으로 모조리 태운다."
373,24,5,"Ses colères sont dévastatrices. Il senvole et brûle
tout sur son passage."
373,24,6,"Ist es einmal wütend, flippt es aus. Es fliegt über
das Land und spuckt Feuer, das alles verbrennt."
373,24,7,"Si se enfada, no hay forma de que se calme. Echa a
volar e incendia campos y montañas desde el cielo."
373,24,8,"Quando è adirato diventa una furia. Volteggia nel cielo
sputando fiamme che bruciano le campagne intorno."
373,24,9,"Its uncontrollable if enraged. It flies around
spouting flames and scorching fields
and mountains."
373,24,11,"ひとたび 怒ると 大暴れ。
空を 飛びながら 地上の
野山を 炎で 焼き払う。"
373,25,1,"つばさが ほしいと つよく おもい つづけてきた
けっか からだの さいぼうが とつぜんへんいを
おこし みごとな つばさが はえてきたと いう。"
373,25,3,"날개가 갖고 싶다는 굳건한 바람이 계속된
결과 몸의 세포가 돌연변이를
일으켜서 멋진 날개가 돋아났다고 한다."
373,25,5,"Drattak a ce physique grâce à son désir de pouvoir senvoler.
On dit que cette puissante envie a déclenché une soudaine
mutation moléculaire de ce Pokémon, faisant surgir de
splendides ailes."
373,25,6,"Es träumte sehr lange davon, dass ihm Flügel wachsen
mögen. Dieser sehnliche Wunsch hat wohl eine plötzliche
Mutation in den Zellen dieses Pokémon hervorgerufen,
sodass ihm plötzlich prächtige Flügel wuchsen."
373,25,7,"Salamence surgió del profundo deseo de tener alas. Dicen
que este fuerte deseo fue lo que causó la repentina mutación
de las células y el crecimiento de las alas."
373,25,8,"Salamence rappresenta la realizzazione del sogno atavico
e irrinunciabile di volare. Si dice che questo forte desiderio
abbia scatenato limprovvisa mutazione delle sue cellule,
portando infine alla crescita di ali meravigliose."
373,25,9,"Salamence came about as a result of a strong, long-held
dream of growing wings. It is said that this powerful desire
triggered a sudden mutation in this Pokémons cells,
causing it to sprout its magnificent wings."
373,25,11,"翼が 欲しいと 強く 思い 続けてきた
結果 体の 細胞が 突然変異を
起こし 見事な 翼が 生えてきたと いう。"
373,26,1,"ゆめにまで みた つばさが やっと はえてきた。
うれしい きもちを あらわすため おおぞらを
とびまわり ほのおを はいて よろこんでいる。"
373,26,3,"꿈에 그리던 날개가 드디어 생겨났다.
기쁜 마음을 표현하기 위해 넓은 하늘을
날아다니며 불꽃을 내뿜으며 기뻐한다."
373,26,5,"En évoluant en Drattak, ce Pokémon réalise un rêve
denfance, celui davoir des ailes. Pour exprimer sa joie,
il vole et plane dans les cieux en crachant des flammes."
373,26,6,"Indem es sich zu Brutalanda entwickelt, setzt dieses
Pokémon seinen lang gehegten Traum von Flügeln um.
Um seine Freude zu zeigen, fliegt es durch die Luft und
dreht sich. Dabei spuckt es Flammen aus seinem Mund."
373,26,7,"Al evolucionar Shelgon y convertirse por fin en Salamence, ve
cumplido el sueño de su vida de tener alas. Para expresar su
alegría, Salamence vuela y revolotea por el cielo al tiempo
que lanza llamas por la boca."
373,26,8,"Evolvendosi in Salamence, questo Pokémon realizza finalmente
il suo antico sogno di volare. Per esprimere la sua gioia,
volteggia e turbina nel cielo sputando fiamme dalla bocca."
373,26,9,"By evolving into Salamence, this Pokémon finally
realizes its long-held dream of growing wings. To express
its joy, it flies and wheels all over the sky while spouting
flames from its mouth."
373,26,11,"夢にまで 見た 翼が やっと 生えてきた。
うれしい 気持ちを 現すため 大空を
飛び回り 炎を 吐いて 喜んでいる。"
373,27,1,"おこると われを わすれ あたりを
こわしまわる。 ボーマンダが
つかれはてるまで はかいは つづく。"
373,27,3,"화가 나면 이성을 잃고 주변을
부수며 돌아다닌다. 보만다가
녹초가 될 때까지 파괴는 계속된다."
373,27,5,"Quand il est pris de colère, il perd toute mesure
et détruit ce qui lentoure. Tant quil lui reste une
once dénergie, il continue de tout dévaster."
373,27,6,"Wenn es wütend ist, kann es nicht mehr klar
denken und zerstört alles um sich herum.
Das tut es bis zur völligen Erschöpfung."
373,27,7,"Cuando se enfada, pierde el control y destruye
todo lo que está a su alcance. Solo se calma
cuando se queda sin fuerzas."
373,27,8,"Se si infuria, perde completamente il controllo.
Devasta tutto ciò che ha intorno e non si ferma
finché non è sfinito."
373,27,9,"When angered, it loses all sense of itself and
destroys everything around it. The destruction
will continue until Salamence has tired itself out."
373,27,11,"怒ると 我を 忘れ あたりを
壊しまわる。 ボーマンダが
疲れ果てるまで 破壊は 続く。"
373,28,1,"ついに はえた つばさで おおぞらを
かけめぐる。 うれしくて かえんを
はいて いちめんを やけのはらにする。"
373,28,3,"드디어 자라난 날개로 넓은 하늘을
날아다닌다. 기쁜 마음에 화염을
뿜어 일대를 불태워 버린다."
373,28,5,"Il fend lair et virevolte dans le ciel grâce à ses
ailes fraîchement formées. De bonheur, il crache
du feu et dévaste toutes les cultures au sol."
373,28,6,"Nun, da ihm Flügel gewachsen sind, zieht es
seine Kreise am Himmel. Vor Freude spuckt
es Flammen und hinterlässt eine Brandwüste."
373,28,7,"Feliz de haber desarrollado al fin sus alas y de
poder volar por el cielo, calcina con sus llamas
todos los campos que sobrevuela."
373,28,8,"Volteggia nel cielo con le grandi ali cresciutegli
con levoluzione. Esprime la sua gioia sputando
fiamme e bruciando le campagne che sorvola."
373,28,9,"It flies around on its wings, which have grown in
at last. In its happiness, it gushes hot flames,
burning up the fields it passes over."
373,28,11,"ついに 生えた 翼で 大空を
駆け廻る。 うれしくて 火炎を
吐いて 一面を 焼け野原にする。"
373,29,1,"ついに とべたよろこびで おおぞらを
かけめぐる。 つかれはて ねむるまで
ちじょうに ほとんど おりてこない。"
373,29,3,"드디어 날 수 있다는 기쁨에 넓은 하늘을
날아다닌다. 지쳐서 잠들기 전까지
지상으로 거의 내려오지 않는다."
373,29,5,"Maintenant quil peut enfin voler, il passe tout
son temps à parcourir le ciel et ne redescend
que quand il tombe dépuisement."
373,29,6,"Voller Freude darüber, endlich fliegen zu können,
kreist es am Himmel. Es kommt erst wieder zu
Boden, wenn es am Rande der Erschöpfung ist."
373,29,7,"Ahora que por fin puede volar, surca los cielos
con una sonrisa en el rostro. No pisa tierra firme
a no ser que tenga que dormir o esté exhausto."
373,29,8,"Esprime la sua gioia di essere finalmente in
grado di volare scorrazzando nel cielo e scende
a terra solo quando è sfinito e assonnato."
373,29,9,"Overjoyed at finally being able to fly, it flies all
over the place and usually doesnt land until its
completely exhausted and needs to sleep."
373,29,11,"ついに 飛べた喜びで 大空を
駆け巡る。 疲れ果て 眠るまで
地上に ほとんど 降りてこない。"
373,30,1,"つよく ねがいつづけて きた けっか
からだの さいぼうが とつぜんへんい。
ねんがんの つばさを てにいれた。"
373,30,3,"강하게 바라고 바란 결과
몸의 세포가 돌연변이를 일으켜서
염원하던 날개를 손에 넣었다."
373,30,5,"Après avoir prié jour et nuit de tout son cœur,
son souhait a enfin été exaucé : ses cellules
ont muté pour donner naissance à des ailes!"
373,30,6,"Als Ergebnis seines lang gehegten Wunsches
haben seine Zellen eine plötzliche Mutation
vollzogen und ihm sind Flügel gewachsen."
373,30,7,"Su fuerte y firme deseo de volar provocó una
mutación repentina de su estructura celular que
le permitió obtener las alas que tanto ansiaba."
373,30,8,"Il suo intenso desiderio di volare ha provocato
una mutazione cellulare che ha fatto nascere le
tanto agognate ali."
373,30,9,"Thanks to its fervent wishes, the cells in its
body finally mutated, and at last it has its
hearts desire—wings."
373,30,11,"強く 願い続けて きた 結果
身体の 細胞が 突然変異。
念願の 翼を 手に入れた。"
373,33,1,"そらを とぶことを ねがいつづけた
けっか つばさを もつ からだに
しんかできた めずらしい ポケモン。"
373,33,3,"하늘을 나는 것을 꿈꿔온 결과
날개를 가진 몸으로 진화하는 데
성공한 희귀한 포켓몬."
373,33,5,"Ce Pokémon rare a tellement souhaité
voler quil sest vu pousser des ailes
pendant son évolution."
373,33,6,"Diesem ungewöhnlichen Pokémon sind im Zuge
seiner Entwicklung Flügel gewachsen, nur weil es
den sehnlichen Wunsch hatte, fliegen zu können."
373,33,7,"Un Pokémon poco común que, tras desear
con todas sus fuerzas poder volar, consiguió
un cuerpo alado al evolucionar."
373,33,8,"Questo insolito Pokémon è riuscito a evolversi
in una creatura dotata di ali in seguito al suo
intenso desiderio di librarsi nel cielo."
373,33,9,"Salamence is an unusual Pokémon in that it
was able to evolve a body with wings just by
constantly wishing to be able to fly."
373,33,11,"空を 飛ぶことを 願い続けた 結果
翼を 持つ 体に 進化できた
珍しい ポケモン。"
373,34,1,"おおぞらを とぶ よろこびに ひたり
じょうきげんだが おこらせると
てが つけられない らんぼうもの。"
373,34,3,"넓은 하늘을 나는 기쁨에
크게 들떠 있지만 화나게 하면
손 쓸 수 없을 정도로 난폭하다."
373,34,5,"Heureux de pouvoir voler dans le ciel, il est
souvent de bonne humeur, mais il devient
incontrôlable lorsquon le met en colère."
373,34,6,"Brutalanda freut sich ungemein darüber, endlich
fliegen zu können, doch wenn es wütend wird,
gerät es außer Kontrolle."
373,34,7,"Feliz de ver cumplido su deseo, surca los cielos
con buen ánimo, pero, si se enfada, se vuelve
violento e incontrolable."
373,34,8,"È generalmente di buon umore e traboccante
di gioia per essere riuscito a volare, ma se si
arrabbia diventa una furia incontrollabile."
373,34,9,"While basking in the joy of flight generally keeps
this Pokémon in high spirits, Salamence turns into
an uncontrollable menace if something angers it."
373,34,11,"大空を 飛ぶ 喜びに 浸り
上機嫌だが 怒らせると
手が つけられない 乱暴者。"
374,7,9,"Instead of blood, a powerful magnetic
force courses throughout BELDUMs
body. This POKéMON communicates withothers by sending controlled pulses of
374,8,9,"BELDUM keeps itself floating by
generating a magnetic force that
repels earths natural magnetism.When it sleeps, this POKéMON anchors
itself to a cliff using the hooks on
its rear."
374,9,9,"When BELDUM gather in a swarm, they move
in perfect unison as if they were but one
POKéMON. They communicate with each other
using brain waves."
374,10,9,"It uses magnetic waves to converse with
its kind. All the cells in its body are
374,11,9,"It uses magnetic waves to converse with
its kind. All the cells in its body are
374,12,9,"It converses with others by using
magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they
move in perfect unison."
374,13,9,"It converses with others by using
magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they
move in perfect unison."
374,14,9,"It converses with others by using
magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they
move in perfect unison."
374,15,9,"The magnetic force generated by
its body repels the grounds
natural magnetism, letting it float. "
374,16,9,"The magnetic force generated by
its body repels the grounds
natural magnetism, letting it float. "
374,17,5,"Il dialogue avec les siens par 
impulsions magnétiques. En bande,
ils se déplacent à lunisson."
374,17,9,"It converses with others by using
magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they
move in perfect unison."
374,18,5,"Il dialogue avec les siens par 
impulsions magnétiques. En bande,
ils se déplacent à lunisson."
374,18,9,"It converses with others by using
magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they
move in perfect unison."
374,21,9,"Its cells are all magnetic,
and it communicates with others
by using magnetic pulses."
374,22,9,"Its cells are all magnetic,
and it communicates with others
by using magnetic pulses."
374,23,1,"からだから でている じりょくと
ちじょうの じりょくを
はんぱつさせて そらに うかぶのだ。"
374,23,3,"몸에서 나오는 자력과
지상의 자력을
충돌시켜 하늘에 떠오른다."
374,23,5,"Il dégage un champ magnétique opposé à celui
de la terre, ce qui lui permet de léviter."
374,23,6,"Es fliegt, indem es eine magnetische Kraft erzeugt,
durch die es der natürlichen Anziehungskraft der
Erde trotzt."
374,23,7,"Los pulsos magnéticos de su cuerpo repelen la
gravedad, lo que le permite flotar en el aire."
374,23,8,"Riesce a fluttuare in aria grazie alla repulsione tra
le proprie onde magnetiche e quelle della terra."
374,23,9,"The magnetic force generated by its body repels
the grounds natural magnetism, letting it float."
374,23,11,"体から 出ている 磁力と
地上の 磁力を 反発させて
空に 浮かぶのだ。"
374,24,1,"じりょくの はちょうで なかまと
かいわする。むれになった ダンバルは
いっしみだれぬ うごきを する。"
374,24,3,"자력의 파장으로 동료와
대화한다. 무리가 된 메탕은
한 치의 흐트러짐 없이 움직인다."
374,24,5,"Il dialogue avec les siens par impulsions magnétiques.
En bande, ils se déplacent à lunisson."
374,24,6,"Es kommuniziert mit anderen durch magnetische
Impulse. Im Schwarm bilden sie eine perfekte Einheit."
374,24,7,"Se comunican mediante pulsos magnéticos.
Cuando van en grupos, se mueven al unísono."
374,24,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili mediante onde magnetiche.
I gruppi di Beldum si muovono in perfetta sintonia."
374,24,9,"It converses with others by using magnetic pulses.
In a swarm, they move in perfect unison."
374,24,11,"磁力の 波長で 仲間と 会話する。
群れになった ダンバルは
一糸乱れぬ 動きを する。"
374,25,1,"からだの なかでは けつえきの かわりに
きょうりょくな じりょくが めぐっている。
じりょくの はどうで なかまと かいわする。"
374,25,3,"몸 안에는 혈액 대신에
강력한 자력이 돌고 있다.
자력의 파동으로 동료와 대화한다."
374,25,5,"Au lieu du sang, une force magnétique très puissante coule
dans les veines de Terhal. Ce Pokémon communique avec
les autres en envoyant des pulsations magnétiques."
374,25,6,"Anstelle von Blut fließt eine starke magnetische Energie durch
Tanhels Körper. Dieses Pokémon kommuniziert mit anderen,
indem es kontrollierte magnetische Impulse aussendet."
374,25,7,"En lugar de sangre, Beldum tiene una poderosa fuerza
magnética corriéndole por las venas. Este Pokémon se
comunica enviando controlados impulsos magnéticos."
374,25,8,"Al posto del sangue, il corpo di Beldum è attraversato da
una potente forza magnetica. Il Pokémon comunica con
gli altri inviando impulsi magnetici controllati."
374,25,9,"Instead of blood, a powerful magnetic force courses
throughout Beldums body. This Pokémon communicates
with others by sending controlled pulses of magnetism."
374,25,11,"体の 中では 血液の 代りに
強力な 磁力が 巡っている。
磁力の 波動で 仲間と 会話する。"
374,26,1,"からだから でている じりょくと ちきゅうの
じりょくを はんぱつさせて ちゅうに うかぶ。
おしりの ツメを がけに くいこませて ねむる。"
374,26,3,"몸에서 나오는 자력과 지구의
자력을 반발시켜 공중에 뜬다.
엉덩이의 발톱을 절벽에 박고 잔다."
374,26,5,"Terhal peut léviter en générant un champ magnétique qui
repousse le magnétisme naturel de la terre. Lorsquil dort, ce
Pokémon sancre à une falaise grâce à ses crochets dorsaux."
374,26,6,"Tanhel hält sich am Schweben, indem es eine magnetische
Kraft erzeugt, die dem Erdmagnetfeld entgegenwirkt.
Wenn es schläft, verankert sich dieses Pokémon mit den
Haken an seinem Hinterteil an einem Felsen."
374,26,7,"Beldum se mantiene flotando en el aire gracias a la fuerza
magnética que genera y que repele la gravedad. Para dormir,
este Pokémon se ancla a los riscos usando los ganchos que
374,26,8,"Beldum fluttua nellaria generando una forza magnetica
contraria alla naturale forza di gravità terrestre.
Quando dorme, si ancora alle scogliere usando i suoi
ganci posteriori."
374,26,9,"Beldum keeps itself floating by generating a magnetic force
that repels earths natural magnetism. When it sleeps, this
Pokémon anchors itself to a cliff using the hooks on its rear."
374,26,11,"体から 出ている 磁力と 地球の
磁力を 反発させて 宙に 浮かぶ。
お尻の ツメを 崖に 食い込ませて 眠る。"
374,27,1,"さいぼう すべてが じしゃく。
じりょくを つかって なかまと
コミュニケーションを とる。"
374,27,3,"모든 세포가 자석이다.
자력을 사용해 동료와
커뮤니케이션을 한다."
374,27,5,"Toutes ses cellules sont en fait des aimants.
Il utilise la force magnétique pour communiquer
avec ses congénères."
374,27,6,"Seine Zellen sind magnetisch geladen.
Es kommuniziert mit anderen, indem es
magnetische Impulse aussendet."
374,27,7,"Todas las células de su cuerpo son imanes. Se
comunica con los suyos mediante magnetismo."
374,27,8,"Tutte le sue cellule sono calamite.
Il suo corpo emette onde magnetiche, tramite
le quali comunica con i suoi simili."
374,27,9,"Its cells are all magnets. It uses magnetism
to communicate with others of its kind."
374,27,11,"細胞 すべてが 磁石。
磁力を 使って 仲間と
コミュニケーションを 取る。"
374,28,1,"じりょくを はなって あいてを
ひきよせた ところで おしりの
ツメで きりさくのだ。"
374,28,3,"자력을 발산해 상대를
끌어들이고 엉덩이의
발톱으로 베어 가른다."
374,28,5,"Il attire ses ennemis avec des ondes
magnétiques et les pourfend avec ses griffes
caudales dès quils sont à portée."
374,28,6,"Es sendet magnetische Impulse aus, um Gegner
zu sich heranzuziehen und sie dann mit den
Krallen an seinem Hinterteil aufzuschlitzen."
374,28,7,"Atrae a sus rivales con el magnetismo que emite,
y, cuando están cerca, los despedaza con las
garras que tiene en la parte trasera."
374,28,8,"Attira a sé i nemici grazie alla propria forza
magnetica per poi farli a pezzi con gli artigli
374,28,9,"With magnetic traction, it pulls its opponents in
close. When theyre in range, it slashes them
with its rear claws."
374,28,11,"磁力を 放って 相手を
ひき寄せた ところで お尻の
ツメで 切り裂くのだ。"
374,29,1,"たいないでは けつえきの かわりに
じりょくが めぐっている。 ちょうしが
わるいときは じしゃくを あげよう。"
374,29,3,"체내에는 혈액을 대신하여
자력이 돌고 있다. 몸 상태가
좋지 않을 때는 자석을 주자."
374,29,5,"Son corps nest pas traversé par du sang, mais
par des champs magnétiques. Sil est fatigué,
il suffit de lui donner un aimant à grignoter."
374,29,6,"Statt Blut fließt in seinem Körper magnetische
Energie. Wenn es sich nicht gut fühlt, kann man
ihm einen Magnet geben."
374,29,7,"En vez de torrente sanguíneo, el cuerpo de este
Pokémon cuenta con corrientes magnéticas. Es
recomendable darle un imán si se encuentra mal."
374,29,8,"Nel corpo di Beldum invece del sangue scorre
una forza magnetica. Quando non si sente bene,
basta dargli una calamita."
374,29,9,"Instead of blood, magnetism flows through its
body. When its feeling bad, try giving it
a magnet."
374,29,11,"体内では 血液の 代わりに
磁力が 巡っている。 調子が
悪いときは 磁石を あげよう。"
374,30,1,"おこらせると あばれるだけでなく
つよい じりょくを はなつので
きかいの たぐいは こわれてしまう。"
374,30,3,"화가 나면 날뛸 뿐만 아니라
강한 자력도 발산하기 때문에
기계 종류는 고장 나 버린다."
374,30,5,"Quand on lénerve, il entre dans une colère noire
et déchaîne un puissant champ magnétique
qui peut endommager les machines alentour."
374,30,6,"Wenn man es wütend macht, tobt es nicht nur,
sondern sendet auch eine starke magnetische
Kraft aus, die manche Maschinen kaputtmacht."
374,30,7,"Cuando se le provoca, no solo monta en cólera,
sino que emite también un potente magnetismo
que inutiliza ciertos tipos de máquinas."
374,30,8,"Quando si arrabbia diventa violento ed emette
una potente forza magnetica che danneggia
le macchine."
374,30,9,"If you anger it, it will do more than rampage. It
will also burst out strong magnetism, causing
nearby machines to break."
374,30,11,"怒らせると 暴れるだけでなく
強い 磁力を 放つので
機械の 類は 壊れてしまう。"
374,33,1,"じりょくを おしりから はっせいさせ
てきを いきおいよく すいよせて
するどい ツメで くしざしにする。"
374,33,3,"엉덩이에서 자력을 발생시켜서
상대를 기세 좋게 끌어들인 뒤
날카로운 발톱으로 찔러버린다."
374,33,5,"Ce Pokémon peut créer un champ magnétique
derrière lui qui attire ses ennemis avec force.
Il les embroche alors de ses griffes acérées."
374,33,6,"Mit der Magnetkraft, die es an seinem Hinterteil
erzeugt, zieht es Gegner ruckartig zu sich heran,
um sie mit seinen scharfen Krallen aufzuspießen."
374,33,7,"Atrae con fuerza a sus enemigos debido al
magnetismo que emite por la parte trasera
y les clava sus afilados ganchos."
374,33,8,"Attira vigorosamente i nemici grazie alla potente
forza magnetica generata dal didietro e li
trafigge con gli artigli affilati."
374,33,9,"From its rear, Beldum emits a magnetic force that
rapidly pulls opponents in. They get skewered on
Beldums sharp claws."
374,33,11,"磁力を お尻から 発生させ
敵を 勢いよく 吸いよせて
鋭い ツメで 串刺しにする。"
374,34,1,"からだの さいぼうは じしゃくで
できている。 けつえきの かわりに
じりょくが ぜんしんを めぐる。"
374,34,3,"몸의 세포가 자석으로
되어 있다. 혈액 대신에
자력이 온몸에 흐른다."
374,34,5,"Les cellules de son corps sont composées
daimants. Une force magnétique coule
dans ses veines à la place du sang."
374,34,6,"Die Zellen seines Körpers bestehen aus
Magneten. Anstelle von Blut fließt magnetische
Energie durch Tanhel."
374,34,7,"Las células de su cuerpo están hechas de imanes.
En lugar de sangre, una fuerza magnética recorre
su cuerpo."
374,34,8,"Nel suo corpo, le cui cellule sono composte
da calamite, scorre forza magnetica al posto
del sangue."
374,34,9,"The cells in this Pokémons body are composed
of magnetic material. Instead of blood, magnetic
forces flow through Beldums body."
374,34,11,"体の 細胞は 磁石で
できている。 血液の 代わりに
磁力が 全身を 巡る。"
375,7,9,"When two BELDUM fuse together, METANG
is formed. The brains of the BELDUM are
joined by a magnetic nervous system.By linking its brains magnetically,
this POKéMON generates strong
psychokinetic power."
375,8,9,"When two BELDUM fuse together, METANG
is formed. The brains of the BELDUM are
joined by a magnetic nervous system.This POKéMON turns its arms to the rear
for traveling at high speed."
375,9,9,"The claws tipping its arms pack the
destructive power to tear through thick
iron sheets as if they were silk. It flies
at over 60 miles per hour."
375,10,9,"It floats midair using magnetism. Its body
is so tough, even a crash with a jet
plane wont leave a scratch."
375,11,9,"It floats midair using magnetism. Its body
is so tough, even a crash with a jet
plane wont leave a scratch."
375,12,9,"It is formed by two BELDUM joining
together. Its steel body wont be
scratched if it collides with a jet."
375,13,9,"It is formed by two BELDUM joining
together. Its steel body wont be
scratched if it collides with a jet."
375,14,9,"It is formed by two BELDUM joining
together. Its steel body wont be
scratched if it collides with a jet."
375,15,9,"When two BELDUM fuse together, a
magnetic nervous system places
their brains in union."
375,16,9,"When two BELDUM fuse together, a
magnetic nervous system places
their brains in union."
375,17,5,"Il est formé de deux Terhal
soudés. Son corps de fer résiste à
un choc avec un avion à réaction."
375,17,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining
together. Its steel body wont be
scratched if it collides with a jet."
375,18,5,"Il est formé de deux Terhal
soudés. Son corps de fer résiste à
un choc avec un avion à réaction."
375,18,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining
together. Its steel body wont be
scratched if it collides with a jet."
375,21,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining
together. Its two brains are linked,
amplifying its psychic power."
375,22,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining
together. Its two brains are linked,
amplifying its psychic power."
375,23,1,"2ひきの ダンバルが がったいした。
はがねの ボディは ジェットきと
しょうとつしても きずつかない。"
375,23,3,"2마리의 메탕이 합체했다.
강철의 몸은 제트기와
충돌해도 상처 입지 않는다."
375,23,5,"Il est formé de deux Terhal soudés. Son corps de fer
résiste à un choc avec un avion à réaction."
375,23,6,"Das Pokémon besteht aus zwei Tanhel. Es bekommt
selbst dann keinen Kratzer, wenn ein Jet es streift."
375,23,7,"Lo forman dos Beldum unidos. Puede chocarse con un
avión sin que su cuerpo de acero sufra ni un rasguño."
375,23,8,"È sorto dalla fusione di due Beldum. Il suo corpo
dacciaio non viene scalfito neanche se urta un jet."
375,23,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining together.
Its steel body wont be scratched if it collides
with a jet."
375,23,11,"2匹の ダンバルが 合体した。
鋼の ボディは ジェット機と
衝突しても 傷つかない。"
375,24,1,"2ひきの ダンバルが がったいした。
2つの のうみそが れんけつしたので
サイコパワーは より つよくなった。"
375,24,3,"2마리의 메탕이 합체했다.
2개의 뇌가 연결되었기 때문에
사이코 파워는 보다 강해졌다."
375,24,5,"Il est formé de deux Terhal soudés. Leurs deux
cerveaux étant liés, ses pouvoirs psychiques sont
très puissants."
375,24,6,"Es besteht aus zwei Tanhel. Dank der Vereinigung
ihrer beiden Hirne verfügen sie über gesteigerte
375,24,7,"Está formado por dos Beldum unidos. Tiene dos
cerebros, así que cuenta con poderes psíquicos
375,24,8,"È nato dalla fusione di due Beldum. Lunione di due
cervelli rende ancora più forti i suoi poteri psichici."
375,24,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining together. Its two
brains are linked, amplifying its psychic power."
375,24,11,"2匹の ダンバルが 合体した。
2つの 脳みそが 連結したので
サイコパワーは より 強くなった。"
375,25,1,"2ひきの ダンバルが がったいした すがた。
2つの のうを じりょくの しんけいが むすぶ
ことで つよい サイコエネルギーを うみだす。"
375,25,3,"두 마리의 메탕이 합체한 모습이다.
두 개의 뇌를 자력 신경이 묶고 있어서
강한 사이코 에너지를 만들어 낸다."
375,25,5,"Lorsque deux Terhal fusionnent, un Métang apparaît.
Les cerveaux des Terhal sont reliés par un système nerveux
magnétique, ce qui permet à ce Pokémon de générer
un puissant pouvoir télékinétique."
375,25,6,"Wenn zwei Tanhel miteinander verschmelzen, entsteht
daraus Metang. Die Gehirne der Tanhel werden mit einem
magnetischen Nervensystem verbunden. Dadurch erzeugt
es starke psychokinetische Energie."
375,25,7,"Cuando dos Beldum se fusionan, forman un Metang. Los
cerebros de los Beldum se unen mediante un sistema nervioso
magnético y generan potente energía psicoquinética."
375,25,8,"Fondendo insieme due Beldum, si crea Metang. I cervelli
dei Beldum sono uniti da un sistema nervoso magnetico.
Questo particolare sistema di unione genera forti poteri
375,25,9,"When two Beldum fuse together, Metang is formed. The brains
of the Beldum are joined by a magnetic nervous system.
By linking its brains magnetically, this Pokémon generates
strong psychokinetic power."
375,25,11,"2匹の ダンバルが 合体した 姿。
2つの 脳を 磁力の 神経が 結ぶ
ことで 強い サイコエネルギーを 生み出す。"
375,26,1,"2ひきの ダンバルが がったいしたとき 2つの
のうが じりょくの しんけいで むすばれる。
うでを うしろへ まわし こうそくで いどう。"
375,26,3,"두 마리의 메탕이 합체했을 때 두 개의
뇌가 자력 신경에 의해 이어진다.
팔을 뒤로 돌리고 고속으로 이동한다."
375,26,5,"Lorsque deux Terhal fusionnent, un Métang se forme.
Les cerveaux des Terhal sont reliés par un système nerveux
magnétique. Ce Pokémon dirige ses bras vers larrière
pour voyager à grande vitesse."
375,26,6,"Wenn zwei Tanhel miteinander verschmelzen, entsteht
daraus Metang. Die Gehirne der Tanhel werden mit einem
magnetischen Nervensystem verbunden. Es schlägt seine
Arme nach hinten, um sich schnell bewegen zu können."
375,26,7,"Cuando se funden dos Beldum, uniendo los cerebros por un
sistema nervioso magnético, se forma un Metang. Para
desplazarse a mayor velocidad, este Pokémon echa los brazos
hacia atrás."
375,26,8,"Fondendosi, due Beldum formano Metang. I cervelli
dei Beldum sono uniti da un sistema nervoso magnetico.
Questo Pokémon ruota le zampe allindietro per muoversi
ad elevata velocità."
375,26,9,"When two Beldum fuse together, Metang is formed.
The brains of the Beldum are joined by a magnetic
nervous system. This Pokémon turns its arms to the
rear for traveling at high speed."
375,26,11,"2匹の ダンバルが 合体したとき 2つの
脳が 磁力の 神経で 結ばれる。
腕を 後ろへ まわし 高速で 移動。"
375,27,1,"2ひきの ダンバルが れんけつし
サイコパワーは 2ばいに。 ただし
かしこさじたいは かわっていない。"
375,27,3,"2마리의 메탕이 연결되어
사이코 파워는 두 배가 된다. 단,
영리함 자체는 변하지 않는다."
375,27,5,"Lorsque deux Terhal fusionnent, leurs pouvoirs
psychiques sont doublés. En revanche, ils ne
deviennent pas plus futés."
375,27,6,"Zwei Tanhel haben sich vereinigt und so ihre
Psycho-Kräfte verdoppelt. Ihre Denkfähigkeit
bleibt dabei aber unverändert."
375,27,7,"Al unirse dos Beldum, sus poderes psíquicos se
duplican. No obstante, su inteligencia no se ve
375,27,8,"Quando due Beldum si fondono per formare un
Metang, i loro poteri psichici raddoppiano, ma
lintelligenza rimane la stessa."
375,27,9,"When two Beldum link together, their psychic
power is doubled. Their intelligence, however,
remains unchanged."
375,27,11,"2匹の ダンバルが 連結し
サイコパワーは 2倍に。 ただし
賢さ自体は 変わっていない。"
375,28,1,"じりょくを はなつ こうぶつが
こうぶつ。 じそく 100キロで
ノズパスを おいつめるぞ。"
375,28,3,"자력을 발산하는 광물을
좋아한다. 시속 100km로
코코파스를 몰아넣는다."
375,28,5,"Il raffole des minéraux qui émettent des ondes
magnétiques. Il peut sélancer à la poursuite
dun Tarinor à 100 km/h."
375,28,6,"Es liebt Mineralien, die Magnetfelder erzeugen.
Kein Wunder, dass es Nasgnet mit 100 km/h
375,28,7,"Le encanta comer minerales con propiedades
magnéticas. Puede rastrear a un Nosepass
desplazándose a más de 100 km/h."
375,28,8,"È ghiotto di minerali dotati di proprietà
magnetiche. Quando dà la caccia ai Nosepass,
può raggiungere i 100 km/h."
375,28,9,"It adores magnetic minerals, so it pursues
Nosepass at speeds exceeding 60 mph."
375,28,11,"磁力を 放つ 鉱物が
好物。 時速 100キロで
ノズパスを 追いつめるぞ。"
375,29,1,"2つの のうみそから きょうりょくな
サイコエネルギーを ほうしゃし
えものの みうごきを ふうじる。"
375,29,3,"2개의 뇌에서 강력한
사이코 에너지를 방사하여
먹이를 움직이지 못하게 한다."
375,29,5,"Grâce à ses deux cerveaux, il peut déchaîner
une puissante force psychique qui lui permet
dimmobiliser ses proies."
375,29,6,"Durch seine zwei Gehirne kann es sehr starke
Psycho-Kräfte freisetzen, mit denen es seine
Beute bewegungsunfähig macht."
375,29,7,"El poder psíquico combinado de ambos
cerebros es tal que le permite paralizar a sus
375,29,8,"Grazie alla fusione di due cervelli, è in grado di
scatenare fortissimi poteri psichici che
immobilizzano le prede."
375,29,9,"With its two brains, it fires powerful psychic
energy to stop its prey in their tracks."
375,29,11,"2つの 脳みそから 強力な
サイコエネルギーを 放射し
獲物の 身動きを 封じる。"
375,30,1,"こうそくで そらを とびまわり
えものを みつけると するどいツメで
がっちり つかんで はなさないのだ。"
375,30,3,"고속으로 하늘을 날아다니다가
먹이를 발견하면 날카로운 발톱으로
꽉 잡고 놓지 않는다."
375,30,5,"Il parcourt le ciel à toute allure à la recherche
dune proie. Quand il en trouve une, il lattrape
avec ses griffes acérées et ne la lâche plus."
375,30,6,"Es fliegt schnell durch die Luft. Wenn es Beute
entdeckt, packt es sie mit seinen scharfen
Klauen und lässt sie nicht mehr los."
375,30,7,"Surca el cielo a gran velocidad. En cuanto avista
su presa, la agarra con sus afiladas garras y ya
no se desprende de ella."
375,30,8,"Vola a grande velocità. Una volta individuata
la preda, la afferra saldamente con gli artigli
affilati e non la lascia più andare."
375,30,9,"It flies at high speeds around the skies. When it
finds its prey, Metang takes a firm grip with its
sharp claws and never lets go."
375,30,11,"高速で 空を 飛びまわり
獲物を 見つけると 鋭いツメで
がっちり つかんで 離さないのだ。"
375,33,1,"2ひきの ダンバルが じりょくで
くっついた。 2つの のうみそにより
サイコパワーは 2ばいに きょうか。"
375,33,3,"2마리의 메탕이 자력으로
합체했다. 2개의 두뇌로 인해
사이코 파워가 2배로 강화되었다."
375,33,5,"Composé de deux Terhal réunis par lattraction
magnétique, ce Pokémon a vu sa puissance
psychique doubler grâce aux deux cerveaux."
375,33,6,"Durch Magnetismus verschmolzen zwei Tanhel
miteinander. Da es nun zwei Gehirne besitzt,
haben sich seine Psycho-Kräfte verdoppelt."
375,33,7,"Está formado por la fusión magnética de dos
Beldum. Al tener dos cerebros, sus poderes
psíquicos se ven duplicados."
375,33,8,"Due Beldum si sono uniti tramite
lattrazione magnetica, raddoppiando
i loro poteri psichici grazie ai due cervelli."
375,33,9,"Two Beldum have become stuck together via
their own magnetic forces. With two brains, the
resulting Metang has doubled psychic powers."
375,33,11,"2匹の ダンバルが 磁力で
くっついた。 2つの 脳みそにより
サイコパワーは 2倍に 強化。"
375,34,1,"じりょくで そらを とぶ。 けわしい
さんがくを ぬうように こうそくで
ひこうして えものを おいつめる。"
375,34,3,"자력으로 하늘을 난다. 험준한
산들을 누비듯이 고속으로
비행하여 먹이를 쫓는다."
375,34,5,"Ce Pokémon vole par magnétisme.
Il poursuit ses proies en slalomant
à toute allure entre les pics escarpés."
375,34,6,"Mithilfe von Magnetismus kann Metang fliegen.
Auf der Jagd nach Beute manövriert es so mit
hoher Geschwindigkeit durch schroffes Gebirge."
375,34,7,"Levita gracias al magnetismo. Es capaz de sortear
escarpadas montañas mientras vuela a altas
velocidades en pos de su presa."
375,34,8,"Levita sfruttando la forza magnetica. Si fa strada
fra i picchi scoscesi volando a grande velocità
mentre insegue le prede."
375,34,9,"Using magnetic forces to stay aloft, this Pokémon
flies at high speeds, weaving through harsh
mountain terrain in pursuit of prey."
375,34,11,"磁力で 空を 飛ぶ。 険しい
山岳を 縫うように 高速で
飛行して 獲物を 追いつめる。"
376,7,9,"METAGROSS has four brains in total.
Combined, the four brains can breeze
through difficult calculations fasterthan a supercomputer.
This POKéMON can float in the air by
tucking in its four legs."
376,8,9,"METAGROSS is the result of two METANG
achieving fusion. When hunting, this
POKéMON pins the prey to the groundunder its massive body. It then eats
the helpless victim using the large 
mouth on its stomach."
376,9,9,"METAGROSS has four brains that are joined
by a complex neural network. As a result of
integration, this POKéMON is smarter than
a supercomputer."
376,10,9,"It is formed by two METANG fusing.
Its four brains are said to be superior
to a supercomputer."
376,11,9,"It is formed by two METANG fusing.
Its four brains are said to be superior
to a supercomputer."
376,12,9,"METANG combined to form it.
With four brains, it has the
intelligence of a supercomputer."
376,13,9,"METANG combined to form it.
With four brains, it has the
intelligence of a supercomputer."
376,14,9,"METANG combined to form it.
With four brains, it has the
intelligence of a supercomputer."
376,15,9,"It folds its four legs when flying.
Its four brains are said to be
superior to a supercomputer."
376,16,9,"It folds its four legs when flying.
Its four brains are said to be
superior to a supercomputer."
376,17,5,"Il est né de la fusion de plusieurs
Métang. Ses quatre cerveaux en
font légal dun superordinateur."
376,17,9,"Metang combined to form it.
With four brains, it has the
intelligence of a supercomputer."
376,18,5,"Il est né de la fusion de plusieurs
Métang. Ses quatre cerveaux en
font légal dun superordinateur."
376,18,9,"Metang combined to form it.
With four brains, it has the
intelligence of a supercomputer."
376,21,9,"With four linked brains, its more
intelligent than a supercomputer, and
it uses calculations to analyze foes."
376,22,9,"With four linked brains, its more
intelligent than a supercomputer, and
it uses calculations to analyze foes."
376,23,1,"4つの のうみそが つらなり
スーパーコンピュータより すごい
けいさんで あいてを ぶんせきする。"
376,23,3,"4개의 뇌가 연결되어
슈퍼컴퓨터보다 대단한
계산으로 상대를 분석한다."
376,23,5,"Il est né de la fusion de plusieurs Terhal.
Ses quatre cerveaux en font légal dun
376,23,6,"Dank seiner vier vernetzten Hirne kann es Gegner
besser als ein Supercomputer mit komplizierten
Formeln analysieren."
376,23,7,"Gracias a sus cuatro cerebros, es más inteligente que
un superordenador y analiza con precisión al enemigo."
376,23,8,"Con lincredibile velocità di calcolo dei suoi quattro
cervelli analizza il nemico più rapidamente di un
376,23,9,"With four linked brains, its more intelligent than a
supercomputer, and it uses calculations to
analyze foes."
376,23,11,"4つの 脳みそが 連なり
スーパーコンピュータより すごい
計算で 相手を 分析する。"
376,24,1,"メタングが がったいして うまれた。
4つの のうを もつ メタグロスは
スーパーコンピュータなみの ちのう。"
376,24,3,"메탕구가 합체해서 생겨났다.
4개의 뇌를 가진 메타그로스는
슈퍼컴퓨터 수준의 지능이다."
376,24,5,"Il est né de la fusion de plusieurs Métang.
Ses quatre cerveaux en font légal dun
376,24,6,"Mehrere Metang bilden dieses Pokémon. Mit seinen
vier Gehirnen besitzt es die Intelligenz eines
376,24,7,"Está formado por varios Metang. Con cuatro cerebros,
tiene la inteligencia de un superordenador."
376,24,8,"È formato dalla fusione di due Metang. Ha quattro
cervelli e lintelligenza di un supercomputer."
376,24,9,"Metang combined to form it. With four brains, it has
the intelligence of a supercomputer."
376,24,11,"メタングが 合体して 生まれた。
4つの 脳を 持つ メタグロスは
スーパーコンピュータ並みの 知能。"
376,25,1,"4つの のうみそは スーパーコンピュータよりも
はやく むずかしい けいさんの こたえを だす。
4ほんあしを おりたたみ くうちゅうに うかぶ。"
376,25,3,"네 개의 뇌는 슈퍼컴퓨터보다
빨리 어려운 계산 문제를 푼다.
네 개의 다리를 접고 공중에 떠오른다."
376,25,5,"Métalosse dispose de quatre cerveaux. Combinés,
ces cerveaux peuvent effectuer des calculs très complexes
plus vite quun ordinateur. Ce Pokémon peut flotter
dans lair en repliant ses jambes."
376,25,6,"Metagross hat insgesamt vier Gehirne. Diese können
schwierige Berechnungen schneller durchführen als ein
Supercomputer. Dieses Pokémon kann durch die
Lüfte schweben, indem es seine vier Beine einklappt."
376,25,7,"Metagross tiene cuatro cerebros en total que, combinados,
son capaces de resolver cálculos complicados más rápido que
el mejor ordenador que haya. Metagross puede flotar en el
aire si mete las patas hacia adentro."
376,25,8,"Metagross è dotato in tutto di quattro cervelli, che combinati
assieme riescono a risolvere difficili calcoli più rapidamente
di un supercomputer. Riesce a fluttuare nellaria facendo
rientrare le quattro zampe."
376,25,9,"Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains
can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a
supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in
its four legs."
376,25,11,"4つの 脳みそは スーパーコンピュータよりも
速く 難しい 計算の 答えを 出す。
4本脚を 折りたたみ 空中に 浮かぶ。"
376,26,1,"2ひきの メタングが がったいした すがた。
きょたいで えものを おさえつけながら
おなかに ある おおきな くちで たべるのだ。"
376,26,3,"두 마리의 메탕구가 합체한 모습이다.
거대한 체구로 먹이를 억누르며
배에 있는 큰 입으로 먹는다."
376,26,5,"Métalosse est le résultat de la fusion de deux Métang.
Lorsquil chasse, ce Pokémon bloque sa proie au sol, sous
son corps massif. Il mange ensuite la victime impuissante
avec son énorme bouche, ouverte sur son estomac."
376,26,6,"Metagross ist aus der Verschmelzung zweier Metang
hervorgegangen. Auf der Jagd drückt es seine Beute
mit seinem massigen Körper zu Boden. Dann frisst es
sein hilfloses Opfer mit seinem großen Maul auf."
376,26,7,"Metagross es el resultado de la fusión de dos Metang.
Cuando caza, acorrala a su presa, sujetándola contra el suelo
con el cuerpo. Después, devora a la víctima indefensa con la
gran boca del estómago."
376,26,8,"Metagross è il risultato della fusione di due Metang.
Nella caccia questo Pokémon blocca la preda al suolo con
il proprio corpo massiccio. Poi divora la vittima indifesa con
la grande bocca posta sullo stomaco."
376,26,9,"Metagross is the result of two Metang achieving fusion.
When hunting, this Pokémon pins the prey to the ground under
its massive body. It then eats the helpless victim using the
large mouth on its stomach."
376,26,11,"2匹の メタングが 合体した 姿。
巨体で 獲物を 抑えつけながら
お腹に ある 大きな 口で 食べるのだ。"
376,27,1,"4つの ツメと おおきな からだで
えものを しっかり おさえつけると
おなかの はで バリバリ かじる。"
376,27,3,"4개의 발톱과 큰 몸집으로
먹이를 확실하게 누른 후
배의 이빨로 으드득 씹는다."
376,27,5,"Avec ses quatre groupes de griffes et son
corps imposant, il immobilise ses victimes
pour ensuite mieux les dévorer."
376,27,6,"Mit seinen spitzen Beinkrallen und dem massigen
Körper drückt es seine Beute zu Boden und
zerkaut sie dann mit seinen Zähnen am Bauch."
376,27,7,"Con sus cuatro garras y su descomunal cuerpo
aprisiona a sus presas para luego devorarlas
con sus dientes."
376,27,8,"Blocca la preda al suolo con le quattro zampe
artigliate e il corpo massiccio, poi la divora con i
denti sulla pancia."
376,27,9,"It firmly pins its prey using its four claws and
large body. Then the teeth in the mouth on its
stomach chew the prey to bits."
376,27,11,"4つの ツメと 大きな 身体で
獲物を しっかり 押さえつけると
お腹の 歯で バリバリ かじる。"
376,28,1,"2ひきの メタングが れんけつ。
4つの のうの へいれつしょりで
どんな けいさんも あっというま。"
376,28,3,"2마리의 메탕구가 연결되었다.
4개의 뇌의 병렬처리로
어떤 계산도 순식간이다."
376,28,5,"Il est né de lassemblage de deux Métang.
Avec ses quatre cerveaux montés en parallèle,
il peut résoudre nimporte quelle équation."
376,28,6,"Es ging aus der Verschmelzung zweier Metang
hervor. Dank vier Gehirnen und paralleler Daten-
verarbeitung sind Berechnungen im Nu gelöst."
376,28,7,"Metagross es el resultado de la fusión de dos
Metang. Con sus cuatro cerebros funcionando
en paralelo realiza cualquier cálculo al instante."
376,28,8,"È formato dalla fusione di due Metang.
Grazie allattività in parallelo dei suoi quattro
cervelli, può risolvere qualsiasi calcolo."
376,28,9,"A linkage of two Metang, this Pokémon can
perform any calculation in a flash by utilizing
parallel processing in its four brains."
376,28,11,"2匹の メタングが 連結。
4つの 脳の 並列処理で
どんな 計算も あっという間。"
376,29,1,"サイコパワーだけでなく かいりきも
じまん。 4ほんの あしで えものを
つかみ ツメで うごきを ふうじる。"
376,29,3,"사이코 파워뿐만 아니라 괴력도
겸비하고 있다. 4개의 다리로 먹이를
붙잡고 발톱으로 움직이지 못하게 한다."
376,29,5,"Il est aussi fier de sa force physique que de ses
pouvoirs psychiques. Il immobilise ses proies
avec les griffes dacier de ses quatre pattes."
376,29,6,"Es besitzt nicht nur Psycho-Kräfte, sondern ist
auch sehr stark. Beute packt es mit seinen vier
Beinen und hält sie mit seinen Krallen fest."
376,29,7,"Se enorgullece tanto de su poder psíquico como
de su gran fuerza. Agarra a sus presas con las
cuatro extremidades metálicas y las inmoviliza."
376,29,8,"Oltre ai potenti poteri psichici, possiede una
straordinaria forza fisica. Afferra la preda con le
quattro zampe e la immobilizza con gli artigli."
376,29,9,"It boasts not only psychic powers but also
fantastic strength. It grabs its prey with its four
legs and holds them in place with its claws."
376,29,11,"サイコパワーだけでなく 怪力も
自慢。 4本の 足で 獲物を
つかみ ツメで 動きを 封じる。"
376,30,1,"スーパーコンピュータよりも すごい
はんだんで あいてを ぶんせきし
れいせいに おいつめていくのだ。"
376,30,3,"슈퍼컴퓨터보다 굉장한
판단력으로 상대를 분석하여
냉정하게 궁지에 몰아넣는다."
376,30,5,"Implacable, il analyse son ennemi encore
plus précisément quun superordinateur et
le pousse dans ses derniers retranchements."
376,30,6,"Es kann seine Gegner besser analysieren als ein
Supercomputer und treibt sie mit kühlem Kopf in
die Enge."
376,30,7,"Analiza al enemigo con más precisión incluso
que un superordenador y, sin inmutarse, lo pone
contra las cuerdas."
376,30,8,"Grazie a capacità diagnostiche superiori a quelle
di un supercomputer, analizza il nemico e lo
mette alle strette senza scomporsi minimamente."
376,30,9,"It analyzes its opponents with more accuracy
than a supercomputer, which enables it to
calmly back them into a corner."
376,30,11,"スーパーコンピュータよりも すごい
判断で 相手を 分析し
冷静に 追い詰めていくのだ。"
376,33,1,"きおんが ひょうてんかになると
じりょくが つよまるので ゆきやまに
すむ メタグロスは とても げんき。"
376,33,3,"기온이 영하로 내려가면
자력이 강해지기 때문에 설산에 사는
메타그로스는 매우 기운이 넘친다."
376,33,5,"Les Métalosse vivant sur des pics enneigés sont
très actifs, car leur force magnétique augmente
lorsque la température est inférieure à zéro."
376,33,6,"Metagross, die auf verschneiten Bergen leben,
sind besonders aktiv, da Temperaturen unter
dem Gefrierpunkt ihren Magnetismus verstärken."
376,33,7,"Su fuerza magnética se potencia en temperaturas
bajo cero, por lo que los Metagross que habitan
en montañas nevadas son especialmente vivaces."
376,33,8,"I Metagross che vivono sui monti innevati sono
molto vivaci, perché la loro forza magnetica
aumenta quando la temperatura va sottozero."
376,33,9,"Because the magnetic powers of these Pokémon
get stronger in freezing temperatures, Metagross
living on snowy mountains are full of energy."
376,33,11,"気温が 氷点下になると
磁力が 強まるので 雪山に 棲む
メタグロスは とても 元気。"
376,34,1,"2ひきの メタングが がったいした
すがた。 スーパーコンピュータなみの
ずのうを くしして てきを たおす。"
376,34,3,"2마리의 메탕구가 합체한
모습이다. 슈퍼컴퓨터 수준의
두뇌를 사용해 적을 쓰러뜨린다."
376,34,5,"Né de la fusion de deux Métang, il vient à bout
de ses ennemis grâce à son cerveau qui est aussi
performant quun superordinateur."
376,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon entstand aus der Fusion zweier
Metang. Es bezwingt Gegner mithilfe seiner
Intelligenz, die der eines Supercomputers gleicht."
376,34,7,"Formado a partir de la unión de dos Metang.
Emplea su inteligencia, comparable a la de un
superordenador, para derrotar a sus rivales."
376,34,8,"È il risultato della fusione di due Metang.
Per sconfiggere i nemici si serve del suo
cervello, equiparabile a un supercomputer."
376,34,9,"Metagross is the result of the fusion of two
Metang. This Pokémon defeats its opponents
through use of its supercomputer-level brain."
376,34,11,"2匹の メタングが 合体した 姿。
頭脳を 駆使して 敵を 倒す。"
377,7,9,"REGIROCK was sealed away by people
long ago. If this POKéMONs body is
damaged in battle, it is said to seekout suitable rocks on its own to repair
377,8,9,"REGIROCKs body is composed entirely of
rocks. Recently, a study made the
startling discovery that the rockswere all unearthed from different
377,9,9,"A POKéMON that is made entirely of rocks
and boulders. If parts of its body chip off
in battle, REGIROCK repairs itself by
adding new rocks."
377,10,9,"It is entirely composed of rocks with no
sign of a brain or heart. It is a mystery
even to modern scientists."
377,11,9,"It is entirely composed of rocks with no
sign of a brain or heart. It is a mystery
even to modern scientists."
377,12,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,13,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,14,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,15,9,"The same rocks that form its body
have been found in ground layers
around the world."
377,16,9,"The same rocks that form its body
have been found in ground layers
around the world."
377,17,5,"Tout son corps est fait de roche.
Sil sébrèche au combat, il utilise
des pierres pour le réparer."
377,17,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,18,5,"Tout son corps est fait de roche.
Sil sébrèche au combat, il utilise
des pierres pour le réparer."
377,18,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,21,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,22,9,"Its entire body is made of rock.
If any part chips off in battle, it
attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,23,1,"ぜんしんが いわで できている。
たたかいで からだが かけても
いわを くっつけて なおしてしまう。"
377,23,3,"전신이 바위로 되어 있다.
싸움으로 몸이 깨어져도
바위를 붙여서 치료해 버린다."
377,23,5,"Tout son corps est fait de roche. Sil sébrèche au
combat, il utilise des pierres pour le réparer."
377,23,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Stein. Bricht im Kampf
etwas heraus, wird es durch Stein wieder ersetzt."
377,23,7,"Su cuerpo está hecho de roca. Si se astilla durante el
combate, emplea piedras para repararlo."
377,23,8,"È formato interamente da rocce. Se si staccano
nella lotta, ne cerca altre per sostituirle."
377,23,9,"Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off
in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself."
377,23,11,"全身が 岩で できている。
戦いで 体が 欠けても
岩を くっつけて 治してしまう。"
377,24,1,"からだを つくっている がんせきと
おなじ ものが せかいじゅうの
あらゆる ちそうで みつかっている。"
377,24,3,"몸을 이루는 암석과
같은 것이 세계 곳곳의
여러 지층에서 발견되고 있다."
377,24,5,"Les roches qui composent son corps se retrouvent
également dans les diverses couches terrestres."
377,24,6,"Die Steine, aus denen sein Körper besteht,
stammen aus den unterschiedlichsten Ecken der Welt."
377,24,7,"Las rocas que componen el cuerpo de Regirock
pueden encontrarse en todos los estratos geológicos."
377,24,8,"I tipi di roccia che compongono il suo corpo possono
trovarsi in tutti gli strati geologici del mondo."
377,24,9,"The same rocks that form its body have been found
in ground layers around the world."
377,24,11,"体を 作っている 岩石と
同じ 物が 世界中の
あらゆる 地層で 見つかっている。"
377,25,1,"むかし ひとに ふういんされた ポケモン。
たたかいで からだが くずれると じぶんで
あたらしい いわを さがして なおすと いう。"
377,25,3,"오래전 사람에게 봉인된 포켓몬이다.
싸움으로 몸이 부서지면 스스로
새로운 바위를 찾아서 고친다고 한다."
377,25,5,"Regirock fut isolé par les gens il y a très longtemps.
Lorsque le corps de ce Pokémon est endommagé
au combat, on raconte quil cherche des rochers pour
se réparer."
377,25,6,"Regirock wurde vor langer Zeit von Menschen
weggeschlossen. Wenn der Körper dieses Pokémon
im Kampf Schaden nimmt, sucht es nach passenden
Steinen, um sich selbst zu reparieren."
377,25,7,"A Regirock lo mantuvieron encerrado y aislado hace tiempo.
Dicen que, si resulta dañado en combate, se pone él mismo
a buscar piedras parecidas a las suyas y se las pone para
377,25,8,"Molto tempo fa Regirock era stato imprigionato dagli esseri
umani. Se subisce danni in lotta, cerca nuove rocce adatte
per riparare le rotture."
377,25,9,"Regirock was sealed away by people long ago. If this
Pokémons body is damaged in battle, it is said to seek
out suitable rocks on its own to repair itself."
377,25,11,"昔 人に 封印された ポケモン。
戦いで 体が 崩れると 自分で
新しい 岩を 探して 直すと いう。"
377,26,1,"からだを つくっている がんせきは すべて
ちがう とちから ほりだされた ものであると
さいきんの けんきゅうで はんめいした。"
377,26,3,"몸을 이루고 있는 암석은 모두
다른 땅에서 파내진 것들이라고
최근 연구를 통해 판명됐다."
377,26,5,"Le corps de Regirock est entièrement constitué de rochers.
Récemment, une étude a découvert que ces rochers
provenaient de lieux très variés."
377,26,6,"Regirocks Körper besteht komplett aus Steinen.
Erst kürzlich stellte man erstaunt fest, dass die
Steine alle an unterschiedlichen Orten ausgegraben
377,26,7,"Regirock está formado en su totalidad por piedras. En un
estudio reciente, se descubrió que cada una de las piedras
había sido desenterrada en sitios distintos."
377,26,8,"Il corpo di Regirock è formato interamente da pietre.
Da un recente studio è emerso che ogni pietra proviene
da un luogo diverso."
377,26,9,"Regirocks body is composed entirely of rocks. Recently,
a study made the startling discovery that the rocks were all
unearthed from different locations."
377,26,11,"体を つくっている 岩石は すべて
違う 土地から 掘り出された ものであると
最近の 研究で 判明した。"
377,33,1,"からだの あらゆる ぶぶんが いわで
できている。 からだが けずれても
じぶんで いわを つけて なおす。"
377,33,3,"몸의 모든 부분이 바위로 되어 있다.
몸이 깎이더라도
스스로 바위를 붙여서 치료한다."
377,33,5,"Il est entièrement composé de pierre.
Si jamais une partie de son corps seffrite,
il la répare en y collant des rochers."
377,33,6,"Sein Körper besteht vollständig aus Steinen.
Wenn Teile davon abbröckeln, ersetzt Regirock
diese einfach durch neue Steine."
377,33,7,"Todo su cuerpo está hecho de roca. Si alguna
parte se erosiona, la recompone con más rocas."
377,33,8,"Le varie parti del suo corpo sono costituite da
rocce. Nel caso in cui si sgretoli, può ricomporre
il suo organismo con nuove pietre."
377,33,9,"Every bit of Regirocks body is made of stone.
As parts of its body erode, this Pokémon sticks
rocks to itself to repair whats been lost."
377,33,11,"体の あらゆる 部分が 岩で
できている。 体が 削れても
自分で 岩を つけて 治す。"
377,34,1,"さいしんの かがくぎじゅつを つかい
いわの からだを しらべたが のうや
しんぞうを みつけられなかった。"
377,34,3,"최신 과학 기술을 구사하여
바위 몸을 조사했지만
뇌나 심장을 찾지 못했다."
377,34,5,"Bien que son corps de pierre ait été examiné
avec les technologies les plus modernes, nulle
trace de cerveau ou de cœur na été trouvée."
377,34,6,"Selbst mit modernster Technologie konnten bei
der Analyse seines Steinkörpers weder Herz noch
Gehirn gefunden werden."
377,34,7,"Su cuerpo rocoso ha sido examinado con las
técnicas científicas más avanzadas, pero no se
han encontrado ni su cerebro ni su corazón."
377,34,8,"Il suo corpo roccioso è stato analizzato usando
le più moderne tecnologie, ma non si è trovata
traccia di organi come cervello o cuore."
377,34,9,"Cutting-edge technology was used to study
the internals of this Pokémons rock body, but
nothing was found—not even a brain or a heart."
377,34,11,"最新の 科学技術を 使い
岩の 体を 調べたが 脳や
心臓を 見つけられなかった。"
378,7,9,"REGICEs body was made during an ice
age. The deep-frozen body cant be
melted, even by fire.This POKéMON controls frigid air of
minus 328 degrees F."
378,8,9,"REGICE cloaks itself with frigid air of
negative 328 degrees F.
Things will freeze solid just by goingnear this POKéMON.
Its icy body is so cold, it will not melt
even if it is immersed in magma."
378,9,9,"Its entire body is made of Antarctic ice.
After extensive studies, researchers
believe the ice was formed during an
ice age."
378,10,9,"Research revealed that its body is made
of the same kind of ice that is found at
the South Pole."
378,11,9,"Research revealed that its body is made
of the same kind of ice that is found at
the South Pole."
378,12,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,13,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,14,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,15,9,"It is said to have slept in a glacier
for thousands of years. Its body
cant be melted, even by magma."
378,16,9,"It is said to have slept in a glacier
for thousands of years. Its body
cant be melted, even by magma."
378,17,5,"Son corps est fait de glace datant
de lère glaciaire. Il contrôle un
air gelé de -200 °C."
378,17,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,18,5,"Son corps est fait de glace datant
de lère glaciaire. Il contrôle un
air gelé de -200 °C."
378,18,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,21,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,22,9,"Its body is made of ice from the
ice age. It controls frigid air of
-328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,23,1,"ひょうがの なかで すうせんねん
ねむっていたと いわれている。
マグマでも からだは とけない。"
378,23,3,"빙하 안에서 몇천 년이나
잠들어 있었다고 전해진다.
마그마로도 몸이 녹지 않는다."
378,23,5,"Il reposait dans un glacier depuis des milliers
dannées. Même le magma ne peut pas le faire fondre."
378,23,6,"Es heißt, es habe Jahrtausende lang im ewigen Eis
geschlummert. Selbst Magma schmilzt es nicht."
378,23,7,"Dicen que ha yacido durmiendo en un glaciar durante
milenios. Ni el magma puede derretir su cuerpo."
378,23,8,"Si dice che sia rimasto a dormire nei ghiacci per
alcuni millenni. Nemmeno il magma riuscirebbe
a scioglierlo."
378,23,9,"It is said to have slept in a glacier for thousands of
years. Its body cant be melted, even by magma."
378,23,11,"氷河の 中で 数千年
眠っていたと 言われている。
マグマでも 体は 溶けない。"
378,24,1,"ひょうがきに できた こおりで
からだが つくられている。マイナス
200どの れいきを あやつる。"
378,24,3,"빙하기에 생겨난 얼음으로
몸이 만들어져 있다. 마이너스
200도의 냉기를 다룬다."
378,24,5,"Son corps est fait de glace datant de lère glaciaire.
Il contrôle un air gelé de -200 °C."
378,24,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Eis aus der Eiszeit.
Es kontrolliert gefrorene Luft, die -200 °C kalt ist."
378,24,7,"Su cuerpo está hecho con hielo de la glaciación.
Controla aire gélido a -200 °C."
378,24,8,"Il suo corpo è costituito da ghiaccio dellera glaciale.
Mantiene laria a una temperatura di -200 °C."
378,24,9,"Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls
frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,24,11,"氷河期に できた 氷で
体が 作られている。
マイナス200度の 冷気を 操る。"
378,25,1,"ひょうがじだいに つくられた こおりの からだは
ほのおでも とかす ことが できない。
マイナス 200どの れいきを あやつる。"
378,25,3,"빙하시대에 만들어진 얼음으로 된 몸은
불꽃으로도 녹일 수가 없다.
영하 200도의 냉기를 다룬다."
378,25,5,"Le corps de Regice fut créé pendant lère glaciaire.
Son corps est tellement gelé quil ne peut pas fondre,
même en le brûlant. Ce Pokémon peut contrôler lair glacé
jusquà une température de -200 °C."
378,25,6,"Regices tiefgefrorener Körper entstand während der Eiszeit.
Es kann nicht einmal durch Feuer geschmolzen werden.
Dieses Pokémon kontrolliert eisige Luft von -200 °C."
378,25,7,"Regice surgió durante la edad de hielo. El cuerpo de este
Pokémon está totalmente congelado, ni siquiera el fuego
puede derretirlo. Regice libera y regula un aire gélido de
-200 °C."
378,25,8,"Il corpo di Regice è stato creato durante lera glaciale.
Il corpo congelato non può essere fuso neanche col fuoco.
Questo Pokémon riesce a gestire perfettamente laria gelida
a -200 °C."
378,25,9,"Regices body was made during an ice age. The deep-frozen
body cant be melted, even by fire. This Pokémon controls
frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit."
378,25,11,"氷河時代に つくられた 氷の 体は
炎でも 溶かす ことが できない。
マイナス 200度の 冷気を 操る。"
378,26,1,"マイナス200どの れいきが からだを つつむ。
ちかづいた だけでも こおりついて しまうぞ。
マグマでも とけない こおりの からだを もつ。"
378,26,3,"영하 200도의 냉기가 몸을 감쌌다.
가까이 다가가기만 해도 얼어붙는다.
마그마에도 녹지 않는 얼음으로 된 몸을 지녔다."
378,26,5,"Regice se recouvre dair glacé à -200 °C. Tout ce qui passe
à proximité de ce Pokémon gèle sur place. Son corps est si
froid quil ne fond jamais, même sil plonge dans du magma."
378,26,6,"Regice umhüllt sich selbst mit kalter Luft von -200 °C.
Alles und jeder, der sich diesem Pokémon nähert, friert
sofort ein. Sein eisiger Körper ist so kalt, dass nicht einmal
Magma es schmelzen könnte."
378,26,7,"Regice se rodea de un aire gélido que llega a -200 °C y deja
congelado a todo lo que se le acerca. Es imposible derretir a
este Pokémon; tiene una temperatura demasiado baja."
378,26,8,"Regice si avvolge in un manto daria alla temperatura
di -200 °C. Ogni cosa che si avvicina a questo Pokémon
si congela allistante. Il suo corpo gelido non si fonde
nemmeno se immerso nel magma."
378,26,9,"Regice cloaks itself with frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit.
Things will freeze solid just by going near this Pokémon.
Its icy body is so cold, it will not melt even if it is immersed
in magma."
378,26,11,"マイナス200度の 冷気が 体を 包む。
近づいた だけでも 凍りついて しまうぞ。
マグマでも 溶けない 氷の 体を 持つ。"
378,33,1,"マイナス200どまで ひえこむ
れいきを あやつり ちかづいたものを
あっというまに こおりづけにする。"
378,33,3,"영하 200도까지 내려가는
냉기를 조종해 다가오는 자를
순식간에 얼려버린다."
378,33,5,"Regice gèle quiconque sapproche de lui
en un instant avec de lair glacé pouvant
atteindre -200 °C."
378,33,6,"Regice kontrolliert bis zu -200 ºC kalte Luft,
mit der es alles und jeden in seiner Nähe im
Handumdrehen gefrieren lässt."
378,33,7,"Usa corrientes de aire gélido de hasta -200 ºC
para congelar en un instante a cualquiera que se
le acerque."
378,33,8,"Utilizza aria gelida fino a -200 ºC per congelare
allistante chiunque gli si avvicini."
378,33,9,"With cold air that can reach temperatures as low
as 328 degrees Fahrenheit, Regice instantly
freezes any creature that approaches it."
378,33,11,"マイナス200度まで 冷えこむ
冷気を 操り 近づいたものを
あっという間に 氷漬けにする。"
378,34,1,"ぜんしんが こおりで できている。
ひょうがじだいに ぶあつい こおりの
したで うまれたと いわれている。"
378,34,3,"전신이 얼음으로 되어 있다.
빙하 시대에 두꺼운 얼음
아래에서 태어났다고 전해진다."
378,34,5,"Ce Pokémon de lère glaciaire dont le corps
est entièrement composé deau gelée serait
né sous une épaisse couche de glace."
378,34,6,"Sein gesamter Körper besteht aus Eis. Man sagt,
es wurde während der Eiszeit unter einer dicken
Eisschicht geboren."
378,34,7,"Todo su cuerpo está compuesto de hielo.
Se dice que surgió bajo una gruesa placa
de hielo durante alguna glaciación."
378,34,8,"Il suo corpo è interamente costituito da ghiaccio.
Si narra che nacque sotto un massiccio strato
di ghiaccio durante lera glaciale."
378,34,9,"This Pokémons body is made of solid ice. Its
said that Regice was born beneath thick ice in
the ice age."
378,34,11,"全身が 氷で できている。
氷河時代に ぶ厚い 氷の 下で
生まれたと いわれている。"
379,7,9,"REGISTEEL has a body that is harder
than any kind of metal.
Its body is apparently hollow.No one has any idea what this POKéMON
379,8,9,"REGISTEEL was imprisoned by people
in ancient times.
The metal composing its body is thoughtto be a curious substance that is not
of this earth."
379,9,9,"Its body is harder than any other kind of
metal. The body metal is composed of a
mysterious substance. Not only is it hard,
it shrinks and stretches flexibly."
379,10,9,"It is sturdier than any kind of metal.
It hardened due to pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years."
379,11,9,"It is sturdier than any kind of metal.
It hardened due to pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years."
379,12,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,13,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,14,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,15,9,"Its body is said to be harder than
any kind of metal. A study has
revealed that its body is hollow."
379,16,9,"Its body is said to be harder than
any kind of metal. A study has
revealed that its body is hollow."
379,17,5,"Son corps invulnérable fut forgé
par la pression souterraine durant
des dizaines de milliers dannées."
379,17,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,18,5,"Son corps invulnérable fut forgé
par la pression souterraine durant
des dizaines de milliers dannées."
379,18,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,21,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,22,9,"Tempered by pressure underground
over tens of thousands of years,
its body cannot be scratched."
379,23,1,"なんまんねんも ちかの あつりょくで
きたえられた きんぞくの ボディは
きずひとつ つかない。"
379,23,3,"몇만 년 동안 지하의 압력에 의해서
단련된 금속의 몸은
상처 하나 입지 않는다."
379,23,5,"Son corps invulnérable fut forgé par la pression
souterraine durant des dizaines de milliers dannées."
379,23,6,"Im Laufe der Jahrtausende, die es unterirdisch lebte,
wurde sein Körper durch Druck und Wärme hart."
379,23,7,"Su cuerpo ha estado sometido a la presión subterránea
durante miles de años y no puede arañarse."
379,23,8,"La pressione subita sottoterra per decine di migliaia
di anni ha reso il suo corpo resistentissimo."
379,23,9,"Tempered by pressure underground over tens of
thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched."
379,23,11,"何万年も 地下の 圧力で
鍛えられた 金属の ボディは
傷ひとつ つかない。"
379,24,1,"どんな きんぞく よりも かたいと
いわれる からだ。ちょうさの けっか
からだの なかは くうどう だった。"
379,24,3,"어떤 금속보다도 딱딱하다고
전해지는 몸이다. 조사 결과
몸 안은 비어 있었다."
379,24,5,"Son corps, plus dur que nimporte quel métal, serait
creux selon les dernières analyses scientifiques."
379,24,6,"Sein Körper ist härter als jedes andere Metall.
Untersuchungen zufolge ist es innen hohl."
379,24,7,"Se dice que su cuerpo es más duro que cualquier
metal. Su interior es hueco, según ciertos estudios."
379,24,8,"Ha un corpo più duro di qualunque metallo.
Una ricerca ha stabilito che allinterno è cavo."
379,24,9,"Its body is said to be harder than any kind of metal.
A study has revealed that its body is hollow."
379,24,11,"どんな 金属よりも 硬いと
言われる 体。調査の 結果
体の 中は 空洞だった。"
379,25,1,"どんな きんぞくよりも かたい からだを もつ。
からだの なかは くうどうに なっているらしく
たべている ものも わからない ポケモンだ。"
379,25,3,"어떤 금속보다도 단단한 몸을 지녔다.
몸 안은 비어 있는 듯하며
먹는 것도 알려지지 않은 포켓몬이다."
379,25,5,"Le corps de Registeel est plus dur que nimporte quel métal
existant. Il est apparemment creux. Personne ne sait ce que
ce Pokémon mange."
379,25,6,"Registeel hat einen Körper, der härter ist als jede Art von
Metall. Sein Körper scheint hohl zu sein. Niemand hat eine
Ahnung, was dieses Pokémon wohl frisst."
379,25,7,"No hay metal que supere en dureza el cuerpo de Registeel,
que tiene aspecto de estar hueco. Nadie sabe de qué se
alimenta este Pokémon."
379,25,8,"Registeel ha un corpo più duro di ogni tipo di metallo.
Pare inoltre che allinterno sia totalmente vuoto.
Nessuno sa cosa mangi questo Pokémon."
379,25,9,"Registeel has a body that is harder than any kind of metal.
Its body is apparently hollow. No one has any idea what this
Pokémon eats."
379,25,11,"どんな 金属よりも 硬い 体を 持つ。
体の 中は 空洞に なっているらしく
食べている ものも 分からない ポケモンだ。"
379,26,1,"むかし ひとによって ふういんされた ポケモン。
からだを つくる きんぞくは ちきゅうじょうに
そんざいしない ぶっしつと かんがえられている。"
379,26,3,"오래전 사람에게 봉인된 포켓몬이다.
몸을 이루고 있는 금속은 지구 상에
존재하지 않는 물질이라고 여겨진다."
379,26,5,"Il y a très longtemps, Registeel fut emprisonné par les
hommes. On pense que létrange métal qui compose
son corps provient dune autre planète."
379,26,6,"Registeel wurde vor langer Zeit von den Menschen
eingesperrt. Das Metall, aus dem sein Körper besteht,
ist eine seltsame Substanz, die nicht von dieser Welt sein soll."
379,26,7,"Hace mucho tiempo Registeel estuvo preso. La gente piensa
que el metal del que está hecho es una curiosa sustancia
379,26,8,"Registeel è stato imprigionato dagli esseri umani
nellantichità. Pare che il metallo di cui è composto
provenga dallo spazio."
379,26,9,"Registeel was imprisoned by people in ancient times.
The metal composing its body is thought to be a curious
substance that is not of this earth."
379,26,11,"昔 人によって 封印された ポケモン。
体を つくる 金属は 地球上に
存在しない 物質と 考えられている。"
379,33,1,"のびちぢみする やわらかさも あるが
どんな きんぞくよりも がんじょうな
ふしぎな ぶっしつで できている。"
379,33,3,"늘었다 줄었다 하는 유연함도 갖췄지만
어떤 금속보다도 튼튼한
신비한 물질로 이루어져 있다."
379,33,5,"Il est fait dune matière mystérieuse plus solide
que nimporte quel métal, mais assez souple
pour pouvoir sétirer ou se rétrécir."
379,33,6,"Es besteht aus einer seltsamen Substanz, die
robuster als jedes Metall, jedoch zugleich auch
weich und elastisch ist."
379,33,7,"Está hecho de una misteriosa sustancia que, pese
a ser más dura que cualquier metal, se contrae y
dilata con facilidad."
379,33,8,"È composto da un materiale misterioso più
resistente di qualsiasi metallo, ma al contempo
abbastanza morbido da essere elastico."
379,33,9,"Registeels body is made of a strange material
that is flexible enough to stretch and shrink but
also more durable than any metal."
379,33,11,"伸び縮みする 柔らかさも あるが
どんな 金属よりも 頑丈な
不思議な 物質で できている。"
379,34,1,"ちかの マントルの なかで うまれて
およそ 1まんねんまえに ちじょうに
でてきたと うわさされている。"
379,34,3,"땅속 맨틀에서 태어나
약 1만 년 전에 지상으로
올라왔다는 이야기가 있다."
379,34,5,"Il paraît quil est né dans le manteau terrestre
et quil en a émergé il y a environ 10000 ans."
379,34,6,"Gerüchten zufolge wurde dieses Pokémon tief
im Mantel des Planeten geboren und kam vor
etwa 10000 Jahren an die Oberfläche."
379,34,7,"Dicen que se formó en el manto terrestre y
ascendió a la superficie hace aproximadamente
diez mil años."
379,34,8,"Si dice che sia nato nel mantello terrestre e
che sia salito in superficie circa 10.000 anni fa."
379,34,9,"Its rumored that this Pokémon was born deep
underground in the planets mantle and that it
emerged onto the surface 10,000 years ago."
379,34,11,"地下の マントルの 中で 生まれて
およそ 1万年前に 地上に
出てきたと 噂されている。"
380,7,9,"LATIAS is highly sensitive to the
emotions of people. If it senses any
hostility, this POKéMON ruffles thefeathers all over its body and cries
shrilly to intimidate the foe."
380,8,9,"LATIAS is highly intelligent and capable
of understanding human speech.
It is covered with a glass-like down.The POKéMON enfolds its body with its
down and refracts light to alter its
380,9,9,"They make a small herd of only several
members. They rarely make contact with
people or other POKéMON. They disappear
if they sense enemies."
380,10,9,"It can telepathically communicate with
people. It changes its appearance using
its down that refracts light."
380,11,9,"It can telepathically communicate with
people. It changes its appearance using
its down that refracts light."
380,12,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,13,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,14,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,15,9,"It communicates using telepathy.
Its body is covered in down that
refracts light to make it invisible."
380,16,9,"It communicates using telepathy.
Its body is covered in down that
refracts light to make it invisible."
380,17,5,"Son corps est recouvert dun 
duvet qui reflète la lumière
et le rend invisible."
380,17,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,18,5,"Son corps est recouvert dun 
duvet qui reflète la lumière
et le rend invisible."
380,18,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,21,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,22,9,"Its body is covered with a down
that can refract light in such a
way that it becomes invisible."
380,23,1,"テレパシーで きもちを かよわせる。
ひかりを くっせつさせる うもうで
からだを つつみ すがたを けす。"
380,23,3,"텔레파시로 마음이 통한다.
빛을 굴절시키는 깃털로
몸을 둘러싸 모습을 지운다."
380,23,5,"Il est doué dempathie. Le duvet qui recouvre son
corps réfléchit la lumière et le rend invisible."
380,23,6,"Es kommuniziert durch Telepathie. Sein Daunenkleid
bricht das Licht, sodass es unsichtbar wird."
380,23,7,"Se comunica por telepatía. Su plumaje refleja la luz, lo
que le permite hacerse invisible."
380,23,8,"Sa comunicare telepaticamente. Le piume sul suo
corpo riflettono la luce e lo rendono invisibile."
380,23,9,"It communicates using telepathy. Its body is
covered in down that refracts light to make
it invisible."
380,23,11,"テレパシーで 気持ちを 通わせる。
光を 屈折させる 羽毛で
体を 包み 姿を 消す。"
380,24,1,"テレパシーで にんげんと きもちを
かよわせる。ひかりを くっせつさせる
うもうで べつの すがたに かわる。"
380,24,3,"텔레파시로 인간과 마음을
교감한다. 빛을 굴절시키는
깃털로 다른 모습으로 변신한다."
380,24,5,"Latias peut communiquer avec les gens par télépathie.
Il change son apparence en renvoyant la lumière."
380,24,6,"Mittels Telepathie kann es mit Menschen
kommunizieren. Mit seinen Daunen, die das Licht
brechen, kann es sein Aussehen verändern."
380,24,7,"Se comunica por telepatía con la gente. Cambia de
aspecto refractando luz con el plumaje."
380,24,8,"Sa comunicare telepaticamente con gli umani. Si serve
della luce riflessa dal piumaggio per cambiare aspetto."
380,24,9,"It can telepathically communicate with people. It
changes its appearance using its down that
refracts light."
380,24,11,"テレパシーで 人間と 気持ちを
通わせる。光を 屈折させる
羽毛で 別の 姿に 変わる。"
380,25,1,"にんげんの こころを びんかんに かんじとる。
てきいを キャッチすると ぜんしんの はねを
さかだてて はげしく なきごえで いかくする。"
380,25,3,"인간의 마음을 민감히 감지해낸다.
적의를 느끼면 전신의 깃털을
곤두세우고 격렬한 울음소리로 위협한다."
380,25,5,"Latias est extrêmement sensible aux émotions des gens.
Sil ressent une hostilité, ce Pokémon ébouriffe ses plumes
et pousse un cri strident pour intimider son ennemi."
380,25,6,"Latias ist in höchstem Maße empfindlich gegenüber den
Emotionen der Menschen. Wenn es einen Anflug von
Feindseligkeit wahrnimmt, werden seine Federn zerzaust
und es stößt schrille Schreie aus, um seinen Gegner
380,25,7,"Latias es muy sensible a los sentimientos de la gente. Si
detecta algún ápice de hostilidad, desplegará las plumas que
tiene por todo el cuerpo y se pondrá a chillar para intimidar al
380,25,8,"Latias è sensibilissimo alle emozioni delle persone.
Se percepisce una certa ostilità, questo Pokémon arruffa
le piume su tutto il corpo ed emette un grido lancinante
per intimidire il nemico."
380,25,9,"Latias is highly sensitive to the emotions of people. If it senses
any hostility, this Pokémon ruffles the feathers all over its body
and cries shrilly to intimidate the foe."
380,25,11,"人間の 心を 敏感に 感じとる。
敵意を キャッチすると 全身の 羽を
逆立てて 激しく 鳴き声で 威嚇する。"
380,26,1,"ちのうが たかく ひとの ことばを りかいする。
ガラスの ような うもうで からだを つつみこみ
ひかりを くっせつさせて すがたを かえる。"
380,26,3,"지능이 높아 사람의 말을 이해한다.
몸을 감싼 유리 같은 깃털로
빛을 굴절시켜 모습을 바꾼다."
380,26,5,"Latias est très intelligent et comprend le langage des hommes.
Il est recouvert dune espèce de duvet ressemblant à du verre.
Ce Pokémon senveloppe dans ce duvet et reflète la lumière
pour changer son apparence."
380,26,6,"Latias ist sehr intelligent und kann die menschliche
Sprache verstehen. Es ist mit gläsernen Daunen bedeckt.
Dieses Pokémon umhüllt seinen Körper mit den Daunen
und kann Licht brechen, um seine Gestalt zu verändern."
380,26,7,"Latias tiene un nivel de inteligencia tan alto que es capaz de
entender el lenguaje humano. Este Pokémon usa el plumón
cristalizado del que está cubierto como peto para refractar la
luz y cambiar de aspecto."
380,26,8,"Estremamente intelligente, Latias è in grado di capire
il linguaggio umano. Il suo corpo è ricoperto di piumino
vetroso che usa per rifrangere la luce e mutare il proprio
380,26,9,"Latias is highly intelligent and capable of understanding
human speech. It is covered with a glass-like down.
The Pokémon enfolds its body with its down and refracts
light to alter its appearance."
380,26,11,"知能が 高く 人の 言葉を 理解する。
ガラスの ような 羽毛で 体を 包み込み
光を 屈折させて 姿を 変える。"
381,7,9,"LATIOS has the ability to make its foe
see an image of what it has seen or
imagines in its head.This POKéMON is intelligent and
understands human speech."
381,8,9,"LATIOS will only open its heart to a
TRAINER with a compassionate spirit.
This POKéMON can fly faster than a jetplane by folding its forelegs to minimize
air resistance."
381,9,9,"Even in hiding, it can detect the locations
of others and sense their emotions since
it has telepathy. Its intelligence allows
it to understand human languages."
381,10,9,"It has a docile temperament and dislikes
fighting. Tucking in its forelegs, it can
fly faster than a jet plane."
381,11,9,"It has a docile temperament and dislikes
fighting. Tucking in its forelegs, it can
fly faster than a jet plane."
381,12,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,13,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,14,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,15,9,"It understands human speech and is
highly intelligent. It is a tender
Pokémon that dislikes fighting."
381,16,9,"It understands human speech and is
highly intelligent. It is a tender
Pokémon that dislikes fighting."
381,17,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent. Il
peut voler plus vite quun avion à
réaction en repliant ses ailes."
381,17,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,18,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent. Il
peut voler plus vite quun avion à
réaction en repliant ses ailes."
381,18,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,21,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,22,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon.
By folding back its wings in flight,
it can overtake jet planes."
381,23,1,"たかい ちのうを もつ ポケモン。
うでを おりたたんで とべば
ジェットきを おいこす スピードだ。"
381,23,3,"높은 지능을 가진 포켓몬이다.
팔을 접어 날면 제트기를
추월할 만큼 빠르다."
381,23,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent. Il peut voler plus vite
quun avion à réaction en repliant ses ailes."
381,23,6,"Ein hochintelligentes Pokémon. Wenn es im Flug
seine Flügel nach hinten legt, ist es schneller als
ein Jet."
381,23,7,"Es un Pokémon muy inteligente. Puede adelantar a
aviones a reacción plegando las alas."
381,23,8,"Pokémon molto intelligente. Ripiegando indietro
le ali, riesce a volare più veloce di un jet."
381,23,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon. By folding back its
wings in flight, it can overtake jet planes."
381,23,11,"高い 知能を 持つ ポケモン。
腕を 折りたたんで 飛べば
ジェット機を 追い越す スピードだ。"
381,24,1,"たかい ちのうを もち にんげんの
ことばを りかいする。あらそいを
きらう やさしい ポケモンだ。"
381,24,3,"높은 지능을 가졌기 때문에 인간의
말을 이해한다. 다툼을
싫어하는 상냥한 포켓몬이다."
381,24,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent qui comprend le langage
humain. Il déteste se battre."
381,24,6,"Es ist hochintelligent und versteht sogar die
menschliche Sprache. Es ist friedlich und
meidet Konflikte."
381,24,7,"Es muy inteligente y entiende el lenguaje humano.
Es un Pokémon muy dócil y no le gusta nada combatir."
381,24,8,"Dotato di grande intelligenza, capisce il linguaggio
umano. Pacifico, non ama combattere."
381,24,9,"It understands human speech and is highly
intelligent. It is a tender Pokémon that
dislikes fighting."
381,24,11,"高い 知能を 持ち
人間の 言葉を 理解する。
争いを 嫌う 優しい ポケモンだ。"
381,25,1,"みた ものや かんがえた イメージを あいてに
えいぞうとして みせる のうりょくを もつ。
にんげんの ことばを りかいすることが できる。"
381,25,3,"본 것이나 생각한 이미지를 상대에게
영상으로 보여주는 능력을 지녔다.
인간의 말을 이해할 수 있다."
381,25,5,"Latios a le pouvoir de faire voir à une personne une image
provenant de son subconscient. Ce Pokémon est intelligent
et comprend le langage humain."
381,25,6,"Latios kann seinem Gegenüber ein Bild von etwas, das es
einmal gesehen hat, in den Kopf projizieren. Dieses Pokémon
ist intelligent und es versteht die menschliche Sprache."
381,25,7,"Latios tiene la habilidad de hacer que los demás vean algo que
él ha visto o imaginado. Este Pokémon es muy inteligente. Es
capaz de entender el lenguaje humano."
381,25,8,"Latios ha labilità di far vedere agli altri limmagine di ciò che
ha visto o immaginato nella propria testa. Questo Pokémon
è intelligente e capisce il linguaggio umano."
381,25,9,"Latios has the ability to make others see an image of what it
has seen or imagines in its head. This Pokémon is intelligent
and understands human speech."
381,25,11,"見た ものや 考えた イメージを 相手に
映像として 見せる 能力を 持つ。
人間の 言葉を 理解することが できる。"
381,26,1,"やさしい こころの もちぬしにしか なつかない。
うでを おりたたむと くうきていこうが へって
ジェットき よりも はやく そらを とべるぞ。"
381,26,3,"상냥한 마음씨를 가진 자만을 따른다.
팔을 접으면 공기저항이 줄어
제트기보다 빠르게 하늘을 난다."
381,26,5,"Latios nouvrira son cœur quà un Dresseur doté dun esprit
compatissant. Ce Pokémon peut voler plus vite quun avion
à réaction en repliant ses pattes avant pour améliorer
son aérodynamisme."
381,26,6,"Latios schüttet nur seinem Trainer gegenüber sein Herz aus.
Dieses Pokémon fliegt schneller als ein Flugzeug, indem es
seine Vorderbeine einklappt, um den Luftwiderstand zu
381,26,7,"Latios solo le abre el corazón a los Entrenadores compasivos.
A la hora de volar, este Pokémon pliega las patas delanteras
para minimizar la resistencia al aire y supera en velocidad a un
avión a reacción."
381,26,8,"Latios apre il proprio cuore ad Allenatori danimo buono
e generoso. Il Pokémon riesce a volare più veloce di un
aereo a reazione, piegando le zampe anteriori per minimizzare
lattrito dellaria."
381,26,9,"Latios will only open its heart to a Trainer with a
compassionate spirit. This Pokémon can fly faster than a
jet plane by folding its forelegs to minimize air resistance."
381,26,11,"優しい 心の 持ち主にしか なつかない。
腕を 折り畳むと 空気抵抗が 減って
ジェット機 よりも 速く 空を 飛べるぞ。"
382,7,9,"KYOGRE has the power to create massive
rain clouds that cover the entire sky
and bring about torrential downpours.This POKéMON saved people who were
suffering from droughts."
382,8,9,"KYOGRE is named in mythology as the
POKéMON that expanded the sea by
covering the land with torrential rainsand towering tidal waves.
It took to sleep after a cataclysmic
battle with GROUDON."
382,9,9,"KYOGRE has appeared in mythology as the
creator of the sea. After long years of
feuding with GROUDON, it took to sleep at
the bottom of the sea."
382,10,9,"This POKéMON is said to have
expanded the sea by bringing heavy rains.
It has the power to control water."
382,11,9,"This POKéMON is said to have expanded
the sea by bringing heavy rains.
It has the power to control water."
382,12,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,13,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,14,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,15,9,"A mythical Pokémon said to have
swelled the seas with rain and tidal
waves. It battled with GROUDON."
382,16,9,"A mythical Pokémon said to have
swelled the seas with rain and tidal
waves. It battled with GROUDON."
382,17,5,"On dit quil a fait monter les eaux
en causant des pluies diluviennes.
Il somnolait dans une fosse marine."
382,17,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,18,5,"On dit quil a fait monter les eaux
en causant des pluies diluviennes.
Il somnolait dans une fosse marine."
382,18,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,21,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,22,9,"It is said to have widened the
seas by causing downpours. It had
been asleep in a marine trench."
382,23,1,"おおあめと おおつなみで うみを
ひろげた しんわの ポケモン。
グラードンと はげしく たたかった。"
382,23,3,"많은 비와 큰 해일로 바다를
넓힌 신화의 포켓몬이다.
그란돈과 격하게 싸웠다."
382,23,5,"Ennemi juré de Groudon, la légende dit quil a étendu
les mers en causant déluges et raz de marée."
382,23,6,"Der Legende nach erschuf sein Regen das Meer.
Es und Groudon lieferten sich einen langen Kampf."
382,23,7,"Pokémon legendario que aumentó los mares con
diluvios y maremotos. Fue un enemigo acérrimo de
382,23,8,"Nella mitologia, Kyogre è il Pokémon che ha
ampliato i mari con megaonde e megapiogge.
Nemico di Groudon."
382,23,9,"A mythical Pokémon said to have swelled the seas
with rain and tidal waves. It battled with Groudon."
382,23,11,"大雨と 大津波で 海を 広げた
神話の ポケモン。
グラードンと 激しく 戦った。"
382,24,1,"おおあめを ふらせる のうりょくで
うみを ひろげたと いわれている。
かいこうの そこで ねむっていた。"
382,24,3,"많은 비를 내리게 하는 능력으로
바다를 넓혔다고 전해진다.
해구의 밑바닥에서 잠들어 있었다."
382,24,5,"On dit quil a fait monter les eaux en causant des
pluies diluviennes. Il somnolait dans une fosse marine."
382,24,6,"Man sagt, es habe die Meere vergrößert, indem es
es regnen ließ. Es schlief in einem Meeresgraben."
382,24,7,"Se dice que aumentó el nivel del mar a base de
aguaceros. Ha estado durmiendo en una fosa marina."
382,24,8,"Si dice che abbia ampliato i mari provocando piogge
torrenziali. Si è assopito in una fossa marina."
382,24,9,"It is said to have widened the seas by causing
downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench."
382,24,11,"大雨を 降らせる 能力で
海を 広げたと 言われている。
海溝の 底で 眠っていた。"
382,25,1,"しぜんのエネルギーに よって ゲンシカイキし
ほんらいの すがたを とりもどす。そのちからは
あらしを よびよせ うみを ひろげる。"
382,25,3,"자연의 힘에 의해 원시회귀하여
원래의 모습을 되찾는다. 그 힘은
폭풍을 불러들이며 바다를 확장한다."
382,25,5,"Grâce à lénergie de la nature, il peut accomplir
sa Primo-Résurgence pour retrouver son apparence originelle.
Ce pouvoir lui permet dappeler de terribles déluges
pour étendre les mers."
382,25,6,"Mithilfe von Naturenergie kann es eine Protomorphose
durchführen und so seine ursprüngliche Form zurückerlangen.
Dadurch kann es Stürme erzeugen und das Meer vergrößern."
382,25,7,"Kyogre se sirve de la energía de la naturaleza para realizar su
Regresión Primigenia y recobrar su apariencia primitiva. Con tal
poder, puede desencadenar tempestades para expandir los
382,25,8,"Lenergia della natura può causare larcheorisveglio
di questo Pokémon, facendolo tornare al suo aspetto
Può provocare diluvi torrenziali in grado di espandere
la superficie dei mari."
382,25,9,"Through Primal Reversion and with natures
full power, it will take back its true form. It can
summon storms that cause the sea levels to rise."
382,25,11,"自然のエネルギーに よって ゲンシカイキし
本来の 姿を 取り戻す。その力は
嵐を 呼び寄せ 海を 広げる。"
382,26,1,"うみの けしん と つたわる ポケモン。
しぜんのエネルギーを もとめて グラードンと
あらそいを くりかえした でんせつが ある。"
382,26,3,"바다의 화신이라 전해지는 포켓몬.
자연의 힘을 갈구하여 그란돈과
사투를 반복한다는 전설이 있다."
382,26,5,"Un Pokémon considéré comme lavatar des océans.
Selon les légendes, il a disputé de nombreux combats
avec Groudon pour contrôler lénergie de la nature."
382,26,6,"Es heißt, Kyogre sei die Personifizierung des Meeres.
Legenden zufolge hat es in seinem Bestreben, sich die
Naturenergie anzueignen, viele Male gegen Groudon gekämpft."
382,26,7,"A Kyogre siempre se le ha descrito como el Pokémon que
expandió los océanos. Varias leyendas cuentan que libró
combates contra Groudon en repetidas ocasiones para tener
el control de la energía de la naturaleza."
382,26,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon abbia un profondo
legame con le distese dei mari.
Le leggende narrano dei suoi continui scontri con
Groudon per ottenere lenergia della natura."
382,26,9,"Kyogre is said to be the personification of the sea itself.
Legends tell of its many clashes against Groudon,
as each sought to gain the power of nature."
382,26,11,"海の 化身 と 伝わる ポケモン。
自然のエネルギーを 求めて グラードンと
争いを 繰り返したという 伝説が ある。"
383,7,9,"GROUDON has long been described in 
mythology as the POKéMON that raised
lands and expanded continents.This POKéMON took to sleep after a
cataclysmic battle with KYOGRE."
383,8,9,"GROUDON has the power to scatter rain
clouds and make water evaporate with
light and heat.It came as a savior to people who had
been suffering from terrible floods."
383,9,9,"GROUDON has appeared in mythology as the
creator of the land. It sleeps in magma
underground and is said to make volcanoes
erupt on awakening."
383,10,9,"This legendary POKéMON is said to
represent the land. It went to sleep after
dueling KYOGRE."
383,11,9,"This legendary POKéMON is said to
represent the land. It went to sleep after
dueling KYOGRE."
383,12,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought KYOGRE long ago."
383,13,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought KYOGRE long ago."
383,14,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought KYOGRE long ago."
383,15,9,"Said to have expanded the lands by
evaporating water with raging heat.
It battled titanically with KYOGRE."
383,16,9,"Said to have expanded the lands by
evaporating water with raging heat.
It battled titanically with KYOGRE."
383,17,5,"Il dormait dans le magma souterrain
depuis sa lutte féroce contre
Kyogre, il y a longtemps de cela."
383,17,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought Kyogre long ago."
383,18,5,"Il dormait dans le magma souterrain
depuis sa lutte féroce contre
Kyogre, il y a longtemps de cela."
383,18,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought Kyogre long ago."
383,21,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought Kyogre long ago."
383,22,9,"It had been asleep in underground
magma ever since it fiercely
fought Kyogre long ago."
383,23,1,"こうねつで みずを じょうはつさせて
だいちを ひろげたと いわれている。
カイオーガと はげしく たたかった。"
383,23,3,"고열로 물을 증발시켜
대지를 넓혔다고 전해진다.
가이오가와 격하게 싸웠다."
383,23,5,"Ennemi juré de Kyogre, sa haute chaleur corporelle
aurait fait évaporer leau et permis aux continents de
383,23,6,"Sein Feuer erschuf einst das Land. Es und Kyogre
lieferten sich einen langen Kampf."
383,23,7,"Dicen que aumentó la superficie terrestre evaporando
el agua. Fue un enemigo acérrimo de Kyogre."
383,23,8,"Si tramanda che fece evaporare lacqua per
aumentare la superficie terrestre. Nemico di Kyogre."
383,23,9,"Said to have expanded the lands by evaporating
water with raging heat. It battled titanically
with Kyogre."
383,23,11,"高熱で 水を 蒸発させて
大地を 広げたと 言われている。
カイオーガと 激しく 戦った。"
383,24,1,"カイオーガと しとうの すえ ながい
ねむりに ついた。だいちの けしんと
いわれる でんせつの ポケモン。"
383,24,3,"가이오가와 사투 끝에 긴 잠에
들었다. 대지의 화신이라
불리는 전설의 포켓몬이다."
383,24,5,"Ce Pokémon légendaire incarne la terre.
Il plongea dans un profond sommeil après son combat
avec Kyogre."
383,24,6,"Dieses Legendäre Pokémon soll das Land verkörpern.
Es ist in einen Schlaf gefallen, nachdem es mit Kyogre
gekämpft hat."
383,24,7,"Dicen que este Pokémon legendario simboliza la tierra.
Tras batirse en duelo con Kyogre se echó a dormir."
383,24,8,"Pokémon leggendario che rappresenta la terra. Dopo
aver sfidato Kyogre, è caduto in un sonno profondo."
383,24,9,"This legendary Pokémon is said to represent the
land. It went to sleep after dueling Kyogre."
383,24,11,"カイオーガと 死闘の末
長い 眠りに ついた。大地の 化身と
言われる 伝説の ポケモン。"
383,25,1,"だいちの けしん と つたわる ポケモン。
しぜんのエネルギーを もとめて カイオーガと
あらそいを くりかえしたという でんせつが ある。"
383,25,3,"대지의 화신이라 전해지는 포켓몬.
자연의 힘을 갈구하여 가이오가와
사투를 반복한다는 전설이 있다."
383,25,5,"Un Pokémon considéré comme lavatar des continents.
Selon les légendes, il a disputé de nombreux combats
avec Kyogre pour contrôler lénergie de la nature."
383,25,6,"Es heißt, Groudon sei die Personifizierung des Landes.
Legenden zufolge hat es in seinem Bestreben, sich die
Naturenergie anzueignen, viele Male gegen Kyogre gekämpft."
383,25,7,"A Groudon siempre se le ha descrito como el Pokémon que
expandió los continentes. Varias leyendas cuentan que libró
combates contra Kyogre en repetidas ocasiones para tener
el control de la energía de la naturaleza."
383,25,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon abbia un profondo
legame con le terre emerse.
Le leggende narrano dei suoi continui scontri con
Kyogre per ottenere lenergia della natura."
383,25,9,"Groudon is said to be the personification of the land
itself. Legends tell of its many clashes against Kyogre,
as each sought to gain the power of nature."
383,25,11,"大地の 化身 と 伝わる ポケモン。
自然のエネルギーを 求めて カイオーガと
争いを 繰り返したという 伝説が ある。"
383,26,1,"しぜんのエネルギーに よって ゲンシカイキし
ほんらいの すがたを とりもどす。そのちからは
マグマを うみだし だいちを ひろげる。"
383,26,3,"자연의 힘에 의해 원시회귀하여
원래의 모습을 되찾는다. 그 힘은
마그마를 만들어내며 대지를 확장한다."
383,26,5,"Grâce à lénergie de la nature, il peut accomplir
sa Primo-Résurgence pour retrouver son apparence originelle.
Ce pouvoir lui permet de créer du magma pour étendre
les continents."
383,26,6,"Mithilfe von Naturenergie kann es eine Protomorphose
durchführen und so seine ursprüngliche Form zurückerlangen.
Dadurch kann es Magma hervorbringen und
die Landmasse vergrößern."
383,26,7,"Groudon se sirve de la energía de la naturaleza para realizar su
Regresión Primigenia y recobrar su apariencia primitiva. Con tal
poder, puede crear magma para expandir los continentes."
383,26,8,"Lenergia della natura può causare larcheorisveglio
di questo Pokémon, facendolo tornare al suo aspetto
Può produrre fiumi di magma in grado di espandere
le terre emerse."
383,26,9,"Through Primal Reversion and with natures full power,
it will take back its true form. It can cause magma to
erupt and expand the landmass of the world."
383,26,11,"自然のエネルギーに よって ゲンシカイキし
本来の 姿を 取り戻す。その力は
マグマを 生みだし 大地を 広げる。"
384,7,9,"RAYQUAZA lived for hundreds of millions
of years in the earths ozone layer, 
never descending to the ground.This POKéMON appears to feed on water
and particles in the atmosphere."
384,8,9,"RAYQUAZA is said to have lived for
hundreds of millions of years in the
earths ozone layer, above the clouds.Its existence had been completely
unknown because it lived so high in
the sky."
384,9,9,"A POKéMON that flies endlessly in the
ozone layer. It is said it would descend
to the ground if KYOGRE and GROUDON
were to fight."
384,10,9,"It has lived for hundreds of millions of
years in the ozone layer. Its flying form
looks like a meteor."
384,11,9,"It has lived for hundreds of millions of
years in the ozone layer. Its flying form
looks like a meteor."
384,12,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,13,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,14,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,15,9,"It flies in the ozone layer, way up
high in the sky. Until recently,
no one had ever seen it."
384,16,9,"It flies in the ozone layer, way up
high in the sky. Until recently,
no one had ever seen it."
384,17,5,"Il vit dans la couche dozone, au
dessus des nuages. Il est invisible
depuis le sol."
384,17,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,18,5,"Il vit dans la couche dozone, au
dessus des nuages. Il est invisible
depuis le sol."
384,18,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,21,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,22,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far
above the clouds and cannot be
seen from the ground."
384,23,1,"くもより はるかうえの オゾンそうに
せいそくしているため ちじょうから
すがたを みることは できない。"
384,23,3,"구름보다 아득히 먼 위의 오존층에
서식하고 있기 때문에 지상에서
모습을 볼 수 없다."
384,23,5,"Il vit dans la couche dozone, au-dessus des nuages.
Il est invisible depuis le sol."
384,23,6,"Es lebt in der Ozonschicht hoch über den Wolken
und kann vom Boden aus nicht gesehen werden."
384,23,7,"Vive en la capa de ozono sobre las nubes y no puede
ser visto desde el suelo."
384,23,8,"Vive nello strato di ozono oltre le nuvole e non può
essere avvistato da terra."
384,23,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and
cannot be seen from the ground."
384,23,11,"雲より はるか上の オゾン層に
生息しているため 地上から
姿を 見ることは できない。"
384,24,1,"はるか じょうくうの オゾンそうの
なかを とんでいるため さいきんまで
すがたを みた ものは いなかった。"
384,24,3,"아득한 상공의 오존층
안을 날고 있기 때문에 최근까지
모습을 본 사람은 없었다."
384,24,5,"On ne la vu pour la première fois que très récemment
car il vit dans la lointaine couche dozone."
384,24,6,"Da es in der Ozonschicht hoch über den Wolken lebt,
bekam es bis vor Kurzem noch niemand zu Gesicht."
384,24,7,"Como hasta hace poco volaba a la altura de la capa
de ozono, nadie lo había visto nunca."
384,24,8,"Vive in alto, nello strato di ozono, troppo lontano
perché qualcuno labbia mai potuto avvistare."
384,24,9,"It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky.
Until recently, no one had ever seen it."
384,24,11,"はるか 上空の オゾン層の 中を
飛んでいるため 最近まで
姿を 見た 者は いなかった。"
384,25,1,"なんおくねんも いきつづけていると いわれる。
グラードンと カイオーガの あらそいを
おさめたという でんせつが のこされている。"
384,25,3,"몇억 년 동안 계속 살고 있다고 한다.
그란돈과 가이오가의 사투를
진정시켰다는 전설이 남아 있다."
384,25,5,"On raconte quil aurait plus de 10000 ans.
Selon les légendes, cest grâce à lui que Kyogre et Groudon
ont cessé de se battre."
384,25,6,"Es heißt, Rayquaza lebe bereits seit mehreren
hundert Millionen Jahren. Legenden zufolge hat es den
einstigen Konflikt zwischen Groudon und Kyogre beendet."
384,25,7,"Dicen que Rayquaza ha vivido durante millones de años.
Las leyendas cuentan que puso fin al continuo enfrentamiento
entre Groudon y Kyogre."
384,25,8,"Si dice che abbia centinaia di milioni di anni.
Secondo la leggenda, mise fine alla lotta
tra Groudon e Kyogre."
384,25,9,"Rayquaza is said to have lived for hundreds of millions
of years. Legends remain of how it put to rest
the clash between Kyogre and Groudon."
384,25,11,"何億年も 生き続けていると いわれる。
グラードンと カイオーガの 争いを
治めたという 伝説が 残されている。"
384,26,1,"オゾンそうを とびつづけ エサとなる
いんせきを くらう。たいないに たまった
いんせきの エネルギーで メガシンカする。"
384,26,3,"오존층을 날아다니며 먹이인
운석을 먹는다. 체내에 모인
운석의 에너지로 메가진화한다."
384,26,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit dans la couche dozone et se nourrit
des météorites quil intercepte. Leur énergie saccumule
dans son corps, ce qui lui permet de méga-évoluer."
384,26,6,"Es fliegt durch die Ozonschicht und ernährt sich von Meteoren.
Mithilfe der Energie, die durch diese Meteore in seinen Körper
gelangt, kann es eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
384,26,7,"Rayquaza ha vivido en la capa de ozono durante millones de
años, alimentándose de meteoritos. La energía de estos
meteoritos se acumula en su cuerpo y le permite
384,26,8,"Risiede nello strato di ozono, dove si nutre di meteoriti.
Grazie alla loro energia che si accumula allinterno del
suo corpo, può megaevolversi."
384,26,9,"It flies forever through the ozone layer, consuming
meteoroids for sustenance. The many meteoroids
in its body provide the energy it needs to Mega Evolve."
384,26,11,"オゾン層を 飛び続け エサとなる
隕石を くらう。体内に たまった
隕石の エネルギーで メガシンカする。"
385,7,9,"A legend states that JIRACHI will make
true any wish that is written on notes
attached to its head when it awakens.If this POKéMON senses danger, it will
fight without awakening."
385,8,9,"JIRACHI will awaken from its sleep of
a thousand years if you sing to it in a
voice of purity.It is said to make true any wish that
people desire."
385,9,9,"JIRACHI is said to make wishes come true.
While it sleeps, a tough crystalline shell
envelops the body to protect it from
385,10,9,"It is said to make any wish come true.
It is awake for only seven days out of
a thousand years."
385,11,9,"It is said to make any wish come true.
It is awake for only seven days out of
a thousand years."
385,12,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,13,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,14,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,15,9,"Generations have believed that any
wish written on a note on its head
will come true when it awakens."
385,16,9,"Generations have believed that any
wish written on a note on its head
will come true when it awakens."
385,17,5,"On raconte quune fois tous les
mille ans, il a la capacité dexaucer
tous les vœux durant une semaine."
385,17,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,18,5,"On raconte quune fois tous les
mille ans, il a la capacité dexaucer
tous les vœux durant une semaine."
385,18,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,21,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,22,9,"It is said to have the ability to
grant any wish for just one week
every thousand years."
385,23,1,"めざめた とき あたまの たんざくに
かかれた ねがいごとを かなえると
おおむかしから かたりつがれてきた。"
385,23,3,"깨어났을 때 머리의 종이에
쓴 소원을 이루어준다고
먼 옛날부터 구전되었다."
385,23,5,"On raconte quà son réveil, il exauce les vœux écrits
sur les rubans de papier de sa tête."
385,23,6,"Wenn Jirachi erwacht, erfüllt es die Wünsche,
die man auf die Zettel an seinem Kopf geschrieben hat."
385,23,7,"Desde antaño se dice que concederá los deseos
escritos en las notas de su cabeza cuando se
385,23,8,"Da sempre si dice che al risveglio realizzi i desideri
scritti sulle striscioline attaccate in testa."
385,23,9,"Generations have believed that any wish written on
a note on its head will come true when it awakens."
385,23,11,"目覚めた とき 頭の 短冊に
書かれた 願い事を かなえると
大昔から 語り継がれてきた。"
385,24,1,"1000ねんかんで 7にちだけ
めを さまし どんな ねがいごとでも
かなえる ちからを つかうという。"
385,24,3,"1000년 중 7일 동안만 깨어나
모든 소원을 이루어주는
능력을 발휘한다고 한다."
385,24,5,"On raconte quune fois tous les 1000 ans, il a la
capacité dexaucer tous les vœux durant une semaine."
385,24,6,"Man sagt, es kann alle 1 000 Jahre für eine Woche
jeden Wunsch erfüllen."
385,24,7,"Se dice que puede otorgar cualquier deseo durante
una semana cada 1000 años."
385,24,8,"Ha labilità di realizzare ogni desiderio, ma soltanto
per una settimana ogni 1000 anni."
385,24,9,"It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for
just one week every thousand years."
385,24,11,"1000年間で 7日だけ
目を 覚まし どんな 願い事でも
かなえる 力を 使うという。"
385,25,1,"めざめた とき あたまの たんざくに かかれた
ねがいを かなえると いう でんせつを もつ。
きけんを かんじると ねむったまま たたかう。"
385,25,3,"깨어났을 때 머리에 있는 종이에 적힌
소원을 이루어준다는 전설을 가졌다.
위험을 느끼면 잠든 채로 싸운다."
385,25,5,"Une légende raconte quà son réveil, Jirachi réalise nimporte
quel souhait inscrit sur les papiers collés sur sa tête.
Si ce Pokémon se sent en danger, il se défend sans même
se réveiller."
385,25,6,"Einer Legende nach erfüllt Jirachi jeden Wunsch, der auf einen
Notizzettel an seinem Kopf geschrieben wird. Wenn dieses
Pokémon Gefahr wittert, kämpft es bereits, bevor es überhaupt
aufgewacht ist."
385,25,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que Jirachi hará realidad cualquier deseo
que se le escriba en las notas que lleva en la cabeza cuando
las lea tras salir de su letargo. Si este Pokémon siente peligro,
luchará sin haber llegado a despertarse."
385,25,8,"La leggenda racconta che Jirachi realizza ogni desiderio
scritto su bigliettini che trova attaccati alla propria testa,
quando si sveglia. In caso di pericolo, lotta senza mai
385,25,9,"A legend states that Jirachi will make true any wish that is
written on notes attached to its head when it awakens. If this
Pokémon senses danger, it will fight without awakening."
385,25,11,"目覚めた とき 頭の 短冊に 書かれた
願いを かなえると いう 伝説を もつ。
危険を 感じると 眠ったまま 戦う。"
385,26,1,"きよらかな こえで うたを きかせて あげると
1000ねんの ねむりから めを さます。
ひとの ねがいを なんでも かなえると いう。"
385,26,3,"밝고 맑은 목소리로 노래를 들려주면
1000년의 잠에서 깨어난다.
사람의 소원을 무엇이든 들어준다고 한다."
385,26,5,"Jirachi dort depuis mille ans, mais il se réveillera si on lui
chante quelque chose avec une voix dune grande pureté.
On raconte quil peut exaucer les vœux des gens."
385,26,6,"Jirachi wird aus seinem tausendjährigen Schlaf erwachen,
wenn du ihm mit klarer Stimme etwas vorsingst. Es soll
angeblich alle Wünsche der Menschen erfüllen."
385,26,7,"Jirachi despertará de su letargo de miles de años si se le
canta con una voz pura. Dicen que este Pokémon hace
realidad cualquier deseo que se tenga."
385,26,8,"Jirachi può essere destato dal suo sonno millenario cantando
con una voce pura e cristallina. Riesce a realizzare ogni
desiderio espresso dalle persone."
385,26,9,"Jirachi will awaken from its sleep of a thousand years if you
sing to it in a voice of purity. It is said to make true any wish
that people desire."
385,26,11,"清らかな 声で 歌を 聞かせて あげると
1000年の 眠りから 目を 覚ます。
人の 願いを なんでも かなえると いう。"
385,33,1,"1000ねんに いちど きよらかな
うたごえを きくことで 7にちの
あいだ だけ めを さます。"
385,33,3,"1000년에 한 번 밝고 맑은
노랫소리를 듣고
7일 동안 눈을 뜬다."
385,33,5,"Une fois tous les mille ans, le chant dune voix
pure le tire de son sommeil pour sept jours
385,33,6,"Durch den Klang einer reinen Singstimme kann es
ein Mal alle 1000 Jahre für genau sieben Tage
aus seinem Schlaf erwachen."
385,33,7,"El son de un canto puro y cristalino puede
despertarlo de su sueño durante siete días
una vez cada mil años."
385,33,8,"Una volta ogni mille anni, si sveglia per sette
giorni al canto di una voce pura e cristallina."
385,33,9,"Once every 1,000 years, the singing of a pure
voice will rouse this Pokémon from its near-
perpetual slumber. It wakes for only seven days."
385,33,11,"1000年に 一度 清らかな
歌声を 聞くことで 7日の
あいだ だけ 目を 覚ます。"
385,34,1,"1000ねんの ねむりから めざめた
とき あたまの たんざくに かかれた
ねがいごとを かなえる という。"
385,34,3,"1000년의 잠에서 깨어났을 때
머리의 종이에 쓰인 소원을
이루어준다고 한다."
385,34,5,"On raconte que lorsquil se réveille de
son sommeil millénaire, il exauce les vœux
écrits sur les rubans de papier de sa tête."
385,34,6,"Es heißt, wenn es aus seinem tausendjährigen
Schlaf erwacht, erfüllt es die Wünsche, die auf
die Zettel an seinem Kopf geschrieben wurden."
385,34,7,"Se dice que concederá los deseos escritos en
las notas de su cabeza cuando se despierte de
su sueño milenario."
385,34,8,"Si dice che, al risveglio dal suo sonno millenario,
realizzi i desideri scritti sui bigliettini attaccati
alla sua testa."
385,34,9,"Its believed that when this Pokémon wakes from
its 1,000-year slumber, it will grant any wishes
written on the notes attached to its head."
385,34,11,"1000年の 眠りから 目覚めた
とき 頭の 短冊に 書かれた
願い事を かなえる という。"
386,7,9,"The DNA of a space virus underwent a
sudden mutation upon exposure to a
laser beam and resulted in DEOXYS.The crystalline organ on this POKéMONs
chest appears to be its brain."
386,8,9,"DEOXYS emerged from a virus that came
from space. It is highly intelligent and
wields psychokinetic powers.This POKéMON shoots lasers from the
crystalline organ on its chest."
386,9,9,"A POKéMON that mutated from an
extraterrestrial virus exposed to a laser
beam. Its body is configured for superior
agility and speed."
386,10,9,"This DEOXYS has transformed into its
aggressive guise. It can fool enemies by
altering its appearance."
386,11,9,"When it changes form, an aurora appears.
It absorbs attacks by altering its
cellular structure."
386,12,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,13,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,14,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,15,9,"DNA from a space virus mutated and
became a Pokémon. It appears
where auroras are seen."
386,16,9,"DNA from a space virus mutated and
became a Pokémon. It appears
where auroras are seen."
386,17,5,"Il vient dun virus extraterrestre
arrivé avec une météorite et ayant
subi une mutation génétique."
386,17,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,18,5,"Il vient dun virus extraterrestre
arrivé avec une météorite et ayant
subi une mutation génétique."
386,18,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,21,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,22,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth
on a meteor underwent a DNA
mutation to become this Pokémon."
386,23,1,"いんせきに ふちゃくしていた
うちゅうウイルスの DNAが
へんいして うまれた ポケモン。"
386,23,3,"운석에 붙어 있던
우주 바이러스의 DNA가
변이하여 생겨난 포켓몬이다."
386,23,5,"Il vient dun virus extraterrestre arrivé avec une
météorite et ayant subi une mutation génétique."
386,23,6,"Ein außerirdischer Virus kam mit einem Meteor auf
die Erde. Seine DNA mutierte. So entstand Deoxys."
386,23,7,"Surgió a raíz de la mutación de ADN de un virus
alienígena que cayó a la Tierra en un meteorito."
386,23,8,"È il risultato della mutazione genetica di un virus
alieno giunto con un meteorite."
386,23,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor
underwent a DNA mutation to become
this Pokémon."
386,23,11,"隕石に 付着していた
宇宙ウイルスの DNAが
変異して 生まれた ポケモン。"
386,24,1,"うちゅうウィルスが とつぜんへんいを
おこして ポケモンに なった。
オーロラの ちかくに あらわれる。"
386,24,3,"우주 바이러스가 돌연변이를
일으켜 포켓몬이 되었다.
오로라 근처에 나타난다."
386,24,5,"Cest un virus extraterrestre qui a muté en Pokémon.
Il apparaît à proximité des aurores boréales."
386,24,6,"Deoxys ist ein außerirdisches Virus, das zu einem
Pokémon mutierte. Es erscheint in der Nähe von
386,24,7,"Pokémon surgido a raíz de la mutación de un virus
alienígena. Aparece cerca de la aurora."
386,24,8,"Una mutazione di virus alieni ha portato alla creazione
di questo Pokémon. Visibile in prossimità dellaurora."
386,24,9,"DNA from a space virus mutated and became a
Pokémon. It appears where auroras are seen."
386,24,11,"宇宙ウィルスが 突然変異を
起こして ポケモンに なった。
オーロラの 近くに 現れる。"
386,25,1,"レーザーを あびた うちゅうウィルスの DNAが
とつぜんへんいを おこして うまれた ポケモン。
むねの すいしょうたいが のうみそ らしい。"
386,25,3,"레이저를 쬔 우주 바이러스의 DNA가
돌연변이를 일으켜 태어난 포켓몬이다.
가슴의 수정체가 뇌인 것 같다."
386,25,5,"LADN dun virus extraterrestre entama une mutation
non attendue suite à une exposition à un rayon laser,
ce qui créa Deoxys. Lorgane cristallin se trouvant
sur la poitrine de ce Pokémon semble être son cerveau."
386,25,6,"Die DNS eines Weltraumvirus hat eine spontane Mutation
erfahren, da sie einem Laserstrahl ausgesetzt wurde.
Daraus entstand Deoxys. Das kristallartige Organ auf
der Brust dieses Pokémon ist sein Gehirn."
386,25,7,"Tras estar expuesto a un rayo láser, el ADN de un virus
espacial sufrió una mutación y dio origen a Deoxys. Según
parece, el órgano cristalino que este Pokémon tiene en el
torso es el cerebro."
386,25,8,"Il DNA di un virus spaziale ha subito unimprovvisa mutazione,
in seguito allesposizione a un raggio laser. Questo ha
dato vita a Deoxys. Pare che lorgano cristallino sul suo petto
costituisca il cervello."
386,25,9,"The DNA of a space virus underwent a sudden mutation upon
exposure to a laser beam and resulted in Deoxys.
The crystalline organ on this Pokémons chest appears to be
its brain."
386,25,11,"レーザーを 浴びた 宇宙ウィルスの DNAが
突然変異を 起こして 生まれた ポケモン。
胸の 水晶体が 脳みそ らしい。"
386,26,1,"うちゅうウィルスから たんじょうした ポケモン。
ちのうが たかく ちょうのうりょくを あやつる。
むねの すいしょうたいから レーザーを だす。"
386,26,3,"우주 바이러스에서 태어난 포켓몬이다.
지능이 높고 초능력을 쓸 수 있다.
가슴의 수정체에서 레이저를 쏜다."
386,26,5,"Deoxys était à lorigine un virus provenant de lespace. Il est
extrêmement intelligent et dispose de pouvoirs télékinétiques.
Ce Pokémon envoie des lasers avec lorgane cristallin situé
sur sa poitrine."
386,26,6,"Deoxys ging aus einem Virus aus dem Weltraum hervor.
Es ist sehr intelligent und nutzt psychokinetische Energie.
Dieses Pokémon verschießt Laserstrahlen aus einem
kristallartigen Organ auf seinem Brustkorb."
386,26,7,"Deoxys surgió a partir de un virus espacial. Tiene un alto nivel
intelectual y poderes psicoquinéticos. Este Pokémon dispara
rayos láser por el órgano cristalino que tiene en el torso."
386,26,8,"Deoxys è nato da un virus proveniente dallo spazio. È dotato
di estrema intelligenza e di poteri psicocinetici. Spara raggi
laser dallorgano cristallino del proprio corpo."
386,26,9,"Deoxys emerged from a virus that came from space. It is highly
intelligent and wields psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon
shoots lasers from the crystalline organ on its chest."
386,26,11,"宇宙ウィルスから 誕生した ポケモン。
知能が 高く 超能力を 操る。
胸の 水晶体から レーザーを 出す。"
387,12,9,"Made from soil, the shell on its
back hardens when it drinks water.
It lives along lakes."
387,13,9,"It undertakes photosynthesis with
its body, making oxygen. The leaf
on its head wilts if it is thirsty."
387,14,9,"The shell on its back is made of
soil. On a very healthy TURTWIG,
the shell should feel moist."
387,15,9,"Photosynthesis occurs across its
body under the sun. The shell on
its back is actually hardened soil."
387,16,9,"Photosynthesis occurs across its
body under the sun. The shell on
its back is actually hardened soil."
387,17,5,"La coquille sur son dos est faite de
terre. Plus il est en bonne santé,
plus elle est humide."
387,17,9,"The shell on its back is made of
soil. On a very healthy Turtwig,
the shell should feel moist."
387,18,5,"La coquille sur son dos est faite de
terre. Plus il est en bonne santé,
plus elle est humide."
387,18,9,"The shell on its back is made of
soil. On a very healthy Turtwig,
the shell should feel moist."
387,21,9,"The shell on its back is made of
soil. On a very healthy Turtwig,
the shell should feel moist."
387,22,9,"The shell on its back is made of
soil. On a very healthy Turtwig,
the shell should feel moist."
387,23,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびて
ぜんしんで こうごうせいを する。
こうらは つちが かたくなったもの。"
387,23,3,"태양의 빛을 쬐어
전신으로 광합성을 한다.
등껍질은 흙이 딱딱해진 것이다."
387,23,5,"Son corps assimile la lumière du soleil par
photosynthèse. Sa carapace est faite de terre durcie."
387,23,6,"Im Sonnenlicht betreibt sein ganzer Körper
Photosynthese. Sein Panzer besteht aus hartem Lehm."
387,23,7,"Realiza la fotosíntesis al bañarle los rayos de sol.
Su concha está formada por tierra endurecida."
387,23,8,"Fa la fotosintesi su tutto il corpo esponendosi ai
raggi solari. La sua corazza è fatta di terra compatta."
387,23,9,"Photosynthesis occurs across its body under the
sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil."
387,23,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びて
全身で 光合成を する。
甲羅は 土が 硬くなったもの。"
387,24,1,"ぜんしんで こうごうせいを して
さんそを つくる。のどが かわくと
あたまの はっぱが しおれてしまう。"
387,24,3,"전신으로 광합성을 하여
산소를 만든다. 목이 마르면
머리의 잎사귀가 시들어 버린다."
387,24,5,"Son corps produit de loxygène par photosynthèse.
La feuille sur sa tête flétrit quand il a soif."
387,24,6,"Sein Körper lebt von der Photosynthese,
die Sauerstoff freisetzt. Ist es durstig, welkt sein Blatt."
387,24,7,"Realiza la fotosíntesis para obtener oxígeno. Si tiene
sed, las hojas de la cabeza se marchitan."
387,24,8,"È in grado di svolgere la fotosintesi e di produrre
ossigeno. La sua foglia appassisce se ha sete."
387,24,9,"It undertakes photosynthesis with its body, making
oxygen. The leaf on its head wilts if it is thirsty."
387,24,11,"全身で 光合成を して
酸素を 作る。のどが 渇くと
頭の 葉っぱが しおれてしまう。"
387,25,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびて
ぜんしんで こうごうせいを する。
こうらは つちが かたくなったもの。"
387,25,3,"태양의 빛을 쬐어
전신으로 광합성을 한다.
등껍질은 흙이 딱딱해진 것이다."
387,25,5,"Son corps assimile la lumière du soleil par photosynthèse.
Sa carapace est faite de terre durcie."
387,25,6,"Im Sonnenlicht betreibt sein ganzer Körper Photosynthese.
Sein Panzer besteht aus hartem Lehm."
387,25,7,"Realiza la fotosíntesis al bañarle los rayos de sol. Su concha
está formada por tierra endurecida."
387,25,8,"Fa la fotosintesi su tutto il corpo esponendosi ai raggi solari.
La sua corazza è fatta di terra compatta."
387,25,9,"Photosynthesis occurs across its body under the
sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil."
387,25,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びて
全身で 光合成を する。
甲羅は 土が 硬くなったもの。"
387,26,1,"ぜんしんで こうごうせいを して
さんそを つくる。のどが かわくと
あたまの はっぱが しおれてしまう。"
387,26,3,"전신으로 광합성을 하여
산소를 만든다. 목이 마르면
머리의 잎사귀가 시들어 버린다."
387,26,5,"Son corps produit de loxygène par photosynthèse.
La feuille sur sa tête flétrit quand il a soif."
387,26,6,"Sein Körper lebt von der Photosynthese, die Sauerstoff
freisetzt. Ist es durstig, welkt sein Blatt."
387,26,7,"Realiza la fotosíntesis para obtener oxígeno. Si tiene sed,
las hojas de la cabeza se marchitan."
387,26,8,"È in grado di svolgere la fotosintesi e di produrre ossigeno.
La sua foglia appassisce se ha sete."
387,26,9,"It undertakes photosynthesis with its body, making
oxygen. The leaf on its head wilts if it is thirsty."
387,26,11,"全身で 光合成を して
酸素を 作る。のどが 渇くと
頭の 葉っぱが しおれてしまう。"
388,12,9,"It lives along water in forests. In
the daytime, it leaves the forest
to sunbathe its treed shell."
388,13,9,"The shell is hardened soil. Some
Pokémon come to peck the berries
growing on the trees on its back."
388,14,9,"It knows where pure water wells
up. It carries fellow Pokémon there
on its back."
388,15,9,"A GROTLE that lives in the forest
is said to have its own secret
388,16,9,"A GROTLE that lives in the forest
is said to have its own secret
388,17,5,"Il sait dinstinct où trouver une
source deau pure. Il y transporte
dautres Pokémon sur son dos."
388,17,9,"It knows where pure water wells
up. It carries fellow Pokémon there
on its back."
388,18,5,"Il sait dinstinct où trouver une
source deau pure. Il y transporte
dautres Pokémon sur son dos."
388,18,9,"It knows where pure water wells
up. It carries fellow Pokémon there
on its back."
388,21,9,"It knows where pure water wells
up. It carries fellow Pokémon there
on its back."
388,22,9,"It knows where pure water wells
up. It carries fellow Pokémon there
on its back."
388,23,1,"もりの なかの みずべで くらす。
ひるまは もりの そとに でて
こうらの きに ひかりを あてる。"
388,23,3,"숲 속의 물가에서 산다.
낮에는 숲 밖으로 나와서
등껍질의 나무에 빛을 쬔다."
388,23,5,"Il vit en forêt près de leau. En journée, il la quitte
pour dorer sa carapace feuillue au soleil."
388,23,6,"Es lebt in der Nähe von Wasser in Wäldern.
Tagsüber verlässt es diese, um ein Sonnenbad
zu nehmen."
388,23,7,"Vive en los bosques cerca del agua. Por el día, sale a
que les dé el sol a las plantas de su espalda."
388,23,8,"Vive nelle foreste vicino allacqua, ma esce di giorno
per far prendere sole alle piante sul guscio."
388,23,9,"It lives along water in forests. In the daytime,
it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell."
388,23,11,"森の 中の 水辺で 暮らす。
昼間は 森の 外に 出て
甲羅の 木に 光を 当てる。"
388,24,1,"きれいな みずが わきでる ばしょを
しっていて なかまの ポケモンを
せなかに のせて そこまで はこぶ。"
388,24,3,"깨끗한 물이 솟아나는 장소를
알고 있어서 동료 포켓몬을
등에 태우고 그곳까지 데려다 준다."
388,24,5,"Il sait dinstinct où trouver une source deau pure.
Il y transporte dautres Pokémon sur son dos."
388,24,6,"Es weiß, wo es reinstes Quellwasser finden kann.
Trägt andere Pokémon auf seinem Rücken dorthin."
388,24,7,"Sabe dónde encontrar manantiales de agua pura y
lleva a los Pokémon amigos hasta allí en su lomo."
388,24,8,"Sa come trovare sorgenti incontaminate, dove porta
i Pokémon amici tenendoli sulla schiena."
388,24,9,"It knows where pure water wells up. It carries fellow
Pokémon there on its back."
388,24,11,"きれいな 水が わき出る 場所を
知っていて 仲間の ポケモンを
背中に 乗せて そこまで 運ぶ。"
388,25,1,"もりの なかの みずべで くらす。
ひるまは もりの そとに でて
こうらの きに ひかりを あてる。"
388,25,3,"숲 속의 물가에서 산다.
낮에는 숲 밖으로 나와서
등껍질의 나무에 빛을 쬔다."
388,25,5,"Il vit en forêt près de leau. En journée, il la quitte pour dorer
sa carapace feuillue au soleil."
388,25,6,"Es lebt in der Nähe von Wasser in Wäldern. Tagsüber verlässt
es diese, um ein Sonnenbad zu nehmen."
388,25,7,"Vive en los bosques cerca del agua. Por el día, sale a que les
dé el sol a las plantas de su espalda."
388,25,8,"Vive nelle foreste vicino allacqua, ma esce di giorno per far
prendere sole alle piante sul guscio."
388,25,9,"It lives along water in forests. In the daytime,
it leaves the forest to sunbathe its treed shell."
388,25,11,"森の 中の 水辺で 暮らす。
昼間は 森の 外に 出て
甲羅の 木に 光を 当てる。"
388,26,1,"きれいな みずが わきでる ばしょを
しっていて なかまの ポケモンを
せなかに のせて そこまで はこぶ。"
388,26,3,"깨끗한 물이 솟아나는 장소를
알고 있어서 동료 포켓몬을
등에 태우고 그곳까지 데려다 준다."
388,26,5,"Il sait dinstinct où trouver une source deau pure.
Il y transporte dautres Pokémon sur son dos."
388,26,6,"Es weiß, wo es reinstes Quellwasser finden kann.
Trägt andere Pokémon auf seinem Rücken dorthin."
388,26,7,"Sabe dónde encontrar manantiales de agua pura y lleva a
los Pokémon amigos hasta allí en su lomo."
388,26,8,"Sa come trovare sorgenti incontaminate, dove porta i Pokémon
amici tenendoli sulla schiena."
388,26,9,"It knows where pure water wells up. It carries fellow
Pokémon there on its back."
388,26,11,"きれいな 水が わき出る 場所を
知っていて 仲間の ポケモンを
背中に 乗せて そこまで 運ぶ。"
389,12,9,"Small Pokémon occasionally gather
on its unmoving back to begin
building their nests."
389,13,9,"Groups of this Pokémon migrating
in search of water have been
mistaken for “moving forests.”"
389,14,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a
TORTERRAs back and spend their
entire life there."
389,15,9,"Ancient people imagined that
beneath the ground, a gigantic
TORTERRA dwelled."
389,16,9,"Ancient people imagined that
beneath the ground, a gigantic
TORTERRA dwelled."
389,17,5,"Certains petits Pokémon peuvent
naître sur son dos et y passer
toute leur vie."
389,17,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a
Torterras back and spend their
entire life there."
389,18,5,"Certains petits Pokémon peuvent
naître sur son dos et y passer
toute leur vie."
389,18,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a
Torterras back and spend their
entire life there."
389,21,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a
Torterras back and spend their
entire life there."
389,22,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a
Torterras back and spend their
entire life there."
389,23,1,"おおむかしの ひとびとは だいちの
したには きょだいな ドダイトスが
いると くうそう していた。"
389,23,3,"오랜 옛날 사람들은 대지
밑에 거대한 토대부기가
있다고 공상했었다."
389,23,5,"Autrefois, les gens pensaient quun gigantesque
Torterra vivait sous la surface de la Terre."
389,23,6,"In alten Zeiten malten die Menschen sich aus,
die Erde ruhe auf dem Rücken eines riesigen
389,23,7,"Las gentes de antaño creían que el planeta se
sustentaba en la espalda de un gran Torterra."
389,23,8,"In tempi antichissimi la gente pensava che sottoterra
ci fossero dei giganteschi Torterra."
389,23,9,"Ancient people imagined that beneath the ground,
a gigantic Torterra dwelled."
389,23,11,"大昔の 人々は 大地の 下には
巨大な ドダイトスが いると
389,24,1,"ちいさな ポケモンたちが あつまり
うごかない ドダイトスの せなかで
すづくりを はじめることがある。"
389,24,3,"작은 포켓몬들이 모여
움직이지 않는 토대부기의 등에서
둥지를 만들려고 하는 경우가 있다."
389,24,5,"Il arrive que de petits Pokémon se rassemblent sur
son dos immobile pour y faire leur nid."
389,24,6,"Kleine Pokémon fangen manchmal an, auf dem
bewegungslosen Rücken Nester zu bauen."
389,24,7,"Algunos Pokémon pequeños se juntan en su espalda
para hacer sus nidos."
389,24,8,"Piccoli Pokémon si radunano talvolta sul suo dorso
immobile per costruirvi la loro tana."
389,24,9,"Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving
back to begin building their nests."
389,24,11,"小さな ポケモンたちが 集まり
動かない ドダイトスの 背中で
巣作りを はじめることがある。"
389,25,1,"おおむかしの ひとびとは だいちの
したには きょだいな ドダイトスが
いると くうそう していた。"
389,25,3,"오랜 옛날 사람들은 대지
밑에 거대한 토대부기가
있다고 공상했었다."
389,25,5,"Autrefois, les gens pensaient quun gigantesque Torterra vivait
sous la surface de la Terre."
389,25,6,"In alten Zeiten malten die Menschen sich aus, die Erde ruhe
auf dem Rücken eines riesigen Chelterrar."
389,25,7,"Las gentes de antaño creían que el planeta se sustentaba en
la espalda de un gran Torterra."
389,25,8,"In tempi antichissimi la gente pensava che sottoterra ci fossero
dei giganteschi Torterra."
389,25,9,"Ancient people imagined that beneath the ground,
a gigantic Torterra dwelled."
389,25,11,"大昔の 人々は 大地の 下には
巨大な ドダイトスが いると
389,26,1,"ちいさな ポケモンたちが あつまり
うごかない ドダイトスの せなかで
すづくりを はじめることがある。"
389,26,3,"작은 포켓몬들이 모여
움직이지 않는 토대부기의 등에서
둥지를 만들려고 하는 경우가 있다."
389,26,5,"Il arrive que de petits Pokémon se rassemblent sur son dos
immobile pour y faire leur nid."
389,26,6,"Kleine Pokémon fangen manchmal an, auf dem
bewegungslosen Rücken Nester zu bauen."
389,26,7,"Algunos Pokémon pequeños se juntan en su espalda para
hacer sus nidos."
389,26,8,"Piccoli Pokémon si radunano talvolta sul suo dorso immobile
per costruirvi la loro tana."
389,26,9,"Small Pokémon occasionally gather on its unmoving
back to begin building their nests."
389,26,11,"小さな ポケモンたちが 集まり
動かない ドダイトスの 背中で
巣作りを はじめることがある。"
390,12,9,"It agilely scales sheer cliffs to
live atop craggy mountains. Its
fire is put out when it sleeps."
390,13,9,"Its fiery rear end is fueled by
gas made in its belly. Even rain
cant extinguish the fire."
390,14,9,"It is very agile. Before going to
sleep, it extinguishes the flame
on its tail to prevent fires."
390,15,9,"The gas made in its belly burns from
its rear end. The fire burns weakly
when it feels sick."
390,16,9,"The gas made in its belly burns from
its rear end. The fire burns weakly
when it feels sick."
390,17,5,"Il est très agile. Il fait toujours
attention déteindre la flamme de
sa queue avant de se coucher."
390,17,9,"It is very agile. Before going to
sleep, it extinguishes the flame
on its tail to prevent fires."
390,18,5,"Il est très agile. Il fait toujours
attention déteindre la flamme de
sa queue avant de se coucher."
390,18,9,"It is very agile. Before going to
sleep, it extinguishes the flame
on its tail to prevent fires."
390,21,9,"It is very agile. Before going to
sleep, it extinguishes the flame
on its tail to prevent fires."
390,22,9,"It is very agile. Before going to
sleep, it extinguishes the flame
on its tail to prevent fires."
390,23,1,"おしりの ほのおは おなかで
つくられた ガスが ねんりょう。
あめに ぬれても きえない。"
390,23,3,"엉덩이의 불꽃은 배에서
만들어진 가스가 연료다.
비에 젖어도 꺼지지 않는다."
390,23,5,"La flamme de sa queue est alimentée par un gaz de
son estomac. Même la pluie ne saurait léteindre."
390,23,6,"Das Feuer an seinem Hinterteil wird durch Gase
im Bauch genährt. Selbst Regen löscht es nicht."
390,23,7,"El gas de su panza alimenta el fuego de su parte
trasera, que ni la lluvia puede extinguir."
390,23,8,"Le fiamme sulla coda, alimentate dai gas della
pancia, non si spengono neppure quando piove."
390,23,9,"Its fiery rear end is fueled by gas made in its belly.
Even rain cant extinguish the fire."
390,23,11,"お尻の 炎は
お腹で 作られた ガスが 燃料。
雨に ぬれても 消えない。"
390,24,1,"おなかで つくられた ガスが
おしりで もえている。たいちょうが
わるいと ほのおが よわくなる。"
390,24,3,"배에서 만들어진 가스가
엉덩이에서 타오르고 있다. 몸 상태가
나쁘면 불꽃이 약해진다."
390,24,5,"La flamme de son postérieur brûle grâce à un gaz
de son estomac. Elle faiblit quand il ne va pas bien."
390,24,6,"An seinem Rücken verbrennt es die Gase aus seinem
Bauch. Geht es ihm schlecht, leuchtet es weniger hell."
390,24,7,"El fuego que arde en su cola lo generan los gases
de su estómago y disminuye cuando está débil."
390,24,8,"Le fiamme sulla coda sono alimentate dal gas della
pancia. Si affievoliscono quando sta male."
390,24,9,"The gas made in its belly burns from its rear end.
The fire burns weakly when it feels sick."
390,24,11,"お腹で 作られた ガスが
お尻で 燃えている。体調が 悪いと
炎が 弱くなる。"
390,25,1,"おしりの ほのおは おなかで
つくられた ガスが ねんりょう。
あめに ぬれても きえない。"
390,25,3,"엉덩이의 불꽃은 배에서
만들어진 가스가 연료다.
비에 젖어도 꺼지지 않는다."
390,25,5,"La flamme de sa queue est alimentée par un gaz de
son estomac. Même la pluie ne saurait léteindre."
390,25,6,"Das Feuer an seinem Hinterteil wird durch Gase im Bauch
genährt. Selbst Regen löscht es nicht."
390,25,7,"El gas de su panza alimenta el fuego de su parte trasera, que
ni la lluvia puede extinguir."
390,25,8,"Le fiamme sulla coda, alimentate dai gas della pancia,
non si spengono neppure quando piove."
390,25,9,"Its fiery rear end is fueled by gas made in its belly.
Even rain cant extinguish the fire."
390,25,11,"お尻の 炎は
お腹で 作られた ガスが 燃料。
雨に ぬれても 消えない。"
390,26,1,"おなかで つくられた ガスが
おしりで もえている。たいちょうが
わるいと ほのおが よわくなる。"
390,26,3,"배에서 만들어진 가스가
엉덩이에서 타오르고 있다. 몸 상태가
나쁘면 불꽃이 약해진다."
390,26,5,"La flamme de son postérieur brûle grâce à un gaz de son
estomac. Elle faiblit quand il ne va pas bien."
390,26,6,"An seinem Rücken verbrennt es die Gase aus seinem
Bauch. Geht es ihm schlecht, leuchtet es weniger hell."
390,26,7,"El fuego que arde en su cola lo generan los gases de su
estómago y disminuye cuando está débil."
390,26,8,"Le fiamme sulla coda sono alimentate dal gas della pancia.
Si affievoliscono quando sta male."
390,26,9,"The gas made in its belly burns from its rear end.
The fire burns weakly when it feels sick."
390,26,11,"お腹で 作られた ガスが
お尻で 燃えている。体調が 悪いと
炎が 弱くなる。"
391,12,9,"To intimidate attackers, it
stretches the fire on its tail
to make itself appear bigger."
391,13,9,"It uses ceilings and walls to
launch aerial attacks. Its fiery
tail is but one weapon."
391,14,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity
of the fire on its tail to keep its
foes at an ideal distance."
391,15,9,"A bigger fire on its tail and a
brighter blue pattern on its face
means its rank in its pack is higher."
391,16,9,"A bigger fire on its tail and a
brighter blue pattern on its face
means its rank in its pack is higher."
391,17,5,"Il contrôle habilement lintensité
de la flamme de sa queue pour tenir
ses adversaires à distance."
391,17,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity
of the fire on its tail to keep its
foes at an ideal distance."
391,18,5,"Il contrôle habilement lintensité
de la flamme de sa queue pour tenir
ses adversaires à distance."
391,18,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity
of the fire on its tail to keep its
foes at an ideal distance."
391,21,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity
of the fire on its tail to keep its
foes at an ideal distance."
391,22,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity
of the fire on its tail to keep its
foes at an ideal distance."
391,23,1,"しっぽの ほのおの いきおいを
うまく コントロールして じぶんの
とくいな まあいで たたかうのだ。"
391,23,3,"꼬리의 불꽃 세기를
잘 컨트롤하여 자신에게
맞는 거리를 두고 싸운다."
391,23,5,"Il contrôle habilement lintensité de la flamme de
sa queue pour tenir ses adversaires à distance."
391,23,6,"Es kontrolliert die Stärke des Feuers auf seinem
Schweif geschickt, um Gegner auf Distanz zu halten."
391,23,7,"Controla hábilmente la intensidad del fuego de su cola
para mantener al enemigo a una distancia ideal."
391,23,8,"Controlla abilmente lintensità delle fiamme sulla
sua coda per tenere i nemici alla distanza ideale."
391,23,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity of the fire on its
tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance."
391,23,11,"尻尾の 炎の 勢いを
うまく コントロールして
自分の 得意な 間合いで 戦うのだ。"
391,24,1,"てんじょうや かべを りようして
くうちゅうさっぽうを くりだす。
しっぽの ほのおも ぶきの ひとつ。"
391,24,3,"천장이나 벽을 이용하여
공중 내리찍기를 날린다.
꼬리의 불꽃도 무기의 하나이다."
391,24,5,"Il attaque en prenant appui sur les murs et les
plafonds. Sa queue ardente nest pas son seul atout."
391,24,6,"Es stürzt sich von Decken und Wänden auf Beute.
Sein feuriger Schweif ist nur eine seiner Waffen."
391,24,7,"Utiliza techos y paredes para lanzar ataques aéreos.
También emplea su cola ígnea como arma."
391,24,8,"Attacca la preda lanciandosi da soffitti e pareti.
Le fiamme sulla coda sono solo una delle sue armi."
391,24,9,"It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks.
Its fiery tail is but one weapon."
391,24,11,"天井や 壁を 利用して
空中殺法を 繰り出す。
尻尾の 炎も 武器の ひとつ。"
391,25,1,"しっぽの ほのおの いきおいを
うまく コントロールして じぶんの
とくいな まあいで たたかうのだ。"
391,25,3,"꼬리의 불꽃 세기를
잘 컨트롤하여 자신에게
맞는 거리를 두고 싸운다."
391,25,5,"Il contrôle habilement lintensité de la flamme de sa queue
pour tenir ses adversaires à distance."
391,25,6,"Es kontrolliert die Stärke des Feuers auf seinem Schweif
geschickt, um Gegner auf Distanz zu halten."
391,25,7,"Controla hábilmente la intensidad del fuego de su cola para
mantener al enemigo a una distancia ideal."
391,25,8,"Controlla abilmente lintensità delle fiamme sulla sua coda
per tenere i nemici alla distanza ideale."
391,25,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity of the fire on its
tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance."
391,25,11,"尻尾の 炎の 勢いを
うまく コントロールして
自分の 得意な 間合いで 戦うのだ。"
391,26,1,"てんじょうや かべを りようして
くうちゅうさっぽうを くりだす。
しっぽの ほのおも ぶきの ひとつ。"
391,26,3,"천장이나 벽을 이용하여
공중 내리찍기를 날린다.
꼬리의 불꽃도 무기의 하나이다."
391,26,5,"Il attaque en prenant appui sur les murs et les plafonds.
Sa queue ardente nest pas son seul atout."
391,26,6,"Es stürzt sich von Decken und Wänden auf Beute.
Sein feuriger Schweif ist nur eine seiner Waffen."
391,26,7,"Utiliza techos y paredes para lanzar ataques aéreos.
También emplea su cola ígnea como arma."
391,26,8,"Attacca la preda lanciandosi da soffitti e pareti. Le fiamme
sulla coda sono solo una delle sue armi."
391,26,9,"It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks.
Its fiery tail is but one weapon."
391,26,11,"天井や 壁を 利用して
空中殺法を 繰り出す。
尻尾の 炎も 武器の ひとつ。"
392,12,9,"It uses a special kind of martial
arts involving all its limbs.
Its fire never goes out."
392,13,9,"Its crown of fire is indicative of
its fiery nature. It is beaten by
none in terms of quickness."
392,14,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with
fire on its hands and feet. It will
take on any opponent."
392,15,9,"It tosses its enemies around with
agility. It uses all its limbs to
fight in its own unique style."
392,16,9,"It tosses its enemies around with
agility. It uses all its limbs to
fight in its own unique style."
392,17,5,"Ses techniques de combat inédites
à base de pieds et poings enflammés
sont redoutables."
392,17,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with
fire on its hands and feet. It will
take on any opponent."
392,18,5,"Ses techniques de combat inédites
à base de pieds et poings enflammés
sont redoutables."
392,18,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with
fire on its hands and feet. It will
take on any opponent."
392,21,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with
fire on its hands and feet. It will
take on any opponent."
392,22,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with
fire on its hands and feet. It will
take on any opponent."
392,23,1,"あたまで もえる ほのおの ように
はげしい せいかくの ポケモン。
すばやさでは だれにも まけない。"
392,23,3,"머리에서 타오르는 불꽃처럼
과격한 성격의 포켓몬이다.
스피드는 누구에게도 지지 않는다."
392,23,5,"Sa couronne de feu trahit son tempérament bouillant.
Sa vitesse est inégalée."
392,23,6,"Seine Krone aus Feuer ist Zeichen seines feurigen
Wesens. Niemand ist schneller im Kampf als dieses
392,23,7,"Su corona de fuego demuestra su naturaleza ígnea.
Nadie le gana en velocidad."
392,23,8,"La sua criniera di fuoco è indice della sua natura
violenta. Nessuno può batterlo in velocità."
392,23,9,"Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature.
It is beaten by none in terms of quickness."
392,23,11,"頭で 燃える 炎の ように
激しい 性格の ポケモン。
素早さでは だれにも 負けない。"
392,24,1,"すばやさで あいてを ほんろうする。
りょうて りょうあしを つかった
どくとくの たたかい かたを する。"
392,24,3,"스피드로 상대를 농락한다.
양팔 양다리를 활용한
독특한 방식으로 싸운다."
392,24,5,"Il fait voltiger ses ennemis grâce à sa vitesse et
son style de combat spécial qui utilise ses quatre
392,24,6,"Es hält den Gegner mit flinken Bewegungen
zum Narren. Im Kampf setzt es alle Gliedmaßen ein."
392,24,7,"Maneja a sus rivales con tremenda agilidad. En su
especial forma de luchar usa todos sus miembros."
392,24,8,"Confonde il nemico con la velocità. Ha uno stile di
lotta speciale, che prevede luso dei quattro arti."
392,24,9,"It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all
its limbs to fight in its own unique style."
392,24,11,"素早さで 相手を 翻弄する。
両手 両足を 使った
独特の 戦い方を する。"
392,25,1,"あたまで もえる ほのおの ように
はげしい せいかくの ポケモン。
すばやさでは だれにも まけない。"
392,25,3,"머리에서 타오르는 불꽃처럼
과격한 성격의 포켓몬이다.
스피드는 누구에게도 지지 않는다."
392,25,5,"Sa couronne de feu trahit son tempérament bouillant.
Sa vitesse est inégalée."
392,25,6,"Seine Krone aus Feuer ist Zeichen seines feurigen Wesens.
Niemand ist schneller im Kampf als dieses Pokémon."
392,25,7,"Su corona de fuego demuestra su naturaleza ígnea. Nadie le
gana en velocidad."
392,25,8,"La sua criniera di fuoco è indice della sua natura violenta.
Nessuno può batterlo in velocità."
392,25,9,"Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature.
It is beaten by none in terms of quickness."
392,25,11,"頭で 燃える 炎の ように
激しい 性格の ポケモン。
素早さでは だれにも 負けない。"
392,26,1,"すばやさで あいてを ほんろうする。
りょうて りょうあしを つかった
どくとくの たたかい かたを する。"
392,26,3,"스피드로 상대를 농락한다.
양팔 양다리를 활용한
독특한 방식으로 싸운다."
392,26,5,"Il fait voltiger ses ennemis grâce à sa vitesse et son style
de combat spécial qui utilise ses quatre membres."
392,26,6,"Es hält den Gegner mit flinken Bewegungen zum Narren.
Im Kampf setzt es alle Gliedmaßen ein."
392,26,7,"Maneja a sus rivales con tremenda agilidad. En su especial
forma de luchar usa todos sus miembros."
392,26,8,"Confonde il nemico con la velocità. Ha uno stile di lotta
speciale, che prevede luso dei quattro arti."
392,26,9,"It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all
its limbs to fight in its own unique style."
392,26,11,"素早さで 相手を 翻弄する。
両手 両足を 使った
独特の 戦い方を する。"
393,12,9,"Because it is very proud, it hates
accepting food from people. Its
thick down guards it from cold."
393,13,9,"It lives along shores in northern
countries. A skilled swimmer, it
dives for over 10 minutes to hunt."
393,14,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down.
However, its strong pride makes it
puff up its chest without a care."
393,15,9,"It doesnt like to be taken care
of. Its difficult to bond with since
it wont listen to its Trainer."
393,16,9,"It doesnt like to be taken care
of. Its difficult to bond with since
it wont listen to its Trainer."
393,17,5,"Malgré sa démarche maladroite et
ses pertes déquilibre, il bombe
toujours fièrement le torse."
393,17,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down.
However, its strong pride makes it
puff up its chest without a care."
393,18,5,"Malgré sa démarche maladroite et
ses pertes déquilibre, il bombe
toujours fièrement le torse."
393,18,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down.
However, its strong pride makes it
puff up its chest without a care."
393,21,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down.
However, its strong pride makes it
puff up its chest without a care."
393,22,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down.
However, its strong pride makes it
puff up its chest without a care."
393,23,1,"せわを やかれる ことが きらい。
トレーナーの しじを きかないので
なかよく なるのが むずかしい。"
393,23,3,"신세를 지는 것을 싫어한다.
트레이너의 지시를 듣지 않아
친해지기 어렵다."
393,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est difficile à entraîner car il est très
désobéissant et déteste quon lui rende service."
393,23,6,"Einmischung kann es gar nicht leiden. Es ist bockig
und fasst nur schwer Zutrauen zu seinem Trainer."
393,23,7,"No le gusta que lo cuiden. Como no aprecia el apoyo
de su Entrenador, le cuesta coger confianza con él."
393,23,8,"Molto orgoglioso. Difficile farci amicizia perché
non ascolta mai i consigli dellAllenatore."
393,23,9,"It doesnt like to be taken care of. Its difficult to
bond with since it wont listen to its Trainer."
393,23,11,"世話を 焼かれる ことが 大嫌い。
トレーナーの 指示を 聞かないので
仲良く なるのが 難しい。"
393,24,1,"プライドが たかく ひとから
たべものを もらう ことを きらう。
ながい うぶげが さむさを ふせぐ。"
393,24,3,"자존심이 강해서 사람에게
먹이를 얻는 것을 싫어한다.
긴 솜털이 추위를 막는다."
393,24,5,"Il est fier et déteste accepter la nourriture quon
lui offre. Son pelage épais le protège du froid."
393,24,6,"Es ist sehr stolz und nimmt daher kein Futter von
anderen an. Seine dicken Daunen schützen vor Kälte."
393,24,7,"Es muy orgulloso, por lo que odia aceptar comida de
la gente. Su grueso plumón lo protege del frío."
393,24,8,"È molto orgoglioso e odia accettare cibo dalla gente.
Le fitte piume lo proteggono dal freddo."
393,24,9,"Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food
from people. Its thick down guards it from cold."
393,24,11,"プライドが 高く 人から
食べ物を もらう ことを 嫌う。
長い 産毛が 寒さを 防ぐ。"
393,25,1,"せわを やかれる ことが きらい。
トレーナーの しじを きかないので
なかよく なるのが むずかしい。"
393,25,3,"신세를 지는 것을 싫어한다.
트레이너의 지시를 듣지 않아
친해지기 어렵다."
393,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est difficile à entraîner car il est très désobéissant
et déteste quon lui rende service."
393,25,6,"Einmischung kann es gar nicht leiden. Es ist bockig und fasst
nur schwer Zutrauen zu seinem Trainer."
393,25,7,"No le gusta que lo cuiden. Como no aprecia el apoyo de su
Entrenador, le cuesta coger confianza con él."
393,25,8,"Molto orgoglioso. Difficile farci amicizia perché non ascolta mai
i consigli dellAllenatore."
393,25,9,"It doesnt like to be taken care of. Its difficult to
bond with since it wont listen to its Trainer."
393,25,11,"世話を 焼かれる ことが 大嫌い。
トレーナーの 指示を 聞かないので
仲良く なるのが 難しい。"
393,26,1,"プライドが たかく ひとから
たべものを もらう ことを きらう。
ながい うぶげが さむさを ふせぐ。"
393,26,3,"자존심이 강해서 사람에게
먹이를 얻는 것을 싫어한다.
긴 솜털이 추위를 막는다."
393,26,5,"Il est fier et déteste accepter la nourriture quon lui offre.
Son pelage épais le protège du froid."
393,26,6,"Es ist sehr stolz und nimmt daher kein Futter von anderen an.
Seine dicken Daunen schützen vor Kälte."
393,26,7,"Es muy orgulloso, por lo que odia aceptar comida de la
gente. Su grueso plumón lo protege del frío."
393,26,8,"È molto orgoglioso e odia accettare cibo dalla gente.
Le fitte piume lo proteggono dal freddo."
393,26,9,"Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food
from people. Its thick down guards it from cold."
393,26,11,"プライドが 高く 人から
食べ物を もらう ことを 嫌う。
長い 産毛が 寒さを 防ぐ。"
394,12,9,"It lives alone, away from others.
Apparently, every one of them
believes it is the most important."
394,13,9,"Its wings deliver wicked blows that
snap even the thickest of trees.
It searches for prey in icy seas."
394,14,9,"Because every PRINPLUP considers
itself to be the most important,
they can never form a group."
394,15,9,"It lives a solitary life. Its wings
deliver wicked blows that can
snap even the thickest of trees."
394,16,9,"It lives a solitary life. Its wings
deliver wicked blows that can
snap even the thickest of trees."
394,17,5,"La fierté du Prinplouf est si
grande quil lui est impossible
de vivre en groupe."
394,17,9,"Because every Prinplup considers
itself to be the most important,
they can never form a group."
394,18,5,"La fierté du Prinplouf est si
grande quil lui est impossible
de vivre en groupe."
394,18,9,"Because every Prinplup considers
itself to be the most important,
they can never form a group."
394,21,9,"Because every Prinplup considers
itself to be the most important,
they can never form a group."
394,22,9,"Because every Prinplup considers
itself to be the most important,
they can never form a group."
394,23,1,"むれを つくらずに 1ぴきで いる。
じぶんが いちばん えらいと どの
ポッタイシも かんがえているようだ。"
394,23,3,"무리를 만들지 않고 혼자 생활한다.
어떤 팽태자라도 자신이 제일
훌륭하다고 생각하는 듯하다."
394,23,5,"Il vit seul, à lécart de ses pairs. Chaque individu est
convaincu dêtre meilleur que les autres."
394,23,6,"Es lebt allein, entfernt von anderen. Jedes von
ihnen denkt, es sei das Bedeutendste unter ihnen."
394,23,7,"Vive solo, alejado de los demás. Cada uno piensa que
es el más importante."
394,23,8,"Vive da solo lontano dagli altri. Apparentemente
ogni esemplare crede di essere il più importante."
394,23,9,"It lives alone, away from others. Apparently, every
one of them believes it is the most important."
394,23,11,"群れを 作らずに 1匹で いる。
自分が 一番 偉いと どの
ポッタイシも 考えているようだ。"
394,24,1,"なかまを つくらずに くらす。
つばさの きょうれつな いちげきは
たいぼくを まっぷたつに へしおる。"
394,24,3,"무리를 만들지 않고 생활한다.
날개의 강렬한 일격은
큰 나무를 두 동강으로 꺾는다."
394,24,5,"Cest un Pokémon solitaire. Un seul coup de ses
puissantes ailes peut briser un arbre en deux."
394,24,6,"Pliprin sind Einzelgänger. Ein Schlag ihrer
kräftigen Flügel haut selbst große Bäume entzwei."
394,24,7,"No hace amigos. Puede partir en dos un árbol
gigantesco de un fuerte aletazo."
394,24,8,"Vive senza riunirsi in gruppi. Con i suoi poderosi
colpi dala, può spaccare in due degli alberi enormi."
394,24,9,"It lives a solitary life. Its wings deliver wicked blows
that can snap even the thickest of trees."
394,24,11,"仲間を 作らずに 暮らす。
翼の 強烈な 一撃は
大木を 真っ二つに へし折る。"
394,25,1,"むれを つくらずに 1ぴきで いる。
じぶんが いちばん えらいと どの
ポッタイシも かんがえているようだ。"
394,25,3,"무리를 만들지 않고 혼자 생활한다.
어떤 팽태자라도 자신이 제일
훌륭하다고 생각하는 듯하다."
394,25,5,"Il vit seul, à lécart de ses pairs. Chaque individu est convaincu
dêtre meilleur que les autres."
394,25,6,"Es lebt allein, entfernt von anderen. Jedes von ihnen denkt,
es sei das Bedeutendste unter ihnen."
394,25,7,"Vive solo, alejado de los demás. Cada uno piensa que es el
más importante."
394,25,8,"Vive da solo lontano dagli altri. Apparentemente ogni
esemplare crede di essere il più importante."
394,25,9,"It lives alone, away from others. Apparently, every
one of them believes it is the most important."
394,25,11,"群れを 作らずに 1匹で いる。
自分が 一番 偉いと どの
ポッタイシも 考えているようだ。"
394,26,1,"なかまを つくらずに くらす。
つばさの きょうれつな いちげきは
たいぼくを まっぷたつに へしおる。"
394,26,3,"무리를 만들지 않고 생활한다.
날개의 강렬한 일격은
큰 나무를 두 동강으로 꺾는다."
394,26,5,"Cest un Pokémon solitaire. Un seul coup de ses puissantes
ailes peut briser un arbre en deux."
394,26,6,"Pliprin sind Einzelgänger. Ein Schlag ihrer kräftigen Flügel haut
selbst große Bäume entzwei."
394,26,7,"No hace amigos. Puede partir en dos un árbol gigantesco
de un fuerte aletazo."
394,26,8,"Vive senza riunirsi in gruppi. Con i suoi poderosi colpi dala,
può spaccare in due degli alberi enormi."
394,26,9,"It lives a solitary life. Its wings deliver wicked blows
that can snap even the thickest of trees."
394,26,11,"仲間を 作らずに 暮らす。
翼の 強烈な 一撃は
大木を 真っ二つに へし折る。"
395,12,9,"The three horns that extend from
its beak attest to its power. The
leader has the biggest horns."
395,13,9,"It swims as fast as a jet boat.
The edges of its wings are sharp
and can slice apart drifting ice."
395,14,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride,
it would slash them with wings that
can cleave through an ice floe."
395,15,9,"It avoids unnecessary disputes,
but it will decimate anything that
threatens its pride."
395,16,9,"It avoids unnecessary disputes,
but it will decimate anything that
threatens its pride."
395,17,5,"Sil voit son honneur bafoué, il
est capable de faire des ravages
avec ses ailes tranchantes."
395,17,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride,
it would slash them with wings that
can cleave through an ice floe."
395,18,5,"Sil voit son honneur bafoué, il
est capable de faire des ravages
avec ses ailes tranchantes."
395,18,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride,
it would slash them with wings that
can cleave through an ice floe."
395,21,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride,
it would slash them with wings that
can cleave through an ice floe."
395,22,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride,
it would slash them with wings that
can cleave through an ice floe."
395,23,1,"ジェットスキーに まけない そくどで
およぐ。つばさの へりは するどく
りゅうひょうを せつだんする。"
395,23,3,"제트스키와 맞먹는 속도로
헤엄친다. 날개 가장자리는
날카롭게 유빙을 절단한다."
395,23,5,"Il nage aussi vite quun hors-bord. Le tranchant de
ses ailes peut fendre un bloc de glace à la dérive."
395,23,6,"Es schwimmt so schnell wie ein Rennboot. Seine Flügel
haben scharfe Seiten und können Packeis schneiden."
395,23,7,"Nada tan rápido como un fueraborda. Con los
afilados bordes de sus alas puede cortar el hielo."
395,23,8,"Nuota veloce come una moto dacqua. Le estremità
delle ali sono aguzze e spaccano anche il ghiaccio."
395,23,9,"It swims as fast as a jet boat. The edges of its
wings are sharp and can slice apart drifting ice."
395,23,11,"ジェットスキーに 負けない 速度で
泳ぐ。翼の 縁は 鋭く
流氷を 切断する。"
395,24,1,"クチバシから のびている 3ぼんの
ツノは つよさの しょうちょう。
リーダーが いちばん おおきい。"
395,24,3,"부리에서 늘어난 3개의 뿔은
강하다는 것을 증명한다.
리더의 뿔이 제일 크다."
395,24,5,"Les trois cornes de son bec sont le symbole de sa
force. Celles du chef sont plus grosses que les autres."
395,24,6,"Die drei Hörner, die aus dem Schnabel wachsen,
stehen für Kraft. Ein Anführer hat die größten Hörner."
395,24,7,"Los tres cuernos de su pico son muestra de su fuerza.
El líder tiene los cuernos más grandes."
395,24,8,"Le tre corna che si allungano dal suo becco attestano
la sua forza. Il capogruppo ha le corna più grosse."
395,24,9,"The three horns that extend from its beak attest to
its power. The leader has the biggest horns."
395,24,11,"クチバシから 伸びている 3本の
ツノは 強さの 象徴。
リーダーが 一番 大きい。"
395,25,1,"ジェットスキーに まけない そくどで
およぐ。つばさの へりは するどく
りゅうひょうを せつだんする。"
395,25,3,"제트스키와 맞먹는 속도로
헤엄친다. 날개 가장자리는
날카롭게 유빙을 절단한다."
395,25,5,"Il nage aussi vite quun hors-bord. Le tranchant de ses ailes
peut fendre un bloc de glace à la dérive."
395,25,6,"Es schwimmt so schnell wie ein Rennboot. Seine Flügel haben
scharfe Seiten und können Packeis schneiden."
395,25,7,"Nada tan rápido como un fueraborda. Con los afilados bordes
de sus alas puede cortar el hielo."
395,25,8,"Nuota veloce come una moto dacqua. Le estremità delle ali
sono aguzze e spaccano anche il ghiaccio."
395,25,9,"It swims as fast as a jet boat. The edges of its
wings are sharp and can slice apart drifting ice."
395,25,11,"ジェットスキーに 負けない 速度で
泳ぐ。翼の 縁は 鋭く
流氷を 切断する。"
395,26,1,"クチバシから のびている 3ぼんの
ツノは つよさの しょうちょう。
リーダーが いちばん おおきい。"
395,26,3,"부리에서 늘어난 3개의 뿔은
강하다는 것을 증명한다.
리더의 뿔이 제일 크다."
395,26,5,"Les trois cornes de son bec sont le symbole de sa force.
Celles du chef sont plus grosses que les autres."
395,26,6,"Die drei Hörner, die aus dem Schnabel wachsen,
stehen für Kraft. Ein Anführer hat die größten Hörner."
395,26,7,"Los tres cuernos de su pico son muestra de su fuerza.
El líder tiene los cuernos más grandes."
395,26,8,"Le tre corna che si allungano dal suo becco attestano la sua
forza. Il capogruppo ha le corna più grosse."
395,26,9,"The three horns that extend from its beak attest to
its power. The leader has the biggest horns."
395,26,11,"クチバシから 伸びている 3本の
ツノは 強さの 象徴。
リーダーが 一番 大きい。"
396,12,9,"They flock in great numbers.
Though small, they flap their
wings with great power."
396,13,9,"Usually with a large flock, it is
barely noticeable when alone.
Its cries are very strident."
396,14,9,"Because they are weak individually,
they form groups. However, they
bicker if the group grows too big."
396,15,9,"They flock around mountains and
fields, chasing after bug Pokémon.
Their singing is noisy and annoying."
396,16,9,"They flock around mountains and
fields, chasing after bug Pokémon.
Their singing is noisy and annoying."
396,17,5,"La faiblesse des Étourmi les force
à vivre en groupe, mais ils se
chamaillent souvent."
396,17,9,"Because they are weak individually,
they form groups. However, they
bicker if the group grows too big."
396,18,5,"La faiblesse des Étourmi les force
à vivre en groupe, mais ils se
chamaillent souvent."
396,18,9,"Because they are weak individually,
they form groups. However, they
bicker if the group grows too big."
396,21,9,"Because they are weak individually,
they form groups. However, they
bicker if the group grows too big."
396,22,9,"Because they are weak individually,
they form groups. However, they
bicker if the group grows too big."
396,23,1,"たくさんの むれで こうどうする。
からだは ちいさいが はばたく
ちからは ひじょうに つよい。"
396,23,3,"많은 수가 무리를 이루어
행동한다. 몸은 작지만
날개 치는 힘은 매우 강하다."
396,23,5,"Ils volent en nombre. Bien que minuscule, il bat
des ailes avec une vigueur impressionnante."
396,23,6,"Ihr Schwarm ist stets groß. Obwohl es kleine Pokémon
sind, schwingen sie ihre Flügel mit enormer Kraft."
396,23,7,"Viaja en grandes bandadas. Aunque es pequeño,
agita las alas con gran fuerza."
396,23,8,"Si muove in grandi gruppi. Anche se piccolo, batte
le ali in maniera molto energica."
396,23,9,"They flock in great numbers. Though small, they
flap their wings with great power."
396,23,11,"たくさんの 群れで 行動する。
体は 小さいが
羽ばたく 力は 非常に 強い。"
396,24,1,"むしポケモンを ねらって のやまを
おおぜいの むれで とびまわる。
なきごえが とても やかましい。"
396,24,3,"벌레 포켓몬을 노리고 산과 들을
많은 무리로 날아다닌다.
울음소리가 무척 시끄럽다."
396,24,5,"Ce Pokémon très bruyant parcourt champs et forêts
en nuées pour chasser les Pokémon Insecte."
396,24,6,"Auf der Suche nach Käfer-Pokémon fliegen Schwärme
von ihnen durchs Land. Ihr Ruf erzeugt großen Lärm."
396,24,7,"Sobrevuela los campos buscando Pokémon de tipo
Bicho. Chilla de forma muy estridente."
396,24,8,"Saltella per i campi in grandi stormi a caccia di
Pokémon Coleottero. Emette versi davvero acuti."
396,24,9,"They flock around mountains and fields, chasing
after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy
and annoying."
396,24,11,"むしポケモンを ねらって 野山を
大勢の 群れで 飛び回る。
鳴き声が とても やかましい。"
396,25,1,"たくさんの むれで こうどうする。
からだは ちいさいが はばたく
ちからは ひじょうに つよい。"
396,25,3,"많은 수가 무리를 이루어
행동한다. 몸은 작지만
날개 치는 힘은 매우 강하다."
396,25,5,"Ils volent en nombre. Bien que minuscule, il bat des ailes
avec une vigueur impressionnante."
396,25,6,"Ihr Schwarm ist stets groß. Obwohl es kleine Pokémon sind,
schwingen sie ihre Flügel mit enormer Kraft."
396,25,7,"Viaja en grandes bandadas. Aunque es pequeño, agita las
alas con gran fuerza."
396,25,8,"Si muove in grandi gruppi. Anche se piccolo, batte le ali
in maniera molto energica."
396,25,9,"They flock in great numbers. Though small, they
flap their wings with great power."
396,25,11,"たくさんの 群れで 行動する。
体は 小さいが
羽ばたく 力は 非常に 強い。"
396,26,1,"むしポケモンを ねらって のやまを
おおぜいの むれで とびまわる。
なきごえが とても やかましい。"
396,26,3,"벌레 포켓몬을 노리고 산과 들을
많은 무리로 날아다닌다.
울음소리가 무척 시끄럽다."
396,26,5,"Ce Pokémon très bruyant parcourt champs et forêts en nuées
pour chasser les Pokémon Insecte."
396,26,6,"Auf der Suche nach Käfer-Pokémon fliegen Schwärme
von ihnen durchs Land. Ihr Ruf erzeugt großen Lärm."
396,26,7,"Sobrevuela los campos buscando Pokémon de tipo Bicho.
Chilla de forma muy estridente."
396,26,8,"Saltella per i campi in grandi stormi a caccia di Pokémon
Coleottero. Emette versi davvero acuti."
396,26,9,"They flock around mountains and fields, chasing
after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy
and annoying."
396,26,11,"むしポケモンを ねらって 野山を
大勢の 群れで 飛び回る。
鳴き声が とても やかましい。"
397,12,9,"It flies around forests and fields
in search of bug Pokémon.
It stays within a huge flock."
397,13,9,"It lives in forests and fields.
Squabbles over territory occur
when flocks collide."
397,14,9,"Recognizing their own weakness,
they always live in a group. When
alone, a STARAVIA cries noisily."
397,15,9,"They maintain huge flocks, although
fierce scuffles break out between
various flocks."
397,16,9,"They maintain huge flocks, although
fierce scuffles break out between
various flocks."
397,17,5,"Conscient de sa propre faiblesse,
il vit toujours en groupe, piaillant
bruyamment quand il est seul."
397,17,9,"Recognizing their own weakness,
they always live in a group. When
alone, a Staravia cries noisily."
397,18,5,"Conscient de sa propre faiblesse,
il vit toujours en groupe, piaillant
bruyamment quand il est seul."
397,18,9,"Recognizing their own weakness,
they always live in a group. When
alone, a Staravia cries noisily."
397,21,9,"Recognizing their own weakness,
they always live in a group. When
alone, a Staravia cries noisily."
397,22,9,"Recognizing their own weakness,
they always live in a group. When
alone, a Staravia cries noisily."
397,23,1,"おおきな グループを つくって
こうどうする しゅうせい。グループ
どうしの あらそいは はげしい。"
397,23,3,"큰 그룹을 만들어
행동하는 습성이 있다.
그룹 간의 분쟁이 격하다."
397,23,5,"Il a coutume de se regrouper en larges volées.
Les combats entre Étourvol sont très violents."
397,23,6,"Es neigt dazu, sich in großen Gruppen zu bewegen.
Zwischen ihnen kommt es zu heftigen Kämpfen."
397,23,7,"Vive siempre en grandes grupos y las disputas dentro
de ellos son muy intensas."
397,23,8,"Ha labitudine di riunirsi in grandi gruppi. Le zuffe
tra gruppi sono particolarmente vivaci."
397,23,9,"They maintain huge flocks, although fierce scuffles
break out between various flocks."
397,23,11,"大きな グループを 作って
行動する 習性。
グループ同士の 争いは 激しい。"
397,24,1,"もりや そうげんに せいそく。
グループが でくわすと なわばりを
かけた あらそいが はじまる。"
397,24,3,"숲이나 초원에 서식한다.
그룹이 마주치면 영역을 건
분쟁이 시작된다."
397,24,5,"Il peuple les champs et les forêts. Lorsque deux
volées se croisent, elles luttent pour le territoire."
397,24,6,"Es lebt in Wäldern und auf Wiesen. Treffen Schwärme
aufeinander, streiten sie sich um das Revier."
397,24,7,"Vive en bosques y campos. Si dos bandadas se
encuentran, pelean por el territorio."
397,24,8,"Vive nelle foreste e nei campi muovendosi in grandi
gruppi. Se due gruppi si incontrano, lottano
per il territorio."
397,24,9,"It lives in forests and fields. Squabbles over
territory occur when flocks collide."
397,24,11,"森や 草原に 生息。
グループが 出くわすと なわばりを
かけた 争いが はじまる。"
397,25,1,"おおきな グループを つくって
こうどうする しゅうせい。グループ
どうしの あらそいは はげしい。"
397,25,3,"큰 그룹을 만들어
행동하는 습성이 있다.
그룹 간의 분쟁이 격하다."
397,25,5,"Il a coutume de se regrouper en larges volées.
Les combats entre Étourvol sont très violents."
397,25,6,"Es neigt dazu, sich in großen Gruppen zu bewegen.
Zwischen ihnen kommt es zu heftigen Kämpfen."
397,25,7,"Vive siempre en grandes grupos y las disputas dentro de ellos
son muy intensas."
397,25,8,"Ha labitudine di riunirsi in grandi gruppi. Le zuffe tra gruppi
sono particolarmente vivaci."
397,25,9,"They maintain huge flocks, although fierce scuffles
break out between various flocks."
397,25,11,"大きな グループを 作って
行動する 習性。
グループ同士の 争いは 激しい。"
397,26,1,"もりや そうげんに せいそく。
グループが でくわすと なわばりを
かけた あらそいが はじまる。"
397,26,3,"숲이나 초원에 서식한다.
그룹이 마주치면 영역을 건
분쟁이 시작된다."
397,26,5,"Il peuple les champs et les forêts. Lorsque deux volées
se croisent, elles luttent pour le territoire."
397,26,6,"Es lebt in Wäldern und auf Wiesen. Treffen Schwärme
aufeinander, streiten sie sich um das Revier."
397,26,7,"Vive en bosques y campos. Si dos bandadas se encuentran,
pelean por el territorio."
397,26,8,"Vive nelle foreste e nei campi muovendosi in grandi gruppi.
Se due gruppi si incontrano, lottano per il territorio."
397,26,9,"It lives in forests and fields. Squabbles over
territory occur when flocks collide."
397,26,11,"森や 草原に 生息。
グループが 出くわすと なわばりを
かけた 争いが はじまる。"
398,12,9,"It has a savage nature. It will
courageously challenge foes that
are much larger."
398,13,9,"The muscles in its wings and legs
are strong. It can easily fly while
gripping a small Pokémon."
398,14,9,"It never stops attacking even
if it is injured. It fusses over the
shape of its comb."
398,15,9,"When STARAVIA evolve into
STARAPTOR, they leave the flock to
live alone. They have sturdy wings."
398,16,9,"When STARAVIA evolve into
STARAPTOR, they leave the flock to
live alone. They have sturdy wings."
398,17,5,"Il combattra sans relâche, même
blessé. Il prend grand soin de sa
398,17,9,"It never stops attacking even
if it is injured. It fusses over the
shape of its comb."
398,18,5,"Il combattra sans relâche, même
blessé. Il prend grand soin de sa
398,18,9,"It never stops attacking even
if it is injured. It fusses over the
shape of its comb."
398,21,9,"It never stops attacking even
if it is injured. It fusses over the
shape of its comb."
398,22,9,"It never stops attacking even
if it is injured. It fusses over the
shape of its comb."
398,23,1,"つばさと あしの きんにくが つよく
ちいさな ポケモンを つかんだまま
らくらくと とぶことが できる。"
398,23,3,"날개와 발의 근육이 강해
작은 포켓몬을 붙잡은 채로
너끈히 날 수 있다."
398,23,5,"Ses ailes et ses pattes ont des muscles développés.
Il peut voler en agrippant un petit Pokémon."
398,23,6,"Die Muskeln in seinen Flügeln und Beinen sind stark.
Es kann im Flug sogar ein anderes Pokémon tragen."
398,23,7,"Sus alas y sus patas son muy fuertes. Puede llevarse
volando Pokémon pequeños."
398,23,8,"I muscoli di ali e zampe sono molto sviluppati. Vola
senza fatica anche portando un piccolo Pokémon."
398,23,9,"The muscles in its wings and legs are strong.
It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon."
398,23,11,"翼と 脚の 筋肉が 強く
小さな ポケモンを つかんだまま
らくらくと 飛ぶことが できる。"
398,24,1,"ムクホークに なると むれから
はなれて 1ぴきで いきていく。
きょうじんな つばさを もっている。"
398,24,3,"찌르호크가 되면 무리에서
떨어져 혼자서 살아간다.
강인한 날개를 가지고 있다."
398,24,5,"Lorsque Étourvol évolue en Étouraptor, il quitte
son groupe pour vivre seul. Ses ailes sont très
398,24,6,"Wird Staravia zu Staraptor, verlässt es die Gruppe
und lebt allein. Seine Spannweite ist gigantisch."
398,24,7,"Al evolucionar a Staraptor deja su bandada y pasa a
vivir en soledad. Sus alas son inmensas."
398,24,8,"Per diventare Staraptor, lascia il gruppo e affronta
la vita da solo. Possiede ali robustissime."
398,24,9,"When Staravia evolve into Staraptor, they leave the
flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings."
398,24,11,"ムクホークに なると 群れから
離れて 1匹で 生きていく。
強靭な 翼を 持っている。"
398,25,1,"つばさと あしの きんにくが つよく
ちいさな ポケモンを つかんだまま
らくらくと とぶことが できる。"
398,25,3,"날개와 발의 근육이 강해
작은 포켓몬을 붙잡은 채로
너끈히 날 수 있다."
398,25,5,"Ses ailes et ses pattes ont des muscles développés.
Il peut voler en agrippant un petit Pokémon."
398,25,6,"Die Muskeln in seinen Flügeln und Beinen sind stark.
Es kann im Flug sogar ein anderes Pokémon tragen."
398,25,7,"Sus alas y sus patas son muy fuertes. Puede llevarse volando
Pokémon pequeños."
398,25,8,"I muscoli di ali e zampe sono molto sviluppati. Vola senza
fatica anche portando un piccolo Pokémon."
398,25,9,"The muscles in its wings and legs are strong.
It can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon."
398,25,11,"翼と 脚の 筋肉が 強く
小さな ポケモンを つかんだまま
らくらくと 飛ぶことが できる。"
398,26,1,"ムクホークに なると むれから
はなれて 1ぴきで いきていく。
きょうじんな つばさを もっている。"
398,26,3,"찌르호크가 되면 무리에서
떨어져 혼자서 살아간다.
강인한 날개를 가지고 있다."
398,26,5,"Lorsque Étourvol évolue en Étouraptor, il quitte son groupe
pour vivre seul. Ses ailes sont très développées."
398,26,6,"Wird Staravia zu Staraptor, verlässt es die Gruppe
und lebt allein. Seine Spannweite ist gigantisch."
398,26,7,"Al evolucionar a Staraptor deja su bandada y pasa a vivir en
soledad. Sus alas son inmensas."
398,26,8,"Per diventare Staraptor, lascia il gruppo e affronta la vita
da solo. Possiede ali robustissime."
398,26,9,"When Staravia evolve into Staraptor, they leave the
flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings."
398,26,11,"ムクホークに なると 群れから
離れて 1匹で 生きていく。
強靭な 翼を 持っている。"
399,12,9,"With nerves of steel, nothing can
perturb it. It is more agile and
active than it appears."
399,13,9,"It constantly gnaws on logs and
rocks to whittle down its front
teeth. It nests alongside water."
399,14,9,"A comparison revealed that
BIDOOFs front teeth grow at
the same rate as RATTATAs."
399,15,9,"It lives in groups by the water. 
It chews up boulders and trees
around its nest with its incisors."
399,16,9,"It lives in groups by the water. 
It chews up boulders and trees
around its nest with its incisors."
399,17,5,"Une étude a montré que les dents
du Keunotor poussaient aussi
vite que celles du Rattata."
399,17,9,"A comparison revealed that
Bidoofs front teeth grow at
the same rate as Rattatas."
399,18,5,"Une étude a montré que les dents
du Keunotor poussaient aussi
vite que celles du Rattata."
399,18,9,"A comparison revealed that
Bidoofs front teeth grow at
the same rate as Rattatas."
399,21,9,"A comparison revealed that
Bidoofs front teeth grow at
the same rate as Rattatas."
399,22,9,"A comparison revealed that
Bidoofs front teeth grow at
the same rate as Rattatas."
399,23,1,"なにごとにも どうじない ずぶとい
しんけいの もちぬし。みかけの
わりには きびんに かつどうする。"
399,23,3,"어떤 것에도 동요하지 않는
대담한 신경의 소유자다.
보기보다는 기민하게 활동한다."
399,23,5,"Rien ne peut perturber ses nerfs dacier. Il est plus
agile et énergique quil ny paraît."
399,23,6,"Es hat Nerven wie Drahtseile, nichts kann es
erschüttern. Es ist agiler und aktiver, als es scheint."
399,23,7,"Tiene nervios de acero y nada puede perturbarlo.
Es más ágil y activo de lo que aparenta."
399,23,8,"Ha i nervi dacciaio e niente può turbarlo. È più agile
e attivo di quanto sembri."
399,23,9,"With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is
more agile and active than it appears."
399,23,11,"なにごとにも 動じない
図太い 神経の 持ち主。
見かけの 割には 機敏に 活動する。"
399,24,1,"いつも たいぼくや いしを かじって
じょうぶな まえばを けずっている。
みずべに すを つくり くらす。"
399,24,3,"항상 큰 나무나 돌을 갉아서
튼튼한 앞니를 갈아내고 있다.
물가에 둥지를 만들어 산다."
399,24,5,"Il ronge constamment des troncs et des pierres pour
se faire les incisives. Il niche le long de leau."
399,24,6,"Es knabbert ständig an Holz und Steinen, um seine
Vorderzähne zu kürzen. Es nistet am Wasser."
399,24,7,"Roe constantemente los troncos y las rocas para
limarse los dientes. Anida cerca del agua."
399,24,8,"Rosicchia continuamente legno e rocce per affilare
i denti anteriori. Nidifica vicino allacqua."
399,24,9,"It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle
down its front teeth. It nests alongside water."
399,24,11,"いつも 大木や 石を かじって
丈夫な 前歯を 削っている。
水辺に 巣を 作り 暮らす。"
399,25,1,"なにごとにも どうじない ずぶとい
しんけいの もちぬし。みかけの
わりには きびんに かつどうする。"
399,25,3,"어떤 것에도 동요하지 않는
대담한 신경의 소유자다.
보기보다는 기민하게 활동한다."
399,25,5,"Rien ne peut perturber ses nerfs dacier. Il est plus agile et
énergique quil ny paraît."
399,25,6,"Es hat Nerven wie Drahtseile, nichts kann es erschüttern.
Es ist agiler und aktiver, als es scheint."
399,25,7,"Tiene nervios de acero y nada puede perturbarlo. Es más ágil
y activo de lo que aparenta."
399,25,8,"Ha i nervi dacciaio e niente può turbarlo. È più agile e attivo
di quanto sembri."
399,25,9,"With nerves of steel, nothing can perturb it. It is
more agile and active than it appears."
399,25,11,"なにごとにも 動じない
図太い 神経の 持ち主。
見かけの 割には 機敏に 活動する。"
399,26,1,"いつも たいぼくや いしを かじって
じょうぶな まえばを けずっている。
みずべに すを つくり くらす。"
399,26,3,"항상 큰 나무나 돌을 갉아서
튼튼한 앞니를 갈아내고 있다.
물가에 둥지를 만들어 산다."
399,26,5,"Il ronge constamment des troncs et des pierres pour se faire
les incisives. Il niche le long de leau."
399,26,6,"Es knabbert ständig an Holz und Steinen, um seine
Vorderzähne zu kürzen. Es nistet am Wasser."
399,26,7,"Roe constantemente los troncos y las rocas para limarse los
dientes. Anida cerca del agua."
399,26,8,"Rosicchia continuamente legno e rocce per affilare i denti
anteriori. Nidifica vicino allacqua."
399,26,9,"It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle
down its front teeth. It nests alongside water."
399,26,11,"いつも 大木や 石を かじって
丈夫な 前歯を 削っている。
水辺に 巣を 作り 暮らす。"
400,12,9,"It makes its nest by damming
streams with bark and mud. It is
known as an industrious worker."
400,13,9,"While its movements out of water
are sluggish, it can swim as fast
as any FEEBAS."
400,14,9,"A river dammed by BIBAREL will
never overflow its banks, which
is appreciated by people nearby."
400,15,9,"It busily makes its nest with
stacks of branches and roots it
has cut up with its sharp incisors."
400,16,9,"It busily makes its nest with
stacks of branches and roots it
has cut up with its sharp incisors."
400,17,5,"Les digues insubmersibles quil
construit font le bonheur des
habitants proches."
400,17,9,"A river dammed by Bibarel will
never overflow its banks, which
is appreciated by people nearby."
400,18,5,"Les digues insubmersibles quil
construit font le bonheur des
habitants proches."
400,18,9,"A river dammed by Bibarel will
never overflow its banks, which
is appreciated by people nearby."
400,21,9,"A river dammed by Bibarel will
never overflow its banks, which
is appreciated by people nearby."
400,22,9,"A river dammed by Bibarel will
never overflow its banks, which
is appreciated by people nearby."
400,23,1,"するどい まえばで けずりとった
きのえだや ねっこを つみあげて
みずべに せっせと すを つくる。"
400,23,3,"예리한 앞니로 갉아 얻은
나뭇가지나 뿌리를 쌓아
물가에 부지런히 보금자리를 만든다."
400,23,5,"Il tranche les branches et les racines de ses incisives
aiguisées pour construire des barrages."
400,23,6,"Emsig durchbeißt es mit seinen scharfen Vorderzähnen
Wurzeln und Äste und baut daraus sein Nest."
400,23,7,"Con sus incisivos roe ramas y raíces y las apila para
construir sus madrigueras junto al río."
400,23,8,"Costruisce con zelo la tana in riva ai corsi dacqua,
levigando radici e rami con gli affilati incisivi."
400,23,9,"It busily makes its nest with stacks of branches and
roots it has cut up with its sharp incisors."
400,23,11,"鋭い 前歯で 削り取った
木の枝や 根っこを 積み上げて
水辺に せっせと 巣を 作る。"
400,24,1,"かわを きのみきや どろの ダムで
せきとめて すみかを つくる。
はたらきものとして しられている。"
400,24,3,"강을 나무줄기나 진흙의 댐으로
막아서 거처를 만든다.
부지런한 일꾼으로 알려져 있다."
400,24,5,"Il construit des barrages de boue et décorce le long
des fleuves. Cest un ouvrier de renom."
400,24,6,"Es baut sein Nest, indem es in Flüssen Dämme aus
Schlamm und Ästen baut. Ein fleißiger Arbeiter."
400,24,7,"Para anidar, crea presas en los ríos con maderas y
barro. Tiene fama de trabajador."
400,24,8,"Sbarra il corso dei fiumi con corteccia e fango per
farsi la tana. È noto come lavoratore instancabile."
400,24,9,"It makes its nest by damming streams with bark and
mud. It is known as an industrious worker."
400,24,11,"川を 木の幹や 泥の ダムで
せき止めて 住処を 作る。
働き者として 知られている。"
400,25,1,"するどい まえばで けずりとった
きのえだや ねっこを つみあげて
みずべに せっせと すを つくる。"
400,25,3,"예리한 앞니로 갉아 얻은
나뭇가지나 뿌리를 쌓아
물가에 부지런히 보금자리를 만든다."
400,25,5,"Il tranche les branches et les racines de ses incisives aiguisées
pour construire des barrages."
400,25,6,"Emsig durchbeißt es mit seinen scharfen Vorderzähnen
Wurzeln und Äste und baut daraus sein Nest."
400,25,7,"Con sus incisivos roe ramas y raíces y las apila para construir
sus madrigueras junto al río."
400,25,8,"Costruisce con zelo la tana in riva ai corsi dacqua, levigando
radici e rami con gli affilati incisivi."
400,25,9,"It busily makes its nest with stacks of branches and
roots it has cut up with its sharp incisors."
400,25,11,"鋭い 前歯で 削り取った
木の枝や 根っこを 積み上げて
水辺に せっせと 巣を 作る。"
400,26,1,"かわを きのみきや どろの ダムで
せきとめて すみかを つくる。
はたらきものとして しられている。"
400,26,3,"강을 나무줄기나 진흙의 댐으로
막아서 거처를 만든다.
부지런한 일꾼으로 알려져 있다."
400,26,5,"Il construit des barrages de boue et décorce le long
des fleuves. Cest un ouvrier de renom."
400,26,6,"Es baut sein Nest, indem es in Flüssen Dämme aus Schlamm
und Ästen baut. Ein fleißiger Arbeiter."
400,26,7,"Para anidar, crea presas en los ríos con maderas y barro.
Tiene fama de trabajador."
400,26,8,"Sbarra il corso dei fiumi con corteccia e fango per farsi la tana.
È noto come lavoratore instancabile."
400,26,9,"It makes its nest by damming streams with bark and
mud. It is known as an industrious worker."
400,26,11,"川を 木の幹や 泥の ダムで
せき止めて 住処を 作る。
働き者として 知られている。"
401,12,9,"It shakes its head back to front,
causing its antennae to hit each
other and sound like a xylophone."
401,13,9,"It chats with others using the
sounds of its colliding antennae.
These sounds are fall hallmarks."
401,14,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it
stumbles, its stiff antennae clack
with a xylophone-like sound."
401,15,9,"When its antennae hit each other,
it sounds like the music of
a xylophone."
401,16,9,"When its antennae hit each other,
it sounds like the music of
a xylophone."
401,17,5,"Quand il tombe du haut de ses
petites pattes, ses antennes
font un bruit de xylophone."
401,17,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it
stumbles, its stiff antennae clack
with a xylophone-like sound."
401,18,5,"Quand il tombe du haut de ses
petites pattes, ses antennes
font un bruit de xylophone."
401,18,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it
stumbles, its stiff antennae clack
with a xylophone-like sound."
401,21,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it
stumbles, its stiff antennae clack
with a xylophone-like sound."
401,22,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it
stumbles, its stiff antennae clack
with a xylophone-like sound."
401,23,1,"しょっかくを ぶつけあって ならす
おとで なかまと かいわをする。
ねいろは あきの よの ふうぶつし。"
401,23,3,"더듬이를 서로 부딪쳐 내는
소리로 동료와 대화한다. 음색은
가을밤의 정취를 잘 나타낸다."
401,23,5,"Il communique au son de ses antennes qui
sentrechoquent. Ce son marque larrivée de
401,23,6,"Diese Pokémon unterhalten sich, indem sie ihre
Antennen aneinanderschlagen. Der Ton ist ihr
401,23,7,"Hablan entre sí chocando las antenas. Los sonidos
producidos son muy característicos."
401,23,8,"Comunica con il suono prodotto dallo scontro delle
sue antenne. Esso indica larrivo dellautunno."
401,23,9,"It chats with others using the sounds of its colliding
antennae. These sounds are fall hallmarks."
401,23,11,"触覚を ぶつけ合って 鳴らす 音で
仲間と 会話をする。
音色は 秋の 夜の 風物詩。"
401,24,1,"しょっかく どうしが ぶつかると
コロン コロンと もっきんに にた
ねいろを かなでる。"
401,24,3,"더듬이가 서로 부딪히면
딩동딩동 실로폰 같은
음색을 연주한다."
401,24,5,"Quand ses antennes sentrechoquent, elles laissent
échapper un bruit de xylophone."
401,24,6,"Wenn seine zwei Antennen sich berühren,
erklingt ein Ruf wie das Spiel eines Xylophons."
401,24,7,"Si choca sus antenas, emite un sonido similar al de
un xilófono."
401,24,8,"Le antenne, scontrandosi, producono un suono
simile allo xilofono: klon, klon!"
401,24,9,"When its antennae hit each other, it sounds like the
music of a xylophone."
401,24,11,"触覚 同士が ぶつかると
コロン コロンと 木琴に 似た
音色を 奏でる。"
401,25,1,"しょっかくを ぶつけあって ならす
おとで なかまと かいわをする。
ねいろは あきの よの ふうぶつし。"
401,25,3,"더듬이를 서로 부딪쳐 내는
소리로 동료와 대화한다. 음색은
가을밤의 정취를 잘 나타낸다."
401,25,5,"Il communique au son de ses antennes qui sentrechoquent.
Ce son marque larrivée de lautomne."
401,25,6,"Diese Pokémon unterhalten sich, indem sie ihre Antennen
aneinanderschlagen. Der Ton ist ihr Kennzeichen."
401,25,7,"Hablan entre sí chocando las antenas. Los sonidos producidos
son muy característicos."
401,25,8,"Comunica con il suono prodotto dallo scontro delle sue
antenne. Esso indica larrivo dellautunno."
401,25,9,"It chats with others using the sounds of its colliding
antennae. These sounds are fall hallmarks."
401,25,11,"触覚を ぶつけ合って 鳴らす 音で
仲間と 会話をする。
音色は 秋の 夜の 風物詩。"
401,26,1,"しょっかく どうしが ぶつかると
コロン コロンと もっきんに にた
ねいろを かなでる。"
401,26,3,"더듬이가 서로 부딪히면
딩동딩동 실로폰 같은
음색을 연주한다."
401,26,5,"Quand ses antennes sentrechoquent, elles laissent échapper
un bruit de xylophone."
401,26,6,"Wenn seine zwei Antennen sich berühren, erklingt ein Ruf
wie das Spiel eines Xylophons."
401,26,7,"Si choca sus antenas, emite un sonido similar al de un
401,26,8,"Le antenne, scontrandosi, producono un suono simile allo
xilofono: klon, klon!"
401,26,9,"When its antennae hit each other, it sounds like the
music of a xylophone."
401,26,11,"触覚 同士が ぶつかると
コロン コロンと 木琴に 似た
音色を 奏でる。"
402,12,9,"It crosses its knifelike arms in
front of its chest when it cries.
It can compose melodies ad lib."
402,13,9,"It signals its emotions with its
melodies. Scientists are studying
these melodic patterns."
402,14,9,"There is a village that hosts a
contest based on the amazingly
variable cries of this Pokémon."
402,15,9,"By allowing its cry to resonate in
the hollow of its belly, it produces
a captivating sound."
402,16,9,"By allowing its cry to resonate in
the hollow of its belly, it produces
a captivating sound."
402,17,5,"Ses cris sont tellement variés quil
existe un village où on organise
des concours en leur honneur."
402,17,9,"There is a village that hosts a
contest based on the amazingly
variable cries of this Pokémon."
402,18,5,"Ses cris sont tellement variés quil
existe un village où on organise
des concours en leur honneur."
402,18,9,"There is a village that hosts a
contest based on the amazingly
variable cries of this Pokémon."
402,21,9,"There is a village that hosts a
contest based on the amazingly
variable cries of this Pokémon."
402,22,9,"There is a village that hosts a
contest based on the amazingly
variable cries of this Pokémon."
402,23,1,"なくときは ナイフのような うでを
むねの まえで こうささせる。
そっきょうで メロディを つくる。"
402,23,3,"울 때는 나이프 같은 팔을
가슴 앞에서 교차시킨다.
즉흥으로 멜로디를 만든다."
402,23,5,"Il croise ses bras affûtés devant son torse pour crier.
Il compose tout un tas de mélodies."
402,23,6,"Wenn es ruft, verschränkt es seine messerartigen
Arme vor der Brust. Es komponiert aus dem Stegreif."
402,23,7,"Cuando llora, cruza sus brazos con forma de cuchillo.
Puede improvisar melodías."
402,23,8,"Quando canta tiene le zampe incrociate al petto.
Sa improvvisare melodie."
402,23,9,"It crosses its knifelike arms in front of its chest
when it cries. It can compose melodies ad lib."
402,23,11,"鳴くときは ナイフのような 腕を
胸の 前で 交差させる。
即興で メロディを 作る。"
402,24,1,"かんじょうを メロディで あらわす。
メロディの ほうそくせいを
がくしゃたちが けんきゅうしている。"
402,24,3,"감정을 멜로디로 나타낸다.
멜로디의 법칙성을
학자들이 연구하고 있다."
402,24,5,"Il exprime ses émotions par des mélodies.
Les scientifiques étudient actuellement leur structure."
402,24,6,"Über seine Melodien teilt es seine Gefühle mit.
Wissenschaftler untersuchen das Muster der Melodien."
402,24,7,"Los científicos tratan de estudiar sus melodías, que
son reflejo de sus emociones."
402,24,8,"Esprime le proprie emozioni con melodie, che sono
oggetto di studio di molti scienziati."
402,24,9,"It signals its emotions with its melodies. Scientists
are studying these melodic patterns."
402,24,11,"感情を メロディで 表す。
メロディの 法則性を
学者たちが 研究している。"
402,25,1,"なくときは ナイフのような うでを
むねの まえで こうささせる。
そっきょうで メロディを つくる。"
402,25,3,"울 때는 나이프 같은 팔을
가슴 앞에서 교차시킨다.
즉흥으로 멜로디를 만든다."
402,25,5,"Il croise ses bras affûtés devant son torse pour crier.
Il compose tout un tas de mélodies."
402,25,6,"Wenn es ruft, verschränkt es seine messerartigen Arme vor
der Brust. Es komponiert aus dem Stegreif."
402,25,7,"Cuando llora, cruza sus brazos con forma de cuchillo. Puede
improvisar melodías."
402,25,8,"Quando canta tiene le zampe incrociate al petto.
Sa improvvisare melodie."
402,25,9,"It crosses its knifelike arms in front of its chest
when it cries. It can compose melodies ad lib."
402,25,11,"鳴くときは ナイフのような 腕を
胸の 前で 交差させる。
即興で メロディを 作る。"
402,26,1,"かんじょうを メロディで あらわす。
メロディの ほうそくせいを
がくしゃたちが けんきゅうしている。"
402,26,3,"감정을 멜로디로 나타낸다.
멜로디의 법칙성을
학자들이 연구하고 있다."
402,26,5,"Il exprime ses émotions par des mélodies. Les scientifiques
étudient actuellement leur structure."
402,26,6,"Über seine Melodien teilt es seine Gefühle mit.
Wissenschaftler untersuchen das Muster der Melodien."
402,26,7,"Los científicos tratan de estudiar sus melodías, que son
reflejo de sus emociones."
402,26,8,"Esprime le proprie emozioni con melodie, che sono oggetto
di studio di molti scienziati."
402,26,9,"It signals its emotions with its melodies. Scientists
are studying these melodic patterns."
402,26,11,"感情を メロディで 表す。
メロディの 法則性を
学者たちが 研究している。"
403,12,9,"All of its fur dazzles if danger is
sensed. It flees while the foe is
momentarily blinded."
403,13,9,"Its forelegs have a muscle-based
system of generating electricity.
Its body shines if endangered."
403,14,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
It glows when in trouble."
403,15,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
Its fur glows when its in trouble."
403,16,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
Its fur glows when its in trouble."
403,17,5,"Ses muscles génèrent un courant
électrique lorsquils travaillent.
Il sillumine en cas de danger."
403,17,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
It glows when in trouble."
403,18,5,"Ses muscles génèrent un courant
électrique lorsquils travaillent.
Il sillumine en cas de danger."
403,18,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
It glows when in trouble."
403,21,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
It glows when in trouble."
403,22,9,"The extension and contraction of
its muscles generates electricity.
It glows when in trouble."
403,23,1,"からだを うごかすたびに きんにくが
のびちぢみして でんきが うまれる。
ピンチになると からだが かがやく。"
403,23,3,"몸을 움직일 때마다 근육이 늘어났다
줄어들었다 하여 전기가 발생한다.
궁지에 몰리면 몸이 빛난다."
403,23,5,"Ses muscles génèrent un courant électrique lorsquils
travaillent. Il sillumine en cas de danger."
403,23,6,"Es erzeugt Elektrizität durch das Strecken und
Zusammenziehen seiner Muskeln. Bei Bedrohung
glüht es."
403,23,7,"La extensión y contracción de sus músculos genera
electricidad. Brilla cuando está en peligro."
403,23,8,"Produce elettricità contraendo e rilassando i muscoli.
Quando si sente minacciato si illumina."
403,23,9,"The extension and contraction of its muscles
generates electricity. It glows when in trouble."
403,23,11,"体を 動かすたびに 筋肉が
伸び縮みして 電気が 生まれる。
ピンチになると 体が 輝く。"
403,24,1,"きけんを かんじると ぜんしんの
たいもうが ひかる。あいてが めを
くらませている あいだに にげる。"
403,24,3,"위험을 느끼면 전신의 털이
빛난다. 그로 인해 상대가 앞을
보지 못하는 동안 도망친다."
403,24,5,"Sa fourrure étincelle en cas de danger. Il profite du
fait que lennemi est aveuglé pour senfuir."
403,24,6,"In Gefahr blendet es seinen Gegner mit seinem Fell
und flieht, während der Gegner einen Moment
blind ist."
403,24,7,"Si siente peligro, todo su pelaje brilla. Aprovecha la
ceguera temporal de su rival para huir."
403,24,8,"In caso di pericolo, la sua pelliccia si illumina. Il
nemico rimane accecato e lui ne approfitta per fuggire."
403,24,9,"All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees
while the foe is momentarily blinded."
403,24,11,"危険を 感じると 全身の
体毛が 光る。相手が 目を
くらませている あいだに 逃げる。"
403,25,1,"からだを うごかすたびに きんにくが
のびちぢみして でんきが うまれる。
ピンチになると からだが かがやく。"
403,25,3,"몸을 움직일 때마다 근육이 늘어났다
줄어들었다 하여 전기가 발생한다.
궁지에 몰리면 몸이 빛난다."
403,25,5,"Ses muscles génèrent un courant électrique lorsquils
travaillent. Il sillumine en cas de danger."
403,25,6,"Es erzeugt Elektrizität durch das Strecken und
Zusammenziehen seiner Muskeln. Bei Bedrohung glüht es."
403,25,7,"La extensión y contracción de sus músculos genera
electricidad. Brilla cuando está en peligro."
403,25,8,"Produce elettricità contraendo e rilassando i muscoli.
Quando si sente minacciato si illumina."
403,25,9,"The extension and contraction of its muscles
generates electricity. It glows when in trouble."
403,25,11,"体を 動かすたびに 筋肉が
伸び縮みして 電気が 生まれる。
ピンチになると 体が 輝く。"
403,26,1,"きけんを かんじると ぜんしんの
たいもうが ひかる。あいてが めを
くらませている あいだに にげる。"
403,26,3,"위험을 느끼면 전신의 털이
빛난다. 그로 인해 상대가 앞을
보지 못하는 동안 도망친다."
403,26,5,"Sa fourrure étincelle en cas de danger. Il profite du fait que
lennemi est aveuglé pour senfuir."
403,26,6,"In Gefahr blendet es seinen Gegner mit seinem Fell und flieht,
während der Gegner einen Moment blind ist."
403,26,7,"Si siente peligro, todo su pelaje brilla. Aprovecha la ceguera
temporal de su rival para huir."
403,26,8,"In caso di pericolo, la sua pelliccia si illumina. Il nemico rimane
accecato e lui ne approfitta per fuggire."
403,26,9,"All of its fur dazzles if danger is sensed. It flees
while the foe is momentarily blinded."
403,26,11,"危険を 感じると 全身の
体毛が 光る。相手が 目を
くらませている あいだに 逃げる。"
403,33,1,"きんにくの しゅうしゅくで でんきを
つくる。 むしゃぶるいは はげしく
はつでんしている しょうこ。"
403,33,3,"근육을 수축해서 전기를 만든다.
몸을 떠는 것은 격렬하게
전기를 발생시키고 있다는 증거다."
403,33,5,"Il produit de lélectricité en contractant ses
muscles. Sil tremble dexcitation, cest le signe
quil est en train den générer en grande quantité."
403,33,6,"Durch Muskelkontraktionen erzeugt es Strom.
Heftiges Zittern ist bei Sheinux ein Anzeichen
dafür, dass es sehr viel Elektrizität generiert."
403,33,7,"Produce energía eléctrica al contraer los
músculos. Si tiembla de emoción, significa que
está generando gran cantidad de electricidad."
403,33,8,"Produce elettricità contraendo i muscoli.
Quando è scosso da tremiti, è segno che
ne sta generando in notevole quantità."
403,33,9,"This Pokémon generates electricity by contracting
its muscles. Excited trembling is a sign that Shinx
is generating a tremendous amount of electricity."
403,33,11,"筋肉の 収縮で 電気を つくる。
武者震いは 激しく
発電している 証拠。"
403,34,1,"たいもうが でんきで はっこうする。
あかるく ひかる しっぽの さきを
ふって なかまに サインを おくる。"
403,34,3,"털이 전기로 빛난다.
밝게 빛나는 꼬리 끝을 흔들어
동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
403,34,5,"Sa fourrure sillumine grâce à lélectricité.
Il agite lextrémité lumineuse de sa queue
pour envoyer des signes à ses congénères."
403,34,6,"Es bringt sein Fell mit Elektrizität zum Glühen.
Um seinen Artgenossen Signale zu übermitteln,
wedelt es mit seiner leuchtenden Schweifspitze."
403,34,7,"Su pelaje brilla gracias a la electricidad. Envía
señales a sus semejantes agitando la punta
luminosa de la cola."
403,34,8,"La sua pelliccia irradia luce per via
dellelettricità. Invia segnali ai suoi simili
agitando la punta luminosa della coda."
403,34,9,"Electricity makes this Pokémons fur glow. Shinx
sends signals to others of its kind by shaking the
tip of its tail while the tail tip is shining brightly."
403,34,11,"体毛が 電気で 発光する。
明るく 光る しっぽの 先を 振って
仲間に サインを 送る。"
404,12,9,"Its claws loose electricity with
enough amperage to cause fainting.
They live in small groups."
404,13,9,"It rests its forelegs on others to
communicate with rhythmic electric
pulses from its claws."
404,14,9,"Strong electricity courses through
the tips of its sharp claws. A light
scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,15,9,"By gathering their tails together,
they collectively generate powerful
electricity from their claws. "
404,16,9,"By gathering their tails together,
they collectively generate powerful
electricity from their claws. "
404,17,5,"Le courant qui circule à la pointe
de ses griffes est capable de faire
perdre connaissance à ses proies."
404,17,9,"Strong electricity courses through
the tips of its sharp claws. A light
scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,18,5,"Le courant qui circule à la pointe
de ses griffes est capable de faire
perdre connaissance à ses proies."
404,18,9,"Strong electricity courses through
the tips of its sharp claws. A light
scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,21,9,"Strong electricity courses through
the tips of its sharp claws. A light
scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,22,9,"Strong electricity courses through
the tips of its sharp claws. A light
scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,23,1,"いっぱつで きぜつさせるほどの
でんりゅうを ツメから ながす。
すうひきの グループで くらす。"
404,23,3,"발톱에서는 한 방에 적을 기절시킬
정도로 강한 전류가 흐른다.
여러 마리가 그룹을 이루어 산다."
404,23,5,"Lélectricité libérée par ses griffes peut assommer
lennemi. Il vit en petits groupes."
404,23,6,"Seine Krallen geben Elektrizität ab, die stark
genug ist, jemanden bewusstlos zu machen."
404,23,7,"Sus garras emiten electricidad que puede debilitar a
sus rivales. Viven en grupos pequeños."
404,23,8,"Dagli artigli rilascia unelettricità talmente intensa
da mandare KO il nemico. Vive in piccoli gruppi."
404,23,9,"Its claws loose electricity with enough amperage
to cause fainting. They live in small groups."
404,23,11,"1発で 気絶させるほどの 電流を
ツメから 流す。
数匹の グループで 暮らす。"
404,24,1,"するどい ツメの さきには つよい
でんきが ながれており ほんのすこし
かするだけで あいてをきぜつさせる。"
404,24,3,"날카로운 발톱의 끝에는 강한
전기가 흐르고 있어서 살짝 스치는
것만으로 상대를 기절시킨다."
404,24,5,"Le courant qui circule à la pointe de ses griffes est
capable de faire perdre connaissance à ses proies."
404,24,6,"Durch die Spitzen seiner scharfen Krallen strömt
Elektrizität. Selbst kleine Kratzer verursachen
404,24,7,"Por las puntas de sus garras pasa una fuerte corriente
eléctrica. El mínimo roce debilita al enemigo."
404,24,8,"I suoi artigli rilasciano una forte corrente elettrica e
con un solo graffio manda KO i nemici."
404,24,9,"Strong electricity courses through the tips of its
sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,24,11,"鋭い ツメの 先には 強い 電気が
流れており ほんの少し かするだけで
404,25,1,"いっぱつで きぜつさせるほどの
でんりゅうを ツメから ながす。
すうひきの グループで くらす。"
404,25,3,"발톱에서는 한 방에 적을 기절시킬
정도로 강한 전류가 흐른다.
여러 마리가 그룹을 이루어 산다."
404,25,5,"Lélectricité libérée par ses griffes peut assommer lennemi.
Il vit en petits groupes."
404,25,6,"Seine Krallen geben Elektrizität ab, die stark genug ist,
jemanden bewusstlos zu machen."
404,25,7,"Sus garras emiten electricidad que puede debilitar a sus
rivales. Viven en grupos pequeños."
404,25,8,"Dagli artigli rilascia unelettricità talmente intensa da mandare
KO il nemico. Vive in piccoli gruppi."
404,25,9,"Its claws loose electricity with enough amperage
to cause fainting. They live in small groups."
404,25,11,"1発で 気絶させるほどの 電流を
ツメから 流す。
数匹の グループで 暮らす。"
404,26,1,"するどい ツメの さきには つよい
でんきが ながれており ほんのすこし
かするだけで あいてをきぜつさせる。"
404,26,3,"날카로운 발톱의 끝에는 강한
전기가 흐르고 있어서 살짝 스치는
것만으로 상대를 기절시킨다."
404,26,5,"Le courant qui circule à la pointe de ses griffes est capable
de faire perdre connaissance à ses proies."
404,26,6,"Durch die Spitzen seiner scharfen Krallen strömt Elektrizität.
Selbst kleine Kratzer verursachen Ohnmacht."
404,26,7,"Por las puntas de sus garras pasa una fuerte corriente
eléctrica. El mínimo roce debilita al enemigo."
404,26,8,"I suoi artigli rilasciano una forte corrente elettrica e con
un solo graffio manda KO i nemici."
404,26,9,"Strong electricity courses through the tips of its
sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes."
404,26,11,"鋭い ツメの 先には 強い 電気が
流れており ほんの少し かするだけで
404,33,1,"しっぽを つなげて なかまから
でんきエネルギーを わけてもらうと
より つよい でんげきを はなてる。"
404,33,3,"꼬리를 이어서 동료로부터
전기 에너지를 나눠 받으면
보다 강한 전격을 내보낼 수 있다."
404,33,5,"En reliant sa queue à celles de ses congénères,
il peut recevoir leur énergie électrique et lancer
des décharges encore plus puissantes."
404,33,6,"Verbindet es seinen Schweif mit dem eines
Artgenossen, absorbiert es einen Teil von dessen
Elektrizität und teilt stärkere Stromschläge aus."
404,33,7,"Al unir la cola con otro congénere, este le
transmite electricidad, lo que aumenta la
potencia de sus descargas eléctricas."
404,33,8,"Se collega la coda con quella dei suoi simili per
ricevere energia elettrica, può emettere scariche
elettriche ancora più potenti."
404,33,9,"By joining its tail with that of another Luxio, this
Pokémon can receive some of the other Luxios
electricity and power up its own electric blasts."
404,33,11,"しっぽを つなげて 仲間から
電気エネルギーを 分けてもらうと
より 強い 電撃を 放てる。"
404,34,1,"てきに であうと 100まんボルトの
いりょくを もつ ツメを あしから
だして たたかいに そなえる。"
404,34,3,"적을 만나면 100만 볼트의
위력을 가진 발톱을
드러내어 싸움에 대비한다."
404,34,5,"Quand il croise un ennemi, il se prépare
au combat en sortant ses griffes dont les coups
ont une puissance qui atteint un million de volts."
404,34,6,"Sieht es Gegner, macht es sich kampfbereit,
indem es die Krallen an den Pfoten ausfährt,
welche eine Million Volt austeilen können."
404,34,7,"Cuando encuentra a un adversario, se prepara
para combatir sacando las garras, que emiten
una corriente eléctrica de un millón de voltios."
404,34,8,"Se incontra un nemico, si prepara alla lotta
estraendo gli artigli dotati di una potenza pari
a 1 milione di volt."
404,34,9,"Upon encountering an opponent, this Pokémon
prepares for battle by extending its claws, which
can put out 1,000,000 volts of electricity."
404,34,11,"敵に 出会うと 100万ボルトの
威力を もつ ツメを 足から だして
戦いに 備える。"
405,12,9,"It has eyes that can see through
anything. It spots and captures
prey hiding behind objects."
405,13,9,"When its eyes gleam gold, it can
spot hiding prey--even those
taking shelter behind a wall."
405,14,9,"It can see clearly through walls
to track down its prey and seek
its lost young."
405,15,9,"LUXRAYs ability to see through
objects comes in handy when its
scouting for danger."
405,16,9,"LUXRAYs ability to see through
objects comes in handy when its
scouting for danger."
405,17,5,"Il est capable de voir à travers
les murs pour chasser des proies
ou retrouver ses petits égarés."
405,17,9,"It can see clearly through walls
to track down its prey and seek
its lost young."
405,18,5,"Il est capable de voir à travers
les murs pour chasser des proies
ou retrouver ses petits égarés."
405,18,9,"It can see clearly through walls
to track down its prey and seek
its lost young."
405,21,9,"It can see clearly through walls
to track down its prey and seek
its lost young."
405,22,9,"It can see clearly through walls
to track down its prey and seek
its lost young."
405,23,1,"ひとみが きんいろに ひかるとき
カベの むこうに かくれている
えものを みつけることが できる。"
405,23,3,"눈동자가 금색으로 빛날 때
벽의 저편에 숨어 있는
먹이를 찾아낼 수 있다."
405,23,5,"Quand ses yeux se dorent, il peut repérer une proie
cachée, même si elle est derrière un mur."
405,23,6,"Leuchten seine Augen golden auf, kann es Beute,
die sich versteckt, sehen. Es kann durch Wände sehen."
405,23,7,"Cuando sus ojos brillan como el oro, puede ver presas
escondidas, incluso detrás de un muro."
405,23,8,"Se i suoi occhi sono dorati, può individuare le prede,
anche quelle che si nascondono dietro i muri."
405,23,9,"When its eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding
prey--even those taking shelter behind a wall."
405,23,11,"瞳が 金色に 光るとき
壁の 向こうに 隠れている
獲物を 見つけることが できる。"
405,24,1,"レントラーの とうし のうりょくは
きけんな ものを はっけんする とき
とても やくに たつのだ。"
405,24,3,"렌트라의 투시 능력은
위험한 것을 발견할 때
매우 도움이 된다."
405,24,5,"Sa capacité à voir à travers tout est très utile pour
détecter les moindres dangers."
405,24,6,"Beim Aufspüren von Gefahren sind Luxtras
hellseherische Fähigkeiten äußerst hilfreich."
405,24,7,"La potente visión de Luxray resulta extremadamente
valiosa cuando acecha el peligro."
405,24,8,"Labilità radioscopica di Luxray si rivela utile
quando gli fa scoprire oggetti pericolosi."
405,24,9,"Luxrays ability to see through objects comes in
handy when its scouting for danger."
405,24,11,"レントラーの 透視能力は
危険な ものを 発見するとき
とても 役に立つのだ。"
405,25,1,"ひとみが きんいろに ひかるとき
カベの むこうに かくれている
えものを みつけることが できる。"
405,25,3,"눈동자가 금색으로 빛날 때
벽의 저편에 숨어 있는
먹이를 찾아낼 수 있다."
405,25,5,"Quand ses yeux se dorent, il peut repérer une proie cachée,
même si elle est derrière un mur."
405,25,6,"Leuchten seine Augen golden auf, kann es Beute, die sich
versteckt, sehen. Es kann durch Wände sehen."
405,25,7,"Cuando sus ojos brillan como el oro, puede ver presas
escondidas, incluso detrás de un muro."
405,25,8,"Se i suoi occhi sono dorati, può individuare le prede,
anche quelle che si nascondono dietro i muri."
405,25,9,"When its eyes gleam gold, it can spot hiding
prey—even those taking shelter behind a wall."
405,25,11,"瞳が 金色に 光るとき
壁の 向こうに 隠れている
獲物を 見つけることが できる。"
405,26,1,"レントラーの とうし のうりょくは
きけんな ものを はっけんする とき
とても やくに たつのだ。"
405,26,3,"렌트라의 투시 능력은
위험한 것을 발견할 때
매우 도움이 된다."
405,26,5,"Sa capacité à voir à travers tout est très utile pour détecter
les moindres dangers."
405,26,6,"Beim Aufspüren von Gefahren sind Luxtras hellseherische
Fähigkeiten äußerst hilfreich."
405,26,7,"La potente visión de Luxray resulta extremadamente valiosa
cuando acecha el peligro."
405,26,8,"Labilità radioscopica di Luxray si rivela utile quando gli fa
scoprire oggetti pericolosi."
405,26,9,"Luxrays ability to see through objects comes in
handy when its scouting for danger."
405,26,11,"レントラーの 透視能力は
危険な ものを 発見するとき
とても 役に立つのだ。"
405,33,1,"とうしのうりょくを もつ ポケモン。
あつい かべの むこうに かくれる
えものを たちまち みつけだす。"
405,33,3,"투시 능력을 가진 포켓몬.
두꺼운 벽 반대편에 숨어 있는
먹이를 순식간에 찾아낸다."
405,33,5,"Sa capacité à voir à travers la matière lui
permet de repérer en un instant des proies
cachées derrière un mur épais."
405,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon verfügt über einen Röntgenblick.
So kann es im Nu Beute aufspüren, selbst wenn
sich diese hinter dicken Wänden versteckt."
405,33,7,"Tiene la capacidad de ver a través de cualquier
cosa. Encuentra enseguida su presa, aunque se
oculte tras una pared de gran grosor."
405,33,8,"Grazie allabilità radioscopica di cui è dotato,
può individuare allistante le prede nascoste
oltre spesse pareti."
405,33,9,"Luxray can see through solid objects. It will
instantly spot prey trying to hide behind walls,
even if the walls are thick."
405,33,11,"透視能力を もつ ポケモン。
厚い 壁の 向こうに 隠れる
獲物を たちまち 見つけだす。"
405,34,1,"とうしは でんきエネルギーを ひどく
しょうもうするため ちょうじかん
ねむり エネルギーを たくわえる。"
405,34,3,"투시는 전기 에너지를 매우 많이
소모하기 때문에 오랜 시간
수면을 취해서 에너지를 비축한다."
405,34,5,"Il dort beaucoup pour récupérer la quantité
dénergie électrique énorme quil consomme
afin de voir à travers la matière."
405,34,6,"Der Einsatz seines Röntgenblicks verbraucht sehr
viel Elektrizität. Luxtra gewinnt diese zurück,
indem es lange schläft."
405,34,7,"Duerme durante largos períodos para recuperar
la enorme cantidad de electricidad que consume
al usar su capacidad para ver a través de objetos."
405,34,8,"La sua visione radioscopica consuma enormi
quantità di energia elettrica, che Luxray recupera
dormendo per lunghi periodi."
405,34,9,"Seeing through solid objects uses up a lot of
Luxrays electricity, so the Pokémon sleeps for
long periods of time to store up energy."
405,34,11,"透視は 電気エネルギーを ひどく
消耗するため 長時間 眠り
エネルギーを 蓄える。"
406,12,9,"Over the winter, it closes its bud
and endures the cold. In spring,
the bud opens and releases pollen."
406,13,9,"It lives alongside clear ponds.
It scatters pollen that induces
harsh sneezing and runny noses."
406,14,9,"Sensitive to changing temperature,
the bud is said to bloom when it
feels the suns warm touch."
406,15,9,"When it feels the suns warm touch,
it opens its bud to release pollen.
It lives alongside clear pools."
406,16,9,"When it feels the suns warm touch,
it opens its bud to release pollen.
It lives alongside clear pools."
406,17,5,"Il est sensible aux variations de
température et on dit quil fleurit
quand il sent la chaleur du soleil."
406,17,9,"Sensitive to changing temperature,
the bud is said to bloom when it
feels the suns warm touch."
406,18,5,"Il est sensible aux variations de
température et on dit quil fleurit
quand il sent la chaleur du soleil."
406,18,9,"Sensitive to changing temperature,
the bud is said to bloom when it
feels the suns warm touch."
406,21,9,"Sensitive to changing temperatures,
the bud blooms when its warm,
releasing toxic pollen."
406,22,9,"Sensitive to changing temperatures,
the bud blooms when its warm,
releasing toxic pollen."
406,23,1,"あたたかい ひざしを あびると
つぼみが ひらき かふんを とばす。
きれいな みずの ちかくが すみか。"
406,23,3,"따뜻한 햇볕을 쬐면
봉오리를 펴서 꽃가루를 날린다.
깨끗한 물 가까이에 거처가 있다."
406,23,5,"Son bourgeon souvre une fois gorgé de soleil et
libère du pollen. Il vit près des sources deau pure."
406,23,6,"Bei Sonnenlicht öffnet es seine Knospe und gibt
Pollen ab. Es lebt in der Nähe von sauberem Wasser."
406,23,7,"Vive cerca de aguas cristalinas. Su cabello se abre y
esparce polen cuando le bañan los rayos del sol."
406,23,8,"I raggi del sole gli fanno schiudere la gemma e
rilasciare polline. Fa la tana vicino a bei corsi dacqua."
406,23,9,"When it feels the suns warm touch, it opens its bud
to release pollen. It lives alongside clear pools."
406,23,11,"暖かい 日差しを 浴びると
つぼみが 開き 花粉を 飛ばす。
きれいな 水の 近くが 住処。"
406,24,1,"ふゆの あいだは つぼみを とざして
さむさに たえる。はるになると
つぼみを ひらき かふんを とばす。"
406,24,3,"겨울 동안 봉오리를 닫고
추위를 견딘다. 봄이 되면
봉오리를 펴서 꽃가루를 날린다."
406,24,5,"En hiver, son bourgeon se referme pour résister au
froid. Il souvre au printemps et libère du pollen."
406,24,6,"Im Winter schließt es die Knospe. Im Frühjahr
öffnet es die Knospe und gibt Pollen ab."
406,24,7,"En invierno cierra su capullo para protegerse del frío.
En primavera, el capullo se abre y esparce polen."
406,24,8,"Dinverno chiude la sua gemma e resiste al freddo.
In primavera la gemma si riapre e rilascia polline."
406,24,9,"Over the winter, it closes its bud and endures the
cold. In spring, the bud opens and releases pollen."
406,24,11,"冬の あいだは つぼみを 閉ざして
寒さに 耐える。春になると
つぼみを 開き 花粉を 飛ばす。"
406,25,1,"あたたかい ひざしを あびると
つぼみが ひらき かふんを とばす。
きれいな みずの ちかくが すみか。"
406,25,3,"따뜻한 햇볕을 쬐면
봉오리를 펴서 꽃가루를 날린다.
깨끗한 물 가까이에 거처가 있다."
406,25,5,"Son bourgeon souvre une fois gorgé de soleil et libère
du pollen. Il vit près des sources deau pure."
406,25,6,"Bei Sonnenlicht öffnet es seine Knospe und gibt Pollen ab.
Es lebt in der Nähe von sauberem Wasser."
406,25,7,"Vive cerca de aguas cristalinas. Su cabello se abre y esparce
polen cuando le bañan los rayos del sol."
406,25,8,"I raggi del sole gli fanno schiudere la gemma e rilasciare
polline. Fa la tana vicino a bei corsi dacqua."
406,25,9,"When it feels the suns warm touch, it opens its bud
to release pollen. It lives alongside clear pools."
406,25,11,"暖かい 日差しを 浴びると
つぼみが 開き 花粉を 飛ばす。
きれいな 水の 近くが すみか。"
406,26,1,"ふゆの あいだは つぼみを とざして
さむさに たえる。はるになると
つぼみを ひらき かふんを とばす。"
406,26,3,"겨울 동안 봉오리를 닫고
추위를 견딘다. 봄이 되면
봉오리를 펴서 꽃가루를 날린다."
406,26,5,"En hiver, son bourgeon se referme pour résister au froid.
Il souvre au printemps et libère du pollen."
406,26,6,"Im Winter schließt es die Knospe. Im Frühjahr öffnet es
die Knospe und gibt Pollen ab."
406,26,7,"En invierno cierra su capullo para protegerse del frío.
En primavera, el capullo se abre y esparce polen."
406,26,8,"Dinverno chiude la sua gemma e resiste al freddo.
In primavera la gemma si riapre e rilascia polline."
406,26,9,"Over the winter, it closes its bud and endures the
cold. In spring, the bud opens and releases pollen."
406,26,11,"冬の 間は つぼみを 閉ざして
寒さに 耐える。春になると
つぼみを 開き 花粉を 飛ばす。"
406,33,1,"どくを ふくんだ かふんを まく。
きれいな みずで そだてるほど
どくの せいぶんは たかまる。"
406,33,3,"독을 품고 있는 꽃가루를 뿌린다.
맑은 물을 줘서 키울수록
독성은 더욱 강해진다."
406,33,5,"Plus leau dont il se nourrit est pure, plus le niveau
de toxicité du pollen quil répand est élevé."
406,33,6,"Es verstreut giftigen Pollen. Je sauberer das
Wasser war, mit dem es gegossen wurde, desto
stärker ist der Giftstoff."
406,33,7,"Conforme más pura y cristalina sea el agua de
su entorno, más venenoso resulta el polen que
406,33,8,"Più pulita è lacqua con cui è a contatto durante
la crescita, più aumentano i componenti tossici
del polline velenoso che sparge."
406,33,9,"The pollen it releases contains poison. If this
Pokémon is raised on clean water, the poisons
toxicity is increased."
406,33,11,"毒を 含んだ 花粉を まく。
きれいな 水で 育てるほど
毒の 成分は 高まる。"
406,34,1,"きおんの へんかに びんかん。
つぼみが ひらきはじめたら
はるの おとずれは もうすぐだ。"
406,34,3,"기온 변화에 민감하다.
봉오리가 피기 시작하면
곧 봄이 온다."
406,34,5,"Il est sensible aux variations de température.
Quand son bourgeon commence à souvrir,
larrivée du printemps est imminente."
406,34,6,"Es hat ein feines Gespür für die kleinsten
Temperaturveränderungen. Wenn sich seine
Knospe öffnet, bricht bald der Frühling an."
406,34,7,"Es muy sensible a los cambios de temperatura.
Anuncia la llegada inminente de la primavera
cuando florece."
406,34,8,"È sensibile agli sbalzi di temperatura.
Quando le sue gemme si schiudono
è segno che la primavera è vicina."
406,34,9,"This Pokémon is highly sensitive to temperature
changes. When its bud starts to open, that means
spring is right around the corner."
406,34,11,"気温の 変化に 敏感。
つぼみが 開きはじめたら
春の 訪れは もうすぐだ。"
407,12,9,"It attracts prey with a sweet
aroma, then downs it with
thorny whips hidden in its arms."
407,13,9,"With the movements of a dancer,
it strikes with whips that are
densely lined with poison thorns."
407,14,9,"Each of its hands contains
different toxins, but both hands
can jab with near-fatal power."
407,15,9,"Its sweet aroma attracts prey.
Then it spews poison. The more
toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma."
407,16,9,"Its sweet aroma attracts prey.
Then it spews poison. The more
toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma."
407,17,5,"Ses mains contenant chacune des
toxines différentes sont capables
dasséner de puissants coups."
407,17,9,"Each of its hands contains
different toxins, but both hands
can jab with near-fatal power."
407,18,5,"Ses mains contenant chacune des
toxines différentes sont capables
dasséner de puissants coups."
407,18,9,"Each of its hands contains
different toxins, but both hands
can jab with near-fatal power."
407,21,9,"Luring prey with a sweet scent, it
uses poison whips on its arms
to poison, bind, and finish off the prey."
407,22,9,"Luring prey with a sweet scent, it
uses poison whips on its arms
to poison, bind, and finish off the prey."
407,23,1,"あまい かおりで えものを さそい
りょううでの どくのムチを つかって
さしたり しめたりして しとめる。"
407,23,3,"달콤한 향기로 먹이를 유인해
양팔의 독 채찍을 사용하여
찌르거나 조여서 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
407,23,5,"Il attire ses proies grâce à son parfum, puis les
empoisonne ou les étouffe à laide de ses bras
407,23,6,"Es lockt seine Beute mit süßem Duft an, um sie
danach mit seinen dornigen Ranken zu peitschen
oder zu würgen."
407,23,7,"Atrae a sus presas con una dulce fragancia y usa sus
cepas venenosas para atenazarlas y acabar con ellas."
407,23,8,"Attira la preda con il suo profumo soave per poi
afferrarla e abbatterla con gli arti velenosi."
407,23,9,"Luring prey with a sweet scent, it uses poison whips
on its arms to poison, bind, and finish off the prey."
407,23,11,"甘い 香りで 獲物を 誘い
両腕の 毒のムチを 使って
刺したり 締めたりして しとめる。"
407,24,1,"ダンサーのような みのこなしで
どくの トゲが びっしりと ならんだ
ムチを あやつり こうげきする。"
407,24,3,"댄서 같은 재빠른 몸놀림으로
독가시가 빽빽이 늘어선
채찍을 조종하여 공격한다."
407,24,5,"Gracieux comme un danseur, il abat ses fouets ornés
dépines empoisonnées."
407,24,6,"Mit den Bewegungen eines Tänzers holt es aus und
schlägt mit Ranken um sich, die giftige Dornen haben."
407,24,7,"Se mueve como un bailarín y golpea con látigos
repletos de púas venenosas."
407,24,8,"Con i movimenti di una ballerina, colpisce con le
fruste, piene di spine velenose."
407,24,9,"With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with
whips that are densely lined with poison thorns."
407,24,11,"ダンサーのような 身のこなしで
毒の トゲが びっしりと 並んだ
ムチを 操り 攻撃する。"
407,25,1,"あまい かおりで えものを さそい
りょううでの どくのムチを つかって
さしたり しめたりして しとめる。"
407,25,3,"달콤한 향기로 먹이를 유인해
양팔의 독 채찍을 사용하여
찌르거나 조여서 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
407,25,5,"Il attire ses proies grâce à son parfum, puis les empoisonne
ou les étouffe à laide de ses bras vénéneux."
407,25,6,"Es lockt seine Beute mit süßem Duft an, um sie danach mit
seinen dornigen Ranken zu peitschen oder zu würgen."
407,25,7,"Atrae a sus presas con una dulce fragancia y usa sus cepas
venenosas para atenazarlas y acabar con ellas."
407,25,8,"Attira la preda con il suo profumo soave per poi afferrarla
e abbatterla con gli arti velenosi."
407,25,9,"Luring prey with a sweet scent, it uses poison whips
on its arms to poison, bind, and finish off the prey."
407,25,11,"甘い 香りで 獲物を 誘い
両腕の 毒のムチを 使って
刺したり 締めたりして しとめる。"
407,26,1,"ダンサーのような みのこなしで
どくの トゲが びっしりと ならんだ
ムチを あやつり こうげきする。"
407,26,3,"댄서 같은 재빠른 몸놀림으로
독가시가 빽빽이 늘어선
채찍을 조종하여 공격한다."
407,26,5,"Gracieux comme un danseur, il abat ses fouets ornés
dépines empoisonnées."
407,26,6,"Mit den Bewegungen eines Tänzers holt es aus und
schlägt mit Ranken um sich, die giftige Dornen haben."
407,26,7,"Se mueve como un bailarín y golpea con látigos repletos de
púas venenosas."
407,26,8,"Con i movimenti di una ballerina, colpisce con le fruste, piene
di spine velenose."
407,26,9,"With the movements of a dancer, it strikes with
whips that are densely lined with poison thorns."
407,26,11,"ダンサーのような 身のこなしで
毒の トゲが びっしりと 並んだ
ムチを 操り 攻撃する。"
407,33,1,"かぐわしい はなの かおりで
あいてを まどわせ いばらの
ムチで はげしく うちつける。"
407,33,3,"향긋한 꽃향기로
상대를 혼란스럽게 한 다음
가시 채찍으로 세차게 때린다."
407,33,5,"Après avoir troublé les sens de ses adversaires
avec le parfum exquis de ses fleurs, il les frappe
violemment avec ses fouets ornés dépines."
407,33,6,"Mit dem süßlichen Duft seiner Blüten betört es
seine Gegner, bevor es sie mit dornigen Ranken
heftig auspeitscht."
407,33,7,"Aturde a los rivales con la fragancia de sus flores
para luego azotarlos sin piedad con sus cepas
407,33,8,"Stordisce lavversario con il profumo intenso
dei suoi fiori e lo colpisce con le sue fruste
piene di spine."
407,33,9,"After captivating opponents with its sweet scent,
it lashes them with its thorny whips."
407,33,11,"かぐわしい 花の 香りで
相手を 惑わせ いばらの
ムチで 激しく 打ちつける。"
407,34,1,"みぎての どくは そっこうせい。
ひだりての どくは ちこうせい。
どちらも いのちに かかわるぞ。"
407,34,3,"오른손의 독은 즉효성이고
왼손의 독은 지효성을 띠고 있다.
양쪽 모두 생명에 지장을 준다."
407,34,5,"Sa main gauche administre un poison lent,
et la droite, un poison foudroyant.
Les deux peuvent être fatals."
407,34,6,"Das Gift aus seiner rechten Hand wirkt sofort,
das aus seiner linken langsam. Beide Gifte
können tödlich sein."
407,34,7,"Las toxinas de la mano derecha son de efecto
inmediato, y las de la izquierda, retardado. No
obstante, ambas pueden ser letales."
407,34,8,"Il veleno nel bouquet destro ha effetto
istantaneo, quello nel sinistro ha effetto
ritardato. Entrambi possono essere letali."
407,34,9,"The poison in its right hand is quick acting.
The poison in its left hand is slow acting.
Both are life threatening."
407,34,11,"右手の 毒は 即効性。
左手の 毒は 遅効性。
どちらも 命に かかわるぞ。"
408,12,9,"It lived in jungles around 100
million years ago. Its skull is as
hard as iron."
408,13,9,"It was resurrected from an iron
ball-like fossil. It downs prey with
its head butts."
408,14,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100
million years ago, it would snap
obstructing trees with head butts."
408,15,9,"CRANIDOS toughen up their already
rock-hard heads by headbutting
one another."
408,16,9,"CRANIDOS toughen up their already
rock-hard heads by headbutting
one another."
408,17,5,"Il vivait dans la jungle il y a
100 millions dannées. Il abat
un arbre dun coup de tête."
408,17,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100
million years ago, it would snap
obstructing trees with head butts."
408,18,5,"Il vivait dans la jungle il y a
100 millions dannées. Il abat
un arbre dun coup de tête."
408,18,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100
million years ago, it would snap
obstructing trees with head butts."
408,21,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100
million years ago, it would snap
obstructing trees with head butts."
408,22,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100
million years ago, it would snap
obstructing trees with head butts."
408,23,1,"てっきゅうの ような かせきから
ふっかつした こだいの ポケモン。
ずつきで えものを しとめた。"
408,23,3,"철구 같은 화석에서
부활한 고대 포켓몬이다.
박치기로 먹이를 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
408,23,5,"On la ressuscité à partir dun fossile de fer en forme
de balle. Il abat ses proies à coups de tête."
408,23,6,"Es wurde aus einem ballartigen, eisernen Fossil
geschaffen. Es schlägt Beute mit einem Kopfstoß."
408,23,7,"Fue recreado a partir de un fósil con forma esférica.
Derriba a las presas a cabezazos."
408,23,8,"È stato fatto rivivere da un fossile di ferro simile a
una palla. Abbatte le prede con le punte sulla testa."
408,23,9,"It was resurrected from an iron ball-like fossil.
It downs prey with its headbutts."
408,23,11,"鉄球の ような 化石から
復活した 古代の ポケモン。
頭突きで 獲物を しとめた。"
408,24,1,"およそ 1おくねんまえの ポケモン。
ジャングルで うまれそだち じゃまな
じゅもくは ずつきで へしおった。"
408,24,3,"대략 1억 년 전의 포켓몬이다.
정글에서 태어나 자라 방해되는
수목은 박치기로 꺾었다."
408,24,5,"Il vivait dans la jungle il y a 100 millions dannées.
Il peut abattre un arbre dun coup de tête."
408,24,6,"Es lebt seit Urzeiten im Dschungel. Kann im Weg
befindliche Bäume mit Kopfstößen aus dem Weg
408,24,7,"Vivía en la jungla hace 100 millones de años.
Apartaba los árboles del camino a cabezazos."
408,24,8,"Abitava nella giungla già 100 milioni di anni fa.
Abbatte gli alberi che lo ostacolano con delle testate."
408,24,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100 million years
ago, it would snap obstructing trees with headbutts."
408,24,11,"およそ 1億年前の ポケモン。
ジャングルで 生まれ育ち 邪魔な
樹木は 頭突きで へしおった。"
408,25,1,"てっきゅうの ような かせきから
ふっかつした こだいの ポケモン。
ずつきで えものを しとめた。"
408,25,3,"철구 같은 화석에서
부활한 고대 포켓몬이다.
박치기로 먹이를 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
408,25,5,"On la ressuscité à partir dun fossile de fer en forme de balle.
Il abat ses proies à coups de tête."
408,25,6,"Es wurde aus einem ballartigen, eisernen Fossil geschaffen.
Es schlägt Beute mit einem Kopfstoß."
408,25,7,"Fue recreado a partir de un fósil con forma esférica. Derriba a
las presas a cabezazos."
408,25,8,"È stato fatto rivivere da un fossile di ferro simile a una palla.
Abbatte le prede con le punte sulla testa."
408,25,9,"It was resurrected from an iron ball-like fossil.
It downs prey with its headbutts."
408,25,11,"鉄球の ような 化石から
復活した 古代の ポケモン。
頭突きで 獲物を しとめた。"
408,26,1,"およそ 1おくねんまえの ポケモン。
ジャングルで うまれそだち じゃまな
じゅもくは ずつきで へしおった。"
408,26,3,"대략 1억 년 전의 포켓몬이다.
정글에서 태어나고 자라며 방해되는
수목은 박치기로 꺾었다."
408,26,5,"Il vivait dans la jungle il y a 100 millions dannées.
Il peut abattre un arbre dun coup de tête."
408,26,6,"Es lebt seit Urzeiten im Dschungel. Kann im Weg befindliche
Bäume mit Kopfstößen aus dem Weg räumen."
408,26,7,"Vivía en la jungla hace 100 millones de años. Apartaba los
árboles del camino a cabezazos."
408,26,8,"Abitava nella giungla già 100 milioni di anni fa. Abbatte
gli alberi che lo ostacolano con delle testate."
408,26,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100 million years
ago, it would snap obstructing trees with headbutts."
408,26,11,"およそ 1億年前の ポケモン。
ジャングルで 生まれ育ち 邪魔な
樹木は 頭突きで へしおった。"
408,27,1,"1おくねんほど まえの みつりんで
くらしていた。 とくいの ずつきで
プテラに たいこう していた。"
408,27,3,"1억 년 정도 전의 밀림에서
살았었다. 특기인 박치기로
프테라에게 저항했었다."
408,27,5,"Il peuplait les jungles il y a 100 millions
dannées et se débarrassait de son grand rival,
Ptéra, en lui donnant des coups de tête."
408,27,6,"Vor Urzeiten lebte es im Dschungel.
Mit seinem Kopfstoß setzt es sich
gegen Aerodactyl zur Wehr."
408,27,7,"Vivía en la jungla hace 100 millones de años.
Gracias a su destreza propinando cabezazos
podía hacerle frente a Aerodactyl."
408,27,8,"Viveva nella giungla circa 100 milioni di anni fa.
Si difendeva con potenti testate dal suo nemico
naturale Aerodactyl."
408,27,9,"It lived in jungles around a hundred million years
ago. It used its skillful headbutts to
combat Aerodactyl."
408,27,11,"1億年ほど 前の 密林で
暮らしていた。 得意の 頭突きで
プテラに 対抗 していた。"
408,28,1,"ズガイドスの かせきが みつかる
ちそうでは へしおれた じゅもくの
かせきも いっしょに でてくるぞ。"
408,28,3,"두개도스의 화석이 발견되는
지층에는 부러진 나무의
화석도 같이 발굴된다."
408,28,5,"Auprès des fossiles de Kranidos, il nest pas
rare de trouver des arbres pétrifiés
complètement broyés."
408,28,6,"In den Erdschichten, in denen Fossilien von
Koknodon entdeckt werden, finden sich
auch Überreste abgebrochener Bäume."
408,28,7,"En los estratos geológicos donde se encuentran
fósiles de Cranidos también aparecen muchos
fósiles de árboles destrozados."
408,28,8,"Nelle zone ricche di fossili di Cranidos si
trovano spesso anche numerosi fossili di
alberi spezzati."
408,28,9,"In rock layers where Cranidos fossils are found,
the fossilized trunks of trees snapped in two
are also often found."
408,28,11,"ズガイドスの 化石が 見つかる
地層では へし折れた 樹木の
化石も 一緒に 出てくるぞ。"
408,29,1,"たいこの ポケモン。 かたくて
じょうぶな ずがいこつを もつが
あたまは そうとうに わるかった。"
408,29,3,"태곳적 포켓몬. 딱딱하고
튼튼한 두개골을 가졌지만
머리는 정말 나빴다."
408,29,5,"Un Pokémon préhistorique doté dun crâne très
solide, mais dun cerveau très peu performant."
408,29,6,"Dieses urzeitliche Pokémon war trotz seines
harten, robusten Schädels nicht sehr schlau."
408,29,7,"Este Pokémon arcaico cuenta con un cráneo
sólido y resistente, pero su cerebro no está a la
408,29,8,"Pokémon che esisteva in epoca antica, dotato di
un cranio duro e resistente ma dallintelligenza
non altrettanto sviluppata."
408,29,9,"A primeval Pokémon, it possesses a hard and
sturdy skull, lacking any intelligence within."
408,29,11,"太古の ポケモン。 硬くて
丈夫な 頭蓋骨を 持つが
頭は 相当に 悪かった。"
408,30,1,"かたい ずがいこつが とくちょう。
ずつきで じゅもくを へしおって
みのった きのみを くっていた。"
408,30,3,"단단한 두개골이 특징이다.
박치기로 나무를 부러뜨려
잘 익은 나무열매를 먹었다."
408,30,5,"Son crâne extrêmement solide est sa principale
caractéristique. Il sen servait pour faire tomber
des arbres les Baies dont il se nourrissait."
408,30,6,"Seine Besonderheit ist der harte Schädel. Mit
seinem Kopfstoß fällte es Bäume, um deren
Früchte fressen zu können."
408,30,7,"Se caracteriza por la dureza de su cráneo.
Derribaba árboles a cabezazos para comerse
las bayas maduras que colgaban de ellos."
408,30,8,"Era caratterizzato da un cranio durissimo,
grazie al quale spezzava gli alberi a testate
per poi cibarsi delle bacche mature."
408,30,9,"Its hard skull is its distinguishing feature. It
snapped trees by headbutting them, and then
it fed on their ripe berries."
408,30,11,"硬い 頭蓋骨が 特徴。
頭突きで 樹木を へし折って
実った きのみを 食っていた。"
409,12,9,"Its powerful head butt has enough
power to shatter even the most
durable things upon impact."
409,13,9,"Its skull is as hard as iron. It is
a brute that tears down jungle
trees while catching prey."
409,14,9,"If two were to smash their heads
together, their foot-thick skulls
would keep them from fainting."
409,15,9,"Its skull withstands impacts of any
magnitude. As a result, its brain
never gets the chance to grow."
409,16,9,"Its skull withstands impacts of any
magnitude. As a result, its brain
never gets the chance to grow."
409,17,5,"Quand deux Charkos se rentrent
dedans, leur crâne extrêmement
épais les empêche de sassommer."
409,17,9,"If two were to smash their heads
together, their foot-thick skulls
would keep them from fainting."
409,18,5,"Quand deux Charkos se rentrent
dedans, leur crâne extrêmement
épais les empêche de sassommer."
409,18,9,"If two were to smash their heads
together, their foot-thick skulls
would keep them from fainting."
409,21,9,"If two were to smash their heads
together, their foot-thick skulls
would keep them from fainting."
409,22,9,"If two were to smash their heads
together, their foot-thick skulls
would keep them from fainting."
409,23,1,"どんな しょうげきにも たえられる
ぶあつい ずがいこつに おさえられて
のうみそは おおきく ならなかった。"
409,23,3,"어떤 충격에도 견딜 수 있는
두꺼운 두개골에 눌려
뇌가 자라지 않았다."
409,23,5,"À force de cogner son crâne pourtant hyper résistant,
Charkos a un cerveau atrophié."
409,23,6,"Sein dicker Schädelknochen trotzt jedem Angriff.
Gleichzeitig stoppt er jedoch sein Hirnwachstum."
409,23,7,"Tiene sesos pequeños porque su duro cráneo, que
soporta cualquier golpe, les impide desarrollarse."
409,23,8,"Il suo spesso cranio, che sopporta qualunque
impatto, è ridotto, e il cervello non si è sviluppato."
409,23,9,"Its skull withstands impacts of any magnitude. As a
result, its brain never gets the chance to grow."
409,23,11,"どんな 衝撃にも 耐えられる
分厚い 頭蓋骨に 押さえられて
脳みそは 大きく ならなかった。"
409,24,1,"てつのように かたい ずがいこつ。
ジャングルの きぎを なぎたおし
えものを とらえる あばれんぼう。"
409,24,3,"철처럼 단단한 두개골이다.
정글의 나무들을 넘어뜨려서
먹이를 잡는 난동꾼이다."
409,24,5,"Son crâne est dur comme du fer. Cette brute abat
des arbres quand elle chasse sa proie dans la jungle."
409,24,6,"Sein Schädel ist hart wie Eisen. Es reißt
Dschungelbäume nieder, während es seine Beute jagt."
409,24,7,"Su cráneo es duro como el hierro. Es tan bruto que
destroza la jungla cuando persigue presas."
409,24,8,"Il suo cranio è duro come il ferro. È violento e abbatte
gli alberi della giungla mentre va a caccia di prede."
409,24,9,"Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears
down jungle trees while catching prey."
409,24,11,"鉄のように 硬い 頭蓋骨。
ジャングルの 木々を なぎ倒し
獲物を 捕らえる 暴れん坊。"
409,25,1,"どんな しょうげきにも たえられる
ぶあつい ずがいこつに おさえられて
のうみそは おおきく ならなかった。"
409,25,3,"어떤 충격에도 견딜 수 있는
두꺼운 두개골에 눌려
뇌가 자라지 않았다."
409,25,5,"À force de cogner son crâne pourtant hyper résistant,
Charkos a un cerveau atrophié."
409,25,6,"Sein dicker Schädelknochen trotzt jedem Angriff. Gleichzeitig
stoppt er jedoch sein Hirnwachstum."
409,25,7,"Tiene sesos pequeños porque su duro cráneo, que soporta
cualquier golpe, les impide desarrollarse."
409,25,8,"Il suo spesso cranio, che sopporta qualunque impatto,
è ridotto, e il cervello non si è sviluppato."
409,25,9,"Its skull withstands impacts of any magnitude. As a
result, its brain never gets the chance to grow."
409,25,11,"どんな 衝撃にも 耐えられる
分厚い 頭蓋骨に 押さえられて
脳みそは 大きく ならなかった。"
409,26,1,"てつのように かたい ずがいこつ。
ジャングルの きぎを なぎたおし
えものを とらえる あばれんぼう。"
409,26,3,"철처럼 단단한 두개골이다.
정글의 나무들을 넘어뜨려서
먹이를 잡는 난동꾼이다."
409,26,5,"Son crâne est dur comme du fer. Cette brute abat des arbres
quand elle chasse sa proie dans la jungle."
409,26,6,"Sein Schädel ist hart wie Eisen. Es reißt Dschungelbäume
nieder, während es seine Beute jagt."
409,26,7,"Su cráneo es duro como el hierro. Es tan bruto que destroza
la jungla cuando persigue presas."
409,26,8,"Il suo cranio è duro come il ferro. È violento e abbatte gli
alberi della giungla mentre va a caccia di prede."
409,26,9,"Its skull is as hard as iron. It is a brute that tears
down jungle trees while catching prey."
409,26,11,"鉄のように 硬い 頭蓋骨。
ジャングルの 木々を なぎ倒し
獲物を 捕らえる 暴れん坊。"
409,27,1,"ずつきを くりかえし ずがいこつは
かたく あつくなったが のうみそは
ズガイドスより ちぢんでいる。"
409,27,3,"박치기를 반복해서 두개골은
단단하고 두꺼워졌지만
뇌는 두개도스보다 작아졌다."
409,27,5,"À force denchaîner les coups de tête, sa calotte
crânienne sest épaissie. Son cerveau a donc dû
rétrécir et il est plus petit que celui du Kranidos."
409,27,6,"Durch häufige Kopfstöße ist sein Schädel
hart und dick geworden. Seine Hirnmasse litt
darunter und ist kleiner als bei Koknodon."
409,27,7,"Debido a los continuos cabezazos que propina,
su cráneo se ha vuelto más duro y grueso. Sin
embargo, tiene menos sesos que Cranidos."
409,27,8,"A furia di testate, il suo cranio è diventato
spesso e robusto, ma il cervello si è
rimpicciolito rispetto a quello di Cranidos."
409,27,9,"The result of repeated headbutts is a skull
grown thick and hard. However, its brain has
shrunk in size compared with Cranidoss."
409,27,11,"頭突きを 繰り返し 頭がい骨は
硬く 厚くなったが 脳味噌は
ズガイドスより 縮んでいる。"
409,28,1,"ふくげんされ しんかした ラムパルドが
にげだして ずつきで こうそうビルを
はかいしたという きろくが ある。"
409,28,3,"복원되어 진화한 램펄드가 도망쳐
박치기로 고층 빌딩을
파괴했다는 기록이 있다."
409,28,5,"Des rapports font état dun Charkos qui, après
reconstitution et évolution, aurait pris la fuite en
démolissant un gratte-ciel dun coup de tête."
409,28,6,"Es ist die Weiterentwicklung eines fossilen
Pokémon. Einmal entkam ein Rameidon und
zerstörte per Kopfstoß ein ganzes Hochhaus."
409,28,7,"Corren historias de un Cranidos regenerado a
partir de un fósil que, tras evolucionar, escapó
y derribó un rascacielos de un cabezazo."
409,28,8,"Un Rampardos, evolutosi da un Cranidos
rigenerato da un fossile, fuggì da un laboratorio
e abbatté un enorme palazzo a testate."
409,28,9,"Records exist of a revived fossil that evolved
into Rampardos. It proceeded to escape and
then destroy a skyscraper with a headbutt."
409,28,11,"復元され 進化した ラムパルドが
逃げだして 頭突きで 高層ビルを
破壊したという 記録が ある。"
409,29,1,"おおむかしの ひとは かせきを
ほりだし こうてつ よりも かたい
ずがいこつで かぶとを つくっていた。"
409,29,3,"먼 옛날 사람은 화석을 발굴하여
강철보다 딱딱한 두개골로
투구를 만들었다."
409,29,5,"Il y a bien longtemps, les hommes fabriquaient
des casques plus solides que lacier à partir de
crânes de Charkos fossilisés."
409,29,6,"Vor langer Zeit wurden die Fossilien dieses
Pokémon ausgegraben und aus den stahlharten
Schädeln Helme hergestellt."
409,29,7,"Los hombres de antaño que encontraban restos
fosilizados de Rampardos usaban su cráneo,
más duro que el metal, para fabricar cascos."
409,29,8,"In tempi antichi gli uomini si servivano dei fossili
del cranio di questi Pokémon, più duro
dellacciaio, per fabbricare elmi."
409,29,9,"In ancient times, people would dig up fossils of
this Pokémon and use its skull, which is harder
than steel, to make helmets."
409,29,11,"大昔の 人は 化石を
掘り出し 鋼鉄 よりも 硬い
頭蓋骨で 兜を 作っていた。"
409,30,1,"ずつきが とくいな こだいのポケモン。
ほんとうに のうみそが ちいさいので
おろかで ほろんだというせつも ある。"
409,30,3,"박치기가 특기인 고대 포켓몬이다.
뇌가 정말 작기 때문에
멍청해서 멸종했다는 설도 있다."
409,30,5,"Pokémon préhistorique célèbre pour ses coups
de tête puissants et son petit cerveau, son
extinction serait due à son extrême bêtise."
409,30,6,"Dieses auf Kopfstöße spezialisierte urzeitliche
Pokémon soll einer Theorie zufolge wegen seines
kleinen Hirns aus Dummheit ausgestorben sein."
409,30,7,"Pokémon prehistórico especializado en dar
cabezazos. Una teoría atribuye su extinción a
su cerebro pequeño y a su poca inteligencia."
409,30,8,"Questo antico Pokémon eccelle nel dare testate.
Secondo una teoria, si è estinto perché troppo
ottuso. Il suo cervello è infatti molto piccolo."
409,30,9,"This ancient Pokémon used headbutts skillfully.
Its brain was really small, so some theories
suggest that its stupidity led to its extinction."
409,30,11,"頭突きが 得意な 古代のポケモン。
本当に 脳みそが 小さいので
愚かで 滅んだという説も ある。"
410,12,9,"A Pokémon that lived in jungles
around 100 million years ago. Its
facial hide is extremely hard."
410,13,9,"It habitually polishes its face by
rubbing it against tree trunks. It
is weak to attacks from behind."
410,14,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a
result, it can eat grass and
berries without having to fight."
410,15,9,"It was generated from a fossil dug out
of a layer of clay that was older than
anyone knows. It has a sturdy face."
410,16,9,"It was generated from a fossil dug out
of a layer of clay that was older than
anyone knows. It has a sturdy face."
410,17,5,"Il est si bien protégé quil peut
déguster Baies et herbe fraîche
sans craindre de prédateurs."
410,17,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a
result, it can eat grass and
berries without having to fight."
410,18,5,"Il est si bien protégé quil peut
déguster Baies et herbe fraîche
sans craindre de prédateurs."
410,18,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a
result, it can eat grass and
berries without having to fight."
410,21,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a
result, it can eat grass and
berries without having to fight."
410,22,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a
result, it can eat grass and
berries without having to fight."
410,23,1,"たいぼくの みきに こすりつけて
かたい かおを みがく しゅうせい。
うしろからの こうげきに よわい。"
410,23,3,"큰 나무의 줄기에 비벼서
단단한 얼굴을 닦는 습성이 있다.
뒤로부터의 공격에 약하다."
410,23,5,"Il a lhabitude de polir son visage en le frottant contre
un tronc. Il craint les attaques dans le dos."
410,23,6,"Es reibt sein Gesicht an Baumstämmen, um es zu
polieren. Es ist leicht, es von hinten anzugreifen."
410,23,7,"Se abrillanta la cara frotándola contra los árboles.
Es vulnerable a los ataques por la espalda."
410,23,8,"Si pulisce il muso strofinandolo contro i tronchi
degli alberi. È vulnerabile agli attacchi alle spalle."
410,23,9,"It habitually polishes its face by rubbing it against
tree trunks. It is weak to attacks from behind."
410,23,11,"大木の 幹に こすりつけて
硬い 顔を 磨く 習性。
後ろからの 攻撃に 弱い。"
410,24,1,"1おくねんまえの ちそう から
ほりだされた かせきから うまれた。
とても がんじょうな かおを もつ。"
410,24,3,"1억 년 전의 지층에서
발굴된 화석에서 태어났다.
매우 튼튼한 얼굴을 가졌다."
410,24,5,"Il est né dun fossile datant de 100 millions dannées.
Son visage est très dur."
410,24,6,"Das Fossil, aus dem es entstand, wurde aus einer
100 Millionen Jahre alten Gesteinsschicht geborgen."
410,24,7,"Surgió de un fósil de hace 100 millones de años.
Su protección facial es tremendamente dura."
410,24,8,"Nato da un fossile portato alla luce da uno strato di
100 milioni di anni fa. Ha un muso resistente."
410,24,9,"It was generated from a fossil dug out of a layer of
clay that was older than anyone knows. It has a
sturdy face."
410,24,11,"1億年前の 地層から
掘り出された 化石から 生まれた。
とても 頑丈な 顔を 持つ。"
410,25,1,"たいぼくの みきに こすりつけて
かたい かおを みがく しゅうせい。
うしろからの こうげきに よわい。"
410,25,3,"큰 나무의 줄기에 비벼서
단단한 얼굴을 닦는 습성이 있다.
뒤로부터의 공격에 약하다."
410,25,5,"Il a lhabitude de polir son visage en le frottant contre
un tronc. Il craint les attaques dans le dos."
410,25,6,"Es reibt sein Gesicht an Baumstämmen, um es zu polieren.
Es ist leicht, es von hinten anzugreifen."
410,25,7,"Se abrillanta la cara frotándola contra los árboles. Es
vulnerable a los ataques por la espalda."
410,25,8,"Si pulisce il muso strofinandolo contro i tronchi degli alberi.
È vulnerabile agli attacchi alle spalle."
410,25,9,"It habitually polishes its face by rubbing it against
tree trunks. It is weak to attacks from behind."
410,25,11,"大木の 幹に こすりつけて
硬い 顔を 磨く 習性。
後ろからの 攻撃に 弱い。"
410,26,1,"1おくねんまえの ちそう から
ほりだされた かせきから うまれた。
とても がんじょうな かおを もつ。"
410,26,3,"1억 년 전의 지층에서
발굴된 화석에서 태어났다.
매우 튼튼한 얼굴을 가졌다."
410,26,5,"Il est né dun fossile datant de 100 millions dannées.
Son visage est très dur."
410,26,6,"Das Fossil, aus dem es entstand, wurde aus einer
100 Millionen Jahre alten Gesteinsschicht geborgen."
410,26,7,"Surgió de un fósil de hace 100 millones de años.
Su protección facial es tremendamente dura."
410,26,8,"Nato da un fossile portato alla luce da uno strato di
100 milioni di anni fa. Ha un muso resistente."
410,26,9,"It was generated from a fossil dug out of a layer of
clay that was older than anyone knows. It has a
sturdy face."
410,26,11,"1億年前の 地層から
掘り出された 化石から 生まれた。
とても 頑丈な 顔を 持つ。"
410,27,1,"おおくの かせきが みつかっているが
かおの ぶぶんが きずついていたり
かけているものは ほぼ ない。"
410,27,3,"많은 화석이 발견되었지만
얼굴 부분에 상처가 있거나
이가 빠져 있는 것은 거의 없다."
410,27,5,"Dans les nombreux fossiles trouvés, presque
aucune plaque faciale ne porte de trace de
blessure ou débréchure."
410,27,6,"Es wurden viele Fossilien dieses Pokémon
gefunden und nur bei sehr wenigen war
das Gesicht beschädigt oder fehlte ganz."
410,27,7,"Se han encontrado innumerables fósiles de este
Pokémon y prácticamente ninguno presenta
daños en la parte facial."
410,27,8,"Tutti gli esemplari fossilizzati di questo
Pokémon sono perfettamente conservati nella
zona del muso, priva di qualsiasi scalfittura."
410,27,9,"Many fossils of this Pokémon have been found,
but almost none have shown signs of damage
to the face."
410,27,11,"多くの 化石が みつかっているが
顔の 部分が 傷ついていたり
欠けているものは ほぼ ない。"
410,28,1,"がんじょうな かおの おかげで
てきは すくなかったと おもわれる。
たいこの ジャングルに すんでいた。"
410,28,3,"튼튼한 얼굴 덕분에
적은 적었을 것으로 여겨진다.
태고의 정글에 살았다."
410,28,5,"Grâce à sa tête très robuste, on suppose quil
navait que très peu dennemis. Il vivait dans les
forêts primaires, il y a fort longtemps."
410,28,6,"Man nimmt an, dass es dank seines
gepanzerten Gesichts kaum Feinde hatte.
Es lebte vor Urzeiten im Dschungel."
410,28,7,"Debido a la extraordinaria dureza de su rostro,
se piensa que tenía pocos enemigos. Vivía en las
junglas prehistóricas."
410,28,8,"Viveva nelle giungle preistoriche. Si pensa
che avesse pochi predatori per via del muso
incredibilmente robusto."
410,28,9,"This Pokémon lived in primeval jungles. Few
enemies would have been willing to square off
against its heavily armored face, so its thought."
410,28,11,"頑丈な 顔の おかげで
敵は 少なかったと 思われる。
太古の ジャングルに 棲んでいた。"
410,29,1,"そうしょくの おとなしい ポケモン。
じょうぶな かおの ひふで じめんを
ほり きのねっこなども くっていた。"
410,29,3,"온순한 초식 포켓몬.
튼튼한 얼굴 피부로 지면을
파고들어 나무 뿌리도 먹었다."
410,29,5,"Cet herbivore, très calme de nature, utilisait
la peau durcie de son museau pour déterrer
des racines à grignoter."
410,29,6,"Ein friedliches, pflanzenfressendes Pokémon.
Mit seiner harten Gesichtshaut wühlte es im
Boden und fraß Baumwurzeln."
410,29,7,"Un Pokémon herbívoro de carácter afable.
Con su dura protección facial podía desenterrar
las raíces de los árboles para comérselas."
410,29,8,"Era un docile Pokémon erbivoro. Si serviva del
muso protetto dalla pelle coriacea per scavare
nel terreno e mangiare le radici degli alberi."
410,29,9,"A mild-mannered, herbivorous Pokémon, it used
its face to dig up tree roots to eat. The skin on
its face was plenty tough."
410,29,11,"草食の おとなしい ポケモン。
丈夫な 顔の 皮膚で 地面を
掘り 木の根っこなども 食っていた。"
410,30,1,"たいこの ちそうから かせきが
みつかるが かおの ぶぶん いがいが
はっけん されたことは ない。"
410,30,3,"태고의 지층에서 화석이
발견되었지만 얼굴 이외의
부분이 발견된 적은 없다."
410,30,5,"On retrouve des fossiles de Dinoclier dans
les couches sédimentaires préhistoriques, mais
seule sa tête a résisté à lépreuve du temps."
410,30,6,"Man findet zwar in uralten Erdschichten
Fossilien dieses Pokémon, aber meist handelt
es sich dabei nur um Teile des Gesichts."
410,30,7,"Los fósiles que se han encontrado hasta ahora
en estratos prehistóricos pertenecen solo a su
410,30,8,"Fossili di questo Pokémon sono stati trovati in
strati geologici antichissimi. Tuttavia, gli unici
resti pervenuti costituiscono parti del muso."
410,30,9,"Although its fossils can be found in layers of
primeval rock, nothing but its face has ever
been discovered."
410,30,11,"太古の 地層から 化石が
見つかるが 顔の 部分 以外が
発見 されたことは ない。"
411,12,9,"Any frontal attack is repulsed.
It is a docile Pokémon that
feeds on grass and berries."
411,13,9,"When attacked, they form a wall
with their shieldlike faces to
protect their young."
411,14,9,"When they lined up side by side, no
foe could break through. They
shielded their young in that way."
411,15,9,"When attacked, they form a wall.
Their rock-hard faces serve to
protect them from the attacks."
411,16,9,"When attacked, they form a wall.
Their rock-hard faces serve to
protect them from the attacks."
411,17,5,"En groupe, ils protègent leurs
petits en formant autour deux
une impénétrable muraille."
411,17,9,"When they lined up side by side, no
foe could break through. They
shielded their young in that way."
411,18,5,"En groupe, ils protègent leurs
petits en formant autour deux
une impénétrable muraille."
411,18,9,"When they lined up side by side, no
foe could break through. They
shielded their young in that way."
411,21,9,"When they lined up side by side, no
foe could break through. They
shielded their young in that way."
411,22,9,"When they lined up side by side, no
foe could break through. They
shielded their young in that way."
411,23,1,"よこいちれつに ならぶと どんな
ポケモンでも とっぱ できない。
そうやって こどもを まもっていた。"
411,23,3,"옆에 한 줄로 세우면 어떤
포켓몬이라도 돌파하지 못한다.
그렇게 하여 아기를 지켜냈다."
411,23,5,"En groupe, ils protègent leurs petits en formant autour
deux une impénétrable muraille."
411,23,6,"Stellen sie sich Seite an Seite, kann kein Gegner
hindurchbrechen. So schützen sie auch ihre Jungen."
411,23,7,"Se alineaban y creaban una barrera que ningún
enemigo podía cruzar. Así protegían a sus crías."
411,23,8,"Se si mettono uno di fianco allaltro nessun nemico
riesce a passare. Proteggono così i loro cuccioli."
411,23,9,"When they lined up side by side, no foe could
break through. They shielded their young in
that way."
411,23,11,"横一列に 並ぶと どんな
ポケモンでも 突破 できない。
そうやって 子供を 守っていた。"
411,24,1,"しょうめんからの こうげきは
すべて はねかえす。くさや きのみを
たべる おとなしい せいかく。"
411,24,3,"정면에서의 공격은 전부 튕겨낸다.
풀이나 나무열매를 먹는
얌전한 성격이다."
411,24,5,"Il résiste à toute attaque frontale. Cest un Pokémon
docile qui se nourrit dherbe et de Baies."
411,24,6,"Jeder Frontalangriff wird abgeschmettert. Dieses
friedliche Pokémon ernährt sich von Gras und Beeren."
411,24,7,"Repele cualquier ataque frontal. Es muy dócil y se
alimenta de hierba y bayas."
411,24,8,"Respinge qualsiasi attacco frontale. È un Pokémon
docile che si nutre di erba e di bacche."
411,24,9,"Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile
Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries."
411,24,11,"正面からの 攻撃は
すべて 跳ね返す。草や 木の実を
食べる おとなしい 性格。"
411,25,1,"よこいちれつに ならぶと どんな
ポケモンでも とっぱ できない。
そうやって こどもを まもっていた。"
411,25,3,"일렬횡대로 죽 늘어서면 어떤
포켓몬이라도 돌파하지 못한다.
그렇게 하여 아기를 지켜냈다."
411,25,5,"En groupe, ils protègent leurs petits en formant autour deux
une impénétrable muraille."
411,25,6,"Stellen sie sich Seite an Seite, kann kein Gegner
hindurchbrechen. So schützen sie auch ihre Jungen."
411,25,7,"Se alineaban y creaban una barrera que ningún enemigo podía
cruzar. Así protegían a sus crías."
411,25,8,"Se si mettono uno di fianco allaltro nessun nemico riesce
a passare. Proteggono così i loro cuccioli."
411,25,9,"When they lined up side by side, no foe could
break through. They shielded their young in
that way."
411,25,11,"横一列に 並ぶと どんな
ポケモンでも 突破 できない。
そうやって 子供を 守っていた。"
411,26,1,"しょうめんからの こうげきは
すべて はねかえす。くさや きのみを
たべる おとなしい せいかく。"
411,26,3,"정면에서의 공격은 전부 튕겨낸다.
풀이나 나무열매를 먹는
얌전한 성격이다."
411,26,5,"Il résiste à toute attaque frontale. Cest un Pokémon docile
qui se nourrit dherbe et de Baies."
411,26,6,"Jeder Frontalangriff wird abgeschmettert. Dieses friedliche
Pokémon ernährt sich von Gras und Beeren."
411,26,7,"Repele cualquier ataque frontal. Es muy dócil y se alimenta
de hierba y bayas."
411,26,8,"Respinge qualsiasi attacco frontale. È un Pokémon docile che
si nutre di erba e di bacche."
411,26,9,"Any frontal attack is repulsed. It is a docile
Pokémon that feeds on grass and berries."
411,26,11,"正面からの 攻撃は
すべて 跳ね返す。草や 木の実を
食べる おとなしい 性格。"
411,27,1,"しょうめんからで あれば あらゆる
こうげきを ガード できるが
うしろを とられると なすすべなし。"
411,27,3,"정면에서라면 어떤 공격이든
가드할 수 있지만
뒤를 뺏기면 방법이 없다."
411,27,5,"Sil peut parer quasiment tous les assauts de
face, il est extrêmement vulnérable aux attaques
411,27,6,"Alle möglichen Angriffe von vorn kann es
abwehren, aber von hinten ist es schutzlos."
411,27,7,"Es capaz de repeler cualquier ataque frontal,
pero se encuentra totalmente a merced de los
ataques por la retaguardia."
411,27,8,"La sua difesa è impenetrabile se viene attaccato
di fronte, ma se viene preso alle spalle
è estremamente vulnerabile."
411,27,9,"While it can guard against any sort of attack
from the front, it is left without recourse when
attacked from behind."
411,27,11,"正面からで あれば あらゆる
攻撃を ガードできるが
後ろを 取られると なす術なし。"
411,28,1,"ラムパルドと にた ばしょに いた。
2ひきが あらそい ともだおれに
なった かせきが みつかることも。"
411,28,3,"램펄드와 비슷한 장소에 있었다.
2마리가 싸워 같이 쓰러져
있는 화석이 발견될 때도 있다."
411,28,5,"Il vivait dans les mêmes zones que le Charkos.
On trouve parfois leurs fossiles embrassés pour
léternité suite à un K.O. mutuel."
411,28,6,"Es lebte in denselben Gebieten wie Rameidon.
Manche Fossilienfunde legen nahe, dass sie sich
erbitterte Kämpfe geliefert haben."
411,28,7,"Compartía hábitat con Rampardos. A veces se
han encontrado fósiles de ambas especies
yaciendo juntos tras una lucha encarnizada."
411,28,8,"In passato condivideva lhabitat con Rampardos.
Spesso i loro scontri finivano in parità e non è
raro trovarli fossilizzati insieme."
411,28,9,"It lived in the same environments as Rampardos.
Their fossils have been found together—
seemingly from after theyd fought to the finish."
411,28,11,"ラムパルドと 似た 場所に いた。
2匹が 争い 共倒れに
なった 化石が 見つかることも。"
411,29,1,"かおのホネが でかくて かたいので
ふくげんが せいこう するまで
せぼねと かんちがい されていた。"
411,29,3,"얼굴의 뼈가 크고 딱딱해서
복원에 성공할 때까지
등뼈라고 잘못 알려져 있었다."
411,29,5,"Jusquà ce quon reconstitue ce Pokémon avec
succès, on prenait les grands os solides qui
couvrent son visage pour sa colonne vertébrale."
411,29,6,"Als man Fossilien noch nicht zurückverwandeln
konnte, war man der Ansicht, sein großer, harter
Gesichtsknochen sei sein Rücken."
411,29,7,"Hasta que no se regeneró por completo a este
Pokémon, se pensaba que los grandes y recios
huesos de su rostro eran su columna vertebral."
411,29,8,"Prima che venisse rigenerato si riteneva
erroneamente che le grandi e solide ossa
del muso facessero parte del dorso."
411,29,9,"The bones of its face are huge and hard, so
they were mistaken for its spine until after this
Pokémon was successfully restored."
411,29,11,"顔の骨が でかくて 硬いので
復元が 成功するまで
背骨と 勘違い されていた。"
411,30,1,"やく1おくねんまえの ポケモン。
おそろしく がんじょうな かおは
こうてついじょうの こうどを もつ。"
411,30,3,"약 1억 년 전의 포켓몬이다.
무섭게 튼튼한 얼굴은
강철 이상의 경도를 가졌다."
411,30,5,"Un Pokémon éteint depuis environ 100 millions
dannées. Sa tête incroyablement solide était
plus dure que lacier."
411,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebte vor etwa 100 Millionen
Jahren. Sein unglaublich robustes Gesicht ist
härter als Stahl."
411,30,7,"Un Pokémon con una antigüedad de unos cien
millones de años. Su rostro posee una dureza
impresionante, superior incluso a la del acero."
411,30,8,"Questo Pokémon esisteva 100 milioni di anni fa.
Il suo muso, incredibilmente resistente, può
essere persino più duro dellacciaio."
411,30,9,"This Pokémon is from roughly 100 million years
ago. Its terrifyingly tough face is harder
than steel."
411,30,11,"約1億年前の ポケモン。
恐ろしく 頑丈な 顔は
鋼鉄以上の 硬度を 持つ。"
412,12,9,"To shelter itself from cold, wintry
winds, it covers itself with a cloak
made of twigs and leaves."
412,13,9,"If its cloak is broken in battle,
it quickly remakes the cloak with
materials nearby."
412,14,9,"Even if it is born where there are
no cocooning materials, it somehow
always ends up with a cloak."
412,15,9,"It covers itself with a cloak to
shelter from the cold. When its
hot, its cloak is thinner."
412,16,9,"It covers itself with a cloak to
shelter from the cold. When its
hot, its cloak is thinner."
412,17,5,"Nul ne sait comment il y parvient,
mais il arrive toujours à se former
une cape, où quil soit."
412,17,9,"Even if it is born where there are
no cocooning materials, it somehow
always ends up with a cloak."
412,18,5,"Nul ne sait comment il y parvient,
mais il arrive toujours à se former
une cape, où quil soit."
412,18,9,"Even if it is born where there are
no cocooning materials, it somehow
always ends up with a cloak."
412,21,9,"Even if it is born where there are
no cocooning materials, it somehow
always ends up with a cloak."
412,22,9,"Even if it is born where there are
no cocooning materials, it somehow
always ends up with a cloak."
412,23,1,"つめたい こがらしを ふせぐため
こえだや おちばを ざいりょうに
ミノを つくり からだを おおう。"
412,23,3,"차가운 초겨울 바람을 막으려고
작은 가지나 낙엽을 재료로
도롱이를 만들어 몸을 감싼다."
412,23,5,"Pour se protéger des vents glacés de lhiver, il sest
tissé une cape de feuilles et de brindilles."
412,23,6,"Um sich vor dem eisigen Winterwind zu schützen,
legt es sich unter einen Umhang aus Ästen und Laub."
412,23,7,"Para protegerse de los vientos fríos invernales, se
cubre con un caparazón de ramas y hojas."
412,23,8,"Per ripararsi dal freddo e dai venti invernali si copre
con un manto fatto di rami e foglie."
412,23,9,"To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers
itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves."
412,23,11,"冷たい 木枯らしを 防ぐため
小枝や 落ち葉を 材料に
ミノを 作り 体を 覆う。"
412,24,1,"たたかいで ミノが こわれてしまうと
ちかくにある ざいりょうで
ミノを すぐに つくりなおす。"
412,24,3,"싸움으로 도롱이가 부서져 버리면
가까이 있는 재료로
도롱이를 바로 만들어 고친다."
412,24,5,"Sil perd sa cape au combat, il en tisse rapidement
une nouvelle avec ce qui lui tombe sous la main."
412,24,6,"Wird sein Umhang im Kampf zerstört, macht es sich
schnell aus dem, was es findet, einen neuen."
412,24,7,"Si su caparazón se rompe en combate, lo rehace
rápidamente con lo que tenga a mano."
412,24,8,"Se il suo manto si rompe mentre lotta, lo rifà
velocemente con ciò che trova attorno a sé."
412,24,9,"If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes
the cloak with materials nearby."
412,24,11,"戦いで ミノが 壊れてしまうと
近くにある 材料で
ミノを すぐに 作り直す。"
412,25,1,"つめたい こがらしを ふせぐため
こえだや おちばを ざいりょうに
ミノを つくり からだを おおう。"
412,25,3,"차가운 초겨울 바람을 막으려고
작은 가지나 낙엽을 재료로
도롱이를 만들어 몸을 감싼다."
412,25,5,"Pour se protéger des vents glacés de lhiver, il sest tissé
une cape de feuilles et de brindilles."
412,25,6,"Um sich vor dem eisigen Winterwind zu schützen, legt es sich
unter einen Umhang aus Ästen und Laub."
412,25,7,"Para protegerse de los vientos fríos invernales, se cubre con
un caparazón de ramas y hojas."
412,25,8,"Per ripararsi dal freddo e dai venti invernali si copre con un
manto fatto di rami e foglie."
412,25,9,"To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers
itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves."
412,25,11,"冷たい 木枯らしを 防ぐため
小枝や 落ち葉を 材料に
ミノを 作り 体を 覆う。"
412,26,1,"たたかいで ミノが こわれてしまうと
ちかくにある ざいりょうで
ミノを すぐに つくりなおす。"
412,26,3,"싸움으로 도롱이가 부서져 버리면
가까이 있는 재료로
도롱이를 바로 만들어 고친다."
412,26,5,"Sil perd sa cape au combat, il en tisse rapidement
une nouvelle avec ce qui lui tombe sous la main."
412,26,6,"Wird sein Umhang im Kampf zerstört, macht es sich schnell
aus dem, was es findet, einen neuen."
412,26,7,"Si su caparazón se rompe en combate, lo rehace rápidamente
con lo que tenga a mano."
412,26,8,"Se il suo manto si rompe mentre lotta, lo rifà velocemente con
ciò che trova attorno a sé."
412,26,9,"If its cloak is broken in battle, it quickly remakes
the cloak with materials nearby."
412,26,11,"戦いで ミノが 壊れてしまうと
近くにある 材料で
ミノを すぐに 作り直す。"
413,12,9,"When BURMY evolved, its cloak
became a part of this Pokémons
body. The cloak is never shed."
413,13,9,"Its appearance changes depending
on where it evolved. The materials
on hand become a part of its body."
413,14,9,"When evolving, its body takes in
surrounding materials. As a result,
there are many body variations."
413,15,9,"It is said that a WORMADAM that
evolves on a cold day will have a
thicker cloak."
413,16,9,"It is said that a WORMADAM that
evolves on a cold day will have a
thicker cloak."
413,17,5,"À lévolution, son corps absorbe
les matériaux à proximité et peut
ainsi présenter divers aspects."
413,17,9,"When evolving, its body takes in
surrounding materials. As a result,
there are many body variations."
413,18,5,"À lévolution, son corps absorbe
les matériaux à proximité et peut
ainsi présenter divers aspects."
413,18,9,"When evolving, its body takes in
surrounding materials. As a result,
there are many body variations."
413,21,9,"When evolving, its body takes in
surrounding materials. As a result,
there are many body variations."
413,22,9,"When evolving, its body takes in
surrounding materials. As a result,
there are many body variations."
413,23,1,"しんかした ばしょによって すがたが
かわる。みぢかにある ざいりょうが
からだの いちぶに なるのだ。"
413,23,3,"진화한 장소에 따라 모습이
바뀐다. 가까이 있는 재료가
몸의 일부가 된다."
413,23,5,"Son apparence varie selon le lieu dévolution. Son
corps est façonné avec les matériaux à disposition."
413,23,6,"Die Umgebung, in der es sich entwickelt, bestimmt
sein Aussehen. Es formt seinen Körper mithilfe
der umliegenden Materialien."
413,23,7,"Su apariencia varía según dónde evolucione. Los
materiales que haya pasan a formar parte de su
413,23,8,"Il suo aspetto dipende dal luogo in cui si evolve.
Tutto ciò che ha intorno va a costituire il suo corpo."
413,23,9,"Its appearance changes depending on where it
evolved. The materials on hand become a part of
its body."
413,23,11,"進化した 場所によって
姿が 変わる。身近にある 材料が
体の 一部に なるのだ。"
413,24,1,"ミノムッチから しんかしたとき
ミノが からだの いちぶに なった。
いっしょう ミノを ぬぐことはない。"
413,24,3,"도롱충이로부터 진화할 때
도롱이가 몸의 일부가 되었다.
일생 도롱이를 벗는 일은 없다."
413,24,5,"Quand Cheniti a évolué, sa cape a fusionné avec son
corps. Cheniselle ne sen sépare jamais."
413,24,6,"Als sich Burmy entwickelte, wurde sein Umhang
Teil des Körpers. Es legt den Umhang niemals ab."
413,24,7,"Cuando Burmy evolucionó, su caparazón pasó a formar
parte de este Pokémon."
413,24,8,"Con levoluzione, il manto di Burmy diventa parte del
corpo di questo Pokémon. Non se ne separa mai."
413,24,9,"When Burmy evolved, its cloak became a part of
this Pokémons body. The cloak is never shed."
413,24,11,"ミノムッチから 進化したとき
ミノが 体の 一部に なった。
一生 ミノを 脱ぐことはない。"
413,25,1,"しんかした ばしょによって すがたが
かわる。みぢかにある ざいりょうが
からだの いちぶに なるのだ。"
413,25,3,"진화한 장소에 따라 모습이
바뀐다. 가까이 있는 재료가
몸의 일부가 된다."
413,25,5,"Son apparence varie selon le lieu dévolution. Son corps est
façonné avec les matériaux à disposition."
413,25,6,"Die Umgebung, in der es sich entwickelt, bestimmt sein
Aussehen. Es formt seinen Körper mithilfe der umliegenden
413,25,7,"Su apariencia varía según dónde evolucione. Los materiales
que haya pasan a formar parte de su cuerpo."
413,25,8,"Il suo aspetto dipende dal luogo in cui si evolve. Tutto ciò
che ha intorno va a costituire il suo corpo."
413,25,9,"Its appearance changes depending on where it
evolved. The materials on hand become a part of
its body."
413,25,11,"進化した 場所によって
姿が 変わる。身近にある 材料が
体の 一部に なるのだ。"
413,26,1,"ミノムッチから しんかしたとき
ミノが からだの いちぶに なった。
いっしょう ミノを ぬぐことはない。"
413,26,3,"도롱충이로부터 진화할 때
도롱이가 몸의 일부가 되었다.
일생 도롱이를 벗는 일은 없다."
413,26,5,"Quand Cheniti a évolué, sa cape a fusionné avec son corps.
Cheniselle ne sen sépare jamais."
413,26,6,"Als sich Burmy entwickelte, wurde sein Umhang Teil
des Körpers. Es legt den Umhang niemals ab."
413,26,7,"Cuando Burmy evolucionó, su caparazón pasó a formar parte
de este Pokémon."
413,26,8,"Con levoluzione, il manto di Burmy diventa parte del corpo
di questo Pokémon. Non se ne separa mai."
413,26,9,"When Burmy evolved, its cloak became a part of
this Pokémons body. The cloak is never shed."
413,26,11,"ミノムッチから 進化したとき
ミノが 体の 一部に なった。
一生 ミノを 脱ぐことはない。"
414,12,9,"It loves the honey of flowers
and steals honey collected by
414,13,9,"It does not keep a nest. It flies
over fields and mountains in
constant search of floral honey."
414,14,9,"While it loves floral honey, it wont
gather any itself. Instead, it
plots to steal some from COMBEE."
414,15,9,"It flutters around at night and
steals honey from the COMBEE hive."
414,16,9,"It flutters around at night and
steals honey from the COMBEE hive."
414,17,5,"Il adore le nectar des fleurs mais
nen récolte pas lui-même.
Il préfère en voler à un Apitrini."
414,17,9,"While it loves floral honey, it wont
gather any itself. Instead, it
plots to steal some from Combee."
414,18,5,"Il adore le nectar des fleurs mais
nen récolte pas lui-même.
Il préfère en voler à un Apitrini."
414,18,9,"While it loves floral honey, it wont
gather any itself. Instead, it
plots to steal some from Combee."
414,21,9,"While it loves floral honey, it wont
gather any itself. Instead, it
plots to steal some from Combee."
414,22,9,"While it loves floral honey, it wont
gather any itself. Instead, it
plots to steal some from Combee."
414,23,1,"はなの ミツが だいすき。
ミツハニーの あつめた ミツを
よこどりして たべてしまう。"
414,23,3,"꽃의 꿀을 매우 좋아한다.
세꿀버리가 모아둔 꿀을
가로채어 먹어 버린다."
414,23,5,"Il aime le nectar des fleurs et nhésite pas à voler
celui que récupère Apitrini."
414,23,6,"Es liebt Honig und stiehlt den Honig,
der von Wadribie gesammelt wurde."
414,23,7,"Le encanta la miel de las flores y roba la que recoge
414,23,8,"Ama il nettare dei fiori. Ruba e mangia il nettare
raccolto da Combee."
414,23,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and steals honey
collected by Combee."
414,23,11,"花の ミツが 大好き。
ミツハニーの 集めた ミツを
横取りして 食べてしまう。"
414,24,1,"よなか かっぱつに とびまわり
ねむっている ミツハニーの す から
ミツを うばって にげる。"
414,24,3,"한밤중에 활발하게 날아다니며
잠든 세꿀버리의 둥지에서
꿀을 훔쳐 달아난다."
414,24,5,"Ce Pokémon sactive à la nuit tombée pour voler
le miel des Apitrini pendant leur sommeil."
414,24,6,"Nachts fliegt es emsig umher und stiehlt,
während Wadribie schläft, Honig aus dessen Nest."
414,24,7,"Hace vida nocturna. Revolotea y roba la miel de las
colmenas de Combee cuando duermen."
414,24,8,"Vola qua e là di notte per derubare i Combee del
loro nettare mentre dormono, e poi fuggire."
414,24,9,"It flutters around at night and steals honey from
the Combee hive."
414,24,11,"夜中 活発に 飛び回り
眠っている ミツハニーの 巣から
ミツを 奪って 逃げる。"
414,25,1,"はなの ミツが だいすき。
ミツハニーの あつめた ミツを
よこどりして たべてしまう。"
414,25,3,"꽃의 꿀을 매우 좋아한다.
세꿀버리가 모아둔 꿀을
가로채어 먹어 버린다."
414,25,5,"Il aime le nectar des fleurs et nhésite pas à voler
celui que récupère Apitrini."
414,25,6,"Es liebt Honig und stiehlt den Honig, der von Wadribie
gesammelt wurde."
414,25,7,Le encanta la miel de las flores y roba la que recoge Combee.
414,25,8,"Ama il nettare dei fiori. Ruba e mangia il nettare raccolto
da Combee."
414,25,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and steals honey
collected by Combee."
414,25,11,"花の ミツが 大好き。
ミツハニーの 集めた ミツを
横取りして 食べてしまう。"
414,26,1,"よなか かっぱつに とびまわり
ねむっている ミツハニーの す から
ミツを うばって にげる。"
414,26,3,"한밤중에 활발하게 날아다니며
잠든 세꿀버리의 둥지에서
꿀을 훔쳐 달아난다."
414,26,5,"Ce Pokémon sactive à la nuit tombée pour voler le miel
des Apitrini pendant leur sommeil."
414,26,6,"Nachts fliegt es emsig umher und stiehlt, während Wadribie
schläft, Honig aus dessen Nest."
414,26,7,"Hace vida nocturna. Revolotea y roba la miel de las colmenas
de Combee cuando duermen."
414,26,8,"Vola qua e là di notte per derubare i Combee del loro nettare
mentre dormono, e poi fuggire."
414,26,9,"It flutters around at night and steals honey from
the Combee hive."
414,26,11,"夜中 活発に 飛び回り
眠っている ミツハニーの 巣から
ミツを 奪って 逃げる。"
415,12,9,"A Pokémon formed by three others.
It busily carries sweet floral
honey to VESPIQUEN."
415,13,9,"It collects and delivers honey to
its colony. At night, they cluster
to form a beehive and sleep."
415,14,9,"The trio is together from birth.
It constantly gathers honey from
flowers to please VESPIQUEN."
415,15,9,"At night, COMBEE sleep in a group of
about a thousand, packed closely
together in a lump."
415,16,9,"At night, COMBEE sleep in a group of
about a thousand, packed closely
together in a lump."
415,17,5,"Ce trio inséparable depuis la
naissance récolte du miel
pour satisfaire Apireine."
415,17,9,"The trio is together from birth.
It constantly gathers honey from
flowers to please Vespiquen."
415,18,5,"Ce trio inséparable depuis la
naissance récolte du miel
pour satisfaire Apireine."
415,18,9,"The trio is together from birth.
It constantly gathers honey from
flowers to please Vespiquen."
415,21,9,"This Pokémon is a set of three.
When they sleep, they gather up
and form a giant hive of 100 Combee."
415,22,9,"This Pokémon is a set of three.
When they sleep, they gather up
and form a giant hive of 100 Combee."
415,23,1,"うまれたときから 3びき いっしょ。
ビークインに よろこんでもらうため
いつも はなのミツを あつめている。"
415,23,3,"태어났을 때부터 3마리가 함께한다.
비퀸을 기쁘게 하기 위해
항상 꽃의 꿀을 모으고 있다."
415,23,5,"Ce trio inséparable depuis la naissance récolte du miel
pour satisfaire Apireine."
415,23,6,"Dieses Trio ist von Geburt an zusammen.
Fleißig bringt es Blütenhonig zu Honweisel."
415,23,7,"El trío se forma al nacer y se pasa la vida recogiendo
miel de las flores para satisfacer a Vespiquen."
415,23,8,"Il trio è insieme dalla nascita. È sempre impegnato
a portare il nettare dei fiori a Vespiquen."
415,23,9,"The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers
honey from flowers to please Vespiquen."
415,23,11,"生まれたときから 3匹 一緒。
ビークインに 喜んでもらうため
いつも 花のミツを 集めている。"
415,24,1,"あつめた ミツを すみかに はこぶ。
よるには たくさんの ミツハニーが
かさなって はちのすになり ねむる。"
415,24,3,"모은 꿀을 거처로 운반한다.
밤에는 많은 세꿀버리가
겹쳐져 벌집이 되어 잠잔다."
415,24,5,"Il récolte le nectar et lamène à la colonie.
La nuit, les Pokémon de cette espèce sassemblent
pour bâtir une ruche et sendormir."
415,24,6,"Es sammelt Honig und bringt ihn in seine Kolonie.
Nachts bilden sie einen Bienenstock und schlafen."
415,24,7,"Almacenan miel en su colonia. Por la noche, se apiñan
para formar una colmena y dormir."
415,24,8,"Porta il nettare raccolto dai suoi simili. Di notte si
riuniscono per formare un alveare e dormire."
415,24,9,"It collects and delivers honey to its colony.
At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep."
415,24,11,"集めた ミツを 住処に 運ぶ。
夜には たくさんの ミツハニーが
重なって ハチの巣になり 眠る。"
415,25,1,"うまれたときから 3びき いっしょ。
ビークインに よろこんでもらうため
いつも はなのミツを あつめている。"
415,25,3,"태어났을 때부터 3마리가 함께한다.
비퀸을 기쁘게 하기 위해
항상 꽃의 꿀을 모으고 있다."
415,25,5,"Ce trio inséparable depuis la naissance récolte du miel
pour satisfaire Apireine."
415,25,6,"Dieses Trio ist von Geburt an zusammen. Fleißig bringt es
Blütenhonig zu Honweisel."
415,25,7,"El trío se forma al nacer y se pasa la vida recogiendo miel de
las flores para satisfacer a Vespiquen."
415,25,8,"Il trio è insieme dalla nascita. È sempre impegnato a portare
il nettare dei fiori a Vespiquen."
415,25,9,"The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers
honey from flowers to please Vespiquen."
415,25,11,"生まれたときから 3匹 一緒。
ビークインに 喜んでもらうため
いつも 花のミツを 集めている。"
415,26,1,"あつめた ミツを すみかに はこぶ。
よるには たくさんの ミツハニーが
かさなって はちのすになり ねむる。"
415,26,3,"모은 꿀을 거처로 운반한다.
밤에는 많은 세꿀버리가
겹쳐져 벌집이 되어 잠잔다."
415,26,5,"Il récolte le nectar et lamène à la colonie. La nuit,
les Pokémon de cette espèce sassemblent pour bâtir
une ruche et sendormir."
415,26,6,"Es sammelt Honig und bringt ihn in seine Kolonie.
Nachts bilden sie einen Bienenstock und schlafen."
415,26,7,"Almacenan miel en su colonia. Por la noche, se apiñan para
formar una colmena y dormir."
415,26,8,"Porta il nettare raccolto dai suoi simili. Di notte si riuniscono
per formare un alveare e dormire."
415,26,9,"It collects and delivers honey to its colony.
At night, they cluster to form a beehive and sleep."
415,26,11,"集めた ミツを 住処に 運ぶ。
夜には たくさんの ミツハニーが
重なって ハチの巣になり 眠る。"
415,33,1,"いつも いっしょの 3びきだけど
それぞれの はなのミツの
このみは びみょうに ちがう。"
415,33,3,"언제나 3마리가 같이 있지만
좋아하는 꽃의 꿀은
저마다 미묘하게 다르다."
415,33,5,"Ce trio est inséparable et pourtant, leur goût
pour le nectar diffère légèrement."
415,33,6,"Dieses Trio ist immer zusammen, aber jedes
von ihnen hat leicht andere Vorlieben, was
Blütenhonig angeht."
415,33,7,"Este trío no se separa jamás, pero cada uno tiene
sus propios gustos en cuanto a néctar se refiere."
415,33,8,"I tre componenti non si separano mai.
In fatto di nettare, ognuno ha gusti
leggermente diversi."
415,33,9,"The members of the trio spend all their time
together. Each one has a slightly different taste
in nectar."
415,33,11,"いつも 一緒の 3匹だけど
それぞれの 花の 蜜の
好みは 微妙に 違う。"
415,34,1,"よあけから ひぐれまで ミツを
あつめつづける。 すべては
むれと ビークインの ためだ。"
415,34,3,"새벽부터 저녁때까지 꿀을
계속 모은다. 모든 것은
무리와 비퀸을 위해서다."
415,34,5,"Du lever du soleil à la tombée de la nuit,
il récolte du nectar pour Apireine et sa colonie."
415,34,6,"Sie sammeln von der Morgendämmerung bis zum
Sonnenuntergang unentwegt Blütenhonig für
Honweisel und die Kolonie."
415,34,7,"Recolecta néctar de sol a sol para entregarlo a la
colonia y a Vespiquen."
415,34,8,"Raccoglie nettare dal tramonto allalba
per il bene del gruppo e di Vespiquen."
415,34,9,"It ceaselessly gathers nectar from sunrise to
sundown, all for the sake of Vespiquen and
the swarm."
415,34,11,"夜明けから 日暮れまで 蜜を
集めつづける。 すべては
群れと ビークインの ためだ。"
416,12,9,"Its abdomen is a honeycomb for
grubs. It raises its grubs on
honey collected by COMBEE."
416,13,9,"When endangered, grubs from its
six-cell honeycomb strike back.
There is only one in a colony. "
416,14,9,"It releases various pheromones
to make the grubs in its body do
its bidding while fighting foes."
416,15,9,"It raises grubs in the holes in its
body. It secretes pheromones to
control COMBEE."
416,16,9,"It raises grubs in the holes in its
body. It secretes pheromones to
control COMBEE."
416,17,5,"Ce Pokémon utilise des phéromones
pour donner des ordres de combat
aux larves dans son abdomen."
416,17,9,"It releases various pheromones
to make the grubs in its body do
its bidding while fighting foes."
416,18,5,"Ce Pokémon utilise des phéromones
pour donner des ordres de combat
aux larves dans son abdomen."
416,18,9,"It releases various pheromones
to make the grubs in its body do
its bidding while fighting foes."
416,21,9,"It houses its colony in cells in its body
and releases various pheromones to
make those grubs do its bidding."
416,22,9,"It houses its colony in cells in its body
and releases various pheromones to
make those grubs do its bidding."
416,23,1,"どうたいは こどもたちの すあな。
いろんな フェロモンを だして
こどもたちを じゆうに あやつる。"
416,23,3,"몸통은 아기들의 둥지다.
여러 페로몬을 내어
새끼들을 자유롭게 조종한다."
416,23,5,"Son abdomen abrite ses petits. Ce Pokémon utilise
des phéromones pour leur donner des ordres."
416,23,6,"Es beherbergt Jung-Pokémon in seinem Rumpf,
die es mithilfe von verschiedenen Pheromonen
frei herumkommandieren kann."
416,23,7,"Cría larvas en los panales de su cuerpo. Segrega
diversas feromonas de su cuerpo con las cuales
controla a sus crías."
416,23,8,"Nelladdome ospita la sua progenie, sulla quale
esercita un controllo assoluto tramite i feromoni
che rilascia."
416,23,9,"It houses its colony in cells in its body and releases
various pheromones to make those grubs do
its bidding."
416,23,11,"胴体は 子供たちの 巣穴。
いろんな フェロモンを だして
子供たちを 自由に 操る。"
416,24,1,"どうたいが こどもたちの すあなに
なっている。ミツハニーの あつめた
ミツで こどもたちを そだてる。"
416,24,3,"몸통이 새끼들의 둥지로
되어 있다. 세꿀버리가 모은
꿀로 새끼들을 키운다."
416,24,5,"Son abdomen est un rayon où vivent ses larves,
élevées avec le nectar récolté par Apitrini."
416,24,6,"Sein Bauch ist die Wabe für die Larven. Es füttert
seine Larven mit dem Honig, den Wadribie sammelt."
416,24,7,"Su abdomen es un panal de larvas que alimenta con
la miel recogida por Combee."
416,24,8,"Il suo addome funge da rifugio per le larve, che
nutre con il nettare raccolto da Combee."
416,24,9,"Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its
grubs on honey collected by Combee."
416,24,11,"胴体が 子供たちの 巣穴に
なっている。ミツハニーの 集めた
ミツで 子供たちを 育てる。"
416,25,1,"どうたいは こどもたちの すあな。
いろんな フェロモンを だして
こどもたちを じゆうに あやつる。"
416,25,3,"몸통은 새끼들의 둥지다.
여러 페로몬을 내어
새끼들을 자유롭게 조종한다."
416,25,5,"Son abdomen abrite ses petits. Ce Pokémon utilise
des phéromones pour leur donner des ordres."
416,25,6,"Es beherbergt Jung-Pokémon in seinem Rumpf, die es mithilfe
von verschiedenen Pheromonen frei herumkommandieren kann."
416,25,7,"Cría larvas en los panales de su cuerpo. Segrega diversas
feromonas de su cuerpo con las cuales controla a sus crías."
416,25,8,"Nelladdome ospita la sua progenie, sulla quale esercita
un controllo assoluto tramite i feromoni che rilascia."
416,25,9,"It houses its colony in cells in its body and releases
various pheromones to make those grubs do its bidding."
416,25,11,"胴体は 子供たちの 巣穴。
いろんな フェロモンを だして
子供たちを 自由に 操る。"
416,26,1,"どうたいが こどもたちの すあなに
なっている。ミツハニーの あつめた
ミツで こどもたちを そだてる。"
416,26,3,"몸통이 새끼들의 둥지로
되어 있다. 세꿀버리가 모은
꿀로 새끼들을 키운다."
416,26,5,"Son abdomen est un rayon où vivent ses larves, élevées avec
le nectar récolté par Apitrini."
416,26,6,"Sein Bauch ist die Wabe für die Larven. Es füttert
seine Larven mit dem Honig, den Wadribie sammelt."
416,26,7,"Su abdomen es un panal de larvas que alimenta con la miel
recogida por Combee."
416,26,8,"Il suo addome funge da rifugio per le larve, che nutre con il
nettare raccolto da Combee."
416,26,9,"Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises its
grubs on honey collected by Combee."
416,26,11,"胴体が 子供たちの 巣穴に
なっている。ミツハニーの 集めた
ミツで 子供たちを 育てる。"
416,33,1,"こどもたちを じざいに あやつり
てきと たたかう。 こどもたちは
ビークインのため いのちを かける。"
416,33,3,"새끼들을 자유자재로 조종하여
상대와 싸운다. 새끼들은
비퀸을 위해 목숨을 걸고 싸운다."
416,33,5,"Ce Pokémon se bat en dirigeant ses petits.
Ces derniers sont prêts à se sacrifier pour
leur Apireine."
416,33,6,"Es hat die Kontrolle über seine Nachkommen.
Diese würden im Kampf ihr Leben aufs Spiel
setzen, um es vor Feinden zu schützen."
416,33,7,"Combate dirigiendo a sus larvas, que obedecen
a su reina sin rechistar y se sacrifican por ella si
es necesario."
416,33,8,"Attacca il nemico controllando a piacimento
la sua progenie, che per Vespiquen è pronta
a sacrificare anche la propria vita."
416,33,9,"It skillfully commands its grubs in battles with its
enemies. The grubs are willing to risk their lives
to defend Vespiquen."
416,33,11,"子どもたちを 自在に 操り
敵と 戦う。 子どもたちは
ビークインのため 命を かける。"
416,34,1,"フェロモンを はなつ りょうが
おおい ビークインほど おおくの
ミツハニーを したがえている。"
416,34,3,"페로몬을 발산하는 양이
많은 비퀸일수록 많은
세꿀버리를 거느리고 있다."
416,34,5,"Plus la quantité de phéromones quil libère
est élevée, plus le nombre dApitrini quil peut
diriger est grand."
416,34,6,"Je mehr Pheromone ein Honweisel freisetzt,
desto mehr Wadribie kann es kontrollieren."
416,34,7,"Cuanto mayor sea la cantidad de feromonas que
segregue, mayor será el número de Combee que
pueda controlar."
416,34,8,"Maggiore è la quantità di feromoni rilasciati
da Vespiquen, maggiore è il numero di Combee
sotto il suo controllo."
416,34,9,"Vespiquen that give off more pheromones
have larger swarms of Combee attendants."
416,34,11,"フェロモンを 放つ 量が
多い ビークインほど 多くの
ミツハニーを 従えている。"
417,12,9,"It makes fur balls that crackle
with static electricity. It stores
them with berries in tree holes."
417,13,9,"It makes electricity with pouches
in its cheeks and shoots charges
from its tail. It lives atop trees."
417,14,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their
cheek pouches together in an
effort to share stored electricity."
417,15,9,"Its one of the kinds of Pokémon 
with electric cheek pouches.
It shoots charges from its tail."
417,16,9,"Its one of the kinds of Pokémon 
with electric cheek pouches.
It shoots charges from its tail."
417,17,5,"Il arrive que deux Pachirisu se
frottent les joues pour partager
lélectricité quils ont accumulée."
417,17,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their
cheek pouches together in an
effort to share stored electricity."
417,18,5,"Il arrive que deux Pachirisu se
frottent les joues pour partager
lélectricité quils ont accumulée."
417,18,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their
cheek pouches together in an
effort to share stored electricity."
417,21,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their
cheek pouches together in an
effort to share stored electricity."
417,22,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their
cheek pouches together in an
effort to share stored electricity."
417,23,1,"せいでんきが たまって パチパチする
けだまを だいこうぶつの きのみと
いっしょに みきの あなに かくす。"
417,23,3,"정전기가 모여 톡톡 튀는 솜털을
자신이 좋아하는 나무열매와 함께
나무줄기의 구멍에 숨긴다."
417,23,5,"Il roule des boules de poils pleines délectricité
statique et les range dans des souches avec des
417,23,6,"Es bildet ein Fellknäuel, der vor statischer Energie
knistert. Es speichert die Energie in Bäumen."
417,23,7,"Crea bolas de pelo que crepitan con electricidad
estática. Las almacena en agujeros de árboles."
417,23,8,"Forma delle palle di pelo cariche elettrostaticamente
e le conserva negli alberi insieme alle bacche."
417,23,9,"It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity.
It stores them with berries in tree holes."
417,23,11,"静電気が たまって パチパチする
毛玉を 大好物の 木の実と 一緒に
幹の 穴に 隠す。"
417,24,1,"たまった でんきを わけあたえようと
ほほぶくろを こすりあわせる
パチリスを みかけることも ある。"
417,24,3,"모인 전기를 나눠주려고
뺨의 주머니를 서로 비비는
파치리스가 발견되기도 한다."
417,24,5,"Il arrive que deux Pachirisu se frottent les joues pour
partager lélectricité quils ont accumulée."
417,24,6,"Um gespeicherte Elektrizität zu teilen, reiben zwei
von ihnen ihre Backentaschen aneinander."
417,24,7,"A veces se ve a dos frotándose las bolsas de las
mejillas para compartir electricidad almacenada."
417,24,8,"Talvolta due esemplari si sfregano le guance per
condividere lelettricità immagazzinata."
417,24,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches
together in an effort to share stored electricity."
417,24,11,"たまった 電気を 分け与えようと
ほほ袋を こすり合わせる
パチリスを 見かけることも ある。"
417,25,1,"せいでんきが たまって パチパチする
けだまを だいこうぶつの きのみと
いっしょに みきの あなに かくす。"
417,25,3,"정전기가 모여 톡톡 튀는 솜털을
자신이 좋아하는 나무열매와 함께
나무줄기의 구멍에 숨긴다."
417,25,5,"Il roule des boules de poils pleines délectricité statique
et les range dans des souches avec des Baies."
417,25,6,"Es bildet ein Fellknäuel, der vor statischer Energie knistert.
Es speichert die Energie in Bäumen."
417,25,7,"Crea bolas de pelo que crepitan con electricidad estática.
Las almacena en agujeros de árboles."
417,25,8,"Forma delle palle di pelo cariche elettrostaticamente e le
conserva negli alberi insieme alle bacche."
417,25,9,"It makes fur balls that crackle with static electricity.
It stores them with berries in tree holes."
417,25,11,"静電気が たまって パチパチする
毛玉を 大好物の 木の実と 一緒に
幹の 穴に 隠す。"
417,26,1,"たまった でんきを わけあたえようと
ほほぶくろを こすりあわせる
パチリスを みかけることも ある。"
417,26,3,"모인 전기를 나눠주려고
뺨의 주머니를 서로 비비는
파치리스가 발견되기도 한다."
417,26,5,"Il arrive que deux Pachirisu se frottent les joues pour partager
lélectricité quils ont accumulée."
417,26,6,"Um gespeicherte Elektrizität zu teilen, reiben zwei von ihnen
ihre Backentaschen aneinander."
417,26,7,"A veces se ve a dos frotándose las bolsas de las mejillas
para compartir electricidad almacenada."
417,26,8,"Talvolta due esemplari si sfregano le guance per condividere
lelettricità immagazzinata."
417,26,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches
together in an effort to share stored electricity."
417,26,11,"たまった 電気を 分け与えようと
ほほ袋を こすり合わせる
パチリスを 見かけることも ある。"
418,12,9,"It has a flotation sac that is
like an inflatable collar. It floats
on water with its head out."
418,13,9,"It swims by rotating its two tails
like a screw. When it dives, its
flotation sac collapses."
418,14,9,"It spins its two tails like a screw
to propel itself through water. The
tails also slice clinging seaweed."
418,15,9,"It inflates its flotation sac,
keeping its face above water in
order to watch for prey movement."
418,16,9,"It inflates its flotation sac,
keeping its face above water in
order to watch for prey movement."
418,17,5,"Il utilise ses deux queues comme
une hélice pour se propulser sous
leau et trancher les algues."
418,17,9,"It spins its two tails like a screw
to propel itself through water. The
tails also slice clinging seaweed."
418,18,5,"Il utilise ses deux queues comme
une hélice pour se propulser sous
leau et trancher les algues."
418,18,9,"It spins its two tails like a screw
to propel itself through water. The
tails also slice clinging seaweed."
418,21,9,"It inflates the flotation sac around
its neck and pokes its head out of
the water to see what is going on."
418,22,9,"It inflates the flotation sac around
its neck and pokes its head out of
the water to see what is going on."
418,23,1,"2ほんの しっぽを スクリューの
ように まわして およぐ。もぐる
ときは うきぶくろが しぼむ。"
418,23,3,"2개의 꼬리를 스크루처럼
돌려서 헤엄친다. 잠수할 때는
공기주머니가 오그라든다."
418,23,5,"Il nage en faisant tournoyer ses deux queues comme
une hélice. Sa bouée saffaisse quand il plonge."
418,23,6,"Es schwimmt, indem es seine beiden Schweife wie
eine Schiffsschraube rotieren lässt."
418,23,7,"Nada rotando sus dos colas a modo de tornillo.
Cuando bucea, el flotador se pliega."
418,23,8,"Nuota roteando le due code come fossero viti.
Quando si immerge, il suo galleggiante si sgonfia."
418,23,9,"It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw.
When it dives, its flotation sac collapses."
418,23,11,"2本の 尻尾を
スクリューの ように 回して 泳ぐ。
潜る ときは 浮き袋が しぼむ。"
418,24,1,"くびの うきぶくろを ふくらませ
すいめんから かおを だして
あたりの ようすを うかがっている。"
418,24,3,"목의 부낭을 부풀려
수면에서 얼굴을 내밀어
주변의 상황을 살피고 있다."
418,24,5,"Il utilise la bouée autour de son cou pour passer
sa tête hors de leau et observer les alentours."
418,24,6,"Es füllt den Schwimmreifen um seinen Hals mit Luft,
um den Kopf über dem Wasser zu halten und
die Umgebung zu überblicken."
418,24,7,"Hincha el flotador de su cuello para flotar y saca la
cabeza de la superficie del agua para explorar sus
418,24,8,"Gonfia il salvagente che ha attorno al collo per
mantenere la testa fuori dallacqua mentre controlla
i paraggi."
418,24,9,"It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and
pokes its head out of the water to see what is
going on."
418,24,11,"首の 浮き袋を ふくらませ
水面から 顔を だして
辺りの 様子を うかがっている。"
418,25,1,"2ほんの しっぽを スクリューの
ように まわして およぐ。もぐる
ときは うきぶくろが しぼむ。"
418,25,3,"2개의 꼬리를 스크루처럼
돌려서 헤엄친다. 잠수할 때는
부낭이 오그라든다."
418,25,5,"Il nage en faisant tournoyer ses deux queues comme
une hélice. Sa bouée saffaisse quand il plonge."
418,25,6,"Es schwimmt, indem es seine beiden Schweife wie eine
Schiffsschraube rotieren lässt."
418,25,7,"Nada rotando sus dos colas a modo de tornillo. Cuando
bucea, el flotador se pliega."
418,25,8,"Nuota roteando le due code come fossero viti. Quando si
immerge, il suo galleggiante si sgonfia."
418,25,9,"It swims by rotating its two tails like a screw.
When it dives, its flotation sac collapses."
418,25,11,"2本の 尻尾を
スクリューの ように 回して 泳ぐ。
潜る ときは 浮き袋が しぼむ。"
418,26,1,"くびの うきぶくろを ふくらませ
すいめんから かおを だして
あたりの ようすを うかがっている。"
418,26,3,"목의 부낭을 부풀려
수면에서 얼굴을 내밀어
주변의 상황을 살피고 있다."
418,26,5,"Il utilise la bouée autour de son cou pour passer sa tête hors
de leau et observer les alentours."
418,26,6,"Es füllt den Schwimmreifen um seinen Hals mit Luft,
um den Kopf über dem Wasser zu halten und die Umgebung
zu überblicken."
418,26,7,"Hincha el flotador de su cuello para flotar y saca la cabeza
de la superficie del agua para explorar sus alrededores."
418,26,8,"Gonfia il salvagente che ha attorno al collo per mantenere
la testa fuori dallacqua mentre controlla i paraggi."
418,26,9,"It inflates the flotation sac around its neck and
pokes its head out of the water to see what is
going on."
418,26,11,"首の 浮き袋を ふくらませ
水面から 顔を だして
辺りの 様子を うかがっている。"
419,12,9,"It floats using its well-developed
flotation sac. It assists in the
rescues of drowning people."
419,13,9,"Its flotation sac developed as a
result of pursuing aquatic prey.
It can double as a rubber raft."
419,14,9,"It is a common sight around
fishing ports. It is known to
rescue people and carry off prey."
419,15,9,"With its flotation sac inflated, it
can carry people on its back. It
deflates the sac before it dives."
419,16,9,"With its flotation sac inflated, it
can carry people on its back. It
deflates the sac before it dives."
419,17,5,"Il chasse souvent près des ports
de pêche où il sauve parfois les
gens tombés à la mer."
419,17,9,"It is a common sight around
fishing ports. It is known to
rescue people and carry off prey."
419,18,5,"Il chasse souvent près des ports
de pêche où il sauve parfois les
gens tombés à la mer."
419,18,9,"It is a common sight around
fishing ports. It is known to
rescue people and carry off prey."
419,21,9,"It is a common sight around
fishing ports. It is known to
rescue people and carry off prey."
419,22,9,"It is a common sight around
fishing ports. It is known to
rescue people and carry off prey."
419,23,1,"はったつした うきぶくろで うかぶ。
おぼれた ひとを きゅうじょする
てつだいを している ポケモンだ。"
419,23,3,"발달한 부낭으로 뜬다.
물에 빠진 사람을 구조하는 것을
돕는 포켓몬이다."
419,23,5,"Il flotte grâce à sa bouée très développée. Il vole au
secours des gens sur le point de se noyer."
419,23,6,"Es treibt mithilfe einer Art Rettungsring auf dem
Wasser und hilft dem, der zu ertrinken droht."
419,23,7,"Nada gracias a su flotador. Ayuda en los rescates de
gente que se está ahogando."
419,23,8,"Nuota con il suo grosso galleggiante e aiuta a
soccorrere chi sta per annegare."
419,23,9,"It floats using its well-developed flotation sac.
It assists in the rescues of drowning people."
419,23,11,"発達した 浮き袋で 浮かぶ。
おぼれた 人を 救助する
手伝いを している ポケモンだ。"
419,24,1,"すいちゅうの えものを おいかける
うちに うきぶくろが はったつした。
ゴムボートのように ひとを のせる。"
419,24,3,"수중의 먹이를 쫓아가는
사이에 부낭이 발달했다.
고무보트처럼 사람을 태운다."
419,24,5,"Il a développé une bouée pour poursuivre ses proies
aquatiques. Elle fait office de canot gonflable."
419,24,6,"Da es seit jeher Beute im Wasser jagt,
entwickelte es einen Rettungsring."
419,24,7,"Su flotador se desarrolló a raíz de perseguir presas
acuáticas. También sirve como balsa."
419,24,8,"Il suo galleggiante, che funge da gommone, si è
sviluppato perché caccia le prede nellacqua."
419,24,9,"Its flotation sac developed as a result of pursuing
aquatic prey. It can double as a rubber raft."
419,24,11,"水中の 獲物を 追いかける うちに
浮き袋が 発達した。
ゴムボートのように 人を 乗せる。"
419,25,1,"はったつした うきぶくろで うかぶ。
おぼれた ひとを きゅうじょする
てつだいを している ポケモンだ。"
419,25,3,"발달한 부낭으로 뜬다.
물에 빠진 사람을 구조하는 것을
돕는 포켓몬이다."
419,25,5,"Il flotte grâce à sa bouée très développée. Il vole au secours
des gens sur le point de se noyer."
419,25,6,"Es treibt mithilfe einer Art Rettungsring auf dem Wasser und
hilft dem, der zu ertrinken droht."
419,25,7,"Nada gracias a su flotador. Ayuda en los rescates de gente
que se está ahogando."
419,25,8,"Nuota con il suo grosso galleggiante e aiuta a soccorrere
chi sta per annegare."
419,25,9,"It floats using its well-developed flotation sac.
It assists in the rescues of drowning people."
419,25,11,"発達した 浮き袋で 浮かぶ。
おぼれた 人を 救助する
手伝いを している ポケモンだ。"
419,26,1,"すいちゅうの えものを おいかける
うちに うきぶくろが はったつした。
ゴムボートのように ひとを のせる。"
419,26,3,"수중의 먹이를 쫓아가는
사이에 부낭이 발달했다.
고무보트처럼 사람을 태운다."
419,26,5,"Il a développé une bouée pour poursuivre ses proies
aquatiques. Elle fait office de canot gonflable."
419,26,6,"Da es seit jeher Beute im Wasser jagt, entwickelte es
einen Rettungsring."
419,26,7,"Su flotador se desarrolló a raíz de perseguir presas acuáticas.
También sirve como balsa."
419,26,8,"Il suo galleggiante, che funge da gommone, si è sviluppato
perché caccia le prede nellacqua."
419,26,9,"Its flotation sac developed as a result of pursuing
aquatic prey. It can double as a rubber raft."
419,26,11,"水中の 獲物を 追いかける うちに
浮き袋が 発達した。
ゴムボートのように 人を 乗せる。"
420,12,9,"The small ball holds the nutrients
needed for evolution. Apparently,
it is very sweet and tasty."
420,13,9,"Sunlight colors it red. When the
small ball is drained of nutrients,
it shrivels to herald evolution."
420,14,9,"The small ball is not only filled with
nutrients, it is also tasty. STARLY
try to peck it off."
420,15,9,"It evolves by sucking the energy
out of the small ball where it had
been storing nutrients."
420,16,9,"It evolves by sucking the energy
out of the small ball where it had
been storing nutrients."
420,17,5,"Sa petite boule rose est nutritive
et délicieuse. Les Étourmi en
420,17,9,"The small ball is not only filled with
nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly
try to peck it off."
420,18,5,"Sa petite boule rose est nutritive
et délicieuse. Les Étourmi en
420,18,9,"The small ball is not only filled with
nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly
try to peck it off."
420,21,9,"The small ball is not only filled with
nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly
try to peck it off."
420,22,9,"The small ball is not only filled with
nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly
try to peck it off."
420,23,1,"ひのひかりで あかく いろづく。
えいようぶんが すわれて ちいさい
たまが しぼむと しんかが ちかい。"
420,23,3,"햇빛으로 빨갛게 물들었다.
영양분이 흡수되어 작은 구슬이
시들면 곧 진화한다는 뜻이다."
420,23,5,"Il rougit au soleil. Quand la petite boule est à court
de nutriments, elle fane en signe dévolution."
420,23,6,"Sonnenlicht färbt es rot. Verliert das kleine Bällchen
Nährstoffe, welkt es und die Entwicklung beginnt."
420,23,7,"Bajo la luz solar es rojo. La esfera pequeña pierde sus
nutrientes y se seca para anunciar la evolución."
420,23,8,"La luce solare lo tinge di rosso. Se la pallina esaurisce
i nutrimenti, si avvizzisce indicando levoluzione."
420,23,9,"Sunlight colors it red. When the small ball is
drained of nutrients, it shrivels to herald evolution."
420,23,11,"日の光で 赤く 色づく。
栄養分が 吸われて 小さい 玉が
しぼむと 進化が 近い。"
420,24,1,"ちいさな たまに つまった
えいようぶんを すいとって
しんかの エネルギーに するのだ。"
420,24,3,"작은 구슬에 모인
영양분을 흡수해
진화의 에너지로 삼는다."
420,24,5,"Il aspire les nutriments de sa petite boule pour pouvoir
420,24,6,"Es saugt Nährstoffe, die in seinem Bällchen enthalten
sind, und nutzt die Energie für seine Entwicklung."
420,24,7,"Obtiene la energía necesaria para evolucionar de esa
pequeña esfera que está cargada de nutrientes."
420,24,8,"Ricava lenergia necessaria allevoluzione dalla
pallina, ricca di sostanze nutritive."
420,24,9,"It evolves by sucking the energy out of the small
ball where it had been storing nutrients."
420,24,11,"小さな 玉に つまった
栄養分を 吸い取って
進化の エネルギーに するのだ。"
420,25,1,"ひのひかりで あかく いろづく。
えいようぶんが すわれて ちいさい
たまが しぼむと しんかが ちかい。"
420,25,3,"햇빛으로 빨갛게 물들었다.
영양분이 흡수되어 작은 구슬이
시들면 곧 진화한다는 뜻이다."
420,25,5,"Il rougit au soleil. Quand la petite boule est à court
de nutriments, elle fane en signe dévolution."
420,25,6,"Sonnenlicht färbt es rot. Verliert das kleine Bällchen
Nährstoffe, welkt es und die Entwicklung beginnt."
420,25,7,"Bajo la luz solar es rojo. La esfera pequeña pierde sus
nutrientes y se seca para anunciar la evolución."
420,25,8,"La luce solare lo tinge di rosso. Se la pallina esaurisce
i nutrimenti, si avvizzisce indicando levoluzione."
420,25,9,"Sunlight colors it red. When the small ball is
drained of nutrients, it shrivels to herald evolution."
420,25,11,"日の光で 赤く 色づく。
栄養分が 吸われて 小さい 玉が
しぼむと 進化が 近い。"
420,26,1,"ちいさな たまに つまった
えいようぶんを すいとって
しんかの エネルギーに するのだ。"
420,26,3,"작은 구슬에 모인
영양분을 흡수해
진화의 에너지로 삼는다."
420,26,5,"Il aspire les nutriments de sa petite boule pour pouvoir
420,26,6,"Es saugt Nährstoffe, die in seinem Bällchen enthalten sind,
und nutzt die Energie für seine Entwicklung."
420,26,7,"Obtiene la energía necesaria para evolucionar de esa pequeña
esfera que está cargada de nutrientes."
420,26,8,"Ricava lenergia necessaria allevoluzione dalla pallina, ricca
di sostanze nutritive."
420,26,9,"It evolves by sucking the energy out of the small
ball where it had been storing nutrients."
420,26,11,"小さな 玉に つまった
栄養分を 吸い取って
進化の エネルギーに するのだ。"
420,33,1,"えいようの つまった たまは
とりポケモンの だいこうぶつ。
ついばまれないよう にげまわる。"
420,33,3,"영양이 듬뿍 담긴 구슬을
새포켓몬들이 아주 좋아한다.
쪼이지 않기 위해 도망 다닌다."
420,33,5,"Il senfuit à la vue des Pokémon oiseaux,
dont le mets favori est sa petite boule remplie
de nutriments."
420,33,6,"Sein nährstoffreiches Bällchen erfreut sich bei
Vogel-Pokémon großer Beliebtheit. Es ist ständig
auf der Flucht, damit es nicht gefressen wird."
420,33,7,"Se ve obligado a huir constantemente de los
Pokémon pájaro, pues su pequeña esfera repleta
de nutrientes es su manjar predilecto."
420,33,8,"Fugge dai Pokémon alati, ghiotti della
sua pallina ricca di sostanze nutritive."
420,33,9,"It nimbly dashes about to avoid getting pecked
by bird Pokémon that would love to make off
with its small, nutrient-rich storage ball."
420,33,11,"栄養の 詰まった 玉は
鳥ポケモンの 大好物。
ついばまれないよう 逃げまわる。"
420,34,1,"からだが あかい チェリンボほど
えいようが おおく たまの あじも
あまくて おいしいよ。"
420,34,3,"몸이 빨간 체리버일수록
영양이 많고 구슬의 맛도
달고 맛있다."
420,34,5,"Plus son corps est rouge, plus la saveur
de sa petite boule gorgée de nutriments
est sucrée et délicieuse."
420,34,6,"Je stärker die Rotfärbung seines Körpers ist,
desto mehr Nährstoffe stecken in ihm und umso
süßer und besser schmeckt sein Bällchen."
420,34,7,"Cuanto más rojo sea su cuerpo, más dulce y
deliciosa será su pequeña esfera repleta de
420,34,8,"Più è rosso, più è ricco di sostanze nutritive
e più la sua pallina si fa dolce e gustosa."
420,34,9,"The deeper a Cherubis red, the more nutrients it
has stockpiled in its body. And the sweeter and
tastier its small ball!"
420,34,11,"体が 赤い チェリンボほど
栄養が 多く 玉の 味も
甘くて おいしいよ。"
421,12,9,"It blooms during times of strong
sunlight. It tries to make up for
everything it endured as a bud."
421,13,9,"It is docile as a bud, but turns
cheerful when it blooms. It folds
back into a bud if sunlight wanes."
421,14,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it
opens its folded petals to absorb
the suns rays with its whole body."
421,15,9,"During times of strong sunlight,
its bud blooms, its petals open
fully, and it becomes very active."
421,16,9,"During times of strong sunlight,
its bud blooms, its petals open
fully, and it becomes very active."
421,17,5,"Sous un grand soleil, il ouvre
ses pétales pour en absorber
les rayons."
421,17,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it
opens its folded petals to absorb
the suns rays with its whole body."
421,18,5,"Sous un grand soleil, il ouvre
ses pétales pour en absorber
les rayons."
421,18,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it
opens its folded petals to absorb
the suns rays with its whole body."
421,21,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it
opens its folded petals to absorb
the suns rays with its whole body."
421,22,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it
opens its folded petals to absorb
the suns rays with its whole body."
421,23,1,"つぼみが たいようの ひかりを
あびて はなびらを ひろげると
かっぱつに うごく ように なる。"
421,23,3,"봉오리가 태양의 빛을
쬐어 꽃잎이 피면
활발하게 움직일 수 있게 된다."
421,23,5,"Une fois gorgé de soleil, il déploie ses pétales et
bouge avec vivacité."
421,23,6,"Bei Sonnenschein entfaltet seine Knospe ihre
Blütenblätter und es springt lebhaft umher."
421,23,7,"Cuando los rayos de sol inundan su capullo, abre de
par en par sus pétalos y se vuelve muy dinámico."
421,23,8,"Sboccia quando si espone ai raggi solari,
espandendo la corolla e diventando molto attivo."
421,23,9,"During times of strong sunlight, its bud blooms,
its petals open fully, and it becomes very active."
421,23,11,"つぼみが 太陽の 光を 浴びて
花びらを 広げると
活発に 動くように なる。"
421,24,1,"つよい ひざしを かんじとると
とざしていた はなびらを ひろげ
ぜんしんで にっこうを あびる。"
421,24,3,"강한 햇살을 느끼면
움츠려 있던 꽃잎을 펼쳐
전신으로 햇빛을 받는다."
421,24,5,"Sous un grand soleil, il ouvre ses pétales pour en
absorber les rayons."
421,24,6,"Spürt es Sonnenlicht, öffnet es seine Blütenblätter
und nimmt die Energie der Sonnenstrahlen auf."
421,24,7,"Cuando detecta luz solar fuerte, despliega los pétalos
y absorbe todos los rayos posibles."
421,24,8,"Quando splende il sole, ama aprire i suoi petali per
assorbire i raggi solari con tutto il corpo."
421,24,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded
petals to absorb the suns rays with its whole body."
421,24,11,"強い 日差しを 感じとると
閉ざしていた 花びらを 広げ
全身で 日光を 浴びる。"
421,25,1,"つぼみが たいようの ひかりを
あびて はなびらを ひろげると
かっぱつに うごく ように なる。"
421,25,3,"봉오리가 태양의 빛을
쬐어 꽃잎이 피면
활발하게 움직일 수 있게 된다."
421,25,5,"Une fois gorgé de soleil, il déploie ses pétales et bouge
avec vivacité."
421,25,6,"Bei Sonnenschein entfaltet seine Knospe ihre Blütenblätter
und es springt lebhaft umher."
421,25,7,"Cuando los rayos de sol inundan su capullo, abre de par en
par sus pétalos y se vuelve muy dinámico."
421,25,8,"Sboccia quando si espone ai raggi solari, espandendo la
corolla e diventando molto attivo."
421,25,9,"During times of strong sunlight, its bud blooms,
its petals open fully, and it becomes very active."
421,25,11,"つぼみが 太陽の 光を 浴びて
花びらを 広げると
活発に 動くように なる。"
421,26,1,"つよい ひざしを かんじとると
とざしていた はなびらを ひろげ
ぜんしんで にっこうを あびる。"
421,26,3,"강한 햇살을 느끼면
움츠려 있던 꽃잎을 펼쳐
전신으로 햇빛을 받는다."
421,26,5,"Sous un grand soleil, il ouvre ses pétales pour en absorber
les rayons."
421,26,6,"Spürt es Sonnenlicht, öffnet es seine Blütenblätter und nimmt
die Energie der Sonnenstrahlen auf."
421,26,7,"Cuando detecta luz solar fuerte, despliega los pétalos y
absorbe todos los rayos posibles."
421,26,8,"Quando splende il sole, ama aprire i suoi petali per assorbire
i raggi solari con tutto il corpo."
421,26,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded
petals to absorb the suns rays with its whole body."
421,26,11,"強い 日差しを 感じとると
閉ざしていた 花びらを 広げ
全身で 日光を 浴びる。"
421,33,1,"つぼみの あいだは おとなしく
ほぼ うごかない。 ひのひかりが
でるのを じっと まっている。"
421,33,3,"봉오리일 때는 얌전하고
거의 움직이지 않는다. 햇빛이
들기를 가만히 기다리고 있다."
421,33,5,"Pendant sa période de bourgeonnement,
il reste presque totalement immobile et attend
que le soleil se lève."
421,33,6,"Als Knospe verhält es sich ruhig und bewegt sich
kaum, während es geduldig auf Sonnenschein
421,33,7,"Permanece casi inmóvil cerrado en un capullo
a la espera de que lo bañen los rayos del sol."
421,33,8,"Quando è un bocciolo rimane pressoché
immobile in attesa che spunti il sole."
421,33,9,"As a bud, it barely moves. It sits still, placidly
waiting for sunlight to appear."
421,33,11,"つぼみの あいだは おとなしく
ほぼ 動かない。 日の光が
出るのを じっと 待っている。"
421,34,1,"たたんだ はなびらは かたい。
とりポケモンに つっつかれても
ぜんぜん へいき なのだ。"
421,34,3,"겹쳐진 꽃잎은 딱딱하다.
새포켓몬에게 쪼여도
아무렇지도 않다."
421,34,5,"Lorsquil se ferme, ses pétales sont si durs quil
ne craint plus les attaques des Pokémon oiseaux."
421,34,6,"Die Blütenblätter, die es umschließen, sind hart.
Deswegen macht es ihm absolut nichts aus, wenn
Vogel-Pokémon es mit ihren Schnäbeln angreifen."
421,34,7,"Al cerrarse, sus pétalos son tan duros que
resultan inmunes a los picotazos de los Pokémon
421,34,8,"I petali ripiegati sono molto duri e lo proteggono
dalle beccate dei Pokémon alati."
421,34,9,"Its folded petals are pretty tough. Bird Pokémon
can peck at them all they want, and Cherrim
wont be bothered at all."
421,34,11,"畳んだ 花びらは 硬い。
鳥ポケモンに 突っつかれても
ぜんぜん 平気 なのだ。"
422,12,9,"Its colors and shapes differ from
region to region. In the Sinnoh
region, two types are confirmed."
422,13,9,"It lives along bodies of water.
Its body shape has changed to
suit its habitat."
422,14,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on
its squishy body, as it makes a
mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,15,9,"Its shape and coloration vary,
depending on its habitat."
422,16,9,"Its shape and coloration vary,
depending on its habitat."
422,17,5,"Un étrange liquide mauve séchappe
de son corps, ne lui appuyez pas
422,17,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on
its squishy body, as it makes a
mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,18,5,"Un étrange liquide mauve séchappe
de son corps, ne lui appuyez pas
422,18,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on
its squishy body, as it makes a
mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,21,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on
its squishy body, as it makes a
mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,22,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on
its squishy body, as it makes a
mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,23,1,"やわらかい からだを つよくおすと
むらさきいろの なぞの えきたいが
にじみでるので ようちゅうい。"
422,23,3,"부드러운 몸을 강하게 누르면
보랏빛이 나는 정체불명의 액체가
배어 나오므로 주의가 필요하다."
422,23,5,"Un étrange liquide mauve séchappe de son corps,
ne lui appuyez pas dessus."
422,23,6,"Nicht seinen Körper zusammendrücken,
sonst sickert eine seltsame lilafarbene Flüssigkeit aus!"
422,23,7,"No hay que apretarle muy fuerte, ya que, si lo haces,
secreta un misterioso fluido morado."
422,23,8,"Se si esercita una forte pressione sul suo corpo,
ne fuoriesce un misterioso liquido viola."
422,23,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body,
as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,23,11,"やわらかい 体を 強く押すと
紫色の ナゾの 液体が
にじみ出るので 要注意。"
422,24,1,"すむ ばしょの かんきょうに よって
からだの かたちや いろが
へんか しやすい ポケモンだ。"
422,24,3,"사는 장소의 환경에 따라
몸의 모양과 색깔이
변화하기 쉬운 포켓몬이다."
422,24,5,"Il change facilement de couleur ou de forme en
fonction de son environnement."
422,24,6,"Form und Farbe dieses Pokémon ändern sich
je nach der Umgebung, in der es lebt."
422,24,7,"Shellos adapta la forma y color de su cuerpo
dependiendo del lugar en donde viva."
422,24,8,"Cambia facilmente aspetto e colore secondo il luogo
di provenienza."
422,24,9,"Its shape and coloration vary, depending on
its habitat."
422,24,11,"住む 場所の 環境に よって
体の 形や 色が
変化しやすい ポケモンだ。"
422,25,1,"やわらかい からだを つよくおすと
むらさきいろの なぞの えきたいが
にじみでるので ようちゅうい。"
422,25,3,"부드러운 몸을 강하게 누르면
보랏빛이 나는 정체불명의 액체가
배어 나오므로 주의가 필요하다."
422,25,5,"Un étrange liquide mauve séchappe de son corps,
ne lui appuyez pas dessus."
422,25,6,"Nicht seinen Körper zusammendrücken, sonst sickert eine
seltsame lilafarbene Flüssigkeit aus!"
422,25,7,"No hay que apretarle muy fuerte, ya que, si lo haces, secreta
un misterioso fluido morado."
422,25,8,"Se si esercita una forte pressione sul suo corpo, ne fuoriesce
un misterioso liquido viola."
422,25,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body,
as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out."
422,25,11,"やわらかい 体を 強く押すと
紫色の ナゾの 液体が
にじみ出るので 要注意。"
422,26,1,"すむ ばしょの かんきょうに よって
からだの かたちや いろが
へんか しやすい ポケモンだ。"
422,26,3,"사는 장소의 환경에 따라
몸의 모양과 색깔이
변화하기 쉬운 포켓몬이다."
422,26,5,"Il change facilement de couleur ou de forme en fonction
de son environnement."
422,26,6,"Form und Farbe dieses Pokémon ändern sich je nach
der Umgebung, in der es lebt."
422,26,7,"Shellos adapta la forma y color de su cuerpo dependiendo
del lugar en donde viva."
422,26,8,"Cambia facilmente aspetto e colore secondo il luogo
di provenienza."
422,26,9,"Its shape and coloration vary, depending on
its habitat."
422,26,11,"住む 場所の 環境に よって
体の 形や 色が
変化しやすい ポケモンだ。"
422,27,1,"いそが おもな すみか。
せいそくちの かんきょうや エサの
しつで いろや すがたが ことなる。"
422,27,3,"물가가 주요 서식지다.
서식지의 환경이나 먹이의
질에 따라 색과 모습이 다르다."
422,27,5,"Il vit principalement sur les rivages rocheux.
Sa forme et sa couleur peuvent varier selon
son environnement et son alimentation."
422,27,6,"Es lebt hauptsächlich in Küstengebieten.
Seine Form und Farbe ändern sich je nach
Lebensraum und Futter."
422,27,7,"Suele vivir cerca del agua y su forma y color
varían en función de factores como su hábitat
o su alimentación."
422,27,8,"Vive principalmente sui litorali rocciosi.
La forma e il colore del suo corpo mutano in
base allhabitat e al cibo di cui si nutre."
422,27,9,"For the most part, it makes its home along
the seashore. Its color and form differ according
to its habitat and the quality of its food."
422,27,11,"磯が 主な 棲みか。
生息地の 環境や 餌の
質で 色や 姿が 異なる。"
422,28,1,"さわると むらさきの ねんえきが
てに つくぞ。 あらっても あらっても
なかなか おちないので ちゅうい。"
422,28,3,"만지면 보라색 점액이
손에 묻는다. 아무리 씻어도
좀처럼 떨어지지 않으므로 주의."
422,28,5,"Au toucher, une sécrétion mauve se dépose sur
les mains. Faites bien attention, car elle ne part
vraiment pas facilement, même en lavant bien."
422,28,6,"Fasst man es an, schmiert man sich mit
lilafarbenem Schleim voll, der nicht abgeht,
egal, wie oft man sich auch die Hände wäscht."
422,28,7,"Al tocarlo, segrega un fluido violáceo que
mancha las manos y que es extremadamente
difícil de eliminar aún tras repetidos lavados."
422,28,8,"Quando lo si tocca, lascia sulle mani un viscoso
liquido viola difficile da rimuovere anche dopo
ripetuti lavaggi."
422,28,9,"Purple mucus sticks to the hands of anyone
who touches it. Take care, as the substance is
troublesome to wash off. "
422,28,11,"触ると 紫の 粘液が
手に つくぞ。 洗っても 洗っても
なかなか 落ちないので 注意。"
422,29,1,"ふだん うみのなかに くらしているが
ひふが かんそう するまでなら
りくちでも かつどう できるぞ。"
422,29,3,"평소에는 바닷속에서 지내지만,
피부가 마르기 전까지는
육지에서도 활동할 수 있다."
422,29,5,"Il vit normalement dans la mer, mais il peut
aussi sinstaller sur la terre ferme, tant que
sa peau reste humide."
422,29,6,"Es lebt zwar für gewöhnlich im Meer, kann sich
aber auch an Land bewegen, bis seine Haut
422,29,7,"Por lo general suele habitar en el agua, pero
también puede moverse por tierra firme siempre
y cuando su piel no se reseque por completo."
422,29,8,"Vive solitamente in mare, ma può spostarsi
anche sulla terraferma e restarvi finché
la pelle non inizia a seccarsi."
422,29,9,"While they normally live in the sea, they can
function on land, too, until their skin dries out."
422,29,11,"普段 海の中に 暮らしているが
皮膚が 乾燥 するまでなら
陸地でも 活動 できるぞ。"
422,30,1,"キケンを かんじると むらさきいろの
しるを だす。 あぶらあせの ような
ものだと かんがえられている。"
422,30,3,"위험을 느끼면 보라색
분비액을 내보낸다. 진땀 같은
것이라고 여겨지고 있다."
422,30,5,"Il sécrète un liquide mauve lorsquil se sent
en danger. Il sagirait dun phénomène similaire
aux sueurs froides."
422,30,6,"Spürt es Gefahr, stößt es eine lilafarbene
Flüssigkeit aus. Man geht davon aus, dass es
sich dabei um eine Art Angstschweiß handelt."
422,30,7,"Cuando se siente amenazado, secreta un fluido
morado. Según se cree, podría tratarse de un
fenómeno similar al de los sudores fríos."
422,30,8,"Quando avverte il pericolo, secerne un liquido
viola. Si ritiene sia un fenomeno simile ai sudori
freddi causati dalla paura."
422,30,9,"When it senses danger, a purple liquid oozes out
of it. The liquid is thought to be something like
greasy sweat."
422,30,11,"危険を 感じると 紫色の
汁を だす。 あぶら汗の ような
ものだと 考えられている。"
422,33,1,"かんきょうで すがたが かわる。
すいおんが あたたかい うみでは
このすがたに なるという せつも。"
422,33,3,"환경에 따라 모습이 바뀐다.
수온이 따뜻한 바다에서는
이 모습이 된다는 설도 있다."
422,33,5,"Son apparence change selon son environnement.
On raconte quil adopte celle-ci dans les mers
422,33,6,"Sein Aussehen hängt von seiner Umgebung ab.
Man geht davon aus, dass es diese Form in
warmen Meeren annimmt."
422,33,7,"Su aspecto cambia según el entorno. Al parecer,
esta es la forma que adopta en mares de aguas
422,33,8,"Il suo aspetto cambia in base allhabitat.
Secondo alcune teorie, assume questa forma
nei mari più caldi."
422,33,9,"This Pokémons habitat shapes its physique.
According to some theories, life in warm ocean
waters causes this variation to develop."
422,33,11,"環境で 姿が 変わる。
水温が 温かい 海では
この姿に なるという 説も。"
422,34,1,"つよく ふれると むらさきいろの
ナゾの しるを だす。 がいは
ないけれど ネバネバするよ。"
422,34,3,"세게 만지면 보라색의
정체 모를 액체를 내보낸다.
해롭지는 않지만 끈적거린다."
422,34,5,"Si on le caresse trop fort, il sécrète un étrange
liquide mauve qui est inoffensif, mais dont
la texture est très gluante."
422,34,6,"Wenn man es fest drückt, sondert es eine
seltsame lilafarbene Flüssigkeit ab. Diese ist
zwar nicht schädlich, aber sehr schleimig."
422,34,7,"Si se le aprieta muy fuerte, secreta un misterioso
fluido morado que, aunque inofensivo, resulta
desagradable por su viscosidad."
422,34,8,"Se premuto con forza secerne un misterioso
liquido viola molto appiccicoso, ma non nocivo."
422,34,9,"Subjecting this Pokémon to a strong force
causes it to secrete a strange purple fluid.
Though harmless, the fluid is awfully sticky."
422,34,11,"強く 触れると 紫色の
謎の 汁を 出す。 害は
ないけれど ネバネバするよ。"
423,12,9,"It has a pliable body without any
bones. If any part of its body is
torn off, it grows right back."
423,13,9,"It apparently had a huge shell for
protection in ancient times.
It lives in shallow tidal pools."
423,14,9,"Long ago, its entire back was
shielded with a sturdy shell. There
are traces of it left in its cells."
423,15,9,"When its natural enemy attacks,
it oozes purple fluid and escapes."
423,16,9,"When its natural enemy attacks,
it oozes purple fluid and escapes."
423,17,5,"Ses gènes ont démontré quil avait
jadis une carapace couvrant la
totalité de son dos."
423,17,9,"Long ago, its entire back was
shielded with a sturdy shell. There
are traces of it left in its cells."
423,18,5,"Ses gènes ont démontré quil avait
jadis une carapace couvrant la
totalité de son dos."
423,18,9,"Long ago, its entire back was
shielded with a sturdy shell. There
are traces of it left in its cells."
423,21,9,"Long ago, its entire back was
shielded with a sturdy shell. There
are traces of it left in its cells."
423,22,9,"Long ago, its entire back was
shielded with a sturdy shell. There
are traces of it left in its cells."
423,23,1,"てんてきに おそわれた ときは
むらさきいろの えきたいを
からだから だして にげる。"
423,23,3,"천적에게 습격당했을 때는
보라색 액체를
몸에서 내어 도망간다."
423,23,5,"Attaqué par un prédateur, il fuit en libérant un liquide
423,23,6,"Wird es von einem natürlichen Feind angegriffen,
flieht es, indem es ein lila Sekret über die Haut
423,23,7,"Si se ve amenazado por sus enemigos naturales,
segrega un líquido morado y huye rápidamente."
423,23,8,"Se minacciato da un nemico naturale rilascia un
liquido viola e se la dà a gambe, per così dire..."
423,23,9,"When its natural enemy attacks, it oozes purple
fluid and escapes."
423,23,11,"天敵に 襲われたときは
紫色の 液体を
体から 出して 逃げる。"
423,24,1,"おおむかしは じょうぶな カラで
からだを まもっていたらしい。
うみの あさせに せいそくする。"
423,24,3,"아주 옛날에는 튼튼한 껍질로
몸을 보호하고 있었던 듯하다.
바다의 얕은 곳에서 서식한다."
423,24,5,"Jadis, il semble quil portait une grande carapace
pour se protéger. Il hante les eaux peu profondes."
423,24,6,"In Urzeiten muss es einen großen Schutzpanzer
besessen haben. Es lebt in kleinen Wasserstellen."
423,24,7,"Al parecer, hace mucho tiempo tenía una gran concha
protectora. Vive en aguas poco profundas."
423,24,8,"Pare che in passato il suo corpo fosse protetto da
un enorme carapace. Vive in bacini poco profondi."
423,24,9,"It apparently had a huge shell for protection in
ancient times. It lives in shallow tidal pools."
423,24,11,"大昔は 丈夫な 殻で
体を 守っていたらしい。
海の 浅瀬に 生息する。"
423,25,1,"てんてきに おそわれた ときは
むらさきいろの えきたいを
からだから だして にげる。"
423,25,3,"천적에게 습격당했을 때는
보라색 액체를
몸에서 내어 도망간다."
423,25,5,"Attaqué par un prédateur, il fuit en libérant un liquide mauve."
423,25,6,"Wird es von einem natürlichen Feind angegriffen, flieht es,
indem es ein lila Sekret über die Haut ausstößt."
423,25,7,"Si se ve amenazado por sus enemigos naturales, segrega un
líquido morado y huye rápidamente."
423,25,8,"Se minacciato da un nemico naturale rilascia un liquido viola
e se la dà a gambe, per così dire..."
423,25,9,"When its natural enemy attacks, it oozes purple
fluid and escapes."
423,25,11,"天敵に 襲われたときは
紫色の 液体を
体から 出して 逃げる。"
423,26,1,"おおむかしは じょうぶな カラで
からだを まもっていたらしい。
うみの あさせに せいそくする。"
423,26,3,"아주 옛날에는 튼튼한 껍질로
몸을 보호하고 있었던 듯하다.
바다의 얕은 곳에서 서식한다."
423,26,5,"Jadis, il semble quil portait une grande carapace pour
se protéger. Il hante les eaux peu profondes."
423,26,6,"In Urzeiten muss es einen großen Schutzpanzer
besessen haben. Es lebt in kleinen Wasserstellen."
423,26,7,"Al parecer, hace mucho tiempo tenía una gran concha
protectora. Vive en aguas poco profundas."
423,26,8,"Pare che in passato il suo corpo fosse protetto da un enorme
carapace. Vive in bacini poco profondi."
423,26,9,"It apparently had a huge shell for protection in
ancient times. It lives in shallow tidal pools."
423,26,11,"大昔は 丈夫な 殻で
体を 守っていたらしい。
海の 浅瀬に 生息する。"
423,27,1,"さいせいのうりょくが たかい。
さかなポケモンに くいちぎられても
すうじかんで もとどおりに なるよ。"
423,27,3,"재생능력이 높다.
물고기포켓몬에게 물어뜯겨도
몇 시간이면 원래대로 돌아온다."
423,27,5,"Il se régénère très vite. Même si des Pokémon
poissons en croquent un bout, il est à nouveau
comme neuf au bout de quelques heures."
423,27,6,"Es hat starke Regenerationskräfte. Selbst wenn
Fisch-Pokémon ein Stück von ihm abbeißen,
wächst es innerhalb weniger Stunden nach."
423,27,7,"Posee una notable capacidad de regeneración.
Aunque los Pokémon pez lo mordisqueen, puede
recuperarse en tan solo unas pocas horas."
423,27,8,"Ha notevoli capacità rigenerative: anche se
viene mangiucchiato dai Pokémon acquatici
può tornare come prima nel giro di qualche ora."
423,27,9,"It has strong regenerative capabilities. Even if
parts of it are bitten off by fish Pokémon, it will
return to normal within a few hours."
423,27,11,"再生能力が 高い。
さかなポケモンに 喰い千切られても
数時間で 元通りに なるよ。"
423,28,1,"めに みえない プランクトンが おもな
エサ。 りくに あがってくるが
りゆうは まだ わかっていない。"
423,28,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 플랑크톤이 주된
먹이다. 육지에 올라오지만
이유는 아직 밝혀지지 않았다."
423,28,5,"Il salimente principalement de plancton invisible
à lœil nu. On ne sait toujours pas pourquoi il a
quitté locéan au profit de la terre ferme."
423,28,6,"Es ernährt sich hauptsächlich von Plankton,
das man mit bloßem Auge nicht sehen kann.
Es ist noch unklar, warum es an Land kommt."
423,28,7,"Su principal alimento es plancton invisible. Sale
a la superficie, pero aún se desconoce el motivo."
423,28,8,"Si nutre principalmente di plancton.
A volte si sposta sulla terraferma per motivi
ancora sconosciuti."
423,28,9,"Plankton, invisible to the naked eye, is its main
food source. It comes onto the land periodically,
but the reason for this is not known."
423,28,11,"目に 見えない プランクトンが 主な
餌。 陸に 上ってくるが
理由は まだ わかっていない。"
423,29,1,"むかしは カラを しょっていた。
せなかの おくに そのなごりの
かたくて うすい さらが ある。"
423,29,3,"옛날에는 껍질을 등에 지고 있었다.
그 흔적이 남아 등 안에
딱딱하고 얇은 접시가 있다."
423,29,5,"La fine soucoupe qui se trouve à lintérieur de
son dos est le dernier vestige de la carapace
jadis portée par son espèce."
423,29,6,"Vor langer Zeit hatte es einen Panzer. In seinem
Rücken ist davon noch eine harte, dünne Platte
423,29,7,"Un caparazón le cubría la espalda antaño, y el
único indicio de este hecho es la fina y dura
placa en la capa interna del lomo."
423,29,8,"In passato era protetto da un carapace di cui
lunica traccia rimasta è il disco duro e sottile
sul suo dorso."
423,29,9,"Long ago, it had a shell on its back. Theres now
a vestigial plate on its back thats hard but thin."
423,29,11,"昔は カラを 背負っていた。
背中の 奥に その名残の
硬くて 薄い 皿が ある。"
423,30,1,"すむ ばしょや エサの えいきょうで
いろや かたちが へんか する。
なみの おだやかな いそべに おおい。"
423,30,3,"사는 장소나 먹이의 영향으로
색이나 모습이 변화한다.
파도가 잔잔한 바위해변에 많다."
423,30,5,"Il change de forme et de couleur selon son
habitat et son alimentation. On le trouve
souvent sur les plages à la faible houle."
423,30,6,"Seine Farbe und Form ändern sich je nachdem,
wo es lebt und was es frisst. Man trifft viele von
ihnen an Küsten mit mäßiger Brandung an."
423,30,7,"Altera tanto la forma como el color en función
de su hábitat y el alimento del que se nutre.
Abunda en las playas de calmo oleaje."
423,30,8,"Il colore e la forma del suo corpo mutano in
base allhabitat e allalimentazione. Ne vivono
tanti sui litorali rocciosi dove il mare è calmo."
423,30,9,"Their shape and color change, depending on
their environment and diet. There are many of
them at beaches where the waves are calm."
423,30,11,"棲む 場所や エサの 影響で
色や 形が 変化 する。
波の おだやかな 磯辺に 多い。"
423,33,1,"エサを もとめて りくにも あがる。
トリトドンが はったあとには
ネバネバの ねんえきが のこる。"
423,33,3,"먹이를 찾아 육지에도 올라온다.
트리토돈이 지나간 자리에는
끈적끈적한 점액이 남아 있다."
423,33,5,"Il peut rejoindre la terre ferme pour chercher
des proies. Il laisse une traînée de bave gluante
derrière lui."
423,33,6,"Auf der Suche nach Futter kommt es bisweilen
auch an Land. Wo es entlangkriecht, hinterlässt
es eine klebrige Schleimspur."
423,33,7,"Puede desplazarse también por tierra firme en
pos de su presa. Deja tras de sí, entonces, el
rastro de una mucosidad pegajosa."
423,33,8,"Può salire sulla terraferma in cerca di cibo.
Quando si sposta, lascia dietro di sé una scia
di bava appiccicosa."
423,33,9,"Its search for food sometimes leads it onto land,
where it leaves behind a sticky trail of slime as it
passes through."
423,33,11,"エサを 求めて 陸にも 上がる。
トリトドンが 這った跡には
ネバネバの 粘液が 残る。"
423,34,1,"グニャグニャの からだ だけれど
かなり タフ。 やわらかさが
しょうげきを ぶんさんするのだ。"
423,34,3,"흐물흐물한 몸이지만
제법 튼튼하다. 부드러워서
충격을 분산시킨다."
423,34,5,"Son corps est caoutchouteux, mais très résistant,
car la puissance des chocs quil subit se répand
sur toute sa surface."
423,34,6,"Es ist weich, kann aber einiges einstecken, da
sein biegsamer Körper die Wucht von Schlägen
423,34,7,"Aunque blando, su cuerpo es tremendamente
resistente, ya que dispersa cualquier impacto
que recibe dada su flexibilidad."
423,34,8,"Il suo corpo molliccio è in grado di assorbire
i colpi, rendendo questo Pokémon molto
423,34,9,"The softness of its body helps disperse the force
of impacts, so although its body is uncommonly
squishy, its also surprisingly resilient."
423,34,11,"グニャグニャの 体 だけれど
かなり タフ。 軟らかさが
衝撃を 分散するのだ。"
424,12,9,"To eat, it deftly shucks nuts
with its two tails. It rarely uses
its arms now."
424,13,9,"They work in large colonies and
make rings by linking their
tails, apparently in friendship."
424,14,9,"Split into two, the tails are so
adept at handling and doing things,
AMBIPOM rarely uses its hands."
424,15,9,"They live on large trees. They are
said to communicate by connecting
their tails to those of others."
424,16,9,"It is very difficult to dodge the
consecutive strikes of its two tails."
424,17,5,"Ses queues jumelles sont si agiles
et efficaces quil ne se sert que
très rarement de ses bras."
424,17,9,"Split into two, the tails are so
adept at handling and doing things,
Ambipom rarely uses its hands."
424,18,5,"Ses queues jumelles sont si agiles
et efficaces quil ne se sert que
très rarement de ses bras."
424,18,9,"Split into two, the tails are so
adept at handling and doing things,
Ambipom rarely uses its hands."
424,21,9,"Split into two, the tails are so
adept at handling and doing things,
Ambipom rarely uses its hands."
424,22,9,"Split into two, the tails are so
adept at handling and doing things,
Ambipom rarely uses its hands."
424,23,1,"おおぜいの むれで こうどうする。
しっぽを つなぎあわせて わっかを
つくる。ゆうじょうの しるしらしい。"
424,23,3,"많은 무리로 행동한다.
꼬리를 맞잡아 원을 만든다.
우정의 표시인 듯하다."
424,23,5,"Ils vivent en grandes colonies et relient leurs
queues pour former un anneau en signe damitié."
424,23,6,"Sie leben in großen Kolonien und verbinden
ihre Schweife in Freundschaft."
424,23,7,"Habitan en grandes colonias y forman anillos uniendo
sus colas, aparentemente en signo de amistad."
424,23,8,"Vivono in colonie numerose e formano anelli
legando le loro code in segno di amicizia."
424,23,9,"They work in large colonies and make rings by
linking their tails, apparently in friendship."
424,23,11,"大勢の 群れで 行動する。
尻尾を つなぎ合わせて 輪っかを
作る。友情の 印らしい。"
424,24,1,"2ほんの しっぽで きのみの からを
きように むいて たべる。ほんものの
うでは ほとんど つかわなくなった。"
424,24,3,"2개의 꼬리로 나무열매 껍질을
솜씨 좋게 벗겨 먹는다. 진짜
팔은 거의 쓰지 않게 되었다."
424,24,5,"Il se nourrit de noix quil épluche avec ses deux
queues habiles. Il utilise de moins en moins ses bras."
424,24,6,"Wenn es hungrig ist, knackt es Nüsse mit seinen
beiden Schweifen. Nur selten verwendet es die Arme."
424,24,7,"Para comer, rompe nueces con sus dos colas.
Raras veces utiliza sus brazos."
424,24,8,"Si nutre di nocciole che sbuccia con le due code.
Raramente usa le sue vere braccia."
424,24,9,"To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails.
It rarely uses its arms now."
424,24,11,"2本の 尻尾で 木の実の 殻を
器用に むいて 食べる。本物の
腕は ほとんど 使わなくなった。"
424,25,1,"おおぜいの むれで こうどうする。
しっぽを つなぎあわせて わっかを
つくる。ゆうじょうの しるしらしい。"
424,25,3,"많은 무리로 행동한다.
꼬리를 맞잡아 원을 만든다.
우정의 표시인 듯하다."
424,25,5,"Ils vivent en grandes colonies et relient leurs queues
pour former un anneau en signe damitié."
424,25,6,"Sie leben in großen Kolonien und verbinden ihre Schweife
in Freundschaft."
424,25,7,"Habitan en grandes colonias y forman anillos uniendo sus
colas, aparentemente en signo de amistad."
424,25,8,"Vivono in colonie numerose e formano anelli legando le loro
code in segno di amicizia."
424,25,9,"They work in large colonies and make rings by
linking their tails, apparently in friendship."
424,25,11,"大勢の 群れで 行動する。
尻尾を つなぎ合わせて 輪っかを
作る。友情の 印らしい。"
424,26,1,"2ほんの しっぽで きのみの からを
きように むいて たべる。ほんものの
うでは ほとんど つかわなくなった。"
424,26,3,"2개의 꼬리로 나무열매 껍질을
솜씨 좋게 벗겨 먹는다. 진짜
팔은 거의 쓰지 않게 되었다."
424,26,5,"Il se nourrit de noix quil épluche avec ses deux queues
habiles. Il utilise de moins en moins ses bras."
424,26,6,"Wenn es hungrig ist, knackt es Nüsse mit seinen
beiden Schweifen. Nur selten verwendet es die Arme."
424,26,7,"Para comer, rompe nueces con sus dos colas. Raras veces
utiliza sus brazos."
424,26,8,"Si nutre di nocciole che sbuccia con le due code.
Raramente usa le sue vere braccia."
424,26,9,"To eat, it deftly shucks nuts with its two tails.
It rarely uses its arms now."
424,26,11,"2本の 尻尾で 木の実の 殻を
器用に むいて 食べる。本物の
腕は ほとんど 使わなくなった。"
424,29,1,"いごこちのよい きを めぐって
ナゲツケサルのグループと なわばりを
あらそっている。 けっかは 5ぶだ。"
424,29,3,"머물기 좋은 나무를 두고
내던숭이 그룹과 영역
다툼을 하고 있다. 승률은 비슷하다."
424,29,5,"Il se dispute constamment les arbres les plus
confortables avec Quartermac et remporte
la victoire la moitié du temps."
424,29,6,"Sie streiten sich mit Gruppen von Quartermak
um die bequemsten Bäume. Etwa die Hälfte
dieser Revierkämpfe gewinnen sie."
424,29,7,"Su especie arma constantes trifulcas por los
árboles más cómodos con los Passimian. Suelen
ganar la mitad de las veces."
424,29,8,"Questi Pokémon si azzuffano con i Passimian
per aggiudicarsi il territorio con gli alberi più
comodi e la metà delle volte la spuntano."
424,29,9,"In their search for comfortable trees, they get
into territorial disputes with groups of
Passimian. They win about half the time."
424,29,11,"居心地の良い 木を 巡って
ナゲツケサルのグループと 縄張りを
争っている。 結果は 5分だ。"
424,30,1,"なにを するにも シッポを つかう。
2ほんの シッポで だきしめられたら
ほんとうに なつかれた あかし。"
424,30,3,"무엇을 하더라도 꼬리를 사용한다.
2개의 꼬리로 껴안는다면
정말로 친밀해졌다는 증거다."
424,30,5,"Il utilise toujours ses deux queues pour faire
la moindre tâche. Il sen sert aussi pour enlacer
les gens quil affectionne tout particulièrement."
424,30,6,"Es benutzt seine zwei Schweife für alles, was es
tut. Wenn es jemanden mit ihnen umarmt, ist das
ein Beweis seiner Zuneigung."
424,30,7,"Utiliza las dos colas para todo. Cuando abraza
a alguien con ellas significa que esa persona se
ha ganado por completo su confianza."
424,30,8,"Usa le code per fare tutto. Se abbraccia
qualcuno con entrambe le code, significa che
prova un grande affetto per questa persona."
424,30,9,"It uses its tails for everything. If it wraps both
of its tails around you and gives you a squeeze,
thats proof it really likes you."
424,30,11,"なにを するにも シッポを 使う。
2本の シッポで 抱きしめられたら
本当に 懐かれた 証。"
425,12,9,"A Pokémon formed by the spirits
of people and Pokémon. It loves
damp, humid seasons."
425,13,9,"It tugs on the hands of children
to steal them away. However, it
gets pulled around instead."
425,14,9,"Because of the way it floats
aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a
“Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”"
425,15,9,"It is whispered that any child who
mistakes DRIFLOON for a balloon and
holds on to it could wind up missing."
425,16,9,"It is whispered that any child who
mistakes DRIFLOON for a balloon and
holds on to it could wind up missing."
425,17,5,"Sa façon de flotter sans but au
gré du vent lui a valu le surnom
de “bouée des esprits égarés”."
425,17,9,"Because of the way it floats
aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a
“Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”"
425,18,5,"Sa façon de flotter sans but au
gré du vent lui a valu le surnom
de “bouée des esprits égarés”."
425,18,9,"Because of the way it floats
aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a
“Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”"
425,21,9,"These Pokémon are called the
“Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”
Children holding them sometimes vanish."
425,22,9,"These Pokémon are called the
“Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”
Children holding them sometimes vanish."
425,23,1,"ひとや ポケモンの たましいが
かたまって うまれた ポケモン。
ジメジメした きせつが だいすき。"
425,23,3,"사람이나 포켓몬의 영혼이
한데 모여 태어난 포켓몬이다.
습기 많은 계절을 매우 좋아한다."
425,23,5,"Un Pokémon né de lesprit des gens et des Pokémon.
Il aime les saisons chaudes et humides."
425,23,6,"Ein Pokémon, entstanden aus den Gefühlen von
Menschen und Pokémon. Es mag feuchte Jahreszeiten."
425,23,7,"Está formado por los espíritus de personas y Pokémon.
Le encantan las estaciones húmedas."
425,23,8,"Pokémon formato dalle anime di persone e Pokémon.
Ama le stagioni umide."
425,23,9,"A Pokémon formed by the spirits of people and
Pokémon. It loves damp, humid seasons."
425,23,11,"人や ポケモンの 魂が
固まって 生まれた ポケモン。
ジメジメした 季節が 大好き。"
425,24,1,"たましいの みちしるべと いわれる。
フワンテを もっていた こどもは
とつぜん きえて いなくなる。"
425,24,3,"영혼의 이정표라고 전해진다.
흔들풍손을 가지고 있는 아이는
갑자기 사라져버린다."
425,24,5,"Les enfants qui attrapent des Baudrive disparaissent
parfois. On lui donne le surnom de «bouée des esprits
425,24,6,"Auch bekannt als „Wegweiser für umherstreifende
Geister“. Kinder, die sie halten, verschwinden
425,24,7,"Se dice que es como un hito que guía a las almas.
Los niños que sostienen un Drifloon a veces
desaparecen sin más."
425,24,8,"Anche detto “Guida degli spiriti vaganti”. A volte
i bambini che ne hanno uno svaniscono
improvvisamente nel nulla."
425,24,9,"These Pokémon are called the “Signpost for
Wandering Spirits.” Children holding them
sometimes vanish."
425,24,11,"魂の 道標と いわれる。
フワンテを 持っていた 子供は
突然 消えて いなくなる。"
425,25,1,"ひとや ポケモンの たましいが
かたまって うまれた ポケモン。
ジメジメした きせつが だいすき。"
425,25,3,"사람이나 포켓몬의 영혼이
한데 모여 태어난 포켓몬이다.
습기 많은 계절을 매우 좋아한다."
425,25,5,"Un Pokémon né de lesprit des gens et des Pokémon.
Il aime les saisons chaudes et humides."
425,25,6,"Ein Pokémon, entstanden aus den Gefühlen von Menschen
und Pokémon. Es mag feuchte Jahreszeiten."
425,25,7,"Está formado por los espíritus de personas y Pokémon. Le
encantan las estaciones húmedas."
425,25,8,"Pokémon formato dalle anime di persone e Pokémon.
Ama le stagioni umide."
425,25,9,"A Pokémon formed by the spirits of people and Pokémon.
It loves damp, humid seasons."
425,25,11,"人や ポケモンの 魂が
固まって 生まれた ポケモン。
ジメジメした 季節が 大好き。"
425,26,1,"たましいの みちしるべと いわれる。
フワンテを もっていた こどもは
とつぜん きえて いなくなる。"
425,26,3,"영혼의 이정표라고 전해진다.
흔들풍손을 가지고 있는 아이는
갑자기 사라져버린다."
425,26,5,"Les enfants qui attrapent des Baudrive disparaissent parfois.
On lui donne le surnom de «bouée des esprits égarés»."
425,26,6,"Auch bekannt als „Wegweiser für umherstreifende Geister“.
Kinder, die sie halten, verschwinden manchmal."
425,26,7,"Se dice que es como un hito que guía a las almas. Los niños
que sostienen un Drifloon a veces desaparecen sin más."
425,26,8,"Anche detto “Guida degli spiriti vaganti”. A volte i bambini
che ne hanno uno svaniscono improvvisamente nel nulla."
425,26,9,"These Pokémon are called the “Signpost for
Wandering Spirits.” Children holding them
sometimes vanish."
425,26,11,"魂の 道標と いわれる。
フワンテを 持っていた 子供は
突然 消えて いなくなる。"
425,27,1,"おさないこどもの てを にぎり
あのよへと つれさる という。
おもたい こどもは キライ。"
425,27,3,"어린아이의 손을 잡고
저세상으로 데려간다고 한다.
무거운 아이를 싫어한다."
425,27,5,"Il guide les petits enfants par la main vers
lautre monde. Mais seulement les plus jeunes,
car après, ils sont trop lourds pour lui."
425,27,6,"Es heißt, dass es kleine Kinder an die
Hand nehme und ins Jenseits zerre.
Schwere Kinder sind ihm eine Last."
425,27,7,"Se dice que coge a niños pequeños de la mano
y se los lleva al otro mundo. Prefiere a los niños
que no pesan mucho."
425,27,8,"Si dice che prenda per mano i bambini e li
accompagni nellaldilà. Preferisce quelli piccoli
e leggeri."
425,27,9,"Stories go that it grabs the hands of small
children and drags them away to the afterlife.
It dislikes heavy children."
425,27,11,"幼い子どもの 手を 握り
あの世へと 連れ去る という。
重たい 子どもは キライ。"
425,28,1,"なにかの ひょうしで からだが
われると さけびのような おとと
ともに たましいが あふれだす。"
425,28,3,"어떤 박자에 몸이
터지면 비명 같은 소리와
함께 영혼이 흘러나온다"
425,28,5,"Si par malheur il éclate, le Baudrive émet alors
un bruit terrible, comme un cri déchirant.
Cest à vous fendre le cœur."
425,28,6,"Wenn aus irgendeinem Grund sein Körper platzt,
entweicht seine Seele mit einem Geräusch, das
wie ein Schrei klingt."
425,28,7,"Si por alguna razón su cuerpo llega a reventar,
emite un sonido parecido al de un grito al tiempo
que se escapa su energía vital."
425,28,8,"Se il suo corpo si buca accidentalmente, la sua
essenza vitale fuoriesce con un suono simile
a un lamento."
425,28,9,"If for some reason its body bursts, its soul spills
out with a screaming sound."
425,28,11,"なにかの 拍子で 身体が
割れると 叫びのような 音と
ともに 魂が あふれだす。"
425,29,1,"まるい からだの なかに たくさんの
たましいが つまっている。 だれかを
みちづれにするたび ふくらんでいく。"
425,29,3,"둥근 몸 안에는 많은 혼으로
가득 차 있다. 누군가를 길동무로
삼을 때마다 부풀어 오른다."
425,29,5,"Son corps rond contient une quantité dâmes
impressionnante. Plus il entraîne de personnes
avec lui, plus son corps gonfle."
425,29,6,"Sein runder Körper ist mit vielen Seelen gefüllt.
Jedes Mal, wenn es jemanden entführt, wird es
425,29,7,"En el interior de su cuerpo redondo almacena
gran número de almas. Aumenta de tamaño con
cada persona que se lleva."
425,29,8,"Il suo corpo rotondo contiene molte anime.
Più tempo passa in compagnia, più il suo
corpo si gonfia."
425,29,9,"Its round body is stuffed with souls and
expands each time it leads someone away."
425,29,11,"丸い 身体の 中に たくさんの
魂が 詰まっている。 誰かを
道連れにするたび 膨らんでいく。"
425,30,1,"みちばたで さまよう たましいたちが
かたまって うまれる。 こどもを
なかまに しようと てを ひっぱる。"
425,30,3,"길가를 헤매는 영혼들이
한데 모여 태어난다. 아이를
동료로 만들려고 손을 잡아당긴다."
425,30,5,"Né dune agglomération dâmes errantes,
il entraîne les enfants par la main pour sen
faire des amis."
425,30,6,"Es entstand aus verirrten Seelen, die sich
zusammengefunden hatten. Kinder zerrt es an
der Hand mit, um sich mit ihnen anzufreunden."
425,30,7,"Está formado por espíritus errantes que vagan
por los caminos. Se lleva a los niños de la mano
para entablar amistad con ellos."
425,30,8,"È formato dalle anime che vagano sul ciglio
della strada. Prende con sé i bambini
tenendoli per mano."
425,30,9,"Wandering souls gathered together to form this
Pokémon. When trying to make friends with
children, Drifloon grabs them by the hand."
425,30,11,"道端で さまよう 魂たちが
かたまって 生まれる。 子どもを
仲間に しようと 手を 引っ張る。"
425,33,1,"なかまが ほしいのか こどもに
ちかづくが いいように あそばれ
にげていくことも すくなくない。"
425,33,3,"동료가 필요한지 아이에게
다가가지만 거칠게 다뤄져서
도망가 버리는 경우도 적지 않다."
425,33,5,"Pour se faire des amis, il sapproche des enfants,
mais ces derniers le malmènent souvent,
ce qui le pousse à senfuir."
425,33,6,"Es nähert sich oft Kindern, womöglich auf der
Suche nach Freunden. Wenn diese zu wild
spielen, ergreift es aber die Flucht."
425,33,7,"Se acerca a los niños en busca de compañía,
pero lo tratan como un juguete y a menudo
tiene que salir huyendo."
425,33,8,"Si avvicina ai bambini in cerca di compagnia,
ma spesso è costretto a fuggire perché viene
trattato senza troppi riguardi."
425,33,9,"Perhaps seeking company, it approaches children.
However, it often quickly runs away again when
the children play too roughly with it."
425,33,11,"仲間が 欲しいのか 子どもに
近づくが いいように 遊ばれ
逃げていくことも 少なくない。"
425,34,1,"たましいが あつまり うまれた。
しっけの おおい きせつには
たいりょうに あらわれることも。"
425,34,3,"영혼들이 모여 탄생했다.
습기가 많은 계절에는
대량으로 나타나기도 한다."
425,34,5,"Nés dune concentration dâmes, ces Pokémon
peuvent apparaître en grand nombre les jours
où le taux dhumidité est élevé."
425,34,6,"Sie sind aus einer Ansammlung an Seelen
entstanden. In feuchten Jahreszeiten erscheinen
sie in rauen Mengen."
425,34,7,"Está formado por una aglomeración de espíritus.
Suele aparecer en grandes números durante las
estaciones húmedas."
425,34,8,"È nato dallaggregazione di diverse anime.
Nelle stagioni umide possono apparirne
numerosi esemplari."
425,34,9,"The gathering of many souls gave rise to this
Pokémon. During humid seasons, they seem to
appear in abundance."
425,34,11,"魂が 集まり 生まれた。
湿気の 多い 季節には
大量に 現れることも。"
426,12,9,"Its drowzy in daytime, but flies
off in the evening in big groups.
No one knows where they go."
426,13,9,"It carries people and Pokémon
when it flies. But since it only
drifts, it can end up anywhere."
426,14,9,"At dusk, swarms of them are
carried aloft on winds. When
noticed, they suddenly vanish."
426,15,9,"It can generate and release gas
within its body. Thats how it can
control the altitude of its drift."
426,16,9,"It can generate and release gas
within its body. Thats how it can
control the altitude of its drift."
426,17,5,"Des nuées de Grodrive dérivent
dans le ciel au crépuscule. Ils
disparaissent dès quon les voit."
426,17,9,"At dusk, swarms of them are
carried aloft on winds. When
noticed, they suddenly vanish."
426,18,5,"Des nuées de Grodrive dérivent
dans le ciel au crépuscule. Ils
disparaissent dès quon les voit."
426,18,9,"At dusk, swarms of them are
carried aloft on winds. When
noticed, they suddenly vanish."
426,21,9,"They carry people and Pokémon,
but the wind can catch them, so
there cant be a fixed destination."
426,22,9,"They carry people and Pokémon,
but the wind can catch them, so
there cant be a fixed destination."
426,23,1,"ひとや ポケモンを のせて とぶが
かぜに ながされているだけなので
どこへ とんでいくか わからない。"
426,23,3,"사람이나 포켓몬을 태우고 날지만
바람에 떠밀려 다닐 뿐이므로
어디로 날아갈지 모른다."
426,23,5,"Il peut embarquer des gens et des Pokémon, mais
nul ne sait où il va atterrir car il ne fait que flotter."
426,23,6,"Es trägt Menschen und Pokémon im Flug.
Da es sich aber nur vom Wind tragen lässt,
weiß man nie, wo es hingeht."
426,23,7,"Transporta a gente y a Pokémon volando, pero, como
se deja llevar, puede acabar en cualquier sitio."
426,23,8,"Vola trascinando persone e Pokémon. Poiché si fa
portare dal vento, non si sa dove vada a finire."
426,23,9,"It carries people and Pokémon when it flies.
But since it only drifts, it can end up anywhere."
426,23,11,"人や ポケモンを 乗せて 飛ぶが
風に 流されているだけなので
どこへ 飛んでいくか わからない。"
426,24,1,"ひるまは ねぼけて うかんでいるが
ゆうがた たいぐんで とんでいく。
いきさきは だれも しらない。"
426,24,3,"낮에는 잠이 덜 깨어 떠 있지만
저녁 무렵에는 큰 무리를 지어
날아간다. 목적지는 아무도 모른다."
426,24,5,"Il somnole la journée et senvole en grands groupes
le soir venu. Nul ne sait où ils vont."
426,24,6,"Tagsüber treibt es faul vor sich hin, nachts fliegt es
mit anderen umher. Niemand weiß wohin."
426,24,7,"Durante el día está somnoliento, pero por la noche
sale volando en grupo, aunque nadie sabe adónde."
426,24,8,"Di giorno fluttua con aria sonnolenta, ma di notte
vola via in gruppo. Nessuno sa dove vada."
426,24,9,"Its drowsy in daytime, but flies off in the evening in
big groups. No one knows where they go."
426,24,11,"昼間は 寝ぼけて 浮かんでいるが
夕方 大群で 飛んでいく。
行先は だれも 知らない。"
426,25,1,"ひとや ポケモンを のせて とぶが
かぜに ながされているだけなので
どこへ とんでいくか わからない。"
426,25,3,"사람이나 포켓몬을 태우고 날지만
바람에 떠밀려 다닐 뿐이므로
어디로 날아갈지 모른다."
426,25,5,"Il peut embarquer des gens et des Pokémon, mais nul ne sait
où il va atterrir car il ne fait que flotter."
426,25,6,"Es trägt Menschen und Pokémon im Flug. Da es sich aber nur
vom Wind tragen lässt, weiß man nie, wo es hingeht."
426,25,7,"Transporta a gente y a Pokémon volando, pero, como se deja
llevar, puede acabar en cualquier sitio."
426,25,8,"Vola trascinando persone e Pokémon. Poiché si fa portare
dal vento, non si sa dove vada a finire."
426,25,9,"It carries people and Pokémon when it flies.
But since it only drifts, it can end up anywhere."
426,25,11,"人や ポケモンを 乗せて 飛ぶが
風に 流されているだけなので
どこへ 飛んでいくか わからない。"
426,26,1,"ひるまは ねぼけて うかんでいるが
ゆうがた たいぐんで とんでいく。
いきさきは だれも しらない。"
426,26,3,"낮에는 잠이 덜 깨어 떠 있지만
저녁 무렵에는 큰 무리를 지어
날아간다. 목적지는 아무도 모른다."
426,26,5,"Il somnole la journée et senvole en grands groupes
le soir venu. Nul ne sait où ils vont."
426,26,6,"Tagsüber treibt es faul vor sich hin, nachts fliegt es
mit anderen umher. Niemand weiß wohin."
426,26,7,"Durante el día está somnoliento, pero por la noche sale
volando en grupo, aunque nadie sabe adónde."
426,26,8,"Di giorno fluttua con aria sonnolenta, ma di notte vola via
in gruppo. Nessuno sa dove vada."
426,26,9,"Its drowsy in daytime, but flies off in the evening in
big groups. No one knows where they go."
426,26,11,"昼間は 寝ぼけて 浮かんでいるが
夕方 大群で 飛んでいく。
行先は だれも 知らない。"
426,27,1,"フワライドに のって たびにでた
おとこが そのまま ゆくえふめいに
なったという じけんが ある。"
426,27,3,"둥실라이드에 타고 여행을 떠난
남자가 그대로 행방불명이
되었다는 사건이 있다."
426,27,5,"Un jour, un homme a grimpé sur un Grodrive
pour partir en voyage. Personne ne la jamais
426,27,6,"Einst stieg ein Mann auf ein Drifzepeli
und brach zu einer Reise auf.
Er wurde nie wieder gesehen."
426,27,7,"Hubo un caso de un chico que se subió a un
Drifblim y salió de viaje. Desde entonces está
en paradero desconocido."
426,27,8,"Si racconta di un uomo che un giorno è volato via
in groppa a un Drifblim. Di lui non si è saputo
più nulla."
426,27,9,"There was once an incident in which a man
took a trip riding a Drifblim, only to go missing."
426,27,11,"フワライドに 乗って 旅に出た
男が そのまま 行方不明に
なったという 事件が ある。"
426,28,1,"ゆうぐれに とぶ フワライドの
たいぐんは じっと かんさつして
いても いつのまにか きえている。"
426,28,3,"석양을 나는 둥실라이드의
큰 무리는 가만히 관찰하고
있어도 어느새 사라져있다."
426,28,5,"Même si à la tombée de la nuit on peut observer
des nuées entières de Grodrive, elles finissent
toujours par sévanouir dans la nature."
426,28,6,"Bemerkt man einen in der Dämmerung driftenden
Schwarm von Drifzepeli, verschwindet dieser
auch wieder sogleich."
426,28,7,"Al anochecer, se reúnen en grupos y vuelan a la
deriva. Si alguien trata de seguirlos con la
mirada, desaparecen al instante."
426,28,8,"Se si osservano attentamente i gruppi di Drifblim
trascinati dal vento al tramonto, si noterà che a
un certo punto svaniscono nel nulla."
426,28,9,"Even while under careful observation, large
flocks of Drifblim flying at dusk will inexplicably
disappear from view."
426,28,11,"夕暮れに 飛ぶ フワライドの
大群は じっと 観察して
いても いつのまにか 消えている。"
426,29,1,"ゆうやみを かぜに のって とぶ
フワライドに つかまると あのよへ
はこばれるという ウワサだ。"
426,29,3,"땅거미 진 후 바람을 타며 날아다니는
둥실라이드에게 잡히면 저세상으로
데려간다는 소문이다."
426,29,5,"Si lon en croit la rumeur, il serait possible de
se rendre dans lau-delà en se laissant porter
par le vent nocturne, accroché à un Grodrive."
426,29,6,"Gerüchten zufolge wird man ins Jenseits
mitgenommen, wenn man sich an einem
Drifzepeli festhält, das im Abendwind driftet."
426,29,7,"Se rumorea que los Drifblim que surcan el cielo
al ocaso llevan a todos aquellos que atrapan al
más allá."
426,29,8,"Gira voce che afferrando un Drifblim mentre
vola trasportato dal vento al crepuscolo si
venga condotti nellaldilà."
426,29,9,"Theres a rumor that if you catch a Drifblim
floating on the wind at dusk, youll be carried
away to the afterlife."
426,29,11,"夕闇を 風に 乗って 飛ぶ
フワライドに 捕まると あの世へ
運ばれるという ウワサだ。"
426,30,1,"たいないの ガスの げんりょうは
たましい。 からだが しぼんでくると
ひとや ポケモンを つれさるという。"
426,30,3,"체내에 있는 가스의 원료는
영혼이다. 몸이 쪼그라지기 시작하면
사람이나 포켓몬을 데려간다고 한다."
426,30,5,"Son gaz est essentiellement composé dâmes. Si
par malheur son corps se dégonfle, on dit quil
entraîne humains et Pokémon dans sa chute."
426,30,6,"Das Gas in seinem Körper besteht aus Seelen.
Es heißt, wenn sein Körper zusammenfalle,
nehme es Menschen und Pokémon mit sich."
426,30,7,"El gas que alberga su interior se compone de
almas. Si su cuerpo se deshincha, arrastra
consigo tanto a personas como a Pokémon."
426,30,8,"I gas allinterno del suo corpo sono costituiti da
anime. Si dice che, se inizia a sgonfiarsi, nella
sua caduta trascini con sé persone e Pokémon."
426,30,9,"The raw material for the gas inside its body
is souls. When its body starts to deflate, its
thought to carry away people and Pokémon."
426,30,11,"体内の ガスの 原料は
魂。 身体が しぼんでくると
人や ポケモンを 連れ去るという。"
426,33,1,"むねんの しを とげた たましいが
あつまった すがたとも いわれる。
よいやみを おとも なく ただよう。"
426,33,3,"억울하게 죽은 영혼이
모인 모습으로도 일컬어진다.
땅거미가 질 무렵 소리 없이 떠돈다."
426,33,5,"Ce Pokémon, qui flotte silencieusement
au crépuscule, serait né des âmes des défunts
rongés par les regrets."
426,33,6,"Man sagt, es bestehe aus den Seelen derer, die
voller Groll verstorben sind. Es treibt lautlos im
Zwielicht dahin."
426,33,7,"Se dice que está formado por almas en pena.
Al caer la noche, flota a la deriva en silencio
426,33,8,"Si dice che sia formato dallaggregazione
di anime che hanno lasciato la vita con dei
rimpianti. Fluttua silenzioso allimbrunire."
426,33,9,"Some say this Pokémon is a collection of souls
burdened with regrets, silently drifting through
the dusk."
426,33,11,"無念の 死を とげた 魂が
集まった 姿とも いわれる。
宵闇を 音も なく 漂う。"
426,34,1,"ひとや ポケモンを つかんで
そのまま どこかへ はこんでいく。
いきさきは だれも しらない。"
426,34,3,"사람과 포켓몬을 붙잡아
그대로 어딘가로 운반한다.
행선지는 아무도 모른다."
426,34,5,"Il attrape des personnes et des Pokémon pour
les transporter vers une destination inconnue."
426,34,6,"Es greift sich Menschen und Pokémon und trägt
sie fort. Niemand weiß, wohin."
426,34,7,"Agarra a gente y a Pokémon para llevárselos a
algún sitio, aunque nadie sabe exactamente
426,34,8,"Afferra persone e Pokémon e li trascina via
con sé. Nessuno sa dove li porti."
426,34,9,"It grabs people and Pokémon and carries them
off somewhere. Where do they go?
Nobody knows."
426,34,11,"人や ポケモンを つかんで
そのまま どこかへ 運んでいく。
行き先は だれも 知らない。"
427,12,9,"It slams foes by sharply uncoiling
its rolled ears. It stings enough
to make a grown-up cry in pain."
427,13,9,"When it senses danger, it perks up
its ears. On cold nights, it sleeps
with its head tucked into its fur."
427,14,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They
can be forcefully extended to
shatter even a large boulder."
427,15,9,"You can tell how it feels by the way
it rolls its ears. When its scared,
both ears are rolled up."
427,16,9,"You can tell how it feels by the way
it rolls its ears. When its scared,
both ears are rolled up."
427,17,5,"Ses oreilles repliées se déroulent
avec une force capable de briser
un gros rocher."
427,17,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They
can be forcefully extended to
shatter even a large boulder."
427,18,5,"Ses oreilles repliées se déroulent
avec une force capable de briser
un gros rocher."
427,18,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They
can be forcefully extended to
shatter even a large boulder."
427,21,9,"By extending its rolled-up ears
and striking the ground, it can
bound so high it surprises itself."
427,22,9,"By extending its rolled-up ears
and striking the ground, it can
bound so high it surprises itself."
427,23,1,"いつも まるめている みみを
いきおいよく のばすと おおきな
いわも かんたんに こわせる。"
427,23,3,"항상 말고 있는 귀를
힘껏 늘리면 커다란
바위도 간단히 부순다."
427,23,5,"Ses oreilles repliées se déroulent avec une force
capable de briser un gros rocher."
427,23,6,"Seine Ohren sind immer aufgerollt. Mit ihnen kann
es selbst große Felsbrocken zertrümmern."
427,23,7,"Lleva las orejas enrolladas. Cuando las extiende,
golpea con tal fuerza que incluso puede romper rocas."
427,23,8,"Le sue orecchie sono sempre arrotolate. Può
estenderle con forza per distruggere qualsiasi cosa."
427,23,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully
extended to shatter even a large boulder."
427,23,11,"いつも まるめている 耳を
勢いよく 伸ばすと 大きな
岩も 簡単に 壊せる。"
427,24,1,"きけんを かんじとると りょうみみを
たてて けいかいする。さむい よるは
けがわに かおを うずめて ねむる。"
427,24,3,"위험을 느끼면 양쪽 귀를
세워서 경계한다. 추운 밤에는
털에 얼굴을 묻고 잠잔다."
427,24,5,"Il dresse les oreilles quand il sent un danger.
Il dort la tête dans sa fourrure pendant les nuits
427,24,6,"Nimmt es Gefahr wahr, richtet es seine Ohren auf.
In kalten Nächten vergräbt es den Kopf in seinem Fell."
427,24,7,"Cuando siente peligro, levanta las orejas. En noches
frías, duerme con la cabeza metida en el pelaje."
427,24,8,"Drizza le orecchie quando avverte un pericolo. Nelle
notti fredde, dorme con la testa nella pelliccia."
427,24,9,"When it senses danger, it perks up its ears.
On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into
its fur."
427,24,11,"危険を 感じ取ると 両耳を 立てて
警戒する。寒い 夜は
毛皮に 顔を 埋めて 眠る。"
427,25,1,"いつも まるめている みみを
いきおいよく のばすと おおきな
いわも かんたんに こわせる。"
427,25,3,"항상 말고 있는 귀를
힘껏 늘리면 커다란
바위도 간단히 부순다."
427,25,5,"Ses oreilles repliées se déroulent avec une force capable de
briser un gros rocher."
427,25,6,"Seine Ohren sind immer aufgerollt. Mit ihnen kann es selbst
große Felsbrocken zertrümmern."
427,25,7,"Lleva las orejas enrolladas. Cuando las extiende, golpea con
tal fuerza que incluso puede romper rocas."
427,25,8,"Le sue orecchie sono sempre arrotolate. Può estenderle
con forza per distruggere qualsiasi cosa."
427,25,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully
extended to shatter even a large boulder."
427,25,11,"いつも まるめている 耳を
勢いよく 伸ばすと 大きな
岩も 簡単に 壊せる。"
427,26,1,"きけんを かんじとると りょうみみを
たてて けいかいする。さむい よるは
けがわに かおを うずめて ねむる。"
427,26,3,"위험을 느끼면 양쪽 귀를
세워서 경계한다. 추운 밤에는
털에 얼굴을 묻고 잠잔다."
427,26,5,"Il dresse les oreilles quand il sent un danger. Il dort la tête
dans sa fourrure pendant les nuits froides."
427,26,6,"Nimmt es Gefahr wahr, richtet es seine Ohren auf.
In kalten Nächten vergräbt es den Kopf in seinem Fell."
427,26,7,"Cuando siente peligro, levanta las orejas. En noches frías,
duerme con la cabeza metida en el pelaje."
427,26,8,"Drizza le orecchie quando avverte un pericolo. Nelle notti
fredde, dorme con la testa nella pelliccia."
427,26,9,"When it senses danger, it perks up its ears.
On cold nights, it sleeps with its head tucked into
its fur."
427,26,11,"危険を 感じ取ると 両耳を 立てて
警戒する。寒い 夜は
毛皮に 顔を 埋めて 眠る。"
427,29,1,"てあしのちからは よわいが ぎゅっと
まるめたみみを おもいきり のばすと
おおきないわも こなごなに くだく。"
427,29,3,"손발의 힘은 약하지만, 단단하게
만 귀를 힘껏 뻗으면
큰 바위도 산산조각 낸다."
427,29,5,"Il possède peu de force dans ses membres,
mais il lui suffit de déplier son oreille comme
un ressort pour réduire un rocher en poussière."
427,29,6,"Seine Gliedmaßen sind schwach, doch wenn es
seine aufgerollten Ohren mit geballter Kraft
hervorschnellen lässt, pulverisiert es jeden Fels."
427,29,7,"Si bien sus extremidades pecan de débiles, si
enrolla las orejas y luego las extiende, puede
hacer añicos incluso rocas bien grandes."
427,29,8,"I suoi arti sono deboli, ma la sua forza è altrove:
se estende di colpo lorecchio arrotolato, può
sbriciolare persino un macigno."
427,29,9,"Its arms and legs are weak, but when it rolls its
ears up tight and then unleashes them with its
full force, it can smash boulders to dust."
427,29,11,"手足の力は 弱いが ぎゅっと
丸めた耳を おもいきり のばすと
大きな岩も 粉々に 砕く。"
427,30,1,"かたほうの みみを いつも まるめて
いるのは てきに おそわれた とき
すぐに はんげきする ためだ。"
427,30,3,"한쪽 귀를 항상 말고 있는 것은
적에게 공격당했을 때
바로 반격하기 위해서다."
427,30,5,"Sil a toujours une oreille repliée, cest pour être
à même de contre-attaquer dès quun ennemi
tente de sen prendre à lui."
427,30,6,"Eines seiner Ohren ist stets aufgerollt, damit es
im Falle eines gegnerischen Angriffs jederzeit
zurückschlagen kann."
427,30,7,"Siempre tiene una de las orejas enrollada para
poder contraatacar de inmediato si un enemigo
lanza su ofensiva."
427,30,8,"Tiene un orecchio sempre arrotolato per poter
contrattaccare prontamente se un nemico lo
prende di mira."
427,30,9,"The reason it keeps one ear rolled up is so it
can launch a swift counterattack if its attacked
by an enemy."
427,30,11,"片方の 耳を いつも 丸めて
いるのは 敵に 襲われた とき
すぐに 反撃する ためだ。"
427,33,1,"さゆうの みみを まるめているときは
からだや こころの ふちょうが
げんいんなので ケアが ひつよう。"
427,33,3,"양쪽 귀를 말고 있을 때는
몸이나 마음이 좋지 않다는 뜻이므로
관리가 필요하다."
427,33,5,"Quand ses deux oreilles sont repliées, cest
signe quil ne se sent pas bien physiquement
ou mentalement et quil a besoin de soins."
427,33,6,"Sind seine beiden Ohren aufgerollt, deutet das
darauf hin, dass es ihm körperlich oder psychisch
nicht gut geht und es Zuwendung braucht."
427,33,7,"Cuando enrolla ambas orejas, es señal de que
tiene algún tipo de malestar físico o emocional
y necesita cuidados."
427,33,8,"Se arrotola entrambe le orecchie significa che è
afflitto da qualche disturbo fisico o emotivo.
È segno che bisogna prendersi cura di lui."
427,33,9,"If both of Bunearys ears are rolled up, something
is wrong with its body or mind. Its a sure sign the
Pokémon is in need of care."
427,33,11,"左右の 耳を 丸めているときは
体や 心の 不調が
原因なので ケアが 必要。"
427,34,1,"まるめた みみを のばす いきおいで
こうげきする わざは トレーニングを
するほど いりょくが ましていく。"
427,34,3,"말고 있던 귀를 뻗는 힘으로
공격하는 기술은 트레이닝을
할수록 위력이 커진다."
427,34,5,"Plus il sentraîne, plus les coups quil assène
en déroulant vigoureusement ses oreilles
gagnent en puissance."
427,34,6,"Es greift an, indem es seine Ohren aufrollt und
mit viel Schwung wieder entrollt. Durch Training
kann Haspiror die Kraft dieser Attacke steigern."
427,34,7,"Ataca estirando con un fuerte impulso las
orejas enrolladas. Cuanto más entrena esta
técnica, con más potencia la ejecuta."
427,34,8,"Attacca estendendo con impeto lorecchio
arrotolato. Più si allena, più la potenza
dei suoi attacchi aumenta."
427,34,9,"Buneary can attack by rolling up their ears and
then striking with the force created by unrolling
them. This attack becomes stronger with training."
427,34,11,"まるめた 耳を 伸ばす 勢いで
攻撃する 技は トレーニングを
するほど 威力が 増していく。"
428,12,9,"An extremely cautious Pokémon.
It cloaks its body with its fluffy
ear fur when it senses danger."
428,13,9,"It is very conscious of its looks
and never fails to groom its ears.
It runs with sprightly jumps."
428,14,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If
they are touched roughly, it kicks
with its graceful legs."
428,15,9,"It sheds its fur twice a year.
Its winter fur is soft and fluffy."
428,16,9,"It sheds its fur twice a year.
Its winter fur is soft and fluffy."
428,17,5,"Il est capable de décocher de
puissants coups de pied si on
touche à ses délicates oreilles."
428,17,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If
they are touched roughly, it kicks
with its graceful legs."
428,18,5,"Il est capable de décocher de
puissants coups de pied si on
touche à ses délicates oreilles."
428,18,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If
they are touched roughly, it kicks
with its graceful legs."
428,21,9,"Extremely cautious,
it quickly bounds off
when it senses danger."
428,22,9,"Extremely cautious,
it quickly bounds off
when it senses danger."
428,23,1,"けいかいしんが とても つよい。
きけんを かんじると かろやかに
とびはねて はしりさってしまう。"
428,23,3,"경계심이 아주 강하다.
위험을 감지하면 가뿐하게
뛰어올라 달아난다."
428,23,5,"Il détecte le moindre danger. Il file discrètement
par petits bonds rapides quand il se sent menacé."
428,23,6,"Es ist extrem vorsichtig. Wenn es Gefahr wittert,
macht es sich mit flinken Sprüngen aus dem Staub."
428,23,7,"Este Pokémon resulta muy precavido. Si siente peligro,
escapa corriendo a grandes saltos."
428,23,8,"È un Pokémon estremamente cauto. Se avverte
un pericolo, si dà subito alla fuga saltellando."
428,23,9,"Extremely cautious, it quickly bounds off
when it senses danger."
428,23,11,"警戒心が とても 強い。
危険を 感じると 軽やかに
飛び跳ねて 走り去ってしまう。"
428,24,1,"みみは とても デリケートらしく
やさしく ていねいに さわらないと
しなやかな あしで けられてしまう。"
428,24,3,"귀가 아주 민감한 부위이므로
상냥하고 정중하게 만지지 않으면
그 매끈한 다리에 차이게 된다."
428,24,5,"Il est capable de décocher de puissants coups de
pied si on touche à ses délicates oreilles."
428,24,6,"Es hat sehr empfindliche Ohren. Fasst man sie zu
rau an, wird es mit seinen grazilen Beinen zutreten."
428,24,7,"Sus orejas son muy delicadas. Si alguien las toca con
brusquedad, recibirá una espléndida patada."
428,24,8,"Ha delle orecchie molto delicate. Se le si tocca con
forza, scalcia con le sue graziose gambe."
428,24,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched
roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs."
428,24,11,"耳は とても デリケートらしく
優しく 丁寧に 触らないと
しなやかな 脚で けられてしまう。"
428,25,1,"けいかいしんが とても つよい。
きけんを かんじると かろやかに
とびはねて はしりさってしまう。"
428,25,3,"경계심이 아주 강하다.
위험을 감지하면 가뿐하게
뛰어올라 달아난다."
428,25,5,"Il détecte le moindre danger. Il file discrètement par petits
bonds rapides quand il se sent menacé."
428,25,6,"Es ist extrem vorsichtig. Wenn es Gefahr wittert, macht es sich
mit flinken Sprüngen aus dem Staub."
428,25,7,"Este Pokémon resulta muy precavido. Si siente peligro,
escapa corriendo a grandes saltos."
428,25,8,"È un Pokémon estremamente cauto. Se avverte un pericolo,
si dà subito alla fuga saltellando."
428,25,9,"Extremely cautious, it quickly bounds off when it
senses danger."
428,25,11,"警戒心が とても 強い。
危険を 感じると 軽やかに
飛び跳ねて 走り去ってしまう。"
428,26,1,"みみは とても デリケートらしく
やさしく ていねいに さわらないと
しなやかな あしで けられてしまう。"
428,26,3,"귀가 아주 민감한 부위이므로
상냥하고 정중하게 만지지 않으면
그 매끈한 다리에 차이게 된다."
428,26,5,"Il est capable de décocher de puissants coups de pied
si on touche à ses délicates oreilles."
428,26,6,"Es hat sehr empfindliche Ohren. Fasst man sie zu rau an,
wird es mit seinen grazilen Beinen zutreten."
428,26,7,"Sus orejas son muy delicadas. Si alguien las toca con
brusquedad, recibirá una espléndida patada."
428,26,8,"Ha delle orecchie molto delicate. Se le si tocca con forza,
scalcia con le sue graziose gambe."
428,26,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched
roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs."
428,26,11,"耳は とても デリケートらしく
優しく 丁寧に 触らないと
しなやかな 脚で けられてしまう。"
428,29,1,"ねんに 2かい けが はえかわる。
そのけを つかった マフラーや
ぼうしは とっても あたたかいぞ。"
428,29,3,"연 2회 털갈이를 한다.
그 털로 만든 머플러나
모자는 매우 따듯하다."
428,29,5,"Il mue deux fois par an. Les écharpes et
les chapeaux fabriqués à partir de ses poils
tiennent bien chaud."
428,29,6,"Es wechselt zweimal im Jahr seine Wolle. Daraus
lassen sich Schals oder Mützen herstellen, die
ihre Träger mollig warmhalten."
428,29,7,"Muda el pelo dos veces al año. Este se usa
en la confección de unos gorros y bufandas
que abrigan mucho."
428,29,8,"Cambia il pelo due volte lanno. Le sciarpe e
i berretti fatti con la lana che perde sono
molto caldi."
428,29,9,"Lopunny regrows its coat twice a year. Mufflers
and hats made from its fur are really warm."
428,29,11,"年に 2回 毛が 生えかわる。
その毛を 使った マフラーや
帽子は とっても あたたかいぞ。"
428,30,1,"けいかいしんが つよく たたかいは
このまないが しなやかな あしから
パワフルな キックを くりだすぞ。"
428,30,3,"경계심이 강하고 싸움은
좋아하지 않지만 유연한 다리로
파워풀한 킥을 날린다."
428,30,5,"Il est très vigilant et naime pas vraiment
se battre, mais gare aux coups de patte
dévastateurs quil peut décocher!"
428,30,6,"Ein sehr vorsichtiges Pokémon, das Kämpfe zu
vermeiden sucht. Mit seinen grazilen Beinen teilt
es kräftige Tritte aus."
428,30,7,"Es cauteloso y nada amante de los combates,
pero puede propinar potentes patadas si la
situación lo requiere."
428,30,8,"È cauto e rifugge la lotta, ma può sferrare
potenti calci con le sue gambe aggraziate."
428,30,9,"Its notably wary and has a dislike of fighting,
but at the same time, it can deliver powerful
kicks with its lithe legs."
428,30,11,"警戒心が 強く 戦いは
好まないが しなやかな 足から
パワフルな キックを 繰り出すぞ。"
428,33,1,"まわりの ようすを つねに きにして
きけんが およぶと はかいりょく
ばつぐんの キックを おみまいする。"
428,33,3,"주위 상황을 항상 신경 쓰고 있으며
위험이 닥치면 무시무시한 파괴력을
가진 킥을 날린다."
428,33,5,"Constamment sur le qui-vive, il donne
des coups de pied particulièrement
dévastateurs si une menace approche."
428,33,6,"Schlapor behält seine Umgebung stets im Auge.
Wenn Gefahr im Verzug ist, setzt es sich mit
vernichtenden Tritten zur Wehr."
428,33,7,"Está siempre atento a lo que ocurre a su
alrededor. Si advierte peligro, se defenderá
con patadas de potencia devastadora."
428,33,8,"Presta sempre attenzione allambiente
circostante e in caso di pericolo sfodera calci
di straordinaria potenza distruttiva."
428,33,9,"Lopunny is constantly monitoring its surroundings.
If danger approaches, this Pokémon responds
with superdestructive kicks."
428,33,11,"まわりの 様子を つねに 気にして
危険が およぶと 破壊力 抜群の
キックを おみまいする。"
428,34,1,"あつい きせつが おわると くうきを
たくさん ふくんだ たいもうに
はえかわり さむさに そなえる。"
428,34,3,"더운 계절이 끝나면 공기를
많이 머금은 털로 털갈이를 하여
추위에 대비한다."
428,34,5,"À la fin de la saison chaude, il mue et se recouvre
dune fourrure épaisse et légère pour se préparer
à affronter le froid hivernal."
428,34,6,"Ist die heiße Jahreszeit vorbei, wechselt sein Fell
zu einer Wollfaser, die viel Luft umschließt.
So schützt sich Schlapor gegen die Kälte."
428,34,7,"Cuando acaba la estación más tórrida, le crece
un nuevo pelaje muy mullido que lo prepara para
el frío."
428,34,8,"Terminata la stagione calda, si prepara allarrivo
del freddo coprendosi di una pelliccia soffice
e vaporosa."
428,34,9,"Once hot seasons are over, Lopunnys coat will
be replaced with fur that holds a lot of insulating
air in preparation for colder weather."
428,34,11,"暑い 季節が 終わると 空気を
たくさん 含んだ 体毛に
生え変わり 寒さに 備える。"
429,12,9,"Its cries sound like incantations.
Those hearing it are tormented
by headaches and hallucinations."
429,13,9,"It chants incantations. While they
usually torment targets, some
chants bring happiness."
429,14,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation.
It is said the cry may rarely be
imbued with happiness-giving power."
429,15,9,"Its cries sound like incantations
to torment the foe. It appears
where you least expect it."
429,16,9,"Its cries sound like incantations
to torment the foe. It appears
where you least expect it."
429,17,5,"Pareil à une incantation magique,
son cri nest que très rarement
source de joie."
429,17,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation.
It is said the cry may rarely be
imbued with happiness-giving power."
429,18,5,"Pareil à une incantation magique,
son cri nest que très rarement
source de joie."
429,18,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation.
It is said the cry may rarely be
imbued with happiness-giving power."
429,21,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation.
It is said the cry may rarely be
imbued with happiness-giving power."
429,22,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation.
It is said the cry may rarely be
imbued with happiness-giving power."
429,23,1,"じゅもんを となえる ポケモン。
あいてを くるしめるもの だけでなく
しあわせにする じゅもんも ある。"
429,23,3,"주문을 외는 포켓몬이다.
상대를 고통스럽게 하는 것뿐만
아니라 행복하게 하는 주문도 있다."
429,23,5,"Il psalmodie des incantations. Ce sont souvent
des malédictions, mais certaines apportent la joie."
429,23,6,"Es spricht Beschwörungen. Viele lösen Schmerzen
aus, manche aber bringen Glück."
429,23,7,"Recita cánticos. Algunos de ellos atormentan a sus
rivales, mientras que otros producen felicidad."
429,23,8,"Recita incantesimi che tormentano il nemico.
Tuttavia, alcune formule portano felicità."
429,23,9,"It chants incantations. While they usually torment
targets, some chants bring happiness."
429,23,11,"じゅもんを 唱える ポケモン。
相手を 苦しめるもの だけでなく
幸せにする じゅもんも ある。"
429,24,1,"じゅもんの ような あやしい
なきごえで あいてを くるしめる。
しんしゅつきぼつの ポケモン。"
429,24,3,"주문 같은 수상한
울음소리로 상대를 괴롭힌다.
신출귀몰하는 포켓몬이다."
429,24,5,"Un Pokémon insaisissable qui tourmente ses ennemis
avec son cri semblable à une incantation."
429,24,6,"Sein bizarrer, bannfluchartiger Ruf quält seine Gegner.
Es verschwindet so plötzlich, wie es auftaucht."
429,24,7,"Atormenta a sus rivales con gritos que parecen
conjuros. Aparece en ocasiones y lugares imprevistos."
429,24,8,"Tormenta i malcapitati con un verso simile a formule
magiche. Appare dovunque in qualsiasi momento."
429,24,9,"Its cries sound like incantations to torment the foe.
It appears where you least expect it."
429,24,11,"じゅもんの ような 怪しい 鳴き声で
相手を 苦しめる。
神出鬼没の ポケモン。"
429,25,1,"じゅもんを となえる ポケモン。
あいてを くるしめるもの だけでなく
しあわせにする じゅもんも ある。"
429,25,3,"주문을 외는 포켓몬이다.
상대를 고통스럽게 하는 것뿐만
아니라 행복하게 하는 주문도 있다."
429,25,5,"Il psalmodie des incantations. Ce sont souvent
des malédictions, mais certaines apportent la joie."
429,25,6,"Es spricht Beschwörungen. Viele lösen Schmerzen aus,
manche aber bringen Glück."
429,25,7,"Recita cánticos. Algunos de ellos atormentan a sus rivales,
mientras que otros producen felicidad."
429,25,8,"Recita incantesimi che tormentano il nemico. Tuttavia, alcune
formule portano felicità."
429,25,9,"It chants incantations. While they usually torment
targets, some chants bring happiness."
429,25,11,"じゅもんを 唱える ポケモン。
相手を 苦しめるもの だけでなく
幸せにする じゅもんも ある。"
429,26,1,"じゅもんの ような あやしい
なきごえで あいてを くるしめる。
しんしゅつきぼつの ポケモン。"
429,26,3,"주문 같은 수상한
울음소리로 상대를 괴롭힌다.
신출귀몰하는 포켓몬이다."
429,26,5,"Un Pokémon insaisissable qui tourmente ses ennemis avec
son cri semblable à une incantation."
429,26,6,"Sein bizarrer, bannfluchartiger Ruf quält seine Gegner.
Es verschwindet so plötzlich, wie es auftaucht."
429,26,7,"Atormenta a sus rivales con gritos que parecen conjuros.
Aparece en ocasiones y lugares imprevistos."
429,26,8,"Tormenta i malcapitati con un verso simile a formule magiche.
Appare dovunque in qualsiasi momento."
429,26,9,"Its cries sound like incantations to torment the foe.
It appears where you least expect it."
429,26,11,"じゅもんの ような 怪しい 鳴き声で
相手を 苦しめる。
神出鬼没の ポケモン。"
429,27,1,"どこからともなく あらわれ じゅもんを
つぶやき のろいを かけたり
おそろしい まぼろしを みせる。"
429,27,3,"예고 없이 나타나
주문을 외워 저주를 걸거나
무서운 환상을 보여준다."
429,27,5,"Un Pokémon aux pouvoirs terrifiants : il sort de
nulle part en maugréant des incantations et en
lançant des malédictions."
429,27,6,"Es erscheint aus dem Nichts, flüstert
Beschwörungen, spricht Flüche aus und
erzeugt furchteinflößende Trugbilder."
429,27,7,"Aparece de la nada sin previo aviso y lanza
conjuros por medio de cánticos. Quienes los
escuchan pueden sufrir terroríficas visiones."
429,27,8,"Appare dal nulla recitando formule magiche
che causano sventura o provocano spaventose
429,27,9,"It appears as if from nowhere—muttering
incantations, placing curses, and giving
people terrifying visions."
429,27,11,"どこからともなく 現れ 呪文を
つぶやき 呪いを かけたり
恐ろしい 幻を みせる。"
429,28,1,"こいの ねがいが かなう のろいを
かけることも あるので いのちがけで
ムウマージを さがすものも いる。"
429,28,3,"사랑의 소원을 이뤄주는 저주를
하는 일도 있어서 목숨을 걸고
무우마직을 찾는 자도 있다."
429,28,5,"Comme Magirêve aurait le pouvoir de réaliser
les souhaits des amoureux, certaines personnes
se lancent désespérément à sa poursuite."
429,28,6,"Manche Leute suchen verzweifelt nach einem
Traunmagil, weil es mit seinen Beschwörungen
Liebeswünsche in Erfüllung gehen lassen kann."
429,28,7,"Es capaz de lanzar hechizos y conjuros de
amor, por lo que hay gente totalmente
obsesionada con encontrar a un Mismagius."
429,28,8,"Conosce formule magiche e incantesimi
damore. Molti fanno della sua ricerca la loro
ragione di vita."
429,28,9,"Mismagius have been known to cast spells to
make people fall in love, so some people search
for this Pokémon as if their life depended on it."
429,28,11,"恋の 願いが かなう 呪いを
かけることも あるので 命懸けで
ムウマージを 探す者も いる。"
429,29,1,"たたりや のろいを ふりまくとして
おそれられて きた。 きまぐれに
ひとをたすける じゅもんも つかう。"
429,29,3,"닥치는 대로 재앙과 저주를 내려
두려움의 대상이었다. 변덕을 부려
사람을 돕는 주문도 사용하기도 한다."
429,29,5,"Redouté pour ses sortilèges et ses malédictions,
ce Pokémon peut néanmoins faire preuve de
bienveillance, si lenvie lui en prend."
429,29,6,"Es wird für seine Flüche und Beschwörungen
gefürchtet. Wenn ihm danach ist, spricht es
auch mal Bannsprüche, die Menschen helfen."
429,29,7,"Es temido por su afición a lanzar maldiciones y
conjuros a diestro y siniestro, pero a veces le
da por usar la magia para ayudar a alguien."
429,29,8,"È temuto perché lancia maledizioni e causa
sventure, ma a volte decide di usare i suoi
incantesimi per aiutare le persone."
429,29,9,"Feared for its wrath and the curses it spreads,
this Pokémon will also, on a whim, cast spells
that help people."
429,29,11,"祟りや 呪いを 振りまくとして
恐れられて きた。 気まぐれに
人を助ける 呪文も 使う。"
429,30,1,"のろいの ことばを つぶやいて
ひどい ずつうや おそろしい
まぼろしを みせて くるしめる。"
429,30,3,"저주의 말을 중얼거리며
심한 두통이나 무서운
환상을 보여 줘서 괴롭힌다."
429,30,5,"Il susurre des malédictions pour tourmenter
ses ennemis et leur infliger de terribles
migraines ou des hallucinations terrifiantes."
429,30,6,"Es verursacht schreckliche Qualen, indem es
Flüche flüstert, die schlimme Kopfschmerzen
und fürchterliche Halluzinationen auslösen."
429,30,7,"Murmura conjuros para atormentar al enemigo y
provocarle dolores de cabeza insoportables o
visiones terroríficas."
429,30,8,"Infligge tormenti al nemico recitando formule
malefiche che causano terribili emicranie o
provocano spaventose visioni."
429,30,9,"Its muttered curses can cause awful headaches
or terrifying visions that torment others."
429,30,11,"呪いの 言葉を つぶやいて
ひどい 頭痛や 恐ろしい
幻を 見せて 苦しめる。"
430,12,9,"Becoming active at night, it is
known to swarm with numerous
MURKROW in tow."
430,13,9,"It makes its MURKROW cronies
bring it food. It idles its time
away, grooming itself in its nest."
430,14,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many
MURKROW gather quickly. For this,
it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,15,9,"It is merciless by nature. It is said
that it never forgives the mistakes
of its MURKROW followers."
430,16,9,"It is merciless by nature. It is said
that it never forgives the mistakes
of its MURKROW followers."
430,17,5,"Son cri profond peut invoquer une
meute de Cornèbre. On lappelle
“le crieur de mauvais augure”."
430,17,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many
Murkrow gather quickly. For this,
it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,18,5,"Son cri profond peut invoquer une
meute de Cornèbre. On lappelle
“le crieur de mauvais augure”."
430,18,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many
Murkrow gather quickly. For this,
it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,21,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many
Murkrow gather quickly. For this,
it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,22,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many
Murkrow gather quickly. For this,
it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,23,1,"ドンカラスが ひくいこえで なくと
すぐさま ヤミカラスが あつまるため
よるをまねくもの とも いわれる。"
430,23,3,"돈크로우가 낮은 목소리로 울면
즉시 니로우가 모여들기에
밤을 부르는 자라고도 전해진다."
430,23,5,"Son cri profond peut invoquer une meute de
Cornèbre. On lappelle «le crieur de mauvais augure»."
430,23,6,"Sein tiefer Ruf lockt andere Kramurx herbei.
Man nennt es daher „Beschwörer der Nacht“."
430,23,7,"Si uno lanza un grito profundo, los demás acuden.
Por eso se le llama también Invocador de la Noche."
430,23,8,"Se emette un verso profondo, molti Murkrow
accorrono allistante. È detto “Evocatore della notte”."
430,23,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many Murkrow gather
quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,23,11,"ドンカラスが 低い声で 鳴くと
すぐさま ヤミカラスが 集まるため
夜を招くもの とも 言われる。"
430,24,1,"よるになると かつどうを はじめる。
たくさんの ヤミカラスを ひきつれ
むれを つくることで しられる。"
430,24,3,"밤이 되면 활동을 시작한다.
많은 니로우들을 거느리고
무리를 만든다고 알려져 있다."
430,24,5,"Ce Pokémon nocturne évolue en grandes volées
escortées par des Cornèbre."
430,24,6,"Ein nachtaktives Pokémon, das sich in Schwärmen
mit Kramurx durch die Nacht bewegt."
430,24,7,"Está activo por la noche y pulula arrastrando a
numerosos Murkrow."
430,24,8,"Diventa attivo di notte e lo si vede spesso in
compagnia di numerosi Murkrow."
430,24,9,"Becoming active at night, it is known to swarm with
numerous Murkrow in tow."
430,24,11,"夜になると 活動を はじめる。
たくさんの ヤミカラスを 引き連れ
群れを 作ることで 知られる。"
430,25,1,"ドンカラスが ひくいこえで なくと
すぐさま ヤミカラスが あつまるため
よるをまねくもの とも いわれる。"
430,25,3,"돈크로우가 낮은 목소리로 울면
즉시 니로우가 모여들기에
밤을 부르는 자라고도 전해진다."
430,25,5,"Son cri profond peut invoquer une meute de Cornèbre.
On lappelle «le crieur de mauvais augure»."
430,25,6,"Sein tiefer Ruf lockt andere Kramurx herbei. Man nennt es
daher „Beschwörer der Nacht“."
430,25,7,"Si uno lanza un grito profundo, los demás acuden. Por eso se
le llama también Invocador de la Noche."
430,25,8,"Se emette un verso profondo, molti Murkrow accorrono
allistante. È detto “Evocatore della notte”."
430,25,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many Murkrow gather
quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night.”"
430,25,11,"ドンカラスが 低い声で 鳴くと
すぐさま ヤミカラスが 集まるため
夜を招くもの とも 言われる。"
430,26,1,"よるになると かつどうを はじめる。
たくさんの ヤミカラスを ひきつれ
むれを つくることで しられる。"
430,26,3,"밤이 되면 활동을 시작한다.
많은 니로우들을 거느리고
무리를 만든다고 알려져 있다."
430,26,5,"Ce Pokémon nocturne évolue en grandes volées escortées
par des Cornèbre."
430,26,6,"Ein nachtaktives Pokémon, das sich in Schwärmen mit Kramurx
durch die Nacht bewegt."
430,26,7,"Está activo por la noche y pulula arrastrando a numerosos
430,26,8,"Diventa attivo di notte e lo si vede spesso in compagnia
di numerosi Murkrow."
430,26,9,"Becoming active at night, it is known to swarm with
numerous Murkrow in tow."
430,26,11,"夜になると 活動を はじめる。
たくさんの ヤミカラスを 引き連れ
群れを 作ることで 知られる。"
430,27,1,"やこうせい。 ひとこえ なけば
100ぴきを こえる こぶんの
ヤミカラスが しゅうけつする。"
430,27,3,"야행성이다. 한번 울면
100마리를 넘는 부하
니로우가 집결한다."
430,27,5,"Un seul des puissants croassements de ce
Pokémon nocturne lui permet de rassembler
une centaine de Cornèbre, ses sous-fifres."
430,27,6,"Dieses nachtaktive Pokémon kann mit einem
einzigen Ruf über 100 seiner untergebenen
Kramurx versammeln."
430,27,7,"Es un Pokémon nocturno. Con un solo grito
puede hacer que acudan más de cien de sus
leales Murkrow."
430,27,8,"È un Pokémon notturno. Basta un suo solo
verso per far accorrere allistante centinaia di
Murkrow suoi seguaci."
430,27,9,"A single cry from this nocturnal Pokémon, and
more than a hundred of its Murkrow cronies
will assemble."
430,27,11,"夜行性。 一声 鳴けば
100匹を 超える 子分の
ヤミカラスが 集結する。"
430,28,1,"えものを とるのを しっぱいしたり
うらぎった こぶんの ヤミカラスを
どこまでも おいつめ しょぶんする。"
430,28,3,"먹이를 잡는 데 실패하거나
배신한 부하 니로우를
끝까지 추적해서 처리한다."
430,28,5,"Si lun de ses sous-fifres Cornèbre a le malheur
de le décevoir ou déchouer dans sa mission, le
Corboss le pourchassera sans le moindre répit."
430,28,6,"Untergebene Kramurx, die beim Beutefang
versagen und Kramshef damit enttäuschen, jagt
es bis ans Ende der Welt, um sie zu bestrafen."
430,28,7,"Si alguno de sus leales Murkrow fracasa en
conseguirle una presa o se la guarda para sí,
lo perseguirá sin descanso para castigarle."
430,28,8,"Se uno dei Murkrow suoi seguaci non riesce
a catturare la preda o tradisce la sua fiducia,
Honchkrow lo insegue ovunque per punirlo."
430,28,9,"If its Murkrow cronies fail to catch food for it,
or if it feels they have betrayed it, it will hunt
them down wherever they are and punish them."
430,28,11,"獲物を 捕るのを 失敗したり
裏切った 子分の ヤミカラスを
どこまでも 追い詰め 処分する。"
430,29,1,"しっぱいしたり うらぎった こぶんは
ぜったいに ゆるさない。 むれの
ちつじょを まもるため やむないのだ。"
430,29,3,"실패하거나 배신한 부하는
절대 용서하지 않는다. 무리의
질서를 지키기 위해 어쩔 수 없다."
430,29,5,"Il ne pardonne jamais la trahison ou la défaite
dun subordonné. Le bien-être de lensemble
de la volée en dépend."
430,29,6,"Für Untergebene, die versagen oder es verraten,
hat es keine Gnade übrig. Das ist nötig, um die
Disziplin in der Gruppe aufrechtzuerhalten."
430,29,7,"No perdona el más mínimo error ni la traición de
sus subordinados. Este estricto código es para
preservar la integridad de su bandada."
430,29,8,"Non perdona niente ai suoi seguaci, dai
tradimenti ai più piccoli errori. Non cè altro
modo per mantenere la disciplina nel gruppo."
430,29,9,"It will absolutely not forgive failure from or
betrayal by its goons. It has no choice in this
if it wants to maintain the order of the flock."
430,29,11,"失敗したり 裏切った 子分は
絶対に 許さない。 群れの
秩序を 守るため やむないのだ。"
430,30,1,"てきと たたかうのは ほぼ こぶん。
じぶんの てを よごすのは あいてに
さいごの とどめを さすときだけ。"
430,30,3,"적과 싸우는 것은 거의 부하다.
자신의 손을 더럽히는 것은 상대에게
마지막 일격을 가할 때뿐이다."
430,30,5,"Ses sous-fifres font le sale boulot pour lui.
Il nintervient en combat que pour donner
le coup de grâce à son ennemi."
430,30,6,"Das Kämpfen überlässt es größtenteils seinen
Untergebenen. Es macht sich nur die Flügel
schmutzig, um dem Gegner den Rest zu geben."
430,30,7,"Delega el combate en sus leales súbditos y solo
se involucra cuando llega la hora de asestarle el
golpe de gracia al enemigo."
430,30,8,"Lascia che siano i suoi seguaci a lottare contro
il nemico e si scomoda solo per assestare
il colpo di grazia."
430,30,9,"Its goons take care of most of the fighting for it.
The only time it dirties its own hands is in
delivering a final blow to finish off an opponent."
430,30,11,"敵と 戦うのは ほぼ 子分。
自分の 手を 汚すのは 相手に
最後の 止めを 刺すときだけ。"
431,12,9,"It claws if displeased and purrs
when affectionate. Its fickleness
is very popular among some."
431,13,9,"With its sharp glare, it puts
foes in a mild hypnotic state.
It is a very fickle Pokémon."
431,14,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of
hooking its claws into the nose of
its Trainer if it isnt fed."
431,15,9,"When its happy, GLAMEOW
demonstrates beautiful movements
of its tail, like a dancing ribbon."
431,16,9,"When its happy, GLAMEOW
demonstrates beautiful movements
of its tail, like a dancing ribbon."
431,17,5,"Il a tendance à planter ses griffes
dans le nez de son Dresseur sil
na pas été nourri à temps."
431,17,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of
hooking its claws into the nose of
its Trainer if it isnt fed."
431,18,5,"Il a tendance à planter ses griffes
dans le nez de son Dresseur sil
na pas été nourri à temps."
431,18,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of
hooking its claws into the nose of
its Trainer if it isnt fed."
431,21,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of
hooking its claws into the nose of
its Trainer if it isnt fed."
431,22,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of
hooking its claws into the nose of
its Trainer if it isnt fed."
431,23,1,"きにいらないと ツメを たてるが
たまに のどを ならして あまえる
せいかくが いちぶに だいにんきだ。"
431,23,3,"마음에 안 들면 발톱을 세우지만
가끔 울음소리로 응석을 부리는
성격이 일부에게 매우 인기가 있다."
431,23,5,"Il griffe quand il est en colère et ronronne quand
il est heureux. Certains aiment ce côté lunatique."
431,23,6,"Es schlägt mit Krallen zu oder schnurrt,
je nachdem, ob es gerade wütend oder zutraulich ist."
431,23,7,"Araña cuando está enfadado y ronronea cuando está
cariñoso. Su imprevisibilidad es famosa."
431,23,8,"Se disturbato, tira fuori gli artigli; se soddisfatto,
fa le fusa. La sua incostanza piace a molti."
431,23,9,"It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate.
Its fickleness is very popular among some."
431,23,11,"気に入らないと ツメを 立てるが
たまに のどを 鳴らして
甘える 性格が 一部に 大人気だ。"
431,24,1,"ごきげんな ニャルマーは しっぽで
しんたいそうの リボンの ような
うつくしい うごきを みせる。"
431,24,3,"기분이 좋은 나옹마는 꼬리로
리듬 체조의 리본처럼
아름다운 움직임을 보인다."
431,24,5,"Lorsquil est heureux, sa queue décrit des arabesques
comme un ruban de gymnastique rythmique."
431,24,6,"Je nach Laune lässt es seinen Schweif anmutig
wirbeln, ganz wie das Band eines Sportgymnasten."
431,24,7,"Dependiendo de su humor, mueve grácilmente su
cola, que se asemeja a un lazo de gimnasia rítmica."
431,24,8,"Il lunatico Glameow fa sinuosi movimenti di coda
che ricordano i nastri della ginnastica artistica."
431,24,9,"When its happy, Glameow demonstrates beautiful
movements of its tail, like a dancing ribbon."
431,24,11,"ご機嫌な ニャルマーは 尻尾で
新体操の リボンのような
美しい 動きを 見せる。"
431,25,1,"きにいらないと ツメを たてるが
たまに のどを ならして あまえる
せいかくが いちぶに だいにんきだ。"
431,25,3,"마음에 안 들면 발톱을 세우지만
가끔 울음소리로 응석을 부리는
성격이 일부에게 매우 인기가 있다."
431,25,5,"Il griffe quand il est en colère et ronronne quand
il est heureux. Certains aiment ce côté lunatique."
431,25,6,"Es schlägt mit Krallen zu oder schnurrt, je nachdem,
ob es gerade wütend oder zutraulich ist."
431,25,7,"Araña cuando está enfadado y ronronea cuando está cariñoso.
Su imprevisibilidad es famosa."
431,25,8,"Se disturbato, tira fuori gli artigli; se soddisfatto, fa le fusa.
La sua incostanza piace a molti."
431,25,9,"It claws if displeased and purrs when affectionate.
Its fickleness is very popular among some."
431,25,11,"気に入らないと ツメを 立てるが
たまに のどを 鳴らして
甘える 性格が 一部に 大人気だ。"
431,26,1,"ごきげんな ニャルマーは しっぽで
しんたいそうの リボンの ような
うつくしい うごきを みせる。"
431,26,3,"기분이 좋은 나옹마는 꼬리로
리듬 체조의 리본처럼
아름다운 움직임을 보인다."
431,26,5,"Lorsquil est heureux, sa queue décrit des arabesques
comme un ruban de gymnastique rythmique."
431,26,6,"Je nach Laune lässt es seinen Schweif anmutig wirbeln,
ganz wie das Band eines Sportgymnasten."
431,26,7,"Dependiendo de su humor, mueve grácilmente su cola, que
se asemeja a un lazo de gimnasia rítmica."
431,26,8,"Il lunatico Glameow fa sinuosi movimenti di coda che ricordano
i nastri della ginnastica artistica."
431,26,9,"When its happy, Glameow demonstrates beautiful
movements of its tail, like a dancing ribbon."
431,26,11,"ご機嫌な ニャルマーは 尻尾で
新体操の リボンのような
美しい 動きを 見せる。"
432,12,9,"It is a brazen brute that barges
its way into another Pokémons
nest and claims it as its own."
432,13,9,"To make itself appear intimidatingly
beefy, it tightly cinches its waist
with its twin tails."
432,14,9,"It binds its body with its tails to
make itself look bigger. If it locks
eyes, it will glare ceaselessly."
432,15,9,"It would claim another Pokémons
nest as its own if it finds a nest
sufficiently comfortable."
432,16,9,"It would claim another Pokémons
nest as its own if it finds a nest
sufficiently comfortable."
432,17,5,"Il plaque ses queues contre son
dos pour paraître plus grand.
Il soutient un regard des heures."
432,17,9,"It binds its body with its tails to
make itself look bigger. If it locks
eyes, it will glare ceaselessly."
432,18,5,"Il plaque ses queues contre son
dos pour paraître plus grand.
Il soutient un regard des heures."
432,18,9,"It binds its body with its tails to
make itself look bigger. If it locks
eyes, it will glare ceaselessly."
432,21,9,"It binds its body with its tails to
make itself look bigger. If it locks
eyes, it will glare ceaselessly."
432,22,9,"It binds its body with its tails to
make itself look bigger. If it locks
eyes, it will glare ceaselessly."
432,23,1,"ほかの ポケモンの すみかでも
いごこちが よければ いすわって
じぶんの すみかに してしまう。"
432,23,3,"다른 포켓몬의 거처라 할지라도
편안하면 눌러앉아
자신의 거처로 삼아버린다."
432,23,5,"Il nhésitera pas à voler le nid dautres Pokémon et
à sy installer si celui-ci est confortable."
432,23,6,"Behagt ihm die Behausung eines anderen Pokémon,
bleibt Shnurgarst einfach da und nistet sich dort ein."
432,23,7,"Si se siente a gusto, no tiene ningún reparo en
apropiarse de las moradas de otros Pokémon."
432,23,8,"Si introduce sfacciatamente nelle tane degli altri
Pokémon rivendicandole poi come proprie."
432,23,9,"It would claim another Pokémons nest as its own
if it finds a nest sufficiently comfortable."
432,23,11,"ほかの ポケモンの 住処でも
居心地が 良ければ 居座って
自分の 住処に してしまう。"
432,24,1,"からだを おおきく みせて あいてを
いあつするため ふたまたの しっぽで
ウエストを ぎゅっと しぼっている。"
432,24,3,"몸을 크게 보여서 상대를
위압하기 위해 두 갈래의 꼬리로
허리를 꼭 쥐고 있다."
432,24,5,"Il ceinture sa taille de sa queue bifide pour paraître
plus imposant."
432,24,6,"Damit es bedrohlicher und größer aussieht, umschlingt
es seine Taille fest mit seinem Schwanz."
432,24,7,"Para intimidar y parecer más corpulento, se aprieta la
cintura con su cola bífida."
432,24,8,"Si stringe la vita con la coda biforcuta per apparire
più imponente e minaccioso."
432,24,9,"To make itself appear intimidatingly beefy, it tightly
cinches its waist with its twin tails."
432,24,11,"体を 大きく 見せて 相手を
威圧するため ふたまたの 尻尾で
ウエストを ぎゅっと 絞っている。"
432,25,1,"ほかの ポケモンの すみかでも
いごこちが よければ いすわって
じぶんの すみかに してしまう。"
432,25,3,"다른 포켓몬의 거처라 할지라도
편안하면 눌러앉아
자신의 거처로 삼아버린다."
432,25,5,"Il nhésitera pas à voler le nid dautres Pokémon et
à sy installer si celui-ci est confortable."
432,25,6,"Behagt ihm die Behausung eines anderen Pokémon,
bleibt Shnurgarst einfach da und nistet sich dort ein."
432,25,7,"Si se siente a gusto, no tiene ningún reparo en apropiarse de
las moradas de otros Pokémon."
432,25,8,"Si introduce sfacciatamente nelle tane degli altri Pokémon
rivendicandole poi come proprie."
432,25,9,"It would claim another Pokémons nest as its own
if it finds a nest sufficiently comfortable."
432,25,11,"ほかの ポケモンの 住処でも
居心地が 良ければ 居座って
自分の 住処に してしまう。"
432,26,1,"からだを おおきく みせて あいてを
いあつするため ふたまたの しっぽで
ウエストを ぎゅっと しぼっている。"
432,26,3,"몸을 크게 보여서 상대를
위압하기 위해 두 갈래의 꼬리로
허리를 꼭 쥐고 있다."
432,26,5,"Il ceinture sa taille de sa queue bifide pour paraître
plus imposant."
432,26,6,"Damit es bedrohlicher und größer aussieht, umschlingt es
seine Taille fest mit seinem Schwanz."
432,26,7,"Para intimidar y parecer más corpulento, se aprieta la cintura
con su cola bífida."
432,26,8,"Si stringe la vita con la coda biforcuta per apparire più
imponente e minaccioso."
432,26,9,"To make itself appear intimidatingly beefy, it tightly
cinches its waist with its twin tails."
432,26,11,"体を 大きく 見せて 相手を
威圧するため ふたまたの 尻尾で
ウエストを ぎゅっと 絞っている。"
433,12,9,"It emits cries by agitating an orb
at the back of its throat.
It moves with flouncing hops."
433,13,9,"Each time it hops, it makes a
ringing sound. It deafens foes by
emitting high-frequency cries."
433,14,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth.
When it hops, the orb bounces all
over and makes a ringing sound."
433,15,9,"It emits high-frequency cries that 
people cant hear. Once it starts,
it can cry for an awfully long time. "
433,16,9,"It emits high-frequency cries that 
people cant hear. Once it starts,
it can cry for an awfully long time. "
433,17,5,"Quand il sautille, lorbe quil a
dans la bouche sagite et tinte
comme une cloche."
433,17,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth.
When it hops, the orb bounces all
over and makes a ringing sound."
433,18,5,"Quand il sautille, lorbe quil a
dans la bouche sagite et tinte
comme une cloche."
433,18,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth.
When it hops, the orb bounces all
over and makes a ringing sound."
433,21,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth.
When it hops, the orb bounces all
over and makes a ringing sound."
433,22,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth.
When it hops, the orb bounces all
over and makes a ringing sound."
433,23,1,"はねるたび リリンと おとを だす。
たかい しゅうはすうの なきごえで
あいての みみを きこえなくする。"
433,23,3,"뛸 때마다 딸랑딸랑 소리를 낸다.
높은 주파수의 울음소리로
상대의 귀를 들리지 않게 한다."
433,23,5,"Il produit un bruit de sonnerie à chaque bond.
Il assourdit lennemi avec ses cris à haute fréquence."
433,23,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn es hüpft, entsteht ein klingender
Laut. Seine hohen Schreie machen die Gegner taub."
433,23,7,"Emite un tintineo cada vez que salta. Ensordece a sus
rivales con sonidos de alta frecuencia."
433,23,8,"A ogni salto produce un suono che sembra uno
squillo. I suoi versi ad alta frequenza assordano
i nemici."
433,23,9,"Each time it hops, it makes a ringing sound.
It deafens foes by emitting high-frequency cries."
433,23,11,"跳ねるたびに リリンと 音を 出す。
高い 周波数の 鳴き声で
相手の 耳を 聞こえなくする。"
433,24,1,"とびはねると くちのなかにある
たまが あちこちに はんしゃして
すずのような ねいろと なる。"
433,24,3,"뛰어오르면 입안에 있는
구슬이 사방에 반사되어
방울 같은 음색을 만들어 낸다."
433,24,5,"Quand il sautille, lorbe quil a dans la bouche sagite
et tinte comme une cloche."
433,24,6,"In seinem Maul befindet sich eine Kugel, die beim
Hopsen ein klingelndes Geräusch erzeugt."
433,24,7,"Tiene una esfera en la boca. Cuando salta, la esfera
rebota y emite un tintineo."
433,24,8,"Ha una sfera nella gola. Quando saltella, la sfera si
muove emettendo dei trilli."
433,24,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth. When it hops,
the orb bounces all over and makes a
ringing sound."
433,24,11,"飛び跳ねると 口の中にある
玉が あちこちに 反射して
鈴のような 音色と なる。"
433,25,1,"はねるたび リリンと おとを だす。
たかい しゅうはすうの なきごえで
あいての みみを きこえなくする。"
433,25,3,"뛸 때마다 딸랑딸랑 소리를 낸다.
높은 주파수의 울음소리로
상대의 귀를 들리지 않게 한다."
433,25,5,"Il produit un bruit de sonnerie à chaque bond. Il assourdit
lennemi avec ses cris à haute fréquence."
433,25,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn es hüpft, entsteht ein klingender Laut.
Seine hohen Schreie machen die Gegner taub."
433,25,7,"Emite un tintineo cada vez que salta. Ensordece a sus rivales
con sonidos de alta frecuencia."
433,25,8,"A ogni salto produce un suono che sembra uno squillo.
I suoi versi ad alta frequenza assordano i nemici."
433,25,9,"Each time it hops, it makes a ringing sound.
It deafens foes by emitting high-frequency cries."
433,25,11,"跳ねるたびに リリンと 音を 出す。
高い 周波数の 鳴き声で
相手の 耳を 聞こえなくする。"
433,26,1,"とびはねると くちのなかにある
たまが あちこちに はんしゃして
すずのような ねいろと なる。"
433,26,3,"뛰어오르면 입안에 있는
구슬이 사방에 반사되어
방울 같은 음색을 만들어 낸다."
433,26,5,"Quand il sautille, lorbe quil a dans la bouche sagite et tinte
comme une cloche."
433,26,6,"In seinem Maul befindet sich eine Kugel, die beim Hopsen
ein klingelndes Geräusch erzeugt."
433,26,7,"Tiene una esfera en la boca. Cuando salta, la esfera rebota y
emite un tintineo."
433,26,8,"Ha una sfera nella gola. Quando saltella, la sfera si muove
emettendo dei trilli."
433,26,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth. When it hops,
the orb bounces all over and makes a
ringing sound."
433,26,11,"飛び跳ねると 口の中にある
玉が あちこちに 反射して
鈴のような 音色と なる。"
434,12,9,"It protects itself by spraying a
noxious fluid from its rear. The
stench lingers for 24 hours."
434,13,9,"It sprays a nose-curling,
stinky fluid from its rear to
repel attackers."
434,14,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its
rear. Its stench spreads over a
mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,15,9,"The foul fluid from its rear is so
revolting that it can make people feel
queasy up to a mile and a quarter away."
434,16,9,"The foul fluid from its rear is so
revolting that it can make people feel
queasy up to a mile and a quarter away."
434,17,5,"Son derrière propulse un fluide
nauséabond qui peut faire fuir les
Pokémon dans un rayon de 2 km."
434,17,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its
rear. Its stench spreads over a
mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,18,5,"Son derrière propulse un fluide
nauséabond qui peut faire fuir les
Pokémon dans un rayon de 2 km."
434,18,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its
rear. Its stench spreads over a
mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,21,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its
rear. Its stench spreads over a
mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,22,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its
rear. Its stench spreads over a
mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,23,1,"おしりからとばす くさい しるの
においは はんけい2キロに ひろがり
まわりの ポケモンは いなくなる。"
434,23,3,"엉덩이에서 뿜어지는 역한 분비액의
냄새는 범위 2km까지 멀리 퍼져
주변의 포켓몬이 자리를 뜨게 한다."
434,23,5,"Son derrière propulse un fluide nauséabond qui peut
faire fuir les Pokémon dans un rayon de 2 km."
434,23,6,"Versprüht eine Substanz aus seinem Hinterleib,
die in einem großen Radius andere Pokémon fernhält."
434,23,7,"Expulsa un fluido maloliente por sus cuartos traseros.
El hedor repele Pokémon en un radio de 2 km."
434,23,8,"Emette un fluido puzzolente dal posteriore. Il tanfo
si sparge per 2 km e tiene lontani i Pokémon."
434,23,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench
spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,23,11,"お尻から飛ばす くさい 汁の
においは 半径2キロに 広がり
まわりの ポケモンは いなくなる。"
434,24,1,"おしりから きょうれつに くさい
えきたいを とばして みを まもる。
においは 24じかん きえない。"
434,24,3,"엉덩이에서 강렬한 구린내의
액체를 날려서 몸을 지킨다.
냄새가 24시간 사라지지 않는다."
434,24,5,"Il se protège en expulsant un fluide nocif par son
derrière. La puanteur dure 24 heures."
434,24,6,"Um sich zu schützen, versprüht es eine Substanz
aus seinem Hinterleib, die 24 Stunden stinkt."
434,24,7,"Se protege expulsando un fluido nocivo por su parte
trasera. El hedor dura 24 horas."
434,24,8,"Si protegge spruzzando un fluido puzzolente dal
posteriore. Il tanfo permane per 24 ore."
434,24,9,"It protects itself by spraying a noxious fluid from its
rear. The stench lingers for 24 hours."
434,24,11,"お尻から 強烈に くさい 液体を
飛ばして 身を 守る。
においは 24時間 消えない。"
434,25,1,"おしりからとばす くさい しるの
においは はんけい2キロに ひろがり
まわりの ポケモンは いなくなる。"
434,25,3,"엉덩이에서 뿜어지는 역한 분비액의
냄새는 반경 2km까지 멀리 퍼져
주변의 포켓몬이 자리를 뜨게 한다."
434,25,5,"Son derrière propulse un fluide nauséabond qui peut faire fuir
les Pokémon dans un rayon de 2 km."
434,25,6,"Versprüht eine Substanz aus seinem Hinterleib, die in einem
großen Radius andere Pokémon fernhält."
434,25,7,"Expulsa un fluido maloliente por sus cuartos traseros. El hedor
repele Pokémon en un radio de 2 km."
434,25,8,"Emette un fluido puzzolente dal posteriore. Il tanfo si sparge
per 2 km e tiene lontani i Pokémon."
434,25,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench
spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away."
434,25,11,"お尻から飛ばす くさい 汁の
においは 半径2キロに 広がり
まわりの ポケモンは いなくなる。"
434,26,1,"おしりから きょうれつに くさい
えきたいを とばして みを まもる。
においは 24じかん きえない。"
434,26,3,"엉덩이에서 강렬한 구린내의
액체를 날려서 몸을 지킨다.
냄새가 24시간 사라지지 않는다."
434,26,5,"Il se protège en expulsant un fluide nocif par son derrière.
La puanteur dure 24 heures."
434,26,6,"Um sich zu schützen, versprüht es eine Substanz aus seinem
Hinterleib, die 24 Stunden stinkt."
434,26,7,"Se protege expulsando un fluido nocivo por su parte trasera.
El hedor dura 24 horas."
434,26,8,"Si protegge spruzzando un fluido puzzolente dal posteriore.
Il tanfo permane per 24 ore."
434,26,9,"It protects itself by spraying a noxious fluid from its
rear. The stench lingers for 24 hours."
434,26,11,"お尻から 強烈に くさい 液体を
飛ばして 身を 守る。
においは 24時間 消えない。"
434,33,1,"おしりから あいての かお めがけて
ものすごく くさい しるを とばす。
しるは 5メートルさきまで とどく。"
434,33,3,"엉덩이를 상대의 얼굴에 겨냥해서
엄청나게 역한 분비액을 뿜는다.
분비액은 5m 떨어진 곳까지 닿는다."
434,33,5,"Il propulse un liquide extrêmement nauséabond
au visage de son adversaire depuis son derrière.
Il peut atteindre une cible à cinq mètres."
434,33,6,"Aus seinem Hinterleib sprüht es Gegnern eine
fürchterlich stinkende Flüssigkeit ins Gesicht.
Dabei hat es eine Reichweite von bis zu 5 m."
434,33,7,"Expulsa un líquido de olor nauseabundo por sus
cuartos traseros con el que puede acertar a su
enemigo en el rostro a 5 m de distancia."
434,33,8,"Spruzza un fluido puzzolente dal posteriore
mirando al muso dellavversario. Lo spruzzo
può arrivare fino 5 m di distanza."
434,33,9,"From its rear, it sprays a foul-smelling liquid at
opponents. It aims for their faces, and it can hit
them from over 16 feet away."
434,33,11,"おしりから 相手の 顔を めがけて
ものすごく 臭い 汁を 飛ばす。
汁は 5メートル先まで とどく。"
434,34,1,"しっぽを あげて おしりを むけたら
ようちゅうい。 きぜつ するほど
くさい しるを とばす まえぶれ。"
434,34,3,"꼬리를 들고 엉덩이를 돌리면
주의해야 한다. 기절할 정도로
악취 나는 분비액을 날릴 전조인 것이다."
434,34,5,"Sil lève la queue, cest quil sapprête à projeter
un liquide tellement nauséabond quil peut faire
perdre connaissance."
434,34,6,"Dreht es einem den Hinterleib zu und hebt seinen
Schweif, versprüht es kurz darauf eine Flüssigkeit,
die so sehr stinkt, dass sie einem die Sinne raubt."
434,34,7,"Si levanta la cola y apunta los cuartos traseros,
es señal de que se dispone a expulsar un líquido
cuyo hedor llega a provocar desmayos."
434,34,8,"Se mostra il posteriore alzando la coda, bisogna
fare attenzione: sta per spruzzare un fluido così
maleodorante da far perdere i sensi."
434,34,9,"If it lifts its tail and points its rear at you, beware.
Its about to spray you with a fluid stinky enough
to make you faint."
434,34,11,"尻尾を あげて お尻を 向けたら
要注意。 気絶 するほど
臭い 汁を 飛ばす 前触れ。"
435,12,9,"It sprays a vile-smelling fluid
from the tip of its tail to attack.
Its range is over 160 feet."
435,13,9,"It sprays a stinky fluid from its
tail. The fluid smells worse the
longer it is allowed to fester."
435,14,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly
smelly fluid from the tip of its tail.
Attacks from above confound it."
435,15,9,"It attacks by spraying a repugnant
fluid from its tail, but the stench
dulls after a few squirts."
435,16,9,"It attacks by spraying a repugnant
fluid from its tail, but the stench
dulls after a few squirts."
435,17,5,"Il attaque en projetant un liquide
fétide du bout de sa queue. Mieux
vaut lattaquer par les airs."
435,17,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly
smelly fluid from the tip of its tail.
Attacks from above confound it."
435,18,5,"Il attaque en projetant un liquide
fétide du bout de sa queue. Mieux
vaut lattaquer par les airs."
435,18,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly
smelly fluid from the tip of its tail.
Attacks from above confound it."
435,21,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly
smelly fluid from the tip of its tail.
Attacks from above confound it."
435,22,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly
smelly fluid from the tip of its tail.
Attacks from above confound it."
435,23,1,"しっぽの さきから ひどい においの
えきたいを とばして こうげきする。
ひきょりは 50メートルいじょう。"
435,23,3,"꼬리 끝에서 심한 냄새가 나는
액체를 뿌려 공격한다.
사정거리는 50m 이상이다."
435,23,5,"Il attaque en projetant un liquide fétide du bout de
sa queue. Il peut tirer à 50 m."
435,23,6,"Über seine Schweifspitze versprüht es eine
übelriechende Substanz. Die Reichweite liegt
bei über 50 m."
435,23,7,"Para atacar, emite un fluido maloliente por la punta de
su cola que puede llegar a más de 50 m."
435,23,8,"Attacca spruzzando un fluido puzzolente dalla
coda. Ha un raggio dazione di oltre 50 m."
435,23,9,"It sprays a vile-smelling fluid from the tip of its tail
to attack. Its range is over 160 feet."
435,23,11,"尻尾の 先から ひどい においの
液体を 飛ばして 攻撃する。
飛距離は 50メートル以上。"
435,24,1,"しっぽから くさい しるを とばす。
おなかで じゅくせいさせる じかんが
ながいほど においが ひどくなる。"
435,24,3,"꼬리에서 역한 분비액을 날린다.
배에서 숙성된 시간이
길수록 냄새가 심해진다."
435,24,5,"Sa queue projette un fluide puant. Plus on le laisse
sécouler et plus son odeur est insoutenable."
435,24,6,"Es spritzt eine stinkende Substanz aus seinem Schweif.
Hat sie lange gegärt, stinkt sie stärker."
435,24,7,"Emite un fluido apestoso por la cola. Cuanto más
tiempo pasa, peor huele."
435,24,8,"Spruzza un fluido puzzolente dalla coda. Questodore
diventa insopportabile se fatto suppurare."
435,24,9,"It sprays a stinky fluid from its tail. The fluid smells
worse the longer it is allowed to fester."
435,24,11,"尻尾から くさい 汁を 飛ばす。
お腹で 熟成させる 時間が
長いほど においが ひどくなる。"
435,25,1,"しっぽの さきから ひどい においの
えきたいを とばして こうげきする。
ひきょりは 50メートルいじょう。"
435,25,3,"꼬리 끝에서 심한 냄새가 나는
액체를 뿌려 공격한다.
사정거리는 50m 이상이다."
435,25,5,"Il attaque en projetant un liquide fétide du bout de sa queue.
Il peut tirer à 50 m."
435,25,6,"Über seine Schweifspitze versprüht es eine übelriechende
Substanz. Die Reichweite liegt bei über 50 m."
435,25,7,"Para atacar, emite un fluido maloliente por la punta de su cola
que puede llegar a más de 50 m."
435,25,8,"Attacca spruzzando un fluido puzzolente dalla coda. Ha un
raggio dazione di oltre 50 m."
435,25,9,"It sprays a vile-smelling fluid from the tip of its tail
to attack. Its range is over 160 feet."
435,25,11,"尻尾の 先から ひどい においの
液体を 飛ばして 攻撃する。
飛距離は 50メートル以上。"
435,26,1,"しっぽから くさい しるを とばす。
おなかで じゅくせいさせる じかんが
ながいほど においが ひどくなる。"
435,26,3,"꼬리에서 역한 분비액을 날린다.
배에서 숙성된 시간이
길수록 냄새가 심해진다."
435,26,5,"Sa queue projette un fluide puant. Plus on le laisse sécouler
et plus son odeur est insoutenable."
435,26,6,"Es spritzt eine stinkende Substanz aus seinem Schweif.
Hat sie lange gegärt, stinkt sie stärker."
435,26,7,"Emite un fluido apestoso por la cola. Cuanto más tiempo lo
tiene fermentando en las tripas, peor huele."
435,26,8,"Spruzza un fluido puzzolente dalla coda. Questodore diventa
insopportabile se fatto suppurare."
435,26,9,"It sprays a stinky fluid from its tail. The fluid smells
worse the longer it is allowed to fester."
435,26,11,"尻尾から くさい 汁を 飛ばす。
お腹で 熟成させる 時間が
長いほど においが ひどくなる。"
435,33,1,"おなかに ためこんだ くさい しるを
しっぽから とばして たたかう。
においは たべたもので かわるのだ。"
435,33,3,"배 안에 모아둔 역한 분비액을
꼬리에서 뿜어서 싸운다.
냄새는 먹은 것에 따라 달라진다."
435,33,5,"Il se bat en projetant avec sa queue un liquide
nauséabond quil stocke dans son ventre.
Lodeur varie selon ce quil mange."
435,33,6,"In seinem Magen speichert es eine stinkende
Flüssigkeit, die es im Kampf aus seinem Schweif
sprüht. Ihr Geruch hängt von seiner Nahrung ab."
435,33,7,"Ataca expulsando por la cola un fluido apestoso
que almacena en el vientre y cuyo hedor es
distinto en función de su dieta."
435,33,8,"Lotta spruzzando dalla coda il liquido puzzolente
accumulato nel ventre. Lodore cambia a
seconda del cibo di cui si è nutrito."
435,33,9,"In its belly, it reserves stinky fluid that it shoots
from its tail during battle. As this Pokémons diet
varies, so does the stench of its fluid."
435,33,11,"お腹に 溜めこんだ 臭い 汁を
尻尾から 飛ばして 戦う。
においは 食べ物で 変わるのだ。"
435,34,1,"しっぽの さきから とばす しるの
においは きょうれつ。 じめんに
あなを ほって すあなを つくる。"
435,34,3,"꼬리 끝에서 날리는 분비액의
냄새는 강렬하다.
땅에 구멍을 파서 굴을 만든다."
435,34,5,"Ce Pokémon, qui creuse son terrier dans le sol,
peut projeter un liquide à lodeur infecte avec
le bout de sa queue."
435,34,6,"Die Flüssigkeit, die es aus seinem Schweif sprüht,
hat einen sehr starken Geruch. Es errichtet seinen
Bau, indem es Löcher in den Boden gräbt."
435,34,7,"El fluido que expulsa por la punta de la cola
emana una hediondez insoportable. Construye
sus madrigueras cavando hoyos en la tierra."
435,34,8,"Il fluido che spruzza dalla punta della coda
ha un odore tremendo. Costruisce la tana
scavando un buco nel terreno."
435,34,9,"It digs holes in the ground to make its nest.
The stench of the fluid it lets fly from the tip
of its tail is extremely potent."
435,34,11,"尻尾の 先から 飛ばす 汁の
においは 強烈。 地面に
穴を 掘って 巣穴を つくる。"
436,12,9,"Implements shaped like it were
discovered in ancient tombs. It is
unknown if they are related."
436,13,9,"X-ray photos were taken to check
its body structure. Nothing
appeared, however."
436,14,9,"There are researchers who believe
this Pokémon reflected like a mirror
in the distant past."
436,15,9,"Ancient people believed that the
pattern on BRONZORs back
contained a mysterious power."
436,16,9,"Ancient people believed that the
pattern on BRONZORs back
contained a mysterious power."
436,17,5,"Certains scientifiques soutiennent
que ce Pokémon était jadis aussi
réfléchissant quun miroir."
436,17,9,"There are researchers who believe
this Pokémon reflected like a mirror
in the distant past."
436,18,5,"Certains scientifiques soutiennent
que ce Pokémon était jadis aussi
réfléchissant quun miroir."
436,18,9,"There are researchers who believe
this Pokémon reflected like a mirror
in the distant past."
436,21,9,"They are found in ancient tombs.
The patterns on their backs are
said to be imbued with mysterious power."
436,22,9,"They are found in ancient tombs.
The patterns on their backs are
said to be imbued with mysterious power."
436,23,1,"ドーミラーの せなかの もようには
しんぴてきな ちからが やどると
むかしの ひとたちは しんじていた。"
436,23,3,"동미러의 등 모양에는
신비한 힘이 깃들어 있다고
옛날 사람들은 믿고 있었다."
436,23,5,"Les gens croyaient autrefois que les motifs de
son dos renfermaient une puissance mystique."
436,23,6,"Früher glaubten die Menschen, dem Muster auf
seinem Rücken wohne eine mysteriöse Kraft inne."
436,23,7,"Antaño se creía que en los dibujos de su parte
posterior residía una fuerza misteriosa."
436,23,8,"Nellantichità si credeva che una forza misteriosa
dimorasse nei disegni sul dorso di Bronzor."
436,23,9,"Ancient people believed that the pattern on
Bronzors back contained a mysterious power."
436,23,11,"ドーミラーの 背中の 模様には
神秘的な 力が 宿ると
昔の 人たちは 信じていた。"
436,24,1,"ふるい おはかから ドーミラーに
そっくりな どうぐが ほりだされたが
かんけいは わかっていない。"
436,24,3,"고대 무덤에서 동미러와
똑 닮은 도구가 발굴되었지만
관계는 알 수 없다."
436,24,5,"Il rappelle des objets trouvés dans des sépultures
anciennes. Nul ne sait sils sont liés."
436,24,6,"Sein Körper sieht aus, als seien Teile davon
in alten Gräbern gefunden worden."
436,24,7,"Se descubrieron herramientas con su forma en tumbas
antiguas, pero se desconoce si tiene relación."
436,24,8,"Il suo aspetto ricorda alcuni oggetti ritrovati in
antiche tombe, ma non si sa se ci sia una relazione."
436,24,9,"Implements shaped like it were discovered in
ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related."
436,24,11,"古い お墓から ドーミラーに
そっくりな 道具が 掘り出されたが
関係は わかっていない。"
436,25,1,"ドーミラーの せなかの もようには
しんぴてきな ちからが やどると
むかしの ひとたちは しんじていた。"
436,25,3,"동미러의 등 모양에는
신비한 힘이 깃들어 있다고
옛날 사람들은 믿고 있었다."
436,25,5,"Les gens croyaient autrefois que les motifs de son dos
renfermaient une puissance mystique."
436,25,6,"Früher glaubten die Menschen, dem Muster auf seinem Rücken
wohne eine mysteriöse Kraft inne."
436,25,7,"Antaño se creía que en los dibujos de su parte posterior
residía una fuerza misteriosa."
436,25,8,"Nellantichità si credeva che una forza misteriosa dimorasse
nei disegni sul dorso di Bronzor."
436,25,9,"Ancient people believed that the pattern on
Bronzors back contained a mysterious power."
436,25,11,"ドーミラーの 背中の 模様には
神秘的な 力が 宿ると
昔の 人たちは 信じていた。"
436,26,1,"ふるい おはかから ドーミラーに
そっくりな どうぐが ほりだされたが
かんけいは わかっていない。"
436,26,3,"고대 무덤에서 동미러와
똑 닮은 도구가 발굴되었지만
관계는 알 수 없다."
436,26,5,"Il rappelle des objets trouvés dans des sépultures anciennes.
Nul ne sait sils sont liés."
436,26,6,"Sein Körper sieht aus, als seien Teile davon in alten Gräbern
gefunden worden."
436,26,7,"Se descubrieron herramientas con su forma en tumbas
antiguas, pero se desconoce si tiene relación."
436,26,8,"Il suo aspetto ricorda alcuni oggetti ritrovati in antiche tombe,
ma non si sa se ci sia una relazione."
436,26,9,"Implements shaped like it were discovered in
ancient tombs. It is unknown if they are related."
436,26,11,"古い お墓から ドーミラーに
そっくりな 道具が 掘り出されたが
関係は わかっていない。"
436,33,1,"ふるい いせきに あらわれる。
からだの もようは ガラルには
ない ぶんかの もので なぞ。"
436,33,3,"오래된 유적에 나타난다.
몸의 무늬는 가라르에 없는
낯선 문화의 것이라 수수께끼이다."
436,33,5,"Il apparaît dans les ruines. Les motifs qui ornent
son corps sont mystérieux, car ils appartiennent
à une culture étrangère à Galar."
436,33,6,"Es erscheint in alten Ruinen. Sein Muster ist ein
Rätsel, da es nicht aus einer in Galar
beheimateten Kultur stammt."
436,33,7,"Puede encontrarse en ruinas antiguas. El dibujo
que presenta en el cuerpo es un misterio, ya que
pertenece a una cultura ajena a Galar."
436,33,8,"Appare fra le rovine antiche. Il disegno sul suo
corpo è un mistero irrisolto, perché non ha niente
a che fare con la cultura originaria di Galar."
436,33,9,"It appears in ancient ruins. The pattern on its
body doesnt come from any culture in the
Galar region, so it remains shrouded in mystery."
436,33,11,"古い 遺跡に 現れる。
体の 模様は ガラルには
ない 文化の もので 謎。"
436,34,1,"みがけば ひかり しんじつを
うつしだすとも いわれるが
ドーミラーは とても イヤがる。"
436,34,3,"닦으면 빛이 나며 진실을
비춘다고 전해지지만
동미러는 닦이는 걸 매우 싫어한다."
436,34,5,"On raconte quil se met à briller et à refléter
la vérité quand on le polit, mais il a horreur
de cela."
436,34,6,"Es heißt, wenn man es poliert, spiegelt sich die
Wahrheit in ihm wider. Bronzel mag es jedoch
überhaupt nicht, poliert zu werden."
436,34,7,"Se dice que brilla y refleja la verdad al pulirlo,
aunque es algo que detesta."
436,34,8,"Si dice che si illumini e rifletta la verità se viene
lucidato, ma a Bronzor dà molto fastidio."
436,34,9,"Polishing Bronzor to a shine makes its surface
reflect the truth, according to common lore.
Be that as it may, Bronzor hates being polished."
436,34,11,"磨けば 光り 真実を
映しだすとも いわれるが
ドーミラーは とても 嫌がる。"
437,12,9,"One caused a news sensation when
it was dug up at a construction
site after a 2,000-year sleep."
437,13,9,"It can summon rain clouds.
People long ago revered it as the
bringer of plentiful harvests."
437,14,9,"It brought rains by opening portals
to another world. It was revered
as a bringer of plentiful harvests."
437,15,9,"Ancient people believed that
petitioning BRONZONG for rain
was the way to make crops grow."
437,16,9,"Ancient people believed that
petitioning BRONZONG for rain
was the way to make crops grow."
437,17,5,"Il apportait la pluie en créant un
portail vers une autre dimension.
Il était synonyme de bonne récolte."
437,17,9,"It brought rains by opening portals
to another world. It was revered
as a bringer of plentiful harvests."
437,18,5,"Il apportait la pluie en créant un
portail vers une autre dimension.
Il était synonyme de bonne récolte."
437,18,9,"It brought rains by opening portals
to another world. It was revered
as a bringer of plentiful harvests."
437,21,9,"In ages past, this Pokémon
was revered as a bringer of rain.
It was found buried in the ground."
437,22,9,"In ages past, this Pokémon
was revered as a bringer of rain.
It was found buried in the ground."
437,23,1,"あまぐもを よべる ポケモンとして
おおむかしから まつられていた。
ときどき じめんに うめられている。"
437,23,3,"비구름을 부르는 포켓몬으로
아주 옛날부터 떠받들어졌다.
가끔 땅에 묻혀 있다."
437,23,5,"Il a longtemps été célébré pour avoir apporté la pluie.
On le trouve parfois enterré dans le sol."
437,23,6,"Man verehrt sie schon seit Urzeiten als Regenmacher.
Manchmal findet man eines von ihnen
im Boden vergraben."
437,23,7,"Desde antaño se adora a este Pokémon para que
propicie lluvias abundantes. A veces se esconde bajo
437,23,8,"È stato venerato per secoli come Pokémon che porta
la pioggia. A volte lo si trova sepolto nel terreno."
437,23,9,"In ages past, this Pokémon was revered as a
bringer of rain. It was found buried in the ground."
437,23,11,"雨雲を 呼べる ポケモンとして
大昔から まつられていた。
ときどき 地面に 埋められている。"
437,24,1,"ドータクンに いのりを ささげると
あめが ふり さくもつを そだてると
こだいの ひとびとは しんじていた。"
437,24,3,"동탁군에게 소원을 빌면
비가 내려 농작물을 자라게 한다고
고대의 사람들은 믿고 있었다."
437,24,5,"On croyait autrefois que lui adresser des prières
faisait pleuvoir et assurait les récoltes."
437,24,6,"Früher verehrten die Menschen die Bronzong,
weil sie sich davon Regen oder gute Ernten erhofften."
437,24,7,"Antaño se creía que rezándole se conjuraba la lluvia
y se propiciaban las buenas cosechas."
437,24,8,"Anticamente si credeva Bronzong potesse essere
invocato per ottenere pioggia e buoni raccolti."
437,24,9,"Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong
for rain was the way to make crops grow."
437,24,11,"ドータクンに 祈りを ささげると
雨が 降り 作物を 育てると
古代の 人々は 信じていた。"
437,25,1,"あまぐもを よべる ポケモンとして
おおむかしから まつられていた。
ときどき じめんに うめられている。"
437,25,3,"비구름을 부르는 포켓몬으로
아주 옛날부터 떠받들어졌다.
가끔 땅에 묻혀 있다."
437,25,5,"Il a longtemps été célébré pour avoir apporté la pluie.
On le trouve parfois enterré dans le sol."
437,25,6,"Man verehrt sie schon seit Urzeiten als Regenmacher.
Manchmal findet man eines von ihnen im Boden vergraben."
437,25,7,"Desde antaño se adora a este Pokémon para que propicie
lluvias abundantes. A veces se esconde bajo tierra."
437,25,8,"È stato venerato per secoli come Pokémon che porta
la pioggia. A volte lo si trova sepolto nel terreno."
437,25,9,"In ages past, this Pokémon was revered as a
bringer of rain. It was found buried in the ground."
437,25,11,"雨雲を 呼べる ポケモンとして
大昔から まつられていた。
ときどき 地面に 埋められている。"
437,26,1,"ドータクンに いのりを ささげると
あめが ふり さくもつを そだてると
こだいの ひとびとは しんじていた。"
437,26,3,"동탁군에게 소원을 빌면
비가 내려 농작물을 자라게 한다고
고대의 사람들은 믿고 있었다."
437,26,5,"On croyait autrefois que lui adresser des prières faisait pleuvoir
et assurait les récoltes."
437,26,6,"Früher verehrten die Menschen die Bronzong, weil sie sich
davon Regen oder gute Ernten erhofften."
437,26,7,"Antaño se creía que rezándole se conjuraba la lluvia y se
propiciaban las buenas cosechas."
437,26,8,"Anticamente si credeva Bronzong potesse essere invocato
per ottenere pioggia e buoni raccolti."
437,26,9,"Ancient people believed that petitioning Bronzong
for rain was the way to make crops grow."
437,26,11,"ドータクンに 祈りを ささげると
雨が 降り 作物を 育てると
古代の 人々は 信じていた。"
437,33,1,"あまぐもをよぶ かみと いわれる。
おこらせると かねのねの ような
ぶきみな こえで いかくする。"
437,33,3,"비구름을 부르는 신이라 불린다.
화나게 하면 종소리를 닮은
불길한 소리로 위협한다."
437,33,5,"On dit quil appelle la pluie. Si on attise sa colère,
il se met à gronder en émettant un son lugubre
semblable à celui dune cloche."
437,33,6,"Man verehrt es als Regenmacher. Wird es wütend,
droht es mit einer unheimlichen Stimme, die wie
der Ton einer Glocke klingt."
437,33,7,"Antaño se lo consideraba una deidad que traía
las lluvias. Cuando se enfada, emite un sonido
lúgubre que recuerda al tañido de una campana."
437,33,8,"Si dice che sia una divinità portatrice di pioggia.
Se si arrabbia, emette un suono inquietante
e minaccioso simile a quello di una campana."
437,33,9,"Some believe it to be a deity that summons rain
clouds. When angered, it lets out a warning cry
that rings out like the tolling of a bell."
437,33,11,"雨雲を呼ぶ 神と いわれる。
怒らせると 鐘の音の ような
不気味な 声で 威嚇する。"
437,34,1,"からだのもよう から ほんらい
ガラルには いない ポケモンと
かんがえる がくしゃも おおい。"
437,34,3,"몸의 무늬 때문에 본래
가라르에는 없던 포켓몬이라고
생각하는 학자도 많다."
437,34,5,"De nombreux savants pensent que ce Pokémon
nest pas originaire de Galar à cause des motifs
qui ornent son corps."
437,34,6,"Wegen seinem Muster denken viele Forscher,
dass dieses Pokémon ursprünglich nicht aus Galar
437,34,7,"Basándose en los motivos de su cuerpo, muchos
eruditos creen que este Pokémon no es originario
de Galar."
437,34,8,"Per via dei disegni sul corpo, molti studiosi
ritengono che non sia un Pokémon originario
di Galar."
437,34,9,"Many scientists suspect that this Pokémon
originated outside the Galar region, based on
the patterns on its body."
437,34,11,"体の模様 から 本来
ガラルには いない ポケモンと
考える 学者も 多い。"
438,12,9,"It looks as if it is always crying.
It is actually adjusting its bodys
fluid levels by eliminating excess."
438,13,9,"It prefers arid environments. It
leaks water from its eyes to
adjust its bodys fluid levels."
438,14,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It
leaks water that looks like tears
when adjusting its moisture level."
438,15,9,"In order to adjust the level of fluids in
its body, it exudes water from its eyes.
This makes it appear to be crying."
438,16,9,"In order to adjust the level of fluids in
its body, it exudes water from its eyes.
This makes it appear to be crying."
438,17,5,"Adepte des climats secs, il régule
son humidité en laissant couler ce
qui ressemble à des larmes."
438,17,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It
leaks water that looks like tears
when adjusting its moisture level."
438,18,5,"Adepte des climats secs, il régule
son humidité en laissant couler ce
qui ressemble à des larmes."
438,18,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It
leaks water that looks like tears
when adjusting its moisture level."
438,21,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It
leaks water that looks like tears
when adjusting its moisture level."
438,22,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It
leaks water that looks like tears
when adjusting its moisture level."
438,23,1,"かんそうした ばしょを このむ。
め から みずを だして からだの
すいぶんを ちょうせつする。"
438,23,3,"건조한 장소를 좋아한다.
눈에서 물을 내어 몸의
수분을 조절한다."
438,23,5,"Il préfère les sols arides. Il évacue leau par ses yeux
pour réguler ses fluides corporels."
438,23,6,"Es bevorzugt trockene Gebiete. Es gibt über die Augen
Wasser ab, um den Wasserhaushalt zu regulieren."
438,23,7,"Prefiere entornos áridos. Sus ojos expulsan agua para
ajustar los niveles de fluido corporal."
438,23,8,"Preferisce le terre aride. Rilascia acqua dagli occhi
per regolare il livello dei suoi fluidi corporei."
438,23,9,"It prefers arid environments. It leaks water from its
eyes to adjust its bodys fluid levels."
438,23,11,"乾燥した 場所を 好む。
目から 水を 出して
体の 水分を 調節する。"
438,24,1,"かんそうした くうきを このむ。
すいぶんを ちょうせつ するときに
だす みずが なみだに みえる。"
438,24,3,"건조한 공기를 좋아한다.
수분을 조절할 때에 내는 물이
눈물처럼 보인다."
438,24,5,"Adepte des climats secs, il régule son humidité en
laissant couler ce qui ressemble à des larmes."
438,24,6,"Mag es trocken. Gleicht es seinen Wasserhaushalt aus,
entweicht ihm Wasser, das wie Tränen geformt ist."
438,24,7,"Prefiere entornos áridos. Sus ojos expulsan agua
para ajustar sus niveles de hidratación corporal."
438,24,8,"Ama i luoghi aridi. Quando regola lumidità del
corpo sembra che pianga."
438,24,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that
looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level."
438,24,11,"乾燥した 空気を 好む。
水分を 調節 するときに
出す 水が 涙に 見える。"
438,25,1,"かんそうした ばしょを このむ。
め から みずを だして からだの
すいぶんを ちょうせつする。"
438,25,3,"건조한 장소를 좋아한다.
눈에서 물을 내어 몸의
수분을 조절한다."
438,25,5,"Il préfère les sols arides. Il évacue leau par ses yeux
pour réguler ses fluides corporels."
438,25,6,"Es bevorzugt trockene Gebiete. Es gibt über die Augen
Wasser ab, um den Wasserhaushalt zu regulieren."
438,25,7,"Prefiere entornos áridos. Sus ojos expulsan agua para ajustar
los niveles de fluido corporal."
438,25,8,"Preferisce le terre aride. Rilascia acqua dagli occhi per
regolare il livello dei suoi fluidi corporei."
438,25,9,"It prefers arid environments. It leaks water from its
eyes to adjust its bodys fluid levels."
438,25,11,"乾燥した 場所を 好む。
目から 水を 出して
体の 水分を 調節する。"
438,26,1,"かんそうした くうきを このむ。
すいぶんを ちょうせつ するときに
だす みずが なみだに みえる。"
438,26,3,"건조한 공기를 좋아한다.
수분을 조절할 때에 내는 물이
눈물처럼 보인다."
438,26,5,"Adepte des climats secs, il régule son humidité en laissant
couler ce qui ressemble à des larmes."
438,26,6,"Mag es trocken. Gleicht es seinen Wasserhaushalt aus,
entweicht ihm Wasser, das wie Tränen geformt ist."
438,26,7,"Prefiere entornos áridos. Sus ojos expulsan agua para ajustar
sus niveles de hidratación corporal."
438,26,8,"Ama i luoghi aridi. Quando regola lumidità del corpo sembra
che pianga."
438,26,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that
looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level."
438,26,11,"乾燥した 空気を 好む。
水分を 調節 するときに
出す 水が 涙に 見える。"
438,27,1,"みずが にがてで かわいた ばしょに
すんでいる。 まわりに みどりが
すくないので よく めだつ。"
438,27,3,"물을 싫어해 건조한 장소에
살고 있다. 주변에는 녹색이
적어 눈에 잘 띈다."
438,27,5,"Comme il a horreur de leau, on le trouve surtout
dans les régions arides. Avec si peu de verdure
alentour, on le repère tout de suite."
438,27,6,"Es mag kein Wasser und lebt an trockenen
Orten. Da es in seiner Umgebung nur wenig
grüne Pflanzen gibt, sticht es deutlich heraus."
438,27,7,"No le gusta el agua, por lo que suele vivir en
lugares secos. Como hay poco verdor a su
alrededor, suele destacar mucho."
438,27,8,"Non ama lacqua e preferisce vivere in ambienti
aridi. Data la mancanza di vegetazione in questi
luoghi, individuarlo è molto facile."
438,27,9,"It does not deal well with water, so it lives in dry
locales. Since its surroundings tend to lack
greenery, it stands out noticeably."
438,27,11,"水が 苦手で 乾いた 場所に
棲んでいる。 周りに 緑が
少ないので よく 目立つ。"
438,28,1,"からだの よけいな すいぶんを めから
そとに だす。 その せいぶんは
にんげんの あせに にている。"
438,28,3,"몸에 불필요한 수분은 눈을
통해 밖으로 내보낸다. 그 성분은
인간의 땀과 비슷하다."
438,28,5,"Il se débarrasse des liquides superflus par ses
yeux. La composition chimique de ces liquides
ressemble à celle de la sueur humaine."
438,28,6,"Überschüssiges Wasser in seinem Körper
scheidet es über die Augen aus. Dieses ist
vergleichbar mit dem Schweiß des Menschen."
438,28,7,"Expulsa por los ojos el líquido corporal que le
sobra. La composición química de este líquido
se parece a la del sudor de los seres humanos."
438,28,8,"Espelle dagli occhi lumidità corporea in eccesso.
Si tratta di un fenomeno fisiologico simile alla
438,28,9,"From its eyes, it can expel excess moisture from
its body. This liquid is similar in composition to
human sweat."
438,28,11,"身体の 余計な 水分を 目から
外に 出す。 その 成分は
人間の 汗に 似ている。"
438,29,1,"ひとみから すいぶんを ほうしゅつ。
ないているように みえるので てきを
ゆだんさせる こうかも あるらしい。"
438,29,3,"눈동자에서 수분을 방출한다.
울고 있는 것처럼 보이기 때문에
적을 방심시키는 효과도 있는 듯하다."
438,29,5,"Il évacue tout surplus deau par les yeux.
Cela ressemble à une crise de larmes et
a parfois pour effet dattendrir ses ennemis."
438,29,6,"Es gibt über seine Pupillen Wasser ab, was den
Eindruck erweckt, es würde weinen. Bei seinen
Feinden führt das offenbar zu Unachtsamkeit."
438,29,7,"Expulsa agua por los ojos, lo que da la impresión
de que está llorando. Esto puede sorprender a
los enemigos y hacer que bajen la guardia."
438,29,8,"Espelle lumidità dagli occhi dando limpressione
che stia piangendo. I nemici che assistono a
questo fenomeno abbassano la guardia."
438,29,9,"It discharges moisture from its eyes, making it
look like its crying—apparently an effective way
of getting enemies to let down their guard."
438,29,11,"瞳から 水分を 放出。
泣いているように 見えるので 敵を
油断させる 効果も あるらしい。"
438,30,1,"あまり からだが しめりすぎると
しんでしまうので あせの ように
めから すいぶんを だしている。"
438,30,3,"너무 몸이 습해지면
죽어 버리기 때문에 땀처럼
눈에서 수분을 내보내고 있다."
438,30,5,"Absorber trop dhumidité peut mettre sa vie
en danger, cest pourquoi il «sue» tout excès
de liquide par les yeux."
438,30,6,"Da ein zu hoher Wasseranteil für seinen Körper
lebensbedrohlich werden kann, scheidet es
über die Augen Wasser aus wie Schweiß."
438,30,7,"Debido a que un exceso de humedad en su
cuerpo puede provocarle la muerte, expulsa
líquido por los ojos como si fuera sudor."
438,30,8,"Se il suo corpo è troppo umido, la sua vita è
in pericolo. Per questo espelle dagli occhi
lumidità corporea come se fosse sudore."
438,30,9,"If its body gets too damp, it will die. So, in a
process reminiscent of sweating, its eyes
expel moisture."
438,30,11,"あまり 身体が 湿りすぎると
死んでしまうので 汗の ように
目から 水分を 出している。"
438,33,1,"あせと なみだを めから ながす。
あせは ちょっぴり しょっぱくて
なみだは ほんのり にがい あじだ。"
438,33,3,"땀과 눈물이 모두 눈에서 나온다.
땀은 약간 짠맛이고
눈물은 살짝 씁쓸한 맛이다."
438,33,5,"Il évacue sa sueur et ses larmes par les yeux.
Sa sueur a un goût légèrement salé, tandis que
ses larmes ont un soupçon damertume."
438,33,6,"Es sondert sowohl Schweiß als auch Tränen über
seine Augen ab. Sein Schweiß schmeckt leicht
salzig, seine Tränen ein bisschen bitter."
438,33,7,"Expulsa sudor y lágrimas por los ojos. El sudor
es ligeramente salado y las lágrimas tienen un
leve regusto amargo."
438,33,8,"Dagli occhi espelle sudore e lacrime.
Il primo ha un gusto lievemente salato,
le seconde sono leggermente amare."
438,33,9,"It expels both sweat and tears from its eyes.
The sweat is a little salty, while the tears have
a slight bitterness."
438,33,11,"汗と 涙を 目から 流す。
汗は ちょっぴり しょっぱくて
涙は ほんのり 苦い 味だ。"
438,34,1,"かんそうした いわばに くらす。
みどりの たまは かわくほど
ツヤツヤと にぶく かがやく。"
438,34,3,"건조한 바위 밭에 산다.
초록색 구슬은 마를수록
반들반들 희미하게 빛난다."
438,34,5,"Il vit dans les zones rocheuses arides.
Quand ses boules vertes sont sèches,
elles se mettent à briller légèrement."
438,34,6,"Es lebt in trockenen Felsgebieten. Je trockener
seine grünen Kugeln sind, desto matter ist ihr
438,34,7,"Vive en entornos áridos y pedregosos. Cuanto
más se secan sus esferas verdes, más destaca
su sutil lustre."
438,34,8,"Vive in ambienti aridi e pietrosi. Quando sono
secche, le sue sfere verdi emettono un fioco
438,34,9,"This Pokémon lives in dry, rocky areas. As its
green spheres dry out, their dull luster increases."
438,34,11,"乾燥した 岩場に 暮らす。
緑の 玉は 乾くほど
ツヤツヤと 鈍く 輝く。"
439,12,9,"It habitually mimics foes. Once
mimicked, the foe cannot take its
eyes off this Pokémon."
439,13,9,"It likes places where people
gather. It mimics foes to confuse
them, then makes its getaway."
439,14,9,"It mimics the expressions and
motions of those it sees to
understand the feelings of others."
439,15,9,"In an attempt to confuse its enemy,
it mimics the enemys movements. Then
it wastes no time in making itself scarce!"
439,16,9,"In an attempt to confuse its enemy,
it mimics the enemys movements. Then
it wastes no time in making itself scarce!"
439,17,5,"Il imite les mouvements et les
expressions des autres pour
comprendre leurs sentiments."
439,17,9,"It mimics the expressions and
motions of those it sees to
understand the feelings of others."
439,18,5,"Il imite les mouvements et les
expressions des autres pour
comprendre leurs sentiments."
439,18,9,"It mimics the expressions and
motions of those it sees to
understand the feelings of others."
439,21,9,"It mimics the expressions and
motions of those it sees to
understand the feelings of others."
439,22,9,"It mimics the expressions and
motions of those it sees to
understand the feelings of others."
439,23,1,"あいての うごきを そっくりに
まねを して とまどわせている
あいだに さっさと にげるのだ。"
439,23,3,"상대의 움직임을 똑같이
흉내 내어 당황한
사이에 재빨리 도망친다."
439,23,5,"Il déstabilise ses ennemis en imitant leurs mouvements
et profite de leur stupeur pour décamper."
439,23,6,"Es ahmt seinen Gegner nach. Während dieser noch
verblüfft dreinsieht, macht es sich aus dem Staub."
439,23,7,"Desconcierta a sus rivales imitando sus movimientos a
la perfección y aprovecha para darse a la fuga."
439,23,8,"Imita i movimenti del nemico, approfittando del suo
momento di confusione per fuggire."
439,23,9,"In an attempt to confuse its enemy, it mimics the
enemys movements. Then it wastes no time in
making itself scarce!"
439,23,11,"相手の 動きを そっくりに
真似を して 戸惑わせている
あいだに さっさと 逃げるのだ。"
439,24,1,"あいての うごきを モノマネする
しゅうせい。まねを された あいては
めが はなせなくなる という。"
439,24,3,"상대의 움직임을 흉내 내는
습성이 있다. 모방을 당한 상대는
눈을 뗄 수 없게 된다고 한다."
439,24,5,"Il imite ses ennemis. Une fois imités, ils ne peuvent
plus quitter ce Pokémon des yeux."
439,24,6,"Es ahmt seinen Gegner nach. Der kann den Blick
danach nicht von ihm abwenden."
439,24,7,"Suele imitar a sus enemigos. Cuando lo hace, su rival
no puede apartar los ojos de él."
439,24,8,"Imita i movimenti dei nemici. Quando un nemico viene
imitato, non riesce più a distogliere lo sguardo da lui."
439,24,9,"It habitually mimics foes. Once mimicked, the foe
cannot take its eyes off this Pokémon."
439,24,11,"相手の 動きを モノマネする
習性。真似を された 相手は
目が 離せなくなる という。"
439,25,1,"あいての うごきを そっくりに
まねを して とまどわせている
あいだに さっさと にげるのだ。"
439,25,3,"상대의 움직임을 똑같이
흉내 내어 당황한
사이에 재빨리 도망친다."
439,25,5,"Il déstabilise ses ennemis en imitant leurs mouvements
et profite de leur stupeur pour décamper."
439,25,6,"Es ahmt seinen Gegner nach. Während dieser noch verblüfft
dreinsieht, macht es sich aus dem Staub."
439,25,7,"Desconcierta a sus rivales imitando sus movimientos a la
perfección y aprovecha para darse a la fuga."
439,25,8,"Imita i movimenti del nemico, approfittando del suo momento
di confusione per fuggire."
439,25,9,"In an attempt to confuse its enemy, it mimics the
enemys movements. Then it wastes no time in
making itself scarce!"
439,25,11,"相手の 動きを そっくりに
真似を して 戸惑わせている
あいだに さっさと 逃げるのだ。"
439,26,1,"あいての うごきを モノマネする
しゅうせい。まねを された あいては
めが はなせなくなる という。"
439,26,3,"상대의 움직임을 흉내 내는
습성이 있다. 모방을 당한 상대는
눈을 뗄 수 없게 된다고 한다."
439,26,5,"Il imite ses ennemis. Une fois imités, ils ne peuvent plus
quitter ce Pokémon des yeux."
439,26,6,"Es ahmt seinen Gegner nach. Der kann den Blick danach nicht
von ihm abwenden."
439,26,7,"Suele imitar a sus enemigos. Cuando lo hace, su rival no
puede apartar los ojos de él."
439,26,8,"Imita i movimenti dei nemici. Quando un nemico viene imitato,
non riesce più a distogliere lo sguardo da lui."
439,26,9,"It habitually mimics foes. Once mimicked, the foe
cannot take its eyes off this Pokémon."
439,26,11,"相手の 動きを モノマネする
習性。真似を された 相手は
目が 離せなくなる という。"
439,29,1,"あいての うごきや ひょうじょうを
いっしょうけんめいに まねる。
まだまだ うまいとは いえない。"
439,29,3,"상대의 움직임과 표정을
열심히 흉내 낸다.
아직 잘한다고는 할 수 없다."
439,29,5,"Il fait de son mieux pour imiter les gestes
et les expressions de ses adversaires,
mais il a encore des progrès à faire."
439,29,6,"Ahmt die Bewegungen und Gesichtsausdrücke
anderer so gut es kann nach. Leider lassen
seine Fähigkeiten noch zu wünschen übrig."
439,29,7,"Imita los movimientos y las expresiones de otros
tan bien como puede, aunque aún le queda
mucho por mejorar."
439,29,8,"Ce la mette tutta per imitare i movimenti e le
espressioni dellavversario, ma non è ancora
molto bravo."
439,29,9,"It does its absolute best to mimic the
movements and expressions of its opponents,
but its still not very good at it."
439,29,11,"相手の 動きや 表情を
一生懸命に 真似る。
まだまだ うまいとは いえない。"
439,30,1,"モノマネが とくい。 あいてが
おどろくと うれしくなって ついつい
まねしているのを わすれてしまう。"
439,30,3,"흉내내기가 특기다.
상대가 놀라면 기쁜 나머지
흉내 내고 있다는 사실을 잊어버린다."
439,30,5,"Quand un adversaire reste bouche bée face
à ses talents de mime, il est tellement content
quil en oublie de continuer sa performance."
439,30,6,"Andere nachzuahmen ist sein Steckenpferd.
Kann es sie damit verblüffen, freut es sich so
sehr, dass es sogar das Imitieren vergisst."
439,30,7,"Es un gran imitador. Cuando logra sorprender a
su adversario, la alegría le embarga de tal forma
que se olvida de continuar su actuación."
439,30,8,"Le imitazioni sono la sua specialità. Se riesce a
disorientare il nemico, la sua felicità è tale che
si interrompe nel bel mezzo della performance."
439,30,9,"When this gifted mimic surprises an opponent,
Mime Jr. feels so happy that it ends up
forgetting it was imitating something."
439,30,11,"モノマネが 得意。 相手が
驚くと 嬉しくなって ついつい
真似しているのを 忘れてしまう。"
439,33,1,"みるもの すべての マネを する。
バリコオルの かれいな ステップを
ひたすら マネして れんしゅうする。"
439,33,3,"보이는 모든 것을 흉내 낸다.
마임꽁꽁의 화려한 스텝을
끊임없이 흉내 내며 연습한다."
439,33,5,"Il mime tout ce quil voit, et sentraîne beaucoup
pour reproduire les pas de danse élégants
des M. Glaquette."
439,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon ahmt alles nach, was es sieht. Es
übt, indem es fleißig die herrlichen Tanzschritte
von Pantifrost imitiert."
439,33,7,"Imita todo lo que ve, especialmente los gráciles
pasos de baile de Mr. Rime, que practica con
gran tesón."
439,33,8,"Imita chiunque veda. Si esercita con costanza
imitando gli splendidi passi di danza di Mr. Rime."
439,33,9,"It mimics everyone it sees, but it puts extra
effort into copying the graceful dance steps
of Mr. Rime as practice."
439,33,11,"見るもの すべての 真似を する。
バリコオルの 華麗な ステップを
ひたすら 真似して 練習する。"
439,34,1,"ダンスの うまい バリコオルに
でしの ように つきしたがい
ステップを けんめいに マネする。"
439,34,3,"춤을 잘 추는 마임꽁꽁의
제자인 것마냥 따라다니며
스텝을 열심히 흉내 낸다."
439,34,5,"Il considère les meilleurs danseurs parmi
les M. Glaquette comme ses maîtres
et sévertue à mimer leurs mouvements."
439,34,6,"Es folgt dem talentierten Tänzer Pantifrost wie
ein Schüler und imitiert seine Schritte."
439,34,7,"Su admiración por Mr. Rime, un consumado
danzarín, lo lleva a seguirlo para aprender de él
e imitar con esmero sus pasos de baile."
439,34,8,"Considera Mr. Rime il proprio maestro
per le sue doti di ballerino, e ne imita
diligentemente i passi di danza."
439,34,9,"It looks for a Mr. Rime thats a good dancer
and carefully copies the Mr. Rimes steps
like an apprentice."
439,34,11,"ダンスの うまい バリコオルに
弟子の ように 付き従い
ステップを 懸命に 真似する。"
440,12,9,"It loves round white things.
It carries an egg-shaped rock in
imitation of CHANSEY."
440,13,9,"It carries a round, egg-shaped
rock in its belly pouch and gives
the rock to its friends."
440,14,9,"It likes to carry around a small
rock. It may wander around others
feet and cause them to stumble."
440,15,9,"It carefully carries a round, white rock
that it thinks is an egg. Its bothered
by how curly its hair looks."
440,16,9,"It carefully carries a round, white rock
that it thinks is an egg. Its bothered
by how curly its hair looks."
440,17,5,"Ce Pokémon ne se sépare jamais de
son petit caillou et a tendance à
traîner dans les pieds des gens."
440,17,9,"It likes to carry around a small
rock. It may wander around others
feet and cause them to stumble."
440,18,5,"Ce Pokémon ne se sépare jamais de
son petit caillou et a tendance à
traîner dans les pieds des gens."
440,18,9,"It likes to carry around a small
rock. It may wander around others
feet and cause them to stumble."
440,21,9,"It likes to carry around a small
rock. It may wander around others
feet and cause them to stumble."
440,22,9,"It likes to carry around a small
rock. It may wander around others
feet and cause them to stumble."
440,23,1,"タマゴに にた まんまるい いしを
おなかの ふくろに いれている。
すきな あいてに いしを わたす。"
440,23,3,"알을 닮은 둥근 돌을
배의 주머니에 넣고 있다.
좋아하는 상대에게 돌을 준다."
440,23,5,"Ptiravi transporte un caillou rond en forme dœuf dans
sa poche ventrale pour loffrir à ses amis."
440,23,6,"In seinem Beutel trägt es einen runden,
eiförmigen Stein, den es Freunden gibt."
440,23,7,"Les da a sus amigos una roca con forma de huevo que
transporta en la bolsa de su panza."
440,23,8,"Trasporta una roccia a forma di uovo nella sua
tasca ventrale e poi la offre ai suoi amici."
440,23,9,"It carries a round, egg-shaped rock in its belly
pouch and gives the rock to its friends."
440,23,11,"タマゴに 似た 真んまるい 石を
お腹の 袋に 入れている。
好きな 相手に 石を 渡す。"
440,24,1,"しろくて まるい いしを タマゴと
おもいこんで だいじに もっている。
まきげの かたちを きにしている。"
440,24,3,"하얗고 둥근 돌을 알이라고
생각하고는 소중히 가지고 있다.
말려 있는 머리 모양을 신경 쓰고 있다."
440,24,5,"Il prend soin de ses bouclettes et couve son caillou
comme si cétait son Œuf."
440,24,6,"Es hält den runden, weißen Stein für ein Ei
und kümmert sich um ihn. Es achtet sehr
auf seine Haarlocke."
440,24,7,"Cuida de una pequeña roca blanca y redonda
creyendo que es un huevo. Le gusta arreglarse
el tirabuzón."
440,24,8,"Trasporta con cura un sasso bianco e tondo
trattandolo come un uovo.
Adora il ricciolo che ha in testa."
440,24,9,"It carefully carries a round, white rock that it thinks
is an egg. Its bothered by how curly its hair looks."
440,24,11,"白くて まるい 石を タマゴと
思いこんで 大事に 持っている。
巻き毛の 形を 気にしている。"
440,25,1,"タマゴに にた まんまるい いしを
おなかの ふくろに いれている。
すきな あいてに いしを わたす。"
440,25,3,"알을 닮은 둥근 돌을
배의 주머니에 넣고 있다.
좋아하는 상대에게 돌을 준다."
440,25,5,"Ptiravi transporte un caillou rond en forme dœuf dans
sa poche ventrale pour loffrir à ses amis."
440,25,6,"In seinem Beutel trägt es einen runden, eiförmigen Stein,
den es Freunden gibt."
440,25,7,"Les da a sus amigos una roca con forma de huevo que
transporta en la bolsa de su panza."
440,25,8,"Trasporta una roccia a forma di uovo nella sua tasca ventrale
e poi la offre ai suoi amici."
440,25,9,"It carries a round, egg-shaped rock in its belly
pouch and gives the rock to its friends."
440,25,11,"タマゴに 似た 真んまるい 石を
お腹の 袋に 入れている。
好きな 相手に 石を 渡す。"
440,26,1,"しろくて まるい いしを タマゴと
おもいこんで だいじに もっている。
まきげの かたちを きにしている。"
440,26,3,"하얗고 둥근 돌을 알이라고
생각하고는 소중히 가지고 있다.
말려 있는 머리 모양을 신경 쓰고 있다."
440,26,5,"Il prend soin de ses bouclettes et couve son caillou comme
si cétait son Œuf."
440,26,6,"Es hält den runden, weißen Stein für ein Ei und kümmert sich
um ihn. Es achtet sehr auf seine Haarlocke."
440,26,7,"Cuida de una pequeña roca blanca y redonda creyendo que
es un huevo. Le gusta arreglarse el tirabuzón."
440,26,8,"Trasporta con cura un sasso bianco e tondo trattandolo
come un uovo. Adora il ricciolo che ha in testa."
440,26,9,"It carefully carries a round, white rock that it thinks
is an egg. Its bothered by how curly its hair looks."
440,26,11,"白くて まるい 石を タマゴと
思いこんで 大事に 持っている。
巻き毛の 形を 気にしている。"
440,27,1,"おなかの ふくろに しろくて まるい
いしを いれている。 なかよくなると
わけて くれることも あるよ。"
440,27,3,"배의 주머니에 하얗고 동그란
돌을 넣고 있다. 사이가 좋아지면
나누어 주는 일도 있다."
440,27,5,"Il transporte un petit caillou rond et blanc dans
sa poche ventrale. Il arrive même quil le donne
aux personnes quil aime bien."
440,27,6,"In seinem Beutel trägt es einen runden, weißen
Stein. Freundet man sich mit ihm an, kann es
vorkommen, dass man ihn geschenkt bekommt."
440,27,7,"En la bolsa de su panza transporta una roca
redonda y blanca. Cuando hace amigos puede
llegar a regalársela."
440,27,8,"Trasporta nella tasca ventrale una roccia
a forma di uovo, che a volte regala ai suoi amici."
440,27,9,"It carries a round white rock in its belly pouch.
If it gets along well with someone, it will
sometimes give that person the rock."
440,27,11,"お腹の 袋に 白くて 丸い
石を 入れている。 仲良くなると
わけて くれることも あるよ。"
440,28,1,"ちいさいので まだ タマゴを
うむことが できない。 かわりに
しろくて まるい いしを さがす。"
440,28,3,"작아서 아직 알을
낳을 수 없다. 대신에
하얗고 둥근 돌을 찾는다."
440,28,5,"Comme il est très jeune, il ne peut pas encore
pondre dœuf. À la place, il cherche un joli petit
caillou blanc, bien rond."
440,28,6,"Es ist noch zu jung, um Eier zu legen. Als Ersatz
sucht es nach runden, weißen Steinen."
440,28,7,"Como todavía no puede poner huevos, busca
rocas blancas y redondas en su lugar."
440,28,8,"Dato che è ancora piccolo e non può deporre
uova, cerca pietre bianche e tonde da usare
in sostituzione."
440,28,9,"Its too small to lay eggs yet. As a surrogate,
it searches out round white stones."
440,28,11,"小さいので まだ タマゴを
産むことが できない。 代わりに
白くて 丸い 石を 探す。"
440,29,1,"おとなしい ポケモンだが おなかの
まるい いしを とりあげると
ないて さわいで おおあばれ。"
440,29,3,"온순한 포켓몬이지만
배의 둥근 돌을 빼내면
울고불고 난폭해진다."
440,29,5,"Cest un Pokémon dun naturel calme. Quiconque
tente de semparer du caillou de sa poche
ventrale sexpose toutefois à un gros caprice."
440,29,6,"Eigentlich ein sehr braves Pokémon, das aber
fürchterlich weint und tobt, wenn man den
runden, weißen Stein aus seinem Beutel nimmt."
440,29,7,"Se trata de un Pokémon dócil y tranquilo, pero,
si le arrebatan la piedra redonda que lleva en la
bolsa de su panza, se pone a llorar y berrear."
440,29,8,"È un Pokémon docile, ma se si fa per togliergli
la pietra dalla tasca ventrale piange, strilla e
diventa una furia."
440,29,9,"Usually its a well-behaved Pokémon, but if you
take its round rock away, it will cry and fuss
and throw a big old tantrum."
440,29,11,"大人しい ポケモンだが お腹の
丸い 石を 取り上げると
泣いて 騒いで 大暴れ。"
440,30,1,"しろく まるいものを みると はらの
ふくろに しまう。 しまいすぎて
うごけなく なることも あるほど。"
440,30,3,"하얗고 둥근 것을 보면 배의
주머니에 넣는다. 너무 많이 넣어서
움직이지 못할 때도 있을 정도다."
440,30,5,"Dès quil repère un objet rond et blanc, il le
range dans sa poche ventrale. Il en ramasse
parfois tellement quil ne peut plus bouger."
440,30,6,"Findet es weiße, runde Steine, verstaut es sie in
seinem Beutel. Manchmal trägt es so viele davon
bei sich, dass es nicht mehr laufen kann."
440,30,7,"En cuanto ve cosas blancas y redondas, se las
guarda en la bolsa de su panza. A veces la llena
hasta tales extremos que no se puede ni mover."
440,30,8,"Quando vede un oggetto bianco e tondo lo mette
nella tasca ventrale. A volte ce ne mette così
tanti che finisce per non riuscire a muoversi."
440,30,9,"When it sees something round and white,
Happiny puts it into the pouch on its stomach. It
sometimes becomes overloaded and cant move."
440,30,11,"白く 丸いものを 見ると 腹の
袋に しまう。 しまいすぎて
動けなく なることも あるほど。"
440,33,1,"ラッキーの まねをして タマゴに
そっくりな まるい いしを おなかの
ふくろに いれて だいじにしている。"
440,33,3,"럭키를 흉내 내어 알처럼 생긴
둥근 돌을 배의 주머니에 넣고
소중히 보관한다."
440,33,5,"Pour imiter Leveinard, il conserve un caillou
en forme dœuf dans sa poche ventrale et
en prend grand soin."
440,33,6,"Es imitiert Chaneira und legt einen eiförmigen
Stein in den Beutel an seinem Bauch. Dieser Stein
ist sein größter Schatz."
440,33,7,"Lleva en la bolsa de su panza una roca con forma
de huevo que cuida con esmero, imitando a
440,33,8,"Imita Chansey trasportando con cura nella tasca
ventrale un sasso rotondo identico a un uovo."
440,33,9,"Mimicking Chansey, Happiny will place an egg-
shaped stone in its belly pouch. Happiny will
treasure this stone."
440,33,11,"ラッキーの 真似をして タマゴに
そっくりな まるい 石を お腹の
袋に 入れて 大事にしている。"
440,34,1,"なかよくなった あいてには だいじな
まるい いしを かしてあげる。
かえさないと なきだし おおあばれ。"
440,34,3,"친해진 상대에게는 소중하게 여기는
둥근 돌을 빌려준다. 돌려주지
않으면 울고불고하다가 난폭해진다."
440,34,5,"Il prête volontiers son caillou rond à ceux
quil apprécie, mais éclate en sanglots et
se met en colère si on ne le lui rend pas."
440,34,6,"Seinen kostbaren, runden Stein leiht Wonneira
nur denjenigen, die es mag. Bekommt es diesen
nicht zurück, tobt es und weint bitterlich."
440,34,7,"Les deja su preciada roca redonda a aquellos
con los que se lleva bien. Si no se la devuelven,
se echa a llorar, presa de una rabieta."
440,34,8,"Dà in prestito il suo amato sasso a chi considera
suo amico, ma se non gli viene restituito piange
e si scatena."
440,34,9,"Happinys willing to lend its precious round stone
to those its friendly with, but if the stone isnt
returned, Happiny will cry and throw a tantrum."
440,34,11,"仲良くなった 相手には 大事な
丸い 石を 貸してあげる。
返さないと 泣きだし 大暴れ。"
441,12,9,"It can learn and speak human
words. If they gather, they all
learn the same saying."
441,13,9,"It keeps rhythm by flicking its
tail feathers like a metronome.
It imitates human speech."
441,14,9,"Its tongue is just like a humans.
As a result, it can cleverly mimic
human speech."
441,15,9,"It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to
trick them into thinking its one of them.
This way they wont attack it."
441,16,9,"It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to
trick them into thinking its one of them.
This way they wont attack it."
441,17,5,"Sa langue comparable à celle
de lhomme lui permet dimiter
habilement le langage humain."
441,17,9,"Its tongue is just like a humans.
As a result, it can cleverly mimic
human speech."
441,18,5,"Sa langue comparable à celle
de lhomme lui permet dimiter
habilement le langage humain."
441,18,9,"Its tongue is just like a humans.
As a result, it can cleverly mimic
human speech."
441,21,9,"Its tongue is just like a humans.
As a result, it can cleverly mimic
human speech."
441,22,9,"Its tongue is just like a humans.
As a result, it can cleverly mimic
human speech."
441,23,1,"あいてと おなじ なきごえを だす
ことで なかまと おもいこませて
おそわれない ように しているのだ。"
441,23,3,"상대와 같은 울음소리를 내서
동료라고 굳게 믿게 하여
습격당하지 않도록 하고 있다."
441,23,5,"Il reproduit le cri de ses ennemis pour faire croire
quil est des leurs et éviter dêtre attaqué."
441,23,6,"Es versucht Attacken zu entgehen, indem es den Ruf
des Gegners nachahmt und einen Artgenossen mimt."
441,23,7,"Imita los sonidos de sus rivales, haciéndoles creer que
son amigos e impidiendo que le ataquen."
441,23,8,"Imita la voce dei nemici per far credere che è dei
loro, evitando così di essere assalito."
441,23,9,"It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them
into thinking its one of them. This way they wont
attack it."
441,23,11,"相手と 同じ 鳴き声を 出す ことで
仲間と 思いこませて
襲われないように しているのだ。"
441,24,1,"ひとの ことばを おぼえて なく。
なかまが いっかしょに あつまると
みんな おなじ ことばを おぼえる。"
441,24,3,"사람의 말을 기억해서 운다.
동료가 한 장소에 모이면
모두 똑같은 말을 기억한다."
441,24,5,"On peut lui enseigner quelques mots. Sil sagit
dun groupe, ils retiendront les mêmes phrases."
441,24,6,"Es kann die menschliche Sprache nachahmen.
Versammeln sie sich, bringen sich alle dasselbe bei."
441,24,7,"Puede imitar el lenguaje humano. Si se juntan
varios, todos aprenden las mismas palabras."
441,24,8,"Può imparare il linguaggio umano. Se un gruppo si
raduna, tutti imparano le stesse parole."
441,24,9,"It can learn and speak human words. If they gather,
they all learn the same saying."
441,24,11,"人の 言葉を 覚えて 鳴く。
仲間が 一か所に 集まると
みんな 同じ 言葉を 覚える。"
441,25,1,"あいてと おなじ なきごえを だす
ことで なかまと おもいこませて
おそわれない ように しているのだ。"
441,25,3,"상대와 같은 울음소리를 내서
동료라고 굳게 믿게 하여
습격당하지 않도록 하고 있다."
441,25,5,"Il reproduit le cri de ses ennemis pour faire croire quil est
des leurs et éviter dêtre attaqué."
441,25,6,"Es versucht Attacken zu entgehen, indem es den Ruf des
Gegners nachahmt und einen Artgenossen mimt."
441,25,7,"Imita los sonidos de sus rivales, haciéndoles creer que son
amigos e impidiendo que le ataquen."
441,25,8,"Imita la voce dei nemici per far credere che è dei loro,
evitando così di essere assalito."
441,25,9,"It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them
into thinking its one of them. This way they wont
attack it."
441,25,11,"相手と 同じ 鳴き声を 出す ことで
仲間と 思いこませて
襲われないように しているのだ。"
441,26,1,"ひとの ことばを おぼえて なく。
なかまが いっかしょに あつまると
みんな おなじ ことばを おぼえる。"
441,26,3,"사람의 말을 기억해서 운다.
동료가 한 장소에 모이면
모두 똑같은 말을 기억한다."
441,26,5,"On peut lui enseigner quelques mots. Sil sagit dun groupe,
ils retiendront les mêmes phrases."
441,26,6,"Es kann die menschliche Sprache nachahmen.
Versammeln sie sich, bringen sich alle dasselbe bei."
441,26,7,"Puede imitar el lenguaje humano. Si se juntan varios, todos
aprenden las mismas palabras."
441,26,8,"Può imparare il linguaggio umano. Se un gruppo si raduna,
tutti imparano le stesse parole."
441,26,9,"It can learn and speak human words. If they gather,
they all learn the same saying."
441,26,11,"人の 言葉を 覚えて 鳴く。
仲間が 一か所に 集まると
みんな 同じ 言葉を 覚える。"
442,12,9,"A Pokémon that was formed by 108
spirits. It is bound to a fissure
in an odd keystone."
442,13,9,"It was bound to a fissure in an
odd keystone as punishment for
misdeeds 500 years ago."
442,14,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds
resulted in it being bound to an Odd
Keystone by a mysterious spell."
442,15,9,"It was formed by uniting 108 spirits.
It has been bound to the Odd Keystone
to keep it from doing any mischief."
442,16,9,"It was formed by uniting 108 spirits.
It has been bound to the Odd Keystone
to keep it from doing any mischief."
442,17,5,"Son mauvais comportement lui a valu
dêtre enchaîné à une Clé de Voûte
par un mystérieux sortilège."
442,17,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds
resulted in it being bound to an Odd
Keystone by a mysterious spell."
442,18,5,"Son mauvais comportement lui a valu
dêtre enchaîné à une Clé de Voûte
par un mystérieux sortilège."
442,18,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds
resulted in it being bound to an Odd
Keystone by a mysterious spell."
442,21,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds
resulted in it being bound to an Odd
Keystone by a mysterious spell."
442,22,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds
resulted in it being bound to an Odd
Keystone by a mysterious spell."
442,23,1,"108この たましいが あつまって
うまれた ポケモン。かなめいしの
ひびわれに つながれている。"
442,23,3,"108개의 영혼이 모여서
태어난 포켓몬이다. 쐐기돌의
균열과 연결되어 있다."
442,23,5,"Un Pokémon composé de 108 esprits. Il provient
dune fissure dans une clé de voûte étrange."
442,23,6,"Ein Pokémon, das aus 108 Geistern besteht.
Es ist an einen Spalt in einem mysteriösen Stein
442,23,7,"Se formó a partir de 108 espíritus. Está unido a la
fisura de una piedra angular mística."
442,23,8,"Pokémon formato da 108 spiriti. È stato imprigionato
nella fessura di una Roccianima."
442,23,9,"A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is
bound to a fissure in an odd keystone."
442,23,11,"108個の 魂が 集まって
生まれた ポケモン。
要石の ひび割れに つながれている。"
442,24,1,"500ねんまえに わるさをしたため
かなめいしの ひびわれに
からだを つなぎとめられてしまった。"
442,24,3,"500년 전에 나쁜 짓을 했기 때문에
쐐기돌의 균열에
몸이 연결되어 갇혀 버렸다."
442,24,5,"Il fut emprisonné dans la fissure dune clé de voûte
étrange en guise de punition il y a 500 ans."
442,24,6,"Es wurde in einen Spalt eines Steins gebannt,
als Sühne für Untaten, die es vor 500 Jahren
begangen hatte."
442,24,7,"Como castigo por una fechoría 500 años atrás, está
unido a la fisura de una piedra angular mística."
442,24,8,"500 anni fa fu imprigionato nella fessura di una
Roccianima come punizione."
442,24,9,"It was bound to a fissure in an odd keystone as
punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago."
442,24,11,"500年前に 悪さをしたため
要石の ひび割れに
体を つなぎとめられてしまった。"
442,25,1,"108この たましいが あつまって
うまれた ポケモン。かなめいしの
ひびわれに つながれている。"
442,25,3,"108개의 영혼이 모여서
태어난 포켓몬이다. 쐐기돌의
균열과 연결되어 있다."
442,25,5,"Un Pokémon composé de 108 esprits. Il provient dune fissure
dans une clé de voûte étrange."
442,25,6,"Ein Pokémon, das aus 108 Geistern besteht. Es ist an einen
Spalt in einem mysteriösen Stein gebunden."
442,25,7,"Se formó a partir de 108 espíritus. Está unido a la fisura de
una piedra angular mística."
442,25,8,"Pokémon formato da 108 spiriti. È stato imprigionato nella
fessura di una Roccianima."
442,25,9,"A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits. It is
bound to a fissure in an odd keystone."
442,25,11,"108個の 魂が 集まって
生まれた ポケモン。
要石の ひび割れに つながれている。"
442,26,1,"500ねんまえに わるさをしたため
かなめいしの ひびわれに
からだを つなぎとめられてしまった。"
442,26,3,"500년 전에 나쁜 짓을 했기 때문에
쐐기돌의 균열에
몸이 연결되어 갇혀 버렸다."
442,26,5,"Il fut emprisonné dans la fissure dune clé de voûte étrange
en guise de punition il y a 500 ans."
442,26,6,"Es wurde in einen Spalt eines Steins gebannt, als Sühne
für Untaten, die es vor 500 Jahren begangen hatte."
442,26,7,"Como castigo por una fechoría 500 años atrás, está unido a
la fisura de una piedra angular mística."
442,26,8,"500 anni fa fu imprigionato nella fessura di una Roccianima
come punizione."
442,26,9,"It was bound to a fissure in an odd keystone as
punishment for misdeeds 500 years ago."
442,26,11,"500年前に 悪さをしたため
要石の ひび割れに
体を つなぎとめられてしまった。"
442,33,1,"108この たましいが あつまり
ポケモンになったが しょうわるの
たましいが まじってしまったらしい。"
442,33,3,"108개의 영혼이 모여
포켓몬이 되었지만 성질이 나쁜
영혼이 섞여버린 듯하다."
442,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est né de la fusion de 108 âmes,
mais on raconte que certaines dentre elles
seraient de nature maléfique."
442,33,6,"Es besteht aus 108 Geistern. Allerdings scheinen
sich auch einige bösartige daruntergemischt zu
442,33,7,"Este Pokémon se formó a partir de 108 espíritus.
Dicen que entre ellos se mezclaron algunos de
naturaleza malvada."
442,33,8,"108 spiriti si sono riuniti dando vita a questo
Pokémon, e pare che fra questi ce ne fossero
di malvagi."
442,33,9,"Exactly 108 spirits gathered to become this
Pokémon. Apparently there are some ill-natured
spirits in the mix."
442,33,11,"108個の 魂が 集まり
ポケモンになったが 性悪の
魂が 混じってしまったらしい。"
442,34,1,"わるさばかりしていたら ふしぎな
じゅつを つかう たびびとによって
かなめいしに つながれてしまった。"
442,34,3,"나쁜 짓만 일삼다가 신비한
술수를 사용하는 여행자에 의해
쐐기돌에 속박당했다."
442,34,5,"Pour punir son comportement déplorable,
un voyageur a utilisé un mystérieux sortilège
pour lenchaîner à une Clé de Voûte."
442,34,6,"Aufgrund seiner ständigen Untaten wurde es von
einem Reisenden mithilfe mysteriöser Künste an
einen Spiritkern gebunden."
442,34,7,"Un viajero utilizó un misterioso hechizo para
unirlo a una Piedra Espíritu por sus constantes
442,34,8,"A causa del suo comportamento molesto, è stato
imprigionato in una Roccianima da un viandante
tramite un incantesimo misterioso."
442,34,9,"All Spiritombs mischief and misdeeds compelled
a traveler to use a mysterious spell to bind
Spiritomb to an odd keystone."
442,34,11,"悪さばかりしていたら 不思議な
術を 使う 旅人によって
要石に つながれてしまった。"
443,12,9,"It nests in small, horizontal holes
in cave walls. It pounces to catch
prey that stray too close."
443,13,9,"It once lived in the tropics. To
avoid the cold, it lives in caves
warmed by geothermal heat."
443,14,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth.
While its attacks are powerful, it
hurts itself out of clumsiness, too."
443,15,9,"It nests in horizontal holes warmed by
geothermal heat. Foes who get too close
can expect to be pounced on and bitten."
443,16,9,"It nests in horizontal holes warmed by
geothermal heat. Foes who get too close
can expect to be pounced on and bitten."
443,17,5,"Malgré sa maladresse, son énorme
gueule lui permet de lancer des
attaques puissantes."
443,17,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth.
While its attacks are powerful, it
hurts itself out of clumsiness, too."
443,18,5,"Malgré sa maladresse, son énorme
gueule lui permet de lancer des
attaques puissantes."
443,18,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth.
While its attacks are powerful, it
hurts itself out of clumsiness, too."
443,21,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth.
While its attacks are powerful, it
hurts itself out of clumsiness, too."
443,22,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth.
While its attacks are powerful, it
hurts itself out of clumsiness, too."
443,23,1,"ちねつで あたためられた よこあなで
くらす。てきが ちかづくと あなから
とびだして おおぐちで かみつく。"
443,23,3,"지열로 데워진 구멍에서
지낸다. 적이 가까이 오면 구멍에서
뛰쳐나와 커다란 입으로 물어버린다."
443,23,5,"Il niche dans des cavités chauffées par géothermie,
dont il bondit pour déchiqueter tout intrus."
443,23,6,"Es lebt in Höhlen, die Erdwärme ausgesetzt sind.
Es springt heraus und beißt, wenn Feinde sich nähern."
443,23,7,"Vive en agujeros en las cuevas, al amparo del calor
geotérmico. Si se acerca un enemigo, le muerde."
443,23,8,"Vive in gallerie scaldate dal calore geotermico. Se
sente un nemico arrivare, salta fuori e lo addenta."
443,23,9,"It nests in horizontal holes warmed by geothermal
heat. Foes who get too close can expect to be
pounced on and bitten."
443,23,11,"地熱で 温められた 横穴で 暮らす。
敵が 近づくと 穴から 飛び出して
大口で かみつく。"
443,24,1,"どうくつの ちいさな よこあなを
ねぐらにする。えものが ちかづくと
すばやく とびだして つかまえる。"
443,24,3,"동굴의 조그만 구멍을
보금자리로 쓴다. 먹이가 다가오면
재빠르게 뛰쳐나가 붙잡는다."
443,24,5,"Il niche dans les petits trous horizontaux des murs
des grottes. Il bondit pour saisir sa proie."
443,24,6,"Es nistet in kleinen Löchern in Höhlenwänden.
Es springt Beute, die sich zu nah heranwagt, an."
443,24,7,"Anida en pequeños agujeros en las paredes de
cuevas. Cuando una presa pasa cerca, salta hacia ella."
443,24,8,"Nidifica in piccole cavità orizzontali nelle pareti delle
grotte. Si avventa sulle prede che si avvicinano."
443,24,9,"It nests in small, horizontal holes in cave walls.
It pounces to catch prey that stray too close."
443,24,11,"洞窟の 小さな 横穴を
ねぐらにする。獲物が 近づくと
素早く 飛び出して 捕まえる。"
443,25,1,"ちねつで あたためられた よこあなで
くらす。てきが ちかづくと あなから
とびだして おおぐちで かみつく。"
443,25,3,"지열로 데워진 구멍에서
지낸다. 적이 가까이 오면 구멍에서
뛰쳐나와 커다란 입으로 물어버린다."
443,25,5,"Il niche dans des cavités chauffées par géothermie,
dont il bondit pour déchiqueter tout intrus."
443,25,6,"Es lebt in Höhlen, die Erdwärme ausgesetzt sind. Es springt
heraus und beißt, wenn Feinde sich nähern."
443,25,7,"Vive en agujeros en las cuevas, al amparo del calor
geotérmico. Si se acerca un enemigo, le muerde."
443,25,8,"Vive in gallerie scaldate dal calore geotermico. Se sente un
nemico arrivare, salta fuori e lo addenta."
443,25,9,"It nests in horizontal holes warmed by geothermal
heat. Foes who get too close can expect to be
pounced on and bitten."
443,25,11,"地熱で 温められた 横穴で 暮らす。
敵が 近づくと 穴から 飛び出して
大口で かみつく。"
443,26,1,"どうくつの ちいさな よこあなを
ねぐらにする。えものが ちかづくと
すばやく とびだして つかまえる。"
443,26,3,"동굴의 조그만 구멍을
보금자리로 쓴다. 먹이가 다가오면
재빠르게 뛰쳐나가 붙잡는다."
443,26,5,"Il niche dans les petits trous horizontaux des murs des grottes.
Il bondit pour saisir sa proie."
443,26,6,"Es nistet in kleinen Löchern in Höhlenwänden.
Es springt Beute, die sich zu nah heranwagt, an."
443,26,7,"Anida en pequeños agujeros en las paredes de cuevas.
Cuando una presa pasa cerca, salta hacia ella."
443,26,8,"Nidifica in piccole cavità orizzontali nelle pareti delle grotte.
Si avventa sulle prede che si avvicinano."
443,26,9,"It nests in small, horizontal holes in cave walls.
It pounces to catch prey that stray too close."
443,26,11,"洞窟の 小さな 横穴を
ねぐらにする。獲物が 近づくと
素早く 飛び出して 捕まえる。"
443,27,1,"ちねつで あたたかい どうくつに
くらしている。 それでも さむくなると
なかまと みを よせあって かたまる。"
443,27,3,"지열로 따뜻한 동굴에서
살고 있다. 그래도 추워지면
동료들과 몸을 맞대어 뭉친다."
443,27,5,"On le trouve dans les cavernes bien chauffées
par géothermie. Sil a froid malgré tout, il dort en
tas avec ses congénères pour se réchauffer."
443,27,6,"Es lebt in Höhlen, die Erdwärme ausgesetzt sind.
Falls es trotzdem kalt wird, rückt es eng mit
seinen Freunden zusammen."
443,27,7,"Vive en el interior de cuevas, al amparo del calor
geotérmico. Si aun así sigue sintiendo frío, se
junta con sus congéneres haciendo una piña."
443,27,8,"I Gible vivono in gallerie scaldate dal calore
geotermico. Se hanno freddo, fanno gruppo
e rimangono appiccicati gli uni agli altri."
443,27,9,"It lives in caves warmed by geothermal heat.
Even so, when the weather gets cold, it will
huddle close with others of its kind."
443,27,11,"地熱で 温かい 洞窟に
暮らしている。 それでも 寒くなると
仲間と 身を 寄せ合って かたまる。"
443,28,1,"あなぐらに ひそみ えものや てきが
よこぎると とびだして かみつく。
いきおいあまり はが かけることも。"
443,28,3,"구멍에 숨어서 먹이나 적이
지나가면 뛰쳐나가 문다.
기세가 대단해 이가 빠질 때도 있다."
443,28,5,"Il attend le passage dune proie pour bondir
hors de son trou et la croquer. Dans son élan,
il se casse parfois les dents."
443,28,6,"Es verbirgt sich in kleinen Höhlen, aus denen es
herausspringt und vorbeilaufende Gegner beißt.
Manchmal bricht dabei ein Zahn ab."
443,28,7,"Permanece oculto en cuevas y cuando pasa una
presa, se abalanza sobre ella y la muerde con
tanta fuerza que hasta se le rompen los dientes."
443,28,8,"Aspetta nemici e prede in agguato nella sua
tana. Quando gli arrivano a tiro, li addenta con
tale forza che a volte si spezza i denti."
443,28,9,"It skulks in caves, and when prey or an enemy
passes by, it leaps out and chomps them. The
force of its attack sometimes chips its teeth."
443,28,11,"穴倉に 潜み 獲物や 敵が
横切ると 飛びだして 噛みつく。
勢い余り 歯が 欠けることも。"
443,29,1,"うごくものに はんのうし とびついて
かみつく。 じぶんが きずつくことも
あるけれど あまり きにしていない。"
443,29,3,"움직이는 것에 반응하여
달려들어 덥석 문다. 자신이 상처를
입어도 별로 신경 쓰지 않는다."
443,29,5,"Il saute sur tout ce qui bouge pour y planter
ses dents. Cette manie lui vaut quelques
blessures, mais il nen a que faire."
443,29,6,"Wenn sich etwas in seiner Nähe bewegt, stürzt
es sich darauf und beißt fest zu, auch wenn es
sich dabei selbst verletzt."
443,29,7,"En cuanto percibe un objeto en movimiento, se
lanza contra él y le asesta dentelladas. A veces
se hiere a sí mismo, pero no le importa."
443,29,8,"Appena sente qualcosa muoversi, salta fuori
e lo addenta. Spesso si fa male da solo,
ma non se ne preoccupa particolarmente."
443,29,9,"It reacts to anything that moves—flies right at it
and bites it. Sometimes it injures itself, but it
doesnt care too much."
443,29,11,"動くものに 反応し 飛びついて
噛みつく。 自分が 傷つくことも
あるけれど あまり 気にしていない。"
443,30,1,"アローラより さらに あつい とちが
ほんらいの すみか。 いっしょに
すむなら だんぼうだいが かかる。"
443,30,3,"알로라보다 더 더운 곳이
본래 서식지다. 함께
지내려면 난방비가 든다."
443,30,5,"Il vient dun endroit où il fait bien plus chaud
que dans la région dAlola. La facture de
chauffage est donc élevée quand on vit avec lui."
443,30,6,"Es ist ein weitaus wärmeres Klima gewohnt, als
das, was in Alola vorherrscht. Trainer dieses
Pokémon sollten mit hohen Heizkosten rechnen."
443,30,7,"Un Pokémon habituado a un clima aún más
cálido que el de Alola. Quien convive con un
Gible gasta mucho dinero en calefacción."
443,30,8,"È abituato a climi più caldi di quello di Alola.
Avere un Gible in casa significa incorrere in
bollette del riscaldamento salate."
443,30,9,"Its original home is an area much hotter than
Alola. If youre planning to live with one, your
heating bill will soar."
443,30,11,"アローラより さらに 暑い 土地が
本来の 棲み処。 一緒に
住むなら 暖房代が かかる。"
443,33,1,"ちねつで あたためられた どうくつの
せまい よこあなを このむ。 そとが
ふぶいていても こごえずにすむのだ。"
443,33,3,"지열로 데워진 동굴의 좁은
구멍을 좋아한다. 밖에 눈보라가
쳐도 얼어붙지 않고 견딜 수 있다."
443,33,5,"Il aime les cavités étroites dans les grottes
chauffées par géothermie. Elles le tiennent au
chaud lorsque le blizzard souffle à lextérieur."
443,33,6,"Es mag enge Löcher in Höhlenwänden, die der
Erdwärme ausgesetzt sind. Selbst wenn draußen
ein Schneesturm wütet, friert es dort nicht."
443,33,7,"Vive en pequeños agujeros de cuevas calentadas
por la energía geotérmica, por lo que no pasa
frío ni aunque fuera se desate una ventisca."
443,33,8,"Ama le strette nicchie nelle pareti delle grotte
scaldate dal calore geotermico. Non ha freddo
neanche se allesterno ci sono tormente di neve."
443,33,9,"Gible prefers to stay in narrow holes in the sides
of caves heated by geothermal energy. This way,
Gible can stay warm even during a blizzard."
443,33,11,"地熱で 暖められた 洞窟の
狭い 横穴を 好む。 外が
吹雪いていても 凍えずにすむのだ。"
443,34,1,"うごくものを みさかいなしに おそい
ねぐらの よこあなに ひきずりこむ。
おおぐちだが いぶくろは ちいさめ。"
443,34,3,"움직이는 것은 무조건 공격해서
보금자리 굴로 데려간다.
입은 크지만 위는 작은 편이다."
443,34,5,"Il attaque et entraîne dans son antre tout ce qui
bouge, sans distinction. Sa gueule est immense,
mais son estomac est relativement petit."
443,34,6,"Es greift alles an, was sich bewegt, und zerrt es
in sein Versteck. Kaumalat verfügt zwar über ein
großes Maul, aber sein Magen ist relativ klein."
443,34,7,"Ataca indiscriminadamente a cualquier cosa que
se mueva y la arrastra a su agujero. Pese a tener
una boca enorme, su estómago es pequeño."
443,34,8,"Attacca indiscriminatamente qualunque cosa
si muova, per poi trascinarla nella tana. La bocca
ha dimensioni notevoli ma lo stomaco è piccolo."
443,34,9,"Gible attacks anything that moves, and it drags
whatever it catches into the crevice that is its lair.
Despite the big mouth, Gibles stomach is small."
443,34,11,"動くものを 見境なしに 襲い
ねぐらの 横穴に 引きずりこむ。
大口だが 胃袋は 小さめ。"
444,12,9,"There is a long-held belief that
medicine made from its scales will
heal even incurable illnesses."
444,13,9,"It habitually digs up and hoards
gems in its nest. Its loot is
constantly targeted by thieves."
444,14,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks
treasures in caves and hoards the
loot in its nest."
444,15,9,"As it digs to expand its nest, it
habitually digs up gems that it
then hoards in its nest."
444,16,9,"As it digs to expand its nest, it
habitually digs up gems that it
then hoards in its nest."
444,17,5,"Toujours à la recherche dobjets
brillants, il arpente les grottes
pour constituer son butin."
444,17,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks
treasures in caves and hoards the
loot in its nest."
444,18,5,"Toujours à la recherche dobjets
brillants, il arpente les grottes
pour constituer son butin."
444,18,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks
treasures in caves and hoards the
loot in its nest."
444,21,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks
treasures in caves and hoards the
loot in its nest."
444,22,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks
treasures in caves and hoards the
loot in its nest."
444,23,1,"ひかりかがやく ものが だいすきで
どうくつの なかで みつけた
たからを じぶんのすに ためこむ。"
444,23,3,"반짝반짝 빛나는 것을
아주 좋아하기에 동굴 안에서 발견한
보물을 자신의 둥지에 모아둔다."
444,23,5,"Toujours à la recherche dobjets brillants, il arpente
les grottes pour constituer son butin."
444,23,6,"Es liebt funkelnde Dinge und sucht nach Schätzen
in Höhlen, die es dann in seinem Nest hortet."
444,23,7,"Le gustan las cosas brillantes. Busca tesoros en
cuevas y se lleva el botín a su nido."
444,23,8,"Adora gli oggetti luccicanti. Va a caccia di tesori
nelle grotte e li trasporta nel suo nido."
444,23,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves
and hoards the loot in its nest."
444,23,11,"光り輝く ものが 大好きで
洞窟の 中で 見つけた
宝を 自分の巣に ためこむ。"
444,24,1,"すあなを ひろげるとき ちちゅうから
でてきた ほうせきの げんせきを
すに ためる しゅうせいを もつ。"
444,24,3,"거처를 늘릴 때 땅속에서
나온 보석의 원석을
거처에 모아두는 습성을 가졌다."
444,24,5,"Carmache accumule les pierres précieuses quil
déterre quand il entreprend dagrandir son nid."
444,24,6,"Die Rohedelsteine, die beim Erweitern seiner Höhle
zum Vorschein kommen, hortet es in seinem Nest."
444,24,7,"Tiende a acumular las gemas en bruto que encuentra
cuando agranda su guarida."
444,24,8,"Ha labitudine di collezionare gemme che trova
mentre si scava la tana, appositamente ampliata."
444,24,9,"As it digs to expand its nest, it habitually digs up
gems that it then hoards in its nest."
444,24,11,"巣穴を 広げるとき 地中から
出てきた 宝石の 原石を
巣に ためる 習性を 持つ。"
444,25,1,"ひかりかがやく ものが だいすきで
どうくつの なかで みつけた
たからを じぶんのすに ためこむ。"
444,25,3,"반짝반짝 빛나는 것을
아주 좋아하기에 동굴 안에서 발견한
보물을 자신의 둥지에 모아둔다."
444,25,5,"Toujours à la recherche dobjets brillants, il arpente
les grottes pour constituer son butin."
444,25,6,"Es liebt funkelnde Dinge und sucht nach Schätzen in Höhlen,
die es dann in seinem Nest hortet."
444,25,7,"Le gustan las cosas brillantes. Busca tesoros en cuevas y se
lleva el botín a su nido."
444,25,8,"Adora gli oggetti luccicanti. Va a caccia di tesori nelle grotte
e li trasporta nel suo nido."
444,25,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves
and hoards the loot in its nest."
444,25,11,"光り輝く ものが 大好きで
洞窟の 中で 見つけた
宝を 自分の巣に ためこむ。"
444,26,1,"すあなを ひろげるとき ちちゅうから
でてきた ほうせきの げんせきを
すに ためる しゅうせいを もつ。"
444,26,3,"거처를 늘릴 때 땅속에서
나온 보석의 원석을
거처에 모아두는 습성을 가졌다."
444,26,5,"Carmache accumule les pierres précieuses quil déterre quand
il entreprend dagrandir son nid."
444,26,6,"Die Rohedelsteine, die beim Erweitern seiner Höhle
zum Vorschein kommen, hortet es in seinem Nest."
444,26,7,"Tiende a acumular las gemas en bruto que encuentra cuando
agranda su guarida."
444,26,8,"Ha labitudine di collezionare gemme che trova mentre si scava
la tana, appositamente ampliata."
444,26,9,"As it digs to expand its nest, it habitually digs up
gems that it then hoards in its nest."
444,26,11,"巣穴を 広げるとき 地中から
出てきた 宝石の 原石を
巣に ためる 習性を 持つ。"
444,27,1,"まれに だっぴし ウロコが はげる。
そのせいぶんが ふくまれる くすりは
つかれた からだを ギンギンにする。"
444,27,3,"드물게 탈피해서 비늘이 벗겨진다.
그 성분이 들어 있는 약은
피곤한 몸을 회복시켜 준다."
444,27,5,"Il perd parfois ses écailles quand il mue.
Les remèdes à base décailles de Carmache
sont de puissants toniques."
444,27,6,"Ab und zu häutet es sich und verliert Schuppen.
Medizin, die solche Schuppen enthält, macht
müde Körper munter."
444,27,7,"Muy ocasionalmente puede mudar la piel y
perder las escamas. Las medicinas que las usan
como ingrediente son muy reconstituyentes."
444,27,8,"Con le scaglie che a volte perde durante la muta
si possono preparare tonici che alleviano
la stanchezza e ripristinano le energie."
444,27,9,"In rare cases, it molts and sheds its scales.
Medicine containing its scales as an ingredient
will make a weary body feel invigorated."
444,27,11,"稀に 脱皮し ウロコが 剥げる。
その成分が 含まれる 薬は
疲れた 体を ギンギンにする。"
444,28,1,"ひかり かがやくものが だいすき。
ほうせきや つかまえた メレシーを
すあなで じーっと ながめている。"
444,28,3,"반짝반짝 빛나는 것을 아주 좋아한다.
보석이나 잡은 멜리시를
둥지에서 가만히 바라보고 있다."
444,28,5,"Il adore tout ce qui brille. Au fond de sa tanière,
il contemple les joyaux quil a dérobés et les
Strassie quil a kidnappés."
444,28,6,"Es liebt funkelnde Dinge. Edelsteine und
gefangene Rocara nimmt es mit in sein Nest,
um sich an ihrem Anblick zu weiden."
444,28,7,"Le gustan las cosas brillantes. Pasa largas
horas en su cueva, admirando las gemas y los
Carbink que ha capturado."
444,28,8,"Adora gli oggetti luccicanti. Passa molto tempo
nella sua tana a rimirare la sua scorta di gemme
e Carbink."
444,28,9,"Shiny objects are its passion. It can be found in
its cave, scarcely moving, its gaze fixed on the
jewels its amassed or Carbink it has caught."
444,28,11,"光り 輝くものが 大好き。
宝石や 捕まえた メレシーを
巣穴で じーっと 眺めている。"
444,29,1,"ひかるものが だいすき。 メレシーを
ねらう ヤミラミを みつけると
はげしく いかって おそいかかる。"
444,29,3,"반짝이는 것을 매우 좋아한다.
멜리시를 노리는 깜까미를 발견하면
격렬하게 화를 내며 덤벼든다."
444,29,5,"Il adore tout ce qui brille, et rien ne lénerve plus
quun Ténéfix sen prenant à un Strassie. Sil est
témoin dune telle agression, il passe à lattaque."
444,29,6,"Es liebt funkelnde Dinge. Sieht es ein Zobiris,
das ein Rocara jagt, stürzt es sich wütend auf
den Verfolger."
444,29,7,"Se vuelve loco por las cosas brillantes y no duda
en atacar con violencia a los Sableye que
acechan a los Carbink."
444,29,8,"Adora gli oggetti luccicanti. Se sorprende un
Sableye a caccia di Carbink, si infuria e lo
444,29,9,"It loves shiny things. When it finds a Sableye
trying to catch a Carbink, Gabite becomes
furiously angry and attacks the Sableye."
444,29,11,"光るものが 大好き。 メレシーを
狙う ヤミラミを 見つけると
激しく 怒って 襲いかかる。"
444,30,1,"だっぴして おおきくなって いく。
ウロコを すって こなにした ものは
かんぽうやくの げんりょうに なる。"
444,30,3,"탈피하면서 커진다.
비늘을 비벼서 가루로 만든 것은
한방약의 원료가 된다."
444,30,5,"Il mue régulièrement au cours de sa croissance.
Les écailles ainsi tombées peuvent être pilées
pour préparer des remèdes traditionnels."
444,30,6,"Wenn es wächst, streift es seine Schuppen ab.
Diese lassen sich zu einem Pulver zerkleinern,
das als Basis für natürliche Heilmittel dient."
444,30,7,"Muda la piel a medida que crece. Las escamas
que pierde se pueden pulverizar para utilizar
como ingrediente en remedios medicinales."
444,30,8,"Quando il suo corpo si ingrandisce, fa la muta.
Con la polvere ricavata frantumando le scaglie
scartate si preparano dei rimedi naturali."
444,30,9,"It sheds its skin and gradually grows larger. Its
scales can be ground into a powder and used
as raw materials for traditional medicine."
444,30,11,"脱皮して 大きくなって いく。
ウロコを 擦って 粉にした ものは
漢方薬の 原料に なる。"
444,33,1,"あたまの さゆうの とっきから
ちょうおんぱを だして まっくらな
ほらあなの ようすを しらべるのだ。"
444,33,3,"머리의 좌우 돌기에서
초음파를 내보내 캄캄한
동굴의 상황을 살핀다."
444,33,5,"Il émet des ultrasons avec les deux appendices
sur sa tête pour sonder les grottes obscures."
444,33,6,"Aus den Fortsätzen an beiden Seiten seines
Kopfes stößt es Ultraschallwellen aus, um sich
in stockfinsteren Höhlen zurechtzufinden."
444,33,7,"Explora las más oscuras cuevas utilizando ondas
ultrasónicas que emite desde las protuberancias
a ambos lados de la cabeza."
444,33,8,"Emette ultrasuoni dalle protuberanze sulla testa
per esaminare le grotte anche nel buio più fitto."
444,33,9,"This Pokémon emits ultrasonic waves from a
protrusion on either side of its head to probe
pitch-dark caves."
444,33,11,"頭の 左右の 突起から
超音波を 出して 真っ暗な
洞穴の 様子を 調べるのだ。"
444,34,1,"すみかの どうくつには ほうせきを
まいぞうするが はいりこんだとたんに
ツメと キバで ズタズタにされる。"
444,34,3,"거처인 동굴에 보석을 매장하는데
그곳에 침입자가 들어가면 즉시
발톱과 이빨로 갈기갈기 찢어버린다."
444,34,5,"Il cache des pierres précieuses dans le sol
de sa grotte, et accueille à coups de griffes
et de crocs quiconque ose y pénétrer."
444,34,6,"In der Höhle, die Knarksel als Nest dient,
vergräbt es Edelsteine. Wer sie betritt, wird
sofort von seinen Krallen und Zähnen zerfetzt."
444,34,7,"Entierra gemas en la cueva que le sirve de nido y
hace trizas con sus garras y colmillos a cualquier
444,34,8,"Accumula pietre preziose nella grotta in cui vive.
Fa a pezzi con gli artigli e le zanne chiunque
vi si intrufoli."
444,34,9,"Jewels are buried in the caves these Pokémon
nest in, but youll be torn apart by claws and
fangs the moment you enter one of these caves."
444,34,11,"すみかの 洞窟には 宝石を
埋蔵するが 入りこんだとたんに
ツメと キバで ズタズタにされる。"
445,12,9,"When it folds up its body and
extends its wings, it looks like a
jet plane. It flies at sonic speed."
445,13,9,"It flies at speeds equal to a jet
fighter plane. It never allows its
prey to escape."
445,14,9,"It is said that when one runs at
high speed, its wings create blades
of wind that can fell nearby trees."
445,15,9,"Its body is covered in fine scales that
reduce drag, enabling it to fly at
high speeds."
445,16,9,"Its body is covered in fine scales that
reduce drag, enabling it to fly at
high speeds."
445,17,5,"On dit que lancé à pleine vitesse,
il crée des lames de vent avec ses
ailes pouvant trancher un arbre."
445,17,9,"It is said that when one runs at
high speed, its wings create blades
of wind that can fell nearby trees."
445,18,5,"On dit que lancé à pleine vitesse,
il crée des lames de vent avec ses
ailes pouvant trancher un arbre."
445,18,9,"It is said that when one runs at
high speed, its wings create blades
of wind that can fell nearby trees."
445,21,9,"It is said that when one runs at
high speed, its wings create blades
of wind that can fell nearby trees."
445,22,9,"It is said that when one runs at
high speed, its wings create blades
of wind that can fell nearby trees."
445,23,1,"からだを おりたたみ つばさを
のばすと まるで ジェットき。
おんそくで とぶことが できる。"
445,23,3,"몸을 접고 날개를
펼치면 마치 제트기 같다.
음속으로 날 수 있다."
445,23,5,"Quand il se recroqueville et étend ses ailes, on dirait
un chasseur. Sa vitesse est supersonique."
445,23,6,"Spannt es seinen Körper und seine Flügel, sieht es
aus wie ein Jet. Es fliegt mit Schallgeschwindigkeit."
445,23,7,"Cuando despliega su cuerpo y sus alas, parece un
avión a reacción. Vuela a velocidad sónica."
445,23,8,"Quando si piega e distende le ali, sembra un jet.
Vola a una velocità supersonica."
445,23,9,"When it folds up its body and extends its wings,
it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed."
445,23,11,"体を 折り畳み 翼を 伸ばすと
まるで ジェット機。
音速で 飛ぶことが できる。"
445,24,1,"ジェットせんとうきに まけない
スピードで そらを とぶ。
ねらった えものは にがさない。"
445,24,3,"제트기와 맞먹는
스피드로 하늘을 난다.
노린 먹이는 놓치지 않는다."
445,24,5,"Il vole à la vitesse dun avion à réaction et ne lâche
jamais sa proie."
445,24,6,"Es fliegt mit der Geschwindigkeit eines Kampfjets.
Es lässt nicht zu, dass ihm seine Beute entkommt."
445,24,7,"Vuela tan rápido como un avión a reacción. Nunca se
le escapa una presa."
445,24,8,"Vola alla velocità di un aereo da combattimento a
reazione. Non lascia mai fuggire la preda."
445,24,9,"It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane.
It never allows its prey to escape."
445,24,11,"ジェット戦闘機に 負けない
スピードで 空を 飛ぶ。
ねらった 獲物は 逃がさない。"
445,25,1,"からだを おりたたみ つばさを
のばすと まるで ジェットき。
おんそくで とぶことが できる。"
445,25,3,"몸을 접고 날개를
펼치면 마치 제트기 같다.
음속으로 날 수 있다."
445,25,5,"Quand il se recroqueville et étend ses ailes, on dirait
un chasseur. Sa vitesse est supersonique."
445,25,6,"Spannt es seinen Körper und seine Flügel, sieht es aus wie
ein Jet. Es fliegt mit Schallgeschwindigkeit."
445,25,7,"Cuando despliega su cuerpo y sus alas, parece un avión a
reacción. Vuela a velocidad sónica."
445,25,8,"Quando si piega e distende le ali, sembra un jet. Vola a una
velocità supersonica."
445,25,9,"When it folds up its body and extends its wings,
it looks like a jet plane. It flies at sonic speed."
445,25,11,"体を 折り畳み 翼を 伸ばすと
まるで ジェット機。
音速で 飛ぶことが できる。"
445,26,1,"ジェットせんとうきに まけない
スピードで そらを とぶ。
ねらった えものは にがさない。"
445,26,3,"제트기와 맞먹는
스피드로 하늘을 난다.
노린 먹이는 놓치지 않는다."
445,26,5,"Il vole à la vitesse dun avion à réaction et ne lâche jamais
sa proie."
445,26,6,"Es fliegt mit der Geschwindigkeit eines Kampfjets. Es lässt
nicht zu, dass ihm seine Beute entkommt."
445,26,7,"Vuela tan rápido como un avión a reacción. Nunca se le
escapa una presa."
445,26,8,"Vola alla velocità di un aereo da combattimento a reazione.
Non lascia mai fuggire la preda."
445,26,9,"It flies at speeds equal to a jet fighter plane.
It never allows its prey to escape."
445,26,11,"ジェット戦闘機に 負けない
スピードで 空を 飛ぶ。
ねらった 獲物は 逃がさない。"
445,27,1,"ジェットき なみの こうそくで とぶ。
とりポケモンの むれに つっこむと
そのまま むれごと まるのみだ。"
445,27,3,"제트기만큼 빠른 속도로 난다.
새포켓몬 무리에 돌진하여
그대로 무리째 삼켜버린다."
445,27,5,"Il vole aussi vite quun avion à réaction. Si en vol
il croise une nuée de Pokémon oiseaux, il les
avale dune seule bouchée."
445,27,6,"Es fliegt mit der Geschwindigkeit eines Jets.
Wenn es sich auf einen Schwarm Vogel-Pokémon
stürzt, schlingt es ihn im Ganzen hinunter."
445,27,7,"Vuela tan rápido como un avión a reacción.
Embiste a bandadas de Pokémon pájaro y, si
atrapa a alguno, se lo traga de un bocado."
445,27,8,"Vola alla velocità di un jet. Caccia attaccando
i Pokémon alati, di cui può divorare interi stormi."
445,27,9,"It can fly at speeds rivaling jet planes.
It dives into flocks of bird Pokémon and
gulps the entire flock down whole."
445,27,11,"ジェット機 並の 高速で 飛ぶ。
とりポケモンの 群れに 突っ込むと
そのまま 群れごと 丸呑みだ。"
445,28,1,"あたまに ついた 2つの とっきは
センサーの やくめ。 はるか さきの
えものの ようすも わかる。"
445,28,3,"머리에 달린 2개의 돌기는
센서 역할을 한다. 저 멀리 있는
먹이의 모습도 알 수 있다."
445,28,5,"Les deux protubérances quil a sur la tête lui
servent de capteurs. Il peut ainsi détecter les
mouvements de proies très éloignées."
445,28,6,"Die beiden Fortsätze an seinem Kopf haben
die Funktion eines Sensors. Mit ihnen kann
es auch weit entfernte Beute aufspüren."
445,28,7,"Las dos protuberancias que tiene en la cabeza
le sirven de sensores. Puede rastrear presas
que se encuentren a gran distancia."
445,28,8,"Le protuberanze che ha ai lati della testa hanno
funzione di sensori e percepiscono le prede
anche a grande distanza."
445,28,9,"The protuberances on its head serve as
sensors. It can even detect distant prey."
445,28,11,"頭に ついた 2つの 突起は
センサーの 役目。 遥か 先の
獲物の 様子も わかる。"
445,29,1,"おんそくで とび えものを さがす。
エサを めぐり ボーマンダと
くうちゅうせんを くりひろげる。"
445,29,3,"음속으로 날아다니며 먹이를 찾는다.
먹이를 두고 보만다와
공중전을 펼친다."
445,29,5,"Il vole à la vitesse du son en quête de nourriture.
Drattak et lui se disputent souvent leurs proies
dans des combats aériens impressionnants."
445,29,6,"Es geht mit Schallgeschwindigkeit fliegend auf
die Jagd und leistet sich mit Brutalanda
Luftkämpfe um das Vorrecht auf die Beute."
445,29,7,"Surca el aire a velocidad supersónica en busca
de presas y no duda en librar una batalla aérea
con un Salamence para quedarse con ellas."
445,29,8,"Caccia le prede volando a velocità supersonica.
Le lotte aeree con Salamence per contendersi
il cibo sono allordine del giorno."
445,29,9,"It flies at the speed of sound while searching
for prey, and it has midair battles with
Salamence as the two compete for food."
445,29,11,"音速で 飛び 獲物を 探す。
エサを 巡り ボーマンダと
空中戦を 繰り広げる。"
445,30,1,"きめこまかく とがった ウロコは
くうきていこうを へらすだけでなく
おそってきた あいてを きずつけるぞ。"
445,30,3,"매끄럽고 뾰족한 비늘은
공기 저항을 줄일 뿐만 아니라
습격해 온 상대를 상처 입힌다."
445,30,5,"En plus de maximiser son aérodynamisme,
ses écailles lisses et pointues ont lavantage
de blesser ses ennemis quand ils lattaquent."
445,30,6,"Mit seinen feinporigen Schuppen kann es nicht
nur den Luftwiderstand verringern, sondern
auch nahende Angreifer verletzen."
445,30,7,"Sus escamas, pequeñas, lisas y afiladas, no solo
lo hacen más aerodinámico, sino que le sirven
para herir al rival que ose atacarlo."
445,30,8,"Le sue scaglie finissime e aguzze riducono
lattrito con laria e gli permettono allo stesso
tempo di danneggiare i nemici che lo attaccano."
445,30,9,"Its fine scales dont just reduce wind
resistance—their sharp edges also cause injury
to any opponent who attacks it."
445,30,11,"きめ細かく 尖った ウロコは
空気抵抗を 減らすだけでなく
襲ってきた 相手を 傷つけるぞ。"
445,33,1,"かざんせいの やまに すみつく。
ジェットきに まけない はやさで
そらを とび えものを かりまくる。"
445,33,3,"화산이 있는 산에 서식한다.
제트기에도 지지 않는 속도로
하늘을 날아 먹이를 사냥한다."
445,33,5,"Vivant dans les massifs volcaniques, ce Pokémon
chasse ses proies dans le ciel en volant aussi vite
quun avion à réaction."
445,33,6,"Knackrack lebt in vulkanischen Gebirgen. Es fliegt
so schnell wie ein Jet durch die Lüfte und macht
dabei unentwegt Jagd auf Beute."
445,33,7,"Habita en montañas de origen volcánico. Vuela
tan rápido como un avión a reacción en busca de
445,33,8,"Vive in montagne di origine vulcanica. Caccia
le prede solcando i cieli alla velocità di un jet."
445,33,9,"Garchomp makes its home in volcanic mountains.
It flies through the sky as fast as a jet airplane,
hunting down as much prey as it can."
445,33,11,"火山性の 山に すみつく。
ジェット機に 負けない 速さで
空を 飛び 獲物を 狩りまくる。"
445,34,1,"ちじょうでも うごきは すばやく
ゆきやまで からだが ひえきるまえに
えものを しとめ すみかに もどる。"
445,34,3,"지상에서도 움직임이 빠르다.
설산에서는 체온이 떨어지기 전에
먹이를 잡아 거처로 돌아간다."
445,34,5,"Ce Pokémon très rapide même au sol capture
ses proies sur les monts enneigés et rentre vite
dans son antre avant que son corps ne gèle."
445,34,6,"Auch am Boden bewegt es sich schnell. Es kann
im verschneiten Gebirge Beute erlegen und in
sein Nest bringen, bevor sein Körper auskühlt."
445,34,7,"Se mueve a gran velocidad incluso por tierra. Es
capaz de cazar una presa en una montaña nevada
y volver a su guarida sin llegar a pasar frío."
445,34,8,"È veloce anche a terra. È in grado di abbattere
le prede tra le montagne innevate e tornare
nella sua tana prima di congelarsi."
445,34,9,"Garchomp is fast both underground and above.
It can bring down prey and return to its den
before its body has chilled from being outside."
445,34,11,"地上でも 動きは 素早く
雪山で 体が 冷えきるまえに
獲物を しとめ すみかに 戻る。"
446,12,9,"It wolfs down its weight in food
once a day, swallowing food whole
with almost no chewing."
446,13,9,"It hides food under its long body
hair. However, it forgets it has
hidden the food."
446,14,9,"In its desperation to gulp down
food, it forgets about the food it
has hidden under its fur."
446,15,9,"It conceals food under the long fur on
its body. It carts around this food
stash and swallows it without chewing."
446,16,9,"It conceals food under the long fur on
its body. It carts around this food
stash and swallows it without chewing."
446,17,5,"Obnubilé par sa quête incessante
de nourriture, il oublie parfois
quil en a caché dans sa fourrure."
446,17,9,"In its desperation to gulp down
food, it forgets about the food it
has hidden under its fur."
446,18,5,"Obnubilé par sa quête incessante
de nourriture, il oublie parfois
quil en a caché dans sa fourrure."
446,18,9,"In its desperation to gulp down
food, it forgets about the food it
has hidden under its fur."
446,21,9,"In its desperation to gulp down
food, it forgets about the food it
has hidden under its fur."
446,22,9,"In its desperation to gulp down
food, it forgets about the food it
has hidden under its fur."
446,23,1,"ながい からだの けの したに
たべものを かくす しゅうせい。
かくしたことを わすれてしまう。"
446,23,3,"몸의 긴 털 안쪽에
먹이를 숨기는 습성이 있다.
숨긴 것을 잊어버린다."
446,23,5,"Il cache de la nourriture sous les grands poils de son
corps, mais il finit souvent par loublier."
446,23,6,"Unter seinem langen Fell versteckt es Nahrung.
Aber es vergisst, dass es sie dort versteckt hat."
446,23,7,"Esconde comida bajo el largo pelo de su cuerpo, pero
más tarde lo olvida."
446,23,8,"Nasconde il cibo sotto i lunghi peli del suo corpo.
Tuttavia, finisce spesso per dimenticarlo."
446,23,9,"It hides food under its long body hair. However,
it forgets it has hidden the food."
446,23,11,"長い 体の 毛の 下に
食べ物を 隠す 習性。
隠したことを 忘れてしまう。"
446,24,1,"ボサボサの たいもうの なかに
たべものを かくして もちあるく。
たべる ときは ゴクリと まるのみ。"
446,24,3,"부스스한 털 안에
먹이를 숨겨서 갖고 다닌다.
먹을 때는 꿀꺽 통째로 삼킨다."
446,24,5,"Goinfrex cache de la nourriture dans sa fourrure
en pagaille. Il avale tout en une bouchée."
446,24,6,"Unter seinem struppigen Fell trägt es Nahrung mit sich
herum. Dann verschlingt es sie in einem Happs."
446,24,7,"En el interior de su pelaje revuelto esconde la comida
que luego engullirá de una vez."
446,24,8,"Nasconde il cibo sotto il pelo arruffato. Lo inghiotte
senza masticarlo: glop!"
446,24,9,"It conceals food under the long fur on its body.
It carts around this food stash and swallows it
without chewing."
446,24,11,"ボサボサの 体毛の 中に
食べ物を 隠して 持ち歩く。
食べる ときは ゴクリと まる飲み。"
446,25,1,"ながい からだの けの したに
たべものを かくす しゅうせい。
かくしたことを わすれてしまう。"
446,25,3,"몸의 긴 털 안쪽에
먹이를 숨기는 습성이 있다.
숨긴 것을 잊어버린다."
446,25,5,"Il cache de la nourriture sous les grands poils de son corps,
mais il finit souvent par loublier."
446,25,6,"Unter seinem langen Fell versteckt es Nahrung. Aber es
vergisst, dass es sie dort versteckt hat."
446,25,7,"Esconde comida bajo el largo pelo de su cuerpo, pero más
tarde lo olvida."
446,25,8,"Nasconde il cibo sotto i lunghi peli del suo corpo. Tuttavia,
finisce spesso per dimenticarlo."
446,25,9,"It hides food under its long body hair. However,
it forgets it has hidden the food."
446,25,11,"長い 体の 毛の 下に
食べ物を 隠す 習性。
隠したことを 忘れてしまう。"
446,26,1,"ボサボサの たいもうの なかに
たべものを かくして もちあるく。
たべる ときは ゴクリと まるのみ。"
446,26,3,"부스스한 털 안에
먹이를 숨겨서 갖고 다닌다.
먹을 때는 꿀꺽 통째로 삼킨다."
446,26,5,"Goinfrex cache de la nourriture dans sa fourrure en pagaille.
Il avale tout en une bouchée."
446,26,6,"Unter seinem struppigen Fell trägt es Nahrung mit sich herum.
Dann verschlingt es sie in einem Happs."
446,26,7,"En el interior de su pelaje revuelto esconde la comida que
luego engullirá de una vez."
446,26,8,"Nasconde il cibo sotto il pelo arruffato. Lo inghiotte senza
masticarlo: glop!"
446,26,9,"It conceals food under the long fur on its body.
It carts around this food stash and swallows it
without chewing."
446,26,11,"ボサボサの 体毛の 中に
食べ物を 隠して 持ち歩く。
食べる ときは ゴクリと まる飲み。"
446,27,1,"まいにち じぶんの たいじゅうと
おなじ りょうの エサが ひつよう。
あじに ついては きに しない。"
446,27,3,"매일 자신의 체중과
같은 양의 먹이가 필요하다.
맛에 대해서는 신경 쓰지 않는다."
446,27,5,"Il mange chaque jour léquivalent de son propre
poids. Il consomme sa nourriture en quantité,
mais il se moque bien du goût quelle a."
446,27,6,"Es braucht eine tägliche Nahrungsmenge,
die seinem Körpergewicht entspricht.
Der Geschmack ist ihm dabei egal."
446,27,7,"Necesita ingerir cada día el equivalente a su
peso corporal en comida. Le importa poco el
sabor que pueda tener."
446,27,8,"Deve divorare ogni giorno una quantità di cibo
pari al suo peso corporeo. Mangia qualunque
cosa, senza badare troppo al sapore."
446,27,9,"It needs to consume its own weight in food
every day. As far as flavor is concerned,
its indifferent."
446,27,11,"毎日 自分の 体重と
同じ 量の 餌が 必要。
味に ついては 気に しない。"
446,28,1,"くえそうな ものを みつけたら
とりあえず ひろって まるのみ。
だから ひにひに ふとっていく。"
446,28,3,"먹을 수 있을 것 같은 것을 발견하면
일단 주워서 통째로 삼킨다.
그래서 나날이 살이 찌고 있다."
446,28,5,"Dès quil voit un mets alléchant, il le ramasse
aussitôt et lavale tout de go. Cest pour cela
quil grossit à vue dœil, ce petit glouton."
446,28,6,"Findet es essbar aussehende Dinge, liest es
diese auf und verschlingt sie mit einem Happs.
Deswegen steigt sein Gewicht von Tag zu Tag."
446,28,7,"En cuanto encuentra algo comestible, lo recoge
y lo engulle de un bocado, por lo que cada día
está más y más gordo."
446,28,8,"Appena trova qualcosa di commestibile, lo
inghiotte senza masticarlo. Per questo il suo
peso aumenta a vista docchio."
446,28,9,"When it finds something that looks like it might
be edible, it goes right ahead and swallows it
whole. Thats why it gets fatter day by day."
446,28,11,"喰えそうな ものを 見つけたら
とりあえず 拾って 丸呑み。
だから 日に日に 肥っていく。"
446,29,1,"ながい けの したに たべものを
かくすが かくしたことを わすれて
いしゅう さわぎに なることも。"
446,29,3,"긴 털 아래에 음식을 숨기지만
숨긴 것을 잊어 고약한 냄새가
난다며 소동이 날 때도 있다."
446,29,5,"Il a tendance à cacher des aliments dans son
épaisse fourrure... et à les oublier là. Lodeur
putride qui sen dégage alors est plutôt gênante."
446,29,6,"Unter seinem langen Fell versteckt es Nahrung.
Aber es vergisst, dass es sie dort versteckt
hat und regt sich dann über den Gestank auf."
446,29,7,"Aprovecha su largo pelaje para ocultar comida,
pero se le suele olvidar y acaba generando un
olor a putrefacción muy molesto para los demás."
446,29,8,"Nasconde il cibo sotto il lungo pelo, ma spesso
se ne dimentica finché non inizia a esalare
odori molesti a causa della putrefazione."
446,29,9,"It hides food under its long fur, but it
sometimes forgets about it and causes
a stinky disturbance."
446,29,11,"長い 毛の 下に 食べ物を
隠すが 隠したことを 忘れて
異臭 騒ぎに なることも。"
446,30,1,"くえそうなもの だったら とりあえず
ひろって まるのみ。 くさったエサでも
へいきな がんじょうな いを もつ。"
446,30,3,"먹을 만해 보이면 일단 주워서
통째로 삼킨다. 썩은 먹이라도
소화시키는 튼튼한 위를 가졌다."
446,30,5,"Dès quil voit quelque chose de comestible,
il le ramasse et lavale tout de go. Son estomac
lui permet de digérer même la nourriture avariée."
446,30,6,"Alles, was essbar aussieht, verschlingt es mit
einem Happs. Sogar Verdorbenes kann seinem
starken Magen nichts anhaben."
446,30,7,"En cuanto encuentra algo comestible, lo recoge y
lo engulle de un bocado. Su robusto estómago le
permite ingerir alimentos podridos sin inmutarse."
446,30,8,"Inghiotte qualunque cosa sia commestibile senza
masticare. Ha uno stomaco robusto che gli
permette di digerire anche il cibo andato a male."
446,30,9,"Anything that looks edible, Munchlax will go on
and swallow whole. Its stomach is tough enough
to handle it even if the food has gone rotten."
446,30,11,"食えそうなもの だったら とりあえず
拾って 丸呑み。 腐ったエサでも
平気な 頑丈な 胃を 持つ。"
446,33,1,"とにかく たくさん たべることに
むちゅう。 あじも きにしないし
くさっていても へいき なのだ。"
446,33,3,"일단 많이 먹고 보는 것에
푹 빠져 있다. 맛은 상관하지 않으며
상했어도 신경 쓰지 않는다."
446,33,5,"Il ne pense quà manger énormément.
Il na que faire du goût et nhésite dailleurs
pas à engloutir de la nourriture avariée."
446,33,6,"Es ist völlig darauf fixiert, so viel wie möglich zu
fressen. Der Geschmack spielt dabei keine Rolle.
Auch verdorbene Nahrung macht ihm nichts aus."
446,33,7,"Atiborrarse de comida es su fijación. Como no
le hace ascos a nada, puede ingerir alimentos
podridos sin inmutarse."
446,33,8,"Mangiare in quantità è la sua preoccupazione
principale. Non bada al gusto e non si fa
problemi se il cibo è andato a male."
446,33,9,"Stuffing itself with vast amounts of food is its
only concern. Whether the food is rotten or
fresh, yummy or tasteless—it does not care."
446,33,11,"とにかく たくさん 食べることに
夢中。 味も 気にしないし
腐っていても 平気 なのだ。"
446,34,1,"たいもうのしたに エサを ためる。
しんらいした あいてには
ひとくちだけ わけてくれることも。"
446,34,3,"털 안에 먹이를 모은다.
신뢰하는 상대에게는
한 입 나눠주기도 한다."
446,34,5,"Il conserve sa nourriture sous son épaisse fourrure.
Il lui arrive den offrir un peu à ceux en qui
il a confiance."
446,34,6,"Es hortet Nahrung unter seinem Fell. Vertraut es
jemandem, gibt es ihm manchmal einen kleinen
Happen ab, aber nicht mehr."
446,34,7,"Guarda alimentos bajo el pelaje. Compartirá un
pequeño bocado de vez en cuando con quien
logre ganarse su confianza."
446,34,8,"Conserva il cibo sotto la pelliccia e talvolta ne
condivide un boccone con chi si è guadagnato
la sua piena fiducia."
446,34,9,"It stores food beneath its fur. It might share
just one bite, but only if it really trusts you."
446,34,11,"体毛の下に エサを 貯める。
信頼した 相手には
ひと口だけ わけてくれることも。"
447,12,9,"The aura that emanates from its
body intensifies to alert others
if it is afraid or sad."
447,13,9,"Its body is lithe yet powerful.
It can crest three mountains and
cross two canyons in one night."
447,14,9,"It has the peculiar power of being
able to see emotions such as joy
and rage in the form of waves."
447,15,9,"They communicate with one another
using their auras. They are able to run
all through the night."
447,16,9,"They communicate with one another
using their auras. They are able to run
all through the night."
447,17,5,"Il a la faculté unique de visualiser
les émotions telles que la joie ou
la colère sous forme dondes."
447,17,9,"It has the peculiar power of being
able to see emotions such as joy
and rage in the form of waves."
447,18,5,"Il a la faculté unique de visualiser
les émotions telles que la joie ou
la colère sous forme dondes."
447,18,9,"It has the peculiar power of being
able to see emotions such as joy
and rage in the form of waves."
447,21,9,"It uses the shapes of auras,
which change according to emotion,
to communicate with others."
447,22,9,"It uses the shapes of auras,
which change according to emotion,
to communicate with others."
447,23,1,"かんじょうで かたちが かわる
はどうを だしあって なかまどうし
コミュニケーションを とっている。"
447,23,3,"감정에 따라 모양이 변하는
파동을 서로 내어 동료끼리
커뮤니케이션을 취하고 있다."
447,23,5,"Il communique avec ses semblables grâce à des
ondes qui sont modulées en fonction de ses
447,23,6,"Es kommuniziert mit seinen Artgenossen über Wellen,
die je nach Gefühlslage eine andere Form annehmen."
447,23,7,"Se comunica con los suyos mediante la emisión de
unas ondas que cambian de forma en función de los
447,23,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili tramite delle onde che
cambiano forma a seconda del sentimento che prova."
447,23,9,"It uses the shapes of auras, which change
according to emotion, to communicate with others."
447,23,11,"感情で 形が 変わる
波動を だしあって 仲間同士
コミュニケーションを とっている。"
447,24,1,"からだから はっする はどうは
こわいとき かなしいときに つよまり
ピンチを なかまに つたえる。"
447,24,3,"몸에서 발산되는 파동은
무서울 때나 슬플 때에 강해져
동료에게 위기를 알린다."
447,24,5,"Son aura sintensifie pour prévenir son entourage
quand il a peur ou quil est triste."
447,24,6,"Die Aura, die dieses Pokémon umgibt, verstärkt sich,
wenn es zeigen will, dass es ängstlich oder traurig ist."
447,24,7,"Su aura se intensifica para alertar a otros cuando está
triste o tiene miedo."
447,24,8,"Laura che emana si intensifica per comunicare agli
altri se è triste o spaventato."
447,24,9,"The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to
alert others if it is afraid or sad."
447,24,11,"体から 発する 波動は
怖いとき 悲しいときに 強まり
ピンチを 仲間に 伝える。"
447,25,1,"かんじょうで かたちが かわる
はどうを だしあって なかまどうし
コミュニケーションを とっている。"
447,25,3,"감정에 따라 모양이 변하는
파동을 서로 내어 동료끼리
커뮤니케이션을 취하고 있다."
447,25,5,"Il communique avec ses semblables grâce à des ondes
qui sont modulées en fonction de ses émotions."
447,25,6,"Es kommuniziert mit seinen Artgenossen über Wellen,
die je nach Gefühlslage eine andere Form annehmen."
447,25,7,"Se comunica con los suyos mediante la emisión de unas
ondas que cambian de forma en función de los sentimientos."
447,25,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili tramite delle onde che cambiano
forma a seconda del sentimento che prova."
447,25,9,"It uses the shapes of auras, which change
according to emotion, to communicate with others."
447,25,11,"感情で 形が 変わる
波動を だしあって 仲間同士
コミュニケーションを とっている。"
447,26,1,"からだから はっする はどうは
こわいとき かなしいときに つよまり
ピンチを なかまに つたえる。"
447,26,3,"몸에서 발산되는 파동은
무서울 때나 슬플 때에 강해져
동료에게 위기를 알린다."
447,26,5,"Son aura sintensifie pour prévenir son entourage quand
il a peur ou quil est triste."
447,26,6,"Die Aura, die dieses Pokémon umgibt, verstärkt sich,
wenn es zeigen will, dass es ängstlich oder traurig ist."
447,26,7,"Su aura se intensifica para alertar a otros cuando está triste
o tiene miedo."
447,26,8,"Laura che emana si intensifica per comunicare agli altri
se è triste o spaventato."
447,26,9,"The aura that emanates from its body intensifies to
alert others if it is afraid or sad."
447,26,11,"体から 発する 波動は
怖いとき 悲しいときに 強まり
ピンチを 仲間に 伝える。"
447,27,1,"ひとや ポケモンの かんじょうや
しぜんの ようすを はどう という
なみの かたちで みているのだ。"
447,27,3,"사람과 포켓몬의 감정이나
자연의 상태를 파동이라는
파장의 형태로 느낀다."
447,27,5,"Il perçoit sous forme dondes les émotions
des humains et des Pokémon, ainsi que tout ce
qui lentoure."
447,27,6,"Es sieht sowohl die Gefühle von Menschen
und Pokémon als auch die ihn umgebende Natur
in Form von Wellen, die Aura genannt werden."
447,27,7,"Percibe en forma de ondas las emociones de
Pokémon y humanos."
447,27,8,"È in grado di percepire la natura e le emozioni
di Pokémon ed esseri umani sotto forma di onde."
447,27,9,"It can discern the physical and emotional states
of people, Pokémon, and other natural things
from the shape of their aura waves."
447,27,11,"人や ポケモンの 感情や
自然の 様子を 波動 という
波の 形で みているのだ。"
447,28,1,"ひとばんじゅう はしっていられる
タフさが あり がんばりや だが
まだまだ ひよっこ なのだ。"
447,28,3,"밤새 달릴 수 있는 지구력을
갖고 있고 노력가지만
아직 햇병아리다."
447,28,5,"Comme il peut passer la nuit entière à courir,
il paraît très robuste et persévérant, mais
au fond, cest encore un bébé."
447,28,6,"Dieses junge Pokémon ist bereits so robust und
willensstark, dass es die ganze Nacht hindurch
rennen kann."
447,28,7,"Es un Pokémon valiente y perseverante
capaz de pasarse toda una noche corriendo,
aunque en el fondo no es más que un bebé."
447,28,8,"Pur essendo così piccolo, ha unincredibile
energia che gli permette di correre anche per
una notte intera."
447,28,9,"Its tough enough to run right through the night,
and its also a hard worker, but its still just
a youngster."
447,28,11,"一晩中 走っていられる
タフさが あり 頑張り屋 だが
まだまだ ひよっ子 なのだ。"
447,29,1,"はどうと よばれる なみを みて
ひとや ポケモンの きもちを しる。
きけんな あいてには ちかづかない。"
447,29,3,"파동이라고 불리는 파를 보면
사람과 포켓몬의 마음을 알 수 있다.
위험한 상대에게는 다가가지 않는다."
447,29,5,"Il peut détecter les émotions des humains et
des Pokémon grâce à leur aura. Il ne sapproche
pas des individus quil juge dangereux."
447,29,6,"Durch Wellen, die Aura genannt werden, kann es
die Gefühle von Menschen und Pokémon lesen.
Von bedrohlichen Gegnern hält es sich fern."
447,29,7,"Percibe en forma de ondas las emociones de
Pokémon y humanos, y jamás se acerca a quien
le da la sensación de ser peligroso."
447,29,8,"È in grado di percepire le emozioni di Pokémon
ed esseri umani attraverso la loro aura. Si tiene
alla larga dagli avversari pericolosi."
447,29,9,"It knows how people and Pokémon feel by
looking at their auras. It doesnt approach
dangerous opponents."
447,29,11,"波動と 呼ばれる 波を 見て
人や ポケモンの 気持ちを 知る。
危険な 相手には 近付かない。"
447,30,1,"なかまとの コミュニケーションに
はどうと よばれる なみを つかう。
なかないので てきに ばれないのだ。"
447,30,3,"동료와의 커뮤니케이션에
파동이라 불리는 파장을 사용한다.
울지 않아서 적에게 들키지 않는다."
447,30,5,"Il se sert dauras pour communiquer avec
les siens. Ses ennemis ne peuvent pas espionner
ses conversations, car il német aucun son."
447,30,6,"Es kommuniziert mit seinen Artgenossen über
Wellen, die man Aura nennt. So verständigt es
sich lautlos und bleibt Gegnern verborgen."
447,30,7,"En lugar de usar la voz, se comunica con los
demás mediante ondas conocidas como auras
y así pasa desapercibido ante sus enemigos."
447,30,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili usando onde definite
“aura” senza emettere alcun verso, riuscendo
così a non farsi intercettare dai nemici."
447,30,9,"It uses waves called auras to communicate with
others of its kind. It doesnt make any noise
during this time, so its enemies cant detect it."
447,30,11,"仲間との コミュニケーションに
波動と 呼ばれる 波を 使う。
鳴かないので 敵に ばれないのだ。"
447,33,1,"ひとばんじゅう はしっていられる
スタミナを もつ。 かっぱつで
さんぽの あいては たいへん。"
447,33,3,"밤새 달릴 수 있을 정도의
체력을 가졌다. 활발해서
같이 산책하는 상대에겐 고역이다."
447,33,5,"Il possède assez dendurance pour passer
des nuits entières à courir. Il est difficile de partir
en balade avec lui tant il déborde dénergie."
447,33,6,"Es besitzt so viel Ausdauer, dass es die ganze
Nacht rennen könnte. Wer mit ihm spazieren
gehen will, kann nur schwer mit ihm Schritt halten."
447,33,7,"Su gran resistencia le permite correr durante toda
una noche sin problema, pero tanta energía hace
que sea sumamente complicado seguirle el ritmo."
447,33,8,"Ha una grande resistenza e una gran vitalità,
tanto che può correre anche per una notte intera.
Durante le passeggiate non è facile stargli dietro."
447,33,9,"Its exceedingly energetic, with enough stamina
to keep running all through the night. Taking it
for walks can be a challenging experience."
447,33,11,"一晩中 走っていられる
スタミナを もつ。 活発で
散歩の 相手は たいへん。"
447,34,1,"あいての かんじょう だけでなく
しぜんの ようすも はどう という
なみの かたちで かんじとる。"
447,34,3,"상대의 감정뿐만 아니라
자연의 상태도 파동이라는
파장의 형태로 느낀다."
447,34,5,"Il perçoit sous forme daura non seulement
les sentiments des autres, mais aussi létat
de la nature."
447,34,6,"Es erspürt nicht nur die Gefühle anderer, sondern
auch den Zustand der Natur durch Wellen, die
Aura genannt werden."
447,34,7,"Percibe los sentimientos de quienes lo rodean,
así como las condiciones del entorno, mediante
unas ondas conocidas como auras."
447,34,8,"Percepisce non solo le emozioni degli altri,
ma anche le condizioni dellambiente naturale
sotto forma di onde definite “aura”."
447,34,9,"It can use waves called auras to gauge how
others are feeling. These same waves can also tell
this Pokémon about the state of the environment."
447,34,11,"相手の 感情 だけでなく
自然の 様子も 波動 という
波の 形で 感じとる。"
448,12,9,"It has the ability to sense the
auras of all things.
It understands human speech."
448,13,9,"By catching the aura emanating
from others, it can read their
thoughts and movements.    "
448,14,9,"A well-trained one can sense auras
to identify and take in the feelings
of creatures over half a mile away."
448,15,9,"Its said that no foe can remain invisible
to LUCARIO, since it can detect auras.
Even foes it could not otherwise see."
448,16,9,"Its said that no foe can remain invisible
to LUCARIO, since it can detect auras.
Even foes it could not otherwise see."
448,17,5,"Un spécimen bien entraîné peut
sentir et identifier les émotions de
quelquun à plus dun kilomètre."
448,17,9,"A well-trained one can sense auras
to identify and take in the feelings
of creatures over half a mile away."
448,18,5,"Un spécimen bien entraîné peut
sentir et identifier les émotions de
quelquun à plus dun kilomètre."
448,18,9,"A well-trained one can sense auras
to identify and take in the feelings
of creatures over half a mile away."
448,21,9,"By reading the auras of all things,
it can tell how others are feeling
from over half a mile away."
448,22,9,"By reading the auras of all things,
it can tell how others are feeling
from over half a mile away."
448,23,1,"あいての はっする はどうを
キャッチすることで かんがえや
うごきを よみとることが できる。"
448,23,3,"상대가 발하는 파동을
감지하여 생각이나
움직임을 간파할 수 있다."
448,23,5,"Il peut deviner les pensées et les mouvements des
autres en analysant leur aura."
448,23,6,"Es nimmt die Aura seines Gegners wahr. So kann es
dessen Gedanken und Bewegungen erkennen."
448,23,7,"Puede leer los pensamientos y movimientos de su
adversario a través de su aura."
448,23,8,"Riesce a leggere i pensieri e i movimenti del
nemico decifrando laura che questo emette."
448,23,9,"By catching the aura emanating from others, it can
read their thoughts and movements."
448,23,11,"相手の 発する 波動を
キャッチすることで 考えや 動きを
読み取ることが できる。"
448,24,1,"あらゆる ものが だす はどうを
よみとることで 1キロさきに いる
あいての きもちも りかいできる。"
448,24,3,"모든 물건이 내는 파동을
읽어내어 1km 앞에 있는
상대의 마음도 이해할 수 있다."
448,24,5,"Il peut sentir et identifier les émotions de quelquun
à plus dun kilomètre."
448,24,6,"Kann aus 1 km Entfernung die Gefühle anderer Wesen
erfassen, indem es die Wellen liest, die sie aussenden."
448,24,7,"Emite unas ondas que le permiten percibir todo lo que
se encuentre a 1 km, incluso los sentimientos de otras
448,24,8,"Sa decifrare le onde emesse da ogni cosa. Questo gli
permette di capire le emozioni di creature lontane
anche 1 km."
448,24,9,"By reading the auras of all things, it can tell how
others are feeling from over half a mile away."
448,24,11,"あらゆる ものが 出す 波動を
読みとることで 1キロ先に いる
相手の 気持ちも 理解できる。"
448,25,1,"あいての はっする はどうを
キャッチすることで かんがえや
うごきを よみとることが できる。"
448,25,3,"상대가 발하는 파동을
감지하여 생각이나
움직임을 간파할 수 있다."
448,25,5,"Il peut deviner les pensées et les mouvements des autres
en analysant leur aura."
448,25,6,"Es nimmt die Aura seines Gegners wahr. So kann es dessen
Gedanken und Bewegungen erkennen."
448,25,7,"Puede leer los pensamientos y movimientos de su adversario
a través de su aura."
448,25,8,"Riesce a leggere i pensieri e i movimenti del nemico decifrando
laura che questo emette."
448,25,9,"By catching the aura emanating from others, it can
read their thoughts and movements."
448,25,11,"相手の 発する 波動を
キャッチすることで 考えや 動きを
読み取ることが できる。"
448,26,1,"あらゆる ものが だす はどうを
よみとることで 1キロさきに いる
あいての きもちも りかいできる。"
448,26,3,"모든 물건이 내는 파동을
읽어내어 1km 앞에 있는
상대의 마음도 이해할 수 있다."
448,26,5,"Il peut sentir et identifier les émotions de quelquun à plus
dun kilomètre."
448,26,6,"Kann aus 1 km Entfernung die Gefühle anderer Wesen
erfassen, indem es die Wellen liest, die sie aussenden."
448,26,7,"Emite unas ondas que le permiten percibir todo lo que se
encuentre a 1 km, incluso los sentimientos de otras personas."
448,26,8,"Sa decifrare le onde emesse da ogni cosa. Questo gli permette
di capire le emozioni di creature lontane anche 1 km."
448,26,9,"By reading the auras of all things, it can tell how
others are feeling from over half a mile away."
448,26,11,"あらゆる ものが 出す 波動を
読みとることで 1キロ先に いる
相手の 気持ちも 理解できる。"
448,27,1,"よみとるだけ ではなく はどうを
あやつる ちからを てに いれた。
たたかいにも りよう するぞ。"
448,27,3,"간파하는 것뿐만 아니라
파동을 조종하는 힘을 얻었다.
싸울 때도 이용한다."
448,27,5,"Ne se contentant pas de percevoir les auras,
il peut également les modifier. Il nhésite pas
à sen servir en plein combat."
448,27,6,"Es kann Auren nicht nur wahrnehmen, sondern
auch manipulieren. Diese Fähigkeit nutzt es
beim Kämpfen."
448,27,7,"No solo es capaz de detectar auras, sino
también de manipularlas. Esta habilidad le
resulta muy útil durante los combates."
448,27,8,"Oltre a essere in grado di percepire laura,
ha anche la capacità di controllarla.
Sfrutta questa sua abilità anche nelle lotte."
448,27,9,"Not only does it perceive auras, but it has also
gained the power to control them. It employs
them in battle."
448,27,11,"読み取るだけ ではなく 波動を
操る 力を 手に 入れた。
戦いにも 利用 するぞ。"
448,28,1,"1キロさきの いきものの しゅるいや
きもちを キャッチする。 はどうを
あやつり むれで えものを かる。"
448,28,3,"1km 앞의 생물의 종류나
기분을 캐치한다. 파동을
이용해 무리로 먹이를 사냥한다."
448,28,5,"Il peut détecter les émotions des individus
se trouvant à 1 km, ainsi que leur espèce.
Il chasse en meute en se servant des auras."
448,28,6,"Es kann aus 1 km Entfernung die Art und auch
die Gefühle von Lebewesen erfassen. Es jagt
im Rudel und manipuliert die Aura der Beute."
448,28,7,"Detecta la presencia y los sentimientos de los
seres vivos a más de 1 km de distancia,
habilidad que aprovecha para cazar en grupos."
448,28,8,"Riesce a identificare creature ed emozioni a
1 km di distanza. Sfrutta la sua capacità di
percepire laura per cacciare in gruppo."
448,28,9,"They can detect the species of a living being—
and its emotions—from over half a mile away.
They control auras and hunt their prey in packs."
448,28,11,"1キロ先の 生き物の 種類や
気持ちを キャッチする。 波動を
操り 群れで 獲物を 狩る。"
448,29,1,"せいしんを しゅうちゅうして はなつ
はどうと よばれる ふしぎな なみは
おおいわをも こなごなに くだく。"
448,29,3,"정신을 집중하고 발산하는
파동이라고 불리는 신비한 파는
큰 바위도 산산이 부숴 버린다."
448,29,5,"Il peut canaliser son énergie mentale pour
déchaîner des auras mystérieuses capables
de réduire dénormes rochers en miettes."
448,29,6,"Unter starker Konzentration kann es rätselhafte
Wellen von sich geben, die man Aura nennt.
Damit kann es sogar große Felsen pulverisieren."
448,29,7,"Acumula poder espiritual y lo canaliza en forma
de auras misteriosas capaces de hacer añicos
incluso enormes rocas."
448,29,8,"È in grado di concentrare le sue energie
spirituali per sprigionare unaura che può
frantumare anche grossi macigni."
448,29,9,"It concentrates its mental energy and fires off
mysterious waves called auras, which can crush
boulders of large size to dust."
448,29,11,"精神を 集中して 放つ
波動と 呼ばれる 不思議な 波は
大岩をも 粉々に 砕く。"
448,30,1,"はどうの なみで あいての きもちを
キャッチする。 しりたくないことも
わかるので ストレスを ためやすい。"
448,30,3,"파동의 파장으로 상대의 기분을
캐치한다. 알고 싶지 않은 일도
알게 되어 스트레스가 잘 쌓인다."
448,30,5,"Grâce à ses auras, il peut détecter toutes les
émotions de son adversaire, même celles quil
préférerait ignorer et qui lui causent du stress."
448,30,6,"Es kann über die Auren anderer deren Gefühle
wahrnehmen. Da es dabei auch Dinge erfährt,
die es lieber nicht wüsste, ist es oft gestresst."
448,30,7,"Puede percibir sentimientos ajenos a través de
su aura, pero averiguar cosas que preferiría no
saber constituye una fuente de estrés para él."
448,30,8,"Riesce a identificare le emozioni dellavversario
tramite laura. A volte capta pensieri che
preferirebbe ignorare e questo gli causa stress."
448,30,9,"Lucario reads its opponents feelings with its
aura waves. It finds out things it would rather
not know, so it gets stressed out easily."
448,30,11,"波動の 波で 相手の 気持ちを
キャッチする。 知りたくないことも
わかるので ストレスを ためやすい。"
448,33,1,"おおいわも こなごなに くだく
はどうと よばれる ちからを
あやつって えものを かる。"
448,33,3,"큰 바위도 산산조각 내는
파동이라 불리는 힘을
다뤄서 먹이를 사냥한다."
448,33,5,"Il chasse ses proies en se servant dune force
appelée aura, dont la puissance est telle quelle
lui permet de réduire un rocher en poussière."
448,33,6,"Es jagt seine Beute, indem es eine Kraft
manipuliert, die Aura genannt wird. Dadurch
kann es sogar große Felsen pulverisieren."
448,33,7,"Caza a sus presas manipulando una energía,
denominada aura, cuya potencia es capaz incluso
de hacer añicos rocas enormes."
448,33,8,"Caccia le prede usando un potere chiamato
aura, in grado di ridurre in frantumi anche
grossi macigni."
448,33,9,"It controls waves known as auras, which are
powerful enough to pulverize huge rocks.
It uses these waves to take down its prey."
448,33,11,"大岩も 粉々に 砕く
波動と 呼ばれる 力を
操って 獲物を 狩る。"
448,34,1,"ひとの かんがえていることも
わかるので ただしい こころの
トレーナーにしか なつかない。"
448,34,3,"사람이 생각하는 것도
알 수 있기 때문에 정직한 마음을
가진 트레이너만 따른다."
448,34,5,"Étant capable de lire ce que pensent les humains,
ce Pokémon ne sattache quaux Dresseurs dotés
dun cœur pur."
448,34,6,"Es kann die Gedanken von Menschen lesen.
Deshalb lässt es sich nur auf Trainer ein, die
ihr Herz auf dem rechten Fleck haben."
448,34,7,"Puede leer los pensamientos de la gente, por
lo que establece lazos afectivos únicamente con
Entrenadores de corazón noble."
448,34,8,"È in grado di comprendere anche i pensieri
degli esseri umani. Per questo, si affeziona
solo agli Allenatori dallanimo onesto."
448,34,9,"It can tell what people are thinking. Only Trainers
who have justice in their hearts can earn this
Pokémons trust."
448,34,11,"人の 考えていることも
わかるので 正しい 心の
トレーナーにしか 懐かない。"
449,12,9,"It lives in arid places. Instead
of perspiration, it expels grainy
sand from its body."
449,13,9,"It enshrouds itself with sand to
protect itself from germs.
It does not enjoy getting wet."
449,14,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then
travels through sand as if walking.
They form colonies of around ten."
449,15,9,"It shrouds itself in sand to ward off
germs. It travels easily through the
sands of the desert."
449,16,9,"It shrouds itself in sand to ward off
germs. It travels easily through the
sands of the desert."
449,17,5,"Il peut obturer ses narines et
traverser le sable comme un ver.
Il vit en colonies de 10 individus."
449,17,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then
travels through sand as if walking.
They form colonies of around ten."
449,18,5,"Il peut obturer ses narines et
traverser le sable comme un ver.
Il vit en colonies de 10 individus."
449,18,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then
travels through sand as if walking.
They form colonies of around ten."
449,21,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then
travels through sand as if walking.
They form colonies of around 10."
449,22,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then
travels through sand as if walking.
They form colonies of around 10."
449,23,1,"かんそうした とちで くらす。
あせの かわりに すなつぶを
からだから ぶんぴつする ポケモン。"
449,23,3,"건조한 땅에서 산다.
땀 대신 모래알을
몸에서 분비하는 포켓몬이다."
449,23,5,"Il vit dans des endroits arides. Il exsude du sable
granuleux au lieu de transpirer."
449,23,6,"Es lebt in ausgetrockneten Gebieten. Statt zu
schwitzen, sondert sein Körper Sand ab."
449,23,7,"Vive en zonas áridas. En lugar de sudar, su cuerpo
expulsa granos de arena."
449,23,8,"Vive in territori aridi. Invece del sudore, espelle
dal corpo sabbia granulosa."
449,23,9,"It lives in arid places. Instead of perspiration,
it expels grainy sand from its body."
449,23,11,"乾燥した 土地で 暮らす。
汗の かわりに 砂粒を
体から 分泌する ポケモン。"
449,24,1,"ぜんしんに すなを まとうことで
ばいきんから からだを まもる。
みずに ぬれることが にがて。"
449,24,3,"전신에 모래를 둘러서
세균으로부터 몸을 보호한다.
물에 젖는 것을 싫어한다."
449,24,5,"Il se recouvre de sable pour se protéger des
microbes. Il naime pas leau."
449,24,6,"Es bedeckt sich mit Sand, um sich vor Keimen
zu schützen. Es mag es gar nicht, wenn es nass wird."
449,24,7,"Se embadurna de arena para protegerse de los
gérmenes. No le gusta mojarse."
449,24,8,"Si ricopre di sabbia per proteggersi dai germi.
Non ama bagnarsi."
449,24,9,"It enshrouds itself with sand to protect itself from
germs. It does not enjoy getting wet."
449,24,11,"全身に 砂を まとうことで
ばい菌から 体を 守る。
水に ぬれることが 苦手。"
449,25,1,"かんそうした とちで くらす。
あせの かわりに すなつぶを
からだから ぶんぴつする ポケモン。"
449,25,3,"건조한 땅에서 산다.
땀 대신 모래알을
몸에서 분비하는 포켓몬이다."
449,25,5,"Il vit dans des endroits arides. Il exsude du sable granuleux
au lieu de transpirer."
449,25,6,"Es lebt in ausgetrockneten Gebieten. Statt zu schwitzen,
sondert sein Körper Sand ab."
449,25,7,"Vive en zonas áridas. En lugar de sudar, su cuerpo expulsa
granos de arena."
449,25,8,"Vive in territori aridi. Invece del sudore, espelle dal corpo
sabbia granulosa."
449,25,9,"It lives in arid places. Instead of perspiration,
it expels grainy sand from its body."
449,25,11,"乾燥した 土地で 暮らす。
汗の かわりに 砂粒を
体から 分泌する ポケモン。"
449,26,1,"ぜんしんに すなを まとうことで
ばいきんから からだを まもる。
みずに ぬれることが にがて。"
449,26,3,"전신에 모래를 둘러서
세균으로부터 몸을 보호한다.
물에 젖는 것을 싫어한다."
449,26,5,"Il se recouvre de sable pour se protéger des microbes.
Il naime pas leau."
449,26,6,"Es bedeckt sich mit Sand, um sich vor Keimen zu schützen.
Es mag es gar nicht, wenn es nass wird."
449,26,7,"Se embadurna de arena para protegerse de los gérmenes.
No le gusta mojarse."
449,26,8,"Si ricopre di sabbia per proteggersi dai germi.
Non ama bagnarsi."
449,26,9,"It enshrouds itself with sand to protect itself from
germs. It does not enjoy getting wet."
449,26,11,"全身に 砂を まとうことで
ばい菌から 体を 守る。
水に ぬれることが 苦手。"
449,33,1,"くちを あけて いどうしながら
すなごと えものを まるのみ。
すなは はなから ふきだし すてる。"
449,33,3,"입을 벌리고 이동하면서
모래째로 먹이를 꿀꺽 삼킨다.
모래는 코로 뿜어내서 버린다."
449,33,5,"Il attrape ses proies en se déplaçant la gueule
ouverte. Il éjecte ensuite le sable quil a avalé
au passage en lexpulsant par le nez."
449,33,6,"Es bewegt sich mit geöffnetem Maul und
verschluckt seine Beute mit jeder Menge Sand,
den es durch seine Nasenlöcher wieder ausstößt."
449,33,7,"Se desplaza con la boca abierta engullendo tanto
presas como arena por igual. Luego, expulsa la
arenilla por la nariz."
449,33,8,"Si sposta con la bocca aperta inghiottendo
contemporaneamente sabbia e prede. Poi si
libera della sabbia soffiandola fuori dal naso."
449,33,9,"It moves through the sands with its mouth open,
swallowing sand along with its prey. It gets rid of
the sand by spouting it from its nose."
449,33,11,"口を 開けて 移動しながら
砂ごと 獲物を 丸飲み。
砂は 鼻から 噴き出し 捨てる。"
449,34,1,"おもに ひるまに かつどうする。
さばくのよは ひえるので すなの
おくふかくに もぐって ねむる。"
449,34,3,"주로 낮에 활동한다.
사막의 밤은 기온이 낮아져
모래 깊숙이 들어가 잠을 잔다."
449,34,5,"Il est principalement actif pendant la journée.
Il senfouit profondément dans le sable pour
dormir, car les nuits désertiques sont très froides."
449,34,6,"Es ist hauptsächlich tagsüber aktiv. Die Nächte in
der Wüste sind kalt, deswegen vergräbt es sich
zum Schlafen tief im Sand."
449,34,7,"Este Pokémon de hábitos diurnos se entierra en
la arena para dormir cuando la temperatura en
el desierto se desploma al caer la noche."
449,34,8,"È attivo principalmente di giorno. Dato che nel
deserto la temperatura notturna è molto bassa,
scava profonde buche nella sabbia per dormire."
449,34,9,"This Pokémon is active during the day and passes
the cold desert nights burrowed snugly into
the sand."
449,34,11,"おもに 昼間に 活動する。
砂漠の夜は 冷えるので 砂の
奥深くに 潜って 眠る。"
450,12,9,"It blasts internally stored sand
from ports on its body to create
a towering twister for attack."
450,13,9,"Its huge mouth is almost seven
feet across. It has enough power
to completely crush a car."
450,14,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger.
It holds its mouth agape as a
display of its strength."
450,15,9,"It brandishes its gaping mouth in a
display of fearsome strength. It raises
vast quantities of sand while attacking."
450,16,9,"It brandishes its gaping mouth in a
display of fearsome strength. It raises
vast quantities of sand while attacking."
450,17,5,"Facilement irritable, il ouvre ses
mâchoires au maximum pour intimider
ses adversaires."
450,17,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger.
It holds its mouth agape as a
display of its strength."
450,18,5,"Facilement irritable, il ouvre ses
mâchoires au maximum pour intimider
ses adversaires."
450,18,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger.
It holds its mouth agape as a
display of its strength."
450,21,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger.
It holds its mouth agape as a
display of its strength."
450,22,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger.
It holds its mouth agape as a
display of its strength."
450,23,1,"おおきく くちを あけて じぶんの
つよさを アピール。たいりょうの
すなを まきあげて こうげきする。"
450,23,3,"크게 입을 벌려 자신의
강함을 어필한다. 대량의
모래를 일으켜 공격한다."
450,23,5,"Il exhibe sa force en ouvrant grand sa mâchoire,
et attaque en soulevant des tornades de sable."
450,23,6,"Das weit aufgerissene Maul demonstriert seine
Stärke. Es attackiert mit gebündeltem Sand."
450,23,7,"Hace gala de su fuerza abriendo su enorme boca.
Para atacar levanta gran cantidad de arena."
450,23,8,"Mostra la propria forza spalancando le fauci.
Attacca sollevando immani quantità di sabbia."
450,23,9,"It brandishes its gaping mouth in a display of
fearsome strength. It raises vast quantities of sand
while attacking."
450,23,11,"大きく 口を 開けて
自分の 強さを アピール。
大量の 砂を 巻き上げて 攻撃する。"
450,24,1,"たいないに ためた すなを からだの
あなから ふきあげて きょだいな
たつまきを つくり こうげきする。"
450,24,3,"체내에 모아둔 모래를 몸의
구멍에서 뿜어 올려 거대한
회오리를 만들어 공격한다."
450,24,5,"Il emmagasine du sable quil expulse en tornades par
les pores de sa peau pour attaquer."
450,24,6,"Es wirbelt im Körper gespeicherten Sand durch
Öffnungen und generiert so einen Sandwirbelsturm."
450,24,7,"Cuando ataca, expulsa arena almacenada en su interior
para crear un gran tornado."
450,24,8,"Immagazzina sabbia allinterno del corpo e lespelle
con violenza dai pori, formando enormi vortici."
450,24,9,"It blasts internally stored sand from ports on its
body to create a towering twister for attack."
450,24,11,"体内に ためた 砂を 体の 穴から
噴き上げて 巨大な
竜巻を 作り 攻撃する。"
450,25,1,"おおきく くちを あけて じぶんの
つよさを アピール。たいりょうの
すなを まきあげて こうげきする。"
450,25,3,"크게 입을 벌려 자신의
강함을 어필한다. 대량의
모래를 일으켜 공격한다."
450,25,5,"Il exhibe sa force en ouvrant grand sa mâchoire, et attaque
en soulevant des tornades de sable."
450,25,6,"Das weit aufgerissene Maul demonstriert seine Stärke.
Es attackiert mit gebündeltem Sand."
450,25,7,"Hace gala de su fuerza abriendo su enorme boca. Para atacar
levanta gran cantidad de arena."
450,25,8,"Mostra la propria forza spalancando le fauci.
Attacca sollevando immani quantità di sabbia."
450,25,9,"It brandishes its gaping mouth in a display of
fearsome strength. It raises vast quantities of sand
while attacking."
450,25,11,"大きく 口を 開けて
自分の 強さを アピール。
大量の 砂を 巻き上げて 攻撃する。"
450,26,1,"たいないに ためた すなを からだの
あなから ふきあげて きょだいな
たつまきを つくり こうげきする。"
450,26,3,"체내에 모아둔 모래를 몸의
구멍에서 뿜어 올려 거대한
회오리를 만들어 공격한다."
450,26,5,"Il emmagasine du sable quil expulse en tornades par les pores
de sa peau pour attaquer."
450,26,6,"Es wirbelt im Körper gespeicherten Sand durch Öffnungen
und generiert so einen Sandwirbelsturm."
450,26,7,"Cuando ataca, expulsa arena almacenada en su interior para
crear un gran tornado."
450,26,8,"Immagazzina sabbia allinterno del corpo e lespelle
con violenza dai pori, formando enormi vortici."
450,26,9,"It blasts internally stored sand from ports on its
body to create a towering twister for attack."
450,26,11,"体内に ためた 砂を 体の 穴から
噴き上げて 巨大な
竜巻を 作り 攻撃する。"
450,33,1,"からだの あなには たまに いしが
つまる。 いしを とってくれるので
イシズマイを たいせつに まもる。"
450,33,3,"몸에 난 구멍에는 가끔 돌이
끼인다. 돌을 빼주기 때문에
돌살이를 소중하게 지킨다."
450,33,5,"Il prend grand soin des Crabicoque,
car ils laident à se débarrasser des cailloux
qui obstruent parfois les orifices de son corps."
450,33,6,"Manchmal bleiben in den Öffnungen in seinem
Körper Steine stecken. Lithomith entfernen diese
Steine, deswegen genießen sie seinen Schutz."
450,33,7,"Protege con celo a los Dwebble, ya que le
ayudan a liberarse de las piedras que a veces
le obturan los orificios del lomo."
450,33,8,"Protegge con zelo i Dwebble, perché lo aiutano
a liberarsi delle pietre che a volte si incastrano
nei pori che ha sul dorso."
450,33,9,"Stones can get stuck in the ports on their bodies.
Dwebble help dislodge such stones, so
Hippowdon look after these Pokémon."
450,33,11,"体の 穴には たまに 石が
詰まる。 石を 取ってくれるので
イシズマイを 大切に 守る。"
450,34,1,"おこらせると かなり きょうぼう。
とりこんだ すなを ふきだして
すなあらしを まきおこす。"
450,34,3,"화나게 하면 굉장히 흉포해진다.
들이마신 모래를 내뿜어
모래바람을 일으킨다."
450,34,5,"Il entre dans une violente colère quand
on lénerve : il expulse le sable quil a accumulé
pour provoquer de véritables tempêtes."
450,34,6,"Wenn man es wütend macht, wird es rabiat. Es
stößt aufgenommenen Sand aus und verursacht
damit einen Sandsturm."
450,34,7,"Puede ser muy agresivo cuando se enfada.
Provoca auténticas tempestades de arena al
expeler la que ha tragado."
450,34,8,"Quando si arrabbia diventa molto violento
ed espelle la sabbia che ha immagazzinato
provocando tempeste di sabbia."
450,34,9,"When roused to violence by its rage, it spews out
the quantities of sand it has swallowed and
whips up a sandstorm."
450,34,11,"怒らせると かなり 狂暴。
取りこんだ 砂を 噴き出して
砂嵐を 巻き起こす。"
451,12,9,"It grips prey with its tail claws
and injects poison. It tenaciously
hangs on until the poison takes."
451,13,9,"It lives in arid lands. It buries
itself in sand and lies in wait for
unsuspecting prey."
451,14,9,"As soon as the tail claws close,
its needle tips secrete poison.
It can survive a year without food."
451,15,9,"It burrows under the sand to lie in
wait for prey. Its tail claws can inject
its prey with a savage poison."
451,16,9,"It burrows under the sand to lie in
wait for prey. Its tail claws can inject
its prey with a savage poison."
451,17,5,"Il saisit sa proie avec les pinces de
sa queue et lui injecte un poison.
Il peut survivre un an sans manger."
451,17,9,"As soon as the tail claws close,
its needle tips secrete poison.
It can survive a year without food."
451,18,5,"Il saisit sa proie avec les pinces de
sa queue et lui injecte un poison.
Il peut survivre un an sans manger."
451,18,9,"As soon as the tail claws close,
its needle tips secrete poison.
It can survive a year without food."
451,21,9,"It lives in arid regions and
can go without food for a year
while waiting for prey."
451,22,9,"It lives in arid regions and
can go without food for a year
while waiting for prey."
451,23,1,"しっぽの ツメで えものを はさみ
どくを おくりこむ。どくが きくまで
ぜったいに はなさない しゅうねん。"
451,23,3,"꼬리의 발톱으로 먹이를 집어
독을 주입한다. 독이 퍼질 때까지
절대 놓치지 않는 집념이 있다."
451,23,5,"Il saisit sa proie avec les pinces de sa queue, lui
injecte un poison et la retient jusquà ce quil agisse."
451,23,6,"Es greift seine Beute mit den Krallen an seinem
Schweif und vergiftet sie. Dann wartet es ab..."
451,23,7,"Agarra a sus presas con las pinzas de la cola y les
inyecta veneno. Espera hasta que hace efecto."
451,23,8,"Afferra le prede con gli artigli della coda e non si
allontana finché il veleno che inietta non agisce."
451,23,9,"It grips prey with its tail claws and injects poison.
It tenaciously hangs on until the poison takes."
451,23,11,"尻尾の ツメで 獲物を 挟み
毒を 送りこむ。毒が 効くまで
絶対に 放さない 執念。"
451,24,1,"すなの なかに かくれて えものを
まちぶせする。しっぽの ツメから
どくを だして えものを しとめる。"
451,24,3,"모래 속에 숨어 먹이를
기다리고 있다. 꼬리의 발톱에서
독을 내서 먹이를 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
451,24,5,"Il attend, en embuscade dans le sable, et empoisonne
ses proies avec les pinces de sa queue."
451,24,6,"Es wartet im Sand versteckt auf Beute, die es sich
mit seinem giftigen Schweif krallt."
451,24,7,"Acecha a sus presas escondido en la arena y las
aturde con el veneno de su cola."
451,24,8,"Si seppellisce nella sabbia e tende agguati alle prede,
poi inietta loro il veleno dagli artigli della coda."
451,24,9,"It burrows under the sand to lie in wait for prey.
Its tail claws can inject its prey with a
savage poison."
451,24,11,"砂の 中に 隠れて 獲物を
待ち伏せする。尻尾の ツメから
毒を 出して 獲物を しとめる。"
451,25,1,"しっぽの ツメで えものを はさみ
どくを おくりこむ。どくが きくまで
ぜったいに はなさない しゅうねん。"
451,25,3,"꼬리의 발톱으로 먹이를 집어
독을 주입한다. 독이 퍼질 때까지
절대 놓치지 않는 집념이 있다."
451,25,5,"Il saisit sa proie avec les pinces de sa queue, lui injecte
un poison et la retient jusquà ce quil agisse."
451,25,6,"Es greift seine Beute mit den Krallen an seinem Schweif und
vergiftet sie. Dann wartet es ab..."
451,25,7,"Agarra a sus presas con las pinzas de la cola y les inyecta
veneno. Espera hasta que hace efecto."
451,25,8,"Afferra le prede con gli artigli della coda e non si allontana
finché il veleno che inietta non agisce."
451,25,9,"It grips prey with its tail claws and injects poison.
It tenaciously hangs on until the poison takes."
451,25,11,"尻尾の ツメで 獲物を 挟み
毒を 送りこむ。毒が 効くまで
絶対に 放さない 執念。"
451,26,1,"すなの なかに かくれて えものを
まちぶせする。しっぽの ツメから
どくを だして えものを しとめる。"
451,26,3,"모래 속에 숨어 먹이를
기다리고 있다. 꼬리의 발톱에서
독을 내서 먹이를 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
451,26,5,"Il attend, en embuscade dans le sable, et empoisonne
ses proies avec les pinces de sa queue."
451,26,6,"Es wartet im Sand versteckt auf Beute, die es sich mit seinem
giftigen Schweif krallt."
451,26,7,"Acecha a sus presas escondido en la arena y las aturde con
el veneno de su cola."
451,26,8,"Si seppellisce nella sabbia e tende agguati alle prede,
poi inietta loro il veleno dagli artigli della coda."
451,26,9,"It burrows under the sand to lie in wait for prey.
Its tail claws can inject its prey with a
savage poison."
451,26,11,"砂の 中に 隠れて 獲物を
待ち伏せする。尻尾の ツメから
毒を 出して 獲物を しとめる。"
451,33,1,"すなに からだを うずめ じっと
えものを まちつづけている。
ヤクデと そせんが ちかい。"
451,33,3,"모래에 몸을 파묻은 채
가만히 먹이를 기다린다.
태우지네와 조상이 가깝다."
451,33,5,"Il senfouit dans le sable et attend patiemment
ses proies. Il a des ancêtres en commun
avec Grillepattes."
451,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon vergräbt sich im Sand und
lauert dort regungslos seiner Beute auf. Es ist
artverwandt mit Thermopod."
451,33,7,"Se entierra en la arena y aguarda inmóvil a sus
presas. Sus antepasados están relacionados con
los de Sizzlipede."
451,33,8,"Si nasconde nella sabbia e aspetta immobile
la preda. Lui e Sizzlipede hanno antenati
in comune."
451,33,9,"After burrowing into the sand, it waits patiently
for prey to come near. This Pokémon and
Sizzlipede share common descent."
451,33,11,"砂に 体を 埋め じっと
獲物を 待ち続けている。
ヤクデと 祖先が 近い。"
451,34,1,"どくのある しっぽの ツメで
おそいかかる。 はさまれると
どくが しみて うごけなくなる。"
451,34,3,"독이 있는 꼬리의 발톱으로
덤벼든다. 집히면 독이 스며들어
움직일 수 없게 된다."
451,34,5,"Il attaque avec les pinces empoisonnées
de sa queue. Le venin se répand alors
dans le corps de la victime et la paralyse."
451,34,6,"Es schlägt mit den giftigen Krallen an seinem
Schweif zu. Wer von ihnen gestochen wird,
bekommt ein lähmendes Gift injiziert."
451,34,7,"Ataca con las pinzas venenosas de la cola. Tras
clavarlas, inyecta una toxina que inmoviliza a la
451,34,8,"Attacca la preda afferrandola con gli artigli
velenosi della coda, poi inietta il veleno per
451,34,9,"It attacks using the claws on its tail. Once locked
in its grip, its prey is unable to move as this
Pokémons poison seeps in."
451,34,11,"毒のある しっぽの ツメで
襲いかかる。 挟まれると
毒が 染みて 動けなくなる。"
452,12,9,"It has the power in its clawed
arms to make scrap of a car. The
tips of its claws release poison."
452,13,9,"Its body is encased in a sturdy
shell. Its head rotates 180
degrees, eliminating blind spots."
452,14,9,"Possessing a sturdy build, it takes
pride in its strength, taking down
foes without using toxins."
452,15,9,"It attacks people and Pokémon that
cross the desert. This has only
furthered its bad reputation."
452,16,9,"It attacks people and Pokémon that
cross the desert. This has only
furthered its bad reputation."
452,17,5,"Fier et robuste, il met un point
dhonneur à battre ses adversaires
sans utiliser de poison."
452,17,9,"Possessing a sturdy build, it takes
pride in its strength, taking down
foes without using toxins."
452,18,5,"Fier et robuste, il met un point
dhonneur à battre ses adversaires
sans utiliser de poison."
452,18,9,"Possessing a sturdy build, it takes
pride in its strength, taking down
foes without using toxins."
452,21,9,"It takes pride in its strength.
Even though it can tear foes apart,
it finishes them off with powerful poison."
452,22,9,"It takes pride in its strength.
Even though it can tear foes apart,
it finishes them off with powerful poison."
452,23,1,"じまんの パワーで あいてを
ばらばらに できるのに さらに
もうどくで とどめを さすのだ。"
452,23,3,"자랑거리인 파워로 상대를
조각조각 낼 수 있으며 게다가
맹독으로 마무리한다."
452,23,5,"Il met ses adversaires en pièces grâce à sa
prodigieuse force, puis donne le coup de grâce avec
son violent poison."
452,23,6,"Es bringt seine Gegner mit starkem Gift zur Strecke,
obwohl es weiß, dass es stark genug ist, um sie
zu zerfetzen."
452,23,7,"Aunque sabe que puede aplastar al rival con su gran
fuerza, le gusta dar el golpe de gracia con su virulento
452,23,8,"Va fiero della sua forza con cui può fare a pezzi il
nemico, ma in genere preferisce finirlo usando le
sue tossine."
452,23,9,"It takes pride in its strength. Even though it can
tear foes apart, it finishes them off with
powerful poison."
452,23,11,"自慢の パワーで 相手を
ばらばらに できるのに さらに
猛毒で とどめを 刺すのだ。"
452,24,1,"りょううでの ツメは じどうしゃを
スクラップにする はかいりょく。
ツメの さきから どくを だす。"
452,24,3,"양팔의 발톱은 자동차를
동강 내는 파괴력이 있다.
발톱의 끝에서 독을 뿌린다."
452,24,5,"Il peut réduire une voiture en pièces avec ses pinces.
Le bout de ses pinces contient du poison."
452,24,6,"In seinen Armen steckt so viel Kraft, dass es mit
seinen giftigen Krallen Autos zerquetschen kann."
452,24,7,"Sus brazos tienen fuerza para destrozar un coche.
La punta de sus zarpas segrega veneno."
452,24,8,"Con le zampe può accartocciare una macchina.
Le punte degli artigli sono velenose."
452,24,9,"It has the power in its clawed arms to make scrap
of a car. The tips of its claws release poison."
452,24,11,"両腕の ツメは 自動車を
スクラップにする 破壊力。
ツメの 先から 毒を 出す。"
452,25,1,"じまんの パワーで あいてを
ばらばらに できるのに さらに
もうどくで とどめを さすのだ。"
452,25,3,"자랑거리인 파워로 상대를
조각조각 낼 수 있으며 게다가
맹독으로 마무리한다."
452,25,5,"Il met ses adversaires en pièces grâce à sa prodigieuse force,
puis donne le coup de grâce avec son violent poison."
452,25,6,"Es bringt seine Gegner mit starkem Gift zur Strecke, obwohl es
weiß, dass es stark genug ist, um sie zu zerfetzen."
452,25,7,"Aunque sabe que puede aplastar al rival con su gran fuerza,
le gusta dar el golpe de gracia con su virulento veneno."
452,25,8,"Va fiero della sua forza con cui può fare a pezzi il nemico,
ma in genere preferisce finirlo usando le sue tossine."
452,25,9,"It takes pride in its strength. Even though it can
tear foes apart, it finishes them off with
powerful poison."
452,25,11,"自慢の パワーで 相手を
ばらばらに できるのに さらに
猛毒で とどめを 刺すのだ。"
452,26,1,"りょううでの ツメは じどうしゃを
スクラップにする はかいりょく。
ツメの さきから どくを だす。"
452,26,3,"양팔의 발톱은 자동차를
동강 내는 파괴력이 있다.
발톱의 끝에서 독을 뿌린다."
452,26,5,"Il peut réduire une voiture en pièces avec ses pinces.
Le bout de ses pinces contient du poison."
452,26,6,"In seinen Armen steckt so viel Kraft, dass es mit seinen
giftigen Krallen Autos zerquetschen kann."
452,26,7,"Sus brazos tienen fuerza para destrozar un coche. La punta
de sus zarpas segrega veneno."
452,26,8,"Con le zampe può accartocciare una macchina.
Le punte degli artigli sono velenose."
452,26,9,"It has the power in its clawed arms to make scrap
of a car. The tips of its claws release poison."
452,26,11,"両腕の ツメは 自動車を
スクラップにする 破壊力。
ツメの 先から 毒を 出す。"
452,33,1,"もうどくを もつが つかうことは
まれ。 くるまも たたきつぶす
かいりきで あばれまわる。"
452,33,3,"맹독을 지녔지만 사용하는 일은
드물다. 자동차도 때려 부수는
괴력으로 마구 날뛴다."
452,33,5,"Son poison est violent, mais il sen sert très
rarement. Il se déchaîne avec une telle force
quil pourrait réduire une voiture en pièces."
452,33,6,"Sein Gift ist stark, aber es setzt es nur selten ein.
Ist es richtig wütend, schlägt es mit einer Wucht
zu, die selbst Autos zu Schrott verarbeitet."
452,33,7,"Posee un veneno muy potente, pero que usa muy
poco. Con la extraordinaria fuerza que concentra
al enfurecerse podría hacer añicos un coche."
452,33,8,"Le sue tossine sono letali ma se ne serve di rado.
Semina distruzione con la sua forza prodigiosa
che gli permette di sfasciare persino automobili."
452,33,9,"Its poison is potent, but it rarely sees use. This
Pokémon prefers to use physical force instead,
going on rampages with its car-crushing strength."
452,33,11,"猛毒を もつが 使うことは
まれ。 車も 叩きつぶす
怪力で 暴れまわる。"
452,34,1,"すなのあくま と よばれるほど
どうもうだが カバルドンには
ケンカも うらず おとなしい。"
452,34,3,"사막의 악마라고 불릴 정도로
사납지만 하마돈에게는
싸움도 걸지 않고 얌전하다."
452,34,5,"Sa férocité lui a valu le surnom de «démon
du désert», mais face à un Hippodocus, il est
parfaitement docile et évite de le provoquer."
452,34,6,"Es wird auch „Wüstendämon“ genannt, weil es so
grausam ist. Nur mit Hippoterus legt es sich nie
an, sondern verhält sich ruhig."
452,34,7,"Su ferocidad le ha granjeado el sobrenombre
del Diablo de la Arena, pero en presencia de
los Hippowdon se muestra dócil y pacífico."
452,34,8,"È chiamato “demone della sabbia” per via della
sua ferocia, ma in presenza di Hippowdon
se ne sta tranquillo ed evita di provocarlo."
452,34,9,"Its so vicious that its called the Sand Demon.
Yet when confronted by Hippowdon, Drapion
keeps a low profile and will never pick a fight."
452,34,11,"砂の悪魔と 呼ばれるほど
獰猛だが カバルドンには
ケンカも 売らず おとなしい。"
453,12,9,"Its cheeks hold poison sacs.
It tries to catch foes off guard
to jab them with toxic fingers."
453,13,9,"Inflating its poison sacs, it
makes an eerie blubbering sound
for intimidation."
453,14,9,"It rarely fights fairly, but that is
strictly to ensure survival. It is
popular as a mascot."
453,15,9,"Fluid squeezed from its finger, albeit
poisonous, is a significant ingredient in
remedies for lower-back pain."
453,16,9,"Fluid squeezed from its finger, albeit
poisonous, is a significant ingredient in
remedies for lower back pain."
453,17,5,"Son instinct de survie le pousse à
ne pas se battre dans les règles.
Cest une mascotte populaire."
453,17,9,"It rarely fights fairly, but that is
strictly to ensure survival. It is
popular as a mascot."
453,18,5,"Son instinct de survie le pousse à
ne pas se battre dans les règles.
Cest une mascotte populaire."
453,18,9,"It rarely fights fairly, but that is
strictly to ensure survival. It is
popular as a mascot."
453,21,9,"Inflating its poison sacs, it fills the
area with an odd sound and hits
flinching opponents with a poison jab."
453,22,9,"Inflating its poison sacs, it fills the
area with an odd sound and hits
flinching opponents with a poison jab."
453,23,1,"ほっぺたに どくぶくろを もつ。
あいての すきを ついて もうどくを
にじませている ゆびを つきさす。"
453,23,3,"볼에 독주머니를 가지고 있다.
상대의 틈을 노려 맹독이
배인 손가락을 꿰찌른다."
453,23,5,"Ses joues contiennent des glandes toxiques.
Il attaque par surprise et utilise son toucher
453,23,6,"In seinen Backen sammelt sich Gift. Es versucht,
Beute zu überraschen und mit Giftfingern zu
453,23,7,"Tiene bolsas venenosas en las mejillas. Pilla
desprevenidos a sus rivales para pincharles."
453,23,8,"Le sacche delle guance contengono veleno.
Infilza i nemici con le sue unghie avvelenate."
453,23,9,"Its cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes
off guard to jab them with toxic fingers."
453,23,11,"ほっぺたに 毒袋を 持つ。
相手の すきを ついて 猛毒を
にじませている 指を 突き刺す。"
453,24,1,"どくぶくろを ふくらませて ならし
あたりに ぶきみな おとを ひびかせ
あいてが ひるむと どくづきをする。"
453,24,3,"독주머니를 부풀려서 울어
주변에 으스스한 소리를 퍼트려
상대가 풀죽으면 독찌르기를 한다."
453,24,5,"Ses glandes se gonflent de venin tout en émettant
un son effrayant, le laissant ainsi empoisonner ses
proies pétrifiées."
453,24,6,"Bläst es seine Giftbeutel auf, ertönt ein unheimliches
Geräusch, das Gegner zurückschrecken lässt
und vergiftet."
453,24,7,"Infla sus bolsas venenosas para emitir un sonido
macabro mientras asesta golpes que hacen retroceder
a los rivales."
453,24,8,"Gonfia le sue sacche di veleno emettendo un verso
sinistro che può far tentennare lavversario, poi lo
453,24,9,"Inflating its poison sacs, it fills the area with an odd
sound and hits flinching opponents with a
poison jab."
453,24,11,"毒袋を ふくらませて 鳴らし
辺りに 不気味な 音を 響かせ
相手が ひるむと どくづきをする。"
453,25,1,"ほっぺたに どくぶくろを もつ。
あいての すきを ついて もうどくを
にじませている ゆびを つきさす。"
453,25,3,"볼에 독주머니를 가지고 있다.
상대의 틈을 노려 맹독이
밴 손가락을 꿰찌른다."
453,25,5,"Ses joues contiennent des glandes toxiques. Il attaque
par surprise et utilise son toucher empoisonné."
453,25,6,"In seinen Backen sammelt sich Gift. Es versucht, Beute zu
überraschen und mit Giftfingern zu schnappen."
453,25,7,"Tiene bolsas venenosas en las mejillas. Pilla desprevenidos a
sus rivales para pincharles."
453,25,8,"Le sacche delle guance contengono veleno. Infilza i nemici
con le sue unghie avvelenate."
453,25,9,"Its cheeks hold poison sacs. It tries to catch foes
off guard to jab them with toxic fingers."
453,25,11,"ほっぺたに 毒袋を 持つ。
相手の すきを ついて 猛毒を
にじませている 指を 突き刺す。"
453,26,1,"どくぶくろを ふくらませて ならし
あたりに ぶきみな おとを ひびかせ
あいてが ひるむと どくづきをする。"
453,26,3,"독주머니를 부풀려서 울어
주변에 으스스한 소리를 퍼트려
상대가 풀죽으면 독찌르기를 한다."
453,26,5,"Ses glandes se gonflent de venin tout en émettant un son
effrayant, le laissant ainsi empoisonner ses proies pétrifiées."
453,26,6,"Bläst es seine Giftbeutel auf, ertönt ein unheimliches
Geräusch, das Gegner zurückschrecken lässt und vergiftet."
453,26,7,"Infla sus bolsas venenosas para emitir un sonido macabro
mientras asesta golpes que hacen retroceder a los rivales."
453,26,8,"Gonfia le sue sacche di veleno emettendo un verso sinistro
che può far tentennare lavversario, poi lo avvelena."
453,26,9,"Inflating its poison sacs, it fills the area with an odd
sound and hits flinching opponents with a
poison jab."
453,26,11,"毒袋を ふくらませて 鳴らし
辺りに 不気味な 音を 響かせ
相手が ひるむと どくづきをする。"
453,33,1,"ほほの どくぶくろを ならして
てきを いかく。 ひるんだ スキに
どくづきを おみまいする。"
453,33,3,"볼에 있는 독주머니를 울려서
상대를 위협한다. 풀이 죽은 틈을 타
독찌르기 공격을 한다."
453,33,5,"Il intimide ses ennemis en faisant résonner
les glandes toxiques de ses joues, puis leur
porte un coup empoisonné par surprise."
453,33,6,"Es schüchtert Gegner mit Geräuschen ein, die
es mit seinen Giftbeuteln erzeugt. Gelingt ihm
dies, erledigt es sein Ziel mit einem Giftangriff."
453,33,7,"Amenaza a los rivales haciendo sonar las bolsas
venenosas de sus mejillas y aprovecha su estupor
para inyectarles toxinas."
453,33,8,"Spaventa il nemico facendo risuonare le sacche
sulle guance e lo avvelena approfittando del
momento di esitazione."
453,33,9,"It makes frightening noises with its poison-filled
cheek sacs. When opponents flinch, Croagunk
hits them with a poison jab."
453,33,11,"頬の 毒袋を 鳴らして
敵を 威嚇。 ひるんだ 隙に
毒突きを おみまいする。"
453,34,1,"どくを うすめると くすりに なる。
やくひんがいしゃの マスコットに
なって にんきものに なった。"
453,34,3,"독을 희석하면 약이 된다.
제약 회사의 마스코트가
된 후로 인기가 많아졌다."
453,34,5,"Dilué, son poison sert de remède. Cela lui a valu
de devenir la mascotte populaire dune entreprise
de produits pharmaceutiques."
453,34,6,"Verdünnt man sein Gift, wird es zu Medizin. Seit
es zum Maskottchen eines Pharmakonzerns
wurde, hat es viele neue Fans gewonnen."
453,34,7,"Su veneno posee propiedades medicinales si se
diluye. Se ha vuelto muy popular desde que una
empresa farmacéutica lo adoptó como mascota."
453,34,8,"Se diluito, il suo veleno ha proprietà medicinali.
È diventato popolare da quando una casa
farmaceutica ne ha fatto la sua mascotte."
453,34,9,"Once diluted, its poison becomes medicinal.
This Pokémon came into popularity after a
pharmaceutical company chose it as a mascot."
453,34,11,"毒を 薄めると 薬に なる。
薬品会社の マスコットに
なって 人気者に なった。"
454,12,9,"Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin
so vile that even a scratch could
prove fatal."
454,13,9,"The toxin made in its poison sacs
is pumped to the knuckle claws
through tubes down its arms."
454,14,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat.
When it croaks, the stored poison
is churned for greater potency."
454,15,9,"Swaying and dodging the attacks of its
foes, it weaves its flexible body in close,
then lunges out with its poisonous claws."
454,16,9,"Swaying and dodging the attacks of its
foes, it weaves its flexible body in close,
then lunges out with its poisonous claws."
454,17,5,"Quand il coasse, le poison stocké
sous sa gorge est secoué, le
rendant ainsi plus efficace."
454,17,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat.
When it croaks, the stored poison
is churned for greater potency."
454,18,5,"Quand il coasse, le poison stocké
sous sa gorge est secoué, le
rendant ainsi plus efficace."
454,18,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat.
When it croaks, the stored poison
is churned for greater potency."
454,21,9,"The croaking that Toxicroak produces
before a battle is for churning the
poison it has stored in its poison sac."
454,22,9,"The croaking that Toxicroak produces
before a battle is for churning the
poison it has stored in its poison sac."
454,23,1,"のどもとに どくぶくろを もつ。
のどを ならすと たまった どくは
ねりこまれ きょうりょくになる。"
454,23,3,"목 주변에 독주머니를 지녔다.
목을 울리면 모여진 독이
잘 섞여져서 강력해진다."
454,23,5,"Quand il coasse, le poison stocké sous sa gorge est
secoué, le rendant ainsi plus efficace."
454,23,6,"Verfügt über einen Giftsack an seiner Kehle.
Quakt es, schäumt das Gift und wird so noch stärker."
454,23,7,"Almacena veneno en una bolsa de la garganta. Cuando
croa, este se agita para lograr mayor potencia."
454,23,8,"Ha una sacca di veleno sulla gola. Quando gracida
il veleno si rimescola, diventando più efficace."
454,23,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks,
the stored poison is churned for greater potency."
454,23,11,"のど元に 毒袋を 持つ。
のどを 鳴らすと たまった 毒は
練りこまれ 強力になる。"
454,24,1,"こぶしの トゲからは かすりきずでも
いのちを おとすほどの もうどくを
454,24,3,"주먹의 가시는 긁히기만 해도
생명을 잃을 정도의 맹독을
분비하고 있다."
454,24,5,"Les griffes de ses poings sécrètent une toxine si
atroce quune simple égratignure peut savérer fatale."
454,24,6,"Die Gelenke an seinen Klauen geben ein so starkes
Gift ab, dass selbst ein kleiner Kratzer fatal ist."
454,24,7,"Sus garras segregan una toxina tan potente que un
simple arañazo puede ser mortal."
454,24,8,"I suoi artigli secernono una tossina così velenosa
che persino un graffio può essere letale."
454,24,9,"Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a
scratch could prove fatal."
454,24,11,"こぶしの トゲからは
かすり傷でも 命を 落とすほどの
猛毒を 分泌する。"
454,25,1,"のどもとに どくぶくろを もつ。
のどを ならすと たまった どくは
ねりこまれ きょうりょくになる。"
454,25,3,"목 주변에 독주머니를 지녔다.
목을 울리면 모여진 독이
잘 섞여져서 강력해진다."
454,25,5,"Quand il coasse, le poison stocké sous sa gorge est secoué,
le rendant ainsi plus efficace."
454,25,6,"Verfügt über einen Giftsack an seiner Kehle. Quakt es,
schäumt das Gift und wird so noch stärker."
454,25,7,"Almacena veneno en una bolsa de la garganta. Cuando croa,
este se agita para lograr mayor potencia."
454,25,8,"Ha una sacca di veleno sulla gola. Quando gracida il veleno
si rimescola, diventando più efficace."
454,25,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks,
the stored poison is churned for greater potency."
454,25,11,"のど元に 毒袋を 持つ。
のどを 鳴らすと たまった 毒は
練りこまれ 強力になる。"
454,26,1,"こぶしの トゲからは かすりきずでも
いのちを おとすほどの もうどくを
454,26,3,"주먹의 가시는 긁히기만 해도
생명을 잃을 정도의 맹독을
분비하고 있다."
454,26,5,"Les griffes de ses poings sécrètent une toxine si atroce
quune simple égratignure peut savérer fatale."
454,26,6,"Die Gelenke an seinen Klauen geben ein so starkes Gift ab,
dass selbst ein kleiner Kratzer fatal ist."
454,26,7,"Sus garras segregan una toxina tan potente que un simple
arañazo puede ser mortal."
454,26,8,"I suoi artigli secernono una tossina così velenosa che persino
un graffio può essere letale."
454,26,9,"Its knuckle claws secrete a toxin so vile that even a
scratch could prove fatal."
454,26,11,"こぶしの トゲからは
かすり傷でも 命を 落とすほどの
猛毒を 分泌する。"
454,33,1,"はねるように てきに ちかづくと
どくのツメで えぐるように うつ!
かすりキズでも あいては KOだ。"
454,33,3,"튀어 오르듯 상대에게 다가간 뒤
독손톱으로 찌르듯이 공격한다!
스치기만 해도 상대는 KO다."
454,33,5,"Il bondit sur ses adversaires pour les transpercer
avec ses griffes empoisonnées. Une simple
égratignure suffit à les mettre K.O."
454,33,6,"Es nähert sich springend seinem Gegner und
bohrt seine giftigen Klauen in ihn hinein. Schon
ein kleiner Kratzer lässt den Gegner K.O. gehen."
454,33,7,"Se abalanza sobre el rival y lo destroza con sus
garras venenosas. Basta un rasguño para debilitar
al adversario."
454,33,8,"Si avvicina a balzi al nemico e lo colpisce
con i suoi artigli avvelenati. Basta un graffio
per mandare KO lavversario."
454,33,9,"It bounces toward opponents and gouges them
with poisonous claws. No more than a scratch
is needed to knock out its adversaries."
454,33,11,"跳ねるように 敵に 近づくと
毒のツメで えぐるように 打つ!
かすり傷でも 相手は KOだ。"
454,34,1,"えものを しとめると ゲロゲロと
しょうりの おたけびを あげる。
ガマゲロゲと しゅとして ちかい。"
454,34,3,"사냥감을 처리하면 개굴개굴하며
승리를 자축하는 소리를 높인다.
두빅굴과 가까운 종이다."
454,34,5,"Il lance un coassement viril de victoire
quand il parvient à terrasser sa proie.
Il sapparente aux Crapustule."
454,34,6,"Wenn es seine Beute erlegt, quakt es seinen
Triumph in die Welt hinaus. Es ist artverwandt
mit Branawarz."
454,34,7,"Cuando abate una presa, emite un croar de
victoria a pleno pulmón. Está emparentado con
los Seismitoad."
454,34,8,"Quando abbatte la preda, lancia un alto gracidio
di vittoria. Come specie è affine ai Seismitoad."
454,34,9,"It booms out a victory croak when its prey
goes down in defeat. This Pokémon and
Seismitoad are related species."
454,34,11,"獲物を しとめると ゲロゲロと
勝利の 雄叫びを あげる。
ガマゲロゲと 種として 近い。"
455,12,9,"It attracts prey with its sweet-
smelling saliva, then chomps down.
It takes a whole day to eat prey."
455,13,9,"Hanging from branches using its
tentacles, it looks like a plant.
It awaits prey, mouth wide open."
455,14,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes.
It attracts prey with its sweet-
smelling drool and gulps them down."
455,15,9,"It walks around on its tentacles in
search of a tree branch where it
can dangle down and ambush prey."
455,16,9,"It walks around on its tentacles in
search of a tree branch where it
can dangle down and ambush prey."
455,17,5,"Il saccroche aux arbres des
marais et attire ses proies avec
sa salive à lodeur enivrante."
455,17,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes.
It attracts prey with its sweet-
smelling drool and gulps them down."
455,18,5,"Il saccroche aux arbres des
marais et attire ses proies avec
sa salive à lodeur enivrante."
455,18,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes.
It attracts prey with its sweet-
smelling drool and gulps them down."
455,21,9,"Using its tentacles to lash itself to
trees, it lies in wait for prey, luring it
close with sweet-smelling drool."
455,22,9,"Using its tentacles to lash itself to
trees, it lies in wait for prey, luring it
close with sweet-smelling drool."
455,23,1,"あまい においの だえきで えものを
おびきよせ おおあごで がぶり。
1にち かけて えものを たべる。"
455,23,3,"달콤한 냄새의 타액으로 먹이를
끌어들여 큰 턱으로 꿀꺽한다.
하루에 걸쳐 먹이를 먹는다."
455,23,5,"Il attire sa proie avec sa salive odorante avant de
la croquer. Il lui faut une journée pour lavaler."
455,23,6,"Sein süßlich riechender Speichel zieht Beute an,
die es frisst. Es braucht einen Tag, sie zu fressen."
455,23,7,"Atrae a sus presas con saliva de olor dulce y las
mastica. Tarda todo un día en comérselas."
455,23,8,"Attira le prede con il dolce aroma della saliva e poi
le ingoia. Impiega un giorno per mangiare una preda."
455,23,9,"It attracts prey with its sweet-smelling saliva, then
chomps down. It takes a whole day to eat prey."
455,23,11,"甘い においの だえきで 獲物を
おびき寄せ おおあごで がぶり。
1日 かけて 獲物を 食べる。"
455,24,1,"しっちたいに はえる きにまきつき
あまいかおりの だえきで えものを
おびきよせては ひとくちで たべる。"
455,24,3,"늪지대에서 자라는 나무에 엉겨 붙어
달콤한 냄새의 타액으로 먹이를
끌어들여 한입에 먹는다."
455,24,5,"Il saccroche aux arbres des marais et attire ses proies
avec sa salive à lodeur enivrante."
455,24,6,"Klammert sich an Bäume in Sümpfen. Lockt Beute mit
seinem süßlichen Speichel an und schluckt sie dann."
455,24,7,"Se cuelga de los árboles en los pantanos. Atrae a sus
presas con su dulce olor y las engulle."
455,24,8,"Si attacca agli alberi nelle paludi. Attrae le prede
con il dolce aroma della saliva e poi le ingoia."
455,24,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes. It attracts prey
with its sweet-smelling drool and gulps them down."
455,24,11,"湿地帯に 生える 木に巻きつき
甘い香りの だえきで 獲物を
誘き寄せては ひとくちで 食べる。"
455,25,1,"あまい においの だえきで えものを
おびきよせ おおあごで がぶり。
1にち かけて えものを たべる。"
455,25,3,"달콤한 냄새의 타액으로 먹이를
끌어들여 큰 턱으로 꿀꺽한다.
하루에 걸쳐 먹이를 먹는다."
455,25,5,"Il attire sa proie avec sa salive odorante avant de la croquer.
Il lui faut une journée pour lavaler."
455,25,6,"Sein süßlich riechender Speichel zieht Beute an, die es frisst.
Es braucht einen Tag, sie zu fressen."
455,25,7,"Atrae a sus presas con saliva de olor dulce y las mastica.
Tarda todo un día en comérselas."
455,25,8,"Attira le prede con il dolce aroma della saliva e poi le ingoia.
Impiega un giorno per mangiare una preda."
455,25,9,"It attracts prey with its sweet-smelling saliva, then
chomps down. It takes a whole day to eat prey."
455,25,11,"甘い においの だえきで 獲物を
おびき寄せ おおあごで がぶり。
1日 かけて 獲物を 食べる。"
455,26,1,"しっちたいに はえる きにまきつき
あまいかおりの だえきで えものを
おびきよせては ひとくちで たべる。"
455,26,3,"늪지대에서 자라는 나무에 엉겨 붙어
달콤한 냄새의 타액으로 먹이를
끌어들여 한입에 먹는다."
455,26,5,"Il saccroche aux arbres des marais et attire ses proies avec
sa salive à lodeur enivrante."
455,26,6,"Klammert sich an Bäume in Sümpfen. Lockt Beute mit seinem
süßlichen Speichel an und schluckt sie dann."
455,26,7,"Se cuelga de los árboles en los pantanos. Atrae a sus presas
con su dulce olor y las engulle."
455,26,8,"Si attacca agli alberi nelle paludi. Attrae le prede con il dolce
aroma della saliva e poi le ingoia."
455,26,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes. It attracts prey
with its sweet-smelling drool and gulps them down."
455,26,11,"湿地帯に 生える 木に巻きつき
甘い香りの だえきで 獲物を
誘き寄せては ひとくちで 食べる。"
456,12,9,"After long exposure to sunlight,
the patterns on its tail fins shine
vividly when darkness arrives."
456,13,9,"The way its two tail fins flutter
while it swims has earned it the
nickname “BEAUTIFLY of the Sea.”"
456,14,9,"The line running down its side can
store sunlight. It shines vividly at
456,15,9,"Swimming and fluttering its two tail fins,
it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the
patterns on its tail fins softly shine."
456,16,9,"Swimming and fluttering its two tail fins,
it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the
patterns on its tail fins softly shine."
456,17,5,"La ligne qui fait le tour de son
corps stocke lénergie solaire
et brille dans la nuit."
456,17,9,"The line running down its side can
store sunlight. It shines vividly at
456,18,5,"La ligne qui fait le tour de son
corps stocke lénergie solaire
et brille dans la nuit."
456,18,9,"The line running down its side can
store sunlight. It shines vividly at
456,21,9,"The line running down its side can
store sunlight. It shines vividly at
456,22,9,"The line running down its side can
store sunlight. It shines vividly at
456,23,1,"からだの よこがわにある ラインは
たいようのひかりを ためておける。
よるになると あざやかに かがやく。"
456,23,3,"몸의 옆쪽에 있는 줄에
태양의 빛을 모아둘 수 있다.
밤이 되면 아름답게 빛난다."
456,23,5,"La ligne qui fait le tour de son corps stocke lénergie
solaire et brille dans la nuit."
456,23,6,"Die Linie an seiner Seite kann Sonnenlicht
speichern. Nachts leuchtet es sehr intensiv."
456,23,7,"La línea que le recorre el costado puede almacenar
luz solar. Brilla con mucha fuerza por la noche."
456,23,8,"La linea che contorna il suo corpo immagazzina la
luce solare. Di notte si illumina di una luce splendente."
456,23,9,"The line running down its side can store sunlight.
It shines vividly at night."
456,23,11,"体の 横側にある ラインは
太陽の光を ためておける。
夜になると 鮮やかに 輝く。"
456,24,1,"たいようを いっぱいに あびた
おびれの もようは くらくなると
あざやかな いろで ひかりだす。"
456,24,3,"햇볕을 잔뜩 쬔 꼬리지느러미의
무늬는 어두워지면 선명한 색으로
반짝이기 시작한다."
456,24,5,"Après une longue exposition au soleil, les motifs de
ses nageoires caudales luisent à la nuit tombée."
456,24,6,"Wurden die Flossen lange dem Sonnenlicht
ausgesetzt, leuchten sie in der Dunkelheit."
456,24,7,"Si se expone mucho al sol, los dibujos de sus aletas
brillan en la oscuridad."
456,24,8,"Dopo una lunga esposizione al sole, i motivi sulle
sue pinne brillano vividamente al calar delloscurità."
456,24,9,"After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its
tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives."
456,24,11,"太陽を いっぱいに 浴びた
尾びれの 模様は 暗くなると
鮮やかな 色で 光り出す。"
456,25,1,"からだの よこがわにある ラインは
たいようのひかりを ためておける。
よるになると あざやかに かがやく。"
456,25,3,"몸의 옆쪽에 있는 줄에
태양의 빛을 모아둘 수 있다.
밤이 되면 아름답게 빛난다."
456,25,5,"La ligne qui fait le tour de son corps stocke lénergie solaire
et brille dans la nuit."
456,25,6,"Die Linie an seiner Seite kann Sonnenlicht speichern.
Nachts leuchtet es sehr intensiv."
456,25,7,"La línea que le recorre el costado puede almacenar luz solar.
Brilla con mucha fuerza por la noche."
456,25,8,"La linea che contorna il suo corpo immagazzina la luce solare.
Di notte si illumina di una luce splendente."
456,25,9,"The line running down its side can store sunlight.
It shines vividly at night."
456,25,11,"体の 横側にある ラインは
太陽の光を ためておける。
夜になると 鮮やかに 輝く。"
456,26,1,"たいようを いっぱいに あびた
おびれの もようは くらくなると
あざやかな いろで ひかりだす。"
456,26,3,"햇볕을 잔뜩 쬔 꼬리지느러미의
무늬는 어두워지면 선명한 색으로
반짝이기 시작한다."
456,26,5,"Après une longue exposition au soleil, les motifs de
ses nageoires caudales luisent à la nuit tombée."
456,26,6,"Wurden die Flossen lange dem Sonnenlicht ausgesetzt,
leuchten sie in der Dunkelheit."
456,26,7,"Si se expone mucho al sol, los dibujos de sus aletas brillan
en la oscuridad."
456,26,8,"Dopo una lunga esposizione al sole, i motivi sulle sue pinne
brillano vividamente al calar delloscurità."
456,26,9,"After long exposure to sunlight, the patterns on its
tail fins shine vividly when darkness arrives."
456,26,11,"太陽を いっぱいに 浴びた
尾びれの 模様は 暗くなると
鮮やかな 色で 光り出す。"
456,27,1,"ピンクいろの かわの ぶぶんは
たいようこうを ためて ひかる。
カモフラージュの ためと いわれる。"
456,27,3,"핑크색의 가죽 부분은
태양광을 모아서 빛을 낸다.
위장하기 위해서라고 전해진다."
456,27,5,"Il stocke les rayons solaires grâce aux parties
roses de sa peau, qui brillent ensuite. Il sagirait
en fait dune technique de camouflage."
456,27,6,"Der rosafarbene Teil seiner Haut speichert
Sonnenlicht und leuchtet. Es wird angenommen,
dass dies der Tarnung dient."
456,27,7,"Las marcas rosadas de su piel brillan con
intensidad tras almacenar luz solar. Se cree
que esta característica le permite camuflarse."
456,27,8,"I motivi rosa sul suo corpo brillano dopo aver
immagazzinato la luce solare. Pare che questa
sia una forma di mimetismo."
456,27,9,"It absorbs sunlight with the pink areas of its
skin, which then shine. This appears to be a
form of camouflage."
456,27,11,"ピンク色の 皮の 部分は
太陽光を 溜めて 光る。
カモフラージュの ためと いわれる。"
456,28,1,"2まいの おビレで げんきにジャンプ。
かいめんに とびあがった ところを
キャモメが くわえ さらっていく。"
456,28,3,"2장의 꼬리지느러미로 힘차게 점프한다.
해수면을 뛰어오르는 순간
갈모매가 물고 가버린다."
456,28,5,"Avec sa double nageoire caudale, il peut bondir
hors de leau. Cest souvent à ce moment que
les Goélise de passage lattrapent et le gobent."
456,28,6,"Mit ihren beiden Flossen können sie hoch in die
Luft springen. Über der Meeresoberfläche lauern
jedoch Wingull."
456,28,7,"Sus dos aletas le permiten saltar fuera del agua,
momento que aprovechan los Wingull para
llevárselos al buche."
456,28,8,"Le pinne caudali gli permettono di saltare fuori
dallacqua. Spesso Wingull approfitta di questi
momenti per acchiapparlo al volo."
456,28,9,"Its double tail fins propel its energetic jumps.
When it breaks the surface of the sea, Wingull
swoop down to grab it on the fly."
456,28,11,"2枚の 尾ビレで 元気にジャンプ。
海面に 飛びあがった ところを
キャモメが くわえ さらっていく。"
456,29,1,"ピンクいろの もようは よるになると
ひかりだす。 ダイバーに にんきなので
リゾートちでは えづけされることも。"
456,29,3,"핑크색 모양은 밤이 되면 빛이 난다.
다이버에게 인기여서 리조트에서
길들여지기도 한다."
456,29,5,"Les motifs roses de sa peau brillent la nuit.
Des stations balnéaires lattirent avec de la
nourriture, car il est très aimé des plongeurs."
456,29,6,"Seine rosafarbene Musterung leuchtet in der
Nacht. Wegen seiner Popularität unter Tauchern
ist es ein gern gesehener Gast in Feriengebieten."
456,29,7,"Las marcas rosadas de su piel brillan al caer la
noche. Triunfa entre los buceadores, por eso en
los resorts turísticos le proporcionan alimento."
456,29,8,"I motivi rosa sul suo corpo brillano di notte.
Poiché è molto amato dai sub, alcuni centri
turistici li attirano con il cibo."
456,29,9,"When night falls, their pink patterns begin to
shine. Theyre popular with divers, so there are
resorts that feed them to keep them close."
456,29,11,"ピンク色の 模様は 夜になると
光りだす。 ダイバーに 人気なので
リゾート地では 餌付けされることも。"
456,30,1,"ひかる おびれで えものを さそう。
ひるは かいめん ちかくに いて
よるに なると ふかみに いどう。"
456,30,3,"빛나는 꼬리지느러미로 먹이를 유인한다.
낮에는 해수면 가까이 있다가
밤이 되면 깊은 곳으로 이동한다."
456,30,5,"Il attire ses proies avec ses nageoires caudales
lumineuses. Il passe la journée à la surface
et se retire dans les abysses la nuit venue."
456,30,6,"Seine leuchtenden Flossen locken Beute an. Bei
Tag bleibt es nahe an der Wasseroberfläche,
während es abends in den Tiefen verschwindet."
456,30,7,"Por el día permanece cerca de la superficie y se
retira a las profundidades por la noche. Atrae a
las presas con sus brillantes aletas caudales."
456,30,8,"Attira la preda con le sue brillanti pinne.
Di giorno nuota vicino alla superficie del mare,
mentre di notte si sposta in profondità."
456,30,9,"It lures in prey with its shining tail fins. It stays
near the surface during the day and moves to
the depths when night falls."
456,30,11,"光る 尾びれで 獲物を 誘う。
昼は 海面 近くに いて
夜に なると 深みに 移動。"
457,12,9,"It lives on the deep-sea floor.
It attracts prey by flashing the
patterns on its four tail fins."
457,13,9,"To avoid detection by predators,
it crawls along the seafloor using
the two fins on its chest."
457,14,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using
its long front fins like legs. It
competes for food with LANTURN."
457,15,9,"LUMINEON swimming in the darkness
of the deep sea look like stars shining
in the night sky."
457,16,9,"LUMINEON swimming in the darkness
of the deep sea look like stars shining
in the night sky."
457,17,5,"Il rampe au fond de locéan grâce
aux nageoires de son torse.
Le Lanturn est son rival."
457,17,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using
its long front fins like legs. It
competes for food with Lanturn."
457,18,5,"Il rampe au fond de locéan grâce
aux nageoires de son torse.
Le Lanturn est son rival."
457,18,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using
its long front fins like legs. It
competes for food with Lanturn."
457,21,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using
its long front fins like legs. It
competes for food with Lanturn."
457,22,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using
its long front fins like legs. It
competes for food with Lanturn."
457,23,1,"ふかい うみの そこで くらす。
4まいの ひれの もようを ひからせ
えものを おびきよせる。"
457,23,3,"깊은 바다의 밑바닥에서 산다.
4개의 지느러미 무늬를 반짝거려
먹이를 끌어들인다."
457,23,5,"Il vit au plus profond de locéan. Il attire sa proie en
illuminant les motifs de ses quatre nageoires."
457,23,6,"Es lebt tief auf dem Meeresboden. Das blinkende
Muster auf seinen vier Rückenflossen zieht Beute an."
457,23,7,"Vive en las profundidades marinas. Atrae a sus presas
con parpadeos del dibujo de sus cuatro aletas."
457,23,8,"Vive negli abissi marini. Attira le prede illuminando
i motivi delle sue quattro pinne."
457,23,9,"It lives on the deep-sea floor. It attracts prey by
flashing the patterns on its four tail fins."
457,23,11,"深い 海の 底で 暮らす。
4枚の ヒレの 模様を 光らせて
獲物を おびき寄せる。"
457,24,1,"てんてきに みつからないように
むねの 2まいの ひれを つかい
かいていを はって いどうする。"
457,24,3,"천적에게 발견되지 않도록
가슴에 있는 2개의 지느러미로
해저에 붙어서 이동한다."
457,24,5,"Pour éviter de se faire voir par ses ennemis, il rampe
au fond de leau grâce aux nageoires sur son torse."
457,24,6,"Um nicht von Fressfeinden entdeckt zu werden,
krabbelt es auf zwei Brustflossen am Meeresboden."
457,24,7,"Para que los depredadores no lo detecten, se arrastra
por el fondo marino con las aletas del pecho."
457,24,8,"Per non farsi scoprire dai nemici, si muove lentamente
sui fondali marini con le due pinne pettorali."
457,24,9,"To avoid detection by predators, it crawls along the
seafloor using the two fins on its chest."
457,24,11,"天敵に 見つからないように
胸の 2枚の ヒレを 使い
海底を 這って 移動する。"
457,25,1,"ふかい うみの そこで くらす。
4まいの ひれの もようを ひからせ
えものを おびきよせる。"
457,25,3,"깊은 바다의 밑바닥에서 산다.
4개의 지느러미 무늬를 반짝거려
먹이를 끌어들인다."
457,25,5,"Il vit au plus profond de locéan. Il attire sa proie en illuminant
les motifs de ses quatre nageoires."
457,25,6,"Es lebt tief auf dem Meeresboden. Das blinkende Muster auf
seinen vier Rückenflossen zieht Beute an."
457,25,7,"Vive en las profundidades marinas. Atrae a sus presas con
parpadeos del dibujo de sus cuatro aletas."
457,25,8,"Vive negli abissi marini. Attira le prede illuminando i motivi
delle sue quattro pinne."
457,25,9,"It lives on the deep-sea floor. It attracts prey by
flashing the patterns on its four tail fins."
457,25,11,"深い 海の 底で 暮らす。
4枚の ヒレの 模様を 光らせて
獲物を おびき寄せる。"
457,26,1,"てんてきに みつからないように
むねの 2まいの ひれを つかい
かいていを はって いどうする。"
457,26,3,"천적에게 발견되지 않도록
가슴에 있는 2개의 지느러미로
해저에 붙어서 이동한다."
457,26,5,"Pour éviter de se faire voir par ses ennemis, il rampe au fond
de leau grâce aux nageoires sur son torse."
457,26,6,"Um nicht von Fressfeinden entdeckt zu werden, krabbelt es
auf zwei Brustflossen am Meeresboden."
457,26,7,"Para que los depredadores no lo detecten, se arrastra por el
fondo marino con las aletas del pecho."
457,26,8,"Per non farsi scoprire dai nemici, si muove lentamente sui
fondali marini con le due pinne pettorali."
457,26,9,"To avoid detection by predators, it crawls along the
seafloor using the two fins on its chest."
457,26,11,"天敵に 見つからないように
胸の 2枚の ヒレを 使い
海底を 這って 移動する。"
457,27,1,"ひかりで えものを おびきよせるが
てんてきである どうもうな
さかなポケモンまで よってくるのだ。"
457,27,3,"빛으로 먹이를 유인하지만
천적인 사나운
물고기포켓몬까지 다가온다."
457,27,5,"Il attire ses proies en émettant de la lumière,
mais à son grand dam, cela attire aussi ses
prédateurs : les Pokémon poissons carnassiers."
457,27,6,"Mit seinem blinkenden Muster lockt es Beute an.
Leider zieht es hierdurch auch seine
Fressfeinde an."
457,27,7,"Atrae a sus presas con el destello que emite,
aunque eso también llama la atención de sus
feroces depredadores marinos."
457,27,8,"Con la sua luce attira le prede, ma anche i
Pokémon acquatici suoi predatori."
457,27,9,"With its shining light, it lures its prey close.
However, the light also happens to attract
ferocious fish Pokémon—its natural predators."
457,27,11,"光で 獲物を おびき寄せるが
天敵である 獰猛な
さかなポケモンまで 寄ってくるのだ。"
457,28,1,"かいていに すむ しんかいのポケモン。
ヒレをつかい かいていを はって
こうぶつの スターミーを さがす。"
457,28,3,"해저에 사는 심해의 포켓몬이다.
지느러미를 사용해 해저를 기어
좋아하는 아쿠스타를 찾는다."
457,28,5,"Ce Pokémon des profondeurs vit tout au fond
de locéan. Il rampe à laide de ses nageoires
ventrales et cherche les Staross dont il raffole."
457,28,6,"Dieses Tiefsee-Pokémon lebt am Meeresboden,
über den es mit seinen Flossen krabbelt, um
Starmie, seine Leibspeise, aufzuspüren."
457,28,7,"Un Pokémon abisal que vive en el lecho marino.
Usa sus aletas ventrales para arrastrarse en
busca de Starmie, su presa favorita."
457,28,8,"Vive negli abissi marini. Si sposta sui fondali
muovendo agilmente le pinne in cerca degli
Starmie, di cui è ghiotto."
457,28,9,"This deep-sea Pokémon lives at the bottom of
the sea. Its fins haul it over the seabed in
search of its favorite food—Starmie."
457,28,11,"海底に 棲む 深海のポケモン。
ヒレを使い 海底を はって
好物の スターミーを 探す。"
457,29,1,"ふかい うみの そこは えものが
すくない。 きちょうなエサを めぐり
ランターンと はげしく あらそう。"
457,29,3,"깊은 바다 밑은 먹이가
적다. 귀한 먹이를 두고
랜턴과 격렬히 싸운다."
457,29,5,"La nourriture étant très rare dans les abysses
marins, Luminéon doit souvent se disputer
ses précieuses proies avec Lanturn."
457,29,6,"Auf dem tiefen Meeresboden gibt es nur wenig
Beute, weshalb es sich mit Lanturn heftige
Kämpfe um das wertvolle Futter liefert."
457,29,7,"Es difícil encontrar presas en lo más profundo
del mar, por lo que lucha a capa y espada con
los Lanturn si avista una que merezca la pena."
457,29,8,"I fondali marini non gli offrono molte occasioni
per cibarsi, perciò si scontra continuamente
con i Lanturn per accaparrarsi le prede migliori."
457,29,9,"Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, prey is
scarce. Lumineon get into fierce disputes with
Lanturn over food."
457,29,11,"深い 海の 底は 獲物が
少ない。 貴重な エサを 巡り
ランターンと 激しく 争う。"
457,30,1,"しんかいの かいていを はうように
およぐ。 げんそうてきな ヒレの
ひかりは よぞらの ほしの よう。"
457,30,3,"심해 해저를 기어가듯 헤엄친다.
환상적인 지느러미의 빛은
밤하늘의 별과 같다."
457,30,5,"Il se déplace en rampant dans les profondeurs
de locéan. Ses nageoires brillent telles des
étoiles dans le ciel nocturne."
457,30,6,"Es bewegt sich krabbelnd über den Boden der
Tiefsee. Seine prachtvollen Flossen leuchten
wie der Sternenhimmel."
457,30,7,"Nada arrastrándose por el lecho marino. Sus
espléndidas aletas brillan como las estrellas del
457,30,8,"Avanza strisciando sul fondo degli abissi marini.
La luce meravigliosa delle sue pinne ricorda
le stelle risplendenti del cielo notturno."
457,30,9,"They traverse the deep waters as if crawling
over the seafloor. The fantastic lights of its
fins shine like stars in the night sky."
457,30,11,"深海の 海底を はうように
泳ぐ。 幻想的な ヒレの
光は 夜空の 星の よう。"
458,12,9,"A friendly Pokémon that captures
the subtle flows of seawater using
its two antennae."
458,13,9,"Scientists discovered that the
distinctive patterns on its back
differ by region."
458,14,9,"People organize tours to see this
Pokémon frolic and skim the tops
of waves with REMORAID."
458,15,9,"When it swims close to the surface of the
ocean, people aboard ships are able to
observe the pattern on its back."
458,16,9,"When it swims close to the surface of the
ocean, people aboard ships are able to
observe the pattern on its back."
458,17,5,"On organise des excursions pour le
voir surfer sur les vagues au côté
des Rémoraid."
458,17,9,"People organize tours to see this
Pokémon frolic and skim the tops
of waves with Remoraid."
458,18,5,"On organise des excursions pour le
voir surfer sur les vagues au côté
des Rémoraid."
458,18,9,"People organize tours to see this
Pokémon frolic and skim the tops
of waves with Remoraid."
458,21,9,"The pattern on its back
varies by region. It often
swims in a school of Remoraid."
458,22,9,"The pattern on its back
varies by region. It often
swims in a school of Remoraid."
458,23,1,"せなかの もようは ちいきによって
ことなっている。テッポウオの むれに
まざって およぐことが おおい。"
458,23,3,"등의 무늬는 지역에 따라
달라진다. 총어 무리에
섞여 헤엄치는 일이 많다."
458,23,5,"Les motifs sur son dos sont différents selon les
régions. On le voit souvent dans des bancs de
458,23,6,"Ihre Rücken sind je nach Region unterschiedlich
gemustert. Oft mischen sie sich unter
458,23,7,"Los símbolos de su espalda cambian según la región.
A veces se mezcla con bancos de Remoraid y nada
junto a ellos."
458,23,8,"Il disegno sul suo dorso cambia a seconda della
regione. Nuota spesso assieme ai branchi di Remoraid."
458,23,9,"The pattern on its back varies by region.
It often swims in a school of Remoraid."
458,23,11,"背中の 模様は 地域によって
異なっている。テッポウオの 群れに
混ざって 泳ぐことが 多い。"
458,24,1,"かいめんの ちかくを およぐため
ふねの うえから せなかの もようを
かんさつする ことが できる。"
458,24,3,"해수면 근처에서 헤엄치므로
배 위에서 등 모양을
관찰할 수 있다."
458,24,5,"Il nage si proche de la surface que lon peut voir
les motifs sur son dos depuis un bateau."
458,24,6,"Da es nah an der Meeresoberfläche schwimmt, kann
man sein Rückenmuster von Schiffen aus erspähen."
458,24,7,"Cuando nada cerca de la superficie, pueden
observarse los dibujos de su lomo desde los barcos."
458,24,8,"Poiché Mantyke nuota in superficie, si possono
ammirare i disegni sulla sua schiena da
458,24,9,"When it swims close to the surface of the ocean,
people aboard ships are able to observe the pattern
on its back."
458,24,11,"海面の 近くを 泳ぐため
船の 上から 背中の 模様を
観察する ことが できる。"
458,25,1,"せなかの もようは ちいきによって
ことなっている。テッポウオの むれに
まざって およぐことが おおい。"
458,25,3,"등의 무늬는 지역에 따라
달라진다. 총어 무리에
섞여 헤엄치는 일이 많다."
458,25,5,"Les motifs sur son dos sont différents selon les régions.
On le voit souvent dans des bancs de Rémoraid."
458,25,6,"Ihre Rücken sind je nach Region unterschiedlich gemustert.
Oft mischen sie sich unter Remoraid-Schwärme."
458,25,7,"Los símbolos de su espalda cambian según la región. A veces
se mezcla con bancos de Remoraid y nada junto a ellos."
458,25,8,"Il disegno sul suo dorso cambia a seconda della regione.
Nuota spesso assieme ai branchi di Remoraid."
458,25,9,"The pattern on its back varies by region.
It often swims in a school of Remoraid."
458,25,11,"背中の 模様は 地域によって
異なっている。テッポウオの 群れに
混ざって 泳ぐことが 多い。"
458,26,1,"かいめんの ちかくを およぐため
ふねの うえから せなかの もようを
かんさつする ことが できる。"
458,26,3,"해수면 근처에서 헤엄치므로
배 위에서 등 모양을
관찰할 수 있다."
458,26,5,"Il nage si proche de la surface que lon peut voir les motifs
sur son dos depuis un bateau."
458,26,6,"Da es nah an der Meeresoberfläche schwimmt, kann man
sein Rückenmuster von Schiffen aus erspähen."
458,26,7,"Cuando nada cerca de la superficie, pueden observarse los
dibujos de su lomo desde los barcos."
458,26,8,"Poiché Mantyke nuota in superficie, si possono ammirare
i disegni sulla sua schiena da unimbarcazione."
458,26,9,"When it swims close to the surface of the ocean,
people aboard ships are able to observe the pattern
on its back."
458,26,11,"海面の 近くを 泳ぐため
船の 上から 背中の 模様を
観察する ことが できる。"
458,29,1,"とても ひとなつっこく よくなつく。
タマンタとの ふれあい ツアーは
だいにんきの ビーチアクティビティ。"
458,29,3,"매우 사람을 잘 따른다.
타만타 체험 투어는
인기가 많은 비치 액티비티다."
458,29,5,"Il est très affectueux et adore les humains.
Les excursions permettant daller nager avec
lui sont très populaires auprès des touristes."
458,29,6,"Ein sehr zahmes, zutrauliches Pokémon. Touren,
bei denen man Mantirps begegnen kann, sind
eine beliebte Freizeitaktivität an Küstenorten."
458,29,7,"Es un Pokémon muy afable y profesa cariño por
los humanos. Los tours para nadar con Mantyke
se han convertido en una actividad muy popular."
458,29,8,"È molto socievole e si affeziona facilmente.
Nuotare assieme ai Mantyke accompagnati da
una guida è unattività tipica delle zone balneari."
458,29,9,"Its highly friendly and easily tamed. Tours that
take people swimming with Mantyke are a
super-popular beach activity."
458,29,11,"とても 人懐っこく よく懐く。
タマンタとの ふれあい ツアーは
大人気の ビーチアクティビティ。"
458,30,1,"ひとなつっこく にんげんの ふねの
ちかくまで よってくる。 せなかの
もようは ちいきによって ことなる。"
458,30,3,"사람을 잘 따라서 인간의 배
근처까지 다가온다. 등의
모양은 지역에 따라 다르다."
458,30,5,"Il sapproche souvent des bateaux pour
sympathiser avec les humains. Le motif
qui orne son dos varie selon son habitat."
458,30,6,"Es ist so zutraulich, dass es sich sogar Schiffen
voller Menschen nähert. Die Rückenmuster von
Mantirps sind in jeder Region unterschiedlich."
458,30,7,"Su carácter afable lo lleva a acercarse sin temor
a barcos con presencia humana. Los dibujos del
lomo cambian según la región."
458,30,8,"Si avvicina spesso alle imbarcazioni per
socializzare con gli esseri umani. Il disegno
sul dorso è diverso a seconda della regione."
458,30,9,"Mantyke are friendly toward people and will
approach boats closely. The patterns on their
backs differ depending on their habitat."
458,30,11,"人懐っこく 人間の 船の
近くまで よってくる。 背中の
模様は 地域によって 異なる。"
458,33,1,"うみの すいおんが ひくいためか
ガラルちほうに すむ タマンタは
やや うごきが にぶいらしい。"
458,33,3,"바다의 수온이 낮기 때문인지
가라르지방에 사는 타만타는
약간 움직임이 둔한 듯하다."
458,33,5,"Les Babimanta vivant à Galar semblent un peu
engourdis. Cela pourrait être dû à la basse
température de la mer."
458,33,6,"Vielleicht liegt es an der niedrigen Temperatur
des Meeres, aber die Mantirps der Galar-Region
bewegen sich etwas schwerfälliger als andere."
458,33,7,"Los Mantyke que habitan en los mares de Galar
se mueven con lentitud, posiblemente por la baja
temperatura de las aguas de la región."
458,33,8,"I Mantyke che vivono a Galar si muovono
lentamente, forse per via della temperatura
del mare relativamente bassa."
458,33,9,"Mantyke living in Galar seem to be somewhat
sluggish. The colder waters of the seas in this
region may be the cause."
458,33,11,"海の 水温が 低いためか
ガラル地方に 棲む タマンタは
やや 動きが 鈍いらしい。"
458,34,1,"テッポウオの むれに まざって
およぐ。 てきに おそわれると
むれと いっしょに たたかうよ。"
458,34,3,"총어 무리에 섞여서 헤엄친다.
적에게 습격당하면
무리와 함께 싸운다."
458,34,5,"Il nage au sein des bancs de Rémoraid.
Lorsquun prédateur les attaque, il se bat
à leurs côtés."
458,34,6,"Es mischt sich unter Remoraid-Schwärme und
schwimmt mit ihnen. Werden diese angegriffen,
kämpft es gemeinsam an ihrer Seite."
458,34,7,"Nada con los bancos de Remoraid y lucha junto
a ellos cuando los ataca un enemigo."
458,34,8,"Nuota in mezzo ai banchi di Remoraid
e lotta assieme a loro quando vengono
458,34,9,"It swims along with a school of Remoraid, and
theyll all fight together to repel attackers."
458,34,11,"テッポウオの 群れに 混ざって
泳ぐ。 敵に 襲われると
群れと いっしょに 戦うよ。"
459,12,9,"It lives on snowy mountains.
Having had little contact with
humans, it is boldly inquisitive."
459,13,9,"In the spring, it grows berries
with the texture of frozen treats
around its belly."
459,14,9,"Seemingly curious about people,
they gather around footsteps they
find on snowy mountains."
459,15,9,"During cold seasons, it migrates to the
mountains lower reaches. It returns to
the snow-covered summit in the spring."
459,16,9,"During cold seasons, it migrates to the
mountains lower reaches. It returns to
the snow-covered summit in the spring."
459,17,5,"Curieux de rencontrer des gens, ils
se rassemblent autour des traces
de pas trouvées dans la montagne."
459,17,9,"Seemingly curious about people,
they gather around footsteps they
find on snowy mountains."
459,18,5,"Curieux de rencontrer des gens, ils
se rassemblent autour des traces
de pas trouvées dans la montagne."
459,18,9,"Seemingly curious about people,
they gather around footsteps they
find on snowy mountains."
459,21,9,"Seemingly curious about people,
they gather around footsteps they
find on snowy mountains."
459,22,9,"Seemingly curious about people,
they gather around footsteps they
find on snowy mountains."
459,23,1,"さむい きせつは やまの ふもとまで
おりてくるが はるに なると ゆきが
のこる さんちょうに もどっていく。"
459,23,3,"추운 계절에는 산기슭까지
내려오지만 봄이 되면 눈이
남아 있는 산 정상으로 돌아간다."
459,23,5,"Il saventure jusquau pied des montagnes en hiver,
mais se réfugie sur les pics neigeux au printemps."
459,23,6,"Im Winter steigt es bis zum Fuß der Berge herab.
Im Frühjahr kehrt es auf den Gipfel zurück."
459,23,7,"En las estaciones frías baja al pie de la montaña, pero
regresa a las cimas nevadas en primavera."
459,23,8,"In inverno scende a valle, ma in primavera se ne
torna sulle cime montuose dove cè ancora neve."
459,23,9,"During cold seasons, it migrates to the mountains
lower reaches. It returns to the snow-covered
summit in the spring."
459,23,11,"寒い 季節は 山の ふもとまで
降りてくるが 春に なると
雪が 残る 山頂に 戻っていく。"
459,24,1,"はるになると アイスキャンディーの
ような しょっかんの きのみが
おなかの まわりに なる。"
459,24,3,"봄이 되면 아이스캔디와
같은 촉감의 나무열매가
배의 주위에 열린다."
459,24,5,"Au printemps, il fait pousser des Baies pareilles à
des crèmes glacées autour de son ventre."
459,24,6,"Im Frühjahr wachsen Beeren, die wie gefrorene
Süßigkeiten aussehen, um seinen Bauch herum."
459,24,7,"En primavera, le crecen bayas con apariencia de
helado alrededor de la panza."
459,24,8,"In primavera, attorno al ventre gli crescono delle
bacche simili a dolci ghiaccioli."
459,24,9,"In the spring, it grows berries with the texture of
frozen treats around its belly."
459,24,11,"春になると アイスキャンディーの
ような 触感の 木の実が
お腹の まわりに 生る。"
459,25,1,"さむい きせつは やまの ふもとまで
おりてくるが はるに なると ゆきが
のこる さんちょうに もどっていく。"
459,25,3,"추운 계절에는 산기슭까지
내려오지만 봄이 되면 눈이
남아 있는 산 정상으로 돌아간다."
459,25,5,"Il saventure jusquau pied des montagnes en hiver,
mais se réfugie sur les pics neigeux au printemps."
459,25,6,"Im Winter steigt es bis zum Fuß der Berge herab.
Im Frühjahr kehrt es auf den Gipfel zurück."
459,25,7,"En las estaciones frías baja al pie de la montaña, pero regresa
a las cimas nevadas en primavera."
459,25,8,"In inverno scende a valle, ma in primavera se ne torna sulle
cime montuose dove cè ancora neve."
459,25,9,"During cold seasons, it migrates to the mountains
lower reaches. It returns to the snow-covered
summit in the spring."
459,25,11,"寒い 季節は 山の ふもとまで
降りてくるが 春に なると
雪が 残る 山頂に 戻っていく。"
459,26,1,"はるになると アイスキャンディーの
ような しょっかんの きのみが
おなかの まわりに なる。"
459,26,3,"봄이 되면 아이스캔디와
같은 촉감의 나무열매가
배의 주위에 열린다."
459,26,5,"Au printemps, il fait pousser des Baies pareilles à des crèmes
glacées autour de son ventre."
459,26,6,"Im Frühjahr wachsen Beeren, die wie gefrorene Süßigkeiten
aussehen, um seinen Bauch herum."
459,26,7,"En primavera, le crecen bayas con apariencia de helado
alrededor de la panza."
459,26,8,"In primavera, attorno al ventre gli crescono delle bacche
simili a dolci ghiaccioli."
459,26,9,"In the spring, it grows berries with the texture of
frozen treats around its belly."
459,26,11,"春になると アイスキャンディーの
ような 食感の 木の実が
お腹の まわりに 生る。"
459,33,1,"ゆきぶかい やまにくらす。 ゆきに
あしを つきさして すいぶんと
れいきを きゅうしゅう するぞ。"
459,33,3,"눈이 많이 쌓인 산에 산다.
눈에 다리를 찔러 넣어
수분과 냉기를 흡수한다."
459,33,5,"Il plante ses pieds dans la neige des montagnes
où il vit pour absorber lair froid et lhumidité."
459,33,6,"Es lebt auf verschneiten Bergen und steckt seine
Füße in den Schnee, um über sie Wasser und
Kälte zu absorbieren."
459,33,7,"Viven en montañas perennemente nevadas.
Hunden las piernas en la nieve y absorben tanto
humedad como aire frío."
459,33,8,"Vive sulle montagne innevate. Infila i piedi
nella neve e assorbe acqua e freddo a volontà."
459,33,9,"It lives on snowy mountains. It sinks its legs into
the snow to absorb water and keep its own
temperature down."
459,33,11,"雪深い 山に暮らす。 雪に
脚を 突き刺して 水分と
冷気を 吸収 するぞ。"
459,34,1,"おなかに みのる アイス みたいな
きのみは ガラルに くらす
ダルマッカたちの だいこうぶつ。"
459,34,3,"배에 열리는 아이스크림 같은
나무열매는 가라르에 사는
달막화들이 매우 좋아한다."
459,34,5,"Les Baies en forme de crèmes glacées qui
poussent sur son ventre sont le mets favori
des Darumarond vivant à Galar."
459,34,6,"Die an Speiseeis erinnernden Beeren, die an
seinem Bauch wachsen, sind bei den Flampion
Galars ein sehr beliebter Snack."
459,34,7,"Las bayas con aspecto de helado que le crecen
alrededor de la barriga son la comida favorita
de los Darumaka que habitan en Galar."
459,34,8,"Le bacche simili a ghiaccioli che gli crescono
attorno al ventre sono il cibo preferito dei
Darumaka che vivono a Galar."
459,34,9,"The berries that grow around its belly are like
ice pops. Galarian Darumaka absolutely love
these berries."
459,34,11,"お腹に 実る アイス みたいな
木の実は ガラルに 暮らす
ダルマッカたちの 大好物。"
460,12,9,"It whips up blizzards in mountains
that are always buried in snow.
It is the abominable snowman."
460,13,9,"It blankets wide areas in snow by
whipping up blizzards. It is also
known as “The Ice Monster.”"
460,14,9,"They appear when the snow flowers
bloom. When the petals fall, they
retreat to places unknown again."
460,15,9,"It lives a quiet life on mountains that
are perpetually covered in snow.
It hides itself by whipping up blizzards."
460,16,9,"It lives a quiet life on mountains that
are perpetually covered in snow.
It hides itself by whipping up blizzards."
460,17,5,"Il apparaît quand les fleurs des
terres enneigées fleurissent et
se retire quand elles se fanent."
460,17,9,"They appear when the snow flowers
bloom. When the petals fall, they
retreat to places unknown again."
460,18,5,"Il apparaît quand les fleurs des
terres enneigées fleurissent et
se retire quand elles se fanent."
460,18,9,"They appear when the snow flowers
bloom. When the petals fall, they
retreat to places unknown again."
460,21,9,"They appear when the snow flowers
bloom. When the petals fall, they
retreat to places unknown again."
460,22,9,"They appear when the snow flowers
bloom. When the petals fall, they
retreat to places unknown again."
460,23,1,"ブリザードを はっせいさせて あたり
いちめんを まっしろに してしまう。
べつめい アイスモンスター。"
460,23,3,"블리자드를 발생시켜 주변
일대를 새하얗게 만든다.
별명은 아이스 몬스터다."
460,23,5,"De larges zones sont recouvertes par la neige de ses
blizzards. On lappelle «monstre des glaces»."
460,23,6,"Es bedeckt weite Gebiete mit Schnee, indem es
Blizzards auslöst. Man nennt es „Das Eismonster“."
460,23,7,"Genera ventiscas con las que cubre de nieve grandes
áreas. Se le llama el Monstruo de Hielo."
460,23,8,"Crea bufere che ricoprono di neve ampissime aree.
È noto anche come “Mostro dei ghiacci”."
460,23,9,"It blankets wide areas in snow by whipping up
blizzards. It is also known as “The Ice Monster.”"
460,23,11,"ブリザードを 発生させて あたり
一面を 真っ白に してしまう。
別名 アイスモンスター。"
460,24,1,"まんねんゆきが つもる さんみゃくで
しずかに くらす。ブリザードを
はっせいさせて すがたを かくす。"
460,24,3,"만년설이 쌓인 산맥에서
조용히 지낸다. 블리자드를
발생시켜 모습을 감춘다."
460,24,5,"Il hante les sommets aux neiges éternelles, et se
cache en déclenchant des blizzards."
460,24,6,"Es haust im Gebirge, wo ewiger Schnee liegt,
und löst Blizzards aus, um sich zu verstecken."
460,24,7,"Vive en paz en cordilleras de nieves eternas.
Genera ventiscas para ocultarse."
460,24,8,"Vive nella pace delle cime montuose tra le nevi eterne:
scatena bufere di neve e poi si nasconde."
460,24,9,"It lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually
covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping
up blizzards."
460,24,11,"万年雪が 積もる 山脈で
静かに 暮らす。ブリザードを
発生させて 姿を 隠す。"
460,25,1,"ブリザードを はっせいさせて あたり
いちめんを まっしろに してしまう。
べつめい アイスモンスター。"
460,25,3,"블리자드를 발생시켜 주변
일대를 새하얗게 만든다.
별명은 아이스 몬스터다."
460,25,5,"De larges zones sont recouvertes par la neige de
ses blizzards. On lappelle «monstre des glaces»."
460,25,6,"Es bedeckt weite Gebiete mit Schnee, indem es Blizzards
auslöst. Man nennt es „Das Eismonster“."
460,25,7,"Genera ventiscas con las que cubre de nieve grandes áreas.
Se le llama el Monstruo de Hielo."
460,25,8,"Crea bufere che ricoprono di neve ampissime aree.
È noto anche come “Mostro dei ghiacci”."
460,25,9,"It blankets wide areas in snow by whipping up
blizzards. It is also known as “The Ice Monster.”"
460,25,11,"ブリザードを 発生させて あたり
一面を 真っ白に してしまう。
別名 アイスモンスター。"
460,26,1,"まんねんゆきが つもる さんみゃくで
しずかに くらす。ブリザードを
はっせいさせて すがたを かくす。"
460,26,3,"만년설이 쌓인 산맥에서
조용히 지낸다. 블리자드를
발생시켜 모습을 감춘다."
460,26,5,"Il hante les sommets aux neiges éternelles, et se cache en
déclenchant des blizzards."
460,26,6,"Es haust im Gebirge, wo ewiger Schnee liegt, und löst
Blizzards aus, um sich zu verstecken."
460,26,7,"Vive en paz en cordilleras de nieves eternas. Genera ventiscas
para ocultarse."
460,26,8,"Vive nella pace delle cime montuose tra le nevi eterne:
scatena bufere di neve e poi si nasconde."
460,26,9,"It lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually
covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping
up blizzards."
460,26,11,"万年雪が 積もる 山脈で
静かに 暮らす。ブリザードを
発生させて 姿を 隠す。"
460,33,1,"おおきな うでを ハンマーの ように
ふりおろし ユキカブリを ねらう
ダルマッカの むれを おいはらう。"
460,33,3,"거대한 팔을 해머처럼
내리쳐서 눈쓰개를 노리는
달막화 무리를 내쫓는다."
460,33,5,"Il fait fuir les hordes de Darumarond qui sen
prennent aux Blizzi en se servant de ses grands
bras comme de marteaux."
460,33,6,"Es schwingt seine großen Arme wie Hämmer und
vertreibt damit Gruppen von Flampion, die es
auf Shnebedeck abgesehen haben."
460,33,7,"Usa sus enormes brazos como si fueran martillos
para ahuyentar a los grupos de Darumaka que
acechan a los Snover."
460,33,8,"Agitando le grosse braccia come dei martelli
scaccia i gruppi di Darumaka che prendono
di mira gli Snover."
460,33,9,"If it sees any packs of Darumaka going after
Snover, it chases them off, swinging its sizable
arms like hammers."
460,33,11,"大きな 腕を ハンマーの ように
振り下ろし ユキカブリを 狙う
ダルマッカの 群れを 追い払う。"
460,34,1,"ブリザードを まきおこす ポケモン。
おおきな からだを ゆすれば
あたりいちめん すぐに まっしろだ。"
460,34,3,"블리자드를 일으키는 포켓몬이다.
커다란 몸을 흔들면
부근 일대는 금세 새하얗게 된다."
460,34,5,"Ce grand Pokémon déclenche des blizzards.
Lorsquil agite son corps, tout ce qui lentoure
se retrouve couvert de neige."
460,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon löst Blizzards aus. Wenn es
seinen großen Körper schüttelt, wird in seiner
Umgebung alles sofort schneeweiß."
460,34,7,"Posee la capacidad de generar ventiscas. Si agita
su enorme cuerpo, el terreno circundante queda
inmediatamente cubierto de nieve."
460,34,8,"Scatena bufere di neve. Se scuote il suo grosso
corpo, imbianca il terreno circostante in un
460,34,9,"This Pokémon is known to bring blizzards.
A shake of its massive body is enough to
cause whiteout conditions."
460,34,11,"ブリザードを 巻き起こす ポケモン。
大きな 体を 揺すれば
あたり一面 すぐに 真っ白だ。"
461,12,9,"They live in cold regions, forming
groups of four or five that hunt
prey with impressive coordination."
461,13,9,"It sends signals to others by
carving odd patterns in frost-
covered trees and ice."
461,14,9,"Evolution made it even more
devious. It communicates by clawing
signs in boulders."
461,15,9,"It lives in snowy regions. It carves
patterns in trees with its claws as
a signal to others."
461,16,9,"It lives in snowy regions. It carves
patterns in trees with its claws as
a signal to others."
461,17,5,"Lévolution la rendu encore plus
retors. Il communique en griffant
des signes dans les pierres."
461,17,9,"Evolution made it even more
devious. It communicates by clawing
signs in boulders."
461,18,5,"Lévolution la rendu encore plus
retors. Il communique en griffant
des signes dans les pierres."
461,18,9,"Evolution made it even more
devious. It communicates by clawing
signs in boulders."
461,21,9,"They communicate by clawing
signs in boulders and work
together to surround enemies."
461,22,9,"They communicate by clawing
signs in boulders and work
together to surround enemies."
461,23,1,"ゆきの おおい ちほうに せいそく。
じゅもくに ツメで サインを えがき
なかまに あいずを おくる。"
461,23,3,"눈이 많은 지방에 서식한다.
수목에 발톱으로 사인을 그려
동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
461,23,5,"Il vit dans les régions enneigées, et communique avec
ses pairs en gravant des motifs sur les arbres."
461,23,6,"Es lebt in schneereichen Gebieten. Snibunna senden
einander Signale, indem sie Zeichen in Rinde ritzen."
461,23,7,"Vive en zonas nevadas. Deja marcas en los árboles
con sus garras para comunicarse con sus compañeros."
461,23,8,"Il suo habitat sono le grandi aree innevate. Con gli
artigli, incide sui tronchi segnali per i suoi simili."
461,23,9,"It lives in snowy regions. It carves patterns in trees
with its claws as a signal to others."
461,23,11,"雪の 多い 地方に 生息。
樹木に ツメで サインを 描き
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
461,24,1,"さむい ちいきで くらす ポケモン。
4、5ひきの グループは みごとな
れんけいで えものを おいつめる。"
461,24,3,"추운 지역에서 사는 포켓몬이다.
4, 5마리의 그룹은 훌륭한
연계 작전으로 먹이를 몰아넣는다."
461,24,5,"Ils vivent par groupe de 4 ou 5 en région froide et
chassent de façon très organisée."
461,24,6,"Es lebt in kalten Gebieten in Gruppen von
vier oder fünf Pokémon, die bei der Jagd
großes Geschick zeigen."
461,24,7,"Viven en zonas frías y forman grupos de cuatro o
cinco para cazar con gran coordinación."
461,24,8,"Questi Pokémon vivono in zone fredde in gruppi di
quattro o cinque. Insieme sono cacciatori abilissimi."
461,24,9,"They live in cold regions, forming groups of four or
five that hunt prey with impressive coordination."
461,24,11,"寒い 地域で 暮らす ポケモン。
4、5匹の グループは 見事な
連係で 獲物を 追いつめる。"
461,25,1,"ゆきの おおい ちほうに せいそく。
じゅもくに ツメで サインを えがき
なかまに あいずを おくる。"
461,25,3,"눈이 많은 지방에 서식한다.
수목에 발톱으로 사인을 그려
동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
461,25,5,"Il vit dans les régions enneigées, et communique avec
ses pairs en gravant des motifs sur les arbres."
461,25,6,"Es lebt in schneereichen Gebieten. Snibunna senden einander
Signale, indem sie Zeichen in Rinde ritzen."
461,25,7,"Vive en zonas nevadas. Deja marcas en los árboles con sus
garras para comunicarse con sus compañeros."
461,25,8,"Il suo habitat sono le grandi aree innevate. Con gli artigli,
incide sui tronchi segnali per i suoi simili."
461,25,9,"It lives in snowy regions. It carves patterns in trees
with its claws as a signal to others."
461,25,11,"雪の 多い 地方に 生息。
樹木に ツメで サインを 描き
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
461,26,1,"さむい ちいきで くらす ポケモン。
4、5ひきの グループは みごとな
れんけいで えものを おいつめる。"
461,26,3,"추운 지역에서 사는 포켓몬이다.
4, 5마리의 그룹은 훌륭한
연계 작전으로 먹이를 몰아넣는다."
461,26,5,"Ils vivent par groupe de quatre ou cinq en région froide et
chassent de façon très organisée."
461,26,6,"Es lebt in kalten Gebieten in Gruppen von vier oder
fünf Pokémon, die bei der Jagd großes Geschick zeigen."
461,26,7,"Viven en zonas frías y forman grupos de cuatro o cinco para
cazar con gran coordinación."
461,26,8,"Questi Pokémon vivono in zone fredde in gruppi di quattro
o cinque. Insieme sono cacciatori abilissimi."
461,26,9,"They live in cold regions, forming groups of four or
five that hunt prey with impressive coordination."
461,26,11,"寒い 地域で 暮らす ポケモン。
4、5匹の グループは 見事な
連係で 獲物を 追いつめる。"
461,27,1,"4~5ひきの グループで こうどう。
いわや じゅもくに サインを のこし
れんけいプレイで えものを しとめる。"
461,27,3,"4~5마리의 그룹으로 행동한다.
바위나 나무에 표시를 남겨
연계 플레이로 먹이를 잡는다."
461,27,5,"Il se déplace en groupe de quatre ou cinq. Lors
de la chasse, il laisse des signes sur les arbres
ou les rochers pour communiquer efficacement."
461,27,6,"Sie sind immer zu viert oder fünft unterwegs.
Bei der Jagd arbeiten sie zusammen, indem
sie Zeichen in Felsen und Bäume ritzen."
461,27,7,"Siempre van en grupos de cuatro o cinco. Dejan
marcas en rocas y árboles al cazar para
coordinarse con sus compañeros."
461,27,8,"Si muove in gruppi di quattro o cinque individui.
Durante la caccia, si coordina con i compagni
lasciando dei segni sulle rocce e sugli alberi."
461,27,9,"They travel in groups of four or five, leaving
signs for one another on trees and rocks. They
bring down their prey with coordinated attacks."
461,27,11,"4~5匹の グループで 行動。
岩や 樹木に サインを 残し
連係プレイで 獲物を 仕留める。"
461,28,1,"さむい ばしょに すみ アローラでは
ロコンや サンドが おもな エサ。
えものは なかまで きちんと わける。"
461,28,3,"추운 장소에 살며 알로라에서는
식스테일과 모래두지가 주된 먹이다.
사냥감은 동료끼리 정확히 나눈다."
461,28,5,"Habitant des régions enneigées, il ne se nourrit
que de Goupix et de Sabelette à Alola. Il partage
toujours ses proies avec ses amis."
461,28,6,"Sie leben in kalten Gebieten und ernähren sich
in Alola hauptsächlich von Vulpix und Sandan.
Ihre Beute teilen sie gerecht untereinander auf."
461,28,7,"Habita en lugares fríos. En Alola se alimenta
principalmente de Vulpix y Sandshrew, presas
que reparte entre sus congéneres."
461,28,8,"È un Pokémon che vive nelle zone fredde.
Ad Alola caccia i Vulpix e i Sandshrew,
dividendo le prede con i suoi compagni."
461,28,9,"They dwell in cold places. This Pokémons main
food source in Alola is Vulpix and Sandshrew,
which they carefully divide among their group."
461,28,11,"寒い 場所に 棲み アローラでは
ロコンや サンドが 主な 餌。
獲物は 仲間で きちんと 分ける。"
461,29,1,"1ぴきが サンドの あしを すくい
ひっくりかえすと もう 1ぴきが
するどいツメで とどめを さす。"
461,29,3,"1마리가 모래두지에게 다리를 걸어
뒤집으면 다른 1마리가
날카로운 발톱으로 처리한다."
461,29,5,"Il chasse les Sabelette en équipe : un Dimoret
maintient la proie sur le dos, puis un deuxième
lachève dun coup de griffe."
461,29,6,"Zieht es einem Sandan die Beine weg, gibt ein
weiteres Snibunna der nun rücklings liegenden
Beute mit seinen Krallen den Gnadenstoß."
461,29,7,"Trabaja en parejas. Uno pone la zancadilla a un
Sandshrew y, cuando está boca arriba, el otro
Weavile lo ataca con sus afiladas garras."
461,29,8,"Caccia in coppia: un Weavile fa cadere
Sandshrew mandandolo a gambe allaria mentre
un altro dà il colpo di grazia con gli artigli affilati."
461,29,9,"One Weavile will trip a Sandshrew and flip it
over, and then another Weavile will deal the
finishing blow with its sharp claws."
461,29,11,"1匹が サンドの 足を すくい
ひっくり返すと もう 1匹が
鋭いツメで 止めを 刺す。"
461,30,1,"かしこくなり エサを めぐっての
ケンカは おこらなくなった。 ツメで
ひっかかれると とうしょうになるぞ。"
461,30,3,"영리해져서 먹이를 두고
싸우지 않게 되었다. 손톱으로
할퀴어지면 동상에 걸린다."
461,30,5,"Il est devenu assez sournois pour ne plus avoir
à se battre pour ses proies. Quiconque entre
en contact avec ses griffes souffrira de gelures."
461,30,6,"Es hat gelernt, sich mit Artgenossen nicht mehr
um seine Beute zu streiten. Kratzer durch seine
Klauen hinterlassen Frostbeulen."
461,30,7,"Se ha vuelto tan astuto que las disputas por las
presas obtenidas son cosa del pasado. Quien se
ve golpeado por sus garras sufre congelaciones."
461,30,8,"Si è fatto furbo e non ha più bisogno di lottare
per il cibo. Il tocco dei suoi artigli provoca dei
461,30,9,"Thanks to its increased intelligence, scrapping
over food is a thing of the past. A scratch from
its claws will give you a case of frostbite!"
461,30,11,"賢くなり エサを 巡っての
ケンカは 起こらなくなった。 ツメで
ひっかかれると 凍傷になるぞ。"
461,33,1,"むれを なし えものを おそう。
チームプレーで マンムーなどの
おおものも たやすく しとめる。"
461,33,3,"무리를 지어 먹이를 공격한다.
팀플레이로 맘모꾸리 같은
큰 상대도 손쉽게 처리한다."
461,33,5,"Ils chassent en hordes. Grâce à leur bonne
coordination, ils peuvent aisément venir à bout
de grands Pokémon comme Mammochon."
461,33,6,"Sie jagen ihre Beute in Gruppen. Im Team
erledigen sie selbst große Ziele wie Mamutel
mit Leichtigkeit."
461,33,7,"Cazan en grupo, lo que les permite abatir con
facilidad presas de gran tamaño, como los
461,33,8,"Caccia in gruppo. Grazie al lavoro di squadra
riesce ad avere la meglio anche su prede di
grossa taglia come i Mamoswine."
461,33,9,"They attack their quarry in packs. Prey as large
as Mamoswine easily fall to the teamwork of
a group of Weavile."
461,33,11,"群れを 成し 獲物を 襲う。
チームプレーで マンムーなどの
大物も たやすく しとめる。"
461,34,1,"ツメで サインを えがき なかまと
れんらく。 サインの しゅるいは
500いじょう あると いう。"
461,34,3,"발톱으로 사인을 그려
동료와 연락한다. 사인의 종류는
500가지가 넘는다고 한다."
461,34,5,"Il communique avec ses semblables en gravant
des motifs avec ses griffes. Il existerait près
de 500 signes différents."
461,34,6,"Sie kommunizieren miteinander, indem sie
Zeichen mit ihren Krallen hinterlassen. Es soll
über 500 davon geben."
461,34,7,"Se comunican mediante marcas que tallan con
sus garras. Se cree que tienen un repertorio de
más de 500."
461,34,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili tramite i segni che
traccia con le unghie. Si dice che esistano più
di 500 segni diversi."
461,34,9,"With its claws, it leaves behind signs for its
friends to find. The number of distinct signs
is said to be over 500."
461,34,11,"ツメで サインを 描き 仲間と
連絡。 サインの 種類は
500以上 あると いう。"
462,12,9,"It evolved from exposure to a
special magnetic field.
Three units generate magnetism."
462,13,9,"It evolved from exposure to a
special magnetic field.
Three units generate magnetism."
462,14,9,"A group tried to use scientific
means to make MAGNEZONE evolve,
but their efforts ended in failure."
462,15,9,"Exposure to a special magnetic field
changed MAGNETONs molecular
structure, turning it into MAGNEZONE."
462,16,9,"Exposure to a special magnetic field
changed MAGNETONs molecular
structure, turning it into MAGNEZONE."
462,17,5,"Des scientifiques ont essayé de
faire évoluer un Magnézone en
laboratoire, mais ce fut un échec."
462,17,9,"A group tried to use scientific
means to make Magnezone evolve,
but their efforts ended in failure."
462,18,5,"Des scientifiques ont essayé de
faire évoluer un Magnézone en
laboratoire, mais ce fut un échec."
462,18,9,"A group tried to use scientific
means to make Magnezone evolve,
but their efforts ended in failure."
462,21,9,"Sometimes the magnetism emitted by
Magnezone is too strong, making them
attract each other so they cannot move."
462,22,9,"Sometimes the magnetism emitted by
Magnezone is too strong, making them
attract each other so they cannot move."
462,23,1,"つよすぎる じりょくを だして
ジバコイルどうし ひきよせあって
まったく うごけなくなったりする。"
462,23,3,"너무 강한 자력을 내어
자포코일끼리 끌어당겨
전혀 못 움직이기도 한다."
462,23,5,"Le champ magnétique quils émettent est tel quils
ont tendance à sattirer mutuellement et à sempêcher
de bouger."
462,23,6,"Gelegentlich erzeugen sie so starke Magnetfelder,
dass sie sich gegenseitig anziehen und einander
462,23,7,"Emiten campos magnéticos tan potentes que se atraen
entre sí e incluso pueden llegar a inmovilizarse."
462,23,8,"A volte si attraggono lun laltro con la loro
potentissima carica magnetica e poi non riescono
più a muoversi."
462,23,9,"Sometimes the magnetism emitted by Magnezone is
too strong, making them attract each other so they
cannot move."
462,23,11,"強すぎる 磁力を だして
ジバコイル同士 引き寄せあって
まったく 動けなくなったりする。"
462,24,1,"とくしゅな じばの えいきょうで
レアコイルが しんかした。3つの
ユニットから じりょくを だす。"
462,24,3,"특수한 자기장의 영향으로
레어코일이 진화했다. 3개의
유닛에서 자력을 발산한다."
462,24,5,"Il a évolué suite à son exposition à un champ
magnétique spécial. Ses 3 unités génèrent du
462,24,6,"Es entwickelte sich, als es einem besonderen
Magnetfeld ausgesetzt wurde."
462,24,7,"Evolucionó por la exposición a un campo magnético
especial. Tres unidades generan magnetismo."
462,24,8,"Si è evoluto in seguito allesposizione a uno speciale
campo magnetico. Tre unità generano magnetismo."
462,24,9,"It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic
field. Three units generate magnetism."
462,24,11,"特殊な 磁場の 影響で
レアコイルが 進化した。3つの
ユニットから 磁力を 出す。"
462,25,1,"つよすぎる じりょくを だして
ジバコイルどうし ひきよせあって
まったく うごけなくなったりする。"
462,25,3,"너무 강한 자력을 내어
자포코일끼리 끌어당겨
전혀 못 움직이기도 한다."
462,25,5,"Le champ magnétique quils émettent est tel quils ont
tendance à sattirer mutuellement et à sempêcher de bouger."
462,25,6,"Gelegentlich erzeugen sie so starke Magnetfelder, dass sie
sich gegenseitig anziehen und einander immobilisieren."
462,25,7,"Emiten campos magnéticos tan potentes que se atraen entre
sí e incluso pueden llegar a inmovilizarse."
462,25,8,"A volte si attraggono lun laltro con la loro potentissima
carica magnetica e poi non riescono più a muoversi."
462,25,9,"Sometimes the magnetism emitted by Magnezone is
too strong, making them attract each other so they
cannot move."
462,25,11,"強すぎる 磁力を だして
ジバコイル同士 引き寄せあって
まったく 動けなくなったりする。"
462,26,1,"とくしゅな じばの えいきょうで
レアコイルが しんかした。3つの
ユニットから じりょくを だす。"
462,26,3,"특수한 자기장의 영향으로
레어코일이 진화했다. 3개의
유닛에서 자력을 발산한다."
462,26,5,"Il a évolué suite à son exposition à un champ magnétique
spécial. Ses trois unités génèrent du magnétisme."
462,26,6,"Es entwickelte sich, als es einem besonderen Magnetfeld
ausgesetzt wurde."
462,26,7,"Evolucionó por la exposición a un campo magnético especial.
Tres unidades generan magnetismo."
462,26,8,"Si è evoluto in seguito allesposizione a uno speciale campo
magnetico. Tre unità generano magnetismo."
462,26,9,"It evolved from exposure to a special magnetic
field. Three units generate magnetism."
462,26,11,"特殊な 磁場の 影響で
レアコイルが 進化した。3つの
ユニットから 磁力を 出す。"
462,27,1,"3つのユニットから じりょくを だす。
よぞらを とぶ ジバコイルを UFOと
まちがえる ほうこくが たはつ。"
462,27,3,"3개의 유닛으로부터 자력을 발산한다.
밤하늘을 나는 자포코일을 UFO로
착각하는 보고가 많이 발생한다."
462,27,5,"Ses trois unités émettent une force magnétique.
Il nest pas rare que les gens le confondent avec
un OVNI quand il vole dans le ciel."
462,27,6,"Seine drei Bestandteile erzeugen ein Magnetfeld.
Es kommt oft vor, dass am Himmel fliegende
Magnezone für Ufos gehalten werden."
462,27,7,"Sus tres unidades generan un campo magnético.
Al ser avistados volando por la noche, muchos
los han tomado por ovnis."
462,27,8,"Le sue tre unità generano magnetismo.
Quando vola nel cielo notturno, viene spesso
scambiato per un UFO."
462,27,9,"Three units generate magnetism. There have
been many mistaken reports of UFO sightings
when Magnezone flies through the night sky."
462,27,11,"3つの ユニットから 磁力を だす。
夜空を 飛ぶ ジバコイルを UFOと
間違える 報告が 多発。"
462,28,1,"かいでんぱを はっしん しながら
そらを とびまわり みちの でんぱを
じゅしん していると いう。"
462,28,3,"괴전파를 발신하면서
하늘을 날아 미지의 전파를
수신하고 있다고 한다."
462,28,5,"Il vole dans le ciel en émettant et en recevant
des ondes bien mystérieuses."
462,28,6,"Es heißt, dass es beim Herumfliegen mysteriöse
Funkwellen aussende und unbekannte empfange."
462,28,7,"Se dice que mientras vuela emite unas ondas
eléctricas misteriosas, a la vez que recibe otras
ondas desconocidas."
462,28,8,"Fluttua in aria trasmettendo e ricevendo
misteriose onde elettromagnetiche."
462,28,9,"As it zooms through the sky, this Pokémon
seems to be receiving signals of unknown origin,
while transmitting signals of unknown purpose."
462,28,11,"怪電波を 発信 しながら
空を 飛び回り 未知の 電波を
受信 していると いう。"
462,29,1,"じぶんの テリトリーを レーダーで
かんし している。 しんにゅうしゃは
はかいこうせんで ただちに しょぶん。"
462,29,3,"자신의 영토를 레이더로
감시하고 있다. 침입자는
파괴광선으로 즉시 처분한다."
462,29,5,"Il surveille son territoire à laide de son radar,
et élimine rapidement tout intrus avec son
laser destructeur."
462,29,6,"Es überwacht sein Territorium mithilfe seines
Radars. Entdeckt es Eindringlinge, greift es sie
unvermittelt mit einem Hyperstrahl an."
462,29,7,"Gracias a su radar detecta a cualquier intruso
que se adentre en su territorio y lo elimina sin
miramientos con su rayo destructor."
462,29,8,"Sorveglia il suo territorio via radar ed elimina
immediatamente gli intrusi con un raggio
462,29,9,"It uses radar to monitor its territory. Intruders
are quickly disposed of with a hyper beam."
462,29,11,"自分の テリトリーを レーダーで
監視 している。 侵入者は
破壊光線で ただちに 処分。"
462,30,1,"いまだに うちゅうから やってきたと
しんじる ひとびとも いる。
きょうりょくな じりょくを はなつ。"
462,30,3,"아직까지 우주에서 왔다고
믿는 사람들도 있다.
강력한 자력을 발산한다."
462,30,5,"De nombreuses personnes pensent encore quil
sagit dun Pokémon venu de lespace. Il émet
un champ magnétique extrêmement puissant."
462,30,6,"Manche Menschen glauben immer noch, dass
Magnezone von einem anderen Planeten stamme.
Es geht ein starkes Magnetfeld von ihm aus."
462,30,7,"Todavía hay quien cree hoy en día que proviene
del espacio. Emite un campo magnético de gran
462,30,8,"Ancora oggi cè chi crede che Magnezone sia
venuto dallo spazio. Emette unintensa forza
462,30,9,"There are still people who believe that this
Pokémon came from outer space. It emanates
a powerful magnetic field."
462,30,11,"未だに 宇宙から やってきたと
信じる 人々も いる。
強力な 磁力を 放つ。"
462,33,1,"あたまの アンテナで うちゅうからの
でんぱを じゅしんして なにものかに
コントロールされていると いわれる。"
462,33,3,"머리의 안테나로 누군가가 보낸
전파를 우주로부터 수신하여
조종당하고 있다고 전해진다."
462,33,5,"On raconte quil serait contrôlé par une entité
extraterrestre grâce à des ondes quil capterait
avec lantenne sur sa tête."
462,33,6,"Man sagt, es werde von einem Wesen aus dem
All kontrolliert und mit der Antenne auf seinem
Kopf empfange es von ihm Signale."
462,33,7,"Se cree que con la antena que tiene en la cabeza
recibe señales del espacio enviadas por un ser
que lo controla."
462,33,8,"Si dice che venga controllato tramite onde
elettromagnetiche provenienti dallo spazio,
che capta con lantenna posta sulla testa."
462,33,9,"Some say that Magnezone receives signals from
space via the antenna on its head and that its
being controlled by some mysterious being."
462,33,11,"頭の アンテナで 宇宙からの
電波を 受信して 何者かに
コントロールされていると いわれる。"
462,34,1,"とくしゅな じばの えいきょうで
からだの ぶんしこうぞうが へんかし
しんかしたと かんがえられている。"
462,34,3,"특수한 자기장의 영향으로
몸의 분자 구조가 변화해
진화했다고 여겨지고 있다."
462,34,5,"On pense quil a évolué après avoir été exposé
à un champ magnétique particulier qui a modifié
la structure moléculaire de son corps."
462,34,6,"Man vermutet, es habe sich entwickelt, nachdem
es einem besonderen Magnetfeld ausgesetzt war,
das seine Molekularstruktur veränderte."
462,34,7,"Se piensa que estuvo expuesto a un campo
magnético especial que alteró su estructura
molecular e hizo que evolucionara."
462,34,8,"Si pensa che la sua struttura molecolare sia
mutata in seguito allesposizione a uno speciale
campo magnetico, che ha innescato levoluzione."
462,34,9,"Its thought that a special magnetic field changed
the molecular structure of this Pokémons body,
and thats what caused the Pokémons evolution."
462,34,11,"特殊な 磁場の 影響で
体の 分子構造が 変化し
進化したと 考えられている。"
463,12,9,"It wraps things with its extensible
tongue. Getting too close to it
will leave you soaked with drool."
463,13,9,"It wraps things with its extensible
tongue. Getting too close to it
will leave you soaked with drool."
463,14,9,"The long tongue is always soggy
with slobber. The saliva contains
a solvent that causes numbness."
463,15,9,"Its saliva can decompose anything.
It wraps its long tongue around things
to coat them with its sticky saliva."
463,16,9,"It has space in its throat to store
saliva. It can also roll up its tongue
and store it in the same spot."
463,17,5,"Sa longue langue est couverte en
permanence dune épaisse couche
de bave anesthésiante."
463,17,9,"The long tongue is always soggy
with slobber. The saliva contains
a solvent that causes numbness."
463,18,5,"Sa longue langue est couverte en
permanence dune épaisse couche
de bave anesthésiante."
463,18,9,"The long tongue is always soggy
with slobber. The saliva contains
a solvent that causes numbness."
463,21,9,"Their saliva contains lots of components
that can dissolve anything. The numbness
caused by their lick does not dissipate."
463,22,9,"Their saliva contains lots of components
that can dissolve anything. The numbness
caused by their lick does not dissipate."
463,23,1,"ぐんぐん のびる ベロを なんにでも
まきつける。うかつに ちかよると
だえきで べとべとに されてしまう。"
463,23,3,"쭉쭉 늘어나는 혓바닥으로 무엇이든
휘감는다. 함부로 다가가면
타액으로 끈적끈적거리게 된다."
463,23,5,"Il enroule tout dans sa langue extensible. Ceux qui
lapprochent finissent couverts de bave."
463,23,6,"Es umklammert Dinge mit seiner dehnbaren Zunge.
Kommt man ihm zu nahe, wird man eingespeichelt."
463,23,7,"Agarra cosas con su lengua extensible. Si te acercas
mucho, te deja lleno de babas."
463,23,8,"Avvolge ogni cosa con la sua lingua allungabile. Chi
si avvicina troppo, si ritroverà tutto bagnato di bava."
463,23,9,"It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting
too close to it will leave you soaked with drool."
463,23,11,"ぐんぐん 伸びる ベロを なんにでも
巻きつける。うかつに 近寄ると
だえきで べとべとに されてしまう。"
463,24,1,"だえきには どんな ものも とかす
せいぶんが たっぷり ふくまれており
なめられると いつまでも しびれる。"
463,24,3,"타액에는 어떤 것도 녹이는
성분이 충분히 포함되어 있어
핥으면 언제까지나 마비된다."
463,24,5,"Sa bave anesthésiante est chargée dune substance
capable de faire fondre nimporte quelle matière."
463,24,6,"Ihr Speichel enthält eine ätzende Substanz, die bei
Kontakt mit der Haut anhaltende Taubheit erzeugt."
463,24,7,"La alta concentración de sustancias en su saliva lo
disuelve todo. Un lametón provoca un entumecimiento
463,24,8,"La sua saliva contiene una sostanza che scioglie
qualsiasi cosa e causa la paralisi se si viene leccati."
463,24,9,"Their saliva contains lots of components that can
dissolve anything. The numbness caused by their
lick does not dissipate."
463,24,11,"だえきには どんな 物も 溶かす
成分が たっぷり 含まれており
なめられると いつまでも しびれる。"
463,25,1,"ぐんぐん のびる ベロを なんにでも
まきつける。うかつに ちかよると
だえきで べとべとに されてしまう。"
463,25,3,"쭉쭉 늘어나는 혓바닥으로 무엇이든
휘감는다. 함부로 다가가면
타액으로 끈적끈적거리게 된다."
463,25,5,"Il enroule tout dans sa langue extensible. Ceux qui
lapprochent finissent couverts de bave."
463,25,6,"Es umklammert Dinge mit seiner dehnbaren Zunge.
Kommt man ihm zu nahe, wird man eingespeichelt."
463,25,7,"Agarra cosas con su lengua extensible. Si te acercas mucho,
te deja lleno de babas."
463,25,8,"Avvolge ogni cosa con la sua lingua allungabile. Chi si avvicina
troppo, si ritroverà tutto bagnato di bava."
463,25,9,"It wraps things with its extensible tongue. Getting
too close to it will leave you soaked with drool."
463,25,11,"ぐんぐん 伸びる ベロを なんにでも
巻きつける。うかつに 近寄ると
だえきで べとべとに されてしまう。"
463,26,1,"だえきには どんな ものも とかす
せいぶんが たっぷり ふくまれており
なめられると いつまでも しびれる。"
463,26,3,"타액에는 어떤 것도 녹이는
성분이 충분히 포함되어 있어
핥으면 언제까지나 마비된다."
463,26,5,"Sa bave anesthésiante est chargée dune substance
capable de faire fondre nimporte quelle matière."
463,26,6,"Ihr Speichel enthält eine ätzende Substanz, die bei Kontakt
mit der Haut anhaltende Taubheit erzeugt."
463,26,7,"La alta concentración de sustancias en su saliva lo disuelve
todo. Un lametón provoca un entumecimiento permanente."
463,26,8,"La sua saliva contiene una sostanza che scioglie qualsiasi cosa
e causa la paralisi se si viene leccati."
463,26,9,"Their saliva contains lots of components that can
dissolve anything. The numbness caused by their
lick does not dissipate."
463,26,11,"だえきには どんな 物も 溶かす
成分が たっぷり 含まれており
なめられると いつまでも しびれる。"
463,29,1,"したが どこまで のびるのかの
コンテストが かいさい されている。
げんざいの さいこうきろくは25m。"
463,29,3,"혀가 어디까지 늘어나는지
콘테스트가 열린다.
현재 최고 기록은 25m다."
463,29,5,"Il existe un concours visant à déterminer lequel
dentre eux a la langue la plus longue. Le record
actuel est de 25 m."
463,29,6,"Es gibt Wettbewerbe dazu, welches Schlurplek
seine Zunge am weitesten herausstrecken kann.
Der Rekord liegt bei 25 m."
463,29,7,"Se celebra una competición para comprobar qué
Lickilicky logra extender más lejos la lengua. El
récord actual es de 25 metros."
463,29,8,"Esiste una competizione per stabilire qual è
il Lickilicky che riesce ad allungare di più la
lingua. Il record attuale è di 25 metri."
463,29,9,"A contest is under way to determine which one
can stick its tongue out the farthest. The
current record is...more than 82 feet."
463,29,11,"舌が どこまで 伸びるのかの
コンテストが 開催 されている。
現在の 最高記録は25m。"
463,30,1,"てあし より ベロを つかうほうが
ずっと とくい。 ちいさな マメの
1つぶだけを きように つまめる。"
463,30,3,"손발보다 혀를 사용하는 것이
훨씬 능숙하다. 작은 콩 1알도
능숙하게 집을 수 있다."
463,30,5,"Il est bien plus adroit avec sa langue quavec
ses autres membres, au point quelle peut même
lui servir à ramasser un grain de riz minuscule."
463,30,6,"Es kann mit seiner Zunge geschickter umgehen
als mit seinen Armen und Beinen. Selbst winzige
Böhnchen hebt es mit ihrer Hilfe problemlos auf."
463,30,7,"Es mucho más hábil usando la lengua que sus
extremidades, hasta el punto de poder coger
con gran maña una minúscula habichuela."
463,30,8,"È molto più bravo a usare la lingua che gli arti,
tanto che con essa riesce ad afferrare perfino
un piccolo fagiolo."
463,30,9,"It uses its tongue much more skillfully than its
hands or its feet. It can deftly pick up a
single small bean with its tongue."
463,30,11,"手足 より ベロを 使うほうが
ずっと 得意。 小さな マメの
1粒だけを 器用に 摘める。"
463,33,1,"からだの なんばいもの ながさまで
のびる ふしぎな ベロを もつ。
その ふしぎは みかいめいのまま。"
463,33,3,"몸의 몇 배의 길이로 늘어나는
신비한 혀를 가졌다.
그 비밀은 아직 밝혀지지 않았다."
463,33,5,"Sa langue a lincroyable faculté de sallonger et
datteindre plusieurs fois la taille de son corps.
Ce mystère de la nature reste entier."
463,33,6,"Seine sonderbare Zunge kann sich bis auf ein
Vielfaches seiner Körpergröße ausdehnen.
Niemand weiß, wie das möglich ist."
463,33,7,"Su lengua es un misterio sin resolver: no se sabe
cómo puede extenderla hasta alcanzar longitudes
que superan varias veces la de su propio cuerpo."
463,33,8,"La sua lingua può misteriosamente allungarsi
fino a molte volte la lunghezza del corpo.
Ancora non si è capito come faccia."
463,33,9,"Lickilickys strange tongue can stretch to many
times the length of its body. No one has figured
out how Lickilickys tongue can stretch so far."
463,33,11,"体の 何倍もの 長さまで
伸びる 不思議な ベロを もつ。
その 不思議は 未解明のまま。"
463,34,1,"にんげんの てさきにも まけないほど
きような ベロで なんでも できる。
はんたいに ゆびさきは ぶきようだ。"
463,34,3,"사람의 팔과 견줄 수 있을 정도의
활용도 높은 혀로 뭐든지 한다.
반대로 손은 무디다."
463,34,5,"Il est aussi habile avec sa langue que les êtres
humains le sont avec leurs mains. En revanche,
il est maladroit quand il utilise ses doigts."
463,34,6,"Mit seiner Zunge kann es alles tun und ist damit
so geschickt wie Menschen mit ihren Händen.
Diese verwendet Schlurplek nur sehr unbeholfen."
463,34,7,"Es tan diestro con la lengua como un ser humano
con las manos. Por el contrario, muestra escasa
maña con los dedos."
463,34,8,"Può fare qualsiasi cosa con la sua lingua,
agile quanto le mani di un essere umano.
In compenso, è maldestro nelluso delle dita."
463,34,9,"Lickilicky can do just about anything with its
tongue, which is as dexterous as the human hand.
In contrast, Lickilickys use of its fingers is clumsy."
463,34,11,"人間の 手先にも 負けないほど
器用な ベロで なんでも できる。
反対に 指先は 不器用だ。"
464,12,9,"It puts rocks in holes in its palms
and uses its muscles to shoot them.
GEODUDE are shot at rare times."
464,13,9,"It puts rocks in holes in its palms
and uses its muscles to shoot them.
GEODUDE are shot at rare times."
464,14,9,"It can launch a rock held in its
hand like a missile by tightening
then expanding muscles instantly."
464,15,9,"From holes in its palms, it fires out
GEODUDE. Its carapace 
can withstand volcanic eruptions."
464,16,9,"From holes in its palms, it fires out
GEODUDE. Its carapace 
can withstand volcanic eruptions."
464,17,5,"Il peut lancer des pierres à une
vitesse saisissante en bandant et
relâchant ses muscles en un éclair."
464,17,9,"It can launch a rock held in its
hand like a missile by tightening
then expanding muscles instantly."
464,18,5,"Il peut lancer des pierres à une
vitesse saisissante en bandant et
relâchant ses muscles en un éclair."
464,18,9,"It can launch a rock held in its
hand like a missile by tightening
then expanding muscles instantly."
464,21,9,"It can launch a rock held in its
hand like a missile by tightening
then expanding muscles instantly."
464,22,9,"It can launch a rock held in its
hand like a missile by tightening
then expanding muscles instantly."
464,23,1,"てのひらの あなから イシツブテを
はっしゃ。ぜんしんの プロテクターは
かざんの ふんかにも たえられる。"
464,23,3,"손바닥의 구멍에서 꼬마돌을
발사한다. 전신의 프로텍터는
화산의 분화도 견뎌낸다."
464,23,5,"Ses paumes projettent des Racaillou, et son corps
couvert de Protecteurs résiste même à une éruption
464,23,6,"Es feuert Kleinstein aus seinen Handflächen.
Durch seinen Schützer erträgt es sogar
464,23,7,"Lanza Geodude por los agujeros de las manos.
Gracias a Protector resiste erupciones volcánicas."
464,23,8,"Mette dei Geodude nelle cavità dei palmi e li lancia.
Usa Copertura per resistere alle eruzioni vulcaniche."
464,23,9,"From holes in its palms, it fires out Geodude.
Its carapace can withstand volcanic eruptions."
464,23,11,"手のひらの 穴から イシツブテを
発射。全身の プロテクターは
火山の 噴火にも 耐えられる。"
464,24,1,"いわを てのひらの あなに つめて
きんにくの ちからで はっしゃする。
まれに イシツブテを とばす。"
464,24,3,"바위를 손바닥의 구멍에 채워서
근육의 힘으로 발사한다.
드물게 꼬마돌을 날린다."
464,24,5,"Il bande ses muscles pour projeter des pierres ou
des Racaillou depuis le creux de ses paumes."
464,24,6,"Es legt Steine in die Löcher seiner Hände und wirft sie
mit Muskelkraft. Sogar Georok werden verwendet."
464,24,7,"Pone rocas en los agujeros de sus manos y las lanza
con los músculos. A veces lanza Geodude."
464,24,8,"Mette rocce nelle cavità dei suoi palmi e le getta
con tutta la sua forza. Talvolta lancia Geodude."
464,24,9,"It puts rocks in holes in its palms and uses its
muscles to shoot them. Geodude are shot at
rare times."
464,24,11,"岩を 手のひらの 穴に つめて
筋肉の 力で 発射する。
まれに イシツブテを 飛ばす。"
464,25,1,"てのひらの あなから イシツブテを
はっしゃ。ぜんしんの プロテクターは
かざんの ふんかにも たえられる。"
464,25,3,"손바닥의 구멍에서 꼬마돌을
발사한다. 전신의 프로텍터는
화산의 분화도 견뎌낸다."
464,25,5,"Ses paumes projettent des Racaillou, et son corps couvert
de Protecteurs résiste même à une éruption volcanique."
464,25,6,"Es feuert Kleinstein aus seinen Handflächen. Durch seinen
Schützer erträgt es sogar Vulkanausbrüche."
464,25,7,"Lanza Geodude por los agujeros de las manos. Gracias a
Protector resiste erupciones volcánicas."
464,25,8,"Mette dei Geodude nelle cavità dei palmi e li lancia.
Usa Copertura per resistere alle eruzioni vulcaniche."
464,25,9,"From holes in its palms, it fires out Geodude.
Its carapace can withstand volcanic eruptions."
464,25,11,"手のひらの 穴から イシツブテを
発射。全身の プロテクターは
火山の 噴火にも 耐えられる。"
464,26,1,"いわを てのひらの あなに つめて
きんにくの ちからで はっしゃする。
まれに イシツブテを とばす。"
464,26,3,"바위를 손바닥의 구멍에 채워서
근육의 힘으로 발사한다.
드물게 꼬마돌을 날린다."
464,26,5,"Il bande ses muscles pour projeter des pierres ou
des Racaillou depuis le creux de ses paumes."
464,26,6,"Es legt Steine in die Löcher seiner Hände und wirft sie
mit Muskelkraft. Sogar Georok werden verwendet."
464,26,7,"Pone rocas en los agujeros de sus manos y las lanza con los
músculos. A veces lanza Geodude."
464,26,8,"Mette rocce nelle cavità dei suoi palmi e le getta con tutta
la sua forza. Talvolta lancia Geodude."
464,26,9,"It puts rocks in holes in its palms and uses its
muscles to shoot them. Geodude are shot at
rare times."
464,26,11,"岩を 手のひらの 穴に つめて
筋肉の 力で 発射する。
まれに イシツブテを 飛ばす。"
464,33,1,"ての あなに いわや ダンゴロを
つめて はっしゃ。 そうてんできる
かずは かたうでに つき 3つ。"
464,33,3,"손에 난 구멍에 바위나 단굴을
끼운 뒤 발사한다. 장전할 수 있는
수는 한쪽 팔당 3개씩이다."
464,33,5,"Il met des rochers ou des Nodulithe dans le creux
de ses mains et les tire comme des obus.
Il peut ainsi en charger trois par bras."
464,33,6,"Es bestückt die Vertiefungen in seinen Händen
mit Felsen oder Kiesling und feuert sie daraus ab.
In jeder Hand hat es Platz für drei Geschosse."
464,33,7,"Introduce rocas o Roggenrola en las cavidades
de las manos y los dispara con fuerza. Es capaz
de cargar hasta tres proyectiles en cada brazo."
464,33,8,"Inserisce delle rocce o dei Roggenrola nelle
cavità dei suoi palmi e poi li lancia. Può caricarne
fino a tre per braccio."
464,33,9,"It can load up to three projectiles per arm into
the holes in its hands. What launches out of those
holes could be either rocks or Roggenrola."
464,33,11,"手の 穴に 岩や ダンゴロを
詰めて 発射。 装填できる
数は 片腕に つき 3つ。"
464,34,1,"プロテクターで こうげきを はじき
あいてが ひるんだ ところを
じまんの ドリルで つらぬく。"
464,34,3,"프로텍터로 공격을 튕겨내고
상대가 풀이 죽으면
특징적인 드릴로 관통한다."
464,34,5,"Il repousse les attaques avec ses Protecteurs et
profite du moment où ladversaire est déstabilisé
pour le transpercer avec sa vrille, dont il est fier."
464,34,6,"Mit seinem Schützer wehrt es Angriffe ab und
durchsticht dann den verdutzten Gegner mit
seinem Bohrer, auf den es sehr stolz ist."
464,34,7,"Repele los ataques usando un Protector y
aprovecha el momento en que el rival baja
la guardia para perforarlo con su taladro."
464,34,8,"Respinge gli attacchi con la sua Copertura
e approfitta del momento di esitazione
dellavversario per perforarlo con il suo trapano."
464,34,9,"It relies on its carapace to deflect incoming
attacks and throw its enemy off balance. As soon
as that happens, it drives its drill into the foe."
464,34,11,"プロテクターで 攻撃を 弾き
相手が ひるんだ ところを
自慢の ドリルで つらぬく。"
465,12,9,"It ensnares prey by extending
arms made of vines. Losing arms to
predators does not trouble it."
465,13,9,"It ensnares prey by extending
arms made of vines. Losing arms to
predators does not trouble it."
465,14,9,"Its arms are made of plants that
bind themselves to things. They
grow back right away if cut."
465,15,9,"When it remains still, it appears to be a
large shrub. Unsuspecting prey that
wander near get ensnared by its vines."
465,16,9,"Its vines grow so profusely that, in the
warm season, you cant even see
its eyes."
465,17,5,"Ses bras sont en fait des plantes
qui sattachent à tout ce quelles
touchent et peuvent repousser."
465,17,9,"Its arms are made of plants that
bind themselves to things. They
grow back right away if cut."
465,18,5,"Ses bras sont en fait des plantes
qui sattachent à tout ce quelles
touchent et peuvent repousser."
465,18,9,"Its arms are made of plants that
bind themselves to things. They
grow back right away if cut."
465,21,9,"Even if one of its arms is eaten,
its fine. The Pokémon regenerates
quickly and will go right back to normal."
465,22,9,"Even if one of its arms is eaten,
its fine. The Pokémon regenerates
quickly and will go right back to normal."
465,23,1,"しょくぶつの ツルで できた うでを
のばして えものを からめとる。
うでを たべられても へっちゃら。"
465,23,3,"식물의 덩굴로 이루어진 팔을
늘여서 먹이를 포박한다.
팔을 먹혀도 아무렇지도 않다."
465,23,5,"Il ligote sa proie en étirant ses bras en lianes. Il ne
craint pas de perdre un bras face à un ennemi."
465,23,6,"Es umwickelt Beute, indem es seine Arme,
die aus Ranken bestehen, verlängert."
465,23,7,"Atrapa a su presa desplegando las ramas de sus
brazos, que no le importa perder ante depredadores."
465,23,8,"Intrappola le prede con gli arti, che sono costituiti
da liane. Se ne perde uno, non si turba affatto."
465,23,9,"It ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines.
Losing arms to predators does not trouble it."
465,23,11,"植物の ツルで できた 腕を
伸ばして 獲物を 絡め取る。
腕を 食べられても へっちゃら。"
465,24,1,"あたたかい きせつに なると
めだまも かくれて しまうほど
しょくぶつの ツルが のびつづける。"
465,24,3,"따뜻한 계절이 오면
눈이 보이지 않을 정도로
식물의 덩굴이 계속 자란다."
465,24,5,"Lorsque vient la belle saison, ses lianes sont si
luxuriantes quelles cachent ses yeux."
465,24,6,"In warmen Jahreszeiten wuchern seine Ranken
so dicht, dass man nicht einmal mehr seine Augen
465,24,7,"Cuando llega el calor, se cubre por completo con sus
lianas y no se le pueden ver ni los ojos."
465,24,8,"Nella stagione calda, le sue liane crescono al punto
da coprirgli gli occhi."
465,24,9,"Its vines grow so profusely that, in the warm
season, you cant even see its eyes."
465,24,11,"暖かい 季節に なると
目玉も 隠れてしまうほど
植物の ツルが 伸び続ける。"
465,25,1,"しょくぶつの ツルで できた うでを
のばして えものを からめとる。
うでを たべられても へっちゃら。"
465,25,3,"식물의 덩굴로 이루어진 팔을
늘여서 먹이를 포박한다.
팔을 먹혀도 아무렇지도 않다."
465,25,5,"Il ligote sa proie en étirant ses bras en lianes. Il ne craint pas
de perdre un bras face à un ennemi."
465,25,6,"Es umwickelt Beute, indem es seine Arme, die aus Ranken
bestehen, verlängert."
465,25,7,"Atrapa a su presa desplegando las ramas de sus brazos, que
no le importa perder ante depredadores."
465,25,8,"Intrappola le prede con gli arti, che sono costituiti da liane.
Se ne perde uno, non si turba affatto."
465,25,9,"It ensnares prey by extending arms made of vines.
Losing arms to predators does not trouble it."
465,25,11,"植物の ツルで できた 腕を
伸ばして 獲物を 絡め取る。
腕を 食べられても へっちゃら。"
465,26,1,"あたたかい きせつに なると
めだまも かくれて しまうほど
しょくぶつの ツルが のびつづける。"
465,26,3,"따뜻한 계절이 오면
눈이 보이지 않을 정도로
식물의 덩굴이 계속 자란다."
465,26,5,"Lorsque vient la belle saison, ses lianes sont si luxuriantes
quelles cachent ses yeux."
465,26,6,"In warmen Jahreszeiten wuchern seine Ranken so dicht,
dass man nicht einmal mehr seine Augen erkennt."
465,26,7,"Cuando llega el calor, se cubre por completo con sus lianas
y no se le pueden ver ni los ojos."
465,26,8,"Nella stagione calda, le sue liane crescono al punto da
coprirgli gli occhi."
465,26,9,"Its vines grow so profusely that, in the warm
season, you cant even see its eyes."
465,26,11,"暖かい 季節に なると
目玉も 隠れてしまうほど
植物の ツルが 伸び続ける。"
465,33,1,"じざいに のびる 2ほんの うでは
じつは ツルが たばになったものと
さいきんの けんきゅうで わかった。"
465,33,3,"자유자재로 늘어나는 2개의 팔은
덩굴이 뭉쳐진 것이었다는 사실이
최근 연구로 밝혀졌다."
465,33,5,"La science a récemment découvert que
les deux bras quil peut allonger à volonté
sont en fait des lianes entrelacées."
465,33,6,"Jüngsten Erkenntnissen zufolge bestehen seine
zwei Arme, die es beliebig verlängern kann,
aus gebündelten Ranken."
465,33,7,"Se ha descubierto recientemente que los dos
brazos que estira a voluntad son en realidad
lianas enredadas entre sí."
465,33,8,"Può estendere le braccia a piacimento.
In seguito a recenti ricerche si è scoperto
che sono in realtà fasci di liane."
465,33,9,"Tangrowth has two arms that it can extend as it
pleases. Recent research has shown that these
arms are, in fact, bundles of vines."
465,33,11,"自在に 伸びる 2本の 腕は
じつは ツルが 束になったものと
最近の 研究で わかった。"
465,34,1,"あたたかい とちで くらす ものほど
ツルの のびが はやい。 のびると
みずから ちぎって みじかくする。"
465,34,3,"따듯한 땅에서 살수록
덩굴의 성장이 빠르다. 길어지면
스스로 잘라내어 짧게 만든다."
465,34,5,"Ses lianes poussent plus rapidement sil vit
sous un climat chaud. Quand elles deviennent
trop longues, il se les coupe."
465,34,6,"Je wärmer sein Lebensraum ist, desto schneller
wachsen seine Ranken. Werden sie zu lang,
kürzt Tangoloss sie, indem es sie abreißt."
465,34,7,"Las lianas le crecen más rápidamente si vive
en regiones cálidas. Cuando alcanzan cierta
longitud, se las corta."
465,34,8,"Più il territorio in cui vive è caldo, più le sue liane
crescono velocemente. Quando si allungano
troppo, le taglia per accorciarle."
465,34,9,"Vine growth is accelerated for Tangrowth living in
warm climates. If the vines grow long, Tangrowth
shortens them by tearing parts of them off."
465,34,11,"暖かい 土地で 暮らす ものほど
ツルの 伸びが 早い。 伸びると
自ら ちぎって 短くする。"
466,12,9,"It pushes the tips of its two tails
against the foe, then lets loose
with over 20,000 volts of power."
466,13,9,"It pushes the tips of its two tails
against the foe, then lets loose
with over 20,000 volts of power."
466,14,9,"Heedless of enemy attacks, it
closes in, shoves its tails onto the
foe, then looses high voltage."
466,15,9,"As its electric charge amplifies,
blue sparks begin to crackle between
its horns."
466,16,9,"As its electric charge amplifies,
blue sparks begin to crackle between
its horns."
466,17,5,"Encaissant les attaques, il vient
toucher lennemi de ses queues
et lui inflige une forte décharge."
466,17,9,"Heedless of enemy attacks, it
closes in, shoves its tails onto the
foe, then looses high voltage."
466,18,5,"Encaissant les attaques, il vient
toucher lennemi de ses queues
et lui inflige une forte décharge."
466,18,9,"Heedless of enemy attacks, it
closes in, shoves its tails onto the
foe, then looses high voltage."
466,21,9,"The instant it presses the tips of its
tails onto an opponent, it sends over
20,000 volts of electricity into the foe."
466,22,9,"The instant it presses the tips of its
tails onto an opponent, it sends over
20,000 volts of electricity into the foe."
466,23,1,"でんきを いっぱいに ためると
2ほんの ツノの あいだで はげしく
あおじろい ひばなを ちらす。"
466,23,3,"전기를 가득 모으면
2개의 뿔 사이에서 세차게
푸르스름한 불티를 뿌린다."
466,23,5,"Des étincelles bleuâtres jaillissent entre ses 2 cornes
quand il accumule beaucoup délectricité."
466,23,6,"Bei voller Ladung zucken feurige, blassweiße
Funken zwischen seinen zwei Hörnern hin und her."
466,23,7,"Al almacenar mucha electricidad, desprende chispas de
una claridad increíble entre sus dos cuernos."
466,23,8,"Quando accumula tanta elettricità sparge scintille
azzurrine dallo spazio tra le due corna."
466,23,9,"As its electric charge amplifies, blue sparks begin
to crackle between its horns."
466,23,11,"電気を いっぱいに ためると
2本の ツノの あいだで 激しく
青白い 火花を 散らす。"
466,24,1,"2ほんの しっぽの さきを あいてに
おしあてて 2まんボルトいじょうの
でんりゅうを ながして こうげき。"
466,24,3,"2개의 꼬리 끝을 상대에게
바싹 대어 2만 볼트 이상의
전류를 흘려 공격한다."
466,24,5,"Il place le bout de ses deux queues sur son ennemi
et libère une décharge de 20000 V."
466,24,6,"Es berührt den Gegner mit seinen beiden
Schweifspitzen und entlädt dann über 20 000 V."
466,24,7,"Toca a su enemigo con las puntas de sus dos colas
y le suelta una descarga de más de 20 000 voltios."
466,24,8,"Tocca il nemico con le sue due code e rilascia una
scarica elettrica di oltre 20.000 volt."
466,24,9,"It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe,
then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power."
466,24,11,"2本の 尻尾の 先を 相手に
押し当てて 2万ボルト以上の
電流を 流して 攻撃。"
466,25,1,"でんきを いっぱいに ためると
2ほんの ツノの あいだで はげしく
あおじろい ひばなを ちらす。"
466,25,3,"전기를 가득 모으면
2개의 뿔 사이에서 세차게
푸르스름한 불티를 뿌린다."
466,25,5,"Des étincelles bleuâtres jaillissent entre ses 2 cornes
quand il accumule beaucoup délectricité."
466,25,6,"Bei voller Ladung zucken feurige, blassweiße Funken zwischen
seinen zwei Hörnern hin und her."
466,25,7,"Al almacenar mucha electricidad, desprende chispas de una
claridad increíble entre sus dos cuernos."
466,25,8,"Quando accumula tanta elettricità sparge scintille azzurrine
dallo spazio tra le due corna."
466,25,9,"As its electric charge amplifies, blue sparks begin
to crackle between its horns."
466,25,11,"電気を いっぱいに ためると
2本の ツノの あいだで 激しく
青白い 火花を 散らす。"
466,26,1,"2ほんの しっぽの さきを あいてに
おしあてて 2まんボルトいじょうの
でんりゅうを ながして こうげき。"
466,26,3,"2개의 꼬리 끝을 상대에게
바싹 대어 2만 볼트 이상의
전류를 흘려 공격한다."
466,26,5,"Il place le bout de ses deux queues sur son ennemi et libère
une décharge de 20000 V."
466,26,6,"Es berührt den Gegner mit seinen beiden Schweifspitzen
und entlädt dann über 20 000 V."
466,26,7,"Toca a su enemigo con las puntas de sus dos colas y le
suelta una descarga de más de 20 000 voltios."
466,26,8,"Tocca il nemico con le sue due code e rilascia una scarica
elettrica di oltre 20.000 volt."
466,26,9,"It pushes the tips of its two tails against the foe,
then lets loose with over 20,000 volts of power."
466,26,11,"2本の 尻尾の 先を 相手に
押し当てて 2万ボルト以上の
電流を 流して 攻撃。"
466,27,1,"シッポの さきを てきに おしつけ
こうあつでんりゅうを ながしこむ。
いっしゅんで てきは くろコゲ。"
466,27,3,"꼬리의 끝을 적에게 밀어붙여
고압 전류를 흘려보낸다.
한순간에 적은 까맣게 탄다."
466,27,5,"Il connecte le bout de sa queue à son ennemi
et libère une violente décharge. Lennemi est
instantanément grillé."
466,27,6,"Es berührt Gegner mit seinen Schweifspitzen
und entlädt dann starke Elektrizität. So kann
es sie im Nullkommanichts verkohlen."
466,27,7,"Toca a su enemigo con la punta de sus colas
y le suelta una descarga de alta tensión que lo
deja achicharrado al instante."
466,27,8,"Tocca il nemico con la punta delle code
e rilascia una scarica elettrica ad alto voltaggio
che lo carbonizza allistante."
466,27,9,"It pushes the tips of its tails against its foes
and then lets loose a high-voltage current.
Its foes are burned to a crisp in an instant."
466,27,11,"尻尾の 先を 敵に 押しつけ
高圧電流を 流し込む。
一瞬で 敵は 黒コゲ。"
466,28,1,"こうふんすると むねを うちならす。
そのたびに でんきひばなが ちり
らいめいが あたりに ひびきわたる。"
466,28,3,"흥분하면 가슴을 두들긴다.
그때마다 전기 불꽃이 튀며
천둥소리가 주변에 울려 퍼진다."
466,28,5,"Quand il est excité, il se frappe violemment la
poitrine de ses poings. Cela fait des étincelles
électriques et un vrai roulement de tonnerre."
466,28,6,"Wenn es sich aufregt, schlägt es sich kräftig
auf die Brust. Bei jedem Schlag sprühen Funken
und es ertönt ein Donnern."
466,28,7,"Al exaltarse, se golpea con ímpetu el pecho.
Cada vez que lo hace saltan chispas y un
trueno resuena por la zona."
466,28,8,"Quando è agitato, si batte il petto sprizzando
scintille e producendo un rombo simile a
un tuono."
466,28,9,"When it gets excited, it thumps its chest. With
every thud, thunder roars and electric sparks
shower all around."
466,28,11,"興奮すると 胸を 打ち鳴らす。
そのたびに 電気火花が 散り
雷鳴が あたりに 響き渡る。"
466,29,1,"でんきが ほとばしるシッポを にぎり
たいでんした こぶしを つくると
ちからまかせに ぶんなぐる。"
466,29,3,"전기를 내뿜는 꼬리를 잡고
주먹에 전기를 머금으면
있는 힘껏 때린다."
466,29,5,"Il tient fermement le bout de sa queue pour
charger son poing délectricité, puis martèle
ses ennemis de coups dévastateurs."
466,29,6,"Es umfasst seine vor Elektrizität sprühenden
Schweife, um seine Hände aufzuladen und dann
mit aller Kraft zuzuschlagen."
466,29,7,"Agarra sus colas para electrificar los puños y
luego soltar puñetazos devastadores."
466,29,8,"Afferra le code sature di elettricità per caricare
i suoi pugni al massimo della potenza per poi
colpire il nemico."
466,29,9,"It grips its tail, which spews electricity, and
then beats down opponents with the power of
its electrified fist."
466,29,11,"電気が ほとばしるシッポを 握り
帯電した 拳を 作ると
力任せに ぶん殴る。"
466,30,1,"エレキブル 1ぴきで だいとしの
たてもの すべての でんりょくを
1ねんぶん まかなうことが できる。"
466,30,3,"에레키블 1마리로
대도시 건물 전체의 전력을
1년 동안 공급할 수 있다."
466,30,5,"Il suffit dun seul Élekable pour alimenter tous
les bâtiments dune métropole pendant un an."
466,30,6,"Ein einzelnes Elevoltek erzeugt genügend
Elektrizität, um eine Großstadt ein ganzes Jahr
lang mit Strom zu versorgen."
466,30,7,"La electricidad que genera un solo Electivire es
suficiente para cubrir la demanda energética de
los edificios de una metrópoli durante un año."
466,30,8,"Un singolo Electivire è in grado di fornire
lelettricità necessaria agli edifici di una grande
città per un anno."
466,30,9,"A single Electivire can provide enough electricity
for all the buildings in a big city for a year."
466,30,11,"エレキブル 1匹で 大都市の
建物 すべての 電力を
1年分 まかなうことが できる。"
466,33,1,"はつでんりょうは しんぱくすうと
ひれいする。 たたかいになると
いっきに ボルテージが あがるのだ。"
466,33,3,"발전량은 심박 수에 비례한다.
싸움이 시작되면
단숨에 전압이 올라간다."
466,33,5,"La quantité délectricité quil génère est
proportionnelle à son pouls. Quand il livre
un combat, son voltage augmente aussitôt."
466,33,6,"Wie viel Strom es erzeugt, ist abhängig von
seinem Puls. Im Kampf steigt Elevolteks
elektrische Spannung schlagartig an."
466,33,7,"La cantidad de electricidad que genera es
proporcional a su pulso. Al enzarzarse en
combate, su voltaje aumenta drásticamente."
466,33,8,"Produce una quantità di elettricità direttamente
proporzionale alla sua frequenza cardiaca.
Durante la lotta il voltaggio si alza allistante."
466,33,9,"The amount of electrical energy this Pokémon
produces is proportional to the rate of its pulse.
The voltage jumps while Electivire is battling."
466,33,11,"発電量は 心拍数と 比例する。
戦いになると 一気に
ボルテージが 上がるのだ。"
466,34,1,"はつでんりょうは でんきポケモン
さいこうクラス。 しっぽの さきから
こうあつでんりゅうを ほうでんする。"
466,34,3,"발전량은 전기포켓몬 중에서도
손꼽히는 수준이다. 꼬리 끝에서
고압 전류를 방전한다."
466,34,5,"La quantité délectricité quil génère est énorme,
même pour un Pokémon Électrik. Il inflige de
fortes décharges du bout de ses queues."
466,34,6,"Elevoltek gehört zu jenen Elektro-Pokémon, die
den meisten Strom erzeugen können. Mit seinen
Schweifspitzen entlädt es Starkstrom."
466,34,7,"Es de los Pokémon de tipo Eléctrico que más
electricidad producen. Genera una corriente
de alta tensión desde las puntas de las colas."
466,34,8,"È uno dei Pokémon di tipo Elettro che
producono più elettricità. Rilascia scariche
ad alto voltaggio dalla punta delle code."
466,34,9,"In terms of electrical-energy output, Electivire
is one of the best among all Electric Pokémon.
It discharges high-voltage currents from its tails."
466,34,11,"発電量は 電気ポケモン
最高クラス。 しっぽの 先から
高圧電流を 放電する。"
467,12,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600
degrees F from the ends of its
arms. It lives in volcanic craters."
467,13,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600
degrees F from the ends of its
arms. It lives in volcanic craters."
467,14,9,"When launching 3,600 degrees F
fireballs, its body takes on a
whitish hue from the intense heat."
467,15,9,"It blasts fireballs of over
3,600 degrees Fahrenheit out of its
arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles."
467,16,9,"It blasts fireballs of over
3,600 degrees Fahrenheit out of its
arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles."
467,17,5,"Quand il lance des boules de feu
à plus de 2 000 °C, son corps
est comme chauffé à blanc."
467,17,9,"When launching 3,600 degrees F
fireballs, its body takes on a
whitish hue from the intense heat."
467,18,5,"Quand il lance des boules de feu
à plus de 2 000 °C, son corps
est comme chauffé à blanc."
467,18,9,"When launching 3,600 degrees F
fireballs, its body takes on a
whitish hue from the intense heat."
467,21,9,"When shooting 3,600 degree F fireballs
from its arms, its body takes on a
whitish hue from the intense heat."
467,22,9,"When shooting 3,600 degree F fireballs
from its arms, its body takes on a
whitish hue from the intense heat."
467,23,1,"うでの さきから せっし2000どの
ひのたまを はっしゃする。
かざんの かこうを すみかにする。"
467,23,3,"팔 끝에서 섭씨 2000도의
불구슬을 발사한다.
화산의 분화구를 거처로 삼는다."
467,23,5,"Il projette des boules de feu à 2000 °C à bout de
bras. Il vit dans les cratères volcaniques."
467,23,6,"Aus den Enden seiner Arme schießen Feuerbälle
mit 2 000 °C. Es lebt in Vulkankratern."
467,23,7,"Sus brazos disparan bolas de fuego de más de
2000 °C. Vive en cráteres volcánicos."
467,23,8,"Spara palle di fuoco di oltre 2000 °C dagli arti
superiori. Vive nei crateri dei vulcani."
467,23,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit
from the ends of its arms. It lives in
volcanic craters."
467,23,11,"腕の 先から 摂氏2000度の
火の玉を 発射する。
火山の 火口を 住処にする。"
467,24,1,"せっし 2000どの ひのたまを
うでの さきから うちだす。
くちから はく いきも もえている。"
467,24,3,"섭씨 2000도의 불구슬을
팔 끝에서 내보낸다.
입에서 뿜는 숨도 타오르고 있다."
467,24,5,"Il projette des boules de feu à 2000 °C du bout de
ses bras. Même son souffle est brûlant."
467,24,6,"Es schießt 2 000 °C heiße Feuerbälle aus den Enden
seiner Arme. Selbst sein Atem steht in Flammen."
467,24,7,"Sus brazos disparan bolas de fuego de más de
2000 °C. El aliento que desprende es abrasador."
467,24,8,"Spara palle di fuoco di oltre 2000 °C dagli arti
superiori. Laria che espira è incandescente."
467,24,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit
out of its arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles."
467,24,11,"摂氏2000度の 火の玉を
腕の 先から 撃ち出す。
口から 吐く 息も 燃えている。"
467,25,1,"うでの さきから せっし2000どの
ひのたまを はっしゃする。
かざんの かこうを すみかにする。"
467,25,3,"팔 끝에서 섭씨 2000도의
불구슬을 발사한다.
화산의 분화구를 거처로 삼는다."
467,25,5,"Il projette des boules de feu à 2000 °C à bout de bras.
Il vit dans les cratères volcaniques."
467,25,6,"Aus den Enden seiner Arme schießen Feuerbälle mit 2 000 °C.
Es lebt in Vulkankratern."
467,25,7,"Sus brazos disparan bolas de fuego de más de 2000 °C. Vive
en cráteres volcánicos."
467,25,8,"Spara palle di fuoco di oltre 2000 °C dagli arti superiori.
Vive nei crateri dei vulcani."
467,25,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit
from the ends of its arms. It lives in
volcanic craters."
467,25,11,"腕の 先から 摂氏2000度の
火の玉を 発射する。
火山の 火口を 住処にする。"
467,26,1,"せっし 2000どの ひのたまを
うでの さきから うちだす。
くちから はく いきも もえている。"
467,26,3,"섭씨 2000도의 불구슬을
팔 끝에서 내보낸다.
입에서 뿜는 숨도 타오르고 있다."
467,26,5,"Il projette des boules de feu à 2000 °C du bout de ses bras.
Même son souffle est brûlant."
467,26,6,"Es schießt 2 000 °C heiße Feuerbälle aus den Enden
seiner Arme. Selbst sein Atem steht in Flammen."
467,26,7,"Sus brazos disparan bolas de fuego de más de 2000 °C.
El aliento que desprende es abrasador."
467,26,8,"Spara palle di fuoco di oltre 2000 °C dagli arti superiori.
Laria che espira è incandescente."
467,26,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit
out of its arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles."
467,26,11,"摂氏2000度の 火の玉を
腕の 先から 撃ち出す。
口から 吐く 息も 燃えている。"
467,27,1,"かざんの かこうに すむ。
1つの かざんには ひとつがいの
ブーバーンしかいないと いわれる。"
467,27,3,"화산의 화구에 산다.
1개의 화산에는 암수 한 쌍의
마그마번 밖에 없다고 한다."
467,27,5,"Il vit dans les cratères de volcans. On dit que
chaque volcan ne peut abriter quun seul couple
de Maganon."
467,27,6,"Es lebt in Vulkankratern. Angeblich gibt es
pro Vulkan immer nur ein Magbrant-Paar."
467,27,7,"Vive en cráteres volcánicos. Al parecer, en cada
volcán solo habita una pareja de Magmortar."
467,27,8,"Vive nei crateri vulcanici. Sembra che in ogni
vulcano possa abitare solo una coppia
di Magmortar."
467,27,9,"They dwell in volcanic craters. According to
what is known, a single pair of male and female
Magmortar lives in one volcano."
467,27,11,"火山の 火口に 棲む。
1つの 火山には ひとつがいの
ブーバーンしかいないと いわれる。"
467,28,1,"うでさきから せっし 2000どの
ひのたまを はっしゃ。 れんしゃを
すると うでさきが すこし とける。"
467,28,3,"팔 끝에서 섭씨 2000도의
불구슬을 발사한다. 연사하면
팔 끝이 조금 녹는다."
467,28,5,"Son bras peut expulser des boules enflammées
dune température de 2 000 °C. Sil en tire trop
dun coup, son bras commence à fondre."
467,28,6,"Aus den Enden seiner Arme feuert es 2000 °C
heiße Feuerbälle ab. Dadurch verkohlen sie nach
mehrmaligem Einsatz leicht."
467,28,7,"Expulsa bolas de fuego por los brazos que
alcanzan los 2000 °C. Si lanza ráfagas, sus
bazos pueden llegar a fundirse un poco."
467,28,8,"Lancia palle di fuoco a 2.000 °C dagli arti
superiori. Se spara colpi a raffica, i suoi arti
cominciano a fondere alle estremità."
467,28,9,"From its arm, it launches fireballs hotter than
3,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Its arm starts to
melt when it fires a whole barrage."
467,28,11,"腕先から 摂氏2000度の
火の玉を 発射。 連射を
すると 腕先が 少し 溶ける。"
467,29,1,"いまでも きんぞくを かこうするのに
ブーバーンの ほのおに たよっている
こうじょうも すくなくないのだ。"
467,29,3,"지금도 금속을 가공할 때
마그마번의 불꽃에 의존하는
공장이 적지 않다."
467,29,5,"Il existe encore de nombreuses usines qui
utilisent les flammes de Maganon pour faire
fondre les métaux."
467,29,6,"Auch heute gibt es noch einige Fabriken,
in denen die Flammen von Magbrant zur
Verarbeitung von Metall verwendet werden."
467,29,7,"En la actualidad son aún muchas las empresas
metalúrgicas que dependen de las llamas de
Magmortar para trabajar el metal."
467,29,8,"Ancora oggi molte fabbriche dipendono dal
fuoco dei Magmortar nella lavorazione
dei metalli."
467,29,9,"There are still quite a few factories that rely on
the flames provided by Magmortar to
process metals."
467,29,11,"今でも 金属を 加工するのに
ブーバーンの 炎に 頼っている
工場も 少なくないのだ。"
467,30,1,"ひのたまを うちだして てきを
しとめる。 まっくろコゲに なるので
えものを とるときには つかわない。"
467,30,3,"불구슬을 발사해서 적을
처리한다. 새까만 재가 되어서
먹이를 잡는 데는 사용하지 않는다."
467,30,5,"Il peut terrasser ses ennemis dune seule boule
de feu. Il évite toutefois de sen servir pour
chasser, car sa proie finirait carbonisée."
467,30,6,"Es schießt Feuerbälle auf seine Gegner. Da alles,
was es damit trifft, verkohlt wird, sieht es auf
der Jagd nach Beute von dieser Methode ab."
467,30,7,"Expulsa bolas de fuego con las que arrolla a su
enemigo y lo deja completamente chamuscado,
razón por la que evita este método al cazar."
467,30,8,"Spara palle di fuoco per abbattere i nemici, ma
non per catturare le prede, perché altrimenti le
467,30,9,"Magmortar takes down its enemies by shooting
fireballs, which burn them to a blackened crisp.
It avoids this method when hunting prey."
467,30,11,"火の玉を 撃ちだして 敵を
仕留める。 まっくろコゲに なるので
獲物を とるときには 使わない。"
467,33,1,"おおきく いきを すいこむと はらの
なかの ほのおが いきおいを まして
せっし2000どに たっする。"
467,33,3,"크게 숨을 들이쉬면 배 안의
불꽃이 더욱 거세어져서
섭씨 200도에 달하게 된다."
467,33,5,"Quand il inspire profondément, les flammes
dans son ventre gagnent en intensité et
atteignent les 2000 °C."
467,33,6,"Holt es tief Luft, werden die Flammen in seinem
Bauch stärker und erreichen eine Temperatur von
2000 ºC."
467,33,7,"Al respirar profundamente, el fuego del interior
de su vientre gana intensidad y puede alcanzar
los 2000 ºC."
467,33,8,"Quando respira profondamente, le fiamme
allinterno del suo ventre aumentano dintensità,
raggiungendo i 2.000 ºC."
467,33,9,"When Magmortar inhales deeply, the fire burning
in its belly intensifies, rising in temperature to
over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit."
467,33,11,"大きく 息を 吸いこむと 腹の
中の 炎が 勢いを 増して
摂氏2000度に 達する。"
467,34,1,"かざんの かこうで くらすうちに
マグマだまりに にた きかんを もつ
かざんのような からだに なった。"
467,34,3,"화산의 화구에서 사는 동안
마그마 덩어리 모양의 기관을 가진
화산 같은 몸이 되었다."
467,34,5,"Au fil du temps, son corps est devenu similaire
à un volcan, et un de ses organes ressemble
désormais à une chambre magmatique."
467,34,6,"Durch das Leben in Vulkankratern ähnelt
Magbrants Körper seinem Umfeld. Es besitzt
ein Organ, das einer Magmakammer gleicht."
467,34,7,"Al vivir en un cráter, su cuerpo ha adquirido un
aspecto similar al de un volcán y ha desarrollado
un órgano parecido a una cámara magmática."
467,34,8,"Vivendo nei crateri il suo corpo è diventato
simile a un vulcano, sviluppando un organo
analogo a una camera magmatica."
467,34,9,"Living in the crater of a volcano has caused this
Pokémons body to resemble its environment—
it has an organ similar to a magma chamber."
467,34,11,"火山の 火口で 暮らすうちに
マグマだまりに 似た 器官を 持つ
火山のような 体に なった。"
468,12,9,"It will never appear where there
is strife. Its sightings have
become rare recently."
468,13,9,"It will never appear where there
is strife. Its sightings have
become rare recently."
468,14,9,"It shares many blessings with
people who respect one anothers
rights and avoid needless strife."
468,15,9,"As everyone knows, it visits peaceful
regions, bringing them gifts of kindness
and sweet blessings."
468,16,9,"As everyone knows, it visits peaceful
regions, bringing them gifts of kindness
and sweet blessings."
468,17,5,"Il apprécie particulièrement les
gens qui respectent les autres
et évitent les conflits inutiles."
468,17,9,"It shares many blessings with
people who respect one anothers
rights and avoid needless strife."
468,18,5,"Il apprécie particulièrement les
gens qui respectent les autres
et évitent les conflits inutiles."
468,18,9,"It shares many blessings with
people who respect one anothers
rights and avoid needless strife."
468,21,9,"It shares many blessings with
people who respect one anothers
rights and avoid needless strife."
468,22,9,"It shares many blessings with
people who respect one anothers
rights and avoid needless strife."
468,23,1,"あらそいの ない へいわな とちに
トゲキッスは おとずれ さまざまな
めぐみを わけあたえると いわれる。"
468,23,3,"다툼이 없는 평화로운 땅에
토게키스가 나타나 여러 가지
은총을 나눠줬다고 전해진다."
468,23,5,"On dit quil apparaît dans les contrées paisibles pour
dispenser mille bienfaits."
468,23,6,"Es heißt, Togekiss erscheine in friedlichen Zeiten
und verteile alle möglichen Wohltaten."
468,23,7,"Se dice que aparece en zonas pacíficas y las bendice
con sus dones."
468,23,8,"Pare che Togekiss ami visitare le regioni pacifiche,
senza conflitti, donando bontà e dolcezza."
468,23,9,"As everyone knows, it visits peaceful regions,
bringing them gifts of kindness and
sweet blessings."
468,23,11,"争いのない 平和な 土地に
トゲキッスは 訪れ さまざまな 恵みを
分け与えると 言われる。"
468,24,1,"おたがいの そんざいを みとめあい
むだに あらそわない ひとのために
さまざまな めぐみを わけあたえる。"
468,24,3,"서로 존재를 인정하고 쓸데없는
분쟁을 하지 않는 사람을 위해
다양한 은총을 나누어 준다."
468,24,5,"Il apprécie particulièrement les gens qui respectent
les autres et évitent les conflits inutiles."
468,24,6,"Menschen, die unnötigen Streit vermeiden und
sich gegenseitig respektieren, ist es wohlgesinnt."
468,24,7,"Congenia muy bien con las personas que respetan los
derechos de los demás y evitan riñas innecesarias."
468,24,8,"La sua natura lo rende affine alle persone che
rispettano i diritti altrui ed evitano conflitti inutili."
468,24,9,"It shares many blessings with people who respect
one anothers rights and avoid needless strife."
468,24,11,"お互いの 存在を 認め合い
無駄に 争わない 人のために
さまざまな 恵みを 分け与える。"
468,25,1,"あらそいの ない へいわな とちに
トゲキッスは おとずれ さまざまな
めぐみを わけあたえると いわれる。"
468,25,3,"다툼이 없는 평화로운 땅에
토게키스가 나타나 여러 가지
은총을 나눠줬다고 전해진다."
468,25,5,"On dit quil apparaît dans les contrées paisibles pour dispenser
mille bienfaits."
468,25,6,"Es heißt, Togekiss erscheine in friedlichen Zeiten und verteile
alle möglichen Wohltaten."
468,25,7,"Se dice que aparece en zonas pacíficas y las bendice con sus
468,25,8,"Pare che Togekiss ami visitare le regioni pacifiche, senza
conflitti, donando bontà e dolcezza."
468,25,9,"As everyone knows, it visits peaceful regions,
bringing them gifts of kindness and
sweet blessings."
468,25,11,"争いのない 平和な 土地に
トゲキッスは 訪れ さまざまな 恵みを
分け与えると 言われる。"
468,26,1,"おたがいの そんざいを みとめあい
むだに あらそわない ひとのために
さまざまな めぐみを わけあたえる。"
468,26,3,"서로 존재를 인정하고 쓸데없는
분쟁을 하지 않는 사람을 위해
다양한 은총을 나누어 준다."
468,26,5,"Il apprécie particulièrement les gens qui respectent les autres
et évitent les conflits inutiles."
468,26,6,"Menschen, die unnötigen Streit vermeiden und sich
gegenseitig respektieren, ist es wohlgesinnt."
468,26,7,"Congenia muy bien con las personas que respetan los
derechos de los demás y evitan riñas innecesarias."
468,26,8,"La sua natura lo rende affine alle persone che rispettano
i diritti altrui ed evitano conflitti inutili."
468,26,9,"It shares many blessings with people who respect
one anothers rights and avoid needless strife."
468,26,11,"お互いの 存在を 認め合い
無駄に 争わない 人のために
さまざまな 恵みを 分け与える。"
468,33,1,"あらそいごとや もめごとが おこる
ばしょには すがたを みせない。
ちかごろは ほとんど みかけない。"
468,33,3,"분쟁이나 다툼이 일어나는
장소에는 모습을 드러내지 않는다.
최근에는 거의 보이지 않는다."
468,33,5,"Il ne se montre jamais en temps de guerre
ou de conflit. Ces derniers temps, il est rare
de le croiser."
468,33,6,"Es zeigt sich nie an Orten, wo Streit und
Zwietracht herrschen. In letzter Zeit wird es
kaum noch gesehen."
468,33,7,"Este Pokémon jamás se muestra en lugares donde
reine la discordia y la disensión. Últimamente
apenas se avistan ejemplares."
468,33,8,"Non appare dove è in corso un conflitto o un
litigio. Di recente non si vede quasi mai."
468,33,9,"These Pokémon are never seen anywhere near
conflict or turmoil. In recent times, theyve hardly
been seen at all."
468,33,11,"争い事や もめ事が 起こる
場所には 姿を 見せない。
近ごろは ほとんど 見かけない。"
468,34,1,"めぐみを あたえる そんざいと
いわれており おおむかしから
えんぎものに えがかれてきた。"
468,34,3,"은총을 베푸는 존재로
전해지고 있으며 먼 옛날부터
길조로 묘사되어 왔다."
468,34,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon dispense ses bienfaits,
ce qui explique pourquoi il est représenté
sur les porte-bonheurs depuis fort longtemps."
468,34,6,"Man sagt, es verteile Wohltaten. Aus diesem
Grund wird sein Abbild seit Urzeiten für
Glücksbringer verwendet."
468,34,7,"Se dice que es portador de buena suerte.
Por ello, su imagen aparece representada en
talismanes y amuletos desde la antigüedad."
468,34,8,"Si dice che doni prosperità, e per questo viene
rappresentato nei portafortuna fin dallantichità."
468,34,9,"Known as a bringer of blessings, its
been depicted on good-luck charms
since ancient times."
468,34,11,"恵みを 与える 存在と
言われており 大昔から
縁起物に 描かれてきた。"
469,12,9,"By churning its wings, it creates
shock waves that inflict critical
internal injuries to foes."
469,13,9,"By churning its wings, it creates
shock waves that inflict critical
internal injuries to foes."
469,14,9,"Its jaw power is incredible. It is
adept at biting apart foes while
flying by at high speed."
469,15,9,"This six-legged Pokémon is easily capable
of transporting an adult in flight. The
wings on its tail help it stay balanced."
469,16,9,"The beat of its wings is so powerful that
it accidentally dislodges full-grown
trees when it takes off in flight."
469,17,5,"Doté de mandibules à la force
colossale, il excelle pour mordre
ses ennemis en plein vol."
469,17,9,"Its jaw power is incredible. It is
adept at biting apart foes while
flying by at high speed."
469,18,5,"Doté de mandibules à la force
colossale, il excelle pour mordre
ses ennemis en plein vol."
469,18,9,"Its jaw power is incredible. It is
adept at biting apart foes while
flying by at high speed."
469,21,9,"It prefers to battle by biting
apart foes heads instantly
while flying by at high speed."
469,22,9,"It prefers to battle by biting
apart foes heads instantly
while flying by at high speed."
469,23,1,"こうそくで とんで すれちがった
あいての くびを いっしゅんで
かみちぎる たたかいかたを このむ。"
469,23,3,"고속으로 날아서 스친
상대의 목을 한순간에
물어뜯는 싸움법을 선호한다."
469,23,5,"Il excelle dans lart de mordre ses ennemis en plein
vol, et à grande vitesse."
469,23,6,"Seine bevorzugte Strategie besteht darin,
seine Gegner aus dem Flug blitzartig
zur Strecke zu bringen."
469,23,7,"Su técnica favorita consiste en volar a gran velocidad
y despedazar con su mandíbula a su oponente en un
469,23,8,"Preferisce piombare sui nemici a grande velocità
per tagliuzzarli a dovere in un batter docchio."
469,23,9,"It prefers to battle by biting apart foes heads
instantly while flying by at high speed."
469,23,11,"高速で 飛んで すれ違った
相手の 首を 一瞬で
かみちぎる 戦い方を 好む。"
469,24,1,"6ほんの あしで おとなを かかえて
らくらくと とぶ ことが できる。
しっぽの はねで バランスを とる。"
469,24,3,"6개의 다리로 어른을 껴안고도
너끈히 날 수 있다.
꼬리의 날개로 균형을 잡는다."
469,24,5,"Il peut voler avec aise tout en portant un adulte dans
ses 6 pattes. Les ailes de sa queue lui servent de
469,24,6,"Es kann mühelos einen Erwachsenen umhertragen.
Die Federn an seinem Hinterteil stabilisieren
seinen Flug."
469,24,7,"Con sus seis patas puede llevar a un adulto y volar
con comodidad. Se equilibra con las alas de su cola."
469,24,8,"Riesce a volare comodamente anche trasportando un
adulto con le sue sei zampe. Si bilancia con la coda."
469,24,9,"This six-legged Pokémon is easily capable of
transporting an adult in flight. The wings on its tail
help it stay balanced."
469,24,11,"6本の 脚で 大人を 抱えて
楽々と 飛ぶ ことが できる。
尻尾の 羽で バランスを とる。"
469,25,1,"こうそくで とんで すれちがった
あいての くびを いっしゅんで
かみちぎる たたかいかたを このむ。"
469,25,3,"고속으로 날아서 스친
상대의 목을 한순간에
물어뜯는 싸움법을 선호한다."
469,25,5,"Il excelle dans lart de mordre ses ennemis en plein vol,
et à grande vitesse."
469,25,6,"Seine bevorzugte Strategie besteht darin, seine Gegner aus
dem Flug blitzartig zur Strecke zu bringen."
469,25,7,"Su técnica favorita consiste en volar a gran velocidad y
despedazar con su mandíbula a su oponente en un instante."
469,25,8,"Preferisce piombare sui nemici a grande velocità per
tagliuzzarli a dovere in un batter docchio."
469,25,9,"It prefers to battle by biting apart foes heads
instantly while flying by at high speed."
469,25,11,"高速で 飛んで すれ違った
相手の 首を 一瞬で
かみちぎる 戦い方を 好む。"
469,26,1,"6ほんの あしで おとなを かかえて
らくらくと とぶ ことが できる。
しっぽの はねで バランスを とる。"
469,26,3,"6개의 다리로 어른을 껴안고도
너끈히 날 수 있다.
꼬리의 날개로 균형을 잡는다."
469,26,5,"Il peut voler avec aise tout en portant un adulte dans ses six
pattes. Les ailes de sa queue lui servent de balancier."
469,26,6,"Es kann mühelos einen Erwachsenen umhertragen. Die Federn
an seinem Hinterteil stabilisieren seinen Flug."
469,26,7,"Con sus seis patas puede llevar a un adulto y volar con
comodidad. Se equilibra con las alas de su cola."
469,26,8,"Riesce a volare comodamente anche trasportando un adulto
con le sue sei zampe. Si bilancia con la coda."
469,26,9,"This six-legged Pokémon is easily capable of
transporting an adult in flight. The wings on its tail
help it stay balanced."
469,26,11,"6本の 脚で 大人を 抱えて
楽々と 飛ぶ ことが できる。
尻尾の 羽で バランスを とる。"
470,12,9,"Just like a plant, it uses
photosynthesis. As a result, it is
always enveloped in clear air."
470,13,9,"Just like a plant, it uses
photosynthesis. As a result, it is
always enveloped in clear air."
470,14,9,"It basically does not fight. With
cells similar to those of plants, it
can perform photosynthesis."
470,15,9,"When you see LEAFEON asleep in a patch
of sunshine, youll know it is using
photosynthesis to produce clean air."
470,16,9,"When you see LEAFEON asleep in a patch
of sunshine, youll know it is using
photosynthesis to produce clean air."
470,17,5,"Il utilise la photosynthèse comme
une plante et a aussi tendance à
éviter le combat à tout prix."
470,17,9,"It basically does not fight. With
cells similar to those of plants, it
can perform photosynthesis."
470,18,5,"Il utilise la photosynthèse comme
une plante et a aussi tendance à
éviter le combat à tout prix."
470,18,9,"It basically does not fight. With
cells similar to those of plants, it
can perform photosynthesis."
470,21,9,"With cells similar to those of plants,
it performs photosynthesis inside its
body and creates pure air."
470,22,9,"With cells similar to those of plants,
it performs photosynthesis inside its
body and creates pure air."
470,23,1,"はれた ひに ねている リーフィアは
こうごうせいを して きれいな
くうきを つくりだしているのだ。"
470,23,3,"맑은 날에 잠든 리피아는
광합성을 해서 깨끗한
공기를 만들고 있다."
470,23,5,"Un Phyllali qui dort par beau temps produit un air frais
et pur par photosynthèse."
470,23,6,"An klaren Tagen erzeugt Folipurba saubere Luft,
indem es Photosynthese betreibt."
470,23,7,"En días soleados duerme y hace la fotosíntesis,
emitiendo aire puro a su alrededor."
470,23,8,"Nelle belle giornate si sdraia al sole e usa la
fotosintesi, producendo aria pulita."
470,23,9,"When you see Leafeon asleep in a patch of
sunshine, youll know it is using photosynthesis
to produce clean air."
470,23,11,"晴れた 日に 寝ている リーフィアは
光合成を して きれいな 空気を
470,24,1,"しょくぶつのように こうごうせいを
するため リーフィアの まわりは
すんだ くうきに つつまれている。"
470,24,3,"식물처럼 광합성을 하기
때문에 리피아의 주위는
맑은 공기로 둘러싸여 있다."
470,24,5,"Il utilise la photosynthèse comme une plante.
Cest pourquoi il est toujours entouré dair pur."
470,24,6,"Genau wie eine Pflanze führt es die Photosynthese
aus. Deshalb ist es ständig von reiner Luft umgeben."
470,24,7,"Al igual que una planta, hace la fotosíntesis. Como
consecuencia, siempre está rodeado de aire puro."
470,24,8,"Usa la fotosintesi, proprio come una pianta.
Pertanto è sempre circondato da aria pulita."
470,24,9,"Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result,
it is always enveloped in clear air."
470,24,11,"植物のように 光合成を するため
リーフィアの まわりは
澄んだ 空気に 包まれている。"
470,25,1,"はれた ひに ねている リーフィアは
こうごうせいを して きれいな
くうきを つくりだしているのだ。"
470,25,3,"맑은 날에 잠든 리피아는
광합성을 해서 깨끗한
공기를 만들고 있다."
470,25,5,"Un Phyllali qui dort par beau temps produit un air frais et pur
par photosynthèse."
470,25,6,"An klaren Tagen erzeugt Folipurba saubere Luft, indem es
Photosynthese betreibt."
470,25,7,"En días soleados duerme y hace la fotosíntesis, emitiendo aire
puro a su alrededor."
470,25,8,"Nelle belle giornate si sdraia al sole e usa la fotosintesi,
producendo aria pulita."
470,25,9,"When you see Leafeon asleep in a patch of
sunshine, youll know it is using photosynthesis
to produce clean air."
470,25,11,"晴れた 日に 寝ている リーフィアは
光合成を して きれいな 空気を
470,26,1,"しょくぶつのように こうごうせいを
するため リーフィアの まわりは
すんだ くうきに つつまれている。"
470,26,3,"식물처럼 광합성을 하기
때문에 리피아의 주위는
맑은 공기로 둘러싸여 있다."
470,26,5,"Il utilise la photosynthèse comme une plante. Cest pourquoi
il est toujours entouré dair pur."
470,26,6,"Genau wie eine Pflanze führt es die Photosynthese aus.
Deshalb ist es ständig von reiner Luft umgeben."
470,26,7,"Al igual que una planta, hace la fotosíntesis. Como
consecuencia, siempre está rodeado de aire puro."
470,26,8,"Usa la fotosintesi, proprio come una pianta.
Pertanto è sempre circondato da aria pulita."
470,26,9,"Just like a plant, it uses photosynthesis. As a result,
it is always enveloped in clear air."
470,26,11,"植物のように 光合成を するため
リーフィアの まわりは
澄んだ 空気に 包まれている。"
470,27,1,"さいぼうこうせいは どうぶつ より
しょくぶつに ちかい。 こうごうせいで
くわずとも エネルギーを えられる。"
470,27,3,"세포구성은 동물보다는
식물에 가깝다. 광합성을 통해
안 먹어도 에너지를 얻을 수 있다."
470,27,5,"Sa structure cellulaire est plus proche de celle
des végétaux que de celle des animaux.
Il produit de lénergie par photosynthèse."
470,27,6,"Seine Zellstruktur ähnelt jener von Pflanzen.
Durch Photosynthese kann es ohne
Nahrungsaufnahme Energie gewinnen."
470,27,7,"Su estructura celular se asemeja más a la de las
plantas que a la de los animales. Puede obtener
energía sin alimentos gracias a la fotosíntesis."
470,27,8,"Le sue cellule hanno caratteristiche molto simili
a quelle dei vegetali. Può ricavare energia vitale
tramite fotosintesi."
470,27,9,"Its cellular composition is closer to that of a
plant than an animal. It uses photosynthesis to
produce its energy supply without eating food."
470,27,11,"細胞構成は 動物 より
植物に 近い。 光合成で
喰わずとも エネルギーを 得られる。"
470,28,1,"わかい リーフィアほど ツンと くる
あおくさい におい。 としおいると
おちばの ような においに なる。"
470,28,3,"어린 리피아일수록 코를 찌르는
풋내가 난다. 나이를 먹으면
낙엽 같은 냄새로 바뀐다."
470,28,5,"Les jeunes Phyllali sentent lherbe fraîche.
Avec lâge, ce parfum se mue en une odeur
de feuilles mortes."
470,28,6,"Junge Folipurba riechen stark nach frischem
Gras, ältere hingegen verströmen den Geruch
von herabgefallenem Laub."
470,28,7,"Los Leafeon jóvenes desprenden un intenso
aroma a hierba fresca, mientras que el olor de
los mayores es más semejante a la hojarasca."
470,28,8,"Quando è giovane emette un forte profumo
derba fresca, ma nella vecchiaia odora di
foglie morte."
470,28,9,"The younger they are, the more they smell like
fresh grass. With age, their fragrance takes on
the odor of fallen leaves."
470,28,11,"若い リーフィアほど ツンと くる
青臭い 匂い。 年老いると
落ち葉の ような 匂いになる。"
470,29,1,"あらそいは このまないが なかまを
まもるためならば シッポの はっぱを
とがらせ やいばにかえて たたかう。"
470,29,3,"다툼을 좋아하지 않지만 동료를
지키기 위해서라면 꼬리의 잎사귀를
날카로운 칼날로 만들어 싸운다."
470,29,5,"Il naime pas le conflit, mais sil doit protéger
ses amis, il peut raidir sa queue en forme de
feuille et la rendre aussi tranchante quune lame."
470,29,6,"Folipurba kämpft nicht gerne, aber sollten sich
seine Kameraden in Gefahr befinden, verwendet
es seinen blattartigen Schweif wie eine Klinge."
470,29,7,"A pesar de evitar a toda costa los combates, si
ha de proteger a sus amigos, no duda en usar la
hoja de la cola como una afilada espada."
470,29,8,"Non ama battersi, ma se deve difendere i suoi
compagni non esita a lottare trasformando
la foglia della coda in una lama affilata."
470,29,9,"Although it doesnt like disputes, it will sharpen
the leaf on its tail into a blade and fight if it has
to protect its friends."
470,29,11,"争いは 好まないが 仲間を
守るためならば シッポの 葉っぱを
尖らせ 刃に変えて 戦う。"
470,30,1,"こうごうせいで えいよう ほきゅう。
キレイな かわが ながれる もりの
おくふかくで しずかに くらしている。"
470,30,3,"광합성으로 영양을 보충한다.
깨끗한 강이 흐르는 숲의
깊은 곳에 조용하게 살고 있다."
470,30,5,"Il vit dans le calme des forêts profondes
traversées par de jolis ruisseaux, où il se
nourrit de lumière et deau fraîche."
470,30,6,"Mittels Photosynthese versorgt es sich mit
Nährstoffen. Es lebt abgeschieden in dichten,
von glitzernden Bächen durchzogenen Wäldern."
470,30,7,"Realiza la fotosíntesis para obtener nutrientes.
Habita en la apacible espesura de los bosques
bañados por arroyos de agua cristalina."
470,30,8,"Si nutre grazie alla fotosintesi. Vive nel cuore
delle foreste dove scorrono fiumi limpidi,
in luoghi immersi nella pace e nella tranquillità."
470,30,9,"It gets its nutrition from photosynthesis. It lives
a quiet life deep in forests where clean
rivers flow."
470,30,11,"光合成で 栄養 補給。
キレイな 川が 流れる 森の
奥深くで 静かに 暮らしている。"
470,33,1,"はっぱから ただよう クセのある
かおりは ガラルじんの このみ。
こうすいに かこうされ にんき。"
470,33,3,"잎사귀에서 나는 독특한 향기는
가라르인들의 취향에 맞다.
향수로 가공되어 인기가 높다."
470,33,5,"Les habitants de Galar adorent lodeur unique
qui se dégage de ses feuilles, aussi entrent-elles
dans la composition dun parfum très populaire."
470,33,6,"Die Bewohner Galars mögen den eigentümlichen
Geruch, den seine Blätter verströmen. Als Parfüm
ist er sehr beliebt."
470,33,7,"El peculiar aroma que desprenden sus hojas es
muy apreciado por los habitantes de Galar y se
usa en la elaboración de codiciados perfumes."
470,33,8,"La singolare fragranza emanata dalle sue foglie
è molto apprezzata a Galar e i profumi che se
ne ricavano sono molto popolari."
470,33,9,"Galarians favor the distinctive aroma that drifts
from this Pokémons leaves. Theres a popular
perfume made using that scent."
470,33,11,"葉っぱから 漂う クセのある
香りは ガラル人の 好み。
香水に 加工され 人気。"
470,34,1,"シッポは するどく やいばのよう。
たいぼくも まっぷたつに する
ばつぐんの きれあじを ほこる。"
470,34,3,"꼬리는 날카로운 칼날 같다.
큰 나무도 두 동강 내는
탁월한 예리함을 자랑한다."
470,34,5,"Grâce à sa queue aussi effilée quune lame, il est
capable de fendre en deux des arbres immenses."
470,34,6,"Sein Schweif ist scharf wie eine Klinge. Es ist stolz
darauf, dass es damit selbst einen großen Baum
sauber zweiteilen kann."
470,34,7,"Se siente muy orgulloso de su cola afilada como
una espada, con la que es capaz de cortar en dos
el tronco de un árbol grueso."
470,34,8,"Va molto fiero della sua coda affilata come
una lama, con cui può tranciare in due persino
un grosso albero."
470,34,9,"This Pokémons tail is blade sharp, with a
fantastic cutting edge that can slice right
though large trees."
470,34,11,"しっぽは 鋭く 刃のよう。
大木も 真っ二つに する
抜群の 切れ味を 誇る。"
471,12,9,"As a protective technique, it can
completely freeze its fur to make
its hairs stand like needles."
471,13,9,"As a protective technique, it can
completely freeze its fur to make
its hairs stand like needles."
471,14,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can
freeze the atmosphere around it
to make a diamond-dust flurry."
471,15,9,"It causes small ice crystals to form by
lowering the temperature of the
surrounding atmosphere."
471,16,9,"It causes small ice crystals to form by
lowering the temperature of the
surrounding atmosphere."
471,17,5,"Il ajuste la température de son
corps pour créer un vent de glace
en gelant lair qui lentoure."
471,17,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can
freeze the atmosphere around it
to make a diamond-dust flurry."
471,18,5,"Il ajuste la température de son
corps pour créer un vent de glace
en gelant lair qui lentoure."
471,18,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can
freeze the atmosphere around it
to make a diamond-dust flurry."
471,21,9,"It lowers its body heat to freeze its
fur. The hairs then become like needles
it can fire."
471,22,9,"It lowers its body heat to freeze its
fur. The hairs then become like needles
it can fire."
471,23,1,"たいおんを コントロールすることで
しゅういの くうきを こおらせて
ダイヤモンドダストを ふらせる。"
471,23,3,"체온을 컨트롤하는 것으로
주위의 공기를 얼려서
다이아몬드 더스트를 날린다."
471,23,5,"Il ajuste la température de son corps pour créer
un vent de glace en gelant lair qui lentoure."
471,23,6,"Erzeugt ein Diamantstaubgestöber durch
das Einfrieren der Luft um sich herum."
471,23,7,"Controla su temperatura corporal para congelar el
ambiente y causar ráfagas de nieve en polvo."
471,23,8,"Modificando la temperatura del corpo, congela
laria e crea folate di cristalli di ghiaccio."
471,23,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the
atmosphere around it to make a
diamond-dust flurry."
471,23,11,"体温を コントロールすることで
周囲の 空気を 凍らせて
ダイヤモンドダストを 降らせる。"
471,24,1,"たいおんを さげることで ぜんしんの
たいもうを こおらせて するどく
とがった ハリのようにして とばす。"
471,24,3,"체온을 내리는 것으로 전신의
털을 얼려서 날카롭고
뾰족한 바늘처럼 만들어 날린다."
471,24,5,"Il abaisse la température de son corps pour changer
ses poils en aiguilles de glace quil projette sur
471,24,6,"Wenn es seine Körpertemperatur senkt,
erstarren die Haare seines Fells zu Eis
und dienen ihm als nadelartige Geschosse."
471,24,7,"Al reducir su temperatura corporal, su pelaje se
congela y se convierte en afilados pinchos que puede
471,24,8,"Abbassa la temperatura del corpo per ghiacciare i
propri peli e lanciarli come micidiali aghi sottilissimi."
471,24,9,"It lowers its body heat to freeze its fur. The hairs
then become like needles it can fire."
471,24,11,"体温を さげることで 全身の
体毛を 凍らせて 鋭く
とがった 針のようにして 飛ばす。"
471,25,1,"たいおんを コントロールすることで
しゅういの くうきを こおらせて
ダイヤモンドダストを ふらせる。"
471,25,3,"체온을 컨트롤하는 것으로
주위의 공기를 얼려서
다이아몬드더스트를 날린다."
471,25,5,"Il ajuste la température de son corps pour créer un vent
de glace en gelant lair qui lentoure."
471,25,6,"Erzeugt ein Diamantstaubgestöber durch das Einfrieren der
Luft um sich herum."
471,25,7,"Controla su temperatura corporal para congelar el ambiente y
causar ráfagas de nieve en polvo."
471,25,8,"Modificando la temperatura del corpo, congela laria e crea
folate di cristalli di ghiaccio."
471,25,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the
atmosphere around it to make a
diamond-dust flurry."
471,25,11,"体温を コントロールすることで
周囲の 空気を 凍らせて
ダイヤモンドダストを 降らせる。"
471,26,1,"たいおんを さげることで ぜんしんの
たいもうを こおらせて するどく
とがった ハリのようにして とばす。"
471,26,3,"체온을 내리는 것으로 전신의
털을 얼려서 날카롭고
뾰족한 바늘처럼 만들어 날린다."
471,26,5,"Il abaisse la température de son corps pour changer ses poils
en aiguilles de glace quil projette sur lennemi."
471,26,6,"Wenn es seine Körpertemperatur senkt, erstarren die Haare
seines Fells zu Eis und dienen ihm als nadelartige Geschosse."
471,26,7,"Al reducir su temperatura corporal, su pelaje se congela y
se convierte en afilados pinchos que puede disparar."
471,26,8,"Abbassa la temperatura del corpo per ghiacciare i propri peli
e lanciarli come micidiali aghi sottilissimi."
471,26,9,"It lowers its body heat to freeze its fur. The hairs
then become like needles it can fire."
471,26,11,"体温を さげることで 全身の
体毛を 凍らせて 鋭く
とがった 針のようにして 飛ばす。"
471,27,1,"たいおんを じざいに コントロールし
たいきの すいぶんを こおらせて
ダイヤモンドダストを まきおこす。"
471,27,3,"체온을 자유자재로 컨트롤해
대기의 수분을 얼려서
다이아몬드더스트를 일으킨다."
471,27,5,"Il peut contrôler la température de son corps
à volonté et générer des cristaux de glace en
gelant lhumidité de lair."
471,27,6,"Es kann seine Körpertemperatur frei regulieren.
Indem es die Wasserbestandteile der Luft
gefrieren lässt, wirbelt es Diamantstaub auf."
471,27,7,"Controla a su antojo la temperatura corporal y
congela las partículas de agua que flotan en el
aire para provocar ráfagas de nieve en polvo."
471,27,8,"Può congelare lumidità dellaria modificando la
sua temperatura corporea e creare cristalli
di ghiaccio intorno a sé."
471,27,9,"It can control its body temperature at will.
This enables it to freeze the moisture in the
atmosphere, creating flurries of diamond dust."
471,27,11,"体温を 自在に コントロールし
大気の 水分を 凍らせて
ダイヤモンドダストを 巻き起こす。"
471,28,1,"たいもうを こおらせ するどい
つららの ように とがらせてから
えものを めがけ タックルする。"
471,28,3,"털을 얼려서 날카로운
고드름처럼 뾰족하게 한 뒤
먹이를 향해 태클을 건다."
471,28,5,"Il gèle ses poils pour les transformer en pics
de glace, quil utilise ensuite pour terrasser
ses proies."
471,28,6,"Es lässt sein Fell gefrieren und macht es
dadurch so spitz wie Eiszapfen, mit denen
es dann seine Beute attackiert."
471,28,7,"Al congelar su pelaje, este se eriza formando
carámbanos con los que ataca a su presa en
cuanto la avista."
471,28,8,"Congela la sua pelliccia creando tanti piccoli
ghiaccioli appuntiti, con cui poi attacca
le sue prede."
471,28,9,"It freezes its fur into icicles, spiky and sharp,
and tackles its prey."
471,28,11,"体毛を 凍らせ 鋭い
氷柱の ように 尖らせてから
獲物を 目掛け タックルする。"
471,29,1,"たいもうを こおらせ するどい ハリに
かえて みを まもる。 たいおんは
マイナス60どまで さげられるのだ。"
471,29,3,"몸의 털을 얼려 예리한 바늘로
만들어 몸을 지킨다. 체온은
마이너스 60도까지 내릴 수 있다."
471,29,5,"Pour se protéger, il gèle ses poils jusquà les
transformer en picots de glace. Sa température
corporelle peut descendre jusquà -60 °C."
471,29,6,"Es lässt sein Fell gefrieren und macht es somit
so spitz wie Eiszapfen. Seine Körpertemperatur
kann es auf -60 °C senken."
471,29,7,"Congela su pelaje y lo convierte en afilados
pinchos para defenderse. Es capaz de reducir
su temperatura corporal hasta -60 ºC."
471,29,8,"Congela la sua pelliccia creando degli aghi
acuminati per difendersi. La sua temperatura
corporea può scendere fino a -60 °C."
471,29,9,"It protects itself by freezing its fur into sharp
needles. It can drop its body temperature below
75 degrees Fahrenheit."
471,29,11,"体毛を 凍らせ 鋭い ハリに
変えて 身を 守る。 体温は
マイナス60度まで 下げられるのだ。"
471,30,1,"いっしゅんで しゅういの すいぶんを
こおらせ こおりの つぶを つくり
えもの めがけて うちだすのだ。"
471,30,3,"순식간에 주위의 수분을
얼려서 얼음 결정을 만든 후
먹이를 향해 날린다."
471,30,5,"Il gèle les particules deau qui lentourent
pour former de petits cristaux de glace,
quil utilise ensuite pour lapider ses proies."
471,30,6,"Es lässt die Wasserbestandteile in der Luft in
Sekundenschnelle zu Diamantstaub gefrieren
und greift damit seine Beute an."
471,30,7,"En un solo instante congela las partículas de
agua a su alrededor y crea cristales de hielo
con los que ataca a su presa."
471,30,8,"In un istante congela lumidità circostante e crea
granelli di ghiaccio che scaglia sulla preda."
471,30,9,"It can instantaneously freeze any moisture
thats around it, creating ice pellets to shoot at
its prey."
471,30,11,"一瞬で 周囲の 水分を
凍らせ 氷の 粒を 作り
獲物 めがけて 撃ちだすのだ。"
471,33,1,"ダイヤモンドダストを ふらせる。
うつくしさに みとれた えものは
きづかぬうちに こおりついている。"
471,33,3,"다이아몬드더스트를 내리게 한다.
그 아름다움에 현혹된 먹이는
눈치채기도 전에 얼어붙어 버린다."
471,33,5,"Totalement subjuguées par la beauté des cristaux
de glace quil fait tomber, ses proies ne réalisent
que trop tard quelles sont en train de geler."
471,33,6,"Glaziola erzeugt ein Diamantstaubgestöber, um
Beute mit seiner Schönheit so zu verzaubern,
dass es sie unbemerkt einfrieren kann."
471,33,7,"Desprende cristales de hielo. Sus presas
se quedan congeladas sin darse cuenta,
encandiladas por su belleza."
471,33,8,"Crea dei meravigliosi cristalli di ghiaccio per
ammaliare le prede, che si ritrovano congelate
senza neanche rendersene conto."
471,33,9,"Any who become captivated by the beauty of
the snowfall that Glaceon creates will be frozen
before they know it."
471,33,11,"ダイヤモンドダストを 降らせる。
美しさに 見惚れた 獲物は
気づかぬうちに 凍りついている。"
471,34,1,"グレイシアが はなつ れいきは
パウダースノーを つくりだす。
スキーじょうに ひっぱりだこ。"
471,34,3,"글레이시아가 발산하는 냉기는
가루눈을 만들어 내기 때문에
스키장에서 인기가 높다."
471,34,5,"Ce Pokémon exhale un vent glacial qui crée
une neige poudreuse. Sa présence est très
appréciée dans les stations de ski."
471,34,6,"Die kalte Luft, die Glaziola abgibt, erzeugt
Pulverschnee. In Skigebieten erfreut es sich
daher großer Beliebtheit."
471,34,7,"El aire gélido que exhala crea una suerte de
cristales de hielo que lo hace muy demandado
en las estaciones de esquí."
471,34,8,"Laria gelida emessa da Glaceon genera una
neve molto sottile, perfetta per le piste da sci."
471,34,9,"The coldness emanating from Glaceon causes
powdery snow to form, making it quite a popular
Pokémon at ski resorts."
471,34,11,"グレイシアが 放つ 冷気は
パウダースノーを つくりだし
スキー場に ひっぱりだこ。"
472,12,9,"It observes prey while hanging
inverted from branches. When the
chance presents itself, it swoops!"
472,13,9,"It observes prey while hanging
inverted from branches. When the
chance presents itself, it swoops!"
472,14,9,"If it succeeds in catching even a
faint breeze properly, it can circle
the globe without flapping once."
472,15,9,"Its flight is soundless. It uses its
lengthy tail to carry off its prey...
Then its elongated fangs do the rest."
472,16,9,"Its flight is soundless. It uses its
lengthy tail to carry off its prey...
Then its elongated fangs do the rest."
472,17,5,"Le plus petit courant dair peut lui
donner assez délan pour faire le
tour du monde sans un coup daile."
472,17,9,"If it succeeds in catching even a
faint breeze properly, it can circle
the globe without flapping once."
472,18,5,"Le plus petit courant dair peut lui
donner assez délan pour faire le
tour du monde sans un coup daile."
472,18,9,"If it succeeds in catching even a
faint breeze properly, it can circle
the globe without flapping once."
472,21,9,"It dances silently through the sky.
When it approaches prey, it can
land a critical hit in an instant."
472,22,9,"It dances silently through the sky.
When it approaches prey, it can
land a critical hit in an instant."
472,23,1,"しっぽで きのえだに ぶらさがり
えものを かんさつする。すきを
みて じょうくうから おそいかかる。"
472,23,3,"꼬리로 나뭇가지에 매달려
먹이를 관찰한다. 틈을
봐서 상공에서 덮친다."
472,23,5,"Il guette sa proie, pendu à une branche la tête en bas,
et sen saisit à la première occasion."
472,23,6,"Es hängt kopfüber von einem Ast und beobachtet
seine Beute. Bei Gelegenheit stürzt es sich auf sie."
472,23,7,"Espera a sus presas colgado de una rama bocabajo.
Cuando llega su oportunidad, se lanza en picado."
472,23,8,"Sta appeso ai rami con la testa in giù. Alla prima
occasione, si butta a capofitto sulla preda."
472,23,9,"It observes prey while hanging inverted from
branches. When the chance presents itself,
it swoops!"
472,23,11,"尻尾で 木の枝に ぶら下がり
獲物を 観察する。すきを 見て
上空から 襲いかかる。"
472,24,1,"はおとを たてずに そらを とぶ。
ながい しっぽで えものを つかまえ
キバで きゅうしょを ひとつき。"
472,24,3,"날갯소리를 내지 않고 하늘을 난다.
긴 꼬리로 먹이를 잡아
송곳니로 급소를 공격한다."
472,24,5,"Il vole sans un bruit, et capture ses proies avec sa
queue pour leur infliger une morsure critique."
472,24,6,"Es fliegt völlig lautlos. Erst fängt es seine Beute mit
seinem langen Schweif, dann saugt es sie aus."
472,24,7,"Vuela sin hacer nada de ruido. Con su larga cola
captura a sus presas y las muerde con sus colmillos."
472,24,8,"Vola senza far rumore. Afferra le prede con la lunga
coda e perfora il loro punto vitale con i canini."
472,24,9,"Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to
carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do
the rest."
472,24,11,"羽音を 立てずに 空を 飛ぶ。
長い 尻尾で 獲物を 捕まえ
キバで 急所を 一突き。"
472,25,1,"しっぽで きのえだに ぶらさがり
えものを かんさつする。すきを
みて じょうくうから おそいかかる。"
472,25,3,"꼬리로 나뭇가지에 매달려
먹이를 관찰한다. 틈을
봐서 상공에서 덮친다."
472,25,5,"Il guette sa proie, pendu à une branche la tête en bas,
et sen saisit à la première occasion."
472,25,6,"Es hängt kopfüber von einem Ast und beobachtet seine Beute.
Bei Gelegenheit stürzt es sich auf sie."
472,25,7,"Espera a sus presas colgado de una rama bocabajo. Cuando
llega su oportunidad, se lanza en picado."
472,25,8,"Sta appeso ai rami con la testa in giù. Alla prima occasione,
si butta a capofitto sulla preda."
472,25,9,"It observes prey while hanging inverted from
branches. When the chance presents itself,
it swoops!"
472,25,11,"尻尾で 木の枝に ぶら下がり
獲物を 観察する。すきを 見て
上空から 襲いかかる。"
472,26,1,"はおとを たてずに そらを とぶ。
ながい しっぽで えものを つかまえ
キバで きゅうしょを ひとつき。"
472,26,3,"날갯소리를 내지 않고 하늘을 난다.
긴 꼬리로 먹이를 잡아
송곳니로 급소를 공격한다."
472,26,5,"Il vole sans un bruit, et capture ses proies avec sa queue
pour leur infliger une morsure critique."
472,26,6,"Es fliegt völlig lautlos. Erst fängt es seine Beute mit seinem
langen Schweif, dann saugt es sie aus."
472,26,7,"Vuela sin hacer nada de ruido. Con su larga cola captura a
sus presas y las muerde con sus colmillos."
472,26,8,"Vola senza far rumore. Afferra le prede con la lunga coda
e perfora il loro punto vitale con i canini."
472,26,9,"Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to
carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do
the rest."
472,26,11,"羽音を 立てずに 空を 飛ぶ。
長い 尻尾で 獲物を 捕まえ
キバで 急所を 一突き。"
473,12,9,"Its impressive tusks are made of
ice. The population thinned when it
turned warm after the ice age."
473,13,9,"Its impressive tusks are made of
ice. The population thinned when it
turned warm after the ice age."
473,14,9,"A frozen one was dug up from
soil dating back 10,000 years. It
woke up to much amazement."
473,15,9,"A frozen MAMOSWINE was dug from ice
dating back 10,000 years. This Pokémon
has been around a long, long, long time."
473,16,9,"It flourished worldwide during the
ice age but its population declined when
the masses of ice began to dwindle."
473,17,5,"On a libéré un spécimen de sa prison
glacée au bout de 10 000 ans.
Il nen revenait pas."
473,17,9,"A frozen one was dug up from
soil dating back 10,000 years. It
woke up to much amazement."
473,18,5,"On a libéré un spécimen de sa prison
glacée au bout de 10 000 ans.
Il nen revenait pas."
473,18,9,"A frozen one was dug up from
soil dating back 10,000 years. It
woke up to much amazement."
473,21,9,"When the temperature rose at
the end of the ice age, most
Mamoswine disappeared."
473,22,9,"When the temperature rose at
the end of the ice age, most
Mamoswine disappeared."
473,23,1,"1まんねんまえの こおりの したから
はっけんされた ことも あるほど
おおむかしから いた ポケモン。"
473,23,3,"1만 년 전의 얼음 밑에서
발견된 적이 있을 정도로
오랜 옛날부터 있었던 포켓몬이다."
473,23,5,"Un Pokémon si vieux quon la découvert sous
des glaces vieilles de 10000 ans."
473,23,6,"Es existiert schon seit Urzeiten. Mamutel wurde
sogar schon in 10 000 Jahre altem Eis gefunden."
473,23,7,"Ya existía en la antigüedad. Se encontró uno bajo
hielo de hace más de 10 000 años."
473,23,8,"Un Pokémon antico al punto che ne sono stati ritrovati
degli esemplari tra i ghiacci di 10.000 anni fa."
473,23,9,"A frozen Mamoswine was dug from ice dating back
10,000 years. This Pokémon has been around a
long, long, long time."
473,23,11,"1万年前の 氷の 下から
発見された ことも あるほど
大昔から いた ポケモン。"
473,24,1,"こおりで できた りっぱな キバ。
ひょうがきが おわり あたたかく
なったため かずが へってしまった。"
473,24,3,"얼음으로 만들어진 훌륭한 이빨이
있다. 빙하기가 끝나고 따뜻해졌기
때문에 수가 줄어들었다."
473,24,5,"Ses défenses spectaculaires sont glacées. Il a failli
disparaître dans la canicule suivant lère glaciaire."
473,24,6,"Die beeindruckenden Stoßzähne dieser Pokémon sind
aus Eis. Nach der Eiszeit nahm ihre Population ab."
473,24,7,"Sus impresionantes colmillos están hechos de hielo.
Su población se redujo tras la glaciación."
473,24,8,"Ha enormi zanne di ghiaccio. La popolazione di
questo Pokémon è diminuita alla fine dellera glaciale."
473,24,9,"Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population
thinned when it turned warm after the ice age."
473,24,11,"氷で できた 立派な キバ。
氷河期が 終わり 暖かく
なったため 数が 減ってしまった。"
473,25,1,"1まんねんまえの こおりの したから
はっけんされた ことも あるほど
おおむかしから いた ポケモン。"
473,25,3,"1만 년 전의 얼음 밑에서
발견된 적이 있을 정도로
오랜 옛날부터 있었던 포켓몬이다."
473,25,5,"Un Pokémon si vieux quon la découvert sous des glaces
vieilles de 10000 ans."
473,25,6,"Es existiert schon seit Urzeiten. Mamutel wurde sogar schon in
10 000 Jahre altem Eis gefunden."
473,25,7,"Ya existía en la antigüedad. Se encontró uno bajo hielo de
hace más de 10 000 años."
473,25,8,"Un Pokémon antico al punto che ne sono stati ritrovati
degli esemplari tra i ghiacci di 10.000 anni fa."
473,25,9,"A frozen Mamoswine was dug from ice dating back
10,000 years. This Pokémon has been around a
long, long, long time."
473,25,11,"1万年前の 氷の 下から
発見された ことも あるほど
大昔から いた ポケモン。"
473,26,1,"こおりで できた りっぱな キバ。
ひょうがきが おわり あたたかく
なったため かずが へってしまった。"
473,26,3,"얼음으로 만들어진 훌륭한 이빨이
있다. 빙하기가 끝나고 따뜻해졌기
때문에 수가 줄어들었다."
473,26,5,"Ses défenses spectaculaires sont glacées. Il a failli disparaître
dans la canicule suivant lère glaciaire."
473,26,6,"Die beeindruckenden Stoßzähne dieser Pokémon sind aus Eis.
Nach der Eiszeit nahm ihre Population ab."
473,26,7,"Sus impresionantes colmillos están hechos de hielo.
Su población se redujo tras la glaciación."
473,26,8,"Ha enormi zanne di ghiaccio. La popolazione di questo
Pokémon è diminuita alla fine dellera glaciale."
473,26,9,"Its impressive tusks are made of ice. The population
thinned when it turned warm after the ice age."
473,26,11,"氷で できた 立派な キバ。
氷河期が 終わり 暖かく
なったため 数が 減ってしまった。"
473,33,1,"1まんねんまえの へきがにも
えがかれている。 ぜつめつしたと
かんがえられていた じきもある。"
473,33,3,"1만 년 전의 벽화에도
그려져 있다. 멸종되었다고
여겨지던 시기도 있었다."
473,33,5,"On le retrouve dessiné sur des fresques murales
vieilles de 10000 ans. On a cru pendant un temps
que son espèce sétait éteinte."
473,33,6,"Sie sind schon auf 10000 Jahre alten
Wandmalereien abgebildet. Es gab Zeiten,
in denen man sie für ausgestorben hielt."
473,33,7,"Aparece representado en pinturas rupestres de
hace 10 000 años. Hubo un tiempo en el que se
lo consideró extinto."
473,33,8,"Si trova raffigurato nelle pitture rupestri
di 10.000 anni fa. Per un periodo si riteneva
che fosse estinto."
473,33,9,"This Pokémon can be spotted in wall paintings
from as far back as 10,000 years ago. For a
while, it was thought to have gone extinct."
473,33,11,"1万年前の 壁画にも
描かれている。 絶滅したと
考えられていた 時期もある。"
473,34,1,"みためどおりの ちからもち。
こおりのキバは さむくなるほど
ふとく ながく りっぱに なる。"
473,34,3,"생긴 것처럼 힘이 장사다.
얼음으로 된 엄니는 추울수록
굵고 길어지면서 늠름해진다."
473,34,5,"Comme son physique le laisse deviner, il est très
fort. La taille de ses défenses de glace augmente
à mesure que la température baisse."
473,34,6,"Es ist so stark, wie es aussieht. Je kälter es ist,
desto dicker, länger und beeindruckender werden
seine Stoßzähne aus Eis."
473,34,7,"Es tan fuerte como parece. Cuanto más frío hace,
más gruesos, largos e imponentes se vuelven sus
colmillos de hielo."
473,34,8,"È forte, proprio come il suo aspetto lascia
intendere. Più freddo fa, più spesse e lunghe
diventano le sue zanne di ghiaccio."
473,34,9,"It looks strong, and thats exactly what it is.
As the weather grows colder, its ice tusks
grow longer, thicker, and more impressive."
473,34,11,"見た目どおりの 力持ち。
氷の牙は 寒くなるほど
太く 長く 立派に なる。"
474,12,9,"Additional software was installed
to make it a better Pokémon.
It began acting oddly, however."
474,13,9,"Additional software was installed
to make it a better Pokémon.
It began acting oddly, however."
474,14,9,"Its programming was modified to
enable work in alien dimensions.
It did not work as planned."
474,15,9,"Its programming was modified to enable
it to travel through alien dimensions.
Seems there might have been an error..."
474,16,9,"Its programming was modified to enable
it to travel through alien dimensions.
Seems there might have been an error..."
474,17,5,"Il a été modifié pour être capable
de travailler dans des dimensions
parallèles, mais cest un échec."
474,17,9,"Its programming was modified to
enable work in alien dimensions.
It did not work as planned."
474,18,5,"Il a été modifié pour être capable
de travailler dans des dimensions
parallèles, mais cest un échec."
474,18,9,"Its programming was modified to
enable work in alien dimensions.
It did not work as planned."
474,21,9,"Its programming was modified to
enable work in alien dimensions.
It did not work as planned."
474,22,9,"Its programming was modified to
enable work in alien dimensions.
It did not work as planned."
474,23,1,"より すぐれた ポケモンに するため
プログラムを ついかしたが なぜか
おかしな こうどうを はじめた。"
474,23,3,"더욱 우수한 포켓몬으로 만들고자
프로그램을 추가했지만 어쩐지
괴상하게 행동하기 시작했다."
474,23,5,"Un logiciel supplémentaire fut installé pour laméliorer.
Mais depuis, il se comporte bizarrement."
474,23,6,"Zusätzliche Software wurde installiert, um das
Pokémon zu verbessern. Seitdem benimmt es
sich seltsam."
474,23,7,"Se le instaló un software para mejorarlo. Sin embargo,
comenzó a comportarse de manera extraña."
474,23,8,"È stato aggiunto un software per migliorare le
prestazioni di questo Pokémon. Agisce in modo
474,23,9,"Additional software was installed to make it a better
Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however."
474,23,11,"より 優れた ポケモンに するため
プログラムを 追加したが なぜか
おかしな 行動を はじめた。"
474,24,1,"いじげん くうかんを じゆうに
いどうできるように プログラムを
しゅうせいしたが ミスした らしい。"
474,24,3,"다른 차원의 공간을 자유롭게
이동할 수 있도록 프로그램을
수정했지만 실수한 것 같다."
474,24,5,"On a modifié son programme pour quil puisse
parcourir les dimensions, mais ce fut un échec."
474,24,6,"Eine neue Software sollte es zu interdimensionalen
Reisen befähigen, doch anscheinend ging etwas
474,24,7,"Aunque le instalaron un software para desplazarse por
otras dimensiones, algo no funcionó bien."
474,24,8,"Non sembra funzionare correttamente dopo essere
stato riprogrammato per muoversi in dimensioni
474,24,9,"Its programming was modified to enable it to travel
through alien dimensions. Seems there might have
been an error..."
474,24,11,"異次元空間を 自由に
移動できるように プログラムを
修正したが ミスした らしい。"
474,25,1,"より すぐれた ポケモンに するため
プログラムを ついかしたが なぜか
おかしな こうどうを はじめた。"
474,25,3,"더욱 우수한 포켓몬으로 만들고자
프로그램을 추가했지만 어쩐지
괴상하게 행동하기 시작했다."
474,25,5,"Un logiciel supplémentaire fut installé pour laméliorer.
Mais depuis, il se comporte bizarrement."
474,25,6,"Zusätzliche Software wurde installiert, um das Pokémon zu
verbessern. Seitdem benimmt es sich seltsam."
474,25,7,"Se le instaló un software para mejorarlo. Sin embargo,
comenzó a comportarse de manera extraña."
474,25,8,"È stato aggiunto un software per migliorare le prestazioni
di questo Pokémon. Agisce in modo strano."
474,25,9,"Additional software was installed to make it a better
Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however."
474,25,11,"より 優れた ポケモンに するため
プログラムを 追加したが なぜか
おかしな 行動を はじめた。"
474,26,1,"いじげん くうかんを じゆうに
いどうできるように プログラムを
しゅうせいしたが ミスした らしい。"
474,26,3,"다른 차원의 공간을 자유롭게
이동할 수 있도록 프로그램을
수정했지만 실수한 것 같다."
474,26,5,"On a modifié son programme pour quil puisse parcourir
les dimensions, mais ce fut un échec."
474,26,6,"Eine neue Software sollte es zu interdimensionalen Reisen
befähigen, doch anscheinend ging etwas schief."
474,26,7,"Aunque le instalaron un software para desplazarse por otras
dimensiones, algo no funcionó bien."
474,26,8,"Non sembra funzionare correttamente dopo essere stato
riprogrammato per muoversi in dimensioni sconosciute."
474,26,9,"Its programming was modified to enable it to travel
through alien dimensions. Seems there might have
been an error..."
474,26,11,"異次元空間を 自由に
移動できるように プログラムを
修正したが ミスした らしい。"
474,27,1,"さらに すぐれた ポケモンを めざし
ついかした プログラムに ふぐあいが
あったらしく うごきが おかしい。"
474,27,3,"더 우월한 포켓몬을 목표로
추가한 프로그램에 문제가
있었는지 움직임이 이상하다."
474,27,5,"Il a été modifié pour devenir encore plus
efficace, mais cela a entraîné plusieurs bugs.
Maintenant, il se conduit très bizarrement."
474,27,6,"Zusätzliche Software wurde installiert, um das
Pokémon zu verbessern. Etwas ging jedoch
schief und seitdem benimmt es sich seltsam."
474,27,7,"Se le instaló un software para mejorarlo. Sin
embargo, algo salió mal y a raíz de ello comenzó
a comportarse de manera extraña."
474,27,8,"A volte mostra strani comportamenti a causa
di un errore nel software aggiuntivo usato
per migliorare le sue prestazioni."
474,27,9,"In order to create a more advanced Pokémon, an
additional program was installed, but apparently
it contained a defect that makes it move oddly."
474,27,11,"さらに 優れた ポケモンを 目指し
追加した プログラムに 不具合が
あったらしく 動きが おかしい。"
474,28,1,"いじげんくうかんでの かつどうを
めざし プログラムを こうしんしたが
おかしな きょどうが めだつ。"
474,28,3,"다른 차원의 공간에서의 활동을
목표로 프로그램을 갱신했으나
괴상한 동작이 눈에 띈다."
474,28,5,"Un nouveau logiciel était censé lui permettre
de voyager entre les dimensions, mais tout ne
se passe pas comme prévu et il y a des bugs."
474,28,6,"Eine neue Software sollte es zu
interdimensionalen Reisen befähigen,
doch seitdem verhält es sich seltsam."
474,28,7,"La actualización de software que recibió para
viajar a otras dimensiones ha causado cambios
extraños y llamativos en su comportamiento."
474,28,8,"Da quando è stato riprogrammato per lavorare
in dimensioni sconosciute ha assunto
comportamenti visibilmente strani."
474,28,9,"Its program was modified to facilitate
extra-dimensional activities, but that led to
noticeably strange behavior."
474,28,11,"異次元空間での 活動を
目指し プログラムを 更新したが
おかしな 挙動が 目立つ。"
474,29,1,"ふあんていな きょどうが めだつ。
プログラムを アップデートした
ぎじゅつしゃの うでの せいらしい。"
474,29,3,"불안정한 거동이 눈에 띈다.
프로그램을 업데이트한
기술자의 실력이 문제인 듯하다."
474,29,5,"Son comportement, manifestement étrange,
sexpliquerait par lincompétence du technicien
qui a mis à jour son système dexploitation."
474,29,6,"Sein seltsames Verhalten verdankt es offenbar
der Unfähigkeit des Wissenschaftlers, der seine
Software aktualisiert hat."
474,29,7,"Llama la atención por su errática conducta, la
cual se debe a la torpeza de quien realizara la
actualización de su sistema operativo."
474,29,8,"Mostra un comportamento instabile, da attribuire
probabilmente alla scarsa competenza di chi ha
aggiornato il suo software."
474,29,9,"Its behavior is noticeably unstable, which is
apparently due to the incompetence of the
engineer who updated its programming."
474,29,11,"不安定な 挙動が 目立つ。
プログラムを アップデートした
技術者の 腕の せいらしい。"
474,30,1,"ついかした プログラムが まずかった。
おかしな きょどうが めだつので
じっけんしっぱい なのかも しれない。"
474,30,3,"추가한 프로그램이 좋지 않았다.
괴상한 동작이 눈에 띄는 걸 보니
실험에 실패한 것일지도 모른다."
474,30,5,"Le logiciel quon lui a implanté était de toute
évidence défaillant. Il sagit sans doute dune
expérience ratée, vu son étrange comportement."
474,30,6,"Eine fehlerhafte neue Software führte zu seinem
auffällig seltsamen Verhalten. Vermutlich
handelt es sich um ein verkorkstes Experiment."
474,30,7,"El software que se le instaló era defectuoso. Tal
vez se trate de un experimento fallido, a tenor
de su extraño comportamiento."
474,30,8,"Il software aggiuntivo che gli è stato installato
aveva dei bug. I suoi comportamenti strani fanno
pensare che si tratti di un esperimento fallito."
474,30,9,"A faulty update was added to its programming.
Its behavior is noticeably strange, so the
experiment may have been a failure."
474,30,11,"追加した プログラムが まずかった。
おかしな 挙動が 目立つので
実験失敗 なのかも しれない。"
474,33,1,"いじげん くうかんに ではいりできる
プログラムを ついかしたところ
きょどうが ふあんていになった。"
474,33,3,"다른 공간에 드나들 수 있는
프로그램을 추가한 결과
움직임이 불안정해졌다."
474,33,5,"Depuis quon lui a ajouté un programme
permettant de voyager entre les dimensions,
son comportement est devenu instable."
474,33,6,"Seit eine neue Software installiert wurde, die es
zu interdimensionalen Reisen befähigen sollte,
wurde sein Verhalten instabil."
474,33,7,"Se le instaló un software que le permite entrar
y salir de otras dimensiones, pero que provocó
que su comportamiento se volviese inestable."
474,33,8,"Da quando gli è stato installato un programma
che gli permette di viaggiare in altre dimensioni,
mostra un comportamento instabile."
474,33,9,"Porygon-Z had a program installed to allow it to
move between dimensions, but the program also
caused instability in Porygon-Zs behavior."
474,33,11,"異次元 空間に 出入りできる
プログラムを 追加したところ
挙動が 不安定になった。"
474,34,1,"ついか プログラムで しんかしたと
いわれるが ほんとうに しんかなのか
がっかいでも いけんが わかれる。"
474,34,3,"추가 프로그램으로 진화했다고
전해지지만 정말 진화인 건지
학회에서도 의견이 나뉜다."
474,34,5,"On dit quun nouveau programme la fait évoluer,
mais les avis des scientifiques divergent quant à
savoir sil sagit réellement dune évolution."
474,34,6,"Es heißt, es habe sich durch eine neue Software
entwickelt, doch Wissenschaftler sind sich nicht
einig, ob Porygon-Z wirklich eine Entwicklung ist."
474,34,7,"Se dice que evolucionó con la instalación de un
nuevo software, pero la comunidad científica
está dividida respecto a si es o no una evolución."
474,34,8,"Pare che si sia evoluto in seguito allinstallazione
di un programma, ma la comunità scientifica non
è concorde nel definire ciò unevoluzione."
474,34,9,"Some say an additional program made this
Pokémon evolve, but even academics cant agree
on whether Porygon-Z is really an evolution."
474,34,11,"追加 プログラムで 進化したと
言われるが ほんとうに 進化なのか
学会でも 意見が 分かれる。"
475,12,9,"A master of courtesy and
swordsmanship, it fights using
extending swords on its elbows."
475,13,9,"A master of courtesy and
swordsmanship, it fights using
extending swords on its elbows."
475,14,9,"When trying to protect someone,
it extends its elbows as if they
were swords and fights savagely."
475,15,9,"Because it can sense what its foe
is thinking, its attacks burst out
first, fast, and fierce."
475,16,9,"Because it can sense what its foe
is thinking, its attacks burst out
first, fast, and fierce."
475,17,5,"Toujours prêt à protéger son prochain,
il se bat férocement avec ses coudes
en forme dépées."
475,17,9,"When trying to protect someone,
it extends its elbows as if they
were swords and fights savagely."
475,18,5,"Toujours prêt à protéger son prochain,
il se bat férocement avec ses coudes
en forme dépées."
475,18,9,"When trying to protect someone,
it extends its elbows as if they
were swords and fights savagely."
475,21,9,"When trying to protect someone,
it extends its elbows as if they
were swords and fights savagely."
475,22,9,"When trying to protect someone,
it extends its elbows as if they
were swords and fights savagely."
475,23,1,"あいての かんがえを びんかんに
キャッチする のうりょくを もつため
さきに こうげきが できるのだ。"
475,23,3,"상대의 생각을 민감하게
포착하는 능력을 가졌기 때문에
먼저 공격할 수 있다."
475,23,5,"Comme il peut lire les pensées de ses adversaires,
il frappe toujours en premier."
475,23,6,"Da es selbst die leisesten Gedanken seines
Gegners lesen kann, kann es immer zuerst angreifen."
475,23,7,"Puede presentir los movimientos de sus rivales y por
eso ataca siempre antes que ellos."
475,23,8,"Il suo intuito gli consente di capire cosa pensa il
nemico: può così attaccare per primo."
475,23,9,"Because it can sense what its foe is thinking,
its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce."
475,23,11,"相手の 考えを 敏感に
キャッチする 能力を 持つため
先に 攻撃が できるのだ。"
475,24,1,"のびちぢみする ひじの かたなで
たたかう。いあいの めいしゅ。
れいぎ ただしい ポケモン。"
475,24,3,"늘었다 줄었다 하는 팔꿈치의
칼날로 싸운다. 칼 뽑기의 명수
이며 예의가 바른 포켓몬이다."
475,24,5,"Il frappe avec les grandes lames à ses coudes.
Son talent descrimeur na dégal que sa courtoisie."
475,24,6,"Es kämpft, indem es die Schwerter an seinen Ellbogen
verlängert. Es ist ein Meister des Kampfes."
475,24,7,"Lucha con las espadas que salen de sus codos.
Es un maestro de la cortesía y la esgrima."
475,24,8,"Pokémon elegante e ottimo spadaccino, combatte
allungando le lame che ha sui gomiti."
475,24,9,"A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights
using extending swords on its elbows."
475,24,11,"伸び縮みする ヒジの 刀で 戦う。
居合の 名手。
礼儀正しい ポケモン。"
475,25,1,"あいての かんがえを びんかんに
キャッチする のうりょくを もつため
さきに こうげきが できるのだ。"
475,25,3,"상대의 생각을 민감하게
포착하는 능력을 가졌기 때문에
먼저 공격할 수 있다."
475,25,5,"Comme il peut lire les pensées de ses adversaires, il frappe
toujours en premier."
475,25,6,"Da es selbst die leisesten Gedanken seines Gegners lesen
kann, kann es immer zuerst angreifen."
475,25,7,"Puede presentir los movimientos de sus rivales y por eso
ataca siempre antes que ellos."
475,25,8,"Il suo intuito gli consente di capire cosa pensa il nemico:
può così attaccare per primo."
475,25,9,"Because it can sense what its foe is thinking,
its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce."
475,25,11,"相手の 考えを 敏感に
キャッチする 能力を 持つため
先に 攻撃が できるのだ。"
475,26,1,"のびちぢみする ひじの かたなで
たたかう。いあいの めいしゅ。
れいぎ ただしい ポケモン。"
475,26,3,"늘었다 줄었다 하는 팔꿈치의
칼날로 싸운다. 칼 뽑기의 명수
이며 예의가 바른 포켓몬이다."
475,26,5,"Il frappe avec les grandes lames à ses coudes. Son talent
descrimeur na dégal que sa courtoisie."
475,26,6,"Es kämpft, indem es die Schwerter an seinen Ellbogen
verlängert. Es ist ein Meister des Kampfes."
475,26,7,"Lucha con las espadas que salen de sus codos. Es un
maestro de la cortesía y la esgrima."
475,26,8,"Pokémon elegante e ottimo spadaccino, combatte allungando
le lame che ha sui gomiti."
475,26,9,"A master of courtesy and swordsmanship, it fights
using extending swords on its elbows."
475,26,11,"伸び縮みする ヒジの 刀で 戦う。
居合の 名手。
礼儀正しい ポケモン。"
475,33,1,"ぶじんと よばれる ポケモン。
なにかを まもるためで なければ
ひじの かたなは つかわない。"
475,33,3,"무사라 불리는 포켓몬.
무언가를 지킬 때가 아니면
팔꿈치의 칼날을 사용하지 않는다."
475,33,5,"Ce Pokémon, que lon surnomme «lescrimeur»,
ne se sert de ses coudes en forme de lames
que sil doit défendre quelque chose."
475,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon wird als Krieger angesehen.
Die Klingen an seinen Ellbogen benutzt es nur,
um etwas zu beschützen."
475,33,7,"Este Pokémon es considerado todo un justiciero.
Solo utiliza las espadas que le salen de los codos
si tiene una causa que defender."
475,33,8,"Viene soprannominato “il guerriero”. Si serve
delle lame sui gomiti solo a scopo difensivo."
475,33,9,"True to its honorable-warrior image, it uses
the blades on its elbows only in defense of
something or someone."
475,33,11,"武人と 呼ばれる ポケモン。
なにかを 守るためで なければ
肘の 刀は 使わない。"
475,34,1,"たすけを もとめる かんじょうを
びんかんに キャッチ。 あいての
もとへ はせさんじ かせいするぞ。"
475,34,3,"도움을 구하는 감정을 민감하게
캐치해서 상대가 있는 곳으로
급히 달려가 가세한다."
475,34,5,"Ses sens aiguisés lui indiquent lorsque quelquun
est en danger. Il accourt alors à la rescousse."
475,34,6,"Es spürt sofort, wenn jemand in Not ist, und eilt
ihm unverzüglich zu Hilfe."
475,34,7,"Es capaz de percibir al instante cuando alguien
está en un aprieto y corre raudo a su lado para
prestarle ayuda."
475,34,8,"È in grado di captare con estrema sensibilità
lo stato danimo di chi si trova nei guai e può
così accorrere subito in suo aiuto."
475,34,9,"Sharply attuned to others wishes for help, this
Pokémon seeks out those in need and aids them
in battle."
475,34,11,"助けを 求める 感情を
敏感に キャッチ。 相手の
もとへ 馳せ参じ 加勢するぞ。"
476,12,9,"It exudes strong magnetism from
all over. It controls three small
units called Mini-Noses."
476,13,9,"It exudes strong magnetism from
all over. It controls three small
units called Mini-Noses."
476,14,9,"It freely controls three small
units called Mini-Noses using
magnetic force."
476,15,9,"It controls three units called Mini-Noses
using magnetic force. With them, it can
attack the foe from three directions."
476,16,9,"It controls three units called Mini-Noses
using magnetic force. With them, it can
attack the foe from three directions."
476,17,5,"Il utilise sa force magnétique pour
diriger trois petites unités
appelées Mini-nez."
476,17,9,"It freely controls three small
units called Mini-Noses using
magnetic force."
476,18,5,"Il utilise sa force magnétique pour
diriger trois petites unités
appelées Mini-nez."
476,18,9,"It freely controls three small
units called Mini-Noses using
magnetic force."
476,21,9,"It freely controls three units
called Mini-Noses using
magnetic force."
476,22,9,"It freely controls three units
called Mini-Noses using
magnetic force."
476,23,1,"ぜんしんから つよい じりょくを
だしている。3この チビノーズと
よばれる ユニットを あやつる。"
476,23,3,"전신에서 강한 자력을 발산하고
있다. 꼬마코파스라고 불리는
3개의 유닛을 조종한다."
476,23,5,"Son corps libère une puissante force magnétique.
Il dirige trois petites unités appelées Mini-nez."
476,23,6,"Es gibt starken Magnetismus ab. Es steuert drei
kleine Einheiten, die sich Mininasen nennen."
476,23,7,"Emana un fuerte magnetismo. Controla tres pequeñas
unidades llamadas mininarices."
476,23,8,"Emana un forte magnetismo da tutto il corpo.
Controlla tre piccole unità, dette Mininasi."
476,23,9,"It exudes strong magnetism from all over.
It controls three small units called Mini-Noses."
476,23,11,"全身から 強い 磁力を 出している。
3個の チビノーズと 呼ばれる
ユニットを 操る。"
476,24,1,"チビノーズと よばれる ちいさな
3つの ユニットを じりょくで
じゆうじざいに あやつっている。"
476,24,3,"꼬마코파스라고 불리는 작은
3개의 유닛을 자력으로
자유자재로 조종한다."
476,24,5,"Il utilise sa force magnétique pour diriger trois petites
unités appelées Mini-nez."
476,24,6,"Es steuert drei kleine Einheiten mithilfe von
starkem Magnetismus. Man nennt sie Mininasen."
476,24,7,"Con el magnetismo que emana, controla tres pequeñas
unidades llamadas mininarices."
476,24,8,"Controlla tre piccole unità, dette Mininasi, usando
la forza magnetica."
476,24,9,"It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses
using magnetic force."
476,24,11,"チビノーズと 呼ばれる 小さな
3つの ユニットを 磁力で
自由自在に 操っている。"
476,25,1,"ぜんしんから つよい じりょくを
だしている。3この チビノーズと
よばれる ユニットを あやつる。"
476,25,3,"전신에서 강한 자력을 발산하고
있다. 꼬마코파스라고 불리는
3개의 유닛을 조종한다."
476,25,5,"Son corps libère une puissante force magnétique.
Il dirige trois petites unités appelées Mini-nez."
476,25,6,"Es gibt starken Magnetismus ab. Es steuert drei kleine
Einheiten, die sich Mininasen nennen."
476,25,7,"Emana un fuerte magnetismo. Controla tres pequeñas
unidades llamadas mininarices."
476,25,8,"Emana un forte magnetismo da tutto il corpo. Controlla
tre piccole unità, dette Mininasi."
476,25,9,"It exudes strong magnetism from all over.
It controls three small units called Mini-Noses."
476,25,11,"全身から 強い 磁力を 出している。
3個の チビノーズと 呼ばれる
ユニットを 操る。"
476,26,1,"チビノーズと よばれる ちいさな
3つの ユニットを じりょくで
じゆうじざいに あやつっている。"
476,26,3,"꼬마코파스라고 불리는 작은
3개의 유닛을 자력으로
자유자재로 조종한다."
476,26,5,"Il utilise sa force magnétique pour diriger trois petites unités
appelées Mini-nez."
476,26,6,"Es steuert drei kleine Einheiten mithilfe von
starkem Magnetismus. Man nennt sie Mininasen."
476,26,7,"Con el magnetismo que emana, controla tres pequeñas
unidades llamadas mininarices."
476,26,8,"Controlla tre piccole unità, dette Mininasi, usando la forza
476,26,9,"It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses
using magnetic force."
476,26,11,"チビノーズと 呼ばれる 小さな
3つの ユニットを 磁力で
自由自在に 操っている。"
476,27,1,"つよい じりょくを はなっているので
ちかくにある でんかせいひんは
つかいものに ならなくなってしまう。"
476,27,3,"강한 자력을 뿜어내기 때문에
가까이 있는 전기 제품은
망가져 버리고 만다."
476,27,5,"Il émet un puissant champ magnétique qui rend
tous les appareils électriques des alentours
476,27,6,"Durch seinen starken Magnetismus macht es
Elektrogeräte in seiner Nähe kaputt."
476,27,7,"Crea un campo magnético tan potente que
inutiliza cualquier electrodoméstico que se
encuentre cerca."
476,27,8,"Emette un forte campo magnetico che manda
in cortocircuito le apparecchiature elettriche
rendendole inutilizzabili."
476,27,9,"It radiates such a powerful magnetic field that
nearby electrical appliances become unusable."
476,27,11,"強い 磁力を 放っているので
近くにある 電化製品は
使いものに ならなくなってしまう。"
476,28,1,"ほんたいは うごかず チビノーズと
よばれる 3つのユニットを じざいに
あやつり えものを とらえる。"
476,28,3,"본체는 움직이지 않고 꼬마코파스라고
불리는 3개의 유닛을 자유자재로
조종하여 먹이를 잡는다."
476,28,5,"Sans avoir besoin de se déplacer, il pilote ses
trois Mini-nez à distance afin de capturer
ses proies."
476,28,6,"Sein Körper selbst bewegt sich nicht. Um Beute
zu fangen, steuert es drei kleine Einheiten,
die Mininasen genannt werden."
476,28,7,"Las tres unidades que controla, llamadas
mininarices, le permiten atrapar a su presa
sin necesidad de mover el resto de su cuerpo."
476,28,8,"È in grado di controllare tre piccole unità dette
Mininasi per catturare le sue prede senza
doversi spostare."
476,28,9,"The main body controls three mobile units called
Mini-Noses, which it maneuvers to catch prey."
476,28,11,"本体は 動かず チビノーズと
呼ばれる 3つのユニットを 自在に
操り 獲物を 捕える。"
476,29,1,"チビノーズと よばれる ユニットを
あやつるが たまに まいごに なって
かえってこないことも あるらしい。"
476,29,3,"꼬마코파스라고 불리는 유닛을
조종하지만 가끔 미아가 되어
돌아오지 않는 경우도 있는 듯하다."
476,29,5,"Il est capable de piloter ses Mini-nez à distance,
mais il arrive que lun dentre eux saventure
trop loin et se perde pour ne jamais revenir."
476,29,6,"Es steuert kleine Einheiten, die man Mininasen
nennt. Leider verirren sie sich manchmal, und es
heißt, dass einige von ihnen nie wiederkehren."
476,29,7,"Manipula unas pequeñas unidades conocidas
como mininarices, aunque estas a veces se
pierden y no saben cómo regresar a Probopass."
476,29,8,"Controlla delle unità dette Mininasi, ma pare che
a volte queste si smarriscano e non riescano più
a tornare."
476,29,9,"Although it can control its units known as
Mini-Noses, they sometimes get lost and dont
come back."
476,29,11,"チビノーズと 呼ばれる ユニットを
操るが たまに 迷子に なって
帰ってこないことも あるらしい。"
476,30,1,"3つの ちいさな ユニットを つかい
エサを とったり てきと たたかう。
ほんたいは ほぼ めいれいするだけ。"
476,30,3,"3개의 작은 유닛을 사용해서
먹이를 잡거나 적과 싸운다.
본체는 거의 명령할 뿐이다."
476,30,5,"Il utilise ses trois petites unités pour combattre
ses ennemis et capturer ses proies. Le reste de
son corps se contente de donner des ordres."
476,30,6,"Sein Körper selbst befehligt meist nur die drei
kleinen Einheiten, die an seiner Stelle kämpfen
und für die Nahrungssuche zuständig sind."
476,30,7,"Usa sus tres pequeñas unidades para capturar
presas o combatir, mientras que el resto de su
cuerpo se dedica casi solo a impartir órdenes."
476,30,8,"Usa le tre piccole unità per procacciare il cibo
e lottare contro i nemici. Il corpo centrale si
limita quasi esclusivamente a impartire ordini."
476,30,9,"It uses three small units to catch prey and
battle enemies. The main body mostly just
gives orders."
476,30,11,"3つの 小さな ユニットを 使い
エサを とったり 敵と 戦う。
本体は ほぼ 命令するだけ。"
477,12,9,"The antenna on its head captures
radio waves from the world of spirits
that command it to take people there."
477,13,9,"The antenna on its head captures
radio waves from the world of spirits
that command it to take people there."
477,14,9,"It is said to take lost spirits
into its pliant body and guide
them home."
477,15,9,"This feared Pokémon is said to travel to
worlds unknown. Some even believe that
it takes lost spirits along with it."
477,16,9,"This feared Pokémon is said to travel to
worlds unknown. Some even believe that
it takes lost spirits along with it."
477,17,5,"Son corps se replie sur lui-même
pour emprisonner les esprits
perdus et les ramener chez eux."
477,17,9,"It is said to take lost spirits
into its pliant body and guide
them home."
477,18,5,"Son corps se replie sur lui-même
pour emprisonner les esprits
perdus et les ramener chez eux."
477,18,9,"It is said to take lost spirits
into its pliant body and guide
them home."
477,21,9,"It is said to take lost spirits
into its pliant body and guide
them home."
477,22,9,"It is said to take lost spirits
into its pliant body and guide
them home."
477,23,1,"だんりょくのある からだの なかに
いきばのない たましいを とりこんで
あのよに つれていくと いわれる。"
477,23,3,"탄력 있는 몸 안에
갈 곳 없는 영혼을 가두어
저승으로 데려간다고 전해진다."
477,23,5,"Son corps se replie sur lui-même pour emprisonner
les esprits perdus et les ramener chez eux."
477,23,6,"Man sagt, dass es verlorene Seelen in seinem
biegsamen Körper nach Hause geleite."
477,23,7,"Se dice que recoge en su cuerpo flexible a los
espíritus extraviados y los guía hasta casa."
477,23,8,"Si dice che accolga gli spiriti smarriti nel suo corpo
flessibile per riportarli a casa."
477,23,9,"It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and
guide them home."
477,23,11,"弾力のある 体の 中に
行き場のない 魂を 取りこんで
あの世に 連れていくと 言われる。"
477,24,1,"あたまの アンテナで れいかいからの
でんぱを じゅしん。しじを うけて
ひとを れいかいへ つれていくのだ。"
477,24,3,"머리의 안테나로 영계로부터의
전파를 수신한다. 지시를 받아
사람을 영계로 데리고 간다."
477,24,5,"Lantenne sur sa tête capte les ondes radio du monde
des esprits lui ordonnant dy porter des gens."
477,24,6,"Die Antenne auf seinem Kopf empfängt Radiowellen
aus einer anderen Dimension."
477,24,7,"La antena de la cabeza capta ondas de otra dimensión
que le incitan a llevarse allí a la gente."
477,24,8,"Capta con lantenna onde che arrivano dal mondo
degli spiriti, che gli ordinano di portare lì le persone."
477,24,9,"The antenna on its head captures radio waves from
the world of spirits that command it to take
people there."
477,24,11,"頭の アンテナで 霊界からの
電波を 受信。指示を 受けて
人を 霊界へ 連れて行くのだ。"
477,25,1,"だんりょくのある からだの なかに
いきばのない たましいを とりこんで
あのよに つれていくと いわれる。"
477,25,3,"탄력 있는 몸 안에
갈 곳 없는 영혼을 가두어
저승으로 데려간다고 전해진다."
477,25,5,"Son corps se replie sur lui-même pour emprisonner les esprits
perdus et les ramener chez eux."
477,25,6,"Man sagt, dass es verlorene Seelen in seinem biegsamen
Körper nach Hause geleite."
477,25,7,"Se dice que recoge en su cuerpo flexible a los
espíritus extraviados y los guía hasta casa."
477,25,8,"Si dice che accolga gli spiriti smarriti nel suo corpo flessibile
per riportarli a casa."
477,25,9,"It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and
guide them home."
477,25,11,"弾力のある 体の 中に
行き場のない 魂を 取りこんで
あの世に 連れていくと 言われる。"
477,26,1,"あたまの アンテナで れいかいからの
でんぱを じゅしん。しじを うけて
ひとを れいかいへ つれていくのだ。"
477,26,3,"머리의 안테나로 영계로부터의
전파를 수신한다. 지시를 받아
사람을 영계로 데리고 간다."
477,26,5,"Lantenne sur sa tête capte les ondes radio du monde
des esprits lui ordonnant dy porter des gens."
477,26,6,"Die Antenne auf seinem Kopf empfängt Radiowellen aus einer
anderen Dimension."
477,26,7,"La antena de la cabeza capta ondas de otra dimensión que
le incitan a llevarse allí a la gente."
477,26,8,"Capta con lantenna onde che arrivano dal mondo degli spiriti,
che gli ordinano di portare lì le persone."
477,26,9,"The antenna on its head captures radio waves from
the world of spirits that command it to take
people there."
477,26,11,"頭の アンテナで 霊界からの
電波を 受信。指示を 受けて
人を 霊界へ 連れて行くのだ。"
477,33,1,"いしが あるのか わかっていない。
れいかいからの でんぱに したがい
ひとや ポケモンを つれさるのだ。"
477,33,3,"의지가 있는 것인지 알 수 없다.
영계로부터의 전파에 따라
사람이나 포켓몬을 데리고 간다."
477,33,5,"Nul ne sait sil est doté dune volonté propre.
Les ondes du monde des esprits le poussent
à conduire humains et Pokémon vers lau-delà."
477,33,6,"Niemand weiß, ob es einen eigenen Willen hat.
Über Radiowellen empfängt es Befehle aus dem
Jenseits, Menschen und Pokémon zu entführen."
477,33,7,"Se desconoce si posee voluntad propia. Capta
ondas de otra dimensión que le incitan a llevarse
allí a humanos y Pokémon."
477,33,8,"Non si sa se abbia una volontà propria. Segue le
onde che provengono dal mondo degli spiriti e
vi conduce persone e Pokémon."
477,33,9,"At the bidding of transmissions from the spirit
world, it steals people and Pokémon away.
No one knows whether it has a will of its own."
477,33,11,"意思が あるのか わかっていない。
霊界からの 電波に 従い
人や ポケモンを 連れ去るのだ。"
477,34,1,"ねらった あいてを はらのくちで
まるのみ。 たましいだけを くい
にくたいは はきだし さっていく。"
477,34,3,"노린 상대를 배의 입으로
통째로 삼킨다. 영혼만 먹은 뒤
육체는 뱉어내고 떠난다."
477,34,5,"Il dévore lâme de ses ennemis en les
engloutissant dans sa bouche ventrale.
Il recrache ensuite leur enveloppe corporelle."
477,34,6,"Es verschluckt Beute im Ganzen mit dem Maul
an seinem Bauch, verspeist aber nur ihre Seele.
Den Körper spuckt es wieder aus."
477,34,7,"Engulle a los rivales con la boca del estómago y,
tras haber devorado el alma, escupe el cuerpo."
477,34,8,"Divora la preda in un boccone con la bocca che
ha sulla pancia, si nutre del suo spirito e ne sputa
fuori il corpo."
477,34,9,"With the mouth on its belly, Dusknoir swallows its
target whole. The soul is the only thing eaten—
Dusknoir disgorges the body before departing."
477,34,11,"狙った 相手を 腹の口で
丸飲み。 魂だけを 食い
肉体は 吐き出し 去っていく。"
478,12,9,"It freezes foes with an icy breath
nearly -60 degrees F. What seems
to be its body is actually hollow."
478,13,9,"It freezes foes with an icy breath
nearly -60 degrees F. What seems
to be its body is actually hollow."
478,14,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58
degrees F breath. It is said to
then secretly display its prey."
478,15,9,"Legends in snowy regions say that
a woman who was lost on an icy
mountain was reborn as FROSLASS."
478,16,9,"Legends in snowy regions say that
a woman who was lost on an icy
mountain was reborn as FROSLASS"
478,17,5,"On dit que Momartik gèle ses proies
grâce à son souffle à -50 °C avant
de les exposer dans sa tanière."
478,17,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58
degrees F breath. It is said to
then secretly display its prey."
478,18,5,"On dit que Momartik gèle ses proies
grâce à son souffle à -50 °C avant
de les exposer dans sa tanière."
478,18,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58
degrees F breath. It is said to
then secretly display its prey."
478,21,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58
degrees F breath. It is said to
then secretly display its prey."
478,22,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58
degrees F breath. It is said to
then secretly display its prey."
478,23,1,"マイナス50どの れいきを はいて
あいてを こおらせる。どうたいに
みえる ぶぶんは じつは くうどう。"
478,23,3,"마이너스 50도의 냉기를 뿜어
상대를 얼려 버린다. 몸통 같은
부분은 실제로는 빈 공간이다."
478,23,5,"Momartik gèle ses ennemis grâce à son souffle à
-50 °C. Ça ne se voit pas, mais son corps est creux."
478,23,6,"Sein eisiger Atem mit -50 °C friert Gegner ein.
Was aussieht wie sein Körper, ist tatsächlich hohl."
478,23,7,"Congela a sus enemigos con un aliento gélido de
-50 °C. Su cuerpo está hueco."
478,23,8,"Congela i nemici con un alito glaciale a -50 °C.
Il suo corpo è vuoto."
478,23,9,"It freezes foes with an icy breath nearly
-60 degrees Fahrenheit. What seems to be its body
is actually hollow."
478,23,11,"マイナス50度の 冷気を 吐いて
相手を 凍らせる。胴体に 見える
部分は じつは 空洞。"
478,24,1,"ゆきやまで そうなんした じょせいの
うまれかわりという いいつたえが
ゆきの おおい とちに のこる。"
478,24,3,"설산에서 조난당한 여성이
다시 태어난 것이라고 하는 전설이
눈이 많은 땅에 남아 있다."
478,24,5,"On dit dans les régions enneigées quil sagit de
la réincarnation dune jeune fille disparue dans
les neiges."
478,24,6,"In schneereichen Gegenden erzählt man sich, es sei
die Wiedergeburt einer in den Bergen Verunglückten."
478,24,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que es la reencarnación de mujeres
que sufrieron accidentes en la nieve."
478,24,8,"Qua e là corre ancora voce che Froslass fosse in
origine una donna dispersa in montagna tra la neve."
478,24,9,"Legends in snowy regions say that a woman who
was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as Froslass."
478,24,11,"雪山で 遭難した 女性の
生まれ変わりという 言い伝えが
雪の 多い 土地に 残る。"
478,25,1,"マイナス50どの れいきを はいて
あいてを こおらせる。どうたいに
みえる ぶぶんは じつは くうどう。"
478,25,3,"마이너스 50도의 냉기를 뿜어
상대를 얼려 버린다. 몸통 같은
부분은 실제로는 빈 공간이다."
478,25,5,"Momartik gèle ses ennemis grâce à son souffle à -50 °C.
Ça ne se voit pas, mais son corps est creux."
478,25,6,"Sein eisiger Atem mit -50 °C friert Gegner ein. Was aussieht
wie sein Körper, ist tatsächlich hohl."
478,25,7,"Congela a sus enemigos con un aliento gélido de -50 °C. Su
cuerpo está hueco."
478,25,8,"Congela i nemici con un alito glaciale a -50 °C.
Il suo corpo è vuoto."
478,25,9,"It freezes foes with an icy breath nearly
-60 degrees Fahrenheit. What seems to be its body
is actually hollow."
478,25,11,"マイナス50度の 冷気を 吐いて
相手を 凍らせる。胴体に 見える
部分は じつは 空洞。"
478,26,1,"ゆきやまで そうなんした じょせいの
うまれかわりという いいつたえが
ゆきの おおい とちに のこる。"
478,26,3,"설산에서 조난당한 여성이
다시 태어난 것이라고 하는 전설이
눈이 많은 땅에 남아 있다."
478,26,5,"On dit dans les régions enneigées quil sagit de
la réincarnation dune jeune fille disparue dans les neiges."
478,26,6,"In schneereichen Gegenden erzählt man sich, es sei
die Wiedergeburt einer in den Bergen Verunglückten."
478,26,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que es la reencarnación de mujeres que
sufrieron accidentes en la nieve."
478,26,8,"Qua e là corre ancora voce che Froslass fosse in origine una
donna dispersa in montagna tra la neve."
478,26,9,"Legends in snowy regions say that a woman who
was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as Froslass."
478,26,11,"雪山で 遭難した 女性の
生まれ変わりという 言い伝えが
雪の 多い 土地に 残る。"
478,27,1,"きにいった にんげんや ポケモンを
れいきで こおらせる。 すあなに
もってかえって かざるのだ。"
478,27,3,"마음에 든 인간과 포켓몬을
냉기로 얼린다. 보금자리에
가져가서 장식한다."
478,27,5,"Il congèle les humains et les Pokémon qui lui
plaisent. Il les emporte ensuite dans sa tanière
pour les admirer à loisir."
478,27,6,"Menschen und Pokémon, die ihm gefallen,
friert es mit eisiger Luft ein. Dann nimmt es
sie mit in seinen Bau und stellt sie dort aus."
478,27,7,"Con su gélido aliento congela a todo Pokémon o
humano que le llame la atención y se lo lleva a
su guarida para usarlo como objeto decorativo."
478,27,8,"Congela con il suo alito glaciale gli esseri umani
e i Pokémon che gli piacciono e li usa per
decorare la sua tana."
478,27,9,"When it finds humans or Pokémon it likes,
it freezes them and takes them to its chilly den,
where they become decorations."
478,27,11,"気に入った 人間や ポケモンを
冷気で 凍らせる。 巣穴に
持って帰って 飾るのだ。"
478,28,1,"ゆきやまで そうなんした じょせいの
たましいが つららに のりうつった。
だんせいの たましいが こうぶつ。"
478,28,3,"설산에서 조난당한 여성의
영혼이 고드름에 옮겨붙었다.
남성의 영혼을 좋아한다."
478,28,5,"Il sagirait dune stalagmite possédée par lâme
dune jeune fille disparue dans les cimes
enneigées. Il adore les âmes dhommes."
478,28,6,"Man sagt, die Seele einer in den Bergen
verunglückten Frau sei in einen Eiszapfen
gefahren. Es frisst am liebsten Männerseelen."
478,28,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que es la reencarnación de
mujeres que sufrieron accidentes en la nieve.
Siente predilección por las almas masculinas."
478,28,8,"È una stalattite di ghiaccio animata dallo spirito
di una donna dispersa tra le montagne. Si nutre
dellenergia vitale degli uomini."
478,28,9,"The soul of a woman lost on a snowy mountain
possessed an icicle, becoming this Pokémon.
The food it most relishes is the souls of men."
478,28,11,"雪山で 遭難した 女性の
魂が 氷柱に 乗り移った。
男性の 魂が 好物。"
478,29,1,"ゆきやまとざんに きた やまおとこを
こおりづけにし すみかに もちかえる。
びなんし しか ねらわれない。"
478,29,3,"설산에 등산 온 남자를
얼려버려 집으로 가지고 간다.
미남만 노린다."
478,29,5,"Momartik gèle les Montagnards qui saventurent
dans les pics enneigés et emmène ceux quil
trouve beaux dans sa tanière."
478,29,6,"Wanderer, die durch verschneite Berge stapfen,
friert es ein und nimmt sie mit in seinen Bau.
Allerdings nur jene, die es als schön erachtet."
478,29,7,"Congela a los hombres que se aventuran en las
cimas nevadas y se los lleva a su guarida, pero
tan solo a aquellos que considera apuestos."
478,29,8,"Congela i Montanari che si avventurano su per
le montagne innevate e li porta nella sua tana,
ma solo se li trova particolarmente attraenti."
478,29,9,"It freezes hikers who have come to climb snowy
mountains and carries them back to its home. It
only goes after men it thinks are handsome."
478,29,11,"雪山登山に 来た 山男を
氷漬けにし 棲家に 持ち帰る。
美男子 しか 狙われない。"
478,30,1,"ひどい ふぶきの ばんに ひとざとに
おりてくると いう。 ノックされても
ドアを あけては いけないぞ。"
478,30,3,"심하게 눈보라 치는 밤에 사람이 사는
마을에 내려온다고 한다. 노크해도
문을 열어줘선 안 된다."
478,30,5,"On dit quil apparaît dans les zones habitées
les soirs de tempête de neige. Si vous entendez
toquer à la porte, nallez pas ouvrir!"
478,30,6,"Es heißt, dass es am Abend eines Schneesturms
Menschensiedlungen heimsuche. Wenn es an der
Tür klopft, sollte man sie besser nicht öffnen."
478,30,7,"Se dice que aparece de noche en poblaciones
tras una intensa ventisca. Si llama a la puerta,
no se le debe abrir bajo ningún concepto."
478,30,8,"Si dice che appaia nei centri abitati nelle notti in
cui imperversano bufere di neve. Se bussa alla
porta, non bisogna aprire per nessun motivo."
478,30,9,"Its said that on nights of terrible blizzards, it
comes down to human settlements. If you hear
it knocking at your door, do not open it!"
478,30,11,"ひどい 吹雪の 晩に 人里に
下りてくると いう。 ノックされても
ドアを 開けては いけないぞ。"
478,33,1,"ゆきやまで なくなった おんなの
むねんから うまれた ポケモン。
こおらせた たましいが こうぶつ。"
478,33,3,"설산에서 죽은 여자의
원념에서 태어난 포켓몬.
얼린 영혼을 즐겨 먹는다."
478,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est né des regrets dune femme
disparue dans les pics enneigés.
Il raffole des âmes gelées."
478,33,6,"Es ist aus dem Gram einer Frau entstanden, die
auf schneebedeckten Bergen umgekommen ist.
Am liebsten isst es gefrorene Seelen."
478,33,7,"Nació del resentimiento de mujeres fallecidas en
montañas nevadas. Su manjar predilecto son las
almas congeladas."
478,33,8,"Pokémon nato dal rammarico di una donna
scomparsa tra le montagne innevate. Si nutre di
spiriti congelati."
478,33,9,"After a woman met her end on a snowy mountain,
her regrets lingered on. From them, this Pokémon
was born. Its favorite food is frozen souls."
478,33,11,"雪山で 亡くなった 女の
無念から 生まれた ポケモン。
凍らせた 魂が 好物。"
478,34,1,"マイナス50どの れいきを はき
こおらせた えものを すみかに
もちかえり きれいに ならべる。"
478,34,3,"마이너스 50도의 냉기를 뿜어
먹이를 얼린 뒤 거처로
가져가서 가지런히 나열한다."
478,34,5,"Il gèle ses proies avec son souffle à - 50 °C,
les amène dans son antre, puis les y aligne
avec soin."
478,34,6,"Es friert seine Beute mit -50 ºC kalter Luft ein,
nimmt sie dann in seinen Unterschlupf mit und
reiht sie dort fein säuberlich auf."
478,34,7,"Expulsa un vaho gélido a -50 °C con el que
congela a sus presas para luego llevarlas a su
morada y colocarlas como adorno."
478,34,8,"Congela le prede con un alito glaciale a -50 ºC,
poi le porta nella sua tana e le allinea con cura."
478,34,9,"It spits out cold air of nearly 60 degrees
Fahrenheit to freeze its quarry. It brings frozen
prey back to its lair and neatly lines them up."
478,34,11,"マイナス50度の 冷気を 吐き
凍らせた 獲物を すみかに
持ち帰り きれいに 並べる。"
479,12,9,"Its body is composed of plasma. It
is known to infiltrate electronic
devices and wreak havoc."
479,13,9,"Its body is composed of plasma. It
is known to infiltrate electronic
devices and wreak havoc."
479,14,9,"Its electric-like body can enter
some kinds of machines and take
control in order to make mischief."
479,15,9,"Research continues on this Pokémon,
which could be the power source of a
unique motor."
479,16,9,"Research continues on this Pokémon,
which could be the power source of a
unique motor."
479,17,5,"Son corps parcouru délectricité
lui permet de prendre le contrôle
de certains appareils ménagers."
479,17,9,"Its electric-like body can enter
some kinds of machines and take
control in order to make mischief."
479,18,5,"Son corps parcouru délectricité
lui permet de prendre le contrôle
de certains appareils ménagers."
479,18,9,"Its electric-like body can enter
some kinds of machines and take
control in order to make mischief."
479,21,9,"Its electric-like body can enter
some kinds of machines and take
control in order to make mischief."
479,22,9,"Its electric-like body can enter
some kinds of machines and take
control in order to make mischief."
479,23,1,"とくしゅな モーターを うごかす
どうりょくげんとして ながい あいだ
けんきゅうされていた ポケモン。"
479,23,3,"특수한 모터를 움직이는
동력원으로서 긴 시간 동안
연구되었던 포켓몬이다."
479,23,5,"Un Pokémon longtemps étudié comme source
dénergie pour un moteur très spécial."
479,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde lange Zeit erforscht,
um als Energiequelle für einen besonderen
Motor zu dienen."
479,23,7,"Desde hace mucho tiempo se estudia su singular
motor como fuente de energía motriz."
479,23,8,"Questo Pokémon è stato usato a lungo per ricerche
come forza motrice su motori speciali."
479,23,9,"Research continues on this Pokémon, which could
be the power source of a unique motor."
479,23,11,"特殊な モーターを 動かす
動力源として 長い あいだ
研究されていた ポケモン。"
479,24,1,"プラズマで できた からだを もつ。
でんかせいひんに もぐりこみ
わるさを することで しられている。"
479,24,3,"플라스마로 된 몸을 가지고 있다.
전자 제품에 숨어들어
나쁜 짓을 하는 것으로 알려졌다."
479,24,5,"Son corps est fait de plasma. Il cause de gros dégâts
en infiltrant des appareils électroniques."
479,24,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Plasma. Mit ihm kann es
in elektrische Geräte eindringen und für Chaos sorgen."
479,24,7,"Su cuerpo está hecho de plasma. Puede infiltrarse en
dispositivos electrónicos e inutilizarlos."
479,24,8,"Il suo corpo è composto di plasma. È solito infiltrarsi
negli strumenti elettronici per provocare caos."
479,24,9,"Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to
infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc."
479,24,11,"プラズマで できた 体を 持つ。
電化製品に 潜りこみ
悪さを することで 知られている。"
479,25,1,"とくしゅな モーターを うごかす
どうりょくげんとして ながい あいだ
けんきゅうされていた ポケモン。"
479,25,3,"특수한 모터를 움직이는
동력원으로서 긴 시간 동안
연구되었던 포켓몬이다."
479,25,5,"Un Pokémon longtemps étudié comme source dénergie
pour un moteur très spécial."
479,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde lange Zeit erforscht, um als
Energiequelle für einen besonderen Motor zu dienen."
479,25,7,"Desde hace mucho tiempo se estudia su singular motor como
fuente de energía motriz."
479,25,8,"Questo Pokémon è stato usato a lungo per ricerche come
forza motrice su motori speciali."
479,25,9,"Research continues on this Pokémon, which could
be the power source of a unique motor."
479,25,11,"特殊な モーターを 動かす
動力源として 長い あいだ
研究されていた ポケモン。"
479,26,1,"プラズマで できた からだを もつ。
でんかせいひんに もぐりこみ
わるさを することで しられている。"
479,26,3,"플라스마로 된 몸을 가지고 있다.
전자 제품에 숨어들어
나쁜 짓을 하는 것으로 알려졌다."
479,26,5,"Son corps est fait de plasma. Il cause de gros dégâts
en infiltrant des appareils électroniques."
479,26,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Plasma. Mit ihm kann es in elektrische
Geräte eindringen und für Chaos sorgen."
479,26,7,"Su cuerpo está hecho de plasma. Puede infiltrarse en
dispositivos electrónicos e inutilizarlos."
479,26,8,"Il suo corpo è composto di plasma. È solito infiltrarsi negli
strumenti elettronici per provocare caos."
479,26,9,"Its body is composed of plasma. It is known to
infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc."
479,26,11,"プラズマで できた 体を 持つ。
電化製品に 潜りこみ
悪さを することで 知られている。"
479,33,1,"ある しょうねんの はつめいから
ロトムを いかした いろいろな
きかいが つくられはじめたのだ。"
479,33,3,"어떤 소년의 발명에 의해
로토무를 활용한 다양한
기계가 만들어지기 시작했다."
479,33,5,"Linvention dun jeune homme a inspiré
la création de machines permettant de profiter
des compétences de ce Pokémon."
479,33,6,"Die Erfindung eines jungen Tüftlers hat zu der
Herstellung verschiedener Geräte geführt, die
das Potenzial von Rotom nutzen können."
479,33,7,"Gracias a la inventiva de cierto joven, se ha
iniciado la fabricación de diversos artilugios
que aprovechan todo el potencial de Rotom."
479,33,8,"Linvenzione di un ragazzo ha dato lavvio
alla fabbricazione di vari apparecchi che
sfruttano le caratteristiche peculiari di Rotom."
479,33,9,"One boys invention led to the development of
many different machines that take advantage of
Rotoms unique capabilities."
479,33,11,"ある 少年の 発明から
ロトムを 活かした いろいろな
機械が 作られ始めたのだ。"
各种活用洛托姆的机器 。"
479,34,1,"プラズマで できた からだで
いろんな きかいに もぐりこむ。
おどろかせるのが だいすきだ。"
479,34,3,"플라스마로 된 몸으로
다양한 기계에 숨는다.
놀라게 하는 걸 매우 좋아한다."
479,34,5,"Son corps composé de plasma lui permet
dinfiltrer diverses machines.
Il adore surprendre les gens."
479,34,6,"Mit seinem aus Plasma bestehenden Körper kann
es in verschiedene Geräte schlüpfen. Es liebt es,
andere zu erschrecken."
479,34,7,"Su cuerpo de plasma le permite infiltrarse en
toda clase de dispositivos electrónicos. Adora
sobresaltar a la gente."
479,34,8,"Si intrufola in diversi apparecchi con il suo corpo
composto di plasma. Gli piace tanto sorprendere
le persone."
479,34,9,"With a body made of plasma, it can inhabit all
sorts of machines. It loves to surprise others."
479,34,11,"プラズマで できた 体で
いろんな 機械に 潜りこむ。
驚かせるのが 大好きだ。"
480,12,9,"Known as “The Being of Knowledge.”
It is said that it can wipe out the
memory of those who see its eyes."
480,13,9,"It is said that its emergence
gave humans the intelligence to
improve their quality of life."
480,14,9,"When UXIE flew, people gained the
ability to solve problems.
It was the birth of knowledge."
480,15,9,"According to some sources, this Pokémon
provided people with the intelligence
necessary to solve various problems."
480,16,9,"According to some sources, this Pokémon
provided people with the intelligence
necessary to solve various problems."
480,17,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes
apprirent à résoudre les problèmes.
Le savoir était né."
480,17,9,"When Uxie flew, people gained the
ability to solve problems.
It was the birth of knowledge."
480,18,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes
apprirent à résoudre les problèmes.
Le savoir était né."
480,18,9,"When Uxie flew, people gained the
ability to solve problems.
It was the birth of knowledge."
480,21,9,"When Uxie flew, people gained the
ability to solve problems.
It was the birth of knowledge."
480,22,9,"When Uxie flew, people gained the
ability to solve problems.
It was the birth of knowledge."
480,23,1,"ちしきのかみ と よばれている。
めを あわせた ものの きおくを
けしてしまう ちからを もつという。"
480,23,3,"지식의 신이라 불리고 있다.
눈을 마주친 사람의 기억을 지워
버리는 힘을 가지고 있다고 한다."
480,23,5,"On lappelle «être du savoir». On raconte que
son regard a le pouvoir deffacer la mémoire."
480,23,6,"„Das wissende Wesen“. Es soll die Erinnerungen
derer löschen, die ihm in die Augen sehen."
480,23,7,"Se le conoce como el Ser de la Sabiduría. Se dice que
puede borrar la memoria con una mirada."
480,23,8,"Noto come “Essere della conoscenza”. Pare che
faccia perdere la memoria a chiunque lo fissi."
480,23,9,"Known as “The Being of Knowledge.” It is said that
it can wipe out the memory of those who see
its eyes."
480,23,11,"知識の神と 呼ばれている。
目を 合わせた 者の 記憶を
消してしまう 力を 持つという。"
480,24,1,"ユクシーの たんじょうにより
ひとびとの せいかつを ゆたかにする
ちえが うまれたと いわれている。"
480,24,3,"유크시의 탄생에 의해
사람들의 생활을 풍요롭게 하는
지혜가 생겨났다고 전해진다."
480,24,5,"On dit que sa venue a fourni aux humains le bon sens
nécessaire pour améliorer leur existence."
480,24,6,"Man sagt, dass durch sein Auftauchen Menschen
die Intelligenz erhielten, ihr Leben zu verbessern."
480,24,7,"Se dice que su aparición otorgó a los humanos la
inteligencia para mejorar sus vidas."
480,24,8,"Alla nascita di questo Pokémon luomo avrebbe
ricevuto la capacità di migliorare la propria esistenza."
480,24,9,"It is said that its emergence gave humans the
intelligence to improve their quality of life."
480,24,11,"ユクシーの 誕生により
人々の 生活を 豊かにする
知恵が 生まれたと 言われている。"
480,25,1,"ちしきのかみ と よばれている。
めを あわせた ものの きおくを
けしてしまう ちからを もつという。"
480,25,3,"지식의 신이라 불리고 있다.
눈을 마주친 사람의 기억을 지워
버리는 힘을 가지고 있다고 한다."
480,25,5,"On lappelle «être du savoir». On raconte que son regard
a le pouvoir deffacer la mémoire."
480,25,6,"„Das wissende Wesen“. Es soll die Erinnerungen derer löschen,
die ihm in die Augen sehen."
480,25,7,"Se le conoce como el Ser de la Sabiduría. Se dice que puede
borrar la memoria con una mirada."
480,25,8,"Noto come “Essere della conoscenza”. Pare che faccia
perdere la memoria a chiunque lo fissi."
480,25,9,"Known as “The Being of Knowledge.” It is said that
it can wipe out the memory of those who see
its eyes."
480,25,11,"知識の神と 呼ばれている。
目を 合わせた 者の 記憶を
消してしまう 力を 持つという。"
480,26,1,"ユクシーの たんじょうにより
ひとびとの せいかつを ゆたかにする
ちえが うまれたと いわれている。"
480,26,3,"유크시의 탄생에 의해
사람들의 생활을 풍요롭게 하는
지혜가 생겨났다고 전해진다."
480,26,5,"On dit que sa venue a fourni aux humains le bon sens
nécessaire pour améliorer leur existence."
480,26,6,"Man sagt, dass durch sein Auftauchen Menschen
die Intelligenz erhielten, ihr Leben zu verbessern."
480,26,7,"Se dice que su aparición otorgó a los humanos la inteligencia
para mejorar sus vidas."
480,26,8,"Alla nascita di questo Pokémon luomo avrebbe ricevuto la
capacità di migliorare la propria esistenza."
480,26,9,"It is said that its emergence gave humans the
intelligence to improve their quality of life."
480,26,11,"ユクシーの 誕生により
人々の 生活を 豊かにする
知恵が 生まれたと 言われている。"
481,12,9,"Known as “The Being of Emotion.”
It taught humans the nobility of
sorrow, pain, and joy."
481,13,9,"It sleeps at the bottom of a lake.
Its spirit is said to leave its body
to fly on the lakes surface."
481,14,9,"When MESPRIT flew, people learned
the joy and sadness of living.
It was the birth of emotions."
481,15,9,"This Pokémon is said to have endowed
the human heart with emotions, such as
sorrow and joy."
481,16,9,"This Pokémon is said to have endowed
the human heart with emotions, such as
sorrow and joy."
481,17,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes
apprirent à ressentir la joie et la
peine. Lémotion était née."
481,17,9,"When Mesprit flew, people learned
the joy and sadness of living.
It was the birth of emotions."
481,18,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes
apprirent à ressentir la joie et la
peine. Lémotion était née."
481,18,9,"When Mesprit flew, people learned
the joy and sadness of living.
It was the birth of emotions."
481,21,9,"When Mesprit flew, people learned
the joy and sadness of living.
It was the birth of emotions."
481,22,9,"When Mesprit flew, people learned
the joy and sadness of living.
It was the birth of emotions."
481,23,1,"かなしみの くるしさと よろこびの
とうとさを ひとびとに おしえた。
かんじょうのかみ と よばれている。"
481,23,3,"슬픔의 괴로움과 즐거움의 소중함을
사람들에게 가르쳐 주었다.
감정의 신이라 불리고 있다."
481,23,5,"On lappelle «être de lémotion». Il enseigne aux
hommes la beauté de la tristesse, la douleur et la
481,23,6,"„Das fühlende Wesen“. Es lehrt die Menschen
die Ideale von Trauer, Schmerz und Freude."
481,23,7,"Se le conoce como el Ser de la Emoción. Enseñó a los
humanos la nobleza del dolor y la alegría."
481,23,8,"Detto “Essere delle emozioni”. Ha insegnato agli
uomini la nobiltà di tristezza, gioia e dolore."
481,23,9,"Known as “The Being of Emotion.” It taught
humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy."
481,23,11,"悲しみの 苦しさと 喜びの 尊さを
人々に 教えた。
感情の神と 呼ばれている。"
481,24,1,"みずうみの そこで ねむっているが
たましいが ぬけだして すいめんを
とびまわると いわれている。"
481,24,3,"호수의 밑바닥에서 잠자고 있지만
영혼이 빠져나가서 수면을
날아다닌다고 전해진다."
481,24,5,"Il dort au fond dun lac. On dit que son esprit
abandonne son corps pour voler à sa surface."
481,24,6,"Es schläft auf dem Grund eines Sees. Man sagt, sein
Geist verlasse den Körper und fliege über den See."
481,24,7,"Duerme en el fondo de un lago. Se dice que su
espíritu deja el cuerpo para volar sobre el agua."
481,24,8,"Dorme sul fondo di un lago. Si dice che il suo spirito
abbandoni il corpo per volare in superficie."
481,24,9,"It sleeps at the bottom of a lake. Its spirit is said to
leave its body to fly on the lakes surface."
481,24,11,"湖の 底で 眠っているが
魂が 抜け出して 水面を
飛び回ると 言われている。"
481,25,1,"かなしみの くるしさと よろこびの
とうとさを ひとびとに おしえた。
かんじょうのかみ と よばれている。"
481,25,3,"슬픔의 괴로움과 즐거움의 소중함을
사람들에게 가르쳐 주었다.
감정의 신이라 불리고 있다."
481,25,5,"On lappelle «être de lémotion». Il enseigne aux hommes
la beauté de la tristesse, la douleur et la joie."
481,25,6,"„Das fühlende Wesen“. Es lehrt die Menschen die Ideale von
Trauer, Schmerz und Freude."
481,25,7,"Se le conoce como el Ser de la Emoción. Enseñó a los
humanos la nobleza del dolor y la alegría."
481,25,8,"Detto “Essere delle emozioni”. Ha insegnato agli uomini
la nobiltà di tristezza, gioia e dolore."
481,25,9,"Known as “The Being of Emotion.” It taught
humans the nobility of sorrow, pain, and joy."
481,25,11,"悲しみの 苦しさと 喜びの 尊さを
人々に 教えた。
感情の神と 呼ばれている。"
481,26,1,"みずうみの そこで ねむっているが
たましいが ぬけだして すいめんを
とびまわると いわれている。"
481,26,3,"호수의 밑바닥에서 잠자고 있지만
영혼이 빠져나가서 수면을
날아다닌다고 전해진다."
481,26,5,"Il dort au fond dun lac. On dit que son esprit abandonne
son corps pour voler à sa surface."
481,26,6,"Es schläft auf dem Grund eines Sees. Man sagt, sein Geist
verlasse den Körper und fliege über den See."
481,26,7,"Duerme en el fondo de un lago. Se dice que su espíritu deja
el cuerpo para volar sobre el agua."
481,26,8,"Dorme sul fondo di un lago. Si dice che il suo spirito
abbandoni il corpo per volare in superficie."
481,26,9,"It sleeps at the bottom of a lake. Its spirit is said to
leave its body to fly on the lakes surface."
481,26,11,"湖の 底で 眠っているが
魂が 抜け出して 水面を
飛び回ると 言われている。"
482,12,9,"Known as “The Being of Willpower.”
It sleeps at the bottom of a lake
to keep the world in balance."
482,13,9,"It is thought that UXIE, MESPRIT
and AZELF all came from the same
482,14,9,"When AZELF flew, people gained the
determination to do things.
It was the birth of willpower."
482,15,9,"This Pokémon is said to have endowed
humans with the determination needed
to face any of lifes difficulties."
482,16,9,"This Pokémon is said to have endowed
humans with the determination needed
to face any of lifes difficulties."
482,17,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes
acquirent la détermination.
La volonté était née."
482,17,9,"When Azelf flew, people gained the
determination to do things.
It was the birth of willpower."
482,18,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes
acquirent la détermination.
La volonté était née."
482,18,9,"When Azelf flew, people gained the
determination to do things.
It was the birth of willpower."
482,21,9,"When Azelf flew, people gained the
determination to do things.
It was the birth of willpower."
482,22,9,"When Azelf flew, people gained the
determination to do things.
It was the birth of willpower."
482,23,1,"いしのかみ と よばれている。
みずうみの そこで ねむりつづけ
せかいの バランスを とっている。"
482,23,3,"의지의 신이라 불리고 있다.
호수의 밑바닥에서 계속 잠을 자며
세계의 균형을 지키고 있다."
482,23,5,"On lappelle «être de la volonté». Il dort au fond
dun lac pour maintenir léquilibre du monde."
482,23,6,"„Das starke Wesen“. Es schläft auf dem Grund
eines Sees und hält so die Welt in Balance."
482,23,7,"Se le conoce como el Ser de la Voluntad. Duerme en
el fondo de un lago para equilibrar el mundo."
482,23,8,"Detto “Essere della volontà”. Dorme sul fondo di
un lago per mantenere il mondo in equilibrio."
482,23,9,"Known as “The Being of Willpower.” It sleeps at the
bottom of a lake to keep the world in balance."
482,23,11,"意思の神と 呼ばれている。
湖の 底で 眠り続け
世界の バランスを とっている。"
482,24,1,"ユクシー エムリット アグノムは
おなじ タマゴから うまれた
ポケモンと かんがえられている。"
482,24,3,"유크시, 엠라이트, 아그놈은
같은 알에서 태어난
포켓몬이라 여겨지고 있다."
482,24,5,"On raconte que Créhelf, Créfollet et Créfadet
proviennent du même Œuf."
482,24,6,"Man glaubt, dass Selfe, Vesprit und Tobutz alle
aus demselben Ei kamen."
482,24,7,"Se cree que Uxie, Mesprit y Azelf provienen del mismo
482,24,8,"Pare che Uxie, Mesprit e Azelf abbiano avuto origine
dallo stesso uovo."
482,24,9,"It is thought that Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf all came
from the same egg."
482,24,11,"ユクシー エムリット アグノムは
同じ タマゴから 生まれた
ポケモンと 考えられている。"
482,25,1,"いしのかみ と よばれている。
みずうみの そこで ねむりつづけ
せかいの バランスを とっている。"
482,25,3,"의지의 신이라 불리고 있다.
호수의 밑바닥에서 계속 잠을 자며
세계의 균형을 지키고 있다."
482,25,5,"On lappelle «être de la volonté». Il dort au fond dun lac
pour maintenir léquilibre du monde."
482,25,6,"„Das starke Wesen“. Es schläft auf dem Grund eines Sees und
hält so die Welt in Balance."
482,25,7,"Se le conoce como el Ser de la Voluntad. Duerme en el fondo
de un lago para equilibrar el mundo."
482,25,8,"Detto “Essere della volontà”. Dorme sul fondo di un lago per
mantenere il mondo in equilibrio."
482,25,9,"Known as “The Being of Willpower.” It sleeps at the
bottom of a lake to keep the world in balance."
482,25,11,"意思の神と 呼ばれている。
湖の 底で 眠り続け
世界の バランスを とっている。"
482,26,1,"ユクシー エムリット アグノムは
おなじ タマゴから うまれた
ポケモンと かんがえられている。"
482,26,3,"유크시, 엠라이트, 아그놈은
같은 알에서 태어난
포켓몬이라 여겨지고 있다."
482,26,5,"On raconte que Créhelf, Créfollet et Créfadet proviennent
du même Œuf."
482,26,6,"Man glaubt, dass Selfe, Vesprit und Tobutz alle aus demselben
Ei kamen."
482,26,7,"Se cree que Uxie, Mesprit y Azelf provienen del mismo huevo."
482,26,8,"Pare che Uxie, Mesprit e Azelf abbiano avuto origine dallo
stesso uovo."
482,26,9,"It is thought that Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf all came
from the same egg."
482,26,11,"ユクシー エムリット アグノムは
同じ タマゴから 生まれた
ポケモンと 考えられている。"
483,12,9,"It has the power to control time.
It appears in Sinnoh-region myths
as an ancient deity."
483,13,9,"A Pokémon spoken of in legend.
It is said that time began moving
when DIALGA was born."
483,14,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that time flows when
DIALGAs heart beats."
483,15,9,"This Pokémon completely controls the
flow of time. It uses its power to travel
at will through the past and future."
483,16,9,"This Pokémon completely controls the
flow of time. It uses its power to travel
at will through the past and future."
483,17,5,"On dit que le temps sécoule au
rythme des battements de cœur de
ce Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh."
483,17,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that time flows when
Dialgas heart beats."
483,18,5,"On dit que le temps sécoule au
rythme des battements de cœur de
ce Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh."
483,18,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that time flows when
Dialgas heart beats."
483,21,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that time flows when
Dialgas heart beats."
483,22,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that time flows when
Dialgas heart beats."
483,23,1,"ディアルガが うまれたことで
じかんが うごきだしたという
でんせつを もつ ポケモン。"
483,23,3,"디아루가가 태어남으로써
시간이 움직이기 시작했다는
전설이 내려오는 포켓몬이다."
483,23,5,"Les mythes parlent de ce Pokémon. On dit que le
temps sest mis en mouvement à sa naissance."
483,23,6,"Ein Pokémon, das in Legenden zu finden ist.
Man sagt, als Dialga geboren wurde,
begann der Lauf der Zeit."
483,23,7,"Un Pokémon de leyenda. Se dice que el tiempo
comenzó a avanzar cuando Dialga nació."
483,23,8,"Pokémon menzionato nelle leggende. Pare che il
tempo abbia avuto origine alla nascita di Dialga."
483,23,9,"A Pokémon spoken of in legend. It is said that time
began moving when Dialga was born."
483,23,11,"ディアルガが 生まれたことで
時間が 動き出したという
伝説を 持つ ポケモン。"
483,24,1,"じかんを あやつる ちからを もつ。
シンオウちほうでは かみさまと
よばれ しんわに とうじょうする。"
483,24,3,"시간을 조종하는 힘을 가지고 있다.
신오지방에서는 신이라고
불리며 신화에 등장한다."
483,24,5,"Il peut contrôler le temps. Les mythes de Sinnoh en
parlent comme dune divinité ancienne."
483,24,6,"Es besitzt die Macht, die Zeit zu kontrollieren.
In den Mythen von Sinnoh erscheint es als Gottheit."
483,24,7,"Tiene el poder de controlar el tiempo. Aparece en los
mitos de Sinnoh como una vieja deidad."
483,24,8,"Ha il potere di controllare il tempo. Descritto nei miti
della regione di Sinnoh come unantica divinità."
483,24,9,"It has the power to control time. It appears in
Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity."
483,24,11,"時間を 操る 力を 持つ。
シンオウ地方では 神様と 呼ばれ
神話に 登場する。"
483,25,1,"ディアルガが うまれたことで
じかんが うごきだしたという
でんせつを もつ ポケモン。"
483,25,3,"디아루가가 태어남으로써
시간이 움직이기 시작했다는
전설이 내려오는 포켓몬이다."
483,25,5,"Les mythes parlent de ce Pokémon. On dit que le temps
sest mis en mouvement à sa naissance."
483,25,6,"Ein Pokémon, das in Legenden zu finden ist. Man sagt,
als Dialga geboren wurde, begann der Lauf der Zeit."
483,25,7,"Un Pokémon de leyenda. Se dice que el tiempo comenzó a
avanzar cuando Dialga nació."
483,25,8,"Pokémon menzionato nelle leggende. Pare che il tempo abbia
avuto origine alla nascita di Dialga."
483,25,9,"A Pokémon spoken of in legend. It is said that time
began moving when Dialga was born."
483,25,11,"ディアルガが 生まれたことで
時間が 動き出したという
伝説を 持つ ポケモン。"
483,26,1,"じかんを あやつる ちからを もつ。
シンオウちほうでは かみさまと
よばれ しんわに とうじょうする。"
483,26,3,"시간을 조종하는 힘을 가지고 있다.
신오지방에서는 신이라고
불리며 신화에 등장한다."
483,26,5,"Il peut contrôler le temps. Les mythes de Sinnoh en parlent
comme dune divinité ancienne."
483,26,6,"Es besitzt die Macht, die Zeit zu kontrollieren. In den Mythen
von Sinnoh erscheint es als Gottheit."
483,26,7,"Tiene el poder de controlar el tiempo. Aparece en los mitos
de Sinnoh como una vieja deidad."
483,26,8,"Ha il potere di controllare il tempo. Descritto nei miti della
regione di Sinnoh come unantica divinità."
483,26,9,"It has the power to control time. It appears in
Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity."
483,26,11,"時間を 操る 力を 持つ。
シンオウ地方では 神様と 呼ばれ
神話に 登場する。"
484,12,9,"It has the ability to distort
space. It is described as a deity
in Sinnoh-region mythology."
484,13,9,"It is said to live in a gap in the
spatial dimension parallel to ours.
It appears in mythology."
484,14,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that space becomes more
stable with PALKIAs every breath."
484,15,9,"Its total control over the boundaries
of space enable it to transport itself to
faraway places or even other dimensions."
484,16,9,"Its total control over the boundaries
of space enable it to transport itself to
faraway places or even other dimensions."
484,17,5,"On dit que la stabilité de lespace
est maintenue par le souffle de ce
Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh."
484,17,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that space becomes more
stable with Palkias every breath."
484,18,5,"On dit que la stabilité de lespace
est maintenue par le souffle de ce
Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh."
484,18,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that space becomes more
stable with Palkias every breath."
484,21,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that space becomes more
stable with Palkias every breath."
484,22,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh.
It is said that space becomes more
stable with Palkias every breath."
484,23,1,"へいこうして ならぶ くうかんの
はざまに すむと いわれている。
しんわに とうじょうする ポケモン。"
484,23,3,"평행으로 늘어선 공간의
틈새에 산다고 전해진다.
신화에 등장하는 포켓몬이다."
484,23,5,"On dit quil hante une faille dune dimension
parallèle à la nôtre. Il apparaît dans la mythologie."
484,23,6,"Man sagt, es lebe in einem Spalt in einer
Paralleldimension. Es wird in der Mythologie erwähnt."
484,23,7,"Se dice que vive en una dimensión espacial paralela.
Aparece en la mitología."
484,23,8,"Si dice che viva in una dimensione parallela alla
nostra. Appare nella mitologia."
484,23,9,"It is said to live in a gap in the spatial dimension
parallel to ours. It appears in mythology."
484,23,11,"並行して 並ぶ 空間の 狭間に
住むと 言われている。
神話に 登場する ポケモン。"
484,24,1,"くうかんを ゆがめる のうりょくを
もち シンオウちほうの しんわでは
かみさまとして えがかれている。"
484,24,3,"공간을 뒤틀리게 하는 능력을
가졌으며 신오지방의 신화에서는
신으로 묘사되고 있다."
484,24,5,"Il peut modeler lespace. Les mythes de Sinnoh en
parlent comme dune divinité ancienne."
484,24,6,"Es hat die Macht, den Raum zu krümmen. In den
Mythen von Sinnoh erscheint es als Gottheit."
484,24,7,"Tiene la habilidad de distorsionar el espacio. La
mitología de Sinnoh lo describe como una deidad."
484,24,8,"Ha labilità di distorcere lo spazio. Nella mitologia
della regione di Sinnoh è una divinità."
484,24,9,"It has the ability to distort space. It is described as
a deity in Sinnoh-region mythology."
484,24,11,"空間を ゆがめる 能力を 持ち
シンオウ地方の 神話では
神様として 描かれている。"
484,25,1,"へいこうして ならぶ くうかんの
はざまに すむと いわれている。
しんわに とうじょうする ポケモン。"
484,25,3,"평행으로 늘어선 공간의
틈새에 산다고 전해진다.
신화에 등장하는 포켓몬이다."
484,25,5,"On dit quil hante une faille dune dimension parallèle
à la nôtre. Il apparaît dans la mythologie."
484,25,6,"Man sagt, es lebe in einem Spalt in einer Paralleldimension.
Es wird in der Mythologie erwähnt."
484,25,7,"Se dice que vive en una dimensión espacial paralela. Aparece
en la mitología."
484,25,8,"Si dice che viva in una dimensione parallela alla nostra.
Appare nella mitologia."
484,25,9,"It is said to live in a gap in the spatial dimension
parallel to ours. It appears in mythology."
484,25,11,"並行して 並ぶ 空間の 狭間に
住むと 言われている。
神話に 登場する ポケモン。"
484,26,1,"くうかんを ゆがめる のうりょくを
もち シンオウちほうの しんわでは
かみさまとして えがかれている。"
484,26,3,"공간을 뒤틀리게 하는 능력을
가졌으며 신오지방의 신화에서는
신으로 묘사되고 있다."
484,26,5,"Il peut modeler lespace. Les mythes de Sinnoh en parlent
comme dune divinité ancienne."
484,26,6,"Es hat die Macht, den Raum zu krümmen. In den Mythen
von Sinnoh erscheint es als Gottheit."
484,26,7,"Tiene la habilidad de distorsionar el espacio. La mitología de
Sinnoh lo describe como una deidad."
484,26,8,"Ha labilità di distorcere lo spazio. Nella mitologia della
regione di Sinnoh è una divinità."
484,26,9,"It has the ability to distort space. It is described as
a deity in Sinnoh-region mythology."
484,26,11,"空間を ゆがめる 能力を 持ち
シンオウ地方の 神話では
神様として 描かれている。"
485,12,9,"It dwells in volcanic caves. It
digs in with its cross-shaped feet
to crawl on ceilings and walls."
485,13,9,"It dwells in volcanic caves. It
digs in with its cross-shaped feet
to crawl on ceilings and walls."
485,14,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel.
However, it is partially melted in
spots because of its own heat."
485,15,9,"Boiling blood, like magma, circulates
through its body. It makes its dwelling
place in volcanic caves."
485,16,9,"Boiling blood, like magma, circulates
through its body. It makes its dwelling
place in volcanic caves."
485,17,5,"Son corps est composé dacier brut
dont certaines parties ont fondu
à cause de sa propre chaleur."
485,17,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel.
However, it is partially melted in
spots because of its own heat."
485,18,5,"Son corps est composé dacier brut
dont certaines parties ont fondu
à cause de sa propre chaleur."
485,18,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel.
However, it is partially melted in
spots because of its own heat."
485,21,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel.
However, it is partially melted in
spots because of its own heat."
485,22,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel.
However, it is partially melted in
spots because of its own heat."
485,23,1,"かざんの ほらあなに せいそく。
じゅうじの ツメを くいこませて
カベや てんじょうを はいまわる。"
485,23,3,"화산의 동굴에서 서식한다.
십자형의 발톱을 박아서
벽이나 천장을 돌아다닌다."
485,23,5,"Il hante les grottes volcaniques. Il rampe au mur et
au plafond grâce à ses pieds en forme de croix."
485,23,6,"Es lebt in vulkanischen Höhlen. Mit seinen
kreuzförmigen Klauen kann es sogar an der Decke
485,23,7,"Habita cuevas volcánicas. Cava con sus pies en forma
de cruz para trepar por techos y paredes."
485,23,8,"Vive nelle cavità dei vulcani. Scava con i suoi piedi
a croce per scalare pareti e arrampicarsi sui soffitti."
485,23,9,"It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its
cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls."
485,23,11,"火山の 洞穴に 生息。
十字の ツメを 食いこませて
壁や 天井を はい回る。"
485,24,1,"マグマの ように もえたぎる
けつえきが からだを ながれている。
かざんの ほらあなに せいそくする。"
485,24,3,"마그마처럼 타오르는
혈액이 몸에서 흐르고 있다.
화산의 동굴에 서식한다."
485,24,5,"Le sang de ce Pokémon des cratères bouillonne dans
son corps comme du magma."
485,24,6,"Das Blut, das durch seinen Körper fließt, brodelt
heiß wie Magma. Es lebt in vulkanischen Höhlen."
485,24,7,"Su sangre fluye ardiendo como si fuera magma.
Vive en cráteres de volcanes."
485,24,8,"Nel suo corpo scorre sangue che ribolle come magma.
Vive in antri allinterno di vulcani."
485,24,9,"Boiling blood, like magma, circulates through its
body. It makes its dwelling place in volcanic caves."
485,24,11,"マグマのように 燃えたぎる
血液が 体を 流れている。
火山の 洞穴に 生息する。"
485,25,1,"かざんの ほらあなに せいそく。
じゅうじの ツメを くいこませて
カベや てんじょうを はいまわる。"
485,25,3,"화산의 동굴에서 서식한다.
십자형의 발톱을 박아서
벽이나 천장을 돌아다닌다."
485,25,5,"Il hante les grottes volcaniques. Il rampe au mur et au plafond
grâce à ses pieds en forme de croix."
485,25,6,"Es lebt in vulkanischen Höhlen. Mit seinen kreuzförmigen
Klauen kann es sogar an der Decke laufen."
485,25,7,"Habita cuevas volcánicas. Cava con sus pies en forma de cruz
para trepar por techos y paredes."
485,25,8,"Vive nelle cavità dei vulcani. Scava con i suoi piedi a croce
per scalare pareti e arrampicarsi sui soffitti."
485,25,9,"It dwells in volcanic caves. It digs in with its
cross-shaped feet to crawl on ceilings and walls."
485,25,11,"火山の 洞穴に 生息。
十字の ツメを 食いこませて
壁や 天井を はい回る。"
485,26,1,"マグマの ように もえたぎる
けつえきが からだを ながれている。
かざんの ほらあなに せいそくする。"
485,26,3,"마그마처럼 타오르는
혈액이 몸에서 흐르고 있다.
화산의 동굴에 서식한다."
485,26,5,"Le sang de ce Pokémon des cratères bouillonne dans
son corps comme du magma."
485,26,6,"Das Blut, das durch seinen Körper fließt, brodelt heiß
wie Magma. Es lebt in vulkanischen Höhlen."
485,26,7,"Su sangre fluye ardiendo como si fuera magma. Vive en
cráteres de volcanes."
485,26,8,"Nel suo corpo scorre sangue che ribolle come magma.
Vive in antri allinterno di vulcani."
485,26,9,"Boiling blood, like magma, circulates through its
body. It makes its dwelling place in volcanic caves."
485,26,11,"マグマのように 燃えたぎる
血液が 体を 流れている。
火山の 洞穴に 生息する。"
486,12,9,"There is an enduring legend that
states this Pokémon towed
continents with ropes."
486,13,9,"There is an enduring legend that
states this Pokémon towed
continents with ropes."
486,14,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon
that look like itself from a special
ice mountain, rocks, and magma."
486,15,9,"It is believed to have shaped
out of clay, ice, and magma."
486,16,9,"It is believed to have shaped
out of clay, ice, and magma."
486,17,5,"On dit quil a créé des Pokémon
à son image à partir de glace,
de roche et de magma."
486,17,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon
that look like itself from a special
ice mountain, rocks, and magma."
486,18,5,"On dit quil a créé des Pokémon
à son image à partir de glace,
de roche et de magma."
486,18,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon
that look like itself from a special
ice mountain, rocks, and magma."
486,21,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon
that look like itself from a special
ice mountain, rocks, and magma."
486,22,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon
that look like itself from a special
ice mountain, rocks, and magma."
486,23,1,"とくしゅな ひょうざんや がんせき
マグマから じぶんの すがたに にた
ポケモンを つくったと いわれる。"
486,23,3,"특수한 빙산이나 암석,
마그마에서 자신의 모습과 닮은
포켓몬을 만들었다고 전해진다."
486,23,5,"On dit quil a créé des Pokémon à son image à partir
de glace, de roche et de magma."
486,23,6,"Man sagt, es habe Pokémon aus einem Eisberg,
Felsen und Magma nach seinem Abbild geschaffen."
486,23,7,"Se dice que usó rocas, magma y un hielo especial de
montaña para crear Pokémon con su aspecto."
486,23,8,"Si dice che abbia creato dei Pokémon simili a sé
usando una montagna ghiacciata, rocce e magma."
486,23,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon that look like
itself from a special ice mountain, rocks,
and magma."
486,23,11,"特殊な 氷山や 岩石 マグマから
自分の 姿に 似た ポケモンを
つくったと 言われる。"
486,24,1,"なわで しばった たいりくを
ひっぱって うごかしたという
でんせつが のこされている。"
486,24,3,"밧줄로 묶은 대륙을
당겨서 움직였다고 하는
전설이 남아 있다."
486,24,5,"Une légende tenace veut que ce Pokémon ait traîné
les continents en les attachant à des cordes."
486,24,6,"Es gibt eine Legende, wonach dieses Pokémon
die Kontinente mit einem Seil gezogen hat."
486,24,7,"Una antigua leyenda afirma que este Pokémon
arrastraba continentes con cuerdas."
486,24,8,"Una leggenda narra che questo Pokémon abbia
trainato i continenti con delle funi."
486,24,9,"There is an enduring legend that states this
Pokémon towed continents with ropes."
486,24,11,"縄で 縛った 大陸を
引っ張って 動かしたという
伝説が 残されている。"
486,25,1,"とくしゅな ひょうざんや がんせき
マグマから じぶんの すがたに にた
ポケモンを つくったと いわれる。"
486,25,3,"특수한 빙산이나 암석,
마그마에서 자신의 모습과 닮은
포켓몬을 만들었다고 전해진다."
486,25,5,"On dit quil a créé des Pokémon à son image à partir de glace,
de roche et de magma."
486,25,6,"Man sagt, es habe Pokémon aus einem Eisberg, Felsen und
Magma nach seinem Abbild geschaffen."
486,25,7,"Se dice que usó rocas, magma y un hielo especial de montaña
para crear Pokémon con su aspecto."
486,25,8,"Si dice che abbia creato dei Pokémon simili a sé usando
una montagna ghiacciata, rocce e magma."
486,25,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon that look like
itself from a special ice mountain, rocks,
and magma."
486,25,11,"特殊な 氷山や 岩石 マグマから
自分の 姿に 似た ポケモンを
つくったと 言われる。"
486,26,1,"なわで しばった たいりくを
ひっぱって うごかしたという
でんせつが のこされている。"
486,26,3,"밧줄로 묶은 대륙을
당겨서 움직였다고 하는
전설이 남아 있다."
486,26,5,"Une légende tenace veut que ce Pokémon ait traîné
les continents en les attachant à des cordes."
486,26,6,"Es gibt eine Legende, wonach dieses Pokémon die Kontinente
mit einem Seil gezogen hat."
486,26,7,"Una antigua leyenda afirma que este Pokémon arrastraba
continentes con cuerdas."
486,26,8,"Una leggenda narra che questo Pokémon abbia trainato
i continenti con delle funi."
486,26,9,"There is an enduring legend that states this
Pokémon towed continents with ropes."
486,26,11,"縄で 縛った 大陸を
引っ張って 動かしたという
伝説が 残されている。"
486,33,1,"じぶんの すがたに にせて
ポケモンを つくった でんせつが
せかいじゅうに のこされている。"
486,33,3,"자신의 모습을 닮은
포켓몬을 만들었다는 전설이
온 세계에 남아 있다."
486,33,5,"Plusieurs légendes à travers le monde
racontent que Regigigas aurait créé
des Pokémon à son image."
486,33,6,"Überall auf der Welt kursieren Legenden, denen
zufolge Regigigas Pokémon nach seinem Abbild
geschaffen habe."
486,33,7,"Existen leyendas en todo el mundo que narran
como Regigigas creó otros Pokémon a su imagen
y semejanza."
486,33,8,"In tutto il mondo esistono leggende che narrano
di come Regigigas abbia creato dei Pokémon
simili a sé."
486,33,9,"All over the world, there are legends that tell
of Regigigas creating other Pokémon in its
own image."
486,33,11,"自分の 姿に 似せて
ポケモンを 作った 伝説が
世界中に 残されている。"
486,34,1,"さまざまな ざいりょうで ポケモンを
つくってから たいりくを げんざいの
ばしょに いどうさせたと いわれる。"
486,34,3,"다양한 재료로 포켓몬을
만든 후 대륙을 지금의
장소로 이동시켰다고 전해진다."
486,34,5,"On raconte quaprès avoir créé des Pokémon
avec différentes matières, il aurait placé
les continents à leur position actuelle."
486,34,6,"Man sagt, es habe aus verschiedenen Materialien
Pokémon erschaffen und dann die Kontinente an
ihren jetzigen Standort bewegt."
486,34,7,"Dicen que creó a otros Pokémon a partir de
distintos materiales y que, después, colocó los
continentes en su posición actual."
486,34,8,"Si narra che abbia spostato i continenti nella loro
posizione attuale dopo aver creato dei Pokémon
con vari materiali."
486,34,9,"Its said that Regigigas created other Pokémon
from many different materials before it moved
the continents to where they are today."
486,34,11,"さまざまな 材料で ポケモンを
作ってから 大陸を 現在の
場所に 移動させたと いわれる。"
487,12,9,"A Pokémon that is said to live in a
world on the reverse side of ours.
It appears in an ancient cemetery."
487,13,9,"A Pokémon that is said to live in a
world on the reverse side of ours.
It appears in an ancient cemetery."
487,14,9,"It was banished for its violence.
It silently gazed upon the old
world from the Distortion World."
487,15,9,"This Pokémon is said to live in a world on
the reverse side of ours, where common
knowledge is distorted and strange."
487,16,9,"This Pokémon is said to live in a world on
the reverse side of ours, where common
knowledge is distorted and strange."
487,17,5,"Sa grande violence lui a valu dêtre
banni. Il observe les hommes en
silence depuis le Monde Distorsion."
487,17,9,"It was banished for its violence.
It silently gazed upon the old
world from the Distortion World."
487,18,5,"Sa grande violence lui a valu dêtre
banni. Il observe les hommes en
silence depuis le Monde Distorsion."
487,18,9,"It was banished for its violence.
It silently gazed upon the old
world from the Distortion World."
487,21,9,"It was banished for its violence.
It silently gazed upon the old
world from the Distortion World."
487,22,9,"It was banished for its violence.
It silently gazed upon the old
world from the Distortion World."
487,23,1,"じょうしきの つうようしない
このよの うらがわにあると いわれる
やぶれたせかいに せいそくする。"
487,23,3,"상식이 통하지 않는
이 세상의 이면에 있다고 불리는
깨어진 세계에 서식한다."
487,23,5,"Il vit dans le Monde Distorsion, un monde à lopposé
du nôtre qui échappe au sens commun."
487,23,6,"Es lebt in einer Zerrwelt, die auf der Kehrseite
der unseren liegt und die sich aller Logik entzieht."
487,23,7,"Vive en el Mundo Distorsión, un mundo opuesto al
nuestro y cuyas leyes desafían el sentido común."
487,23,8,"Vive nel Mondo Distorto che, sfidando lordine
cosmico, si trova sul lato opposto al nostro."
487,23,9,"This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the
reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is
distorted and strange."
487,23,11,"常識の 通用しない
この世の 裏側にあると 言われる
破れた世界に 生息する。"
487,24,1,"あばれもの ゆえ おいだされたが
やぶれたせかいと いわれる ばしょで
しずかに もとのせかいを みていた。"
487,24,3,"난폭하다는 이유로 쫓겨났지만
깨어진 세계라고 전해지는 장소에서
조용히 원래 세계를 보고 있었다."
487,24,5,"Sa grande violence lui a valu dêtre banni.
Il observe les hommes en silence depuis le Monde
487,24,6,"Es wurde aufgrund seines Verhaltens verbannt.
Aus der Zerrwelt schaut es auf die alte Welt."
487,24,7,"Fue desterrado por su violencia. Observa el mundo
en silencio desde el Mundo Distorsión."
487,24,8,"È stato bandito per la sua violenza. Osserva il
vecchio mondo in silenzio dal Mondo Distorto."
487,24,9,"It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed
upon the old world from the Distortion World."
487,24,11,"暴れ者 ゆえ 追い出されたが
破れた世界と 言われる 場所で
静かに 元の世界を 見ていた。"
487,25,1,"じょうしきの つうようしない
このよの うらがわにあると いわれる
やぶれたせかいに せいそくする。"
487,25,3,"상식이 통하지 않는
이 세상의 이면에 있다고 전해지는
깨어진 세계에 서식한다."
487,25,5,"Il vit dans le Monde Distorsion, un monde à lopposé du nôtre
qui échappe au sens commun."
487,25,6,"Es lebt in einer Zerrwelt, die auf der Kehrseite der unseren
liegt und die sich aller Logik entzieht."
487,25,7,"Vive en el Mundo Distorsión, un mundo opuesto al nuestro y
cuyas leyes desafían el sentido común."
487,25,8,"Vive nel Mondo Distorto che, sfidando lordine cosmico,
si trova sul lato opposto al nostro."
487,25,9,"This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the
reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is
distorted and strange."
487,25,11,"常識の 通用しない
この世の 裏側にあると 言われる
破れた世界に 生息する。"
487,26,1,"あばれもの ゆえ おいだされたが
やぶれたせかいと いわれる ばしょで
しずかに もとのせかいを みていた。"
487,26,3,"난폭하다는 이유로 쫓겨났지만
깨어진 세계라고 전해지는 장소에서
조용히 원래 세계를 보고 있었다."
487,26,5,"Sa grande violence lui a valu dêtre banni. Il observe
les hommes en silence depuis le Monde Distorsion."
487,26,6,"Es wurde aufgrund seines Verhaltens verbannt.
Aus der Zerrwelt schaut es auf die alte Welt."
487,26,7,"Fue desterrado por su violencia. Observa el mundo en silencio
desde el Mundo Distorsión."
487,26,8,"È stato bandito per la sua violenza. Osserva il vecchio mondo
in silenzio dal Mondo Distorto."
487,26,9,"It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed
upon the old world from the Distortion World."
487,26,11,"暴れ者 ゆえ 追い出されたが
破れた世界と 言われる 場所で
静かに 元の世界を 見ていた。"
488,12,9,"Shiny particles are released from
its wings like a veil. It is said
to represent the crescent moon."
488,13,9,"Shiny particles are released from
its wings like a veil. It is said
to represent the crescent moon."
488,14,9,"On nights around the quarter moon,
the aurora from its tail extends
and undulates beautifully."
488,15,9,"Those who sleep holding CRESSELIAs
feather are assured of joyful dreams. It
is said to represent the crescent moon."
488,16,9,"Those who sleep holding CRESSELIAs
feather are assured of joyful dreams. It
is said to represent the crescent moon."
488,17,5,"Les nuits où le premier croissant
de lune est visible, larc de sa
queue se déploie de façon superbe."
488,17,9,"On nights around the quarter moon,
the aurora from its tail extends
and undulates beautifully."
488,18,5,"Les nuits où le premier croissant
de lune est visible, larc de sa
queue se déploie de façon superbe."
488,18,9,"On nights around the quarter moon,
the aurora from its tail extends
and undulates beautifully."
488,21,9,"On nights around the quarter moon,
the aurora from its tail extends
and undulates beautifully."
488,22,9,"On nights around the quarter moon,
the aurora from its tail extends
and undulates beautifully."
488,23,1,"ひこうするときは ベールのような
はねから ひかる りゅうしを だす。
みかづきのけしんと よばれている。"
488,23,3,"비행할 때는 베일 같은
날개에서 빛나는 입자를 낸다.
초승달의 화신으로 불리고 있다."
488,23,5,"Ses ailes libèrent un rideau de particules brillantes.
Ce Pokémon symboliserait le croissant de lune."
488,23,6,"Seine Flügel geben schimmernde Partikel ab,
die wie ein Schleier herabrieseln. Man sagt,
es verkörpere die Mondsichel."
488,23,7,"Sus alas emiten un velo de partículas brillantes. Se
dice que representa un cuarto lunar."
488,23,8,"Volando rilascia un velo di particelle brillanti.
Si dice che rappresenti la luna crescente."
488,23,9,"Shiny particles are released from its wings like a
veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon."
488,23,11,"飛行するときは ベールのような
羽から 光る 粒子を 出す。
三日月の化身と 呼ばれている。"
488,24,1,"クレセリアの はねを もって ねると
たのしい ゆめが みられると いう。
みかづきのけしん と よばれている。"
488,24,3,"크레세리아의 날개를 가지고 자면
즐거운 꿈을 꿀 수 있다고 한다.
초승달의 화신으로 불리고 있다."
488,24,5,"Dormir avec une de ses plumes à la main permet de
faire de beaux rêves. On le surnomme «avatar du
croissant de lune»."
488,24,6,"Hält man eine seiner Federn, träumt man süß. Manche
glauben, es sei die Verkörperung der Mondsichel."
488,24,7,"Si alguien se duerme con una pluma suya, tendrá
sueños maravillosos. Encarna el creciente lunar."
488,24,8,"Se si dorme con piume di Cresselia, si faranno bei
sogni. È lincarnazione di uno spicchio di luna."
488,24,9,"Those who sleep holding Cresselias feather are
assured of joyful dreams. It is said to represent
the crescent moon."
488,24,11,"クレセリアの 羽を 持って 寝ると
楽しい 夢が 見られると いう。
三日月の化身 と 呼ばれている。"
488,25,1,"ひこうするときは ベールのような
はねから ひかる りゅうしを だす。
みかづきのけしんと よばれている。"
488,25,3,"비행할 때는 베일 같은
날개에서 빛나는 입자를 낸다.
초승달의 화신으로 불리고 있다."
488,25,5,"Ses ailes libèrent un rideau de particules brillantes.
Ce Pokémon symboliserait le croissant de lune."
488,25,6,"Seine Flügel geben schimmernde Partikel ab, die wie ein
Schleier herabrieseln. Man sagt, es verkörpere die Mondsichel."
488,25,7,"Sus alas emiten un velo de partículas brillantes. Se dice que
representa un cuarto lunar."
488,25,8,"Volando rilascia un velo di particelle brillanti. Si dice che
rappresenti la luna crescente."
488,25,9,"Shiny particles are released from its wings like a
veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon."
488,25,11,"飛行するときは ベールのような
羽から 光る 粒子を 出す。
三日月の化身と 呼ばれている。"
488,26,1,"クレセリアの はねを もって ねると
たのしい ゆめが みられると いう。
みかづきのけしん と よばれている。"
488,26,3,"크레세리아의 날개를 가지고 자면
즐거운 꿈을 꿀 수 있다고 한다.
초승달의 화신으로 불리고 있다."
488,26,5,"Dormir avec une de ses plumes à la main permet de faire
de beaux rêves. On le surnomme «avatar du croissant
de lune»."
488,26,6,"Hält man eine seiner Federn, träumt man süß. Manche glauben,
es sei die Verkörperung der Mondsichel."
488,26,7,"Si alguien se duerme con una pluma suya, tendrá sueños
maravillosos. Encarna el creciente lunar."
488,26,8,"Se si dorme con piume di Cresselia, si faranno bei sogni.
È lincarnazione di uno spicchio di luna."
488,26,9,"Those who sleep holding Cresselias feather are
assured of joyful dreams. It is said to represent
the crescent moon."
488,26,11,"クレセリアの 羽を 持って 寝ると
楽しい 夢が 見られると いう。
三日月の化身 と 呼ばれている。"
489,12,9,"A Pokémon that lives in warm seas.
It inflates the flotation sac on its
head to drift and search for food."
489,13,9,"A Pokémon that lives in warm seas.
It inflates the flotation sac on its
head to drift and search for food."
489,14,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always
returns to where it was born, no
matter how far it may have drifted."
489,15,9,"When the water warms, they inflate the
flotation sac on their heads and drift
languidly on the sea in packs."
489,16,9,"When the water warms, they inflate the
flotation sac on their heads and drift
languidly on the sea in packs."
489,17,5,"Ce Pokémon des mers chaudes
revient toujours à son lieu de
naissance, peu importe la distance."
489,17,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always
returns to where it was born, no
matter how far it may have drifted."
489,18,5,"Ce Pokémon des mers chaudes
revient toujours à son lieu de
naissance, peu importe la distance."
489,18,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always
returns to where it was born, no
matter how far it may have drifted."
489,21,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always
returns to where it was born, no
matter how far it may have drifted."
489,22,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always
returns to where it was born, no
matter how far it may have drifted."
489,23,1,"うみの おんどが たかくなると
あたまの うきぶくろを ふくらませて
かいめんを しゅうだんで ただよう。"
489,23,3,"바다 온도가 높아지면
머리의 부낭을 부풀려서
해수면을 집단으로 떠돈다."
489,23,5,"Il gonfle la bouée de sa tête et se laisse flotter à
la surface quand la mer se réchauffe."
489,23,6,"Steigt die Meerestemperatur, bläst es seinen
Schwimmbeutel auf und treibt in Schwärmen
auf dem Wasser."
489,23,7,"Si sube la temperatura del mar, infla el flotador de su
cabeza y flota en grupo en la superficie."
489,23,8,"Quando la temperatura del mare si alza, gonfia il
galleggiante che ha in testa e fluttua in gruppo."
489,23,9,"When the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac
on their heads and drift languidly on the sea
in packs."
489,23,11,"海の 温度が 高くなると
頭の 浮き袋を ふくらませて
海面を 集団で 漂う。"
489,24,1,"あたたかい うみを ただよっている。
どんな とおくに ながされても
うまれた ばしょに かならずもどる。"
489,24,3,"따뜻한 바다를 떠돌고 있다.
아무리 먼 곳으로 흘러가도
태어난 장소로 반드시 돌아온다."
489,24,5,"Ce Pokémon des mers chaudes revient toujours à
son lieu de naissance, peu importe la distance."
489,24,6,"Lässt sich in warmen Meeren treiben, kehrt aber
immer an den Platz seiner Geburt zurück."
489,24,7,"Va a la deriva por mares cálidos. Siempre vuelve a
donde nació, por mucho que se haya alejado."
489,24,8,"Si sposta nei mari caldi. Torna sempre dove è nato,
anche se si trova molto lontano."
489,24,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it
was born, no matter how far it may have drifted."
489,24,11,"暖かい 海を 漂っている。
どんな 遠くに 流されても
生まれた 場所に かならず戻る。"
489,25,1,"うみの おんどが たかくなると
あたまの うきぶくろを ふくらませて
かいめんを しゅうだんで ただよう。"
489,25,3,"바다 온도가 높아지면
머리의 부낭을 부풀려서
해수면을 집단으로 떠돈다."
489,25,5,"Il gonfle la bouée de sa tête et se laisse flotter à la surface
quand la mer se réchauffe."
489,25,6,"Steigt die Meerestemperatur, bläst es seinen Schwimmbeutel
auf und treibt in Schwärmen auf dem Wasser."
489,25,7,"Si sube la temperatura del mar, infla el flotador de su cabeza
y flota en grupo en la superficie."
489,25,8,"Quando la temperatura del mare si alza, gonfia il galleggiante
che ha in testa e fluttua in gruppo."
489,25,9,"When the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac
on their heads and drift languidly on the sea
in packs."
489,25,11,"海の 温度が 高くなると
頭の 浮き袋を ふくらませて
海面を 集団で 漂う。"
489,26,1,"あたたかい うみを ただよっている。
どんな とおくに ながされても
うまれた ばしょに かならずもどる。"
489,26,3,"따뜻한 바다를 떠돌고 있다.
아무리 먼 곳으로 흘러가도
태어난 장소로 반드시 돌아온다."
489,26,5,"Ce Pokémon des mers chaudes revient toujours à son lieu
de naissance, peu importe la distance."
489,26,6,"Lässt sich in warmen Meeren treiben, kehrt aber immer
an den Platz seiner Geburt zurück."
489,26,7,"Va a la deriva por mares cálidos. Siempre vuelve a donde
nació, por mucho que se haya alejado."
489,26,8,"Si sposta nei mari caldi. Torna sempre dove è nato, anche se
si trova molto lontano."
489,26,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it
was born, no matter how far it may have drifted."
489,26,11,"暖かい 海を 漂っている。
どんな 遠くに 流されても
生まれた 場所に かならず戻る。"
490,12,9,"Born on a cold seafloor, it
will swim great distances to
return to its birthplace."
490,13,9,"Water makes up 80% of its body.
This Pokémon is easily affected by
its environment."
490,14,9,"It is born with a wondrous power
that lets it bond with any kind of
490,15,9,"It starts its life with a wondrous power
that permits it to bond with any kind
of Pokémon."
490,16,9,"It starts its life with a wondrous power
that permits it to bond with any kind
of Pokémon."
490,17,5,"Il est né avec le pouvoir incroyable
de créer des liens avec nimporte
quel Pokémon."
490,17,9,"It is born with a wondrous power
that lets it bond with any kind of
490,18,5,"Il est né avec le pouvoir incroyable
de créer des liens avec nimporte
quel Pokémon."
490,18,9,"It is born with a wondrous power
that lets it bond with any kind of
490,21,9,"It is born with a wondrous power
that lets it bond with any kind of
490,22,9,"It is born with a wondrous power
that lets it bond with any kind of
490,23,1,"うまれたときから そなわっている
ふしぎな ちからを つかうと どんな
ポケモンとも こころが かよいあう。"
490,23,3,"태어났을 때부터 가지고 있는
이상한 힘을 쓰면 어떤 포켓몬과도
마음이 서로 통하게 된다."
490,23,5,"Il est né avec le pouvoir incroyable de créer des liens
avec nimporte quel Pokémon."
490,23,6,"Es wird mit einer wundersamen Kraft geboren,
die eine Bindung zu jedem anderen Pokémon
möglich macht."
490,23,7,"Nace con un maravilloso poder que le permite
establecer vínculos con cualquier tipo de Pokémon."
490,23,8,"Dispone di un potere innato che lo fa legare con
qualsiasi specie di Pokémon."
490,23,9,"It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond
with any kind of Pokémon."
490,23,11,"生まれたときから 備わっている
不思議な 力を 使うと どんな
ポケモンとも 心が 通い合う。"
490,24,1,"どんな ポケモンとでも こころを
かよいあわせる ことが できる
ふしぎな のうりょくを もっている。"
490,24,3,"어떤 포켓몬과도 마음이
통하고 맞출 수 있는
이상한 능력을 가지고 있다."
490,24,5,"Il possède létrange pouvoir de sentendre avec
nimporte quel Pokémon."
490,24,6,"Es besitzt die wundersame Fähigkeit, das Herz
eines jeden anderen Pokémon anzurühren."
490,24,7,"Posee un poder singular que hace que entable
amistad con casi cualquier Pokémon."
490,24,8,"Dispone di un potere innato che lo fa legare con
qualsiasi specie di Pokémon."
490,24,9,"It starts its life with a wondrous power that permits
it to bond with any kind of Pokémon."
490,24,11,"どんな ポケモンとでも 心を
通い合わせる ことが できる
不思議な 能力を 持っている。"
490,25,1,"うまれたときから そなわっている
ふしぎな ちからを つかうと どんな
ポケモンとも こころが かよいあう。"
490,25,3,"태어났을 때부터 가지고 있는
이상한 힘을 쓰면 어떤 포켓몬과도
마음이 서로 통하게 된다."
490,25,5,"Il est né avec le pouvoir incroyable de créer des liens
avec nimporte quel Pokémon."
490,25,6,"Es wird mit einer wundersamen Kraft geboren, die eine
Bindung zu jedem anderen Pokémon möglich macht."
490,25,7,"Nace con un maravilloso poder que le permite establecer
vínculos con cualquier tipo de Pokémon."
490,25,8,"Dispone di un potere innato che lo fa legare con qualsiasi
specie di Pokémon."
490,25,9,"It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond
with any kind of Pokémon."
490,25,11,"生まれたときから 備わっている
不思議な 力を 使うと どんな
ポケモンとも 心が 通い合う。"
490,26,1,"どんな ポケモンとでも こころを
かよいあわせる ことが できる
ふしぎな のうりょくを もっている。"
490,26,3,"어떤 포켓몬과도 마음이
통하고 맞출 수 있는
이상한 능력을 가지고 있다."
490,26,5,"Il possède létrange pouvoir de sentendre avec nimporte
quel Pokémon."
490,26,6,"Es besitzt die wundersame Fähigkeit, das Herz eines jeden
anderen Pokémon anzurühren."
490,26,7,"Posee un poder singular que hace que entable amistad con
casi cualquier Pokémon."
490,26,8,"Dispone di un potere innato che lo fa legare con qualsiasi
specie di Pokémon."
490,26,9,"It starts its life with a wondrous power that permits
it to bond with any kind of Pokémon."
490,26,11,"どんな ポケモンとでも 心を
通い合わせる ことが できる
不思議な 能力を 持っている。"
491,12,9,"It can lull people to sleep and
make them dream. It is active
during nights of the new moon."
491,13,9,"Folklore has it that on moonless
nights, this Pokémon will make
people see horrific nightmares."
491,14,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those
around it with nightmares. However,
it means no harm."
491,15,9,"It chases people and Pokémon from its
territory by causing them to experience
deep, nightmarish slumbers."
491,16,9,"It chases people and Pokémon from its
territory by causing them to experience
deep, nightmarish slumbers."
491,17,5,"Menacé, ce Pokémon se protège
en créant des cauchemars dans
lesprit de ses ennemis."
491,17,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those
around it with nightmares. However,
it means no harm."
491,18,5,"Menacé, ce Pokémon se protège
en créant des cauchemars dans
lesprit de ses ennemis."
491,18,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those
around it with nightmares. However,
it means no harm."
491,21,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those
around it with nightmares. However,
it means no harm."
491,22,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those
around it with nightmares. However,
it means no harm."
491,23,1,"ふかい ねむりに さそう ちからで
ひとや ポケモンに あくむを みせて
じぶんの なわばりから おいだす。"
491,23,3,"깊은 잠으로 끌어들이는 힘으로
사람과 포켓몬에게 악몽을 꾸게 해
자신의 영역에서 쫓아낸다."
491,23,5,"Il endort humains et Pokémon, et leur fait avoir
des cauchemars pour les chasser de son territoire."
491,23,6,"Es vertreibt Eindringlinge aus seinem Revier,
indem es sie in Schlaf versetzt und mit
Alpträumen quält."
491,23,7,"Defiende su territorio de personas y Pokémon
haciéndoles dormir y provocándoles pesadillas."
491,23,8,"Respinge umani e Pokémon dal suo territorio
inducendoli a un sonno profondo e provocando incubi."
491,23,9,"It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by
causing them to experience deep,
nightmarish slumbers."
491,23,11,"深い 眠りに 誘う 力で
人や ポケモンに 悪夢を 見せて
自分の 縄張りから 追い出す。"
491,24,1,"ひとびとを ふかい ねむりに さそい
ゆめを みせる のうりょくを もつ。
しんげつの よるに かつどうする。"
491,24,3,"사람들을 깊은 잠으로 끌어들여
꿈을 꾸게 하는 능력을 가지고 있다.
그믐달이 뜨는 밤에 활동한다."
491,24,5,"Il a la capacité de bercer les gens pour les faire rêver.
Il se montre durant les nuits de nouvelle lune."
491,24,6,"Es kann andere in Schlaf versetzen und ihnen
Träume geben. Es ist nur bei Neumond aktiv."
491,24,7,"Puede adormecer a la gente y hacerles soñar. Está
activo en las noches de luna nueva."
491,24,8,"Ha labilità di far addormentare la gente e farla
sognare. È attivo nelle notti di luna nuova."
491,24,9,"It can lull people to sleep and make them dream.
It is active during nights of the new moon."
491,24,11,"人々を 深い 眠りに 誘い
夢を 見せる 能力を 持つ。
新月の 夜に 活動する。"
491,25,1,"ふかい ねむりに さそう ちからで
ひとや ポケモンに あくむを みせて
じぶんの なわばりから おいだす。"
491,25,3,"깊은 잠으로 끌어들이는 힘으로
사람과 포켓몬에게 악몽을 꾸게 해
자신의 영역에서 쫓아낸다."
491,25,5,"Il endort humains et Pokémon, et leur fait avoir
des cauchemars pour les chasser de son territoire."
491,25,6,"Es vertreibt Eindringlinge aus seinem Revier, indem es sie
in Schlaf versetzt und mit Alpträumen quält."
491,25,7,"Defiende su territorio de personas y Pokémon haciéndoles
dormir y provocándoles pesadillas."
491,25,8,"Respinge umani e Pokémon dal suo territorio inducendoli
a un sonno profondo e provocando incubi."
491,25,9,"It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by
causing them to experience deep,
nightmarish slumbers."
491,25,11,"深い 眠りに 誘う 力で
人や ポケモンに 悪夢を 見せて
自分の 縄張りから 追い出す。"
491,26,1,"ひとびとを ふかい ねむりに さそい
ゆめを みせる のうりょくを もつ。
しんげつの よるに かつどうする。"
491,26,3,"사람들을 깊은 잠으로 끌어들여
꿈을 꾸게 하는 능력을 가지고 있다.
그믐달이 뜨는 밤에 활동한다."
491,26,5,"Il a la capacité de bercer les gens pour les faire rêver.
Il se montre durant les nuits de nouvelle lune."
491,26,6,"Es kann andere in Schlaf versetzen und ihnen Träume geben.
Es ist nur bei Neumond aktiv."
491,26,7,"Puede adormecer a la gente y hacerles soñar. Está activo en
las noches de luna nueva."
491,26,8,"Ha labilità di far addormentare la gente e farla sognare.
È attivo nelle notti di luna nuova."
491,26,9,"It can lull people to sleep and make them dream.
It is active during nights of the new moon."
491,26,11,"人々を 深い 眠りに 誘い
夢を 見せる 能力を 持つ。
新月の 夜に 活動する。"
492,12,9,"It lives in flower patches and
avoids detection by curling up
to look like a flowering plant."
492,13,9,"It can dissolve toxins in the air
to instantly transform ruined land
into a lush field of flowers."
492,14,9,"The flowers all over its body burst
into bloom if it is lovingly hugged
and senses gratitude."
492,15,9,"The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers
the power of flight upon it. Feelings 
of gratitude are the message it delivers."
492,16,9,"The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers
the power of flight upon it. Feelings 
of gratitude are the message it delivers."
492,17,5,"Les fleurs qui couvrent son corps
souvrent quand il est câliné avec
amour et perçoit de la gratitude."
492,17,9,"The flowers all over its body burst
into bloom if it is lovingly hugged
and senses gratitude."
492,18,5,"Les fleurs qui couvrent son corps
souvrent quand il est câliné avec
amour et perçoit de la gratitude."
492,18,9,"The flowers all over its body burst
into bloom if it is lovingly hugged
and senses gratitude."
492,21,9,"The flowers all over its body burst
into bloom if it is lovingly hugged
and senses gratitude."
492,22,9,"The flowers all over its body burst
into bloom if it is lovingly hugged
and senses gratitude."
492,23,1,"たいきの どくそを ぶんかいして
あれた だいちを いっしゅんのうちに
はなばたけにする ちからを もつ。"
492,23,3,"대기의 독소를 분해해서
거칠어진 대지를 일순간에
꽃밭으로 만드는 힘을 가지고 있다."
492,23,5,"Il peut dissoudre les toxines dans lair pour
transformer un désert en un champ de fleurs
492,23,6,"Es kann die Luft von Giften reinigen und Ödland
in ein üppig blühendes Blumenfeld verwandeln."
492,23,7,"Puede disolver las toxinas del aire para transformar
tierra yerma en campos de flores."
492,23,8,"Può dissolvere le tossine nellaria per mutare
allistante una terra arida in un rigoglioso campo
492,23,9,"It can dissolve toxins in the air to instantly
transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers."
492,23,11,"大気の 毒素を 分解して
荒れた 大地を 一瞬のうちに
花畑にする 力を 持つ。"
492,24,1,"グラシデアのはなが さく きせつ
かんしゃの こころを とどけるために
とびたつと いわれている。"
492,24,3,"그라시데아꽃이 피는 계절에
감사의 마음을 전하기 위해
날아오른다고 전해진다."
492,24,5,"Il prend son essor pour répandre la gratitude lorsque
les Gracidées fleurissent."
492,24,6,"Es heißt, wenn die Gracidea blühen, drückt es seine
Dankbarkeit aus, indem es hoch in die Lüfte fliegt."
492,24,7,"Se dice que, cuando florecen las Gracídeas, Shaymin
alza el vuelo para mostrar su gratitud."
492,24,8,"Si narra che Shaymin si alzi in volo per esprimere
commossa gratitudine per la fioritura delle gracidee."
492,24,9,"The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the
power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are
the message it delivers."
492,24,11,"グラシデアの花が 咲く 季節
感謝の 心を 届けるために
飛び立つと 言われている。"
492,25,1,"たいきの どくそを ぶんかいして
あれた だいちを いっしゅんのうちに
はなばたけにする ちからを もつ。"
492,25,3,"대기의 독소를 분해해서
거칠어진 대지를 일순간에
꽃밭으로 만드는 힘을 가지고 있다."
492,25,5,"Il peut dissoudre les toxines dans lair pour transformer
un désert en un champ de fleurs luxuriantes."
492,25,6,"Es kann die Luft von Giften reinigen und Ödland in ein üppig
blühendes Blumenfeld verwandeln."
492,25,7,"Puede disolver las toxinas del aire para transformar tierra
yerma en campos de flores."
492,25,8,"Può dissolvere le tossine nellaria per mutare allistante
una terra arida in un rigoglioso campo fiorito."
492,25,9,"It can dissolve toxins in the air to instantly
transform ruined land into a lush field of flowers."
492,25,11,"大気の 毒素を 分解して
荒れた 大地を 一瞬のうちに
花畑にする 力を 持つ。"
492,26,1,"グラシデアのはなが さく きせつ
かんしゃの こころを とどけるために
とびたつと いわれている。"
492,26,3,"그라시데아꽃이 피는 계절에
감사의 마음을 전하기 위해
날아오른다고 전해진다."
492,26,5,"Il prend son essor pour répandre la gratitude lorsque
les Gracidées fleurissent."
492,26,6,"Es heißt, wenn die Gracidea blühen, drückt es seine
Dankbarkeit aus, indem es hoch in die Lüfte fliegt."
492,26,7,"Se dice que, cuando florecen las Gracídeas, Shaymin alza el
vuelo para mostrar su gratitud."
492,26,8,"Si narra che Shaymin si alzi in volo per esprimere commossa
gratitudine per la fioritura delle gracidee."
492,26,9,"The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the
power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are
the message it delivers."
492,26,11,"グラシデアの花が 咲く 季節
感謝の 心を 届けるために
飛び立つと 言われている。"
493,12,9,"It is described in mythology as
the Pokémon that shaped the
universe with its 1,000 arms."
493,13,9,"It is told in mythology that this
Pokémon was born before the
universe even existed."
493,14,9,"It is said to have emerged from an
egg in a place where there was
nothing, then shaped the world."
493,15,9,"According to the legends of Sinnoh, this
Pokémon emerged from an egg and
shaped all there is in this world."
493,16,9,"According to the legends of Sinnoh, this
Pokémon emerged from an egg and
shaped all there is in this world."
493,17,5,"On dit que son œuf a éclos dans
le néant et quil est à lorigine
de la création du monde."
493,17,9,"It is said to have emerged from an
egg in a place where there was
nothing, then shaped the world."
493,18,5,"On dit que son œuf a éclos dans
le néant et quil est à lorigine
de la création du monde."
493,18,9,"It is said to have emerged from an
egg in a place where there was
nothing, then shaped the world."
493,21,9,"It is said to have emerged from an
egg in a place where there was
nothing then shaped the world."
493,22,9,"It is said to have emerged from an
egg in a place where there was
nothing then shaped the world."
493,23,1,"タマゴから すがたを あらわして
せかいの すべてを うみだしたと
シンオウしんわに かたられている。"
493,23,3,"알에서 모습을 나타내
모든 세계를 창조했다고
신오신화에서 묘사된다."
493,23,5,"La mythologie de Sinnoh veut quil soit apparu sous
forme dŒuf et ait créé le monde."
493,23,6,"In den Legenden Sinnohs heißt es, es sei aus
einem Ei geschlüpft und hätte die gesamte Welt
493,23,7,"Según la mitología de Sinnoh, Arceus surgió de un
huevo y después creó todo el mundo."
493,23,8,"Secondo la mitologia di Sinnoh, Arceus è nato da
un uovo e poi ha creato il mondo."
493,23,9,"According to the legends of Sinnoh, this Pokémon
emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in
this world."
493,23,11,"タマゴから 姿を 現して
世界の すべてを 生み出したと
シンオウ神話に 語られている。"
493,24,1,"うちゅうが まだ ない ころに
さいしょに うまれた ポケモンと
しんわの なかで かたられている。"
493,24,3,"우주가 아직 생기지 않았을 무렵에
처음으로 태어난 포켓몬이라고
신화 속에서 묘사된다."
493,24,5,"Dans la mythologie, ce Pokémon existait déjà avant
la formation de lunivers."
493,24,6,"Die Mythologie erzählt, dass dieses Pokémon geboren
wurde, bevor das Universum überhaupt existierte."
493,24,7,"La mitología cuenta que este Pokémon nació antes
de que el Universo existiera."
493,24,8,"Nei racconti mitologici si dice che questo Pokémon
sia nato ancor prima delluniverso."
493,24,9,"It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was born
before the universe even existed."
493,24,11,"宇宙が まだ ない ころに
最初に 生まれた ポケモンと
神話の 中で 語られている。"
493,25,1,"タマゴから すがたを あらわして
せかいの すべてを うみだしたと
シンオウしんわに かたられている。"
493,25,3,"알에서 모습을 나타내
모든 세계를 창조했다고
신오신화에서 묘사된다."
493,25,5,"La mythologie de Sinnoh veut quil soit apparu sous forme
dŒuf et ait créé le monde."
493,25,6,"In den Legenden Sinnohs heißt es, es sei aus einem Ei
geschlüpft und hätte die gesamte Welt geschaffen."
493,25,7,"Según la mitología de Sinnoh, Arceus surgió de un huevo y
después creó todo el mundo."
493,25,8,"Secondo la mitologia di Sinnoh, Arceus è nato da un uovo
e poi ha creato il mondo."
493,25,9,"According to the legends of Sinnoh, this Pokémon
emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in
this world."
493,25,11,"タマゴから 姿を 現して
世界の すべてを 生み出したと
シンオウ神話に 語られている。"
493,26,1,"うちゅうが まだ ない ころに
さいしょに うまれた ポケモンと
しんわの なかで かたられている。"
493,26,3,"우주가 아직 생기지 않았을 무렵에
처음으로 태어난 포켓몬이라고
신화 속에서 묘사된다."
493,26,5,"Dans la mythologie, ce Pokémon existait déjà avant
la formation de lunivers."
493,26,6,"Die Mythologie erzählt, dass dieses Pokémon geboren wurde,
bevor das Universum überhaupt existierte."
493,26,7,"La mitología cuenta que este Pokémon nació antes de que el
Universo existiera."
493,26,8,"Nei racconti mitologici si dice che questo Pokémon sia nato
ancor prima delluniverso."
493,26,9,"It is told in mythology that this Pokémon was born
before the universe even existed."
493,26,11,"宇宙が まだ ない ころに
最初に 生まれた ポケモンと
神話の 中で 語られている。"
494,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui amène la victoire. On dit
que les Dresseurs qui le possèdent
peuvent gagner nimporte quel combat."
494,17,9,"This Pokémon brings victory. It is said
that Trainers with Victini always win,
regardless of the type of encounter."
494,18,5,"Son corps produit une énergie
sans limites quil peut partager
avec ceux quil touche."
494,18,9,"It creates an unlimited supply of
energy inside its body, which it
shares with those who touch it."
494,21,9,"When it shares the infinite energy
it creates, that beings entire
body will be overflowing with power."
494,22,9,"When it shares the infinite energy
it creates, that beings entire
body will be overflowing with power."
494,23,1,"しょうりを もたらす ポケモン。
ビクティニを つれた トレーナーは
どんな しょうぶにも かてるという。"
494,23,3,"승리를 부르는 포켓몬이다.
비크티니와 함께하는 트레이너는
그 어떤 승부에서도 승리한다고 한다."
494,23,5,"Un Pokémon qui amène la victoire. On dit que les
Dresseurs qui le possèdent peuvent gagner nimporte
quel combat."
494,23,6,"Ein siegverheißendes Pokémon. Man sagt,
Trainer, die ein Victini in ihrem Team haben,
seien unschlagbar."
494,23,7,"Pokémon que atrae la victoria. Dicen que el
Entrenador que lo lleve saldrá vencedor de
cualquier batalla."
494,23,8,"Pokémon che porta la vittoria. Si dice che lAllenatore
che ha con sé Victini possa vincere qualsiasi lotta."
494,23,9,"This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers
with Victini always win, regardless of the type
of encounter."
494,23,11,"勝利を もたらす ポケモン。
ビクティニを 連れた トレーナーは
どんな 勝負にも 勝てるという。"
494,24,1,"ビクティニが むげんに うみだす
エネルギーを わけあたえてもらうと
ぜんしんに パワーが あふれだす。"
494,24,3,"비크티니가 무한히 만들어내는
에너지를 나누어 받으면
전신에 파워가 넘친다."
494,24,5,"Lénergie sans limites quil produit donne une force
incroyable à ceux qui entrent en contact avec elle."
494,24,6,"Jeder, dem Victini seine grenzenlose Energie
zuteilwerden lässt, strotzt nur so vor Kraft."
494,24,7,"Cuando Victini comparte su energía ilimitada, esa
persona o Pokémon irradia abundante poder."
494,24,8,"Può condividere lenergia infinita che emana,
donando un potere immenso a chi la riceve."
494,24,9,"When it shares the infinite energy it creates,
that beings entire body will be overflowing
with power."
494,24,11,"ビクティニが 無限に 生み出す
エネルギーを 分け与えてもらうと
全身に パワーが あふれ出す。"
494,25,1,"しょうりを もたらす ポケモン。
ビクティニを つれた トレーナーは
どんな しょうぶにも かてるという。"
494,25,3,"승리를 부르는 포켓몬이다.
비크티니와 함께하는 트레이너는
그 어떤 승부에서도 승리한다고 한다."
494,25,5,"Un Pokémon qui amène la victoire. On dit que les Dresseurs
qui le possèdent peuvent gagner nimporte quel combat."
494,25,6,"Ein siegverheißendes Pokémon. Man sagt, Trainer, die ein
Victini in ihrem Team haben, seien unschlagbar."
494,25,7,"Pokémon que atrae la victoria. Dicen que el Entrenador que lo
lleve saldrá vencedor de cualquier batalla."
494,25,8,"Pokémon che porta la vittoria. Si dice che lAllenatore che
ha con sé Victini possa vincere qualsiasi lotta."
494,25,9,"This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers
with Victini always win, regardless of the type
of encounter."
494,25,11,"勝利を もたらす ポケモン。
ビクティニを 連れた トレーナーは
どんな 勝負にも 勝てるという。"
494,26,1,"ビクティニが むげんに うみだす
エネルギーを わけあたえてもらうと
ぜんしんに パワーが あふれだす。"
494,26,3,"비크티니가 무한히 만들어내는
에너지를 나누어 받으면
전신에 파워가 넘친다."
494,26,5,"Lénergie sans limites quil produit donne une force incroyable
à ceux qui entrent en contact avec elle."
494,26,6,"Jeder, dem Victini seine grenzenlose Energie zuteilwerden
lässt, strotzt nur so vor Kraft."
494,26,7,"Cuando Victini comparte su energía ilimitada, esa persona o
Pokémon irradia abundante poder."
494,26,8,"Può condividere lenergia infinita che emana, donando un
potere immenso a chi la riceve."
494,26,9,"When it shares the infinite energy it creates,
that beings entire body will be overflowing
with power."
494,26,11,"ビクティニが 無限に 生み出す
エネルギーを 分け与えてもらうと
全身に パワーが あふれ出す。"
495,17,5,"Un Pokémon intelligent et très calme.
Lorsquil a reçu suffisamment de
lumière du soleil, il devient plus agile."
495,17,9,"It is very intelligent and calm.
Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes
its movements swifter."
495,18,5,"Il laisse sa queue prendre le soleil pour
sa photosynthèse. Quand il est malade,
sa queue pend tristement."
495,18,9,"They photosynthesize by bathing their
tails in sunlight. When they are not
feeling well, their tails droop."
495,21,9,"Being exposed to sunlight makes
its movements swifter. It uses
vines more adeptly than its hands."
495,22,9,"Being exposed to sunlight makes
its movements swifter. It uses
vines more adeptly than its hands."
495,23,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびると
いつもよりも すばやく うごける。
てよりも ツルを うまくつかう。"
495,23,3,"태양의 빛을 받으면
평소보다 빨리 움직일 수 있다.
손보다 덩굴을 잘 사용한다."
495,23,5,"La lumière du soleil augmente fortement son agilité.
Ses lianes sont plus habiles que ses mains."
495,23,6,"Im Sonnenlicht erhöht sich das Tempo seiner
Bewegungen. Es ist mit seinen Schlingen
geschickter als mit den Händen."
495,23,7,"Cuando recibe los rayos de sol, se mueve mucho más
rápido que de costumbre. Usa mejor sus lianas que
sus manos."
495,23,8,"Quando è esposto alla luce solare può muoversi
più velocemente. Usa le sue liane meglio dei suoi
stessi arti."
495,23,9,"Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements
swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands."
495,23,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びると
いつもよりも 素早く 動ける。
手よりも ツルを うまく使う。"
495,24,1,"しっぽで たいようを あびて
こうごうせいを する。げんきを
なくすと しっぽが たれさがる。"
495,24,3,"꼬리로 태양의 빛을 받아
광합성한다. 기운이
빠지면 꼬리가 축 늘어진다."
495,24,5,"Il laisse sa queue prendre le soleil pour sa
photosynthèse. Quand il est malade, sa queue pend
495,24,6,"Fängt mit dem Schweif Sonnenlicht auf,
um Photosynthese zu betreiben. Fehlt ihm
die Kraft, hängt sein Schweif schlaff herab."
495,24,7,"Sintetiza la luz del sol que recoge con su cola. Esta
se le queda abatida cuando le fallan las energías."
495,24,8,"Assorbe i raggi solari dalla coda per operare la
fotosintesi. Quando non sta bene, la sua coda si
495,24,9,"They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in
sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their
tails droop."
495,24,11,"尻尾で 太陽の光を 浴びて
光合成を する。元気を なくすと
尻尾が たれさがる。"
495,25,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびると
いつもよりも すばやく うごける。
てよりも ツルを うまくつかう。"
495,25,3,"태양의 빛을 받으면
평소보다 빨리 움직일 수 있다.
손보다 덩굴을 잘 사용한다."
495,25,5,"La lumière du soleil augmente fortement son agilité.
Ses lianes sont plus habiles que ses mains."
495,25,6,"Im Sonnenlicht erhöht sich das Tempo seiner Bewegungen.
Es ist mit seinen Schlingen geschickter als mit den Händen."
495,25,7,"Cuando recibe los rayos de sol, se mueve mucho más rápido
que de costumbre. Usa mejor sus lianas que sus manos."
495,25,8,"Quando è esposto alla luce solare può muoversi più
velocemente. Usa le sue liane meglio dei suoi stessi arti."
495,25,9,"Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements
swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands."
495,25,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びると
いつもよりも 素早く 動ける。
手よりも ツルを うまく使う。"
495,26,1,"しっぽで たいようを あびて
こうごうせいを する。げんきを
なくすと しっぽが たれさがる。"
495,26,3,"꼬리로 태양의 빛을 받아
광합성한다. 기운이
빠지면 꼬리가 축 늘어진다."
495,26,5,"Il laisse sa queue prendre le soleil pour sa photosynthèse.
Quand il est malade, sa queue pend tristement."
495,26,6,"Fängt mit dem Schweif Sonnenlicht auf, um Photosynthese
zu betreiben. Fehlt ihm die Kraft, hängt sein Schweif schlaff
495,26,7,"Sintetiza la luz del sol que recoge con su cola. Esta se le
queda abatida cuando le fallan las energías."
495,26,8,"Assorbe i raggi solari dalla coda per operare la fotosintesi.
Quando non sta bene, la sua coda si affloscia."
495,26,9,"They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in
sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their
tails droop."
495,26,11,"尻尾で 太陽の光を 浴びて
光合成を する。元気を なくすと
尻尾が たれさがる。"
496,17,5,"Il court comme sil glissait sur le sol.
Il déroute lennemi par ses mouvements
et lassomme dun coup de liane."
496,17,9,"It moves along the ground as if sliding.
Its swift movements befuddle its foes,
and it then attacks with a vine whip."
496,18,5,"Il évite les coups en se cachant dans la
végétation luxuriante et contre-attaque
habilement avec un bon coup de liane."
496,18,9,"They avoid attacks by sinking into the
shadows of thick foliage. They retaliate
with masterful whipping techniques."
496,21,9,"When it gets dirty, its leaves
cant be used in photosynthesis,
so it always keeps itself clean."
496,22,9,"When it gets dirty, its leaves
cant be used in photosynthesis,
so it always keeps itself clean."
496,23,1,"じめんを すべるように はしる。
すばやい うごきで てきを まどわせ
つるのムチで しとめるのだ。"
496,23,3,"땅을 미끄러지듯 달린다.
빠른 움직임으로 상대를 혼란시키고
덩굴채찍으로 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
496,23,5,"Il court comme sil glissait sur le sol. Il déroute
lennemi par ses mouvements et lassomme dun
coup de liane."
496,23,6,"Huscht beinahe gleitend über den Boden
und täuscht Gegner mit agilen Manövern,
bis es mithilfe seiner Efeurute obsiegt."
496,23,7,"Parece que se desliza al correr. Engaña a sus rivales
con su velocidad y los fustiga con su látigo."
496,23,8,"Corre quasi scivolando sulle superfici. Confonde il
nemico con i rapidi movimenti, per poi attaccarlo
con una frustata."
496,23,9,"It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift
movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks
with a vine whip."
496,23,11,"地面を 滑るように 走る。
素早い 動きで 敵を まどわせ
つるのムチで しとめるのだ。"
496,24,1,"からだが よごれると はっぱで
こうごうせいが できなくなるので
いつも せいけつに している。"
496,24,3,"몸이 더러워지면 잎으로
광합성을 할 수 없기 때문에
항상 청결하게 하고 있다."
496,24,5,"La saleté lempêchant dutiliser la photosynthèse,
il prend grand soin dêtre toujours propre."
496,24,6,"Es achtet stets auf Reinlichkeit, da es mit schmutzigen
Blättern keine Photosynthese betreiben kann."
496,24,7,"Cuando su cuerpo está sucio, no puede realizar la
fotosíntesis con sus hojas, así que cuida mucho su
higiene personal."
496,24,8,"Se si sporca, le sue foglie non possono più effettuare
la fotosintesi, perciò si tiene sempre molto pulito."
496,24,9,"When it gets dirty, its leaves cant be used in
photosynthesis, so it always keeps itself clean."
496,24,11,"体が 汚れると 葉っぱで
光合成が できなくなるので
いつも 清潔に している。"
496,25,1,"じめんを すべるように はしる。
すばやい うごきで てきを まどわせ
つるのムチで しとめるのだ。"
496,25,3,"땅을 미끄러지듯 달린다.
빠른 움직임으로 상대를 혼란시키고
덩굴채찍으로 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
496,25,5,"Il court comme sil glissait sur le sol. Il déroute lennemi
par ses mouvements et lassomme dun coup de liane."
496,25,6,"Huscht beinahe gleitend über den Boden und täuscht Gegner
mit agilen Manövern, bis es mithilfe seiner Efeurute obsiegt."
496,25,7,"Parece que se desliza al correr. Engaña a sus rivales con su
velocidad y los fustiga con su látigo."
496,25,8,"Corre quasi scivolando sulle superfici. Confonde il nemico
con i rapidi movimenti, per poi attaccarlo con una frustata."
496,25,9,"It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift
movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks
with a vine whip."
496,25,11,"地面を 滑るように 走る。
素早い 動きで 敵を まどわせ
つるのムチで しとめるのだ。"
496,26,1,"からだが よごれると はっぱで
こうごうせいが できなくなるので
いつも せいけつに している。"
496,26,3,"몸이 더러워지면 잎으로
광합성을 할 수 없기 때문에
항상 청결하게 하고 있다."
496,26,5,"La saleté lempêchant dutiliser la photosynthèse, il prend
grand soin dêtre toujours propre."
496,26,6,"Es achtet stets auf Reinlichkeit, da es mit schmutzigen Blättern
keine Photosynthese betreiben kann."
496,26,7,"Cuando su cuerpo está sucio, no puede realizar la fotosíntesis
con sus hojas, así que cuida mucho su higiene personal."
496,26,8,"Se si sporca, le sue foglie non possono più effettuare la
fotosintesi, perciò si tiene sempre molto pulito."
496,26,9,"When it gets dirty, its leaves cant be used in
photosynthesis, so it always keeps itself clean."
496,26,11,"体が 汚れると 葉っぱで
光合成が できなくなるので
いつも 清潔に している。"
497,17,5,"Il peut paralyser lennemi dun regard.
Il amplifie lénergie du soleil dans
son corps."
497,17,9,"It can stop its opponents
movements with just a glare. It takes
in solar energy and boosts it internally."
497,18,5,"Il garde la tête haute pour intimider
lennemi, et ne combat sérieusement
que les ennemis les plus puissants."
497,18,9,"They raise their heads to intimidate
opponents but only give it their all
when fighting a powerful opponent."
497,21,9,"It only gives its all against strong
opponents who are not fazed by the
glare from Serperiors noble eyes."
497,22,9,"It only gives its all against strong
opponents who are not fazed by the
glare from Serperiors noble eyes."
497,23,1,"ジャローダの けだかい ひとみで
いすくめられても へいきな つよい
あいてにだけ ほんきを だす。"
497,23,3,"샤로다의 고상한 눈동자로
쏘아보아도 태연할 정도로 강한
상대에게만 진정한 실력을 발휘한다."
497,23,5,"Il ne donnera tout son potentiel que contre un
ennemi puissant indifférent à son regard écrasant
de noblesse."
497,23,6,"Im Kampf zeigt es nur Gegnern, die seinem
edlen Blick standhalten, seine wahre Kraft."
497,23,7,"Tan solo muestra su verdadero poder a quienes no se
amedrentan ante su noble pero inquisitoria mirada."
497,23,8,"Dà il meglio di sé solo contro chi non resta
intimidito dal suo nobile sguardo."
497,23,9,"It only gives its all against strong opponents who
are not fazed by the glare from Serperiors
noble eyes."
497,23,11,"ジャローダの 気高い 瞳で
射すくめられても 平気な 強い
相手にだけ 本気を 出す。"
497,24,1,"にらむだけで あいての うごきを
たいないで ぞうふくさせる。"
497,24,3,"째려보기만 해도 상대의 움직임을
멈추게 한다. 태양에너지를
체내에서 증폭시킨다."
497,24,5,"Il peut paralyser lennemi dun regard. Il amplifie
lénergie du soleil dans son corps."
497,24,6,"Bringt Gegner mit einem einzigen kühlen Blick
zum Erstarren. In seinem Inneren verstärkt es
die Energie der Sonne."
497,24,7,"Detiene los movimientos del rival con una sola mirada.
Expande la energía solar dentro de su cuerpo."
497,24,8,"Può bloccare i movimenti dellavversario con il solo
sguardo. Amplifica lenergia solare allinterno del
suo corpo."
497,24,9,"It can stop its opponents movements with just a
glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts
it internally."
497,24,11,"にらむだけで 相手の 動きを
体内で 増幅させる。"
497,25,1,"ジャローダの けだかい ひとみで
いすくめられても へいきな つよい
あいてにだけ ほんきを だす。"
497,25,3,"샤로다의 고상한 눈동자로
쏘아보아도 태연할 정도로 강한
상대에게만 진정한 실력을 발휘한다."
497,25,5,"Il ne donnera tout son potentiel que contre un ennemi puissant
indifférent à son regard écrasant de noblesse."
497,25,6,"Im Kampf zeigt es nur Gegnern, die seinem edlen Blick
standhalten, seine wahre Kraft."
497,25,7,"Tan solo muestra su verdadero poder a quienes no se
amedrentan ante su noble pero inquisitoria mirada."
497,25,8,"Dà il meglio di sé solo contro chi non resta intimidito dal suo
nobile sguardo."
497,25,9,"It only gives its all against strong opponents who
are not fazed by the glare from Serperiors
noble eyes."
497,25,11,"ジャローダの 気高い 瞳で
射すくめられても 平気な 強い
相手にだけ 本気を 出す。"
497,26,1,"にらむだけで あいての うごきを
たいないで ぞうふくさせる。"
497,26,3,"째려보기만 해도 상대의 움직임을
멈추게 한다. 태양에너지를
체내에서 증폭시킨다."
497,26,5,"Il peut paralyser lennemi dun regard. Il amplifie lénergie
du soleil dans son corps."
497,26,6,"Bringt Gegner mit einem einzigen kühlen Blick zum Erstarren.
In seinem Inneren verstärkt es die Energie der Sonne."
497,26,7,"Detiene los movimientos del rival con una sola mirada.
Expande la energía solar dentro de su cuerpo."
497,26,8,"Può bloccare i movimenti dellavversario con il solo sguardo.
Amplifica lenergia solare allinterno del suo corpo."
497,26,9,"It can stop its opponents movements with just a
glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts
it internally."
497,26,11,"にらむだけで 相手の 動きを
体内で 増幅させる。"
498,17,5,"Il évite agilement les attaques ennemies
et crache des boules de feu par le groin.
Il aime griller des Baies pour les manger."
498,17,9,"It can deftly dodge its foes attacks
while shooting fireballs from its nose.
It roasts berries before it eats them."
498,18,5,"Il crache du feu par le groin.
Mais quand il est enrhumé, seule
une fumée noirâtre en sort."
498,18,9,"It blows fire through its nose.
When it catches a cold, the fire
becomes pitch-black smoke instead."
498,21,9,"It loves to eat roasted berries,
but sometimes it gets too excited
and burns them to a crisp."
498,22,9,"It loves to eat roasted berries,
but sometimes it gets too excited
and burns them to a crisp."
498,23,1,"てきの こうげきを みがるに よけて
はなから ひのたまを うちだす。
ほのおで きのみを やいて たべる。"
498,23,3,"적의 공격을 가볍게 피하고
코로 불구슬을 쏘아댄다.
불꽃으로 나무열매를 구워 먹는다."
498,23,5,"Il évite agilement les attaques ennemies et crache
des boules de feu par le groin. Il aime griller des
Baies pour les manger."
498,23,6,"Weicht flink gegnerischen Angriffen aus und schießt
Flammen aus dem Rüssel, mit denen es gern auch
mal Nüsse röstet."
498,23,7,"Evita con agilidad los ataques enemigos. Lanza bolas
de fuego por su hocico y tuesta bayas del bosque para
498,23,8,"Lancia palle di fuoco dal naso mentre evita abilmente
gli attacchi del nemico. Mangia bacche che arrostisce
lui stesso."
498,23,9,"It can deftly dodge its foes attacks while shooting
fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries before it
eats them."
498,23,11,"敵の 攻撃を 身軽に 避けて
鼻から 火の玉を 撃ち出す。
炎で 木の実を 焼いて 食べる。"
498,24,1,"やいた きのみを たべるのが
だいすきだが こうふんしすぎて
ときどき まっくろこげに しちゃう。"
498,24,3,"구운 나무열매를 먹는 것을
매우 좋아하지만 너무 흥분해서
가끔 새까맣게 태워버린다."
498,24,5,"Il adore se goinfrer de Baies grillées, mais il lui arrive
de les réduire en cendres dans son excitation."
498,24,6,"Floink liebt es, selbst geröstete Nüsse zu verspeisen.
Ab und zu verkohlt es sie jedoch ungewollt vor lauter
498,24,7,"Le encanta comer bayas tostadas, pero a veces se
emociona demasiado y termina churruscándolas."
498,24,8,"Adora mangiare le bacche arrostite, ma a volte si fa
prendere la mano per leccitazione e le riduce in
498,24,9,"It loves to eat roasted berries, but sometimes it
gets too excited and burns them to a crisp."
498,24,11,"焼いた 木の実を 食べるのが
大好きだが 興奮しすぎて
ときどき 真っ黒焦げに しちゃう。"
498,25,1,"てきの こうげきを みがるに よけて
はなから ひのたまを うちだす。
ほのおで きのみを やいて たべる。"
498,25,3,"적의 공격을 가볍게 피하고
코로 불구슬을 쏘아댄다.
불꽃으로 나무열매를 구워 먹는다."
498,25,5,"Il évite agilement les attaques ennemies et crache des boules
de feu par le groin. Il aime griller des Baies pour les manger."
498,25,6,"Weicht flink gegnerischen Angriffen aus und schießt Flammen
aus dem Rüssel, mit denen es gern auch mal Nüsse röstet."
498,25,7,"Evita con agilidad los ataques enemigos. Lanza bolas de
fuego por su hocico y tuesta bayas del bosque para comer."
498,25,8,"Lancia palle di fuoco dal naso mentre evita abilmente
gli attacchi del nemico. Mangia bacche che arrostisce
lui stesso."
498,25,9,"It can deftly dodge its foes attacks while shooting
fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries before it
eats them."
498,25,11,"敵の 攻撃を 身軽に 避けて
鼻から 火の玉を 撃ち出す。
炎で 木の実を 焼いて 食べる。"
498,26,1,"やいた きのみを たべるのが
だいすきだが こうふんしすぎて
ときどき まっくろこげに しちゃう。"
498,26,3,"구운 나무열매를 먹는 것을
매우 좋아하지만 너무 흥분해서
가끔 새까맣게 태워버린다."
498,26,5,"Il adore se goinfrer de Baies grillées, mais il lui arrive
de les réduire en cendres dans son excitation."
498,26,6,"Floink liebt es, selbst geröstete Nüsse zu verspeisen.
Ab und zu verkohlt es sie jedoch ungewollt vor lauter
498,26,7,"Le encanta comer bayas tostadas, pero a veces se emociona
demasiado y termina churruscándolas."
498,26,8,"Adora mangiare le bacche arrostite, ma a volte si fa prendere
la mano per leccitazione e le riduce in cenere."
498,26,9,"It loves to eat roasted berries, but sometimes it
gets too excited and burns them to a crisp."
498,26,11,"焼いた 木の実を 食べるのが
大好きだが 興奮しすぎて
ときどき 真っ黒焦げに しちゃう。"
499,17,5,"Quand le feu dans son corps sembrase,
sa vitesse et son agilité augmentent.
En cas durgence, il crache de la fumée."
499,17,9,"When its internal fire flares up, its
movements grow sharper and faster.
When in trouble, it emits smoke."
499,18,5,"Ce quil mange devient du combustible
pour le feu dans son estomac.
La colère vivifie ses flammes."
499,18,9,"Whatever it eats becomes fuel for the
flame in its stomach. When it is angered,
the intensity of the flame increases."
499,21,9,"The more it eats, the more fuel it has
to make the fire in its stomach stronger.
This fills it with even more power."
499,22,9,"The more it eats, the more fuel it has
to make the fire in its stomach stronger.
This fills it with even more power."
499,23,1,"たべるほどに もやすものが ふえて
いぶくろないの ほのおが つよまり
パワーも どんどん あふれだすのだ。"
499,23,3,"먹을수록 태울 것이 많아져
위 속의 불꽃이 강해지고
파워도 점점 넘치게 된다."
499,23,5,"Plus il a mangé de Baies, plus il a de combustible,
et il peut donc dégager davantage de flammes et
de puissance."
499,23,6,"Je mehr es frisst, desto stärker werden
die Flammen in seinem Magen.
Dies führt zu rapiden Energieschüben."
499,23,7,"Cuanto más come, más combustible tiene en su interior
para avivar sus llamas, con lo que también aumenta su
499,23,8,"Più mangia e più le fiamme che bruciano nel suo
stomaco si rinvigoriscono, aumentando così il suo
499,23,9,"The more it eats, the more fuel it has to make the
fire in its stomach stronger. This fills it with even
more power."
499,23,11,"食べるほどに 燃やすものが 増えて
胃袋内の 炎が 強まり
パワーも どんどん あふれ出すのだ。"
499,24,1,"たいないの ほのおが もえあがると
うごきの キレと スピードが ます。
ピンチになると けむりを ふきだす。"
499,24,3,"체내의 불꽃이 타오르면
움직임이 더 빠르고 예리해진다.
위급해지면 연기를 뿜어낸다."
499,24,5,"Quand le feu dans son corps sembrase, sa vitesse et
son agilité augmentent. En cas durgence, il crache de
la fumée."
499,24,6,"Lodert das Feuer in ihm auf, bewegt es sich
geschmeidiger und schneller. Bei Gefahr
lässt es ordentlich Dampf ab."
499,24,7,"Cuando las llamas de su interior se avivan, aumenta su
velocidad y agilidad. Emite humo si está en peligro."
499,24,8,"Quando la fiamma interna arde intensa, diventa più
rapido e scattante. Nei momenti critici esala fumo."
499,24,9,"When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow
sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke."
499,24,11,"体内の 炎が 燃え上がると
動きの キレと スピードが 増す。
ピンチになると 煙を 噴き出す。"
499,25,1,"たべるほどに もやすものが ふえて
いぶくろないの ほのおが つよまり
パワーも どんどん あふれだすのだ。"
499,25,3,"먹을수록 태울 것이 많아져
위 속의 불꽃이 강해지고
파워도 점점 넘치게 된다."
499,25,5,"Plus il a mangé de Baies, plus il a de combustible, et il peut
donc dégager davantage de flammes et de puissance."
499,25,6,"Je mehr es frisst, desto stärker werden die Flammen in
seinem Magen. Dies führt zu rapiden Energieschüben."
499,25,7,"Cuanto más come, más combustible tiene en su interior para
avivar sus llamas, con lo que también aumenta su poder."
499,25,8,"Più mangia e più le fiamme che bruciano nel suo stomaco
si rinvigoriscono, aumentando così il suo potere."
499,25,9,"The more it eats, the more fuel it has to make the
fire in its stomach stronger. This fills it with even
more power."
499,25,11,"食べるほどに 燃やすものが 増えて
胃袋内の 炎が 強まり
パワーも どんどん あふれ出すのだ。"
499,26,1,"たいないの ほのおが もえあがると
うごきの キレと スピードが ます。
ピンチになると けむりを ふきだす。"
499,26,3,"체내의 불꽃이 타오르면
움직임이 더 빠르고 예리해진다.
위급해지면 연기를 뿜어낸다."
499,26,5,"Quand le feu dans son corps sembrase, sa vitesse et
son agilité augmentent. En cas durgence, il crache de
la fumée."
499,26,6,"Lodert das Feuer in ihm auf, bewegt es sich geschmeidiger
und schneller. Bei Gefahr lässt es ordentlich Dampf ab."
499,26,7,"Cuando las llamas de su interior se avivan, aumenta su
velocidad y agilidad. Emite humo si está en peligro."
499,26,8,"Quando la fiamma interna arde intensa, diventa più rapido
e scattante. Nei momenti critici esala fumo."
499,26,9,"When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow
sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke."
499,26,11,"体内の 炎が 燃え上がると
動きの キレと スピードが 増す。
ピンチになると 煙を 噴き出す。"
500,17,5,"Il embrase ses poings avec les flammes
sur son menton et cogne lennemi avec.
Cest un Pokémon très solidaire."
500,17,9,"It can throw a fire punch by setting its
fists on fire with its fiery chin. It cares
deeply about its friends."
500,18,5,"Il a une barbe enflammée.
Il maîtrise des techniques de combat au
corps à corps rapides et puissantes."
500,18,9,"It has mastered fast and powerful
fighting moves. It grows a beard of fire."
500,21,9,"A flaring beard of fire is proof
that it is fired up. It is adept at
using many different moves."
500,22,9,"A flaring beard of fire is proof
that it is fired up. It is adept at
using many different moves."
500,23,1,"あごの ほのおで こぶしを もやして
ほのおの パンチを くりだす。
とても なかまおもいの ポケモン。"
500,23,3,"턱의 화염으로 주먹을 불태워
불꽃펀치를 날린다.
동료애가 깊은 포켓몬이다."
500,23,5,"Il embrase ses poings avec les flammes sur son
menton et cogne lennemi avec. Cest un Pokémon
très solidaire."
500,23,6,"Steckt mit dem Feuer um sein Kinn seine Fäuste
in Brand und holt zu feurigen Fausthieben aus.
Zeigt großen Teamgeist."
500,23,7,"Calienta sus puños con las llamas de su barbilla para
propinar puñetazos ardientes. Es muy fiel a sus
500,23,8,"Infiamma i pugni sulla barba ardente, poi sferra
attacchi di fuoco sui nemici. Ha molta considerazione
per i suoi simili."
500,23,9,"It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire
with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends."
500,23,11,"アゴの 炎で こぶしを 燃やして
炎の パンチを 繰り出す。
とても 仲間思いの ポケモン。"
500,24,1,"ほのおの あごひげを たくわえる。
パワーと スピードを かねそなえた
かくとうの わざを みにつけている。"
500,24,3,"불꽃 턱수염을 기르고 있다.
파워와 스피드를 겸비한
격투 기술을 익히고 있다."
500,24,5,"Il a une barbe enflammée. Il maîtrise des techniques
de combat au corps à corps rapides et puissantes."
500,24,6,"Es trägt einen Backenbart aus Feuer und beherrscht
Kampftechniken, die ebenso wuchtig wie schnell sind."
500,24,7,"Posee una tupida barba fogosa. Es tanto rápido como
poderoso, y su principal baza es la lucha cuerpo a
500,24,8,"La sua barba è avvolta dalle fiamme. Padroneggia
mosse di lotta che combinano potenza e rapidità."
500,24,9,"It has mastered fast and powerful fighting moves.
It grows a beard of fire."
500,24,11,"炎の あごひげを たくわえている。
パワーと スピードを 兼ね備えた
格闘の 技を 身につけている。"
500,25,1,"あごの ほのおで こぶしを もやして
ほのおの パンチを くりだす。
とても なかまおもいの ポケモン。"
500,25,3,"턱의 화염으로 주먹을 불태워
불꽃펀치를 날린다.
동료애가 깊은 포켓몬이다."
500,25,5,"Il embrase ses poings avec les flammes sur son menton
et cogne lennemi avec. Cest un Pokémon très solidaire."
500,25,6,"Steckt mit dem Feuer um sein Kinn seine Fäuste in Brand und
holt zu feurigen Fausthieben aus. Zeigt großen Teamgeist."
500,25,7,"Calienta sus puños con las llamas de su barbilla para propinar
puñetazos ardientes. Es muy fiel a sus compañeros."
500,25,8,"Infiamma i pugni sulla barba ardente, poi sferra attacchi
di fuoco sui nemici. Ha molta considerazione per i suoi simili."
500,25,9,"It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire
with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends."
500,25,11,"アゴの 炎で こぶしを 燃やして
炎の パンチを 繰り出す。
とても 仲間思いの ポケモン。"
500,26,1,"ほのおの あごひげを たくわえる。
パワーと スピードを かねそなえた
かくとうの わざを みにつけている。"
500,26,3,"불꽃 턱수염을 기르고 있다.
파워와 스피드를 겸비한
격투 기술을 익히고 있다."
500,26,5,"Il a une barbe enflammée. Il maîtrise des techniques
de combat au corps à corps rapides et puissantes."
500,26,6,"Es trägt einen Backenbart aus Feuer und beherrscht
Kampftechniken, die ebenso wuchtig wie schnell sind."
500,26,7,"Posee una tupida barba fogosa. Es tanto rápido como
poderoso, y su principal baza es la lucha cuerpo a cuerpo."
500,26,8,"La sua barba è avvolta dalle fiamme. Padroneggia mosse
di lotta che combinano potenza e rapidità."
500,26,9,"It has mastered fast and powerful fighting moves.
It grows a beard of fire."
500,26,11,"炎の あごひげを たくわえている。
パワーと スピードを 兼ね備えた
格闘の 技を 身につけている。"
501,17,5,"Il combat avec le coupillage de son
ventre. Il peut parer un assaut et
immédiatement contre-attaquer."
501,17,9,"It fights using the scalchop on its
stomach. In response to an attack,
it retaliates immediately by slashing."
501,18,5,"Le coupillage sur son ventre est fait de
la même matière que ses griffes. Il le
détache pour lutiliser comme une dague."
501,18,9,"The scalchop on its stomach is made from
the same elements as claws. It detaches
the scalchop for use as a blade."
501,21,9,"The scalchop on its stomach isnt
just used for battle--it can be used
to break open hard berries as well."
501,22,9,"The scalchop on its stomach isnt
just used for battle--it can be used
to break open hard berries as well."
501,23,1,"おなかに できる ホタチは
たたかうとき だけでなく かたい
きのみを わるときにも つかう。"
501,23,3,"배에 생기는 가리비칼은
싸울 때뿐 아니라 딱딱한
나무열매를 쪼갤 때도 사용한다."
501,23,5,"Le coupillage sur son ventre lui sert non seulement à
combattre, mais aussi à trancher les Baies très dures."
501,23,6,"Die Muschel an seinem Bauch dient ihm nicht nur
als Waffe, sondern auch als Messer, mit dem es
Beeren aufschneidet."
501,23,7,"La vieira de su ombligo no solo sirve como arma, sino
también como instrumento para cortar las bayas que
estén duras."
501,23,8,"Non usa la conchiglia del suo ventre solo durante
la lotta, ma anche per tagliare a metà le bacche."
501,23,9,"The scalchop on its stomach isnt just used for
battle--it can be used to break open hard berries
as well."
501,23,11,"お腹に できる ホタチは
戦うとき だけでなく 硬い
木の実を 割るときにも 使う。"
501,24,1,"おなかの ホタチで たたかう。
こうげきを うけとめてから すかさず
きりつけて はんげきするのだ。"
501,24,3,"배에 있는 가리비칼로 싸운다.
공격을 막고 그 즉시
베어 반격한다."
501,24,5,"Il combat avec le coupillage de son ventre. Il peut
parer un assaut et immédiatement contre-attaquer."
501,24,6,"Kämpft mit der Muschel auf seinem Bauch.
Pariert es einen Angriff, schlägt es sofort
mit einer Schnitt-Attacke zurück."
501,24,7,"Ataca con la vieira de su ombligo. En cuanto para un
ataque, pasa al contraataque sin dilación."
501,24,8,"Combatte con la conchiglia che ha sul ventre.
Contrattacca prontamente dopo aver parato
lattacco avversario."
501,24,9,"It fights using the scalchop on its stomach.
In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately
by slashing."
501,24,11,"お腹の ホタチで 戦う。
攻撃を 受け止めてから すかさず
切りつけて 反撃するのだ。"
501,25,1,"おなかに できる ホタチは
たたかうとき だけでなく かたい
きのみを わるときにも つかう。"
501,25,3,"배에 생기는 가리비칼은
싸울 때뿐 아니라 딱딱한
나무열매를 쪼갤 때도 사용한다."
501,25,5,"Le coupillage sur son ventre lui sert non seulement à
combattre, mais aussi à trancher les Baies très dures."
501,25,6,"Die Muschel an seinem Bauch dient ihm nicht nur als Waffe,
sondern auch als Messer, mit dem es Beeren aufschneidet."
501,25,7,"La vieira de su ombligo no solo sirve como arma, sino también
como instrumento para cortar las bayas que estén duras."
501,25,8,"Non usa la conchiglia del suo ventre solo durante la lotta,
ma anche per tagliare a metà le bacche."
501,25,9,"The scalchop on its stomach isnt just used for
battle—it can be used to break open hard berries
as well."
501,25,11,"お腹に できる ホタチは
戦うとき だけでなく 硬い
木の実を 割るときにも 使う。"
501,26,1,"おなかの ホタチで たたかう。
こうげきを うけとめてから すかさず
きりつけて はんげきするのだ。"
501,26,3,"배에 있는 가리비칼로 싸운다.
공격을 막고 그 즉시
베어 반격한다."
501,26,5,"Il combat avec le coupillage de son ventre. Il peut parer
un assaut et immédiatement contre-attaquer."
501,26,6,"Kämpft mit der Muschel auf seinem Bauch. Pariert es einen
Angriff, schlägt es sofort mit einer Schnitt-Attacke zurück."
501,26,7,"Ataca con la vieira de su ombligo. En cuanto para un ataque,
pasa al contraataque sin dilación."
501,26,8,"Combatte con la conchiglia che ha sul ventre. Contrattacca
prontamente dopo aver parato lattacco avversario."
501,26,9,"It fights using the scalchop on its stomach.
In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately
by slashing."
501,26,11,"お腹の ホタチで 戦う。
攻撃を 受け止めてから すかさず
切りつけて 反撃するのだ。"
502,17,5,"Lapprentissage de sa technique de
combat, qui utilise élégamment ses deux
coupillages, est extrêmement rigoureux."
502,17,9,"Strict training is how it learns its
flowing double-scalchop technique."
502,18,5,"Chaque Mateloutre a sa propre technique
descrime au coupillage, dont il prend
un soin tout particulier."
502,18,9,"Scalchop techniques differ from one
Dewott to another. It never
neglects maintaining its scalchops."
502,21,9,"As a result of strict training,
each Dewott learns different
forms for using the scalchops."
502,22,9,"As a result of strict training,
each Dewott learns different
forms for using the scalchops."
502,23,1,"ながれるような たちさばきで
2まいの ホタチを あつかう わざは
きびしい しゅぎょうで みにつける。"
502,23,3,"물 흐르는 듯한 칼솜씨로
2개의 가리비칼을 사용하는 기술은
엄격한 수련을 통해 익힌 것이다."
502,23,5,"Lapprentissage de sa technique de combat, qui
utilise élégamment ses deux coupillages, est
extrêmement rigoureux."
502,23,6,"Es eignet sich durch strenges Training elegant
ineinander übergehende Attacken mit seinen
zwei Muscheln an."
502,23,7,"Gran espadachín. Utiliza sus dos vieiras con soltura al
ejecutar las técnicas que aprende con una disciplina
502,23,8,"Ha appreso tramite un durissimo allenamento larte
di maneggiare le sue due conchiglie come fossero
502,23,9,"Strict training is how it learns its flowing
double-scalchop technique."
502,23,11,"流れるような 太刀さばきで
2枚の ホタチを あつかう 技は
きびしい 修業によって 身につける。"
502,24,1,"きびしい しゅぎょうの すえ
フタチマルごとに ことなる かたの
ホタチさばきを しゅうとく する。"
502,24,3,"혹독한 수행 끝에
쌍검자비마다 다른 형태의
가리비칼 다루는 기술을 습득한다."
502,24,5,"Chaque Mateloutre a sa propre technique descrime
au coupillage, acquise grâce à un entraînement
502,24,6,"Jedes Zwottronin eignet sich über strenges Training
einen völlig eigenen Muschelkampfstil an."
502,24,7,"Tras un exhaustivo entrenamiento, Dewott puede
dominar diversas técnicas para usar con sus vieiras."
502,24,8,"Le loro conchiglie sono tutte diverse nella forma e
ogni Dewott si allena duramente per imparare a usarle."
502,24,9,"As a result of strict training, each Dewott learns
different forms for using the scalchops."
502,24,11,"きびしい 修業の すえ
フタチマルごとに 異なる 型の
ホタチさばきを 習得する。"
502,25,1,"ながれるような たちさばきで
2まいの ホタチを あつかう わざは
きびしい しゅぎょうで みにつける。"
502,25,3,"물 흐르는 듯한 칼 솜씨로
2개의 가리비칼을 사용하는 기술은
엄격한 수련을 통해 익힌 것이다."
502,25,5,"Lapprentissage de sa technique de combat, qui utilise
élégamment ses deux coupillages, est extrêmement rigoureux."
502,25,6,"Es eignet sich durch strenges Training elegant ineinander
übergehende Attacken mit seinen zwei Muscheln an."
502,25,7,"Gran espadachín. Utiliza sus dos vieiras con soltura al ejecutar
las técnicas que aprende con una disciplina espartana."
502,25,8,"Ha appreso tramite un durissimo allenamento larte di
maneggiare le sue due conchiglie come fossero lame."
502,25,9,"Strict training is how it learns its flowing
double-scalchop technique."
502,25,11,"流れるような 太刀さばきで
2枚の ホタチを あつかう 技は
きびしい 修業によって 身につける。"
502,26,1,"きびしい しゅぎょうの すえ
フタチマルごとに ことなる かたの
ホタチさばきを しゅうとく する。"
502,26,3,"혹독한 수행 끝에
쌍검자비마다 다른 형태의
가리비칼 다루는 기술을 습득한다."
502,26,5,"Chaque Mateloutre a sa propre technique descrime
au coupillage, acquise grâce à un entraînement drastique."
502,26,6,"Jedes Zwottronin eignet sich über strenges Training einen
völlig eigenen Muschelkampfstil an."
502,26,7,"Tras un exhaustivo entrenamiento, Dewott puede dominar
diversas técnicas para usar con sus vieiras."
502,26,8,"Le loro conchiglie sono tutte diverse nella forma e ogni
Dewott si allena duramente per imparare a usarle."
502,26,9,"As a result of strict training, each Dewott learns
different forms for using the scalchops."
502,26,11,"きびしい 修業の すえ
フタチマルごとに 異なる 型の
ホタチさばきを 習得する。"
503,17,5,"Il peut terrasser ses ennemis dun coup
de la lame enchâssée dans son armure,
et les faire taire dun seul regard."
503,17,9,"One swing of the sword incorporated in
its armor can fell an opponent. A simple
glare from one of them quiets everybody."
503,18,5,"Les pièces darmure sur ses pattes
antérieures sont de grandes lames.
Un simple cri peut intimider son ennemi."
503,18,9,"Part of the armor on its anterior legs
becomes a giant sword. Its cry alone
is enough to intimidate most enemies."
503,21,9,"In the time it takes a foe to blink,
it can draw and sheathe the seamitars
attached to its front legs."
503,22,9,"In the time it takes a foe to blink,
it can draw and sheathe the seamitars
attached to its front legs."
503,23,1,"てきが まばたきする あいだに
まえあしに ついた アシガタナで
あいてを きりつけ もとにもどせる。"
503,23,3,"상대가 눈을 깜빡이는 동안에
앞다리에 붙어 있는 각검으로
상대를 베고 원래대로 되돌린다."
503,23,5,"Il dissimule de grandes lames quil dégaine en un
éclair des fourreaux de ses pattes antérieures."
503,23,6,"Ehe man sichs versieht, hat es schon das
Langschwert aus seinen Vorderbeinen gezogen
und seinen Gegner besiegt."
503,23,7,"En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, puede desenvainar y
envainar los sables que hay en sus patas delanteras."
503,23,8,"Riesce a estrarre le sue spade, colpire il nemico
e riporle al loro posto nelle zampe anteriori in un
batter docchio."
503,23,9,"In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and
sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs."
503,23,11,"敵が 瞬きする あいだに
前足に ついた アシガタナで
相手を 切りつけ 元に戻せる。"
503,24,1,"よろいに しこまれた つるぎの
ひとふりで あいてを たおす。
ひとにらみで てきを だまらせる。"
503,24,3,"갑옷에 내장된 검으로 한칼에
상대를 제압한다.
눈빛만으로 상대를 침묵시킨다."
503,24,5,"Il peut terrasser ses ennemis dun coup de la lame
enchâssée dans son armure, et les faire taire dun
seul regard."
503,24,6,"Besiegt Gegner durch einen einzigen Hieb mit
der Klinge an seinem Panzer. Ein böser Blick
und seine Feinde verstummen."
503,24,7,"Derriba a su rival con un solo tajo del sable que lleva
en su coraza. Acalla al enemigo con una simple
503,24,8,"Atterra lavversario con un solo colpo della spada
inserita nellarmatura. Una sua occhiata ammutolisce
il nemico."
503,24,9,"One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor
can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of
them quiets everybody."
503,24,11,"よろいに 仕込まれた 剣の 一振りで
相手を 倒す。
ひとにらみで 敵を 黙らせる。"
503,25,1,"てきが まばたきする あいだに
まえあしに ついた アシガタナで
あいてを きりつけ もとにもどせる。"
503,25,3,"상대가 눈을 깜빡이는 동안에
앞다리에 붙어 있는 각검으로
상대를 베고 원래대로 되돌린다."
503,25,5,"Il dissimule de grandes lames quil dégaine en un éclair
des fourreaux de ses pattes antérieures."
503,25,6,"Ehe man sichs versieht, hat es schon das Langschwert aus
seinen Vorderbeinen gezogen und seinen Gegner besiegt."
503,25,7,"En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, puede desenvainar y envainar los
sables que hay en sus patas delanteras."
503,25,8,"Riesce a estrarre le sue spade, colpire il nemico e riporle
al loro posto nelle zampe anteriori in un batter docchio."
503,25,9,"In the time it takes a foe to blink, it can draw and
sheathe the seamitars attached to its front legs."
503,25,11,"敵が 瞬きする あいだに
前足に ついた アシガタナで
相手を 切りつけ 元に戻せる。"
503,26,1,"よろいに しこまれた つるぎの
ひとふりで あいてを たおす。
ひとにらみで てきを だまらせる。"
503,26,3,"갑옷에 내장된 검으로 한칼에
상대를 제압한다.
눈빛만으로 상대를 침묵시킨다."
503,26,5,"Il peut terrasser ses ennemis dun coup de la lame enchâssée
dans son armure, et les faire taire dun seul regard."
503,26,6,"Besiegt Gegner durch einen einzigen Hieb mit der Klinge an
seinem Panzer. Ein böser Blick und seine Feinde verstummen."
503,26,7,"Derriba a su rival con un solo tajo del sable que lleva en su
coraza. Acalla al enemigo con una simple mirada."
503,26,8,"Atterra lavversario con un solo colpo della spada inserita
nellarmatura. Una sua occhiata ammutolisce il nemico."
503,26,9,"One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor
can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of
them quiets everybody."
503,26,11,"よろいに 仕込まれた 剣の 一振りで
相手を 倒す。
ひとにらみで 敵を 黙らせる。"
504,17,5,"Ils stockent à manger dans leurs
bajoues et font le guet indéfiniment. Ils
se font des signes en remuant la queue."
504,17,9,"Using food stored in cheek pouches,
they can keep watch for days. They use
their tails to communicate with others."
504,18,5,"Ils sont très inquiets et se relaient
pour surveiller le territoire autour de
leur nid. Sans guetteurs, ils ont peur."
504,18,9,"Extremely cautious, they take shifts to
maintain a constant watch of their nest.
They feel insecure without a lookout."
504,21,9,"Extremely cautious, one of them
will always be on the lookout, but it
wont notice a foe coming from behind."
504,22,9,"Extremely cautious, one of them
will always be on the lookout, but it
wont notice a foe coming from behind."
504,23,1,"ほほの ふくろに エサを ためこみ
なんにちも みはりを つづける。
しっぽで なかまに あいずする。"
504,23,3,"볼의 주머니에 먹이를 모아두고
며칠이고 망보기를 계속한다.
꼬리로 동료에게 신호한다."
504,23,5,"Ils stockent à manger dans leurs bajoues et font
le guet indéfiniment. Ils se font des signes en remuant
la queue."
504,23,6,"Hortet in seinen Backentaschen Futter, um tagelang
Wache stehen zu können, und gibt Kameraden über
seine Rute Signale."
504,23,7,"Almacena víveres en unas bolsas en sus mofletes y
vigila durante días. Hace señales con la cola a sus
504,23,8,"Immagazzina cibo nelle guance e monta la guardia
per molti giorni di seguito. Usa la coda per fare
segnali ai compagni."
504,23,9,"Using food stored in cheek pouches, they can keep
watch for days. They use their tails to communicate
with others."
504,23,11,"ほほの 袋に エサを ためこみ
何日も 見張りを 続ける。
尻尾で 仲間に 合図する。"
504,24,1,"けいかいしんが つよく かならず
いっぴきは みはりを しているのだが
うしろからの てきには きづかない。"
504,24,3,"경계심이 강해서 반드시
한 마리는 망을 보고 있으나
뒤에서 오는 상대는 알아차리지 못한다."
504,24,5,"Très prudent, il surveille attentivement son territoire,
mais oublie souvent de regarder derrière lui."
504,24,6,"Eines dieser vorsichtigen Pokémon steht immer vor
ihrem Bau Wache. Nähert sich jedoch ein Feind
von hinten, ist es aus."
504,24,7,"Aunque es un Pokémon muy precavido y siempre hay
uno montando guardia, si se acercan por detrás, no se
dará cuenta."
504,24,8,"Sono molto guardinghi e almeno uno del branco è
sempre di guardia. Non vedono però il nemico se li
attacca da dietro."
504,24,9,"Extremely cautious, one of them will always be on
the lookout, but it wont notice a foe coming
from behind."
504,24,11,"警戒心が 強く かならず
1匹は 見張りを しているのだが
後ろからの 敵には 気づかない。"
504,25,1,"ほほの ふくろに エサを ためこみ
なんにちも みはりを つづける。
しっぽで なかまに あいずする。"
504,25,3,"볼의 주머니에 먹이를 모아두고
며칠이고 망보기를 계속한다.
꼬리로 동료에게 신호한다."
504,25,5,"Ils stockent à manger dans leurs bajoues et font le guet
indéfiniment. Ils se font des signes en remuant la queue."
504,25,6,"Hortet in seinen Backentaschen Futter, um tagelang Wache
stehen zu können, und gibt Kameraden über seine Rute
504,25,7,"Almacena víveres en unas bolsas en sus mofletes y vigila
durante días. Hace señales con la cola a sus compañeros."
504,25,8,"Immagazzina cibo nelle guance e monta la guardia per molti
giorni di seguito. Usa la coda per fare segnali ai compagni."
504,25,9,"Using food stored in cheek pouches, they can keep
watch for days. They use their tails to communicate
with others."
504,25,11,"ほほの 袋に エサを ためこみ
何日も 見張りを 続ける。
尻尾で 仲間に 合図する。"
504,26,1,"けいかいしんが つよく かならず
いっぴきは みはりを しているのだが
うしろからの てきには きづかない。"
504,26,3,"경계심이 강해서 반드시
한 마리는 망을 보고 있으나
뒤에서 오는 상대는 알아차리지 못한다."
504,26,5,"Très prudent, il surveille attentivement son territoire,
mais oublie souvent de regarder derrière lui."
504,26,6,"Eines dieser vorsichtigen Pokémon steht immer vor ihrem Bau
Wache. Nähert sich jedoch ein Feind von hinten, ist es aus."
504,26,7,"Aunque es un Pokémon muy precavido y siempre hay uno
montando guardia, si se acercan por detrás, no se dará
504,26,8,"Sono molto guardinghi e almeno uno del branco è sempre
di guardia. Non vedono però il nemico se li attacca da dietro."
504,26,9,"Extremely cautious, one of them will always be on
the lookout, but it wont notice a foe coming
from behind."
504,26,11,"警戒心が 強く かならず
1匹は 見張りを しているのだが
後ろからの 敵には 気づかない。"
505,17,5,"Il attaque en crachant les graines des
Baies quil accumule dans ses bajoues.
Sil voit un ennemi, il dresse la queue."
505,17,9,"When they see an enemy, their tails
stand high, and they spit the seeds of
berries stored in their cheek pouches."
505,18,5,"Il intimide lennemi en faisant briller
les motifs de son pelage. Ses yeux
peuvent voir même dans lobscurité."
505,18,9,"They make the patterns on their bodies
shine in order to threaten predators.
Keen eyesight lets them see in the dark."
505,21,9,"Using luminescent matter, it
makes its eyes and body glow
and stuns attacking opponents."
505,22,9,"Using luminescent matter, it
makes its eyes and body glow
and stuns attacking opponents."
505,23,1,"たいないの はっこうぶっしつで
めだまや からだを ひからせ
おそってきた てきを ひるませる。"
505,23,3,"체내의 발광물질로
눈이나 몸을 빛나게 하여
습격해 온 상대를 풀이 죽게 만든다."
505,23,5,"Il intimide lennemi en faisant briller son pelage et
ses yeux grâce à une substance à lintérieur de son
505,23,6,"Es kann mit einer körpereigenen Substanz seine
Augen und seinen Torso aufleuchten lassen,
um Gegner zu erschrecken."
505,23,7,"Los componentes luminiscentes de su interior hacen
que sus ojos y su cuerpo brillen, y así intimida a sus
505,23,8,"Fa tentennare il nemico facendo brillare occhi e
pelliccia grazie a una sostanza fluorescente
contenuta nel suo corpo."
505,23,9,"Using luminescent matter, it makes its eyes and
body glow and stuns attacking opponents."
505,23,11,"体内の 発光物質で
目玉や 体を 光らせ
襲ってきた 敵を ひるませる。"
505,24,1,"ほっぺの ふくろに ためた きのみの
タネを とばして こうげき。てきを
はっけんすると しっぽを たてる。"
505,24,3,"뺨의 주머니에 모아둔 나무열매의
씨앗을 날려서 공격한다. 적을
발견하면 꼬리를 세운다."
505,24,5,"Il attaque en crachant les graines des Baies quil
accumule dans ses bajoues. Sil voit un ennemi,
il dresse la queue."
505,24,6,"Bespuckt Gegner mit Kernen von Beeren aus
seinen Backentaschen. Erspäht es einen Feind,
richtet es den Schweif auf."
505,24,7,"Ataca lanzando las semillas de las bayas que acumula
en sus mofletes. Su cola se tensa al avistar a un
505,24,8,"Attacca sparando i semi delle bacche che ha
accumulato nelle guance. Se avvista il nemico,
drizza la coda."
505,24,9,"When they see an enemy, their tails stand high,
and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their
cheek pouches."
505,24,11,"ほほ袋に ためた 木の実の タネを
飛ばして 攻撃。
敵を 発見すると 尻尾を 立てる。"
505,25,1,"たいないの はっこうぶっしつで
めだまや からだを ひからせ
おそってきた てきを ひるませる。"
505,25,3,"체내의 발광 물질로
눈이나 몸을 빛나게 하여
습격해 온 상대를 풀이 죽게 만든다."
505,25,5,"Il intimide lennemi en faisant briller son pelage et ses yeux
grâce à une substance à lintérieur de son corps."
505,25,6,"Es kann mit einer körpereigenen Substanz seine Augen und
seinen Torso aufleuchten lassen, um Gegner zu erschrecken."
505,25,7,"Los componentes luminiscentes de su interior hacen que sus
ojos y su cuerpo brillen, y así intimida a sus rivales."
505,25,8,"Fa tentennare il nemico facendo brillare occhi e pelliccia grazie
a una sostanza fluorescente contenuta nel suo corpo."
505,25,9,"Using luminescent matter, it makes its eyes and
body glow and stuns attacking opponents."
505,25,11,"体内の 発光物質で
目玉や 体を 光らせ
襲ってきた 敵を ひるませる。"
505,26,1,"ほっぺの ふくろに ためた きのみの
タネを とばして こうげき。てきを
はっけんすると しっぽを たてる。"
505,26,3,"뺨의 주머니에 모아둔 나무열매의
씨앗을 날려서 공격한다. 적을
발견하면 꼬리를 세운다."
505,26,5,"Il attaque en crachant les graines des Baies quil accumule
dans ses bajoues. Sil voit un ennemi, il dresse la queue."
505,26,6,"Bespuckt Gegner mit Kernen von Beeren aus seinen
Backentaschen. Erspäht es einen Feind, richtet es
den Schweif auf."
505,26,7,"Ataca lanzando las semillas de las bayas que acumula en
sus mofletes. Su cola se tensa al avistar a un enemigo."
505,26,8,"Attacca sparando i semi delle bacche che ha accumulato nelle
guance. Se avvista il nemico, drizza la coda."
505,26,9,"When they see an enemy, their tails stand high,
and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their
cheek pouches."
505,26,11,"ほほ袋に ためた 木の実の タネを
飛ばして 攻撃。
敵を 発見すると 尻尾を 立てる。"
506,17,5,"Il fait vaillamment face à des ennemis
très puissants, mais il est intelligent
et évite les combats trop inégaux."
506,17,9,"It faces strong opponents with great
courage. But, when at a disadvantage in
a fight, this intelligent Pokémon flees."
506,18,5,"Les longs poils de son museau font
un excellent radar qui analyse les
alentours avec une grande acuité."
506,18,9,"The long hair around its face provides
an amazing radar that lets it sense
subtle changes in its surroundings."
506,21,9,"Though it is a very brave Pokémon,
its also smart enough to check its
foes strength and avoid battle."
506,22,9,"Though it is a very brave Pokémon,
its also smart enough to check its
foes strength and avoid battle."
506,23,1,"かおを おおう ながい けは
すぐれた レーダー。しゅういの
ようすを びんかんに さっちする。"
506,23,3,"얼굴을 둘러싼 긴 털은
우수한 레이더다. 주위
상황을 민감히 살핀다."
506,23,5,"Les longs poils de son museau font un excellent
radar qui analyse les alentours avec une grande
506,23,6,"Das lange Fell um sein Gesicht fungiert als
Hightech-Radar, mit dem es fein säuberlich
seine Umgebung abtastet."
506,23,7,"Los mechones que cubren su cara actúan como un
magnífico radar para detectar con precisión lo que hay
a su alrededor."
506,23,8,"I lunghi peli che gli coprono il volto sono un radar
molto sensibile alle variazioni dellambiente
506,23,9,"The long hair around its face provides an amazing
radar that lets it sense subtle changes in
its surroundings."
506,23,11,"顔を 覆う 長い 毛は
優れた レーダー。周囲の 様子を
敏感に 察知する。"
506,24,1,"ゆうもうな ポケモンだが あいての
つよさを たしかめて たたかいを
さける かしこさも あわせもつ。"
506,24,3,"용맹한 포켓몬이지만 상대의
강함을 확인하고 싸움을
피하는 영리함도 함께 갖추고 있다."
506,24,5,"Bien que vaillant, il a aussi lintelligence danalyser
toutes les situations et de fuir quand il anticipe une
506,24,6,"Ein tapferes Pokémon, das jedoch klug genug ist,
seinen Gegner zu mustern, bevor es sich auf einen
Kampf einlässt."
506,24,7,"Aunque se trata de un Pokémon valeroso, también es
lo bastante inteligente como para escapar si el rival es
muy fuerte."
506,24,8,"È un Pokémon molto intrepido, ma ha lintelligenza
di valutare la forza del nemico prima di decidere se
lottare o no."
506,24,9,"Though it is a very brave Pokémon, its also smart
enough to check its foes strength and avoid battle."
506,24,11,"勇猛な ポケモンだが 相手の
強さを 確かめて 戦いを
避ける 賢さも 併せ持つ。"
506,25,1,"かおを おおう ながい けは
すぐれた レーダー。しゅういの
ようすを びんかんに さっちする。"
506,25,3,"얼굴을 둘러싼 긴 털은
우수한 레이더다. 주위
상황을 민감히 살핀다."
506,25,5,"Les longs poils de son museau font un excellent radar
qui analyse les alentours avec une grande acuité."
506,25,6,"Das lange Fell um sein Gesicht fungiert als Hightech-Radar,
mit dem es fein säuberlich seine Umgebung abtastet."
506,25,7,"Los mechones que cubren su cara actúan como un magnífico
radar para detectar con precisión lo que hay a su alrededor."
506,25,8,"I lunghi peli che gli coprono il volto sono un radar molto
sensibile alle variazioni dellambiente circostante."
506,25,9,"The long hair around its face provides an amazing
radar that lets it sense subtle changes in
its surroundings."
506,25,11,"顔を 覆う 長い 毛は
優れた レーダー。周囲の 様子を
敏感に 察知する。"
506,26,1,"ゆうもうな ポケモンだが あいての
つよさを たしかめて たたかいを
さける かしこさも あわせもつ。"
506,26,3,"용맹한 포켓몬이지만 상대의
강함을 확인하고 싸움을
피하는 영리함도 함께 갖추고 있다."
506,26,5,"Bien que vaillant, il a aussi lintelligence danalyser toutes
les situations et de fuir quand il anticipe une défaite."
506,26,6,"Ein tapferes Pokémon, das jedoch klug genug ist, seinen
Gegner zu mustern, bevor es sich auf einen Kampf einlässt."
506,26,7,"Aunque se trata de un Pokémon valeroso, también es lo
bastante inteligente como para escapar si el rival es muy
506,26,8,"È un Pokémon molto intrepido, ma ha lintelligenza di valutare
la forza del nemico prima di decidere se lottare o no."
506,26,9,"Though it is a very brave Pokémon, its also smart
enough to check its foes strength and avoid battle."
506,26,11,"勇猛な ポケモンだが 相手の
強さを 確かめて 戦いを
避ける 賢さも 併せ持つ。"
506,27,1,"キャンキャン ほえたり しないので
マンションぐらしの トレーナーに
にんきの たかい ポケモン。"
506,27,3,"컹컹 짖거나 하지 않으므로
맨션에 사는 트레이너에게
인기가 많은 포켓몬이다."
506,27,5,"Très sage, il naboie et ne mord pas sans raison,
ce qui en fait un Pokémon domestique très
apprécié des Dresseurs casaniers."
506,27,6,"Es jault nicht, weswegen es bei Trainern, die in
Apartmenthäusern wohnen, sehr beliebt ist."
506,27,7,"No suele ladrar mucho, por lo que resulta muy
popular entre los Entrenadores que viven
en apartamentos."
506,27,8,"Niente affatto rumoroso, è molto popolare
tra gli Allenatori che vivono nei condomini."
506,27,9,"Because it doesnt yelp, its extremely popular
with Trainers who live in apartment buildings."
506,27,11,"キャンキャン 吠えたり しないので
マンション暮らしの トレーナーに
人気の 高い ポケモン。"
506,28,1,"かおを おおう けは レーダーの
やくめを もっており たたかう
あいての ようすを さぐるのだ。"
506,28,3,"얼굴을 둘러싼 털은
레이더 역할을 하여
싸우는 상대의 상태를 살핀다."
506,28,5,"Les poils qui masquent son visage lui servent
de radar, et lui permettent ainsi dévaluer
la position et la puissance de ses ennemis."
506,28,6,"Das Fell auf seinem Gesicht fungiert als Radar,
mit dem es Gegner aufspürt."
506,28,7,"Los mechones que le cubren el rostro actúan
como un radar con el que averiguan la
envergadura de posibles contrincantes."
506,28,8,"I lunghi peli che gli coprono il muso fungono
da radar e gli permettono di capire le condizioni
del nemico durante le lotte."
506,28,9,"The long fur surrounding its face functions as
radar, enabling it to probe the condition of its
battle opponents."
506,28,11,"顔を 覆う 毛は レーダーの
役目を 持っており 戦う
相手の 様子を 探るのだ。"
506,29,1,"はんだんりょくに すぐれた ポケモン。
かてない あいてと はんだんしたら
さっさと シッポを まいて にげる。"
506,29,3,"판단력이 뛰어난 포켓몬.
이길 수 없는 상대라고 판단되면
바로 꼬리를 내리고 도망친다."
506,29,5,"Réputé pour sa grande perspicacité, il senfuit
la queue entre les pattes sil sestime trop faible
pour gagner."
506,29,6,"Ein Pokémon mit ausgeprägtem Urteilsvermögen.
Befindet es seinen Gegner für zu stark, zieht es
den Schwanz ein und sucht sofort das Weite."
506,29,7,"Este Pokémon destaca por su perspicacia. Si
percibe que no lleva las de ganar, no duda en
huir con el rabo entre las piernas."
506,29,8,"È molto perspicace e capisce al volo se può
competere con lavversario. Se sa di non
poterlo battere, fugge con la coda fra le gambe."
506,29,9,"This Pokémon has excellent judgment.
If it decides it cant defeat an opponent,
it immediately turns tail and vamooses."
506,29,11,"判断力に 優れた ポケモン。
勝てない 相手と 判断したら
さっさと シッポを 巻いて 逃げる。"
506,30,1,"かしこく トレーナーの いうことを
すなおに きくので しょしんしゃでも
そだてやすいと にんきの ポケモン。"
506,30,3,"영리해서 트레이너가 하는 말을
잘 따르기 때문에 초보자라도
키우기 쉬워서 인기 있는 포켓몬이다."
506,30,5,"Sa docilité en fait un Pokémon facile à élever.
Il est notamment populaire auprès des
Dresseurs débutants."
506,30,6,"Dieses pfiffige Pokémon ist besonders bei
Anfängern beliebt, da es den Befehlen seines
Trainers brav folgt und leicht zu trainieren ist."
506,30,7,"Este inteligente Pokémon es muy popular, ya que
obedece sin rechistar a su Entrenador e incluso
los novatos pueden entrenarlo sin problemas."
506,30,8,"È molto popolare per la sua intelligenza e per la
docilità nel seguire le istruzioni, che lo rendono
adatto anche agli Allenatori principianti."
506,30,9,"This Pokémon is popular with beginners
because its intelligent, obedient to its Trainers
commands, and easy to raise."
506,30,11,"賢く トレーナーの いうことを
素直に 聞くので 初心者でも
育てやすいと 人気の ポケモン。"
506,33,1,"ゆうかん かつ しんちょう。
かおを おおう やわらかい けで
まわりの じょうほうを キャッチ。"
506,33,3,"용감하고 신중하다.
얼굴을 덮고 있는 부드러운 털로
주변의 정보를 캐치한다."
506,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est courageux, mais prudent.
Les poils doux qui recouvrent son visage
lui permettent de sonder les alentours."
506,33,6,"Es ist zwar tapfer, aber auch vorsichtig. Mit dem
weichen Fell, das sein Gesicht bedeckt, nimmt
Yorkleff Informationen über seine Umgebung auf."
506,33,7,"Es valiente pero cauto. Usa el suave pelaje que le
recubre el rostro para obtener información sobre
su entorno."
506,33,8,"Coraggioso e al contempo prudente. Capta
informazioni sullambiente circostante grazie
ai morbidi peli che gli ricoprono il muso."
506,33,9,"This Pokémon is courageous but also cautious.
It uses the soft fur covering its face to collect
information about its surroundings."
506,33,11,"勇敢 かつ 慎重。
顔を 覆う 柔らかい 毛で
まわりの 情報を キャッチ。"
506,34,1,"なみの こども よりも ずっと
りこう。 うけた あいじょうも
された しうちも わすれないのだ。"
506,34,3,"또래의 아이보다 훨씬
영리하다. 사랑받은 것도
혼난 것도 잊지 않는다."
506,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est plus intelligent que la plupart
des enfants. Il noublie ni laffection quil a reçue
ni les mauvais traitements quil a pu subir."
506,34,6,"Yorkleff ist deutlich intelligenter als die meisten
Kinder und vergisst nie, wenn man ihm Zuneigung
entgegenbringt oder es schlecht behandelt."
506,34,7,"Muestra una inteligencia muy superior a la media
de los niños humanos. No olvida ni el amor ni los
malos tratos que recibe."
506,34,8,"È molto più intelligente di un bambino. Non
scorda né laffetto ricevuto né i maltrattamenti
506,34,9,"This Pokémon is far brighter than the average
child, and Lillipup wont forget the love it
receives or any abuse it suffers."
506,34,11,"並みの 子ども よりも ずっと
利口。 受けた 愛情も
された 仕打ちも 忘れないのだ。"
507,17,5,"Les poils qui entourent son corps
comme un manteau sont extrêmement
durs et amortissent les coups."
507,17,9,"It has black, cape-like fur that is
very hard and decreases the amount
of damage it receives."
507,18,5,"Il obéit fidèlement aux consignes.
Il assiste les Dresseurs depuis
très longtemps."
507,18,9,"It loyally follows its Trainers
orders. For ages, they have helped
Trainers raise Pokémon."
507,21,9,"This very loyal Pokémon
helps Trainers, and it also
takes care of other Pokémon."
507,22,9,"This very loyal Pokémon
helps Trainers, and it also
takes care of other Pokémon."
507,23,1,"トレーナーを たすけながら
ほかの ポケモンの せわもする
とても ちゅうじつな ポケモン。"
507,23,3,"트레이너를 도와주면서
다른 포켓몬을 돌보기도 하는
매우 충실한 포켓몬."
507,23,5,"Un Pokémon très loyal qui aide aussi bien les
Dresseurs que les autres Pokémon quil rencontre."
507,23,6,"Dieses äußerst treue Pokémon geht nicht nur
seinem Trainer zur Hand, sondern hilft auch
anderen Pokémon."
507,23,7,"Este Pokémon es muy leal. No solo ayuda a
Entrenadores, sino que también se preocupa por
otros Pokémon."
507,23,8,"È un Pokémon molto leale, che aiuta il suo Allenatore
e al contempo si prende cura degli altri Pokémon
della squadra."
507,23,9,"This very loyal Pokémon helps Trainers, and it also
takes care of other Pokémon."
507,23,11,"トレーナーを 助けながら
他の ポケモンの 世話もする
とても 忠実な ポケモン。"
507,24,1,"マントのように からだを おおう
くろい たいもうは とても かたい。
うけた ダメージを へらしてくれる。"
507,24,3,"매우 단단한 검은 털이
망토처럼 몸을 둘러싸고 있다.
입은 데미지를 줄여준다."
507,24,5,"Les poils qui entourent son corps comme un manteau
sont extrêmement durs et amortissent les coups."
507,24,6,"Das dunkle Fell, das es wie ein Mantel umgibt,
ist äußerst widerstandsfähig und mindert
den Schaden durch Attacken."
507,24,7,"Un robusto pelaje cubre su cuerpo a modo de capa
y disminuye el daño que recibe en los ataques."
507,24,8,"La pelliccia nera che lo ricopre come un manto è
estremamente dura e ammortizza i colpi che gli
vengono inferti."
507,24,9,"It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and
decreases the amount of damage it receives."
507,24,11,"マントのように 体を 覆う
黒い 体毛は とても 硬い。
受けた ダメージを 減らしてくれる。"
507,25,1,"トレーナーを たすけながら
ほかの ポケモンの せわもする
とても ちゅうじつな ポケモン。"
507,25,3,"트레이너를 도와주면서
다른 포켓몬을 돌보기도 하는
매우 충실한 포켓몬."
507,25,5,"Un Pokémon très loyal qui aide aussi bien les Dresseurs
que les autres Pokémon quil rencontre."
507,25,6,"Dieses äußerst treue Pokémon geht nicht nur seinem Trainer
zur Hand, sondern hilft auch anderen Pokémon."
507,25,7,"Este Pokémon es muy leal. No solo ayuda a Entrenadores,
sino que también se preocupa por otros Pokémon."
507,25,8,"È un Pokémon molto leale, che aiuta il suo Allenatore e al
contempo si prende cura degli altri Pokémon della squadra."
507,25,9,"This very loyal Pokémon helps Trainers, and it also
takes care of other Pokémon."
507,25,11,"トレーナーを 助けながら
他の ポケモンの 世話もする
とても 忠実な ポケモン。"
507,26,1,"マントのように からだを おおう
くろい たいもうは とても かたい。
うけた ダメージを へらしてくれる。"
507,26,3,"매우 단단한 검은 털이
망토처럼 몸을 둘러싸고 있다.
입은 데미지를 줄여준다."
507,26,5,"Les poils qui entourent son corps comme un manteau sont
extrêmement durs et amortissent les coups."
507,26,6,"Das dunkle Fell, das es wie ein Mantel umgibt, ist äußerst
widerstandsfähig und mindert den Schaden durch Attacken."
507,26,7,"Un robusto pelaje cubre su cuerpo a modo de capa y
disminuye el daño que recibe en los ataques."
507,26,8,"La pelliccia nera che lo ricopre come un manto è estremamente
dura e ammortizza i colpi che gli vengono inferti."
507,26,9,"It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and
decreases the amount of damage it receives."
507,26,11,"マントのように 体を 覆う
黒い 体毛は とても 硬い。
受けた ダメージを 減らしてくれる。"
507,27,1,"くろい たいもうは とても かたくて
どんどん のびる。 トリミングだいが
かかって たいへんな ポケモン。"
507,27,3,"검은 털은 매우 단단하며
빠르게 자란다. 손질 비용이
들어서 큰일인 포켓몬."
507,27,5,"Son poil long et très dur, pousse à une vitesse
ahurissante, et son toilettage coûte un bras.
Une plaie à élever."
507,27,6,"Sein dunkles Fell ist sehr widerstandsfähig und
wächst schnell. Dadurch sind die Kosten für
das Trimmen sehr hoch."
507,27,7,"El recio y oscuro pelaje que le cubre el lomo
crece tan rápido que mantenerlo corto resulta
de lo más caro."
507,27,8,"La folta pelliccia scura di questo Pokémon
è estremamente resistente, quindi i prezzi della
toelettatura sono sempre piuttosto alti."
507,27,9,"Its dense black fur grows continuously. The high
cost of keeping its hard fur properly groomed
makes this a troublesome Pokémon to train."
507,27,11,"黒い 体毛は とても 硬くて
どんどん 伸びる。 トリミング代が
かかって 大変な ポケモン。"
507,28,1,"あるじの めいれいに ちゅうじつ。
だが したに みている あいての
いうことは ぜったいに きかない。"
507,28,3,"주인의 명령에 충실하다.
그러나 아래라고 보는 상대가
하는 말은 절대로 듣지 않는다."
507,28,5,"Il est entièrement dévoué aux ordres de
son maître. En revanche, il nobéira jamais à
quelquun quil considère comme inférieur à lui."
507,28,6,"Es folgt geflissentlich den Befehlen seines
Trainers. Auf jemanden, den es als unterlegen
betrachtet, hört es jedoch nicht."
507,28,7,"Obedece sin rechistar las órdenes de su dueño.
Ahora bien, ignora sin pudor a todo aquel que
considere inferior."
507,28,8,"Se lAllenatore si guadagna il suo rispetto,
segue fedelmente le istruzioni, altrimenti
non lo ascolta affatto."
507,28,9,"This Pokémon obeys its masters orders
faithfully. However, it refuses to listen to
anything said by a person it doesnt respect."
507,28,11,"主の 命令に 忠実。
だが 下に みている 相手の
いうことは 絶対に 聞かない。"
507,29,1,"くろい たいもうは そだつほど
かたく じょうぶに なって ツメや
キバも かんたんには とおさないぞ。"
507,29,3,"검은 털은 자랄수록
딱딱하고 튼튼해져 발톱이나
이빨로도 쉽게 뚫을 수 없다."
507,29,5,"Son pelage sombre devient si robuste au fil
du temps que même des crocs ou des griffes
peinent à passer au travers."
507,29,6,"Mit zunehmendem Alter wird sein dunkles Fell
immer widerstandsfähiger, sodass selbst Klauen
und Fangzähne es kaum durchdringen können."
507,29,7,"Con el paso del tiempo, su oscuro pelaje se
vuelve duro y resistente, lo que le sirve como
ligera protección contra colmillos y cuernos."
507,29,8,"La pelliccia scura diventa più dura e resistente
con la crescita e lo difende dagli artigli e dalle
zanne dei nemici."
507,29,9,"The longer its black fur grows, the harder and
more impervious it gets. Claws and fangs cant
easily penetrate it."
507,29,11,"黒い 体毛は 育つほど
硬く 丈夫に なって ツメや
キバも 簡単には 通さないぞ。"
507,30,1,"おおむかしの へきがに すがたが
えがかれているほど ながい あいだ
ひとと くらしを ともに してきた。"
507,30,3,"먼 옛날의 벽화에 모습이
그려져 있을 정도로 오랫동안
인간과 생활을 함께해 왔다."
507,30,5,"Cela fait si longtemps que ce Pokémon vit
en harmonie avec les humains quil apparaît
même sur des peintures rupestres antiques."
507,30,6,"Uralte Wandmalereien sprechen dafür, dass
Terribark schon seit langer Zeit an der Seite der
Menschen lebt."
507,30,7,"Ha convivido mucho tiempo con los humanos,
como atestiguan las pinturas rupestres donde
aparece representado."
507,30,8,"Vive al fianco degli esseri umani da tempo
immemorabile, tanto che lo si trova raffigurato
persino in antichissime pitture murali."
507,30,9,"It has been living with people for so long that
portrayals of it can be found on the walls of
caves from long, long ago."
507,30,11,"大昔の 壁画に 姿が
描かれているほど 長い 間
人と 暮らしを ともに してきた。"
507,33,1,"とても かしこく よく なつく。
はじめて ひとのパートナーに なった
ポケモンと いう せつも あるのだ。"
507,33,3,"매우 영리하고 금방 친해진다.
인간의 파트너가 된
첫 포켓몬이라는 설도 있다."
507,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est très intelligent et affectueux.
Une théorie avance quil aurait été le premier
à devenir le partenaire dun être humain."
507,33,6,"Es ist sehr intelligent und zutraulich. Einer Theorie
zufolge soll Terribark das erste Pokémon gewesen
sein, das an der Seite von Menschen gelebt hat."
507,33,7,"Es muy inteligente y cariñoso. Existen ciertas
teorías que lo consideran el primer Pokémon
que se convirtió en compañero de los humanos."
507,33,8,"È molto intelligente e si affeziona con facilità.
Secondo alcune teorie sarebbe stato il primo
Pokémon a diventare il compagno degli umani."
507,33,9,"Herdier is a very smart and friendly Pokémon.
So much so that theres a theory that Herdier was
the first Pokémon to partner with people."
507,33,11,"とても 賢く よく 懐く。
はじめて 人のパートナーに なった
ポケモンと いう 説も あるのだ。"
507,34,1,"からだを おおう くろい けは
ぶあつく だんりょくが ある。
するどい キバも はじきかえすぞ。"
507,34,3,"몸을 뒤덮은 검은 털은
두껍고 탄력이 있다.
날카로운 이빨도 튕겨낸다."
507,34,5,"Les poils sombres qui recouvrent son dos sont
si épais et si souples quils peuvent même
repousser des crocs acérés."
507,34,6,"Das dunkle Fell, das seinen Körper bedeckt,
ist sehr dicht und federnd. Selbst Angriffe mit
scharfen Fangzähnen prallen davon ab."
507,34,7,"El pelaje negro que lo recubre es tan denso y
elástico que puede repeler incluso los colmillos
más afilados."
507,34,8,"La pelliccia scura che ricopre il suo corpo è
spessa ed elastica, al punto da respingere
anche delle zanne affilate."
507,34,9,"The black fur that covers this Pokémons body
is dense and springy. Even sharp fangs bounce
right off."
507,34,11,"体を 覆う 黒い 毛は
ぶ厚く 弾力が ある。
するどい キバも 弾き返すぞ。"
508,17,5,"Il sauve les gens bloqués dans les
montagnes par des tempêtes de neige.
Ses longs poils le protègent du froid."
508,17,9,"It rescues people stranded by
blizzards in the mountains. Its
shaggy fur shields it from the cold."
508,18,5,"Il est spécialisé dans lassistance aux
personnes perdues en mer ou en
montagne. Il est très intelligent."
508,18,9,"This extremely wise Pokémon excels
at rescuing people stranded at sea or
in the mountains."
508,21,9,"Being wrapped in its long fur is so
comfortable that a person would be fine
even overnight on a wintry mountain."
508,22,9,"Being wrapped in its long fur is so
comfortable that a person would be fine
even overnight on a wintry mountain."
508,23,1,"ふぶきで とざされた やまに はいり
そうなんした ひとを たすける。
ながい けが さむさを ふせぐ。"
508,23,3,"눈보라로 길이 막힌 산에 들어가
조난된 사람을 구해준다.
긴 털이 추위를 막는다."
508,23,5,"Il sauve les gens bloqués dans les montagnes par
des tempêtes de neige. Ses longs poils le protègent
du froid."
508,23,6,"Es rettet Menschen, die aufgrund eines
Schneesturmes im Gebirge festsitzen.
Sein langes Fell schützt es vor Kälte."
508,23,7,"Socorre a humanos perdidos en montañas azotadas
por ventiscas. Su largo pelaje le protege del frío."
508,23,8,"Soccorre chi si trova in difficoltà sulle montagne
spazzate da bufere di neve. I lunghi peli lo
proteggono dal freddo."
508,23,9,"It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the
mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold."
508,23,11,"吹雪で 閉ざされた 山に 入り
遭難した 人を 助ける。
長い 毛が 寒さを 防ぐ。"
508,24,1,"ながい たいもうに つつまれると
ふゆやまでも ひとばん へいきなほど
あたたかく とても ここちよい。"
508,24,3,"긴 털에 둘러싸이면 겨울 산에서
하룻밤을 보내도 괜찮을 정도로
따뜻하고 매우 기분이 좋다."
508,24,5,"Sa soyeuse fourrure à poils longs est assez chaude
pour supporter de longues nuits dhiver en montagne."
508,24,6,"Sein langes Fell ist sehr bequem und kann einen
Menschen eine ganze Nacht lang auf einem
schneebedeckten Berg warmhalten."
508,24,7,"Un humano podría pasar una noche gélida en las
montañas sin pasar frío si se tapara con su largo y
tupido pelaje."
508,24,8,"Avvolti nel suo caldo manto si può dormire
alladdiaccio su una montagna in inverno senza
correre alcun pericolo."
508,24,9,"Being wrapped in its long fur is so comfortable
that a person would be fine even overnight on a
wintry mountain."
508,24,11,"長い 体毛に 包まれると
冬山でも 一晩 平気なほど
暖かく とても 心地よい。"
508,25,1,"ふぶきで とざされた やまに はいり
そうなんした ひとを たすける。
ながい けが さむさを ふせぐ。"
508,25,3,"눈보라로 길이 막힌 산에 들어가
조난된 사람을 구해준다.
긴 털이 추위를 막는다."
508,25,5,"Il sauve les gens bloqués dans les montagnes par
des tempêtes de neige. Ses longs poils le protègent
du froid."
508,25,6,"Es rettet Menschen, die aufgrund eines Schneesturmes im
Gebirge festsitzen. Sein langes Fell schützt es vor Kälte."
508,25,7,"Socorre a humanos perdidos en montañas azotadas por
ventiscas. Su largo pelaje le protege del frío."
508,25,8,"Soccorre chi si trova in difficoltà sulle montagne spazzate
da bufere di neve. I lunghi peli lo proteggono dal freddo."
508,25,9,"It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the
mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold."
508,25,11,"吹雪で 閉ざされた 山に 入り
遭難した 人を 助ける。
長い 毛が 寒さを 防ぐ。"
508,26,1,"ながい たいもうに つつまれると
ふゆやまでも ひとばん へいきなほど
あたたかく とても ここちよい。"
508,26,3,"긴 털에 둘러싸이면 겨울 산에서
하룻밤을 보내도 괜찮을 정도로
따뜻하고 매우 기분이 좋다."
508,26,5,"Sa soyeuse fourrure à poils longs est assez chaude
pour supporter de longues nuits dhiver en montagne."
508,26,6,"Sein langes Fell ist sehr bequem und kann einen Menschen
eine ganze Nacht lang auf einem schneebedeckten Berg
508,26,7,"Un humano podría pasar una noche gélida en las montañas
sin pasar frío si se tapara con su largo y tupido pelaje."
508,26,8,"Avvolti nel suo caldo manto si può dormire alladdiaccio su una
montagna in inverno senza correre alcun pericolo."
508,26,9,"Being wrapped in its long fur is so comfortable
that a person would be fine even overnight on a
wintry mountain."
508,26,11,"長い 体毛に 包まれると
冬山でも 一晩 平気なほど
暖かく とても 心地よい。"
508,27,1,"かしこく おんこうで ゆうかん。
レスキューたいの たいいんたちの
たよれる あいぼう だぞ。"
508,27,3,"똑똑하고 온후하며 용감하다.
구조대 대원들의
믿음직한 동료이다."
508,27,5,"Sagesse, gentillesse et bravoure sont les mots
qui qualifient le mieux ce Pokémon, devenu
linséparable partenaire des équipes de secours."
508,27,6,"Es ist ein kluges, sanftmütiges und tapferes
Pokémon. Für Mitglieder von Rettungstruppen
stellt es einen zuverlässigen Partner dar."
508,27,7,"A su inteligencia y carácter afable se suma su
valentía. Presta una ayuda inestimable a los
equipos de rescate."
508,27,8,"Intelligente, calmo e coraggioso, è il compagno
ideale degli addetti alle missioni di soccorso."
508,27,9,"Intelligent, good-natured, and valiant,
its a trustworthy partner on rescue teams."
508,27,11,"賢く 温厚で 勇敢。
レスキュー隊の 隊員たちの
頼れる 相棒 だぞ。"
508,28,1,"かしこく ひとに おそいかかる
しんぱいが ないので こどもの
おもりを まかせる おやも いる。"
508,28,3,"영리해서 사람을 공격할
걱정이 없어 아이를
돌보게 하는 부모도 있다."
508,28,5,"Modèle de sagesse, il ne sen prend jamais aux
humains sans raison, et assume volontiers le
rôle de nounou pour les parents occupés."
508,28,6,"Da es klug ist und keine Gefahr besteht, dass
es Menschen angreift, geben Eltern ihre Kinder
in seine Obhut."
508,28,7,"Debido a su inteligencia y a lo manso que se
muestra al tratar con personas, algunos padres
confían en él incluso para proteger a sus hijos."
508,28,8,"La sua intelligenza e docilità verso gli esseri
umani fanno sì che molti genitori si affidino
a lui per la cura dei figli."
508,28,9,"With this wise Pokémon, there could be no
concern that it would ever attack people. Some
parents even trust it to babysit."
508,28,11,"賢く 人に 襲い掛かる
心配が ないので 子どもの
お守りを 任せる 親も いる。"
508,29,1,"ながく あたたかい けの おかげで
さむさは へっちゃら。 アローラの
ムーランドは すこし くるしそうだ。"
508,29,3,"길고 따듯한 털 덕분에
추위는 걱정 없다. 알로라의
바랜드는 조금 괴로운 것 같다."
508,29,5,"Son long pelage le protège parfaitement du froid.
Malheureusement pour lui, cela nest pas très
utile à Alola."
508,29,6,"Dank seines langen, warmen Fells kann ihm die
Kälte nichts anhaben. In Alola hat es daher
leider mit dem schwülen Klima zu kämpfen."
508,29,7,"El largo y cálido pelaje le permite soportar sin
ningún problema el frío, pero resulta un poco
asfixiante en Alola."
508,29,8,"Non teme il freddo grazie al manto lungo
e caldo. Gli Stoutland che vivono ad Alola,
però, sembrano soffrire un po il caldo."
508,29,9,"It pays no mind to the cold, thanks to its long
warm coat. Stoutland in Alola look a
little uncomfortable."
508,29,11,"長く 暖かい 毛の おかげで
寒さは へっちゃら。 アローラの
ムーランドは 少し 苦しそうだ。"
508,30,1,"ながく あつでの たいもうを もつ。
むかしは さむい ちほうでは 1かに
1ぴき ムーランドを かっていた。"
508,30,3,"길고 두꺼운 털을 가졌다.
옛날 추운 지방에서는 한 집에
1마리씩 바랜드를 키웠다."
508,30,5,"Il possède un pelage long et épais. Jadis, dans
les régions froides, chaque foyer en élevait un."
508,30,6,"Es hat langes, dickes Fell. Vor einiger Zeit war
es in kalten Gegenden üblich, dass jede Familie
ein Bissbark im Haus hielt."
508,30,7,"Posee un largo y tupido pelaje. En las regiones
frías no había antaño una casa que no tuviese
un Stoutland."
508,30,8,"Ha un manto lungo e folto. In passato, nelle
regioni fredde ogni famiglia aveva uno Stoutland."
508,30,9,"Its fur is long and thick. A long time ago in cold
regions, every household kept a Stoutland."
508,30,11,"長く 厚手の 体毛を もつ。
昔は 寒い 地方では 一家に
1匹 ムーランドを 飼っていた。"
508,33,1,"ひとと くらすのが すきらしい。
やせいで つかまえても みっかも
たてば ひとに なつくようになる。"
508,33,3,"사람과 사는 것을 좋아하는 듯하다.
야생에서 잡아도 3일만 지나면
사람을 따르게 된다."
508,33,5,"Il apprécierait tant la compagnie des êtres
humains quil ne faudrait pas plus de trois jours
pour apprivoiser un Mastouffe sauvage."
508,33,6,"Bissbark scheint gerne unter Menschen zu leben.
Wenn man ein wildes Exemplar fängt, dauert es
nur etwa drei Tage, bis dieses zutraulich wird."
508,33,7,"Parece ser que le gusta vivir con personas. En tan
solo tres días ya le coge cariño a cualquiera que
lo haya atrapado en estado salvaje."
508,33,8,"Sembra gli piaccia vivere con gli esseri umani.
Gli esemplari selvatici catturati si affezionano
nel giro di tre giorni."
508,33,9,"These Pokémon seem to enjoy living with humans.
Even a Stoutland caught in the wild will warm up
to people in about three days."
508,33,11,"人と 暮らすのが 好きらしい。
野生で 捕まえても 3日も
たてば 人に 懐くようになる。"
508,34,1,"りっぱなヒゲが じまんの ポケモン。
その ながさで なかまどうしの
ゆうれつが きまると いう。"
508,34,3,"훌륭한 수염이 특징인 포켓몬이다.
그 길이로 동료들과
우열을 가린다고 한다."
508,34,5,"Sa moustache remarquable fait sa fierté,
car sa longueur permettrait de déterminer
la hiérarchie au sein de lespèce."
508,34,6,"Seinen üppigen Schnauzbart trägt es mit Stolz.
Angeblich entscheidet dessen Länge über die
Rangordnung innerhalb dieser Pokémon-Art."
508,34,7,"Sus impresionantes bigotes son su orgullo. Entre
los de su especie se establece una jerarquía
según su longitud."
508,34,8,"Va molto fiero dei suoi splendidi baffi. Si dice
che la loro lunghezza determini la sua
superiorità o inferiorità rispetto ai suoi simili."
508,34,9,"Stoutland is immensely proud of its impressive
moustache. Its said that moustache length is what
determines social standing among this species."
508,34,11,"立派なヒゲが 自慢の ポケモン。
その 長さで 仲間同士の
優劣が 決まると いう。"
509,17,5,"Il vole les gens pour le plaisir, mais il
est tellement mignon que ses victimes
finissent toujours par lui pardonner."
509,17,9,"They steal from people for fun, but their
victims cant help but forgive them.
Their deceptively cute act is perfect."
509,18,5,"Il détourne lattention de ses victimes
avec ses gestes mignons pour mieux les
détrousser. En colère, il griffe."
509,18,9,"Its cute act is a ruse. When victims let
down their guard, they find their items
taken. It attacks with sharp claws."
509,21,9,"Their cute act is a ruse. They trick
people and steal their valuables
just to see the looks on their faces."
509,22,9,"Their cute act is a ruse. They trick
people and steal their valuables
just to see the looks on their faces."
509,23,1,"かわいらしい しぐさで ゆだんさせて
その すきに もちものを うばう。
おこると ツメを たてて はんげき。"
509,23,3,"귀여운 행동으로 방심하게 한 후
그 틈에 지닌 물건을 빼앗아 간다.
화가 나면 손톱을 세워서 반격한다."
509,23,5,"Il détourne lattention de ses victimes avec ses gestes
mignons pour mieux les détrousser. En colère,
il griffe."
509,23,6,"Es lenkt die Menschen durch sein süßes Verhalten ab,
um sie zu bestehlen. Ist es wütend, kratzt es gern mal."
509,23,7,"Distrae a su oponente con movimientos gráciles y
sustrae sus pertenencias. Cuando se enfada, ataca
con las garras."
509,23,8,"Distrae con pose ammalianti i nemici incauti e ne
approfitta per depredarli. Se si arrabbia, sguaina le
509,23,9,"Its cute act is a ruse. When victims let down their
guard, they find their items taken. It attacks with
sharp claws."
509,23,11,"かわいらしい 仕草で 油断させて
その すきに 持ち物を 奪う。
怒ると ツメを 立てて 反撃。"
509,24,1,"ひとの ものを あそびで ぬすむ。
ぬすまれた ひとも あいくるしい
しぐさに つい ゆるしてしまうのだ。"
509,24,3,"다른 사람의 물건을 장난삼아 훔친다.
물건을 도둑맞은 사람도 애교 넘치는
행동에 빠져 용서하고 만다."
509,24,5,"Il vole les gens pour le plaisir, mais il est tellement
mignon que ses victimes finissent toujours par lui
509,24,6,"Es stibitzt den Leuten spaßeshalber ihr Hab und Gut,
doch dank seiner reizenden Natur kann ihm niemand
lang böse sein."
509,24,7,"Hurta a los humanos por mera diversión, pero las
víctimas lo perdonan al ver a este Pokémon tan
509,24,8,"Ruba per gioco le cose alle persone, ma è talmente
tenero che finiscono tutti per perdonarlo."
509,24,9,"They steal from people for fun, but their victims
cant help but forgive them. Their deceptively cute
act is perfect."
509,24,11,"人の 物を 遊びで 盗む。
盗まれた 人も 愛くるしい 仕草に
つい 許してしまうのだ。"
509,25,1,"かわいらしい しぐさで ゆだんさせて
その すきに もちものを うばう。
おこると ツメを たてて はんげき。"
509,25,3,"귀여운 행동으로 방심하게 한 후
그 틈에 지닌 물건을 빼앗아 간다.
화가 나면 손톱을 세워서 반격한다."
509,25,5,"Il détourne lattention de ses victimes avec ses gestes
mignons pour mieux les détrousser. En colère, il griffe."
509,25,6,"Es lenkt die Menschen durch sein süßes Verhalten ab,
um sie zu bestehlen. Ist es wütend, kratzt es gern mal."
509,25,7,"Distrae a su oponente con movimientos gráciles y sustrae sus
pertenencias. Cuando se enfada, ataca con las garras."
509,25,8,"Distrae con pose ammalianti i nemici incauti e ne approfitta
per depredarli. Se si arrabbia, sguaina le unghie."
509,25,9,"Its cute act is a ruse. When victims let down their
guard, they find their items taken. It attacks with
sharp claws."
509,25,11,"かわいらしい 仕草で 油断させて
その すきに 持ち物を 奪う。
怒ると ツメを 立てて 反撃。"
509,26,1,"ひとの ものを あそびで ぬすむ。
ぬすまれた ひとも あいくるしい
しぐさに つい ゆるしてしまうのだ。"
509,26,3,"다른 사람의 물건을 장난삼아 훔친다.
물건을 도둑맞은 사람도 애교 넘치는
행동에 빠져 용서하고 만다."
509,26,5,"Il vole les gens pour le plaisir, mais il est tellement mignon
que ses victimes finissent toujours par lui pardonner."
509,26,6,"Es stibitzt den Leuten spaßeshalber ihr Hab und Gut, doch
dank seiner reizenden Natur kann ihm niemand lang böse sein."
509,26,7,"Hurta a los humanos por mera diversión, pero las víctimas lo
perdonan al ver a este Pokémon tan encantador."
509,26,8,"Ruba per gioco le cose alle persone, ma è talmente tenero
che finiscono tutti per perdonarlo."
509,26,9,"They steal from people for fun, but their victims
cant help but forgive them. Their deceptively cute
act is perfect."
509,26,11,"人の 物を 遊びで 盗む。
盗まれた 人も 愛くるしい 仕草に
つい 許してしまうのだ。"
509,33,1,"こまった すがたを みるために
ひとの ものを ぬすみだす。
クスネとは ライバルなのだ。"
509,33,3,"곤란해하는 모습을 보기 위해
사람의 물건을 훔친다.
훔처우와는 라이벌 관계다."
509,33,5,"Il vole les biens des personnes rien que pour voir
leur visage désemparé.
Son plus grand rival est Goupilou."
509,33,6,"Es bestiehlt liebend gerne Leute, um sich an ihrer
Frustration zu erfreuen. Mit Kleptifux verbindet
es eine tiefe Rivalität."
509,33,7,"Sustrae las pertenencias de las personas solo
para verlas pasar apuros. Es un rival encarnizado
de Nickit."
509,33,8,"Ruba le cose alle persone per vederle in
difficoltà. Nickit è il suo rivale."
509,33,9,"It steals things from people just to amuse itself
with their frustration. A rivalry exists between
this Pokémon and Nickit."
509,33,11,"困った 姿を 見るために
ひとの ものを 盗みだす。
クスネとは ライバルなのだ。"
509,34,1,"あいくるしい しぐさで ゆだんさせ
よってきた あいてを いきなり
ツメで ひっかいて わらっている。"
509,34,3,"귀여운 동작으로 방심시키고
상대가 다가오면 갑자기
발톱으로 할퀴고는 웃는다."
509,34,5,"Malheur à qui se laisse berner par ses gestes
adorables : une fois les gens à sa portée,
il les griffe sans crier gare, en ricanant."
509,34,6,"Es wiegt andere durch liebenswertes Verhalten in
Sicherheit, kratzt sie dann plötzlich und amüsiert
sich prächtig darüber."
509,34,7,"Una vez que ha logrado distraer al rival mediante
sus gestos adorables, lo araña de improviso con
las garras mientras muestra un semblante risueño."
509,34,8,"Lascia avvicinare il nemico distraendolo con
pose ammalianti, e poi allimprovviso lo graffia
509,34,9,"Opponents that get drawn in by its adorable
behavior come away with stinging scratches from
its claws and stinging pride from its laughter."
509,34,11,"愛くるしい しぐさで 油断させ
寄ってきた 相手を いきなり
ツメで ひっかいて 笑っている。"
510,17,5,"Un Pokémon insaisissable. Son style
et son pelage magnifique attirent de
nombreux Dresseurs."
510,17,9,"These Pokémon vanish and appear
unexpectedly. Many Trainers are drawn
to their beautiful form and fur."
510,18,5,"Il sapproche sans un bruit de sa proie
et labat dun coup par derrière
sans jamais être repéré."
510,18,9,"Stealthily, it sneaks up on its target,
striking from behind before its victim
has a chance to react."
510,21,9,"Their beautiful form comes from
the muscles they have developed.
They run silently in the night."
510,22,9,"Their beautiful form comes from
the muscles they have developed.
They run silently in the night."
510,23,1,"うつくしい スタイルは ぜんしんの
はったつした きんにくの おかげ。
おともたてずに よるを かけぬける。"
510,23,3,"아름다운 스타일은 전신의
발달한 근육 덕분이다.
소리도 내지 않고 밤을 달린다."
510,23,5,"Sa ligne élégante cache une musculature féline
qui lui permet de surprendre lors de ses attaques
510,23,6,"Sein anmutiges Auftreten verdankt es den Muskeln,
die es entwickelt hat. Es prescht lautlos durch die
510,23,7,"Su bella y grácil silueta le viene dada por su
desarrollada musculatura, que le permite andar de
noche sin hacer ruido."
510,23,8,"I muscoli tonici del suo corpo gli donano una figura
davvero affascinante. Si aggira silenzioso nel buio
della notte."
510,23,9,"Their beautiful form comes from the muscles they
have developed. They run silently in the night."
510,23,11,"美しい スタイルは 全身の
発達した 筋肉の おかげ。
音もたてずに 夜を 駆けぬける。"
510,24,1,"けはいを ころして せっきんする。
あいてが きづく まえに はいごから
しのびより しとめてしまうのだ。"
510,24,3,"기척을 지우고 접근한다.
상대가 눈치채기 전에 뒤쪽으로
살며시 다가가 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
510,24,5,"Il sapproche sans un bruit de sa proie et labat
dun coup par-derrière sans jamais être repéré."
510,24,6,"Verbirgt seine Aura und nähert sich seinem Gegner
völlig unbemerkt von hinten, um ihm den Garaus
zu machen."
510,24,7,"Se aproxima evitando que lo detecten. Con sigilo, se
acerca a su rival por la espalda y lo ataca."
510,24,8,"Si avvicina di soppiatto alle spalle del nemico
colpendolo prima che se ne accorga."
510,24,9,"Stealthily, it sneaks up on its target, striking from
behind before its victim has a chance to react."
510,24,11,"気配を 殺して 接近する。
相手が 気づく 前に 背後から
忍び寄り しとめてしまうのだ。"
510,25,1,"うつくしい スタイルは ぜんしんの
はったつした きんにくの おかげ。
おともたてずに よるを かけぬける。"
510,25,3,"아름다운 스타일은 전신의
발달한 근육 덕분이다.
소리도 내지 않고 밤을 달린다."
510,25,5,"Sa ligne élégante cache une musculature féline qui lui permet
de surprendre lors de ses attaques nocturnes."
510,25,6,"Sein anmutiges Auftreten verdankt es den Muskeln, die es
entwickelt hat. Es prescht lautlos durch die Nacht."
510,25,7,"Su bella y grácil silueta le viene dada por su desarrollada
musculatura, que le permite andar de noche sin hacer ruido."
510,25,8,"I muscoli tonici del suo corpo gli donano una figura davvero
affascinante. Si aggira silenzioso nel buio della notte."
510,25,9,"Their beautiful form comes from the muscles they
have developed. They run silently in the night."
510,25,11,"美しい スタイルは 全身の
発達した 筋肉の おかげ。
音もたてずに 夜を 駆けぬける。"
510,26,1,"けはいを ころして せっきんする。
あいてが きづく まえに はいごから
しのびより しとめてしまうのだ。"
510,26,3,"기척을 지우고 접근한다.
상대가 눈치채기 전에 뒤쪽으로
살며시 다가가 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
510,26,5,"Il sapproche sans un bruit de sa proie et labat dun coup
par-derrière sans jamais être repéré."
510,26,6,"Verbirgt seine Aura und nähert sich seinem Gegner völlig
unbemerkt von hinten, um ihm den Garaus zu machen."
510,26,7,"Se aproxima evitando que lo detecten. Con sigilo, se acerca
a su rival por la espalda y lo ataca."
510,26,8,"Si avvicina di soppiatto alle spalle del nemico colpendolo
prima che se ne accorga."
510,26,9,"Stealthily, it sneaks up on its target, striking from
behind before its victim has a chance to react."
510,26,11,"気配を 殺して 接近する。
相手が 気づく 前に 背後から
忍び寄り しとめてしまうのだ。"
510,33,1,"うつくしい けなみと スタイルに
まどわされがちだが きまぐれで
きょうぼうな ポケモンなのだ。"
510,33,3,"아름다운 털과 스타일에
쉽게 매료되지만 변덕스럽고
흉포한 포켓몬이다."
510,33,5,"On se laisse facilement éblouir par son pelage
magnifique et son allure élégante, mais gare
à son caractère imprévisible et agressif."
510,33,6,"Man wird schnell von seinem schönen Fell und
seiner Anmut verleitet, aber es ist ein sehr
launisches und gewalttätiges Pokémon."
510,33,7,"Bajo su hermoso pelaje y cautivador estilo, que
puede llevar fácilmente a engaño, se oculta un
carácter imprevisible y agresivo."
510,33,8,"Pokémon dalla magnifica pelliccia e dalle linee
aggraziate, dietro cui si nasconde un carattere
volubile e feroce."
510,33,9,"Dont be fooled by its gorgeous fur and elegant
figure. This is a moody and vicious Pokémon."
510,33,11,"美しい 毛並みと スタイルに
惑わされがちだが 気まぐれで
狂暴な ポケモンなのだ。"
510,34,1,"フォクスライと なわばりを めぐり
あらそう。 おとひとつ たてずに
えものの はいごに しのびよる。"
510,34,3,"폭슬라이와 영역을 두고
다툰다. 소리를 전혀 내지 않고
먹이의 배후에 접근한다."
510,34,5,"Sans un bruit, il approche ses victimes
par-derrière pour les frapper.
Il dispute son territoire avec les Roublenard."
510,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon schleicht sich völlig geräuschlos
von hinten an seine Beute heran. Es bestreitet
Revierkämpfe mit Gaunux."
510,34,7,"Libra disputas territoriales con los Thievul. Se
acerca a sus rivales por la espalda sin hacer el
menor ruido."
510,34,8,"Si avvicina di soppiatto alla preda, attaccandola
alle spalle allimprovviso. Spesso si contende
il territorio con Thievul."
510,34,9,"This stealthy Pokémon sneaks up behind prey
without making any sound at all. It competes with
Thievul for territory."
510,34,11,"フォクスライと 縄張りを めぐり
争う。 音ひとつ たてずに
獲物の 背後に 忍び寄る。"
511,17,5,"Il vit dans les forêts profondes.
Manger la feuille qui pousse sur
sa tête fait disparaître la fatigue."
511,17,9,"This Pokémon dwells deep in the forest.
Eating a leaf from its head whisks
weariness away as if by magic."
511,18,5,"Les feuilles qui poussent sur sa tête
soignent la fatigue. Il en donne aux
Pokémon affaiblis."
511,18,9,"It shares the leaf on its head with
weary-looking Pokémon. These
leaves are known to relieve stress."
511,21,9,"Its good at finding berries and gathers
them from all over. Its kind enough
to share them with friends."
511,22,9,"Its good at finding berries and gathers
them from all over. Its kind enough
to share them with friends."
511,23,1,"げんきの ない ポケモンに
あたまの はっぱを わけあたえる。
つかれを とる こうかが あるのだ。"
511,23,3,"기운이 없는 포켓몬에게
머리의 잎사귀를 나눠준다.
피로를 풀어주는 효과가 있다."
511,23,5,"Les feuilles qui poussent sur sa tête soignent la
fatigue. Il en donne aux Pokémon affaiblis."
511,23,6,"Schwächelnden Pokémon gibt es ein paar der Kräuter
auf seinem Kopf ab und hilft ihnen so wieder
auf die Beine."
511,23,7,"Comparte las hojas de su cabeza con Pokémon
agotados. Posee la facultad de aliviar el cansancio."
511,23,8,"Distribuisce le foglie sulla sua testa ai Pokémon
affaticati, per alleviare la loro stanchezza."
511,23,9,"It shares the leaf on its head with weary-looking
Pokémon. These leaves are known to relieve stress."
511,23,11,"元気の ない ポケモンに
頭の 葉っぱを 分け与える。
疲れを 取る 効果が あるのだ。"
511,24,1,"きのみを さがすのが じょうずで
あちこちで あつめて なかまに
わけあたえる やさしさを もつ。"
511,24,3,"나무열매를 잘 찾아
여기저기에서 모아 동료에게
나누어 주는 상냥함을 가졌다."
511,24,5,"Il est très doué pour trouver des Baies et aime les
partager avec ses amis sans rien demander en
511,24,6,"Ein nettes Kerlchen, das so talentiert darin ist,
Beeren aufzuspüren, dass es sie mit all seinen
Kameraden teilt."
511,24,7,"Es todo un experto en la búsqueda de bayas y es tan
gentil que las comparte con todos sus compañeros."
511,24,8,"È un Pokémon molto generoso. Abilissimo nello
scovare le bacche, va in giro a raccoglierle per poi
511,24,9,"Its good at finding berries and gathers them from
all over. Its kind enough to share them
with friends."
511,24,11,"木の実を 探すのが 上手で
あちこちで 集めて 仲間に
分け与える 優しさを 持つ。"
511,25,1,"げんきの ない ポケモンに
あたまの はっぱを わけあたえる。
つかれを とる こうかが あるのだ。"
511,25,3,"기운이 없는 포켓몬에게
머리의 잎사귀를 나눠준다.
피로를 풀어주는 효과가 있다."
511,25,5,"Les feuilles qui poussent sur sa tête soignent la fatigue.
Il en donne aux Pokémon affaiblis."
511,25,6,"Schwächelnden Pokémon gibt es ein paar der Kräuter auf
seinem Kopf ab und hilft ihnen so wieder auf die Beine."
511,25,7,"Comparte las hojas de su cabeza con Pokémon agotados.
Posee la facultad de aliviar el cansancio."
511,25,8,"Distribuisce le foglie sulla sua testa ai Pokémon affaticati,
per alleviare la loro stanchezza."
511,25,9,"It shares the leaf on its head with weary-looking
Pokémon. These leaves are known to relieve stress."
511,25,11,"元気の ない ポケモンに
頭の 葉っぱを 分け与える。
疲れを 取る 効果が あるのだ。"
511,26,1,"きのみを さがすのが じょうずで
あちこちで あつめて なかまに
わけあたえる やさしさを もつ。"
511,26,3,"나무열매를 잘 찾아
여기저기에서 모아 동료에게
나누어 주는 상냥함을 가졌다."
511,26,5,"Il est très doué pour trouver des Baies et aime les partager
avec ses amis sans rien demander en échange."
511,26,6,"Ein nettes Kerlchen, das so talentiert darin ist, Beeren
aufzuspüren, dass es sie mit all seinen Kameraden teilt."
511,26,7,"Es todo un experto en la búsqueda de bayas y es tan gentil
que las comparte con todos sus compañeros."
511,26,8,"È un Pokémon molto generoso. Abilissimo nello scovare le
bacche, va in giro a raccoglierle per poi condividerle."
511,26,9,"Its good at finding berries and gathers them from
all over. Its kind enough to share them
with friends."
511,26,11,"木の実を 探すのが 上手で
あちこちで 集めて 仲間に
分け与える 優しさを 持つ。"
512,17,5,"Il a un tempérament violent et se
bat avec sa queue pleine dépines.
La feuille sur sa tête est très amère."
512,17,9,"Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its
barbed tail around wildly. The leaf
growing on its head is very bitter."
512,18,5,"Il frappe ses ennemis avec sa queue
couverte de pointes. Un Pokémon au
caractère agressif."
512,18,9,"It attacks enemies with strikes
of its thorn-covered tail.
This Pokémon is wild tempered."
512,21,9,"It strikes its enemies with
a thorn-covered tail.
The leaf on its head is bitter."
512,22,9,"It strikes its enemies with
a thorn-covered tail.
The leaf on its head is bitter."
512,23,1,"トゲの たくさん ついた しっぽを
あいてに たたきつけて こうげき。
きしょうの はげしい ポケモン。"
512,23,3,"가시가 잔뜩 박힌 꼬리를
상대에게 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다.
기질이 격한 포켓몬이다."
512,23,5,"Il frappe ses ennemis avec sa queue couverte de
pointes. Un Pokémon au caractère agressif."
512,23,6,"Wer sich mit diesem temperamentvollen Pokémon
anlegt, bekommt seinen mit Dornen bestückten
Schweif zu spüren."
512,23,7,"Ataca estampando las espinas de su cola en el
enemigo. Es un Pokémon con mucho temperamento."
512,23,8,"Attacca il nemico colpendolo con la coda piena di
aculei. Pokémon dal carattere impetuoso."
512,23,9,"It attacks enemies with strikes of its thorn-covered
tail. This Pokémon is wild tempered."
512,23,11,"トゲの たくさん ついた 尻尾を
相手に たたきつけて 攻撃。
気性の 激しい ポケモン。"
512,24,1,"きしょうが はげしく トゲの ついた
しっぽを ふりまわして たたかう。
あたまの はっぱは とても にがい。"
512,24,3,"기질이 격하여 가시가 박힌
꼬리를 휘두르며 싸운다.
머리의 잎사귀는 매우 쓰다."
512,24,5,"Il a un tempérament violent et se bat avec sa queue
pleine dépines. La feuille sur sa tête est très amère."
512,24,6,"Ein hitziger Geselle, der im Kampf seinen dornigen
Schweif umherschwingt. Auf seinem Kopf wachsen
bittere Kräuter."
512,24,7,"Pokémon muy temperamental que lucha con su cola
revestida de púas. Las hojas de su cabeza están muy
512,24,8,"Di carattere impetuoso, lotta roteando la coda
dotata di aculei. Le foglie che ha sul capo sono
molto amare."
512,24,9,"Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail
around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is
very bitter."
512,24,11,"気性が 激しく トゲの ついた
尻尾を 振り回して 戦う。
頭の 葉っぱは とても 苦い。"
512,25,1,"トゲの たくさん ついた しっぽを
あいてに たたきつけて こうげき。
きしょうの はげしい ポケモン。"
512,25,3,"가시가 잔뜩 박힌 꼬리를
상대에게 힘껏 쳐서 공격한다.
기질이 격한 포켓몬이다."
512,25,5,"Il frappe ses ennemis avec sa queue couverte de pointes.
Un Pokémon au caractère agressif."
512,25,6,"Wer sich mit diesem temperamentvollen Pokémon anlegt,
bekommt seinen mit Dornen bestückten Schweif zu spüren."
512,25,7,"Ataca estampando las espinas de su cola en el enemigo. Es
un Pokémon con mucho temperamento."
512,25,8,"Attacca il nemico colpendolo con la coda piena di aculei.
Pokémon dal carattere impetuoso."
512,25,9,"It attacks enemies with strikes of its thorn-covered
tail. This Pokémon is wild tempered."
512,25,11,"トゲの たくさん ついた 尻尾を
相手に たたきつけて 攻撃。
気性の 激しい ポケモン。"
512,26,1,"きしょうが はげしく トゲの ついた
しっぽを ふりまわして たたかう。
あたまの はっぱは とても にがい。"
512,26,3,"기질이 격하여 가시가 박힌
꼬리를 휘두르며 싸운다.
머리의 잎사귀는 매우 쓰다."
512,26,5,"Il a un tempérament violent et se bat avec sa queue
pleine dépines. La feuille sur sa tête est très amère."
512,26,6,"Ein hitziger Geselle, der im Kampf seinen dornigen Schweif
umherschwingt. Auf seinem Kopf wachsen bittere Kräuter."
512,26,7,"Pokémon muy temperamental que lucha con su cola revestida
de púas. Las hojas de su cabeza están muy amargas."
512,26,8,"Di carattere impetuoso, lotta roteando la coda dotata di aculei.
Le foglie che ha sul capo sono molto amare."
512,26,9,"Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail
around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is
very bitter."
512,26,11,"気性が 激しく トゲの ついた
尻尾を 振り回して 戦う。
頭の 葉っぱは とても 苦い。"
513,17,5,"Quand il sénerve, la mèche sur sa
tête chauffe à 300 °C. Il sen sert
pour griller des Baies et les manger."
513,17,9,"When it is angered, the temperature
of its head tuft reaches 600° F.
It uses its tuft to roast berries."
513,18,5,"Il vit dans les cratères des volcans.
Lintérieur de la mèche quil a sur la
tête peut atteindre 300 °C."
513,18,9,"This Pokémon lives in caves
in volcanoes. The fire within the
tuft on its head can reach 600° F."
513,21,9,"Very intelligent, it roasts
berries before eating them.
It likes to help people."
513,22,9,"Very intelligent, it roasts
berries before eating them.
It likes to help people."
513,23,1,"ちのうが たかく きのみは
やいてから たべる しゅうせい。
ひとの てつだいを このんでいる。"
513,23,3,"지능이 높고 나무열매는
구운 뒤 먹는 습성이 있다.
사람 도와주기를 좋아한다."
513,23,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent qui adore cuire ses Baies
avant de les manger. Il aime aussi aider les humains."
513,23,6,"Ein kultiviertes Pokémon, das Beeren vor dem
Verzehr stets anbrät. Es bietet den Menschen
gerne seine Hilfe an."
513,23,7,"Pokémon muy inteligente que tiene la costumbre de
tostar las bayas antes de comérselas. Ayuda mucho
a los humanos."
513,23,8,"È molto intelligente e ha labitudine di arrostire le
bacche prima di mangiarle. Adora aiutare gli esseri
513,23,9,"Very intelligent, it roasts berries before eating them.
It likes to help people."
513,23,11,"知能が 高く 木の実は
焼いてから 食べる 習性。
人の 手伝いを 好んでいる。"
513,24,1,"かざんの ほらあなで くらす。
あたまの ふさの なかが もえていて
300どの こうおんになる。"
513,24,3,"화산 동굴에서 산다.
머리의 송아리 속이 불타고 있어
300도나 되는 높은 온도가 된다."
513,24,5,"Il vit dans les cratères des volcans. Lintérieur de
la mèche quil a sur la tête peut atteindre 300 °C."
513,24,6,"Das Feuer in seinem Kopfbüschel erreicht
Temperaturen von bis zu 300 °C. Es ist in
Vulkanhöhlen zu Hause."
513,24,7,"Vive en cuevas volcánicas. El interior de su mata de
pelo arde, llegando a alcanzar hasta 300 °C."
513,24,8,"Vive nelle grotte vulcaniche. Linterno del ciuffo che
ha in testa brucia a una temperatura di 300 °C."
513,24,9,"This Pokémon lives in caves in volcanoes.
The fire within the tuft on its head can reach
600 degrees Fahrenheit."
513,24,11,"火山の 洞穴で 暮らす。
頭の ふさの 中が 燃えていて
300度の 高温になる。"
513,25,1,"ちのうが たかく きのみは
やいてから たべる しゅうせい。
ひとの てつだいを このんでいる。"
513,25,3,"지능이 높고 나무열매는
구운 뒤 먹는 습성이 있다.
사람 도와주기를 좋아한다."
513,25,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent qui adore cuire ses Baies
avant de les manger. Il aime aussi aider les humains."
513,25,6,"Ein kultiviertes Pokémon, das Beeren vor dem Verzehr stets
anbrät. Es bietet den Menschen gerne seine Hilfe an."
513,25,7,"Pokémon muy inteligente que tiene la costumbre de tostar las
bayas antes de comérselas. Ayuda mucho a los humanos."
513,25,8,"È molto intelligente e ha labitudine di arrostire le bacche
prima di mangiarle. Adora aiutare gli esseri umani."
513,25,9,"Very intelligent, it roasts berries before eating them.
It likes to help people."
513,25,11,"知能が 高く 木の実は
焼いてから 食べる 習性。
人の 手伝いを 好んでいる。"
513,26,1,"かざんの ほらあなで くらす。
あたまの ふさの なかが もえていて
300どの こうおんになる。"
513,26,3,"화산 동굴에서 산다.
머리의 송아리 속이 불타고 있어
300도나 되는 높은 온도가 된다."
513,26,5,"Il vit dans les cratères des volcans. Lintérieur de la mèche
quil a sur la tête peut atteindre 300 °C."
513,26,6,"Das Feuer in seinem Kopfbüschel erreicht Temperaturen
von bis zu 300 °C. Es ist in Vulkanhöhlen zu Hause."
513,26,7,"Vive en cuevas volcánicas. El interior de su mata de pelo
arde, llegando a alcanzar hasta 300 °C."
513,26,8,"Vive nelle grotte vulcaniche. Linterno del ciuffo che ha
in testa brucia a una temperatura di 300 °C."
513,26,9,"This Pokémon lives in caves in volcanoes.
The fire within the tuft on its head can reach
600 degrees Fahrenheit."
513,26,11,"火山の 洞穴で 暮らす。
頭の ふさの 中が 燃えていて
300度の 高温になる。"
514,17,5,"Il adore les aliments sucrés. Ils lui
servent dénergie pour alimenter le
feu à lintérieur de son corps."
514,17,9,"It loves sweets because they become
energy for the fire burning inside
its body."
514,18,5,"Son corps est en combustion. Il
projette des flammèches par la tête et
la queue pour carboniser ses ennemis."
514,18,9,"A flame burns inside its body.
It scatters embers from its head
and tail to sear its opponents."
514,21,9,"When it gets excited, embers rise
from its head and tail and it gets hot.
For some reason, it loves sweets."
514,22,9,"When it gets excited, embers rise
from its head and tail and it gets hot.
For some reason, it loves sweets."
514,23,1,"からだの なかの ほのおを もやして
あたまや しっぽから ひのこを
まきちらせて てきを こがす。"
514,23,3,"몸속에서 태운 불꽃을
머리나 꼬리로 흩뿌려서
상대를 태운다."
514,23,5,"Son corps est en combustion. Il projette des
flammèches par la tête et la queue pour carboniser
ses ennemis."
514,23,6,"Es entfacht in seinem Körper ein Feuer und verkohlt
Gegner mit Funken aus seinem Kopf und Schweif."
514,23,7,"Achicharra a sus enemigos desprendiendo llamas
por la cola y la cabeza, fruto de su desmesurado
calor interno."
514,23,8,"Alimentando la fiamma allinterno del suo corpo,
sparge dalla testa o dalla coda una pioggia di
fuoco che scotta i nemici."
514,23,9,"A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers
from its head and tail to sear its opponents."
514,23,11,"体の 中の 炎を 燃やして
頭や 尻尾から 火の粉を
まき散らせて 敵を 焦がす。"
514,24,1,"こうふんすると あたまや しっぽから
ひのこが まいあがって あつくなる。
なぜか あまいものが だいこうぶつ。"
514,24,3,"흥분하면 머리나 꼬리에서
불티가 날아올라 뜨거워진다.
왜인지 달콤한 것을 매우 좋아한다."
514,24,5,"Quand il est excité, des flammèches brûlantes dansent
sur sa tête et sa queue. Il raffole des choses sucrées."
514,24,6,"Freut es sich, erhitzt sich sein Körper und aus
seinem Kopf und Schweif sprühen Funken.
Es liebt Süßigkeiten."
514,24,7,"Cuando se emociona, echa chispas por la cola y la
cabeza, y calienta su cuerpo. Por alguna razón le
encantan los dulces."
514,24,8,"Quando è concitato si scalda e iniziano a levarsi
scintille dalla testa e dalla coda. Per qualche motivo
adora i dolci."
514,24,9,"When it gets excited, embers rise from its head
and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it
loves sweets."
514,24,11,"興奮すると 頭や 尻尾から
火の粉が 舞いあがって 熱くなる。
なぜか 甘いものが 大好物。"
514,25,1,"からだの なかの ほのおを もやして
あたまや しっぽから ひのこを
まきちらせて てきを こがす。"
514,25,3,"몸속에서 태운 불꽃을
머리나 꼬리로 흩뿌려서
상대를 태운다."
514,25,5,"Son corps est en combustion. Il projette des flammèches
par la tête et la queue pour carboniser ses ennemis."
514,25,6,"Es entfacht in seinem Körper ein Feuer und verkohlt Gegner
mit Funken aus seinem Kopf und Schweif."
514,25,7,"Achicharra a sus enemigos desprendiendo llamas por la cola y
la cabeza, fruto de su desmesurado calor interno."
514,25,8,"Alimentando la fiamma allinterno del suo corpo, sparge dalla
testa o dalla coda una pioggia di fuoco che scotta i nemici."
514,25,9,"A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers
from its head and tail to sear its opponents."
514,25,11,"体の 中の 炎を 燃やして
頭や 尻尾から 火の粉を
まき散らせて 敵を 焦がす。"
514,26,1,"こうふんすると あたまや しっぽから
ひのこが まいあがって あつくなる。
なぜか あまいものが だいこうぶつ。"
514,26,3,"흥분하면 머리나 꼬리에서
불티가 날아올라 뜨거워진다.
왜인지 달콤한 것을 매우 좋아한다."
514,26,5,"Quand il est excité, des flammèches brûlantes dansent
sur sa tête et sa queue. Il raffole des choses sucrées."
514,26,6,"Freut es sich, erhitzt sich sein Körper und aus seinem Kopf
und Schweif sprühen Funken. Es liebt Süßigkeiten."
514,26,7,"Cuando se emociona, echa chispas por la cola y la cabeza, y
calienta su cuerpo. Por alguna razón le encantan los dulces."
514,26,8,"Quando è concitato si scalda e iniziano a levarsi scintille dalla
testa e dalla coda. Per qualche motivo adora i dolci."
514,26,9,"When it gets excited, embers rise from its head
and tail and it gets hot. For some reason, it
loves sweets."
514,26,11,"興奮すると 頭や 尻尾から
火の粉が 舞いあがって 熱くなる。
なぜか 甘いものが 大好物。"
515,17,5,"Leau contenue dans la mèche sur sa
tête est pleine de nutriments. Elle fait
pousser les plantes avec vigueur."
515,17,9,"The water stored inside the tuft on
its head is full of nutrients. Plants
that receive its water grow large."
515,18,5,"Il supporte mal les environnements secs.
Il shumidifie avec sa queue en aspirant
leau stockée dans la mèche sur sa tête."
515,18,9,"It does not thrive in dry environments.
It keeps itself damp by shooting water
stored in its head tuft from its tail."
515,21,9,"The water stored inside the tuft
on its head is full of nutrients.
It waters plants with it using its tail."
515,22,9,"The water stored inside the tuft
on its head is full of nutrients.
It waters plants with it using its tail."
515,23,1,"あたまのふさに ためこんだ みずは
えいよう たっぷり。しっぽをつかって
その みずを くさきに かけている。"
515,23,3,"머리 송아리에 모은 물은
영양 듬뿍. 꼬리를 사용해서
그 물을 초목에 뿌린다."
515,23,5,"Sa houppette est chargée deau et de nutriments.
Il nourrit les plantes et les arbres avec sa queue."
515,23,6,"Das Büschel auf seinem Kopf enthält eine sehr
nahrhafte Flüssigkeit, mit der es über seinen
Schweif Pflanzen wässert."
515,23,7,"El agua acumulada en su mata de pelo es rica en
nutrientes. Usa su cola para regar plantas con esa
misma agua."
515,23,8,"Lacqua contenuta nel suo ciuffo è ricca di nutrienti
e la usa per annaffiare le piante con la coda."
515,23,9,"The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full
of nutrients. It waters plants with it using its tail."
515,23,11,"頭の房に ためこんだ 水は
栄養 たっぷり。尻尾を使って
その 水を 草木に かけている。"
515,24,1,"あたまの ふさに ためた みずは
えいよう たっぷり。しょくぶつに
かけると おおきく そだつのだ。"
515,24,3,"머리의 송아리에 모은 물은
영양이 가득하다. 식물에
뿌려주면 크게 자란다."
515,24,5,"Leau contenue dans la mèche sur sa tête est pleine
de nutriments. Elle fait pousser les plantes avec
515,24,6,"Das Wasser, das es im Büschel auf seinem Kopf
sammelt, ist äußerst nahrhaft und verhilft Pflanzen
zu großem Wachstum."
515,24,7,"La acuosidad que acumula en su mata de pelo es rica
en nutrientes, ideal para regar plantas y que crezcan
515,24,8,"Lacqua accumulata nel ciuffo è ricca di nutrimento
e fa crescere rigogliose le piante che ne vengono
515,24,9,"The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full of
nutrients. Plants that receive its water grow large."
515,24,11,"頭の ふさに ためた 水は
栄養 たっぷり。
植物に かけると 大きく 育つのだ。"
515,25,1,"あたまのふさに ためこんだ みずは
えいよう たっぷり。しっぽをつかって
その みずを くさきに かけている。"
515,25,3,"머리 송아리에 모은 물은
영양 듬뿍. 꼬리를 사용해서
그 물을 초목에 뿌린다."
515,25,5,"Sa houppette est chargée deau et de nutriments.
Il nourrit les plantes et les arbres avec sa queue."
515,25,6,"Das Büschel auf seinem Kopf enthält eine sehr nahrhafte
Flüssigkeit, mit der es über seinen Schweif Pflanzen wässert."
515,25,7,"El agua acumulada en su mata de pelo es rica en nutrientes.
Usa su cola para regar plantas con esa misma agua."
515,25,8,"Lacqua contenuta nel suo ciuffo è ricca di nutrienti e la usa
per annaffiare le piante con la coda."
515,25,9,"The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full
of nutrients. It waters plants with it using its tail."
515,25,11,"頭の房に ためこんだ 水は
栄養 たっぷり。尻尾を使って
その 水を 草木に かけている。"
515,26,1,"あたまの ふさに ためた みずは
えいよう たっぷり。しょくぶつに
かけると おおきく そだつのだ。"
515,26,3,"머리의 송아리에 모은 물은
영양이 가득하다. 식물에
뿌려주면 크게 자란다."
515,26,5,"Leau contenue dans la mèche sur sa tête est pleine
de nutriments. Elle fait pousser les plantes avec vigueur."
515,26,6,"Das Wasser, das es im Büschel auf seinem Kopf sammelt,
ist äußerst nahrhaft und verhilft Pflanzen zu großem Wachstum."
515,26,7,"La acuosidad que acumula en su mata de pelo es rica en
nutrientes, ideal para regar plantas y que crezcan mucho."
515,26,8,"Lacqua accumulata nel ciuffo è ricca di nutrimento e fa
crescere rigogliose le piante che ne vengono annaffiate."
515,26,9,"The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full of
nutrients. Plants that receive its water grow large."
515,26,11,"頭の ふさに ためた 水は
栄養 たっぷり。
植物に かけると 大きく 育つのだ。"
516,17,5,"Il stocke de leau dans les mèches de sa
tête. Quand il est à sec, il se ravitaille
en aspirant de leau par la queue."
516,17,9,"The tuft on its head holds water. When
the level runs low, it replenishes the
tuft by siphoning up water with its tail."
516,18,5,"Le jet deau à haute pression quil
propulse par la queue est assez puissant
pour traverser un mur de béton."
516,18,9,"The high-pressure water expelled
from its tail is so powerful,
it can destroy a concrete wall."
516,21,9,"It prefers places with clean water.
When its tuft runs low, it replenishes
it by siphoning up water with its tail."
516,22,9,"It prefers places with clean water.
When its tuft runs low, it replenishes
it by siphoning up water with its tail."
516,23,1,"しっぽから こうあつの みずを
はっしゃすると コンクリートの
かべも はかいする いりょく。"
516,23,3,"꼬리에서 발사하는 고압의 물은
콘크리트 벽도 파괴할 수 있는
위력을 지녔다."
516,23,5,"Le jet deau à haute pression quil propulse par la
queue est assez puissant pour traverser un mur de
516,23,6,"Es schießt mit so hohem Druck Wasser
aus seinem Schweif, dass selbst Betonwände
den Kürzeren ziehen."
516,23,7,"Cuando lanza agua a alta presión con su cola, puede
incluso resquebrajar una pared de cemento."
516,23,8,"Spruzza dalla coda un getto dacqua ad alta
pressione, con una potenza tale da distruggere
anche pareti di cemento."
516,23,9,"The high-pressure water expelled from its tail is so
powerful, it can destroy a concrete wall."
516,23,11,"尻尾から 高圧の 水を 発射すると
コンクリートの 壁も
破壊する 威力。"
516,24,1,"みずが きれいな ばしょを このむ。
あたまに ためこんだ みずがへると
しっぽから すいあげて ほきゅう。"
516,24,3,"물이 깨끗한 장소를 좋아한다.
머리에 모아둔 물이 줄어들면
꼬리에서 빨아올려 보급한다."
516,24,5,"Il aime les endroits où leau est pure. Il se ravitaille
en eau en laspirant avec sa queue."
516,24,6,"Hält sich bevorzugt in reinen Gewässern auf.
Geht ihm das Wasser in seinem Kopf aus,
tankt es mit seinem Schweif nach."
516,24,7,"Le encantan los lugares con agua limpia. Cuando
desciende el nivel de agua de su pelo, se abastece
a través de su cola."
516,24,8,"Predilige i luoghi dove lacqua è pura. Se lacqua
che ha sul capo diminuisce, ne aggiunge altra
aspirandola con la coda."
516,24,9,"It prefers places with clean water. When its tuft runs
low, it replenishes it by siphoning up water with
its tail."
516,24,11,"水が きれいな 場所を 好む。
頭に ためこんだ 水が減ると
尻尾から 吸いあげて 補給。"
516,25,1,"しっぽから こうあつの みずを
はっしゃすると コンクリートの
かべも はかいする いりょく。"
516,25,3,"꼬리에서 발사하는 고압의 물은
콘크리트 벽도 파괴할 수 있는
위력을 지녔다."
516,25,5,"Le jet deau à haute pression quil propulse par la queue
est assez puissant pour traverser un mur de béton."
516,25,6,"Es schießt mit so hohem Druck Wasser aus seinem Schweif,
dass selbst Betonwände den Kürzeren ziehen."
516,25,7,"Cuando lanza agua a alta presión con su cola, puede incluso
resquebrajar una pared de cemento."
516,25,8,"Spruzza dalla coda un getto dacqua ad alta pressione, con
una potenza tale da distruggere anche pareti di cemento."
516,25,9,"The high-pressure water expelled from its tail is so
powerful, it can destroy a concrete wall."
516,25,11,"尻尾から 高圧の 水を 発射すると
コンクリートの 壁も
破壊する 威力。"
516,26,1,"みずが きれいな ばしょを このむ。
あたまに ためこんだ みずがへると
しっぽから すいあげて ほきゅう。"
516,26,3,"물이 깨끗한 장소를 좋아한다.
머리에 모아둔 물이 줄어들면
꼬리에서 빨아올려 보급한다."
516,26,5,"Il aime les endroits où leau est pure. Il se ravitaille en eau
en laspirant avec sa queue."
516,26,6,"Hält sich bevorzugt in reinen Gewässern auf. Geht ihm das
Wasser in seinem Kopf aus, tankt es mit seinem Schweif nach."
516,26,7,"Le encantan los lugares con agua limpia. Cuando desciende
el nivel de agua de su pelo, se abastece a través de su cola."
516,26,8,"Predilige i luoghi dove lacqua è pura. Se lacqua che ha sul
capo diminuisce, ne aggiunge altra aspirandola con la coda."
516,26,9,"It prefers places with clean water. When its tuft runs
low, it replenishes it by siphoning up water with
its tail."
516,26,11,"水が きれいな 場所を 好む。
頭に ためこんだ 水が減ると
尻尾から 吸いあげて 補給。"
517,17,5,"Quand Munna mange un rêve, celui-ci
est aussitôt oublié par le rêveur.
Il lévite en permanence."
517,17,9,"Munna always float in the air. People
whose dreams are eaten by them
forget what the dreams had been about."
517,18,5,"Il se nourrit des rêves des gens et des
Pokémon. Quand le rêve est agréable,
il crache une fumée rose."
517,18,9,"It eats the dreams of people and
Pokémon. When it eats a pleasant
dream, it expels pink-colored mist."
517,21,9,"This Pokémon appears before people
and Pokémon who are having nightmares
and eats those dreams."
517,22,9,"This Pokémon appears before people
and Pokémon who are having nightmares
and eats those dreams."
517,23,1,"わるい ゆめに うなされている
ポケモンや ひとの まえに あらわれ
そのゆめを たべてしまう ポケモン。"
517,23,3,"나쁜 꿈에 시달리고 있는
포켓몬이나 사람 앞에 나타나
그 꿈을 먹어버리는 포켓몬."
517,23,5,"Il apparaît aux humains et aux Pokémon qui font
des mauvais rêves et mange leurs cauchemars pour
les en libérer."
517,23,6,"Es erscheint vor schlafenden Menschen
und Pokémon und frisst ihre Alpträume."
517,23,7,"Cuando un humano o un Pokémon sufre una pesadilla,
Munna se aparece ante ellos y la engulle."
517,23,8,"Compare accanto a Pokémon e uomini tormentati
dagli incubi per nutrirsi di tutti i loro brutti sogni."
517,23,9,"This Pokémon appears before people and Pokémon
who are having nightmares and eats those dreams."
517,23,11,"悪い 夢に うなされている
ポケモンや 人の 前に 現われ
その夢を 食べてしまう ポケモン。"
517,24,1,"ひとや ポケモンが みた ゆめを
たべる。たのしい ゆめを たべると
ピンクいろの けむりを はきだす。"
517,24,3,"사람이나 포켓몬이 꾼 꿈을
먹는다. 즐거운 꿈을 먹으면
분홍색 연기를 뿜어낸다."
517,24,5,"Il se nourrit des rêves des gens et des Pokémon.
Quand le rêve est agréable, il crache une fumée rose."
517,24,6,"Es verschlingt die Träume der Menschen.
Frisst es einen fröhlichen Traum, stößt es
danach einen rosafarbenen Dunst aus."
517,24,7,"Se alimenta de los sueños de humanos y Pokémon.
Si los sueños son felices, despide humo rosa."
517,24,8,"Si nutre dei sogni di uomini e Pokémon. Se mangia
sogni piacevoli, esala un fumo di colore rosa."
517,24,9,"It eats the dreams of people and Pokémon. When it
eats a pleasant dream, it expels pink-colored mist."
517,24,11,"人や ポケモンが 見た 夢を
食べる。楽しい 夢を 食べると
ピンク色の けむりを 吐き出す。"
517,25,1,"わるい ゆめに うなされている
ポケモンや ひとの まえに あらわれ
そのゆめを たべてしまう ポケモン。"
517,25,3,"나쁜 꿈에 시달리고 있는
포켓몬이나 사람 앞에 나타나
그 꿈을 먹어버리는 포켓몬."
517,25,5,"Il apparaît aux humains et aux Pokémon qui font des mauvais
rêves et mange leurs cauchemars pour les en libérer."
517,25,6,"Es erscheint vor schlafenden Menschen und Pokémon und
frisst ihre Alpträume."
517,25,7,"Cuando un humano o un Pokémon sufre una pesadilla, Munna
se aparece ante ellos y la engulle."
517,25,8,"Compare accanto a Pokémon e uomini tormentati dagli incubi
per nutrirsi di tutti i loro brutti sogni."
517,25,9,"This Pokémon appears before people and Pokémon
who are having nightmares and eats those dreams."
517,25,11,"悪い 夢に うなされている
ポケモンや 人の 前に 現われ
その夢を 食べてしまう ポケモン。"
517,26,1,"ひとや ポケモンが みた ゆめを
たべる。たのしい ゆめを たべると
ピンクいろの けむりを はきだす。"
517,26,3,"사람이나 포켓몬이 꾼 꿈을
먹는다. 즐거운 꿈을 먹으면
분홍색 연기를 뿜어낸다."
517,26,5,"Il se nourrit des rêves des gens et des Pokémon.
Quand le rêve est agréable, il crache une fumée rose."
517,26,6,"Es verschlingt die Träume der Menschen. Frisst es einen
fröhlichen Traum, stößt es danach einen rosafarbenen Dunst
517,26,7,"Se alimenta de los sueños de humanos y Pokémon. Si los
sueños son felices, despide humo rosa."
517,26,8,"Si nutre dei sogni di uomini e Pokémon. Se mangia sogni
piacevoli, esala un fumo di colore rosa."
517,26,9,"It eats the dreams of people and Pokémon. When it
eats a pleasant dream, it expels pink-colored mist."
517,26,11,"人や ポケモンが 見た 夢を
食べる。楽しい 夢を 食べると
ピンク色の けむりを 吐き出す。"
517,33,1,"しんや まくらもとに あらわれる。
ゆめを たべているとき からだの
もようが ぼんやりと ひかる。"
517,33,3,"깊은 밤중 머리맡에 나타난다.
꿈을 먹는 동안 몸에 있는
무늬가 어렴풋이 빛난다."
517,33,5,"Il apparaît en pleine nuit, à côté de loreiller.
Quand il se nourrit de rêves, les motifs
de son corps luisent légèrement."
517,33,6,"Tief in der Nacht erscheint es am Kopfende von
Betten. Während es einen Traum frisst, schimmert
das Muster auf seinem Körper."
517,33,7,"Aparece en plena noche junto a la almohada
de la gente. Cuando devora los sueños, los
motivos de su cuerpo emiten una luz tenue."
517,33,8,"Appare vicino al guanciale nel cuore della notte.
Quando mangia i sogni, i motivi che ha sul
corpo si illuminano lievemente."
517,33,9,"Late at night, it appears beside peoples pillows.
As it feeds on dreams, the patterns on its body
give off a faint glow."
517,33,11,"深夜 枕元に 現れる。
夢を 食べているとき 体の
模様が ぼんやりと 光る。"
517,34,1,"ゆめを たべて けむりを はく。
たのしい ゆめなら ピンクいろで
あくむの ときは くろっぽいぞ。"
517,34,3,"꿈을 먹고 연기를 내뿜는다.
즐거운 꿈이면 핑크색이고
악몽이면 거무스름하다."
517,34,5,"Il se nourrit de songes et expire de la fumée
qui prend la couleur rose si le rêve est joyeux,
ou noire sil sagit dun cauchemar."
517,34,6,"Während es Träume frisst, stößt es Dunst aus.
Bei fröhlichen Träumen ist dieser rosafarben,
bei Alpträumen schwärzlich."
517,34,7,"El humo que despide cambia de color en función
del sueño que haya consumido. Si es alegre, será
rosa, o negruzco en el caso de una pesadilla."
517,34,8,"Si nutre di sogni. Esala un fumo rosa se sono
sogni piacevoli e nero se sono incubi."
517,34,9,"It eats dreams and releases mist. The mist is pink
when its eating a good dream, and black when
its eating a nightmare."
517,34,11,"夢を 食べて 煙を 吐く。
楽しい 夢なら ピンク色で
悪夢の ときは 黒っぽいぞ。"
518,17,5,"La fumée qui sort de son front contient
les rêves de nombreuses personnes et
ceux de nombreux Pokémon."
518,17,9,"The mist emanating from their foreheads
is packed with the dreams of people
and Pokémon."
518,18,5,"Il peut matérialiser les rêves quil a
mangés. La fumée qui sort de son front
prend la forme des objets vus en rêve."
518,18,9,"With the mist from its forehead,
it can create shapes of things
from dreams it has eaten."
518,21,9,"The dream mist coming from its forehead
changes into many different colors
depending on the dream that was eaten."
518,22,9,"The dream mist coming from its forehead
changes into many different colors
depending on the dream that was eaten."
518,23,1,"おでこから でている けむりの
なかには ひとや ポケモンの みた
ゆめが たくさん つまっているのだ。"
518,23,3,"이마에서 나오는 연기 속에는
사람이나 포켓몬이 꾼
꿈이 많이 모여 있다."
518,23,5,"La fumée qui sort de son front contient les rêves
de nombreuses personnes et ceux de nombreux
518,23,6,"Der Dunst, der aus seiner Stirn tritt, enthält die
Träume unzähliger Menschen und Pokémon."
518,23,7,"Multitud de sueños de humanos y Pokémon se
encuentran atrapados en el humo que despide por
su frente."
518,23,8,"Nel fumo che gli esce dalla fronte sono racchiusi
molti sogni di esseri umani e di Pokémon."
518,23,9,"The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed
with the dreams of people and Pokémon."
518,23,11,"おでこから 出ている 煙の 中には
人や ポケモンの 見た 夢が
たくさん つまっているのだ。"
518,24,1,"おでこから でる ゆめのけむりは
たべた ゆめの ないようによって
さまざまな いろに かわるのだ。"
518,24,3,"이마에서 나오는 꿈연기는
먹은 꿈의 내용에 따라
여러 가지 색으로 변한다."
518,24,5,"La fumée qui sort de son front change de couleur
selon le contenu des rêves quil a mangés."
518,24,6,"Je nach Inhalt der Träume, die es frisst, nimmt der
Dunst, der aus seiner Stirn austritt, unterschiedliche
Farben an."
518,24,7,"El color del humo que despide por su abultada frente
varía según el contenido de los sueños que haya
518,24,8,"Il fumo che esce dalla sua fronte cambia colore a
seconda del contenuto del sogno che ha mangiato."
518,24,9,"The dream mist coming from its forehead changes
into many different colors depending on the dream
that was eaten."
518,24,11,"おでこから でる ゆめのけむりは
食べた 夢の 内容によって
さまざまな 色に 変わるのだ。"
518,25,1,"おでこから でている けむりの
なかには ひとや ポケモンの みた
ゆめが たくさん つまっているのだ。"
518,25,3,"이마에서 나오는 연기 속에는
사람이나 포켓몬이 꾼
꿈이 많이 모여 있다."
518,25,5,"La fumée qui sort de son front contient les rêves de
nombreuses personnes et ceux de nombreux Pokémon."
518,25,6,"Der Dunst, der aus seiner Stirn tritt, enthält die Träume
unzähliger Menschen und Pokémon."
518,25,7,"Multitud de sueños de humanos y Pokémon se encuentran
atrapados en el humo que despide por su frente."
518,25,8,"Nel fumo che gli esce dalla fronte sono racchiusi molti sogni
di esseri umani e di Pokémon."
518,25,9,"The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed
with the dreams of people and Pokémon."
518,25,11,"おでこから 出ている 煙の 中には
人や ポケモンの 見た 夢が
たくさん つまっているのだ。"
518,26,1,"おでこから でる ゆめのけむりは
たべた ゆめの ないようによって
さまざまな いろに かわるのだ。"
518,26,3,"이마에서 나오는 꿈연기는
먹은 꿈의 내용에 따라
여러 가지 색으로 변한다."
518,26,5,"La fumée qui sort de son front change de couleur
selon le contenu des rêves quil a mangés."
518,26,6,"Je nach Inhalt der Träume, die es frisst, nimmt der Dunst,
der aus seiner Stirn austritt, unterschiedliche Farben an."
518,26,7,"El color del humo que despide por su abultada frente varía
según el contenido de los sueños que haya engullido."
518,26,8,"Il fumo che esce dalla sua fronte cambia colore a seconda del
contenuto del sogno che ha mangiato."
518,26,9,"The dream mist coming from its forehead changes
into many different colors depending on the dream
that was eaten."
518,26,11,"おでこから でる ゆめのけむりは
食べた 夢の 内容によって
さまざまな 色に 変わるのだ。"
518,33,1,"でてる けむりが くろっぽいときは
ちかづかないほうが いいよ。
あくむが げんじつに なるぞ。"
518,33,3,"뿜어내는 연기가 거무스름할 때는
가까이 가지 않는 것이 좋다.
악몽이 현실이 되기 때문이다."
518,33,5,"Il est recommandé de ne pas lapprocher quand
la fumée qui sort de son front a une teinte noire,
sinon son cauchemar risque de se matérialiser."
518,33,6,"Wenn es schwärzlichen Dunst ausströmt, sollte
man sich ihm nicht nähern, denn sonst werden
Alpträume wahr."
518,33,7,"Cuando el humo que desprende es de un color
negruzco, conviene no acercarse, ya que puede
hacer realidad las pesadillas."
518,33,8,"Meglio non avvicinarsi quando emette
un fumo di colore scuro, perché gli incubi
diventano realtà."
518,33,9,"When dark mists emanate from its body, dont
get too near. If you do, your nightmares will
become reality."
518,33,11,"出てる 煙が 黒っぽいときは
近づかないほうが いいよ。
悪夢が 現実に なるぞ。"
518,34,1,"いつも まどろみ ゆめを みている。
ねおきは とっても ふきげんに
なるので そっとして おこう。"
518,34,3,"언제나 선잠을 자며 꿈을 꾼다.
잠에서 깨면 매우 불쾌해하므로
가만히 내버려 두자."
518,34,5,"Il est sans cesse assoupi, plongé dans ses rêves.
Il vaut mieux éviter de le déranger, car il est
toujours mal luné au réveil."
518,34,6,"Es schlummert und träumt immerzu. Wenn es
geweckt wird, bekommt es schlechte Laune.
Deshalb sollte man es lieber in Ruhe lassen."
518,34,7,"Siempre está soñando o adormecido. Se pone de
muy mal humor al despertar, por lo que es mejor
no perturbarlo."
518,34,8,"Sonnecchia costantemente, sognando.
Quando si sveglia è di pessimo umore,
quindi è meglio tenersi a debita distanza."
518,34,9,"It drowses and dreams all the time. Its best to
leave it be if its just woken up, as its a terrible
grump when freshly roused from sleep."
518,34,11,"いつも まどろみ 夢を 見ている。
寝起きは とっても 不機嫌に
なるので そっとして おこう。"
519,17,5,"Il suit scrupuleusement les consignes
de son Dresseur, mais il a du mal à
comprendre les ordres trop compliqués."
519,17,9,"Each follows its Trainers orders as
best it can, but they sometimes fail to
understand complicated commands."
519,18,5,"Ces Pokémon vivent en ville. Ils sont
peu farouches et se regroupent souvent
dans les parcs ou sur les places."
519,18,9,"These Pokémon live in cities. They are
accustomed to people. Flocks often
gather in parks and plazas."
519,21,9,"This very forgetful Pokémon will
wait for a new order from its Trainer
even though it already has one."
519,22,9,"This very forgetful Pokémon will
wait for a new order from its Trainer
even though it already has one."
519,23,1,"とても わすれっぽい ポケモンで
トレーナーに めいれい されたのに
あたらしい めいれいを まっている。"
519,23,3,"매우 건망증이 심한 포켓몬으로
트레이너에게 명령을 받았어도
새로운 명령을 기다리고 있다."
519,23,5,"Un Pokémon très distrait qui oublie les ordres de son
Dresseur et reste planté à en attendre de nouveaux."
519,23,6,"Wartet oft vergeblich auf Anweisungen,
obwohl es bereits einen Befehl erhalten hat.
Ein sehr zerstreutes Pokémon."
519,23,7,"Es un Pokémon muy despistado. Aunque reciba
órdenes de su Entrenador, se le olvidan, y se queda
519,23,8,"È un Pokémon un po smemorato. A volte dimentica
lordine appena ricevuto e allora aspetta di riceverne
un altro."
519,23,9,"This very forgetful Pokémon will wait for a new
order from its Trainer even though it already
has one."
519,23,11,"とても 忘れっぽい ポケモンで
トレーナーに 命令 されたのに
新しい 命令を 待っている。"
519,24,1,"まちなかで くらしている ポケモン。
ひとなつっこいので こうえんや
ひろばに たくさん あつまってくる。"
519,24,3,"거리에 사는 포켓몬이다.
사람을 잘 따라서 공원이나
광장에 많이 모인다."
519,24,5,"Ces Pokémon vivent en ville. Ils sont peu farouches
et se regroupent souvent dans les parcs ou sur
les places."
519,24,6,"Ein Pokémon, das in der Stadt zu Hause ist. Es ist
sehr zutraulich und bevölkert in Scharen öffentliche
Plätze und Parks."
519,24,7,"Vive en la ciudad, pues se lleva muy bien con la gente.
Le encantan los parques y las plazas, donde se reúne
con otros."
519,24,8,"Pokémon che vive in città. Si affeziona facilmente
alle persone, perciò non è strano trovarlo in parchi
o piazze."
519,24,9,"These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed
to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas."
519,24,11,"街中で 暮らしている ポケモン。
人懐っこいので 公園や 広場に
たくさん 集まってくる。"
519,25,1,"とても わすれっぽい ポケモンで
トレーナーに めいれい されたのに
あたらしい めいれいを まっている。"
519,25,3,"매우 건망증이 심한 포켓몬으로
트레이너에게 명령을 받았어도
새로운 명령을 기다리고 있다."
519,25,5,"Un Pokémon très distrait qui oublie les ordres de son Dresseur
et reste planté à en attendre de nouveaux."
519,25,6,"Wartet oft vergeblich auf Anweisungen, obwohl es bereits
einen Befehl erhalten hat. Ein sehr zerstreutes Pokémon."
519,25,7,"Es un Pokémon muy despistado. Aunque reciba órdenes de
su Entrenador, se le olvidan, y se queda esperando."
519,25,8,"È un Pokémon un po smemorato. A volte dimentica lordine
appena ricevuto e allora aspetta di riceverne un altro."
519,25,9,"This very forgetful Pokémon will wait for a new
order from its Trainer even though it already
has one."
519,25,11,"とても 忘れっぽい ポケモンで
トレーナーに 命令 されたのに
新しい 命令を 待っている。"
519,26,1,"まちなかで くらしている ポケモン。
ひとなつっこいので こうえんや
ひろばに たくさん あつまってくる。"
519,26,3,"거리에 사는 포켓몬이다.
사람을 잘 따라서 공원이나
광장에 많이 모인다."
519,26,5,"Ces Pokémon vivent en ville. Ils sont peu farouches
et se regroupent souvent dans les parcs ou sur les places."
519,26,6,"Ein Pokémon, das in der Stadt zu Hause ist. Es ist sehr
zutraulich und bevölkert in Scharen öffentliche Plätze
und Parks."
519,26,7,"Vive en la ciudad, pues se lleva muy bien con la gente. Le
encantan los parques y las plazas, donde se reúne con otros."
519,26,8,"Pokémon che vive in città. Si affeziona facilmente alle persone,
perciò non è strano trovarlo in parchi o piazze."
519,26,9,"These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed
to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas."
519,26,11,"街中で 暮らしている ポケモン。
人懐っこいので 公園や 広場に
たくさん 集まってくる。"
519,33,1,"ひとのすむ ばしょに あらわれる。
エサを まくと なんびゃくひきでも
あつまってくるので ちゅういだぞ。"
519,33,3,"사람이 사는 곳에 나타난다.
먹이를 뿌려주면 수백 마리가
모여들기 때문에 주의해야 한다."
519,33,5,"On en trouve là où vivent les humains.
Mieux vaut éviter de les nourrir, sous peine
den voir arriver des centaines."
519,33,6,"Es taucht dort auf, wo Menschen leben. Beim
Füttern muss man vorsichtig sein, da sich sonst
schnell hunderte von ihnen versammeln können."
519,33,7,"Aparece en lugares habitados por humanos.
Conviene tener cuidado al darles de comer, ya
que esto podría atraer a cientos de ejemplares."
519,33,8,"Appare dovunque vivano delle persone. Meglio
essere prudenti quando gli si dà del cibo, perché
potrebbero accorrere centinaia di esemplari."
519,33,9,"Where people go, these Pokémon follow.
If youre scattering food for them, be careful—
several hundred of them can gather at once."
519,33,11,"人の住む 場所に 現れる。
エサを まくと 何百匹でも
集まってくるので 注意だぞ。"
519,34,1,"わすれっぽく かしこくはないが
ひとなつっこくて まじめなので
かわいがる トレーナーは おおい。"
519,34,3,"건망증이 심하고 영리하지 않지만
사람을 잘 따르고 착실해서
귀여워하는 트레이너가 많다."
519,34,5,"Il nest pas très malin et un peu distrait,
mais beaucoup de Dresseurs lapprécient pour
son caractère affectueux et sa bonne volonté."
519,34,6,"Sie sind vergesslich und nicht besonders clever,
aber da sie sehr zutraulich und fleißig sind, haben
viele Trainer sie ins Herz geschlossen."
519,34,7,"Es muy olvidadizo y no demasiado avispado,
pero muchos Entrenadores le tienen simpatía
por su carácter afable y sincero."
519,34,8,"È un po smemorato e non molto sveglio.
Tuttavia è diligente e si affeziona facilmente,
e per questo molti Allenatori lo adorano."
519,34,9,"Its forgetful and not very bright, but many
Trainers love it anyway for its friendliness
and sincerity."
519,34,11,"忘れっぽく 賢くはないが
人懐っこくて 真面目なので
かわいがる トレーナーは 多い。"
520,17,5,"Aussi éloigné quil puisse se trouver,
il parvient toujours à retourner
auprès de son Dresseur."
520,17,9,"It can return to its Trainers location
regardless of the distance
separating them."
520,18,5,"On dit que tout au fond de la forêt
où il vit, il y aurait un pays paisible
qui na jamais connu la guerre."
520,18,9,"Many people believe that, deep in the
forest where Tranquill live, there is
a peaceful place where there is no war."
520,21,9,"No matter where in the world it goes,
it knows where its nest is, so it
never gets separated from its Trainer."
520,22,9,"No matter where in the world it goes,
it knows where its nest is, so it
never gets separated from its Trainer."
520,23,1,"ハトーボーの すむ もりの おくには
あらそいのない へいわな くにが
あると しんじられている。"
520,23,3,"유토브가 사는 숲 속에는
싸움이 없는 평화로운 나라가
있다고 믿어진다."
520,23,5,"On dit que tout au fond de la forêt où il vit, il y aurait
un pays paisible qui na jamais connu la guerre."
520,23,6,"Viele Leute glauben, dass es tief in seinem
heimatlichen Wald ein Land der Harmonie gibt,
wo man keine Kriege kennt."
520,23,7,"Según los rumores, en lo más profundo del bosque
donde mora Tranquill, hay un mundo pacífico y exento
de luchas."
520,23,8,"Si dice che nel cuore della foresta in cui vive Tranquill
si trovi un paese che non conosce conflitti."
520,23,9,"Many people believe that, deep in the forest where
Tranquill live, there is a peaceful place where there
is no war."
520,23,11,"ハトーボーの 住む 森の 奥には
争いのない 平和な 国が あると
520,24,1,"せかいの どこに いても
じぶんの すの ばしょは わかるので
トレーナーとも はぐれたりしない。"
520,24,3,"세계 어디에 있어도
자신의 둥지가 있는 곳을 알 수 있어
트레이너를 잃어버리지 않는다."
520,24,5,"Quel que soit le lieu où il se trouve, il arrive toujours
à retrouver son Dresseur comme son propre nid."
520,24,6,"Findet selbst von der anderen Seite des Globus
zu seinem Nest zurück. Nichts kann es von seinem
Trainer trennen."
520,24,7,"Puede regresar sin problema alguno a su nido desde
cualquier lugar del globo y jamás se separa de quien
lo entrena."
520,24,8,"Dovunque si trovi, è sempre in grado di ritrovare il
suo nido. Allo stesso modo, non perde mai di vista
il suo Allenatore."
520,24,9,"No matter where in the world it goes, it knows
where its nest is, so it never gets separated from
its Trainer."
520,24,11,"世界の どこに いても
自分の 巣の 場所は わかるので
トレーナーとも はぐれたりしない。"
520,25,1,"ハトーボーの すむ もりの おくには
あらそいのない へいわな くにが
あると しんじられている。"
520,25,3,"유토브가 사는 숲 속에는
싸움이 없는 평화로운 나라가
있다고 믿어진다."
520,25,5,"On dit que tout au fond de la forêt où il vit, il y aurait un pays
paisible qui na jamais connu la guerre."
520,25,6,"Viele Leute glauben, dass es tief in seinem heimatlichen Wald
ein Land der Harmonie gibt, wo man keine Kriege kennt."
520,25,7,"Según los rumores, en lo más profundo del bosque donde
mora Tranquill, hay un mundo pacífico y exento de luchas."
520,25,8,"Si dice che nel cuore della foresta in cui vive Tranquill si trovi
un paese che non conosce conflitti."
520,25,9,"Many people believe that, deep in the forest where
Tranquill live, there is a peaceful place where there
is no war."
520,25,11,"ハトーボーの 住む 森の 奥には
争いのない 平和な 国が あると
520,26,1,"せかいの どこに いても
じぶんの すの ばしょは わかるので
トレーナーとも はぐれたりしない。"
520,26,3,"세계 어디에 있어도
자신의 둥지가 있는 곳을 알 수 있어
트레이너를 잃어버리지 않는다."
520,26,5,"Quel que soit le lieu où il se trouve, il arrive toujours
à retrouver son Dresseur comme son propre nid."
520,26,6,"Findet selbst von der anderen Seite des Globus zu seinem
Nest zurück. Nichts kann es von seinem Trainer trennen."
520,26,7,"Puede regresar sin problema alguno a su nido desde cualquier
lugar del globo y jamás se separa de quien lo entrena."
520,26,8,"Dovunque si trovi, è sempre in grado di ritrovare il suo nido.
Allo stesso modo, non perde mai di vista il suo Allenatore."
520,26,9,"No matter where in the world it goes, it knows
where its nest is, so it never gets separated from
its Trainer."
520,26,11,"世界の どこに いても
自分の 巣の 場所は わかるので
トレーナーとも はぐれたりしない。"
520,33,1,"そらをとぶ はやさは そこそこ。
どんな とおく はなれても あるじと
じぶんの すを おぼえている。"
520,33,3,"하늘을 나는 속도는 그저 그렇다.
아무리 멀리 떨어져 있어도 주인과
자신의 둥지를 기억하고 있다."
520,33,5,"Il vole relativement vite et peut parcourir
des kilomètres sans oublier où se trouvent
son Dresseur et son nid."
520,33,6,"Navitaub kann einigermaßen schnell fliegen. Es
findet immer zu seinem Trainer und seinem Nest
zurück, egal, wie weit entfernt es von ihnen ist."
520,33,7,"Posee una velocidad de vuelo nada desdeñable.
Por más que se aleje, siempre recuerda el camino
de regreso a su nido o hasta su Entrenador."
520,33,8,"È abbastanza veloce nel volo. Per quanto lontano
si spinga, riesce sempre a ritrovare il proprio
nido e il proprio Allenatore."
520,33,9,"It can fly moderately quickly. No matter how far
it travels, it can always find its way back to its
master and its nest."
520,33,11,"空を飛ぶ 速さは そこそこ。
どんな 遠く 離れても 主と
自分の 巣を 憶えている。"
520,34,1,"かしこく ものおぼえが いい。
はいたついんが パートナーに
えらぶことが おおいらしい。"
520,34,3,"영리하고 기억력이 좋다.
배달원이 파트너로
선택하는 경우가 많다."
520,34,5,"Il est intelligent et possède une bonne mémoire.
On raconte que les livreurs le choisissent souvent
comme partenaire."
520,34,6,"Es ist clever und hat ein gutes Gedächtnis.
Anscheinend wird es von vielen Lieferanten als
Partner ausgewählt."
520,34,7,"Posee una mente ágil y muy buena memoria.
Tal vez por eso muchos repartidores lo eligen
como compañero."
520,34,8,"Pokémon intelligente, dotato di una memoria
di ferro. Sembra che molti fattorini lo scelgano
come compagno."
520,34,9,"These bright Pokémon have acute memories.
Apparently delivery workers often choose them
as their partners."
520,34,11,"賢く 物覚えが いい。
配達員が パートナーに
選ぶことが 多いらしい。"
521,17,5,"Le mâle intimide ses ennemis
avec ses caroncules.
La femelle vole mieux que le mâle."
521,17,9,"Males swing their head plumage to
threaten opponents. The females flying
abilities surpass those of the males."
521,18,5,"Le mâle a une parure sur la tête.
Ils sont très farouches et ne
sattachent quà leur Dresseur."
521,18,9,"Males have plumage on their heads.
They will never let themselves feel close
to anyone other than their Trainers."
521,21,9,"Males swing the plumage on
their heads to threaten others,
but females are better at flying."
521,22,9,"Males swing the plumage on
their heads to threaten others,
but females are better at flying."
521,23,1,"オスは あたまの かざりを ゆらして
あいてを いかくする。メスの ひこう
のうりょくは オスを うわまわる。"
521,23,3,"수컷은 머리의 장식을 흔들어서
상대를 위협한다. 암컷의 비행
능력은 수컷을 뛰어넘는다."
521,23,5,"Le mâle intimide ses ennemis avec ses caroncules.
La femelle vole mieux que le mâle."
521,23,6,"Männchen schrecken Gegner ab, indem sie ihren
Kopfschmuck schütteln. Weibchen verfügen über
bessere Flugfertigkeiten."
521,23,7,"El macho amenaza al enemigo meciendo el adorno de
su cabeza. Al volar, la hembra es mucho más diestra
que el macho."
521,23,8,"Il maschio minaccia il nemico facendo ondeggiare gli
ornamenti del capo. La femmina eccelle nel volo."
521,23,9,"Males swing their head plumage to threaten
opponents. The females flying abilities surpass
those of the males."
521,23,11,"オスは 頭の 飾りを 揺らして
相手を 威嚇する。
メスの 飛行能力は オスを 上回る。"
521,24,1,"オスは あたまに かざりを もつ。
トレーナー いがいの ひとには
けっして なつかない せいしつ。"
521,24,3,"수컷은 머리에 장식이 있다.
트레이너가 아닌 사람은
절대 따르지 않는 성질을 가졌다."
521,24,5,"Ils sont très farouches et ne sattachent quà leur
Dresseur. Les mâles ont une parure sur la tête."
521,24,6,"Männliche Exemplare tragen eine Verzierung am Kopf.
Lässt sich von Natur aus nur auf seinen Trainer ein."
521,24,7,"El macho hace gala de ornamentación en la cabeza.
No es dado a hacerse amigo de alguien que no sea
su Entrenador."
521,24,8,"Il maschio ha una decorazione sulla fronte. Per indole,
non si affeziona a nessuno tranne lAllenatore."
521,24,9,"Males have plumage on their heads. They will never
let themselves feel close to anyone other than
their Trainers."
521,24,11,"オスは 頭に 飾りを 持つ。
トレーナー 以外の 人には
けっして 懐かない 性質。"
521,25,1,"オスは あたまの かざりを ゆらして
あいてを いかくする。メスの ひこう
のうりょくは オスを うわまわる。"
521,25,3,"수컷은 머리의 장식을 흔들어서
상대를 위협한다. 암컷의 비행
능력은 수컷을 뛰어넘는다."
521,25,5,"Le mâle intimide ses ennemis avec ses caroncules.
La femelle vole mieux que le mâle."
521,25,6,"Männchen schrecken Gegner ab, indem sie ihren Kopfschmuck
schütteln. Weibchen verfügen über bessere Flugfertigkeiten."
521,25,7,"El macho amenaza al enemigo meciendo el adorno de su
cabeza. Al volar, la hembra es mucho más diestra que el
521,25,8,"Il maschio minaccia il nemico facendo ondeggiare gli
ornamenti del capo. La femmina eccelle nel volo."
521,25,9,"Males swing their head plumage to threaten
opponents. The females flying abilities surpass
those of the males."
521,25,11,"オスは 頭の 飾りを 揺らして
相手を 威嚇する。
メスの 飛行能力は オスを 上回る。"
521,26,1,"オスは あたまに かざりを もつ。
トレーナー いがいの ひとには
けっして なつかない せいしつ。"
521,26,3,"수컷은 머리에 장식이 있다.
트레이너가 아닌 사람은
절대 따르지 않는 성질을 가졌다."
521,26,5,"Ils sont très farouches et ne sattachent quà leur Dresseur.
Les mâles ont une parure sur la tête."
521,26,6,"Männliche Exemplare tragen eine Verzierung am Kopf.
Lässt sich von Natur aus nur auf seinen Trainer ein."
521,26,7,"El macho hace gala de ornamentación en la cabeza. No es
dado a hacerse amigo de alguien que no sea su Entrenador."
521,26,8,"Il maschio ha una decorazione sulla fronte. Per indole, non si
affeziona a nessuno tranne lAllenatore."
521,26,9,"Males have plumage on their heads. They will never
let themselves feel close to anyone other than
their Trainers."
521,26,11,"オスは 頭に 飾りを 持つ。
トレーナー 以外の 人には
けっして 懐かない 性質。"
521,33,1,"たかい ひこうのうりょくを もち
メスは じきゅうりょくに すぐれる。
ひこうスピードは オスが まさる。"
521,33,3,"높은 비행 능력을 가졌다.
암컷은 지구력이 뛰어나며
수컷은 비행 속도가 뛰어나다."
521,33,5,"Ce Pokémon a une excellente technique de vol.
Les femelles ont plus dendurance que les mâles,
mais ces derniers peuvent voler plus vite."
521,33,6,"Sie verfügen über exzellente Flugfertigkeiten.
Weibchen können länger fliegen, aber dafür
erreichen Männchen ein höheres Flugtempo."
521,33,7,"Hacen gala de una soberbia destreza al volar.
La hembra posee una mayor resistencia, mientras
que el macho la supera en velocidad."
521,33,8,"Eccelle nel volo. La femmina è particolarmente
resistente, ma il maschio la batte in velocità."
521,33,9,"Unfezant are exceptional fliers. The females
are known for their stamina, while the males
outclass them in terms of speed."
521,33,11,"高い 飛行能力を もち
メスは 持久力に 優れる。
飛行スピードは オスが 勝る。"
521,34,1,"かしこいぶん プライドも たかい。
ケンホロウの トレーナーに なれば
みんなに いちもく おかれるよ。"
521,34,3,"영리한 만큼 프라이드도 높다.
켄호로우의 트레이너가 되면
모두에게 실력을 인정받는다."
521,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est aussi intelligent quil est arrogant.
Les Dresseurs de Déflaisan sont tenus en haute
521,34,6,"Es ist schlau, aber auch sehr stolz. Seine Trainer
genießen daher generell großen Respekt."
521,34,7,"Es un Pokémon muy inteligente y orgulloso.
Se tiene en alta estima a aquellos que se
convierten en sus Entrenadores."
521,34,8,"È tanto intelligente quanto orgoglioso.
Diventare Allenatori di questo Pokémon equivale
a guadagnarsi il rispetto e lammirazione di tutti."
521,34,9,"This Pokémon is intelligent and intensely proud.
People will sit up and take notice if you become
the Trainer of one."
521,34,11,"賢いぶん プライドも 高い。
ケンホロウの トレーナーに なれば
みんなに 一目 置かれるよ。"
522,17,5,"Leur crinière scintille quand ils lâchent
une décharge électrique. Ils se servent
de ces scintillements pour communiquer."
522,17,9,"Its mane shines when it discharges
electricity. They use their flashing
manes to communicate with one another."
522,18,5,"Il apparaît quand le ciel est à lorage.
Il capte les éclairs avec sa crinière
et accumule de lélectricité."
522,18,9,"When thunderclouds cover the sky,
it will appear. It can catch lightning
with its mane and store the electricity."
522,21,9,"Its mane shines when it discharges
electricity. They use the frequency and
rhythm of these flashes to communicate."
522,22,9,"Its mane shines when it discharges
electricity. They use the frequency and
rhythm of these flashes to communicate."
522,23,1,"かみなりぐもで そらが おおわれると
あらわれる。たてがみで カミナリを
キャッチして でんきを ためる。"
522,23,3,"번개 구름이 하늘을 뒤덮으면
나타난다. 갈기로 번개를
붙잡아 전기를 모은다."
522,23,5,"Il apparaît quand le ciel est à lorage. Il capte les
éclairs avec sa crinière et accumule de lélectricité."
522,23,6,"Es erscheint, wenn Gewitterwolken den Himmel
verdunkeln. Es fängt mit seiner Mähne Blitze
und hortet ihre Energie."
522,23,7,"Aparece cuando nubes envueltas en rayos encapotan
el cielo. Atrapa rayos con su crin y almacena
522,23,8,"Appare quando il cielo si riempie di fulmini e saette.
Accumula elettricità attirando i fulmini con la criniera."
522,23,9,"When thunderclouds cover the sky, it will appear.
It can catch lightning with its mane and store
the electricity."
522,23,11,"雷雲で 空が 覆われると
現れる。たてがみで 雷を
キャッチして 電気を ためる。"
522,24,1,"ほうでんすると たてがみが ひかる。
たてがみが かがやく かいすうや
リズムで なかまと かいわしている。"
522,24,3,"방전하면 갈기가 빛난다.
갈기가 빛나는 횟수나
리듬으로 동료와 대화한다."
522,24,5,"Sa crinière luit quand il lâche des décharges.
Il module leur rythme et leur nombre pour
communiquer avec ses pairs."
522,24,6,"Um mit Artgenossen zu kommunizieren, nutzt es
das Aufblitzen seiner Mähne beim Entladen von
Strom als Morsecode."
522,24,7,"Su crin brilla cuando emite una descarga eléctrica.
Se comunica con los suyos mediante el ritmo y el
número de brillos."
522,24,8,"Se emette scariche la sua criniera brilla. Comunica
con i suoi simili tramite il ritmo e la frequenza delle
pulsazioni luminose."
522,24,9,"Its mane shines when it discharges electricity.
They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes
to communicate."
522,24,11,"放電すると たてがみが 光る。
たてがみが 輝く 回数や
リズムで 仲間と 会話している。"
522,25,1,"かみなりぐもで そらが おおわれると
あらわれる。たてがみで カミナリを
キャッチして でんきを ためる。"
522,25,3,"번개 구름이 하늘을 뒤덮으면
나타난다. 갈기로 번개를
붙잡아 전기를 모은다."
522,25,5,"Il apparaît quand le ciel est à lorage. Il capte les éclairs
avec sa crinière et accumule de lélectricité."
522,25,6,"Es erscheint, wenn Gewitterwolken den Himmel verdunkeln.
Es fängt mit seiner Mähne Blitze und hortet ihre Energie."
522,25,7,"Aparece cuando nubes envueltas en rayos encapotan el cielo.
Atrapa rayos con su crin y almacena electricidad."
522,25,8,"Appare quando il cielo si riempie di fulmini e saette.
Accumula elettricità attirando i fulmini con la criniera."
522,25,9,"When thunderclouds cover the sky, it will appear.
It can catch lightning with its mane and store
the electricity."
522,25,11,"雷雲で 空が 覆われると
現れる。たてがみで 雷を
キャッチして 電気を ためる。"
522,26,1,"ほうでんすると たてがみが ひかる。
たてがみが かがやく かいすうや
リズムで なかまと かいわしている。"
522,26,3,"방전하면 갈기가 빛난다.
갈기가 빛나는 횟수나
리듬으로 동료와 대화한다."
522,26,5,"Sa crinière luit quand il lâche des décharges. Il module
leur rythme et leur nombre pour communiquer avec ses pairs."
522,26,6,"Um mit Artgenossen zu kommunizieren, nutzt es das Aufblitzen
seiner Mähne beim Entladen von Strom als Morsecode."
522,26,7,"Su crin brilla cuando emite una descarga eléctrica. Se
comunica con los suyos mediante el ritmo y el número de
522,26,8,"Se emette scariche la sua criniera brilla. Comunica con i suoi
simili tramite il ritmo e la frequenza delle pulsazioni luminose."
522,26,9,"Its mane shines when it discharges electricity.
They use the frequency and rhythm of these flashes
to communicate."
522,26,11,"放電すると たてがみが 光る。
たてがみが 輝く 回数や
リズムで 仲間と 会話している。"
523,17,5,"Il réagit à la vitesse de léclair.
Lorsquil est en plein galop, on peut
entendre le grondement du tonnerre."
523,17,9,"They have lightning-like movements.
When Zebstrika run at full speed,
the sound of thunder reverberates."
523,18,5,"Il est agressif et projette des charges
électriques dans toutes les directions
quand il est en colère. Faites attention!"
523,18,9,"This ill-tempered Pokémon is dangerous
because when its angry, it shoots
lightning from its mane in all directions."
523,21,9,"When this ill-tempered Pokémon
runs wild, it shoots lightning
from its mane in all directions."
523,22,9,"When this ill-tempered Pokémon
runs wild, it shoots lightning
from its mane in all directions."
523,23,1,"はげしい きしょうの もちぬし。
あらぶると たてがみから かみなりを
しほうはっぽうに ほうでんする。"
523,23,3,"격렬한 기질의 소유자.
날뛰면 갈기에서 번개를
사방팔방으로 방전한다."
523,23,5,"De caractère violent, il envoie avec sa crinière des
arcs électriques de tous les côtés lorsquil se sent
523,23,6,"Ein stürmischer Geselle. Wenn es wütend ist,
feuert es über seine Mähne in alle Richtungen
Stromsalven ab."
523,23,7,"Es un Pokémon con mucho temperamento. Cuando se
enoja, lanza rayos desde su crin en todas direcciones."
523,23,8,"Ha un temperamento sanguigno. Quando si arrabbia
dalla criniera lancia saette in ogni direzione."
523,23,9,"When this ill-tempered Pokémon runs wild, it
shoots lightning from its mane in all directions."
523,23,11,"激しい 気性の 持ち主。
荒ぶると たてがみから 雷を
四方八方に 放電する。"
523,24,1,"いなずまのような しゅんぱつりょく。
ゼブライカが ぜんそくりょくで
はしると らいめいが ひびきわたる。"
523,24,3,"천둥번개 같은 순발력을 가지고 있다.
제브라이카가 전속력으로 달리면
천둥소리가 울려 퍼진다."
523,24,5,"Il réagit à la vitesse de léclair. Lorsquil est en plein
galop, on peut entendre le grondement du tonnerre."
523,24,6,"Es ist explosiv wie ein Blitz. Galoppiert es mit voller
Geschwindigkeit drauflos, kann man Donnerhall
523,24,7,"Su velocidad se asemeja a la de un rayo. Si corre al
máximo, se dejan oír truenos por doquier."
523,24,8,"È scattante come una saetta. Se corre alla massima
velocità, si sente un rimbombo di tuoni."
523,24,9,"They have lightning-like movements.
When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of
thunder reverberates."
523,24,11,"稲妻のような 瞬発力。
ゼブライカが 全速力で 走ると
雷鳴が 響きわたる。"
523,25,1,"はげしい きしょうの もちぬし。
あらぶると たてがみから かみなりを
しほうはっぽうに ほうでんする。"
523,25,3,"격렬한 기질의 소유자.
날뛰면 갈기에서 번개를
사방팔방으로 방전한다."
523,25,5,"De caractère violent, il envoie avec sa crinière des arcs
électriques de tous les côtés lorsquil se sent provoqué."
523,25,6,"Ein stürmischer Geselle. Wenn es wütend ist, feuert es über
seine Mähne in alle Richtungen Stromsalven ab."
523,25,7,"Es un Pokémon con mucho temperamento. Cuando se enoja,
lanza rayos desde su crin en todas direcciones."
523,25,8,"Ha un temperamento sanguigno. Quando si arrabbia dalla
criniera lancia saette in ogni direzione."
523,25,9,"When this ill-tempered Pokémon runs wild, it
shoots lightning from its mane in all directions."
523,25,11,"激しい 気性の 持ち主。
荒ぶると たてがみから 雷を
四方八方に 放電する。"
523,26,1,"いなずまのような しゅんぱつりょく。
ゼブライカが ぜんそくりょくで
はしると らいめいが ひびきわたる。"
523,26,3,"천둥번개 같은 순발력을 가지고 있다.
제브라이카가 전속력으로 달리면
천둥소리가 울려 퍼진다."
523,26,5,"Il réagit à la vitesse de léclair. Lorsquil est en plein galop,
on peut entendre le grondement du tonnerre."
523,26,6,"Es ist explosiv wie ein Blitz. Galoppiert es mit voller
Geschwindigkeit drauflos, kann man Donnerhall vernehmen."
523,26,7,"Su velocidad se asemeja a la de un rayo. Si corre al máximo,
se dejan oír truenos por doquier."
523,26,8,"È scattante come una saetta. Se corre alla massima velocità,
si sente un rimbombo di tuoni."
523,26,9,"They have lightning-like movements.
When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of
thunder reverberates."
523,26,11,"稲妻のような 瞬発力。
ゼブライカが 全速力で 走ると
雷鳴が 響きわたる。"
524,17,5,"Il a une oreille hexagonale. Son
corps, compressé dans des strates
profondes, est dur comme de lacier."
524,17,9,"Its ear is hexagonal in shape.
Compressed underground,
its body is as hard as steel."
524,18,5,"On la découvert dans une fissure après
un grand tremblement de terre il y a
100 ans. Il possède un noyau dénergie."
524,18,9,"They were discovered a hundred years
ago in an earthquake fissure. Inside
each one is an energy core."
524,21,9,"The hexagonal-shaped hole is its ear.
It has a tendency to walk in the
direction the sound is coming from."
524,22,9,"The hexagonal-shaped hole is its ear.
It has a tendency to walk in the
direction the sound is coming from."
524,23,1,"6かくけいの みみを もつ。
ちていで あっしゅくされた からだは
てつに まけないくらい かたい。"
524,23,3,"육각형 귀를 가지고 있다.
땅속 깊은 곳에서 압축된 몸은
철 못지않게 단단하다."
524,23,5,"Il a une oreille hexagonale. Son corps, compressé
dans des strates profondes, est dur comme de lacier."
524,23,6,"Hat ein sechseckiges Ohr. Sein durch das Erdreich
gepresster Körper steht Stahl in Sachen Härte
in nichts nach."
524,23,7,"Su oreja tiene forma hexagonal. Su cuerpo fue
comprimido bajo tierra. Por eso, es duro como el
524,23,8,"Ha un solo orecchio di forma esagonale. Essendo
stato compresso sotto terra, il suo corpo è duro
quasi come lacciaio."
524,23,9,"Its ear is hexagonal in shape. Compressed
underground, its body is as hard as steel."
524,23,11,"6角形の 耳を 持つ。
地底で 圧縮された 体は
鉄に 負けないくらい 硬い。"
524,24,1,"100ねんまえの だいじしんのとき
じわれから はっけんされた。
たいないに エネルギーコアを もつ。"
524,24,3,"100년 전 대지진 때
갈라진 땅에서 발견되었다.
체내에 에너지 코어를 가지고 있다."
524,24,5,"On la découvert dans une fissure après un grand
tremblement de terre il y a 100 ans. Il possède
un noyau dénergie."
524,24,6,"Wurde vor 100 Jahren nach einem großen Erdbeben in
einer Erdspalte entdeckt. Es trägt eine Energiesphäre
in sich."
524,24,7,"Descubierto en unas grietas generadas por un
terremoto hace 100 años. Tiene un núcleo energético
en su cuerpo."
524,24,8,"Scoperto nelle spaccature del terreno dopo il grande
terremoto di 100 anni fa. Ha allinterno un nucleo di
524,24,9,"They were discovered a hundred years ago in an
earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an
energy core."
524,24,11,"100年前の 大地震のときに
地割れから 発見された。
体内に エネルギーコアを 持つ。"
524,25,1,"6かくけいの みみを もつ。
ちていで あっしゅくされた からだは
てつに まけないくらい かたい。"
524,25,3,"육각형 귀를 가지고 있다.
땅속 깊은 곳에서 압축된 몸은
철 못지않게 단단하다."
524,25,5,"Il a une oreille hexagonale. Son corps, compressé
dans des strates profondes, est dur comme de lacier."
524,25,6,"Hat ein sechseckiges Ohr. Sein durch das Erdreich gepresster
Körper steht Stahl in Sachen Härte in nichts nach."
524,25,7,"Su oreja tiene forma hexagonal. Su cuerpo fue comprimido
bajo tierra. Por eso, es duro como el acero."
524,25,8,"Ha un solo orecchio di forma esagonale. Essendo stato
compresso sotto terra, il suo corpo è duro quasi come
524,25,9,"Its ear is hexagonal in shape. Compressed
underground, its body is as hard as steel."
524,25,11,"6角形の 耳を 持つ。
地底で 圧縮された 体は
鉄に 負けないくらい 硬い。"
524,26,1,"100ねんまえの だいじしんのとき
じわれから はっけんされた。
たいないに エネルギーコアを もつ。"
524,26,3,"100년 전 대지진 때
갈라진 땅에서 발견되었다.
체내에 에너지 코어를 가지고 있다."
524,26,5,"On la découvert dans une fissure après un grand tremblement
de terre il y a 100 ans. Il possède un noyau dénergie."
524,26,6,"Wurde vor 100 Jahren nach einem großen Erdbeben in einer
Erdspalte entdeckt. Es trägt eine Energiesphäre in sich."
524,26,7,"Descubierto en unas grietas generadas por un terremoto hace
100 años. Tiene un núcleo energético en su cuerpo."
524,26,8,"Scoperto nelle spaccature del terreno dopo il grande
terremoto di 100 anni fa. Ha allinterno un nucleo di energia."
524,26,9,"They were discovered a hundred years ago in an
earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an
energy core."
524,26,11,"100年前の 大地震のときに
地割れから 発見された。
体内に エネルギーコアを 持つ。"
524,27,1,"ちちゅうの おくふかくで うまれた。
ちかい なかまの イシツブテや
メレシーと かたさくらべをする。"
524,27,3,"땅속 깊은 곳에서 태어났다.
가까운 친구인 꼬마돌이나
멜리시와 딱딱함을 비교한다."
524,27,5,"Ce Pokémon est né dans les entrailles de
la terre. Il adore comparer sa solidité à celle
de ses amis, Racaillou et Strassie."
524,27,6,"Es wurde tief unter der Erde geboren.
Mit befreundeten Kleinstein und Rocara stellt es
Vergleiche an, wessen Körper am härtesten sei."
524,27,7,"Nació en las profundidades subterráneas.
Siempre se compara con sus compañeros
Geodude y Carbink para ver quién es más duro."
524,27,8,"Questo Pokémon è nato sottoterra.
Si diverte a fare gare di durezza con i suoi amici
Geodude e Carbink."
524,27,9,"Born deep within the ground, it compares itself
with similar species, such as Geodude and
Carbink, to settle which has the hardest body."
524,27,11,"地中の 奥深くで 生まれた。
近い 仲間の イシツブテや
メレシーと 硬さ比べをする。"
524,28,1,"ろっかくけいの くうどうは みみ。
おとが なるほうへ あるいていくが
おとが やむと こまって ころぶ。"
524,28,3,"육각형의 구멍은 귀다.
소리가 나는 쪽으로 걸어가지만
소리가 그치면 당황해서 넘어진다."
524,28,5,"La cavité hexagonale quil arbore est son oreille.
Il se précipite vers tout ce quil entend, mais
perd léquilibre et chute dès que le son sarrête."
524,28,6,"Die sechseckige Aushöhlung dient ihm als Ohr.
Es bewegt sich immer auf Geräusche zu, fällt
jedoch ratlos um, sobald diese verstummen."
524,28,7,"La cavidad hexagonal es su oído. Camina hacia
donde se emite cualquier sonido, pero si este
cesa pierde el equilibrio y cae al suelo."
524,28,8,"La conca esagonale è il suo orecchio. Ha
labitudine di camminare in direzione dei rumori,
ma se questi cessano, si confonde e cade."
524,28,9,"The hexagonal cavity is its ear. It walks in the
direction of sounds it hears, but if the sounds
cease, it panics and topples over."
524,28,11,"六角形の 空洞は 耳。
音が 鳴るほうへ 歩いていくが
音が 止むと 困って 転ぶ。"
524,29,1,"6かくけいの あなは みみ。 みみの
おくには エネルギーコアが あるので
てを つっこむと おこりだすぞ。"
524,29,3,"육각형의 구멍은 귀다. 
귀 안에 에너지 코어가 있어서
손을 넣으면 화를 낸다."
524,29,5,"Sa cavité hexagonale est une oreille. Il se met
en colère si lon tente dy plonger la main, car
cest là que se trouve son noyau dénergie."
524,29,6,"Das sechseckige Loch dient ihm als Ohr. Tief
darin liegt sein Energiekern versteckt. Wenn
jemand hineingreift, wird es wütend."
524,29,7,"El agujero con forma de hexágono es su oído, y
en su interior cuenta con un núcleo de energía,
por lo que se enfurece si meten la mano dentro."
524,29,8,"La conca esagonale è il suo orecchio, al cui
interno si trova un nucleo di energia. Per questo
si arrabbia se qualcuno ci infila una mano."
524,29,9,"The hexagonal hole is its ear. Deep in that ear is
an energy core, so if you stick your hand in
there, Roggenrola will be very angry!"
524,29,11,"六角形の 穴は 耳。 耳の
奥には エネルギーコアが あるので
手を 突っ込むと 怒りだすぞ。"
524,30,1,"じわれの だんそうから みつかった。
からだを こうせいする せいぶんは
なんびゃくねんも まえの つちだ。"
524,30,3,"땅이 갈라진 곳의 단층에서 발견되었다.
몸을 구성하는 성분은
수백 년도 전의 흙이다."
524,30,5,"Ce Pokémon a été découvert dans une faille
rocheuse. La terre qui constitue son corps
remonte à plusieurs centaines dannées."
524,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde in den Klüften einer
Erdspalte entdeckt. Sein Körper setzt sich aus
jahrhundertealter Erde zusammen."
524,30,7,"Fue descubierto entre las grietas de una falla.
Su cuerpo está compuesto por una tierra que
data de cientos de años."
524,30,8,"È stato trovato nelle spaccature del terreno.
Il suo corpo è composto da terra risalente a
centinaia di anni fa."
524,30,9,"It was found in a fissure in a layer of exposed
rock. The material that makes up its body is
dirt from several hundred years ago."
524,30,11,"地割れの 断層から 見つかった。
身体を 構成する 成分は
何百年も 前の 土だ。"
524,33,1,"てつと おんなじくらい かたいが
ながく みずに つかっていると
ちょっと やわらかくなるらしい。"
524,33,3,"철과 비슷하게 단단하지만
오랫동안 물에 담가두면
조금 부드러워진다고 한다."
524,33,5,"Son corps est aussi dur que le fer,
mais si on le laisse longtemps dans leau,
il paraît quil ramollit légèrement."
524,33,6,"Sein Körper ist hart wie Stahl, aber nach einem
längeren Aufenthalt im Wasser weicht er wohl
ein wenig auf."
524,33,7,"Su cuerpo es casi tan duro como el acero, pero
al parecer puede reblandecerse levemente si
permanece sumergido en agua mucho tiempo."
524,33,8,"È duro quasi quanto lacciaio, ma sembra che
si ammorbidisca leggermente se viene immerso
a lungo in acqua."
524,33,9,"Its as hard as steel, but apparently a long soak in
water will cause it to soften a bit."
524,33,11,"鉄と 同じくらい 硬いが
長く 水に 浸かっていると
ちょっと 軟らかくなるらしい。"
524,34,1,"おとに はんのうし うごきだす。
エネルギーコアの えいきょうで
さわると すこし あったかい。"
524,34,3,"소리에 반응해 움직인다.
에너지 코어의 영향으로
만지면 조금 따듯하다."
524,34,5,"Il se déplace en réagissant aux sons environnants.
Son noyau dénergie rend son corps légèrement
chaud au toucher."
524,34,6,"Es bewegt sich stets auf Geräuschquellen zu.
Dank seines Energiekerns fühlt es sich immer
leicht warm an, wenn man es berührt."
524,34,7,"Se dirige hacia cualquier sonido que perciba.
Es ligeramente cálido al tacto, debido al efecto
de su núcleo energético."
524,34,8,"Si muove reagendo ai rumori. È tiepido al tatto
per via del nucleo di energia al suo interno."
524,34,9,"When it detects a noise, it starts to move.
The energy core inside it makes this Pokémon
slightly warm to the touch."
524,34,11,"音に 反応し 動きだす。
エネルギーコアの 影響で
触ると すこし 温かい。"
525,17,5,"Quand il est gonflé à bloc, ses cristaux
orangés scintillent. Il cherche de leau
souterraine dans les grottes."
525,17,9,"When it overflows with power,
the orange crystal on its body glows.
It looks for underground water in caves."
525,18,5,"Lénergie de son corps quil ne parvient
pas à retenir sécoule à lextérieur et
forme des cristaux orangés."
525,18,9,"Because its energy was too great to be
contained, the energy leaked and formed
orange crystals."
525,21,9,"When it is healthy, its core sticks out.
Always facing the same way, it swiftly
moves front to back and left to right."
525,22,9,"When it is healthy, its core sticks out.
Always facing the same way, it swiftly
moves front to back and left to right."
525,23,1,"たいないに おさまりきらずに
もれだした エネルギーが かたまり
オレンジいろの けっしょうになった。"
525,23,3,"체내에서 처리되지 못하고
빠져나온 에너지가 덩어리져서
주황색 결정이 되었다."
525,23,5,"Lénergie de son corps quil ne parvient pas à retenir
sécoule à lextérieur et forme des cristaux orangés."
525,23,6,"Energie, die ungehindert aus seinem Körper austrat,
hat sich an ihm zu orangefarbenen Kristallen verfestigt."
525,23,7,"La energía que no puede contener en el interior de
su cuerpo se escapa formando cristales naranjas."
525,23,8,"Lenergia sovrabbondante cerca sfogo allesterno
del corpo e si solidifica formando cristalli di colore
525,23,9,"Because its energy was too great to be contained,
the energy leaked and formed orange crystals."
525,23,11,"体内に 収まりきらず 漏れ出した
エネルギーが 固まり
オレンジ色の 結晶になった。"
525,24,1,"げんきだと コアが とびだしてくる。
からだの むきを かえることなく
ぜんごさゆうに すばやく うごける。"
525,24,3,"기운이 넘치면 핵이 튀어나온다.
몸의 방향을 바꾸지 않고
전후좌우로 재빠르게 움직일 수 있다."
525,24,5,"Quand il est en forme, son noyau devient visible.
Il peut se déplacer dans toutes les directions sans
se tourner."
525,24,6,"Ist es guter Dinge, kommt sein Kern zum Vorschein.
Kann blitzschnell die Richtung ändern, ohne sich
umdrehen zu müssen."
525,24,7,"Si se encuentra bien, deja entrever su núcleo. Puede
cambiar rápidamente la dirección en la que avanza sin
525,24,8,"Se è in forma, il suo nucleo è visibile. Si sposta
rapidamente nelle quattro direzioni senza cambiare
525,24,9,"When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing
the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left
to right."
525,24,11,"元気だと コアが 飛びだしてくる。
体の 向きを 変えることなく
前後左右に 素早く 動ける。"
525,25,1,"たいないに おさまりきらずに
もれだした エネルギーが かたまり
オレンジいろの けっしょうになった。"
525,25,3,"체내에서 처리되지 못하고
빠져나온 에너지가 덩어리져서
주황색 결정이 되었다."
525,25,5,"Lénergie de son corps quil ne parvient pas à retenir sécoule
à lextérieur et forme des cristaux orangés."
525,25,6,"Energie, die ungehindert aus seinem Körper austrat, hat sich
an ihm zu orangefarbenen Kristallen verfestigt."
525,25,7,"La energía que no puede contener en el interior de su cuerpo
se escapa formando cristales naranjas."
525,25,8,"Lenergia sovrabbondante cerca sfogo allesterno del corpo
e si solidifica formando cristalli di colore arancione."
525,25,9,"Because its energy was too great to be contained,
the energy leaked and formed orange crystals."
525,25,11,"体内に 収まりきらず 漏れ出した
エネルギーが 固まり
オレンジ色の 結晶になった。"
525,26,1,"げんきだと コアが とびだしてくる。
からだの むきを かえることなく
ぜんごさゆうに すばやく うごける。"
525,26,3,"기운이 넘치면 핵이 튀어나온다.
몸의 방향을 바꾸지 않고
전후좌우로 재빠르게 움직일 수 있다."
525,26,5,"Quand il est en forme, son noyau devient visible. Il peut
se déplacer dans toutes les directions sans se tourner."
525,26,6,"Ist es guter Dinge, kommt sein Kern zum Vorschein.
Kann blitzschnell die Richtung ändern, ohne sich
umdrehen zu müssen."
525,26,7,"Si se encuentra bien, deja entrever su núcleo. Puede cambiar
rápidamente la dirección en la que avanza sin girarse."
525,26,8,"Se è in forma, il suo nucleo è visibile. Si sposta rapidamente
nelle quattro direzioni senza cambiare orientamento."
525,26,9,"When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing
the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left
to right."
525,26,11,"元気だと コアが 飛びだしてくる。
体の 向きを 変えることなく
前後左右に 素早く 動ける。"
525,27,1,"オレンジの けっしょうは エネルギーの
かたまり。 ひとかけらで ダンプカー
100だいぶんの ねんりょうになる。"
525,27,3,"오렌지 결정은 에너지의
덩어리다. 한 조각으로 덤프트럭
100대분의 연료가 된다."
525,27,5,"Chaque cristal orangé sur son corps est
un condensé dénergie pouvant fournir
du carburant à une centaine de poids lourds."
525,27,6,"Bei seinen orangefarbenen Kristallen handelt es
sich um verfestigte Energie. Bereits ein Splitter
könnte 100 Kipplastern als Treibstoff reichen."
525,27,7,"Los cristales naranjas de su cuerpo son energía
condensada. Uno solo puede suministrar
combustible para 100 camiones."
525,27,8,"I cristalli arancioni sul suo corpo sono fatti
di energia condensata. Un unico frammento
potrebbe fornire carburante a 100 camion."
525,27,9,"Its orange crystal is a mass of energy.
Just one crystal fragment would provide
enough fuel for a hundred dump trucks."
525,27,11,"オレンジの 結晶は エネルギーの
塊。 ひとかけらで ダンプカー
100台分の 燃料になる。"
525,28,1,"どうくつで ちかすいを さがす。
みずじたいは とくいでは ないので
ちびりちびりと ゆっくり なめる。"
525,28,3,"동굴에서 지하수를 찾는다.
물 자체는 잘 마시지 못해서
홀짝홀짝 천천히 핥는다."
525,28,5,"Il explore les grottes à la recherche de nappes
phréatiques. Leau étant lune de ses faiblesses,
il ne peut la boire que par petites lapées."
525,28,6,"Es sucht in Höhlen nach Grundwasser. Da es
Wasser nicht gut verträgt, leckt es dieses ganz
behutsam auf."
525,28,7,"Busca lagos subterráneos en las cuevas. Como
le cuesta asimilar el agua, tiene que beber
lentamente a base de lametones."
525,28,8,"Perlustra le grotte alla ricerca di falde
sotterranee. Quando trova lacqua, la lecca
piano piano per poterla assorbire."
525,28,9,"It explores caves in search of underground
water. Its not comfortable around water, so
this Pokémon takes great care in lapping it up."
525,28,11,"洞窟で 地下水を 探す。
水自体は 得意では ないので
ちびりちびりと ゆっくり 舐める。"
525,29,1,"からだから あふれた エネルギーが
オレンジいろの けっしょうになった。
ダイヤモンドも くだく かたさだぞ。"
525,29,3,"몸에서 넘쳐흐르는 에너지가
오렌지색 결정이 되었다.
다이아몬드도 부술 정도로 견고하다."
525,29,5,"Lénergie qui émane de son corps sest
transformée en cristaux orangés suffisamment
durs pour briser le diamant."
525,29,6,"Energie, die aus seinem Körper austrat, hat sich
zu orangefarbenen, harten Kristallen verfestigt.
Sie können sogar Diamanten zersplittern."
525,29,7,"La energía que desprende de su cuerpo termina
por solidificarse en cristales anaranjados, tan
duros que pueden quebrar hasta los diamantes."
525,29,8,"Lenergia che fuoriesce dal suo corpo forma dei
cristalli arancioni talmente duri da frantumare
anche i diamanti."
525,29,9,"The energy overflowing from its body has
turned into orange crystals that are hard
enough to smash diamonds."
525,29,11,"身体から あふれた エネルギーが
オレンジ色の 結晶に なった。
ダイヤモンドも 砕く 硬さだぞ。"
525,30,1,"オレンジの けっしょうは おおきな
エネルギーの かたまり。 かちが
あるので ねらわれることも ある。"
525,30,3,"오렌지색 결정은 큰
에너지의 덩어리다. 가치가
있어 노려지는 일도 있다."
525,30,5,"Géolithe est parfois pris pour cible à cause
de ses cristaux orangés de grande valeur,
formés dénergie condensée."
525,30,6,"In den orangefarbenen Kristallen an seinem
Körper sind große Mengen Energie gespeichert.
Das macht sie wertvoll und heiß begehrt."
525,30,7,"Los cristales naranjas de su cuerpo son energía
condensada. El valor que poseen es tal que lo
convierten en un Pokémon muy codiciado."
525,30,8,"È un Pokémon molto ambito per i preziosi
cristalli arancioni che ha sul corpo, fatti di
energia condensata."
525,30,9,"Its orange crystals are lumps of powerful
energy. Theyre valuable, so Boldore is
sometimes targeted for them."
525,30,11,"オレンジの 結晶は 大きな
エネルギーの 塊。 価値が
あるので 狙われることも ある。"
525,33,1,"オレンジいろの けっしょうが
ひかりだしたら きをつけろ。
エネルギーを うちだしてくるぞ。"
525,33,3,"오렌지색 결정이
빛나기 시작하면 조심해야 한다.
에너지를 쏘아대기 때문이다."
525,33,5,"Mieux vaut rester sur ses gardes quand ses cristaux
orange se mettent à briller, car cela indique
quil va déchaîner son énergie pour frapper."
525,33,6,"Wenn die orangen Kristalle anfangen zu leuchten,
ist Vorsicht vor spontanen Energieentladungen
525,33,7,"Cuando sus cristales anaranjados comienzan a
brillar, conviene tener cuidado, pues es señal de
que está a punto de liberar energía."
525,33,8,"Quando i cristalli arancioni cominciano a brillare,
è bene fare attenzione perché è segno che
il Pokémon sta per emettere energia."
525,33,9,"If you see its orange crystals start to glow, be
wary. Its about to fire off bursts of energy."
525,33,11,"オレンジ色の 結晶が
光りだしたら 気をつけろ。
エネルギーを 撃ちだしてくるぞ。"
525,34,1,"おとで まわりの ようすを さぐる。
おこらせると からだの むきを
かえないまま おってくる。"
525,34,3,"소리로 주위 상황을 살핀다.
화나게 하면 몸의 방향을
바꾸지 않은 채로 쫓아온다."
525,34,5,"Il sonde les environs grâce au son. Lorsquun
importun le met en colère, il se lance à sa
poursuite sans changer lorientation de son corps."
525,34,6,"Es nimmt die Umgebung über akustische Reize
wahr. Ärgerliche Störenfriede kann es verfolgen,
ohne sich ihnen zuwenden zu müssen."
525,34,7,"Se vale del sonido para percibir el entorno. Si
alguien despierta su ira, lo perseguirá sin cambiar
la orientación del cuerpo."
525,34,8,"Perlustra la zona intorno a sé servendosi dei
rumori. Se irritato, insegue chi lo ha importunato
senza cambiare orientamento del corpo."
525,34,9,"It relies on sound in order to monitor whats in its
vicinity. When angered, it will attack without ever
changing the direction its facing."
525,34,11,"音で まわりの 様子を 探る。
怒らせると 体の 向きを
変えないまま 追ってくる。"
526,17,5,"Il comprime de lénergie dans son corps,
et ses attaques sont assez puissantes
pour renverser des montagnes."
526,17,9,"Compressing the energy from its
internal core lets it fire off an attack
capable of blowing away a mountain."
526,18,5,"Il amplifie dans son corps lénergie du
soleil absorbée par ses cristaux orangés
et la projette par la bouche."
526,18,9,"The solar energy absorbed by its bodys
orange crystals is magnified internally
and fired from its mouth."
526,21,9,"The solar rays it absorbs are
processed in its energy core
and fired as a ball of light."
526,22,9,"The solar rays it absorbs are
processed in its energy core
and fired as a ball of light."
526,23,1,"とりこんだ たいようこうせんを
エネルギーコアで はんのう させて
ひかりのたまとして うちだしてくる。"
526,23,3,"거두어들인 태양광선을
에너지 코어로 반응시켜
빛의 구슬로 쏘아낸다."
526,23,5,"Il amplifie dans son noyau lénergie du soleil absorbée
par son corps et la projette en une boule de lumière."
526,23,6,"Es verarbeitet Sonnenstrahlen in seinem
Energiekern zu Lichtkugeln weiter, um sie
im Kampf auf seinen Gegner abzufeuern."
526,23,7,"Absorbe los rayos solares, procesa esa energía en su
núcleo y lanza poderosas bolas de luz a sus enemigos."
526,23,8,"Assorbe i raggi solari e, grazie al suo nucleo
energetico, li trasforma in palle di luce che poi spara."
526,23,9,"The solar rays it absorbs are processed in its
energy core and fired as a ball of light."
526,23,11,"取りこんだ 太陽光線を
エネルギーコアで 反応 させて
光の玉として 撃ちだしてくる。"
526,24,1,"たいないの コアで エネルギーを
あっしゅくして うちだす こうげきは
やまを ふきとばす いりょく。"
526,24,3,"체내의 코어에서 에너지를
압축하여 쏘아대는 공격은
산을 날려버릴 만한 위력이다."
526,24,5,"Il comprime de lénergie dans son corps, et ses
attaques sont assez puissantes pour renverser des
526,24,6,"Es kann ganze Berge einebnen, indem es Energie
entlädt, die es in seinem Kern gesammelt und
verdichtet hat."
526,24,7,"El núcleo de su cuerpo comprime la energía para
lanzar ataques capaces de destruir una montaña."
526,24,8,"Comprime lenergia nel suo nucleo interno per poi
spararla con una potenza che può spazzare via anche
le montagne."
526,24,9,"Compressing the energy from its internal core
lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away
a mountain."
526,24,11,"体内の コアで エネルギーを
圧縮して 撃ち出す 攻撃は
山を 吹き飛ばす 威力。"
526,25,1,"とりこんだ たいようこうせんを
エネルギーコアで はんのう させて
ひかりのたまとして うちだしてくる。"
526,25,3,"거두어들인 태양 광선을
에너지 코어로 반응시켜
빛의 구슬로 쏘아낸다."
526,25,5,"Il amplifie dans son noyau lénergie du soleil absorbée
par son corps et la projette en une boule de lumière."
526,25,6,"Es verarbeitet Sonnenstrahlen in seinem Energiekern zu
Lichtkugeln weiter, um sie im Kampf auf seinen Gegner
526,25,7,"Absorbe los rayos solares, procesa esa energía en su núcleo
y lanza poderosas bolas de luz a sus enemigos."
526,25,8,"Assorbe i raggi solari e, grazie al suo nucleo energetico,
li trasforma in palle di luce che poi spara."
526,25,9,"The solar rays it absorbs are processed in its
energy core and fired as a ball of light."
526,25,11,"取りこんだ 太陽光線を
エネルギーコアで 反応 させて
光の玉として 撃ちだしてくる。"
526,26,1,"たいないの コアで エネルギーを
あっしゅくして うちだす こうげきは
やまを ふきとばす いりょく。"
526,26,3,"체내의 코어에서 에너지를
압축하여 쏘아대는 공격은
산을 날려버릴 만한 위력이다."
526,26,5,"Il comprime de lénergie dans son corps, et ses attaques sont
assez puissantes pour renverser des montagnes."
526,26,6,"Es kann ganze Berge einebnen, indem es Energie entlädt,
die es in seinem Kern gesammelt und verdichtet hat."
526,26,7,"El núcleo de su cuerpo comprime la energía para lanzar
ataques capaces de destruir una montaña."
526,26,8,"Comprime lenergia nel suo nucleo interno per poi spararla
con una potenza che può spazzare via anche le montagne."
526,26,9,"Compressing the energy from its internal core
lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away
a mountain."
526,26,11,"体内の コアで エネルギーを
圧縮して 撃ち出す 攻撃は
山を 吹き飛ばす 威力。"
526,27,1,"たいようこうせんから つくりだす
エネルギーだんは すごい いりょく。
ただ よるや あめのひは うてない。"
526,27,3,"태양광선으로부터 만든
에너지탄은 엄청난 위력이다.
하지만 밤과 비 오는 날에는 쏠 수 없다."
526,27,5,"Il absorbe les rayons solaires pour tirer des
balles dénergie incroyablement destructrices.
Une arme inutilisable sil pleut ou sil fait nuit."
526,27,6,"Es verarbeitet Sonnenstrahlen zu Energiekugeln
von ungeheurer Stärke. Nachts sowie bei Regen
kann es diese jedoch nicht abfeuern."
526,27,7,"Absorbe los rayos solares y los transforma en
poderosas bolas de energía. Sin embargo, no
puede hacerlo de noche o en días lluviosos."
526,27,8,"Assorbe lenergia solare e la usa per sparare
potentissime sfere di energia. Questa capacità
diventa inutile di notte e nei giorni di pioggia."
526,27,9,"The blasts of energy it makes from sunbeams
have terrifying power. However, its not able to
fire its blasts at night or on rainy days."
526,27,11,"太陽光線から つくりだす
エネルギー弾は 凄い 威力。
ただ 夜や 雨の日は 撃てない。"
526,28,1,"かなりの ばりきを もっているので
けんせつかんけいしゃが このんで
パートナーに えらぶ ポケモンだ。"
526,28,3,"상당한 체력을 지니고 있어
건설 관계자가 파트너를
선택할 때 선호하는 포켓몬이다."
526,28,5,"Ce Pokémon jouit dune force physique
hors-norme, ce qui fait de lui le meilleur allié
des chefs de chantier."
526,28,6,"Es verfügt über gewaltige Stärke und ist
deshalb bei Bauarbeitern sehr beliebt.
Diese wählen es oft als Partner-Pokémon."
526,28,7,"La soberbia potencia de la que hace gala lo
convierte en un ayudante idóneo para todo
trabajador de la construcción."
526,28,8,"La grande forza di questo Pokémon lo rende
un partner ideale nei lavori di edilizia."
526,28,9,"Known for its hefty horsepower, this Pokémon
is a popular partner for construction workers."
526,28,11,"かなりの 馬力を 持っているので
建設関係者が 好んで
パートナーに 選ぶ ポケモンだ。"
526,29,1,"ぜんりょくで エネルギーを うつと
その パワーで じぶんの からだに
むすうの きれつが はしる。"
526,29,3,"전력으로 에너지를 쏘면
그 파워로 자신의 몸에
무수한 균열이 생긴다."
526,29,5,"Dinnombrables fissures se dessinent à
la surface de son corps lorsquil déchaîne
toute son énergie."
526,29,6,"Wenn es mit geballter Kraft seine gesamte
Energie entlädt, führt das dazu, dass sich auf
seinem Körper unzählige Risse auftun."
526,29,7,"Cuando dispara energía con todas sus fuerzas,
la potencia es tal que le provoca incontables
fisuras por todo el cuerpo."
526,29,8,"Quando spara energia con tutte le sue forze,
la potenza è tale da causare numerose fessure
sul suo corpo."
526,29,9,"When it fires off energy with all its might, the
power creates countless fissures on its body."
526,29,11,"全力で エネルギーを 撃つと
その パワーで 自分の 身体に
無数の 亀裂が はしる。"
526,30,1,"たいよう こうせんを きゅうしゅうし
エネルギーを うちだす。 ふだんは
ちちゅうふかくに みをひそめている。"
526,30,3,"태양 광선을 흡수해서
에너지를 쏜다. 평소에는
땅속 깊은 곳에 몸을 숨기고 있다."
526,30,5,"Il peut absorber les rayons du soleil et les
rejeter sous forme dénergie, mais il se cache
généralement au plus profond de la terre."
526,30,6,"Es absorbiert Sonnenstrahlen, um sie als Energie
wieder zu entladen. Üblicherweise versteckt es
sich tief unter der Erde."
526,30,7,"Absorbe los rayos de sol y los expulsa en forma
de energía. Suele ocultarse en las profundidades
526,30,8,"Assorbe i raggi solari e li converte in energia
per poi spararla. Tuttavia, in genere si rifugia
nelle viscere della terra."
526,30,9,"It absorbs rays of sunlight and shoots out
energy. Its usually lurking deep beneath
the surface."
526,30,11,"太陽 光線を 吸収し
エネルギーを 撃ち出す。 普段は
地中深くに 身を潜めている。"
526,33,1,"たくましいので こうじげんばや
さいくつじょうで ダイオウドウや
ひとと はたらいて いることも。"
526,33,3,"씩씩해서 공사 현장이나
채굴장에서 대왕끼리동이나
사람과 함께 일할 때도 있다."
526,33,5,"Sa robustesse lui vaut parfois de travailler
sur les chantiers et dans les carrières
en compagnie des Hommes et des Pachyradjah."
526,33,6,"Aufgrund seiner Stärke arbeitet es zusammen mit
Menschen und Patinaraja öfter mal als Aushilfe
auf Baustellen oder in Bergwerken."
526,33,7,"Su robustez le permite colaborar con humanos
y Copperajah en labores de construcción y
526,33,8,"È molto robusto e per questo a volte lavora
assieme a uomini e Copperajah nelledilizia
e nellestrazione mineraria."
526,33,9,"This hardy Pokémon can often be found on
construction sites and in mines, working
alongside people and Copperajah."
526,33,11,"たくましいので 工事現場や
採掘場で ダイオウドウや
人と 働いて いることも。"
526,34,1,"はれた ひに しか うてないが
エネルギーだんの はかいりょくは
ダンプカーも ふきとばすほど。"
526,34,3,"맑은 날에만 쏠 수 있지만
에너지탄의 파괴력은
덤프트럭도 날려버릴 정도다."
526,34,5,"Il est capable denvoyer des boules dénergie
assez puissantes pour balayer un camion-benne,
mais il ne peut tirer que les jours ensoleillés."
526,34,6,"Seine Energiekugeln können einen Lastwagen
durch die Luft schleudern. Diese kann es aber
nur bei schönem Wetter abfeuern."
526,34,7,"Las bolas de energía que lanza solo en días
soleados son tan potentes que pueden hacer
saltar un camión por los aires."
526,34,8,"La potenza delle sue sfere di energia è tale da
spazzare via un camion. Tuttavia, può spararle
solo nei giorni di sole."
526,34,9,"Although its energy blasts can blow away
a dump truck, they have a limitation—
they can only be fired when the sun is out."
526,34,11,"晴れた 日に しか 撃てないが
エネルギー弾の 破壊力は
ダンプカーも 吹きとばすほど。"
527,17,5,"Il vit dans les forêts sombres et les
grottes. Il émet des ultrasons par
le nez pour se diriger."
527,17,9,"Its habitat is dark forests and caves.
It emits ultrasonic waves from its
nose to learn about its surroundings."
527,18,5,"Il saccroche aux murs des cavernes en
se servant de son nez comme ventouse.
Il y laisse une trace en forme de cœur."
527,18,9,"Suction from its nostrils enables it to
stick to cave walls during sleep. It
leaves a heart-shaped mark behind."
527,21,9,"The heart-shaped mark left on a body
after a Woobat has been attached to it
is said to bring good fortune."
527,22,9,"The heart-shaped mark left on a body
after a Woobat has been attached to it
is said to bring good fortune."
527,23,1,"くらい もりや ほらあなで くらす。
はなの あなから ちょうおんぱを
だして あたりの ようすを さぐる。"
527,23,3,"어두운 숲이나 동굴에서 산다.
콧구멍에서 초음파를 쏘아
주변의 모습을 살핀다."
527,23,5,"Il vit dans les forêts sombres et les grottes. Il émet
des ultrasons par le nez pour se diriger."
527,23,6,"Wohnt in dunklen Wäldern und Höhlen. Es sendet
Ultraschallwellen mit seiner Nase aus, um die
Gegend abzutasten."
527,23,7,"Vive en bosques oscuros y cavernas. Emite
ultrasonidos por la nariz para saber todo lo que
pasa a su alrededor."
527,23,8,"Vive nelle foreste buie o nelle caverne. Sonda
lambiente circostante emettendo degli ultrasuoni
dalle narici."
527,23,9,"Its habitat is dark forests and caves. It emits
ultrasonic waves from its nose to learn about
its surroundings."
527,23,11,"暗い 森や 洞穴で 暮らす。
鼻の 穴から 超音波を 出して
あたりの 様子を 探る。"
527,24,1,"コロモリの はなを おしつけた
ところに ハートがたの あとがつくと
いいことが おこると いわれている。"
527,24,3,"또르박쥐의 코가 닿은 곳에
하트 모양의 자국이 나면
좋은 일이 일어난다고 전해진다."
527,24,5,"Son nez est comme une ventouse. Il laisse une
marque en forme de cœur qui, paraît-il, porte bonheur."
527,24,6,"Es verheißt Glück, wenn sich ein Fleknoil an einem
Menschen festsaugt und auf ihm einen herzförmigen
Fleck hinterlässt."
527,24,7,"Se dice que la marca con forma de corazón que deja
un Woobat al incrustar su nariz trae buena suerte."
527,24,8,"Quando preme il naso contro il corpo di qualcuno
lascia un segno a forma di cuore che, dicono, porta
527,24,9,"The heart-shaped mark left on a body after a
Woobat has been attached to it is said to bring
good fortune."
527,24,11,"コロモリの 鼻を 押しつけた
ところに ハート形の 跡がつくと
いいことが 起こると 言われている。"
527,25,1,"くらい もりや ほらあなで くらす。
はなの あなから ちょうおんぱを
だして あたりの ようすを さぐる。"
527,25,3,"어두운 숲이나 동굴에서 산다.
콧구멍에서 초음파를 쏘아
주변의 모습을 살핀다."
527,25,5,"Il vit dans les forêts sombres et les grottes. Il émet
des ultrasons par le nez pour se diriger."
527,25,6,"Wohnt in dunklen Wäldern und Höhlen. Es sendet
Ultraschallwellen mit seiner Nase aus, um die Gegend
527,25,7,"Vive en bosques oscuros y cavernas. Emite ultrasonidos por
la nariz para saber todo lo que pasa a su alrededor."
527,25,8,"Vive nelle foreste buie o nelle caverne. Sonda lambiente
circostante emettendo degli ultrasuoni dalle narici."
527,25,9,"Its habitat is dark forests and caves. It emits
ultrasonic waves from its nose to learn about
its surroundings."
527,25,11,"暗い 森や 洞穴で 暮らす。
鼻の 穴から 超音波を 出して
あたりの 様子を 探る。"
527,26,1,"コロモリの はなを おしつけた
ところに ハートがたの あとがつくと
いいことが おこると いわれている。"
527,26,3,"또르박쥐의 코가 닿은 곳에
하트 모양의 자국이 나면
좋은 일이 일어난다고 전해진다."
527,26,5,"Son nez est comme une ventouse. Il laisse une marque
en forme de cœur qui, paraît-il, porte bonheur."
527,26,6,"Es verheißt Glück, wenn sich ein Fleknoil an einem Menschen
festsaugt und auf ihm einen herzförmigen Fleck hinterlässt."
527,26,7,"Se dice que la marca con forma de corazón que deja un
Woobat al incrustar su nariz trae buena suerte."
527,26,8,"Quando preme il naso contro il corpo di qualcuno lascia un
segno a forma di cuore che, dicono, porta fortuna."
527,26,9,"The heart-shaped mark left on a body after a
Woobat has been attached to it is said to bring
good fortune."
527,26,11,"コロモリの 鼻を 押しつけた
ところに ハート形の 跡がつくと
いいことが 起こると 言われている。"
527,33,1,"どうくつを みあげて かべに
ハートがたの あとが あれば
コロモリが すんでいる しょうこ。"
527,33,3,"동굴을 올려다봤을 때 벽에
하트 모양 자국이 있다면
또르박쥐가 살고 있다는 증거다."
527,33,5,"La présence de marques en forme de cœur
sur les parois des grottes indique la présence
de Chovsourir à lintérieur."
527,33,6,"Herzförmige Flecken an der Decke einer Höhle
sind ein sicheres Zeichen dafür, dass sie von
Fleknoil behaust wird."
527,33,7,"Si al alzar la vista en una cueva se ven marcas
con forma de corazón en las paredes, es señal
de que Woobat la ha convertido en su guarida."
527,33,8,"Se alzando lo sguardo in una grotta si vedono
impronte a forma di cuore sulle pareti, è segno
che vi abitano dei Woobat."
527,33,9,"While inside a cave, if you look up and see lots
of heart-shaped marks lining the walls, its
evidence that Woobat live there."
527,33,11,"洞窟を 見上げて 壁に
ハート型の 跡が あれば
コロモリが 棲んでいる 証拠。"
527,34,1,"ちょうおんぱを はなちながら
フラフラと とびまわり エサの
むしポケモンを さがしている。"
527,34,3,"초음파를 발산하면서
흔들흔들 날아다닌다.
먹이인 벌레포켓몬을 찾고 있다."
527,34,5,"Il virevolte gaiement et émet des ultrasons
pour trouver des Pokémon Insecte à grignoter."
527,34,6,"Es fliegt umher und sendet Ultraschallwellen aus,
um Käfer-Pokémon aufzuspüren, welche ihm als
Nahrung dienen."
527,34,7,"Emite ultrasonidos mientras revolotea en busca
de los Pokémon insecto con los que se sustenta."
527,34,8,"Svolazza emettendo ultrasuoni in cerca
di Pokémon di tipo Coleottero, di cui si nutre."
527,34,9,"It emits ultrasonic waves as it flutters about,
searching for its prey—bug Pokémon."
527,34,11,"超音波を 放ちながら
フラフラと 飛びまわり エサの
虫ポケモンを 探している。"
528,17,5,"Il émet des ondes sonores de
différentes fréquences par le nez.
Certaines peuvent briser des rochers."
528,17,9,"It emits sound waves of various
frequencies from its nose, including
some powerful enough to destroy rocks."
528,18,5,"Le mâle courtise la femelle à laide
dultrasons. Les écouter met de très
bonne humeur."
528,18,9,"Anyone who comes into contact with the
ultrasonic waves emitted by a courting
male experiences a positive mood shift."
528,21,9,"It shakes its tail vigorously when it
emits ultrasonic waves strong enough
to reduce concrete to rubble."
528,22,9,"It shakes its tail vigorously when it
emits ultrasonic waves strong enough
to reduce concrete to rubble."
528,23,1,"コンクリートも こわせるほどの
つよい ちょうおんぱを だすとき
しっぽが はげしく ふるえる。"
528,23,3,"콘크리트도 부술 정도로
강한 초음파를 낼 때
꼬리가 심하게 흔들린다."
528,23,5,"Sa queue sagite frénétiquement quand il émet ses
ultrasons assez puissants pour pulvériser du béton."
528,23,6,"Beim Abfeuern seiner Ultraschallwellen, mit denen
es selbst Beton zertrümmern kann, wedelt es eifrig
mit dem Schweif."
528,23,7,"Cuando emite ondas ultrasónicas, que incluso pueden
reventar el cemento, agita su cola con vehemencia."
528,23,8,"Quando emette delle onde ultrasoniche così forti da
rompere il cemento, la coda gli oscilla con forza."
528,23,9,"It shakes its tail vigorously when it emits ultrasonic
waves strong enough to reduce concrete to rubble."
528,23,11,"コンクリートも 壊せるほどの
強い 超音波を 出すとき
尻尾が 激しく 震える。"
528,24,1,"オスが メスに きゅうあいするとき
はっする ちょうおんぱを あびると
とても たのしい きぶんになる。"
528,24,3,"수컷이 암컷에게 구애할 때
발사하는 초음파에 노출되면
기분이 매우 즐거워진다."
528,24,5,"Le mâle courtise la femelle à laide dultrasons.
Les écouter met de très bonne humeur."
528,24,6,"Wer den Ultraschallwellen eines Männchens in der Balz
ausgesetzt wird, verfällt in eine euphorische Stimmung."
528,24,7,"Todos rebosan de alborozo cuando perciben las ondas
ultrasónicas emitidas por el macho para cortejar a la
528,24,8,"È molto piacevole essere investiti dalle onde
ultrasoniche che il maschio emette quando corteggia
la femmina."
528,24,9,"Anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic
waves emitted by a courting male experiences a
positive mood shift."
528,24,11,"オスが メスに 求愛するとき
発する 超音波を 浴びると
とても 楽しい 気分になる。"
528,25,1,"コンクリートも こわせるほどの
つよい ちょうおんぱを だすとき
しっぽが はげしく ふるえる。"
528,25,3,"콘크리트도 부술 정도로
강한 초음파를 낼 때
꼬리가 심하게 흔들린다."
528,25,5,"Sa queue sagite frénétiquement quand il émet ses ultrasons
assez puissants pour pulvériser du béton."
528,25,6,"Beim Abfeuern seiner Ultraschallwellen, mit denen es selbst
Beton zertrümmern kann, wedelt es eifrig mit dem Schweif."
528,25,7,"Cuando emite ondas ultrasónicas, que incluso pueden
reventar el cemento, agita su cola con vehemencia."
528,25,8,"Quando emette delle onde ultrasoniche così forti da rompere
il cemento, la coda gli oscilla con forza."
528,25,9,"It shakes its tail vigorously when it emits ultrasonic
waves strong enough to reduce concrete to rubble."
528,25,11,"コンクリートも 壊せるほどの
強い 超音波を 出すとき
尻尾が 激しく 震える。"
528,26,1,"オスが メスに きゅうあいするとき
はっする ちょうおんぱを あびると
とても たのしい きぶんになる。"
528,26,3,"수컷이 암컷에게 구애할 때
발사하는 초음파에 노출되면
기분이 매우 즐거워진다."
528,26,5,"Le mâle courtise la femelle à laide dultrasons. Les écouter
met de très bonne humeur."
528,26,6,"Wer den Ultraschallwellen eines Männchens in der Balz
ausgesetzt wird, verfällt in eine euphorische Stimmung."
528,26,7,"Todos rebosan de alborozo cuando perciben las ondas
ultrasónicas emitidas por el macho para cortejar a la hembra."
528,26,8,"È molto piacevole essere investiti dalle onde ultrasoniche
che il maschio emette quando corteggia la femmina."
528,26,9,"Anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic
waves emitted by a courting male experiences a
positive mood shift."
528,26,11,"オスが メスに 求愛するとき
発する 超音波を 浴びると
とても 楽しい 気分になる。"
528,33,1,"ちょうきょうりょくな おんぱを
はなったあとは つかれて
しばらく とべなくなるよ。"
528,33,3,"아주 강력한 음파를
내보낸 후에는 지쳐서
당분간 날 수 없게 된다."
528,33,5,"Émettre des ondes sonores ultra-puissantes
le fatigue tellement quil na plus de forces
pour voler."
528,33,6,"Hat es besonders starke Ultraschallwellen
ausgestoßen, wird es so müde, dass es für
eine Weile nicht fliegen kann."
528,33,7,"Tras emitir sus potentísimas ondas, queda tan
exhausto que es incapaz de volar durante un
528,33,8,"Dopo aver emesso delle potentissime onde
sonore è così stanco da non poter volare per
un po."
528,33,9,"Emitting powerful sound waves tires it out.
Afterward, it wont be able to fly for a
little while."
528,33,11,"超強力な 音波を
放ったあとは 疲れて
しばらく 飛べなくなるよ。"
528,34,1,"はなの かたちが おめでたいと
こうふくを よぶ シンボルとして
まつる ちいきも あるという。"
528,34,3,"코의 모양이 복스럽다고
행복을 부르는 상징으로
여기는 지역도 있다고 한다."
528,34,5,"Certaines contrées le vénèrent et pensent
que la forme de son nez est un symbole
de chance et de bonheur."
528,34,6,"Es wird in manchen Regionen für seine Nasenform
verehrt, die angeblich Glück bringen soll."
528,34,7,"En algunas regiones se venera a este Pokémon,
ya que consideran la forma de su nariz como un
símbolo de felicidad."
528,34,8,"Si dice che in alcune regioni venga venerato
per via della forma del suo naso, ritenuta
di buon auspicio."
528,34,9,"The auspicious shape of this Pokémons nose
apparently led some regions to consider
Swoobat a symbol of good luck."
528,34,11,"鼻の 形が おめでたいと
幸福を 呼ぶ シンボルとして
祭る 地域も あるという。"
529,17,5,"Il peut creuser à plus de 50 km/h et
faire la course avec une voiture roulant
sur le terrain quil creuse."
529,17,9,"It can dig through the ground
at a speed of 30 mph. It could give
a car running aboveground a good race."
529,18,5,"Il se propulse à grande vitesse sous
la terre en joignant ses griffes et
en tourbillonnant sur lui-même."
529,18,9,"It makes its way swiftly through the soil
by putting both claws together and
rotating at high speed."
529,21,9,"By spinning its body, it can dig
straight through the ground
at a speed of 30 mph."
529,22,9,"By spinning its body, it can dig
straight through the ground
at a speed of 30 mph."
529,23,1,"りょうての ツメを かさねあわせて
からだを こうそく かいてんさせると
もうスピードで ちちゅうを すすむ。"
529,23,3,"양손의 손톱을 서로 겹치고
몸을 고속 회전시키면서
맹렬한 속도로 땅속을 헤쳐나간다."
529,23,5,"Il se propulse à grande vitesse sous la terre en
joignant ses griffes et en tourbillonnant sur lui-même."
529,23,6,"Es führt seine beiden Klauen zusammen, dreht sich
rapide um die eigene Achse und gräbt sich ratzfatz
durch das Erdreich."
529,23,7,"Cuando junta las garras y comienza a dar vueltas
frenéticas, avanza bajo tierra a gran velocidad."
529,23,8,"Sfreccia a gran velocità sotto terra, avvitandosi su
se stesso, mentre si apre un passaggio scavando
con le unghie."
529,23,9,"It makes its way swiftly through the soil by putting
both claws together and rotating at high speed."
529,23,11,"両手の ツメを 重ね合わせて
体を 高速 回転させると
猛スピードで 地中を 進む。"
529,24,1,"からだを スピンさせることで
じそく50キロの スピードのまま
まっすぐ じめんを ほりすすむ。"
529,24,3,"몸을 스핀시켜서
시속 50km의 스피드를 유지하며
똑바로 땅을 파서 나아간다."
529,24,5,"Il tourbillonne sur lui-même pour se déplacer sous
terre. Il peut atteindre les 50 km/h en ligne droite."
529,24,6,"Es gräbt sich mit 50 km/h schnurstracks durch
das Erdreich, indem es sich rapide um die eigene
Achse dreht."
529,24,7,"Puede girar su cuerpo a una velocidad de 50 km/h y,
si la mantiene, puede perforar el suelo y atravesarlo."
529,24,8,"Quando gira su se stesso, scava la terra scendendo
in verticale alla velocità di 50 km/h."
529,24,9,"By spinning its body, it can dig straight through the
ground at a speed of 30 mph."
529,24,11,"体を スピンさせることで
時速50キロの スピードのまま
まっすぐ 地面を 掘り進む。"
529,25,1,"りょうての ツメを かさねあわせて
からだを こうそく かいてんさせると
もうスピードで ちちゅうを すすむ。"
529,25,3,"양손의 손톱을 서로 겹치고
몸을 고속 회전시키면서
맹렬한 속도로 땅속을 헤쳐나간다."
529,25,5,"Il se propulse à grande vitesse sous la terre en joignant
ses griffes et en tourbillonnant sur lui-même."
529,25,6,"Es führt seine beiden Klauen zusammen, dreht sich rapide um
die eigene Achse und gräbt sich ratzfatz durch das Erdreich."
529,25,7,"Cuando junta las garras y comienza a dar vueltas frenéticas,
avanza bajo tierra a gran velocidad."
529,25,8,"Sfreccia a gran velocità sotto terra, avvitandosi su se stesso,
mentre si apre un passaggio scavando con le unghie."
529,25,9,"It makes its way swiftly through the soil by putting
both claws together and rotating at high speed."
529,25,11,"両手の ツメを 重ね合わせて
体を 高速 回転させると
猛スピードで 地中を 進む。"
529,26,1,"からだを スピンさせることで
じそく50キロの スピードのまま
まっすぐ じめんを ほりすすむ。"
529,26,3,"몸을 스핀시켜서
시속 50km의 스피드를 유지하며
똑바로 땅을 파서 나아간다."
529,26,5,"Il tourbillonne sur lui-même pour se déplacer sous terre.
Il peut atteindre les 50 km/h en ligne droite."
529,26,6,"Es gräbt sich mit 50 km/h schnurstracks durch das Erdreich,
indem es sich rapide um die eigene Achse dreht."
529,26,7,"Puede girar su cuerpo a una velocidad de 50 km/h y, si la
mantiene, puede perforar el suelo y atravesarlo."
529,26,8,"Quando gira su se stesso, scava la terra scendendo in verticale
alla velocità di 50 km/h."
529,26,9,"By spinning its body, it can dig straight through the
ground at a speed of 30 mph."
529,26,11,"体を スピンさせることで
時速50キロの スピードのまま
まっすぐ 地面を 掘り進む。"
529,33,1,"りょうての ツメを かさねあわせ
からだを こうそくかいてん させると
えもの めがけて つっこむのだ。"
529,33,3,"양손의 손톱을 서로 겹치고
몸을 고속으로 회전시킨 뒤
먹이를 향해 돌진한다."
529,33,5,"Il fonce sur ses proies en joignant ses griffes
et en tourbillonnant sur lui-même."
529,33,6,"Es führt seine beiden Klauen zusammen, dreht
sich rapide um die eigene Achse und stürzt sich
auf seine Beute."
529,33,7,"Tras juntar las garras, se abalanza sobre su presa
haciendo rotar el cuerpo a gran velocidad."
529,33,8,"Congiunge le unghie e si avvita su se stesso
a gran velocità per poi lanciarsi sulla preda."
529,33,9,"It brings its claws together and whirls around at
high speed before rushing toward its prey."
529,33,11,"両手の ツメを 重ね合わせ
体を 高速回転 させると
獲物 めがけて 突っ込むのだ。"
529,34,1,"ツメで ちちゅうを ほりすすむので
そだてた やさいが いたむと
のうぎょうかんけいしゃは きらう。"
529,34,3,"손톱으로 땅속을 파고 다니면서
키우는 채소를 해치기 때문에
농업 종사자들이 싫어한다."
529,34,5,"Les cultivateurs le détestent, car il abîme leurs
légumes en creusant la terre avec ses griffes."
529,34,6,"Ein Pokémon, das sich bei Landwirten mäßiger
Beliebtheit erfreut, da es beim Graben durchs
Erdreich gelegentlich ihre Ernten ruiniert."
529,34,7,"Su costumbre de horadar túneles bajo tierra le
ha granjeado la antipatía de los agricultores,
ya que puede echar a perder cosechas enteras."
529,34,8,"Non è ben visto dagli agricoltori per la sua
abitudine di scavare cunicoli sottoterra
con le unghie, rovinando gli ortaggi."
529,34,9,"Its a digger, using its claws to burrow through the
ground. It causes damage to vegetable crops, so
many farmers have little love for it."
529,34,11,"ツメで 地中を 掘り進むので
育てた 野菜が 傷むと
農業関係者は 嫌う。"
530,17,5,"Ses vrilles en acier peuvent transpercer
des poutres en fer. Il est très employé
dans la construction de tunnels."
530,17,9,"It can help in tunnel construction.
Its drill has evolved into steel strong
enough to bore through iron plates."
530,18,5,"Il se creuse des terriers labyrinthiques
à 100 m sous terre. Il lui arrive de
percer les galeries du métro."
530,18,9,"More than 300 feet below the surface,
they build mazelike nests. Their activity
can be destructive to subway tunnels."
530,21,9,"Forming a drill with its steel claws
and head, it can bore through a steel
plate, no matter how thick it is."
530,22,9,"Forming a drill with its steel claws
and head, it can bore through a steel
plate, no matter how thick it is."
530,23,1,"はがねに しんかした ドリルは
てっぱんを つらぬく はかいりょく。
トンネルこうじで だいかつやくする。"
530,23,3,"강철로 진화한 드릴은
철판을 뚫는 파괴력을 가졌다.
터널 공사에서 크게 활약한다."
530,23,5,"Ses vrilles en acier peuvent transpercer des poutres
en fer. Il est très employé dans la construction de
530,23,6,"Seine zu Stahl weiterentwickelten Bohrer kriegen
selbst Eisenplatten klein. Im Tunnelbau ist es ein
absolutes Ass."
530,23,7,"Su taladro ha evolucionado y es capaz de atravesar
una lámina de hierro. Es muy útil para construir
530,23,8,"La trivella si è evoluta diventando dacciaio e può
perforare una lastra di ferro. È molto utile per
scavare tunnel."
530,23,9,"It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has
evolved into steel strong enough to bore through
iron plates."
530,23,11,"鋼に 進化した ドリルは
鉄板を つらぬく 破壊力。
トンネル工事で 大活躍する。"
530,24,1,"ちか 100メートルに めいろの
ような すあなを つくる。ちかてつの
トンネルに あなを あけてしまう。"
530,24,3,"땅 밑 100m에 미로 같은
굴을 만든다. 지하철
터널에 구멍을 뚫어 버린다."
530,24,5,"Il se creuse des terriers labyrinthiques à 100 m sous
terre. Il lui arrive de percer les galeries du métro."
530,24,6,"Sein verworrener Bau liegt 100 m tief unter der Erde.
Gelegentlich gräbt es auch U-Bahn-Schächte an."
530,24,7,"Construye madrigueras laberínticas a 100 m bajo
tierra. A veces abre agujeros en los túneles de metro."
530,24,8,"Costruisce una tana simile a un labirinto 100 m sotto
terra. A volte apre buchi nei tunnel della metropolitana."
530,24,9,"More than 300 feet below the surface, they build
mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to
subway tunnels."
530,24,11,"地下 100メートルに 迷路の
ような 巣穴を 作る。地下鉄の
トンネルに 穴を 開けてしまう。"
530,25,1,"はがねに しんかした ドリルは
てっぱんを つらぬく はかいりょく。
トンネルこうじで だいかつやくする。"
530,25,3,"강철로 진화한 드릴은
철판을 뚫는 파괴력을 가졌다.
터널 공사에서 크게 활약한다."
530,25,5,"Ses vrilles en acier peuvent transpercer des poutres en fer.
Il est très employé dans la construction de tunnels."
530,25,6,"Seine zu Stahl weiterentwickelten Bohrer kriegen selbst
Eisenplatten klein. Im Tunnelbau ist es ein absolutes Ass."
530,25,7,"Su taladro ha evolucionado y es capaz de atravesar una
lámina de hierro. Es muy útil para construir túneles."
530,25,8,"La trivella si è evoluta diventando dacciaio e può perforare
una lastra di ferro. È molto utile per scavare tunnel."
530,25,9,"It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has
evolved into steel strong enough to bore through
iron plates."
530,25,11,"鋼に 進化した ドリルは
鉄板を つらぬく 破壊力。
トンネル工事で 大活躍する。"
530,26,1,"ちか 100メートルに めいろの
ような すあなを つくる。ちかてつの
トンネルに あなを あけてしまう。"
530,26,3,"땅 밑 100m에 미로 같은
굴을 만든다. 지하철
터널에 구멍을 뚫어 버린다."
530,26,5,"Il se creuse des terriers labyrinthiques à 100 m sous terre.
Il lui arrive de percer les galeries du métro."
530,26,6,"Sein verworrener Bau liegt 100 m tief unter der Erde.
Gelegentlich gräbt es auch U-Bahn-Schächte an."
530,26,7,"Construye madrigueras laberínticas a 100 m bajo tierra.
A veces abre agujeros en los túneles de metro."
530,26,8,"Costruisce una tana simile a un labirinto 100 m sotto terra.
A volte apre buchi nei tunnel della metropolitana."
530,26,9,"More than 300 feet below the surface, they build
mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to
subway tunnels."
530,26,11,"地下 100メートルに 迷路の
ような 巣穴を 作る。地下鉄の
トンネルに 穴を 開けてしまう。"
530,33,1,"しぜんの どうくつに みえても
ドリュウズが ほりあらした あとと
いうことも よくある はなしだ。"
530,33,3,"자연적으로 생긴 동굴로 보이지만
사실은 몰드류가 파낸 흔적인
경우는 흔히 있는 일이다."
530,33,5,"On confond souvent les cavernes creusées
par les Minotaupe avec des grottes naturelles."
530,33,6,"Viele Tunnel, die aussehen, als wären sie natürlich
entstanden, gehen wohl eigentlich auf Stalobor
zurück, die sich durch die Erde gegraben haben."
530,33,7,"Se dice que muchas grutas que parecen naturales
han sido en realidad horadadas por los Excadrill."
530,33,8,"Si dice che le grotte allapparenza naturali siano
in realtà spesso il risultato degli scavi forsennati
effettuati da Excadrill."
530,33,9,"Its not uncommon for tunnels that appear to
have formed naturally to actually be a result
of Excadrills rampant digging."
530,33,11,"自然の 洞窟に 見えても
ドリュウズが 掘り荒らした 跡と
いうことも よくある 話だ。"
530,34,1,"べつめい ドリルキング。
ちちゅうを ほりすすむ そくどは
じそく150キロに たっする。"
530,34,3,"별명은 드릴킹이다.
땅속을 파는 속도는
시속 150km에 달한다."
530,34,5,"On lappelle le «roi de la vrille». Il creuse la terre
à une vitesse pouvant atteindre 150 km/h."
530,34,6,"Es wird auch der „Bohrkönig“ genannt. Bei seinen
Bohrmanövern im Erdreich erreicht es eine
Spitzengeschwindigkeit von 150 km/h."
530,34,7,"Se lo conoce como el Rey del Taladro. Puede
horadar túneles bajo tierra a una velocidad de
150 km/h."
530,34,8,"Conosciuto anche come “re delle trivelle”,
questo Pokémon è capace di scavare sottoterra
a una velocità di 150 km/h."
530,34,9,"Known as the Drill King, this Pokémon can
tunnel through the terrain at speeds of over
90 mph."
530,34,11,"別名 ドリルキング。
地中を 掘り進む 速度は
時速150キロに 達する。"
531,17,5,"Il ausculte les gens avec ses antennes
auriculaires pour juger de leurs
émotions ou de leur santé."
531,17,9,"It touches others with the feelers on
its ears, using the sound of their
heartbeats to tell how they are feeling."
531,18,5,"Sa capacité auditive est exceptionnelle.
Il émet des sons imperceptibles pour
sonder les alentours, comme un sonar."
531,18,9,"Its auditory sense is astounding. It has
a radarlike ability to understand its
surroundings through slight sounds."
531,21,9,"Using the feelers on its ears,
it can tell how someone is feeling
or when an egg might hatch."
531,22,9,"Using the feelers on its ears,
it can tell how someone is feeling
or when an egg might hatch."
531,23,1,"みみの しょっかくで あいての
たいちょうや タマゴから ポケモンが
いつ でてくるのかも わかるのだ。"
531,23,3,"귀의 더듬이로 상대의
컨디션이나 알에서 포켓몬이
언제 나올지도 알 수 있다."
531,23,5,"Son ouïe est si développée quil arrive à juger de
la santé des gens ou à savoir quand un Œuf va éclore."
531,23,6,"Über die Fühler an seinen Ohren kann es ertasten,
wie es einer Person geht oder wann ein Pokémon
aus seinem Ei schlüpft."
531,23,7,"Con las antenas de sus oídos, perciben el estado de
un rival o predicen cuándo va a eclosionar un Huevo
531,23,8,"Le sue orecchie sono antenne capaci di sondare
lo stato di salute degli altri o capire quando un
uovo si schiuderà."
531,23,9,"Using the feelers on its ears, it can tell how
someone is feeling or when an egg might hatch."
531,23,11,"耳の 触角で 相手の
体調や タマゴから ポケモンが
いつ でてくるのかも わかるのだ。"
531,24,1,"みみの しょっかくで あいてに
ふれると しんぞうの おとで
たいちょうや きもちが わかるのだ。"
531,24,3,"귀의 더듬이가 상대에게
닿으면 심장 소리를 듣고
몸 상태나 기분을 알 수 있다."
531,24,5,"Il ausculte les gens avec ses antennes auriculaires
pour juger de leurs émotions ou de leur santé."
531,24,6,"Berührt es jemanden mit den Fühlern an seinen Ohren,
erfährt es durch den Herzschlag der Person,
wie es ihr geht."
531,24,7,"Al tocar a alguien con las antenas de sus orejas,
conoce su estado de ánimo y de salud por los latidos
del corazón."
531,24,8,"Quando tocca qualcuno con le antenne delle
orecchie, ne percepisce lo stato fisico e psicologico
dal battito cardiaco."
531,24,9,"It touches others with the feelers on its ears, using
the sound of their heartbeats to tell how they
are feeling."
531,24,11,"耳の 触角で 相手に 触れると
心臓の 音で
体調や 気持ちが わかるのだ。"
531,25,1,"みみの しょっかくで あいての
たいちょうや タマゴから ポケモンが
いつ でてくるのかも わかるのだ。"
531,25,3,"귀의 더듬이로 상대의
컨디션이나 알에서 포켓몬이
언제 나올지도 알 수 있다."
531,25,5,"Son ouïe est si développée quil arrive à juger de la santé
des gens ou à savoir quand un Œuf va éclore."
531,25,6,"Über die Fühler an seinen Ohren kann es ertasten, wie es einer
Person geht oder wann ein Pokémon aus seinem Ei schlüpft."
531,25,7,"Con las antenas de sus oídos, perciben el estado de un rival o
predicen cuándo va a eclosionar un Huevo Pokémon."
531,25,8,"Le sue orecchie sono antenne capaci di sondare lo stato
di salute degli altri o capire quando un uovo si schiuderà."
531,25,9,"Using the feelers on its ears, it can tell how
someone is feeling or when an egg might hatch."
531,25,11,"耳の 触角で 相手の
体調や タマゴから ポケモンが
いつ でてくるのかも わかるのだ。"
531,26,1,"みみの しょっかくで あいてに
ふれると しんぞうの おとで
たいちょうや きもちが わかるのだ。"
531,26,3,"귀의 더듬이가 상대에게
닿으면 심장 소리를 듣고
몸 상태나 기분을 알 수 있다."
531,26,5,"Il ausculte les gens avec ses antennes auriculaires pour juger
de leurs émotions ou de leur santé."
531,26,6,"Berührt es jemanden mit den Fühlern an seinen Ohren,
erfährt es durch den Herzschlag der Person, wie es ihr geht."
531,26,7,"Al tocar a alguien con las antenas de sus orejas, conoce su
estado de ánimo y de salud por los latidos del corazón."
531,26,8,"Quando tocca qualcuno con le antenne delle orecchie, ne
percepisce lo stato fisico e psicologico dal battito cardiaco."
531,26,9,"It touches others with the feelers on its ears, using
the sound of their heartbeats to tell how they
are feeling."
531,26,11,"耳の 触角で 相手に 触れると
心臓の 音で
体調や 気持ちが わかるのだ。"
531,33,1,"すぐれた ちょうかくを もっている。
2キロさきで ころがった こいしの
おとも ききとることが できる。"
531,33,3,"뛰어난 청각을 가졌다.
2km 떨어진 곳에서 구르는
돌멩이 소리도 들을 수 있다."
531,33,5,"Son ouïe est si fine quil est capable dentendre
un caillou tomber à 2 km."
531,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon verfügt über ein außerordentlich
gutes Gehör. Es kann sogar das Kullern eines
Kiesels aus 2 km Entfernung vernehmen."
531,33,7,"Su sentido del oído es extraordinario. Puede
percibir el sonido de una piedrecita rodando
a 2 km de distancia."
531,33,8,"Possiede un udito eccellente, grazie al quale
riesce a cogliere anche il suono di un sasso
che rotola a 2 km di distanza."
531,33,9,"Audinos sense of hearing is superb. Not even a
pebble rolling along over a mile away will escape
Audinos ears."
531,33,11,"優れた 聴覚を 持っている。
2キロ先で 転がった 小石の
音も 聴き取ることが できる。"
531,34,1,"こころやさしい ポケモン。
しょっかくを おしあて あいての
きもちや たいちょうを りかいする。"
531,34,3,"마음 착한 포켓몬이다.
더듬이를 갖다 대어 상대의
마음과 몸 상태를 파악한다."
531,34,5,"Ce Pokémon gentil est capable de deviner
les émotions et létat de santé des autres
rien quen les touchant avec ses antennes."
531,34,6,"Berührt dieses herzensgute Pokémon jemanden
mit seinen Fühlern, kann es dessen körperliche
Verfassung und Gemütszustand ertasten."
531,34,7,"Un Pokémon gentil que es capaz de comprender
los sentimientos y averiguar el estado de salud
de todo aquel que toque con sus antenas."
531,34,8,"Questo Pokémon dal cuore tenero è in grado di
percepire le condizioni fisiche e mentali
di chi tocca con le antenne."
531,34,9,"This Pokémon has a kind heart. By touching with
its feelers, Audino can gauge other creatures
feelings and physical conditions."
531,34,11,"心優しい ポケモン。
触角を 押し当て 相手の
気持ちや 体調を 理解する。"
532,17,5,"Il combat avec une poutre. Quand il en
arrive à transporter de lourds madriers
sans problème, lévolution est proche."
532,17,9,"It fights by swinging a piece of lumber
around. It is close to evolving when it
can handle the lumber without difficulty."
532,18,5,"Il porte toujours une poutre.
Il apparaît sur les chantiers
pour aider aux travaux."
532,18,9,"These Pokémon appear at building
sites and help out with construction.
They always carry squared logs."
532,21,9,"Always carrying squared logs,
they help out with construction.
As they grow, they carry bigger logs."
532,22,9,"Always carrying squared logs,
they help out with construction.
As they grow, they carry bigger logs."
532,23,1,"いつも かくざいを かかえている。
けんちく げんばに あらわれて
こうじを てつだう ポケモン。"
532,23,3,"항상 각목을 끼고 있다.
건설 현장에 나타나
공사를 도와주는 포켓몬이다."
532,23,5,"Il porte toujours une poutre. Il apparaît sur les
chantiers pour aider aux travaux."
532,23,6,"Trägt stets einen Holzbalken bei sich. Es taucht
hier und da auf Baustellen auf und hilft dort den
Arbeitern aus."
532,23,7,"Siempre lleva vigas de madera. Normalmente ayuda
en obras de construcción."
532,23,8,"Porta sempre con sé una tavola di legno. Appare
nei cantieri dove aiuta nei lavori."
532,23,9,"These Pokémon appear at building sites and help
out with construction. They always carry
squared logs."
532,23,11,"いつも 角材を 抱えている。
建築 現場に 現れて
工事を 手伝う ポケモン。"
532,24,1,"つねに かくざいを もちあるき
どぼくこうじを てつだう。そだつと
おおきな かくざいに もちかえる。"
532,24,3,"항상 각재를 들고 다니며
토목공사를 도와준다. 자라면
큰 각재로 바꿔 든다."
532,24,5,"Il porte toujours une poutre en bois et aime aider aux
travaux. Il passe à un lourd madrier quand il grandit."
532,24,6,"Trägt stets einen Holzbalken bei sich und hilft auf
Baustellen aus. Nach einer Weile sucht es sich
einen größeren Balken."
532,24,7,"Siempre lleva una viga de madera y ayuda en las
construcciones. Se busca una viga más grande cuando
se hace más fuerte."
532,24,8,"Porta sempre con sé una tavola di legno e aiuta nei
lavori edilizi. Quando cresce si sceglie una tavola
più grande."
532,24,9,"Always carrying squared logs, they help out with
construction. As they grow, they carry bigger logs."
532,24,11,"常に 角材を 持ち歩き
土木工事を 手伝う。育つと
大きな 角材に 持ち替える。"
532,25,1,"いつも かくざいを かかえている。
けんちく げんばに あらわれて
こうじを てつだう ポケモン。"
532,25,3,"항상 각목을 끼고 있다.
건설 현장에 나타나
공사를 도와주는 포켓몬이다."
532,25,5,"Il porte toujours une poutre. Il apparaît sur les chantiers
pour aider aux travaux."
532,25,6,"Trägt stets einen Holzbalken bei sich. Es taucht hier und da
auf Baustellen auf und hilft dort den Arbeitern aus."
532,25,7,"Siempre lleva vigas de madera. Normalmente ayuda en obras
de construcción."
532,25,8,"Porta sempre con sé una tavola di legno. Appare nei cantieri
dove aiuta nei lavori."
532,25,9,"These Pokémon appear at building sites and help
out with construction. They always carry
squared logs."
532,25,11,"いつも 角材を 抱えている。
建築 現場に 現れて
工事を 手伝う ポケモン。"
532,26,1,"つねに かくざいを もちあるき
どぼくこうじを てつだう。そだつと
おおきな かくざいに もちかえる。"
532,26,3,"항상 각재를 들고 다니며
토목공사를 도와준다. 자라면
큰 각재로 바꿔 든다."
532,26,5,"Il porte toujours une poutre en bois et aime aider aux travaux.
Il passe à un lourd madrier quand il grandit."
532,26,6,"Trägt stets einen Holzbalken bei sich und hilft auf Baustellen
aus. Nach einer Weile sucht es sich einen größeren Balken."
532,26,7,"Siempre lleva una viga de madera y ayuda en las
construcciones. Se busca una viga más grande cuando
se hace más fuerte."
532,26,8,"Porta sempre con sé una tavola di legno e aiuta nei lavori
edilizi. Quando cresce si sceglie una tavola più grande."
532,26,9,"Always carrying squared logs, they help out with
construction. As they grow, they carry bigger logs."
532,26,11,"常に 角材を 持ち歩き
土木工事を 手伝う。育つと
大きな 角材に 持ち替える。"
532,33,1,"けんちくの てつだいが すき。
あめで こうじが やすみの ひは
かくざいを ふりまわし あばれる。"
532,33,3,"건축 일을 돕는 것을 좋아한다.
비가 내려서 공사를 쉬는 날에는
각목을 휘두르며 날뛴다."
532,33,5,"Il aime donner un coup de main sur les chantiers.
Lorsque le travail cesse à cause de la pluie,
il brandit sa poutre de colère."
532,33,6,"Es hilft gern auf Baustellen aus. Bleiben diese
bei Regen geschlossen, macht es seinem Ärger
Luft, indem es seinen Holzbalken schwingt."
532,33,7,"Le gusta ayudar en labores de construcción.
Cuando la lluvia obliga a interrumpir las obras,
blande con furia su viga de madera."
532,33,8,"Gli piace dare una mano nei lavori edili, e
quando vengono interrotti per la pioggia,
si sfoga facendo roteare la sua trave."
532,33,9,"It loves helping out with construction projects.
It loves it so much that if rain causes work to halt,
it swings its log around and throws a tantrum."
532,33,11,"建築の 手伝いが 好き。
雨で 工事が 休みの 日は
角材を 振りまわし 暴れる。"
532,34,1,"じぶんの 3ばいくらいの かくざいを
もつように なった ドッコラーは
しんかの ひが ちかい。"
532,34,3,"자신의 3배 정도의 각목을
들 수 있게 된 으랏차는
머지않아 진화하게 된다."
532,34,5,"Lorsque Charpenti est capable de soulever
une poutre faisant trois fois son poids,
le jour de son évolution est proche."
532,34,6,"Man sagt, seine Entwicklung stehe dann kurz
bevor, wenn es einen Holzbalken heben kann,
der dreimal so groß und schwer ist wie es selbst."
532,34,7,"Cuando logra transportar una viga de madera
que triplica su altura y peso, es señal de que va
a evolucionar."
532,34,8,"Quando diventa capace di reggere travi di legno
tre volte più grandi di lui, levoluzione è vicina."
532,34,9,"Timburr that have started carrying logs that are
about three times their size are nearly ready
to evolve."
532,34,11,"自分の 3倍くらいの 角材を
持つように なった ドッコラーは
進化の 日が 近い。"
533,17,5,"Même une armée de catcheurs se
jetant sur son corps hyper musclé
ne le ferait pas ciller."
533,17,9,"This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly
built that even a group of wrestlers
could not make it budge an inch."
533,18,5,"Il entretient sa forme en transportant
une poutre en acier et fait des concours
de culturisme avec ses camarades."
533,18,9,"They strengthen their bodies by
carrying steel beams. They show off
their big muscles to their friends."
533,21,9,"With strengthened bodies,
they skillfully wield steel beams
to take down buildings."
533,22,9,"With strengthened bodies,
they skillfully wield steel beams
to take down buildings."
533,23,1,"きたえあげた きんにくの もちぬし。
てっこつを たくみに あやつって
いっけんやを かいたい してくれる。"
533,23,3,"단련된 근육의 소유자.
철골을 능숙하게 조종하여
집을 해체해준다."
533,23,5,"Ce Pokémon hyper musclé manipule avec habileté
les poutres métalliques et peut démanteler un
immeuble en un clin dœil."
533,23,6,"Diese durchtrainierten Muskelprotze sind im
Umgang mit Stahlträgern versiert und können
damit ganze Häuser abreißen."
533,23,7,"Gracias a su entrenada musculatura, puede blandir
vigas de acero sin problema para así derribar edificios
533,23,8,"Ha un corpo pieno di muscoli e manovra con abilità
la sua trave dacciaio, con cui può abbattere una
casa intera."
533,23,9,"With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel
beams to take down buildings."
533,23,11,"鍛えあげた 筋肉の 持ち主。
鉄骨を たくみに 操って
一軒家を 解体してくれる。"
533,24,1,"きたえあげた きんにくの からだは
プロレスラーが たばに なって
こうげきしても びくとも しない。"
533,24,3,"단련을 거듭한 근육덩어리 몸은
프로레슬러가 단체로 공격해도
꿈쩍도 하지 않는다."
533,24,5,"Même une armée de catcheurs se jetant sur son
corps hyper musclé ne le ferait pas ciller."
533,24,6,"Selbst wenn es mit voller Wucht von einem
Profi-Ringer angegriffen wird, lässt es dies
dank seines Muskeltrainings kalt."
533,24,7,"Sus músculos están tan desarrollados que no se
inmuta aunque lo ataquen varios luchadores."
533,24,8,"Il suo corpo muscolosissimo resisterebbe senza
battere ciglio allassalto di un lottatore di wrestling."
533,24,9,"This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that
even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge
an inch."
533,24,11,"鍛え上げられた 筋肉の 体は
プロレスラーが 束に なって
攻撃しても びくとも しない。"
533,25,1,"きたえあげた きんにくの もちぬし。
てっこつを たくみに あやつって
いっけんやを かいたい してくれる。"
533,25,3,"단련된 근육의 소유자.
철골을 능숙하게 조종하여
집을 해체해준다."
533,25,5,"Ce Pokémon hyper musclé manipule avec habileté les poutres
métalliques et peut démanteler un immeuble en un clin dœil."
533,25,6,"Diese durchtrainierten Muskelprotze sind im Umgang mit
Stahlträgern versiert und können damit ganze Häuser abreißen."
533,25,7,"Gracias a su entrenada musculatura, puede blandir vigas de
acero sin problema para así derribar edificios enteros."
533,25,8,"Ha un corpo pieno di muscoli e manovra con abilità la sua
trave dacciaio, con cui può abbattere una casa intera."
533,25,9,"With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel
beams to take down buildings."
533,25,11,"鍛えあげた 筋肉の 持ち主。
鉄骨を たくみに 操って
一軒家を 解体してくれる。"
533,26,1,"きたえあげた きんにくの からだは
プロレスラーが たばに なって
こうげきしても びくとも しない。"
533,26,3,"단련을 거듭한 근육덩어리 몸은
프로레슬러가 단체로 공격해도
꿈쩍도 하지 않는다."
533,26,5,"Même une armée de catcheurs se jetant sur son corps
hyper musclé ne le ferait pas ciller."
533,26,6,"Selbst wenn es mit voller Wucht von einem Profi-Ringer
angegriffen wird, lässt es dies dank seines Muskeltrainings kalt."
533,26,7,"Sus músculos están tan desarrollados que no se inmuta
aunque lo ataquen varios luchadores."
533,26,8,"Il suo corpo muscolosissimo resisterebbe senza battere
ciglio allassalto di un lottatore di wrestling."
533,26,9,"This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that
even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge
an inch."
533,26,11,"鍛え上げられた 筋肉の 体は
プロレスラーが 束に なって
攻撃しても びくとも しない。"
533,33,1,"なかまや ゴーリキーと きんにくを
じまん しあう。 まけたほうは
しばらく すがたを みせなくなる。"
533,33,3,"동료나 근육몬과 서로
근육을 자랑한다. 진 쪽은
당분간 모습을 감춘다."
533,33,5,"Il participe à des concours de gonflette avec
ses congénères et les Machopeur. Le perdant ne
se montre plus en public pendant quelque temps."
533,33,6,"Strepoli und Maschock treffen sich regelmäßig
zum Muskelvergleich. Wer schlecht abschneidet,
lässt sich danach eine Weile nicht mehr blicken."
533,33,7,"A menudo realiza competiciones de fuerza con
sus congéneres y con los Machoke. El perdedor
debe pasar un tiempo sin dejarse ver."
533,33,8,"Sfoggia i suoi muscoli facendo a gara con i suoi
simili e con Machoke. Chi perde sparisce dalla
circolazione per un po."
533,33,9,"It shows off its muscles to Machoke and other
Gurdurr. If it fails to measure up to the other
Pokémon, it lies low for a little while."
533,33,11,"仲間や ゴーリキーと 筋肉を
自慢 しあう。 負けたほうは
しばらく 姿を 見せなくなる。"
533,34,1,"てっこつを たくみに あやつる。
かいたいは とくいだが なにかを
くみたてるのは にがてなのだ。"
533,34,3,"철골을 자유자재로 다룬다.
해체는 잘하지만 무언가를
조립하는 것은 서툴다."
533,34,5,"Il manie la poutre métallique avec habileté.
Il est doué pour démanteler une bâtisse, mais
peu adroit lorsquil sagit den construire une."
533,34,6,"Es ist gut im Tragen von Stahlträgern und im
Abreißen von Häusern. Das Bauen dagegen
liegt ihm nicht besonders."
533,34,7,"Blande vigas de acero con gran destreza, pero la
construcción no se le da muy bien; de hecho, su
especialidad es la demolición."
533,34,8,"Manovra con abilità la sua trave dacciaio.
È particolarmente esperto nelle demolizioni,
mentre costruire non è il suo forte."
533,34,9,"Gurdurr excels at demolition—construction is not
its forte. In any case, theres skill in the way this
Pokémon wields its metal beam."
533,34,11,"鉄骨を たくみに 操る。
解体は 得意だが なにかを
組み立てるのは 苦手なのだ。"
534,17,5,"On pense que la recette du ciment
a été enseignée aux humains par
un Bétochef il y a 2 000 ans."
534,17,9,"It is thought that Conkeldurr taught
humans how to make concrete more
than 2,000 years ago."
534,18,5,"Il peut manier sans effort apparent
les piliers de béton dont il se sert
comme de cannes."
534,18,9,"They use concrete pillars as walking
canes. They know moves that enable them
to swing the pillars freely in battle."
534,21,9,"Rather than rely on force,
they master moves that utilize the
centrifugal force of spinning concrete."
534,22,9,"Rather than rely on force,
they master moves that utilize the
centrifugal force of spinning concrete."
534,23,1,"コンクリートを つくる ぎじゅつは
2000ねんまえに ローブシンから
おそわったと かんがえられている。"
534,23,3,"콘크리트를 만드는 기술은
2000년 전에 노보청에게
배운 것이라고 여겨지고 있다."
534,23,5,"On pense que la recette du ciment a été enseignée
aux humains par un Bétochef il y a 2000 ans."
534,23,6,"Man nimmt an, dass es der Menschheit
vor ca. 2 000 Jahren das Betonmischen
beigebracht hat."
534,23,7,"Se cree que Conkeldurr enseñó a los humanos
la técnica para elaborar cemento hace más de
2000 años."
534,23,8,"Si pensa che la tecnica per fare il cemento sia stata
diffusa proprio da Conkeldurr, 2000 anni fa."
534,23,9,"It is thought that Conkeldurr taught humans how to
make concrete more than 2,000 years ago."
534,23,11,"コンクリートを 作る 技術は
2000年前に ローブシンから
教わったと 考えられている。"
534,24,1,"ちからに たよらず えんしんりょくを
うまく いかして コンクリートを
ふりまわす わざを つかいこなせる。"
534,24,3,"힘에 의지하지 않고 원심력을
잘 활용하여 콘크리트를
휘두르는 기술을 잘 다룬다."
534,24,5,"Il utilise leffet centrifuge pour manier sans trop
deffort ses piliers de béton et déclencher des
attaques puissantes."
534,24,6,"Es setzt Attacken ein, die sich die Zentrifugalkraft
zunutze machen, indem es seine Betonpfeiler
534,24,7,"En vez de hacer uso de la fuerza bruta, blande
columnas de hormigón con la energía centrífuga
de sus movimientos."
534,24,8,"Non si affida solo ai muscoli, ma sfrutta la forza
centrifuga per far roteare con maestria i suoi pilastri
di cemento."
534,24,9,"Rather than rely on force, they master moves that
utilize the centrifugal force of spinning concrete."
534,24,11,"力に 頼らず 遠心力を
うまく 活かして コンクリートを
振り回す 技を 使いこなせる。"
534,25,1,"コンクリートを つくる ぎじゅつは
2000ねんまえに ローブシンから
おそわったと かんがえられている。"
534,25,3,"콘크리트를 만드는 기술은
2000년 전에 노보청에게
배운 것이라고 여겨지고 있다."
534,25,5,"On pense que la recette du ciment a été enseignée
aux humains par un Bétochef il y a 2000 ans."
534,25,6,"Man nimmt an, dass es der Menschheit vor ca. 2 000 Jahren
das Betonmischen beigebracht hat."
534,25,7,"Se cree que Conkeldurr enseñó a los humanos la técnica para
elaborar cemento hace más de 2000 años."
534,25,8,"Si pensa che la tecnica per fare il cemento sia stata diffusa
proprio da Conkeldurr, 2000 anni fa."
534,25,9,"It is thought that Conkeldurr taught humans how to
make concrete more than 2,000 years ago."
534,25,11,"コンクリートを 作る 技術は
2000年前に ローブシンから
教わったと 考えられている。"
534,26,1,"ちからに たよらず えんしんりょくを
うまく いかして コンクリートを
ふりまわす わざを つかいこなせる。"
534,26,3,"힘에 의지하지 않고 원심력을
잘 활용하여 콘크리트를
휘두르는 기술을 잘 다룬다."
534,26,5,"Il utilise leffet centrifuge pour manier sans trop deffort
ses piliers de béton et déclencher des attaques puissantes."
534,26,6,"Es setzt Attacken ein, die sich die Zentrifugalkraft zunutze
machen, indem es seine Betonpfeiler umherschwingt."
534,26,7,"En vez de hacer uso de la fuerza bruta, blande columnas de
hormigón con la energía centrífuga de sus movimientos."
534,26,8,"Non si affida solo ai muscoli, ma sfrutta la forza centrifuga
per far roteare con maestria i suoi pilastri di cemento."
534,26,9,"Rather than rely on force, they master moves that
utilize the centrifugal force of spinning concrete."
534,26,11,"力に 頼らず 遠心力を
うまく 活かして コンクリートを
振り回す 技を 使いこなせる。"
534,33,1,"おなじ せいぶんでも ローブシンが
まぜた コンクリートの ほうが
ずっと かたく じょうぶだ。"
534,33,3,"같은 성분이라도 노보청이
배합한 콘크리트가
훨씬 견고하고 튼튼하다."
534,33,5,"Le béton préparé par Bétochef est bien plus
solide quun béton ordinaire, même si les mêmes
ingrédients sont utilisés."
534,33,6,"Beton, der von Meistagrif angerührt wurde,
ist härter und robuster als jeder andere Beton,
selbst wenn die Inhaltsstoffe identisch sind."
534,33,7,"El hormigón que preparan los Conkeldurr es
mucho más duro y resistente que el ordinario,
aunque la composición sea la misma."
534,33,8,"Il cemento preparato da Conkeldurr è molto più
duro e resistente della media, anche se la sua
composizione non ha nulla di diverso."
534,33,9,"Concrete mixed by Conkeldurr is much more
durable than normal concrete, even when the
compositions of the two materials are the same."
534,33,11,"同じ 成分でも ローブシンが
混ぜた コンクリートの ほうが
ずっと 硬く 丈夫だ。"
534,34,1,"ほんきに なると コンクリートの
はしらを すてさり こぶしひとつで
あいてに めがけ とびかかる。"
534,34,3,"정말 싸울 생각이면 콘크리트
기둥을 버리고 주먹 하나로
상대를 노리고 덤벼든다."
534,34,5,"Quand il décide de passer aux choses sérieuses,
il jette ses piliers de béton et saute sur
son adversaire pour le frapper du poing."
534,34,6,"Dreht es richtig auf, wirft es seine Betonpfeiler
zur Seite und stürzt sich mit gezückter Faust auf
den Gegner."
534,34,7,"Cuando decide ponerse en serio, suelta sus
pilares de hormigón y se abalanza sobre el rival
con solo un puño como arma."
534,34,8,"Quando decide di fare sul serio, si sbarazza
dei pilastri di cemento e si lancia sul nemico
armato solo dei suoi pugni."
534,34,9,"When going all out, this Pokémon throws aside
its concrete pillars and leaps at opponents to
pummel them with its fists."
534,34,11,"本気に なると コンクリートの
柱を 捨て去り 拳ひとつで
相手に めがけ とびかかる。"
535,17,5,"Il prévient ses camarades du danger en
faisant vibrer ses joues pour générer
un signal dalarme très aigu."
535,17,9,"They warn others of danger by
vibrating their cheeks to create
a high-pitched sound."
535,18,5,"Il fait vibrer ses joues pour émettre
des sons imperceptibles pour lhomme.
Il communique grâce à leur rythme."
535,18,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound
waves imperceptible to humans. It uses
the rhythm of these sounds to talk."
535,21,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits
sound waves imperceptible to humans
and warns others of danger."
535,22,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits
sound waves imperceptible to humans
and warns others of danger."
535,23,1,"ほほの しんどうまくを ふるわせ
ひとには きこえない おんぱを だし
なかまたちに きけんを つたえる。"
535,23,3,"볼의 진동막을 떨어
사람에게는 들리지 않는 음파를 내어
동료에게 위험을 전달한다."
535,23,5,"Il fait vibrer ses joues pour émettre des sons
inaudibles pour les humains et alerter ses semblables
des dangers."
535,23,6,"Erzeugt mit seinen Wangen für Menschen
unhörbare Schallwellen, um Artgenossen
vor Gefahr zu warnen."
535,23,7,"Emite sonidos imperceptibles para los humanos con la
vibración de sus mejillas y advierte de algún peligro a
los suyos."
535,23,8,"Fa vibrare le membrane sulle guance per emettere
onde sonore impercettibili agli umani con cui
segnala un pericolo."
535,23,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves
imperceptible to humans and warns others
of danger."
535,23,11,"ほほの 振動膜を 震わせ
人には きこえない 音波を だし
仲間たちに 危険を 伝える。"
535,24,1,"ほほを しんどうさせて ひとには
きこえない おんぱを だす。
おんぱの リズムで かいわする。"
535,24,3,"볼을 진동시켜서 사람에게는
들리지 않는 음파를 낸다.
음파의 리듬으로 대화를 나눈다."
535,24,5,"Il fait vibrer ses joues pour émettre des sons
imperceptibles pour lhomme. Il communique grâce
à leur rythme."
535,24,6,"Erzeugt mit seinen Wangen für Menschen unhörbare
Schallwellen. Es verständigt sich über den Rhythmus
dieser Wellen."
535,24,7,"Emite sonidos imperceptibles para los humanos
con la vibración de sus mejillas y se comunica
con el ritmo de los mismos."
535,24,8,"Facendo vibrare le guance, emette onde sonore
che gli uomini non sentono. Conversa al ritmo di
queste onde."
535,24,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves
imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of
these sounds to talk."
535,24,11,"ほほを 振動させて
人には 聞こえない 音波を 出す。
音波の リズムで 会話する。"
535,25,1,"ほほの しんどうまくを ふるわせ
ひとには きこえない おんぱを だし
なかまたちに きけんを つたえる。"
535,25,3,"볼의 진동막을 떨어
사람에게는 들리지 않는 음파를 내어
동료에게 위험을 전달한다."
535,25,5,"Il fait vibrer ses joues pour émettre des sons inaudibles
pour les humains et alerter ses semblables des dangers."
535,25,6,"Erzeugt mit seinen Wangen für Menschen unhörbare
Schallwellen, um Artgenossen vor Gefahr zu warnen."
535,25,7,"Emite sonidos imperceptibles para los humanos con la
vibración de sus mejillas y advierte de algún peligro a
los suyos."
535,25,8,"Fa vibrare le membrane sulle guance per emettere onde
sonore impercettibili agli umani con cui segnala un pericolo."
535,25,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves
imperceptible to humans and warns others
of danger."
535,25,11,"ほほの 振動膜を 震わせ
人には きこえない 音波を だし
仲間たちに 危険を 伝える。"
535,26,1,"ほほを しんどうさせて ひとには
きこえない おんぱを だす。
おんぱの リズムで かいわする。"
535,26,3,"볼을 진동시켜서 사람에게는
들리지 않는 음파를 낸다.
음파의 리듬으로 대화를 나눈다."
535,26,5,"Il fait vibrer ses joues pour émettre des sons imperceptibles
pour lhomme. Il communique grâce à leur rythme."
535,26,6,"Erzeugt mit seinen Wangen für Menschen unhörbare
Schallwellen. Es verständigt sich über den Rhythmus
dieser Wellen."
535,26,7,"Emite sonidos imperceptibles para los humanos con la
vibración de sus mejillas y se comunica con el ritmo de los
535,26,8,"Facendo vibrare le guance, emette onde sonore che gli uomini
non sentono. Conversa al ritmo di queste onde."
535,26,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves
imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of
these sounds to talk."
535,26,11,"ほほを 振動させて
人には 聞こえない 音波を 出す。
音波の リズムで 会話する。"
535,33,1,"きれいな はもんが ひろがる
みずの したでは オタマロが
かんだかい こえで ないている。"
535,33,3,"아름다운 파문이 펼쳐지는
물 아래에는 동챙이가
날카로운 소리로 울고 있다."
535,33,5,"Lorsquun Tritonde pousse des cris aigus
sous leau, des ondes ravissantes se propagent
à la surface."
535,33,6,"Man sagt, wenn auf Wasseroberflächen schöne
Kräuselwellen zu sehen sind, liege das an
Schallquap, die unter Wasser schrill rufen."
535,33,7,"El agudo canto de los Tympole bajo el agua
crea hermosas ondas que se extienden por la
535,33,8,"Tympole canta sottacqua con la sua voce acuta
formando delicate increspature sulla superficie."
535,33,9,"Graceful ripples running across the waters
surface are a sure sign that Tympole are singing
in high-pitched voices below."
535,33,11,"きれいな 波紋が 広がる
水の 下では オタマロが
甲高い 声で 鳴いている。"
535,34,1,"おんぱで なかまと れんらくする。
けいかいの なきごえは ひとや
ほかの ポケモンには きこえない。"
535,34,3,"음파로 동료와 연락한다.
경계하는 울음소리는 사람이나
다른 포켓몬에게 들리지 않는다."
535,34,5,"Il communique avec ses compagnons en émettant
des ondes. Son cri dalerte est inaudible
pour les humains et les autres Pokémon."
535,34,6,"Es kommuniziert mit seinen Artgenossen über
Schallwellen. Seine Warnrufe sind für Menschen
und andere Pokémon nicht hörbar."
535,34,7,"Se comunica con los suyos mediante ondas
sonoras. Su grito de alerta es imperceptible para
los humanos y el resto de los Pokémon."
535,34,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili tramite onde sonore.
Il suo grido dallerta è impercettibile agli esseri
umani e agli altri Pokémon."
535,34,9,"It uses sound waves to communicate with
others of its kind. People and other Pokémon
species cant hear its cries of warning."
535,34,11,"音波で 仲間と 連絡する。
警戒の 鳴き声は 人や
ほかの ポケモンには 聞こえない。"
536,17,5,"Quand il fait vibrer la bosse sur sa tête,
il provoque des ondulations dans leau,
mais aussi des tremblements de terre."
536,17,9,"When they vibrate the bumps on their
heads, they can make waves in water
or earthquake-like vibrations on land."
536,18,5,"Il vit dans leau et sur la terre ferme.
Il attrape ses proies avec sa langue
longue et gluante."
536,18,9,"It lives in the water and on land.
It uses its long, sticky tongue
to capture prey."
536,21,9,"It lives in the water and on land.
It uses its long, sticky tongue
to immobilize its opponents."
536,22,9,"It lives in the water and on land.
It uses its long, sticky tongue
to immobilize its opponents."
536,23,1,"あたまの コブを しんどうさせると
すいちゅうが なみだつ だけでなく
じめんも じしんのように ゆれる。"
536,23,3,"머리의 혹을 진동시키면
물속에 파동이 일어나며
땅마저 지진처럼 흔들린다."
536,23,5,"Quand il fait vibrer la bosse sur sa tête, il provoque
des ondulations dans leau, mais aussi des
tremblements de terre."
536,23,6,"Wenn es die Beulen auf seinem Kopf zum
Schwingen bringt, tobt je nach Umgebung
entweder das Wasser oder die Erde bebt."
536,23,7,"Cuando hace vibrar el bulto de su cabeza, no solo se
embravece el mar, sino que la tierra también tiembla."
536,23,8,"Se fa vibrare il bernoccolo sulla testa può sollevare
onde nellacqua e anche provocare terremoti."
536,23,9,"When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they
can make waves in water or earthquake-like
vibrations on land."
536,23,11,"頭の コブを 振動させると
水中が 波立つ だけでなく
地面も 地震のように 揺れる。"
536,24,1,"すいちゅうと りくちで くらす。
ながく ねばねばする ベロをつかって
あいての うごきを ふうじこめる。"
536,24,3,"수중과 육지에서 살며
길고 끈적이는 혀를 사용하여
상대의 움직임을 봉쇄한다."
536,24,5,"Il vit dans leau et sur la terre ferme. Il immobilise
ses proies avec sa langue longue et gluante."
536,24,6,"Es lebt zu Wasser und zu Lande. Mit seiner langen,
klebrigen Zunge raubt es Gegnern die
536,24,7,"Vive tanto en tierra como en el fondo del mar. Con su
larga y viscosa lengua, inmoviliza a sus contrincantes."
536,24,8,"Vive in acqua e sulla terraferma. Immobilizza la preda
con la sua lunga lingua appiccicosa."
536,24,9,"It lives in the water and on land. It uses its long,
sticky tongue to immobilize its opponents."
536,24,11,"水中と 陸地で 暮らす。
長く ねばねばする ベロを使って
相手の 動きを 封じこめる。"
536,25,1,"あたまの コブを しんどうさせると
すいちゅうが なみだつ だけでなく
じめんも じしんのように ゆれる。"
536,25,3,"머리의 혹을 진동시키면
물속에 파동이 일어나며
땅마저 지진처럼 흔들린다."
536,25,5,"Quand il fait vibrer la bosse sur sa tête, il provoque
des ondulations dans leau, mais aussi des tremblements
de terre."
536,25,6,"Wenn es die Beulen auf seinem Kopf zum Schwingen bringt,
tobt je nach Umgebung entweder das Wasser oder die Erde
536,25,7,"Cuando hace vibrar el bulto de su cabeza, no solo se
embravece el mar, sino que la tierra también tiembla."
536,25,8,"Se fa vibrare il bernoccolo sulla testa può sollevare onde
nellacqua e anche provocare terremoti."
536,25,9,"When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they
can make waves in water or earthquake-like
vibrations on land."
536,25,11,"頭の コブを 振動させると
水中が 波立つ だけでなく
地面も 地震のように 揺れる。"
536,26,1,"すいちゅうと りくちで くらす。
ながく ねばねばする ベロをつかって
あいての うごきを ふうじこめる。"
536,26,3,"수중과 육지에서 살며
길고 끈적이는 혀를 사용하여
상대의 움직임을 봉쇄한다."
536,26,5,"Il vit dans leau et sur la terre ferme. Il immobilise ses proies
avec sa langue longue et gluante."
536,26,6,"Es lebt zu Wasser und zu Lande. Mit seiner langen,
klebrigen Zunge raubt es Gegnern die Bewegungsfreiheit."
536,26,7,"Vive tanto en tierra como en el fondo del mar. Con su larga
y viscosa lengua, inmoviliza a sus contrincantes."
536,26,8,"Vive in acqua e sulla terraferma. Immobilizza la preda con la
sua lunga lingua appiccicosa."
536,26,9,"It lives in the water and on land. It uses its long,
sticky tongue to immobilize its opponents."
536,26,11,"水中と 陸地で 暮らす。
長く ねばねばする ベロを使って
相手の 動きを 封じこめる。"
536,33,1,"ずつうを おこすほどの おんぱで
えものを じゅうぶん よわらせて
ネバネバした ベロで からめとる。"
536,33,3,"두통을 일으킬 정도의 음파로
먹이를 충분히 약하게 만든 뒤
끈적끈적한 혀로 포박한다."
536,33,5,"Il affaiblit ses proies en émettant des ondes
si fortes quelles leur donnent la migraine.
Ensuite, il les saisit avec sa langue gluante."
536,33,6,"Es schwächt seine Beute mit Kopfschmerzen
erregenden Schallwellen und umschlingt
sie anschließend mit seiner klebrigen Zunge."
536,33,7,"Las ondas sonoras que emite pueden provocar
dolor de cabeza. Con ellas debilita a sus presas
para luego atraparlas con su lengua viscosa."
536,33,8,"Indebolisce la preda con onde sonore in grado
di causare emicranie e poi la cattura con la sua
lingua appiccicosa."
536,33,9,"It weakens its prey with sound waves intense
enough to cause headaches, then entangles
them with its sticky tongue."
536,33,11,"頭痛を 起こすほどの 音波で
獲物を じゅうぶん 弱らせて
ネバネバした ベロで 絡めとる。"
536,34,1,"きれいな こえで なくこともある。
からだの とっきが おおきいほど
ひろい おんいきで なけるのだ。"
536,34,3,"고운 목소리로 울 때도 있다.
몸의 돌기가 클수록
넓은 음역으로 울 수 있다."
536,34,5,"Il lui arrive de pousser des cris ravissants.
Plus ses protubérances sont grosses,
plus le son porte loin."
536,34,6,"Gelegentlich singt es sehr schön. Je größer die
Fortsätze an seinem Körper ausgebildet sind,
desto ausgeprägter fällt sein Stimmumfang aus."
536,34,7,"A veces emiten un bello canto. Cuanto mayores
son las protuberancias del cuerpo, más extenso
es su registro vocal."
536,34,8,"A volte emette un canto di notevole bellezza.
Più grandi sono i bernoccoli che ha sul corpo,
più ampio è il registro dei suoni che produce."
536,34,9,"On occasion, their cries are sublimely pleasing to
the ear. Palpitoad with larger lumps on their
bodies can sing with a wider range of sounds."
536,34,11,"きれいな 声で 鳴くこともある。
体の 突起が 大きいほど
広い 音域で 鳴けるのだ。"
537,17,5,"Il fait gicler un liquide paralysant des
pustules sur sa tête, et attaque
ses ennemis à coups de vibrations."
537,17,9,"They shoot paralyzing liquid from their
head bumps. They use vibration to hurt
their opponents."
537,18,5,"Son coup de poing est plus fort quand il
fait vibrer la pustule dessus. Il peut
briser un gros rocher dun coup."
537,18,9,"It increases the power of its punches by
vibrating the bumps on its fists. It can
turn a boulder to rubble with one punch."
537,21,9,"By putting power into its bumps,
it creates vibrations and increases
the power of its punches."
537,22,9,"By putting power into its bumps,
it creates vibrations and increases
the power of its punches."
537,23,1,"こぶしの コブを しんどうさせると
パンチの いりょくが ばいぞうする。
いちげきで おおいわを ふんさい。"
537,23,3,"주먹의 혹을 진동시켜
펀치의 위력을 배가시킨다.
일격에 큰 바위를 부스러뜨린다."
537,23,5,"Son coup de poing est plus fort quand il fait vibrer
la pustule dessus. Il peut briser un gros rocher dun
537,23,6,"Wenn es die Beulen an seinen Fäusten zum
Schwingen bringt, kann es doppelt so fest
zuschlagen und Felsen zertrümmern."
537,23,7,"Aumenta la potencia de sus puñetazos haciendo vibrar
sus puños. Es capaz de quebrar una roca de un solo
537,23,8,"Facendo vibrare le protuberanze sui pugni, ne
raddoppia la potenza. Frantuma enormi massi con
un colpo."
537,23,9,"It increases the power of its punches by vibrating
the bumps on its fists. It can turn a boulder to
rubble with one punch."
537,23,11,"こぶしの コブを 振動させると
パンチの 威力が 倍増する。
一撃で 大岩を 粉砕。"
537,24,1,"あたまの コブから しんけいを
マヒさせる えきたいを とばす。
しんどうで あいてを くるしめる。"
537,24,3,"머리의 혹에서 신경을
마비시키는 액체를 날린다.
진동으로 상대를 괴롭힌다."
537,24,5,"Il fait gicler un liquide paralysant des pustules sur
sa tête, et attaque ses ennemis à coups de vibrations."
537,24,6,"Es schießt eine lähmende Flüssigkeit aus den Beulen
auf seinem Kopf. Es plagt seine Gegner mit
537,24,7,"Despide un líquido paralizador por los bultos de su
cabeza. Atormenta a sus oponentes con enormes
537,24,8,"Dalle escrescenze che ha sulla testa spara un liquido
che paralizza i nervi. Usa le vibrazioni per attaccare il
537,24,9,"They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps.
They use vibration to hurt their opponents."
537,24,11,"頭の コブから 神経を マヒさせる
液体を 飛ばす。
振動で 相手を 苦しめる。"
537,25,1,"こぶしの コブを しんどうさせると
パンチの いりょくが ばいぞうする。
いちげきで おおいわを ふんさい。"
537,25,3,"주먹의 혹을 진동시켜
펀치의 위력을 배가시킨다.
일격에 큰 바위를 부스러뜨린다."
537,25,5,"Son coup de poing est plus fort quand il fait vibrer la pustule
dessus. Il peut briser un gros rocher dun coup."
537,25,6,"Wenn es die Beulen an seinen Fäusten zum Schwingen bringt,
kann es doppelt so fest zuschlagen und Felsen zertrümmern."
537,25,7,"Aumenta la potencia de sus puñetazos haciendo vibrar sus
puños. Es capaz de quebrar una roca de un solo golpe."
537,25,8,"Facendo vibrare le protuberanze sui pugni, ne raddoppia
la potenza. Frantuma enormi massi con un colpo."
537,25,9,"It increases the power of its punches by vibrating
the bumps on its fists. It can turn a boulder to
rubble with one punch."
537,25,11,"こぶしの コブを 振動させると
パンチの 威力が 倍増する。
一撃で 大岩を 粉砕。"
537,26,1,"あたまの コブから しんけいを
マヒさせる えきたいを とばす。
しんどうで あいてを くるしめる。"
537,26,3,"머리의 혹에서 신경을
마비시키는 액체를 날린다.
진동으로 상대를 괴롭힌다."
537,26,5,"Il fait gicler un liquide paralysant des pustules sur sa tête,
et attaque ses ennemis à coups de vibrations."
537,26,6,"Es schießt eine lähmende Flüssigkeit aus den Beulen
auf seinem Kopf. Es plagt seine Gegner mit Schallwellen."
537,26,7,"Despide un líquido paralizador por los bultos de su cabeza.
Atormenta a sus oponentes con enormes vibraciones."
537,26,8,"Dalle escrescenze che ha sulla testa spara un liquido che
paralizza i nervi. Usa le vibrazioni per attaccare il nemico."
537,26,9,"They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps.
They use vibration to hurt their opponents."
537,26,11,"頭の コブから 神経を マヒさせる
液体を 飛ばす。
振動で 相手を 苦しめる。"
537,33,1,"ぜんしんの コブを ふるわせて
じしんのような ゆれを おこす。
グレッグルと ちかい しゅるい。"
537,33,3,"전신의 혹을 진동시켜서
지진과 같은 흔들림을 일으킨다.
삐딱구리와 가까운 종이다."
537,33,5,"En faisant vibrer tous les pustules de son corps,
il peut provoquer des secousses similaires à celles
dun séisme. Il est proche des Cradopaud."
537,33,6,"Die Beulen, die seinen ganzen Körper bedecken,
können Erschütterungen auf Erdbebenstärke
erzeugen. Es ist artverwandt mit Glibunkel."
537,33,7,"Cuando hace vibrar los bultos de su cuerpo,
provoca sacudidas que parecen terremotos.
Está emparentado con los Croagunk."
537,33,8,"Fa vibrare le protuberanze su tutto il corpo
provocando delle scosse simili a un terremoto.
Come specie è affine ai Croagunk."
537,33,9,"The vibrating of the bumps all over its body
causes earthquake-like tremors. Seismitoad and
Croagunk are similar species."
537,33,11,"全身の コブを 震わせて
地震のような 揺れを 起こす。
グレッグルと 近い 種類。"
537,34,1,"コブが おこす バイブレーションが
マッサージに よいと ろうじんに
だいにんきの ポケモンだ。"
537,34,3,"혹이 일으키는 바이브레이션이
마사지에 좋다고 노인에게
인기가 높은 포켓몬이다."
537,34,5,"Ce Pokémon est un excellent masseur grâce
aux vibrations de ses pustules. Les personnes
âgées lapprécient particulièrement."
537,34,6,"Es erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit bei Senioren,
seit bekannt wurde, dass sich seine vibrierenden
Beulen zur Massagetherapie einsetzen lassen."
537,34,7,"Las vibraciones de sus bultos resultan perfectas
para dar masajes, lo que lo ha hecho muy
popular entre la tercera edad."
537,34,8,"Particolarmente amato dagli anziani per via
delle vibrazioni prodotte dalle protuberanze
sui suoi pugni, perfette per fare massaggi."
537,34,9,"This Pokémon is popular among the elderly,
who say the vibrations of its lumps are great
for massages."
537,34,11,"コブが 起こす バイブレーションが
マッサージに 良いと 老人に
大人気の ポケモンだ。"
538,17,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il devient
plus puissant. Les Judokrak sauvages
tressent leur ceinture avec des lianes."
538,17,9,"When it tightens its belt, it becomes
stronger. Wild Throh use vines to weave
their own belts."
538,18,5,"Ils aiment projeter ceux qui sont plus
grands queux. On les trouve toujours
par groupes de cinq."
538,18,9,"When they encounter foes bigger than
themselves, they try to throw them.
They always travel in packs of five."
538,21,9,"When it encounters a foe bigger than
itself, it wants to throw it.
It changes belts as it gets stronger."
538,22,9,"When it encounters a foe bigger than
itself, it wants to throw it.
It changes belts as it gets stronger."
538,23,1,"おびを しめると パワーアップする。
やせいの ナゲキは つるくさを
あんで じぶんの おびを つくる。"
538,23,3,"끈을 매면 파워가 올라간다.
야생 던지미는 덩굴풀을 엮어
자신의 띠를 만든다."
538,23,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il devient plus puissant.
Les Judokrak sauvages tressent leur ceinture avec
des lianes."
538,23,6,"Zurrt es seinen Gürtel fest, gewinnt es an Kraft.
Wilde Exemplare flechten sich ihren Gürtel
in Handarbeit aus Ranken."
538,23,7,"Aumenta su potencia si se aprieta el cinturón. Un
Throh salvaje teje su propio cinturón usando lianas."
538,23,8,"La cintura da karate lo rende più forte. I Throh
selvatici si costruiscono le cinture usando piante
538,23,9,"When it tightens its belt, it becomes stronger. Wild
Throh use vines to weave their own belts."
538,23,11,"帯を 締めると パワーアップする。
野生の ナゲキは つる草を 編んで
自分の 帯を 作る。"
538,24,1,"じぶんより おおきな あいてと
であうと むしょうに なげたくなる。
つよくなると おびを とりかえる。"
538,24,3,"자신보다 큰 상대와 만나면
이유 없이 내던지고 싶어 한다.
강해지면 띠를 바꾼다."
538,24,5,"Ils aiment projeter ceux qui sont plus grands queux.
Ils changent de ceinture quand ils progressent."
538,24,6,"Trifft es jemanden, der größer ist als es selbst,
will es ihn unbedingt werfen. Wird es stärker,
wechselt es den Gürtel."
538,24,7,"Si se topa con un rival más fuerte, ansía lanzarlo por
los aires. Al hacerse más fuerte, cambia su cinturón."
538,24,8,"Quando incontra un avversario più grande di lui, lo
assale listinto di lanciarlo via. Cambia cintura quando
diventa più forte."
538,24,9,"When it encounters a foe bigger than itself, it wants
to throw it. It changes belts as it gets stronger."
538,24,11,"自分より 大きな 相手と
出会うと 無性に 投げたくなる。
強くなると 帯を 取り替える。"
538,25,1,"おびを しめると パワーアップする。
やせいの ナゲキは つるくさを
あんで じぶんの おびを つくる。"
538,25,3,"띠를 매면 파워가 올라간다.
야생 던지미는 덩굴풀을 엮어
자신의 띠를 만든다."
538,25,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il devient plus puissant.
Les Judokrak sauvages tressent leur ceinture avec des lianes."
538,25,6,"Zurrt es seinen Gürtel fest, gewinnt es an Kraft. Wilde
Exemplare flechten sich ihren Gürtel in Handarbeit aus Ranken."
538,25,7,"Aumenta su potencia si se aprieta el cinturón. Un Throh
salvaje teje su propio cinturón usando lianas."
538,25,8,"La cintura da karate lo rende più forte. I Throh selvatici
si costruiscono le cinture usando piante rampicanti."
538,25,9,"When it tightens its belt, it becomes stronger. Wild
Throh use vines to weave their own belts."
538,25,11,"帯を 締めると パワーアップする。
野生の ナゲキは つる草を 編んで
自分の 帯を 作る。"
538,26,1,"じぶんより おおきな あいてと
であうと むしょうに なげたくなる。
つよくなると おびを とりかえる。"
538,26,3,"자신보다 큰 상대와 만나면
이유 없이 내던지고 싶어 한다.
강해지면 띠를 바꾼다."
538,26,5,"Ils aiment projeter ceux qui sont plus grands queux.
Ils changent de ceinture quand ils progressent."
538,26,6,"Trifft es jemanden, der größer ist als es selbst, will es ihn
unbedingt werfen. Wird es stärker, wechselt es den Gürtel."
538,26,7,"Si se topa con un rival más fuerte, ansía lanzarlo por los aires.
Al hacerse más fuerte, cambia su cinturón."
538,26,8,"Quando incontra un avversario più grande di lui, lo assale
listinto di lanciarlo via. Cambia cintura quando diventa
più forte."
538,26,9,"When it encounters a foe bigger than itself, it wants
to throw it. It changes belts as it gets stronger."
538,26,11,"自分より 大きな 相手と
出会うと 無性に 投げたくなる。
強くなると 帯を 取り替える。"
538,33,1,"なげわざの うでは いちりゅう。
たたかいで かいた あせが しみ
おびの いろが こく そまっていく。"
538,33,3,"메치는 기술의 실력은 일류다.
싸움으로 흘린 땀이 배어
띠의 색이 진해져 간다."
538,33,5,"Ses techniques de projection sont sans égal.
Quand il se bat, sa sueur coule sur sa ceinture
et lui donne une teinte plus foncée."
538,33,6,"Es verfügt über ein exzellentes Repertoire an
Wurftechniken. Sein Gürtel färbt sich dunkler,
je mehr Schweiß er bei Kämpfen in sich aufsaugt."
538,33,7,"Su técnica de lanzamiento es formidable. El
sudor que exhala durante el combate impregna
su cinturón, cuyo color se vuelve más intenso."
538,33,8,"È molto bravo nelle tecniche di lancio.
Il sudore prodotto durante la lotta impregna
la sua cintura da karate e la rende più scura."
538,33,9,"It performs throwing moves with first-rate skill.
Over the course of many battles, Throhs belt
grows darker as it absorbs its wearers sweat."
538,33,11,"投げ技の 腕は 一流。
戦いで かいた 汗が 染み
帯の 色が 濃く 染まっていく。"
538,34,1,"5ひきの むれで けいこに はげむ。
けいこに ついていけない ものは
おびを すてて むれを さる。"
538,34,3,"5마리의 무리가 수련한다.
수련에 뒤떨어지면
띠를 버리고 무리를 떠난다."
538,34,5,"Ils sentraînent intensément par groupes de cinq.
Ceux qui ne peuvent pas suivre le rythme
abandonnent leur ceinture et se retirent."
538,34,6,"Es trainiert stets in Fünferrudeln. Wer beim
Training nicht mithalten kann, entledigt sich
seines Gürtels und verlässt das Rudel."
538,34,7,"Entrenan en grupos de cinco individuos. Si alguno
es incapaz de seguir el ritmo, arroja el cinturón y
abandona la cuadrilla."
538,34,8,"Si allenano in gruppi di cinque. Se uno di loro
non riesce a stare al passo con lallenamento,
getta via la cintura e abbandona il gruppo."
538,34,9,"They train in groups of five. Any member that
cant keep up will discard its belt and leave
the group."
538,34,11,"5匹の 群れで 稽古に はげむ。
稽古に ついていけない ものは
帯を 捨てて 群れを 去る。"
539,17,5,"Dans les montagnes où il sentraîne, on
peut lentendre donner des coups de
poing aux rochers et aux grands arbres."
539,17,9,"The sound of Sawk punching boulders
and trees can be heard all the way from
the mountains where they train."
539,18,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il est plus
concentré et ses coups font plus mal.
Il sénerve si on gêne son entraînement."
539,18,9,"Tying their belts gets them pumped and
makes their punches more destructive.
Disturbing their training angers them."
539,21,9,"Desiring the strongest karate chop,
they seclude themselves in
mountains and train without sleeping."
539,22,9,"Desiring the strongest karate chop,
they seclude themselves in
mountains and train without sleeping."
539,23,1,"さいきょうの からてチョップを
もとめて やまおくに こもって
ねむることなく しゅぎょうする。"
539,23,3,"최강의 태권당수를
목표로 산속에 틀어박혀
잠도 없이 수행한다."
539,23,5,"Pour accéder à la maîtrise ultime du karaté, il se
retire dans les montagnes et sentraîne nuit et jour."
539,23,6,"Es lebt zurückgezogen in den Bergen und trainiert
Tag und Nacht, um seinen Karateschlag
zu perfektionieren."
539,23,7,"Para lograr dominar las técnicas de kárate más letales,
se retiran a las montañas y entrenan día y noche."
539,23,8,"Si allena senza posa, giorno e notte, sui monti per
potenziare al massimo i suoi colpi di karate."
539,23,9,"Desiring the strongest karate chop, they seclude
themselves in mountains and train without sleeping."
539,23,11,"最強の からてチョップを
求めて 山奥に こもって
眠ることなく 修行する。"
539,24,1,"おびを しめると きあいが はいり
パンチの はかいりょくが ます。
しゅぎょうを ジャマすると おこる。"
539,24,3,"끈을 매면 기합이 들어가
펀치의 파괴력이 강해진다.
수련을 방해하면 화를 낸다."
539,24,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il est plus concentré et
ses coups font plus mal. Il sénerve si on gêne son
539,24,6,"Zieht es den Gürtel fest, werden seine Hiebe stärker.
Kann es gar nicht leiden, wenn man es beim Training
539,24,7,"La potencia de sus puñetazos aumenta si se aprieta el
cinturón. Si le molestan cuando se entrena, se enfada."
539,24,8,"La cintura da karate gli dà la carica e aumenta la
forza distruttiva dei pugni. Quando si allena, meglio
non disturbarlo."
539,24,9,"Tying their belts gets them pumped and makes their
punches more destructive. Disturbing their training
angers them."
539,24,11,"帯を 締めると 気合いが 入り
パンチの 破壊力が 増す。
修行を ジャマすると 怒る。"
539,25,1,"さいきょうの からてチョップを
もとめて やまおくに こもって
ねむることなく しゅぎょうする。"
539,25,3,"최강의 태권당수를
목표로 산속에 틀어박혀
잠도 없이 수행한다."
539,25,5,"Pour accéder à la maîtrise ultime du karaté, il se retire
dans les montagnes et sentraîne nuit et jour."
539,25,6,"Es lebt zurückgezogen in den Bergen und trainiert Tag
und Nacht, um seinen Karateschlag zu perfektionieren."
539,25,7,"Para lograr dominar las técnicas de kárate más letales, se
retiran a las montañas y entrenan día y noche."
539,25,8,"Si allena senza posa, giorno e notte, sui monti per potenziare
al massimo i suoi colpi di karate."
539,25,9,"Desiring the strongest karate chop, they seclude
themselves in mountains and train without sleeping."
539,25,11,"最強の からてチョップを
求めて 山奥に こもって
眠ることなく 修行する。"
539,26,1,"おびを しめると きあいが はいり
パンチの はかいりょくが ます。
しゅぎょうを ジャマすると おこる。"
539,26,3,"끈을 매면 기합이 들어가
펀치의 파괴력이 강해진다.
수련을 방해하면 화를 낸다."
539,26,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il est plus concentré et ses coups
font plus mal. Il sénerve si on gêne son entraînement."
539,26,6,"Zieht es den Gürtel fest, werden seine Hiebe stärker. Kann es
gar nicht leiden, wenn man es beim Training stört."
539,26,7,"La potencia de sus puñetazos aumenta si se aprieta el
cinturón. Si le molestan cuando se entrena, se enfada."
539,26,8,"La cintura da karate gli dà la carica e aumenta la forza
distruttiva dei pugni. Quando si allena, meglio non disturbarlo."
539,26,9,"Tying their belts gets them pumped and makes their
punches more destructive. Disturbing their training
angers them."
539,26,11,"帯を 締めると 気合いが 入り
パンチの 破壊力が 増す。
修行を ジャマすると 怒る。"
539,33,1,"ひたすらに つよさを もとめる。
やまで しゅぎょうする ダゲキを
みたら しずかに たちさろう。"
539,33,3,"한결같이 강해지기를 추구한다.
산에서 수행 중인 타격귀를
발견한다면 조용히 물러나자."
539,33,5,"Il cherche à tout prix à devenir plus fort.
Il est conseillé de ne pas le déranger quand
il sentraîne en montagne."
539,33,6,"Es strebt unentwegt nach Stärke. Wer in den
Bergen ein Karadonis beim Training erblickt,
sollte sich ganz leise aus dem Staub machen."
539,33,7,"Viven obsesionados con hacerse más fuertes. Si se
los encuentra entrenando en la montaña, lo más
recomendable es alejarse en silencio."
539,33,8,"Cerca costantemente di diventare più forte.
Se lo si incontra in montagna mentre si allena,
è meglio svignarsela in silenzio."
539,33,9,"If you see a Sawk training in the mountains in its
single-minded pursuit of strength, its best to
quietly pass by."
539,33,11,"ひたすらに 強さを 求める。
山で 修行する ダゲキを
見たら 静かに 立ち去ろう。"
539,34,1,"きたえに きたえた ダゲキが
くりだす ひっさつ からてチョップは
うみも わるほどの はかいりょく。"
539,34,3,"단련하고 단련한 타격귀가
사용하는 필살 태권당수는
바다도 가를 정도의 파괴력을 지녔다."
539,34,5,"Après avoir suivi un entraînement intensif,
la puissance du tranchant de sa main est telle
quil peut fendre la mer en deux."
539,34,6,"Der Karateschlag eines perfekt durchtrainierten
Karadonis hat genug Wucht, um selbst das Meer
zu spalten."
539,34,7,"Cuando un Sawk ha entrenado duro, es capaz
de separar las aguas del océano con la potencia
de sus técnicas de kárate."
539,34,8,"Grazie al suo intenso allenamento, può infliggere
micidiali colpi di karate capaci di dividere in due
le acque delloceano."
539,34,9,"The karate chops of a Sawk thats trained itself
to the limit can cleave the ocean itself."
539,34,11,"鍛えに 鍛えた ダゲキが
繰りだす 必殺 空手チョップは
海も 割るほどの 破壊力。"
540,17,5,"Quand il éclot, Manternel lui coud son
vêtement. Il dort en cachant son
visage sous sa capuche."
540,17,9,"Leavanny dress it in clothes they made
for it when it hatched. It hides its head
in its hood while it is sleeping."
540,18,5,"Il fait des vêtements en découpant des
feuilles et en les cousant avec le fil
adhésif quil sécrète par la bouche."
540,18,9,"This Pokémon makes clothes for itself.
It chews up leaves and sews them with
sticky thread extruded from its mouth."
540,21,9,"Since this Pokémon makes its own
clothes out of leaves, it is a popular
mascot for fashion designers."
540,22,9,"Since this Pokémon makes its own
clothes out of leaves, it is a popular
mascot for fashion designers."
540,23,1,"はっぱを かみきり くちから だす
ねんちゃくいとで ぬいあわせて
じぶんで ふくを つくる ポケモン。"
540,23,3,"잎사귀를 물어뜯어
입에서 뱉어낸 점착실로 꿰맨다.
스스로 옷을 만드는 포켓몬이다."
540,23,5,"Il fait des vêtements en découpant des feuilles et
en les cousant avec le fil adhésif quil sécrète par
la bouche."
540,23,6,"Schneidert sich ein Kleid, indem es sich Blätter
zurechtbeißt und sie mit Klebefäden aus seinem
Mund zusammennäht."
540,23,7,"Recorta hojas y las teje con el líquido viscoso que
segrega por la boca para hacerse su propia ropa."
540,23,8,"Si prepara da sé i vestiti, tagliando le foglie e usando
i fili viscosi che secerne dalla bocca per cucirli."
540,23,9,"This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up
leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded
from its mouth."
540,23,11,"葉っぱを かみ切り 口から 出す
粘着糸で 縫い合わせる。
自分で 服を 作る ポケモン。"
540,24,1,"はっぱから ふくを つくるので
マスコットとして にんきがある。"
540,24,3,"잎사귀로 옷을 만들기 때문에
패션 디자이너에게
마스코트로 인기가 있다."
540,24,5,"La mascotte des créateurs de mode. Il découpe
ses vêtements dans les feuilles quil trouve."
540,24,6,"Unter Modeschöpfern gilt es als beliebtes
Maskottchen, da es sich aus Blättern
Kleidchen schneidert."
540,24,7,"Usa hojas como material para fabricar su propia ropa,
por lo que los diseñadores más famosos los tienen
como mascota."
540,24,8,"Taglia le foglie per farne vestiti. Per questo motivo
è la mascotte preferita di molti stilisti."
540,24,9,"Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of
leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers."
540,24,11,"葉っぱから 服を つくるので
マスコットとして 人気がある。"
540,25,1,"はっぱを かみきり くちから だす
ねんちゃくいとで ぬいあわせて
じぶんで ふくを つくる ポケモン。"
540,25,3,"잎사귀를 물어뜯어
입에서 뱉어낸 점착실로 꿰맨다.
스스로 옷을 만드는 포켓몬이다."
540,25,5,"Il fait des vêtements en découpant des feuilles et en les
cousant avec le fil adhésif quil sécrète par la bouche."
540,25,6,"Schneidert sich ein Kleid, indem es sich Blätter zurechtbeißt
und sie mit Klebefäden aus seinem Mund zusammennäht."
540,25,7,"Recorta hojas y las teje con el líquido viscoso que segrega
por la boca para hacerse su propia ropa."
540,25,8,"Si prepara da sé i vestiti, tagliando le foglie e usando i fili
viscosi che secerne dalla bocca per cucirli."
540,25,9,"This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up
leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded
from its mouth."
540,25,11,"葉っぱを かみ切り 口から 出す
粘着糸で 縫い合わせる。
自分で 服を 作る ポケモン。"
540,26,1,"はっぱから ふくを つくるので
マスコットとして にんきがある。"
540,26,3,"잎사귀로 옷을 만들기 때문에
패션 디자이너에게
마스코트로 인기가 있다."
540,26,5,"La mascotte des créateurs de mode. Il découpe ses vêtements
dans les feuilles quil trouve."
540,26,6,"Unter Modeschöpfern gilt es als beliebtes Maskottchen,
da es sich aus Blättern Kleidchen schneidert."
540,26,7,"Usa hojas como material para fabricar su propia ropa, por lo
que los diseñadores más famosos los tienen como mascota."
540,26,8,"Taglia le foglie per farne vestiti. Per questo motivo è la
mascotte preferita di molti stilisti."
540,26,9,"Since this Pokémon makes its own clothes out of
leaves, it is a popular mascot for fashion designers."
540,26,11,"葉っぱから 服を つくるので
マスコットとして 人気がある。"
541,17,5,"Dans les forêts où il vit, la végétation
pousse bien car il transforme les
feuilles mortes en engrais."
541,17,9,"Forests where Swadloon live have superb
foliage because the nutrients they make
from fallen leaves nourish the plant life."
541,18,5,"Il se protège du froid en semmitouflant
dans une feuille. Il se déplace en forêt
et mange les feuilles tombées par terre."
541,18,9,"It protects itself from the cold
by wrapping up in leaves. It stays on
the move, eating leaves in forests."
541,21,9,"Preferring dark, damp places,
it spends the entire day eating
fallen leaves that lie around it."
541,22,9,"Preferring dark, damp places,
it spends the entire day eating
fallen leaves that lie around it."
541,23,1,"クルマユの すむ もりは くさきが
よく そだつ。クルマユが おちばを
えいようぶんに かえているのだ。"
541,23,3,"두르쿤이 사는 숲은 초목이
잘 자란다. 두르쿤이 낙엽을
영양분으로 바꾸기 때문이다."
541,23,5,"Dans les forêts où il vit, la végétation pousse bien
car il transforme les feuilles mortes en engrais."
541,23,6,"Es wandelt herabgefallenes Laub in Nährstoffe um.
In Wäldern, wo es Folikon gibt, fühlen sich Pflanzen
541,23,7,"La vegetación abunda en los bosques que habita. Este
Pokémon transforma las hojas caídas en nutrientes."
541,23,8,"Le foreste in cui vive Swadloon sono lussureggianti,
poiché trasforma le foglie morte in sostanze nutritive."
541,23,9,"Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage
because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves
nourish the plant life."
541,23,11,"クルマユの 住む 森は 草木が
よく 育つ。クルマユが 落ち葉を
栄養分に 変えているのだ。"
541,24,1,"はっぱで からだを つつみこんで
さむさを ふせぐ。てぢかな おちばを
たべながら もりを いどうする。"
541,24,3,"잎사귀로 몸을 감싸
추위를 막는다. 가까이 있는 낙엽을
먹으며 숲을 이동한다."
541,24,5,"Il se protège du froid en semmitouflant dans une
feuille. Il se déplace en forêt et mange les feuilles
tombées par terre."
541,24,6,"Es schützt sich vor Kälte, indem es sich in Blätter
einwickelt. Es durchstreift Wälder und frisst
herabgefallenes Laub."
541,24,7,"Se guarece del frío envolviéndose en hojas. Se
desplaza por el bosque comiendo a su paso las
hojas caídas."
541,24,8,"Si protegge dal freddo avvolgendo il corpo nelle
foglie, che ha labitudine di mangiare in giro per la
541,24,9,"It protects itself from the cold by wrapping up in
leaves. It stays on the move, eating leaves
in forests."
541,24,11,"葉っぱで 体を 包みこんで
寒さを 防ぐ。手近な 落ち葉を
食べながら 森を 移動する。"
541,25,1,"クルマユの すむ もりは くさきが
よく そだつ。クルマユが おちばを
えいようぶんに かえているのだ。"
541,25,3,"두르쿤이 사는 숲은 초목이
잘 자란다. 두르쿤이 낙엽을
영양분으로 바꾸기 때문이다."
541,25,5,"Dans les forêts où il vit, la végétation pousse bien
car il transforme les feuilles mortes en engrais."
541,25,6,"Es wandelt herabgefallenes Laub in Nährstoffe um. In Wäldern,
wo es Folikon gibt, fühlen sich Pflanzen pudelwohl."
541,25,7,"La vegetación abunda en los bosques que habita. Este
Pokémon transforma las hojas caídas en nutrientes."
541,25,8,"Le foreste in cui vive Swadloon sono lussureggianti, poiché
trasforma le foglie morte in sostanze nutritive."
541,25,9,"Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage
because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves
nourish the plant life."
541,25,11,"クルマユの 住む 森は 草木が
よく 育つ。クルマユが 落ち葉を
栄養分に 変えているのだ。"
541,26,1,"はっぱで からだを つつみこんで
さむさを ふせぐ。てぢかな おちばを
たべながら もりを いどうする。"
541,26,3,"잎사귀로 몸을 감싸
추위를 막는다. 가까이 있는 낙엽을
먹으며 숲을 이동한다."
541,26,5,"Il se protège du froid en semmitouflant dans une feuille.
Il se déplace en forêt et mange les feuilles tombées par terre."
541,26,6,"Es schützt sich vor Kälte, indem es sich in Blätter einwickelt.
Es durchstreift Wälder und frisst herabgefallenes Laub."
541,26,7,"Se guarece del frío envolviéndose en hojas. Se desplaza por
el bosque comiendo a su paso las hojas caídas."
541,26,8,"Si protegge dal freddo avvolgendo il corpo nelle foglie, che ha
labitudine di mangiare in giro per la foresta."
541,26,9,"It protects itself from the cold by wrapping up in
leaves. It stays on the move, eating leaves
in forests."
541,26,11,"葉っぱで 体を 包みこんで
寒さを 防ぐ。手近な 落ち葉を
食べながら 森を 移動する。"
542,17,5,"Quand il trouve de petits Pokémon, il
leur coud des vêtements de feuilles en
utilisant ses coupoirs et son fil adhésif."
542,17,9,"Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves
clothing for it from leaves, using the
cutters on its arms and sticky silk."
542,18,5,"Il réchauffe les œufs avec la chaleur
de lhumus. Il fabrique des langes pour
les Larveyette avec des feuilles."
542,18,9,"It keeps its eggs warm with heat from
fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves
to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle."
542,21,9,"Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves
clothing for it from leaves by using the
sticky silk secreted from its mouth."
542,22,9,"Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves
clothing for it from leaves by using the
sticky silk secreted from its mouth."
542,23,1,"おさない ポケモンを みつけると
くちから だす ねんちゃくいとで
はっぱの ふくを ぬってあげる。"
542,23,3,"어린 포켓몬을 보면
입에서 내뿜는 점착실로
잎사귀의 옷을 지어 준다."
542,23,5,"Il fabrique des vêtements de feuilles pour les
Pokémon encore jeunes grâce à son fil de soie
542,23,6,"Begegnet es einem jungen Pokémon, näht es ihm
mit den klebrigen Fäden aus seinem Mund
ein Kleid aus Blättern."
542,23,7,"Si se encuentra con un Pokémon joven, segrega por la
boca hilos pegadizos con los que le teje una prenda
de ropa."
542,23,8,"Quando incontra un giovane Pokémon gli fa un
vestito di foglie che cuce con il filo appiccicoso
prodotto dalla bocca."
542,23,9,"Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing
for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted
from its mouth."
542,23,11,"幼い ポケモンを みつけると
口から 出す 粘着糸で
葉っぱの 服を 縫ってあげる。"
542,24,1,"おちばが はっこうする ねつで
タマゴを あたためる。クルミルに
はっぱで おくるみを つくる。"
542,24,3,"낙엽이 발효되는 열로
알을 따뜻하게 한다. 잎사귀로
두르보의 포대기를 만든다."
542,24,5,"Il réchauffe les Œufs avec la chaleur de lhumus.
Il fabrique des langes pour les Larveyette avec
des feuilles."
542,24,6,"Nutzt die Hitze kompostierenden Laubes zum
Ausbrüten von Eiern. Es fertigt aus Blättern
Kleidchen für Strawickl an."
542,24,7,"Calienta sus huevos con el calor desprendido por el
humus. Hace mantillas con las hojas para Sewaddle."
542,24,8,"Sfrutta il calore dellhumus per covare le sue uova
e fabbrica coperte di foglie per avvolgere Sewaddle."
542,24,9,"It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting
leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings
for Sewaddle."
542,24,11,"落ち葉が 発酵する 熱で
タマゴを 温める。クルミルに
葉っぱで おくるみを 作る。"
542,25,1,"おさない ポケモンを みつけると
くちから だす ねんちゃくいとで
はっぱの ふくを ぬってあげる。"
542,25,3,"어린 포켓몬을 보면
입에서 내뿜는 점착실로
잎사귀의 옷을 지어 준다."
542,25,5,"Il fabrique des vêtements de feuilles pour les Pokémon
encore jeunes grâce à son fil de soie adhésif."
542,25,6,"Begegnet es einem jungen Pokémon, näht es ihm mit den
klebrigen Fäden aus seinem Mund ein Kleid aus Blättern."
542,25,7,"Si se encuentra con un Pokémon joven, segrega por la boca
hilos pegadizos con los que le teje una prenda de ropa."
542,25,8,"Quando incontra un giovane Pokémon gli fa un vestito di foglie
che cuce con il filo appiccicoso prodotto dalla bocca."
542,25,9,"Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing
for it from leaves by using the sticky silk secreted
from its mouth."
542,25,11,"幼い ポケモンを みつけると
口から 出す 粘着糸で
葉っぱの 服を 縫ってあげる。"
542,26,1,"おちばが はっこうする ねつで
タマゴを あたためる。クルミルに
はっぱで おくるみを つくる。"
542,26,3,"낙엽이 발효되는 열로
알을 따뜻하게 한다. 잎사귀로
두르보의 포대기를 만든다."
542,26,5,"Il réchauffe les Œufs avec la chaleur de lhumus. Il fabrique
des langes pour les Larveyette avec des feuilles."
542,26,6,"Nutzt die Hitze kompostierenden Laubes zum Ausbrüten
von Eiern. Es fertigt aus Blättern Kleidchen für Strawickl an."
542,26,7,"Calienta sus huevos con el calor desprendido por el humus.
Hace mantillas con las hojas para Sewaddle."
542,26,8,"Sfrutta il calore dellhumus per covare le sue uova e fabbrica
coperte di foglie per avvolgere Sewaddle."
542,26,9,"It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting
leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings
for Sewaddle."
542,26,11,"落ち葉が 発酵する 熱で
タマゴを 温める。クルミルに
葉っぱで おくるみを 作る。"
543,17,5,"Sa morsure est très venimeuse.
Elle paralyse même les grands
Pokémon Oiseaux, ses prédateurs."
543,17,9,"Its bite injects a potent poison, enough
to paralyze large bird Pokémon that try
to prey on it."
543,18,5,"Il sonde les alentours avec les
antennes sur sa tête et sa queue.
Il est extrêmement brutal."
543,18,9,"It discovers what is going on around it
by using the feelers on its head and tail.
It is brutally aggressive."
543,21,9,"Using the feelers on its head and tail,
it picks up vibrations in the air to
determine its preys location and state."
543,22,9,"Using the feelers on its head and tail,
it picks up vibrations in the air to
determine its preys location and state."
543,23,1,"あたまと しっぽの しょっかくで
まわりの ようすを さぐる。
ひじょうに きょうぼうな せいかく。"
543,23,3,"머리와 꼬리의 더듬이로
주변 상황을 살핀다.
성격이 매우 난폭하다."
543,23,5,"Il sonde les alentours avec les antennes sur sa tête
et sa queue. Il est extrêmement brutal."
543,23,6,"Mit seinen Ruten und den Fühlern an seinem Kopf
tastet es die Umgebung ab. Ein überaus aggressiver
543,23,7,"Percibe su entorno con su sentido del tacto, residente
en su cabeza y cola. Su carácter es violento por
543,23,8,"Sonda lambiente circostante con le antenne del
capo e della coda. Ha un carattere estremamente
543,23,9,"It discovers what is going on around it by using the
feelers on its head and tail. It is brutally aggressive."
543,23,11,"頭と 尻尾の 触角で
まわりの 様子を 探る。
非常に 凶暴な 性格。"
543,24,1,"かみついて もうどくを あたえる。
てんてきの おおきな とりポケモンも
からだが しびれて うごけなくなる。"
543,24,3,"물어서 맹독을 퍼뜨린다.
천적인 커다란 새포켓몬도
몸이 마비돼서 움직일 수 없다."
543,24,5,"Sa morsure est très venimeuse. Elle paralyse
même les grands Pokémon Oiseaux, ses prédateurs."
543,24,6,"Es beißt Angreifer und injiziert ihnen Gift, das selbst
große Vogel-Pokémon, seine natürlichen Feinde,
543,24,7,"Inocula un poderoso veneno al morder. Hasta sus
enemigos acérrimos, los Pokémon pájaro, se quedan
543,24,8,"Mordendo, inietta un veleno potente. Anche i grandi
Pokémon uccello, suoi predatori, ne rimangono
543,24,9,"Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze
large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it."
543,24,11,"かみついて 猛毒を 与える。
天敵の 大きな とりポケモンも
体が しびれて 動けなくなる。"
543,25,1,"あたまと しっぽの しょっかくで
まわりの ようすを さぐる。
ひじょうに きょうぼうな せいかく。"
543,25,3,"머리와 꼬리의 더듬이로
주변 상황을 살핀다.
성격이 매우 난폭하다."
543,25,5,"Il sonde les alentours avec les antennes sur sa tête
et sa queue. Il est extrêmement brutal."
543,25,6,"Mit seinen Ruten und den Fühlern an seinem Kopf tastet es
die Umgebung ab. Ein überaus aggressiver Geselle."
543,25,7,"Percibe su entorno con su sentido del tacto, residente en su
cabeza y cola. Su carácter es violento por naturaleza."
543,25,8,"Sonda lambiente circostante con le antenne del capo e
della coda. Ha un carattere estremamente collerico."
543,25,9,"It discovers what is going on around it by using the
feelers on its head and tail. It is brutally aggressive."
543,25,11,"頭と 尻尾の 触角で
まわりの 様子を 探る。
非常に 凶暴な 性格。"
543,26,1,"かみついて もうどくを あたえる。
てんてきの おおきな とりポケモンも
からだが しびれて うごけなくなる。"
543,26,3,"물어서 맹독을 퍼뜨린다.
천적인 커다란 새포켓몬도
몸이 마비돼서 움직일 수 없다."
543,26,5,"Sa morsure est très venimeuse. Elle paralyse même les grands
Pokémon Oiseaux, ses prédateurs."
543,26,6,"Es beißt Angreifer und injiziert ihnen Gift, das selbst große
Vogel-Pokémon, seine natürlichen Feinde, lähmt."
543,26,7,"Inocula un poderoso veneno al morder. Hasta sus enemigos
acérrimos, los Pokémon pájaro, se quedan inmóviles."
543,26,8,"Mordendo, inietta un veleno potente. Anche i grandi Pokémon
uccello, suoi predatori, ne rimangono paralizzati."
543,26,9,"Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze
large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it."
543,26,11,"かみついて 猛毒を 与える。
天敵の 大きな とりポケモンも
体が しびれて 動けなくなる。"
543,33,1,"ヤクデは しゅるいの ちかい
なかまだが おたがいが であうと
おおげんかに なるぞ。"
543,33,3,"태우지네와는 종류가 다른
동료지만 서로 만나면
큰 싸움이 된다."
543,33,5,"Bien quappartenant à des espèces similaires,
les Venipatte et les Grillepattes se livrent
à des conflits violents lorsquils se croisent."
543,33,6,"Es ist zwar artverwandt mit Thermopod, aber
jedes Mal, wenn sich die beiden über den Weg
krabbeln, streiten sie erbittert miteinander."
543,33,7,"Aunque se trata de una especie emparentada
con los Sizzlipede, si se encuentran ejemplares
de ambas, entablarán una lucha encarnizada."
543,33,8,"Appartiene a una specie simile a quella di
Sizzlipede, ma se le loro strade si incrociano
si scatena il finimondo."
543,33,9,"Venipede and Sizzlipede are similar species,
but when the two meet, a huge fight ensues."
543,33,11,"ヤクデは 種類の 近い
仲間だが おたがいが 出会うと
大げんかに なるぞ。"
543,34,1,"キバに もうどくを もっている。
くえそうな えものを みつけると
あとさき かんがえず とびかかる。"
543,34,3,"이빨에 맹독을 지녔다.
먹을 수 있는 먹이를 발견하면
앞뒤를 가리지 않고 덤벼든다."
543,34,5,"Ses crocs sont extrêmement venimeux.
Dès quil voit une proie à son goût, il bondit
sur elle sans penser aux conséquences."
543,34,6,"In den Fangzähnen speichert es höchst potentes
Gift. Wenn Toxiped potenzielle Beute erspäht,
stürzt es sich vollkommen unüberlegt auf diese."
543,34,7,"Sus colmillos contienen un veneno letal. Si
encuentra una presa que parece comestible, se
abalanza sobre ella sin pensárselo dos veces."
543,34,8,"Le sue zanne contengono un potente veleno.
Se trova una preda che pensa di poter mangiare,
la assale senza pensare alle conseguenze."
543,34,9,"Its fangs are highly venomous. If this Pokémon
finds prey it thinks it can eat, it leaps for them
without any thought of how things might turn out."
543,34,11,"キバに 猛毒を もっている。
食えそうな 獲物を 見つけると
あとさき 考えず 跳びかかる。"
544,17,5,"Protégé par sa solide carapace,
il fonce sur ses ennemis en
roulant comme un pneu."
544,17,9,"Protected by a hard shell, it spins
its body like a wheel and crashes
furiously into its enemies."
544,18,5,"En général, il reste immobile. Mais quand
on lattaque, il se met à tourbillonner
à toute vitesse et fonce sur lennemi."
544,18,9,"It is usually motionless, but when
attacked, it rotates at high speed and
then crashes into its opponent."
544,21,9,"Storing energy for evolution, it sits.
But, when predators approach, it
moves to stab them with poison spikes."
544,22,9,"Storing energy for evolution, it sits.
But, when predators approach, it
moves to stab them with poison spikes."
544,23,1,"かたい カラに まもられている。
タイヤのように かいてんして
てきに はげしく たいあたりする。"
544,23,3,"단단한 껍질로 보호되고 있다.
타이어처럼 회전하여 상대에게
격렬히 몸통박치기를 날린다."
544,23,5,"Protégé par sa solide carapace, il fonce sur ses
ennemis en roulant comme un pneu."
544,23,6,"Von einem harten Schutzpanzer umgeben. Es greift
seine Gegner an, indem es mit Karacho wie ein Rad
in sie hineinrollt."
544,23,7,"Lo protege un duro caparazón. Gira como una rueda y
realiza brutales placajes contra sus enemigos."
544,23,8,"È protetto da un guscio resistente. Si scaglia contro
il nemico rotolando come uno pneumatico."
544,23,9,"Protected by a hard shell, it spins its body like a
wheel and crashes furiously into its enemies."
544,23,11,"硬い 殻に 守られている。
タイヤのように 回転して
敵に 激しく 体当たりする。"
544,24,1,"ふだんは うごかないが おそわれると
こうそく かいてんして はしりまわり
たいあたりで はんげきするのだ。"
544,24,3,"평소에는 움직이지 않지만 공격당하면
고속 회전하여 뛰어다니다가
몸통박치기로 반격한다."
544,24,5,"En général, il reste immobile. Mais quand on lattaque,
il se met à tourbillonner à toute vitesse et fonce sur
544,24,6,"An sich ist es harmlos. Bringt man es jedoch
in Bedrängnis, setzt es sich mit blitzschnellen
Rollattacken zur Wehr."
544,24,7,"Normalmente no se mueve, pero se pone a rodar
frenéticamente y contraataca con placajes si lo atacan."
544,24,8,"Di solito non si muove, ma se viene attaccato,
comincia a turbinare su se stesso e si scaglia contro
il nemico."
544,24,9,"It is usually motionless, but when attacked,
it rotates at high speed and then crashes into
its opponent."
544,24,11,"普段は 動かないが
襲われると 高速 回転して 走り回り
体当たりで 反撃するのだ。"
544,25,1,"かたい カラに まもられている。
タイヤのように かいてんして
てきに はげしく たいあたりする。"
544,25,3,"단단한 껍질로 보호되고 있다.
타이어처럼 회전하여 상대에게
격렬히 몸통박치기를 날린다."
544,25,5,"Protégé par sa solide carapace, il fonce sur ses ennemis
en roulant comme un pneu."
544,25,6,"Von einem harten Schutzpanzer umgeben. Es greift seine
Gegner an, indem es mit Karacho wie ein Rad in sie hineinrollt."
544,25,7,"Lo protege un duro caparazón. Gira como una rueda y realiza
brutales placajes contra sus enemigos."
544,25,8,"È protetto da un guscio resistente. Si scaglia contro il nemico
rotolando come uno pneumatico."
544,25,9,"Protected by a hard shell, it spins its body like a
wheel and crashes furiously into its enemies."
544,25,11,"硬い 殻に 守られている。
タイヤのように 回転して
敵に 激しく 体当たりする。"
544,26,1,"ふだんは うごかないが おそわれると
こうそく かいてんして はしりまわり
たいあたりで はんげきするのだ。"
544,26,3,"평소에는 움직이지 않지만 공격당하면
고속 회전하여 뛰어다니다가
몸통박치기로 반격한다."
544,26,5,"En général, il reste immobile. Mais quand on lattaque,
il se met à tourbillonner à toute vitesse et fonce sur lennemi."
544,26,6,"An sich ist es harmlos. Bringt man es jedoch in Bedrängnis,
setzt es sich mit blitzschnellen Rollattacken zur Wehr."
544,26,7,"Normalmente no se mueve, pero se pone a rodar
frenéticamente y contraataca con placajes si lo atacan."
544,26,8,"Di solito non si muove, ma se viene attaccato, comincia a
turbinare su se stesso e si scaglia contro il nemico."
544,26,9,"It is usually motionless, but when attacked,
it rotates at high speed and then crashes into
its opponent."
544,26,11,"普段は 動かないが
襲われると 高速 回転して 走り回り
体当たりで 反撃するのだ。"
544,33,1,"こうそくで かいてんし あいてに
とつげき。 さいこうじそくは
およそ 100キロに たっする。"
544,33,3,"고속으로 회전해 상대에게
돌격한다. 최고 시속은
약 100km에 달한다."
544,33,5,"Il se propulse sur ses ennemis en tournant
très vite sur lui-même. Il peut ainsi atteindre
une vitesse denviron 100 km/h."
544,33,6,"Rollum dreht sich mit hoher Geschwindigkeit
und rammt seine Gegner. Dabei erreicht es
Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 100 km/h."
544,33,7,"Gira a gran velocidad y carga contra sus rivales.
Puede alcanzar los 100 km/h."
544,33,8,"Attacca lavversario turbinando rapidamente
su se stesso. Può raggiungere una velocità
di circa 100 km/h."
544,33,9,"This Pokémon spins itself rapidly and charges into
its opponents. Its top speed is just over 60 mph."
544,33,11,"高速で 回転し 相手に 突撃。
およそ 100キロに 達する。"
544,34,1,"かたいカラと どくのトゲで みを
まもり しんかに ひつような
エネルギーを ためているのだ。"
544,34,3,"단단한 껍질과 독가시로
몸을 보호하면서 진화에 필요한
에너지를 비축하고 있다."
544,34,5,"Il se protège avec sa solide carapace et ses épines
empoisonnées tandis quil rassemble lénergie
nécessaire à son évolution."
544,34,6,"Es schützt sich mit seinem harten Panzer und den
Giftspitzen, um ungestört genügend Energie für
seine Entwicklung zu sammeln."
544,34,7,"Se defiende con su duro caparazón y sus
púas venenosas mientras acumula la energía
necesaria para evolucionar."
544,34,8,"Mentre accumula lenergia necessaria per
evolversi, si difende con il guscio resistente
e le spine velenose."
544,34,9,"Whirlipede protects itself with a sturdy shell and
poisonous spikes while it stores up the energy itll
need for evolution."
544,34,11,"硬い殻と 毒のトゲで 身を
守り 進化に 必要な
エネルギーを 溜めているのだ。"
545,17,5,"Il accule lennemi par ses mouvements
rapides et lattaque avec ses cornes.
Il ne sarrête quau coup de grâce."
545,17,9,"With quick movements, it chases down
its foes, attacking relentlessly with
its horns until it prevails."
545,18,5,"Il inocule du poison à ses ennemis
par les griffes de son cou.
Il est extrêmement agressif."
545,18,9,"Highly aggressive, it uses the claws
near its neck to dig into its opponents
and poison them."
545,21,9,"It clasps its prey with the claws
on its neck until it stops moving.
Then it finishes it off with deadly poison."
545,22,9,"It clasps its prey with the claws
on its neck until it stops moving.
Then it finishes it off with deadly poison."
545,23,1,"えものを くびのツメで はさみこみ
みうごきを とれなくしてから
もうどくを あたえ とどめを さす。"
545,23,3,"먹이를 목의 가시에 끼워 넣어
움직이지 못하게 한 후
맹독을 퍼뜨려 마무리한다."
545,23,5,"Il paralyse lennemi avec les griffes de son cou avant
de mettre fin au combat grâce à son poison virulent."
545,23,6,"Lähmt seine Beute, indem es sie mit den Zacken an
seinem Hals aufspießt. Mit einer Ladung Gift gibt es
ihr den Rest."
545,23,7,"Atenaza a sus presas con las garras que sobresalen de
su cuello hasta que no se pueden mover y las remata
con veneno."
545,23,8,"Trafigge la preda con gli aculei del collo e dopo
averla immobilizzata la finisce con le sue tossine."
545,23,9,"It clasps its prey with the claws on its neck until it
stops moving. Then it finishes it off with
deadly poison."
545,23,11,"獲物を 首のツメで 挟みこみ
身動きを とれなくしてから
猛毒を 与え とどめを 刺す。"
545,24,1,"すばやい うごきで てきを おいつめ
あたまの ツノで こうげきする。
とどめを さすまで ようしゃしない。"
545,24,3,"빠른 움직임으로 적을 바싹 몰아넣어
머리의 뿔로 공격한다.
마무리 지을 때까지 봐주지 않는다."
545,24,5,"Il accule lennemi par ses mouvements rapides et
lattaque avec ses cornes. Il ne sarrête quau coup
de grâce."
545,24,6,"Holt Gegner flinken Fußes ein und greift sie mit
den Hörnern an seinem Kopf an. Gnade ist ihm
ein Fremdwort."
545,24,7,"Arrincona a sus rivales con rápidos movimientos y los
ensarta con sus cuernos. No se detiene hasta vencer."
545,24,8,"Incalza la preda con movimenti rapidi e la attacca
ripetutamente con le corna. Non si ferma fino al
colpo di grazia."
545,24,9,"With quick movements, it chases down its foes,
attacking relentlessly with its horns until it prevails."
545,24,11,"素早い 動きで 敵を 追いつめ
頭の ツノで 攻撃する。
とどめを 刺すまで 容赦しない。"
545,25,1,"えものを くびのツメで はさみこみ
みうごきを とれなくしてから
もうどくを あたえ とどめを さす。"
545,25,3,"먹이를 목의 가시에 끼워 넣어
움직이지 못하게 한 후
맹독을 퍼뜨려 마무리한다."
545,25,5,"Il paralyse lennemi avec les griffes de son cou avant
de mettre fin au combat grâce à son poison virulent."
545,25,6,"Lähmt seine Beute, indem es sie mit den Zacken an seinem
Hals aufspießt. Mit einer Ladung Gift gibt es ihr den Rest."
545,25,7,"Atenaza a sus presas con las garras que sobresalen de su
cuello hasta que no se pueden mover y las remata con
545,25,8,"Trafigge la preda con gli aculei del collo e dopo averla
immobilizzata la finisce con le sue tossine."
545,25,9,"It clasps its prey with the claws on its neck until it
stops moving. Then it finishes it off with
deadly poison."
545,25,11,"獲物を 首のツメで 挟みこみ
身動きを とれなくしてから
猛毒を 与え とどめを 刺す。"
545,26,1,"すばやい うごきで てきを おいつめ
あたまの ツノで こうげきする。
とどめを さすまで ようしゃしない。"
545,26,3,"빠른 움직임으로 적을 바싹 몰아넣어
머리의 뿔로 공격한다.
마무리 지을 때까지 봐주지 않는다."
545,26,5,"Il accule lennemi par ses mouvements rapides et lattaque
avec ses cornes. Il ne sarrête quau coup de grâce."
545,26,6,"Holt Gegner flinken Fußes ein und greift sie mit den Hörnern
an seinem Kopf an. Gnade ist ihm ein Fremdwort."
545,26,7,"Arrincona a sus rivales con rápidos movimientos y los ensarta
con sus cuernos. No se detiene hasta vencer."
545,26,8,"Incalza la preda con movimenti rapidi e la attacca
ripetutamente con le corna. Non si ferma fino al colpo
di grazia."
545,26,9,"With quick movements, it chases down its foes,
attacking relentlessly with its horns until it prevails."
545,26,11,"素早い 動きで 敵を 追いつめ
頭の ツノで 攻撃する。
とどめを 刺すまで 容赦しない。"
545,33,1,"くびのツメで えものを つかむと
そのまま じめんに たたきつけ
どくのトゲを つきたてるぞ。"
545,33,3,"목의 가시로 먹이를 잡은 채
그대로 땅으로 내동댕이쳐서
독가시를 꽂는다."
545,33,5,"Après avoir saisi sa proie à laide des griffes
de son cou, il la plaque au sol puis la transperce
avec ses épines empoisonnées."
545,33,6,"Kriegt es seine Beute mit den Krallen an seinem
Hals zu fassen, wirft es sie zu Boden und rammt
die giftigen Spitzen der Krallen in sie hinein."
545,33,7,"Usa las garras que le sobresalen del cuello para
atrapar a su presa, golpearla contra el suelo y
rematarla inoculando un potente veneno."
545,33,8,"Sbatte a terra la preda afferrandola con gli artigli
del collo per poi infilzarla con le punte velenose."
545,33,9,"Scolipede latches on to its prey with the claws on
its neck before slamming them into the ground
and jabbing them with its claws toxic spikes."
545,33,11,"首のツメで 獲物を つかむと
そのまま 地面に 叩きつけ
毒のトゲを 突きたてるぞ。"
545,34,1,"なわばりを めぐり マルヤクデと
はげしく あらそう。 まけたほうは
そのまま えものに なるのだ。"
545,34,3,"영역을 두고 다태우지네와
격렬하게 다툰다. 패배한 쪽이
그대로 먹이가 된다."
545,34,5,"Il défend son territoire avec acharnement contre
son ennemi Scolocendre. Le perdant sert de dîner
au vainqueur."
545,34,6,"Es liefert sich erbitterte Revierkämpfe mit
Infernopod. Wer den Kampf verliert, wird zur
Beute des Siegers."
545,34,7,"Las disputas territoriales con Centiskorch son
extremadamente violentas. El perdedor se
convierte en la presa del ganador."
545,34,8,"Lotta ferocemente con Centiskorch per il
controllo sul territorio. Il perdente diventa
preda del vincitore."
545,34,9,"Scolipede engage in fierce territorial battles with
Centiskorch. At the end of one of these battles,
the victor makes a meal of the loser."
545,34,11,"縄張りを めぐり マルヤクデと
激しく 争う。 負けたほうは
そのまま 獲物に なるのだ。"
546,17,5,"Si on lattaque, il projette un nuage de
coton. Lennemi le confond avec lui, ce
qui permet à Doudouvet de senfuir."
546,17,9,"When attacked, it escapes by shooting
cotton from its body. The cotton serves
as a decoy to distract the attacker."
546,18,5,"Il dérive librement au gré du vent.
Les jours de pluie, il salourdit et
se réfugie au pied des arbres."
546,18,9,"They go wherever the wind takes them.
On rainy days, their bodies are heavier,
so they take shelter beneath big trees."
546,21,9,"Perhaps because they feel more at ease
in a group, they stick to others they
find. They end up looking like a cloud."
546,22,9,"Perhaps because they feel more at ease
in a group, they stick to others they
find. They end up looking like a cloud."
546,23,1,"おそわれると からだから わたを
とばす。てきが わたを モンメンと
まちがえている すきに にげるのだ。"
546,23,3,"공격당하면 몸에서 솜을
날린다. 상대가 솜을 소미안으로
착각하고 있는 동안 도망친다."
546,23,5,"Si on lattaque, il projette un nuage de coton.
Lennemi le confond avec lui, ce qui permet à
Doudouvet de senfuir."
546,23,6,"Wird es angegriffen, verstreut es zur Täuschung
Watte. Es flieht, während der Gegner nach dem
wahren Waumboll sucht."
546,23,7,"Despide motas de algodón cuando lo atacan para
confundir a los enemigos y poner pies en polvorosa."
546,23,8,"Se viene attaccato crea una nuvola di cotone per
confondere il nemico, poi ne approfitta per fuggire."
546,23,9,"When attacked, it escapes by shooting cotton from
its body. The cotton serves as a decoy to distract
the attacker."
546,23,11,"襲われると 体から 綿を 飛ばす。
敵が 綿を モンメンと
間違えている すきに 逃げるのだ。"
546,24,1,"しゅうだんで いると おちつくのか
なかまを みつけると くっついて
いつのまにか くものように なる。"
546,24,3,"집단으로 있으면 편안한지
동료를 발견하면 달라붙어
어느새 구름처럼 된다."
546,24,5,"Pokémon à linstinct grégaire, ils se collent les uns
aux autres et finissent par former un gros nuage."
546,24,6,"Sind sie mit Freunden unterwegs, hängen sie eng
aufeinander wie Wolken, wohl weil sie sich in der
Gruppe sicherer fühlen."
546,24,7,"Quizá por el hecho de que se relajan al estar con
los suyos, forman un grupo al encontrar amigos y
parecen nubes."
546,24,8,"Si sentono più sicuri in gruppo, e quando incontrano
i loro simili non li lasciano più formando come una
grande nuvola."
546,24,9,"Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group,
they stick to others they find. They end up looking
like a cloud."
546,24,11,"集団で いると 落ち着くのか
仲間を みつけると くっついて
いつのまにか 雲のように なる。"
546,25,1,"おそわれると からだから わたを
とばす。てきが わたを モンメンと
まちがえている すきに にげるのだ。"
546,25,3,"공격당하면 몸에서 솜을
날린다. 상대가 솜을 소미안으로
착각하고 있는 동안 도망친다."
546,25,5,"Si on lattaque, il projette un nuage de coton.
Lennemi le confond avec lui, ce qui permet à
Doudouvet de senfuir."
546,25,6,"Wird es angegriffen, verstreut es zur Täuschung Watte.
Es flieht, während der Gegner nach dem wahren Waumboll
546,25,7,"Despide motas de algodón cuando lo atacan para confundir a
los enemigos y poner pies en polvorosa."
546,25,8,"Se viene attaccato crea una nuvola di cotone per confondere
il nemico, poi ne approfitta per fuggire."
546,25,9,"When attacked, it escapes by shooting cotton from
its body. The cotton serves as a decoy to distract
the attacker."
546,25,11,"襲われると 体から 綿を 飛ばす。
敵が 綿を モンメンと
間違えている すきに 逃げるのだ。"
546,26,1,"しゅうだんで いると おちつくのか
なかまを みつけると くっついて
いつのまにか くものように なる。"
546,26,3,"집단으로 있으면 편안한지
동료를 발견하면 달라붙어
어느새 구름처럼 된다."
546,26,5,"Pokémon à linstinct grégaire, ils se collent les uns aux autres
et finissent par former un gros nuage."
546,26,6,"Sind sie mit Freunden unterwegs, hängen sie eng aufeinander
wie Wolken, wohl weil sie sich in der Gruppe sicherer fühlen."
546,26,7,"Quizá por el hecho de que se relajan al estar con los suyos,
forman un grupo al encontrar amigos y parecen nubes."
546,26,8,"Si sentono più sicuri in gruppo, e quando incontrano i loro
simili non li lasciano più formando come una grande nuvola."
546,26,9,"Perhaps because they feel more at ease in a group,
they stick to others they find. They end up looking
like a cloud."
546,26,11,"集団で いると 落ち着くのか
仲間を みつけると くっついて
いつのまにか 雲のように なる。"
546,27,1,"なかまを みつけると くっつく。
あまりに たくさん くっつきすぎて
にゅうどうぐも みたいになることも。"
546,27,3,"동료를 발견하면 붙는다.
너무 많이 붙어서
적란운처럼 되는 일도 있다."
546,27,5,"Les Doudouvet se collent entre eux quand ils
se rencontrent. Lorsquils sont assez nombreux,
ils forment de véritables cumulonimbus vivants."
546,27,6,"Begegnen sie Freunden, hängen sie eng
aufeinander. Wenn sich zu viele versammeln,
sehen sie aus wie eine Gewitterwolke."
546,27,7,"Cuando se encuentran con amigos, se agrupan.
Si son muchos, a veces pueden llegar a adquirir
un aspecto semejante al de un cúmulo de nubes."
546,27,8,"Quando si incontrano, i Cottonee si attaccano
luno allaltro. Se sono in tanti, possono formare
ammassi simili a immense nuvole."
546,27,9,"When it finds others of its kind, they all stick
together. When enough of them have collected,
the mass resembles a cumulonimbus cloud."
546,27,11,"仲間を みつけると くっつく。
あまりに たくさん くっつきすぎて
入道雲 みたいになることも。"
546,28,1,"モンメンの はく わたを つかった
まくらや ふとんは かるくて
つうきの よい こうきゅうひんだ。"
546,28,3,"소미안이 뱉는 솜을 사용한
베개와 이불은 가볍고
통기성이 좋은 고급품이다."
546,28,5,"Le coton quil produit est utilisé dans la
confection doreillers et de couettes de haute
qualité, qui allient légèreté et fraîcheur."
546,28,6,"Kissen und Bettdecken, die mit Watte von
Waumboll gefüllt sind, gelten als Artikel von
hoher Qualität, da sie leicht und luftig sind."
546,28,7,"Los colchones o almohadas rellenos del algodón
que suelta Cottonee son un producto de alta
calidad por su ligereza y transpirabilidad."
546,28,8,"Il cotone prodotto da Cottonee viene usato
per cuscini e materassi leggeri, traspiranti
e di ottima qualità."
546,28,9,"Pillows and beds stuffed with cotton exhaled
by Cottonee are soft and puffy, light and airy—
altogether top quality."
546,28,11,"モンメンの 吐く 綿を 使った
枕や 布団は 軽くて
通気の 良い 高級品だ。"
546,29,1,"わたを とばして みを まもる。
あめに ぬれると わたが しめって
おもくなり みうごきが とれなくなる。"
546,29,3,"솜을 날려 몸을 지킨다.
비에 젖으면 솜이 축축하고
무거워져 움직일 수 없게 된다."
546,29,5,"Il projette un nuage de coton pour se protéger.
Quand il pleut, son coton simbibe deau et
le rend si lourd quil est incapable de bouger."
546,29,6,"Es schützt sich, indem es Watte verstreut.
Wird es Regen ausgesetzt, saugt es sich voll
und wird zu schwer, um sich zu bewegen."
546,29,7,"Lanza bolas de algodón como defensa. Cuando
llueve y se moja, se vuelve tan pesado que le
resulta difícil moverse."
546,29,8,"Si difende creando una nuvola di cotone.
Quando piove, il cotone si appesantisce
per lumidità impedendogli di muoversi."
546,29,9,"To protect itself, it shoots cotton from its body.
When it gets wet in the rain, its cotton grows
moist and heavy, and it cant move as well."
546,29,11,"綿を 飛ばして 身を 守る。
雨に 濡れると 綿が 湿って
重くなり 身動きが とれなくなる。"
546,30,1,"おそわれると からだの ワタを
とばして おとりにする。 とばした
ワタは また すぐに はえてくるぞ。"
546,30,3,"공격당하면 몸에 있는 솜을
날려 미끼로 쓴다. 날린 솜은
또 금방 자라난다."
546,30,5,"Lorsquon lattaque, il sème du coton pour faire
diversion. Celui-ci repousse tout de suite."
546,30,6,"Wird es angegriffen, verstreut es zur Täuschung
Watte, die es von seinem Körper nimmt. Die
verbrauchte Watte wächst sofort wieder nach."
546,30,7,"Cuando lo atacan despide bolas de algodón a
modo de señuelo. Estas, sin embargo, vuelven a
crecer enseguida."
546,30,8,"Se viene attaccato, crea una nuvola di cotone
come diversivo. Il cotone consumato a questo
scopo ricresce immediatamente."
546,30,9,"When attacked, it expels cotton from its
body to create a diversion. The cotton it loses
grows back in quickly."
546,30,11,"襲われると 身体の ワタを
飛ばして おとりにする。 飛ばした
ワタは また すぐに 生えてくるぞ。"
546,33,1,"ワタを とばして みを まもる。
たいふうの かぜに ながされ
ちきゅうの うらがわに いくことも。"
546,33,3,"솜을 날려 몸을 지킨다.
태풍의 바람에 휩쓸려
지구 반대편까지 갈 때도 있다."
546,33,5,"Il sème du coton pour se protéger. Il lui arrive
dêtre emporté par une tempête à lautre bout
du monde."
546,33,6,"Sie schützen sich, indem sie Watte verstreuen.
Manche werden vom Wind bis ans andere Ende
der Welt getragen."
546,33,7,"Lanza bolas de algodón para defenderse. A
veces, la fuerza de un tifón llega a arrastrarlo
hasta el otro extremo del mundo."
546,33,8,"Si difende creando una nuvola di cotone.
A volte viene trasportato fino allaltro capo
del mondo dai tifoni."
546,33,9,"It shoots cotton from its body to protect itself.
If it gets caught up in hurricane-strength winds,
it can get sent to the other side of the Earth."
546,33,11,"綿を 飛ばして 身を 守る。
台風の 風に 流され
地球の 裏側に いくことも。"
546,34,1,"モンメンと ワタシラガの ワタを
まぜて おった きじは うつくしく
こうきゅうブランドで つかわれる。"
546,34,3,"소미안과 백솜모카의 솜을
섞어 짠 천은 아름다워서
고급 브랜드에 사용된다."
546,34,5,"Les marques de luxe utilisent les étoffes
splendides issues du mélange des cotons
de Doudouvet et de Blancoton."
546,34,6,"Luxusmarken verwenden oft feine Stoffe, die aus
Mischwolle von Waumboll und Cottomi
bestehen, für ihre Produkte."
546,34,7,"Combinando los algodones de los Cottonee y
Eldegoss se obtiene una tela exquisita, que usan
las marcas más exclusivas."
546,34,8,"Le case di alta moda utilizzano pregiati tessuti
realizzati con il cotone prodotto da Cottonee
ed Eldegoss."
546,34,9,"Weaving together the cotton of both Cottonee
and Eldegoss produces exquisite cloth thats
highly prized by many luxury brands."
546,34,11,"モンメンと ワタシラガの 綿を
混ぜて 織った 生地は 美しく
高級ブランドで 使われる。"
547,17,5,"Il se faufile comme le vent par les
espaces les plus étroits, en laissant
une touffe de poils blancs."
547,17,9,"Like the wind, it can slip through any
gap, no matter how small. It leaves
balls of white fluff behind."
547,18,5,"Il apparaît dans un tourbillon de vent,
sintroduit dans les maisons par les
interstices et y joue de mauvais tours."
547,18,9,"Riding whirlwinds, they appear.
These Pokémon sneak through gaps into
houses and cause all sorts of mischief."
547,21,9,"They appear along with whirlwinds. They
pull pranks, such as moving furniture
and leaving balls of cotton in homes."
547,22,9,"They appear along with whirlwinds. They
pull pranks, such as moving furniture
and leaving balls of cotton in homes."
547,23,1,"つむじかぜと ともに あらわれて
いえのなかの かぐを うごかしたり
わたを のこす いたずらをする。"
547,23,3,"회오리바람과 함께 나타나
집 안의 가구를 움직이거나
솜을 남기는 장난을 친다."
547,23,5,"Il apparaît dans un tourbillon de vent, sintroduit dans
les maisons et y joue de mauvais tours."
547,23,6,"Sie erscheinen mit Orkanböen und spielen den
Leuten Streiche, indem sie in Häusern Möbel
verrücken oder Watte verstreuen."
547,23,7,"Aparecen en medio de un torbellino y entran en las
casas para descolocar los muebles o esparcir algodón
por doquier."
547,23,8,"Appare con un vortice daria, facendo piccoli dispetti
come spostare i mobili nelle case o lasciare cotone
547,23,9,"They appear along with whirlwinds. They pull
pranks, such as moving furniture and leaving balls
of cotton in homes."
547,23,11,"つむじかぜと ともに 現われて
家の 中の 家具を 動かしたり
綿を 残す いたずらをする。"
547,24,1,"どんなに ほそい すきまでも
かぜのように くぐりぬけてしまう。
しろい けだまを のこしていく。"
547,24,3,"아무리 좁은 틈이라도
바람처럼 빠져나간다.
하얀 털 뭉치를 남기고 간다."
547,24,5,"Il se faufile comme le vent par les espaces les plus
étroits, en laissant une touffe de poils blancs."
547,24,6,"Passiert wie ein Luftzug mühelos jeden noch so engen
Spalt und hinterlässt dort nichts als ein weißes
547,24,7,"Es capaz de atravesar las más mínimas fisuras. A su
paso, deja bolitas blancas de pelo."
547,24,8,"Si infiltra nelle fessure più sottili, come un soffio di
vento, lasciando dietro di sé dei batuffoli bianchi."
547,24,9,"Like the wind, it can slip through any gap,
no matter how small. It leaves balls of white
fluff behind."
547,24,11,"どんなに 細い すきまでも
風のように 潜り抜けてしまう。
白い 毛玉を 残していく。"
547,25,1,"つむじかぜと ともに あらわれて
いえのなかの かぐを うごかしたり
わたを のこす いたずらをする。"
547,25,3,"회오리바람과 함께 나타나
집 안의 가구를 움직이거나
솜을 남기는 장난을 친다."
547,25,5,"Il apparaît dans un tourbillon de vent, sintroduit dans
les maisons et y joue de mauvais tours."
547,25,6,"Sie erscheinen mit Orkanböen und spielen den Leuten
Streiche, indem sie in Häusern Möbel verrücken oder
Watte verstreuen."
547,25,7,"Aparecen en medio de un torbellino y entran en las casas para
descolocar los muebles o esparcir algodón por doquier."
547,25,8,"Appare con un vortice daria, facendo piccoli dispetti come
spostare i mobili nelle case o lasciare cotone ovunque."
547,25,9,"They appear along with whirlwinds. They pull
pranks, such as moving furniture and leaving balls
of cotton in homes."
547,25,11,"つむじかぜと ともに 現われて
家の 中の 家具を 動かしたり
綿を 残す いたずらをする。"
547,26,1,"どんなに ほそい すきまでも
かぜのように くぐりぬけてしまう。
しろい けだまを のこしていく。"
547,26,3,"아무리 좁은 틈이라도
바람처럼 빠져나간다.
하얀 털 뭉치를 남기고 간다."
547,26,5,"Il se faufile comme le vent par les espaces les plus étroits,
en laissant une touffe de poils blancs."
547,26,6,"Passiert wie ein Luftzug mühelos jeden noch so engen Spalt
und hinterlässt dort nichts als ein weißes Fellknäuel."
547,26,7,"Es capaz de atravesar las más mínimas fisuras. A su paso,
deja bolitas blancas de pelo."
547,26,8,"Si infiltra nelle fessure più sottili, come un soffio di vento,
lasciando dietro di sé dei batuffoli bianchi."
547,26,9,"Like the wind, it can slip through any gap,
no matter how small. It leaves balls of white
fluff behind."
547,26,11,"どんなに 細い すきまでも
風のように 潜り抜けてしまう。
白い 毛玉を 残していく。"
547,27,1,"かぜに のり みんかに しんにゅう。
へやじゅうを わたまみれに すると
ニコニコ わらって さっていく。"
547,27,3,"바람을 타고 민가에 침입한다.
방 안을 솜투성이로 만들고
싱글벙글 웃으며 떠난다."
547,27,5,"Il sintroduit chez les gens à la faveur dun
courant dair, répand du coton aux quatre coins
de la pièce puis repart comme si de rien nétait."
547,27,6,"Über Luftzüge dringt es in Häuser ein, verstreut
in allen Zimmern Watte und macht sich dann
lächelnd davon."
547,27,7,"Entra en las casas con las corrientes de aire y
esparce algodón por todas partes. Desaparece
entre risas tras su travesura."
547,27,8,"Entra nelle case trasportato dal vento.
Dopo averle riempite di cotone, se ne va
ridendo felice."
547,27,9,"It rides on the wind and slips into peoples
homes. After it has turned a room into a cotton-
filled mess, it giggles to itself and takes off."
547,27,11,"風に 乗り 民家に 侵入。
部屋中を 綿まみれに すると
ニコニコ 笑って 去っていく。"
547,28,1,"かぜに のって あらわれるが
あまりに かぜが つよすぎると
あたまの わたが ちぎれてしまう。"
547,28,3,"바람을 타고 나타나지만
바람이 너무 강하면
머리의 솜이 흩어져 버린다."
547,28,5,"Ce Pokémon se déplace au gré du vent. Lorsquil
souffle trop fort, il arrive que Farfaduvet perde
le coton quil porte sur sa tête."
547,28,6,"Es reitet auf dem Wind, doch wenn dieser
zu stark ist, wird die Watte an seinem Kopf
547,28,7,"Aparece al levantarse el viento, pero, cuando
este arrecia, pierde el algodón de la cabeza."
547,28,8,"Si sposta fluttuando nellaria.
Se il vento è troppo forte, perde il cotone che ha
sulla testa."
547,28,9,"This Pokémon appears, riding upon the wind.
But if the wind gusts up, itll blow the cotton on
this Pokémons head clean off."
547,28,11,"風に 乗って 現れるが
あまりに 風が 強すぎると
頭の 綿が 千切れてしまう。"
547,29,1,"みんかに しのびこみ たいせつな
ものを かくしたり へやじゅうに
わたを まきちらす やっかいものだ。"
547,29,3,"민가에 몰래 들어가 소중한 물건을
감추거나 솜을 방 안에 여기저기
흩트러 놓는 성가신 존재이다."
547,29,5,"Ce petit chenapan sintroduit chez les gens,
cache leurs affaires et répand du coton aux
quatre coins de la pièce."
547,29,6,"Ein Störenfried, der heimlich in Wohnhäuser
eindringt und dann wichtige Dinge versteckt
sowie in allen Zimmern Watte verstreut."
547,29,7,"Este travieso Pokémon entra sigilosamente en
las casas, esconde los objetos valiosos y
dispersa bolas de algodón por todas partes."
547,29,8,"È dispettoso e ama entrare di soppiatto nelle
case, nascondendo oggetti importanti e
spargendo cotone ovunque."
547,29,9,"This nuisance sneaks into peoples homes,
where it hides important things and scatters
cotton all over the place."
547,29,11,"民家に 忍び込み 大切な
ものを 隠したり 部屋中に
綿を まき散らす 厄介者だ。"
547,30,1,"とくていの すみかを もたない。
つむじかぜに のって あちこちに
あらわれては イタズラを するのだ。"
547,30,3,"특정한 서식지가 정해져 있지 않다.
회오리바람을 타고 여기저기에
나타나서는 장난을 친다."
547,30,5,"Ce Pokémon sans domicile fixe se laisse porter
par les tornades et sème la zizanie partout où
il passe."
547,30,6,"Es lässt sich nirgends nieder, sondern reitet
wohin auch immer Orkanböen es tragen und
spielt den Leuten dann Streiche."
547,30,7,"Este Pokémon no vive en un lugar determinado,
sino que se deja llevar por los torbellinos para
desplazarse y realizar sus travesuras."
547,30,8,"Non ha un habitat fisso e si sposta fluttuando
trasportato dai vortici daria, facendo dispetti
ovunque va."
547,30,9,"Whimsicott doesnt live in a fixed location. It
floats around on whirling winds, appearing all
over the place to perform its mischief."
547,30,11,"特定の 棲み処を 持たない。
つむじ風に 乗って あちこちに
現れては イタズラを するのだ。"
547,33,1,"ワタを まきちらし イタズラする。
みずを かけると おもくなって
うごけなくなり かんねんするぞ。"
547,33,3,"솜을 흩뿌리며 장난을 친다.
물을 끼얹으면 무거워져서
움직일 수 없게 되어 포기한다."
547,33,5,"Il joue de mauvais tours en répandant son coton.
Si on le mouille, il salourdit et ne peut plus
bouger, ce qui loblige à savouer vaincu."
547,33,6,"Es verstreut Watte, um Leute zu ärgern. Es hört
damit auf, wenn es nass wird, weil es dann zu
schwer ist und sich nicht mehr bewegen kann."
547,33,7,"Este travieso Pokémon se divierte esparciendo
bolas de algodón. Al mojarlo, su peso aumenta
tanto que no logra moverse y se da por vencido."
547,33,8,"Si diverte a spargere cotone ovunque. Se gli si
versa dellacqua addosso, diventa troppo
pesante per muoversi e si arrende."
547,33,9,"It scatters cotton all over the place as a prank. If
it gets wet, itll become too heavy to move and
have no choice but to answer for its mischief."
547,33,11,"綿を まき散らし イタズラする。
水を かけると 重くなって
動けなくなり 観念するぞ。"
547,34,1,"ひのひかりを あびるたび ワタが
ふくらんでいく。 ふくらみすぎると
ちぎって あたりに まきちらす。"
547,34,3,"햇빛을 받을수록 솜이
부풀어 오른다. 너무 부풀면
찢어져 주위로 흩어진다."
547,34,5,"Son coton se met à gonfler sous les rayons
du soleil. Quand il est trop volumineux,
il seffiloche et se répand aux alentours."
547,34,6,"Sonnenlicht lässt seine Wolle anwachsen. Wird
das Volumen zu groß, zupft es die Wolle ab und
verstreut sie überall in der Gegend."
547,34,7,"Su algodón se expande cuando recibe los rayos
del sol, pero acaba desprendiéndose si se vuelve
demasiado voluminoso."
547,34,8,"Il cotone sul suo corpo si gonfia con la luce
del sole. Quando diventa eccessivamente
voluminoso, si stacca disperdendosi ovunque."
547,34,9,"As long as this Pokémon bathes in sunlight, its
cotton keeps growing. If too much cotton fluff
builds up, Whimsicott tears it off and scatters it."
547,34,11,"日の光を 浴びるたび 綿が
膨らんでいく。 膨らみすぎると
ちぎって あたりに まき散らす。"
548,17,5,"Les feuilles sur sa tête sont très
amères, mais elles remettent daplomb
les corps les plus éreintés."
548,17,9,"The leaves on its head are very bitter.
Eating one of these leaves is known
to refresh a tired body."
548,18,5,"Il aime les zones bien irriguées et riches
en nutriments. On sait que là où il vit,
les cultures sont florissantes."
548,18,9,"Since they prefer moist, nutrient-rich
soil, the areas where Petilil live are
known to be good for growing plants."
548,21,9,"The leaves on its head grow right back
even if they fall out. These bitter
leaves refresh those who eat them."
548,22,9,"The leaves on its head grow right back
even if they fall out. These bitter
leaves refresh those who eat them."
548,23,1,"あたまの はっぱを かじると
とても にがいが つかれた からだを
げんきにする こうかが あるのだ。"
548,23,3,"머리의 잎사귀를 갉아먹으면
매우 쓰지만 지친 몸을
회복시켜주는 효과가 있다."
548,23,5,"Les feuilles sur sa tête sont très amères, mais elles
remettent daplomb les corps les plus éreintés."
548,23,6,"Die Blätter auf seinem Kopf schmecken furchtbar
bitter, doch sie helfen ausgezeichnet gegen
548,23,7,"Mordisquear las hojas de su cabeza permite recuperar
toda la vitalidad, a pesar de que están muy amargas."
548,23,8,"Le foglie che ha sul capo sono molto amare ma, se
masticate, hanno leffetto di rinvigorire il corpo stanco."
548,23,9,"The leaves on its head are very bitter. Eating one
of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body."
548,23,11,"頭の 葉っぱを かじると
とても 苦いが 疲れた 体を
元気にする 効果が あるのだ。"
548,24,1,"すいぶんと えいようの ほうふな
つちを このむので チュリネの すむ
とちは さくもつの そだちが よい。"
548,24,3,"치릴리는 수분과 영양이 풍부한
땅을 좋아하기 때문에 치릴리가
사는 토지는 작물이 잘 자란다."
548,24,5,"Il aime les zones bien irriguées et riches en
nutriments. On sait que là où il vit, les cultures sont
548,24,6,"Da es nährstoffreiche Erde bevorzugt, kann man in
Gebieten, in denen es lebt, für gewöhnlich reiche
Ernten erwarten."
548,24,7,"Habita tierras húmedas ricas en nutrientes donde
la cosecha es abundante."
548,24,8,"Dato che predilige i terreni ricchi di acqua e
nutrimento, nelle zone in cui vive Petilil i raccolti
sono rigogliosi."
548,24,9,"Since they prefer moist, nutrient-rich soil, the areas
where Petilil live are known to be good for
growing plants."
548,24,11,"水分と 栄養の 豊富な
土を 好むので チュリネの 住む
土地は 作物の 育ちが 良い。"
548,25,1,"あたまの はっぱを かじると
とても にがいが つかれた からだを
げんきにする こうかが あるのだ。"
548,25,3,"머리의 잎사귀를 갉아먹으면
매우 쓰지만 지친 몸을
회복시켜주는 효과가 있다."
548,25,5,"Les feuilles sur sa tête sont très amères, mais elles remettent
daplomb les corps les plus éreintés."
548,25,6,"Die Blätter auf seinem Kopf schmecken furchtbar bitter,
doch sie helfen ausgezeichnet gegen Erschöpfung."
548,25,7,"Mordisquear las hojas de su cabeza permite recuperar toda la
vitalidad, a pesar de que están muy amargas."
548,25,8,"Le foglie che ha sul capo sono molto amare ma, se masticate,
hanno leffetto di rinvigorire il corpo stanco."
548,25,9,"The leaves on its head are very bitter. Eating one
of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body."
548,25,11,"頭の 葉っぱを かじると
とても 苦いが 疲れた 体を
元気にする 効果が あるのだ。"
548,26,1,"すいぶんと えいようの ほうふな
つちを このむので チュリネの すむ
とちは さくもつの そだちが よい。"
548,26,3,"치릴리는 수분과 영양이 풍부한
땅을 좋아하기 때문에 치릴리가
사는 토지는 작물이 잘 자란다."
548,26,5,"Il aime les zones bien irriguées et riches en nutriments.
On sait que là où il vit, les cultures sont florissantes."
548,26,6,"Da es nährstoffreiche Erde bevorzugt, kann man in Gebieten,
in denen es lebt, für gewöhnlich reiche Ernten erwarten."
548,26,7,"Habita tierras húmedas ricas en nutrientes donde la cosecha
es abundante."
548,26,8,"Dato che predilige i terreni ricchi di acqua e nutrimento, nelle
zone in cui vive Petilil i raccolti sono rigogliosi."
548,26,9,"Since they prefer moist, nutrient-rich soil, the areas
where Petilil live are known to be good for
growing plants."
548,26,11,"水分と 栄養の 豊富な
土を 好むので チュリネの 住む
土地は 作物の 育ちが 良い。"
548,27,1,"あたまのはっぱは めまいが するほど
にがいが つかれた からだに きく。
せんじて のめば もっと きく。"
548,27,3,"머리의 잎사귀는 현기증이 날 만큼
쓰지만 몸이 피곤할 때 효과가 있다.
달여먹으면 효과가 더 크다."
548,27,5,"Les feuilles sur sa tête sont amères à en
cracher ses papilles, mais peuvent requinquer
les corps les plus meurtris, surtout en infusion."
548,27,6,"Die Blätter auf seinem Kopf sind furchtbar
bitter, helfen aber bei Erschöpfung. Als Tee
zubereitet, sind sie noch wirksamer."
548,27,7,"Las hojas de su cabeza son tan amargas que
casi producen náuseas, pero tienen un efecto
revitalizante, sobre todo en forma de infusión."
548,27,8,"Le foglie che ha sul capo sono amarissime, ma
hanno un effetto rinvigorente per il corpo.
Bevute in infusione, sono ancora più efficaci."
548,27,9,"Although the leaves on its head are bitter
enough to cause dizziness, they provide relief
from weariness—even more so when boiled."
548,27,11,"頭の葉っぱは めまいが するほど
苦いが 疲れた 身体に 効く。
煎じて 飲めば もっと 効く。"
548,28,1,"たまに はっぱを トリミングすると
まるまるとした りっぱな すがたに
そだって いくのだ。"
548,28,3,"가끔 잎을 손질해주면
둥글둥글한 훌륭한 모습으로
548,28,5,"Il est recommandé de tailler de temps à autre
les feuilles de Chlorobule afin quil acquière
une forme parfaitement ronde et harmonieuse."
548,28,6,"Wenn man ab und zu seine Blätter schneidet,
wächst sein Körper rund und prächtig heran."
548,28,7,"Adquiere un aspecto esplendoroso cuando se
le recortan las hojas de la cabeza con cierta
548,28,8,"Le foglie che ha sul capo vanno spuntate di
tanto in tanto per permettergli di crescere
florido e pieno."
548,28,9,"By pruning the leaves on its head with
regularity, this Pokémon can be grown into a
fine plump shape."
548,28,11,"たまに 葉っぱを トリミングすると
丸々とした 立派な 姿に
育って いくのだ。"
548,29,1,"あたまの はを てんぴで かわかし
せんじて のむと とうじの げんきが
もどると おとしよりに だいにんき。"
548,29,3,"머리의 잎을 햇볕에 말려
달여 마시면 젊은 시절의 기력이
돌아온다며 노인에게 큰 인기다."
548,29,5,"En raison de leurs vertus revigorantes,
les feuilles de sa tête sont séchées au soleil
puis bues en infusion par les personnes âgées."
548,29,6,"Sehr beliebt bei Senioren, da ein Tee aus den
sonnengetrockneten Blättern seines Kopfes
wie ein Schluck aus dem Jungbrunnen wirkt."
548,29,7,"Los ancianos aprecian las hojas de su cabeza,
ya que, secadas al sol y tomadas en infusión,
devuelven la vitalidad perdida."
548,29,8,"Le foglie che ha sul capo sono molto amate
dagli anziani perché, essiccate al sole e bevute
come tisana, hanno un effetto rinvigorente."
548,29,9,"Some say if you dry the leaves on its head, boil
them down, and drink the infusion, your vigor
will return, so Petilil is popular with the elderly."
548,29,11,"頭の 葉を 天日で 乾かし
煎じて 飲むと 当時の 元気が
戻ると お年寄りに 大人気。"
548,30,1,"きれいな みずと つちを このむ。
すみかの かんきょうが わるくなると
あらたなとちへと むれで ひっこす。"
548,30,3,"깨끗한 물과 흙을 좋아한다.
서식지의 환경이 나빠지면
새로운 장소로 무리가 이동한다."
548,30,5,"À cheval sur la qualité de la terre et de leau,
il migre avec ses congénères lorsque son
environnement se dégrade."
548,30,6,"Sie bevorzugen sauberes Wasser und reine Erde.
Sollten sich die Bedingungen in der Umgebung
verschlechtern, ziehen sie in der Gruppe weiter."
548,30,7,"Prefiere el agua y la tierra sin impurezas. Si el
entorno en el que habita empeora, emigra en
grupo hacia un nuevo territorio."
548,30,8,"I Petilil prediligono i luoghi caratterizzati da
terra e acqua pulite. Se il loro ambiente si
deteriora, si trasferiscono in massa."
548,30,9,"They prefer clean water and soil. When the
environment they live in turns bad, the whole
bunch will up and move to a new area."
548,30,11,"綺麗な 水と 土を 好む。
棲み処の 環境が 悪くなると
新たな土地へと 群れで 引っ越す。"
548,33,1,"きれいな みずべに あらわれる。
あたまの はを にだした しるは
むしよけに つかわれることもある。"
548,33,3,"깨끗한 물가에 나타난다.
머리의 잎을 우려낸 즙은
벌레를 쫓는 데 사용하기도 한다."
548,33,5,"Il apparaît non loin des eaux propres. On utilise
parfois les infusions préparées avec les feuilles
de sa tête pour éloigner les insectes."
548,33,6,"Lilminip hält sich unweit von sauberem Wasser
auf. Ein Aufguss der Blätter auf seinem Kopf wird
auch als Mittel gegen Käfer-Pokémon eingesetzt."
548,33,7,"Aparece en lugares de aguas limpias.
La decocción de las hojas de su cabeza se
puede utilizar como repelente de insectos."
548,33,8,"Appare in prossimità di acque limpide. Il decotto
ottenuto dalle foglie che ha sulla testa a volte
viene usato come repellente per gli insetti."
548,33,9,"Petilil appears around sources of clean water.
Boiling leaves from this Pokémons head results in
a liquid thats sometimes used as a bug repellent."
548,33,11,"きれいな 水辺に 現れる。
頭の 葉を 煮だした 汁は
虫よけに 使われることもある。"
548,34,1,"はの いろが こいほど けんこう。
ていれの いきとどいた はたけや
かだんに すみつくことも ある。"
548,34,3,"잎사귀의 색이 짙을수록 건강하다.
잘 정돈된 밭이나 화단에
자리잡고 살기도 한다."
548,34,5,"Plus ses feuilles sont foncées, plus il est en
bonne santé. Il sinstalle parfois dans les champs
ou les parterres de fleurs bien entretenus."
548,34,6,"Je kräftiger die Farbe seiner Blätter, desto
gesünder ist es. Lilminip lässt sich zuweilen in gut
gepflegten Blumenbeeten oder Feldern nieder."
548,34,7,"Cuanto más sano está este Pokémon, más intenso
se vuelve el color de sus hojas. A veces se asienta
en huertos o jardines de flores bien cuidados."
548,34,8,"Più il colore delle foglie è intenso, più è in salute.
A volte si stabilisce in campi o aiuole ben curate."
548,34,9,"The deeper the color of a Petilils leaves, the
healthier the Pokémon is. Petilil sometimes makes
its home in a well-tended field or flowerbed."
548,34,11,"葉の 色が 濃いほど 健康。
手入れの 行き届いた 畑や
花壇に 棲みつくことも ある。"
549,17,5,"Même les Dresseurs confirmés ont
du mal à faire éclore sa belle fleur.
Un Pokémon apprécié des célébrités."
549,17,9,"Even veteran Trainers face a challenge
in getting its beautiful flower to bloom.
This Pokémon is popular with celebrities."
549,18,5,"La fleur sur sa tête a des propriétés
relaxantes. Elle se fane si on ne sen
occupe pas avec attention."
549,18,9,"The fragrance of the garland on its head
has a relaxing effect. It withers if a
Trainer does not take good care of it."
549,21,9,"The fragrance of the garland on its head
has a relaxing effect, but taking
care of it is very difficult."
549,22,9,"The fragrance of the garland on its head
has a relaxing effect, but taking
care of it is very difficult."
549,23,1,"あたまの はなかざりの かおりには
リラックスさせる こうかが ある。
ていれを なまけると かれてしまう。"
549,23,3,"머리에 있는 꽃 장식의 향기에는
긴장을 풀어 주는 효과가 있다.
자주 손질하지 않으면 시들어 버린다."
549,23,5,"La fleur sur sa tête a des propriétés relaxantes.
Elle se fane si on ne sen occupe pas avec attention."
549,23,6,"Der Duft des Blumenschmucks auf seinem Kopf
wirkt beruhigend. Damit der Schmuck nicht
verwelkt, muss man es gut pflegen."
549,23,7,"El aroma de la flor de su tocado relaja a cualquiera a
su alrededor. Hay que cuidarle mucho para que no se
549,23,8,"I fiori che ha sulla testa spandono un profumo
rilassante, ma necessitano di continue attenzioni
per non appassire."
549,23,9,"The fragrance of the garland on its head has a
relaxing effect. It withers if a Trainer does not take
good care of it."
549,23,11,"頭の 花飾りの 香りには
リラックスさせる 効果が ある。
手入れを 怠けると 枯れてしまう。"
549,24,1,"うつくしい はなを さかせるのは
ベテラントレーナーでも むずかしい。
セレブに にんきの ポケモン。"
549,24,3,"베테랑 트레이너일지라도
아름다운 꽃을 피우기는 쉽지 않다.
유명 인사에게 인기가 많은 포켓몬이다."
549,24,5,"Même les Dresseurs confirmés ont du mal à faire
éclore sa belle fleur. Un Pokémon apprécié des
549,24,6,"Bei Promis ist es sehr beliebt. Auch gestandene
Trainer tun sich schwer damit, seine Blüte schön
aufblühen zu lassen."
549,24,7,"Todos los famosos quieren uno de estos Pokémon.
Incluso a los Entrenadores más curtidos les cuesta
que florezca."
549,24,8,"Neanche gli Allenatori più navigati riescono sempre a
fare schiudere il suo fiore. Va di moda fra le celebrità."
549,24,9,"Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its
beautiful flower to bloom. This Pokémon is popular
with celebrities."
549,24,11,"美しい 花を 咲かせるのは
ベテラントレーナーでも 難しい。
セレブに 人気の ポケモン。"
549,25,1,"あたまの はなかざりの かおりには
リラックスさせる こうかが ある。
ていれを なまけると かれてしまう。"
549,25,3,"머리에 있는 꽃 장식의 향기에는
긴장을 풀어 주는 효과가 있다.
자주 손질하지 않으면 시들어 버린다."
549,25,5,"La fleur sur sa tête a des propriétés relaxantes. Elle se fane
si on ne sen occupe pas avec attention."
549,25,6,"Der Duft des Blumenschmucks auf seinem Kopf wirkt
beruhigend. Damit der Schmuck nicht verwelkt, muss man
es gut pflegen."
549,25,7,"El aroma de la flor de su tocado relaja a cualquiera a su
alrededor. Hay que cuidarle mucho para que no se marchite."
549,25,8,"I fiori che ha sulla testa spandono un profumo rilassante,
ma necessitano di continue attenzioni per non appassire."
549,25,9,"The fragrance of the garland on its head has a
relaxing effect. It withers if a Trainer does not take
good care of it."
549,25,11,"頭の 花飾りの 香りには
リラックスさせる 効果が ある。
手入れを 怠けると 枯れてしまう。"
549,26,1,"うつくしい はなを さかせるのは
ベテラントレーナーでも むずかしい。
セレブに にんきの ポケモン。"
549,26,3,"베테랑 트레이너일지라도
아름다운 꽃을 피우기는 쉽지 않다.
유명 인사에게 인기가 많은 포켓몬이다."
549,26,5,"Même les Dresseurs confirmés ont du mal à faire éclore
sa belle fleur. Un Pokémon apprécié des célébrités."
549,26,6,"Bei Promis ist es sehr beliebt. Auch gestandene Trainer tun
sich schwer damit, seine Blüte schön aufblühen zu lassen."
549,26,7,"Todos los famosos quieren uno de estos Pokémon. Incluso
a los Entrenadores más curtidos les cuesta que florezca."
549,26,8,"Neanche gli Allenatori più navigati riescono sempre a fare
schiudere il suo fiore. Va di moda fra le celebrità."
549,26,9,"Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its
beautiful flower to bloom. This Pokémon is popular
with celebrities."
549,26,11,"美しい 花を 咲かせるのは
ベテラントレーナーでも 難しい。
セレブに 人気の ポケモン。"
549,27,1,"どんなに てまと おかねを かけても
ひとの てで さかせるよりも やせいで
さく はなの ほうが うつくしい。"
549,27,3,"아무리 시간과 돈을 들여도
사람 손으로 피우는 것보다
야생에서 피는 꽃이 더 아름답다."
549,27,5,"La main la plus verte au monde ne saurait faire
éclore une fleur de Fragilady aussi belle que
celles qui sépanouissent à létat sauvage."
549,27,6,"Egal, wie viel Mühe und Geld investiert wird,
sein Blumenschmuck ist wild gewachsen immer
schöner als von Menschenhand gezüchtet."
549,27,7,"Por muchos esfuerzos o dinero que destine la
gente para hacerla florecer, siempre es más
bella la flor que brota en un ejemplar salvaje."
549,27,8,"Per quanto si possano impiegare tempo, denaro
e fatica nella cura di questo Pokémon, il suo
fiore sarà sempre più bello se sboccia in natura."
549,27,9,"No matter how much time and money is spent
raising it, its flowers are the most beautiful
when they bloom in the wild."
549,27,11,"どんなに 手間と お金を かけても
人の 手で 咲かせるよりも 野生で
咲く 花の ほうが 美しい。"
549,28,1,"パートナーとなる ♂が できた
とたんに うつくしい はなは
くすんで しおれ かれていく。"
549,28,3,"파트너인 수컷이 생기면
아름다운 꽃은 곧
생기 없이 시들어 말라간다."
549,28,5,"Dès lors quune Fragilady trouve un compagnon
mâle, sa si jolie fleur se dessèche, se flétrit
et finit par se faner."
549,28,6,"Sobald es einen Partner gefunden hat, verwelkt
sein wunderschöner Blumenschmuck."
549,28,7,"Nada más encontrar un compañero, su bella flor
comienza a languidecer y poco a poco se va
marchitando sin remedio."
549,28,8,"Appena trova un compagno, il meraviglioso fiore
che ha sulla testa appassisce e si secca."
549,28,9,"As soon as it finds a male to be its partner,
the beautiful flower on its head darkens,
droops, and withers away."
549,28,11,"パートナーとなる ♂が できた
途端に 美しい 花は
くすんで しおれ 枯れていく。"
549,29,1,"そだった つちの せいぶんに よって
はなの かおりは すこしずつ ちがう。
かぐと こころが いやされ やすらぐ。"
549,29,3,"자란 흙의 성분에 따라 꽃향기는
조금씩 다르다. 냄새를 맡으면
마음이 치유되고 평온해진다."
549,29,5,"Le parfum de sa fleur calme les nerfs et apaise
lesprit. Il varie légèrement selon la composition
de la terre dans laquelle Fragilady a poussé."
549,29,6,"Sein Blumenduft wird von der Beschaffenheit
der Erde, auf der es aufwächst, beeinflusst.
Daran zu riechen ist eine Wohltat für die Seele."
549,29,7,"El olor que desprende su flor varía en función
de la composición de la tierra en la que crezca.
Su aroma calma los nervios y sosiega el alma."
549,29,8,"Il profumo del suo fiore, che varia lievemente in
base alla composizione del terreno dove il
Pokémon è cresciuto, dona serenità."
549,29,9,"The fragrance of its flower differs slightly
depending on the soil where it grew up.
Sniffing the aroma calms your heart and mind."
549,29,11,"育った 土の 成分に よって
花の 香りは 少しずつ 違う。
嗅ぐと 心が 癒され 安らぐ。"
549,30,1,"うつくしいので ほかの ポケモンに
すかれる。 あたまのはなは ていれを
おこたると すぐに くさって かれる。"
549,30,3,"아름다워서 다른 포켓몬들에게
사랑받는다. 머리의 꽃은 손질을
게을리하면 금방 상해서 시든다."
549,30,5,"Sa beauté lui confère une grande popularité
auprès des autres Pokémon. Si lon ne prend
pas soin de la fleur sur sa tête, elle fane."
549,30,6,"Es ist aufgrund seiner Schönheit bei anderen
Pokémon beliebt. Die Blume an seinem Kopf
verwelkt sofort, wenn man sie nicht pflegt."
549,30,7,"Su belleza fascina a otros Pokémon. La flor de la
cabeza se marchita enseguida si no se le presta
el cuidado necesario."
549,30,8,"La sua bellezza affascina anche gli altri
Pokémon. Il fiore che ha sulla testa necessita
di continue attenzioni, altrimenti appassisce."
549,30,9,"Its well liked by other Pokémon because of its
beauty. The flower on its head needs constant
care, or it will soon wither and rot."
549,30,11,"美しいので 他の ポケモンに
好かれる。 頭の花は 手入れを
怠ると すぐに 腐って 枯れる。"
549,33,1,"いちりゅうの えんげいかでも
あたまの はなを さかせるのは
しなんのわざと いわれている。"
549,33,3,"일류 원예가라 하더라도
머리의 꽃을 피우는 일은
매우 어렵다고 전해진다."
549,33,5,"On raconte que même les meilleurs horticulteurs
ont énormément de mal à faire éclore sa fleur."
549,33,6,"Man sagt, dass selbst erstklassige Gärtner
Schwierigkeiten damit haben, die Blume auf
Dressellas Kopf zum Blühen zu bringen."
549,33,7,"Se dice que conseguir que la flor de su cabeza
florezca es una empresa titánica incluso para los
mejores jardineros."
549,33,8,"Si dice che riuscire a far sbocciare il fiore sulla
sua testa sia unimpresa ardua anche per
i floricoltori più esperti."
549,33,9,"Its believed that even first-rate gardeners have a
hard time getting the flower on a Lilligants head
to bloom."
549,33,11,"一流の 園芸家でも
頭の 花を 咲かせるのは
至難の業と 言われている。"
549,34,1,"はなから つくられる せいゆは
ごくじょうの かおりが するが
めが とびでるほど こうかだ。"
549,34,3,"꽃으로 만든 정유는
최고의 향을 내지만
눈이 튀어나올 정도로 비싸다."
549,34,5,"Lhuile essentielle extraite de sa fleur dégage
un parfum exceptionnel, mais elle coûte
extrêmement cher."
549,34,6,"Das aus seiner Blume gewonnene ätherische Öl
verströmt den allerfeinsten Duft, doch es kostet
ein Vermögen."
549,34,7,"El aceite esencial que se extrae de su flor emana
un aroma sublime, aunque su precio resulta
549,34,8,"Lolio essenziale che si ottiene dal fiore ha un
profumo sublime, ma costa un occhio della testa."
549,34,9,"Essential oils made from Lilligant flowers
have a sublime scent, but theyre also
staggeringly expensive."
549,34,11,"花から 作られる 精油は
極上の 香りが するが
目が 飛び出るほど 高価だ。"
550,17,5,"Les bleus et les rouges se détestent
cordialement et se battent dès quils
saperçoivent. Un Pokémon très violent."
550,17,9,"Red and blue Basculin get along so
poorly, theyll start fighting instantly.
These Pokémon are very hostile."
550,18,5,"Les rouges et les bleus se détestent,
mais il y en a toujours un ou deux
dans un groupe de lautre couleur."
550,18,9,"Red and blue Basculin usually do not
get along, but sometimes members of one
school mingle with the others school."
550,21,9,"Red- and blue-striped Basculin are
very violent and always fighting.
They are also remarkably tasty."
550,22,9,"Red- and blue-striped Basculin are
very violent and always fighting.
They are also remarkably tasty."
550,23,1,"とても らんぼうで いつも あかと
あおの バスラオは あらそっている。
たべると いがいと おいしいらしい。"
550,23,3,"아주 난폭하고 항상 빨강과
파랑의 배쓰나이는 다투고 있다.
먹으면 의외로 맛있다고 한다."
550,23,5,"Les rouges et les bleus se détestent et se battent
dès quils saperçoivent. Un Pokémon violent mais
550,23,6,"Sie gelten als Delikatesse. Aufgrund ihrer brutalen
Natur liegen rot und blau gestreifte Exemplare
immer im Clinch."
550,23,7,"Los de color azul y los de color rojo siempre se
pelean. Son muy violentos, pero su sabor es
550,23,8,"I Basculin con la linea rossa e quelli con la linea
blu sono molto violenti e litigano spesso."
550,23,9,"Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and
always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty."
550,23,11,"とても 乱暴で いつも あかと
あおの バスラオは 争っている。
食べると 意外と おいしいらしい。"
550,24,1,"あかと あおの バスラオは なかが
わるいが なぜか いろの ちがう
こたいが むれに まぎれこんでいる。"
550,24,3,"빨강과 파랑 배쓰나이는 사이가
나쁨에도 불구하고 같은 무리에
다른 색 개체가 섞여 있다."
550,24,5,"Les rouges et les bleus se détestent, mais il y en
a toujours un ou deux dans un groupe de lautre
550,24,6,"Rot gestreifte und blau gestreifte Exemplare sind
sich feindlich gesonnen. Doch ist jeder Schwarm
bunt gemischt."
550,24,7,"Los Basculin con la raya roja y aquellos con la raya
azul se llevan fatal, pero algunos tienden a agruparse."
550,24,8,"I Basculin con la linea rossa e quelli con la linea blu
non vanno daccordo ma, chissà perché, in gruppo
si mescolano."
550,24,9,"Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along,
but sometimes members of one school mingle with
the others school."
550,24,11,"赤と 青の バスラオは 仲が 悪いが
なぜか 色の 違う 個体が
群れに 紛れこんでいる。"
550,25,1,"とても らんぼうで いつも あかと
あおの バスラオは あらそっている。
たべると いがいと おいしいらしい。"
550,25,3,"아주 난폭하고 항상 빨강과
파랑의 배쓰나이는 다투고 있다.
먹으면 의외로 맛있다고 한다."
550,25,5,"Les rouges et les bleus se détestent et se battent dès quils
saperçoivent. Un Pokémon violent mais délicieux."
550,25,6,"Sie gelten als Delikatesse. Aufgrund ihrer brutalen Natur
liegen rot und blau gestreifte Exemplare immer im Clinch."
550,25,7,"Los de color azul y los de color rojo siempre se pelean. Son
muy violentos, pero su sabor es excepcional."
550,25,8,"I Basculin con la linea rossa e quelli con la linea blu sono
molto violenti e litigano spesso."
550,25,9,"Red- and blue-striped Basculin are very violent and
always fighting. They are also remarkably tasty."
550,25,11,"とても 乱暴で いつも あかと
あおの バスラオは 争っている。
食べると 意外と おいしいらしい。"
550,26,1,"あかと あおの バスラオは なかが
わるいが なぜか いろの ちがう
こたいが むれに まぎれこんでいる。"
550,26,3,"빨강과 파랑 배쓰나이는 사이가
나쁨에도 불구하고 같은 무리에
다른 색 개체가 섞여 있다."
550,26,5,"Les rouges et les bleus se détestent, mais il y en a toujours
un ou deux dans un groupe de lautre couleur."
550,26,6,"Rot gestreifte und blau gestreifte Exemplare sind sich feindlich
gesonnen. Doch ist jeder Schwarm bunt gemischt."
550,26,7,"Los Basculin con la raya roja y aquellos con la raya azul se
llevan fatal, pero algunos tienden a agruparse."
550,26,8,"I Basculin con la linea rossa e quelli con la linea blu non vanno
daccordo ma, chissà perché, in gruppo si mescolano."
550,26,9,"Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along,
but sometimes members of one school mingle with
the others school."
550,26,11,"赤と 青の バスラオは 仲が 悪いが
なぜか 色の 違う 個体が
群れに 紛れこんでいる。"
550,29,1,"らんぼうかつ どうもうな ポケモン。
あかとあおの バスラオは なわばりを
めぐって いつも ケンカしている。"
550,29,3,"난폭하고 사나운 포켓몬.
빨강과 파랑의 배쓰나이는
영역을 두고 언제나 싸운다."
550,29,5,"Cest un Pokémon dune grande férocité.
Les Bargantua bleus et les Bargantua rouges
se livrent une guerre territoriale sans merci."
550,29,6,"Ein wildes und brutales Pokémon. Rot gestreifte
und blau gestreifte Barschuft tragen ständig
Kämpfe um ihr Territorium aus."
550,29,7,"Este Pokémon tiene un carácter violento y feroz.
Las peleas entre los de color azul y los de color
rojo para marcar territorio son frecuentes."
550,29,8,"È un Pokémon particolarmente violento e feroce.
I Basculin con la linea rossa e quelli con la linea
blu litigano spesso per il territorio."
550,29,9,"Savage, violent Pokémon, red and blue Basculin
are always fighting each other over territory."
550,29,11,"乱暴かつ 獰猛な ポケモン。
赤と 青の バスラオは 縄張りを
巡って いつも ケンカしている。"
550,30,1,"らんぼう なので バスラオの むれが
あらわれた みずうみには ヘイガニや
シザリガーくらいしか いなくなるぞ。"
550,30,3,"난폭해서 배쓰나이 무리가
나타난 호수에는 가재군이나
가재장군 정도밖에 남지 않게 된다."
550,30,5,"Il est si violent que tous les Pokémon
disparaissent des lacs où un banc de Bargantua
sinstalle, à part les Écrapince et les Colhomard."
550,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist so brutal, dass in Seen
neben einem Schwarm Barschuft nur noch
Krebscorps und Krebutack bestehen können."
550,30,7,"Es tan violento que en los lagos donde aparece
un banco de Basculin solo son capaces de
quedarse Corphish o Crawdaunt."
550,30,8,"I Basculin sono così violenti che, quando
arrivano in gruppo in un lago, tutti i Pokémon
spariscono a parte i Corphish e i Crawdaunt."
550,30,9,"When a school of Basculin appears in a lake,
everything else disappears, except for Corphish
and Crawdaunt. Thats how violent Basculin are."
550,30,11,"乱暴 なので バスラオの 群れが
現れた 湖には ヘイガニや
シザリガーくらいしか いなくなるぞ。"
550,33,1,"タフな ファイトが つりびとに
だいにんき。 むだんで いけに
はなすので どんどん ふえる。"
550,33,3,"힘이 세기 때문에 낚시꾼들에게
인기가 많다. 무단으로 연못에 놓아줘서
점점 개체 수가 늘어나고 있다."
550,33,5,"Le capturer est un défi que les Pêcheurs aiment
relever. Ils vont jusquà en libérer illégalement
dans les lacs, ce qui conduit à leur prolifération."
550,33,6,"Sie sind bei Anglern beliebt, weil sie ihnen harte
Kämpfe liefern. Sie werden oft illegal in Teichen
ausgesetzt, wodurch sie sich schneller verbreiten."
550,33,7,"Muy popular entre los Pescadores por su fiereza.
Ha proliferado debido a la introducción ilegal de
ejemplares en los lagos."
550,33,8,"È popolare tra i pescatori per le sue lotte audaci.
Continua a proliferare perché numerosi esemplari
vengono rilasciati nei laghi senza permesso."
550,33,9,"Anglers love the fight this Pokémon puts up on
the hook. And there are always more to catch—
many people release them into lakes illicitly."
550,33,11,"タフな ファイトが 釣り人に
大人気。 無断で 池に
放すので どんどん 増える。"
550,34,1,"むかしは しょくたくに のぼった。
あかすじの バスラオの みは
あぶらが おおく わかものむき。"
550,34,3,"옛날에는 식탁에 올랐다.
적색근 배쓰나이의 살코기는
기름이 많아 젊은 층이 좋아한다."
550,34,5,"On lutilisait autrefois en cuisine.
La chair grasse des Bargantua à motif rouge
était plutôt destinée aux jeunes."
550,34,6,"Früher standen sie oft auf dem Speiseplan. Das
Fleisch rotliniger Exemplare war wegen seines
hohen Fettanteils bei jungen Leuten sehr beliebt."
550,34,7,"Un alimento básico de la dieta de antaño. A los
jóvenes se les daba Basculin de raya roja por su
alto contenido en ácidos grasos."
550,34,8,"Utilizzati in passato in cucina, i Basculin Forma
Linearossa erano ritenuti adatti ai giovani
per la loro carne ad alto contenuto di grassi."
550,34,9,"In the past, it often appeared on the dinner
table. The meat of red-striped Basculin is on the
fatty side, and its more popular with the youth."
550,34,11,"むかしは 食卓に のぼった。
赤筋の バスラオの 身は
脂が 多く 若者むき。"
551,17,5,"Il vit dans le sable des déserts.
Le sable chauffé par le soleil empêche
son corps de refroidir."
551,17,9,"They live buried in the sands of the
desert. The sun-warmed sands prevent
their body temperature from dropping."
551,18,5,"Il se déplace dans le sable en gardant
le nez et les yeux à découvert.
La membrane noire protège ses yeux."
551,18,9,"It moves along below the sands surface,
except for its nose and eyes. A dark
membrane shields its eyes from the sun."
551,21,9,"They live hidden under hot desert
sands in order to keep their body
temperature from dropping."
551,22,9,"They live hidden under hot desert
sands in order to keep their body
temperature from dropping."
551,23,1,"すなの なかに もぐり めと はなを
そとに だして いどうする。
くろい まくが めを まもる。"
551,23,3,"모래 속에 파고들어 눈과 코를
밖에 내놓고 이동한다.
검은 막이 눈을 보호한다."
551,23,5,"Il se déplace dans le sable en gardant le nez et
les yeux à découvert. La membrane noire protège
ses yeux."
551,23,6,"Wenn es sich durch den Sand gräbt, ragen nur
noch Nase und Augen hervor. Die schwarze Haut
dient als Augenschutz."
551,23,7,"Se desplaza hundido en la arena, dejando al
descubierto solo los ojos y la nariz. Una membrana
negra le protege los ojos."
551,23,8,"Si nasconde sotto la sabbia e si sposta cacciando
fuori gli occhi e il naso. Una membrana nera gli
protegge gli occhi."
551,23,9,"It moves along below the sands surface, except
for its nose and eyes. A dark membrane shields its
eyes from the sun."
551,23,11,"砂の 中に 潜り 目と 鼻を
外に 出して 移動する。
黒い 膜が 目を 守る。"
551,24,1,"さばくの すなの なかで せいかつ。
たいように あたためられた すなが
たいおんの ていかを ふせぐのだ。"
551,24,3,"사막의 모래 속에서 생활한다.
태양 때문에 따뜻해진 모래가
체온 저하를 막아준다."
551,24,5,"Il vit dans le sable des déserts. Le sable chauffé par
le soleil empêche son corps de refroidir."
551,24,6,"Es lebt im Wüstensand. Der durch die Sonne erhitzte
Sand gewährleistet, dass es immer schön warm
eingepackt ist."
551,24,7,"Vive en las arenas desérticas, donde las altas
temperaturas de las mismas evitan que su cuerpo
se enfríe."
551,24,8,"Vive nella sabbia del deserto che, scaldata dal sole,
impedisce alla sua temperatura corporea di scendere."
551,24,9,"They live buried in the sands of the desert.
The sun-warmed sands prevent their body
temperature from dropping."
551,24,11,"砂漠の 砂の 中で 生活。
太陽に 暖められた 砂が
体温の 低下を 防ぐのだ。"
551,25,1,"すなの なかに もぐり めと はなを
そとに だして いどうする。
くろい まくが めを まもる。"
551,25,3,"모래 속에 파고들어 눈과 코를
밖에 내놓고 이동한다.
검은 막이 눈을 보호한다."
551,25,5,"Il se déplace dans le sable en gardant le nez et les yeux
à découvert. La membrane noire protège ses yeux."
551,25,6,"Wenn es sich durch den Sand gräbt, ragen nur noch Nase
und Augen hervor. Die schwarze Haut dient als Augenschutz."
551,25,7,"Se desplaza hundido en la arena, dejando al descubierto solo
los ojos y la nariz. Una membrana negra le protege los ojos."
551,25,8,"Si nasconde sotto la sabbia e si sposta cacciando fuori gli
occhi e il naso. Una membrana nera gli protegge gli occhi."
551,25,9,"It moves along below the sands surface, except
for its nose and eyes. A dark membrane shields its
eyes from the sun."
551,25,11,"砂の 中に 潜り 目と 鼻を
外に 出して 移動する。
黒い 膜が 目を 守る。"
551,26,1,"さばくの すなの なかで せいかつ。
たいように あたためられた すなが
たいおんの ていかを ふせぐのだ。"
551,26,3,"사막의 모래 속에서 생활한다.
태양 때문에 따뜻해진 모래가
체온 저하를 막아준다."
551,26,5,"Il vit dans le sable des déserts. Le sable chauffé par le soleil
empêche son corps de refroidir."
551,26,6,"Es lebt im Wüstensand. Der durch die Sonne erhitzte Sand
gewährleistet, dass es immer schön warm eingepackt ist."
551,26,7,"Vive en las arenas desérticas, donde las altas temperaturas
de las mismas evitan que su cuerpo se enfríe."
551,26,8,"Vive nella sabbia del deserto che, scaldata dal sole, impedisce
alla sua temperatura corporea di scendere."
551,26,9,"They live buried in the sands of the desert.
The sun-warmed sands prevent their body
temperature from dropping."
551,26,11,"砂漠の 砂の 中で 生活。
太陽に 暖められた 砂が
体温の 低下を 防ぐのだ。"
551,27,1,"すなのなかに もぐり およぐように
いどう。 てきに みつからないためと
たいおんを さげない ちえ なのだ。"
551,27,3,"모래 속에 숨어서 헤엄치는 것처럼
이동한다. 적에게 들키지 않으면서
체온이 내려가지 않기 위한 지혜다."
551,27,5,"Ce Pokémon avance tapi dans le sable, une
manière pour lui de se cacher des prédateurs
et de maintenir sa température corporelle."
551,27,6,"Es bewegt sich verborgen im Sand mithilfe von
Schwimmbewegungen fort. So versteckt es sich
vor Gegnern und bleibt immer schön warm."
551,27,7,"Se desplaza sumergido bajo la arena, como si
nadase. Así se esconde de sus enemigos y evita
que descienda su temperatura corporal."
551,27,8,"Si nasconde sotto la sabbia e si sposta come
se nuotasse. In questo modo evita i nemici e
mantiene alta la sua temperatura corporea."
551,27,9,"It submerges itself in sand and moves as if
swimming. This wise behavior keeps its enemies
from finding it and maintains its temperature."
551,27,11,"砂の中に 潜り 泳ぐように
移動。 敵に みつからないためと
体温を 下げない 知恵 なのだ。"
551,28,1,"すなのなかに みを ひそめ うえを
あるいた えものの あしを ガブリ。
だいこうぶつは ナックラー。"
551,28,3,"모래 속에 몸을 숨기고 위를
걸어가는 먹이의 다리를 덥석 문다.
가장 좋아하는 것은 톱치."
551,28,5,"Tapi dans le sable, il attend quune proie passe
pour lui croquer la patte. Il a notamment un gros
faible pour les Kraknoix en guise dapéritif."
551,28,6,"Es verbirgt sich im Sand und wartet auf Beute,
um sie von unten in die Beine zu beißen.
Besonders gern frisst es Knacklion."
551,28,7,"Se desplaza hundido en la arena y atrapa a las
presas incautas de la superficie mordiéndoles la
pata. Su manjar favorito son los Trapinch."
551,28,8,"Si nasconde sotto la sabbia e azzanna le zampe
dei Pokémon che gli camminano sopra. È ghiotto
di Trapinch."
551,28,9,"It conceals itself in the sand and chomps down
on the legs of any prey that unwarily walk over
it. Its favorite food is Trapinch."
551,28,11,"砂の中に 身を 潜め 上を
歩いた 獲物の 足を ガブリ。
大好物は ナックラー。"
551,29,1,"ねんじゅう あたたかい アローラは
すごしやすい かんきょう。 さばく
いがいでも ときどき みかける。"
551,29,3,"일 년 내내 따듯한 알로라는
지내기 좋은 환경이다.
사막이 아닌 곳에서도 가끔 볼 수 있다."
551,29,5,"Les températures tropicales dAlola sont idéales
pour ce Pokémon, que lon peut même parfois
rencontrer en dehors du désert."
551,29,6,"Das ganzjährig warme Klima der Alola-Region
bietet ihm günstige Lebensbedingungen. Ab und
an trifft man es sogar außerhalb von Wüsten an."
551,29,7,"El hábitat de Alola, cálido durante todo el año,
es ideal para este Pokémon, por lo que también
se le puede ver fuera del desierto."
551,29,8,"Le temperature tropicali di Alola rendono questa
regione lambiente ideale per i Sandile, tanto che
vengono avvistati anche fuori dai deserti."
551,29,9,"Alola, where its warm all year round, is a
comfortable environment for this Pokémon.
Sometimes youll even see it outside of deserts."
551,29,11,"年中 暖かい アローラは
過ごしやすい 環境。 砂漠
以外でも 時々 見かける。"
551,30,1,"まだ かりは へたなので おもに
さばくで いきだおれたものを くう。
さばくのそうじやと よばれる。"
551,30,3,"아직 사냥은 서툴러서 주로
사막에서 객사한 것을 먹는다.
사막의 청소부라 불린다."
551,30,5,"Nétant pas très bon chasseur, il se nourrit de
la charogne quil trouve dans les dunes, ce qui
lui vaut son surnom de «nettoyeur du désert»."
551,30,6,"Da es kein geschickter Jäger ist, begnügt es
sich mit dem, was in der Wüste verendet. Man
nennt es auch die „Putzkraft der Wüste“."
551,30,7,"Se nutre principalmente de cadáveres hallados
en la arena, debido a su ineptitud para la caza.
De ahí su apodo: el Barrendero del Desierto."
551,30,8,"La caccia non è il suo forte e si ciba soprattutto
di prede che trova già morte nel deserto. Per
questo viene chiamato “spazzino del deserto”."
551,30,9,"Sandiles still not good at hunting, so it mostly
eats things that have collapsed in the desert.
Its called “the cleaner of the desert.”"
551,30,11,"まだ 狩りは 下手なので おもに
砂漠で 行き倒れたものを 食う。
砂漠の掃除屋と 呼ばれる。"
551,33,1,"さばくの よるは ひえるので
すなの おくふかくに もぐり
ひが でるまで ねむって すごす。"
551,33,3,"사막의 밤은 기온이 낮기 때문에
모래 깊숙이 파고들어
해가 뜰 때까지 잠을 자면서 생활한다."
551,33,5,"Il se protège du froid qui sévit la nuit dans
le désert en senfouissant profondément dans
le sable, où il dort jusquau lever du soleil."
551,33,6,"Da die Wüste nachts abkühlt, vergräbt es sich tief
im Sand und schläft dort, bis die Sonne wieder
551,33,7,"En las frías noches del desierto se oculta a mucha
profundidad en la arena y duerme hasta que sale
el sol."
551,33,8,"Affronta le fredde notti del deserto rintanandosi
in profondità sotto la sabbia e dormendo fino al
sorgere del sole."
551,33,9,"The desert gets cold at night, so when the sun
sets, this Pokémon burrows deep into the sand
and sleeps until sunrise."
551,33,11,"砂漠の 夜は 冷えるので
砂の 奥深くに 潜り
陽が 出るまで 眠って 過ごす。"
551,34,1,"ちいさいが あしこしの ちからは
つよい。 すなを かきわけて
さばくを およぐように いどう。"
551,34,3,"작지만 하체의 힘은 세다.
모래를 헤치며 사막을
헤엄치듯 이동한다."
551,34,5,"Malgré son petit gabarit, il a beaucoup de force
dans les pattes arrière. Il parcourt le désert
comme sil nageait dans le sable."
551,34,6,"Ganovil ist zwar klein, verfügt aber über kräftige
Beine, mit denen es sich durch den Wüstensand
fortbewegt, als würde es schwimmen."
551,34,7,"Es pequeño, pero cuenta con un tren inferior
fuerte. Se desplaza por el desierto abriéndose
paso entre la arena, como si nadase."
551,34,8,"Nonostante la corporatura minuta, ha zampe
robuste. Si fa strada nel deserto come nuotando
nella sabbia."
551,34,9,"Sandile is small, but its legs and lower body are
powerful. Pushing sand aside as it goes, Sandile
moves through the desert as if its swimming."
551,34,11,"小さいが 足腰の 力は 強い。
砂を かき分けて
砂漠を 泳ぐように 移動。"
552,17,5,"Ils vivent en petits groupes.
La membrane qui couvre leurs yeux
les protège du soleil."
552,17,9,"They live in groups of a few individuals.
Protective membranes shield their eyes
from sandstorms."
552,18,5,"La membrane spéciale qui recouvre ses
yeux détecte la chaleur et lui permet
de voir dans le noir."
552,18,9,"The special membrane covering its eyes
can sense the heat of objects, so it can
see its surroundings even in darkness."
552,21,9,"Protected by thin membranes, their eyes
can see even in the dead of night.
They live in groups of a few individuals."
552,22,9,"Protected by thin membranes, their eyes
can see even in the dead of night.
They live in groups of a few individuals."
552,23,1,"すうひきで むれを つくる。
がんきゅうを カバーする まくが
すなあらしから めを まもる。"
552,23,3,"여러 마리가 무리를 짓는다.
안구를 감싼 막이
모래 폭풍으로부터 눈을 지켜준다."
552,23,5,"Ils vivent en petits groupes. La membrane qui couvre
leurs yeux les protège du soleil."
552,23,6,"Bildet mit mehreren Artgenossen ein Rudel.
Eine Membran schützt seine Augen vor Sandstürmen."
552,23,7,"Viven en manadas. La membrana que cubre sus ojos
los protege de la arena."
552,23,8,"Forma gruppi di pochi esemplari. La pellicola che
ricopre i suoi occhi lo protegge dalle tempeste di
552,23,9,"They live in groups of a few individuals. Protective
membranes shield their eyes from sandstorms."
552,23,11,"数匹で 群れを 作る。
眼球を カバーする 膜が
砂嵐から 目を 守る。"
552,24,1,"めを おおう とくしゅな まくが
ぶったいの ねつを かんちするため
くらやみでも まわりが みえるのだ。"
552,24,3,"눈을 감싼 특수한 막이
물체의 열을 감지해서
어두워도 주변을 볼 수 있다."
552,24,5,"La membrane spéciale qui recouvre ses yeux détecte
la chaleur et lui permet de voir dans le noir."
552,24,6,"Die spezielle Membran um seine Augen fungiert als
Wärmesensor, durch den es sich auch im Dunkeln
552,24,7,"Una membrana especial cubre sus ojos y le permite
detectar el calor de los cuerpos, por eso ve en la
552,24,8,"La membrana speciale che ha sugli occhi è in grado
di percepire il calore dei corpi, consentendogli così
di vedere al buio."
552,24,9,"The special membrane covering its eyes can sense
the heat of objects, so it can see its surroundings
even in darkness."
552,24,11,"眼球を 覆う 特殊な 膜が
物体の 熱を 感知するため
暗闇でも まわりが 見えるのだ。"
552,25,1,"すうひきで むれを つくる。
がんきゅうを カバーする まくが
すなあらしから めを まもる。"
552,25,3,"여러 마리가 무리를 짓는다.
안구를 감싼 막이
모래 폭풍으로부터 눈을 지켜준다."
552,25,5,"Ils vivent en petits groupes. La membrane qui couvre
leurs yeux les protège du soleil."
552,25,6,"Bildet mit mehreren Artgenossen ein Rudel. Eine Membran
schützt seine Augen vor Sandstürmen."
552,25,7,"Viven en manadas. La membrana que cubre sus ojos los
protege de la arena."
552,25,8,"Forma gruppi di pochi esemplari. La pellicola che ricopre
i suoi occhi lo protegge dalle tempeste di sabbia."
552,25,9,"They live in groups of a few individuals. Protective
membranes shield their eyes from sandstorms."
552,25,11,"数匹で 群れを 作る。
眼球を カバーする 膜が
砂嵐から 目を 守る。"
552,26,1,"めを おおう とくしゅな まくが
ぶったいの ねつを かんちするため
くらやみでも まわりが みえるのだ。"
552,26,3,"눈을 감싼 특수한 막이
물체의 열을 감지해서
어두워도 주변을 볼 수 있다."
552,26,5,"La membrane spéciale qui recouvre ses yeux détecte
la chaleur et lui permet de voir dans le noir."
552,26,6,"Die spezielle Membran um seine Augen fungiert als
Wärmesensor, durch den es sich auch im Dunkeln
552,26,7,"Una membrana especial cubre sus ojos y le permite detectar
el calor de los cuerpos, por eso ve en la oscuridad."
552,26,8,"La membrana speciale che ha sugli occhi è in grado di
percepire il calore dei corpi, consentendogli così di vedere
al buio."
552,26,9,"The special membrane covering its eyes can sense
the heat of objects, so it can see its surroundings
even in darkness."
552,26,11,"眼球を 覆う 特殊な 膜が
物体の 熱を 感知するため
暗闇でも まわりが 見えるのだ。"
552,27,1,"すうひきの むれを なして こうどう。
むれの ちゅうしんは ♀の ばあいが
おおく ♂たちが エサを あつめる。"
552,27,3,"몇 마리씩 무리를 지어 행동한다.
무리의 중심은 암컷인 경우가
많고 수컷들이 먹이를 모은다."
552,27,5,"Les Escroco se déplacent en bandes, souvent
menées par une femelle. La plupart du temps,
les mâles se chargent de collecter la nourriture."
552,27,6,"Es bildet mit mehreren Artgenossen ein Rudel.
Meistens führen Weibchen die Gruppe an und
Männchen müssen Nahrung beschaffen."
552,27,7,"Viven en manadas. En muchos casos, las
hembras ejercen una posición dominante y los
machos se encargan de buscar alimento."
552,27,8,"Vive in piccoli gruppi.
Se il capogruppo è una femmina, i maschi
si occupano di procurare il cibo."
552,27,9,"They move in groups of a few individuals.
A female is often the leader of the group, and
the males will gather food."
552,27,11,"数匹の 群れを 成して 行動。
群れの 中心は ♀の 場合が
多く ♂たちが 餌を 集める。"
552,28,1,"めを おおう とくしゅな まくの
おかげで まよなかでも あたりを
はっきり みることが できるぞ。"
552,28,3,"눈을 감싸는 특수한 막
덕분에 한밤중에도 주변을
똑똑히 볼 수 있다."
552,28,5,"Grâce à la membrane spéciale qui recouvre
ses yeux, il peut distinguer parfaitement
ses environs, même en pleine nuit."
552,28,6,"Durch die spezielle Membran um seine Augen
kann es seine Umgebung auch im Dunkeln
deutlich sehen."
552,28,7,"La membrana especial que le recubre los ojos
le permite discernir con claridad lo que se halla
a su alrededor, incluso en plena noche."
552,28,8,"La membrana speciale che ricopre i suoi occhi
gli permette di vedere chiaramente lambiente
circostante anche al buio."
552,28,9,"Thanks to the special membrane covering its
eyes, it can see its surroundings clearly, even in
the middle of the night."
552,28,11,"目を 覆う 特殊な 膜の
おかげで 真夜中でも あたりを
はっきり 見ることが できるぞ。"
552,29,1,"からだが ひえるのが とてもにがて。
きおんが さがる ばんには さばくの
すなの おくふかくに もぐっている。"
552,29,3,"몸이 차가워지는 것을 매우 싫어한다.
기온이 내려가는 밤에는
사막 모래 속으로 깊숙이 파고든다."
552,29,5,"Son corps supportant mal les baisses de
température, il sensable profondément lorsque
les nuits sont trop fraîches."
552,29,6,"Rokkaiman verträgt es nicht gut, wenn sein
Körper auskühlt. Deshalb vergräbt es sich an
besonders kalten Abenden tief im Wüstensand."
552,29,7,"Su gran debilidad es el frío, por lo que cuando
bajan las temperaturas de noche en el desierto,
excava un agujero en la arena y se cobija en él."
552,29,8,"Odia il freddo. Se di notte la temperatura
cala eccessivamente, si scava un rifugio in
profondità sotto la sabbia."
552,29,9,"Krokorok really hates it when its body gets
cold. On nights when the temperature drops,
it digs deep into the desert sands."
552,29,11,"体が 冷えるのが とても 苦手。
気温が 下がる 晩には 砂漠の
砂の 奥深くに 潜っている。"
552,30,1,"えものの いちぶは すなのなかに
うめて かりが しっぱいしたときの
ひじょうしょくに するのだ。"
552,30,3,"먹이의 일부는 모래 속에
묻어서 사냥에 실패했을 때의
비상식량으로 삼는다."
552,30,5,"Il garde une partie de ses prises en réserve
dans le sable, au cas où il rentrerait bredouille
de la chasse."
552,30,6,"Einen Teil seiner Beute vergräbt es als Notration
im Sand. Auf sie greift es zurück, wenn es von
einer erfolglosen Jagd zurückkehrt."
552,30,7,"Entierra parte de sus presas bajo la arena para
reservarlas a modo de víveres de emergencia,
en caso de una caza infructuosa."
552,30,8,"Sotterra alcune prede nella sabbia come scorta
demergenza per i casi in cui la caccia non dia
buoni frutti."
552,30,9,"It buries some of its prey in the sand to use as
emergency meals when its hunts
are unsuccessful."
552,30,11,"獲物の 1部は 砂の中に
埋めて 狩りが 失敗したときの
非常食に するのだ。"
552,33,1,"くらやみでも みえる とくしゅな
りょうめの おかげで まよなかでも
まよわず かりが できるのだ。"
552,33,3,"어둠 속에서도 볼 수 있는 특수한
두 눈 덕분에 한밤중에도
거침없이 사냥할 수 있다."
552,33,5,"Il chasse de nuit sans difficulté grâce à
ses yeux particuliers qui lui permettent
de voir dans lobscurité."
552,33,6,"Da es dank seiner besonderen Augen selbst im
Dunkeln gut sieht, kann es auch nachts auf die
Jagd gehen, ohne sich zu verirren."
552,33,7,"Es capaz de cazar en plena noche sin perderse
gracias a sus ojos especiales, que le permiten
ver en la oscuridad."
552,33,8,"È in grado di cacciare nel pieno della notte senza
difficoltà, grazie agli occhi particolari che gli
permettono di vedere anche al buio."
552,33,9,"Krokorok has specialized eyes that enable it to
see in the dark. This ability lets Krokorok hunt in
the dead of night without getting lost."
552,33,11,"暗闇でも 見える 特殊な
両目の おかげで 真夜中でも
迷わず 狩りが できるのだ。"
552,34,1,"くらやみでも みえる とくしゅな
りょうめを もつが さばくのよるは
さむいので あまり うごかない。"
552,34,3,"어둠 속에서도 볼 수 있는 특수한
눈을 가졌지만 사막의 밤은
춥기 때문에 잘 움직이지 않는다."
552,34,5,"Bien que ses yeux particuliers lui permettent
de voir dans lobscurité, les nuits sont si froides
dans le désert quil ne se déplace presque pas."
552,34,6,"Obwohl es dank seiner besonderen Augen auch
im Dunkeln gut sehen kann, bewegt es sich nachts
nur selten, da die Wüste dann abkühlt."
552,34,7,"Tiene unos ojos especiales que le permiten ver
en la oscuridad, pero suele permanecer inmóvil
en las frías noches del desierto."
552,34,8,"È dotato di occhi particolari che gli permettono
di vedere anche al buio, ma poiché le notti nel
deserto sono fredde non è molto attivo di notte."
552,34,9,"Although this Pokémon has specialized eyes that
allow it to see in the dark, Krokorok wont move
much at night—the desert gets cold after sunset."
552,34,11,"暗闇でも 見える 特殊な
両目を もつが 砂漠の夜は
寒いので あまり 動かない。"
553,17,5,"Il ne laisse jamais échapper ses proies.
Ses mâchoires surpuissantes peuvent
broyer une voiture."
553,17,9,"They never allow prey to escape.
Their jaws are so powerful, they can
crush the body of an automobile."
553,18,5,"Ses yeux ont les mêmes propriétés que
des jumelles et lui permettent de voir
les objets très éloignés en agrandi."
553,18,9,"It can expand the focus of its eyes,
enabling it to see objects in the far
distance as if it were using binoculars."
553,21,9,"Very violent Pokémon, they try
to clamp down on anything that
moves in front of their eyes."
553,22,9,"Very violent Pokémon, they try
to clamp down on anything that
moves in front of their eyes."
553,23,1,"とても きょうぼうな ポケモン。
めのまえで うごくものは すべて
おそいかかり かみくだこうとする。"
553,23,3,"아주 난폭한 포켓몬.
눈앞에서 움직이는 것은 모두
덮쳐서 깨물어 부수려고 한다."
553,23,5,"Un Pokémon extrêmement violent qui broie tout ce qui
lui passe sous les yeux avec ses mâchoires."
553,23,6,"Ein äußerst grausames Pokémon. Es greift jeden,
der ihm unter die Augen kommt, mit seinen
scharfen Reißzähnen an."
553,23,7,"Un Pokémon bastante violento. Ataca todo lo que se
mueva delante de él con sus mortíferas mandíbulas."
553,23,8,"È un Pokémon molto feroce. Attacca tutto ciò che
gli si para davanti, prendendolo a morsi."
553,23,9,"Very violent Pokémon, they try to clamp down on
anything that moves in front of their eyes."
553,23,11,"とても 凶暴な ポケモン。
目の前で 動くものは すべて
襲いかかり かみくだこうとする。"
553,24,1,"であった えものは にがさない。
じどうしゃの ボディを くいちぎる
きょうりょくな あごを もつ。"
553,24,3,"마주친 먹이는 놓치지 않는다.
자동차 몸체를 물어뜯을 만큼
강력한 턱을 가지고 있다."
553,24,5,"Il ne laisse jamais échapper ses proies. Ses mâchoires
surpuissantes peuvent broyer une voiture."
553,24,6,"Hat es seine Beute erblickt, gibt es kein Entrinnen
mehr. Sein mächtiger Kiefer knackt selbst Karosserien."
553,24,7,"Jamás deja escapar a su presa. Sus mandíbulas son
capaces de destrozar la carrocería de un coche."
553,24,8,"Una volta che lha presa, non si lascia più sfuggire
la preda. Ha delle mandibole in grado di fare a pezzi
553,24,9,"They never allow prey to escape. Their jaws
are so powerful, they can crush the body of
an automobile."
553,24,11,"出会った 獲物は 逃がさない。
自動車の ボディを 食いちぎる
強力な アゴを 持つ。"
553,25,1,"とても きょうぼうな ポケモン。
めのまえで うごくものは すべて
おそいかかり かみくだこうとする。"
553,25,3,"아주 난폭한 포켓몬.
눈앞에서 움직이는 것은 모두
덮쳐서 깨물어 부수려고 한다."
553,25,5,"Un Pokémon extrêmement violent qui broie tout ce qui
lui passe sous les yeux avec ses mâchoires."
553,25,6,"Ein äußerst grausames Pokémon. Es greift jeden, der ihm
unter die Augen kommt, mit seinen scharfen Reißzähnen an."
553,25,7,"Un Pokémon bastante violento. Ataca todo lo que se mueva
delante de él con sus mortíferas mandíbulas."
553,25,8,"È un Pokémon molto feroce. Attacca tutto ciò che gli si para
davanti, prendendolo a morsi."
553,25,9,"Very violent Pokémon, they try to clamp down on
anything that moves in front of their eyes."
553,25,11,"とても 凶暴な ポケモン。
目の前で 動くものは すべて
襲いかかり かみくだこうとする。"
553,26,1,"であった えものは にがさない。
じどうしゃの ボディを くいちぎる
きょうりょくな あごを もつ。"
553,26,3,"마주친 먹이는 놓치지 않는다.
자동차 몸체를 물어뜯을 만큼
강력한 턱을 가지고 있다."
553,26,5,"Il ne laisse jamais échapper ses proies. Ses mâchoires
surpuissantes peuvent broyer une voiture."
553,26,6,"Hat es seine Beute erblickt, gibt es kein Entrinnen mehr.
Sein mächtiger Kiefer knackt selbst Karosserien."
553,26,7,"Jamás deja escapar a su presa. Sus mandíbulas son capaces
de destrozar la carrocería de un coche."
553,26,8,"Una volta che lha presa, non si lascia più sfuggire la preda.
Ha delle mandibole in grado di fare a pezzi unautomobile."
553,26,9,"They never allow prey to escape. Their jaws
are so powerful, they can crush the body of
an automobile."
553,26,11,"出会った 獲物は 逃がさない。
自動車の ボディを 食いちぎる
強力な アゴを 持つ。"
553,27,1,"すなあらしでも 50キロさきに いる
ちいさな えものも はっけんする
とくしゅな りょうめを もつ。"
553,27,3,"모래 폭풍 속에서도 50km 앞에 있는
작은 먹이를 발견하는
특수한 두 눈을 가졌다."
553,27,5,"Ses yeux perçants lui permettent de détecter
une petite proie à 50 km, même au cœur
dune tempête de sable."
553,27,6,"Seine Augen sind so außergewöhnlich, dass es
sogar in einem Sandsturm kleinste Beute aus
50 km Entfernung entdecken kann."
553,27,7,"Su vista es tan perspicaz que puede divisar
presas de pequeño tamaño a 50 km de
distancia, incluso en plena tormenta de arena."
553,27,8,"I suoi occhi gli permettono di individuare prede
minuscole a 50 km di distanza persino nelle
tempeste di sabbia."
553,27,9,"Its unique faculty of sight can detect small prey
more than 30 miles away, even in the midst of
a sandstorm."
553,27,11,"砂嵐でも 50キロ先に いる
小さな 獲物も 発見する
特殊な 両目を 持つ。"
553,28,1,"きょうりょくな アゴで かみつくと
そのまま おもいきり からだを
ひねり えものを せつだんする。"
553,28,3,"강력한 턱으로 물고
그대로 힘껏 몸을 비틀어
먹이를 절단한다."
553,28,5,"Ses mâchoires sont si puissantes quil lui arrive
de plier ou découper le corps de ses victimes
sans même sen rendre compte."
553,28,6,"Wenn es mit seinem mächtigen Kiefer zubeißt,
zerteilt es seine Beute mit einer Drehung seines
553,28,7,"En cuanto le hinca el diente a su presa con sus
potentes mandíbulas, comienza a retorcerle el
cuerpo hasta despedazarla."
553,28,8,"Cattura la preda con le possenti mandibole
e la serra con forza fino a tranciarla."
553,28,9,"After clamping down with its powerful jaws,
it twists its body around to rip its prey in half."
553,28,11,"強力な アゴで かみつくと
そのまま 思い切り 身体を
ひねり 獲物を 切断する。"
553,29,1,"50キロ さきに いる えものを
みつけると さばくを およぐように
いどうして とびかかり かみつく。"
553,29,3,"50km 떨어져 있는 먹이를
발견하면 사막을 헤엄치듯이
이동하여 덤벼들어 덥석 문다."
553,29,5,"Il peut repérer une proie à une distance de
50 km. Il sapproche alors en «nageant» dans
le sable, puis lui saute dessus pour la croquer."
553,29,6,"Entdeckt es Beute in bis zu 50 km Entfernung,
bewegt es sich schwimmend durch die Wüste,
bis es hervorspringt und nach ihr schnappt."
553,29,7,"Al avistar una presa incluso a 50 km, repta
hacia ella por la arena como si nadara y se
abalanza para despedazarla con sus fauces."
553,29,8,"Individua la preda anche a 50 km di distanza e
avanza verso di essa come se nuotasse nella
sabbia per poi balzarle addosso e azzannarla."
553,29,9,"When it spots prey, even at a distance of over
30 miles, it swims through the desert as if it
were water, then jumps out and chomps them."
553,29,11,"50キロ 先に いる 獲物を
見つけると 砂漠を 泳ぐように
移動して 飛びかかり 噛みつく。"
553,30,1,"フライゴンの おこす すなあらしに
みを ひそめて えものが くるのを
じっと まちかまえている。"
553,30,3,"플라이곤이 일으키는 모래바람에
몸을 숨기고 먹이가 오는 것을
가만히 기다리고 있다."
553,30,5,"Lors des tempêtes de sable provoquées par
Libégon, il se terre dans le sol, à laffût dune
553,30,6,"Es legt sich inmitten eines Sandsturms, der von
Libelldra entfacht wurde, auf die Lauer und
wartet dort geduldig auf seine Beute."
553,30,7,"Se oculta en las tormentas de arena provocadas
por Flygon y espera pacientemente al acecho
de su presa."
553,30,8,"Si nasconde nelle tempeste di sabbia create
dai Flygon aspettando immobile che passi
una preda."
553,30,9,"It conceals itself in sandstorms that Flygon
whip up and waits patiently for prey to appear."
553,30,11,"フライゴンの 起こす 砂嵐に
身を 潜めて 獲物が くるのを
じっと 待ちかまえている。"
553,33,1,"すなの ギャングとも よばれる。
きょうりょくな アゴで ぶあつい
てっぱんも たやすく くいちぎる。"
553,33,3,"모래의 건달이라고도 불린다.
강력한 턱으로 두꺼운
철판도 쉽게 물어뜯는다."
553,33,5,"Il peut broyer dépaisses plaques de fer
dun simple coup de mâchoire. On lappelle
le «tyran des sables»."
553,33,6,"Es wird auch als „Tyrann der Wüste“ bezeichnet.
Mit seinem mächtigen Kiefer durchbeißt es selbst
dicke Eisenplatten mit Leichtigkeit."
553,33,7,"Se lo conoce como el Terror de las Arenas. Con
sus fuertes mandíbulas es capaz de destrozar a
mordiscos una plancha de hierro fácilmente."
553,33,8,"Viene chiamato “Tiranno del deserto”. Grazie
alle possenti mascelle è in grado di fare a pezzi
spesse lastre di metallo senza sforzo."
553,33,9,"This Pokémon is known as the Bully of the Sands.
Krookodiles mighty jaws can bite through heavy
plates of iron with almost no effort at all."
553,33,11,"砂の ギャングとも 呼ばれる。
強力な 顎で ぶ厚い
鉄板も たやすく 食いちぎる。"
553,34,1,"きょうぼうだが えものの ために
すなのなかで なんにちも まつ
にんたいづよさも もっているぞ。"
553,34,3,"난폭하지만 먹이를 잡기 위해
모래 속에서 며칠이든 기다리는
강한 인내력도 갖고 있다."
553,34,5,"Il aime la violence, mais sait aussi se montrer
patient lorsquil doit passer plusieurs jours
dans le sable à attendre une proie."
553,34,6,"Rabigator ist zwar aggressiv, doch wenn es bei
der Jagd nach Beute auf der Lauer liegt, kann es
auch mehrere Tage geduldig im Sand ausharren."
553,34,7,"Es de naturaleza violenta, pero también tiene
la paciencia necesaria para esperar a su presa
oculto en la arena durante varios días."
553,34,8,"È un Pokémon molto feroce. Quando si tratta
di catturare le prede è in grado di aspettare
pazientemente nella sabbia per giorni."
553,34,9,"While terribly aggressive, Krookodile also has
the patience to stay hidden under sand for days,
lying in wait for prey."
553,34,11,"凶暴だが 獲物の ために
砂の中で 何日も 待つ
忍耐強さも もっているぞ。"
554,17,5,"Quand le feu brûle dans son corps,
il est tout excité et court partout.
Quand le feu sapaise, il sendort."
554,17,9,"When its internal fire is burning, it
cannot calm down and it runs around.
When the fire diminishes, it falls asleep."
554,18,5,"Les gens dautrefois avaient lhabitude
de mettre ses crottes brûlantes sous
leurs vêtements pour se réchauffer."
554,18,9,"Darumakas droppings are hot, so
people used to put them in their
clothes to keep themselves warm."
554,21,9,"When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs
into its body and its internal fire
goes down to 1,100° F."
554,22,9,"When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs
into its body and its internal fire
goes down to 1,100° F."
554,23,1,"ダルマッカの フンは あついので
むかしの ひとは ふところに いれて
からだを あたためていたのだ。"
554,23,3,"달막화의 배설물은 뜨거워서
옛날 사람은 품에 넣고
몸을 따뜻하게 하는 데 사용했다."
554,23,5,"Les gens dautrefois avaient lhabitude de mettre
ses crottes brûlantes sous leurs vêtements pour se
554,23,6,"Früher nutzte man die heißen Ausscheidungen
von Flampion, um sich den Körper zu wärmen."
554,23,7,"Como sus excrementos están muy calientes, la gente
de antaño se los metía en los bolsillos para calentarse."
554,23,8,"Poiché i suoi escrementi sono molto caldi,
nellantichità gli uomini solevano conservarli in
buste per riscaldarsi."
554,23,9,"Darumakas droppings are hot, so people used to
put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm."
554,23,11,"ダルマッカの フンは 熱いので
昔の 人は 懐に 入れて
体を 温めていたのだ。"
554,24,1,"ねるときは てあしを ひっこめ
たいないで もえている 600どの
ほのおも ちいさくなり おちつくよ。"
554,24,3,"잠잘 때는 손발을 움츠리고
체내에 타고 있는 600도의
불꽃도 작아져서 차분해진다."
554,24,5,"Quand il dort, ses pattes se rétractent et les flammes
qui brûlent à 600 °C dans son corps sapaisent."
554,24,6,"Zum Schlafen zieht es Arme und Beine ein und
senkt seine innere Körpertemperatur auf 600 °C,
um sich zu entspannen."
554,24,7,"Cuando se dispone a dormir, retrae sus piernas y sus
brazos, y reduce la llama de su interior a 600 °C para
554,24,8,"Quando dorme ritrae gli arti. Anche il fuoco che gli
brucia dentro a 600 °C si affievolisce."
554,24,9,"When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs into its
body and its internal fire goes down to
1,100 degrees Fahrenheit."
554,24,11,"寝るときは 手足を ひっこめ
体内で 燃えている 600度の
炎も 小さくなり 落ち着くよ。"
554,25,1,"ダルマッカの フンは あついので
むかしの ひとは ふところに いれて
からだを あたためていたのだ。"
554,25,3,"달막화의 배설물은 뜨거워서
옛날 사람은 품에 넣고
몸을 따뜻하게 하는 데 사용했다."
554,25,5,"Les gens dautrefois avaient lhabitude de mettre ses crottes
brûlantes sous leurs vêtements pour se réchauffer."
554,25,6,"Früher nutzte man die heißen Ausscheidungen von Flampion,
um sich den Körper zu wärmen."
554,25,7,"Como sus excrementos están muy calientes, la gente de
antaño se los metía en los bolsillos para calentarse."
554,25,8,"Poiché i suoi escrementi sono molto caldi, nellantichità
gli uomini solevano conservarli in buste per riscaldarsi."
554,25,9,"Darumakas droppings are hot, so people used to
put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm."
554,25,11,"ダルマッカの フンは 熱いので
昔の 人は 懐に 入れて
体を 温めていたのだ。"
554,26,1,"ねるときは てあしを ひっこめ
たいないで もえている 600どの
ほのおも ちいさくなり おちつくよ。"
554,26,3,"잠잘 때는 손발을 움츠리고
체내에서 타고 있는 600도의
불꽃도 작아져서 차분해진다."
554,26,5,"Quand il dort, ses pattes se rétractent et les flammes
qui brûlent à 600 °C dans son corps sapaisent."
554,26,6,"Zum Schlafen zieht es Arme und Beine ein und senkt seine
innere Körpertemperatur auf 600 °C, um sich zu entspannen."
554,26,7,"Cuando se dispone a dormir, retrae sus piernas y sus brazos,
y reduce la llama de su interior a 600 °C para relajarse."
554,26,8,"Quando dorme ritrae gli arti. Anche il fuoco che gli brucia
dentro a 600 °C si affievolisce."
554,26,9,"When it sleeps, it pulls its limbs into its
body and its internal fire goes down to
1,100 degrees Fahrenheit."
554,26,11,"寝るときは 手足を ひっこめ
体内で 燃えている 600度の
炎も 小さくなり 落ち着くよ。"
554,33,1,"からだの なかで もえる ほのおが
パワーの みなもと。 ひが ちいさく
なると たちまち ねむってしまう。"
554,33,3,"몸 안에서 타오르는 불꽃이
힘의 원천이다. 불꽃이 작아지면
금세 잠들어 버린다."
554,33,5,"La flamme qui brûle dans son corps est sa source
dénergie. Si le feu saffaiblit, il sendort
554,33,6,"Das Feuer in seinem Inneren ist die Quelle seiner
Kraft. Wird die Flamme zu klein, schläft es auf
der Stelle ein."
554,33,7,"La llama que arde en su interior es la fuente
de su poder. Si el fuego mengua, se sume en
un estado de sopor de inmediato."
554,33,8,"La fiamma che brucia dentro il suo corpo è
la fonte della sua potenza. Quando si affievolisce
il Pokémon si addormenta allistante."
554,33,9,"It derives its power from fire burning inside
its body. If the fire dwindles, this Pokémon will
immediately fall asleep."
554,33,11,"体の 中で 燃える 炎が
パワーの 源。 火が 小さく
なると たちまち 眠ってしまう。"
554,34,1,"ねているときは おしても ひいても
けっして たおれない。 えんぎものの
モチーフとして にんきが たかい。"
554,34,3,"자고 있을 때는 밀어도 당겨도
절대 쓰러지지 않는다.
길조의 모티브로 인기가 높다."
554,34,5,"On a beau le pousser ou le tirer, quand il dort,
rien ne le fait vaciller. Cette qualité lui a valu
de devenir un emblème pour les porte-bonheurs."
554,34,6,"Während es schläft, lässt es sich nicht mal mit
Gewalt umstoßen. Aus diesem Grund ist es ein
beliebtes Motiv für Glücksbringer."
554,34,7,"Cuando duerme es imposible tumbarlo por más
que lo zarandeen. Es muy popular como amuleto
de la suerte."
554,34,8,"Quando dorme è impossibile buttarlo giù,
per quanto lo si spinga. I portafortuna che
lo rappresentano sono molto popolari."
554,34,9,"This popular symbol of good fortune will never
fall over in its sleep, no matter how its pushed
or pulled."
554,34,11,"寝ているときは 押しても 引いても
けっして 倒れない。 縁起ものの
モチーフとして 人気が 高い。"
555,17,5,"Il entretient des flammes à 1 400 °C
dans son corps. De quoi détruire un
camion-benne dun coup de poing!"
555,17,9,"Its internal fire burns at 2,500° F,
making enough power that it can
destroy a dump truck with one punch."
555,18,5,"Sil a le dessous au combat, il se fige
comme un rocher, fait le vide dans son
esprit et combat avec sa force mentale."
555,18,9,"When weakened in battle, it transforms
into a stone statue. Then it sharpens
its mind and fights on mentally."
555,21,9,"When one is injured in a fierce battle,
it hardens into a stone-like form.
Then it meditates and sharpens its mind."
555,22,9,"When one is injured in a fierce battle,
it hardens into a stone-like form.
Then it meditates and sharpens its mind."
555,23,1,"はげしい たたかいで きずつくと
いわのように かたまり もっこうして
こころを とぎすませるのだ。"
555,23,3,"격렬한 싸움으로 상처 입으면
바위처럼 굳어져 묵상하며
마음을 연마한다."
555,23,5,"Sil est blessé dans un combat, il se fige comme
un rocher, fait le vide dans son esprit et aiguise
ses sens."
555,23,6,"Nimmt es in einem heißen Kampf Schaden, wird es
hart wie Stein und fällt in eine Trance, um seinen
Verstand zu schärfen."
555,23,7,"Cuando resulta gravemente herido, se endurece como
una piedra y medita para agudizar la mente."
555,23,8,"Se resta ferito durante una battaglia violenta, diventa
duro come la pietra e medita per purificare la mente."
555,23,9,"When one is injured in a fierce battle, it hardens
into a stone-like form. Then it meditates and
sharpens its mind."
555,23,11,"激しい 戦いで 傷つくと
岩のように 固まり 黙考して
心を 研ぎ澄ませるのだ。"
555,24,1,"たいないで 1400どの ほのおを
もやすことで ダンプカーを パンチで
はかいするほどの パワーを つくる。"
555,24,3,"체내에서 1400도의 불꽃을
태워서 덤프트럭을 펀치로
파괴할 정도의 파워를 만든다."
555,24,5,"Il entretient des flammes à 1400 °C dans son corps.
De quoi détruire un camion-benne dun coup de
555,24,6,"Erhitzt das Innere seines Körpers auf 1 400 °C
und erlangt so die Kraft, um mit der Faust
Laster zu zerstören."
555,24,7,"Genera llamas que alcanzan los 1400 °C con las que
es capaz de destrozar un camión."
555,24,8,"La sua fiamma interna, alla temperatura di 1400 °C,
sviluppa una potenza tale da distruggere un autocarro."
555,24,9,"Its internal fire burns at 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit,
making enough power that it can destroy a dump
truck with one punch."
555,24,11,"体内で 1400度の 炎を
燃やすことで ダンプカーを パンチで
破壊するほどの パワーを 作る。"
555,25,1,"はげしい たたかいで きずつくと
いわのように かたまり もっこうして
こころを とぎすませるのだ。"
555,25,3,"격렬한 싸움으로 상처 입으면
바위처럼 굳어져 묵상하며
마음을 연마한다."
555,25,5,"Sil est blessé dans un combat, il se fige comme un rocher,
fait le vide dans son esprit et aiguise ses sens."
555,25,6,"Nimmt es in einem heißen Kampf Schaden, wird es hart wie
Stein und fällt in eine Trance, um seinen Verstand zu schärfen."
555,25,7,"Cuando resulta gravemente herido, se endurece como una
piedra y medita para agudizar la mente."
555,25,8,"Se resta ferito durante una battaglia violenta, diventa duro
come la pietra e medita per purificare la mente."
555,25,9,"When one is injured in a fierce battle, it hardens
into a stone-like form. Then it meditates and
sharpens its mind."
555,25,11,"激しい 戦いで 傷つくと
岩のように 固まり 黙考して
心を 研ぎ澄ませるのだ。"
555,26,1,"たいないで 1400どの ほのおを
もやすことで ダンプカーを パンチで
はかいするほどの パワーを つくる。"
555,26,3,"체내에서 1400도의 불꽃을
태워서 덤프트럭을 펀치로
파괴할 정도의 파워를 만든다."
555,26,5,"Il entretient des flammes à 1400 °C dans son corps.
De quoi détruire un camion-benne dun coup de poing!"
555,26,6,"Erhitzt das Innere seines Körpers auf 1 400 °C und erlangt so
die Kraft, um mit der Faust Laster zu zerstören."
555,26,7,"Genera llamas que alcanzan los 1400 °C con las que es capaz
de destrozar un camión."
555,26,8,"La sua fiamma interna, alla temperatura di 1400 °C, sviluppa
una potenza tale da distruggere un autocarro."
555,26,9,"Its internal fire burns at 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit,
making enough power that it can destroy a dump
truck with one punch."
555,26,11,"体内で 1400度の 炎を
燃やすことで ダンプカーを パンチで
破壊するほどの パワーを 作る。"
555,33,1,"けっきさかんな ポケモン。
ふとい うでから くりだす パンチは
ダンプカーも こなごなに するぞ。"
555,33,3,"혈기왕성한 포켓몬.
굵직한 팔에서 날리는 펀치는
덤프트럭도 가루로 만들어버린다."
555,33,5,"Véritable tête brûlée, il possède assez de force
dans ses gros bras pour réduire en poussière
un camion-benne à coups de poing."
555,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist ausgesprochen energisch. Ein
einziger Hieb mit seinen gewaltigen Armen macht
selbst Lastwagen dem Erdboden gleich."
555,33,7,"Un Pokémon sumamente enérgico. Tiene tanta
fuerza en los brazos que es capaz de destrozar
un camión a base de puñetazos."
555,33,8,"Pokémon dal sangue caldo. I pugni che sferra
con i suoi massicci arti superiori possono
ridurre in polvere anche un autocarro."
555,33,9,"The thick arms of this hot-blooded Pokémon
can deliver punches capable of obliterating a
dump truck."
555,33,11,"血気 盛んな ポケモン。
太い 腕から 繰りだす パンチは
ダンプカーも 粉々に するぞ。"
555,34,1,"たいないの ほのおが もえさかるほど
パワーが たかまる。 その おんどは
1400どを こえる ことも。"
555,34,3,"체내의 불꽃이 타오를수록
파워가 올라간다. 그 온도는
1400도를 넘기도 한다."
555,34,5,"Sa puissance augmente à mesure que la flamme
de son corps sintensifie. La température
de celle-ci peut parfois dépasser les 1400 °C."
555,34,6,"Je heißer das Feuer in ihm brennt, desto mehr
Kraft steht ihm zur Verfügung. Seine innere
Temperatur erreicht mitunter mehr als 1400 ºC."
555,34,7,"Su fuerza aumenta cuanto más se aviva su fuego
interior, que puede alcanzar temperaturas
superiores a los 1400 °C."
555,34,8,"La sua fiamma interna può raggiungere
temperature di oltre 1.400 ºC. Più intensamente
arde, più la potenza del Pokémon aumenta."
555,34,9,"This Pokémons power level rises along with the
temperature of its fire, which can reach 2,500
degrees Fahrenheit."
555,34,11,"体内の 炎が 燃え盛るほど
パワーが 高まる。 その 温度は
1400度を 超える ことも。"
556,17,5,"Avec une danse et des sons saccadés,
il fait fuir ses prédateurs, les Pokémon
Oiseaux dévoreurs de graines de fleur."
556,17,9,"It uses an up-tempo song and dance
to drive away the bird Pokémon that
prey on its flower seeds."
556,18,5,"Il vit dans les endroits secs.
Quand il bouge son corps en rythme,
il fait un bruit de maracas."
556,18,9,"Arid regions are their habitat.
They move rhythmically, making
a sound similar to maracas."
556,21,9,"When it moves rhythmically,
it makes a sound similar to maracas,
making the surprised Pokémon flee."
556,22,9,"When it moves rhythmically,
it makes a sound similar to maracas,
making the surprised Pokémon flee."
556,23,1,"アップテンポの おどりと おとで
はなの タネを ねらう てんてきの
とりポケモンを おいはらうのだ。"
556,23,3,"템포가 빠른 춤과 소리로
꽃씨를 노리는 천적인
새포켓몬을 쫓아버린다."
556,23,5,"Avec une danse et des sons saccadés, il fait fuir
ses prédateurs, les Pokémon Oiseaux dévoreurs
de graines de fleur."
556,23,6,"Verjagt Vogel-Pokémon, die auf seine Blüten
aus sind, mit einem flotten Tänzchen und
lauter Untermalung."
556,23,7,"Espanta a los Pokémon pájaro con un baile rápido y
haciendo ruido para evitar que picoteen las semillas de
sus flores."
556,23,8,"Con danze e suoni a ritmo vivace scaccia i suoi
predatori, i Pokémon uccello, che divorano i semi
dei suoi fiori."
556,23,9,"It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away
the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds."
556,23,11,"アップテンポの 踊りと 音で
花の タネを ねらう 天敵の
とりポケモンを 追い払うのだ。"
556,24,1,"かんそうした とちで くらす。
からだを リズミカルに うごかすと
マラカスのような おとを かなでる。"
556,24,3,"건조한 땅에서 산다.
몸을 리드미컬하게 움직이면
마라카스 같은 소리를 낸다."
556,24,5,"Il vit dans les endroits secs. Quand il bouge son corps
en rythme, il fait un bruit de maracas."
556,24,6,"Erzeugt durch rhythmische Bewegungen Laute,
die dem Klang von Maracas ähneln. Lebt an
trockenen Orten."
556,24,7,"Vive en territorio árido. Emite un sonido parecido a
unas maracas si se mueve de forma rítmica."
556,24,8,"Vive nelle zone aride. Se muove il corpo a tempo
produce un suono di maracas."
556,24,9,"Arid regions are their habitat. They move
rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas."
556,24,11,"乾燥した 土地で 暮らす。
体を リズミカルに 動かすと
マラカスのような 音を 奏でる。"
556,25,1,"アップテンポの おどりと おとで
はなの タネを ねらう てんてきの
とりポケモンを おいはらうのだ。"
556,25,3,"템포가 빠른 춤과 소리로
꽃씨를 노리는 천적인
새포켓몬을 쫓아버린다."
556,25,5,"Avec une danse et des sons saccadés, il fait fuir
ses prédateurs, les Pokémon Oiseaux dévoreurs
de graines de fleur."
556,25,6,"Verjagt Vogel-Pokémon, die auf seine Blüten aus sind,
mit einem flotten Tänzchen und lauter Untermalung."
556,25,7,"Espanta a los Pokémon pájaro con un baile rápido y haciendo
ruido para evitar que picoteen las semillas de sus flores."
556,25,8,"Con danze e suoni a ritmo vivace scaccia i suoi predatori,
i Pokémon uccello, che divorano i semi dei suoi fiori."
556,25,9,"It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away
the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds."
556,25,11,"アップテンポの 踊りと 音で
花の タネを ねらう 天敵の
とりポケモンを 追い払うのだ。"
556,26,1,"かんそうした とちで くらす。
からだを リズミカルに うごかすと
マラカスのような おとを かなでる。"
556,26,3,"건조한 땅에서 산다.
몸을 리드미컬하게 움직이면
마라카스 같은 소리를 낸다."
556,26,5,"Il vit dans les endroits secs. Quand il bouge son corps
en rythme, il fait un bruit de maracas."
556,26,6,"Erzeugt durch rhythmische Bewegungen Laute, die dem Klang
von Maracas ähneln. Lebt an trockenen Orten."
556,26,7,"Vive en territorio árido. Emite un sonido parecido a unas
maracas si se mueve de forma rítmica."
556,26,8,"Vive nelle zone aride. Se muove il corpo a tempo produce
un suono di maracas."
556,26,9,"Arid regions are their habitat. They move
rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas."
556,26,11,"乾燥した 土地で 暮らす。
体を リズミカルに 動かすと
マラカスのような 音を 奏でる。"
556,33,1,"マラカスの ような おとを だす。
ようきな リズムに とりポケモンは
おどろき あわて とびさっていく。"
556,33,3,"마라카스 같은 소리를 낸다.
리듬이 경쾌해서 새포켓몬은
깜짝 놀라 허둥지둥 날아가버린다."
556,33,5,"Il produit un bruit de maracas. Quand il danse
à un rythme enjoué, il surprend les Pokémon
oiseaux, qui senfuient alors à tire-daile."
556,33,6,"Es erzeugt Laute, die dem Klang von Maracas
ähneln, und weiß sich Vogel-Pokémon mit flotten
Rhythmen vom Leib zu halten."
556,33,7,"Emite un sonido parecido a unas maracas. Se
mueve con un ritmo marchoso para sorprender
a los Pokémon pájaro, que huyen espantados."
556,33,8,"Emette un suono di maracas. Sfrutta il suo ritmo
vivace per prendere alla sprovvista i Pokémon
alati, che volano via in tutta fretta."
556,33,9,"With noises that could be mistaken for the rattles
of maracas, it creates an upbeat rhythm, startling
bird Pokémon and making them fly off in a hurry."
556,33,11,"マラカスの ような 音を だす。
陽気な リズムに 鳥ポケモンは
驚き 慌て 飛び去っていく。"
556,34,1,"いちねんに いちど タネを まく。
はなの タネは えいようまんてんで
さばくの きちょうな しょくりょう。"
556,34,3,"일 년에 한 번 씨를 뿌린다.
꽃의 씨는 영양이 매우 풍부해
사막의 귀중한 식량이다."
556,34,5,"Il sème les graines de ses fleurs une fois par an.
Celles-ci abondent en nutriments et représentent
une denrée précieuse dans le désert."
556,34,6,"Es verstreut ein Mal im Jahr Samen, die jede
Menge Nährstoffe enthalten und in der Wüste
als kostbares Nahrungsmittel gelten."
556,34,7,"Una vez al año, esparce sus semillas, cuyo alto
valor nutritivo las convierte en una inestimable
fuente de alimento en el desierto."
556,34,8,"Una volta allanno i suoi fiori rilasciano semi
ricchissimi di sostanze nutritive, che li rendono
un prezioso alimento nel deserto."
556,34,9,"Once each year, this Pokémon scatters its seeds.
Theyre jam-packed with nutrients, making them
a precious food source out in the desert."
556,34,11,"1年に 一度 種を まく。
花の 種は 栄養満点で
砂漠の 貴重な 食料。"
557,17,5,"Il peut facilement creuser son trou
dans les pierres les plus dures grâce
au liquide sécrété par sa bouche."
557,17,9,"This Pokémon can easily melt holes in
hard rocks with a liquid secreted from
its mouth."
557,18,5,"Il perce un caillou et sen sert comme
maison. Quand on lui casse, il est anxieux
jusquà ce quil en trouve un autre."
557,18,9,"It makes a hole in a suitable rock. If
that rock breaks, the Pokémon remains
agitated until it locates a replacement."
557,21,9,"When it finds a stone of a suitable
size, it secretes a liquid from its
mouth to open up a hole to crawl into."
557,22,9,"When it finds a stone of a suitable
size, it secretes a liquid from its
mouth to open up a hole to crawl into."
557,23,1,"てごろな いしに あなを あけて
すみかにする。こわされると かわりの
いしが みつかるまで おちつかない。"
557,23,3,"적당한 돌을 찾아 구멍을 뚫어
살 곳을 만든다. 부서지면 대신할
돌을 찾을 때까지 불안해한다."
557,23,5,"Il perce un caillou et sen sert comme maison.
Quand on lui casse, il est anxieux jusquà ce quil en
trouve un autre."
557,23,6,"Höhlt sich einen brauchbaren Stein aus, um darin
zu wohnen. Geht er zu Bruch, ruht es nicht, bis es
einen neuen findet."
557,23,7,"Abre un agujero en la roca y vive en él. Si la roca se
resquebraja, no se queda tranquilo hasta que no
encuentra otra."
557,23,8,"Scava un buco in una pietra adatta per farne la sua
dimora. Se si rompe, non si dà pace finché non ne
trova unaltra."
557,23,9,"It makes a hole in a suitable rock. If that rock
breaks, the Pokémon remains agitated until it
locates a replacement."
557,23,11,"手ごろな 石に 穴を 開けて
住処にする。壊されると かわりの
石が 見つかるまで 落ち着かない。"
557,24,1,"てごろな サイズの いしが あると
くちから えきたいを ぶんぴつして
なかに はいるための あなをあける。"
557,24,3,"적당한 사이즈의 돌이 있으면
입에서 액체를 분비해서
안에 들어가기 위한 구멍을 판다."
557,24,5,"Lorsquil trouve un caillou à sa taille, il y creuse
un trou avec le fluide qui sort de sa bouche et sen
sert comme maison."
557,24,6,"Sobald es einen angemessen großen Stein findet,
höhlt es ihn mit einem ätzenden Sekret aus und
kriecht hinein."
557,24,7,"Si encuentran una piedra de tamaño ideal, segregan
un líquido por la boca para crear un agujero y
deslizarse dentro."
557,24,8,"Quando trova una pietra della sua misura crea un
buco con il liquido che secerne dalla bocca e ci si
infila dentro."
557,24,9,"When it finds a stone of a suitable size, it secretes
a liquid from its mouth to open up a hole to
crawl into."
557,24,11,"てごろな サイズの 石が あると
口から 液体を 分泌して
中に 入るための 穴をあける。"
557,25,1,"てごろな いしに あなを あけて
すみかにする。こわされると かわりの
いしが みつかるまで おちつかない。"
557,25,3,"적당한 돌을 찾아 구멍을 뚫어
살 곳을 만든다. 부서지면 대신할
돌을 찾을 때까지 불안해한다."
557,25,5,"Il perce un caillou et sen sert comme maison. Quand on lui
casse, il est anxieux jusquà ce quil en trouve un autre."
557,25,6,"Höhlt sich einen brauchbaren Stein aus, um darin zu wohnen.
Geht er zu Bruch, ruht es nicht, bis es einen neuen findet."
557,25,7,"Abre un agujero en la roca y vive en él. Si la roca se
resquebraja, no se queda tranquilo hasta que no encuentra
557,25,8,"Scava un buco in una pietra adatta per farne la sua dimora.
Se si rompe, non si dà pace finché non ne trova unaltra."
557,25,9,"It makes a hole in a suitable rock. If that rock
breaks, the Pokémon remains agitated until it
locates a replacement."
557,25,11,"手ごろな 石に 穴を 開けて
住処にする。壊されると かわりの
石が 見つかるまで 落ち着かない。"
557,26,1,"てごろな サイズの いしが あると
くちから えきたいを ぶんぴつして
なかに はいるための あなをあける。"
557,26,3,"적당한 사이즈의 돌이 있으면
입에서 액체를 분비해서
안에 들어가기 위한 구멍을 판다."
557,26,5,"Lorsquil trouve un caillou à sa taille, il y creuse un trou avec
le fluide qui sort de sa bouche et sen sert comme maison."
557,26,6,"Sobald es einen angemessen großen Stein findet, höhlt es ihn
mit einem ätzenden Sekret aus und kriecht hinein."
557,26,7,"Si encuentran una piedra de tamaño ideal, segregan un líquido
por la boca para crear un agujero y deslizarse dentro."
557,26,8,"Quando trova una pietra della sua misura crea un buco con il
liquido che secerne dalla bocca e ci si infila dentro."
557,26,9,"When it finds a stone of a suitable size, it secretes
a liquid from its mouth to open up a hole to
crawl into."
557,26,11,"てごろな サイズの 石が あると
口から 液体を 分泌して
中に 入るための 穴をあける。"
557,33,1,"このみの こいしに あなを あけて
すみかに する。 ダンゴロや
タンドンに とっては てんてき。"
557,33,3,"마음에 드는 돌멩이에 구멍을 파서
보금자리로 삼는다. 단굴이나
탄동에게는 천적이다."
557,33,5,"Quand il trouve un caillou qui lui plaît, il y creuse
un trou et sen sert comme dune maison.
Cest lennemi juré des Nodulithe et des Charbi."
557,33,6,"Lithomith sucht sich einen Stein, der ihm gefällt,
und höhlt ihn aus, um darin zu wohnen. Es ist ein
natürlicher Feind von Kiesling und Klonkett."
557,33,7,"Cuando halla una piedra de su agrado, la horada
y establece su morada. Es enemigo natural de los
Roggenrola y los Rolycoly."
557,33,8,"Scava un buco in una piccola pietra di suo
gradimento per farne la sua dimora. È il nemico
naturale di Roggenrola e di Rolycoly."
557,33,9,"When it finds a stone appealing, it creates a hole
inside it and uses it as its home. This Pokémon is
the natural enemy of Roggenrola and Rolycoly."
557,33,11,"好みの 小石に 穴を 開けて
すみかに する。 ダンゴロや
タンドンに とっては 天敵。"
557,34,1,"いえに ちょうどいい こいしが
みつからないと カバルドンの
あなに すんでしまうことも。"
557,34,3,"집으로 삼기 딱 좋은 돌멩이를
발견하지 못하면 하마돈의
구멍에 살기도 한다."
557,34,5,"Sil ne trouve pas de bon caillou à creuser
pour sy loger, il élit domicile dans un des trous
du corps dHippodocus."
557,34,6,"Wenn es keinen Stein findet, der sich als Haus
eignet, lässt es sich manchmal in den Öffnungen
im Körper eines Hippoterus nieder."
557,34,7,"Si no encuentra una piedra que sea idónea como
morada, se instala en los orificios de algún
557,34,8,"A volte, quando non riesce a trovare una pietra
adatta, usa come sua dimora i pori
di Hippowdon."
557,34,9,"It first tries to find a rock to live in, but if there
are no suitable rocks to be found, Dwebble may
move in to the ports of a Hippowdon."
557,34,11,"家に ちょうどいい 小石が
見つからないと カバルドンの
穴に 棲んでしまうことも。"
558,17,5,"Entre eux, les querelles de territoire
sont fréquentes et violentes. Celui qui
se fait briser son rocher a perdu."
558,17,9,"Competing for territory, Crustle
fight viciously. The one whose boulder
is broken is the loser of the battle."
558,18,5,"Il est assez endurant pour voyager des
jours durant dans des zones desséchées
avec son lourd rocher sur le dos."
558,18,9,"It possesses legs of enormous strength,
enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many
days, even when crossing arid land."
558,21,9,"When its boulder is broken
in battles for territory, it feels
unsure and begins to weaken."
558,22,9,"When its boulder is broken
in battles for territory, it feels
unsure and begins to weaken."
558,23,1,"おもたい いわを せおって
かんそうした とちを なんにちでも
いどうできる きゃくりょくを もつ。"
558,23,3,"무거운 바위를 등에 지고
며칠이고 건조한 땅을
이동할 수 있는 다릿심을 가지고 있다."
558,23,5,"Il est assez endurant pour voyager des jours durant
dans des zones desséchées avec son lourd rocher sur
le dos."
558,23,6,"Es ist hart genug im Nehmen, um mitsamt seines
schweren Felsens mehrere Tage durch trockene
Gebiete zu wandern."
558,23,7,"Su inmensa capacidad motriz le permite desplazarse
cargando a sus espaldas rocas enormes durante días."
558,23,8,"Ha una tale forza nelle gambe, che può spostarsi
per giorni in zone aride con una pesante roccia
sulle spalle."
558,23,9,"It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it
to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when
crossing arid land."
558,23,11,"重たい 岩を 背負って
乾燥した 土地を 何日でも
移動できる 脚力を 持つ。"
558,24,1,"なわばりを とりあって イワパレス
どうしが はげしく たたかう。
いわを こわされた ほうが まけ。"
558,24,3,"영역을 빼앗기 위해
암팰리스끼리 격렬히 싸운다.
바위가 부서진 쪽이 패배다."
558,24,5,"Entre eux, les querelles de territoire sont fréquentes
et violentes. Celui qui se fait briser son rocher a
558,24,6,"Revierkonflikte führen oft zu heftigen Kämpfen
zwischen ihnen. Gewonnen hat, wer das
gegnerische Haus zerstört."
558,24,7,"Se disputa el territorio con sus congéneres. Pierde
aquel al que le rompan la roca que lleva a cuestas."
558,24,8,"I Crustle si disputano il territorio lottando ferocemente.
Vince chi distrugge la roccia del rivale."
558,24,9,"Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously.
The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of
the battle."
558,24,11,"縄張りを 取り合って
イワパレス 同士が 激しく 戦う。
岩を 壊されたほうが 負け。"
558,25,1,"おもたい いわを せおって
かんそうした とちを なんにちでも
いどうできる きゃくりょくを もつ。"
558,25,3,"무거운 바위를 등에 지고
며칠이고 건조한 땅을
이동할 수 있는 다릿심을 가지고 있다."
558,25,5,"Il est assez endurant pour voyager des jours durant
dans des zones desséchées avec son lourd rocher sur
le dos."
558,25,6,"Es ist hart genug im Nehmen, um mitsamt seines schweren
Felsens mehrere Tage durch trockene Gebiete zu wandern."
558,25,7,"Su inmensa capacidad motriz le permite desplazarse cargando
a sus espaldas rocas enormes durante días."
558,25,8,"Ha una tale forza nelle gambe, che può spostarsi per giorni
in zone aride con una pesante roccia sulle spalle."
558,25,9,"It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it
to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when
crossing arid land."
558,25,11,"重たい 岩を 背負って
乾燥した 土地を 何日でも
移動できる 脚力を 持つ。"
558,26,1,"なわばりを とりあって イワパレス
どうしが はげしく たたかう。
いわを こわされた ほうが まけ。"
558,26,3,"영역을 빼앗기 위해
암팰리스끼리 격렬히 싸운다.
바위가 부서진 쪽이 패배다."
558,26,5,"Entre eux, les querelles de territoire sont fréquentes
et violentes. Celui qui se fait briser son rocher a perdu."
558,26,6,"Revierkonflikte führen oft zu heftigen Kämpfen zwischen ihnen.
Gewonnen hat, wer das gegnerische Haus zerstört."
558,26,7,"Se disputa el territorio con sus congéneres. Pierde aquel al
que le rompan la roca que lleva a cuestas."
558,26,8,"I Crustle si disputano il territorio lottando ferocemente.
Vince chi distrugge la roccia del rivale."
558,26,9,"Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously.
The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of
the battle."
558,26,11,"縄張りを 取り合って
イワパレス 同士が 激しく 戦う。
岩を 壊されたほうが 負け。"
558,33,1,"かんそうした ばしょを このみ
あめのひは いわから でない。
なわばりいしきが つよいぞ。"
558,33,3,"건조한 곳을 좋아하며
비가 내리는 날에는 바위에서 나오지 않는다.
자기 영역에 대한 의식이 강하다."
558,33,5,"Il préfère les endroits secs, et rentre dans
son rocher quand il pleut.
Il défend farouchement son territoire."
558,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon mag trockene Gebiete und
verkriecht sich bei Regen unter seinem Felsen.
Es zeigt stark ausgeprägtes Territorialverhalten."
558,33,7,"Este Pokémon posee un fuerte instinto territorial
y prefiere los entornos áridos. Los días de lluvia
permanece en el interior de su roca."
558,33,8,"Predilige i luoghi aridi e nei giorni di pioggia
non esce dalla sua roccia. È molto territoriale."
558,33,9,"This highly territorial Pokémon prefers dry
climates. It wont come out of its boulder on
rainy days."
558,33,11,"乾燥した 場所を 好み
雨の日は 岩から 出ない。
縄張り意識が 強いぞ。"
558,34,1,"ふとい ツメが さいだいの ぶき。
ドサイドンの プロテクターにさえ
ひびを いれるほど かたいぞ。"
558,34,3,"두꺼운 발톱이 최고의 무기다.
거대코뿌리의 프로텍터조차
금이 갈 정도로 딱딱하다."
558,34,5,"Ses meilleures armes sont ses pinces.
Elles sont si dures quelles peuvent ébrécher
les Protecteurs de Rhinastoc."
558,34,6,"Seine kräftigen Scheren sind robuste Waffen.
Sie sind hart genug, um selbst in den Schützern
von Rihornior Risse zu hinterlassen."
558,34,7,"Su arma más potente son sus gruesas pinzas, tan
duras que pueden abrir una brecha incluso en el
Protector de Rhyperior."
558,34,8,"Le spesse chele sono la sua arma più potente.
Sono talmente dure da poter perfino aprire
brecce nella Copertura dei Rhyperior."
558,34,9,"Its thick claws are its greatest weapons.
Theyre mighty enough to crack
Rhyperiors carapace."
558,34,11,"太い ツメが 最大の 武器。
ドサイドンの プロテクターにさえ
ひびを 入れるほど 硬いぞ。"
559,17,5,"Il remonte sa peau jusquà son cou pour
se protéger. Elle a une constitution
élastique qui absorbe les coups."
559,17,9,"Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so
it can reduce damage by defensively
pulling its skin up to its neck."
559,18,5,"Quiconque a le malheur de croiser son
regard se prend un coup de tête.
Il a le crâne très dur."
559,18,9,"It immediately headbutts anyone that
makes eye contact with it. Its skull is
massively thick."
559,21,9,"Proud of its sturdy skull,
it suddenly headbutts everything,
but its weight makes it unstable, too."
559,22,9,"Proud of its sturdy skull,
it suddenly headbutts everything,
but its weight makes it unstable, too."
559,23,1,"かわを くびまで ひきあげて
ぼうぎょの しせい。ゴムのような
だんりょくで ダメージを へらす。"
559,23,3,"가죽을 목까지 늘려서
방어 자세를 취한다. 고무 같은
탄력을 이용해 데미지를 줄인다."
559,23,5,"Il remonte sa peau jusquà son cou pour se protéger.
Elle a une constitution élastique qui absorbe les
559,23,6,"Es zieht seine gummiartige Haut bis zum Hals hinauf
und nimmt eine Abwehrhaltung ein, um sich vor
Schaden zu schützen."
559,23,7,"Se sube la piel hasta el cuello para defenderse. Su
elasticidad, similar a la de una goma, reduce el daño
559,23,8,"Assumono la posizione difensiva tirando su fino al
collo la pelle, che è elastica come la gomma e
previene i danni."
559,23,9,"Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce
damage by defensively pulling its skin up to
its neck."
559,23,11,"皮を 首まで 引き上げて
防御の 姿勢。ゴムのような 弾力で
ダメージを 減らす。"
559,24,1,"がんじょうな ずがいこつが じまん。
いきなり ずつきを かましてくるが
おもさで じぶんも フラフラしてる。"
559,24,3,"튼튼한 두개골이 자랑이다.
느닷없이 박치기를 하려고 하지만
무게로 자신도 휘청거린다."
559,24,5,"Ses coups de tête sont sa fierté. Seul problème :
sa tête est un peu trop lourde, et il perd souvent
559,24,6,"Verteilt gerne unvermittelt Kopfnüsse, deren Wucht
auch seine Sinne vernebelt. Es ist stolz auf seinen
robusten Schädel."
559,24,7,"Está orgulloso de su sólido cráneo. Reparte cabezazos
a diestro y siniestro con tal vehemencia que él mismo
se marea."
559,24,8,"Va fiero del suo robustissimo cranio. Tira senza
preavviso testate così forti da farlo barcollare."
559,24,9,"Proud of its sturdy skull, it suddenly headbutts
everything, but its weight makes it unstable, too."
559,24,11,"頑丈な 頭蓋骨が 自慢。
いきなり 頭突きを かましてくるが
重さで 自分も フラフラしてる。"
559,25,1,"かわを くびまで ひきあげて
ぼうぎょの しせい。ゴムのような
だんりょくで ダメージを へらす。"
559,25,3,"가죽을 목까지 늘려서
방어 자세를 취한다. 고무 같은
탄력을 이용해 데미지를 줄인다."
559,25,5,"Il remonte sa peau jusquà son cou pour se protéger.
Elle a une constitution élastique qui absorbe les coups."
559,25,6,"Es zieht seine gummiartige Haut bis zum Hals hinauf und nimmt
eine Abwehrhaltung ein, um sich vor Schaden zu schützen."
559,25,7,"Se sube la piel hasta el cuello para defenderse. Su
elasticidad, similar a la de una goma, reduce el daño
559,25,8,"Assumono la posizione difensiva tirando su fino al collo
la pelle, che è elastica come la gomma e previene i danni."
559,25,9,"Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce
damage by defensively pulling its skin up to
its neck."
559,25,11,"皮を 首まで 引き上げて
防御の 姿勢。ゴムのような 弾力で
ダメージを 減らす。"
559,26,1,"がんじょうな ずがいこつが じまん。
いきなり ずつきを かましてくるが
おもさで じぶんも フラフラしてる。"
559,26,3,"튼튼한 두개골이 자랑이다.
느닷없이 박치기를 하려고 하지만
무게로 자신도 휘청거린다."
559,26,5,"Ses coups de tête sont sa fierté. Seul problème : sa tête est
un peu trop lourde, et il perd souvent léquilibre."
559,26,6,"Verteilt gerne unvermittelt Kopfnüsse, deren Wucht auch seine
Sinne vernebelt. Es ist stolz auf seinen robusten Schädel."
559,26,7,"Está orgulloso de su sólido cráneo. Reparte cabezazos a
diestro y siniestro con tal vehemencia que él mismo se
559,26,8,"Va fiero del suo robustissimo cranio. Tira senza preavviso
testate così forti da farlo barcollare."
559,26,9,"Proud of its sturdy skull, it suddenly headbutts
everything, but its weight makes it unstable, too."
559,26,11,"頑丈な 頭蓋骨が 自慢。
いきなり 頭突きを かましてくるが
重さで 自分も フラフラしてる。"
559,29,1,"すうひきのグループで こうどうする。
ちんたら あるきまわり めが あった
あいてに いきなり ずつきを かます。"
559,29,3,"여러 마리 그룹으로 행동한다.
굼뜨게 다니다 눈이 마주친
상대에게 느닷없이 박치기를 한다."
559,29,5,"Il traîne en bandes et distribue des coups
de tête à ceux qui osent croiser son regard."
559,29,6,"Zurrokex trotten in Gruppen von einigen
Exemplaren durch die Gegend. Wer mit ihnen
Augenkontakt herstellt, erhält Kopfnüsse."
559,29,7,"Se desplaza con lentitud en pequeños grupos
y se lía a cabezazos a la mínima que alguien
le cruza la mirada."
559,29,8,"Gli Scraggy formano piccoli gruppi e si mettono
a gironzolare tirando improvvisamente testate a
chiunque incroci il loro sguardo."
559,29,9,"They move in small groups, walking around lazily.
Anyone who makes eye contact gets smacked
with a headbutt."
559,29,11,"数匹のグループで 行動する。
ちんたら 歩きまわり 目が 合った
相手に いきなり 頭突きを かます。"
559,30,1,"だるんと のびた かわを くびまで
ひっぱりあげて ガード。 かわが
のびている こたいほど えらいらしい。"
559,30,3,"축 늘어난 가죽을 목까지
끌어올려서 가드한다. 가죽이
늘어난 개체일수록 대단하다고 한다."
559,30,5,"Pour se protéger, il remonte sa peau plissée
jusquà son cou. Plus la peau est longue, plus
Baggiguane inspirera de respect."
559,30,6,"Es zieht seine gummiartige Haut zum Schutz bis
zum Hals hinauf. Seine Rangfolge scheint davon
abzuhängen, wie hoch es sie ziehen kann."
559,30,7,"Se sube la piel arrugada hasta el cuello para
protegerse. Parece que los ejemplares con la
piel más larga son los más respetados."
559,30,8,"Si protegge tirando la pelle su fino al collo.
Sembra che gli esemplari dalla pelle più lunga
siano quelli più rispettati."
559,30,9,"It stretches its saggy skin up to its neck to
protect itself. The saggier their skin, the more
respect they garner."
559,30,11,"だるんと のびた 皮を 首まで
引っ張りあげて ガード。 皮が
のびている 個体ほど 偉いらしい。"
559,33,1,"しせんが あったら キケン!
あいてを えらばず ずつきで
おそってくる やっかいものだ。"
559,33,3,"눈이 마주치면 위험하다!
상대를 가리지 않고 박치기로
공격해오는 성가신 포켓몬이다."
559,33,5,"Cest un Pokémon dangereux qui distribue
des coups de tête à quiconque ose croiser
son regard."
559,33,6,"Zurrokex deuten Blickkontakt als Einladung,
ihr Gegenüber mit Kopfnüssen anzugreifen.
Vorsicht ist also geboten."
559,33,7,"No tiene reparos en liarse a cabezazos con quien
se le ponga por delante, por lo que es peligroso
cruzar la mirada con él."
559,33,8,"È molto molesto e prende a testate chiunque
gli capiti a tiro, perciò incrociare il suo sguardo
può essere molto pericoloso."
559,33,9,"If it locks eyes with you, watch out! Nothing and
no one is safe from the reckless headbutts of this
troublesome Pokémon."
559,33,11,"視線が 合ったら 危険!
相手を 選ばず 頭突きで
襲ってくる 厄介者だ。"
559,34,1,"じょうぶな かわで みを まもる。
かわが のびきるとき しんかを
むかえると いわれる。"
559,34,3,"튼튼한 가죽으로 몸을 지킨다.
가죽이 다 늘어나면 진화할 때가
되었다고 한다."
559,34,5,"Il se protège grâce à sa peau robuste.
On dit que quand celle-ci ne peut plus sétirer
davantage, cest quil est sur le point dévoluer."
559,34,6,"Es hat besonders robuste Haut, die seinen Körper
schützt. Es heißt, wenn sich die Haut nicht weiter
dehnen lässt, steht die Entwicklung bevor."
559,34,7,"Su robusta piel le sirve de protección. Cuando
ya no puede estirarse más, es señal de que va
a evolucionar pronto."
559,34,8,"Il suo corpo è protetto da una pelle robustissima.
Si dice che quando questa raggiunge il limite
dellelasticità, Scraggy sia sul punto di evolversi."
559,34,9,"It protects itself with its durable skin. Its thought
that this Pokémon will evolve once its skin has
completely stretched out."
559,34,11,"丈夫な 皮で 身を 守る。
皮が 伸びきるとき 進化を
迎えると いわれる。"
560,17,5,"Ils se regroupent pour rosser ceux
qui pénètrent sur leur territoire.
Ils crachent un venin corrosif."
560,17,9,"Groups of them beat up anything
that enters their territory. Each can
spit acidic liquid from its mouth."
560,18,5,"La plus grande crête détermine le
meneur du groupe. Il détruit des
blocs de béton à coups de pied."
560,18,9,"It can smash concrete blocks with its
kicking attacks. The one with the biggest
crest is the group leader."
560,21,9,"It pulls up its shed skin to protect
itself while it kicks. The bigger the
crest, the more respected it is."
560,22,9,"It pulls up its shed skin to protect
itself while it kicks. The bigger the
crest, the more respected it is."
560,23,1,"だっぴした かわを ずりあげて
ダメージを へらしつつ キック!
とさかが おおきいほど えらそうだ。"
560,23,3,"탈피한 가죽을 끌어 올려
데미지를 줄이면서 킥!
볏이 클수록 거만하다."
560,23,5,"Son baggy de peau le protège quand il donne
des coups de pied. Les meneurs sont ceux qui ont
la plus grande crête."
560,23,6,"Es wehrt Angriffe mit seiner alten Haut ab
und kontert mit Tritten. Sein Ego entspricht
der Größe seines Kamms."
560,23,7,"Se protege de los ataques con la muda de su piel
mientras reparte patadas. Cuanto mayor es su cresta,
más se le respeta."
560,23,8,"Quando tira calci, si protegge dai danni con la pelle
della muta. Più grande è la cresta e più arie si dà."
560,23,9,"It pulls up its shed skin to protect itself while
it kicks. The bigger the crest, the more respected
it is."
560,23,11,"脱皮した 皮を ずりあげて
ダメージを 減らしつつ キック!
とさかが 大きいほど 偉そうだ。"
560,24,1,"とさかの おおきさで グループの
リーダーを きめる。キックこうげきで
コンクリートブロックを はかいする。"
560,24,3,"볏의 크기로 그룹의
리더를 정한다. 발차기로
콘크리트 블록을 파괴한다."
560,24,5,"La plus grande crête détermine le meneur du groupe.
Il détruit des blocs de béton à coups de pied."
560,24,6,"Wählt seinen Anführer über die Größe des Kamms
auf dem Kopf. Ein Tritt von ihm reicht,
um Betonblöcke zu zertrümmern."
560,24,7,"El líder del grupo es aquel cuya cresta es mayor.
Es capaz de romper bloques de cemento con sus
potentes patadas."
560,24,8,"Il capo del gruppo viene scelto in base alla grandezza
della cresta. Spacca blocchi di cemento con dei calci."
560,24,9,"It can smash concrete blocks with its kicking
attacks. The one with the biggest crest is the
group leader."
560,24,11,"トサカの 大きさで グループの
リーダーを 決める。キック攻撃で
コンクリートブロックを 破壊する。"
560,25,1,"だっぴした かわを ずりあげて
ダメージを へらしつつ キック!
とさかが おおきいほど えらそうだ。"
560,25,3,"탈피한 가죽을 끌어 올려
데미지를 줄이면서 킥!
볏이 클수록 거만하다."
560,25,5,"Son baggy de peau le protège quand il donne des coups
de pied. Les meneurs sont ceux qui ont la plus grande crête."
560,25,6,"Es wehrt Angriffe mit seiner alten Haut ab und kontert mit
Tritten. Sein Ego entspricht der Größe seines Kamms."
560,25,7,"Se protege de los ataques con la muda de su piel mientras
reparte patadas. Cuanto mayor es su cresta, más se le
560,25,8,"Quando tira calci, si protegge dai danni con la pelle
della muta. Più grande è la cresta e più arie si dà."
560,25,9,"It pulls up its shed skin to protect itself while
it kicks. The bigger the crest, the more respected
it is."
560,25,11,"脱皮した 皮を ずりあげて
ダメージを 減らしつつ キック!
とさかが 大きいほど 偉そうだ。"
560,26,1,"とさかの おおきさで グループの
リーダーを きめる。キックこうげきで
コンクリートブロックを はかいする。"
560,26,3,"볏의 크기로 그룹의
리더를 정한다. 발차기로
콘크리트 블록을 파괴한다."
560,26,5,"La plus grande crête détermine le meneur du groupe.
Il détruit des blocs de béton à coups de pied."
560,26,6,"Wählt seinen Anführer über die Größe des Kamms auf dem
Kopf. Ein Tritt von ihm reicht, um Betonblöcke zu zertrümmern."
560,26,7,"El líder del grupo es aquel cuya cresta es mayor. Es capaz
de romper bloques de cemento con sus potentes patadas."
560,26,8,"Il capo del gruppo viene scelto in base alla grandezza della
cresta. Spacca blocchi di cemento con dei calci."
560,26,9,"It can smash concrete blocks with its kicking
attacks. The one with the biggest crest is the
group leader."
560,26,11,"トサカの 大きさで グループの
リーダーを 決める。キック攻撃で
コンクリートブロックを 破壊する。"
560,29,1,"そぼうだが じぶんの かぞくや
むれのなかまや なわばりを とっても
たいせつにしている ポケモンなのだ。"
560,29,3,"거칠고 난폭하지만, 자신의 가족과
무리 동료의 영역을 매우
소중히 여기는 포켓몬이다."
560,29,5,"Ses airs de gros dur cachent en fait un grand
cœur dévoué à sa famille, sa bande et
son territoire."
560,29,6,"Diesem ungestümen Pokémon liegen Freunde,
Familie und Revier sehr am Herzen."
560,29,7,"A pesar de su apariencia chulesca, se preocupa
mucho por los miembros de su familia, el resto
del grupo y su territorio."
560,29,8,"È un Pokémon violento, ma al tempo stesso
molto dedito alla famiglia, ai membri del proprio
gruppo e al suo territorio."
560,29,9,"This Pokémon may be rude, but it takes very
good care of its family, its friends, and its turf."
560,29,11,"粗暴だが 自分の 家族や
群れの仲間や 縄張りを とっても
大切にしている ポケモンなのだ。"
560,30,1,"つばを はいて あいてを ちょうはつ。
きまった なわばりを もっており
いっしょう そこを はなれず すごす。"
560,30,3,"침을 뱉어서 상대를 도발한다.
정해진 영역을 가지고 있으며
평생 그곳을 벗어나지 않고 산다."
560,30,5,"Il provoque ses ennemis en crachant.
Il passe toute sa vie sans saventurer hors
des frontières bien définies de son territoire."
560,30,6,"Es provoziert Gegner, indem es sie anspuckt.
Jedes Exemplar besitzt sein eigenes Revier,
das es niemals verlässt."
560,30,7,"Provoca a su rival escupiéndole. No se aventura
fuera de su propio territorio, donde pasa toda la
560,30,8,"Provoca il nemico sputandogli addosso.
Quando conquista un territorio, non lo
abbandona più per tutta la vita."
560,30,9,"It taunts its opponents by spitting. It has a
certain territory that it never leaves its whole
life long."
560,30,11,"唾を 吐いて 相手を 挑発。
決まった 縄張りを もっており
一生 そこを 離れず 過ごす。"
560,33,1,"やるきの なさげな キックは
ローブシンの もつ コンクリートも
くだくほどの はかいりょく。"
560,33,3,"의욕이 없어 보이는 킥은
노보청이 들고 있는 콘크리트도
부술 정도의 파괴력을 지녔다."
560,33,5,"Son coup de pied nonchalant possède une force
de destruction si grande quil peut briser
les piliers en béton de Bétochef."
560,33,6,"Selbst seine halbherzigen Tritte sind stark
genug, um die Betonpfeiler eines Meistagrif
zu zertrümmern."
560,33,7,"Las patadas que propina con aparente desgana
poseen una fuerza capaz de destrozar incluso los
pilares de hormigón que llevan los Conkeldurr."
560,33,8,"Pur se tirati con aria svogliata, i suoi calci sono
così distruttivi da sgretolare perfino i pilastri di
cemento di Conkeldurr."
560,33,9,"As halfhearted as this Pokémons kicks may seem,
they pack enough power to shatter Conkeldurrs
concrete pillars."
560,33,11,"やる気の なさげな キックは
ローブシンの もつ コンクリートも
砕くほどの 破壊力。"
560,34,1,"とても あらっぽい せいかくだが
かぞくや なかまや なわばりは
たいせつにする ところがある。"
560,34,3,"매우 거친 성격이지만
가족과 동료와 영역은
소중히 여긴다."
560,34,5,"Il est de nature violente, mais au fond de lui,
il tient à sa famille, à ses amis et à son territoire."
560,34,6,"Es gibt sich gerne wild, aber seine Familie, seine
Kameraden und sein Revier liegen ihm sehr am
560,34,7,"A pesar de su carácter agresivo, se muestra muy
protector con sus allegados y su territorio."
560,34,8,"Ha unindole estremamente aggressiva, ma se
si tratta della sua famiglia, dei suoi compagni e
del suo territorio, diventa molto protettivo."
560,34,9,"While mostly known for having the temperament
of an aggressive ruffian, this Pokémon takes very
good care of its family, friends, and territory."
560,34,11,"とても 荒っぽい 性格だが
家族や 仲間や 縄張りは
大切にする ところがある。"
561,17,5,"On dit quil parcourt toujours le même
itinéraire parce quil a gardé la mémoire
de la ville antique quil protégeait."
561,17,9,"They never vary the route they fly,
because their memories of guarding
an ancient city remain steadfast."
561,18,5,"Il était le dieu protecteur dune ville
antique. Il repoussait les envahisseurs
à coups de pouvoir psychique."
561,18,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they
use their psychic power to attack
enemies that invade their territory."
561,21,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they
always fly the same route while
keeping watch for invaders."
561,22,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they
always fly the same route while
keeping watch for invaders."
561,23,1,"こだいとしの まもりがみだった。
なわばりに しんにゅうした てきを
サイコパワーで こうげきする。"
561,23,3,"고대 도시의 수호신이었다.
자기 영역을 침범한 상대를
사이코 파워로 공격한다."
561,23,5,"Il était le dieu protecteur dune ville antique.
Il repoussait les envahisseurs à coups de pouvoir
561,23,6,"Einst war es der Wächter einer Stadt aus uralten
Zeiten. Wer sich in sein Revier wagt, lernt seine
Psycho-Kräfte kennen."
561,23,7,"Fue la deidad protectora de una ciudad milenaria.
Ataca con su poder psíquico a los enemigos que
invaden su territorio."
561,23,8,"Era lo spirito custode di unantica città. Attaccava
con poteri psichici i nemici che invadevano il suo
561,23,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they use their
psychic power to attack enemies that invade
their territory."
561,23,11,"古代都市の 守り神だった。
縄張りに 侵入した 敵を
サイコパワーで 攻撃する。"
561,24,1,"こだいとしの まもりがみ。
いつも おなじルートを じゅんかいし
しんにゅうしゃを みはっていた。"
561,24,3,"고대 도시의 수호신.
항상 같은 루트를 순회하며
침입자를 감시하고 있었다."
561,24,5,"Dieu protecteur dune ville antique, il suivait toujours
le même itinéraire afin de prévenir tout risque
561,24,6,"Vor langer Zeit war es der Wächter einer Stadt.
Es fliegt auf der Suche nach Eindringlingen immer
dieselbe Route ab."
561,24,7,"Deidad protectora de una antigua ciudad. Siempre
merodea por la misma ruta y permanece alerta en
busca de intrusos."
561,24,8,"Era lo spirito custode di unantica città. Percorreva
sempre lo stesso percorso per assicurarsi che non
ci fossero intrusi."
561,24,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they always fly
the same route while keeping watch for invaders."
561,24,11,"古代都市の 守り神。
いつも 同じルートを 巡回し
侵入者を 見張っていた。"
561,25,1,"こだいとしの まもりがみだった。
なわばりに しんにゅうした てきを
サイコパワーで こうげきする。"
561,25,3,"고대 도시의 수호신이었다.
자기 영역을 침범한 상대를
사이코 파워로 공격한다."
561,25,5,"Il était le dieu protecteur dune ville antique. Il repoussait
les envahisseurs à coups de pouvoir psychique."
561,25,6,"Einst war es der Wächter einer Stadt aus uralten Zeiten. Wer
sich in sein Revier wagt, lernt seine Psycho-Kräfte kennen."
561,25,7,"Fue la deidad protectora de una ciudad milenaria. Ataca con
su poder psíquico a los enemigos que invaden su territorio."
561,25,8,"Era lo spirito custode di unantica città. Attaccava con poteri
psichici i nemici che invadevano il suo territorio."
561,25,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they use their
psychic power to attack enemies that invade
their territory."
561,25,11,"古代都市の 守り神だった。
縄張りに 侵入した 敵を
サイコパワーで 攻撃する。"
561,26,1,"こだいとしの まもりがみ。
いつも おなじルートを じゅんかいし
しんにゅうしゃを みはっていた。"
561,26,3,"고대 도시의 수호신.
항상 같은 루트를 순회하며
침입자를 감시하고 있었다."
561,26,5,"Dieu protecteur dune ville antique, il suivait toujours
le même itinéraire afin de prévenir tout risque dinvasion."
561,26,6,"Vor langer Zeit war es der Wächter einer Stadt. Es fliegt auf
der Suche nach Eindringlingen immer dieselbe Route ab."
561,26,7,"Deidad protectora de una antigua ciudad. Siempre merodea
por la misma ruta y permanece alerta en busca de intrusos."
561,26,8,"Era lo spirito custode di unantica città. Percorreva sempre lo
stesso percorso per assicurarsi che non ci fossero intrusi."
561,26,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they always fly
the same route while keeping watch for invaders."
561,26,11,"古代都市の 守り神。
いつも 同じルートを 巡回し
侵入者を 見張っていた。"
561,33,1,"サイコパワーで そらを とぶ。
こだいとしの まもりがみ とも
そのつかいとも いわれている。"
561,33,3,"사이코 파워로 하늘을 난다.
고대 도시의 수호신 또는
수호신의 사자로 일컬어진다."
561,33,5,"Il vole grâce à ses pouvoirs psychiques.
Certains disent quil était le dieu protecteur
dune ville antique, dautres, son messager."
561,33,6,"Es fliegt mithilfe seiner Psycho-Kräfte. Einige
sagen, es war einst der Wächter einer Stadt aus
uralten Zeiten. Andere sagen, es war sein Bote."
561,33,7,"Vuela gracias a sus poderes psíquicos. Dicen que
había sido la deidad protectora de una antigua
ciudad, si bien otros creen que era su mensajero."
561,33,8,"Vola grazie ai suoi poteri psichici. Si dice che
fosse lo spirito custode di unantica città o il suo
561,33,9,"Psychic power allows these Pokémon to fly. Some
say they were the guardians of an ancient city.
Others say they were the guardians emissaries."
561,33,11,"サイコパワーで 空を 飛ぶ。
古代都市の 守り神 とも
その遣いとも いわれている。"
561,34,1,"シンボラーが とぶ さばくのしたを
ちょうさすると こだいの としと
おもわれる なごりが みつかった。"
561,34,3,"심보러가 나는 사막 아래를
조사해 보니 고대 도시로
여겨지는 자취가 발견되었다."
561,34,5,"En fouillant sous le sable du désert survolé
par Cryptéro, on a retrouvé les vestiges
de ce que lon croit être une ville antique."
561,34,6,"In den Wüsten, in denen man Symvolara fliegen
sieht, wurden Ruinen gefunden, die man für die
Überreste einer Stadt aus uralten Zeiten hält."
561,34,7,"Explorando la zona desértica que sobrevuela,
se han descubierto los vestigios de lo que parece
ser una antigua ciudad."
561,34,8,"Nella zona desertica sorvolata da questi
Pokémon sono stati disseppelliti i resti
di unantica città."
561,34,9,"A discovery was made in the desert where
Sigilyph fly. The ruins of what may have been
an ancient city were found beneath the sands."
561,34,11,"シンボラーが 飛ぶ 砂漠の下を
調査すると 古代の 都市と
思われる 名残りが 見つかった。"
562,17,5,"Le motif de son masque est son visage
quand il était humain. Parfois, il le
regarde et se met à pleurer."
562,17,9,"Each of them carries a mask that used
to be its face when it was human.
Sometimes they look at it and cry."
562,18,5,"Il est né de lâme dun défunt inhumé
dans une tombe antique. Il a conservé
ses anciens souvenirs."
562,18,9,"These Pokémon arose from the spirits of
people interred in graves in past ages.
Each retains memories of its former life."
562,21,9,"These Pokémon arose from the spirits of
people interred in graves. Each retains
memories of its former life."
562,22,9,"These Pokémon arose from the spirits of
people interred in graves. Each retains
memories of its former life."
562,23,1,"おはかに まいそうされた ひとの
たましいが ポケモンに へんかした。
しぬまえの きおくが のこっている。"
562,23,3,"무덤에 매장된 사람의
영혼이 포켓몬으로 변했다.
죽기 전 기억이 남아 있다."
562,23,5,"Il est né de lâme dun défunt inhumé dans une tombe
antique. Il a conservé ses anciens souvenirs."
562,23,6,"Es entsteht aus den Seelen von längst begrabenen
Menschen und kann sich immer noch an deren
Vergangenheit erinnern."
562,23,7,"Almas de humanos sepultados en tumbas que han
adquirido forma de Pokémon. Recuerdan su vida antes
de la muerte."
562,23,8,"Erano un tempo spettri che riposavano in antiche
tombe. Conservano la memoria della loro vita mortale."
562,23,9,"These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people
interred in graves. Each retains memories of its
former life."
562,23,11,"お墓に 埋葬された 人の
魂が ポケモンに 変化した。
死ぬ前の 記憶が 残っている。"
562,24,1,"もっている マスクは デスマスが
にんげんだった ときの かお。
たまに みつめては ないている。"
562,24,3,"가지고 있는 마스크는 데스마스가
사람이었을 때의 얼굴이다.
가끔 마스크를 쳐다보며 운다."
562,24,5,"Le motif de son masque est son visage quand il était
humain. Parfois, il le regarde et se met à pleurer."
562,24,6,"Seine Maske ist ein Abbild des Gesichts, das es
als Mensch hatte. Manchmal weint es, wenn man
ihm in die Augen sieht."
562,24,7,"Su máscara representa la cara que poseía cuando
era humano. A veces se le saltan las lágrimas al
562,24,8,"La maschera che indossa è il volto che aveva quando
era un umano. A volte si mette a piangere mentre
la guarda."
562,24,9,"Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face
when it was human. Sometimes they look at it
and cry."
562,24,11,"持っている マスクは
デスマスが 人間だった ときの 顔。
たまに 見つめては 泣いている。"
562,25,1,"おはかに まいそうされた ひとの
たましいが ポケモンに へんかした。
しぬまえの きおくが のこっている。"
562,25,3,"무덤에 매장된 사람의
영혼이 포켓몬으로 변했다.
죽기 전 기억이 남아 있다."
562,25,5,"Il est né de lâme dun défunt inhumé dans une tombe antique.
Il a conservé ses anciens souvenirs."
562,25,6,"Es entsteht aus den Seelen von längst begrabenen Menschen
und kann sich immer noch an deren Vergangenheit erinnern."
562,25,7,"Almas de humanos sepultados en tumbas que han adquirido
forma de Pokémon. Recuerdan su vida antes de la muerte."
562,25,8,"Erano un tempo spettri che riposavano in antiche tombe.
Conservano la memoria della loro vita mortale."
562,25,9,"These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people
interred in graves. Each retains memories of its
former life."
562,25,11,"お墓に 埋葬された 人の
魂が ポケモンに 変化した。
死ぬ前の 記憶が 残っている。"
562,26,1,"もっている マスクは デスマスが
にんげんだった ときの かお。
たまに みつめては ないている。"
562,26,3,"가지고 있는 마스크는 데스마스가
사람이었을 때의 얼굴이다.
가끔 마스크를 쳐다보며 운다."
562,26,5,"Le motif de son masque est son visage quand il était humain.
Parfois, il le regarde et se met à pleurer."
562,26,6,"Seine Maske ist ein Abbild des Gesichts, das es als Mensch
hatte. Manchmal weint es, wenn man ihm in die Augen sieht."
562,26,7,"Su máscara representa la cara que poseía cuando era humano.
A veces se le saltan las lágrimas al contemplarla."
562,26,8,"La maschera che indossa è il volto che aveva quando era un
umano. A volte si mette a piangere mentre la guarda."
562,26,9,"Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face
when it was human. Sometimes they look at it
and cry."
562,26,11,"持っている マスクは
デスマスが 人間だった ときの 顔。
たまに 見つめては 泣いている。"
562,33,1,"よなよな いせきを さまよう。
もっている マスクは ひと だった
ころの じぶんの かお だという。 "
562,33,3,"밤마다 유적을 떠돈다.
가지고 있는 마스크는 자신이
인간이던 시절의 얼굴이라고 한다."
562,33,5,"Il passe ses nuits à errer dans les ruines.
On raconte que le masque quil porte représente
son visage quand il était humain."
562,33,6,"Makabaja irren Nacht für Nacht durch Ruinen.
Die Masken, die sie umhertragen, sind angeblich
ihre ehemaligen Menschengesichter."
562,33,7,"Merodea todas las noches entre ruinas. Se dice
que la máscara que lleva replica su antiguo rostro
562,33,8,"Si aggira tra i ruderi ogni notte. Si dice che
la maschera che indossa sia il volto che
aveva quando era umano."
562,33,9,"It wanders through ruins by night, carrying a mask
thats said to have been the face it had when it
was still human."
562,33,11,"夜な夜な 遺跡を さまよう。
もっている マスクは 人 だった
ころの 自分の 顔 だという。"
562,34,1,"こだいじんの たましいが ポケモンに
なった。 じぶんの かおを しる
ひとを さがし いせきを さまよう。"
562,34,3,"고대인의 영혼이 포켓몬이 되어
태어났다. 자신의 얼굴을 아는
사람을 찾아 유적을 떠돈다."
562,34,5,"Il est né de lâme dun être humain dun peuple
antique. Il erre dans les ruines à la recherche
de quiconque reconnaîtra son visage."
562,34,6,"Makabaja sind Seelen von Menschen aus uralten
Zeiten, die zu Pokémon wurden. Sie suchen in
Ruinen nach Leuten, die ihr Gesicht kennen."
562,34,7,"Surgió del alma de una persona que vivió en
tiempos remotos. Merodea por las ruinas en
busca de alguien que reconozca su rostro."
562,34,8,"Spirito di un uomo dellantichità divenuto
Pokémon. Vaga tra le rovine in cerca di qualcuno
che riconosca il suo volto."
562,34,9,"The spirit of a person from a bygone age became
this Pokémon. It rambles through ruins, searching
for someone who knows its face."
562,34,11,"古代人の 魂が ポケモンに
なった。 自分の 顔を 知る
人を 探し 遺跡を さまよう。"
563,17,5,"Il paraît quil avale les gens
et les transforme en momies.
Il adore manger des lingots dor."
563,17,9,"It has been said that they swallow those
who get too close and turn them into
mummies. They like to eat gold nuggets."
563,18,5,"Il prend lapparence dun beau cercueil
pour punir les pilleurs de tombes.
Son corps est recouvert dor pur."
563,18,9,"They pretend to be elaborate coffins
to teach lessons to grave robbers.
Their bodies are covered in pure gold."
563,21,9,"Grave robbers who mistake them
for real coffins and get too close
end up trapped inside their bodies."
563,22,9,"Grave robbers who mistake them
for real coffins and get too close
end up trapped inside their bodies."
563,23,1,"ちかづいた にんげんを のみこんで
ミイラに してしまうという うわさ。
きんかいを このんで たべる。"
563,23,3,"가까이 다가온 인간을 삼켜서
미라로 만든다는 소문이 있다.
금괴를 즐겨 먹는다."
563,23,5,"Il paraît quil avale les gens et les transforme en
momies. Il adore manger des lingots dor."
563,23,6,"Angeblich verschlingt es jeden, der sich ihm auch
nur nähert. Besonders gern frisst es Klumpen aus
reinem Gold."
563,23,7,"Se comenta que engulle a todo humano que se le
acerca y lo momifica. Su comida favorita son las
pepitas de oro."
563,23,8,"Si dice che inghiottisca le prede che gli si avvicinano
e le trasformi in mummie. Gli piace mangiare le pepite
563,23,9,"It has been said that they swallow those who get
too close and turn them into mummies. They like to
eat gold nuggets."
563,23,11,"近づいた 人間を 飲みこんで
ミイラに してしまうという ウワサ。
金塊を 好んで 食べる。"
563,24,1,"ほんものの かんおけと まちがえ
ちかよってきた はかドロボウを
からだの なかに とじこめてしまう。"
563,24,3,"진짜 관과 착각해서
다가온 도굴꾼을
몸속에 가둬버린다."
563,24,5,"Il prend lapparence dun beau cercueil. Les pilleurs
de tombes imprudents finissent enfermés à lintérieur."
563,24,6,"Grabräuber, die es mit einem echten Sarg verwechseln
und ihm zu nahe kommen, hält es im Inneren seines
Körpers gefangen."
563,24,7,"Atrapan en su interior a los ladrones de tumbas que
los confunden con ataúdes de verdad."
563,24,8,"Imprigiona nel suo corpo i razziatori di tombe che gli
vanno vicino pensando che si tratti di un sarcofago
563,24,9,"Grave robbers who mistake them for real coffins and
get too close end up trapped inside their bodies."
563,24,11,"本物の かんおけと 間違え
近寄ってきた 墓ドロボウを
体の 中に 閉じこめてしまう。"
563,25,1,"ちかづいた にんげんを のみこんで
ミイラに してしまうという うわさ。
きんかいを このんで たべる。"
563,25,3,"가까이 다가온 인간을 삼켜서
미라로 만든다는 소문이 있다.
금괴를 즐겨 먹는다."
563,25,5,"Il paraît quil avale les gens et les transforme en momies.
Il adore manger des lingots dor."
563,25,6,"Angeblich verschlingt es jeden, der sich ihm auch nur nähert.
Besonders gern frisst es Klumpen aus reinem Gold."
563,25,7,"Se comenta que engulle a todo humano que se le acerca y lo
momifica. Su comida favorita son las pepitas de oro."
563,25,8,"Si dice che inghiottisca le prede che gli si avvicinano e le
trasformi in mummie. Gli piace mangiare le pepite doro."
563,25,9,"It has been said that they swallow those who get
too close and turn them into mummies. They like to
eat gold nuggets."
563,25,11,"近づいた 人間を 飲みこんで
ミイラに してしまうという ウワサ。
金塊を 好んで 食べる。"
563,26,1,"ほんものの かんおけと まちがえ
ちかよってきた はかドロボウを
からだの なかに とじこめてしまう。"
563,26,3,"진짜 관과 착각해서
다가온 도굴꾼을
몸속에 가둬버린다."
563,26,5,"Il prend lapparence dun beau cercueil. Les pilleurs de tombes
imprudents finissent enfermés à lintérieur."
563,26,6,"Grabräuber, die es mit einem echten Sarg verwechseln und ihm
zu nahe kommen, hält es im Inneren seines Körpers gefangen."
563,26,7,"Atrapan en su interior a los ladrones de tumbas que los
confunden con ataúdes de verdad."
563,26,8,"Imprigiona nel suo corpo i razziatori di tombe che gli vanno
vicino pensando che si tratti di un sarcofago vero."
563,26,9,"Grave robbers who mistake them for real coffins and
get too close end up trapped inside their bodies."
563,26,11,"本物の かんおけと 間違え
近寄ってきた 墓ドロボウを
体の 中に 閉じこめてしまう。"
563,33,1,"ピカピカの おうごんの からだ。
もはや にんげんだった ことは
おもいだすことは ないと いう。"
563,33,3,"황금으로 된 반짝거리는 몸.
자신이 인간이었다는 사실을
이제는 기억하지 못할 것이다."
563,33,5,"Son corps en or brille de mille feux.
On raconte quil ne se souvient désormais plus
de lépoque où il était un être humain."
563,33,6,"Echnatoll haben einen Körper aus glitzerndem
Gold. Man geht davon aus, dass sie sich nicht
mehr an ihr Leben als Menschen erinnern können."
563,33,7,"Su cuerpo es de rutilante oro. Se dice que ya no
recuerda nada de su pasado como humano."
563,33,8,"È ricoperto di oro scintillante. Si dice che ormai
non ricordi più di essere stato un essere umano."
563,33,9,"This Pokémon has a body of sparkling gold.
People say it no longer remembers that it was
once human."
563,33,11,"ピカピカの 黄金の 体。
もはや 人間だった ことは
思い出すことは ないと いう。"
563,34,1,"ふるい おはかの かべに おうさまの
とみの しょうちょう として
えがかれて いることが おおい。"
563,34,3,"오래된 묘지의 벽을 보면
왕의 부를 드러내고자
그려져 있는 경우가 많다."
563,34,5,"On le voit souvent représenté sur les murs
des vieilles sépultures des rois en tant que
symbole de leur richesse."
563,34,6,"Darstellungen von Echnatoll auf den Wänden
alter Königsgräber sind ein Zeichen dafür, dass
der dort begrabene Regent wohlhabend war."
563,34,7,"Aparece representado en los muros de antiguas
sepulturas como símbolo de riqueza de reyes de
563,34,8,"Viene spesso raffigurato sulle pareti di antichi
sepolcri come simbolo dellopulenza dei re."
563,34,9,"There are many depictions of Cofagrigus
decorating ancient tombs. Theyre symbols
of the wealth that kings of bygone eras had."
563,34,11,"古い お墓の 壁に 王様の
富の 象徴 として
描かれて いることが 多い。"
564,17,5,"Il a été recréé à partir dun fossile
préhistorique. Il peut plonger jusquà
1 000 mètres de profondeur."
564,17,9,"Restored from a fossil, this Pokémon
can dive to depths beyond half a mile."
564,18,5,"Il nageait dans les océans il y a 100
millions dannées. Il lui arrive de rallier
la terre ferme pour attaquer ses proies."
564,18,9,"About 100 million years ago, these
Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought
they also went on land to attack prey."
564,21,9,"This Pokémon was restored from a fossil.
It swam skillfully and dove
to depths beyond half a mile."
564,22,9,"This Pokémon was restored from a fossil.
It swam skillfully and dove
to depths beyond half a mile."
564,23,1,"およそ 1おくねんまえの うみを
およいでいた。りくちへ あがって
えものに おそいかかる こともある。"
564,23,3,"약 1억 년 전 바다를
헤엄쳐 다녔다. 육지에 올라
먹이를 덮치는 일도 있다."
564,23,5,"Il nageait dans les océans il y a 100 millions
dannées. Il lui arrive de rallier la terre ferme pour
attaquer ses proies."
564,23,6,"Schwamm bereits vor 100 Millionen Jahren durch
die Meere. Ab und zu führt es die Jagd auch an Land."
564,23,7,"Ya pululaba por las aguas hace 100 millones de años.
También va a tierra a veces en busca de alimento."
564,23,8,"Nuotava nei mari 100 milioni di anni fa. A volte sale
in superficie per aggredire le prede."
564,23,9,"About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam
in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to
attack prey."
564,23,11,"およそ 1億年前の 海を
泳いでいた。陸地へ 上がって
獲物に 襲いかかる こともある。"
564,24,1,"こだいの かせきから ふっかつした。
ふかさ 1000メートルまで
せんすいすることが できる。"
564,24,3,"고대 화석에서 부활했다.
1000m 깊이까지
잠수할 수 있다."
564,24,5,"Il a été recréé à partir dun fossile préhistorique.
Il peut plonger jusquà 1000 mètres de profondeur."
564,24,6,"Es wurde aus einem urzeitlichen Fossil reanimiert.
Es kann in Tiefen von bis zu 1 000 m abtauchen."
564,24,7,"Ha renacido de un fósil prehistórico. Puede sumergirse
hasta 1000 m de profundidad."
564,24,8,"Si è risvegliato da un antico fossile. Può immergersi
fino a 1000 m di profondità."
564,24,9,"Restored from a fossil, this Pokémon can dive to
depths beyond half a mile."
564,24,11,"古代の 化石から 復活した。
深さ 1000メートルまで
潜水することが できる。"
564,25,1,"およそ 1おくねんまえの うみを
およいでいた。りくちへ あがって
えものに おそいかかる こともある。"
564,25,3,"약 1억 년 전 바다를
헤엄쳐 다녔다. 육지에 올라
먹이를 덮치는 일도 있다."
564,25,5,"Il nageait dans les océans il y a 100 millions dannées.
Il lui arrive de rallier la terre ferme pour attaquer ses proies."
564,25,6,"Schwamm bereits vor 100 Millionen Jahren durch die Meere.
Ab und zu führt es die Jagd auch an Land."
564,25,7,"Ya pululaba por las aguas hace 100 millones de años.
También va a tierra a veces en busca de alimento."
564,25,8,"Nuotava nei mari 100 milioni di anni fa. A volte sale in
superficie per aggredire le prede."
564,25,9,"About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam
in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to
attack prey."
564,25,11,"およそ 1億年前の 海を
泳いでいた。陸地へ 上がって
獲物に 襲いかかる こともある。"
564,26,1,"こだいの かせきから ふっかつした。
ふかさ 1000メートルまで
せんすいすることが できる。"
564,26,3,"고대 화석에서 부활했다.
1000m 깊이까지
잠수할 수 있다."
564,26,5,"Il a été recréé à partir dun fossile préhistorique. Il peut
plonger jusquà 1000 mètres de profondeur."
564,26,6,"Es wurde aus einem urzeitlichen Fossil reanimiert. Es kann in
Tiefen von bis zu 1 000 m abtauchen."
564,26,7,"Ha renacido de un fósil prehistórico. Puede sumergirse hasta
1000 m de profundidad."
564,26,8,"Si è risvegliato da un antico fossile. Può immergersi fino
a 1000 m di profondità."
564,26,9,"Restored from a fossil, this Pokémon can dive to
depths beyond half a mile."
564,26,11,"古代の 化石から 復活した。
深さ 1000メートルまで
潜水することが できる。"
564,27,1,"こっかくを しらべるかぎり およそ
1000メートルの しんかいまで
もぐっていくことが できたようだ。"
564,27,3,"골격을 조사해보니
약 1000m의 심해까지
잠수할 수 있었던 것 같다."
564,27,5,"Létude de sa structure squelettique suggère
quil était autrefois capable de plonger
jusquà 1 000 m de profondeur."
564,27,6,"Eine Untersuchung seiner Skelettstruktur hat
ergeben, dass es in Tiefen von bis zu 1000 m
abtauchen kann."
564,27,7,"A juzgar por su estructura ósea, se calcula
que podía sumergirse hasta 1 km de
564,27,8,"A giudicare dalla struttura ossea, sembra che
fosse capace di immergersi fino a 1.000 m
di profondità. "
564,27,9,"Based on studies of its skeletal structure, it can
apparently dive to ocean depths of over half
a mile."
564,27,11,"骨格を 調べる限り およそ
1000メートルの 深海まで
潜っていくことが できたようだ。"
564,28,1,"おおくの かめポケモンの せんぞと
いわれる。 やく1おくねんまえの
あたたかい うみに すんでいた。"
564,28,3,"많은 거북포켓몬의 조상이라
전해진다. 약 1억 년 전의
따뜻한 바다에서 살았다."
564,28,5,"Ancêtre présumé de nombreuses espèces de
Pokémon tortues, il peuplait les mers chaudes
du monde il y a environ 100 millions dannées."
564,28,6,"Man sagt, es sei der Vorfahre der meisten
Schildkröten-Pokémon. Es lebte vor etwa
100 Millionen Jahren im warmen Meer."
564,28,7,"Se dice que es el predecesor de numerosos
Pokémon tortuga. Hace unos 100 millones de
años ya habitaba mares templados."
564,28,8,"Si dice che sia lantenato di molti Pokémon con
carapace. Nuotava nei mari caldi 100 milioni
di anni fa."
564,28,9,"Reputed to be the ancestor of most turtle
Pokémon, it lived in warm seas approximately
a hundred million years ago."
564,28,11,"多くの かめポケモンの 先祖と
いわれる。 約1億年前の
温かい 海に 棲んでいた。"
564,29,1,"こだいの かせきから ふっかつ。
うみに くらしていたが えものを
さがして りくにも あがっていた。"
564,29,3,"고대 화석에서 부활했다.
바다에 살고 있었지만, 먹이를
찾아 지상으로 올라왔다."
564,29,5,"Il a été recréé à partir dun fossile préhistorique.
Il vivait autrefois dans la mer, mais avait su
sadapter pour chasser aussi sur la terre ferme."
564,29,6,"Es wurde aus einem urzeitlichen Fossil wieder
zum Leben erweckt. Zwar lebte es im Meer, zur
Futtersuche ging es jedoch auch an Land."
564,29,7,"Se ha logrado reconstruir a partir de fósiles.
Aunque viviera en el mar, no dudaba en salir del
agua a tierra firme en busca de presas."
564,29,8,"È stato rigenerato da un antico fossile.
In passato viveva nel mare, ma per cacciare
non esitava a spostarsi sulla terraferma."
564,29,9,"It was restored from an ancient fossil. Tirtouga
lived in the sea but came up onto the land to
search for prey."
564,29,11,"古代の 化石から 復活。
海に 暮らしていたが 獲物を
探して 陸にも あがっていた。"
564,30,1,"ふかさ 1000メートルの
しんかいから りくち まで ひろい
はんいを かりばに していた。"
564,30,3,"수심 1000m의 심해에서
육지에 이르기까지
넓은 범위를 사냥터로 삼았다."
564,30,5,"Son terrain de chasse sétendait sur un très
vaste territoire, de la terre ferme jusquà
1000 m sous les mers."
564,30,6,"Sein Jagdrevier erstreckte sich einst von bis
zu 1000 m tiefen Meeresgebieten bis zum
564,30,7,"Poseía un vasto territorio de caza, que abarcaba
desde la tierra firme hasta una profundidad
marina de 1 km."
564,30,8,"Si immergeva fino a 1.000 m di profondità e
il suo territorio di caccia si estendeva dagli
abissi marini alla terraferma."
564,30,9,"Its hunting grounds encompassed a broad area,
from the land to more than half a mile deep in
the ocean."
564,30,11,"深さ 1000メートルの
深海から 陸地まで 広い
範囲を 狩場に していた。"
564,33,1,"こだいの うみに すんでいた。
はいずることしか できないが
えもののために りくにも あがる。"
564,33,3,"고대의 바다에 살았다.
기어 다니는 것만 가능하지만
먹이를 위해서는 육지에 오르기도 한다."
564,33,5,"Il vivait dans la mer pendant lère préhistorique.
Il lui arrive de saventurer sur la terre ferme pour
chasser, bien quil ne puisse que ramper."
564,33,6,"Dieser Meeresbewohner der Urzeit kann sich
außerhalb der See nur kriechend fortbewegen,
aber für seine Beute kommt es trotzdem an Land."
564,33,7,"Vivía en los mares de hace millones de años. Sale
a tierra para buscar presas, aunque solo se pueda
desplazar reptando."
564,33,8,"Nellantichità viveva nei mari. Pur essendo solo
in grado di strisciare, sale anche sulla terraferma
in cerca di prede."
564,33,9,"This Pokémon inhabited ancient seas. Although
it can only crawl, it still comes up onto land in
search of prey."
564,33,11,"古代の 海に 棲んでいた。
這いずることしか できないが
獲物のために 陸にも 上がる。"
564,34,1,"おおくの かめポケモンの せんぞと
かんがえられている ポケモン。
かせきから ふくげん された。"
564,34,3,"많은 거북포켓몬의 선조로
여겨지고 있는 포켓몬이다.
화석에서 복원되었다."
564,34,5,"Ancêtre présumé de nombreuses espèces
de Pokémon tortues, il a été restauré à partir
dun fossile."
564,34,6,"Man vermutet, Galapaflos sei der Vorfahr vieler
Schildkröten-Pokémon. Es wurde aus einem
urzeitlichen Fossil wieder zum Leben erweckt."
564,34,7,"Se piensa que es el antepasado de numerosos
Pokémon tortuga. Fue regenerado a partir de un
564,34,8,"Si ritiene sia lantenato di molti Pokémon con
carapace. È stato rigenerato da un fossile."
564,34,9,"Tirtouga is considered to be the ancestor of
many turtle Pokémon. It was restored to life
from a fossil."
564,34,11,"多くの かめポケモンの 先祖と
考えられている ポケモン。
化石から 復元された。"
565,17,5,"Il vit sur terre et en mer.
Ses bras surpuissants peuvent percer
des trous dans la coque des paquebots."
565,17,9,"They can live both in the ocean and on
land. A slap from one of them is enough
to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker."
565,18,5,"Ses mâchoires sont très puissantes.
Il dévore sans distinction ses proies,
lacier et les rochers."
565,18,9,"Incredible jaw strength enables them
to chew up steel beams and rocks
along with their prey."
565,21,9,"It could knock out a foe with a slap from
one of its developed front appendages
and chew it up, shell or bones and all."
565,22,9,"It could knock out a foe with a slap from
one of its developed front appendages
and chew it up, shell or bones and all."
565,23,1,"うみと りくちで せいかつする。
はりてで タンカーの ふなぞこに
あなを あける パワーの もちぬし。"
565,23,3,"바다와 육지에서 생활한다.
손바닥으로 쳐서 배 밑바닥에
구멍을 내는 파워의 소유자다."
565,23,5,"Il vit sur terre et en mer. Ses bras surpuissants
peuvent percer des trous dans la coque des
565,23,6,"Es lebt im Meer und an Land. Es ist so stark,
dass es mit einem einzigen Hieb ein Loch in
ein Schiff reißen kann."
565,23,7,"Vive en el mar y en la superficie. Sus garras pueden
abrir un agujero en el fondo de un petrolero."
565,23,8,"Vive nel mare e sulla terraferma. Ha una forza tale
da sfondare con un solo colpo il fondo di una nave
565,23,9,"They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap
from one of them is enough to open a hole in the
bottom of a tanker."
565,23,11,"海と 陸地で 生活する。
張り手で タンカーの 船底に
穴を 開ける パワーの 持ち主。"
565,24,1,"はったつした まえあしで あいてを
ひっぱたき きぜつさせると カラや
ホネまで まるごと かみくだいた。"
565,24,3,"발달한 앞다리로 상대를
세게 쳐서 기절시켜 껍데기나
뼈까지 통째로 깨물어 부쉈다."
565,24,5,"Ses bras puissants serrent ses proies jusquà
lévanouissement. Il les dévore ensuite, carapace et
os compris."
565,24,6,"Ein Schlag mit seinen ausgeprägten Vorderflossen
brachte Gegner zu Fall und brach ihre Knochen
oder Schale."
565,24,7,"Un golpe con sus desarrolladas aletas delanteras
puede hacer perder a un rival el conocimiento o
romperle los huesos."
565,24,8,"Un singolo colpo dei suoi arti anteriori può bastare
a far perdere i sensi alla preda e romperne ossa e
565,24,9,"It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its
developed front appendages and chew it up, shell
or bones and all."
565,24,11,"発達した 前足で 相手を
ひっぱたき 気絶させると 殻や
ホネまで まるごと かみくだいた。"
565,25,1,"うみと りくちで せいかつする。
はりてで タンカーの ふなぞこに
あなを あける パワーの もちぬし。"
565,25,3,"바다와 육지에서 생활한다.
손바닥으로 쳐서 배 밑바닥에
구멍을 내는 파워의 소유자다."
565,25,5,"Il vit sur terre et en mer. Ses bras surpuissants peuvent percer
des trous dans la coque des paquebots."
565,25,6,"Es lebt im Meer und an Land. Es ist so stark, dass es mit
einem einzigen Hieb ein Loch in ein Schiff reißen kann."
565,25,7,"Vive en el mar y en la superficie. Sus garras pueden abrir un
agujero en el fondo de un petrolero."
565,25,8,"Vive nel mare e sulla terraferma. Ha una forza tale da sfondare
con un solo colpo il fondo di una nave cisterna."
565,25,9,"They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap
from one of them is enough to open a hole in the
bottom of a tanker."
565,25,11,"海と 陸地で 生活する。
張り手で タンカーの 船底に
穴を 開ける パワーの 持ち主。"
565,26,1,"はったつした まえあしで あいてを
ひっぱたき きぜつさせると カラや
ホネまで まるごと かみくだいた。"
565,26,3,"발달한 앞다리로 상대를
세게 쳐서 기절시켜 껍데기나
뼈까지 통째로 깨물어 부쉈다."
565,26,5,"Ses bras puissants serrent ses proies jusquà
lévanouissement. Il les dévore ensuite, carapace et
os compris."
565,26,6,"Ein Schlag mit seinen ausgeprägten Vorderflossen brachte
Gegner zu Fall und brach ihre Knochen oder Schale."
565,26,7,"Un golpe con sus desarrolladas aletas delanteras puede hacer
perder a un rival el conocimiento o romperle los huesos."
565,26,8,"Un singolo colpo dei suoi arti anteriori può bastare a far
perdere i sensi alla preda e romperne ossa e corazza."
565,26,9,"It could knock out a foe with a slap from one of its
developed front appendages and chew it up, shell
or bones and all."
565,26,11,"発達した 前足で 相手を
ひっぱたき 気絶させると 殻や
ホネまで まるごと かみくだいた。"
565,27,1,"じょうぶな こうらを つくるため
えものの かたいカラや ホネも
まるごと かみくだいて くっていた。"
565,27,3,"단단한 등껍질을 만들기 위해
먹이의 딱딱한 껍데기나 뼈도
통째로 깨물어 먹었다."
565,27,5,"Pour se constituer une carapace solide, il devait
réduire en miettes les os et coquilles riches en
minéraux de ses proies avant de les avaler."
565,27,6,"Um seinen harten Panzer zu erlangen, fraß es
seine Beute im Ganzen und zerkaute deren harte
Schale und Knochen."
565,27,7,"Trituraba los huesos y las duras conchas de
sus presas para aprovechar bien los nutrientes
y reforzar así su propio caparazón."
565,27,8,"Per rafforzare il proprio carapace, mangiava le
prede intere, frantumandone corazza e ossa."
565,27,9,"It constructed its sturdy shell by crunching and
swallowing the hard shells or bones of its prey."
565,27,11,"丈夫な 甲羅を つくるため
獲物の 硬い殻や 骨も
丸ごと 噛み砕いて 喰っていた。"
565,28,1,"うみと りくちの りょうほうで
かつどうする。 りくの えものは
うみに ひきずりこんで しとめる。"
565,28,3,"바다와 육지 양쪽에서
활동한다. 육지의 먹이는
바다로 끌고 들어가 처리한다."
565,28,5,"Aussi à laise sur terre que dans leau,
ce Pokémon chasse ses proies à la surface
puis les entraîne sous la mer pour les noyer."
565,28,6,"Es ist sowohl im Meer als auch an Land
unterwegs. Landlebende Beute schleift
es ins Meer und erlegt sie dort."
565,28,7,"Vive tanto en el mar como en la superficie.
En tierra firme, caza a sus presas y las arrastra
hacia el mar, donde les da el golpe de gracia."
565,28,8,"Questo Pokémon è a suo agio sia in mare che
sulla terraferma. Cattura le prede a terra e
le trascina in mare per finirle."
565,28,9,"Active both on land and in the sea, this
Pokémon drags its land-based prey into the
water to finish it off."
565,28,11,"海と 陸地の 両方で
活動する。 陸の 獲物は
海に 引きずり込んで 仕留める。"
565,29,1,"アゴの ちからが すさまじい。
オムスターや オムナイトの カラも
きにせず まるごと くっていた。"
565,29,3,"턱의 힘이 무시무시하다.
암스타나 암나이트의 껍질도
아무렇지 않게 통째로 먹었다."
565,29,5,"Lincroyable puissance de sa mâchoire lui
permettait de broyer facilement les coquilles
dAmonistar ou dAmonita pour les manger."
565,29,6,"Sein Kiefer wurde wegen dessen großer Kraft
gefürchtet. Sogar Amoroso und Amonitas konnte
es trotz ihrer Schalen problemlos verschlingen."
565,29,7,"La brutal presión que ejerce con su mandíbula
es tal que las conchas de Omastar y Omanyte
no son ninguna molestia cuando los devora."
565,29,8,"Con le sue mascelle terribilmente potenti poteva
frantumare le dure corazze degli Omastar e
degli Omanyte per mangiarseli senza problemi."
565,29,9,"Its jaws are terrifyingly powerful. It could eat
Omastar and Omanyte whole and not be
bothered in the slightest by their shells."
565,29,11,"アゴの 力が 凄まじい。
オムスターや オムナイトの カラも
気にせず 丸ごと 食っていた。"
565,30,1,"かたい こうらを さらに じょうぶに
するために とらえた えものは
カラやホネまで のこさず くうのだ。"
565,30,3,"단단한 등껍질을 더욱 튼튼하게
만들기 위해 잡은 먹이는
껍질이나 뼈까지 남기지 않고 먹는다."
565,30,5,"Afin de renforcer sa carapace, ce Pokémon
va même jusquà manger la coquille et les os
de ses proies."
565,30,6,"Um seinen harten Panzer noch weiter zu
verstärken, fraß es seine Beute samt Schale
und Knochen restlos auf."
565,30,7,"Para reforzar aún más su robusto caparazón,
engulle incluso las conchas y los huesos de las
presas que captura."
565,30,8,"Per rafforzare il suo carapace mangiava le
prede intere senza scartare nulla, nemmeno
le ossa e i gusci."
565,30,9,"Carracosta eats every last bit of the prey it
catches, even the shells and bones, to further
strengthen its sturdy shell."
565,30,11,"硬い 甲羅を 更に 丈夫に
するために 捕らえた 獲物は
カラやホネまで 残さず 食うのだ。"
565,33,1,"えものの カラやホネも のこさず
きれいに たいらげるので こうらは
ぶあつく かたく せいちょうする。"
565,33,3,"먹이의 껍질과 뼈까지 남김없이
깨끗하게 먹어 치워서 등껍질은
두껍고 단단하게 성장한다."
565,33,5,"Il dévore les os et la coquille de ses proies,
ce qui épaissit et renforce sa propre carapace."
565,33,6,"Karippas verschlingt seine Beute mitsamt Schale
und Knochen, wodurch sein Panzer besonders
dick und widerstandsfähig wird."
565,33,7,"Devora incluso los huesos y caparazones de sus
presas, por lo que el suyo propio se vuelve duro
y grueso."
565,33,8,"Consuma le sue prede senza lasciare nemmeno
ossa e gusci, favorendo così la formazione di
un carapace duro e spesso."
565,33,9,"Carracosta completely devours its prey—bones,
shells, and all. Because of this, Carracostas own
shell grows thick and sturdy."
565,33,11,"獲物の 殻や骨も 残さず
きれいに たいらげるので 甲羅は
ぶ厚く 硬く 成長する。"
565,34,1,"みずのなかと くらべて うごきは
にぶいが えものを さがしもとめ
りくじょうでも かつどうするぞ。"
565,34,3,"물속과 비교하면 움직임이
둔하지만 먹이를 찾아
육지에서도 활동한다."
565,34,5,"Bien quil soit moins à laise sur terre que dans
leau, il saventure sur le rivage pour se nourrir."
565,34,6,"Obwohl es sich außerhalb des Wassers langsamer
fortbewegt, kommt es an Land, um nach Beute
zu suchen."
565,34,7,"Aunque se mueva con mayor lentitud sobre la
superficie terrestre que en el agua, emerge a
tierra en busca de presas."
565,34,8,"Quando va in cerca di prede sale anche sulla
terraferma, nonostante i suoi movimenti siano
più impacciati rispetto a quando è in acqua."
565,34,9,"This Pokémon emerges from the water in search
of prey despite the fact that it moves more
slowly on land."
565,34,11,"水の中と くらべて 動きは
鈍いが 獲物を 探し求め
陸上でも 活動するぞ。"
566,17,5,"On dit quil serait lancêtre de tous les
Pokémon Oiseaux. Il ne sait pas voler et
se déplace en sautant darbre en arbre."
566,17,9,"Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon,
they were unable to fly and moved about
by hopping from one branch to another."
566,18,5,"Un Pokémon recréé à partir dun fossile.
On pense quil est lancêtre de tous
les Pokémon Oiseaux."
566,18,9,"Revived from a fossil, this Pokémon
is thought to be the ancestor of all
bird Pokémon."
566,21,9,"It was revived from an ancient fossil.
Not able to fly, it lived in treetops and
hopped from one branch to another."
566,22,9,"It was revived from an ancient fossil.
Not able to fly, it lived in treetops and
hopped from one branch to another."
566,23,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモン。
あらゆる とりポケモンの そせんと
566,23,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이다.
모든 새포켓몬의 조상이라
여겨지고 있다."
566,23,5,"Un Pokémon recréé à partir dun fossile. On pense
quil est lancêtre de tous les Pokémon Oiseaux."
566,23,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil reanimiert. Man geht davon
aus, dass es der Urahn aller Vogel-Pokémon ist."
566,23,7,"Pokémon que renació de un fósil. Dicen que es el
antepasado de todos los Pokémon pájaro."
566,23,8,"Pokémon risvegliatosi da un fossile. Si ritiene che
sia lantenato di tutti i Pokémon uccello."
566,23,9,"Revived from a fossil, this Pokémon is thought to
be the ancestor of all bird Pokémon."
566,23,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモン。
あらゆる とりポケモンの 祖先と
566,24,1,"とりポケモンの そせんと いわれる。
とぶことは できず えだから えだへ
とびうつり せいかつしていたらしい。"
566,24,3,"새포켓몬의 조상이라고 전해진다.
날 수 없어서 가지에서 가지로
뛰어다니며 생활했다고 한다."
566,24,5,"On dit quil serait lancêtre de tous les Pokémon
Oiseaux. Il ne sait pas voler et se déplace en sautant
darbre en arbre."
566,24,6,"Man nennt es den Urvater der Vogel-Pokémon.
Da es nicht fliegen kann, bewegt es sich hüpfend
von Ast zu Ast."
566,24,7,"Dicen que es el Pokémon pájaro primigenio. No puede
volar, así que solo salta de rama en rama."
566,24,8,"Si dice sia antenato dei Pokémon uccello. Siccome
non sa volare, si sposta di ramo in ramo saltando."
566,24,9,"Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, they were
unable to fly and moved about by hopping from one
branch to another."
566,24,11,"とりポケモンの 祖先と 言われる。
飛ぶことは できず 枝から 枝へ
飛び移り 生活していたらしい。"
566,25,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモン。
あらゆる とりポケモンの そせんと
566,25,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이다.
모든 새포켓몬의 조상이라
여겨지고 있다."
566,25,5,"Un Pokémon recréé à partir dun fossile. On pense quil est
lancêtre de tous les Pokémon Oiseaux."
566,25,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil reanimiert. Man geht davon aus,
dass es der Urahn aller Vogel-Pokémon ist."
566,25,7,"Pokémon que renació de un fósil. Dicen que es el antepasado
de todos los Pokémon pájaro."
566,25,8,"Pokémon risvegliatosi da un fossile. Si ritiene che sia
lantenato di tutti i Pokémon uccello."
566,25,9,"Revived from a fossil, this Pokémon is thought to
be the ancestor of all bird Pokémon."
566,25,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモン。
あらゆる とりポケモンの 祖先と
566,26,1,"とりポケモンの そせんと いわれる。
とぶことは できず えだから えだへ
とびうつり せいかつしていたらしい。"
566,26,3,"새포켓몬의 조상이라고 전해진다.
날 수 없어서 가지에서 가지로
뛰어다니며 생활했다고 한다."
566,26,5,"On dit quil serait lancêtre de tous les Pokémon Oiseaux.
Il ne sait pas voler et se déplace en sautant darbre en arbre."
566,26,6,"Man nennt es den Urvater der Vogel-Pokémon. Da es nicht
fliegen kann, bewegt es sich hüpfend von Ast zu Ast."
566,26,7,"Dicen que es el Pokémon pájaro primigenio. No puede volar,
así que solo salta de rama en rama."
566,26,8,"Si dice sia antenato dei Pokémon uccello. Siccome non sa
volare, si sposta di ramo in ramo saltando."
566,26,9,"Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, they were
unable to fly and moved about by hopping from one
branch to another."
566,26,11,"とりポケモンの 祖先と 言われる。
飛ぶことは できず 枝から 枝へ
飛び移り 生活していたらしい。"
566,27,1,"あらゆる とりポケモンの そせん。
アーケンじたいは まだ とべず
きのうえを ジャンプして いどうした。"
566,27,3,"모든 새포켓몬의 조상이다.
아켄 자체는 아직 날지 못해
나무 위를 점프해서 이동했다."
566,27,5,"Il est lancêtre commun de tous les Pokémon
oiseaux. Incapable de voler, il se déplaçait
en planant depuis la cime des arbres."
566,27,6,"Es ist der Urahn aller Vogel-Pokémon. Da es
nicht fliegen kann, bewegt es sich fort, indem
es von Baum zu Baum springt."
566,27,7,"El antecesor de todo Pokémon pájaro. Como era
incapaz de volar, se desplazaba saltando de
árbol en árbol."
566,27,8,"È lantenato di tutti i Pokémon alati.
Poiché non sapeva volare, si spostava tra gli
alberi saltando."
566,27,9,"It is the ancestor of all bird Pokémon. Archen
itself could not actually fly but moved by
hopping from treetop to treetop."
566,27,11,"あらゆる とりポケモンの 祖先。
アーケン自体は まだ 飛べず
木の上を ジャンプして 移動した。"
566,28,1,"とぶことは できなかった ようだが
たかい きのうえ から かっくうし
えものを とっていたらしい。"
566,28,3,"날 수는 없었던 것 같으나
나무 위에서부터 활공하여
먹이를 잡았다고 한다."
566,28,5,"Ce Pokémon était apparemment incapable
de voler. Il savait néanmoins planer depuis
la cime des arbres pour fondre sur ses proies."
566,28,6,"Es kann nicht fliegen. Seine Beute fängt es,
indem es von hohen Bäumen gleitet."
566,28,7,"Al parecer no podía volar, por lo que se lanzaba
desde las copas de árboles altos para planear
y atrapar así a su presa."
566,28,8,"Sembra che, non essendo in grado di volare,
catturasse le prede planando da alti rami."
566,28,9,"To all appearances flightless, it was able to
glide down from tall treetops to snag its prey."
566,28,11,"飛ぶことは できなかった ようだが
高い 木の上 から 滑空し
獲物を 捕っていたらしい。"
566,29,1,"あらゆる とりポケモンの そせんと
かんがえられてきたが さいきんの
けんきゅうでは ちがうというせつも。"
566,29,3,"모든 새포켓몬의 선조라고
여겨져 왔지만 최근 연구에서는
아니라는 설도 대두되었다."
566,29,5,"Il a longtemps été considéré comme lancêtre
commun de tous les Pokémon oiseaux, mais
des études récentes réfutent cette théorie."
566,29,6,"Es wurde lange Zeit für den Urahn aller Vogel-
Pokémon gehalten, doch jüngste Forschungen
führen zu unterschiedlichen Theorien."
566,29,7,"Siempre se ha creído que era el antecesor de
los Pokémon pájaro, aunque investigaciones
recientes lo ponen en duda."
566,29,8,"Si è sempre pensato che fosse lantenato di
tutti i Pokémon alati, ma studi recenti hanno
messo in dubbio questa tesi."
566,29,9,"Once thought to be the ancestor of all bird
Pokémon, some of the latest research suggests
that may not be the case."
566,29,11,"あらゆる とりポケモンの 祖先と
考えられてきたが 最近の
研究では 違うという 説も。"
566,30,1,"かせきから ふくげんされた。
ハネは あるが まだ とぶことは
できない こだいの とりポケモン。"
566,30,3,"화석에서 복원되었다.
날개는 있지만 아직 나는 것은
불가능한 고대의 새포켓몬."
566,30,5,"Bien quil ait des ailes, ce Pokémon antique
recréé à partir dun fossile est incapable
de voler."
566,30,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
Trotz seiner Flügel kann dieses Urzeitvogel-
Pokémon noch nicht fliegen."
566,30,7,"Este Pokémon pájaro ancestral, regenerado a
partir de un fósil, es incapaz de volar pese a
tener alas."
566,30,8,"Pokémon molto antico rigenerato da un fossile.
Nonostante abbia le ali, non è in grado di volare."
566,30,9,"Restored from a fossil, this ancient bird
Pokémon has wings but cant yet fly."
566,30,11,"化石から 復元された。
羽は あるが まだ 飛ぶことは
できない 古代の とりポケモン。"
566,33,1,"かせきから ふくげんに せいこう。
けんきゅうの とおり とべないが
ジャンプは とくいな ポケモンだ。"
566,33,3,"화석으로부터 복원에 성공했다.
연구한 것처럼 날지는 못하지만
점프는 특기인 포켓몬이다."
566,33,5,"Les recherches ont montré que ce Pokémon
restauré à partir dun fossile ne pouvait pas
voler, mais quil était très doué en saut."
566,33,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
Wie von Forschern vermutet, kann Flapteryx zwar
nicht fliegen, dafür aber umso besser springen."
566,33,7,"Fue regenerado a partir de un fósil. Tal y como
apuntaban las investigaciones, no puede volar,
pero los saltos son su punto fuerte."
566,33,8,"È stato rigenerato da un fossile.
Come mostrato dalle ricerche, non può volare,
ma è molto abile nei salti."
566,33,9,"This Pokémon was successfully restored from a
fossil. As research suggested, Archen is unable
to fly. But its very good at jumping."
566,33,11,"化石から 復元に 成功。
研究の とおり 飛べないが
ジャンプは 得意な ポケモンだ。"
566,34,1,"とりポケモンの そせんと いわれる。
きのうえで くらし きのみや
むしポケモンを くっていた。"
566,34,3,"새포켓몬의 선조로 불린다.
나무 위에서 살며 나무열매나
벌레포켓몬을 먹는다."
566,34,5,"On dit que cest lancêtre des Pokémon oiseaux.
Il vivait à la cime des arbres et se nourrissait de
Baies et de Pokémon Insecte."
566,34,6,"Flapteryx wird oft als Urahn der Vogel-Pokémon
bezeichnet. Es lebte in Baumwipfeln und ernährte
sich von Beeren und Käfer-Pokémon."
566,34,7,"Se dice que es el antepasado de los Pokémon
pájaro. Vivía en las copas de los árboles y se
alimentaba de bayas y Pokémon insecto."
566,34,8,"Si dice sia lantenato dei Pokémon alati. Viveva
sugli alberi, nutrendosi di bacche e Pokémon
di tipo Coleottero."
566,34,9,"Archen is said to be the ancestor of bird
Pokémon. It lived in treetops, eating berries
and bug Pokémon."
566,34,11,"鳥ポケモンの 祖先と 言われる。
木の上で 暮らし 木の実や
虫ポケモンを 食っていた。"
567,17,5,"Il senvole après avoir pris de lélan.
Il est assez intelligent pour chasser
ses proies en groupe."
567,17,9,"They are intelligent and will cooperate
to catch prey. From the ground, they
use a running start to take flight."
567,18,5,"Il est plus doué pour courir que pour
voler. Il fonce sur ses proies aussi vite
quune voiture pour les attraper."
567,18,9,"It runs better than it flies.
It catches prey by running at speeds
comparable to those of an automobile."
567,21,9,"It runs better than it flies.
It takes off into the sky by
running at a speed of 25 mph."
567,22,9,"It runs better than it flies.
It takes off into the sky by
running at a speed of 25 mph."
567,23,1,"ちじょうで じょそうを つけてから
とびたつ。なかまと きょうりょくして
えものを しとめる ちのうを もつ。"
567,23,3,"지상에서 도움닫기를 하여
날아오른다. 동료와 협력하여
먹이를 잡는 지능을 가졌다."
567,23,5,"Il senvole après avoir pris de lélan. Il est assez
intelligent pour chasser ses proies en groupe."
567,23,6,"Bevor es abhebt, nimmt es am Boden Anlauf.
Es ist schlau genug, seine Beute zusammen
mit Artgenossen zu jagen."
567,23,7,"Levanta el vuelo tras coger carrerilla. Coopera con sus
compañeros de bandada para atrapar a sus presas."
567,23,8,"Spicca il volo prendendo la rincorsa da terra.
Collabora con i suoi simili per catturare le prede."
567,23,9,"They are intelligent and will cooperate to catch
prey. From the ground, they use a running start to
take flight."
567,23,11,"地上で 助走を つけてから
飛び立つ。仲間と 協力して
獲物を しとめる 知能を 持つ。"
567,24,1,"とぶよりも はしるほうが とくいで
じそく40キロで かけぬけた
いきおいで おおぞらに はばたく。"
567,24,3,"나는 것보다 달리는 것이 특기로
시속 40km로 달리던 기세로
넓은 하늘로 날아오른다."
567,24,5,"Il est plus doué pour courir que pour voler. Il doit
sélancer à 40 km/h avant de pouvoir senvoler."
567,24,6,"Zu Fuß ist es schneller als in der Luft. Es muss
ein Tempo von 40 km/h erreichen, bevor es sich
in die Lüfte aufschwingt."
567,24,7,"Corre a mayor velocidad de la que puede volar.
Alcanza una velocidad de 40 km/h antes de alzarse
en vuelo hacia el cielo."
567,24,8,"È più versato nella corsa che nel volo. Si lancia in
aria a una velocità di 40 km/h sbattendo le ali."
567,24,9,"It runs better than it flies. It takes off into the sky
by running at a speed of 25 mph."
567,24,11,"飛ぶよりも 走るほうが 得意で
時速40キロで 駆けぬけた
勢いで 大空に 羽ばたく。"
567,25,1,"ちじょうで じょそうを つけてから
とびたつ。なかまと きょうりょくして
えものを しとめる ちのうを もつ。"
567,25,3,"지상에서 도움닫기를 하여
날아오른다. 동료와 협력하여
먹이를 잡는 지능을 가졌다."
567,25,5,"Il senvole après avoir pris de lélan. Il est assez intelligent
pour chasser ses proies en groupe."
567,25,6,"Bevor es abhebt, nimmt es am Boden Anlauf. Es ist schlau
genug, seine Beute zusammen mit Artgenossen zu jagen."
567,25,7,"Levanta el vuelo tras coger carrerilla. Coopera con sus
compañeros de bandada para atrapar a sus presas."
567,25,8,"Spicca il volo prendendo la rincorsa da terra. Collabora
con i suoi simili per catturare le prede."
567,25,9,"They are intelligent and will cooperate to catch
prey. From the ground, they use a running start to
take flight."
567,25,11,"地上で 助走を つけてから
飛び立つ。仲間と 協力して
獲物を しとめる 知能を 持つ。"
567,26,1,"とぶよりも はしるほうが とくいで
じそく40キロで かけぬけた
いきおいで おおぞらに はばたく。"
567,26,3,"나는 것보다 달리는 것이 특기로
시속 40km로 달리던 기세로
넓은 하늘로 날아오른다."
567,26,5,"Il est plus doué pour courir que pour voler. Il doit sélancer
à 40 km/h avant de pouvoir senvoler."
567,26,6,"Zu Fuß ist es schneller als in der Luft. Es muss ein Tempo
von 40 km/h erreichen, bevor es sich in die Lüfte aufschwingt."
567,26,7,"Corre a mayor velocidad de la que puede volar. Alcanza una
velocidad de 40 km/h antes de alzarse en vuelo hacia el cielo."
567,26,8,"È più versato nella corsa che nel volo. Si lancia in aria a una
velocità di 40 km/h sbattendo le ali."
567,26,9,"It runs better than it flies. It takes off into the sky
by running at a speed of 25 mph."
567,26,11,"飛ぶよりも 走るほうが 得意で
時速40キロで 駆けぬけた
勢いで 大空に 羽ばたく。"
567,27,1,"とぶことも できたようだが おもに
ちじょうを かけまわっていた。
その じそくは へいきん40キロ。"
567,27,3,"날 수도 있었지만 대부분
지상을 뛰어다녔다.
그 시속은 평균 40km이다."
567,27,5,"Bien quayant enfin acquis la capacité de voler,
ce Pokémon préférait bien souvent courir
sur le sol, à une vitesse moyenne de 40 km/h."
567,27,6,"Es kann anscheinend auch fliegen, bewegt sich
aber überwiegend mit einer durchschnittlichen
Geschwindigkeit von 40 km/h am Boden fort."
567,27,7,"Pese a haber desarrollado la capacidad de
volar, prefería seguir corriendo por la superficie
terrestre, con una velocidad media de 40 km/h."
567,27,8,"Nonostante sapesse volare, si spostava
principalmente via terra a una velocità media
di 40 km/h."
567,27,9,"Although apparently able to fly, they tended
to run along the ground, averaging speeds of
roughly 25 mph."
567,27,11,"飛ぶことも できたようだが おもに
地上を 駆けまわっていた。
その 時速は 平均40キロ。"
567,28,1,"むれで かりを していた。 えものを
おいつめてから べつの なかまが
そらから きゅうしゅう するのだ。"
567,28,3,"무리 지어 사냥을 했다. 먹이를
몰아넣으면 다른 동료가
하늘에서 급습한다."
567,28,5,"Ce Pokémon avait pour habitude de chasser en
groupe. Une partie de la volée était chargée
dacculer la proie, et lautre de porter lestoc."
567,28,6,"Es jagt in Gruppen. Sobald es die Beute in die
Enge getrieben hat, stürzt sich ein Artgenosse
aus der Luft auf sie."
567,28,7,"Se agrupaban en bandadas para salir de caza.
Primero, unos arrinconaban a la presa y luego
otros se lanzaban en picado sobre ella."
567,28,8,"Cacciava in gruppo: alcuni Pokémon
intrappolavano la preda e i loro compagni
la assalivano."
567,28,9,"They hunted in flocks. When one Archeops had
the prey cornered, another would swoop on it."
567,28,11,"群れで 狩りを していた。 獲物を
追いつめてから 別の 仲間が
空から 急襲 するのだ。"
567,29,1,"うもうが こまかいので じゅくれんの
しょくにん でなければ ふくげんに
しっぱいするという こだいのポケモン。"
567,29,3,"깃털이 매우 가늘어
숙련된 장인이 아니면 복원에
실패한다고 전해지는 고대의 포켓몬."
567,29,5,"Les plumes de ce Pokémon antique sont si fines
que seuls les experts les plus talentueux
peuvent leur rendre justice en le reconstituant."
567,29,6,"Aufgrund seines feinen Gefieders glückt die
Zurückverwandlung dieses urzeitlichen Pokémon
nur Experten mit langjähriger Erfahrung."
567,29,7,"Pokémon vetusto de plumaje tan fino que solo
alguien con extremada pericia puede regenerar
a partir de un fósil."
567,29,8,"È un Pokémon antico dal piumaggio molto fitto.
Solo i più esperti riescono a rigenerarlo con
567,29,9,"This ancient Pokémons plumage is delicate,
so if anyone other than an experienced
professional tries to restore it, they will fail."
567,29,11,"羽毛が 細かいので 熟練の
職人 でなければ 復元に
失敗するという 古代の ポケモン。"
567,30,1,"とりポケモンの そせんと いわれる。
はばたく きんにくが まだ よわく
じょそうを つけなければ とべない。"
567,30,3,"새포켓몬의 조상이라 불린다.
날갯짓하는 근육은 아직 약해서
도움닫기를 하지 않으면 날 수 없다."
567,30,5,"On dit que cest lancêtre des Pokémon oiseaux.
Les muscles de ses ailes étant assez faibles,
il doit prendre son élan pour senvoler."
567,30,6,"Es gilt als Urahn aller Vogel-Pokémon. Da die
Muskeln an seinen Flügeln noch zu schwach
sind, kann es nur mit Anlauf fliegen."
567,30,7,"Precursor de los Pokémon pájaro. Para alzar el
vuelo necesita coger carrerilla, debido a una
musculatura en las alas poco desarrollada."
567,30,8,"Si ritiene che sia lantenato dei Pokémon alati.
Ha i muscoli delle ali non ancora sviluppati
e per volare deve prendere la rincorsa."
567,30,9,"Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, the
muscles it uses to flap its wings are still weak,
so it needs a long runway in order to take off."
567,30,11,"とりポケモンの 祖先と いわれる。
羽ばたく 筋肉が まだ 弱く
助走を つけなければ 飛べない。"
567,33,1,"とびたつために じょそうする。
その きょりは およそ 4キロ。
はしるはやさは じそく40キロ。"
567,33,3,"날아오르기 위해 도움닫기를 하는데
그 거리는 약 4km다.
도움닫기의 속도는 시속 40km다."
567,33,5,"Pour senvoler, il doit dabord prendre son élan
sur 4 km à une vitesse de 40 km/h."
567,33,6,"Um abheben zu können, muss es circa 4 km
Anlauf nehmen und dabei eine Geschwindigkeit
von 40 km/h erreichen."
567,33,7,"Coge carrerilla durante aproximadamente 4 km
a una velocidad de 40 km/h para poder levantar
el vuelo."
567,33,8,"Prende la rincorsa per volare, percorrendo
circa 4 km a una velocità di 40 km/h."
567,33,9,"It needs a running start to take off. If Archeops
wants to fly, it first needs to run nearly 25 mph,
building speed over a course of about 2.5 miles."
567,33,11,"飛び立つために 助走する。
その 距離は およそ 4キロ。
走る速さは 時速40キロ。"
567,34,1,"とぶことも できるが ちじょうで
えものを かることの ほうが
ずっと とくい だったようだ。"
567,34,3,"비행도 가능하지만
지상에서 먹이를 사냥하는
일을 훨씬 더 잘하는 듯하다."
567,34,5,"Il savait voler, mais il semble quil était beaucoup
plus doué pour chasser ses proies sur la terre
567,34,6,"Es konnte zwar auch fliegen, schien aber sehr viel
geschickter darin zu sein, am Boden Jagd auf
Beute zu machen."
567,34,7,"Si bien era capaz de volar, parece ser que se le
daba mucho mejor cazar presas en tierra firme
que en el aire."
567,34,8,"Si sa che questo Pokémon era in grado di volare,
ma pare che fosse molto più abile nel cacciare
le prede a terra."
567,34,9,"Though capable of flight, Archeops was
apparently better at hunting on the ground."
567,34,11,"飛ぶことも できるが 地上で
獲物を 狩ることの ほうが
ずっと 得意だったようだ。"
568,17,5,"Il aime les endroits mal tenus.
Le gaz quil rote endort
pendant une semaine."
568,17,9,"Inhaling the gas they belch will make
you sleep for a week. They prefer
unsanitary places."
568,18,5,"Il est né de la mutation dun
sac poubelle contenant des
déchets industriels."
568,18,9,"The combination of garbage bags and
industrial waste caused the chemical
reaction that created this Pokémon."
568,21,9,"Wanting more garbage, they
follow people who litter.
They always belch poison gas."
568,22,9,"Wanting more garbage, they
follow people who litter.
They always belch poison gas."
568,23,1,"ゴミぶくろが さんぎょうはいきぶつと
かがくへんかを おこした ことで
ポケモンとして うまれかわった。"
568,23,3,"쓰레기 봉지가 산업 폐기물과
화학적 변화를 일으켜서
포켓몬으로 다시 태어났다."
568,23,5,"Il est né de la mutation dun sac poubelle contenant
des déchets industriels."
568,23,6,"Eine Mülltüte, der Industrieabfälle und chemische
Reaktionen neues Leben eingehaucht haben."
568,23,7,"Pokémon nacido de la reacción química entre una
bolsa de basura y residuos industriales."
568,23,8,"È nato da un sacchetto della spazzatura che ha
subito un cambiamento chimico a causa delle scorie
568,23,9,"The combination of garbage bags and industrial
waste caused the chemical reaction that created
this Pokémon."
568,23,11,"ゴミ袋が 産業廃棄物と
化学変化を 起こした ことで
ポケモンとして 生まれ変わった。"
568,24,1,"ふえいせいな ばしょを このむ。
ゲップのように はきだす ガスを
すいこむと 1しゅうかん ねこむ。"
568,24,3,"비위생적인 장소를 좋아한다.
트림하듯이 토해내는 가스를
들이마시면 1주일 동안 잠에 빠진다."
568,24,5,"Il aime les endroits mal tenus. Le gaz quil rote endort
pendant une semaine."
568,24,6,"Hat ein Faible für schmutzige Orte. Wer das Gas
einatmet, das es mit Rülpslauten ausstößt, schläft
eine Woche durch."
568,24,7,"Le gustan los lugares con suciedad. Quien inhala los
gases que eructa duerme durante una semana."
568,24,8,"Predilige luoghi insalubri. Esala gas dalle fauci in
grado di addormentare per una settimana."
568,24,9,"Inhaling the gas they belch will make you sleep for
a week. They prefer unsanitary places."
568,24,11,"不衛生な 場所を 好む。
ゲップのように 吐き出す ガスを
吸いこむと 1週間 寝込む。"
568,25,1,"ゴミぶくろが さんぎょうはいきぶつと
かがくへんかを おこした ことで
ポケモンとして うまれかわった。"
568,25,3,"쓰레기 봉지가 산업 폐기물과
화학적 변화를 일으켜서
포켓몬으로 다시 태어났다."
568,25,5,"Il est né de la mutation dun sac poubelle contenant
des déchets industriels."
568,25,6,"Eine Mülltüte, der Industrieabfälle und chemische Reaktionen
neues Leben eingehaucht haben."
568,25,7,"Pokémon nacido de la reacción química entre una bolsa de
basura y residuos industriales."
568,25,8,"È nato da un sacchetto della spazzatura che ha subito
un cambiamento chimico a causa delle scorie industriali."
568,25,9,"The combination of garbage bags and industrial
waste caused the chemical reaction that created
this Pokémon."
568,25,11,"ゴミ袋が 産業廃棄物と
化学変化を 起こした ことで
ポケモンとして 生まれ変わった。"
568,26,1,"ふえいせいな ばしょを このむ。
ゲップのように はきだす ガスを
すいこむと 1しゅうかん ねこむ。"
568,26,3,"비위생적인 장소를 좋아한다.
트림하듯이 토해내는 가스를
들이마시면 1주일 동안 잠에 빠진다."
568,26,5,"Il aime les endroits mal tenus. Le gaz quil rote endort
pendant une semaine."
568,26,6,"Hat ein Faible für schmutzige Orte. Wer das Gas einatmet,
das es mit Rülpslauten ausstößt, schläft eine Woche durch."
568,26,7,"Le gustan los lugares con suciedad. Quien inhala los gases
que eructa duerme durante una semana."
568,26,8,"Predilige luoghi insalubri. Esala gas dalle fauci in grado di
addormentare per una settimana."
568,26,9,"Inhaling the gas they belch will make you sleep for
a week. They prefer unsanitary places."
568,26,11,"不衛生な 場所を 好む。
ゲップのように 吐き出す ガスを
吸いこむと 1週間 寝込む。"
568,27,1,"ふえいせいな ばしょが すき。
アローラでは よく ベトベターに
おいまわされる すがたを みかける。"
568,27,3,"비위생적인 곳을 좋아한다.
알로라에서는 자주 질퍽이에게
쫓겨 다니는 모습을 볼 수 있다."
568,27,5,"Il affectionne particulièrement les endroits
insalubres. À Alola, il nest pas rare de voir
des Tadmorv courir après des Miamiasme."
568,27,6,"Es liebt schmutzige Orte. In Alola sieht man oft,
wie es von Sleima verfolgt wird."
568,27,7,"Le gustan los lugares sucios. En Alola se lo
suele ver junto a Grimer, que lo sigue a todas
568,27,8,"Predilige luoghi insalubri. Nella regione
di Alola lo si vede spesso inseguito da
568,27,9,"Unsanitary places are what they like best.
They can be spotted in Alola, often with Grimer
in hot pursuit."
568,27,11,"不衛生な 場所が 好き。
アローラでは よく ベトベターに
追いまわされる 姿を みかける。"
568,28,1,"まんぷくまで ゴミを くらうと
くちから どくガスを はきだす。
うっかり かぐと そく にゅういん。"
568,28,3,"배가 부를 때까지 쓰레기를 먹은 후
입에서 독가스를 토해낸다.
실수로 맡으면 즉시 입원해야 한다."
568,28,5,"Une fois quil a gobé assez dordures, il relâche
un gaz toxique par la bouche. Ne le respirez
pas, surtout sil ny a aucun hôpital à la ronde."
568,28,6,"Wenn es sich mit Müll vollstopft, rülpst es giftige
Gase. Wer diese unabsichtlich einatmet, muss
sofort ins Krankenhaus."
568,28,7,"Tras atiborrarse de basura, eructa unos gases
venenosos capaces de llevar a cualquiera al
hospital en caso de inhalarlos sin querer."
568,28,8,"Quando si rimpinza di spazzatura esala dalle
fauci un gas tossico. Chi lo respira finisce
immediatamente allospedale."
568,28,9,"It gorges on trash until its stomach is full. Then
it belches toxic gas. An unlucky whiff of gas will
put a person in the hospital."
568,28,11,"満腹まで ゴミを 喰らうと
口から 毒ガスを 吐きだす。
うっかり かぐと 即 入院。"
568,29,1,"こきゅうすると どくガスが もれる。
においを かぎつけ ベトベトンが
よだれを たらして やってくる。"
568,29,3,"숨을 쉬면 독가스가 새어 나온다.
냄새를 맡고 질뻐기가
침을 흘리며 찾아온다."
568,29,5,"Il laisse échapper un gaz toxique quand
il respire. Les Grotadmorv, par lodeur alléchés,
accourent alors en salivant."
568,29,6,"Mit jedem Atemzug entweicht ihm giftiges Gas.
Bekommt ein Sleimok davon Wind, nimmt es
gierig sabbernd die Fährte auf und verfolgt es."
568,29,7,"Expulsa gases nocivos al respirar. Cuando Muk
se percata del olor, acude salivando."
568,29,8,"Esala gas tossici a ogni respiro.
Quando Muk ne sente lodore, si dirige verso
di lui con lacquolina in bocca."
568,29,9,"Poisonous gas leaks out of it when it breathes.
Muk that catch a whiff of that stench will
come drooling."
568,29,11,"呼吸すると 毒ガスが 漏れる。
匂いを 嗅ぎつけ ベトベトンが
よだれを 垂らして やってくる。"
568,30,1,"ゲップの ように はきだす ガスは
ちいさな こが すいこんでしまうと
いのちに かかわるほど きけん。"
568,30,3,"트림처럼 내뱉는 가스는
어린아이가 들이마시면
치명적일 정도로 위험하다."
568,30,5,"Le gaz toxique quil laisse échapper par
sa bouche peut savérer dangereux pour les
enfants et les jeunes Pokémon qui le respirent."
568,30,6,"Atmen kleine Kinder oder Pokémon das Gas ein,
das es rülpsend ausstößt, ist nicht nur ihr
Geruchssinn in Gefahr, sondern sogar ihr Leben."
568,30,7,"Los gases que exhala a modo de eructos
pueden poner en peligro la vida de niños y crías
Pokémon que los inhalen de forma accidental."
568,30,8,"Il gas tossico che gli sfugge dalla bocca può
essere pericolosissimo se inalato da bambini
o piccoli di Pokémon."
568,30,9,"If a young Pokémon or child breathes in the
toxic gas that Trubbish belches out, it could be
a life-threatening situation."
568,30,11,"ゲップの ように 吐き出す ガスは
小さな 子が 吸い込んでしまうと
命に 関わるほど 危険。"
568,33,1,"ふえいせいな ばしょが すき。
ゴミで よごしたまま ほうっておくと
へやにも あらわれて すみつく。"
568,33,3,"비위생적인 장소를 좋아한다.
쓰레기를 어질러놓은 채 내버려 두면
방에 나타나 그대로 눌러앉는다."
568,33,5,"Il raffole des endroits sales. Si on laisse traîner
des ordures dans une pièce trop longtemps,
il finit par en faire son domicile."
568,33,6,"Es liebt schmutzige Orte. Angeblich zieht es auch
in menschliche Behausungen ein, wenn man zu
viel Müll herumliegen lässt."
568,33,7,"Le gustan los lugares insalubres. Puede llegar a
establecerse en las casas de aquellas personas
que no hagan la limpieza con regularidad."
568,33,8,"Predilige luoghi insalubri. Sbuca fuori nelle case
dove è stata lasciata spazzatura in giro e vi si
568,33,9,"Its favorite places are unsanitary ones. If you
leave trash lying around, you could even find
one of these Pokémon living in your room."
568,33,11,"不衛生な 場所が 好き。
ゴミで 汚したまま 放っておくと
部屋にも 現れて 棲みつく。"
568,34,1,"ゴミの つまった ゴミぶくろから
うまれた。 はきだす どくガスは
ガラルの マタドガスの こうぶつ。"
568,34,3,"쓰레기가 가득 담긴 쓰레기봉투에서
태어났다. 내뿜는 독가스는
가라르의 또도가스가 매우 좋아한다."
568,34,5,"Il est né dun sac poubelle rempli dordures.
Le gaz empoisonné quil exhale est très apprécié
des Smogogo de Galar."
568,34,6,"Es ist aus einer überfüllten Mülltüte entstanden.
Die Smogmog der Galar-Region sind verrückt
nach den giftigen Gasen, die es ausstößt."
568,34,7,"Nació a partir de una rebosante bolsa de basura.
Los gases nocivos que eructa son un manjar para
los Weezing de Galar."
568,34,8,"È nato da un sacchetto pieno di spazzatura.
I Weezing di Galar sono ghiotti del gas tossico
che esala."
568,34,9,"This Pokémon was born from a bag stuffed with
trash. Galarian Weezing relish the fumes belched
by Trubbish."
568,34,11,"ゴミの 詰まった ゴミ袋から
生まれた。 吐き出す 毒ガスは
ガラルの マタドガスの 好物。"
569,17,5,"Il étrangle ses ennemis avec son bras
droit et les achève avec le gaz puant et
empoisonné quil exhale par la bouche."
569,17,9,"It clenches opponents with its left arm
and finishes them off with foul-smelling
poison gas belched from its mouth."
569,18,5,"Il aspire les déchets et les intègre à
son corps. Les doigts de sa main droite
exsudent un fluide empoisonné."
569,18,9,"They absorb garbage and make it part
of their bodies. They shoot a poisonous
liquid from their right-hand fingertips."
569,21,9,"Consuming garbage makes
new kinds of poison gases
and liquids inside their bodies."
569,22,9,"Consuming garbage makes
new kinds of poison gases
and liquids inside their bodies."
569,23,1,"ひだりうでで あいてを しめつけて
くちから はきだす あくしゅうの
どくガスで とどめを さすのだ。"
569,23,3,"왼팔로 상대를 꼭 붙들고
입에서 악취가 나는 독가스를
토해내서 마무리한다."
569,23,5,"Il étrangle ses ennemis avec son bras gauche et les
achève avec le gaz puant et empoisonné quil exhale
par la bouche."
569,23,6,"Es nimmt mit dem rechten Arm Gegner in
die Mangel und gibt ihnen mit dem giftigen Gas
aus seinem Maul den Rest."
569,23,7,"Apresa a su rival con el brazo izquierdo y le da el
golpe de gracia exhalando por la boca un apestoso
gas venenoso."
569,23,8,"Serra lavversario con larto sinistro e gli dà il colpo
di grazia esalando dalla bocca un fetido gas velenoso."
569,23,9,"It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes
them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from
its mouth."
569,23,11,"左腕で 相手を 絞めつけて
口から 吐き出す 悪臭の 毒ガスで
とどめを 刺すのだ。"
569,24,1,"ゴミを すいとっては たいないで
あたらしい しゅるいの どくガスや
どくの えきたいを うみだしている。"
569,24,3,"쓰레기를 흡수해서 체내에서
새로운 종류의 독가스나
독의 액체를 만들어낸다."
569,24,5,"Il aspire les déchets et les intègre à son corps pour
produire des gaz et des fluides toxiques."
569,24,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn es frischen Müll in sich aufsaugt,
erzeugt es völlig neue Formen von Giftgasen und
569,24,7,"Absorbe y procesa en su interior basura para generar
nuevos gases nocivos y líquidos venenosos de alta
569,24,8,"Assorbe la spazzatura nel suo corpo per creare dei
liquidi velenosi e dei gas tossici sempre nuovi."
569,24,9,"Consuming garbage makes new kinds of poison
gases and liquids inside their bodies."
569,24,11,"ゴミを 吸いとっては 体内で
新しい 種類の 毒ガスや
毒の 液体を 生みだしている。"
569,25,1,"ひだりうでで あいてを しめつけて
くちから はきだす あくしゅうの
どくガスで とどめを さすのだ。"
569,25,3,"왼팔로 상대를 꼭 붙들고
입에서 악취가 나는 독가스를
토해내서 마무리한다."
569,25,5,"Il étrangle ses ennemis avec son bras gauche et les achève
avec le gaz puant et empoisonné quil exhale par la bouche."
569,25,6,"Es nimmt mit dem rechten Arm Gegner in die Mangel und
gibt ihnen mit dem giftigen Gas aus seinem Maul den Rest."
569,25,7,"Apresa a su rival con el brazo izquierdo y le da el golpe de
gracia exhalando por la boca un apestoso gas venenoso."
569,25,8,"Serra lavversario con larto sinistro e gli dà il colpo di grazia
esalando dalla bocca un fetido gas velenoso."
569,25,9,"It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes
them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from
its mouth."
569,25,11,"左腕で 相手を 絞めつけて
口から 吐き出す 悪臭の 毒ガスで
とどめを 刺すのだ。"
569,26,1,"ゴミを すいとっては たいないで
あたらしい しゅるいの どくガスや
どくの えきたいを うみだしている。"
569,26,3,"쓰레기를 흡수해서 체내에서
새로운 종류의 독가스나
독의 액체를 만들어낸다."
569,26,5,"Il aspire les déchets et les intègre à son corps pour produire
des gaz et des fluides toxiques."
569,26,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn es frischen Müll in sich aufsaugt, erzeugt es
völlig neue Formen von Giftgasen und Toxinen."
569,26,7,"Absorbe y procesa en su interior basura para generar nuevos
gases nocivos y líquidos venenosos de alta virulencia."
569,26,8,"Assorbe la spazzatura nel suo corpo per creare dei liquidi
velenosi e dei gas tossici sempre nuovi."
569,26,9,"Consuming garbage makes new kinds of poison
gases and liquids inside their bodies."
569,26,11,"ゴミを 吸いとっては 体内で
新しい 種類の 毒ガスや
毒の 液体を 生みだしている。"
569,27,1,"みぎうでから とびだす どくえきに
ちゅうい。 ちょっと かかるだけで
みちの どくそに おかされる。"
569,27,3,"오른쪽 팔에서 날리는 독액에
주의. 살짝 닿기만 해도
미지의 독소가 침범한다."
569,27,5,"Méfiez-vous du poison quil projette de son
bras droit, sans quoi ses toxines non identifiées
vous feront passer un sale quart dheure."
569,27,6,"Vorsicht vor dem Gift, das es aus seinem
rechten Arm sprüht! Kleinste Mengen genügen,
um einen unbekannten Giftstoff zu übertragen."
569,27,7,"El veneno líquido que brota de su brazo derecho
es muy nocivo. La mera exposición puede llevar
a inhalar accidentalmente toxinas desconocidas."
569,27,8,"Dallarto destro spruzza un veleno altamente
nocivo. Basta toccarlo per essere contaminati
da tossine sconosciute."
569,27,9,"Beware the poisonous liquid it shoots from its
right arm. If even a little of it gets on you, youll
experience the effects of the unidentified toxin."
569,27,11,"右腕から 飛びだす 毒液に
注意。 ちょっと かかるだけで
未知の 毒素に 冒される。"
569,28,1,"あるじき アローラで ばくはつてきに
ふえたが ベトベターが きてからは
そのかずは ガクンと へった。"
569,28,3,"한때 알로라에서 폭발적으로
늘었지만 질퍽이가 오고 난 뒤로
개체 수가 크게 줄었다."
569,28,5,"Il fut un temps où les Miasmax étaient LE fléau
dAlola. Heureusement, leur population a vite
diminué après larrivée des Tadmorv."
569,28,6,"Einst haben sie sich explosionsartig in Alola
ausgebreitet. Mit der Ankunft von Sleima hat
ihr Bestand jedoch sehr rasch abgenommen."
569,28,7,"Hubo un tiempo en el que la población de
Garbodor en Alola era espectacular, pero su
número se desplomó cuando llegaron los Grimer."
569,28,8,"Un tempo questi Pokémon erano molto diffusi
ad Alola, ma il loro numero è notevolmente
diminuito con larrivo dei Grimer."
569,28,9,"For a time, their numbers increased explosively
in Alola. Since the arrival of Grimer, their
population has decreased dramatically."
569,28,11,"ある時期 アローラで 爆発的に
増えたが ベトベターが 来てからは
その数は ガクンと 減った。"
569,29,1,"ひだりうでで てきを ロックすると
どくの えきたいを からだじゅうに
あびせかけ みうごきを ふうじる。"
569,29,3,"왼쪽 팔로 적을 꼭 붙들고
독액을 온몸에
퍼부어 움직임을 막는다."
569,29,5,"Il maîtrise son adversaire de son bras gauche,
puis larrose dun liquide toxique paralysant."
569,29,6,"Mit dem linken Arm nagelt es seinen Gegner fest,
um ihn dann mit einer toxischen Flüssigkeit zu
besprühen und ihn so zu lähmen."
569,29,7,"Atrapa a su presa con el brazo izquierdo y luego
rocía su cuerpo con un líquido venenoso para
569,29,8,"Blocca il nemico con larto sinistro e
ne cosparge il corpo con un liquido
velenoso per immobilizzarlo."
569,29,9,"It locks opponents in place with its left hand,
immobilizing them by entirely dousing their
bodies with poisonous liquid."
569,29,11,"左腕で 敵を ロックすると
毒の 液体を 体中に
浴びせかけ 身動きを 封じる。"
569,30,1,"アローラの ダストダスが すこし
たくましいのは ベトベトンという
てんてきが いるせいだと いわれる。"
569,30,3,"알로라의 더스트나가 좀 더
강인한 것은 질뻐기라는
천적이 있기 때문이라고 전해진다."
569,30,5,"Ce serait pour pouvoir faire face à Grotadmorv,
son ennemi juré, que le Miasmax dAlola est
légèrement plus robuste que les autres."
569,30,6,"Man vermutet, dass die Deponitox in Alola
wegen ihres Fressfeindes Sleimok kräftiger
wurden als Artgenossen in anderen Regionen."
569,30,7,"La razón de la mayor fortaleza de los Garbodor
que viven en la región de Alola se atribuye a la
presencia de Muk, su enemigo natural."
569,30,8,"I Garbodor che vivono ad Alola sono più robusti
del normale per difendersi dai Muk, i loro nemici
569,30,9,"Some say the reason Garbodor in Alola are a
little stronger than their counterparts elsewhere
is the presence of Muk, their natural enemy."
569,30,11,"アローラの ダストダスが 少し
たくましいのは ベトベトンという
天敵が いるせいだと いわれる。"
569,33,1,"くった ゴミが たいないで どくに
へんかする。 くう ゴミ しだいで
どくの しゅせいぶんも かわる。"
569,33,3,"먹은 쓰레기가 체내에서 독으로
변화한다. 먹은 쓰레기에 따라
독의 주성분도 바뀐다."
569,33,5,"Il produit du poison dans son corps à partir
des ordures quil ingurgite. Selon ce quil mange,
la composition des toxines diffère."
569,33,6,"Es frisst Müll und verdaut ihn in seinem Inneren
zu Gift. Je nach Art des Mülls, den es verzehrt,
ändern sich die Hauptbestandteile des Giftes."
569,33,7,"Su cuerpo transforma la inmundicia que engulle
en un veneno cuya composición cambia según la
basura ingerida."
569,33,8,"Mangia spazzatura e la trasforma in un veleno
la cui composizione cambia a seconda di cosa
ha ingurgitato."
569,33,9,"This Pokémon eats trash, which turns into poison
inside its body. The main component of the
poison depends on what sort of trash was eaten."
569,33,11,"食った ゴミが 体内で 毒に
変化する。 食う ゴミ しだいで
毒の 主成分も 変わる。"
569,34,1,"みぎうでから だす どくえきは
よわった せいぶつが あびれば
そくしするほど きけんな シロモノ。"
569,34,3,"오른팔에서 내보내는 독액은
약한 생물이 맞으면
즉사할 정도로 위험하다."
569,34,5,"Le liquide quil projette de son bras droit
est si toxique que si une créature fragile
en est aspergée, elle succombe sur-le-champ."
569,34,6,"Die toxische Flüssigkeit aus seinem rechten Arm
ist sehr gefährlich. Angeschlagene Lebewesen
kommen bei Kontakt sofort ums Leben."
569,34,7,"El veneno líquido que brota de su brazo derecho
es tan nocivo que puede acabar con una criatura
ya débil al menor contacto."
569,34,8,"Il veleno che spruzza dallarto destro è talmente
tossico da risultare istantaneamente letale
per le creature già debilitate."
569,34,9,"The toxic liquid it launches from its right arm
is so virulent that it can kill a weakened
creature instantly."
569,34,11,"右腕から 出す 毒液は
弱った 生物が 浴びれば
即死するほど 危険な シロモノ。"
570,17,5,"Il a le pouvoir de prendre lapparence
des autres. On dit quil se transforme
souvent en petit enfant silencieux."
570,17,9,"It changes into the forms of others
to surprise them. Apparently, it
often transforms into a silent child."
570,18,5,"Il peut se transformer en humain ou en
dautres Pokémon. Il se protège du
danger en dissimulant sa vraie identité."
570,18,9,"To protect themselves from danger,
they hide their true identities by
transforming into people and Pokémon."
570,21,9,"It changes so it looks just
like its foe, tricks it, and then
uses that opportunity to flee."
570,22,9,"It changes so it looks just
like its foe, tricks it, and then
uses that opportunity to flee."
570,23,1,"あいてそっくりに ばけているように
みせかけ だましたり おどろかして
そのすきに にげだすことが おおい。"
570,23,3,"상대와 똑 닮게 둔갑한 것처럼
보이게 하여 속이거나 놀라게 해서
그 틈에 도망가는 일이 많다."
570,23,5,"Il prend lapparence de son adversaire pour le
désorienter et prendre la fuite grâce à la confusion
570,23,6,"Nicht selten überrumpelt es Gegner, indem es ihre
Gestalt annimmt und den Überraschungseffekt zur
Flucht nutzt."
570,23,7,"Adopta la apariencia de su enemigo para engañarlo
vilmente y aprovecha su estupor para poner tierra por
570,23,8,"Inganna spesso il nemico assumendone la forma e
lasciandolo esterrefatto, per poi darsi alla fuga."
570,23,9,"It changes so it looks just like its foe, tricks it, and
then uses that opportunity to flee."
570,23,11,"相手そっくりに 化けているように
みせかけ だましたり 驚かして
そのすきに 逃げ出すことが 多い。"
570,24,1,"ひとや ほかの ポケモンに ばける。
じぶんの しょうたいを かくすことで
きけんから みを まもっているのだ。"
570,24,3,"사람이나 다른 포켓몬으로 둔갑한다.
자신의 정체를 감추어
위험으로부터 몸을 지키는 것이다."
570,24,5,"Il peut se transformer en humain ou en dautres
Pokémon. Il se protège du danger en dissimulant
sa vraie identité."
570,24,6,"Es tarnt sich als Mensch oder als andere Pokémon.
Es schützt sich vor Gefahren, indem es seine wahre
Gestalt geheim hält."
570,24,7,"Se transforma en humanos o en otros Pokémon.
Se defiende del peligro ocultando su verdadera
570,24,8,"Si protegge dai pericoli trasformandosi in essere
umano o in un altro Pokémon, nascondendo così la
sua vera identità."
570,24,9,"To protect themselves from danger, they hide their
true identities by transforming into people
and Pokémon."
570,24,11,"人や ほかの ポケモンに 化ける。
自分の 正体を 隠すことで
危険から 身を 守っているのだ。"
570,25,1,"あいてそっくりに ばけているように
みせかけ だましたり おどろかして
そのすきに にげだすことが おおい。"
570,25,3,"상대와 똑 닮게 둔갑한 것처럼
보이게 하여 속이거나 놀라게 해서
그 틈에 도망가는 일이 많다."
570,25,5,"Il prend lapparence de son adversaire pour le désorienter
et prendre la fuite grâce à la confusion causée."
570,25,6,"Nicht selten überrumpelt es Gegner, indem es ihre Gestalt
annimmt und den Überraschungseffekt zur Flucht nutzt."
570,25,7,"Adopta la apariencia de su enemigo para engañarlo vilmente y
aprovecha su estupor para poner tierra por medio."
570,25,8,"Inganna spesso il nemico assumendone la forma e lasciandolo
esterrefatto, per poi darsi alla fuga."
570,25,9,"It changes so it looks just like its foe, tricks it, and
then uses that opportunity to flee."
570,25,11,"相手そっくりに 化けているように
みせかけ だましたり 驚かして
そのすきに 逃げ出すことが 多い。"
570,26,1,"ひとや ほかの ポケモンに ばける。
じぶんの しょうたいを かくすことで
きけんから みを まもっているのだ。"
570,26,3,"사람이나 다른 포켓몬으로 둔갑한다.
자신의 정체를 감추어
위험으로부터 몸을 지키는 것이다."
570,26,5,"Il peut se transformer en humain ou en dautres Pokémon.
Il se protège du danger en dissimulant sa vraie identité."
570,26,6,"Es tarnt sich als Mensch oder als andere Pokémon. Es schützt
sich vor Gefahren, indem es seine wahre Gestalt geheim hält."
570,26,7,"Se transforma en humanos o en otros Pokémon. Se defiende
del peligro ocultando su verdadera apariencia."
570,26,8,"Si protegge dai pericoli trasformandosi in essere umano o in
un altro Pokémon, nascondendo così la sua vera identità."
570,26,9,"To protect themselves from danger, they hide their
true identities by transforming into people
and Pokémon."
570,26,11,"人や ほかの ポケモンに 化ける。
自分の 正体を 隠すことで
危険から 身を 守っているのだ。"
570,29,1,"おくびょうな せいしつの ポケモンで
なかまと いるとき いがいは ほぼ
ほかの だれかに ばけている。"
570,29,3,"겁이 많은 포켓몬으로
동료와 있을 때 말고는 거의
다른 누군가로 둔갑하고 있다."
570,29,5,"Timide de nature, il change constamment
dapparence, sauf quand il est entouré de
ses congénères."
570,29,6,"Ein furchtsames Pokémon, das die Gestalt eines
anderen annimmt, wenn es sich nicht in der
Gesellschaft seiner Artgenossen befindet."
570,29,7,"Es tan miedoso que, cuando no se halla junto a
sus compañeros, casi siempre adopta un
aspecto distinto."
570,29,8,"È un Pokémon molto timido. Quando non è
circondato dai suoi simili, assume sembianze
diverse dalle quelle abituali."
570,29,9,"This Pokémon has a cowardly disposition, so
when its not around friends, it basically
always stays transformed as something else."
570,29,11,"臆病な 性質の ポケモンで
仲間と いるとき 以外は ほぼ
他の 誰かに 化けている。"
570,30,1,"ふだん おしゃべりな こどもが
むくちに なった ときは ゾロアが
いれかわって いるかも しれないよ。"
570,30,3,"평소에 수다스러운 아이가
과묵해졌다면 조로아가
둔갑한 것일지도 모른다."
570,30,5,"Si un enfant volubile a soudain perdu sa langue,
méfiez-vous! Cest peut-être un Zorua qui
a pris son apparence..."
570,30,6,"Wenn man einem normalerweise geschwätzigen
Kind begegnet, das plötzlich keinen Ton mehr
spricht, könnte es ein verwandeltes Zorua sein."
570,30,7,"Si un niño parlanchín se vuelve taciturno, tal vez
pueda tratarse en realidad de un Zorua que ha
adoptado su aspecto."
570,30,8,"Se un bambino chiacchierone diventa di colpo
taciturno, potrebbe essere in realtà uno Zorua
che ne ha preso le sembianze."
570,30,9,"If a normally talkative child suddenly stops
talking, it may have been replaced by Zorua."
570,30,11,"普段 おしゃべりな 子どもが
無口に なった ときは ゾロアが
入れ替わって いるかも しれないよ。"
570,33,1,"なにかに ばける のうりょくを
みに つけたのは おくびょうな
せいしつの えいきょう らしい。"
570,33,3,"무언가로 둔갑하는 능력을
익힌 것은 겁이 많은
성질의 영향인 듯하다."
570,33,5,"À cause de sa timidité, il aurait développé
la capacité de changer son apparence."
570,33,6,"Durch seine furchtsame Natur lernte es wohl,
seine Gestalt zu ändern."
570,33,7,"Al parecer, fue su carácter miedoso lo que le
llevó a desarrollar la capacidad de transformarse."
570,33,8,"Pare che abbia sviluppato labilità di alterare le
sue sembianze per via della sua natura timorosa."
570,33,9,"Zorua is a timid Pokémon. This disposition seems
to be what led to the development of Zoruas
ability to take on the forms of other creatures."
570,33,11,"なにかに 化ける 能力を
身に つけたのは 臆病な
性質の 影響らしい。"
570,34,1,"エサを もとめて ひとに ばけ
まちに あらわれることも あるぞ。
おもに こどもに ばけている。"
570,34,3,"먹이를 찾아 사람으로 둔갑하여
마을에 나타나기도 한다.
주로 아이로 둔갑한다."
570,34,5,"Il lui arrive de se changer en être humain,
surtout en enfant, pour venir chercher
de la nourriture en ville."
570,34,6,"Auf der Suche nach Nahrung verschlägt es Zorua
manchmal auch in Städte. Dort tarnt es sich
üblicherweise als Menschenkind."
570,34,7,"Suele transformarse en personas, sobre todo en
niños, y se adentra en pueblos buscando comida."
570,34,8,"Quando è in cerca di cibo, capita persino che
appaia in città assumendo sembianze umane.
Si trasforma principalmente in bambini."
570,34,9,"Zorua sometimes transforms into a person and
goes into cities to search for food. When Zorua
does this, it usually takes on the form of a child."
570,34,11,"エサを もとめて 人に 化け
町に 現れることも あるぞ。
おもに 子どもに 化けている。"
571,17,5,"Ces Pokémon protègent les leurs en
prenant lapparence de leurs ennemis.
Ils forment des groupes très soudés."
571,17,9,"Bonds between these Pokémon are very
strong. It protects the safety of its
pack by tricking its opponents."
571,18,5,"Il peut mystifier instantanément des
foules dhumains. Il protège son habitat
en créant des illusions de paysages."
571,18,9,"Each has the ability to fool a large
group of people simultaneously. They
protect their lair with illusory scenery."
571,21,9,"Stories say those who tried
to catch Zoroark were trapped
in an illusion and punished."
571,22,9,"Stories say those who tried
to catch Zoroark were trapped
in an illusion and punished."
571,23,1,"いっぺんに おおぜいの ひとを
ばかす ちからを もつ。まぼろしの
けしきを みせて すみかを まもる。"
571,23,3,"한 번에 많은 사람을
속이는 힘을 가졌다. 환영의
경치를 보여줘 거처를 지킨다."
571,23,5,"Il peut mystifier instantanément des foules dhumains.
Il protège son habitat en créant des illusions de
571,23,6,"Kann auf einen Schlag große Massen von Menschen
täuschen. Es kreiert Illusionen, um sein Revier zu
571,23,7,"Tiene la facultad de confundir a muchos humanos a la
vez. Protege su guarida creando un paisaje ilusorio."
571,23,8,"Ha la capacità di trarre in inganno una folla di persone.
Protegge la tana creando dei miraggi."
571,23,9,"Each has the ability to fool a large group of people
simultaneously. They protect their lair with
illusory scenery."
571,23,11,"いっぺんに 大勢の 人を
化かす 力を 持つ。
幻の 景色を 見せて 住処を 守る。"
571,24,1,"あいてを ばかす ことで むれの
あんぜんを まもってきた ポケモン。
なかまの けっそくが かたい。"
571,24,3,"상대를 속여 무리의
안전을 유지해온 포켓몬이다.
동료 간의 결속력이 강하다."
571,24,5,"Ces Pokémon protègent les leurs en prenant
lapparence de leurs ennemis. Ils forment des groupes
très soudés."
571,24,6,"Seit jeher beschützt es das Rudel, indem es
die Gestalt des Feindes annimmt. Es ist sehr
loyal zu seinen Artgenossen."
571,24,7,"Siempre ha protegido a su manada embaucando a sus
enemigos. Dentro de la manada están todos muy
571,24,8,"Protegge la sicurezza del gruppo ammaliando gli
avversari. Dimostra forte solidarietà verso i compagni."
571,24,9,"Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong.
It protects the safety of its pack by tricking
its opponents."
571,24,11,"相手を 化かす ことで 群れの
安全を 守ってきた ポケモン。
仲間同士の 結束が 固い。"
571,25,1,"いっぺんに おおぜいの ひとを
ばかす ちからを もつ。まぼろしの
けしきを みせて すみかを まもる。"
571,25,3,"한 번에 많은 사람을
속이는 힘을 가졌다. 환영의
경치를 보여줘 거처를 지킨다."
571,25,5,"Il peut mystifier instantanément des foules dhumains.
Il protège son habitat en créant des illusions de paysages."
571,25,6,"Kann auf einen Schlag große Massen von Menschen täuschen.
Es kreiert Illusionen, um sein Revier zu schützen."
571,25,7,"Tiene la facultad de confundir a muchos humanos a la vez.
Protege su guarida creando un paisaje ilusorio."
571,25,8,"Ha la capacità di trarre in inganno una folla di persone.
Protegge la tana creando dei miraggi."
571,25,9,"Each has the ability to fool a large group of people
simultaneously. They protect their lair with
illusory scenery."
571,25,11,"いっぺんに 大勢の 人を
化かす 力を 持つ。
幻の 景色を 見せて 住処を 守る。"
571,26,1,"あいてを ばかす ことで むれの
あんぜんを まもってきた ポケモン。
なかまの けっそくが かたい。"
571,26,3,"상대를 속여 무리의
안전을 유지해온 포켓몬이다.
동료 간의 결속력이 강하다."
571,26,5,"Ces Pokémon protègent les leurs en prenant lapparence
de leurs ennemis. Ils forment des groupes très soudés."
571,26,6,"Seit jeher beschützt es das Rudel, indem es die Gestalt des
Feindes annimmt. Es ist sehr loyal zu seinen Artgenossen."
571,26,7,"Siempre ha protegido a su manada embaucando a sus
enemigos. Dentro de la manada están todos muy unidos."
571,26,8,"Protegge la sicurezza del gruppo ammaliando gli avversari.
Dimostra forte solidarietà verso i compagni."
571,26,9,"Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong.
It protects the safety of its pack by tricking
its opponents."
571,26,11,"相手を 化かす ことで 群れの
安全を 守ってきた ポケモン。
仲間同士の 結束が 固い。"
571,29,1,"なにかに ばけるだけ ではなく
なんびゃくにんもの ひとに
まぼろしを みせる ちからをもつ。"
571,29,3,"둔갑술이 가능할 뿐만 아니라
수백 명의 사람에게 환상을
보여줄 수 있는 힘을 가졌다."
571,29,5,"Il est non seulement capable de changer
dapparence, mais il peut également créer
des illusions pour hypnotiser les humains."
571,29,6,"Es kann nicht nur seine Gestalt verändern,
sondern auch Illusionen erzeugen, um auf einen
Schlag mehrere Hundert Menschen zu täuschen."
571,29,7,"No solo es capaz de transformarse, sino que
también puede crear ilusiones para confundir
a cientos de personas."
571,29,8,"Oltre a essere in grado di trasformarsi in
qualsiasi cosa, ha anche il potere di creare
miraggi, traendo in inganno centinaia di persone."
571,29,9,"It doesnt just transform itself—it also has the
power to make hundreds of people see
its illusions."
571,29,11,"何かに 化けるだけ ではなく
何百人もの 人に
幻を 見せる 力をもつ。"
571,30,1,"にんげんに すみかを あばかれそうに
なると まぼろしを みせて もりを
さまよわせ つづける という。"
571,30,3,"인간에게 거처를 들킬 위기에
처하면 환상을 보여줘서
숲을 떠돌게 한다고 전해진다."
571,30,5,"Les humains qui osent menacer son habitat
finissent par errer éternellement dans les bois,
victimes de ses illusions."
571,30,6,"Es heißt, dass es jene Menschen, die sein Revier
zu enthüllen drohen, mit Illusionen täuscht und
dazu bringt, unentwegt durch den Wald zu irren."
571,30,7,"Si percibe que un humano está amenazando su
hábitat, crea visiones para aturdirlo y hacerlo
vagar por el bosque sin cesar."
571,30,8,"Se un essere umano sta per scoprire la sua
tana, crea dei miraggi per depistarlo, facendolo
vagare nel bosco allinfinito."
571,30,9,"If it thinks humans are going to discover its den,
Zoroark shows them visions that make them
wander around in the woods."
571,30,11,"人間に 棲み処を 暴かれそうに
なると 幻を みせて 森を
彷徨わせ 続ける という。"
571,33,1,"なかまおもいの ポケモン。
おそろしい まぼろしを みせて
すみかや むれを まもるのだ。"
571,33,3,"동료애가 깊은 포켓몬이다.
무서운 환상을 보게 만들어서
거처나 무리를 지킨다."
571,33,5,"Doté dun grand sens de la camaraderie,
ce Pokémon peut créer des illusions effrayantes
pour protéger son habitat et ses congénères."
571,33,6,"Seine Artgenossen liegen ihm sehr am Herzen.
Zoroark beschützt sein Revier und sein Rudel,
indem es furchteinflößende Illusionen erzeugt."
571,33,7,"Cuida de sus semejantes. Provoca ilusiones
terroríficas para proteger tanto su guarida
como a su manada de sus adversarios."
571,33,8,"Tiene molto ai suoi simili e protegge la tana
e il branco creando miraggi spaventosi."
571,33,9,"This Pokémon cares deeply about others of its
kind, and it will conjure terrifying illusions to
keep its den and pack safe."
571,33,11,"仲間想いの ポケモン。
恐ろしい 幻を 見せて
すみかや 群れを 守るのだ。"
571,34,1,"こどくなトレーナーは ゾロアークに
まぼろしを みせるように めいじて
ひとりの さみしさを まぎらわす。"
571,34,3,"고독한 트레이너는 조로아크에게
환상을 보여주도록 명령하여
혼자만의 외로움을 달랜다."
571,34,5,"Les Dresseurs en manque de compagnie
ordonnent à Zoroark de leur montrer
une illusion pour tromper leur solitude."
571,34,6,"Trainer, denen es an Gesellschaft fehlt, weisen
Zoroark manchmal dazu an, ihnen eine Illusion zu
zeigen, um sich von ihrer Einsamkeit abzulenken."
571,34,7,"Los Entrenadores solitarios le piden a Zoroark
que les muestre ilusiones con las que combatir
la desazón de la soledad."
571,34,8,"Gli Allenatori tristi e soli chiedono a Zoroark
di mostrare loro dei miraggi che allevino
la loro solitudine."
571,34,9,"Seeking to ease the burden of their solitude,
lonely Trainers tell Zoroark to show illusions
to them."
571,34,11,"孤独なトレーナーは ゾロアークに
幻を 見せるように 命じて
ひとりの さみしさを 紛らわす。"
572,17,5,"Ils se saluent en se caressant
mutuellement le corps avec la queue,
quils gardent toujours immaculée."
572,17,9,"They greet one another by rubbing each
other with their tails, which are always
kept well groomed and clean."
572,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui aime la propreté. Chez
lui, il enlève sans cesse la poussière
en utilisant sa queue comme un plumeau."
572,18,9,"These Pokémon prefer a tidy habitat.
They are always sweeping and dusting,
using their tails as brooms."
572,21,9,"Minccino greet each other
by grooming one another
thoroughly with their tails."
572,22,9,"Minccino greet each other
by grooming one another
thoroughly with their tails."
572,23,1,"おたがいの しっぽで あいてを
とことん きれいに してあげるのが
チラーミィどうしの あいさつ。"
572,23,3,"서로의 꼬리로 상대를
철저히 깨끗하게 만드는 것이
치라미끼리의 인사다."
572,23,5,"Ils se saluent en sépoussetant les uns les autres avec
leur queue qui leur sert de plumeau."
572,23,6,"Sie begrüßen einander, indem sie ihr Gegenüber
mithilfe ihres Schweifs säubern."
572,23,7,"Se saludan entre sí frotándose con la cola y
limpiándose a conciencia."
572,23,8,Si salutano pulendosi lun laltro con le loro code.
572,23,9,"Minccino greet each other by grooming one another
thoroughly with their tails."
572,23,11,"お互いの 尻尾で 相手を
とことん きれいに してあげるのが
チラーミィ同士の あいさつ。"
572,24,1,"きれいずきな せいかくの ポケモン。
しっぽを ほうきがわりに いつも
すみかの ほこりを はらっている。"
572,24,3,"깨끗함을 좋아하는 포켓몬이다.
꼬리를 빗자루 대신 써서 항상
거처의 먼지를 쓸어낸다."
572,24,5,"Un Pokémon qui aime la propreté. Chez lui, il enlève
sans cesse la poussière en utilisant sa queue comme
un plumeau."
572,24,6,"Ein Pokémon mit Putzfimmel. Es benutzt seinen
Schweif als Staubwedel und fegt seinen Bau,
bis alles picobello ist."
572,24,7,"Le encanta la limpieza. Usa su cola a modo de escoba
y se pasa el día barre que te barre."
572,24,8,"Di natura ama la pulizia. Spazza sempre la polvere
dalla sua tana usando la coda come scopa."
572,24,9,"These Pokémon prefer a tidy habitat. They are
always sweeping and dusting, using their tails
as brooms."
572,24,11,"きれい好きな 性格の ポケモン。
尻尾を ほうきがわりに いつも
住処の ほこりを 払っている。"
572,25,1,"おたがいの しっぽで あいてを
とことん きれいに してあげるのが
チラーミィどうしの あいさつ。"
572,25,3,"서로의 꼬리로 상대를
철저히 깨끗하게 만드는 것이
치라미끼리의 인사다."
572,25,5,"Ils se saluent en sépoussetant les uns les autres avec
leur queue qui leur sert de plumeau."
572,25,6,"Sie begrüßen einander, indem sie ihr Gegenüber mithilfe ihres
Schweifs säubern."
572,25,7,"Se saludan entre sí frotándose con la cola y limpiándose a
572,25,8,Si salutano pulendosi lun laltro con le loro code.
572,25,9,"Minccino greet each other by grooming one another
thoroughly with their tails."
572,25,11,"お互いの 尻尾で 相手を
とことん きれいに してあげるのが
チラーミィ同士の あいさつ。"
572,26,1,"きれいずきな せいかくの ポケモン。
しっぽを ほうきがわりに いつも
すみかの ほこりを はらっている。"
572,26,3,"깨끗함을 좋아하는 포켓몬이다.
꼬리를 빗자루 대신 써서 항상
거처의 먼지를 쓸어낸다."
572,26,5,"Un Pokémon qui aime la propreté. Chez lui, il enlève
sans cesse la poussière en utilisant sa queue comme
un plumeau."
572,26,6,"Ein Pokémon mit Putzfimmel. Es benutzt seinen Schweif als
Staubwedel und fegt seinen Bau, bis alles picobello ist."
572,26,7,"Le encanta la limpieza. Usa su cola a modo de escoba y se
pasa el día barre que te barre."
572,26,8,"Di natura ama la pulizia. Spazza sempre la polvere dalla sua
tana usando la coda come scopa."
572,26,9,"These Pokémon prefer a tidy habitat. They are
always sweeping and dusting, using their tails
as brooms."
572,26,11,"きれい好きな 性格の ポケモン。
尻尾を ほうきがわりに いつも
住処の ほこりを 払っている。"
572,29,1,"けっぺきしょうで すこしの よごれも
ゆるせない。 シッポを モップにして
てっていてきに よごれを おとす。"
572,29,3,"결벽증이 있어서 조금의 더러움도
용서하지 않는다. 꼬리를 걸레 삼아
꼼꼼히 더러운 것을 닦아 낸다."
572,29,5,"Ce maniaque de la propreté ne supporte pas
la moindre saleté. Il utilise sa queue comme
une serpillière pour tout nettoyer."
572,29,6,"Es hat einen Putzfimmel und duldet selbst das
kleinste Staubkorn nicht. Seinen Schweif benutzt
es als Mopp, mit dem es alles picobello putzt."
572,29,7,"Este Pokémon es extremadamente pulcro y no
puede ver ni una mota de suciedad o la limpiará
usando su cola como si fuera una mopa."
572,29,8,"È un maniaco della pulizia e non sopporta
neanche la più piccola traccia di sporco. Usa la
coda come una scopa per pulire ogni superficie."
572,29,9,"A clean freak that will not allow even the
slightest mess, it uses its tail like a mop to
thoroughly clean any and all filth."
572,29,11,"潔癖症で 少しの 汚れも
許せない。 シッポを モップにして
徹底的に 汚れを 落とす。"
572,30,1,"じぶんの からだや すの そうじで
よごれた シッポは きれいな
わきみずで 1にち かけて あらう。"
572,30,3,"자신의 몸이나 보금자리를 청소하느라
더러워진 꼬리는 깨끗한 샘물로
하루에 걸쳐서 씻는다."
572,30,5,"Il lui faut bien une journée entière pour laver
sa queue après sen être servi pour faire le
ménage dans son nid et épousseter son corps."
572,30,6,"Wird sein Schweif beim Putzen seines Baus oder
Körpers schmutzig, verbringt es einen ganzen
Tag damit, ihn mit klarem Wasser zu reinigen."
572,30,7,"Tras usar la cola para limpiar su madriguera o
su propio cuerpo, se pasa un día entero
lavándosela con agua de manantial."
572,30,8,"Passa giornate intere a lavare la sua coda con
acqua pura di sorgente dopo averla usata per
spazzolare la tana e il proprio corpo."
572,30,9,"When its tail has gotten dirty from self-cleaning
or from cleaning its nest, Minccino spends a
whole day washing its tail in clean spring water."
572,30,11,"自分の 身体や 巣の 掃除で
汚れた シッポは 綺麗な
湧き水で 1日 かけて 洗う。"
572,33,1,"しっぽで よごれを はらいおとす。
そうじを するときに たすかるが
けっぺきしょう なので たいへん。"
572,33,3,"꼬리로 더러운 것을 떨어낸다.
청소를 할 때는 도움이 되지만
결벽증이 있어서 힘들기도 하다."
572,33,5,"Il époussette les saletés avec sa queue.
Il est dune aide précieuse pour faire le ménage,
mais il est très tatillon sur la propreté."
572,33,6,"Es entfernt Schmutz mit seinem Schweif. Beim
Hausputz ist es eine große Hilfe, aber sein
Putzfimmel kann auch anstrengend werden."
572,33,7,"Usa la cola para barrer la basurilla. Su extrema
pulcritud es tanto una ayuda en la limpieza del
hogar como un incordio."
572,33,8,"Con la coda rimuove ogni traccia di sporco.
È di grande aiuto per le pulizie, ma la sua
pignoleria può diventare estenuante."
572,33,9,"The way it brushes away grime with its tail
can be helpful when cleaning. But its focus on
spotlessness can make cleaning more of a hassle."
572,33,11,"しっぽで 汚れを 払い落す。
掃除を するときに 助かるが
潔癖症 なので 大変。"
572,34,1,"しっぽで なであって あいさつ。
しっぽの けが おおきな ほうが
すこし いばっているぞ。"
572,34,3,"꼬리로 쓰다듬으며 서로
인사한다. 꼬리 털이
많은 쪽이 조금 으스댄다."
572,34,5,"Les Chinchidou se saluent en se frottant la queue.
Celui qui a la plus volumineuse en tire
une certaine fierté."
572,34,6,"Sie begrüßen sich, indem sie sich gegenseitig mit
ihren Schweifen streicheln. Das Picochilla mit
dem buschigeren Schweif gibt damit oft an."
572,34,7,"Se saludan entre sí frotándose la cola. Cuanto
más voluminosa es, más orgullosos se muestran."
572,34,8,"Si salutano strofinando le proprie code tra loro.
Gli esemplari che ne hanno una particolarmente
voluminosa tendono a darsi delle arie."
572,34,9,"They pet each other with their tails as a form of
greeting. Of the two, the one whose tail is fluffier
is a bit more boastful."
572,34,11,"しっぽで なであって 挨拶。
しっぽの 毛が 大きな ほうが
少し 威張っているぞ。"
573,17,5,"Leurs poils blancs sont recouverts
dune graisse spéciale qui leur permet
desquiver facilement les attaques."
573,17,9,"Their white fur is coated in a special oil
that makes it easy for them to
deflect attacks."
573,18,5,"La texture de ses poils blancs est
incomparable. Elle nattire ni la
poussière, ni lélectricité statique."
573,18,9,"Their white fur feels amazing to touch.
Their fur repels dust and prevents
static electricity from building up."
573,21,9,"Cinccinos body is coated
in a special oil that helps it
deflect attacks, such as punches."
573,22,9,"Cinccinos body is coated
in a special oil that helps it
deflect attacks, such as punches."
573,23,1,"しろい たいもうは はだざわりが
ばつぐん。ほこりや せいでんきを
まったく よせつけないのだ。"
573,23,3,"하얀 털은 감촉이 정말 좋다.
먼지나 정전기가
전혀 생기지 않는다."
573,23,5,"La texture de ses poils blancs est incomparable.
Elle nattire ni la poussière, ni lélectricité statique."
573,23,6,"Sein weißer Flaum fühlt sich wunderbar flauschig an
und zieht weder Staub noch statische Elektrizität an."
573,23,7,"El pelo que cubre su cuerpo proporciona una
agradable sensación al tocarlo. No acumula ni polvo
ni electricidad estática."
573,23,8,"La sua pelliccia bianca è morbidissima al tatto.
Non accumula né polvere né elettricità statica."
573,23,9,"Their white fur feels amazing to touch. Their fur
repels dust and prevents static electricity from
building up."
573,23,11,"白い 体毛は 肌触りが 抜群。
ほこりや 静電気を
まったく 寄せつけないのだ。"
573,24,1,"チラチーノの からだは とくべつな
あぶらで おおわれており パンチなど
あいての こうげきを うけながす。"
573,24,3,"치라치노의 몸은 특별한
기름으로 뒤덮여 있어 펀치 등
상대의 공격을 받아넘긴다."
573,24,5,"Son corps est recouvert dune sorte de lubrifiant qui
fait glisser les coups sur lui comme si de rien nétait."
573,24,6,"Sein Körper ist mit einem speziellen Öl überzogen,
an dem gegnerische Hiebe und ähnliche Angriffe
einfach abgleiten."
573,24,7,"El cuerpo de Cinccino está recubierto por una grasa
especial que hace que los golpes y ataques enemigos
no acierten."
573,24,8,"Il suo corpo è ricoperto di un grasso speciale sul
quale scivolano via i colpi e i pugni dellavversario."
573,24,9,"Cinccinos body is coated in a special oil that helps
it deflect attacks, such as punches."
573,24,11,"チラチーノの 体は 特別な
油で 覆われており パンチなど
相手の 攻撃を 受け流す。"
573,25,1,"しろい たいもうは はだざわりが
ばつぐん。ほこりや せいでんきを
まったく よせつけないのだ。"
573,25,3,"하얀 털은 감촉이 정말 좋다.
먼지나 정전기가
전혀 생기지 않는다."
573,25,5,"La texture de ses poils blancs est incomparable.
Elle nattire ni la poussière, ni lélectricité statique."
573,25,6,"Sein weißer Flaum fühlt sich wunderbar flauschig an und zieht
weder Staub noch statische Elektrizität an."
573,25,7,"El pelo que cubre su cuerpo proporciona una agradable
sensación al tocarlo. No acumula ni polvo ni electricidad
573,25,8,"La sua pelliccia bianca è morbidissima al tatto. Non accumula
né polvere né elettricità statica."
573,25,9,"Their white fur feels amazing to touch. Their fur
repels dust and prevents static electricity from
building up."
573,25,11,"白い 体毛は 肌触りが 抜群。
ほこりや 静電気を
まったく 寄せつけないのだ。"
573,26,1,"チラチーノの からだは とくべつな
あぶらで おおわれており パンチなど
あいての こうげきを うけながす。"
573,26,3,"치라치노의 몸은 특별한
기름으로 뒤덮여 있어 펀치 등
상대의 공격을 받아넘긴다."
573,26,5,"Son corps est recouvert dune sorte de lubrifiant qui fait
glisser les coups sur lui comme si de rien nétait."
573,26,6,"Sein Körper ist mit einem speziellen Öl überzogen, an dem
gegnerische Hiebe und ähnliche Angriffe einfach abgleiten."
573,26,7,"El cuerpo de Cinccino está recubierto por una grasa especial
que hace que los golpes y ataques enemigos no acierten."
573,26,8,"Il suo corpo è ricoperto di un grasso speciale sul quale
scivolano via i colpi e i pugni dellavversario."
573,26,9,"Cinccinos body is coated in a special oil that helps
it deflect attacks, such as punches."
573,26,11,"チラチーノの 体は 特別な
油で 覆われており パンチなど
相手の 攻撃を 受け流す。"
573,29,1,"しろいけは からだから しみだす
あぶらで コーティング されており
てきのこうげきも つるりと さける。"
573,29,3,"하얀 털은 몸에서 나오는
기름으로 코팅되어
적의 공격도 매끄럽게 피한다."
573,29,5,"Grâce à la sécrétion huileuse dont ses poils
blancs sont recouverts, les attaques glissent
sur sa fourrure comme sur de la soie."
573,29,6,"Sein weißer Flaum ist von einem Film aus
speziellem Öl überzogen, das aus seinem Körper
austritt. Gegnerische Angriffe gleiten daran ab."
573,29,7,"Su níveo pelaje está recubierto de una sustancia
oleosa, secretada por su propio cuerpo, que
hace resbalar los golpes enemigos."
573,29,8,"Schiva con facilità i colpi dei nemici, che
scivolano sulla pelliccia bianca rivestita dal
grasso speciale prodotto dal suo corpo."
573,29,9,"The white parts of its coat are covered in an oil
secreted from its body, so this Pokémon can
slide right away from its enemies attacks."
573,29,11,"白い毛は 身体から しみだす
油で コーティング されており
敵の攻撃も つるりと 避ける。"
573,30,1,"ぜんしんから しみだす あぶらは
とても なめらか。 はだあれに
なやむひとにも こうかてきなのだ。"
573,30,3,"전신에서 배어 나오는 기름은
매우 부드럽다. 거친 피부가
고민인 사람에게도 효과적이다."
573,30,5,"Le liquide que son corps sécrète est
étrangement huileux. Cest un remède efficace
pour les personnes qui ont la peau sèche."
573,30,6,"Aus seinem Körper tritt besonders schmieriges
Öl aus, das für Menschen, die unter trockener
Haut leiden, von großem Nutzen ist."
573,30,7,"La grasa que exuda por todo el cuerpo es muy
lubrificante y altamente apreciada por las
personas con problemas de piel seca."
573,30,8,"Il grasso particolarmente oleoso prodotto dal
suo corpo è molto efficace contro le irritazioni
573,30,9,"The oil that seeps from its body is really
smooth. For people troubled by bad skin,
this oil is an effective treatment."
573,30,11,"全身から 染み出す 油は
とても なめらか。 肌荒れに
悩む人にも 効果的なのだ。"
573,33,1,"チリひとつ ゆるせない けっぺき。
からだ から しみでる あぶらを
すに ぬりつけ コーティングする。"
573,33,3,"먼지 한 톨도 용납하지 않는 결벽증.
몸에서 나오는 기름을
둥지에 발라서 코팅한다."
573,33,5,"Il ne supporte pas de voir le moindre grain
de poussière. Il utilise lhuile quil sécrète pour
recouvrir son nid dun revêtement protecteur."
573,33,6,"Es ist sehr reinlich und duldet nicht mal das
kleinste Staubkorn. Es beschichtet sein Nest mit
dem Öl, das sein Körper absondert."
573,33,7,"Es tan sumamente pulcro que no puede ver ni
una mota de polvo. La grasa que exuda por el
cuerpo le sirve de película protectora."
573,33,8,"È un maniaco della pulizia e non sopporta la vista
neanche di un granello di polvere. Riveste la tana
del grasso che trasuda dal suo corpo."
573,33,9,"Its body secretes oil that this Pokémon spreads
over its nest as a coating to protect it from dust.
Cinccino wont tolerate even a speck of the stuff."
573,33,11,"塵ひとつ 許せない 潔癖。
体から 染み出る 油を
巣に 塗りつけ コーティングする。"
573,34,1,"とくべつな あぶらの しみた けは
こうげきを うけながす。 あぶらは
たかねで とりひき されている。"
573,34,3,"특별한 기름이 스며든 털은
공격을 받아넘긴다. 기름은
높은 가격에 거래되고 있다."
573,34,5,"La sécrétion huileuse de ses poils lui permet
de dévier les attaques. Elle sarrache à prix dor
sur les marchés."
573,34,6,"Sein Fell ist mit einem körpereigenen Öl bedeckt,
das Attacken abwehren kann. Öl von Chillabell ist
wertvoll und wird zu hohen Preisen gehandelt."
573,34,7,"Su pelaje está recubierto por una grasa especial
que repele los ataques enemigos y por la que se
llegan a pagar auténticas fortunas."
573,34,8,"Il grasso speciale che ricopre la sua pelliccia
può deviare gli attacchi ed è venduto
a caro prezzo sul mercato."
573,34,9,"A special oil that seeps through their fur helps
them avoid attacks. The oil fetches a high price
at market."
573,34,11,"特別な 油の 染みた 毛は
攻撃を 受け流す。 油は
高値で 取り引き されている。"
574,17,5,"Concentre des pouvoirs psychiques dans
ses antennes semblables à des rubans,
et regarde fixement... mais quoi?"
574,17,9,"Their ribbonlike feelers increase their
psychic power. They are always staring
at something."
574,18,5,"Fixe les Pokémon et les Dresseurs du
regard comme sil y avait quelque chose
que personne dautre ne pouvait voir."
574,18,9,"They intently observe both Trainers and
Pokémon. Apparently, they are looking
at something that only Gothita can see."
574,21,9,"It stares intently at everything.
It can become so obsessed with
watching that it doesnt notice attacks."
574,22,9,"It stares intently at everything.
It can become so obsessed with
watching that it doesnt notice attacks."
574,23,1,"リボンのような しょっかくで
サイコパワーを ぞうふくさせる。
なにかを じっと みつめている。"
574,23,3,"리본 모양의 더듬이로
사이코 파워를 증폭시킨다.
무언가를 가만히 바라보고 있다."
574,23,5,"Concentre des pouvoirs psychiques dans ses
antennes semblables à des rubans, et regarde
fixement… mais quoi?"
574,23,6,"Die schleifenförmigen Fühler erhöhen seine
Psycho-Kräfte. Es scheint stets irgendetwas
574,23,7,"Amplifica su poder psíquico con sus antenitas en forma
de lazo. Siempre está mirando algo fijamente."
574,23,8,"Amplifica i poteri psichici con le antenne a forma di
fiocchetti. Il suo sguardo è sempre fisso."
574,23,9,"Their ribbonlike feelers increase their psychic
power. They are always staring at something."
574,23,11,"リボンのような 触角で
サイコパワーを 増幅させる。
なにかを じっと 見つめている。"
574,24,1,"ポケモンや トレーナーを じっと
かんさつする。ゴチムにしか みえない
なにかを みつめているらしい。"
574,24,3,"포켓몬이나 트레이너를 가만히
관찰한다. 고디탱만 볼 수 있는
무언가를 바라보고 있는 것 같다."
574,24,5,"Fixe les Pokémon et les Dresseurs du regard comme
sil y avait quelque chose que personne dautre ne
pouvait voir."
574,24,6,"Beobachtet andere Pokémon und Trainer mit
durchdringendem Blick, als könne es etwas
erkennen, das keiner sonst sieht."
574,24,7,"Clava su mirada en Pokémon y Entrenadores como
si observara algo solo perceptible por él."
574,24,8,"Osserva con attenzione i Pokémon e gli Allenatori,
come se contemplasse qualcosa che solo lui può
574,24,9,"They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon.
Apparently, they are looking at something that only
Gothita can see."
574,24,11,"ポケモンや トレーナーを じっと
観察する。ゴチムにしか 見えない
なにかを 見つめているらしい。"
574,25,1,"リボンのような しょっかくで
サイコパワーを ぞうふくさせる。
なにかを じっと みつめている。"
574,25,3,"리본 모양의 더듬이로
사이코 파워를 증폭시킨다.
무언가를 가만히 바라보고 있다."
574,25,5,"Concentre des pouvoirs psychiques dans ses antennes
semblables à des rubans, et regarde fixement… mais quoi?"
574,25,6,"Die schleifenförmigen Fühler erhöhen seine Psycho-Kräfte.
Es scheint stets irgendetwas anzustarren."
574,25,7,"Amplifica su poder psíquico con sus antenitas en forma de
lazo. Siempre está mirando algo fijamente."
574,25,8,"Amplifica i poteri psichici con le antenne a forma di fiocchetti.
Il suo sguardo è sempre fisso."
574,25,9,"Their ribbonlike feelers increase their psychic
power. They are always staring at something."
574,25,11,"リボンのような 触角で
サイコパワーを 増幅させる。
なにかを じっと 見つめている。"
574,26,1,"ポケモンや トレーナーを じっと
かんさつする。ゴチムにしか みえない
なにかを みつめているらしい。"
574,26,3,"포켓몬이나 트레이너를 가만히
관찰한다. 고디탱만 볼 수 있는
무언가를 바라보고 있는 것 같다."
574,26,5,"Fixe les Pokémon et les Dresseurs du regard comme
sil y avait quelque chose que personne dautre ne
pouvait voir."
574,26,6,"Beobachtet andere Pokémon und Trainer mit durchdringendem
Blick, als könne es etwas erkennen, das keiner sonst sieht."
574,26,7,"Clava su mirada en Pokémon y Entrenadores como si
observara algo solo perceptible por él."
574,26,8,"Osserva con attenzione i Pokémon e gli Allenatori, come se
contemplasse qualcosa che solo lui può vedere."
574,26,9,"They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon.
Apparently, they are looking at something that only
Gothita can see."
574,26,11,"ポケモンや トレーナーを じっと
観察する。ゴチムにしか 見えない
なにかを 見つめているらしい。"
574,33,1,"まだまだ あかちゃん だけれど
リボンに にた しょっかくに ためた
サイコパワーで たたかうこともある。"
574,33,3,"아직 아기지만
리본을 닮은 더듬이에 모아둔
사이코 파워로 싸울 때도 있다."
574,33,5,"Il nest encore quun enfant, mais il lui arrive
de se battre avec lénergie psychique concentrée
dans ses antennes en forme de rubans."
574,33,6,"Es ist zwar noch ein Baby, aber es weiß sich mit
den Psycho-Kräften, die seinen schleifenförmigen
Fühlern innewohnen, durchaus zu wehren."
574,33,7,"Pese a ser todavía un bebé, puede luchar con
el poder psíquico que acumula en las antenitas
en forma de lazos."
574,33,8,"Nonostante sia ancora piccolo, può lottare
usando i poteri psichici accumulati nelle antenne
a forma di fiocchetti."
574,33,9,"Though theyre still only babies, theres psychic
power stored in their ribbonlike feelers, and
sometimes they use that power to fight."
574,33,11,"まだまだ 赤ちゃん だけれど
リボンに 似た 触角に 溜めた
サイコパワーで 戦うこともある。"
574,34,1,"だれもいないのに ボソッと なく。
ゴチムにしか みえていない
なにかと はなしている らしい。"
574,34,3,"아무도 없는데 나직이 운다.
고디탱에게만 보이는
뭔가와 이야기하는 듯하다."
574,34,5,"Parfois, ce Pokémon chuchote alors quil ny a
personne aux alentours. On raconte quil parle
à une entité que personne ne peut voir."
574,34,6,"Manchmal stößt es Rufe aus, obwohl niemand da
ist. Man vermutet, dass es sich mit irgendetwas
unterhält, das für niemanden sonst sichtbar ist."
574,34,7,"A veces susurra aunque no haya nadie alrededor.
Por eso se cree que tal vez hable con alguien o
algo imperceptible para los demás."
574,34,8,"A volte emette versi anche se non cè nessuno
nei paraggi. Per questo si dice che parli con
esseri che nessun altro può vedere."
574,34,9,"Even when nobody seems to be around, Gothita
can still be heard making a muted cry. Many believe
its speaking to something only it can see."
574,34,11,"誰もいないのに ボソッと 鳴く。
ゴチムにしか 見えていない
なにかと 話している らしい。"
575,17,5,"Hypnotise les Pokémon et les gens. Il y a
de nombreuses légendes de gens enlevés
dans leur sommeil par des Mesmérella."
575,17,9,"They use hypnosis to control people and
Pokémon. Tales of Gothorita leading
people astray are told in every corner."
575,18,5,"Tire son énergie de la lumière des
étoiles et marque leur position en
faisant léviter des pierres la nuit."
575,18,9,"Starlight is the source of their power.
At night, they mark star positions by
using psychic power to float stones."
575,21,9,"According to many old tales, it creates
friends for itself by controlling
sleeping children on starry nights."
575,22,9,"According to many old tales, it creates
friends for itself by controlling
sleeping children on starry nights."
575,23,1,"ほしあかりが パワーの みなもと。
よるになると サイコパワーで いしを
うかべて ほしの はいちを しるす。"
575,23,3,"별빛이 힘의 원천이다.
밤이 되면 사이코 파워로 돌을
띄워 별의 배치를 표시한다."
575,23,5,"Tire son énergie de la lumière des étoiles et marque
leur position en faisant léviter des pierres la nuit."
575,23,6,"Zieht seine Energie aus dem Sternenlicht.
Bei Nacht bringt es Steine zum Schweben
und bildet damit Sternzeichen nach."
575,23,7,"La luz de las estrellas origina su poder. De noche,
marca su posición haciendo levitar piedras con su
poder psíquico."
575,23,8,"Trae energia dalla luce delle stelle. Ne traccia la
posizione facendo levitare le pietre con i poteri
575,23,9,"Starlight is the source of their power. At night,
they mark star positions by using psychic power
to float stones."
575,23,11,"星明りが パワーの 源。
夜になると サイコパワーで 石を
浮かべて 星の 配置を 印す。"
575,24,1,"ほしあかりが かがやく よるに
ねている こどもたちを あやつって
あそぶ はなしが おおく のこる。"
575,24,3,"별빛이 빛나는 밤에
잠자는 아이들을 조종해서
논다는 이야기가 많이 남아 있다."
575,24,5,"On dit quils apparaissent les nuits étoilées et
manipulent les enfants pour jouer avec eux."
575,24,6,"Erzählungen zufolge machen sie sich einen Spaß
daraus, in sternklaren Nächten von schlafenden
Kindern Besitz zu ergreifen."
575,24,7,"Según muchas leyendas, durante las noches
estrelladas controlan a los niños que duermen,
tan solo como diversión."
575,24,8,"Si racconta che nelle notti stellate, per giocare con
i bambini addormentati, si diverta a muoverli come
575,24,9,"According to many old tales, it creates friends for
itself by controlling sleeping children on
starry nights."
575,24,11,"星明かりが 輝く 夜に
寝ている 子供たちを 操って
遊ぶ 話が 多く 残る。"
575,25,1,"ほしあかりが パワーの みなもと。
よるになると サイコパワーで いしを
うかべて ほしの はいちを しるす。"
575,25,3,"별빛이 힘의 원천이다.
밤이 되면 사이코 파워로 돌을
띄워 별의 배치를 표시한다."
575,25,5,"Tire son énergie de la lumière des étoiles et marque
leur position en faisant léviter des pierres la nuit."
575,25,6,"Zieht seine Energie aus dem Sternenlicht. Bei Nacht bringt es
Steine zum Schweben und bildet damit Sternzeichen nach."
575,25,7,"La luz de las estrellas origina su poder. De noche, marca su
posición haciendo levitar piedras con su poder psíquico."
575,25,8,"Trae energia dalla luce delle stelle. Ne traccia la posizione
facendo levitare le pietre con i poteri psichici."
575,25,9,"Starlight is the source of their power. At night,
they mark star positions by using psychic power
to float stones."
575,25,11,"星明りが パワーの 源。
夜になると サイコパワーで 石を
浮かべて 星の 配置を 印す。"
575,26,1,"ほしあかりが かがやく よるに
ねている こどもたちを あやつって
あそぶ はなしが おおく のこる。"
575,26,3,"별빛이 빛나는 밤에
잠자는 아이들을 조종해서
논다는 이야기가 많이 남아 있다."
575,26,5,"On dit quils apparaissent les nuits étoilées et manipulent
les enfants pour jouer avec eux."
575,26,6,"Erzählungen zufolge machen sie sich einen Spaß daraus,
in sternklaren Nächten von schlafenden Kindern Besitz
zu ergreifen."
575,26,7,"Según muchas leyendas, durante las noches estrelladas
controlan a los niños que duermen, tan solo como diversión."
575,26,8,"Si racconta che nelle notti stellate, per giocare con i bambini
addormentati, si diverta a muoverli come pupazzi."
575,26,9,"According to many old tales, it creates friends for
itself by controlling sleeping children on
starry nights."
575,26,11,"星明かりが 輝く 夜に
寝ている 子供たちを 操って
遊ぶ 話が 多く 残る。"
575,33,1,"ほしが かがやく よるに ねむった
こどもたちを つれさると いわれ
せいさいのまじょ とも よばれる。"
575,33,3,"별이 빛나는 밤에 잠이 든
아이들을 데려간다고 전해져
심판의 마녀라고도 불린다."
575,33,5,"On raconte quil enlève les enfants endormis
pendant les nuits étoilées. Cela lui vaut
dêtre considéré comme un démon punisseur."
575,33,6,"In sternklaren Nächten entführt es angeblich
schlafende Kinder aus ihren Betten. Man nennt
es auch die „Hexe der Bestrafung“."
575,33,7,"Corre el rumor de que en las noches estrelladas
se lleva consigo a los niños dormidos, por lo que
recibe el sobrenombre de Bruja Castigadora."
575,33,8,"Si dice che nelle notti stellate porti via con sé
i bambini addormentati. Per questo è chiamato
anche “strega del castigo”."
575,33,9,"Its said that when stars shine in the night sky,
this Pokémon will spirit away sleeping children.
Some call it the Witch of Punishment."
575,33,11,"星が 輝く 夜に 眠った
子どもたちを 連れ去ると 言われ
制裁の魔女 とも 呼ばれる。"
575,34,1,"ほしの かがやく ばんに もっとも
サイコパワーが たかまるらしい。
うちゅうとの かんけいは ふめい。"
575,34,3,"별이 빛나는 밤에 가장
사이코 파워가 높아지는 듯하다.
우주와의 관계는 불명확하다."
575,34,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques semblent atteindre
leur paroxysme pendant les nuits étoilées,
mais nul ne sait sil a un rapport avec lespace."
575,34,6,"An sternklaren Abenden erreicht es angeblich
den Höhepunkt seiner Psycho-Kräfte. Seine
genaue Verbindung zum Weltraum ist unklar."
575,34,7,"Sus poderes psíquicos alcanzan su apogeo en las
noches estrelladas, aunque su posible vínculo con
el espacio está envuelto en misterio."
575,34,8,"Si dice che accumuli energia psichica soprattutto
nelle notti stellate, ma la sua connessione con
luniverso rimane un mistero."
575,34,9,"On nights when the stars shine, this Pokémons
psychic power is at its strongest. Its unknown just
what link Gothorita has to the greater universe."
575,34,11,"星の 輝く 晩に もっとも
サイコパワーが 高まるらしい。
宇宙との 関係は 不明。"
576,17,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques plient lespace
aux alentours. On y voit des étoiles
éloignées de millions dannées-lumière."
576,17,9,"Starry skies thousands of light-years
away are visible in the space distorted
by their intense psychic power."
576,18,5,"Prédit lavenir à partir de la position
et du mouvement des étoiles. Perçoit
aussi lespérance de vie des Dresseurs."
576,18,9,"They can predict the future from the
placement and movement of the stars.
They can see Trainers life spans."
576,21,9,"It can see the future from the movement
of the stars. When it learns its
Trainers life span, it cries in sadness."
576,22,9,"It can see the future from the movement
of the stars. When it learns its
Trainers life span, it cries in sadness."
576,23,1,"きょうりょくな サイコパワーの
えいきょうで くうかんが ねじれて
しゅういに ほしぞらが うつるのだ。"
576,23,3,"강력한 사이코 파워의 영향으로
고디모아젤 주변 공간이 비틀어져
몇만 광년이나 떨어진 하늘의 별이 비친다."
576,23,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques plient lespace aux
alentours. On y voit des étoiles éloignées de millions
576,23,6,"Durch seine mächtigen Psycho-Kräfte krümmt sich
der Raum und Bilder eines Lichtjahre entfernten
Ortes erscheinen."
576,23,7,"Su inmenso poder psíquico distorsiona el espacio y
le permite reflejar incluso estrellas a años luz de
576,23,8,"I suoi forti poteri psichici modificano lo spazio
circostante rendendo visibili galassie lontane
milioni di anni luce."
576,23,9,"Starry skies thousands of light-years away are
visible in the space distorted by their intense
psychic power."
576,23,11,"強力な サイコパワーの 影響で
ゴチルゼルの 周囲の 空間が ねじれ
何万光年も 遠くの 星空が 映る。"
576,24,1,"ほしの ばしょや うごきから
みらいの できごとを よちする。
トレーナーの じゅみょうも みえる。"
576,24,3,"별의 배치나 움직임으로 미래의
일을 예지하는 능력을 가지고 있다.
트레이너의 수명도 알 수 있다."
576,24,5,"Prédit lavenir à partir de la position et du mouvement
des étoiles. Perçoit aussi lespérance de vie des
576,24,6,"Kann anhand der Sternenkonstellationen die Zukunft
voraussagen. Es weiß sogar, wie alt sein Trainer
werden wird."
576,24,7,"Predice el futuro analizando la posición de los astros
y su movimiento. Conoce la esperanza de vida de los
576,24,8,"Prevede il futuro dalla posizione e dal movimento
delle stelle. Conosce anche la durata della vita
576,24,9,"They can predict the future from the placement and
movement of the stars. They can see Trainers
life spans."
576,24,11,"星の 配置や 動きから 未来の
できごとを 予知する 能力を 持つ。
トレーナーの 寿命も 見える。"
576,25,1,"きょうりょくな サイコパワーの
えいきょうで くうかんが ねじれて
しゅういに ほしぞらが うつるのだ。"
576,25,3,"강력한 사이코 파워의 영향으로
고디모아젤 주변 공간이 비틀어져
몇만 광년이나 떨어진 하늘의 별이 비친다."
576,25,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques plient lespace aux alentours.
On y voit des étoiles éloignées de millions dannées-lumière."
576,25,6,"Durch seine mächtigen Psycho-Kräfte krümmt sich der Raum
und Bilder eines Lichtjahre entfernten Ortes erscheinen."
576,25,7,"Su inmenso poder psíquico distorsiona el espacio y le permite
reflejar incluso estrellas a años luz de distancia."
576,25,8,"I suoi forti poteri psichici modificano lo spazio circostante
rendendo visibili galassie lontane milioni di anni luce."
576,25,9,"Starry skies thousands of light-years away are
visible in the space distorted by their intense
psychic power."
576,25,11,"強力な サイコパワーの 影響で
ゴチルゼルの 周囲の 空間が ねじれ
何万光年も 遠くの 星空が 映る。"
576,26,1,"ほしの ばしょや うごきから
みらいの できごとを よちする。
トレーナーの じゅみょうも みえる。"
576,26,3,"별의 배치나 움직임으로 미래의
일을 예지하는 능력을 가지고 있다.
트레이너의 수명도 알 수 있다."
576,26,5,"Prédit lavenir à partir de la position et du mouvement
des étoiles. Perçoit aussi lespérance de vie des Dresseurs."
576,26,6,"Kann anhand der Sternenkonstellationen die Zukunft
voraussagen. Es weiß sogar, wie alt sein Trainer werden wird."
576,26,7,"Predice el futuro analizando la posición de los astros y
su movimiento. Conoce la esperanza de vida de los
576,26,8,"Prevede il futuro dalla posizione e dal movimento delle stelle.
Conosce anche la durata della vita dellAllenatore."
576,26,9,"They can predict the future from the placement and
movement of the stars. They can see Trainers
life spans."
576,26,11,"星の 配置や 動きから 未来の
できごとを 予知する 能力を 持つ。
トレーナーの 寿命も 見える。"
576,33,1,"ほしの うごきから みらいを みる。
すさまじい サイコパワーを もつが
あらそいは このまない きしつ。"
576,33,3,"별의 움직임으로 미래를 본다.
엄청난 사이코 파워를 가졌지만
싸움을 좋아하지 않는 기질을 가졌다."
576,33,5,"Il prédit lavenir à partir du mouvement
des étoiles. Il dispose de grands pouvoirs
psychiques, mais il nest pas de nature hostile."
576,33,6,"Es liest die Zukunft aus Sternenkonstellationen.
Seine Psycho-Kräfte sind gewaltig, aber es ist
von Natur aus konfliktscheu."
576,33,7,"Predice el futuro observando el movimiento de
las estrellas. Posee un poder psíquico tremendo,
pero evita los conflictos por su buen carácter."
576,33,8,"Prevede il futuro osservando i moti delle stelle.
Possiede terrificanti poteri psichici, ma per
natura non ama le ostilità."
576,33,9,"It has tremendous psychic power, but it dislikes
conflict. Its also able to predict the future based
on the movement of the stars."
576,33,11,"星の 動きから 未来を 見る。
すさまじい サイコパワーを もつが
争いは 好まない 気質。"
576,34,1,"ゴチルゼルに じぶんの さいごを
みせられた あくにんは そのひを
さいごに ゆくえを たった。"
576,34,3,"고디모아젤을 통해 자신의 최후를
보게 된 악인은 그날을
마지막으로 종적을 감추었다."
576,34,5,"Les criminels à qui Sidérella a révélé les derniers
instants de leur vie ont tous été portés disparus
le jour même."
576,34,6,"Ein böser Mensch verschwand einst am selben
Tag, an dem ein Morbitesse ihm die letzten
Momente seines Lebens gezeigt hatte."
576,34,7,"Los malhechores a los que revela sus últimos
momentos pierden la vida el mismo día."
576,34,8,"Pare che un malfattore non si sia più fatto
vedere dopo che Gothitelle gli aveva rivelato
i suoi ultimi momenti."
576,34,9,"A criminal who was shown his fate by a Gothitelle
went missing that same day and was never
seen again."
576,34,11,"ゴチルゼルに 自分の 最期を
見せられた 悪人は その日を
最後に 行方を 絶った。"
577,17,5,"Ils repoussent leurs assaillants
avec leurs pouvoirs psychiques et
communiquent entre eux par télépathie."
577,17,9,"They drive away attackers by unleashing
psychic power. They can use telepathy
to talk with others."
577,18,5,"Son corps est enrobé dans un fluide
spécial, ce qui lui permet de vivre
dans nimporte quel environnement."
577,18,9,"Because their bodies are enveloped
in a special liquid, they can survive
in any environment."
577,21,9,"Because their bodies are enveloped
in a special liquid, they are fine in any
environment, no matter how severe."
577,22,9,"Because their bodies are enveloped
in a special liquid, they are fine in any
environment, no matter how severe."
577,23,1,"からだが とくしゅな えきたいに
つつまれているので どんな きびしい
じょうきょうでも へいきなのだ。"
577,23,3,"몸이 특수한 액체로
둘러싸여 있어 어떤 곤란한
상황이라도 문제없다."
577,23,5,"Son corps est enrobé dans un fluide spécial, ce qui lui
permet de vivre dans nimporte quel environnement."
577,23,6,"Die spezielle Flüssigkeit, die es umgibt, bietet ihm
in jeder noch so gefährlichen Situation Schutz."
577,23,7,"Gracias a la sustancia viscosa que envuelve su cuerpo,
permanece tranquilo por dura o rigurosa que sea la
577,23,8,"Il liquido speciale in cui è avvolto il suo corpo gli
permette di resistere alle condizioni più estreme."
577,23,9,"Because their bodies are enveloped in a special
liquid, they are fine in any environment, no matter
how severe."
577,23,11,"体が 特殊な 液体に
包まれているので どんな きびしい
状況でも 平気なのだ。"
577,24,1,"サイコパワーを ほうしゅつして
おそってきた てきを げきたい。
テレパシーで なかまと かいわする。"
577,24,3,"사이코 파워를 방출하여
달려드는 상대를 물리친다.
텔레파시로 동료와 대화한다."
577,24,5,"Ils repoussent leurs assaillants avec leurs pouvoirs
psychiques et communiquent entre eux par télépathie."
577,24,6,"Es wehrt Angreifer ab, indem es Psycho-Kräfte auf sie
ansetzt. Es kommuniziert telepathisch mit Artgenossen."
577,24,7,"Desata su poder psíquico para ahuyentar al enemigo.
Se comunica con sus compañeros por telepatía."
577,24,8,"Utilizza i suoi poteri psichici per respingere gli
aggressori. Comunica con i compagni usando la
577,24,9,"They drive away attackers by unleashing psychic
power. They can use telepathy to talk with others."
577,24,11,"サイコパワーを 放出して
襲ってきた 敵を 撃退。
テレパシーで 仲間と 会話する。"
577,25,1,"からだが とくしゅな えきたいに
つつまれているので どんな きびしい
じょうきょうでも へいきなのだ。"
577,25,3,"몸이 특수한 액체로
둘러싸여 있어 어떤 곤란한
상황이라도 문제없다."
577,25,5,"Son corps est enrobé dans un fluide spécial, ce qui lui permet
de vivre dans nimporte quel environnement."
577,25,6,"Die spezielle Flüssigkeit, die es umgibt, bietet ihm in jeder
noch so gefährlichen Situation Schutz."
577,25,7,"Gracias a la sustancia viscosa que envuelve su cuerpo,
permanece tranquilo por dura o rigurosa que sea la situación."
577,25,8,"Il liquido speciale in cui è avvolto il suo corpo gli permette
di resistere alle condizioni più estreme."
577,25,9,"Because their bodies are enveloped in a special
liquid, they are fine in any environment, no matter
how severe."
577,25,11,"体が 特殊な 液体に
包まれているので どんな きびしい
状況でも 平気なのだ。"
577,26,1,"サイコパワーを ほうしゅつして
おそってきた てきを げきたい。
テレパシーで なかまと かいわする。"
577,26,3,"사이코 파워를 방출하여
달려드는 상대를 물리친다.
텔레파시로 동료와 대화한다."
577,26,5,"Ils repoussent leurs assaillants avec leurs pouvoirs psychiques
et communiquent entre eux par télépathie."
577,26,6,"Es wehrt Angreifer ab, indem es Psycho-Kräfte auf sie ansetzt.
Es kommuniziert telepathisch mit Artgenossen."
577,26,7,"Desata su poder psíquico para ahuyentar al enemigo.
Se comunica con sus compañeros por telepatía."
577,26,8,"Utilizza i suoi poteri psichici per respingere gli aggressori.
Comunica con i compagni usando la telepatia."
577,26,9,"They drive away attackers by unleashing psychic
power. They can use telepathy to talk with others."
577,26,11,"サイコパワーを 放出して
襲ってきた 敵を 撃退。
テレパシーで 仲間と 会話する。"
577,33,1,"テレパシーで いしを おくりあう。
つよいショックを うけると からだを
つつむ えきたいが もれだす。"
577,33,3,"텔레파시로 의사소통을 한다.
강한 충격을 받으면 몸을
둘러싸고 있는 액체가 흘러나온다."
577,33,5,"Ils communiquent entre eux par télépathie.
Sils subissent un choc physique violent,
le fluide qui entoure leur corps se met à fuir."
577,33,6,"Monozyto kommunizieren untereinander mittels
Telepathie. Erfährt es eine starke Erschütterung,
läuft die Flüssigkeit, die es umgibt, aus."
577,33,7,"Se comunica mediante telepatía. Si recibe un
fuerte golpe, la sustancia viscosa que lo envuelve
se desparrama."
577,33,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili tramite la telepatia.
Se subisce un impatto violento, il liquido
speciale in cui è immerso il suo corpo fuoriesce."
577,33,9,"It communicates with others telepathically.
Its body is encapsulated in liquid, but if it takes
a heavy blow, the liquid will leak out."
577,33,11,"テレパシーで 意思を 送りあう。
強いショックを 受けると 体を
包む 液体が 漏れ出す。"
577,34,1,"とくしゅな えきたいに からだを
つつんでいるので うちゅうでも
いきられるとも いわれている。"
577,34,3,"특수한 액체로 몸을
둘러싸고 있어 우주에서도
살 수 있다고 전해진다."
577,34,5,"On raconte que le curieux fluide qui entoure
le corps de ce Pokémon lui permet de survivre
dans lespace."
577,34,6,"Sein Körper ist von einer speziellen Flüssigkeit
umgeben. Es heißt, dass es dank dieser Blase
sogar im Weltraum überleben könne."
577,34,7,"Se cree que la sustancia viscosa que lo envuelve
le permite sobrevivir en el espacio exterior."
577,34,8,"Si dice che il liquido speciale in cui è immerso
il suo corpo gli permetta di vivere persino
nello spazio."
577,34,9,"Many say that the special liquid covering this
Pokémons body would allow it to survive in
the vacuum of space."
577,34,11,"特殊な 液体に 体を
包んでいるので 宇宙でも
生きられるとも いわれている。"
578,17,5,"Il possède deux cerveaux séparés
qui le font parfois agir de façon
totalement incohérente."
578,17,9,"Since they have two divided brains,
at times they suddenly try to take two
different actions at once."
578,18,5,"Il dégage sa puissance maximale
quand ses cerveaux réfléchissent
à la même chose."
578,18,9,"When their brains, now divided in two,
are thinking the same thoughts, these
Pokémon exhibit their maximum power."
578,21,9,"When their two divided brains
think the same thoughts,
their psychic power is maximized."
578,22,9,"When their two divided brains
think the same thoughts,
their psychic power is maximized."
578,23,1,"2つに ぶんれつした のうみそを
もっているため いきなり ちがう
こうどうを とることが あるのだ。"
578,23,3,"둘로 분열된 뇌를
가지고 있어서 갑자기 다른
행동을 취할 때가 있다."
578,23,5,"Il possède deux cerveaux séparés qui le font parfois
agir de façon totalement incohérente."
578,23,6,"Wegen seines gespaltenen Denkapparates kann es
vorkommen, dass es sich abrupt einer anderen
Tätigkeit zuwendet."
578,23,7,"Dado que su cerebro está dividido en dos, a veces
tiene conflictos a la hora de decidir qué hacer."
578,23,8,"Poiché ha due cervelli separati e indipendenti, può
capitare che si comporti in modo del tutto incoerente."
578,23,9,"Since they have two divided brains, at times they
suddenly try to take two different actions at once."
578,23,11,"2つに 分裂した 脳みそを
持っているため いきなり 違う
行動を とることが あるのだ。"
578,24,1,"ぶんれつした 2つの のうみそで
おなじことを かんがえると だせる
サイコパワーは さいこうと なる。"
578,24,3,"분열한 2개의 뇌로
같은 생각을 하면 낼 수 있는
사이코 파워는 최고가 된다."
578,24,5,"Il dégage le maximum de sa puissance psychique
quand ses deux cerveaux réfléchissent à la même
578,24,6,"Wenn beide Hälften seines gespaltenen Denkapparates
an dasselbe denken, sind seine Psycho-Kräfte am
578,24,7,"Cuando las dos partes de su cerebro piensan lo
mismo, saca todo su poder a relucir."
578,24,8,"I suoi poteri psichici sono al massimo quando le due
parti in cui è diviso il suo cervello pensano la stessa
578,24,9,"When their two divided brains think the same
thoughts, their psychic power is maximized."
578,24,11,"分裂した 2つの 脳みそで
同じことを 考えると だせる
サイコパワーは 最高と なる。"
578,25,1,"2つに ぶんれつした のうみそを
もっているため いきなり ちがう
こうどうを とることが あるのだ。"
578,25,3,"둘로 분열된 뇌를
가지고 있어서 갑자기 다른
행동을 취할 때가 있다."
578,25,5,"Il possède deux cerveaux séparés qui le font parfois agir
de façon totalement incohérente."
578,25,6,"Wegen seines gespaltenen Denkapparates kann es
vorkommen, dass es sich abrupt einer anderen Tätigkeit
578,25,7,"Dado que su cerebro está dividido en dos, a veces tiene
conflictos a la hora de decidir qué hacer."
578,25,8,"Poiché ha due cervelli separati e indipendenti, può capitare
che si comporti in modo del tutto incoerente."
578,25,9,"Since they have two divided brains, at times they
suddenly try to take two different actions at once."
578,25,11,"2つに 分裂した 脳みそを
持っているため いきなり 違う
行動を とることが あるのだ。"
578,26,1,"ぶんれつした 2つの のうみそで
おなじことを かんがえると だせる
サイコパワーは さいこうと なる。"
578,26,3,"분열한 2개의 뇌로
같은 생각을 하면 낼 수 있는
사이코 파워는 최고가 된다."
578,26,5,"Il dégage le maximum de sa puissance psychique quand
ses deux cerveaux réfléchissent à la même chose."
578,26,6,"Wenn beide Hälften seines gespaltenen Denkapparates an
dasselbe denken, sind seine Psycho-Kräfte am stärksten."
578,26,7,"Cuando las dos partes de su cerebro piensan lo mismo, saca
todo su poder a relucir."
578,26,8,"I suoi poteri psichici sono al massimo quando le due parti
in cui è diviso il suo cervello pensano la stessa cosa."
578,26,9,"When their two divided brains think the same
thoughts, their psychic power is maximized."
578,26,11,"分裂した 2つの 脳みそで
同じことを 考えると だせる
サイコパワーは 最高と なる。"
578,33,1,"2つの のうみその いけんが
いっちしたときの ねんりきは
しゅうい1キロに およぶと いう。"
578,33,3,"2개의 뇌가 의견 일치했을 때의
염동력은 주변 1km까지
영향을 미친다고 한다."
578,33,5,"On prétend que lorsque ses deux cerveaux
agissent à lunisson, la portée de sa force mentale
peut sétendre sur un rayon dun kilomètre."
578,33,6,"Die gewaltigen Psycho-Kräfte, die entstehen,
wenn seine zwei Denkapparate einer Meinung
sind, sollen im Umkreis von 1 km zu spüren sein."
578,33,7,"Dicen que, cuando las dos partes de su cerebro
piensan lo mismo, el alcance de su telequinesia
aumenta hasta abarcar un radio de 1 km."
578,33,8,"Quando i suoi due cervelli pensano la stessa
cosa, la sua forza psichica si propaga nel
raggio di 1 km."
578,33,9,"Its psychic power can supposedly cover a range
of more than half a mile—but only if its two
brains can agree with each other."
578,33,11,"2つの 脳みその 意見が
一致したときの 念力は
周囲1キロに およぶと いう。"
578,34,1,"ぶんれつした 2つの のうみその
かんがえは ほぼ いっちせず
まるで こうどうが よめない。"
578,34,3,"분열한 2개의 뇌는
생각이 거의 일치하지 않아
전혀 행동을 예측할 수 없다."
578,34,5,"Étant donné que ses deux cerveaux sont rarement
sur la même longueur donde, il est impossible
de prédire son comportement."
578,34,6,"Weil die beiden Hälften seines gespaltenen
Denkapparates fast nie einer Meinung sind,
ist es auf gewisse Weise unberechenbar."
578,34,7,"Las dos partes de su cerebro casi nunca piensan
lo mismo, por lo que es imposible predecir sus
578,34,8,"È un Pokémon piuttosto imprevedibile.
I suoi due cervelli, separati e indipendenti,
raramente sono sulla stessa lunghezza onda."
578,34,9,"Its brain has split into two, and the two
halves rarely think alike. Its actions are
utterly unpredictable."
578,34,11,"分裂した 2つの 脳みその
考えは ほぼ 一致せず
まるで 行動が 読めない。"
579,17,5,"Quand ils se tiennent par la main,
leurs cerveaux forment un réseau qui
démultiplie leurs pouvoirs psychiques."
579,17,9,"When Reuniclus shake hands, a network
forms between their brains, increasing
their psychic power."
579,18,5,"Il combat avec ses bras assez puissants
pour broyer des rochers.
Cest un Pokémon très intelligent."
579,18,9,"These remarkably intelligent Pokémon
fight by controlling arms that can
grip with rock-crushing power."
579,21,9,"They use psychic power to control their
arms, which are made of a special liquid.
They can crush boulders psychically."
579,22,9,"They use psychic power to control their
arms, which are made of a special liquid.
They can crush boulders psychically."
579,23,1,"はっきした サイコパワーを つかい
とくしゅな えきたいで つくられた
うでを あやつり いわを くだく。"
579,23,3,"발휘한 사이코 파워를 사용해
특수한 액체로 만들어진
팔을 조종해서 바위를 부순다."
579,23,5,"Ses bras, faits dune matière conduisant ses pouvoirs
psychiques, sont assez puissants pour broyer des
579,23,6,"Seine Arme bestehen aus einer speziellen Flüssigkeit.
Dank seiner Psycho-Kräfte kann es mit ihnen
Felsen zerschmettern."
579,23,7,"Hacen gala de su poder psíquico y mueven sus brazos
compuestos de líquido para controlar rocas y hacerlas
579,23,8,"Le sue braccia, piene di un liquido che convoglia
i suoi poteri psichici, sono anche in grado di
frantumare le rocce."
579,23,9,"They use psychic power to control their arms,
which are made of a special liquid. They can crush
boulders psychically."
579,23,11,"発揮した サイコパワーを 使い
特殊な 液体で つくられた
腕を 操り 岩を 砕く。"
579,24,1,"ランクルス どうしが あくしゅすると
のうみそが ネットワークで つながり
サイコパワーが ぞうふくされるのだ。"
579,24,3,"란쿨루스끼리 악수를 하면
뇌가 네트워크처럼 연결되어
사이코 파워가 증폭된다."
579,24,5,"Quand ils se tiennent par la main, leurs cerveaux
forment un réseau qui démultiplie leurs pouvoirs
579,24,6,"Schütteln sich zwei von ihnen die Hände, bilden ihre
Denkapparate ein Netzwerk und ihre Psycho-Kräfte
werden stärker."
579,24,7,"Cuando los Reuniclus se dan la mano, sus cerebros se
conectan y multiplican sus poderes psíquicos."
579,24,8,"Quando i Reuniclus si tengono per mano, i loro cervelli
si interconnettono e i poteri psichici si amplificano."
579,24,9,"When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms
between their brains, increasing their
psychic power."
579,24,11,"ランクルス 同士が 握手すると
脳みそが ネットワークで つながり
サイコパワーが 増幅されるのだ。"
579,25,1,"はっきした サイコパワーを つかい
とくしゅな えきたいで つくられた
うでを あやつり いわを くだく。"
579,25,3,"발휘한 사이코 파워를 사용해
특수한 액체로 만들어진
팔을 조종해서 바위를 부순다."
579,25,5,"Ses bras, faits dune matière conduisant ses pouvoirs
psychiques, sont assez puissants pour broyer des rochers."
579,25,6,"Seine Arme bestehen aus einer speziellen Flüssigkeit. Dank
seiner Psycho-Kräfte kann es mit ihnen Felsen zerschmettern."
579,25,7,"Hacen gala de su poder psíquico y mueven sus brazos
compuestos de líquido para controlar rocas y hacerlas
579,25,8,"Le sue braccia, piene di un liquido che convoglia i suoi poteri
psichici, sono anche in grado di frantumare le rocce."
579,25,9,"They use psychic power to control their arms,
which are made of a special liquid. They can crush
boulders psychically."
579,25,11,"発揮した サイコパワーを 使い
特殊な 液体で つくられた
腕を 操り 岩を 砕く。"
579,26,1,"ランクルス どうしが あくしゅすると
のうみそが ネットワークで つながり
サイコパワーが ぞうふくされるのだ。"
579,26,3,"란쿨루스끼리 악수를 하면
뇌가 네트워크처럼 연결되어
사이코 파워가 증폭된다."
579,26,5,"Quand ils se tiennent par la main, leurs cerveaux forment
un réseau qui démultiplie leurs pouvoirs psychiques."
579,26,6,"Schütteln sich zwei von ihnen die Hände, bilden ihre
Denkapparate ein Netzwerk und ihre Psycho-Kräfte
werden stärker."
579,26,7,"Cuando los Reuniclus se dan la mano, sus cerebros se
conectan y multiplican sus poderes psíquicos."
579,26,8,"Quando i Reuniclus si tengono per mano, i loro cervelli
si interconnettono e i poteri psichici si amplificano."
579,26,9,"When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms
between their brains, increasing their
psychic power."
579,26,11,"ランクルス 同士が 握手すると
脳みそが ネットワークで つながり
サイコパワーが 増幅されるのだ。"
579,33,1,"ちょうのうりょくを つかうよりも
じまんの うでを ぶんまわして
なぐりたおすのを このんでいる。"
579,33,3,"초능력을 사용하는 것보다는
자랑거리인 팔을 휘둘러서
때려눕히는 것을 선호한다."
579,33,5,"Fier davoir des bras, il préfère sen servir
pour assommer ses adversaires plutôt que
davoir recours à ses pouvoirs psychiques."
579,33,6,"Es ist stolz auf seine beiden Arme und greift bei
Kämpfen lieber auf diese zurück, anstatt seine
übernatürlichen Kräfte einzusetzen."
579,33,7,"Prefiere derribar a los rivales haciendo girar sus
fuertes brazos antes que valerse de sus poderes
579,33,8,"Piuttosto che usare i suoi poteri soprannaturali,
preferisce sferrare colpi facendo roteare
energicamente le braccia, di cui va molto fiero."
579,33,9,"While it could use its psychic abilities in battle,
this Pokémon prefers to swing its powerful arms
around to beat opponents into submission."
579,33,11,"超能力を 使うよりも
自慢の 腕を ぶん回して
殴り倒すのを 好んでいる。"
579,34,1,"とくしゅな えきたいを のむと
ちえを さずかると いわれるが
ランクルスいがいには もうどく。"
579,34,3,"특수한 액체를 마시면
지혜를 얻는다고 전해지지만
란쿨루스 외에는 맹독이다."
579,34,5,"Sil ne sagissait pas dun poison violent que seul
Symbios peut boire, son curieux fluide pourrait,
selon les dires, rendre plus intelligent."
579,34,6,"Seine seltsame Flüssigkeit soll große Intelligenz
verleihen, wenn man sie trinkt. Leider ist sie ein
tödliches Gift für alle außer Zytomega."
579,34,7,"Al parecer, beber su líquido especial otorga un
intelecto sin par, pero resulta muy venenoso,
excepto para los propios Reuniclus."
579,34,8,"Si dice che il suo liquido speciale doni
intelligenza a chi lo beve, ma è velenosissimo
per tutti tranne che per Reuniclus."
579,34,9,"Its said that drinking the liquid surrounding
Reuniclus grants wisdom. Problem is, the liquid is
highly toxic to anything besides Reuniclus itself."
579,34,11,"特殊な 液体を 飲むと
知恵を 授かると いわれるが
ランクルス以外には 猛毒。"
580,17,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau doué pour la plongée.
Il nage sous leau à la recherche de
sphaigne, son plat préféré."
580,17,9,"These bird Pokémon are excellent divers.
They swim around in the water eating
their favorite food--peat moss."
580,18,5,"Quand on lattaque, il sébroue et fait
jaillir de la vapeur deau de tout son
corps. Il se cache dedans pour senfuir."
580,18,9,"When attacked, it uses its feathers
to splash water, escaping under cover
of the spray."
580,21,9,"They are better at swimming than flying,
and they happily eat their favorite food,
peat moss, as they dive underwater."
580,22,9,"They are better at swimming than flying,
and they happily eat their favorite food,
peat moss, as they dive underwater."
580,23,1,"てきに おそわれると ぜんしんの
うもうから みずしぶきを だす。
みずけむりに まぎれて にげるのだ。"
580,23,3,"상대에게 공격당하면 전신의
깃털에서 물보라를 내뿜는다.
물안개에 숨어들어 도망친다."
580,23,5,"Quand on lattaque, il sébroue et fait jaillir de la
vapeur deau de tout son corps. Il se cache dedans
pour senfuir."
580,23,6,"Gerät es in Gefahr, versprüht es Wasser aus seinem
Federkleid und nutzt den Sprühregen, um Reißaus
zu nehmen."
580,23,7,"Cuando se ve atacado, las plumas que lo recubren
despiden ráfagas de agua que lo ayudan a escapar."
580,23,8,"Quando viene attaccato schizza acqua da tutte le
piume del corpo. Fugge dileguandosi in una nuvola
di spruzzi."
580,23,9,"When attacked, it uses its feathers to splash water,
escaping under cover of the spray."
580,23,11,"敵に 襲われると 全身の 羽毛から
水しぶきを 出す。
水煙に 紛れて 逃げるのだ。"
580,24,1,"とぶよりも およぐのが とくいで
すいちゅうに もぐっては だいすきな
みずゴケを うれしそうに たべる。"
580,24,3,"나는 것보다 헤엄치는 것이 특기로
수중에 잠수해서는 제일 좋아하는
물이끼를 기쁘게 먹는다."
580,24,5,"Un Pokémon doué pour la plongée qui passe son
temps sous leau à chercher des sphaignes, son plat
580,24,6,"Es schwimmt besser, als es fliegen kann. Am liebsten
taucht es ins kühle Nass ab, um Torfmoos, seine
Leibspeise, zu essen."
580,24,7,"Nada a mayor velocidad de la que puede volar. Se
sumerge en el agua para buscar musgo acuático, su
comida favorita."
580,24,8,"È più ferrato nel nuoto che nel volo. Si immerge
nellacqua per mangiare i licheni marini di cui va matto."
580,24,9,"They are better at swimming than flying, and they
happily eat their favorite food, peat moss, as they
dive underwater."
580,24,11,"飛ぶよりも 泳ぐのが 得意で
水中に 潜っては 大好きな
水ゴケを うれしそうに 食べる。"
580,25,1,"てきに おそわれると ぜんしんの
うもうから みずしぶきを だす。
みずけむりに まぎれて にげるのだ。"
580,25,3,"상대에게 공격당하면 전신의
깃털에서 물보라를 내뿜는다.
물안개에 숨어들어 도망친다."
580,25,5,"Quand on lattaque, il sébroue et fait jaillir de la vapeur deau
de tout son corps. Il se cache dedans pour senfuir."
580,25,6,"Gerät es in Gefahr, versprüht es Wasser aus seinem Federkleid
und nutzt den Sprühregen, um Reißaus zu nehmen."
580,25,7,"Cuando se ve atacado, las plumas que lo recubren despiden
ráfagas de agua que lo ayudan a escapar."
580,25,8,"Quando viene attaccato schizza acqua da tutte le piume
del corpo. Fugge dileguandosi in una nuvola di spruzzi."
580,25,9,"When attacked, it uses its feathers to splash water,
escaping under cover of the spray."
580,25,11,"敵に 襲われると 全身の 羽毛から
水しぶきを 出す。
水煙に 紛れて 逃げるのだ。"
580,26,1,"とぶよりも およぐのが とくいで
すいちゅうに もぐっては だいすきな
みずゴケを うれしそうに たべる。"
580,26,3,"나는 것보다 헤엄치는 것이 특기로
수중에 잠수해서는 제일 좋아하는
물이끼를 기쁘게 먹는다."
580,26,5,"Un Pokémon doué pour la plongée qui passe son temps
sous leau à chercher des sphaignes, son plat préféré."
580,26,6,"Es schwimmt besser, als es fliegen kann. Am liebsten taucht es
ins kühle Nass ab, um Torfmoos, seine Leibspeise, zu essen."
580,26,7,"Nada a mayor velocidad de la que puede volar. Se sumerge
en el agua para buscar musgo acuático, su comida favorita."
580,26,8,"È più ferrato nel nuoto che nel volo. Si immerge nellacqua
per mangiare i licheni marini di cui va matto."
580,26,9,"They are better at swimming than flying, and they
happily eat their favorite food, peat moss, as they
dive underwater."
580,26,11,"飛ぶよりも 泳ぐのが 得意で
水中に 潜っては 大好きな
水ゴケを うれしそうに 食べる。"
581,17,5,"Ils se mettent à danser à la tombée
de la nuit. Le Lakmécygne qui danse
au centre est le chef de la troupe."
581,17,9,"Swanna start to dance at dusk.
The one dancing in the middle is
the leader of the flock."
581,18,5,"Ses coups de bec sont très efficaces.
Il plie son long cou et en inflige un
douloureux enchaînement."
581,18,9,"It administers sharp, powerful pecks
with its bill. It whips its long neck to
deliver forceful repeated strikes."
581,21,9,"Despite their elegant appearance,
they can flap their wings strongly
and fly for thousands of miles."
581,22,9,"Despite their elegant appearance,
they can flap their wings strongly
and fly for thousands of miles."
581,23,1,"ゆうがな みかけに よらず
つばさで ちからづよく はばたき
すうせんキロ とびつづけられる。"
581,23,3,"우아한 외모와 다르게
날개로 힘차게 날개 치며
수천 km를 계속 날 수 있다."
581,23,5,"Un Pokémon gracieux, mais aussi robuste. Il peut
voler des milliers de kilomètres grâce à ses ailes
581,23,6,"Sie wirken zerbrechlich, aber ihre starken Schwingen
tragen sie in einem Stück bis zu 1 000 km weit."
581,23,7,"Aunque no lo parezca por su grácil elegancia, puede
batir con fuerza las alas y volar durante miles de
581,23,8,"Non è solo elegante. Con il poderoso battito dali
riesce a volare per migliaia di chilometri senza fermarsi."
581,23,9,"Despite their elegant appearance, they can flap
their wings strongly and fly for thousands of miles."
581,23,11,"優雅な みかけに よらず
翼で 力強く 羽ばたき
数千キロ 飛び続けられる。"
581,24,1,"よあけと ともに スワンナたちは
おどりはじめる。まんなかで おどる
スワンナが むれの リーダー。"
581,24,3,"새벽이 오면 스완나들이
춤추기 시작한다. 한가운데에서 춤추는
스완나가 무리의 우두머리다."
581,24,5,"Ils se mettent à danser à la tombée de la nuit.
Le Lakmécygne qui danse au centre est le chef de
la troupe."
581,24,6,"Wenn der Morgen dämmert, fangen sie an zu tanzen.
Das Swaroness in der Mitte führt die Gruppe an."
581,24,7,"Comienzan a danzar al amanecer. El líder de la
bandada se sitúa en el centro."
581,24,8,"Gli Swanna iniziano a ballare quando sorge il sole.
Il capo del gruppo balla sempre al centro."
581,24,9,"Swanna start to dance at dusk. The one dancing in
the middle is the leader of the flock."
581,24,11,"夜明けと ともに スワンナたちは
踊りはじめる。真ん中で 踊る
スワンナが 群れの リーダー。"
581,25,1,"ゆうがな みかけに よらず
つばさで ちからづよく はばたき
すうせんキロ とびつづけられる。"
581,25,3,"우아한 외모와 다르게
힘찬 날갯짓으로
수천 km를 계속 날 수 있다."
581,25,5,"Un Pokémon gracieux, mais aussi robuste. Il peut voler
des milliers de kilomètres grâce à ses ailes puissantes."
581,25,6,"Sie wirken zerbrechlich, aber ihre starken Schwingen tragen
sie in einem Stück bis zu 1 000 km weit."
581,25,7,"Aunque no lo parezca por su grácil elegancia, puede batir con
fuerza las alas y volar durante miles de kilómetros."
581,25,8,"Non è solo elegante. Con il poderoso battito dali riesce
a volare per migliaia di chilometri senza fermarsi."
581,25,9,"Despite their elegant appearance, they can flap
their wings strongly and fly for thousands of miles."
581,25,11,"優雅な みかけに よらず
翼で 力強く 羽ばたき
数千キロ 飛び続けられる。"
581,26,1,"よあけと ともに スワンナたちは
おどりはじめる。まんなかで おどる
スワンナが むれの リーダー。"
581,26,3,"새벽이 오면 스완나들이
춤추기 시작한다. 한가운데에서 춤추는
스완나가 무리의 우두머리다."
581,26,5,"Ils se mettent à danser à la tombée de la nuit. Le Lakmécygne
qui danse au centre est le chef de la troupe."
581,26,6,"Wenn der Morgen dämmert, fangen sie an zu tanzen.
Das Swaroness in der Mitte führt die Gruppe an."
581,26,7,"Comienzan a danzar al amanecer. El líder de la bandada se
sitúa en el centro."
581,26,8,"Gli Swanna iniziano a ballare quando sorge il sole. Il capo
del gruppo balla sempre al centro."
581,26,9,"Swanna start to dance at dusk. The one dancing in
the middle is the leader of the flock."
581,26,11,"夜明けと ともに スワンナたちは
踊りはじめる。真ん中で 踊る
スワンナが 群れの リーダー。"
582,17,5,"Il exhale une haleine à -50 °C.
Il fabrique des cristaux de neige
et fait neiger autour de lui."
582,17,9,"The temperature of their breath
is -58° F. They create snow crystals and
make snow fall in the areas around them."
582,18,5,"Ce Pokémon est né dun glaçon qui
a baigné dans la lumière du matin.
Il se cache dans la neige pour dormir."
582,18,9,"This Pokémon formed from icicles
bathed in energy from the morning sun.
It sleeps buried in snow."
582,21,9,"Theoretically, this Pokémon formed from
icicles bathed in energy from the morning
sun. Their breath is -58° F."
582,22,9,"Theoretically, this Pokémon formed from
icicles bathed in energy from the morning
sun. Their breath is -58° F."
582,23,1,"マイナス50どの いきを はく。
ゆきの けっしょうを つくって
あたりに ゆきを ふらせる。"
582,23,3,"마이너스 50도의 숨결을 내뱉는다.
눈 결정을 만들어
주변에 눈이 내리게 한다."
582,23,5,"Il exhale une haleine à -50 °C. Il fabrique des cristaux
de neige et fait neiger autour de lui."
582,23,6,"Die Temperatur seines Odems liegt bei -50 °C.
Es erzeugt Eiskristalle und lässt es in seiner
Umgebung schneien."
582,23,7,"Lanza un aliento de -50 °C. Crea bloques de nieve y
es capaz de lograr que nieve a su alrededor."
582,23,8,"Il suo fiato è a -50 °C. Fa nevicare tutto intorno,
formando dei cristalli di neve."
582,23,9,"The temperature of their breath is -58 degrees
Fahrenheit. They create snow crystals and make
snow fall in the areas around them."
582,23,11,"マイナス50度の 息を 吐く。
雪の 結晶を 作って
あたりに 雪を 降らせる。"
582,24,1,"あさひの エネルギーを あびた
つららが ポケモンに なった。
ゆきに からだを うめて ねむる。"
582,24,3,"아침 해의 에너지를 받은
고드름이 포켓몬이 되었다.
눈에 몸을 묻고 잠든다."
582,24,5,"Ce Pokémon est né dun glaçon qui a baigné dans
la lumière du matin. Il se cache dans la neige pour
582,24,6,"Ein Eiszapfen, der durch die Energie der aufgehenden
Sonne zum Pokémon wurde. Nachts deckt es sich mit
Schnee zu."
582,24,7,"Nació de un carámbano que absorbió la energía del
sol al alba. Duerme arropado por la nieve."
582,24,8,"Pokémon nato da una stalattite che ha ricevuto
lenergia del sole mattutino. Dorme sepolto sotto
la neve."
582,24,9,"This Pokémon formed from icicles bathed in energy
from the morning sun. It sleeps buried in snow."
582,24,11,"朝日の エネルギーを 浴びた
つららが ポケモンに なった。
雪に 体を 埋めて 眠る。"
582,25,1,"マイナス50どの いきを はく。
ゆきの けっしょうを つくって
あたりに ゆきを ふらせる。"
582,25,3,"마이너스 50도의 숨결을 내뱉는다.
눈 결정을 만들어
주변에 눈이 내리게 한다."
582,25,5,"Il exhale une haleine à -50 °C. Il fabrique des cristaux de neige
et fait neiger autour de lui."
582,25,6,"Die Temperatur seines Odems liegt bei -50 °C. Es erzeugt
Eiskristalle und lässt es in seiner Umgebung schneien."
582,25,7,"Lanza un aliento de -50 °C. Crea bloques de nieve y es capaz
de lograr que nieve a su alrededor."
582,25,8,"Il suo fiato è a -50 °C. Fa nevicare tutto intorno, formando
dei cristalli di neve."
582,25,9,"The temperature of their breath is -58 degrees
Fahrenheit. They create snow crystals and make
snow fall in the areas around them."
582,25,11,"マイナス50度の 息を 吐く。
雪の 結晶を 作って
あたりに 雪を 降らせる。"
582,26,1,"あさひの エネルギーを あびた
つららが ポケモンに なった。
ゆきに からだを うめて ねむる。"
582,26,3,"아침 해의 에너지를 받은
고드름이 포켓몬이 되었다.
눈에 몸을 묻고 잠든다."
582,26,5,"Ce Pokémon est né dun glaçon qui a baigné dans la lumière
du matin. Il se cache dans la neige pour dormir."
582,26,6,"Ein Eiszapfen, der durch die Energie der aufgehenden Sonne
zum Pokémon wurde. Nachts deckt es sich mit Schnee zu."
582,26,7,"Nació de un carámbano que absorbió la energía del sol al
alba. Duerme arropado por la nieve."
582,26,8,"Pokémon nato da una stalattite che ha ricevuto lenergia del
sole mattutino. Dorme sepolto sotto la neve."
582,26,9,"This Pokémon formed from icicles bathed in energy
from the morning sun. It sleeps buried in snow."
582,26,11,"朝日の エネルギーを 浴びた
つららが ポケモンに なった。
雪に 体を 埋めて 眠る。"
582,27,1,"つららから うまれた ポケモン。
つめたい いきで ゆきの けっしょうを
つくって ゆきを ふらせる。"
582,27,3,"고드름에서 태어난 포켓몬이다.
차가운 숨으로 눈 결정을
만들어 눈을 뿌린다."
582,27,5,"Né dans une colonne de glace, ce Pokémon
peut créer des flocons de neige de son souffle
glacé, voire même faire tomber la neige en été."
582,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist aus einem Eiszapfen
entstanden. Mit seinem kalten Odem erzeugt
es Eiskristalle und lässt es schneien."
582,27,7,"Pokémon nacido de un carámbano. Con su
aliento gélido es capaz de crear cristales de
nieve y provocar una nevasca."
582,27,8,"Pokémon nato da una stalattite di ghiaccio.
Con il suo fiato gelido forma dei cristalli
di neve e fa nevicare."
582,27,9,"Born of an icicle, this Pokémon uses its frosty
breath to make ice crystals, causing snow
to fall."
582,27,11,"氷柱から 生まれたポケモン。
冷たい 息で 雪の 結晶を
つくって 雪を 降らせる。"
582,28,1,"だきしめると ひんやり ここちよい。
あつい ちほうでは いっかに 1ぴきと
ちょうほうされる ポケモンだ。"
582,28,3,"껴안으면 차가워서 기분이 좋다.
더운 지방에서는 한 집에 1마리씩 두고
소중하게 여기는 포켓몬이다."
582,28,5,"Serrer Sorbébé contre soi procure une délicieuse
sensation de fraîcheur. Dans les régions
chaudes, cest le Pokémon à avoir à la maison."
582,28,6,"Wenn man es umarmt, fühlt es sich angenehm
und kühl an. In heißen Regionen hat man daher
gern ein Exemplar im Haus."
582,28,7,"Al abrazarlo transmite una sensación agradable
y refrescante. La gente que vive en las regiones
cálidas aprecia mucho su presencia en casa."
582,28,8,"Abbracciarlo dà una piacevole sensazione
di freschezza. Per chi vive in regioni calde, è
decisamente un Pokémon da tenere in casa."
582,28,9,"It feels pleasantly cool when embraced. This
Pokémon is treasured by households in
warm regions."
582,28,11,"抱きしめると ひんやり 心地よい。
暑い 地方では 一家に 1匹と
重宝される ポケモンだ。"
582,29,1,"マイナス 50どの れいきを はく。
あたたかい ばしょに いると
ちょっとずつ ちいさくなって いく。"
582,29,3,"마이너스 50도 냉기를 내뱉는다.
따듯한 장소에 있으면
조금씩 작아진다."
582,29,5,"Son souffle glacé descend jusquà -50 °C.
Il fond peu à peu quand il se retrouve dans
un endroit chaud."
582,29,6,"Die Temperatur seines Atems liegt bei -50 °C.
Wenn es sich an warmen Orten aufhält, wird es
nach und nach kleiner."
582,29,7,"Exhala vaho a una temperatura de -50 ºC. Su
tamaño corporal se reduce poco a poco cuando
se encuentra en un lugar cálido."
582,29,8,"Il suo fiato ha una temperatura di -50 °C.
Quando si trova in un luogo caldo, il volume
del suo corpo si riduce a poco a poco."
582,29,9,"It exhales cold air that is at 58 degrees
Fahrenheit. When its in a warm place, it shrinks
little by little."
582,29,11,"マイナス 50度の 冷気を 吐く。
暖かい 場所に いると
ちょっとずつ 小さくなって いく。"
582,30,1,"あさひを あびる つららが まだ
とけたくないと ねがい うまれた。
よるは ゆきに もぐって ねむる。"
582,30,3,"아침 햇살을 받은 고드름이 아직
녹고 싶지 않다고 소원하여 태어났다.
밤에는 눈 속에 들어가 잠든다."
582,30,5,"Il est né dune stalactite de glace qui, face au
soleil du matin, a fait le vœu de ne pas fondre.
Il se terre dans la neige pour dormir la nuit."
582,30,6,"Es entstand aus dem Wunsch eines Eiszapfens,
der in der Morgensonne nicht schmelzen wollte.
Nachts schläft es tief vergraben im Schnee."
582,30,7,"Nació a partir del deseo de una estalactita de
no derretirse con los rayos del albor. Por la
noche se arropa bajo la nieve para dormir."
582,30,8,"È nato dal desiderio di una stalattite che non
voleva sciogliersi ai raggi del sole mattutino.
La notte dorme immerso nella neve."
582,30,9,"When the morning sun hit an icicle, it wished not
to melt, and thus Vanillite was born. At night, it
buries itself in snow to sleep."
582,30,11,"朝日を 浴びる つららが まだ
溶けたくないと 願い 生まれた。
夜は 雪に 潜って 眠る。"
582,33,1,"あつい とちでは くらせない。
れいきを はいて ゆきを ふらせ
つもった なかに もぐって ねむる。"
582,33,3,"더운 곳에서는 살 수 없다.
냉기를 뿜어 눈을 내리게 한 뒤
쌓인 눈 속에 들어가 잠든다."
582,33,5,"Il ne peut pas vivre dans les contrées chaudes.
Il souffle un air glacial pour faire tomber la neige,
puis sy plonge pour dormir."
582,33,6,"Gelatini kann nicht an warmen Orten leben. Es
erzeugt Schnee, indem es kalte Luft ausatmet,
und vergräbt sich dann darin, um zu schlafen."
582,33,7,"No puede vivir en lugares muy cálidos. Provoca
nevadas exhalando un vaho gélido y luego se
acurruca en la nieve acumulada para dormir."
582,33,8,"Non può vivere nei luoghi caldi. Fa nevicare
esalando un alito gelido e poi si addormenta
immerso nella neve che si è accumulata."
582,33,9,"Unable to survive in hot areas, it makes itself
comfortable by breathing out air cold enough to
cause snow. It burrows into the snow to sleep."
582,33,11,"暑い 土地では 暮らせない。
冷気を 吐いて 雪を 降らせ
積もった 中に 潜って 眠る。"
582,34,1,"つららから うまれたと いわれる。
マイナス50どの れいきを はいて
あたりを こおらせ すみやすくする。"
582,34,3,"고드름에서 태어났다고 전해진다.
마이너스 50도의 냉기를 뿜어
주변을 얼려 살기 좋게 만든다."
582,34,5,"On raconte quil est né de stalactites.
Il gèle les alentours en soufflant de lair à - 50 °C
pour améliorer son confort."
582,34,6,"Es entstand angeblich aus einem Eiszapfen und
speit -50 ºC kalte Luft aus, um die Umgebung
auf seine Wohlfühltemperatur abzukühlen."
582,34,7,"Este Pokémon nació a partir de un carámbano.
Exhala un vaho a -50 °C con el que congela el
ambiente para adaptarlo a sus necesidades."
582,34,8,"Si dice che sia nato da una stalattite di ghiaccio.
Per crearsi un habitat adatto, congela lambiente
intorno con il suo fiato a -50 ºC."
582,34,9,"Supposedly, this Pokémon was born from an
icicle. It spews out freezing air at 58 degrees
Fahrenheit to make itself more comfortable."
582,34,11,"氷柱から 生まれたと いわれる。
マイナス50度の 冷気を 吐いて
あたりを 凍らせ 棲みやすくする。"
583,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit dans les montagnes
enneigées. Il a émigré au sud durant
lère glaciaire, il y a bien longtemps."
583,17,9,"Snowy mountains are this Pokémons
habitat. During an ancient ice age, they
moved to southern areas."
583,18,5,"Il se cache de ses ennemis en
émettant une myriade de petites
particules de glace."
583,18,9,"It conceals itself from enemy eyes
by creating many small ice particles
and hiding among them."
583,21,9,"They cool down the surrounding air
and create ice particles, which
they use to freeze their foes."
583,22,9,"They cool down the surrounding air
and create ice particles, which
they use to freeze their foes."
583,23,1,"あたりの くうきを ひやして
こおりの つぶを はっせい させて
てきの からだを こおりつかせる。"
583,23,3,"주변 공기를 차갑게 해서
얼음 알갱이를 발생시켜서
상대의 몸을 얼려버린다."
583,23,5,"Il pétrifie ses ennemis en refroidissant lair ambiant
et en le changeant en une myriade de petites
particules de glace."
583,23,6,"Es produziert Eiskörner, indem es die Luft um sich
herum abkühlt, und zieht mit ihnen eine Eisschicht
um seinen Gegner."
583,23,7,"Enfrían el aire a su alrededor y crean partículas de
hielo mediante las cuales congelan a sus oponentes."
583,23,8,"Congela il corpo del nemico con granelli di ghiaccio
che genera raffreddando laria circostante."
583,23,9,"They cool down the surrounding air and create ice
particles, which they use to freeze their foes."
583,23,11,"辺りの 空気を 冷やして
氷の 粒を 発生 させて
敵の 体を 凍りつかせる。"
583,24,1,"ゆきやまに せいそくする ポケモン。
おおむかし ひょうがきの ときに
みなみの とちへ いどうしてきた。"
583,24,3,"설산에 서식하는 포켓몬이다.
먼 옛날 빙하기 때
남쪽 땅으로 이동해 왔다."
583,24,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit dans les montagnes enneigées.
Il a émigré au sud durant lère glaciaire, il y a bien
583,24,6,"Es lebt auf schneebedeckten Bergen. Vor vielen
Jahren fand es während einer Eiszeit seinen Weg
in den Süden."
583,24,7,"Vive en las cumbres nevadas. Migró hacia el sur
durante la era glaciar hace muchísimos años."
583,24,8,"Vive sulle montagne innevate. Durante le antiche
glaciazioni si è spostato nelle regioni del sud."
583,24,9,"Snowy mountains are this Pokémons habitat.
During an ancient ice age, they moved to
southern areas."
583,24,11,"雪山に 生息する ポケモン。
大昔 氷河期の ときに
南の 土地に 移動してきた。"
583,25,1,"あたりの くうきを ひやして
こおりの つぶを はっせい させて
てきの からだを こおりつかせる。"
583,25,3,"주변 공기를 차갑게 해서
얼음 알갱이를 발생시켜서
상대의 몸을 얼려버린다."
583,25,5,"Il pétrifie ses ennemis en refroidissant lair ambiant et en le
changeant en une myriade de petites particules de glace."
583,25,6,"Es produziert Eiskörner, indem es die Luft um sich herum
abkühlt, und zieht mit ihnen eine Eisschicht um seinen Gegner."
583,25,7,"Enfrían el aire a su alrededor y crean partículas de hielo
mediante las cuales congelan a sus oponentes."
583,25,8,"Congela il corpo del nemico con granelli di ghiaccio che
genera raffreddando laria circostante."
583,25,9,"They cool down the surrounding air and create ice
particles, which they use to freeze their foes."
583,25,11,"辺りの 空気を 冷やして
氷の 粒を 発生 させて
敵の 体を 凍りつかせる。"
583,26,1,"ゆきやまに せいそくする ポケモン。
おおむかし ひょうがきの ときに
みなみの とちへ いどうしてきた。"
583,26,3,"설산에 서식하는 포켓몬이다.
먼 옛날 빙하기 때
남쪽 땅으로 이동해 왔다."
583,26,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit dans les montagnes enneigées.
Il a émigré au sud durant lère glaciaire, il y a bien
583,26,6,"Es lebt auf schneebedeckten Bergen. Vor vielen Jahren fand
es während einer Eiszeit seinen Weg in den Süden."
583,26,7,"Vive en las cumbres nevadas. Migró hacia el sur durante la era
glaciar hace muchísimos años."
583,26,8,"Vive sulle montagne innevate. Durante le antiche glaciazioni
si è spostato nelle regioni del sud."
583,26,9,"Snowy mountains are this Pokémons habitat.
During an ancient ice age, they moved to
southern areas."
583,26,11,"雪山に 生息する ポケモン。
大昔 氷河期の ときに
南の 土地に 移動してきた。"
583,27,1,"あつい ひには からだが とける。
こおらせれば もとに もどるけど
からだの かたちは すこし ゆがむ。"
583,27,3,"더운 날에는 몸이 녹는다.
얼리면 다시 돌아오지만
몸 형태는 조금 일그러진다."
583,27,5,"Son corps fond les jours de canicule. Il suffit
heureusement de le congeler pour quil reprenne
forme, mais il restera un tantinet flagada."
583,27,6,"An heißen Tagen schmilzt sein Körper. Friert
man es ein, nimmt es seine alte Gestalt wieder
an, aber sein Körper ist leicht verbogen."
583,27,7,"Su cuerpo se derrite en los días calurosos. Al
congelarse recobra su aspecto original, aunque
ligeramente deformado."
583,27,8,"Si scioglie nelle giornate calde. Riprende le
proprie sembianze se viene congelato, pur
rimanendo leggermente deformato."
583,27,9,"Hot days cause its body to melt. It can be
restored by refreezing it, but the process
leaves its body slightly warped."
583,27,11,"暑い 日には 身体が 溶ける。
凍らせれば 元に 戻るけど
身体の 形は 少し 歪む。"
583,28,1,"ひょうがきから そんざい している。
こおりの つぶを あやつって てきを
こおらせたあと ずつきで くだく。"
583,28,3,"빙하기 때부터 존재해왔다.
얼음 결정을 조종하여 적을
얼린 뒤 박치기로 부순다."
583,28,5,"Déjà présent à lère glaciaire, ce Pokémon peut
contrôler les particules de glace pour geler ses
ennemis, quil éclate ensuite dun coup de boule."
583,28,6,"Dieses Pokémon existiert seit der Eiszeit.
Es friert seine Gegner mit Eiskörnern ein und
zerschmettert sie dann mit einem Kopfstoß."
583,28,7,"Sus orígenes se remontan a la era glacial. Usa
partículas de hielo para congelar a su enemigo y
hacerlo después añicos de un cabezazo."
583,28,8,"Le sue origini risalgono allera glaciale.
Usa granelli di ghiaccio per congelare
i nemici, che poi riduce in frantumi a testate."
583,28,9,"This Pokémon has existed since the Ice Age. It
controls particles of ice, freezes its opponents,
and then shatters them with a headbutt."
583,28,11,"氷河期から 存在 している。
氷の 粒を 操って 敵を
凍らせたあと 頭突きで 砕く。"
583,29,1,"こおりの つぶを ふきかけて てきの
からだを こおらせる。 アローラの
バニリッチは ぜんたいてきに こがら。"
583,29,3,"얼음 입자를 세게 내뿜어
적의 몸을 얼린다. 알로라의
바닐리치는 전체적으로 몸집이 작다."
583,29,5,"Il souffle des particules de glace pour geler
ses ennemis. Les Sorboul dAlola sont plus
petits que la moyenne."
583,29,6,"Es friert seine Gegner ein, indem es ihre Körper
mit einem Atem aus Eiskörnern bedeckt. In Alola
findet man vergleichsweise kleine Exemplare."
583,29,7,"Exhala partículas de hielo para congelar a sus
rivales. Los Vanillish de la región de Alola son
más pequeños que el resto."
583,29,8,"Congela i nemici cospargendoli di granelli di
ghiaccio. I Vanillish che vivono ad Alola sono
più piccoli della media."
583,29,9,"It sprays its enemies with grains of ice to freeze
them. Most Vanillish in Alola are smaller
than average."
583,29,11,"氷の粒を 吹きかけて 敵の
身体を 凍らせる。 アローラの
バニリッチは 全体的に 小柄。"
583,30,1,"ひょうがきを いきぬいた とても
たくましい ポケモン。 こと あつい
ちほうでは ばつぐんの にんき。"
583,30,3,"빙하기에 꿋꿋하게 살아남은
매우 강인한 포켓몬. 특히 더운
지방에서는 뛰어난 인기를 자랑한다."
583,30,5,"Ce robuste Pokémon a survécu à lère glaciaire.
Il est extrêmement populaire dans les régions
583,30,6,"Gelatroppo sind so widerstandsfähig, dass sie
sogar eine Eiszeit überdauerten. In warmen
Regionen erfreuen sie sich großer Beliebtheit."
583,30,7,"Un Pokémon muy resistente que logró sobrevivir
a la glaciación. En las regiones cálidas goza de
gran popularidad."
583,30,8,"Un Pokémon incredibilmente robusto, rimasto
inalterato fin dallera glaciale. È popolarissimo
tra gli abitanti delle regioni più calde."
583,30,9,"This hearty Pokémon survived the Ice Age.
Its incredibly popular in very hot regions."
583,30,11,"氷河期を 生き抜いた とても
たくましい ポケモン。 こと 暑い
地方では 抜群の 人気。"
583,33,1,"きれいな みずを のんで こおりの
からだを おおきくする。 てんきの
よい ひは あまり みかけない。"
583,33,3,"깨끗한 물을 마셔서 얼음으로 된
몸을 크게 만든다. 날씨가 맑은
날에는 잘 발견되지 않는다."
583,33,5,"Il boit de leau pure pour gonfler son corps
de glace. On le voit rarement les jours ensoleillés."
583,33,6,"Es vergrößert seinen Eiskörper, indem es klares
Wasser trinkt. Bei gutem Wetter ist es eher selten
583,33,7,"Bebe agua pura para agrandar su cuerpo de
hielo. Apenas se ven ejemplares durante los
días soleados."
583,33,8,"Beve acqua pura per ingrandire il suo corpo
di ghiaccio. Non si fa vedere in giro nei giorni
di bel tempo."
583,33,9,"By drinking pure water, it grows its icy body.
This Pokémon can be hard to find on days with
warm, sunny weather."
583,33,11,"きれいな 水を 飲んで 氷の
体を 大きくする。 天気の
良い 日は あまり 見かけない。"
583,34,1,"マイナス100どの れいきで
てきを こおらせるが いのちまでは
うばわない やさしい きしつ。"
583,34,3,"마이너스 100도의 냉기로
적을 얼리지만 목숨은
뺏지 않는 상냥한 기질을 가졌다."
583,34,5,"Bien quil gèle ses ennemis en soufflant de lair
à - 100 °C, sa gentillesse lempêche de leur ôter
la vie."
583,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist gutmütig. Es friert zwar
Gegner mit kalter Luft von -100 ºC ein, raubt
ihnen aber nie das Leben."
583,34,7,"Congela a sus enemigos con un vaho a -100 °C,
pero no llega a arrebatarles la vida debido a su
carácter benévolo."
583,34,8,"Congela i nemici con il suo fiato a -100 ºC,
ma la sua indole gentile gli impedisce
di infliggere loro danni letali."
583,34,9,"It blasts enemies with cold air reaching 148
degrees Fahrenheit, freezing them solid. But it
spares their lives afterward—its a kind Pokémon."
583,34,11,"マイナス100度の 冷気で
敵を 凍らせるが 命までは
奪わない 優しい 気質。"
584,17,5,"Il avale de leau en grande quantité
et la transforme en nuages neigeux.
Il souffle du blizzard sur ses ennemis."
584,17,9,"Swallowing large amounts of water, they
make snow clouds inside their bodies and
attack their foes with violent blizzards."
584,18,5,"Quand ses deux têtes se fâchent en même
temps, il émet un blizzard de ses cornes
et enfouit les alentours sous la neige."
584,18,9,"If both heads get angry simultaneously,
this Pokémon expels a blizzard, burying
everything in snow."
584,21,9,"Swallowing large amounts of water, they
make snow clouds inside their bodies and,
when angry, cause violent blizzards."
584,22,9,"Swallowing large amounts of water, they
make snow clouds inside their bodies and,
when angry, cause violent blizzards."
584,23,1,"2つの あたまが どうじに おこると
ツノから もうふぶきを ふきだす。
あたりを おおゆきで うめてしまう。"
584,23,3,"두 개의 머리가 동시에 화를 내면
뿔에서 강한 눈보라가 뿜어져 나온다.
주변을 많은 눈으로 묻어 버린다."
584,23,5,"Quand ses deux têtes se fâchent en même temps,
il émet un blizzard de ses cornes et enfouit les
alentours sous la neige."
584,23,6,"Bringt man beide Köpfe in Rage, stößt sein Horn
heftige Eisböen aus, und alles in seiner Umgebung
versinkt in Schnee."
584,23,7,"Si sus dos cabezas se irritan al mismo tiempo, genera
una ventisca desde su cuerno cubriendo su entorno
con nieve."
584,23,8,"Se le due teste si arrabbiano allo stesso tempo,
scatena una bufera dalle corna, coprendo di neve
i dintorni."
584,23,9,"If both heads get angry simultaneously, this
Pokémon expels a blizzard, burying everything
in snow."
584,23,11,"2つの 頭が 同時に 怒ると
ツノから 猛吹雪を 噴き出す。
あたりを 大雪で 埋めてしまう。"
584,24,1,"たいりょうの みずを のみこんで
からだのなかで ゆきぐもに かえる。
おこると もうふぶきを まきおこす。"
584,24,3,"대량의 물을 들이마셔
몸 안에서 눈구름으로 바꾼다.
화나면 강한 눈보라를 일으킨다."
584,24,5,"Il avale de grandes quantités deau et la transforme
en nuages de neige. Il souffle du blizzard quand il se
584,24,6,"Es verschluckt Unmengen an Wasser und wandelt es
intern in Schneewolken um. Ist es wütend, erzeugt es
584,24,7,"Absorben grandes cantidades de agua y la
transforman en ventisca en su cuerpo, expulsándola
cuando se enojan."
584,24,8,"Ingoia enormi quantità dacqua che trasforma in
nuvole di neve. Quando si arrabbia scatena una
terribile bufera."
584,24,9,"Swallowing large amounts of water, they make
snow clouds inside their bodies and, when angry,
cause violent blizzards."
584,24,11,"大量の 水を 飲みこんで
体の中で 雪雲に 変える。
怒ると 猛吹雪を まきおこす。"
584,25,1,"2つの あたまが どうじに おこると
ツノから もうふぶきを ふきだす。
あたりを おおゆきで うめてしまう。"
584,25,3,"두 개의 머리가 동시에 화를 내면
뿔에서 강한 눈보라가 뿜어져 나온다.
주변을 많은 눈으로 묻어 버린다."
584,25,5,"Quand ses deux têtes se fâchent en même temps,
il émet un blizzard de ses cornes et enfouit les alentours
sous la neige."
584,25,6,"Bringt man beide Köpfe in Rage, stößt sein Horn heftige
Eisböen aus, und alles in seiner Umgebung versinkt in Schnee."
584,25,7,"Si sus dos cabezas se irritan al mismo tiempo, genera una
ventisca desde su cuerno cubriendo su entorno con nieve."
584,25,8,"Se le due teste si arrabbiano allo stesso tempo, scatena
una bufera dalle corna, coprendo di neve i dintorni."
584,25,9,"If both heads get angry simultaneously, this
Pokémon expels a blizzard, burying everything
in snow."
584,25,11,"2つの 頭が 同時に 怒ると
ツノから 猛吹雪を 噴き出す。
あたりを 大雪で 埋めてしまう。"
584,26,1,"たいりょうの みずを のみこんで
からだのなかで ゆきぐもに かえる。
おこると もうふぶきを まきおこす。"
584,26,3,"대량의 물을 들이마셔
몸 안에서 눈구름으로 바꾼다.
화나면 강한 눈보라를 일으킨다."
584,26,5,"Il avale de grandes quantités deau et la transforme en nuages
de neige. Il souffle du blizzard quand il se fâche."
584,26,6,"Es verschluckt Unmengen an Wasser und wandelt es intern in
Schneewolken um. Ist es wütend, erzeugt es Schneestürme."
584,26,7,"Absorben grandes cantidades de agua y la transforman en
ventisca en su cuerpo, expulsándola cuando se enojan."
584,26,8,"Ingoia enormi quantità dacqua che trasforma in nuvole
di neve. Quando si arrabbia scatena una terribile bufera."
584,26,9,"Swallowing large amounts of water, they make
snow clouds inside their bodies and, when angry,
cause violent blizzards."
584,26,11,"大量の 水を 飲みこんで
体の中で 雪雲に 変える。
怒ると 猛吹雪を まきおこす。"
584,27,1,"2つのあたま それぞれに のうがあり
りょうしゃの いけんが いっちすると
もうふぶきを はいて てきを おそう。"
584,27,3,"두 개의 머리 각각에 뇌가 있고
각자의 의견이 일치하면
강한 눈보라를 뿜어 적을 덮친다."
584,27,5,"Chacune de ses deux têtes possède un cerveau
distinct. Elles doivent sentendre pour que
Sorbouboul souffle son blizzard sur lennemi."
584,27,6,"Seine zwei Köpfe haben je ein eigenes Gehirn.
Sind sich beide einig, greifen sie den Gegner an,
indem sie heftige Eisböen ausstoßen."
584,27,7,"Las dos cabezas tienen su propio cerebro.
Cuando se ponen de acuerdo, generan una
ventisca con la que atacan a su enemigo."
584,27,8,"Ha un cervello in ognuna delle due teste.
Quando queste riescono a mettersi daccordo,
attacca il nemico scatenando una bufera."
584,27,9,"Each of its two heads has a brain, and when
they are in agreement, it attacks its enemies
by exhaling a violent blizzard."
584,27,11,"2つの頭 それぞれに 脳があり
両者の 意見が 一致すると
猛吹雪を 吐いて 敵を 襲う。"
584,28,1,"かたほうの あたまを うしなっても
とくに もんだいなく いきられる。
からだの なかに ゆきぐもを つくる。"
584,28,3,"한쪽 머리를 잃어도
특별히 문제없이 살 수 있다.
몸속에서 눈구름을 만든다."
584,28,5,"Il peut perdre lune de ses têtes et continuer à
vivre sa vie sans souci. Des flocons de neige
sont fabriqués en permanence dans son corps."
584,28,6,"Selbst wenn es einen seiner Köpfe verliert,
kann es ohne besondere Probleme weiterleben.
In seinem Inneren erzeugt es Schneewolken."
584,28,7,"Pueden sobrevivir sin grandes problemas aun
perdiendo una de las cabezas. Crean ventiscas
en el interior de su cuerpo."
584,28,8,"Sopravvive senza problemi anche se perde una
delle due teste. Allinterno del corpo genera
nuvole di neve."
584,28,9,"Even if it loses one of its heads, it can live
relatively problem-free. It makes snow clouds
inside its body."
584,28,11,"片方の 頭を 失っても
特に 問題なく 生きられる。
身体の 中に 雪雲を つくる。"
584,29,1,"2つの くちから ふぶきを はく。
どこでも ゆきを つくりだせるので
スキーヤーや ボーダーに にんき。"
584,29,3,"2개의 입에서 눈보라를 뿜어낸다.
어디에서든 눈을 만들어 내기 때문에
스키어나 스노보더에게 인기다."
584,29,5,"Ses deux bouches peuvent souffler du blizzard.
Sa capacité à créer de la neige à volonté le rend
populaire auprès des skieurs et snowboarders."
584,29,6,"Aus seinen zwei Mündern stößt es Eisböen aus.
Da es praktisch überall Schnee erzeugen kann,
ist es bei Snowboardern und Skifahrern beliebt."
584,29,7,"Expulsa ventiscas por ambas bocas y, como
puede crear nieve en cualquier lugar, es famoso
entre quienes practican esquí o snowboard."
584,29,8,"Produce tempeste di neve dalle due bocche.
È amato da Sciatori e Snowboarder perché
può creare la neve ovunque."
584,29,9,"It blasts blizzards from its two mouths. It can
create snow anywhere, so it gets a lot of love
from skiers and snowboarders."
584,29,11,"2つの 口から 吹雪を 吐く。
どこでも 雪を 作りだせるので
スキーヤーや ボーダーに 人気。"
584,30,1,"あさひで とけかけた 2ひきの
バニリッチが くっつき さむいばんに
ふたたび こおったとき うまれる。"
584,30,3,"아침 해에 녹아내리던 2마리의
바닐리치가 붙어서 추운 밤에
다시 얼어붙으면 태어난다."
584,30,5,"Sorbouboul est né lorsque deux Sorboul, à moitié
fondus par le soleil, se sont collés lun à lautre
et ont été soudés par la gelée nocturne."
584,30,6,"Es entsteht, wenn zwei Gelatroppo im Licht
der Morgensonne miteinander verschmelzen
und dann in einer kalten Nacht wieder gefrieren."
584,30,7,"Su nacimiento se produce cuando dos Vanillish
se derriten por la mañana, se mezclan y, durante
la gélida noche, se congelan juntos."
584,30,8,"È nato da due Vanillish parzialmente squagliatisi
al sole, che in una fredda notte si sono uniti
e ricongelati."
584,30,9,"Vanilluxe is born when two Vanillish, half-melted
by the days light, stick to each other and
freeze together in the cold return of night."
584,30,11,"朝日で 溶けかけた 2匹の
バニリッチが くっつき 寒い晩に
再び 凍ったとき 生まれる。"
584,33,1,"いかりが ちょうてんに たっすると
ふぶきを ふきだして てきも
みかたも こおりづけに する。"
584,33,3,"분노가 정점에 달하면
눈보라를 불게 하여 적도
아군도 꽁꽁 얼려버린다."
584,33,5,"Lorsquil a les nerfs en boule, il provoque
un blizzard qui gèle tout le monde, alliés
comme adversaires."
584,33,6,"Wenn es in Rage gerät, erzeugt es gewaltige
Eisböen, die sowohl Freund als auch Feind
zu Eisklötzen gefrieren lassen."
584,33,7,"Cuando su rabia alcanza el punto máximo,
genera una ventisca que congela tanto a amigos
como a enemigos."
584,33,8,"Quando è furibondo, scatena una tormenta
di neve che congela sia alleati che nemici."
584,33,9,"When its anger reaches a breaking point, this
Pokémon unleashes a fierce blizzard that freezes
every creature around it, be they friend or foe."
584,33,11,"怒りが 頂点に 達すると
吹雪を 噴き出して 敵も
味方も 氷漬けに する。"
584,34,1,"たいおんは マイナス6ど ぜんご。
2ひきの バニリッチが くっつき
うまれたと いわれている。"
584,34,3,"체온은 마이너스 6도 전후이다.
2마리의 바닐리치가 붙어서
태어났다고 한다."
584,34,5,"La température de son corps est denviron
- 6 °C. On raconte que ce Pokémon naît
lorsque deux Sorboul se collent lun à lautre."
584,34,6,"Seine Körpertemperatur beträgt circa -6 ºC.
Angeblich ist es aus der Verschmelzung von
zwei Gelatroppo hervorgegangen."
584,34,7,"Su temperatura corporal ronda los -6 °C. Se dice
que nace de la fusión de dos Vanillish."
584,34,8,"La sua temperatura corporea si aggira intorno
ai -6 ºC. Si dice che sia nato dallunione di due
584,34,9,"People believe this Pokémon formed when two
Vanillish stuck together. Its body temperature is
roughly 21 degrees Fahrenheit."
584,34,11,"体温は マイナス6度 前後。
2匹の バニリッチが くっつき
生まれたと いわれている。"
585,17,5,"Son pelage prend la même couleur et la
même odeur que les hautes herbes. Sil
sent un ennemi, il court sy réfugier."
585,17,9,"The color and scent of their fur changes
to match the mountain grass. When they
sense hostility, they hide in the grass."
585,18,5,"Quand la saison change, il change de
pelage et dodeur. Un Pokémon qui
annonce le passage des saisons."
585,18,9,"The turning of the seasons changes the
color and scent of this Pokémons fur.
People use it to mark the seasons."
585,21,9,"Their coloring changes according to the
seasons and can be slightly affected by
the temperature and humidity as well."
585,22,9,"Their coloring changes according to the
seasons and can be slightly affected by
the temperature and humidity as well."
585,23,1,"きせつが かわったとき だけでなく
きおんや しつどに よっても
からだのいろは すこし へんかする。"
585,23,3,"계절이 바뀌었을 때뿐 아니라
기온이나 습도에 따라서도
몸의 색깔은 조금 변한다."
585,23,5,"Son pelage change selon la saison, et dans une
moindre mesure en fonction de lhumidité et de la
585,23,6,"Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit ändert sich
seine Farbe auch bei wechselnder Temperatur
oder Luftfeuchtigkeit leicht."
585,23,7,"El color de su cuerpo cambia no solo con las
estaciones, sino también con los cambios de humedad
y temperatura."
585,23,8,"Il suo corpo muta non solo a seconda della stagione
ma in misura minore anche al cambiare di temperatura
e umidità."
585,23,9,"Their coloring changes according to the seasons
and can be slightly affected by the temperature and
humidity as well."
585,23,11,"季節が 変わったとき だけでなく
気温や 湿度に よっても
体の色は 少し 変化する。"
585,24,1,"きせつの かわりめに なると
たいもうと においが へんかする。
きせつを つげる ポケモン。"
585,24,3,"계절이 바뀌는 시기가 되면
털과 냄새가 변화한다.
계절을 알리는 포켓몬이다."
585,24,5,"Quand la saison change, il change de pelage et
dodeur. Un Pokémon qui annonce le passage des
585,24,6,"Sein Fell und sein Geruch ändern sich mit dem
Wechsel der Jahreszeiten. Es ist der Bote des
585,24,7,"Durante los cambios de estación, su pelaje y olor
cambian. Esto anuncia el comienzo de una estación."
585,24,8,"Al cambio di stagione, muta la pelliccia e lodore. È un
Pokémon che annuncia il passaggio delle stagioni."
585,24,9,"The turning of the seasons changes the color and
scent of this Pokémons fur. People use it to mark
the seasons."
585,24,11,"季節の 変わり目に なると
体毛と においが 変化する。
季節を 告げる ポケモン。"
585,25,1,"きせつが かわったとき だけでなく
きおんや しつどに よっても
からだのいろは すこし へんかする。"
585,25,3,"계절이 바뀌었을 때뿐 아니라
기온이나 습도에 따라서도
몸의 색깔은 조금 변한다."
585,25,5,"Son pelage change selon la saison, et dans une moindre
mesure en fonction de lhumidité et de la température."
585,25,6,"Unabhängig von der Jahreszeit ändert sich seine Farbe auch
bei wechselnder Temperatur oder Luftfeuchtigkeit leicht."
585,25,7,"El color de su cuerpo cambia no solo con las estaciones, sino
también con los cambios de humedad y temperatura."
585,25,8,"Il suo corpo muta non solo a seconda della stagione ma in
misura minore anche al cambiare di temperatura e umidità."
585,25,9,"Their coloring changes according to the seasons
and can be slightly affected by the temperature and
humidity as well."
585,25,11,"季節が 変わったとき だけでなく
気温や 湿度に よっても
体の色は 少し 変化する。"
585,26,1,"きせつの かわりめに なると
たいもうと においが へんかする。
きせつを つげる ポケモン。"
585,26,3,"계절이 바뀌는 시기가 되면
털과 냄새가 변화한다.
계절을 알리는 포켓몬이다."
585,26,5,"Quand la saison change, il change de pelage et dodeur.
Un Pokémon qui annonce le passage des saisons."
585,26,6,"Sein Fell und sein Geruch ändern sich mit dem Wechsel
der Jahreszeiten. Es ist der Bote des Saisonwechsels."
585,26,7,"Durante los cambios de estación, su pelaje y olor cambian.
Esto anuncia el comienzo de una estación."
585,26,8,"Al cambio di stagione, muta la pelliccia e lodore. È un
Pokémon che annuncia il passaggio delle stagioni."
585,26,9,"The turning of the seasons changes the color and
scent of this Pokémons fur. People use it to mark
the seasons."
585,26,11,"季節の 変わり目に なると
体毛と においが 変化する。
季節を 告げる ポケモン。"
586,17,5,"Il change dhabitat selon les saisons.
Les gens constatent le passage des
saisons en regardant ses ramures."
586,17,9,"They migrate according to the seasons.
People can tell the season by looking at
Sawsbucks horns."
586,18,5,"Le feuillage qui pousse sur sa ramure
change au fil des saisons. Celui qui a
la plus belle dirige le troupeau."
586,18,9,"The plants growing on its horns change
according to the season. The leaders of
the herd possess magnificent horns."
586,21,9,"They migrate according to the seasons,
so some people call Sawsbuck
the harbingers of spring."
586,22,9,"They migrate according to the seasons,
so some people call Sawsbuck
the harbingers of spring."
586,23,1,"きせつに よって すみかを かえる。
ひとびとは メブキジカの ツノで
きせつの うつりかわりを かんじる。"
586,23,3,"계절에 따라 거처를 바꾼다.
사람들은 바라철록의 뿔에서
계절의 변화를 느낀다."
586,23,5,"Il change dhabitat selon les saisons. Les gens
constatent le passage des saisons en regardant
ses ramures."
586,23,6,"An seinem Geweih kann man ablesen, wann eine
neue Jahreszeit beginnt. Sein Revier wechselt mit
jeder neuen Jahreszeit."
586,23,7,"Cambia de morada dependiendo de las estaciones.
Observando sus cuernos, la gente sabe cuándo estas
van a cambiar."
586,23,8,"Cambia dimora a seconda delle stagioni. Gli uomini
si accorgono del cambio di stagione osservando le
sue corna."
586,23,9,"They migrate according to the seasons. People can
tell the season by looking at Sawsbucks horns."
586,23,11,"季節によって 住処を 変える。
人々は メブキジカの ツノで
季節の 移り変わりを 感じる。"
586,24,1,"きせつの うつりかわりと ともに
すみかを かえるので メブキジカが
はるをはこぶと いう ひともいる。"
586,24,3,"계절의 변화와 함께
거처를 바꾸기에 바라철록이
봄을 나른다고 말하는 사람도 있다."
586,24,5,"Il change dhabitat selon les saisons. Certains disent
même quil est celui qui apporte le printemps."
586,24,6,"Mancherorts sagt man, sie brächten den Frühling,
da sie je nach Jahreszeit ihr Revier wechseln."
586,24,7,"Migra con el cambio de estación, por lo que hay
quien considera a Sawsbuck el heraldo de la
586,24,8,"Si spostano da un luogo allaltro al mutare delle
stagioni. Per questo alcuni dicono che portano con
sé la primavera."
586,24,9,"They migrate according to the seasons, so some
people call Sawsbuck the harbingers of spring."
586,24,11,"季節の 移り変わりと ともに
住処を 変えるので メブキジカが
春を運ぶと いう 人もいる。"
586,25,1,"きせつに よって すみかを かえる。
ひとびとは メブキジカの ツノで
きせつの うつりかわりを かんじる。"
586,25,3,"계절에 따라 거처를 바꾼다.
사람들은 바라철록의 뿔에서
계절의 변화를 느낀다."
586,25,5,"Il change dhabitat selon les saisons. Les gens constatent
le passage des saisons en regardant ses ramures."
586,25,6,"An seinem Geweih kann man ablesen, wann eine neue
Jahreszeit beginnt. Sein Revier wechselt mit jeder neuen
586,25,7,"Cambia de morada dependiendo de las estaciones.
Observando sus cuernos, la gente sabe cuándo estas
van a cambiar."
586,25,8,"Cambia dimora a seconda delle stagioni. Gli uomini
si accorgono del cambio di stagione osservando
le sue corna."
586,25,9,"They migrate according to the seasons. People can
tell the season by looking at Sawsbucks horns."
586,25,11,"季節によって 住処を 変える。
人々は メブキジカの ツノで
季節の 移り変わりを 感じる。"
586,26,1,"きせつの うつりかわりと ともに
すみかを かえるので メブキジカが
はるをはこぶと いう ひともいる。"
586,26,3,"계절의 변화와 함께
거처를 바꾸기에 바라철록이
봄을 나른다고 말하는 사람도 있다."
586,26,5,"Il change dhabitat selon les saisons. Certains disent même
quil est celui qui apporte le printemps."
586,26,6,"Mancherorts sagt man, sie brächten den Frühling, da sie je
nach Jahreszeit ihr Revier wechseln."
586,26,7,"Migra con el cambio de estación, por lo que hay quien
considera a Sawsbuck el heraldo de la primavera."
586,26,8,"Si spostano da un luogo allaltro al mutare delle stagioni.
Per questo alcuni dicono che portano con sé la primavera."
586,26,9,"They migrate according to the seasons, so some
people call Sawsbuck the harbingers of spring."
586,26,11,"季節の 移り変わりと ともに
住処を 変えるので メブキジカが
春を運ぶと いう 人もいる。"
587,17,5,"Il accumule dans ses membranes
lélectricité quil produit dans ses
bajoues, et la relâche tout en planant."
587,17,9,"The energy made in its cheeks electric
pouches is stored inside its membrane
and released while it is gliding."
587,18,5,"Il vit au sommet des arbres de la forêt.
Il plane en déchargeant lélectricité de
ses membranes semblables à une cape."
587,18,9,"They live on treetops and glide using
the inside of a cape-like membrane
while discharging electricity."
587,21,9,"It glides on its outstretched membrane
while shocking foes with the electricity
stored in the pouches on its cheeks."
587,22,9,"It glides on its outstretched membrane
while shocking foes with the electricity
stored in the pouches on its cheeks."
587,23,1,"もりの きのうえで くらす。
マントのような まくの うちがわを
ほうでん させながら かっくうする。"
587,23,3,"숲의 나무 위에 산다.
망토 같은 막의 안쪽을
방전시키며 활공한다."
587,23,5,"Il vit au sommet des arbres de la forêt. Il plane en
déchargeant lélectricité de ses membranes
semblables à une cape."
587,23,6,"Lebt in den Wipfeln der Waldbäume. Während es
durch die Lüfte gleitet, entlädt es Strom aus seinen
587,23,7,"Vive en la copa de los árboles. Produce descargas
mientras vuela con el interior de la membrana que hace
de capa."
587,23,8,"Vive nelle foreste sulle cime degli alberi. Plana
usando una membrana simile a un mantello,
elettrificata allinterno."
587,23,9,"They live on treetops and glide using the inside of
a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity."
587,23,11,"森の 木の上で 暮らす。
マントのような 膜の 内側を
放電 させながら 滑空する。"
587,24,1,"ほほの でんきぶくろで つくった
でんきを まくの うちがわに ためて
かっくうしながら でんきを はなつ。"
587,24,3,"볼의 전기 주머니에서 만든
전기를 막 안쪽에 모아
활공하며 전기를 발산한다."
587,24,5,"Il accumule dans ses membranes lélectricité quil
produit dans ses bajoues, et la relâche tout en
587,24,6,"Im Flug entlädt es Strom, den es mit seinen
Backentaschen erzeugt und in seinen Fluglappen
gespeichert hat."
587,24,7,"Almacena en una membrana la electricidad generada
por sus mejillas y planea por los aires soltando
587,24,8,"Accumula nelle membrane lelettricità che produce
allinterno delle guance, poi la rilascia planando."
587,24,9,"The energy made in its cheeks electric pouches is
stored inside its membrane and released while it
is gliding."
587,24,11,"ほほの 電気袋で 作った 電気を
膜の 内側に ためて
滑空しながら 電気を 放つ。"
587,25,1,"もりの きのうえで くらす。
マントのような まくの うちがわを
ほうでん させながら かっくうする。"
587,25,3,"숲의 나무 위에 산다.
망토 같은 막의 안쪽을
방전시키며 활공한다."
587,25,5,"Il vit au sommet des arbres de la forêt. Il plane en déchargeant
lélectricité de ses membranes semblables à une cape."
587,25,6,"Lebt in den Wipfeln der Waldbäume. Während es durch die
Lüfte gleitet, entlädt es Strom aus seinen Fluglappen."
587,25,7,"Vive en la copa de los árboles. Produce descargas mientras
vuela con el interior de la membrana que hace de capa."
587,25,8,"Vive nelle foreste sulle cime degli alberi. Plana usando
una membrana simile a un mantello, elettrificata allinterno."
587,25,9,"They live on treetops and glide using the inside of
a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity."
587,25,11,"森の 木の上で 暮らす。
マントのような 膜の 内側を
放電 させながら 滑空する。"
587,26,1,"ほほの でんきぶくろで つくった
でんきを まくの うちがわに ためて
かっくうしながら でんきを はなつ。"
587,26,3,"볼의 전기 주머니에서 만든
전기를 막 안쪽에 모아
활공하며 전기를 발산한다."
587,26,5,"Il accumule dans ses membranes lélectricité quil produit
dans ses bajoues, et la relâche tout en planant."
587,26,6,"Im Flug entlädt es Strom, den es mit seinen Backentaschen
erzeugt und in seinen Fluglappen gespeichert hat."
587,26,7,"Almacena en una membrana la electricidad generada por sus
mejillas y planea por los aires soltando descargas."
587,26,8,"Accumula nelle membrane lelettricità che produce allinterno
delle guance, poi la rilascia planando."
587,26,9,"The energy made in its cheeks electric pouches is
stored inside its membrane and released while it
is gliding."
587,26,11,"ほほの 電気袋で 作った 電気を
膜の 内側に ためて
滑空しながら 電気を 放つ。"
587,27,1,"マントのような まくで かっくう。
でんきを まきちらして てきも
みかたも かんでん させまくる。"
587,27,3,"망토 같은 막으로 활공한다.
전기를 흩뿌려서 적도
자기편도 전부 감전시킨다."
587,27,5,"Telle une cape de super-héros, sa membrane
de peau lui permet de planer. Il décharge alors
son électricité sur ses ennemis... et ses alliés."
587,27,6,"Es gleitet mit seinen Fluglappen, die einem Cape
ähneln, durch die Luft. Es entlädt ständig Strom,
der Freund und Feind Stromschläge verpasst."
587,27,7,"Planea con su membrana, que hace las veces de
capa. La electricidad que despide electrocuta
sin distinción a enemigos y aliados."
587,27,8,"Si serve della membrana simile a un mantello
per planare. Emana scariche elettriche che
possono colpire nemici e alleati."
587,27,9,"It glides using its cape-like membrane.
Electrical energy scatters from it, shocking
its friends and foes alike."
587,27,11,"マントのような 膜で 滑空。
電気を まき散らして 敵も
味方も 感電 させまくる。"
587,28,1,"でんげきで きのみや むしポケモンを
こんがり やいて くう。 ツツケラが
あけた きのあなが おもな すだ。"
587,28,3,"전격으로 나무열매나 벌레포켓몬을
알맞게 구워서 먹는다. 콕코구리가
뚫은 나무 구멍이 주된 서식지다."
587,28,5,"Lélectricité lui sert à griller à point fruits et
Pokémon Insecte. Il fait généralement son nid
dans les arbres creusés par les Picassaut."
587,28,6,"Mit Strom röstet es Beeren und Käfer-Pokémon,
bevor es sie frisst. Es lebt hauptsächlich in
Baumhöhlen, die von Peppeck gemeißelt wurden."
587,28,7,"Suelta una descarga eléctrica para achicharrar
bayas o Pokémon insecto. Suele habitar los
nidos que los Pikipek horadan en los árboles."
587,28,8,"Arrostisce bacche e Pokémon Coleottero con
scariche elettriche per poi mangiarli. Fa il nido
nei buchi degli alberi fatti da Pikipek."
587,28,9,"It grills berries and bug Pokémon with electric
shocks and makes a meal of them. It usually
nests in the holes gouged in trees by Pikipek."
587,28,11,"電撃で 木の実や むしポケモンを
こんがり 焼いて 喰う。 ツツケラが
空けた 木の穴が 主な 巣だ。"
587,29,1,"でんきを たくわえ そらを とぶ。
かみなりが とどろく まよなかには
そらを うめつくすほど いることも。"
587,29,3,"전기를 모아 하늘을 난다.
천둥이 치는 한밤중에는
하늘을 가득 메울 정도로 많다."
587,29,5,"Il plane dans les airs une fois quil est chargé en
électricité. Les nuits où le tonnerre gronde, des
centaines dEmolga se regroupent dans le ciel."
587,29,6,"Es speichert Strom, um damit durch die Lüfte
zu segeln. Ein nächtliches Blitzgewitter stellt
sich manchmal als ein Schwarm Emolga heraus."
587,29,7,"Se carga de electricidad y se echa a volar.
Durante las noches de tormenta eléctrica se los
ve a centenares surcando el cielo."
587,29,8,"Si carica di energia e si alza in volo.
Nelle notti di fulmini e tempesta, questi Pokémon
sono così numerosi da invadere tutto il cielo."
587,29,9,"They store up electricity to fly through the air.
When thunder cracks at night, sometimes there
are almost enough of them to blot out the sky."
587,29,11,"電気を 蓄え 空を 飛ぶ。
雷が とどろく 真夜中には
空を 埋め尽くすほど いることも。"
587,30,1,"でんきを まきちらしながら とぶので
とりポケモンたちが ちかづかない。
おかげで エサを ひとりじめできる。"
587,30,3,"전기를 흩뿌리면서 날기 때문에
새포켓몬들이 다가오지 않는다.
덕분에 먹이를 독차지할 수 있다."
587,30,5,"Les Pokémon oiseaux ne sapprochent pas de lui
car il décharge de lélectricité en planant. Il peut
donc garder sa nourriture pour lui tout seul."
587,30,6,"Vogel-Pokémon halten sich von ihm fern, da es
im Flug Strom entlädt. Frei von Konkurrenz kann
es seine Beute so für sich allein beanspruchen."
587,30,7,"Desprende descargas eléctricas mientras vuela,
por lo que los Pokémon pájaro no se le acercan,
y así puede quedarse la comida para él solo."
587,30,8,"Vola emettendo scariche elettriche che tengono
alla larga gli altri Pokémon alati, e per questo
non fa molta fatica a procurarsi il cibo."
587,30,9,"As it flies, it scatters electricity around, so bird
Pokémon keep their distance. Thats why
Emolga can keep all its food to itself."
587,30,11,"電気を まき散らしながら 飛ぶので
とりポケモンたちが 近付かない。
おかげで エサを ひとりじめできる。"
587,33,1,"でんきを ほとばしらせながら
そらを まうように とぶ。
かわいいが やっかいなのだ。"
587,33,3,"전기를 내뿜으며
하늘을 춤추듯이 난다.
귀엽지만 성가시다."
587,33,5,"Il virevolte dans le ciel en libérant des gerbes
délectricité. Son vol est gracieux, mais peut
savérer dangereux."
587,33,6,"Emolga fliegt anmutig durch die Lüfte und
entlädt dabei Strom. Es ist zwar niedlich,
kann aber auch für viel Ärger sorgen."
587,33,7,"Planea por el aire, casi como si danzara, mientras
desprende electricidad. Resulta adorable, pero
puede causar bastantes problemas."
587,33,8,"Vola nei cieli come danzando mentre sprigiona
elettricità. È molto grazioso, ma può creare dei
587,33,9,"As Emolga flutters through the air, it crackles
with electricity. This Pokémon is cute, but it can
cause a lot of trouble."
587,33,11,"電気を ほとばしらせながら
空を 舞うように 飛ぶ。
可愛いが やっかいなのだ。"
587,34,1,"あまい きのみが だいこうぶつ。
ほおぶくろに エサを ためすぎ
うまく とべないときも ある。"
587,34,3,"달콤한 나무열매를 매우 좋아한다.
볼주머니에 먹이를 너무 많이 넣어
잘 날지 못할 때도 있다."
587,34,5,"Les Baies sucrées sont son péché mignon.
Il lui arrive den conserver beaucoup trop dans
ses bajoues, ce qui lempêche de bien planer."
587,34,6,"Emolga liebt süße Beeren. Manchmal hortet es
so viel Futter in seinen Backentaschen, dass es
nicht mehr richtig fliegen kann."
587,34,7,"Le encantan las bayas dulces. A veces almacena
tanta comida en los carrillos que no puede volar
587,34,8,"Va ghiotto di bacche dolci. A volte accumula
troppo cibo nelle guance e fa fatica a volare."
587,34,9,"This Pokémon absolutely loves sweet berries.
Sometimes it stuffs its cheeks full of so much
food that it cant fly properly."
587,34,11,"甘い 木の実が 大好物。
頬袋に エサを 溜めすぎ
うまく 飛べないときも ある。"
588,17,5,"Un Pokémon mystérieux qui évolue quand
il reçoit un stimulus électrique en étant
proche dun Escargaume."
588,17,9,"These mysterious Pokémon evolve when
they receive electrical stimulation while
they are in the same place as Shelmet."
588,18,5,"Quand il sent un danger, il se défend
en crachant un liquide acide.
Il chasse les Escargaume."
588,18,9,"When they feel threatened, they spit
an acidic liquid to drive attackers away.
This Pokémon targets Shelmet."
588,21,9,"For some reason they evolve when
they receive electrical energy while
they are attacking Shelmet."
588,22,9,"For some reason they evolve when
they receive electrical energy while
they are attacking Shelmet."
588,23,1,"チョボマキと いっしょに いるときに
でんきてきな しげきを うけると
しんかする ふしぎな ポケモンだ。"
588,23,3,"쪼마리와 함께 있을 때
전기적인 자극을 받으면
진화하는 이상한 포켓몬이다."
588,23,5,"Un Pokémon mystérieux qui évolue quand il reçoit un
stimulus électrique en étant proche dun Escargaume."
588,23,6,"Ein mysteriöses Pokémon, das sich entwickelt,
wenn es zusammen mit Schnuthelm einen
Stromschlag abbekommt."
588,23,7,"Si recibe un estímulo eléctrico al estar en contacto con
un Shelmet, evoluciona."
588,23,8,"Pokémon misterioso che si evolve ricevendo uno
stimolo elettrico se si trova in presenza di Shelmet."
588,23,9,"These mysterious Pokémon evolve when they
receive electrical stimulation while they are in the
same place as Shelmet."
588,23,11,"チョボマキと 一緒に いるときに
電気的な 刺激を 受けると
進化する 不思議な ポケモンだ。"
588,24,1,"チョボマキを おそっているときに
でんきエネルギーを あびると
なぜだか しんか してしまうのだ。"
588,24,3,"쪼마리를 덮쳤을 때
전기 에너지를 받으면
왜인지 진화해 버린다."
588,24,5,"Pour une raison inconnue, ce Pokémon évolue
sil subit une décharge électrique pendant quil
attaque un Escargaume."
588,24,6,"Bekommt es im Kampf gegen Schnuthelm Strom ab,
löst dies aus unerklärlichen Gründen seine
Entwicklung aus."
588,24,7,"Si recibe una descarga eléctrica durante un combate
contra un Shelmet, puede evolucionar. Se desconoce
el porqué."
588,24,8,"Per qualche motivo, si evolve a contatto dellenergia
elettrica che si crea quando attacca Shelmet."
588,24,9,"For some reason they evolve when they receive
electrical energy while they are attacking Shelmet."
588,24,11,"チョボマキを 襲っているときに
電気エネルギーを 浴びると
なぜだか 進化 してしまうのだ。"
588,25,1,"チョボマキと いっしょに いるときに
でんきてきな しげきを うけると
しんかする ふしぎな ポケモンだ。"
588,25,3,"쪼마리와 함께 있을 때
전기적인 자극을 받으면
진화하는 이상한 포켓몬이다."
588,25,5,"Un Pokémon mystérieux qui évolue quand il reçoit un stimulus
électrique en étant proche dun Escargaume."
588,25,6,"Ein mysteriöses Pokémon, das sich entwickelt, wenn es
zusammen mit Schnuthelm einen Stromschlag abbekommt."
588,25,7,"Si recibe un estímulo eléctrico al estar en contacto con un
Shelmet, evoluciona."
588,25,8,"Pokémon misterioso che si evolve ricevendo uno stimolo
elettrico se si trova in presenza di Shelmet."
588,25,9,"These mysterious Pokémon evolve when they
receive electrical stimulation while they are in the
same place as Shelmet."
588,25,11,"チョボマキと 一緒に いるときに
電気的な 刺激を 受けると
進化する 不思議な ポケモンだ。"
588,26,1,"チョボマキを おそっているときに
でんきエネルギーを あびると
なぜだか しんか してしまうのだ。"
588,26,3,"쪼마리를 덮쳤을 때
전기 에너지를 받으면
왜인지 진화해 버린다."
588,26,5,"Pour une raison inconnue, ce Pokémon évolue sil subit
une décharge électrique pendant quil attaque un Escargaume."
588,26,6,"Bekommt es im Kampf gegen Schnuthelm Strom ab, löst dies
aus unerklärlichen Gründen seine Entwicklung aus."
588,26,7,"Si recibe una descarga eléctrica durante un combate contra
un Shelmet, puede evolucionar. Se desconoce el porqué."
588,26,8,"Per qualche motivo, si evolve a contatto dellenergia elettrica
che si crea quando attacca Shelmet."
588,26,9,"For some reason they evolve when they receive
electrical energy while they are attacking Shelmet."
588,26,11,"チョボマキを 襲っているときに
電気エネルギーを 浴びると
なぜだか 進化 してしまうのだ。"
588,33,1,"でんきエネルギーに はんのうする
ふしぎな たいしつ。 チョボマキと
ともに いると しんかする。"
588,33,3,"전기 에너지에 반응하는
이상한 체질을 지녔다.
쪼마리와 함께 있으면 진화한다."
588,33,5,"Son corps étrangement structuré a la faculté
de réagir à lélectricité.
Il évolue lorsquil croise un Escargaume."
588,33,6,"Sein Körper reagiert unerklärlicherweise auf
Elektrizität. Die Anwesenheit von Schnuthelm
löst bei ihm die Entwicklung aus."
588,33,7,"Su misterioso cuerpo reacciona a la energía
eléctrica. Si se encuentra en presencia de un
Shelmet, evoluciona."
588,33,8,"Il suo corpo reagisce misteriosamente allenergia
elettrica. Si evolve se si trova in presenza
di Shelmet."
588,33,9,"Its strange physiology reacts to electrical energy
in interesting ways. The presence of a Shelmet
will cause this Pokémon to evolve."
588,33,11,"電気エネルギーに 反応する
不思議な 体質。 チョボマキと
ともに いると 進化する。"
588,34,1,"くちから はきだす えきたいで
チョボマキの からを とかす。
なかみ だけを いただくのだ。"
588,34,3,"입에서 내뿜는 액체로
쪼마리의 껍질을 녹여서
내용물만 먹어 치운다."
588,34,5,"Il crache un liquide qui dissout les coquilles
des Escargaume pour se régaler de leur contenu."
588,34,6,"Es nutzt die Flüssigkeit aus seinem Mund,
um die Muschel von Schnuthelm aufzulösen.
Dann verspeist es den Inhalt."
588,34,7,"Escupe un líquido corrosivo con el que disuelve
el caparazón de los Shelmet para luego devorar
el contenido."
588,34,8,"Scioglie la conchiglia di Shelmet con il liquido
che spruzza dalla bocca e ne mangia il contenuto."
588,34,9,"It spits a liquid from its mouth to melt through
Shelmets shell. Karrablast doesnt eat the shell—
it eats only the contents."
588,34,11,"口から 吐き出す 液体で
チョボマキの 殻を 溶かす。
中身 だけを いただくのだ。"
589,17,5,"Il vole à toute vitesse et frappe tout
ennemi de ses lances pointues. Il combat
bravement contre les plus forts que lui."
589,17,9,"They fly around at high speed, striking
with their pointed spears. Even when in
trouble, they face opponents bravely."
589,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui a évolué en portant la
carapace dun Escargaume. Une armure
de fer protège tout son corps."
589,18,9,"These Pokémon evolve by wearing the
shell covering of a Shelmet. The steel
armor protects their whole body."
589,21,9,"Wearing the shell covering they stole
from Shelmet, they defend themselves
and attack with two lances."
589,22,9,"Wearing the shell covering they stole
from Shelmet, they defend themselves
and attack with two lances."
589,23,1,"チョボマキから うばった カラで
からだを おおい ガードしながら
2ほんの ヤリで つついてくる。"
589,23,3,"쪼마리에게서 뺏은 껍질로
몸을 에워싸 가드하면서
2개의 창으로 찔러온다."
589,23,5,"Ce Pokémon se protège avec la carapace dérobée
à un Escargaume et attaque avec ses deux
redoutables lances."
589,23,6,"Eine von einem Schnuthelm gestohlene Muschel
dient ihm als Helm. Es greift Gegner mit seinen
beiden Lanzen an."
589,23,7,"Se defienden de los ataques con el caparazón que
roban a los Shelmet. Atacan con sus dos mortíferas
589,23,8,"Protegge il corpo con la conchiglia che ha rubato a
Shelmet mentre spunzona il nemico con due lance."
589,23,9,"Wearing the shell covering they stole from Shelmet,
they defend themselves and attack with two lances."
589,23,11,"チョボマキから 奪った 殻で
体を 覆い ガードしながら
2本の ヤリで 突いてくる。"
589,24,1,"チョボマキの カラを みにつけて
しんかした ポケモン。こうてつの
よろいが ぜんしんを ガードする。"
589,24,3,"쪼마리의 껍질을 입고
진화한 포켓몬이다. 강철의
갑옷이 전신을 보호한다."
589,24,5,"Un Pokémon qui a évolué en portant la carapace
dun Escargaume. Une armure de fer protège tout
son corps."
589,24,6,"Es ist bei der Entwicklung in die Muschel eines
Schnuthelm geschlüpft. Die Eisenrüstung schützt
seinen ganzen Körper."
589,24,7,"Pokémon que evolucionó poniéndose el caparazón de
Shelmet. Su armazón de acero le protege todo el
589,24,8,"Pokémon che si è evoluto appropriandosi della
conchiglia di Shelmet. Unarmatura dacciaio
protegge tutto il suo corpo."
589,24,9,"These Pokémon evolve by wearing the shell
covering of a Shelmet. The steel armor protects
their whole body."
589,24,11,"チョボマキの 殻を 身につけて
進化した ポケモン。鋼鉄の よろいが
全身を ガードする。"
589,25,1,"チョボマキから うばった カラで
からだを おおい ガードしながら
2ほんの ヤリで つついてくる。"
589,25,3,"쪼마리에게서 뺏은 껍질로
몸을 에워싸 가드하면서
2개의 창으로 찔러온다."
589,25,5,"Ce Pokémon se protège avec la carapace dérobée à un
Escargaume et attaque avec ses deux redoutables lances."
589,25,6,"Eine von einem Schnuthelm gestohlene Muschel dient ihm
als Helm. Es greift Gegner mit seinen beiden Lanzen an."
589,25,7,"Se defienden de los ataques con el caparazón que roban a
los Shelmet. Atacan con sus dos mortíferas lanzas."
589,25,8,"Protegge il corpo con la conchiglia che ha rubato a Shelmet
mentre spunzona il nemico con due lance."
589,25,9,"Wearing the shell covering they stole from Shelmet,
they defend themselves and attack with two lances."
589,25,11,"チョボマキから 奪った 殻で
体を 覆い ガードしながら
2本の ヤリで 突いてくる。"
589,26,1,"チョボマキの カラを みにつけて
しんかした ポケモン。こうてつの
よろいが ぜんしんを ガードする。"
589,26,3,"쪼마리의 껍질을 입고
진화한 포켓몬이다. 강철의
갑옷이 전신을 보호한다."
589,26,5,"Un Pokémon qui a évolué en portant la carapace
dun Escargaume. Une armure de fer protège tout
son corps."
589,26,6,"Es ist bei der Entwicklung in die Muschel eines Schnuthelm
geschlüpft. Die Eisenrüstung schützt seinen ganzen Körper."
589,26,7,"Pokémon que evolucionó poniéndose el caparazón de
Shelmet. Su armazón de acero le protege todo el cuerpo."
589,26,8,"Pokémon che si è evoluto appropriandosi della conchiglia
di Shelmet. Unarmatura dacciaio protegge tutto il suo corpo."
589,26,9,"These Pokémon evolve by wearing the shell
covering of a Shelmet. The steel armor protects
their whole body."
589,26,11,"チョボマキの 殻を 身につけて
進化した ポケモン。鋼鉄の よろいが
全身を ガードする。"
589,33,1,"チョボマキの からを うばって
かんぜんぶそう。 ガラルちほうでは
ひじょうに にんきが たかい。"
589,33,3,"쪼마리의 껍질을 빼앗아 완전히
무장했다. 가라르지방에서는
매우 인기가 높다."
589,33,5,"Il a volé la coquille dEscargaume pour obtenir
une armure parfaite. Il jouit dune très grande
popularité à Galar."
589,33,6,"In der Galar-Region ist es besonders beliebt.
Es stiehlt die Muschel eines Schnuthelms und
vollendet damit seine Ganzkörperrüstung."
589,33,7,"Le roba el caparazón a un Shelmet y lo usa como
armadura. Este Pokémon es extremadamente
popular en la región de Galar."
589,33,8,"Si appropria della conchiglia di Shelmet e la usa
per proteggere tutto il suo corpo. È amatissimo
dagli abitanti di Galar."
589,33,9,"They use shells theyve stolen from Shelmet
to arm and protect themselves. Theyre very
popular Pokémon in the Galar region."
589,33,11,"チョボマキの 殻を 奪って
完全武装。 ガラル地方では
非常に 人気が 高い。"
589,34,1,"やりを かまえ てきへ とつげき。
ネギガナイトとの けっとうを
えがいた かいがが ゆうめい。"
589,34,3,"창을 겨누고 적에게 돌격한다.
창파나이트와의 결투를
그린 그림이 유명하다."
589,34,5,"Il charge ses ennemis en brandissant ses lances.
Il existe un célèbre tableau représentant la joute
entre un Lançargot et un Palarticho."
589,34,6,"Es greift Gegner mit seinen Lanzen an. Auf einem
berühmten Gemälde ist ein Duell zwischen ihm
und Lauchzelot zu sehen."
589,34,7,"Ataca a los enemigos con sus lanzas. Aparece
representado en pleno duelo contra un Sirfetchd
en un famoso cuadro."
589,34,8,"Carica il nemico con le sue lance.
Un famoso dipinto lo ritrae durante
un duello con Sirfetchd."
589,34,9,"It charges its enemies, lances at the ready.
An image of one of its duels is captured in a famous
painting of Escavalier clashing with Sirfetchd."
589,34,11,"槍を 構え 敵へ 突撃。
ネギガナイトとの 決闘を
描いた 絵画が 有名。"
590,17,5,"Grâce à sa ressemblance mystérieuse
avec une Poké Ball, il attire ses ennemis
et relâche des spores empoisonnées."
590,17,9,"It lures people in with its Poké Ball
pattern, then releases poison spores.
Why it resembles a Poké Ball is unknown."
590,18,5,"Pour une raison inconnue, il ressemble à
une Poké Ball. Il repousse ses ennemis
à laide de spores empoisonnées."
590,18,9,"For some reason, this Pokémon resembles
a Poké Ball. They release poison spores
to repel those who try to catch them."
590,21,9,"It lures Pokémon with its pattern
that looks just like a Poké Ball
then releases poison spores."
590,22,9,"It lures Pokémon with its pattern
that looks just like a Poké Ball
then releases poison spores."
590,23,1,"モンスターボールに にた もようで
さそい どくほうしを ふきかける。
なぜ にているかは なぞである。"
590,23,3,"몬스터볼을 닮은 무늬로
유인한 후 독 포자를 뿌려댄다.
왜 닮았는지는 불가사의다."
590,23,5,"Grâce à sa ressemblance mystérieuse avec une
Poké Ball, il attire ses ennemis et relâche des spores
590,23,6,"Fällt ein Trainer auf sein Äußeres herein,
das komischerweise einem Pokéball ähnelt,
besprüht es ihn mit Giftsporen."
590,23,7,"Gracias a su misterioso parecido a una Poké Ball, atrae
a sus presas y lanza rápidamente esporas de veneno."
590,23,8,"Simile a una Poké Ball, adesca i nemici e sparge
spore velenose. Da dove venga questa somiglianza
è un vero mistero."
590,23,9,"It lures people in with its Poké Ball pattern, then
releases poison spores. Why it resembles a
Poké Ball is unknown."
590,23,11,"モンスターボールに 似た 模様で
誘い 毒胞子を 吹きかける。
なぜ 似ているかは ナゾである。"
590,24,1,"モンスターボール そっくりの
もようで ポケモンを さそいこみ
どくのほうしを ふきかけてくる。"
590,24,3,"몬스터볼과 똑 닮은
무늬로 포켓몬을 유인해
독 포자를 뿌린다."
590,24,5,"Son apparence de Poké Ball trompe ses ennemis,
quil étourdit à laide de ses spores empoisonnées."
590,24,6,"Es ist gemustert wie ein Pokéball. Es lockt damit
andere Pokémon an, um sie dann mit Giftsporen
zu besprühen."
590,24,7,"Atraen a otros Pokémon gracias a su similitud con una
Poké Ball y los atacan expulsando esporas venenosas."
590,24,8,"Attira a sé altri Pokémon con la sua forma a
Poké Ball e soffia su di loro le sue spore velenose."
590,24,9,"It lures Pokémon with its pattern that looks just like
a Poké Ball, then releases poison spores."
590,24,11,"モンスターボール そっくりの
模様で ポケモンを 誘いこみ
毒の胞子を 吹きかけてくる。"
590,25,1,"モンスターボールに にた もようで
さそい どくほうしを ふきかける。
なぜ にているかは なぞである。"
590,25,3,"몬스터볼을 닮은 무늬로
유인한 후 독 포자를 뿌려댄다.
왜 닮았는지는 불가사의다."
590,25,5,"Grâce à sa ressemblance mystérieuse avec une Poké Ball,
il attire ses ennemis et relâche des spores empoisonnées."
590,25,6,"Fällt ein Trainer auf sein Äußeres herein, das komischerweise
einem Pokéball ähnelt, besprüht es ihn mit Giftsporen."
590,25,7,"Gracias a su misterioso parecido a una Poké Ball, atrae a sus
presas y lanza rápidamente esporas de veneno."
590,25,8,"Simile a una Poké Ball, adesca i nemici e sparge
spore velenose. Da dove venga questa somiglianza
è un vero mistero."
590,25,9,"It lures people in with its Poké Ball pattern, then
releases poison spores. Why it resembles a
Poké Ball is unknown."
590,25,11,"モンスターボールに 似た 模様で
誘い 毒胞子を 吹きかける。
なぜ 似ているかは ナゾである。"
590,26,1,"モンスターボール そっくりの
もようで ポケモンを さそいこみ
どくのほうしを ふきかけてくる。"
590,26,3,"몬스터볼과 똑 닮은
무늬로 포켓몬을 유인해
독 포자를 뿌린다."
590,26,5,"Son apparence de Poké Ball trompe ses ennemis, quil étourdit
à laide de ses spores empoisonnées."
590,26,6,"Es ist gemustert wie ein Pokéball. Es lockt damit andere
Pokémon an, um sie dann mit Giftsporen zu besprühen."
590,26,7,"Atraen a otros Pokémon gracias a su similitud con una
Poké Ball y los atacan expulsando esporas venenosas."
590,26,8,"Attira a sé altri Pokémon con la sua forma a Poké Ball e soffia
su di loro le sue spore velenose."
590,26,9,"It lures Pokémon with its pattern that looks just like
a Poké Ball, then releases poison spores."
590,26,11,"モンスターボール そっくりの
模様で ポケモンを 誘いこみ
毒の胞子を 吹きかけてくる。"
590,33,1,"モンスターボールに よく にた
もようの いみや りゆうは
いまだに だれも わからない。"
590,33,3,"몬스터볼을 많이 닮았는데
그 의미와 이유는
아직 아무도 모른다."
590,33,5,"On ignore toujours lorigine ou la signification
de sa forte ressemblance avec une Poké Ball."
590,33,6,"Bis heute kann niemand genau sagen, wieso
Tarnpignon ein Pokéball-Muster aufweisen und
welchen Zweck dies erfüllt."
590,33,7,"Todavía no se ha encontrado ninguna explicación
ni razón para su gran parecido a las Poké Balls."
590,33,8,"A tuttoggi nessuno è a conoscenza
del significato o dellorigine del motivo simile
a una Poké Ball che sfoggia."
590,33,9,"No one knows what the Poké Balllike pattern on
Foongus means or why Foongus has it."
590,33,11,"モンスターボールに よく 似た
模様の 意味や 理由は
いまだに だれも わからない。"
590,34,1,"りょうてから ふきだす ほうしは
もうどくだが よく かわかせば
おなかの くすりに なると いう。"
590,34,3,"양손에서 내뿜는 포자는
맹독이지만 잘 말리면
복통약이 된다고 한다."
590,34,5,"Les spores quil libère de ses mains sont
très toxiques, mais si on les sèche bien,
elles peuvent soulager les maux de ventre."
590,34,6,"Die Sporen, die es aus seinen zwei Gliedmaßen
versprüht, sind sehr giftig. In getrockneter Form
eignen sie sich jedoch als Magenmedizin."
590,34,7,"Las esporas que expulsa por las extremidades
son altamente tóxicas, pero, si se secan bien,
sirven como remedio estomacal."
590,34,8,"Le spore che rilascia dalle mani sono molto
velenose, ma se sono essiccate pare che possano
essere usate come farmaco gastrointestinale."
590,34,9,"The spores released from this Pokémons hands
are highly poisonous, but when thoroughly dried,
the spores can be used as stomach medicine."
590,34,11,"両手から 吹き出す 胞子は
猛毒だが よく 乾かせば
お腹の 薬に なるという。"
591,17,5,"Il danse en faisant tournoyer les
coupoles en forme de Poké Ball de
ses bras pour attirer ses proies."
591,17,9,"It lures prey close by dancing and
waving its arm caps, which resemble
Poké Balls, in a swaying motion."
591,18,5,"Il se sert de ses coupoles en forme de
Poké Ball pour attirer ses proies, mais
peu de Pokémon se laissent avoir."
591,18,9,"They show off their Poké Ball caps to
lure prey, but very few Pokémon are
fooled by this."
591,21,9,"It moves the caps on both arms
and does a dance to lure prey.
It prefers damp places."
591,22,9,"It moves the caps on both arms
and does a dance to lure prey.
It prefers damp places."
591,23,1,"モンスターボールの カサを みせつけ
えものを おびきよせようとするが
だまされる ポケモンは すくない。"
591,23,3,"몬스터볼 무늬의 삿갓을 보여주며
먹이를 유인하려 하지만
속아 넘어가는 포켓몬은 드물다."
591,23,5,"Il se sert de ses coupoles en forme de Poké Ball pour
attirer ses proies, mais peu de Pokémon se laissent
591,23,6,"Um Beute anzulocken, bietet es seinen Hut feil,
der einem Pokéball ähnelt. Doch kaum ein
Pokémon fällt darauf herein."
591,23,7,"Aunque intenta pasar por parte superior de una
Poké Ball para atraer a sus presas, consigue engañar
a pocos."
591,23,8,"Cerca di attirare le prede esibendo un cappello a
forma di Poké Ball, ma sono pochi i Pokémon che
si fanno ingannare."
591,23,9,"They show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey,
but very few Pokémon are fooled by this."
591,23,11,"モンスターボールの カサを 見せつけ
獲物を 誘き寄せようとするが
だまされる ポケモンは 少ない。"
591,24,1,"りょううでの モンスターボールに
にた カサを ゆらゆらと うごかして
えものを さそう ダンスを おどる。"
591,24,3,"양팔의 몬스터볼을 닮은
삿갓을 한들한들 흔들어
먹이를 유인하는 춤을 춘다."
591,24,5,"Il danse en faisant tournoyer les coupoles en forme
de Poké Ball de ses bras pour attirer ses proies."
591,24,6,"Es lockt seine Beute an, indem es die Hüte in Form
von Pokébällen an seinen Armen rüttelt und einen
Tanz aufführt."
591,24,7,"Baila meciendo rítmicamente los dos brazos a modo
de Poké Ball para hacer que sus presas se acerquen."
591,24,8,"Attira le sue prede con danze, durante le quali fa
roteare i dischi simili a Poké Ball che porta sugli arti."
591,24,9,"It lures prey close by dancing and waving its
arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a
swaying motion."
591,24,11,"両腕の モンスターボールに 似た
カサを ゆらゆらと 動かして
獲物を 誘う ダンスを 踊る。"
591,25,1,"モンスターボールの カサを みせつけ
えものを おびきよせようとするが
だまされる ポケモンは すくない。"
591,25,3,"몬스터볼 무늬의 삿갓을 보여주며
먹이를 유인하려 하지만
속아 넘어가는 포켓몬은 드물다."
591,25,5,"Il se sert de ses coupoles en forme de Poké Ball pour attirer
ses proies, mais peu de Pokémon se laissent avoir."
591,25,6,"Um Beute anzulocken, bietet es seinen Hut feil, der einem
Pokéball ähnelt. Doch kaum ein Pokémon fällt darauf herein."
591,25,7,"Aunque intenta pasar por parte superior de una Poké Ball para
atraer a sus presas, consigue engañar a pocos."
591,25,8,"Cerca di attirare le prede esibendo un cappello a forma
di Poké Ball, ma sono pochi i Pokémon che si fanno
591,25,9,"They show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey,
but very few Pokémon are fooled by this."
591,25,11,"モンスターボールの カサを 見せつけ
獲物を 誘き寄せようとするが
だまされる ポケモンは 少ない。"
591,26,1,"りょううでの モンスターボールに
にた カサを ゆらゆらと うごかして
えものを さそう ダンスを おどる。"
591,26,3,"양팔의 몬스터볼을 닮은
삿갓을 한들한들 흔들어
먹이를 유인하는 춤을 춘다."
591,26,5,"Il danse en faisant tournoyer les coupoles en forme
de Poké Ball de ses bras pour attirer ses proies."
591,26,6,"Es lockt seine Beute an, indem es die Hüte in Form von
Pokébällen an seinen Armen rüttelt und einen Tanz aufführt."
591,26,7,"Baila meciendo rítmicamente los dos brazos a modo de
Poké Ball para hacer que sus presas se acerquen."
591,26,8,"Attira le sue prede con danze, durante le quali fa roteare
i dischi simili a Poké Ball che porta sugli arti."
591,26,9,"It lures prey close by dancing and waving its
arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a
swaying motion."
591,26,11,"両腕の モンスターボールに 似た
カサを ゆらゆらと 動かして
獲物を 誘う ダンスを 踊る。"
591,33,1,"どくの ほうしを ふきつける。
はやく あらいながさないと
そこに キノコが はえてくるぞ。"
591,33,3,"독 포자를 내뿜는다.
빨리 씻어내지 않으면
그곳에 버섯이 자라난다."
591,33,5,"Si lon ne nettoie pas rapidement les spores
empoisonnées quil répand, celles-ci donnent
naissance à des champignons."
591,33,6,"Hutsassa versprüht Giftsporen. Wäscht man diese
nicht sofort ab, wachsen dort, wo sie gelandet
sind, Pilze."
591,33,7,"Expulsa esporas venenosas. Crecerán setas
en cualquier superficie con la que entren en
contacto si no se lava de inmediato."
591,33,8,"Sparge spore velenose. Se non vengono lavate
via in fretta, nel luogo in cui si sono depositate
cresceranno dei funghi."
591,33,9,"This Pokémon puffs poisonous spores at its foes.
If the spores arent washed off quickly, theyll
grow into mushrooms wherever they land."
591,33,11,"毒の 胞子を 噴きつける。
はやく 洗い流さないと
そこに キノコが 生えてくるぞ。"
591,34,1,"ふだんは あんまり うごかない。
おちている モンスターボールの
そばで ただじっと している。"
591,34,3,"평상시에는 잘 움직이지 않는다.
떨어져 있는 몬스터볼 옆에서
그저 가만히 대기할 뿐이다."
591,34,5,"Ce Pokémon a tendance à très peu se déplacer.
Quand il voit une Poké Ball abandonnée au sol,
il reste immobile à côté."
591,34,6,"Die meiste Zeit über bewegt es sich kaum und
steht einfach nur regungslos neben Pokébällen,
die am Boden liegen."
591,34,7,"Por lo general no se mueve demasiado. Suele
permanecer quieto al lado de Poké Balls que
haya por el suelo."
591,34,8,"Generalmente non si muove molto. Di solito
si limita a stare immobile vicino a qualche
Poké Ball caduta."
591,34,9,"Amoonguss generally doesnt move much. It
tends to stand still near Poké Balls that have
been dropped on the ground."
591,34,11,"ふだんは あんまり 動かない。
落ちている モンスターボールの
そばで ただじっと している。"
592,17,5,"Il senfonce dans les profondeurs de la
mer en emmenant son ennemi, quil ligote
avec ses bras fins comme des voiles."
592,17,9,"With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped
around the body of its opponent,
it sinks to the ocean floor."
592,18,5,"Il paralyse ses proies avec du poison et
les entraîne jusquà son antre, quon
dit situé à 8 000 m de profondeur."
592,18,9,"They paralyze prey with poison,
then drag them down to their lairs,
five miles below the surface."
592,21,9,"If its veil-like arms stun and wrap
a foe, that foe will be dragged miles
below the surface, never to return."
592,22,9,"If its veil-like arms stun and wrap
a foe, that foe will be dragged miles
below the surface, never to return."
592,23,1,"えものを どくで しびれさせて
8000メートルの しんかいに
あるという すみかに つれていく。"
592,23,3,"먹이를 독으로 마비시켜
8000m 심해에
있다는 거처로 데려간다."
592,23,5,"Il paralyse ses proies avec du poison et les entraîne
jusquà son antre, quon dit situé à 8000 m de
592,23,6,"Es lähmt seine Beute mit Gift und verschleppt sie
in seinen Unterschlupf, 8 km unter dem Meeresspiegel."
592,23,7,"Paraliza a sus presas con veneno y las lleva a su
morada, que se encuentra a 8000 m en el fondo del
592,23,8,"Paralizza la preda con il veleno e la porta nella sua
dimora a 8000 m in fondo al mare."
592,23,9,"They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them
down to their lairs, five miles below the surface."
592,23,11,"獲物を 毒で しびれさせて
8000メートルの 深海に
あるという 住処に 連れていく。"
592,24,1,"ベールの ような てあしを まきつけ
しびれさせると 8000メートルの
しんかいに つれこんで ころすのだ。"
592,24,3,"베일 같은 손발을 휘감아
마비시켜서 8000m의
심해에 데려가 끝장낸다."
592,24,5,"Il enserre ses proies dans ses voiles et les entraîne
sous la surface de la mer jusquà plus de 8000 m
de profondeur."
592,24,6,"Es schlingt seine schleierartigen Arme um seine
Beute und entführt sie 8 000 m in die Tiefe,
wo es sie schließlich tötet."
592,24,7,"Rodea a sus presas con sus tentáculos, las entumece
y las arrastra a 8000 m de profundidad hasta que las
592,24,8,"Paralizza la preda con i suoi tentacoli a forma di velo
e poi la trascina a 8000 m sotto il livello del mare."
592,24,9,"If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will
be dragged miles below the surface, never
to return."
592,24,11,"ベールの ような 手足を 巻きつけ
しびれさせると 8000メートルの
深海に 連れこんで 殺すのだ。"
592,25,1,"えものを どくで しびれさせて
8000メートルの しんかいに
あるという すみかに つれていく。"
592,25,3,"먹이를 독으로 마비시켜
8000m 심해에
있다는 거처로 데려간다."
592,25,5,"Il paralyse ses proies avec du poison et les entraîne jusquà
son antre, quon dit situé à 8000 m de profondeur."
592,25,6,"Es lähmt seine Beute mit Gift und verschleppt sie in seinen
Unterschlupf, 8 km unter dem Meeresspiegel."
592,25,7,"Paraliza a sus presas con veneno y las lleva a su morada, que
se encuentra a 8000 m en el fondo del mar."
592,25,8,"Paralizza la preda con il veleno e la porta nella sua dimora
a 8000 m in fondo al mare."
592,25,9,"They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them
down to their lairs, five miles below the surface."
592,25,11,"獲物を 毒で しびれさせて
8000メートルの 深海に
あるという 住処に 連れていく。"
592,26,1,"ベールの ような てあしを まきつけ
しびれさせると 8000メートルの
しんかいに つれこんで ころすのだ。"
592,26,3,"베일 같은 손발을 휘감아
마비시켜서 8000m의
심해에 데려가 끝장낸다."
592,26,5,"Il enserre ses proies dans ses voiles et les entraîne
sous la surface de la mer jusquà plus de 8000 m
de profondeur."
592,26,6,"Es schlingt seine schleierartigen Arme um seine Beute und
entführt sie 8 000 m in die Tiefe, wo es sie schließlich tötet."
592,26,7,"Rodea a sus presas con sus tentáculos, las entumece y las
arrastra a 8000 m de profundidad hasta que las ahoga."
592,26,8,"Paralizza la preda con i suoi tentacoli a forma di velo e poi
la trascina a 8000 m sotto il livello del mare."
592,26,9,"If its veil-like arms stun and wrap a foe, that foe will
be dragged miles below the surface, never
to return."
592,26,11,"ベールの ような 手足を 巻きつけ
しびれさせると 8000メートルの
深海に 連れこんで 殺すのだ。"
592,29,1,"ベールのような てあしを まきつけ
およいでいる えものを
しんかいに ひきずりこんでしまう。"
592,29,3,"베일 같은 손발을 휘감아
헤엄치는 먹이를
심해로 끌고 간다."
592,29,5,"Il enroule ses membres en forme de voiles
autour de ses proies, puis les entraîne dans
les abysses."
592,29,6,"Durch das Meer schwimmende Beute umschlingt
es mit seinen schleierartigen Armen und zieht
sie in die Tiefe."
592,29,7,"Hace uso de sus extremidades en forma de velo
para atrapar a su presa cuando está nadando y
arrastrarla al fondo del mar."
592,29,8,"Con i suoi tentacoli a forma di velo avvolge
la sua preda mentre nuota e la trascina con sé
sul fondo del mare."
592,29,9,"It wraps its veillike arms and legs around prey
swimming by and drags them down to the
depths of the ocean."
592,29,11,"ベールのような 手足を 巻きつけ
泳いでいる 獲物を
深海に 引きずりこんでしまう。"
592,30,1,"てきを しびれさせ おぼれさせるため
ベールの ような てあしには めには
みえない どくばりが たくさん。"
592,30,3,"적을 마비시켜서 물에 빠뜨리기 위해
베일 같은 손발에는 눈에
보이지 않는 독침이 잔뜩 있다."
592,30,5,"Ses membres en forme de voiles sont couverts
de dards venimeux invisibles qui lui servent
à paralyser ses ennemis avant de les noyer."
592,30,6,"Mit bloßem Auge nicht sichtbare Giftstacheln
bedecken seine schleierartigen Arme. Mit ihnen
lähmt es seine Beute, bevor es sie ertränkt."
592,30,7,"Paraliza y ahoga a sus enemigos con sus
tentáculos en forma de velo, cubiertos de
multitud de púas venenosas imperceptibles."
592,30,8,"I suoi tentacoli a forma di velo sono ricoperti
da invisibili pungiglioni velenosi con i quali
paralizza il nemico per poi annegarlo."
592,30,9,"Using the invisible poison spikes on its veillike
arms and legs, it paralyzes its enemies and
causes them to drown."
592,30,11,"敵を 痺れさせ 溺れさせるため
ベールの ような 手足には
目には 見えない 毒針が たくさん。"
592,33,1,"ベールの ような てあしで エモノを
だきかかえ 8000メートルの
しんかいへと ひきずりこむ。"
592,33,3,"베일과도 같은 손발로 먹이를
끌어안아 8000m 아래의
심해로 끌고 들어간다."
592,33,5,"Il utilise ses membres en forme de voiles
pour enlacer ses proies et les entraîner à 8000 m
de profondeur sous la surface de leau."
592,33,6,"Es hält seine Beute mit seinen schleierartigen
Armen fest und zerrt sie 8000 m tief ins Meer."
592,33,7,"Atenaza a las presas con sus tentáculos en forma
de velo y las sumerge a 8000 m de profundidad."
592,33,8,"Agguanta la preda con i suoi tentacoli a forma di
velo e poi la trascina a 8.000 m sotto il livello
del mare."
592,33,9,"It envelops its prey in its veillike arms and draws
it down to the deeps, five miles below the
oceans surface."
592,33,11,"ベールの ような 手足で 獲物を
抱きかかえ 8000メートルの
深海へと 引きずり込む。"
592,34,1,"かいていに しずんだ こだいとしの
じゅうみんが ポケモンに なったと
いう いいつたえが のこされている。"
592,34,3,"해저에 가라앉은 고대 도시의
주민이 포켓몬이 되었다는
전설이 남아 있다."
592,34,5,"Certaines légendes racontent que les Viskuse
sont les habitants dune ancienne cité engloutie
qui ont été changés en Pokémon."
592,34,6,"Einer Sage nach sind Quabbel in Wirklichkeit
Bewohner einer uralten, im Meer versunkenen
Stadt, die zu Pokémon wurden."
592,34,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que los Frillish son en realidad
los habitantes de una antigua ciudad sumergida
convertidos en Pokémon."
592,34,8,"La leggenda narra che i Frillish siano in realtà gli
abitanti di unantica città sommersa che si sono
trasformati in Pokémon."
592,34,9,"Legend has it that the residents of a sunken
ancient city changed into these Pokémon."
592,34,11,"海底に 沈んだ 古代都市の
住民が ポケモンに なったと
いう 言い伝えが 残されている。"
593,17,5,"Les bateaux qui saventurent sur
son territoire coulent, et Moyade
aspire lénergie vitale des marins."
593,17,9,"The fate of the ships and crew that
wander into Jellicents habitat:
all sunken, all lost, all vanished."
593,18,5,"Il se déplace en projetant leau de mer
quil accumule dans son corps. Son plat
préféré est lénergie vitale."
593,18,9,"They propel themselves by expelling
absorbed seawater from their bodies.
Their favorite food is life energy."
593,21,9,"Its body is mostly seawater.
Its said theres a castle of ships
Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor."
593,22,9,"Its body is mostly seawater.
Its said theres a castle of ships
Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor."
593,23,1,"からだの ほとんどが かいすい。
かいていには ブルンゲルが しずめた
ふねで できた しろが あるという。"
593,23,3,"몸 대부분이 해수다.
해저에는 탱탱겔이 가라앉힌
배로 만들어진 성이 있다고 한다."
593,23,5,"Il est presque entièrement fait deau de mer.
On dit quil vit dans un palais fait des épaves des
bateaux quil a coulés."
593,23,6,"Es heißt, am Meeresboden gebe es einen Palast
aus Schiffen, die es versenkt hat. Es besteht fast
nur aus Meerwasser."
593,23,7,"Su cuerpo se compone de agua salada. Dicen que ha
construido un palacio en el fondo del mar con restos
de barcos."
593,23,8,"È composto per lo più dacqua marina. Dicono che
si sia costruito un castello con i relitti delle navi che
ha affondato."
593,23,9,"Its body is mostly seawater. Its said theres a
castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor."
593,23,11,"体の ほとんどが 海水。
海底には ブルンゲルが 沈めた
船で できた 城が あるという。"
593,24,1,"ブルンゲルの すみかに まよいこんだ
ふねは しずめられて のりくみいんの
いのちは すいとられて しまうのだ。"
593,24,3,"탱탱겔의 거처로 길을 잃고
들어간 배는 가라앉으며 승무원의
생명이 흡수되어 버린다."
593,24,5,"Les bateaux qui saventurent sur son territoire
coulent, et Moyade aspire lénergie vitale des marins."
593,24,6,"Dringt ein Schiff in sein Revier ein, bringt es dieses
zum Kentern und saugt die Lebensenergie aus der
593,24,7,"Jellicent hunde los barcos que acaban perdidos en su
territorio y absorbe la energía vital de su tripulación."
593,24,8,"Affonda le sfortunate navi che si avventurano nel
suo territorio e consuma lenergia dellequipaggio."
593,24,9,"The fate of the ships and crew that wander into
Jellicents habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished."
593,24,11,"ブルンゲルの 住処に 迷いこんだ
船は 沈められて 乗組員の 命は
吸い取られて しまうのだ。"
593,25,1,"からだの ほとんどが かいすい。
かいていには ブルンゲルが しずめた
ふねで できた しろが あるという。"
593,25,3,"몸 대부분이 해수다.
해저에는 탱탱겔이 가라앉힌
배로 만들어진 성이 있다고 한다."
593,25,5,"Il est presque entièrement fait deau de mer. On dit quil vit
dans un palais fait des épaves des bateaux quil a coulés."
593,25,6,"Es heißt, am Meeresboden gebe es einen Palast aus Schiffen,
die es versenkt hat. Es besteht fast nur aus Meerwasser."
593,25,7,"Su cuerpo se compone de agua salada. Dicen que ha
construido un palacio en el fondo del mar con restos de
593,25,8,"È composto per lo più dacqua marina. Dicono che si sia
costruito un castello con i relitti delle navi che ha affondato."
593,25,9,"Its body is mostly seawater. Its said theres a
castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor."
593,25,11,"体の ほとんどが 海水。
海底には ブルンゲルが 沈めた
船で できた 城が あるという。"
593,26,1,"ブルンゲルの すみかに まよいこんだ
ふねは しずめられて のりくみいんの
いのちは すいとられて しまうのだ。"
593,26,3,"탱탱겔의 거처로 길을 잃고
들어간 배는 가라앉으며 승무원의
생명이 흡수되어 버린다."
593,26,5,"Les bateaux qui saventurent sur son territoire coulent,
et Moyade aspire lénergie vitale des marins."
593,26,6,"Dringt ein Schiff in sein Revier ein, bringt es dieses zum
Kentern und saugt die Lebensenergie aus der Besatzung."
593,26,7,"Jellicent hunde los barcos que acaban perdidos en su
territorio y absorbe la energía vital de su tripulación."
593,26,8,"Affonda le sfortunate navi che si avventurano nel suo territorio
e consuma lenergia dellequipaggio."
593,26,9,"The fate of the ships and crew that wander into
Jellicents habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished."
593,26,11,"ブルンゲルの 住処に 迷いこんだ
船は 沈められて 乗組員の 命は
吸い取られて しまうのだ。"
593,29,1,"ごうかきゃくせんや タンカーの
まわりに つきまとい えものを
ひきずりこもうと ねらっている。"
593,29,3,"여객선이나 유조선
주위를 맴돌며 먹이를
끌어들이기 위해 노리고 있다."
593,29,5,"On le trouve souvent près des bateaux de
croisière et des pétroliers, où il cherche
des proies à entraîner dans les abysses."
593,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon schwimmt Kreuzfahrtschiffen
und Tankern hinterher. Bei Gelegenheit zieht es
Beute zu sich ins Meer."
593,29,7,"Se dedica a perseguir petroleros y cruceros, al
acecho de presas que arrastrar al fondo del
593,29,8,"Lo si incontra spesso vicino a navi da crociera
e petroliere in cerca di nuove prede da
trascinare via con sé."
593,29,9,"Jellicent is always hanging around fancy cruise
ships and tankers, hoping to drag away its prey."
593,29,11,"豪華客船や タンカーの
周りに つきまとい 獲物を
引きずりこもうと 狙っている。"
593,30,1,"りょうしが おそれる そんざい。
うみに ひきずりこみ いのちを
うばうと ウワサ されている。"
593,30,3,"어부들이 두려워하는 존재다.
바다로 끌고 들어가 목숨을
빼앗아간다는 소문이 있다."
593,30,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon, redouté par
les marins, ôte la vie de ses proies en les
entraînant dans les abysses."
593,30,6,"Von Fischern wird es gefürchtet. Man sagt,
es würde Menschen in die Tiefen des Meeres
hinabzerren und ihnen das Leben rauben."
593,30,7,"Corre el rumor de que este Pokémon, tan temido
por los marineros, es capaz de arrastrar a su
presa al fondo del mar."
593,30,8,"È molto temuto dai pescatori.
Si dice che trascini in mare le prede
per rubarne lenergia vitale."
593,30,9,"Fishermen are terrified of Jellicent.
Its rumored to drag them into the sea
and steal their lives away."
593,30,11,"漁師が 恐れる 存在。
海に 引きずりこみ 命を
奪うと ウワサ されている。"
593,33,1,"からだの ほとんどが かいすいと
おなじ せいぶんで できている。
ちんぼつせんを ねじろにする。"
593,33,3,"몸의 대부분이 바닷물과
같은 성분으로 이루어져 있다.
침몰선을 거처로 삼는다."
593,33,5,"Son corps est composé presque entièrement
dune substance identique à leau de mer.
Les épaves de navires sont ses bastions."
593,33,6,"Sein Körper besteht zum größten Teil aus den
gleichen Elementen wie Meerwasser. Es nutzt
versunkene Schiffe als Basis."
593,33,7,"Su cuerpo está compuesto en su mayor parte
de agua salada. Crea su guarida con navíos
593,33,8,"Il suo corpo è costituito per la maggior parte
dagli stessi elementi che compongono lacqua
marina. Si serve dei relitti delle navi come tana."
593,33,9,"Most of this Pokémons body composition is
identical to sea water. It makes sunken ships
its lair."
593,33,11,"体の ほとんどが 海水と
同じ 成分で できている。
沈没船を 根城にする。"
593,34,1,"まんげつに なると むれを ひきつれ
かいめんに すがたを みせる。
えものが くるのを まっているのだ。"
593,34,3,"보름달이 뜨면 무리를 거느리고
해수면에 모습을 드러낸다.
먹이가 오기를 기다리는 것이다."
593,34,5,"Les nuits de pleine lune, ils se réunissent
à la surface de la mer pour attendre leurs proies."
593,34,6,"Bei Vollmond treiben Apoquallyp in Schwärmen
an die Meeresoberfläche und lauern dort ihrer
Beute auf."
593,34,7,"Las noches de luna llena, bancos enteros de
Jellicent emergen a la superficie y aguardan la
llegada de alguna presa incauta."
593,34,8,"Nelle notti di luna piena emergono in massa,
rendendosi visibili sulla superficie del mare,
in attesa di prede."
593,34,9,"Whenever a full moon hangs in the night sky,
schools of Jellicent gather near the surface of
the sea, waiting for their prey to appear."
593,34,11,"満月に なると 群れを 引き連れ
海面に 姿を 見せる。
獲物が 来るのを 待っているのだ。"
594,17,5,"La membrane spéciale qui entoure
son corps a la capacité de guérir
les blessures."
594,17,9,"The special membrane enveloping
Alomomola has the ability to heal wounds."
594,18,5,"Il vit en dérivant dans les grands
océans. Quand il trouve des Pokémon
blessés, il les ramène jusquà la côte."
594,18,9,"Floating in the open sea is how they live.
When they find a wounded Pokémon,
they embrace it and bring it to shore."
594,21,9,"It gently holds injured and weak
Pokémon in its fins. Its special
membrane heals their wounds."
594,22,9,"It gently holds injured and weak
Pokémon in its fins. Its special
membrane heals their wounds."
594,23,1,"おおうなばらを ただよって くらす。
きずついた ポケモンを みつけると
だきかかえて きしまで はこぶ。"
594,23,3,"넓은 바다를 떠돌아다니며 산다.
상처 입은 포켓몬을 발견하면
안고서 물가까지 옮긴다."
594,23,5,"Il vit en dérivant dans les grands océans. Quand il
trouve des Pokémon blessés, il les ramène jusquà
la côte."
594,23,6,"Es treibt durch den Ozean. Findet es ein verletztes
Pokémon, nimmt es dieses auf und trägt es zurück
an Land."
594,23,7,"Vive flotando a la deriva en mar abierto. Siempre que
encuentra un Pokémon herido, lo abraza y lo lleva a la
594,23,8,"Vive in mare aperto trasportato dalle onde. Se si
imbatte in un Pokémon ferito, lo riaccompagna a riva."
594,23,9,"Floating in the open sea is how they live.
When they find a wounded Pokémon,
they embrace it and bring it to shore."
594,23,11,"大海原を 漂って 暮らす。
傷ついた ポケモンを 見つけると
抱きかかえて 岸まで 運ぶ。"
594,24,1,"きずついたり よわった ポケモンを
ヒレで やさしく かかえながら
とくしゅな ねんまくで なおすのだ。"
594,24,3,"상처 입거나 약해진 포켓몬을
지느러미로 부드럽게 안으며
특수한 점막으로 치료한다."
594,24,5,"Il berce les Pokémon blessés dans ses nageoires et
les guérit grâce à la membrane dont il est recouvert."
594,24,6,"Es umarmt verletzte und geschwächte Pokémon
liebevoll mit seinen Flossen und heilt sie mit einem
speziellen Schleim."
594,24,7,"Abraza gentilmente con sus aletas a Pokémon que
están lastimados y cura sus heridas con su membrana
594,24,8,"Abbraccia dolcemente con le sue pinne i Pokémon
deboli o feriti e li guarisce grazie a una speciale
membrana mucosa."
594,24,9,"It gently holds injured and weak Pokémon in its
fins. Its special membrane heals their wounds."
594,24,11,"傷ついたり 弱った ポケモンを
ヒレで 優しく 抱えながら
特殊な 粘膜で 治すのだ。"
594,25,1,"おおうなばらを ただよって くらす。
きずついた ポケモンを みつけると
だきかかえて きしまで はこぶ。"
594,25,3,"넓은 바다를 떠돌아다니며 산다.
상처 입은 포켓몬을 발견하면
안고서 물가까지 옮긴다."
594,25,5,"Il vit en dérivant dans les grands océans. Quand il trouve
des Pokémon blessés, il les ramène jusquà la côte."
594,25,6,"Es treibt durch den Ozean. Findet es ein verletztes Pokémon,
nimmt es dieses auf und trägt es zurück an Land."
594,25,7,"Vive flotando a la deriva en mar abierto. Siempre que
encuentra un Pokémon herido, lo abraza y lo lleva a la
594,25,8,"Vive in mare aperto trasportato dalle onde. Se si imbatte
in un Pokémon ferito, lo riaccompagna a riva."
594,25,9,"Floating in the open sea is how they live.
When they find a wounded Pokémon,
they embrace it and bring it to shore."
594,25,11,"大海原を 漂って 暮らす。
傷ついた ポケモンを 見つけると
抱きかかえて 岸まで 運ぶ。"
594,26,1,"きずついたり よわった ポケモンを
ヒレで やさしく かかえながら
とくしゅな ねんまくで なおすのだ。"
594,26,3,"상처 입거나 약해진 포켓몬을
지느러미로 부드럽게 안으며
특수한 점막으로 치료한다."
594,26,5,"Il berce les Pokémon blessés dans ses nageoires et les guérit
grâce à la membrane dont il est recouvert."
594,26,6,"Es umarmt verletzte und geschwächte Pokémon liebevoll mit
seinen Flossen und heilt sie mit einem speziellen Schleim."
594,26,7,"Abraza gentilmente con sus aletas a Pokémon que están
lastimados y cura sus heridas con su membrana especial."
594,26,8,"Abbraccia dolcemente con le sue pinne i Pokémon deboli
o feriti e li guarisce grazie a una speciale membrana mucosa."
594,26,9,"It gently holds injured and weak Pokémon in its
fins. Its special membrane heals their wounds."
594,26,11,"傷ついたり 弱った ポケモンを
ヒレで 優しく 抱えながら
特殊な 粘膜で 治すのだ。"
594,27,1,"きずついた ポケモンを だきしめ
とくしゅな ねんえきで きずを
ふさぐ。 そのりゆうは ふめい。"
594,27,3,"다친 포켓몬을 끌어안아
특수한 점액으로 상처를
덮는다. 그 이유는 불명이다."
594,27,5,"Il recueille les Pokémon blessés et referme
leurs plaies grâce à son mucus spécial.
Par pur altruisme? Nul ne le sait."
594,27,6,"Es umarmt verletzte Pokémon und bedeckt ihre
Wunden mit einem speziellen Schleim. Niemand
weiß, warum es das tut."
594,27,7,"Se acerca a los Pokémon heridos y cura sus
heridas con la mucosidad especial que segrega.
Se desconoce el motivo de este comportamiento."
594,27,8,"Abbraccia i Pokémon feriti e li guarisce grazie a
uno speciale liquido viscoso.
Non si sa perché lo faccia."
594,27,9,"It uses its special mucus to close the wounds of
injured Pokémon. The reason for this behavior
remains unknown."
594,27,11,"傷ついた ポケモンを 抱きしめ
特殊な 粘液で 傷を
ふさぐ。 その理由は 不明。"
594,28,1,"おおうなばらを ただよって くらす。
ママンボウの まわりには おおくの
みずポケモンが あつまってくる。"
594,28,3,"넓은 바다를 떠돌아다니며 산다.
맘복치 주변에는 많은
물포켓몬들이 모여든다."
594,28,5,"Il se laisse dériver au gré des courants
océaniques profonds. De nombreux Pokémon
Eau se rassemblent toujours autour de lui."
594,28,6,"Es treibt durch den Ozean. Um Mamolida
versammeln sich stets viele Wasser-Pokémon."
594,28,7,"Vive flotando a la deriva en mar abierto. Muchos
Pokémon de tipo Agua se arremolinan a su
594,28,8,"Vive in mare aperto, lasciandosi trasportare
dalle onde. Attorno gli si radunano molti
Pokémon di tipo Acqua."
594,28,9,"They float upon the open sea. Many water
Pokémon gather in the area around Alomomola."
594,28,11,"大海原を 漂って 暮らす。
ママンボウの 周りには 多くの
みずポケモンが 集まってくる。"
594,29,1,"りょうしは ながい こうかいの とき
つれていく。 ママンボウが いれば
いしゃも くすりも いらないからだ。"
594,29,3,"어부가 긴 항해를 할 때
데려간다. 맘복치가 있으면
의사도 약도 필요 없기 때문이다."
594,29,5,"Ses talents de guérisseur sont tels que
les marins lemportent quand ils embarquent
pour une longue traversée."
594,29,6,"Auf langen Seereisen lassen sich Fischer von
Mamolida begleiten. So ersparen Sie sich nämlich
einen Arzt und Medizin."
594,29,7,"Los pescadores siempre lo llevan consigo en las
travesías largas, porque al tener un Alomomola
no les hacen falta ni medicinas ni médicos."
594,29,8,"I pescatori li portano sempre con sé quando
partono per lunghe traversate, perché dove cè
un Alomomola non servono medici né medicine."
594,29,9,"Fishermen take them along on long voyages,
because if you have an Alomomola with you,
therell be no need for a doctor or medicine."
594,29,11,"漁師は 長い 航海の とき
連れていく。 ママンボウが いれば
医者も 薬も いらないからだ。"
594,30,1,"よわった ポケモンを たすけるのは
それを ねらう ポケモンに
じぶんも おそわれるから らしい。"
594,30,3,"약해진 포켓몬을 도와주는 것은
이를 노리고 오는 포켓몬에게
자신도 공격받기 때문이라고 한다."
594,30,5,"On pense quil protège les Pokémon affaiblis
parce quil partage avec eux les mêmes
594,30,6,"Mamolida kümmert sich offenbar um verletzte
Pokémon, um nicht selbst von denen angegriffen
zu werden, die es auf diese abgesehen haben."
594,30,7,"Se cree que ayuda a los Pokémon heridos y
debilitados de forma que los depredadores
naturales de estos no le ataquen a él también."
594,30,8,"Sembra che aiuti i Pokémon indeboliti per
non rischiare di essere attaccato da eventuali
loro predatori."
594,30,9,"The reason it helps Pokémon in a weakened
condition is that any Pokémon coming after
them may also attack Alomomola."
594,30,11,"弱った ポケモンを 助けるのは
それを 狙う ポケモンに
自分も 襲われるから らしい。"
595,17,5,"Les Statitik qui vivent en ville ont
appris à aspirer le courant depuis
les prises électriques des maisons."
595,17,9,"Joltik that live in cities have learned
a technique for sucking electricity
from the outlets in houses."
595,18,5,"Il saccroche aux Pokémon plus grands
et aspire leur électricité statique.
Il la stocke dans ses poches-accus."
595,18,9,"They attach themselves to large-bodied
Pokémon and absorb static electricity,
which they store in an electric pouch."
595,21,9,"Since it cant generate its own
electricity, it sticks onto large-bodied
Pokémon and absorbs static electricity."
595,22,9,"Since it cant generate its own
electricity, it sticks onto large-bodied
Pokémon and absorbs static electricity."
595,23,1,"じぶんでは でんきを つくれないので
ほかの おおきな ポケモンに
とりつき せいでんきを すいとる。"
595,23,3,"스스로 전기를 만들 수 없어
다른 큰 포켓몬에
달라붙어 정전기를 흡수한다."
595,23,5,"Ne produisant pas lui-même délectricité, il saccroche
aux Pokémon plus grands et aspire leur électricité
595,23,6,"Da es selbst keinen Strom erzeugen kann,
klettert es auf andere Pokémon, um ihnen
elektrostatische Energie abzusaugen."
595,23,7,"No puede generar electricidad por sí mismo, así que se
encarama a Pokémon grandes y absorbe su energía
595,23,8,"Non può produrre elettricità da sé, per cui si attacca
a Pokémon più grandi per succhiarne lenergia
595,23,9,"Since it cant generate its own electricity, it sticks
onto large-bodied Pokémon and absorbs
static electricity."
595,23,11,"自分では 電気を つくれないので
他の 大きな ポケモンに
とりつき 静電気を 吸いとる。"
595,24,1,"からだの おおきな ポケモンに
とりついて せいでんきを すいとり
ちくでんぶくろに でんきを ためる。"
595,24,3,"몸이 큰 포켓몬에게 매달려
정전기를 빨아들인 후
축전 주머니에 전기를 모은다."
595,24,5,"Il saccroche aux Pokémon plus grands et aspire
leur électricité statique. Il la stocke dans ses
595,24,6,"Es pflanzt sich an großen Pokémon fest und zapft
ihnen elektrische Energie ab. Diese hortet es in
seinen Ladetaschen."
595,24,7,"Se agarra a Pokémon de gran tamaño, absorbe su
electricidad estática y la guarda en una bolsa interna."
595,24,8,"Si aggrappa ai Pokémon più grossi e ne assorbe
lenergia statica che conserva in una sacca
595,24,9,"They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon
and absorb static electricity, which they store in an
electric pouch."
595,24,11,"体の 大きな ポケモンに とりついて
静電気を 吸い取り
蓄電袋に 電気を ためる。"
595,25,1,"じぶんでは でんきを つくれないので
ほかの おおきな ポケモンに
とりつき せいでんきを すいとる。"
595,25,3,"스스로 전기를 만들 수 없어
다른 큰 포켓몬에
달라붙어 정전기를 흡수한다."
595,25,5,"Ne produisant pas lui-même délectricité, il saccroche
aux Pokémon plus grands et aspire leur électricité statique."
595,25,6,"Da es selbst keinen Strom erzeugen kann, klettert es auf
andere Pokémon, um ihnen elektrostatische Energie
595,25,7,"No puede generar electricidad por sí mismo, así que se
encarama a Pokémon grandes y absorbe su energía estática."
595,25,8,"Non può produrre elettricità da sé, per cui si attacca a
Pokémon più grandi per succhiarne lenergia elettrostatica."
595,25,9,"Since it cant generate its own electricity, it sticks
onto large-bodied Pokémon and absorbs
static electricity."
595,25,11,"自分では 電気を つくれないので
他の 大きな ポケモンに
とりつき 静電気を 吸いとる。"
595,26,1,"からだの おおきな ポケモンに
とりついて せいでんきを すいとり
ちくでんぶくろに でんきを ためる。"
595,26,3,"몸이 큰 포켓몬에게 매달려
정전기를 빨아들인 후
축전 주머니에 전기를 모은다."
595,26,5,"Il saccroche aux Pokémon plus grands et aspire leur
électricité statique. Il la stocke dans ses poches-accus."
595,26,6,"Es pflanzt sich an großen Pokémon fest und zapft ihnen
elektrische Energie ab. Diese hortet es in seinen Ladetaschen."
595,26,7,"Se agarra a Pokémon de gran tamaño, absorbe su electricidad
estática y la guarda en una bolsa interna."
595,26,8,"Si aggrappa ai Pokémon più grossi e ne assorbe lenergia
statica che conserva in una sacca daccumulo."
595,26,9,"They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon
and absorb static electricity, which they store in an
electric pouch."
595,26,11,"体の 大きな ポケモンに とりついて
静電気を 吸い取り
蓄電袋に 電気を ためる。"
595,33,1,"ポケモンの からだに くっついて
せいでんきを すいとる。 じぶんでは
でんきを つくることが できない。"
595,33,3,"포켓몬의 몸에 들러붙어
정전기를 흡수한다.
스스로는 전기를 만들 수 없다."
595,33,5,"Il saccroche au corps des autres Pokémon pour
absorber leur électricité statique. Il est incapable
den produire tout seul."
595,33,6,"Wattzapf heftet sich an andere Pokémon und
saugt ihnen statische Elektrizität ab. Es selbst
kann keinen Strom produzieren."
595,33,7,"No puede generar electricidad por sí mismo,
así que se encarama a otros Pokémon y absorbe
su energía estática."
595,33,8,"Si aggrappa al corpo di altri Pokémon e ne
assorbe lenergia elettrostatica. Non può
produrre elettricità da sé."
595,33,9,"Joltik can be found clinging to other Pokémon.
Its soaking up static electricity because it cant
produce a charge on its own."
595,33,11,"ポケモンの 体に くっついて
静電気を 吸い取る。 自分では
電気を つくることが できない。"
595,34,1,"ほかの ポケモンに とりついて
せいでんきを すいとる。 ワンパチの
おしりに よく くっついている。"
595,34,3,"다른 포켓몬에게 달라붙어
정전기를 빨아들인다. 멍파치의
엉덩이에 자주 달라붙어 있다."
595,34,5,"Il saccroche aux autres Pokémon pour aspirer
leur électricité statique. On en trouve souvent
collés au postérieur de Voltoutou."
595,34,6,"Es heftet sich an andere Pokémon und saugt
ihnen statische Elektrizität aus. Häufig wird es
an Hinterteilen von Voldi gesichtet."
595,34,7,"Se agarra a otros Pokémon para absorber su
electricidad estática. Es muy común verlo
aferrado a las posaderas de un Yamper."
595,34,8,"Si attacca ad altri Pokémon per assorbirne
lenergia elettrostatica. Non è raro trovarne
uno sul posteriore di Yamper."
595,34,9,"Joltik latch on to other Pokémon and suck out
static electricity. Theyre often found sticking to
Yampers hindquarters."
595,34,11,"ほかの ポケモンに とりついて
静電気を 吸い取る。 ワンパチの
お尻に よく くっついている。"
596,17,5,"Quand on lattaque, il projette une
multitude de fils électrifiés pour
créer une barrière électrique."
596,17,9,"When attacked, they create an
electric barrier by spitting out
many electrically charged threads."
596,18,5,"Il tend des pièges avec ses fils
électriques. Il déguste tranquillement
ses proies une fois électrocutées."
596,18,9,"They employ an electrically charged web
to trap their prey. While it is immobilized
by shock, they leisurely consume it."
596,21,9,"It creates barriers from electrified silk
that stun foes. This works as a weapon
as well as a defense."
596,22,9,"It creates barriers from electrified silk
that stun foes. This works as a weapon
as well as a defense."
596,23,1,"でんきを おびた いとで わなを
しかける。かんでんして うごけない
えものを ゆっくりと いただくのだ。"
596,23,3,"전기를 띤 실로 함정을 설치한다.
감전돼서 움직이지 못하는
먹이를 천천히 먹어치운다."
596,23,5,"Il tend des pièges avec ses fils électriques.
Il déguste tranquillement ses proies une fois
596,23,6,"Lässt seine Beute in elektrisch geladene Fäden
tappen. Solang diese durch den Schock
gelähmt ist, labt es sich an ihr."
596,23,7,"Pone trampas con hilos electrificados. De este modo,
electrocuta a sus enemigos y los inmoviliza por
596,23,8,"Tende trappole con fili elettrificati. Consuma poi
con comodo le prede immobilizzate dalla scarica
596,23,9,"They employ an electrically charged web to trap
their prey. While it is immobilized by shock,
they leisurely consume it."
596,23,11,"電気を 帯びた 糸で ワナを
仕掛ける。感電して 動けない 獲物を
ゆっくりと いただくのだ。"
596,24,1,"てきに おそわれると でんきを
おびた いとを たくさん はきだして
でんきの バリアを つくる。"
596,24,3,"상대에게 공격당하면 전기를
띤 실을 무수히 뿜어내서
전기 배리어를 만든다."
596,24,5,"Quand on lattaque, il projette une multitude de fils
électrifiés pour créer une barrière électrique."
596,24,6,"Wird es angegriffen, spuckt es mit vielen elektrisch
geladenen Fäden um sich und baut sich eine
596,24,7,"Cuando un enemigo lo ataca, expulsa por la boca hilos
electrificados para crear una barrera."
596,24,8,"Quando viene attaccato, espelle una rete di fili
elettrificati per formare una barriera elettrica."
596,24,9,"When attacked, they create an electric barrier by
spitting out many electrically charged threads."
596,24,11,"敵に 襲われると 電気を 帯びた
糸を たくさん 吐き出して
電気の バリアを 作る。"
596,25,1,"でんきを おびた いとで わなを
しかける。かんでんして うごけない
えものを ゆっくりと いただくのだ。"
596,25,3,"전기를 띤 실로 함정을 설치한다.
감전돼서 움직이지 못하는
먹이를 천천히 먹어치운다."
596,25,5,"Il tend des pièges avec ses fils électriques. Il déguste
tranquillement ses proies une fois électrocutées."
596,25,6,"Lässt seine Beute in elektrisch geladene Fäden tappen. Solang
diese durch den Schock gelähmt ist, labt es sich an ihr."
596,25,7,"Pone trampas con hilos electrificados. De este modo,
electrocuta a sus enemigos y los inmoviliza por completo."
596,25,8,"Tende trappole con fili elettrificati. Consuma poi con comodo
le prede immobilizzate dalla scarica elettrica."
596,25,9,"They employ an electrically charged web to trap
their prey. While it is immobilized by shock,
they leisurely consume it."
596,25,11,"電気を 帯びた 糸で ワナを
仕掛ける。感電して 動けない 獲物を
ゆっくりと いただくのだ。"
596,26,1,"てきに おそわれると でんきを
おびた いとを たくさん はきだして
でんきの バリアを つくる。"
596,26,3,"상대에게 공격당하면 전기를
띤 실을 무수히 뿜어내서
전기 배리어를 만든다."
596,26,5,"Quand on lattaque, il projette une multitude de fils électrifiés
pour créer une barrière électrique."
596,26,6,"Wird es angegriffen, spuckt es mit vielen elektrisch geladenen
Fäden um sich und baut sich eine Elektrobarriere."
596,26,7,"Cuando un enemigo lo ataca, expulsa por la boca hilos
electrificados para crear una barrera."
596,26,8,"Quando viene attaccato, espelle una rete di fili elettrificati
per formare una barriera elettrica."
596,26,9,"When attacked, they create an electric barrier by
spitting out many electrically charged threads."
596,26,11,"敵に 襲われると 電気を 帯びた
糸を たくさん 吐き出して
電気の バリアを 作る。"
596,33,1,"でんきを おびた おなかの けを
とばして こうげき。 けが ささると
みっかみばん ぜんしんが しびれる。"
596,33,3,"전기를 띤 배의 털을 날려서
공격한다. 털에 찔리면
삼 일 밤낮으로 전신이 마비된다."
596,33,5,"Il attaque en projetant les poils de son abdomen
chargés en électricité. La victime reste alors
paralysée pendant trois jours et trois nuits."
596,33,6,"Es schießt elektrisch geladene Haare von seinem
Abdomen. Wer getroffen wird, ist drei Tage und
Nächte am ganzen Körper gelähmt."
596,33,7,"Ataca lanzando hilos electrificados por el
abdomen, que inmovilizan por completo al
enemigo durante tres días y tres noches."
596,33,8,"Attacca lanciando peli carichi di elettricità
dalladdome. Chi viene colpito rimane
paralizzato per tre giorni interi."
596,33,9,"It launches electrified fur from its abdomen as its
means of attack. Opponents hit by the fur could
be in for three full days and nights of paralysis."
596,33,11,"電気を 帯びた お腹の 毛を
飛ばして 攻撃。 毛が 刺さると
三日三晩 全身が 痺れる。"
596,34,1,"とぶのが ヘタな ヒナを ねらい
とりポケモンの すの ちかくに
でんきの いとで ワナを はるぞ。"
596,34,3,"잘 날지 못하는 새끼를 노리고
새포켓몬 둥지 가까이에
전기로 된 실로 함정을 만든다."
596,34,5,"Il piège les oisillons qui ne savent pas encore
voler en tissant une toile électrique près des nids
des Pokémon oiseaux."
596,34,6,"Es spinnt Fallen aus elektrischen Fäden nahe den
Nestern von Vogel-Pokémon, um vor allem jene
Jungen zu fangen, die nicht gut fliegen können."
596,34,7,"Teje una tela con hilo electrificado junto a los
nidos de Pokémon pájaro para atrapar a los
polluelos que aún no saben volar bien."
596,34,8,"Tesse trappole di fili elettrizzati vicino ai nidi
di Pokémon alati per catturare i piccoli che
non sanno ancora volare."
596,34,9,"It lays traps of electrified threads near the nests
of bird Pokémon, aiming to snare chicks that are
not yet good at flying."
596,34,11,"飛ぶのが ヘタな ヒナを 狙い
鳥ポケモンの 巣の 近くに
電気の 糸で 罠を 張るぞ。"
597,17,5,"Quand il sent un danger, il réagit en
projetant toutes ses épines dun coup
et senfuit en roulant sur lui-même."
597,17,9,"When threatened, it attacks by
shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives
it a chance to escape by rolling away."
597,18,5,"Il saccroche aux parois des grottes
à laide de ses épines et absorbe les
minéraux contenus dans la roche."
597,18,9,"They stick their spikes into cave
walls and absorb the minerals
they find in the rock."
597,21,9,"It absorbs the iron it finds in the
rock while clinging to the ceiling.
It shoots spikes when in danger."
597,22,9,"It absorbs the iron it finds in the
rock while clinging to the ceiling.
It shoots spikes when in danger."
597,23,1,"きけんを さっちすると トゲを
いっせいに はっしゃして はんげき。
その すきに ころがって にげる。"
597,23,3,"위험을 감지하면 가시를
일제히 발사하여 반격한다.
그 틈에 몸을 굴려 도망간다."
597,23,5,"Quand il sent un danger, il réagit en projetant toutes
ses épines dun coup et senfuit en roulant sur
597,23,6,"Fühlt es sich bedroht, wehrt es sich, indem es
eine großzügige Salve Dornen abfeuert."
597,23,7,"Lanza numerosas púas al detectar peligro. En cuanto
tiene ocasión, echa a rodar y se escapa."
597,23,8,"Quando avverte un pericolo, reagisce sparando
simultaneamente tutti i suoi aculei, per poi fuggire
via rotolando."
597,23,9,"When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage
of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by
rolling away."
597,23,11,"危険を 察知すると トゲを
いっせいに 発射して 反撃。
その すきに 転がって 逃げる。"
597,24,1,"ほらあなの てんじょうに つきささり
いわの てつぶんを すいとる。
きけんがせまると トゲを うちだす。"
597,24,3,"동굴 천장에 박혀서
바위의 철분을 흡수한다.
위험이 닥치면 바늘을 쏜다."
597,24,5,"Il saccroche aux parois des grottes et en absorbe
les minéraux. Il projette ses épines en cas de danger."
597,24,6,"Hakt sich an der Decke von Höhlen fest und saugt
die Mineralien aus dem Gestein. Bei Gefahr feuert es
Dornen ab."
597,24,7,"Absorbe los componentes ferruginosos de las rocas al
colgarse del techo de las cuevas. Dispara púas si se
ve en peligro."
597,24,8,"Si conficca nelle pareti delle grotte e assorbe i
minerali delle rocce. Quando avverte un pericolo,
spara i suoi aculei."
597,24,9,"It absorbs the iron it finds in the rock while clinging
to the ceiling. It shoots spikes when in danger."
597,24,11,"洞穴の 天井に 突きささり
岩の 鉄分を 吸いとる。
危険がせまると トゲを 撃ち出す。"
597,25,1,"きけんを さっちすると トゲを
いっせいに はっしゃして はんげき。
その すきに ころがって にげる。"
597,25,3,"위험을 감지하면 가시를
일제히 발사하여 반격한다.
그 틈에 몸을 굴려 도망간다."
597,25,5,"Quand il sent un danger, il réagit en projetant toutes
ses épines dun coup et senfuit en roulant sur lui-même."
597,25,6,"Fühlt es sich bedroht, wehrt es sich, indem es eine großzügige
Salve Dornen abfeuert."
597,25,7,"Lanza numerosas púas al detectar peligro. En cuanto tiene
ocasión, echa a rodar y se escapa."
597,25,8,"Quando avverte un pericolo, reagisce sparando
simultaneamente tutti i suoi aculei, per poi fuggire
via rotolando."
597,25,9,"When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage
of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by
rolling away."
597,25,11,"危険を 察知すると トゲを
いっせいに 発射して 反撃。
その すきに 転がって 逃げる。"
597,26,1,"ほらあなの てんじょうに つきささり
いわの てつぶんを すいとる。
きけんがせまると トゲを うちだす。"
597,26,3,"동굴 천장에 박혀서
바위의 철분을 흡수한다.
위험이 닥치면 바늘을 쏜다."
597,26,5,"Il saccroche aux parois des grottes et en absorbe
les minéraux. Il projette ses épines en cas de danger."
597,26,6,"Hakt sich an der Decke von Höhlen fest und saugt die
Mineralien aus dem Gestein. Bei Gefahr feuert es Dornen ab."
597,26,7,"Absorbe los componentes ferruginosos de las rocas al
colgarse del techo de las cuevas. Dispara púas si se ve
en peligro."
597,26,8,"Si conficca nelle pareti delle grotte e assorbe i minerali
delle rocce. Quando avverte un pericolo, spara i suoi aculei."
597,26,9,"It absorbs the iron it finds in the rock while clinging
to the ceiling. It shoots spikes when in danger."
597,26,11,"洞穴の 天井に 突きささり
岩の 鉄分を 吸いとる。
危険がせまると トゲを 撃ち出す。"
597,33,1,"トゲを とばして みを まもる。
ねらった ほうこうに とばすには
たくさんの くんれんが ひつよう。"
597,33,3,"가시를 날려서 몸을 지킨다.
원하는 방향으로 날리기 위해서는
많은 훈련이 필요하다."
597,33,5,"Il se protège en projetant ses épines,
mais il lui faut beaucoup dentraînement
pour réussir à tirer dans une direction précise."
597,33,6,"Es schützt sich, indem es Dornen verschießt. Ein
Kastadur muss jahrelang trainieren, um präzise
zielen zu können."
597,33,7,"Se defiende lanzando púas, pero para poder
apuntar con precisión a su objetivo necesita
ingentes sesiones de práctica."
597,33,8,"Si protegge sparando i suoi aculei, ma per
riuscire a orientarli con precisione verso
il bersaglio ha bisogno di allenarsi a lungo."
597,33,9,"It defends itself by launching spikes, but its
aim isnt very good at first. Only after a lot of
practice will it improve."
597,33,11,"棘を 飛ばして 身を 守る。
狙った 方向に 飛ばすには
たくさんの 訓練が 必要。"
597,34,1,"こけむした どうくつを このむ。
こけが ふくむ こうそが トゲを
おおきく じょうぶに はぐくむのだ。"
597,34,3,"이끼 낀 동굴을 좋아한다.
이끼에 함유된 효소가 가시를
크고 튼튼하게 만들어준다."
597,34,5,"Il aime les grottes pleines de mousse.
Les enzymes contenues dans ces plantes laident
à obtenir des épines grandes et solides."
597,34,6,"Es fühlt sich in moosbewachsenen Höhlen wohl.
Die im Moos enthaltenen Enzyme lassen seine
Stacheln besonders groß und kräftig werden."
597,34,7,"Prefiere las cuevas de paredes musgosas, ya que
las enzimas contenidas en el musgo le permiten
desarrollar unas púas grandes y robustas."
597,34,8,"Predilige le grotte in cui cresce il muschio,
i cui enzimi aiutano i suoi aculei a crescere
grandi e forti."
597,34,9,"Mossy caves are their preferred dwellings.
Enzymes contained in mosses help Ferroseeds
spikes grow big and strong."
597,34,11,"苔むした 洞窟を 好む。
苔が 含む 酵素が 棘を
大きく 丈夫に 育むのだ。"
598,17,5,"Il combat avec ses trois tentacules
épineux. Un coup de ses épines dacier
peut briser en deux de gros rochers."
598,17,9,"It fights by swinging around its three
spiky feelers. A hit from these steel
spikes can reduce a boulder to rubble."
598,18,5,"Il saccroche aux plafonds des grottes
et attaque les proies qui passent en
dessous avec ses épines dacier."
598,18,9,"They attach themselves to cave
ceilings, firing steel spikes at targets
passing beneath them."
598,21,9,"By swinging around its three
spiky feelers and shooting spikes,
it can obliterate an opponent."
598,22,9,"By swinging around its three
spiky feelers and shooting spikes,
it can obliterate an opponent."
598,23,1,"3ぼんの しょくしゅを たたきつけ
さらに トゲを とばして あいてを
あとかたのこらず ふんさいする。"
598,23,3,"3개의 촉수를 세게 내리치고
거기에 가시를 날려 상대를
흔적도 없이 분쇄한다."
598,23,5,"Il attaque grâce à ses trois tentacules épineux et
lance des épines dacier pour réduire ses ennemis
en poussière."
598,23,6,"Es macht mit Gegnern kurzen Prozess, indem es mit
seinen drei Schlingen auf sie eindrischt und Dornen
auf sie abfeuert."
598,23,7,"Azota al enemigo con sus tres tentáculos y después
dispara púas hasta que no deja ni rastro del rival."
598,23,8,"Fa a pezzi il nemico colpendolo prima con le sue
tre antenne e poi sparandogli addosso i suoi aculei."
598,23,9,"By swinging around its three spiky feelers and
shooting spikes, it can obliterate an opponent."
598,23,11,"3本の 触手を たたきつけ
さらに トゲを 飛ばして 相手を
跡形残らず 粉砕する。"
598,24,1,"ほらあなの てんじょうに はりつき
したを とおる えものに むかって
てつの トゲを うちこみ おそう。"
598,24,3,"동굴 천장에 달라붙어
아래를 지나가는 먹이를 향해
철 가시를 쏘며 덮친다."
598,24,5,"Il saccroche aux plafonds des grottes et attaque
les proies qui passent en dessous avec ses épines
598,24,6,"Es setzt sich an der Decke von Höhlen fest und wirft
seine dornengespickten Schlingen auf vorbeigehende
Beute ab."
598,24,7,"Se pega al techo de cuevas y lanza púas de metal a
todo el que pase por debajo de donde se encuentre."
598,24,8,"Si appende al soffitto delle grotte e attacca le prede
che passano al di sotto lanciando i suoi aculei di ferro."
598,24,9,"They attach themselves to cave ceilings, firing steel
spikes at targets passing beneath them."
598,24,11,"洞穴の 天井に はりつき
下を 通る 獲物に 向かって
鉄の トゲを 打ちこみ 襲う。"
598,25,1,"3ぼんの しょくしゅを たたきつけ
さらに トゲを とばして あいてを
あとかたのこらず ふんさいする。"
598,25,3,"3개의 촉수를 세게 내리치고
거기에 가시를 날려 상대를
흔적도 없이 분쇄한다."
598,25,5,"Il attaque grâce à ses trois tentacules épineux et lance
des épines dacier pour réduire ses ennemis en poussière."
598,25,6,"Es macht mit Gegnern kurzen Prozess, indem es mit seinen
drei Schlingen auf sie eindrischt und Dornen auf sie abfeuert."
598,25,7,"Azota al enemigo con sus tres tentáculos y después dispara
púas hasta que no deja ni rastro del rival."
598,25,8,"Fa a pezzi il nemico colpendolo prima con le sue tre antenne
e poi sparandogli addosso i suoi aculei."
598,25,9,"By swinging around its three spiky feelers and
shooting spikes, it can obliterate an opponent."
598,25,11,"3本の 触手を たたきつけ
さらに トゲを 飛ばして 相手を
跡形残らず 粉砕する。"
598,26,1,"ほらあなの てんじょうに はりつき
したを とおる えものに むかって
てつの トゲを うちこみ おそう。"
598,26,3,"동굴 천장에 달라붙어
아래를 지나가는 먹이를 향해
철 가시를 쏘며 덮친다."
598,26,5,"Il saccroche aux plafonds des grottes et attaque les proies
qui passent en dessous avec ses épines dacier."
598,26,6,"Es setzt sich an der Decke von Höhlen fest und wirft seine
dornengespickten Schlingen auf vorbeigehende Beute ab."
598,26,7,"Se pega al techo de cuevas y lanza púas de metal a todo el
que pase por debajo de donde se encuentre."
598,26,8,"Si appende al soffitto delle grotte e attacca le prede che
passano al di sotto lanciando i suoi aculei di ferro."
598,26,9,"They attach themselves to cave ceilings, firing steel
spikes at targets passing beneath them."
598,26,11,"洞穴の 天井に はりつき
下を 通る 獲物に 向かって
鉄の トゲを 打ちこみ 襲う。"
598,33,1,"トゲで がんばんに キズを つけると
しょくしゅの せんたんを あてて
えいようを きゅうしゅうする。"
598,33,3,"가시로 암반에 상처를 낸 다음
촉수 끝을 이용해서
영양분을 흡수한다."
598,33,5,"Il fissure la roche avec ses épines pour ensuite
absorber les nutriments qui sy trouvent grâce
à lextrémité de ses tentacules."
598,33,6,"Es kratzt mit seinen Dornen Kerben in Felswände
und extrahiert dann mit den Dornenspitzen an
seinen Schlingen Nährstoffe aus dem Gestein."
598,33,7,"Raya el lecho rocoso con las púas para luego
absorber nutrientes con el extremo de los
598,33,8,"Scalfisce gli strati rocciosi con i suoi aculei
e utilizza le estremità delle sue antenne per
estrarne gli elementi di cui si nutre."
598,33,9,"This Pokémon scrapes its spikes across rocks,
and then uses the tips of its feelers to absorb
the nutrients it finds within the stone."
598,33,11,"トゲで 岩盤に キズを つけると
触手の 先端を あてて
栄養を 吸収する。"
598,34,1,"はがねより かたい トゲを もつ。
しょくしゅの トゲを つきさし
いわかべを はって いどうする。"
598,34,3,"강철보다 견고한 가시를 갖고 있다.
촉수 가시를 찔러서
바위 벽을 기어 다니며 이동한다."
598,34,5,"Ses épines sont plus solides que lacier.
Il plante celles de ses tentacules dans les parois
rocheuses pour se déplacer."
598,34,6,"Seine Dornen sind härter als Stahl. Es bewegt sich
fort, indem es seine dornengespickten Schlingen
in Felswänden verhakt und sich vorwärtszieht."
598,34,7,"Sus púas son más duras que el acero. Se aferra
y desplaza por paredes rocosas usando las que
tiene en los tentáculos como ganchos."
598,34,8,"I suoi aculei sono più duri dellacciaio.
Quelli che ha sulle antenne gli permettono di
far presa sulle pareti rocciose per spostarsi."
598,34,9,"Its spikes are harder than steel. This Pokémon
crawls across rock walls by stabbing the spikes
on its feelers into the stone."
598,34,11,"鋼より 硬い 棘を もつ。
触手の 棘を 突き刺し
岩壁を 這って 移動する。"
599,17,5,"La compatibilité entre ses deux rouages
est prédéterminée. Ceux-ci ne se
fixeront à aucun autre."
599,17,9,"The two minigears that mesh together
are predetermined. Each will rebound
from other minigears without meshing."
599,18,5,"Le mouvement de ses deux corps
enchâssés produit lénergie qui
lui est nécessaire pour vivre."
599,18,9,"Interlocking two bodies and
spinning around generates
the energy they need to live."
599,21,9,"Two bodies comprise a fixed pair.
They spin around each other
to generate energy."
599,22,9,"Two bodies comprise a fixed pair.
They spin around each other
to generate energy."
599,23,1,"2つの からだが かみあい
かいてんすることで いきるための
エネルギーを つくりだしている。"
599,23,3,"두 개의 몸을 맞물려
회전시켜서 살아가기 위한
에너지를 만들고 있다."
599,23,5,"Le mouvement de ses deux corps enchâssés produit
lénergie qui lui est nécessaire pour vivre."
599,23,6,"Es gewinnt lebenswichtige Energie, indem es seine
zwei Einzelteile ineinander verzahnt und rotieren lässt."
599,23,7,"Genera la energía vital que necesita haciendo girar sus
dos cuerpos."
599,23,8,"Produce lenergia che gli serve per vivere incastrando
e facendo ruotare le due parti che lo compongono."
599,23,9,"Interlocking two bodies and spinning around
generates the energy they need to live."
599,23,11,"2つの 体が かみ合い
回転することで 生きるための
エネルギーを 作り出している。"
599,24,1,"2つの からだは くみあわせが
きまっている。べつの からだとは
かみあわずに はなれてしまう。"
599,24,3,"두 개의 몸은 그 조합 방법이
정해져 있다. 다른 몸과는
맞물리지 않고 떨어져 버린다."
599,24,5,"La compatibilité entre ses deux rouages est
prédéterminée. Ceux-ci ne se fixeront à aucun autre."
599,24,6,"Seine zwei Teile greifen ineinander wie ein Uhrwerk.
Jedes andere Objekt, das man mit ihm kombinieren
will, wird abgestoßen."
599,24,7,"La combinación de sus dos cuerpos es
predeterminada. Si no se corresponde con
su homólogo, se separa."
599,24,8,"I due ingranaggi che lo compongono combaciano
unicamente luno con laltro. Qualsiasi altro incastro
è impossibile."
599,24,9,"The two minigears that mesh together are
predetermined. Each will rebound from other
minigears without meshing."
599,24,11,"2つの 体は 組み合わせが
決まっている。別の 体とは
かみ合わずに 離れてしまう。"
599,25,1,"2つの からだが かみあい
かいてんすることで いきるための
エネルギーを つくりだしている。"
599,25,3,"두 개의 몸을 맞물려
회전시켜서 살아가기 위한
에너지를 만들고 있다."
599,25,5,"Le mouvement de ses deux corps enchâssés produit lénergie
qui lui est nécessaire pour vivre."
599,25,6,"Es gewinnt lebenswichtige Energie, indem es seine zwei
Einzelteile ineinander verzahnt und rotieren lässt."
599,25,7,"Genera la energía vital que necesita haciendo girar sus dos
599,25,8,"Produce lenergia che gli serve per vivere incastrando
e facendo ruotare le due parti che lo compongono."
599,25,9,"Interlocking two bodies and spinning around
generates the energy they need to live."
599,25,11,"2つの 体が かみ合い
回転することで 生きるための
エネルギーを 作り出している。"
599,26,1,"2つの からだは くみあわせが
きまっている。べつの からだとは
かみあわずに はなれてしまう。"
599,26,3,"두 개의 몸은 그 조합 방법이
정해져 있다. 다른 몸과는
맞물리지 않고 떨어져 버린다."
599,26,5,"La compatibilité entre ses deux rouages est prédéterminée.
Ceux-ci ne se fixeront à aucun autre."
599,26,6,"Seine zwei Teile greifen ineinander wie ein Uhrwerk.
Jedes andere Objekt, das man mit ihm kombinieren will,
wird abgestoßen."
599,26,7,"La combinación de sus dos cuerpos es predeterminada. Si no
se corresponde con su homólogo, se separa."
599,26,8,"I due ingranaggi che lo compongono combaciano unicamente
luno con laltro. Qualsiasi altro incastro è impossibile."
599,26,9,"The two minigears that mesh together are
predetermined. Each will rebound from other
minigears without meshing."
599,26,11,"2つの 体は 組み合わせが
決まっている。別の 体とは
かみ合わずに 離れてしまう。"
599,33,1,"2つの からだは ふたごよりも
ちかい。 べつの からだどうしだと
いまいち うまく かみあわない。"
599,33,3,"2개의 몸은 쌍둥이보다도
가깝다. 다른 몸과 있으면
제대로 맞물리지 못한다."
599,33,5,"Ses deux rouages sont plus soudés que des
jumeaux. Si on essaie de les combiner à dautres
rouages, ils ne sentendent pas très bien."
599,33,6,"Seine zwei Teile stehen einander näher als
Zwillinge. Eine andere Kombination würde
nicht halb so gut ineinandergreifen."
599,33,7,"Los dos cuerpos que lo componen están más
unidos que unos gemelos. Si intentaran acoplarse
a otros, no lograrían encajar."
599,33,8,"I due ingranaggi che lo compongono sono più
uniti di una coppia di gemelli. Se combinati con
ingranaggi diversi, non combaciano bene."
599,33,9,"The two minigears that compose this Pokémon
are closer than twins. They mesh well only with
each other."
599,33,11,"2つの 体は 双子よりも
近い。 べつの 体同士だと
いまいち うまく 噛み合わない。"
599,34,1,"おおむかしに ギアルを みた
にんげんが はぐるまの こうぞうを
おもいついたと いわれている。"
599,34,3,"먼 옛날에 기어르를 본
사람이 톱니바퀴의 구조를
고안했다고 전해진다."
599,34,5,"Les humains auraient inventé les mécanismes
à engrenages il y a fort longtemps, en observant
ce Pokémon."
599,34,6,"Man sagt, dass vor langer Zeit ein Mensch das
Zahnrad erfand, weil er so von der Begegnung
mit diesem Pokémon inspiriert wurde."
599,34,7,"Se dice que en tiempos remotos los seres
humanos se inspiraron en este Pokémon para
inventar el mecanismo de engranaje."
599,34,8,"Si dice che gli uomini del passato abbiano
inventato gli ingranaggi dopo aver visto
questo Pokémon."
599,34,9,"Its suspected that Klink were the inspiration
behind ancient peoples invention of the
first gears."
599,34,11,"大昔に ギアルを 見た
人間が 歯車の 構造を
思いついたと いわれている。"
600,17,5,"Ils communiquent entre eux en changeant
leur sens de rotation. Plus ils sont en
colère, plus ils tournent vite."
600,17,9,"By changing the direction in which it
rotates, it communicates its feelings to
others. When angry, it rotates faster."
600,18,5,"Il attaque en lançant ses mini-rouages
à grande vitesse. Il est en fâcheuse
posture sils ne reviennent pas."
600,18,9,"Spinning minigears are rotated at high
speed and repeatedly fired away. It is
dangerous if the gears dont return."
600,21,9,"A minigear and big gear comprise its
body. If the minigear it launches at
a foe doesnt return, it will die."
600,22,9,"A minigear and big gear comprise its
body. If the minigear it launches at
a foe doesnt return, it will die."
600,23,1,"かいてんほうこうを かえる ことで
なかまに きもちを つたえている。
おこるほど かいてんが はやくなる。"
600,23,3,"회전 방향을 바꿔서
동료에게 감정을 전한다.
화가 나면 회전이 빨라진다."
600,23,5,"Ils communiquent entre eux en changeant leur sens
de rotation. Plus ils sont en colère, plus ils tournent
600,23,6,"Teilt Artgenossen seine Gefühlslage mit, indem es
die Umlaufrichtung ändert. Wenn es wütend ist,
dreht es sich schneller."
600,23,7,"Muestra sus sentimientos cambiando la dirección de su
giro. Cuanto más se enfade, más rápido girará."
600,23,8,"Comunicano il loro stato danimo cambiando senso di
rotazione. Più si arrabbiano, più girano velocemente."
600,23,9,"By changing the direction in which it rotates,
it communicates its feelings to others. When angry,
it rotates faster."
600,23,11,"回転方向を 変える ことで
仲間に 気持ちを 伝えている。
怒るほど 回転が 速くなる。"
600,24,1,"ちびギアと でかギアに わかれた。
こうげきのため とばした ちびギアが
もどってこないと しんでしまう。"
600,24,3,"꼬마기어와 왕기어로 나뉘었다.
공격을 위해 날린 꼬마기어가
돌아오지 않으면 죽게 된다."
600,24,5,"Le plus grand des rouages projette le plus petit
pour attaquer. Ce dernier risque de dépérir sil ne
revient pas."
600,24,6,"Besteht aus kleinen und großen Rädern. Kehrt ein
kleines Rad, das es abgefeuert hat, nicht zurück,
wird es brenzlig."
600,24,7,"Se compone de una rueda dentada grande y otra
pequeña. Lanza la pequeña para atacar, pero se
debilita si no regresa."
600,24,8,"È formato da un ingranaggio grande e uno piccolo.
Attacca con quello piccolo ma, se questo non torna
indietro, è in seria difficoltà."
600,24,9,"A minigear and big gear comprise its body. If the
minigear it launches at a foe doesnt return, it
will die."
600,24,11,"ちびギアと でかギアに わかれた。
攻撃のため 飛ばした ちびギアが
戻ってこないと 死んでしまう。"
600,25,1,"かいてんほうこうを かえる ことで
なかまに きもちを つたえている。
おこるほど かいてんが はやくなる。"
600,25,3,"회전 방향을 바꿔서
동료에게 감정을 전한다.
화가 나면 회전이 빨라진다."
600,25,5,"Ils communiquent entre eux en changeant leur sens
de rotation. Plus ils sont en colère, plus ils tournent vite."
600,25,6,"Teilt Artgenossen seine Gefühlslage mit, indem es die
Umlaufrichtung ändert. Wenn es wütend ist, dreht es sich
600,25,7,"Muestra sus sentimientos cambiando la dirección de su giro.
Cuanto más se enfade, más rápido girará."
600,25,8,"Comunicano il loro stato danimo cambiando senso di
rotazione. Più si arrabbiano, più girano velocemente."
600,25,9,"By changing the direction in which it rotates,
it communicates its feelings to others. When angry,
it rotates faster."
600,25,11,"回転方向を 変える ことで
仲間に 気持ちを 伝えている。
怒るほど 回転が 速くなる。"
600,26,1,"ちびギアと でかギアに わかれた。
こうげきのため とばした ちびギアが
もどってこないと しんでしまう。"
600,26,3,"꼬마기어와 왕기어로 나뉘었다.
공격을 위해 날린 꼬마기어가
돌아오지 않으면 죽게 된다."
600,26,5,"Le plus grand des rouages projette le plus petit pour attaquer.
Ce dernier risque de dépérir sil ne revient pas."
600,26,6,"Besteht aus kleinen und großen Rädern. Kehrt ein kleines Rad,
das es abgefeuert hat, nicht zurück, wird es brenzlig."
600,26,7,"Se compone de una rueda dentada grande y otra pequeña.
Lanza la pequeña para atacar, pero se debilita si no regresa."
600,26,8,"È formato da un ingranaggio grande e uno piccolo. Attacca
con quello piccolo ma, se questo non torna indietro, è in
seria difficoltà."
600,26,9,"A minigear and big gear comprise its body. If the
minigear it launches at a foe doesnt return, it
will die."
600,26,11,"ちびギアと でかギアに わかれた。
攻撃のため 飛ばした ちびギアが
戻ってこないと 死んでしまう。"
600,33,1,"ほんきの ときは でかギアの そとの
はぐるまと ちびギアが がっち。
かいてんそくどが ひやく するのだ。"
600,33,3,"전력을 다할 때는 왕기어의
바깥쪽 톱니와 꼬마기어가 맞물린다.
회전 속도를 빠르게 하기 위함이다."
600,33,5,"Quand le combat devient sérieux, la partie
extérieure du grand rouage saligne parfaitement
avec le petit pour accélérer leur rotation."
600,33,6,"Macht es Ernst, greift das kleine äußere Rad in
das große Rad, was die Drehgeschwindigkeit
merklich erhöht."
600,33,7,"Cuando se pone en serio, la parte externa de la
rueda dentada grande se acopla a la pequeña y
aumenta su velocidad de rotación."
600,33,8,"Quando fa sul serio, la parte esterna
dellingranaggio grande si unisce a quello
piccolo e iniziano a girare allimpazzata."
600,33,9,"When Klang goes all out, the minigear links up
perfectly with the outer part of the big gear, and
this Pokémons rotation speed increases sharply."
600,33,11,"本気の ときは でかギアの 外の
歯車と ちびギアが 合致。
回転速度が 飛躍 するのだ。"
600,34,1,"こうぎょうぎじゅつの シンボルとして
おおくの ガラルの かいしゃで
きぎょうロゴに さいよう される。"
600,34,3,"공업 기술의 상징으로
많은 가라르의 회사에서
기업 로고로 채용하고 있다."
600,34,5,"Ce Pokémon symbolisant la technologie
industrielle est souvent utilisé dans le logo
des entreprises de Galar."
600,34,6,"Da es symbolisch für die Industriebranche steht,
ist es im Logo unzähliger Firmen Galars
600,34,7,"Muchas empresas de Galar usan su imagen en sus
logotipos como símbolo de tecnología industrial."
600,34,8,"Molte imprese di Galar lo usano come logo
in quanto simbolo della tecnologia industriale."
600,34,9,"Many companies in the Galar region choose
Klang as their logo. This Pokémon is considered
the symbol of industrial technology."
600,34,11,"工業技術の シンボルとして
多くの ガラルの 会社で
企業ロゴに 採用 される。"
601,17,5,"Son noyau rouge lui permet daccumuler
de lénergie quil projette ensuite aux
alentours grâce à ses pics."
601,17,9,"Its red core functions as an energy
tank. It fires the charged energy
through its spikes into an area."
601,18,5,"Il accumule rapidement de lénergie en
faisant tourner très vite le rouage
qui contient son noyau rouge."
601,18,9,"The gear with the red core is
rotated at high speed for a
rapid energy charge."
601,21,9,"The minigear spins at high speed. Then
the energy from the red core charges
the minigear to make it ready to fire."
601,22,9,"The minigear spins at high speed. Then
the energy from the red core charges
the minigear to make it ready to fire."
601,23,1,"あかい コアの ついた ギアを
こうそくかいてんさせて エネルギーを
きゅうそくチャージ するのだ。"
601,23,3,"빨간 코어가 달린 기어를
고속 회전시켜서 에너지를
급속 충전한다."
601,23,5,"Il accumule rapidement de lénergie en faisant tourner
très vite le rouage qui contient son noyau rouge."
601,23,6,"Indem es das Rad mit dem roten Zentrum mit
hohem Tempo zum Rotieren bringt, kann es eine
Turboladung durchführen."
601,23,7,"Recarga su energía rápidamente haciendo girar con
gran celeridad el engranaje equipado con un núcleo
601,23,8,"Facendo girare velocemente lingranaggio dotato
del nucleo rosso, accumula una grande quantità di
601,23,9,"The gear with the red core is rotated at high speed
for a rapid energy charge."
601,23,11,"赤い コアの ついた ギアを
高速回転させて エネルギーを
急速チャージ するのだ。"
601,24,1,"あかい コアは エネルギータンクの
やくわり。チャージした エネルギーを
トゲから しゅういに うちだす。"
601,24,3,"빨간 코어는 에너지 탱크
역할을 한다. 가시를 이용해
모아둔 에너지를 주변에 쏘아댄다."
601,24,5,"Son noyau rouge lui permet daccumuler de lénergie
quil projette ensuite aux alentours grâce à ses pics."
601,24,6,"Der rote Zentralbestandteil dient als Energiespeicher.
Darin geladene Energie feuert es über seine Stacheln
601,24,7,"El núcleo rojo sirve como depósito de la energía que
expulsa por las púas una vez que está cargado."
601,24,8,"Il nucleo rosso serve da serbatoio di energia, che
poi spara intorno a sé attraverso gli spuntoni."
601,24,9,"Its red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the
charged energy through its spikes into an area."
601,24,11,"赤い コアは エネルギータンクの
役割。チャージした エネルギーを
トゲから 周囲に 撃ち出す。"
601,25,1,"あかい コアの ついた ギアを
こうそくかいてんさせて エネルギーを
きゅうそくチャージ するのだ。"
601,25,3,"빨간 코어가 달린 기어를
고속 회전시켜서 에너지를
급속 충전한다."
601,25,5,"Il accumule rapidement de lénergie en faisant tourner très vite
le rouage qui contient son noyau rouge."
601,25,6,"Indem es das Rad mit dem roten Zentrum mit hohem Tempo
zum Rotieren bringt, kann es eine Turboladung durchführen."
601,25,7,"Recarga su energía rápidamente haciendo girar con gran
celeridad el engranaje equipado con un núcleo rojo."
601,25,8,"Facendo girare velocemente lingranaggio dotato del nucleo
rosso, accumula una grande quantità di energia."
601,25,9,"The gear with the red core is rotated at high speed
for a rapid energy charge."
601,25,11,"赤い コアの ついた ギアを
高速回転させて エネルギーを
急速チャージ するのだ。"
601,26,1,"あかい コアは エネルギータンクの
やくわり。チャージした エネルギーを
トゲから しゅういに うちだす。"
601,26,3,"빨간 코어는 에너지 탱크
역할을 한다. 가시를 이용해
모아둔 에너지를 주변에 쏘아댄다."
601,26,5,"Son noyau rouge lui permet daccumuler de lénergie
quil projette ensuite aux alentours grâce à ses pics."
601,26,6,"Der rote Zentralbestandteil dient als Energiespeicher.
Darin geladene Energie feuert es über seine Stacheln ab."
601,26,7,"El núcleo rojo sirve como depósito de la energía que expulsa
por las púas una vez que está cargado."
601,26,8,"Il nucleo rosso serve da serbatoio di energia, che poi spara
intorno a sé attraverso gli spuntoni."
601,26,9,"Its red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the
charged energy through its spikes into an area."
601,26,11,"赤い コアは エネルギータンクの
役割。チャージした エネルギーを
トゲから 周囲に 撃ち出す。"
601,33,1,"トゲの さきから つよい でんげきを
はっしゃ。 あかいコアに たくさんの
エネルギーを たくわえている。"
601,33,3,"가시 끝에서 강한 전격을
발사한다. 빨간 코어에 많은
에너지를 비축하고 있다."
601,33,5,"Il peut envoyer de terribles décharges électriques
de la pointe de ses pics. Il accumule de grandes
quantités dénergie dans son noyau rouge."
601,33,6,"Die Stachelspitzen können starke Elektrizität
abfeuern. Im roten Zentralbestandteil sind
Unmengen von Energie gespeichert."
601,33,7,"Emite fuertes descargas eléctricas por la punta
de las púas. Acumula una gran cantidad de
energía en su núcleo rojo."
601,33,8,"Emette una forte scarica elettrica dallestremità
dei suoi spuntoni. Il nucleo rosso contiene
unenorme quantità di energia."
601,33,9,"From its spikes, it launches powerful blasts of
electricity. Its red core contains an enormous
amount of energy."
601,33,11,"棘の 先から 強い 電撃を
発射。 赤いコアに たくさんの
エネルギーを 蓄えている。"
601,34,1,"3つの ギアを こうそくかいてん。
あらたに ふえた トゲの ついた
ギアは いきものでは ないのだ。"
601,34,3,"3개의 기어가 고속 회전한다.
가시가 달려 있는 새로 생긴
기어는 생물이 아니다."
601,34,5,"Bien que son nouveau rouage à pointes
ne soit pas doué de vie, il parvient à le faire
tourner à grande vitesse avec les deux autres."
601,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon besteht aus drei schnell
rotierenden Zahnrädern. Das neue dritte Rad
mit den Stacheln ist unbelebt."
601,34,7,"Las tres ruedas dentadas giran a gran velocidad.
El aro metálico dotado de púas no es materia
601,34,8,"I suoi tre ingranaggi girano ad altissima velocità.
Quello con gli spuntoni, apparso dopo
levoluzione, è inanimato."
601,34,9,"The three gears that compose this Pokémon
spin at high speed. Its new spiked gear isnt
a living creature."
601,34,11,"3つの ギアを 高速回転。
新たに 増えた 棘の ついた
ギアは 生き物では ないのだ。"
602,17,5,"Tout seuls, ils ne dégagent pas beaucoup
délectricité, mais un banc dAnchwatt
produit la même puissance quun éclair."
602,17,9,"While one alone doesnt have much power,
a chain of many Tynamo can be as
powerful as lightning."
602,18,5,"Ils agissent en groupes. Ils possèdent
un organe produisant de lélectricité et
lancent des décharges en cas de danger."
602,18,9,"These Pokémon move in schools. They
have an electricity-generating organ, so
they discharge electricity if in danger."
602,21,9,"One alone can emit only a trickle of
electricity, so a group of them gathers
to unleash a powerful electric shock."
602,22,9,"One alone can emit only a trickle of
electricity, so a group of them gathers
to unleash a powerful electric shock."
602,23,1,"1ぴきの でんりょくは ちいさいが
たくさんの シビシラスが つながると
カミナリと おなじ いりょくになる。"
602,23,3,"한 마리의 전력은 적지만
많은 저리어가 연결되면
번개와 같은 위력이 된다."
602,23,5,"Tout seuls, ils ne dégagent pas beaucoup
délectricité, mais un banc dAnchwatt produit la
même puissance quun éclair."
602,23,6,"Allein erzeugt es nur wenig Strom, doch tritt es
geschlossen im Schwarm auf, gleicht seine Kraft
der eines Blitzes."
602,23,7,"La electricidad de uno solo es diminuta, pero, si
multitud de Tynamo se conectan, consiguen la
potencia de un rayo."
602,23,8,"La carica elettrica di un Tynamo è debole, ma se
più esemplari si uniscono raggiungono la potenza
di un fulmine."
602,23,9,"While one alone doesnt have much power, a chain
of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning."
602,23,11,"1匹の 電力は 小さいが
たくさんの シビシラスが つながると
雷と 同じ 威力になる。"
602,24,1,"よわい でんきしか だせないので
たくさんの シビシラスで あつまり
きょうりょくな でんきを はなつ。"
602,24,3,"약한 전기밖에 낼 수 없어
많은 저리어가 모여서
강력한 전기를 발산한다."
602,24,5,"Tout seul, il ne dégage pas beaucoup délectricité.
Mais un banc dAnchwatt produit des décharges
602,24,6,"Alleine erzeugen sie nur geringe Mengen an
Elektrizität, aber im Schwarm können sie
mächtige Stromsalven abfeuern."
602,24,7,"Apenas puede generar energía por sí mismo, pero un
banco de Tynamo puede crear violentas descargas
602,24,8,"Da soli producono poca elettricità, per cui formano
dei grossi branchi se vogliono lanciare una scossa
più potente."
602,24,9,"One alone can emit only a trickle of electricity,
so a group of them gathers to unleash a powerful
electric shock."
602,24,11,"弱い 電気しか だせないので
たくさんの シビシラスで 集まり
強力な 電気を 放つ。"
602,25,1,"1ぴきの でんりょくは ちいさいが
たくさんの シビシラスが つながると
カミナリと おなじ いりょくになる。"
602,25,3,"한 마리의 전력은 적지만
많은 저리어가 연결되면
번개와 같은 위력이 된다."
602,25,5,"Tout seuls, ils ne dégagent pas beaucoup délectricité,
mais un banc dAnchwatt produit la même puissance
quun éclair."
602,25,6,"Allein erzeugt es nur wenig Strom, doch tritt es geschlossen
im Schwarm auf, gleicht seine Kraft der eines Blitzes."
602,25,7,"La electricidad de uno solo es diminuta, pero, si multitud de
Tynamo se conectan, consiguen la potencia de un rayo."
602,25,8,"La carica elettrica di un Tynamo è debole, ma se più esemplari
si uniscono raggiungono la potenza di un fulmine."
602,25,9,"While one alone doesnt have much power, a chain
of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning."
602,25,11,"1匹の 電力は 小さいが
たくさんの シビシラスが つながると
雷と 同じ 威力になる。"
602,26,1,"よわい でんきしか だせないので
たくさんの シビシラスで あつまり
きょうりょくな でんきを はなつ。"
602,26,3,"약한 전기밖에 낼 수 없어
많은 저리어가 모여서
강력한 전기를 발산한다."
602,26,5,"Tout seul, il ne dégage pas beaucoup délectricité.
Mais un banc dAnchwatt produit des décharges surpuissantes."
602,26,6,"Alleine erzeugen sie nur geringe Mengen an Elektrizität,
aber im Schwarm können sie mächtige Stromsalven abfeuern."
602,26,7,"Apenas puede generar energía por sí mismo, pero un banco
de Tynamo puede crear violentas descargas eléctricas."
602,26,8,"Da soli producono poca elettricità, per cui formano dei grossi
branchi se vogliono lanciare una scossa più potente."
602,26,9,"One alone can emit only a trickle of electricity,
so a group of them gathers to unleash a powerful
electric shock."
602,26,11,"弱い 電気しか だせないので
たくさんの シビシラスで 集まり
強力な 電気を 放つ。"
603,17,5,"Ses taches rondes émettent de
lélectricité. Il senroule autour
de ses proies et les électrocute."
603,17,9,"They coil around foes and shock them
with electricity-generating organs that
seem simply to be circular patterns."
603,18,5,"Un Pokémon doté dun gros appétit. Il
paralyse ses proies avec des décharges
électriques avant de les manger."
603,18,9,"These Pokémon have a big appetite.
When they spot their prey, they attack
it and paralyze it with electricity."
603,21,9,"It wraps itself around its prey and
paralyzes it with electricity from the
round spots on its sides. Then it chomps."
603,22,9,"It wraps itself around its prey and
paralyzes it with electricity from the
round spots on its sides. Then it chomps."
603,23,1,"あいてに まきつき まるい
はんてんから でんきを ながして
しびれたところを まるかじりする。"
603,23,3,"상대를 휘감고 동그란
반점에서 전기를 흘려보내
마비시킨 뒤 통째로 문다."
603,23,5,"Ses taches émettent de lélectricité quand il senroule
autour de ses proies pour les paralyser avant de les
603,23,6,"Schlingt sich um Gegner, lähmt sie über die rund
gemaserten Flächen an seinem Körper mit Strom
und beißt beherzt zu."
603,23,7,"Se enrolla alrededor de su presa, la paraliza con la
electricidad de sus marcas circulares y le asesta
603,23,8,"Si avvinghia alla preda e la paralizza rilasciando
elettricità dalle macchie tonde, poi la ingoia intera."
603,23,9,"It wraps itself around its prey and paralyzes it with
electricity from the round spots on its sides.
Then it chomps."
603,23,11,"相手に 巻きつき まるい
はん点から 電気を 流して
しびれたところを まるかじりする。"
603,24,1,"しょくよく おうせいな ポケモン。
えものを みつけると おそいかかり
でんきで しびれさせてから たべる。"
603,24,3,"식욕이 왕성한 포켓몬이다.
먹이를 발견하면 덮쳐서
전기로 마비시킨 후 먹는다."
603,24,5,"Un Pokémon doté dun gros appétit. Il paralyse
ses proies avec des décharges électriques avant
de les manger."
603,24,6,"Hat es seine Beute erspäht, lähmt es sie mit Elektrizität
und verspeist sie anschließend."
603,24,7,"Pokémon de apetito voraz. En cuanto encuentra una
presa, la paraliza con electricidad y la engulle."
603,24,8,"Pokémon dal grande appetito. Quando attacca,
immobilizza il nemico paralizzandolo con lelettricità."
603,24,9,"These Pokémon have a big appetite. When they
spot their prey, they attack it and paralyze it
with electricity."
603,24,11,"食欲 旺盛な ポケモン。
獲物を 見つけると 襲いかかり
電気で しびれさせてから 食べる。"
603,25,1,"あいてに まきつき まるい
はんてんから でんきを ながして
しびれたところを まるかじりする。"
603,25,3,"상대를 휘감고 동그란
반점에서 전기를 흘려보내
마비시킨 뒤 통째로 문다."
603,25,5,"Ses taches émettent de lélectricité quand il senroule autour
de ses proies pour les paralyser avant de les dévorer."
603,25,6,"Schlingt sich um Gegner, lähmt sie über die rund gemaserten
Flächen an seinem Körper mit Strom und beißt beherzt zu."
603,25,7,"Se enrolla alrededor de su presa, la paraliza con la
electricidad de sus marcas circulares y le asesta mordiscos."
603,25,8,"Si avvinghia alla preda e la paralizza rilasciando elettricità
dalle macchie tonde, poi la ingoia intera."
603,25,9,"It wraps itself around its prey and paralyzes it with
electricity from the round spots on its sides.
Then it chomps."
603,25,11,"相手に 巻きつき まるい
はん点から 電気を 流して
しびれたところを まるかじりする。"
603,26,1,"しょくよく おうせいな ポケモン。
えものを みつけると おそいかかり
でんきで しびれさせてから たべる。"
603,26,3,"식욕이 왕성한 포켓몬이다.
먹이를 발견하면 덮쳐서
전기로 마비시킨 후 먹는다."
603,26,5,"Un Pokémon doté dun gros appétit. Il paralyse ses proies
avec des décharges électriques avant de les manger."
603,26,6,"Hat es seine Beute erspäht, lähmt es sie mit Elektrizität und
verspeist sie anschließend."
603,26,7,"Pokémon de apetito voraz. En cuanto encuentra una presa, la
paraliza con electricidad y la engulle."
603,26,8,"Pokémon dal grande appetito. Quando attacca, immobilizza
il nemico paralizzandolo con lelettricità."
603,26,9,"These Pokémon have a big appetite. When they
spot their prey, they attack it and paralyze it
with electricity."
603,26,11,"食欲 旺盛な ポケモン。
獲物を 見つけると 襲いかかり
電気で しびれさせてから 食べる。"
604,17,5,"Il peut sortir de leau à la force de ses
bras pour attraper des proies sur la
rive. Il retourne à leau en un instant."
604,17,9,"They crawl out of the ocean using their
arms. They will attack prey on shore and
immediately drag it into the ocean."
604,18,5,"Il sattache à ses proies avec sa
bouche-ventouse et les électrocute
avec ses crocs."
604,18,9,"With their sucker mouths, they
suck in prey. Then they use their fangs
to shock the prey with electricity."
604,21,9,"It latches on to prey with its sucker
mouth, sinking in its fangs and shocking
the prey with powerful electricity."
604,22,9,"It latches on to prey with its sucker
mouth, sinking in its fangs and shocking
the prey with powerful electricity."
604,23,1,"きゅうばんの くちで えものに
すいつき くいこませた キバから
でんきを ながして かんでんさせる。"
604,23,3,"흡반 같은 입으로 먹이에
달라붙은 후 박아 넣은 이빨을
통해 전기를 흘려 감전시킨다."
604,23,5,"Il sattache à ses proies avec sa bouche-ventouse et
les électrocute avec ses crocs."
604,23,6,"Mit dem Saugnapf an seinem Maul hakt es sich
an seiner Beute fest und versetzt ihr über seine
Fangzähne Stromschläge."
604,23,7,"Pega la ventosa de su boca en su presa y la
electrocuta con sus colmillos."
604,23,8,"Si attacca alla preda con la bocca a ventosa e la
fulmina attraverso i denti conficcati."
604,23,9,"With their sucker mouths, they suck in prey.
Then they use their fangs to shock the prey
with electricity."
604,23,11,"吸盤の 口で 獲物に 吸いつき
食いこませた キバから
電気を 流して 感電させる。"
604,24,1,"うでの ちからで うみから はいだし
みずべの えものに おそいかかる。
いっしゅんで うみへ ひきずりこむ。"
604,24,3,"팔 힘으로 바다에서 기어 나와
물가에 있는 먹이를 덮친다.
한순간에 바다로 끌고 들어간다."
604,24,5,"Il peut sortir de leau à la force de ses bras pour
attraper des proies sur la rive. Il retourne à leau
en un instant."
604,24,6,"Es schleppt sich mithilfe seiner Arme an Land,
schnappt nach seiner Beute und zerrt sie
augenblicklich ins Meer."
604,24,7,"Sale del mar con la fuerza de sus brazos y ataca a sus
presas en la costa. Luego se las lleva de vuelta al mar."
604,24,8,"Striscia fuori dal mare con la sola forza dei propri
arti. Poi attacca la preda a riva e con un guizzo la
trascina con sé."
604,24,9,"They crawl out of the ocean using their arms.
They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag
it into the ocean."
604,24,11,"腕の 力で 海から はい出し
水辺の 獲物に 襲いかかる。
一瞬で 海へ 引きずりこむ。"
604,25,1,"きゅうばんの くちで えものに
すいつき くいこませた キバから
でんきを ながして かんでんさせる。"
604,25,3,"흡반 같은 입으로 먹이에
달라붙은 후 박아 넣은 이빨을
통해 전기를 흘려 감전시킨다."
604,25,5,"Il sattache à ses proies avec sa bouche-ventouse et
les électrocute avec ses crocs."
604,25,6,"Mit dem Saugnapf an seinem Maul hakt es sich an seiner Beute
fest und versetzt ihr über seine Fangzähne Stromschläge."
604,25,7,"Pega la ventosa de su boca en su presa y la electrocuta con
sus colmillos."
604,25,8,"Si attacca alla preda con la bocca a ventosa e la fulmina
attraverso i denti conficcati."
604,25,9,"With their sucker mouths, they suck in prey.
Then they use their fangs to shock the prey
with electricity."
604,25,11,"吸盤の 口で 獲物に 吸いつき
食いこませた キバから
電気を 流して 感電させる。"
604,26,1,"うでの ちからで うみから はいだし
みずべの えものに おそいかかる。
いっしゅんで うみへ ひきずりこむ。"
604,26,3,"팔 힘으로 바다에서 기어 나와
물가에 있는 먹이를 덮친다.
한순간에 바다로 끌고 들어간다."
604,26,5,"Il peut sortir de leau à la force de ses bras pour attraper
des proies sur la rive. Il retourne à leau en un instant."
604,26,6,"Es schleppt sich mithilfe seiner Arme an Land, schnappt nach
seiner Beute und zerrt sie augenblicklich ins Meer."
604,26,7,"Sale del mar con la fuerza de sus brazos y ataca a sus presas
en la costa. Luego se las lleva de vuelta al mar."
604,26,8,"Striscia fuori dal mare con la sola forza dei propri arti. Poi
attacca la preda a riva e con un guizzo la trascina con sé."
604,26,9,"They crawl out of the ocean using their arms.
They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag
it into the ocean."
604,26,11,"腕の 力で 海から はい出し
水辺の 獲物に 襲いかかる。
一瞬で 海へ 引きずりこむ。"
605,17,5,"Avec son puissant pouvoir psychique,
il peut compresser le cerveau de ses
ennemis et déclencher des migraines."
605,17,9,"It uses its strong psychic power
to squeeze its opponents brain,
causing unendurable headaches."
605,18,5,"Il est apparu soudainement des confins
dun désert il y a 50 ans. Personne ne
lavait jamais vu auparavant."
605,18,9,"This Pokémon had never been seen until
it appeared from far in the desert
50 years ago."
605,21,9,"Rumors of its origin are linked to a UFO
crash site in the desert 50 years ago."
605,22,9,"Rumors of its origin are linked to a UFO
crash site in the desert 50 years ago."
605,23,1,"つよい サイコパワーを あやつる。
サイコパワーで あいての のうみそを
しめつけて ずつうを おこさせる。"
605,23,3,"강력한 사이코 파워를 다룬다.
사이코 파워로 상대의 뇌를
조여서 두통을 일으킨다."
605,23,5,"Avec son puissant pouvoir psychique, il peut
compresser le cerveau de ses ennemis et déclencher
des migraines."
605,23,6,"Es verfügt über mächtige Psycho-Kräfte, mit denen
es die Hirne seiner Gegner verwirrt, um ihnen
Kopfweh zu bereiten."
605,23,7,"Posee un gran poder psíquico. Lo usa para comprimir
el cerebro del enemigo y ocasionarle dolores de
605,23,8,"Con i suoi incredibili poteri psichici comprime il
cervello dei suoi nemici provocando loro fortissime
605,23,9,"It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its
opponents brain, causing unendurable headaches."
605,23,11,"強力な サイコパワーを 操る。
サイコパワーで 相手の 脳みそを
絞めつけて 頭痛を 起こさせる。"
605,24,1,"50ねんまえ UFOが
ついらくしたと うわさされる
さばくから やってきたと いわれる。"
605,24,3,"50년 전 UFO가
추락했다는 소문이 도는
사막에서 왔다고 전해진다."
605,24,5,"On dit quil est apparu soudainement il y a 50 ans
des confins dun désert où un OVNI se serait écrasé."
605,24,6,"Man sagt, es sei vor 50 Jahren aus den Tiefen einer
Wüste erschienen, in der zuvor angeblich ein UFO
abgestürzt war."
605,24,7,"Según cuentan los rumores, procede de un desierto
donde hace 50 años se estrelló un ovni."
605,24,8,"Si dice che sia arrivato 50 anni fa da un deserto in
cui sembra si sia schiantato un UFO."
605,24,9,"Rumors of its origin are linked to a UFO crash site
in the desert 50 years ago."
605,24,11,"50年前 UFOが
墜落したと うわさされる
砂漠から やってきたと いわれる。"
605,25,1,"つよい サイコパワーを あやつる。
サイコパワーで あいての のうみそを
しめつけて ずつうを おこさせる。"
605,25,3,"강력한 사이코 파워를 다룬다.
사이코 파워로 상대의 뇌를
조여서 두통을 일으킨다."
605,25,5,"Avec son puissant pouvoir psychique, il peut compresser
le cerveau de ses ennemis et déclencher des migraines."
605,25,6,"Es verfügt über mächtige Psycho-Kräfte, mit denen es die
Hirne seiner Gegner verwirrt, um ihnen Kopfweh zu bereiten."
605,25,7,"Posee un gran poder psíquico. Lo usa para comprimir el
cerebro del enemigo y ocasionarle dolores de cabeza."
605,25,8,"Con i suoi incredibili poteri psichici comprime il cervello
dei suoi nemici provocando loro fortissime emicranie."
605,25,9,"It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its
opponents brain, causing unendurable headaches."
605,25,11,"強力な サイコパワーを 操る。
サイコパワーで 相手の 脳みそを
絞めつけて 頭痛を 起こさせる。"
605,26,1,"50ねんまえ UFOが
ついらくしたと うわさされる
さばくから やってきたと いわれる。"
605,26,3,"50년 전 UFO가
추락했다는 소문이 도는
사막에서 왔다고 전해진다."
605,26,5,"On dit quil est apparu soudainement il y a 50 ans des confins
dun désert où un OVNI se serait écrasé."
605,26,6,"Man sagt, es sei vor 50 Jahren aus den Tiefen einer Wüste
erschienen, in der zuvor angeblich ein UFO abgestürzt war."
605,26,7,"Según cuentan los rumores, procede de un desierto donde
hace 50 años se estrelló un ovni."
605,26,8,"Si dice che sia arrivato 50 anni fa da un deserto in cui sembra
si sia schiantato un UFO."
605,26,9,"Rumors of its origin are linked to a UFO crash site
in the desert 50 years ago."
605,26,11,"50年前 UFOが
墜落したと うわさされる
砂漠から やってきたと いわれる。"
605,29,1,"すさまじい サイコパワーを あやつる。
うちゅうじん もくげきじょうほうの
おおくは リグレーの みまちがいだ。"
605,29,3,"무시무시한 사이코 파워를 조종한다.
우주인 목격 정보의 대부분은
리그레를 보고 착각한 것이다."
605,29,5,"Il possède de redoutables pouvoirs psychiques.
La plupart des signalements dextraterrestres
correspondent à des Lewsor qui se promènent."
605,29,6,"Es besitzt unfassbare Psycho-Kräfte. Etliche
Meldungen über Sichtungen von Außerirdischen
entpuppten sich als Verwechslungen mit ihm."
605,29,7,"Es capaz de usar un formidable poder psíquico.
Muchos creen haber avistado extraterrestres
cuando, en realidad, lo que vieron eran Elgyem."
605,29,8,"I suoi poteri psichici sono straordinari. Quando
qualcuno dichiara di aver visto un alieno, nella
maggior parte dei casi si tratta di un Elgyem."
605,29,9,"It controls tremendous psychic power. Most
reports of alien sightings are actually just
people mistaking Elgyem for an alien."
605,29,11,"凄まじい サイコパワーを 操る。
宇宙人 目撃情報の 多くは
リグレーの 見間違いだ。"
605,30,1,"およそ 50ねんまえ ちじょうに
おちた UFOから あらわれたと
いわれる なぞの おおい ポケモン。"
605,30,3,"약 50년 전 지상에 떨어진
UFO에서 나타났다고 전해지는
수수께끼로 둘러싸인 포켓몬."
605,30,5,"Ce Pokémon est nimbé de mystère. On raconte
quil serait apparu il y a 50 ans, après la chute
dun OVNI."
605,30,6,"Ein geheimnisumwobenes Pokémon, von dem
es heißt, es sei aus einem vor 50 Jahren
abgestürzten UFO erschienen."
605,30,7,"Pokémon envuelto en un halo de misterio cuya
aparición, 50 años atrás, coincide curiosamente
con la caída de un ovni."
605,30,8,"È un Pokémon dai molti misteri.
Si dice che provenga da un UFO schiantatosi
50 anni fa."
605,30,9,"This Pokémon is shrouded in mystery. Its said
to have appeared from a UFO that fell from the
sky about 50 years ago."
605,30,11,"およそ 50年前 地上に
落ちた UFOから 現れたと
いわれる 謎の 多い ポケモン。"
605,33,1,"テレビのそばに いると モニターに
きみょうな けしきが うつる。
リグレーの こきょうだと いわれる。"
605,33,3,"TV 근처에 있으면 모니터에
기묘한 풍경이 비친다.
리그레의 고향이라 여겨지고 있다."
605,33,5,"Sil se tient près dune télé, détranges panoramas
apparaissent à lécran. On raconte quil sagirait
de paysages venus des terres natales de Lewsor."
605,33,6,"Wenn es in der Nähe ist, beginnen Fernseher zu
flackern und fremdartige Landschaften zu zeigen.
Diese stellen angeblich seine Heimat dar."
605,33,7,"Cuando se halla junto a un televisor, la pantalla
muestra imágenes de extraños paisajes. Se cree
que corresponden a su lugar de origen."
605,33,8,"Quando si trova vicino a un televisore, sullo
schermo appaiono paesaggi singolari. Si dice
che siano vedute del luogo da cui proviene."
605,33,9,"If this Pokémon stands near a TV, strange scenery
will appear on the screen. That scenery is said
to be from its home."
605,33,11,"テレビのそばに いると モニターに
奇妙な 景色が 映る。
リグレーの 故郷だと いわれる。"
605,34,1,"50ねん ほど まえに みつかった
ポケモン。 おおきく はったつした
のうで サイコパワーを あやつるぞ。"
605,34,3,"약 50년 전에 발견된
포켓몬이다. 크게 발달한
뇌로 사이코 파워를 조종한다."
605,34,5,"Ce Pokémon a été découvert il y a environ 50 ans.
Son cerveau surdéveloppé lui permet dutiliser
ses pouvoirs psychiques avec aisance."
605,34,6,"Ein Pokémon, das vor 50 Jahren entdeckt wurde.
Sein hochentwickeltes Gehirn verleiht ihm
605,34,7,"Fue descubierto hace aproximadamente 50 años.
Posee un cerebro muy desarrollado que le otorga
poderes psíquicos."
605,34,8,"È stato scoperto circa 50 anni fa. Il suo cervello
molto sviluppato gli permette di usare
poteri psichici."
605,34,9,"This Pokémon was discovered about 50 years
ago. Its highly developed brain enables it to
exert its psychic powers."
605,34,11,"50年 ほど 前に 見つかった
ポケモン。 大きく 発達した
脳で サイコパワーを 操るぞ。"
606,17,5,"Il peut manipuler les souvenirs de
ses ennemis et fait clignoter ses doigts
tricolores pour discuter avec ses amis."
606,17,9,"It can manipulate an opponents memory.
Apparently, it communicates by flashing
its three different-colored fingers."
606,18,5,"Il manipule lesprit avec ses pouvoirs
psychiques et peut modifier les images
conservées dans les souvenirs."
606,18,9,"It uses psychic power
to control an opponents brain
and tamper with its memories."
606,21,9,"Apparently, it communicates by flashing
its three fingers, but those patterns
havent been decoded."
606,22,9,"Apparently, it communicates by flashing
its three fingers, but those patterns
havent been decoded."
606,23,1,"ゆびさきを てんめつ させて
かいわするらしいが その パターンは
まだ かいどく できていない。"
606,23,3,"손끝을 점멸시켜서
대화하는 듯하나 그 패턴은
아직 해독하지 못했다."
606,23,5,"Il fait clignoter ses doigts tricolores pour communiquer
avec ses semblables. Son langage reste un mystère."
606,23,6,"Es spricht, indem es seine Fingerspitzen leuchten
lässt, doch noch konnte der Code dahinter nicht
entziffert werden."
606,23,7,"Parece que se comunica haciendo brillar sus dedos
tricolores, pero nadie ha conseguido descifrar aún su
606,23,8,"Dialoga con i suoi simili tramite le luci sui suoi arti,
ma il suo linguaggio è ancora un mistero."
606,23,9,"Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three
fingers, but those patterns havent been decoded."
606,23,11,"指先を 点滅 させて
会話するらしいが その パターンは
まだ 解読 できていない。"
606,24,1,"サイコパワーで あいての のうみそを
あやつり きおくする えいぞうを
ちがう ものに かきかえてしまう。"
606,24,3,"사이코 파워로 상대의 뇌를
조종하여 기억된 영상을
다른 것으로 바꿔 버린다."
606,24,5,"Il manipule lesprit avec ses pouvoirs psychiques
et peut modifier les images conservées dans les
606,24,6,"Es manipuliert die Gehirne seiner Gegner mit
Psycho-Kräften, indem es die Bilder ihrer
Erinnerungen umgestaltet."
606,24,7,"Controla el cerebro del rival con su poder psíquico y
manipula sus recuerdos."
606,24,8,"Controlla il cervello dellavversario con poteri psichici
e ne sostituisce i ricordi."
606,24,9,"It uses psychic power to control an opponents
brain and tamper with its memories."
606,24,11,"サイコパワーで 相手の 脳みそを
操り 記憶する 映像を
違う ものに 書き換えてしまう。"
606,25,1,"ゆびさきを てんめつ させて
かいわするらしいが その パターンは
まだ かいどく できていない。"
606,25,3,"손끝을 점멸시켜서
대화하는 듯하나 그 패턴은
아직 해독하지 못했다."
606,25,5,"Il fait clignoter ses doigts tricolores pour communiquer
avec ses semblables. Son langage reste un mystère."
606,25,6,"Es spricht, indem es seine Fingerspitzen leuchten lässt,
doch noch konnte der Code dahinter nicht entziffert werden."
606,25,7,"Parece que se comunica haciendo brillar sus dedos tricolores,
pero nadie ha conseguido descifrar aún su patrón."
606,25,8,"Dialoga con i suoi simili tramite le luci sui suoi arti, ma il suo
linguaggio è ancora un mistero."
606,25,9,"Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three
fingers, but those patterns havent been decoded."
606,25,11,"指先を 点滅 させて
会話するらしいが その パターンは
まだ 解読 できていない。"
606,26,1,"サイコパワーで あいての のうみそを
あやつり きおくする えいぞうを
ちがう ものに かきかえてしまう。"
606,26,3,"사이코 파워로 상대의 뇌를
조종하여 기억된 영상을
다른 것으로 바꿔 버린다."
606,26,5,"Il manipule lesprit avec ses pouvoirs psychiques et peut
modifier les images conservées dans les souvenirs."
606,26,6,"Es manipuliert die Gehirne seiner Gegner mit Psycho-Kräften,
indem es die Bilder ihrer Erinnerungen umgestaltet."
606,26,7,"Controla el cerebro del rival con su poder psíquico y manipula
sus recuerdos."
606,26,8,"Controlla il cervello dellavversario con poteri psichici e ne
sostituisce i ricordi."
606,26,9,"It uses psychic power to control an opponents
brain and tamper with its memories."
606,26,11,"サイコパワーで 相手の 脳みそを
操り 記憶する 映像を
違う ものに 書き換えてしまう。"
606,29,1,"サイコパワーで あいての きおくを
かきかえてしまう。 あなたも すでに
かきかえられているかも しれない。"
606,29,3,"사이코 파워로 상대 기억을
바꿔 버린다. 당신도 이미
바뀐 기억일지도 모른다."
606,29,5,"Il peut modifier les souvenirs avec ses pouvoirs
psychiques. Vous ne le savez pas encore,
mais vous avez peut-être déjà tout oublié..."
606,29,6,"Mithilfe seiner Psycho-Kräfte gestaltet es die
Erinnerungen anderer um. Man weiß nie, ob es
einen selbst bereits erwischt hat."
606,29,7,"Es capaz de alterar los recuerdos de sus rivales
gracias a su poder psíquico. De hecho, quizá ya
haya alterado los tuyos y no lo sepas."
606,29,8,"Modifica i ricordi degli avversari servendosi dei
suoi poteri psichici. E chissà... può darsi che
abbia già alterato anche la tua memoria!"
606,29,9,"With its psychic powers, it rewrites its
opponents memories. You, too, may have
already had your memories rewritten."
606,29,11,"サイコパワーで 相手の 記憶を
書き換えてしまう。 あなたも 既に
書き換えられているかも しれない。"
606,30,1,"つよい サイコパワーを もっている。
3しょくに ひかる ゆびで あいてを
あやつり きおくを かきかえてしまう。"
606,30,3,"강한 사이코 파워를 가지고 있다.
3가지 색으로 빛나는 손가락으로
상대를 조종해 기억을 바꿔 버린다."
606,30,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques sont redoutables.
Il peut contrôler ses adversaires et modifier
leurs souvenirs grâce à ses doigts tricolores."
606,30,6,"Es verfügt über mächtige Psycho-Kräfte. Seine
in drei Farben leuchtenden Finger manipulieren
andere und gestalten ihre Erinnerungen um."
606,30,7,"Este Pokémon, de un poder psíquico increíble,
controla a sus oponentes y altera sus recuerdos
mediante la luz de sus dedos tricolores."
606,30,8,"È dotato di potenti poteri psichici. Controlla
lavversario tramite le dita, che emettono luci
di tre colori in grado di modificare i ricordi."
606,30,9,"It has strong psychic powers. Using its fingers
that flash three different colors, it controls its
opponents and rewrites their memories."
606,30,11,"強い サイコパワーを 持っている。
3色に 光る 指で 相手を
操り 記憶を 書き換えてしまう。"
606,33,1,"オーベムが あらわれた ぼくじょう
からは いつのまにか バイウールーが
1ぴき すがたを けしてしまう。"
606,33,3,"벰크가 나타난 목장에서는
배우르 1마리가
어느샌가 모습을 감춘다."
606,33,5,"À chaque fois que Neitram se matérialise
dans une pâture, un Moumouflon disparaît
dans des circonstances mystérieuses."
606,33,6,"Jedes Mal, wenn ein Megalon auf einer Farm
auftaucht, verschwindet bald darauf ein Zwollock
unter mysteriösen Umständen."
606,33,7,"Por algún extraño motivo, siempre que se avista
un Beheeyem en una granja desaparece un
606,33,8,"Per qualche strano motivo, nelle fattorie in cui
compare un Beheeyem sparisce sempre
un Dubwool."
606,33,9,"Whenever a Beheeyem visits a farm,
a Dubwool mysteriously disappears."
606,33,11,"オーベムが 現れた 牧場
からは いつの間にか バイウールーが
1匹 姿を 消してしまう。"
606,34,1,"あいての きおくを そうさできる。
むぎばたけの うえを さまよう
すがたが ときおり もくげきされる。"
606,34,3,"상대의 기억을 조작할 수 있다.
보리밭 위를 떠도는
모습이 가끔 목격된다."
606,34,5,"Il peut manipuler les souvenirs de son adversaire
à loisir. Parfois, on laperçoit en train de
vagabonder au-dessus des champs de blé."
606,34,6,"Es kann die Gedanken anderer manipulieren.
Manchmal wird es dabei beobachtet, wie es
über Weizenfelder gleitet."
606,34,7,"Es capaz de manipular los recuerdos del rival.
Se lo avista en ocasiones vagando por campos
de trigo."
606,34,8,"Può manipolare la memoria dellavversario.
A volte lo si vede vagare sopra i campi di grano."
606,34,9,"Sometimes found drifting above wheat fields,
this Pokémon can control the memories of
its opponents."
606,34,11,"相手の 記憶を 操作できる。
麦畑の 上を さまよう
姿が ときおり 目撃される。"
607,17,5,"Sa flamme brûle en consumant
lénergie vitale des gens et
des Pokémon."
607,17,9,"Litwick shines a light that absorbs the
life energy of people and Pokémon,
which becomes the fuel that it burns."
607,18,5,"Il fait semblant de guider ses victimes
à la lueur de sa flamme, mais cest pour
mieux aspirer leur énergie vitale."
607,18,9,"While shining a light and pretending
to be a guide, it leeches off the life
force of any who follow it."
607,21,9,"Its flame is usually out, but it starts
shining when it absorbs life force
from people or Pokémon."
607,22,9,"Its flame is usually out, but it starts
shining when it absorbs life force
from people or Pokémon."
607,23,1,"あかりを ともして みちあんないを
するように みせかけながら
せいめいりょくを すいとっている。"
607,23,3,"빛을 밝혀 길 안내를
하는 것처럼 가장하여
생명력을 빨아들이고 있다."
607,23,5,"Il fait semblant de guider ses victimes à la lueur de
sa flamme, mais cest pour mieux aspirer leur énergie
607,23,6,"Es entzündet ein Licht und gibt vor, dem Gegner
den Weg zu weisen, doch eigentlich saugt es ihm
seine Lebensenergie ab."
607,23,7,"Finge ser una luz guía en el camino, pero en realidad
solo quiere absorber la energía vital de quien lo sigue."
607,23,8,"Mentre fa luce col pretesto di fare loro da guida,
assorbe energia vitale dalle sue prede."
607,23,9,"While shining a light and pretending to be a guide,
it leeches off the life force of any who follow it."
607,23,11,"明かりを 灯して 道案内を
するように 見せかけながら
生命力を 吸い取っている。"
607,24,1,"ヒトモシの ともす あかりは
ひとや ポケモンの せいめいりょくを
すいとって もえているのだ。"
607,24,3,"불켜미가 밝히는 빛은
사람과 포켓몬의 생명력을
빨아들여 불타고 있다."
607,24,5,"Sa flamme brûle en consumant lénergie vitale
des gens et des Pokémon."
607,24,6,"Es entfacht eine Flamme, die von der Lebensenergie
eines Menschen oder eines Pokémon zehrt."
607,24,7,"La luz que desprende absorbe la energía vital de
humanos y Pokémon."
607,24,8,"La luce che emana brucia consumando lenergia di
esseri umani e Pokémon."
607,24,9,"Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of
people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that
it burns."
607,24,11,"ヒトモシの 灯す 明かりは
人や ポケモンの 生命力を
吸い取って 燃えているのだ。"
607,25,1,"あかりを ともして みちあんないを
するように みせかけながら
せいめいりょくを すいとっている。"
607,25,3,"빛을 밝혀 길 안내를
하는 것처럼 가장하여
생명력을 빨아들이고 있다."
607,25,5,"Il fait semblant de guider ses victimes à la lueur de sa flamme,
mais cest pour mieux aspirer leur énergie vitale."
607,25,6,"Es entzündet ein Licht und gibt vor, dem Gegner den Weg zu
weisen, doch eigentlich saugt es ihm seine Lebensenergie ab."
607,25,7,"Finge ser una luz guía en el camino, pero en realidad solo
quiere absorber la energía vital de quien lo sigue."
607,25,8,"Mentre fa luce col pretesto di fare loro da guida, assorbe
energia vitale dalle sue prede."
607,25,9,"While shining a light and pretending to be a guide,
it leeches off the life force of any who follow it."
607,25,11,"明かりを 灯して 道案内を
するように 見せかけながら
生命力を 吸い取っている。"
607,26,1,"ヒトモシの ともす あかりは
ひとや ポケモンの せいめいりょくを
すいとって もえているのだ。"
607,26,3,"불켜미가 밝히는 빛은
사람과 포켓몬의 생명력을
빨아들여 불타고 있다."
607,26,5,"Sa flamme brûle en consumant lénergie vitale des gens
et des Pokémon."
607,26,6,"Es entfacht eine Flamme, die von der Lebensenergie eines
Menschen oder eines Pokémon zehrt."
607,26,7,"La luz que desprende absorbe la energía vital de humanos y
607,26,8,"La luce che emana brucia consumando lenergia di esseri
umani e Pokémon."
607,26,9,"Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of
people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that
it burns."
607,26,11,"ヒトモシの 灯す 明かりは
人や ポケモンの 生命力を
吸い取って 燃えているのだ。"
607,33,1,"ほのおで ねっせられた からだは
ほんのり あたたかい。 まいごの
てを ひき れいかいへと いざなう。"
607,33,3,"불꽃으로 뜨거워진 몸은
약간 따뜻하다. 미아의
손을 잡고 영계로 데리고 간다."
607,33,5,"Son corps est tiède, réchauffé par sa flamme.
Il prend les personnes égarées par la main
et les guide vers le monde des esprits."
607,33,6,"Seine Flamme wärmt seinen Körper leicht.
Wer vom Weg abkommt, wird von ihm an der
Hand genommen und ins Jenseits gelockt."
607,33,7,"El calor de la llama hace que su cuerpo esté
algo tibio. Toma de la mano a quien se pierde
para llevárselo a su mundo de espíritus."
607,33,8,"La sua fiamma gli riscalda il corpo rendendolo
leggermente tiepido. Prende per mano chi si
è smarrito per condurlo nel mondo degli spiriti."
607,33,9,"The flame on its head keeps its body slightly
warm. This Pokémon takes lost children by the
hand to guide them to the spirit world."
607,33,11,"炎で 熱せられた 体は
ほんのり 温かい。 迷子の
手を 引き 霊界へと 誘う。"
607,34,1,"すいとる いのちが わかければ
わかいほど あたまの ほのおは
おおきく あやしく もえあがる。"
607,34,3,"흡수하는 생명이 젊으면
젊을수록 머리의 불꽃은
크고 괴이하게 타오른다."
607,34,5,"Plus les victimes dont il aspire lénergie vitale
sont jeunes, plus sa flamme grandit et luit
607,34,6,"Je jünger das Opfer, dem es die Lebensenergie
entzieht, desto höher und unheimlicher brennt
die Flamme auf seinem Kopf."
607,34,7,"Cuanto más joven sea la energía vital que ha
absorbido, mayor tamaño tendrá la llama de
la cabeza y más siniestro será su brillo."
607,34,8,"Più giovane è la vittima da cui ha assorbito
lenergia vitale, più grande e sinistra è la
fiamma che gli brilla sul capo."
607,34,9,"The younger the life this Pokémon absorbs,
the brighter and eerier the flame on its
head burns."
607,34,11,"吸い取る 命が 若ければ
若いほど 頭の 炎は
大きく 妖しく 燃え上がる。"
608,17,5,"Un Pokémon craint pour être de mauvais
augure. Il erre dans les villes à la
recherche dâmes de défunts."
608,17,9,"This ominous Pokémon is feared.
Through cities it wanders, searching
for the spirits of the fallen."
608,18,5,"Il apparaît au moment du trépas
et aspire lâme à linstant même
où elle quitte le corps."
608,18,9,"It arrives near the moment of death
and steals spirit from the body."
608,21,9,"The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful
fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting
for people to pass on."
608,22,9,"The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful
fire. It hangs around hospitals waiting
for people to pass on."
608,23,1,"たましいを すいとり ひをともす。
ひとが しぬのを まつため
びょういんを うろつくようになった。"
608,23,3,"영혼을 빨아들여 불을 밝힌다.
사람이 죽는 것을 기다리기 위해
병원을 서성거리게 되었다."
608,23,5,"Il aspire les âmes pour entretenir sa flamme.
Il erre dans les hôpitaux dans lattente dun trépas."
608,23,6,"Es nährt seine Flamme mit den Seelen seiner Opfer.
Heutzutage irrt es auf der Suche nach Seelen durch
608,23,7,"Al absorber almas, su llama se enciende. Espera a que
la gente fallezca, así que suele deambular por los
608,23,8,"La sua fiamma si accende quando risucchia gli spettri.
Si trova spesso nei pressi dei cimiteri, dove questi
608,23,9,"The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs
around hospitals waiting for people to pass on."
608,23,11,"魂を 吸いとり 火を灯す。
人が 死ぬのを 待つため
病院を うろつくようになった。"
608,24,1,"りんじゅうの さいに あらわれて
たましいが にくたいを はなれると
すかさず すいとってしまうのだ。"
608,24,3,"임종 때 나타나서
영혼이 육체를 떠나면
재빨리 빨아들여 버린다."
608,24,5,"Il apparaît au moment du trépas et aspire lâme
à linstant même où elle quitte le corps."
608,24,6,"Es erscheint im Augenblick des Todes und verschlingt
die Seele des Verblichenen, sofort nachdem sie den
Körper verlassen hat."
608,24,7,"Aparece hacia el final de la vida y absorbe el alma
en cuanto esta se separa del cuerpo."
608,24,8,"Appare sul finire della vita per risucchiare lenergia
delle anime vagabonde."
608,24,9,"It arrives near the moment of death and steals spirit
from the body."
608,24,11,"臨終の 際に 現れて
魂が 肉体を 離れると
すかさず 吸い取ってしまうのだ。"
608,25,1,"たましいを すいとり ひをともす。
ひとが しぬのを まつため
びょういんを うろつくようになった。"
608,25,3,"영혼을 빨아들여 불을 밝힌다.
사람이 죽는 것을 기다리기 위해
병원을 서성거리게 되었다."
608,25,5,"Il aspire les âmes pour entretenir sa flamme.
Il erre dans les hôpitaux dans lattente dun trépas."
608,25,6,"Es nährt seine Flamme mit den Seelen seiner Opfer.
Heutzutage irrt es auf der Suche nach Seelen durch
608,25,7,"Al absorber almas, su llama se enciende. Espera a que la
gente fallezca, así que suele deambular por los hospitales."
608,25,8,"La sua fiamma si accende quando risucchia gli spettri. Si trova
spesso nei pressi dei cimiteri, dove questi abbondano."
608,25,9,"The spirits it absorbs fuel its baleful fire. It hangs
around hospitals waiting for people to pass on."
608,25,11,"魂を 吸いとり 火を灯す。
人が 死ぬのを 待つため
病院を うろつくようになった。"
608,26,1,"りんじゅうの さいに あらわれて
たましいが にくたいを はなれると
すかさず すいとってしまうのだ。"
608,26,3,"임종 때 나타나서
영혼이 육체를 떠나면
재빨리 빨아들여 버린다."
608,26,5,"Il apparaît au moment du trépas et aspire lâme à linstant
même où elle quitte le corps."
608,26,6,"Es erscheint im Augenblick des Todes und verschlingt die
Seele des Verblichenen, sofort nachdem sie den Körper
verlassen hat."
608,26,7,"Aparece hacia el final de la vida y absorbe el alma en cuanto
esta se separa del cuerpo."
608,26,8,"Appare sul finire della vita per risucchiare lenergia delle
anime vagabonde."
608,26,9,"It arrives near the moment of death and steals spirit
from the body."
608,26,11,"臨終の 際に 現れて
魂が 肉体を 離れると
すかさず 吸い取ってしまうのだ。"
608,33,1,"だれかが しぬ ちょくぜんに
あらわれる ことから しにがみの
つかい として おそれられている。"
608,33,3,"누군가가 죽기 직전에
나타나기 때문에 사신의 사자로
여겨져 두려움의 대상이 되었다."
608,33,5,"Comme il apparaît dès quune personne
est sur le point de trépasser, les gens le craignent
et le prennent pour un messager de la mort."
608,33,6,"Es wird als Todesbote gefürchtet, da es oft in der
Nähe von Menschen auftaucht, deren Ende kurz
608,33,7,"Es considerado y temido como Pokémon de
mal agüero, ya que aparece en los instantes
previos al fallecimiento de alguien."
608,33,8,"Appare quando qualcuno sta per morire.
Per questo motivo è considerato laiutante
della divinità della morte ed è molto temuto."
608,33,9,"This Pokémon appears just before someone
passes away, so its feared as an emissary
of death."
608,33,11,"誰かが 死ぬ 直前に
現れる ことから 死神の使い
として 恐れられている。"
608,34,1,"ランプの ふりをして まちなかに
ひそむ。 しきが ちかい ひとを
みつけると そっと あとを つける。"
608,34,3,"램프인 척 마을 안으로
숨어든다. 죽음이 다가온 사람을
발견하면 조용히 뒤를 쫓는다."
608,34,5,"Il se cache en ville en se faisant passer pour
un lampadaire. Lorsquil repère une personne
dont lheure est proche, il la suit en catimini."
608,34,6,"Es gibt sich als Lampe aus und lungert in Städten
herum. Entdeckt es einen Menschen, dessen
Todesstunde naht, folgt es ihm leise."
608,34,7,"Se oculta en entornos urbanos haciéndose pasar
por una lámpara corriente. Si se topa con alguien
moribundo, lo sigue en silencio."
608,34,8,"Si mimetizza nel paesaggio cittadino fingendosi
una lampada. Quando incontra una persona
prossima alla morte, la segue silenzioso."
608,34,9,"It lurks in cities, pretending to be a lamp.
Once it finds someone whose death is near,
it will trail quietly after them."
608,34,11,"ランプの ふりをして 町中に
潜む。 死期が 近い 人を
見つけると そっと 後を つける。"
609,17,5,"Il brûle en aspirant les âmes, et
hypnotise ses ennemis en faisant
osciller les flammes de ses bras."
609,17,9,"It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns.
By waving the flames on its arms,
it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance."
609,18,5,"Les victimes des flammes de Lugulabre
voient leur âme aspirée jusquà ce que
leur corps ne soit plus que coquille vide."
609,18,9,"Being consumed in Chandelures flame
burns up the spirit, leaving the
body behind."
609,21,9,"The spirits burned up in its
ominous flame lose their way
and wander this world forever."
609,22,9,"The spirits burned up in its
ominous flame lose their way
and wander this world forever."
609,23,1,"シャンデラの ほのおに つつまれると
たましいが すいとられ もやされる。
ぬけがらの からだ だけが のこる。"
609,23,3,"샹델라의 불꽃에 둘러싸이면
영혼이 빨려가 불타버린다.
빈 껍데기인 몸만 남는다."
609,23,5,"Les victimes des flammes de Lugulabre voient leur
âme aspirée jusquà ce que leur corps ne soit plus
que coquille vide."
609,23,6,"Es saugt die Seele eines jeden auf, der in seinen
Feuerkranz gerät, bis nur noch eine leere Hülle von
ihm übrig ist."
609,23,7,"Sus llamas absorben el alma del enemigo y la abrasan,
dejando solo su cuerpo inerte."
609,23,8,"Le fiamme di Chandelure risucchiano lo spirito e
lasciano il corpo come un guscio vuoto."
609,23,9,"Being consumed in Chandelures flame burns up
the spirit, leaving the body behind."
609,23,11,"シャンデラの 炎に 包まれると
魂が 吸い取られ 燃やされる。
抜け殻の 体 だけが 残る。"
609,24,1,"あやしげな ほのおで もやされた
たましいは いきばを なくし
この よを えいえんに さまよう。"
609,24,3,"괴상한 불꽃으로 태워진
영혼은 갈 곳을 잃고
이승을 영원히 헤맨다."
609,24,5,"Les âmes consumées par ses flammes étranges
sont condamnées à lerrance pour léternité."
609,24,6,"Seelen, die das Feuer seiner schaurigen Flammen
gekostet haben, irren bis ans Ende der Tage ziellos
durch diese Welt."
609,24,7,"Las almas que han ardido bajo sus oscuras llamas
vagan sin rumbo y eternamente por este mundo."
609,24,8,"Le anime bruciate dalle sue fiamme cupe perdono
la strada e rimangono a vagare in questo mondo
per leternità."
609,24,9,"The spirits burned up in its ominous flame lose their
way and wander this world forever."
609,24,11,"怪しげな 炎で 燃やされた
魂は 行き場を なくし
この 世を 永遠に さまよう。"
609,25,1,"シャンデラの ほのおに つつまれると
たましいが すいとられ もやされる。
ぬけがらの からだ だけが のこる。"
609,25,3,"샹델라의 불꽃에 둘러싸이면
영혼이 빨려가 불타버린다.
빈 껍데기인 몸만 남는다."
609,25,5,"Les victimes des flammes de Lugulabre voient leur âme aspirée
jusquà ce que leur corps ne soit plus que coquille vide."
609,25,6,"Es saugt die Seele eines jeden auf, der in seinen Feuerkranz
gerät, bis nur noch eine leere Hülle von ihm übrig ist."
609,25,7,"Sus llamas absorben el alma del enemigo y la abrasan,
dejando solo su cuerpo inerte."
609,25,8,"Le fiamme di Chandelure risucchiano lo spirito e lasciano
il corpo come un guscio vuoto."
609,25,9,"Being consumed in Chandelures flame burns up
the spirit, leaving the body behind."
609,25,11,"シャンデラの 炎に 包まれると
魂が 吸い取られ 燃やされる。
抜け殻の 体 だけが 残る。"
609,26,1,"あやしげな ほのおで もやされた
たましいは いきばを なくし
この よを えいえんに さまよう。"
609,26,3,"괴상한 불꽃으로 태워진
영혼은 갈 곳을 잃고
이승을 영원히 헤맨다."
609,26,5,"Les âmes consumées par ses flammes étranges sont
condamnées à lerrance pour léternité."
609,26,6,"Seelen, die das Feuer seiner schaurigen Flammen gekostet
haben, irren bis ans Ende der Tage ziellos durch diese Welt."
609,26,7,"Las almas que han ardido bajo sus oscuras llamas vagan sin
rumbo y eternamente por este mundo."
609,26,8,"Le anime bruciate dalle sue fiamme cupe perdono la strada
e rimangono a vagare in questo mondo per leternità."
609,26,9,"The spirits burned up in its ominous flame lose their
way and wander this world forever."
609,26,11,"怪しげな 炎で 燃やされた
魂は 行き場を なくし
この 世を 永遠に さまよう。"
609,33,1,"ふるびた ようかんに すみつく。
うでの ほのおを あやしく ゆらし
あいてを さいみんに かけるぞ。"
609,33,3,"오래된 양옥집에 산다.
팔의 불꽃을 이상하게 흔들어서
상대에게 최면을 건다."
609,33,5,"Il sinstalle dans les résidences anciennes.
Pour hypnotiser son adversaire, il agite
les flammes de ses bras de manière inquiétante."
609,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon bewohnt gerne alte Anwesen. Es
hypnotisiert seine Opfer, indem es die Flammen
an seinen Armen auf unheimliche Weise schwenkt."
609,33,7,"Establece su morada en edificios antiguos.
Mece las llamas de los brazos de forma siniestra
para hipnotizar a sus enemigos."
609,33,8,"Infesta vecchie case. Ipnotizza lavversario
facendo tremolare le fiammelle sugli arti."
609,33,9,"This Pokémon haunts dilapidated mansions.
It sways its arms to hypnotize opponents with
the ominous dancing of its flames."
609,33,11,"古びた 洋館に 棲みつく。
腕の 炎を 妖しく 揺らし
相手を 催眠に かけるぞ。"
609,34,1,"シャンデラを あかりの かわりに
していた やしきでは そうしきが
たえることが なかった という。"
609,34,3,"샹델라를 등불 대용으로
사용했던 저택에서는 장례식이
끊이지 않았다고 한다."
609,34,5,"On raconte que dans les manoirs éclairés
par des Lugulabre, les funérailles senchaînent
sans discontinuer."
609,34,6,"Angeblich soll früher in Häusern, wo Skelabra zur
Beleuchtung verwendet wurden, eine Beerdigung
auf die andere gefolgt sein."
609,34,7,"Cuentan que, en las mansiones donde se usaba
para la iluminación, los funerales se sucedían de
forma incesante."
609,34,8,"Si dice che nelle ville in cui i Chandelure erano
utilizzati al posto dei lampadari i funerali
si susseguissero senza sosta."
609,34,9,"In homes illuminated by Chandelure instead of
lights, funerals were a constant occurrence—
or so its said."
609,34,11,"シャンデラを 灯りの かわりに
していた 屋敷では 葬式が
絶えることが なかった という。"
610,17,5,"Il broie les Baies à grands coups de
crocs. Ceux-ci repoussent plusieurs
fois, toujours plus forts et aiguisés."
610,17,9,"They use their tusks to crush the
berries they eat. Repeated regrowth
makes their tusks strong and sharp."
610,18,5,"Il laisse la marque de ses crocs dans les
arbres pour marquer son territoire. Ses
crocs repoussent dès quils tombent."
610,18,9,"They mark their territory by leaving
gashes in trees with their tusks. If a
tusk breaks, a new one grows in quickly."
610,21,9,"Its large tusks have a tendency to
break, but each time they grow back,
they grow in harder and sturdier."
610,22,9,"Its large tusks have a tendency to
break, but each time they grow back,
they grow in harder and sturdier."
610,23,1,"きのみを キバで くだいて たべる。
なんかいも はえかわることで
つよく するどい キバに なる。"
610,23,3,"나무열매를 이빨로 깨물어 먹는다.
이빨이 몇 차례에 걸쳐 새로 나면
강하고 날카로워진다"
610,23,5,"Il broie les Baies à grands coups de crocs.
Ceux-ci repoussent plusieurs fois, toujours plus forts
et aiguisés."
610,23,6,"Es knackt mit seinen Hauern Nüsse.
Brechen seine Fangzähne ab, wächst
an ihrer Stelle ein stärkeres Ersatzpaar."
610,23,7,"Usa sus colmillos para romper las bayas que come.
Estos se regeneran una y otra vez, por eso son tan
fuertes y afilados."
610,23,8,"Mangia le bacche sminuzzandole con i denti, che
ricrescono costantemente, diventando sempre più
forti e affilati."
610,23,9,"They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat.
Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong
and sharp."
610,23,11,"木の実を キバで 砕いて 食べる。
何回も 生え変わることで
強く 鋭い キバに なる。"
610,24,1,"キバで じゅもくに きずを つけて
なわばりの めじるしにする。
キバは おれても すぐに はえる。"
610,24,3,"이빨로 수목에 상처를 내서
영역 표시를 한다.
부러지면 바로 새 이빨이 난다."
610,24,5,"Il laisse la marque de ses crocs dans les arbres pour
marquer son territoire. Ses crocs repoussent dès
quils tombent."
610,24,6,"Markiert sein Revier, indem es mit seinen Fängen
Kerben in Bäume schlägt. Brechen diese einmal ab,
wachsen sie sofort nach."
610,24,7,"Deja la huella de sus colmillos en los árboles para
marcar su territorio. Si se le rompen, se regeneran
muy rápido."
610,24,8,"Incide gli alberi con le zanne per marcare il suo
territorio. Se le zanne gli si spezzano, ricrescono
610,24,9,"They mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees
with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows
in quickly."
610,24,11,"キバで 樹木に 傷を つけて
縄張りの 目印にする。
キバは 折れても すぐに 生える。"
610,25,1,"きのみを キバで くだいて たべる。
なんかいも はえかわることで
つよく するどい キバに なる。"
610,25,3,"나무열매를 이빨로 깨물어 먹는다.
이빨이 몇 차례에 걸쳐 새로 나면
강하고 날카로워진다."
610,25,5,"Il broie les Baies à grands coups de crocs. Ceux-ci repoussent
plusieurs fois, toujours plus forts et aiguisés."
610,25,6,"Es knackt mit seinen Hauern Nüsse. Brechen seine Fangzähne
ab, wächst an ihrer Stelle ein stärkeres Ersatzpaar."
610,25,7,"Usa sus colmillos para romper las bayas que come. Estos se
regeneran una y otra vez, por eso son tan fuertes y afilados."
610,25,8,"Mangia le bacche sminuzzandole con i denti, che ricrescono
costantemente, diventando sempre più forti e affilati."
610,25,9,"They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat.
Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong
and sharp."
610,25,11,"木の実を キバで 砕いて 食べる。
何回も 生え変わることで
強く 鋭い キバに なる。"
610,26,1,"キバで じゅもくに きずを つけて
なわばりの めじるしにする。
キバは おれても すぐに はえる。"
610,26,3,"이빨로 수목에 상처를 내서
영역 표시를 한다.
부러지면 바로 새 이빨이 난다."
610,26,5,"Il laisse la marque de ses crocs dans les arbres pour marquer
son territoire. Ses crocs repoussent dès quils tombent."
610,26,6,"Markiert sein Revier, indem es mit seinen Fängen Kerben
in Bäume schlägt. Brechen diese einmal ab, wachsen sie
sofort nach."
610,26,7,"Deja la huella de sus colmillos en los árboles para marcar su
territorio. Si se le rompen, se regeneran muy rápido."
610,26,8,"Incide gli alberi con le zanne per marcare il suo territorio.
Se le zanne gli si spezzano, ricrescono subito."
610,26,9,"They mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees
with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows
in quickly."
610,26,11,"キバで 樹木に 傷を つけて
縄張りの 目印にする。
キバは 折れても すぐに 生える。"
610,33,1,"じめんに つくった すあなに すむ。
かたい きのみを キバで くだいて
なかまと ちからを くらべあう。"
610,33,3,"땅속에 만든 굴에 산다.
딱딱한 나무열매를 어금니로
부수는 것을 통해 동료와 힘을 겨룬다."
610,33,5,"Il vit dans des terriers quil creuse à même le sol,
et organise des concours avec ses camarades
pour voir qui peut briser la Baie la plus dure."
610,33,6,"Sie wohnen in Löchern, die sie selbst graben.
Ab und an veranstalten sie mit harten Beeren
Wettbewerbe, wer die stärksten Fangzähne hat."
610,33,7,"Viven en madrigueras que construyen bajo tierra.
Compiten entre ellos para ver quién logra abrir
con los colmillos las bayas más duras."
610,33,8,"Vive nelle tane che costruisce nel terreno.
Fa a gara con i suoi compagni a chi riesce a
frantumare con i denti le bacche più dure."
610,33,9,"These Pokémon nest in the ground and use their
tusks to crush hard berries. Crushing berries is
also how they test each others strength."
610,33,11,"地面に つくった 巣穴に 棲む。
硬い 木の実を キバで 砕いて
仲間と 力を 比べあう。"
610,34,1,"おおきな キバを うちつけ なかまと
じゃれあう。 キバは おれても
すぐ はえてくるから へっちゃらだ。"
610,34,3,"커다란 어금니를 부딪치며 동료와
장난친다. 어금니는 부러져도
바로 자라나서 걱정 없다."
610,34,5,"Il joue avec ses congénères à se donner de grands
coups de crocs. Peu importe sils se cassent :
ils repousseront aussitôt."
610,34,6,"Sie rammen sich spielerisch mit ihren Fangzähnen.
Brechen diese ab, wachsen sie sofort nach."
610,34,7,"Juega con sus congéneres chocando sus enormes
colmillos con la tranquilidad de saber que, si se
le rompen, se regenerarán enseguida."
610,34,8,"Giocano tra di loro facendo cozzare le zanne.
Se si spezzano non è un problema, perché
ricrescono subito."
610,34,9,"They play with each other by knocking their large
tusks together. Their tusks break sometimes, but
they grow back so quickly that it isnt a concern."
610,34,11,"大きな キバを 打ちつけ 仲間と
じゃれあう。 キバは 折れても
すぐ 生えてくるから へっちゃらだ。"
611,17,5,"Comme ses crocs brisés ne repoussent
pas, il les aiguise après le combat grâce
à une pierre ramassée près dun fleuve."
611,17,9,"Since a broken tusk will not grow back,
they diligently sharpen their tusks on
river rocks after theyve been fighting."
611,18,5,"Leurs crocs peuvent découper des
rochers. Leurs querelles de territoire
sont extrêmement violentes."
611,18,9,"Their tusks can shatter rocks.
Territory battles between Fraxure
can be intensely violent."
611,21,9,"A broken tusk will not grow back, so
it diligently sharpens its tusks on
river rocks after the end of a battle."
611,22,9,"A broken tusk will not grow back, so
it diligently sharpens its tusks on
river rocks after the end of a battle."
611,23,1,"おおいわを くだく キバを もつ。
なわばりを めぐる オノンドたちの
あらそいは ひじょうに はげしい。"
611,23,3,"큰 바위를 부수는 이빨을 가지고 있다.
액슨도들의 영역 싸움은
매우 격렬하다."
611,23,5,"Leurs crocs peuvent découper des rochers.
Leurs querelles de territoire sont extrêmement
611,23,6,"Mit seinen Fängen kriegt es sogar Felsen klein.
Gegen Artgenossen, die sein Revier passieren,
geht es besonders hart vor."
611,23,7,"Sus colmillos pueden hacer añicos rocas inmensas. Las
luchas territoriales de los Fraxure son encarnizadas."
611,23,8,"Ha zanne in grado di frantumare rocce. Le lotte per
il territorio tra i Fraxure sono furibonde."
611,23,9,"Their tusks can shatter rocks. Territory battles
between Fraxure can be intensely violent."
611,23,11,"大岩を 砕く キバを 持つ。
縄張りを 巡る オノンドたちの
争いは 非常に 激しい。"
611,24,1,"キバは にどと はえかわらないので
たたかいおわると かわらの いわを
つかって たんねんに みがきあげる。"
611,24,3,"이빨은 다시는 나지 않기 때문에
싸움이 끝나면 강가에 있는 바위를
사용해서 정성껏 손질한다."
611,24,5,"Comme ses crocs brisés ne repoussent pas, il les
aiguise avec soin après le combat sur les pierres
des rivières."
611,24,6,"Da seine Hauer nicht mehr nachwachsen, wetzt es sie
nach einem Kampf behutsam an den Felsen eines
611,24,7,"Sus colmillos no vuelven a crecer, por lo que, al
término de cada combate, los afila cuidadosamente
con cantos de río."
611,24,8,"Le sue zanne non ricrescono più, per cui finita una
lotta se ne prende cura e le affila diligentemente
con pietre di fiume."
611,24,9,"A broken tusk will not grow back, so it diligently
sharpens its tusks on river rocks after the end of
a battle."
611,24,11,"キバは 二度と 生え変わらないので
戦い終わると 川原の 岩を
使って 丹念に 磨きあげる。"
611,25,1,"おおいわを くだく キバを もつ。
なわばりを めぐる オノンドたちの
あらそいは ひじょうに はげしい。"
611,25,3,"큰 바위를 부수는 이빨을 가지고 있다.
액슨도들의 영역 싸움은
매우 격렬하다."
611,25,5,"Leurs crocs peuvent découper des rochers.
Leurs querelles de territoire sont extrêmement violentes."
611,25,6,"Mit seinen Fängen kriegt es sogar Felsen klein. Gegen
Artgenossen, die sein Revier passieren, geht es besonders
hart vor."
611,25,7,"Sus colmillos pueden hacer añicos rocas inmensas. Las luchas
territoriales de los Fraxure son encarnizadas."
611,25,8,"Ha zanne in grado di frantumare rocce. Le lotte per il territorio
tra i Fraxure sono furibonde."
611,25,9,"Their tusks can shatter rocks. Territory battles
between Fraxure can be intensely violent."
611,25,11,"大岩を 砕く キバを 持つ。
縄張りを 巡る オノンドたちの
争いは 非常に 激しい。"
611,26,1,"キバは にどと はえかわらないので
たたかいおわると かわらの いわを
つかって たんねんに みがきあげる。"
611,26,3,"이빨은 다시는 나지 않기 때문에
싸움이 끝나면 강가에 있는 바위를
사용해서 정성껏 손질한다."
611,26,5,"Comme ses crocs brisés ne repoussent pas, il les aiguise
avec soin après le combat sur les pierres des rivières."
611,26,6,"Da seine Hauer nicht mehr nachwachsen, wetzt es sie nach
einem Kampf behutsam an den Felsen eines Flussbettes."
611,26,7,"Sus colmillos no vuelven a crecer, por lo que, al término de
cada combate, los afila cuidadosamente con cantos de río."
611,26,8,"Le sue zanne non ricrescono più, per cui finita una lotta se ne
prende cura e le affila diligentemente con pietre di fiume."
611,26,9,"A broken tusk will not grow back, so it diligently
sharpens its tusks on river rocks after the end of
a battle."
611,26,11,"キバは 二度と 生え変わらないので
戦い終わると 川原の 岩を
使って 丹念に 磨きあげる。"
611,33,1,"キバは おれると にどと はえない。
たたかいが おわると かわらの
いわで ていねいに とぐ。"
611,33,3,"어금니는 부러지면 다시 나지 않는다.
싸움이 끝나면 강가에 있는
바위로 정성껏 손질한다."
611,33,5,"Une fois cassés, ses crocs ne repoussent pas.
Après les combats, il les aiguise avec soin
sur les pierres dun ruisseau."
611,33,6,"Da seine Hauer nicht mehr nachwachsen, wetzt
es sie nach einem Kampf behutsam an einem
geeigneten Felsen eines Flussbettes."
611,33,7,"Sus colmillos no vuelven a crecer, por lo que,
al término de cada combate, los afila
cuidadosamente con cantos de río."
611,33,8,"Se le sue zanne si spezzano, non ricrescono più.
Finita la lotta le affila diligentemente con pietre
di fiume."
611,33,9,"After battle, this Pokémon carefully sharpens its
tusks on river rocks. It needs to take care of its
tusks—if one breaks, it will never grow back."
611,33,11,"キバは 折れると 二度と 生えない。
戦いが 終わると 河原の
岩で 丁寧に 研ぐ。"
611,34,1,"よろいの ように かたい ひふ。
たいあたりと どうじに キバを
つきさす せんぽうが とくい だぞ。"
611,34,3,"갑옷처럼 딱딱한 피부를 가졌다.
몸통박치기와 동시에 어금니로
찌르는 전법이 특기다."
611,34,5,"Son épiderme est dur comme une armure.
Il est passé maître dans lart de charger lennemi
tout en le transperçant de ses crocs."
611,34,6,"Seine harte Haut schützt es wie eine Rüstung.
Eine seiner besten Taktiken besteht darin, Gegner
beim Tackle mit seinen Hauern zu durchbohren."
611,34,7,"Su piel es dura como una coraza. Su técnica
predilecta consiste en embestir al rival para
hincarle los colmillos."
611,34,8,"La sua pelle è dura quanto una corazza.
La sua specialità è lanciarsi sullavversario
e infilzarlo con le zanne."
611,34,9,"Its skin is as hard as a suit of armor. Fraxures
favorite strategy is to tackle its opponents,
stabbing them with its tusks at the same time."
611,34,11,"鎧の ように 硬い 皮膚。
体当たりと 同時に キバを
突き刺す 戦法が 得意 だぞ。"
612,17,5,"Il est doux, mais ne pardonne pas à ceux
qui viennent saccager son territoire.
Ses crocs peuvent découper de lacier."
612,17,9,"They are kind but can be relentless
when defending territory. They challenge
foes with tusks that can cut steel."
612,18,5,"Ses crocs sont tellement puissants
quils peuvent découper lacier sans
sémousser. Son armure est très solide."
612,18,9,"Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even
if used to cut steel beams. These
Pokémon are covered in hard armor."
612,21,9,"Its tusks are incredibly destructive.
They can easily slice through a thick,
sturdy steel column every time."
612,22,9,"Its tusks are incredibly destructive.
They can easily slice through a thick,
sturdy steel column every time."
612,23,1,"やさしい せいかくだが なわばりを
あらす ものには ようしゃしない。
てつを きる キバで いどみかかる。"
612,23,3,"상냥한 성격이지만 영역을
어지럽히는 자는 용서하지 않는다.
철을 자르는 이빨로 덤벼든다."
612,23,5,"Il est doux, mais ne pardonne pas à ceux qui viennent
saccager son territoire. Ses crocs peuvent découper
de lacier."
612,23,6,"Hat eine eher sanfte Natur, doch bei Eindringlingen
kennt es keine Gnade. Seine Stoßzähne
durchbohren sogar Eisen."
612,23,7,"Es gentil, pero no perdona a todo el que ose invadir
su territorio. Su mayor baza son sus colmillos, que
cortan el acero."
612,23,8,"Ha un carattere gentile, ma non perdona chi devasta
il suo territorio. Le sue zanne possono tagliare
612,23,9,"They are kind but can be relentless when defending
territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can
cut steel."
612,23,11,"優しい 性格だが 縄張りを 荒らす
者には 容赦しない。
鉄を 切る キバで 挑みかかる。"
612,24,1,"てっこつを きりつけても はこぼれ
しない がんじょうな キバを もつ。
かたい よろいに おおわれている。"
612,24,3,"철골을 두 동강 내도 상처 하나
안 나는 튼튼한 이빨을 가지고 있다.
단단한 갑옷에 덮여 있다."
612,24,5,"Ses crocs sont tellement puissants quils peuvent
découper lacier sans sémousser. Son armure est
très solide."
612,24,6,"Wenn es mit seinen robusten Hauern Stahl durchbohrt,
bleiben diese unversehrt. Es ist von einem festen
Panzer umgeben."
612,24,7,"Sus colmillos no se quiebran ni aunque los hinque
en un armazón de acero. Está protegido por una
resistente armadura."
612,24,8,"Ha forti zanne che non si spezzano neanche quando
trancia travi dacciaio. È protetto da una resistente
612,24,9,"Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut
steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in
hard armor."
612,24,11,"鉄骨を 切りつけても 刃こぼれ
しない 頑丈な キバを 持つ。
硬い よろいに 覆われている。"
612,25,1,"やさしい せいかくだが なわばりを
あらす ものには ようしゃしない。
てつを きる キバで いどみかかる。"
612,25,3,"상냥한 성격이지만 영역을
어지럽히는 자는 용서하지 않는다.
철을 자르는 이빨로 덤벼든다."
612,25,5,"Il est doux, mais ne pardonne pas à ceux qui viennent
saccager son territoire. Ses crocs peuvent découper de lacier."
612,25,6,"Hat eine eher sanfte Natur, doch bei Eindringlingen kennt es
keine Gnade. Seine Stoßzähne durchbohren sogar Eisen."
612,25,7,"Es gentil, pero no perdona a todo el que ose invadir su
territorio. Su mayor baza son sus colmillos, que cortan
el acero."
612,25,8,"Ha un carattere gentile, ma non perdona chi devasta il suo
territorio. Le sue zanne possono tagliare lacciaio."
612,25,9,"They are kind but can be relentless when defending
territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can
cut steel."
612,25,11,"優しい 性格だが 縄張りを 荒らす
者には 容赦しない。
鉄を 切る キバで 挑みかかる。"
612,26,1,"てっこつを きりつけても はこぼれ
しない がんじょうな キバを もつ。
かたい よろいに おおわれている。"
612,26,3,"철골을 두 동강 내도 상처 하나
안 나는 튼튼한 이빨을 가지고 있다.
단단한 갑옷에 덮여 있다."
612,26,5,"Ses crocs sont tellement puissants quils peuvent découper
lacier sans sémousser. Son armure est très solide."
612,26,6,"Wenn es mit seinen robusten Hauern Stahl durchbohrt, bleiben
diese unversehrt. Es ist von einem festen Panzer umgeben."
612,26,7,"Sus colmillos no se quiebran ni aunque los hinque en un
armazón de acero. Está protegido por una resistente
612,26,8,"Ha forti zanne che non si spezzano neanche quando trancia
travi dacciaio. È protetto da una resistente armatura."
612,26,9,"Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut
steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in
hard armor."
612,26,11,"鉄骨を 切りつけても 刃こぼれ
しない 頑丈な キバを 持つ。
硬い よろいに 覆われている。"
612,33,1,"がんじょうな おおキバが じまん。
きょうどを たもつため つちを
なめて ミネラルを ほきゅうする。"
612,33,3,"튼튼하고 큰 어금니가 특징이다.
강도를 유지하기 위해 흙을
핥아서 미네랄을 보충한다."
612,33,5,"Ses longs crocs robustes sont sa plus grande
fierté. Il lèche le sol pour en absorber
les minéraux et ainsi renforcer sa dentition."
612,33,6,"Seine riesigen, robusten Hauer sind sein größter
Stolz. Es hält sie kräftig und gesund, indem es
an Erde leckt, um Mineralstoffe aufzunehmen."
612,33,7,"Su mayor baza son sus colmillos, de gran tamaño
y robustez. Lame la tierra en busca de minerales
para mantenerlos fuertes y resistentes."
612,33,8,"Va fiero delle sue zanne grandi e robuste,
e assorbe i minerali necessari a mantenerle
in ottime condizioni leccando la terra."
612,33,9,"Its resilient tusks are its pride and joy. It licks up
dirt to take in the minerals it needs to keep its
tusks in top condition."
612,33,11,"頑丈な 大キバが 自慢。
強度を 保つため 土を
舐めて ミネラルを 補給する。"
612,34,1,"おんこうな せいしつだが おこると
こわい。 てっこつをも きりさく
じまんの キバを おみまい するぞ。"
612,34,3,"온화한 성격이지만 화가 나면
무섭다. 철골도 베어 가르는
튼튼한 어금니를 보여 줄 것이다."
612,34,5,"Dun naturel doux, il est cependant redoutable
lorsquil se fâche. Il est très fier de ses crocs
qui peuvent même découper des poutres dacier."
612,34,6,"Es ist von Natur aus sanftmütig, aber wehe dem,
der es wütend macht. Seine Stoßzähne reißen
selbst Stahlträger in Stücke."
612,34,7,"Amable por naturaleza, infunde auténtico pavor
al enfadarse. Su mayor baza son los colmillos,
con los que puede cortar un armazón de acero."
612,34,8,"È di natura mite, ma se si arrabbia sono guai.
Le zanne, di cui va fiero, possono fare a pezzi
anche il cemento armato."
612,34,9,"While usually kindhearted, it can be terrifying if
angered. Tusks that can slice through steel beams
are how Haxorus deals with its adversaries."
612,34,11,"温厚な 性質だが 怒ると
怖い。 鉄骨をも 切り裂く
自慢の キバを おみまい するぞ。"
613,17,5,"Quand il est malade, sa goutte au nez
dégèle et ses capacités de type Glace
deviennent moins efficaces."
613,17,9,"When it is not feeling well, its mucus
gets watery and the power of its
Ice-type moves decreases."
613,18,5,"Il a toujours la goutte au nez. Il
laspire pour déclencher ses capacités.
La morve en est la matière première."
613,18,9,"Its nose is always running. It sniffs the
snot back up because the mucus
provides the raw material for its moves."
613,21,9,"Their snot is a barometer of health.
When healthy, their snot is sticky and
the power of their ice moves increases."
613,22,9,"Their snot is a barometer of health.
When healthy, their snot is sticky and
the power of their ice moves increases."
613,23,1,"いつも はなみずを たらしている。
はなみずを すすって わざを だす。
はなみずが わざの もと なのだ。"
613,23,3,"언제나 콧물을 달고 다닌다.
콧물을 훌쩍거려 기술을 사용한다.
콧물이 기술의 재료인 셈이다."
613,23,5,"Il a toujours la goutte au nez. Il laspire pour
déclencher ses capacités. La morve en est la matière
613,23,6,"Der Schleim, der stets aus seiner Nase hängt,
treibt seine Attacken an. Zieht es ihn hoch,
steht ein Angriff bevor."
613,23,7,"Siempre está con mucosidades colgando. Las aspira
para hacer un movimiento, ya que son su materia prima
para esto."
613,23,8,"Ha sempre il naso gocciolante e se ne serve per
lanciare le sue mosse. Il muco è lorigine della sua
613,23,9,"Its nose is always running. It sniffs the snot back up
because the mucus provides the raw material for
its moves."
613,23,11,"いつも 鼻水を 垂らしている。
鼻水を すすって 技を 出す。
鼻水が 技の 素 なのだ。"
613,24,1,"はなみずは けんこうの バロメータ。
ちょうしが いいと ねばりづよくなり
こおりの わざの いりょくも ます。"
613,24,3,"콧물은 건강의 척도다.
상태가 좋으면 점성이 높아지고
얼음 기술의 위력도 증가한다."
613,24,5,"Sa roupie indique sa santé. Sil est en forme,
elle sera épaisse et la puissance de ses attaques
glacées augmentera."
613,24,6,"Fühlt es sich wohl, wird der Schleim, der aus seiner
Nase trieft, klebrig und die Stärke seiner Eis-Attacken
nimmt zu."
613,24,7,"Sus mocos son su barómetro de salud. Si es buena,
serán densos, y la fuerza de sus movimientos de tipo
Hielo aumentará."
613,24,8,"La goccia del naso è il barometro della sua salute. Se
sta bene è bella viscosa e potenzia le sue mosse
di tipo Ghiaccio."
613,24,9,"Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy,
their snot is sticky and the power of their ice
moves increases."
613,24,11,"鼻水は 健康の バロメータ。
調子が いいと 粘り強くなり
氷の 技の 威力も 増す。"
613,25,1,"いつも はなみずを たらしている。
はなみずを すすって わざを だす。
はなみずが わざの もと なのだ。"
613,25,3,"언제나 콧물을 달고 다닌다.
콧물을 훌쩍거려 기술을 사용한다.
콧물이 기술의 재료인 셈이다."
613,25,5,"Il a toujours la goutte au nez. Il laspire pour déclencher
ses capacités. La morve en est la matière première."
613,25,6,"Der Schleim, der stets aus seiner Nase hängt, treibt seine
Attacken an. Zieht es ihn hoch, steht ein Angriff bevor."
613,25,7,"Siempre está con mucosidades colgando. Las aspira para
hacer un movimiento, ya que son su materia prima para esto."
613,25,8,"Ha sempre il naso gocciolante e se ne serve per lanciare
le sue mosse. Il muco è lorigine della sua forza."
613,25,9,"Its nose is always running. It sniffs the snot back up
because the mucus provides the raw material for
its moves."
613,25,11,"いつも 鼻水を 垂らしている。
鼻水を すすって 技を 出す。
鼻水が 技の 素 なのだ。"
613,26,1,"はなみずは けんこうの バロメータ。
ちょうしが いいと ねばりづよくなり
こおりの わざの いりょくも ます。"
613,26,3,"콧물은 건강의 척도다.
상태가 좋으면 점성이 높아지고
얼음 기술의 위력도 증가한다."
613,26,5,"Sa roupie indique sa santé. Sil est en forme, elle sera épaisse
et la puissance de ses attaques glacées augmentera."
613,26,6,"Fühlt es sich wohl, wird der Schleim, der aus seiner Nase
trieft, klebrig und die Stärke seiner Eis-Attacken nimmt zu."
613,26,7,"Sus mocos son su barómetro de salud. Si es buena, serán
densos, y la fuerza de sus movimientos de tipo Hielo
613,26,8,"La goccia del naso è il barometro della sua salute. Se sta bene
è bella viscosa e potenzia le sue mosse di tipo Ghiaccio."
613,26,9,"Their snot is a barometer of health. When healthy,
their snot is sticky and the power of their ice
moves increases."
613,26,11,"鼻水は 健康の バロメータ。
調子が いいと 粘り強くなり
氷の 技の 威力も 増す。"
613,33,1,"たいちょうが いいと はなみずの
ねばりけが ます。 いやな あいてに
はなみずを ぺとりと なすりつける。"
613,33,3,"컨디션이 좋으면 콧물의 점성이
더해진다. 싫어하는 상대에게는
콧물을 슥 문지른다."
613,33,5,"Quand il est en forme, sa goutte au nez devient
encore plus visqueuse. Il nhésite pas à sessuyer
le nez sur un adversaire qui lui déplaît."
613,33,6,"Fühlt es sich wohl, erhöht sich die Klebrigkeit
seines Nasenschleims. Wer es verärgert, wird
damit angeschmiert."
613,33,7,"La pegajosidad de sus mocos aumenta cuando
disfruta de buena salud. Si alguien no le gusta,
lo embadurna de mocos."
613,33,8,"Se è in buona salute, la viscosità della goccia
che gli fuoriesce dal naso aumenta. Se qualcuno
non gli va a genio, lo imbratta con il suo muco."
613,33,9,"When this Pokémon is in good health, its snot
becomes thicker and stickier. It will smear its snot
on anyone it doesnt like."
613,33,11,"体調が いいと 鼻水の
粘り気が 増す。 嫌な 相手に
鼻水を ぺとりと なすりつける。"
613,34,1,"わざを だすまえに はなを すする。
はなみずに ふくまれる つよい
れいきが こおりの わざの もとだ。"
613,34,3,"기술을 사용하기 전에 코를 훌쩍인다.
콧물에 포함된 강한 냉기가
얼음 기술의 근원이다."
613,34,5,"Il renifle avant dutiliser une capacité.
Le froid intense contenu dans sa morve
lui permet de lancer les capacités de type Glace."
613,34,6,"Es zieht vor jeder Attacke die Nase hoch. Die
extreme Kälte in seinem Nasenschleim liefert
die Energie für seine Eis-Attacken."
613,34,7,"Antes de ejecutar un movimiento, se sorbe los
mocos. El frío intenso de estos constituye la base
de sus movimientos de tipo Hielo."
613,34,8,"Prima di sferrare una mossa, tira su con il naso.
Il freddo intenso contenuto nel suo muco è alla
base delle sue mosse di tipo Ghiaccio."
613,34,9,"It sniffles before performing a move, using its
frosty snot to provide an icy element to any
move that needs it."
613,34,11,"技を 出す前に 鼻を すする。
鼻水に 含まれる 強い
冷気が 氷の 技の もとだ。"
614,17,5,"Il fait lui-même geler son haleine. Il
est bon nageur et sillonne les mers
du nord à la recherche de ses proies."
614,17,9,"It can make its breath freeze at will.
Very able in the water, it swims around
in northern seas and catches prey."
614,18,5,"Il gèle son haleine et en fait des crocs
et des griffes de glace pour combattre.
Il vit dans les terres gelées du nord."
614,18,9,"It freezes its breath to create
fangs and claws of ice to fight with.
Cold northern areas are its habitat."
614,21,9,"They love the cold seas of the north.
They create pathways across the ocean
waters by freezing their own breath."
614,22,9,"They love the cold seas of the north.
They create pathways across the ocean
waters by freezing their own breath."
614,23,1,"きたの つめたい うみを このむ。
くちから はきだした いきをこおらせ
うみのうえに みちをつくり あるく。"
614,23,3,"북쪽의 차가운 바다를 좋아한다.
입에서 내뿜는 숨을 얼려
바다 위에 길을 만들어 걷는다."
614,23,5,"Il aime les mers glaciales du nord. Il y trace son
chemin en créant des îlots de glace pour éviter de
614,23,6,"Es liebt die kalten Meere im Norden und überquert
ihre Flächen auf Stegen, die es mit seinem
gefrorenen Atem baut."
614,23,7,"Adoran los mares gélidos del norte. Congelan su
aliento para crear sendas por las que caminar sobre
las aguas."
614,23,8,"Predilige i freddi mari del nord. Crea strade di
ghiaccio soffiando con il suo alito gelido sulla
superficie del mare."
614,23,9,"They love the cold seas of the north. They create
pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their
own breath."
614,23,11,"北の 冷たい 海を 好む。
口から 吐きだした 息を凍らせ
海の上に 道をつくり 歩く。"
614,24,1,"はく いきを こおらせて こおりの
キバや ツメを つくり たたかう。
きたの さむい とちで くらす。"
614,24,3,"내뱉는 숨을 얼려 얼음 이빨이나
손톱을 만들어서 싸운다.
추운 북쪽 땅에서 산다."
614,24,5,"Il gèle son haleine et en fait des crocs et des griffes
de glace pour combattre. Il vit dans les terres gelées
du nord."
614,24,6,"Kämpft mit Reißzähnen aus Eis, die es aus gefrorenem
Atem herstellt. Es lebt im Norden, wo es kalt ist."
614,24,7,"Congela su aliento y crea colmillos y garras de hielo
para combatir. Vive en las gélidas tierras del norte."
614,24,8,"Lotta usando zanne o artigli creati congelando il suo
stesso respiro. Vive nelle fredde regioni del nord."
614,24,9,"It freezes its breath to create fangs and claws of ice
to fight with. Cold northern areas are its habitat."
614,24,11,"吐く 息を 凍らせて 氷の キバや
ツメを 作り 戦う。
北の 寒い 土地で 暮らす。"
614,25,1,"きたの つめたい うみを このむ。
くちから はきだした いきをこおらせ
うみのうえに みちをつくり あるく。"
614,25,3,"북쪽의 차가운 바다를 좋아한다.
입에서 내뿜는 숨을 얼려
바다 위에 길을 만들어 걷는다."
614,25,5,"Il aime les mers glaciales du nord. Il y trace son chemin
en créant des îlots de glace pour éviter de nager."
614,25,6,"Es liebt die kalten Meere im Norden und überquert ihre
Flächen auf Stegen, die es mit seinem gefrorenen Atem baut."
614,25,7,"Adoran los mares gélidos del norte. Congelan su aliento para
crear sendas por las que caminar sobre las aguas."
614,25,8,"Predilige i freddi mari del nord. Crea strade di ghiaccio
soffiando con il suo alito gelido sulla superficie del mare."
614,25,9,"They love the cold seas of the north. They create
pathways across the ocean waters by freezing their
own breath."
614,25,11,"北の 冷たい 海を 好む。
口から 吐きだした 息を凍らせ
海の上に 道をつくり 歩く。"
614,26,1,"はく いきを こおらせて こおりの
キバや ツメを つくり たたかう。
きたの さむい とちで くらす。"
614,26,3,"내뱉는 숨을 얼려 얼음 이빨이나
손톱을 만들어서 싸운다.
추운 북쪽 땅에서 산다."
614,26,5,"Il gèle son haleine et en fait des crocs et des griffes de glace
pour combattre. Il vit dans les terres gelées du nord."
614,26,6,"Kämpft mit Reißzähnen aus Eis, die es aus gefrorenem Atem
herstellt. Es lebt im Norden, wo es kalt ist."
614,26,7,"Congela su aliento y crea colmillos y garras de hielo para
combatir. Vive en las gélidas tierras del norte."
614,26,8,"Lotta usando zanne o artigli creati congelando il suo stesso
respiro. Vive nelle fredde regioni del nord."
614,26,9,"It freezes its breath to create fangs and claws of ice
to fight with. Cold northern areas are its habitat."
614,26,11,"吐く 息を 凍らせて 氷の キバや
ツメを 作り 戦う。
北の 寒い 土地で 暮らす。"
614,33,1,"といきを こおらせ つくった キバは
はがねより かたい。 さむい うみを
エサを さがして およぎまわる。"
614,33,3,"숨결을 얼려서 만든 송곳니는
강철보다도 단단하다. 먹이를 찾아
추운 바다를 헤엄쳐 다닌다."
614,33,5,"Les crocs quil façonne en gelant son souffle
sont plus durs que lacier. Il sillonne les eaux
des mers glaciales à la recherche de nourriture."
614,33,6,"Die Reißzähne, die es aus gefrorenem Atem
erzeugt hat, sind härter als Stahl. Es schwimmt
auf der Suche nach Futter durch die Eismeere."
614,33,7,"Congela su aliento y crea colmillos de hielo más
duros que el acero. Nada en mares de aguas frías
en busca de alimento."
614,33,8,"Le zanne che crea congelando il suo respiro
sono più dure dellacciaio. Nuota nelle acque
gelide del mare in cerca di cibo."
614,33,9,"It swims through frigid seas, searching for prey.
From its frozen breath, it forms icy fangs that
are harder than steel."
614,33,11,"吐息を 凍らせ つくった キバは
鋼より 硬い。 寒い 海を
エサを 探して 泳ぎまわる。"
614,34,1,"つめたい うみを げんきに およぐ。
つかれたときは といきで かいすいを
こおらせて そのうえで やすむぞ。"
614,34,3,"차가운 바다에서 씩씩하게 헤엄친다.
지치면 한숨을 내쉬어 바다를
얼린 뒤 그 위에서 쉰다."
614,34,5,"Il sillonne les mers glaciales avec aisance.
Quand il est fatigué, il gèle leau de mer
dun souffle et se repose sur liceberg improvisé."
614,34,6,"Es schwimmt fröhlich durch kalte Meere. Wenn
es müde wird, gefriert es mit seinem Eisatem die
Wasseroberfläche und ruht sich darauf aus."
614,34,7,"Nada plácidamente en mares fríos. Cuando se
cansa, congela el agua con su aliento y reposa
sobre el hielo."
614,34,8,"Nuota tranquillo nelle acque gelide del mare.
Se è stanco, congela lacqua con il suo soffio
glaciale creando una piattaforma su cui riposare."
614,34,9,"It swims energetically through frigid seas.
When it gets tired, it freezes the seawater
with its breath so it can rest on the ice."
614,34,11,"冷たい 海を 元気に 泳ぐ。
疲れたときは 吐息で 海水を
凍らせて その上で 休むぞ。"
615,17,5,"Si sa température monte, il se dissipe
en vapeur deau et disparaît. Quand
elle diminue, il redevient de glace."
615,17,9,"When its body temperature goes up, it
turns into steam and vanishes. When its
temperature lowers, it returns to ice."
615,18,5,"Né dun nuage neigeux, il attrape ses
proies à laide de sa chaîne faite
de cristaux de givre."
615,18,9,"They are born in snow clouds.
They use chains made of
ice crystals to capture prey."
615,21,9,"They are composed of ice crystals.
They capture prey with chains of ice,
freezing the prey at -148° F."
615,22,9,"They are composed of ice crystals.
They capture prey with chains of ice,
freezing the prey at -148° F."
615,23,1,"ゆきぐもの なかで うまれた。
こおりの けっしょうで できた
くさりで えものを つかまえる。"
615,23,3,"눈구름 속에서 태어났다.
얼음 결정으로 만들어진
사슬로 먹이를 잡는다."
615,23,5,"Né dun nuage neigeux, il attrape ses proies à laide
de sa chaîne faite de cristaux de givre."
615,23,6,"Es fängt seine Beute mit Ketten, die sich aus
Eiskristallen zusammensetzen. Entstanden ist es
aus einer Schneewolke."
615,23,7,"Nació entre nubes de nieve. Atrapa a sus presas con
una cadena hecha de hielo cristalizado."
615,23,8,"È nato nelle nuvole cariche di neve. Cattura le prede
con una catena fatta di cristalli di ghiaccio."
615,23,9,"They are born in snow clouds. They use chains
made of ice crystals to capture prey."
615,23,11,"雪雲の 中で 生まれた。
氷の 結晶で できた 鎖で
獲物を 捕まえる。"
615,24,1,"こおりの けっしょうで できた
くさりをつかい えものを からめとり
マイナス100どに こおらせる。"
615,24,3,"얼음 결정으로 만들어진
사슬로 먹이를 휘감아 잡고
마이너스 100도로 얼린다."
615,24,5,"Il attrape ses proies à laide de sa chaîne faite de
cristaux de givre et les gèle à près de -100 °C."
615,24,6,"Es fängt seine Beute mit Ketten aus Eiskristallen
und kühlt sie auf eine Temperatur von -100 °C ab."
615,24,7,"Usa cadenas de cristales de hielo para atrapar a
sus presas y congelarlas a temperaturas de hasta
-100 °C."
615,24,8,"Cattura le sue prede con catene fatte di cristalli di
ghiaccio, poi le congela a una temperatura di -100 °C."
615,24,9,"They are composed of ice crystals. They capture
prey with chains of ice, freezing the prey at
-148 degrees Fahrenheit."
615,24,11,"氷の 結晶で できた
鎖を使い 獲物を 絡め取り
マイナス100度に 凍らせる。"
615,25,1,"ゆきぐもの なかで うまれた。
こおりの けっしょうで できた
くさりで えものを つかまえる。"
615,25,3,"눈구름 속에서 태어났다.
얼음 결정으로 만들어진
사슬로 먹이를 잡는다."
615,25,5,"Né dun nuage neigeux, il attrape ses proies à laide
de sa chaîne faite de cristaux de givre."
615,25,6,"Es fängt seine Beute mit Ketten, die sich aus Eiskristallen
zusammensetzen. Entstanden ist es aus einer Schneewolke."
615,25,7,"Nació entre nubes de nieve. Atrapa a sus presas con una
cadena hecha de hielo cristalizado."
615,25,8,"È nato nelle nuvole cariche di neve. Cattura le prede
con una catena fatta di cristalli di ghiaccio."
615,25,9,"They are born in snow clouds. They use chains
made of ice crystals to capture prey."
615,25,11,"雪雲の 中で 生まれた。
氷の 結晶で できた 鎖で
獲物を 捕まえる。"
615,26,1,"こおりの けっしょうで できた
くさりをつかい えものを からめとり
マイナス100どに こおらせる。"
615,26,3,"얼음 결정으로 만들어진
사슬로 먹이를 휘감아 잡고
마이너스 100도로 얼린다."
615,26,5,"Il attrape ses proies à laide de sa chaîne faite de cristaux
de givre et les gèle à près de -100 °C."
615,26,6,"Es fängt seine Beute mit Ketten aus Eiskristallen und kühlt sie
auf eine Temperatur von -100 °C ab."
615,26,7,"Usa cadenas de cristales de hielo para atrapar a sus presas y
congelarlas a temperaturas de hasta -100 °C."
615,26,8,"Cattura le sue prede con catene fatte di cristalli di ghiaccio,
poi le congela a una temperatura di -100 °C."
615,26,9,"They are composed of ice crystals. They capture
prey with chains of ice, freezing the prey at
-148 degrees Fahrenheit."
615,26,11,"氷の 結晶で できた
鎖を使い 獲物を 絡め取り
マイナス100度に 凍らせる。"
615,33,1,"こおりで つくった くさりを
あやつって であった ものを
こおらせ どこかへ つれさる。"
615,33,3,"얼음으로 만든 사슬을
조종하여 만나는 상대를 얼린 후
어딘가로 데려간다."
615,33,5,"Il gèle ceux quil croise à laide de ses chaînes
faites de givre, puis les emmène vers un lieu
615,33,6,"Mit seinen Ketten aus Eis friert es jeden ein,
der ihm über den Weg läuft. Dann verschleppt
es sein Opfer an einen unbekannten Ort."
615,33,7,"Se vale de sus cadenas de hielo para congelar a
todo aquel que se cruza en su camino y llevárselo
a un lugar desconocido."
615,33,8,"Maneggia una catena di ghiaccio, con cui
congela e trascina via chiunque incontri."
615,33,9,"With its icy chains, Cryogonal freezes those it
encounters. It then takes its victims away to
somewhere unknown."
615,33,11,"氷で 作った 鎖を 操って
出会った ものを 凍らせ
どこかへ 連れ去る。"
615,34,1,"あつくなると すいじょうきに
かわる。 なつばに すがたを
みることは ほとんどない。"
615,34,3,"뜨거워지면 수증기로 변한다.
여름철에 모습을
볼 일은 거의 없다."
615,34,5,"Lorsquil fait trop chaud, il sévapore, ce qui
explique pourquoi on ne le voit presque pas
en été."
615,34,6,"Bei Hitze wird es zu Wasserdampf. Im Sommer
bekommt man es daher kaum zu Gesicht."
615,34,7,"Cuando aumenta su temperatura corporal, se
convierte en vapor, por lo que es muy difícil de
avistar durante el verano."
615,34,8,"Quando fa caldo si dissolve in una nuvola
di vapore acqueo. Per questo è molto raro
vederlo in estate."
615,34,9,"When the weather gets hot, these Pokémon turn
into water vapor. Cryogonal are almost never
seen during summer."
615,34,11,"暑くなると 水蒸気に 変わる。
夏場に 姿を 見ることは
616,17,5,"Quand on lattaque, il referme sa
visière pour se défendre, et
projette un poison visqueux."
616,17,9,"When attacked, it defends itself by
closing the lid of its shell. It can spit
a sticky, poisonous liquid."
616,18,5,"Il évolue quand il baigne dans une
énergie électrique avec un Carabing.
La cause en est inconnue."
616,18,9,"It evolves when bathed in an
electric-like energy along with
Karrablast. The reason is still unknown."
616,21,9,"When it and Karrablast are together,
and both receive electrical stimulation,
they both evolve."
616,22,9,"When it and Karrablast are together,
and both receive electrical stimulation,
they both evolve."
616,23,1,"カブルモと いっしょに いるときに
でんきてきな しげきを うけると
おたがいの からだが しんかする。"
616,23,3,"딱정곤과 함께 있을 때
전기적인 자극을 받으면
서로의 몸이 진화한다."
616,23,5,"Sil est à proximité dun Carabing et que les deux
reçoivent une décharge électrique, ils évoluent en
même temps."
616,23,6,"Hält sich ein Laukaps in seiner Nähe auf
und kommen beide mit Strom in Berührung,
entwickeln sie sich."
616,23,7,"Si está junto a Karrablast, y ambos reciben una
descarga eléctrica, evolucionan los dos a la vez."
616,23,8,"Quando incontra Karrablast si crea della corrente
elettrica che stimola entrambi i Pokémon causandone
616,23,9,"When it and Karrablast are together, and both
receive electrical stimulation, they both evolve."
616,23,11,"カブルモと 一緒に いるときに
電気的な 刺激を 受けると
お互いの 体が 進化する。"
616,24,1,"カブルモと ともに でんきてきな
エネルギーを あびると しんかする。
りゆうは かいめいされていない。"
616,24,3,"딱정곤과 함께 전기적인
에너지를 받으면 진화한다.
그 이유는 알려지지 않았다."
616,24,5,"Il évolue quand il baigne dans une énergie électrique
avec un Carabing. La cause en est inconnue."
616,24,6,"Führt man ihm zusammen mit Laukaps elektrische
Energie zu, entwickelt es sich. Niemand kennt den
Grund dafür."
616,24,7,"Evoluciona si entra en contacto con energía eléctrica
junto a Karrablast. Aún no se ha esclarecido el porqué."
616,24,8,"Se riceve una scarica elettrica assieme a Karrablast,
si evolve. Il motivo non è chiaro."
616,24,9,"It evolves when bathed in an electric-like energy
along with Karrablast. The reason is still unknown."
616,24,11,"カブルモと ともに 電気的な
エネルギーを 浴びると 進化する。
理由は 解明されていない。"
616,25,1,"カブルモと いっしょに いるときに
でんきてきな しげきを うけると
おたがいの からだが しんかする。"
616,25,3,"딱정곤과 함께 있을 때
전기적인 자극을 받으면
서로의 몸이 진화한다."
616,25,5,"Sil est à proximité dun Carabing et que les deux reçoivent
une décharge électrique, ils évoluent en même temps."
616,25,6,"Hält sich ein Laukaps in seiner Nähe auf und kommen beide
mit Strom in Berührung, entwickeln sie sich."
616,25,7,"Si está junto a Karrablast, y ambos reciben una descarga
eléctrica, evolucionan los dos a la vez."
616,25,8,"Quando incontra Karrablast si crea della corrente elettrica
che stimola entrambi i Pokémon causandone levoluzione."
616,25,9,"When it and Karrablast are together, and both
receive electrical stimulation, they both evolve."
616,25,11,"カブルモと 一緒に いるときに
電気的な 刺激を 受けると
お互いの 体が 進化する。"
616,26,1,"カブルモと ともに でんきてきな
エネルギーを あびると しんかする。
りゆうは かいめいされていない。"
616,26,3,"딱정곤과 함께 전기적인
에너지를 받으면 진화한다.
그 이유는 알려지지 않았다."
616,26,5,"Il évolue quand il baigne dans une énergie électrique
avec un Carabing. La cause en est inconnue."
616,26,6,"Führt man ihm zusammen mit Laukaps elektrische Energie zu,
entwickelt es sich. Niemand kennt den Grund dafür."
616,26,7,"Evoluciona si entra en contacto con energía eléctrica junto a
Karrablast. Aún no se ha esclarecido el porqué."
616,26,8,"Se riceve una scarica elettrica assieme a Karrablast, si evolve.
Il motivo non è chiaro."
616,26,9,"It evolves when bathed in an electric-like energy
along with Karrablast. The reason is still unknown."
616,26,11,"カブルモと ともに 電気的な
エネルギーを 浴びると 進化する。
理由は 解明されていない。"
616,33,1,"てきに おそわれると カラの フタを
がっちり しめて みを まもる。
ただし カブルモには あけられる。"
616,33,3,"상대에게 공격받으면 껍질의 뚜껑을
꽉 닫아서 몸을 지킨다.
단, 딱정곤에게는 열리고 만다."
616,33,5,"Il se recroqueville dans sa carapace en fermant
la visière lorsque des ennemis approchent.
Carabing peut néanmoins en forcer lentrée."
616,33,6,"Wird es angegriffen, schließt es, so fest es kann,
das Visier seiner Muschel. Gegen Laukaps erweist
sich dieser Schutz allerdings als nutzlos."
616,33,7,"Cierra a cal y canto la visera de su caparazón al
ser atacado. Solo los Karrablast pueden abrirla."
616,33,8,"Quando viene attaccato, si rinchiude nella
conchiglia sigillando la visiera per proteggersi.
Solo Karrablast riesce a superare queste difese."
616,33,9,"When attacked, it tightly shuts the lid of its shell.
This reaction fails to protect it from Karrablast,
however, because they can still get into the shell."
616,33,11,"敵に 襲われると 殻の 蓋を
がっちり 閉めて 身を 守る。
ただし カブルモには 開けられる。"
616,34,1,"でんき エネルギーに はんのうする
ふしぎな たいしつ。 カブルモと
ともに いると なぜか しんかする。"
616,34,3,"전기 에너지에 반응하는 신비한
체질을 지녔다. 딱정곤과 함께
있으면 무슨 이유인지 진화한다."
616,34,5,"Il a létrange faculté de réagir à lénergie
électrique. On ne sait trop pourquoi, mais quand
il se trouve aux côtés de Carabing, il évolue."
616,34,6,"Sein Körper reagiert unerklärlicherweise auf
Elektrizität. Es heißt, die Anwesenheit von
Laukaps löse bei ihm die Entwicklung aus."
616,34,7,"Debido a su peculiar constitución, reacciona
ante la energía eléctrica. Por alguna misteriosa
razón, evoluciona en presencia de Karrablast."
616,34,8,"Il suo corpo reagisce misteriosamente allenergia
elettrica. Pare che si evolva se si trova in
presenza di Karrablast."
616,34,9,"It has a strange physiology that responds to
electricity. When together with Karrablast,
Shelmet evolves for some reason."
616,34,11,"電気 エネルギーに 反応する
不思議な 体質。 カブルモと
ともに いると なぜか 進化する。"
617,17,5,"Quand son corps sassèche, il faiblit.
Il sen prémunit en senroulant dans
plusieurs couches dune fine muqueuse."
617,17,9,"When its body dries out, it weakens.
So, to prevent dehydration, it wraps
itself in many layers of thin membrane."
617,18,5,"Il sest bien allégé en se débarrassant
de sa lourde carapace. Il se bat avec
lagilité dun ninja."
617,18,9,"Having removed its heavy shell,
it becomes very light and can fight
with ninja-like movements."
617,21,9,"When its body dries out, it weakens.
So it wraps a membrane around itself
for protection while it spits poison."
617,22,9,"When its body dries out, it weakens.
So it wraps a membrane around itself
for protection while it spits poison."
617,23,1,"おもい カラを ぬいだために
みがるになった。まるで にんじゃの
ような みのこなしで たたかう。"
617,23,3,"무거운 껍데기를 벗었기 때문에
몸이 가벼워졌다. 마치 닌자 같은
몸놀림으로 싸운다."
617,23,5,"Il sest bien allégé en se débarrassant de sa lourde
carapace. Il se bat avec lagilité dun ninja."
617,23,6,"Seit es die schwere Muschel abgestreift hat, ist es
viel leichter. Nun gleichen seine Kampfbewegungen
denen eines Ninja."
617,23,7,"Se siente ligero una vez liberado de su caparazón.
Lucha y se mueve como un ninja."
617,23,8,"Liberatosi della pesante conchiglia, è diventato
leggero. Lotta con le movenze proprie di un ninja."
617,23,9,"Having removed its heavy shell, it becomes very
light and can fight with ninja-like movements."
617,23,11,"重い 殻を 脱いだために
身軽になった。まるで 忍者のような
身のこなしで 戦う。"
617,24,1,"からだが かわくと よわってしまう。
うすい まくを なんじゅうも まいて
かんそうを ふせいでいるのだ。"
617,24,3,"몸이 마르면 약해진다.
얇은 막을 몇 겹이나 두르고
건조해지는 것을 막고 있다."
617,24,5,"Quand son corps sassèche, il faiblit. Il sen prémunit
en senroulant dans plusieurs couches dune fine
617,24,6,"Da es ohne Flüssigkeit an Kraft verliert, schützt es
sich mit mehreren dünnen Hautschichten vor dem
617,24,7,"Los ambientes secos lo debilitan. Evita la sequedad
envolviéndose en muchas membranas finas
617,24,8,"Si indebolisce quando il corpo si secca. Previene
lessiccazione avvolgendosi in molti strati di sottili
617,24,9,"When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent
dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of
thin membrane."
617,24,11,"体が 乾くと 弱ってしまう。
薄い 膜を 何重も 巻いて
乾燥を 防いでいるのだ。"
617,25,1,"おもい カラを ぬいだために
みがるになった。まるで にんじゃの
ような みのこなしで たたかう。"
617,25,3,"무거운 껍데기를 벗었기 때문에
몸이 가벼워졌다. 마치 닌자 같은
몸놀림으로 싸운다."
617,25,5,"Il sest bien allégé en se débarrassant de sa lourde carapace.
Il se bat avec lagilité dun ninja."
617,25,6,"Seit es die schwere Muschel abgestreift hat, ist es viel leichter.
Nun gleichen seine Kampfbewegungen denen eines Ninja."
617,25,7,"Se siente ligero una vez liberado de su caparazón. Lucha y se
mueve como un ninja."
617,25,8,"Liberatosi della pesante conchiglia, è diventato leggero.
Lotta con le movenze proprie di un ninja."
617,25,9,"Having removed its heavy shell, it becomes very
light and can fight with ninja-like movements."
617,25,11,"重い 殻を 脱いだために
身軽になった。まるで 忍者のような
身のこなしで 戦う。"
617,26,1,"からだが かわくと よわってしまう。
うすい まくを なんじゅうも まいて
かんそうを ふせいでいるのだ。"
617,26,3,"몸이 마르면 약해진다.
얇은 막을 몇 겹이나 두르고
건조해지는 것을 막고 있다."
617,26,5,"Quand son corps sassèche, il faiblit. Il sen prémunit
en senroulant dans plusieurs couches dune fine muqueuse."
617,26,6,"Da es ohne Flüssigkeit an Kraft verliert, schützt es sich mit
mehreren dünnen Hautschichten vor dem Austrocknen."
617,26,7,"Los ambientes secos lo debilitan. Evita la sequedad
envolviéndose en muchas membranas finas superpuestas."
617,26,8,"Si indebolisce quando il corpo si secca. Previene
lessiccazione avvolgendosi in molti strati di sottili
617,26,9,"When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent
dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of
thin membrane."
617,26,11,"体が 乾くと 弱ってしまう。
薄い 膜を 何重も 巻いて
乾燥を 防いでいるのだ。"
617,33,1,"すばやい うごきで どくを とばし
たたかう。 アギルダーが しゅやくの
えいがや マンガは だいにんき。"
617,33,3,"재빠른 움직임으로 독을 날려서
싸운다. 어지리더가 주인공인
영화나 만화는 인기가 많다."
617,33,5,"Il se bat avec célérité en projetant du poison.
Il est si cool quil est souvent le héros de films
ou de bandes dessinées à succès."
617,33,6,"Im Kampf spuckt es mit flinken Bewegungen Gift.
Filme und Comics mit Hydragil in der Hauptrolle
erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit."
617,33,7,"Lucha escupiendo veneno y moviéndose a una
velocidad de vértigo. Ha protagonizado películas
y cómics de gran éxito."
617,33,8,"Lotta spruzzando veleno con rapidi movimenti.
È protagonista di fumetti e film che riscuotono
un grandissimo successo."
617,33,9,"It moves with blinding speed and lobs poison at
foes. Featuring Accelgor as a main character is
a surefire way to make a movie or comic popular."
617,33,11,"素早い 動きで 毒を 飛ばし
戦う。 アギルダーが 主役の
映画や マンガは 大人気。"
617,34,1,"カラを ぬぎすて みがるに なった。
おびじょうの ねんまくを からだに
まきつけ かんそうを ふせぐ。"
617,34,3,"껍질을 벗어 몸이 가벼워졌다.
띠 형태의 점막을 몸에 둘러
건조해지는 것을 방지한다."
617,34,5,"Il est bien plus agile sans sa coquille.
La membrane en forme de bandelettes
qui lentoure lempêche de se dessécher."
617,34,6,"Seit es seine Muschel abgestreift hat, ist es viel
leichter und agiler. Es umhüllt sich mit einer
Schleimhaut, die es vor dem Austrocknen schützt."
617,34,7,"Tras deshacerse del caparazón, su agilidad ha
aumentado. Las membranas que le recubren el
cuerpo evitan que se deshidrate."
617,34,8,"Si è liberato della conchiglia, diventando più
leggero. Le membrane a forma di fasce che
ricoprono il suo corpo evitano che si secchi."
617,34,9,"Discarding its shell made it nimble. To keep
itself from dehydrating, it wraps its body in
bands of membrane."
617,34,11,"殻を 脱ぎ捨て 身軽に なった。
帯状の 粘膜を 体に
巻きつけ 乾燥を 防ぐ。"
618,17,5,"Sa peau est si dure quil peut se faire
piétiner par un sumo sans rien sentir.
Il sourit en émettant de lélectricité."
618,17,9,"Its skin is very hard, so it is unhurt
even if stepped on by sumo wrestlers.
It smiles when transmitting electricity."
618,18,5,"Tapi dans la boue ou les sédiments,
il attend sa proie patiemment et la
paralyse avec une décharge électrique."
618,18,9,"It conceals itself in the mud of the
seashore. Then it waits. When prey touch
it, it delivers a jolt of electricity."
618,21,9,"When its opponent cant be paralyzed,
it contorts itself with unexpected speed
and flops away."
618,22,9,"When its opponent cant be paralyzed,
it contorts itself with unexpected speed
and flops away."
618,23,1,"ひふが かたいので すもうとりに
ふまれても へいき。でんきを
ながすとき わらいがおに なる。"
618,23,3,"피부가 단단해서 씨름꾼에게
밟혀도 아무렇지 않다. 전기를
흘려보낼 때 웃는 얼굴이 된다."
618,23,5,"Sa peau est si dure quil peut se faire piétiner par
un sumo sans rien sentir. Il sourit en émettant de
618,23,6,"Dank seiner dicken Haut hält es selbst das Gewicht
eines Sumoringers aus. Wenn es Stromschläge
verteilt, grinst es."
618,23,7,"Ni un pisotón de un luchador de sumo lo aplastaría
gracias a su piel sólida. Sonríe al soltar descargas
618,23,8,"Ha la pelle così dura che un lottatore di sumo
potrebbe calpestarlo senza fargli male. Lelettricità
gli fa il solletico."
618,23,9,"Its skin is very hard, so it is unhurt even if stepped
on by sumo wrestlers. It smiles when
transmitting electricity."
618,23,11,"皮膚が 硬いので
相撲取りに 踏まれても 平気。
電気を 流すとき 笑い顔に なる。"
618,24,1,"うみべの どろに うまって えものを
まちかまえる。えものが さわったとき
でんきを だして しびれさせるのだ。"
618,24,3,"바닷가 펄 속에 묻혀 먹이를
기다린다. 먹이가 몸에 닿으면
전기를 써서 마비시킨다."
618,24,5,"Tapi dans la boue ou les sédiments, il attend sa proie
patiemment et la paralyse avec une décharge
618,24,6,"Es vergräbt sich im Morast am Meeresboden. Wird es
von seiner Beute gestreift, lähmt es sie mit Strom."
618,24,7,"Acecha a sus presas oculto en la arena húmeda de
la playa. Las paraliza con una descarga eléctrica
cuando lo tocan."
618,24,8,"Attende al varco le prede, sepolto nel fango in riva
al mare. Se lo sfiorano, le paralizza con una scarica
618,24,9,"It conceals itself in the mud of the seashore.
Then it waits. When prey touch it, it delivers a jolt
of electricity."
618,24,11,"海辺の 泥に 埋まって 獲物を
待ち構える。獲物が 触ったとき
電気を 出して しびれさせるのだ。"
618,25,1,"ひふが かたいので すもうとりに
ふまれても へいき。でんきを
ながすとき わらいがおに なる。"
618,25,3,"피부가 단단해서 씨름꾼에게
밟혀도 아무렇지 않다. 전기를
흘려보낼 때 웃는 얼굴이 된다."
618,25,5,"Sa peau est si dure quil peut se faire piétiner par un sumo
sans rien sentir. Il sourit en émettant de lélectricité."
618,25,6,"Dank seiner dicken Haut hält es selbst das Gewicht eines
Sumoringers aus. Wenn es Stromschläge verteilt, grinst es."
618,25,7,"Ni un pisotón de un luchador de sumo lo aplastaría gracias a
su piel sólida. Sonríe al soltar descargas eléctricas."
618,25,8,"Ha la pelle così dura che un lottatore di sumo potrebbe
calpestarlo senza fargli male. Lelettricità gli fa il solletico."
618,25,9,"Its skin is very hard, so it is unhurt even if stepped
on by sumo wrestlers. It smiles when
transmitting electricity."
618,25,11,"皮膚が 硬いので
相撲取りに 踏まれても 平気。
電気を 流すとき 笑い顔に なる。"
618,26,1,"うみべの どろに うまって えものを
まちかまえる。えものが さわったとき
でんきを だして しびれさせるのだ。"
618,26,3,"바닷가 펄 속에 묻혀 먹이를
기다린다. 먹이가 몸에 닿으면
전기를 써서 마비시킨다."
618,26,5,"Tapi dans la boue ou les sédiments, il attend sa proie
patiemment et la paralyse avec une décharge électrique."
618,26,6,"Es vergräbt sich im Morast am Meeresboden. Wird es von
seiner Beute gestreift, lähmt es sie mit Strom."
618,26,7,"Acecha a sus presas oculto en la arena húmeda de la playa.
Las paraliza con una descarga eléctrica cuando lo tocan."
618,26,8,"Attende al varco le prede, sepolto nel fango in riva al mare.
Se lo sfiorano, le paralizza con una scarica elettrica."
618,26,9,"It conceals itself in the mud of the seashore.
Then it waits. When prey touch it, it delivers a jolt
of electricity."
618,26,11,"海辺の 泥に 埋まって 獲物を
待ち構える。獲物が 触ったとき
電気を 出して しびれさせるのだ。"
618,33,1,"ひがたが すみか。 どろに すむ
さいきんに よって でんきを つくる
きかんが はったつした。"
618,33,3,"갯벌이 보금자리다.
진흙 속에 사는 세균에 의해
전기를 만드는 기관이 발달했다."
618,33,5,"Les vasières sont son habitat de prédilection.
Il a développé un organe générant de lélectricité
grâce aux bactéries présentes dans la boue."
618,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebt im Morast. Dank der
dortigen Bakterien hat es ein Organ entwickelt,
mit dem es Strom erzeugen kann."
618,33,7,"Vive en humedales costeros. Ha desarrollado un
órgano que produce electricidad gracias a una
bacteria que vive en el lodo."
618,33,8,"Abita i fondali che emergono durante la bassa
marea. Ha sviluppato un organo che produce
elettricità grazie a un batterio che vive nel fango."
618,33,9,"Thanks to bacteria that lived in the mud flats with
it, this Pokémon developed the organs it uses to
generate electricity."
618,33,11,"干潟が すみか。 泥に 棲む
細菌に よって 電気を つくる
器官が 発達した。"
618,34,1,"からだの きいろい もようから
つよい でんきを はなつとき
なぜか すこし ほほえんでいる。"
618,34,3,"몸의 노란 무늬에서
강한 전기를 발산할 때
무슨 이유인지 살짝 웃고 있다."
618,34,5,"Lorsque les parties jaunes de son corps envoient
une puissante décharge électrique, il ébauche
un sourire. Personne ne sait pourquoi."
618,34,6,"Es verteilt über das gelbe Muster auf seinem
Körper starke Stromstöße. Immer wenn es Strom
absondert, grinst es. Niemand weiß, wieso."
618,34,7,"Se desconoce la razón, pero esboza una leve
sonrisa al liberar potentes descargas eléctricas
a través de las zonas amarillentas de su cuerpo."
618,34,8,"Per qualche strano motivo accenna sempre
un sorriso quando rilascia una forte scarica
elettrica dai motivi gialli sul suo corpo."
618,34,9,"For some reason, this Pokémon smiles slightly
when it emits a strong electric current from the
yellow markings on its body."
618,34,11,"体の 黄色い 模様から
強い 電気を 放つとき
なぜか すこし 微笑んでいる。"
619,17,5,"Il découpe ses ennemis avec ses griffes
acérées et les terrasse avec ses
enchaînements de coups hyper fluides."
619,17,9,"In fights, they dominate with onslaughts
of flowing, continuous attacks. With
their sharp claws, they cut enemies."
619,18,5,"Il emploie des enchaînements élégants.
Lorsquil se concentre, leur vitesse
et leur tranchant augmentent."
619,18,9,"They have mastered elegant combos.
As they concentrate, their battle moves
become swifter and more precise."
619,21,9,"It takes pride in the speed at which it
can use moves. What it loses in power,
it makes up for in quantity."
619,22,9,"It takes pride in the speed at which it
can use moves. What it loses in power,
it makes up for in quantity."
619,23,1,"わざをくりだす スピードが じまん。
たとえ パワーは ひくくても
てかずの おおさで カバーする。"
619,23,3,"기술을 내보내는 스피드가 자랑이다.
설령 파워는 낮더라도
많은 공격 횟수로 커버한다."
619,23,5,"Il se flatte dêtre très rapide. Pour compenser la
faiblesse de ses coups, il en assène un très grand
619,23,6,"Schnelle Angriffe sind seine Spezialität. Es gleicht
seine Schwächen mit der Vielfalt seines
Attackenrepertoires aus."
619,23,7,"La velocidad de sus ataques es su gran orgullo. Lo
que le falta de fuerza bruta lo compensa en cantidad
de golpes."
619,23,8,"Va fiero della rapidità delle sue mosse. Sopperisce
a uneventuale mancanza di potenza con il numero
dei colpi."
619,23,9,"It takes pride in the speed at which it can use
moves. What it loses in power, it makes up for
in quantity."
619,23,11,"技を繰り出す スピードが 自慢。
たとえ パワーは 低くても
手数の 多さで カバーする。"
619,24,1,"ながれるような れんぞく こうげきを
くりだして てきを あっとうする。
するどい ツメで てきを きりさく。"
619,24,3,"물 흐르는 듯한 연속 공격을
펼쳐서 상대를 압도한다.
날카로운 손톱으로 상대를 베어 가른다."
619,24,5,"Il découpe ses ennemis avec ses griffes acérées
et les terrasse avec ses enchaînements de coups
hyper fluides."
619,24,6,"Es deckt seine Gegner mit filigranen Attacken in Serie
ein und schlitzt sie mit seinen spitzen Klauen auf."
619,24,7,"Abruma a su rival con oleadas de ataques veloces.
Corta al enemigo con sus afiladas garras."
619,24,8,"Soggioga il nemico concatenando una serie incessante
di attacchi e lo affetta con le unghie affilate."
619,24,9,"In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing,
continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they
cut enemies."
619,24,11,"流れるような 連続 攻撃を
繰り出して 敵を 圧倒する。
鋭い ツメで 敵を 切り裂く。"
619,25,1,"わざをくりだす スピードが じまん。
たとえ パワーは ひくくても
てかずの おおさで カバーする。"
619,25,3,"기술을 내보내는 스피드가 자랑이다.
설령 파워는 낮더라도
많은 공격 횟수로 커버한다."
619,25,5,"Il se flatte dêtre très rapide. Pour compenser la faiblesse
de ses coups, il en assène un très grand nombre."
619,25,6,"Schnelle Angriffe sind seine Spezialität. Es gleicht seine
Schwächen mit der Vielfalt seines Attackenrepertoires aus."
619,25,7,"La velocidad de sus ataques es su gran orgullo. Lo que le
falta de fuerza bruta lo compensa en cantidad de golpes."
619,25,8,"Va fiero della rapidità delle sue mosse. Sopperisce
a uneventuale mancanza di potenza con il numero
dei colpi."
619,25,9,"It takes pride in the speed at which it can use
moves. What it loses in power, it makes up for
in quantity."
619,25,11,"技を繰り出す スピードが 自慢。
たとえ パワーは 低くても
手数の 多さで カバーする。"
619,26,1,"ながれるような れんぞく こうげきを
くりだして てきを あっとうする。
するどい ツメで てきを きりさく。"
619,26,3,"물 흐르는 듯한 연속 공격을
펼쳐서 상대를 압도한다.
날카로운 손톱으로 상대를 베어 가른다."
619,26,5,"Il découpe ses ennemis avec ses griffes acérées et les terrasse
avec ses enchaînements de coups hyper fluides."
619,26,6,"Es deckt seine Gegner mit filigranen Attacken in Serie ein
und schlitzt sie mit seinen spitzen Klauen auf."
619,26,7,"Abruma a su rival con oleadas de ataques veloces. Corta al
enemigo con sus afiladas garras."
619,26,8,"Soggioga il nemico concatenando una serie incessante di
attacchi e lo affetta con le unghie affilate."
619,26,9,"In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing,
continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they
cut enemies."
619,26,11,"流れるような 連続 攻撃を
繰り出して 敵を 圧倒する。
鋭い ツメで 敵を 切り裂く。"
619,29,1,"あさに ゆっくりとした うごきで
いろんな ポーズを とる むれの
すがたを みることが できるよ。"
619,29,3,"아침에 느릿느릿 움직이며
여러 포즈를 취하는
무리의 모습을 볼 수 있다."
619,29,5,"Au petit jour, on peut voir des meutes de
Kungfouine qui sentraînent en effectuant
des mouvements lents et méthodiques."
619,29,6,"In den Morgenstunden kann man Gruppen dieses
Pokémon dabei beobachten, wie sie mit grazilen
Bewegungen diverse Posen einnehmen."
619,29,7,"A primera hora de la mañana pueden verse
grupos de Mienfoo realizando movimientos
lentos y adoptando distintas poses."
619,29,8,"Al mattino è possibile vedere gruppi di Mienfoo
che si esercitano eseguendo movimenti lenti
e assumendo varie posizioni."
619,29,9,"They can often be seen in packs in the morning,
slowly moving their bodies through a series
of poses."
619,29,11,"朝に ゆっくりとした 動きで
いろんな ポーズを とる 群れの
姿を 見ることが できるよ。"
619,30,1,"やまおくに こもり むれの なかまと
しゅぎょうに はげむ。 むれによって
キックや チョップのかたが ちがう。"
619,30,3,"산속에 들어가 무리의 동료와
수행에 힘쓴다. 무리에 따라
킥이나 촙의 방식이 다르다."
619,30,5,"Il sisole en montagne pour sentraîner avec
ses congénères. Les techniques de coups de
pied ou de poing changent dune meute à lautre."
619,30,6,"Mit seiner Gruppe zieht es sich tief in die Berge
zurück, um dort zu trainieren. Jede der Gruppen
entwickelt eigene Schlag- und Tritt-Techniken."
619,30,7,"Suele recluirse con otros congéneres en las
montañas para entrenar. Según el grupo, la
técnica de sus patadas o puñetazos varía."
619,30,8,"Si ritira sui monti per allenarsi assieme ai suoi
compagni. Ogni gruppo sviluppa tecniche di
calci e pugni diverse."
619,30,9,"They seclude themselves in the mountains and
devote themselves to training. The form of their
kicks and chops differs from pack to pack."
619,30,11,"山奥に こもり 群れの 仲間と
修行に 励む。 群れによって
キックや チョップの型が 違う。"
619,33,1,"よくきたえられた コジョフーは
1ぷんで 100かいを こえる
チョップを うつことが できる。"
619,33,3,"잘 단련된 비조푸는
1분에 100회 이상
촙 공격을 할 수 있다."
619,33,5,"Les Kungfouine bien entraînés sont capables
dasséner plus de cent coups par minute
du tranchant de la main."
619,33,6,"Ein gut trainiertes Lin-Fu kann in einer Minute
über 100 Schläge ausführen."
619,33,7,"Un Mienfoo bien entrenado es capaz de
propinar más de cien golpes por minuto."
619,33,8,"I Mienfoo più allenati sono in grado di sferrare
più di 100 colpi al minuto con il taglio
della mano."
619,33,9,"In one minute, a well-trained Mienfoo can chop
with its arms more than 100 times."
619,33,11,"よく鍛えられた コジョフーは
1分で 100回を 超える
チョップを 打つことが できる。"
619,34,1,"ちいさくても きしょうは あらい。
ゆだんして ちかづく あいてには
かれいな れんだを おみまいする。"
619,34,3,"작아도 기질은 거칠다.
방심하고 다가간 상대에게
화려한 연타를 먹인다."
619,34,5,"De nature brutale malgré sa petite taille, il inflige
une série de coups majestueux aux inconscients
qui sapprochent trop près de lui."
619,34,6,"Lin-Fu ist klein, hat aber ein wildes Temperament.
Gegnern, die sich ihm unbedacht nähern, setzt es
mit einer eleganten Schlagfolge zu."
619,34,7,"Su apariencia menuda contrasta con su carácter
poco afable. Abruma a los rivales que se acercan
a él con gráciles oleadas de ataques sucesivos."
619,34,8,"Ha un temperamento turbolento, malgrado
le dimensioni ridotte. Sferra eleganti raffiche di
colpi contro chi gli si avvicina incautamente."
619,34,9,"Though small, Mienfoos temperament is fierce.
Any creature that approaches Mienfoo carelessly
will be greeted with a flurry of graceful attacks."
619,34,11,"小さくても 気性は 荒い。
油断して 近づく 相手には
華麗な 連打を おみまいする。"
620,17,5,"Il se sert des poils de ses pattes
antérieures comme de fouets. Ses coups
ultrarapides sont invisibles à lœil nu."
620,17,9,"It wields the fur on its arms like a whip.
Its arm attacks come with such rapidity
that they cannot even be seen."
620,18,5,"Il combat à laide des longs poils
de ses pattes antérieures. 
Ils font aussi mal quun fouet."
620,18,9,"They use the long fur on their arms
as a whip to strike their opponents."
620,21,9,"Using the long fur on its arms like whips,
it launches into combo attacks that,
once started, no one can stop."
620,22,9,"Using the long fur on its arms like whips,
it launches into combo attacks that,
once started, no one can stop."
620,23,1,"うでの たいもうを ムチのように
あつかう。りょううでの こうげきは
めにも とまらぬ はやさ。"
620,23,3,"팔에 있는 털을 채찍처럼
다룬다. 양팔로 펼치는 공격은
눈에 보이지 않을 만큼 빠르다."
620,23,5,"Il se sert des poils de ses pattes antérieures comme
de fouets. Ses coups ultrarapides sont invisibles à
lœil nu."
620,23,6,"Es benutzt das Fell an seinen Armen als Peitsche.
Beide Arme bewegen sich dabei
mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit."
620,23,7,"Usa el pelaje de sus brazos a manera de látigos.
Sus ataques alcanzan velocidades de vértigo."
620,23,8,"Usa i peli degli arti come fruste. I suoi attacchi sono
talmente rapidi da essere invisibili a occhio nudo."
620,23,9,"It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm
attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot
even be seen."
620,23,11,"腕の 体毛を ムチのように
あつかう。両腕の 攻撃は
目にも 止まらぬ 速さ。"
620,24,1,"りょうての たいもうを ムチのように
つかいこなし れんぞくこうげきを
はじめると だれにも とめられない。"
620,24,3,"양손의 털을 채찍처럼
능숙하게 다뤄 연속 공격을
시작하면 아무도 멈출 수 없다."
620,24,5,"Il combat à laide des longs poils de ses pattes
antérieures. Une fois lancé dans ses enchaînements,
rien ne larrête."
620,24,6,"Niemand kann es aufhalten, wenn es eine Angriffsserie
mit seinen peitschenartigen Armen startet."
620,24,7,"Usa el pelaje de sus brazos a modo de látigos para
encadenar ataques que nadie puede parar una vez
620,24,8,"Usa i peli degli arti anteriori a mo di frusta e se inizia
un attacco a catena non cè nessuno che lo possa
620,24,9,"Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it
launches into combo attacks that, once started,
no one can stop."
620,24,11,"両手の 体毛を ムチのように
使いこなし 連続攻撃を
はじめると だれにも 止められない。"
620,25,1,"うでの たいもうを ムチのように
あつかう。りょううでの こうげきは
めにも とまらぬ はやさ。"
620,25,3,"팔에 있는 털을 채찍처럼
다룬다. 양팔로 펼치는 공격은
눈에 보이지 않을 만큼 빠르다."
620,25,5,"Il se sert des poils de ses pattes antérieures comme de fouets.
Ses coups ultrarapides sont invisibles à lœil nu."
620,25,6,"Es benutzt das Fell an seinen Armen als Peitsche. Beide Arme
bewegen sich dabei mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit."
620,25,7,"Usa el pelaje de sus brazos a manera de látigos. Sus ataques
alcanzan velocidades de vértigo."
620,25,8,"Usa i peli degli arti come fruste. I suoi attacchi sono
talmente rapidi da essere invisibili a occhio nudo."
620,25,9,"It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm
attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot
even be seen."
620,25,11,"腕の 体毛を ムチのように
あつかう。両腕の 攻撃は
目にも 止まらぬ 速さ。"
620,26,1,"りょうての たいもうを ムチのように
つかいこなし れんぞくこうげきを
はじめると だれにも とめられない。"
620,26,3,"양손의 털을 채찍처럼
능숙하게 다뤄 연속 공격을
시작하면 아무도 멈출 수 없다."
620,26,5,"Il combat à laide des longs poils de ses pattes antérieures.
Une fois lancé dans ses enchaînements, rien ne larrête."
620,26,6,"Niemand kann es aufhalten, wenn es eine Angriffsserie mit
seinen peitschenartigen Armen startet."
620,26,7,"Usa el pelaje de sus brazos a modo de látigos para encadenar
ataques que nadie puede parar una vez iniciados."
620,26,8,"Usa i peli degli arti anteriori a mo di frusta e se inizia un
attacco a catena non cè nessuno che lo possa fermare."
620,26,9,"Using the long fur on its arms like whips, it
launches into combo attacks that, once started,
no one can stop."
620,26,11,"両手の 体毛を ムチのように
使いこなし 連続攻撃を
はじめると だれにも 止められない。"
620,29,1,"れんぞく こうげきで あいてを
あっとうする。 とどめの いちげきは
ゆっくり ちからを ためて はなつ。"
620,29,3,"연속 공격으로 상대를 압도한다.
마무리는 느긋하게
힘을 모아 일격을 가한다."
620,29,5,"Il accule son ennemi avec une rafale dattaques
fulgurantes, puis concentre son énergie pour
lui donner le coup de grâce."
620,29,6,"Es überwältigt seine Gegner mit einer Serie aus
Angriffen. Den finalen Stoß versetzt es ihnen
erst, nachdem es seine Energie gebündelt hat."
620,29,7,"Ataca al rival con una rápida ráfaga de golpes,
mientras reúne poco a poco la energía necesaria
para asestar el golpe definitivo."
620,29,8,"Mette alle strette lavversario con una raffica
di colpi, poi si concentra per raccogliere le
energie prima di sferrare il colpo finale."
620,29,9,"It overwhelms its opponents with continuous
attacks and then slowly stores up power
before delivering the finishing blow."
620,29,11,"連続 攻撃で 相手を
圧倒する。 とどめの 一撃は
ゆっくり 力を ためて 放つ。"
620,30,1,"きみょうなこえで ほえたら キケン。
めにもとまらぬ キックや チョップの
れんぞくこうげきが はじまるぞ。"
620,30,3,"기묘한 소리로 짖는다면 위험하다.
눈에 보이지도 않는 킥과 촙의
연속 공격이 시작된다."
620,30,5,"Le cri lugubre de Shaofouine annonce quil est
sur le point de déchaîner une pluie de coups
si rapides quils en sont invisibles."
620,30,6,"Gibt es einen sonderbaren Laut von sich, sollte
man schnell in Deckung gehen, da eine rasante
Angriffsserie aus Schlägen und Tritten folgt."
620,30,7,"Si emite extraños aullidos, hay que extremar la
precaución: empezará a repartir un sinfín de
patadas y puñetazos a una velocidad pasmosa."
620,30,8,"Se emette un verso bizzarro, è meglio stargli
alla larga: potrebbe scatenare una pioggia di
calci e pugni così rapidi da essere invisibili!"
620,30,9,"When Mienshao lets out a bizarre wail, youre in
danger. A flurry of kicks and chops too fast to
see is about to be unleashed!"
620,30,11,"奇妙な声で 吠えたら 危険。
目にも止まらぬ キックや チョップの
連続攻撃が 始まるぞ。"
620,33,1,"しんの きょうてきと あうと
みがるに なるため りょうての
けを かみちぎり すててしまう。"
620,33,3,"진정한 강적과 만나면
몸을 가볍게 하기 위해
양손의 털을 물어뜯어 버린다."
620,33,5,"Lorsquil fait face à un adversaire vraiment
redoutable, il coupe les poils de ses mains
avec les dents pour améliorer son agilité."
620,33,6,"Begegnet es einem wahrhaft starken Gegner,
beißt es das Fell an seinen Armen ab, um an
Beweglichkeit zu gewinnen."
620,33,7,"Cuando se encuentra frente a un oponente de
categoría, se arranca parte del pelaje de los
brazos a mordiscos para ganar agilidad."
620,33,8,"Se incontra un nemico veramente forte,
si strappa a morsi i peli degli arti per alleggerirsi
e guadagnare in agilità."
620,33,9,"When Mienshao comes across a truly challenging
opponent, it will lighten itself by biting off the
fur on its arms."
620,33,11,"真の 強敵と 会うと
身軽に なるため 両手の 毛を
噛み千切り 捨ててしまう。"
620,34,1,"めにも とまらぬ スピードで
くりだす けりは きょだいな
いわも こっぱみじんに くだく。"
620,34,3,"눈에 보이지 않을 정도의 스피드로
구사하는 발차기는 거대한
바위도 산산이 조각낸다."
620,34,5,"Ses coups de pied ultrarapides et invisibles
à lœil nu peuvent réduire un énorme rocher
en poussière."
620,34,6,"Seine mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit
ausgeführten Tritte können selbst riesige Felsen
in winzige Stücke zerschmettern."
620,34,7,"Sus veloces patadas, que escapan al ojo humano,
son capaces de reducir a escombros incluso rocas
de gran tamaño."
620,34,8,"I suoi calci, talmente veloci da risultare invisibili,
sono in grado di sbriciolare anche massi enormi."
620,34,9,"Delivered at blinding speeds, kicks from this
Pokémon can shatter massive boulders into
tiny pieces."
620,34,11,"目にも 止まらぬ スピードで
繰りだす 蹴りは 巨大な 岩も
木っ端みじんに 砕く。"
621,17,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour emmagasiner la
chaleur du soleil. Si la température de
son corps baisse, il ne peut plus bouger."
621,17,9,"It warms its body by absorbing sunlight
with its wings. When its body temperature
falls, it can no longer move."
621,18,5,"Il sillonne les grottes étroites,
capturant ses proies avec ses griffes
acérées. Sa face est dure comme le roc."
621,18,9,"It races through narrow caves, using
its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin
on its face is harder than a rock."
621,21,9,"It runs through the narrow tunnels
formed by Excadrill and Onix.
It uses its sharp claws to catch prey."
621,22,9,"It runs through the narrow tunnels
formed by Excadrill and Onix.
It uses its sharp claws to catch prey."
621,23,1,"せまい ほらあなを はしりまわり
えものを するどい ツメで ほかく。
かおの ひふは いわより かたい。"
621,23,3,"좁은 동굴을 뛰어다니며
날카로운 손톱으로 먹이를 잡는다.
얼굴 피부는 바위보다 단단하다."
621,23,5,"Il sillonne les grottes étroites, capturant ses proies
avec ses griffes acérées. Sa face est dure comme
le roc."
621,23,6,"Es jagt durch enge Höhlengänge und spießt seine
Gegner mit spitzen Klauen auf. Seine Kopfhaut ist
fester als Stein."
621,23,7,"Corre por estrechas cavernas y atrapa a sus presas con
sus afiladas garras. La piel de la cara es más dura que
una roca."
621,23,8,"Percorre le grotte anguste catturando le prede con
gli artigli affilati. La pelle del muso è più dura della
621,23,9,"It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws
to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than
a rock."
621,23,11,"狭い 洞穴を 走り回り
獲物を 鋭い ツメで 捕獲。
顔の 皮膚は 岩より 硬い。"
621,24,1,"にっこうを つばさで うけて
からだを あたためる。たいおんが
さがると うごけなくなってしまう。"
621,24,3,"날개로 햇빛을 받아
몸을 따뜻하게 한다. 체온이
내려가면 움직일 수 없게 된다."
621,24,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour emmagasiner la chaleur du
soleil. Si la température de son corps baisse, il ne
peut plus bouger."
621,24,6,"Es erwärmt seinen Körper, indem es mit den Flügeln
das Sonnenlicht einfängt. Kühlt sein Körper ab,
erstarrt es."
621,24,7,"Calienta su cuerpo absorbiendo los rayos de sol por
las alas. No se puede mover si baja su temperatura
621,24,8,"Si riscalda assorbendo la luce del sole dalle ali.
Quando la sua temperatura si abbassa, non riesce
più a muoversi."
621,24,9,"It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its
wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no
longer move."
621,24,11,"日光を 翼で 受けて 体を 温める。
体温が 下がると
621,25,1,"せまい ほらあなを はしりまわり
えものを するどい ツメで ほかく。
かおの ひふは いわより かたい。"
621,25,3,"좁은 동굴을 뛰어다니며
날카로운 손톱으로 먹이를 잡는다.
얼굴 피부는 바위보다 단단하다."
621,25,5,"Il sillonne les grottes étroites, capturant ses proies avec
ses griffes acérées. Sa face est dure comme le roc."
621,25,6,"Es jagt durch enge Höhlengänge und spießt seine Gegner
mit spitzen Klauen auf. Seine Kopfhaut ist fester als Stein."
621,25,7,"Corre por estrechas cavernas y atrapa a sus presas con sus
afiladas garras. La piel de la cara es más dura que una roca."
621,25,8,"Percorre le grotte anguste catturando le prede con gli
artigli affilati. La pelle del muso è più dura della roccia."
621,25,9,"It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws
to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than
a rock."
621,25,11,"狭い 洞穴を 走り回り
獲物を 鋭い ツメで 捕獲。
顔の 皮膚は 岩より 硬い。"
621,26,1,"にっこうを つばさで うけて
からだを あたためる。たいおんが
さがると うごけなくなってしまう。"
621,26,3,"날개로 햇빛을 받아
몸을 따뜻하게 한다. 체온이
내려가면 움직일 수 없게 된다."
621,26,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour emmagasiner la chaleur du soleil.
Si la température de son corps baisse, il ne peut plus bouger."
621,26,6,"Es erwärmt seinen Körper, indem es mit den Flügeln
das Sonnenlicht einfängt. Kühlt sein Körper ab, erstarrt es."
621,26,7,"Calienta su cuerpo absorbiendo los rayos de sol por las alas.
No se puede mover si baja su temperatura corporal."
621,26,8,"Si riscalda assorbendo la luce del sole dalle ali. Quando la sua
temperatura si abbassa, non riesce più a muoversi."
621,26,9,"It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its
wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no
longer move."
621,26,11,"日光を 翼で 受けて 体を 温める。
体温が 下がると
621,29,1,"あかい かおの ひふは いわよりも
かたい。 せまい どうくつの なかで
てきに むかって かおから とつげき。"
621,29,3,"빨간 얼굴의 피부는 바위보다
딱딱하다. 좁은 동굴 안에서
적을 향해 얼굴로 돌격한다."
621,29,5,"La peau rouge de sa gueule est dure comme
le roc. Il accule ses ennemis dans les boyaux
des cavernes et les attaque à coups de tête."
621,29,6,"Seine rote Kopfhaut ist fester als Stein. Es jagt
seine Gegner durch enge Höhlengänge und
stürmt mit dem Kopf voran auf sie zu."
621,29,7,"La piel roja de su cara es más dura que una
roca. La usa para atacar a sus enemigos cuando
los acorrala en cuevas angostas."
621,29,8,"La pelle rossa del muso è più dura della pietra.
Affronta i nemici in grotte anguste lanciandosi
contro di loro e colpendoli a testate."
621,29,9,"The red skin on its face is harder than rock.
In narrow caves, it squares off against its
enemies and charges face-first right into them."
621,29,11,"赤い 顔の 皮膚は 岩よりも
硬い。 狭い 洞窟の 中で
敵に 向かって 顔から 突撃。"
621,30,1,"ディグダや ダグトリオが ほった
トンネルに しんにゅう。 えものが
とおるのを しずかに まっている。"
621,30,3,"디그다나 닥트리오가 판 터널에
침입한다. 먹이가 지나가기를
조용히 기다리고 있다."
621,30,5,"Il se faufile dans les tunnels creusés par les
Taupiqueur et les Triopikeur. Il attend ensuite
tranquillement quune proie passe à sa portée."
621,30,6,"Es dringt in Schächte ein, die von Digda oder
Digdri gegraben wurden. Dort wartet es still
und geduldig auf seine Beute."
621,30,7,"Aprovecha los túneles excavados por los Diglett
y Dugtrio para esperar tranquilamente en su
interior a que alguna presa pase cerca."
621,30,8,"Si intrufola nei tunnel scavati dai Diglett e dai
Dugtrio aspettando in silenzio larrivo di una
621,30,9,"It infiltrates tunnels that Pokémon like Diglett
and Dugtrio have dug and quietly waits for prey
to pass through."
621,30,11,"ディグダや ダグトリオが 掘った
トンネルに 侵入。 獲物が
通るのを 静かに 待っている。"
621,33,1,"あなぐらに すむ。 からだが
ひえると うごけなくなるので
にっこうよくは かかさない。"
621,33,3,"토굴에 산다. 몸이 차가워지면
움직이지 못하기 때문에
일광욕을 거르지 않는다."
621,33,5,"Il vit sous terre, mais il doit impérativement
sexposer au soleil, car il devient incapable
de bouger lorsque son corps se refroidit."
621,33,6,"Shardrago lebt in Grotten. Kühlt sein Körper ab,
erstarrt es, weshalb es regelmäßig Sonnenbäder
nehmen muss."
621,33,7,"Habita en túneles. Pierde la movilidad si baja su
temperatura corporal, por lo que aprovecha la
menor oportunidad para tomar el sol."
621,33,8,"Vive in cavità sotterranee, ma poiché non riesce
più a muoversi se il suo corpo si raffredda, non
può fare a meno dei bagni di sole."
621,33,9,"Druddigon lives in caves, but it never skips
sunbathing—it wont be able to move if its body
gets too cold."
621,33,11,"あなぐらに 棲む。 体が 冷えると
日光浴は 欠かさない。"
621,34,1,"きょうぼうで ずるがしこい。
ほかの ポケモンが ほった
すあなを うばって すみかにする。"
621,34,3,"난폭하고 교활하다.
다른 포켓몬이 파낸
굴을 빼앗아 거처로 삼는다."
621,34,5,"Féroce et perfide, Drakkarmin sapproprie
les terriers creusés par dautres Pokémon
pour en faire son antre."
621,34,6,"Shardrago ist grausam und gerissen. Es nimmt die
selbstgegrabenen Höhlen anderer Pokémon ein,
um sie zu seinem Unterschlupf zu machen."
621,34,7,"Posee una personalidad despiadada y ladina.
Se apropia de los túneles excavados por otros
Pokémon y los habita."
621,34,8,"Brutale e scaltro, si appropria delle tane scavate
da altri Pokémon facendone la propria dimora."
621,34,9,"Druddigon are vicious and cunning. They take up
residence in nests dug out by other Pokémon,
treating the stolen nests as their own lairs."
621,34,11,"凶暴で ずる賢い。
ほかの ポケモンが 掘った
巣穴を 奪って すみかにする。"
622,17,5,"Il se meut grâce à lénergie stockée
dans son corps. Personne ne sait doù
vient cette énergie mystérieuse."
622,17,9,"The energy that burns inside it
enables it to move, but no one has yet
been able to identify this energy."
622,18,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon est
le produit de la technologie
dune civilisation ancienne."
622,18,9,"These Pokémon are thought to have been
created by the science of an ancient
and mysterious civilization."
622,21,9,"Ancient science fashioned this
Pokémon from clay. Its been
active for thousands of years."
622,22,9,"Ancient science fashioned this
Pokémon from clay. Its been
active for thousands of years."
622,23,1,"たいないで もえる エネルギーに
よって かつどうしているが どんな
エネルギーなのかは ふめいである。"
622,23,3,"체내에서 불타는 에너지로
인해 활동하고 있지만 어떤
에너지인지는 불명이다."
622,23,5,"Il se meut grâce à lénergie stockée dans son corps.
Personne ne sait doù vient cette énergie mystérieuse."
622,23,6,"Es wird durch eine Energie angetrieben, die seinem
Körper entspringt. Keiner weiß jedoch, woher diese
Energie stammt."
622,23,7,"Se mueve gracias a la energía que quema dentro de su
cuerpo, pero el origen de esta energía es incierto."
622,23,8,"Si muove grazie allenergia che gli brucia dentro,
ma nessuno sa di che tipo di energia si tratti."
622,23,9,"The energy that burns inside it enables it to move,
but no one has yet been able to identify
this energy."
622,23,11,"体内で 燃える エネルギーに よって
活動しているが どんな
エネルギーなのかは 不明である。"
622,24,1,"こだいの かがくりょくに よって
ねんどから つくられた ポケモン。
すうせんねん うごきつづける。"
622,24,3,"고대 과학의 힘으로
점토에서 만들어진 포켓몬.
수천 년 동안 계속 움직일 수 있다."
622,24,5,"Ce Pokémon fait de terre glaise, produit de la
technologie dune civilisation antique, vit depuis
des millénaires."
622,24,6,"Es wurde von einer uralten Kultur aus Lehm erschaffen
und kann mehrere Jahrtausende in Bewegung bleiben."
622,24,7,"Un Pokémon creado a partir del barro gracias a la
ciencia de antaño. Lleva activo miles de años."
622,24,8,"È stato creato dallargilla usando antiche conoscenze
scientifiche. È vivo da più di 1000 anni."
622,24,9,"Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay.
Its been active for thousands of years."
622,24,11,"古代の 科学力に よって
粘土から つくられた ポケモン。
数千年 動き続ける。"
622,25,1,"たいないで もえる エネルギーに
よって かつどうしているが どんな
エネルギーなのかは ふめいである。"
622,25,3,"체내에서 불타는 에너지로
인해 활동하고 있지만 어떤
에너지인지는 불명이다."
622,25,5,"Il se meut grâce à lénergie stockée dans son corps.
Personne ne sait doù vient cette énergie mystérieuse."
622,25,6,"Es wird durch eine Energie angetrieben, die seinem Körper
entspringt. Keiner weiß jedoch, woher diese Energie stammt."
622,25,7,"Se mueve gracias a la energía que quema dentro de su
cuerpo, pero el origen de esta energía es incierto."
622,25,8,"Si muove grazie allenergia che gli brucia dentro, ma nessuno
sa di che tipo di energia si tratti."
622,25,9,"The energy that burns inside it enables it to move,
but no one has yet been able to identify
this energy."
622,25,11,"体内で 燃える エネルギーに よって
活動しているが どんな
エネルギーなのかは 不明である。"
622,26,1,"こだいの かがくりょくに よって
ねんどから つくられた ポケモン。
すうせんねん うごきつづける。"
622,26,3,"고대 과학의 힘으로
점토에서 만들어진 포켓몬.
수천 년 동안 계속 움직일 수 있다."
622,26,5,"Ce Pokémon fait de terre glaise, produit de la technologie
dune civilisation antique, vit depuis des millénaires."
622,26,6,"Es wurde von einer uralten Kultur aus Lehm erschaffen
und kann mehrere Jahrtausende in Bewegung bleiben."
622,26,7,"Un Pokémon creado a partir del barro gracias a la ciencia de
antaño. Lleva activo miles de años."
622,26,8,"È stato creato dallargilla usando antiche conoscenze
scientifiche. È vivo da più di 1000 anni."
622,26,9,"Ancient science fashioned this Pokémon from clay.
Its been active for thousands of years."
622,26,11,"古代の 科学力に よって
粘土から つくられた ポケモン。
数千年 動き続ける。"
622,29,1,"なぞのエネルギーによって かつどう。
こだいから うごきつづけているので
そろそろ パワーが つきるとも。"
622,29,3,"수수께끼의 에너지로 활동한다.
고대부터 계속 움직였기 때문에
슬슬 파워가 다할 때가 됐을지도 모른다."
622,29,5,"Une mystérieuse énergie lalimente depuis
lAntiquité, mais, qui sait? Cette énergie
nest peut-être pas éternelle..."
622,29,6,"Es wird seit uralten Zeiten durch eine Energie
rätselhaften Ursprungs angetrieben. Manche
gehen davon aus, dass diese bald erschöpft ist."
622,29,7,"Se mueve gracias a una misteriosa energía, pero,
habiendo estado activo desde la antigüedad,
dicha energía podría agotarse tarde o temprano."
622,29,8,"È animato da unenergia misteriosa, ma essendo
in funzione fin dallantichità si sospetta che
potrebbe esaurirsi presto."
622,29,9,"Its movements are powered by a mysterious
energy. It has continued to move since ancient
times, so its power may soon run out."
622,29,11,"謎の エネルギーに よって 活動。
古代から 動き続けているので
そろそろ パワーが 尽きるとも。"
622,30,1,"こだいじんが しもべに するため
ねんどを こねて こしらえたらしいが
エネルギーげんは ふめいだ。"
622,30,3,"고대인이 부하로 삼기 위해
점토를 빚어서 만들었다고 하나
에너지원은 불명확하다."
622,30,5,"Les anciens, désirant avoir un serviteur,
lauraient façonné avec de largile. En revanche,
on ignore toujours doù provient son énergie."
622,30,6,"Ein uraltes Volk hat dieses Pokémon aus Lehm
erschaffen, um es zu seinem Diener zu machen.
Der Ursprung seiner Energie ist unbekannt."
622,30,7,"Se dice que fue creado antiguamente a partir de
arcilla para usarlo como sirviente, pero se
desconoce cuál es su fuente de energía."
622,30,8,"Un popolo antico lo ha creato modellando
largilla per farne un servitore. La fonte
dellenergia che lo anima è sconosciuta."
622,30,9,"Although ancient people apparently built it by
working with clay, the source of its energy
is unclear."
622,30,11,"古代人が しもべに するため
粘土を こねて こしらえたらしいが
エネルギー源は 不明だ。"
622,33,1,"ねんどから うみだされた こだいの
ポケモン。 なぜか おおいわを
ならべつづける ものも いる。"
622,33,3,"점토에서 만들어진 고대의
포켓몬. 어째선지 큰 바위를
늘어놓기만 하는 녀석도 있다."
622,33,5,"Ce Pokémon très ancien a été façonné avec
de largile. On ne sait pourquoi certains spécimens
nont de cesse daligner de grosses pierres."
622,33,6,"Sie bestehen aus Lehm und existieren schon sehr
lange. Einige von ihnen haben den unerklärlichen
Drang, große Felsen aneinanderzureihen."
622,33,7,"Un antiguo Pokémon creado a partir del barro.
Se desconoce el motivo por el que algunos
ejemplares colocan rocas grandes en hileras."
622,33,8,"È un Pokémon antico creato dallargilla. Non si
sa perché, ma ad alcuni esemplari piace creare
file interminabili di grandi rocce."
622,33,9,"They were sculpted from clay in ancient times.
No one knows why, but some of them are driven
to continually line up boulders."
622,33,11,"粘土から 生み出された 古代の
ポケモン。 なぜか 大岩を
並べ続ける ものも いる。"
622,34,1,"ねんどから つくられた ポケモン。
なんぜんねんも まえの あるじの
めいれいを いまも まもっている。"
622,34,3,"점토로 만들어진 포켓몬이다.
수천 년 전 주인의 명령을
지금도 따르고 있다."
622,34,5,"Ce Pokémon fait dargile continue de respecter
les ordres que son maître lui a donnés il y a
quelques millénaires."
622,34,6,"Golbit wurde aus Lehm erschaffen. Es führt heute
noch Befehle aus, die ihm vor Jahrtausenden
von seinem Meister aufgetragen wurden."
622,34,7,"Fue creado a partir del barro para emplearlo
como sirviente. Todavía acata las órdenes que
le dio su amo hace milenios."
622,34,8,"È stato creato modellando dellargilla.
Segue ancora gli ordini che il suo padrone
gli ha impartito molti secoli or sono."
622,34,9,"This Pokémon was created from clay. It received
orders from its master many thousands of years
ago, and it still follows those orders to this day."
622,34,11,"粘土から つくられた ポケモン。
何千年も 前の 主の
命令を 今も 守っている。"
623,17,5,"Il vole à la vitesse du son. Si le
sceau sur sa poitrine est retiré,
il perd tout contrôle de lui-même."
623,17,9,"It flies across the sky at Mach speeds.
Removing the seal on its chest makes
its internal energy go out of control."
623,18,5,"Ses créateurs dune lointaine époque
lui auraient ordonné de protéger les
humains et les Pokémon."
623,18,9,"It is said that Golurk were ordered
to protect people and Pokémon
by the ancient people who made them."
623,21,9,"Golurk were created to protect
people and Pokémon.
They run on a mysterious energy."
623,22,9,"Golurk were created to protect
people and Pokémon.
They run on a mysterious energy."
623,23,1,"ゴルーグを つくった こだいじんから
ひとや ポケモンを まもるように
めいれいされていると いわれている。"
623,23,3,"골루그를 만든 고대인에게
사람과 포켓몬을 지키도록
명령받았다고 전해진다."
623,23,5,"Ses créateurs dune lointaine époque lui auraient
ordonné de protéger les humains et les Pokémon."
623,23,6,"Man munkelt, sein Schöpfer habe ihm aufgetragen,
schützend über Pokémon und Menschen zu wachen."
623,23,7,"Al parecer, aquel que antaño lo creó le ordenó
proteger a los Pokémon y a los humanos."
623,23,8,"Si narra che gli antichi costruttori dei Golurk avessero
ordinato loro di proteggere gli uomini e i Pokémon."
623,23,9,"It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect
people and Pokémon by the ancient people who
made them."
623,23,11,"ゴルーグを 作った 古代人から
人や ポケモンを 守るように
命令されていると 言われている。"
623,24,1,"マッハの スピードで そらを とぶ。
むねの ふういんを はがすと
エネルギーが ぼうそうしてしまう。"
623,24,3,"마하의 스피드로 하늘을 난다.
가슴의 봉인을 떼어내면
에너지가 폭주해 버린다."
623,24,5,"Il vole à la vitesse du son. Si le sceau sur sa poitrine
est retiré, il perd tout contrôle de lui-même."
623,24,6,"Es jagt mit Schallgeschwindigkeit durch die Lüfte.
Nimmt man das Siegel auf der Brust ab, gerät es
außer Kontrolle."
623,24,7,"Vuela a velocidad mach. Pierde el control de su
energía si se le retira el sello del pecho."
623,24,8,"Vola alla velocità del suono. Se rimuove il sigillo che
ha sul petto, sprigiona unenergia incontrollabile."
623,24,9,"It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing
the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go
out of control."
623,24,11,"マッハの スピードで 空を 飛ぶ。
胸の 封印を はがすと
エネルギーが 暴走してしまう。"
623,25,1,"ゴルーグを つくった こだいじんから
ひとや ポケモンを まもるように
めいれいされていると いわれている。"
623,25,3,"골루그를 만든 고대인에게
사람과 포켓몬을 지키도록
명령받았다고 전해진다."
623,25,5,"Ses créateurs dune lointaine époque lui auraient ordonné
de protéger les humains et les Pokémon."
623,25,6,"Man munkelt, sein Schöpfer habe ihm aufgetragen,
schützend über Pokémon und Menschen zu wachen."
623,25,7,"Al parecer, aquel que antaño lo creó le ordenó proteger a los
Pokémon y a los humanos."
623,25,8,"Si narra che gli antichi costruttori dei Golurk avessero
ordinato loro di proteggere gli uomini e i Pokémon."
623,25,9,"It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect
people and Pokémon by the ancient people who
made them."
623,25,11,"ゴルーグを 作った 古代人から
人や ポケモンを 守るように
命令されていると 言われている。"
623,26,1,"マッハの スピードで そらを とぶ。
むねの ふういんを はがすと
エネルギーが ぼうそうしてしまう。"
623,26,3,"마하의 스피드로 하늘을 난다.
가슴의 봉인을 떼어내면
에너지가 폭주해 버린다."
623,26,5,"Il vole à la vitesse du son. Si le sceau sur sa poitrine est retiré,
il perd tout contrôle de lui-même."
623,26,6,"Es jagt mit Schallgeschwindigkeit durch die Lüfte. Nimmt man
das Siegel auf der Brust ab, gerät es außer Kontrolle."
623,26,7,"Vuela a velocidad mach. Pierde el control de su energía si se
le retira el sello del pecho."
623,26,8,"Vola alla velocità del suono. Se rimuove il sigillo che ha sul
petto, sprigiona unenergia incontrollabile."
623,26,9,"It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing
the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go
out of control."
623,26,11,"マッハの スピードで 空を 飛ぶ。
胸の 封印を はがすと
エネルギーが 暴走してしまう。"
623,29,1,"こだいじんが ろうどうりょく として
ゴルーグを はつめいしたといわれる。
あるじの めいれいに ちゅうじつだ。"
623,29,3,"고대인이 노동력으로 활용하기 위해
골루그를 발명했다고 전해진다.
주인의 명령에 충실하다."
623,29,5,"Il aurait été créé dans les temps anciens pour
servir de bête de somme. La voix de son maître
fait loi."
623,29,6,"Es heißt, Golgantes sei von einem alten Volk
erschaffen worden, um diesem als Arbeiter zu
dienen. Deshalb befolgt es ergeben Befehle."
623,29,7,"Se dice que fue creado en la antigüedad para
usarlo como mano de obra. Acata las órdenes
de su amo sin rechistar."
623,29,8,"Pare che sia stato creato dagli antichi per
aiutare nei lavori pesanti. Esegue gli ordini del
suo padrone senza battere ciglio."
623,29,9,"Some say that ancient people invented Golurk
to serve as a laborer. It follows its masters
orders faithfully."
623,29,11,"古代人が 労働力 として
ゴルーグを 発明したといわれる。
主の 命令に 忠実だ。"
623,30,1,"むねの ふういんが とけてしまうと
みさかいなく あばれまわって
まちを がれきの やまに かえる。"
623,30,3,"가슴에 있는 봉인이 풀리면
무작정 날뛰고 다니면서
마을을 벽돌 더미로 만들어 버린다."
623,30,5,"Gare au sceau de sa poitrine! Sil est brisé,
Golemastoc perd le contrôle et charge avec
fureur. Il peut alors raser une ville entière."
623,30,6,"Löst sich das Siegel auf seiner Brust, gerät es
völlig außer Kontrolle und legt ganze Städte in
Schutt und Asche."
623,30,7,"Si se le desprende el sello del pecho, pierde el
control y arrasa con todo sin miramientos: puede
convertir un pueblo en un montón de escombros."
623,30,8,"Se il sigillo che ha sul petto viene rimosso, perde
il controllo e distrugge tutto ciò che incontra,
riducendo intere città in macerie."
623,30,9,"When the seal on its chest is removed, it rages
indiscriminately, turning the whole town around
it into a mountain of rubble."
623,30,11,"胸の 封印が 解けてしまうと
見境なく 暴れまわって
街を がれきの 山に 変える。"
623,33,1,"こだいじんの おしろの かべには
ゴルーグが ビームを うつための
ほうだいの ような だいざが ある。"
623,33,3,"고대인의 성벽에는
골루그가 빔을 쏘기 위한
포대와 같은 대좌가 있다."
623,33,5,"Les murs des châteaux de jadis disposaient
de créneaux, par lesquels les Golemastoc
pouvaient tirer leurs rayons dénergie."
623,33,6,"In uralten Festungen finden sich heute noch
Sockel, die Golgantes beim Abfeuern seiner
Strahlen wohl als Halt dienen sollten."
623,33,7,"En los muros de antiguos castillos se hallan
plataformas desde las que los Golurk podían
disparar sus rayos como si fueran cañones."
623,33,8,"Nelle mura degli antichi castelli si trovano dei
basamenti, simili a quelli dei cannoni, dai quali
i Golurk potevano sparare i loro raggi."
623,33,9,"Artillery platforms built into the walls of ancient
castles served as perches from which Golurk
could fire energy beams."
623,33,11,"古代人の お城の 壁には
ゴルーグが ビームを 撃つための
砲台の ような 台座が ある。"
623,34,1,"たいないに エネルギーを うみだす
えいきゅうきかんが あると いうが
いまだ かいめいは されていない。"
623,34,3,"체내에 에너지를 생성하는
영구 기관이 있다고 하지만
아직도 밝혀지지 않았다."
623,34,5,"Son énergie viendrait dun mécanisme
à mouvement perpétuel interne, mais jusquà
présent, personne nen a la preuve."
623,34,6,"Man sagt, in seinem Körper befinde sich eine
unerschöpfliche Energiequelle, doch bisher ist
es niemandem gelungen, dies nachzuweisen."
623,34,7,"Se dice que su cuerpo alberga un móvil perpetuo
que genera energía, pero no se ha constatado la
veracidad de tamaña afirmación."
623,34,8,"Si dice che allinterno del corpo abbia un motore
perpetuo che produce energia, ma a tuttoggi
non è ancora chiaro se sia così."
623,34,9,"Theres a theory that inside Golurk is a perpetual
motion machine that produces limitless energy,
but this belief hasnt been proven."
623,34,11,"体内に エネルギーを 生み出す
永久機関が あると いうが
未だに 解明は されていない。"
624,17,5,"Tout son corps est fait de lames.
Si une lame sémousse, il va laiguiser
contre une pierre au bord dune rivière."
624,17,9,"Blades comprise this Pokémons entire
body. If battling dulls the blades, it
sharpens them on stones by the river."
624,18,5,"Obéissant aux directives dun Scalproie,
il sagrippe à ses proies pour
les poignarder."
624,18,9,"They fight at Bisharps command.
They cling to their prey and inflict
damage by sinking their blades into it."
624,21,9,"Ignoring their injuries, groups attack
by sinking the blades that cover their
bodies into their prey."
624,22,9,"Ignoring their injuries, groups attack
by sinking the blades that cover their
bodies into their prey."
624,23,1,"ぜんしんが はものの ポケモン。
たたかいで はこぼれすると かわらの
てごろな いしで はを とぐ。"
624,23,3,"전신이 칼날인 포켓몬이다.
싸움에서 칼의 이가 빠지면
강가의 돌로 칼을 간다."
624,23,5,"Tout son corps est fait de lames. Si une lame
sémousse, il va laiguiser contre une pierre au bord
dune rivière."
624,23,6,"Sein Körper ist mit Klingen übersät, die es an Felsen
eines Flussbettes schärft, wenn sie im Kampf
schartig werden."
624,23,7,"Su cuerpo está provisto de hojas afiladas. Cuando se
desgastan, las afila con cantos rodados a la orilla del
624,23,8,"Il suo intero corpo è unarma da taglio. Se le lame
si smussano lottando, le affila con pietre di fiume."
624,23,9,"Blades comprise this Pokémons entire body.
If battling dulls the blades, it sharpens them on
stones by the river."
624,23,11,"全身が 刃物の ポケモン。
戦いで 刃こぼれすると
河原の 石で 刃を とぐ。"
624,24,1,"じぶんが きずついても きにせず
しゅうだんで ぜんしんの はものを
くいこませ あいてを こうげきする。"
624,24,3,"자신이 상처 입어도 신경 쓰지 않고
집단으로 전신의 칼날을
박아서 상대를 공격한다."
624,24,5,"Ignorant leurs propres blessures, ils se jettent en
groupe sur lennemi pour le déchirer de leur corps
fait de lames."
624,24,6,"Selbst wenn sie verletzt sind, greifen sie ihren Gegner
unbeirrt in der Gruppe an, indem sie ihre Klingen in ihn
624,24,7,"Ataca en grupo ignorando sus heridas y hundiendo
en su presa las cuchillas que recubren su cuerpo."
624,24,8,"Incuranti di ferirsi, si lanciano in gruppo addosso alla
preda infilzandola con le lame che hanno sul corpo."
624,24,9,"Ignoring their injuries, groups attack by sinking
the blades that cover their bodies into their prey."
624,24,11,"自分が 傷ついても 気にせず
集団で 全身の 刃物を
食いこませ 相手を 攻撃する。"
624,25,1,"ぜんしんが はものの ポケモン。
たたかいで はこぼれすると かわらの
てごろな いしで はを とぐ。"
624,25,3,"전신이 칼날인 포켓몬이다.
싸움에서 칼의 이가 빠지면
강가의 돌로 칼을 간다."
624,25,5,"Tout son corps est fait de lames. Si une lame sémousse,
il va laiguiser contre une pierre au bord dune rivière."
624,25,6,"Sein Körper ist mit Klingen übersät, die es an Felsen eines
Flussbettes schärft, wenn sie im Kampf schartig werden."
624,25,7,"Su cuerpo está provisto de hojas afiladas. Cuando se
desgastan, las afila con cantos rodados a la orilla del río."
624,25,8,"Il suo intero corpo è unarma da taglio. Se le lame
si smussano lottando, le affila con pietre di fiume."
624,25,9,"Blades comprise this Pokémons entire body.
If battling dulls the blades, it sharpens them on
stones by the river."
624,25,11,"全身が 刃物の ポケモン。
戦いで 刃こぼれすると
河原の 石で 刃を とぐ。"
624,26,1,"じぶんが きずついても きにせず
しゅうだんで ぜんしんの はものを
くいこませ あいてを こうげきする。"
624,26,3,"자신이 상처 입어도 신경 쓰지 않고
집단으로 전신의 칼날을
박아서 상대를 공격한다."
624,26,5,"Ignorant leurs propres blessures, ils se jettent en groupe
sur lennemi pour le déchirer de leur corps fait de lames."
624,26,6,"Selbst wenn sie verletzt sind, greifen sie ihren Gegner unbeirrt
in der Gruppe an, indem sie ihre Klingen in ihn hineinrammen."
624,26,7,"Ataca en grupo ignorando sus heridas y hundiendo en su
presa las cuchillas que recubren su cuerpo."
624,26,8,"Incuranti di ferirsi, si lanciano in gruppo addosso alla preda
infilzandola con le lame che hanno sul corpo."
624,26,9,"Ignoring their injuries, groups attack by sinking
the blades that cover their bodies into their prey."
624,26,11,"自分が 傷ついても 気にせず
集団で 全身の 刃物を
食いこませ 相手を 攻撃する。"
624,29,1,"えものを きりさいたあとは かわらの
いしで はを とぐ。 それぞれの
コマタナに おきにいりの いしがある。"
624,29,3,"먹이를 베어 가른 후에는
기와 돌로 칼날을 간다.
자망칼마다 좋아하는 돌이 있다."
624,29,5,"Après avoir dépecé ses ennemis, il va sur les
berges pour aiguiser ses lames sur une pierre.
Chaque Scalpion a dailleurs son caillou fétiche."
624,29,6,"Erst schlitzt es seine Beute auf, dann schärft es
seine Klingen an den Felsen eines Flussbetts.
Jedes Gladiantri besitzt einen Lieblingsfelsen."
624,29,7,"Tras rebanar a sus presas, afila sus cuchillas
con piedras de río. Cada Pawniard tiene una
piedra favorita."
624,29,8,"Dopo aver fatto a pezzi la preda, affila le sue
lame con pietre di fiume. Ogni Pawniard ha
le sue pietre preferite."
624,29,9,"After shredding its prey, it sharpens its blades
on a stone by the river. Each Pawniard has its
own favorite sharpening stone."
624,29,11,"獲物を 切り裂いたあとは 河原の
石で 刃を 研ぐ。 それぞれの
コマタナに お気に入りの 石がある。"
624,30,1,"キリキザンの めいれいの ままに
てきを おそう。 あいてを きりさくと
りょうての やいばを うちならすぞ。"
624,30,3,"절각참의 명령에 따라
적을 공격한다. 상대를 베어 가르면
양손의 칼날을 부딪친다."
624,30,5,"Il obéit à Scalproie au doigt et à lœil sur le
champ de bataille. Il fait résonner ses lames
lune contre lautre une fois son ennemi tranché."
624,30,6,"Es greift seine Gegner auf Befehl von Caesurio
an. Nachdem es seine Beute aufgeschlitzt hat,
lässt es seine Klingen schwingend ertönen."
624,30,7,"Acata las órdenes de Bisharp a pies juntillas.
Cuando rebana a un oponente, hace sonar las
cuchillas de sus brazos chocándolas entre sí."
624,30,8,"Seguendo prontamente gli ordini di Bisharp, si
lancia sul nemico e lo fa a pezzi, poi fa risuonare
le sue lame di un clangore metallico."
624,30,9,"It follows Bisharps orders to a tee when it
attacks enemies. After slashing an opponent,
Pawniard clangs both of its blades together."
624,30,11,"キリキザンの 命令の ままに
敵を 襲う。 相手を 切り裂くと
両手の 刃を 打ち鳴らすぞ。"
624,33,1,"するどい やいばを あやつり てきを
おいつめる。 かわらの いしで
からだの やいばを ていれする。"
624,33,3,"예리한 칼날을 다루어 상대를
몰아넣는다. 강가에 있는 돌로
몸에 있는 칼날을 손질한다."
624,33,5,"Il accule ses ennemis en jouant de ses lames
acérées, quil aiguise sur les pierres des berges."
624,33,6,"Es treibt Gegner mit seinen scharfen Klingen in
die Ecke. Diese schärft es an den Felsen eines
624,33,7,"Acorrala a los enemigos con las cuchillas de su
cuerpo, que afila usando cantos rodados a la
orilla del río."
624,33,8,"Incalza il nemico con le lame che ha sul corpo,
e le mantiene sempre taglienti affilandole con
pietre di fiume."
624,33,9,"It uses river stones to maintain the cutting edges
of the blades covering its body. These sharpened
blades allow it to bring down opponents."
624,33,11,"鋭い 刃を 操り 敵を
追い詰める。 河原の 石で
体の 刃を 手入れする。"
624,34,1,"キリキザンを ボスとした むれを
つくる。 むれを ひきいる ことを
ゆめみて ひび たんれんを つむ。"
624,34,3,"절각참을 보스로 둔 무리를
만든다. 무리를 이끄는 날을
꿈꾸며 날마다 단련을 계속한다."
624,34,5,"Il vit en meute, sous les ordres dun Scalproie.
Il sentraîne sans relâche en rêvant du jour
où il sera chef de meute à son tour."
624,34,6,"Gladiantri bilden Gruppen mit einem Caesurio
an der Spitze. Jedes von ihnen trainiert hart,
um irgendwann selbst Anführer zu werden."
624,34,7,"Forman grupos encabezados por un Bisharp. Se
entrenan a diario soñando con llegar a liderar el
grupo algún día."
624,34,8,"Con i suoi simili forma gruppi capeggiati da
un Bisharp. Si allena quotidianamente sognando
un giorno di diventare il capo del gruppo."
624,34,9,"A pack of these Pokémon forms to serve a
Bisharp boss. Each Pawniard trains diligently,
dreaming of one day taking the lead."
624,34,11,"キリキザンを ボスとした 群れを
つくる。 群れを 率いる ことを
夢見て 日々 鍛錬を 積む。"
625,17,5,"Ils dirigent les groupes de Scalpion.
Ils se battent pour la suprématie sur le
groupe, et les perdants en sont exclus."
625,17,9,"It leads a group of Pawniard.
It battles to become the boss, but will
be driven from the group if it loses."
625,18,5,"Il chasse avec un groupe de Scalpion
sous ses ordres, mais cest lui qui
donne le coup de grâce."
625,18,9,"Bisharp pursues prey in the company of a
large group of Pawniard. Then Bisharp
finishes off the prey."
625,21,9,"This pitiless Pokémon commands a group
of Pawniard to hound prey into immobility.
It then moves in to finish the prey off."
625,22,9,"This pitiless Pokémon commands a group
of Pawniard to hound prey into immobility.
It then moves in to finish the prey off."
625,23,1,"すうひきの コマタナを たたかわせ
きずつき うごけなくなった えものを
まっぷたつにする こわい ポケモン。"
625,23,3,"몇 마리의 자망칼과 싸우게 해서
상처 입고 움직일 수 없게 된 먹이를
두 동강 내버리는 무서운 포켓몬."
625,23,5,"Un Pokémon sans pitié qui tranche en deux ses proies
immobilisées par les cohortes de Scalpion quil
625,23,6,"Ein kaltblütiges Pokémon, das Gegner zunächst mit
einer Schar von Gladiantri lähmt und dann zweiteilt."
625,23,7,"Un Pokémon temible que remata a su presa una vez
que su séquito de Pawniard la ha debilitado e
625,23,8,"È molto crudele. Lascia che un gruppo di Pawniard
attacchi la preda e, quando è ferita e non può più
muoversi, la finisce."
625,23,9,"This pitiless Pokémon commands a group of
Pawniard to hound prey into immobility. It then
moves in to finish the prey off."
625,23,11,"数匹の コマタナを 戦わせ
傷つき 動けなくなった 獲物を
真っ二つにする 怖い ポケモン。"
625,24,1,"おおぜいの コマタナを したがえて
えものを むれで おいつめる。
とどめは キリキザンが さす。"
625,24,3,"많은 자망칼을 거느리며
무리를 지어 먹이를 바싹 몰아넣는다.
마무리는 절각참이 한다."
625,24,5,"Il chasse avec un groupe de Scalpion sous ses ordres,
mais cest lui qui donne le coup de grâce."
625,24,6,"Es rückt seinen Opfern mit einer Schar von Gladiantri
im Gefolge auf den Pelz. Den letzten Hieb übernimmt
es selbst."
625,24,7,"Su séquito son los Pawniard. Acorralan a su presa con
todo el grupo y Bisharp propina el golpe de gracia."
625,24,8,"Accompagnato da molti Pawniard, blocca le prede
grazie alla forza del gruppo. È Bisharp a dare il
colpo di grazia."
625,24,9,"Bisharp pursues prey in the company of a large
group of Pawniard. Then Bisharp finishes off
the prey."
625,24,11,"大勢の コマタナを 従えて
獲物を 群れで 追いつめる。
とどめは キリキザンが 刺す。"
625,25,1,"すうひきの コマタナを たたかわせ
きずつき うごけなくなった えものを
まっぷたつにする こわい ポケモン。"
625,25,3,"몇 마리의 자망칼과 싸우게 해서
상처 입고 움직일 수 없게 된 먹이를
두 동강 내버리는 무서운 포켓몬."
625,25,5,"Un Pokémon sans pitié qui tranche en deux ses proies
immobilisées par les cohortes de Scalpion quil commande."
625,25,6,"Ein kaltblütiges Pokémon, das Gegner zunächst mit einer
Schar von Gladiantri lähmt und dann zweiteilt."
625,25,7,"Un Pokémon temible que remata a su presa una vez que su
séquito de Pawniard la ha debilitado e inmovilizado."
625,25,8,"È molto crudele. Lascia che un gruppo di Pawniard attacchi
la preda e, quando è ferita e non può più muoversi, la finisce."
625,25,9,"This pitiless Pokémon commands a group of
Pawniard to hound prey into immobility. It then
moves in to finish the prey off."
625,25,11,"数匹の コマタナを 戦わせ
傷つき 動けなくなった 獲物を
真っ二つにする 怖い ポケモン。"
625,26,1,"おおぜいの コマタナを したがえて
えものを むれで おいつめる。
とどめは キリキザンが さす。"
625,26,3,"많은 자망칼을 거느리며
무리를 지어 먹이를 바싹 몰아넣는다.
마무리는 절각참이 한다."
625,26,5,"Il chasse avec un groupe de Scalpion sous ses ordres,
mais cest lui qui donne le coup de grâce."
625,26,6,"Es rückt seinen Opfern mit einer Schar von Gladiantri im
Gefolge auf den Pelz. Den letzten Hieb übernimmt es selbst."
625,26,7,"Su séquito son los Pawniard. Acorralan a su presa con todo
el grupo y Bisharp propina el golpe de gracia."
625,26,8,"Accompagnato da molti Pawniard, blocca le prede grazie alla
forza del gruppo. È Bisharp a dare il colpo di grazia."
625,26,9,"Bisharp pursues prey in the company of a large
group of Pawniard. Then Bisharp finishes off
the prey."
625,26,11,"大勢の コマタナを 従えて
獲物を 群れで 追いつめる。
とどめは キリキザンが 刺す。"
625,29,1,"どんなに つよい キリキザンでも
あたまの やいばが はこぼれすると
ボスの ざを いんたいすると いう。"
625,29,3,"아무리 강한 절각참이라도
머리의 칼날의 이가 빠지면
보스의 자리를 은퇴한다고 한다."
625,29,5,"Peu importe la puissance du Scalproie,
il abdique de son rôle de chef si la lame
de sa tête subit la moindre ébréchure."
625,29,6,"Es heißt, dass ein Caesurio ungeachtet seiner
Stärke seinen Rang als Anführer abtreten muss,
wenn die Klinge an seinem Kopf schartig wird."
625,29,7,"Por fuerte que sea un Bisharp, la más mínima
mella en la hoja de su cabeza es deshonrosa
y motivo de destitución como líder de su grupo."
625,29,8,"Per quanto sia forte, se la lama sulla sua testa
viene intaccata deve rinunciare al comando
del gruppo."
625,29,9,"No matter how strong the Bisharp, its said
that if the blade on its head is chipped, it will
retire from its position as the boss."
625,29,11,"どんなに 強い キリキザンでも
頭の 刃が 刃こぼれすると
ボスの 座を 引退すると いう。"
625,30,1,"コマタナの むれを ひきいている。
あいてに とどめを さすときも
いっさい ひょうじょうを かえない。"
625,30,3,"자망칼의 무리를 거느리고 있다.
상대를 마무리할 때도
전혀 표정을 바꾸지 않는다."
625,30,5,"Il dirige une cohorte de Scalpion. Il ne laisse
transparaître aucune émotion lorsquil assène
le coup de grâce."
625,30,6,"Es führt eine Gruppe von Gladiantri an. Selbst
wenn es dem Gegner den finalen Stoß versetzt,
bleibt sein Gesichtsausdruck stets unverändert."
625,30,7,"Lidera un grupo de Pawniard y no muestra el
más mínimo sentimiento ni cuando propina el
ataque de gracia al rival."
625,30,8,"Comanda gruppi di Pawniard. Quando attacca
il nemico per dargli il colpo di grazia, non lascia
trasparire alcuna emozione."
625,30,9,"It leads a group of Pawniard. Bisharp doesnt
even change its expression when it deals
the finishing blow to an opponent."
625,30,11,"コマタナの 群れを 率いている。
相手に 止めを 刺すときも
一切 表情を 変えない。"
625,33,1,"おおぜいの コマタナを したがえる。
てしたたちが うらぎらない よう
つねに めを ひからせている。"
625,33,3,"많은 수의 자망칼을 거느리고 있다.
부하들이 배신하지 못하도록
항상 눈에 불을 켜고 있다."
625,33,5,"Il dirige des cohortes de Scalpion.
Il garde constamment ses sous-fifres à lœil
pour parer à toute velléité de mutinerie."
625,33,6,"Es hat stets ein Gefolge aus mehreren Gladiantri
und achtet immer streng darauf, dass ihm keiner
seiner Handlanger in den Rücken fällt."
625,33,7,"Siempre va acompañado por un nutrido séquito
de Pawniard, a los que no pierde nunca de vista
para evitar posibles motines."
625,33,8,"È sempre accompagnato da molti Pawniard.
Per evitare che si verifichino ammutinamenti,
li tiene sempre sotto stretta sorveglianza."
625,33,9,"Its accompanied by a large retinue of Pawniard.
Bisharp keeps a keen eye on its minions, ensuring
none of them even think of double-crossing it."
625,33,11,"大勢の コマタナを 従える。
手下たちが 裏切らない よう
常に 目を 光らせている。"
625,34,1,"やいばを とぐ いしが ある
ばしょを めぐって オノンドと
はげしい あらそいを くりひろげる。"
625,34,3,"칼날을 가는 돌의
장소를 두고 액슨도와
격렬하게 싸움을 벌인다."
625,34,5,"Sa recherche des meilleurs endroits où trouver
des pierres pour affûter ses lames le conduit
souvent à affronter des Incisache."
625,34,6,"Sie streiten sich mit Sharfax aufs Heftigste um
das Vorrecht auf Orte mit Felsen, an denen
sie ihre Klingen schärfen können."
625,34,7,"Libra encarnizados combates con los Fraxure por
el control de los emplazamientos donde se hallan
las piedras con las que afila sus cuchillas."
625,34,8,"Affronta spesso Fraxure in violenti scontri
per il controllo dei territori in cui si trovano
le pietre che usa per affilare le sue lame."
625,34,9,"Violent conflicts erupt between Bisharp and
Fraxure over places where sharpening stones
can be found."
625,34,11,"刃を 研ぐ 石が ある
場所を めぐって オノンドと
激しい 争いを 繰りひろげる。"
626,17,5,"Son pelage fourni absorbe les chocs
et lui permet dasséner sans broncher
le plus violent des coups de tête."
626,17,9,"Their fluffy fur absorbs damage,
even if they strike foes with a
fierce headbutt."
626,18,5,"Il charge tout ce qui bouge sans
réfléchir. Il peut faire dérailler
un train en marche."
626,18,9,"They charge wildly and headbutt
everything. Their headbutts have enough
destructive force to derail a train."
626,21,9,"They are known to charge so wildly
that if a train were to enter their
territory, they would send it flying."
626,22,9,"They are known to charge so wildly
that if a train were to enter their
territory, they would send it flying."
626,23,1,"みさかいなく とっしんして ずつきを
くらわせる。はしっている れっしゃを
だっせんさせる はかいりょく。"
626,23,3,"무작정 돌진하여 박치기를
한다. 달리고 있는 열차를
탈선시킬 정도의 파괴력이다."
626,23,5,"Il charge tout ce qui bouge sans réfléchir. Il peut faire
dérailler un train en marche."
626,23,6,"Rammt seine Gegner ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste
mit dem Kopf und vermag damit sogar Züge
zum Entgleisen zu bringen."
626,23,7,"Embiste con la cabeza sin distinción. Su potencia es
capaz de hacer descarrilar un tren en marcha."
626,23,8,"Sferra testate contro tutto e tutti. Ha una forza
distruttiva tale da far deragliare un treno in corsa."
626,23,9,"They charge wildly and headbutt everything.
Their headbutts have enough destructive force to
derail a train."
626,23,11,"見境なく 突進して 頭突きを
食らわせる。走っている 列車を
脱線させる 破壊力。"
626,24,1,"はげしい ずつきを くらわせても
ふさふさの たいもうが ダメージを
きゅうしゅうして くれるのだ。"
626,24,3,"세찬 박치기를 당해도
탐스러운 털이 데미지를
흡수해 준다."
626,24,5,"Son pelage fourni absorbe les chocs et lui permet
dasséner sans broncher le plus violent des coups
de tête."
626,24,6,"Sein zotteliges Fell fängt selbst nach einer seiner
wuchtigen Rempelattacken einiges an Schaden ab."
626,24,7,"Aunque encaje un cabezazo violento, su pelaje
absorbe el daño."
626,24,8,"Anche se riceve una violenta testata, la folta pelliccia
minimizza limpatto."
626,24,9,"Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike
foes with a fierce headbutt."
626,24,11,"激しい 頭突きを 食らわせても
ふさふさの 体毛が
ダメージを 吸収して くれるのだ。"
626,25,1,"みさかいなく とっしんして ずつきを
くらわせる。はしっている れっしゃを
だっせんさせる はかいりょく。"
626,25,3,"무작정 돌진하여 박치기를
한다. 달리고 있는 열차를
탈선시킬 정도의 파괴력이다."
626,25,5,"Il charge tout ce qui bouge sans réfléchir. Il peut faire dérailler
un train en marche."
626,25,6,"Rammt seine Gegner ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste mit dem Kopf
und vermag damit sogar Züge zum Entgleisen zu bringen."
626,25,7,"Embiste con la cabeza sin distinción. Su potencia es capaz de
hacer descarrilar un tren en marcha."
626,25,8,"Sferra testate contro tutto e tutti. Ha una forza distruttiva tale
da far deragliare un treno in corsa."
626,25,9,"They charge wildly and headbutt everything.
Their headbutts have enough destructive force to
derail a train."
626,25,11,"見境なく 突進して 頭突きを
食らわせる。走っている 列車を
脱線させる 破壊力。"
626,26,1,"はげしい ずつきを くらわせても
ふさふさの たいもうが ダメージを
きゅうしゅうして くれるのだ。"
626,26,3,"세차게 박치기를 해도
탐스러운 털이 데미지를
흡수해 준다."
626,26,5,"Son pelage fourni absorbe les chocs et lui permet dasséner
sans broncher le plus violent des coups de tête."
626,26,6,"Sein zotteliges Fell fängt selbst nach einer seiner wuchtigen
Rempelattacken einiges an Schaden ab."
626,26,7,"Aunque encaje un cabezazo violento, su pelaje absorbe el
626,26,8,"Anche se riceve una violenta testata, la folta pelliccia
minimizza limpatto."
626,26,9,"Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike
foes with a fierce headbutt."
626,26,11,"激しい 頭突きを 食らわせても
ふさふさの 体毛が
ダメージを 吸収して くれるのだ。"
626,33,1,"ずつきだけで くるまを つぶす。
あたまの けが おおきいほど
むれでの ちいが あがるのだ。"
626,33,3,"박치기만으로 자동차를 부순다.
머리의 털이 풍성할수록
무리에서 지위가 올라간다."
626,33,5,"Il peut détruire une voiture dun coup de tête.
Plus sa crinière est volumineuse, plus son rang
au sein du troupeau est élevé."
626,33,6,"Mit nur einem Kopfstoß kann es ein Auto
zerstören. Je größer das Fellbüschel an Bisofanks
Kopf, desto höher ist sein Rang in der Herde."
626,33,7,"Puede destrozar un coche de un solo testarazo.
Cuanto más abundante sea su melena, mayor
rango tendrá en la jerarquía de la manada."
626,33,8,"Può distruggere unautomobile a testate. Più
la criniera è voluminosa, più prominente è la sua
posizione nella mandria."
626,33,9,"These Pokémon can crush a car with no more
than a headbutt. Bouffalant with more hair on
their heads hold higher positions within the herd."
626,33,11,"頭突きだけで 車を 潰す。
頭の 毛が 大きいほど
群れでの 地位が 上がるのだ。"
626,34,1,"20ぴきていどの むれで くらす。
むれを うらぎった バッフロンは
なぜか あたまの けが ぬける。"
626,34,3,"20마리 정도가 무리 지어 산다.
무리를 배신한 버프론은
어째서인지 머리털이 빠진다."
626,34,5,"Les Frison vivent en troupeau dune vingtaine
dindividus. Pour une raison inconnue, si lun
deux trahit le groupe, il perd sa crinière."
626,34,6,"Es lebt in Gruppen von circa 20 Artgenossen.
Verrät ein Bisofank seine Herde, fällt ihm aus
unbekannten Gründen das Fell am Kopf aus."
626,34,7,"Forman manadas de unos veinte individuos. Se
desconoce el motivo, pero los que traicionan la
confianza del grupo pierden la melena."
626,34,8,"Vive in mandrie di circa 20 esemplari.
Per qualche motivo, i Bouffalant che tradiscono
il gruppo perdono la chioma."
626,34,9,"These Pokémon live in herds of about 20
individuals. Bouffalant that betray the herd will
lose the hair on their heads for some reason."
626,34,11,"20匹程度の 群れで 暮らす。
群れを 裏切った バッフロンは
なぜか 頭の 毛が 抜ける。"
627,17,5,"Il casse les Baies avec ses serres.
Il combat courageusement, quelle que
soit la force de ladversaire."
627,17,9,"They crush berries with their talons.
They bravely stand up to any opponent,
no matter how strong it is."
627,18,5,"Il défie sans discernement même les
ennemis puissants. Il devient plus fort
en multipliant les combats."
627,18,9,"They will challenge anything, even strong
opponents, without fear. Their frequent
fights help them become stronger."
627,21,9,"It stands up to massive opponents, not
out of courage, but out of recklessness.
But that is how it gets stronger."
627,22,9,"It stands up to massive opponents, not
out of courage, but out of recklessness.
But that is how it gets stronger."
627,23,1,"きゃくりょくで きのみを くだく。
どんなに つよい あいてでも
ゆうかんに たちむかう しゅうせい。"
627,23,3,"다리 힘으로 나무열매를 으깬다.
아무리 강한 상대라도
용감히 맞서는 습성이 있다."
627,23,5,"Il casse les Baies avec ses serres. Il combat
courageusement, quelle que soit la force de
627,23,6,"Kann mit seinen Füßen Nüsse zermalmen.
Es stellt sich jedem noch so starken Gegner
tapfer zum Kampf."
627,23,7,"Quiebra bayas con sus extremidades. Se enfrenta con
valentía a todo enemigo por fuerte que este sea."
627,23,8,"Si serve degli arti come schiaccianoci per rompere le
bacche. Affronta con valore anche i nemici più forti."
627,23,9,"They crush berries with their talons. They bravely
stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong
it is."
627,23,11,"脚力で 木の実を 砕く。
どんなに 強い 相手でも
勇敢に 立ち向かう 習性。"
627,24,1,"つよい あいてにも みさかいなく
たたかいを いどむ。たたかいを
くりかえす ことで つよくなるのだ。"
627,24,3,"강한 상대에게도 무작정
싸움을 건다. 싸움을 계속
반복하며 강해진다."
627,24,5,"Il défie sans discernement même les ennemis
puissants. Il devient plus fort en multipliant les
627,24,6,"Es zettelt willkürlich Kämpfe an, egal wie stark
der Gegner auch ist. Es gewinnt an Stärke,
indem es seine Fehler analysiert."
627,24,7,"Desafía indiscriminadamente a rivales poderosos.
Librar numerosas batallas lo hace fuerte."
627,24,8,"Sfida indiscriminatamente avversari anche più forti
di lui. Si irrobustisce a forza di lottare."
627,24,9,"They will challenge anything, even strong
opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help
them become stronger."
627,24,11,"強い 相手にも 見境なく 戦いを
挑む。戦いを 繰り返す ことで
627,25,1,"きゃくりょくで きのみを くだく。
どんなに つよい あいてでも
ゆうかんに たちむかう しゅうせい。"
627,25,3,"다리 힘으로 나무열매를 으깬다.
아무리 강한 상대라도
용감히 맞서는 습성이 있다."
627,25,5,"Il casse les Baies avec ses serres. Il combat courageusement,
quelle que soit la force de ladversaire."
627,25,6,"Kann mit seinen Füßen Nüsse zermalmen. Es stellt sich jedem
noch so starken Gegner tapfer zum Kampf."
627,25,7,"Quiebra bayas con sus extremidades. Se enfrenta con valentía
a todo enemigo por fuerte que este sea."
627,25,8,"Si serve degli arti come schiaccianoci per rompere le bacche.
Affronta con valore anche i nemici più forti."
627,25,9,"They crush berries with their talons. They bravely
stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong
it is."
627,25,11,"脚力で 木の実を 砕く。
どんなに 強い 相手でも
勇敢に 立ち向かう 習性。"
627,26,1,"つよい あいてにも みさかいなく
たたかいを いどむ。たたかいを
くりかえす ことで つよくなるのだ。"
627,26,3,"강한 상대에게도 무작정
싸움을 건다. 싸움을 계속
반복하며 강해진다."
627,26,5,"Il défie sans discernement même les ennemis puissants.
Il devient plus fort en multipliant les combats."
627,26,6,"Es zettelt willkürlich Kämpfe an, egal wie stark der Gegner
auch ist. Es gewinnt an Stärke, indem es seine Fehler
627,26,7,"Desafía indiscriminadamente a rivales poderosos. Librar
numerosas batallas lo hace fuerte."
627,26,8,"Sfida indiscriminatamente avversari anche più forti di lui.
Si irrobustisce a forza di lottare."
627,26,9,"They will challenge anything, even strong
opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help
them become stronger."
627,26,11,"強い 相手にも 見境なく 戦いを
挑む。戦いを 繰り返す ことで
627,27,1,"みさかいなく たたかいを いどむ。
たおれるたびに きずつくたびに
つよく たくましく そだっていく。"
627,27,3,"무작정 싸움을 건다.
쓰러질 때마다 다칠 때마다
강하고 늠름하게 성장해간다."
627,27,5,"Il sattaque à tout ce qui bouge, sans
discrimination. Ses blessures et échecs
ne font que le rendre plus fort."
627,27,6,"Es zettelt willkürlich Kämpfe an, egal wie
stark der Gegner auch ist. Es gewinnt mit
jeder Niederlage und Blessur an Stärke."
627,27,7,"Desafía indiscriminadamente a cualquier rival.
Cada vez que le hieren en combate o se debilita
no hace sino aumentar su fortaleza."
627,27,8,"Si scaglia contro qualsiasi avversario.
Ogni volta che viene ferito o sconfitto,
diventa più forte."
627,27,9,"They pick fights indiscriminately. They grow
stronger and more powerful each time they
faint or are injured."
627,27,11,"見境なく 勝負を 挑む。
倒れるたびに 傷つくたびに
強く たくましく 育っていく。"
627,28,1,"とがったツメを えものに つきたて
ついばんでいる。 きのみも たべるが
きほんてきに にくしょくの ポケモン。"
627,28,3,"뾰족한 발톱을 사냥감에게 꽂고
쪼아 먹는다. 나무열매도 먹지만
기본적으로 육식 포켓몬이다."
627,28,5,"Il agrippe ses proies avec ses serres effilées
et les picore. Il lui arrive de manger des Baies,
mais au fond cest un carnivore."
627,28,6,"Mit seinen scharfen Fängen packt es seine
Beute und pickt danach. Generell ist es ein
Fleischfresser, es isst aber auch Beeren."
627,28,7,"Es un Pokémon carnívoro, aunque no les hace
ascos a las bayas. Clava con ahínco sus garras
afiladas en la presa para picotearla sin cesar."
627,28,8,"Infilza le prede con i suoi artigli affilati e le
attacca a beccate. È principalmente carnivoro,
ma può mangiare anche le bacche."
627,28,9,"With its sharp claws, this Pokémon pierces its
prey, and then it pecks at them. Although it also
consumes berries, its a carnivore at heart."
627,28,11,"尖ったツメを 獲物に 突き立て
ついばんでいる。 木の実も 食べるが
基本的に 肉食の ポケモン。"
627,29,1,"つよい きゃくりょくと じょうぶな
ツメで かたい シェルダーの カラも
くだいて なかみを ついばむ。"
627,29,3,"강한 다릿심과 튼튼한 발톱으로
딱딱한 셀러의 껍질도 부수고
안에 있는 내용물을 쪼아 먹는다."
627,29,5,"Grâce à ses pattes puissantes et à ses serres
robustes, il arrive même à briser la coquille de
Kokiyas pour se délecter de son contenu."
627,29,6,"Mit seinen kräftigen Beinen und robusten Krallen
kann es selbst die harte Schale eines Muschas
aufbrechen und das Innere herauspicken."
627,29,7,"La fuerza de los talones y dureza de las garras
le permiten perforar la coraza de los Shellder
para picotear su cuerpo."
627,29,8,"Ha arti potenti e artigli robusti con cui riesce
a frantumare anche la corazza degli Shellder
per poterne beccare il corpo allinterno."
627,29,9,"With its powerful legs and sturdy claws, it can
crack even the hard shells of Shellder and pluck
out their insides."
627,29,11,"強い 脚力と 丈夫な ツメで
硬い シェルダーの カラも
砕いて 中身を ついばむ。"
627,30,1,"うまれながらの せんしと よばれる。
うまれて すぐに おやに いどみ
みとめてもらわなければ いけない。"
627,30,3,"타고난 전사라고 불린다.
태어나자마자 부모에게 도전하여
인정을 받아야 한다."
627,30,5,"Cest un guerrier endurci dès sa naissance.
Il commence dailleurs par défier ses parents
au combat pour leur prouver sa valeur."
627,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon gilt als geborener Krieger.
Kaum ist es geschlüpft, tritt es gegen seine
Eltern an, um ihre Anerkennung zu bekommen."
627,30,7,"Su especie es guerrera y belicosa por naturaleza
y lo primero que hacen nada más nacer es medir
sus fuerzas contra sus progenitores."
627,30,8,"È considerato un lottatore nato: la prima cosa
che fa quando viene al mondo è sfidare i genitori
per guadagnarsi la loro approvazione."
627,30,9,"Known as a natural-born warrior, soon after its
hatching, it will challenge its parent to a fight in
order to gain their acceptance."
627,30,11,"生まれながらの 戦士と 呼ばれる。
生まれて すぐに 親に 挑み
認めてもらわなければ いけない。"
627,33,1,"つよそうな ポケモンを みると
たたかいを いどまずに いられない。
まけると おおごえで なきだす。"
627,33,3,"강해 보이는 포켓몬을 발견하면
싸움을 걸지 않고는 못 배긴다.
지면 큰 소리로 울어댄다."
627,33,5,"Il ne peut pas sempêcher de défier les Pokémon
qui ont lair forts. Lorsquil perd, il pousse un cri
627,33,6,"Wenn es einen starken Gegner erblickt, kommt
es nicht umhin, ihn anzugreifen. Verliert es den
Kampf, so fängt es an zu weinen."
627,33,7,"Cuando ve a un Pokémon de aspecto fuerte,
no puede resistirse a desafiarlo en combate.
Si pierde, llora y se lamenta a pleno pulmón."
627,33,8,"Quando scorge un Pokémon che ha laria di
essere forte, lo deve sfidare a tutti i costi. Se
perde, piange più forte che può."
627,33,9,"If it spies a strong Pokémon, Rufflet cant resist
challenging it to a battle. But if Rufflet loses,
it starts bawling."
627,33,11,"強そうな ポケモンを 見ると
戦いを 挑まずに いられない。
負けると 大声で 泣きだす。"
627,34,1,"かたい きのみも こなごなに くだく
あくりょく。 ケンカっぱやく
だれにでも しょうぶを しかける。"
627,34,3,"딱딱한 나무열매도 산산조각 내는
악력을 가졌다. 쉽게 다투고
아무에게나 승부를 건다."
627,34,5,"Sa poigne est telle quil peut réduire en miettes
les plus dures des Baies. Belliqueux de nature,
il nhésite pas à défier tout le monde."
627,34,6,"Seine starken Klauen können selbst harte Beeren
zermalmen. Es ist so streitsüchtig, dass es jeden
zum Kampf herausfordert, dem es begegnet."
627,34,7,"Es capaz de partir hasta la baya más dura gracias
a la fuerza de sus extremidades. Belicoso por
naturaleza, planta cara a cualquiera."
627,34,8,"La sua stretta riduce in frantumi anche le bacche
più dure. È un attaccabrighe e sfida chiunque
gli capiti a tiro."
627,34,9,"A combative Pokémon, its ready to pick a fight
with anyone. It has talons that can crush
hard berries."
627,34,11,"硬い 木の実も 粉々に 砕く
握力。 喧嘩っ早く
誰にでも 勝負を 仕掛ける。"
628,17,5,"Pour les siens, il combat au mépris du
danger. Il est capable de soulever
une voiture haut dans le ciel."
628,17,9,"They fight for their friends without any
thought about danger to themselves.
One can carry a car while flying."
628,18,5,"Un chevalier du ciel brave et intrépide.
Plus son corps porte de cicatrices, plus
il est respecté de ses congénères."
628,18,9,"The more scars they have, the more
respect these brave soldiers of the sky 
get from their peers."
628,21,9,"For the sake of its friends, this brave
warrior of the sky will not stop battling,
even if injured."
628,22,9,"For the sake of its friends, this brave
warrior of the sky will not stop battling,
even if injured."
628,23,1,"なかまの ためなら どれだけ
きずつこうとも たたかいを やめない
ゆうかんな おおぞらの せんし。"
628,23,3,"동료를 위해서라면 아무리
상처를 입더라도 싸움을 관두지 않는
용감한 넓은 하늘의 전사."
628,23,5,"Un chevalier du ciel, brave et intrépide. Pour les
siens, il combat au mépris du danger, sans jamais
628,23,6,"Ein tapferer Krieger der Lüfte, der zum Schutz
seiner Kameraden auch mit Verletzungen immer
628,23,7,"Un valiente guerrero del cielo que no duda en luchar
por sus compañeros por graves que sean sus heridas."
628,23,8,"È lintrepido guerriero del cielo. Per difendere i suoi
simili, lotta fino allultimo senza badare alle ferite."
628,23,9,"For the sake of its friends, this brave warrior of the
sky will not stop battling, even if injured."
628,23,11,"仲間の ためなら どれだけ
傷つこうとも 戦いを やめない
勇敢な 大空の 戦士。"
628,24,1,"なかまのため きけんを かえりみず
たたかう。じどうしゃを つかんだまま
おおぞらを まう ことが できる。"
628,24,3,"동료를 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고
싸운다. 자동차를 붙잡은 채로
넓은 하늘을 날 수 있다."
628,24,5,"Pour les siens, il combat au mépris du danger. Il est
capable de soulever une voiture haut dans le ciel."
628,24,6,"Für Freunde stürzt es sich selbstlos in den Kampf. Es
kann mit seinen Krallen Autos durch die Lüfte tragen."
628,24,7,"Lucha por sus compañeros sin reparar en el peligro.
Es capaz de volar alto incluso con un coche en sus
628,24,8,"Incurante del pericolo, lotta per difendere i compagni.
Può sollevare in volo anche una pesante automobile."
628,24,9,"They fight for their friends without any thought
about danger to themselves. One can carry a car
while flying."
628,24,11,"仲間のため 危険を かえりみず
戦う。自動車を つかんだまま
大空を 舞う ことが できる。"
628,25,1,"なかまの ためなら どれだけ
きずつこうとも たたかいを やめない
ゆうかんな おおぞらの せんし。"
628,25,3,"동료를 위해서라면 아무리
상처를 입더라도 싸움을 관두지 않는
용감한 넓은 하늘의 전사."
628,25,5,"Un chevalier du ciel, brave et intrépide. Pour les siens,
il combat au mépris du danger, sans jamais fléchir."
628,25,6,"Ein tapferer Krieger der Lüfte, der zum Schutz seiner
Kameraden auch mit Verletzungen immer weiterkämpft."
628,25,7,"Un valiente guerrero del cielo que no duda en luchar por sus
compañeros por graves que sean sus heridas."
628,25,8,"È lintrepido guerriero del cielo. Per difendere i suoi simili,
lotta fino allultimo senza badare alle ferite."
628,25,9,"For the sake of its friends, this brave warrior of the
sky will not stop battling, even if injured."
628,25,11,"仲間の ためなら どれだけ
傷つこうとも 戦いを やめない
勇敢な 大空の 戦士。"
628,26,1,"なかまのため きけんを かえりみず
たたかう。じどうしゃを つかんだまま
おおぞらを まう ことが できる。"
628,26,3,"동료를 위해 위험을 무릅쓰고
싸운다. 자동차를 붙잡은 채로
넓은 하늘을 날 수 있다."
628,26,5,"Pour les siens, il combat au mépris du danger. Il est capable
de soulever une voiture haut dans le ciel."
628,26,6,"Für Freunde stürzt es sich selbstlos in den Kampf. Es kann mit
seinen Krallen Autos durch die Lüfte tragen."
628,26,7,"Lucha por sus compañeros sin reparar en el peligro. Es capaz
de volar alto incluso con un coche en sus garras."
628,26,8,"Incurante del pericolo, lotta per difendere i compagni.
Può sollevare in volo anche una pesante automobile."
628,26,9,"They fight for their friends without any thought
about danger to themselves. One can carry a car
while flying."
628,26,11,"仲間のため 危険を かえりみず
戦う。自動車を つかんだまま
大空を 舞う ことが できる。"
628,27,1,"しさえ おそれぬ ゆうかんな きしつ。
たいこの アローラの ひとびとは
そらのゆうしゃと よび そんけいした。"
628,27,3,"죽음조차 두려워하지 않는 용감한 기질이다.
먼 옛날에 알로라 사람들은
하늘의 용자라고 부르며 존경했다."
628,27,5,"Rien neffraie cet intrépide Pokémon, pas même
la mort. Jadis, les gens dAlola le surnommaient
«le preux chevalier du ciel» avec respect."
628,27,6,"Dieses tapfere Pokémon fürchtet nicht einmal
den Tod. Die Bewohner von Alola nannten es in
grauer Vorzeit ehrfürchtig „Krieger der Lüfte“."
628,27,7,"Por su talante aguerrido, no titubea a la hora de
jugarse el pellejo. Los antiguos habitantes de
Alola lo veneraban como el Héroe del Cielo."
628,27,8,"Pokémon intrepido che non teme nemmeno
la morte. Venerato nellantica Alola, era noto
come “leroe del cielo”."
628,27,9,"With its brave disposition, it fears nothing—not
even death. Ancient Alolan people respected
it, referring to it as “the hero of the sky.”"
628,27,11,"死さえ 恐れぬ 勇敢な 気質。
太古の アローラの 人々は
空の勇者と 呼び 尊敬した。"
628,28,1,"すみかを ひとが おびやかした
かこが あり ウォーグルたちは
いちがんに なって あらがったという。"
628,28,3,"사는 곳을 사람에게 위협받은
과거가 있어 워글들은
한마음이 되어 저항했다고 한다."
628,28,5,"Jadis, lHomme a menacé son habitat. Tous les
Gueriaigle se sont alors rassemblés et ont fait
front commun pour repousser la menace."
628,28,6,"Als die Menschen einst ihren Lebensraum
bedrohten, schlossen sich alle Washakwil
zusammen und bekämpften sie."
628,28,7,"Cuando los seres humanos amenazaban su
hábitat en el pasado, los Braviary se agrupaban
para oponer resistencia."
628,28,8,"Il loro habitat era un tempo minacciato
dagli uomini, ma i Braviary lottarono uniti
per difenderlo."
628,28,9,"Its thought that people disturbed their habitats
in the past, so Braviary banded together to
fight back."
628,28,11,"棲みかを 人が おびやかした
過去が あり ウォーグルたちは
一丸になって 抗ったという。"
628,29,1,"むこうきずの おおい ものほど
ゆうかんとされ うしろきずの おおい
ものは むれで バカに される。"
628,29,3,"안면에 상처가 많을수록
용감하다고 평가받고 뒤에 상처가
많으면 무리에서 무시당한다."
628,29,5,"Les balafres ne font quajouter à sa renommée,
mais les blessures dans le dos, synonymes de
fuite en combat, sont mal vues par la volée."
628,29,6,"Unter Washakwil gelten Narben an der Stirnseite
als Beweis für Mut. Diejenigen, die viele Narben
auf der Rückseite vorweisen, werden verhöhnt."
628,29,7,"Las cicatrices que surcan su frente demuestran
su valor, pero las de su espalda son motivo de
mofa por parte de su bandada."
628,29,8,"Gli esemplari con più cicatrici sul volto sono
considerati i più valorosi. Quelli con cicatrici
sul dorso, al contrario, sono derisi dal gruppo."
628,29,9,"The more scars it has on its front, the more
heroic its considered to be. Those with many
scars on their back are mocked by the flock."
628,29,11,"向こう傷の 多い ものほど
勇敢とされ 後ろ傷の 多い
ものは 群れで バカに される。"
628,30,1,"そらのゆうしゃの いみょうを もつ。
きずついても にげることのない
ほこりたかく ゆうもうな ポケモン。"
628,30,3,"하늘의 용자라는 별명을 가졌다.
상처를 입어도 도망치지 않는
긍지 높고 용맹한 포켓몬이다."
628,30,5,"Surnommé «le héros céleste», il est tellement
fier quil préfère endurer mille souffrances
plutôt que de choisir la fuite."
628,30,6,"Manche nennen es auch „Krieger der Lüfte“.
Ein stolzes und unerschrockenes Pokémon, das
eher Verletzungen erleidet, als zu fliehen."
628,30,7,"Se le conoce como Héroe del Cielo, y su orgullo
y valía son tales que prefiere salir herido antes
que huir de forma deshonrosa."
628,30,8,"Noto come “leroe del cielo”, è un Pokémon fiero
e coraggioso che non scappa mai di fronte
al pericolo, neanche quando è ferito."
628,30,9,"Known as “the hero of the skies,” this
Pokémon is so proud and so brave that it will
never retreat, even when its injured."
628,30,11,"空の勇者の 異名を 持つ。
傷ついても 逃げることのない
誇り高く 勇猛な ポケモン。"
628,33,1,"ゆうもうで ほこりたかい ポケモン。
その ゆうしを たたえ エンブレムの
モチーフとして にんきが たかい。"
628,33,3,"용맹하고 긍지 높은 포켓몬.
그 용감한 모습 때문에
엠블럼의 모티브로 인기가 많다."
628,33,5,"Cest un Pokémon fier et vaillant.
Sa bravoure lui vaut dêtre souvent utilisé
comme emblème sur les blasons."
628,33,6,"Es ist ein furchtloses und stolzes Pokémon,
das als Symbol des Mutes häufig auf Wappen
abgebildet wird."
628,33,7,"Un Pokémon osado y orgulloso, cuyo majestuoso
porte lo convierte en un motivo heráldico muy
628,33,8,"È un Pokémon intrepido e orgoglioso.
Appare spesso come motivo araldico per via
del suo eroismo."
628,33,9,"Known for its bravery and pride, this majestic
Pokémon is often seen as a motif for various
kinds of emblems."
628,33,11,"勇猛で 誇り高い ポケモン。
その 雄姿を 称え エンブレムの
モチーフとして 人気が 高い。"
628,34,1,"ちのけが おおく あらっぽいので
ガラルの はこびやの ざは
アーマーガアに うばわれた。"
628,34,3,"혈기왕성하고 거칠어서
가라르의 배달부 자리는
아머까오에게 뺏겼다."
628,34,5,"Son caractère agressif et violent lui a valu
de perdre son rôle de transporteur à Galar
au profit de Corvaillus."
628,34,6,"Da es hitzköpfig und aggressiv ist, hat es den
Posten als Kurier in Galar an Krarmor verloren."
628,34,7,"Su carácter agresivo e irascible le ha hecho
perder su puesto como transportista en Galar
en favor de los Corviknight."
628,34,8,"A causa del suo carattere irruente e violento
ha perso il posto di corriere a Galar, che gli è
stato rubato da Corviknight."
628,34,9,"Because this Pokémon is hotheaded and
belligerent, its Corviknight thats taken
the role of transportation in Galar."
628,34,11,"血の気が 多く 荒っぽいので
ガラルの 運び屋の 座は
アーマーガアに 奪われた。"
629,17,5,"Ses ailes sont trop petites pour lui
permettre de voler. Quand lévolution
approche, il sort lui-même de sa coquille."
629,17,9,"Its wings are too tiny to allow it to fly.
As the time approaches for it to evolve,
it discards the bones it was wearing."
629,18,5,"Il trouve des os convenables pour
protéger ses arrières, puis harcèle
les Pokémon plus faibles que lui."
629,18,9,"They tend to guard their posteriors
with suitable bones they have found.
They pursue weak Pokémon."
629,21,9,"Their wings are too tiny to allow them to
fly. They guard their posteriors with
bones that were gathered by Mandibuzz."
629,22,9,"Their wings are too tiny to allow them to
fly. They guard their posteriors with
bones that were gathered by Mandibuzz."
629,23,1,"つばさが ちいさいため とべない。
しんかの ときが ちかづくと
じぶんから ガイコツを ぬぎすてる。"
629,23,3,"날개가 작아서 날지 못한다.
진화가 가까워지면
자기 스스로 해골을 벗어버린다."
629,23,5,"Ses ailes sont trop petites pour lui permettre de
voler. Quand lévolution approche, il sort lui-même
du crâne qui le protège."
629,23,6,"Seine Flügel sind noch zu klein zum Fliegen.
Kurz bevor es sich entwickelt, wirft es seine
Schädelwindel ab."
629,23,7,"No puede volar porque sus alas son muy pequeñas.
Cuando va a evolucionar, se deshace de su calavera."
629,23,8,"Le piccole ali non gli consentono di volare. Quando si
avvicina il momento di evolversi, si libera del teschio."
629,23,9,"Its wings are too tiny to allow it to fly. As the time
approaches for it to evolve, it discards the bones
it was wearing."
629,23,11,"翼が 小さいため 飛べない。
進化の ときが 近づくと
自分から ガイコツを 脱ぎ捨てる。"
629,24,1,"つばさは ちいさく まだ とべない。
バルジーナが あつめてきた
ガイコツで おしりを まもっている。"
629,24,3,"날개는 작아서 아직 날 수 없다.
버랜지나가 모아온
해골로 엉덩이를 지키고 있다."
629,24,5,"Ses ailes sont trop petites pour voler. Il protège son
croupion avec un crâne apporté par un Vaututrice."
629,24,6,"Seine Flügel sind noch zu klein zum Fliegen. Ein von
Grypheldis beschaffter Schädel schützt seinen Bürzel."
629,24,7,"Sus pequeñas alas no le permiten volar. Usa una
calavera que le dio Mandibuzz para proteger sus
629,24,8,"Le sue ali sono ancora piccole e non può volare.
Usa delle ossa ricevute da Mandibuzz per riparare
il suo bacino."
629,24,9,"Their wings are too tiny to allow them to fly.
They guard their posteriors with bones that were
gathered by Mandibuzz."
629,24,11,"翼は 小さく まだ 飛べない。
バルジーナが 集めてきた
ガイコツで お尻を 守っている。"
629,25,1,"つばさが ちいさいため とべない。
しんかの ときが ちかづくと
じぶんから ガイコツを ぬぎすてる。"
629,25,3,"날개가 작아서 날지 못한다.
진화가 가까워지면
자기 스스로 해골을 벗어버린다."
629,25,5,"Ses ailes sont trop petites pour lui permettre de voler.
Quand lévolution approche, il sort lui-même du crâne
qui le protège."
629,25,6,"Seine Flügel sind noch zu klein zum Fliegen. Kurz bevor es
sich entwickelt, wirft es seine Schädelwindel ab."
629,25,7,"No puede volar porque sus alas son muy pequeñas. Cuando
va a evolucionar, se deshace de su calavera."
629,25,8,"Le piccole ali non gli consentono di volare. Quando si
avvicina il momento di evolversi, si libera del teschio."
629,25,9,"Its wings are too tiny to allow it to fly. As the time
approaches for it to evolve, it discards the bones
it was wearing."
629,25,11,"翼が 小さいため 飛べない。
進化の ときが 近づくと
自分から ガイコツを 脱ぎ捨てる。"
629,26,1,"つばさは ちいさく まだ とべない。
バルジーナが あつめてきた
ガイコツで おしりを まもっている。"
629,26,3,"날개는 작아서 아직 날 수 없다.
버랜지나가 모아온
해골로 엉덩이를 지키고 있다."
629,26,5,"Ses ailes sont trop petites pour voler. Il protège son croupion
avec un crâne apporté par un Vaututrice."
629,26,6,"Seine Flügel sind noch zu klein zum Fliegen. Ein von
Grypheldis beschaffter Schädel schützt seinen Bürzel."
629,26,7,"Sus pequeñas alas no le permiten volar. Usa una calavera que
le dio Mandibuzz para proteger sus posaderas."
629,26,8,"Le sue ali sono ancora piccole e non può volare. Usa delle
ossa ricevute da Mandibuzz per riparare il suo bacino."
629,26,9,"Their wings are too tiny to allow them to fly.
They guard their posteriors with bones that were
gathered by Mandibuzz."
629,26,11,"翼は 小さく まだ 飛べない。
バルジーナが 集めてきた
ガイコツで お尻を 守っている。"
629,27,1,"ぷよぷよの おしりを まもるのは
くった えものの ホネ。
せいちょうのたび はきかえるよ。"
629,27,3,"포동포동한 엉덩이를 지키는 것은
먹어버린 먹이의 뼈다.
성장할 때마다 갈아입는다."
629,27,5,"Il protège son tendre popotin avec le crâne
dune de ses proies. Il en change régulièrement
en grandissant."
629,27,6,"Seinen weichen Bürzel schützt es mithilfe von
Schädeln gefressener Beute. Ist es ein Stück
gewachsen, muss ein größerer Schädel her."
629,27,7,"Protege sus posaderas blanduzcas con los
huesos de las presas que ha devorado. A
medida que crece se ve obligado a cambiarlos."
629,27,8,"Protegge il debole bacino con i teschi delle
prede di cui si nutre. Man mano che cresce,
deve cambiare il teschio."
629,27,9,"It protects its plump posterior with the bones
of prey it has consumed. As it grows, it 
replaces the bones."
629,27,11,"ぷよぷよの お尻を 守るのは
喰った 獲物の 骨。
成長のたび はき替えるよ。"
629,28,1,"まだまだ あそびざかり。
はねが みじゅくで とべないので
ぴょんぴょん はねまわっているよ。"
629,28,3,"아직 한창 놀 때이다. 날개가
다 자라지 않아 날지 못하기 때문에
깡충깡충 뛰어다닌다."
629,28,5,"Il est encore très joueur. Ses ailes nétant pas
assez développées pour lui permettre de voler,
il se déplace en sautillant."
629,28,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist noch sehr verspielt. Seine
Flügel sind noch zu klein zum Fliegen, es kann
sich also nur hüpfend fortbewegen."
629,28,7,"Todavía está en su más tierna infancia. Como
sus alas aún no se han desarrollado del todo,
se desplaza dando saltos."
629,28,8,"È un giocherellone. Non potendo volare a causa
delle ali poco sviluppate, si sposta saltellando."
629,28,9,"It cant fly yet and must wait until its wings have
developed more. Since its still at a playful age,
it hops around friskily."
629,28,11,"まだまだ 遊び盛り。
羽が 未熟で 飛べないので
ぴょんぴょん 跳ね回っているよ。"
629,29,1,"ガイコツは バルジーナが あたえる。
つばさは みじかく まだ とべないが
おおぞらを ゆめみて とびはねる。"
629,29,3,"해골은 버랜지나가 준다.
날개가 짧아 아직 날지 못하지만,
넓은 하늘을 꿈꾸며 뛰어오른다."
629,29,5,"Sa culotte est un cadeau de Vaututrice.
Ses petites ailes ne pouvant pas le porter, il est
condamné à sautiller en rêvant au grand azur."
629,29,6,"Seine Schädelwindel erhält es von Grypheldis.
Auch wenn seine Flügel noch zu klein dafür sind,
träumt es vom Fliegen und hüpft wild herum."
629,29,7,"El cráneo que usa de protección es regalo de un
Mandibuzz. Como sus alas son muy cortas para
volar, da brincos soñando que vuela por el cielo."
629,29,8,"Ha ricevuto il suo teschio da Mandibuzz.
Poiché le corte ali non gli permettono di volare,
saltella sognando un giorno di poterlo fare."
629,29,9,"Mandibuzz gives it the bones it wears. Vullabys
wings are short, so it cant fly yet, but it jumps
around, dreaming of wide open skies."
629,29,11,"ガイコツは バルジーナが 与える。
翼は 短く まだ 飛べないが
大空を 夢見て 飛び跳ねる。"
629,30,1,"たべざかりの そだちざかり。
からだの せいちょうに あわせて
ガイコツを なんども はきかえるよ。"
629,30,3,"한창 먹고 자랄 때다.
몸의 성장에 맞춰서
해골을 몇 번이고 갈아입는다."
629,30,5,"Ce petit est en pleine croissance et forcit à vue
dœil. Il doit donc régulièrement changer le crâne
qui lui sert de culotte."
629,30,6,"Durch seinen ständigen Appetit hat Skallyk
fortlaufend Wachstumsschübe. Deshalb muss
es seine Schädelwindel immerzu auswechseln."
629,30,7,"Demuestra un voraz apetito y aumenta de
tamaño a vista de ojo. Su continuo crecimiento
le obliga a cambiar varias veces de cráneo."
629,30,8,"Ha un grande appetito e cresce a vista docchio.
Man mano che la sua taglia aumenta, deve
cambiare il teschio che indossa."
629,30,9,"Its healthy appetite leads to visible growth
spurts. It often has to replace the bones it
wears as its size increases."
629,30,11,"食べ盛りの 育ち盛り。
身体の 成長に あわせて
ガイコツを 何度も 履き替えるよ。"
629,33,1,"ガイコツを はき おしりを ガード。
はきごこちの いい ガイコツを
めぐり なかまどうしで こぜりあう。"
629,33,3,"해골을 입어서 엉덩이를 보호한다.
착용감이 편안한 해골을 두고
동료끼리 옥신각신한다."
629,33,5,"Ils protègent leur derrière en portant un crâne
comme couche. Ils se disputent les plus douillets
dentre eux."
629,33,6,"Sie schützen ihren Bürzel mit einer Schädelwindel.
Untereinander streiten sie sich um den Schädel
mit dem höchsten Tragekomfort."
629,33,7,"Usa una calavera para proteger sus posaderas.
A menudo pelea con sus congéneres para
hacerse con la más cómoda."
629,33,8,"Indossa il teschio per proteggere il suo bacino.
Spesso litiga con i suoi consimili per accaparrarsi
il teschio più comodo."
629,33,9,"It wears a bone to protect its rear.
It often squabbles with others of its kind over
particularly comfy bones."
629,33,11,"骸骨を はき お尻を ガード。
はき心地の いい 骸骨を
めぐり 仲間同士で 小競り合う。"
629,34,1,"すぐに おおきく そだつので
おしりの ガイコツは すの なかで
おさがりとして つかいまわされる。"
629,34,3,"금방 크게 성장하므로
엉덩이의 해골은 둥지 안에서
대물림되어 계속 사용된다."
629,34,5,"Il grandit vite. Au sein du nid, les petits Vostourno
héritent des couches en crâne de leurs aînés."
629,34,6,"Sie werden rasend schnell größer. Wenn sie aus
Schädelwindeln herauswachsen, werden diese
von jüngeren Nestgefährten getragen."
629,34,7,"Deja en el nido las calaveras que va descartando
a medida que crece con celeridad para que las
reutilicen futuras generaciones."
629,34,8,"Cresce così velocemente che il teschio gli va
presto stretto. I teschi smessi restano nel nido
e vengono usati dalle generazioni successive."
629,34,9,"Vullaby grow quickly. Bones that have gotten too
small for older Vullaby to wear often get passed
down to younger ones in the nest."
629,34,11,"すぐに 大きく 育つので
お尻の 骸骨は 巣の 中で
お下がりとして 使いまわされる。"
630,17,5,"Il construit des nids en os. Il attrape
les proies affaiblies avec ses serres
et les transporte allègrement au nid."
630,17,9,"It makes a nest out of bones it finds.
It grabs weakened prey in its talons
and hauls it to its nest of bones."
630,18,5,"Il guette le sol depuis les airs et
fond sur les proies affaiblies.
Il aime sapprêter avec des ossements."
630,18,9,"Watching from the sky, they swoop to
strike weakened Pokémon on the ground.
They decorate themselves with bones."
630,21,9,"They fly in circles around the sky.
When they spot prey, they attack and
carry it back to their nest with ease."
630,22,9,"They fly in circles around the sky.
When they spot prey, they attack and
carry it back to their nest with ease."
630,23,1,"おおぞらで えんをえがきつつ とび
えものを みつけると おそいかかって
すまで かるがると はこんでいく。"
630,23,3,"넓은 하늘에서 원을 그리며 날고
먹이를 발견하면 덮쳐서
둥지까지 가뿐히 나른다."
630,23,5,"Il tournoie dans les airs en quête dune proie sur
laquelle il fondra avant de lemporter avec aisance
à son nid."
630,23,6,"Es kreist am Himmel, bis es seine Beute findet.
Nach erfolgtem Angriff trägt es sie mühelos zu
seinem Nest."
630,23,7,"Vuela en círculos. Cuando avista una presa, la ataca y
la transporta a su nido con suma facilidad."
630,23,8,"Vola in cerchio nel cielo e quando scorge una preda
le si lancia contro in picchiata per trasportarla al suo
630,23,9,"They fly in circles around the sky. When they spot
prey, they attack and carry it back to their nest
with ease."
630,23,11,"大空で 円を描きつつ 飛び
獲物を みつけると 襲いかかって
巣まで 軽々と 運んでいく。"
630,24,1,"そらから ちじょうを かんさつして
よわった えものに おそいかかる。
ほねで きかざる しゅうせい。"
630,24,3,"하늘에서 지상을 관찰하다
쇠약해진 먹이를 덮친다.
뼈로 몸치장하는 습성이 있다."
630,24,5,"Il guette le sol depuis les airs et fond sur les proies
affaiblies. Il aime sapprêter avec des ossements."
630,24,6,"Es überblickt das Areal aus der Luft und stürzt sich auf
ein geschwächtes Opfer. Trägt gern Knochenschmuck."
630,24,7,"Otea la superficie desde el cielo y ataca a Pokémon
debilitados. Tiene por costumbre hacerse adornos
con huesos."
630,24,8,"Osserva la terra dal cielo e si lancia sulle prede in
difficoltà. Ha labitudine di farsi delle decorazioni
con le ossa."
630,24,9,"Watching from the sky, they swoop to strike
weakened Pokémon on the ground. They decorate
themselves with bones."
630,24,11,"空から 地上を 観察して
弱った 獲物に 襲いかかる。
骨で 着飾る 習性。"
630,25,1,"おおぞらで えんをえがきつつ とび
えものを みつけると おそいかかって
すまで かるがると はこんでいく。"
630,25,3,"넓은 하늘에서 원을 그리며 날고
먹이를 발견하면 덮쳐서
둥지까지 가뿐히 나른다."
630,25,5,"Il tournoie dans les airs en quête dune proie sur laquelle
il fondra avant de lemporter avec aisance à son nid."
630,25,6,"Es kreist am Himmel, bis es seine Beute findet. Nach erfolgtem
Angriff trägt es sie mühelos zu seinem Nest."
630,25,7,"Vuela en círculos. Cuando avista una presa, la ataca y la
transporta a su nido con suma facilidad."
630,25,8,"Vola in cerchio nel cielo e quando scorge una preda le si
lancia contro in picchiata per trasportarla al suo nido."
630,25,9,"They fly in circles around the sky. When they spot
prey, they attack and carry it back to their nest
with ease."
630,25,11,"大空で 円を描きつつ 飛び
獲物を みつけると 襲いかかって
巣まで 軽々と 運んでいく。"
630,26,1,"そらから ちじょうを かんさつして
よわった えものに おそいかかる。
ほねで きかざる しゅうせい。"
630,26,3,"하늘에서 지상을 관찰하다
쇠약해진 먹이를 덮친다.
뼈로 몸치장하는 습성이 있다."
630,26,5,"Il guette le sol depuis les airs et fond sur les proies affaiblies.
Il aime sapprêter avec des ossements."
630,26,6,"Es überblickt das Areal aus der Luft und stürzt sich auf ein
geschwächtes Opfer. Trägt gern Knochenschmuck."
630,26,7,"Otea la superficie desde el cielo y ataca a Pokémon
debilitados. Tiene por costumbre hacerse adornos con
630,26,8,"Osserva la terra dal cielo e si lancia sulle prede in difficoltà.
Ha labitudine di farsi delle decorazioni con le ossa."
630,26,9,"Watching from the sky, they swoop to strike
weakened Pokémon on the ground. They decorate
themselves with bones."
630,26,11,"空から 地上を 観察して
弱った 獲物に 襲いかかる。
骨で 着飾る 習性。"
630,27,1,"ホネで きれいに きかざるのは ♂に
アピールするためと いわれるが
バルジーナの ♂は みつかっていない。"
630,27,3,"뼈로 예쁘게 치장하는 것은 수컷에게
어필하기 위한 것이라고 전해지지만
버랜지나의 수컷은 발견되지 않았다."
630,27,5,"Les Vaututrice femelles se parent dossements
pour leur parade nuptiale. On attend toujours
de découvrir si les mâles existent ou pas."
630,27,6,"Trägt gern Knochenschmuck, um Männchen zu
gefallen. Niemand hat bisher aber jemals ein
männliches Grypheldis gesehen."
630,27,7,"Se dice que los huesos con los que se engalana
le sirven para cortejar al otro sexo, aunque
nunca se ha avistado ningún Mandibuzz macho."
630,27,8,"Si dice che si adorni di ossa per attirare
esemplari di sesso opposto. Tuttavia non
sono mai stati avvistati Mandibuzz maschi."
630,27,9,"They adorn themselves beautifully with bones.
This is supposedly an effort to attract males,
but no male Mandibuzz have ever been found."
630,27,11,"骨で 綺麗に 着飾るのは ♂に
アピールするためと いわれるが
バルジーナの ♂は みつかっていない。"
630,28,1,"おおぞらを せんかい しながら
よわった ポケモンを ねらっている。
だいこうぶつは カラカラ。"
630,28,3,"넓은 하늘을 선회하며
약해진 포켓몬을 노리고 있다.
가장 좋아하는 것은 탕구리."
630,28,5,"Il tournoie, haut dans le ciel, à la recherche
dun Pokémon affaibli. Sa proie favorite est
le petit Osselait."
630,28,6,"Es überblickt das Areal aus der Luft und stürzt
sich auf geschwächte Pokémon. Tragosso ist
seine bevorzugte Beute."
630,28,7,"Revolotea por el cielo en busca de un Pokémon
débil al que convertir en su presa. Tiene una
particular debilidad por los Cubone."
630,28,8,"Volteggia nel cielo alla ricerca di Pokémon
indeboliti. È ghiotto di Cubone."
630,28,9,"It circles in the sky, keeping a keen eye out for
Pokémon in a weakened state. Its choicest food
is Cubone."
630,28,11,"大空を 旋回 しながら
弱った ポケモンを 狙っている。
大好物は カラカラ。"
630,29,1,"くった えものの ホネを つかって
きように すを つくる。 おおくの
ホネは カラカラの ものだ。"
630,29,3,"먹은 먹이의 뼈를 사용해
솜씨 좋게 둥지를 만든다.
대부분의 뼈는 탕구리의 것이다."
630,29,5,"Il utilise avec dextérité les ossements de
ses proies pour construire son nid. La plupart
de ces os appartenaient à des Osselait."
630,29,6,"Nachdem es seine Beute verspeist hat, baut es
aus deren Knochen mit viel Geschick sein Nest.
Die meisten davon stammen von Tragosso."
630,29,7,"Utiliza con pericia los huesos de las presas que
devora para así construir un nido. La mayoría de
los huesos pertenecen a los Cubone."
630,29,8,"Costruisce abilmente il nido usando le ossa
delle sue prede, soprattutto quelle di Cubone."
630,29,9,"It skillfully arranges the bones of its prey to
construct its nest. Most of the bones
are Cubone."
630,29,11,"食った 獲物の 骨を 使って
器用に 巣を 作る。
多くの 骨は カラカラの ものだ。"
630,30,1,"バルチャイの ために いつも エサを
さがしている。 よわった ポケモンを
みつけしだい すまで つれさるぞ。"
630,30,3,"벌차이를 위해 언제나 먹이를
찾고 있다. 약해진 포켓몬을
발견하는 대로 둥지로 데려간다."
630,30,5,"Il est toujours à la recherche de nourriture pour
Vostourno. Quand il trouve un Pokémon affaibli,
il fond sur la proie et lemporte dans son nid."
630,30,6,"Für Skallyk geht es pausenlos auf Futtersuche.
Trifft es auf ein geschwächtes Pokémon, bringt
es dieses sogar bis zu seinem Nest."
630,30,7,"Busca sin cesar comida para alimentar a
Vullaby. Atrapa al instante a cualquier Pokémon
debilitado que aviste y lo lleva al nido."
630,30,8,"È sempre in cerca di cibo per Vullaby. Appena
trova un Pokémon indebolito, lo trasporta subito
al suo nido."
630,30,9,"Its always searching for food for Vullaby. When
it finds a weak Pokémon, Mandibuzz swoops it
right off to its nest."
630,30,11,"バルチャイの ために いつも エサを
探している。 弱った ポケモンを
見つけ次第 巣まで 連れ去るぞ。"
630,33,1,"あらっぽい せいしつだが まいごの
バルチャイを みかけると すだつまで
たいせつに めんどうを みる。"
630,33,3,"성질이 난폭하지만 미아가 된
벌차이를 발견하면 둥지를
떠날 때까지 정성껏 돌봐준다."
630,33,5,"Malgré son naturel brutal, il recueille volontiers
les Vostourno égarés et prend soin deux
jusquà ce quils soient en âge de quitter le nid."
630,33,6,"Grypheldis sind ziemliche Grobiane. Begegnet
ihnen ein verirrtes Skallyk, kümmern sie sich aber
liebevoll um es, bis es das Nest verlassen kann."
630,33,7,"A pesar de su carácter violento, si avista un
Vullaby perdido, lo acoge en su nido y lo cuida
con esmero hasta que está listo para partir."
630,33,8,"Ha unindole violenta, ma se trova un Vullaby
che si è smarrito lo accudisce con amore fino
a quando non è pronto a lasciare il nido."
630,33,9,"Although its a bit of a ruffian, this Pokémon will
take lost Vullaby under its wing and care for them
till theyre ready to leave the nest."
630,33,11,"荒っぽい 性質だが 迷子の
バルチャイを 見かけると 巣立つまで
大切に 面倒を みる。"
630,34,1,"ひろった ホネで みを かざる。
まとう ホネの かたちには
りゅうこうが あるらしい。"
630,34,3,"주운 뼈로 몸을 장식한다.
몸에 두르는 뼈의 모양은
유행이 있는 듯하다."
630,34,5,"Il se pare dossements quil a ramassés.
Il semblerait quil choisisse la forme des os
quil porte selon les dernières tendances."
630,34,6,"Es schmückt sich mit Knochen. Man kann wohl
Trends beobachten, was für Knochenformen bei
ihnen gerade besonders angesagt sind."
630,34,7,"Se engalana con los huesos que va recogiendo.
Al parecer, la elección no es casual, sino que
obedece a los dictados de la moda."
630,34,8,"Raccoglie ossa con cui adorna il suo corpo.
Sembra che la forma di queste decorazioni
cambi a seconda della moda del momento."
630,34,9,"They adorn themselves with bones. There seem
to be fashion trends among them, as different
bones come into and fall out of popularity."
630,34,11,"拾った 骨で 身を 飾る。
まとう 骨の 形には
流行が あるらしい。"
631,17,5,"Il aspire de lair par la queue et
entretient un brasier dans son corps.
Cest le prédateur des Fermite."
631,17,9,"It breathes through a hole in its tail
while it burns with an internal fire.
Durant is its prey."
631,18,5,"Avec sa langue de feu à haute
température, il fait fondre le corps
dacier des Fermite pour les dévorer."
631,18,9,"Using their very hot, flame-covered
tongues, they burn through Durants
steel bodies and consume their insides."
631,21,9,"It draws in air through its tail,
transforms it into fire, and uses it like
a tongue. It melts Durant and eats them."
631,22,9,"It draws in air through its tail,
transforms it into fire, and uses it like
a tongue. It melts Durant and eats them."
631,23,1,"こうおんで もえる ほのおの したで
アイアントの はがねの からだを
とかして なかみを いただくのだ。"
631,23,3,"뜨겁게 타오르는 불꽃의 혀로
아이앤트의 강철 몸을
녹여서 알맹이를 먹어치운다."
631,23,5,"Avec sa langue de feu à haute température, il fait
fondre le corps dacier des Fermite pour les dévorer."
631,23,6,"Mit seiner brandheißen Zunge bringt es Fermicula
zum Schmelzen, um so an sein weiches Inneres
zu gelangen."
631,23,7,"Usa su lengua de fuego para derretir la armadura de
acero de los Durant y llegar así hasta su interior."
631,23,8,"Con la sua lingua infuocata scioglie la corazza
dacciaio di Durant e ne consuma linterno."
631,23,9,"Using their very hot, flame-covered tongues,
they burn through Durants steel bodies and
consume their insides."
631,23,11,"高温で 燃える 炎の 舌で
アイアントの 鋼の 体を 溶かして
中身を いただくのだ。"
631,24,1,"しっぽから とりこんだ くうきを
ほのおにかえて ベロのように つかい
アイアントを とかして たべるぞ。"
631,24,3,"꼬리에서 빨아들인 공기를
불꽃으로 바꿔 혀처럼 사용해
아이앤트를 녹여서 먹는다."
631,24,5,"Il aspire de lair par la queue et le transforme en
une langue de feu qui fait fondre les Fermite dont
il se régale."
631,24,6,"Über den Schweif aufgesaugte Luft wird in eine
Feuerzunge verwandelt, um damit Fermicula
zu schmelzen und zu fressen."
631,24,7,"Absorbe aire por el orificio de su cola para prender
una lengua de llamas con la que derrite a los Durant
para comerlos."
631,24,8,"Converte laria che aspira dalla coda in una lingua
di fiamme che usa per sciogliere i Durant prima di
631,24,9,"It draws in air through its tail, transforms it into fire,
and uses it like a tongue. It melts Durant and
eats them."
631,24,11,"尻尾から 取りこんだ 空気を
炎に変えて ベロのように 使い
アイアントを 溶かして 食べるぞ。"
631,25,1,"こうおんで もえる ほのおの したで
アイアントの はがねの からだを
とかして なかみを いただくのだ。"
631,25,3,"뜨겁게 타오르는 불꽃의 혀로
아이앤트의 강철 몸을
녹여서 알맹이를 먹어치운다."
631,25,5,"Avec sa langue de feu à haute température, il fait fondre
le corps dacier des Fermite pour les dévorer."
631,25,6,"Mit seiner brandheißen Zunge bringt es Fermicula zum
Schmelzen, um so an sein weiches Inneres zu gelangen."
631,25,7,"Usa su lengua de fuego para derretir la armadura de acero de
los Durant y llegar así hasta su interior."
631,25,8,"Con la sua lingua infuocata scioglie la corazza dacciaio
di Durant e ne consuma linterno."
631,25,9,"Using their very hot, flame-covered tongues,
they burn through Durants steel bodies and
consume their insides."
631,25,11,"高温で 燃える 炎の 舌で
アイアントの 鋼の 体を 溶かして
中身を いただくのだ。"
631,26,1,"しっぽから とりこんだ くうきを
ほのおにかえて ベロのように つかい
アイアントを とかして たべるぞ。"
631,26,3,"꼬리에서 빨아들인 공기를
불꽃으로 바꿔 혀처럼 사용해
아이앤트를 녹여서 먹는다."
631,26,5,"Il aspire de lair par la queue et le transforme en une langue
de feu qui fait fondre les Fermite dont il se régale."
631,26,6,"Über den Schweif aufgesaugte Luft wird in eine Feuerzunge
verwandelt, um damit Fermicula zu schmelzen und zu fressen."
631,26,7,"Absorbe aire por el orificio de su cola para prender una lengua
de llamas con la que derrite a los Durant para comerlos."
631,26,8,"Converte laria che aspira dalla coda in una lingua di fiamme
che usa per sciogliere i Durant prima di consumarli."
631,26,9,"It draws in air through its tail, transforms it into fire,
and uses it like a tongue. It melts Durant and
eats them."
631,26,11,"尻尾から 取りこんだ 空気を
炎に変えて ベロのように 使い
アイアントを 溶かして 食べるぞ。"
631,33,1,"しっぽの あなから くうきを
とりこみ ほのおを もやす。 あなを
ふさがれると ぐあいが わるくなる。"
631,33,3,"꼬리의 구멍을 통해 공기를
빨아들여 불꽃을 태운다.
구멍이 막히면 상태가 나빠진다."
631,33,5,"Il aspire de lair par le bout de sa queue
et produit ainsi sa fameuse langue de feu.
Si on lui bouche la queue, il se sent mal."
631,33,6,"Es saugt über das Loch in seinem Schweif Luft für
seine Flammen ein. Eine Verstopfung des Lochs
schlägt Furnifraß sofort auf die Gesundheit."
631,33,7,"Absorbe aire por el orificio de la cola para
prender las llamas que expulsa. Si la abertura
se obstruye, enferma."
631,33,8,"Aspira aria dal foro nella coda per produrre
delle fiamme. Se il foro viene tappato, inizia
a sentirsi male."
631,33,9,"Theres a hole in its tail that allows it to draw in
the air it needs to keep its fire burning. If the
hole gets blocked, this Pokémon will fall ill."
631,33,11,"しっぽの 穴から 空気を
取りこみ 炎を 燃やす。 穴を
塞がれると 具合が 悪くなる。"
631,34,1,"ほのおを ベロの ように つかう。
アイアントの かたい がいこっかくを
じわじわと とかし いただくのだ。"
631,34,3,"불꽃을 혀처럼 사용한다.
아이앤트의 단단한 외골격을
조금씩 녹여 먹어 치운다."
631,34,5,"Il se sert de sa flamme comme dune langue.
Il fait fondre peu à peu lexosquelette des Fermite
pour se délecter de leur chair."
631,34,6,"Es nutzt eine Flamme als Zunge. Damit bringt es
die Panzer von Fermicula zum Schmelzen und
verspeist im Anschluss ihr Inneres."
631,34,7,"Usa llamas a modo de lengua para derretir
el duro exoesqueleto de los Durant antes de
631,34,8,"Usa la fiamma a mo di lingua. Liquefà il duro
esoscheletro dei Durant e poi ne fa un sol
631,34,9,"A flame serves as its tongue, melting through the
hard shell of Durant so that Heatmor can devour
their insides."
631,34,11,"炎を ベロの ように 使う。
アイアントの 硬い 外骨格を
じわじわと 溶かし いただくのだ。"
632,17,5,"Ils portent une armure de fer et se
regroupent pour contrer les attaques
de leurs prédateurs, les Aflamanoir."
632,17,9,"They attack in groups, covering
themselves in steel armor to
protect themselves from Heatmor."
632,18,5,"Ils creusent des galeries dans les
montagnes. Les tunnels des Fermite
sont de vrais labyrinthes."
632,18,9,"Durant dig nests in mountains.
They build their complicated,
interconnected tunnels into mazes."
632,21,9,"Individuals each play different roles in
driving Heatmor, their natural predator,
away from their colony."
632,22,9,"Individuals each play different roles in
driving Heatmor, their natural predator,
away from their colony."
632,23,1,"てんてきの クイタランに たいして
みんなで やくわりぶんたん しながら
はんげきして すから おいはらう。"
632,23,3,"천적인 앤티골에 대해서
모두와 역할 분담을 하면서
반격해 둥지에서 쫓아낸다."
632,23,5,"Ils travaillent de concert pour protéger leur colonie
des terribles attaques de leur prédateur naturel,
632,23,6,"Eine ausgeklügelte Rollenverteilung hilft ihnen dabei,
ihren natürlichen Feind Furnifraß
aus dem Nest zu verjagen."
632,23,7,"Actúan en grupo para expulsar de sus colonias a los
Heatmor, sus depredadores naturales."
632,23,8,"Heatmor è il loro acerrimo nemico, e quando
vogliono cacciarlo dalla tana si dividono i compiti
e partono allattacco!"
632,23,9,"Individuals each play different roles in driving
Heatmor, their natural predator, away from
their colony."
632,23,11,"天敵の クイタランに 対して
みんなで 役割分担 しながら
反撃して 巣から 追い払う。"
632,24,1,"はがねの よろいを みにまとう。
てんてきの クイタランの こうげきを
しゅうだんで ふせぎ はんげきする。"
632,24,3,"강철의 갑옷을 몸에 걸친다.
천적인 앤티골의 공격을
집단으로 막아 반격한다."
632,24,5,"Ils portent une armure de fer et se regroupent pour
contrer les attaques de leurs prédateurs,
les Aflamanoir."
632,24,6,"Ein eiserner Panzer umgibt seinen Leib. Angriffe von
Furnifraß, seinem Feind, schlägt es in der Gruppe
632,24,7,"Llevan una armadura de acero. Se defienden en grupo
para contrarrestar a sus depredadores, los Heatmor."
632,24,8,"È protetto da unarmatura dacciaio. Si riunisce in
gruppi per respingere gli attacchi di Heatmor, il suo
632,24,9,"They attack in groups, covering themselves in steel
armor to protect themselves from Heatmor."
632,24,11,"鋼の よろいを 身にまとう。
天敵の クイタランの 攻撃を
集団で 防ぎ 反撃する。"
632,25,1,"てんてきの クイタランに たいして
みんなで やくわりぶんたん しながら
はんげきして すから おいはらう。"
632,25,3,"천적인 앤티골에 대해서
모두와 역할 분담을 하면서
반격해 둥지에서 쫓아낸다."
632,25,5,"Ils travaillent de concert pour protéger leur colonie
des terribles attaques de leur prédateur naturel, Aflamanoir."
632,25,6,"Eine ausgeklügelte Rollenverteilung hilft ihnen dabei,
ihren natürlichen Feind Furnifraß aus dem Nest zu verjagen."
632,25,7,"Actúan en grupo para expulsar de sus colonias a los Heatmor,
sus depredadores naturales."
632,25,8,"Heatmor è il loro acerrimo nemico, e quando vogliono
cacciarlo dalla tana si dividono i compiti e partono allattacco!"
632,25,9,"Individuals each play different roles in driving
Heatmor, their natural predator, away from
their colony."
632,25,11,"天敵の クイタランに 対して
みんなで 役割分担 しながら
反撃して 巣から 追い払う。"
632,26,1,"はがねの よろいを みにまとう。
てんてきの クイタランの こうげきを
しゅうだんで ふせぎ はんげきする。"
632,26,3,"강철의 갑옷을 몸에 걸친다.
천적인 앤티골의 공격을
집단으로 막아 반격한다."
632,26,5,"Ils portent une armure de fer et se regroupent pour contrer
les attaques de leurs prédateurs, les Aflamanoir."
632,26,6,"Ein eiserner Panzer umgibt seinen Leib. Angriffe von Furnifraß,
seinem Feind, schlägt es in der Gruppe zurück."
632,26,7,"Llevan una armadura de acero. Se defienden en grupo para
contrarrestar a sus depredadores, los Heatmor."
632,26,8,"È protetto da unarmatura dacciaio. Si riunisce in gruppi per
respingere gli attacchi di Heatmor, il suo predatore."
632,26,9,"They attack in groups, covering themselves in steel
armor to protect themselves from Heatmor."
632,26,11,"鋼の よろいを 身にまとう。
天敵の クイタランの 攻撃を
集団で 防ぎ 反撃する。"
632,33,1,"すの おくふかくに タマゴを うむ。
クイタランに おそわれると おおきな
アゴで かみついて はんげき。"
632,33,3,"굴속 깊은 곳에 알을 낳는다.
앤티골에게 공격받으면 커다란
턱으로 물어서 반격한다."
632,33,5,"Il dépose ses Œufs tout au fond de son terrier.
Lorsquun Aflamanoir lattaque, il se défend
à laide de ses mandibules."
632,33,6,"Es legt seine Eier im hintersten Winkel des Nests.
Wenn es von Furnifraß bedroht wird, wehrt es
sich mit seinen kräftigen Kiefern."
632,33,7,"Deposita sus huevos en la parte más profunda
del nido. Si un Heatmor lo ataca, se defiende
mordiéndolo con sus enormes mandíbulas."
632,33,8,"Depone le Uova nei recessi più interni del suo
nido. Se un Heatmor lo attacca, si difende
mordendolo con le grandi mandibole."
632,33,9,"They lay their eggs deep inside their nests.
When attacked by Heatmor, they retaliate
using their massive mandibles."
632,33,11,"巣の 奥深くに タマゴを 産む。
クイタランに 襲われると 大きな
顎で 噛みついて 反撃。"
632,34,1,"おおきなアゴは がんせきをも かみ
くだく。 サダイジャから タマゴを
まもるため むれで たたかう。"
632,34,3,"큰 턱은 암석도 깨물어 부순다.
사다이사로부터 알을
지키기 위해 무리 지어 싸운다."
632,34,5,"Sa grande mâchoire réduit même les rochers
en miettes. Il se bat avec sa colonie pour protéger
ses Œufs des attaques des Dunaconda."
632,34,6,"Ihre mächtigen Kiefer können Felsen zerbeißen.
Sie rotten sich zu Gruppen zusammen, um ihre
Eier vor Sanaconda zu beschützen."
632,34,7,"Con sus grandes mandíbulas puede destrozar
incluso rocas. Lucha en grupo para proteger sus
larvas del ataque de los Sandaconda."
632,34,8,"Le grandi mandibole possono frantumare anche
la roccia. Lotta con la colonia per proteggere
le sue Uova da Sandaconda."
632,34,9,"With their large mandibles, these Pokémon can
crunch their way through rock. They work
together to protect their eggs from Sandaconda."
632,34,11,"大きな顎は 岩石をも かみ砕く。
サダイジャから タマゴを
守るため 群れで 戦う。"
633,17,5,"Il mord tout ce qui bouge, et mange tout
ce quil trouve. Il vaut mieux éviter
de sen approcher."
633,17,9,"It tends to bite everything, and it
is not a picky eater. Approaching it
carelessly is dangerous."
633,18,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il perçoit son
environnement en mordant et en fonçant
à tout va. Il est couvert de plaies."
633,18,9,"They cannot see, so they tackle and bite
to learn about their surroundings.
Their bodies are covered in wounds."
633,21,9,"Lacking sight, its unaware of its
surroundings, so it bumps into things
and eats anything that moves."
633,22,9,"Lacking sight, its unaware of its
surroundings, so it bumps into things
and eats anything that moves."
633,23,1,"めが みえないため たいあたりしたり
かみついて まわりを さぐる。
からだじゅう なまきずが たえない。"
633,23,3,"눈이 보이지 않아서 몸통박치기나
물기로 주변을 살핀다.
몸에 상처가 끊이지 않는다."
633,23,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il perçoit son environnement
en mordant et en fonçant à tout va. Il est couvert
de plaies."
633,23,6,"Da es nichts sehen kann, sucht es seine Umgebung
mit Rempel- und Bissattacken ab und ist immer
mit Wunden übersät."
633,23,7,"No ve, por eso va haciendo placajes y dando
mordiscos a diestro y siniestro. Su cuerpo está
plagado de heridas."
633,23,8,"Dal momento che non ci vede, esamina ciò che lo
circonda mordendo o lanciandosi di peso. Ha
ammaccature su tutto il corpo."
633,23,9,"They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn
about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered
in wounds."
633,23,11,"目が 見えないため 体当たりしたり
かみついて まわりを 探る。
体中 生傷が 絶えない。"
633,24,1,"まわりの ようすが わからないので
てあたりしだいに ぶつかっては
うごくものに かみつき たべまくる。"
633,24,3,"주변의 모습을 모르기 때문에
닥치는 대로 부딪쳐서는
움직이는 것을 물어 먹어치운다."
633,24,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il perçoit son environnement
en mordant et en fonçant à tout va."
633,24,6,"Da es nichts sehen kann, rammt und frisst es alles,
was ihm auf dem Weg in die Quere kommt."
633,24,7,"No ve bien a su alrededor, por eso va chocándose a
diestro y siniestro, y mordiendo todo lo que se mueve."
633,24,8,"Non vede bene ciò che lo circonda e sbatte qua e
là mordendo e mangiando tutto ciò che si muove."
633,24,9,"Lacking sight, its unaware of its surroundings,
so it bumps into things and eats anything
that moves."
633,24,11,"まわりの 様子が わからないので
手当り次第に ぶつかっては
動くものに かみつき 食べまくる。"
633,25,1,"めが みえないため たいあたりしたり
かみついて まわりを さぐる。
からだじゅう なまきずが たえない。"
633,25,3,"눈이 보이지 않아서 몸통박치기나
물기로 주변을 살핀다.
몸에 상처가 끊이지 않는다."
633,25,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il perçoit son environnement en mordant
et en fonçant à tout va. Il est couvert de plaies."
633,25,6,"Da es nichts sehen kann, sucht es seine Umgebung mit
Rempel- und Bissattacken ab und ist immer mit Wunden
633,25,7,"No ve, por eso va haciendo placajes y dando mordiscos a
diestro y siniestro. Su cuerpo está plagado de heridas."
633,25,8,"Dal momento che non ci vede, esamina ciò che lo circonda
mordendo o lanciandosi di peso. Ha ammaccature su tutto
il corpo."
633,25,9,"They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn
about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered
in wounds."
633,25,11,"目が 見えないため 体当たりしたり
かみついて まわりを 探る。
体中 生傷が 絶えない。"
633,26,1,"まわりの ようすが わからないので
てあたりしだいに ぶつかっては
うごくものに かみつき たべまくる。"
633,26,3,"주변의 모습을 모르기 때문에
닥치는 대로 부딪쳐서는
움직이는 것을 물어 먹어치운다."
633,26,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il perçoit son environnement en mordant
et en fonçant à tout va."
633,26,6,"Da es nichts sehen kann, rammt und frisst es alles, was ihm
auf dem Weg in die Quere kommt."
633,26,7,"No ve bien a su alrededor, por eso va chocándose a diestro y
siniestro, y mordiendo todo lo que se mueve."
633,26,8,"Non vede bene ciò che lo circonda e sbatte qua e là
mordendo e mangiando tutto ciò che si muove."
633,26,9,"Lacking sight, its unaware of its surroundings,
so it bumps into things and eats anything
that moves."
633,26,11,"まわりの 様子が わからないので
手当り次第に ぶつかっては
動くものに かみつき 食べまくる。"
633,33,1,"とりあえず まず かみついてみる
しゅうせい。 おいしかった ものは
においを ちゃんと おぼえるという。"
633,33,3,"무엇이든 일단 물고 보는
습성을 가졌다. 맛있었던 것은
냄새를 확실히 기억한다고 한다."
633,33,5,"Il mord dabord et réfléchit ensuite.
On dit quil noublie jamais lodeur
de la nourriture quil aime."
633,33,6,"Es hat die Angewohnheit, in alles zu beißen,
was es findet. Stellt sich etwas als lecker heraus,
prägt es sich den Geruch davon gut ein."
633,33,7,"Muestra cierta tendencia a morder todo lo que
encuentra. Se cree que recuerda perfectamente
el olor de lo que encuentra delicioso."
633,33,8,"Ha labitudine di mordere tutto quello che
trova. Si dice che ricordi con precisione
il profumo di ciò che ha trovato delizioso."
633,33,9,"When it encounters something, its first urge is
usually to bite it. If it likes what it tastes, it will
commit the associated scent to memory."
633,33,11,"とりあえず まず 噛みついてみる
習性。 美味しかった ものは
においを ちゃんと 憶えるという。"
633,34,1,"めが みえないので てあたりしだい
かみついて じぶんの まわりの
じょうきょうを はあく している。"
633,34,3,"눈이 보이지 않아 닥치는 대로
물면서 본인 주위의
상황을 파악한다."
633,34,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il se repère en mâchouillant
tout ce qui se trouve autour de lui."
633,34,6,"Da es nichts sehen kann, beißt es zur
Orientierung in alles hinein, was sich in seiner
Umgebung befindet."
633,34,7,"Al no poder ver, su forma de orientarse y percibir
el entorno consiste en chocarse a diestro y
siniestro, mordiendo todo lo que se encuentra."
633,34,8,"È cieco e si orienta mordicchiando
tutto ciò che ha intorno."
633,34,9,"Because it cant see, this Pokémon is constantly
biting at everything it touches, trying to keep
track of its surroundings."
633,34,11,"目が 見えないので 手あたりしだい
噛みついて 自分の まわりの
状況を 把握 している。"
634,17,5,"Quand il a mangé tout ce qui traînait sur
son territoire, il migre vers dautres
horizons. Ses 2 têtes sentendent mal."
634,17,9,"After it has eaten up all the food in
its territory, it moves to another
area. Its two heads do not get along."
634,18,5,"Ses deux têtes sentendent mal. Même en
mangeant, elles se cherchent des noises
et dévorent à qui mieux mieux."
634,18,9,"Since their two heads do not get along
and compete with each other for food,
they always eat too much."
634,21,9,"The two heads do not get along.
Whichever head eats more than
the other gets to be the leader."
634,22,9,"The two heads do not get along.
Whichever head eats more than
the other gets to be the leader."
634,23,1,"2つの あたまは なかが わるく
あいてより おおく たべることで
しゅどうけんを にぎろうと する。"
634,23,3,"2개의 머리는 사이가 나빠서
상대보다 많이 먹는 것으로
주도권을 잡으려고 한다."
634,23,5,"Ses deux têtes sentendent mal et sont en
compétition permanente pour savoir qui mangera le
plus et qui sera le chef."
634,23,6,"Seine zwei Köpfe sind sich spinnefeind.
Beide versuchen, über Fresswettbewerbe
die Oberhand zu gewinnen."
634,23,7,"Sus dos cabezas se llevan fatal, y la que consigue
comer más que la otra es la que lleva la voz cantante."
634,23,8,"Le due teste non vanno daccordo e si contendono la
posizione di comando in base a quale mangia di più."
634,23,9,"The two heads do not get along. Whichever head
eats more than the other gets to be the leader."
634,23,11,"2つの 頭は 仲が 悪く
相手より 多く 食べることで
主導権を 握ろうと する。"
634,24,1,"なわばりの エサを たべつくすと
ほかの とちへ いどうする。
2つの あたまは なかが わるい。"
634,24,3,"영역 안의 먹이를 다 먹어치우면
다른 지역으로 이동한다.
두 머리는 사이가 나쁘다."
634,24,5,"Quand il a mangé tout ce qui traînait sur son territoire,
il migre vers dautres horizons. Ses 2 têtes
sentendent mal."
634,24,6,"Wenn es sein Revier leergejagt hat, sucht es sich ein
neues. Seine beiden Köpfe liegen ständig im Streit."
634,24,7,"Cambia de morada siempre que termina con la comida
de una zona. Sus dos cabezas se llevan fatal."
634,24,8,"Quando ha consumato tutto il cibo di un territorio, si
sposta altrove. Le sue due teste non vanno daccordo."
634,24,9,"After it has eaten up all the food in its territory,
it moves to another area. Its two heads do not
get along."
634,24,11,"縄張りの エサを 食べつくすと
ほかの 土地へ 移動する。
2つの 頭は 仲が 悪い。"
634,25,1,"2つの あたまは なかが わるく
あいてより おおく たべることで
しゅどうけんを にぎろうと する。"
634,25,3,"2개의 머리는 사이가 나빠서
상대보다 많이 먹는 것으로
주도권을 잡으려고 한다."
634,25,5,"Ses deux têtes sentendent mal et sont en compétition
permanente pour savoir qui mangera le plus et qui sera
le chef."
634,25,6,"Seine zwei Köpfe sind sich spinnefeind. Beide versuchen,
über Fresswettbewerbe die Oberhand zu gewinnen."
634,25,7,"Sus dos cabezas se llevan fatal, y la que consigue comer más
que la otra es la que lleva la voz cantante."
634,25,8,"Le due teste non vanno daccordo e si contendono la
posizione di comando in base a quale mangia di più."
634,25,9,"The two heads do not get along. Whichever head
eats more than the other gets to be the leader."
634,25,11,"2つの 頭は 仲が 悪く
相手より 多く 食べることで
主導権を 握ろうと する。"
634,26,1,"なわばりの エサを たべつくすと
ほかの とちへ いどうする。
2つの あたまは なかが わるい。"
634,26,3,"영역 안의 먹이를 다 먹어치우면
다른 지역으로 이동한다.
두 머리는 사이가 나쁘다."
634,26,5,"Quand il a mangé tout ce qui traînait sur son territoire, il migre
vers dautres horizons. Ses 2 têtes sentendent mal."
634,26,6,"Wenn es sein Revier leergejagt hat, sucht es sich ein neues.
Seine beiden Köpfe liegen ständig im Streit."
634,26,7,"Cambia de morada siempre que termina con la comida de una
zona. Sus dos cabezas se llevan fatal."
634,26,8,"Quando ha consumato tutto il cibo di un territorio, si sposta
altrove. Le sue due teste non vanno daccordo."
634,26,9,"After it has eaten up all the food in its territory,
it moves to another area. Its two heads do not
get along."
634,26,11,"縄張りの エサを 食べつくすと
ほかの 土地へ 移動する。
2つの 頭は 仲が 悪い。"
634,33,1,"ナワバリを あるきまわって
エサを さがす。 2つの あたまは
どちらに すすむか よく もめる。"
634,33,3,"영역을 돌아다니며
먹이를 찾는다. 2개의 머리는
어느 쪽으로 갈지로 자주 다툰다."
634,33,5,"Il cherche des proies en arpentant son territoire.
Ses deux têtes se disputent souvent pour savoir
quelle direction prendre."
634,33,6,"Es durchstreift sein Revier auf der Suche nach
Beute. Die zwei Köpfe streiten sich oft darüber,
welche Richtung sie einschlagen sollten."
634,33,7,"Rastrea su territorio en busca de alimento.
A menudo sus dos cabezas son incapaces de
acordar hacia qué dirección avanzar."
634,33,8,"Perlustra il suo territorio in cerca di cibo. Le due
teste si trovano spesso in disaccordo quando
devono decidere in che direzione andare."
634,33,9,"While hunting for prey, Zweilous wanders its
territory, its two heads often bickering over
which way to go."
634,33,11,"縄張りを 歩きまわって
エサを 探す。 2つの 頭は
どちらに 進むか よく もめる。"
634,34,1,"1つの エサを 2つの あたまで
うばいあう。 だれとも たたかって
いないのに いつも キズだらけだ。"
634,34,3,"1개의 먹이를 2개의 머리가
서로 뺏는다. 누구랑 싸운 것도
아닌데 언제나 상처투성이다."
634,34,5,"Ses deux têtes se disputent la même proie.
Il est toujours couvert de blessures, même
sil na affronté personne."
634,34,6,"Sein Körper weist immer Narben auf, selbst wenn
es gar nicht gekämpft hat. Die beiden Köpfe
nehmen sich ständig gegenseitig das Futter weg."
634,34,7,"Las dos cabezas se disputan la comida con
brutalidad. Por eso siempre está cubierto de
heridas, aunque no haya combatido contra nadie."
634,34,8,"Le due teste si rubano il cibo a vicenda.
È sempre ricoperto di ferite, anche se non
ha lottato con nessuno."
634,34,9,"Their two heads will fight each other over a
single piece of food. Zweilous are covered in
scars even without battling others."
634,34,11,"1つの エサを 2つの 頭で
奪い合う。 誰とも 戦って
いないのに いつも 傷だらけ。"
635,17,5,"Un Pokémon violent qui patrouille le ciel
avec ses six ailes et se jette sur tout
ce qui bouge, pensant voir un ennemi."
635,17,9,"This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on
its six wings. Anything that moves seems
like a foe to it, triggering its attack."
635,18,5,"Les têtes sur ses bras nont pas
de cerveau. Avec ses trois têtes,
il dévore et détruit tout."
635,18,9,"The heads on their arms do not have
brains. They use all three heads to
consume and destroy everything."
635,21,9,"It responds to movement by attacking.
This scary, three-headed Pokémon
devours everything in its path!"
635,22,9,"It responds to movement by attacking.
This scary, three-headed Pokémon
devours everything in its path!"
635,23,1,"りょううでの あたまは のうみそを
もたない。3つの あたまで すべてを
たべつくし はかいしてしまう。"
635,23,3,"양팔에 있는 머리에는 뇌가
없다. 3개의 머리로 모든 것을
먹어치워 파괴해 버린다."
635,23,5,"Les têtes sur ses bras nont pas de cerveau.
Avec ses trois têtes, il dévore et détruit tout."
635,23,6,"Die Köpfe an seinen beiden Armen haben kein
eigenes Gehirn. Seine drei Mäuler kauen alles
radikal kurz und klein."
635,23,7,"Las cabezas de sus dos brazos no tienen cerebro. Con
sus tres cabezas destruye y devora todo a su paso."
635,23,8,"Le teste che ha sugli arti non hanno cervello.
Distrugge e divora qualsiasi cosa usando tutte
e tre le teste."
635,23,9,"The heads on their arms do not have brains.
They use all three heads to consume and
destroy everything."
635,23,11,"両腕の 頭は 脳みそを 持たない。
3つの 頭で すべてを 食べつくし
635,24,1,"うごく ものに はんのうして
おそいかかり 3つの あたまで
くらいつくす おそろしい ポケモン。"
635,24,3,"움직이는 것에 반응하여
덮쳐서 3개의 머리로
먹어치우는 무시무시한 포켓몬."
635,24,5,"Un Pokémon effrayant. Ses trois têtes dévorent tout
ce qui bouge jusquà satiété."
635,24,6,"Ein kaltblütiges Pokémon, das auf alles reagiert,
was sich bewegt, indem es mit seinen drei Köpfen
danach schnappt."
635,24,7,"Un Pokémon temible que ataca todo lo que se mueve
y devora con sus tres cabezas cuanto halla a su paso."
635,24,8,"È davvero terrificante. Reagisce a ogni cosa che
si muove, attaccandola e sbranandola con le sue
tre teste."
635,24,9,"It responds to movement by attacking. This scary,
three-headed Pokémon devours everything in
its path!"
635,24,11,"動く ものに 反応して
襲いかかり 3つの 頭で
食らいつくす 恐ろしい ポケモン。"
635,25,1,"りょううでの あたまは のうみそを
もたない。3つの あたまで すべてを
たべつくし はかいしてしまう。"
635,25,3,"양팔에 있는 머리에는 뇌가
없다. 3개의 머리로 모든 것을
먹어치워 파괴해 버린다."
635,25,5,"Les têtes sur ses bras nont pas de cerveau. Avec ses trois
têtes, il dévore et détruit tout."
635,25,6,"Die Köpfe an seinen beiden Armen haben kein eigenes Gehirn.
Seine drei Mäuler kauen alles radikal kurz und klein."
635,25,7,"Las cabezas de sus dos brazos no tienen cerebro. Con sus
tres cabezas destruye y devora todo a su paso."
635,25,8,"Le teste che ha sugli arti non hanno cervello. Distrugge
e divora qualsiasi cosa usando tutte e tre le teste."
635,25,9,"The heads on their arms do not have brains.
They use all three heads to consume and
destroy everything."
635,25,11,"両腕の 頭は 脳みそを 持たない。
3つの 頭で すべてを 食べつくし
635,26,1,"うごく ものに はんのうして
おそいかかり 3つの あたまで
くらいつくす おそろしい ポケモン。"
635,26,3,"움직이는 것에 반응하여
덮쳐서 3개의 머리로
먹어치우는 무시무시한 포켓몬."
635,26,5,"Un Pokémon effrayant. Ses trois têtes dévorent tout ce qui
bouge jusquà satiété."
635,26,6,"Ein kaltblütiges Pokémon, das auf alles reagiert, was sich
bewegt, indem es mit seinen drei Köpfen danach schnappt."
635,26,7,"Un Pokémon temible que ataca todo lo que se mueve y
devora con sus tres cabezas cuanto halla a su paso."
635,26,8,"È davvero terrificante. Reagisce a ogni cosa che si muove,
attaccandola e sbranandola con le sue tre teste."
635,26,9,"It responds to movement by attacking. This scary,
three-headed Pokémon devours everything in
its path!"
635,26,11,"動く ものに 反応して
襲いかかり 3つの 頭で
食らいつくす 恐ろしい ポケモン。"
635,33,1,"うごくもの すべてに くらいつく。
サザンドラに むらを ほろぼされた
という いいつたえは おおい。"
635,33,3,"움직이는 모든 것을 먹어 치운다.
삼삼드래에게 마을이 파괴되었다는
이야기는 많이 전해 내려온다."
635,33,5,"Il dévore tout ce qui bouge. Bon nombre
de légendes mentionnent des villages entiers
rasés par un Trioxhydre."
635,33,6,"Es beißt alles, was sich bewegt. In zahlreichen
alten Sagen wird von Trikephalo berichtet, die
ganze Dörfer in Schutt und Asche gelegt haben."
635,33,7,"Ataca y devora todo lo que se mueve. Existen
numerosos relatos de pueblos enteros que fueron
arrasados por este Pokémon."
635,33,8,"Azzanna tutto ciò che si muove. Sono molte
le storie che narrano di villaggi rasi al suolo
da questo Pokémon."
635,33,9,"There are a slew of stories about villages that
were destroyed by Hydreigon. It bites anything
that moves."
635,33,11,"動くもの すべてに 食らいつく。
サザンドラに 村を 滅ぼされた
という 言い伝えは 多い。"
635,34,1,"3つの あたまで かわるがわる
かみつく。 あいてが たおれるまで
こうげきの てを やすめない。"
635,34,3,"3개의 머리로 번갈아 가며
물어뜯는다. 상대가 쓰러질 때까지
공격을 멈추지 않는다."
635,34,5,"Chacune de ses trois têtes mord à tour de rôle.
Il attaque ses adversaires sans relâche,
jusquà ce quils sécroulent."
635,34,6,"Im Kampf beißen die drei Köpfe abwechselnd zu
und lassen nicht ab, bis ihr Opfer am Boden liegt."
635,34,7,"Sus tres cabezas se alternan para dar mordiscos
y no cejarán en su ataque hasta que el rival haya
caído redondo."
635,34,8,"Le sue tre teste si alternano nel mordere e
non cessa i suoi attacchi fino a quando
lavversario non ha più energie."
635,34,9,"The three heads take turns sinking their teeth into
the opponent. Their attacks wont slow until their
target goes down."
635,34,11,"3つの 頭で 代わるがわる
噛みつく。 相手が 倒れるまで
攻撃の 手を 休めない。"
636,17,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon serait né du
soleil. Lorsquil évolue, tout son
corps est enveloppé de flammes."
636,17,9,"This Pokémon was believed to have
been born from the sun. When it evolves,
its entire body is engulfed in flames."
636,18,5,"Il vit au pied des volcans. Il repousse
ceux qui lattaquent avec les flammes
qui jaillissent de ses cinq cornes."
636,18,9,"The base of volcanoes is where they make
their homes. They shoot fire from their
five horns to repel attacking enemies."
636,21,9,"Said to have been born from the sun,
it spews fire from its horns and encases
itself in a cocoon of fire when it evolves."
636,22,9,"Said to have been born from the sun,
it spews fire from its horns and encases
itself in a cocoon of fire when it evolves."
636,23,1,"たいようから うまれたと いわれる。
しんかするとき ツノから ふきだした
ほのおで ぜんしんを つつみこむ。"
636,23,3,"태양에서 태어났다고 전해진다.
진화할 때 뿔에서 뿜어져 나온
불꽃으로 전신을 감싼다."
636,23,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon serait né du soleil.
Il évolue en enveloppant son corps des flammes qui
jaillissent de ses cornes."
636,23,6,"Es heißt, es sei ein Produkt der Sonne.
Wenn es sich entwickelt, hüllt es sich in Flammen,
die es aus seinen Hörnern bläst."
636,23,7,"Se dice que nació del sol. Al evolucionar, cubre su
cuerpo con llamas que brotan de sus cuernos."
636,23,8,"Si dice che sia nato dal sole. Prima di evolversi,
avvolge tutto il suo corpo nelle fiamme emesse dai
636,23,9,"Said to have been born from the sun, it spews fire
from its horns and encases itself in a cocoon of fire
when it evolves."
636,23,11,"太陽から 生まれたと いわれる。
進化するとき ツノから 噴き出した
炎で 全身を 包みこむ。"
636,24,1,"かざんの ふもとに せいそくする。
5ほんの ツノから ほのおを だして
おそってきた てきを げきたいする。"
636,24,3,"화산 기슭에 서식한다.
5개의 뿔에서 불꽃이 나와
달려드는 상대를 격퇴한다."
636,24,5,"Il vit au pied des volcans. Il repousse ceux qui
lattaquent avec les flammes qui jaillissent de ses cinq
636,24,6,"Es lebt am Fuß von Vulkanen. Mit Gegnern räumt
es auf, indem es aus seinen fünf Hörnern Flammen
auf sie abfeuert."
636,24,7,"Vive en las laderas de los volcanes. Emite fuego por
sus cinco cuernos para ahuyentar a sus enemigos."
636,24,8,"Vive ai piedi dei vulcani. Se attaccato, mette in fuga
il nemico lanciando fiamme dai suoi cinque corni."
636,24,9,"The base of volcanoes is where they make their
homes. They shoot fire from their five horns to repel
attacking enemies."
636,24,11,"火山の ふもとに 生息する。
5本の ツノから 炎を 出して
襲ってきた 敵を 撃退する。"
636,25,1,"たいようから うまれたと いわれる。
しんかするとき ツノから ふきだした
ほのおで ぜんしんを つつみこむ。"
636,25,3,"태양에서 태어났다고 전해진다.
진화할 때 뿔에서 뿜어져 나온
불꽃으로 전신을 감싼다."
636,25,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon serait né du soleil. Il évolue
en enveloppant son corps des flammes qui jaillissent
de ses cornes."
636,25,6,"Es heißt, es sei ein Produkt der Sonne. Wenn es sich
entwickelt, hüllt es sich in Flammen, die es aus seinen
Hörnern bläst."
636,25,7,"Se dice que nació del sol. Al evolucionar, cubre su cuerpo
con llamas que brotan de sus cuernos."
636,25,8,"Si dice che sia nato dal sole. Prima di evolversi, avvolge
tutto il suo corpo nelle fiamme emesse dai corni."
636,25,9,"Said to have been born from the sun, it spews fire
from its horns and encases itself in a cocoon of fire
when it evolves."
636,25,11,"太陽から 生まれたと いわれる。
進化するとき ツノから 噴き出した
炎で 全身を 包みこむ。"
636,26,1,"かざんの ふもとに せいそくする。
5ほんの ツノから ほのおを だして
おそってきた てきを げきたいする。"
636,26,3,"화산 기슭에 서식한다.
5개의 뿔에서 불꽃이 나와
달려드는 상대를 격퇴한다."
636,26,5,"Il vit au pied des volcans. Il repousse ceux qui lattaquent
avec les flammes qui jaillissent de ses cinq cornes."
636,26,6,"Es lebt am Fuß von Vulkanen. Mit Gegnern räumt es auf,
indem es aus seinen fünf Hörnern Flammen auf sie abfeuert."
636,26,7,"Vive en las laderas de los volcanes. Emite fuego por sus cinco
cuernos para ahuyentar a sus enemigos."
636,26,8,"Vive ai piedi dei vulcani. Se attaccato, mette in fuga il nemico
lanciando fiamme dai suoi cinque corni."
636,26,9,"The base of volcanoes is where they make their
homes. They shoot fire from their five horns to repel
attacking enemies."
636,26,11,"火山の ふもとに 生息する。
5本の ツノから 炎を 出して
襲ってきた 敵を 撃退する。"
636,29,1,"5ほんのツノから ほのおを ふきだし
あいてと たたかう。 そのおんどは
さいだいで 3000どに たっする。"
636,29,3,"5개의 뿔에서 불꽃을 뿜어내
상대와 싸운다. 그 온도는
최대 3000도에 달한다."
636,29,5,"Il se bat en projetant des flammes par ses
cinq cornes. Ces gerbes de feu dévastatrices
peuvent atteindre les 3000 °C."
636,29,6,"Es bekämpft seine Gegner mithilfe der Flammen,
die es aus seinen fünf Hörnern auf sie abfeuert.
Diese erreichen Temperaturen bis zu 3000 °C."
636,29,7,"Cuando ha de enfrentarse a un rival, expulsa a
través de los cinco cuernos llamaradas que
llegan a alcanzar temperaturas de 3000 ºC."
636,29,8,"Lotta contro i suoi avversari lanciando fiamme
dai suoi cinque corni a una temperatura che
può raggiungere i 3.000 °C."
636,29,9,"When battling opponents, it sprays fire from its
five horns. The max temperature of the flames
can reach nearly 5,500 degrees Fahrenheit."
636,29,11,"5本のツノから 炎を 吹きだし
相手と 戦う。 その温度は
最大で 3000度に 達する。"
636,30,1,"ほのおを つかって みを まもる。
むかしの ひとびとは たいように
すが あると しんじていた。 "
636,30,3,"불꽃을 사용해서 몸을 지킨다.
옛날 사람들은 태양에 활화르바의
둥지가 있다고 믿고 있었다."
636,30,5,"Il se sert de flammes pour se défendre. Jadis,
les anciens pensaient quil nichait dans le soleil."
636,30,6,"Es schützt sich mithilfe von Flammen. Früher
glaubte man, dass sich sein Nest in der Sonne
selbst befände."
636,30,7,"Utiliza las llamas para defenderse. La gente de
épocas pasadas tenía la creencia de que
anidaba en el propio sol."
636,30,8,"Si protegge grazie alle sue fiamme.
Nellantichità si credeva che facesse il nido
nel sole."
636,30,9,"It protects itself with flame. Long years ago,
people believed Larvesta had a nest on the sun."
636,30,11,"炎を 使って 身を 守る。
昔の 人々は 太陽に
巣が あると 信じていた。 "
636,33,1,"はるか むかしの ひとびとは
メラルバは たいよう から
おっこちてきたと しんじていた。"
636,33,3,"먼 옛날 사람들은
활화르바가 태양에서
떨어진 것이라고 믿었다."
636,33,5,"Il y a fort longtemps, les gens croyaient que
les Pyronille étaient tombés du soleil."
636,33,6,"Vor langer Zeit glaubten die Menschen,
Ignivor sei von der Sonne herabgefallen."
636,33,7,"Antaño se creía que este Pokémon provenía del
mismísimo sol."
636,33,8,"Anticamente si credeva che Larvesta fosse
caduto dal sole."
636,33,9,"The people of ancient times believed that
Larvesta fell from the sun."
636,33,11,"はるか 昔の 人々は
メラルバは 太陽から
落っこちてきたと 信じていた。"
636,34,1,"ぜんしんが かなり あたたかい。
ツノのさきから ほのおを だし
てんてきや えものを いかくする。"
636,34,3,"전신이 제법 따뜻하다.
뿔 끝에서 불꽃을 뿜어
천적이나 먹이를 위협한다."
636,34,5,"La température de son corps est très élevée.
Il projette des flammes du bout de ses cornes
pour intimider ses ennemis et ses proies."
636,34,6,"Sein Körper ist ziemlich warm. Aus seinen
Hörnern feuert es Flammen ab, um Feinde und
Beute einzuschüchtern."
636,34,7,"Su cuerpo es cálido. Expulsa llamaradas por los
cuernos con el fin de intimidar a sus enemigos y
636,34,8,"Il suo corpo è molto caldo. Lancia fiamme
dalle corna per intimidire i nemici e le prede."
636,34,9,"Larvestas body is warm all over. It spouts fire
from the tips of its horns to intimidate predators
and scare prey."
636,34,11,"全身が かなり 温かい。
ツノの先から 炎を 出し
天敵や 獲物を 威嚇する。"
637,17,5,"On dit que quand le ciel sest obscurci à
cause des cendres dun volcan, le feu
dun Pyrax aurait remplacé le soleil."
637,17,9,"When volcanic ash darkened the
atmosphere, it is said that Volcaronas
fire provided a replacement for the sun."
637,18,5,"Quand il se bat, il fait pleuvoir des
écailles enflammées de ses six ailes et
transforme les alentours en mer de feu."
637,18,9,"A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings
of their battles, since they use their
six wings to scatter their ember scales."
637,21,9,"Thought to be an embodiment of the sun,
it appeared during a bitterly cold winter
and saved Pokémon from freezing."
637,22,9,"Thought to be an embodiment of the sun,
it appeared during a bitterly cold winter
and saved Pokémon from freezing."
637,23,1,"たたかいになると 6まいの ハネから
ひのこの りんぷんを まきちらして
あたり いちめんを ひのうみにする。"
637,23,3,"싸울 때는 6개의 날개에서
불꽃 가루를 흩뿌려서
주변 일대를 불바다로 만든다."
637,23,5,"Quand il se bat, il fait pleuvoir des écailles
enflammées de ses six ailes et transforme les
alentours en mer de feu."
637,23,6,"Schüttelt sich glühenden Staub aus seinen
sechs Flügeln und verwandelt das Umfeld in
ein einziges Meer aus Flammen."
637,23,7,"Cuando combate, despide escamas ardientes de sus
seis alas y genera un mar ígneo a su alrededor."
637,23,8,"Quando lotta, sparge scaglie infuocate dalle sue
sei ali, creando tutto intorno un mare di fuoco."
637,23,9,"A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings of their
battles, since they use their six wings to scatter
their ember scales."
637,23,11,"戦いになると 6枚の 羽から
火の粉の りんぷんを まき散らして
あたり 一面を 火の海にする。"
637,24,1,"かざんばいで ちじょうが まっくらに
なったとき ウルガモスの ほのおが
たいようの かわりに なったという。"
637,24,3,"화산재로 지상이 캄캄하게
되었을 때 불카모스의 불꽃이
태양을 대신했다고 한다."
637,24,5,"On dit que quand le ciel sest obscurci à cause
des cendres dun volcan, le feu dun Pyrax aurait
remplacé le soleil."
637,24,6,"Es heißt, als das Land einst unter einer düsteren
Wolke aus Vulkanasche lag, übernahm es die Rolle
der Sonne."
637,24,7,"Antaño, las cenizas volcánicas cubrieron los cielos.
Entonces, sus llamaradas sirvieron de sol."
637,24,8,"Si dice che quando il mondo fu oscurato da ceneri
vulcaniche, le fiamme di Volcarona abbiano sostituito
il sole."
637,24,9,"When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is
said that Volcaronas fire provided a replacement
for the sun."
637,24,11,"火山灰で 地上が 真っ暗に
なったとき ウルガモスの 炎が
太陽の かわりに なったという。"
637,25,1,"たたかいになると 6まいの ハネから
ひのこの りんぷんを まきちらして
あたり いちめんを ひのうみにする。"
637,25,3,"싸울 때는 6개의 날개에서
불꽃 가루를 흩뿌려서
주변 일대를 불바다로 만든다."
637,25,5,"Quand il se bat, il fait pleuvoir des écailles enflammées
de ses six ailes et transforme les alentours en mer de feu."
637,25,6,"Schüttelt sich glühenden Staub aus seinen sechs Flügeln und
verwandelt das Umfeld in ein einziges Meer aus Flammen."
637,25,7,"Cuando combate, despide escamas ardientes de sus seis alas
y genera un mar ígneo a su alrededor."
637,25,8,"Quando lotta, sparge scaglie infuocate dalle sue sei ali,
creando tutto intorno un mare di fuoco."
637,25,9,"A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings of their
battles, since they use their six wings to scatter
their ember scales."
637,25,11,"戦いになると 6枚の 羽から
火の粉の りんぷんを まき散らして
あたり 一面を 火の海にする。"
637,26,1,"かざんばいで ちじょうが まっくらに
なったとき ウルガモスの ほのおが
たいようの かわりに なったという。"
637,26,3,"화산재로 지상이 캄캄하게
되었을 때 불카모스의 불꽃이
태양을 대신했다고 한다."
637,26,5,"On dit que quand le ciel sest obscurci à cause des cendres
dun volcan, le feu dun Pyrax aurait remplacé le soleil."
637,26,6,"Es heißt, als das Land einst unter einer düsteren Wolke aus
Vulkanasche lag, übernahm es die Rolle der Sonne."
637,26,7,"Antaño, las cenizas volcánicas cubrieron los cielos. Entonces,
sus llamaradas sirvieron de sol."
637,26,8,"Si dice che quando il mondo fu oscurato da ceneri vulcaniche,
le fiamme di Volcarona abbiano sostituito il sole."
637,26,9,"When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is
said that Volcaronas fire provided a replacement
for the sun."
637,26,11,"火山灰で 地上が 真っ暗に
なったとき ウルガモスの 炎が
太陽の かわりに なったという。"
637,29,1,"ほのおの りんぷんを ふりまきながら
とびまわる。 こだいの ひとびとは
たいようのいかりと よび おそれた。"
637,29,3,"불꽃의 인분을 흩뿌리며
날아다닌다. 고대 사람들은
태양의 분노라고 부르며 두려워했다."
637,29,5,"Il décrit des cercles dans le ciel en faisant
pleuvoir des écailles enflammées. Il était jadis
surnommé «le courroux solaire»."
637,29,6,"Während es umherfliegt, verteilt es glühenden
Flügelstaub. Einst wurde es von den Menschen
gefürchtet und als „Zorn der Sonne“ bezeichnet."
637,29,7,"Esparce escamas flamígeras a medida que surca
el cielo. Era temido por la gente de tiempo ha,
que lo apodaron la Ira del Sol."
637,29,8,"Vola spargendo scaglie infuocate.
Era temuto dai popoli dellantichità, che lo
chiamavano “Ira del sole”."
637,29,9,"As it flies, it scatters its flaming scales. It was
feared by ancient people, who referred to it as
“the rage of the sun.”"
637,29,11,"炎の 鱗粉を 振りまきながら
飛びまわる。 古代の 人々は
太陽の怒りと 呼び 恐れた。"
637,30,1,"もえさかる ほのおのまゆから うまれ
さむさに くるしむひとや ポケモンを
すくったという でんせつが ある。 "
637,30,3,"타오르는 불꽃의 고치에서 태어나
추위에 괴로워하는 사람이나
포켓몬을 구했다는 전설이 있다."
637,30,5,"Selon la légende, il serait né dun cocon
de flammes et serait venu à la rescousse
des humains et des Pokémon souffrant du froid."
637,30,6,"Alten Legenden zufolge wurde es aus einem
lodernden Kokon geboren, um von Kälte
bedrohte Menschen und Pokémon zu retten."
637,30,7,"Una leyenda relata cómo nació de un capullo en
llamas para acudir al rescate de humanos y
Pokémon ateridos por el frío."
637,30,8,"Secondo una leggenda è nato da un bozzolo
infuocato per salvare dal freddo Pokémon
ed esseri umani."
637,30,9,"According to legends, it was hatched from a
flaming cocoon to save people and Pokémon
that were suffering from the cold."
637,30,11,"燃え盛る 炎の繭から 生まれ
寒さに 苦しむ人や ポケモンを
救ったという 伝説が ある。 "
637,33,1,"ほのおの りんぷんを ふりまき
かじを おこすとも さむさに
くるしむものを すくうとも いう。"
637,33,3,"불꽃의 인분을 흩뿌려
화재를 일으킴으로써 추위에
고통받는 자들을 돕는다고도 한다."
637,33,5,"Certains disent quil répand ses écailles ardentes
pour provoquer des incendies, dautres,
pour sauver ceux qui souffrent du froid."
637,33,6,"Einige sagen, es verstreue glühenden Flügelstaub,
um Brände auszulösen. Andere meinen, es rette
dadurch jene, die unter Kälte leiden."
637,33,7,"Se dice que sus escamas flamígeras pueden tanto
causar incendios como amparar a aquellos que
sufren las inclemencias del frío."
637,33,8,"Si dice che le scaglie infuocate sparse da
Volcarona a volte causino incendi e altre volte
salvino chi soffre il freddo."
637,33,9,"Volcarona scatters burning scales. Some say it
does this to start fires. Others say its trying to
rescue those that suffer in the cold."
637,33,11,"炎の りんぷんを 振りまき
火事を 起こすとも 寒さに
苦しむものを 救うとも いう。"
637,34,1,"もえさかる ほのおの まゆから
うまれる。 こだいの へきがに
ほのおのかみとして えがかれている。"
637,34,3,"활활 타오르는 불의 고치에서
태어났다. 고대의 벽화에
불꽃의 신으로 그려져 있다."
637,34,5,"Né dun cocon enflammé, ce Pokémon apparaît
sur danciennes fresques représenté comme
une divinité du feu."
637,34,6,"Ramoth wurde aus einem lodernden Kokon
geboren. In antiken Wandmalereien ist es als
Feuergottheit abgebildet."
637,34,7,"Nace de una pupa envuelta en llamas. En algunas
pinturas rupestres aparece representado como
una deidad del fuego."
637,34,8,"È nato da un bozzolo infuocato. Nelle pitture
rupestri dellantichità viene raffigurato come
una divinità delle fiamme."
637,34,9,"This Pokémon emerges from a cocoon formed of
raging flames. Ancient murals depict Volcarona as
a deity of fire."
637,34,11,"燃えさかる 炎の 繭から
生まれる。 古代の 壁画に
炎の神として 描かれている。"
638,17,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire qui a combattu
les humains pour protéger les Pokémon.
Il est dun naturel calme et posé."
638,17,9,"This legendary Pokémon battled against
humans to protect Pokémon.
Its personality is calm and composed."
638,18,5,"Il possède un corps et un cœur de fer.
Il peut mater les Pokémon les plus
agressifs dun simple regard."
638,18,9,"It has a body and heart of steel.
Its glare is sufficient to make even
an unruly Pokémon obey it."
638,21,9,"It has a body and heart of steel.
It worked with its allies to punish
people when they hurt Pokémon."
638,22,9,"It has a body and heart of steel.
It worked with its allies to punish
people when they hurt Pokémon."
638,23,1,"はがねの からだと こころを もつ。
にらみつけるだけで きょうぼうな
ポケモンも したがわせてしまう。"
638,23,3,"강철의 몸과 마음을 지녔다.
째려보기만 해도 난폭한
포켓몬마저도 따르게 된다."
638,23,5,"Il possède un corps et un cœur de fer. Il peut mater
les Pokémon les plus agressifs dun simple regard."
638,23,6,"Sein Körper und sein Herz sind aus Stahl. Ein böser
Blick genügt und selbst die wildesten Pokémon
unterwerfen sich ihm."
638,23,7,"Posee un cuerpo y un corazón de acero. Basta una
mirada suya para que Pokémon violentos le
638,23,8,"Ha un corpo e uno spirito dacciaio. Gli basta lo
sguardo per farsi ubbidire anche dai Pokémon più
638,23,9,"It has a body and heart of steel. Its glare is
sufficient to make even an unruly Pokémon obey it."
638,23,11,"鋼の 体と 心を 持つ。
にらみつけるだけで 凶暴な
ポケモンも 従わせてしまう。"
638,24,1,"はがねの こころと からだを もつ。
ひとが ポケモンを きずつけたとき
なかまとともに ひとを こらしめた。"
638,24,3,"강철의 마음과 몸을 지녔다.
사람이 포켓몬을 상처 입혔을 때
동료와 함께 사람을 벌했다."
638,24,5,"Un corps et un cœur en acier trempé, jadis au service
de la défense des Pokémon blessés par les humains."
638,24,6,"Sein Körper und Herz sind aus Stahl. Gemeinsam
mit seinen Gefährten bestrafte es alle Menschen,
die Pokémon verletzen."
638,24,7,"Posee cuerpo y alma de acero. Junto con sus
compañeros, castiga a aquellas personas que hacen
daño a Pokémon."
638,24,8,"Ha un corpo e uno spirito dacciaio. È comparso con
i suoi compagni per punire coloro che un tempo
ferirono i Pokémon."
638,24,9,"It has a body and heart of steel. It worked with its
allies to punish people when they hurt Pokémon."
638,24,11,"鋼の 心と 体を 持つ。
人が ポケモンを 傷つけたとき
仲間とともに 人を こらしめた。"
638,25,1,"はがねの からだと こころを もつ。
にらみつけるだけで きょうぼうな
ポケモンも したがわせてしまう。"
638,25,3,"강철의 몸과 마음을 지녔다.
째려보기만 해도 난폭한
포켓몬마저도 따르게 된다."
638,25,5,"Il possède un corps et un cœur de fer. Il peut mater
les Pokémon les plus agressifs dun simple regard."
638,25,6,"Sein Körper und sein Herz sind aus Stahl. Ein böser Blick
genügt und selbst die wildesten Pokémon unterwerfen sich
638,25,7,"Posee un cuerpo y un corazón de acero. Basta una mirada
suya para que Pokémon violentos le obedezcan."
638,25,8,"Ha un corpo e uno spirito dacciaio. Gli basta lo sguardo
per farsi ubbidire anche dai Pokémon più feroci."
638,25,9,"It has a body and heart of steel. Its glare is
sufficient to make even an unruly Pokémon obey it."
638,25,11,"鋼の 体と 心を 持つ。
にらみつけるだけで 凶暴な
ポケモンも 従わせてしまう。"
638,26,1,"はがねの こころと からだを もつ。
ひとが ポケモンを きずつけたとき
なかまとともに ひとを こらしめた。"
638,26,3,"강철의 마음과 몸을 지녔다.
사람이 포켓몬을 상처 입혔을 때
동료와 함께 사람을 벌했다."
638,26,5,"Un corps et un cœur en acier trempé, jadis au service
de la défense des Pokémon blessés par les humains."
638,26,6,"Sein Körper und Herz sind aus Stahl. Gemeinsam mit seinen
Gefährten bestrafte es alle Menschen, die Pokémon verletzen."
638,26,7,"Posee cuerpo y alma de acero. Junto con sus compañeros,
castiga a aquellas personas que hacen daño a Pokémon."
638,26,8,"Ha un corpo e uno spirito dacciaio. È comparso con i suoi
compagni per punire coloro che un tempo ferirono i Pokémon."
638,26,9,"It has a body and heart of steel. It worked with its
allies to punish people when they hurt Pokémon."
638,26,11,"鋼の 心と 体を 持つ。
人が ポケモンを 傷つけたとき
仲間とともに 人を こらしめた。"
638,33,1,"テラキオン ビリジオンと ともに
イッシュちほうの ポケモンを まもり
ひとと たたかった でんせつがある。"
638,33,3,"테라키온 비리디온과 함께
하나지방의 포켓몬을 지키기 위해
인간에 맞서 싸웠다는 전설이 있다."
638,33,5,"Selon la légende, il aurait défié les Hommes,
aux côtés de Terrakium et de Viridium,
pour protéger les Pokémon dUnys."
638,33,6,"Legenden zufolge kämpfte es einst zusammen mit
Terrakium und Viridium gegen die Menschen, um
die Pokémon der Einall-Region zu beschützen."
638,33,7,"Cuenta una leyenda que combatió contra los
humanos junto a Terrakion y Virizion para
proteger a los Pokémon de Teselia."
638,33,8,"La leggenda narra che abbia lottato assieme
a Terrakion e Virizion contro gli esseri umani
per proteggere i Pokémon di Unima."
638,33,9,"This Pokémon appears in a legend alongside
Terrakion and Virizion, fighting against humans in
defense of the Unova regions Pokémon."
638,33,11,"テラキオン ビリジオンと ともに
イッシュ地方の ポケモンを 守り
人と 戦った 伝説がある。"
638,34,1,"うまれながら リーダーの ふうかくを
みにつける。 きょうぼうな あいても
コバルオンの まえでは おとなしい。"
638,34,3,"태어나면서부터 리더의 품격을
몸에 지녔다. 흉포한 상대도
코바르온의 앞에서는 온순하다."
638,34,5,"Dès la naissance, il a un air de chef.
Même le plus terrible des adversaires file doux
face à lui."
638,34,6,"Kobalium ist der geborene Anführer. Selbst die
gefährlichsten Gegner unterwerfen sich ihm."
638,34,7,"Un líder nato. Incluso los Pokémon más agresivos
se muestran dóciles en su presencia."
638,34,8,"È un leader nato. Al suo cospetto anche
i Pokémon più feroci assumono un
atteggiamento reverenziale."
638,34,9,"From the moment its born, this Pokémon
radiates the air of a leader. Its presence will
calm even vicious foes."
638,34,11,"生まれながら リーダーの 風格を
身につける。 狂暴な 相手も
コバルオンの 前では おとなしい。"
639,17,5,"Il a combattu les humains pour protéger
les Pokémon ayant perdu leur foyer à
cause de leurs guerres fratricides."
639,17,9,"This Pokémon came to the defense of
Pokémon that had lost their homes in
a war among humans."
639,18,5,"Sa puissance dimpact lui permet
denfoncer dun seul coup le rempart
dun château. Un Pokémon de légende."
639,18,9,"Its charge is strong enough to break
through a giant castle wall in one blow.
This Pokémon is spoken of in legends."
639,21,9,"Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used
its phenomenal power to destroy a castle
in its effort to protect Pokémon."
639,22,9,"Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used
its phenomenal power to destroy a castle
in its effort to protect Pokémon."
639,23,1,"きょだいな じょうへきを いちげきで
とっぱするほどの とっしんりょく。
でんせつで かたられる ポケモン。"
639,23,3,"거대한 성벽을 일격에
돌파할 만한 돌진력을 가졌다.
전설로 전해지는 포켓몬이다."
639,23,5,"Sa puissance dimpact lui permet denfoncer dun
seul coup le rempart dun château. Un Pokémon de
639,23,6,"Seine Angriffskraft genügt, um selbst mächtige
Wälle niederzureißen. Ein Held zahlreicher Legenden."
639,23,7,"Su potencia al embestir es capaz de derribar las
murallas de un castillo. Las leyendas hablan de sus
639,23,8,"Quando carica, ha una forza tale da sfondare
unenorme muraglia. Si racconta di lui nelle leggende."
639,23,9,"Its charge is strong enough to break through a
giant castle wall in one blow. This Pokémon is
spoken of in legends."
639,23,11,"巨大な 城壁を
一撃で 突破するほどの 突進力。
伝説で 語られる ポケモン。"
639,24,1,"でんせつで かたられる ポケモン。
ポケモンを まもるため じまんの
パワーで しろを こわした。"
639,24,3,"전설로 전해지는 포켓몬.
포켓몬을 지키기 위해 자랑스러운
파워로 성을 부쉈다."
639,24,5,"Un Pokémon de légende. Grâce à sa puissance
phénoménale, il aurait détruit un château pour sauver
des Pokémon."
639,24,6,"Ein in Legenden besungenes Pokémon. Mit seinen
einzigartigen Kräften zerstörte es zum Schutz der
Pokémon ein Schloss."
639,24,7,"Las leyendas hablan de este Pokémon, que derribó
un castillo con su propia fuerza para proteger a otros
639,24,8,"Si racconta di lui nelle leggende. Per salvare i
Pokémon, ha distrutto un castello con il suo
immenso potere."
639,24,9,"Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used its
phenomenal power to destroy a castle in its effort
to protect Pokémon."
639,24,11,"伝説で 語られる ポケモン。
ポケモンを 守るため 自慢の
パワーで 城を 壊した。"
639,25,1,"きょだいな じょうへきを いちげきで
とっぱするほどの とっしんりょく。
でんせつで かたられる ポケモン。"
639,25,3,"거대한 성벽을 일격에
돌파할 만한 돌진력을 가졌다.
전설로 전해지는 포켓몬이다."
639,25,5,"Sa puissance dimpact lui permet denfoncer dun seul coup
le rempart dun château. Un Pokémon de légende."
639,25,6,"Seine Angriffskraft genügt, um selbst mächtige Wälle
niederzureißen. Ein Held zahlreicher Legenden."
639,25,7,"Su potencia al embestir es capaz de derribar las murallas de
un castillo. Las leyendas hablan de sus proezas."
639,25,8,"Quando carica, ha una forza tale da sfondare unenorme
muraglia. Si racconta di lui nelle leggende."
639,25,9,"Its charge is strong enough to break through a
giant castle wall in one blow. This Pokémon is
spoken of in legends."
639,25,11,"巨大な 城壁を
一撃で 突破するほどの 突進力。
伝説で 語られる ポケモン。"
639,26,1,"でんせつで かたられる ポケモン。
ポケモンを まもるため じまんの
パワーで しろを こわした。"
639,26,3,"전설로 전해지는 포켓몬.
포켓몬을 지키기 위해 자랑스러운
파워로 성을 부쉈다."
639,26,5,"Un Pokémon de légende. Grâce à sa puissance phénoménale,
il aurait détruit un château pour sauver des Pokémon."
639,26,6,"Ein in Legenden besungenes Pokémon. Mit seinen
einzigartigen Kräften zerstörte es zum Schutz der
Pokémon ein Schloss."
639,26,7,"Las leyendas hablan de este Pokémon, que derribó un castillo
con su propia fuerza para proteger a otros Pokémon."
639,26,8,"Si racconta di lui nelle leggende. Per salvare i Pokémon, ha
distrutto un castello con il suo immenso potere."
639,26,9,"Spoken of in legend, this Pokémon used its
phenomenal power to destroy a castle in its effort
to protect Pokémon."
639,26,11,"伝説で 語られる ポケモン。
ポケモンを 守るため 自慢の
パワーで 城を 壊した。"
639,33,1,"けたはずれの パワーの もちぬし。
ちいさな ポケモンを いじめる
あいては とことん たたきのめす。"
639,33,3,"차원이 다른 파워의 소유자.
작은 포켓몬을 괴롭히는
상대는 철저히 때려눕힌다."
639,33,5,"Il possède un pouvoir incommensurable.
Il se montre impitoyable envers ceux
qui sen prennent aux petits Pokémon."
639,33,6,"Terrakium verfügt über unvergleichliche Kräfte.
Wer kleinere Pokémon bedroht oder schlecht
behandelt, wird von ihm zur Strecke gebracht."
639,33,7,"Posee una fuerza extraordinaria, y combatirá sin
miramientos contra cualquier adversario que se
meta con Pokémon más pequeños y débiles."
639,33,8,"Possiede una forza straordinaria. Non ha
alcuna pietà per quelli che se la prendono
con i Pokémon più piccoli di loro."
639,33,9,"It has phenomenal power. It will mercilessly crush
anyone or anything that bullies small Pokémon."
639,33,11,"けた外れの パワーの 持ち主。
小さな ポケモンを いじめる
相手は とことん 叩きのめす。"
639,34,1,"ポケモンを まもるため にんげんに
たたかいを いどんだ でんせつが
イッシュちほうに のこされている。"
639,34,3,"포켓몬을 지키기 위해
사람에게 승부를 걸었다는
전설이 하나지방에 남아 있다."
639,34,5,"Selon une légende dUnys, Terrakium se serait
jadis dressé contre les humains pour protéger
les Pokémon."
639,34,6,"Eine Legende aus der Einall-Region handelt
davon, wie sich Terrakium gegen die Menschen
stellte, um die Pokémon zu beschützen."
639,34,7,"Las leyendas de Teselia narran la lucha que libró
contra los humanos para proteger a los Pokémon."
639,34,8,"Le leggende della regione di Unima narrano
delle sue lotte contro gli esseri umani per
proteggere i Pokémon."
639,34,9,"In Unovan legend, Terrakion battled against
humans in an effort to protect other Pokémon."
639,34,11,"ポケモンを 守るため 人間に
戦いを 挑んだ 伝説が
イッシュ地方に 残されている。"
640,17,5,"Il a défié les humains pour protéger
les siens. Son nom est resté dans
la légende."
640,17,9,"This Pokémon fought humans in order
to protect its friends. Legends about it
continue to be passed down."
640,18,5,"Ses cornes sont des lames effilées.
Il lacère ses ennemis dans un
mouvement tourbillonnant."
640,18,9,"Its head sprouts horns as sharp as
blades. Using whirlwind-like movements,
it confounds and swiftly cuts opponents."
640,21,9,"Legends say this Pokémon
confounded opponents with
its swift movements."
640,22,9,"Legends say this Pokémon
confounded opponents with
its swift movements."
640,23,1,"あたまの ツノは するどい やいば。
つむじかぜのような うごきで てきを
ほんろうして すばやく きりつける。"
640,23,3,"머리의 뿔은 날카로운 칼날이다.
회오리바람과 같은 움직임으로
상대를 농락하여 재빠르게 벤다."
640,23,5,"Ses cornes sont des lames effilées. Il lacère ses
ennemis dans un mouvement tourbillonnant."
640,23,6,"Das Horn an seinem Kopf ist eine scharfe Klinge.
Neckt seine Gegner mit quirligen Bewegungen
und greift blitzartig an."
640,23,7,"Sus cuernos son hojas afiladas. Sacude a sus
enemigos con sus relampagueantes movimientos y
los reduce."
640,23,8,"Le corna della testa sono lame affilate. Muovendosi
come un turbine, scuote e falcia fulmineo i nemici."
640,23,9,"Its head sprouts horns as sharp as blades. Using
whirlwind-like movements, it confounds and swiftly
cuts opponents."
640,23,11,"頭の ツノは 鋭い 刃。
旋風のような 動きで 敵を
翻弄して 素早く 切りつける。"
640,24,1,"すばやい みのこなしで あいてを
ほんろうして ポケモンを まもると
でんせつで つたえられている。"
640,24,3,"재빠른 몸놀림으로 상대를
농락해 포켓몬을 지킨다고
전설로 전해져 온다."
640,24,5,"Il lacère ses ennemis avec une agilité sans égale.
La légende raconte quil protège les Pokémon."
640,24,6,"Legenden zufolge täuschte es seine Gegner mit flinken
Bewegungen und beschützte so die Pokémon."
640,24,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que Virizion confunde a sus rivales
con rápidos movimientos para proteger a otros
640,24,8,"Le leggende dicono di lui che protegge i Pokémon
tenendo in scacco i nemici con i suoi movimenti
640,24,9,"Legends say this Pokémon confounded opponents
with its swift movements."
640,24,11,"素早い 身のこなしで 相手を
翻弄して ポケモンを 守ると
伝説で 伝えられている。"
640,25,1,"あたまの ツノは するどい やいば。
つむじかぜのような うごきで てきを
ほんろうして すばやく きりつける。"
640,25,3,"머리의 뿔은 날카로운 칼날이다.
회오리바람과 같은 움직임으로
상대를 농락하여 재빠르게 벤다."
640,25,5,"Ses cornes sont des lames effilées. Il lacère ses ennemis
dans un mouvement tourbillonnant."
640,25,6,"Das Horn an seinem Kopf ist eine scharfe Klinge. Neckt seine
Gegner mit quirligen Bewegungen und greift blitzartig an."
640,25,7,"Sus cuernos son hojas afiladas. Sacude a sus enemigos con
sus relampagueantes movimientos y los reduce."
640,25,8,"Le corna della testa sono lame affilate. Muovendosi come
un turbine, scuote e falcia fulmineo i nemici."
640,25,9,"Its head sprouts horns as sharp as blades. Using
whirlwind-like movements, it confounds and swiftly
cuts opponents."
640,25,11,"頭の ツノは 鋭い 刃。
旋風のような 動きで 敵を
翻弄して 素早く 切りつける。"
640,26,1,"すばやい みのこなしで あいてを
ほんろうして ポケモンを まもると
でんせつで つたえられている。"
640,26,3,"재빠른 몸놀림으로 상대를
농락해 포켓몬을 지킨다고
전설로 전해져 온다."
640,26,5,"Il lacère ses ennemis avec une agilité sans égale.
La légende raconte quil protège les Pokémon."
640,26,6,"Legenden zufolge täuschte es seine Gegner mit flinken
Bewegungen und beschützte so die Pokémon."
640,26,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que Virizion confunde a sus rivales con
rápidos movimientos para proteger a otros Pokémon."
640,26,8,"Le leggende dicono di lui che protegge i Pokémon tenendo
in scacco i nemici con i suoi movimenti fulminei."
640,26,9,"Legends say this Pokémon confounded opponents
with its swift movements."
640,26,11,"素早い 身のこなしで 相手を
翻弄して ポケモンを 守ると
伝説で 伝えられている。"
640,33,1,"コバルオン テラキオンと ともに
イッシュちほうの ポケモンたちを
まもりつづけた でんせつが のこる。"
640,33,3,"코바르온 테라키온과 함께
하나지방의 포켓몬들을
수호했다는 전설이 남아 있다."
640,33,5,"Selon la légende, il aurait combattu aux côtés
de Cobaltium et de Terrakium pour protéger
les Pokémon dUnys."
640,33,6,"Eine Legende berichtet davon, wie Viridium einst
mit Kobalium und Terrakium unermüdlich die
Pokémon Einalls vor den Menschen beschützte."
640,33,7,"Según una leyenda, luchó con valentía junto
a Cobalion y Terrakion para proteger a los
Pokémon de Teselia."
640,33,8,"Secondo la leggenda, ha lottato fino allultimo
assieme a Cobalion e Terrakion per proteggere
i Pokémon di Unima."
640,33,9,"A legend tells of this Pokémon working
together with Cobalion and Terrakion to
protect the Pokémon of the Unova region."
640,33,11,"コバルオン テラキオンと ともに
イッシュ地方の ポケモンたちを
守り続けた 伝説が 残る。"
640,34,1,"すばやい みのこなしで つむじかぜの
ように てきを ほんろうし するどい
ツノで ようしゃなく きりきざむ。"
640,34,3,"회오리바람처럼 재빠른 몸동작으로
적을 농락하고 예리한 뿔로
가차 없이 베어버린다."
640,34,5,"Rapide comme le vent, il sabat tel un tourbillon
sur ses ennemis avant de les transpercer sans pitié
de ses cornes acérées."
640,34,6,"Es täuscht seine Gegner mit flinken Bewegungen,
um sie dann blitzartig anzugreifen und ohne jede
Gnade mit seinen Hörnern aufzuschlitzen."
640,34,7,"Confunde a los enemigos con sus movimientos
relampagueantes y luego los rebana sin piedad
con sus afilados cuernos."
640,34,8,"Si abbatte sui nemici rapido come un turbine e li
fa a pezzi senza pietà con le sue corna affilate."
640,34,9,"It darts around opponents with a flurry of quick
movements, slicing them up with its horns."
640,34,11,"素早い 身のこなしで つむじ風の
ように 敵を 翻弄し 鋭い
ツノで 容赦なく 切り刻む。"
641,17,5,"Le bas de son corps est entouré dune
masse dénergie semblable à un nuage.
Il vole dans le ciel à 300 km/h."
641,17,9,"The lower half of its body is wrapped in
a cloud of energy. It zooms through
the sky at 200 mph."
641,18,5,"Lénergie dégagée par sa queue provoque
dénormes tempêtes dont la force peut
renverser des maisons."
641,18,9,"Tornadus expels massive energy from its
tail, causing severe storms. Its power
is great enough to blow houses away."
641,21,9,"In every direction it flies,
creating winds so powerful,
they blow everything away."
641,22,9,"In every direction it flies,
creating winds so powerful,
they blow everything away."
641,23,1,"くものような エネルギーたいに
かはんしんが つつまれている。
じそく300キロで そらを とぶ。"
641,23,3,"구름처럼 생긴 에너지체에
하반신이 둘러싸여 있다.
시속 300km로 하늘을 난다."
641,23,5,"Le bas de son corps est entouré dune masse
dénergie semblable à un nuage. Il vole dans le ciel
à 300 km/h."
641,23,6,"Sein Unterkörper ist in eine wolkenartige
Energieschicht gehüllt. Es jagt mit
bis zu 300 km/h durch die Lüfte."
641,23,7,"La parte inferior de su cuerpo, similar a una nube, está
recubierta de un campo de energía. Vuela a 300 km/h."
641,23,8,"Ha la parte inferiore del corpo avvolta in una nuvola
di energia. Sfreccia nei cieli a 300 km/h."
641,23,9,"The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of
energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph."
641,23,11,"雲のような エネルギー体に
下半身が 包まれている。
時速300キロで 空を 飛ぶ。"
641,24,1,"トルネロスの しっぽから ふきだした
エネルギーが おおあらしを おこす。
みんかを ふきとばす パワー。"
641,24,3,"토네로스의 꼬리에서 뿜어져 나온
에너지가 큰 폭풍을 일으킨다.
민가를 날려버릴 정도의 힘이다."
641,24,5,"Lénergie dégagée par sa queue provoque dénormes
tempêtes dont la force peut renverser des maisons."
641,24,6,"Mit der Energie aus seiner Rute erzeugt es wilde
Stürme, die stark genug sind, um ganze Wohnhäuser
641,24,7,"La energía que desprende de su cola genera violentas
tempestades capaces de echar abajo casas."
641,24,8,"Lenergia sprigionata dalla coda di Tornadus provoca
una violenta tempesta in grado di spazzare via le case."
641,24,9,"Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail,
causing severe storms. Its power is great enough
to blow houses away."
641,24,11,"トルネロスの 尻尾から 噴き出した
エネルギーが 大嵐を 起こす。
民家を 吹き飛ばす パワー。"
641,25,1,"くものような エネルギーたいに
かはんしんが つつまれている。
じそく300キロで そらを とぶ。"
641,25,3,"구름처럼 생긴 에너지체에
하반신이 둘러싸여 있다.
시속 300km로 하늘을 난다."
641,25,5,"Le bas de son corps est entouré dune masse dénergie
semblable à un nuage. Il vole dans le ciel à 300 km/h."
641,25,6,"Sein Unterkörper ist in eine wolkenartige Energieschicht
gehüllt. Es jagt mit bis zu 300 km/h durch die Lüfte."
641,25,7,"La parte inferior de su cuerpo, similar a una nube, está
recubierta de un campo de energía. Vuela a 300 km/h."
641,25,8,"Ha la parte inferiore del corpo avvolta in una nuvola di energia.
Sfreccia nei cieli a 300 km/h."
641,25,9,"The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of
energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph."
641,25,11,"雲のような エネルギー体に
下半身が 包まれている。
時速300キロで 空を 飛ぶ。"
641,26,1,"トルネロスの しっぽから ふきだした
エネルギーが おおあらしを おこす。
みんかを ふきとばす パワー。"
641,26,3,"토네로스의 꼬리에서 뿜어져 나온
에너지가 큰 폭풍을 일으킨다.
민가를 날려버릴 정도의 힘이다."
641,26,5,"Lénergie dégagée par sa queue provoque dénormes
tempêtes dont la force peut renverser des maisons."
641,26,6,"Mit der Energie aus seiner Rute erzeugt es wilde Stürme,
die stark genug sind, um ganze Wohnhäuser davonzuwehen."
641,26,7,"La energía que desprende de su cola genera violentas
tempestades capaces de echar abajo casas."
641,26,8,"Lenergia sprigionata dalla coda di Tornadus provoca una
violenta tempesta in grado di spazzare via le case."
641,26,9,"Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail,
causing severe storms. Its power is great enough
to blow houses away."
641,26,11,"トルネロスの 尻尾から 噴き出した
エネルギーが 大嵐を 起こす。
民家を 吹き飛ばす パワー。"
642,17,5,"Les terres quil a survolées sont
recouvertes dinnombrables traces
des éclairs quil y a fait tomber."
642,17,9,"Countless charred remains mar the
landscape of places through which
Thundurus has passed."
642,18,5,"Sa queue lance des décharges
électriques. Il vole dans le ciel
dUnys et fait tomber des éclairs."
642,18,9,"The spikes on its tail discharge immense
bolts of lightning. It flies around the
Unova region firing off lightning bolts."
642,21,9,"As it flies around, it shoots lightning all
over the place and causes forest fires.
It is therefore disliked."
642,22,9,"As it flies around, it shoots lightning all
over the place and causes forest fires.
It is therefore disliked."
642,23,1,"しっぽの トゲから でんげきを
うちだす。イッシュちほうの そらを
とびまわり カミナリを おとす。"
642,23,3,"꼬리의 가시에서 전격을
날린다. 하나지방의 하늘을
날아다니며 번개를 내리친다."
642,23,5,"Sa queue lance des décharges électriques. Il vole
dans le ciel dUnys et fait tomber des éclairs."
642,23,6,"Es greift mit elektrischer Ladung aus den Dornen
seiner Rute an und bombardiert Einall aus der Luft
mit Blitzen."
642,23,7,"Lanza descargas eléctricas por las púas de su cola.
Sobrevuela Teselia dejando caer rayos."
642,23,8,"Lancia scariche elettriche dagli aculei della coda.
Vola per i cieli di Unima scagliando fulmini."
642,23,9,"The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of
lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off
lightning bolts."
642,23,11,"尻尾の トゲから 電撃を
撃ち出す。イッシュ地方の 空を
飛び回り 雷を 落とす。"
642,24,1,"おおぞらを とびまわりながら
あちこちに カミナリを おとして
やまかじを おこすので きらわれる。"
642,24,3,"넓은 하늘을 날아다니며
여기저기 번개를 떨어뜨려
산불을 내기 때문에 미움받는다."
642,24,5,"Il vole dans le ciel dUnys et fait tomber des éclairs,
provoquant des incendies qui font sa mauvaise
642,24,6,"Es ist bei den Leuten verhasst, weil es auf seinen
Rundflügen immer wieder Blitze erzeugt,
die Waldbrände verursachen."
642,24,7,"Su gusto por surcar el cielo lanzando rayos y
provocando incendios forestales le ha granjeado
pocas simpatías."
642,24,8,"Non è molto amato perché durante il suo peregrinare
nei cieli fa cadere fulmini qua e là che causano incendi
nei boschi."
642,24,9,"As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over
the place and causes forest fires. It is
therefore disliked."
642,24,11,"大空を 飛び回りながら
あちこちに 雷を 落として
山火事を 起こすので 嫌われる。"
642,25,1,"しっぽの トゲから でんげきを
うちだす。イッシュちほうの そらを
とびまわり カミナリを おとす。"
642,25,3,"꼬리의 가시에서 전격을
날린다. 하나지방의 하늘을
날아다니며 번개를 내리친다."
642,25,5,"Sa queue lance des décharges électriques. Il vole dans le ciel
dUnys et fait tomber des éclairs."
642,25,6,"Es greift mit elektrischer Ladung aus den Dornen seiner Rute
an und bombardiert Einall aus der Luft mit Blitzen."
642,25,7,"Lanza descargas eléctricas por las púas de su cola.
Sobrevuela Teselia dejando caer rayos."
642,25,8,"Lancia scariche elettriche dagli aculei della coda.
Vola per i cieli di Unima scagliando fulmini."
642,25,9,"The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of
lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off
lightning bolts."
642,25,11,"尻尾の トゲから 電撃を
撃ち出す。イッシュ地方の 空を
飛び回り 雷を 落とす。"
642,26,1,"おおぞらを とびまわりながら
あちこちに カミナリを おとして
やまかじを おこすので きらわれる。"
642,26,3,"넓은 하늘을 날아다니며
여기저기 번개를 떨어뜨려
산불을 내기 때문에 미움받는다."
642,26,5,"Il vole dans le ciel dUnys et fait tomber des éclairs,
provoquant des incendies qui font sa mauvaise réputation."
642,26,6,"Es ist bei den Leuten verhasst, weil es auf seinen Rundflügen
immer wieder Blitze erzeugt, die Waldbrände verursachen."
642,26,7,"Su gusto por surcar el cielo lanzando rayos y provocando
incendios forestales le ha granjeado pocas simpatías."
642,26,8,"Non è molto amato perché durante il suo peregrinare nei cieli
fa cadere fulmini qua e là che causano incendi nei boschi."
642,26,9,"As it flies around, it shoots lightning all over
the place and causes forest fires. It is
therefore disliked."
642,26,11,"大空を 飛び回りながら
あちこちに 雷を 落として
山火事を 起こすので 嫌われる。"
643,17,5,"Un Pokémon mythique.
Il projette de sa queue un tourbillon
de flammes capable de tout emporter."
643,17,9,"This Pokémon appears in legends.
It sends flames into the air from its
tail, burning up everything around it."
643,18,5,"Quand sa queue sembrase, lénergie
thermique dégagée modifie latmosphère
et bouleverse la météo du monde entier."
643,18,9,"When Reshirams tail flares, the
heat energy moves the atmosphere
and changes the worlds weather."
643,21,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch
the world with fire. It helps those
who want to build a world of truth."
643,22,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch
the world with fire. It helps those
who want to build a world of truth."
643,23,1,"ほのおで せかいを もやしつくせる
でんせつの ポケモン。しんじつの
せかいを きずく ひとを たすける。"
643,23,3,"불꽃으로 세상을 태워버릴 수 있는
전설의 포켓몬. 진실의 세계를
구축하는 사람을 도와준다."
643,23,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire assez puissant pour embraser
le monde entier. Il soutient les défenseurs de la
643,23,6,"Ein Legendäres Pokémon mit der Macht, die Welt
mit seinen Flammen einzuäschern. Hilft allen,
die nach Wirklichkeit streben."
643,23,7,"Pokémon legendario capaz de abrasar el mundo con
sus llamas. Ayuda a quienes persiguen un mundo
643,23,8,"Questo Pokémon leggendario può rendere il mondo
un inferno di fiamme. Aiuta chi vuole costruire un
mondo di verità."
643,23,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with
fire. It helps those who want to build a world
of truth."
643,23,11,"炎で 世界を 燃やしつくせる
伝説の ポケモン。真実の
世界を 築く 人を 助ける。"
643,24,1,"レシラムの しっぽが もえると
ねつエネルギーで たいきが うごいて
せかいの てんきが へんかする。"
643,24,3,"레시라무의 꼬리가 불타면
열에너지로 대기가 움직여서
세계의 날씨가 변화된다."
643,24,5,"Quand sa queue sembrase, lénergie thermique
dégagée modifie latmosphère et bouleverse la météo
du monde entier."
643,24,6,"Lodert das Feuer in seinem Schweif auf, gerät die
Erdatmosphäre durch die Hitze in Wallung und
das Weltklima ändert sich."
643,24,7,"Cuando la cola de Reshiram arde, su energía calorífica
altera la atmósfera, y el tiempo meteorológico cambia."
643,24,8,"Quando la sua coda brucia, il calore prodotto smuove
laria provocando cambiamenti climatici in tutto il
643,24,9,"When Reshirams tail flares, the heat energy moves
the atmosphere and changes the worlds weather."
643,24,11,"レシラムの 尻尾が 燃えると
熱エネルギーで 大気が 動いて
世界の 天気が 変化する。"
643,25,1,"ほのおで せかいを もやしつくせる
でんせつの ポケモン。しんじつの
せかいを きずく ひとを たすける。"
643,25,3,"불꽃으로 세상을 태워버릴 수 있는
전설의 포켓몬. 진실의 세계를
구축하는 사람을 도와준다."
643,25,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire assez puissant pour embraser
le monde entier. Il soutient les défenseurs de la Réalité."
643,25,6,"Ein Legendäres Pokémon mit der Macht, die Welt mit seinen
Flammen einzuäschern. Hilft allen, die nach Wirklichkeit
643,25,7,"Pokémon legendario capaz de abrasar el mundo con sus
llamas. Ayuda a quienes persiguen un mundo veraz."
643,25,8,"Questo Pokémon leggendario può rendere il mondo un inferno
di fiamme. Aiuta chi vuole costruire un mondo di verità."
643,25,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with
fire. It helps those who want to build a world
of truth."
643,25,11,"炎で 世界を 燃やしつくせる
伝説の ポケモン。真実の
世界を 築く 人を 助ける。"
643,26,1,"レシラムの しっぽが もえると
ねつエネルギーで たいきが うごいて
せかいの てんきが へんかする。"
643,26,3,"레시라무의 꼬리가 불타면
열에너지로 대기가 움직여서
세계의 날씨가 변화된다."
643,26,5,"Quand sa queue sembrase, lénergie thermique dégagée
modifie latmosphère et bouleverse la météo du monde entier."
643,26,6,"Lodert das Feuer in seinem Schweif auf, gerät die
Erdatmosphäre durch die Hitze in Wallung und das
Weltklima ändert sich."
643,26,7,"Cuando la cola de Reshiram arde, su energía calorífica altera
la atmósfera, y el tiempo meteorológico cambia."
643,26,8,"Quando la sua coda brucia, il calore prodotto smuove laria
provocando cambiamenti climatici in tutto il globo."
643,26,9,"When Reshirams tail flares, the heat energy moves
the atmosphere and changes the worlds weather."
643,26,11,"レシラムの 尻尾が 燃えると
熱エネルギーで 大気が 動いて
世界の 天気が 変化する。"
643,33,1,"しっぽから ほのおを ふきだして
ジェットきのように そらを とぶ。
せかいを やきつくすと いわれる。"
643,33,3,"꼬리에서 불꽃을 분출하여
제트기처럼 하늘을 난다.
세계를 불태울 것이라고 전해진다."
643,33,5,"Il vole grâce à la propulsion générée
par les flammes de sa queue.
Il serait capable de réduire le monde en cendres."
643,33,6,"Durch Feuerschübe aus seinem Schweif fliegt es
schnell wie ein Düsenjet durch die Lüfte. Seine
Flammen sollen die Welt einäschern können."
643,33,7,"Surca los cielos cual cohete a reacción
expulsando llamas por la cola. Se cree que
podría reducir a cenizas el mundo entero."
643,33,8,"Solca i cieli come un jet emettendo fiamme
dalla coda. Si dice che abbia la capacità
di ridurre in cenere il mondo intero."
643,33,9,"Flames spew from its tail as it flies through the
sky like a jet airplane. Its said that this Pokémon
will scorch the world."
643,33,11,"しっぽから 炎を 噴き出して
ジェット機のように 空を 飛ぶ。
世界を 焼きつくすと いわれる。"
643,34,1,"ひとが しんじつを ないがしろにして
よくに まみれると ほのおで くにを
やきつくすと しんわに えがかれた。"
643,34,3,"사람이 진실을 모른 체하고
욕심으로 가득 차면 불꽃으로
나라를 태워버린다는 신화가 있다."
643,34,5,"Selon un mythe, lorsque les gens ne font aucun
cas de la Réalité et sabandonnent à la cupidité,
Reshiram rase le pays entier avec ses flammes."
643,34,6,"Alte Mythen warnen, dass es alle Welt in Brand
setzen wird, wenn die Menschen die Wirklichkeit
missachten und der Gier verfallen."
643,34,7,"Cuenta la leyenda que sus llamas reducirán a
cenizas todo país cuyas gentes desprecien la
verdad y estén mancilladas por la codicia."
643,34,8,"Secondo le leggende, può incenerire un intero
paese se i suoi abitanti oltraggiano la verità
e sono accecati dalla cupidigia."
643,34,9,"According to myth, if people ignore truth and
let themselves become consumed by greed,
Reshiram will arrive to burn their kingdoms down."
643,34,11,"人が 真実を 蔑ろにして
欲に まみれると 炎で 国を
焼きつくすと 神話に 描かれた。"
644,17,5,"Sa queue produit de lélectricité.
Il dissimule son corps dans un nuage
électrique et plane dans le ciel dUnys."
644,17,9,"Concealing itself in lightning clouds,
it flies throughout the Unova region.
It creates electricity in its tail."
644,18,5,"Un Pokémon mythique.
Il possède dans sa queue un énorme
générateur qui produit de lélectricité."
644,18,9,"This Pokémon appears in legends.
In its tail, it has a giant generator
that creates electricity."
644,21,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch
the world with lightning. It assists
those who want to build an ideal world."
644,22,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch
the world with lightning. It assists
those who want to build an ideal world."
644,23,1,"いなずまで せかいを やきつくせる
でんせつの ポケモン。りそうの
せかいを つくる ひとを ほさする。"
644,23,3,"번개로 세상을 태워버릴 수 있는
전설의 포켓몬. 이상의 세계를
구축하는 사람을 보좌한다."
644,23,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire assez puissant pour foudroyer
le monde entier. Il soutient ceux qui suivent leur Idéal."
644,23,6,"Ein Legendäres Pokémon mit der Macht, die Welt
durch Donner einzuäschern. Hilft allen, die einer
Welt der Wünsche harren."
644,23,7,"Pokémon legendario capaz de chamuscar el mundo
con sus rayos. Ayuda a quienes persiguen un mundo
de ideales."
644,23,8,"Questo Pokémon leggendario può riempire il mondo
di fulmini e saette. Aiuta chi vuole costruire un mondo
644,23,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with
lightning. It assists those who want to build an
ideal world."
644,23,11,"稲妻で 世界を 焼きつくせる
伝説の ポケモン。理想の
世界を つくる 人を 補佐する。"
644,24,1,"しっぽで でんきを つくりだす。
ぜんしんを かみなりぐもに かくして
イッシュちほうの そらを とぶ。"
644,24,3,"꼬리로 전기를 만들어 낸다.
전신을 번개 구름에 숨기고
하나지방의 하늘을 난다."
644,24,5,"Sa queue produit de lélectricité. Il dissimule son
corps dans un nuage électrique et plane dans le ciel
644,24,6,"Sein Schweif erzeugt Strom. Es verbirgt sich hinter
dichten Gewitterwolken und fliegt durch den Luftraum
über Einall."
644,24,7,"Genera electricidad con su cola y, para ocultarse,
sobrevuela Teselia envuelto en nubes de rayos."
644,24,8,"Produce elettricità con la coda. Vola nei cieli di
Unima nascosto fra lampi e saette."
644,24,9,"Concealing itself in lightning clouds, it flies
throughout the Unova region. It creates electricity
in its tail."
644,24,11,"尻尾で 電気を 作り出す。
全身を 雷雲に 隠して
イッシュ地方の 空を 飛ぶ。"
644,25,1,"いなずまで せかいを やきつくせる
でんせつの ポケモン。りそうの
せかいを つくる ひとを ほさする。"
644,25,3,"번개로 세상을 태워버릴 수 있는
전설의 포켓몬. 이상의 세계를
구축하는 사람을 보좌한다."
644,25,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire assez puissant pour foudroyer
le monde entier. Il soutient ceux qui suivent leur Idéal."
644,25,6,"Ein Legendäres Pokémon mit der Macht, die Welt durch
Donner einzuäschern. Hilft allen, die einer Welt der Wünsche
644,25,7,"Pokémon legendario capaz de chamuscar el mundo con sus
rayos. Ayuda a quienes persiguen un mundo de ideales."
644,25,8,"Questo Pokémon leggendario può riempire il mondo di fulmini
e saette. Aiuta chi vuole costruire un mondo ideale."
644,25,9,"This legendary Pokémon can scorch the world with
lightning. It assists those who want to build an
ideal world."
644,25,11,"稲妻で 世界を 焼きつくせる
伝説の ポケモン。理想の
世界を つくる 人を 補佐する。"
644,26,1,"しっぽで でんきを つくりだす。
ぜんしんを かみなりぐもに かくして
イッシュちほうの そらを とぶ。"
644,26,3,"꼬리로 전기를 만들어 낸다.
전신을 번개 구름에 숨기고
하나지방의 하늘을 난다."
644,26,5,"Sa queue produit de lélectricité. Il dissimule son corps
dans un nuage électrique et plane dans le ciel dUnys."
644,26,6,"Sein Schweif erzeugt Strom. Es verbirgt sich hinter dichten
Gewitterwolken und fliegt durch den Luftraum über Einall."
644,26,7,"Genera electricidad con su cola y, para ocultarse, sobrevuela
Teselia envuelto en nubes de rayos."
644,26,8,"Produce elettricità con la coda. Vola nei cieli di Unima
nascosto fra lampi e saette."
644,26,9,"Concealing itself in lightning clouds, it flies
throughout the Unova region. It creates electricity
in its tail."
644,26,11,"尻尾で 電気を 作り出す。
全身を 雷雲に 隠して
イッシュ地方の 空を 飛ぶ。"
644,33,1,"しっぽの ないぶが モーターのように
まわると なんぼんもの イナズマが
はっせいして しゅういを つらぬく。"
644,33,3,"꼬리 내부가 모터처럼
회전하면 여러 갈래의 번개가
발생하여 주위를 관통한다."
644,33,5,"Lorsque sa queue se met à tourner comme
un réacteur, il produit des éclairs qui transpercent
tout autour de lui."
644,33,6,"Rotiert das Innere seines Schweifs wie eine
Turbine, werden dadurch unzählige Blitze
erzeugt, welche die Umgebung durchzucken."
644,33,7,"Cuando el interior de su cola comienza a girar
como una turbina, es capaz de descargar rayos
que lo destruyen todo a su alrededor."
644,33,8,"Quando linterno della sua coda inizia a girare
come una turbina, emette lampi e saette che
squarciano laria tutta intorno."
644,33,9,"When the interior part of its tail spins like a
motor, Zekrom can generate many bolts of
lightning to blast its surroundings."
644,33,11,"しっぽの 内部が モーターのように
回ると 何本もの 稲妻が
発生して 周囲を つらぬく。"
644,34,1,"ひとが ただしい こころを なくすと
はげしい いかずちを おとし くにを
ほろぼすと しんわに えがかれた。"
644,34,3,"사람이 올바른 마음을 잃으면
격렬한 천둥으로 나라를
멸망시킨다는 신화가 있다."
644,34,5,"Selon la légende, lorsque les gens perdent tout
sens de ce qui est juste, Zekrom réduit le pays
entier en cendres avec de terribles éclairs."
644,34,6,"Viele Mythen besingen den Donner, mit dem es
die Welt vernichten wird, wenn die Menschen
den Sinn für die Gerechtigkeit verlieren."
644,34,7,"Según las leyendas, la furia de sus rayos
fulminará todo país cuyas gentes hayan perdido
el sentido de la justicia."
644,34,8,"Secondo le leggende, può radere al suolo
un intero paese con fulmini terribili se i suoi
abitanti hanno perso il senso della giustizia."
644,34,9,"Mythology tells us that if people lose the
righteousness in their hearts, their kingdoms
will be razed by Zekroms lightning."
644,34,11,"人が 正しい 心を なくすと
激しい 雷を 落とし 国を
亡ぼすと 神話に 描かれた。"
645,17,5,"Il fait fructifier les cultures partout
où il passe, cest pourquoi on lappelle
“le dieu des moissons”."
645,17,9,"Lands visited by Landorus grant such
bountiful crops that it has been hailed
as “The Guardian of the Fields.”"
645,18,5,"Lénergie déversée par sa queue
enrichit les sols en nutriments et
favorise les cultures."
645,18,9,"The energy that comes pouring from its
tail increases the nutrition in the soil,
making crops grow to great size."
645,21,9,"From the forces of lightning and wind,
it creates energy to give nutrients to
the soil and make the land abundant."
645,22,9,"From the forces of lightning and wind,
it creates energy to give nutrients to
the soil and make the land abundant."
645,23,1,"ランドロスの おとずれる とちは
さくもつが たくさん みのるため
はたけのかみさま と いわれている。"
645,23,3,"랜드로스가 찾아온 땅에는
작물에 열매가 많이 열리기 때문에
농지의 신이라고 전해진다."
645,23,5,"Il fait fructifier les cultures partout où il passe, cest
pourquoi on lappelle «le dieu des moissons»."
645,23,6,"Da an Orten, wo es sich blicken lässt, mit reicher
Ernte zu rechnen ist, nennt man es auch den
„Herrn des Ackerbaus“."
645,23,7,"Lo consideran una deidad de las cosechas porque los
cultivos crecen en abundancia en las tierras por las
que pasa."
645,23,8,"Poiché le terre che visita producono abbondanti
raccolti, è considerato una benedizione per i campi."
645,23,9,"Lands visited by Landorus grant such bountiful
crops that it has been hailed as “The Guardian of
the Fields.”"
645,23,11,"ランドロスが 訪れる 土地は
作物が たくさん 実るため
畑の神様 と 言われている。"
645,24,1,"かぜや かみなりを とりこみ かえた
エネルギーが つちに えいようを
あたえて だいちを ゆたかに する。"
645,24,3,"바람이나 번개를 거둬들여 바꾼
에너지가 흙에 영양을
주어 대지를 풍족하게 한다."
645,24,5,"Il utilise lénergie quil tire du vent et de la foudre
pour enrichir les sols en nutriments pour les cultures."
645,24,6,"Seine aus Wind und Donner gewonnene Energie
sorgt für reiche Ernten, da sie den Boden mit
Nährstoffen anreichert."
645,24,7,"Utiliza energía que obtiene del viento y del relámpago
para nutrir el suelo y generar abundantes cosechas."
645,24,8,"Rende fertile la terra trasformando lenergia del vento
e dei fulmini in nutrimento per il suolo."
645,24,9,"From the forces of lightning and wind, it creates
energy to give nutrients to the soil and make the
land abundant."
645,24,11,"風や 雷を 取りこみ 変えた
エネルギーが 土に 栄養を
与えて 大地を 豊かに する。"
645,25,1,"ランドロスの おとずれる とちは
さくもつが たくさん みのるため
はたけのかみさま と いわれている。"
645,25,3,"랜드로스가 찾아온 땅에는
작물에 열매가 많이 열리기 때문에
농지의 신이라고 전해진다."
645,25,5,"Il fait fructifier les cultures partout où il passe, cest pourquoi
on lappelle «le dieu des moissons»."
645,25,6,"Da an Orten, wo es sich blicken lässt, mit reicher Ernte zu
rechnen ist, nennt man es auch den „Herrn des Ackerbaus“."
645,25,7,"Lo consideran una deidad de las cosechas porque los cultivos
crecen en abundancia en las tierras por las que pasa."
645,25,8,"Poiché le terre che visita producono abbondanti raccolti,
è considerato una benedizione per i campi."
645,25,9,"Lands visited by Landorus grant such bountiful
crops that it has been hailed as “The Guardian of
the Fields.”"
645,25,11,"ランドロスが 訪れる 土地は
作物が たくさん 実るため
畑の神様 と 言われている。"
645,26,1,"かぜや かみなりを とりこみ かえた
エネルギーが つちに えいようを
あたえて だいちを ゆたかに する。"
645,26,3,"바람이나 번개를 거둬들여 바꾼
에너지가 흙에 영양을
주어 대지를 풍족하게 한다."
645,26,5,"Il utilise lénergie quil tire du vent et de la foudre pour enrichir
les sols en nutriments pour les cultures."
645,26,6,"Seine aus Wind und Donner gewonnene Energie sorgt für
reiche Ernten, da sie den Boden mit Nährstoffen anreichert."
645,26,7,"Utiliza energía que obtiene del viento y del relámpago para
nutrir el suelo y generar abundantes cosechas."
645,26,8,"Rende fertile la terra trasformando lenergia del vento e dei
fulmini in nutrimento per il suolo."
645,26,9,"From the forces of lightning and wind, it creates
energy to give nutrients to the soil and make the
land abundant."
645,26,11,"風や 雷を 取りこみ 変えた
エネルギーが 土に 栄養を
与えて 大地を 豊かに する。"
646,17,5,"Son corps produit une énergie à très
basse température, mais le souffle 
glacé quil exhale la gelé lui-même."
646,17,9,"It generates a powerful, freezing
energy inside itself, but its body became
frozen when the energy leaked out."
646,18,5,"Il a le pouvoir de générer un souffle
dun froid inimaginable, mais a fini
par se geler lui-même."
646,18,9,"It can produce ultracold air.
Its body is frozen."
646,21,9,"This legendary ice Pokémon waits for
a hero to fill in the missing parts
of its body with truth or ideals."
646,22,9,"This legendary ice Pokémon waits for
a hero to fill in the missing parts
of its body with truth or ideals."
646,23,1,"うしなった からだを しんじつと
りそうで うめてくれる えいゆうを
まつ こおりの でんせつポケモン。"
646,23,3,"잃어버린 몸을 진실과
이상으로 채워줄 영웅을
기다리는 얼음의 전설 포켓몬."
646,23,5,"Il attend le héros qui saura réanimer son corps de
glace incomplet en partageant avec lui son Idéal et
sa Réalité."
646,23,6,"Ein Legendäres Eis-Pokémon, das auf den Helden
wartet, der seinen verstümmelten Körper mit
Wunsch und Wirklichkeit heilt."
646,23,7,"Pokémon legendario que aguarda al héroe que
compense el vacío de su cuerpo de hielo con verdad
e ideales."
646,23,8,"Questo leggendario Pokémon dei ghiacci attende
leroe che gli restituirà le sue vere sembianze con
gli ideali o la verità."
646,23,9,"This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill
in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals."
646,23,11,"失った 体を 真実と
理想で 埋めてくれる 英雄を
待つ 氷の 伝説ポケモン。"
646,24,1,"きょうりょくな れいとうエネルギーを
たいないで つくりだすが もれだした
れいきで からだが こおっている。"
646,24,3,"강력한 냉동 에너지를
체내에서 만들어 내지만 새어 나온
냉기에 몸이 얼어 있다."
646,24,5,"Son corps produit une énergie à très basse
température, mais le souffle glacé quil exhale la gelé
646,24,6,"Sein Körper erzeugt in seinem Inneren gewaltige
Mengen an Kälteenergie. Tritt diese jedoch aus,
gefriert sein Körper."
646,24,7,"Produce en su interior una intensa energía gélida, y
cualquier fuga hace que su cuerpo se congele."
646,24,8,"Produce allinterno del suo corpo una potente e gelida
energia. Ma laria fredda che esala lo ha congelato."
646,24,9,"It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside
itself, but its body became frozen when the energy
leaked out."
646,24,11,"強力な 冷凍エネルギーを
体内で 作り出すが 漏れ出した
冷気で 体が 凍っている。"
646,25,1,"うしなった からだを しんじつと
りそうで うめてくれる えいゆうを
まつ こおりの でんせつポケモン。"
646,25,3,"잃어버린 몸을 진실과
이상으로 채워줄 영웅을
기다리는 얼음의 전설 포켓몬."
646,25,5,"Il attend le héros qui saura réanimer son corps de glace
incomplet en partageant avec lui son Idéal et sa Réalité."
646,25,6,"Ein Legendäres Eis-Pokémon, das auf den Helden wartet, der
seinen verstümmelten Körper mit Wunsch und Wirklichkeit heilt."
646,25,7,"Pokémon legendario que aguarda al héroe que compense el
vacío de su cuerpo de hielo con verdad e ideales."
646,25,8,"Questo leggendario Pokémon dei ghiacci attende leroe che
gli restituirà le sue vere sembianze con gli ideali o la verità."
646,25,9,"This legendary ice Pokémon waits for a hero to fill
in the missing parts of its body with truth or ideals."
646,25,11,"失った 体を 真実と
理想で 埋めてくれる 英雄を
待つ 氷の 伝説ポケモン。"
646,26,1,"きょうりょくな れいとうエネルギーを
たいないで つくりだすが もれだした
れいきで からだが こおっている。"
646,26,3,"강력한 냉동 에너지를
체내에서 만들어 내지만 새어 나온
냉기에 몸이 얼어 있다."
646,26,5,"Son corps produit une énergie à très basse température,
mais le souffle glacé quil exhale la gelé lui-même."
646,26,6,"Sein Körper erzeugt in seinem Inneren gewaltige Mengen an
Kälteenergie. Tritt diese jedoch aus, gefriert sein Körper."
646,26,7,"Produce en su interior una intensa energía gélida, y cualquier
fuga hace que su cuerpo se congele."
646,26,8,"Produce allinterno del suo corpo una potente e gelida
energia. Ma laria fredda che esala lo ha congelato."
646,26,9,"It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside
itself, but its body became frozen when the energy
leaked out."
646,26,11,"強力な 冷凍エネルギーを
体内で 作り出すが 漏れ出した
冷気で 体が 凍っている。"
646,33,1,"レシラムと ゼクロムを しのぐほどの
ちからを もつが きょくていおんの
れいきで ふうじられてしまっている。"
646,33,3,"레시라무와 제크로무를 능가할 정도의
힘을 가졌으나 극저온의
냉기에 봉인되어 있다."
646,33,5,"Il possède une puissance qui dépasse celle
de Reshiram et de Zekrom, mais il a scellé
son corps grâce à son souffle glacé."
646,33,6,"Seine Kraft übertrifft die von Reshiram und
Zekrom, doch sie wird durch die extreme Kälte,
die in seinem Körper herrscht, versiegelt."
646,33,7,"Su poder supera al de Reshiram y Zekrom,
pero permanece sellado por el frío extremo
que genera."
646,33,8,"La sua forza supera quella di Reshiram e
Zekrom, ma è sigillata dalla temperatura
glaciale del suo corpo."
646,33,9,"Dwelling within it is a power even greater than
that of Reshiram or Zekrom, but the extreme
cold keeps that power bound."
646,33,11,"レシラムと ゼクロムを 凌ぐほどの
力を もつが 極低温の
冷気で 封じられてしまっている。"
646,34,1,"さいぼうそしきを あんていさせるため
じぶんで はっせいさせた れいきで
からだを こおりつかせているらしい。"
646,34,3,"세포 조직을 안정시키기 위해
자신이 발생시킨 냉기로
몸을 얼어붙게 한 듯하다."
646,34,5,"Il se serait congelé lui-même avec son souffle
glacé pour stabiliser sa structure cellulaire."
646,34,6,"Es erzeugt Kälteenergie, mit der es seinen Körper
gefroren hält. Damit verfolgt es offenbar das
Ziel, seine Zellstruktur zu stabilisieren."
646,34,7,"Mantiene su cuerpo congelado con la intensa
energía gélida que él mismo produce para
estabilizar su estructura celular."
646,34,8,"Sembra che abbia finito con il congelarsi
producendo un soffio gelido al fine di
stabilizzare la sua struttura cellulare."
646,34,9,"It appears that this Pokémon uses its powers over
ice to freeze its own body in order to stabilize its
cellular structure."
646,34,11,"細胞組織を 安定させるため
自分で 発生させた 冷気で
体を 凍りつかせているらしい。"
647,17,5,"Il projette de leau depuis ses sabots
et se déplace ainsi à grande vitesse.
Sa botte secrète est le coup de sabot."
647,17,9,"By blasting water from its hooves, it can
glide across water. It excels at using
leg moves while battling."
647,18,5,"Il parcourt le monde en courant à la
surface des mers et des cours deau.
Il apparaît là où leau est très pure."
647,18,9,"It crosses the world, running over
the surfaces of oceans and rivers.
It appears at scenic waterfronts."
647,21,9,"When it is resolute, its body fills
with power and it becomes swifter.
Its jumps are then too fast to follow."
647,22,9,"When it is resolute, its body fills
with power and it becomes swifter.
Its jumps are then too fast to follow."
647,23,1,"うみや かわなど すいめんを はしり
せかいじゅうを かけめぐっている。
うつくしい みずべに あらわれる。"
647,23,3,"바다나 강 등의 수면을 달려
세계 곳곳을 뛰어다닌다.
아름다운 물가에 나타난다."
647,23,5,"Il parcourt le monde en courant à la surface des mers
et des cours deau. Il apparaît là où leau est très
647,23,6,"Es kann auf dem Wasser laufen und reist auf
Flüssen und Meeren um die Welt. Zu sehen in
malerischen Küstengebieten."
647,23,7,"Corre por mares, ríos o cualquier superficie acuática de
todo el mundo. Aparece en aguas límpidas."
647,23,8,"Scorrazza per il mondo muovendosi sulla superficie
dei mari o dei fiumi. Appare nei lidi più ameni."
647,23,9,"It crosses the world, running over the surfaces of
oceans and rivers. It appears at scenic waterfronts."
647,23,11,"海や 川など 水面を 走り
世界中を 駆け巡る。
美しい 水辺に 現れる。"
647,24,1,"かくごを きめることで ぜんしんに
ちからが みなぎって すばやくなり
とびはねると ざんぞうが みえる。"
647,24,3,"각오를 굳히는 것으로 전신에
힘이 넘쳐흘러 재빨라지며
뛰어오르면 잔상이 보인다."
647,24,5,"Lorsquil est résolu, de lénergie sature son corps
et le propulse à des vitesses qui dépassent la
perception humaine."
647,24,6,"Ist es sich seiner Sache sicher, strotzt es vor Kraft
und seine Sprünge werden zu schnell für die
menschliche Wahrnehmung."
647,24,7,"Cuando está decidido, su cuerpo rebosa brío, y es
capaz de saltar más alto y correr más de lo que la
vista alcanza."
647,24,8,"Quando è pronto a passare allazione, si carica
denergia e diventa così veloce che è impossibile
seguirlo con gli occhi."
647,24,9,"When it is resolute, its body fills with power and it
becomes swifter. Its jumps are then too fast
to follow."
647,24,11,"覚悟を 決めることで 全身に
力が みなぎって 素早くなり
飛び跳ねると 残像が みえる。"
647,25,1,"うみや かわなど すいめんを はしり
せかいじゅうを かけめぐっている。
うつくしい みずべに あらわれる。"
647,25,3,"바다나 강 등의 수면을 달려
세계 곳곳을 뛰어다닌다.
아름다운 물가에 나타난다."
647,25,5,"Il parcourt le monde en courant à la surface des mers
et des cours deau. Il apparaît là où leau est très pure."
647,25,6,"Es kann auf dem Wasser laufen und reist auf Flüssen und
Meeren um die Welt. Zu sehen in malerischen Küstengebieten."
647,25,7,"Corre por mares, ríos o cualquier superficie acuática de todo
el mundo. Aparece en aguas límpidas."
647,25,8,"Scorrazza per il mondo muovendosi sulla superficie dei mari
o dei fiumi. Appare nei lidi più ameni."
647,25,9,"It crosses the world, running over the surfaces of
oceans and rivers. It appears at scenic waterfronts."
647,25,11,"海や 川など 水面を 走り
世界中を 駆け巡る。
美しい 水辺に 現れる。"
647,26,1,"かくごを きめることで ぜんしんに
ちからが みなぎって すばやくなり
とびはねると ざんぞうが みえる。"
647,26,3,"각오를 굳히는 것으로 전신에
힘이 넘쳐흘러 재빨라지며
뛰어오르면 잔상이 보인다."
647,26,5,"Lorsquil est résolu, de lénergie sature son corps et
le propulse à des vitesses qui dépassent la perception
647,26,6,"Ist es sich seiner Sache sicher, strotzt es vor Kraft und seine
Sprünge werden zu schnell für die menschliche Wahrnehmung."
647,26,7,"Cuando está decidido, su cuerpo rebosa brío, y es capaz de
saltar más alto y correr más de lo que la vista alcanza."
647,26,8,"Quando è pronto a passare allazione, si carica denergia
e diventa così veloce che è impossibile seguirlo con gli occhi."
647,26,9,"When it is resolute, its body fills with power and it
becomes swifter. Its jumps are then too fast
to follow."
647,26,11,"覚悟を 決めることで 全身に
力が みなぎって 素早くなり
飛び跳ねると 残像が みえる。"
647,33,1,"コバルオン テラキオン ビリジオンに
たたかいを まなんだ。 せかいを
かけめぐり しゅぎょうを つづける。"
647,33,3,"코바르온 테라키온 비리디온으로부터
싸움을 배웠다. 세계를 돌아다니며
수행을 거듭하고 있다."
647,33,5,"Cobaltium, Terrakium et Viridium lui ont appris
à se battre. Il poursuit son entraînement
en parcourant le monde."
647,33,6,"Kobalium, Terrakium und Viridium haben ihm das
Kämpfen beigebracht. Nun reist es um die Welt
und setzt sein Training fort."
647,33,7,"Aprendió a luchar bajo la tutela de Cobalion,
Terrakion y Virizion. Ahora recorre el mundo
perfeccionando su destreza."
647,33,8,"Ha imparato a lottare da Cobalion, Terrakion
e Virizion. Ora continua i suoi allenamenti
in giro per il mondo."
647,33,9,"Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion taught this
Pokémon how to fight. It dashes across the world,
seeking more opportunities to further its training."
647,33,11,"コバルオン テラキオン ビリジオンに
戦いを 学んだ。 世界を
駆け巡り 修行を 続ける。"
647,34,1,"きびしい たたかいを くぐりぬけて
ひたいの ツノが きたえられると
しんの ちからが めざめるという。"
647,34,3,"혹독한 싸움을 이겨내고
이마의 뿔이 단련되면
진정한 힘이 각성한다고 한다."
647,34,5,"Lorsquil livre un combat difficile, la corne
sur son front se renforce et se développe,
ce qui éveillerait sa véritable puissance."
647,34,6,"Man sagt, wenn Keldeo schwere Kämpfe
übersteht und das Horn an seiner Stirn stärker
wird, erwache irgendwann seine wahre Kraft."
647,34,7,"A base de superar encarnizados combates, su
cuerno se fortalece y, entonces, despierta su
verdadero poder."
647,34,8,"Si dice che quando supera difficili battaglie
il corno sulla sua fronte si rafforzi e solo allora
si risvegli la sua vera forza."
647,34,9,"They say that Keldeo must survive harsh battles
and fully develop the horn on its forehead
before this Pokémons true power will awaken."
647,34,11,"厳しい 戦いを 潜りぬけて
額の ツノが 鍛えられると
真の 力が 目覚めるという。"
648,17,5,"Sa voix si particulière lui permet de
chanter des mélodies qui ensorcellent
les gens et modifient leurs émotions."
648,17,9,"Its melodies are sung with a special
vocalization method that can control
the feelings of those who hear it."
648,18,5,"De nombreux succès musicaux ont été
composés en sinspirant des mélodies
chantées par Meloetta."
648,18,9,"Many famous songs have been inspired
by the melodies that Meloetta plays."
648,21,9,"The melodies sung by Meloetta have
the power to make Pokémon that
hear them happy or sad."
648,22,9,"The melodies sung by Meloetta have
the power to make Pokémon that
hear them happy or sad."
648,23,1,"メロエッタの かなでる せんりつは
まわりの ポケモンを よろこばせたり
かなしませるほどの パワーがある。"
648,23,3,"메로엣타가 연주하는 선율에는
주위 포켓몬을 기쁘게 하거나
슬프게 할 정도의 힘이 있다."
648,23,5,"Les mélodies enivrantes de Meloetta touchent les
Pokémon, pouvant les rendre heureux ou tristes."
648,23,6,"Es besitzt die Macht, Pokémon, die sich in seiner
Nähe aufhalten, mit seinen Melodien froh oder
traurig zu stimmen."
648,23,7,"Las melodías que canta Meloetta tienen el poder de
hacer sentir felicidad a los Pokémon que hay a su
648,23,8,"Canta una melodia che ha il potere di portare la
gioia o la tristezza nel cuore dei Pokémon che
648,23,9,"The melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to
make Pokémon that hear them happy or sad."
648,23,11,"メロエッタの 奏でる 旋律は
まわりの ポケモンを 喜ばせたり
悲しませるほどの パワーがある。"
648,24,1,"とくしゅな はっせいほうで うたう
メロディは きいた ものの
かんじょうを じざいに あやつる。"
648,24,3,"특수한 발성법으로 노래하는
멜로디는 노래를 들은 자의
감정을 자유자재로 조종한다."
648,24,5,"Sa voix si particulière lui permet de chanter des
mélodies qui ensorcellent les gens et modifient
leurs émotions."
648,24,6,"Wer die Melodie hört, die es in einer speziellen
Stimmlage von sich gibt, steht voll in seinem Bann."
648,24,7,"Controla los sentimientos de los que escuchan las
melodías que emite con su singular vocalización."
648,24,8,"Controlla a suo piacimento le emozioni di coloro
che ascoltano i suoi singolari vocalizzi."
648,24,9,"Its melodies are sung with a special vocalization
method that can control the feelings of those who
hear it."
648,24,11,"特殊な 発声法で 歌う メロディは
聞いた者の 感情を
自在に 操る。"
648,25,1,"メロエッタの かなでる せんりつは
まわりの ポケモンを よろこばせたり
かなしませるほどの パワーがある。"
648,25,3,"메로엣타가 연주하는 선율에는
주위 포켓몬을 기쁘게 하거나
슬프게 할 정도의 힘이 있다."
648,25,5,"Les mélodies enivrantes de Meloetta touchent les Pokémon,
pouvant les rendre heureux ou tristes."
648,25,6,"Es besitzt die Macht, Pokémon, die sich in seiner Nähe
aufhalten, mit seinen Melodien froh oder traurig zu stimmen."
648,25,7,"Las melodías que canta Meloetta tienen el poder de hacer
sentir felicidad a los Pokémon que hay a su alrededor."
648,25,8,"Canta una melodia che ha il potere di portare la gioia o
la tristezza nel cuore dei Pokémon che lascoltano."
648,25,9,"The melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to
make Pokémon that hear them happy or sad."
648,25,11,"メロエッタの 奏でる 旋律は
まわりの ポケモンを 喜ばせたり
悲しませるほどの パワーがある。"
648,26,1,"とくしゅな はっせいほうで うたう
メロディは きいた ものの
かんじょうを じざいに あやつる。"
648,26,3,"특수한 발성법으로 노래하는
멜로디는 노래를 들은 자의
감정을 자유자재로 조종한다."
648,26,5,"Sa voix si particulière lui permet de chanter des mélodies
qui ensorcellent les gens et modifient leurs émotions."
648,26,6,"Wer die Melodie hört, die es in einer speziellen Stimmlage
von sich gibt, steht voll in seinem Bann."
648,26,7,"Controla los sentimientos de los que escuchan las melodías
que emite con su singular vocalización."
648,26,8,"Controlla a suo piacimento le emozioni di coloro che ascoltano
i suoi singolari vocalizzi."
648,26,9,"Its melodies are sung with a special vocalization
method that can control the feelings of those who
hear it."
648,26,11,"特殊な 発声法で 歌う メロディは
聞いた者の 感情を
自在に 操る。"
649,17,5,"Il y a 300 millions dannées, il était
craint comme lultime prédateur. Il a
été modifié par la Team Plasma."
649,17,9,"Over 300 million years ago, it was feared
as the strongest of hunters.
It has been modified by Team Plasma."
649,18,5,"Un Pokémon Insecte des temps anciens
modifié par la Team Plasma. Le canon
dans son dos a été grandement amélioré."
649,18,9,"This ancient bug Pokémon was altered
by Team Plasma. They upgraded the
cannon on its back."
649,21,9,"This Pokémon existed 300 million years
ago. Team Plasma altered it and
attached a cannon to its back."
649,22,9,"This Pokémon existed 300 million years
ago. Team Plasma altered it and
attached a cannon to its back."
649,23,1,"プラズマだんによって かいぞうされた
こだいの むしポケモン。せなかの
たいほうが パワーアップした。"
649,23,3,"플라스마단에게 개조당한
고대의 벌레포켓몬이다.
등에 있는 대포의 파워가 올라갔다."
649,23,5,"Un Pokémon Insecte des temps anciens modifié par
la Team Plasma. Le canon dans son dos a été
grandement amélioré."
649,23,6,"Ein von Team Plasma modifiziertes Käfer-Pokémon
aus dem Altertum. Die Kanone auf seinem Rücken
ist nun noch stärker."
649,23,7,"Pokémon de tipo Bicho de la antigüedad, modificado
por el Equipo Plasma. El cañón de su lomo ha sido
649,23,8,"Antico Pokémon Coleottero modificato dal Team
Plasma, che ne ha notevolmente potenziato il
cannone sulla schiena."
649,23,9,"This ancient bug Pokémon was altered by Team
Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back."
649,23,11,"プラズマ団によって 改造された
古代の むしポケモン。
背中の 大砲が パワーアップした。"
649,24,1,"3おくねんまえに いた ポケモン。
プラズマだんに かいぞう され
せなかに ほうだいを つけられた。"
649,24,3,"3억 년 전에 있었던 포켓몬.
플라스마단에게 개조당해
등에 대포가 붙여졌다."
649,24,5,"Un Pokémon existant depuis 300 millions dannées,
et modifié par la Team Plasma. Il a maintenant
un canon dans le dos."
649,24,6,"Es lebte vor 300 Millionen Jahren. Team Plasma
modifizierte es und pflanzte ihm am Rücken
eine Kanone ein."
649,24,7,"Un Pokémon de hace 300 millones de años y alterado
por el Equipo Plasma, quienes le han equipado con un
cañón en el lomo."
649,24,8,"Esiste da più di 300 milioni di anni. Il Team Plasma
ne ha modificato il corpo montandogli un cannone
sul dorso."
649,24,9,"This Pokémon existed 300 million years ago. Team
Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back."
649,24,11,"3億年前に いた ポケモン。
プラズマ団に 改造 され
背中に 砲台を つけられた。"
649,25,1,"プラズマだんによって かいぞうされた
こだいの むしポケモン。せなかの
たいほうが パワーアップした。"
649,25,3,"플라스마단에게 개조당한
고대의 벌레포켓몬이다.
등에 있는 대포의 파워가 올라갔다."
649,25,5,"Un Pokémon Insecte des temps anciens modifié par
la Team Plasma. Le canon dans son dos a été grandement
649,25,6,"Ein von Team Plasma modifiziertes Käfer-Pokémon aus dem
Altertum. Die Kanone auf seinem Rücken ist nun noch stärker."
649,25,7,"Pokémon de tipo Bicho de la antigüedad, modificado por
el Equipo Plasma. El cañón de su lomo ha sido mejorado."
649,25,8,"Antico Pokémon Coleottero modificato dal Team Plasma,
che ne ha notevolmente potenziato il cannone sulla schiena."
649,25,9,"This ancient bug Pokémon was altered by Team
Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back."
649,25,11,"プラズマ団によって 改造された
古代の むしポケモン。
背中の 大砲が パワーアップした。"
649,26,1,"3おくねんまえに いた ポケモン。
プラズマだんに かいぞう され
せなかに ほうだいを つけられた。"
649,26,3,"3억 년 전에 있었던 포켓몬.
플라스마단에게 개조당해
등에 대포가 붙여졌다."
649,26,5,"Un Pokémon existant depuis 300 millions dannées, et modifié
par la Team Plasma. Il a maintenant un canon dans le dos."
649,26,6,"Es lebte vor 300 Millionen Jahren. Team Plasma modifizierte
es und pflanzte ihm am Rücken eine Kanone ein."
649,26,7,"Un Pokémon de hace 300 millones de años y alterado por el
Equipo Plasma, quienes le han equipado con un cañón en el
649,26,8,"Esiste da più di 300 milioni di anni. Il Team Plasma ne ha
modificato il corpo montandogli un cannone sul dorso."
649,26,9,"This Pokémon existed 300 million years ago. Team
Plasma altered it and attached a cannon to its back."
649,26,11,"3億年前に いた ポケモン。
プラズマ団に 改造 され
背中に 砲台を つけられた。"
650,23,1,"ふだん やわらかい あたまの トゲは
ちからを こめると するどく とがり
いわをも つらぬくほど かたくなる。"
650,23,3,"머리의 가시는 평소에는 부드럽지만
힘을 주면 뾰족하고 날카로워지며
바위를 뚫어 버릴 정도로 단단해진다."
650,23,5,"Lorsquil rassemble ses forces, les piquants souples
qui recouvrent sa tête deviennent si durs et acérés
quils pourraient transpercer un rocher."
650,23,6,"Wenn es seine Kraft auf die sonst eher weichen
Stacheln auf seinem Kopf konzentriert, werden
diese robust genug, um damit Steine zu zertrümmern."
650,23,7,"Cuando acumula energía, las suaves púas de su
cabeza se vuelven tan duras y afiladas que hasta
pueden atravesar rocas."
650,23,8,"Può indurire le punte che ha sulla testa, di solito
morbide, per farle diventare talmente affilate e
appuntite da penetrare nella roccia."
650,23,9,"The quills on its head are usually soft.
When it flexes them, the points become
so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock."
650,23,11,"普段 やわらかい 頭の トゲは
力を こめると 鋭く とがり
岩をも つらぬくほど 硬くなる。"
650,24,1,"あたまと せなかを かたい カラで
おおわれているため トラックが
ぶつかってきても へっちゃらだ。"
650,24,3,"머리와 등이 단단한 껍데기로
덮여 있기 때문에 트럭이
부딪혀와도 아무렇지 않다."
650,24,5,"Sa tête et son dos sont recouverts dune carapace
tellement dure que même une collision avec
un camion ne lui ferait rien."
650,24,6,"Sein Kopf und Rücken werden von einer harten Hülle
bedeckt, die so robust ist, dass sie selbst einer
Kollision mit einem LKW standhalten würde."
650,24,7,"La robusta coraza que le recubre la cabeza y la
espalda lo protege de tal manera que podría
chocar contra un camión y permanecer impasible."
650,24,8,"Ha schiena e testa coperte da un guscio talmente
resistente che non farebbe una piega nemmeno se
ci passasse sopra un tir."
650,24,9,"Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back
that even a direct hit from a truck wouldnt faze it."
650,24,11,"頭と 背中を 硬い 樹木の 殻で
覆われているため トラックが
ぶつかってきても 平気なのだ。"
650,25,1,"ふだん やわらかい あたまの トゲは
ちからを こめると するどく とがり
いわをも つらぬくほど かたくなる。"
650,25,3,"머리의 가시는 평소에는 부드럽지만
힘을 주면 뾰족하고 날카로워지며
바위를 뚫어 버릴 정도로 단단해진다."
650,25,5,"Lorsquil rassemble ses forces, les piquants souples
qui recouvrent sa tête deviennent si durs et acérés
quils pourraient transpercer un rocher."
650,25,6,"Wenn es seine Kraft auf die sonst eher weichen Stacheln
auf seinem Kopf konzentriert, werden diese robust genug,
um damit Steine zu zertrümmern."
650,25,7,"Cuando acumula energía, las suaves púas de su cabeza se
vuelven tan duras y afiladas que hasta pueden atravesar
650,25,8,"Può indurire le punte che ha sulla testa, di solito morbide,
per farle diventare talmente affilate e appuntite da penetrare
nella roccia."
650,25,9,"The quills on its head are usually soft.
When it flexes them, the points become
so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock."
650,25,11,"普段 やわらかい 頭の トゲは
力を こめると 鋭く とがり
岩をも つらぬくほど 硬くなる。"
650,26,1,"あたまと せなかを かたい カラで
おおわれているため トラックが
ぶつかってきても へっちゃらだ。"
650,26,3,"머리와 등이 단단한 껍데기로
덮여 있기 때문에 트럭이
부딪혀와도 아무렇지 않다."
650,26,5,"Sa tête et son dos sont recouverts dune carapace tellement
dure que même une collision avec un camion ne lui ferait rien."
650,26,6,"Sein Kopf und Rücken werden von einer harten Hülle bedeckt,
die so robust ist, dass sie selbst einer Kollision mit einem LKW
standhalten würde."
650,26,7,"La robusta coraza que le recubre la cabeza y la espalda lo
protege de tal manera que podría chocar contra un camión y
permanecer impasible."
650,26,8,"Ha schiena e testa coperte da un guscio talmente resistente
che non farebbe una piega nemmeno se ci passasse sopra
un tir."
650,26,9,"Such a thick shell of wood covers its head and back
that even a direct hit from a truck wouldnt faze it."
650,26,11,"頭と 背中を 硬い 樹木の 殻で
覆われているため トラックが
ぶつかってきても 平気なのだ。"
651,23,1,"からだを おおう がんじょうな カラが
てきの こうげきを はじきかえし
するどい トゲで はんげきする。"
651,23,3,"몸을 둘러싼 단단한 껍질이
적의 공격을 튕겨내고
날카로운 가시로 반격한다."
651,23,5,"La carapace qui recouvre son corps le protège
des attaques adverses, et ses piquants lui permettent
de contre-attaquer."
651,23,6,"Der Panzer, der seinen Körper umgibt, bietet ihm
Schutz vor Angreifern und straft direkte Angriffe
postwendend mit spitzen Stacheln ab."
651,23,7,"Desvía los ataques de los enemigos con la robusta
coraza que cubre su cuerpo y contraataca con sus
dos afilados cuernos."
651,23,8,"Respinge gli attacchi dei nemici grazie al guscio che
gli ricopre il corpo e contrattacca con gli aculei affilati."
651,23,9,"It relies on its sturdy shell to deflect predators
attacks. It counterattacks with its sharp quills."
651,23,11,"体を 覆う 頑丈な 殻が
敵の 攻撃を 弾き返し
鋭い トゲで 反撃する。"
651,24,1,"なかまどうしで からだを ぶつけあい
あしこしを きたえる。じぶんからは
たたかわない やさしい せいかく。"
651,24,3,"동료끼리 몸을 서로 부딪쳐
하반신을 단련한다. 자신이 먼저
싸움을 걸지 않는 온순한 성격이다."
651,24,5,"Il renforce ses membres inférieurs en se ruant
violemment sur ses congénères. Naturellement
paisible, il ne provoque jamais un combat."
651,24,6,"Sie stärken ihre Beinmuskeln, indem sie sich
gegenseitig anrempeln. Sie sind sehr freundlich
und würden niemals einen Streit anfangen."
651,24,7,"Chocan contra sus congéneres para fortalecer sus
piernas. Debido a su carácter afable, nunca son los
que provocan un combate."
651,24,8,"Allena la parte inferiore del corpo scontrandosi con i
suoi simili. Ha una natura mite e non inizia mai
una lotta per primo."
651,24,9,"They strengthen their lower bodies by
running into one another. They are very
kind and wont start fights."
651,24,11,"仲間同士で 体を ぶつけ合い
足腰を 鍛える。
自分からは 戦わない 優しい 性格。"
651,25,1,"からだを おおう がんじょうな カラが
てきの こうげきを はじきかえし
するどい トゲで はんげきする。"
651,25,3,"몸을 둘러싼 단단한 껍질이
적의 공격을 튕겨내고
날카로운 가시로 반격한다."
651,25,5,"La carapace qui recouvre son corps le protège des attaques
adverses, et ses piquants lui permettent de contre-attaquer."
651,25,6,"Der Panzer, der seinen Körper umgibt, bietet ihm Schutz vor
Angreifern und straft direkte Angriffe postwendend mit spitzen
Stacheln ab."
651,25,7,"Desvía los ataques de los enemigos con la robusta coraza que
cubre su cuerpo y contraataca con sus dos afilados cuernos."
651,25,8,"Respinge gli attacchi dei nemici grazie al guscio che gli ricopre
il corpo e contrattacca con gli aculei affilati."
651,25,9,"It relies on its sturdy shell to deflect predators
attacks. It counterattacks with its sharp quills."
651,25,11,"体を 覆う 頑丈な 殻が
敵の 攻撃を 弾き返し
鋭い トゲで 反撃する。"
651,26,1,"なかまどうしで からだを ぶつけあい
あしこしを きたえる。じぶんからは
たたかわない やさしい せいかく。"
651,26,3,"동료끼리 몸을 서로 부딪쳐
하반신을 단련한다. 자신이 먼저
싸움을 걸지 않는 온순한 성격이다."
651,26,5,"Il renforce ses membres inférieurs en se ruant violemment
sur ses congénères. Naturellement paisible, il ne provoque
jamais un combat."
651,26,6,"Sie stärken ihre Beinmuskeln, indem sie sich gegenseitig
anrempeln. Sie sind sehr freundlich und würden niemals
einen Streit anfangen."
651,26,7,"Chocan contra sus congéneres para fortalecer sus piernas.
Debido a su carácter afable, nunca son los que provocan un
651,26,8,"Allena la parte inferiore del corpo scontrandosi con i suoi
simili. Ha una natura mite e non inizia mai una lotta per primo."
651,26,9,"They strengthen their lower bodies by
running into one another. They are very
kind and wont start fights."
651,26,11,"仲間同士で 体を ぶつけ合い
足腰を 鍛える。
自分からは 戦わない 優しい 性格。"
652,23,1,"たいあたりで 50トンの せんしゃを
ひっくりかえす パワー。じぶんが
たてと なって なかまを まもる。"
652,23,3,"몸통박치기로 50톤 전차를
뒤집는 파워를 지녔다. 자신이
방패가 되어 동료를 지킨다."
652,23,5,"Il est si puissant quil pourrait renverser un char de
50 t dun seul assaut. Il se sert de son corps comme
dun bouclier pour protéger ses alliés."
652,23,6,"Es ist so stark, dass es selbst 50 t schwere Panzer
umkippen kann. Es schützt seine Artgenossen,
indem es sich ihnen als Schild anbietet."
652,23,7,"Su fuerza es tal que, de un empellón, puede hacer
volcar un tanque de 50 toneladas. Protege a sus
aliados cuando hace de escudo."
652,23,8,"Attaccando può rovesciare un carro armato da 50 t.
Protegge gli alleati facendo loro scudo con il proprio
652,23,9,"Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank.
It shields its allies from danger with its own body."
652,23,11,"体当たりで 50トンの 戦車を
ひっくり返す パワー。
自分が 盾となって 仲間を 守る。"
652,24,1,"かおの まえで こぶしを あわせて
ぼうぎょの ポーズを とると
ばくだんの ちょくげきも たえる。"
652,24,3,"얼굴 앞에 주먹을 맞대어
방어 포즈를 취하면
폭탄의 직격도 견뎌낸다."
652,24,5,"Il se défend en joignant ses poings devant son visage.
Dans cette posture, il peut même résister à londe de
choc dune explosion."
652,24,6,"Wenn es seine Fäuste vors Gesicht hält und so eine
Verteidigungshaltung einnimmt, kann es selbst eine
Explosion überstehen."
652,24,7,"Cuando adopta una postura defensiva juntando
ambos puños delante de la cara, es capaz de
resistir incluso el impacto directo de una bomba."
652,24,8,"In posizione difensiva, con i pugni in guardia, è in
grado di resistere persino a unesplosione diretta."
652,24,9,"When it takes a defensive posture with its fists
guarding its face, it could withstand a bomb blast."
652,24,11,"顔の 前で こぶしを 合わせて
防御の ポーズを とると
爆弾の 直撃も 耐える。"
652,25,1,"たいあたりで 50トンの せんしゃを
ひっくりかえす パワー。じぶんが
たてと なって なかまを まもる。"
652,25,3,"몸통박치기로 50톤 전차를
뒤집는 파워를 지녔다. 자신이
방패가 되어 동료를 지킨다."
652,25,5,"Il est si puissant quil pourrait renverser un char de 50 t
dun seul assaut. Il se sert de son corps comme dun bouclier
pour protéger ses alliés."
652,25,6,"Es ist so stark, dass es selbst 50 t schwere Panzer umkippen
kann. Es schützt seine Artgenossen, indem es sich ihnen als
Schild anbietet."
652,25,7,"Su fuerza es tal que, de un empellón, puede hacer volcar un
tanque de 50 toneladas. Protege a sus aliados cuando hace
de escudo."
652,25,8,"Attaccando può rovesciare un carro armato da 50 t. Protegge
gli alleati facendo loro scudo con il proprio corpo."
652,25,9,"Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank.
It shields its allies from danger with its own body."
652,25,11,"体当たりで 50トンの 戦車を
ひっくり返す パワー。
自分が 盾となって 仲間を 守る。"
652,26,1,"かおの まえで こぶしを あわせて
ぼうぎょの ポーズを とると
ばくだんの ちょくげきも たえる。"
652,26,3,"얼굴 앞에 주먹을 맞대어
방어 포즈를 취하면
폭탄의 직격도 견뎌낸다."
652,26,5,"Il se défend en joignant ses poings devant son visage.
Dans cette posture, il peut même résister à londe de choc
dune explosion."
652,26,6,"Wenn es seine Fäuste vors Gesicht hält und so eine
Verteidigungshaltung einnimmt, kann es selbst eine
Explosion überstehen."
652,26,7,"Cuando adopta una postura defensiva juntando ambos puños
delante de la cara, es capaz de resistir incluso el impacto
directo de una bomba."
652,26,8,"In posizione difensiva, con i pugni in guardia, è in grado
di resistere persino a unesplosione diretta."
652,26,9,"When it takes a defensive posture with its fists
guarding its face, it could withstand a bomb blast."
652,26,11,"顔の 前で こぶしを 合わせて
防御の ポーズを とると
爆弾の 直撃も 耐える。"
653,23,1,"こえだを たべると げんきになって
せっし200どを こえる ねっきを
おおきな みみから ふきだす。"
653,23,3,"잔가지를 먹으면 힘이 나서
섭씨 200도가 넘는 열기를
커다란 귀에서 내뿜는다."
653,23,5,"En cas de coup de fatigue, il grignote des rameaux
pour recharger ses batteries. Ses oreilles dégagent
une chaleur qui dépasse les 200 °C."
653,23,6,"Wenn es Zweige frisst, fasst es neue Kraft und stößt
über seine Ohren über 200 °C heiße Luft aus."
653,23,7,"Tras masticar e ingerir pequeñas ramas se siente
pletórico y expulsa aire caliente por sus grandes
orejas a temperaturas superiores a los 200 ºC."
653,23,8,"Fa il pieno di energia mangiando ramoscelli ed emette
aria calda dalle grandi orecchie a una temperatura
di oltre 200 °C."
653,23,9,"Eating a twig fills it with energy,
and its roomy ears give vent to air
hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit."
653,23,11,"小枝を 食べると 元気になって
摂氏200度を 超える 熱気を
大きな 耳から 噴き出す。"
653,24,1,"こえだを もちあるき おやつがわりに
ポリポリ たべる。みみから ねっきを
ふきだして あいてを いかくする。"
653,24,3,"작은 나뭇가지를 들고 다니며 간식 대신
아작아작 먹는다. 귀에서 열기를
뿜어내어 상대를 위협한다."
653,24,5,"Il a toujours une brindille avec lui en cas de petit
creux. Il projette de lair chaud par ses oreilles pour
intimider ses ennemis."
653,24,6,"Anstelle eines Snacks kaut es unterwegs auf einem
Zweig herum. Es schreckt Gegner ab, indem es über
seine Ohren heiße Luft ausstößt."
653,24,7,"Mordisquea una ramita mientras camina, como si de
un aperitivo se tratase. Intimida a su enemigo
expulsando aire caliente por las orejas."
653,24,8,"Se ne va in giro sgranocchiando un rametto.
Intimidisce i nemici emettendo aria calda dalle
653,24,9,"As it walks, it munches on a twig in place
of a snack. It intimidates opponents
by puffing hot air out of its ears."
653,24,11,"小枝を 持ち歩き おやつがわりに
ポリポリ 食べる。耳から 熱気を
噴き出して 相手を 威嚇する。"
653,25,1,"こえだを たべると げんきになって
せっし200どを こえる ねっきを
おおきな みみから ふきだす。"
653,25,3,"잔가지를 먹으면 힘이 나서
섭씨 200도가 넘는 열기를
커다란 귀에서 내뿜는다."
653,25,5,"En cas de coup de fatigue, il grignote des rameaux
pour recharger ses batteries. Ses oreilles dégagent
une chaleur qui dépasse les 200 °C."
653,25,6,"Wenn es Zweige frisst, fasst es neue Kraft und stößt über
seine Ohren über 200 °C heiße Luft aus."
653,25,7,"Tras masticar e ingerir pequeñas ramas se siente pletórico y
expulsa aire caliente por sus grandes orejas a temperaturas
superiores a los 200 °C."
653,25,8,"Fa il pieno di energia mangiando ramoscelli ed emette aria
calda dalle grandi orecchie a una temperatura di oltre 200 °C."
653,25,9,"Eating a twig fills it with energy,
and its roomy ears give vent to air
hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit."
653,25,11,"小枝を 食べると 元気になって
摂氏200度を 超える 熱気を
大きな 耳から 噴き出す。"
653,26,1,"こえだを もちあるき おやつがわりに
ポリポリ たべる。みみから ねっきを
ふきだして あいてを いかくする。"
653,26,3,"작은 나뭇가지를 들고 다니며 간식 대신
아작아작 먹는다. 귀에서 열기를
뿜어내어 상대를 위협한다."
653,26,5,"Il a toujours une brindille avec lui en cas de petit creux.
Il projette de lair chaud par ses oreilles pour intimider
ses ennemis."
653,26,6,"Anstelle eines Snacks kaut es unterwegs auf einem Zweig
herum. Es schreckt Gegner ab, indem es über seine Ohren
heiße Luft ausstößt."
653,26,7,"Mordisquea una ramita mientras camina, como si de un
aperitivo se tratase. Intimida a su enemigo expulsando aire
caliente por las orejas."
653,26,8,"Se ne va in giro sgranocchiando un rametto. Intimidisce
i nemici emettendo aria calda dalle orecchie."
653,26,9,"As it walks, it munches on a twig in place
of a snack. It intimidates opponents
by puffing hot air out of its ears."
653,26,11,"小枝を 持ち歩き おやつがわりに
ポリポリ 食べる。耳から 熱気を
噴き出して 相手を 威嚇する。"
654,23,1,"きのえだを しっぽに さしている。
しっぽの けの まさつねつで
えだに ひをつけて たたかう。"
654,23,3,"나뭇가지를 꼬리에 꽂고 있다.
꼬리털의 마찰열로
가지에 불을 붙여 싸운다."
654,23,5,"Il allume la branche plantée dans sa queue en la
frottant contre son pelage et sen sert au combat."
654,23,6,"In seinem Schweif steckt ein Zweig, den es bei Bedarf
mit der Reibungswärme seiner Schweifhaare anzündet
und im Kampf einsetzt."
654,23,7,"Tiene una rama enredada en la cola. Cuando la saca,
la rama prende fuego al hacer fricción con su pelaje
y se lanza al ataque con ella."
654,23,8,"Incendia il ramo che ha infilato nella coda grazie allo
sfregamento del pelo per poi lanciarsi nella lotta."
654,23,9,"It has a twig stuck in its tail. With
friction from its tail fur, it sets the
twig on fire and launches into battle."
654,23,11,"木の枝を 尻尾に 挿している。
尻尾の 毛の 摩擦熱で
枝に 火をつけて 戦う。"
654,24,1,"きのえだを しっぽから ひきぬくとき
まさつで ちゃっか。えだの ほのおを
ふって なかまに あいずを おくる。"
654,24,3,"나뭇가지를 꼬리에서 뽑을 때
마찰로 불이 붙는다. 나뭇가지의 불꽃을
흔들어 동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
654,24,5,"Quand il saisit la branche plantée dans sa queue,
elle prend feu par friction. Il peut communiquer avec
ses congénères en agitant ce bâton enflammé."
654,24,6,"Sein Zweig entzündet sich durch die Reibung, die beim
Herausziehen aus seinem Schweif entsteht. Mit der
Flamme sendet es Signale an Kameraden."
654,24,7,"Al extraer la rama que tiene en la cola, esta prende
debido a la fricción. Usa esa rama candente para
enviar señales a sus compañeros."
654,24,8,"Incendia il rametto che ha nella coda semplicemente
estraendolo, grazie alla frizione del pelo. Lo usa anche
per mandare segnali ai suoi compagni."
654,24,9,"When the twig is plucked from its tail,
friction sets the twig alight. The flame
is used to send signals to its allies."
654,24,11,"木の枝を 尻尾から 引き抜くとき
摩擦で 着火。枝の 炎を 振って
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
654,25,1,"きのえだを しっぽに さしている。
しっぽの けの まさつねつで
えだに ひをつけて たたかう。"
654,25,3,"나뭇가지를 꼬리에 꽂고 있다.
꼬리털의 마찰열로
가지에 불을 붙여 싸운다."
654,25,5,"Il allume la branche plantée dans sa queue en la frottant
contre son pelage et sen sert au combat."
654,25,6,"In seinem Schweif steckt ein Zweig, den es bei Bedarf mit der
Reibungswärme seiner Schweifhaare anzündet und im Kampf
654,25,7,"Tiene una rama enredada en la cola. Cuando la saca, la rama
prende fuego al hacer fricción con su pelaje y se lanza al
ataque con ella."
654,25,8,"Incendia il ramo che ha infilato nella coda grazie allo
sfregamento del pelo per poi lanciarsi nella lotta."
654,25,9,"It has a twig stuck in its tail. With
friction from its tail fur, it sets the
twig on fire and launches into battle."
654,25,11,"木の枝を 尻尾に 挿している。
尻尾の 毛の 摩擦熱で
枝に 火をつけて 戦う。"
654,26,1,"きのえだを しっぽから ひきぬくとき
まさつで ちゃっか。えだの ほのおを
ふって なかまに あいずを おくる。"
654,26,3,"나뭇가지를 꼬리에서 뽑을 때
마찰로 불이 붙는다. 나뭇가지의 불꽃을
흔들어 동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
654,26,5,"Quand il saisit la branche plantée dans sa queue, elle prend
feu par friction. Il peut communiquer avec ses congénères
en agitant ce bâton enflammé."
654,26,6,"Sein Zweig entzündet sich durch die Reibung, die beim
Herausziehen aus seinem Schweif entsteht. Mit der Flamme
sendet es Signale an Kameraden."
654,26,7,"Al extraer la rama que tiene en la cola, esta prende debido a
la fricción. Usa esa rama candente para enviar señales a sus
654,26,8,"Incendia il rametto che ha nella coda semplicemente
estraendolo, grazie alla frizione del pelo. Lo usa anche
per mandare segnali ai suoi compagni."
654,26,9,"When the twig is plucked from its tail,
friction sets the twig alight. The flame
is used to send signals to its allies."
654,26,11,"木の枝を 尻尾から 引き抜くとき
摩擦で 着火。枝の 炎を 振って
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
655,23,1,"つえの せんたんで もえる ほのおを
みつめて せいしんとういつすると
みらいの できごとを みとおせる。"
655,23,3,"지팡이 끝의 타오르는 불꽃을
바라보며 정신을 통일하면
미래에 일어날 일을 내다볼 수 있다."
655,23,5,"Peut prédire lavenir sil se concentre en fixant
la flamme qui danse au bout de sa canne."
655,23,6,"Es kann die Zukunft vorhersehen, indem es
konzentriert in die Flamme an der Spitze
seines Zweiges blickt."
655,23,7,"Fija la mirada en la llama que arde en la punta de su
bastón para concentrarse y prever sucesos que
tienen lugar en el futuro."
655,23,8,"Fissando la fiamma del ramo che ha in mano, aumenta
al massimo la concentrazione e può predire il futuro."
655,23,9,"It gazes into the flame at the tip of
its branch to achieve a focused state,
which allows it to see into the future."
655,23,11,"杖の 先端で 燃える 炎を 見つめて
未来の 出来事を 見通せる。"
655,24,1,"せっし3000どの ほのおの うずを
ちょうのうりょくで あやつる。
てきを うずで つつみ やきつくす。"
655,24,3,"섭씨 3000도의 불꽃 소용돌이를
초능력으로 조종한다.
적을 소용돌이로 감싸 불태운다."
655,24,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques lui permettent de créer
des tourbillons de flammes à 3000 °C qui
enveloppent et consument ses ennemis."
655,24,6,"Mit seinen übernatürlichen Kräften kontrolliert es einen
3 000 °C heißen Flammenwirbel, mit dem es seine
Gegner umhüllt und sie verbrennt."
655,24,7,"Sus poderes psíquicos le permiten controlar vórtices
de fuego a 3000 °C que envuelven y calcinan a sus
655,24,8,"Grazie ai suoi poteri psichici, può generare un vortice
di fiamme a 3000 °C con il quale avvolge i nemici
e li incenerisce."
655,24,9,"Using psychic power, it generates a
fiery vortex of 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit,
incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame."
655,24,11,"摂氏3000度の 炎の 渦を
超能力で 操る。
敵を 渦で 包み 焼きつくす。"
655,25,1,"つえの せんたんで もえる ほのおを
みつめて せいしんとういつすると
みらいの できごとを みとおせる。"
655,25,3,"지팡이 끝의 타오르는 불꽃을
바라보며 정신을 통일하면
미래에 일어날 일을 내다볼 수 있다."
655,25,5,"Peut prédire lavenir sil se concentre en fixant la flamme
qui danse au bout de sa canne."
655,25,6,"Es kann die Zukunft vorhersehen, indem es konzentriert
in die Flamme an der Spitze seines Zweiges blickt."
655,25,7,"Fija la mirada en la llama que arde en la punta de su bastón
para concentrarse y prever sucesos que tienen lugar en el
655,25,8,"Fissando la fiamma del ramo che ha in mano, aumenta
al massimo la concentrazione e può predire il futuro."
655,25,9,"It gazes into the flame at the tip of
its branch to achieve a focused state,
which allows it to see into the future."
655,25,11,"杖の 先端で 燃える 炎を 見つめて
未来の 出来事を 見通せる。"
655,26,1,"せっし3000どの ほのおの うずを
ちょうのうりょくで あやつる。
てきを うずで つつみ やきつくす。"
655,26,3,"섭씨 3000도의 불꽃 소용돌이를
초능력으로 조종한다.
적을 소용돌이로 감싸 불태운다."
655,26,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques lui permettent de créer
des tourbillons de flammes à 3000 °C qui enveloppent
et consument ses ennemis."
655,26,6,"Mit seinen übernatürlichen Kräften kontrolliert es einen
3 000 °C heißen Flammenwirbel, mit dem es seine Gegner
umhüllt und sie verbrennt."
655,26,7,"Sus poderes psíquicos le permiten controlar vórtices de fuego
a 3000 °C que envuelven y calcinan a sus enemigos."
655,26,8,"Grazie ai suoi poteri psichici, può generare un vortice
di fiamme a 3000 °C con il quale avvolge i nemici
e li incenerisce."
655,26,9,"Using psychic power, it generates a
fiery vortex of 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit,
incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame."
655,26,11,"摂氏3000度の 炎の 渦を
超能力で 操る。
敵を 渦で 包み 焼きつくす。"
656,23,1,"むねと せなかから あわを だす。
だんりょくのある あわで こうげきを
うけとめて ダメージを へらす。"
656,23,3,"가슴과 등에서 거품을 내뿜는다.
탄력 있는 거품으로 공격을
막아내고 데미지를 줄인다."
656,23,5,"Sa poitrine et son dos sécrètent une mousse qui
lui permet de subir moins de dégâts en amortissant
le choc des attaques."
656,23,6,"Es stößt aus Brust und Rücken elastische Blasen aus,
mit denen es gegnerische Angriffe abfängt und so
den erlittenen Schaden verringert."
656,23,7,"Secreta burbujas tanto por la espalda como
por el pecho. Gracias a la elasticidad de estas,
puede parar ataques y reducir el daño recibido."
656,23,8,"Dal petto e dalla schiena secerne una schiuma
che gli permette di attutire i danni causati dagli
attacchi nemici."
656,23,9,"It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back.
The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise
take when attacked."
656,23,11,"胸と 背中から 泡を 出す。
弾力のある 泡で 攻撃を 受け止めて
ダメージを 減らす。"
656,24,1,"せんさいな あわで からだを つつみ
はだを まもる。のんきに みせかけて
ぬけめなく しゅういを うかがう。"
656,24,3,"섬세한 거품으로 몸을 감싸
피부를 보호한다. 태평한 척하면서
빈틈없이 주위를 살핀다."
656,24,5,"Il protège son corps en lentourant dune mousse
délicate. Malgré son apparence insouciante,
ce Pokémon est en fait constamment à laffût."
656,24,6,"Es schützt seine Haut mit feinen Blasen, die seinen
Körper umhüllen. Es mag unbekümmert aussehen,
behält die Umgebung aber immer aufmerksam im Auge."
656,24,7,"Protege su piel cubriendo el cuerpo con una fina capa
de burbujas. Aunque parezca despreocupado, no deja
de vigilar con astucia lo que le rodea."
656,24,8,"Si protegge avvolgendo il corpo in una schiuma
delicata. Nonostante laria spensierata, scruta sempre
lambiente circostante con molta attenzione."
656,24,9,"It protects its skin by covering its body in
delicate bubbles. Beneath its happy-go-lucky air,
it keeps a watchful eye on its surroundings."
656,24,11,"繊細な 泡で 体を 包み
肌を 守る。のんきに 見せかけて
抜け目なく 周囲を うかがう。"
656,25,1,"むねと せなかから あわを だす。
だんりょくのある あわで こうげきを
うけとめて ダメージを へらす。"
656,25,3,"가슴과 등에서 거품을 내뿜는다.
탄력 있는 거품으로 공격을
막아내고 데미지를 줄인다."
656,25,5,"Sa poitrine et son dos sécrètent une mousse qui lui permet
de subir moins de dégâts en amortissant le choc des attaques."
656,25,6,"Es stößt aus Brust und Rücken elastische Blasen aus,
mit denen es gegnerische Angriffe abfängt und so den
erlittenen Schaden verringert."
656,25,7,"Secreta burbujas tanto por la espalda como por el pecho.
Gracias a la elasticidad de estas, puede parar ataques y
reducir el daño recibido."
656,25,8,"Dal petto e dalla schiena secerne una schiuma che gli
permette di attutire i danni causati dagli attacchi nemici."
656,25,9,"It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back.
The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise
take when attacked."
656,25,11,"胸と 背中から 泡を 出す。
弾力のある 泡で 攻撃を 受け止めて
ダメージを 減らす。"
656,26,1,"せんさいな あわで からだを つつみ
はだを まもる。のんきに みせかけて
ぬけめなく しゅういを うかがう。"
656,26,3,"섬세한 거품으로 몸을 감싸
피부를 보호한다. 태평한 척하면서
빈틈없이 주위를 살핀다."
656,26,5,"Il protège son corps en lentourant dune mousse délicate.
Malgré son apparence insouciante, ce Pokémon est en fait
constamment à laffût."
656,26,6,"Es schützt seine Haut mit feinen Blasen, die seinen
Körper umhüllen. Es mag unbekümmert aussehen,
behält die Umgebung aber immer aufmerksam im Auge."
656,26,7,"Protege su piel cubriendo el cuerpo con una fina capa de
burbujas. Aunque parezca despreocupado, no deja de vigilar
con astucia lo que le rodea."
656,26,8,"Si protegge avvolgendo il corpo in una schiuma delicata.
Nonostante laria spensierata, scruta sempre lambiente
circostante con molta attenzione."
656,26,9,"It protects its skin by covering its body in
delicate bubbles. Beneath its happy-go-lucky air,
it keeps a watchful eye on its surroundings."
656,26,11,"繊細な 泡で 体を 包み
肌を 守る。のんきに 見せかけて
抜け目なく 周囲を うかがう。"
657,23,1,"あわで つつんだ こいしを なげる
わざを つかう。30メートル さきの
あきかんに あてる コントロール。"
657,23,3,"거품으로 싸인 돌멩이를 던지는
기술을 쓴다. 30m 앞에 있는
빈 캔을 맞출 정도로 컨트롤이 좋다."
657,23,5,"Il est capable de lancer des pierres recouvertes
de mousse avec une précision suffisante pour toucher
une canette vide à 30 m."
657,23,6,"Es kann kleine in Blasen gehüllte Steine mit solcher
Präzision werfen, dass es selbst 30 m entfernte Dosen
problemlos trifft."
657,23,7,"Puede lanzar piedras envueltas en burbujas con tal
puntería, que acierta latas vacías a 30 metros de
657,23,8,"Lancia dei sassi racchiusi in bolle di schiuma.
È talmente preciso da riuscire a colpire una lattina
vuota a 30 m di distanza."
657,23,9,"It can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise
control, hitting empty cans up to a hundred feet away."
657,23,11,"泡で 包んだ 小石を 投げる
技を 使う。30メートル 先の
空き缶に 当てる コントロール。"
657,24,1,"みがるさは だれにも まけない。
600メートルを こえる タワーの
てっぺんまで 1ぷんで のぼりきる。"
657,24,3,"누구보다도 가벼운 몸을 갖고 있다.
600m를 넘는 타워의
꼭대기까지 1분이면 올라간다."
657,24,5,"Son agilité est incomparable.
Il peut gravir une tour de 600 m de haut en moins
dune minute."
657,24,6,"Seine Flinkheit sucht ihresgleichen. Es kann einen
600 m hohen Turm in weniger als einer Minute
657,24,7,"Su agilidad no tiene parangón. De hecho, es capaz
de escalar una torre de más de 600 metros en tan
solo un minuto."
657,24,8,"Grazie alla sua straordinaria agilità, è in grado di
scalare una torre alta più di 600 m in meno
di un minuto."
657,24,9,"Its swiftness is unparalleled.
It can scale a tower of more
than 2,000 feet in a minutes time."
657,24,11,"身軽さは だれにも 負けない。
600メートルを 超える タワーの
天辺まで 1分で 登りきる。"
657,25,1,"あわで つつんだ こいしを なげる
わざを つかう。30メートル さきの
あきかんに あてる コントロール。"
657,25,3,"거품으로 싸인 돌멩이를 던지는
기술을 쓴다. 30m 앞에 있는
빈 캔을 맞힐 정도로 컨트롤이 좋다."
657,25,5,"Il est capable de lancer des pierres recouvertes de mousse
avec une précision suffisante pour toucher une canette vide
à 30 m."
657,25,6,"Es kann kleine in Blasen gehüllte Steine mit solcher Präzision
werfen, dass es selbst 30 m entfernte Dosen problemlos trifft."
657,25,7,"Puede lanzar piedras envueltas en burbujas con tal puntería
que acierta latas vacías a 30 metros de distancia."
657,25,8,"Lancia dei sassi racchiusi in bolle di schiuma. È talmente
preciso da riuscire a colpire una lattina vuota a 30 m
di distanza."
657,25,9,"It can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise
control, hitting empty cans up to a hundred feet away."
657,25,11,"泡で 包んだ 小石を 投げる
技を 使う。30メートル 先の
空き缶に 当てる コントロール。"
657,26,1,"みがるさは だれにも まけない。
600メートルを こえる タワーの
てっぺんまで 1ぷんで のぼりきる。"
657,26,3,"누구보다도 가벼운 몸을 갖고 있다.
600m를 넘는 타워의
꼭대기까지 1분이면 올라간다."
657,26,5,"Son agilité est incomparable. Il peut gravir une tour de 600 m
de haut en moins dune minute."
657,26,6,"Seine Flinkheit sucht ihresgleichen. Es kann einen 600 m
hohen Turm in weniger als einer Minute erklimmen."
657,26,7,"Su agilidad no tiene parangón. De hecho, es capaz de escalar
una torre de más de 600 metros en tan solo un minuto."
657,26,8,"Grazie alla sua straordinaria agilità, è in grado di scalare una
torre alta più di 600 m in meno di un minuto."
657,26,9,"Its swiftness is unparalleled.
It can scale a tower of more
than 2,000 feet in a minutes time."
657,26,11,"身軽さは だれにも 負けない。
600メートルを 超える タワーの
天辺まで 1分で 登りきる。"
658,23,1,"みずを あっしゅくして しゅりけんを
とばすと きんぞくも まっぷたつ。"
658,23,3,"물을 압축시켜 수리검을
만들어 낸다. 고속으로 회전시키며
던지면 금속도 두 동강이 난다."
658,23,5,"Il transforme des jets deau sous pression
en redoutables shuriken. Une fois lancés, ils tournent
si vite quils peuvent même couper le métal."
658,23,6,"Es stellt Wurfsterne aus komprimiertem Wasser
her, die durch ihre hohe Drehgeschwindigkeit
beim Werfen sogar Metall durchtrennen."
658,23,7,"Comprime el agua y crea estrellas ninja con las que
ataca al enemigo. Cuando las hace girar a gran
velocidad cortan en dos hasta el metal."
658,23,8,"Crea lame dacqua micidiali che ruotano
ad alta velocità e, se lanciate, possono perforare
il metallo."
658,23,9,"It creates throwing stars out of compressed water.
When it spins them and throws them at high speed,
these stars can split metal in two."
658,23,11,"水を 圧縮して 手裏剣を 作り出す。
高速回転させて 飛ばすと
金属も 真っ二つ。"
658,24,1,"にんじゃのように しんしゅつきぼつ。
すばやい うごきで ほんろうしつつ
みずの しゅりけんで きりさく。"
658,24,3,"닌자처럼 신출귀몰하다.
재빠른 움직임으로 상대를 농락하면서
물의 수리검으로 벤다."
658,24,5,"Aussi insaisissable quun ninja, il se joue de
ses ennemis grâce à sa célérité, et les tranche
de ses Sheauriken."
658,24,6,"Kaum hat man es erspäht, verschwindet es auch schon
wieder. Mit der Agilität eines Ninjas verwirrt es seine
Gegner, um sie dann mit Wasser-Shuriken anzugreifen."
658,24,7,"Aparece y desaparece de improvisto, cual ninja. Marea
al oponente con su soberbia agilidad y lo hace trizas
con sus Shuriken de Agua."
658,24,8,"Agile e sfuggente come un ninja, si fa beffe dei nemici
grazie alla sua velocità e li bersaglia di shuriken
658,24,9,"It appears and vanishes with a ninjas grace.
It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while
slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water."
658,24,11,"忍者のように 神出鬼没。
素早い 動きで 翻弄しつつ
水の 手裏剣で 切り裂く。"
658,25,1,"みずを あっしゅくして しゅりけんを
とばすと きんぞくも まっぷたつ。"
658,25,3,"물을 압축시켜 수리검을
만들어 낸다. 고속으로 회전시키며
던지면 금속도 두 동강이 난다."
658,25,5,"Il transforme des jets deau sous pression en redoutables
shuriken. Une fois lancés, ils tournent si vite quils peuvent
même couper le métal."
658,25,6,"Es stellt Wurfsterne aus komprimiertem Wasser her, die durch
ihre hohe Drehgeschwindigkeit beim Werfen sogar Metall
658,25,7,"Comprime el agua y crea estrellas ninja con las que ataca al
enemigo. Cuando las hace girar a gran velocidad cortan en
dos hasta el metal."
658,25,8,"Crea lame dacqua micidiali che ruotano ad alta velocità e,
se lanciate, possono perforare il metallo."
658,25,9,"It creates throwing stars out of compressed water.
When it spins them and throws them at high speed,
these stars can split metal in two."
658,25,11,"水を 圧縮して 手裏剣を 作り出す。
高速回転させて 飛ばすと
金属も 真っ二つ。"
658,26,1,"にんじゃのように しんしゅつきぼつ。
すばやい うごきで ほんろうしつつ
みずの しゅりけんで きりさく。"
658,26,3,"닌자처럼 신출귀몰하다.
재빠른 움직임으로 상대를 농락하면서
물의 수리검으로 벤다."
658,26,5,"Aussi insaisissable quun ninja, il se joue de ses ennemis
grâce à sa célérité, et les tranche de ses Sheauriken."
658,26,6,"Kaum hat man es erspäht, verschwindet es auch schon wieder.
Mit der Agilität eines Ninjas verwirrt es seine Gegner, um sie
dann mit Wasser-Shuriken anzugreifen."
658,26,7,"Aparece y desaparece de improvisto, cual ninja. Marea al
oponente con su soberbia agilidad y lo hace trizas con sus
Shuriken de Agua."
658,26,8,"Agile e sfuggente come un ninja, si fa beffe dei nemici grazie
alla sua velocità e li bersaglia di shuriken dacqua."
658,26,9,"It appears and vanishes with a ninjas grace.
It toys with its enemies using swift movements, while
slicing them with throwing stars of sharpest water."
658,26,11,"忍者のように 神出鬼没。
素早い 動きで 翻弄しつつ
水の 手裏剣で 切り裂く。"
659,23,1,"おおきな みみで じめんを ほって
すあなを つくる。ひとばんじゅう
やすまずに ほりつづけられる。"
659,23,3,"커다란 귀로 땅을 파고
보금자리를 만든다. 하룻밤 동안
쉬지 않고 계속 팔 수 있다."
659,23,5,"Ses larges oreilles lui permettent de creuser
des terriers. Il est capable de forer sans sarrêter
pendant toute une nuit."
659,23,6,"Mit seinen großen Ohren schaufelt es sich einen Bau.
Es kann die ganze Nacht ohne Pause durchschaufeln."
659,23,7,"Usa sus grandes orejas para excavar en la tierra y así
crear madrigueras. Puede pasarse una noche entera
cavando sin parar."
659,23,8,"Scava tane nel terreno grazie alle grandi orecchie.
Può andare avanti senza fermarsi per tutta la notte."
659,23,9,"They use their large ears to dig burrows.
They will dig the whole night through."
659,23,11,"大きな 耳で 地面を 掘って
巣穴を 作る。
一晩中 休まずに 掘り続けられる。"
659,24,1,"シャベルのような みみを もつ。
あなほりで きたえた みみは ふとい
ねっこを たちきる いりょくだ。"
659,24,3,"삽과 같은 귀를 가졌다.
구멍을 파는 데 단련된 귀는 두꺼운
뿌리를 자를 정도의 위력이다."
659,24,5,"Il est doté doreilles ressemblant à des pelles.
À force de creuser des galeries, leur puissance est
telle quelles peuvent trancher de grosses racines."
659,24,6,"Es besitzt schaufelähnliche Ohren, die durch ständiges
Graben so kräftig werden, dass sie auch dicke Wurzeln
durchtrennen können."
659,24,7,"Tiene unas orejas tan grandes que parecen palas.
Las ha fortalecido tanto usándolas para excavar que
son capaces de arrancar raíces bien gruesas."
659,24,8,"Usa le orecchie come pale per scavare buche
nel terreno. Queste propaggini sono talmente potenti
da permettergli di strappare via enormi radici."
659,24,9,"It has ears like shovels. Digging holes
strengthens its ears so much that they
can sever thick roots effortlessly."
659,24,11,"シャベルのような 耳を 持つ。
穴掘りで 鍛えた 耳は
太い 根っこを 断ち切る 威力だ。"
659,25,1,"おおきな みみで じめんを ほって
すあなを つくる。ひとばんじゅう
やすまずに ほりつづけられる。"
659,25,3,"커다란 귀로 땅을 파고
보금자리를 만든다. 하룻밤 동안
쉬지 않고 계속 팔 수 있다."
659,25,5,"Ses larges oreilles lui permettent de creuser des terriers.
Il est capable de forer sans sarrêter pendant toute une nuit."
659,25,6,"Mit seinen großen Ohren schaufelt es sich einen Bau.
Es kann die ganze Nacht ohne Pause durchschaufeln."
659,25,7,"Usa sus grandes orejas para excavar en la tierra y así crear
madrigueras. Puede pasarse una noche entera cavando sin
659,25,8,"Scava tane nel terreno grazie alle grandi orecchie.
Può andare avanti senza fermarsi per tutta la notte."
659,25,9,"They use their large ears to dig burrows.
They will dig the whole night through."
659,25,11,"大きな 耳で 地面を 掘って
巣穴を 作る。
一晩中 休まずに 掘り続けられる。"
659,26,1,"シャベルのような みみを もつ。
あなほりで きたえた みみは ふとい
ねっこを たちきる いりょくだ。"
659,26,3,"삽과 같은 귀를 가졌다.
구멍을 파는 데 단련된 귀는 두꺼운
뿌리를 자를 정도의 위력이다."
659,26,5,"Il est doté doreilles ressemblant à des pelles. À force de
creuser des galeries, leur puissance est telle quelles peuvent
trancher de grosses racines."
659,26,6,"Es besitzt schaufelähnliche Ohren, die durch ständiges Graben
so kräftig werden, dass sie auch dicke Wurzeln durchtrennen
659,26,7,"Tiene unas orejas tan grandes que parecen palas.
Las ha fortalecido tanto usándolas para excavar que son
capaces de arrancar raíces bien gruesas."
659,26,8,"Usa le orecchie come pale per scavare buche nel terreno.
Queste propaggini sono talmente potenti da permettergli di
strappare via enormi radici."
659,26,9,"It has ears like shovels. Digging holes
strengthens its ears so much that they
can sever thick roots effortlessly."
659,26,11,"シャベルのような 耳を 持つ。
穴掘りで 鍛えた 耳は
太い 根っこを 断ち切る 威力だ。"
659,33,1,"みみで あなを ほるのが とくい。
ちか10メートルに とどく すあなを
ひとばんで つくってしまう。"
659,33,3,"귀로 구멍을 파는 것이 특기다.
지하 10m에 달하는 굴을
하룻밤 만에 만들어버린다."
659,33,5,"Il est très doué pour creuser avec ses oreilles.
Il peut forer un terrier atteignant dix mètres
de profondeur en une nuit."
659,33,6,"Mit den Ohren schaufelt es Löcher. Es braucht nur
eine Nacht, um einen 10 m tiefen Bau zu graben."
659,33,7,"Usa hábilmente las orejas para hacer hoyos. Es
capaz de excavar una madriguera a 10 m bajo
tierra en una sola noche."
659,33,8,"Usa abilmente le orecchie per scavare buche
nel terreno. Gli basta una notte per scavare
una tana profonda 10 m."
659,33,9,"It excels at digging holes. Using its ears, it can
dig a nest 33 feet deep in one night."
659,33,11,"耳で 穴を 掘るのが 得意。
地下10メートルに とどく 巣穴を
一晩で つくってしまう。"
659,34,1,"きけんに びんかん。 アーマーガアの
はおとを ききとると あっというまに
あなを ほって じめんに もぐる。"
659,34,3,"위험에 민감하다. 아머까오의
날갯소리를 들으면 눈 깜짝할 사이에
구멍을 파고 땅으로 숨어든다."
659,34,5,"Il est sensible au danger. Lorsquil entend
le battement dailes de Corvaillus, il creuse
prestement un terrier et sy cache."
659,34,6,"Es ist permanent in Alarmbereitschaft. Sobald es
die Flügel eines Krarmors rascheln hört, gräbt es
ein Loch und verschwindet im Boden."
659,34,7,"Está en alerta permanente. En cuanto oye el batir
de alas de un Corviknight, cava un agujero y se
oculta bajo tierra."
659,34,8,"È sempre allerta contro i pericoli. Se percepisce
il battito dali di Corviknight scava una buca
e si nasconde sotto terra."
659,34,9,"Its very sensitive to danger. The sound of
Corviknights flapping will have Bunnelby
digging a hole to hide underground in moments."
659,34,11,"危険に 敏感。 アーマーガアの
羽音を 聴きとると あっという間に
穴を 掘って 地面に 潜る。"
660,23,1,"おおきな みみは 1トンを こえる
いわを らくに もちあげる パワー。
こうじげんばで だいかつやくする。"
660,23,3,"커다란 귀에는 무게가 1톤을 넘는 바위를
가뿐히 들어 올릴 만한 파워가 있다.
공사 현장에서 대활약한다."
660,23,5,"Ses grandes oreilles sont si musclées quil peut
soulever un rocher dune tonne sans broncher.
Ce Pokémon est souvent utilisé sur les chantiers."
660,23,6,"Seine großen Ohren besitzen die Kraft, selbst Felsen,
die 1 t schwer sind, mühelos hochzuheben.
Es wird daher oft auf Baustellen eingesetzt."
660,23,7,"Sus grandes orejas tienen tal fuerza que con ellas
puede levantar con facilidad rocas de más de una
tonelada. Es de una ayuda inestimable en las obras."
660,23,8,"Con le sue grandi orecchie può sollevare facilmente
massi da più di una tonnellata. Può essere di grande
aiuto nei cantieri edili."
660,23,9,"With their powerful ears, they can heft
boulders of a ton or more with ease.
They can be a big help at construction sites."
660,23,11,"大きな 耳は 1トンを 超える 岩を
楽に 持ち上げる パワー。
工事現場で 大活躍する。"
660,24,1,"ショベルカーなみの パワーの みみで
かたい がんばんも コナゴナ。あなを
ほりおえると ダラダラと すごす。"
660,24,3,"굴착기에 버금가는 파워의 귀로
단단한 암반도 산산조각 낸다.
구멍을 다 파면 빈둥빈둥 지낸다."
660,24,5,"Ses oreilles sont de véritables excavateurs, venant à
bout des blocs de pierre les plus durs.
Après leffort, il se repose en paressant."
660,24,6,"Mit Ohren so mächtig wie ein Bagger kann es selbst
das härteste Gestein zertrümmern. Ist es fertig mit
Graben, lümmelt es herum."
660,24,7,"Sus orejas, tan poderosas como una excavadora,
pueden hacer añicos hasta la roca más sólida.
Cuando termina de cavar, se toma un respiro."
660,24,8,"Le orecchie potenti quanto una scavatrice
gli permettono di sbriciolare anche rocce durissime.
Quando ha finito di scavare, si rilassa beatamente."
660,24,9,"As powerful as an excavator, its ears
can reduce dense bedrock to rubble.
When its finished digging, it lounges lazily."
660,24,11,"ショベルカー並みの パワーの 耳で
硬い 岩盤も コナゴナ。穴を
掘り終えると ダラダラと 過ごす。"
660,25,1,"おおきな みみは 1トンを こえる
いわを らくに もちあげる パワー。
こうじげんばで だいかつやくする。"
660,25,3,"커다란 귀에는 무게가 1톤을 넘는 바위를
가뿐히 들어 올릴 만한 파워가 있다.
공사 현장에서 대활약한다."
660,25,5,"Ses grandes oreilles sont si musclées quil peut soulever
un rocher dune tonne sans broncher. Ce Pokémon est
souvent utilisé sur les chantiers."
660,25,6,"Seine großen Ohren besitzen die Kraft, selbst Felsen,
die 1 t schwer sind, mühelos hochzuheben. Es wird daher
oft auf Baustellen eingesetzt."
660,25,7,"Sus grandes orejas tienen tal fuerza que con ellas puede
levantar con facilidad rocas de más de una tonelada. Es de
una ayuda inestimable en las obras."
660,25,8,"Con le sue grandi orecchie può sollevare facilmente massi
da più di una tonnellata. Può essere di grande aiuto nei
cantieri edili."
660,25,9,"With their powerful ears, they can heft
boulders of a ton or more with ease.
They can be a big help at construction sites."
660,25,11,"大きな 耳は 1トンを 超える 岩を
楽に 持ち上げる パワー。
工事現場で 大活躍する。"
660,26,1,"ショベルカーなみの パワーの みみで
かたい がんばんも コナゴナ。あなを
ほりおえると ダラダラと すごす。"
660,26,3,"굴착기에 버금가는 파워의 귀로
단단한 암반도 산산조각 낸다.
구멍을 다 파면 빈둥빈둥 지낸다."
660,26,5,"Ses oreilles sont de véritables excavateurs, venant à bout
des blocs de pierre les plus durs. Après leffort, il se repose
en paressant."
660,26,6,"Mit Ohren so mächtig wie ein Bagger kann es selbst das
härteste Gestein zertrümmern. Ist es fertig mit Graben,
lümmelt es herum."
660,26,7,"Sus orejas, tan poderosas como una excavadora, pueden
hacer añicos hasta la roca más sólida. Cuando termina de
cavar, se toma un respiro."
660,26,8,"Le orecchie potenti quanto una scavatrice gli permettono di
sbriciolare anche rocce durissime. Quando ha finito di scavare,
si rilassa beatamente."
660,26,9,"As powerful as an excavator, its ears
can reduce dense bedrock to rubble.
When its finished digging, it lounges lazily."
660,26,11,"ショベルカー並みの パワーの 耳で
硬い 岩盤も コナゴナ。穴を
掘り終えると ダラダラと 過ごす。"
660,33,1,"ショベルカーに まけない パワーで
かたい がんばんも ほりすすむ。
トンネルこうじで だいかつやく。"
660,33,3,"굴착기에 뒤지지 않는 파워로
단단한 암반도 파고 들어간다.
터널 공사에서 크게 활약한다."
660,33,5,"Aussi puissant quune pelleteuse, il peut venir
à bout de la roche la plus dure. On fait souvent
appel à lui pour forer des tunnels."
660,33,6,"Seine Stärke gleicht der eines Baggers, sodass es
sich durch harte Gesteinsschichten graben kann.
Es leistet großartige Arbeit beim Tunnelbau."
660,33,7,"Puede horadar incluso el duro sustrato rocoso
con la fuerza de una excavadora, por lo que su
ayuda resulta inestimable para construir túneles."
660,33,8,"Riesce a scavare strati rocciosi durissimi grazie
alla sua forza pari a quella di una scavatrice.
È di grande aiuto nei lavori di scavo dei tunnel."
660,33,9,"With power equal to an excavator, it can dig
through dense bedrock. Its a huge help during
tunnel construction."
660,33,11,"ショベルカーに 負けない パワーで
硬い 岩盤も 掘り進む。
トンネル工事で 大活躍。"
660,34,1,"おなかの たいもうは ほおんせいに
すぐれる。 むかしの ひとは ぬけた
たいもうで ぼうかんぎを つくった。"
660,34,3,"배의 털은 보온성이 뛰어나다.
옛날 사람들은 파르토의 몸에서
빠진 털로 방한복을 만들었다."
660,34,5,"La fourrure de son ventre est un excellent isolant
thermique. Jadis, on fabriquait des vêtements
chauds en se servant de sa mue."
660,34,6,"Das Fell an seinem Bauch hält es schön warm.
Früher haben die Menschen daraus Kleidung
gefertigt, die sie vor Kälte schützte."
660,34,7,"El pelaje de su abdomen es un aislante térmico
excelente, tanto que antaño se usaba el que
mudaba para confeccionar prendas de abrigo."
660,34,8,"La pelliccia sul suo addome lo mantiene caldo.
Gli antichi confezionavano abiti termici resistenti
al freddo con il pelo raccolto dopo la sua muta."
660,34,9,"The fur on its belly retains heat exceptionally
well. People used to make heavy winter clothing
from fur shed by this Pokémon."
660,34,11,"お腹の 体毛は 保温性に
優れる。 昔の 人は 抜けた
体毛で 防寒着を つくった。"
661,23,1,"ひとなつっこい せいかく。うつくしい
さえずりと おばねを ふる うごきで
なかまに あいずを おくる。"
661,23,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 성격이다. 아름다운
지저귐과 꽁지를 흔드는 움직임으로
동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
661,23,5,"Peu farouche, il communique avec ses congénères
par un doux gazouillis et par des signaux de la queue."
661,23,6,"Ein sehr zutrauliches Pokémon. Durch Zwitschern
und Bewegen der Schwanzfedern sendet es Signale
an seine Gefährten."
661,23,7,"Es muy amigable y se comunica con sus aliados
mediante melodiosos gorjeos y el movimiento de su
cola y sus gráciles alas."
661,23,8,"Ha una natura amichevole. Comunica con i suoi simili
tramite meravigliosi cinguettii e movimenti delle penne
della coda."
661,23,9,"These friendly Pokémon send signals
to one another with beautiful chirps
and tail-feather movements."
661,23,11,"人懐っこい 性格。美しい さえずりと
尾羽を 振る 動きで
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
661,24,1,"さえずる こえは うつくしいが
なわばりに はいった あいては
ようしゃしない あらあらしさだ。"
661,24,3,"지저귀는 소리는 아름답지만
영역에 들어온 상대를
용서하지 않는 난폭한 성격이다."
661,24,5,"Son chant est harmonieux, mais trompeur!
Les ennemis qui pénètrent sur son territoire se
retrouvent confrontés à un déluge de violence."
661,24,6,"Sein Zwitschern ist wunderschön, aber wenn Gegner
sein Revier betreten, kennt es keine Gnade."
661,24,7,"Su melodioso gorjeo lo dota de una gran belleza,
pero adopta una actitud agresiva y despiadada hacia
cualquiera que ose invadir su territorio."
661,24,8,"Cinguetta in modo meraviglioso, ma diventa
estremamente aggressivo se un nemico invade
il suo territorio."
661,24,9,"Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, its
merciless to intruders that enter its territory."
661,24,11,"さえずる 声は 美しいが
縄張りに 入った 相手は
容赦しない 荒々しさだ。"
661,25,1,"ひとなつっこい せいかく。うつくしい
さえずりと おばねを ふる うごきで
なかまに あいずを おくる。"
661,25,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 성격이다. 아름다운
지저귐과 꽁지를 흔드는 움직임으로
동료에게 신호를 보낸다."
661,25,5,"Peu farouche, il communique avec ses congénères
par un doux gazouillis et par des signaux de la queue."
661,25,6,"Ein sehr zutrauliches Pokémon. Durch Zwitschern und
Bewegen der Schwanzfedern sendet es Signale an seine
661,25,7,"Es muy amigable y se comunica con sus aliados mediante
melodiosos gorjeos y el movimiento de su cola y sus gráciles
661,25,8,"Ha una natura amichevole. Comunica con i suoi simili tramite
meravigliosi cinguettii e movimenti delle penne della coda."
661,25,9,"These friendly Pokémon send signals
to one another with beautiful chirps
and tail-feather movements."
661,25,11,"人懐っこい 性格。美しい さえずりと
尾羽を 振る 動きで
仲間に 合図を 送る。"
661,26,1,"さえずる こえは うつくしいが
なわばりに はいった あいては
ようしゃしない あらあらしさだ。"
661,26,3,"지저귀는 소리는 아름답지만
영역에 들어온 상대를
용서하지 않는 난폭한 성격이다."
661,26,5,"Son chant est harmonieux, mais trompeur!
Les ennemis qui pénètrent sur son territoire se
retrouvent confrontés à un déluge de violence."
661,26,6,"Sein Zwitschern ist wunderschön, aber wenn Gegner sein
Revier betreten, kennt es keine Gnade."
661,26,7,"Su melodioso gorjeo lo dota de una gran belleza, pero
adopta una actitud agresiva y despiadada hacia cualquiera
que ose invadir su territorio."
661,26,8,"Cinguetta in modo meraviglioso, ma diventa estremamente
aggressivo se un nemico invade il suo territorio."
661,26,9,"Despite the beauty of its lilting voice, its
merciless to intruders that enter its territory."
661,26,11,"さえずる 声は 美しいが
縄張りに 入った 相手は
容赦しない 荒々しさだ。"
661,27,1,"ひとなつっこいので あつかいやすい
ポケモンだが ひとたび たたかいに
なると とても あらあらしいぞ。"
661,27,3,"사람을 잘 따라서 다루기 쉬운
포켓몬이지만 한번 싸움이
붙으면 매우 거칠어진다."
661,27,5,"Cest un Pokémon affectueux et très facile à
élever, mais une fois en situation de combat,
il devient un adversaire implacable."
661,27,6,"Ein sehr zutrauliches und pflegeleichtes
Pokémon, das im Kampf jedoch erstaunlich
wild und ungestüm agiert."
661,27,7,"Su carácter amigable lo convierte en un Pokémon
muy dócil. Ahora bien, en cuanto se pone a
combatir, se vuelve un adversario implacable."
661,27,8,"È facile da allenare grazie alla sua indole
amichevole, ma nella lotta diventa
estremamente aggressivo."
661,27,9,"This amiable Pokémon is easy to train.
But when battle is joined, it shows its
ferocious side."
661,27,11,"人懐っこいので 扱いやすい
ポケモンだが 一度 戦いに
なると とても 荒々しいぞ。"
661,28,1,"こうふん すると たいおんが
2ばいまで あがり たいないの
ホルモンが かっぱつに なるのだ。"
661,28,3,"흥분하면 체온이
2배까지 올라 체내의
호르몬이 활발해진다."
661,28,5,"Quand il est tout excité, sa température peut
doubler et ses hormones bouillonnent."
661,28,6,"Ist es aufgeregt, steigt seine Körpertemperatur
auf das Doppelte an und seine Hormone
spielen verrückt."
661,28,7,"Cuando se exalta, su temperatura corporal llega
a duplicarse y sus hormonas se descontrolan."
661,28,8,"Quando si innervosisce, la sua temperatura
corporea sale fino a raddoppiare e gli ormoni
661,28,9,"When its excited, its temperature can double,
spiking hormone production in its body."
661,28,11,"興奮 すると 体温が
2倍まで 上がり 体内の
ホルモンが 活発に なるのだ。"
661,29,1,"ひとなつっこい ポケモンだけど
むりに さわると からだを いっきに
はつねつさせるので やけど するぞ。"
661,29,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 포켓몬이지만,
억지로 만지면 몸을 단숨에
발열시켜 화상을 입는다."
661,29,5,"Bien quil soit affectueux, il peut brusquement
augmenter sa température et infliger des
brûlures à ceux qui le touchent par surprise."
661,29,6,"Es ist eigentlich sehr zutraulich. Berührt man es
aber gegen seinen Willen, erhitzt es blitzartig
seinen Körper, was zu Verbrennungen führt."
661,29,7,"Es de carácter afable, pero si lo tocan en contra
de su voluntad, aumenta repentinamente su
temperatura y puede provocar quemaduras."
661,29,8,"Ha unindole amichevole, ma se viene infastidito
aumenta allistante la sua temperatura corporea
provocando ustioni al colpevole."
661,29,9,"While its an amiable Pokémon, if you touch it
unexpectedly, it will heat up its body in an
instant, and youll be burned."
661,29,11,"人懐っこい ポケモンだけど
無理やり 触ると 身体を 一気に
発熱させるので 火傷 するぞ。"
661,30,1,"からだは いつでも あたたかい。
さむい ちいきの トレーナーは
ベッドで いっしょに ねるらしい。"
661,30,3,"몸은 언제나 따뜻하다.
추운 지역의 트레이너는
침대에서 함께 잔다고 한다."
661,30,5,"Une agréable chaleur émane toujours de son
petit corps. Dans les régions froides, il nest
pas rare quil dorme dans le lit de son Dresseur."
661,30,6,"Sein Körper ist immer warm. In kalten Gebieten
schlafen Trainer deshalb oft in einem Bett
mit ihm."
661,30,7,"Su cuerpo emana bastante calor, razón por la
que los Entrenadores de regiones frías les
permiten dormir en sus camas."
661,30,8,"Il suo corpo è sempre caldo e per questo gli
Allenatori che vivono in zone fredde a volte
lo lasciano dormire nel loro letto."
661,30,9,"Its body is always warm. Trainers who live in
cold areas apparently sleep with it in their bed."
661,30,11,"身体は いつでも 暖かい。
寒い 地域の トレーナーは
ベッドで 一緒に 寝るらしい。"
661,33,1,"うつくしい さえずりは いかく。
なわばりに はいった ものは
ようしゃなく つつきまくる。"
661,33,3,"아름답게 지저귀는 소리는 위협하고
있다는 뜻이다. 영역에 들어온 자는
용서 없이 콕콕 쪼아버린다."
661,33,5,"Son chant mélodieux est en fait une tentative
dintimidation. Il picore sans merci tout individu
qui pénètre dans son territoire."
661,33,6,"Sein wunderschönes Zwitschern ist in Wirklichkeit
eine Warnung. Wer in sein Revier eindringt, wird
gnadenlos von ihm gepickt."
661,33,7,"Sus melodiosos gorjeos son en realidad un aviso.
Acribilla a picotazos a todo el que ose invadir su
661,33,8,"I suoi meravigliosi cinguettii sono in realtà
versi minacciosi. Becca senza pietà chi invade
il suo territorio."
661,33,9,"Its melodious cries are actually warnings.
Fletchling will mercilessly peck at anything
that enters its territory."
661,33,11,"美しい さえずりは 威嚇。
縄張りに 入った ものは
容赦なく 突きまくる。"
661,34,1,"こうふんすると たいおんが
グッと あがる。 すでで さわると
ヤケドすることも あるほどだ。"
661,34,3,"흥분하면 체온이 확 오른다.
맨손으로 만지면
화상을 입기도 할 정도다."
661,34,5,"Quand il est surexcité, sa température corporelle
augmente dun coup, à tel point quil est possible
de se brûler en le touchant à mains nues."
661,34,6,"Ist es aufgeregt, steigt seine Körpertemperatur
so stark an, dass man sich verbrennen kann,
wenn man es mit bloßen Händen anfasst."
661,34,7,"Su temperatura corporal aumenta de repente
cuando se exalta y puede causar quemaduras
al contacto con la piel."
661,34,8,"Quando si innervosisce, la sua temperatura
corporea sale di colpo, tanto da causare
scottature a chi lo tocca a mani nude."
661,34,9,"When this Pokémon gets excited, its body
temperature increases sharply. If you touch a
Fletchling with bare hands, you might get burned."
661,34,11,"興奮すると 体温が
グッと 上がる。 素手で 触ると
火傷することも あるほどだ。"
662,23,1,"ひのこを クチバシから とばして
くさむらを こがし おどろいて
とびだした えものを つかまえる。"
662,23,3,"부리에서 불꽃을 뿜어
풀숲을 태우고 놀라서
뛰쳐나온 사냥감을 잡는다."
662,23,5,"Il crache des étincelles pour brûler les hautes herbes
et attraper les proies surprises qui tentent déchapper
à lincendie."
662,23,6,"Es speit Funken aus seinem Schnabel und fängt
die Beute, die überrascht aus dem angesengten Gras
662,23,7,"Lanza chispas por su pico y prende fuego a la hierba
alta para así sorprender a sus presas y atraparlas
cuando intentan escapar."
662,23,8,"Incendia i cespugli producendo scintille con il becco
e cattura le prede che ne escono spaventate."
662,23,9,"From its beak, it expels embers that set
the tall grass on fire. Then it pounces on
the bewildered prey that pop out of the grass."
662,23,11,"火の粉を クチバシから 飛ばして
草むらを 焦がし 驚いて
飛び出した 獲物を 捕まえる。"
662,24,1,"おなかの ほのおぶくろの かりょくが
つよまるほど はやく とべるが
てんかするまで じかんが かかる。"
662,24,3,"배에 있는 불꽃 주머니의 화력이
강해질수록 빨리 날 수 있지만
점화할 때까지 시간이 걸린다."
662,24,5,"Il possède une poche remplie de feu sur son ventre.
Plus elle émet de chaleur, plus il vole vite.
Cependant, elle met quelque temps à chauffer."
662,24,6,"Je heißer die Flammen im Feuersack seines Bauches
lodern, desto schneller kann es fliegen. Es dauert
jedoch eine Weile, bis es zur Zündung kommt."
662,24,7,"Cuanto más intenso sea el calor que se genera en la
saca de fuego de su vientre, más rápido es capaz de
volar. Sin embargo, la llama tarda en prender."
662,24,8,"Nel ventre ha una sacca ardente che gli permette di
volare più velocemente in base allintensità del fuoco,
ma per riscaldarla al punto giusto occorre del tempo."
662,24,9,"The hotter the flame sac on its belly,
the faster it can fly, but it takes some
time to get the fire going."
662,24,11,"お腹の 炎袋の 火力が
強まるほど 速く 飛べるが
点火するまで 時間が かかる。"
662,25,1,"ひのこを クチバシから とばして
くさむらを こがし おどろいて
とびだした えものを つかまえる。"
662,25,3,"부리에서 불꽃을 뿜어
풀숲을 태우고 놀라서
뛰쳐나온 사냥감을 잡는다."
662,25,5,"Il crache des étincelles pour brûler les hautes herbes
et attraper les proies surprises qui tentent déchapper
à lincendie."
662,25,6,"Es speit Funken aus seinem Schnabel und fängt die Beute,
die überrascht aus dem angesengten Gras hervorspringt."
662,25,7,"Lanza chispas por su pico y prende fuego a la hierba alta para
así sorprender a sus presas y atraparlas cuando intentan
662,25,8,"Incendia i cespugli producendo scintille con il becco e cattura
le prede che ne escono spaventate."
662,25,9,"From its beak, it expels embers that set
the tall grass on fire. Then it pounces on
the bewildered prey that pop out of the grass."
662,25,11,"火の粉を クチバシから 飛ばして
草むらを 焦がし 驚いて
飛び出した 獲物を 捕まえる。"
662,26,1,"おなかの ほのおぶくろの かりょくが
つよまるほど はやく とべるが
てんかするまで じかんが かかる。"
662,26,3,"배에 있는 불꽃 주머니의 화력이
강해질수록 빨리 날 수 있지만
점화할 때까지 시간이 걸린다."
662,26,5,"Il possède une poche remplie de feu sur son ventre.
Plus elle émet de chaleur, plus il vole vite. Cependant,
elle met quelque temps à chauffer."
662,26,6,"Je heißer die Flammen im Feuersack seines Bauches lodern,
desto schneller kann es fliegen. Es dauert jedoch eine Weile,
bis es zur Zündung kommt."
662,26,7,"Cuanto más intenso sea el calor que se genera en la saca
de fuego de su vientre, más rápido es capaz de volar. Sin
embargo, la llama tarda en prender."
662,26,8,"Nel ventre ha una sacca ardente che gli permette di volare più
velocemente in base allintensità del fuoco, ma per riscaldarla
al punto giusto occorre del tempo."
662,26,9,"The hotter the flame sac on its belly,
the faster it can fly, but it takes some
time to get the fire going."
662,26,11,"お腹の 炎袋の 火力が
強まるほど 速く 飛べるが
点火するまで 時間が かかる。"
662,27,1,"クチバシから ひのこを とばして
えものに ぶつける。 つかまえた
えものは やいてから いただくぞ。"
662,27,3,"부리로부터 불꽃을 날려
먹이에 맞힌다. 잡은
먹이는 구운 다음 먹는다."
662,27,5,"Il crache des escarbilles par le bec, en visant
sa proie. Une fois celle-ci capturée, il la fait
rôtir avant de la déguster."
662,27,6,"Es speit Funken aus seinem Schnabel und
schreckt so die Beute auf. Einmal gefangen,
wird sie geröstet und dann verspeist."
662,27,7,"Lanza chispas por el pico para atacar a su
presa, a la que devora una vez calcinada."
662,27,8,"Attacca le prede scagliando scintille dal becco
e, dopo averle catturate, le arrostisce e le
662,27,9,"From its beak, it fires embers at its prey. Once
it has caught them, it grills them at high heat
before feasting upon them."
662,27,11,"クチバシから 火の粉を 飛ばして
獲物に ぶつける。 捕まえた
獲物は 焼いてから いただくぞ。"
662,28,1,"はんけい すうキロの なわばりを
もっており ほかの ヒノヤコマが
はいってくることを ゆるさない。"
662,28,3,"반경 수 km의 영역을
차지하고 있어 다른 불화살빈이
들어오는 것을 용서하지 않는다."
662,28,5,"Son territoire sétend sur plusieurs kilomètres.
Lintrusion dautres Braisillon nest en aucun cas
662,28,6,"Sein Revier hat einen Radius von mehreren
Kilometern. Das Eindringen anderer Dartignis
wird nicht geduldet."
662,28,7,"No tolera bajo ningún concepto que otro
Fletchinder invada su territorio, cuyo radio
abarca varios kilómetros."
662,28,8,"Difende gelosamente il suo territorio, che si
estende per vari chilometri, tenendo lontani
gli altri Fletchinder."
662,28,9,"It will not tolerate other Fletchinder entering its
territory, which has a radius of several miles."
662,28,11,"半径 数キロの 縄張りを
持っており 他の ヒノヤコマが
入ってくることを 許さない。"
662,29,1,"くさむらに ひのこを まきちらす。
ほのおに おどろいて とびだしてきた
むしポケモンを ぱくりと いただく。"
662,29,3,"풀숲에 불꽃을 흩뿌린다.
불꽃에 놀라 뛰쳐나온
벌레포켓몬을 덥석 먹어 치운다."
662,29,5,"Il enflamme des touffes dherbe en crachant
des escarbilles. Il na plus quà semparer des
Pokémon Insecte qui senfuient pour les gober."
662,29,6,"Es versprüht Funken im hohen Gras und fängt
die dadurch aufgescheuchten Käfer-Pokémon
ab, indem es sie mit dem Schnabel aufpickt."
662,29,7,"Prende fuego a los arbustos con las chispas
que suelta y aprovecha para cazar los Pokémon
Bicho que salen corriendo despavoridos."
662,29,8,"Sparge scintille per incendiare i cespugli e fa
man bassa dei Pokémon Coleottero che saltano
fuori spaventati."
662,29,9,"It scatters embers in the tall grass. Then bug
Pokémon, frightened by the flames, come
flying out, and Fletchinder gobbles them up."
662,29,11,"草むらに ひのこを まき散らす。
炎に 驚いて 飛び出してきた
むしポケモンを ぱくりと いただく。"
662,30,1,"とびはじめた ちょくごの スピードは
すべての とりポケモンの なかでも
トップクラスの はやさ なのだ。"
662,30,3,"날기 시작한 직후의 스피드는
모든 새포켓몬 중에서도
톱클래스 수준이다."
662,30,5,"À peine décolle-t-il que sa vitesse lui permet
déjà de rivaliser avec les Pokémon oiseaux
les plus rapides."
662,30,6,"Kaum ein anderes Vogel-Pokémon gewinnt
direkt nach dem Abflug so schnell an Tempo
wie Dartignis."
662,30,7,"La velocidad que alcanza nada más emprender
el vuelo es de las más altas de entre todos los
Pokémon pájaro."
662,30,8,"La velocità che raggiunge subito dopo aver
spiccato il volo è una delle più alte registrate
tra i Pokémon alati."
662,30,9,"Its speed right after takeoff already puts it in
the top speed class of all bird Pokémon."
662,30,11,"飛びはじめた 直後の スピードは
すべての とりポケモンの 中でも
トップクラスの 速さ なのだ。"
662,33,1,"すあなのなかに ひのこを とばし 
おどろいて でてきた えものを
するどい ツメで しとめるのだ。"
662,33,3,"굴 속에 불똥을 쏜 다음
놀라서 빠져나온 먹이를
날카로운 발톱으로 잡는다."
662,33,5,"Il lance des étincelles dans le terrier de ses proies
pour les effrayer. Dès quelles en émergent,
il les attaque à coups de serres."
662,33,6,"Es speit Funken in Nisthöhlen und erlegt die
erschrocken daraus hervorkommende Beute
mit seinen scharfen Krallen."
662,33,7,"Lanza chispas al interior de la guarida de su
presa y, cuando esta sale despavorida, la ataca
por sorpresa con sus afiladas garras."
662,33,8,"Scaglia scintille nelle tane delle prede e attacca
con i suoi artigli affilati quelle che ne escono
662,33,9,"Fletchinder launches embers into the den of
its prey. When the prey comes leaping out,
Fletchinders sharp talons finish it off."
662,33,11,"巣穴の中に 火の粉を 飛ばし
驚いて 出てきた 獲物を
鋭い ツメで しとめるのだ。"
662,34,1,"なわばりいしきが とても つよく
こうせんてき。 えさばを めぐり
ヒノヤコマどうしで あらそう。"
662,34,3,"영역에 대한 개념이 매우 강하고
호전적이다. 먹이 먹는 장소를 두고
불화살빈끼리 싸운다."
662,34,5,"De nature belliqueuse, il dispose dun fort
instinct territorial. Quand il chasse, il se dispute
régulièrement les proies avec ses congénères."
662,34,6,"Dieses kriegerische Pokémon hat ein stark
ausgeprägtes Revierverhalten. Es kämpft mit
anderen Dartignis um Futterplätze."
662,34,7,"Defienden su territorio con suma agresividad.
Se pelean entre sí por el control de las áreas de
662,34,8,"È molto territoriale e aggressivo. Si contende
il territorio di caccia con gli altri Fletchinder."
662,34,9,"Fletchinder are exceedingly territorial and
aggressive. These Pokémon fight among
themselves over feeding grounds."
662,34,11,"縄張り意識が とても 強く
好戦的。 餌場を めぐり
ヒノヤコマ同士で 争う。"
663,23,1,"はげしい たたかいで こうふんすると
ぜんしんの うもうの すきまから
ひのこを ふきだして ひこうする。"
663,23,3,"격렬한 싸움으로 흥분하게 되면
온몸의 깃털 사이에서
불꽃을 뿜어내며 비행한다."
663,23,5,"Exalté par un combat sans merci, il senvole en
semant dans son sillage les escarbilles du feu qui
couve dans son plumage."
663,23,6,"Die Aufregung eines harten Kampfes veranlasst es
dazu, im Flug Funken aus den Zwischenräumen
seines Gefieders zu sprühen."
663,23,7,"Si se exalta durante un combate reñido, arroja chispas
y ascuas de los intersticios entre su plumaje
mientras vuela."
663,23,8,"Durante lotte senza esclusione di colpi, spicca il
volo sprizzando scintille dalle fessure che ha tra
le piume."
663,23,9,"In the fever of an exciting battle, it
showers embers from the gaps between
its feathers and takes to the air."
663,23,11,"激しい 戦いで 興奮すると
全身の 羽毛の すきまから
火の粉を 噴き出して 飛行する。"
663,24,1,"えものに おそいかかるときの
スピードは じそく500キロ。
きょうれつな キックで しとめる。"
663,24,3,"사냥감을 덮칠 때의
스피드는 시속 500km이다.
강렬한 킥으로 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
663,24,5,"Quand il sabat sur ses proies, sa vitesse dépasse
les 500 km/h. Il les achève dun puissant coup de
663,24,6,"Bei der Jagd erreicht es Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu
500 km/h. Es erledigt seine Beute mit einem kräftigen
663,24,7,"Llega a alcanzar los 500 km/h al perseguir a su presa,
a quien le asesta el golpe de gracia con una patada
muy potente."
663,24,8,"Piomba sulle prede a 500 km/h e le attacca con
artigli potentissimi."
663,24,9,"When attacking prey, it can reach speeds
of up to 310 mph. It finishes its prey off
with a colossal kick."
663,24,11,"獲物に 襲いかかるときの
スピードは 時速500キロ。
強烈な キックで しとめる。"
663,25,1,"はげしい たたかいで こうふんすると
ぜんしんの うもうの すきまから
ひのこを ふきだして ひこうする。"
663,25,3,"격렬한 싸움으로 흥분하게 되면
온몸의 깃털 사이에서
불꽃을 뿜어내며 비행한다."
663,25,5,"Exalté par un combat sans merci, il senvole en semant
dans son sillage les escarbilles du feu qui couve dans
son plumage."
663,25,6,"Die Aufregung eines harten Kampfes veranlasst es dazu,
im Flug Funken aus den Zwischenräumen seines Gefieders
zu sprühen."
663,25,7,"Si se exalta durante un combate reñido, arroja chispas y
ascuas de los intersticios entre su plumaje mientras vuela."
663,25,8,"Durante lotte senza esclusione di colpi, spicca il volo
sprizzando scintille dalle fessure che ha tra le piume."
663,25,9,"In the fever of an exciting battle, it
showers embers from the gaps between
its feathers and takes to the air."
663,25,11,"激しい 戦いで 興奮すると
全身の 羽毛の すきまから
火の粉を 噴き出して 飛行する。"
663,26,1,"えものに おそいかかるときの
スピードは じそく500キロ。
きょうれつな キックで しとめる。"
663,26,3,"사냥감을 덮칠 때의
스피드는 시속 500km이다.
강렬한 킥으로 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
663,26,5,"Quand il sabat sur ses proies, sa vitesse dépasse
les 500 km/h. Il les achève dun puissant coup de serre."
663,26,6,"Bei der Jagd erreicht es Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu
500 km/h. Es erledigt seine Beute mit einem kräftigen Tritt."
663,26,7,"Llega a alcanzar los 500 km/h al perseguir a su presa, a
quien le asesta el golpe de gracia con una patada muy
663,26,8,"Piomba sulle prede a 500 km/h e le attacca con artigli
663,26,9,"When attacking prey, it can reach speeds
of up to 310 mph. It finishes its prey off
with a colossal kick."
663,26,11,"獲物に 襲いかかるときの
スピードは 時速500キロ。
強烈な キックで しとめる。"
663,27,1,"こうぶつは キャモメや ツツケラ。
きょうれつな キックを おみまいし
するどいツメで がっちり キャッチ。"
663,27,3,"좋아하는 것은 갈모매와 콕코구리다.
강렬한 킥으로 타격을 가하고
날카로운 발톱으로 꽉 잡는다."
663,27,5,"Il raffole des Goélise et des Picassaut.
Il déstabilise ses proies dun bon coup de patte
avant de les capturer avec ses serres acérées."
663,27,6,"Auf seinem Speiseplan stehen bevorzugt Wingull
und Peppeck. Es schaltet seine Beute mit einem
kräftigen Tritt aus, um sie sich dann zu krallen."
663,27,7,"Wingull y Pikipek son sus presas favoritas.
Les asesta un potente golpe y después las
atrapa sin remisión con sus garras afiladas."
663,27,8,"È ghiotto di Wingull e Pikipek.
Stordisce le prede con potenti zampate e poi
le afferra saldamente con i suoi artigli aguzzi."
663,27,9,"Its favorite foods are Wingull and Pikipek.
It attacks with a powerful kick and grasps them
firmly in its talons."
663,27,11,"好物は キャモメや ツツケラ。
強烈な キックを お見舞いし
鋭いツメで がっちり キャッチ。"
663,28,1,"はねの すきまから ひのこを
ふきだしながら じそく500キロで
えものに むかって いっちょくせん。"
663,28,3,"깃털 사이로 불꽃을 뿜어내며
시속 500km로 먹이를 향해
똑바로 날아간다."
663,28,5,"Il fond sur ses proies en piqué à 500 km/h,
semant derrière lui une pluie descarbilles
échappées de ses ailes."
663,28,6,"Bei bis zu 500 km/h sprüht es im Flug Funken
aus den Zwischenräumen seines Gefieders und
stürzt sich schnurstracks auf seine Beute."
663,28,7,"Se abalanza en línea recta sobre su presa a una
velocidad de 500 km/h mientras arroja chispas
y ascuas de los intersticios entre su plumaje."
663,28,8,"Piomba dritto sulle prede a 500 km/h,
sprizzando scintille dalle fessure che ha
tra le piume."
663,28,9,"It zooms directly at its prey at flight speeds of
close to 310 mph, while fiery embers scatter
from gaps in its feathers."
663,28,11,"羽の すき間から 火の粉を
吹きだしながら 時速500キロで
獲物に 向かって 一直線。"
663,29,1,"はねは ひを とおさず じょうぶ。
むかしの しょうぼうしの ふくは
ファイアローの はねで できていた。"
663,29,3,"날개는 불이 붙지 않고 튼튼하다.
옛날에는 소방관들의 옷을
파이어로의 날개로 만들었다."
663,29,5,"Son plumage résistant est ignifugé.
Jadis, la combinaison portée par les pompiers
était faite de plumes de Flambusard."
663,29,6,"Sein Gefieder ist robust und feuerfest. Früher
fertigte man Feuerwehranzüge deshalb aus
663,29,7,"Sus alas son resistentes al fuego, por lo que se
solían usar sus plumas para confeccionar trajes
de bombero."
663,29,8,"Le sue ali sono robuste e ignifughe.
In passato le divise dei pompieri venivano
fabbricate con le sue piume."
663,29,9,"Its tough wings dont allow fire to pass through
them. A long time ago, firefighters outfits were
made from Talonflame wings."
663,29,11,"羽は 火を 通さず 丈夫。
昔の 消防士の 服は
ファイアローの 羽で できていた。"
663,30,1,"とりポケモンが おもな えもの。
きゅうせっきんからの ちからづよい
キックで じめんに たたきおとす。"
663,30,3,"새포켓몬이 주된 먹이다.
갑자기 접근한 뒤 강력한
킥으로 땅에 떨어뜨린다."
663,30,5,"La plupart de ses proies sont des Pokémon
oiseaux. Il surgit sans prévenir et propulse
sa victime au sol dun puissant coup de patte."
663,30,6,"Fiaro ernährt sich vor allem von Vogel-Pokémon.
Es nähert sich überfallartig seiner Beute und
befördert sie mit einem kräftigen Tritt zu Boden."
663,30,7,"Su presa favorita son los Pokémon pájaro, a los
cuales se acerca a velocidades vertiginosas y
derriba con la temible potencia de sus patas."
663,30,8,"Caccia soprattutto Pokémon alati. Si avvicina
rapido alla preda e labbatte con un calcio
potentissimo, facendola precipitare al suolo."
663,30,9,"Bird Pokémon make up most of its diet.
It approaches at high speeds and smacks them
down to the ground with its powerful kick."
663,30,11,"とりポケモンが 主な 獲物。
急接近からの 力強い
キックで 地面に 叩き落す。"
663,33,1,"とりポケモンが おもな えもの。
うもうの あいだから ひのこを
ふきだし あいてを いかくする。"
663,33,3,"새포켓몬이 주요 먹이다.
깃털 사이로 불똥을
뿜어내며 상대를 위협한다."
663,33,5,"Flambusard chasse surtout les Pokémon oiseaux.
Il intimide ses adversaires en produisant
des étincelles avec son plumage."
663,33,6,"Fiaro ernährt sich vor allem von Vogel-Pokémon.
Aus den Zwischenräumen seines Gefieders sprüht
es Funken, um seine Gegner einzuschüchtern."
663,33,7,"Su presa predilecta son los Pokémon pájaro.
Intimida a sus rivales lanzando ascuas desde
los intersticios de su plumaje."
663,33,8,"Caccia soprattutto Pokémon alati.
Intimorisce il bersaglio sprizzando scintille
dalle fessure che ha tra le piume."
663,33,9,"Talonflame mainly preys upon other bird
Pokémon. To intimidate opponents, it sends
embers spewing from gaps between its feathers."
663,33,11,"鳥ポケモンが おもな 獲物。
羽毛の あいだから 火の粉を
噴き出し 相手を 威嚇する。"
663,34,1,"じそく500キロで とつげき。
えものが にげるすきを あたえずに
きょうれつな けりで しとめる。"
663,34,3,"시속 500km로 돌격한다.
먹이가 도망칠 틈을 주지 않고
강렬한 발차기로 꼼짝 못 하게 한다."
663,34,5,"Flambusard attaque à une vitesse de 500 km/h.
Il achève ses proies dun puissant coup de patte
sans leur laisser la moindre chance de fuir."
663,34,6,"Fiaro greift mit einer Geschwindigkeit von bis zu
500 km/h an. Mit einem kräftigen Tritt erlegt es
seine Beute und gibt ihr keine Chance zur Flucht."
663,34,7,"Arremete contra sus presas a una velocidad de
500 km/h y les asesta el golpe de gracia con una
patada muy potente, sin dejarles escapatoria."
663,34,8,"Piomba sulle prede a 500 km/h e le attacca
con calci potentissimi senza dargli via di scampo."
663,34,9,"Talonflame dives toward prey at speeds of up to
310 mph and assaults them with powerful kicks,
giving the prey no chance to escape."
663,34,11,"時速500キロで 突撃。
獲物が 逃げるすきを 与えずに
強烈な 蹴りで しとめる。"
664,23,1,"とりポケモンに おそわれると
くろい こなを まきちらす。
ふれると マヒする どくのこなだ。"
664,23,3,"새포켓몬에게 습격당하면
검은 가루를 흩뿌린다.
만지면 마비되는 독가루다."
664,23,5,"Lorsquil est poursuivi par un Pokémon Oiseau,
il projette une poudre noire qui paralyse tous ceux
quelle touche."
664,23,6,"Wird es von einem fliegenden Pokémon angegriffen,
verstreut es schwarzen Puder. Der giftige Puder löst
bei Berührung Paralyse aus."
664,23,7,"Cuando recibe el ataque de un Pokémon pájaro,
expulsa unas escamas negras que provocan parálisis
si se entra en contacto con ellas."
664,23,8,"Se assalito da Pokémon uccello, si difende emettendo
velenose scaglie nere che paralizzano al minimo
664,23,9,"When under attack from bird Pokémon,
it spews a poisonous black powder
that causes paralysis on contact."
664,23,11,"とりポケモンに 襲われると
黒い 粉を まき散らす。
触れると マヒする 毒の粉だ。"
664,24,1,"からだを おおう こなが たいおんを
ちょうせつするので どんな きこうや
ふうどの ちいきでも くらせる。"
664,24,3,"몸을 덮은 가루가 체온을
조절하고 있어 어떤 기후나
풍토의 지역에서도 살 수 있다."
664,24,5,"La poudre qui recouvre son corps laide à réguler
sa température. Il peut sadapter à tous les climats."
664,24,6,"Es reguliert seine Körpertemperatur mit dem Puder,
das seinen Körper bedeckt, und kommt deswegen
in jedem Klima und jeder Region zurecht."
664,24,7,"Gracias al polvo de escamas que lo recubre y regula
su temperatura, puede vivir en cualquier región, sin
importar las características del terreno o el clima."
664,24,8,"La sua temperatura corporea è regolata dalle scaglie
che ne ricoprono il corpo. Grazie ad esse può adattarsi
e sopravvivere in qualsiasi condizione climatica."
664,24,9,"The powder that covers its body
regulates its temperature, so it
can live in any region or climate."
664,24,11,"体を 覆う 粉が 体温を
調節するので どんな 気候や 風土の
地域でも 暮らせる。"
664,25,1,"とりポケモンに おそわれると
くろい こなを まきちらす。
ふれると マヒする どくのこなだ。"
664,25,3,"새포켓몬에게 습격당하면
검은 가루를 흩뿌린다.
만지면 마비되는 독가루다."
664,25,5,"Lorsquil est poursuivi par un Pokémon Oiseau, il projette
une poudre noire qui paralyse tous ceux quelle touche."
664,25,6,"Wird es von einem fliegenden Pokémon angegriffen, verstreut
es schwarzen Puder. Der giftige Puder löst bei Berührung
Paralyse aus."
664,25,7,"Cuando recibe el ataque de un Pokémon pájaro, expulsa unas
escamas negras que provocan parálisis si se entra en contacto
con ellas."
664,25,8,"Se assalito da Pokémon uccello, si difende emettendo
velenose scaglie nere che paralizzano al minimo contatto."
664,25,9,"When under attack from bird Pokémon,
it spews a poisonous black powder
that causes paralysis on contact."
664,25,11,"とりポケモンに 襲われると
黒い 粉を まき散らす。
触れると マヒする 毒の粉だ。"
664,26,1,"からだを おおう こなが たいおんを
ちょうせつするので どんな きこうや
ふうどの ちいきでも くらせる。"
664,26,3,"몸을 덮은 가루가 체온을
조절하고 있어 어떤 기후나
풍토의 지역에서도 살 수 있다."
664,26,5,"La poudre qui recouvre son corps laide à réguler
sa température. Il peut sadapter à tous les climats."
664,26,6,"Es reguliert seine Körpertemperatur mit dem Puder,
das seinen Körper bedeckt, und kommt deswegen in
jedem Klima und jeder Region zurecht."
664,26,7,"Gracias al polvo de escamas que lo recubre y regula su
temperatura, puede vivir en cualquier región, sin importar
las características del terreno o el clima."
664,26,8,"La sua temperatura corporea è regolata dalle scaglie che ne
ricoprono il corpo. Grazie ad esse può adattarsi e sopravvivere
in qualsiasi condizione climatica."
664,26,9,"The powder that covers its body
regulates its temperature, so it
can live in any region or climate."
664,26,11,"体を 覆う 粉が 体温を
調節するので どんな 気候や 風土の
地域でも 暮らせる。"
665,23,1,"しげみの かげに かくれて くらす。
てきに おそわれると からだの けを
するどく さかだてて いかくする。"
665,23,3,"수풀의 그늘에 숨어 산다.
적에게 공격당하면 몸의 털을
뾰족하게 곤두세우며 위협한다."
665,23,5,"Vit caché sous le couvert des buissons.
Poursuivi par un ennemi, il tente de lintimider
en hérissant les poils qui lui couvrent le corps."
665,23,6,"Es lebt versteckt im schattigen Dickicht. Wird es
von einem Feind angegriffen, stellt es sein Fell
zur Abschreckung zu scharfen Spitzen auf."
665,23,7,"Habita en la sombra de la espesura. Si percibe alguna
amenaza, su pelaje se eriza y se vuelve muy afilado
para así intimidar al enemigo."
665,23,8,"Vive nascosto nella boscaglia. Se attaccato, minaccia
i nemici rizzando il pelo."
665,23,9,"It lives hidden within thicket shadows.
When predators attack, it quickly bristles the fur
covering its body in an effort to threaten them."
665,23,11,"しげみの 陰に 隠れて 暮らす。
敵に 襲われると 体の 毛を
鋭く 逆立てて 威嚇する。"
665,24,1,"かたい からだは とりポケモンの
クチバシでも キズひとつ つかない。
コナを まきちらして ぼうせんする。"
665,24,3,"단단한 몸은 새포켓몬의
부리로도 상처 하나 입지 않는다.
가루를 뿌려서 방어한다."
665,24,5,"Même les becs acérés des Pokémon Oiseaux ne
parviennent pas à meurtrir son corps très dur.
Il se défend en crachant de la poudre."
665,24,6,"Der Schnabel eines Vogel-Pokémon kann seinem
harten Körper keinen Kratzer zufügen. Es verteidigt
sich, indem es Puder spuckt."
665,24,7,"Su cuerpo es tan duro que ni siquiera los Pokémon
pájaro pueden hacerle el menor rasguño con sus
picos. Esparce polvo de escamas para defenderse."
665,24,8,"Il becco dei Pokémon uccello non può neppure scalfire
il suo durissimo corpo. Si difende spargendo scaglie."
665,24,9,"The beaks of bird Pokémon cant begin
to scratch its stalwart body.
To defend itself, it spews powder."
665,24,11,"硬い 体は とりポケモンの
クチバシでも 傷ひとつ つかない。
粉を まき散らして 防戦する。"
665,25,1,"しげみの かげに かくれて くらす。
てきに おそわれると からだの けを
するどく さかだてて いかくする。"
665,25,3,"수풀의 그늘에 숨어 산다.
적에게 공격당하면 몸의 털을
뾰족하게 곤두세우며 위협한다."
665,25,5,"Vit caché sous le couvert des buissons. Poursuivi par
un ennemi, il tente de lintimider en hérissant les poils
qui lui couvrent le corps."
665,25,6,"Es lebt versteckt im schattigen Dickicht. Wird es von einem
Feind angegriffen, stellt es sein Fell zur Abschreckung zu
scharfen Spitzen auf."
665,25,7,"Habita en la sombra de la espesura. Si percibe alguna
amenaza, su pelaje se eriza y se vuelve muy afilado para
así intimidar al enemigo."
665,25,8,"Vive nascosto nella boscaglia. Se attaccato, minaccia i nemici
rizzando il pelo."
665,25,9,"It lives hidden within thicket shadows.
When predators attack, it quickly bristles the fur
covering its body in an effort to threaten them."
665,25,11,"しげみの 陰に 隠れて 暮らす。
敵に 襲われると 体の 毛を
鋭く 逆立てて 威嚇する。"
665,26,1,"かたい からだは とりポケモンの
クチバシでも キズひとつ つかない。
コナを まきちらして ぼうせんする。"
665,26,3,"단단한 몸은 새포켓몬의
부리로도 상처 하나 입지 않는다.
가루를 뿌려서 방어한다."
665,26,5,"Même les becs acérés des Pokémon Oiseaux ne parviennent
pas à meurtrir son corps très dur. Il se défend en crachant
de la poudre."
665,26,6,"Der Schnabel eines Vogel-Pokémon kann seinem harten
Körper keinen Kratzer zufügen. Es verteidigt sich, indem es
Puder spuckt."
665,26,7,"Su cuerpo es tan duro que ni siquiera los Pokémon pájaro
pueden hacerle el menor rasguño con sus picos. Esparce
polvo de escamas para defenderse."
665,26,8,"Il becco dei Pokémon uccello non può neppure scalfire il suo
durissimo corpo. Si difende spargendo scaglie."
665,26,9,"The beaks of bird Pokémon cant begin
to scratch its stalwart body.
To defend itself, it spews powder."
665,26,11,"硬い 体は とりポケモンの
クチバシでも 傷ひとつ つかない。
粉を まき散らして 防戦する。"
666,23,1,"せかいには さまざまな はねもようの
ビビヨンがいる。すんでいる とちの
きこうが えいきょうしているようだ。"
666,23,3,"세계에는 다양한 무늬의 날개를 가진
비비용이 있다. 살고 있는 곳의
기후에 영향을 받는 것 같다."
666,23,5,"Les ailes des Prismillon arborent différents motifs
en fonction de leur aire dorigine. Il est possible que
le climat y soit pour quelque chose."
666,23,6,"Vivillon kommen weltweit mit den unterschiedlichsten
Musterungen vor. Das Klima ihres Habitats hat Einfluss
auf ihre Flügelmusterung."
666,23,7,"En el mundo existen Vivillon con diferentes motivos en
sus alas. El clima de cada región influye en sus rasgos."
666,23,8,"Nel mondo ne esistono diverse varietà che si
differenziano per i motivi sulle ali. Sembra che
questi dipendano dal clima del loro habitat."
666,23,9,"Vivillon with many different patterns are
found all over the world. These patterns
are affected by the climate of their habitat."
666,23,11,"世界には さまざまな 羽模様の
ビビヨンがいる。住んでいる 土地の
気候が 影響しているようだ。"
666,24,1,"すんでいる きこうや ふうどによって
はねの もようが ちがう ポケモン。
いろあざやかな りんぷんを まく。"
666,24,3,"살고 있는 장소의 기후나 풍토에 따라
날개의 모양이 다른 포켓몬이다.
화려한 색의 날개 가루를 뿌린다."
666,24,5,"Selon le climat de sa région dorigine, les motifs
de ses ailes sont différents. Il sème des écailles
aux couleurs vives."
666,24,6,"Je nach Klima und geographischer Beschaffenheit
seines Habitats ändert sich die Musterung seiner
Flügel. Es verstreut bunten Flügelstaub."
666,24,7,"Las alas cambian de motivo según el clima y las
características naturales del terreno que habite.
Esparce escamas de lo más coloridas."
666,24,8,"I motivi sulle sue ali cambiano a seconda della zona
e del clima in cui vive. Dal suo corpo si staccano
scaglie dai colori vivaci."
666,24,9,"The patterns on this Pokémons wings
depend on the climate and topography
of its habitat. It scatters colorful scales."
666,24,11,"住んでいる 気候や 風土によって
羽の 模様が 違う ポケモン。
色鮮やかな りんぷんを まく。"
666,25,1,"せかいには さまざまな はねもようの
ビビヨンがいる。すんでいる とちの
きこうが えいきょうしているようだ。"
666,25,3,"세계에는 다양한 무늬의 날개를 가진
비비용이 있다. 살고 있는 곳의
기후에 영향을 받는 것 같다."
666,25,5,"Les ailes des Prismillon arborent différents motifs en fonction
de leur aire dorigine. Il est possible que le climat y soit
pour quelque chose."
666,25,6,"Vivillon kommen weltweit mit den unterschiedlichsten
Musterungen vor. Das Klima ihres Habitats hat Einfluss
auf ihre Flügelmusterung."
666,25,7,"En el mundo existen Vivillon con diferentes motivos en sus
alas. El clima de cada región influye en sus rasgos."
666,25,8,"Nel mondo ne esistono diverse varietà che si differenziano
per i motivi sulle ali. Sembra che questi dipendano dal clima
del loro habitat."
666,25,9,"Vivillon with many different patterns are
found all over the world. These patterns
are affected by the climate of their habitat."
666,25,11,"世界には さまざまな 羽模様の
ビビヨンがいる。住んでいる 土地の
気候が 影響しているようだ。"
666,26,1,"すんでいる きこうや ふうどによって
はねの もようが ちがう ポケモン。
いろあざやかな りんぷんを まく。"
666,26,3,"살고 있는 장소의 기후나 풍토에 따라
날개의 모양이 다른 포켓몬이다.
화려한 색의 날개 가루를 뿌린다."
666,26,5,"Selon le climat de sa région dorigine, les motifs de ses ailes
sont différents. Il sème des écailles aux couleurs vives."
666,26,6,"Je nach Klima und geographischer Beschaffenheit seines
Habitats ändert sich die Musterung seiner Flügel. Es verstreut
bunten Flügelstaub."
666,26,7,"Las alas cambian de motivo según el clima y las características
naturales del terreno que habite. Esparce escamas de lo más
666,26,8,"I motivi sulle sue ali cambiano a seconda della zona e del
clima in cui vive. Dal suo corpo si staccano scaglie dai
colori vivaci."
666,26,9,"The patterns on this Pokémons wings
depend on the climate and topography
of its habitat. It scatters colorful scales."
666,26,11,"住んでいる 気候や 風土によって
羽の 模様が 違う ポケモン。
色鮮やかな りんぷんを まく。"
667,23,1,"つよい あいてに たちむかうときほど
たてがみが こうおんになり
ぜんしんに ちからが みなぎるのだ。"
667,23,3,"강한 상대에게 맞설 때일수록
갈기의 온도가 높아지고
전신에 힘이 넘쳐난다."
667,23,5,"Plus ladversaire auquel il est confronté est fort,
plus la température de sa crinière augmente, lénergie
générée se diffusant alors dans tout son corps."
667,23,6,"Je stärker sein Gegner ist, desto heißer wird seine
Mähne und umso kraftvoller wird es."
667,23,7,"Cuanto más poderoso es el enemigo al que se
enfrenta, más calor desprende su mechón y más
energía recorre todo su cuerpo."
667,23,8,"Più lavversario che affronta è temibile, più la sua
criniera si scalda, aumentandone la forza."
667,23,9,"The stronger the opponent it faces,
the more heat surges from its mane
and the more power flows through its body."
667,23,11,"強い 相手に 立ち向かうときほど
たてがみが 高温になり
全身に 力が みなぎるのだ。"
667,24,1,"つよくなるため むれを はなれて
1ぴきで せいかつするようになる。
けっきさかんで けんかっぱやい。"
667,24,3,"강해지기 위해 무리를 벗어나
홀로 생활하게 된다.
혈기 왕성하여 쉽게 싸우려 든다."
667,24,5,"Il nhésite pas à quitter la horde et à mener une
existence solitaire pour mieux pouvoir sentraîner.
Il a le sang chaud et ne rechigne pas au combat."
667,24,6,"Sie verlassen ihr Rudel schon sehr früh, um stärker
zu werden und auf eigenen Pfoten zu stehen.
Sie sind sehr hitzköpfig und streitlustig."
667,24,7,"Se separa de su manada para hacerse más fuerte
y aprender a valerse por sí mismo. Su excesiva
fogosidad le hace saltar a la mínima."
667,24,8,"Si allontana dal gruppo e inizia una vita solitaria per
diventare più forte. Ha un carattere impetuoso ed è
sempre pronto a gettarsi nella mischia."
667,24,9,"They set off on their own from their pride
and live by themselves to become stronger.
These hot-blooded Pokémon are quick to fight."
667,24,11,"強くなるため 群れを 離れて
1匹で 生活するようになる。
血気盛んで ケンカっ早い。"
667,25,1,"つよい あいてに たちむかうときほど
たてがみが こうおんになり
ぜんしんに ちからが みなぎるのだ。"
667,25,3,"강한 상대에게 맞설 때일수록
갈기의 온도가 높아지고
전신에 힘이 넘쳐난다."
667,25,5,"Plus ladversaire auquel il est confronté est fort,
plus la température de sa crinière augmente, lénergie
générée se diffusant alors dans tout son corps."
667,25,6,"Je stärker sein Gegner ist, desto heißer wird seine Mähne
und umso kraftvoller wird es."
667,25,7,"Cuanto más poderoso es el enemigo al que se enfrenta, más
calor desprende su mechón y más energía recorre todo su
667,25,8,"Più lavversario che affronta è temibile, più la sua criniera
si scalda, aumentandone la forza."
667,25,9,"The stronger the opponent it faces,
the more heat surges from its mane
and the more power flows through its body."
667,25,11,"強い 相手に 立ち向かうときほど
たてがみが 高温になり
全身に 力が みなぎるのだ。"
667,26,1,"つよくなるため むれを はなれて
1ぴきで せいかつするようになる。
けっきさかんで けんかっぱやい。"
667,26,3,"강해지기 위해 무리를 벗어나
홀로 생활하게 된다.
혈기 왕성하여 쉽게 싸우려 든다."
667,26,5,"Il nhésite pas à quitter la horde et à mener une existence
solitaire pour mieux pouvoir sentraîner. Il a le sang chaud
et ne rechigne pas au combat."
667,26,6,"Sie verlassen ihr Rudel schon sehr früh, um stärker
zu werden und auf eigenen Pfoten zu stehen.
Sie sind sehr hitzköpfig und streitlustig."
667,26,7,"Se separa de su manada para hacerse más fuerte y aprender
a valerse por sí mismo. Su excesiva fogosidad le hace saltar
a la mínima."
667,26,8,"Si allontana dal gruppo e inizia una vita solitaria per diventare
più forte. Ha un carattere impetuoso ed è sempre pronto a
gettarsi nella mischia."
667,26,9,"They set off on their own from their pride
and live by themselves to become stronger.
These hot-blooded Pokémon are quick to fight."
667,26,11,"強くなるため 群れを 離れて
1匹で 生活するようになる。
血気盛んで ケンカっ早い。"
667,29,1,"おさないころは なかまと むれている。
じぶんで えものを かるようになると
むれから おいだされ ひとりだちする。"
667,29,3,"어릴 때는 동료와 무리를 이룬다.
스스로 먹이를 사냥할 수 있게 되면
무리에서 쫓겨나 독립한다."
667,29,5,"Il est élevé avec ses congénères au sein
de la troupe, mais dès quil peut chasser seul,
il doit partir et vivre par ses propres moyens."
667,29,6,"Bis es seine Beute selbst fangen kann, bewegt
es sich in Rudeln. Danach wird es verstoßen und
muss auf eigenen Pfoten stehen."
667,29,7,"Mientras es solo una cría vive con el resto de la
manada, pero en cuanto aprende a cazar se
separa del grupo y se independiza."
667,29,8,"Da piccolo vive in gruppo con i suoi simili, ma
appena impara a catturare da solo le sue prede
viene allontanato e diventa indipendente."
667,29,9,"When theyre young, they live with a pride. Once
theyre able to hunt prey on their own, theyre
kicked out and have to make their own way."
667,29,11,"幼い頃は 仲間と 群れている。
自分で 獲物を 狩るようになると
群れから 追い出され 独り立ちする。"
667,30,1,"けっきさかんで こうきしんおうせい。
おこったり たたかいが はじまると
みじかい たてがみは あつくなる。"
667,30,3,"혈기가 왕성하고 호기심도 왕성하다.
화가 나거나 싸움이 시작되면
짧은 갈기가 뜨거워진다."
667,30,5,"Il déborde dénergie et de curiosité. Quand
il se fâche ou quil sapprête à se battre,
sa courte crinière séchauffe."
667,30,6,"Ein sehr aktives und neugieriges Pokémon.
Bei Kampfbeginn und wenn es wütend ist,
wird seine Mähne heiß."
667,30,7,"Este enérgico Pokémon es de naturaleza curiosa
e inquieta y, tanto al comienzo de un combate
como cuando se enoja, su crin prende fuego."
667,30,8,"Ha una spiccata curiosità ed è pieno di energie.
Quando si arrabbia o si appresta a lottare,
la sua corta criniera si scalda."
667,30,9,"This hot-blooded Pokémon is filled with
curiosity. When it gets angry or starts
fighting, its short mane gets hot."
667,30,11,"血気盛んで 好奇心旺盛。
怒ったり 戦いが 始まると
短い たてがみは 熱くなる。"
668,23,1,"むれの なかで いちばん おおきな
ほのおの たてがみを もつ オスが
リーダーとして なかまを ひきいる。"
668,23,3,"무리 중에서 가장 커다란
불꽃 갈기를 지닌 수컷이
리더로서 동료들을 이끈다."
668,23,5,"Le mâle qui possède la crinière de feu la plus
imposante devient le chef de la horde."
668,23,6,"Das Männchen mit der prächtigsten Feuermähne
führt das Rudel an."
668,23,7,"El macho con la melena de fuego más grande de toda
la manada es el líder de sus compañeros."
668,23,8,"Di solito, il maschio con la criniera fiammeggiante
più ampia guida i compagni del gruppo."
668,23,9,"The male with the largest mane of fire
is the leader of the pride."
668,23,11,"群れの 中で 一番 大きな 炎の
たてがみを 持つ オスが
リーダーとして 仲間を 率いる。"
668,24,1,"せっし6000どの いきを はきだし
はげしく あいてを いかくする。
メスが むれの こどもを まもる。"
668,24,3,"섭씨 6000도의 숨을 내뿜어
격렬하게 상대를 위협한다.
암컷이 무리의 새끼를 지킨다."
668,24,5,"Son souffle peut atteindre les 6000 °C et il sen sert
pour intimider lennemi. Dans la horde, les femelles
protègent les petits."
668,24,6,"Sie bedrohen ihre Gegner, indem sie 6 000 °C heiße
Atemluft ausstoßen. Die Weibchen beschützen die
Jungen des Rudels."
668,24,7,"Intimida con ferocidad al enemigo exhalando su aliento
abrasador a 6000 °C de temperatura. Las hembras
protegen a los cachorros de la manada."
668,24,8,"Minaccia furiosamente i nemici soffiando aria a una
temperatura che raggiunge i 6000 °C. Le femmine
proteggono i piccoli del gruppo."
668,24,9,"With fiery breath of more than 10,000 degrees
Fahrenheit, they viciously threaten any challenger.
The females protect the prides cubs."
668,24,11,"摂氏6000度の 息を 吐き出し
激しく 相手を 威嚇する。
メスが 群れの 子供を 守る。"
668,25,1,"むれの なかで いちばん おおきな
ほのおの たてがみを もつ オスが
リーダーとして なかまを ひきいる。"
668,25,3,"무리 중에서 가장 커다란
불꽃 갈기를 지닌 수컷이
리더로서 동료들을 이끈다."
668,25,5,"Le mâle qui possède la crinière de feu la plus imposante
devient le chef de la horde."
668,25,6,"Das Männchen mit der prächtigsten Feuermähne führt
das Rudel an."
668,25,7,"El macho con la melena de fuego más grande de toda la
manada es el líder de sus compañeros."
668,25,8,"Di solito, il maschio con la criniera fiammeggiante più ampia
guida i compagni del gruppo."
668,25,9,"The male with the largest mane of fire
is the leader of the pride."
668,25,11,"群れの 中で 一番 大きな 炎の
たてがみを 持つ オスが
リーダーとして 仲間を 率いる。"
668,26,1,"せっし6000どの いきを はきだし
はげしく あいてを いかくする。
メスが むれの こどもを まもる。"
668,26,3,"섭씨 6000도의 숨을 내뿜어
격렬하게 상대를 위협한다.
암컷이 무리의 새끼를 지킨다."
668,26,5,"Son souffle peut atteindre les 6000 °C et il sen sert pour
intimider lennemi. Dans la horde, les femelles protègent
les petits."
668,26,6,"Sie bedrohen ihre Gegner, indem sie 6 000 °C heiße Atemluft
ausstoßen. Die Weibchen beschützen die Jungen des Rudels."
668,26,7,"Intimida con ferocidad al enemigo exhalando su aliento
abrasador a 6000 °C de temperatura. Las hembras protegen
a los cachorros de la manada."
668,26,8,"Minaccia furiosamente i nemici soffiando aria a una temperatura
che raggiunge i 6000 °C. Le femmine proteggono i piccoli
del gruppo."
668,26,9,"With fiery breath of more than 10,000 degrees
Fahrenheit, they viciously threaten any challenger.
The females protect the prides cubs."
668,26,11,"摂氏6000度の 息を 吐き出し
激しく 相手を 威嚇する。
メスが 群れの 子供を 守る。"
668,29,1,"オスは ふだん だらだら しているが
きょうてきが おそってくると わがみを
かえりみず なかまを まもるぞ。"
668,29,3,"수컷은 평소에 빈둥거리지만,
강적이 덤벼들면 자신을
돌보지 않고 동료를 지킨다."
668,29,5,"Le mâle a tendance à se prélasser à longueur
de journée. Si un ennemi surgit, en revanche,
il défend ses congénères au péril de sa vie."
668,29,6,"Männliche Exemplare faulenzen die meiste Zeit.
Wird ihr Rudel von starken Gegnern angegriffen,
verteidigen sie dieses jedoch mit ihrem Leben."
668,29,7,"Por lo general, el macho suele ser un holgazán,
pero si aparece un enemigo poderoso, no duda
en plantarle cara para proteger a los suyos."
668,29,8,"Di solito il maschio passa le giornate nellozio,
ma se compare un nemico temibile è pronto a
rischiare la vita per proteggere i compagni."
668,29,9,"The males are usually lazy, but when attacked
by a strong foe, a male will protect its friends
with no regard for its own safety."
668,29,11,"オスは 普段 だらだら しているが
強敵が 襲ってくると わが身を
かえりみず 仲間を 守るぞ。"
668,30,1,"せっし 6000どの いきを はくが
えものには つかわない。 にくは
なまの ほうが このみ だから。"
668,30,3,"섭씨 6000도의 숨결을 내뱉지만
먹이에는 사용하지 않는다.
고기는 날것을 좋아하기 때문이다."
668,30,5,"Son souffle enflammé atteint les 6000 °C,
mais il ne lutilise jamais contre ses proies.
Il préfère en effet la viande crue."
668,30,6,"Es kann 6000 °C heiße Atemluft ausstoßen,
die es jedoch nicht bei der Jagd verwendet.
Seine Beute verspeist es nämlich lieber roh."
668,30,7,"Su aliento alcanza temperaturas de 6000 ºC,
aunque no lo emplea contra sus presas, ya que
prefiere la carne más bien cruda."
668,30,8,"Con il suo soffio, infiamma laria a una
temperatura di 6.000 °C, ma evita di farlo con
le prede perché preferisce la carne cruda."
668,30,9,"The temperature of its breath is over 10,000
degrees Fahrenheit, but Pyroar doesnt use it on
its prey. This Pokémon prefers to eat raw meat."
668,30,11,"摂氏 6000度の 息を 吐くが
獲物には 使わない。 肉は
生のほうが 好み だから。"
669,23,1,"はなの ひめた ちからを ひきだして
じざいに あやつる。フラベベが もつ
はなは もはや からだの いちぶだ。"
669,23,3,"꽃의 숨겨진 힘을 끌어내어
자유자재로 조종한다. 플라베베가 지닌
꽃은 이미 몸의 일부다."
669,23,5,"Capable de libérer et de contrôler la force cachée
des plantes. La fleur quil tient fait partie de lui."
669,23,6,"Es entlockt Blumen ihre geheimen Kräfte und
kontrolliert diese nach Belieben. Die Blume,
die es trägt, ist wie ein Teil seines Körpers."
669,23,7,"Puede controlar el poder oculto de las flores. La flor
que lleva consigo es como si formara parte de su
669,23,8,"È in grado di controllare a piacimento la forza
nascosta dei fiori. Il fiore a cui si aggrappa fa
parte del suo stesso corpo."
669,23,9,"It draws out and controls the hidden power
of flowers. The flower Flabébé holds
is most likely part of its body."
669,23,11,"花の 秘めた 力を 引き出して
自在に 操る。フラベベが 持つ 花は
もはや 体の 一部だ。"
669,24,1,"きにいった はなを みつけると
いっしょう その はなと くらす。
かぜに のって きままに ただよう。"
669,24,3,"마음에 든 꽃을 발견하면
평생을 그 꽃과 지낸다.
바람을 타고 내키는 대로 떠다닌다."
669,24,5,"Après avoir trouvé une fleur à son goût, il ne la quitte
plus de toute sa vie. Il se laisse porter au gré du vent."
669,24,6,"Hat es eine Blume gefunden, die ihm gefällt, lebt es
sein Leben lang in Symbiose mit ihr. Es lässt sich
unbekümmert vom Wind treiben."
669,24,7,"En cuanto encuentra una flor de su agrado, la
convierte en su hogar para toda la vida.
Flota en el aire a su antojo cabalgando el viento."
669,24,8,"Una volta trovato un fiore di suo gradimento, rimane
in simbiosi con esso per tutta la vita. Va in giro
lasciandosi trasportare dal vento."
669,24,9,"When it finds a flower it likes, it dwells on
that flower its whole life long. It floats in the
winds embrace with an untroubled heart."
669,24,11,"気に入った 花を 見つけると
一生 その花と 暮らす。
風に 乗って 気ままに 漂う。"
669,25,1,"はなの ひめた ちからを ひきだして
じざいに あやつる。フラベベが もつ
はなは もはや からだの いちぶだ。"
669,25,3,"꽃의 숨겨진 힘을 끌어내어
자유자재로 조종한다. 플라베베가 지닌
꽃은 이미 몸의 일부다."
669,25,5,"Capable de libérer et de contrôler la force cachée des plantes.
La fleur quil tient fait partie de lui."
669,25,6,"Es entlockt Blumen ihre geheimen Kräfte und kontrolliert diese
nach Belieben. Die Blume, die es trägt, ist wie ein Teil seines
669,25,7,"Puede controlar el poder oculto de las flores. La flor que
lleva consigo es como si formara parte de su cuerpo."
669,25,8,"È in grado di controllare a piacimento la forza nascosta dei
fiori. Il fiore a cui si aggrappa fa parte del suo stesso corpo."
669,25,9,"It draws out and controls the hidden power
of flowers. The flower Flabébé holds
is most likely part of its body."
669,25,11,"花の 秘めた 力を 引き出して
自在に 操る。フラベベが 持つ 花は
もはや 体の 一部だ。"
669,26,1,"きにいった はなを みつけると
いっしょう その はなと くらす。
かぜに のって きままに ただよう。"
669,26,3,"마음에 든 꽃을 발견하면
평생을 그 꽃과 지낸다.
바람을 타고 내키는 대로 떠다닌다."
669,26,5,"Après avoir trouvé une fleur à son goût, il ne la quitte plus
de toute sa vie. Il se laisse porter au gré du vent."
669,26,6,"Hat es eine Blume gefunden, die ihm gefällt, lebt es sein
Leben lang in Symbiose mit ihr. Es lässt sich unbekümmert
vom Wind treiben."
669,26,7,"En cuanto encuentra una flor de su agrado, la convierte en
su hogar para toda la vida. Flota en el aire a su antojo
cabalgando el viento."
669,26,8,"Una volta trovato un fiore di suo gradimento, rimane in
simbiosi con esso per tutta la vita. Va in giro lasciandosi
trasportare dal vento."
669,26,9,"When it finds a flower it likes, it dwells on
that flower its whole life long. It floats in the
winds embrace with an untroubled heart."
669,26,11,"気に入った 花を 見つけると
一生 その花と 暮らす。
風に 乗って 気ままに 漂う。"
669,29,1,"はなの ちからが ないと キケン。
でも すきな いろと かたちが
みつかるまで たびを つづけるぞ。"
669,29,3,"꽃의 힘이 없으면 위험하다.
그래도 좋아하는 색과 형태를
찾을 때까지 여행을 계속한다."
669,29,5,"Bien quil soit vulnérable sans le pouvoir
de sa fleur, il voyagera jusquà en trouver
une de la couleur et de la forme quil préfère."
669,29,6,"Ohne die Kräfte einer Blume ist es relativ
schutzlos. Es sucht jedoch so lange, bis es
eine findet, deren Form und Farbe ihm zusagt."
669,29,7,"Sin el poder que le confiere la flor es una presa
fácil, así que busca una del tamaño y color
idóneos y no cesa hasta dar con ella."
669,29,8,"Senza il potere di un fiore è vulnerabile, tuttavia
viaggia senza sosta finché non ne trova uno di
un colore e di una forma che lo soddisfano."
669,29,9,"Its not safe without the power of a flower, but
it will keep traveling around until it finds one
with the color and shape it wants."
669,29,11,"花の 力が ないと 危険。
でも 好きな 色と 形が
見つかるまで 旅を 続けるぞ。"
669,30,1,"あたまの かんむりは はなの
かふんを あつめて つくったもの。
いやしの こうかが ひめられている。"
669,30,3,"머리의 관은 꽃가루를
모아서 만든 것이다.
치유의 효과가 숨겨져 있다."
669,30,5,"Il confectionne la couronne qui orne sa tête en
récoltant du pollen. Elle recèle de nombreuses
propriétés curatives."
669,30,6,"Die Krone auf seinem Kopf hat es sich aus
Pollen von Blumen gebastelt. Sie besitzt eine
heilende Wirkung."
669,30,7,"Acumula el polen de las flores para confeccionar
la tiara que lleva en la cabeza, que cuenta con
propiedades curativas."
669,30,8,"La corona sulla testa è realizzata con il polline
che raccoglie dai fiori e ha proprietà curative."
669,30,9,"Flabébé wears a crown made from pollen its
collected from its flower. The crown has hidden
healing properties."
669,30,11,"頭の 冠は 花の 花粉を
集めて 作ったもの。
癒しの 効果が 秘められている。"
670,23,1,"はなばたけを とびまわり かれかけた
はなを せわする。はなの ひめられた
ちからを ひきだして たたかう。"
670,23,3,"꽃밭을 날아다니며 말라가는
꽃을 보살핀다. 꽃의 숨겨진
힘을 끌어내어 싸운다."
670,23,5,"Il survole les champs de fleurs, et prend soin de
celles qui sont sur le point de faner. Au combat,
il fait appel à leur force cachée."
670,23,6,"Es fliegt auf Wiesen umher und kümmert sich um
welkende Blumen. Es setzt deren geheime Kräfte frei
und nutzt diese zum Kämpfen."
670,23,7,"Revolotea alrededor de campos de flores y cuida de
aquellas que empiezan a marchitarse. Usa en combate
el poder oculto de las flores."
670,23,8,"Vola sui campi in fiore e si prende cura delle piante
che si stanno seccando. Lotta sfruttando i poteri
nascosti dei fiori."
670,23,9,"It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for
flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws
out the hidden power of flowers to battle."
670,23,11,"花畑を 飛び回り 枯れかけた 花を
世話する。花の 秘められた 力を
引き出して 戦う。"
670,24,1,"ていれの いきとどいた かだんの
はなが さくと すがたを あらわして
かれんな ダンスで しゅくふくする。"
670,24,3,"빈틈없이 손질한 화단의
꽃이 피면 모습을 드러내어
아름다운 댄스로 축복한다."
670,24,5,"Quand les fleurs dune plate-bande bien soignée
éclosent, il apparaît et célèbre la floraison en dansant
avec une très grande élégance."
670,24,6,"Wenn die Blumen auf einem liebevoll gepflegten
Blumenbeet blühen, erscheint es und feiert den
Anblick mit einem eleganten Tanz."
670,24,7,"Cuando las plantas bien cuidadas de un parterre
florecen, hace acto de presencia e interpreta un
baile primoroso para celebrarlo."
670,24,8,"Quando i fiori di unaiuola ben curata sbocciano,
appare e celebra levento con una danza graziosa."
670,24,9,"When the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom,
it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance."
670,24,11,"手入れの 行き届いた 花壇の
花が 咲くと 姿を 現して
かれんな ダンスで 祝福する。"
670,25,1,"はなばたけを とびまわり かれかけた
はなを せわする。はなの ひめられた
ちからを ひきだして たたかう。"
670,25,3,"꽃밭을 날아다니며 말라가는
꽃을 보살핀다. 꽃의 숨겨진
힘을 끌어내어 싸운다."
670,25,5,"Il survole les champs de fleurs, et prend soin de celles
qui sont sur le point de faner. Au combat, il fait appel
à leur force cachée."
670,25,6,"Es fliegt auf Wiesen umher und kümmert sich um welkende
Blumen. Es setzt deren geheime Kräfte frei und nutzt diese
zum Kämpfen."
670,25,7,"Revolotea alrededor de campos de flores y cuida de aquellas
que empiezan a marchitarse. Usa en combate el poder oculto
de las flores."
670,25,8,"Vola sui campi in fiore e si prende cura delle piante che si
stanno seccando. Lotta sfruttando i poteri nascosti dei fiori."
670,25,9,"It flutters around fields of flowers and cares for
flowers that are starting to wilt. It draws
out the hidden power of flowers to battle."
670,25,11,"花畑を 飛び回り 枯れかけた 花を
世話する。花の 秘められた 力を
引き出して 戦う。"
670,26,1,"ていれの いきとどいた かだんの
はなが さくと すがたを あらわして
かれんな ダンスで しゅくふくする。"
670,26,3,"빈틈없이 손질한 화단의
꽃이 피면 모습을 드러내어
아름다운 댄스로 축복한다."
670,26,5,"Quand les fleurs dune plate-bande bien soignée éclosent,
il apparaît et célèbre la floraison en dansant avec une très
grande élégance."
670,26,6,"Wenn die Blumen auf einem liebevoll gepflegten
Blumenbeet blühen, erscheint es und feiert den
Anblick mit einem eleganten Tanz."
670,26,7,"Cuando las plantas bien cuidadas de un parterre florecen,
hace acto de presencia e interpreta un baile primoroso para
670,26,8,"Quando i fiori di unaiuola ben curata sbocciano, appare
e celebra levento con una danza graziosa."
670,26,9,"When the flowers of a well-tended flower bed bloom,
it appears and celebrates with an elegant dance."
670,26,11,"手入れの 行き届いた 花壇の
花が 咲くと 姿を 現して
かれんな ダンスで 祝福する。"
670,29,1,"はなを そだて じぶんの ぶきとして
りよう。 うつくしくさいた はなほど
きょうりょくなパワーを ひめている。"
670,29,3,"꽃을 길러 자신의 무기로
이용한다. 아름답게 핀 꽃일수록
강력한 파워를 간직하고 있다."
670,29,5,"Il cultive des fleurs et les utilise en tant
quarmes. Plus une fleur est belle, plus
elle renferme de puissance."
670,29,6,"Es kämpft mit einer Blume, die es selbst
gezüchtet hat. Je schöner ihre Blüte, desto
stärker die Macht, die sie birgt."
670,29,7,"Usa como arma la flor que cultiva por su cuenta
y, cuanto mayor sea la belleza de esta, mayor
será también el poder que oculta en su interior."
670,29,8,"Fa crescere il suo fiore e lo utilizza come arma.
Più il fiore è bello, maggiore è il potere che
670,29,9,"It raises flowers and uses them as weapons.
The more gorgeous the blossom, the more
power it contains."
670,29,11,"花を 育て 自分の 武器として
利用。 美しく咲いた 花ほど
強力なパワーを 秘めている。"
670,30,1,"じぶんの パワーを はなに あたえ
こころを こめて せわを する。
かだんを あらすものは ゆるさない。"
670,30,3,"자신의 파워를 꽃에 주고
진심을 담아 돌본다.
화단을 어지럽히는 자는 용서하지 않는다."
670,30,5,"Il fait profiter ses fleurs de ses pouvoirs et met
tout son cœur à leur entretien. Gare à ceux qui
ravagent ses plates-bandes!"
670,30,6,"Es überträgt seine Kraft auf Blumen und pflegt
diese mit ganzem Herzen. Es verzeiht keinem,
der sein Blumenbeet verwüstet."
670,30,7,"Confiere su poder a las flores y cuida de ellas
con mucho esmero; no perdona que destruyan
los campos donde estas crecen."
670,30,8,"Trasmette il suo potere ai fiori e se ne prende
cura con tutto il suo amore. Non ha alcuna pietà
per chi deturpa le sue aiuole."
670,30,9,"It gives its own power to flowers, pouring its
heart into caring for them. Floette never forgives
anyone who messes up a flower bed."
670,30,11,"自分の パワーを 花に 与え
心を こめて 世話を する。
花壇を 荒らすものは 許さない。"
671,23,1,"テリトリーは みごとな はなぞの。
くさばなが はなつ エネルギーを
あびて じぶんの パワーにするのだ。"
671,23,3,"멋진 화원이 영역이다.
화초가 내보내는 에너지를
쬐어 자신의 파워로 삼는다."
671,23,5,"Les jardins fleuris sont son territoire.
Il se baigne dans lénergie dégagée par les plantes
en fleurs pour labsorber."
671,23,6,"Wunderschöne Blumengärten sind sein Revier.
Es badet in der von blühenden Blumen freigesetzten
Energie und zieht daraus seine Kraft."
671,23,7,"Habita en preciosos jardines floridos. Absorbe la
energía que emiten las plantas y la convierte en su
fuente de poder."
671,23,8,"Il suo habitat preferito sono i meravigliosi giardini
fioriti. Assorbe e utilizza lenergia di piante e fiori."
671,23,9,"It claims exquisite flower gardens as its territory,
and it obtains power from basking in the energy
emitted by flowering plants."
671,23,11,"テリトリーは 見事な 花園。
草花の 放つ エネルギーを 浴びて
自分の パワーにするのだ。"
671,24,1,"むかしの しろの あるじたちは
にわを かざるため フラージェスを
まねきいれ はなぞのを つくらせた。"
671,24,3,"옛 성의 주인은
정원을 꾸미기 위해 플라제스를
불러들여 화원을 만들게 했다."
671,24,5,"Les châtelains de jadis invitaient les Florges sur leurs
terres et leur confiaient la réalisation de leurs jardins."
671,24,6,"Die Schlossherren vergangener Zeiten haben Florges
eingeladen, damit diese Blumengärten für sie anlegen,
um so ihre Anwesen zu verschönern."
671,24,7,"Los propietarios de los castillos de antaño solían
invitar a Florges para que creasen jardines floridos,
a fin de decorar sus terrenos."
671,24,8,"Anticamente, i padroni dei castelli ricorrevano al suo
aiuto per abbellire i loro giardini con tanti fiori diversi."
671,24,9,"In times long past, governors of castles
would invite Florges to create flower gardens
to embellish the castle domains."
671,24,11,"昔の 城の 主たちは 庭を 飾るため
フラージェスを 招き入れ
花園を 作らせた。"
671,25,1,"テリトリーは みごとな はなぞの。
くさばなが はなつ エネルギーを
あびて じぶんの パワーにするのだ。"
671,25,3,"멋진 화원이 영역이다.
화초가 내보내는 에너지를
쬐어 자신의 파워로 삼는다."
671,25,5,"Les jardins fleuris sont son territoire. Il se baigne dans
lénergie dégagée par les plantes en fleurs pour labsorber."
671,25,6,"Wunderschöne Blumengärten sind sein Revier. Es badet in der
von blühenden Blumen freigesetzten Energie und zieht daraus
seine Kraft."
671,25,7,"Habita en preciosos jardines floridos. Absorbe la energía que
emiten las plantas y la convierte en su fuente de poder."
671,25,8,"Il suo habitat preferito sono i meravigliosi giardini fioriti.
Assorbe e utilizza lenergia di piante e fiori."
671,25,9,"It claims exquisite flower gardens as its territory,
and it obtains power from basking in the energy
emitted by flowering plants."
671,25,11,"テリトリーは 見事な 花園。
草花の 放つ エネルギーを 浴びて
自分の パワーにするのだ。"
671,26,1,"むかしの しろの あるじたちは
にわを かざるため フラージェスを
まねきいれ はなぞのを つくらせた。"
671,26,3,"옛 성의 주인은
정원을 꾸미기 위해 플라제스를
불러들여 화원을 만들게 했다."
671,26,5,"Les châtelains de jadis invitaient les Florges sur leurs terres
et leur confiaient la réalisation de leurs jardins."
671,26,6,"Die Schlossherren vergangener Zeiten haben Florges
eingeladen, damit diese Blumengärten für sie anlegen,
um so ihre Anwesen zu verschönern."
671,26,7,"Los propietarios de los castillos de antaño solían invitar a
Florges para que creasen jardines floridos, a fin de decorar
sus terrenos."
671,26,8,"Anticamente, i padroni dei castelli ricorrevano al suo aiuto per
abbellire i loro giardini con tanti fiori diversi."
671,26,9,"In times long past, governors of castles
would invite Florges to create flower gardens
to embellish the castle domains."
671,26,11,"昔の 城の 主たちは 庭を 飾るため
フラージェスを 招き入れ
花園を 作らせた。"
671,29,1,"そだてた はなばなを あやつる。
フラージェスの はなつ はなふぶきは
うつくしさも パワーも あっとうてき。"
671,29,3,"기른 꽃들을 조종한다.
플라제스가 발산하는 꽃보라는
아름다움도 파워도 압도적이다."
671,29,5,"Il contrôle les fleurs quil cultive. Les tempêtes
de pétales quil déchaîne sont aussi belles que
671,29,6,"Es kontrolliert selbst gezüchtete Blumen. Die
Blütenwirbel, die es erzeugt, sind überwältigend
schön und stark."
671,29,7,"Es capaz de controlar las flores que cultiva. La
ráfaga de pétalos que emplea es hermosa a la
vez que devastadora."
671,29,8,"Ha il potere di controllare i fiori che coltiva.
È in grado di creare tempeste di fiori tanto
meravigliose quanto devastanti."
671,29,9,"It controls the flowers it grows. The petal
blizzards that Florges triggers are overwhelming
in their beauty and power."
671,29,11,"育てた 花々を 操る。
フラージェスの 放つ 花吹雪は
美しさも パワーも 圧倒的。"
671,30,1,"すうひゃくねんの じゅみょうをもつ。
ていえんを まもりつづけることに
その いっしょうを ささげるという。"
671,30,3,"수백 년의 수명을 가졌다.
정원을 지키는 일에
일생을 바친다고 한다."
671,30,5,"Il peut vivre des centaines dannées, et
consacre sa longue existence à lentretien
des jardins."
671,30,6,"Es hat eine Lebenserwartung von mehreren
Hundert Jahren. Man sagt, es widme sein ganzes
Dasein beharrlich der Pflege von Blumengärten."
671,30,7,"Su esperanza de vida asciende a varios siglos y
dedica toda su dilatada existencia al cuidado
de los jardines."
671,30,8,"Può vivere per centinaia di anni e dedica la sua
intera esistenza alla cura dei giardini fioriti."
671,30,9,"Its life can span several hundred years. Its said
to devote its entire life to protecting gardens."
671,30,11,"数百年の 寿命を持つ。
庭園を 守り続けることに
その 一生を ささげるという。"
672,23,1,"ひとと くらすようになった
さいしょの ポケモンと いわれる。
おだやかな せいかくの ポケモン。"
672,23,3,"사람과 살기 시작한
최초의 포켓몬이라고 한다.
온화한 성격의 포켓몬이다."
672,23,5,"Ce Pokémon paisible serait le premier à avoir jamais
cohabité avec les humains."
672,23,6,"Man sagt, es sei eines der ersten Pokémon,
die mit Menschen zusammengelebt haben.
Es ist sehr ruhig und friedfertig."
672,23,7,"Se dice que fue la primera especie de Pokémon que se
acostumbró a vivir con los seres humanos. Tiene una
naturaleza muy afable."
672,23,8,"Ha un carattere pacifico ed è considerato il primo
Pokémon ad avere stretto amicizia con luomo."
672,23,9,"Thought to be one of the first Pokémon to live in
harmony with humans, it has a placid disposition."
672,23,11,"人と 暮らすようになった
最初の ポケモンと 言われる。
穏やかな 性格の ポケモン。"
672,24,1,"みずと たいようが あれば せなかの
はっぱで エネルギーが つくれるので
エサを たべなくても へいきなのだ。"
672,24,3,"물과 태양이 있으면 등에 있는
잎으로 에너지를 만들 수 있어서
먹이를 먹지 않아도 괜찮다."
672,24,5,"Tant quil a de leau et du soleil en abondance, ce
Pokémon na pas besoin de nourriture. Les feuilles sur
son dos produisent son énergie par photosynthèse."
672,24,6,"Solange es Wasser und Sonnenlicht hat, kann es mit
den Blättern auf seinem Rücken Energie erzeugen.
Deswegen kommt es auch ohne Futter zurecht."
672,24,7,"Puede generar energía con las hojas que tiene en la
espalda disponiendo tan solo de agua y luz solar.
Gracias a ello puede sobrevivir sin comer."
672,24,8,"Ricava energia dal sole e dallacqua grazie alle foglie
che ha sul dorso. In questo modo può sopravvivere
anche senza mangiare."
672,24,9,"If it has sunshine and water, it doesnt
need to eat, because it can generate
energy from the leaves on its back."
672,24,11,"水と 太陽が あれば 背中の
葉っぱで エネルギーが 作れるので
エサを 食べなくても 平気なのだ。"
672,25,1,"ひとと くらすようになった
さいしょの ポケモンと いわれる。
おだやかな せいかくの ポケモン。"
672,25,3,"사람과 살기 시작한
최초의 포켓몬이라고 한다.
온화한 성격의 포켓몬이다."
672,25,5,"Ce Pokémon paisible serait le premier à avoir jamais cohabité
avec les humains."
672,25,6,"Man sagt, es sei eines der ersten Pokémon, die mit Menschen
zusammengelebt haben. Es ist sehr ruhig und friedfertig."
672,25,7,"Se dice que fue la primera especie de Pokémon que se
acostumbró a vivir con los seres humanos. Tiene una
naturaleza muy afable."
672,25,8,"Ha un carattere pacifico ed è considerato il primo Pokémon
ad avere stretto amicizia con luomo."
672,25,9,"Thought to be one of the first Pokémon to live in
harmony with humans, it has a placid disposition."
672,25,11,"人と 暮らすようになった
最初の ポケモンと 言われる。
穏やかな 性格の ポケモン。"
672,26,1,"みずと たいようが あれば せなかの
はっぱで エネルギーが つくれるので
エサを たべなくても へいきなのだ。"
672,26,3,"물과 태양이 있으면 등에 있는
잎으로 에너지를 만들 수 있어서
먹이를 먹지 않아도 괜찮다."
672,26,5,"Tant quil a de leau et du soleil en abondance,
ce Pokémon na pas besoin de nourriture. Les feuilles
sur son dos produisent son énergie par photosynthèse."
672,26,6,"Solange es Wasser und Sonnenlicht hat, kann es mit
den Blättern auf seinem Rücken Energie erzeugen.
Deswegen kommt es auch ohne Futter zurecht."
672,26,7,"Puede generar energía con las hojas que tiene en la espalda
disponiendo tan solo de agua y luz solar. Gracias a ello puede
sobrevivir sin comer."
672,26,8,"Ricava energia dal sole e dallacqua grazie alle foglie che ha
sul dorso. In questo modo può sopravvivere anche senza
672,26,9,"If it has sunshine and water, it doesnt
need to eat, because it can generate
energy from the leaves on its back."
672,26,11,"水と 太陽が あれば 背中の
葉っぱで エネルギーが 作れるので
エサを 食べなくても 平気なのだ。"
673,23,1,"ツノを にぎる わずかな ちがいから
トレーナーの きもちを よみとるので
いったいとなって はしれるのだ。"
673,23,3,"뿔을 잡을 때 느껴지는 작은 차이로
트레이너의 마음을 읽어낼 수 있기에
하나가 되어 달릴 수 있는 것이다."
673,23,5,"Quand son Dresseur le tient par une corne, il est
capable de deviner ses plus subtils changements
dhumeur et de sy adapter."
673,23,6,"Es kann die Stimmung seines Trainers an der kleinsten
Veränderung dessen Griffes um seine Hörner ablesen
und galoppiert sofort los, wenn dieser es wünscht."
673,23,7,"Percibe los sentimientos del Entrenador por la forma
en la que agarra sus cuernos, aunque sean variaciones
sutiles, y así avanzan como si fueran un solo ente."
673,23,8,"È in grado di intuire gli stati danimo del suo Allenatore
dal modo in cui questi gli afferra le corna. Questo
permette a entrambi di correre in perfetta armonia."
673,23,9,"It can tell how its Trainer is feeling by
subtle shifts in the grip on its horns.
This empathic sense lets them run as if one being."
673,23,11,"ツノを 握る わずかな 違いから
トレーナーの 気持ちを 読み取るので
一体となって 走れるのだ。"
673,24,1,"さんがくちたいで せいかつする。
ツノを ぶつけあう ちからくらべの
しょうしゃが むれの リーダーだ。"
673,24,3,"산악 지대에서 생활한다.
뿔을 서로 부딪쳐서 힘을 겨루어
승자가 무리의 리더가 된다."
673,24,5,"Ce Pokémon vit dans les régions montagneuses.
Le chef du troupeau simpose à lissue dun combat
de cornes."
673,24,6,"Sie leben im Gebirge. Der Herdenanführer wird durch
ein Kräftemessen gewählt, bei dem die Anwärter ihre
Hörner gegeneinander rammen."
673,24,7,"Habita en regiones montañosas. El líder de la manada
se decide en una demostración de fuerza en la que los
contendientes luchan con los cuernos."
673,24,8,"Vive in regioni montuose. Questi Pokémon
stabiliscono il leader del gruppo confrontandosi
a cornate."
673,24,9,"They inhabit mountainous regions.
The leader of the herd is decided by
a battle of clashing horns."
673,24,11,"山岳地帯で 生活する。
ツノを ぶつけ合う 力比べの 勝者が
群れの リーダーだ。"
673,25,1,"ツノを にぎる わずかな ちがいから
トレーナーの きもちを よみとるので
いったいとなって はしれるのだ。"
673,25,3,"뿔을 잡을 때 느껴지는 작은 차이로
트레이너의 마음을 읽어낼 수 있기에
하나가 되어 달릴 수 있는 것이다."
673,25,5,"Quand son Dresseur le tient par une corne, il est capable
de deviner ses plus subtils changements dhumeur et
de sy adapter."
673,25,6,"Es kann die Stimmung seines Trainers an der kleinsten
Veränderung dessen Griffes um seine Hörner ablesen
und galoppiert sofort los, wenn dieser es wünscht."
673,25,7,"Percibe los sentimientos del Entrenador por la forma en la que
agarra sus cuernos, aunque sean variaciones sutiles, y así
avanzan como si fueran un solo ente."
673,25,8,"È in grado di intuire gli stati danimo del suo Allenatore dal
modo in cui questi gli afferra le corna. Questo permette
a entrambi di correre in perfetta armonia."
673,25,9,"It can tell how its Trainer is feeling by
subtle shifts in the grip on its horns.
This empathic sense lets them run as if one being."
673,25,11,"ツノを 握る わずかな 違いから
トレーナーの 気持ちを 読み取るので
一体となって 走れるのだ。"
673,26,1,"さんがくちたいで せいかつする。
ツノを ぶつけあう ちからくらべの
しょうしゃが むれの リーダーだ。"
673,26,3,"산악 지대에서 생활한다.
뿔을 서로 부딪쳐서 힘을 겨루어
승자가 무리의 리더가 된다."
673,26,5,"Ce Pokémon vit dans les régions montagneuses. Le chef
du troupeau simpose à lissue dun combat de cornes."
673,26,6,"Sie leben im Gebirge. Der Herdenanführer wird durch ein
Kräftemessen gewählt, bei dem die Anwärter ihre Hörner
gegeneinander rammen."
673,26,7,"Habita en regiones montañosas. El líder de la manada se
decide en una demostración de fuerza en la que los
contendientes luchan con los cuernos."
673,26,8,"Vive in regioni montuose. Questi Pokémon stabiliscono il
leader del gruppo confrontandosi a cornate."
673,26,9,"They inhabit mountainous regions.
The leader of the herd is decided by
a battle of clashing horns."
673,26,11,"山岳地帯で 生活する。
ツノを ぶつけ合う 力比べの 勝者が
群れの リーダーだ。"
674,23,1,"てきに なめられないよう がんばって
にらみつけるが こうかは うすい。
くわえた はっぱが トレードマーク。"
674,23,3,"적이 얕잡아 보지 못하도록 열심히
노려보지만, 효과가 약하다.
물고 있는 잎사귀가 트레이드마크다."
674,23,5,"Il fait son possible pour intimider ses adversaires
avec un regard menaçant, mais sans succès. Il a
lhabitude de constamment mâcher une feuille."
674,23,6,"Es starrt den Gegner finster an, um nicht unterschätzt
zu werden, hat aber nur wenig Erfolg damit.
Das Kauen auf einem Blatt ist sein Markenzeichen."
674,23,7,"Se esfuerza mucho para que el enemigo no lo
menosprecie, pero su mirada no intimida demasiado.
Se caracteriza por mascar siempre una hoja."
674,23,8,"Fa di tutto per farsi prendere sul serio dai nemici,
ma il suo sguardo di sfida non è molto efficace.
Ha il vizio di masticare una foglia."
674,23,9,"It does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies,
but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating.
Chewing on a leaf is its trademark."
674,23,11,"敵に なめられないよう がんばって
にらみつけるが 効果は 薄い。
くわえた 葉っぱが トレードマーク。"
674,24,1,"いっしょうけんめい こわい かおで
あいてを にらみつけるが あたまを
なでられると つい にやけてしまう。"
674,24,3,"무서운 얼굴로 열심히
상대를 노려보지만 머리를
쓰다듬어주면 금방 해죽거린다."
674,24,5,"Il fait de son mieux pour avoir un air patibulaire,
mais il sourit béatement dès quon lui caresse la tête."
674,24,6,"Es gibt alles, um ein finsteres Gesicht zu machen und
sein Gegenüber böse anzustarren, aber wenn es am
Kopf gestreichelt wird, muss es unwillkürlich grinsen."
674,24,7,"Se desvive tratando de fulminar a su rival con una
mirada aterradora, pero en cuanto le acarician la
cabeza, no puede evitar sonreír de oreja a oreja."
674,24,8,"Ce la mette tutta per intimorire i nemici con uno
sguardo truce, ma appena qualcuno gli accarezza
la testa, diventa un tenerone."
674,24,9,"It does its level best to glare and pull a scary face,
but it cant help grinning if anyone pats its head."
674,24,11,"一生懸命 怖い 顔で 相手を
にらみつけるが 頭を なでられると
つい にやけてしまう。"
674,25,1,"てきに なめられないよう がんばって
にらみつけるが こうかは うすい。
くわえた はっぱが トレードマーク。"
674,25,3,"적이 얕잡아 보지 못하도록 열심히
노려보지만, 효과가 약하다.
물고 있는 잎사귀가 트레이드마크다."
674,25,5,"Il fait son possible pour intimider ses adversaires avec
un regard menaçant, mais sans succès. Il a lhabitude
de constamment mâcher une feuille."
674,25,6,"Es starrt den Gegner finster an, um nicht unterschätzt zu
werden, hat aber nur wenig Erfolg damit. Das Kauen auf
einem Blatt ist sein Markenzeichen."
674,25,7,"Se esfuerza mucho para que el enemigo no lo menosprecie,
pero su mirada no intimida demasiado. Se caracteriza por
mascar siempre una hoja."
674,25,8,"Fa di tutto per farsi prendere sul serio dai nemici, ma il suo
sguardo di sfida non è molto efficace. Ha il vizio di masticare
una foglia."
674,25,9,"It does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies,
but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating.
Chewing on a leaf is its trademark."
674,25,11,"敵に なめられないよう がんばって
にらみつけるが 効果は 薄い。
くわえた 葉っぱが トレードマーク。"
674,26,1,"いっしょうけんめい こわい かおで
あいてを にらみつけるが あたまを
なでられると つい にやけてしまう。"
674,26,3,"무서운 얼굴로 열심히
상대를 노려보지만 머리를
쓰다듬어주면 금방 해죽거린다."
674,26,5,"Il fait de son mieux pour avoir un air patibulaire, mais il sourit
béatement dès quon lui caresse la tête."
674,26,6,"Es gibt alles, um ein finsteres Gesicht zu machen und
sein Gegenüber böse anzustarren, aber wenn es am
Kopf gestreichelt wird, muss es unwillkürlich grinsen."
674,26,7,"Se desvive tratando de fulminar a su rival con una mirada
aterradora, pero en cuanto le acarician la cabeza, no puede
evitar sonreír de oreja a oreja."
674,26,8,"Ce la mette tutta per intimorire i nemici con uno sguardo
truce, ma appena qualcuno gli accarezza la testa, diventa
un tenerone."
674,26,9,"It does its level best to glare and pull a scary face,
but it cant help grinning if anyone pats its head."
674,26,11,"一生懸命 怖い 顔で 相手を
にらみつけるが 頭を なでられると
つい にやけてしまう。"
674,27,1,"おやぶんの ように したっている
ゴロンダの しぐさを まねながら
いちにんまえに なっていくぞ。"
674,27,3,"형님처럼 의지하며 따르는
부란다의 행동을 따라 하면서
성장해 간다."
674,27,5,"Il grandit en copiant les poses et les mimiques
de ce gros cador de Pandarbare, quil considère
comme son mentor."
674,27,6,"Pandagro ist sein großes Vorbild, das es stets
nachahmt. Dabei ist es so eifrig, dass es daran
674,27,7,"En su afán por madurar, toma como modelo a
Pangoro, hacia el que profesa sumo respeto.
Para él es como una especie de mentor."
674,27,8,"Aspira a diventare un Pokémon rispettato e
temuto imitando Pangoro, che considera il suo
674,27,9,"It grows up imitating the behavior of Pangoro,
which it looks up to as a leader."
674,27,11,"親分の ように 慕っている
ゴロンダの 仕草を 真似ながら
一人前に なっていくぞ。"
674,28,1,"くわえている はっぱに いみは なく
ただの かっこつけ。 やんちゃなので
しろうとトレーナーには むかない。"
674,28,3,"물고 있는 나뭇잎은 특별한 의미 없이
그냥 멋이다. 개구쟁이라
초급 트레이너에게는 적합하지 않다."
674,28,5,"Cest juste pour se donner un air quil mâche
une feuille. Comme cest un petit galopin,
il est déconseillé aux Dresseurs inexpérimentés."
674,28,6,"Das Kauen auf einem Blatt ist sein Marken-
zeichen. Dieses sehr ungezogene Pokémon
dürfte frischgebackene Trainer überfordern."
674,28,7,"Solo masca la hoja que lleva porque le gusta el
aire que le confiere. Su carácter pícaro lo hace
incompatible con los Entrenadores novatos."
674,28,8,"Tiene in bocca una foglia per darsi un tono.
Essendo piuttosto birichino, non è molto adatto
per gli Allenatori inesperti."
674,28,9,"Theres no point to the leaf in its mouth, aside
from an effort to look cool. Its mischievous,
so its not well suited to inexperienced Trainers."
674,28,11,"咥えている 葉っぱに 意味は なく
ただの かっこつけ。 やんちゃなので
素人トレーナーには 向かない。"
674,29,1,"ゴロンダの あとを こぶんの ように
ついていく。 おおきな しっぱいを
すると はっぱを とられてしまう。"
674,29,3,"부란다의 뒤를 부하처럼
따라다닌다. 큰 실패를 하면
잎사귀를 빼앗겨 버린다."
674,29,5,"Il suit Pandarbare comme son ombre et
le considère comme son chef. Sil fait
une grosse bêtise, on lui confisque sa feuille."
674,29,6,"Es folgt treu seinem großen Vorbild, Pandagro.
Begeht Pam-Pam einen schwerwiegenden
Fehler, nimmt ihm Pandagro sein Blatt ab."
674,29,7,"Sigue los pasos de Pangoro, a quien considera
su maestro. En caso de cometer un grave error,
este le arrebata la hierba de la boca."
674,29,8,"Segue Pangoro ovunque come un discepolo.
Se commette gravi errori, gli viene confiscata
la foglia che tiene in bocca."
674,29,9,"It follows Pangoro around like a henchman.
When Pancham makes a big mistake, its leaf
gets taken away."
674,29,11,"ゴロンダの あとを 子分の ように
ついていく。 大きな 失敗を
すると 葉っぱを 取られてしまう。"
674,30,1,"あいてを ビビらせようと ひっし。
いっしょうけんめい にらんできたら
こわがるふりを してあげよう。"
674,30,3,"상대를 겁먹게 하려고 필사적이다.
열심히 노려 본다면
겁먹은 척을 해 주자."
674,30,5,"Il essaie à tout prix dintimider son adversaire.
Sil vous fait les gros yeux, faites-lui plaisir
et prenez lair apeuré!"
674,30,6,"Mit seinem finsteren Blick versucht es, seinen
Gegner einzuschüchtern. Manchmal sollte man
ihm den Gefallen tun und verängstigt reagieren."
674,30,7,"Intenta amedrentar a su oponente a toda costa.
Si fija la mirada en alguien, solo hay que
aparentar tener miedo para hacerlo feliz."
674,30,8,"Cerca di intimorire lavversario a tutti i costi.
A volte fissa le persone per spaventarle e, per
farlo felice, basta far finta di aver paura."
674,30,9,"Its desperate to intimidate its opponents.
Be nice and pretend to be scared if you
catch it glaring at you intensely."
674,30,11,"相手を ビビらせようと 必死。
一生懸命 睨んできたら
怖がるふりを してあげよう。"
674,33,1,"おやぶんと したう ゴロンダの
まねを する ことで たたかいかたや
えものの つかまえかたを まなぶ。"
674,33,3,"형님처럼 따르는 부란다를
따라 하면서 싸우는 법과
먹이를 잡는 법을 배운다."
674,33,5,"Cest en copiant son mentor, Pandarbare,
quil apprend toutes les ficelles du métier,
de lart du combat à la capture des proies."
674,33,6,"Es imitiert sein großes Vorbild Pandagro, wo es
nur kann. So lernt es, wie man kämpft und jagt."
674,33,7,"Sigue los pasos de Pangoro, a quien considera su
mentor. A base de imitarlo, aprende a combatir y
a cazar presas."
674,33,8,"Considera Pangoro il suo capo e lo prende a
modello, imitandolo e imparando così a
lottare e a cacciare le prede."
674,33,9,"It chooses a Pangoro as its master and then
imitates its masters actions. This is how it learns
to battle and hunt for prey."
674,33,11,"親分と 慕う ゴロンダの
真似を する ことで 戦い方や
獲物の 捕まえ方を 学ぶ。"
674,34,1,"なめられないように いつも あいてを
にらみつけているが きが ゆるむと
つい わらいがおに なってしまう。"
674,34,3,"얕잡아 보이지 않으려고 언제나
상대를 노려보고 있지만 방심하면
금방 웃는 얼굴이 되어버린다."
674,34,5,"Il dévisage toujours ses adversaires dun air
renfrogné pour être pris au sérieux, mais dès que
la tension retombe, son sourire reprend le dessus."
674,34,6,"Es starrt den Gegner finster an, um nicht
unterschätzt zu werden, doch wenn es sich
entspannt, muss es unwillkürlich grinsen."
674,34,7,"Siempre lanza una mirada fulminante al rival para
que no lo menosprecie, pero en cuanto se relaja
esboza sin querer una sonrisa."
674,34,8,"Fa il duro e guarda tutti in cagnesco per
essere preso sul serio, ma quando è
rilassato gli sfugge sempre un sorriso."
674,34,9,"Wanting to make sure its taken seriously,
Panchams always giving others a glare.
But if its not focusing, it ends up smiling."
674,34,11,"なめられないように いつも 相手を
睨みつけているが 気が 緩むと
つい 笑い顔に なってしまう。"
675,23,1,"きしょうが あらく けんかっぱやいが
よわいものいじめは ゆるさない。
はっぱで てきの うごきを よむ。"
675,23,3,"성질이 거칠어 툭하면 싸우려 들지만
약자를 괴롭히는 일은 용서하지 않는다.
잎사귀로 적의 움직임을 읽는다."
675,23,5,"Dun tempérament fougueux, il ne supporte pas que
lon sen prenne aux faibles. Sa feuille lui permet
de deviner les actions de lennemi."
675,23,6,"Es ist sehr grob und streitlustig, lässt es aber nicht zu,
dass Schwächere gemobbt werden. Mit seinem Blatt
erspürt es die Bewegungen des Gegners."
675,23,7,"Es muy temperamental, pero no permite que nadie se
meta con los débiles. Mediante su hoja, predice los
movimientos del enemigo."
675,23,8,"Ha un carattere focoso e attaccabrighe, ma non
sopporta chi maltratta i più deboli. Usa la foglia che
tiene in bocca per prevedere i movimenti dei nemici."
675,23,9,"Although it possesses a violent temperament,
it wont put up with bullying. It uses the leaf in
its mouth to sense the movements of its enemies."
675,23,11,"気性が 荒く ケンカっ早いが
弱いものいじめは 許さない。
葉っぱで 敵の 動きを 読む。"
675,24,1,"こうげきを うけても ひるまずに
とっしんして でんちゅうを へしおる
パワーの わんりょくで ぶちのめす。"
675,24,3,"공격을 받아도 풀죽지 않고
돌진하며 전신주도 부러뜨리는
파워의 완력으로 때려눕힌다."
675,24,5,"Il encaisse les attaques de plein fouet sans même
tiquer et il poursuit sa route. Il étale ses ennemis dun
coup de patte capable de briser un poteau électrique."
675,24,6,"Es greift mit mächtigen Armen an, die so stark sind,
dass sie Strommasten wie Streichhölzer umknicken
können. Gegenangriffe steckt es unbeeindruckt ein."
675,24,7,"No se arredra ante los ataques y embiste con una
fuerza tan abrumadora que sería capaz de derribar
un robusto poste telefónico de hormigón."
675,24,8,"Quando lotta, avanza impetuosamente senza curarsi
dei colpi nemici. Le sue braccia sono talmente forti
che potrebbe spezzare in due un palo della luce."
675,24,9,"It charges ahead and bashes its opponents like
a berserker, uncaring about any hits it might take.
Its arms are mighty enough to snap a telephone pole."
675,24,11,"攻撃を 受けても ひるまずに 突進して
電柱を へし折る
パワーの 腕力で ぶちのめす。"
675,25,1,"きしょうが あらく けんかっぱやいが
よわいものいじめは ゆるさない。
はっぱで てきの うごきを よむ。"
675,25,3,"성질이 거칠어 툭하면 싸우려 들지만
약자를 괴롭히는 일은 용서하지 않는다.
잎사귀로 적의 움직임을 읽는다."
675,25,5,"Dun tempérament fougueux, il ne supporte pas que
lon sen prenne aux faibles. Sa feuille lui permet
de deviner les actions de lennemi."
675,25,6,"Es ist sehr grob und streitlustig, lässt es aber nicht zu, dass
Schwächere gemobbt werden. Mit seinem Blatt erspürt es die
Bewegungen des Gegners."
675,25,7,"Es muy temperamental, pero no permite que nadie se meta
con los débiles. Mediante su hoja, predice los movimientos
del enemigo."
675,25,8,"Ha un carattere focoso e attaccabrighe, ma non sopporta
chi maltratta i più deboli. Usa la foglia che tiene in bocca
per prevedere i movimenti dei nemici."
675,25,9,"Although it possesses a violent temperament,
it wont put up with bullying. It uses the leaf in
its mouth to sense the movements of its enemies."
675,25,11,"気性が 荒く ケンカっ早いが
弱いものいじめは 許さない。
葉っぱで 敵の 動きを 読む。"
675,26,1,"こうげきを うけても ひるまずに
とっしんして でんちゅうを へしおる
パワーの わんりょくで ぶちのめす。"
675,26,3,"공격을 받아도 풀죽지 않고
돌진하며 전신주도 부러뜨리는
파워의 완력으로 때려눕힌다."
675,26,5,"Il encaisse les attaques de plein fouet sans même tiquer
et il poursuit sa route. Il étale ses ennemis dun coup de patte
capable de briser un poteau électrique."
675,26,6,"Es greift mit mächtigen Armen an, die so stark sind,
dass sie Strommasten wie Streichhölzer umknicken
können. Gegenangriffe steckt es unbeeindruckt ein."
675,26,7,"No se arredra ante los ataques y embiste con una fuerza tan
abrumadora que sería capaz de derribar un robusto poste
telefónico de hormigón."
675,26,8,"Quando lotta, avanza impetuosamente senza curarsi dei colpi
nemici. Le sue braccia sono talmente forti che potrebbe
spezzare in due un palo della luce."
675,26,9,"It charges ahead and bashes its opponents like
a berserker, uncaring about any hits it might take.
Its arms are mighty enough to snap a telephone pole."
675,26,11,"攻撃を 受けても ひるまずに 突進して
電柱を へし折る
パワーの 腕力で ぶちのめす。"
675,27,1,"うでっぷしが じまんで ごうかい。
ゴロンダの トレーナーに なりたいなら
こぶしで かたりあう しかない。"
675,27,3,"완력이 자랑거리이며 호쾌하다.
부란다의 트레이너가 되고 싶으면
주먹으로 이야기하는 수밖에 없다."
675,27,5,"Ses gros bras sont sa plus grande fierté. Si vous
voulez devenir un Dresseur de Pandarbare,
il va falloir jouer des poings!"
675,27,6,"Seine mächtigen Arme sind sehr imposant.
Wer als Pandagro-Trainer Karriere machen will,
muss wohl die Fäuste sprechen lassen!"
675,27,7,"Su aspecto imponente rinde justicia a la fuerza
de la que hace gala. Todo aspirante a entrenarlo
deberá entender el lenguaje de los puños."
675,27,8,"Va molto fiero dellenorme forza delle sue
braccia. Gli Allenatori sono avvisati: la lingua
che capisce meglio è quella dei pugni."
675,27,9,"It boasts superb physical strength. Those who
wish to become Pangoros Trainer have no
choice but to converse with their fists."
675,27,11,"腕っぷしが 自慢で 豪快。
ゴロンダの トレーナーに なりたいなら
拳で 語り合う しかない。"
675,28,1,"たけの はっぱの ゆれで てきの
うごきを よむ。 ケンカっぱやいが
なかまへの じょうは あつい。"
675,28,3,"대나무 잎의 움직임으로 적의
행동을 읽는다. 싸움꾼이지만
동료에 대한 정은 두텁다."
675,28,5,"Il peut détecter les mouvements ennemis grâce
aux vibrations de sa feuille. Avec ses amis,
ce grand lunatique a en fait le cœur sur la main."
675,28,6,"Mit seinem Blatt erspürt es die Bewegungen
des Gegners. Es ist sehr grob und streitlustig,
hält aber stets zu seinen Artgenossen."
675,28,7,"Predice los movimientos del enemigo mediante
su hoja. Pese a su carácter temperamental, se
muestra muy afable con sus compañeros."
675,28,8,"È un attaccabrighe, ma è anche generoso con gli
amici. Prevede i movimenti dei nemici dalle
vibrazioni della foglia che tiene in bocca."
675,28,9,"From the slight twitches of its bamboo leaf, it
deduces its opponents movements. Its eager to
tussle but kindhearted toward its companions."
675,28,11,"竹の 葉っぱの 揺れで 敵の
動きを 読む。 ケンカっ早いが
仲間への 情は 厚い。"
675,29,1,"うでっぷしが じまんの ワイルドな
ポケモン。 ごうかいな せいしつに
ほれこむ トレーナーも おおい。"
675,29,3,"완력을 뽐내는 와일드한
포켓몬. 호쾌한 성질에
반하는 트레이너도 많다."
675,29,5,"Ce Pokémon féroce est très fier de ses gros
bras. Beaucoup de Dresseurs lapprécient
pour son côté truculent."
675,29,6,"Ein ungezügeltes Pokémon, das mit seinen
Fäusten ordentlich austeilen kann. Viele Trainer
sind völlig vernarrt in sein energisches Wesen."
675,29,7,"Pokémon un tanto agresivo que se jacta de la
fuerza de sus puños. A muchos Entrenadores
les llama la atención su carácter atrevido."
675,29,8,"È aggressivo e va molto fiero della forza delle
sue braccia. Molti Allenatori vanno matti per
il suo carattere intrepido."
675,29,9,"This rowdy Pokémon boasts great physical
strength. Many Trainers are also smitten by its
lively character."
675,29,11,"腕っ節が 自慢の ワイルドな
ポケモン。 豪快な 性質に
惚れこむ トレーナーも 多い。"
675,30,1,"こぶしで かたる タイプ。 ガタガタ
いわず ぶんなぐり ダンプカーも
ふっとばす とっしんを かます。"
675,30,3,"주먹으로 이야기하는 타입이다.
긴말 없이 냅다 때려서
덤프트럭도 날려버리는 돌진을 먹인다."
675,30,5,"Il est du genre à laisser ses poings parler :
il martèle ses ennemis et charge avec assez
de force pour envoyer voler un camion-benne."
675,30,6,"Ein Pokémon, das lieber die Fäuste sprechen
lässt, als lange Reden zu schwingen. Selbst
Kipplaster fliegen meterweit, wenn es sie rammt."
675,30,7,"Prefiere solucionar las disputas a mamporros.
Puede embestir un camión y hacerlo volar por
los aires a largas distancias sin despeinarse."
675,30,8,"Preferisce parlare la lingua dei pugni. Si lancia
alla carica con un impeto tale da far prendere
il volo a un autocarro."
675,30,9,"Pangoro is the type to talk with its fists. It
doesnt say much as it pummels opponents with
enough force to send a dump truck flying."
675,30,11,"こぶしで 語る タイプ。 ガタガタ
いわず ぶん殴り ダンプカーも
ふっ飛ばす 突進を かます。"
675,33,1,"きしょうが あらく わんりょくで
だまらせる。 タチフサグマとの
いっきうちに とうしを もやす。"
675,33,3,"성질이 사나워서 완력으로 상대를
조용하게 만든다. 가로막구리와의
결투에 투지를 불태운다."
675,33,5,"Ce Pokémon agressif a recours à la force
pour faire taire ceux qui le contrarient.
Il adore combattre les Ixon."
675,33,6,"Dieses aggressive Pokémon bringt Gegner mit
seiner Muskelkraft zum Verstummen. Es liebt
Kämpfe gegen Barrikadax."
675,33,7,"Este Pokémon de carácter agresivo lo soluciona
todo a golpes. Desata su espíritu combativo al
enfrentarse a los Obstagoon."
675,33,8,"Ha unindole focosa e sistema ogni diatriba con
la forza delle braccia. Il suo spirito combattivo
arde quando lotta con Obstagoon."
675,33,9,"This Pokémon is quick to anger, and it has no
problem using its prodigious strength to get its
way. It lives for duels against Obstagoon."
675,33,11,"気性が 荒く 腕力で
黙らせる。 タチフサグマとの
一騎打ちに 闘志を 燃やす。"
675,34,1,"はっぱで あいての うごきを よむ。
おおがた ダンプカーを いちげきで
スクラップにする パンチを もつ。"
675,34,3,"잎사귀로 상대의 움직임을 읽는다.
대형 덤프트럭을 일격에 고철로
만들어버리는 펀치를 가졌다."
675,34,5,"Il anticipe les mouvements de son adversaire
grâce à sa feuille. Ses coups de poing peuvent
réduire un camion-benne en un tas de ferraille."
675,34,6,"Mit seinem Blatt erspürt es die Bewegungen des
Gegners. Seine Schläge sind so stark, dass es
sogar Kipplaster zu Schrott verarbeiten kann."
675,34,7,"La hoja que lleva en la boca le permite predecir
los movimientos del rival. Puede reducir un
camión a chatarra de un solo puñetazo."
675,34,8,"Prevede i movimenti dei nemici dalle vibrazioni
della foglia che tiene in bocca. Con un pugno
può fare a pezzi un camion ribaltabile."
675,34,9,"Using its leaf, Pangoro can predict the moves of
its opponents. It strikes with punches that can
turn a dump truck into scrap with just one hit."
675,34,11,"葉っぱで 相手の 動きを 読む。
大型 ダンプカーを 一撃で
スクラップにする パンチを もつ。"
676,23,1,"ボサボサの たいもうを かりこむと
すがたが うつくしくなる だけでなく
からだの キレが よくなるのだ。"
676,23,3,"복슬복슬한 털을 깎고 다듬으면
모습이 아름다워질 뿐만 아니라
몸의 움직임도 좋아진다."
676,23,5,"Si son abondante fourrure gagne à être toilettée,
ce nest pas quune question de style. En effet, cela
lui permet également de se mouvoir plus librement."
676,23,6,"Schneidet man sein Fell zurecht, wird es
nicht nur schöner, sondern auch beweglicher."
676,23,7,"Cuando le esquilan su mullido pelaje, no solo mejora
su apariencia, sino que aumenta su agilidad."
676,23,8,"La toelettatura del manto vaporoso non solo lo rende
più bello, ma gli consente anche di muoversi
più liberamente."
676,23,9,"Trimming its fluffy fur not only makes
it more elegant but also increases the
swiftness of its movements."
676,23,11,"ボサボサの 体毛を 刈りこむと
姿が 美しくなる だけでなく
身体の キレが 良くなるのだ。"
676,24,1,"おおむかしの カロスちほうでは
おうさまを ごえいする やくめを
あたえられた ポケモン。"
676,24,3,"먼 옛날 칼로스지방에서
왕을 호위하는 역할을
맡았던 포켓몬이다."
676,24,5,"Il y a fort longtemps dans la région de Kalos,
ce Pokémon fut le gardien des rois et des reines."
676,24,6,"Vor langer Zeit wurde dieses Pokémon in der
Kalos-Region als Leibgarde des Königs eingesetzt."
676,24,7,"Antiguamente, estos Pokémon desempeñaban el
cometido de guardián del rey en la región de Kalos."
676,24,8,"Nellantica Kalos, questo Pokémon aveva il compito
di proteggere i re."
676,24,9,"Historically, in the Kalos region, these Pokémon
were the designated guardians of the king."
676,24,11,"大昔の カロス地方では
王様を 護衛する 役目を
与えられた ポケモン。"
676,25,1,"ボサボサの たいもうを かりこむと
すがたが うつくしくなる だけでなく
からだの キレが よくなるのだ。"
676,25,3,"복슬복슬한 털을 깎고 다듬으면
모습이 아름다워질 뿐만 아니라
몸의 움직임도 좋아진다."
676,25,5,"Si son abondante fourrure gagne à être toilettée, ce nest pas
quune question de style. En effet, cela lui permet également
de se mouvoir plus librement."
676,25,6,"Schneidet man sein Fell zurecht, wird es nicht nur schöner,
sondern auch beweglicher."
676,25,7,"Cuando le esquilan su mullido pelaje, no solo mejora su
apariencia, sino que aumenta su agilidad."
676,25,8,"La toelettatura del manto vaporoso non solo lo rende più
bello, ma gli consente anche di muoversi più liberamente."
676,25,9,"Trimming its fluffy fur not only makes
it more elegant but also increases the
swiftness of its movements."
676,25,11,"ボサボサの 体毛を 刈りこむと
姿が 美しくなる だけでなく
身体の キレが 良くなるのだ。"
676,26,1,"おおむかしの カロスちほうでは
おうさまを ごえいする やくめを
あたえられた ポケモン。"
676,26,3,"먼 옛날 칼로스지방에서
왕을 호위하는 역할을
맡았던 포켓몬이다."
676,26,5,"Il y a fort longtemps dans la région de Kalos, ce Pokémon fut
le gardien des rois et des reines."
676,26,6,"Vor langer Zeit wurde dieses Pokémon in der Kalos-Region
als Leibgarde des Königs eingesetzt."
676,26,7,"Antiguamente, estos Pokémon desempeñaban el cometido de
guardián del rey en la región de Kalos."
676,26,8,"Nellantica Kalos, questo Pokémon aveva il compito di
proteggere i re."
676,26,9,"Historically, in the Kalos region, these Pokémon
were the designated guardians of the king."
676,26,11,"大昔の カロス地方では
王様を 護衛する 役目を
与えられた ポケモン。"
676,29,1,"たいもうを いかに うつくしく
カットするか きぞくたちの あいだで
きそわれた じだいが あった。"
676,29,3,"털을 얼마나 아름답게
커트하는지 귀족들 사이에서
경쟁하던 시대가 있었다."
676,29,5,"Il fut un temps où la noblesse organisait
des concours pour déterminer quel Couafarel
arborait la plus belle coupe."
676,29,6,"Es gab eine Zeit, in der Adlige darum stritten,
wer seinem Coiffwaff den schönsten Schnitt
verpassen könne."
676,29,7,"Hubo una época en la que los aristócratas
competían entre ellos procurando que el corte
de pelo de su Furfrou fuera el mejor de todos."
676,29,8,"In passato i nobili gareggiavano tra loro per
stabilire quale Furfrou avesse il taglio più bello."
676,29,9,"There was an era when aristocrats would
compete to see who could trim their Furfrous
fur into the most exquisite style."
676,29,11,"体毛を いかに 美しく
カットするか 貴族たちの 間で
競われた 時代が あった。"
676,30,1,"ほうっておくと たいもうは どんどん
のびつづけるが しんらいした
ものにしか カットは ゆるさない。"
676,30,3,"가만히 두면 털이 점점
자라지만 신뢰하는 자가 아니면
커트를 허락하지 않는다."
676,30,5,"Sa fourrure pousse indéfiniment, mais il refuse
de se faire couper la toison par une personne
en qui il na pas confiance."
676,30,6,"Trimmt man sein Fell nicht regelmäßig, wächst es
ohne Unterlass. Allerdings lässt es sich nur von
jemandem frisieren, dem es traut."
676,30,7,"El pelo le crece sin cesar, pero solo deja que se
lo corten aquellos de quienes se fía plenamente."
676,30,8,"Se non viene tagliato, il suo pelo continua
a crescere a dismisura. Si lascia tosare
solamente dalle persone di cui si fida."
676,30,9,"Left alone, its fur will grow longer and longer,
but it will only allow someone it trusts to cut it."
676,30,11,"放っておくと 体毛は どんどん
伸び続けるが 信頼した
者にしか カットは 許さない。"
677,23,1,"きょうりょくな サイコパワーが
もれださないように ほうしゅつする
きかんを みみで ふさいでいるのだ。"
677,23,3,"강력한 사이코 파워가
새어 나가지 않도록
방출되는 기관을 귀로 막고 있다."
677,23,5,"Il couvre la source de ses pouvoirs psychiques hors
du commun avec ses oreilles afin déviter
les accidents."
677,23,6,"Damit die starken Psycho-Kräfte dieses Pokémon
nicht unkontrolliert nach außen dringen, ist das Organ,
das diese freisetzt, von seinen Ohren bedeckt."
677,23,7,"Protege con las orejas el órgano con el que irradia su
intenso poder psíquico para evitar que este se escape
al exterior."
677,23,8,"Copre con le orecchie gli organi che presiedono ai suoi
grandi poteri psichici per non perderne il controllo."
677,23,9,"The organ that emits its intense psychic power is
sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out."
677,23,11,"強力な サイコパワーが
漏れ出さないように 放出する 器官を
耳で ふさいでいるのだ。"
677,24,1,"100メートルいないの ものを
ふきとばす ほどの サイコパワーを
うまく コントロール できないのだ。"
677,24,3,"100m 이내에 있는 것을
날려버릴 정도의 사이코 파워를
잘 컨트롤하지 못한다."
677,24,5,"Il a quelques difficultés à contrôler son pouvoir
psychique. Grâce à celui-ci, il peut projeter en lair
tous les objets dans un rayon de 100 m."
677,24,6,"Es verfügt zwar über genug Psycho-Kräfte, um Objekte
in einem Umkreis von 100 m wegzublasen, aber es
kann sie noch nicht gut kontrollieren."
677,24,7,"Posee poderes psíquicos suficientes para lanzar por
los aires objetos situados en un radio de 100 metros,
pero carece de pericia para controlarlos."
677,24,8,"Controlla a fatica un potere psichico enorme, in grado
di scaraventare in aria oggetti nel raggio di 100 m."
677,24,9,"It has enough psychic energy to blast
everything within 300 feet of itself,
but it has no control over its power."
677,24,11,"100メートル以内の ものを
吹き飛ばす ほどの サイコパワーを
うまく コントロール できないのだ。"
677,25,1,"きょうりょくな サイコパワーが
もれださないように ほうしゅつする
きかんを みみで ふさいでいるのだ。"
677,25,3,"강력한 사이코 파워가
새어 나가지 않도록
방출되는 기관을 귀로 막고 있다."
677,25,5,"Il couvre la source de ses pouvoirs psychiques hors
du commun avec ses oreilles afin déviter les accidents."
677,25,6,"Damit die starken Psycho-Kräfte dieses Pokémon nicht
unkontrolliert nach außen dringen, ist das Organ, das diese
freisetzt, von seinen Ohren bedeckt."
677,25,7,"Protege con las orejas el órgano con el que irradia su intenso
poder psíquico para evitar que este se escape al exterior."
677,25,8,"Copre con le orecchie gli organi che presiedono ai suoi
grandi poteri psichici per non perderne il controllo."
677,25,9,"The organ that emits its intense psychic power is
sheltered by its ears to keep power from leaking out."
677,25,11,"強力な サイコパワーが
漏れ出さないように 放出する 器官を
耳で ふさいでいるのだ。"
677,26,1,"100メートルいないの ものを
ふきとばす ほどの サイコパワーを
うまく コントロール できないのだ。"
677,26,3,"100m 이내에 있는 것을
날려버릴 정도의 사이코 파워를
잘 컨트롤하지 못한다."
677,26,5,"Il a quelques difficultés à contrôler son pouvoir psychique.
Grâce à celui-ci, il peut projeter en lair tous les objets
dans un rayon de 100 m."
677,26,6,"Es verfügt zwar über genug Psycho-Kräfte, um Objekte in
einem Umkreis von 100 m wegzublasen, aber es kann sie
noch nicht gut kontrollieren."
677,26,7,"Posee poderes psíquicos suficientes para lanzar por los aires
objetos situados en un radio de 100 metros, pero carece de
pericia para controlarlos."
677,26,8,"Controlla a fatica un potere psichico enorme, in grado di
scaraventare in aria oggetti nel raggio di 100 m."
677,26,9,"It has enough psychic energy to blast
everything within 300 feet of itself,
but it has no control over its power."
677,26,11,"100メートル以内の ものを
吹き飛ばす ほどの サイコパワーを
うまく コントロール できないのだ。"
677,33,1,"いつも むひょうじょうだが じつは
きょうりょくな サイコパワーが
もれださないように ひっしなのだ。"
677,33,3,"언제나 무표정하지만 실제로는
강력한 사이코 파워가
새어 나가지 않게 하기 위해 필사적이다."
677,33,5,"Sous son masque inexpressif, il est en fait
constamment en train dessayer de contenir
ses puissants pouvoirs psychiques."
677,33,6,"Sein Gesicht ist stets ausdruckslos. Grund dafür
ist die enorme Anstrengung, die es aufbringen
muss, um seine Psycho-Kräfte zu kontrollieren."
677,33,7,"Su inexpresividad aparente esconde una lucha
titánica por contener su inmenso poder psíquico."
677,33,8,"Il suo sguardo è inespressivo, ma in realtà sta
facendo uno sforzo enorme per tenere sotto
controllo i suoi potentissimi poteri psichici."
677,33,9,"Though Espurrs expression never changes,
behind that blank stare is an intense struggle to
contain its devastating psychic power."
677,33,11,"いつも 無表情だが じつは
強力な サイコパワーが
漏れ出さないように 必死なのだ。"
677,34,1,"プロレスラーを ふきとばす ほどの
サイコパワーを うちに ひめているが
コントロールできずに こまっている。"
677,34,3,"프로레슬러를 날려 버릴 정도의
사이코 파워를 속에 지니고 있지만
컨트롤이 되지 않아 난처해하고 있다."
677,34,5,"Il possède des pouvoirs psychiques si puissants
quil peut faire valser un catcheur.
Malheureusement, il a du mal à les contrôler."
677,34,6,"Mit seinen Psycho-Kräften könnte es selbst
Profi-Wrestler vom Platz fegen. Es fällt ihm aber
schwer, diese Kräfte zu kontrollieren."
677,34,7,"Es capaz de mandar por los aires a un luchador
profesional gracias a sus poderes psíquicos, pero
tiene serios problemas para controlarlos."
677,34,8,"I suoi poteri psichici sono talmente forti da
scaraventare in aria un lottatore di wrestling,
ma ha seri problemi nel controllarli."
677,34,9,"Theres enough psychic power in Espurr to send a
wrestler flying, but because this power cant be
controlled, Espurr finds it troublesome."
677,34,11,"プロレスラーを 吹きとばす ほどの
サイコパワーを 内に 秘めているが
コントロールできずに 困っている。"
678,23,1,"きけんが せまると みみを もちあげ
10トン トラックを ひねりつぶす
サイコパワーを かいほうする。"
678,23,3,"위험이 다가오면 귀를 들어 올리고
10톤 트럭을 눌러 부술 정도의
사이코 파워를 방출한다."
678,23,5,"Sil se sent menacé, il lève les oreilles et déchaîne
un pouvoir psychique capable de réduire en miettes
un camion de 10 t."
678,23,6,"In Gefahrensituationen hebt es seine Ohren an und
setzt Psycho-Kräfte frei, die einen 10 t schweren LKW
zu Schrott verarbeiten können."
678,23,7,"Cuando percibe peligro, yergue sus orejas y desata un
poder psíquico capaz de levantar un camión de unas
10 toneladas."
678,23,8,"Se si sente minacciato, drizza le orecchie e libera un
potere psichico devastante, in grado di accartocciare
un camion da 10 t come se fosse una lattina."
678,23,9,"When in danger, it raises its ears and
releases enough psychic power to
grind a 10-ton truck into dust."
678,23,11,"危険が 迫ると 耳を 持ち上げ
10トン トラックを ひねりつぶす
サイコパワーを 解放する。"
678,24,1,"みみの うちがわの めだまもようから
サイコパワーを だすが あまりにも
きょうりょくなので ふさいでいる。"
678,24,3,"귀 안쪽의 눈알 모양에서
사이코 파워를 내지만
너무나도 강력하여 귀를 막고 있다."
678,24,5,"Les motifs en forme dyeux à lintérieur de ses oreilles
émettent une force psychique tellement puissante
quil est contraint de les garder couverts."
678,24,6,"Über das Augenmuster auf der Innenseite seiner Ohren
setzt es seine Psycho-Kräfte frei. Da diese aber viel zu
stark sind, hält es das Muster bedeckt."
678,24,7,"Las marcas en forma de ojos que tiene en las orejas
emiten poderes psíquicos, pero su potencia es tan
avasalladora que las mantiene tapadas."
678,24,8,"I motivi a forma di occhio allinterno delle orecchie
sono la fonte del suo potere psichico. Li tiene coperti
per controllarne limmensa potenza."
678,24,9,"The eyeball patterns on the interior of its ears
emit psychic energy. It keeps the patterns tightly
covered because that power is too immense."
678,24,11,"耳の 内側の 目玉模様から
サイコパワーを 出すが
あまりにも 強力なので ふさいでいる。"
678,25,1,"きけんが せまると みみを もちあげ
10トン トラックを ひねりつぶす
サイコパワーを かいほうする。"
678,25,3,"위험이 다가오면 귀를 들어 올리고
10톤 트럭을 눌러 부술 정도의
사이코 파워를 방출한다."
678,25,5,"Sil se sent menacé, il lève les oreilles et déchaîne un pouvoir
psychique capable de réduire en miettes un camion de 10 t."
678,25,6,"In Gefahrensituationen hebt es seine Ohren an und setzt
Psycho-Kräfte frei, die einen 10 t schweren LKW zu Schrott
verarbeiten können."
678,25,7,"Cuando percibe peligro, yergue sus orejas y desata un poder
psíquico capaz de levantar un camión de unas 10 toneladas."
678,25,8,"Se si sente minacciato, drizza le orecchie e libera un potere
psichico devastante, in grado di accartocciare un camion da
10 t come se fosse una lattina."
678,25,9,"When in danger, it raises its ears and
releases enough psychic power to
grind a 10-ton truck into dust."
678,25,11,"危険が 迫ると 耳を 持ち上げ
10トン トラックを ひねりつぶす
サイコパワーを 解放する。"
678,26,1,"みみの うちがわの めだまもようから
サイコパワーを だすが あまりにも
きょうりょくなので ふさいでいる。"
678,26,3,"귀 안쪽의 눈알 모양에서
사이코 파워를 내지만
너무나도 강력하여 귀를 막고 있다."
678,26,5,"Les motifs en forme dyeux à lintérieur de ses oreilles
émettent une force psychique tellement puissante quil est
contraint de les garder couverts."
678,26,6,"Über das Augenmuster auf der Innenseite seiner Ohren setzt
es seine Psycho-Kräfte frei. Da diese aber viel zu stark sind,
hält es das Muster bedeckt."
678,26,7,"Las marcas en forma de ojos que tiene en las orejas emiten
poderes psíquicos, pero su potencia es tan avasalladora que
las mantiene tapadas."
678,26,8,"I motivi a forma di occhio allinterno delle orecchie sono la
fonte del suo potere psichico. Li tiene coperti per controllarne
limmensa potenza."
678,26,9,"The eyeball patterns on the interior of its ears
emit psychic energy. It keeps the patterns tightly
covered because that power is too immense."
678,26,11,"耳の 内側の 目玉模様から
サイコパワーを 出すが
あまりにも 強力なので ふさいでいる。"
678,33,1,"みみの うちがわの めだまもようから
サイコパワーを はなつが ふだんは
その ちからを かくしている。"
678,33,3,"귀 안쪽의 눈알 모양에서
사이코 파워를 내지만 평소에는
그 힘을 숨기고 있다."
678,33,5,"Les motifs en forme dyeux, à lintérieur de ses
oreilles, sont la source de ses pouvoirs psychiques.
La plupart du temps, il cache ces pouvoirs."
678,33,6,"Über das Augenmuster auf der Innenseite seiner
Ohren kann es seine Psycho-Kräfte freisetzen.
Für gewöhnlich hält es sie aber verborgen."
678,33,7,"Emite sus poderes psíquicos por las marcas en
forma de ojos que tiene en las orejas, aunque,
por lo general, las mantiene ocultas."
678,33,8,"I motivi a forma di occhio allinterno delle
orecchie sono la fonte del suo potere psichico.
Di solito tiene nascosti i suoi poteri."
678,33,9,"Revealing the eyelike patterns on the insides of
its ears will unleash its psychic powers. It normally
keeps the patterns hidden, however."
678,33,11,"耳の 内側の 目玉模様から
サイコパワーを 放つが 普段は
その 力を 隠している。"
678,34,1,"オスは ぼうえい ほんのうが つよく
じぶんや パートナーを まもるときに
さいだいきゅうの パワーを だす。"
678,34,3,"수컷은 방어 본능이 강해서
자신과 파트너를 지킬 때
최대의 파워를 쓴다."
678,34,5,"Le mâle a un instinct de défense très développé.
Il nhésite pas à lancer une attaque à pleine
puissance pour protéger ses partenaires et lui."
678,34,6,"Männliche Psiaugon haben einen ausgeprägten
Beschützerinstinkt. Sie sind dann am stärksten,
wenn sie sich oder ihren Trainer verteidigen."
678,34,7,"El fuerte instinto protector de los machos los
lleva a liberar todo su poder cuando se trata de
defenderse a sí mismos o a su Entrenador."
678,34,8,"Il maschio ha un forte istinto protettivo.
Se deve difendere se stesso o il suo Allenatore,
attacca con una forza formidabile."
678,34,9,"The defensive instinct of the males is strong.
Its when theyre protecting themselves or their
partners that they unleash their full power."
678,34,11,"オスは 防衛本能が 強く
自分や パートナーを 守るときに
最大級の パワーを 出す。"
679,23,1,"ししゃの たましいが こだいの
つるぎに やどって うまれたらしい。
ひとに とりつき いのちを すう。"
679,23,3,"죽은 자의 혼이 고대의
검에 깃들어 태어났다고 한다.
사람에게 씌어 생명을 빨아들인다."
679,23,5,"Ce Pokémon naît quand lâme dun défunt prend
possession dune épée ancienne. Il saccroche aux
humains pour absorber leur énergie vitale."
679,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon wird geboren, wenn die Seele eines
Verstorbenen sich in einem Schwert festsetzt. Es heftet
sich an Menschen und saugt deren Lebenskraft aus."
679,23,7,"Cuentan que este Pokémon nace cuando el espíritu de
un difunto toma posesión de una espada antigua.
Se aferra a las personas y absorbe su energía."
679,23,8,"Sembra sia nato quando uno spirito si impossessò
di unantica spada. Si lega agli esseri umani per
assorbirne la forza vitale."
679,23,9,"Apparently this Pokémon is born when a
departed spirit inhabits a sword. It attaches itself
to people and drinks their life force."
679,23,11,"死者の 魂が 古代の 剣に
宿って 生まれたらしい。
人に とりつき 命を 吸う。"
679,24,1,"つるぎの つかを にぎった ひとの
うでに あおい ぬのを まきつけて
たおれるまで いのちを すいとる。"
679,24,3,"검의 자루를 잡은 사람의
팔에 파란 천을 감아서
쓰러질 때까지 목숨을 빨아들인다."
679,24,5,"Si quelquun saventure à lempoigner, il enroule son
étoffe bleue autour du bras de linfortuné et aspire
son énergie vitale jusquà ce que ce dernier sécroule."
679,24,6,"Es wickelt ein blaues Tuch um den Arm von Menschen,
die seinen Schwertgriff ergreifen, und absorbiert deren
Lebensenergie, bis sie zusammenbrechen."
679,24,7,"Si alguien osa empuñarlo, se enrolla en el brazo del
desafortunado con su paño azul y le absorbe toda la
energía hasta que pierde el sentido."
679,24,8,"Avvolge il drappo blu attorno al braccio di chiunque
si azzardi a impugnarne lelsa e assorbe la sua energia
fino a fargli perdere i sensi."
679,24,9,"If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps
a blue cloth around that persons arm and
drains that persons life energy completely."
679,24,11,"剣の 柄を 握った 人の 腕に
青い 布を 巻きつけて
倒れるまで 命を 吸い取る。"
679,25,1,"ししゃの たましいが こだいの
つるぎに やどって うまれたらしい。
ひとに とりつき いのちを すう。"
679,25,3,"죽은 자의 혼이 고대의
검에 깃들어 태어났다고 한다.
사람에게 씌어 생명을 빨아들인다."
679,25,5,"Ce Pokémon naît quand lâme dun défunt prend possession
dune épée ancienne. Il saccroche aux humains pour absorber
leur énergie vitale."
679,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon wird geboren, wenn die Seele eines
Verstorbenen sich in einem Schwert festsetzt. Es heftet
sich an Menschen und saugt deren Lebenskraft aus."
679,25,7,"Cuentan que este Pokémon nace cuando el espíritu de un
difunto toma posesión de una espada antigua. Se aferra a las
personas y absorbe su energía."
679,25,8,"Sembra sia nato quando uno spirito si impossessò di unantica
spada. Si lega agli esseri umani per assorbirne la forza vitale."
679,25,9,"Apparently this Pokémon is born when a
departed spirit inhabits a sword. It attaches itself
to people and drinks their life force."
679,25,11,"死者の 魂が 古代の 剣に
宿って 生まれたらしい。
人に とりつき 命を 吸う。"
679,26,1,"つるぎの つかを にぎった ひとの
うでに あおい ぬのを まきつけて
たおれるまで いのちを すいとる。"
679,26,3,"검의 자루를 잡은 사람의
팔에 파란 천을 감아서
쓰러질 때까지 목숨을 빨아들인다."
679,26,5,"Si quelquun saventure à lempoigner, il enroule son étoffe
bleue autour du bras de linfortuné et aspire son énergie vitale
jusquà ce que ce dernier sécroule."
679,26,6,"Es wickelt ein blaues Tuch um den Arm von Menschen,
die seinen Schwertgriff ergreifen, und absorbiert deren
Lebensenergie, bis sie zusammenbrechen."
679,26,7,"Si alguien osa empuñarlo, se enrolla en el brazo del
desafortunado con su paño azul y le absorbe toda la energía
hasta que pierde el sentido."
679,26,8,"Avvolge il drappo blu attorno al braccio di chiunque si azzardi
a impugnarne lelsa e assorbe la sua energia fino a fargli
perdere i sensi."
679,26,9,"If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps
a blue cloth around that persons arm and
drains that persons life energy completely."
679,26,11,"剣の 柄を 握った 人の 腕に
青い 布を 巻きつけて
倒れるまで 命を 吸い取る。"
679,33,1,"おおむかし この つるぎに よって
ころされた にんげんの たましいが
ヒトツキの たましいに なっている。"
679,33,3,"먼 옛날에 이 검에 의해
죽은 인간의 영혼이
단칼빙의 영혼이 되었다."
679,33,5,"Lâme de Monorpale est celle dun humain
qui a été tué il y a fort longtemps, par la même
lame qui forme maintenant son corps."
679,33,6,"Seine Seele ist die eines Menschen, der vor
langer Zeit durch dieses Schwert getötet wurde."
679,33,7,"Su alma es la de un ser humano que poseyó la
misma espada que lo abatió en tiempos remotos."
679,33,8,"La sua anima è quella di un essere umano ucciso
tanto tempo fa dalla spada che ora forma
il suo corpo."
679,33,9,"Honedges soul once belonged to a person who
was killed a long time ago by the sword that
makes up Honedges body."
679,33,11,"大昔 この 剣に よって
殺された 人間の 魂が
ヒトツキの 魂に なっている。"
679,34,1,"つるぎの つばの あおい めだまが
ヒトツキの ほんたい。 ふるびた
ぬので ひとの せいきを すいとる。"
679,34,3,"검의 가드 부분에 있는 푸른 눈동자가
단칼빙의 본체다. 낡은 천으로
사람의 생기를 빨아들인다."
679,34,5,"Lœil bleu sur la garde de la lame est le véritable
corps de Monorpale. Il aspire lénergie vitale
des gens avec son étoffe usée par le temps."
679,34,6,"Das blaue Auge auf der Parierstange ist sein
wahrer Körper. Mithilfe eines alten Tuchs
absorbiert es die Lebenskraft von Menschen."
679,34,7,"El ojo azul de la empuñadura es su verdadero
cuerpo. Absorbe la energía vital de las personas
con su paño de aspecto andrajoso."
679,34,8,"Locchio blu sullelsa della spada è il suo
vero corpo. Usa il drappo consunto per
assorbire la forza vitale degli uomini."
679,34,9,"The blue eye on the swords handguard is the
true body of Honedge. With its old cloth, it
drains peoples lives away."
679,34,11,"剣の 鍔の 青い 目玉が
ヒトツキの 本体。 古びた
布で 人の 生気を 吸い取る。"
680,23,1,"しんかして 2ほんに ぶんれつした。
テレパシーで かいわして れんけい
こうげきで てきを きりきざむ。"
680,23,3,"진화하여 2자루로 분열되었다.
텔레파시로 서로 대화하며
연계 공격으로 적을 조각낸다."
680,23,5,"En évoluant, Monorpale se divise en deux épées qui
communiquent par télépathie pour mieux découper
leur adversaire en morceaux."
680,23,6,"Bei seiner Entwicklung hat es sich in zwei Schwerter
geteilt. Es begegnet seinen Gegnern mit Attacken,
die es mittels Telepathie koordiniert."
680,23,7,"Al evolucionar se divide en dos espadas.
Se comunican entre sí mediante telepatía y
coordinan los ataques para rebanar al enemigo."
680,23,8,"Sdoppiatesi con levoluzione, le due parti comunicano
telepaticamente per lanciarsi in un attacco coordinato."
680,23,9,"When Honedge evolves, it divides into two swords,
which cooperate via telepathy to coordinate attacks
and slash their enemies to ribbons."
680,23,11,"進化して 2本に 分裂した。
テレパシーで 会話して
連係攻撃で 敵を 切り刻む。"
680,24,1,"2ほんの つるぎによる ふくざつな
れんぞく こうげきを ふせぐことは
けんの たつじんでも ふかのうだ。"
680,24,3,"2자루의 검에 의한 복잡한
연속 공격을 막는 것은
검의 달인일지라도 불가능하다."
680,24,5,"Même les sabreurs chevronnés sont incapables
de parer les assauts continus et complexes menés
de concert par ces deux épées."
680,24,6,"Nicht einmal ein Meister des Schwertkampfs kann
den komplizierten aufeinanderfolgenden Angriffen
der zwei Schwerter ausweichen."
680,24,7,"Ni siquiera el espadachín más ducho conseguiría
esquivar los complejos ataques que encadenan
ambas espadas a la vez."
680,24,8,"I fendenti vorticosi e velocissimi delle due spade
possono mettere in ginocchio anche gli spadaccini
più esperti."
680,24,9,"The complex attack patterns of its two swords
are unstoppable, even for an opponent
greatly accomplished at swordplay."
680,24,11,"2本の 剣による
複雑な 連続攻撃を 防ぐことは
剣の 達人でも 不可能だ。"
680,25,1,"しんかして 2ほんに ぶんれつした。
テレパシーで かいわして れんけい
こうげきで てきを きりきざむ。"
680,25,3,"진화하여 2자루로 분열되었다.
텔레파시로 서로 대화하며
연계 공격으로 적을 조각낸다."
680,25,5,"En évoluant, Monorpale se divise en deux épées qui
communiquent par télépathie pour mieux découper
leur adversaire en morceaux."
680,25,6,"Bei seiner Entwicklung hat es sich in zwei Schwerter geteilt.
Es begegnet seinen Gegnern mit Attacken, die es mittels
Telepathie koordiniert."
680,25,7,"Al evolucionar se divide en dos espadas. Se comunican entre
sí mediante telepatía y coordinan los ataques para rebanar al
680,25,8,"Sdoppiatesi con levoluzione, le due parti comunicano
telepaticamente per lanciarsi in un attacco coordinato."
680,25,9,"When Honedge evolves, it divides into two swords,
which cooperate via telepathy to coordinate attacks
and slash their enemies to ribbons."
680,25,11,"進化して 2本に 分裂した。
テレパシーで 会話して
連係攻撃で 敵を 切り刻む。"
680,26,1,"2ほんの つるぎによる ふくざつな
れんぞく こうげきを ふせぐことは
けんの たつじんでも ふかのうだ。"
680,26,3,"2자루의 검에 의한 복잡한
연속 공격을 막는 것은
검의 달인일지라도 불가능하다."
680,26,5,"Même les sabreurs chevronnés sont incapables de parer
les assauts continus et complexes menés de concert
par ces deux épées."
680,26,6,"Nicht einmal ein Meister des Schwertkampfs kann
den komplizierten aufeinanderfolgenden Angriffen
der zwei Schwerter ausweichen."
680,26,7,"Ni siquiera el espadachín más ducho conseguiría esquivar los
complejos ataques que encadenan ambas espadas a la vez."
680,26,8,"I fendenti vorticosi e velocissimi delle due spade possono
mettere in ginocchio anche gli spadaccini più esperti."
680,26,9,"The complex attack patterns of its two swords
are unstoppable, even for an opponent
greatly accomplished at swordplay."
680,26,11,"2本の 剣による
複雑な 連続攻撃を 防ぐことは
剣の 達人でも 不可能だ。"
680,33,1,"しんかして ふたごに なった。
やいばを こすりあわせて ならす
きんぞくおんで あいてを いかく。"
680,33,3,"진화해서 쌍둥이가 되었다.
칼날을 맞부딪혀서 내는
금속음으로 상대를 위협한다."
680,33,5,"Il sest dédoublé en évoluant.
Il intimide ses ennemis à grands coups de bruits
métalliques en entrechoquant ses deux lames."
680,33,6,"Bei der Entwicklung hat es sich verdoppelt. Es
reibt seine Klingen aneinander, um Gegner mit
einem metallenen Geräusch einzuschüchtern."
680,33,7,"Su espada se duplicó durante su proceso de
evolución. Intimida a los rivales con el chirrido
metálico que produce al frotar ambas hojas."
680,33,8,"Si è duplicato con levoluzione. Minaccia
lavversario con il suono metallico che
produce sfregando le sue due lame."
680,33,9,"Honedge evolves into twins. The two blades
rub together to emit a metallic sound that
unnerves opponents."
680,33,11,"進化して 双子に なった。
刃を 擦り合わせて 鳴らす
金属音で 相手を 威嚇。"
680,34,1,"2ほんの つるぎは こうげきと
ぼうぎょが めまぐるしく いれかわる
せんぽうで えものを しとめる。"
680,34,3,"2자루의 검이 공격과 방어를
어지러울 정도로 빠르게 바꾸는
전법으로 먹이의 숨통을 끊는다."
680,34,5,"Ses deux lames abattent leurs proies
en enchaînant les attaques et les parades
à un rythme effréné."
680,34,6,"Seine zwei Schwerter wechseln sich in einer
hektischen Aufeinanderfolge von Angriff und
Verteidigung ab, um seine Beute zu erlegen."
680,34,7,"Su táctica para abatir a las presas consiste en
alternar ataque y defensa de forma frenética
entre ambas espadas."
680,34,8,"Le due spade abbattono la preda alternando
mosse di attacco e di difesa a un ritmo
680,34,9,"The two swords employ a strategy of rapidly
alternating between offense and defense to
bring down their prey."
680,34,11,"2本の 剣は 攻撃と
防御が 目まぐるしく 入れ替わる
戦法で 獲物を しとめる。"
681,23,1,"れきだいの おうが つれていた。
れいりょくで ひとや ポケモンの
こころを あやつり したがわせる。"
681,23,3,"역대 왕들이 데리고 있었다.
영험한 힘으로 사람이나 포켓몬의
마음을 조종하여 복종하게 한다."
681,23,5,"Ils ont fait le bonheur de générations de rois.
Leurs pouvoirs psychiques leur permettent de
contrôler hommes et Pokémon."
681,23,6,"Generationen von Königen hatten dieses Pokémon
an ihrer Seite. Mit seiner mysteriösen Kraft kann es
Menschen und Pokémon gleichermaßen kontrollieren."
681,23,7,"Han permanecido junto a estirpes de reyes durante
generaciones. Mediante su poder espectral pueden
controlar a humanos y a Pokémon."
681,23,8,"Ha accompagnato generazioni di re. È in grado di
controllare e manipolare esseri umani e Pokémon col
suo potere spettrale."
681,23,9,"Generations of kings were attended by these
Pokémon, which used their spectral power to
manipulate and control people and Pokémon."
681,23,11,"歴代の 王が 連れていた。
霊力で 人や ポケモンの
心を 操り 従わせる。"
681,24,1,"おうの そしつを もつ にんげんを
みぬくらしい。みとめられた ひとは
やがて おうになると いわれている。"
681,24,3,"왕의 기질을 가진 인간을
간파하는 듯하다. 인정받은 자는
이윽고 왕이 된다고 한다."
681,24,5,"Il peut déceler les qualités régaliennes dans les âmes
humaines. On raconte que celui ou celle qui obtient
sa faveur deviendra à coup sûr roi ou reine."
681,24,6,"Angeblich erkennt es jene Menschen, die Potenzial
zum Herrscher haben. Es heißt, von ihm anerkannte
Personen seien bald darauf Könige geworden."
681,24,7,"Al parecer, puede intuir si un humano tiene madera
de rey. Según se dice, las personas que obtuvieron
su reconocimiento acabaron siendo reyes."
681,24,8,"Si dice che sia in grado di riconoscere chi possiede le
qualità per diventare re e che le persone da lui
indicate siano effettivamente destinate al trono."
681,24,9,"Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities
of leadership. According to legend, whoever it
recognizes is destined to become king."
681,24,11,"王の 素質を 持つ 人間を
見抜くらしい。認められた 人は
やがて 王になると 言われている。"
681,25,1,"れきだいの おうが つれていた。
れいりょくで ひとや ポケモンの
こころを あやつり したがわせる。"
681,25,3,"역대 왕들이 데리고 있었다.
영험한 힘으로 사람이나 포켓몬의
마음을 조종하여 복종하게 한다."
681,25,5,"Ils ont fait le bonheur de générations de rois. Leurs pouvoirs
psychiques leur permettent de contrôler hommes et Pokémon."
681,25,6,"Generationen von Königen hatten dieses Pokémon an ihrer
Seite. Mit seiner mysteriösen Kraft kann es Menschen und
Pokémon gleichermaßen kontrollieren."
681,25,7,"Han permanecido junto a estirpes de reyes durante
generaciones. Mediante su poder espectral pueden controlar
a humanos y a Pokémon."
681,25,8,"Ha accompagnato generazioni di re. È in grado di controllare
e manipolare esseri umani e Pokémon col suo potere spettrale."
681,25,9,"Generations of kings were attended by these
Pokémon, which used their spectral power to
manipulate and control people and Pokémon."
681,25,11,"歴代の 王が 連れていた。
霊力で 人や ポケモンの
心を 操り 従わせる。"
681,26,1,"おうの そしつを もつ にんげんを
みぬくらしい。みとめられた ひとは
やがて おうになると いわれている。"
681,26,3,"왕의 기질을 가진 인간을
간파하는 듯하다. 인정받은 자는
이윽고 왕이 된다고 한다."
681,26,5,"Il peut déceler les qualités régaliennes dans les âmes
humaines. On raconte que celui ou celle qui obtient
sa faveur deviendra à coup sûr roi ou reine."
681,26,6,"Angeblich erkennt es jene Menschen, die Potenzial zum
Herrscher haben. Es heißt, von ihm anerkannte Personen
seien bald darauf Könige geworden."
681,26,7,"Al parecer, puede intuir si un humano tiene madera de rey.
Según se dice, las personas que obtuvieron su reconocimiento
acabaron siendo reyes."
681,26,8,"Si dice che sia in grado di riconoscere chi possiede le
qualità per diventare re e che le persone da lui indicate
siano effettivamente destinate al trono."
681,26,9,"Apparently, it can detect the innate qualities
of leadership. According to legend, whoever it
recognizes is destined to become king."
681,26,11,"王の 素質を 持つ 人間を
見抜くらしい。認められた 人は
やがて 王になると 言われている。"
681,33,1,"はがねの からだと れいりょくの
バリアで あらゆる こうげきを
よわめる ぼうぎょの たいせい。"
681,33,3,"강철로 된 몸과 영험한 힘을 가진
배리어로 모든 공격을
약하게 만드는 방어적인 태세."
681,33,5,"Grâce à son corps en acier et à sa barrière
psychique, il peut se défendre en affaiblissant
toutes sortes dattaques."
681,33,6,"Mit seinem stählernen Körper und der Barriere,
die es durch eine mysteriöse Kraft erzeugt,
vermag es jegliche Angriffe abzuschwächen."
681,33,7,"Gracias a su cuerpo de acero y a una barrera de
poder espectral, crea una defensa que le permite
mitigar prácticamente cualquier ataque."
681,33,8,"Con il suo corpo metallico e la sua barriera
psichica può opporre una difesa in grado di
indebolire qualsiasi tipo di attacco."
681,33,9,"In this defensive stance, Aegislash uses its steel
body and a force field of spectral power to
reduce the damage of any attack."
681,33,11,"鋼の 体と 霊力の
バリアで あらゆる 攻撃を
弱める 防御の 体勢。"
681,34,1,"きょうりょくな れいりょくで ひとや
ポケモンを あやつり ギルガルドに
つごうの よい くにを つくらせた。"
681,34,3,"강력한 영력으로 사람과
포켓몬을 조종해 킬가르도의
입맛에 맞는 나라를 만들게 했다."
681,34,5,"Grâce à ses puissants pouvoirs spirituels,
il a contrôlé des humains et des Pokémon
pour créer un pays conforme à ses idéaux."
681,34,6,"Mithilfe seiner mysteriösen Kräfte kontrollierte es
Menschen und Pokémon und ließ sie ein Land
nach seinen Vorstellungen erschaffen."
681,34,7,"Mediante el control ejercido con su inmenso
poder espectral, logró que humanos y Pokémon
le forjaran un país a medida de sus necesidades."
681,34,8,"Ha manipolato il pensiero di esseri umani e
Pokémon con il suo potere spettrale facendogli
costruire un paese adatto alle sue esigenze."
681,34,9,"Its potent spectral powers allow it to manipulate
others. It once used its powers to force people
and Pokémon to build a kingdom to its liking."
681,34,11,"強力な 霊力で 人や
ポケモンを 操り ギルガルドに
都合の 良い 国を つくらせた。"
682,23,1,"かいだ ものを うっとりさせる
かおりを からだから ただよわせる。
たべた もので かおりが かわる。"
682,23,3,"냄새를 맡은 자를 황홀하게 만드는
향기를 몸에서 풍긴다.
먹은 먹이에 따라 향기가 달라진다."
682,23,5,"Son corps dégage un parfum qui envoûte ceux qui le
respirent et change en fonction de son alimentation."
682,23,6,"Der von ihm verströmte Duft verzückt jeden, der ihn
riecht. Je nachdem, was es frisst, ändert sich sein Duft."
682,23,7,"Su cuerpo emana una fragancia que embelesa a quien
la huele. La fragancia es diferente según los alimentos
que ingiere."
682,23,8,"Il suo corpo emette un profumo che inebria chi lo
annusa. La fragranza cambia in base a ciò che mangia."
682,23,9,"It emits a scent that enraptures those
who smell it. This fragrance changes
depending on what it has eaten."
682,23,11,"かいだ 者を うっとりさせる
香りを 体から 漂わせる。
食べた もので 香りが 変わる。"
682,24,1,"むかしの きふじんたちは こうすいの
かわりに このみの かおりを だす
シュシュプを つれていた。"
682,24,3,"옛 귀부인들은 향수 대신에
좋아하는 향을 내는
슈쁘를 데리고 다녔다."
682,24,5,"Par le passé, les femmes de la noblesse ne se
parfumaient pas, mais étaient accompagnées
dun Fluvetin exhalant leur parfum favori."
682,24,6,"In der Vergangenheit hatten vornehme Damen, anstatt
Parfüm zu benutzen, immer ein Parfi dabei, das ihren
Lieblingsduft verströmte."
682,24,7,"Antaño, las damas de la nobleza llevaban un Spritzee
consigo que desprendía su aroma preferido, en vez de
utilizar un perfume convencional."
682,24,8,"Si dice che nellantichità, al posto del profumo,
le nobildonne portassero sempre con loro questo
Pokémon, che diffondeva la loro fragranza preferita."
682,24,9,"In the past, rather than using perfume,
royal ladies carried a Spritzee
that would waft a fragrance they liked."
682,24,11,"昔の 貴婦人たちは 香水の かわりに
好みの 香りを 出す
シュシュプを 連れていたという。"
682,25,1,"かいだ ものを うっとりさせる
かおりを からだから ただよわせる。
たべた もので かおりが かわる。"
682,25,3,"냄새를 맡은 자를 황홀하게 만드는
향기를 몸에서 풍긴다.
먹은 먹이에 따라 향기가 달라진다."
682,25,5,"Son corps dégage un parfum qui envoûte ceux qui le respirent
et change en fonction de son alimentation."
682,25,6,"Der von ihm verströmte Duft verzückt jeden, der ihn riecht.
Je nachdem, was es frisst, ändert sich sein Duft."
682,25,7,"Su cuerpo emana una fragancia que embelesa a quien la
huele. La fragancia es diferente según los alimentos que
682,25,8,"Il suo corpo emette un profumo che inebria chi lo annusa.
La fragranza cambia in base a ciò che mangia."
682,25,9,"It emits a scent that enraptures those
who smell it. This fragrance changes
depending on what it has eaten."
682,25,11,"かいだ 者を うっとりさせる
香りを 体から 漂わせる。
食べた もので 香りが 変わる。"
682,26,1,"むかしの きふじんたちは こうすいの
かわりに このみの かおりを だす
シュシュプを つれていた。"
682,26,3,"옛 귀부인들은 향수 대신에
좋아하는 향을 내는
슈쁘를 데리고 다녔다."
682,26,5,"Par le passé, les femmes de la noblesse ne se parfumaient
pas, mais étaient accompagnées dun Fluvetin exhalant
leur parfum favori."
682,26,6,"In der Vergangenheit hatten vornehme Damen, anstatt Parfüm
zu benutzen, immer ein Parfi dabei, das ihren Lieblingsduft
682,26,7,"Antaño, las damas de la nobleza llevaban un Spritzee consigo
que desprendía su aroma preferido, en vez de utilizar un
perfume convencional."
682,26,8,"Si dice che nellantichità, al posto del profumo, le nobildonne
portassero sempre con loro questo Pokémon, che diffondeva
la loro fragranza preferita."
682,26,9,"In the past, rather than using perfume,
royal ladies carried a Spritzee
that would waft a fragrance they liked."
682,26,11,"昔の 貴婦人たちは 香水の かわりに
好みの 香りを 出す
シュシュプを 連れていたという。"
682,33,1,"たいないの においぶくろで においを
つくる ポケモン。 えさが かわると
つくられる においも かわる。"
682,33,3,"체내에 있는 향기주머니로 향기를
만들어 내는 포켓몬. 먹이가 바뀌면
만들어 내는 향기도 바뀐다."
682,33,5,"Ce Pokémon sécrète son doux parfum grâce
à un organe en forme de poche. Sil modifie
son alimentation, lodeur de son parfum change."
682,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon erzeugt Gerüche mithilfe einer
Drüse in seinem Körper. Je nach Futter kann es
unterschiedliche Düfte produzieren."
682,33,7,"Posee un órgano interno con el cual produce una
fragancia que varía en función de los alimentos
que ingiere."
682,33,8,"Questo Pokémon possiede un organo interno che
produce profumo. Il tipo di profumo cambia a
seconda del cibo di cui si nutre."
682,33,9,"A scent pouch within this Pokémons body allows
it to create various scents. A change in its diet
will alter the fragrance it produces."
682,33,11,"体内の におい袋で においを
つくる ポケモン。 エサが 変わると
つくられる においも 変わる。"
682,34,1,"ひとを みりょうする かぐわしい
においを からだから ただよわせる。
こうきな ふじんたちに あいされた。"
682,34,3,"사람을 매료하는 황홀한
냄새를 몸에서 풍긴다.
귀부인들에게 사랑받았다."
682,34,5,"Une douce odeur qui charme les gens émane
de son corps. Les dames nobles raffolaient de lui."
682,34,6,"Von seinem Körper geht ein süßer Duft aus, der
einfach jeden bezaubert. Bei den vornehmen
Damen des Adels war es besonders beliebt."
682,34,7,"Su cuerpo emana una fragancia que embelesa a
quien la huele. Llegó a ser muy apreciado entre
las damas de la nobleza."
682,34,8,"Il suo corpo emana un profumo irresistibile che
ammalia gli esseri umani. Era particolarmente
amato dalle nobildonne."
682,34,9,"The scent its body gives off enraptures those
who smell it. Noble ladies had no shortage of
love for Spritzee."
682,34,11,"人を 魅了する 香しい
においを 体から 漂わせる。
高貴な 婦人たちに 愛された。"
683,23,1,"さまざまな においを つくりだす。
あいての いやがる においを だして
たたかいを ゆうりに すすめるのだ。"
683,23,3,"여러 가지 향기를 만들어 낸다.
상대가 싫어하는 냄새를 내보내
싸움을 유리하게 이끌어 나간다."
683,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est capable démettre toutes sortes
dodeurs pour incommoder son adversaire et
augmenter ses chances de gagner."
683,23,6,"Es produziert verschiedene Düfte. Im Kampf verschafft
es sich einen Vorteil, indem es einen Duft verströmt,
der dem Gegner zuwider ist."
683,23,7,"Puede producir multitud de olores diferentes y, en
combate, secreta los que le resultan molestos al
enemigo para así contar con cierta ventaja."
683,23,8,"È in grado di emanare profumi di diversi tipi. Durante
la lotta, mette in difficoltà i nemici emettendo odori
683,23,9,"It devises various scents, pleasant and unpleasant,
and emits scents that its enemies dislike in order
to gain an edge in battle."
683,23,11,"さまざまな においを 作り出す。
相手の 嫌がる においを 出して
戦いを 有利に 進めるのだ。"
683,24,1,"においが つよすぎるため
よほど すきな トレーナーでなければ
つれて あるくのは キツイのだ。"
683,24,3,"향기가 지나치게 강하기 때문에
어지간히 좋아하는 트레이너가 아니면
데리고 다니기 힘들다."
683,24,5,"Son parfum est tellement capiteux quun Dresseur
nappréciant pas pleinement son odeur aura toutes
les difficultés du monde à cheminer à ses côtés."
683,24,6,"Sein Duft ist so stark, dass es für einen Trainer,
der seinen Duft nicht mag, schwer ist, es an
seiner Seite zu haben."
683,24,7,"La fragancia que despide es tan potente que solo
podría caminar a su lado un Entrenador que tenga
especial predilección por ese aroma."
683,24,8,"Emette un profumo intensissimo. Se un Allenatore non
è un assoluto estimatore di quel particolare aroma,
avrà grosse difficoltà anche solo a stargli vicino."
683,24,9,"Its scent is so overpowering that, unless a Trainer
happens to really enjoy the smell, he or she will
have a hard time walking alongside it."
683,24,11,"においが 強すぎるため
よほど 好きな トレーナーでなければ
連れて 歩くのは キツイのだ。"
683,25,1,"さまざまな においを つくりだす。
あいての いやがる においを だして
たたかいを ゆうりに すすめるのだ。"
683,25,3,"여러 가지 향기를 만들어 낸다.
상대가 싫어하는 냄새를 내보내
싸움을 유리하게 이끌어 나간다."
683,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est capable démettre toutes sortes dodeurs
pour incommoder son adversaire et augmenter ses chances
de gagner."
683,25,6,"Es produziert verschiedene Düfte. Im Kampf verschafft es sich
einen Vorteil, indem es einen Duft verströmt, der dem Gegner
zuwider ist."
683,25,7,"Puede producir multitud de olores diferentes y, en combate,
secreta los que le resultan molestos al enemigo para así
contar con cierta ventaja."
683,25,8,"È in grado di emanare profumi di diversi tipi. Durante la lotta,
mette in difficoltà i nemici emettendo odori sgradevoli."
683,25,9,"It devises various scents, pleasant and unpleasant,
and emits scents that its enemies dislike in order
to gain an edge in battle."
683,25,11,"さまざまな においを 作り出す。
相手の 嫌がる においを 出して
戦いを 有利に 進めるのだ。"
683,26,1,"においが つよすぎるため
よほど すきな トレーナーでなければ
つれて あるくのは キツイのだ。"
683,26,3,"향기가 지나치게 강하기 때문에
어지간히 좋아하는 트레이너가 아니면
데리고 다니기 힘들다."
683,26,5,"Son parfum est tellement capiteux quun Dresseur nappréciant
pas pleinement son odeur aura toutes les difficultés du monde
à cheminer à ses côtés."
683,26,6,"Sein Duft ist so stark, dass es für einen Trainer, der seinen
Duft nicht mag, schwer ist, es an seiner Seite zu haben."
683,26,7,"La fragancia que despide es tan potente que solo podría
caminar a su lado un Entrenador que tenga especial
predilección por ese aroma."
683,26,8,"Emette un profumo intensissimo. Se un Allenatore non è un
assoluto estimatore di quel particolare aroma, avrà grosse
difficoltà anche solo a stargli vicino."
683,26,9,"Its scent is so overpowering that, unless a Trainer
happens to really enjoy the smell, he or she will
have a hard time walking alongside it."
683,26,11,"においが 強すぎるため
よほど 好きな トレーナーでなければ
連れて 歩くのは キツイのだ。"
683,33,1,"たいもうから きょうれつな においを
いつも だしているため パートナーは
はなが きかなくなってしまうのだ。"
683,33,3,"털에서 항상 강렬한 향기를
내보내기 때문에 파트너는
후각이 둔해지게 된다."
683,33,5,"Un parfum capiteux émane constamment
de sa fourrure. Ce parfum est si fort quil peut
priver son Dresseur dodorat."
683,33,6,"Von seinem Fell strömt ein derart intensiver
Geruch aus, dass die Nase seines Trainers
irgendwann unweigerlich den Geist aufgibt."
683,33,7,"La fragancia que despide su pelaje es tan
potente que puede dejar sin olfato a su
683,33,8,"Il suo pelo emette un profumo così intenso
da compromettere irrimediabilmente lolfatto
del suo Allenatore."
683,33,9,"The scent that constantly emits from its fur is so
powerful that this Pokémons companions will
eventually lose their sense of smell."
683,33,11,"体毛から 強烈な においを
いつも 出しているため パートナーは
鼻が 利かなくなってしまうのだ。"
683,34,1,"てきの たたかう きもちを なくす
あくしゅうや みかたを たすける
かぐわしい かおりを つくりだす。"
683,34,3,"상대의 전의를 상실시키는
악취와 같은 편을 돕는
황홀한 향기를 만들어 낸다."
683,34,5,"Il peut émettre une puanteur si infâme quelle
prive ses ennemis de leur combativité, ou un
parfum si réconfortant quil encourage ses alliés."
683,34,6,"Es kann üblen Gestank verströmen, der seinen
Gegnern den Kampfeswillen raubt, oder wohlige
Düfte erzeugen, die seinen Mitstreitern helfen."
683,34,7,"Puede emanar tanto un olor desagradable para
desmotivar al rival como un dulce aroma para
reconfortar a los aliados en combate."
683,34,8,"Può produrre un tanfo così tremendo da far
passare ai nemici la voglia di lottare, e un
profumo così buono da incoraggiare gli alleati."
683,34,9,"The scents Aromatisse can produce range from
sweet smells that bolster allies to foul smells
that sap an opponents will to fight."
683,34,11,"敵の 戦う 気持ちを なくす
悪臭や 味方を 助ける
香しい 香りを つくりだす。"
684,23,1,"わたあめのような あまくて ベタつく
しろい いとを だして あいてを
からめとり うごきを ふうじる。"
684,23,3,"솜사탕 같은 달고 끈적끈적한
하얀 실을 내뿜어 상대를
휘감고 움직이지 못하게 한다."
684,23,5,"Il immobilise son adversaire à laide de filaments
blancs, sucrés et collants qui ressemblent à de la
barbe à papa."
684,23,6,"Es stößt weiße Fäden aus, die so süß und klebrig wie
Zuckerwatte sind. Mit ihnen umwickelt es den Gegner
und hindert ihn daran, sich zu bewegen."
684,23,7,"Escupe hebras pegajosas de color blanco y textura
parecida a la del algodón de azúcar, con las que
envuelve al enemigo y le impide que se mueva."
684,23,8,"Immobilizza il nemico avvolgendolo in filamenti
bianchi, dolci e appiccicosi, simili a zucchero filato."
684,23,9,"To entangle its opponents in battle, it extrudes
white threads as sweet and sticky as cotton candy."
684,23,11,"わたあめのような 甘くて ベタつく
白い 糸を 出して
相手を 絡め取り 動きを 封じる。"
684,24,1,"あまいもの ばかりを たべているので
たいもうが わたあめのように
あまく ベタベタしている。"
684,24,3,"달콤한 것만 먹기 때문에
몸의 털이 솜사탕처럼
달고 끈적끈적하다."
684,24,5,"Il se gave de sucreries à longueur de journée, à tel
point que sa fourrure finit par ressembler à de la barbe
à papa, sucrée et poisseuse."
684,24,6,"Es frisst nur Süßigkeiten, weshalb sein Fell so süß
und klebrig wie Zuckerwatte ist."
684,24,7,"Como se alimenta exclusivamente de dulces, su
pelaje es tan pegajoso y dulzón como el algodón
de azúcar."
684,24,8,"Poiché mangia solo cose dolci, il suo pelo ha
la consistenza e il sapore dello zucchero filato."
684,24,9,"Because it eats nothing but sweets,
its fur is as sticky sweet as cotton candy."
684,24,11,"甘いもの ばかりを 食べているので
体毛が わたあめのように
甘く ベタベタしている。"
684,25,1,"わたあめのような あまくて ベタつく
しろい いとを だして あいてを
からめとり うごきを ふうじる。"
684,25,3,"솜사탕 같은 달고 끈적끈적한
하얀 실을 내뿜어 상대를
휘감고 움직이지 못하게 한다."
684,25,5,"Il immobilise son adversaire à laide de filaments blancs,
sucrés et collants qui ressemblent à de la barbe à papa."
684,25,6,"Es stößt weiße Fäden aus, die so süß und klebrig wie
Zuckerwatte sind. Mit ihnen umwickelt es den Gegner
und hindert ihn daran, sich zu bewegen."
684,25,7,"Escupe hebras pegajosas de color blanco y textura parecida a
la del algodón de azúcar, con las que envuelve al enemigo y
le impide que se mueva."
684,25,8,"Immobilizza il nemico avvolgendolo in filamenti bianchi, dolci
e appiccicosi, simili a zucchero filato."
684,25,9,"To entangle its opponents in battle, it extrudes
white threads as sweet and sticky as cotton candy."
684,25,11,"わたあめのような 甘くて ベタつく
白い 糸を 出して
相手を 絡め取り 動きを 封じる。"
684,26,1,"あまいもの ばかりを たべているので
たいもうが わたあめのように
あまく ベタベタしている。"
684,26,3,"달콤한 것만 먹기 때문에
몸의 털이 솜사탕처럼
달고 끈적끈적하다."
684,26,5,"Il se gave de sucreries à longueur de journée, à tel point
que sa fourrure finit par ressembler à de la barbe à papa,
sucrée et poisseuse."
684,26,6,"Es frisst nur Süßigkeiten, weshalb sein Fell so süß und klebrig
wie Zuckerwatte ist."
684,26,7,"Como se alimenta exclusivamente de dulces, su pelaje es tan
pegajoso y dulzón como el algodón de azúcar."
684,26,8,"Poiché mangia solo cose dolci, il suo pelo ha la consistenza
e il sapore dello zucchero filato."
684,26,9,"Because it eats nothing but sweets,
its fur is as sticky sweet as cotton candy."
684,26,11,"甘いもの ばかりを 食べているので
体毛が わたあめのように
甘く ベタベタしている。"
684,33,1,"1にちに たべる さとうは じぶんの
たいじゅうと おなじ。 とうぶんが
たりないと ひどく ふきげんになる。"
684,33,3,"하루에 자신의 체중만큼의
설탕을 먹는다. 당분이
부족하면 매우 기분이 나빠진다."
684,33,5,"Il mange son propre poids en sucre chaque jour.
Sil na pas sa dose de sucreries, il devient
horriblement grognon."
684,33,6,"Die Menge an Zucker, die es pro Tag verschlingt,
entspricht seinem Körpergewicht. Bekommt es
nicht genügend Zucker, wird es unausstehlich."
684,33,7,"Ingiere diariamente una cantidad de azúcar
equivalente a su peso corporal. De lo contrario,
se pone de muy mal humor."
684,33,8,"Mangia ogni giorno una quantità di zucchero pari
al peso del suo corpo. Quando il suo livello di
glucosio cala troppo, diventa di cattivo umore."
684,33,9,"It eats its own weight in sugar every day.
If it doesnt get enough sugar, it becomes
incredibly grumpy."
684,33,11,"1日に 食べる 砂糖は 自分の
体重と 同じ。 糖分が
足りないと ひどく 不機嫌になる。"
684,34,1,"ふわふわの たいもうは わたあめの
ように あまい におい。 べたつく
いとを だして てきを からめとる。"
684,34,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 솜사탕처럼
달콤한 냄새가 난다.
끈끈한 실을 내어 상대를 묶어버린다."
684,34,5,"Sa douce fourrure possède une odeur sucrée
comme la barbe à papa. Il produit des filaments
gluants pour empêtrer ses adversaires."
684,34,6,"Sein flauschiges Fell duftet süß wie Zuckerwatte.
Es stößt klebrige Fäden aus, mit denen es seine
Gegner umwickelt."
684,34,7,"Su esponjoso pelaje desprende un olor dulzón
como el del algodón de azúcar. Escupe hebras
pegajosas con las que envuelve a sus enemigos."
684,34,8,"La sua soffice pelliccia emette un dolce
profumo di zucchero filato. Avvolge il nemico
con filamenti appiccicosi."
684,34,9,"The sweet smell of cotton candy perfumes
Swirlixs fluffy fur. This Pokémon spits out
sticky string to tangle up its enemies."
684,34,11,"ふわふわの 体毛は 綿飴の
ように 甘い におい。 べたつく
糸を 出して 敵を 絡めとる。"
685,23,1,"わずかな においでも かぎわける
びんかんな きゅうかくを いかして
パティシエの てつだいを している。"
685,23,3,"아주 약간의 냄새도 구별할 수 있는
민감한 후각을 살려
파티시에를 돕고 있다."
685,23,5,"La finesse de son odorat lui permet de distinguer
les nuances de parfums les plus subtiles, ce qui en
fait un compagnon idéal pour les pâtissiers."
685,23,6,"Es verfügt über einen feinen Geruchssinn, mit dem
es selbst die schwächsten Gerüche erkennen kann.
Es hilft deshalb oft in Konditoreien aus."
685,23,7,"Puede rastrear hasta el más débil de los olores. Hace
uso de su fino olfato para ayudar a los pasteleros más
685,23,8,"È dotato di un olfatto sensibilissimo che gli permette
di distinguere anche gli odori più sottili. Si serve di
questo talento per aiutare i pasticcieri."
685,23,9,"It can distinguish the faintest of scents.
It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use
by helping pastry chefs in their work."
685,23,11,"わずかな においでも かぎわける
敏感な きゅうかくを 活かして
パティシエの 手伝いを している。"
685,24,1,"きゅうかくは ひとの 1おくばい。
くうきちゅうの わずかな においで
まわりの ようすが すべて わかる。"
685,24,3,"후각이 사람의 1억 배이다.
공기 중의 미세한 냄새로
주위의 상황을 전부 파악할 수 있다."
685,24,5,"Son odorat est des millions de fois plus développé
que celui dun humain. Il se repère dans lespace
grâce aux odeurs qui flottent autour de lui."
685,24,6,"Sein Geruchssinn ist mehrere Millionen Mal stärker als
der des Menschen. Durch die schwächsten Gerüche
in der Luft weiß es, was in seiner Umgebung vorgeht."
685,24,7,"Su sentido del olfato es varios millones de veces más
agudo que el de un humano. Con él percibe lo que
sucede a su alrededor, por sutil que sea el olor."
685,24,8,"Il suo olfatto è milioni di volte più sviluppato di quello
degli esseri umani. Grazie ad esso, riesce a percepire
lambiente circostante attraverso gli odori più sottili."
685,24,9,"Its sense of smell is 100 million times better than
a humans, so even the faintest scent tells it about
everything in the area. Its like it can see with its nose!"
685,24,11,"きゅうかくは 人の 1億倍以上。
空気中に 漂う わずかな においで
まわりの 様子が すべて わかる。"
685,25,1,"わずかな においでも かぎわける
びんかんな きゅうかくを いかして
パティシエの てつだいを している。"
685,25,3,"아주 약간의 냄새도 구별할 수 있는
민감한 후각을 살려
파티시에를 돕고 있다."
685,25,5,"La finesse de son odorat lui permet de distinguer les nuances
de parfums les plus subtiles, ce qui en fait un compagnon idéal
pour les pâtissiers."
685,25,6,"Es verfügt über einen feinen Geruchssinn, mit dem es selbst
die schwächsten Gerüche erkennen kann. Es hilft deshalb oft
in Konditoreien aus."
685,25,7,"Puede rastrear hasta el más débil de los olores. Hace uso de
su fino olfato para ayudar a los pasteleros más exquisitos."
685,25,8,"È dotato di un olfatto sensibilissimo che gli permette di
distinguere anche gli odori più sottili. Si serve di questo
talento per aiutare i pasticcieri."
685,25,9,"It can distinguish the faintest of scents.
It puts its sensitive sense of smell to use
by helping pastry chefs in their work."
685,25,11,"わずかな においでも かぎわける
敏感な きゅうかくを 活かして
パティシエの 手伝いを している。"
685,26,1,"きゅうかくは ひとの 1おくばい。
くうきちゅうの わずかな においで
まわりの ようすが すべて わかる。"
685,26,3,"후각이 사람의 1억 배이다.
공기 중의 미세한 냄새로
주위의 상황을 전부 파악할 수 있다."
685,26,5,"Son odorat est des millions de fois plus développé que celui
dun humain. Il se repère dans lespace grâce aux odeurs
qui flottent autour de lui."
685,26,6,"Sein Geruchssinn ist mehrere Millionen Mal stärker als der
des Menschen. Durch die schwächsten Gerüche in der Luft
weiß es, was in seiner Umgebung vorgeht."
685,26,7,"Su sentido del olfato es varios millones de veces más agudo
que el de un humano. Con él percibe lo que sucede a su
alrededor, por sutil que sea el olor."
685,26,8,"Il suo olfatto è milioni di volte più sviluppato di quello degli
esseri umani. Grazie ad esso, riesce a percepire lambiente
circostante attraverso gli odori più sottili."
685,26,9,"Its sense of smell is 100 million times better than
a humans, so even the faintest scent tells it about
everything in the area. Its like it can see with its nose!"
685,26,11,"きゅうかくは 人の 1億倍以上。
空気中に 漂う わずかな においで
まわりの 様子が すべて わかる。"
685,33,1,"たいしゅうから こころと からだの
ちょうしを かぎとる。 いりょうへの
おうようが きたいされている。"
685,33,3,"체취로 몸과 마음의 상태를
알아낸다. 의료계에서 응용될
것으로 기대되고 있다."
685,33,5,"Il peut diagnostiquer létat de santé mentale et
physique de quelquun rien quà lodorat. Un tel
don pourrait avoir des applications en médecine."
685,33,6,"Es kann die körperliche und seelische Verfassung
anderer anhand ihres Körpergeruchs erkennen.
Dies versucht man für die Medizin zu nutzen."
685,33,7,"Puede percibir el estado físico y mental de
alguien solo con olerlo, lo que podría tener
aplicaciones útiles en el campo de la medicina."
685,33,8,"È in grado di comprendere lo stato fisico e
mentale altrui dallodore. Questa capacità
potrebbe essere molto utile in campo medico."
685,33,9,"By taking in a persons scent, it can sniff out their
mental and physical condition. Its hoped that
this skill will have many medical applications."
685,33,11,"体臭から 心と 体の
調子を 嗅ぎとる。 医療への
応用が 期待されている。"
685,34,1,"たいもうに たくさん くうきを
ふくんでいるので さわりごこちは
やわらかく みためより かるい。"
685,34,3,"털에 많은 공기를 담고 있어
촉감이 부드럽고
보기보다 가볍다."
685,34,5,"Sa fourrure est si aérée quelle le rend très doux
et très agréable au toucher, et bien plus léger
quil en a lair."
685,34,6,"Da in seinem Fell eine Menge Luft eingeschlossen
ist, fühlt es sich unheimlich weich an und ist
leichter, als es auf den ersten Blick aussieht."
685,34,7,"La gran cantidad de aire acumulada en su pelaje
le confiere un tacto aterciopelado y un peso muy
inferior al que aparenta."
685,34,8,"La grande quantità daria contenuta nella sua
pelliccia la rende soffice al tatto. È più leggero
di quanto possa sembrare."
685,34,9,"Slurpuffs fur contains a lot of air, making it soft
to the touch and lighter than it looks."
685,34,11,"体毛に たくさん 空気を
含んでいるので 触り心地は
柔らかく 見た目より 軽い。"
686,23,1,"はっこうたいの てんめつを みつめた
あいては めが くらみ たたかう
きもちが なくなってしまうのだ。"
686,23,3,"깜빡이는 발광체를 바라본
상대는 눈앞이 어두컴컴해져
전의를 상실해버리고 만다."
686,23,5,"Éblouis par les points lumineux qui clignotent sur son
corps, les ennemis perdent toute envie de se battre."
686,23,6,"Gegner, die auf die blinkenden Punkte an seinem
Körper blicken, werden geblendet und verlieren den
Willen zu kämpfen."
686,23,7,"Los enemigos que contemplan el titilante fulgor de su
brillante cuerpo terminan mareándose y pierden las
ganas de continuar combatiendo."
686,23,8,"I nemici che guardano la luce lampeggiante emessa
dal suo corpo rimangono abbagliati e perdono il loro
spirito combattivo."
686,23,9,"Opponents who stare at the flashing of the
light-emitting spots on its body become
dazed and lose their will to fight."
686,23,11,"発光体の 点滅を 見つめた 相手は
目が くらみ 戦う 気持ちが
686,24,1,"ひかりの てんめつで おそってきた
てきの せんいを なくしてしまう。
その すきに すがたを かくすのだ。"
686,24,3,"빛을 깜박여서 덮쳐온
적의 전의를 잃게 한다.
그 틈에 모습을 감춘다."
686,24,5,"Il ébranle le moral des ennemis lui cherchant noise
grâce aux clignotements quil émet.
Il profite de cette diversion pour se cacher."
686,24,6,"Mit den blinkenden Punkten auf seinem Körper raubt
es Gegnern den Kampfeswillen. Es nutzt diese
Gelegenheit, um sich zu verstecken."
686,24,7,"La luz intermitente que emite aplaca el ánimo de
lucha del enemigo. Aprovecha la ocasión para
686,24,8,"Fa lampeggiare i motivi sul suo corpo in una sequenza
ipnotica per far perdere lo spirito combattivo ai nemici,
riuscendo così a fuggire."
686,24,9,"It flashes the light-emitting spots on its body,
which drains its opponents will to fight.
It takes the opportunity to scuttle away and hide."
686,24,11,"光の 点滅で 襲ってきた 敵の
戦意を なくしてしまう。
その すきに 姿を くらますのだ。"
686,25,1,"はっこうたいの てんめつを みつめた
あいては めが くらみ たたかう
きもちが なくなってしまうのだ。"
686,25,3,"깜빡이는 발광체를 바라본
상대는 눈앞이 어두컴컴해져
전의를 상실해버리고 만다."
686,25,5,"Éblouis par les points lumineux qui clignotent sur son corps,
les ennemis perdent toute envie de se battre."
686,25,6,"Gegner, die auf die blinkenden Punkte an seinem Körper
blicken, werden geblendet und verlieren den Willen zu
686,25,7,"Los enemigos que contemplan el titilante fulgor de su brillante
cuerpo terminan mareándose y pierden las ganas de continuar
686,25,8,"I nemici che guardano la luce lampeggiante emessa dal suo
corpo rimangono abbagliati e perdono il loro spirito
686,25,9,"Opponents who stare at the flashing of the
light-emitting spots on its body become
dazed and lose their will to fight."
686,25,11,"発光体の 点滅を 見つめた 相手は
目が くらみ 戦う 気持ちが
686,26,1,"ひかりの てんめつで おそってきた
てきの せんいを なくしてしまう。
その すきに すがたを かくすのだ。"
686,26,3,"빛을 깜박여서 덮쳐온
적의 전의를 잃게 한다.
그 틈에 모습을 감춘다."
686,26,5,"Il ébranle le moral des ennemis lui cherchant noise grâce
aux clignotements quil émet. Il profite de cette diversion
pour se cacher."
686,26,6,"Mit den blinkenden Punkten auf seinem Körper raubt es
Gegnern den Kampfeswillen. Es nutzt diese Gelegenheit,
um sich zu verstecken."
686,26,7,"La luz intermitente que emite aplaca el ánimo de lucha del
enemigo. Aprovecha la ocasión para esconderse."
686,26,8,"Fa lampeggiare i motivi sul suo corpo in una sequenza ipnotica
per far perdere lo spirito combattivo ai nemici, riuscendo così
a fuggire."
686,26,9,"It flashes the light-emitting spots on its body,
which drains its opponents will to fight.
It takes the opportunity to scuttle away and hide."
686,26,11,"光の 点滅で 襲ってきた 敵の
戦意を なくしてしまう。
その すきに 姿を くらますのだ。"
686,29,1,"ひかりを てんめつさせて えものを
おびきよせると ながい しょくしゅで
からめとり うごきを ふうじるぞ。"
686,29,3,"빛을 깜박여 먹이를 꾀어내고
긴 촉수로 포박하여
움직이지 못하게 한다."
686,29,5,"Il attire ses proies en faisant clignoter
son corps, puis les immobilise en les enserrant
de ses longs tentacules."
686,29,6,"Mit den blinkenden Punkten auf seinem Körper
lockt es Beute an, um sie dann mit seinen langen
Tentakeln bewegungsunfähig zu machen."
686,29,7,"Los destellos que emite atraen a su presa, a la
que rodea con sus largos tentáculos e inmoviliza
por completo."
686,29,8,"Attira a sé la preda con luci lampeggianti
per poi immobilizzarla avvinghiandola con
i suoi tentacoli."
686,29,9,"It draws prey near with its blinking lights and
then wraps them up in its long tentacles and
holds them in place."
686,29,11,"光を 点滅させて 獲物を
おびきよせると 長い 触手で
絡めとり 動きを 封じるぞ。"
686,30,1,"なかまと じょうほう こうかんを
するとき からだの はっこうたいを
ふくざつな リズムで ひからせる。"
686,30,3,"동료와 정보 교환을 할 때
몸의 발광체를
복잡한 리듬으로 빛낸다."
686,30,5,"Il fait clignoter ses points lumineux à différentes
fréquences pour échanger des informations
avec ses congénères."
686,30,6,"Wenn es mit seinen Artgenossen kommuniziert,
lässt es die leuchtenden Punkte auf seinem
Körper in einem komplexen Rhythmus blinken."
686,30,7,"Los complejos patrones de destellos que emite
con sus órganos luminosos le permiten
comunicarse con sus congéneres."
686,30,8,"Scambia informazioni con i suoi simili facendo
lampeggiare i motivi sul suo corpo in sequenze
686,30,9,"When exchanging information with others of its
kind, it flashes the light-emitting spots on its
body in a complex rhythm."
686,30,11,"仲間と 情報 交換を
するとき 身体の 発光体を
複雑な リズムで 光らせる。"
686,33,1,"かいてんしながら はっこうたいを
てんめつ。 ひかりの パターンで
なかまと コミュニケーションする。"
686,33,3,"회전하면서 발광체를
깜빡인다. 빛의 패턴으로
동료와 의사소통한다."
686,33,5,"Il fait clignoter son corps lumineux en tournoyant.
Il communique avec ses congénères à laide
de signaux de lumière."
686,33,6,"Es dreht sich und lässt dabei Punkte auf seinem
Körper blinken. Durch bestimmte Lichtmuster
kann es mit seinen Artgenossen kommunizieren."
686,33,7,"Gira sobre sí mismo emitiendo luz intermitente
con la que crea señales para comunicarse con
los suyos."
686,33,8,"Gira su se stesso facendo lampeggiare i motivi
che ha sul corpo. Comunica con i suoi simili
emettendo segnali luminosi."
686,33,9,"It spins while making its luminescent spots flash.
These spots allow it to communicate with others
by using different patterns of light."
686,33,11,"回転しながら 発光体を
点滅。 光の パターンで
仲間と コミュニケーションする。"
686,34,1,"てきに はっこうたいの てんめつを
あびせて せんいを なくしてしまう。
その すきに にげだすのだ。"
686,34,3,"상대를 향해 발광체를 깜빡여서
전의를 상실시킨다.
그 틈에 도망간다."
686,34,5,"Il sape la combativité de son adversaire en faisant
clignoter son corps lumineux, puis profite
de cet instant de répit pour senfuir."
686,34,6,"Es lässt die Punkte auf seinem Körper blinken,
um Gegnern den Kampfeswillen zu rauben.
Diesen Moment nutzt es dann, um zu fliehen."
686,34,7,"Los destellos de luz intermitente que emite
aplacan el ánimo de lucha del enemigo, tras lo
que aprovecha para esconderse."
686,34,8,"Fa perdere ai nemici lo spirito combattivo
grazie alla luce lampeggiante che emette
dal suo corpo e ne approfitta per scappare."
686,34,9,"By exposing foes to the blinking of its
luminescent spots, Inkay demoralizes them,
and then it seizes the chance to flee."
686,34,11,"敵に 発光体の 点滅を
浴びせて 戦意を なくしてしまう。
その 隙に 逃げ出すのだ。"
687,23,1,"ポケモンで いちばん きょうりょくな
さいみんじゅつを つかう。あいてを
いのままに あやつってしまうのだ。"
687,23,3,"포켓몬 중에서 가장 강력한
최면술을 쓴다. 상대를
자기 마음대로 조종해버린다."
687,23,5,"Doté des pouvoirs hypnotiques les plus puissants
du règne des Pokémon, il manipule son adversaire
à sa guise."
687,23,6,"Unter allen Pokémon verfügt es über die stärksten
hypnotischen Kräfte, mit denen es Gegner nach
Belieben kontrollieren kann."
687,23,7,"Tiene a su disposición los poderes hipnóticos más
poderosos de entre todos los Pokémon. Controla al
enemigo a su voluntad."
687,23,8,"È il Pokémon con il potere ipnotico più forte in
assoluto. Può controllare a piacimento i suoi nemici."
687,23,9,"It wields the most compelling hypnotic powers
of any Pokémon, and it forces others to do
whatever it wants."
687,23,11,"ポケモンで 一番 強力な
催眠術を 使う。相手を 意のままに
687,24,1,"さいみんじゅつで おびきよせて
あたまの しょくしゅで からめとり
しょうかえきを あびせて しとめる。"
687,24,3,"최면술로 끌어들여서
머리의 촉수로 휘감아
소화액을 끼얹어 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
687,24,5,"Il attire ses ennemis en les hypnotisant, avant de les
enserrer de ses tentacules et de les neutraliser avec
son suc gastrique."
687,24,6,"Mit seinen hypnotischen Kräften lockt es Gegner an,
hält sie mit den Tentakeln an seinem Kopf fest und
zersetzt sie dann mit Verdauungssekret."
687,24,7,"Hipnotiza a su objetivo para atraerlo y lo aprisiona
con los tentáculos de su cabeza, para asestarle el
golpe de gracia rociándolo con sus jugos gástricos."
687,24,8,"Attira le prede con lipnosi, le cattura con i tentacoli
e le finisce spruzzando loro addosso i suoi succhi
687,24,9,"It lures its prey close with hypnotic motions,
then wraps its tentacles around it before
finishing it off with digestive fluids."
687,24,11,"催眠術で おびき寄せて
頭の 触手で 絡め取り
消化液を 浴びせて しとめる。"
687,25,1,"ポケモンで いちばん きょうりょくな
さいみんじゅつを つかう。あいてを
いのままに あやつってしまうのだ。"
687,25,3,"포켓몬 중에서 가장 강력한
최면술을 쓴다. 상대를
자기 마음대로 조종해버린다."
687,25,5,"Doté des pouvoirs hypnotiques les plus puissants du règne
des Pokémon, il manipule son adversaire à sa guise."
687,25,6,"Unter allen Pokémon verfügt es über die stärksten
hypnotischen Kräfte, mit denen es Gegner nach Belieben
kontrollieren kann."
687,25,7,"Tiene a su disposición los poderes hipnóticos más poderosos
de entre todos los Pokémon. Controla al enemigo a su
687,25,8,"È il Pokémon con il potere ipnotico più forte in assoluto.
Può controllare a piacimento i suoi nemici."
687,25,9,"It wields the most compelling hypnotic powers
of any Pokémon, and it forces others to do
whatever it wants."
687,25,11,"ポケモンで 一番 強力な
催眠術を 使う。相手を 意のままに
687,26,1,"さいみんじゅつで おびきよせて
あたまの しょくしゅで からめとり
しょうかえきを あびせて しとめる。"
687,26,3,"최면술로 끌어들여서
머리의 촉수로 휘감아
소화액을 끼얹어 꼼짝 못하게 한다."
687,26,5,"Il attire ses ennemis en les hypnotisant, avant de les enserrer
de ses tentacules et de les neutraliser avec son suc gastrique."
687,26,6,"Mit seinen hypnotischen Kräften lockt es Gegner an, hält sie
mit den Tentakeln an seinem Kopf fest und zersetzt sie dann
mit Verdauungssekret."
687,26,7,"Hipnotiza a su objetivo para atraerlo y lo aprisiona con los
tentáculos de su cabeza, para asestarle el golpe de gracia
rociándolo con sus jugos gástricos."
687,26,8,"Attira le prede con lipnosi, le cattura con i tentacoli e le
finisce spruzzando loro addosso i suoi succhi gastrici."
687,26,9,"It lures its prey close with hypnotic motions,
then wraps its tentacles around it before
finishing it off with digestive fluids."
687,26,11,"催眠術で おびき寄せて
頭の 触手で 絡め取り
消化液を 浴びせて しとめる。"
687,29,1,"きょうりょくな さいみんじゅつを
つかう。 それを りようし あくじを
はたらくものは あとを たたない。"
687,29,3,"강력한 최면술을 사용한다.
그것을 이용해 못된 짓을
하는 자들이 끊이지 않는다."
687,29,5,"Les personnes malintentionnées tentent
souvent de sapproprier ses grands pouvoirs
hypnotiques pour servir leurs mauvais desseins."
687,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann starke hypnotische
Kräfte einsetzen, die ständig von Halunken für
üble Machenschaften missbraucht werden."
687,29,7,"Posee grandes poderes hipnóticos de los que
innumerables criminales se aprovechan para
cometer delitos."
687,29,8,"Possiede incredibili poteri ipnotici che tanti
malintenzionati cercano di sfruttare a proprio
687,29,9,"When it comes to strong hypnosis, theres an
endless number of people who utilize Malamar
for their nefarious deeds."
687,29,11,"強力な さいみんじゅつを
使う。 それを 利用し 悪事を
働く者は 後を 絶たない。"
687,30,1,"どうたいの もようを ひからせて
エモノを あやつり おびき よせる。
ヒレさきは ばつぐんの きれあじ。"
687,30,3,"몸통에 있는 모양을 빛내서
먹이를 조종해 끌어들인다.
지느러미 끝은 굉장히 날카롭다."
687,30,5,"Il fait briller les motifs qui ornent son corps
afin dattirer ses proies. Lextrémité de ses
tentacules est aussi coupante quun rasoir."
687,30,6,"Mithilfe der blinkenden Muster an seinem Rumpf
hypnotisiert es seine Beute und lockt sie an. Die
Enden seiner Flossen sind rasiermesserscharf."
687,30,7,"Hipnotiza a su presa con las luces que emite su
torso y la atrae hacia sí. Las puntas de sus
tentáculos son extremadamente afiladas."
687,30,8,"Fa lampeggiare i motivi sul suo corpo per
attirare a sé la preda. Le estremità dei suoi
tentacoli sono affilatissime."
687,30,9,"It flashes the pattern on its torso to control its
prey and draw them in. The edges of its fins are
supremely sharp."
687,30,11,"胴体の 模様を 光らせて
エモノを 操り おびき よせる。
ヒレ先は 抜群の 切れ味。"
687,33,1,"はっこうたいの ひかりを みつめると
たちまち さいみんじょうたいになり
カラマネロに あやつられてしまう。"
687,33,3,"발광체의 빛을 보면
순식간에 최면 상태가 되어
칼라마네로에게 조종당한다."
687,33,5,"Il manipule à sa guise ceux qui se sont laissé
hypnotiser en observant son corps lumineux
trop longtemps."
687,33,6,"Blickt man in das Licht, das es mit seinem Körper
erzeugt, wird man sofort hypnotisiert und steht
danach unter der Kontrolle von Calamanero."
687,33,7,"Los destellos que emite sumen rápidamente en
un estado hipnótico al observador, que queda
bajo su control."
687,33,8,"Chi osserva troppo a lungo la luce dei motivi sul
suo corpo viene ipnotizzato e cade sotto il suo
687,33,9,"Gazing at its luminescent spots will quickly
induce a hypnotic state, putting the observer
under Malamars control."
687,33,11,"発光体の 光を 見つめると
たちまち 催眠状態になり
カラマネロに 操られてしまう。"
687,34,1,"れきしを かえるほどの だいじけんは
カラマネロの さいみん のうりょくが
かかわっていたと いわれている。"
687,34,3,"역사를 바꿀 정도의 큰 사건은
칼라마네로의 최면 능력과
관련이 있다고 전해진다."
687,34,5,"On raconte que ses pouvoirs hypnotiques
seraient à lorigine dévènements qui ont
bouleversé le cours de lHistoire."
687,34,6,"Man erzählt sich, dass die hypnotischen Kräfte
dieses Pokémon mit einigen geschichtsträchtigen
Ereignissen in Verbindung stehen."
687,34,7,"Se dice que sus poderes hipnóticos han influido
en grandes acontecimientos que han cambiado
el curso de la historia."
687,34,8,"Si dice che il potere ipnotico di questo Pokémon
abbia giocato un ruolo nei grandi avvenimenti
che hanno cambiato il corso della storia."
687,34,9,"Its said that Malamars hypnotic powers played
a role in certain history-changing events."
687,34,11,"歴史を 変えるほどの 大事件は
カラマネロの 催眠能力が
かかわっていたと いわれている。"
688,23,1,"2ひきの カメテテが ひとつの
いわで くらす。ケンカすると
どちらかが ほかの いわに うつる。"
688,23,3,"2마리의 거북손손이 하나의
바위에서 산다. 서로 싸우면
한쪽이 다른 바위로 옮겨 간다."
688,23,5,"Chaque rocher abrite deux Opermine.
Sils se disputent, lun dentre eux part à la recherche
dun nouveau logis."
688,23,6,"Bithora bewohnen jeweils zu zweit einen Felsen.
Entzweien sie sich im Streit, sucht sich eines
der beiden einen neuen Felsen als Unterkunft."
688,23,7,"Dos Binacle conviven en la misma roca, pero cuando
se produce un altercado entre ambos, uno de ellos se
muda a otra."
688,23,8,"I Binacle vivono su una roccia. Quando litigano, uno
dei due finisce per spostarsi su una pietra diversa."
688,23,9,"Two Binacle live together on one rock.
When they fight, one of them will move
to a different rock."
688,23,11,"2匹の カメテテが ひとつの 岩で
暮らす。ケンカすると どちらかが
他の 岩に 移る。"
688,24,1,"からだを のばす はんどうで いわを
もちあげて あるく。なみうちぎわで
ながされてきた かいそうを たべる。"
688,24,3,"몸을 늘린 반동으로 바위를
들어 올리며 걷는다. 물가로
흘러들어온 해조를 먹는다."
688,24,5,"Ils prennent de lélan avec tout leur corps et
soulèvent ainsi leur pierre pour se déplacer.
Ils mangent les algues échouées sur le rivage."
688,24,6,"Sie bewegen sich fort, indem sie durch Strecken beider
Extremitäten ihren Felsen anheben. Sie ernähren
sich von Seetang, der an die Küste gespült wurde."
688,24,7,"El impulso que cogen al erguirse les permite levantar
su roca y caminar. Se alimentan de las algas que la
marea arrastra hasta la orilla."
688,24,8,"Si muovono allungando il corpo a turno, in modo da
sollevare la pietra. Si nutrono di alghe portate a riva
dalle onde."
688,24,9,"They stretch and then contract, yanking their
rocks along with them in bold hops. They eat
seaweed that washes up on the shoreline."
688,24,11,"体を 伸ばす 反動で 岩を
持ち上げて 歩く。波打ち際で
流されてきた 海藻を 食べる。"
688,25,1,"2ひきの カメテテが ひとつの
いわで くらす。ケンカすると
どちらかが ほかの いわに うつる。"
688,25,3,"2마리의 거북손손이 하나의
바위에서 산다. 서로 싸우면
한쪽이 다른 바위로 옮겨 간다."
688,25,5,"Chaque rocher abrite deux Opermine. Sils se disputent,
lun dentre eux part à la recherche dun nouveau logis."
688,25,6,"Bithora bewohnen jeweils zu zweit einen Felsen. Entzweien sie
sich im Streit, sucht sich eines der beiden einen neuen Felsen
als Unterkunft."
688,25,7,"Dos Binacle conviven en la misma roca, pero cuando se
produce un altercado entre ambos, uno de ellos se muda
a otra."
688,25,8,"I Binacle vivono su una roccia. Quando litigano, uno dei due
finisce per spostarsi su una pietra diversa."
688,25,9,"Two Binacle live together on one rock.
When they fight, one of them will move
to a different rock."
688,25,11,"2匹の カメテテが ひとつの 岩で
暮らす。ケンカすると どちらかが
他の 岩に 移る。"
688,26,1,"からだを のばす はんどうで いわを
もちあげて あるく。なみうちぎわで
ながされてきた かいそうを たべる。"
688,26,3,"몸을 늘린 반동으로 바위를
들어 올리며 걷는다. 물가로
흘러들어온 해조를 먹는다."
688,26,5,"Ils prennent de lélan avec tout leur corps et soulèvent ainsi
leur pierre pour se déplacer. Ils mangent les algues échouées
sur le rivage."
688,26,6,"Sie bewegen sich fort, indem sie durch Strecken beider
Extremitäten ihren Felsen anheben. Sie ernähren sich
von Seetang, der an die Küste gespült wurde."
688,26,7,"El impulso que cogen al erguirse les permite levantar su roca
y caminar. Se alimentan de las algas que la marea arrastra
hasta la orilla."
688,26,8,"Si muovono allungando il corpo a turno, in modo da sollevare
la pietra. Si nutrono di alghe portate a riva dalle onde."
688,26,9,"They stretch and then contract, yanking their
rocks along with them in bold hops. They eat
seaweed that washes up on the shoreline."
688,26,11,"体を 伸ばす 反動で 岩を
持ち上げて 歩く。波打ち際で
流されてきた 海藻を 食べる。"
688,33,1,"2ひきが うみべの てごろな いわに
くっついて くらす。 まんちょうじ
きょうりょくして えさを あつめる。"
688,33,3,"2마리가 해변가의 적당한 바위에
달라붙어서 지낸다. 만조가 되면
협력해서 먹이를 모은다."
688,33,5,"Ils vivent par groupes de deux sur un rocher
qui leur convient en bord de mer. À marée haute,
le duo coopère pour capturer des proies."
688,33,6,"Zwei Exemplare hängen sich an einen passenden
Felsen in Küstennähe, um dort zu leben. Bei Flut
sammeln sie gemeinsam Nahrung."
688,33,7,"Dos Binacle conviven adheridos a una misma
roca a orillas del mar y colaboran para atrapar
a sus presas cuando sube la marea."
688,33,8,"Vivono in riva al mare attaccati a due a due su
rocce adatte. Quando sale la marea, i membri
di ciascun duo collaborano per raccogliere cibo."
688,33,9,"After two Binacle find a suitably sized rock, they
adhere themselves to it and live together.
They cooperate to gather food during high tide."
688,33,11,"2匹が 海辺の 手ごろな 岩に
くっついて 暮らす。 満潮時
協力して エサを 集める。"
688,34,1,"2ひきの いきが あわないと
こうげき ぼうぎょ どちらも
おろそかになり いきのこれない。"
688,34,3,"2마리의 호흡이 맞지 않으면
공격과 방어 어느 쪽도
변변치 않게 되어 살아남지 못한다."
688,34,5,"Il faut que les deux bras travaillent bien ensemble
sils souhaitent survivre, sinon leur défense
et leur attaque en souffrent grandement."
688,34,6,"Wenn die beiden Exemplare sich nicht gut
verstehen, werden sie in Angriff und Verteidigung
nachlässig und ihre Überlebenschancen sinken."
688,34,7,"Si no se llevan bien, no consiguen ni atacar ni
defenderse de forma eficaz y sus probabilidades
de supervivencia se reducen."
688,34,8,"Se non vanno daccordo non riescono né ad
attaccare né a difendersi efficacemente e la
loro probabilità di sopravvivenza si riduce."
688,34,9,"If the two dont work well together, both their
offense and defense fall apart. Without good
teamwork, they wont survive."
688,34,11,"2匹の 息が 合わないと
攻撃 防御 どちらも
おろそかになり 生き残れない。"
689,23,1,"しんかのとき 2ひきの カメテテが
7ひきに ぶんれつした ポケモン。
7ひきぶんの パワーで たたかう。"
689,23,3,"진화할 때 2마리의 거북손손이
7마리로 분열된 포켓몬이다.
7마리분의 파워로 싸운다."
689,23,5,"Après évolution, les deux Opermine laissent place
à sept créatures qui ont la puissance cumulée de
sept Opermine."
689,23,6,"Es entsteht bei der entwicklungsbedingten Aufspaltung
der beiden Bithora in sieben Vertreter ihrer Art.
Gemeinsam verfügen sie über die siebenfache Stärke."
689,23,7,"Al evolucionar, los dos Binacle se dividen y dan lugar
a siete criaturas que se aglomeran formando un
Barbaracle y suman su poder al combatir."
689,23,8,"Con levoluzione, i due Binacle si moltiplicano e il
Pokémon lotta con la forza di sette Binacle."
689,23,9,"When they evolve, two Binacle multiply into seven.
They fight with the power of seven Binacle."
689,23,11,"進化のとき 2匹の カメテテが
7匹に 分裂した ポケモン。
7匹分の パワーで 戦う。"
689,24,1,"てあしにも のうが あり かってに
うごけるが ふだんは あたまの
ガメノデスの めいれいに したがう。"
689,24,3,"손과 발에도 뇌가 있어 멋대로
움직일 수 있지만 보통은 머리인
거북손데스의 명령에 따른다."
689,24,5,"Ses jambes et ses bras sont dotés dune volonté
propre. Cependant, ils suivent généralement
les ordres donnés."
689,24,6,"Arme und Beine verfügen über eigene Gehirne, was
ihnen relative Bewegungsfreiheit gewährt. Sie ordnen
sich jedoch zumeist den Befehlen des Kopfes unter."
689,24,7,"Si bien todas las extremidades de Barbaracle tienen
cerebro propio y se mueven a su antojo, suelen
seguir las órdenes que imparte la cabeza."
689,24,8,"I Binacle delle gambe e delle braccia hanno cervelli
indipendenti, ma generalmente seguono le direttive
di quello della testa."
689,24,9,"Barbaracles legs and hands have minds
of their own, and they will move independently.
But they usually follow the heads orders."
689,24,11,"手足にも 脳が あり
勝手に 動けるが 普段は
頭の ガメノデスの 命令に 従う。"
689,25,1,"しんかのとき 2ひきの カメテテが
7ひきに ぶんれつした ポケモン。
7ひきぶんの パワーで たたかう。"
689,25,3,"진화할 때 2마리의 거북손손이
7마리로 분열된 포켓몬이다.
7마리분의 파워로 싸운다."
689,25,5,"Après évolution, les deux Opermine laissent place à sept
créatures qui ont la puissance cumulée de sept Opermine."
689,25,6,"Es entsteht bei der entwicklungsbedingten Aufspaltung der
beiden Bithora in sieben Vertreter ihrer Art. Gemeinsam
verfügen sie über die siebenfache Stärke."
689,25,7,"Al evolucionar, los dos Binacle se dividen y dan lugar a siete
criaturas que se aglomeran formando un Barbaracle y suman
su poder al combatir."
689,25,8,"Con levoluzione, i due Binacle si moltiplicano e il Pokémon
lotta con la forza di sette Binacle."
689,25,9,"When they evolve, two Binacle multiply into seven.
They fight with the power of seven Binacle."
689,25,11,"進化のとき 2匹の カメテテが
7匹に 分裂した ポケモン。
7匹分の パワーで 戦う。"
689,26,1,"てあしにも のうが あり かってに
うごけるが ふだんは あたまの
ガメノデスの めいれいに したがう。"
689,26,3,"손과 발에도 뇌가 있어 멋대로
움직일 수 있지만 보통은 머리인
거북손데스의 명령에 따른다."
689,26,5,"Ses jambes et ses bras sont dotés dune volonté propre.
Cependant, ils suivent généralement les ordres donnés."
689,26,6,"Arme und Beine verfügen über eigene Gehirne, was ihnen
relative Bewegungsfreiheit gewährt. Sie ordnen sich jedoch
zumeist den Befehlen des Kopfes unter."
689,26,7,"Si bien todas las extremidades de Barbaracle tienen cerebro
propio y se mueven a su antojo, suelen seguir las órdenes
que imparte la cabeza."
689,26,8,"I Binacle delle gambe e delle braccia hanno cervelli
indipendenti, ma generalmente seguono le direttive
di quello della testa."
689,26,9,"Barbaracles legs and hands have minds
of their own, and they will move independently.
But they usually follow the heads orders."
689,26,11,"手足にも 脳が あり
勝手に 動けるが 普段は
頭の ガメノデスの 命令に 従う。"
689,33,1,"7ひきの カメテテが 1ぴきぶんの
からだを つくっている。 あたまが
てあしに めいれいする しくみ。"
689,33,3,"7마리의 거북손손이 1마리의
몸을 이루고 있다. 머리가
손발에 명령하는 구조다."
689,33,5,"Sept Opermine sassemblent pour former
un Golgopathe. La tête commande les autres
689,33,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus sieben verschiedenen
Bithora, wobei der Kopf das Sagen über die
anderen Gliedmaßen hat."
689,33,7,"Su cuerpo está formado por siete Binacle. El
situado en la posición central a modo de cabeza
suele impartir las órdenes a las extremidades."
689,33,8,"Il suo corpo è formato da sette Binacle.
Quello che occupa la posizione della testa
coordina gli altri."
689,33,9,"Seven Binacle come together to form one
Barbaracle. The Binacle that serves as the head
gives orders to those serving as the limbs."
689,33,11,"7匹の カメテテが 1匹分の
体を つくっている。 頭が
手足に 命令する 仕組み。"
689,34,1,"てのひらの めだまが ぜんごさゆうを
みはる。 ピンチのときは てあしが
かってに うごいて てきを たおす。"
689,34,3,"손바닥의 눈동자가 전후좌우를
감시한다. 위기에 처하면 손발이
멋대로 움직여 적을 쓰러뜨린다."
689,34,5,"Il scrute les environs avec les yeux de ses paumes.
En cas durgence, ses membres peuvent prendre
des initiatives pour triompher de lennemi."
689,34,6,"Die Augen auf den Händen überwachen sein
gesamtes Umfeld. In Notsituationen greifen
Arme und Beine eigenständig an."
689,34,7,"Los ojos de las manos le permiten ver en todas
direcciones. En caso de apuro, sus extremidades
se mueven solas para derribar al enemigo."
689,34,8,"Gli occhi sulle sue mani hanno una visuale a 360
gradi. Quando è in difficoltà, i suoi arti agiscono
autonomamente per sconfiggere il nemico."
689,34,9,"Having an eye on each palm allows it to keep
watch in all directions. In a pinch, its limbs start
to act on their own to ensure the enemys defeat."
689,34,11,"手のひらの 目玉が 前後左右を
見張る。 ピンチのときは 手足が
勝手に 動いて 敵を 倒す。"
690,23,1,"くさった かいそうに ぎたいする。
きづかずに ちかよってきた えものに
どくえきを あびせて しとめる。"
690,23,3,"썩은 해조로 위장한다.
눈치채지 못하고 가까이 다가온
사냥감에 독액을 끼얹어 잡는다."
690,23,5,"Il se cache parmi les algues en décomposition pour
mieux approcher ses proies, quil achève en les
aspergeant de poison."
690,23,6,"Als verfaulter Seetang getarnt, lauert es auf Beute und
bespritzt alles und jeden, der sich ahnungslos nähert,
mit flüssigem Gift, bevor es ihm den Rest gibt."
690,23,7,"Adopta la apariencia de algas podridas y lanza un
líquido venenoso a las presas desprevenidas que
pasan cerca."
690,23,8,"Si mimetizza assumendo laspetto della vegetazione
marina in decomposizione. Spruzza sulle prede ignare
un liquido velenoso per poi finirle."
690,23,9,"Camouflaged as rotten kelp, they spray
liquid poison on prey that approaches
unawares and then finish it off."
690,23,11,"腐った 海藻に 擬態する。
気づかずに 近寄ってきた 獲物に
毒液を 浴びせて しとめる。"
690,24,1,"くさった かいそうに そっくり。
てきの めを ごまかしながら
しんかする ちからを たくわえる。"
690,24,3,"썩은 해조와 똑같이 생겼다.
적의 눈을 속이며
진화할 힘을 비축한다."
690,24,5,"Sa ressemblance avec le varech pourri est
confondante. Il se soustrait à lattention de
ses ennemis en attendant de pouvoir évoluer."
690,24,6,"Mit seinem an verfaulten Seetang erinnernden
Aussehen führt es den Gegner in die Irre, während
es selbst Energie zur Weiterentwicklung speichert."
690,24,7,"Es idéntico a un alga podrida. Mientras burla al
enemigo, acumula energía para evolucionar."
690,24,8,"Il suo aspetto ricorda la vegetazione marina in
decomposizione. Sfugge ai nemici mimetizzandosi e
resta nascosto accumulando energie per levoluzione."
690,24,9,"It looks just like rotten kelp. It hides from foes
while storing up power for its evolution."
690,24,11,"腐った 海藻に そっくり。
敵の 目を ごまかしながら
進化する 力を 蓄える。"
690,25,1,"くさった かいそうに ぎたいする。
きづかずに ちかよってきた えものに
どくえきを あびせて しとめる。"
690,25,3,"썩은 해조로 위장한다.
눈치채지 못하고 가까이 다가온
사냥감에 독액을 끼얹어 잡는다."
690,25,5,"Il se cache parmi les algues en décomposition pour mieux
approcher ses proies, quil achève en les aspergeant
de poison."
690,25,6,"Als verfaulter Seetang getarnt, lauert es auf Beute und
bespritzt alles und jeden, der sich ahnungslos nähert,
mit flüssigem Gift, bevor es ihm den Rest gibt."
690,25,7,"Adopta la apariencia de algas podridas y lanza un líquido
venenoso a las presas desprevenidas que pasan cerca."
690,25,8,"Si mimetizza assumendo laspetto della vegetazione marina
in decomposizione. Spruzza sulle prede ignare un liquido
velenoso per poi finirle."
690,25,9,"Camouflaged as rotten kelp, they spray
liquid poison on prey that approaches
unawares and then finish it off."
690,25,11,"腐った 海藻に 擬態する。
気づかずに 近寄ってきた 獲物に
毒液を 浴びせて しとめる。"
690,26,1,"くさった かいそうに そっくり。
てきの めを ごまかしながら
しんかする ちからを たくわえる。"
690,26,3,"썩은 해조와 똑같이 생겼다.
적의 눈을 속이며
진화할 힘을 비축한다."
690,26,5,"Sa ressemblance avec le varech pourri est confondante.
Il se soustrait à lattention de ses ennemis en attendant
de pouvoir évoluer."
690,26,6,"Mit seinem an verfaulten Seetang erinnernden Aussehen
führt es den Gegner in die Irre, während es selbst Energie
zur Weiterentwicklung speichert."
690,26,7,"Es idéntico a un alga podrida. Mientras burla al enemigo,
acumula energía para evolucionar."
690,26,8,"Il suo aspetto ricorda la vegetazione marina in
decomposizione. Sfugge ai nemici mimetizzandosi e resta
nascosto accumulando energie per levoluzione."
690,26,9,"It looks just like rotten kelp. It hides from foes
while storing up power for its evolution."
690,26,11,"腐った 海藻に そっくり。
敵の 目を ごまかしながら
進化する 力を 蓄える。"
690,29,1,"もくずに まぎれ おおきなポケモンに
おそわれないよう じっと している。
くさった かいそうが おもな エサ。"
690,29,3,"수초 찌꺼기로 뒤범벅을 하고 큰 포켓몬에게
공격당하지 않도록 가만히 있다.
썩은 해초가 주요 먹이다."
690,29,5,"Il reste tapi au fond des océans, à labri des
plus gros Pokémon. Il se nourrit principalement
dalgues pourries."
690,29,6,"Es versteckt sich regungslos zwischen Algen,
um Angriffe von großen Pokémon zu vermeiden.
Verfaulter Seetang ist seine bevorzugte Speise."
690,29,7,"Permanece escondido e inmóvil entre las algas
para protegerse de Pokémon más grandes. Su
principal sustento son las algas podridas."
690,29,8,"Si nasconde immobile tra la vegetazione marina
per sfuggire ai Pokémon più grandi. Si nutre
prevalentemente di alghe in decomposizione."
690,29,9,"It vanishes into seaweed and remains perfectly
still to avoid attacks from large Pokémon.
Rotten seaweed is its main food source."
690,29,11,"藻屑に 紛れ 大きなポケモンに
襲われないよう じっと している。
腐った 海草が 主な エサ。"
690,30,1,"およぐのが ヘタなので もくずに
まきついている。 アローラちほうでは
ダダリンの そばで よく みつかる。"
690,30,3,"헤엄을 잘 못 치기 때문에 해초를
휘감고 있다. 알로라지방에서는
타타륜 주변에서 자주 발견된다."
690,30,5,"Comme il nest pas très bon nageur, il se
contente de sentortiller autour des algues.
À Alola, on le trouve souvent près de Sinistrail."
690,30,6,"Es wickelt sich um treibende Algenfetzen, da es
ein schlechter Schwimmer ist. In Alola sieht man
es oft Seite an Seite mit Moruda."
690,30,7,"Sus dotes para el nado dejan que desear y se
enrolla en las algas. En la región de Alola se le
suele ver acompañando a Dhelmise."
690,30,8,"È un pessimo nuotatore e preferisce restare
avvinghiato alle alghe. Nella regione di Alola
lo si trova spesso al fianco di Dhelmise."
690,30,9,"Its not good at swimming, so it clings to the
seaweed. In the Alola region, its often found
near Dhelmise."
690,30,11,"泳ぐのが 下手なので 藻屑に
巻きついている。 アローラ地方では
ダダリンの そばで よく 見つかる。"
690,33,1,"もくずに まぎれて うみを ただよい
かいそうを たべにきた ポケモンを
しとめて ごちそうに するのだ。"
690,33,3,"수초 찌꺼기 틈에서 바다를 떠다니다가
해초를 먹으러 온 포켓몬을
꼼짝 못 하게 한 후 잡아먹는다."
690,33,5,"Il se mêle aux algues en décomposition flottant
à la surface des océans afin de surprendre et de
dévorer les Pokémon qui viennent sen nourrir."
690,33,6,"Es treibt versteckt zwischen Algen durchs Meer.
Nähert sich ein Pokémon, um diese zu essen,
wird es von Algitt erledigt und verspeist."
690,33,7,"Vaga por el océano oculto entre las algas y da
buena cuenta de los Pokémon que se acercan
para alimentarse de ellas."
690,33,8,"Galleggia nel mare mimetizzandosi fra le alghe
fluttuanti e agguanta i Pokémon che si avvicinano
per nutrirsi."
690,33,9,"It drifts in the ocean, blending in with floating
seaweed. When other Pokémon come to feast on
the seaweed, Skrelp feasts on them instead."
690,33,11,"藻屑に 紛れて 海を 漂い
海藻を 食べに来た ポケモンを
しとめて ご馳走に するのだ。"
690,34,1,"くさった かいそうに にているので
うみを ただよう もくずの なかに
かくれて てきのめを ごまかす。"
690,34,3,"썩은 해초를 닮아서
바다를 떠도는 해초 더미 안에
숨어 적의 눈을 속인다."
690,34,5,"Ressembler à une algue en décomposition lui
permet déchapper à ses ennemis en se cachant
au milieu des résidus de plantes aquatiques."
690,34,6,"Da es wie verfaulter Seetang aussieht, versteckt
es sich zwischen den im Meer treibenden Algen,
um sich den Blicken seiner Feinde zu entziehen."
690,34,7,"Su aspecto de alga podrida le permite ocultarse
entre los restos que flotan a la deriva y pasar
desapercibido ante sus enemigos."
690,34,8,"Il suo aspetto simile a quello di alghe fluttuanti
in decomposizione gli permette di mimetizzarsi
per sfuggire allo sguardo del nemico."
690,34,9,"Skrelp looks like a piece of rotten seaweed, so it
can blend in with seaweed drifting on the ocean
and avoid being detected by enemies."
690,34,11,"腐った 海藻に 似ているので
海を 漂う 藻屑の 中に
隠れて 敵の目を ごまかす。"
691,23,1,"タンカーの せんたいを くさらせる
もうどくを なわばりに はいりこんだ
ものに みさかいなく はきかける。"
691,23,3,"유조선의 선체를 썩게 할 정도의
맹독을 영역 안에 들어 온 것에
무턱대고 끼얹는다"
691,23,5,"Il asperge tous ceux qui osent pénétrer sur son
territoire dun poison assez corrosif pour dissoudre
la coque dun pétrolier."
691,23,6,"Das Gift, mit dem es Eindringlinge in seinem Revier
bespritzt, ist ätzend genug, um sich durch
den Stahl eines Tankschiffes zu fressen."
691,23,7,"Ataca de manera indiscriminada a quien ose adentrarse
en su territorio, escupiéndole un virulento veneno
que puede corroer hasta el casco de un petrolero."
691,23,8,"Spruzza su chiunque invada il suo territorio un veleno
talmente potente da sciogliere lo scafo di una
691,23,9,"Their poison is strong enough to eat through
the hull of a tanker, and they spit it indiscriminately
at anything that enters their territory."
691,23,11,"タンカーの 船体を 腐らせる 猛毒を
縄張りに 入りこんだ ものに
見境なく 吐きかける。"
691,24,1,"ドラミドロが すむ かいいきに
まよいこんだ ふねは 2どと
いきて もどれないと いわれている。"
691,24,3,"드래캄이 사는 해역에
길을 잘못 든 배는 두 번 다시
살아서 돌아가지 못한다고 전해진다."
691,24,5,"Il paraît que les navires qui saventurent dans les eaux
peuplées de Kravarech ne reviennent jamais de leur
691,24,6,"Es heißt, dass die Besatzung von Schiffen, die sich in
Tandraks Hoheitsgebiet begeben, nicht mehr lebend
691,24,7,"Según se dice, los barcos que se aventuran en aguas
donde habitan Dragalge desaparecen del mapa y no
regresan a puerto."
691,24,8,"Si dice che le navi che finiscono alla deriva nelle acque
in cui vive questo Pokémon non tornino più indietro."
691,24,9,"Tales are told of ships that wander into
seas where Dragalge live, never to return."
691,24,11,"ドラミドロが 住む 海域に
迷いこんだ 船は 2度と
生きて 戻れないと 言われている。"
691,25,1,"タンカーの せんたいを くさらせる
もうどくを なわばりに はいりこんだ
ものに みさかいなく はきかける。"
691,25,3,"유조선의 선체를 썩게 할 정도의
맹독을 영역 안에 들어 온 것에
무턱대고 끼얹는다."
691,25,5,"Il asperge tous ceux qui osent pénétrer sur son territoire
dun poison assez corrosif pour dissoudre la coque
dun pétrolier."
691,25,6,"Das Gift, mit dem es Eindringlinge in seinem Revier bespritzt,
ist ätzend genug, um sich durch den Stahl eines Tankschiffes
zu fressen."
691,25,7,"Ataca de manera indiscriminada a quien ose adentrarse en
su territorio, escupiéndole un virulento veneno que puede
corroer hasta el casco de un petrolero."
691,25,8,"Spruzza su chiunque invada il suo territorio un veleno
talmente potente da sciogliere lo scafo di una petroliera."
691,25,9,"Their poison is strong enough to eat through
the hull of a tanker, and they spit it indiscriminately
at anything that enters their territory."
691,25,11,"タンカーの 船体を 腐らせる 猛毒を
縄張りに 入りこんだ ものに
見境なく 吐きかける。"
691,26,1,"ドラミドロが すむ かいいきに
まよいこんだ ふねは 2どと
いきて もどれないと いわれている。"
691,26,3,"드래캄이 사는 해역에
길을 잘못 든 배는 두 번 다시
살아서 돌아가지 못한다고 전해진다."
691,26,5,"Il paraît que les navires qui saventurent dans les eaux
peuplées de Kravarech ne reviennent jamais de leur périple."
691,26,6,"Es heißt, dass die Besatzung von Schiffen, die sich in Tandraks
Hoheitsgebiet begeben, nicht mehr lebend zurückkehrt."
691,26,7,"Según se dice, los barcos que se aventuran en aguas donde
habitan Dragalge desaparecen del mapa y no regresan a
691,26,8,"Si dice che le navi che finiscono alla deriva nelle acque
in cui vive questo Pokémon non tornino più indietro."
691,26,9,"Tales are told of ships that wander into
seas where Dragalge live, never to return."
691,26,11,"ドラミドロが 住む 海域に
迷いこんだ 船は 2度と
生きて 戻れないと 言われている。"
691,29,1,"きょうぼうで よってきた あいてに
どくえきを ふきかける。 なぜだか
ダダリンとだけは とっても なかよし。"
691,29,3,"매우 흉포해서, 다가온 상대에게
독액을 내뿜는다. 무슨 이유에서인지
타타륜과만 매우 사이가 좋다."
691,29,5,"Les étourdis qui divaguent du côté de chez lui
se font chasser à grands jets de poison.
Curieusement, il adore Sinistrail."
691,29,6,"Ein boshaftes Pokémon, das alle, die sich ihm
nähern, mit Gift bespritzt. Einzig mit Moruda
versteht es sich aus unbekannten Gründen gut."
691,29,7,"Este violento Pokémon escupe veneno a los
rivales que se le acercan. Sin embargo, por algún
extraño motivo, se lleva muy bien con Dhelmise."
691,29,8,"È spietato e spruzza un liquido velenoso sui
Pokémon ostili che gli si avvicinano. Per qualche
strano motivo, va daccordo solo con Dhelmise."
691,29,9,"This vicious Pokémon sprays a poisonous liquid
on opponents that come near. For whatever
reason, it gets along really well with Dhelmise."
691,29,11,"凶暴で 寄ってきた 相手に
毒液を 吹きかける。 なぜだか
ダダリンとだけは とっても 仲良し。"
691,30,1,"かいそうに まぎれて えものを まち
きんぞくを とかすほどの どくえきを
ふきかけて しとめるのだ。"
691,30,3,"해조와 뒤섞여서 먹이를 기다렸다
금속을 녹일 정도의 독액을
내뿜어서 처리한다."
691,30,5,"Il attend sa proie tapi au milieu des algues,
et attaque en crachant un poison si corrosif
quil peut même dissoudre le métal."
691,30,6,"Es versteckt sich in Algen und lauert dort seiner
Beute auf. Diese greift es mit einem Gift an, das
selbst Metall zum Schmelzen bringt."
691,30,7,"Se esconde entre las algas y espera a sus
presas, a las cuales rocía con un veneno tan
cáustico que puede derretir hasta el metal."
691,30,8,"Aspetta la preda nascosto tra le alghe e
lattacca spruzzandole addosso un liquido
altamente corrosivo che scioglie anche il metallo."
691,30,9,"It blends in with seaweed to ambush its prey
and then takes them down with a poisonous
liquid strong enough to melt metal."
691,30,11,"海藻に まぎれて 獲物を 待ち
金属を 溶かすほどの 毒液を
吹きかけて 仕留めるのだ。"
691,33,1,"きんぞくを くさらせる どくえきで
なわばりに はいりこんだ タンカーを
うみのもくずに してしまう。"
691,33,3,"금속을 녹슬게 하는 독액으로
영역에 들어온 유조선을
바다의 부스러기로 만들어 버린다."
691,33,5,"Avec son poison capable de dissoudre le métal,
il réduit à létat dépave les navires-citernes qui
pénètrent sur son territoire."
691,33,6,"Dringen Tankschiffe in sein Revier ein, versenkt
es diese mithilfe eines Giftes, das selbst Metall
zum Korrodieren bringt."
691,33,7,"Utiliza su veneno capaz de corroer el metal
para enviar a pique cualquier navío que ose
adentrarse en las aguas que habita."
691,33,8,"Con il suo liquido altamente corrosivo, capace
di sciogliere il metallo, riduce in rottami
le petroliere che sconfinano nel suo territorio."
691,33,9,"Dragalge uses a poisonous liquid capable of
corroding metal to send tankers that enter its
territory to the bottom of the sea."
691,33,11,"金属を 腐らせる 毒液で
縄張りに 入りこんだ タンカーを
海の藻屑に してしまう。"
691,34,1,"あたまの カサを かいめんから だし
たいようの ひかりを あびることで
ドラゴンエネルギーを つくるのだ。"
691,34,3,"머리의 갓을 해면 위로 내밀고
태양 빛을 받아
드래곤 에너지를 만든다."
691,34,5,"Il sort la crête sur sa tête à la surface de leau
et lexpose à la lumière du soleil pour produire
de lénergie draconique."
691,34,6,"Indem Tandrak seinen Kopfschmuck aus dem
Wasser reckt und ihn im Sonnenlicht badet,
produziert es Drachen-Energie."
691,34,7,"Asoma la cresta de la cabeza sobre la superficie
del agua y transforma la luz que absorbe del sol
en energía dragón."
691,34,8,"Fa uscire la cresta che ha sulla testa fuori
dallacqua per assorbire la luce del sole
e convertirla in energia Drago."
691,34,9,"Dragalge generates dragon energy by sticking
the plume on its head out above the oceans
surface and bathing it in sunlight."
691,34,11,"頭の 笠を 海面から 出し
太陽の 光を 浴びることで
ドラゴンエネルギーを 作るのだ。"
692,23,1,"おおきな ハサミから あっしゅくした
みずを ピストルのように うちだし
とんでいる えものを うちおとす。"
692,23,3,"커다란 집게발로
압축한 물을 권총처럼 쏘아
날고 있는 사냥감을 떨어뜨린다."
692,23,5,"Sa pince projette un jet deau sous pression
suffisamment puissant pour abattre ses proies en plein
692,23,6,"Mit Salven komprimierten Wassers, die es wie
Pistolenkugeln aus seinen Scheren abfeuert,
schießt es fliegende Beute ab."
692,23,7,"Abate a enemigos voladores disparando agua a presión
con su enorme pinza como si de una pistola se tratara."
692,23,8,"Abbatte le prede volanti sparando un getto dacqua
ad alta pressione dalla chela più grande, che usa come
una pistola."
692,23,9,"They knock down flying prey by firing
compressed water from their massive
claws like shooting a pistol."
692,23,11,"大きな ハサミから 圧縮した 水を
ピストルのように 撃ち出し
飛んでいる 獲物を 撃ち落とす。"
692,24,1,"たいないガスの ばくはつで みずを
ピストルのように はっしゃする。
しきんきょりなら いわを くだく。"
692,24,3,"체내 가스의 폭발로 물을
총처럼 발사한다.
가까운 거리에서라면 바위를 부순다."
692,24,5,"Il est capable de transformer son corps en canon
à eau, grâce à la combustion dun gaz interne.
À bout portant, il peut réduire un rocher en miettes."
692,24,6,"Durch die Explosion körpereigener Gase feuert es wie
eine Pistole Wassersalven ab, die aus kurzer Distanz
selbst Felsen zerschmettern."
692,24,7,"Al explotar el gas que se halla en su interior, expulsa
un chorro de agua cual pistola, que a bocajarro es
incluso capaz de pulverizar rocas."
692,24,8,"Facendo esplodere i gas corporei, emette un getto
dacqua ad altissima pressione che, a breve distanza,
può persino frantumare le rocce."
692,24,9,"Through controlled explosions of internal gas,
it can expel water like a pistol shot.
At close distances, it can shatter rock."
692,24,11,"体内ガスの 爆発で
水を ピストルのように 発射する。
至近距離なら 岩を 砕く。"
692,25,1,"おおきな ハサミから あっしゅくした
みずを ピストルのように うちだし
とんでいる えものを うちおとす。"
692,25,3,"커다란 집게발로
압축한 물을 권총처럼 쏘아
날고 있는 사냥감을 떨어뜨린다."
692,25,5,"Sa pince projette un jet deau sous pression suffisamment
puissant pour abattre ses proies en plein vol."
692,25,6,"Mit Salven komprimierten Wassers, die es wie Pistolenkugeln
aus seinen Scheren abfeuert, schießt es fliegende Beute ab."
692,25,7,"Abate a enemigos voladores disparando agua a presión con
su enorme pinza como si de una pistola se tratara."
692,25,8,"Abbatte le prede volanti sparando un getto dacqua ad alta
pressione dalla chela più grande, che usa come una pistola."
692,25,9,"They knock down flying prey by firing
compressed water from their massive
claws like shooting a pistol."
692,25,11,"大きな ハサミから 圧縮した 水を
ピストルのように 撃ち出し
飛んでいる 獲物を 撃ち落とす。"
692,26,1,"たいないガスの ばくはつで みずを
ピストルのように はっしゃする。
しきんきょりなら いわを くだく。"
692,26,3,"체내 가스의 폭발로 물을
총처럼 발사한다.
가까운 거리에서라면 바위를 부순다."
692,26,5,"Il est capable de transformer son corps en canon à eau,
grâce à la combustion dun gaz interne. À bout portant,
il peut réduire un rocher en miettes."
692,26,6,"Durch die Explosion körpereigener Gase feuert es wie eine
Pistole Wassersalven ab, die aus kurzer Distanz selbst Felsen
692,26,7,"Al explotar el gas que se halla en su interior, expulsa un
chorro de agua cual pistola, que a bocajarro es incluso capaz
de pulverizar rocas."
692,26,8,"Facendo esplodere i gas corporei, emette un getto dacqua
ad altissima pressione che, a breve distanza, può persino
frantumare le rocce."
692,26,9,"Through controlled explosions of internal gas,
it can expel water like a pistol shot.
At close distances, it can shatter rock."
692,26,11,"体内ガスの 爆発で
水を ピストルのように 発射する。
至近距離なら 岩を 砕く。"
692,29,1,"ハサミは ときどき もげることもあり
さいせいするまでは コソコソくらす。
ハサミのなかみは とてもおいしいよ。"
692,29,3,"가끔 집게가 떨어지면
재생할 때까지 몰래 숨어 다닌다.
집게 속살은 매우 맛있다."
692,29,5,"Sa pince, à la chair délicieuse, tombe parfois.
Il se fait alors tout petit et se cache le temps
quelle repousse."
692,29,6,"Manchmal verliert es seine Scheren. Danach lebt
es in Zurückgezogenheit, bis sie nachwachsen.
Das Fleisch im Inneren der Scheren ist köstlich."
692,29,7,"En alguna que otra ocasión se le cae la pinza,
y hasta que le crece de nuevo vive aislado. La
carne del interior de las pinzas es deliciosa."
692,29,8,"Se capita che gli si stacchi una chela, resta
nascosto finché non ricresce. La polpa delle sue
chele è una vera prelibatezza."
692,29,9,"Its claws occasionally fall off, and it keeps a low
profile until they grow back. The meat of its
claws is so delicious!"
692,29,11,"ハサミは 時々 もげることもあり
再生するまでは コソコソ暮らす。
ハサミの中身は とても美味しいよ。"
692,30,1,"みぎの ハサミから みずを ふきだし
いどう。 バランスが わるいので
まっすぐ およぐのは へたくそ。"
692,30,3,"오른쪽 집게에서 물을 뿜어내서
이동한다. 밸런스가 나빠서
똑바로 헤엄치는 것에 몹시 서툴다."
692,30,5,"Il se déplace en propulsant de leau par sa pince
droite. Il nest cependant pas très agile et est
incapable de nager droit."
692,30,6,"Das Ungleichgewicht, das entsteht, wenn es zur
Fortbewegung Wasser aus der rechten Schere
spritzt, hindert es daran, gerade zu schwimmen."
692,30,7,"Para moverse, expulsa chorros de agua por su
pinza derecha. Tiene muy mal equilibrio, por lo
que es incapaz de nadar en línea recta."
692,30,8,"Si sposta spruzzando acqua dalla chela destra.
Ha un pessimo equilibrio e non riesce a nuotare
seguendo una traiettoria dritta."
692,30,9,"It moves around by jetting water from its right
pincer. It has a poor sense of balance, so its
terrible at swimming straight."
692,30,11,"右の ハサミから 水を 噴き出し
移動。 バランスが 悪いので
まっすぐ 泳ぐのは 下手くそ。"
692,33,1,"ハサミは たたかいで とれても
さいせいされる。 ハサミの なかみは
ガラルでは ちんみとして にんきだ。"
692,33,3,"집게발은 싸우다가 떨어져도
재생된다. 집게 살은 가라르에서
진미로 통하며 인기가 높다."
692,33,5,"Sil perd ses pinces au combat, dautres
repoussent à la place. La chair quelles
contiennent est un mets très apprécié à Galar."
692,33,6,"Selbst wenn es seine Scheren im Kampf verlieren
sollte, wachsen sie wieder nach. Das Innere seiner
Scheren ist in Galar eine beliebte Delikatesse."
692,33,7,"Aunque pierda una pinza en combate, volverá
a crecerle. La carne del interior de sus pinzas es
considerada un auténtico manjar en Galar."
692,33,8,"Se le sue chele si staccano durante la lotta,
ricrescono. La polpa al loro interno
è considerata una rara prelibatezza a Galar."
692,33,9,"Claunchers claws can fall off during battle, but
theyll regenerate. The meat inside the claws is
popular as a delicacy in Galar."
692,33,11,"ハサミは 戦いで 取れても
再生される。 ハサミの 中身は
ガラルでは 珍味として 人気だ。"
692,34,1,"みぎうでの ハサミの なかに たまる
ガスの ばくはつで だんがんのように
みずを はっしゃし てきを たおす。"
692,34,3,"오른팔의 집게 안에 담긴
가스를 폭발시켜 탄환처럼
물을 발사해서 상대를 쓰러뜨린다."
692,34,5,"Il concentre du gaz dans sa pince droite et
le fait exploser pour tirer une rafale deau
sur ses ennemis, comme une balle de pistolet."
692,34,6,"Scampisto erledigt seine Feinde, indem es durch
die Explosion von Gasen, die es in seiner rechten
Schere speichert, Wasser wie Projektile abfeuert."
692,34,7,"Acalla a sus enemigos con balas de agua que
dispara haciendo explotar el gas de su pinza
692,34,8,"Sconfigge i nemici con proiettili dacqua che
spara facendo esplodere il gas che accumula
nella chela destra."
692,34,9,"By detonating gas that accumulates in its right
claw, this Pokémon launches water like a bullet.
This is how Clauncher defeats its enemies."
692,34,11,"右腕の ハサミの 中に 溜まる
ガスの 爆発で 弾丸のように
水を 発射し 敵を 倒す。"
693,23,1,"みずの ほうだんを はっしゃする
きょだいな ハサミを もつ。
タンカーの せんたいを うちぬくぞ。"
693,23,3,"물 포탄을 발사하는
거대한 집게발을 지녔다.
유조선의 선체를 뚫어 버린다."
693,23,5,"Son énorme pince projette de véritables obus deau
capables de transpercer la coque dun pétrolier."
693,23,6,"Aus seinen gewaltigen Scheren feuert es
mächtige Wassergeschosse ab, die selbst
den Rumpf eines Tankschiffes durchdringen."
693,23,7,"Posee una enorme pinza que dispara bolas de agua
que podrían atravesar incluso el casco de un petrolero."
693,23,8,"Ha unenorme chela che spara proiettili dacqua
in grado di sfondare lo scafo di un transatlantico."
693,23,9,"Their enormous claws launch cannonballs of
water powerful enough to pierce tanker hulls."
693,23,11,"水の 砲弾を 発射する
巨大な 腕を 持つ。
タンカーの 船体を 撃ち抜くぞ。"
693,24,1,"ハサミの うしろの ノズルから
みずを ふきだす すいしんりょくで
60ノットの スピードで すすむ。"
693,24,3,"집게 뒤의 노즐에서
물을 뿜어내는 추진력으로
60노트의 스피드로 나아간다."
693,24,5,"La force de propulsion générée par lexpulsion de
leau via la tuyère située à larrière de sa pince peut
lui conférer une vitesse de 60 nœuds."
693,24,6,"Indem es über die Düsen am hinteren Ende seiner
Scheren Wasser absondert, kann es sich mit einer
Geschwindigkeit von 60 Knoten fortbewegen."
693,24,7,"El chorro de agua que dispara la tobera situada en la
parte trasera de su pinza le permite avanzar a una
velocidad de 60 nudos."
693,24,8,"Espellendo acqua da un foro dietro la chela riesce
a muoversi alla velocità di 60 nodi."
693,24,9,"By expelling water from the nozzle in the back
of its claw, it can move at a speed of 60 knots."
693,24,11,"ハサミの 後ろの ノズルから
水を 噴き出す 推進力で
60ノットの スピードで 進む。"
693,25,1,"みずの ほうだんを はっしゃする
きょだいな ハサミを もつ。
タンカーの せんたいを うちぬくぞ。"
693,25,3,"물 포탄을 발사하는
거대한 집게발을 지녔다.
유조선의 선체를 뚫어 버린다."
693,25,5,"Son énorme pince projette de véritables obus deau capables
de transpercer la coque dun pétrolier."
693,25,6,"Aus seinen gewaltigen Scheren feuert es mächtige
Wassergeschosse ab, die selbst den Rumpf eines
Tankschiffes durchdringen."
693,25,7,"Posee una enorme pinza que dispara bolas de agua que
podrían atravesar incluso el casco de un petrolero."
693,25,8,"Ha unenorme chela che spara proiettili dacqua in grado
di sfondare lo scafo di un transatlantico."
693,25,9,"Their enormous claws launch cannonballs of
water powerful enough to pierce tanker hulls."
693,25,11,"水の 砲弾を 発射する
巨大な 腕を 持つ。
タンカーの 船体を 撃ち抜くぞ。"
693,26,1,"ハサミの うしろの ノズルから
みずを ふきだす すいしんりょくで
60ノットの スピードで すすむ。"
693,26,3,"집게 뒤의 노즐에서
물을 뿜어내는 추진력으로
60노트의 스피드로 나아간다."
693,26,5,"La force de propulsion générée par lexpulsion de leau
via la tuyère située à larrière de sa pince peut lui conférer
une vitesse de 60 nœuds."
693,26,6,"Indem es über die Düsen am hinteren Ende seiner Scheren
Wasser absondert, kann es sich mit einer Geschwindigkeit
von 60 Knoten fortbewegen."
693,26,7,"El chorro de agua que dispara la tobera situada en la parte
trasera de su pinza le permite avanzar a una velocidad de
60 nudos."
693,26,8,"Espellendo acqua da un foro dietro la chela riesce a muoversi
alla velocità di 60 nodi."
693,26,9,"By expelling water from the nozzle in the back
of its claw, it can move at a speed of 60 knots."
693,26,11,"ハサミの 後ろの ノズルから
水を 噴き出す 推進力で
60ノットの スピードで 進む。"
693,29,1,"とりこんだ みずを あっしゅくして
うちだす。 ぶあつい てっぱんに
あなを あけるほどの いりょくだ。"
693,29,3,"빨아들인 물을 압축해 쏜다.
두꺼운 철판에
구멍을 뚫을 정도로 위력적이다."
693,29,5,"Il aspire de leau et la projette sous pression
pour attaquer. Le jet est si puissant quil perce
même dépaisses plaques dacier."
693,29,6,"Es saugt Wasser auf und feuert dieses mit
hohem Druck als Strahl ab. Dieser ist so stark,
dass er dicke Eisenplatten durchlöchern kann."
693,29,7,"Comprime el agua que traga y la convierte en
proyectiles de tal potencia que atraviesan
incluso gruesas placas de metal."
693,29,8,"Assorbe acqua che comprime e rilascia in un
getto con una pressione tale da perforare
anche spesse lastre dacciaio."
693,29,9,"It compresses the water it has sucked up and
then projects it with enough power to punch a
hole right through a thick sheet of iron."
693,29,11,"取り込んだ 水を 圧縮して
撃ちだす。 分厚い 鉄板に
穴を 開けるほどの 威力だ。"
693,30,1,"みぎうでの みは よくしまっている。
もげた ハサミは しょくざい として
かいがいに ゆしゅつ される。"
693,30,3,"오른팔의 속살은 꽉 차 있다.
떨어진 집게는 식재료로써
해외에 수출된다."
693,30,5,"La chair de sa pince droite est très ferme.
Les pinces tombées sont vendues à létranger
comme ingrédients de cuisine."
693,30,6,"Das Fleisch in seiner rechten Schere ist sehr
fest. Wenn sie abfällt, wird sie aufgesammelt
und zum Verzehr ins Ausland exportiert."
693,30,7,"La pinza de su extremidad derecha es muy
robusta. Cuando se les caen, se recogen para
exportarlas como ingrediente culinario."
693,30,8,"La polpa della chela destra è molto soda.
Quelle che si staccano vengono esportate come
prodotti alimentari."
693,30,9,"Its right arm is packed with meat. When its
pincer falls off, its exported to be used as a
cooking ingredient."
693,30,11,"右腕の 身は よく締まっている。
もげた ハサミは 食材 として
海外に 輸出 される。"
693,33,1,"きょだいな ハサミの しょっかくで
えものの いばしょを かんちして
みずの ほうだんを はっしゃする。"
693,33,3,"거대한 집게의 더듬이로
먹이가 있는 곳을 감지해
물 폭탄을 발사한다."
693,33,5,"Il projette des obus deau sur ses ennemis après
les avoir localisés grâce aux antennes situées sur
son énorme pince."
693,33,6,"Mit den Antennen an seiner gigantischen Schere
erfasst es, wo sich seine Beute aufhält, und feuert
dann Wassergeschosse auf sie ab."
693,33,7,"Las antenas de su enorme pinza le permiten
detectar la posición de sus presas para luego
acribillarlas a cañonazos con bolas de agua."
693,33,8,"Individua la preda con le antenne della
sua enorme chela e la attacca sparando
proiettili dacqua."
693,33,9,"After using the feelers on its oversized claw to
detect the location of prey, Clawitzer launches
a cannonball of water at its target."
693,33,11,"巨大な ハサミの 触角で
獲物の 居場所を 感知して
水の 砲弾を 発射する。"
693,34,1,"みぎうでは かいすいの ほうだんを
はっしゃする たいほう。 タンカーを
しずめてしまうほどの いりょくだ。"
693,34,3,"오른팔은 해수 포탄을
발사하는 대포다. 유조선을
가라앉게 할 정도의 위력이다."
693,34,5,"Sa pince droite est un canon pouvant projeter
des obus deau assez puissants pour couler
un navire-citerne."
693,34,6,"Mit seiner rechten Schere, die ihm als Kanone
dient, feuert es Geschosse aus Meerwasser ab,
die selbst Tankschiffe versenken können."
693,34,7,"Con el cañón de su brazo derecho dispara
proyectiles de agua marina con tanta potencia
que son capaces de hundir un petrolero."
693,34,8,"Larto destro è una sorta di cannone da cui
spara proiettili dacqua marina tanto potenti
da affondare una petroliera."
693,34,9,"Clawitzers right arm is a cannon that launches
projectiles made of seawater. Shots from a
Clawitzers cannon arm can sink a tanker."
693,34,11,"右腕は 海水の 砲弾を
発射する 大砲。 タンカーを
沈めてしまうほどの 威力だ。"
694,23,1,"さばくで せいかつする。たいようの
ひかりを あびて はつでんすれば
エサを たべなくても へいきなのだ。"
694,23,3,"사막에서 생활한다. 태양의
빛을 쬐고 발전하면
먹이를 먹지 않아도 괜찮다."
694,23,5,"Ce Pokémon vit dans le désert.
Il na pas besoin de se nourrir, car il est capable
dabsorber lénergie du soleil."
694,23,6,"Es ist in der Wüste zu Hause und wandelt
die Energie der Sonne in Körperkraft um,
wodurch es auch ohne Nahrung auskommt."
694,23,7,"Habita en los desiertos y, cuando toma el sol, acumula
energía, lo que le permite vivir sin la necesidad de
ingerir alimentos."
694,23,8,"Vive nei deserti. Può produrre energia elettrica
sfruttando la luce solare e, grazie a essa, può
sopravvivere anche senza mangiare."
694,23,9,"They make their home in deserts. They can
generate their energy from basking in the sun,
so eating food is not a requirement."
694,23,11,"砂漠で 生活する。
太陽の 光を 浴びて 発電すれば
エサを 食べなくても 平気なのだ。"
694,24,1,"あたまの りょうわきの ひだには
たいようの ひかりを あびると
はつでんする さいぼうが あるのだ。"
694,24,3,"머리의 양측 주름에는
태양의 빛을 쐬면
발전하는 세포가 있다."
694,24,5,"Les plis de peau de chaque côté de sa tête sont
dotés de cellules produisant de lélectricité quand
elles sont exposées à la lumière du soleil."
694,24,6,"Die Zellen der Hautlappen, die sich beidseitig an
seinem Kopf befinden, erzeugen Strom, wenn sie
von Sonnenstrahlen beschienen werden."
694,24,7,"Bajo los pliegues situados a ambos lados de la cabeza
residen células que, al exponerse a la luz del sol, son
capaces de generar electricidad."
694,24,8,"Le pieghe ai due lati della testa contengono cellule
in grado di convertire la luce solare in energia
694,24,9,"The frills on either side of its head have cells
that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight."
694,24,11,"頭の 両わきの ひだには
太陽の 光を 浴びると
発電する 細胞が あるのだ。"
694,25,1,"さばくで せいかつする。たいようの
ひかりを あびて はつでんすれば
エサを たべなくても へいきなのだ。"
694,25,3,"사막에서 생활한다. 태양의
빛을 쬐고 발전하면
먹이를 먹지 않아도 괜찮다."
694,25,5,"Ce Pokémon vit dans le désert. Il na pas besoin de se nourrir,
car il est capable dabsorber lénergie du soleil."
694,25,6,"Es ist in der Wüste zu Hause und wandelt die Energie der
Sonne in Körperkraft um, wodurch es auch ohne Nahrung
694,25,7,"Habita en los desiertos y, cuando toma el sol, acumula
energía, lo que le permite vivir sin la necesidad de ingerir
694,25,8,"Vive nei deserti. Può produrre energia elettrica sfruttando
la luce solare e, grazie a essa, può sopravvivere anche
senza mangiare."
694,25,9,"They make their home in deserts. They can
generate their energy from basking in the sun,
so eating food is not a requirement."
694,25,11,"砂漠で 生活する。
太陽の 光を 浴びて 発電すれば
エサを 食べなくても 平気なのだ。"
694,26,1,"あたまの りょうわきの ひだには
たいようの ひかりを あびると
はつでんする さいぼうが あるのだ。"
694,26,3,"머리의 양측 주름에는
태양의 빛을 쐬면
발전하는 세포가 있다."
694,26,5,"Les plis de peau de chaque côté de sa tête sont dotés
de cellules produisant de lélectricité quand elles sont
exposées à la lumière du soleil."
694,26,6,"Die Zellen der Hautlappen, die sich beidseitig an seinem Kopf
befinden, erzeugen Strom, wenn sie von Sonnenstrahlen
beschienen werden."
694,26,7,"Bajo los pliegues situados a ambos lados de la cabeza
residen células que, al exponerse a la luz del sol, son
capaces de generar electricidad."
694,26,8,"Le pieghe ai due lati della testa contengono cellule in grado
di convertire la luce solare in energia elettrica."
694,26,9,"The frills on either side of its head have cells
that generate electricity when exposed to sunlight."
694,26,11,"頭の 両わきの ひだには
太陽の 光を 浴びると
発電する 細胞が あるのだ。"
694,33,1,"あたまの ひだを ひろげ たいようの
ひかりで はつでんすると パワフルな
でんきわざを だせるようになる。"
694,33,3,"머리에 있는 주름을 펼쳐서
태양의 빛으로 발전하면 파워풀한
전기 기술을 쓸 수 있게 된다."
694,33,5,"Il absorbe les rayons du soleil en dépliant la peau
de sa tête pour produire lélectricité nécessaire
à ses puissantes capacités Électrik."
694,33,6,"Es breitet die Hautlappen an seinem Kopf aus,
um mithilfe des Sonnenlichts Strom zu erzeugen
und mächtige Elektro-Attacken einzusetzen."
694,33,7,"Extiende los pliegues de la cabeza para absorber
la luz del sol y convertirla en electricidad, con la
que realiza potentes ataques de tipo Eléctrico."
694,33,8,"Distende le pieghe sulla testa per raccogliere la
luce solare e produrre energia elettrica che
usa per sferrare potenti mosse di tipo Elettro."
694,33,9,"When spread, the frills on its head act like solar
panels, generating the power behind this
Pokémons electric moves."
694,33,11,"頭の ひだを 広げ 太陽の
光で 発電すると パワフルな
電気技を 出せるようになる。"
694,34,1,"たいようはつでんの しくみを もつ。
はつでんを じゃま されると
ストレスで よわってしまう。"
694,34,3,"태양광 발전 구조를 가졌다.
발전을 방해하면
스트레스를 받아서 약해진다."
694,34,5,"Il peut générer de lélectricité grâce au soleil.
Si on le dérange en pleine production dénergie,
cela le stresse et laffaiblit."
694,34,6,"Es kann aus Sonnenlicht Elektrizität erzeugen.
Unterbricht man es jedoch bei diesem Prozess,
verliert es vor lauter Stress all seine Kraft."
694,34,7,"Es capaz de generar electricidad a partir de la
luz del sol. Si lo interrumpen en pleno proceso,
se pone nervioso y pierde las fuerzas."
694,34,8,"Possiede un organo con cui genera energia
elettrica fotovoltaica. Se viene disturbato mentre
la produce, si stressa e si indebolisce."
694,34,9,"The sun powers this Pokémons electricity
generation. Interruption of that process
stresses Helioptile to the point of weakness."
694,34,11,"太陽発電の 仕組みを もつ。
発電を じゃま されると
ストレスで 弱ってしまう。"
695,23,1,"エリマキを ひろげて はつでんする。
エレザード 1ぴきで こうそうビルで
ひつような でんきを つくれるのだ。"
695,23,3,"목의 깃을 펼쳐 발전한다.
일레도리자드 1마리로 고층 빌딩에
필요한 전기를 만들어 낼 수 있다."
695,23,5,"Lélectricité que produit un seul Iguolta en agitant
sa collerette suffit à alimenter un immeuble entier."
695,23,6,"Die Strommenge, die ein Elezard mit ausgebreiteten
Hautlappen durch Umwandlung von Sonnenstrahlen
erzeugt, genügt zur Versorgung eines Wolkenkratzers."
695,23,7,"Extiende su gorguera y genera energía eléctrica
suficiente para cubrir el consumo de electricidad de
un rascacielos entero."
695,23,8,"Può produrre energia elettrica aprendo il collare. Un
solo Pokémon di questa specie sarebbe in grado di
illuminare un intero grattacielo."
695,23,9,"They flare their frills and generate energy.
A single Heliolisk can generate sufficient
electricity to power a skyscraper."
695,23,11,"エリマキを 広げて 発電する。
エレザード 1匹で 高層ビルで
必要な 電気を 作れるのだ。"
695,24,1,"でんきで きんにくを しげきすると
100メートルを 5びょうで はしる
きゃくりょくに パワーアップする。"
695,24,3,"전기로 근육을 자극하면
100m를 5초 만에 달리는
다릿심으로 파워가 올라간다."
695,24,5,"Il augmente sa puissance motrice en stimulant les
muscles de ses pattes avec des décharges
électriques. Il peut ainsi parcourir 100 m en 5 s."
695,24,6,"Es stimuliert seine Beinmuskulatur mit Strom,
wodurch es ihm gelingt, 100 m in fünf Sekunden
695,24,7,"Si estimula sus músculos a base de electricidad, sus
piernas alcanzan una potencia tal que puede recorrer
100 metros en apenas cinco segundos."
695,24,8,"Stimolando i suoi muscoli con lelettricità riesce
a percorrere 100 m in 5 secondi."
695,24,9,"It stimulates its muscles with electricity,
boosting the strength in its legs and enabling
it to run 100 yards in five seconds."
695,24,11,"電気で 筋肉を 刺激すると
100メートルを 5秒で 走る
脚力に パワーアップする。"
695,25,1,"エリマキを ひろげて はつでんする。
エレザード 1ぴきで こうそうビルで
ひつような でんきを つくれるのだ。"
695,25,3,"목의 깃을 펼쳐 발전한다.
일레도리자드 1마리로 고층 빌딩에
필요한 전기를 만들어 낼 수 있다."
695,25,5,"Lélectricité que produit un seul Iguolta en agitant
sa collerette suffit à alimenter un immeuble entier."
695,25,6,"Die Strommenge, die ein Elezard mit ausgebreiteten
Hautlappen durch Umwandlung von Sonnenstrahlen erzeugt,
genügt zur Versorgung eines Wolkenkratzers."
695,25,7,"Extiende su gorguera y genera energía eléctrica suficiente
para cubrir el consumo de electricidad de un rascacielos
695,25,8,"Può produrre energia elettrica aprendo il collare. Un solo
Pokémon di questa specie sarebbe in grado di illuminare
un intero grattacielo."
695,25,9,"They flare their frills and generate energy.
A single Heliolisk can generate sufficient
electricity to power a skyscraper."
695,25,11,"エリマキを 広げて 発電する。
エレザード 1匹で 高層ビルで
必要な 電気を 作れるのだ。"
695,26,1,"でんきで きんにくを しげきすると
100メートルを 5びょうで はしる
きゃくりょくに パワーアップする。"
695,26,3,"전기로 근육을 자극하면
100m를 5초 만에 달리는
다릿심으로 파워가 올라간다."
695,26,5,"Il augmente sa puissance motrice en stimulant les muscles
de ses pattes avec des décharges électriques. Il peut ainsi
parcourir 100 m en 5 s."
695,26,6,"Es stimuliert seine Beinmuskulatur mit Strom, wodurch es ihm
gelingt, 100 m in fünf Sekunden zurückzulegen."
695,26,7,"Si estimula sus músculos a base de electricidad, sus piernas
alcanzan una potencia tal que puede recorrer 100 metros en
apenas cinco segundos."
695,26,8,"Stimolando i suoi muscoli con lelettricità riesce a percorrere
100 m in 5 secondi."
695,26,9,"It stimulates its muscles with electricity,
boosting the strength in its legs and enabling
it to run 100 yards in five seconds."
695,26,11,"電気で 筋肉を 刺激すると
100メートルを 5秒で 走る
脚力に パワーアップする。"
695,33,1,"かつて ほろびた さばくの くにで
だいじに されていた。 ざいほうと
ともに ガラルちほうへ やってきた。"
695,33,3,"과거에 멸망한 사막 나라에서
소중하게 여겼었다. 보물과 함께
가라르지방에 오게 됐다."
695,33,5,"Il était révéré dans un royaume des sables
aujourdhui disparu. Il est arrivé à Galar
dans une cargaison de pierres précieuses."
695,33,6,"Es wurde in einem Wüstenreich, das vor langer
Zeit unterging, sehr respektiert. Zusammen mit
dessen Schätzen gelangte es in die Galar-Region."
695,33,7,"Venerado por una antigua civilización del
desierto, ahora desaparecida, llegó a Galar
junto a sus tesoros y reliquias."
695,33,8,"Un tempo era tenuto in grande considerazione
in un paese desertico ormai scomparso. È giunto
a Galar in casse contenenti tesori."
695,33,9,"A now-vanished desert culture treasured these
Pokémon. Appropriately, when Heliolisk came to
the Galar region, treasure came with them."
695,33,11,"かつて 滅びた 砂漠の 国で
大事に されていた。 財宝と
ともに ガラル地方へ やってきた。"
695,34,1,"えりまきを ひろげて たいようこうを
あびると だいとかいで つかわれる
でんきを 1ぴきで はつでんする。"
695,34,3,"깃을 펼쳐 태양광을 받으면
대도시에서 사용할 수 있는
전기를 혼자서 발전한다."
695,34,5,"Lorsquil déploie sa collerette pour emmagasiner
la lumière du soleil, il génère à lui seul assez
délectricité pour alimenter une grande ville."
695,34,6,"Stellt es seine kragenartigen Hautlappen auf und
absorbiert damit Sonnenlicht, kann ein Elezard
genug Strom für eine Großstadt produzieren."
695,34,7,"Al extender su gorguera y exponerse a la luz
solar, genera la energía eléctrica suficiente para
cubrir el consumo de una metrópoli entera."
695,34,8,"Lenergia prodotta da un Heliolisk quando apre
il suo collare in un luogo soleggiato è sufficiente
a soddisfare il fabbisogno di una metropoli."
695,34,9,"One Heliolisk basking in the sun with its frill
outspread is all it would take to produce enough
electricity to power a city."
695,34,11,"襟巻を 広げて 太陽光を
浴びると 大都会で 使われる
電気を 1匹で 発電する。"
696,23,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモン。
きにいらない ことが あると
かんしゃくを おこして おおあばれ。"
696,23,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이다.
마음에 들지 않는 일이 있으면
짜증을 내며 난동을 부린다."
696,23,5,"Ramené à la vie à partir dun fossile, ce Pokémon très
capricieux devient violent à la moindre contrariété."
696,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde aus einem Fossil neu belebt.
Missfällt ihm etwas, rastet es vollkommen aus."
696,23,7,"Pokémon recreado a partir de fósiles. Cuando sucede
algo que no es de su agrado, se enfurece y se vuelve
696,23,8,"Pokémon risvegliatosi da un fossile.
Se viene disturbato, si infuria e provoca disastri."
696,23,9,"This Pokémon was restored from a fossil.
If something happens that it doesnt like,
it throws a tantrum and runs wild."
696,23,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモン。
気に入らない ことが あると
かんしゃくを 起こして 大暴れ。"
696,24,1,"じどうしゃを バリバリと かじって
こわす おおあごの はかいりょく。
1おくねんまえに せいそくしていた。"
696,24,3,"큰 턱은 자동차를 아드득아드득 갉아서
부서뜨리는 파괴력을 가졌다
1억 년 전에 서식하고 있었다."
696,24,5,"Ses énormes mâchoires ont tant de puissance quelles
peuvent compresser une voiture sans problème.
Ce Pokémon vivait il y a 100 millions dannées."
696,24,6,"Mit seinem gewaltigen Kiefer kann dieses Pokémon,
das vor 100 Millionen Jahren lebte, ein Auto so leicht
zermalmen, als wäre es ein reifer Apfel."
696,24,7,"Su gran mandíbula posee una potencia tan atroz que
sería capaz de destruir a bocados un coche. Ya vivía
hace la friolera de 100 millones de años."
696,24,8,"Questo Pokémon visse 100 milioni di anni fa.
Grazie alle fauci tremendamente forti, potrebbe
masticare unautomobile senza sforzo."
696,24,9,"Its immense jaws have enough destructive
force that it can chew up an automobile.
It lived 100 million years ago."
696,24,11,"自動車を バリバリと かじって
壊す おおあごの 破壊力。
1億年前に 生息していた。"
696,25,1,"かせきから ふっかつした ポケモン。
きにいらない ことが あると
かんしゃくを おこして おおあばれ。"
696,25,3,"화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이다.
마음에 들지 않는 일이 있으면
짜증을 내며 난동을 부린다."
696,25,5,"Ramené à la vie à partir dun fossile, ce Pokémon très
capricieux devient violent à la moindre contrariété."
696,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde aus einem Fossil neu belebt.
Missfällt ihm etwas, rastet es vollkommen aus."
696,25,7,"Pokémon recreado a partir de fósiles. Cuando sucede algo
que no es de su agrado, se enfurece y se vuelve violento."
696,25,8,"Pokémon risvegliatosi da un fossile. Se viene disturbato,
si infuria e provoca disastri."
696,25,9,"This Pokémon was restored from a fossil.
If something happens that it doesnt like,
it throws a tantrum and runs wild."
696,25,11,"化石から 復活した ポケモン。
気に入らない ことが あると
かんしゃくを 起こして 大暴れ。"
696,26,1,"じどうしゃを バリバリと かじって
こわす おおあごの はかいりょく。
1おくねんまえに せいそくしていた。"
696,26,3,"큰 턱은 자동차를 아드득아드득 갉아서
부서뜨리는 파괴력을 가졌다.
1억 년 전에 서식하고 있었다."
696,26,5,"Ses énormes mâchoires ont tant de puissance quelles peuvent
compresser une voiture sans problème. Ce Pokémon vivait
il y a 100 millions dannées."
696,26,6,"Mit seinem gewaltigen Kiefer kann dieses Pokémon, das vor
100 Millionen Jahren lebte, ein Auto so leicht zermalmen,
als wäre es ein reifer Apfel."
696,26,7,"Su gran mandíbula posee una potencia tan atroz que sería
capaz de destruir a bocados un coche. Ya vivía hace la friolera
de 100 millones de años."
696,26,8,"Questo Pokémon visse 100 milioni di anni fa. Grazie alle fauci
tremendamente forti, potrebbe masticare unautomobile
senza sforzo."
696,26,9,"Its immense jaws have enough destructive
force that it can chew up an automobile.
It lived 100 million years ago."
696,26,11,"自動車を バリバリと かじって
壊す おおあごの 破壊力。
1億年前に 生息していた。"
696,29,1,"おおアゴは すさまじい はかいりょく。
ふくげんさせても とうじと おなじ
すがたでは ないという せつもある。"
696,29,3,"큰 턱은 무시무시한 파괴력을
지녔다. 복원시켜도 당시와
같은 모습은 아니라는 설도 있다."
696,29,5,"Sa mâchoire géante est dune puissance
redoutable. Le Pokémon reconstitué serait
légèrement différent de son modèle antique."
696,29,6,"Sein riesiger Kiefer birgt zerstörerische Kräfte.
Es heißt, zurückverwandelte Balgoras seien
nicht identisch mit den ursprünglichen Pokémon."
696,29,7,"Puede ejercer una enorme presión con su gran
mandíbula. Se cree que esta especie regenerada
a partir de un fósil difiere de la de tiempo ha."
696,29,8,"La sua mandibola ha unenorme forza
distruttrice. Secondo alcuni il suo aspetto
originale è un po diverso da quello rigenerato."
696,29,9,"Its large jaw has incredible destructive power.
Some theories suggest that its restored form is
different from its form of long ago."
696,29,11,"大アゴは 凄まじい 破壊力。
復元させても 当時と 同じ
姿では ないという 説もある。"
696,30,1,"あまえんぼうで わがまま。 チゴラスは
じゃれているつもりでも あいては
おおけがでは すまないことも ある。"
696,30,3,"응석받이에 제멋대로다. 티고라스는
장난으로 한 일이라도 상대는
큰 부상으로 끝나지 않을 때도 있다."
696,30,5,"Il est un peu égoïste et aime être le centre
dattention. Il arrive que ses partenaires de jeu
finissent avec de graves blessures."
696,30,6,"Es ist verwöhnt und trotzig. Wer es mit ihm zu
tun hat, muss eventuell mit mehr als schweren
Wunden rechnen, selbst wenn es nur spielen will."
696,30,7,"Un tanto egoísta y malcriado. Aunque solo esté
bromeando, a veces puede causar graves
heridas a sus compañeros de juegos."
696,30,8,"È capriccioso e ama farsi coccolare.
Anche se non lo fa di proposito, può ferire
gravemente il suo compagno di giochi."
696,30,9,"Tyrunt is spoiled and selfish. It may just be
trying to frolic, but sometimes the ones its
trying to frolic with are gravely injured."
696,30,11,"甘えんぼうで わがまま。 チゴラスは
じゃれているつもりでも 相手は
大怪我では 済まないことも ある。"
696,33,1,"よみがえった こだいの ポケモン。
きしょうは あらく みがって。
おおあごで なんでも かみくだく。"
696,33,3,"되살아난 고대의 포켓몬이다.
거칠고 제멋대로인 기질을 지녔다.
큰 턱으로 뭐든지 깨물어 부순다."
696,33,5,"Ce Pokémon ancien a été ranimé à partir
dun fossile. Égoïste et violent, il peut détruire
nimporte quoi avec son énorme mâchoire."
696,33,6,"Ein wiederbelebtes Pokémon aus der Urzeit.
Es ist gewalttätig sowie egoistisch und zerbeißt
alles mit seinem riesigen Kiefer."
696,33,7,"Pokémon prehistórico recreado a partir de un
fósil. De carácter violento y egoísta, sus enormes
mandíbulas pueden triturar cualquier cosa."
696,33,8,"Un antico Pokémon rigenerato da un fossile.
Ha unindole violenta ed egoista. Con la sua
enorme mandibola fa a pezzi qualsiasi cosa."
696,33,9,"This is an ancient Pokémon, revived in modern
times. It has a violent disposition, and itll tear
apart anything it gets between its hefty jaws."
696,33,11,"蘇った 古代の ポケモン。
気性は 荒く 身勝手。
大顎で なんでも かみ砕く。"
696,34,1,"わがままだが あまえんぼう。
じゃれてるだけで トレーナーに
おおけがを おわせてしまう。"
696,34,3,"제멋대로지만 응석꾸러기다.
장난만 쳐도 트레이너에게
큰 상처를 입히고 만다."
696,34,5,"Capricieux, il veut toujours être le centre
de lattention. Il peut gravement blesser
son Dresseur en essayant de jouer avec lui."
696,34,6,"Es ist eigennützig und verzogen. Selbst wenn
Balgoras nur spielen will, verletzt es dabei seinen
Trainer manchmal schwer."
696,34,7,"Un Pokémon un tanto egoísta y malcriado. Puede
ocasionar graves lesiones a su Entrenador incluso
696,34,8,"È capriccioso e ama farsi coccolare.
Quando gioca con il suo Allenatore,
rischia di ferirlo gravemente."
696,34,9,"This Pokémon is selfish and likes to be pampered.
It can also inflict grievous wounds on its Trainer
just by playing around."
696,34,11,"わがままだが 甘えん坊。
じゃれてるだけで トレーナーに
大けがを 負わせてしまう。"
697,23,1,"ぶあつい てっぱんを かみのように
かみちぎる おおあごで こだいの
せかいでは むてきを ほこった。"
697,23,3,"두꺼운 철판을 종잇장처럼
물어뜯는 커다란 턱 덕분에
고대 세계에서는 무적이었다."
697,23,5,"Dans les temps anciens, aucun Pokémon ne pouvait
rivaliser avec lui. Ses puissantes mâchoires peuvent
réduire une épaisse plaque de métal en confettis."
697,23,6,"Aufgrund der Zerstörungskraft seines Kiefers,
der Stahl zerreißen kann, als wäre es Papier,
galt es in seiner Zeit als unbesiegbar."
697,23,7,"En el mundo antiguo en el que habitaba no tenía
rivales gracias a sus mandíbulas, con las que podría
despedazar con facilidad gruesas placas de acero."
697,23,8,"Grazie alle enormi fauci, che gli permettevano di
masticare una lastra di metallo come se fosse carta,
era il più forte dei Pokémon preistorici."
697,23,9,"Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred
thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was
invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited."
697,23,11,"分厚い 鉄板を 紙のように
かみちぎる おおあごで 古代の
世界では 無敵を 誇った。"
697,24,1,"1おくねんまえの せかいでは
むてきを ほこり おうさまのように
ふるまっていた ポケモンだ。"
697,24,3,"1억 년 전 세계에서는
무적을 뽐내며 왕처럼
행동하던 포켓몬이다."
697,24,5,"Il y a 100 millions dannées, ce Pokémon régnait en
maître absolu. Personne ne pouvait se mesurer à lui."
697,24,6,"Vor 100 Millionen Jahren gab es niemanden, der sich
mit ihm hätte messen können, weshalb sich dieses
Pokémon wie ein König verhielt."
697,24,7,"Hace 100 millones de años, este Pokémon se
comportaba como un rey, sin nadie que osase
hacerle frente."
697,24,8,"Nellera preistorica era il fiero re incontrastato
di tutti i Pokémon."
697,24,9,"Nothing could stop this Pokémon
100 million years ago,
so it behaved like a king."
697,24,11,"1億年前の 世界では
無敵を ほこり 王様のように
ふるまっていた ポケモン。"
697,25,1,"ぶあつい てっぱんを かみのように
かみちぎる おおあごで こだいの
せかいでは むてきを ほこった。"
697,25,3,"두꺼운 철판을 종잇장처럼
물어뜯는 커다란 턱 덕분에
고대 세계에서는 무적이었다."
697,25,5,"Dans les temps anciens, aucun Pokémon ne pouvait
rivaliser avec lui. Ses puissantes mâchoires peuvent
réduire une épaisse plaque de métal en confettis."
697,25,6,"Aufgrund der Zerstörungskraft seines Kiefers, der Stahl
zerreißen kann, als wäre es Papier, galt es in seiner Zeit
als unbesiegbar."
697,25,7,"En el mundo antiguo en el que habitaba no tenía rivales
gracias a sus mandíbulas, con las que podría despedazar
con facilidad gruesas placas de acero."
697,25,8,"Grazie alle enormi fauci, che gli permettevano di masticare
una lastra di metallo come se fosse carta, era il più forte
dei Pokémon preistorici."
697,25,9,"Thanks to its gargantuan jaws, which could shred
thick metal plates as if they were paper, it was
invincible in the ancient world it once inhabited."
697,25,11,"分厚い 鉄板を 紙のように
かみちぎる おおあごで 古代の
世界では 無敵を 誇った。"
697,26,1,"1おくねんまえの せかいでは
むてきを ほこり おうさまのように
ふるまっていた ポケモンだ。"
697,26,3,"1억 년 전 세계에서는
무적을 뽐내며 왕처럼
행동하던 포켓몬이다."
697,26,5,"Il y a 100 millions dannées, ce Pokémon régnait en
maître absolu. Personne ne pouvait se mesurer à lui."
697,26,6,"Vor 100 Millionen Jahren gab es niemanden, der sich mit ihm
hätte messen können, weshalb sich dieses Pokémon wie ein
König verhielt."
697,26,7,"Hace 100 millones de años, este Pokémon se comportaba
como un rey, sin nadie que osase hacerle frente."
697,26,8,"Nellera preistorica era il fiero re incontrastato di tutti
i Pokémon."
697,26,9,"Nothing could stop this Pokémon
100 million years ago,
so it behaved like a king."
697,26,11,"1億年前の 世界では
無敵を ほこり 王様のように
ふるまっていた ポケモン。"
697,29,1,"かんぜんな ふくげんは ふかのうで
じつは ぜんしんに うもうの ような
けが あるのではという せつがある。"
697,29,3,"완전한 복원은 불가능해서
사실은 전신에 깃털 같은
털이 있을 것이라는 설도 있다."
697,29,5,"La reconstitution de Pokémon est un art
imparfait. Daucuns pensent même quil était en
fait couvert dune robe semblable à un plumage."
697,29,6,"Es kann nicht originalgetreu aus Fossilien
zurückverwandelt werden. Theorien zufolge
umgab seinen Körper einst eine Art Federkleid."
697,29,7,"Según algunas teorías, este Pokémon no es una
recreación exacta del de épocas pasadas, ya
que debería estar recubierto de plumas."
697,29,8,"Sembra che non si riesca a rigenerarlo alla
perfezione. Secondo alcune teorie il suo corpo
era ricoperto da un manto simile a un piumaggio."
697,29,9,"Complete restoration is impossible, allowing
room for theories that its entire body was
once covered in a feather-like coat."
697,29,11,"完全な 復元は 不可能で
実は 全身に 羽毛の ような
毛が あるのではという 説がある。"
697,30,1,"こだいの おうじゃ。 おおアゴの
ちからは すさまじく じどうしゃも
かんたんに かみちぎってしまう。"
697,30,3,"고대의 왕. 큰 턱은
힘이 엄청나서 자동차도
간단하게 물어뜯어 버린다."
697,30,5,"Il régnait sur le monde en maître incontesté.
Sa mâchoire est si puissante quil na aucun
mal à croquer une voiture."
697,30,6,"Ein urzeitlicher Regent. Mit seinem extrem
starken Kiefer kann Monargoras selbst Autos
spielend leicht durchbeißen."
697,30,7,"Antaño era considerado un rey indiscutible. El
brutal poder de su mandíbula le permite triturar
un coche con suma facilidad."
697,30,8,"Regnava incontrastato nellera preistorica.
La sua enorme mandibola è così potente che
può masticare facilmente anche unautomobile."
697,30,9,"The king of the ancient world, it can easily
crunch a car with the devastating strength
of its enormous jaws."
697,30,11,"古代の 王者。 大アゴの
力は 凄まじく 自動車も
簡単に 噛みちぎってしまう。"
697,33,1,"やく1おくねんまえの ポケモン。
きょうぼうだが どうどうとした
ふるまいは おうじゃの ふうかく。"
697,33,3,"약 1억 년 전의 포켓몬이다.
난폭하지만 당당하게 행동하는 모습은
마치 왕의 품격을 지닌 듯하다."
697,33,5,"Ce Pokémon a vécu il y a 100 millions dannées.
Il est très violent, mais sa contenance noble lui
donne des airs de royauté."
697,33,6,"Es lebte vor 100 Millionen Jahren. Sein brutales,
aber imposantes Verhalten verleiht ihm eine
königliche Ausstrahlung."
697,33,7,"Este Pokémon vivió hace cien millones de años.
A pesar de su ferocidad, posee una firmeza y una
presencia dignas de un rey."
697,33,8,"Questo Pokémon è esistito 100 milioni danni fa.
È molto feroce, ma il suo atteggiamento solenne
rivela una personalità degna di un re."
697,33,9,"This Pokémon is from about 100,000,000
years ago. It has the presence of a king, vicious
but magnificent."
697,33,11,"約1億年前の ポケモン。
凶暴だが 堂々とした ふるまいは
王者の 風格。"
697,34,1,"おおあごは ひとかみするだけで
じどうしゃも こなごなに する。
こだいの せかいの おうじゃ。"
697,34,3,"큰 턱은 살짝 물기만 해도
자동차를 산산조각 낸다.
고대 세계의 왕이다."
697,34,5,"Ce Pokémon peut réduire une voiture en miettes
dun seul coup de mâchoire. Il était considéré
comme le roi du monde préhistorique."
697,34,6,"Ein Biss seines starken Kiefers reicht, um ein Auto
zu zermalmen. Dieses Pokémon war der Regent
der Urzeit."
697,34,7,"Puede hacer trizas un coche de un solo mordisco
gracias a sus potentes mandíbulas. Antaño era
considerado un rey."
697,34,8,"Grazie alla sua mandibola può ridurre in frantumi
unauto con un morso solo. Regnava incontrastato
nellera preistorica."
697,34,9,"A single bite of Tyrantrums massive jaws will
demolish a car. This Pokémon was the king of the
ancient world."
697,34,11,"大顎は ひと噛みするだけで
自動車も 粉々に する。
古代の 世界の 王者。"
698,23,1,"1おくねんまえから こおりづけに
なっていた からだの いちぶから
ふっかつした こだいの ポケモン。"
698,23,3,"1억 년 전부터 빙하로
뒤덮여 있던 몸의 일부에서
부활한 고대의 포켓몬이다."
698,23,5,"Pokémon ancien, ramené à la vie après la découverte
dune partie de son corps conservée dans la glace
pendant 100 millions dannées."
698,23,6,"Dieses antike Pokémon wurde aus Teilen seines
Körpers neu belebt, die 100 Millionen
Jahre lang im ewigen Eis geschlummert hatten."
698,23,7,"Pokémon que ha sido regenerado a partir de un trozo
de su antiguo cuerpo, que quedó congelado hace
unos 100 millones de años."
698,23,8,"Pokémon preistorico riportato in vita dopo più di
100 milioni di anni grazie a parti del suo corpo
rinvenute nel ghiaccio."
698,23,9,"This ancient Pokémon was restored
from part of its body that had been
frozen in ice for over 100 million years."
698,23,11,"1億年前から 氷漬けに なっていた
体の 一部から 復活した
古代の ポケモン。"
698,24,1,"おっとりした せいかくの ポケモン。
ガチゴラスなど きょうぼうな てきの
いない さむい とちに すんでいた。"
698,24,3,"의젓한 성격의 포켓몬이다.
견고라스 등 흉포한 적이
없는 추운 땅에 살고 있었다."
698,24,5,"Ce Pokémon placide vivait dans des contrées
au climat froid, loin de la menace dun violent
prédateur comme Rexillius."
698,24,6,"Dieses eher ruhige Pokémon lebte in einem kalten
Land, in dem es keine brutalen Gegner wie
Monargoras zu fürchten hatte."
698,24,7,"Un Pokémon de carácter sosegado. Habitaba en
lugares fríos donde no existían depredadores tan
feroces como Tyrantrum."
698,24,8,"Pokémon dal carattere tranquillo.
Abitava in terre fredde, in cui non doveva temere
la presenza di terribili predatori come i Tyrantrum."
698,24,9,"This calm Pokémon lived in a cold land where
there were no violent predators like Tyrantrum."
698,24,11,"おっとりした 性格の ポケモン。
ガチゴラスなど 凶暴な 敵の いない
寒い 土地に 住んでいた。"
698,25,1,"1おくねんまえから こおりづけに
なっていた からだの いちぶから
ふっかつした こだいの ポケモン。"
698,25,3,"1억 년 전부터 빙하로
뒤덮여 있던 몸의 일부에서
부활한 고대의 포켓몬이다."
698,25,5,"Pokémon ancien, ramené à la vie après la découverte
dune partie de son corps conservée dans la glace
pendant 100 millions dannées."
698,25,6,"Dieses antike Pokémon wurde aus Teilen seines Körpers
neu belebt, die 100 Millionen Jahre lang im ewigen Eis
geschlummert hatten."
698,25,7,"Pokémon que ha sido regenerado a partir de un trozo de
su antiguo cuerpo, que quedó congelado hace unos 100
millones de años."
698,25,8,"Pokémon preistorico riportato in vita dopo più di 100 milioni
di anni grazie a parti del suo corpo rinvenute nel ghiaccio."
698,25,9,"This ancient Pokémon was restored
from part of its body that had been
frozen in ice for over 100 million years."
698,25,11,"1億年前から 氷漬けに なっていた
体の 一部から 復活した
古代の ポケモン。"
698,26,1,"おっとりした せいかくの ポケモン。
ガチゴラスなど きょうぼうな てきの
いない さむい とちに すんでいた。"
698,26,3,"의젓한 성격의 포켓몬이다.
견고라스 등 흉포한 적이
없는 추운 땅에 살고 있었다."
698,26,5,"Ce Pokémon placide vivait dans des contrées au climat froid,
loin de la menace dun violent prédateur comme Rexillius."
698,26,6,"Dieses eher ruhige Pokémon lebte in einem kalten Land,
in dem es keine brutalen Gegner wie Monargoras zu fürchten
698,26,7,"Un Pokémon de carácter sosegado. Habitaba en lugares fríos
donde no existían depredadores tan feroces como Tyrantrum."
698,26,8,"Pokémon dal carattere tranquillo. Abitava in terre fredde,
in cui non doveva temere la presenza di terribili predatori
come i Tyrantrum."
698,26,9,"This calm Pokémon lived in a cold land where
there were no violent predators like Tyrantrum."
698,26,11,"おっとりした 性格の ポケモン。
ガチゴラスなど 凶暴な 敵の いない
寒い 土地に 住んでいた。"
698,29,1,"こだいの さむいとちに すんでいた。
アマルスが いななくとき よぞらに
オーロラが あらわれる という。"
698,29,3,"고대에 차가운 토지에서 살았다.
아마루스가 울면 밤하늘에
오로라가 나타난다고 한다."
698,29,5,"Amagara vivait jadis dans les terres glacées.
On dit que lorsquil pousse un cri, une aurore
boréale nimbe le ciel nocturne."
698,29,6,"Vor Urzeiten lebte es in kalten Gebieten. Es
heißt, wenn Amarino seine Stimme erklingen
lässt, erscheinen Polarlichter."
698,29,7,"Vivía en zonas gélidas en épocas pasadas y,
según dicen, el sonido que emite provoca la
aparición de auroras boreales nocturnas."
698,29,8,"In passato abitava nelle terre più fredde.
Si dice che quando emette il suo verso, nel cielo
notturno compaia laurora boreale."
698,29,9,"It lived in cold areas in ancient times. Its said
that when Amaura whinnies, auroras appear in
the night sky."
698,29,11,"古代の 寒い土地に 棲んでいた。
アマルスが いななくとき 夜空に
オーロラが 現れる という。"
698,30,1,"ふくげんに せいこうしたが いまの
かんきょうは あつすぎて ながいきは
できないと かんがえられている。"
698,30,3,"복원에 성공했지만 오늘날의
환경은 너무 더워서 오래 살지는
못할 것으로 여겨지고 있다."
698,30,5,"Il a été reconstitué, mais son corps nest pas
adapté aux températures actuelles, ce qui
affecte probablement son espérance de vie."
698,30,6,"Es konnte aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt
werden, aber seine Lebenserwartung ist niedrig,
da das heutige Klima zu heiß für es ist."
698,30,7,"Aunque se ha regenerado con éxito, las cálidas
temperaturas actuales no le son propicias y
afectan a su esperanza de vida."
698,30,8,"È stato rigenerato con successo, ma si pensa
che il clima attuale sia troppo caldo e che la sua
speranza di vita non sia molto elevata."
698,30,9,"Amaura was restored successfully, but its not
expected to live long because of the heat of the
current environment."
698,30,11,"復元に 成功したが 今の
環境は 暑過ぎて 長生きは
できないと 考えられている。"
698,33,1,"かせきから ふくげんが せいこう。
てきの すくない さむいとちで
むれを つくり くらしていた。"
698,33,3,"화석으로부터 복원에 성공했다.
적이 적은 추운 땅에서
무리 지어 살았다."
698,33,5,"Ce Pokémon a été ressuscité à partir dun fossile.
Jadis, il vivait en meute dans des terres froides,
où peu de ses prédateurs résidaient."
698,33,6,"Amarino wurde erfolgreich aus einem Fossil
reanimiert. Einst lebte es gruppenweise in kalten
Gebieten, wo nur wenige Feinde lauerten."
698,33,7,"Este Pokémon ha sido regenerado a partir de
un fósil. Habitaba en manadas en lugares fríos
donde los depredadores escaseaban."
698,33,8,"È stato rigenerato da un fossile.
Viveva in gruppo in regioni fredde, dove
i predatori scarseggiavano."
698,33,9,"This Pokémon was successfully restored from a
fossil. In the past, it lived with others of its kind
in cold lands where there were fewer predators."
698,33,11,"化石から 復元が 成功。
敵の 少ない 寒い土地で
群れを つくり 暮らしていた。"
698,34,1,"ぜつめつした こだいの ポケモン。
こおりづけの じょうたいで
はっけんされることも あるぞ。"
698,34,3,"멸종한 고대의 포켓몬이다.
얼어붙은 상태로
발견되기도 한다."
698,34,5,"Un Pokémon ancien qui sest éteint. On trouve
parfois des spécimens conservés dans la glace."
698,34,6,"Ein ausgestorbenes Pokémon aus der Urzeit.
Manchmal werden im Eis erhalten gebliebene
Exemplare entdeckt."
698,34,7,"Un Pokémon prehistórico extinto. Se han hallado
algunos ejemplares conservados bajo el hielo."
698,34,8,"Pokémon dellantichità ormai estinto. A volte
ne vengono scoperti esemplari conservatisi
allinterno di blocchi di ghiaccio."
698,34,9,"Amaura is an ancient Pokémon that has gone
extinct. Specimens of this species can sometimes
be found frozen in ice."
698,34,11,"全滅した 古代の ポケモン。
氷漬けの 状態で
発見されることも あるぞ。"
699,23,1,"マイナス150どの れいきを
ひしがたの けっしょうから だして
てきを つつみ こおりづけにする。"
699,23,3,"마이너스 150도의 냉기를
마름모꼴의 결정에서 내뿜어
적을 감싸 얼어붙게 한다."
699,23,5,"Les cristaux qui parsèment son corps lui permettent
de piéger ses ennemis dans la glace en émettant
de lair refroidi à -150 °C."
699,23,6,"Mit der -150 °C kalten Luft, die den
diamantförmigen Kristallen auf seinem
Körper entströmt, friert es Gegner ein."
699,23,7,"Expulsa un gas gélido a temperaturas inferiores a los
-150 ºC a través de sus cristales romboides y congela
así a su enemigo."
699,23,8,"Emette aria gelida a -150 °C dai cristalli romboidali che
ha sul corpo congelando i nemici."
699,23,9,"The diamond-shaped crystals on its body
expel air as cold as -240 degrees Fahrenheit,
surrounding its enemies and encasing them in ice."
699,23,11,"マイナス150度の 冷気を
ひし形の 結晶から 出して
敵を 包み 氷漬けにする。"
699,24,1,"ひしがたの けっしょうで こおりの
かべを しゅんかんてきに つくり
てきの こうげきを ふせぐのだ。"
699,24,3,"마름모꼴의 결정으로
얼음벽을 순간적으로 만들어
적의 공격을 막는다."
699,24,5,"En utilisant ses cristaux, il peut créer en un instant
un mur de glace pour se protéger des attaques
699,24,6,"Es nutzt seine diamantförmigen Kristalle, um im Nu
eine Wand aus Eis zur Abwehr gegnerischer Angriffe
zu erschaffen."
699,24,7,"Gracias a sus cristales con forma de rombo, puede
crear al momento una barrera de hielo para bloquear
el ataque de su enemigo."
699,24,8,"Si difende dagli attacchi dei nemici creando in pochi
istanti un muro di ghiaccio grazie ai cristalli romboidali
del suo corpo."
699,24,9,"Using its diamond-shaped crystals,
it can instantly create a wall of
ice to block an opponents attack."
699,24,11,"ひし形の 結晶で
氷の 壁を 瞬間的に 作り
敵の 攻撃を 防ぐのだ。"
699,25,1,"マイナス150どの れいきを
ひしがたの けっしょうから だして
てきを つつみ こおりづけにする。"
699,25,3,"마이너스 150도의 냉기를
마름모꼴의 결정에서 내뿜어
적을 감싸 얼어붙게 한다."
699,25,5,"Les cristaux qui parsèment son corps lui permettent de piéger
ses ennemis dans la glace en émettant de lair refroidi
à -150 °C."
699,25,6,"Mit der -150 °C kalten Luft, die den diamantförmigen Kristallen
auf seinem Körper entströmt, friert es Gegner ein."
699,25,7,"Expulsa un gas gélido a temperaturas inferiores a los -150 °C
a través de sus cristales romboides y congela así a su
699,25,8,"Emette aria gelida a -150 °C dai cristalli romboidali che ha
sul corpo congelando i nemici."
699,25,9,"The diamond-shaped crystals on its body
expel air as cold as -240 degrees Fahrenheit,
surrounding its enemies and encasing them in ice."
699,25,11,"マイナス150度の 冷気を
ひし形の 結晶から 出して
敵を 包み 氷漬けにする。"
699,26,1,"ひしがたの けっしょうで こおりの
かべを しゅんかんてきに つくり
てきの こうげきを ふせぐのだ。"
699,26,3,"마름모꼴의 결정으로
얼음벽을 순간적으로 만들어
적의 공격을 막는다."
699,26,5,"En utilisant ses cristaux, il peut créer en un instant un mur
de glace pour se protéger des attaques ennemies."
699,26,6,"Es nutzt seine diamantförmigen Kristalle, um im Nu eine Wand
aus Eis zur Abwehr gegnerischer Angriffe zu erschaffen."
699,26,7,"Gracias a sus cristales con forma de rombo, puede crear al
momento una barrera de hielo para bloquear el ataque de su
699,26,8,"Si difende dagli attacchi dei nemici creando in pochi istanti
un muro di ghiaccio grazie ai cristalli romboidali del suo corpo."
699,26,9,"Using its diamond-shaped crystals,
it can instantly create a wall of
ice to block an opponents attack."
699,26,11,"ひし形の 結晶で
氷の 壁を 瞬間的に 作り
敵の 攻撃を 防ぐのだ。"
699,29,1,"ひょうざんの なかに とうじのままの
すがたで こおりづけに なった
アマルルガが みつかり ニュースに。"
699,29,3,"빙산 안에 당시의 모습 그대로
얼어붙은 아마루르가가
발견되어 화제를 모았다."
699,29,5,"Un Dragmara a été retrouvé dans un glacier,
en parfait état de conservation, ce qui a fait
la une des actualités."
699,29,6,"Kürzlich sorgte der Fund eines in einem Eisberg
eingeschlossenen, perfekt konservierten
Amagargas aus der Urzeit für Schlagzeilen."
699,29,7,"El descubrimiento de un Aurorus en perfecto
estado de conservación en el interior de un
iceberg se convirtió en noticia."
699,29,8,"Di recente ha fatto notizia il ritrovamento di
un esemplare in perfetto stato di conservazione
intrappolato in un iceberg."
699,29,9,"An Aurorus was found frozen solid within a
glacier, just as it appeared long ago, which
became quite a big event in the news."
699,29,11,"氷山の 中に 当時のままの
姿で 氷漬けに なった
アマルルガが 見つかり ニュースに。"
699,30,1,"からだの ひょうめんの おんどは
マイナス 150ど。 ふだんは
とてもおとなしく やさしいポケモン。"
699,30,3,"몸의 표면 온도는 영하 150도다.
평소에는 매우 얌전하고
상냥한 포켓몬이다."
699,30,5,"La température de la surface de son corps
est de -150 °C. Ce Pokémon est généralement
très calme et très doux."
699,30,6,"Die Oberfläche seines Körpers ist -150 °C kalt.
Für gewöhnlich ist es ein sehr besonnenes und
sanftmütiges Pokémon."
699,30,7,"La superficie de su cuerpo se mantiene a una
temperatura de -150 ºC. Por lo general, es un
Pokémon muy dócil y afable."
699,30,8,"La superficie del suo corpo ha una temperatura
di -150 °C. È un Pokémon generalmente molto
tranquillo e docile."
699,30,9,"This usually quiet and kindly Pokémon has a
surface temperature of around
240 degrees Fahrenheit."
699,30,11,"身体の 表面の 温度は
マイナス 150度。 普段は
とても大人しく やさしいポケモン。"
699,33,1,"かせきから ふくげん された。
アマルルガが ほえると よぞらに
オーロラが あらわれると いう。"
699,33,3,"화석에서 복원됐다.
아마루르가가 울부짖으면 밤하늘에
오로라가 나타난다고 한다."
699,33,5,"Ce Pokémon a été ressuscité à partir dun fossile.
On raconte quune aurore boréale apparaît dans
le ciel nocturne quand il hurle à la lune."
699,33,6,"Es wurde aus einem Fossil zurückverwandelt.
Wenn es seinen Ruf erschallen lässt, sollen
Polarlichter am Nachthimmel erscheinen."
699,33,7,"Fue regenerado a partir de un fósil. Dicen que el
rugido de Aurorus hace aparecer la aurora boreal
en el cielo nocturno."
699,33,8,"È stato rigenerato da un fossile. Si dice che
quando Aurorus ulula, nel cielo notturno
compaia laurora boreale."
699,33,9,"Aurorus was restored from a fossil. Its said that
when this Pokémon howls, auroras appear in the
night sky."
699,33,11,"化石から 復元された。
アマルルガが 吠えると 夜空に
オーロラが 現れると いう。"
699,34,1,"はげしい いかりに かられると
もうれつな れいきを ふきだして
あたりいちめんを こおりづけにする。"
699,34,3,"격렬한 분노에 사로잡히면
맹렬하게 냉기를 뿜어내
주변을 모두 얼어붙게 한다."
699,34,5,"Lorsquil se laisse emporter par sa rage,
il relâche des bourrasques glacées
qui gèlent tout ce qui lentoure."
699,34,6,"Wenn es von wildem Zorn erfüllt ist, entströmt
ihm gewaltige Kälte, die seine ganze Umgebung
699,34,7,"Cuando se deja llevar por la ira, emite un vaho
extremadamente gélido que lo congela todo a
su alrededor."
699,34,8,"Quando è in preda allira emette un getto
violento di aria gelida che congela tutto ciò
che lo circonda."
699,34,9,"When gripped by rage, Aurorus will emanate
freezing air, covering everything around it in ice."
699,34,11,"激しい 怒りに かられると
猛烈な 冷気を 噴き出して
あたり一面を 氷漬けにする。"
700,23,1,"リボンのような しょっかくから
きもちを やわらげる はどうを
おくりこみ たたかいを やめさせる。"
700,23,3,"리본 모양의 더듬이에서
마음을 온화하게 하는 파동을
보내 싸움을 그만두게 한다."
700,23,5,"Pour arrêter le combat, il émet des ondes apaisantes
avec ses rubans."
700,23,6,"Seinen bandförmigen Fühlern lässt
es beruhigende Wellen entströmen,
die das Ende von Kämpfen herbeiführen."
700,23,7,"A través de sus apéndices sensitivos con forma de
cinta, emite unas ondas tranquilizadoras mediante las
cuales detiene los combates."
700,23,8,"Le sue antenne simili a fiocchetti emettono onde dagli
effetti rilassanti, grazie alle quali fa cessare le lotte."
700,23,9,"It sends a soothing aura from its
ribbonlike feelers to calm fights."
700,23,11,"リボンのような 触覚から
気持ちを 和らげる 波動を 送りこみ
戦いを やめさせる。"
700,24,1,"だいすきな トレーナーの うでに
リボンのような しょっかくを
まきつけて いっしょに あるく。"
700,24,3,"좋아하는 트레이너의 팔에
리본 모양의 더듬이를
감고 함께 걷는다."
700,24,5,"Il enroule ses rubans sensoriels autour du bras de
son Dresseur adoré et chemine paisiblement à
ses côtés."
700,24,6,"Es umwickelt den Arm seines geliebten Trainers mit
seinen bandförmigen Fühlern und geht so mit ihm
700,24,7,"Enrolla sus apéndices sensoriales con forma de cinta
en los brazos de su querido Entrenador cuando
caminan juntos."
700,24,8,"Se si affeziona particolarmente al suo Allenatore, lo
accompagna circondandogli amorevolmente il braccio
con le sue antenne a forma di fiocchetto."
700,24,9,"It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around
the arm of its beloved Trainer
and walks with him or her."
700,24,11,"大好きな トレーナーの 腕に
リボンのような 触覚を 巻きつけて
一緒に 歩く。"
700,25,1,"リボンのような しょっかくから
きもちを やわらげる はどうを
おくりこみ たたかいを やめさせる。"
700,25,3,"리본 모양의 더듬이에서
마음을 온화하게 하는 파동을
보내 싸움을 그만두게 한다."
700,25,5,"Pour arrêter le combat, il émet des ondes apaisantes
avec ses rubans."
700,25,6,"Seinen bandförmigen Fühlern lässt es beruhigende Wellen
entströmen, die das Ende von Kämpfen herbeiführen."
700,25,7,"A través de sus apéndices sensitivos con forma de cinta,
emite unas ondas tranquilizadoras mediante las cuales
detiene los combates."
700,25,8,"Le sue antenne simili a fiocchetti emettono onde dagli effetti
rilassanti, grazie alle quali fa cessare le lotte."
700,25,9,"It sends a soothing aura from its
ribbonlike feelers to calm fights."
700,25,11,"リボンのような 触覚から
気持ちを 和らげる 波動を 送りこみ
戦いを やめさせる。"
700,26,1,"だいすきな トレーナーの うでに
リボンのような しょっかくを
まきつけて いっしょに あるく。"
700,26,3,"좋아하는 트레이너의 팔에
리본 모양의 더듬이를
감고 함께 걷는다."
700,26,5,"Il enroule ses rubans sensoriels autour du bras de son
Dresseur adoré et chemine paisiblement à ses côtés."
700,26,6,"Es umwickelt den Arm seines geliebten Trainers mit seinen
bandförmigen Fühlern und geht so mit ihm spazieren."
700,26,7,"Enrolla sus apéndices sensoriales con forma de cinta en los
brazos de su querido Entrenador cuando caminan juntos."
700,26,8,"Se si affeziona particolarmente al suo Allenatore, lo
accompagna circondandogli amorevolmente il braccio
con le sue antenne a forma di fiocchetto."
700,26,9,"It wraps its ribbonlike feelers around
the arm of its beloved Trainer
and walks with him or her."
700,26,11,"大好きな トレーナーの 腕に
リボンのような 触覚を 巻きつけて
一緒に 歩く。"
700,27,1,"リボンの ような しょっかく から
てきいを そぐ はどうを はなち
えものを ゆだんさせ おそう。"
700,27,3,"리본 같은 더듬이로부터
적의를 없애는 파동을 내보내
먹이를 방심하게 하고 덮친다."
700,27,5,"Grâce à ses antennes semblables à des rubans,
il peut émettre des ondes neutralisant lhostilité
et ainsi endormir la méfiance de ses proies."
700,27,6,"Seinen bandförmigen Fühlern lässt es
beruhigende Wellen entströmen, um
seine Beute in Sicherheit zu wiegen."
700,27,7,"Con sus apéndices sensoriales con forma de
cinta, puede emitir ondas que neutralizan la
hostilidad y hacen bajar la guardia a su presa."
700,27,8,"Le sue antenne simili a fiocchetti emettono onde
che neutralizzano laggressività, riuscendo così
a far abbassare la guardia alle sue prede."
700,27,9,"Its ribbonlike feelers give off an aura that
weakens hostility in its prey, causing them
to let down their guard. Then it attacks."
700,27,11,"リボンの ような 触角 から
敵意を 削ぐ 波動を 放ち
獲物を 油断させ 襲う。"
700,28,1,"えものを みつけると リボンじょうの
しょっかくを ゆらし ゆだん させ
スキが できると とびかかる。"
700,28,3,"먹이를 발견하면 리본 모양의
더듬이를 흔들어 방심하게 하고
틈이 만들어지면 덤벼든다."
700,28,5,"Lorsquil trouve une proie, il agite ses antennes
en forme de rubans pour la distraire. Ensuite,
il passe à lattaque."
700,28,6,"Hat es Beute entdeckt, wedelt es mit seinen
bandförmigen Fühlern, um diese abzulenken.
Bei Erfolg stürzt es sich auf sie."
700,28,7,"Al detectar a una presa, agita sus apéndices
sensoriales con forma de cinta para distraerla y,
cuando lo consigue, se abalanza sobre ella."
700,28,8,"Individuata una preda, agita le sue antenne
simili a fiocchetti per deconcentrarla e poi
attacca approfittando della sua distrazione."
700,28,9,"When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its
ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment
later, it pounces."
700,28,11,"獲物を 見つけると リボン状の
触角を 揺らし 油断 させ
スキが できると 飛びかかる。"
700,29,1,"ひとたび たたかいとなれば じぶんの
なんばいもある ドラゴンポケモンにも
いっさいひるまず とびかかっていく。"
700,29,3,"한번 싸움이 나면 자신보다
몇 배나 큰 드래곤포켓몬에게도
전혀 기죽지 않고 덤벼든다."
700,29,5,"Une fois le combat entamé, il nhésite pas
une seconde, même contre un Pokémon
de type Dragon dix fois plus gros que lui."
700,29,6,"Kommt es zum Kampf, stürzt es sich furchtlos
ins Gefecht, selbst wenn sein Gegner ein
vielfach größeres Drachen-Pokémon ist."
700,29,7,"Cuando se enfrasca en un combate lo da todo
sin titubear un segundo, aunque se enfrente a
un Pokémon de tipo Dragón más grande que él."
700,29,8,"Nella lotta, parte allattacco senza esitare
un istante, anche quando si trova di fronte
imponenti Pokémon di tipo Drago."
700,29,9,"Once a fight breaks out, it will unflinchingly
charge at dragon Pokémon that are many times
larger than itself."
700,29,11,"ひとたび 戦いとなれば 自分の
何倍もある ドラゴンポケモンにも
いっさい怯まず 飛びかかっていく。"
700,30,1,"トレーナーの うでに リボンじょうの
しょっかくを まきつけてくる。
ふれると きもちが わかる からだ。"
700,30,3,"트레이너의 팔에 리본 모양의
더듬이를 휘감는다.
닿으면 기분을 알 수 있기 때문이다."
700,30,5,"Enrouler lune de ses antennes en forme
de ruban autour du bras de son Dresseur
lui permet de connaître ses sentiments."
700,30,6,"Feelinara umwickelt den Arm seines Trainers mit
seinen bandförmigen Fühlern, da es so spüren
kann, wie es ihm geht."
700,30,7,"Al rodear el brazo de su Entrenador con los
apéndices sensoriales en forma de cintas, es
capaz de comprender sus sentimientos."
700,30,8,"Avvolge le sue antenne simili a fiocchetti intorno
al braccio dellAllenatore per comprendere i suoi
700,30,9,"Sylveon wraps its ribbonlike feelers around its
Trainers arm because this touch enables it to
read its Trainers feelings."
700,30,11,"トレーナーの 腕に リボン状の
触角を 巻きつけてくる。
触れると 気持ちが わかる からだ。"
700,33,1,"リボンのような しょっかくから
てきいを けす はどうを はっして
あらそいを やめさせる。"
700,33,3,"리본 모양의 더듬이로부터
적의를 없애는 파동을 내보내
싸움을 그만두게 한다."
700,33,5,"Grâce à ses antennes semblables à des rubans,
il peut émettre des ondes neutralisant lhostilité
et ainsi mettre fin aux querelles."
700,33,6,"Mit seinen bandförmigen Fühlern sendet es
Wellen aus, die feindselige Gefühle verklingen
lassen. So legt es Streitereien bei."
700,33,7,"Con sus apéndices sensoriales en forma de cinta,
puede emitir ondas que neutralizan la hostilidad
y detener así cualquier contienda."
700,33,8,"Fa cessare le lotte grazie alle antenne simili
a fiocchetti, che emettono onde in grado di
placare le ostilità."
700,33,9,"By releasing enmity-erasing waves from its
ribbonlike feelers, Sylveon stops any conflict."
700,33,11,"リボンのような 触角から
敵意を 消す 波動を 発して
争いを やめさせる。"
700,34,1,"おそろしい ドラゴンポケモンを
うつくしい ニンフィアが たいじする
どうわが ガラルちほうに のこる。"
700,34,3,"무서운 드래곤포켓몬을
아름다운 님피아가 퇴치하는
동화가 가라르지방에 남아 있다."
700,34,5,"Un conte de Galar relate la victoire dun beau
Nymphali sur un terrible Pokémon Dragon."
700,34,6,"Ein in der Galar-Region überliefertes Märchen
erzählt von einem bildhübschen Feelinara, das
ein grässliches Drachen-Pokémon bezwingt."
700,34,7,"En un cuento infantil de Galar se narra la victoria
de un Sylveon de extraordinaria belleza sobre un
temible Pokémon de tipo Dragón."
700,34,8,"Una favola di Galar narra di un Sylveon di rara
bellezza che sconfisse uno spaventoso Pokémon
di tipo Drago."
700,34,9,"Theres a Galarian fairy tale that describes
a beautiful Sylveon vanquishing a dreadful
dragon Pokémon."
700,34,11,"恐ろしい ドラゴンポケモンを
美しい ニンフィアが 退治する
童話が ガラル地方に 残る。"
701,23,1,"たいかくは こがらだが カイリキーや
ハリテヤマなど おおきな ポケモンと
ごかくに たたかう テクニシャン。"
701,23,3,"체격은 작지만 괴력몬이나
하리뭉 등의 커다란 포켓몬과
막상막하로 싸우는 테크니션이다."
701,23,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, son intelligence lui permet
daffronter sans trembler de grands Pokémon tels que
les Mackogneur ou les Hariyama."
701,23,6,"Ungeachtet seines kleinen Wuchses, erweist es sich,
dank seiner Kampftechnik, gegenüber größeren
Gegnern wie Machomei oder Hariyama als ebenbürtig."
701,23,7,"A pesar de ser un Pokémon de pequeña estatura,
su pericia en el combate le permite plantar cara a
Pokémon como Machamp o Hariyama."
701,23,8,"Nonostante le piccole dimensioni, è in grado di
tenere testa a Pokémon ben più grandi come
Machamp o Hariyama."
701,23,9,"Although its body is small, its proficient
fighting skills enable it to keep up with
big bruisers like Machamp and Hariyama."
701,23,11,"体格は 小柄だが カイリキーや
ハリテヤマなど 大きな ポケモンと
互角に 戦う テクニシャン。"
701,24,1,"つばさを つかい くうちゅうで
しせいを コントロール。ふせぎにくい
ずじょうから こうげきを しかける。"
701,24,3,"날개를 사용해 공중에서
자세를 컨트롤한다. 막기 어려운
머리 위에서부터 공격해온다."
701,24,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour contrôler avec précision sa
posture en vol. Ses attaques aériennes sont difficiles
à parer."
701,24,6,"Es nutzt seine Flügel, um sich am Himmel in Position
zu halten. Gegen seine Angriffe aus der Luft kann man
sich nur schwer zur Wehr setzen."
701,24,7,"Controla su posición en el aire con las alas. Lanza
ataques desde gran altura que resultan difíciles de
701,24,8,"Grazie alle sue ali riesce a controllare con la massima
precisione i movimenti in aria e attacca dallalto,
in posizione di vantaggio rispetto ai nemici."
701,24,9,"With its wings, it controls its position in the air.
It likes to attack from above, a maneuver that
is difficult to defend against."
701,24,11,"翼を 使い 空中で 姿勢を
コントロール。防ぎにくい 頭上から
攻撃を 仕掛ける。"
701,25,1,"たいかくは こがらだが カイリキーや
ハリテヤマなど おおきな ポケモンと
ごかくに たたかう テクニシャン。"
701,25,3,"체격은 작지만 괴력몬이나
하리뭉 등의 커다란 포켓몬과
막상막하로 싸우는 테크니션이다."
701,25,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, son intelligence lui permet daffronter
sans trembler de grands Pokémon tels que les Mackogneur
ou les Hariyama."
701,25,6,"Ungeachtet seines kleinen Wuchses, erweist es sich, dank
seiner Kampftechnik, gegenüber größeren Gegnern wie
Machomei oder Hariyama als ebenbürtig."
701,25,7,"A pesar de ser un Pokémon de pequeña estatura, su pericia
en el combate le permite plantar cara a Pokémon como
Machamp o Hariyama."
701,25,8,"Nonostante le piccole dimensioni, è in grado di tenere testa
a Pokémon ben più grandi come Machamp o Hariyama."
701,25,9,"Although its body is small, its proficient
fighting skills enable it to keep up with
big bruisers like Machamp and Hariyama."
701,25,11,"体格は 小柄だが カイリキーや
ハリテヤマなど 大きな ポケモンと
互角に 戦う テクニシャン。"
701,26,1,"つばさを つかい くうちゅうで
しせいを コントロール。ふせぎにくい
ずじょうから こうげきを しかける。"
701,26,3,"날개를 사용해 공중에서
자세를 컨트롤한다. 막기 어려운
머리 위에서부터 공격해온다."
701,26,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour contrôler avec précision sa posture
en vol. Ses attaques aériennes sont difficiles à parer."
701,26,6,"Es nutzt seine Flügel, um sich am Himmel in Position zu halten.
Gegen seine Angriffe aus der Luft kann man sich nur schwer
zur Wehr setzen."
701,26,7,"Controla su posición en el aire con las alas. Lanza ataques
desde gran altura que resultan difíciles de evitar."
701,26,8,"Grazie alle sue ali riesce a controllare con la massima
precisione i movimenti in aria e attacca dallalto, in posizione
di vantaggio rispetto ai nemici."
701,26,9,"With its wings, it controls its position in the air.
It likes to attack from above, a maneuver that
is difficult to defend against."
701,26,11,"翼を 使い 空中で 姿勢を
コントロール。防ぎにくい 頭上から
攻撃を 仕掛ける。"
701,29,1,"すばやいわざで あいてを あっとう。
ひっさつわざを はなつ アピールが
ながすぎて ピンチにおちいることも。"
701,29,3,"빠른 기술로 상대를 압도한다.
필살기를 쓰기 위한 어필이
너무 길어서 위기에 처하기도 한다."
701,29,5,"Il terrasse ses adversaires grâce à sa vitesse,
mais se pavane tant avant de lancer sa botte
secrète quil se retrouve parfois en difficulté."
701,29,6,"Es dominiert seine Gegner mit flinken Attacken.
Oft wird es ihm aber zum Verhängnis, dass es
seine Spezialtechniken zu lange in Szene setzt."
701,29,7,"Deja atónito al rival con sus rápidos ataques,
pero se luce tanto antes de dar el golpe
definitivo que a veces sale mal parado."
701,29,8,"Prevale sul nemico grazie alla sua rapidità, ma a
volte per mettersi in mostra aspetta troppo a
lanciare lattacco finale e si trova in difficoltà."
701,29,9,"It overwhelms opponents with quick moves, but
sometimes it showboats for too long when its
using a special move and gets itself into a pinch."
701,29,11,"素早い技で 相手を 圧倒。
必殺技を 放つ アピールが
長すぎて ピンチに陥ることも。"
701,30,1,"かろやかな ジャンプで あいての
しかくに まわりつつ たたかう。
かれいな かんせつわざも とくい。"
701,30,3,"경쾌한 점프로 상대의
사각을 돌며 싸운다.
화려한 관절 기술도 특기다."
701,30,5,"Il combat ses adversaires en sautillant pour
se retrouver dans leur angle mort. Il maîtrise
de formidables techniques de clés articulaires."
701,30,6,"Im Kampf manövriert es sich mit gewandten
Sprüngen aus dem Blickfeld seines Gegners.
Es beherrscht auch prachtvolle Hebeltechniken."
701,30,7,"Con sus ágiles saltos y su juego de piernas,
permanece siempre en el punto ciego del rival.
Es un experto en llaves inmovilizadoras."
701,30,8,"Durante la lotta, si porta con agili salti negli
angoli ciechi della visuale dellavversario.
È in grado di eseguire magnifiche leve articolari."
701,30,9,"In combat, Hawlucha leaps nimbly about, taking
advantage of its opponents blind spots. Its
also skilled at using superb submission holds."
701,30,11,"軽やかな ジャンプで 相手の
死角に まわりつつ 戦う。
華麗な 関節技も 得意。"
701,33,1,"みがるさを いかした せんぽうで
あいての たいりょくを うばってから
かれいな おおわざを きめる。"
701,33,3,"경쾌한 몸놀림을 활용한 전법으로
상대의 체력을 빼앗은 뒤
화려한 큰 기술을 먹인다."
701,33,5,"Il utilise des tactiques basées sur son agilité
pour fatiguer son adversaire, et termine
le combat par une magnifique frappe décisive."
701,33,6,"Durch flinke Angriffsmanöver raubt es seinen
Gegnern ihre Kraft, um sie dann mit prachtvollen
Spezialtechniken niederzuringen."
701,33,7,"Se vale de su agilidad para minar las fuerzas del
rival y, una vez extenuado, remata el combate
ejecutando una técnica formidable."
701,33,8,"Sfrutta la sua agilità per indebolire lavversario,
e conclude la lotta dandogli il colpo di grazia
con una mossa grandiosa."
701,33,9,"It drives its opponents to exhaustion with its agile
maneuvers, then ends the fight with a flashy
finishing move."
701,33,11,"身軽さを 活かした 戦法で
相手の 体力を 奪ってから
華麗な 大技を 決める。"
701,34,1,"とどめの おおわざを だす まえは
かならず ポーズを きめる。 その
すきに はんげきされる こともある。"
701,34,3,"끝을 내는 결정적인 기술을 쓰기 전에
반드시 포즈를 취한다.
그 틈에 반격당하기도 한다."
701,34,5,"Il prend toujours la pose avant de donner le coup
de grâce à son adversaire. Certains en profitent
pour contre-attaquer."
701,34,6,"Bevor es seinem Gegner mit einer Spezialtechnik
ein Ende setzt, posiert es stets. Diesen Moment
nutzt so mancher für einen Gegenangriff."
701,34,7,"Siempre se exhibe con alguna pose justo antes
de propinar el golpe de gracia, momento que
algunos rivales aprovechan para contraatacar."
701,34,8,"Assume sempre una posa speciale prima di
sferrare il colpo finale. A volte i nemici
approfittano di questo istante per contrattaccare."
701,34,9,"It always strikes a pose before going for its
finishing move. Sometimes opponents take
advantage of that time to counterattack."
701,34,11,"とどめの 大技を 出す 前は
かならず ポーズを 決める。 その
隙に 反撃される こともある。"
702,23,1,"ヒゲが アンテナの やくわり。
でんぱを そうじゅしんして とおくの
なかまと れんらくを とりあうのだ。"
702,23,3,"수염이 안테나의 역할을 한다.
전파를 송수신해서 멀리 떨어진
동료와 서로 연락하는 것이다."
702,23,5,"Ses moustaches lui servent dantennes, et lui
permettent denvoyer et de recevoir des signaux
pour communiquer à distance avec ses congénères."
702,23,6,"Seine Schnurrhaare dienen ihm als Antennen. Durch
das Senden und Empfangen von elektrischen Wellen
kann es mit weit entfernten Freunden kommunizieren."
702,23,7,"Sus bigotes hacen la función de antenas, por lo
que puede enviar y recibir ondas eléctricas para
comunicarse a grandes distancias."
702,23,8,"I suoi baffi fungono da antenne che trasmettono e
ricevono onde radio. Se ne serve per comunicare
con i suoi simili."
702,23,9,"Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and
receiving electrical waves, it can communicate
with others over vast distances."
702,23,11,"ヒゲが アンテナの 役割。
電波を 送受信して 遠くの 仲間と
連絡を 取り合うのだ。"
702,24,1,"しっぽで はつでんしょや みんかの
コンセントから でんきを すいとり
ヒゲから でんげきを うちだす。"
702,24,3,"꼬리로 발전소나 민가의
콘센트에서 전기를 흡수하여
수염에서 전격을 날린다."
702,24,5,"Il utilise sa queue pour pomper lénergie des centrales
électriques ou pour se brancher sur les prises des
maisons. Ses moustaches envoient des décharges."
702,24,6,"Mit seinem Schwanz zapft es Kraftwerke sowie
Steckdosen in Häusern an, um Strom zu tanken,
den es über seine Schnurrhaare wieder entlädt."
702,24,7,"Con su cola absorbe la electricidad procedente de las
centrales de energía o los enchufes de las casas,
para liberarla en forma de ataque por los bigotes."
702,24,8,"Con la coda può assorbire energia dalle prese di
corrente di centrali elettriche e abitazioni per poi
scaricarla dai baffi."
702,24,9,"It uses its tail to absorb electricity from
power plants or from outlets in houses,
and then it fires the electricity from its whiskers."
702,24,11,"尻尾で 発電所や 民家の
コンセントから 電気を 吸い取り
ヒゲから 電撃を 撃ち出す。"
702,25,1,"ヒゲが アンテナの やくわり。
でんぱを そうじゅしんして とおくの
なかまと れんらくを とりあうのだ。"
702,25,3,"수염이 안테나의 역할을 한다.
전파를 송수신해서 멀리 떨어진
동료와 서로 연락하는 것이다."
702,25,5,"Ses moustaches lui servent dantennes, et lui permettent
denvoyer et de recevoir des signaux pour communiquer
à distance avec ses congénères."
702,25,6,"Seine Schnurrhaare dienen ihm als Antennen. Durch das
Senden und Empfangen von elektrischen Wellen kann es
mit weit entfernten Freunden kommunizieren."
702,25,7,"Sus bigotes hacen la función de antenas, por lo que puede
enviar y recibir ondas eléctricas para comunicarse a grandes
702,25,8,"I suoi baffi fungono da antenne che trasmettono e ricevono
onde radio. Se ne serve per comunicare con i suoi simili."
702,25,9,"Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and
receiving electrical waves, it can communicate
with others over vast distances."
702,25,11,"ヒゲが アンテナの 役割。
電波を 送受信して 遠くの 仲間と
連絡を 取り合うのだ。"
702,26,1,"しっぽで はつでんしょや みんかの
コンセントから でんきを すいとり
ヒゲから でんげきを うちだす。"
702,26,3,"꼬리로 발전소나 민가의
콘센트에서 전기를 흡수하여
수염에서 전격을 날린다."
702,26,5,"Il utilise sa queue pour pomper lénergie des centrales
électriques ou pour se brancher sur les prises des maisons.
Ses moustaches envoient des décharges."
702,26,6,"Mit seinem Schwanz zapft es Kraftwerke sowie Steckdosen
in Häusern an, um Strom zu tanken, den es über seine
Schnurrhaare wieder entlädt."
702,26,7,"Con su cola absorbe la electricidad procedente de las
centrales de energía o los enchufes de las casas, para
liberarla en forma de ataque por los bigotes."
702,26,8,"Con la coda può assorbire energia dalle prese di corrente
di centrali elettriche e abitazioni per poi scaricarla dai baffi."
702,26,9,"It uses its tail to absorb electricity from
power plants or from outlets in houses,
and then it fires the electricity from its whiskers."
702,26,11,"尻尾で 発電所や 民家の
コンセントから 電気を 吸い取り
ヒゲから 電撃を 撃ち出す。"
702,29,1,"みんかに しのびこみ コンセントから
でんきを ぬすむ。 でんきだいが
おかしいときは こいつの しわざ。"
702,29,3,"민가에 숨어들어 콘센트에서
전기를 훔친다. 전기료가
이상할 때는 이 녀석의 소행이다."
702,29,5,"Il sintroduit chez les gens pour voler lélectricité
via les prises de courant. On sait qui blâmer
en cas de facture délectricité trop élevée!"
702,29,6,"Es schleicht sich in Häuser und zapft an den
Steckdosen Strom ab. Fällt die Stromrechnung
mal unerwartet hoch aus, ist Dedenne schuld."
702,29,7,"Se infiltra en los hogares para robar energía de
los enchufes. Si la factura de la electricidad es
inusualmente alta, seguro que él tiene la culpa."
702,29,8,"Si intrufola nelle case per rubare energia dalle
prese elettriche. Se la bolletta della luce è
stranamente alta, cè di sicuro il suo zampino!"
702,29,9,"It sneaks into peoples homes and steals
electricity from their outlets. When your electric
bill seems off, its the handiwork of this rascal."
702,29,11,"民家に 忍びこみ コンセントから
電気を 盗む。 電気代が
おかしいときは こいつの 仕業。"
702,30,1,"うえの ヒゲは あたりを さぐる
センサーで したに はえた ヒゲは
でんきを はなつ きかん なのだ。"
702,30,3,"위쪽 수염은 주변을 살피는
센서이고 아래로 난 수염은
전기를 발산하는 기관이다."
702,30,5,"Les moustaches du haut lui servent de capteurs
pour inspecter son environnement; celles du
bas lui permettent de décharger de lélectricité."
702,30,6,"Seine oberen Schnurrhaare dienen ihm als
Sensoren zum Abtasten der Umgebung. Seine
unteren Schnurrhaare erzeugen Elektrizität."
702,30,7,"Los bigotes superiores actúan como sensores
del entorno, mientras que los inferiores son
órganos que generan electricidad."
702,30,8,"I baffi superiori sono sensori con cui sonda
lambiente circostante, mentre quelli inferiori
sono organi che emettono elettricità."
702,30,9,"Its upper whiskers are sensors that survey its
surroundings. Its lower whiskers are organs
that shoot electricity."
702,30,11,"上の ヒゲは 辺りを 探る
センサーで 下に 生えた ヒゲは
電気を 放つ 器官 なのだ。"
702,33,1,"なかまの はなつ でんぱを ヒゲで
キャッチ。 エサや でんきの
ありかを みんなで シェアするのだ。"
702,33,3,"동료가 내뿜는 전파를 수염으로
감지한다. 먹이나 전기의 위치를
모두와 함께 공유한다."
702,33,5,"Il capte les ondes émises par ses congénères
avec ses moustaches. Cela lui permet de savoir
où trouver de la nourriture ou de lélectricité."
702,33,6,"Mit den Schnurrhaaren empfangen sie elektrische
Wellen von Artgenossen. So teilen sie einander
mit, wo Futter und Elektrizität zu finden sind."
702,33,7,"Se sirve de sus bigotes para captar las ondas que
emiten sus compañeros, con las que se indican
dónde encontrar sustento o electricidad."
702,33,8,"Usa i baffi per captare le onde radio emesse
dai suoi simili. Così condivide informazioni
su dove trovare cibo ed elettricità."
702,33,9,"A Dedennes whiskers pick up electrical waves
other Dedenne send out. These Pokémon share
locations of food or electricity with one another."
702,33,11,"仲間の 放つ 電波を ヒゲで
キャッチ。 エサや 電気の ありかを
みんなで シェアするのだ。"
702,34,1,"でんきを うみだす ちからが
よわいので コンセントや ほかの
でんきポケモンから ぬすむのだ。"
702,34,3,"전기를 만들어내는 힘이
약해서 콘센트나 다른
전류포켓몬에게 훔친다."
702,34,5,"Puisquil a du mal à générer sa propre électricité,
il en vole aux autres Pokémon Électrik ou via
les prises de courant."
702,34,6,"Dedenne selbst kann nur wenig Elektrizität
erzeugen, weshalb es Strom von anderen
Elektro-Pokémon oder aus Steckdosen stiehlt."
702,34,7,"Su capacidad para producir electricidad es muy
limitada, de modo que tiene que robarla de las
tomas de corriente o de otros Pokémon."
702,34,8,"Non riuscendo a produrre molta elettricità,
la ruba dalle prese di corrente o da
altri Pokémon di tipo Elettro."
702,34,9,"Since Dedenne cant generate much electricity on
its own, it steals electricity from outlets or other
electric Pokémon."
702,34,11,"電気を 生みだす 力が 弱いので
コンセントや ほかの
電気ポケモンから 盗むのだ。"
703,23,1,"ちかふかくの こうおん こうあつな
かんきょうで うまれた。あたまの
いしから エネルギーを はなつ。"
703,23,3,"지하 깊은 곳에 있는 고온, 고압의
환경에서 태어났다. 머리의
돌에서 에너지를 방출한다."
703,23,5,"Ce Pokémon vient des profondeurs de la terre,
où la chaleur et la pression sont intenses.
La pierre qui orne sa tête émet de lénergie."
703,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon entstand aus Druck und Hitze
in den tiefsten Erdschichten. Mithilfe des Steines
in seinem Kopf feuert es Energiestrahlen ab."
703,23,7,"Nace en las profundidades subterráneas, a altas
temperaturas y a gran presión. Irradia energía por
la roca que tiene en la cabeza."
703,23,8,"Nato in ambienti sotterranei a elevati livelli di pressione
e temperatura, emette energia dalla pietra che ha
sulla testa."
703,23,9,"Born from the temperatures and pressures
deep underground, it fires beams from the
stone in its head."
703,23,11,"地下深くの 高温 高圧な
環境で 生まれた。
頭の 石から エネルギーを 放つ。"
703,24,1,"うまれてから すうおくねんの あいだ
ちていで ねむっていた。どうくつを
ほると たまに でてくる。"
703,24,3,"태어나서 수억 년 동안
땅속에 잠들어 있었다. 동굴을
파면 가끔 나오곤 한다."
703,24,5,"Il sommeille sous terre depuis son apparition, il y a
plusieurs centaines de millions dannées.
On le découvre parfois en creusant des cavernes."
703,24,6,"Nach seiner Geburt brachte es hunderte Millionen von
Jahren tief unter der Erde schlafend zu. Es tritt
gelegentlich bei Höhlengrabungen zutage."
703,24,7,"Lleva varios cientos de millones de años durmiendo en
las profundidades subterráneas, desde su nacimiento.
Aparece a veces al excavar en cuevas."
703,24,8,"Dopo la nascita, dorme nelle viscere della terra per
milioni di anni. A volte se ne trova qualche esemplare
scavando nelle caverne."
703,24,9,"It has slept underground for hundreds of millions
of years since its birth. Its occasionally found
during the excavation of caves."
703,24,11,"生まれてから 数億年の間
地底で 眠っていた。
洞窟を 掘ると たまに 出てくる。"
703,25,1,"ちかふかくの こうおん こうあつな
かんきょうで うまれた。あたまの
いしから エネルギーを はなつ。"
703,25,3,"지하 깊은 곳에 있는 고온, 고압의
환경에서 태어났다. 머리의
돌에서 에너지를 방출한다."
703,25,5,"Ce Pokémon vient des profondeurs de la terre, où la chaleur
et la pression sont intenses. La pierre qui orne sa tête émet
de lénergie."
703,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon entstand aus Druck und Hitze in den tiefsten
Erdschichten. Mithilfe des Steines in seinem Kopf feuert es
Energiestrahlen ab."
703,25,7,"Nace en las profundidades subterráneas, a altas temperaturas
y a gran presión. Irradia energía por la roca que tiene en la
703,25,8,"Nato in ambienti sotterranei a elevati livelli di pressione e
temperatura, emette energia dalla pietra che ha sulla testa."
703,25,9,"Born from the temperatures and pressures
deep underground, it fires beams from the
stone in its head."
703,25,11,"地下深くの 高温 高圧な
環境で 生まれた。
頭の 石から エネルギーを 放つ。"
703,26,1,"うまれてから すうおくねんの あいだ
ちていで ねむっていた。どうくつを
ほると たまに でてくる。"
703,26,3,"태어나서 수억 년 동안
땅속에 잠들어 있었다. 동굴을
파면 가끔 나오곤 한다."
703,26,5,"Il sommeille sous terre depuis son apparition, il y a
plusieurs centaines de millions dannées. On le découvre
parfois en creusant des cavernes."
703,26,6,"Nach seiner Geburt brachte es hunderte Millionen von
Jahren tief unter der Erde schlafend zu. Es tritt gelegentlich
bei Höhlengrabungen zutage."
703,26,7,"Lleva varios cientos de millones de años durmiendo en las
profundidades subterráneas, desde su nacimiento. Aparece
a veces al excavar en cuevas."
703,26,8,"Dopo la nascita, dorme nelle viscere della terra per milioni
di anni. A volte se ne trova qualche esemplare scavando
nelle caverne."
703,26,9,"It has slept underground for hundreds of millions
of years since its birth. Its occasionally found
during the excavation of caves."
703,26,11,"生まれてから 数億年の間
地底で 眠っていた。
洞窟を 掘ると たまに 出てくる。"
703,27,1,"こうおん こうあつの ちかふかくで
うまれる。 ほうせきの ぶぶんから
ビームを はなち みを まもるぞ。"
703,27,3,"고온 고압의 지하 깊은 곳에서
태어난다. 보석 부분에서
빔을 발사하여 몸을 지킨다."
703,27,5,"Les Strassie sont nés sous la terre, à de hautes
pressions et températures. Ils se défendent
en lançant des lasers depuis leurs cristaux."
703,27,6,"Druck und Hitze tiefster Erdschichten erzeugten
dieses Pokémon. Seine funkelnden Körperstellen
sondern Strahlen ab, mit denen es sich schützt."
703,27,7,"Nace en las profundidades subterráneas, a altas
temperaturas y a gran presión. Lanza rayos por
sus gemas a modo de defensa."
703,27,8,"Questo Pokémon nasce sottoterra in condizioni
di pressione e temperatura estreme. Si difende
emettendo raggi dalle gemme."
703,27,9,"Born from the high temperatures and pressures
deep underground, it defends itself by firing
beams from the jewel part of its body."
703,27,11,"高温 高圧の 地下深くで
生まれる。 宝石の 部分から
ビームを 放ち 身を 守るぞ。"
703,28,1,"さほど めずらしいわけではないが
キラキラと かがやく ほうせきの
からだが じょせいに にんきだ。"
703,28,3,"그다지 희귀하지는 않지만
반짝반짝 빛나는 보석으로 된
몸이 여성에게 인기다."
703,28,5,"Il ne sagit pas dun Pokémon particulièrement
rare, mais son allure strass et paillettes attire
les gens."
703,28,6,"Der Edelstein, der in seinem Körper steckt,
ist zwar recht gewöhnlich, aber da er schön
funkelt, ist das Pokémon trotzdem sehr beliebt."
703,28,7,"Aunque no es un Pokémon especialmente raro
de ver, el brillo de las joyas que lleva
incrustadas lo hace muy popular."
703,28,8,"Pur non essendo particolarmente raro, è molto
apprezzato per le scintillanti pietre preziose
di cui è cosparso il suo corpo."
703,28,9,"Although this Pokémon is not especially rare,
its glittering, jewel-draped body draws
attention from people."
703,28,11,"さほど 珍しいわけではないが
キラキラと 輝く 宝石の
身体が 女性に 人気だ。"
703,29,1,"ちていの おくふかくには メレシーの
むれと その じょおうが くらす
ほうせきの くにが あるという。"
703,29,3,"땅속 깊숙한 곳에는 멜리시의
무리와 그들의 여왕이 사는
보석의 나라가 있다고 한다."
703,29,5,"Au plus profond de la terre se trouverait
un royaume de pierres précieuses où vivent
la reine des Strassie et son peuple."
703,29,6,"Tief unter der Erde gibt es angeblich ein
Königreich aus Diamanten, in dem Rocara
zusammen mit ihrer Königin leben."
703,29,7,"Se dice que en las profundidades subterráneas
viven grupos enteros de Carbink con su reina
rodeados de toda suerte de joyas."
703,29,8,"Corre voce che nelle profondità della terra
ci sia un regno fatto di pietre preziose dove
vivono i Carbink assieme alla loro regina."
703,29,9,"Some say that deep beneath the surface of the
world, a pack of Carbink live with their queen in
a kingdom of jewels."
703,29,11,"地底の 奥深くには メレシーの
群れと その 女王が 暮らす
宝石の 国が あるという。"
703,30,1,"からだの ほうせきが くもらないよう
メレシーの むれでは ふわふわの
ヒゲで おたがいを みがきあうのだ。"
703,30,3,"몸에 있는 보석의 색이 바래지 않도록
멜리시의 무리는 푹신푹신한
수염으로 서로를 닦아준다."
703,30,5,"Pour éviter que les pierres précieuses de leur
corps ne ternissent, les Strassie se les polissent
mutuellement avec leurs moustaches."
703,30,6,"Um zu verhindern, dass die Edelsteine an ihrem
Körper den Glanz verlieren, polieren sich Rocara
gegenseitig mit ihren flauschigen Bärten."
703,30,7,"Para que las piedras preciosas que adornan sus
cuerpos no pierdan lustre, los Carbink se las
pulen unos a otros con sus mullidos bigotes."
703,30,8,"Per evitare che le pietre preziose che adornano
il loro corpo perdano lucentezza, i Carbink se le
lucidano a vicenda con i morbidi baffi."
703,30,9,"To keep the jewels on their bodies free of
tarnish, packs of Carbink use their soft manes
to polish one anothers jewels."
703,30,11,"身体の 宝石が 曇らないよう
メレシーの 群れでは ふわふわの
ヒゲで お互いを 磨きあうのだ。"
703,33,1,"からだに うまっている ほうせきから
こうエネルギーの ビームを はなち
おそいかかる てきを いっそうする。"
703,33,3,"몸에 묻어 있는 보석에서
강한 에너지 빔을 쏘아 덤벼드는
적을 한꺼번에 날려버린다."
703,33,5,"Ce Pokémon élimine les ennemis qui lattaquent
en projetant un laser dénergie généré par
les pierres précieuses incrustées dans son corps."
703,33,6,"Es feuert hochenergetische Strahlen aus den
Edelsteinen ab, mit denen sein Körper besetzt
ist, und erledigt so angreifende Gegner."
703,33,7,"Fulmina a sus enemigos con potentes rayos de
energía que dispara por las gemas que tiene
incrustadas en el cuerpo."
703,33,8,"Le gemme incastonate nel suo corpo
emettono potenti raggi energetici con cui
spazza via i nemici che lo attaccano."
703,33,9,"When beset by attackers, Carbink wipes them all
out by firing high-energy beams from the gems
embedded in its body."
703,33,11,"体に 埋まっている 宝石から
高エネルギーの ビームを 放ち
襲いかかる 敵を 一掃する。"
703,34,1,"せかいの どこかには メレシーが
たくさん ねむる こうみゃくがあり
むれの じょおうも いるという。"
703,34,3,"세상 어딘가에는 멜리시가
많이 잠들어 있는 광맥이 있고
무리의 여왕도 있다고 한다."
703,34,5,"On raconte quil existerait quelque part dans
le monde un filon regorgeant de Strassie,
qui abriterait également leur reine."
703,34,6,"Es heißt, irgendwo auf der Welt gäbe es eine
Gesteinsader aus schlafenden Rocara. Dort soll
man auch ihre Königin antreffen können."
703,34,7,"Se cree que en algún lugar de este mundo existe
un filón rebosante de Carbink que viven bajo las
órdenes de una reina."
703,34,8,"Si dice che da qualche parte nel mondo cè
una miniera in cui i Carbink dormono assieme
alla loro regina."
703,34,9,"Its said that somewhere in the world, theres
a mineral vein housing a large pack of slumbering
Carbink. Its also said that this pack has a queen."
703,34,11,"世界の どこかには メレシーが
たくさん 眠る 鉱脈があり
群れの 女王も いるという。"
704,23,1,"いちばん よわい ドラゴンポケモン。
ヌメヌメの からだが かわかないよう
ジメジメした ひかげで くらす。"
704,23,3,"가장 약한 드래곤포켓몬이다.
미끌미끌한 몸이 마르지 않도록
축축한 그늘에서 산다."
704,23,5,"Cest le plus faible de tous les Pokémon Dragon.
Pour éviter que son corps ne se dessèche,
il recherche les lieux humides et ombragés."
704,23,6,"Dieses schwächste aller Drachen-Pokémon lebt
an feuchten und schattigen Plätzen, um seinen
glitschigen Körper vor dem Austrocknen zu bewahren."
704,23,7,"Es el Pokémon de tipo Dragón más débil. Habita en
zonas oscuras y húmedas para evitar que su viscoso
cuerpo se seque."
704,23,8,"È il Pokémon Drago più debole di tutti. Vive in ambienti
umidi e in ombra per evitare che il suo corpo si secchi."
704,23,9,"The weakest Dragon-type Pokémon,
it lives in damp, shady places, so its
body doesnt dry out."
704,23,11,"一番 弱い ドラゴンポケモン。
ヌメヌメの 体が 乾かないよう
ジメジメした 日陰で 暮らす。"
704,24,1,"ヌメヌメの ねんまくで おおわれた
からだは てきの パンチや キックを
ヌルリと すべらせてしまうのだ。"
704,24,3,"미끌미끌한 점막으로 덮여 있는
몸은 적의 펀치나 킥을
매끄럽게 미끄러뜨린다."
704,24,5,"Son corps est recouvert dune membrane gluante,
aussi les coups des ennemis glissent sur lui sans
lui faire le moindre mal."
704,24,6,"Sein Körper ist von einer schleimigen Schicht umhüllt,
an der gegnerische Tritte und Schläge abgleiten, ohne
Schaden anzurichten."
704,24,7,"La membrana mucosa que lo recubre hace resbalar
tanto los puñetazos como las patadas de los
enemigos que lo golpean, gracias a su viscosidad."
704,24,8,"Il suo corpo è coperto da una membrana viscida
che fa scivolare e devia i colpi dei nemici."
704,24,9,"Its covered in a slimy membrane that makes
any punches or kicks slide off it harmlessly."
704,24,11,"ヌメヌメの 粘膜で 覆われた 体は
敵の パンチや キックを
ヌルリと 滑らせてしまうのだ。"
704,25,1,"いちばん よわい ドラゴンポケモン。
ヌメヌメの からだが かわかないよう
ジメジメした ひかげで くらす。"
704,25,3,"가장 약한 드래곤포켓몬이다.
미끌미끌한 몸이 마르지 않도록
축축한 그늘에서 산다."
704,25,5,"Cest le plus faible de tous les Pokémon Dragon. Pour éviter
que son corps ne se dessèche, il recherche les lieux humides
et ombragés."
704,25,6,"Dieses schwächste aller Drachen-Pokémon lebt an feuchten
und schattigen Plätzen, um seinen glitschigen Körper vor dem
Austrocknen zu bewahren."
704,25,7,"Es el Pokémon de tipo Dragón más débil. Habita en zonas
oscuras y húmedas para evitar que su viscoso cuerpo se
704,25,8,"È il Pokémon Drago più debole di tutti. Vive in ambienti
umidi e in ombra per evitare che il suo corpo si secchi."
704,25,9,"The weakest Dragon-type Pokémon,
it lives in damp, shady places, so its
body doesnt dry out."
704,25,11,"一番 弱い ドラゴンポケモン。
ヌメヌメの 体が 乾かないよう
ジメジメした 日陰で 暮らす。"
704,26,1,"ヌメヌメの ねんまくで おおわれた
からだは てきの パンチや キックを
ヌルリと すべらせてしまうのだ。"
704,26,3,"미끌미끌한 점막으로 덮여 있는
몸은 적의 펀치나 킥을
매끄럽게 미끄러뜨린다."
704,26,5,"Son corps est recouvert dune membrane gluante,
aussi les coups des ennemis glissent sur lui sans
lui faire le moindre mal."
704,26,6,"Sein Körper ist von einer schleimigen Schicht umhüllt, an der
gegnerische Tritte und Schläge abgleiten, ohne Schaden
704,26,7,"La membrana mucosa que lo recubre hace resbalar tanto los
puñetazos como las patadas de los enemigos que lo golpean,
gracias a su viscosidad."
704,26,8,"Il suo corpo è coperto da una membrana viscida che fa
scivolare e devia i colpi dei nemici."
704,26,9,"Its covered in a slimy membrane that makes
any punches or kicks slide off it harmlessly."
704,26,11,"ヌメヌメの 粘膜で 覆われた 体は
敵の パンチや キックを
ヌルリと 滑らせてしまうのだ。"
704,27,1,"もっとも よわい ドラゴンポケモン。
ひふが かわくと いきが できないので
ひかげで じーっと しているよ。"
704,27,3,"가장 약한 드래곤포켓몬.
피부가 마르면 숨을 쉴 수 없어서
그늘에서 가만히 있다."
704,27,5,"Cest le plus faible de tous les Pokémon Dragon.
Sa peau doit rester hydratée pour respirer, cest
pourquoi il préfère vivre tapi dans lombre."
704,27,6,"Das schwächste aller Drachen-Pokémon.
Wenn seine Haut austrocknet, erstickt es.
Daher hält es sich bevorzugt im Schatten auf."
704,27,7,"Es el Pokémon de tipo Dragón más débil.
Necesita mantener la piel húmeda para respirar,
y por eso se oculta en las sombras."
704,27,8,"È il Pokémon di tipo Drago più debole di tutti.
La sua pelle deve restare umida per poter
respirare e per questo si rifugia nellombra."
704,27,9,"The weakest of all Dragon-type Pokémon,
its unable to breathe if its skin dries out,
so it sticks to shady places."
704,27,11,"最も 弱い ドラゴンポケモン。
皮膚が 乾くと 息が できないので
日陰で じーっと しているよ。"
704,28,1,"ヌメヌメの ねんまくで みを まもる。
ねんまくは ざっきんまみれ なので
さわったら しっかり てを あらおう。"
704,28,3,"미끌미끌한 점막으로 몸을 지킨다.
점막은 세균투성이이므로
만지면 반드시 손을 씻자."
704,28,5,"Son corps est recouvert dune membrane
gluante protectrice, mais pleine de germes.
Lavez-vous les mains si vous le touchez!"
704,28,6,"Sein Körper ist von einer schleimigen Schutz-
schicht umhüllt, die voller Bakterien steckt.
Nach dem Anfassen also Hände waschen!"
704,28,7,"Una membrana viscosa lo envuelve y lo protege,
pero tiene tal cantidad de gérmenes que hay
que lavarse bien las manos tras tocarlo."
704,28,8,"Il suo corpo è protetto da una membrana viscida
che pullula di batteri. Meglio lavarsi bene le mani
dopo averlo toccato!"
704,28,9,"Its source of protection is its slimy, germ-laden
mucous membrane. Anyone who touches it
needs some thorough hand-washing."
704,28,11,"ヌメヌメの 粘膜で 身を 守る。
粘膜は 雑菌まみれ なので
触ったら しっかり 手を 洗おう。"
704,29,1,"ツノで あたりの ようすを さぐる。
とても びんかんなので にぎられると
ショックで うごけなくなってしまう。"
704,29,3,"뿔로 주변의 상황을 살핀다.
매우 민감하여 잡으면
쇼크로 움직일 수 없게 된다."
704,29,5,"Ses cornes lui permettent dinspecter
les alentours. Elles sont si sensibles que
tout son corps se fige si on les pince."
704,29,6,"Mit seinen Fühlern tastet es die Umgebung ab.
Es ist so empfindlich, dass es in Schockstarre
verfällt, wenn man es in die Hand nimmt."
704,29,7,"Palpa los alrededores con sus cuernos. Estos
son tan sensibles que se queda paralizado si
alguien se los agarra."
704,29,8,"I corni con cui sonda lambiente circostante sono
così sensibili che, se qualcuno glieli afferra,
il Pokémon resta pietrificato per lo shock."
704,29,9,"It uses its horns to check out its surroundings.
Theyre very sensitive, so if you grab them, it
will feel a strong shock and be unable to move."
704,29,11,"ツノで あたりの 様子を 探る。
とても 敏感なので 握られると
ショックで 動けなくなってしまう。"
704,30,1,"からだの ほとんどは すいぶん。
かんそうすると しんでしまうので
いつも ひかげで じっと している。"
704,30,3,"몸의 대부분이 수분이다.
건조해지면 죽어 버리므로
언제나 그늘에서 가만히 있다."
704,30,5,"Son corps est majoritairement composé deau.
Il meurt sil se dessèche, aussi préfère-t-il vivre
tapi dans lombre."
704,30,6,"Sein Körper besteht fast ausschließlich aus
Wasser. Trocknet es aus, stirbt es. Deshalb hält
es sich immer bewegungslos im Schatten auf."
704,30,7,"La mayor parte de su cuerpo está compuesto
por agua, por lo que muere si llega a secarse.
Siempre se le encuentra inmóvil en la sombra."
704,30,8,"Il suo corpo è formato prevalentemente dacqua
e se si disidrata rischia di morire. Per questo
se ne sta rintanato allombra."
704,30,9,"Its body is mostly water. If it dries out, it will
die, so its always sitting with perfect stillness
in the shade."
704,30,11,"身体の ほとんどは 水分。
乾燥すると 死んでしまうので
いつも 日陰で じっと している。"
704,33,1,"からだの ほとんどが すいぶん。
かんそうすると ひからびてしまう
さいじゃくの ドラゴンポケモン。"
704,33,3,"몸의 대부분이 수분이다.
건조해지면 바싹 말라버리는
가장 약한 드래곤포켓몬."
704,33,5,"Son corps est principalement composé deau.
Sil se déshydrate, il devient tout rabougri.
Cest le plus faible des Pokémon Dragon."
704,33,6,"Sein Körper besteht vorwiegend aus Wasser und
verschrumpelt daher völlig, wenn es austrocknet.
Es ist das schwächste aller Drachen-Pokémon."
704,33,7,"Su cuerpo se compone casi exclusivamente de
agua, por lo que se debilitaría si se deshidratase.
Es el Pokémon de tipo Dragón más débil."
704,33,8,"Il suo corpo è composto quasi esclusivamente
di acqua. Se si secca, avvizzisce. È il più debole
dei Pokémon di tipo Drago."
704,33,9,"Because most of its body is water, it will dry up if
the weather becomes too arid. Its considered
the weakest dragon Pokémon."
704,33,11,"体の ほとんどが 水分。
乾燥すると 干からびてしまう
最弱の ドラゴンポケモン。"
704,34,1,"ツノは すぐれた かんかくきかん。
てきの けはいを かんじとり すぐに
かくれる ことで いきのこってきた。"
704,34,3,"뿔은 뛰어난 감각 기관이다.
적의 기척을 느끼면 바로
숨어들어 살아남아 왔다."
704,34,5,"Ses cornes sont des organes sensoriels qui lui
permettent de se cacher quand il détecte des
ennemis. Cest grâce à cela quil vit toujours."
704,34,6,"Seine Fühler sind hochentwickelte Sinnesorgane.
Da es dank ihnen Feinde sofort spüren und sich
verstecken kann, hat es bis heute überlebt."
704,34,7,"Sus antenas son órganos sensoriales sumamente
desarrollados. Poder esconderse nada más
detectar enemigos le ha permitido sobrevivir."
704,34,8,"I suoi corni sono degli straordinari organi
sensoriali. Riesce a sopravvivere nascondendosi
non appena percepisce la presenza del nemico."
704,34,9,"Their horns are powerful sensors. As soon as
Goomy pick up any sign of enemies, they go into
hiding. This is how theyve survived."
704,34,11,"ツノは 優れた 感覚器官。
敵の 気配を 感じ取り すぐに
隠れる ことで 生き残ってきた。"
705,23,1,"なんでも とかしてしまう ねんえきを
ぶんぴつして てきを げきたいする。
めだまは たいかして みえていない。"
705,23,3,"무엇이든 녹여버리는 점액을
분비해 적을 격퇴한다.
눈은 퇴화하여 보이지 않는다."
705,23,5,"Il repousse ses ennemis en sécrétant un fluide
qui dissout tout ce quil touche. Suite à une
dégénérescence de ses yeux, il est aveugle."
705,23,6,"Es verjagt Gegner durch Absonderung eines alles
zersetzenden Schleims. Die zurückgebildeten
Augäpfel des Pokémon gewähren ihm keine Sicht."
705,23,7,"Segrega una mucosidad que corroe todo lo que toca
y consigue así ahuyentar al enemigo. Sus ojos han
involucionado, por lo que no puede ver."
705,23,8,"Respinge i nemici secernendo un liquido vischioso
in grado di sciogliere qualunque cosa. I suoi occhi
hanno subito una degenerazione che lo ha reso cieco."
705,23,9,"It drives away opponents by excreting a
sticky liquid that can dissolve anything.
Its eyes devolved, so it cant see anything."
705,23,11,"なんでも 溶かしてしまう 粘液を
分泌して 敵を 撃退する。
目玉は 退化して 見えていない。"
705,24,1,"4ほんの ツノは こうせいのうの
レーダー。みみや はなの かわりに
おとや においを かんじとる。"
705,24,3,"4개의 뿔은 고성능의
레이더이다. 귀나 코를 대신해서
소리나 냄새를 느낀다."
705,24,5,"Ses quatre cornes constituant un radar extrêmement
puissant, il na besoin ni de nez ni doreilles pour
percevoir les sons et les odeurs."
705,24,6,"Seine vier Fühler fungieren als hochleistungsfähiges
Radarsystem. Es setzt sie anstelle von Nase und Ohren
zur Wahrnehmung von Gerüchen und Geräuschen ein."
705,24,7,"Sus cuatro antenas constituyen un radar de gran
potencia. Hacen las veces de nariz y oídos para
percibir tanto ruidos como olores."
705,24,8,"I quattro corni di questo Pokémon sono simili a un
potente radar e fungono da organi sensoriali al posto
di orecchie e naso."
705,24,9,"Its four horns are a high-performance radar system.
It uses them to sense sounds and smells,
rather than using ears or a nose."
705,24,11,"4本の ツノは 高性能の レーダー。
耳や 鼻の かわりに
音や においを 感じ取る。"
705,25,1,"なんでも とかしてしまう ねんえきを
ぶんぴつして てきを げきたいする。
めだまは たいかして みえていない。"
705,25,3,"무엇이든 녹여버리는 점액을
분비해 적을 격퇴한다.
눈은 퇴화하여 보이지 않는다."
705,25,5,"Il repousse ses ennemis en sécrétant un fluide qui dissout
tout ce quil touche. Suite à une dégénérescence de ses yeux,
il est aveugle."
705,25,6,"Es verjagt Gegner durch Absonderung eines alles
zersetzenden Schleims. Die zurückgebildeten Augäpfel
des Pokémon gewähren ihm keine Sicht."
705,25,7,"Segrega una mucosidad que corroe todo lo que toca y
consigue así ahuyentar al enemigo. Sus ojos han
involucionado, por lo que no puede ver."
705,25,8,"Respinge i nemici secernendo un liquido vischioso in grado
di sciogliere qualunque cosa. I suoi occhi hanno subito una
degenerazione che lo ha reso cieco."
705,25,9,"It drives away opponents by excreting a
sticky liquid that can dissolve anything.
Its eyes devolved, so it cant see anything."
705,25,11,"なんでも 溶かしてしまう 粘液を
分泌して 敵を 撃退する。
目玉は 退化して 見えていない。"
705,26,1,"4ほんの ツノは こうせいのうの
レーダー。みみや はなの かわりに
おとや においを かんじとる。"
705,26,3,"4개의 뿔은 고성능의
레이더이다. 귀나 코를 대신해서
소리나 냄새를 느낀다."
705,26,5,"Ses quatre cornes constituant un radar extrêmement puissant,
il na besoin ni de nez ni doreilles pour percevoir les sons et
les odeurs."
705,26,6,"Seine vier Fühler fungieren als hochleistungsfähiges
Radarsystem. Es setzt sie anstelle von Nase und Ohren
zur Wahrnehmung von Gerüchen und Geräuschen ein."
705,26,7,"Sus cuatro antenas constituyen un radar de gran potencia.
Hacen las veces de nariz y oídos para percibir tanto ruidos
como olores."
705,26,8,"I quattro corni di questo Pokémon sono simili a un potente
radar e fungono da organi sensoriali al posto di orecchie
e naso."
705,26,9,"Its four horns are a high-performance radar system.
It uses them to sense sounds and smells,
rather than using ears or a nose."
705,26,11,"4本の ツノは 高性能の レーダー。
耳や 鼻の かわりに
音や においを 感じ取る。"
705,27,1,"エサと なかまの くべつが あいまい。
なかよくなっても へいきで とかして
くらおうと してくることが ある。"
705,27,3,"먹이와 동료의 구별이 애매하다.
사이가 좋아져도 아무렇지 않게 녹여서
먹어버리려고 하는 경우가 있다."
705,27,5,"Comme il a du mal à distinguer ses alliés de
ses proies, la faim peut parfois le pousser
à asperger ses amis de son solvant."
705,27,6,"Die Grenze zwischen Freund und Fressen
ist bei diesem Pokémon fließend.
Als Freund geschätzt, zu Suppe zersetzt!"
705,27,7,"Le cuesta distinguir a sus presas de sus
aliados, por eso no es raro que se coma a uno
de los suyos de vez en cuando sin inmutarse."
705,27,8,"A volte non riesce a distinguere bene le prede
dagli amici e, se ha fame, può capitare che
cerchi di sciogliere un alleato per mangiarselo."
705,27,9,"It has trouble drawing a line between friends
and food. It will calmly try to melt and eat even
those it gets along well with."
705,27,11,"餌と 仲間の 区別が 曖昧。
仲良くなっても 平気で 溶かして
喰らおうと してくることが ある。"
705,28,1,"はが ないので なんでも とかす
ねんえきを えものに かけて
とかしてから すすって くらう。"
705,28,3,"이빨이 없어서 무엇이든 녹이는
점액을 먹이에 뿌려서
녹인 다음에 마신다."
705,28,5,"Comme il na pas de dent, il sécrète un solvant
dont il asperge ses proies pour les liquéfier et
les boire en smoothie."
705,28,6,"Da es keine Zähne hat, sondert es einen alles
zersetzenden Schleim auf seine Beute ab.
Danach schlürft es diese genüsslich auf."
705,28,7,"Al carecer de dientes, segrega una mucosidad
que disuelve a sus presas para facilitar su
posterior ingestión."
705,28,8,"Rimedia alla mancanza di denti spruzzando un
potentissimo liquido corrosivo sulle prede per
scioglierle e berle come un succo."
705,28,9,"This Pokémons mucous can dissolve anything.
Toothless, it sprays mucous on its prey. Once
theyre nicely dissolved, it slurps them up."
705,28,11,"歯が ないので なんでも 溶かす
粘液を 獲物に かけて
溶かしてから すすって 喰らう。"
705,29,1,"のそのそ はって いどうする。
うずじょうの とっきは のうみそや
ないぞうが つまっている ぶぶん。"
705,29,3,"느릿느릿 기어서 이동한다.
나선의 돌기는 뇌와
내장으로 꽉 차 있다."
705,29,5,"Il se déplace en rampant lentement.
Ses organes et son cerveau se trouvent dans
sa protubérance dorsale en forme de spirale."
705,29,6,"Es bewegt sich gemächlich kriechend fort.
Der spiralförmige Fortsatz beherbergt sein
Gehirn und seine inneren Organe."
705,29,7,"Este Pokémon se arrastra con lentitud. La
protuberancia en espiral de su espalda contiene
tanto el cerebro como los órganos internos."
705,29,8,"Si sposta strisciando lentamente.
La protuberanza a forma di spirale sul dorso
contiene il cervello e i suoi organi interni."
705,29,9,"It crawls along sluggishly. The swirly protrusion
on its back is filled with its brain and
other organs."
705,29,11,"のそのそ 這って 移動する。
渦状の 突起は 脳みそや
内臓が 詰まっている 部分。"
705,30,1,"ぜんしんが なんでも ドロドロに
とかす ねんえきで つつまれている。
さわるときは てぶくろを しよう。"
705,30,3,"전신이 무엇이든 흐물흐물하게
녹이는 점액으로 둘러싸여 있다.
만질 때는 장갑을 끼자."
705,30,5,"Son corps est recouvert dun mucus capable
de faire fondre nimporte quoi. Pensez à mettre
des gants adaptés si vous voulez le toucher!"
705,30,6,"Sein Körper ist von einem alles zersetzenden
Schleim bedeckt. Will man diesen berühren,
sollte man vorher Schutzhandschuhe anziehen."
705,30,7,"Su cuerpo está recubierto por una mucosidad
que puede disolver cualquier material, así que
es mejor usar guantes especiales para tocarlo."
705,30,8,"Il suo corpo è ricoperto da un liquido vischioso
in grado di sciogliere qualsiasi cosa e per
toccarlo bisogna indossare guanti speciali."
705,30,9,"Its entire body is covered with gooey mucus
that can dissolve anything. Be sure to put
gloves on if youre going to touch it."
705,30,11,"全身が 何でも ドロドロに
溶かす 粘液で 包まれている。
触るときは 手袋を しよう。"
705,33,1,"なんでも とかしてしまう ねんえきで
ほご されているため よわくても
ほしょくされず いきのこってきた。"
705,33,3,"무엇이든 녹여버리는 점액으로
몸을 보호하기 때문에 약하지만
먹히지 않고 살아남을 수 있었다."
705,33,5,"Étant donné sa faiblesse, cest uniquement
grâce à son fluide pouvant tout dissoudre
quil a échappé à une extinction quasi certaine."
705,33,6,"Da sein alles zersetzender Schleim es schützt,
konnte es sich bis heute gegen seine Fressfeinde
behaupten, obwohl es recht schwach ist."
705,33,7,"Segrega una mucosidad que corroe todo lo que
toca. Esto le ha permitido protegerse y evitar la
extinción a pesar de su debilidad intrínseca."
705,33,8,"È un Pokémon debole. Ha evitato lestinzione
grazie al suo muco corrosivo."
705,33,9,"Although this Pokémon isnt very strong, its body
is coated in a caustic slime that can melt through
anything, so predators steer clear of it."
705,33,11,"なんでも 溶かしてしまう 粘液で
保護されているため 弱くても
捕食されず 生き残ってきた。"
705,34,1,"せなかの とっきの なかに ちいさな
のうみそが ある。 えさと てきから
にげることしか かんがえていない。"
705,34,3,"등의 돌기 안에 작은 뇌가 있다.
먹이에 대한 생각과
적으로부터 도망치는 생각만 한다."
705,34,5,"Son petit cerveau est caché dans la bosse qui
est sur son dos. Il ne pense pas à grand-chose,
si ce nest à se nourrir et à fuir devant ses ennemis."
705,34,6,"In dem Fortsatz auf seinem Rücken befindet sich
sein winziges Gehirn. Es kann nur ans Fressen
und an die Flucht vor seinen Feinden denken."
705,34,7,"La protuberancia del lomo contiene su pequeño
cerebro, que solo piensa en buscar comida y huir
de los enemigos."
705,34,8,"Nella protuberanza che ha sulla schiena si trova
un piccolo cervello. Pensa solo a mangiare e a
scappare dai nemici."
705,34,9,"The lump on its back contains its tiny brain.
It thinks only of food and escaping its enemies."
705,34,11,"背中の 突起の 中に 小さな
脳みそが ある。 エサと 敵から
逃げることしか 考えていない。"
706,23,1,"ひとなつっこい ドラゴンポケモン。
だいすきな トレーナーに だきついて
ねんえきで ヌルヌルにしてしまう。"
706,23,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 드래곤포켓몬이다.
좋아하는 트레이너에게 달려들어
미끈미끈한 점액투성이로 만들어 버린다."
706,23,5,"Ce Pokémon Dragon peu farouche aime faire la fête
à son Dresseur adoré, le couvrant au passage de
sa bave collante."
706,23,6,"Dieses äußerst freundliche Drachen-Pokémon
neigt dazu, seinen geliebten Trainer zu umarmen
und so mit einer dicken Schleimschicht zu umhüllen."
706,23,7,"Pokémon de tipo Dragón muy afable al que le gusta
abrazar con efusión a su Entrenador, aunque después
lo deja totalmente pringado."
706,23,8,"Un Pokémon Drago davvero amichevole. Ama fare le
feste al suo Allenatore lasciandolo ricoperto di bava."
706,23,9,"This very friendly Dragon-type Pokémon
will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving
that Trainer covered in sticky slime."
706,23,11,"人懐っこい ドラゴンポケモン。
大好きな トレーナーに 抱き着いて
粘液で ヌルヌルにしてしまう。"
706,24,1,"のびちぢみする ツノで こうげき。
プロボクサー 100にんぶんの
パンチに ひってきする いりょく。"
706,24,3,"늘었다 줄었다 하는 뿔로 공격한다.
프로 복서 100명분의
펀치에 필적하는 위력을 가졌다."
706,24,5,"Il attaque grâce à ses cornes extensibles.
Ses coups sont aussi puissants que ceux de 100
boxeurs professionnels réunis."
706,24,6,"Es greift den Gegner mit ausfahrbaren Fühlern an.
Seine Stärke ist vergleichbar mit der Durchschlagskraft
der Faustschläge von 100 Profiboxern."
706,24,7,"Ataca con sus antenas retráctiles, desplegando
una fuerza comparable a los puñetazos de 100
boxeadores profesionales."
706,24,8,"Attacca con i corni che possono allungarsi e
accorciarsi. Ha una forza pari a quella di 100 pugili
706,24,9,"It attacks with retractable horns.
It throws a punch thats the equivalent
of the force of a hundred pro boxers."
706,24,11,"伸び縮みする ツノで 攻撃。
プロボクサー 100人分の
パンチに 匹敵する 威力。"
706,25,1,"ひとなつっこい ドラゴンポケモン。
だいすきな トレーナーに だきついて
ねんえきで ヌルヌルにしてしまう。"
706,25,3,"사람을 잘 따르는 드래곤포켓몬이다.
좋아하는 트레이너에게 달려들어
미끈미끈한 점액투성이로 만들어 버린다."
706,25,5,"Ce Pokémon Dragon peu farouche aime faire la fête
à son Dresseur adoré, le couvrant au passage de
sa bave collante."
706,25,6,"Dieses äußerst freundliche Drachen-Pokémon neigt dazu,
seinen geliebten Trainer zu umarmen und so mit einer dicken
Schleimschicht zu umhüllen."
706,25,7,"Pokémon de tipo Dragón muy afable al que le gusta abrazar
con efusión a su Entrenador, aunque después lo deja
totalmente pringado."
706,25,8,"Un Pokémon Drago davvero amichevole. Ama fare le feste
al suo Allenatore lasciandolo ricoperto di bava."
706,25,9,"This very friendly Dragon-type Pokémon
will hug its beloved Trainer, leaving
that Trainer covered in sticky slime."
706,25,11,"人懐っこい ドラゴンポケモン。
大好きな トレーナーに 抱き着いて
粘液で ヌルヌルにしてしまう。"
706,26,1,"のびちぢみする ツノで こうげき。
プロボクサー 100にんぶんの
パンチに ひってきする いりょく。"
706,26,3,"늘었다 줄었다 하는 뿔로 공격한다.
프로 복서 100명분의
펀치에 필적하는 위력을 가졌다."
706,26,5,"Il attaque grâce à ses cornes extensibles. Ses coups sont
aussi puissants que ceux de 100 boxeurs professionnels
706,26,6,"Es greift den Gegner mit ausfahrbaren Fühlern an.
Seine Stärke ist vergleichbar mit der Durchschlagskraft
der Faustschläge von 100 Profiboxern."
706,26,7,"Ataca con sus antenas retráctiles, desplegando una fuerza
comparable a los puñetazos de 100 boxeadores profesionales."
706,26,8,"Attacca con i corni che possono allungarsi e accorciarsi.
Ha una forza pari a quella di 100 pugili professionisti."
706,26,9,"It attacks with retractable horns.
It throws a punch thats the equivalent
of the force of a hundred pro boxers."
706,26,11,"伸び縮みする ツノで 攻撃。
プロボクサー 100人分の
パンチに 匹敵する 威力。"
706,27,1,"すごく ひとなつっこい ポケモン。
かまわないでいると さみしくて
ヌルヌルの なみだを ながし なく。"
706,27,3,"굉장히 사람을 잘 따르는 포켓몬이다.
신경을 안 쓰고 있으면 외로워서
미끈미끈한 눈물을 흘리며 운다."
706,27,5,"Ce Pokémon adore la compagnie humaine.
Si son Dresseur ne lui donne pas assez damour,
il pleure à grosses larmes visqueuses."
706,27,6,"Dieses äußerst freundliche Pokémon benötigt
sehr viel Aufmerksamkeit, sonst fühlt es sich
einsam und weint schleimige Tränen."
706,27,7,"Es muy afable y cariñoso. Si lo ignoran, le invade
la tristeza y llora lágrimas viscosas."
706,27,8,"Questo Pokémon adora la compagnia e, se viene
trascurato, si rattrista e si mette a piangere
versando viscidi lacrimoni."
706,27,9,"An amazingly friendly Pokémon, but if left to
itself, loneliness overcomes it, and it oozes
gooey tears."
706,27,11,"すごく 人懐っこい ポケモン。
構わないでいると 寂しくて
ヌルヌルの 涙を 流し 鳴く。"
706,28,1,"おとなしいからと からかうと
ツノで おもいきり つかれ
ふとい しっぽで なぎはらわれる。"
706,28,3,"얌전하다고 놀리면
뿔에 힘껏 찔리고
굵은 꼬리로 내동댕이쳐진다."
706,28,5,"Ceux qui limportunent en le pensant inoffensif
peuvent vite se retrouver du mauvais côté de
ses cornes et goûter de sa puissante queue."
706,28,6,"Wer dieses Pokémon nicht ernst nimmt,
bekommt es mit seinen Fühlern zu tun oder
wird von seinem Schwanz umgehauen."
706,28,7,"Golpea con sus antenas retráctiles y derriba con
su gruesa cola a aquellos que se burlan de él
creyendo que es inofensivo."
706,28,8,"Chi lo prende in giro credendolo inoffensivo
potrebbe ritrovarsi ad assaggiare la potenza
dei suoi corni e della sua grossa coda."
706,28,9,"It gets picked on because its meek. But then,
whoever teased it gets to feel the full force of
its horns and a good swatting from its thick tail."
706,28,11,"大人しいからと からかうと
角で 思い切り 突かれ
太い 尻尾で 薙ぎ払われる。"
706,29,1,"とっても ひとなつっこい。 なつくと
ネバネバの ねんえきに まみれた
からだで だきついてくるが がまんだ。"
706,29,3,"매우 사람을 잘 따른다. 친밀해지면
끈적끈적한 점액투성이인
몸으로 끌어안으려 하지만 참아야 한다."
706,29,5,"Très câlin, ce Pokémon a tendance à se frotter
aux gens auxquels il sattache avec son corps
visqueux. Dresseurs de Muplodocus, tenez bon."
706,29,6,"Dieses freundliche Pokémon hat die Eigenart,
mit seinem schleimigen, klebrigen Körper all jene
zu umarmen, die es mag."
706,29,7,"Un Pokémon muy amistoso que demuestra su
afecto con abrazos viscosos y gelatinosos. Se
necesita algo de estoicismo para no apartarse."
706,29,8,"È molto socievole e se si affeziona a qualcuno lo
abbraccia ricoprendolo di bava appiccicosa.
Ci vuole pazienza con questo Pokémon..."
706,29,9,"Its very friendly toward people. If you grow
close to it, Goodra will hug you with its sticky,
slime-covered body. Dont get mad."
706,29,11,"とっても 人懐っこい。 懐くと
ネバネバの 粘液に まみれた
身体で 抱きついてくるが 我慢だ。"
706,30,1,"ヌルヌルの ひふの したには
ぶあつい しぼうの そうが あり
てきの こうげきを うけながす。"
706,30,3,"미끈미끈한 피부 아래에는
두꺼운 지방층이 있어
적의 공격을 받아넘긴다."
706,30,5,"Une épaisse couche de graisse se trouve sous
sa peau visqueuse et lui permet dencaisser
les attaques ennemies."
706,30,6,"Unter seiner schleimigen Haut befindet sich eine
dicke Speckschicht, die gegnerische Angriffe
706,30,7,"Debajo de su resbaladiza piel cuenta con una
voluminosa capa de grasa que le permite
bloquear los ataques enemigos."
706,30,8,"Sotto la sua pelle viscosa cè uno spesso strato
di grasso che assorbe i colpi dei nemici."
706,30,9,"Underneath its slimy skin is a thick layer of fat,
and the combination of the two makes enemies
attacks slide right off."
706,30,11,"ヌルヌルの 皮膚の 下には
分厚い 脂肪の 層が あり
敵の 攻撃を 受け流す。"
706,33,1,"トレーナーの しじが りかいできずに
キョトンとする ことが たまに あり
その ようすが かわいいと にんき。"
706,33,3,"트레이너의 지시를 이해하지 못하고
어리둥절해하는 경우가 가끔 있으며
그 모습이 귀여워서 인기가 많다."
706,33,5,"Il arrive quil ne comprenne pas les ordres
de son Dresseur et quil le regarde dun air ahuri.
Cette réaction adorable la rendu populaire."
706,33,6,"Es kommt vor, dass es die Befehle seines Trainers
nicht versteht und nur verblüfft dreinschaut.
Dieser putzige Anblick hat es beliebt gemacht."
706,33,7,"A veces no entiende las instrucciones de su
Entrenador y se queda como abstraído, pero
mucha gente encuentra este rasgo adorable."
706,33,8,"A volte non capisce gli ordini del suo Allenatore
e rimane immobile con unaria stupita. Molti lo
trovano adorabile proprio per questo."
706,33,9,"Sometimes it misunderstands instructions and
appears dazed or bewildered. Many Trainers
dont mind, finding this behavior to be adorable."
706,33,11,"トレーナーの 指示が 理解できずに
キョトンとする ことが たまに あり
その 様子が かわいいと 人気。"
706,34,1,"ながい ツノを のばす いきおいで
こうげき。 いりょくは ヘビーきゅう
ボクサーの パンチの 100ばいだ。"
706,34,3,"긴 뿔을 기세 좋게 늘여서
공격한다. 위력은 헤비급
복서 펀치의 100배다."
706,34,5,"Il attaque à laide de ses longues cornes.
Ses coups sont cent fois plus puissants
que ceux dun champion poids lourds de boxe."
706,34,6,"Es greift mit seinen ausfahrbaren Fühlern an,
deren Durchschlagskraft hundertmal so stark wie
der Faustschlag eines Schwergewichtsboxers ist."
706,34,7,"Ataca extendiendo sus largas antenas. La fuerza
que despliega es 100 veces superior a la del
puñetazo de un boxeador de peso pesado."
706,34,8,"Distende i suoi lunghi corni e si lancia allattacco
con una potenza 100 volte superiore al pugno
di un peso massimo."
706,34,9,"Its form of offense is forcefully stretching out its
horns. The strikes land 100 times harder than any
blow from a heavyweight boxer."
706,34,11,"長い ツノを 伸ばす 勢いで
攻撃。 威力は ヘビー級
ボクサーの パンチの 100倍だ。"
707,23,1,"カギを あつめる しゅうせい。
てきに おそわれると ジャラジャラと
カギを うちならして いかくする。"
707,23,3,"열쇠를 모으는 습성이 있다.
적에게 습격당하면 열쇠로
짤랑짤랑 소리를 내어 위협한다."
707,23,5,"Ce Pokémon collectionne les clés quil agite devant
ses ennemis pour les intimider."
707,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon sammelt eifrig Schlüssel, mit denen
es wild herumfuchtelt, um Gegner abzuschrecken."
707,23,7,"Tiene el hábito de coleccionar llaves. Cuando un
enemigo lo ataca, las hace tintinear como método
de intimidación."
707,23,8,"Ha labitudine di raccogliere chiavi. Quando viene
attaccato, minaccia il nemico agitandole e facendo
un gran chiasso."
707,23,9,"These key collectors threaten any attackers
by fiercely jingling their keys at them."
707,23,11,"カギを 集める 習性。
敵に 襲われると ジャラジャラと
カギを 打ち鳴らして 威嚇する。"
707,24,1,"きにいった カギは ぜったいに
てばなさないので ぼうはんのために
きんこの カギを もたせるのだ。"
707,24,3,"마음에 든 열쇠는 절대로
손에서 놓지 않아서 방범을 위해
금고 열쇠를 지니게 한다."
707,24,5,"Comme il ne se sépare jamais dune clé quil trouve
à son goût, les gens lui confient celle de leurs coffres,
afin déviter de se faire voler."
707,24,6,"Da es Schlüssel, die ihm gefallen, wie seinen Augapfel
hütet, vertrauen Menschen ihm die Schlüssel ihrer
Tresore an, um Diebstahl vorzubeugen."
707,24,7,"Como no se separa de las llaves que le gustan bajo
ningún concepto, la gente le encomienda las llaves
de cajas fuertes para prevenir posibles robos."
707,24,8,"Spesso gli esseri umani affidano a questo Pokémon
le chiavi delle loro casseforti per prevenire i furti.
Si sa infatti che custodisce con cura le chiavi che ama."
707,24,9,"It never lets go of a key that it likes,
so people give it the keys to vaults and
safes as a way to prevent crime."
707,24,11,"気に入った カギは 絶対に
手放さないので 防犯のために
金庫の カギを 持たせるのだ。"
707,25,1,"カギを あつめる しゅうせい。
てきに おそわれると ジャラジャラと
カギを うちならして いかくする。"
707,25,3,"열쇠를 모으는 습성이 있다.
적에게 습격당하면 열쇠로
짤랑짤랑 소리를 내어 위협한다."
707,25,5,"Ce Pokémon collectionne les clés quil agite devant
ses ennemis pour les intimider."
707,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon sammelt eifrig Schlüssel, mit denen es wild
herumfuchtelt, um Gegner abzuschrecken."
707,25,7,"Tiene el hábito de coleccionar llaves. Cuando un enemigo lo
ataca, las hace tintinear como método de intimidación."
707,25,8,"Ha labitudine di raccogliere chiavi. Quando viene attaccato,
minaccia il nemico agitandole e facendo un gran chiasso."
707,25,9,"These key collectors threaten any attackers
by fiercely jingling their keys at them."
707,25,11,"カギを 集める 習性。
敵に 襲われると ジャラジャラと
カギを 打ち鳴らして 威嚇する。"
707,26,1,"きにいった カギは ぜったいに
てばなさないので ぼうはんのために
きんこの カギを もたせるのだ。"
707,26,3,"마음에 든 열쇠는 절대로
손에서 놓지 않아서 방범을 위해
금고 열쇠를 지니게 한다."
707,26,5,"Comme il ne se sépare jamais dune clé quil trouve
à son goût, les gens lui confient celle de leurs coffres,
afin déviter de se faire voler."
707,26,6,"Da es Schlüssel, die ihm gefallen, wie seinen Augapfel hütet,
vertrauen Menschen ihm die Schlüssel ihrer Tresore an,
um Diebstahl vorzubeugen."
707,26,7,"Como no se separa de las llaves que le gustan bajo ningún
concepto, la gente le encomienda las llaves de cajas fuertes
para prevenir posibles robos."
707,26,8,"Spesso gli esseri umani affidano a questo Pokémon le chiavi
delle loro casseforti per prevenire i furti. Si sa infatti che
custodisce con cura le chiavi che ama."
707,26,9,"It never lets go of a key that it likes,
so people give it the keys to vaults and
safes as a way to prevent crime."
707,26,11,"気に入った カギは 絶対に
手放さないので 防犯のために
金庫の カギを 持たせるのだ。"
707,27,1,"カギを あつめる しゅうせいが ある。
おだやかな せいかくだが みんかに
しのびこみ カギを ぬすんでいく。"
707,27,3,"열쇠를 모으는 습성이 있다.
온화한 성격이지만 민가에
몰래 들어가 열쇠를 훔쳐간다."
707,27,5,"Malgré son caractère paisible, ce Pokémon ne
peut sempêcher de se faufiler dans les foyers
pour en voler les clés, quil aime collectionner."
707,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon sammelt eifrig Schlüssel,
die es oft aus fremden Häusern entwendet.
Ansonsten ist es aber sehr friedlich."
707,27,7,"Tiene el hábito de coleccionar llaves. Su carácter
tranquilo no impide que le guste colarse en
casas ajenas a robar llaves."
707,27,8,"Ha un carattere pacifico, ma non resiste alla
tentazione di intrufolarsi nelle case per rubare
chiavi, che adora collezionare."
707,27,9,"This even-tempered Pokémon has a habit of
collecting keys. It will sneak into peoples homes
to steal their keys."
707,27,11,"カギを 集める 習性が ある。
穏やかな 性格だが 民家に
忍び込み カギを 盗んでいく。"
707,28,1,"あたまのツノを きんぞくの すきまに
つっこんで きんぞくイオンを すう。
なぜか カギを あつめている。"
707,28,3,"머리의 뿔을 금속 틈에
찔러넣고 금속 이온을 빨아들인다.
왜인지 열쇠를 모으고 있다."
707,28,5,"Il insère lappendice situé sur sa tête dans les
interstices en métal afin den extraire les ions.
Il collectionne les clés pour une raison inconnue."
707,28,6,"Seinen Fortsatz steckt es gerne in metallene
Zwischenräume, um Metall-Ionen abzusaugen.
Sammelt aus unerfindlichen Gründen Schlüssel."
707,28,7,"Introduce el apéndice de su cabeza por los
resquicios de los metales para absorber los
iones. Por alguna razón, adora las llaves."
707,28,8,"Infila la sporgenza che ha sulla testa negli
interstizi tra oggetti di metallo per assorbire ioni.
Ha la strana abitudine di collezionare chiavi."
707,28,9,"It inserts its horn into chinks in metal, absorbing
metal ions. For some reason, it collects keys."
707,28,11,"頭の角を 金属の すき間に
突っ込んで 金属イオンを 吸う。
なぜか カギを 集めている。"
707,29,1,"なぜ カギを あつめるか ふめいだが
あげると とても よろこぶ。 ただし
マスターキーじゃないと イヤみたい。"
707,29,3,"왜 열쇠를 모으는지 알 수 없지만
주면 매우 기뻐한다.
단 마스터키만 좋아하는 것 같다."
707,29,5,"Nul ne sait pourquoi il collectionne les clés,
mais il est aux anges dès quon lui en donne une.
Il naccepte toutefois que les passe-partout."
707,29,6,"Niemand weiß, weshalb es Schlüssel sammelt,
aber schenkt man ihm einen, freut es sich sehr.
Es akzeptiert allerdings nur Generalschlüssel."
707,29,7,"Su afán por coleccionar llaves es un misterio y
se alegra mucho si le regalan una, pero si esta
no es una llave maestra, se le tuerce la cara."
707,29,8,"Per qualche motivo che nessuno sa, colleziona
chiavi. È felicissimo quando gliene regalano una,
ma attenzione: accetta solo i passe-partout."
707,29,9,"Although its unclear why it collects keys, giving
it a key makes Klefki very happy. However, it
apparently only likes master keys."
707,29,11,"なぜ カギを 集めるか 不明だが
あげると とても 喜ぶ。 ただし
マスターキーじゃないと イヤみたい。"
707,30,1,"むかしは こうざんに すんでいたが
エサの こうぶつが へってきたので
ひとざとに あらわれるようになった。"
707,30,3,"옛날에는 광산에 살았지만
먹이인 광물이 줄어들어서
사람이 사는 마을에 나타나기 시작했다."
707,30,5,"Il vivait autrefois dans les mines, mais quand
les minéraux dont il se délectait se sont faits
plus rares, il a migré vers les villages."
707,30,6,"Früher lebte es in Minen. Da sein mineralisches
Futter dort aber immer seltener wird, findet man
es nun auch in Menschensiedlungen."
707,30,7,"Hace tiempo solía vivir en minas, pero tras la
disminución de los minerales que le servían de
alimento, se trasladó a poblaciones humanas."
707,30,8,"In passato viveva nelle miniere, ma poiché i
minerali di cui si nutre si sono fatti più rari,
adesso è possibile incontrarlo anche nei villaggi."
707,30,9,"Long ago it lived in mines, but once the minerals
that make up its diet became scarcer, Klefki
began appearing in human settlements."
707,30,11,"昔は 鉱山に 棲んでいたが
エサの 鉱物が 減ってきたので
人里に 現れるようになった。"
707,33,1,"カギを あつめつづける ポケモン。
だいじな カギを あずけると
なにが あっても まもってくれる。"
707,33,3,"열쇠를 계속 모으는 포켓몬이다.
소중한 열쇠를 맡기면
무슨 일이 있어도 지켜준다."
707,33,5,"Ce Pokémon collectionne les clés.
Si on lui en confie une particulièrement
importante, il la protègera coûte que coûte."
707,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon sammelt unaufhörlich Schlüssel.
Vertraut man ihm einen besonders wichtigen an,
beschützt es diesen um jeden Preis."
707,33,7,"Un Pokémon coleccionista de llaves. Si alguien le
confía una muy importante, la protegerá como si
le fuese la vida en ello."
707,33,8,"Colleziona chiavi. Se gli si affida una chiave
importante, si può star sicuri che la proteggerà
a ogni costo."
707,33,9,"This Pokémon is constantly collecting keys.
Entrust a Klefki with important keys, and the
Pokémon will protect them no matter what."
707,33,11,"鍵を 集めつづける ポケモン。
大事な 鍵を 預けると
なにが あっても 守ってくれる。"
707,34,1,"あたまのさきで きんぞくイオンを
すいとる。 カギに にているのは
すきすぎて まねているかららしい。"
707,34,3,"머리끝으로 금속 이온을 흡수한다.
열쇠를 너무 좋아한 나머지 흉내를 내서
열쇠를 닮은 모습이 되었다고 한다."
707,34,5,"Il absorbe les ions métalliques avec lappendice
sur sa tête. Il paraît quil ressemble à une clé
car il tient à imiter cet objet quil aime tant."
707,34,6,"Mit dem Fortsatz an seinem Kopf saugt Clavion
Metall-Ionen ein. Anscheinend liebt es Schlüssel
so sehr, dass es sie mit seinem Aussehen imitiert."
707,34,7,"Según parece, absorbe iones metálicos por el
apéndice de la cabeza para adoptar una forma
similar a la de sus amadas llaves."
707,34,8,"Assorbe gli ioni metallici con la sporgenza
sulla testa. Si dice che abbia modificato il suo
aspetto per assomigliare alle sue amate chiavi."
707,34,9,"Klefki sucks in metal ions with the horn topping
its head. It seems this Pokémon loves keys so
much that its head needed to look like one, too."
707,34,11,"頭の先で 金属イオンを 吸い取る。
鍵に 似ているのは
好きすぎて まねているかららしい。"
708,23,1,"くさった きりかぶに たましいが
やどり ポケモンに なった。
ひとの よりつかない もりに すむ。"
708,23,3,"썩은 그루터기에 혼이
깃들어 포켓몬이 되었다.
사람이 가까이 가지 않는 숲에 산다."
708,23,5,"Ce Pokémon apparaît lorsquun esprit possède
un arbre en décomposition. Il vit dans les forêts où
les humains nosent pas saventurer."
708,23,6,"Bei diesen Pokémon handelt es sich um verrottete
und von Geistern besessene Baumstümpfe, die sich
in von Menschen gemiedene Wälder zurückziehen."
708,23,7,"Pokémon que nace cuando un espíritu se adentra en
un tocón podrido. Habita en bosques que son poco
frecuentados por humanos."
708,23,8,"Pokémon nato da un ceppo marcescente in cui
alberga uno spirito. Vive in boschi non frequentati
dagli esseri umani."
708,23,9,"These Pokémon are created when
spirits possess rotten tree stumps.
They prefer to live in abandoned forests."
708,23,11,"腐った 切り株に 魂が 宿り
ポケモンに なった。
人の 寄りつかない 森に 住む。"
708,24,1,"もりで さまよい しんだ こどもの
たましいが きりかぶに やどり
ポケモンになったと いわれている。"
708,24,3,"숲에서 헤매다 죽은 아이의
영혼이 나무 그루터기에 씌어
포켓몬이 되었다고 한다."
708,24,5,"Daprès la légende, cette espèce de Pokémon aurait
vu le jour quand des âmes denfants perdus dans
la forêt auraient possédé des souches darbres."
708,24,6,"Bei diesen Pokémon soll es sich um die Seelen von
Kindern handeln, die sich im Wald verliefen und ums
Leben kamen und nun in Baumstümpfen hausen."
708,24,7,"Según una leyenda, son en realidad almas de niños
que pasaron a mejor vida tras perderse en el bosque
y se convirtieron en Pokémon al habitar un tocón."
708,24,8,"Secondo la leggenda, lo spirito di una persona
smarritasi in un bosco è entrato in un ceppo dalbero,
dando vita a questo Pokémon."
708,24,9,"According to old tales, these Pokémon are
stumps possessed by the spirits of
children who died while lost in the forest."
708,24,11,"森で さまよい 死んだ
子供の 魂が 切り株に 宿り
ポケモンになったと 言われている。"
708,25,1,"くさった きりかぶに たましいが
やどり ポケモンに なった。
ひとの よりつかない もりに すむ。"
708,25,3,"썩은 그루터기에 혼이
깃들어 포켓몬이 되었다.
사람이 가까이 가지 않는 숲에 산다."
708,25,5,"Ce Pokémon apparaît lorsquun esprit possède un arbre
en décomposition. Il vit dans les forêts où les humains
nosent pas saventurer."
708,25,6,"Bei diesen Pokémon handelt es sich um verrottete und von
Geistern besessene Baumstümpfe, die sich in von Menschen
gemiedene Wälder zurückziehen."
708,25,7,"Pokémon que nace cuando un espíritu se adentra en un tocón
podrido. Habita en bosques que son poco frecuentados por
708,25,8,"Pokémon nato da un ceppo marcescente in cui alberga
uno spirito. Vive in boschi non frequentati dagli esseri umani."
708,25,9,"These Pokémon are created when
spirits possess rotten tree stumps.
They prefer to live in abandoned forests."
708,25,11,"腐った 切り株に 魂が 宿り
ポケモンに なった。
人の 寄りつかない 森に 住む。"
708,26,1,"もりで さまよい しんだ こどもの
たましいが きりかぶに やどり
ポケモンになったと いわれている。"
708,26,3,"숲에서 헤매다 죽은 아이의
영혼이 나무 그루터기에 씌어
포켓몬이 되었다고 한다."
708,26,5,"Daprès la légende, cette espèce de Pokémon aurait vu
le jour quand des âmes denfants perdus dans la forêt
auraient possédé des souches darbres."
708,26,6,"Bei diesen Pokémon soll es sich um die Seelen von Kindern
handeln, die sich im Wald verliefen und ums Leben kamen
und nun in Baumstümpfen hausen."
708,26,7,"Según una leyenda, son en realidad almas de niños que
pasaron a mejor vida tras perderse en el bosque y se
convirtieron en Pokémon al habitar un tocón."
708,26,8,"Secondo la leggenda, lo spirito di una persona smarritasi
in un bosco è entrato in un ceppo dalbero, dando vita
a questo Pokémon."
708,26,9,"According to old tales, these Pokémon are
stumps possessed by the spirits of
children who died while lost in the forest."
708,26,11,"森で さまよい 死んだ
子供の 魂が 切り株に 宿り
ポケモンになったと 言われている。"
708,27,1,"もりで しんだ こどもの たましいが
きりかぶに やどった。 ひめいの
ような ぶきみな こえで なく。"
708,27,3,"숲에서 죽은 어린아이의 영혼이
그루터기에 깃들었다. 비명
같은 기분 나쁜 목소리로 운다."
708,27,5,"Ce Pokémon est une souche darbre possédée
par lâme dun enfant mort en forêt. Son cri
ressemble à des pleurs."
708,27,6,"Es ist die Seele eines im Wald gestorbenen
Kindes, die von einem Baumstumpf Besitz
ergriffen hat. Sein Ruf gleicht einem Schluchzen."
708,27,7,"Nace cuando el alma de un niño perdido habita
un tocón. Su grito se asemeja a un escalofriante
708,27,8,"Ceppo di un albero in cui alberga lo spirito
di un bambino smarrito nel bosco.
Il suo verso è simile a un grido sinistro."
708,27,9,"These Pokémon are stumps possessed by the
spirits of children who died in the forest.
Their cries sound like eerie screams."
708,27,11,"森で 死んだ 子どもの 魂が
切り株に 宿った。 悲鳴の
ような 不気味な 声で 鳴く。"
708,28,1,"みどりの はっぱを つみとって
せんじて のめば まんびょうに
きくと いう いいつたえが ある。"
708,28,3,"녹색 잎사귀를 따다가
달여 마시면 만병에
듣는다고 하는 전설이 있다."
708,28,5,"Une légende raconte quil est possible de créer
une panacée en infusant les feuilles vertes qui
poussent sur ses branches."
708,28,6,"Röstet man seine grünen Blätter, lässt sich
daraus ein Tee kochen, der gegen sämtliche
Krankheiten helfen soll."
708,28,7,"Se cree que con las hojillas verdes que le
crecen se puede preparar una infusión capaz
de curar cualquier enfermedad."
708,28,8,"Secondo una credenza, dallinfusione delle foglie
verdi che crescono sui suoi rami si produce una
medicina portentosa capace di curare ogni male."
708,28,9,"According to legend, medicine to cure any illness
can be made by plucking the green leaves on its
head, brewing them, and boiling down the liquid."
708,28,11,"緑の 葉っぱを 摘み取って
煎じて 飲めば 万病に
効くと いう 言い伝えが ある。"
708,29,1,"こどものこえを まね ひとを もりの
おくふかくへ まよいこませる。
じぶんのなかまに するつもりなのだ。"
708,29,3,"아이 목소리를 흉내 내어 사람을
숲 깊숙이 유인해 길을 잃게 한다.
자신의 동료로 삼을 생각이다."
708,29,5,"Il imite la voix dun enfant pour inciter les gens
à se perdre au plus profond des bois. Il espère
ainsi se faire de nouveaux amis."
708,29,6,"Es imitiert die Stimme eines Kindes, um
Menschen tief in den Wald zu locken. Es hofft,
so neue Freunde zu machen."
708,29,7,"Imita la voz de un niño con la intención de que
algún humano se adentre y se pierda en lo más
profundo del bosque y puedan hacerse amigos."
708,29,8,"Imita la voce di un bambino per spingere chi
la sente ad addentrarsi nei boschi e smarrirsi,
sperando così di farsi nuovi amici."
708,29,9,"By imitating the voice of a child, it causes
people to get hopelessly lost deep in the forest.
Its trying to make friends with them."
708,29,11,"子どもの声を 真似 人を 森の
奥深くへ 迷いこませる。
自分の仲間に する つもりなのだ。"
708,30,1,"きりかぶに なにかしらの たましいが
やどり うまれた。 みどりの はを
にだしたしるは まんびょうに きく。"
708,30,3,"그루터기에 무언가의 영혼이
깃들어 태어났다. 녹색 잎사귀를
달여 낸 물은 만병에 듣는다."
708,30,5,"Il est né lorsquune âme est venue se loger dans
une souche. Les infusions de ses feuilles vertes
permettent de guérir toutes les maladies."
708,30,6,"Ein Baumstumpf, den sich eine Seele als neues
Zuhause ausgesucht hat. Kocht man seine
grünen Blätter ab, erhält man ein Allheilmittel."
708,30,7,"Nació cuando un espíritu desconocido se alojó
en el interior de un tocón. Una infusión con sus
hojas verdes puede curar toda afección."
708,30,8,"Ha preso vita quando uno spirito è entrato nel
ceppo di un albero. Dalle sue foglie verdi si
ricava un infuso che cura ogni male."
708,30,9,"An unknown spirit came to lodge in a tree
stump, creating this Pokémon. A cure-all can be
made from an infusion of its green leaves."
708,30,11,"切り株に 何かしらの 魂が
宿り 生まれた。 緑の 葉を
煮出した汁は 万病に 効く。"
708,33,1,"もりで さまよい いのちを おとした
こどもの たましいが きりかぶに
やどり ポケモンに うまれかわった。"
708,33,3,"숲속을 헤매다 목숨을 잃은
아이의 영혼이 나무 그루터기에
씌어 포켓몬으로 다시 태어났다."
708,33,5,"Ce Pokémon prend vie lorsque lâme dun enfant
disparu en forêt prend possession dune souche
708,33,6,"Die Seele eines Kindes, das sich im Wald verlief
und dabei ums Leben kam, nistete sich in einem
Baumstumpf ein und wurde zu diesem Pokémon."
708,33,7,"Se dice que en realidad son almas de niños que
pasaron a mejor vida tras perderse en el bosque
y se convirtieron en Pokémon al habitar un tocón."
708,33,8,"Questo Pokémon è nato quando lanima di
un bambino smarritosi nel bosco è entrata
nel ceppo di un albero."
708,33,9,"After a lost child perished in the forest, their
spirit possessed a tree stump, causing the spirits
rebirth as this Pokémon."
708,33,11,"森で さまよい 命を 落とした
子どもの 魂が 切り株に
宿り ポケモンに 生まれ変わった。"
708,34,1,"にんげんの こどもに にた こえで
ないて おとなを もりの おくへ
さそいこみ まよわせて しまうのだ。"
708,34,3,"인간의 어린이를 닮은 목소리로
울어 어른을 숲속으로
유인하여 길을 잃게 한다."
708,34,5,"Il imite des cris denfants pour pousser les adultes
à venir se perdre au plus profond de la forêt."
708,34,6,"Es imitiert das Schluchzen eines Menschenkindes,
um Erwachsene tief in den Wald zu locken und
dafür zu sorgen, dass diese sich verlaufen."
708,34,7,"Imita el llanto de un niño con la intención de
que algún adulto se adentre y se pierda en lo
más profundo del bosque."
708,34,8,"Emette un pianto simile a quello di un bambino
per attirare gli adulti nel cuore della foresta
e farli perdere."
708,34,9,"With a voice like a human childs, it cries out to
lure adults deep into the forest, getting them lost
among the trees."
708,34,11,"人間の 子どもに 似た 声で
鳴いて 大人を 森の 奥へ
誘い込み 迷わせて しまうのだ。"
709,23,1,"ほかの きぎを じざいに あやつる。
もりを あらす にんげんは しぬまで
もりから でられないようにするのだ。"
709,23,3,"다른 나무들을 자유자재로 조종한다.
숲을 어지럽히는 인간은 죽을 때까지
숲에서 벗어나지 못하게 한다."
709,23,5,"Commande aux autres arbres.
Il emprisonne jusquà la fin de leurs jours les humains
qui abîment la forêt."
709,23,6,"Die Bäume des Waldes folgen ihm blind.
Menschen, die dem Wald Schaden zufügen,
hält es bis an ihr Lebensende darin gefangen."
709,23,7,"Puede controlar los árboles a su voluntad. Retiene
hasta el fin de sus días a los humanos que se adentran
en el bosque y lo mancillan."
709,23,8,"In grado di manovrare gli alberi a piacimento,
intrappola per sempre nei boschi gli umani
che danneggiano la natura."
709,23,9,"It can control trees at will. It will trap people
who harm the forest, so they can never leave."
709,23,11,"ほかの 木々を 自在に 操る。
森を 荒らす 人間は 死ぬまで
森から 出られないようにするのだ。"
709,24,1,"ねっこを しんけいの かわりにして
もりの きを あやつる。からだに
すみついた ポケモンには しんせつ。"
709,24,3,"뿌리를 신경 대신으로 삼아
숲의 나무를 조종한다. 몸에 자리 잡은
포켓몬에게는 친절하다."
709,24,5,"Ses racines sont un véritable système nerveux qui lui
permet de contrôler les arbres de la forêt. Il se montre
très gentil envers les Pokémon vivant dans son écorce."
709,24,6,"Es nutzt seine Wurzeln als Nervensystem und
kontrolliert so andere Bäume. Es ist nett zu den
Pokémon, die in ihm leben."
709,24,7,"Sus raíces le permiten controlar los árboles del
bosque, al funcionar como un sistema nervioso.
Es amable con los Pokémon que habitan su cuerpo."
709,24,8,"Usa le radici come un sistema nervoso per controllare
gli alberi dei boschi. Tratta con gentilezza i Pokémon
che fanno il nido nel suo corpo."
709,24,9,"Using its roots as a nervous system,
it controls the trees in the forest.
Its kind to the Pokémon that reside in its body."
709,24,11,"根っこを 神経の かわりにして
森の 木を 操る。体に 住みついた
ポケモンには 親切。"
709,25,1,"ほかの きぎを じざいに あやつる。
もりを あらす にんげんは しぬまで
もりから でられないようにするのだ。"
709,25,3,"다른 나무들을 자유자재로 조종한다.
숲을 어지럽히는 인간은 죽을 때까지
숲에서 벗어나지 못하게 한다."
709,25,5,"Commande aux autres arbres. Il emprisonne jusquà la fin
de leurs jours les humains qui abîment la forêt."
709,25,6,"Die Bäume des Waldes folgen ihm blind. Menschen, die dem
Wald Schaden zufügen, hält es bis an ihr Lebensende darin
709,25,7,"Puede controlar los árboles a su voluntad. Retiene hasta el fin
de sus días a los humanos que se adentran en el bosque y lo
709,25,8,"In grado di manovrare gli alberi a piacimento, intrappola
per sempre nei boschi gli umani che danneggiano la natura."
709,25,9,"It can control trees at will. It will trap people
who harm the forest, so they can never leave."
709,25,11,"ほかの 木々を 自在に 操る。
森を 荒らす 人間は 死ぬまで
森から 出られないようにするのだ。"
709,26,1,"ねっこを しんけいの かわりにして
もりの きを あやつる。からだに
すみついた ポケモンには しんせつ。"
709,26,3,"뿌리를 신경 대신으로 삼아
숲의 나무를 조종한다. 몸에 자리 잡은
포켓몬에게는 친절하다."
709,26,5,"Ses racines sont un véritable système nerveux qui lui permet
de contrôler les arbres de la forêt. Il se montre très gentil
envers les Pokémon vivant dans son écorce."
709,26,6,"Es nutzt seine Wurzeln als Nervensystem und kontrolliert so
andere Bäume. Es ist nett zu den Pokémon, die in ihm leben."
709,26,7,"Sus raíces le permiten controlar los árboles del bosque, al
funcionar como un sistema nervioso. Es amable con los
Pokémon que habitan su cuerpo."
709,26,8,"Usa le radici come un sistema nervoso per controllare gli
alberi dei boschi. Tratta con gentilezza i Pokémon che fanno
il nido nel suo corpo."
709,26,9,"Using its roots as a nervous system,
it controls the trees in the forest.
Its kind to the Pokémon that reside in its body."
709,26,11,"根っこを 神経の かわりにして
森の 木を 操る。体に 住みついた
ポケモンには 親切。"
709,27,1,"もりを あらすものを くってしまうと
いわれる ポケモン。 もりに くらす
いきものたちには とても やさしい。"
709,27,3,"숲을 망치는 자를 먹어버린다고
전해지는 포켓몬이다. 숲에 사는
생물들에게는 매우 친절하다."
709,27,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon mange tous ceux
qui sen prennent à sa forêt. Il est toutefois
très gentil avec ses voisins sylvains."
709,27,6,"Menschen, die dem Wald Schaden zufügen,
soll es angeblich auffressen. Es ist nett zu
allen Lebewesen, die im Wald leben."
709,27,7,"Es amable con los seres que habitan los
bosques, pero se cuenta que devora a quienes
los mancillan."
709,27,8,"Tratta con gentilezza i Pokémon che vivono
nel bosco che protegge, ma si dice che divori
chiunque osi danneggiarlo."
709,27,9,"This Pokémon is said to devour anyone daring to
ravage the forest. To the creatures dwelling in
the forest, it offers great kindness."
709,27,11,"森を 荒らす者を 喰ってしまうと
いわれる ポケモン。 森に 暮らす
生き物たちには とても 優しい。"
709,28,1,"ねっこを つうじて ほかの きぎを
あやつる。 オーロットの すむ もりで
きを きると のろい ころされる。"
709,28,3,"뿌리를 통해 다른 나무들을
조종한다. 대로트가 사는 숲에서
나무를 베면 저주에 걸려 죽게 된다."
709,28,5,"Grâce à ses racines, il contrôle les arbres de
la forêt où il a élu refuge, et maudit quiconque
a le malheur de les abattre."
709,28,6,"Es nutzt seine Wurzeln als Nervensystem und
kontrolliert so andere Bäume. Wer einen Baum im
Wald eines Trombork fällt, wird tödlich verflucht."
709,28,7,"Controla los árboles con sus raíces. Si alguien
tala un árbol en los bosques en los que habita,
será maldecido de por vida."
709,28,8,"È in grado di controllare gli alberi attraverso le
proprie radici. Lancia maledizioni terribili su
chi abbatte gli alberi del bosco dove vive."
709,28,9,"Through its roots, it exerts control over other
trees. A deadly curse falls upon anyone cutting
down trees in forests where Trevenant dwell."
709,28,11,"根っ子を 通じて 他の 木々を
操る。 オーロットの 棲む 森で
木を 切ると 呪い 殺される。"
709,29,1,"もりの ばけものと おそれられる。
きこりたちは オーロットが きらう
ほのおタイプをつれ もりに はいる。"
709,29,3,"숲의 요괴라고 두려워했다.
나무꾼들은 대로트가 싫어하는
불꽃타입을 데리고 숲에 들어간다."
709,29,5,"Les bûcherons nentrent pas dans les bois sans
Pokémon Feu, effrayés par cette créature
considérée comme un fantôme sylvestre."
709,29,6,"Ein gefürchtetes Waldungeheuer. Holzfäller
betreten den Wald daher nur in Begleitung von
Feuer-Pokémon, die Trombork verabscheut."
709,29,7,"Se cree que es un demonio del bosque. Los
leñadores solo se adentran llevando consigo
Pokémon de tipo Fuego, a los que detesta."
709,29,8,"È temuto e ritenuto da tutti il mostro del bosco.
I taglialegna si inoltrano nei boschi solo con
Pokémon di tipo Fuoco, di cui ha il terrore."
709,29,9,"Its feared as a ghost of the forest.
Lumberjacks bring along Fire types, which
Trevenant hates, when they enter the forest."
709,29,11,"森の 化け物と 恐れられる。
木こりたちは オーロットが 嫌う
ほのおタイプを連れ 森に 入る。"
709,30,1,"あしの さきから のばした ねっこで
ちかくの きぎを あやつり もりを
あらすものを おそう ポケモンだ。"
709,30,3,"발끝에서 자라난 뿌리로
주변의 나무를 조종해서 숲을
어지럽히는 자를 공격하는 포켓몬이다."
709,30,5,"Il contrôle les arbres environnants grâce aux
racines qui poussent au bout de ses pieds,
et attaque quiconque saccage la forêt."
709,30,6,"Die Wurzeln, die aus seinen Beinen gewachsen
sind, kontrollieren nahe gelegene Bäume. Es
greift alle an, die dem Wald Schaden zufügen."
709,30,7,"Este Pokémon controla a los árboles alargando
las raíces que surgen de sus pies, para así
plantar cara a quienes perjudican el bosque."
709,30,8,"Attacca chi vuole danneggiare i boschi
assumendo il controllo degli alberi vicini con le
radici che si dipartono dalla punta dei suoi piedi."
709,30,9,"This Pokémon controls trees via roots
stretching from its feet, and it will attack
anyone that dares to ravage the forest."
709,30,11,"足の 先から 伸ばした 根っこで
近くの 木々を 操り 森を
荒らす者を 襲う ポケモンだ。"
709,33,1,"もりの きを きりたおす にんげんを
たべると おそれられているが もりで
くらす ポケモンたちには やさしい。"
709,33,3,"숲에서 나무를 베는 인간을
잡아먹는다는 공포의 대상이지만
숲속에 사는 포켓몬들에게는 상냥하다."
709,33,5,"Les bûcherons qui viennent couper des arbres
en forêt ont peur dêtre dévorés par Desséliande.
Il est gentil avec les Pokémon habitant les bois."
709,33,6,"Es wird dafür gefürchtet, Menschen zu fressen,
die Bäume im Wald fällen. Zu den Pokémon,
die den Wald bewohnen, ist es aber stets nett."
709,33,7,"Los humanos lo temen porque devora a quienes
osen talar los árboles, pero es amable con los
Pokémon que habitan en el bosque."
709,33,8,"Gli esseri umani lo temono perché mangia
chi abbatte gli alberi. Tuttavia è sempre gentile
con i Pokémon che vivono nei boschi."
709,33,9,"People fear it due to a belief that it devours any
who try to cut down trees in its forest, but to the
Pokémon it shares its woods with, its kind."
709,33,11,"森の 木を 伐り倒す 人間を
食べると 恐れられているが 森で
暮らす ポケモンたちには 優しい。"
709,34,1,"あしの さきから ほそい ねっこを
のばして もりの きぎと むすびつき
じざいに あやつる ちからを もつ。"
709,34,3,"발끝에서 가느다란 뿌리를 뻗고
숲의 나무들과 결속하여
자유자재로 조종하는 힘을 가졌다."
709,34,5,"Il étire les fines racines de ses pieds pour établir
une connexion avec les autres arbres de la forêt
et ainsi les contrôler."
709,34,6,"Es streckt die dünnen Wurzeln an seinen Beinen
aus, um sich so mit den Bäumen im Wald zu
verbinden und sie nach Belieben zu kontrollieren."
709,34,7,"Puede extender las finas raíces que le brotan de
las extremidades inferiores para conectarse con
el resto de los árboles y controlarlos a voluntad."
709,34,8,"Ha il potere di controllare gli altri alberi della
foresta connettendosi a loro grazie alle radici
sottili che si dipartono dalla punta dei suoi piedi."
709,34,9,"Small roots that extend from the tips of this
Pokémons feet can tie into the trees of the
forest and give Trevenant control over them."
709,34,11,"足の 先から 細い 根っこを
伸ばして 森の 木々と 結びつき
自在に 操る 力を もつ。"
710,23,1,"じょうぶつできない たましいを
かぼちゃの からだに いれている。
ひぐれと ともに うごきはじめる。"
710,23,3,"성불하지 못한 혼을
호박으로 된 몸속에 담고 있다.
해가 지면 활동하기 시작한다."
710,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est né du mariage dun esprit piégé
dans le monde des vivants et dune citrouille.
Il commence à sanimer au coucher du soleil."
710,23,6,"Es entsteht aus der Vereinigung einer in der Welt
der Lebenden gefangenen Seele mit einem Kürbis.
Es wird erst nach Sonnenuntergang aktiv."
710,23,7,"En el interior de la calabaza reside un espíritu que ha
permanecido atrapado en este mundo. Entra en acción
al caer la noche."
710,23,8,"Pokémon nato quando uno spirito inquieto è entrato
in una zucca. Si attiva dopo il calar del sole."
710,23,9,"The pumpkin body is inhabited by a spirit
trapped in this world. As the sun sets,
it becomes restless and active."
710,23,11,"成仏できない 魂を
カボチャの 体に 入れている。
日暮れと ともに 動きはじめる。"
710,24,1,"さまよう たましいを じょうぶつ
させるため ししゃの すむ せかいへ
はこんでいると いわれている。"
710,24,3,"떠도는 영혼을 성불시키기 위해
죽은 자들이 사는 세계로
옮기고 있다고 전해진다."
710,24,5,"Il paraît quil accompagne les âmes des défunts
jusque dans lau-delà, pour quelles puissent goûter
au repos éternel."
710,24,6,"Man sagt, es führe verlorene Seelen dem Ende ihres
rastlosen irdischen Wandelns entgegen und geleite sie
sicher ins Jenseits."
710,24,7,"Se dice que este Pokémon se dedica a guiar las almas
errantes al otro mundo para que así puedan descansar
en paz durante toda la eternidad."
710,24,8,"Si dice che aiuti le anime smarrite a ritrovare
il cammino."
710,24,9,"It is said to carry wandering spirits
to the place where they belong
so they can move on."
710,24,11,"さまよう 魂を 成仏させるため
死者の 住む 世界へ
運んでいると 言われている。"
710,25,1,"じょうぶつできない たましいを
かぼちゃの からだに いれている。
ひぐれと ともに うごきはじめる。"
710,25,3,"성불하지 못한 혼을
호박으로 된 몸속에 담고 있다.
해가 지면 활동하기 시작한다."
710,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est né du mariage dun esprit piégé
dans le monde des vivants et dune citrouille.
Il commence à sanimer au coucher du soleil."
710,25,6,"Es entsteht aus der Vereinigung einer in der Welt der
Lebenden gefangenen Seele mit einem Kürbis. Es wird erst
nach Sonnenuntergang aktiv."
710,25,7,"En el interior de la calabaza reside un espíritu que ha
permanecido atrapado en este mundo. Entra en acción
al caer la noche."
710,25,8,"Pokémon nato quando uno spirito inquieto è entrato in
una zucca. Si attiva dopo il calar del sole."
710,25,9,"The pumpkin body is inhabited by a spirit
trapped in this world. As the sun sets,
it becomes restless and active."
710,25,11,"成仏できない 魂を
カボチャの 体に 入れている。
日暮れと ともに 動きはじめる。"
710,26,1,"さまよう たましいを じょうぶつ
させるため ししゃの すむ せかいへ
はこんでいると いわれている。"
710,26,3,"떠도는 영혼을 성불시키기 위해
죽은 자들이 사는 세계로
옮기고 있다고 전해진다."
710,26,5,"Il paraît quil accompagne les âmes des défunts jusque dans
lau-delà, pour quelles puissent goûter au repos éternel."
710,26,6,"Man sagt, es führe verlorene Seelen dem Ende ihres
rastlosen irdischen Wandelns entgegen und geleite sie
sicher ins Jenseits."
710,26,7,"Se dice que este Pokémon se dedica a guiar las almas
errantes al otro mundo para que así puedan descansar en
paz durante toda la eternidad."
710,26,8,Si dice che aiuti le anime smarrite a ritrovare il cammino.
710,26,9,"It is said to carry wandering spirits
to the place where they belong
so they can move on."
710,26,11,"さまよう 魂を 成仏させるため
死者の 住む 世界へ
運んでいると 言われている。"
710,33,1,"このよで さまよう たましいは
バケッチャの からだの なかに
いれられて あのよへ たびだつ。"
710,33,3,"이승을 떠도는 영혼은
호바귀의 몸속에
들어간 뒤 저승으로 떠난다."
710,33,5,"Les âmes errantes de ce monde sintroduisent
dans son corps pour rejoindre lau-delà."
710,33,6,"Verlorene Seelen, die in der Welt der Lebenden
gefangen sind, finden in seinem Körper Platz,
um ihre Reise ins Jenseits anzutreten."
710,33,7,"Las almas errantes de este mundo se introducen
en su cuerpo e inician así su viaje al más allá."
710,33,8,"Le anime che vagano in questo mondo entrano
nel suo corpo per iniziare il loro viaggio
verso laldilà."
710,33,9,"Spirits that wander this world are placed into
Pumpkaboos body. Theyre then moved on to
the afterlife."
710,33,11,"この世で さまよう 魂は
バケッチャの 体の 中に
入れられて あの世へ 旅立つ。"
710,34,1,"かぼちゃの あなから てらしている
ひかりは みた ひとや ポケモンを
さいみんじょうたいにして あやつる。"
710,34,3,"호박의 구멍에서 나오는
빛을 본 사람과 포켓몬을
최면상태로 만들어 조종한다."
710,34,5,"Il peut manipuler les humains et les Pokémon
en les hypnotisant grâce à la lumière qui filtre
par les trous de son ventre en forme de citrouille."
710,34,6,"Blicken Menschen und Pokémon in das Licht, das
aus den Löchern seines Kürbisses dringt, werden
sie hypnotisiert und von Irrbis kontrolliert."
710,34,7,"La luz que emite por los orificios de la calabaza
hipnotiza a humanos y Pokémon y los deja bajo
su control."
710,34,8,"Con la luce che emana dai buchi nella zucca
ipnotizza esseri umani e Pokémon e ne assume
il controllo."
710,34,9,"The light that streams out from the holes in the
pumpkin can hypnotize and control the people
and Pokémon that see it."
710,34,11,"かぼちゃの 穴から 照らしている
光は 見た 人や ポケモンを
催眠状態にして 操る。"
711,23,1,"しんげつの よるに ぶきみな こえで
うたいながら まちなかを さまよう。
その うたを きくと のろわれる。"
711,23,3,"초승달이 뜬 밤에 기분 나쁜 목소리로
노래를 부르며 마을 안을 헤맨다.
그 노래를 들으면 저주를 받는다."
711,23,5,"Les nuits de nouvelle lune, ce Pokémon erre dans
les rues en chantant dune voix lugubre.
Ceux qui lentendent sont maudits."
711,23,6,"Unter unheimlichen Gesängen durchstreift es in
Neumondnächten Städte und Dörfer. Wer dem
unheilvollen Gesang lauscht, wird verflucht."
711,23,7,"En las noches de luna nueva deambula por las calles
de las ciudades y emite espeluznantes alaridos que
maldicen a quienes los oyen."
711,23,8,"Vaga per le città nelle notti di luna nuova intonando
una melodia sinistra. Chi la ascolta, viene colpito da
una maledizione."
711,23,9,"Singing in eerie voices, they wander
town streets on the night of the new moon.
Anyone who hears their song is cursed."
711,23,11,"新月の 夜に 不気味な 声で
歌いながら 街中を さまよう。
その歌を 聞くと のろわれる。"
711,24,1,"かみのけのような うでで えものを
しめつける。くるしむ ようすを
みながら たのしそうに うたうのだ。"
711,24,3,"머리카락 같은 팔로 사냥감을
조른다. 괴로워하는 모습을
지켜보며 즐거운 듯 노래한다."
711,24,5,"Il enserre ses proies dans ses bras, semblables
à de longues mèches de cheveux. Il se délecte
de leur souffrance en chantonnant gaiement."
711,24,6,"Mit seinen haarähnlichen Armen erfasst es seine Beute
und stimmt angesichts deren offenkundiger Qualen
freudig ein Lied an."
711,24,7,"Atrapa a su presa con los brazos, que parecen formar
sendas matas de pelo, y entona una alegre canción
mientras se regodea con su sufrimiento."
711,24,8,"Intrappola le prede con i suoi arti simili a capelli e
canta dolcemente mentre queste si dibattono per
711,24,9,"It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms.
It sings joyfully as it observes the
suffering of its prey."
711,24,11,"髪の毛のような 腕で 獲物を
締めつける。苦しむ 様子を 見ながら
楽しそうに 歌うのだ。"
711,25,1,"しんげつの よるに ぶきみな こえで
うたいながら まちなかを さまよう。
その うたを きくと のろわれる。"
711,25,3,"초승달이 뜬 밤에 기분 나쁜 목소리로
노래를 부르며 마을 안을 헤맨다.
그 노래를 들으면 저주를 받는다."
711,25,5,"Les nuits de nouvelle lune, ce Pokémon erre dans les rues
en chantant dune voix lugubre. Ceux qui lentendent sont
711,25,6,"Unter unheimlichen Gesängen durchstreift es in
Neumondnächten Städte und Dörfer. Wer dem
unheilvollen Gesang lauscht, wird verflucht."
711,25,7,"En las noches de luna nueva deambula por las calles de las
ciudades y emite espeluznantes alaridos que maldicen a
quienes los oyen."
711,25,8,"Vaga per le città nelle notti di luna nuova intonando
una melodia sinistra. Chi la ascolta, viene colpito da
una maledizione."
711,25,9,"Singing in eerie voices, they wander
town streets on the night of the new moon.
Anyone who hears their song is cursed."
711,25,11,"新月の 夜に 不気味な 声で
歌いながら 街中を さまよう。
その歌を 聞くと のろわれる。"
711,26,1,"かみのけのような うでで えものを
しめつける。くるしむ ようすを
みながら たのしそうに うたうのだ。"
711,26,3,"머리카락 같은 팔로 사냥감을
조른다. 괴로워하는 모습을
지켜보며 즐거운 듯 노래한다."
711,26,5,"Il enserre ses proies dans ses bras, semblables à
de longues mèches de cheveux. Il se délecte de
leur souffrance en chantonnant gaiement."
711,26,6,"Mit seinen haarähnlichen Armen erfasst es seine Beute
und stimmt angesichts deren offenkundiger Qualen freudig
ein Lied an."
711,26,7,"Atrapa a su presa con los brazos, que parecen formar sendas
matas de pelo, y entona una alegre canción mientras se
regodea con su sufrimiento."
711,26,8,"Intrappola le prede con i suoi arti simili a capelli e canta
dolcemente mentre queste si dibattono per liberarsi."
711,26,9,"It enwraps its prey in its hairlike arms.
It sings joyfully as it observes the
suffering of its prey."
711,26,11,"髪の毛のような 腕で 獲物を
締めつける。苦しむ 様子を 見ながら
楽しそうに 歌うのだ。"
711,33,1,"まよなかに どうたいから ひびく
ぶきみな なきごえは あのよで
くるしむ ししゃの なきごえらしい。"
711,33,3,"한밤중에 몸속에서 들리는
기분 나쁜 울음소리는 저세상에서
고통받는 죽은 자의 울음소리라는 듯하다."
711,33,5,"Les lugubres lamentations nocturnes de
son ventre seraient en fait les cris de souffrance
dâmes en peine, résonnant depuis lau-delà."
711,33,6,"Man sagt, der unheimliche Gesang, der nachts
aus dem Körper von diesem Pokémon dringt,
sei das Wehklagen der Toten aus dem Jenseits."
711,33,7,"Se dice que los espeluznantes alaridos que emite
bien entrada la noche son los lamentos de almas
en pena desde el más allá."
711,33,8,"Si dice che il lamento sinistro che fuoriesce dal
suo corpo a notte fonda sia la voce dei morti
che soffrono nellaldilà."
711,33,9,"Eerie cries emanate from its body in the dead of
night. The sounds are said to be the wails of
spirits who are suffering in the afterlife."
711,33,11,"真夜中に 胴体から 響く
不気味な 鳴き声は あの世で
苦しむ 死者の 泣き声らしい。"
711,34,1,"しんげつの よる げんかんの ドアを
パンプジンが ノックする。 あけた
ひとを あのよへ つれていくのだ。"
711,34,3,"초승달이 뜨는 밤이 되면 펌킨인이
현관문을 노크한다. 그리고는 열어준
사람을 저세상으로 데리고 간다."
711,34,5,"Les soirs de nouvelle lune, il frappe aux portes
des maisons. Si quelquun a le malheur de lui
ouvrir, il lemporte aussitôt dans lau-delà."
711,34,6,"In Neumondnächten klopft Pumpdjinn an die
Eingangstüren der Häuser. Wer sie ihm öffnet,
wird von ihm ins Jenseits entführt."
711,34,7,"Las noches de luna nueva llama a la puerta de las
casas y se lleva al otro mundo a quien abra."
711,34,8,"Nelle notti di luna nuova bussa alle porte
delle case e porta nellaldilà chi gli apre."
711,34,9,"In the darkness of a new-moon night, Gourgeist
will come knocking. Whoever answers the door
will be swept off to the afterlife."
711,34,11,"新月の 夜 玄関の ドアを
パンプジンが ノックする。 開けた
人を あの世へ 連れて行くのだ。"
712,23,1,"からだを おおう こおりが てきの
こうげきを ふせぐ。わられても
れいきで すぐに こおりを はる。"
712,23,3,"몸을 둘러싼 얼음이 적의
공격을 막는다. 깨져도
냉기로 재빨리 얼음을 얼린다."
712,23,5,"La glace qui couvre son corps bloque les attaques
ennemies. Si elle se fissure, il la reconstitue
immédiatement en soufflant de lair glacé."
712,23,6,"Es wehrt gegnerische Angriffe mit seinem in Eis
gehüllten Körper ab. Bruchstellen bessert es mit
aus kalter Luft gewonnenem neuen Eis aus."
712,23,7,"Envuelve su cuerpo en una capa de hielo que le
permite evitar los ataques del enemigo. Si se
resquebraja, la recompone con aire gélido."
712,23,8,"Si difende dagli attacchi nemici grazie al ghiaccio
che ricopre il suo corpo. Se viene danneggiato,
rigenera lo strato protettivo, riparandolo."
712,23,9,"It blocks opponents attacks with the
ice that shields its body. It uses cold air
to repair any cracks with new ice."
712,23,11,"体を 覆う 氷が
敵の 攻撃を 防ぐ。割られても
冷気で すぐに 氷を 張る。"
712,24,1,"マイナス100どの れいきで てきを
おおわれた やまで むれを つくる。"
712,24,3,"마이너스 100도의 냉기로 적을
얼려버린다. 만년설로
덮인 산에서 무리를 짓는다."
712,24,5,"Il gèle ses ennemis dune bourrasque à -100 °C.
Il vit en troupeau avec ses congénères, dans
les neiges éternelles des hautes montagnes."
712,24,6,"Es friert seine Gegner mittels eines -100 °C kalten
Luftstromes ein. Mit seinen Artgenossen lebt es
herdenweise auf Bergen inmitten des ewigen Eises."
712,24,7,"Congela a sus enemigos sometiéndolos a un aire
gélido de -100 °C. Forman grupos para habitar
montañas cubiertas de una nieve sempiterna."
712,24,8,"Congela i nemici soffiando aria a -100 °C. Vive in
gruppo nelle montagne ricoperte da nevi perenni."
712,24,9,"Using air of -150 degrees Fahrenheit, they
freeze opponents solid. They live in herds
above the snow line on mountains."
712,24,11,"マイナス100度の 冷気で 敵を
氷漬けにする。万年雪に 覆われた
山で 群れを 作る。"
712,25,1,"からだを おおう こおりが てきの
こうげきを ふせぐ。わられても
れいきで すぐに こおりを はる。"
712,25,3,"몸을 둘러싼 얼음이 적의
공격을 막는다. 깨져도
냉기로 재빨리 얼음을 얼린다."
712,25,5,"La glace qui couvre son corps bloque les attaques ennemies.
Si elle se fissure, il la reconstitue immédiatement en soufflant
de lair glacé."
712,25,6,"Es wehrt gegnerische Angriffe mit seinem in Eis gehüllten
Körper ab. Bruchstellen bessert es mit aus kalter Luft
gewonnenem neuen Eis aus."
712,25,7,"Envuelve su cuerpo en una capa de hielo que le permite evitar
los ataques del enemigo. Si se resquebraja, la recompone con
aire gélido."
712,25,8,"Si difende dagli attacchi nemici grazie al ghiaccio che ricopre
il suo corpo. Se viene danneggiato, rigenera lo strato
protettivo, riparandolo."
712,25,9,"It blocks opponents attacks with the
ice that shields its body. It uses cold air
to repair any cracks with new ice."
712,25,11,"体を 覆う 氷が
敵の 攻撃を 防ぐ。割られても
冷気で すぐに 氷を 張る。"
712,26,1,"マイナス100どの れいきで てきを
おおわれた やまで むれを つくる。"
712,26,3,"마이너스 100도의 냉기로 적을
얼려버린다. 만년설로
덮인 산에서 무리를 짓는다."
712,26,5,"Il gèle ses ennemis dune bourrasque à -100 °C.
Il vit en troupeau avec ses congénères, dans les neiges
éternelles des hautes montagnes."
712,26,6,"Es friert seine Gegner mittels eines -100 °C kalten Luftstromes
ein. Mit seinen Artgenossen lebt es herdenweise auf Bergen
inmitten des ewigen Eises."
712,26,7,"Congela a sus enemigos sometiéndolos a un aire gélido de
-100 °C. Forman grupos para habitar montañas cubiertas de
una nieve sempiterna."
712,26,8,"Congela i nemici soffiando aria a -100 °C. Vive in gruppo
nelle montagne ricoperte da nevi perenni."
712,26,9,"Using air of -150 degrees Fahrenheit, they
freeze opponents solid. They live in herds
above the snow line on mountains."
712,26,11,"マイナス100度の 冷気で 敵を
氷漬けにする。万年雪に 覆われた
山で 群れを 作る。"
712,33,1,"ひょうてんか 100どの れいきで
くうきちゅうの すいぶんを こおらせ
こおりの そうこうで みを まもる。"
712,33,3,"영하 100도의 냉기로
공기 중의 수분을 얼려서
얼음 갑옷으로 몸을 지킨다."
712,33,5,"Grâce à son souffle glacé à - 100 °C, il peut
geler lhumidité dans lair et se façonner
une carapace de glace."
712,33,6,"Mit -100 ºC kalter Luft lässt es Wassermoleküle
um sich herum gefrieren und erschafft sich so
einen schützenden Eispanzer."
712,33,7,"Congela la humedad del ambiente exhalando
vaho a -100 °C para crear una coraza de hielo
con la que protege su cuerpo."
712,33,8,"Cristallizza lumidità presente nellaria con un
soffio ghiacciato a -100 ºC, creando una
corazza con cui protegge il proprio corpo."
712,33,9,"They chill the air around them to 150 degrees
Fahrenheit, freezing the water in the air into ice
that they use as armor."
712,33,11,"氷点下 100度の 冷気で
空気中の 水分を 凍らせ
氷の 装甲で 身を 守る。"
712,34,1,"ごっかんの ちいきに せいそくする。
クレベースの せなかと じぶんの
あしを こおりつかせて こていする。"
712,34,3,"혹한의 지역에 서식한다.
크레베이스의 등에 자신의
발을 얼어붙게 해 고정한다."
712,34,5,"Il vit dans les régions les plus froides, agrippé
aux Séracrawl. Il gèle ses pattes sur leur dos
pour se maintenir en place."
712,34,6,"Es lebt in extrem kalten Gebieten. Um sich an
Arktilas zu befestigen, lässt es seine Beine an
dessen Rücken festfrieren."
712,34,7,"Vive en regiones sumamente frías. Se aferra al
lomo de los Avalugg congelando sus propias
712,34,8,"Abita le regioni più fredde. Si ancora alla schiena
di Avalugg congelando la base delle sue zampe."
712,34,9,"This Pokémon lives in areas of frigid cold.
It secures itself to the back of an Avalugg
by freezing its feet in place."
712,34,11,"極寒の 地域に 生息する。
クレベースの 背中と 自分の
足を 凍りつかせて 固定する。"
713,23,1,"こおりついた からだは こうてつの
ように かたい。たちふさがる ものを
きょたいで おしつぶし いどうする。"
713,23,3,"얼어붙은 몸은 강철처럼
단단하다. 앞을 가로막는 것을
커다란 몸으로 파괴하며 이동한다."
713,23,5,"Son immense corps recouvert de glace est aussi
solide que de lacier. Quand il se déplace, il écrase
tout qui se trouve sur son passage."
713,23,6,"Sein eisbedeckter Körper ist so hart wie Stahl.
Es nutzt diese stahlharte Hülle, um Hindernisse
zu zerschmettern und sich so seinen Weg zu bahnen."
713,23,7,"Su cuerpo, cubierto de hielo, es tan duro como el
propio acero. Su abultada figura le permite arramblar
con todo lo que se encuentra a su paso."
713,23,8,"Il suo enorme corpo di ghiaccio è duro come lacciaio.
Avanza distruggendo tutto ciò che gli si para davanti."
713,23,9,"Its ice-covered body is as hard as steel.
Its cumbersome frame crushes anything that
stands in its way."
713,23,11,"凍りついた 体は 鋼鉄のように
硬い。立ちふさがる ものを
巨体で 押しつぶし 移動する。"
713,24,1,"せなかに すうひきの カチコールを
のせて くらす ようすは まるで
こおりの こうくうぼかんのようだ。"
713,24,3,"등에 수 마리의 꽁어름을
태우고 지내는 모습은 마치
얼음으로 된 항공모함 같다."
713,24,5,"Quand on le voit transportant les petits Grelaçon
qui vivent sur son dos, il y a une ressemblance
certaine avec les véhicules déplaçant les fusées."
713,24,6,"Mit den zahlreichen Arktip auf seinem Rücken sieht es
aus wie ein Flugzeugträger aus Eis."
713,24,7,"Parece un portaaviones de hielo, por el aspecto que
presenta al llevar varios Bergmite en su espalda."
713,24,8,"Ospita numerosi Bergmite sul suo dorso, come
una vera e propria portaerei di ghiaccio."
713,24,9,"The way several Bergmite huddle
on its back makes it look like
an aircraft carrier made of ice."
713,24,11,"背中に 数匹の カチコールを
乗せて 暮らす 様子は
まるで 氷の 航空母艦のようだ。"
713,25,1,"こおりついた からだは こうてつの
ように かたい。たちふさがる ものを
きょたいで おしつぶし いどうする。"
713,25,3,"얼어붙은 몸은 강철처럼
단단하다. 앞을 가로막는 것을
커다란 몸으로 파괴하며 이동한다."
713,25,5,"Son immense corps recouvert de glace est aussi solide
que de lacier. Quand il se déplace, il écrase tout ce qui
se trouve sur son passage."
713,25,6,"Sein eisbedeckter Körper ist so hart wie Stahl. Es nutzt diese
stahlharte Hülle, um Hindernisse zu zerschmettern und sich so
seinen Weg zu bahnen."
713,25,7,"Su cuerpo, cubierto de hielo, es tan duro como el propio
acero. Su abultada figura le permite arramblar con todo lo que
se encuentra a su paso."
713,25,8,"Il suo enorme corpo di ghiaccio è duro come lacciaio.
Avanza distruggendo tutto ciò che gli si para davanti."
713,25,9,"Its ice-covered body is as hard as steel.
Its cumbersome frame crushes anything that
stands in its way."
713,25,11,"凍りついた 体は 鋼鉄のように
硬い。立ちふさがる ものを
巨体で 押しつぶし 移動する。"
713,26,1,"せなかに すうひきの カチコールを
のせて くらす ようすは まるで
こおりの こうくうぼかんのようだ。"
713,26,3,"등에 수 마리의 꽁어름을
태우고 지내는 모습은 마치
얼음으로 된 항공모함 같다."
713,26,5,"Quand on le voit transportant les petits Grelaçon
qui vivent sur son dos, il y a une ressemblance certaine
avec les véhicules déplaçant les fusées."
713,26,6,"Mit den zahlreichen Arktip auf seinem Rücken sieht es aus wie
ein Flugzeugträger aus Eis."
713,26,7,"Parece un portaaviones de hielo, por el aspecto que presenta
al llevar varios Bergmite en su espalda."
713,26,8,"Ospita numerosi Bergmite sul suo dorso, come una vera
e propria portaerei di ghiaccio."
713,26,9,"The way several Bergmite huddle
on its back makes it look like
an aircraft carrier made of ice."
713,26,11,"背中に 数匹の カチコールを
乗せて 暮らす 様子は
まるで 氷の 航空母艦のようだ。"
713,33,1,"なんびきもの カチコールを せなかに
のせて こういどの つめたい うみを
ひょうざんに まぎれて およぐ。"
713,33,3,"여러 마리의 꽁어름을 등에
태우고 고위도의 차가운 바다를
빙산 속에 섞여 헤엄친다."
713,33,5,"Il sillonne les eaux glacées des pôles en se mêlant
aux icebergs, une foule de Grelaçon collée
à son dos."
713,33,6,"Mit unzähligen Arktip auf dem Rücken schwimmt
es wie ein Eisberg durch die kalten Meere hoher
713,33,7,"Surca las aguas de mares gélidos, situados a altas
latitudes, llevando a varios Bergmite en el lomo y
confundiéndose entre los icebergs."
713,33,8,"Nuota nei freddi mari polari ospitando numerosi
Bergmite sulla schiena e confondendosi tra
gli iceberg."
713,33,9,"At high latitudes, this Pokémon can be found
with clusters of Bergmite on its back as it swims
among the icebergs."
713,33,11,"何匹もの カチコールを 背中に
乗せて 高緯度の 冷たい 海を
氷山に 紛れて 泳ぐ。"
713,34,1,"にっちゅうの かつどうで からだの
きれつは ふかくなるが ひとばんで
きれつの ない からだに もどる。"
713,34,3,"낮 동안의 활동으로 몸의 균열이
깊어지지만 하룻밤 사이에
균열이 없는 몸으로 돌아간다."
713,34,5,"Les crevasses sur son dos sapprofondissent
au cours de la journée, mais se comblent
de nouveau pendant la nuit."
713,34,6,"Die Risse auf seinem Körper werden im Zuge
seiner täglichen Aktivitäten tiefer. Ihm genügt
jedoch eine Nacht, um sie wieder zu schließen."
713,34,7,"Las fisuras de su cuerpo se agrandan durante
el día, pero por la noche vuelven a cerrarse."
713,34,8,"Durante il giorno le crepe sul suo corpo
diventano più profonde, ma nel giro di una
notte si riempiono del tutto."
713,34,9,"As Avalugg moves about during the day,
the cracks in its body deepen. The Pokémons
body returns to a pristine state overnight."
713,34,11,"日中の 活動で 体の
亀裂は 深くなるが 一晩で
亀裂の ない 体に もどる。"
714,23,1,"まっくらな どうくつで くらす。
20まんヘルツの ちょうおんぱを
おおきな みみから はっしゃする。"
714,23,3,"캄캄한 동굴에서 산다.
20만Hz의 초음파를
커다란 귀에서 발사한다."
714,23,5,"Il apprécie les grottes les plus sombres.
Ses grandes oreilles lui permettent de générer
des ultrasons dune fréquence de 200000 Hz."
714,23,6,"Es lebt im Inneren pechschwarzer Höhlen.
Seine riesigen Ohren setzen Ultraschallwellen
von 200 000 Hz frei."
714,23,7,"Habita en cuevas donde reina la más absoluta
oscuridad y emite ondas ultrasónicas de
200 000 Hz a través de sus enormes orejas."
714,23,8,"Vive in caverne completamente buie. Emette onde
ultrasoniche alla frequenza di 200.000 Hz dalle
grandi orecchie."
714,23,9,"They live in pitch-black caves. Their enormous ears
can emit ultrasonic waves of 200,000 hertz."
714,23,11,"真っ暗な 洞窟で 暮らす。
20万ヘルツの 超音波を
大きな 耳から 発射する。"
714,24,1,"20まんヘルツの ちょうおんぱを
あびると くっきょうな レスラーも
めが まわり たっていられないのだ。"
714,24,3,"20만Hz의 초음파를 받으면
막강한 레슬러도 현기증이 나
서 있을 수 없다."
714,24,5,"Les ultrasons à 200000 Hz quil émet suffiraient
à rendre groggy le plus chevronné des lutteurs."
714,24,6,"Selbst ein gestandener Ringer geht bei den
200 000 Hz hohen Ultraschallwellen dieses
Pokémon unweigerlich in die Knie."
714,24,7,"Ni el más recio de los luchadores profesionales
sería capaz de aguantar sus ondas ultrasónicas de
200 000 Hz sin marearse e hincar la rodilla."
714,24,8,"Questo Pokémon emette ultrasuoni a 200.000 Hz
in grado di stordire e stendere anche un lottatore
714,24,9,"Even a robust wrestler will become
dizzy and unable to stand when exposed
to its 200,000-hertz ultrasonic waves."
714,24,11,"20万ヘルツの 超音波を 浴びると
屈強な レスラーも 目が 回り
714,25,1,"まっくらな どうくつで くらす。
20まんヘルツの ちょうおんぱを
おおきな みみから はっしゃする。"
714,25,3,"캄캄한 동굴에서 산다.
20만 Hz의 초음파를
커다란 귀에서 발사한다."
714,25,5,"Il apprécie les grottes les plus sombres. Ses grandes oreilles
lui permettent de générer des ultrasons dune fréquence
de 200000 Hz."
714,25,6,"Es lebt im Inneren pechschwarzer Höhlen. Seine riesigen
Ohren setzen Ultraschallwellen von 200 000 Hz frei."
714,25,7,"Habita en cuevas donde reina la más absoluta oscuridad y
emite ondas ultrasónicas de 200 000 Hz a través de sus
enormes orejas."
714,25,8,"Vive in caverne completamente buie. Emette onde ultrasoniche
alla frequenza di 200.000 Hz dalle grandi orecchie."
714,25,9,"They live in pitch-black caves. Their enormous ears
can emit ultrasonic waves of 200,000 hertz."
714,25,11,"真っ暗な 洞窟で 暮らす。
20万ヘルツの 超音波を
大きな 耳から 発射する。"
714,26,1,"20まんヘルツの ちょうおんぱを
あびると くっきょうな レスラーも
めが まわり たっていられないのだ。"
714,26,3,"20만 Hz의 초음파를 받으면
막강한 레슬러도 현기증이 나
서 있을 수 없다."
714,26,5,"Les ultrasons à 200000 Hz quil émet suffiraient à rendre
groggy le plus chevronné des lutteurs."
714,26,6,"Selbst ein gestandener Ringer geht bei den 200 000 Hz
hohen Ultraschallwellen dieses Pokémon unweigerlich in
die Knie."
714,26,7,"Ni el más recio de los luchadores profesionales sería capaz de
aguantar sus ondas ultrasónicas de 200 000 Hz sin marearse
e hincar la rodilla."
714,26,8,"Questo Pokémon emette ultrasuoni a 200.000 Hz in grado
di stordire e stendere anche un lottatore professionista."
714,26,9,"Even a robust wrestler will become
dizzy and unable to stand when exposed
to its 200,000-hertz ultrasonic waves."
714,26,11,"20万ヘルツの 超音波を 浴びると
屈強な レスラーも 目が 回り
714,29,1,"こうぶつは くだもの。 ちょうおんぱを
あてて よく じゅくした ものだけを
えらびだして くらう グルメなのだ。"
714,29,3,"과일을 좋아한다. 초음파를
이용해서 잘 익은 것만
골라내 먹는 미식가다."
714,29,5,"Il adore les fruits et, en véritable gourmet, il ne
mange que ceux qui sont bien mûrs. Il utilise ses
ultrasons pour déterminer le degré de maturité."
714,29,6,"Es liebt Obst. Als Feinschmecker sortiert es
jedoch unreife Früchte mit Ultraschallwellen aus
und verleibt sich nur reifes Obst ein."
714,29,7,"Le encanta la fruta, pero es tan selecto que
emite ondas ultrasónicas para detectar cuáles
están maduras y el resto lo descarta."
714,29,8,"Adora la frutta. Ha gusti raffinati e usa gli
ultrasuoni per individuare i frutti maturi al punto
giusto, ignorando gli altri."
714,29,9,"Fruits are its favorite foods. This gourmet
carefully picks out just the ripe ones using
its sonar."
714,29,11,"好物は 果物。 超音波を
あてて よく 熟した ものだけを
選び出して 食らう グルメなのだ。"
714,30,1,"エサと なる くだものを さがして
とびまわる。 じゅくして いるかを
ちょうおんぱで はんべつ できるぞ。"
714,30,3,"먹이인 과일을 찾아
날아다닌다. 익은 정도를
초음파로 판별할 수 있다."
714,30,5,"Il vole à la recherche de fruits à manger.
Il peut déterminer si un fruit est mûr ou non
grâce à ses ultrasons."
714,30,6,"Es sucht die Gegend im Flug nach Obst ab, das
seine Nahrung darstellt. Mit Ultraschallwellen
kann es genau erkennen, welches Obst reif ist."
714,30,7,"Revolotea en busca de fruta, su principal fuente
de sustento. Con las ondas ultrasónicas que
emite puede determinar cuáles están maduras."
714,30,8,"Vola alla ricerca di frutti di cui cibarsi.
È in grado di determinare se sono maturi grazie
agli ultrasuoni che emette."
714,30,9,"It flies around in search of fruit to eat. It uses
ultrasonic waves to detect which fruits are ripe."
714,30,11,"エサと なる 果物を 探して
飛びまわる。 熟して いるかを
超音波で 判別 できるぞ。"
714,33,1,"ひが くれると すみかの どうくつを
はなれて とびまわり かんじゅくの
くだものを ちょうおんぱで さがす。"
714,33,3,"해가 지면 둥지인 동굴을
나와 날아다니며 잘 익은
과일을 초음파로 찾는다."
714,33,5,"À la tombée de la nuit, il quitte la grotte
où il réside et senvole à la recherche de fruits
mûrs avec ses ultrasons."
714,33,6,"Bei Sonnenuntergang verlässt es seine Höhle und
geht mithilfe von Ultraschallwellen auf die Suche
nach reifem Obst."
714,33,7,"Al caer la noche, abandona su cueva y revolotea
en busca de fruta madura, que localiza mediante
ondas ultrasónicas."
714,33,8,"La sera esce dalla grotta in cui vive e vola
in cerca di frutti maturi, che individua grazie
agli ultrasuoni."
714,33,9,"After nightfall, they emerge from the caves they
nest in during the day. Using their ultrasonic
waves, they go on the hunt for ripened fruit."
714,33,11,"日が 暮れると すみかの 洞窟を
離れて 飛びまわり 完熟の
果物を 超音波で 探す。"
714,34,1,"あらゆる しゅうはすうの おんぱを
あやつる。 ちょうおんぱを あびると
きょたいの ポケモンも たまらない。"
714,34,3,"온갖 주파수의 음파를 조종한다.
초음파를 맞으면 거대한 몸집의
포켓몬도 견디지 못한다."
714,34,5,"Il peut contrôler des ondes à nimporte quelle
fréquence du spectre. Même les plus grands
Pokémon ne peuvent supporter ses ultrasons."
714,34,6,"Es kann Schallwellen verschiedenster Frequenzen
freisetzen. Selbst große Pokémon können seinem
Beschuss mit Ultraschallwellen nicht standhalten."
714,34,7,"Su registro vocal cubre todo el espectro de
frecuencias. Ni los Pokémon más grandes
soportan las ondas ultrasónicas que emite."
714,34,8,"Controlla onde sonore di qualsiasi frequenza.
Nemmeno i Pokémon più grandi riescono a
sopportare i suoi ultrasuoni."
714,34,9,"No wavelength of sound is beyond Noibats
ability to produce. The ultrasonic waves it
generates can overcome much larger Pokémon."
714,34,11,"あらゆる 周波数の 音波を
操る。 超音波を 浴びると
巨体の ポケモンも たまらない。"
715,23,1,"つきあかりすら ない やみよを とび
ゆだんしている えものを おそう。
くらやみの たたかいでは むてきだ。"
715,23,3,"달빛조차 없는 어둠 속을 날며
방심하고 있는 사냥감을 덮친다.
어둠 속의 싸움에서는 무적이다."
715,23,5,"Les nuits sans lune, il quadrille le ciel à la recherche
dune proie. Dans lobscurité, aucun Pokémon ne peut
rivaliser avec lui."
715,23,6,"Es fliegt in finsterer, mondloser Nacht umher
und macht Jagd auf achtlose Beute.
Ist bei Dunkelheit jedem Gegner überlegen."
715,23,7,"Surca el cielo nocturno cuando ni siquiera la luna brilla
y ataca a presas incautas. Es imbatible en combates
que tienen lugar a oscuras."
715,23,8,"Vola nelle notti senza luna e attacca le prede
approfittando di ogni loro minima distrazione.
Nelloscurità è invincibile."
715,23,9,"They fly around on moonless nights
and attack careless prey. Nothing can
beat them in a battle in the dark."
715,23,11,"月明かりすら ない 闇夜を 飛び
油断している 獲物を 襲う。
暗闇の 戦いでは 無敵だ。"
715,24,1,"みみから はっする ちょうおんぱで
きょだいな いわも ふんさいする。
くらやみに まぎれて おそいかかる。"
715,24,3,"귀에서 발생하는 초음파로
거대한 바위도 분쇄한다.
어둠을 틈타 공격한다."
715,24,5,"Il peut littéralement pulvériser de gros rochers
grâce aux ultrasons émis par ses oreilles.
Il surgit des ténèbres pour attaquer par surprise."
715,24,6,"Die Ultraschallwellen aus seinen Ohren zermalmen
Felsen zu kleinen Kieseln. Greift stets im Schutz der
Dunkelheit an."
715,24,7,"Las ondas ultrasónicas que emite por las orejas
pueden hacer añicos incluso rocas enormes.
Aprovecha la oscuridad para desplegar su ataque."
715,24,8,"Grazie agli ultrasuoni che emette dalle orecchie, è in
grado di sbriciolare enormi massi. Attacca col favore
715,24,9,"The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears
can reduce a large boulder to pebbles.
It swoops out of the dark to attack."
715,24,11,"耳から 発する 超音波で
巨大な 岩も 粉砕する。
暗闇に 紛れて 襲いかかる。"
715,25,1,"つきあかりすら ない やみよを とび
ゆだんしている えものを おそう。
くらやみの たたかいでは むてきだ。"
715,25,3,"달빛조차 없는 어둠 속을 날며
방심하고 있는 사냥감을 덮친다.
어둠 속의 싸움에서는 무적이다."
715,25,5,"Les nuits sans lune, il quadrille le ciel à la recherche
dune proie. Dans lobscurité, aucun Pokémon ne peut
rivaliser avec lui."
715,25,6,"Es fliegt in finsterer, mondloser Nacht umher und macht
Jagd auf achtlose Beute. Ist bei Dunkelheit jedem Gegner
715,25,7,"Surca el cielo nocturno cuando ni siquiera la luna brilla y ataca
a presas incautas. Es imbatible en combates que tienen lugar a
715,25,8,"Vola nelle notti senza luna e attacca le prede approfittando
di ogni loro minima distrazione. Nelloscurità è invincibile."
715,25,9,"They fly around on moonless nights
and attack careless prey. Nothing can
beat them in a battle in the dark."
715,25,11,"月明かりすら ない 闇夜を 飛び
油断している 獲物を 襲う。
暗闇の 戦いでは 無敵だ。"
715,26,1,"みみから はっする ちょうおんぱで
きょだいな いわも ふんさいする。
くらやみに まぎれて おそいかかる。"
715,26,3,"귀에서 발생하는 초음파로
거대한 바위도 분쇄한다.
어둠을 틈타 공격한다."
715,26,5,"Il peut littéralement pulvériser de gros rochers grâce
aux ultrasons émis par ses oreilles. Il surgit des ténèbres
pour attaquer par surprise."
715,26,6,"Die Ultraschallwellen aus seinen Ohren zermalmen Felsen zu
kleinen Kieseln. Greift stets im Schutz der Dunkelheit an."
715,26,7,"Las ondas ultrasónicas que emite por las orejas pueden hacer
añicos incluso rocas enormes. Aprovecha la oscuridad para
desplegar su ataque."
715,26,8,"Grazie agli ultrasuoni che emette dalle orecchie, è in grado
di sbriciolare enormi massi. Attacca col favore delloscurità."
715,26,9,"The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears
can reduce a large boulder to pebbles.
It swoops out of the dark to attack."
715,26,11,"耳から 発する 超音波で
巨大な 岩も 粉砕する。
暗闇に 紛れて 襲いかかる。"
715,29,1,"らんぼうな せいしつだが こうぶつの
じゅくした くだものを あげると
てのひらを かえしたように なつく。"
715,29,3,"성질은 난폭하지만 좋아하는
잘 익은 과일을 주면
언제 그랬냐는 듯이 잘 따른다."
715,29,5,"Dordinaire violent, il vous mange littéralement
dans la main si vous lui donnez des fruits mûrs,
son mets favori."
715,29,6,"Es ist von Natur aus brutal. Gibt man ihm jedoch
seine Leibspeise, reifes Obst, ist es plötzlich
wie ausgewechselt und wird zahm."
715,29,7,"Es de carácter violento, pero si se le da su
alimento favorito, una fruta madura, su actitud
cambia totalmente y se muestra muy dócil."
715,29,8,"È di indole aggressiva, ma se qualcuno gli
offre i frutti maturi di cui va matto cambia
completamente atteggiamento e diventa docile."
715,29,9,"Although it has a violent disposition, if you give
it a nice ripe fruit that it loves, Noivern will
suddenly become tame."
715,29,11,"乱暴な 性質だが 好物の
熟した 果物を あげると
手のひらを 返したように 懐く。"
715,30,1,"いわも くだく ちょうおんぱで めに
はいる もの すべてに こうげきを
しかける ちのけのおおい ポケモン。"
715,30,3,"바위도 부수는 초음파로
눈에 들어오는 모든 것에 공격을
가하는 혈기가 왕성한 포켓몬."
715,30,5,"Ce Pokémon sanguinaire attaque tout ce qui
entre dans son champ de vision avec ses
ultrasons capables de pulvériser des rochers."
715,30,6,"Dieses heißblütige Pokémon, das mithilfe von
Ultraschallwellen Felsen zermalmen kann, greift
alles an, was ihm unter die Augen kommt."
715,30,7,"De temperamento violento, ataca a todo el que
se cruce en su camino con unas ondas
ultrasónicas capaces de partir rocas."
715,30,8,"È un Pokémon aggressivo che attacca tutto ciò
che incontra sul suo cammino con ultrasuoni
così potenti da frantumare anche i massi."
715,30,9,"This hot-blooded Pokémon attacks anything it
sees with ultrasonic waves that can
crush boulders."
715,30,11,"岩も 砕く 超音波で 目に
入る もの すべてに 攻撃を
仕掛ける 血の気の多い ポケモン。"
715,33,1,"くらやみで なにも できない てきを
ねんいりに いためつける。 ちのけが
おおく ざんにんな せいしつ。"
715,33,3,"어두워서 아무것도 할 수 없는 상대를
무자비하게 공격한다. 혈기왕성하고
잔인한 성질을 가졌다."
715,33,5,"Il nhésite pas à anéantir ses pauvres adversaires
qui se retrouvent sans défense dans les ténèbres.
Il est dune nature cruelle et impulsive."
715,33,6,"Ein heißblütiges und brutales Pokémon. Es fügt
seinen in der Dunkelheit wehrlosen Gegnern
gnadenlos Verletzungen zu."
715,33,7,"Posee un carácter violento y cruel, por lo que no
muestra reparos en aprovechar la oscuridad para
atacar a enemigos indefensos."
715,33,8,"Non esita ad attaccare i nemici che vagano
spaesati e indifesi nelle tenebre. Ha una natura
impetuosa e brutale."
715,33,9,"Aggressive and cruel, this Pokémon will ruthlessly
torment enemies that are helpless in the dark."
715,33,11,"暗闇で なにも できない 敵を
念入りに 痛めつける。 血の気が
多く 残忍な 性質。"
715,34,1,"くらやみを とびながら いわをも
くだく ちょうおんぱで いためつけ
するどい キバで とどめを さす。"
715,34,3,"어둠 속을 날아다니며 바위도
부수는 초음파로 타격을 입힌 뒤
예리한 이빨로 숨통을 끊는다."
715,34,5,"Il plane dans les ténèbres, blessant ses ennemis
à coups dultrasons pouvant briser des rochers
avant de les achever de ses crocs acérés."
715,34,6,"Es fliegt durch die Dunkelheit und verletzt Feinde
mit Ultraschallwellen, die auch Felsen zermalmen
können. Dann erledigt es sie mit spitzen Zähnen."
715,34,7,"Vuela en la oscuridad atormentando al enemigo
con ondas ultrasónicas capaces de partir rocas
antes de rematarlo con sus afilados colmillos."
715,34,8,"Vola nelloscurità ferendo gli avversari con
ultrasuoni in grado di frantumare anche i massi,
per poi finirli con i suoi denti affilati."
715,34,9,"Flying through the darkness, it weakens enemies
with ultrasonic waves that could crush stone.
Its fangs finish the fight."
715,34,11,"暗闇を 飛びながら 岩をも
砕く 超音波で 痛めつけ
鋭い キバで とどめを 刺す。"
716,23,1,"えいえんの いのちを わけあたえると
いわれている。じゅもくの すがたで
1000ねん ねむり ふっかつする。"
716,23,3,"영원한 생명을 나누어 준다고 한다.
수목의 모습으로 1000년 동안
잠들고 부활한다."
716,23,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon immortel peut offrir ses forces
vitales. Il a été ranimé après avoir passé 1000 ans
endormi sous la forme dun arbre."
716,23,6,"Legenden nach kann dieses Pokémon ewiges
Leben spenden. In Gestalt eines Baumes ist
es aus seinem tausendjährigen Schlaf erwacht."
716,23,7,"Según las leyendas, puede compartir el secreto de la
vida eterna. Ha despertado tras dormir durante mil
años bajo la apariencia de un árbol."
716,23,8,"Si dice che possieda limmortalità e possa farne dono
agli altri. Torna in vita dopo aver dormito per
1000 anni sotto forma di albero."
716,23,9,"Legends say it can share eternal life.
It slept for a thousand years in the form
of a tree before its revival."
716,23,11,"永遠の 命を 分け与えると
言われている。樹木の 姿で
1000年 眠り 復活する。"
716,24,1,"あたまの ツノが なないろに
かがやくとき えいえんの いのちを
わけあたえると いわれている。"
716,24,3,"머리의 뿔이 일곱 빛깔로
빛날 때 영원한 생명을
나눠준다고 전해진다."
716,24,5,"Daprès la légende, quand ses bois brillent de sept
couleurs, cela signifie quil prodigue la vie éternelle."
716,24,6,"Es heißt, dieses Pokémon spende ewiges Leben,
sobald das Geweih auf seinem Haupt in sieben
verschiedenen Farben leuchtet."
716,24,7,"Cuando los cuernos de su cabeza brillan en siete
colores, se dice que comparte el don de la vida
716,24,8,"Si dice che possieda limmortalità e che possa farne
dono agli altri quando le sue corna brillano dei colori
716,24,9,"When the horns on its head shine
in seven colors, it is said to be
sharing everlasting life."
716,24,11,"頭の ツノが 七色に 輝くとき
永遠の 命を
分け与えると 言われている。"
716,25,1,"えいえんの いのちを わけあたえると
いわれている。じゅもくの すがたで
1000ねん ねむり ふっかつする。"
716,25,3,"영원한 생명을 나누어 준다고 한다.
수목의 모습으로 1000년 동안
잠들고 부활한다."
716,25,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon immortel peut offrir ses forces
vitales. Il a été ranimé après avoir passé 1000 ans
endormi sous la forme dun arbre."
716,25,6,"Legenden nach kann dieses Pokémon ewiges Leben spenden.
In Gestalt eines Baumes ist es aus seinem tausendjährigen
Schlaf erwacht."
716,25,7,"Según las leyendas, puede compartir el secreto de la vida
eterna. Ha despertado tras dormir durante mil años bajo la
apariencia de un árbol."
716,25,8,"Si dice che possieda limmortalità e possa farne dono agli altri.
Torna in vita dopo aver dormito per 1000 anni sotto forma
di albero."
716,25,9,"Legends say it can share eternal life.
It slept for a thousand years in the form
of a tree before its revival."
716,25,11,"永遠の 命を 分け与えると
言われている。樹木の 姿で
1000年 眠り 復活する。"
716,26,1,"あたまの ツノが なないろに
かがやくとき えいえんの いのちを
わけあたえると いわれている。"
716,26,3,"머리의 뿔이 일곱 빛깔로
빛날 때 영원한 생명을
나눠준다고 전해진다."
716,26,5,"Daprès la légende, quand ses bois brillent de sept couleurs,
cela signifie quil prodigue la vie éternelle."
716,26,6,"Es heißt, dieses Pokémon spende ewiges Leben, sobald das
Geweih auf seinem Haupt in sieben verschiedenen Farben
716,26,7,"Cuando los cuernos de su cabeza brillan en siete colores, se
dice que comparte el don de la vida eterna."
716,26,8,"Si dice che possieda limmortalità e che possa farne dono agli
altri quando le sue corna brillano dei colori dellarcobaleno."
716,26,9,"When the horns on its head shine
in seven colors, it is said to be
sharing everlasting life."
716,26,11,"頭の ツノが 七色に 輝くとき
永遠の 命を
分け与えると 言われている。"
717,23,1,"つばさと おばねを ひろげて あかく
かがやくとき いきものの いのちを
すいとる でんせつの ポケモン。"
717,23,3,"날개와 꼬리를 펼치고 빨갛게
빛날 때 살아 있는 생명을
빨아들이는 전설의 포켓몬."
717,23,5,"Lorsque les plumes de sa queue et de ses ailes sont
déployées et virent au rouge, ce Pokémon légendaire
absorbe lénergie vitale de ce qui lentoure."
717,23,6,"Wenn Schwingen und Schwanzgefieder
dieses Legendären Pokémon rot leuchten,
entzieht es Lebewesen deren Energie."
717,23,7,"Pokémon legendario que, al extender sus alas y las
plumas de la cola, emite un brillo carmesí que absorbe
la energía vital de su enemigo."
717,23,8,"Quando le ali e le piume della coda di questo
Pokémon leggendario sono spiegate e di colore rosso
acceso, può assorbire lenergia degli esseri viventi."
717,23,9,"When this legendary Pokémons wings and
tail feathers spread wide and glow red,
it absorbs the life force of living creatures."
717,23,11,"翼と 尾羽を 広げて 赤く 輝くとき
生き物の 命を 吸い取る
伝説の ポケモン。"
717,24,1,"じゅみょうが つきるとき あらゆる
いきものの いのちを すいつくし
まゆの すがたに もどるという。"
717,24,3,"수명이 다할 때 모든
생명의 목숨을 빨아들이고
고치의 모습으로 돌아간다고 한다."
717,24,5,"Quand il sent que la fin de sa vie est proche, il aspire
la force vitale des êtres vivants et retourne à létat
de cocon."
717,24,6,"Neigt sich seine Lebensspanne dem Ende zu,
entzieht es anderen Lebewesen deren Energie
und verwandelt sich zurück in einen Kokon."
717,24,7,"Cuando su vida se extingue, absorbe la vitalidad de
todos los seres vivos y regresa a su forma de crisálida."
717,24,8,"Secondo la leggenda, quando la sua lunga esistenza
giunge al termine, assorbe lenergia di tutti gli esseri
viventi e si trasforma in un bozzolo."
717,24,9,"When its life comes to an end, it absorbs
the life energy of every living thing
and turns into a cocoon once more."
717,24,11,"寿命が つきるとき あらゆる
生き物の 命を 吸いつくし
繭の 姿に 戻るという。"
717,25,1,"つばさと おばねを ひろげて あかく
かがやくとき いきものの いのちを
すいとる でんせつの ポケモン。"
717,25,3,"날개와 꼬리를 펼치고 빨갛게
빛날 때 살아 있는 생명을
빨아들이는 전설의 포켓몬."
717,25,5,"Lorsque les plumes de sa queue et de ses ailes sont
déployées et virent au rouge, ce Pokémon légendaire
absorbe lénergie vitale de ce qui lentoure."
717,25,6,"Wenn Schwingen und Schwanzgefieder dieses Legendären
Pokémon rot leuchten, entzieht es Lebewesen deren Energie."
717,25,7,"Pokémon legendario que, al extender sus alas y las plumas de
la cola, emite un brillo carmesí que absorbe la energía vital de
su enemigo."
717,25,8,"Quando le ali e le piume della coda di questo Pokémon
leggendario sono spiegate e di colore rosso acceso,
può assorbire lenergia degli esseri viventi."
717,25,9,"When this legendary Pokémons wings and
tail feathers spread wide and glow red,
it absorbs the life force of living creatures."
717,25,11,"翼と 尾羽を 広げて 赤く 輝くとき
生き物の 命を 吸い取る
伝説の ポケモン。"
717,26,1,"じゅみょうが つきるとき あらゆる
いきものの いのちを すいつくし
まゆの すがたに もどるという。"
717,26,3,"수명이 다할 때 모든
생명의 목숨을 빨아들이고
고치의 모습으로 돌아간다고 한다."
717,26,5,"Quand il sent que la fin de sa vie est proche, il aspire la force
vitale des êtres vivants et retourne à létat de cocon."
717,26,6,"Neigt sich seine Lebensspanne dem Ende zu, entzieht es
anderen Lebewesen deren Energie und verwandelt sich zurück
in einen Kokon."
717,26,7,"Cuando su vida se extingue, absorbe la vitalidad de todos los
seres vivos y regresa a su forma de crisálida."
717,26,8,"Secondo la leggenda, quando la sua lunga esistenza giunge
al termine, assorbe lenergia di tutti gli esseri viventi e si
trasforma in un bozzolo."
717,26,9,"When its life comes to an end, it absorbs
the life energy of every living thing
and turns into a cocoon once more."
717,26,11,"寿命が つきるとき あらゆる
生き物の 命を 吸いつくし
繭の 姿に 戻るという。"
718,23,1,"カロスちほうの せいたいけいが
くずれると すがたを あらわして
ひめた ちからを はっきするらしい。"
718,23,3,"칼로스지방의 생태계가
무너지면 모습을 나타내어
숨겨진 힘을 발휘한다고 한다."
718,23,5,"Lorsque lécosystème de Kalos est menacé,
ce Pokémon apparaît et utilise son mystérieux pouvoir."
718,23,6,"Wenn das Ökosystem der Kalos-Region kippt,
erscheint dieses Pokémon und offenbart seine
geheimen Kräfte."
718,23,7,"Cuando el ecosistema de Kalos se encuentra en
peligro, aparece y revela su poder secreto."
718,23,8,"Secondo le leggende, quando lequilibrio
dellecosistema della regione di Kalos è in pericolo,
appare e libera il suo potere misterioso."
718,23,9,"When the Kalos regions ecosystem falls into
disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power."
718,23,11,"カロス地方の 生態系が 崩れると
姿を 現して
秘めた 力を 発揮するらしい。"
718,24,1,"どうくつの おくふかくで くらし
せいたいけいを はかいする ものを
かんししていると いわれている。"
718,24,3,"동굴 깊은 곳에서 지내면서
생태계를 파괴하는 자를
감시하고 있다고 전해진다."
718,24,5,"Il paraît quil vit au fond dune grotte, doù il
surveillerait les personnes qui détruisent lécosystème."
718,24,6,"Es wird gemutmaßt, dass es von seiner Höhle aus
all jene beobachtet, die dem Ökosystem Schaden
718,24,7,"Vive en las profundidades de las cavernas, desde
donde vigila a todos aquellos que se dediquen a
destruir el ecosistema."
718,24,8,"Si dice che viva nelle profondità di una caverna e
protegga lequilibrio dellecosistema da qualsiasi
718,24,9,"Its hypothesized that its monitoring
those who destroy the ecosystem
from deep in the cave where it lives."
718,24,11,"洞窟の 奥深くで 暮らし
生態系を 破壊する者を
監視していると 言われている。"
718,25,1,"カロスちほうの せいたいけいが
くずれると すがたを あらわして
ひめた ちからを はっきするらしい。"
718,25,3,"칼로스지방의 생태계가
무너지면 모습을 나타내어
숨겨진 힘을 발휘한다고 한다."
718,25,5,"Lorsque lécosystème de Kalos est menacé, ce Pokémon
apparaît et utilise son mystérieux pouvoir."
718,25,6,"Wenn das Ökosystem der Kalos-Region kippt, erscheint dieses
Pokémon und offenbart seine geheimen Kräfte."
718,25,7,"Cuando el ecosistema de Kalos se encuentra en peligro,
aparece y revela su poder secreto."
718,25,8,"Secondo le leggende, quando lequilibrio dellecosistema
della regione di Kalos è in pericolo, appare e libera il suo
potere misterioso."
718,25,9,"When the Kalos regions ecosystem falls into
disarray, it appears and reveals its secret power."
718,25,11,"カロス地方の 生態系が 崩れると
姿を 現して
秘めた 力を 発揮するらしい。"
718,26,1,"どうくつの おくふかくで くらし
せいたいけいを はかいする ものを
かんししていると いわれている。"
718,26,3,"동굴 깊은 곳에서 지내면서
생태계를 파괴하는 자를
감시하고 있다고 전해진다."
718,26,5,"Il paraît quil vit au fond dune grotte, doù il surveillerait
les personnes qui détruisent lécosystème."
718,26,6,"Es wird gemutmaßt, dass es von seiner Höhle aus all jene
beobachtet, die dem Ökosystem Schaden zufügen."
718,26,7,"Vive en las profundidades de las cavernas, desde donde vigila
a todos aquellos que se dediquen a destruir el ecosistema."
718,26,8,"Si dice che viva nelle profondità di una caverna e protegga
lequilibrio dellecosistema da qualsiasi minaccia."
718,26,9,"Its hypothesized that its monitoring
those who destroy the ecosystem
from deep in the cave where it lives."
718,26,11,"洞窟の 奥深くで 暮らし
生態系を 破壊する者を
監視していると 言われている。"
718,27,1,"セルが 50% あつまった すがた。
てきたい するものは いっさいの
てかげんなく しょうめつ させる。"
718,27,3,"셀이 50% 모인 모습이다.
적대하는 자는 일절
봐주지 않고 소멸시킨다."
718,27,5,"La forme que Zygarde prend lorsquil rassemble
50 % de ses Cellules. Il désintègre sans merci
tout ennemi qui ose sopposer à lui."
718,27,6,"Diese Form vereint 50 % der Zellen in sich.
Wer diesem Pokémon Widerstand leistet,
wird ohne Gnade ausgelöscht."
718,27,7,"La forma que adopta Zygarde al reunir el
50% de sus células. Quienes se le oponen son
aniquilados sin la menor vacilación."
718,27,8,"Quando il 50% delle sue cellule si aggrega,
assume questa forma.
Annienta senza pietà chiunque gli si opponga."
718,27,9,"This is Zygardes form when it has gathered
50% of its cells. It wipes out all those who
oppose it, showing not a shred of mercy."
718,27,11,"セルが 50% 集まった 姿。
敵対 する者は 一切の
手加減なく 消滅 させる。"
718,28,1,"せいたいけいを かんし していると
かんがえられている。 さらなる
ちからを ひめているとの ウワサ。"
718,28,3,"생태계를 감시하고 있다고
여겨지고 있다. 더 큰
힘을 숨기고 있다는 소문이다."
718,28,5,"Ce Pokémon surveille léquilibre de lécosystème
en permanence. Si lon en croit la rumeur, il aurait
un grand pouvoir caché..."
718,28,6,"Man nimmt an, dass es das Ökosystem
beobachtet und über geheime Kräfte verfügt."
718,28,7,"Se cree que este Pokémon vela por el equilibrio
del ecosistema. Se rumorea que en su interior
yace un poder que va más allá de la imaginación."
718,28,8,"Si ritiene che vigili sullequilibrio dellecosistema.
Corre voce che nasconda in sé un potere
più grande di quanto si possa immaginare."
718,28,9,"Its thought to be monitoring the ecosystem.
There are rumors that even greater power lies
hidden within it."
718,28,11,"生態系を 監視 していると
考えられている。 さらなる
力を 秘めているとの ウワサ。"
718,29,1,"ジガルデの いちぶが はんぶんほど
あつまった すがた。 せいたいけいを
かんしする やくめを もっている。"
718,29,3,"지가르데의 일부가 반 정도
모인 모습이다. 생태계를
감시하는 역할을 맡고 있다."
718,29,5,"La forme que Zygarde prend lorsquil rassemble
50 % de ses Cellules. Sa mission est de
surveiller lécosystème."
718,29,6,"In dieser Form vereint Zygarde 50 % seiner
Zellen in sich. Seine Aufgabe besteht darin,
das Ökosystem zu überwachen."
718,29,7,"Esta es la forma que adopta Zygarde al reunir el
50% de sus células. Su cometido consiste en
vigilar el ecosistema."
718,29,8,"Zygarde assume questa forma quando vengono
aggregate metà delle sue cellule. Questo
Pokémon presiede allequilibrio dellecosistema."
718,29,9,"This is Zygardes form when about half of its
pieces have been assembled. It plays the role of
monitoring the ecosystem."
718,29,11,"ジガルデの 一部が 半分ほど
集まった 姿。 生態系を
監視する 役目を 持っている。"
718,30,1,"せいたいけいを おびやかす ものと
たたかうとき さらに きょうりょくな
すがたに へんかすると いわれる。"
718,30,3,"생태계를 위협하는 자와
싸울 때 더욱 강력한 모습으로
변화한다고 전해진다."
718,30,5,"Ce Pokémon serait capable de prendre
une forme encore plus puissante quand il se bat
contre un ennemi qui menace lécosystème."
718,30,6,"Im Kampf gegen all jene, die das Ökosystem in
Gefahr bringen, nimmt es angeblich eine noch
mächtigere Form an."
718,30,7,"Según los rumores, puede adoptar una forma
aún más poderosa cuando se enfrenta a
quienquiera que amenace el ecosistema."
718,30,8,"Si dice che possa assumere una forma ancora
più potente quando si trova di fronte un nemico
che rappresenta una minaccia per lecosistema."
718,30,9,"Some say it can change to an even more
powerful form when battling those who threaten
the ecosystem."
718,30,11,"生態系を 脅かす ものと
戦うとき 更に 強力な
姿に 変化すると いわれる。"
719,23,1,"メレシーの とつぜんへんい。
ピンクいろに かがやく からだは
せかいいち うつくしいと いわれる。"
719,23,3,"멜리시의 돌연변이다.
분홍빛으로 빛나는 몸은
세계에서 가장 아름답다고 일컬어진다."
719,23,5,"Ce Pokémon est une mutation spontanée de Strassie.
Son corps rose et luisant est dune beauté
719,23,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist eine Mutation von Rocara.
Sein rosafarben schimmernder Körper gilt als
schönster Anblick überhaupt."
719,23,7,"Es una transformación súbita de Carbink. Se dice que
su cuerpo, que irradia destellos rosados, es lo más
bonito de este mundo."
719,23,8,"Questo Pokémon è una mutazione inaspettata di
Carbink. Alcuni ritengono che il suo corpo rosa
splendente sia la cosa più bella del mondo."
719,23,9,"A sudden transformation of Carbink,
its pink, glimmering body is said to be
the loveliest sight in the whole world."
719,23,11,"メレシーの 突然変異。
ピンク色に 輝く 体は
世界一 美しいと 言われる。"
719,24,1,"りょうての すきまで くうきちゅうの
たんそを あっしゅくして たくさんの
ダイヤを いっしゅんで うみだす。"
719,24,3,"양손의 틈으로 공기 중의
탄소를 압축하여 많은
다이아를 한순간에 만들어 낸다."
719,24,5,"Il peut créer une multitude de diamants en un instant
en serrant ses mains, simplement en compressant
les molécules de carbone contenues dans lair."
719,24,6,"Es kann im Nu viele Diamanten erzeugen, indem es
luftgebundene Kohlenstoffpartikel mit seinen Händen
719,24,7,"Puede crear una gran cantidad de diamantes en un
instante comprimiendo con las manos el carbono que
flota en el aire."
719,24,8,"È in grado di creare una grande quantità di diamanti
in un istante comprimendo tra le mani il carbonio
presente nellaria."
719,24,9,"It can instantly create many diamonds
by compressing the carbon in the air
between its hands."
719,24,11,"両手の すきまで 空気中の 炭素を
圧縮して たくさんの ダイヤを
一瞬で 生み出す。"
719,25,1,"メレシーの とつぜんへんい。
ピンクいろに かがやく からだは
せかいいち うつくしいと いわれる。"
719,25,3,"멜리시의 돌연변이다.
분홍빛으로 빛나는 몸은
세계에서 가장 아름답다고 일컬어진다."
719,25,5,"Ce Pokémon est une mutation spontanée de Strassie.
Son corps rose et luisant est dune beauté incomparable."
719,25,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist eine Mutation von Rocara. Sein rosafarben
schimmernder Körper gilt als schönster Anblick überhaupt."
719,25,7,"Es una transformación súbita de Carbink. Se dice que su
cuerpo, que irradia destellos rosados, es lo más bonito de
este mundo."
719,25,8,"Questo Pokémon è una mutazione inaspettata di Carbink.
Alcuni ritengono che il suo corpo rosa splendente sia
la cosa più bella del mondo."
719,25,9,"A sudden transformation of Carbink,
its pink, glimmering body is said to be
the loveliest sight in the whole world."
719,25,11,"メレシーの 突然変異。
ピンク色に 輝く 体は
世界一 美しいと 言われる。"
719,26,1,"りょうての すきまで くうきちゅうの
たんそを あっしゅくして たくさんの
ダイヤを いっしゅんで うみだす。"
719,26,3,"양손의 틈으로 공기 중의
탄소를 압축하여 많은
다이아를 한순간에 만들어 낸다."
719,26,5,"Il peut créer une multitude de diamants en un instant
en serrant ses mains, simplement en compressant
les molécules de carbone contenues dans lair."
719,26,6,"Es kann im Nu viele Diamanten erzeugen, indem es
luftgebundene Kohlenstoffpartikel mit seinen Händen
719,26,7,"Puede crear una gran cantidad de diamantes en un instante
comprimiendo con las manos el carbono que flota en el aire."
719,26,8,"È in grado di creare una grande quantità di diamanti in un
istante comprimendo tra le mani il carbonio presente nellaria."
719,26,9,"It can instantly create many diamonds
by compressing the carbon in the air
between its hands."
719,26,11,"両手の すきまで 空気中の 炭素を
圧縮して たくさんの ダイヤを
一瞬で 生み出す。"
720,23,1,"くうかんを ゆがめる リングで
あらゆる ものを はなれた ばしょへ
とばしてしまう トラブルメーカー。"
720,23,3,"공간을 뒤트는 링으로
모든 것을 멀리 떨어진 곳으로
날려버리고 마는 트러블메이커다."
720,23,5,"Ce fauteur de troubles est doté danneaux qui
déforment lespace et lui permettent dexpédier
au loin nimporte quel objet."
720,23,6,"Mittels seiner Ringe, die Raumkrümmungen
verursachen, verfrachtet dieser Unruhestifter
alles und jeden an die entlegensten Orte."
720,23,7,"Este problemático Pokémon envía cualquier objeto a
lugares remotos mediante unos anillos que deforman
el espacio."
720,23,8,"È un gran combinaguai e spedisce lontano
tutto ciò che gli capita a tiro grazie ai suoi anelli
in grado di piegare lo spazio."
720,23,9,"This troublemaker sends anything
and everything to faraway places
using its loop, which can warp space."
720,23,11,"空間を ゆがめる リングで
あらゆる ものを 離れた 場所へ
飛ばしてしまう トラブルメーカー。"
720,24,1,"きにいった ものを リングを つかい
ひみつの すみかへ あつめている。
リングを くぐって テレポートする。"
720,24,3,"마음에 든 것을 링을 사용해
비밀의 거처에 모으고 있다.
링을 통해 순간이동한다."
720,24,5,"Il a la faculté de téléporter les choses en les faisant
passer au travers de ses anneaux. Il envoie les objets
qui lui plaisent dans une cachette connue de lui seul."
720,24,6,"Mithilfe seiner Ringe hortet es Dinge, die ihm gefallen,
an einem geheimen Ort. Es teleportiert diese, indem es
sie durch seine Ringe bewegt."
720,24,7,"Reúne los objetos que le atraen para esconderlos
en una guarida secreta, teletransportándolos a
través de sus anillos."
720,24,8,"Usa i suoi anelli per intrappolare qualunque cosa
gli piaccia e teletrasportarla in un luogo segreto."
720,24,9,"It gathers things it likes and passes them through
its loop to teleport them to a secret place."
720,24,11,"気に入った ものを リングを 使い
秘密の 住処へ 集めている。
リングを 潜って テレポートする。"
720,25,1,"しんのすがたは きょだいな ちからを もっている。
ざいほう ほしさに それが かくされた しろ ごと
ひきぬき うばいさった という でんせつが ある。"
720,25,3,"진정한 모습일 때는 거대한 힘을 가지고 있다.
원하는 재물을 손에 넣기 위해 그것이 숨겨진
성을 통째로 빼돌려 사라졌다는 전설이 있다."
720,25,5,"Il possède une puissance considérable sous son apparence
véritable. Une légende raconte quil désirait si fort un trésor
caché dans un château quil déroba lédifice tout entier."
720,25,6,"In seiner wahren Gestalt verfügt es über enorme Kräfte.
Legenden zufolge hat es einst ein ganzes Schloss gestohlen,
weil es den darin versteckten Schatz für sich haben wollte."
720,25,7,"En su forma original, este Pokémon posee una fuerza
descomunal. Una leyenda cuenta que una vez robó un tesoro
del interior de una fortaleza."
720,25,8,"Quando assume la sua vera forma, acquisisce unenergia
straordinaria. Secondo la leggenda, è talmente bramoso di
gioielli che può rubare un castello intero per impossessarsi
dei suoi tesori."
720,25,9,"In its true form, it possess a huge amount of power.
Legends of its avarice tell how it once carried off
an entire castle to gain the treasure hidden within."
720,25,11,"真の姿は 巨大な 力を 持っている。
財宝 欲しさに それが 隠された 城ごと
引き抜き 奪い去った という 伝説が ある。"
720,26,1,"6つの リングと 6つの きょだいな うで で
あらゆるものを うばうと いわれる。ちからを
ふうじられ ちいさな すがたに かえられた。"
720,26,3,"6개의 링과 6개의 거대한 팔로
수많은 것들을 빼앗는다고 전해진다. 
힘이 봉인되어 작은 모습으로 변했다."
720,26,5,"On raconte que grâce à ses six anneaux et ses six énormes
bras, il est capable de dérober tout ce qui lui plaît.
Mais son pouvoir a été scellé, et il a été réduit à létat
dun être minuscule."
720,26,6,"Mit seinen sechs Ringen und seinen sechs riesigen Armen
kann es alles an sich reißen, was es möchte. Wenn seine
Kraft versiegelt wird, nimmt es jedoch eine kleinere Gestalt an."
720,26,7,"Dicen que gracias a sus seis anillos y seis enormes brazos
puede robar todo lo que se le antoja.
Adquirió una forma reducida cuando alguien selló su poder."
720,26,8,"Si dice che possa rubare tutto ciò che vuole grazie
ai suoi sei anelli e alle sue sei enormi braccia.
La sua potenza è stata sigillata, riducendo di molto
le sue dimensioni effettive."
720,26,9,"It is said to be able to seize anything it desires
with its six rings and six huge arms. With its power
sealed, it is transformed into a much smaller form."
720,26,11,"6つの リングと 6つの 巨大な腕で
あらゆるものを 奪うと いわれる。
力を 封じられ 小さな姿に 変えられた。"
721,23,1,"すいじょうきを ふきだして じぶんの
すがたを のうむで かくす。ひとの
たちいらない やまに すむと いう。"
721,23,3,"수증기를 뿜어내어 자신의
모습을 짙은 안개 속에 숨긴다. 사람이
오지 않는 산에 산다고 한다."
721,23,5,"Il est capable de générer un nuage de vapeur pour
se cacher. Il vit dans des montagnes inhabitées."
721,23,6,"Es stößt Wasserdampf aus und versteckt sich
im dadurch entstehenden dichten Nebel. Es lebt in
Bergen, die von Menschen gemieden werden."
721,23,7,"Expulsa vapor y desaparece entre la densa niebla.
Dicen que habita en montañas solitarias."
721,23,8,"Si nasconde emettendo spesse nubi di vapore attorno
a sé. Si dice che viva su montagne non frequentate
721,23,9,"It lets out billows of steam and disappears into
the dense fog. Its said to live in mountains
where humans do not tread."
721,23,11,"水蒸気を 噴き出して 自分の 姿を
濃霧で 隠す。人の 立ち入らない
山に 住むという。"
721,24,1,"せなかの アームから たいないの
すいじょうきを ふんしゃする。
やま ひとつ ふきとばす いりょく。"
721,24,3,"등에 있는 팔로 체내의
수증기를 분사한다.
산 하나를 날려버릴 정도의 위력이다."
721,24,5,"Il évacue la vapeur qui saccumule à lintérieur de son
corps par les bras situés sur son dos.
Ce jet est assez puissant pour raser des montagnes."
721,24,6,"Über die Arme auf seinem Rücken stößt es
Wasserdampf aus. Seine Kraft reicht aus,
um Berge zu versetzen."
721,24,7,"Expulsa vapor de agua por los brazos que tiene en
la espalda. Sale a tal potencia que sería capaz de
arrasar una montaña entera."
721,24,8,"Emette il vapore generato nel suo corpo dalle braccia
congiunte ad anello sul dorso. La potenza del getto
potrebbe spazzare via una montagna."
721,24,9,"It expels its internal steam from the
arms on its back. It has enough
power to blow away a mountain."
721,24,11,"背中の アームから
体内の 水蒸気を 噴射する。
山 ひとつ 吹き飛ばす 威力。"
721,25,1,"すいじょうきを ふきだして じぶんの
すがたを のうむで かくす。ひとの
たちいらない やまに すむと いう。"
721,25,3,"수증기를 뿜어내어 자신의
모습을 짙은 안개 속에 숨긴다. 사람이
오지 않는 산에 산다고 한다."
721,25,5,"Il est capable de générer un nuage de vapeur pour se cacher.
Il vit dans des montagnes inhabitées."
721,25,6,"Es stößt Wasserdampf aus und versteckt sich im dadurch
entstehenden dichten Nebel. Es lebt in Bergen, die von
Menschen gemieden werden."
721,25,7,"Expulsa vapor y desaparece entre la densa niebla. Dicen que
habita en montañas solitarias."
721,25,8,"Si nasconde emettendo spesse nubi di vapore attorno a sé.
Si dice che viva su montagne non frequentate dalluomo."
721,25,9,"It lets out billows of steam and disappears into
the dense fog. Its said to live in mountains
where humans do not tread."
721,25,11,"水蒸気を 噴き出して 自分の 姿を
濃霧で 隠す。人の 立ち入らない
山に 住むという。"
721,26,1,"せなかの アームから たいないの
すいじょうきを ふんしゃする。
やま ひとつ ふきとばす いりょく。"
721,26,3,"등에 있는 팔로 체내의
수증기를 분사한다.
산 하나를 날려버릴 정도의 위력이다."
721,26,5,"Il évacue la vapeur qui saccumule à lintérieur de son corps
par les bras situés sur son dos. Ce jet est assez puissant
pour raser des montagnes."
721,26,6,"Über die Arme auf seinem Rücken stößt es Wasserdampf aus.
Seine Kraft reicht aus, um Berge zu versetzen."
721,26,7,"Expulsa vapor de agua por los brazos que tiene en la espalda.
Sale a tal potencia que sería capaz de arrasar una montaña
721,26,8,"Emette il vapore generato nel suo corpo dalle braccia
congiunte ad anello sul dorso. La potenza del getto
potrebbe spazzare via una montagna."
721,26,9,"It expels its internal steam from the
arms on its back. It has enough
power to blow away a mountain."
721,26,11,"背中の アームから
体内の 水蒸気を 噴射する。
山 ひとつ 吹き飛ばす 威力。"
722,27,1,"けいかいしんが つよい。 ひるは
こうごうせいで ちからを ためて
よるに なったら かつどうかいし。"
722,27,3,"경계심이 강하다. 낮에는
광합성으로 힘을 비축하고
밤이 되면 활동을 개시한다."
722,27,5,"Ce Pokémon ne baisse jamais sa garde.
Pendant la journée, il accumule de lénergie par
photosynthèse, pour mieux agir la nuit venue."
722,27,6,"Ein wachsames und nachtaktives Pokémon.
Tagsüber sammelt es per Photosynthese
Kräfte, um fit für die Nacht zu sein."
722,27,7,"Es cauteloso, desconfiado y de naturaleza
nocturna. Durante el día acumula energía
mediante la fotosíntesis."
722,27,8,"Questo Pokémon è sempre allerta.
Di giorno accumula energia tramite fotosintesi
per poi passare allazione di notte."
722,27,9,"This wary Pokémon uses photosynthesis to
store up energy during the day, while becoming
active at night."
722,27,11,"警戒心が 強い。 昼は
光合成で 力を 溜めて
夜になったら 活動開始。"
722,28,1,"いっさい おとを たてず かっくうし
てきに きゅうせっきん。 きづかぬまに
きょうれつな けりを あびせる。"
722,28,3,"전혀 소리를 내지 않고 활공하여
적에게 빠르게 접근한다. 눈치채기 전에
강렬한 발차기를 퍼붓는다."
722,28,5,"Il sapproche de ses ennemis en glissant dans
les airs sans faire le moindre bruit, puis leur
assène de puissants coups de patte."
722,28,6,"Nachdem es sich seinem Feind lautlos
im Gleitflug genähert hat, wird dieser mit
heftigen Tritten völlig überrascht."
722,28,7,"Se aproxima a sus enemigos planeando por el
aire sin hacer el menor ruido y les propina unas
patadas de lo más poderosas."
722,28,8,"Si avvicina ai nemici ignari planando su di loro
senza produrre il minimo rumore e li tempesta
di poderosi calci."
722,28,9,"Silently it glides, drawing near its targets. Before
they even notice it, it begins to pelt them with
vicious kicks."
722,28,11,"一切 音を 立てず 滑空し
敵に 急接近。 気づかぬ間に
強烈な 蹴りを 浴びせる。"
722,29,1,"はものの ように するどい はねを
とばして こうげき。 あしのちからも
つよく キックも あなどれないのだ。"
722,29,3,"칼같이 날카로운 날개를 날려
공격한다. 발의 힘도 강해
킥도 무시할 수 없다."
722,29,5,"Il attaque en tirant des plumes acérées.
La force de ses coups de patte est également
722,29,6,"Es schleudert messerscharfe Federn auf seine
Gegner. Aber auch seine Tritte sind nicht zu
unterschätzen, denn es hat sehr kräftige Beine."
722,29,7,"Usa sus afiladas plumas como arma arrojadiza
y la fuerza de sus patas le permite asestar
poderosas patadas que es mejor no subestimar."
722,29,8,"Attacca lanciando piume affilate come lame e
può anche tirare poderosi calci con le zampe
722,29,9,"It sends its feathers, which are as sharp as
blades, flying in attack. Its legs are strong,
so its kicks are also formidable."
722,29,11,"刃物の ように 鋭い 羽を
飛ばして 攻撃。 足の力も
強く キックも 侮れないのだ。"
722,30,1,"せまくて くらいばしょが おちつく。
トレーナーの ふところや バッグを
すの かわりに することも あるぞ。"
722,30,3,"좁고 어두운 곳을 편안해한다.
트레이너의 품이나 가방을
둥지로 삼을 때도 있다."
722,30,5,"Il se sent à laise dans les endroits sombres
et étroits. Il se sert parfois de la poche ou
du sac de son Dresseur comme dun nid."
722,30,6,"An engen, dunklen Orten fühlt es sich wohl.
Manchmal zweckentfremdet es die Brusttasche
oder den Beutel seines Trainers als Nest."
722,30,7,"Se siente a gusto en lugares angostos y oscuros.
En más de una ocasión usa el bolsillo o la
mochila de su Entrenador a modo de nido."
722,30,8,"Si sente a suo agio in luoghi stretti e bui.
A volte usa le tasche o la Borsa del suo
Allenatore a mo di nido."
722,30,9,"It feels relaxed in tight, dark places and has
been known to use its Trainers pocket or bag
as a nest."
722,30,11,"狭くて 暗い場所が 落ち着く。
トレーナーの ふところや バッグを
巣の 代わりに することも あるぞ。"
722,33,1,"ひこうしながら きれあじ するどい
はねを とばし きんきょりでは
きょうれつな キックを たたきこむ。"
722,33,3,"비행하면서 날카로운
깃털을 날리고 근거리가 되면
강렬한 킥을 날린다."
722,33,5,"En vol, il attaque en lançant ses plumes aiguisées
comme des lames. Au corps à corps, il se bat
en donnant de violents coups de patte."
722,33,6,"Während es durch die Lüfte fliegt, schleudert es
scharfe Federn auf seine Ziele. Wenn Gegner ihm
zu nahe kommen, greift es mit heftigen Tritten an."
722,33,7,"En pleno vuelo, ataca arrojando sus plumas
afiladas como cuchillas y, a corta distancia,
castiga al rival propinando poderosas patadas."
722,33,8,"In volo attacca lanciando piume affilate
come lame, mentre a distanza ravvicinata
tira poderosi calci con le zampe robuste."
722,33,9,"At a distance, it launches its sharp feathers while
flying about. If the enemy gets too close, Rowlet
switches tactics and delivers vicious kicks."
722,33,11,"飛行しながら 切れ味 鋭い
羽根を 飛ばし 近距離では
強烈な キックを 叩きこむ。"
722,34,1,"ひるまは こうごうせいで ちからを
たくわえ よるに なると はおとを
たてずに とんで えものを さがす。"
722,34,3,"낮 동안에는 광합성으로
힘을 비축하고 밤이 되면
소리 없이 날며 먹이를 찾는다."
722,34,5,"Pendant la journée, il emmagasine de lénergie
par photosynthèse. La nuit, il plane
silencieusement à la recherche de proies."
722,34,6,"Tagsüber sammelt es per Photosynthese Kräfte,
um nachts lautlos durch die Lüfte zu fliegen und
nach Beute zu suchen."
722,34,7,"Durante el día acumula energía mediante la
fotosíntesis y, al caer la noche, vuela sin hacer
ruido en busca de presas."
722,34,8,"Accumula energia durante il giorno grazie alla
fotosintesi e di notte vola senza fare alcun
rumore in cerca di prede."
722,34,9,"During the day, it builds up energy via
photosynthesis. At night, it flies silently
through the sky, on the prowl for prey."
722,34,11,"昼間は 光合成で 力を
蓄え 夜に なると 羽音を
立てずに 飛んで 獲物を 探す。"
723,27,1,"きどりやで ひまが あれば つばさの
ていれ。 うもうの よごれが きに
なりすぎて たたかえないことも。"
723,27,3,"젠체하고 틈만 나면 날개의
손질을 한다. 깃털의 얼룩이
신경 쓰여 싸우지 못할 때도 있다."
723,27,5,"Légèrement vaniteux, il aime prendre soin de
ses ailes quand il en a le temps. Il refuse parfois
de se battre si ses plumes sont trop sales."
723,27,6,"Dieses affektierte Pokémon pflegt sein Gefieder,
wann immer es kann. Mit verschmutzten Federn
hat es nämlich oft keine Lust zu kämpfen."
723,27,7,"Es un poco coqueto, por lo que, cuando puede,
se acicala las alas. En ocasiones se niega a
combatir por temor a mancharse las plumas."
723,27,8,"È un po vanitoso e non perde mai loccasione
di dedicarsi alla cura delle proprie ali. A volte
rinuncia a lottare per non sporcarsi le piume."
723,27,9,"A bit of a dandy, it spends its free time
preening its wings. Its preoccupation with any
dirt on its plumage can leave it unable to battle."
723,27,11,"気取り屋で 暇が あれば 翼の
手入れ。 羽毛の 汚れが 気に
なりすぎて 戦えないことも。"
723,28,1,"はばねと よばれる するどい はねを
てきや えものに なげつける。
ほぼ ひゃっぱつひゃくちゅう だ。"
723,28,3,"칼날깃이라고 불리는 날카로운
날개를 적이나 먹잇감에 날린다.
거의 백발백중이다."
723,28,5,"Il lance des plumes aussi effilées que des lames
de rasoir pour abattre ennemis et proies.
Il touche dans le mille presque à chaque fois."
723,28,6,"Es wirft „Flügelklingen“ genannte messerscharfe
Federn nach Feind und Beute. Dabei erreicht es
eine nahezu hundertprozentige Trefferquote."
723,28,7,"Ataca a sus presas y enemigos lanzándoles
plumas sorprendentemente afiladas. Acierta
prácticamente siempre."
723,28,8,"Bersaglia nemici e prede con le sue piume
affilate. Non manca quasi mai il bersaglio."
723,28,9,"It throws sharp feathers called blade quills
at enemies or prey. It seldom misses."
723,28,11,"刃羽根と 呼ばれる 鋭い 羽根を
敵や 獲物に 投げつける。
ほぼ 百発百中 だ。"
723,29,1,"ナルシストで きれいずき。
マメに おていれ してあげないと
いうことを きかなく なることも。"
723,29,3,"나르시스트로 깔끔한 걸 좋아한다.
자주 관리해 주지 않으면
말을 안 듣기도 한다."
723,29,5,"Ce narcissique est un amoureux de la propreté.
Il refuse parfois dobéir si lon ne prend pas
grand soin de ses plumes."
723,29,6,"Es gibt sich affektiert und legt großen Wert auf
Sauberkeit. Wenn man es nicht ordentlich pflegt,
widersetzt es sich manchmal sogar Befehlen."
723,29,7,"Es narcisista y bastante pulcro, por lo que, si no
se le dedica suficiente atención a su aseo, se
niega a obedecer cualquier orden."
723,29,8,"È narcisista e ama la pulizia al punto di
smettere di obbedire se non ci si prende
cura di lui come si deve."
723,29,9,"This narcissistic Pokémon is a clean freak.
If you dont groom it diligently, it will stop
listening to you."
723,29,11,"ナルシストで 綺麗好き。
マメに お手入れ してあげないと
いうことを 聞かなく なることも。"
723,30,1,"けはいに とてもびんかん。 うしろに
たつ あいてを けはいで さっちして
するどい はねを なげて しとめる。"
723,30,3,"기척에 매우 민감하다. 뒤에
서 있는 상대를 기척으로 감지하고
날카로운 날개를 날려서 처리한다."
723,30,5,"Il détecte très facilement la présence dennemis
à proximité, et élimine ceux qui se trouvent
dans son dos en tirant des plumes acérées."
723,30,6,"Es merkt sofort, wenn jemand in der Nähe ist.
Spürt es hinter sich die Präsenz eines Gegners,
eliminiert es ihn, indem es scharfe Federn wirft."
723,30,7,"Su capacidad de percepción es excelente y
puede detectar una presencia a sus espaldas
y aniquilarla con sus afiladas plumas."
723,30,8,"È molto sensibile allambiente circostante.
Percepisce la presenza del nemico dietro di sé
e lo abbatte scagliando le sue piume affilate."
723,30,9,"Supremely sensitive to the presence of others,
it can detect opponents standing behind it,
flinging its sharp feathers to take them out."
723,30,11,"気配に とても敏感。 後ろに
立つ 相手を 気配で 察知して
鋭い 羽を 投げて 仕留める。"
723,33,1,"はばね と よばれる ナイフのような
はねを たてつづけに なげて てきの
きゅうしょを かくじつに つらぬく。"
723,33,3,"칼날깃이라고 불리는 나이프처럼 생긴
깃털을 연달아 날려서 상대의
급소를 확실하게 꿰뚫는다."
723,33,5,"Il vise les points faibles de ses ennemis
et les frappe successivement de ses plumes
affûtées comme des couteaux."
723,33,6,"Es bombardiert seine Feinde mit messerscharfen
Federn, die man „Flügelklingen“ nennt, und trifft
mit jedem Wurf zielsicher ihre Schwachstellen."
723,33,7,"Golpea con precisión los puntos vitales del
enemigo arrojando sus plumas afiladas como
723,33,8,"Bersaglia i nemici con le sue piume affilate
come coltelli, colpendo con precisione
i loro punti deboli."
723,33,9,"It throws one knifelike feather after another at its
enemies, and each one precisely strikes a weak
point. These feathers are known as blade quills."
723,33,11,"刃羽根 と 呼ばれる ナイフのような
羽根を 立て続けに 投げて 敵の
急所を 確実に つらぬく。"
723,34,1,"はねの ていれを おこたらない。
みだしなみを ととのえる だけでなく
はばねの きれあじを たもつためだ。"
723,34,3,"날개 손질을 게을리하지 않는다.
몸가짐을 정돈하는 이유뿐만 아니라
칼날깃의 날을 유지하기 위해서다."
723,34,5,"Il prend grand soin de son plumage, sassurant
ainsi davoir une apparence impeccable
et des plumes aiguisées à souhait."
723,34,6,"Die Pflege seines Gefieders versäumt es nie.
So bewahrt es nicht nur ein gepflegtes Äußeres,
sondern auch die Schärfe seiner Federn."
723,34,7,"Jamás desatiende el cuidado de sus alas, no solo
por mera cuestión estética, sino también para
mantener las plumas perfectamente afiladas."
723,34,8,"Non trascura mai la cura delle proprie ali, non
solo perché tiene al proprio aspetto, ma anche
per mantenere affilate le sue piume."
723,34,9,"It never slacks when it comes to the task of
cleaning its feathers. Thorough preening keeps it
looking spiffy and its blade quills nice and sharp."
723,34,11,"羽の 手入れを 怠らない。
身だしなみを 整える だけでなく
刃羽根の 切れ味を 保つためだ。"
724,27,1,"つばさに しこまれた やばねを
つがえてはなつ。 100メートルさきの
こいしも つらぬく せいど。"
724,27,3,"날개에 숨겨진 살깃을 시위에
메겨서 날린다. 100m 앞의
작은 돌도 관통하는 정밀함이다."
724,27,5,"Les plumes de ses ailes lui servent de flèches.
Sa précision au tir est si grande quil peut
atteindre un gravillon à 100 m."
724,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann die Federn seiner Flügel
wie Pfeile verschießen. Dabei ist es so präzise,
dass es einen Kiesel auf 100 m durchbohrt."
724,27,7,"Las plumas de sus alas le sirven de flechas con
las que puede acertar a un guijarro a 100 m."
724,27,8,"Scocca piume dalle sue ali come se fossero
frecce. È preciso al punto da riuscire a centrare
una piccola pietra a 100 m di distanza."
724,27,9,"It fires arrow quills from its wings with such
precision, they can pierce a pebble at distances
over a hundred yards."
724,27,11,"翼に 仕込まれた 矢羽を
番えて放つ。 100メートル先の
小石も 貫く 精度。"
724,28,1,"きほんてきに ようじんぶかく
クールだが ふいを つかれると
だいパニックに おちいってしまう。"
724,28,3,"기본적으로 신중하고
쿨하지만 허를 찔리면
크게 패닉에 빠져버린다."
724,28,5,"Malgré sa grande vigilance et son air posé,
il a tendance à céder à la panique dès quil est
pris de court."
724,28,6,"Im Grunde ein vorsichtiges und gelassenes
Pokémon, das jedoch in wahnsinnige Panik
verfällt, wenn es überrascht wird."
724,28,7,"Aunque es extremadamente cauteloso y
calmado por naturaleza, si lo pillan por
sorpresa, el pánico se apodera de él."
724,28,8,"In genere è molto cauto e misurato, ma nei rari
casi in cui viene colto di sorpresa si lascia
facilmente prendere dal panico."
724,28,9,"Although basically cool and cautious, when its
caught by surprise, its seized by panic."
724,28,11,"基本的に 用心深く
クールだが 不意を つかれると
大パニックに 陥ってしまう。"
724,29,1,"やばねを つがえ あいてに はなつ。
ぜったい はずせないときは あたまの
ツルをひき しゅうちゅう するのだ。"
724,29,3,"살깃을 시위에 메겨서 상대에게 날린다.
반드시 명중시켜야 할 때는
머리의 시위를 당겨 집중한다."
724,29,5,"Les plumes de ses ailes lui servent de flèches.
Quand il doit à tout prix toucher sa cible, il tire
sur les lianes de son cou pour se concentrer."
724,29,6,"Es legt seine Federpfeile an, um sie auf Gegner
zu schießen. Muss ein Schuss sitzen, zieht es
zur Konzentration an einer seiner Kopfranken."
724,29,7,"Usa sus plumas como flechas para atacar a los
rivales. Si no puede permitirse fallar, frunce su
capucha para concentrarse mejor."
724,29,8,"Scocca piume come fossero frecce. Quando non
deve mancare il bersaglio, tira le liane del
cappuccio per ridurne lapertura e mirare meglio."
724,29,9,"It nocks its arrow quills and shoots them at
opponents. When it simply cant afford to miss,
it tugs the vine on its head to improve its focus."
724,29,11,"矢羽を つがえ 相手に 放つ。
絶対 外せない時は 頭の
ツルを引き 集中 するのだ。"
724,30,1,"わずか 0.1びょうで ハネを
つがえて てきを うつ。 まばたきの
あいだに しょうぶが ついている。"
724,30,3,"불과 0.1초만에
살깃을 시위에 메겨 적을 공격한다.
눈 깜짝할 사이에 승부가 나 있다."
724,30,5,"Il est capable de décocher ses plumes sur
son ennemi en un dixième de seconde,
sassurant ainsi la victoire en un clin dœil."
724,30,6,"Es braucht bloß 0,1 Sekunden, um eine Feder
anzulegen und auf den Gegner zu schießen.
Oft besiegt es einen, bevor man blinzeln kann."
724,30,7,"Tan solo le lleva una décima de segundo sacar
una pluma y disparar al rival, y muchas veces
gana el combate en un abrir y cerrar de ojos."
724,30,8,"È in grado di scoccare piume e colpire il nemico
in un decimo di secondo, aggiudicandosi la
vittoria in un batter docchio."
724,30,9,"Decidueye can nock and fire an arrow at an
enemy in a tenth of a second, so its battles are
decided in the blink of an eye."
724,30,11,"わずか 0.1秒で ハネを
番えて 敵を 撃つ。 瞬きの
間に 勝負が ついている。"
724,33,1,"つばさに しこまれた やばねを
ゆみやのように つがえて はなつ。
ねらった まとは はずさない。"
724,33,3,"날개에 숨겨진 살깃을
활과 화살처럼 이용해서 쏜다.
노린 표적은 빗나가지 않는다."
724,33,5,"Il décoche les plumes acérées de ses ailes
comme des flèches. Il ne rate jamais sa cible."
724,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon kann die Federn seiner Flügel
wie Pfeile abschießen. Hat es sein Ziel angepeilt,
trifft es garantiert."
724,33,7,"Usa sus plumas como flechas para atacar a los
rivales. Una vez que ha fijado el blanco, no falla
724,33,8,"Scocca piume dalle sue ali come fossero frecce
lanciate da un arco. Una volta presa la mira,
non manca mai il bersaglio."
724,33,9,"As if wielding a bow, it launches the arrow quills
hidden among the feathers of its wings.
Decidueyes shots never miss."
724,33,11,"翼に 仕込まれた 矢羽根を
弓矢のように つがえて 放つ。
狙った 的は 外さない。"
724,34,1,"0.1びょうで やばねを つばさの
つるに つがえて はなつ。 あいてが
きづくまえに きゅうしょを いぬく。"
724,34,3,"0.1초 만에 화살깃을 날개에 달린
시위에 메겨 발사한다. 상대가
알아차리기 전에 급소를 꿰뚫어버린다."
724,34,5,"Il décoche ses plumes acérées en un dixième
de seconde. Sa victime na pas le temps de
le voir agir quelle est déjà grièvement touchée."
724,34,6,"In 0,1 Sekunden spannt es eine Feder in seine
Flügelranke und schießt sie wie einen Pfeil auf
die Schwachstellen seines ahnungslosen Ziels."
724,34,7,"Tan solo le lleva una décima de segundo sacar
una pluma y disparar al rival, a quien acierta en
un punto vital antes de que pueda darse cuenta."
724,34,8,"Può preparare e scoccare una delle sue piume
affilate in 0,1 secondi. Trafigge lavversario
nei suoi punti vitali prima che se ne accorga."
724,34,9,"In a tenth of a second, it can nock and fire an
arrow quill, piercing an opponents weak point
before they notice whats happening."
724,34,11,"0.1秒で 矢羽根を 翼の
蔓に つがえて 放つ。 相手が
気づく前に 急所を 射貫く。"
725,27,1,"けづくろいで おなかに たまった
ぬけげを もやして ひを ふく。
けの はきかたで ほのおも へんか。"
725,27,3,"혀로 털을 정리하면서 배에 쌓인
빠진 털을 태워서 불을 뿜는다.
털을 뱉어내는 방법에 따라 불꽃도 변한다."
725,27,5,"Les poils quil avale pendant sa toilette brûlent
et forment une flamme dans son ventre. Celle-ci
change selon la façon dont il la recrache."
725,27,6,"Es verbrennt Haare, die es bei der Körperpflege
verschluckt hat, indem es Feuer speit. Die
Flammen variieren je nach Art des Speiens."
725,27,7,"Prende las bolas de pelo que se forman en su
estómago tras acicalarse. Las llamas que
escupe tienen formas variopintas."
725,27,8,"Incendia i grumi di pelo accumulati nella pancia
durante la toeletta per sputare fiamme che
plasma a suo piacimento."
725,27,9,"While grooming itself, it builds up fur inside its
stomach. It sets the fur alight and spews fiery
attacks, which change based on how it coughs."
725,27,11,"毛づくろいで お腹に 溜まった
抜け毛を 燃やして 火を 吹く。
毛の 吐きかたで 炎も 変化。"
725,28,1,"かんじょうを ださず ひとりで
いることを このむ。 しんらいを
えるまでには じかんが かかるぞ。"
725,28,3,"감정을 드러내지 않고 혼자
있는 것을 좋아한다. 신뢰를
얻기까지 시간이 걸린다."
725,28,5,"Ce Pokémon nexprime jamais ses émotions.
Il aime la vie en solitaire, et naccorde pas
sa confiance au premier venu."
725,28,6,"Es zeigt nie seine Gefühle und ist am liebsten
allein. Sein Zutrauen zu gewinnen, kann einige
Zeit in Anspruch nehmen."
725,28,7,"A este Pokémon le encanta la vida en solitario y
no expresa nunca sus emociones. Se necesita
muchísimo tiempo para ganarse su confianza."
725,28,8,"Ama la solitudine e non lascia mai trapelare
le proprie emozioni. Per guadagnarsi la sua
fiducia occorre molto tempo."
725,28,9,"It doesnt allow its emotions to be easily seen.
Earning its trust takes time. It prefers solitude."
725,28,11,"感情を ださず 独りで
いることを 好む。 信頼を
得るまでには 時間が かかるぞ。"
725,29,1,"しつこく つきまとわれると こころを
ひらかなくなる。 なついてきても
かじょうな スキンシップは きんもつ。"
725,29,3,"집요하게 따라다니면
마음을 열지 않는다. 친밀해져도
과도한 스킨십은 금물이다."
725,29,5,"Laissez ce Pokémon respirer ou il se renfermera
sur lui-même. Même sil devient affectueux,
allez-y doucement avec les caresses."
725,29,6,"Gegenüber Menschen, die zu aufdringlich sind,
verschließt es sich. Übermäßiger Körperkontakt
ist für Flamiau selbst bei guten Freunden tabu."
725,29,7,"Detesta que lo acaricien demasiado, aunque lo
hagan sus seres queridos. En caso de sentirse
agobiado se recluye en sí mismo."
725,29,8,"Si chiude in se stesso se riceve attenzioni
soffocanti. Anche se si affeziona, preferisce
mantenere una certa distanza."
725,29,9,"If you try too hard to get close to it, it wont
open up to you. Even if you do grow close, giving
it too much affection is still a no-no."
725,29,11,"しつこく 付きまとわれると 心を
開かなくなる。 懐いてきても
過剰な スキンシップは 禁物。"
725,30,1,"1ねんに 2ど けが はえかわる。
じきが くると じぶんの からだに
ひを つけて ふるい けを やく。"
725,30,3,"1년에 2번 털이 새로 난다.
때가 되면 자신의 몸에
불을 붙여서 오래된 털을 태운다."
725,30,5,"Il renouvelle son pelage deux fois par an.
Quand arrive la période de sa mue, il met
le feu à son ancienne fourrure."
725,30,6,"Es erneuert sein Fell zweimal pro Jahr. Wenn es
mal wieder soweit ist, steckt es seinen Körper
in Brand, um sein altes Haarkleid loszuwerden."
725,30,7,"Muda el pelo dos veces al año. Cuando llega el
momento, su cuerpo arde y le prende fuego al
pelaje viejo."
725,30,8,"Cambia il pelo due volte allanno.
Al momento della muta, il suo corpo prende
fuoco e il pelo vecchio viene bruciato."
725,30,9,"Its coat regrows twice a year. When the time
comes, Litten sets its own body on fire and
burns away the old fur."
725,30,11,"1年に 2度 毛が 生え変わる。
時期が くると 自分の 身体に
火を つけて 古い 毛を 焼く。"
725,33,1,"ひまさえあれば なめて けづくろい。
おなかに たまった ぬけげに ひを
つけて ほのおわざを はなつ。"
725,33,3,"틈만 나면 털을 핥아서 정리한다.
뱃속에 쌓인 빠진 털에 불을
붙여서 불꽃 기술을 사용한다."
725,33,5,"Dès quil a un instant, il fait sa toilette.
Il déclenche ses attaques Feu en enflammant
les poils quil a avalés en se léchant."
725,33,6,"Jede freie Minute verbringt es mit der Fellpflege.
Die Haare, die sich dadurch im Bauch anhäufen,
entzündet es, um Feuer-Attacken einzusetzen."
725,33,7,"Se acicala lamiéndose constantemente. Prende
las bolas de pelo acumuladas en el estómago y
las usa para ejecutar movimientos de tipo Fuego."
725,33,8,"Si liscia il pelo con la lingua ogni volta che può.
Incendia le palle di pelo accumulate nella pancia
per lanciare mosse di tipo Fuoco."
725,33,9,"It spends even the smallest amount of downtime
grooming its fur with its tongue. Loose fur gathers
in its stomach and serves as fuel for fiery moves."
725,33,11,"暇さえあれば 舐めて 毛づくろい。
お腹に たまった 抜け毛に 火を
つけて 炎技を 放つ。"
725,34,1,"ニャビーに しんらいされる まえに
なでようとすると するどい ツメで
ひどく ひっかかれるので ちゅうい。"
725,34,3,"냐오불에게 신뢰받기 전에
쓰다듬으려고 하면 날카로운 발톱으로
심하게 할퀴니 주의가 필요하다."
725,34,5,"Quiconque essaie de le caresser avant davoir
gagné sa confiance sexpose à de sérieuses
725,34,6,"Personen, denen es nicht vertraut, sollten sich
davor hüten, es zu streicheln. Mit seinen scharfen
Krallen verteilt es nämlich üble Kratzwunden."
725,34,7,"Quien trate de acariciarlo antes de ganarse su
plena confianza se arriesga a comprobar de
primera mano lo afiladas que están sus garras."
725,34,8,"Chi cerca di fargli le coccole prima di essersi
guadagnato la sua fiducia si ritroverà addosso
i suoi artigli affilati."
725,34,9,"Trying to pet Litten before it trusts you will
result in a nasty scratch from its sharp claws.
Be careful."
725,34,11,"ニャビーに 信頼される 前に
撫でようとすると 鋭い ツメで
ひどく ひっかかれるので 注意。"
726,27,1,"くびの つけねに ほのおの スズが
ある。 ほのおが ふきだすとき
リンリンと たかいおとが なる。"
726,27,3,"목 주변에 불꽃의 방울이 있다.
불꽃을 뿜어낼 때
딸랑딸랑 높은 소리가 난다."
726,27,5,"Il porte à son cou une cloche de feu. Lorsquil
crache des flammes, cette dernière se met
à tinter bruyamment."
726,27,6,"Es trägt ein feuriges Glöckchen um den Hals.
Immer, wenn es Flammen ausstößt, ertönt ein
helles Läuten."
726,27,7,"Luce al cuello un cascabel incandescente que
tintinea con fuerza cuando desprende llamas."
726,27,8,"Quando si mette a sputare fuoco, il sonaglio
infuocato che tiene al collo emette un forte
726,27,9,"At its throat, it bears a bell of fire. The bell rings
brightly whenever this Pokémon spits fire."
726,27,11,"首の 付け根に 炎の 鈴が
ある。 炎が 噴きだすとき
リンリンと 高い音が 鳴る。"
726,28,1,"まえあしの ちからが じまん。
パンチの いちげきで てつのぼうも
へしまげて しまうのだ。"
726,28,3,"앞발의 힘이 자랑거리다.
펀치 한 방에 철봉도
구부러트려 버린다."
726,28,5,"Il est très fier de ses pattes avant musclées,
et ne se gêne pas pour le montrer en tordant
des barres de fer dun seul coup de poing."
726,28,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist sehr stolz auf seine starken
Vorderbeine. Außerdem kann es mit nur einem
Schlag eine Eisenstange verbiegen."
726,28,7,"Se enorgullece de la fuerza de sus patas
delanteras, con las que es capaz de doblar
barras de acero de un solo golpe."
726,28,8,"Va molto fiero della potenza delle sue zampe
anteriori, grazie alle quali è capace di piegare
una spranga di ferro con un colpo solo."
726,28,9,"It boasts powerful front legs. With a single
punch, it can bend an iron bar right over."
726,28,11,"前足の 力が 自慢。
パンチの 一撃で 鉄の棒も
へし曲げて しまうのだ。"
726,29,1,"なつくと トレーナーにも あまえるが
ちからは つよく ツメも するどい。
ぜんしん きずだらけに されるぞ。"
726,29,3,"친해지면 트레이너에게도 응석 부리지만,
힘은 강하고 발톱도 날카롭다.
온몸을 상처투성이로 만든다."
726,29,5,"Il sait être affectueux avec son Dresseur,
mais il ne connaît pas sa force. Câlinez-le,
et vous vous retrouverez couvert de griffures."
726,29,6,"Zutrauliche Miezunder schmiegen sich sogar an
ihren Trainer an. Sie sind so stark, dass dieser
dabei am ganzen Körper Kratzwunden erleidet."
726,29,7,"Si le coge cariño a su Entrenador se muestra
afectuoso, pero es tan fuerte y sus garras tan
afiladas que lo puede dejar lleno de arañazos."
726,29,8,"Quando si affeziona, il suo Allenatore deve stare
attento ai suoi slanci: data la sua forza e i suoi
artigli affilati, rischia di ritrovarsi pieno di graffi."
726,29,9,"It can act spoiled if it grows close to its Trainer.
A powerful Pokémon, its sharp claws can leave
its Trainers whole body covered in scratches."
726,29,11,"なつくと トレーナーにも 甘えるが
力は 強く ツメも 鋭い。
全身 傷だらけに されるぞ。"
726,30,1,"たてがみが ピンと たっているときは
ちょうしがよい しょうこ。 ぐあいが
わるいと けがうしろに ねてしまう。"
726,30,3,"갈기가 바짝 서 있으면
컨디션이 좋다는 증거다. 상태가
안 좋으면 털이 뒤로 누워 버린다."
726,30,5,"Quand la mèche sur sa tête est dressée,
cest quil se porte bien. Dans le cas contraire,
elle est plate et tombe vers larrière."
726,30,6,"Hat es seine Mähne aufgestellt, bedeutet dies,
dass es guter Dinge ist. Geht es ihm jedoch
schlecht, hängt sie schlaff nach hinten herab."
726,30,7,"Una crin alzada viene a significar que su estado
físico es bueno, mientras que una crin lacia
hacia atrás indica lo contrario."
726,30,8,"Quando la sua criniera è ritta, vuol dire che
è in buona salute. Se sta male, invece,
la lascia cadere allindietro."
726,30,9,"When its mane is standing on end, you can tell
its feeling good. When it isnt feeling well, its fur
will lie down flat."
726,30,11,"たてがみが ピンと 立っているときは
調子が良い 証拠。 具合が
悪いと 毛が後ろに 寝てしまう。"
726,33,1,"くびの つけねの ほのおぶくろは
たたかいに なると かりょくが
あがり すずのような おとを だす。"
726,33,3,"목덜미에 있는 불꽃 주머니는
싸움에 들어가면 화력이 올라
방울 소리 같은 소리를 낸다."
726,33,5,"La poche à feu située à la base de son cou
gagne en température pendant les combats
et émet un bruit semblable à un grelot."
726,33,6,"Die Flammendrüse an seinem Hals heizt sich im
Kampf immer weiter auf und erzeugt so Töne,
die denen eines Glöckchens gleichen."
726,33,7,"La saca de fuego que luce al cuello arde con
mayor intensidad durante el combate y emite
un tintineo que recuerda al de un cascabel."
726,33,8,"Durante la lotta, la sacca alla base del collo
aumenta la produzione di energia termica ed
emette un tintinnio simile a un sonaglio."
726,33,9,"In the midst of battle, the fire pouch on
Torracats neck rings like a bell and produces
stronger flames than usual."
726,33,11,"首の 付け根の 炎袋は
戦いに なると 火力が
上がり 鈴のような 音を 出す。"
726,34,1,"きょうてきを あいてにすると
せんとういよくの たかまりと ともに
ほのおのすずの かりょくも あがる。"
726,34,3,"강적을 상대하게 되면
전투 의욕이 높아지고 동시에
불꽃 방울의 화력도 올라간다."
726,34,5,"Quand il fait face à un adversaire redoutable,
il redouble de combativité et la puissance
calorifère de sa clochette augmente."
726,34,6,"Wenn es sich einem starken Gegner stellt, steigt
nicht nur sein Kampfeswille, sondern auch die
Heizkraft seines feurigen Glöckchens."
726,34,7,"Enfrentarse a un adversario formidable aviva
tanto su espíritu combativo como la energía
térmica de su cascabel."
726,34,8,"Quando affronta un nemico molto forte
il suo spirito combattivo e lenergia termica
prodotta dal sonaglio infuocato aumentano."
726,34,9,"When facing a powerful enemy, Torracats
fighting spirit gets pumped up, and its fire bell
blazes hotter."
726,34,11,"強敵を 相手にすると
戦闘意欲の 高まりと ともに
炎の鈴の 火力も 上がる。"
727,27,1,"そぼうで みがってな せいかく。
きぶんが のらなければ トレーナーの
めいれいも へいきで むしするぞ。"
727,27,3,"거칠고 제멋대로인 성격이다.
기분이 내키지 않으면 트레이너의
명령도 아무렇지 않게 무시한다."
727,27,5,"Un Pokémon brutal qui nen fait quà sa tête.
Selon son humeur du moment, il lui arrive
dignorer sciemment les ordres de son Dresseur."
727,27,6,"Ein raues und selbstsüchtiges Pokémon.
Wenn es keine Lust hat, ignoriert es auch
schon mal die Befehle seines Trainers."
727,27,7,"Posee un carácter rudo y egoísta. Si un
Entrenador no le cae en gracia, ignora sus
órdenes con total impasibilidad."
727,27,8,"Ha un carattere aggressivo ed egoista.
Se ha la luna storta, non si fa problemi
a ignorare gli ordini del proprio Allenatore."
727,27,9,"This Pokémon has a violent, selfish disposition.
If its not in the mood to listen, it will ignore its
Trainers orders with complete nonchalance."
727,27,11,"粗暴で 身勝手な 性格。
気分が 乗らなければ トレーナーの
命令も 平気で 無視するぞ。"
727,28,1,"きょうれつな パンチや キックを
おみまいしたあと へその あたりから
ほのおを ふきだし とどめを さす。"
727,28,3,"강렬한 펀치와 킥을
가한 후 배꼽 부근에서
불꽃을 뿜어내 마무리한다."
727,28,5,"Après avoir asséné une pluie de coups de pied
et de poing à son adversaire, il lasperge de
flammes ardentes sortant de son nombril."
727,28,6,"Nach einer Reihe heftiger Schläge und Tritte
schießt es Feuer aus seinem Bauchnabel,
um dem Gegner den Garaus zu machen."
727,28,7,"Descarga ráfagas de demoledores puñetazos y
patadas sobre sus rivales, a los que luego
remata con las llamas que manan de su vientre."
727,28,8,"Stordisce il nemico con pugni e calci di grande
potenza per poi metterlo KO con le fiammate
che emette dal ventre."
727,28,9,"After hurling ferocious punches and flinging
furious kicks, it finishes opponents off by
spewing fire from around its navel."
727,28,11,"強烈な パンチや キックを
お見舞いしたあと へその あたりから
炎を 吹き出し 止めを 刺す。"
727,29,1,"あらっぽく わがままだが かくしたを
なぶることは つまらないので キライ。
かくうえの あいてに やるきを だす。"
727,29,3,"거칠고 제멋대로지만 약한 상대를
괴롭히는 것은 재미없어서 싫어한다.
강한 상대에게 의욕을 보인다."
727,29,5,"Un Pokémon brutal qui nen fait quà sa tête.
Selon son humeur du moment, il lui arrive parfois
dignorer sciemment les ordres de son Dresseur."
727,29,6,"Es ist wild und egoistisch, aber Schwächere
anzugreifen findet es langweilig und abstoßend.
Nur gegen Stärkere kommt es richtig in Fahrt."
727,29,7,"Este Pokémon rudo y egoísta considera aburrido
enfrentarse a un rival inferior a él y prefiere dar
lo mejor de sí mismo contra rivales más fuertes."
727,29,8,"Pokémon rude ed egoista. Non gli piace
prendersela con chi non è al suo livello e
preferisce lottare con avversari più forti di lui."
727,29,9,"Although its rough mannered and egotistical, it
finds beating down unworthy opponents boring.
It gets motivated for stronger opponents."
727,29,11,"荒っぽく わがままだが 格下を
なぶることは つまらないので キライ。
格上の 相手に やる気を 出す。"
727,30,1,"とうそうしんに ひが つくと
こしの まわりに ある ほのおも
ひときわ はげしく もえあがる。"
727,30,3,"투쟁심에 불이 붙으면
허리 주변에 있는 불꽃도
한층 격렬하게 타오른다."
727,30,5,"Les flammes autour de ses hanches brûlent
dune ardeur redoublée quand sa combativité
727,30,6,"Entbrennt sein Kampfeswille, lodern die Flammen
um seine Hüfte noch heftiger auf."
727,30,7,"Cuanto mayor es su espíritu combativo, con más
fuerza arden las llamas que rodean su cintura."
727,30,8,"Quando arde dalla voglia di lottare, anche
le fiamme intorno alla vita bruciano più
727,30,9,"When its fighting spirit is set alight, the flames
around its waist become especially intense."
727,30,11,"闘争心に 火が つくと
腰の まわりに ある 炎も
ひと際 激しく 燃えあがる。"
727,33,1,"せっし2000どを こえる ほのおを
へそから ふきだす。 ルールむようの
らんぼうな たたかいが とくい。"
727,33,3,"섭씨 2000도가 넘는 불꽃을
배꼽에서 뿜어낸다. 규칙이 없는
난폭한 싸움을 잘 한다."
727,33,5,"Les flammes qui émanent de son nombril
dépassent les 2000 °C. Il nest jamais aussi
à laise que lorsque tous les coups sont permis."
727,33,6,"Aus seinem Bauchnabel schießt es über 2000 ºC
heißes Feuer. Seine Spezialität sind Kämpfe, bei
denen alle Regeln über Bord geworfen werden."
727,33,7,"Las llamas que libera por el ombligo superan los
2000 °C. Su especialidad son los combates sin
reglas ni restricciones."
727,33,8,"Le fiamme che fuoriescono dal suo ombelico
superano i 2.000 ºC. Dà il meglio nelle lotte
furiose e senza regole."
727,33,9,"It excels at violent, no-holds-barred battles.
The temperature of the flames that issue from its
navel exceeds 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit."
727,33,11,"摂氏2000度を 超える 炎を
へそから 噴き出す。 ルール無用の
乱暴な 戦いが 得意。"
727,34,1,"らんぼうな ふるまいも めにつくが
ちいさい ポケモンを たすける
やさしい いちめんも もっている。"
727,34,3,"난폭한 거동이 눈에 띄지만
작은 포켓몬을 도와주는
상냥한 일면도 있다."
727,34,5,"Bien quil soit parfois brutal, il sait aussi
se montrer attentionné en venant en aide
aux petits Pokémon."
727,34,6,"Obwohl es sich auffällig rau und wild aufführt,
hat es auch eine freundliche Seite an sich und
hilft kleineren Pokémon aus Notlagen."
727,34,7,"A pesar de que a menudo se comporta de forma
violenta, tiene un lado amable que se manifiesta
cuando ayuda a Pokémon más pequeños."
727,34,8,"Manifesta di solito un comportamento violento,
ma possiede un lato gentile che emerge quando
aiuta i Pokémon più piccoli."
727,34,9,"Incineroars rough and aggressive behavior is its
most notable trait, but the way it helps out small
Pokémon shows that it has a kind side as well."
727,34,11,"乱暴な ふるまいも 目につくが
小さい ポケモンを 助ける
優しい 一面も もっている。"
728,27,1,"がんばりやな せいしつで ゆうめい。
たいえきを はなで ふくらませた
バルーンを てきに ぶつける。"
728,27,3,"노력하는 성질로 유명하다.
체액을 코로 부풀린
풍선을 적에게 부딪힌다."
728,27,5,"Connu pour son tempérament de battant,
il rassemble leau de son corps au bout de son
museau en un ballon quil projette sur lennemi."
728,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist für seine Willensstärke
bekannt. Bläst es Körperflüssigkeit durch die
Nase, entsteht eine Blase, die als Waffe fungiert."
728,27,7,"Se le conoce por su diligencia y predisposición.
Segrega agua por la nariz para hinchar globos
con los que golpea a sus rivales."
728,27,8,"È conosciuto per la sua forza di volontà.
Lancia sul nemico dei palloncini pieni dacqua
che gonfia con il naso."
728,27,9,"This Pokémon snorts body fluids from its nose,
blowing balloons to smash into its foes.
Its famous for being a hard worker."
728,27,11,"頑張り屋な 性質で 有名。
体液を 鼻で 膨らませた
バルーンを 敵に ぶつける。"
728,28,1,"みずの バルーンを あやつる。
おおきな バルーンを つくるため
コツコツ れんしゅうを くりかえす。"
728,28,3,"물로 된 풍선을 조종한다.
커다란 풍선을 만들기 위해
꾸준히 연습을 반복한다."
728,28,5,"Ce Pokémon fabrique des ballons remplis deau
pour se battre. Il ne peut produire un gros ballon
quau prix dun entraînement rigoureux."
728,28,6,"Es kontrolliert Wasserblasen. Um eine große
Blase zu erschaffen, muss es unermüdlich üben."
728,28,7,"Maneja con soltura los globos de agua que crea,
pero, para poder hacer uno bien grande,
necesita practicar sin descanso."
728,28,8,"Crea dei palloncini dacqua che controlla
nella lotta. Si allena costantemente per riuscire
a produrre palloni di grandi dimensioni."
728,28,9,"This Pokémon can control water bubbles. It
practices diligently so it can learn to make
big bubbles."
728,28,11,"水の バルーンを 操る。
大きな バルーンを 作るため
コツコツ 練習を 繰り返す。"
728,29,1,"はなで ふくらませる バルーンは
ひび れんしゅうを かさねることで
すこしずつ おおきく なっていく。"
728,29,3,"코로 부풀리는 벌룬은
매일 연습을 반복하면서
조금씩 커진다."
728,29,5,"À force de sentraîner quotidiennement,
les ballons quil gonfle avec son nez grossissent
de jour en jour."
728,29,6,"Dank seines täglichen Trainings gelingt es ihm,
mit seiner Nase immer größere Blasen zu
728,29,7,"Gracias al entrenamiento diario al que se
somete, es capaz de inflar burbujas cada vez
más grandes a través de la nariz."
728,29,8,"Grazie al costante allenamento, i palloncini
che gonfia con il naso diventano ogni giorno
un po più grandi."
728,29,9,"The balloons it inflates with its nose grow
larger and larger as it practices day by day."
728,29,11,"鼻で 膨らませる バルーンは
日々 練習を 重ねることで
少しずつ 大きく なっていく。"
728,30,1,"だんりょくせいの ある みずの
バルーンに のって だいジャンプ。
アクロバティックに たたかうぞ。"
728,30,3,"탄력이 있는 물의
벌룬을 타고 크게 점프한다.
아크로바틱하게 싸운다."
728,30,5,"Il monte sur un ballon deau élastique pour
effectuer de grands sauts. Son style de combat
est on ne peut plus acrobatique."
728,30,6,"Es klettert auf seine elastischen Wasserblasen
und nutzt sie als Trampolin. Sein Kampfstil ist
sehr akrobatisch."
728,30,7,"Monta sobre las burbujas de agua para realizar
grandes saltos. Su estilo de combate es
bastante acrobático."
728,30,8,"Sfrutta lelasticità dei palloncini dacqua per
rimbalzarci sopra e saltare ancora più in alto.
Anche nelle lotte è un vero acrobata!"
728,30,9,"Popplio gets on top of its bouncy water balloons
to jump higher. Its quite the acrobatic fighter!"
728,30,11,"弾力性の ある 水の
バルーンに 乗って 大ジャンプ。
アクロバティックに 戦うぞ。"
728,33,1,"だんりょくがあり はれつした ときの
しょうげきで あいてを いためつける
とくべつな バルーンを つくる。"
728,33,3,"탄력이 있어 터졌을 때의
충격으로 상대에게 타격을 주는
특별한 벌룬을 만든다."
728,33,5,"Il fabrique des ballons élastiques pour se battre.
Ils blessent lennemi en explosant à son contact."
728,33,6,"Es kann besondere, elastische Blasen erschaffen,
die seine Gegner verletzen, wenn sie platzen."
728,33,7,"Crea unos globos especiales muy elásticos que
hieren al rival al estallar."
728,33,8,"Produce dei palloncini speciali dalla superficie
elastica, che esplodendo feriscono lavversario."
728,33,9,"It creates special bouncy balloons to send at its
opponents. When the balloons pop, the sheer
force of their bursting is what deals damage."
728,33,11,"弾力があり 破裂した ときの
衝撃で 相手を 痛めつける
特別な バルーンを 作る。"
728,34,1,"まいにち けんめいに れんしゅうして
ようやく おおきくて こうせいのうな
バルーンを つくれるようになるのだ。"
728,34,3,"매일 열심히 연습하면
결국에는 커다랗고 성능 좋은
벌룬을 만들 수 있게 된다."
728,34,5,"Il sentraîne sans relâche tous les jours pour
réussir à créer de gros ballons de bonne qualité."
728,34,6,"Es trainiert jeden Tag fleißig, um irgendwann
eine Blase zu erschaffen, welche die perfekte
Form und Größe vorweist."
728,34,7,"Entrena con ahínco a diario hasta que por fin es
capaz de crear globos de un tamaño y eficacia
728,34,8,"Si allena con impegno tutti i giorni fino a quando
non è in grado di produrre palloncini dacqua
abbastanza grandi e utili ai suoi scopi."
728,34,9,"If Popplio want to create big, powerful balloons,
they must be persistent. It takes daily practice for
these Pokémon to develop their skills."
728,34,11,"毎日 懸命に 練習して
ようやく 大きくて 高性能な
バルーンを つくれるようになるのだ。"
729,27,1,"ダンスが とくいで おどりながら
つぎつぎに みずの バルーンを
つくりだし てきに ぶつけるぞ。"
729,27,3,"댄스가 특기이며 춤추면서
계속해서 물의 풍선을
만들어 적에게 부딪힌다."
729,27,5,"Danseur hors pair, il produit des ballons deau
à la chaîne afin déclabousser ladversaire lors
dun impitoyable ballet funeste."
729,27,6,"Dieser begnadete Tänzer erzeugt beim Tanzen
eine Wasserblase nach der anderen und greift
damit seine Feinde an."
729,27,7,"Un bailarín consumado. Crea globos de agua
con los que golpea a sus rivales una y otra vez
sin dejar de bailar."
729,27,8,"È un provetto ballerino e scaglia contro il nemico
una serie di palloncini dacqua, che crea a ritmo
di danza."
729,27,9,"A skillful dancer, it creates a sequence of water
balloons as it dances, and briskly bombards
its enemies."
729,27,11,"ダンスが 得意で 踊りながら
次々に 水の バルーンを
作りだし 敵に ぶつけるぞ。"
729,28,1,"なかまを おもう きもちが つよい。
トレーナーが おちこんでいると
ダンスを おどって はげまそうとする。"
729,28,3,"동료를 생각하는 마음이 강하다.
트레이너가 풀이 죽어 있으면
춤을 추며 격려해주려 한다."
729,28,5,"Il est très soucieux du bien-être des autres
et nhésite pas à exécuter une petite danse
sil sent que son Dresseur a le moral à zéro."
729,28,6,"Fühlt sich anderen sehr verbunden. Wenn sein
Trainer schlechte Laune hat, muntert es ihn mit
einem Tänzchen auf."
729,28,7,"Este Pokémon tiene un gran sentido de la
camaradería y no duda en echarse a bailar si
nota que su Entrenador está con la moral baja."
729,28,8,"Stringe profondi legami damicizia e, se
percepisce che il suo Allenatore è un po giù
di morale, si mette a danzare per tirarlo su."
729,28,9,"It cares deeply for its companions. When its
Trainer is feeling down, it performs a cheery
dance to try and help."
729,28,11,"仲間を 思う 気持ちが 強い。
トレーナーが 落ち込んでいると
ダンスを 踊って 励まそうとする。"
729,29,1,"しらないダンスを みると こうふん。
おどれるように なるまで けんめいに
れんしゅうする どりょくか だよ。"
729,29,3,"모르는 댄스를 보면 흥분한다.
출 수 있을 때까지 열심히
연습하는 노력가다."
729,29,5,"Il est tout excité quand il est témoin dune danse
quil ne connaît pas. Il sentraîne alors comme
un forcené jusquà la maîtriser à la perfection."
729,29,6,"Sieht es einen Tanz, den es nicht kennt, wird es
ganz aufgeregt. Dann übt es fleißig, bis es ihn
gemeistert hat."
729,29,7,"Se emociona al contemplar una danza que no
conoce y se esfuerza sobremanera por aprender
todos sus pasos a la perfección."
729,29,8,"Si emoziona quando assiste a una danza che
non conosce ancora e si esercita con impegno
finché non la impara alla perfezione."
729,29,9,"It gets excited when it sees a dance it doesnt
know. This hard worker practices diligently until
it can learn that dance."
729,29,11,"知らないダンスを 見ると 興奮。
踊れるように なるまで 懸命に
練習する 努力家 だよ。"
729,30,1,"ふくらませた みずのバルーンを
てあしで はじき てきに たたきつけ
ばくはつさせて こうげき するのだ。"
729,30,3,"부풀린 물의 벌룬을
손발로 튕겨 내어 적에게 날린 후
폭발시켜서 공격한다."
729,30,5,"Il utilise ses pattes pour lancer des ballons
deau sur ses ennemis. Les ballons explosent
au moment de limpact."
729,30,6,"Es erzeugt Wasserblasen, die es mit seinen
Flossen auf Gegner schleudert. Die Blasen
platzen dadurch und schaden dem Ziel."
729,30,7,"Crea burbujas de agua que lanza al rival con
sus aletas y que explotan cuando alcanzan al
729,30,8,"Attacca creando palloncini dacqua che lancia
con le sue pinne. I palloncini esplodono al
contatto con il nemico."
729,30,9,"It attacks by smacking its enemies with the
exploding water balloons that it creates."
729,30,11,"膨らませた 水のバルーンを
手足で はじき 敵に 叩きつけ
爆発させて 攻撃 するのだ。"
729,33,1,"ダンスの ステップで てきの わざを
かわしながら バルーンを つぎつぎと
つくって こうげきを たたみかける。"
729,33,3,"댄스 스텝으로 상대의 기술을
피하면서 벌룬을 계속해서 만들고
공격을 펼쳐서 상대를 몰아붙인다."
729,33,5,"Il esquive les attaques de ses adversaires
avec ses légers pas de danse, puis leur assène
une rafale de coups avec ses ballons."
729,33,6,"Es weicht den Attacken seiner Gegner mithilfe
von Tanzschritten aus und erzeugt eine Blase nach
der anderen, um sie in Bedrängnis zu bringen."
729,33,7,"Esquiva los ataques del rival con elegantes pasos
de baile mientras lo presiona arrojando globos
en rápida sucesión."
729,33,8,"Evita le mosse del nemico con agili passi di danza
per poi attaccarlo ripetutamente con una raffica
di palloncini."
729,33,9,"As if dancing, it artfully dodges the attacks of its
enemies. All the while, its busy forming a bunch
of balloons to overwhelm its foes."
729,33,11,"ダンスの ステップで 敵の 技を
かわしながら バルーンを 次々と
つくって 攻撃を たたみかける。"
729,34,1,"なみの おだやかな よるになると
リーダーの アシレーヌの うたごえに
あわせて なかまたちと おどる。"
729,34,3,"파도가 잔잔한 밤이 되면
리더인 누리레느의 노랫소리에
맞춰 동료와 함께 춤을 춘다."
729,34,5,"Les soirs où la mer est calme, il danse
avec ses congénères au son des chants
dOratoria, le chef du groupe."
729,34,6,"In Nächten mit ruhigem Wellengang tanzt es mit
seinen Artgenossen zusammen zu einem Lied,
das ihr Rudelführer, ein Primarene, vorsingt."
729,34,7,"Las noches en las que el mar está en calma, baila
junto a sus congéneres al compás del canto de su
líder, Primarina."
729,34,8,"Nelle notti in cui il mare è tranquillo si uniscono
al canto del Primarina a capo del gruppo e
danzano tutti insieme."
729,34,9,"On nights when the sea is calm, Brionne dance
with one another to the singing of the Primarina
thats leading them."
729,34,11,"波の 穏やかな 夜になると
リーダーの アシレーヌの 歌声に
合わせて 仲間たちと 踊る。"
730,27,1,"みずのバルーンを うたで あやつる。
そのメロディは なかまに まなび
だいだい むれに ひきつがれていく。"
730,27,3,"물의 풍선을 노래로 컨트롤한다.
그 멜로디는 동료에게 배우며
대대로 무리에 전해진다."
730,27,5,"Il contrôle ses ballons deau par son chant, dont
la mélodie, apprise auprès de ses semblables,
se transmet de génération en génération."
730,27,6,"Es kontrolliert mit seinem Gesang Wasserblasen.
Die Melodie, die über Generationen im Rudel
überliefert wird, lernt es von seinen Kameraden."
730,27,7,"Es capaz de controlar globos de agua mediante
un canto cuya melodía se ha transmitido entre
los suyos de generación en generación."
730,27,8,"Controlla i suoi palloncini dacqua con il canto,
intonando una melodia tramandata tra i propri
simili di generazione in generazione."
730,27,9,"It controls its water balloons with song. The
melody is learned from others of its kind and is
passed down from one generation to the next."
730,27,11,"水のバルーンを 歌で 操る。
そのメロディは 仲間に 学び
代々 群れに 引き継がれていく。"
730,28,1,"うたごえを いかし たたかう。
まいにちの のどの メンテナンスは
トレーナーの たいせつな やくめ。"
730,28,3,"노랫소리를 활용하여 싸운다.
매일 목 상태 관리는
트레이너의 중요한 역할이다."
730,28,5,"Son chant est son principal atout en combat.
Son Dresseur devra donc veiller à tout prix
à la bonne santé de ses cordes vocales."
730,28,6,"Es kämpft unter vollem Einsatz seiner Gesangs-
stimme. Zu den Aufgaben seines Trainers zählen
somit Pflege und Schonung der Stimmbänder."
730,28,7,"Se vale de su canto para atacar a los rivales.
Su Entrenador deberá velar por que sus cuerdas
vocales estén siempre en perfecto estado."
730,28,8,"Lotta sfruttando le proprie doti canore.
Chi lo allena deve dedicarsi con la massima
cura alla salute delle sue corde vocali."
730,28,9,"Its singing voice is its chief weapon in battle.
This Pokémons Trainer must prioritize the daily
maintenance of its throat at all costs."
730,28,11,"歌声を 活かし 戦う。
毎日の のどの メンテナンスは
トレーナーの 大切な 役目。"
730,29,1,"アシレーヌに とって たたかいは
ステージ。 かれいに うたって
まいおどり えものを しとめる。"
730,29,3,"누리레느에게 싸움은 스테이지다.
화려하게 노래하고 춤을 추며
먹이의 숨통을 끊는다."
730,29,5,"Pour lui, le combat est une performance
artistique. Il chante et danse de toute son âme
pour abattre ses proies."
730,29,6,"Für Primarene ist jeder Kampf wie eine
Aufführung. Es erlegt seine Beute mithilfe von
anmutigem Gesang und Tanzschritten."
730,29,7,"Primarina considera los combates como un
escenario ideal donde abatir a su presa con
un canto y baile que derrochan elegancia."
730,29,8,"Per Primarina la lotta è uno show.
Dà il colpo di grazia alla sua preda
cantando e piroettando con eleganza."
730,29,9,"To Primarina, every battle is a stage. It takes
down its prey with beautiful singing
and dancing."
730,29,11,"アシレーヌに とって 戦いは
ステージ。 華麗に 歌って
舞い踊り 獲物を 仕留める。"
730,30,1,"うたひめの いみょうを もつ。
つきよの ばんに むれを ひきいて
うたう すがたは げんそうてき。"
730,30,3,"가희라는 별명을 가졌다.
달이 뜨는 밤에 무리를 이끌고
노래하는 모습은 환상적이다."
730,30,5,"Surnommé «la diva», il offre un spectacle
enchanteur lorsquil dirige un chœur composé
de ses congénères à la lumière de la lune."
730,30,6,"Der Anblick, wenn es in vom Mond erhellten
Nächten seine singende Kolonie dirigiert, ist
magisch. Es wird auch Primadonna genannt."
730,30,7,"Recibe el sobrenombre de Diva. El espectáculo
que ofrece al dirigir el coro de sus congéneres
a la luz de la luna es absolutamente primoroso."
730,30,8,"Il suo soprannome è “principessa del canto”.
Lo spettacolo che offre mentre dirige il coro dei
suoi simili al chiar di luna è una visione da sogno."
730,30,9,"Also known as a songstress, it has a fantastical
look on moonlit nights when it leads its colony
in song."
730,30,11,"歌姫の 異名を 持つ。
月夜の 晩に 群れを 率いて
歌う 姿は 幻想的。"
730,33,1,"くちから はっする おんぱで みずの
バルーンを あやつる。 おんぱは
きよらかな うたごえに きこえる。"
730,33,3,"입에서 나오는 음파로
물의 벌룬을 조종한다. 음파는
맑고 고운 노랫소리처럼 들린다."
730,33,5,"Il manie ses ballons deau avec les ondes sonores
quil émet. Celles-ci ressemblent à un chant
céleste et mélodieux."
730,33,6,"Es kontrolliert Wasserblasen, indem es
Schallwellen aus seinem Mund ausstößt,
die wie klarer Gesang klingen."
730,33,7,"Controla sus globos de agua emitiendo unas
ondas sonoras que podrían describirse como
el canto de una voz pura y cristalina."
730,33,8,"Controlla i palloncini dacqua grazie alle onde
sonore che emette dalla bocca e che risuonano
come un canto celestiale."
730,33,9,"With its mouth, it makes sonic waves that sound
like beautiful singing. It uses the sonic waves to
control its water balloons."
730,33,11,"口から 発する 音波で 水の
バルーンを 操る。 音波は
清らかな 歌声に 聞こえる。"
730,34,1,"たたかいは アシレーヌの ステージ。
うたと バルーンの まう ようすは
かんせんしゃたちを みりょうする。"
730,34,3,"싸움은 누리레느의 스테이지다.
노래와 벌룬이 흩날리는 모습은
보는 이들을 매료시킨다."
730,34,5,"Les combats sont une véritable performance
artistique, pour lui. Les spectateurs sont charmés
par son chant et la danse de ses ballons."
730,34,6,"Jeder Kampf ist für es wie eine Aufführung. Wer
seinen Gesang und seinen Tanz mit den Blasen
miterleben darf, wird davon ganz verzaubert."
730,34,7,"Considera el terreno de combate un escenario
desde el que encandilar al público con su canto
y la coreografía de sus globos."
730,34,8,"Brilla nella lotta come su un palcoscenico.
Ammalia gli spettatori con il suo canto e
con un turbinio di palloncini."
730,34,9,"For Primarina, every battles a stage. Its singing
and the dancing of its balloons will mesmerize
the audience."
730,34,11,"戦いは アシレーヌの ステージ。
歌と バルーンの 舞う 様子は
観戦者たちを 魅了する。"
731,27,1,"びょうかん16れんだ で きを つつき
あなを ほる。 あけた あなは エサを
しまう ちょぞうこや すに つかう。"
731,27,3,"1초당 16번 나무를 쪼아서
구멍을 낸다. 낸 구멍은 먹이를
넣어두는 저장고나 둥지로 쓴다."
731,27,5,"Il creuse les arbres à raison de seize coups de
bec par seconde. Le trou creusé lui sert ensuite
à stocker des provisions ou à faire son nid."
731,27,6,"Pickt 16-mal pro Sekunde auf Bäume ein,
um Löcher ins Holz zu schlagen. Diese nutzt
es dann als Futterspeicher oder Nest."
731,27,7,"Hace agujeros en los árboles a una velocidad
de 16 picotazos por segundo y los utiliza como
despensa o como su nido."
731,27,8,"Riesce a beccare i tronchi degli alberi al ritmo di
16 colpi al secondo. Usa i buchi così scavati
come nido o per immagazzinare cibo."
731,27,9,"It can peck at a rate of 16 times a second to
drill holes in trees. It uses the holes for food
storage and for nesting."
731,27,11,"秒間16連打 で 木を 突き
穴を ほる。 開けた 穴は 餌を
仕舞う 貯蔵庫や 巣に 使う。"
731,28,1,"きのみが エサ。 くらったあとの
タネは たまとして くちから
はっしゃし こうげきに りようする。"
731,28,3,"나무열매가 먹이다. 먹고 남은
씨앗은 총알처럼 입에서
발사하여 공격에 사용한다."
731,28,5,"Il se nourrit essentiellement de fruits, dont il
conserve les pépins dans son bec pour en
canarder ses ennemis, telle une mitraillette."
731,28,6,"Dieses Pokémon ernährt sich von Beeren.
Die Samen verschießt es später als Munition
aus seinem Schnabel."
731,28,7,"Las bayas constituyen su principal alimento. Usa
las pepitas de las mismas a modo de proyectiles
para atacar expulsándolas por su pico."
731,28,8,"Si nutre di bacche. Usa come proiettili i semi
delle bacche mangiate, sputandoli dal becco
per attaccare."
731,28,9,"This Pokémon feeds on berries, whose leftover
seeds become the ammunition for the attacks it
fires off from its mouth."
731,28,11,"きのみが 餌。 喰らった後の
タネを 弾として 口から
発射し 攻撃に 利用。"
731,29,1,"かたいクチバシで じゅもくを つつく。
つつくリズムで そのときの きげんや
たいちょうも なんとなく わかる。"
731,29,3,"딱딱한 부리로 나무를 쫀다.
쪼는 리듬으로 그때의 기분이나
상태를 대강 알 수 있다."
731,29,5,"On peut deviner son état desprit et de santé
en étudiant le rythme auquel il tape contre
les arbres avec son bec dur."
731,29,6,"Es pickt mit seinem robusten Schnabel auf
Bäume ein. An seinem Pickrhythmus lassen sich
seine Laune und sein Befinden ablesen."
731,29,7,"Agujerea los árboles con su robusto pico.
Al oír su picoteo, uno puede deducir más o
menos su humor o su estado de forma."
731,29,8,"Picchia sul legno con il suo duro becco.
Dal ritmo dei suoi colpi è possibile capire
il suo umore e il suo stato di salute."
731,29,9,"It pecks at trees with its hard beak. You can
get some idea of its mood or condition from the
rhythm of its pecking."
731,29,11,"硬いクチバシで 樹木を つつく。
つつくリズムで そのときの 機嫌や
体調も なんとなく わかる。"
731,30,1,"ほそく みえるが きょうじんな
くびの きんにくをもつ。 びょうかん
16れんだで きを つつきまくるぞ。"
731,30,3,"가늘어 보이지만 강인한
목 근육을 가졌다. 초당
16연타로 나무를 마구 쪼아 댄다."
731,30,5,"Son cou fin renferme des muscles étonnamment
puissants. Il tape contre les arbres à raison
de seize coups de bec par seconde."
731,30,6,"Es sieht schmächtig und schwach aus, doch es
hat sehr kräftige Halsmuskeln. Dadurch kann es
16-mal pro Sekunde auf Bäume einpicken."
731,30,7,"Pese a su fino aspecto, tiene la musculatura del
cuello muy desarrollada: agujerea los árboles a
una velocidad de 16 picotazos por segundo."
731,30,8,"Sembra esile ma nel collo ha muscoli dacciaio.
Riesce a beccare i tronchi degli alberi al ritmo
di 16 colpi al secondo."
731,30,9,"It may look spindly, but its neck muscles are
heavy-duty. It can peck at a tree 16 times
per second!"
731,30,11,"細く 見えるが 強靭な
首の 筋肉を持つ。 秒間
16連打で 木を 突きまくるぞ。"
732,27,1,"クチバシに くった きのみの タネを
ためこむ。 てきや えものに
であうと いっきに はっしゃする。"
732,27,3,"먹은 나무열매 씨앗을 부리에
저장한다. 적이나 먹이와
마주치면 한 번에 발사한다."
732,27,5,"Il garde toujours dans son bec les pépins des
fruits quil mange, ce qui lui permet de faire feu
dès quun ennemi se présente."
732,27,6,"Sammelt Beerensamen in seinem Schnabel.
Begegnet es Feinden oder Beute, kann es alle
auf einmal verschießen."
732,27,7,"Almacena en su pico las semillas de las bayas
de las que se alimenta para usarlas como arma
contra enemigos y posibles presas."
732,27,8,"Conserva nel becco i semi delle bacche
che mangia, per poi spararli contro nemici
e prede non appena ne incontra."
732,27,9,"It eats berries and stores their seeds in its
beak. When it encounters enemies or prey,
it fires off all the seeds in a burst."
732,27,11,"クチバシに 喰った きのみの タネを
溜め込む。 敵や 獲物に
出会うと 一気に 発射する。"
732,28,1,"クチバシを そりかえらせ いろんな
おとで なく。 かなり うるさいので
まわりの おたくには きらわれるぞ。"
732,28,3,"부리를 젖혀서 여러 가지
소리로 운다. 꽤 시끄러워서
인근에 미움을 산다."
732,28,5,"En déformant son bec, il peut produire une
ribambelle de sons différents, plus bruyants les
uns que les autres. Le cauchemar des voisins."
732,28,6,"Indem es seinen Schnabel verformt, kann es
eine große Bandbreite an Lauten ausstoßen.
Der Alptraum eines jeden Nachbarn."
732,28,7,"Puede deformar su pico para producir los
sonidos más diversos. Debido al estruendo que
crea, se granjea la enemistad de sus vecinos."
732,28,8,"Mutando la forma del becco è in grado di
produrre i suoni più svariati. La sua rumorosità
gli ha conquistato la fama di incubo del vicinato."
732,28,9,"By bending its beak, it can produce a variety of
calls and brand itself a noisy nuisance for
its neighbors."
732,28,11,"クチバシを 反り返らせ 色んな
音で 鳴く。 かなり うるさいので
周りの 御宅には 嫌われるぞ。"
732,29,1,"クチバシの せんたんを そりかえらせ
100 いじょうの なきごえを
じゆうに なきわけることが できる。"
732,29,3,"부리의 끝을 뒤로 젖혀
100가지 이상의 울음소리를
자유롭게 낼 수 있다."
732,29,5,"Ce Pokémon est capable de produire plus
de cent sons différents en recourbant le bout
de son bec."
732,29,6,"Indem es seine Schnabelspitze verformt, kann
es mehr als 100 verschiedene Rufe ausstoßen."
732,29,7,"Al torcer la punta del pico es capaz de emitir a
su antojo más de 100 graznidos diferentes."
732,29,8,"Mutando lestremità del becco è in grado
di emettere più di 100 cinguettii differenti."
732,29,9,"It can bend the tip of its beak to produce over
a hundred different cries at will."
732,29,11,"クチバシの 先端を 反り返らせ
100 以上の 鳴き声を
自由に 鳴きわけることが できる。"
732,30,1,"たべた きのみのタネを くちから
はっしゃ。 タネはだいちに ちらばり
あらたな くさきが うまれるのだ。"
732,30,3,"먹은 나무열매의 씨를 부리에서
발사한다. 씨는 대지에 흩어져서
새로운 풀과 나무가 자라난다."
732,30,5,"Il crache violemment les noyaux des Baies
quil a mangées. Ils séparpillent au sol
et donnent naissance à de nouvelles plantes."
732,30,6,"Es feuert mit seinem Schnabel Samen von
gefressenen Beeren ab. Aus den Samen, die am
Boden liegenbleiben, entstehen neue Pflanzen."
732,30,7,"Dispara por el pico las semillas de las bayas
ingeridas. Al dispersarse por el suelo, de ellas
acaban germinando nuevas plantas."
732,30,8,"Spara dal becco i semi delle bacche di cui
si nutre, da cui poi spuntano nuove piante."
732,30,9,"From its mouth, it fires the seeds of berries
it has eaten. The scattered seeds give rise
to new plants."
732,30,11,"食べた きのみのタネを 口から
発射。 タネは大地に 散らばり
新たな 草木が 生まれるのだ。"
733,27,1,"クチバシを はつねつさせ たたかう。
そのおんどは 100どを ゆうに こえ
つつかれるだけで おおやけど。"
733,27,3,"부리를 발열시켜 싸운다.
그 온도는 100도를 훨씬 넘어
쪼이기만 해도 큰 화상을 입는다."
733,27,5,"Pendant le combat, son bec chauffe et dépasse
allègrement les 100 °C. Ses adversaires
repartent généralement avec de graves brûlures."
733,27,6,"Erhitzt vor jedem Kampf seinen Schnabel auf
über 100 °C. Dadurch erleiden Gepiesackte
schwere Verbrennungen."
733,27,7,"Cuando va a combatir, calienta su pico hasta
temperaturas que superan los 100 °C, lo que
puede causar graves quemaduras al contacto."
733,27,8,"Quando lotta arroventa il suo becco a una
temperatura di oltre 100 °C, sufficiente a
provocare delle bruciature ai suoi avversari."
733,27,9,"When it battles, its beak heats up. The
temperature can easily exceed 212 degrees
Fahrenheit, causing severe burns when it hits."
733,27,11,"クチバシを 発熱させ 戦う。
その温度は 100度を 優に 超え
突かれるだけで 大火傷。"
733,28,1,"たいないの ガスを クチバシの なかで
ばくはつさせ きのタネを はっしゃ。
おおいわも こなごなにする パワー。"
733,28,3,"체내의 가스를 부리 안에서
폭발시켜 씨앗을 발사. 큰 바위도
가루로 만들어버릴 정도의 파워다."
733,28,5,"Il fait exploser ses gaz digestifs pour propulser
les pépins quil a dans le bec, avec une force
capable de réduire en miettes de gros rochers."
733,28,6,"Lässt körpereigene Gase in seinem Schnabel
explodieren, um Samen zu verschießen.
Selbst große Felsen kann es damit zerstören."
733,28,7,"Hace estallar los gases de su interior para
disparar semillas por el pico con una potencia
capaz de pulverizar rocas enormes."
733,28,8,"Sfruttando il gas del suo corpo, genera nel
becco unesplosione per sparare semi con una
potenza tale da ridurre in frantumi un macigno."
733,28,9,"Within its beak, its internal gas ignites,
explosively launching seeds with enough power
to pulverize boulders."
733,28,11,"体内の ガスを クチバシの 中で
爆発させ 木のタネを 発射。
大岩も 粉々にする パワー。"
733,29,1,"なかまと クチバシを たたきあわせて
コミュニケーション。 たたく つよさや
かいすうで きもちを つたえあう。"
733,29,3,"동료와 부리를 부딪히며
커뮤니케이션한다. 부딪히는 강도나
횟수로 기분을 전달한다."
733,29,5,"Ils communiquent entre eux en se frappant
mutuellement sur le bec. La force et la cadence
des coups en disent long sur leur état desprit."
733,29,6,"Sie kommunizieren miteinander, indem sie ihre
Schnäbel gegeneinanderschlagen. Stärke und
Anzahl der Schläge übermitteln ihre Gefühle."
733,29,7,"Se comunican con sus compañeros chocando los
picos. El número de veces y la fuerza con la que
lo hacen transmiten sus distintos sentimientos."
733,29,8,"I Toucannon comunicano tra di loro sbattendo
i becchi. La forza e il numero dei colpi indicano
i sentimenti che vogliono esprimere."
733,29,9,"They smack beaks with others of their kind to
communicate. The strength and number of hits
tell each other how they feel."
733,29,11,"仲間と クチバシを 叩き合わせて
コミュニケーション。 叩く 強さや
回数で 気持ちを 伝えあう。"
733,30,1,"つがいが なかむつまじいことで
しられる。 えんぎもの の かわりに
けっこんしきに つれて こられる。"
733,30,3,"암수의 사이가 좋다고 알려져 있다.
행운을 부르기 위해
결혼식에 데리고 온다."
733,30,5,"Les couples de Bazoucan sont réputés pour leur
harmonie. On en amène souvent aux mariages
pour porter bonheur aux jeunes époux."
733,30,6,"Tukanon-Pärchen sind für ihr harmonisches
Zusammenleben bekannt. Daher werden sie oft
als Glücksbringer zu Hochzeiten mitgebracht."
733,30,7,"Las parejas de Toucannon son famosas por la
armonía que reina entre ellas. Por eso se llevan
a las bodas como portadores de buena fortuna."
733,30,8,"Le coppie di Toucannon sono famose per la loro
perfetta armonia. Per questo cè chi le porta ai
matrimoni come augurio di felicità per gli sposi."
733,30,9,"Known for forming harmonious couples, this
Pokémon is brought to wedding ceremonies as a
good luck charm."
733,30,11,"番いが 仲睦まじいことで
知られる。 縁起物 の 代わりに
結婚式に 連れて こられる。"
734,27,1,"するどいキバで なんにでも かみつく。
もともと アローラには すんでおらず
ほかのちほうから つれてこられた。"
734,27,3,"날카로운 이빨로 아무거나 물어버린다.
원래 알로라에 서식하지 않고
다른 지방에서 데리고 왔다."
734,27,5,"Avec ses crocs acérés, il ne peut sempêcher
de mordre tout ce qui bouge. Il fut introduit à
Alola il y a longtemps, depuis une autre région."
734,27,6,"Mit seinen scharfen Zähnen schnappt es nach
allem. Es lebte ursprünglich nicht in Alola und
wurde aus einer anderen Region eingeführt."
734,27,7,"Sus afilados colmillos lo atraviesan todo. No es
autóctono de Alola, sino que proviene de otra
734,27,8,"Addenta qualsiasi cosa con le sue zanne
aguzze. È stato introdotto ad Alola tempo fa
da unaltra regione."
734,27,9,"With its sharp fangs, it will bite anything.
It did not originally live in Alola but was
imported from another region."
734,27,11,"鋭いキバで なんにでも かみつく。
元々 アローラには 棲んでおらず
他の地方から 連れてこられた。"
734,28,1,"エサを さがし うろつきつづける。
ひが くれるころには つかれはて
たおれこむように そのばで ねむる。"
734,28,3,"먹이를 찾아 계속 돌아다닌다.
날이 저물 즈음엔 지쳐서
쓰러지듯이 그 자리에서 잠든다."
734,28,5,"Il furète du matin au soir en quête de nourriture.
La nuit, exténué, il tombe comme une brique
et sendort sur place."
734,28,6,"Die Futtersuche treibt es unaufhörlich umher,
doch sobald die Sonne untergeht, wird es von
Müdigkeit überfallen und schläft sofort ein."
734,28,7,"Deambula todo el día en busca de alimento. Al
anochecer, exhausto, se deja caer en cualquier
lugar y se queda dormido."
734,28,8,"Si muove continuamente in cerca di cibo.
Quando si fa sera crolla esausto al suolo
e si addormenta sul posto."
734,28,9,"It wanders around in a never-ending search for
food. At dusk, it collapses from exhaustion and
falls asleep on the spot."
734,28,11,"餌を 探し うろつき続ける。
日が 暮れるころには 疲れ果て
倒れ込むように その場で 眠る。"
734,29,1,"ながい どうたいの なかみは
ほとんど いぶくろ。 おおぐいなので
エサだいは バカに ならない。"
734,29,3,"긴 몸통은 거의 위장으로
이루어져 있다. 대식가여서
식비를 무시할 수 없다."
734,29,5,"Son estomac occupe la plus grande partie de
son long corps. Le Dresseur de ce gros mangeur
doit prévoir un budget nourriture conséquent."
734,29,6,"Sein Magen füllt beinahe das gesamte Innere
seines länglichen Körpers aus. Die bei diesem
Vielfraß anfallenden Futterkosten sind enorm."
734,29,7,"El estómago le ocupa gran parte de su largo
cuerpo. Alimentar a este auténtico tragaldabas
no es moco de pavo, por el coste que conlleva."
734,29,8,"Lo stomaco occupa la maggior parte del suo
lungo corpo. È un gran mangione e mantenerlo
costa davvero un occhio della testa."
734,29,9,"Its stomach takes up most of its long torso.
Its a big eater, so the amount Trainers have to
spend on its food is no laughing matter."
734,29,11,"長い 胴体の 中身は
ほとんど 胃袋。 大食いなので
エサ代は バカに ならない。"
734,30,1,"なんでも たべるが しんせんで
いきているものが いいので えものを
さがして みちを ねりあるく。"
734,30,3,"무엇이든 먹지만 신선하고
살아 있는 것을 좋아해서
먹이를 찾아 길을 누비고 다닌다."
734,30,5,"Il mange de tout, mais aime particulièrement
les proies fraîches, voire encore vives. Il erre
sur les routes à leur recherche."
734,30,6,"Es ist zwar ein Allesfresser, bevorzugt aber
frische oder lebendige Nahrung. Auf der Suche
nach Beute marschiert es die Straßen entlang."
734,30,7,"Pese a ser omnívoro, siente predilección por los
alimentos frescos o incluso seres vivos. Por eso
marcha por los caminos en busca de presas."
734,30,8,"Gli Yungoos mangiano di tutto ma preferiscono
cibo fresco o prede vive. Si vedono spesso
sfilare lungo le strade alla ricerca di cibo."
734,30,9,"Although it will eat anything, it prefers fresh
living things, so it marches down streets
in search of prey."
734,30,11,"なんでも 食べるが 新鮮で
生きているものが いいので
獲物を 探して 道を 練り歩く。"
735,27,1,"えものの こんせきを みつけると
ねばりづよく そのばに はりこむが
ひぐれには うつらうつら している。"
735,27,3,"먹이의 흔적을 찾으면
끈질기게 그 자리에 잠복하지만
날이 저물면 꾸벅꾸벅 존다."
735,27,5,"Lorsquil est sur les traces dune proie,
ce Pokémon nest pas du genre à abandonner.
Sauf le soir, lorsquil tombe de sommeil."
735,27,6,"Findet es Spuren potenzieller Beute, legt
es sich sofort auf die Lauer. Spätestens
bei Sonnenuntergang nickt es aber ein."
735,27,7,"Al detectar el rastro de una presa, la acecha
con tenacidad, pero al ponerse el sol le vence
el sueño."
735,27,8,"Scovate le tracce della preda, rimane di guardia
sul posto senza battere ciglio fino al calare
del sole, poi cede alla stanchezza."
735,27,9,"When it finds a trace of its prey, it patiently
stakes out the location...but its always snoozing
by nightfall."
735,27,11,"獲物の 痕跡を みつけると
粘り強く その場に 張り込むが
日暮れには うつらうつら している。"
735,28,1,"コラッタや ラッタが こうぶつなのに
ちゅうこうせいのため であえない。
にんたいづよさが じまんの ポケモン。"
735,28,3,"꼬렛과 레트라를 좋아하지만
주행성이라 마주치지 못한다.
강한 인내력이 자랑인 포켓몬이다."
735,28,5,"Il est accro au goût des Rattata et Rattatac,
mais nen croise pas beaucoup car ceux-ci sont
nocturnes. Heureusement, il sait rester patient."
735,28,6,"Rattfratz und Rattikarl sind seine Leibspeise,
aber leider nachtaktiv und daher selten auf
dem Speiseplan. Ein sehr geduldiges Pokémon."
735,28,7,"Sus presas favoritas son los Rattata y Raticate,
pero, al ser estos diurnos, rara vez se cruza con
ellos. La perseverancia es su gran virtud."
735,28,8,"È ghiotto di Rattata e Raticate, ma poiché
è un Pokémon diurno, non ne incontra molti.
La perseveranza è la sua dote di spicco."
735,28,9,"It adores having Rattata and Raticate for dinner,
but as its diurnal, it never encounters them.
This Pokémon boasts incredible patience."
735,28,11,"コラッタや ラッタが 好物なのに
昼行性のため 出会えない。
忍耐強さが 自慢の ポケモン。"
735,29,1,"もともと アローラには いなかったが
むかし コラッタが たいりょうに
はっせいしたときに つれてこられた。"
735,29,3,"원래 알로라에 없었지만,
옛날 꼬렛이 대량으로
발생했을 때 데려왔다."
735,29,5,"À lorigine, on ne le trouvait pas à Alola,
mais il y a été introduit il y a bien longtemps
pour faire face à la prolifération de Rattata."
735,29,6,"Dieses Pokémon lebte ursprünglich nicht in Alola
und wurde vor langer Zeit eingeführt, als es eine
Überpopulation von Rattfratz in der Region gab."
735,29,7,"No es autóctono de Alola, sino que se introdujo
para paliar la superpoblación de Rattata que se
produjo en el pasado."
735,29,8,"È stato introdotto ad Alola in passato per
fare fronte alla sovrappopolazione di Rattata."
735,29,9,"Although it wasnt originally found in Alola, this
Pokémon was brought over a long time ago
when there was a huge Rattata outbreak."
735,29,11,"もともと アローラには いなかったが
昔 コラッタが 大量に
発生したときに 連れて来られた。"
735,30,1,"とても がまんづよい せいしつだが
こうぶつの コラッタを みつけると
われを わすれて とびかかるぞ。"
735,30,3,"매우 인내심이 강한 성질이지만
좋아하는 꼬렛을 발견하면
이성을 잃고 덤벼든다."
735,30,5,"Dun naturel très patient, il ne peut toutefois
sempêcher de bondir sur son plat favori,
Rattata, sil en voit un."
735,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist eigentlich sehr geduldig.
Sieht es jedoch ein Rattfratz, seine Leibspeise,
stürzt es sich völlig außer Kontrolle auf es."
735,30,7,"Tiene un carácter muy paciente, pero en cuanto
avista un Rattata, su manjar predilecto, pierde
el control y se lanza sobre él como un poseso."
735,30,8,"È un Pokémon molto paziente, ma quando
trova un Rattata, di cui va pazzo, perde
il controllo e lo assale."
735,30,9,"Patient by nature, this Pokémon loses control of
itself and pounces when it spots its favorite
735,30,11,"とても 我慢強い 性質だが
好物の コラッタを 見つけると
我を 忘れて 飛びかかるぞ。"
736,27,1,"じょうぶな アゴで じゅもくを
けずり じゅえきを すする。
ふだんは じめんの なかで くらす。"
736,27,3,"튼튼한 턱으로 나무를
갉아서 수액을 마신다.
평소에는 땅속에서 산다."
736,27,5,"Il creuse lécorce des arbres avec ses robustes
mandibules pour en siroter la sève. Il vit en
temps normal dans le sol."
736,27,6,"Mit seinem robusten Kiefer schabt es an
Bäumen, um an ihren Pflanzensaft zu
gelangen. Es lebt normalerweise im Erdreich."
736,27,7,"Con sus duras mandíbulas arranca la corteza de
los árboles y sorbe la savia. Suele habitar bajo
736,27,8,"Raschia le cortecce degli alberi con le sue
robuste mandibole per succhiarne la linfa.
Vive solitamente sottoterra."
736,27,9,"Its strong jaw enables it to scrape trees and
slurp out the sap. It normally lives underground."
736,27,11,"丈夫な 顎で 樹木を
削り 樹液を すする。
普段は 地面の 中で 暮らす。"
736,28,1,"とりポケモンに おそわれないよう
でんきポケモンが すむ ばしょに
あつまっていることが おおい。"
736,28,3,"새포켓몬에게 공격받지 않도록
전류포켓몬이 사는 장소에
모여있는 일이 많다."
736,28,5,"Bien souvent, il se rend là où vivent les Pokémon
Électrik, afin de se prémunir des attaques des
Pokémon oiseaux."
736,28,6,"Um nicht von Vogel-Pokémon angegriffen
zu werden, zieht es Orte vor, an denen
Elektro-Pokémon leben."
736,28,7,"Para evitar que los Pokémon pájaro los
atormenten, suelen agruparse en lugares donde
habitan Pokémon de tipo Eléctrico."
736,28,8,"Per difendersi dai Pokémon alati, spesso
si rifugia nei luoghi abitati da Pokémon
di tipo Elettro."
736,28,9,"They often gather near places frequented by
electric Pokémon in order to avoid being
attacked by bird Pokémon."
736,28,11,"とりポケモンに 襲われないよう
でんきポケモンが 棲む 場所に
集まっていることが 多い。"
736,29,1,"もし すあなを みつけても てを
つっこんでは ダメだ。 いやがる
アゴジムシに かみつかれるぞ。"
736,29,3,"혹시 소굴을 발견하더라도
손을 넣으면 안 된다. 싫어하는
턱지충이에게 물린다."
736,29,5,"Larvibule naime pas les intrus, alors ne mettez
pas la main dans son nid, sous peine de vous
faire mordre!"
736,29,6,"Wer den Bau eines Mabula findet, sollte nicht
die Hand hineinstecken. Das mag es nämlich
gar nicht und schnappt dann gnadenlos zu."
736,29,7,"Conviene no meter la mano en la madriguera de
un Grubbin, so pena de provocarlo y llevarse un
buen mordisco."
736,29,8,"Se trovi un nido di Grubbin, non infilarci dentro
la mano: non amano le intrusioni e rischi di farti
dare un bel morso."
736,29,9,"If you find its nest, you shouldnt stick your
hand inside. Youll get bitten by an
irritated Grubbin."
736,29,11,"もし 巣穴を 見つけても 手を
突っ込んでは ダメだ。 嫌がる
アゴジムシに 噛みつかれるぞ。"
736,30,1,"ネバネバした いとを はき あいての
うごきを とめた ところを するどく
じょうぶなアゴで はさみ しとめる。"
736,30,3,"끈적끈적한 실을 뿜어 상대의
움직임을 멈추고 날카롭고
튼튼한 턱으로 집어서 처리한다."
736,30,5,"Il crache un fil gluant pour empêtrer ses
ennemis. Une fois immobilisés, il les attaque
en les mordant de ses puissantes mandibules."
736,30,6,"Es lähmt Gegner, indem es einen klebrigen Faden
auf sie spuckt. Mit seinen kräftigen Kiefern
nimmt es diese dann in die Mangel."
736,30,7,"Inmoviliza al rival con el hilo viscoso que secreta
y lo atrapa con sus duras y fuertes mandíbulas
para atacarlo sin cuartel."
736,30,8,"Secerne un filo appiccicoso con cui immobilizza
lavversario per poi stritolarlo tra le sue
robuste mandibole."
736,30,9,"It spits a sticky thread to stop opponents in
their tracks, and then it grabs them in its
sharp, sturdy mandibles to take them down."
736,30,11,"ネバネバした 糸を 吐き 相手の
動きを 止めた ところを 鋭く
丈夫なアゴで 挟み 仕留める。"
736,33,1,"おおきな アゴは ふとい えだを
へしおる いりょく。 てんてきの
ココガラも たまらず にげだす。"
736,33,3,"커다란 턱은 굵은 가지를 부러뜨릴
정도의 위력을 가졌다. 천적인
파라꼬도 견디지 못하고 도망친다."
736,33,5,"Ses mandibules peuvent briser de très grosses
branches. Même Minisange, son ennemi naturel,
senfuit à tire-daile devant lui."
736,33,6,"Sein großer Kiefer ist stark genug, um selbst
dicke Äste zu zerbrechen. Damit treibt es auch
seinen natürlichen Feind Meikro in die Flucht."
736,33,7,"Con sus potentes mandíbulas puede hacer trizas
las ramas más gruesas y ahuyentar incluso a los
Rookidee, su enemigo natural."
736,33,8,"Può spezzare grossi rami con le robuste
mandibole, che mettono in fuga persino il suo
nemico naturale, Rookidee."
736,33,9,"Its natural enemies, like Rookidee, may
flee rather than risk getting caught in its large
mandibles that can snap thick tree branches."
736,33,11,"大きな 顎は 太い 枝を
へし折る 威力。 天敵の
ココガラも たまらず 逃げだす。"
736,34,1,"おおきな アゴで もりの じめんを
ほって すあなを つくる。
あまい じゅえきが だいこうぶつ。"
736,34,3,"커다란 턱으로 숲에서
땅을 파고 굴을 만든다.
달콤한 수액을 매우 좋아한다."
736,34,5,"Il creuse son terrier dans le sol de la forêt
avec ses grandes mandibules.
Il raffole de la sève sucrée."
736,34,6,"Mit seinem großen Kiefer gräbt es sich seinen
Bau im Waldboden. Zu seinen Leibspeisen
gehört süßer Baumsaft."
736,34,7,"Cava su madriguera en el lecho boscoso con sus
grandes mandíbulas. Le encanta la savia dulce de
los árboles."
736,34,8,"Si crea una tana scavando nel terreno
con le grandi mandibole. Va matto per la
dolce linfa degli alberi."
736,34,9,"It uses its big jaws to dig nests into the forest
floor, and it loves to feed on sweet tree sap."
736,34,11,"大きな 顎で 森の 地面を
掘って 巣穴を つくる。
甘い 樹液が 大好物。"
737,27,1,"たいないに ちくでんきのうを もつ。
キャンプの ときなど 1ぴき いると
とても ありがたい ポケモンだ。"
737,27,3,"체내에 축전 기능을 갖추고 있다.
캠핑할 때 1마리 있으면
아주 고마운 포켓몬이다."
737,27,5,"Avec son corps capable de stocker lélectricité
comme une batterie, il a déjà sauvé la mise à
plus dun campeur peu prévoyant."
737,27,6,"Speichert Elektrizität in seinem Körper.
Bei einem Campingausflug kann man wohl kein
praktischeres Pokémon dabeihaben!"
737,27,7,"Almacena electricidad en su cuerpo, lo que
puede resultar útil en numerosas situaciones,
como al salir de acampada."
737,27,8,"Può immagazzinare elettricità allinterno del
corpo. Per questo la sua compagnia è utile
quando si va in campeggio."
737,27,9,"Its body is capable of storing electricity. On
camping trips, people are grateful to have
one around."
737,27,11,"体内に 蓄電機能を 持つ。
キャンプの ときなど 1匹 いると
とても ありがたい ポケモンだ。"
737,28,1,"くらった エサを しょうか するとき
はっせいした でんきエネルギーを
でんきぶくろに ためこんでいる。"
737,28,3,"먹은 먹이를 소화할 때
발생하는 전기 에너지를
전기 주머니에 저장하고 있다."
737,28,5,"Son processus de digestion produit de
lélectricité, qui est immédiatement stockée
dans une poche prévue à cet effet."
737,28,6,"Beim Verdauen der Nahrung entsteht
elektrische Energie, die es in seinem
Strombeutel speichert."
737,28,7,"Al hacer la digestión genera energía eléctrica
que almacena en la bolsa que posee para tal
737,28,8,"Genera energia elettrica durante la digestione
e la conserva in una sacca interna."
737,28,9,"From the food it digests, it generates electricity,
and it stores this energy in its electric sac."
737,28,11,"喰らった 餌を 消化 するとき
発生した 電気エネルギーを
電気袋に 溜め込んでいる。"
737,29,1,"おちばに うまり ほとんど うごかず
ひたすら ふようどを くっている。
まちがって ふむと ビリビリするぞ。"
737,29,3,"낙엽에 묻혀 거의 움직이지 않고
그저 부엽토만 먹는다.
잘못 밟으면 찌릿찌릿하다."
737,29,5,"Il passe son temps à manger du terreau, tapi
sans bouger sous les feuilles mortes. Gare
à la décharge si vous lui marchez dessus!"
737,29,6,"Es vergräbt sich unter Blättern, wo es nahezu
regungslos verharrt und Humus frisst. Tritt man
versehentlich auf es, verteilt es Stromschläge."
737,29,7,"Escondido bajo la hojarasca, permanece casi
inmóvil mientras come humus con fruición. Quien
lo pisa en un descuido se lleva una descarga."
737,29,8,"Si nasconde tra le foglie cadute a terra e rimane
immobile nutrendosi esclusivamente di humus.
Chi lo pesta per sbaglio prende la scossa."
737,29,9,"It buries itself in fallen leaves and barely
moves, munching away on humus. If you
accidentally step on one, youll get a shock!"
737,29,11,"落ち葉に 埋まり ほとんど 動かず
ひたすら 腐葉土を 食っている。
間違って 踏むと ビリビリするぞ。"
737,30,1,"おそわれても がんじょうな カラで
まもりに てっする。 しつこい
あいてには でんきで はんげき。"
737,30,3,"공격을 받아도 튼튼한 껍질로
철저히 방어한다. 끈질긴
상대에게는 전기로 반격한다."
737,30,5,"Sa solide carapace lui sert de protection en
cas dattaque. Si un ennemi sacharne, il riposte
avec une décharge électrique."
737,30,6,"Wird es angegriffen, gewährt ihm sein robuster
Panzer hervorragenden Schutz. Hartnäckige
Gegner greift es mit Elektro-Attacken an."
737,30,7,"Cuando lo atacan, se protege con su robusto
caparazón. Si el rival lo sigue atosigando, le
suelta una descarga eléctrica."
737,30,8,"Il suo robusto esoscheletro lo protegge dagli
attacchi. Se il nemico non molla, contrattacca
con scariche elettriche."
737,30,9,"Its stout shell provides excellent defense from
attacks. It uses electricity on
persistent opponents."
737,30,11,"襲われても 頑丈な カラで
守りに 徹する。 しつこい
相手には 電気で 反撃。"
737,33,1,"がんじょうな カラで みを まもる。
アゴの せんたんから でんきを
ながして はんげきする。"
737,33,3,"튼튼한 껍질로 몸을 보호한다.
턱의 끝부분에서 전기를
흘려보내 반격한다."
737,33,5,"Il est bien protégé par sa robuste carapace,
et se défend en générant un courant électrique
au bout de ses mandibules."
737,33,6,"Es schützt sich mithilfe seines robusten Panzers.
Durch die Spitzen an seinem Kiefer leitet es
Strom, mit dem es sich gegen Angreifer wehrt."
737,33,7,"Se protege el cuerpo con un robusto caparazón.
Contraataca liberando corriente eléctrica por
la punta de las mandíbulas."
737,33,8,"È protetto da un robusto esoscheletro.
Contrattacca con lelettricità che rilascia
dalle punte che ha sulla mandibola."
737,33,9,"While its durable shell protects it from attacks,
Charjabug strikes at enemies with jolts of
electricity discharged from the tips of its jaws."
737,33,11,"頑丈な 殻で 身を 守る。
顎の 先端から 電気を
流して 反撃する。"
737,34,1,"たべた おちばを しょうかするとき
はつでんする しくみ。 おなかの
でんきぶくろに じゅうでんされる。"
737,34,3,"먹은 낙엽을 소화할 때 전기가
발생하는 구조로 되어 있다.
배의 전기 주머니에 충전된다."
737,34,5,"Il possède une poche dans laquelle il emmagasine
lélectricité quil produit en digérant des feuilles
737,34,6,"Gefressenes Laub verwandelt es während der
Verdauung in elektrische Energie, die in einem
Strombeutel in seinem Magen gespeichert wird."
737,34,7,"Al digerir la hojarasca de la que se alimenta,
genera energía eléctrica que almacena en la
bolsa que posee para tal efecto."
737,34,8,"Produce energia tramite la digestione delle
foglie morte di cui si nutre e la conserva
nella sacca apposita che ha nel ventre."
737,34,9,"Its digestive processes convert the leaves it eats
into electricity. An electric sac in its belly stores
the electricity for later use."
737,34,11,"食べた 落ち葉を 消化するとき
発電する 仕組み。 お腹の
電気袋に 充電される。"
738,27,1,"とびまわって スキを うかがう。
でんきエネルギーを おおきなアゴで
しゅうそくさせ てきに はっしゃ。"
738,27,3,"날아다니며 틈을 노린다.
전기 에너지를 큰 턱으로
모아서 적에게 발사한다."
738,27,5,"Il virevolte dans tous les sens, guettant la faille
pour frapper. Il concentre lélectricité dans ses
grandes mandibules pour foudroyer lennemi."
738,27,6,"Es fliegt umher und wartet auf seine Chance.
In seinem großen Kiefer speichert es elektrische
Energie, die es auf Feinde abfeuern kann."
738,27,7,"Sobrevuela un área en busca de presas. Puede
concentrar una potente carga eléctrica entre
sus mandíbulas para atacar a sus rivales."
738,27,8,"Sorvola larea in attesa delloccasione giusta per
attaccare. Nelle grandi mandibole concentra
energia elettrica che scarica contro il nemico."
738,27,9,"It zips around, on sharp lookout for an opening.
It concentrates electrical energy within its large
jaws and uses it to zap its enemies."
738,27,11,"飛び回って 隙を うかがう。
電気エネルギーを 大きなアゴで
収束させ 敵に 発射。"
738,28,1,"おなかに ある はつでんきかんで
でんきを おこす。 でんげきビームで
とりポケモンも あっとうする。"
738,28,3,"배에 있는 발전기관에서
전기를 일으킨다. 전격 빔으로
새포켓몬도 압도한다."
738,28,5,"Il possède un organe spécial pouvant produire
de lélectricité. Les Pokémon oiseaux ne font
pas le poids face à son rayon électrique."
738,28,6,"In seinem Bauch hat es ein elektrisches Organ,
welches Strom erzeugt. Mit seinem Elektrostrahl
kann es auch Vogel-Pokémon überwältigen."
738,28,7,"En su estómago posee un órgano que genera
energía eléctrica. Los Pokémon pájaro no
pueden hacer nada contra los rayos que lanza."
738,28,8,"Genera elettricità tramite un organo situato
nella pancia. I Pokémon alati di solito battono
in ritirata dinanzi ai suoi raggi elettrici."
738,28,9,"It produces electricity via an electrical organ in
its abdomen. It overwhelms bird Pokémon with
shocking beams of electrical energy."
738,28,11,"お腹に ある 発電器官で
電気を 起こす。 電撃ビームで
とりポケモンも 圧倒する。"
738,29,1,"ふくぶに はつでん きかんを もつ。
おおアゴに エネルギーを あつめ
すさまじい でんげきを はなつ。"
738,29,3,"복부에 발전 기관을 갖고 있다.
큰 턱에 에너지를 모아
굉장한 전격을 쏜다."
738,29,5,"Il possède un organe électrogène sur le ventre.
Il concentre de lénergie dans ses mandibules
avant de libérer une puissante décharge."
738,29,6,"Es erzeugt mit einem Organ in seinem Bauch
Elektrizität. In seinem großen Kiefer speichert
es Strom für enorm starke Elektrosalven."
738,29,7,"El órgano que posee en el abdomen genera
electricidad. Libera la energía acumulada en sus
grandes mandíbulas con una potente descarga."
738,29,8,"Nella pancia ha un organo che genera elettricità.
Accumula energia nelle mandibole per poi
rilasciare potenti scariche elettriche."
738,29,9,"It has an organ that generates electricity in its
abdomen. It concentrates energy in its strong
jaws and fires off powerful jolts of electricity."
738,29,11,"腹部に 発電 器官を 持つ。
大アゴに エネルギーを 集め
凄まじい 電撃を 放つ。"
738,30,1,"アクロバティックな ひこうで てきを
かくらん。 ひるんだ すきを ついて
でんげきビームを おみまいする。"
738,30,3,"아크로바틱한 비행으로 적을
교란한다. 풀이 죽은 틈을 타
전격 빔을 가한다."
738,30,5,"Il déroute lennemi avec ses pirouettes
acrobatiques, puis profite de sa surprise
pour lattaquer grâce à un rayon électrique."
738,30,6,"Mit akrobatischen Flugmanövern verwirrt es
seine Gegner und nutzt diese Gelegenheit, um
Elektrostrahlen auf sie abzufeuern."
738,30,7,"Aturde al enemigo con su vuelo acrobático y
aprovecha el desconcierto para propinarle una
descarga en forma de rayo."
738,30,8,"Confonde i nemici con voli acrobatici e, non
appena li vede esitare, li colpisce con un
raggio elettrico."
738,30,9,"Vikavolt flusters opponents with acrobatic
flying maneuvers. This creates an opening for
it to deliver an electric beam attack."
738,30,11,"アクロバティックな 飛行で 敵を
かく乱。 ひるんだ 隙を ついて
電撃ビームを お見舞いする。"
738,33,1,"おなかで はつでんした でんきを
おおきな アゴで しゅうそくさせて
だいしゅつりょくの ビームを うつ。"
738,33,3,"복부에서 만든 전기를
커다란 턱에 집중시켜서
고출력의 빔을 쏜다."
738,33,5,"Lélectricité quil produit dans son ventre
saccumule dans ses larges mandibules.
Il la libère sous forme dun rayon puissant."
738,33,6,"In seinem Bauch erzeugt es Elektrizität, die es in
seinem großen Kiefer sammelt und dann als
Hochleistungsstrahlen abfeuern kann."
738,33,7,"Acumula en sus enormes mandíbulas la carga
eléctrica que genera en su abdomen y la libera
en forma de rayos de alto voltaje."
738,33,8,"Concentra nelle grandi mandibole lelettricità
generata nella pancia per colpire lavversario
con un raggio ad altissima potenza."
738,33,9,"It builds up electricity in its abdomen, focuses it
through its jaws, and then fires the electricity off
in concentrated beams."
738,33,11,"お腹で 発電した 電気を
大きな 顎で 収束させて
大出力の ビームを 撃つ。"
738,34,1,"よびバッテリーとして デンヂムシを
かかえて とべば だいでんりょくの
でんじビームを れんしゃ できる。"
738,34,3,"예비 배터리로서 전지충이를
안고 날면 높은 전력의
전자빔을 연사할 수 있다."
738,34,5,"Sil emporte un Chrysapile en tant que batterie
de secours, il peut tirer une salve de rayons
électriques extrêmement puissants en plein vol."
738,34,6,"Wenn es ein Akkup als Reservebatterie trägt,
kann es im Flug eine Salve aus extrem starken
Elektrostrahlen abfeuern."
738,34,7,"Cuando vuela llevando consigo un Charjabug
a modo de batería adicional, puede liberar
potentes descargas electromagnéticas."
738,34,8,"Quando vola portando con sé un Charjabug
come batteria di riserva, può sparare una raffica
di potentissimi raggi elettromagnetici."
738,34,9,"If it carries a Charjabug to use as a spare battery,
a flying Vikavolt can rapidly fire high-powered
beams of electricity."
738,34,11,"予備バッテリーとして デンヂムシを
抱えて 飛べば 大電力の
電磁ビームを 連射できる。"
739,27,1,"ハサミで じゃくてんを ガードしつつ
スキを うかがい パンチを はなつ。
まけたほうは アワを ふいて ダウン。"
739,27,3,"가위로 약점을 가드 하면서
틈을 노려 펀치를 날린다.
진 쪽은 거품을 물고 다운된다."
739,27,5,"Il protège ses points faibles avec ses pinces en
guettant le moment propice pour riposter.
Il crache de lécume lorsquil tombe K.O."
739,27,6,"Schützt mit den Scheren seine Schwachstellen
und bereitet einen Gegenschlag vor. Verliert es,
bläst es Trübsal."
739,27,7,"Protege sus puntos débiles con las pinzas y
propina puñetazos en cuanto tiene ocasión.
Cuando pierde, llora lágrimas espumosas."
739,27,8,"Protegge con le chele i propri punti deboli e, al
momento opportuno, contrattacca con potenti
pugni. Quando perde, crolla schiumante al suolo."
739,27,9,"While guarding its weak points with its pincers,
it looks for an opening and unleashes punches.
When it loses, it foams at the mouth and faints."
739,27,11,"ハサミで 弱点を ガードしつつ
隙を うかがい パンチを 放つ。
負けたほうは 泡を ふいて ダウン。"
739,28,1,"なぐりすぎで ハサミは よく もげるが
すぐに はえる。 ハサミの なかみは
すくないが コクがあって うまいぞ。"
739,28,3,"심하게 때려서 집게는 잘 떨어지지만
바로 자란다. 집게 속살은
적지만 풍미가 있고 맛있다."
739,28,5,"Ses pinces se décrochent lorsquil sen sert trop
pour frapper, mais repoussent heureusement
aussitôt. Leur chair est fine et délicieuse."
739,28,6,"Es verliert oft seine Scheren im Kampf, aber sie
wachsen schnell nach. Obwohl diese nur wenig
Fleisch enthalten, gelten sie als Delikatesse."
739,28,7,"Suele perder las pinzas por usarlas demasiado,
pero enseguida le vuelven a crecer. Estas tienen
poca carne, pero es muy apreciada."
739,28,8,"A furia di sferrare pugni, le chele gli si
staccano, ma ricrescono sempre. La polpa al loro
interno è poca, ma molto saporita."
739,28,9,"It punches so much, its pincers often come off
from overuse, but they grow back quickly. What
little meat they contain is rich and delicious."
739,28,11,"なぐり過ぎで ハサミは よく もげるが
すぐに 生える。 ハサミの 中味は
少ないが コクがあって うまいぞ。"
739,29,1,"かたい ハサミは せめも まもりも
とくい。 マケンカニ どうしの
たたかいは ボクシングの ようだ。"
739,29,3,"딱딱한 집게는 공격과 수비에
모두 능하다. 오기지게끼리의
싸움은 복싱 같다."
739,29,5,"Ses robustes pinces sont aussi efficaces pour
lattaque que pour la défense. Les combats de
Crabagarre ressemblent à des matchs de boxe."
739,29,6,"Seine harten Scheren eignen sich sowohl für
offensive als auch defensive Techniken. Kämpfe
zwischen zwei Krabbox ähneln Boxkämpfen."
739,29,7,"Usa hábilmente sus robustas pinzas tanto para
atacar como para defenderse. Las peleas entre
congéneres parecen combates de boxeo."
739,29,8,"Utilizza le robuste chele sia per attaccare
che per difendersi. Le lotte tra Crabrawler
assomigliano molto a incontri di boxe."
739,29,9,"Its hard pincers are well suited to both offense
and defense. Fights between two Crabrawler
are like boxing matches."
739,29,11,"硬い ハサミは 攻めも 守りも
得意。 マケンカニ 同士の
戦いは ボクシングの ようだ。"
739,30,1,"ヤシのきと まちがえて ナッシーに
のぼることもある。 いかりを かって
ふりおとされて ふみつけられる。"
739,30,3,"야자나무로 착각하고 나시에
오르는 일도 있다. 분노를 사
내동댕이쳐진 다음 짓밟힌다."
739,30,5,"Il grimpe parfois sur un Noadkoko quil a pris
pour un cocotier. Il se fait alors éjecter puis
piétiner par le Noadkoko courroucé."
739,30,6,"Manchmal hält es ein Kokowei für eine Palme
und klettert es hinauf. Dieses schüttelt es dann
wütend ab und verpasst ihm einen Tritt."
739,30,7,"A veces trepa por Exeggutor al confundirlo con
una palmera de verdad. Este, presa de la ira, se
desembaraza de él a sacudidas y lo pisotea."
739,30,8,"A volte si arrampica sugli Exeggutor, prendendoli
per vere palme. Per tutta risposta, questi si
adirano, lo scaraventano a terra e lo calpestano."
739,30,9,"Crabrawler has been known to mistake
Exeggutor for a coconut tree and climb it. The
enraged Exeggutor shakes it off and stomps it."
739,30,11,"ヤシの木と 間違えて ナッシーに
登ることもある。 怒りを かって
振り落とされて 踏みつけられる。"
740,27,1,"トップを めざすはずが ゆきやまに
まよいのぼり さむさに たえるうちに
けが はえてきて しんかしていた。"
740,27,3,"톱을 노리려다 설산에서
헤매게 되고 추위를 견디던 중에
털이 생겨서 진화했다."
740,27,5,"Il rêvait datteindre le sommet dun pic enneigé,
mais sest égaré en chemin. Il a dû évoluer pour
survivre au froid et a acquis un pelage fourni."
740,27,6,"Es wollte auf eine verschneite Bergspitze,
hat sich aber verlaufen. In der Kälte wuchs
ihm dann ein Fell und es entwickelte sich weiter."
740,27,7,"Tras perderse intentando coronar una alta
montaña, desarrolló una capa de pelo para
protegerse del frío."
740,27,8,"Dopo essersi smarrito su una montagna innevata
che voleva scalare a ogni costo, si è evoluto
sviluppando del pelo per proteggersi dal freddo."
740,27,9,"It aimed for the top but got lost and ended up
on a snowy mountain. Being forced to endure
the cold, this Pokémon evolved and grew fur."
740,27,11,"トップを 目指すはずが 雪山に
迷い登り 寒さに 耐えるうちに
毛が 生えてきて 進化していた。"
740,28,1,"とにかく みさかいなく なぐる。
いざと なったら ハサミを じせつし
ロケットのように はっしゃし なぐる。"
740,28,3,"아무튼 무작정 때린다.
여차하면 집게를 스스로 끊어
로켓처럼 발사해서 때린다."
740,28,5,"Il distribue les coups de pince au petit bonheur
la chance. En dernier recours, il les décroche et
les envoie telles des roquettes."
740,28,6,"Schlägt erst einmal wahllos zu. Kommt es
hart auf hart, stößt es seine Scheren ab
und verschießt sie wie Raketen."
740,28,7,"Asesta golpes con las pinzas a diestro y
siniestro. Si se ve en apuros, se desprende de
ellas lanzándolas como si fueran cohetes."
740,28,8,"Sferra colpi alla cieca. Come ultima risorsa,
si stacca le chele e le spara come razzi per
colpire lavversario."
740,28,9,"It just throws punches indiscriminately. In times
of desperation, it can lop off its own pincers
and fire them like rockets."
740,28,11,"とにかく 見境なく なぐる。
いざと なったら ハサミを 自切し
ロケットのように 発射し なぐる。"
740,29,1,"ハサミの なかに れいきを ためて
ぶんなぐる。 ぶあつい こおりの
かべも こなごなに してしまうぞ。"
740,29,3,"집게 안에 냉기를 모아
때려눕힌다. 두꺼운 얼음벽도
가루로 만들어 버린다."
740,29,5,"Il concentre le froid dans ses pinces avant de
frapper. Ses coups sont suffisamment puissants
pour réduire un épais mur de glace en morceaux."
740,29,6,"Es speichert kalte Luft in seinen Scheren. Wenn
es mit diesen um sich schlägt, kann es selbst
dicke Eiswände zerbröckeln."
740,29,7,"En el interior de las pinzas acumula aire gélido.
Los golpes que asesta son capaces de hacer
añicos incluso gruesas paredes de hielo."
740,29,8,"Accumula aria fredda allinterno delle chele
per poi picchiare duro. Riesce a sbriciolare
anche spessi muri di ghiaccio."
740,29,9,"It stores coldness in its pincers and pummels its
foes. It can even smash thick walls of ice
to bits!"
740,29,11,"ハサミの 中に 冷気を 溜めて
ぶん殴る。 分厚い 氷の
壁も 粉々に してしまうぞ。"
740,30,1,"かんがえるより まず なぐってみる。
ゆきなだれを パンチの ラッシュで
おしかえしたという きろくも ある。"
740,30,3,"생각하기보다는 일단 때리고 본다.
눈사태를 펀치 러시로
되받아쳤다는 기록도 있다."
740,30,5,"Agir ou réfléchir? Crabominable choisit de
frapper! On raconte quil serait déjà parvenu
à repousser une avalanche à coups de pince."
740,30,6,"Es denkt nicht lange nach und schlägt einfach
zu. Laut manchen Berichten kann es mit seinen
schnellen Schlägen selbst Lawinen stoppen."
740,30,7,"No se lo piensa dos veces a la hora de zurrar.
Se tiene constancia de que sus puñetazos
frenéticos han llegado a detener aludes."
740,30,8,"Attacca subito, senza pensarci due volte.
Secondo alcune testimonianze, ha fermato
una valanga con una raffica di pugni."
740,30,9,"Before it stops to think, it just starts pummeling.
There are records of its turning back
avalanches with a flurry of punches."
740,30,11,"考えるより まず 殴ってみる。
ゆきなだれを パンチの ラッシュで
押し返したという 記録も ある。"
741,27,1,"はねを うちあわせて はっか。
かれいな ステップを ふみながら
はげしい ほのおを あびせかけるぞ。"
741,27,3,"날개를 부딪쳐서 발화시킨다.
화려한 스텝을 밟으면서
격렬한 불꽃을 퍼붓는다."
741,27,5,"Il réunit ses ailes pour générer du feu.
Sa chorégraphie envoûtante noie lennemi
sous un torrent de flammes."
741,27,6,"Schlägt es mit den Flügeln, gibt es Zunder!
Mit eleganten Ausfallschritten lässt es dann
Feuer auf seine Gegner herabregnen."
741,27,7,"Junta las alas y lanza voraces llamas al rival.
Su ataque se asemeja a una elaborada
coreografía de fuego."
741,27,8,"Genera del fuoco congiungendo le ali.
Avvolge il nemico con violente fiamme mentre
si esibisce in unelegante coreografia di danza."
741,27,9,"It beats its wings together to create fire.
As it moves in the steps of its beautiful dance,
it bathes opponents in intense flames."
741,27,11,"羽を 打ち合わせて 発火。
華麗な ステップを 踏みながら
激しい 炎を 浴びせかけるぞ。"
741,28,1,"くれないのミツを すった オドリドリ。
じょうねつてきな ステップで てきの
みも こころも やきつくす。"
741,28,3,"다홍꿀을 빨아들인 춤추새.
정열적인 스텝으로 적의
몸도 마음도 불태운다."
741,28,5,"Après avoir bu du Nectar Rouge, Plumeline
se lance dans une ardente danse qui consume
le cœur de ses ennemis."
741,28,6,"Ein Choreogel, das roten Nektar geschlürft hat.
Mit seinen hitzigen Tanzschritten versengt es
Körper und Geist eines jeden Gegners."
741,28,7,"Forma que toma Oricorio al libar Néctar Rojo.
Hace arder el corazón de sus adversarios con
su cálida danza."
741,28,8,"Un Oricorio che si è nutrito di Nettare rosso.
Con i suoi ardenti passi di danza trascina i suoi
nemici in una lotta infuocata."
741,28,9,"This Oricorio has sipped red nectar. Its
passionate dance moves cause its enemies
to combust in both body and mind."
741,28,11,"くれないのミツを 吸った オドリドリ。
情熱的な ステップで 敵の
身も 心も 焼き尽くす。"
741,29,1,"じょうねつてきな ダンスで てきの
こころを つかみ ゆだんした すきに
もえさかる ほのおで やきつくす。"
741,29,3,"정열적인 댄스로 적의 마음을
사로잡아 방심하게 한 후
타오르는 불꽃으로 태워버린다."
741,29,5,"Il envoûte ses ennemis avec une danse
fougueuse, et profite de leur inattention
pour les noyer sous un torrent de flammes."
741,29,6,"Mit feurigen Tanzschritten zieht es Gegner in
seinen Bann und nutzt ihre Unachtsamkeit, um
sie mit lodernden Flammen einzuäschern."
741,29,7,"Con su danza apasionada cautiva al enemigo.
En cuanto este baja la guardia, lo calcina con
sus enormes llamaradas."
741,29,8,"Ammalia il nemico con una danza appassionata
e approfitta della sua distrazione per attaccare
con fiamme potentissime riducendolo in cenere."
741,29,9,"It wins the hearts of its enemies with its
passionate dancing and then uses the opening
it creates to burn them up with blazing flames."
741,29,11,"情熱的な ダンスで 敵の
心を つかみ 油断した 隙に
燃えさかる 炎で 焼き尽くす。"
741,30,1,"くれないのミツを すった オドリドリ。
トレーナーが しじを まちがえると
はげしく おこる げきじょうか だ。"
741,30,3,"다홍꿀을 빨아들인 춤추새.
트레이너가 틀린 지시를 내리면
격렬하게 화를 내는 격정적인 성격이다."
741,30,5,"Un Plumeline ayant bu du Nectar Rouge.
Dun naturel passionné, il brûle de rage
quand son Dresseur se trompe dordre."
741,30,6,"Ein Choreogel, das roten Nektar geschlürft hat.
Es neigt zur Theatralik. Gibt ihm sein Trainer
einen falschen Befehl, macht es ihm eine Szene."
741,30,7,"Forma que toma Oricorio al libar Néctar Rojo. Su
vehemencia le lleva a ponerse hecho una furia
si el Entrenador le imparte la orden equivocada."
741,30,8,"Un Oricorio che si è nutrito di Nettare rosso.
È molto melodrammatico e va su tutte le furie se
il suo Allenatore gli dà unindicazione sbagliata."
741,30,9,"This Oricorio has drunk red nectar. If its Trainer
gives the wrong order, this passionate Pokémon
becomes fiercely angry."
741,30,11,"くれないのミツを 吸った オドリドリ。
トレーナーが 指示を 間違えると
激しく 怒る 激情家 だ。"
742,27,1,"はなのミツや かふんが エサ。
オーラを かんじる ちからを もち
さきそうな はなを みわけている。"
742,27,3,"꽃의 꿀이나 꽃가루가 먹이다.
오라를 느끼는 힘을 지니고 있어
필 것 같은 꽃을 구별한다."
742,27,5,"Il se nourrit du nectar et du pollen des fleurs.
Ayant la capacité de percevoir laura des
choses, il sait quelles fleurs vont bientôt éclore."
742,27,6,"Es ernährt sich von Blütenstaub und Honig. Da
es die Aura von Lebewesen wahrnehmen kann,
spürt es, wenn eine Blume bald blühen wird."
742,27,7,"Se alimenta de néctar y polen. Es capaz de
detectar los capullos que están a punto de
742,27,8,"Si nutre di nettare e polline. È in grado di
percepire laura di tutte le cose intorno a sé
e avverte quando un fiore sta per sbocciare."
742,27,9,"It feeds on the nectar and pollen of flowers.
Because its able to sense auras, it can identify
which flowers are about to bloom."
742,27,11,"花のミツや 花粉が 餌。
オーラを 感じる 力を 持ち
咲きそうな 花を 見分けている。"
742,28,1,"はなに にた オーラを もつ ひとの
あたまの うえには たくさんの
アブリーが あつまってくるよ。"
742,28,3,"꽃을 닮은 오라를 가진 사람의
머리 위에는 많은
에블리가 모여든다."
742,28,5,"Ils volettent gaiement en nombre au-dessus de
la tête de certaines personnes dont laura
sapparenterait à celle dune fleur."
742,28,6,"Über den Köpfen von Menschen, deren Auren
denen von Blumen gleichen, finden sich
zahlreich Wommel ein."
742,28,7,"Revolotean en bandadas en torno a la cabeza de
aquellas personas que cuentan con un aura
similar a la de las flores."
742,28,8,"Svolazzano numerosi sulla testa di persone
che emanano unaura somigliante in qualche
modo a quella dei fiori."
742,28,9,"Myriads of Cutiefly flutter above the heads of
people who have auras resembling those
of flowers."
742,28,11,"花に 似た オーラを 持つ 人の
頭の 上には たくさんの
アブリーが 集まってくるよ。"
742,29,1,"はなのミツと かふんが こうぶつ。
はなばたけで エサを めぐり
バタフリーと こぜりあいをしている。"
742,29,3,"꽃의 꿀과 화분을 좋아한다.
꽃밭에서 먹이를 두고
버터플과 옥신각신한다."
742,29,5,"Il aime le nectar et le pollen, et se dispute
ces denrées avec Papilusion dans les champs
de fleurs."
742,29,6,"Es liebt Blütenstaub und Nektar. Schwirrt es auf
der Suche nach Futter durch Blumenbeete,
handelt es sich oft Reibereien mit Smettbo ein."
742,29,7,"Le encanta el néctar y el polen. Revolotea en
busca de alimento por campos de flores, donde
tiene sus rifirrafes con Butterfree."
742,29,8,"Adora il nettare e il polline.
Lo si vede spesso nei prati mentre bisticcia
con i Butterfree per accaparrarsi il cibo."
742,29,9,"Nectar and pollen are its favorite fare. In fields
of flowers, it gets into skirmishes with
Butterfree over food."
742,29,11,"花のミツと 花粉が 好物。
花畑で エサを 巡り
バタフリーと 小競り合いをしている。"
742,30,1,"いきものの オーラを かんじとる。
オーラから うごきを さきよみ して
てきを ほんろう するのが とくい。"
742,30,3,"생물의 오라를 느낀다.
오라를 통해 움직임을 먼저 읽어서
적을 농락하는 것이 특기다."
742,30,5,"Il perçoit laura des êtres vivants, ce qui lui
permet de se jouer de son adversaire en
prévoyant et en anticipant ses mouvements."
742,30,6,"Es kann die Aura von Lebewesen wahrnehmen.
So erahnt es die Bewegungen seiner Feinde und
kann sie geschickt an der Nase herumführen."
742,30,7,"Percibe el aura de los seres vivos. Aprovecha
esta capacidad para juguetear con el enemigo
anticipándose a sus movimientos."
742,30,8,"Percepisce laura degli esseri viventi, riuscendo
così ad anticipare i loro movimenti. Per questo
ha sempre la meglio sui nemici."
742,30,9,"Cutiefly can pick up the auras of living things. It
skillfully reads those auras to predict its foes
movements and make fools of them."
742,30,11,"生き物の オーラを 感じ取る。
オーラから 動きを 先読み して
敵を 翻弄 するのが 得意。"
742,33,1,"かふんや みつが だいこうぶつ。
ヒメンカの かふんを ねらって
アブリーが ちかくを とびまわる。"
742,33,3,"꽃가루와 꿀을 아주 좋아한다.
꼬모카의 꽃가루를 노리고
에블리가 주변을 날아다닌다."
742,33,5,"Ce Pokémon raffole du pollen et du nectar.
Il volette souvent près des Tournicoton
pour collecter leur pollen."
742,33,6,"Es liebt Blütenstaub und Nektar. Hat ein Wommel
es auf den Blütenstaub von Cottini abgesehen,
schwirrt es in dessen Nähe herum."
742,33,7,"Le fascinan el néctar y el polen. Suele revolotear
alrededor de los Gossifleur, atraído por su polen."
742,33,8,"Adora il nettare e il polline. Svolazza vicino
a Gossifleur attirato dal suo polline."
742,33,9,"Nectar and pollen are its favorite fare. You can
find Cutiefly hovering around Gossifleur, trying
to get some of Gossifleurs pollen."
742,33,11,"花粉や 蜜が 大好物。
ヒメンカの 花粉を 狙って
アブリーが 近くを 飛びまわる。"
742,34,1,"てきが はっする オーラから つぎの
こうどうを よそくする。 こうげきを
ひらりと かわして はんげきする。"
742,34,3,"상대가 내뿜는 오라로
다음 행동을 예측한다.
공격을 가볍게 피하고 반격한다."
742,34,5,"Il perçoit laura de son ennemi et anticipe
ses mouvements. Il parvient ainsi à éviter
les attaques et à riposter dans la foulée."
742,34,6,"Es nimmt die Aura seiner Feinde wahr und erahnt
ihren nächsten Zug. So kann es Angriffen
geschickt ausweichen und zurückschlagen."
742,34,7,"Al percibir el aura del rival, puede predecir sus
movimientos y esquivarlos sin problema mientras
lanza su contraataque."
742,34,8,"Prevede la prossima mossa del nemico
percependone laura. Schiva agilmente
i suoi colpi e poi contrattacca."
742,34,9,"An opponents aura can tell Cutiefly what that
opponents next move will be. Then Cutiefly can
glide around the attack and strike back."
742,34,11,"敵が 発する オーラから つぎの
行動を 予測する。 攻撃を
ひらりと かわして 反撃する。"
743,27,1,"かふんを まるめ だんごを つくる。
しょくよう から せんとうよう まで
たくさんの しゅるいが あるよ。"
743,27,3,"꽃가루를 뭉쳐서 경단을 만든다.
식용부터 전투용까지
많은 종류가 있다."
743,27,5,"Il confectionne de petites boules de pollen
de diverses natures, certaines lui servant de
repas, dautres à attaquer lennemi."
743,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon rollt Blütenstaub zu Kugeln.
Manche dieser Pollenknödel dienen als Nahrung,
andere setzt es aber auch im Kampf ein."
743,27,7,"Fabrica varios tipos de bolas de polen. Algunas
se usan como alimento y otras para el combate."
743,27,8,"Crea delle sfere di polline di vario genere in
base alle necessità: alcune gli servono per
nutrirsi, altre per lottare."
743,27,9,"It rolls up pollen into puffs. It makes many
different varieties, some used as food and
others used in battle."
743,27,11,"花粉を 丸め 団子を つくる。
食用 から 戦闘用 まで
たくさんの 種類が あるよ。"
743,28,1,"アブリボンの かふんだんごは
えいようまんてんの ものも ある。
サプリメントとして うられることも。"
743,28,3,"에리본의 꽃가루경단은
영양 만점인 것도 있다.
영양제로 팔리기도 한다."
743,28,5,"Certaines boules de pollen de Rubombelle sont
très utiles dun point de vue nutritif. Vendues
en complément alimentaire, elles font un carton."
743,28,6,"Unter den Pollenknödeln eines Bandelby finden
sich so nahrhafte Varianten, dass sie als
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel verkauft werden."
743,28,7,"Algunas de las bolas de polen que fabrican son
extremadamente nutritivas, por lo que a veces
se venden como suplementos alimenticios."
743,28,8,"Alcune sfere di polline prodotte da questo
Pokémon sono talmente nutrienti da essere
vendute come integratori alimentari."
743,28,9,"Some of Ribombees pollen puffs are highly
nutritious. They are sometimes sold
as supplements."
743,28,11,"アブリボンの 花粉団子は
栄養満点の ものも ある。
サプリメントとして 売られることも。"
743,29,1,"かふんが しめるので あめが きらい。
くもゆきが あやしくなると きの
うろで じっとして うごかなくなる。"
743,29,3,"화분이 축축해져서 비를 싫어한다.
구름의 움직임이 수상해지면
나무 구멍에서 움직이지 않는다."
743,29,5,"Il déteste la pluie car elle mouille le pollen.
Quand la météo se dégrade, il se cache alors
dans le creux dun arbre et attend sans bouger."
743,29,6,"Es hasst Regen, weil dadurch der Blütenstaub
nass wird. Ziehen Regenwolken auf, versteckt
es sich in Baumhöhlen und wartet regungslos."
743,29,7,"Odia la lluvia porque humedece el polen. Si en el
cielo aparecen nubes amenazadoras, permanece
inmóvil y expectante en el hueco de un árbol."
743,29,8,"Odia la pioggia perché bagna il polline.
Se il tempo si fa minaccioso, si infila nella cavità
di un albero e se ne resta lì fermo."
743,29,9,"Rain makes pollen damp, so Ribombee hates
rain. When it sees ominous clouds, it finds a
hollow in a tree, where it waits stock-still."
743,29,11,"花粉が 湿るので 雨が 嫌い。
雲行きが 怪しくなると 木の
うろで じっとして 動かなくなる。"
743,30,1,"しつどや かざむき から てんこうを
よそく できる。 せいてんが つづく
ときにしか すがたを みせないのだ。"
743,30,3,"습도나 바람의 방향으로 날씨를
예측할 수 있다. 맑은 날씨가
이어지는 때에만 모습을 보인다."
743,30,5,"Il peut prévoir le temps quil va faire grâce
à lhumidité et à la direction du vent. Il ne pointe
le bout de ses ailes que par beau temps."
743,30,6,"Es kann anhand der Luftfeuchtigkeit und der
Windrichtung das Wetter vorhersagen. Es zeigt
sich nur bei klarem Wetter."
743,30,7,"Puede predecir las condiciones meteorológicas
fijándose en la humedad y dirección del viento.
Solo se avistan cuando reina el buen tiempo."
743,30,8,"Prevede che tempo farà dallumidità e dalla
direzione del vento. Lo si vede in giro solo
durante i periodi di bel tempo stabile."
743,30,9,"It can predict the weather from moisture levels
and wind direction. Ribombee only reveals itself
when there are a few clear days in a row."
743,30,11,"湿度や 風向き から 天候を
予測 できる。 晴天が 続く
時にしか 姿を 見せないのだ。"
743,33,1,"かふんと みつを まぜて だんごを
つくる。 ちょうごうする しゅるいや
りょうに よって こうかが ちがう。"
743,33,3,"꽃가루와 꿀을 섞어서 경단을
만든다. 조합하는 종류와
양에 따라 효과가 달라진다."
743,33,5,"Il mélange du nectar et du pollen pour créer
des boules qui ont divers effets, selon
les quantités et les ingrédients utilisés."
743,33,6,"Es rollt Blütenstaub und Honig zu Kugeln. Je nach
Zutaten und Menge, die es hineinmischt, weisen
sie eine andere Wirkung auf."
743,33,7,"Mezcla polen y néctar para elaborar unas bolas
cuyo efecto varía en función de los ingredientes
usados y de sus proporciones."
743,33,8,"Crea delle sfere di polline e nettare che hanno
effetti diversi a seconda degli ingredienti
usati e della loro quantità."
743,33,9,"It makes pollen puffs from pollen and nectar.
The puffs effects depend on the type of
ingredients and how much of each one is used."
743,33,11,"花粉と 蜜を 混ぜて 団子を
つくる。 調合する 種類や
量に よって 効果が 違う。"
743,34,1,"あめに ぬれることが だいきらい。
くもりがちな ガラルちほうでは
すがたを めったに おがめない。"
743,34,3,"비에 젖는 것을 매우 싫어한다.
흐린 날이 많은 가라르지방에서는
모습을 좀처럼 보기 힘들다."
743,34,5,"Il a horreur dêtre trempé par la pluie.
On ne le voit que très rarement à Galar,
région connue pour son temps couvert."
743,34,6,"Bandelby hassen es, vom Regen nass zu werden.
Da die Galar-Region zu bewölktem Wetter neigt,
lassen sie sich nur selten blicken."
743,34,7,"Detesta verse empapado por la lluvia, por lo que
rara vez se deja ver en la nubosa región de Galar."
743,34,8,"Odia ritrovarsi madido di pioggia. È raro
vederne uno nella regione di Galar, dove
il tempo è spesso nuvoloso."
743,34,9,"Ribombee absolutely hate getting wet or
rained on. In the cloudy Galar region,
they are very seldom seen."
743,34,11,"雨に 濡れることが 大嫌い。
曇りがちな ガラル地方では
姿を めったに 拝めない。"
744,27,1,"よく なつくので しょしんしゃに
おすすめのポケモンと いわれるが
そだつと きしょうは あらくなる。"
744,27,3,"잘 따르기 때문에 초보자에게
추천하는 포켓몬으로 불리지만
크면 기질이 거칠어진다."
744,27,5,"Comme il sattache facilement à son Dresseur,
on le conseille souvent aux débutants, bien quil
ait tendance à devenir plus rebelle avec lâge."
744,27,6,"Dieses sehr zutrauliche Pokémon wird oft
frischgebackenen Trainern empfohlen.
Mit dem Alter wird es jedoch immer wilder."
744,27,7,"Su carácter amigable lo convierte en el Pokémon
ideal para Entrenadores novatos. Sin embargo, al
crecer suele volverse un poco agresivo."
744,27,8,"È ritenuto un Pokémon ideale per Allenatori
alle prime armi perché si affeziona facilmente.
Crescendo, però, tende a diventare aggressivo."
744,27,9,"Its considered to be a good Pokémon for
beginners because of its friendliness, but its
disposition grows rougher as it grows up."
744,27,11,"よく なつくので 初心者に
お勧めのポケモンと いわれるが
育つと 気性は 荒くなる。"
744,28,1,"むかしから ひとと くらしてきた。
トレーナーが かなしんでいると
それを さっして そばを はなれない。"
744,28,3,"옛날부터 사람과 살아왔다.
트레이너가 슬퍼하면
그것을 헤아리고 곁을 떠나지 않는다."
744,28,5,"Ce Pokémon vit depuis toujours avec les
humains. Lorsque son Dresseur est triste, il
reste à ses côtés pour le soutenir moralement."
744,28,6,"Es lebte schon immer mit Menschen zusammen
und kann spüren, wenn sein Trainer traurig ist.
Es weicht dann nicht mehr von seiner Seite."
744,28,7,"Acostumbran a vivir con los humanos desde la
antigüedad. Intuyen si su Entrenador está
triste, en cuyo caso no se despegan de su lado."
744,28,8,"Questo Pokémon vive insieme agli esseri umani
da tempo immemore. Se il suo Allenatore è triste,
resta al suo fianco per sostenerlo."
744,28,9,"This Pokémon has lived with people since times
long ago. It can sense when its Trainer is in the
dumps and will stick close by its Trainers side."
744,28,11,"昔から 人と 暮らしてきた。
トレーナーが 悲しんでいると
それを 察して 側を 離れない。"
744,29,1,"そだつに つれて きしょうは あらく
こうげきてきに なる。 もてあまして
すてる トレーナーも すくなくない。"
744,29,3,"자라면서 거칠고 공격적으로
변한다. 감당이 안 돼서
버리는 트레이너도 적지 않다."
744,29,5,"Il devient de plus en plus sauvage et agressif en
grandissant. Il nest pas rare que son Dresseur
labandonne, ne sachant plus quen faire."
744,29,6,"Mit dem Alter werden sie immer angriffslustiger
und wilder. Trainer, die damit nicht umgehen
können, setzen sie deshalb oft aus."
744,29,7,"A medida que crece, se vuelve más salvaje y
agresivo. No son pocos los Entrenadores que
se deshacen de él por no poder controlarlo."
744,29,8,"Più cresce e più diventa impetuoso e aggressivo.
Non sono pochi gli Allenatori che se ne liberano
quando non sono più in grado di gestirlo."
744,29,9,"As they develop, their disposition grows more
violent and aggressive. Many Trainers find them
too much to handle and abandon them."
744,29,11,"育つに つれて 気性は 荒く
攻撃的に なる。 持て余して
捨てる トレーナーも 少なくない。"
744,30,1,"くびの いわを こすりつけてくるのは
しんあいの あかし。 ただし いわは
するどいので かなり いたいぞ。"
744,30,3,"목에 있는 바위를 비벼대는 것은
친밀하다는 증거다. 단 바위는
날카로워서 꽤 아프다."
744,30,5,"Il frotte les cailloux pointus de son cou
contre son Dresseur en signe daffection.
Cest adorable, mais douloureux."
744,30,6,"Reibt es seinen steinernen Fellkragen an einem
Trainer, ist das ein Zeichen seiner Zuneigung. Da
er jedoch scharf ist, besteht Verletzungsgefahr."
744,30,7,"Restriega las rocas que tiene en el cuello contra
su Entrenador como señal de afecto, pero son
tan puntiagudas que hacen bastante daño."
744,30,8,"Sfrega le appuntite pietre del suo collo
addosso agli altri. È un segno di affetto
abbastanza doloroso!"
744,30,9,"When it rubs the rocks on its neck against you,
thats proof of its love for you. However, the
rocks are sharp, so the gesture is quite painful!"
744,30,11,"首の 岩を こすりつけてくるのは
親愛の 証。 ただし 岩は
鋭いので かなり 痛いぞ。"
744,33,1,"よく なつくが かみぐせが
あるので ずっと そだてるには
なかなか ほねが おれるぞ。"
744,33,3,"잘 따르지만 무는 버릇이
있어 계속 기르기에는
상당한 노력이 필요하다."
744,33,5,"Ce Pokémon sattache vite à son Dresseur,
mais a une fâcheuse tendance à le mordre,
ce qui peut compliquer son entraînement."
744,33,6,"Es ist zwar sehr zutraulich, aber wegen seiner
Angewohnheit zu beißen wird sein Training mit
der Zeit zu einer ziemlichen Herausforderung."
744,33,7,"Se encariña con su Entrenador rápidamente, pero
su tendencia a dar mordiscos hace que dedicarse
a entrenarlo sea una ardua labor."
744,33,8,"Si affeziona facilmente, ma ha tendenza a
mordere il suo Allenatore. Chi ne vuole allenare
uno avrà di certo un bel daffare."
744,33,9,"This Pokémon can bond very strongly with its
Trainer, but it also has a habit of biting. Raising
a Rockruff for a long time can be challenging."
744,33,11,"よく 懐くが 噛み癖が あるので
ずっと 育てるには
なかなか 骨が 折れるぞ。"
744,34,1,"くびのいわを じめんに うちつけ
あいてを いかく。 ひるんだ
しゅんかんに おそいかかるのだ。"
744,34,3,"목의 바위를 땅에 세게 부딪쳐서
상대를 위협한다. 풀이 죽은
순간에 덮친다."
744,34,5,"Il intimide ses ennemis en cognant les rochers
autour de son cou contre le sol. Au premier
signe de faiblesse, il passe à lassaut."
744,34,6,"Mit seinem steinernen Fellkragen schlägt Wuffels
auf den Boden, um Gegner einzuschüchtern.
Schrecken diese zurück, greift es sie sofort an."
744,34,7,"Intimida a los rivales golpeando contra el suelo
las rocas que tiene en el cuello y, tan pronto
como retroceden, se abalanza sobre ellos."
744,34,8,"Intimorisce lavversario battendo a terra le rocce
che ha sul collo e non appena lo vede esitare
si lancia allattacco."
744,34,9,"This Pokémon intimidates opponents by striking
the ground with the rocks on its neck. The
moment an opponent flinches, Rockruff attacks."
744,34,11,"首の岩を 地面に 打ちつけ
相手を 威嚇。
怯んだ 瞬間に 襲いかかるのだ。"
745,27,1,"すばやく うごき てきを まどわす。
ツメや キバの ほか タテガミの
とがった いわも ぶきの ひとつ。"
745,27,3,"재빨리 움직여 적을 어지럽힌다.
발톱이나 이빨 외에 갈기의
뾰족한 바위도 무기의 하나다."
745,27,5,"Il fait tourner en bourrique ses ennemis à cause
de sa vitesse. Outre ses crocs et ses griffes,
il peut compter sur le roc acéré de sa crinière."
745,27,6,"Irritiert seine Feinde mit schnellen Bewegungen.
Als Waffen hat es nicht nur Krallen und Hauer,
sondern auch die spitzen Felsen seiner Mähne."
745,27,7,"Su velocidad desconcierta a sus rivales. Ataca
con garras, colmillos y con las piedras afiladas
de su melena."
745,27,8,"Confonde lavversario grazie alla rapidità dei
movimenti. Oltre ad artigli e zanne, nella lotta si
serve anche delle pietre appuntite della criniera."
745,27,9,"Its quick movements confuse its enemies.
Well equipped with claws and fangs, it also uses
the sharp rocks in its mane as weapons."
745,27,11,"素早く 動き 敵を 惑わす。
ツメや キバの ほか タテガミの
とがった 岩も 武器の ひとつ。"
745,28,1,"ちいさいころから しっかり そだてると
ぜったい トレーナーを うらぎらない
たのもしい あいぼうに なる。"
745,28,3,"어릴 때부터 바르게 키우면
절대 트레이너를 배신하지 않는
믿음직한 동료가 된다."
745,28,5,"Pour peu quon lélève comme il se doit, ce
Pokémon restera à jamais fidèle à son Dresseur
et deviendra son partenaire le plus dévoué."
745,28,6,"Zieht man dieses Pokémon von klein auf groß,
wird es seinen Trainer niemals hintergehen und
ihm stets ein treuer Freund sein."
745,28,7,"Si se lo entrena a conciencia desde temprana
edad, se convierte en un leal compañero que
jamás dejará en la estacada a su Entrenador."
745,28,8,"Se lo si allena nel modo giusto fin dalla tenera
età, diventa un fedele compagno devoto
al proprio Allenatore."
745,28,9,"When properly raised from a young age, it will
become a trustworthy partner that will
absolutely never betray its Trainer."
745,28,11,"小さいころから しっかり 育てると
絶対 トレーナーを 裏切らない
頼もしい 相棒に なる。"
745,29,1,"タテガミのいわは するどく ナイフの
ような きれあじ。 じわじわ えものを
おいつめ よわらせて しとめる。"
745,29,3,"바위로 된 갈기는 날카로운 나이프처럼
잘 잘린다. 천천히 먹이를 궁지로 몰아
약하게 만든 후 숨통을 끊는다."
745,29,5,"Les rocs de sa crinière sont aiguisés comme
des couteaux. Il poursuit patiemment sa cible
pour laffaiblir et lui porter le coup de grâce."
745,29,6,"Seine steinerne Mähne ist scharf wie ein Messer.
Es verfolgt seine Beute mit viel Geduld, bis diese
die Kräfte verlassen, und erlegt sie dann."
745,29,7,"Su melena de piedra es tan afilada como un
cuchillo. Hostiga a su presa sin cesar hasta
agotarla, para luego asestarle el golpe de gracia."
745,29,8,"La sua criniera di roccia è affilata come la lama
di un coltello. Segue la preda senza mai perderla
di vista e quando è stanca le dà il colpo finale."
745,29,9,"The sharp rocks in its mane can cut like knives.
Lycanroc wears its prey down by degrees
before finishing them off."
745,29,11,"タテガミの岩は 鋭く ナイフの
ような 切れ味。 じわじわ 獲物を
追い詰め 弱らせて 仕留める。"
745,30,1,"タテガミの いわは ナイフより
するどい きれあじ。 かけた はへんは
おまもり として たいせつに される。"
745,30,3,"갈기에 있는 바위는 나이프보다
예리하고 날카롭다. 떨어진 파편은
부적으로써 소중히 여겨진다."
745,30,5,"Les rocs de sa crinière sont plus acérés que
des couteaux. Les morceaux qui sen détachent
sont considérés comme des porte-bonheur."
745,30,6,"Seine steinerne Mähne ist schärfer als ein
Messer. Abgebrochene Stücke gelten als
wertvolle Glücksbringer."
745,30,7,"Su melena de piedra es más afilada incluso
que un cuchillo. Los fragmentos que se le
desprenden son muy codiciados como amuleto."
745,30,8,"La sua criniera di roccia è più affilata della lama
di un coltello. Le sue schegge sono considerate
dei preziosi portafortuna."
745,30,9,"The rocks in its mane are sharper than a knife.
Fragments that break off are treasured as
good luck charms."
745,30,11,"タテガミの 岩は ナイフより
鋭い 切れ味。 欠けた 破片は
お守り として 大切に される。"
745,33,1,"れいせい かつ しんちょう。 
たてがみの いわの きれあじは
かみそりのように するどい。"
745,33,3,"냉정하며 신중하다.
갈기의 바위는 잘 드는
면도날처럼 날카롭다."
745,33,5,"Cest un Pokémon calme et prudent.
Les pierres dans sa crinière sont aussi
tranchantes que des lames de rasoir."
745,33,6,"Ein ruhiges Pokémon, das stets mit Bedacht
vorgeht. Seine Steinmähne ist rasiermesserscharf."
745,33,7,"Un Pokémon tranquilo y prudente. Su melena
de piedra es tan afilada como una cuchilla."
745,33,8,"È un Pokémon calmo e prudente. Le rocce della
sua criniera sono affilate come lame di un rasoio."
745,33,9,"This Lycanroc is calm and cautious. The rocks
jutting from its mane are razor sharp."
745,33,11,"冷静 かつ 慎重。
たてがみの 岩の 切れ味は
剃刀のように 鋭い。"
745,34,1,"すばやい うごきで えものを
じわじわ おいつめる。 キバは
つねに きゅうしょを ねらっている。"
745,34,3,"빠른 움직임으로 먹이를
차츰차츰 궁지에 몰아넣는다.
이빨은 항상 급소를 노리고 있다."
745,34,5,"Il poursuit ses proies avec rapidité et patience.
Une fois la cible acculée, il attaque toujours
son point faible avec ses crocs."
745,34,6,"Es treibt seine Beute mit schnellen Bewegungen
geduldig in die Enge. Dann stürzt es sich mit den
Fangzähnen auf deren Schwachpunkt."
745,34,7,"Va acorralando pacientemente a su presa con
movimientos raudos para finalmente clavarle
los colmillos en sus puntos vitales."
745,34,8,"Intrappola gradualmente la preda avvicinandosi
con movimenti rapidi. Le sue zanne mirano dritto
ai punti vitali."
745,34,9,"With swift movements, this Pokémon gradually
backs its prey into a corner. Lycanrocs fangs are
always aimed toward opponents weak spots."
745,34,11,"素早い 動きで 獲物を
じわじわ 追いつめる。 キバは
つねに 急所を 狙っている。"
746,27,1,"ピンチになると めが うるみだし
かがやく。 そのひかりに むれる
なかまと てきに たちむかうのだ。"
746,27,3,"위험해지면 눈을 글썽이면서
반짝인다. 그 빛에 모이는
동료와 함께 적에 대항한다."
746,27,5,"Quand il est dans le pétrin, ses yeux deviennent
luisants. Ses semblables accourent alors et
forment avec lui un banc de combat."
746,27,6,"Gerät es in Not, tränen seine Augen. Ihr Glänzen
lockt Artgenossen an, mit denen es dann im
Verbund den Feind angreift."
746,27,7,"Al sentirse amenazado, sus ojos emiten cierto
brillo, algo que atrae a otros miembros de su
especie, y juntos luchan como un mismo ente."
746,27,8,"Quando è in pericolo, i suoi occhi iniziano
a brillare e il luccichio richiama i suoi simili,
con cui forma un banco per attaccare il nemico."
746,27,9,"When its in trouble, its eyes moisten and begin
to shine. The shining light attracts its comrades,
and they stand together against their enemies."
746,27,11,"ピンチになると 目が 潤みだし
輝く。 その光に 群れる
仲間と 敵に 立ち向かうのだ。"
746,28,1,"とても よわく とても おいしいので
つねに だれからも ねらわれているが
いじめていると ひどいめに あうぞ。"
746,28,3,"너무도 약하고 너무도 맛있어서
항상 모두가 노리지만
괴롭히면 험한 꼴을 당한다."
746,28,5,"Avec son air chétif et sa chair appétissante,
tous les Pokémon en ont après lui... mais ceux
qui ont essayé ont eu des problèmes."
746,28,6,"Ein sehr schwaches und leckeres Pokémon,
auf das es stets irgendjemand abgesehen hat.
Doch Vorsicht: Wer es ärgert, wird dies bereuen!"
746,28,7,"Debido a su aspecto débil y a su apetitoso
sabor, son el blanco de muchos depredadores,
pero quien se las ve con ellos sale mal parado."
746,28,8,"A causa dellaspetto inoffensivo e del sapore
delizioso, attira su di sé molti predatori che però
si pentono regolarmente di averlo importunato."
746,28,9,"Its awfully weak and notably tasty, so everyone
is always out to get it. As it happens, anyone
trying to bully it receives a painful lesson."
746,28,11,"とても 弱く とても 美味しいので
常に 誰からも 狙われているが
いじめていると ひどい目に あうぞ。"
746,29,1,"よわいので むれで こうどう。
だが はぐれて 1ぴきで およぐ
すがたを みかけることも おおい。"
746,29,3,"약해서 무리 지어 행동한다.
하지만 혼자 떨어져서 헤엄치는
모습도 자주 볼 수 있다."
746,29,5,"Il se déplace en banc pour pallier sa faiblesse,
mais il nest pas rare de voir un Froussardine
nager en solitaire."
746,29,6,"Es bewegt sich nur im Schwarm fort, da es sehr
schwach ist. Oft sieht man aber auch einzelne
Exemplare, die vom Schwarm getrennt wurden."
746,29,7,"Se agrupan debido a su manifiesta debilidad,
aunque también se suelen avistar nadando
en solitario, separados de su banco."
746,29,8,"È molto debole, per questo agisce sempre con
il suo banco. Spesso, però, si vedono esemplari
vagare da soli dopo aver perso di vista gli altri."
746,29,9,"Theyre weak, so they move in schools.
However, they can also often be seen all alone,
having strayed from the school."
746,29,11,"弱いので 群れで 行動。
だが はぐれて 1匹で 泳ぐ
姿を 見かけることも 多い。"
746,30,1,"ピンチに なると ひとみを ひからせ
なかまを よぶ。 その ひかりは
40キロメートル さきまで とどく。"
746,30,3,"위험해지면 눈을 반짝여서
동료를 부른다. 그 빛은
40km 밖까지 도달한다."
746,30,5,"Il fait briller ses pupilles pour rameuter
ses congénères lorsque la situation tourne
mal. Le signal est visible à 40 km de distance."
746,30,6,"Bei Gefahr ruft es seine Artgenossen herbei,
indem es seine Augen aufglänzen lässt. Dieses
Licht ist 40 km weit zu sehen."
746,30,7,"Al sentirse amenazado, alerta a sus congéneres
emitiendo un brillo por las pupilas que puede
verse incluso a 40 kilómetros de distancia."
746,30,8,"Quando si trova in difficoltà chiede aiuto ai
suoi compagni emettendo una luce dalle pupille
visibile fino a 40 km di distanza."
746,30,9,"When its in a jam, its shining eyes attract
others of its kind. The light from its eyes is
visible almost 25 miles away."
746,30,11,"ピンチに なると 瞳を 光らせ
仲間を 呼ぶ。 その 光は
40キロメートル 先まで 届く。"
746,33,1,"1ぴきでは とても ひよわなため
むれることで てきに たちむかう
のうりょくを かくとくした。"
746,33,3,"1마리로는 너무나도 허약해서
무리를 지어 상대에게 맞서는
능력을 습득했다."
746,33,5,"Individuellement, ils sont très faibles. Ils ont donc
développé une tactique de déplacement en banc
pour résister aux ennemis."
746,33,6,"Weil es alleine unheimlich schwach ist, hat es die
Fähigkeit erworben, einen Schwarm zu formen.
So kann es sich seinen Gegnern stellen."
746,33,7,"Debido a su manifiesta debilidad cuando van
solos, han adquirido la capacidad de agruparse
en bancos a la hora de enfrentarse a un enemigo."
746,33,8,"Presi singolarmente sono estremamente deboli.
Ciò li ha portati ad acquisire labilità di formare
un banco quando affrontano il nemico."
746,33,9,"Individually, theyre incredibly weak. Its by
gathering up into schools that theyre able
to confront opponents."
746,33,11,"1匹では とても ひ弱なため
群れることで 敵に 立ち向かう
能力を 獲得した。"
746,34,1,"きけんを かんじると めが うるむ。
なみだの ひかりが シグナルとなって
たくさんの なかまが あつまるのだ。"
746,34,3,"위험을 느끼면 눈물을 글썽인다.
눈물의 빛은 그들만의 신호로
신호를 받고 많은 동료가 모인다."
746,34,5,"Ses yeux se mouillent quand il sent le danger
approcher. Le scintillement de ses larmes sert
de signal pour que ses congénères se rassemblent."
746,34,6,"Wenn es Gefahr verspürt, tränen seine Augen.
Das Leuchten der Tränen fungiert als Signal,
mit dem es etliche Artgenossen zu sich ruft."
746,34,7,"Al sentirse amenazado, le lloran los ojos. La luz
que se refleja en sus lágrimas sirve de señal a sus
congéneres para agruparse en gran número."
746,34,8,"Quando percepisce un pericolo gli lacrimano
gli occhi. Lo scintillio delle sue lacrime è un
segnale che indica ai suoi simili di radunarsi."
746,34,9,"When it senses danger, its eyes tear up.
The sparkle of its tears signals other
Wishiwashi to gather."
746,34,11,"危険を 感じると 目が 潤む。
涙の 光りが シグナルとなって
たくさんの 仲間が 集まるのだ。"
747,27,1,"あたまに ある どくトゲで えものを
ズブリ。よわったところを 10ぽんの
しょくしゅで とらえ とどめを さす。"
747,27,3,"머리에 있는 독 가시로 먹이를
찌른다. 약해졌을 때 10개의
촉수로 잡아서 마무리한다."
747,27,5,"Les épines sur sa tête transpercent et
empoisonnent lennemi. Ses dix tentacules
se chargent ensuite du reste."
747,27,6,"Mit seinem Giftstachel am Kopf attackiert es
Beute. Ist diese geschwächt, umschlingt es sie
mit seinen zehn Tentakeln und gibt ihr den Rest."
747,27,7,"Aturde a su presa con los aguijones venenosos
de la cabeza. Cuando esta se debilita, la rodea
con sus diez extremidades y la remata."
747,27,8,"Trafigge e indebolisce le prede con gli aculei
avvelenati sulla testa, per poi immobilizzarle
con i dieci tentacoli e infliggere il colpo di grazia."
747,27,9,"It plunges the poison spike on its head into its
prey. When the prey has weakened, Mareanie
deals the finishing blow with its 10 tentacles."
747,27,11,"頭に ある 毒トゲで 獲物を
ズブリ。 弱ったところを 10本の
触手で 捕らえ 止めを 刺す。"
747,28,1,"かいていや かいがんを はいまわる。
サニーゴの あたまに はえる
サンゴが だいこうぶつ だぞ。"
747,28,3,"해저나 해안을 기어다닌다.
코산호의 머리에서 자라는
산호를 아주 좋아한다."
747,28,5,"Il rampe le long des fonds marins et des plages
de sable. Les cornes de corail des Corayon sont
ses biscuits apéritifs préférés."
747,28,6,"Kriecht auf dem Meeresgrund oder am Strand
herum. Die Korallen, die auf den Köpfen von
Corasonn wachsen, sind seine Leibspeise."
747,28,7,"Reptan por las profundidades marinas o junto a
la costa. Les encantan las ramas de coral que
crecen en la cabeza de los Corsola."
747,28,8,"Si aggira sui fondali marini e sulle spiagge.
È ghiotto dei coralli che crescono sulla testa
dei Corsola."
747,28,9,"Its found crawling on beaches and seafloors.
The coral that grows on Corsolas head is as
good as a five-star banquet to this Pokémon."
747,28,11,"海底や 海岸を はいまわる。
サニーゴの 頭に 生える
サンゴが 大好物だぞ。"
747,29,1,"サニーゴのえだを くうので しぜんに
おちた えだを あつめて かこうする
しょくにんたちに にくまれている。"
747,29,3,"코산호의 가지를 먹기 때문에 자연스럽게
떨어지는 가지를 모아 가공하는
장인들의 미움을 받고 있다."
747,29,5,"Son amour des cornes de Corayon lui vaut
lhostilité des artisans qui les récoltent dans
la nature pour en faire des objets."
747,29,6,"Die Arme von Corasonn sind seine Leibspeise.
Handwerker, die natürlich abgefallene Arme von
Corasonn verarbeiten, mögen sie deshalb nicht."
747,29,7,"Los artesanos intentan exterminarlo porque se
come las ramas de los Corsola, que ellos solo
recogen al desprenderse de forma natural."
747,29,8,"Poiché mangia i coralli dei Corsola, non è visto
di buon occhio dagli artigiani che raccolgono
e lavorano i rametti caduti spontaneamente."
747,29,9,"They eat Corsola branches, so Mareanie are
hated by craftsmen who work with Corsola
branches that have naturally fallen off."
747,29,11,"サニーゴの枝を 食うので 自然に
落ちた 枝を 集めて 加工する
職人たちに 憎まれている。"
747,30,1,"あたま いがいの ばしょ なら
ちぎれても すぐに さいせいする。
ひとばん ねむれば もとどおりだ。"
747,30,3,"머리 이외의 곳이라면
찢겨 나가더라도 금방 재생한다.
하룻밤 자고 나면 원래대로 돌아온다."
747,30,5,"Une nuit lui suffit à régénérer nimporte quelle
partie de son corps, à lexception de sa tête,
et ce, quelle que soit létendue des dégâts."
747,30,6,"Bis auf den Kopf wachsen all seine Körperteile
schnell nach, wenn sie abgetrennt werden.
Dafür muss es nur eine Nacht durchschlafen."
747,30,7,"Salvo la cabeza, cualquier parte del cuerpo que
le arranquen es capaz de regenerarse en tan
solo una noche de descanso."
747,30,8,"A condizione che la testa rimanga intatta, anche
se gli staccano qualche pezzo si rigenera subito.
Dopo una notte di riposo ritorna come nuovo."
747,30,9,"Aside from its head, its body parts
regenerate quickly if theyre cut off. After a
good nights sleep, Mareanie is back to normal."
747,30,11,"頭 以外の 場所 なら
ちぎれても すぐに 再生する。
一晩 眠れば 元通りだ。"
747,33,1,"トゲに さされると まず しびれに
おそわれ やがて かきむしりたくなる
ほどの かゆみに くるしむのだ。"
747,33,3,"가시에 찔리면 먼저 저리기
시작하며 이윽고 마구 긁고 싶을
정도의 가려움에 고통받는다."
747,33,5,"Ses piqûres causent un engourdissement qui
se mue en démangeaisons si terribles quelles
poussent la victime à se gratter jusquau sang."
747,33,6,"Wird man von seinen Stacheln gestochen, setzt
zunächst Taubheit ein, gefolgt von einem nahezu
unerträglich starken Juckreiz."
747,33,7,"La picadura de sus aguijones provoca un
hormigueo que no tarda en convertirse en
una picazón insoportable."
747,33,8,"Chi viene punto dai suoi aculei viene colto
da un formicolio che diventa presto un prurito
747,33,9,"The first symptom of its sting is numbness.
The next is an itching sensation so intense that its
impossible to resist the urge to claw at your skin."
747,33,11,"棘に 刺されると まず 痺れに
襲われ やがて 掻きむしりたくなる
ほどの 痒みに 苦しむのだ。"
747,34,1,"アローラちほうの ヒドイデと ちがい
ガラルの ヒドイデは サニーゴの
えだの おいしさに きづいていない。"
747,34,3,"알로라지방의 시마사리와 달리
가라르의 시마사리는 코산호의
가지의 맛을 아직 모른다."
747,34,5,"Contrairement aux Vorastérie dAlola,
ceux de Galar ne font pas grand cas
des cornes de Corayon."
747,34,6,"Im Gegensatz zu den Garstella in Alola haben
die der Galar-Region noch nicht bemerkt, wie
köstlich die Arme von Corasonn sind."
747,34,7,"A diferencia de sus congéneres de Alola, los
ejemplares de Galar aún no saben lo deliciosas
que están las ramas de Corsola."
747,34,8,"A differenza dei Mareanie di Alola, quelli
di Galar non sanno quanto siano deliziosi
i coralli dei Corsola."
747,34,9,"Unlike their Alolan counterparts, the Mareanie
of the Galar region have not yet figured out
that the branches of Corsola are delicious."
747,34,11,"アローラ地方の ヒドイデと 違い
ガラルの ヒドイデは サニーゴの
枝の 美味しさに 気づいていない。"
748,27,1,"12ほんのあしで かいていを はう。
ドヒドイデの はったあとには
サニーゴのカスが ちらばっている。"
748,27,3,"12개의 다리로 해저를 기어 다닌다.
더시마사리가 기어 다닌 자리에는
코산호의 찌꺼기가 흩어져있다."
748,27,5,"Il arpente le fond des océans du haut de ses
douze pattes, en laissant derrière lui une traînée
de miettes de Corayon."
748,27,6,"Kriecht mit seinen zwölf Beinen über den
Meeresboden. Es hinterlässt oft etliche
Überreste von Corasonn."
748,27,7,"Se arrastra por el lecho marino con sus doce
extremidades. Deja siempre una estela de
restos de Corsola por donde pasa."
748,27,8,"Striscia sui fondali marini con i suoi dodici
tentacoli, lasciando dietro di sé una scia
di resti di Corsola."
748,27,9,"Toxapex crawls along the ocean floor on its
12 legs. It leaves a trail of Corsola bits
scattered in its wake."
748,27,11,"12本の足で 海底を はう。
ドヒドイデの はったあとには
サニーゴのカスが 散らばっている。"
748,28,1,"ドヒドイデの どくに やられると
3か3ばん げきつうに くるしみ
たすかっても こういしょうが のこる。"
748,28,3,"더시마사리의 독에 당하면
3일 밤낮으로 심한 고통에 시달리며
살아나더라도 후유증이 남는다."
748,28,5,"Son poison provoque chez sa victime des
douleurs aiguës pendant trois jours et trois
nuits, et laisse des séquelles irréversibles."
748,28,6,"Wer das Gift von Aggrostella abbekommt,
durchleidet drei schlimme Tage und Nächte.
Überlebende tragen bleibende Schäden davon."
748,28,7,"Los afectados por su veneno sufren dolores
intensos durante tres días y tres noches.
Aunque sobrevivan, las secuelas permanecerán."
748,28,8,"Il suo veleno provoca nella vittima tre giorni
e tre notti di dolori lancinanti, e lascia dei danni
748,28,9,"Those attacked by Toxapexs poison will suffer
intense pain for three days and three nights.
Post-recovery, there will be some aftereffects."
748,28,11,"ドヒドイデの 毒に やられると
3日3晩 激痛に 苦しみ
助かっても 後遺症が 残る。"
748,29,1,"もうどくの トゲを とばして てきを
こうげき。 ちかづいてきた あいては
あしの ツメで なぎはらうぞ。"
748,29,3,"맹독의 가시를 날려서
적을 공격한다. 다가온 상대는
발톱으로 쓸어버린다."
748,29,5,"Il attaque ses ennemis en projetant des épines
empoisonnées, et il utilise ses griffes pour
transpercer ceux qui lapprochent de trop près."
748,29,6,"Es feuert hochgiftige Dornen auf seine Gegner
ab. Kommen sie ihm zu nahe, mäht es sie mit
den Krallen an seinen Beinen nieder."
748,29,7,"Ataca a su enemigo lanzándole unas espinas
extremadamente venenosas. Si este se acerca,
lo acribilla con las garras de sus extremidades."
748,29,8,"Attacca il nemico lanciando aculei velenosi.
Falcia i nemici che gli si avvicinano con gli
artigli dei suoi tentacoli."
748,29,9,"To attack, this Pokémon sends toxic spikes
flying at its enemies. Ones that come close get
mown down by the claws on its feet."
748,29,11,"猛毒の トゲを 飛ばして 敵を
攻撃。 近づいてきた 相手は
足の ツメで 薙ぎ払うぞ。"
748,30,1,"12ほんの あしで なかみを まもる
ドームを つくる。 しおの ながれを
うけないので とても すごしやすいぞ。"
748,30,3,"12개의 다리로 내부를 지키는
돔을 만든다. 조수의 흐름에
영향을 받지 않아 매우 쾌적하다."
748,30,5,"Avec ses douze pattes, il crée un dôme
protecteur qui lui permet de ne pas subir
linfluence des marées."
748,30,6,"Seine zwölf Beine bilden eine schützende
Kuppel, in der es sich gut leben lässt, da das
Innere nicht von der Strömung erfasst wird."
748,30,7,"Sus doce extremidades forman una cúpula que
protege el interior. Este es todo un remanso de
paz, ya que no se ve afectado por las mareas."
748,30,8,"Con i suoi 12 tentacoli, forma una cupola
protettiva che resiste anche alle correnti
marine e assicura un piacevole riparo."
748,30,9,"With its 12 legs, it creates a dome to shelter
within. The flow of the tides doesnt affect
Toxapex in there, so its very comfortable."
748,30,11,"12本の 足で 中身を 守る
ドームを 作る。 潮の 流れを
受けないので とても 過ごしやすいぞ。"
748,33,1,"ガラルちほうの つめたい すいおんに
たえるため あしで ドームを つくり
ないぶを たいおんで あたためる。"
748,33,3,"가라르지방의 차가운 수온을
견디기 위해 다리로 돔을 만든 뒤
체온으로 내부를 덥힌다."
748,33,5,"Pour endurer les températures peu clémentes
de Galar, il forme un dôme hermétique avec
ses pattes pour conserver sa chaleur corporelle."
748,33,6,"Um dem kalten Wasser der Galar-Region zu
trotzen, bilden seine Beine eine Kuppel, deren
Inneres es mittels Körperwärme aufheizt."
748,33,7,"Para resistir las bajas temperaturas de las aguas
de Galar, forma una cúpula con las patas y
calienta el interior con el calor de su cuerpo."
748,33,8,"Per resistere alle basse temperature delle acque
di Galar, forma una cupola con i tentacoli e ne
scalda larea interna col calore del suo corpo."
748,33,9,"To survive in the cold waters of Galar, this
Pokémon forms a dome with its legs, enclosing
its body so it can capture its own body heat."
748,33,11,"ガラル地方の 冷たい 水温に
耐えるため 脚で ドームを つくり
内部を 体温で 温める。"
748,34,1,"ホエルオーも みっかみばん くるしむ
もうどくを たいないの どくぶくろに
たっぷり ためこんでいる。"
748,34,3,"고래왕도 사흘 밤낮 괴로워할 정도의
맹독을 체내 독주머니에
듬뿍 비축하고 있다."
748,34,5,"Sa poche à venin interne regorge dun poison
si violent que même un Wailord en souffrirait
pendant trois jours entiers."
748,34,6,"In dem Giftbeutel in seinem Inneren bewahrt es
große Mengen eines Gifts auf, das selbst einem
Wailord drei Tage und Nächte lang stark zusetzt."
748,34,7,"La bolsa de veneno en el interior de su cuerpo
contiene toxinas tan potentes que provocarían
tres días de dolores intensos hasta a un Wailord."
748,34,8,"La sacca allinterno del suo corpo è piena
di un veleno così potente da far star male
persino un Wailord per tre giorni e tre notti."
748,34,9,"Within the poison sac in its body is a poison so
toxic that Pokémon as large as Wailord will still
be suffering three days after it first takes effect."
748,34,11,"ホエルオーも 三日三晩 苦しむ
猛毒を 体内の 毒袋に
たっぷり 溜めこんでいる。"
749,27,1,"あしに まとわりついた ドロが
グリップに なり ちからづよい
はしりを じつげん しているのだ。"
749,27,3,"다리에 달라붙은 진흙이
다리를 튼튼히 받들어
힘차게 달려나갈 수 있다."
749,27,5,"La boue qui lui colle aux pattes lui sert de
semelle antidérapante. Il peut ainsi courir
à toute allure avec vigueur et assurance."
749,27,6,"Der ganze Schlamm an seinen Füßen sorgt für
die nötige Bodenhaftung, die es für seinen
kraftvollen Lauf braucht."
749,27,7,"El lodo que impregna sus patas le otorga una
fuerte tracción, lo que le permite alcanzar altas
velocidades al correr."
749,27,8,"Il fango attaccato alle zampe gli dà unaderenza
tale da permettergli di lanciarsi in una potente
corsa senza rischio di scivolare."
749,27,9,"The mud stuck to Mudbrays hooves enhances
its grip and its powerful running gait."
749,27,11,"足に まとわりついた 泥が
グリップに なり 力強い
走りを 実現しているのだ。"
749,28,1,"がんこで マイペースな せいかく。
つちを はんで どろを つくって
どろあそび するのが にっか。"
749,28,3,"고집이 세고 제멋대로인 성격이다.
흙을 삼켜서 진흙을 만들어
진흙 장난을 하는 것이 일과다."
749,28,5,"Un Pokémon très têtu, qui aime faire les choses
à son rythme. Il passe ses journées à mâcher de
la terre pour en faire de la boue et jouer avec."
749,28,6,"Ein stures und eigensinniges Pokémon. Verbringt
die Tage damit, Erde zu fressen und Schlamm
daraus zu machen, mit dem es dann spielt."
749,28,7,"Pokémon de naturaleza testaruda y amante de
hacer las cosas a su propio ritmo. Se pasa el
día comiendo arena y chapoteando en el lodo."
749,28,8,"È testardo e fa tutto secondo il suo ritmo.
Passa le giornate a giocare con il fango che
crea mangiando terra."
749,28,9,"It has a stubborn, individualistic disposition.
Eating dirt, making mud, and playing in the mire
all form part of its daily routine."
749,28,11,"頑固で マイペースな 性格。
土を 食んで 泥を つくって
泥遊び するのが 日課。"
749,29,1,"どろあそびが だいすき。 まいにち
どろを あびないと ストレスで
いうことを きかなくなってしまう。"
749,29,3,"진흙 놀이를 매우 좋아한다. 
매일 진흙을 뒤집어쓰지 않으면
스트레스가 쌓여 말을 듣지 않게 된다."
749,29,5,"Il adore jouer dans la boue. Sil ne prend pas
son bain de boue quotidien, il tombe dans un tel
état de stress quil nobéit plus à son Dresseur."
749,29,6,"Es spielt liebend gern im Schlamm. Kann es sich
nicht täglich darin suhlen, hört es vor lauter
Stress nicht mehr auf Befehle seines Trainers."
749,29,7,"Le encanta chapotear en el lodo. Si no recibe su
baño de lodo diario, se vuelve desobediente por
el estrés."
749,29,8,"Adora giocare nel fango. Se non si fa il suo
bagno di fango quotidiano, accumula stress e
non ascolta più le indicazioni del suo Allenatore."
749,29,9,"It loves playing in the mud. If it isnt showered
with mud on a daily basis, it gets stressed
out and stops listening to its Trainer."
749,29,11,"泥遊びが 大好き。 毎日
泥を 浴びないと ストレスで
いうことを 聞かなくなってしまう。"
749,30,1,"かなりの ちからもち。 じぶんの
たいじゅうの 50ばいの にもつを
のせられても まるで へいきだ。"
749,30,3,"상당한 힘을 가졌다. 자신의
체중의 50배에 달하는 짐을
실어도 전혀 아무렇지도 않다."
749,30,5,"Ce Pokémon costaud na aucun mal à porter
des fardeaux pesant cinquante fois son poids."
749,30,6,"Es ist ziemlich stark. Selbst wenn es mit dem
50-fachen seines Gewichts beladen wird,
scheint ihm das nichts auszumachen."
749,30,7,"Posee una fuerza asombrosa. Puede llevar sin
dificultad cargas cuyo peso sea 50 veces
superior al suyo."
749,30,8,"È un Pokémon incredibilmente forte.
Può trasportare pesi 50 volte superiori al suo
come se niente fosse."
749,30,9,"Possessing mighty power, Mudbray can be
loaded with 50 times its own body weight
and will be totally fine."
749,30,11,"かなりの 力持ち。 自分の
体重の 50倍の 荷物を
乗せられても まるで 平気だ。"
749,33,1,"たいじゅうの 50ばいの にもつを
かるがると はこぶ ちからもち。
どろの あつかいに たけている。"
749,33,3,"체중의 50배에 달하는 짐을
가볍게 운반할 정도로 힘이 장사다.
진흙을 다루는 데에 능하다."
749,33,5,"Il est si fort quil peut aisément porter des charges
allant jusquà 50 fois son poids.
Cest un expert dans lart dutiliser la boue."
749,33,6,"Es ist kräftig genug, um problemlos das 50-fache
seines Gewichts tragen zu können. Im Umgang
mit Schlamm ist es sehr geschickt."
749,33,7,"Puede llevar sin dificultad cargas cuyo peso sea
50 veces superior al suyo. Utiliza el lodo con
suma destreza."
749,33,8,"È così forte da riuscire a trasportare carichi
50 volte più pesanti del proprio corpo.
Eccelle nellutilizzo del fango."
749,33,9,"Loads weighing up to 50 times as much as its
own body weight pose no issue for this Pokémon.
Its skilled at making use of mud."
749,33,11,"体重の 50倍の 荷物を
軽々と 運ぶ 力持ち。
泥の 扱いに 長けている。"
749,34,1,"つちを たべて つくった どろを
あしに ぬりつけると あくろでも
すべらず あるけるようになるのだ。"
749,34,3,"흙을 먹어서 만든 진흙을
다리에 바르면 험한 길에서도
미끄러지지 않고 걸을 수 있게 된다."
749,34,5,"Il mâche de la terre pour créer une boue dont
il senduit les jambes. Celle-ci lui permet alors
darpenter même les routes accidentées."
749,34,6,"Es frisst Erde und verwandelt sie in Schlamm, den
es an seine Hufe schmiert. Damit kann es selbst
unwegsames Gelände ohne Rutschen überqueren."
749,34,7,"Tras recubrir sus patas con el lodo que crea
masticando tierra, puede recorrer los peores
caminos sin temor a resbalar."
749,34,8,"Ricoprendosi le zampe con il fango che produce
masticando terra riesce a percorrere senza
scivolare anche i sentieri più accidentati."
749,34,9,"It eats dirt to create mud and smears this mud all
over its feet, giving them the grip needed to walk
on rough terrain without slipping."
749,34,11,"土を 食べて つくった 泥を
脚に 塗りつけると 悪路でも
滑らず 歩けるようになるのだ。"
750,27,1,"くちから はく ドロは かたまると
あめかぜにも つよいので むかしの
いえの かべには よくぬられている。"
750,27,3,"입에서 뱉어내는 진흙이 굳으면
비바람에도 끄떡없어 옛날
집의 벽에는 자주 발려 있었다."
750,27,5,"Une fois sèche, la boue quil crache reste solide
même sous le vent et la pluie. Elle était autrefois
très utilisée dans les revêtements muraux."
750,27,6,"Der Schlamm, den es ausspuckt, schützt gegen
Wind und Wetter, wenn er hart wird. Deshalb hat
man früher auch Hauswände damit verstärkt."
750,27,7,"El lodo que segrega por la boca se vuelve
impermeable al secarse, por lo que solía usarse
como capa aislante en las paredes de las casas."
750,27,8,"Una volta essiccato, il fango che produce
dalla bocca resiste alla pioggia e al vento, tanto
che un tempo vi si rivestivano i muri delle case."
750,27,9,"It spits a mud that provides resistance to both
wind and rain, so the walls of old houses were
often coated with it."
750,27,11,"口から 吐く 泥は 固まると
雨風にも 強いので 昔の
家の 壁には よく塗られている。"
750,28,1,"どろを まとった おもたい キックが
とくい こうげき。 おおがたトラックも
かんたんに スクラップに するぞ。"
750,28,3,"진흙을 두른 묵직한 킥이
특기 공격. 대형 트럭도
간단하게 고철이 되고 만다."
750,28,5,"Cest le spécialiste du gros coup de sabot
boueux. Grâce à cela, il peut facilement réduire
un camion entier en un tas de ferraille."
750,28,6,"Sein wohl bester Angriff ist ein heftiger,
schlammiger Tritt. Damit kann es auch
große Laster mühelos verschrotten."
750,28,7,"Su especialidad son los ataques a base de
patadas con lodo endurecido, con las que puede
reducir a chatarra un camión de gran tamaño."
750,28,8,"È particolarmente bravo a sferrare calci con le
zampe infangate, così potenti da ridurre in un
ammasso di ferraglia persino un grosso camion."
750,28,9,"Its heavy, mud-covered kicks are its best
means of attack, and it can reduce large trucks
to scrap without breaking a sweat."
750,28,11,"泥を まとった 重たい キックが
得意 攻撃。 大型トラックも
簡単に スクラップに するぞ。"
750,29,1,"なにごとにも どうじず ものしずか。
くちに ふくんだ つちと だえきを
まぜて とくしゅな どろを つくる。"
750,29,3,"어떤 일에도 동요하지 않고 차분하다.
입에 머금은 흙과 침을 섞어
특수한 진흙을 만든다."
750,29,5,"Il reste calme et impassible en toutes
circonstances. Il mélange sa salive à de la terre
pour créer une boue spéciale dans sa bouche."
750,29,6,"Dieses unerschütterliche und stets gelassene
Pokémon produziert aus seinem Speichel und
Erde einen speziellen Schlamm in seinem Maul."
750,29,7,"No se inmuta por nada. Mastica tierra y la
mezcla con su saliva para crear un lodo singular."
750,29,8,"Rimane calmo e imperturbabile in qualsiasi
circostanza. Produce un fango speciale
mescolando nella sua bocca terra e saliva."
750,29,9,"It remains calm and unmoving no matter the
situation. It mixes dirt with the saliva in its
mouth to make a special kind of mud."
750,29,11,"何事にも 動じず 物静か。
口に 含んだ 土と 唾液を
混ぜて 特殊な 泥を 作る。"
750,30,1,"10トン ある にもつを ひきながら
みっかみばん やすまずに やまみちを
あるきつづけることが できるのだ。"
750,30,3,"10톤이나 되는 짐을 끌면서
삼일 밤낮 쉬지 않고
산길을 걸을 수 있다."
750,30,5,"Il peut parcourir les chemins de montagne
pendant trois jours et trois nuits en tirant
un fardeau de dix tonnes sans se reposer."
750,30,6,"Es kann drei Tage und Nächte lang eine Last von
zehn Tonnen über Bergpfade ziehen, ohne eine
Pause einlegen zu müssen."
750,30,7,"Aguanta tres días y tres noches portando
cargas de diez toneladas por caminos de
montaña sin un solo descanso."
750,30,8,"È in grado di percorrere strade di montagna
per tre giorni e tre notti senza fermarsi
trainando dei carichi di ben 10 tonnellate."
750,30,9,"It can trudge mountain roads without rest
for three days and three nights, all the while
dragging a 10-ton load."
750,30,11,"10トン ある 荷物を 引きながら
三日三晩 休まずに 山道を
歩き続けることが できるのだ。"
750,33,1,"どろで かためた あしは いわよりも
かたくなり いちげきで トラックを
はかいする いりょくを うみだす。"
750,33,3,"진흙으로 굳힌 다리는 바위보다도
단단해져서 일격에 트럭을
파괴할 정도의 위력을 보인다."
750,33,5,"Il recouvre ses jambes dune croûte de boue,
les rendant ainsi plus dures que la pierre. Il peut
alors détruire un camion dun seul coup de jambe."
750,33,6,"Durch Schlamm werden seine Beine härter als
Stein. Ein Angriff mit ihnen verfügt über genug
Wucht, um einen Lastwagen zu zerstören."
750,33,7,"Cuando el lodo que recubre sus patas se seca,
estas se vuelven más duras que una roca. Puede
reducir a chatarra un camión con una sola coz."
750,33,8,"Il fango secco che ricopre le sue zampe è più
duro della pietra. È così forte da fare a pezzi
un camion con un calcio solo."
750,33,9,"Mud that hardens around a Mudsdales legs
sets harder than stone. Its so hard that it allows
this Pokémon to scrap a truck with a single kick."
750,33,11,"泥で 固めた 脚は 岩よりも
硬くなり 一撃で トラックを
破壊する 威力を 生み出す。"
750,34,1,"10トンを こえる にもつを ひいて
ふみんふきゅうで ガラルちほうを
じゅうだんできる じきゅうりょく。"
750,34,3,"10톤이 넘는 짐을 끌고
자지도 쉬지도 않고 가라르지방을
종단할 수 있는 지구력이 있다."
750,34,5,"Il a assez dendurance pour arpenter tout Galar
sans relâche en tirant des charges dépassant
les dix tonnes."
750,34,6,"Es verfügt über genügend Ausdauer, um eine
über zehn Tonnen schwere Last ohne Pause
durch die gesamte Galar-Region zu ziehen."
750,34,7,"Su resistencia le permitiría recorrer Galar de
punta a punta sin un solo descanso portando
cargas de más de diez toneladas."
750,34,8,"È così resistente da poter attraversare lintera
regione di Galar trainando carichi di oltre
10 tonnellate senza mai riposarsi."
750,34,9,"Mudsdale has so much stamina that it could carry
over 10 tons across the Galar region without rest
or sleep."
750,34,11,"10トンを 超える 荷物を 引いて
不眠不休で ガラル地方を
縦断できる 持久力。"
751,27,1,"エサを もとめ ちじょうに あがる。
すいほうを かぶるのは こきゅうと
やわらかい あたまを まもるため。"
751,27,3,"먹이를 찾아서 지상으로 올라온다.
수포를 뒤집어쓴 것은 호흡과
부드러운 머리를 보호하기 위해서다."
751,27,5,"Il lui arrive daller chercher sa nourriture sur
la terre ferme. Sa bulle lui sert alors aussi bien
à respirer quà protéger sa tête molle."
751,27,6,"Die Futtersuche treibt es an Land. Eine
Wasserblase versorgt es mit Atemluft und
schützt zugleich seinen weichen Kopf."
751,27,7,"Emerge a la superficie para alimentarse.
La burbuja con la que se rodea le sirve para
respirar y proteger su delicada cabeza."
751,27,8,"Sale sulla terraferma in cerca di prede.
La sua bolla dacqua gli permette di respirare
e protegge la sua testa molle."
751,27,9,"It crawls onto the land in search of food.
Its water bubble allows it to breathe and
protects its soft head."
751,27,11,"餌を 求め 地上に あがる。
水泡を 被るのは 呼吸と
柔らかい 頭を 守るため。"
751,28,1,"えものや てきを みつけると
あたまに かぶった すいほうを
はじいて みずを ぶつけるぞ。"
751,28,3,"먹이나 적을 발견하면
머리에 쓴 수포를
튕겨서 물을 맞힌다."
751,28,5,"Dès quil tombe sur une proie ou un prédateur,
il ouvre les hostilités en lui lançant de leau
provenant de la bulle qui entoure sa tête."
751,28,6,"Wenn es Beute oder Feinde erspäht hat, lässt
es die Wasserblase auf seinem Kopf platzen
und bespritzt sein Gegenüber mit Wasser."
751,28,7,"Si se topa con una presa o un enemigo, le lanza
un chorro de agua desde la burbuja con la que
se protege la cabeza."
751,28,8,"Quando avvista delle prede o dei nemici,
li attacca scagliando contro di loro lacqua
della bolla che ha in testa."
751,28,9,"When it comes across enemies or potential prey,
this Pokémon smashes its
water-bubble-covered head into them."
751,28,11,"獲物や 敵を 見つけると
頭に 被った 水泡を
弾いて 水を ぶつけるぞ。"
751,29,1,"シズクモどうしが であうと あたまの
すいほうを じまんし アピールする。
ちいさな ほうが みちを ゆずる。"
751,29,3,"물거미끼리 만나면 머리의
수포를 자랑하며 어필한다.
작은 쪽이 뒤로 물러난다."
751,29,5,"Quand deux Araqua se croisent, ils comparent
la taille de leur bulle. Celui qui a la plus petite
doit céder le passage."
751,29,6,"Stehen sich zwei Araqua im Weg, vergleichen sie
die Wasserblasen auf ihrem Kopf. Das mit der
kleineren Blase macht dann dem anderen Platz."
751,29,7,"Si se encuentran dos ejemplares de la especie,
comparan el tamaño de sus burbujas.
El perdedor ha de ceder el paso."
751,29,8,"Quando due Dewpider si incontrano, mettono
in mostra con orgoglio la bolla sulla loro testa.
Chi ha quella più piccola cede il passo."
751,29,9,"When two Dewpider meet, they display their
water bubbles to each other. Then the one with
the smaller bubble gets out of the others way."
751,29,11,"シズクモ同士が 出会うと 頭の
水泡を 自慢し アピールする。
小さな 方が 道を 譲る。"
751,30,1,"みずの なかに とけた さんそしか
すえないので すいほうを かぶって
りくちを あるきまわるのだ。"
751,30,3,"물속에 녹아 있는 산소로만
호흡할 수 있어서 수포를 쓰고
육지를 돌아다닌다."
751,30,5,"Loxygène contenu dans leau étant le seul
quil puisse respirer, il met toujours sa tête
dans une bulle quand il est sur la terre ferme."
751,30,6,"Es kann nur Sauerstoff einatmen, der in Wasser
gelöst ist. Deshalb hüllt es seinen Kopf immer in
eine Wasserblase, wenn es an Land geht."
751,30,7,"Solo puede respirar el oxígeno presente en el
agua, por lo que utiliza una burbuja para
respirar en tierra firme."
751,30,8,"Può respirare solo lossigeno contenuto
nellacqua. Sulla terraferma, tiene sempre la
testa dentro la sua bolla."
751,30,9,"It can only breathe oxygen that has dissolved in
water, so it wears a water bubble on its head
when it walks around on land."
751,30,11,"水の 中に 溶けた 酸素しか
吸えないので 水泡を 被って
陸地を 歩きまわるのだ。"
751,33,1,"おしりで すいほうを ふくらませて
あたまを つつむ。 なかまどうしで
すいほうの おおきさを くらべる。"
751,33,3,"엉덩이로 수포를 부풀려서
머리를 감싼다. 동료끼리
수포의 크기를 비교한다."
751,33,5,"Il enveloppe sa tête dans une bulle deau quil
a gonflée avec son abdomen. Il aime en comparer
la taille avec celles de ses congénères."
751,33,6,"Mit dem Hinterleib füllt es eine Wasserblase auf
und hüllt seinen Kopf darin ein. Trifft es andere
Araqua, vergleichen sie ihre Wasserblasengröße."
751,33,7,"Crea una burbuja de agua con el abdomen y se
cubre la cabeza con ella. Si dos ejemplares se
encuentran, comparan el tamaño de sus burbujas."
751,33,8,"Con laddome gonfia una bolla dacqua in cui
tiene infilata la testa. Fa a gara con gli altri
Dewpider a chi ha la bolla più grande."
751,33,9,"It forms a water bubble at the rear of its body
and then covers its head with it. Meeting another
Dewpider means comparing water-bubble sizes."
751,33,11,"お尻で 水泡を 膨らませて
頭を 包む。 仲間同士で
水泡の 大きさを 比べる。"
751,34,1,"ふだんは みずの なかで せいかつ
しているが エサを さがしに りくに
あがるときは すいほうを かぶる。"
751,34,3,"평소에는 물속에서 생활하지만
먹이를 찾으러 육지로
올라올 때는 수포를 뒤집어쓴다."
751,34,5,"Il vit principalement dans leau, mais sil a besoin
de saventurer sur la terre ferme pour chasser
ses proies, il protège sa tête avec une bulle deau."
751,34,6,"Es verlässt das Wasser nur selten. Wenn es auf
Futtersuche an Land kommt, hüllt es seinen Kopf
in eine Wasserblase."
751,34,7,"Vive bajo el agua y, cuando emerge a tierra firme
en busca de presas, se recubre la cabeza con una
751,34,8,"Vive principalmente in acqua. Quando sale
sulla terraferma in cerca di cibo ricopre la sua
testa con una bolla dacqua."
751,34,9,"Dewpider normally lives underwater. When it
comes onto land in search of food, it takes
water with it in the form of a bubble on its head."
751,34,11,"普段は 水の 中で 生活
しているが エサを 探しに 陸に
上がるときは 水泡を かぶる。"
752,27,1,"とうぶの すいほうで ヘッドバット。
ちいさなポケモンで あれば そのまま
すいほうに とりこまれ おぼれしぬ。"
752,27,3,"두부의 수포로 박치기한다.
작은 포켓몬이라면 그대로
수포에 싸여 익사한다."
752,27,5,"Il se bat en donnant des «coups de bulle».
Les plus petits Pokémon peuvent se retrouver
piégés à lintérieur de sa bulle et mourir noyés."
752,27,6,"Es verteilt mit seiner Wasserblase Kopfstöße.
Kleine Pokémon werden dabei hineingezogen
und ertrinken."
752,27,7,"Propina cabezazos con su burbuja. Los
Pokémon de menor tamaño quedan atrapados
en su interior y perecen ahogados."
752,27,8,"Usa la bolla dacqua sulla testa per dare delle
testate. I Pokémon di piccola taglia vengono
direttamente intrappolati nella bolla e affogano."
752,27,9,"It delivers headbutts with the water bubble
on its head. Small Pokémon get sucked into
the bubble, where they drown."
752,27,11,"頭部の 水泡で ヘッドバット。
小さなポケモンで あれば そのまま
水泡に 取り込まれ 溺れ死ぬ。"
752,28,1,"みかけに よらず めんどうみが いい。
よわく ちいさな なかまを みつけると
すいほうの なかに いれて まもる。"
752,28,3,"겉보기와 다르게 주위를 잘 챙긴다.
작고 약한 동료를 발견하면
수포 안에 넣어서 지킨다."
752,28,5,"Bien plus attentionné quil ny paraît, il nhésite
pas à recueillir dans sa bulle ses camarades
plus petits et fragiles."
752,28,6,"Es ist fürsorglicher, als es aussieht. Findet es
einen kleinen, schwachen Artgenossen, gewährt
es ihm Einlass in seine Wasserblase."
752,28,7,"Es más atento de lo que parece. Si encuentra
a uno de los suyos débil o vulnerable, lo protege
envolviéndolo con su burbuja."
752,28,8,"Nonostante lapparenza, è molto protettivo.
Quando trova dei suoi simili più piccoli e deboli,
li accoglie nella sua bolla dacqua."
752,28,9,"Despite what its appearance suggests, it cares
for others. If it finds vulnerable, weak Pokémon,
it protectively brings them into its water bubble."
752,28,11,"見かけに よらず 面倒見が いい。
弱く 小さな 仲間を 見つけると
水泡の 中に 入れて 守る。"
752,29,1,"ふだんは みずのなかで すごす。
まんぷくの とき しとめた えものは
あたまの すいほうに しまっておく。"
752,29,3,"평소에는 물 안에서 지낸다.
배가 부를 때는 숨통을 끊은 먹이를
머리의 수포에 넣어 둔다."
752,29,5,"Il passe la plupart de son temps dans leau.
Sil est rassasié, il peut conserver ses proies
dans sa bulle pour les manger plus tard."
752,29,6,"Es verlässt das Wasser nur sehr selten. Wenn es
satt ist, bewahrt es erledigte Beute in der
Wasserblase auf seinem Kopf auf."
752,29,7,"Pasa la mayor parte del tiempo en el agua.
Si atrapa alguna presa sin tener hambre,
la almacena en la burbuja de su cabeza."
752,29,8,"Se ne sta per lo più in acqua. Quando è sazio,
conserva le prede che ha catturato nella bolla
che ha in testa."
752,29,9,"It usually passes its time in the water. When its
belly is full, it stores its subdued prey in the
water bubble on its head."
752,29,11,"普段は 水の中で 過ごす。
満腹の とき 仕留めた 獲物は
頭の 水泡に 仕舞っておく。"
752,30,1,"だいじなものを すいほうに しまう
しゅうせいがある。 ちゅういしないと
トレーナーも しまおうとしてくるぞ。"
752,30,3,"중요한 것을 수포에 넣어 두는
습성이 있다. 주의하지 않으면
트레이너도 넣어 두려 한다."
752,30,5,"Il a pour habitude denfermer ce qui lui est cher
dans sa bulle. Si son Dresseur nest pas vigilant,
Tarenbulle essaiera de ly ranger lui aussi!"
752,30,6,"Dinge, die ihm wichtig sind, pflegt es in seiner
Wasserblase aufzubewahren. Dazu gehört auch
sein Trainer, wenn dieser nicht aufpasst."
752,30,7,"Guarda en su burbuja todo lo que le es
preciado. También intentará atrapar a su
Entrenador si este se descuida."
752,30,8,"Conserva le cose importanti nella sua bolla
dacqua. Potrebbe provare a metterci anche
il suo Allenatore, se questo non sta attento."
752,30,9,"It has a habit of storing things it values in its
water bubble. If its Trainer doesnt watch out,
Araquanid will try to put them in its bubble!"
752,30,11,"大事なものを 水泡に 仕舞う
習性がある。 注意しないと
トレーナーも 仕舞おうとしてくるぞ。"
752,33,1,"あしで すいほうを とばして
えものを つつみこみ おぼれさせる。
じかんを かけて あじわうのだ。"
752,33,3,"다리로 수포를 날려서
먹이를 감싼 다음 익사시킨다.
그리고는 시간을 들여 천천히 음미한다."
752,33,5,"Il piège ses proies dans des bulles quil lance
avec ses pattes. Une fois quelles se sont noyées,
il prend son temps pour les déguster."
752,33,6,"Mit seinen Beinen verschießt es Wasserblasen,
um Beute darin einzuschließen und zu ertränken.
Dann verspeist es sie in aller Ruhe."
752,33,7,"Usa las patas para lanzar burbujas de agua con
las que atrapa y ahoga a sus presas. Luego se
toma su tiempo para saborearlas."
752,33,8,"Con le zampe lancia bolle dacqua contro
la preda per farla annegare. Dopo averla
catturata, se la gusta senza fretta."
752,33,9,"It launches water bubbles with its legs, drowning
prey within the bubbles. This Pokémon can then
take its time to savor its meal."
752,33,11,"脚で 水泡を 飛ばして
獲物を 包みこみ 溺れさせる。
時間を かけて 味わうのだ。"
752,34,1,"あたまの すいほうの なかに
シズクモを いれて えさの のこりを
たべさせながら せわを するのだ。"
752,34,3,"머리의 수포 안에
물거미를 넣어 남은 먹이를
먹이면서 돌봐준다."
752,34,5,"Il prend soin de petits Araqua en les abritant
dans sa bulle et en les laissant grignoter
les restes de ses repas."
752,34,6,"Es lässt Araqua in der Wasserblase um seinen
Kopf Platz nehmen und kümmert sich um es,
indem es ihm Futterreste überlässt."
752,34,7,"Cuida de pequeños Dewpider acogiéndolos en
su burbuja de agua y dejando que se alimenten
de los restos de las presas que ha ingerido."
752,34,8,"Tiene un Dewpider nella bolla e se ne prende
cura lasciando che si nutra dei suoi avanzi."
752,34,9,"It acts as a caretaker for Dewpider, putting them
inside its bubble and letting them eat any
leftover food."
752,34,11,"頭の 水泡の 中に
シズクモを 入れて エサの 残りを
食べさせながら 世話を するのだ。"
753,27,1,"ひるまは ひかりをあびて ねむり
よるに なると より あんぜんな
ねどこを さがし あるきだす。"
753,27,3,"낮에는 빛을 쐬어 자고
밤이 되면 더욱 안전한
잠자리를 찾아 걸어 다닌다."
753,27,5,"La journée, il passe son temps à flâner au soleil
et à faire la sieste. Le soir venu, il part à la
recherche dun lieu plus sûr pour passer la nuit."
753,27,6,"Mittags badet es in der Sonne und hält
Nickerchen. Nachts muss es sich aber einen
sichereren Schlafplatz suchen und zieht los."
753,27,7,"Mientras que de día duerme tranquilamente a la
luz del sol, al caer la noche busca un sitio más
seguro para dormir."
753,27,8,"Di giorno dorme sotto il sole, mentre di notte
si mette in cerca di un posto più sicuro
per continuare a dormire."
753,27,9,"During the day, it sleeps and soaks up light.
When night falls, it walks around looking
for a safer place to sleep."
753,27,11,"昼間は 光を浴びて 眠り
夜に なると より 安全な
寝床を 探し 歩き出す。"
753,28,1,"さわやかで あまいかおりが する。
カリキリが かくれている くさむらには
よく アブリーが むれている。"
753,28,3,"산뜻하고 달콤한 향기가 난다.
짜랑랑이 숨어있는 풀밭에는
곧잘 에블리가 무리 지어있다."
753,28,5,"Le corps de Mimantis dégage un léger parfum
sucré, qui a le don dattirer les Bombydou dans
les hautes herbes où il se cache."
753,28,6,"Dieses Pokémon duftet frisch und lieblich.
Im hohen Gras, wo sich Imantis gern versteckt,
halten sich oft auch viele Wommel auf."
753,28,7,"Desprende un aroma fresco y dulce. En la hierba
alta donde se esconde también suelen acudir
753,28,8,"Emana un odore fresco e dolce. Quando si
nasconde nellerba alta, attira dei Cutiefly
che gli si radunano intorno."
753,28,9,"They give off a sweet and refreshing scent.
Cutiefly often gather near the tall grass where
Fomantis are hiding."
753,28,11,"爽やかで 甘い香りが する。
カリキリが 隠れている 草むらには
よく アブリーが 群れている。"
753,29,1,"ひが のぼると 4まいの はっぱを
ひろげ にっこうよく。 あたまの
さきから いい においが するよ。"
753,29,3,"해가 뜨면 4장의 잎을
펼치고 일광욕한다.
머리끝에서 좋은 냄새가 난다."
753,29,5,"Quand le jour se lève, il déploie ses quatre
feuilles pour prendre un bain de soleil.
Une odeur agréable émane du haut de sa tête."
753,29,6,"Scheint die Sonne, streckt es seine vier Blätter
von sich und badet im Licht. Von seiner
Kopfspitze geht ein angenehmer Duft aus."
753,29,7,"Al salir el sol, expande sus cuatro hojas
buscando la luz. De su cabeza emana un
agradable aroma."
753,29,8,"Quando esce il sole dispiega le sue quattro
foglie per assorbirne la luce. Il suo capo emana
un profumo molto gradevole."
753,29,9,"When the sun rises, Fomantis spreads its four
leaves and bathes in the sunlight. The tip of its
head has a pleasant aroma."
753,29,11,"日が 昇ると 4枚の 葉っぱを
広げ 日光浴。 頭の
先から いい 匂いが するよ。"
753,30,1,"おひさまの ひかりが だいすき。
しっかり にっこうよくを することで
いろあざやかに そだっていくのだ。"
753,30,3,"햇빛을 매우 좋아한다.
착실하게 일광욕을 하면
선명한 빛으로 자란다."
753,30,5,"Il raffole de la lumière du jour. Sa couleur devient
de plus en plus vive à mesure quil sabreuve
des rayons du soleil."
753,30,6,"Es liebt Sonnenlicht. Gönnt es sich regelmäßig
Sonnenbäder, blüht es in prächtigen, satten
Farben auf."
753,30,7,"Le encanta la luz solar. Cuanto más toma el sol,
más llamativos son los colores que desarrolla."
753,30,8,"Adora la luce del sole. Più resta esposto al sole,
più i suoi colori si fanno vividi."
753,30,9,"It loves the sunshine. When it basks in the
sunlight regularly, it grows up with
vivid coloration."
753,30,11,"お日様の 光が 大好き。
しっかり 日光浴を することで
色鮮やかに 育っていくのだ。"
753,33,1,"たいようの ひかりを あびると
あまく よいかおりが するので
むしポケモンたちが よってくる。"
753,33,3,"태양 빛을 받으면
달콤하고 좋은 향기가 나서
벌레포켓몬들이 모여든다."
753,33,5,"Il dégage une odeur délicieuse quand il prend
le soleil, ce qui attire tous les Pokémon Insecte
des alentours."
753,33,6,"Wenn es im Sonnenlicht badet, gibt es einen
lieblichen Duft ab, durch den Käfer-Pokémon
angelockt werden."
753,33,7,"Cuando toma el sol, desprende un aroma muy
dulce y agradable que atrae a multitud de
Pokémon insecto."
753,33,8,"Quando è esposto alla luce del sole emette
un dolce profumo che attrae i Pokémon di tipo
753,33,9,"When bathed in sunlight, this Pokémon emits a
pleasantly sweet scent, which causes bug
Pokémon to gather around it."
753,33,11,"太陽の 光を 浴びると
甘く よい香りが するので
虫ポケモンたちが 寄ってくる。"
753,34,1,"ひるまは ひの ひかりを あび
すやすやと ねむる。 よなかに
めを さまし かつどうを はじめる。"
753,34,3,"낮에는 햇빛을 받으며
새근새근 잔다. 한밤중에
잠에서 깨어 활동을 시작한다."
753,34,5,"La journée, il dort tranquillement au soleil pour
en absorber les rayons. La nuit, il se réveille et
vaque à ses occupations."
753,34,6,"Tagsüber badet Imantis im Sonnenlicht und hält
Nickerchen. Nachts wacht es auf und wird aktiv."
753,34,7,"De día duerme tranquilamente a la luz del sol y,
al ocaso, despierta e inicia su actividad nocturna."
753,34,8,"Trascorre le giornate a dormire tranquillo sotto
il sole. Quando giunge la notte si sveglia e si
mette in movimento."
753,34,9,"During the day, Fomantis basks in sunlight and
sleeps peacefully. It wakes and moves around
at night."
753,34,11,"昼間は 陽の 光を 浴び
すやすやと 眠る。 夜中に
目を 覚まし 活動を はじめる。"
754,27,1,"あざやかな たいしょくを たもつには
ひじょうに てまが かかるが それを
しゅみにする こうずかも いるのだ。"
754,27,3,"선명한 몸의 색을 유지하기 위해서
굉장히 손이 가지만 그것을
취미로 하는 유별난 사람도 있다."
754,27,5,"Préserver ses couleurs éclatantes requiert
un travail titanesque. On trouve tout de même
des gens assez fous pour sy atteler."
754,27,6,"Es erfordert viel Arbeit, seine Farbenpracht zu
erhalten, doch zum Glück gibt es Passionierte,
die den hohen Aufwand nicht scheuen."
754,27,7,"Dedica mucho tiempo y esfuerzo a acicalarse
y preservar sus vivos colores. A algunos
ejemplares incluso les lleva todo el día."
754,27,8,"Passano la maggior parte del tempo a curare
i colori vivaci del loro corpo, tanto che per alcuni
di essi è un piacevole hobby a tempo pieno."
754,27,9,"It requires a lot of effort to maintain Lurantiss
vivid coloring, but some collectors enjoy this
work and treat it as their hobby."
754,27,11,"鮮やかな 体色を 保つには
非常に 手間が かかるが それを
趣味にする 好事家も いるのだ。"
754,28,1,"カマじょうの はなびらから ビームを
はなつ。 ぶあつい てっぱんも
まっぷたつに せつだんする いりょく。"
754,28,3,"낫 모양의 꽃잎에서 빔을
발사한다. 두꺼운 철판도
두 동강 나는 위력이다."
754,28,5,"Ses pétales en forme de faux envoient des
rayons capables de couper un bloc de métal
en deux avec une facilité déconcertante."
754,28,6,"Kann aus seinen sichelförmigen Blättern
einen Strahl abschießen, der selbst eine
Eisenplatte zerschneidet."
754,28,7,"Sus pétalos en forma de guadaña liberan un rayo
con una potencia capaz de partir por la mitad
una plancha de hierro bien gruesa."
754,28,8,"Dai suoi petali a forma di falce sprigiona
un raggio capace di tranciare in due una
spranga di ferro."
754,28,9,"It fires beams from its sickle-shaped petals.
These beams are powerful enough to cleave
through thick metal plates."
754,28,11,"鎌状の 花びらから ビームを
放つ。 分厚い 鉄板も
真っ二つに 切断する 威力。"
754,29,1,"むしポケモンの ふりを するのは
みを まもるため。 りょううでの
はなびらは するどい きれあじ。"
754,29,3,"벌레포켓몬인 척하는 것은
몸을 지키기 위해서다. 양팔의
꽃잎은 예리해서 잘 자른다."
754,29,5,"Cest pour se protéger quil se fait passer pour
un Pokémon Insecte. Les pétales de ses bras
sont extrêmement coupants."
754,29,6,"Es tarnt sich zu seinem eigenen Schutz als
Käfer-Pokémon. Die Blütenblätter an seinen
beiden Armen sind scharfkantig."
754,29,7,"Se hace pasar por Pokémon de tipo Bicho como
mecanismo de defensa. Los pétalos de sus
brazos tienen un filo muy agudo."
754,29,8,"Cerca di farsi passare per Pokémon Coleottero
per proteggersi. I petali delle sue braccia sono
estremamente affilati."
754,29,9,"For self-protection, it pretends to be a bug
Pokémon. Both of its arms bear
keen-edged petals."
754,29,11,"むしポケモンの ふりを するのは
身を 守るため。 両腕の
花びらは 鋭い 切れ味。"
754,30,1,"まいを まうように てきを きりさく。
みやびな すがた から もっとも
あでやかな くさポケモンと よばれる。"
754,30,3,"춤추듯 적을 베어 가른다.
우아한 모습 때문에 가장
아름다운 풀포켓몬이라 불린다."
754,30,5,"Sa façon de trancher ses ennemis ressemble
à une danse. Son élégance lui a valu le titre
de «plus beau Pokémon Plante»."
754,30,6,"Es schlitzt Gegner mit tänzelnden Angriffen auf.
Dank seiner Eleganz wird es auch als das
anmutigste aller Pflanzen-Pokémon bezeichnet."
754,30,7,"Corta al rival con movimientos que recuerdan a
una danza. Su elegancia lo ha dado a conocer
como el Pokémon de tipo Planta más fascinante."
754,30,8,"Trancia il nemico come se stesse danzando.
Il suo aspetto elegante gli è valso la fama di
essere il più affascinante Pokémon di tipo Erba."
754,30,9,"As it slashes into its enemies, it looks like its
dancing. Its elegant appearance has led some
to call it the most glamorous Grass Pokémon."
754,30,11,"舞を 舞うように 敵を 切り裂く。
雅な 姿 から もっとも
艶やかな くさポケモンと 呼ばれる。"
754,33,1,"うつくしい はなの ポケモン。
うまく そだった ラランテスは 
すばらしい あざやかさを もつ。"
754,33,3,"아름다운 꽃 포켓몬이다.
잘 자란 라란티스는
훌륭하고 선명한 빛을 띤다."
754,33,5,"Un magnifique Pokémon qui ressemble
à une fleur. Les Floramantis bien entraînés
arborent une couleur très vive."
754,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon gleicht einer schönen Blume.
Trainiert man es richtig, erstrahlt Mantidea
zudem in überaus prächtigen Farben."
754,33,7,"Un magnífico Pokémon con aspecto de flor.
Los Lurantis bien cuidados poseen un color
vivo y resplandeciente."
754,33,8,"Questo Pokémon assomiglia a un bel fiore.
Gli esemplari migliori possiedono dei colori
incredibilmente sgargianti."
754,33,9,"This Pokémon resembles a beautiful flower.
A properly raised Lurantis will have gorgeous,
brilliant colors."
754,33,11,"美しい 花の ポケモン。
うまく 育った ラランテスは
素晴らしい あざやかさを もつ。"
754,34,1,"りょううでの はなびらは うすく
きれあじは するどい。 ひかりを
あつめて ビームも はなてるぞ。"
754,34,3,"양팔의 꽃잎은
얇고 예리하다. 빛을
모아 빔을 쏘기도 한다."
754,34,5,"Les pétales sur ses deux bras sont fins, mais
très tranchants. Ils peuvent également absorber
la lumière pour la renvoyer sous forme de laser."
754,34,6,"Die Blütenblätter an seinen Armen sind dünn und
scharfkantig. Mantidea absorbiert mit ihnen Licht,
das es in Form von Strahlen abschießen kann."
754,34,7,"Los pétalos de sus brazos son finos y afilados.
Absorbe la luz solar y la concentra para lanzar
poderosos rayos."
754,34,8,"I petali delle sue braccia sono sottili e affilati.
Li usa per assorbire la luce ed emettere raggi
754,34,9,"The petals on this Pokémons arms are thin and
super sharp, and they can fire laser beams if
Lurantis gathers light first."
754,34,11,"両腕の 花びらは 薄く
切れ味は 鋭い。 光を 集めて
ビームも 放てるぞ。"
755,27,1,"てんめつしながら ひかる ほうしを
あたりに ばらまく。 そのひかりを
みたものは ふかいねむりに おちる。"
755,27,3,"깜빡이면서 빛나는 포자를
주변에 뿌린다. 그 빛을
본 자는 깊은 잠에 빠진다."
755,27,5,"Il répand des spores luminescentes qui
clignotent autour de lui. Quiconque aperçoit
ces lumières tombe dans un sommeil profond."
755,27,6,"Es streut blinkende Sporen aus. Jeder,
der dieses Licht sieht, schläft fest ein."
755,27,7,"Cuando titila, esparce esporas luminosas a su
alrededor. Todo aquel que ve esta luz cae en un
profundo sueño."
755,27,8,"Sparge tutto intorno spore che emettono
una luce intermittente. Chi la vede cade
profondamente addormentato."
755,27,9,"It scatters spores that flicker and glow. Anyone
seeing these lights falls into a deep slumber."
755,27,11,"点滅しながら 発光する 胞子を
あたりに ばら撒く。 その光を
見た者は 深い眠りに おちる。"
755,28,1,"ひるは ねながら じゅもくの ねから
ようぶんを すう。 よるに めざめ
あらたな じゅもくを さがしあるく。"
755,28,3,"낮에는 자면서 나무뿌리에서
양분을 흡수한다. 밤에 일어나면
새로운 나무를 찾아 걸어 다닌다."
755,28,5,"Le jour, il dort tout en absorbant des nutriments
à la racine des arbres. Le soir, il se lève et part
à la recherche dun nouvel arbre où se poser."
755,28,6,"Tagsüber saugt es im Schlaf Nährstoffe aus den
Wurzeln der Bäume. Nachts wacht es auf und
macht sich auf die Suche nach frischen Bäumen."
755,28,7,"Por el día, absorbe los nutrientes de las raíces
de los árboles mientras duerme. Por la noche,
despierta y parte en busca de nuevos árboles."
755,28,8,"Di giorno dorme mentre succhia sostanze
nutritive dalle radici degli alberi. Di notte
si sveglia e va alla ricerca di nuove piante."
755,28,9,"As it drowses the day away, it nourishes itself
by sucking from tree roots. It wakens at the fall
of night, wandering off in search of a new tree."
755,28,11,"昼は 寝ながら 樹木の 根から
養分を 吸う。 夜に 目覚め
新たな 樹木を 探し歩く。"
755,29,1,"ひかるほうしを あたりに ばらまく。
きけんだが ネマシュのすむ もりへの
ナイトツアーは にんきが ある。"
755,29,3,"빛이 나는 포자를 주변에 흩뿌린다.
위험하지만 자마슈가 사는 숲의
밤 여행 투어는 인기가 있다."
755,29,5,"Il répand des spores luminescentes autour de
lui. Malgré le danger quil représente, les balades
nocturnes dans les bois où il vit sont populaires."
755,29,6,"Es streut blinkende Sporen aus. Obgleich nicht
ungefährlich, sind nächtliche Führungen durch
Wälder, in denen Bubungus leben, sehr beliebt."
755,29,7,"Esparce esporas luminosas a su alrededor.
A pesar del peligro, los tours nocturnos a través
de los bosques que habitan son muy populares."
755,29,8,"Sparge tuttintorno spore brillanti. Nonostante il
pericolo, i tour notturni nei boschi in cui vivono
i Morelull vanno molto di moda."
755,29,9,"It scatters its shining spores around itself.
Even though theyre dangerous, nighttime tours
of forests where Morelull live are popular."
755,29,11,"光る 胞子を あたりに ばらまく。
危険だが ネマシュの棲む 森への
ナイトツアーは 人気が ある。"
755,30,1,"うすぐらく しめったばしょが すき。
よるに なると キノコの かさに
つまった ほうしが はっこうする。"
755,30,3,"어둡고 습한 곳을 좋아한다.
밤이 되면 버섯의 갓에
모인 포자가 발광한다."
755,30,5,"Il aime les endroits sombres et humides.
La nuit, il fait rayonner les spores contenues
dans ses chapeaux."
755,30,6,"Es bevorzugt dunkle, feuchte Orte. Nachts
fangen die Sporen in seinen Pilzhüten an zu
755,30,7,"Prefiere los lugares oscuros y húmedos. Por la
noche, las esporas que almacena en los
sombrerillos lucen en la oscuridad."
755,30,8,"Gli piacciono i luoghi ombrosi e umidi.
Quando scende la notte, le spore di cui sono
colmi i suoi cappelli si illuminano."
755,30,9,"It likes damp dark places. When night falls, the
spores filling the caps of its mushrooms glow."
755,30,11,"薄暗く 湿った場所が 好き。
夜に なると キノコの かさに
詰まった 胞子が 発光する。"
755,33,1,"あたまの かさは とても おいしい。
もりの ポケモンたちに たべられるが
ひとばんで さいせいする。"
755,33,3,"머리의 갓은 매우 맛있다.
숲속의 포켓몬들에게 먹히지만
하룻밤 만에 재생한다."
755,33,5,"Ses chapeaux sont délicieux, et les Pokémon
de la forêt sen délectent. Heureusement pour lui,
ses couvre-chefs repoussent en une nuit."
755,33,6,"Sein Pilzhut ist sehr schmackhaft. Er wird zwar
häufig von den Pokémon des Waldes verspeist,
wächst aber über Nacht wieder nach."
755,33,7,"Sus sombrerillos tienen un sabor delicioso.
Aunque los Pokémon del bosque se los coman,
les vuelven a crecer al día siguiente."
755,33,8,"I cappelli sul suo capo sono molto gustosi e
i Pokémon che vivono nei boschi se ne cibano.
Per fortuna, ricrescono nel giro di una notte."
755,33,9,"Pokémon living in the forest eat the
delicious caps on Morelulls head.
The caps regrow overnight."
755,33,11,"頭の 傘は とても 美味しい。
森の ポケモンたちに 食べられるが
一晩で 再生する。"
755,34,1,"ひるまでも くらい もりで くらす。
てんめつしながら ひかる ほうしを
ばらまいて てきを ねむらせる。"
755,34,3,"낮에도 어두운 숲에서 생활한다.
점멸하면서 빛나는 포자를
흩뿌려 적을 잠들게 한다."
755,34,5,"Il vit dans les forêts sombres même en plein jour.
Il dissémine des spores clignotantes pour
endormir ses ennemis."
755,34,6,"Auch die hellsten Tage verbringt Bubungus in
dunklen Wäldern. Es streut blinkende Sporen
aus, um seine Gegner in den Schlaf zu lullen."
755,34,7,"Vive en bosques umbríos. Esparce a su alrededor
esporas titilantes que adormecen a sus enemigos."
755,34,8,"Vive nei boschi perennemente ombrosi. Sparge
tutto intorno spore che emettono una luce
intermittente con cui addormenta i nemici."
755,34,9,"Morelull live in forests that stay dark even
during the day. They scatter flickering spores
that put enemies to sleep."
755,34,11,"昼間でも 暗い 森で 暮らす。
点滅しながら 光る 胞子を
ばらまいて 敵を 眠らせる。"
756,27,1,"よなかに マシェードのすむ もりに
いくのは きけん。 あやしいひかりに
まどわされ にどと かえれなくなる。"
756,27,3,"한밤중에 마셰이드가 사는 숲에
가는 것은 위험하다. 이상한빛에
유인되어 다시는 돌아올 수 없게 된다."
756,27,5,"Il est risqué de saventurer la nuit dans un bois
peuplé de Lampignon. Attirés par leur lumière
envoûtante, certains nen sont jamais revenus."
756,27,6,"Nachts sollte man Wälder meiden, in denen
Lamellux leben. Ihr unheimliches Licht raubt
jedem die Orientierung."
756,27,7,"Es peligroso adentrarse por la noche en un
bosque habitado por Shiinotic. Su luz confunde
a los caminantes, que terminan perdiéndose."
756,27,8,"Meglio non avventurarsi di notte in un bosco
abitato da questi Pokémon, perché le loro luci
fanno perdere il senso dellorientamento."
756,27,9,"Forests where Shiinotic live are treacherous to
enter at night. People confused by its strange
lights can never find their way home again."
756,27,11,"夜中に マシェードの棲む 森に
いくのは 危険。 怪しい光に
惑わされ 二度と 帰れなくなる。"
756,28,1,"てんめつする ほうしを ふきだし
ねむりに いざなう。 ねむった
えものの せいきを すいとる。"
756,28,3,"깜빡이는 포자를 뿜어내어
잠으로 유도한다. 잠든
먹이의 정기를 빨아들인다."
756,28,5,"Il projette des spores clignotantes qui
hypnotisent et endorment ses proies,
avant de venir absorber leur énergie vitale."
756,28,6,"Speit blinkende Sporen, die eine einschläfernde
Wirkung haben. Schläft die Beute ein, wird ihr
die Lebenskraft ausgesaugt."
756,28,7,"Las esporas parpadeantes que despide tienen
un efecto somnífero. Absorbe la vitalidad de su
presa cuando esta se queda dormida."
756,28,8,"Libera spore soporifere che emettono una luce
intermittente di cui si serve per addormentare
le sue prede, a cui poi succhia lenergia vitale."
756,28,9,"It emits flickering spores that cause drowsiness.
When its prey succumb to sleep, this Pokémon
feeds on them by sucking in their energy."
756,28,11,"点滅する 胞子を 吹き出し
眠りに 誘う。 眠った
獲物の 精気を 吸い取る。"
756,29,1,"えものを ねむらせ うでの さきから
せいきを うばう。 なかまが よわると
せいきを おくって たすけてあげる。"
756,29,3,"먹이를 잠들게 하고 팔 끝으로
생기를 빼앗는다. 동료가 약해지면
생기를 보내 도와준다."
756,29,5,"Il endort ses victimes puis aspire leur énergie
vitale avec ses doigts. Il aide ses congénères
affaiblis en partageant cette énergie avec eux."
756,29,6,"Es lullt seine Gegner in den Schlaf und raubt
ihnen über seine Fingerspitzen die Lebenskraft.
Diese schickt es schwächelnden Kameraden."
756,29,7,"Duerme a su presa y le arrebata la vitalidad con
sus brazos. Si otro Shiinotic se encuentra en
apuros, le transmite sus fuerzas."
756,29,8,"Addormenta la preda e utilizza le estremità delle
sue braccia per rubarle lenergia vitale, che può
anche trasmettere ai compagni in difficoltà."
756,29,9,"It puts its prey to sleep and siphons off their
vitality through the tip of its arms. If one of its
kind is weakened, it helps by sending it vitality."
756,29,11,"獲物を 眠らせ 腕の 先から
生気を 奪う。 仲間が 弱ると
生気を 送って 助けてあげる。"
756,30,1,"なわばりを めぐり パラセクトと
あらそい はじめると あたりいちめん
ほうしまみれに なってしまうぞ。"
756,30,3,"영역을 두고 파라섹트와
싸움을 시작하면 부근 일대는
포자투성이가 되어 버린다."
756,30,5,"Quand un conflit territorial éclate entre Parasect
et lui, un brouillard de spores envahit toute
la zone."
756,30,6,"Kommt es zwischen ihm und Parasek zu
Revierkämpfen, ist hinterher die gesamte
Umgebung mit Sporen bedeckt."
756,30,7,"Al rondar por su territorio, si se encuentra con
un Parasect, competirá con él y acabarán
dejando el lugar cubierto de esporas."
756,30,8,"Quando Shiinotic e Parasect lottano per
il dominio di un territorio, finiscono per
coprire ogni cosa con le loro spore."
756,30,9,"When it starts fighting for territory with
Parasect, the entire area gets completely
coated in spores!"
756,30,11,"縄張りを 巡り パラセクトと
争い はじめると あたり一面
胞子まみれに なってしまうぞ。"
756,33,1,"てんめつする ほうしの ひかりで
えものを おびきよせて ねむらせる。
ゆびさきから せいきを すいとる。"
756,33,3,"깜빡이는 포자의 빛으로
먹이를 유인해서 잠들게 한다.
손끝으로 생기를 흡수한다."
756,33,5,"Il attire ses proies et les endort grâce
au clignotement de ses spores. Il aspire ensuite
leur énergie vitale du bout de ses doigts."
756,33,6,"Mit blinkenden Sporen lullt es seine Beute in
den Schlaf und saugt ihr dann über seine
Fingerspitzen die Lebenskraft aus."
756,33,7,"Atrae y duerme a su presa con la luz parpadeante
de sus esporas y luego le absorbe la energía vital
con la punta de los dedos."
756,33,8,"Attira a sé la preda con la luce intermittente
delle sue spore e laddormenta. Poi ne succhia
lenergia vitale con le estremità delle dita."
756,33,9,"Its flickering spores lure in prey and put them to
sleep. Once this Pokémon has its prey snoozing,
it drains their vitality with its fingertips."
756,33,11,"点滅する 胞子の 光りで
獲物を おびき寄せて 眠らせる。
指先から 生気を 吸い取る。"
756,34,1,"まよなか もりの おくに あかりを
みつけても ちかづいては いけない。
マシェードに ねむらされてしまうぞ。"
756,34,3,"한밤중에 숲속에서 빛을
발견하더라도 다가가면 안 된다.
마셰이드가 잠들어 버리게 한다."
756,34,5,"Il ne faut pas sapprocher des lumières qui luisent
la nuit au fond des bois, sous peine de se faire
endormir par un Lampignon."
756,34,6,"Stößt man im nächtlichen Wald auf ein Leuchten,
sollte man sich diesem nicht nähern. Sonst wird
man nämlich von Lamellux in den Schlaf gelullt."
756,34,7,"Conviene no acercarse si se avistan luces en la
espesura del bosque en plena noche, ya que
podrían ser las esporas soporíferas de Shiinotic."
756,34,8,"Se di notte si scorge una luce nel cuore della
foresta, meglio non avvicinarsi: si rischia di finire
vittima delle spore soporifere di Shiinotic."
756,34,9,"If you see a light deep in a forest at night,
dont go near. Shiinotic will make you fall
fast asleep."
756,34,11,"真夜中 森の 奥に 灯りを
見つけても 近づいては いけない。
マシェードに 眠らされてしまうぞ。"
757,27,1,"たいえきを もやし どくガスを たく。
ガスを すった てきが フラフラに
なったあと おそいかかるのだ。"
757,27,3,"체액을 태워 독가스를 피운다.
가스를 들이마신 적이
휘청거리면 덮친다."
757,27,5,"Il consume ses fluides corporels pour générer
un gaz toxique qui étourdit ses ennemis.
Il ne lui reste alors quà les achever."
757,27,6,"Durch Verbrennung von Körperflüssigkeit
erzeugt es ein Gas, das Feinde schwindelig
und so zu leichten Zielen macht."
757,27,7,"Aturde a sus oponentes con un gas venenoso
que produce al quemar sus fluidos corporales
y luego se abalanza sobre ellos."
757,27,8,"Dalla combustione di fluidi corporei crea un gas
velenoso che usa per stordire gli avversari.
Ne approfitta poi per attaccarli."
757,27,9,"It burns its bodily fluids to create a poisonous
gas. When its enemies become disoriented from
inhaling the gas, it attacks them."
757,27,11,"体液を 燃やし 毒ガスを たく。
ガスを 吸った 敵が フラフラに
なったあと 襲いかかるのだ。"
757,28,1,"かざんや かわいた いわばに すむ。
あまい かおりの どくガスを はなち
むしポケモンを おびきよせ おそう。"
757,28,3,"화산이나 건조한 바위에 산다.
달콤한 향기의 독가스를 발산해
벌레포켓몬을 유인하여 덮친다."
757,28,5,"Habitant des volcans et des régions rocheuses
arides, il exhale un gaz toxique au parfum doux
pour attirer et piéger les Pokémon Insecte."
757,28,6,"Lebt in Vulkanen und trockenen Felsgebieten.
Mit seinem süßlich duftenden Giftgas lockt es
Käfer-Pokémon an, um sie anzugreifen."
757,28,7,"Vive en volcanes y desolados pedregales. El gas
venenoso que libera despide un aroma dulce con
el que atrae a Pokémon insecto para atacarlos."
757,28,8,"Vive nei vulcani e in territori pietrosi e aridi.
Sprigiona un gas tossico dallodore dolciastro
con cui attira Pokémon Coleottero per attaccarli."
757,28,9,"Volcanoes or dry, craggy places are its home.
It emanates a sweet-smelling poisonous gas
that attracts bug Pokémon, then attacks them."
757,28,11,"火山や 乾いた 岩場に 棲む。
甘い 香りの 毒ガスを 放ち
むしポケモンを おびき寄せ 襲う。"
757,29,1,"オスは メスの ほぼ いいなり。
とった エサも ほとんど みつぐので
えいようぶそくで しんか できない。"
757,29,3,"수컷은 거의 암컷의 지시에 따른다.
잡아 온 먹이도 거의 바치기 때문에
영양 부족으로 진화할 수 없다."
757,29,5,"La femelle domine le mâle, qui ne peut évoluer
en raison de carences nutritionnelles. Il lui offre
en effet presque toutes ses proies en tribut."
757,29,6,"Das Männchen ist dem Weibchen hörig. Da es
diesem fast seine gesamte Beute gibt, leidet es
an Unterernährung und entwickelt sich nicht."
757,29,7,"Los machos están a merced de las hembras.
Les ceden la mayoría de presas que capturan,
y la falta de nutrientes les impide evolucionar."
757,29,8,"I maschi di Salandit sono del tutto in balia delle
femmine, a cui offrono ogni preda catturata.
Non si evolvono a causa della malnutrizione."
757,29,9,"The males will do whatever the females tell
them. They give the females most of their food.
Due to malnutrition, the males cant evolve."
757,29,11,"オスは メスの ほぼ いいなり。
獲った エサも ほとんど 貢ぐので
栄養不足で 進化 できない。"
757,30,1,"どくガスで あいてを フラフラに
よわらせてから おそう。 いつも
フラフラしてる パッチールは にがて。"
757,30,3,"독가스로 상대를 비틀비틀
약하게 만든 뒤 덮친다. 언제나
비틀거리는 얼루기에게 약하다."
757,30,5,"Il attaque après avoir fait chanceler ses ennemis
avec son gaz toxique. Cela ne fonctionne pas
très bien sur les Spinda, chancelants de base."
757,30,6,"Es bringt Gegner mit Giftgas ins Taumeln und
schlägt dann zu. Mit Pandir, die von Natur aus
taumeln, kommt es deshalb gar nicht klar."
757,30,7,"Debilita a sus presas con gas venenoso y ataca
cuando ve que se tambalean. Spinda, que de por
sí camina oscilando, suele darle problemas."
757,30,8,"Fa barcollare il nemico con un gas velenoso per
poi attaccarlo. Spinda, che barcolla già di suo,
lo mette molto in difficoltà."
757,30,9,"It weakens opponents and sends them
reeling with its poisonous gas. Salandit doesnt
deal well with Spinda, since its always reeling."
757,30,11,"毒ガスで 相手を フラフラに
弱らせてから 襲う。 いつも
フラフラしてる パッチールは 苦手。"
757,33,1,"どくぶくろで つくった たいえきを
しっぽの ほのおで ねっして
どくガスを はっせいさせる しくみ。"
757,33,3,"독주머니에서 만든 체액을
꼬리의 불꽃으로 가열해서
독가스를 발생시키는 구조로 되어 있다."
757,33,5,"Il fait chauffer le liquide quil sécrète
dans ses poches à venin avec la flamme
de sa queue pour créer un gaz toxique."
757,33,6,"Es erhitzt die Körperflüssigkeit, die es in seinen
Giftsäcken produziert, mit Flammen aus seiner
Rute. Dadurch wird Giftgas freigesetzt."
757,33,7,"Produce un gas venenoso al quemar con las
llamas de la cola el líquido secretado en sus
bolsas de veneno."
757,33,8,"Con la fiamma della coda brucia i fluidi corporei
generati dalle sue sacche di veleno, producendo
un gas velenoso."
757,33,9,"Its venom sacs produce a fluid that this
Pokémon then heats up with the flame in its tail.
This process creates Salandits poisonous gas."
757,33,11,"毒袋で つくった 体液を
しっぽの 炎で 熱して
毒ガスを 発生させる 仕組み。"
757,34,1,"えものの はいごに しのびより
きづかれる まえに どくガスを
あびせて うごけなくしてしまう。"
757,34,3,"먹이의 뒤로 숨어들어서
눈치채기 전에 독가스를
퍼부어 움직이지 못하게 한다."
757,34,5,"Il sapproche de ses proies par-derrière
et les asperge dun gaz empoisonné avant quelles
naient le temps de réagir, les clouant sur place."
757,34,6,"Es schleicht sich von hinten an seine Beute heran.
Noch bevor diese auf es aufmerksam wird, setzt
es sie mit seinem Giftgas außer Gefecht."
757,34,7,"Se aproxima a su presa por la espalda y, antes
de que pueda advertirlo, la inmoviliza con un
gas venenoso."
757,34,8,"Si avvicina alla preda da dietro senza farsi vedere
e prima che possa rendersene conto le spruzza
addosso un gas velenoso paralizzante."
757,34,9,"This sneaky Pokémon will slink behind its prey
and immobilize it with poisonous gas before the
prey even realizes Salandit is there."
757,34,11,"獲物の 背後に 忍び寄り
気づかれる 前に 毒ガスを
浴びせて 動けなくしてしまう。"
758,27,1,"なぜか ♀しか みつかっていない。
ヤトウモリの ♂を ひきつれて
ぎゃくハーレムを つくって くらす。"
758,27,3,"어찌 된 영문인지 암컷만 발견되고 있다.
야도뇽의 수컷을 거느리며
역하렘을 만들어서 산다."
758,27,5,"Curieusement, cette espèce ne compte que
des femelles. Ces dernières aiment sentourer
de nombreux admirateurs Tritox mâles."
758,27,6,"Bisher wurden nur Weibchen entdeckt.
Sie werden von männlichen Molunk verehrt und
leben mit einer Gruppe von ihnen zusammen."
758,27,7,"Por algún motivo desconocido, solo hay
hembras. Suele formarse su propio harén
compuesto por Salandit machos."
758,27,8,"Sono stati trovati solo esemplari femmina,
che sono soliti circondarsi di maschi
di Salandit."
758,27,9,"For some reason, only females have been found.
It creates a reverse harem of male Salandit that
it lives with."
758,27,11,"なぜか ♀しか 見つかっていない。
ヤトウモリの♂を 引き連れて
逆ハーレムを 作って 暮らす。"
758,28,1,"どくガスには おおくの フェロモンが
ふくまれている。 うすめることで
かんのうてきな こうすいが できる。"
758,28,3,"독가스에는 많은 양의 페로몬이
포함되어있다. 희석하면
관능적인 향수가 만들어진다."
758,28,5,"Son gaz toxique est riche en phéromones. Il est
possible disoler ces dernières pour concocter
un puissant parfum aphrodisiaque."
758,28,6,"Ihr Giftgas enthält viele Pheromone.
Verdünnt man es, lässt sich daraus
ein sinnliches Parfüm herstellen."
758,28,7,"Su gas venenoso contiene numerosas feromonas.
Al diluirlo es posible elaborar un perfume que
resulta verdaderamente embriagador."
758,28,8,"Il gas tossico che emana contiene feromoni.
Se viene diluito, se ne ricava un profumo
che ha un grande potere dattrazione."
758,28,9,"Filled with pheromones, its poisonous gas can
be diluted to use in the production of
luscious perfumes."
758,28,11,"毒ガスには 多くの フェロモンが
含まれている。 薄めることで
官能的な 香水が できる。"
758,29,1,"どうくつの おくふかくに すみ
フェロモンで メロメロに した
ヤトウモリたちを はべらせている。"
758,29,3,"동굴 깊은 곳에서 살며
페로몬으로 헤롱헤롱하게 만들어
야도뇽을 시중들게 한다."
758,29,5,"Ce Pokémon habite au fin fond des cavernes.
Il se fait servir par des Tritox envoûtés par
ses phéromones."
758,29,6,"Dieses tief in Höhlen lebende Pokémon hält sich
männliche Molunk, die es sich mit Pheromonen
hörig gemacht hat, als Diener."
758,29,7,"Vive en las profundidades de las cuevas.
Gracias a sus feromonas, atrae Salandit y los
hace presas de su voluntad."
758,29,8,"Vive nel profondo delle caverne e si circonda
di Salandit che ammalia con i suoi potenti
758,29,9,"Salazzle lives deep in caves and forces the
Salandit it has attracted with its pheromones
to serve it."
758,29,11,"洞窟の 奥深くに 棲み
フェロモンで メロメロに した
ヤトウモリたちを 侍らせている。"
758,30,1,"エサが とれなかった ヤトウモリを
ほのおが ふきだす てのひらで
はげしく ビンタし おしおきする。"
758,30,3,"먹이를 잡지 못한 야도뇽은
불꽃을 뿜어내는 손바닥으로
세차게 따귀를 때려서 벌을 준다."
758,30,5,"Malamandre punit sans merci les Tritox qui
rentrent bredouilles de la chasse, généralement
dune gifle de sa paume enflammée."
758,30,6,"Aus seinen Handflächen schießt Feuer hervor.
Es verpasst damit Molunk, die keine Beute
zurückgebracht haben, schallende Ohrfeigen."
758,30,7,"Castiga a los Salandit que no le traen caza
abofeteándolos con sus ardientes zarpas."
758,30,8,"Punisce i Salandit che tornano senza una preda
schiaffeggiandoli vigorosamente con le zampe
anteriori che sprigionano fuoco."
758,30,9,"It punishes Salandit that couldnt bring it food
with a fierce slap of its flame-spewing palm."
758,30,11,"エサが 獲れなかった ヤトウモリを
炎が 噴き出す 手のひらで
激しく ビンタし お仕置きする。"
758,33,1,"エンニュートは メスしか いない。
フェロモンガスを はっせいさせて
オスの ヤトウモリを みりょうする。"
758,33,3,"염뉴트는 암컷만이 존재한다.
페로몬 가스를 발생시켜서
수컷 야도뇽을 매료시킨다."
758,33,5,"Il nexiste que des spécimens femelles.
Elles envoûtent les Tritox mâles grâce
à leurs nuages de phéromones."
758,33,6,"Es existieren nur weibliche Exemplare. Sie stoßen
Pheromongase aus, mit denen sie sich männliche
Molunk hörig machen."
758,33,7,"Solo hay hembras. Gracias a sus feromonas,
atrae a los Salandit macho y los somete a su
758,33,8,"Esistono solo esemplari femmina.
Produce un gas ricco di feromoni con cui
ammalia i Salandit maschi."
758,33,9,"Only female Salazzle exist. They emit a gas laden
with pheromones to captivate male Salandit."
758,33,11,"エンニュートは メスしか いない。
フェロモンガスを 発生させて
オスの ヤトウモリを 魅了する。"
758,34,1,"エンニュートどうしの あらそいは
ひきつれている オスの ヤトウモリの
かずで しょうはいが きまるらしい。"
758,34,3,"염뉴트들의 싸움은
거느리고 있는 수컷 야도뇽의
수로 승패가 정해지는 듯하다."
758,34,5,"Les conflits entre Malamandre seraient réglés
par un simple calcul : le spécimen dont la suite
comporte le plus de Tritox lemporte."
758,34,6,"Kommt es unter ihnen zu Streitereien, setzt sich
offenbar immer das Amfira durch, das von den
meisten männlichen Molunk verehrt wird."
758,34,7,"Libran disputas con sus congéneres cuyo
resultado, al parecer, se inclina por quien tenga
un séquito de Salandit machos más numeroso."
758,34,8,"Sembra che nelle dispute tra Salazzle prevalga
sempre lesemplare che ha il maggior numero di
Salandit maschi al seguito."
758,34,9,"The winner of competitions between Salazzle
is decided by which one has the most male
Salandit with it."
758,34,11,"エンニュート同士の 争いは
引き連れている オスの ヤトウモリの
数で 勝敗が 決まるらしい。"
759,27,1,"あいくるしい みためだが おこって
ジタバタする てあしに ぶつかると
プロレスラーでも ふっとばされる。"
759,27,3,"사랑스러운 외모지만 화가 나서
버둥거리는 손발에 부딪히면
프로레슬러라도 날아가 버린다."
759,27,5,"Il est à croquer, sauf lorsquil sénerve et frappe
à tout va. Dans ce cas, laissez-le tranquille ou
vous finirez à coup sûr dans le décor."
759,27,6,"Es sieht sehr süß aus, aber wehe, es wird
wütend. Mit seinen Armen wirbelnd haut es
selbst den stärksten Wrestler um."
759,27,7,"Pese a su aspecto encantador, cuando se enoja,
sus pataletas son tan feroces que pueden
derribar hasta a un luchador profesional."
759,27,8,"Tenero allapparenza, quando si arrabbia agita
braccia e gambe con una furia tale da atterrare
persino un lottatore di wrestling."
759,27,9,"Despite its adorable appearance, when it gets
angry and flails about, its arms and legs could
knock a pro wrestler sprawling."
759,27,11,"愛くるしい 見た目だが 怒って
ジタバタする 手足に ぶつかると
プロレスラーでも 吹っ飛ばされる。"
759,28,1,"なついた あいてや なかまいがいに
さわられると ものすごい ちからで
あばれるので ひじょうに キケン。"
759,28,3,"친밀한 사이나 동료 이외의 사람이
만지면 굉장한 힘으로
날뛰기 때문에 매우 위험하다."
759,28,5,"Ne tentez pas de le caresser sil ne vous connaît
pas assez : il entrerait dans une rage folle,
et vous encourriez un grand danger."
759,28,6,"Wird es von irgendjemand anderem als seinen
Kameraden angefasst, flippt es aus und schlägt
mit unglaublicher Kraft wild um sich."
759,28,7,"Cuando alguien con quien no haya congeniado lo
toca, se pone hecho una furia y despliega una
fuerza tal que lo hace tremendamente peligroso."
759,28,8,"È molto pericoloso perché attacca furiosamente
chiunque lo tocchi, a meno che non sia un amico
o un suo simile."
759,28,9,"A touch from anyone except a known friend
sends it into a surging frenzy. Its an incredibly
dangerous Pokémon."
759,28,11,"なついた 相手や 仲間以外に
触られると 物凄い 力で
暴れるので 非常に キケン。"
759,29,1,"たいぼくも へしおる ちからじまん。
おしりの きかんから においを だし
なかまと コミュニケーションをとる。"
759,29,3,"큰 나무도 꺽을 만큼 힘이 세다.
엉덩이의 기관에서 냄새를 풍겨
동료와 커뮤니케이션을 한다."
759,29,5,"Il est si fort quil peut abattre un grand arbre.
Lodeur que dégage lorgane sur son derrière lui
permet de communiquer avec ses semblables."
759,29,6,"Es ist stark genug, um große Baumstämme zu
zerbrechen. Über Düfte aus dem Organ am
Hinterteil kommuniziert es mit Artgenossen."
759,29,7,"Es capaz de derribar un árbol con su fuerza. Se
comunica con sus congéneres mediante el olor
que emite el órgano de su parte posterior."
759,29,8,"Riesce a spezzare anche gli alberi più grossi.
Comunica con i suoi simili usando lodore che
emana da un organo che ha sul posteriore."
759,29,9,"It boasts power enough to split large trees in
half. The organ on its rear releases an odor that
it uses to communicate with others of its kind."
759,29,11,"大木も へし折る 力自慢。
おしりの 器官から 匂いを 出し
仲間と コミュニケーションをとる。"
759,30,1,"だきしめられたり さわられるのが
だいきらい。 ジタバタ あばれて
ていこうする ちからは ものすごい。"
759,30,3,"껴안거나 만지는 것을
아주 싫어한다. 바둥바둥 날뛰면서
저항하는 힘이 굉장하다."
759,30,5,"Il déteste être touché ou pris dans les bras,
et se débat de toutes ses forces pour
se dégager."
759,30,6,"Es hasst es, angefasst oder gar gedrückt zu
werden und wehrt sich dagegen, indem es mit
unglaublicher Kraft wild um sich schlägt."
759,30,7,"Odia que lo toquen o lo abracen. Se resiste
empleando toda su fuerza, que es considerable."
759,30,8,"Detesta profondamente essere toccato o
abbracciato e resiste dibattendosi con tutta
la sua incredibile forza."
759,30,9,"Stufful hates to be hugged or touched in any
way. It will squirm, thrash, and resist with
amazing power."
759,30,11,"抱きしめられたり 触られるのが
大嫌い。 ジタバタ 暴れて
抵抗する 力は ものすごい。"
759,33,1,"ふわふわの けなみは さわりごこちが
ばつぐんだが うかつに てを だすと
ていたい はんげきを うけてしまう。"
759,33,3,"푹신푹신한 털은 감촉이
뛰어나지만 섣불리 손을 댔다간
호되게 반격을 당하고 만다."
759,33,5,"Sa fourrure duveteuse est très agréable à caresser,
mais ceux qui la touchent sans prévenir sexposent
à une correction brutale."
759,33,6,"Sein Pelz ist wunderbar flauschig. Wagt man es
jedoch, diesen zu berühren, setzt es sich ohne
Rücksicht auf Verluste zur Wehr."
759,33,7,"Su suave pelaje invita a acariciarlo, pero quien
cometa semejante temeridad recibirá un severo
759,33,8,"Il suo soffice manto è molto piacevole da
accarezzare, ma se lo si sfiora inavvertitamente
si rischia di venire attaccati."
759,33,9,"Its fluffy fur is a delight to pet, but carelessly
reaching out to touch this Pokémon could result
in painful retaliation."
759,33,11,"ふわふわの 毛並みは 触り心地が
抜群だが うかつに 手を だすと
手痛い 反撃を 受けてしまう。"
759,34,1,"まえあしを じたばた ふって みを
まもる ようすは かわいらしいが
たいぼくを へしおる いりょくだ。"
759,34,3,"앞발을 바둥바둥 흔들어 몸을
지키는 모습은 귀엽지만
큰 나무도 꺾을 정도의 위력이 있다."
759,34,5,"Sa façon de remuer les pattes pour se défendre
semble adorable, mais ce Pokémon est si puissant
quil pourrait fendre un tronc de la sorte."
759,34,6,"Strampelt es zum Schutz mit den Vorderbeinen,
sieht das zwar niedlich aus, aber ein Treffer mit
ihnen ist stark genug, um große Bäume zu fällen."
759,34,7,"Cuando patalea para tratar de defenderse
resulta adorable, pero conviene no fiarse, ya
que su fuerza sería capaz de derribar un árbol."
759,34,8,"Quando cerca di difendersi agitando le zampe
anteriori fa tenerezza, ma in realtà possiede
una forza tale da spezzare grossi alberi."
759,34,9,"The way it protects itself by flailing its arms may
be an adorable sight, but stay well away. This is
flailing that can snap thick tree trunks."
759,34,11,"前脚を じたばた 振って 身を
守る 様子が 可愛らしいが
大木を へし折る 威力だ。"
760,27,1,"あっとうてきな きんりょくを もつ
ひじょうに きけんな ポケモン。
せいそくちは きほん たちいりきんし。"
760,27,3,"압도적인 근력을 가지는
아주 위험한 포켓몬이다.
서식지는 기본 출입금지다."
760,27,5,"Sa force physique hors norme le rend assez
dangereux. Dailleurs, les zones quil habite sont
systématiquement interdites daccès."
760,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon verfügt über immense
Muskelkraft und ist äußerst gefährlich.
Sein Habitat ist generell Sperrgebiet."
760,27,7,"Es un Pokémon muy peligroso por su fuerza
descomunal. Normalmente, se desaconseja
penetrar en su hábitat."
760,27,8,"La sua devastante forza fisica lo rende
estremamente pericoloso, tanto che di solito
è vietato laccesso alle zone in cui vive."
760,27,9,"This immensely dangerous Pokémon
possesses overwhelming physical strength.
Its habitat is generally off-limits."
760,27,11,"圧倒的な 筋力を 持つ
非常に 危険な ポケモン。
生息地は 基本 立ち入り禁止。"
760,28,1,"なかまと だきしめあう くせが ある。
そのちからで せぼねを くだかれて
よを さる トレーナーも おおい。"
760,28,3,"동료끼리 서로 껴안는 버릇이 있다.
그 힘 때문에 척추가 부러져서
세상을 떠나는 트레이너도 많다."
760,28,5,"Il fête chaque victoire par une accolade avec
son Dresseur, au grand dam de ce dernier,
et en particulier de sa colonne vertébrale."
760,28,6,"Hat die Angewohnheit, Kameraden zu umarmen.
Nur ist es leider so stark, dass so mancher
Trainer schon einen kaputten Rücken davontrug."
760,28,7,"Expresa su afecto abrazando a sus amigos,
aunque más de un Entrenador ha terminado con
la espalda hecha polvo debido a esto."
760,28,8,"Ha il vizio di abbracciare gli amici con una forza
disumana. Le sue effusioni hanno un effetto
distruttivo sulle ossa del proprio Allenatore."
760,28,9,"This Pokémon has the habit of hugging its
companions. Many Trainers have left this world
after their spines were squashed by its hug."
760,28,11,"仲間と 抱きしめあう くせが ある。
その力で 背骨を 砕かれて
世を 去る トレーナーも 多い。"
760,29,1,"おおきく てを ふるのは いかくと
けいかいの サイン。 いっこくも
はやく にげないと いのちは ない。"
760,29,3,"손을 크게 휘두르는 것은
위협과 경계의 신호다. 재빨리
도망치지 않으면 목숨을 보장할 수 없다."
760,29,5,"Il fait de grands gestes avec ses pattes pour
intimider et mettre en garde ses ennemis.
Mieux vaut alors prendre ses jambes à son cou!"
760,29,6,"Wenn es wild mit seinen Armen wedelt, ist das
eine warnende Drohgebärde. Wem sein Leben
lieb ist, sollte schleunigst die Flucht ergreifen."
760,29,7,"Agita violentamente los brazos como amenaza.
Quien presencie este gesto debe huir en el acto
si aprecia su vida."
760,29,8,"Agita energicamente le braccia in segno di
minaccia o di avvertimento. Lunica via di
scampo è darsela a gambe."
760,29,9,"It waves its hands wildly in intimidation and
warning. Life is over for anyone who doesnt
run away as fast as possible."
760,29,11,"大きく 手を 振るのは 威嚇と
警戒の サイン。 一刻も
早く 逃げないと 命は ない。"
760,30,1,"すさまじい かいりきが じまん。
アローラちほうで もっとも きけんな
ポケモンと よぶ ひとも おおい。"
760,30,3,"무시무시한 괴력을 자랑한다.
알로라지방에서 가장 위험한
포켓몬이라 부르는 사람도 많다."
760,30,5,"Sa force colossale fait sa fierté. De nombreuses
personnes le considèrent comme le Pokémon
le plus dangereux dAlola."
760,30,6,"Es ist für seine immense Stärke bekannt. Viele
halten es für das gefährlichste Pokémon der
760,30,7,"Está orgulloso de su fuerza bruta. Son muchos
los que lo consideran el Pokémon más peligroso
de Alola."
760,30,8,"Va fiero della propria forza smisurata.
Molti ritengono che Bewear sia il Pokémon
più pericoloso di Alola."
760,30,9,"It boasts tremendous physical strength. Many
people call it the most dangerous Pokémon in
the Alola region."
760,30,11,"すさまじい 怪力が 自慢。
アローラ地方で もっとも 危険な
ポケモンと 呼ぶ 人も 多い。"
760,33,1,"なかまと みとめると あいじょうを
しめすために だきしめようと するが
ほねを くだかれるので きけん。"
760,33,3,"동료로 인정하면 애정을
표현하기 위해 껴안으려 하지만
뼈가 으스러질 수 있으므로 위험하다."
760,33,5,"Il serre fort contre lui ceux quil considère
comme ses compagnons, mais ses câlins sont
assez puissants pour broyer les os."
760,33,6,"Es drückt seine Zuneigung durch Umarmungen
aus. Das ist ebenso sympathisch wie gefährlich,
da diese zu Knochenbrüchen führen können."
760,33,7,"Expresa su afecto abrazando a quien considera
su amigo. Una costumbre peligrosa, ya que su
fuerza puede romperle los huesos a cualquiera."
760,33,8,"Cerca di abbracciare chi considera suo amico in
segno di affetto, ma bisogna guardarsi dalla sua
stretta, talmente potente da frantumare le ossa."
760,33,9,"Once it accepts you as a friend, it tries to show
its affection with a hug. Letting it do that is
dangerous—it could easily shatter your bones."
760,33,11,"仲間と 認めると 愛情を
示すために 抱きしめようとするが
骨を 砕かれるので 危険。"
760,34,1,"かくとうか かおまけの わざで
しとめた えものを りょうわきに
かかえて すみかへ もちかえる。"
760,34,3,"격투가가 무색할 정도의 기술로
먹이를 잡아 양쪽 겨드랑이에
끼우고 거처로 갖고 간다."
760,34,5,"Il abat ses proies à laide de techniques à faire
pâlir denvie des combattants professionnels,
puis les emporte sous les bras dans sa tanière."
760,34,6,"Es schlägt seine Beute mit Attacken nieder, die
Profikampfsportler erblassen lassen. Danach trägt
es sie unter seinen beiden Armen in sein Versteck."
760,34,7,"Después de abatir a su presa con movimientos
que harían palidecer a un luchador profesional,
la carga en brazos y se la lleva a su madriguera."
760,34,8,"Dopo aver abbattuto le prede con mosse che
farebbero impallidire i lottatori più esperti, se le
carica una per zampa e se ne torna alla tana."
760,34,9,"The moves it uses to take down its prey would
make a martial artist jealous. It tucks subdued
prey under its arms to carry them to its nest."
760,34,11,"格闘家 顔負けの 技で
仕留めた 獲物を 両脇に
抱えて すみかへ 持ち帰る。"
761,27,1,"おいしそうな かおりが からだから
もれだしている。 においに さそわれた
ドデカバシに まるのみに される。"
761,27,3,"맛있는 냄새가 몸에서
풍긴다. 냄새를 맡고 다가온
왕큰부리에게 통째로 먹힌다."
761,27,5,"Une odeur terriblement appétissante émane
du corps des Croquine. Alléchés, les Bazoucan
rappliquent et les gobent goulument."
761,27,6,"Sein Körper verströmt einen köstlichen Duft, der
leider seinen Fressfeind Tukanon anlockt. Dem
kommt ein aromatischer Snack höchst gelegen."
761,27,7,"Atraídos por el apetitoso aroma que desprende
su cuerpo, los Toucannon los engullen con
avidez sin ni siquiera masticar."
761,27,8,"Emana dal corpo un profumino delizioso, che
per sua sfortuna spinge i Toucannon a
inghiottirlo in un solo boccone."
761,27,9,"A delectable aroma pours from its body.
They are often swallowed whole by Toucannon
lured by that wafting deliciousness."
761,27,11,"美味しそうな 香りが 体から
漏れ出している。 匂いに 誘われた
ドデカバシに 丸呑みに される。"
761,28,1,"ひとが たべるには あますぎるが
アマカジの あせを みずと わると
ほどよい あまさの ジュースになる。"
761,28,3,"사람이 먹기에는 너무 달지만
달콤아의 땀을 물에 희석하면
적당히 달콤한 주스가 된다."
761,28,5,"Trop sucrée pour être consommée telle quelle,
la sueur de Croquine doit être diluée dans leau
pour obtenir un jus sucré juste comme il faut."
761,28,6,"Die meisten Menschen finden den Schweiß
von Frubberl zu süß. Verdünnt man ihn aber
mit Wasser, erhält man einen köstlichen Saft."
761,28,7,"La gente lo nota demasiado dulce como para
comerlo, pero al diluir el sudor que exhala se
obtiene un zumo con el toque justo de dulzura."
761,28,8,"Il suo sudore è eccessivamente dolce, ma se
viene diluito con la quantità giusta dacqua
diventa una bevanda gradevolmente zuccherata."
761,28,9,"Although its too sugary for human consumption,
Bounsweets sweat can be watered down into a
juice with just the right amount of sweetness."
761,28,11,"人が 食べるには 甘すぎるが
アマカジの汗を 水と 割ると
ほどよい 甘さの ジュースになる。"
761,29,1,"あまく おいしそうな においのせいで
とりポケモンに ねらわれるが あまり
かしこくないので きに していない。"
761,29,3,"달고 맛있는 냄새 때문에
새포켓몬이 타깃으로 삼지만
영리하지 않아 신경 쓰지 않는다."
761,29,5,"Son odeur appétissante en fait la cible idéale
des Pokémon oiseaux, mais comme il nest
pas très malin, ça lui est égal."
761,29,6,"Da es einen köstlich süßen Duft verströmt, wird
es oft von Vogel-Pokémon angegriffen. Das stört
es jedoch nicht, weil es nicht sehr helle ist."
761,29,7,"El dulce aroma que desprenden los convierte
en presa de los Pokémon pájaro, pero, al no ser
muy avispados, no se alteran en absoluto."
761,29,8,"A causa del suo profumino delizioso, Bounsweet
è preda di molti Pokémon alati, ma non essendo
molto perspicace non se ne preoccupa granché."
761,29,9,"Because of its sweet, delicious aroma, bird
Pokémon are always after it, but its not
intelligent enough to care."
761,29,11,"甘く 美味しそうな 匂いのせいで
とりポケモンに 狙われるが あまり
賢くないので 気に していない。"
761,30,1,"とりポケモンに のみこまれそうに
なると あたまのヘタを かいてんして
ていこうするが たいてい ダメだ。"
761,30,3,"새포켓몬에게 삼켜질 것 같으면
머리의 꼭지를 회전시켜서
저항하지만 대체로 소용없다."
761,30,5,"Pour résister aux Pokémon oiseaux qui tentent
de le manger, il fait tourner le sépale qui est sur
sa tête, mais cest généralement peine perdue."
761,30,6,"Droht es von einem Vogel-Pokémon verschluckt
zu werden, lässt es zur Abwehr den Kelch auf
seinem Kopf rotieren, was jedoch selten hilft."
761,30,7,"Cuando un Pokémon pájaro está a punto de
engullirlo, gira el cáliz de su cabeza a modo de
hélice para evitarlo, pero suele ser en vano."
761,30,8,"Quando un Pokémon alato sta per inghiottirlo,
Bounsweet cerca di resistere ruotando le foglie
che ha sul capo, con scarsi risultati."
761,30,9,"It tries to resist being swallowed by a bird
Pokémon by spinning the sepals on its head.
Its usually a fruitless attempt."
761,30,11,"とりポケモンに 呑み込まれそうに
なると 頭のヘタを 回転して
抵抗するが 大抵 ダメだ。"
761,33,1,"からだから もれだす かじつの
あまい においが とりポケモンの
しょくよくを はげしく しげきする。"
761,33,3,"몸에서 나는 열매의
달콤한 향기가 새포켓몬의
식욕을 강하게 자극한다."
761,33,5,"La douce odeur fruitée qui émane de son corps
stimule énormément lappétit des Pokémon
761,33,6,"Der fruchtig süße Duft, der von seinem Körper
ausgeht, lässt Vogel-Pokémon das Wasser im
Schnabel zusammenlaufen."
761,33,7,"El dulce y afrutado aroma que desprende
estimula sobremanera el apetito de los Pokémon
761,33,8,"Il dolce profumo fruttato che sprigiona il suo
corpo stimola notevolmente lappetito dei
Pokémon alati."
761,33,9,"Its body gives off a sweet, fruity scent that is
extremely appetizing to bird Pokémon."
761,33,11,"体から 漏れ出す 果実の
甘い においが 鳥ポケモンの
食欲を 激しく 刺激する。"
761,34,1,"おそわれた ときに ながす あせは
あまくて おいしい。 その かおりが
さらに てきを ふやしてしまうのだ。"
761,34,3,"습격당할 때 흘리는 땀은
달콤하고 맛있다. 그 향기가
적을 더 늘리고 만다."
761,34,5,"La sueur sucrée quil produit lorsquon lattaque
est délicieuse. Lodeur de celle-ci lui attire encore
plus dennemis."
761,34,6,"Wenn es angegriffen wird, sondert es einen
köstlich süß duftenden Angstschweiß ab, der
leider meist nur noch weitere Feinde anlockt."
761,34,7,"Cuando lo atacan, produce un sudor dulce y
delicioso cuyo aroma atrae a más enemigos."
761,34,8,"Quando viene attaccato produce un sudore
dolce e delizioso, il cui profumo attira ulteriori
761,34,9,"When under attack, it secretes a sweet
and delicious sweat. The scent only calls
more enemies to it."
761,34,11,"襲われた ときに 流す 汗は
甘くて 美味しい。 その 香りが
さらに 敵を 増やしてしまうのだ。"
762,27,1,"みを まもるため ヘタが はったつ。
かなりの かたさで とりポケモンに
つつかれても ぜんぜん へいきだ。"
762,27,3,"몸을 지키기 위해 꼭지가 발달했다.
상당히 단단해서 새포켓몬이
쪼아도 전혀 문제없다."
762,27,5,"Pour mieux se défendre, il a fait pousser sur
son corps un calice assez solide pour résister
aux coups de bec des Pokémon oiseaux."
762,27,6,"Seinen Blütenkelch hat es zum Selbstschutz
ausgebildet. Er ist so hart, dass selbst das
Picken von Vogel-Pokémon es nicht stört."
762,27,7,"El cáliz de su cabeza se ha desarrollado y le
protege todo el cuerpo. Es tan duro que no le
importa que lo picoteen los Pokémon pájaro."
762,27,8,"Per proteggersi ha sviluppato due enormi foglie
sulla testa, così dure da resistere agli attacchi
dei Pokémon alati."
762,27,9,"The sepals on its head developed to protect its
body. These are quite hard, so even if pecked
by bird Pokémon, this Pokémon is totally fine."
762,27,11,"身を 守るため ヘタが 発達。
かなりの 硬さで とりポケモンに
突かれても 全然 平気だ。"
762,28,1,"いつも げんきに とびはねている。
げんきな すがたと いいかおりで
まわりに ポケモンが あつまってくる。"
762,28,3,"언제나 힘차게 뛰어오른다.
힘찬 모습과 좋은 향기 때문에
주변에 포켓몬이 모여든다."
762,28,5,"Il passe son temps à gambader joyeusement.
Sa silhouette pleine dentrain et son parfum
agréable ont le don dattirer les autres Pokémon."
762,28,6,"Es hüpft immerzu fröhlich umher. Seine
lebensfrohe Art und sein Wohlgeruch
ziehen Pokémon in der Nähe förmlich an."
762,28,7,"Se pasa el día saltando rebosante de felicidad.
Su apariencia pizpireta y exquisita fragancia
hace que otros Pokémon acudan a su lado."
762,28,8,"Lo si vede sempre saltellare in giro allegramente.
Il suo buon umore e il buon profumo attirano
i Pokémon nelle vicinanze."
762,28,9,"This Pokémon is always bouncing around
energetically. Other Pokémon are attracted by
its lively appearance and pleasant aroma."
762,28,11,"いつも 元気に 飛び跳ねている。
元気な 姿と いい香りで
周りに ポケモンが 集まってくる。"
762,29,1,"かたいヘタで まもられているので
とりポケモンとも へいきで あそぶ。
つつかれまくるが きに していない。"
762,29,3,"딱딱한 꼭지로 보호되기 때문에
새포켓몬과도 문제없이 논다.
쪼여도 신경 쓰지 않는다."
762,29,5,"Confiant en la protection offerte par son solide
calice, il nhésite pas à jouer avec les Pokémon
oiseaux. Il se fait picorer, mais il sen moque."
762,29,6,"Es kann bedenkenlos mit Vogel-Pokémon
spielen, da sein fester Blütenkelch es schützt.
Das pausenlose Gepicke ist ihm einerlei."
762,29,7,"Puede jugar con Pokémon pájaro sin peligro
gracias al duro cáliz que protege su cuerpo.
No le importa que lo picoteen."
762,29,8,"Gioca tranquillamente anche con i Pokémon alati
perché si sente protetto dalle sue rigide foglie.
Non sembra preoccuparsi delle loro beccate."
762,29,9,"Its protected by its hard sepals, so it plays
with bird Pokémon without worry. They peck it
relentlessly, but it doesnt care."
762,29,11,"硬いヘタで 守られているので
とりポケモンとも 平気で 遊ぶ。
突かれまくるが 気に していない。"
762,30,1,"とびはねるように うごきまわり
あたまの ヘタを ふりまわす。
ぶつけられると かなり いたいぞ。"
762,30,3,"뛰어오르듯 돌아다니면서
머리의 꼭지를 휘두른다.
부딪히면 상당히 아프다."
762,30,5,"Sa démarche sautillante fait balancer le calice
qui se dresse sur sa tête. Recevoir un coup
de sépale est très douloureux!"
762,30,6,"Es bewegt sich hüpfend umher und schüttelt
dabei den Blütenkelch auf seinem Kopf. Ein
Zusammenprall mit ihm ist ziemlich schmerzhaft."
762,30,7,"Se desplaza dando saltos que hacen botar el
cáliz de su cabeza. Recibir un golpe de sus
sépalos duele bastante."
762,30,8,"Se ne va in giro saltellando e agitando le foglie
che ha sulla testa. Andare a sbattere contro
uno Steenee può essere molto doloroso."
762,30,9,"It bounces around, swinging the sepals on its
head with abandon. Theyre quite painful when
they smack you!"
762,30,11,"飛び跳ねるように 動きまわり
頭の ヘタを 振りまわす。
ぶつけられると かなり 痛いぞ。"
762,33,1,"おどるように ターンして あまい
かおりを ふりまく。 その においを
かぐと しあわせな きもちになる。"
762,33,3,"춤추듯이 회전해서 달콤한
향기를 흩날린다. 그 향기를
맡으면 행복한 기분이 든다."
762,33,5,"Il danse en tournant sur lui-même et répand
une douce odeur dans son sillage. Sentir celle-ci
provoque un profond sentiment de bonheur."
762,33,6,"Es dreht sich tänzerisch um sich selbst und
verströmt einen süßen Duft, der jeden glücklich
macht, der ihn riecht."
762,33,7,"Se mueve como si danzara, desprendiendo una
dulce fragancia que provoca una sensación de
felicidad en quien la inhala."
762,33,8,"Gira su se stesso come in una danza spargendo
nellaria un dolce profumo. Chi lo annusa prova
un sentimento di felicità."
762,33,9,"As it twirls like a dancer, a sweet smell spreads
out around it. Anyone who inhales the scent will
feel a surge of happiness."
762,33,11,"踊るように ターンして 甘い
香りを ふりまく。 その においを
嗅ぐと 幸せな 気持ちになる。"
762,34,1,"つついてくる アオガラスには
あたまの ヘタで なぐりつけてから
するどい けりわざを おみまいする。"
762,34,3,"쪼아대는 파크로우를
머리의 꼭지로 후려치고
예리한 발차기를 먹인다."
762,34,5,"Lorsquun Bleuseille le picore, il commence
par se défendre avec son calice, et lui assène
ensuite de violents coups de pied."
762,34,6,"Nach ihm pickende Kranoviz greift es mit dem
Blütenkelch auf seinem Kopf an, bevor es sie mit
agilen Kicktechniken bearbeitet."
762,34,7,"Si un Corvisquire viene a picotearlo, se defiende
golpeándolo con el cáliz de la cabeza y con
fuertes patadas."
762,34,8,"Quando un Corvisquire viene a stuzzicarlo,
lo colpisce prima con i sepali che ha
sulla testa e poi con calci violenti."
762,34,9,"Any Corvisquire that pecks at this
Pokémon will be greeted with a smack from
its sepals followed by a sharp kick."
762,34,11,"突いてくる アオガラスには
頭の ヘタで 殴りつけてから
鋭い 蹴り技を おみまいする。"
763,27,1,"あしを いかした けりが とくい。
たおした あいてを あしげに して
たかわらいで しょうりを アピール。"
763,27,3,"다리를 활용한 발차기가 특기다.
쓰러뜨린 상대를 걷어차며
큰 웃음으로 승리를 어필한다."
763,27,5,"Spécialiste du coup de pied bien placé, ce
Pokémon prend un malin plaisir à savater
ses ennemis au sol en riant aux éclats."
763,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist für seine heftigen Tritte
bekannt. Oft tritt es auch noch nach und lacht,
um seinen Sieg an die große Glocke zu hängen."
763,27,7,"Propinar patadas implacables es su
especialidad. Patea a sus oponentes derrotados
y proclama su victoria con una gran carcajada."
763,27,8,"Tirare calci è la sua specialità. Quando batte
un avversario, adora umiliarlo ridendogli in
faccia e vantandosi della vittoria."
763,27,9,"Its long, striking legs arent just for show but to
be used to kick with skill. In victory, it shows off
by kicking the defeated, laughing boisterously."
763,27,11,"脚を 活かした 蹴りが 得意。
倒した 相手を 足蹴に して
高笑いで 勝利を アピール。"
763,28,1,"びきゃくの ポケモンとして しられ
びようクリニックなどの こうこくの
マスコットに なっている。"
763,28,3,"다리가 예쁜 포켓몬으로 알려져
미용 클리닉 등의 광고의
마스코트가 되었다."
763,28,5,"Ce Pokémon est connu pour la forme parfaite de
ses jambes. Les instituts de beauté nhésitent
pas à lutiliser comme mascotte dans leurs pubs."
763,28,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist für seine schönen Beine
bekannt. Da verwundert es nicht, dass es für
Anzeigen von Schönheitssalons gebucht wird."
763,28,7,"La belleza de sus piernas es bien conocida.
Por eso no es de extrañar que se utilice como
reclamo para salones de belleza y similares."
763,28,8,"È talmente noto per la perfezione delle sue
gambe che spesso viene ritratto nei manifesti
pubblicitari dei saloni di bellezza."
763,28,9,"A Pokémon known for the beauty of its
well-shaped legs, it sometimes appears as a
mascot in advertisements for beauty salons."
763,28,11,"美脚の ポケモンとして 知られ
美容クリニックなどの 広告の
マスコットに なっている。"
763,29,1,"うつくしい けりわざの つかいて。
キックボクシングの チャンピオンも
いちげきで ノックアウトするぞ。"
763,29,3,"아름다운 발차기의 전문가다.
킥복싱의 챔피언도
일격으로 녹아웃시킨다."
763,29,5,"Ce véritable virtuose du coup de pied peut
mettre K.O. un champion de kick-boxing
en une seule frappe."
763,29,6,"Seine Kicktechniken sind äußerst grazil. Selbst
Kickbox-Champions kann es mit einem einzigen
Tritt auf die Bretter befördern."
763,29,7,"Propina bellas patadas con elegancia. Una sola
bastaría para dejar fuera de combate a un
campeón de kickboxing."
763,29,8,"Tira calci con grazia ed eleganza. Uno solo
dei suoi colpi è sufficiente per mandare al
tappeto anche un campione di kickboxing."
763,29,9,"A master of grand and beautiful kicks, it can
knock out even kickboxing champions with a
single blow."
763,29,11,"美しい 蹴り技の 使い手。
キックボクシングの チャンピオンも
一撃で ノックアウトするぞ。"
763,30,1,"こうげきてきな きしつの ポケモンで
キックの めいしゅ。 あいてを
けりあげるたび たかわらいする。"
763,30,3,"공격적인 기질을 가진 포켓몬으로
킥의 명수다. 상대를
차올릴 때마다 크게 웃는다."
763,30,5,"Ce Pokémon bagarreur possède un jeu de
jambes hors du commun. Il éclate de rire entre
chaque coup de pied quil assène à sa victime."
763,30,6,"Dieses angriffslustige Pokémon ist für seine
virtuosen Tritte berühmt. Mit jedem Kick müssen
seine Gegner zudem lautes Gelächter ertragen."
763,30,7,"Es un Pokémon combativo y especialista en
propinar patadas. Suelta una risotada cada vez
que acierta al oponente."
763,30,8,"È un Pokémon dal temperamento combattivo.
La sua specialità sono i calci e ogni volta che
ne assesta uno scoppia in una sonora risata."
763,30,9,"A Pokémon with an aggressive personality and
a mastery of kicking, it cackles every time it
kicks an opponent."
763,30,11,"攻撃的な 気質の ポケモンで
キックの 名手。 相手を
蹴り上げるたび 高笑いする。"
763,33,1,"すらりと のびた あしと ざんにんな
こころを もち おそれられている。
てきを ようしゃなく ふみにじる。"
763,33,3,"늘씬하게 뻗은 다리와 잔인한
마음씨를 가진 공포의 대상.
상대를 사정없이 짓밟는다."
763,33,5,"Ce Pokémon au cœur cruel est redouté,
car il piétine ses ennemis avec ses longues
jambes sans aucune pitié."
763,33,6,"Seine langen Beine und sein grausames Herz
werden gefürchtet. Es tritt ohne Gnade auf seine
Gegner ein."
763,33,7,"Sus piernas son tan esbeltas como cruel es su
corazón. Un temible Pokémon que pisotea sin
piedad al rival."
763,33,8,"Ha gambe lunghe e snelle, ed è molto temuto
per il suo cuore crudele. Calpesta i nemici
senza alcuna pietà."
763,33,9,"This feared Pokémon has long, slender legs and
a cruel heart. It shows no mercy as it stomps on
its opponents."
763,33,11,"すらりと 伸びた 脚と 残忍な
心を もち 恐れられている。
敵を 容赦なく 踏みにじる。"
763,34,1,"かたく とがった つまさきで けりを
おみまいして あいての からだと
こころに きえない きずを のこす。"
763,34,3,"단단하고 뾰족한 발끝으로
킥을 먹여서 상대의 몸과 마음에
지워지지 않는 상처를 남긴다."
763,34,5,"Ce Pokémon frappe violemment ses ennemis
de la pointe dure de ses jambes, ce qui leur inflige
des dégâts irréversibles au corps et à lâme."
763,34,6,"Es tritt mit seinen harten Fußspitzen auf seine
Gegner ein und hinterlässt dabei sowohl
körperliche als auch seelische Narben."
763,34,7,"Propina patadas con sus duras y puntiagudas
piernas, con las que deja heridas indelebles en
el cuerpo y el corazón del adversario."
763,34,8,"Tira calci allavversario con la punta dura
e appuntita dei piedi, lasciandogli cicatrici
indelebili nel corpo e nellanimo."
763,34,9,"A kick from the hardened tips of this Pokémons
legs leaves a wound in the opponents body and
soul that will never heal."
763,34,11,"硬く 尖った つま先で 蹴りを
おみまいして 相手の 体と
心に 消えない 傷を 残す。"
764,27,1,"えいようまんてんの ツルに はなを
くっつける。 はなは かっせいかし
かぐわしい アロマが ただよいだす。"
764,27,3,"영양 만점의 줄기에 꽃을
붙인다. 꽃이 활성화해서
향기로운 아로마가 풍긴다."
764,27,5,"Sa liane gluante diffuse des nutriments dans les
fleurs quelle happe. Ces dernières dégagent
alors un léger parfum."
764,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon sieht aus, als hätte man Blüten
an einer nahrhaften Ranke angebracht. Diese
blühen auf und sind äußerst wohlriechend."
764,27,7,"Prende flores en su tallo, que es muy rico en
nutrientes. Las flores se revitalizan y
desprenden una agradable fragancia."
764,27,8,"Alla sua liana ricca di nutrienti attacca dei fiori
che così riprendono vigore, emanando piacevoli
764,27,9,"It attaches flowers to its highly nutritious vine.
This revitalizes the flowers, and they give off
an aromatic scent."
764,27,11,"栄養満点の ツルに 花を
くっつける。 花は 活性化し
香しい アロマが 漂いだす。"
764,28,1,"ツルに ついた はなを うかべた
おふろは リラックスこうかが あり
おおくの じょせいに だいにんき。"
764,28,3,"덩굴에 붙어 있는 꽃을 띄운 목욕은
긴장을 풀어주는 효과가 있어
많은 여성들에게 인기가 높다."
764,28,5,"Utilisées en bain, les fleurs qui se collent sur sa
liane possèdent des vertus relaxantes. Elles
ont déjà séduit les gens du monde entier."
764,28,6,"Ein Wellness-Bad mit seinen Blüten hilft, dem
Alltag zu entfliehen und gut zu entspannen.
Bei vielen Menschen daher äußerst beliebt."
764,28,7,"Un baño aderezado con las flores ensartadas en
su sarmiento tiene un efecto muy relajante, por
lo que este Pokémon se ha vuelto muy popular."
764,28,8,"Se si immergono i suoi fiori in un bagno caldo
si produce un effetto rilassante. Ciò lo ha reso
molto popolare nei centri termali."
764,28,9,"Baths prepared with the flowers from its vine
have a relaxing effect, so this Pokémon
is a hit with many people."
764,28,11,"ツルに ついた 花を 浮かべた
お風呂は リラックス効果が あり
多くの 女性に 大人気。"
764,29,1,"あたまから ねばりけの ある ツルを
のばして はなを つんで じぶんを
かざる。 はなが ないと ふあん。"
764,29,3,"머리에서 끈적거리는 시위를
늘려서 꽃을 따서 치장한다.
꽃이 없으면 불안하다."
764,29,5,"Il ramasse des fleurs en déployant la liane
gluante accrochée à sa tête et sen agrémente.
Il se sent mal à laise lorsquil nen a pas."
764,29,6,"Mit der klebrigen Ranke an seinem Kopf pflückt
es Blumen und schmückt sich dann mit ihnen.
Fehlt ihm sein Blütenschmuck, wird es nervös."
764,29,7,"Adorna con flores el tallo pegajoso que brota
de su cabeza. Sin ellas se siente intranquilo."
764,29,8,"Ama adornare di fiori la liana appiccicosa
che gli spunta dalla testa. Se resta senza
fiori, si fa prendere dallansia."
764,29,9,"It stretches sticky vines out from its head and
picks flowers to adorn itself with. When it
doesnt have any flowers, it feels uneasy."
764,29,11,"頭から 粘り気の ある ツルを
伸ばして 花を 摘んで 自分を
飾る。 花が ないと 不安。"
764,30,1,"つんだ はなを たいえきで からだに
くっつける。 はなびらから ただよう
かおりには いやしの こうかがある。"
764,30,3,"딴 꽃에 체액을 묻혀 몸에
붙인다. 꽃잎에서 감도는
향기는 치유 효과가 있다."
764,30,5,"Il cueille des fleurs quil colle sur son corps
grâce à ses fluides corporels. Le parfum qui
émane de ses pétales a des vertus apaisantes."
764,30,6,"Es pflückt Blumen und klebt sie mithilfe eines
Sekrets an seinen Körper. Von seinen Blüten
geht ein Duft mit heilsamer Wirkung aus."
764,30,7,"Prende flores en su tallo usando sus fluidos
corporales. El aroma que desprenden los
pétalos tiene propiedades curativas."
764,30,8,"Usa i suoi fluidi corporei per attaccarsi addosso
i fiori che raccoglie. Il profumo che emana dai
suoi petali ha proprietà curative."
764,30,9,"It picks flowers and sticks them to its body
with fluids it produces. The aroma that wafts
from its petals has a healing effect."
764,30,11,"摘んだ 花を 体液で 身体に
くっつける。 花弁から ただよう
香りには 癒しの 効果がある。"
764,33,1,"ツルを つかって はなを つみ
じぶんを かざる。 からだに
ついた はなは なぜか かれない。"
764,33,3,"덩굴을 사용해 꽃을 따서 자신을
꾸민다. 몸에 붙은 꽃은 무슨
이유에서인지 시들지 않는다."
764,33,5,"Il orne son corps de fleurs quil cueille avec
sa liane. Mystérieusement, celles-ci ne se
fanent jamais."
764,33,6,"Mit seiner Ranke pflückt es Blumen und schmückt
dann seinen Körper mit ihnen. Aus irgendeinem
Grund verwelken diese nie."
764,33,7,"Prende flores en su tallo para decorar su propio
cuerpo y, misteriosamente, no se marchitan
764,33,8,"Coglie fiori con la sua liana e li usa per decorare
il proprio corpo. Non si sa come mai, ma i fiori
che ha addosso non appassiscono."
764,33,9,"Comfey picks flowers with its vine and decorates
itself with them. For some reason, flowers wont
wither once theyre attached to a Comfey."
764,33,11,"ツルを 使って 花を 摘み
自分を 飾る。 体に ついた
花は なぜか 枯れない。"
764,34,1,"とても よいかおりがする ポケモン。
みにつける はなが ちがうので
キュワワーごとに かおりは ちがう。"
764,34,3,"매우 좋은 향기가 나는 포켓몬이다.
몸에 붙이는 꽃이 달라서
큐아링마다 향이 다르다"
764,34,5,"Ce Pokémon dégage un parfum agréable
qui varie dun spécimen à lautre, car chaque
Guérilande shabille de fleurs différentes."
764,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon riecht äußerst angenehm.
Da jedes Curelei andere Blumen trägt,
unterscheiden sie sich in ihrem Duft."
764,34,7,"Este Pokémon libera una agradable fragancia,
que varía de individuo a individuo debido a que
cada uno se engalana con flores diferentes."
764,34,8,"Questo Pokémon emette un profumo davvero
delizioso. Ogni esemplare ha una fragranza
diversa a seconda dei fiori che ha addosso."
764,34,9,"These Pokémon smell very nice. All Comfey wear
different flowers, so each of these Pokémon has
its own individual scent."
764,34,11,"とても 良い香りがする ポケモン。
身につける 花が 違うので
キュワワーごとに 香りは 違う。"
765,27,1,"ひじょうに かしこいことで しられる。
みじゅくな トレーナーは みくだす
ベテランむけの ポケモンだぞ。"
765,27,3,"굉장히 똑똑한 것으로 유명하다.
미숙한 트레이너를 깔보기 때문에
베테랑에게 맞는 포켓몬이다."
765,27,5,"Célébré pour son intelligence exceptionnelle,
ce Pokémon vous prendra de haut si vous
débutez. À réserver aux Dresseurs aguerris."
765,27,6,"Es ist als extrem schlaues Pokémon bekannt.
Nicht so beliebt bei unerfahrenen Trainern,
doch Veteranen wissen es zu schätzen."
765,27,7,"Es un Pokémon famoso por su astucia e ingenio.
Desprecia a los Entrenadores novatos y prefiere
a los más veteranos."
765,27,8,"Famoso per la sua intelligenza, questo Pokémon
tende a guardare dallalto in basso gli Allenatori
poco esperti e a prediligere i più competenti."
765,27,9,"Known for its extreme intelligence, this Pokémon
will look down on inexperienced Trainers, so its
best suited to veteran Trainers."
765,27,11,"非常に 賢いことで 知られる。
未熟な トレーナーは 見下す
ベテラン向けの ポケモンだぞ。"
765,28,1,"ジャングルおくちの きのうえに すむ。
まれに うみべに あらわれて
ヤドキングと ちえくらべを する。"
765,28,3,"정글 오지의 나무 위에 산다.
드물게 바닷가에 나타나서
야도킹과 지혜를 겨룬다."
765,28,5,"Il vit perché sur les arbres au plus profond de la
jungle. Plus rarement, on le croise sur le littoral,
en plein concours dintelligence avec un Roigada."
765,28,6,"Lebt auf Baumwipfeln im tiefsten Dschungel.
Ab und an erscheint es am Strand, um sich
epische Quiz-Duelle mit Laschoking zu liefern."
765,28,7,"Vive en lo alto de los árboles en plena espesura
de la jungla. Muy de vez en cuando se acerca a
la costa para medir su ingenio con Slowking."
765,28,8,"Vive sugli alberi nel profondo della giungla.
Raramente viene avvistato sul litorale, dove
si cimenta in gare dintelligenza con Slowking."
765,28,9,"Deep in the jungle, high in the lofty canopy, this
Pokémon abides. On rare occasions, it shows up
at the beach to match wits with Slowking."
765,28,11,"ジャングル奥地の 木の上に 棲む。
まれに 海辺に 現れて
ヤドキングと 知恵比べを する。"
765,29,1,"ふだんは きのうえで めいそうして
すごす。 かってにモンスターボールを
なげて ポケモンに めいれいする。"
765,29,3,"평소에는 나무 위에서 명상하며
지낸다. 제멋대로 몬스터볼을
던져 포켓몬에게 명령한다."
765,29,5,"Il médite généralement en haut des arbres.
Il se permet de lancer des Poké Balls sur les
autres Pokémon et leur donne des ordres."
765,29,6,"Es verbringt die meiste Zeit in Meditation auf
Baumwipfeln. Manchmal wirft es Pokébälle auf
Pokémon und erteilt ihnen Befehle."
765,29,7,"Se pasa las horas meditando en lo alto de los
árboles. Cuando se le antoja, lanza Poké Balls a
otros Pokémon y les da órdenes."
765,29,8,"Solitamente passa il tempo meditando in cima
agli alberi. A volte si diverte a lanciare Poké Ball
e dare ordini agli altri Pokémon."
765,29,9,"It normally spends its time meditating in the
treetops. It throws Poké Balls and gives other
Pokémon orders as it pleases."
765,29,11,"普段は 木の上で 瞑想して
過ごす。 勝手にモンスターボールを
投げて ポケモンに 命令する。"
765,30,1,"ヤレユータンどうしは なかが わるく
どちらが かしこく かくが うえか
ちえくらべを くりかえす。"
765,30,3,"하랑우탄끼리는 사이가 좋지 않아서
누가 더 똑똑하고 수준이 높은지
지혜 겨루기를 반복한다."
765,30,5,"Les Gouroutan ne sentendent pas bien entre
eux. Ils ne cessent de se provoquer en duel
pour comparer leur degré dintelligence."
765,30,6,"Kommandutan kommen nicht gut miteinander
aus. Ständig wetteifern sie, wer von ihnen wohl
am klügsten sei."
765,30,7,"Los Oranguru se llevan mal entre ellos y
compiten constantemente para saber cuál es
superior y más inteligente que los demás."
765,30,8,"Gli Oranguru non vanno daccordo tra di loro
e si sfidano sempre in prove dintelligenza
per stabilire chi sia il più sagace."
765,30,9,"Oranguru dont get along with each other, so
theyre always engaging in battles of wits to
decide which one is superior."
765,30,11,"ヤレユータン同士は 仲が 悪く
どちらが 賢く 格が 上か
知恵比べを 繰り返す。"
765,33,1,"はっぱと たいもうで つくった
ぐんばいを ふって ポケモンたちを
いのままに あやつることが できる。"
765,33,3,"잎사귀와 털로 만든
부채를 휘둘러 포켓몬들을
마음대로 조종할 수 있다."
765,33,5,"Dun mouvement de son éventail tissé avec
des feuilles et des poils, il peut manipuler
les Pokémon et les forcer à agir selon sa volonté."
765,33,6,"Mit dem Fächer, den es aus Blättern und Fell
gebaut hat, kommandiert es andere Pokémon
herum. Er symbolisiert seine Befehlsgewalt."
765,33,7,"Cuando agita su abanico hecho de hojas y pelo,
puede controlar a otros Pokémon y hacer que
cumplan su voluntad."
765,33,8,"Sventolando il ventaglio fatto di foglie e ciuffi
di pelliccia assume il controllo degli altri
Pokémon, facendogli fare tutto ciò che vuole."
765,33,9,"With waves of its fan—made from leaves and its
own fur—Oranguru skillfully gives instructions to
other Pokémon."
765,33,11,"葉っぱと 体毛で つくった
軍配を 振って ポケモンたちを
意のままに 操ることが できる。"
765,34,1,"もりの すみずみまで しりつくし
きずついた ポケモンが いると
やくそうを さがして ちりょうする。"
765,34,3,"숲 구석구석까지 파악하고 있어
상처 입은 포켓몬이 있으면
약초를 찾아 치료한다."
765,34,5,"Il connaît la forêt sur le bout des doigts.
Lorsquil trouve un Pokémon blessé, il cherche
des plantes médicinales pour le soigner."
765,34,6,"Es kennt jeden Winkel des Waldes. Trifft es ein
verletztes Pokémon, findet es in Windeseile das
passende Heilkraut und schreitet zur Behandlung."
765,34,7,"Conoce hasta el último rincón del bosque y, si
encuentra un Pokémon herido, va en busca de
hierbas medicinales para curarlo."
765,34,8,"Conosce alla perfezione ogni angolo della
foresta e quando trova un Pokémon ferito cerca
subito una pianta medicinale per curarlo."
765,34,9,"It knows the forest inside and out. If it comes
across a wounded Pokémon, Oranguru will
gather medicinal herbs to treat it."
765,34,11,"森の 隅々まで 知り尽くし
傷ついた ポケモンが いると
薬草を 探して 治療する。"
766,27,1,"20ぴきぜんごの グループを つくる。
そのけっそくは ひじょうに かたく
ぜったい なかまを みすてない。"
766,27,3,"20마리 전후의 그룹을 만든다.
그 결속은 상당히 강하며
절대 동료를 버리지 않는다."
766,27,5,"Ils se rassemblent par groupes de vingt. Dans
cette formation très soudée, nul ne songerait
une seule seconde à abandonner ses alliés."
766,27,6,"Es gründet Gruppen von etwa 20 Exemplaren.
Der Zusammenhalt der Gruppe ist extrem stark,
kein Kamerad wird jemals im Stich gelassen."
766,27,7,"Suele ir en grupos de unos veinte ejemplares.
Sus miembros permanecen siempre unidos y
nunca se abandonan unos a otros."
766,27,8,"Si muove in gruppi di circa 20 esemplari che,
uniti da un fortissimo legame, sono pronti a tutto
per aiutarsi a vicenda."
766,27,9,"They form groups of roughly 20 individuals.
Their mutual bond is remarkable—they will never
let down a comrade."
766,27,11,"20匹前後の グループを つくる。
その結束は 非常に 固く
絶対 仲間を 見捨てない。"
766,28,1,"かたい きのみを つかい たたかう。
そのテクニックは だいだいの ボスから
グループの なかまに うけつがれる。"
766,28,3,"딱딱한 나무열매를 사용해서 싸운다.
그 테크닉은 대대로 보스로부터
그룹 동료들에게 전수된다."
766,28,5,"Il choisit les Baies les plus dures pour sen
servir au combat : un stratagème bien rodé que
les chefs de groupe enseignent à leurs alliés."
766,28,6,"Es setzt eine harte Beere im Kampf ein. Diese
Technik wird vom Anführer der Gruppe von
Generation zu Generation weitervererbt."
766,28,7,"Utiliza bayas duras en combate. Para que esta
técnica perviva de generación en generación, los
jefes la transmiten a un grupo de elegidos."
766,28,8,"Sceglie le bacche più dure per sfruttare una
tecnica di lotta tramandata attraverso i leader
del gruppo di generazione in generazione."
766,28,9,"They battle with hard berries for weapons.
Their techniques are passed from the boss to
the group, generation upon generation."
766,28,11,"硬い 木の実を 使い 戦う。
そのテクニックは 代々の ボスから
グループの 仲間に 受け継がれる。"
766,29,1,"だえきを つかって はっぱを かたに
はりつけて マーキング。 はっぱの
はいちで どの むれか わかるよ。"
766,29,3,"침으로 어깨에 잎사귀를
붙여서 마킹한다. 잎사귀의
위치로 어느 무리인지 알 수 있다."
766,29,5,"Il utilise sa salive pour coller des feuilles
sur ses épaules. Leur disposition indique
son appartenance à un groupe particulier."
766,29,6,"Mit Speichel klebt es sich Blätter als Markierung
auf die Schultern. Die Anordnung dieser Blätter
zeigt, welcher Gruppe sie angehören."
766,29,7,"Adorna sus hombros con hojas que adhiere con
su saliva. La distribución de estas hojas indica
a qué manada pertenece."
766,29,8,"Le foglie sulle spalle, attaccate con la saliva,
formano un simbolo che identifica il gruppo
di appartenenza di ogni Passimian."
766,29,9,"They use their saliva to stick leaves to their
shoulders. You can tell what troop they belong
to from the position of the leaves."
766,29,11,"唾液を 使って 葉っぱを 肩に
貼り付けて マーキング。 葉っぱの
配置で どの 群れか わかるよ。"
766,30,1,"きのみは ぶきで あり しゅしょく。
むれの なかで 1ばん とおくまで
きのみを なげられるものが ボスだ。"
766,30,3,"나무열매가 무기이자 주식이다.
무리 중에서 가장 멀리
나무열매를 던지는 자가 보스다."
766,30,5,"Les Baies constituent à la fois son arme
et la base de son alimentation. Celui qui peut
les lancer le plus loin devient le chef du groupe."
766,30,6,"Beeren sind nicht nur sein Hauptnahrungsmittel,
sie dienen auch als Waffe. Wer sie am weitesten
werfen kann, gilt als Anführer der Gruppe."
766,30,7,"Las bayas son su arma, además de su sustento.
El que sea capaz de lanzarlas a mayor distancia
se convierte en el líder de la manada."
766,30,8,"Utilizza le bacche sia come arma che come cibo.
Il Passimian che riesce a scagliarle più lontano
diventa il capo del suo gruppo."
766,30,9,"Berries are its weapons as well as the staple of
its diet. The one that can throw a berry the
farthest is the boss of the troop."
766,30,11,"きのみは 武器で あり 主食。
群れの 中で 1番 遠くまで
きのみを 投げられるものが ボスだ。"
766,33,1,"ボスの しじに したがい みごとな
チームプレイで こうぶつの きのみを
さがして なかまどうし たすけあう。"
766,33,3,"보스의 지시를 따라 훌륭한
팀플레이로 좋아하는 나무열매를
찾기 위해 동료와 협동한다."
766,33,5,"Ils obéissent à leur chef au doigt et à lœil,
et travaillent en équipe pour dénicher
leurs Baies favorites."
766,33,6,"Bei der Beerensuche stellen sie ihre legendäre
Teamfähigkeit unter Beweis, indem sie als
Gruppe die Befehle des Anführers befolgen."
766,33,7,"Bajo la tutela del líder, hacen gala de una gran
capacidad de trabajo en equipo para buscar sus
bayas predilectas y ayudarse los unos a los otros."
766,33,8,"Seguono fedelmente gli ordini del capo e si
aiutano sempre fra loro per cercare le bacche di
cui sono ghiotti con un perfetto gioco di squadra."
766,33,9,"Displaying amazing teamwork, they follow the
orders of their boss as they all help out in the
search for their favorite berries."
766,33,11,"ボスの 指示に 従い 見事な
チームプレイで 好物の 木の実を
探して 仲間同士 助け合う。"
766,34,1,"20ぴきほどの グループで くらす。
きまった やくわりを こなすことで
きびしい しぜんを いきぬいてきた。"
766,34,3,"20마리 정도가 무리 지어 생활한다.
정해진 역할을 해내면서
혹독한 자연에서 꿋꿋하게 살아남았다."
766,34,5,"Ils vivent en groupes de vingt individus où chacun
a un rôle précis, ce qui leur a permis de survivre
dans un environnement impitoyable."
766,34,6,"Sie bilden Gruppen von 20 Exemplaren. Durch
klare Aufgabenteilung haben sie den Gefahren
der Natur getrotzt und bis heute überlebt."
766,34,7,"Viven en grupos de unos veinte ejemplares.
Cada individuo tiene un rol definido, lo que les
permite sobrevivir en entornos hostiles."
766,34,8,"Vivono in gruppi di circa 20 individui. Riescono
a sopravvivere in ambienti naturali ostili
svolgendo ognuno un ruolo specifico."
766,34,9,"Passimian live in groups of about 20, with
each member performing an assigned role.
Through cooperation, the group survives."
766,34,11,"20匹ほどの グループで 暮らす。
決まった 役割を こなすことで
厳しい 自然を 生き抜いてきた。"
767,27,1,"おくびょうで たくさんの あしを
ばたつかせ ひっしに にげまわる。
にげたあとは ピカピカ きれい。"
767,27,3,"겁이 많아서 많은 다리를
버둥거리며 필사적으로 도망친다.
도망간 자리는 반짝반짝 깨끗하다."
767,27,5,"De nature poltronne, il prend ses nombreuses
pattes à son cou au moindre danger et balaie
le sol sur son passage."
767,27,6,"Es ist so feige, dass es wild mit seinen vielen
Füßen herumschlägt und verzweifelt davonläuft.
Nach seiner Flucht glänzt der Boden herrlich."
767,27,7,"Cuando se asusta, huye despavorido moviendo
rápidamente sus múltiples patas. Deja el suelo
limpio y pulido allí por donde pasa."
767,27,8,"È un gran fifone e fugge agitando rapidamente
le sue numerose zampette. Dopo il suo
passaggio, tutto è lindo e pulito."
767,27,9,"This Pokémon is a coward. As it desperately
dashes off, the flailing of its many legs leaves a
sparkling clean path in its wake."
767,27,11,"臆病で たくさんの 足を
ばたつかせ 必死に 逃げまわる。
逃げたあとは ピカピカ 綺麗。"
767,28,1,"ビーチから かいていまで いろんな
ばしょに すむ。 くさったエサ でも
よろこんで たべる しぜんのそうじや。"
767,28,3,"해변부터 해저까지 다양한
장소에 산다. 썩은 먹이라도
기꺼이 먹는 자연의 청소부."
767,28,5,"Il vit aussi bien en bord de mer que dans les
fonds marins. Véritable aspirateur sur pattes, il
avale nimporte quelle nourriture, même pourrie."
767,28,6,"Es mag verschiedene Habitate, vom Strand bis
hin zum Meeresgrund. Unterwegs frisst es gern
Faules und ist eine natürliche Reinigungskraft."
767,28,7,"Su hábitat es muy variado, desde playas hasta
el fondo del mar. Hace de barrendero natural al
ir engullendo presas podridas por el camino."
767,28,8,"Vive dappertutto, dalle spiagge ai fondali marini.
Mangia volentieri anche sostanze putrescenti,
perciò viene chiamato lo spazzino della natura."
767,28,9,"Its habitat varies from beaches to seabeds.
A natural scavenger, it will gleefully chow down
on anything edible, no matter how rotten."
767,28,11,"ビーチから 海底まで 色んな
場所に 棲む。 腐った餌 でも
喜んで 食べる 自然の掃除屋。"
767,29,1,"おちてるものは なんでも ひろう。
コインを もっていることも あるので
ヤミカラスやニャースに ねらわれる。"
767,29,3,"떨어져 있는 것은 뭐든지 줍는다.
동전을 갖고 있을 때도 있어
니로우나 나옹이 노리고 있다."
767,29,5,"Il ramasse tout ce quil trouve par terre, y
compris des pièces. Cela lui vaut dêtre pris
pour cible par les Cornèbre et les Miaouss."
767,29,6,"Es hebt alles auf, was es finden kann. Manchmal
befinden sich darunter auch Münzen, weshalb
es oft von Kramurx und Mauzi gejagt wird."
767,29,7,"Recoge todo lo que encuentra por el suelo. A
veces recoge monedas, lo que atrae la atención
de Murkrow y Meowth."
767,29,8,"Raccoglie da terra ogni tipo di oggetto.
Quando trova delle monete viene preso
di mira da Murkrow e Meowth."
767,29,9,"It will pick up anything it finds on the ground.
Sometimes it finds coins, so Murkrow and
Meowth will go after it."
767,29,11,"落ちているものは 何でも 拾う。
コインを 持っていることも あるので
ヤミカラスやニャースに 狙われる。"
767,30,1,"とても しょうしんものの ポケモン。
なにかが ちかづくだけで こうそくで
あしを うごかして にげていくよ。"
767,30,3,"매우 소심한 포켓몬.
무언가가 다가오기만 해도 고속으로
다리를 움직여서 도망친다."
767,30,5,"Un Pokémon timoré qui se sauve à toutes pattes
dès que lon sapproche de lui."
767,30,6,"Dieses Pokémon ist ein wahrer Drückeberger.
Sobald sich ihm etwas nähert, strampelt es flink
mit seinen Beinchen und nimmt Reißaus."
767,30,7,"Es un Pokémon muy cobarde. En cuanto nota
que algo se le acerca, sale huyendo a gran
767,30,8,"È un Pokémon estremamente timoroso.
Non appena qualcosa gli si avvicina, Wimpod se
la svigna a gran velocità agitando le zampette."
767,30,9,"An astonishingly cowardly Pokémon, Wimpod
will whir its legs at high speeds to run away if
anything comes near it."
767,30,11,"とても 小心者の ポケモン。
何かが 近付くだけで 高速で
足を 動かして 逃げていくよ。"
767,33,1,"くさったものや ゴミでも なんでも
たべまわる しぜんの そうじや。
すの まわりは いつも きれい。"
767,33,3,"상한 것이든 쓰레기든 닥치는 대로
먹어 치우는 자연의 청소부.
둥지 주변은 언제나 깨끗하다."
767,33,5,"Ce véritable nettoyeur de la nature mange tout,
même la nourriture avariée et les déchets.
Les environs de son nid sont toujours impeccables."
767,33,6,"Sie sind natürliche Reinigungskräfte und fressen
alles, inklusive vergammeltem Essen und Müll.
In der Nähe ihrer Nester ist es immer sauber."
767,33,7,"Hace de barrendero natural al ir devorándolo
todo, basura y podredumbre incluidas. Alrededor
de su nido reina siempre la mayor pulcritud."
767,33,8,"Poiché mangia di tutto, anche immondizia e
sostanze putrescenti, è detto lo spazzino della
natura. Attorno alla sua tana regna la pulizia."
767,33,9,"Its natures cleaner—it eats anything and
everything, including garbage and rotten things.
The ground near its nest is always clean."
767,33,11,"腐ったものや ゴミでも なんでも
食べまわる 自然の 掃除屋。
巣の まわりは いつも きれい。"
767,34,1,"むれで かたまり つねに まわりを
けいかいしている。 てきの けはいを
かんじると ちりぢりに にげだす。"
767,34,3,"무리가 모여 다니며 항상
주위를 경계한다. 적의 기척을
느끼면 뿔뿔이 흩어져 도망간다."
767,34,5,"Ils se déplacent en groupe, toujours en alerte.
Dès quils détectent une présence ennemie,
ils senfuient dans toutes les directions."
767,34,6,"Sie schließen sich zu Schwärmen zusammen und
halten stets Ausschau nach Gefahr. Sichten sie
einen Feind, nehmen sie in alle Winde Reißaus."
767,34,7,"Forman colonias y permanecen siempre alerta.
En cuanto perciben a un enemigo, salen huyendo
en todas direcciones."
767,34,8,"Si muovono in gruppo e stanno sempre sul chi
va là. Non appena percepiscono la presenza
del nemico scappano in ogni direzione."
767,34,9,"Wimpod gather in swarms, constantly on the
lookout for danger. They scatter the moment
they detect an enemys presence."
767,34,11,"群れで かたまり つねに まわりを
警戒している。 敵の 気配を
感じると 散り散りに 逃げ出す。"
768,27,1,"するどく きょだいな ツメで
いっせん。 くうきや かいすいさえ
いっとうりょうだんの うでまえ。"
768,27,3,"날카롭고 거대한 발톱으로
공격한다. 공기나 해수마저
두 동강 낼 정도의 실력이다."
768,27,5,"Il fait miroiter ses énormes griffes acérées
avant dattaquer. Elles sont assez puissantes
pour fendre en deux lair comme la mer."
768,27,6,"Mithilfe seiner riesigen, glitzernden Klauen
zerteilt es selbst Luft und Salzwasser mit
einem Hieb."
768,27,7,"Gracias a su destreza y sus enormes y afiladas
garras, puede cortar hasta el aire y el agua de
un solo tajo."
768,27,8,"È talmente abile con i suoi enormi artigli affilati
da essere in grado di tagliare in due persino
le particelle dellaria e dellacqua."
768,27,9,"With a flashing slash of its giant sharp claws,
it cleaves seawater—or even air—right in two."
768,27,11,"鋭く 巨大な ツメで
一閃。 空気や 海水さえ
一刀両断の 腕前。"
768,28,1,"6ぽんの うでで たくみに たたかう。
ふだんは しんかいの いわあなで
めいそうするように しずかに すごす。"
768,28,3,"6개의 팔로 능숙하게 싸운다.
평소에는 심해의 바위굴에서
명상하듯 조용히 지낸다."
768,28,5,"Il utilise ses six pattes pour se battre.
Habitant des grottes sous-marines, il passe
son temps plongé dans un silence méditatif."
768,28,6,"Seine sechs Arme setzt es geschickt im Kampf
ein. Sein natürliches Habitat sind Tiefseehöhlen,
in denen es sich ganz der Meditation hingibt."
768,28,7,"Usa con astucia sus seis patas superiores en
combate. Suele habitar las cavernas del fondo
marino, donde lleva una vida contemplativa."
768,28,8,"Lotta con destrezza impiegando le sue sei
braccia. Preferisce condurre una vita quieta e
contemplativa nelle caverne degli abissi marini."
768,28,9,"It battles skillfully with its six arms, but spends
most of its time peacefully meditating in caves
deep beneath the sea."
768,28,11,"6本の 腕で 巧みに 戦う。
普段は 深海の 岩穴で
瞑想するように 静かに 過ごす。"
768,29,1,"からだを おおう かたいカラは
ダイヤモンドなみの きょうどを もつ。
かつためには しゅだんを えらばない。"
768,29,3,"몸을 덮고 있는 두꺼운 껍질은
다이아몬드 정도의 강도다.
이기기 위해서는 수단을 가리지 않는다."
768,29,5,"La carapace qui recouvre son corps est aussi
dure que le diamant. Il ne recule devant rien
pour gagner."
768,29,6,"Der harte Panzer auf seinem Rücken steht
Diamanten in Sachen Härte in nichts nach.
Um zu gewinnen, sind ihm alle Mittel recht."
768,29,7,"El caparazón que protege su cuerpo es tan duro
como el diamante. Hará lo que sea por conseguir
la victoria."
768,29,8,"Il durissimo carapace che protegge il suo corpo
è resistente come il diamante. Questo Pokémon
è disposto a tutto pur di vincere."
768,29,9,"The shell covering its body is as hard as
diamond. This Pokémon will do anything it
takes to win."
768,29,11,"身体を 覆う 硬いカラは
ダイヤモンド並みの 強度を 持つ。
勝つためには 手段を 選ばない。"
768,30,1,"じゆうに のびちぢみする ツメが
さいだいの ぶき。 コソクムシを
したがえていることも あるのだ。"
768,30,3,"자유롭게 늘었다 줄었다 하는
발톱이 최대의 무기다.
꼬시레를 거느리고 있을 때도 있다."
768,30,5,"Ses griffes rétractiles sont sa plus grande arme.
Il se fait parfois accompagner dune suite
de Sovkipou."
768,30,6,"Seine gefährlichste Waffe sind seine Klauen,
die es nach Belieben ein- und ausfahren kann.
Manchmal wird es von Reißlaus begleitet."
768,30,7,"Su mayor arma son sus garras retráctiles.
A veces va acompañado por un séquito de
768,30,8,"La sua arma più potente sono gli artigli, che
può estendere e ritrarre a volontà. A volte
si fa accompagnare da Wimpod."
768,30,9,"Its claws, which it can extend and retract at
will, are its greatest weapons. Golisopod is
sometimes accompanied by Wimpod."
768,30,11,"自由に 伸び縮みする ツメが
最大の 武器。 コソクムシを
従えていることも あるのだ。"
768,33,1,"かつためには しゅだんを とわない。
あいての すきを ついて まえあしの
ちいさな ツメで とどめを さす。"
768,33,3,"이기기 위해서는 수단을 가리지 않는다.
상대의 빈틈을 찌른 뒤 앞발의
작은 발톱으로 마무리한다."
768,33,5,"Il ne recule devant rien pour gagner. Il profite de
linattention de son adversaire pour lui administrer
un coup décisif de ses petites griffes antérieures."
768,33,6,"Es schreckt vor nichts zurück, um zu gewinnen.
Sieht es eine Chance, schlägt es zu und gibt dem
Opfer mit seinen Klauen schließlich den Rest."
768,33,7,"Hace lo que sea por conseguir la victoria. Si el
rival se descuida, aprovecha para asestarle un
golpe letal con sus pequeñas garras frontales."
768,33,8,"È disposto a tutto per vincere. Colpisce
lavversario quando abbassa la guardia e lo
finisce con i piccoli artigli degli arti anteriori."
768,33,9,"It will do anything to win, taking advantage of
every opening and finishing opponents off with
the small claws on its front legs."
768,33,11,"勝つためには 手段を 問わない。
相手の 隙を ついて 前脚の
小さな ツメで とどめを 刺す。"
768,34,1,"かいていの あなや ちんぼつせんが
すみか。 オトスパスと たたかい
まけた ほうが エサになるのだ。"
768,34,3,"해저의 굴이나 침몰선이
거처다. 케오퍼스와 싸워서
진 쪽이 먹이가 된다."
768,34,5,"Il vit dans des trous ou des épaves au fond
de locéan. Il se bat souvent contre Krakos,
et le perdant sert de repas au gagnant."
768,34,6,"Tectass leben in Tiefseehöhlen und versunkenen
Schiffswracks. Sie liefern sich Kämpfe mit Kaocto,
nach denen der Sieger den Verlierer verspeist."
768,34,7,"Vive en cavernas del fondo marino o en barcos
hundidos. Lucha contra los Grapploct y el que
pierde se convierte en una suculenta presa."
768,34,8,"Vive sul fondo del mare, nelle buche o nei relitti.
Si scontra sempre con Grapploct.
Il perdente diventa il cibo del vincitore."
768,34,9,"They live in sunken ships or in holes in the
seabed. When Golisopod and Grapploct
battle, the loser becomes the winners meal."
768,34,11,"海底の 穴や 沈没船が
すみか。 オトスパスと 戦い
負けた ほうが エサになるのだ。"
769,27,1,"いきだおれたものの おんねんが
こどもが つくった すなやまに
とりつき たんじょう したのだ。"
769,27,3,"객사한 자의 원통함이
아이가 만든 모래언덕에
깃들어 탄생했다."
769,27,5,"Ce Pokémon est né de la rancœur dun voyageur
mort dans lindifférence, laquelle sest incarnée
dans un pâté de sable."
769,27,6,"Der Groll eines verstorbenen Reisenden fuhr in
einen Sandhügel, den ein Kind gebaut hatte,
und brachte dieses Pokémon in die Welt."
769,27,7,"Surgió cuando una persona murió abandonada
en plena calle y su resentimiento poseyó un
montículo de arena apilado por un niño."
769,27,8,"È nato quando della sabbia ammucchiata da un
bambino è stata animata dallo spirito risentito di
un viandante morto da solo durante un viaggio."
769,27,9,"Born from a sand mound playfully built by a
child, this Pokémon embodies the grudges of
the departed."
769,27,11,"行き倒れた者の 怨念が
子どもが つくった 砂山に
取りつき 誕生 したのだ。"
769,28,1,"くちのなかに てを いれたものを
あやつってしまう。 すなやまの
からだを おおきく させるためだ。"
769,28,3,"입안에 손을 넣은 자를
조종한다. 모래언덕의
몸집을 크게 만들기 위해서다."
769,28,5,"Ceux qui ont le malheur de mettre la main dans
sa gueule deviennent ses pantins. Il est prêt à
tout pour agrandir son corps en forme de dune."
769,28,6,"Es kann jeden kontrollieren, der seine Hand
in sein Maul steckt, und bringt sie dann dazu,
seinen Körper immer weiter zu vergrößern."
769,28,7,"Controla a todo aquel que ose meterle la mano
en la boca. Su objetivo es aumentar el tamaño
de su cuerpo en forma de duna."
769,28,8,"Prende il controllo di chiunque gli metta le mani
nella bocca, servendosi delle vittime per
accrescere le dimensioni del proprio corpo."
769,28,9,"It takes control of anyone who puts a hand in its
mouth. And so it adds to the accumulation of
its sand-mound body."
769,28,11,"口の中に 手を 入れた者を
操ってしまう。 砂山の
身体を 大きく させるためだ。"
769,29,1,"あたまの スコップは おきにいり。
とりかえしにきた こどもと ケンカ。
ムキに なって なぐりあいに なる。"
769,29,3,"머리의 삽을 마음에 들어한다.
되찾으러 온 아이와 싸우다가
열을 올리면서 치고 받고 싸운다."
769,29,5,"Il tient beaucoup à la pelle sur sa tête.
Si un enfant cherche à la récupérer, il se bat
sans retenir ses coups pour la garder."
769,29,6,"Die Schaufel auf seinem Kopf ist sein größter
Schatz. Versucht ein Kind, sich seine Schaufel
zurückzuholen, gibt es diese nicht kampflos auf."
769,29,7,"Siente mucho apego por la pala de su cabeza.
Si un niño intenta quitársela, se enfurece y pelea
por ella."
769,29,8,"È affezionato alla paletta che ha nel capo.
Se arriva un bambino per riprendersela,
si scatena una vera e propria zuffa."
769,29,9,"It likes the shovel on its head, so Sandygast
will get serious and fight any children who come
to take it back."
769,29,11,"頭の スコップは お気に入り。
取り返しに 来た 子どもと ケンカ。
ムキに なって 殴り合いに なる。"
769,30,1,"すなあそびで つくった すなやまは
かえるとき こわさないと たましいが
やどり スナバァに なるかもしれない。"
769,30,3,"모래장난으로 만든 모래산은
돌아갈 때 부수지 않으면 영혼이
깃들어서 모래꿍이 될지도 모른다."
769,30,5,"Détruisez vos pâtés de sable avant de rentrer
chez vous, sinon une âme pourrait les posséder
et les transformer en Bacabouh."
769,30,6,"Lässt man beim Spielen gebaute Sandhaufen
zurück, kann es vorkommen, dass sich eine
Seele dort einnistet und ein Sankabuh entsteht."
769,30,7,"Los montículos de arena que los niños no allanan
antes de irse a casa pueden acabar poseídos
por un espíritu y convertirse en este Pokémon."
769,30,8,"A fine giornata bisognerebbe disperdere la
sabbia ammucchiata, altrimenti uno spirito
potrebbe animarla e generare un Sandygast."
769,30,9,"If you build sand mounds when youre playing,
destroy them before you go home, or they
may get possessed and become Sandygast."
769,30,11,"砂遊びで 作った 砂山は
帰るとき 壊さないと 魂が
宿り スナバァに なるかもしれない。"
769,33,1,"すなやまに ししゃの おんねんが
やどり ポケモンに なった。
あたまの スコップは おきにいり。"
769,33,3,"모래산에 죽은 자의 원념이
깃들어 포켓몬이 되었다.
머리의 삽을 마음에 들어 한다."
769,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est né lorsquune âme rancunière
sest incarnée dans un pâté de sable. Il tient
énormément à la pelle sur sa tête."
769,33,6,"Es entstand aus einem Sandhaufen, in den der
Groll eines Verstorbenen fuhr. Die Schaufel auf
Sankabuhs Kopf ist sein größter Schatz."
769,33,7,"Nace de un montículo de arena poseído por el
resentimiento de un difunto. Siente mucho apego
por la pala de su cabeza."
769,33,8,"È nato quando uno spirito rancoroso si è
impossessato di una montagna di sabbia.
Tiene molto alla paletta che ha sul capo."
769,33,9,"Grudges of the dead have possessed a mound of
sand and become a Pokémon. Sandygast is fond
of the shovel on its head."
769,33,11,"砂山に 死者の 怨念が 宿り
ポケモンに なった。
頭の スコップは お気に入り。"
769,34,1,"すなはまが おもな すみか。
くちのなかに てをいれた あいてを
あやつり じぶんを おおきくする。"
769,34,3,"주로 모래사장에 산다.
입안에 손을 넣은 상대를
조종하여 자신을 크게 만든다."
769,34,5,"Il vit principalement sur les plages de sable et
peut agrandir son corps en prenant le contrôle
des gens qui mettent la main dans sa gueule."
769,34,6,"Für gewöhnlich lebt es an Stränden. Es kann alle
kontrollieren, die ihre Hand in sein Maul stecken,
und bringt sie dazu, seinen Körper zu vergrößern."
769,34,7,"Suele habitar en playas. Aumenta de tamaño al
tomar control de todo aquel que se atreva a
introducir la mano en su boca."
769,34,8,"Vive principalmente in spiagge sabbiose.
Aumenta di dimensioni prendendo il controllo
di chiunque gli metta una mano in bocca."
769,34,9,"Sandygast mainly inhabits beaches. It takes
control of anyone who puts their hand into its
mouth, forcing them to make its body bigger."
769,34,11,"砂浜が おもな 棲み処。
口の中に 手を入れた 相手を
操り 自分を 大きくする。"
770,27,1,"ひとを あやつり すなのやまを
すなのしろまで しんか させた。
のろいの ちからも あがっている。"
770,27,3,"사람을 조종하여 모래언덕을
모래성으로까지 진화시켰다.
저주의 힘도 깊어졌다."
770,27,5,"Il a possédé un humain pour que ce dernier
le remodèle en château de sable, décuplant
au passage ses pouvoirs de malédiction."
770,27,6,"Brachte Menschen dazu, den Sandhügel zu einer
stattlichen Sandburg auszubauen. Auch seine
Flüche haben an Stärke gewonnen."
770,27,7,"Manipulando a la gente ha conseguido
transformarse en todo un castillo de arena,
lo que ha aumentado su poder maligno."
770,27,8,"Si è evoluto servendosi degli esseri umani per
diventare un castello di sabbia, aumentando
così la propria forza malefica."
770,27,9,"Possessed people controlled by this Pokémon
transformed its sand mound into a castle. As it
evolved, its power to curse grew ever stronger."
770,27,11,"人を 操り 砂の山を
砂の城まで 進化 させた。
呪いの 力も あがっている。"
770,28,1,"しろの したには せいきを すわれ
ひからびた ものたちの ホネが
たいりょうに うまっている。"
770,28,3,"성 아래에는 정기를 빨려
바싹 말라버린 자들의 뼈가
대량으로 묻혀있다."
770,28,5,"On trouve de nombreux ossements sous
ses tours, restes de pauvres hères capturés.
Leur énergie a servi à nourrir ce Pokémon."
770,28,6,"Unter seiner Sandburg liegen zahlreiche
Knochen qualvoll Verstorbener, denen
die Lebenskraft ausgesaugt wurde."
770,28,7,"Su castillo alberga abundantes huesos de todos
aquellos incautos a los que absorbió su vitalidad
por completo antes de quedar sepultados."
770,28,8,"Succhia energia vitale dalle vittime e ne
seppellisce le ossa rinsecchite sotto il castello."
770,28,9,"Buried beneath the castle are masses of
dried-up bones from those whose vitality
it has drained."
770,28,11,"城の 下には 精気を 吸われ
干からびた 者たちの 骨が
大量に 埋まっている。"
770,29,1,"ひとつぶの すなにも いしが ある。
ちいさな ポケモンを のみこみ
いきたまま せいきを うばう。"
770,29,3,"한 알의 모래에도 의지가 있다.
작은 포켓몬을 산 채로 삼켜서
생기를 뺏는다."
770,29,5,"Chacun de ses grains de sable a sa volonté
propre. Trépassable gobe de petits Pokémon
pour absorber leur énergie vitale."
770,29,6,"Jedes einzelne seiner Körner verfügt über einen
eigenen Willen. Kleine Pokémon verschluckt es
lebendig und saugt ihnen die Lebensenergie aus."
770,29,7,"Cada grano de arena de su cuerpo tiene
voluntad propia. Engulle a Pokémon pequeños
estando aún vivos para robarles la energía vital."
770,29,8,"Ognuno dei suoi granelli ha una volontà propria.
Inghiotte vivi i Pokémon più piccoli e ne ruba
lenergia vitale."
770,29,9,"Each of its grains of sand has its own will.
Palossand eats small Pokémon and siphons
away their vital essence while theyre still alive."
770,29,11,"一粒の 砂にも 意思が ある。
小さな ポケモンを 呑み込み
生きたまま 生気を 奪う。"
770,30,1,"すなあらしを まきおこし あいての
みうごきを ふうじてから せいきを
うばう おそろしい ポケモンだ。"
770,30,3,"모래바람을 일으켜서 상대의
움직임을 봉인하고 생기를
뺏는 무서운 포켓몬이다."
770,30,5,"Ce terrifiant Pokémon déclenche des tempêtes
de sable pour immobiliser ses victimes, puis
absorbe leur énergie vitale."
770,30,6,"Ein grauenvolles Pokémon, das seine Feinde in
einen Sandsturm einschließt, um sie dann ihrer
Lebensenergie zu berauben."
770,30,7,"Este temible Pokémon crea tormentas de arena
que impiden moverse a sus víctimas y después
les arrebata su energía vital."
770,30,8,"Questo temibile Pokémon immobilizza i nemici
con una tempesta di sabbia per poi rubarne
lenergia vitale."
770,30,9,"Once it has whipped up a sandstorm to halt
its opponents in their tracks, this terrifying
Pokémon snatches away their vitality."
770,30,11,"砂嵐を 巻き起こし 相手の
身動きを 封じてから 生気を
奪う 恐ろしい ポケモンだ。"
770,33,1,"ビーチの あくむとも よばれる。
すなを あやつって えものを
しずめ たましいを すいとる。"
770,33,3,"해변의 악몽이라고도 불린다.
모래를 조종하여 먹이를
가라앉힌 뒤 영혼을 흡수한다."
770,33,5,"On lappelle aussi le «cauchemar des plages».
Il contrôle le sable pour ensevelir ses proies
et aspirer leur âme."
770,33,6,"Colossand wird auch als „Schrecken der Strände“
bezeichnet. Es manipuliert Sand, um seine Beute
zu begraben und sich ihre Seele einzuverleiben."
770,33,7,"Lo apodan la Pesadilla de las Playas. Hunde a
sus presas en la arena para luego absorberles la
energía vital."
770,33,8,"Viene chiamato anche “Incubo della spiaggia”.
Controlla la sabbia per far sprofondare la preda
e assorbirne lanima."
770,33,9,"Palossand is known as the Beach Nightmare. It
pulls its prey down into the sand by controlling
the sand itself, and then it sucks out their souls."
770,33,11,"ビーチの 悪夢とも 呼ばれる。
砂を 操って 獲物を 沈め
魂を 吸い取る。"
770,34,1,"ビーチに すむが みずが きらい。
はげしい あめに うたれると
おしろの かたちを たもてない。"
770,34,3,"해변에 살지만 물을 싫어한다.
세찬 비를 맞으면
성의 형태를 유지하지 못한다."
770,34,5,"Bien quil déteste leau, il vit sur les plages.
Quand la pluie sabat sur lui, il est incapable
de conserver sa forme de château de sable."
770,34,6,"Es lebt an Stränden, obwohl es Wasser hasst.
Wird es von starkem Regen erwischt, so kann es
seine sandburgartige Form nicht aufrechterhalten."
770,34,7,"Habita en las playas, aunque odia el agua.
Cuando caen fuertes lluvias, no es capaz de
preservar su forma de castillo."
770,34,8,"Vive sulla spiaggia ma odia lacqua.
Sotto una pioggia violenta, non riesce a
mantenere la sua forma di castello di sabbia."
770,34,9,"This Pokémon lives on beaches, but it hates
water. Palossand cant maintain its castle-like
shape if it gets drenched by a heavy rain."
770,34,11,"ビーチに 棲むが 水が 嫌い。
激しい 雨に 打たれると
お城の 形を 保てない。"
771,27,1,"ビーチなど あさい うみに すむ。
からだから たいないきかんを だして
エサを とったり てきと たたかう。"
771,27,3,"해변 등 얕은 바다에 산다.
몸에서 체내기관을 꺼내서
먹이를 잡거나 적과 싸운다."
771,27,5,"Il vit en bord de mer, ou en eaux peu profondes.
Ses organes peuvent sortir de son corps pour
saisir de la nourriture ou frapper lennemi."
771,27,6,"Es lebt an Stränden oder in flachen Gewässern.
Im Kampf und zum Schnappen von Beute lässt
es seine Organe hervorschnellen."
771,27,7,"Vive en las playas y en aguas poco profundas.
Expulsa sus entrañas para engañar a sus
depredadores y librarse de ellos."
771,27,8,"Vive nei pressi delle spiagge e in acque
poco profonde. Espelle gli organi interni per
catturare le prede e attaccare i nemici."
771,27,9,"It lives in shallow seas, such as areas near a
beach. It can eject its internal organs, which it
uses to engulf its prey or battle enemies."
771,27,11,"ビーチなど 浅い 海に 棲む。
身体から 体内器官を だして
餌を 捕ったり 敵と 戦う。"
771,28,1,"すなはまに たくさん いる。 からだを
つつむ ネバネバの ねんえきは
ひやけあとの スキンケアに べんり。"
771,28,3,"모래 해변에 많이 있다. 몸을
감싸는 끈적끈적한 점액은
햇볕에 탄 피부 관리에 편리하다."
771,28,5,"On en rencontre beaucoup sur les plages.
Le mucus gluant qui entoure son corps est idéal
pour soulager les coups de soleil."
771,28,6,"Es lebt häufig an Stränden. Seine Schleimschicht
eignet sich nach jedem Sonnenbad optimal zur
771,28,7,"En las playas se encuentran muchos ejemplares.
La mucosidad tan pegajosa que lo envuelve es
muy útil como loción tras tomar el sol."
771,28,8,"Vive in gruppi numerosi nei pressi delle spiagge.
Il liquido vischioso che ne ricopre il corpo
è una perfetta lozione doposole."
771,28,9,"These Pokémon line the beaches. The sticky
mucous that covers their bodies can be used to
soothe sunburned skin. How convenient!"
771,28,11,"砂浜に たくさん いる。 身体を
包む ネバネバの 粘液は
日焼け後の スキンケアに 便利。"
771,29,1,"ナマコブシなげ という ぶんかは
うちあげられた ナマコブシを うみに
なげかえす しゅうかんが はじまり。"
771,29,3,"해무기던지기라는 문화는
육지로 밀려온 해무기를 바다로 던져
돌려보내는 습관에서 시작되었다."
771,29,5,"Lancer à la mer les Concombaffe venus
séchouer sur le rivage était une habitude qui
sest depuis muée en une véritable tradition."
771,29,6,"Das heutzutage übliche Gufa-Schleudern ist
aus dem Brauch entstanden, angespülte Gufa
wieder ins Meer zurückzuwerfen."
771,29,7,"La costumbre de lanzar de nuevo al agua los
Pyukumuku que han sido arrastrados hasta la
orilla se ha convertido en toda una tradición."
771,29,8,"Labitudine di ributtare in mare gli esemplari
spiaggiati ha dato origine a una vera e
propria tradizione."
771,29,9,"The tradition known as Pyukumuku chucking
started from the custom of throwing Pyukumuku
back into the sea after they wash onshore."
771,29,11,"ナマコブシ投げ という 文化は
打ち上げられた ナマコブシを 海に
投げ返す 習慣が 始まり。"
771,30,1,"ぜんしん たいえきで ヌルヌル。
うっかり ふむと ころんでしまうし
おこって なぐってくるぞ。"
771,30,3,"전신이 체액으로 미끈거린다.
실수로 밟으면 넘어지고
화를 내며 때리려 든다."
771,30,5,"Tout son corps est recouvert dun mucus gluant.
Veillez à ne pas glisser dessus : il en profiterait
pour vous mettre une grosse claque!"
771,30,6,"Wer versehentlich auf seinen glitschigen Körper
tritt, rutscht nicht nur aus, sondern handelt sich
auch Gufas Ärger und Hiebe ein."
771,30,7,"Su cuerpo está recubierto de fluidos viscosos.
Si alguien lo pisa, resbalará y Pyukumuku lo
golpeará furioso."
771,30,8,"Il suo intero corpo è ricoperto da un fluido
vischioso. Chi lo calpesta scivola a terra e
si prende anche un pugno."
771,30,9,"Its entire body is covered in its own slime. If you
accidentally step on one, youll slip, and it will
get mad and smack you!"
771,30,11,"全身 体液で ヌルヌル。
うっかり 踏むと 転んでしまうし
怒って 殴ってくるぞ。"
771,33,1,"あたたかい あさせで くらす。
てきに であうと たいないきかんを
くちから だして なぐりつける。"
771,33,3,"따뜻하고 얕은 여울에 산다.
상대와 마주치면 체내 기관을
입으로 뿜어서 때려눕힌다."
771,33,5,"Il vit dans les eaux chaudes des hauts-fonds.
Sil croise un ennemi, il lattaque en lui crachant
ses organes internes au visage."
771,33,6,"Es lebt in warmen Küstengewässern. Trifft es auf
einen Gegner, öffnet es den Mund und lässt zum
Angriff seine Organe hervorschnellen."
771,33,7,"Vive en los cálidos bajíos de las playas. Si se
topa con un enemigo, ataca golpeándolo sin
cesar con las entrañas que expulsa por la boca."
771,33,8,"Vive vicino alle spiagge in acque calde e poco
profonde. Quando si imbatte in un nemico, lo
attacca espellendo gli organi interni dalla bocca."
771,33,9,"It lives in warm, shallow waters. If it encounters a
foe, it will spit out its internal organs as a means
to punch them."
771,33,11,"温かい 浅瀬で 暮らす。
敵に 出会うと 体内器官を
口から 出して 殴りつける。"
771,34,1,"ほしつこうかに すぐれた ねんえきが
ひふを おおっているので なんにちも
りくちに いても ひからびない。"
771,34,3,"보습 효과가 뛰어난 점액이
피부를 감싸고 있어 며칠을
육지에 있어도 마르지 않는다."
771,34,5,"Le fluide visqueux qui le recouvre garde sa peau
bien hydratée, ce qui lui permet de vivre plusieurs
jours sur la terre ferme sans se dessécher."
771,34,6,"Seine Schleimschicht hydriert seine Haut so
effizient, dass es mehrere Tage an Land leben
kann, ohne auszutrocknen."
771,34,7,"La formidable mucosidad que envuelve su piel
lo mantiene hidratado y le permite permanecer
en tierra firme varios días sin secarse."
771,34,8,"Il muco di cui è ricoperto mantiene stabile
lumidità della sua pelle. Può rimanere fuori
dallacqua per giorni senza seccarsi."
771,34,9,"Its covered in a slime that keeps its skin moist,
allowing it to stay on land for days without
drying up."
771,34,11,"保湿効果に 優れた 粘液が
皮膚を 被っているので 何日も
陸地に いても 干からびない。"
772,27,1,"おもい せいぎょマスクを つけており
ほんらいの のうりょくを だせない。
とくべつな ちからを ひめている。"
772,27,3,"무거운 제어마스크를 쓰고 있어
본래의 능력을 발휘할 수 없다.
특별한 힘을 숨기고 있다."
772,27,5,"Le lourd masque quil porte est un limiteur qui
lempêche dexprimer toute létendue de
sa puissance. Il recèle une force mystérieuse."
772,27,6,"Seine schwere Maske unterdrückt seine wahre
Macht. In ihm schlummern nämlich besondere
772,27,7,"La pesada máscara le impide liberar toda su
fuerza, que se cree que es extraordinaria."
772,27,8,"La pesante maschera che indossa agisce come
un freno che gli impedisce di usare la sua vera
potenza. Nasconde in sé un potere speciale."
772,27,9,"The heavy control mask it wears suppresses its
intrinsic capabilities. This Pokémon has some
hidden special power."
772,27,11,"重い 制御マスクを つけており
本来の 能力を だせない。
特別な 力を 秘めている。"
772,28,1,"じんこうの ポケモン。 ぼうそうの
きけんが あるため せいぎょマスクで
ちからを ふういん されている。"
772,28,3,"인공의 포켓몬이다. 폭주할
위험이 있어 제어마스크로
힘을 봉인하고 있다."
772,28,5,"Ce Pokémon créé de toutes pièces porte un
masque qui contient sa puissance et lempêche
de perdre le contrôle et de tout détruire."
772,28,6,"Ein künstliches Pokémon. Da die Gefahr besteht,
dass es alles kurz und klein schlagen könnte,
muss es eine Kontrollmaske tragen."
772,28,7,"Un Pokémon artificial. La máscara de contención
que lleva sirve para evitar que se descontrole."
772,28,8,"È un Pokémon artificiale. La maschera che porta
ha la funzione di tenere a freno la sua potenza
e impedirgli di perdere il controllo."
772,28,9,"Due to the danger that this synthetic Pokémon
may go on a rampage, it wears a control mask
to restrain its power."
772,28,11,"人工の ポケモン。 暴走の
危険が あるため 制御マスクで
力を 封印 されている。"
772,29,1,"あるにんむの ために かいはつされた
ポケモンへいき。 じっけんちゅうに
ぼうそうした ため とうけつされた。"
772,29,3,"특정 임무를 위해 개발된
포켓몬 병기다. 실험 중에
폭주해서 중단되었다."
772,29,5,"Développé en tant quarme dans un but bien
précis, il est devenu incontrôlable lors dune
expérience et a dû être cryogénisé."
772,29,6,"Dieses für einen bestimmten Zweck als Waffe
kreierte Pokémon geriet bei einem Experiment
außer Kontrolle und wurde deshalb stillgelegt."
772,29,7,"Este Pokémon se creó en un laboratorio como
arma para cierto fin. Fue criogenizado tras
desbocarse durante un experimento."
772,29,8,"È stato creato come arma per una missione
precisa. Fu ibernato dopo aver perso il controllo
durante un esperimento."
772,29,9,"A Pokémon weapon developed for a specific
mission, it went berserk during an experiment,
so it was cryogenically frozen."
772,29,11,"ある任務の ために 開発された
ポケモン兵器。 実験中に
暴走した ため 凍結された。"
772,30,1,"ぼうそうの きけんが あるため
せいぎょマスクに よって ほんとうの
ちからを ふういん されているのだ。"
772,30,3,"폭주의 위험이 있어
제어마스크를 통해 본래의
힘을 봉인하고 있다."
772,30,5,"On lui fait porter un masque qui limite
sa puissance afin déviter quil nen perde
le contrôle et sème le chaos."
772,30,6,"Da die Gefahr besteht, dass es sonst alles kurz
und klein schlägt, muss es eine Kontrollmaske
tragen, die seine wahre Macht unterdrückt."
772,30,7,"La máscara que lleva sirve para contener su
verdadero poder y evitar que se descontrole."
772,30,8,"La maschera che porta ha la funzione di
tenere a freno la sua vera potenza e impedirgli
di perdere il controllo."
772,30,9,"Theres danger of its going on a rampage, so its
true power is sealed away beneath its
control mask."
772,30,11,"暴走の 危険が あるため
制御マスクに よって 本当の
力を 封印 されているのだ。"
772,33,1,"ごくひだった けんきゅう しりょうが
ぬすまれ ガラルちほうで あらたに
つくりだされたと うわさされている。"
772,33,3,"극비였던 연구 자료가
도난당한 뒤 가라르지방에서
새로 만들어졌다는 소문이 있다."
772,33,5,"On raconte quil aurait été recréé à Galar
suite à un vol de documents de recherche
hautement confidentiels."
772,33,6,"Gerüchte besagen, es sei in der Galar-Region
mithilfe von gestohlenen, streng geheimen
Dokumenten komplett neu erschaffen worden."
772,33,7,"Se rumorea que ha sido recreado en Galar a
partir de documentos de investigación de alto
secreto robados."
772,33,8,"Si dice che sia stato ricreato nuovamente a
Galar sulla base di documenti top secret
772,33,9,"Rumor has it that the theft of top-secret research
notes led to a new instance of this Pokémon
being created in the Galar region."
772,33,11,"極秘だった 研究資料が
盗まれ ガラル地方で 新たに
つくりだされたと 噂されている。"
772,34,1,"しんわの ポケモンを モデルに
つくられたが ちからの ぼうそうを
おさえる マスクを つけられている。"
772,34,3,"신화 속 포켓몬을 모델로
만들었지만 힘이 폭주하는 것을
억제하는 마스크를 쓰고 있다."
772,34,5,"Il a été créé artificiellement daprès un Pokémon
mythique. Il est muni dun masque afin de contenir
sa puissance."
772,34,6,"Typ:Null ist eine künstliche Nachbildung eines
Pokémon aus einer alten Sage. Die Maske dient
dazu, seine Kräfte unter Kontrolle zu halten."
772,34,7,"Fue creado a imagen de un Pokémon mitológico.
Lleva una máscara de contención para evitar que
su poder se descontrole."
772,34,8,"È stato creato sul modello di un Pokémon
mitologico. È stato necessario dotarlo di una
maschera per tenere a freno la sua potenza."
772,34,9,"It was modeled after a mighty Pokémon of myth.
The mask placed upon it limits its power in order
to keep it under control."
772,34,11,"神話の ポケモンを モデルに
つくられたが 力の 暴走を
抑える マスクを 着けられている。"
773,27,1,"パートナーとの しんらいで かくせい。
じざいに タイプを チェンジする
のうりょくを はっきし たたかう。"
773,27,3,"파트너와의 신뢰로 각성한다.
자유자재로 타입을 바꾸는
능력을 발휘하며 싸운다."
773,27,5,"La confiance quil place en son Dresseur a
réveillé ses pouvoirs. Il est à présent capable
de changer de type à loisir durant le combat."
773,27,6,"Das Vertrauen zu seinem Trainer weckt seine
Kräfte. Es kann seinen Typ im Kampf nach
Belieben wechseln."
773,27,7,"La confianza con su Entrenador ha despertado
su potencial. Ahora es capaz de cambiar de tipo
a voluntad durante el combate."
773,27,8,"La fiducia nel proprio Allenatore gli consente
di risvegliare il suo potere nascosto. Durante
la lotta può cambiare il suo tipo a piacimento."
773,27,9,"Its trust in its partner is what awakens it.
This Pokémon is capable of changing its type,
a flexibility that is well displayed in battle."
773,27,11,"パートナーとの 信頼で 覚醒。
自在に タイプを チェンジする
能力を 発揮し 戦う。"
773,28,1,"そのなは タイプ:ヌルを はじめて
このすがたに しんか させた
しょうねんに よって なづけられた。"
773,28,3,"그 이름은 타입:널을 처음으로
이 모습으로 진화시킨
소년에 의해 지어졌다."
773,28,5,"Son nom lui a été donné par le jeune homme
qui a le premier réussi à faire évoluer Type:0."
773,28,6,"Seinen Namen hat es von dem Jungen erhalten,
der es Typ:Null zum ersten Mal ermöglichte,
sich zu entwickeln."
773,28,7,"Debe su nombre al joven que hizo evolucionar
por primera vez a Código Cero para que
adquiriese este aspecto."
773,28,8,"Deve il suo nome al ragazzo che ha fatto
evolvere Tipo Zero per la prima volta."
773,28,9,"Although its name was Type: Null at first, the
boy who evolved it into this form gave it the
name by which it is now known."
773,28,11,"その名は タイプ:ヌルを 初めて
この姿に 進化 させた
少年に よって 名づけられた。"
773,29,1,"かくせいし しんかした すがた。
おもい マスクから ときはなたれ
スピードが おおはばに アップ。"
773,29,3,"각성으로 진화한 모습이다.
무거운 마스크에서 벗어나
스피드가 크게 올라갔다."
773,29,5,"Il a réveillé tout son potentiel et a évolué.
Briser son lourd masque a décuplé sa vitesse."
773,29,6,"Nun, da es erwacht ist und im Verlauf der
Entwicklung seine schwere Maske verlor, hat es
deutlich an Geschwindigkeit hinzugewonnen."
773,29,7,"Esta es la forma que adopta tras evolucionar y
despertar todo su potencial. Al deshacerse de
su máscara, su velocidad ha aumentado mucho."
773,29,8,"Ha risvegliato il suo potere nascosto e si è
evoluto. Svincolato dalla pesante maschera,
la sua velocità è notevolmente aumentata."
773,29,9,"This is its form once it has awakened and
evolved. Freed from its heavy mask, its speed is
greatly increased."
773,29,11,"覚醒し 進化した 姿。
重い マスクから 解き放たれ
スピードが 大幅に アップ。"
773,30,1,"せいぎょマスクを はかい できたのは
パートナーとの きずなに よって
つよい せいしんりょくを えたからだ。"
773,30,3,"제어마스크를 파괴할 수 있었던 것은
파트너와의 유대를 통해
강한 정신력을 얻었기 때문이다."
773,30,5,"Il a réussi à briser son masque grâce à la force
mentale quil a acquise en établissant un lien
puissant avec son Dresseur."
773,30,6,"Es konnte seine Kontrollmaske nur zerbrechen,
weil die besondere Bindung zu seinem Trainer
ihm die nötige Willensstärke verlieh."
773,30,7,"Se ha liberado de la máscara de contención
gracias a su fortaleza mental, fruto del
estrecho vínculo con su Entrenador."
773,30,8,"Il legame di fiducia con il proprio Allenatore
gli ha permesso di acquistare una grande
forza danimo e distruggere la maschera."
773,30,9,"Through the bond it formed with its Trainer, its
will was strengthened, and it was able to
destroy its control mask."
773,30,11,"制御マスクを 破壊 できたのは
パートナーとの 絆に よって
強い 精神力を 得たからだ。"
773,33,1,"パートナーとの つよい きずなにより
ひめた のうりょくが かくせいした。
じざいに タイプを かえられる。"
773,33,3,"파트너와의 강한 유대에 의해
숨겨진 능력을 각성했다.
자유자재로 타입을 바꿀 수 있다."
773,33,5,"Un lien fort avec son Dresseur lui a permis
de libérer tout son potentiel.
Il peut changer de type à volonté."
773,33,6,"Seine wahren Kräfte wurden durch eine starke
Bindung zu seinem Trainer erweckt. Es kann
seinen Typ nach Belieben wechseln."
773,33,7,"Gracias a los fuertes vínculos que lo unen a su
Entrenador, ha despertado todo su potencial.
Es capaz de cambiar de tipo a voluntad."
773,33,8,"Lo stretto legame con il suo Allenatore ha
risvegliato il suo potere nascosto.
Può cambiare tipo a suo piacimento."
773,33,9,"A solid bond of trust between this Pokémon and
its Trainer awakened the strength hidden within
Silvally. It can change its type at will."
773,33,11,"パートナーとの 強い 絆により
秘めた 能力が 覚醒した。
自在に タイプを 変えられる。"
773,34,1,"ほんらいの ちからを ときはなつ
さいごの ファクターは しんらいする
トレーナーとの きずな だった。"
773,34,3,"본래의 힘을 해방하게 하는
마지막 요소는 신뢰하는
트레이너와의 유대였다."
773,34,5,"La relation de confiance qui le lie à son Dresseur
est le facteur décisif qui lui permet de libérer
tout son potentiel."
773,34,6,"Der entscheidende Faktor, durch den es seine
wahren Kräfte freisetzen kann, ist die enge
Bindung zu einem Trainer, dem es vertraut."
773,34,7,"El factor decisivo que le ha permitido liberar
toda su fuerza ha sido el estrecho vínculo y la
confianza que profesa a su Entrenador."
773,34,8,"Il fattore decisivo che permette di liberare la sua
vera potenza è il legame di fiducia che lo unisce
al suo Allenatore."
773,34,9,"The final factor needed to release this
Pokémons true power was a strong bond
with a Trainer it trusts."
773,34,11,"本来の 力を 解き放つ
最後の ファクターは 信頼する
トレーナーとの 絆 だった。"
774,27,1,"もともと オゾンそうに すんでおり
からだの カラが おもくなると
ちじょうに むかって おちてくる。"
774,27,3,"원래 오존층에 살고 있으며
몸의 껍질이 무거워지면
지상을 향해 떨어진다."
774,27,5,"Il vivait dans la couche dozone, avant que
sa carapace, devenue trop lourde, ne finisse
par le faire chuter sur la terre ferme."
774,27,6,"Eigentlich lebt es in der Ozonschicht, doch
wenn seine Schale zu schwer wird, stürzt es
auf die Erde."
774,27,7,"Vive en la capa de ozono hasta que su
caparazón se hace demasiado pesado y cae
sin remisión a tierra firme."
774,27,8,"Vive normalmente nello strato dozono, ma
quando il guscio esterno si indurisce precipita
a terra."
774,27,9,"Originally making its home in the ozone layer,
it hurtles to the ground when the shell enclosing
its body grows too heavy."
774,27,11,"もともと オゾン層に 棲んでおり
身体の 殻が 重くなると
地上に 向かって 落ちてくる。"
774,28,1,"つよい しょうげきを うけると カラは
はがれ おちる。 ナノりゅうしが
とつぜんへんいし うまれたポケモン。"
774,28,3,"강한 충격을 받으면 껍데기는
떨어져 나간다. 나노입자가
돌연변이하여 태어난 포켓몬이다."
774,28,5,"La carapace qui le recouvre peut être arrachée
par une violente attaque. Il est le fruit dune
mutation de nanoparticules."
774,28,6,"Heftige Stöße lassen seine Schale abblättern.
Eine Mutation von Nanopartikeln brachte
dieses Pokémon hervor."
774,28,7,"Este Pokémon nació fruto de la mutación de
nanopartículas. El caparazón que lo recubre
se desprende al recibir un fuerte impacto."
774,28,8,"Ha avuto origine da una mutazione improvvisa
di nanoparticelle. Un attacco violento può fargli
perdere il guscio esterno."
774,28,9,"Strong impacts can knock it out of its shell. This
Pokémon was born from mutated nanoparticles."
774,28,11,"強い 衝撃を うけると 殻は
はがれ 落ちる。 ナノ粒子が
突然変異し 生まれたポケモン。"
774,29,1,"オゾンそうに すみ より つよい
ポケモンの エサに なっている。
にげるうちに ちじょうに おちてくる。"
774,29,3,"오존층에 살며 더 강한
포켓몬의 먹이가 된다.
도망치다 지상으로 떨어진다."
774,29,5,"Il vit dans la couche dozone, où des Pokémon
plus forts que lui cherchent à le manger.
Il tombe à terre lorsquil tente de senfuir."
774,29,6,"Es lebt in der Ozonschicht und dient stärkeren
Pokémon als Nahrung. Wenn es vor ihnen flieht,
stürzt es auf die Oberfläche des Planeten."
774,29,7,"Vive en la capa de ozono, donde puede resultar
presa de Pokémon más fuertes. Al huir, acaba
precipitándose a tierra firme."
774,29,8,"Vive nello strato dozono, dove Pokémon più
forti di lui lo cacciano per cibarsene. Spesso
precipita sulla terraferma cercando di fuggire."
774,29,9,"It lives in the ozone layer, where it becomes
food for stronger Pokémon. When it tries to run
away, it falls to the ground."
774,29,11,"オゾン層に 棲み より 強い
ポケモンの エサに なっている。
逃げるうちに 地上に おちてくる。"
774,30,1,"がいかくは とても がんじょうだが
ちじょうに らっかする ショックで
こっぱみじんに くだけてしまう。"
774,30,3,"겉껍질은 매우 튼튼하지만
지상에 낙하할 때의 충격으로
산산이 조각나 버린다."
774,30,5,"Sa carapace, pourtant très solide, éclate
en mille morceaux quand il sécrase sur
la terre en tombant du ciel."
774,30,6,"Seine äußere Schale ist zwar sehr robust, durch
den Aufprall auf der Oberfläche des Planeten
zersplittert sie allerdings."
774,30,7,"Lo recubre un duro caparazón que se quiebra
en pedazos al impactar con la superficie de la
774,30,8,"Il suo guscio esterno è estremamente resistente,
ma quando precipita dallo strato dozono
limpatto con il suolo lo fa andare in mille pezzi."
774,30,9,"Although its outer shell is uncommonly durable,
the shock of falling to the ground smashes the
shell to smithereens."
774,30,11,"外殻は とても 頑丈だが
地上に 落下する ショックで
木っ端微塵に 砕けてしまう。"
775,27,1,"ねたまま うまれ ねたまま しぬ。
すべての こうどうは みている
ゆめに よる ねぞう らしい。"
775,27,3,"잔 채 태어나고 잔 채 죽는다.
모든 행동은 꾸고 있는
꿈에 의한 잠버릇인 것 같다."
775,27,5,"Il rejoint et quitte ce monde en dormant. Son
existence se déroule comme un rêve paisible.
Il dort du sommeil du juste toute sa vie durant."
775,27,6,"Es wird schlafend geboren und stirbt schlafend.
Sein ganzes Leben ist ein Traum, seine einzige
körperliche Aktivität das Umdrehen im Schlaf."
775,27,7,"Pasa la vida entera sumido en un profundo
sueño. Toda su actividad parece reflejar los
sueños que tiene en ese momento."
775,27,8,"Trascorre la sua intera esistenza dormendo.
Pare che le sue azioni siano determinate
da quello che sta sognando."
775,27,9,"It is born asleep, and it dies asleep. All its
movements are apparently no more than the
results of it tossing and turning in its dreams."
775,27,11,"寝たまま 生まれ 寝たまま 死ぬ。
すべての 行動は みている
夢に よる 寝相 らしい。"
775,28,1,"だいた きは うまれたとき おやから
あたえられたもの。 よく なつけば
トレーナーの うでにも しがみつく。"
775,28,3,"안고 있는 나무는 태어났을 때 부모로부터
받은 것이다. 잘 길들이면
트레이너의 팔에도 달라붙는다."
775,28,5,"La bûche quil tient est un cadeau de naissance
de ses parents. Sil est bien apprivoisé,
il saccrochera au bras de son Dresseur."
775,28,6,"Den Baumstumpf bekam es zu seiner Geburt
von seinen Eltern. Fasst es Zutrauen, klammert
es sich aber auch am Arm seines Trainers fest."
775,28,7,"El tronco que agarra es un regalo que le dieron
sus padres al nacer. También se aferra al brazo
de todo aquel Entrenador con el que congenie."
775,28,8,"Il tronco che ha con sé è un dono dei genitori
ricevuto alla nascita. Quando è molto affezionato
al proprio Allenatore, si aggrappa al suo braccio."
775,28,9,"The log it holds was given to it by its parents at
birth. It has also been known to cling to the arm
of a friendly Trainer."
775,28,11,"抱いた 木は 生まれたとき 親から
与えられたもの。 よく なつけば
トレーナーの 腕にも しがみつく。"
775,29,1,"うまれてから ずっと ねむったまま。
ふかい ねむりに おちているときは
いっさい うごかなくなる。"
775,29,3,"태어날 때부터 계속 자고 있다.
깊은 수면에 빠져 있을 때는
일체 움직이지 않는다."
775,29,5,"Il dort continuellement depuis sa naissance.
Lorsquil est en phase de sommeil profond,
il ne bouge plus dun poil."
775,29,6,"Vom Augenblick seiner Geburt an verbringt es
sein ganzes Leben schlafend. Wenn es extrem
tief schläft, wird es völlig regungslos."
775,29,7,"Duerme continuamente desde que nace. Cuando
el sueño en el que está sumido es especialmente
profundo, se queda inmóvil."
775,29,8,"Dorme ininterrottamente fin dalla nascita.
Quando il suo sonno è particolarmente profondo
rimane completamente immobile."
775,29,9,"It stays asleep from the moment its born.
When it falls into a deep sleep, it stops
moving altogether."
775,29,11,"生まれてから ずっと 眠ったまま。
深い 眠りに 落ちているときは
一切 動かなくなる。"
775,30,1,"しぬまで ずっと ねむったままなのは
エサの はっぱに ますいの ような
せいぶんが ふくまれているからだ。"
775,30,3,"죽을 때까지 계속 잠들어 있는 이유는
먹이인 잎사귀에 마취 성분이
포함되어 있기 때문이다."
775,30,5,"Ce Pokémon passe sa vie entière à dormir
à cause des composants anesthésiants qui
se trouvent dans les feuilles quil mange."
775,30,6,"Es verbringt sein Leben schlafend, bis es stirbt.
Das liegt an den narkotisierenden Wirkstoffen,
die in den Blättern enthalten sind, die es frisst."
775,30,7,"El motivo de su letargo vitalicio es la sustancia
somnífera que contienen las hojas de las que
se alimenta."
775,30,8,"Poiché le foglie di cui si nutre contengono una
sostanza soporifera, Komala trascorre la sua
intera vita dormendo."
775,30,9,"It remains asleep from birth to death as a result
of the sedative properties of the leaves that
form its diet."
775,30,11,"死ぬまで ずっと 眠ったままなのは
エサの 葉っぱに 麻酔の ような
成分が 含まれているからだ。"
776,27,1,"せなかの こうらは ばくはつぶつ。
うっかり なぐれば だいばくはつ。
おなかの あなが じゃくてん。"
776,27,3,"등의 등껍질은 폭발물이다.
실수로 때리면 대폭발한다.
배의 구멍이 약점이다."
776,27,5,"Sa carapace est très instable. Si on la heurte
par mégarde, elle explose. Le creux sur
son ventre est son point faible."
776,27,6,"Sein Rückenpanzer ist explosiv, man sollte ihm
also niemals auf den Rücken klopfen. Das Loch
in seinem Bauch ist seine Schwachstelle."
776,27,7,"Posee un caparazón que estalla al contacto.
El orificio que se aprecia en su vientre es su
punto débil."
776,27,8,"Il carapace sulla schiena è esplosivo e, se
lo si urta per errore, scoppia. Il suo punto
debole è il buco sulla pancia."
776,27,9,"The shell on its back is chemically unstable
and explodes violently if struck. The hole in its
stomach is its weak point."
776,27,11,"背中の 甲羅は 爆発物。
うっかり 殴れば 大爆発。
お腹の 穴が 弱点。"
776,28,1,"はなの あなから ほのおや どくガスを
ふく。 フンは ばくはつぶつで
いろんな つかいみちが ある。"
776,28,3,"콧구멍으로 불꽃과 독가스를
뿜는다. 배설물은 폭발물이며
다양한 용도가 있다."
776,28,5,"Il peut cracher des flammes et du gaz toxique
par les naseaux. Ses excréments sont des
explosifs qui peuvent servir à plein de choses."
776,28,6,"Es greift mit Feuer und Giftgas aus den
Nasenlöchern an. Sein Kot ist explosiv
und vielseitig einsetzbar."
776,28,7,"Despide llamas y gas venenoso por sus fosas
nasales. Sus excrementos tienen un sinfín de
aplicaciones por sus propiedades explosivas."
776,28,8,"Espelle dalle narici fiamme e gas velenosi.
I suoi escrementi sono esplosivi e per questo
trovano molte applicazioni."
776,28,9,"It gushes fire and poisonous gases from its
nostrils. Its dung is an explosive substance and
can be put to various uses."
776,28,11,"鼻の 孔から 炎や 毒ガスを
吹く。 フンは 爆発物で
色んな 使い道が ある。"
776,29,1,"かざんに すみ いおうや こうぶつを
くっている。 くったエサの せいぶんが
ばくはつする こうらの もとに なる。"
776,29,3,"화산에 살며 황이나 광물을
먹는다. 먹은 먹이의 성분이
폭발하는 등껍질의 바탕이 된다."
776,29,5,"Il vit dans les volcans et se nourrit de soufre
et de minéraux. Les composants de ses repas
renforcent sa carapace explosive."
776,29,6,"Es lebt an Vulkanen, wo es sich von Schwefel
und Mineralien ernährt. Durch diese Bestandteile
wird sein Rückenpanzer explosiv."
776,29,7,"Vive en los volcanes y se alimenta de azufre y
minerales. Los componentes que ingiere le
sirven para formar su caparazón explosivo."
776,29,8,"Vive nei vulcani e si nutre di zolfo e minerali,
che rendono il suo carapace esplosivo."
776,29,9,"It lives in volcanoes and eats sulfur and other
minerals. Materials from the food it eats form
the basis of its explosive shell."
776,29,11,"火山に 棲み 硫黄や 鉱物を
食っている。 食ったエサの 成分が
爆発する 甲羅の 元に なる。"
776,30,1,"ばくはつする こうらは やっかいだが
しっけに よわい。 あめの ひは
どうくつのおくで じっと している。"
776,30,3,"폭발하는 등껍질은 성가시게도
습기에 약하다. 비가 내리는 날에는
동굴 깊은 곳에서 가만히 있다."
776,30,5,"Sa carapace explosive est très dangereuse,
mais elle est sensible à lhumidité. Il se cache
donc au fond de sa grotte les jours de pluie."
776,30,6,"Sein explosiver Rückenpanzer ist gefährlich,
verträgt aber keine Feuchtigkeit. Bei Regen
zieht es sich deshalb tief in eine Höhle zurück."
776,30,7,"Su caparazón explosivo es un verdadero peligro,
pero no aguanta bien la humedad. Los días de
lluvia, este Pokémon se refugia en una cueva."
776,30,8,"Il suo pericoloso carapace esplosivo è messo
fuori uso dallumidità. Nei giorni di pioggia
si rifugia allinterno delle grotte."
776,30,9,"Its exploding shell poses a real danger but
is sensitive to moisture. On rainy days,
Turtonator takes silent refuge in caves."
776,30,11,"爆発する 甲羅は 厄介だが
湿気に 弱い。 雨の 日は
洞窟の奥で じっと している。"
776,33,1,"ばくやくで コーティングされた
こうらを せおう。 こうげきしてきた
てきを だいばくはつで かえりうち。"
776,33,3,"폭약으로 코팅된 등껍질을
짊어지고 있다. 공격하는
상대에게 대폭발로 반격한다."
776,33,5,"Il sabrite derrière une carapace couverte
dexplosifs. Lorsquun ennemi lattaque,
il riposte à grands coups de déflagrations."
776,33,6,"Sein Panzer ist mit einer explosiven Schicht
überzogen. Gegnerische Angriffe quittiert es
mit gewaltigen Explosionen."
776,33,7,"Su caparazón está recubierto de un material
explosivo. Responde con un gran estallido a
todo aquel que lo ataque."
776,33,8,"Il carapace sulla schiena è rivestito di esplosivo.
Respinge gli attacchi nemici con un potente
776,33,9,"Explosive substances coat the shell on its back.
Enemies that dare attack it will be blown away
by an immense detonation."
776,33,11,"爆薬で コーティングされた
甲羅を 背負う。 攻撃してきた
敵を 大爆発で 返り討ち。"
776,34,1,"かざんで くらし たべた いおうが
こうらの ばくやくの もとになる。
フンも ばくはつする きけんぶつ。"
776,34,3,"화산에서 살며 먹은 유황이
등껍질에 있는 폭약의 원료가 된다.
위험하게도 배설물 역시 폭발물이다."
776,34,5,"Il vit dans les volcans. Le soufre dont il se nourrit
rend sa carapace explosive. Même ses selles
sont dangereuses, car elles sont instables."
776,34,6,"Da es in Vulkanen lebt, nimmt es mit der Nahrung
viel Schwefel auf, was seinen Panzer und seinen
Kot explosiv macht. Letzterer ist ein Gefahrengut."
776,34,7,"El material explosivo de su caparazón está
compuesto por el azufre del que se alimenta.
Sus excrementos explosivos son muy peligrosos."
776,34,8,"Vive nei vulcani. Lo zolfo di cui si nutre rende
esplosivo il suo carapace e i suoi escrementi.
Questi ultimi sono molto pericolosi."
776,34,9,"Eating sulfur in its volcanic habitat is what causes
explosive compounds to develop in its shell.
Its droppings are also dangerously explosive."
776,34,11,"火山で 暮らし 食べた 硫黄が
甲羅の 爆薬の もとになる。
フンも 爆発する 危険物。"
777,27,1,"せなかの ハリの けは ふだんは
ねている。 こうふんすると さかだち
おそってくる てきを つきさすのだ。"
777,27,3,"등의 가시 털은 평소에
누워 있다가 흥분하면 곤두서
덮쳐오는 적을 찌른다."
777,27,5,"Les épines de ce Pokémon sont normalement
baissées, mais quand il sénerve, elles se
dressent afin de pourfendre ses agresseurs."
777,27,6,"Normalerweise liegen seine Stacheln am Rücken
an, aber wenn es sich aufregt, stellen sie sich
auf und stechen angreifende Gegner."
777,27,7,"Cuando se siente amenazado, eriza las púas de
su lomo para pinchar a quien ose atacarlo."
777,27,8,"Normalmente tiene le spine che ha sulla schiena
abbassate, ma se viene infastidito le drizza
per trafiggere chi lo attacca."
777,27,9,"The spiny fur on its back is normally at rest.
When this Pokémon becomes agitated, its fur
stands on end and stabs into its attackers."
777,27,11,"背中の ハリの 毛は 普段は
寝ている。 興奮すると 逆立ち
襲ってくる 敵を 突き刺すのだ。"
777,28,1,"せなかの ながい けは どうらいしん。
らくらいを ひきよせ かみなりを
あびると でんきぶくろに ためこむ。"
777,28,3,"등의 기다란 털은 피뢰침이다.
낙뢰를 끌어들여 번개를
맞으면 전기 주머니에 저장한다."
777,28,5,"Sa longue épine dorsale lui sert de paratonnerre.
Il attire les éclairs et emmagasine la foudre
dans sa poche électrique."
777,28,6,"Sein langer Stachel fungiert als Blitzableiter.
Damit zieht es Blitze auf sich, die es dann in
seinen Elektrotaschen speichert."
777,28,7,"El apéndice de su cabeza actúa a modo de
pararrayos. Aprovecha la energía de los rayos
que atrae para llenar su bolsa eléctrica."
777,28,8,"Si serve delle grandi spine che ha sulla schiena
come parafulmini, attirando i fulmini su di sé
per incamerare elettricità."
777,28,9,"The long hairs on its back act as lightning rods.
The bolts of lightning it attracts are stored as
energy in its electric sac."
777,28,11,"背中の 長い 毛は 導雷針。
落雷を 引き寄せ 雷を
浴びると 電気袋に 溜め込む。"
777,29,1,"14ほんの せなかの ハリの けは
びっくりしたり こうふんすることが
あると かってに さかだってしまう。"
777,29,3,"등에 난 14개의 바늘 털은
놀라거나 흥분했을 때
멋대로 곤두선다."
777,29,5,"Les quatorze épines de son dos se hérissent de
leur propre chef quand il est surpris ou excité."
777,29,6,"Es hat 14 lange stachelartige Strähnen auf dem
Rücken, die sich unfreiwillig aufstellen, wenn es
sich freut oder von etwas überrascht wird."
777,29,7,"Eriza inconscientemente las 14 púas de su lomo
cuando se asusta o se pone nervioso."
777,29,8,"Quando viene infastidito o colto di sorpresa,
le 14 spine che ha sulla schiena si drizzano
777,29,9,"When its surprised or agitated, the 14 fur
spikes on its back will stand up involuntarily."
777,29,11,"14本の 背中の ハリの 毛は
びっくりしたり 興奮することが
あると 勝手に 逆立ってしまう。"
777,30,1,"でんきを つくる ちからは あまり
つよくないので かみなりを あびて
じゅうでん するぞ。"
777,30,3,"전기를 만드는 힘은
그다지 강하지 않아서
번개를 맞아서 충전한다."
777,30,5,"Il ne produit pas beaucoup délectricité par
lui-même, aussi se recharge-t-il quand il y a
de lorage."
777,30,6,"Da es selbst nicht besonders viel Elektrizität
erzeugen kann, badet es in den Blitzen von
Gewittern, um sich aufzuladen."
777,30,7,"Como no se le da bien generar electricidad por
sí mismo, se abastece con la de los rayos."
777,30,8,"Poiché la sua capacità di generare elettricità
non è molto sviluppata, si espone ai fulmini
per ricaricarsi."
777,30,9,"Its capacity to produce electricity is somewhat
limited, so it gets charged up by letting lightning
strike it!"
777,30,11,"電気を 作る 力は あまり
強くないので かみなりを 浴びて
充電 するぞ。"
777,33,1,"せなかの ながい けで かみなりや
でんきポケモンの でんげきを うけて
でんきぶくろに じゅうでんする。"
777,33,3,"등에 난 긴 털로 번개나
전기포켓몬의 전격을 받아
전기 주머니에 충전한다."
777,33,5,"Grâce à sa longue épine dorsale, il capte
le tonnerre et les attaques des Pokémon Électrik,
puis stocke leur courant dans sa poche électrique."
777,33,6,"Der Schweif an seinem Rücken absorbiert Blitze
und Angriffe von Elektro-Pokémon. Es speichert
den so gewonnenen Strom in Elektrotaschen."
777,33,7,"Utiliza el apéndice de la cabeza para absorber
los rayos o los ataques de los Pokémon de tipo
Eléctrico para recargar su bolsa."
777,33,8,"Si serve della lunga spina che ha sulla schiena
per attirare e incamerare lenergia elettrica
dei fulmini e dei Pokémon di tipo Elettro."
777,33,9,"With the long hairs on its back, this Pokémon
takes in electricity from other electric Pokémon.
It stores what it absorbs in an electric sac."
777,33,11,"背中の 長い 毛で 雷や
でんきポケモンの 電撃を 受けて
電気袋に 充電する。"
777,34,1,"ピンチになると からだを まるめて
せなかの とげとげを さかだてると
でたらめに でんげきを うちまくる。"
777,34,3,"위기에 처하면 몸을 둥글게 말고
등의 가시를 곤두세워
마구잡이로 전격을 쏘아댄다."
777,34,5,"En cas de danger, il se roule en boule,
dresse ses épines dorsales et lance
des décharges électriques au hasard."
777,34,6,"Bei Gefahr rollt es sich zusammen, stellt seine
Rückenstacheln auf und schießt willkürlich mit
Elektrizität um sich."
777,34,7,"Cuando se encuentra en peligro, se hace una
bola, eriza las púas del lomo y propina descargas
eléctricas a diestro y siniestro."
777,34,8,"In caso di pericolo si appallottola, drizza
le spine sulla schiena e scarica energia elettrica
777,34,9,"When its in trouble, it curls up into a ball, makes
its fur spikes stand on end, and then discharges
electricity indiscriminately."
777,34,11,"ピンチになると 体を 丸めて
背中の とげとげを 逆立てると
でたらめに 電撃を 撃ちまくる。"
778,27,1,"しょうたいふめい。 ボロきれの
なかみを みた とある がくしゃは
きょうふの あまり ショックしした。"
778,27,3,"정체불명. 누더기 속을 본
어떤 학자는 공포에서
헤어나오지 못하고 쇼크사했다."
778,27,5,"Sa véritable apparence est inconnue. Les
chercheurs qui ont vu sous son déguisement
sont littéralement morts de peur."
778,27,6,"Niemand weiß, wie es wirklich aussieht. Ein
Forscher, der unter seinen Lumpen blickte, soll
sich buchstäblich zu Tode erschreckt haben."
778,27,7,"Su verdadero aspecto es un misterio total. Un
investigador que intentó mirar dentro del saco
recibió, literalmente, un susto de muerte."
778,27,8,"Nessuno conosce il suo vero aspetto.
Pare che uno studioso sia morto di paura dopo
aver guardato sotto il panno che lo nasconde."
778,27,9,"Its actual appearance is unknown. A scholar
who saw what was under its rag was
overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock."
778,27,11,"正体不明。 ボロ布の
中身を みた とある 学者は
恐怖の あまり ショック死した。"
778,28,1,"おそろしい すがたを ボロぬので
かくし ひとや ほかの ポケモンに
ちかづく さみしがりや。"
778,28,3,"무시무시한 모습을 누더기로 가리고
사람이나 다른 포켓몬에게 다가가는
외로움이 많은 포켓몬이다."
778,28,5,"Son apparence est si effrayante quil doit se
déguiser pour oser sapprocher des gens et
des autres Pokémon."
778,28,6,"Es versteckt seine schreckliche Gestalt unter
einem Lumpen, um sich Menschen und anderen
Pokémon zu nähern. Oft fühlt es sich einsam."
778,28,7,"El saco andrajoso le permite ocultar su aspecto
aterrador para acercarse a otros Pokémon o a la
gente y vencer así la soledad que lo atenaza."
778,28,8,"Soffre molto la solitudine e per poter avvicinare
gli esseri umani e gli altri Pokémon, cela il suo
tremendo aspetto sotto a un panno."
778,28,9,"A lonely Pokémon, it conceals its terrifying
appearance beneath an old rag so it can get
closer to people and other Pokémon."
778,28,11,"恐ろしい 姿を ボロ布で
隠し 人や 他のポケモンに
近づく 寂しがりや。"
778,29,1,"おとなしい さみしがりや だけど
ボロきれの なかみを みようとすると
はげしく いやがり ていこうする。"
778,29,3,"얌전하고 외로움을 잘 타지만,
넝마 조각의 속을 보려고 하면
격렬하게 싫어하며 저항한다."
778,29,5,"Ce Pokémon docile déteste la solitude, mais
il oppose une résistance acharnée si lon essaie
de jeter un coup dœil sous son déguisement."
778,29,6,"Eigentlich ist es friedlich und sehnt sich nur
nach Gesellschaft, doch versucht man, unter
seinen Lumpen zu linsen, wehrt es sich heftig."
778,29,7,"Es de carácter tranquilo y propenso a sentirse
solo. Odia que intenten mirar bajo su saco, y se
resiste con todas sus fuerzas."
778,29,8,"È un Pokémon tranquillo che soffre di solitudine.
Se qualcuno cerca di sbirciare sotto il panno che
lo nasconde, si oppone con forza."
778,29,9,"Although its a quiet, lonely Pokémon, if you try
to look at whats under its rag, it will become
agitated and resist violently."
778,29,11,"大人しい 寂しがり屋 だけど
ボロ切れの 中身を 見ようとすると
激しく 嫌がり 抵抗する。"
778,30,1,"かぜが まって ぐうぜん なかみを
みてしまった トレーナーは そのひの
ばんに くるしみ もがいて しんだ。"
778,30,3,"바람이 불어서 우연히 속을
봐 버린 트레이너는 그날 밤
고통에 몸부림치다 죽었다."
778,30,5,"Une bourrasque a un jour permis à un Dresseur
de voir sous le déguisement de Mimiqui. Il est
mort le soir même dans datroces souffrances."
778,30,6,"Ein Trainer, der durch einen Windstoß Mimigmas
wahre Gestalt unter seinem Lumpen erblickte,
starb am selben Abend einen qualvollen Tod."
778,30,7,"Al levantarse su saco a causa de un golpe de
viento, un Entrenador vio su verdadera forma y
murió dolorosamente esa misma noche."
778,30,8,"Un Allenatore che ha visto cosa si cela sotto
il suo panno per una folata di vento è andato
incontro a una morte dolorosa la sera stessa."
778,30,9,"A gust of wind revealed what hides under this
Pokémons rag to a passing Trainer, who went
home and died painfully that very night."
778,30,11,"風が 舞って 偶然 中身を
見てしまった トレーナーは その日の
晩に 苦しみ もがいて 死んだ。"
778,33,1,"こわがられないように ピカチュウに
にせた ボロぬのを かぶっているが
よけい ぶきみに なってしまった。"
778,33,3,"겁을 주지 않기 위해 피카츄와
닮은 누더기를 쓰고 있지만
오히려 더 으스스해졌다."
778,33,5,"Il se cache sous des guenilles en forme de Pikachu
pour avoir lair moins effrayant, mais cela le rend
encore plus inquiétant."
778,33,6,"Es verbirgt sich unter einem Lumpen, der wie ein
Pikachu aussieht, damit niemand Angst vor ihm
bekommt. Leider wird es dadurch noch gruseliger."
778,33,7,"Se cubre con un saco andrajoso con aspecto de
Pikachu para no resultar tan aterrador, aunque
este le confiere un aspecto aún más terrorífico."
778,33,8,"Per non spaventare gli altri, cela il suo aspetto
sotto a un panno che imita le fattezze di Pikachu,
ma questo lo rende ancor più inquietante."
778,33,9,"It wears a rag fashioned into a Pikachu costume
in an effort to look less scary. Unfortunately,
the costume only makes it creepier."
778,33,11,"怖がられないように ピカチュウに
似せた ボロ布を かぶっているが
余計に 不気味に なってしまった。"
778,34,1,"けんきゅうのため ボロぬのの なかを
みてしまった がくしゃが なぞの
びょうきで いのちを おとした。"
778,34,3,"연구를 위해 누더기 속을
들여다본 학자가 알 수 없는
병으로 목숨을 잃었다."
778,34,5,"Les malheureux chercheurs qui ont regardé
sous son déguisement en lambeaux ont succombé
à une mystérieuse maladie."
778,34,6,"Alle Wissenschaftler, die zu Forschungszwecken
einen Blick unter seinen Lumpen gewagt haben,
sind an einer rätselhaften Krankheit gestorben."
778,34,7,"Un investigador que miró dentro del saco para
estudiar a este Pokémon perdió la vida a causa
de una misteriosa enfermedad."
778,34,8,"Uno scienziato che studiava questo Pokémon
morì di una misteriosa malattia dopo aver
guardato sotto il suo panno."
778,34,9,"There was a scientist who peeked under
Mimikyus old rag in the name of research.
The scientist died of a mysterious disease."
778,34,11,"研究のため ボロ布の 中を
見てしまった 学者が 謎の
病気で 命を 落とした。"
779,27,1,"あたまの とっきから サイコパワーを
はなつとき とても みみざわりな
はぎしりの おとが あたりに ひびく。"
779,27,3,"머리의 돌기에서 사이코 파워를
발산할 때 아주 귀에 거슬리는
이가는 소리가 주변에 울려 퍼진다."
779,27,5,"Lorsquil utilise lappendice sur sa tête pour
projeter ses pouvoirs psychiques, il émet un
bruit aussi irritant quun grincement de dents."
779,27,6,"Wenn es über den Fortsatz an seinem Kopf
Psycho-Kräfte freisetzt, ertönt in seiner
Umgebung ein unangenehmes Zähneknirschen."
779,27,7,"Cuando la protuberancia que tiene en la cabeza
emite poderes psíquicos, se escucha como un
ruido de dientes rechinando muy molesto."
779,27,8,"Quando proietta il suo potere psichico dalla
protuberanza sulla testa, diffonde tutto intorno
un fastidioso rumore di denti che stridono."
779,27,9,"When it unleashes its psychic power from the
protuberance on its head, the grating sound
of grinding teeth echoes through the area."
779,27,11,"頭の 突起から サイコパワーを
放つとき とても 耳障りな
歯ぎしりの 音が あたりに 響く。"
779,28,1,"ねんりきで えものを しびれさせ
じょうぶな はで かみくだく。
シェルダーの カラでも よゆうだ。"
779,28,3,"염동력으로 먹이를 마비시켜
튼튼한 이빨로 깨물어 부순다.
셀러의 껍질도 거뜬히 부순다."
779,28,5,"Il engourdit ses proies grâce à sa force mentale
avant de les dévorer avec ses grosses dents.
Il peut briser les Kokiyas sans problème."
779,28,6,"Es lähmt seine Beute mit Psycho-Kräften und
zerkaut sie mit seinen kräftigen Zähnen. Auch
die Schale von Muschas knackt es problemlos."
779,28,7,"Paraliza a su presa con poderes telequinéticos
y la hace picadillo con su robusta dentadura.
Ni siquiera Shellder se le resiste."
779,28,8,"Paralizza le prede con la telecinesi e le addenta
con le sue robuste zanne, capaci di frantumare
persino il guscio di uno Shellder."
779,28,9,"It stuns its prey with psychokinesis and then
grinds them to mush with its strong teeth.
Even Shellders shell is no match for it."
779,28,11,"念力で 獲物を しびれさせ
丈夫な 歯で 噛み砕く。
シェルダーの 殻でも よゆうだ。"
779,29,1,"すなに もぐり あたまの とっきから
サイコパワーを ほうしゃ。 あたりの
ようすを さぐりつつ えものを まつ。"
779,29,3,"모래로 숨어들어 머리의 돌기에서
사이코 파워를 방사한다. 주변의
상태를 탐지하면서 먹이를 기다린다."
779,29,5,"Enfoui dans le sable, il projette ses pouvoirs
psychiques via lappendice quil a sur la tête,
et scanne les environs en attendant sa proie."
779,29,6,"Es vergräbt sich im Sand und setzt über den
Fortsatz an seinem Kopf Psycho-Kräfte frei. So
scannt es die Gegend ab und wartet auf Beute."
779,29,7,"Oculto bajo la arena, emite poderes psíquicos
por la protuberancia de su cabeza. Analiza el
entorno mientras espera a que caiga su presa."
779,29,8,"Si nasconde nella sabbia ed emette il suo potere
psichico dalla protuberanza sulla testa. Aspetta
la preda sorvegliando lambiente che lo circonda."
779,29,9,"It burrows beneath the sand, radiating
psychic power from the protuberance on its
head. It waits for prey as it surveys the area."
779,29,11,"砂に 潜り 頭の 突起から
サイコパワーを 放射。 あたりの
様子を 探りつつ 獲物を 待つ。"
779,30,1,"ヒドイデの ハリも とおさないほど
ぶあつい ひふ。 じょうぶな はで
ボリボリと ハリを かじって くう。"
779,30,3,"시마사리의 바늘도 뚫지 못할 정도로
두꺼운 피부를 가졌다. 튼튼한 이빨로
어적어적 바늘을 갉아서 먹는다."
779,30,5,"Sa peau est si épaisse que même les épines
de Vorastérie ne peuvent la percer. Il les croque
bruyamment grâce à ses dents solides."
779,30,6,"Seine Haut ist so hart, dass selbst die Nadeln
eines Garstella sie nicht durchdringen. Mit
seinen kräftigen Zähnen zerkaut es sie einfach."
779,30,7,"Su piel es tan gruesa que ni las espinas de
Mareanie pueden perforarla. Con su fuerte
dentadura tritura y engulle dichas espinas."
779,30,8,"La sua pelle spessa non viene scalfita neanche
dagli aculei dei Mareanie, che sgranocchia con
le robuste zanne."
779,30,9,"Its skin is thick enough to fend off Mareanies
spikes. With its robust teeth, Bruxish crunches
up the spikes and eats them."
779,30,11,"ヒドイデの ハリも 通さないほど
分厚い 皮膚。 丈夫な 歯で
ボリボリと ハリを かじって 食う。"
780,27,1,"こころやさしい せいしつ。 だが
いちど いかりに かられると はげしい
いぶきで あたりを はかい しつくす。"
780,27,3,"마음이 따뜻하고 착하다. 하지만
한번 화에 사로잡히면 거친
숨결로 주변을 파괴해 버린다."
780,27,5,"Cest une bonne pâte de nature, mais si par
malheur il sénerve, il peut détruire tout ce qui
lentoure de son souffle puissant."
780,27,6,"Es hat ein freundliches Wesen, aber wenn es zur
Weißglut gebracht wird, zerstört es mit einem
heftigen Hauch die gesamte Umgebung."
780,27,7,"Es de naturaleza mansa, pero si se le provoca
y monta en cólera, destruye todo lo que le rodea
con su aliento devastador."
780,27,8,"Ha unindole gentile, ma se si arrabbia
distrugge tutto quello che ha intorno
con un soffio devastante."
780,27,9,"It has a compassionate personality, but if it is
angered, it completely destroys its surroundings
with its intense breath."
780,27,11,"心優しい 性質。 だが
一度 怒りに かられると 激しい
息吹で あたりを 破壊 し尽くす。"
780,28,1,"ひとなつっこく こどもが だいすき。
なかよしの こどもと あそぶために
やまおくから まちに おりてくる。"
780,28,3,"사람을 잘 따르고 아이를 좋아한다.
사이 좋은 아이와 놀기 위해
깊은 산 속에서 마을로 내려온다."
780,28,5,"Il adore les enfants rieurs. Il nhésite pas à
descendre de sa montagne pour venir en ville
jouer avec ses petits amis."
780,28,6,"Es ist sehr freundlich und liebt Kinder. Häufig
kommt es aus den Bergen herab in die Städte,
um mit seinen kleinen Freunden zu spielen."
780,28,7,"Le encantan los niños amistosos, hasta el punto
de abandonar las montañas para acercarse a
los pueblos y así poder jugar con ellos."
780,28,8,"È molto socievole e adora i bambini, tanto da
scendere dalle montagne e recarsi in città
per giocare con i suoi piccoli amici."
780,28,9,"This Pokémon is friendly to people and loves
children most of all. It comes from deep in the
mountains to play with children it likes in town."
780,28,11,"人懐っこく 子どもが 大好き。
仲良しの 子どもと 遊ぶために
山奥から 町に 降りてくる。"
780,29,1,"おともだちに なった こどもが
いじめられると いじめた こどもの
いえを さがして やきつくしてしまう。"
780,29,3,"친구가 된 아이가 괴롭힘을
당하면 괴롭힌 아이의
집에 찾아가서 태워버린다."
780,29,5,"Sil apprend quun enfant avec lequel il sest lié
damitié est persécuté par ses camarades,
il trouve leur maison et la réduit en cendres."
780,29,6,"Wenn eines der Kinder, mit denen es befreundet
ist, von jemandem gehänselt wird, sucht es das
Haus des Übeltäters auf und brennt es nieder."
780,29,7,"Si un niño con el que ha trabado amistad sufre
las burlas de otro niño, busca la casa del
abusón y le prende fuego."
780,29,8,"Se i bambini con cui ha fatto amicizia vengono
maltrattati, cerca la casa dei responsabili e
la riduce in cenere."
780,29,9,"If a child it has made friends with is bullied,
Drampa will find the bullys house and burn it to
the ground."
780,29,11,"お友達に なった 子どもが
いじめられると いじめた 子どもの
家を 探して 焼き尽くしてしまう。"
780,30,1,"まちに あらわれ こどもと あそぶ。
きけんな めに あっても こどもを
まもるので おくさんも あんしんだ。"
780,30,3,"마을에 나타나서 아이들과 논다.
위험에 처해도 아이를
지켜주기 때문에 어머니도 안심할 수 있다."
780,30,5,"Il vient en ville pour jouer avec les enfants,
et les protège en cas de danger. Les parents
peuvent donc avoir lesprit tranquille!"
780,30,6,"Es besucht so manche Stadt und spielt mit den
Kindern. Mütter können beruhigt sein, da es die
Kinder auch in brenzligen Situationen beschützt."
780,30,7,"Se adentra en los pueblos para jugar con los
niños. Los protege de cualquier peligro, así que
sus padres están tranquilos."
780,30,8,"Visita le città per giocare con i bambini ed è
sempre pronto a proteggerli. Per questo,
quando cè lui i genitori sono tranquilli."
780,30,9,"It appears in towns and plays with the children.
Drampa will protect kids when theyre in danger,
so their moms dont have to worry."
780,30,11,"町に 現れ 子どもと 遊ぶ。
危険な 目に あっても 子どもを
守るので 奥さんも 安心だ。"
780,33,1,"ひょうこう3000メートルを こえる
やまで くらす。 まれに まちへ
やってきて こどもたちと あそぶ。"
780,33,3,"해발 3000m가 넘는
산에 산다. 드물게 마을로
내려와 아이들과 논다."
780,33,5,"Il vit dans les montagnes culminant à plus
de 3000 m daltitude. Il se rend parfois en ville
pour jouer avec les petits enfants."
780,33,6,"Es lebt auf Bergen, die mehr als 3000 m hoch
sind. Ganz selten zeigt es sich auch in Städten,
wo es vergnügt mit den Kindern spielt."
780,33,7,"Habita en montañas de más de 3000 m de
altura. En ocasiones se acerca a los pueblos
para jugar con los niños."
780,33,8,"Vive su montagne che superano i 3.000 metri
di altezza. Qualche volta scende in città per
giocare con i bambini."
780,33,9,"The mountains it calls home are nearly two miles
in height. On rare occasions, it descends to play
with the children living in the towns below."
780,33,11,"標高3000メートルを 超える
山で 暮らす。 まれに 街へ
やって来て 子どもたちと 遊ぶ。"
780,34,1,"ひとなつっこく こころやさしいが
ひとたび おこると きょうふうを
まきおこし すべてを なぎたおす。"
780,34,3,"사람을 잘 따르고 마음이 착하지만
한번 화가 나면 강풍을 일으켜
모든 것을 쓰러뜨려 버린다."
780,34,5,"Il est dun naturel sociable et aimable, mais quand
il se met en colère, il déchaîne des bourrasques
qui emportent tout sur leur passage."
780,34,6,"Ein zutrauliches und gutmütiges Pokémon. Wird
es jedoch wütend, beschwört es heftige Stürme
herauf, die alles und jeden davonfegen."
780,34,7,"Es de naturaleza mansa y amable, pero, si se
enfurece, puede desatar fuertes vientos capaces
de llevarse cualquier cosa por delante."
780,34,8,"È socievole e di indole gentile ma quando
si arrabbia provoca venti dalla terribile
forza distruttiva."
780,34,9,"Drampa is a kind and friendly Pokémon—up until
its angered. When that happens, it stirs up a
gale and flattens everything around."
780,34,11,"人懐っこく 心優しいが
ひとたび 怒ると 強風を
巻き起こし すべてを なぎ倒す。"
781,27,1,"でかい イカリを ブンブン ふりまわし
ホエルオーさえ いちげきで KO。
みどりの モズクが ほんたいだ。"
781,27,3,"큰 닻을 빙빙 휘둘러
고래왕조차 일격에 KO 시킨다.
녹색의 해초가 본체다."
781,27,5,"Avec un bon coup dancre bien senti, il peut
même assommer un Wailord. Son véritable corps
est la partie composée de limon."
781,27,6,"Wenn es seinen riesigen Anker schwingt, kann
es sogar ein Wailord mit einem Schlag K.O.
hauen. Der grüne Seetang ist sein Körper."
781,27,7,"Los giros de su enorme ancla son capaces de
noquear al mismísimo Wailord de un solo golpe.
El alga verde es su verdadero cuerpo."
781,27,8,"Roteando lenorme ancora, è capace di mandare
KO con un solo colpo persino un Wailord.
Il suo vero corpo è composto da alghe verdi."
781,27,9,"Swinging its massive anchor, it can KO Wailord
in a single blow. What appears to be green
seaweed is actually its body."
781,27,11,"でかい 錨を ブンブン 振り回し
ホエルオーさえ 一撃で KO。
緑の モズクが 本体だ。"
781,28,1,"うみに ただよう モズクの たましいが
うまれかわった。 かいていの ゴミを
モズクに からめて からだを たもつ。"
781,28,3,"바다를 떠도는 해초의 영혼이
다시 태어났다. 해저의 쓰레기를
해초에 감아서 몸을 유지한다."
781,28,5,"Cest une réincarnation de lâme des algues.
Son corps est formé de détritus marins quil
enveloppe de limon."
781,28,6,"Es ist die Wiedergeburt der Seelen von im Meer
treibendem Seetang. Es schützt seinen Körper,
indem es Meeresmüll an Seetang bindet."
781,28,7,"Es la reencarnación del espíritu de las algas que
flotan a la deriva. Protege su cuerpo acoplando
a las algas los desperdicios que halla en el mar."
781,28,8,"È la reincarnazione dello spirito delle alghe
marine. Si protegge stringendo a sé i rifiuti
che trova in mare avvolgendoli nelle sue alghe."
781,28,9,"The soul of seaweed adrift in the waves became
reborn as this Pokémon. It maintains itself with
new infusions of seabed detritus and seaweed."
781,28,11,"海に 漂う モズクの 魂が
生まれ変わった。 海の ゴミを
モズクに 絡めて 身体を 保つ。"
781,29,1,"みどりのモズクを からませ せいきを
うばい すする。 ホエルオーみたいな
おおものばかりを このんで ねらう。"
781,29,3,"녹색의 해초를 휘감아 생기를
빨아들인다. 주로 고래왕처럼
몸집이 큰 것을 노린다."
781,29,5,"Il enserre ses victimes de ses algues vertes
pour aspirer leur énergie vitale. Il ne chasse
que les grosses proies, comme les Wailord."
781,29,6,"Es wickelt grünes Seegras um seine Beute und
saugt ihr die Energie aus. Auf seinem Speiseplan
stehen nur große Pokémon wie Wailord."
781,29,7,"Envuelve a sus víctimas con su alga verde y les
absorbe la vitalidad. Se deleita en cazar solo
presas de gran tamaño, como Wailord."
781,29,8,"Ruba lenergia vitale della preda avvolgendola
con le sue alghe verdi. Prende di mira solo
i Pokémon di grossa stazza come Wailord."
781,29,9,"It wraps its prey in green seaweed and sucks
away their vitality. It only likes to go after big
prey like Wailord."
781,29,11,"緑のモズクを 絡ませ 生気を
奪い すする。 ホエルオーみたいな
大物ばかりを 好んで 狙う。"
781,30,1,"くさりの ような みどりの もくずは
すうひゃくメートルも のびる。
クズモーと なぜか なかよし。"
781,30,3,"사슬 같은 녹색 해초는
수백 미터나 늘어난다.
희한하게도 수레기와 사이가 좋다."
781,30,5,"Les algues vertes formant sa chaîne sétendent
sur plusieurs centaines de mètres. Il sentend
bien avec Venalgue."
781,30,6,"Seinen kettenartigen, grünen Seetang kann es
mehrere 100 m weit strecken. Warum es sich
gerade mit Algitt gut versteht, weiß man nicht."
781,30,7,"Su alga verde se extiende en forma de cadena
varios cientos de metros. Por algún motivo, se
lleva bien con Skrelp."
781,30,8,"Le sue alghe formano una specie di catena che
può allungarsi per diverse centinaia di metri. Per
qualche strano motivo, va daccordo con Skrelp."
781,30,9,"Its chain-like green seaweed can stretch
outward for hundreds of yards. For some
reason, it gets along well with Skrelp."
781,30,11,"鎖の ような 緑の 藻屑は
数百メートルも のびる。
クズモーと なぜか 仲良し。"
781,33,1,"かいていを ただよう もくずが
ちんぼつせんの ぶひんを とりこんで
ゴーストポケモンに うまれかわった。"
781,33,3,"해저를 떠도는 해초가
침몰선의 부품을 거두어들여서
고스트포켓몬으로 다시 태어났다."
781,33,5,"Ce Pokémon Spectre naît lorsque les algues
dérivant au fond de locéan se fixent sur
des morceaux dépaves de navire."
781,33,6,"Dieses Geister-Pokémon entstand, als sich
vom Meeresgrund stammendes Seegras auf
Bruchstücken eines Schiffswracks ablagerte."
781,33,7,"Este Pokémon de tipo Fantasma no es sino la
reencarnación de las algas que flotan a la deriva
y arrastran consigo vestigios de barcos hundidos."
781,33,8,"Alcune alghe, impigliandosi a dei pezzi di relitti
sul fondo del mare, si sono tramutate in questo
Pokémon di tipo Spettro."
781,33,9,"After a piece of seaweed merged with debris
from a sunken ship, it was reborn as this
ghost Pokémon."
781,33,11,"海底を 漂う 藻屑が
沈没船の 部品を 取りこんで
ゴーストポケモンに 生まれ変わった。"
781,34,1,"うみに いかりを おろして えものを
まちぶせ。 おおものの ホエルオーを
つかまえて せいきを すいとる。"
781,34,3,"바다에 닻을 내려 먹이를
기다린다. 몸집이 큰 고래왕을
잡아 생기를 빨아들인다."
781,34,5,"Il tend des guets-apens à ses proies en larguant
son ancre dans la mer. Il peut absorber lénergie
vitale de grosses proies comme Wailord."
781,34,6,"Im Meer wirft es seinen Anker aus und legt sich
auf die Lauer. Es fängt sich möglichst große Beute
wie Wailord und saugt ihr die Lebensenergie aus."
781,34,7,"Acecha a su presa hundiendo el ancla en el mar.
Es capaz de drenar la vitalidad incluso de presas
del tamaño de un Wailord."
781,34,8,"Cattura le prede calando la sua ancora in mare.
Riesce ad assorbire lenergia vitale persino
di Pokémon enormi come Wailord."
781,34,9,"After lowering its anchor, it waits for its prey. It
catches large Wailord and drains their life-force."
781,34,11,"海に 錨を 下して 獲物を
待ち伏せ。 大物の ホエルオーを
捕まえて 生気を 吸い取る。"
782,27,1,"ウロコを たたき きもちを つたえる。
ジャラコの すむ こうざんでは
きんぞくおんが こだまする。"
782,27,3,"비늘을 때려 마음을 전달한다.
짜랑꼬가 사는 고산에서는
금속음이 메아리친다."
782,27,5,"Il communique ses sentiments en frottant ses
écailles. Les montagnes peuplées de Bébécaille
bruissent dun écho métallique."
782,27,6,"Es übermittelt seine Gefühle durch das Rasseln
seiner Schuppen, wodurch im Hochgebirge, in
dem es lebt, ein metallisches Geräusch erhallt."
782,27,7,"Comunica sus sentimientos haciendo sonar sus
escamas. El ruido metálico producido reverbera
en las altas montañas donde habita."
782,27,8,"Trasmette le sue emozioni scuotendo le squame.
Nelle aree montane in cui vive riecheggia spesso
un suono metallico."
782,27,9,"It expresses its feelings by smacking
its scales. Metallic sounds echo through
the tall mountains where Jangmo-o lives."
782,27,11,"ウロコを 叩き 気持ちを 伝える。
ジャラコの 棲む 高山では
金属音が 木霊する。"
782,28,1,"ひとけの ない やまに くらす。
ジャラコどうし たたかいながら
すこしずつ せいちょう していく。"
782,28,3,"인적이 없는 산에 산다.
짜랑꼬끼리 싸우면서
조금씩 성장해간다."
782,28,5,"Il vit dans les montagnes inhabitées.
En affrontant dautres Bébécaille, il grandit
et se développe petit à petit."
782,28,6,"Es lebt auf Bergen, auf die sich kein Mensch
wagt. Indem es gegen andere Miniras kämpft,
wird es stetig stärker."
782,28,7,"Habita en montañas despobladas. Luchan entre
ellos para fortalecerse poco a poco."
782,28,8,"Vive sulle montagne troppo impervie per gli
esseri umani. Cresce e diventa più forte poco
a poco lottando con i propri simili."
782,28,9,"They live in mountains where no trace of
humans can be detected. Jangmo-o grow
little by little as they battle one another."
782,28,11,"人気の ない 山に 暮らす。
ジャラコ同士 戦いながら
少しずつ 成長 していく。"
782,29,1,"あたまの ウロコで いわや じめんを
バシバシ たたき あいてを いかく。
おとで なかまと れんらくも とる。"
782,29,3,"머리의 비늘로 바위나 지면을
마구 두드려 상대를 위협한다.
소리로 동료와 연락도 취한다."
782,29,5,"Il frotte violemment lécaille de sa tête sur des
pierres et sur le sol pour intimider ses ennemis
ou pour communiquer avec ses congénères."
782,29,6,"Mit der Schuppe an seinem Kopf schlägt es laut
auf Steine oder auf den Boden, um seine Gegner
einzuschüchtern oder Freunde zu rufen."
782,29,7,"Embiste ferozmente contra las rocas o el suelo
con la escama de su cabeza e intimida al rival.
El sonido también le sirve para comunicarse."
782,29,8,"Sbatte con violenza le squame che ha sul capo
contro le rocce e sul terreno per spaventare i
nemici e per comunicare coi suoi simili."
782,29,9,"It smacks the scales on its head against rocks
or against the ground to frighten its opponents.
It can also contact its friends with these noises."
782,29,11,"頭の ウロコで 岩や 地面を
バシバシ 叩き 相手を 威嚇。
音で 仲間と 連絡も とる。"
782,30,1,"てきに せなかを みせず たたかう。
ゆうかんな せいしつから こだいの
せんしは このんで なかまに した。"
782,30,3,"적에게 등을 보이지 않고 싸운다.
용감한 기질을 갖고 있어서
고대의 전사는 곧잘 동료로 삼았다."
782,30,5,"Il ne tourne jamais le dos à son adversaire en
combat. Les guerriers dautrefois sen faisaient
un compagnon, car ils appréciaient sa bravoure."
782,30,6,"Im Kampf dreht es seinem Feind nie den Rücken
zu. Weil es so unerschrocken ist, wurde es von
Kriegern uralter Völker als Partner bevorzugt."
782,30,7,"Combate sin dar nunca la espalda al enemigo.
Los guerreros de la antigüedad admiraban su
osadía y lo tomaban como compañero."
782,30,8,"Lotta senza dare mai le spalle al nemico.
I guerrieri del passato lo sceglievano come
alleato per la sua indole coraggiosa."
782,30,9,"It will never show an enemy its back in battle.
Ancient warriors liked Jangmo-o for its valiant
disposition and made it one of their own."
782,30,11,"敵に 背中を 見せず 戦う。
勇敢な 性質から 古代の
戦士は 好んで 仲間に した。"
782,33,1,"あたまの ウロコを なかまどうしで
ぶつけあい たたかいかたを まなぶ。
わざと きもちが きたえられる。"
782,33,3,"머리의 비늘을 동료끼리
부딪히며 싸우는 법을 배운다.
이를 통해 기술과 정신을 단련한다."
782,33,5,"Il apprend à se battre en entrechoquant lécaille
quil a sur la tête avec celle de ses congénères,
ce qui renforce sa technique et son esprit."
782,33,6,"Durch Aneinanderschlagen ihrer Kopfschuppen
bringen sie einander das Kämpfen bei. Dadurch
verbessern sich ihre Attacken und ihre Stimmung."
782,33,7,"Aprende a luchar haciendo chocar la escama de
su cabeza con la de sus congéneres. Así fortalece
tanto la mente como sus movimientos."
782,33,8,"Impara a lottare facendo cozzare la squama che
ha sulla testa con quella dei suoi simili. In questo
modo affina le sue mosse e tempra il suo spirito."
782,33,9,"They learn to fight by smashing their head scales
together. The dueling strengthens both their skills
and their spirits."
782,33,11,"頭の ウロコを 仲間同士で
ぶつけ合い 戦い方を 学ぶ。
技と 気持ちが 鍛えられる。"
782,34,1,"たいもうが きんぞくのように かたく
なった ウロコを うちならして
なかまと コミュニケーションする。"
782,34,3,"털이 금속처럼 단단해져서 생긴
비늘을 부딪쳐서 소리를 내고
동료와 소통한다."
782,34,5,"Il communique avec ses congénères en faisant
cliqueter ses écailles dures comme du métal."
782,34,6,"Es kommuniziert mit Artgenossen, indem es mit
seinen Schuppen rasselt, die aus erhärtetem Fell
bestehen und eine metallartige Konsistenz haben."
782,34,7,"Se comunica con sus congéneres mediante los
sonidos que produce al golpear sus escamas,
duras como el acero."
782,34,8,"Comunica con i suoi simili scuotendo le squame
dure come il metallo."
782,34,9,"Jangmo-o strikes its scales to communicate with
others of its kind. Its scales are actually fur thats
become as hard as metal."
782,34,11,"体毛が 金属のように 硬く
なった ウロコを 打ち鳴らして
仲間と コミュニケーションする。"
783,27,1,"おたけびと ともに えものに
とびかかる。 ウロコの パンチは
あいてを ズタズタに ひきさくぞ。"
783,27,3,"기합을 외치며 먹이에게
달려든다. 비늘의 펀치는
상대를 갈기갈기 찢는다."
783,27,5,"Il se jette sur ses proies en poussant un terrible
cri de guerre. Il les déchiquette ensuite avec
ses poings écaillés."
783,27,6,"Mit einem Kampfschrei stürzt es sich auf seine
Beute und reißt sie mithilfe seiner Schuppen in
kleine Stücke."
783,27,7,"Se lanza sobre su presa entonando un grito de
guerra. Golpea al enemigo y lo hace trizas con
sus escamas."
783,27,8,"Piomba sulla preda con un urlo possente.
Le sue squame riducono a fettine i nemici."
783,27,9,"It leaps at its prey with a courageous shout.
Its scaly punches tear its opponents to shreds."
783,27,11,"雄叫びと ともに 獲物に
飛びかかる。 ウロコの パンチは
相手を ズタズタに 引き裂くぞ。"
783,28,1,"ウロコは どんどん はえかわる。
あたらしくなるたび ウロコは
かたく するどく なっていく。"
783,28,3,"비늘은 점점 새로 자란다.
새로워질수록 비늘은
단단하고 예리해진다."
783,28,5,"Ses écailles poussent très vite.
Chaque nouvelle écaille est plus dure et plus
pointue que lancienne."
783,28,6,"Seine Schuppen wachsen sehr schnell nach.
Jede neue Schuppe ist härter und schärfer
als die vorherige."
783,28,7,"Muda constantemente sus escamas, que cada
vez se vuelven más duras y afiladas."
783,28,8,"Cambia frequentemente le scaglie, che
diventano più dure e taglienti ogni volta
che ricrescono."
783,28,9,"It sheds and regrows its scales on a continuous
basis. The scales become harder and sharper
each time theyre regrown."
783,28,11,"鱗は どんどん 生え変わる。
新しくなるたび 鱗は
硬く 鋭く なっていく。"
783,29,1,"ウロコを たたきあわせて おとを
ならす。 リズムが さいこうちょうに
たっしたところで おそいかかる。"
783,29,3,"비늘을 부딪히며 소리를 낸다.
리듬이 최고조에 달할 때
공격해 온다."
783,29,5,"Il fait tinter ses écailles en les frottant
les unes contre les autres, et passe à lattaque
quand le rythme atteint son point culminant."
783,29,6,"Es lässt seine Schuppen erklingen, indem es sie
aneinanderschlägt. Wenn der Rhythmus seinen
Höhepunkt erreicht, geht es zum Angriff über."
783,29,7,"Golpea sus escamas entre sí. Cuando culmina el
ritmo de esta percusión, se abalanza sobre el
783,29,8,"Sbatte rumorosamente le sue squame tra di
loro e, quando il ritmo raggiunge lapice, si lancia
783,29,9,"It makes noise by clanging its scales together.
When the rhythm has reached its peak,
Hakamo-o attacks."
783,29,11,"ウロコを 叩き合わせて 音を
鳴らす。 リズムが 最高潮に
達したところで 襲いかかる。"
783,30,1,"はがれた ウロコを たたいて なべや
フライパンに かこう。 ひの とおりが
よくて つかいやすいと こうひょう。"
783,30,3,"떨어진 비늘을 두드려서 냄비나
프라이팬으로 가공한다. 열전도율이
좋아서 사용하기 편하다고 호평이다."
783,30,5,"On broie les écailles quil a perdues pour
fabriquer des casseroles et des poêles
à bonne conductivité thermique."
783,30,6,"Seine abgefallenen Schuppen lassen sich zu
Töpfen oder Pfannen verarbeiten, welche Hitze
gut übertragen und einfach zu verwenden sind."
783,30,7,"Las escamas que se le caen se utilizan para
fabricar pucheros y sartenes muy apreciados,
ya que son muy buenas conductoras del calor."
783,30,8,"Le pentole e padelle fabbricate con le squame
che perde sono apprezzate per la loro praticità
e perché assicurano una cottura uniforme."
783,30,9,"The scales it sheds can be molded and
processed to make pots and pans. They
conduct heat well, so theyre a popular item."
783,30,11,"はがれた ウロコを 叩いて 鍋や
フライパンに 加工。 火の 通りが
良くて 使いやすいと 好評。"
783,33,1,"ウロコが はがれた きずだらけの
からだは きょうしゃの あかし。
たおした あいてに みせつける。"
783,33,3,"비늘이 떨어진 상처투성이인
몸은 강자라는 증표다.
상대를 쓰러뜨린 후 상처를 보여준다."
783,33,5,"Ses écailles arrachées et son corps couvert de
cicatrices sont la preuve de sa puissance. Il les
montre à son adversaire vaincu en se pavanant."
783,33,6,"Für sie sind zerschmetterte Schuppen und Narben
Trophäen, die sie besiegten Gegnern nach dem
Kampf voller Stolz zeigen."
783,33,7,"Como prueba de su fuerza, muestra orgulloso
a quienes vence las cicatrices de su cuerpo
donde ya no tiene escamas."
783,33,8,"Come prova della sua forza, mostra orgoglioso
allavversario sconfitto le ferite sul suo corpo
e le squame mancanti."
783,33,9,"The scaleless, scarred parts of its body are
signs of its strength. It shows them off to
defeated opponents."
783,33,11,"ウロコが はがれた 傷だらけの
体は 強者の 証し。
倒した 相手に 見せつける。"
783,34,1,"ウロコを うちならし おたけびを
あげてから あいてに いどみかかり
するどい ツメで ずたずたに する。"
783,34,3,"비늘을 부딪쳐 우렁찬 소리를
낸 후 상대에게 덤벼들어
날카로운 손톱으로 갈기갈기 찢는다."
783,34,5,"Après avoir fait tinter ses écailles et poussé
un terrible cri de guerre, il charge ses ennemis
et les lacère de ses griffes acérées."
783,34,6,"Bevor es angreift, rasselt es mit den Schuppen
und stößt einen Kampfschrei aus. Dann reißt es
den Gegner mit seinen scharfen Klauen in Stücke."
783,34,7,"Tras hacer sonar sus escamas y proferir su grito
de guerra, carga contra el enemigo y lo hace
trizas con sus afiladas garras."
783,34,8,"Fa risuonare le squame ed emette un possente
urlo, per poi lanciarsi sullavversario e farlo a
fettine con i suoi artigli affilati."
783,34,9,"Before attacking its enemies, it clashes its
scales together and roars. Its sharp claws
shred the opposition."
783,34,11,"ウロコを 打ち鳴らし 雄叫びを
あげてから 相手に 挑みかかり
鋭い ツメで ずたずたに する。"
784,27,1,"てきを みると しっぽの ウロコを
ジャラジャラ ならして いかく。
よわいものは あわてて にげだす。"
784,27,3,"적을 보면 꼬리의 비늘을
짤랑짤랑 소리를 내며 위협한다.
약한 자는 허둥대며 도망간다."
784,27,5,"Quand il voit un ennemi, il cherche à lintimider
en faisant sonner les écailles de sa queue. Les
plus faibles perdent contenance et senfuient."
784,27,6,"Wenn es einen Gegner sieht, rasselt es drohend
mit seinen Schwanzschuppen. Schwache Gegner
verlieren dadurch die Fassung und fliehen."
784,27,7,"Al avistar a su enemigo, lo intimida con el
tintineo que producen las escamas de su cola.
Los más débiles se asustan y huyen."
784,27,8,"Intimorisce gli avversari con il rumore prodotto
dalla vibrazione delle scaglie che ha sulla coda.
Sentendolo, i nemici più deboli si danno alla fuga."
784,27,9,"When it spots enemies, it threatens them by
jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents
will crack and flee in panic."
784,27,11,"敵を 見ると 尻尾の ウロコを
ジャラジャラ 鳴らして いかく。
弱い者は あわてて 逃げ出す。"
784,28,1,"かたい ウロコは こうぼういったい。
かつては ぶきや にちようひんに
かこう されて つかわれた。"
784,28,3,"단단한 비늘은 공방일체.
한때 무기나 일용품으로
가공되어 쓰여졌다."
784,28,5,"Ses écailles lui servent aussi bien en attaque
quen défense. Jadis, les hommes sen servaient
pour fabriquer des armes et des objets usuels."
784,28,6,"Seine harten Schuppen dienen sowohl Angriff
als auch Verteidigung. Früher wurden aus ihnen
Waffen und Gebrauchsgüter hergestellt."
784,28,7,"Sus sólidas escamas le sirven tanto para atacar
como para defenderse. Antaño se usaban para
fabricar armas u objetos de uso cotidiano."
784,28,8,"Le sue squame robuste sono molto versatili.
Un tempo venivano utilizzate sia come armi,
sia per costruire oggetti duso quotidiano."
784,28,9,"Its rigid scales function as offense and defense.
In the past, its scales were processed and used
to make weapons and other commodities."
784,28,11,"硬い 鱗は 攻防一体。
かつては 武器や 日用品に
加工 されて 使われた。"
784,29,1,"えものを しとめて とおぼえすると
あちこちから なかまが しゅくふく
する きんぞくおんが こだまする。"
784,29,3,"먹이의 숨통을 끊고 포효하면
여기저기에서 축하하는
동료의 금속음이 메아리친다."
784,29,5,"Quand il hurle pour fêter sa victoire sur une
proie, on entend ses congénères se réjouir de
toutes parts dans un grand tintement métallique."
784,29,6,"Hat es seine Beute erlegt, stößt es ein Heulen
aus, was von seinen Artgenossen nah und fern
mit einem metallischen Rasseln gefeiert wird."
784,29,7,"Al atrapar a su presa, emite un rugido. Los de
su especie responden con un fragor metálico
para felicitarle por la captura."
784,29,8,"Quando cattura una preda, lancia un forte urlo.
Sentendolo, i suoi simili in ogni luogo esultano
facendo echeggiare un rumore metallico."
784,29,9,"When it howls after finishing off its prey, the
metallic sounds of its celebrating comrades can
be heard from all around."
784,29,11,"獲物を 仕留めて 遠吠えすると
あちこちから 仲間が 祝福する
金属音が こだまする。"
784,30,1,"はがねの ウロコを まとう こぶしを
ふるって ゆうかんに たたかう。
じまんの とくぎは アッパーカット。"
784,30,3,"강철의 비늘을 두른 주먹을
휘두르며 용감하게 싸운다.
자신 있는 특기는 어퍼컷이다."
784,30,5,"Il se bat vaillamment avec ses poings couverts
décailles dacier. Il est particulièrement fier
de limpact de ses uppercuts."
784,30,6,"Es kämpft wacker und lässt dabei seine Fäuste
fliegen, die von metallenen Schuppen bedeckt
sind. Seine Spezialität ist der Kinnhaken."
784,30,7,"Lucha valerosamente con sus puños recubiertos
de escamas de acero. Tiene un gancho
784,30,8,"Lotta con audacia agitando i pugni ricoperti da
squame dacciaio. I montanti sono il suo forte."
784,30,9,"It battles valiantly with its fists, which are
armored in steel scales. Kommo-o specializes
in uppercuts."
784,30,11,"鋼の ウロコを まとう 拳を
ふるって 勇敢に 戦う。
自慢の 特技は アッパーカット。"
784,33,1,"てきに であうと しっぽの ウロコを
うちならし いかく。 おじけづかない
つわものだけを あいてに たたかう。"
784,33,3,"상대와 마주치면 꼬리의 비늘로
소리를 내어 위협한다. 이에 겁먹지 않은
강자만을 상대로 싸운다."
784,33,5,"Quand il rencontre un ennemi, il fait sonner les
écailles de sa queue pour lintimider. Il naffronte
que ceux qui ne se laissent pas impressionner."
784,33,6,"Trifft es auf einen Gegner, rasselt es drohend mit
seinen Schwanzschuppen. Nur wenn dieser davon
unbeeindruckt bleibt, kämpft es mit ihm."
784,33,7,"Al encontrarse con un enemigo, hace sonar las
escamas de su cola para intimidarlo. Solamente
lucha contra aquellos que no se acobardan."
784,33,8,"Quando si imbatte in un nemico, fa risuonare
le squame della coda per spaventarlo. Lotta solo
contro chi non si lascia intimorire."
784,33,9,"It clatters its tail scales to unnerve opponents.
This Pokémon will battle only those who stand
steadfast in the face of this display."
784,33,11,"敵に 出会うと しっぽの ウロコを
打ち鳴らし 威嚇。 怖気づかない
強者だけを 相手に 戦う。"
784,34,1,"ジャラランガの ウロコで つくった
ヨロイを みに まとった こだいの
せんしが いせきに えがかれている。"
784,34,3,"짜랑고우거의 비늘로 만든
갑옷을 두른 고대의 전사가
유적에 그려져 있다."
784,34,5,"Dans les ruines, on trouve parfois des fresques
représentant des guerriers antiques qui portent
des armures faites avec ses écailles."
784,34,6,"In Ruinen finden sich uralte Abbildungen von
Kriegern, die Rüstungen aus Grandiras-Schuppen
784,34,7,"Se han descubierto antiguas representaciones
pictóricas de guerreros que lucían armaduras
confeccionadas con escamas de Kommo-o."
784,34,8,"In antiche rovine sono stati rinvenuti dipinti
raffiguranti guerrieri con armature fatte
di squame di Kommo-o."
784,34,9,"Certain ruins have paintings of ancient warriors
wearing armor made of Kommo-o scales."
784,34,11,"ジャラランガの ウロコで つくった
鎧を 身に まとった 古代の
戦士が 遺跡に 描かれている。"
785,27,1,"こうきしんおうせいな メレメレの
まもりがみ。 かみなりぐもを よび
いかずちを からだに ためこむ。"
785,27,3,"호기심 왕성한 멜레멜레의
수호신이다. 번개 구름을 불러
우레를 몸에 비축한다."
785,27,5,"Gardien de Mele-Mele, il est curieux de tout.
Il a le pouvoir dappeler les nuages orageux
pour stocker la foudre dans son corps."
785,27,6,"Der neugierige und lebhafte Schutzpatron von
Mele-Mele. Es kann Gewitterwolken rufen und
Blitze in seinem Körper speichern."
785,27,7,"El espíritu guardián de Melemele, curioso e
inquisitivo. Invoca nubes de tormenta y acumula
el poder de los rayos en su cuerpo."
785,27,8,"Protettore di Mele Mele, è un Pokémon dalla
vivace curiosità. Attira a sé le nuvole
temporalesche per assorbirne la carica elettrica."
785,27,9,"This guardian deity of Melemele is brimming with
curiosity. It summons thunderclouds and stores
their lightning inside its body."
785,27,11,"好奇心旺盛な メレメレの
守り神。 雷雲を 呼び
雷を 身体に 溜め込む。"
785,28,1,"めにも とまらぬ スピードで てきを
かくらんする。 ひどく おこりっぽいが
なんで おこったかは すぐ わすれる。"
785,28,3,"눈에 보이지 않는 스피드로 적을
교란한다. 심하게 화를 잘 내지만
왜 화가 났는지는 금방 잊어버린다."
785,28,5,"Il déstabilise ses ennemis avec sa vitesse
ébouriffante. Il pique souvent des colères noires,
mais il en oublie aussitôt la raison."
785,28,6,"Mit atemberaubendem Tempo bringt es Gegner
aus dem Konzept. Es ist aufbrausend, vergisst
aber sofort, warum es so wütend geworden ist."
785,28,7,"Su endiablada velocidad aturde por completo al
enemigo. Pese a su extrema irascibilidad, olvida
rápidamente el motivo de su enfado."
785,28,8,"Confonde i nemici con i suoi spostamenti
improvvisi. È tremendamente irascibile, ma
quando si arrabbia si scorda subito il perché."
785,28,9,"It confuses its enemies by flying too quickly for
the eye to follow. It has a hair-trigger temper
but forgets what made it angry an instant later."
785,28,11,"目にも 止まらぬ スピードで 敵を
かく乱する。 ひどく 怒りっぽいが
なんで 怒ったかは すぐ 忘れる。"
785,29,1,"まもりがみと よばれるが きぶんを
がいする にんげんや ポケモンには
おそいかかる あらぶるかみ でもある。"
785,29,3,"수호신이라고 불리지만
기분을 해치는 사람이나 포켓몬을
공격하는 난폭한 신이기도 하다."
785,29,5,"Bien quon le considère comme une divinité
protectrice, il peut se montrer cruel envers
les humains et les Pokémon qui lont offensé."
785,29,6,"Trotz seiner Rolle als Schutzpatron kommt es
vor, dass es wild wird und andere Pokémon oder
Menschen angreift, die ihm die Laune verderben."
785,29,7,"Aunque se le considera un espíritu guardián,
obra también como espíritu vengativo contra
las personas y Pokémon que desatan su ira."
785,29,8,"È considerato un nume protettore ma, se si
offende, monta su tutte le furie e non esita
ad attaccare Pokémon ed esseri umani."
785,29,9,"Although its called a guardian deity, if a person
or Pokémon puts it in a bad mood, it will become
a malevolent deity and attack."
785,29,11,"守り神と 呼ばれるが 気分を
害する 人間や ポケモンには
襲い掛かる 荒ぶる神 でもある。"
785,30,1,"かみなりを あやつる メレメレの
まもりがみ。 こうきしんおうせいで
ときおり ひとまえに あらわれる。"
785,30,3,"번개를 조종하는 멜레멜레의
수호신. 호기심이 왕성해서
가끔 사람들 앞에 나타난다."
785,30,5,"Il est le gardien de Mele-Mele et le maître
de la foudre. Dun naturel curieux, il apparaît
devant les humains de temps à autre."
785,30,6,"Der Schutzpatron Mele-Meles gebietet über
Blitz und Donner. Dieses lebhafte, neugierige
Pokémon zeigt sich ab und an den Menschen."
785,30,7,"El espíritu guardián de Melemele, capaz de
blandir el rayo. Su eterna curiosidad le lleva
a veces a mostrarse ante las personas."
785,30,8,"Protettore di Mele Mele, è in grado di controllare
i fulmini. La sua grande curiosità a volte lo
spinge a mostrarsi agli esseri umani."
785,30,9,"The lightning-wielding guardian deity of
Melemele, Tapu Koko is brimming with curiosity
and appears before people from time to time."
785,30,11,"雷を 操る メレメレの
守り神。 好奇心旺盛で
時折 人前に 現れる。"
786,27,1,"むじゃきで ざんこくな アーカラの
まもりがみ。 はなの かぐわしい
かおりが エネルギーの みなもと。"
786,27,3,"천진난만하고 잔혹한 아칼라의
수호신이다. 향기로운
꽃향기가 에너지의 근원이다."
786,27,5,"Pokémon candide mais terriblement cruel,
cest le gardien dAkala. Il puise son énergie
dans le parfum entêtant des fleurs."
786,27,6,"Der arglose, doch unbarmherzige Schutzpatron
von Akala. Seine Energie zieht es aus dem
lieblichen Duft von Blumen."
786,27,7,"El espíritu guardián de Akala, tan inocente como
cruel. La fragancia de las flores constituye su
fuente de energía."
786,27,8,"Protettore di Akala, è un Pokémon innocente e
spietato al tempo stesso. Il profumo soave
dei fiori è la fonte della sua energia."
786,27,9,"This guardian deity of Akala is guilelessly cruel.
The fragrant aroma of flowers is the source of
its energy."
786,27,11,"無邪気で 残酷な アーカラの
守り神。 花の 芳しい
香りが エネルギーの 源。"
786,28,1,"ヒラヒラ とびまわり ふしぎに ひかる
りんぷんを ふりまく。 ふれたものは
たちまち げんきを とりもどすという。"
786,28,3,"팔랑팔랑 날아다니며 이상하게 빛나는
인분을 흩뿌린다. 이것에 닿은 자는
곧 건강을 되찾는다고 한다."
786,28,5,"Avec ses ailes délicates, il répand une poudre
mystérieuse et lumineuse quand il vole. Il suffit
de le toucher pour retrouver aussitôt le sourire."
786,28,6,"Beim Umherflattern verstreut es geheimnisvoll
leuchtenden Flügelstaub. Es heißt, wer diesen
abbekomme, sei sofort wieder voller Energie."
786,28,7,"Al revolotear esparce escamas que desprenden
un brillo misterioso. Se dice que todo aquel que
las toca vuelve a sentirse pletórico al instante."
786,28,8,"Svolazza nel cielo spargendo nuvole di scaglie
dal misterioso luccichio che fanno tornare
immediatamente il buon umore a chi le tocca."
786,28,9,"As it flutters about, it scatters its strangely
glowing scales. Touching them is said to restore
good health on the spot."
786,28,11,"ヒラヒラ 飛びまわり 不思議に 光る
鱗粉を 振りまく。 触れた者は
たちまち 元気を 取り戻すという。"
786,29,1,"かがやく りんぷんを ふりまいて
ひとや ポケモンの きずを いやす。
アーカラで まつられる まもりがみだ。"
786,29,3,"빛나는 인분을 흩뿌려
사람이나 포켓몬의 상처를 치료한다.
아칼라에서 모시는 수호신이다."
786,29,5,"Cest le gardien dAkala. Il saupoudre une pluie
décailles scintillantes sur les humains
et les Pokémon blessés pour les soigner."
786,29,6,"Es verteilt leuchtenden Flügelstaub, der die
Wunden von Menschen und Pokémon heilt.
Auf Akala wird es als Schutzpatron verehrt."
786,29,7,"Esparce escamas brillantes que curan a las
personas y los Pokémon. En la isla de Akala es
venerado como su espíritu guardián."
786,29,8,"È il Pokémon protettore di Akala.
Sparge luccicanti nuvole di scaglie che
curano le ferite di esseri umani e Pokémon."
786,29,9,"It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by
sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This
guardian deity is worshiped on Akala."
786,29,11,"輝く りん粉を 振りまいて
人や ポケモンの 傷を 癒す。
アーカラで 祀られる 守り神だ。"
786,30,1,"まもりがみと よばれるが むじゃきで
ざんこくな せいしつも あわせもつ
しぜんのけしんと いえる そんざい。"
786,30,3,"수호신으로 불리지만 천진난만하면서
잔혹한 성질도 겸비한
자연의 화신이라 할 수 있는 존재다."
786,30,5,"Bien quon le considère comme une divinité
protectrice, cette incarnation parfaite de
la nature est aussi innocente que cruelle."
786,30,6,"Obwohl man es Schutzpatron nennt, verkörpert
sein zugleich unschuldiges und grausames
Gemüt das zwiegespaltene Wesen der Natur."
786,30,7,"Este espíritu guardián es tan candoroso como
despiadado, por lo que se podría decir que es
la encarnación de la naturaleza misma."
786,30,8,"È considerato il protettore di Akala e
rappresenta lincarnazione della natura. Ha
unindole innocente e spietata al tempo stesso."
786,30,9,"Although called a guardian deity, Tapu Lele is
devoid of guilt about its cruel disposition and
can be described as nature incarnate."
786,30,11,"守り神と 呼ばれるが 無邪気で
残酷な 性質も 併せ持つ
自然の化身と いえる 存在。"
787,27,1,"たいぼくを ひきぬき ブンブン
ふりまわす。 くさきを しげらせて
そのエネルギーを きゅうしゅうする。"
787,27,3,"큰 나무를 뽑아서 빙빙 휘두른다.
초목을 무성하게 만들어
그 에너지를 흡수한다."
787,27,5,"Il arrache de grands arbres et fait des moulinets
avec. Il a le pouvoir de rendre la végétation
luxuriante pour ensuite se nourrir de cette force."
787,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon entwurzelt große Bäume und
schwingt sie herum. Es lässt Pflanzen üppig
gedeihen und absorbiert dann ihre Energie."
787,27,7,"Arranca de cuajo árboles grandes para hacerlos
girar. Vuelve exuberante la vegetación y luego
absorbe su energía."
787,27,8,"Sradica gli alberi e li fa roteare maneggiandoli
abilmente. Fa crescere la vegetazione per poi
assorbirne lenergia."
787,27,9,"It pulls large trees up by the roots and swings
them around. It causes vegetation to grow,
and then it absorbs energy from the growth."
787,27,11,"大木を 引き抜き ブンブン
振り回す。 草木を 茂らせて
そのエネルギーを 吸収する。"
787,28,1,"ウラウラの まもりがみで ものぐさ。
くさきを あやつり てきを しばりつけ
うごきを とめて ツノで ひとつき。"
787,28,3,"울라울라의 수호신으로 게으름뱅이다.
초목을 조종해 적을 묶어서
움직임을 멈추게 하고 뿔로 단번에 받는다."
787,28,5,"Cest lindolent gardien dUla-Ula.
Il se sert de la végétation pour immobiliser ses
ennemis, avant de les empaler avec ses cornes."
787,28,6,"Der träge Schutzpatron von Ula-Ula. Es stoppt
seine Gegner mithilfe von Pflanzen und spießt
sie dann mit seinen Hörnern auf."
787,28,7,"El indolente espíritu guardián de Ula-Ula.
Inmoviliza al enemigo con la vegetación y lo
embiste con sus cuernos."
787,28,8,"Protettore di Ula Ula, è un Pokémon molto pigro.
Controlla la vegetazione con cui immobilizza
il nemico per poi trafiggerlo con le sue corna."
787,28,9,"The guardian deity of Ulaula is a lazy Pokémon.
It commands plants to immobilize its foes and
then deals them a savage blow with its horns."
787,28,11,"ウラウラの 守り神で 物臭。
草木を 操り 敵を 縛りつけ
動きを 止めて 角で 一突き。"
787,29,1,"まもりがみと よばれるが てきと
みなした ものは てっていてきに
たたきつぶす はげしさを もっている。"
787,29,3,"수호신으로 불리지만
적이라고 간주한 자는 철저하게
때려 부수는 격렬함을 갖고 있다."
787,29,5,"Bien quon le connaisse comme une divinité
protectrice, il peut se montrer sans pitié envers
ceux quil considère comme ses ennemis."
787,29,6,"Obwohl man es als Schutzpatron bezeichnet,
verfügt es über die nötige Härte, um seine
Feinde erbarmungslos zu vernichten."
787,29,7,"Se lo conoce como espíritu guardián, pero abate
sin piedad a aquellos que considera sus
787,29,8,"È considerato un Pokémon protettore,
ma annienta senza pietà tutti quelli che
considera nemici."
787,29,9,"Although its called a guardian deity, its violent
enough to crush anyone it sees as an enemy."
787,29,11,"守り神と 呼ばれるが 敵と
見なした 者は 徹底的に
叩き潰す 激しさを 持っている。"
787,30,1,"シッポを ならし いばしょを つたえ
むだなあらそいを さける。 くさきを
あやつる ウラウラの まもりがみ。"
787,30,3,"꼬리로 소리를 내어 위치를 알림으로써
불필요한 싸움을 피한다. 초목을
조종하는 울라울라의 수호신."
787,30,5,"Il est le gardien dUla-Ula et le maître
des plantes. Il évite les combats inutiles en
faisant tinter sa queue pour signaler son arrivée."
787,30,6,"Als Gebieter über die Pflanzen macht Ula-Ulas
Schutzpatron mit seinem Schweif auf sich
aufmerksam, um unnötige Kämpfe zu vermeiden."
787,30,7,"El espíritu guardián de Ula-Ula, que gobierna
la flora. Hace repicar su cola para alertar de
su presencia y prevenir riñas sin sentido."
787,30,8,"Protettore di Ula Ula, ha il potere di controllare
la vegetazione. Fa risuonare la coda per
segnalare la sua presenza ed evitare lotte inutili."
787,30,9,"It makes ringing sounds with its tail to let others
know where it is, avoiding unneeded conflicts.
This guardian deity of Ulaula controls plants."
787,30,11,"シッポを 鳴らし 居場所を 伝え
無駄な争いを 避ける。 草木を
操る ウラウラの 守り神。"
788,27,1,"ふかいきりで てきを まどわせ
じめつさせる おそろしさを もつ。
かいりゅうが エネルギーの みなもと。"
788,27,3,"짙은 안개로 적을 혼란시켜
자멸하게 만드는 무서움을 지녔다.
해류가 에너지의 근원이다."
788,27,5,"Il confond ses ennemis grâce au brouillard
et les pousse à sen prendre à eux-mêmes.
Il puise son énergie dans les courants marins."
788,27,6,"Es führt Gegner mit dichtem Nebel in die Irre
und schickt sie so in ihren Untergang. Seine
Energie gewinnt es aus der Meeresströmung."
788,27,7,"Desconcierta al enemigo provocando una espesa
niebla que se convierte en su perdición. Las
corrientes marinas son su fuente de energía."
788,27,8,"Avvolge il nemico in una fitta nebbia che
lo induce ad attaccare se stesso. Le correnti
marine sono la fonte della sua energia."
788,27,9,"The dense fog it creates brings the downfall
and destruction of its confused enemies.
Ocean currents are the source of its energy."
788,27,11,"深い霧で 敵を 惑わせ
自滅させる 恐ろしさを 持つ。
海流が エネルギーの 源。"
788,28,1,"みずを あやつる ポニの まもりがみ。
けがれを はらう きよらかな みずを
うみだすと つたえられている。"
788,28,3,"물을 조종하는 포니의 수호신.
부정을 없애는 깨끗한 물을
만들어낸다고 전해져 온다."
788,28,5,"Gardien de Poni, il a le pouvoir de contrôler leau.
On raconte quil peut produire une eau limpide
qui nettoie toutes les impuretés."
788,28,6,"Der Schutzpatron von Poni. Dieses Pokémon
kontrolliert das Wasser. Man sagt, es könne
schmutziges in klares Wasser verwandeln."
788,28,7,"Es el espíritu guardián de Poni y tiene control
sobre el agua. Dicen que puede purificar
cualquier impureza con su agua límpida."
788,28,8,"Protettore di Poni, ha il potere di controllare
i flutti. Si narra che possa generare acqua
limpidissima che neutralizza qualsiasi impurità."
788,28,9,"The guardian deity of Poni, it can control water.
People say it can create pure water that will
wash away any uncleanness."
788,28,11,"水を 操る ポニの 守り神。
けがれを 払う 清らかな 水を
生みだすと 伝えられている。"
788,29,1,"ふかい きりの おくに すんでいると
おそれ うやまわれてきた。 みずを
あやつる ポニの まもりがみだ。"
788,29,3,"짙은 안개 속에 살고 있다고
두려움과 존경을 받아 왔다.
물을 조종하는 포니의 수호신이다."
788,29,5,"Gardien de Poni et maître de leau, il vit au plus
profond de la brume. Cest notamment pour
cette raison quil est à la fois craint et vénéré."
788,29,6,"Als Schutzpatron von Poni kontrolliert es das
Wasser und lauert im dichten Nebel. Es wird
gleichermaßen gefürchtet wie respektiert."
788,29,7,"El espíritu guardián de Poni, temido y venerado
a la vez. Mora en una espesa niebla y manipula
el agua a su antojo."
788,29,8,"Protettore di Poni, ha il potere di controllare i
flutti. Vive in una fitta nebbia, venerato e temuto
allo stesso tempo."
788,29,9,"This guardian deity of Poni Island manipulates
water. Because it lives deep within a thick fog,
it came to be both feared and revered."
788,29,11,"深い 霧の 奥に 棲んでいると
恐れ 敬われてきた。 水を
操る ポニの 守り神だ。"
788,30,1,"まもりがみと よばれるが むやみに
ちかづく あいてには おそろしい
わざわいを もたらすこともある。"
788,30,3,"수호신으로 불리지만 무턱대고
다가오는 상대에게는 무서운
재앙을 가져다주는 일도 있다."
788,30,5,"Il ne faut pas se laisser berner par son statut
de divinité protectrice : il lui arrive de mettre en
pièces ceux qui osent sapprocher de trop près."
788,30,6,"Man bezeichnet es zwar als Schutzpatron, doch
all jene, die sich ihm unbedacht nähern, werden
von furchtbaren Katastrophen heimgesucht."
788,30,7,"A pesar de ser un espíritu guardián, trae
desgracias a aquellos que se le acercan sin la
debida cortesía."
788,30,8,"È considerato un Pokémon protettore, ma a volte
arreca sciagure tremende a chi gli si avvicina in
modo avventato."
788,30,9,"Although its called a guardian deity, terrible
calamities sometimes befall those who
recklessly approach Tapu Fini."
788,30,11,"守り神と 呼ばれるが 無闇に
近付く 相手には 恐ろしい
災いを もたらすこともある。"
789,27,1,"はかない ガスじょうの からだ。
たいきの チリを あつめながら
ゆっくりと せいちょうしていく。"
789,27,3,"연약한 가스 상태의 몸이다.
대기의 먼지를 모으며
천천히 성장한다."
789,27,5,"Son corps est composé dun gaz très volatile.
Il croît lentement, en accumulant les poussières
atmosphériques au gré de ses déplacements."
789,27,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus flüchtigem Gas.
Es wächst durch das Sammeln von Staub
aus der Luft."
789,27,7,"Su cuerpo se compone de una materia gaseosa
inestable. Crece poco a poco al acumular las
motas de polvo que flotan en el aire."
789,27,8,"Il suo corpo è formato da un gas volatile.
Cresce lentamente accumulando il pulviscolo
presente nellatmosfera."
789,27,9,"Its body is gaseous and frail. It slowly grows as
it collects dust from the atmosphere."
789,27,11,"はかない ガス状の 身体。
大気の チリを 集めながら
ゆっくりと 成長していく。"
789,28,1,"おおむかしは ほしのこ という なで
よばれた。 べつせかいの ポケモンと
いわれているが くわしくは ふめい。"
789,28,3,"먼 옛날에는 별의 아이라는 이름으로
불렸다. 다른 세계의 포켓몬이라고
전해지지만 자세한 것은 불명확하다."
789,28,5,"Jadis, on lappelait lenfant des étoiles.
On raconte quil viendrait dun autre monde,
mais rien nest prouvé."
789,28,6,"Vor langer Zeit nannte man es „Kind der Sterne“.
Es soll aus einer anderen Welt stammen, doch
niemand weiß Genaueres darüber."
789,28,7,"En tiempos remotos recibía el nombre de Hijo
de las estrellas. Cuentan que proviene de otro
mundo, pero poco más se sabe al respecto."
789,28,8,"Nellantichità era conosciuto con il nome di
“Figlio delle stelle”. Si dice che provenga da
un altro mondo, ma non vi sono certezze."
789,28,9,"In ages past, it was called the child of the stars.
Its said to be a Pokémon from another world,
but no specific details are known."
789,28,11,"大昔は 星の子 という 名で
呼ばれた。 別世界の ポケモンと
いわれているが 詳しくは 不明。"
789,29,1,"たよりない ガスじょうの からだは
ちょっとの かぜにも ながされるが
ぜんぜん きにして いない ようす。"
789,29,3,"의지할 곳 없는 가스 상태의 몸은
약한 바람에도 휩쓸리지만,
전혀 신경 쓰지 않는 듯하다."
789,29,5,"Son corps est composé dun gaz très instable.
Il se fait emporter par la moindre brise, mais
na pas lair de sen soucier pour autant."
789,29,6,"Da sein Körper aus Gas besteht, kann es schon
von einem leichten Luftzug weggeweht werden.
Aber das scheint ihm nichts auszumachen."
789,29,7,"Hasta la brisa más leve es capaz de arrastrar
su cuerpo, compuesto de una materia gaseosa
inestable, pero no parece que eso le moleste."
789,29,8,"Il suo corpo è formato da un gas instabile.
Potrebbe volare via al minimo soffio di vento,
ma non sembra preoccuparsene."
789,29,9,"Even though its helpless, gaseous body can be
blown away by the slightest breeze, it doesnt
seem to care."
789,29,11,"頼りない ガス状の 身体は
ちょっとの 風にも 流されるが
全然 気にして いない 様子。"
789,30,1,"このせかいの ポケモンかは なぞ。
ピンチに なると ワープを つかって
あんぜんな ばしょへ みを かくす。"
789,30,3,"이 세계의 포켓몬인지는 의문이다.
위험해지면 워프를 사용해서
안전한 장소에 몸을 숨긴다."
789,30,5,"Nul ne sait sil vient vraiment de ce monde.
En cas de danger, il se téléporte vers un endroit
sûr pour sy cacher."
789,30,6,"Es ist unklar, ob es aus dieser Welt stammt oder
nicht. Wenn es in Gefahr ist, teleportiert es sich
an einen sicheren Ort und versteckt sich."
789,30,7,"No está claro si es un Pokémon de este mundo.
Cuando está en apuros, se teletransporta a un
lugar seguro donde esconderse."
789,30,8,"Non si sa se provenga da questo mondo.
Quando è in pericolo, si teletrasporta in
un luogo sicuro dove rimane nascosto."
789,30,9,"Whether or not its a Pokémon from this world
is a mystery. When its in a jam, it warps away
to a safe place to hide."
789,30,11,"この世界の ポケモンかは 謎。
ピンチに なると ワープを 使って
安全な 場所へ 身を 隠す。"
789,33,1,"べつの うちゅう から やってきた。
ガスの からだは とても かるく
そよかぜにも ながされてしまうほど。"
789,33,3,"다른 우주에서 찾아왔다.
가스로 된 몸은 매우 가벼워서
산들바람에도 날아가 버릴 정도다."
789,33,5,"Il vient dun autre univers. Son corps gazeux
est si léger que la moindre brise peut lemporter."
789,33,6,"Es stammt aus einem anderen Universum. Sein
Körper aus Gas ist so leicht, dass es sogar von
einer sanften Brise weggeweht wird."
789,33,7,"Proviene de otro mundo. Su cuerpo gaseoso es
tan liviano que hasta la brisa más suave es capaz
de arrastrarlo."
789,33,8,"Proviene da un altro universo. Il suo corpo fatto
di gas è talmente leggero che può volar via
al minimo soffio di vento."
789,33,9,"This Pokémon came from another universe.
Its gaseous body is so light that even a gentle
breeze can blow it away."
789,33,11,"別の 宇宙から やって来た。
ガスの 体は とても 軽く
そよ風にも 流れてしまうほどだ。"
789,34,1,"むけいかいで こうきしんが つよく
あぶない めに あうことも おおい。
ピンチになると ワープで にげる。"
789,34,3,"경계심이 없고 호기심이 왕성해
위험한 상황에 맞닥뜨리는 경우가 많다.
위기에 처하면 워프해서 도망친다."
789,34,5,"De nature curieuse et peu méfiante, il se retrouve
souvent dans des situations dangereuses.
Il peut se téléporter en cas de danger."
789,34,6,"Es ist sehr neugierig und handelt oft unüberlegt,
weshalb es häufig in brenzlige Situationen gerät.
Wenn es in Gefahr ist, teleportiert es sich weg."
789,34,7,"Su escasa prudencia y gran curiosidad lo llevan a
menudo a ponerse en peligro. En caso de apuro,
se teletransporta para huir."
789,34,8,"Dotato di unindole ingenua e curiosa, si caccia
spesso nei guai. Quando le cose si mettono male,
scappa teletrasportandosi."
789,34,9,"Cosmog is very curious but not very cautious,
often placing itself in danger. If things start to
look dicey, it teleports away."
789,34,11,"無警戒で 好奇心が 強く
危ない 目に あうことも 多い。
ピンチになると ワープで 逃げる。"
790,27,1,"しんだように まったく うごかないが
ふれると ほのかに あたたかい。
おおむかしは ほしのマユと よばれた。"
790,27,3,"죽은 것처럼 전혀 움직이지 않지만
만지면 어렴풋이 따뜻하다.
아주 옛날에는 달의 고치로 불렸다."
790,27,5,"On pourrait le croire mort car il ne bouge pas
du tout. Au toucher, il reste tiède. On le
surnomme «cocon céleste» depuis lAntiquité."
790,27,6,"Es ist völlig reglos, als wäre es tot. Berührt man
es, fühlt es sich jedoch leicht warm an. Vor
langer Zeit wurde es „Sternenkokon“ genannt."
790,27,7,"Permanece inmóvil, como si estuviera muerto,
aunque al tocarlo se percibe un ligero calor.
Antaño se le llamaba Crisálida de las Estrellas."
790,27,8,"Resta completamente immobile, come se fosse
morto, ma al tatto si percepisce un lieve tepore.
Nellantichità era chiamato “Bozzolo di stella”."
790,27,9,"Motionless as if dead, its body is faintly warm to
the touch. In the distant past, it was called the
cocoon of the stars."
790,27,11,"死んだように まったく 動かないが
触れると ほのかに 温かい。
大昔は 星の繭と 呼ばれた。"
790,28,1,"かたいカラの なかで くろいコアに
なにかが あつまり つづけている。
べつせかいの ポケモンと いわれる。"
790,28,3,"단단한 껍질 안의 검은 코어에
무언가가 계속 모여들고 있다.
다른 세계의 포켓몬으로 전해진다."
790,28,5,"Sous sa lourde carapace, il amasse secrètement
quelque chose en son sombre noyau.
Il viendrait dun autre monde."
790,28,6,"Unter seiner harten Schale häuft sich
unaufhörlich etwas in seinem schwarzen Kern
an. Es soll aus einer anderen Welt stammen."
790,28,7,"Se dice que es un Pokémon procedente de otro
mundo. Alrededor del núcleo negro que alberga
su duro caparazón parece acumularse algo."
790,28,8,"Nel nucleo nero allinterno del suo duro
esoscheletro continua ad accumularsi qualcosa.
Si dice che provenga da un altro mondo."
790,28,9,"Theres something accumulating around the
black core within its hard shell. People think
this Pokémon may come from another world."
790,28,11,"硬いカラの 中で 黒いコアに
なにかが 集まり 続けている。
別世界の ポケモンと いわれる。"
790,29,1,"たいこ アローラを しはい していた
おうさまは ほしのまゆと よんで
あがめるための さいだんを つくった。"
790,29,3,"먼 옛날 알로라를 지배하던
왕은 별의 고치라고 부르며
숭상하기 위한 제단을 만들었다."
790,29,5,"Un antique roi dAlola lui a donné le surnom
de «cocon céleste» et a même érigé un autel
en son honneur."
790,29,6,"Ein vor Urzeiten über Alola herrschender König
nannte es „Sternenkokon“ und erbaute ihm zu
Ehren ein Podium."
790,29,7,"En la antigüedad, un rey de Alola lo apodó
Crisálida de las Estrellas y erigió un altar en su
790,29,8,"Un antico re di Alola gli diede il nome di
“Bozzolo di stella” e costruì un altare
per venerarlo."
790,29,9,"The king who ruled Alola in times of antiquity
called it the “cocoon of the stars” and built
an altar to worship it."
790,29,11,"太古 アローラを 支配 していた
王様は 星の繭と 呼んで
崇めるための 祭壇を 作った。"
790,30,1,"ひかりを すいながら せいちょうを
つづけている。 きんいろの からは
おどろくほどに がんじょう。"
790,30,3,"빛을 흡수하면서 성장을
계속하고 있다. 금색의 껍질은
놀라울 정도로 튼튼하다."
790,30,5,"Il continue à grandir en absorbant de la lumière.
Sa carapace dorée est étonnamment solide."
790,30,6,"Es nimmt Licht in sich auf und wächst so immer
weiter. Seine goldene Schale ist überraschend
790,30,7,"Crece continuamente gracias a la luz que
absorbe. Su caparazón dorado es más duro de
lo que parece."
790,30,8,"Continua a crescere assorbendo la luce.
Il suo esoscheletro dorato è incredibilmente
790,30,9,"As it absorbs light, Cosmoem continues to grow.
Its golden shell is surprisingly solid."
790,30,11,"光を 吸いながら 成長を
続けている。 金色の カラは
驚くほどに 頑丈。"
790,33,1,"じんちを こえた かたさの カラに
つつまれている。 ほしの ひかりを
あびて せいちょうする。"
790,33,3,"인간의 지식을 뛰어넘는 강도를 가진
껍질에 둘러싸여 있다.
별의 빛을 받아서 성장한다."
790,33,5,"La carapace qui le recouvre est plus dure
que tout ce qui est connu par lHomme.
Il grandit en absorbant la lumière des étoiles."
790,33,6,"Es wird von einer Schale umhüllt, deren Härte
Menschen vor ein Rätsel stellt. Es wächst, indem
es in Sternenlicht badet."
790,33,7,"Está recubierto de un caparazón de una dureza
que escapa al entendimiento humano. Crece al
exponerse a la luz de las estrellas."
790,33,8,"Il suo esoscheletro è più duro di qualunque
cosa che gli esseri umani conoscano.
Cresce assorbendo la luce delle stelle."
790,33,9,"The absorption of starlight fuels this Pokémons
growth. The shell that encases it is harder than
any known material."
790,33,11,"人知を 超えた 硬さの 殻に
包まれている。 星の 光を
浴びて 成長する。"
790,34,1,"たいきの チリを すごい いきおいで
すいこみ しんかの エネルギーを
コアで けんめいに つくっている。"
790,34,3,"대기의 티끌을 굉장한 기세로
빨아들여 진화 에너지를
코어에서 열심히 만들고 있다."
790,34,5,"Il aspire avec force la poussière de latmosphère
et travaille sans relâche pour produire dans
son noyau lénergie nécessaire à son évolution."
790,34,6,"Es zieht mit unglaublicher Wucht Staub aus der
Luft und produziert damit in seinem Kern fleißig
Energie für seine Entwicklung."
790,34,7,"Absorbe impetuoso polvo de la atmósfera y
pone todo su empeño en crear en su núcleo
la energía necesaria para evolucionar."
790,34,8,"Aspira con forza il pulviscolo dellatmosfera
e produce alacremente lenergia necessaria
alla propria evoluzione nel suo nucleo."
790,34,9,"It sucks in dust from the air at an astounding rate,
frantically building up energy within its core as
preparation for evolution."
790,34,11,"大気の 塵を すごい 勢いで
吸いこみ 進化の エネルギーを
コアで 懸命に つくっている。"
791,27,1,"べつせかいに すむと いわれる。
ぜんしんから はげしいひかりを はなち
やみよも まひるのように てらすのだ。"
791,27,3,"다른 세계에 산다고 전해진다.
온몸에서 격렬한 빛을 내뿜어
깜깜한 밤도 한낮처럼 비춘다."
791,27,5,"Il viendrait dun autre monde. Tout son corps
émet une puissante lumière qui peut changer
la nuit la plus noire en un jour radieux."
791,27,6,"Es heißt, es komme aus einer anderen Welt.
Sein ganzer Körper leuchtet strahlend hell
und macht die finsterste Nacht zum Tage."
791,27,7,"Se cree que proviene de otro mundo. El brillo
que emite su cuerpo es tal que puede hacer
que la noche más profunda parezca pleno día."
791,27,8,"Si dice che viva in un altro mondo. Dal corpo
emette una luce così accecante da illuminare
a giorno anche la notte più buia."
791,27,9,"It is said to live in another world. The intense
light it radiates from the surface of its body can
make the darkest of nights light up like midday."
791,27,11,"別世界に 棲むと いわれる。
全身から 激しい光を 放ち
闇夜も 真昼のように 照らすのだ。"
791,28,1,"コスモッグが しんかした ♂だと
いわれる。 だい3の めが うかぶとき
べつせかいへと かけぬけていく。"
791,28,3,"코스모그가 진화한 수컷이라고
전해진다. 제3의 눈이 뜰 때
다른 세계로 달려나간다."
791,28,5,"On suppose que cest lévolution de Cosmog
lorsquil sagit dun mâle. Son troisième œil
apparaît quand il sen va vers un autre monde."
791,28,6,"Es heißt, es sei die männliche Endstufe der
Entwicklungsreihe von Cosmog. Ist sein drittes
Auge aktiviert, zieht es in eine andere Welt."
791,28,7,"Se dice que es la evolución final macho de
Cosmog. Cuando su tercer ojo se abre, parte
hacia otro mundo."
791,28,8,"Si dice che sia levoluzione maschile di Cosmog.
Quando il suo terzo occhio si manifesta, significa
che è in viaggio verso un altro mondo."
791,28,9,"This Pokémon is said to be a male evolution of
Cosmog. At the activation of its third eye, it
departs for another world."
791,28,11,"コスモッグが 進化した ♂だと
いわれる。 第3の 眼が 浮かぶとき
別世界へと 駆け抜けていく。"
791,29,1,"ウルトラホールを ひらいた けっか
いせかいの エネルギーや せいめいを
このせかいに よぶことも あるのだ。"
791,29,3,"울트라홀을 연 결과
다른 세계의 에너지나 생명을
이 세계로 부르기도 한다."
791,29,5,"Lorsquil ouvre une Ultra-Brèche, il arrive que
de lénergie et des formes de vie dautres
mondes se retrouvent dans le nôtre."
791,29,6,"Öffnet es eine Ultrapforte, ebnet es mitunter
für fremde Energie und Lebewesen den Weg in
unsere Welt."
791,29,7,"Es capaz de crear Ultraumbrales a través de los
cuales formas de vida y energía procedentes de
otros mundos acuden al nuestro."
791,29,8,"A volte gli Ultravarchi che apre servono da
passaggio verso il nostro mondo per energia
e forme di vita."
791,29,9,"Sometimes the result of its opening an Ultra
Wormhole is that energy and life-forms from
other worlds are called here to this world."
791,29,11,"ウルトラホールを 開いた 結果
異世界の エネルギーや 生命を
この世界に 呼ぶことも あるのだ。"
791,30,1,"はるか おおむかしの ぶんけんに
たいようを くらいし けものと いう
なまえで きろくが のこっている。"
791,30,3,"아득히 먼 옛날의 문헌에
태양을 삼키는 짐승이라는
이름으로 기록이 남아 있다."
791,30,5,"Des documents extrêmement anciens
le décrivent comme «celui qui dévore le soleil»."
791,30,6,"In Schriftstücken aus längst vergangenen
Zeiten wird es als „Sonnenverschlinger“
791,30,7,"Aparece en obras de la literatura antigua en las
que se refieren a él como “la criatura que se
nutre del sol”."
791,30,8,"In antichissimi documenti si parla di lui come
della “creatura che si nutre di sole”."
791,30,9,"In writings from the distant past, its called by
the name “the beast that devours the sun.”"
791,30,11,"遥か 大昔の 文献に
太陽を 喰らいし 獣と いう
名前で 記録が 残っている。"
791,33,1,"ぜんしんから ひかりを はっして
まるで たいようの すがたになると
やみを けして せかいを てらす。"
791,33,3,"전신에서 빛을 발산해서
마치 태양 같은 모습이 되면
어둠을 물리치고 세상을 비춘다."
791,33,5,"Quand tout son corps émet de la lumière
et quil prend la forme du soleil, il peut repousser
les ténèbres et illuminer le monde."
791,33,6,"Wenn sein ganzer Körper Licht ausstrahlt, nimmt
es eine sonnenähnliche Gestalt an, und kann so
das Dunkel vertreiben und die Welt erhellen."
791,33,7,"Es capaz de eliminar toda oscuridad e iluminar el
mundo entero irradiando luz por todo el cuerpo
como si de un sol se tratara."
791,33,8,"Il suo corpo emette una luce abbagliante che,
al pari del sole, è in grado di spazzare via
le tenebre e illuminare il mondo."
791,33,9,"When light radiates from its body, this Pokémon
could almost appear to be the sun. It will dispel
any darkness and light up the world."
791,33,11,"全身から 光を 発して
まるで 太陽の 姿になると
闇を 消して 世界を 照らす。"
791,34,1,"たいようを くらいし けもの と
かつて よばれた。 むじんぞうの
ひかりエネルギーを ほうしゅつする。"
791,34,3,"태양을 삼키는 짐승이라고
불렸다. 굉장한 양의
빛 에너지를 방출한다."
791,34,5,"Jadis, on le surnommait «celui qui dévore
le soleil». Une lumière inextinguible rayonne
de son corps."
791,34,6,"Einst wurde es „Sonnenverschlinger“ genannt.
Es strahlt unerschöpfliche Lichtenergie aus."
791,34,7,"Antiguamente era conocido como la Criatura
que se Nutre del Sol. Emite sin cesar una energía
791,34,8,"Un tempo veniva chiamato “la creatura che
si nutre di sole”. Emana dal corpo unenergia
luminosa inesauribile."
791,34,9,"Solgaleo was once known as the Beast That
Devours the Sun. Energy in the form of light
radiates boundlessly from it."
791,34,11,"太陽を 食らいし 獣 と
かつて 呼ばれた。 無尽蔵の
光エネルギーを 放出する。"
792,27,1,"コスモッグが しんかした ♀だと
いわれる。 だい3の めが うかぶとき
べつせかいへと とびさっていく。"
792,27,3,"코스모그가 진화한 암컷이라고
전해진다. 제3의 눈이 떠오를 때
다른 세계로 날아간다."
792,27,5,"On suppose que cest lévolution de Cosmog
lorsquil sagit dune femelle. Son troisième œil
apparaît quand il senvole vers un autre monde."
792,27,6,"Es heißt, es sei die weibliche Endstufe der
Entwicklungsreihe von Cosmog. Ist sein drittes
Auge aktiviert, zieht es in eine andere Welt."
792,27,7,"Se dice que es la evolución final hembra de
Cosmog. Su tercer ojo aparece cuando se
traslada a un mundo distinto."
792,27,8,"Si dice che sia levoluzione femminile di Cosmog.
Quando il suo terzo occhio si manifesta, significa
che sta volando verso un altro mondo."
792,27,9,"It is said to be a female evolution of Cosmog.
When its third eye activates, away it flies to
another world."
792,27,11,"コスモッグが 進化した ♀だと
いわれる。 第3の 眼が 浮かぶとき
別世界へと 飛び去っていく。"
792,28,1,"べつせかいに すむと いわれる。
ひかりを くらいつづけ まひるも
やみよの ように かげらせる。"
792,28,3,"다른 세계에 산다고 전해진다.
빛을 계속 먹어치워 한낮에도
깜깜한 밤처럼 어둡게 만든다."
792,28,5,"Cet être mystérieux viendrait dun autre
monde. Il absorbe continuellement la lumière,
transformant le jour en nuit noire."
792,28,6,"Man sagt, es komme aus einer anderen Welt.
Es verschlingt unaufhörlich Licht und sorgt
so auch am helllichten Tag für Dunkelheit."
792,28,7,"Se dice que vive en otro mundo. Devora la luz
con tamaña fruición que es capaz de provocar
la penumbra más absoluta en pleno día."
792,28,8,"Si dice che viva in un altro mondo.
Assorbe la luce facendo calare le tenebre anche
sulle giornate più luminose."
792,28,9,"Said to live in another world, this Pokémon
devours light, drawing the moonless dark veil of
night over the brightness of day."
792,28,11,"別世界に 棲むと いわれる。
光を 喰らい続け 真昼も
闇夜の ように 翳らせる。"
792,29,1,"はるか おおむかしの ぶんけんに
つきを さそいし けものと いう
なまえで きろくが のこっている。"
792,29,3,"먼 옛날 문헌에
달을 현혹하는 짐승이라는
이름으로 기록되어 있다."
792,29,5,"Des documents extrêmement anciens
le décrivent comme «celui qui invite la lune»."
792,29,6,"In Schriftstücken aus längst vergangenen
Zeiten wird es als „Mondbringer“ bezeichnet."
792,29,7,"Aparece en obras de la literatura antigua en las
que se refieren a él como la “criatura que invoca
a la luna”."
792,29,8,"In antichissimi documenti si parla di lui come
della “creatura che evoca la luna”."
792,29,9,"Records of it exist in writings from long, long
ago, where it was known by the name
“the beast that calls the moon.”"
792,29,11,"遥か 大昔の 文献に
月を 誘いし 獣と いう
名前で 記録が 残っている。"
792,30,1,"いせかいに つうじる あな から
みちの ちからや せいめいを この
せかいに よびよせることも ある。"
792,30,3,"다른 세계로 통하는 구멍을 통해
미지의 힘이나 생명을
이 세계로 불러들이는 경우도 있다."
792,30,5,"Il lui arrive dinvoquer dans ce monde
des créatures et des puissances inconnues
via une brèche menant à dautres dimensions."
792,30,6,"Öffnet es eine Ultrapforte, ebnet es mitunter
für fremde Kräfte und Lebewesen den Weg in
unsere Welt."
792,30,7,"A veces, las fisuras interdimensionales que crea
sirven de pasaje para fuerzas y formas de vida
792,30,8,"A volte gli Ultravarchi che apre servono da
passaggio verso il nostro mondo per forze
e forme di vita sconosciute."
792,30,9,"It sometimes summons unknown powers and
life-forms here to this world from holes that
lead to other worlds."
792,30,11,"異世界に 通じる 穴 から
未知の 力や 生命を この
世界に 呼び寄せることも ある。"
792,33,1,"つきを さそいし けもの という
なまえを もつ。 あらゆる ひかりを
エネルギーに かえて いきている。"
792,33,3,"달을 현혹하는 짐승이라는
이름을 가졌다. 모든 빛을
에너지로 변환해서 살고 있다."
792,33,5,"Il a pour surnom «celui qui invite la lune».
Il vit en transformant toutes sortes de lumière
en énergie."
792,33,6,"Ihm wurde der Name „Mondbringer“ verliehen.
Solange es lebt, wandelt es jedes Licht in
Energie um."
792,33,7,"Lo llaman la Criatura que Invoca a la Luna.
Convierte cualquier forma de luz en energía
para sustentarse."
792,33,8,"Viene chiamato “la creatura che evoca la luna”.
Converte qualsiasi tipo di luce in energia
per sostentarsi."
792,33,9,"Known as the Beast That Calls the Moon, this
Pokémon lives by taking in any and all light and
converting it into its own energy."
792,33,11,"月を 誘いし 獣 という
名前を もつ。 あらゆる 光を
エネルギーに 変えて 生きている。"
792,34,1,"しゅういの ひかりを すべて うばい
みずからは まんげつの すがたとなり
やみよに ひかりを はなつ。"
792,34,3,"주위의 빛을 모두 빼앗아
자신 스스로 만월의 모습이 되어
밤하늘에 빛을 발산한다."
792,34,5,"Il capture toute la lumière qui lentoure pour
prendre la forme de la pleine lune et éclairer
les ténèbres nocturnes."
792,34,6,"Es raubt seiner Umgebung all ihr Licht und nimmt
die Gestalt des Vollmondes an. So leuchtet es in
der Dunkelheit der Nacht."
792,34,7,"Devora toda la luz que haya a su alrededor y
adopta la forma de una luna llena que ilumina la
oscura noche."
792,34,8,"Assorbe tutta la luce che lo circonda
per assumere la forma di una splendente
luna piena che illumina loscurità notturna."
792,34,9,"It steals the light from its surroundings and then
becomes the full moon, showering its own light
across the night sky."
792,34,11,"周囲から 光を すべて 奪い
自らは 満月の 姿となり
闇夜に 光を 放つ。"
793,27,1,"なぞに つつまれた UBの いっしゅ。
まちゆく ひとが きせいされ
あばれだす すがたが もくげきされた。"
793,27,3,"수수께끼에 싸인 UB의 일종.
길을 가던 사람이 기생 당해
난폭해지는 모습이 목격되었다."
793,27,5,"Lune des mystérieuses Ultra-Chimères.
On laurait vue parasiter des gens en pleine
rue, les rendant extrêmement violents."
793,27,6,"Eine rätselhafte Ultrabestie. Einigen Berichten
zufolge verwandelt sie harmlose Stadtbewohner
per Symbiose in äußerst aggressive Menschen."
793,27,7,"Un Ultraente envuelto en misterio. Se dice que
las víctimas a las que posee se vuelven
793,27,8,"Una delle misteriose Ultracreature. Si riportano
casi in cui le persone vittime di questo parassita
hanno manifestato comportamenti violenti."
793,27,9,"One of several mysterious Ultra Beasts. People
on the street report observing those infested
by it suddenly becoming violent."
793,27,11,"謎に 包まれた UBの 一種。
街ゆく 人が 寄生され
暴れだす 姿が 目撃された。"
793,28,1,"UBの いっしゅ。 いしが あるかは
ふめいだが ときおり しょうじょの
ような しぐさを みせる。"
793,28,3,"UB의 일종. 의지가 있는지는
불명확하지만 가끔
소녀 같은 행동을 보인다."
793,28,5,"Nul ne sait si cette Ultra-Chimère possède
une conscience propre, mais on laurait aperçue
en train dimiter les gestes dune jeune fille."
793,28,6,"Eine Ultrabestie, die gelegentlich das Verhalten
eines jungen Mädchens an den Tag legt. Es ist
nicht bekannt, ob sie dies bewusst tut."
793,28,7,"Se desconoce si este Ultraente posee
consciencia propia, pero en ocasiones se
comporta como una chica joven."
793,28,8,"Una delle Ultracreature. Non è noto se abbia
una volontà propria, ma talvolta sembra imitare
il comportamento di una ragazzina."
793,28,9,"One of the Ultra Beasts. Its unclear whether or
not this Pokémon is sentient, but sometimes it
can be observed behaving like a young girl."
793,28,11,"UBの 一種。 意思が あるかは
不明だが 時折 少女の
ような 仕草を みせる。"
793,29,1,"UBと よばれる べつせかいの
せいめいたい。 つよい しんけいどくを
もっていると かんがえられる。"
793,29,3,"UB라고 불리는 다른 세계의
생명체다. 강한 신경독을
갖고 있을 것으로 추정된다."
793,29,5,"Une forme de vie dun autre monde,
communément appelée «Ultra-Chimère».
On la pense porteuse dune violente neurotoxine."
793,29,6,"Eines der Lebewesen aus einer anderen Welt,
die Ultrabestien genannt werden. Man glaubt,
dass es über ein starkes Nervengift verfüge."
793,29,7,"Una forma de vida de otro mundo conocida
como Ultraente. Se cree que posee una
neurotoxina muy potente."
793,29,8,"Una delle forme di vita provenienti da un altro
mondo, chiamate Ultracreature. Si pensa che
produca una neurotossina."
793,29,9,"A life-form from another world, it was dubbed
a UB and is thought to produce a
strong neurotoxin."
793,29,11,"UBと 呼ばれる 別世界の
生命体。 強い 神経毒を
持っていると 考えられる。"
793,30,1,"ウルトラホールから このせかいに
あらわれた。 ポケモンや にんげんに
きせいして いきているようだ。"
793,30,3,"울트라홀을 통해 이 세계에
나타났다. 포켓몬이나 인간에게
기생해서 사는 듯하다."
793,30,5,"Il est venu dans ce monde à travers une
Ultra-Brèche. Tel un parasite, il aurait besoin
dun hôte, Pokémon ou humain, pour survivre."
793,30,6,"Anego kam durch eine Ultrapforte in diese Welt.
Es scheint ein Parasit zu sein, der Pokémon
und Menschen befällt."
793,30,7,"Llegó a este mundo a través de un Ultraumbral.
Es un parásito que se aprovecha de Pokémon y
793,30,8,"È arrivato in questo mondo attraverso un
Ultravarco. È un parassita di Pokémon
ed esseri umani."
793,30,9,"It appeared in this world from an Ultra
Wormhole. Nihilego appears to be a parasite
that lives by feeding on people and Pokémon."
793,30,11,"ウルトラホールから この世界に
現れた。 ポケモンや 人間に
寄生して 生きているようだ。"
794,27,1,"べつせかいから あらわれた UB。
みずからの からだを みせつけてくるが
じまんなのか いかくなのか ふめい。"
794,27,3,"다른 세계에서 나타난 UB이다.
스스로 몸을 보여주는 행동이
자랑인지 위협인지 알 수 없다."
794,27,5,"Personne ne sait si cette Ultra-Chimère venue
dun autre monde montre ses muscles pour être
admirée ou pour intimider ceux quelle rencontre."
794,27,6,"Eine Ultrabestie aus einer anderen Welt.
Niemand weiß, ob sie ihren Körper aus Stolz
oder zur Abschreckung stählt."
794,27,7,"Un Ultraente procedente de otro mundo. Se
desconoce si exhibe su robusto cuerpo a modo
de amenaza o para que lo admiren."
794,27,8,"È unUltracreatura arrivata da un altro mondo.
Esibisce i propri muscoli, ma non è chiaro se
lo faccia per orgoglio o a scopo intimidatorio."
794,27,9,"This Ultra Beast appeared from another world.
It shows off its body, but whether that display
is a boast or a threat remains unclear."
794,27,11,"別世界から 現れた UB。
自らの 身体を みせつけてくるが
自慢なのか いかくなのか 不明。"
794,28,1,"なぞの せいぶつ UB。 いっぱつの
パンチで ダンプカーを ふんさいする
こうけいが もくげき された。"
794,28,3,"정체불명의 생물 UB. 한 방의
펀치로 덤프트럭을 분쇄하는
광경이 목격되었다."
794,28,5,"Lune des mystérieuses Ultra-Chimères.
On laurait aperçue réduisant un camion à benne
en miettes dun seul coup de poing."
794,28,6,"Eine rätselhafte Ultrabestie, die angeblich mit
einem einzigen Schlag einen beladenen Laster
pulverisieren kann."
794,28,7,"Un Ultraente rodeado de misterio. Se le ha visto
reducir a añicos un camión de un solo puñetazo."
794,28,8,"È una delle misteriose forme di vita note come
Ultracreature ed è stata vista ridurre in frantumi
un camion con un solo pugno."
794,28,9,"A mysterious life-form called an Ultra Beast.
Witnesses saw it pulverize a dump truck with a
single punch."
794,28,11,"謎の 生物 UB。 一発の
パンチで ダンプカーを 粉砕する
光景が 目撃 された。"
794,29,1,"このせかいでは いしつで きけんだが
ほんらい すんでいる せかいでは
ふつうに みかける せいぶつらしい。"
794,29,3,"이 세계와는 성질이 다르고
위험하지만 원래 살던 세계에서는
흔히 볼 수 있는 생물인 듯하다."
794,29,5,"Cette créature venue dailleurs est dangereuse
dans notre monde, mais il semblerait quelle soit
très commune dans le sien."
794,29,6,"In dieser Welt wirkt es gefährlich und
fremdartig, doch in seiner ursprünglichen Welt
ist es ein ganz gewöhnliches Lebewesen."
794,29,7,"Para los seres de este mundo resulta extraño
y peligroso, pero en el mundo del que procede
es una criatura muy común."
794,29,8,"Nel nostro mondo il suo aspetto appare strano
e minaccioso, ma sembra che in quello da cui
proviene sia una creatura molto comune."
794,29,9,"Although its alien to this world and a danger
here, its apparently a common organism in the
world where it normally lives."
794,29,11,"この世界では 異質で 危険だが
本来 棲んでいる 世界では
普通に 見かける 生物らしい。"
794,30,1,"いじょうな までに ぼうちょうする
きんにくを みせつけてきた。
ウルトラビーストの いっしゅ。"
794,30,3,"이상할 정도로 팽창하는
근육을 자랑한다.
울트라비스트의 일종."
794,30,5,"Ce type dUltra-Chimère adore exhiber
ses muscles gonflés à lextrême."
794,30,6,"Diese Ultrabestie stellt gerne ihre extrem
angeschwollenen Muskeln stolz zur Schau."
794,30,7,"Uno de los Ultraentes. Posee una musculatura
excesivamente desarrollada."
794,30,8,"Una delle Ultracreature. Non fa che mettere in
mostra i propri muscoli esageratamente gonfi."
794,30,9,"Buzzwole goes around showing off its
abnormally swollen muscles. It is one kind
of Ultra Beast."
794,30,11,"異常な までに 膨張する
筋肉を 見せつけてきた。
ウルトラビーストの 一種。"
795,27,1,"きけんなUBの いっしゅ。 すさまじい
そくどで だいちを しっそうする
すがたが もくげき されている。"
795,27,3,"위험한 UB 중 1마리이다. 굉장한
속도로 대지를 질주하는
모습이 목격되었다."
795,27,5,"Lune des dangereuses Ultra-Chimères.
On laurait aperçue en train de courir à
une vitesse prodigieuse."
795,27,6,"Diese bedrohliche Ultrabestie wurde dabei
beobachtet, wie sie mit ungeheuerlicher
Geschwindigkeit über die Erde hinwegfegt."
795,27,7,"Uno de los temibles Ultraentes. Se dice
que ha sido avistado recorriendo la superficie
terrestre a velocidades de vértigo."
795,27,8,"Una delle temibili Ultracreature.
È stata avvistata mentre correva a una velocità
795,27,9,"One of the dangerous Ultra Beasts, it has been
spotted running across the land at
terrific speeds."
795,27,11,"危険なUBの 一種。 凄まじい
速度で 大地を 疾走する
姿が 目撃 されている。"
795,28,1,"UBの いっしゅ。 このせかいの
ものに けがれを かんじるのか
いっさい てを ふれようと しない。"
795,28,3,"UB의 일종. 이 세계의
물건에 불결함을 느끼는 것인지
전혀 손을 대려 하지 않는다."
795,28,5,"Lune des Ultra-Chimères. Elle semble refuser
de toucher les choses de ce monde, comme si
tout était souillé à ses yeux."
795,28,6,"Diese Ultrabestie scheint diese Welt für unrein
zu halten und zieht es daher vor, mit nichts und
niemandem in Berührung zu kommen."
795,28,7,"Este Ultraente se muestra reacio al contacto,
probablemente porque percibe inmundicia en
todo cuanto le rodea."
795,28,8,"UnUltracreatura che cerca di evitare ogni
contatto con le cose di questo mondo, come
se lo considerasse contaminato."
795,28,9,"One of the Ultra Beasts. It refuses to touch
anything, perhaps because it senses some
uncleanness in this world."
795,28,11,"UBの 一種。 この世界の
ものに けがれを 感じるのか
一切 手を 触れようと しない。"
795,29,1,"べつせかいに すむ せいめいたい。
ほそく しなやかな からだ だが
つよいパワーを ひめている ようす。"
795,29,3,"다른 세계에 사는 생명체다.
가늘고 부드러운 몸이지만,
강한 파워를 간직하고 있는 듯하다."
795,29,5,"Une forme de vie venant dun autre monde.
Son corps gracile cache une puissance
795,29,6,"Ein Lebewesen aus einer anderen Welt. Sein
Körper ist schmal und anmutig, doch es verbirgt
sich große Kraft darin."
795,29,7,"Una forma de vida procedente de otro mundo.
Aunque su cuerpo es esbelto y flexible, alberga
un gran poder."
795,29,8,"Una forma di vita proveniente da un altro mondo.
Il suo corpo esile e flessibile nasconde una forza
795,29,9,"A life-form that lives in another world, its body
is thin and supple, but it also possesses
great power."
795,29,11,"別世界に 棲む 生命体。
細く しなやかな 身体 だが
強いパワーを 秘めている 様子。"
795,30,1,"このせかいでは いしつで きけんだが
ほんらい すんでいる せかいでは
ふつうに みかける せいぶつらしい。"
795,30,3,"이 세계와는 성질이 다르고
위험하지만 원래 살던 세계에서는
흔히 볼 수 있는 생물인 듯하다."
795,30,5,"Cette créature venue dailleurs est dangereuse
dans notre monde, mais il semblerait quelle soit
très commune dans le sien."
795,30,6,"In dieser Welt wirkt sein Aussehen gefährlich
und fremdartig, doch in seiner ursprünglichen
Welt ist es ein ganz gewöhnliches Lebewesen."
795,30,7,"Para los seres de este mundo resulta extraño
y peligroso, pero en el mundo del que procede
es una criatura muy común."
795,30,8,"Nel nostro mondo il suo aspetto appare strano
e minaccioso, ma sembra che in quello da cui
proviene sia una creatura molto comune."
795,30,9,"Although its alien to this world and a danger
here, its apparently a common organism in the
world where it normally lives."
795,30,11,"この世界では 異質で 危険だが
本来 棲んでいる 世界では
普通に 見かける 生物らしい。"
796,27,1,"ぜんしんから すさまじい でんげきを
ほとばしらせる こうけいを もくげき。
なぞの せいぶつ UBの いっしゅだ。"
796,27,3,"온몸에서 엄청난 전격을
내뿜는 광경이 목격되었다.
수수께끼의 생물 UB 중 하나다."
796,27,5,"Lune des mystérieuses Ultra-Chimères.
On laurait vue émettre une formidable quantité
délectricité autour delle."
796,27,6,"Eine geheimnisvolle Ultrabestie, aus deren
Körper furchterregende Mengen an elektrischer
Energie strömen."
796,27,7,"Un Ultraente rodeado de misterio. Se dice que
su cuerpo desprende descargas eléctricas de
inmensa potencia."
796,27,8,"Una delle misteriose Ultracreature.
È stata vista sprigionare scariche elettriche
terrificanti da tutto il corpo."
796,27,9,"One of the mysterious life-forms known as Ultra
Beasts. Astonishing electric shocks emanate
from its entire body, according to witnesses."
796,27,11,"全身から 凄まじい 電撃を
ほとばしらせる 光景を 目撃。
謎の 生物 UBの 一種だ。"
796,28,1,"ウルトラホールから しゅつげんした。
はつでんしょを しゅうげき したため
でんきが エネルギーと おもわれる。"
796,28,3,"울트라홀에서 출현했다.
발전소를 습격한 것으로 보아
전기가 에너지원인 것으로 여겨진다."
796,28,5,"Une créature échappée de lUltra-Brèche.
Elle a attaqué une centrale électrique, aussi
suppose-t-on quelle se nourrit délectricité."
796,28,6,"Es ist durch die Ultrapforte erschienen. Seine
Überfälle auf Kraftwerke lassen vermuten,
dass es seine Lebensenergie aus Strom bezieht."
796,28,7,"Este Ultraente surgió de un Ultraumbral. Se cree
que la electricidad es su fuente de energía, ya
que una vez asaltó una central eléctrica."
796,28,8,"Arrivato attraverso un Ultravarco, si ritiene che
la sua fonte primaria di energia sia lelettricità
dato che ha attaccato una centrale elettrica."
796,28,9,"It appeared from the Ultra Wormhole. It raided a
power plant, so people think it energizes itself
with electricity."
796,28,11,"ウルトラホールから 出現した。
発電所を 襲撃 したため
電気が エネルギーと おもわれる。"
796,29,1,"このせかいでは いしつで きけんだが
ほんらい すんでいる せかいでは
ふつうに みかける せいぶつらしい。"
796,29,3,"이 세계와는 성질이 다르고
위험하지만 원래 살던 세계에서는
흔히 볼 수 있는 생물인 듯하다."
796,29,5,"Cette créature venue dailleurs est dangereuse
dans notre monde, mais il semblerait quelle soit
très commune dans le sien."
796,29,6,"In dieser Welt wirkt sein Aussehen gefährlich
und fremdartig, doch in seiner ursprünglichen
Welt ist es ein ganz gewöhnliches Lebewesen."
796,29,7,"Para los seres de este mundo resulta extraño
y peligroso, pero en el mundo del que procede
es una criatura muy común."
796,29,8,"Nel nostro mondo il suo aspetto appare strano
e minaccioso, ma sembra che in quello da cui
proviene sia una creatura molto comune."
796,29,9,"Although its alien to this world and a danger
here, its apparently a common organism in the
world where it normally lives."
796,29,11,"この世界では 異質で 危険だが
本来 棲んでいる 世界では
普通に 見かける 生物らしい。"
796,30,1,"ウルトラビーストと よばれる。
じゅもくのように じめんに てあしを
さしたまま うごかないもの もいる。"
796,30,3,"울트라비스트라고 불린다.
나무처럼 땅에 손발을 꽂고
움직이지 않는 것도 있다."
796,30,5,"Certains spécimens de ce type dUltra-Chimère
plantent leurs membres dans le sol à la manière
dun arbre et restent immobiles."
796,30,6,"Eine der sogenannten Ultrabestien. Es gibt auch
Exemplare, die ihre Gliedmaßen in den Boden
rammen und regungslos wie Bäume verharren."
796,30,7,"Uno de los llamados Ultraentes. Algunos
ejemplares plantan sus extremidades en el suelo
como si fueran árboles y permanecen inmóviles."
796,30,8,"Una delle cosiddette Ultracreature. Alcuni
esemplari se ne stanno immobili con braccia
e gambe piantate nel terreno come alberi."
796,30,9,"Theyve been dubbed Ultra Beasts. Some of
them stand unmoving, like trees, with their
arms and legs stuck into the ground."
796,30,11,"ウルトラビーストと 呼ばれる。
樹木のように 地面に 手足を
刺したまま 動かないもの もいる。"
797,27,1,"ウルトラホールから あらわれた。
こうそくで そらを とぶ すがたが
もくげき された ウルトラビースト。"
797,27,3,"울트라홀에서 나타났다.
고속으로 하늘을 나는 모습이
목격된 울트라비스트다."
797,27,5,"Une Ultra-Chimère qui a traversé lUltra-Brèche.
On laurait aperçue parcourir le ciel à grande
797,27,6,"Eine Ultrabestie, die mit extremer
Geschwindigkeit durch die Lüfte rast.
Sie ist durch die Ultrapforte gekommen."
797,27,7,"Este Ultraente surgió de un Ultraumbral. Parece
haber sido avistado surcando los cielos a
velocidades vertiginosas."
797,27,8,"Questa Ultracreatura è arrivata attraverso
un Ultravarco ed è stata avvistata mentre
solcava il cielo ad altissima velocità."
797,27,9,"It appeared from the Ultra Wormhole. Witnesses
observed it flying across the sky at high speed."
797,27,11,"ウルトラホールから 現れた。
高速で 空を 飛ぶ 姿が
目撃 された ウルトラビースト。"
797,28,1,"UBの いっしゅ。 2ほんの うでから
ガスを ふきだし もりを やきはらう
すがたが かくにん されている。"
797,28,3,"UB의 일종. 2개의 팔에서
가스를 뿜어내어 숲을 불태워버리는
모습이 확인되었다."
797,28,5,"Une espèce dUltra-Chimère. On laurait
aperçue expulsant du gaz par ses deux bras
et réduisant une forêt tout entière en cendres."
797,28,6,"Diese Ultrabestie wurde dabei gesichtet, wie sie
mithilfe des Gases, das aus ihren beiden Armen
strömt, große Waldflächen niederbrannte."
797,28,7,"Varios testigos afirman haber visto como este
Ultraente carbonizaba un bosque entero con el
gas expelido por sus extremidades."
797,28,8,"È una delle Ultracreature. È stata vista
incenerire unintera foresta emettendo gas
dalle sue due braccia."
797,28,9,"One kind of Ultra Beast. Witnesses have seen it
burn down a forest by expelling gas from its
two arms."
797,28,11,"UBの 一種。 2本の 腕から
ガスを 噴きだし 森を 焼き払う
姿が 確認 されている。"
797,29,1,"きけんな UBの いっしゅ。
きょだいな りょううで から たかい
エネルギーはんのうを けんしゅつ。"
797,29,3,"위험한 UB의 일종이다.
거대한 두 팔에서
에너지 반응이 강하게 검출된다."
797,29,5,"Cette dangereuse créature fait partie des
Ultra-Chimères. On peut détecter des pics
dénergie émis par ses bras gigantesques."
797,29,6,"Eine der gefährlichen Ultrabestien. In ihren
riesigen Armen wurden hohe Energiemengen
797,29,7,"Uno de los temibles Ultraentes. Las lecturas de
las reacciones energéticas procedentes de sus
enormes brazos alcanzan picos desorbitados."
797,29,8,"Una delle temibili Ultracreature. Rilevamenti
effettuati sulle sue gigantesche braccia hanno
mostrato reazioni energetiche ad alta intensità."
797,29,9,"One of the dangerous UBs, high energy readings
can be detected coming from both of its
huge arms."
797,29,11,"危険な UBの 一種。
巨大な 両腕から 高い
エネルギー反応を 検出。"
797,30,1,"このせかいでは いしつで きけんだが
ほんらい すんでいる せかいでは
ふつうに みかける せいぶつらしい。"
797,30,3,"이 세계와는 성질이 다르고
위험하지만 원래 살던 세계에서는
흔히 볼 수 있는 생물인 듯하다."
797,30,5,"Cette créature venue dailleurs est dangereuse
dans notre monde, mais il semblerait quelle soit
très commune dans le sien."
797,30,6,"In dieser Welt wirkt sein Aussehen gefährlich
und fremdartig, doch in seiner ursprünglichen
Welt ist es ein ganz gewöhnliches Lebewesen."
797,30,7,"Para los seres de este mundo resulta extraño
y peligroso, pero en el mundo del que procede
es una criatura muy común."
797,30,8,"Nel nostro mondo il suo aspetto appare strano
e minaccioso, ma sembra che in quello da cui
proviene sia una creatura molto comune."
797,30,9,"Although its alien to this world and a danger
here, its apparently a common organism in the
world where it normally lives."
797,30,11,"この世界では 異質で 危険だが
本来 棲んでいる 世界では
普通に 見かける 生物らしい。"
798,27,1,"ウルトラホールから あらわれた UB。
みずから てきを おそわないようだが
するどい ぜんしんは きょうきだ。"
798,27,3,"울트라홀에서 나타난 UB이다.
스스로 적을 덮치진 않지만
온몸이 날카로운 흉기다."
798,27,5,"Une Ultra-Chimère venue de lUltra-Brèche.
Elle ne semble pas agressive, bien que son
corps tout entier soit une arme tranchante."
798,27,6,"Eine Ultrabestie, die zwar nicht von sich aus
anzugreifen scheint, deren rasiermesserscharfer
Körper aber eine gefährliche Waffe darstellt."
798,27,7,"Este Ultraente surgió de un Ultraumbral. Se dice
que no es muy agresivo, pero su afilado cuerpo
es un arma realmente peligrosa."
798,27,8,"UnUltracreatura arrivata attraverso un
Ultravarco. Non attacca di propria iniziativa,
ma il suo corpo affilato è unarma letale."
798,27,9,"This Ultra Beast came from the Ultra Wormhole.
It seems not to attack enemies on its own, but
its sharp body is a dangerous weapon in itself."
798,27,11,"ウルトラホールから 現れた UB。
自ら 敵を 襲わないようだが
鋭い 全身は 凶器だ。"
798,28,1,"きょだいな てっとうを いっとうの
もとに きりすてる すがたが
もくげきされた ビーストの いっしゅ。"
798,28,3,"거대한 철탑을 단번에
베어 버리는 모습이
목격된 비스트의 일종."
798,28,5,"Une espèce dUltra-Chimère. On laurait aperçue
coupant un pylône métallique en deux dun seul
798,28,6,"Diese Ultrabestie wurde dabei beobachtet,
wie sie einen riesigen stählernen Turm mit nur
einem Hieb ihrer Klingen zerteilte."
798,28,7,"Varios testigos han observado como este
Ultraente cortaba en dos una enorme torre de
acero como si fuera mantequilla."
798,28,8,"Questa Ultracreatura è stata vista tagliare
in due un traliccio dellalta tensione con un
solo colpo."
798,28,9,"One of the Ultra Beast life-forms, it was
observed cutting down a gigantic steel tower
with one stroke of its blade."
798,28,11,"巨大な 鉄塔を 一刀の
もとに 切り捨てる 姿が
目撃された ビーストの 一種。"
798,29,1,"かみの ように うすい からだ から
とがれた かたなに にた するどさを
かんじる ウルトラビーストだ。"
798,29,3,"종이와 같은 얇은 몸에서
연마한 칼 같은 예리함이
느껴지는 울트라비스트다."
798,29,5,"Le corps de cette Ultra-Chimère semble fin
comme du papier, mais il est aussi tranchant
quun sabre affûté."
798,29,6,"Der Körper dieser Ultrabestie ist dünn wie
Papier und so scharfkantig wie eine
geschliffene Klinge."
798,29,7,"El cuerpo de este Ultraente es fino como el
papel y tan cortante como una espada recién
798,29,8,"Ultracreatura dal corpo sottile come un foglio
di carta e affilato come la lama di una spada."
798,29,9,"This Ultra Beasts body, which is as thin as
paper, is like a sharpened sword."
798,29,11,"紙の ように 薄い 身体から
研がれた 刀に 似た 鋭さを
感じる ウルトラビーストだ。"
798,30,1,"このせかいでは いしつで きけんだが
ほんらい すんでいる せかいでは
ふつうに みかける せいぶつらしい。"
798,30,3,"이 세계와는 성질이 다르고
위험하지만 원래 살던 세계에서는
흔히 볼 수 있는 생물인 듯하다."
798,30,5,"Cette créature venue dailleurs est dangereuse
dans notre monde, mais il semblerait quelle soit
très commune dans le sien."
798,30,6,"In dieser Welt wirkt sein Aussehen gefährlich
und fremdartig, doch in seiner ursprünglichen
Welt ist es ein ganz gewöhnliches Lebewesen."
798,30,7,"Para los seres de este mundo resulta extraño
y peligroso, pero en el mundo del que procede
es una criatura muy común."
798,30,8,"Nel nostro mondo il suo aspetto appare strano
e minaccioso, ma sembra che in quello da cui
proviene sia una creatura molto comune."
798,30,9,"Although its alien to this world and a danger
here, its apparently a common organism in the
world where it normally lives."
798,30,11,"この世界では 異質で 危険だが
本来 棲んでいる 世界では
普通に 見かける 生物らしい。"
799,27,1,"やまを くらい けずり ビルを
のみこむ すがたが ほうこく された。
ウルトラビーストの いっしゅ。"
799,27,3,"산을 깎아 먹고 빌딩을
삼키는 모습이 보고되었다.
울트라비스트 중 하나이다."
799,27,5,"Une espèce dUltra-Chimère.
On laurait aperçue dévorant des montagnes
et des gratte-ciel."
799,27,6,"Eine Ultrabestie, die einigen Berichten zufolge
ganze Berge vertilgt und selbst mehrstöckige
Gebäude verschlingen kann."
799,27,7,"Se dice que este Ultraente ha sido avistado
devorando montañas enteras y tragándose
prominentes edificios."
799,27,8,"Stando alle testimonianze, è in grado di divorare
intere montagne e di inghiottire edifici in un solo
boccone. È una delle Ultracreature."
799,27,9,"It has gobbled mountains and swallowed whole
buildings, according to reports. Its one of the
Ultra Beasts."
799,27,11,"山を 喰らい 削り ビルを
飲みこむ 姿が 報告 された。
ウルトラビーストの 一種。"
799,28,1,"きけんせいぶつ ビーストの いっしゅ。
つねに なにかを くらっているようだが
なぜか フンは みはっけん。"
799,28,3,"위험생물 비스트의 일종.
항상 무언가를 먹고 있는 듯하지만
왜인지 배설물은 발견되지 않았다."
799,28,5,"Lune des dangereuses Ultra-Chimères.
Elle est constamment en train de manger,
mais ne semble pas produire dexcréments."
799,28,6,"Eine gefährliche Ultrabestie, die ununterbrochen
mit Fressen beschäftigt zu sein scheint.
Es wurden jedoch nie Exkremente gefunden."
799,28,7,"Un Ultraente extremadamente peligroso. Engulle
todo lo que encuentra, pero, por alguna razón,
no se han encontrado excrementos suyos."
799,28,8,"È una delle pericolose Ultracreature.
Mangia continuamente, ma per qualche strano
motivo non produce escrementi."
799,28,9,"A dangerous Ultra Beast, it appears to be eating
constantly, but for some reason its droppings
have never been found."
799,28,11,"危険生物 ビーストの 一種。
つねに なにかを 喰らっているようだが
なぜか フンは 未発見。"
799,29,1,"このせかいでは いしつで きけんだが
ほんらい すんでいる せかいでは
ふつうに みかける せいぶつらしい。"
799,29,3,"이 세계와는 성질이 다르고
위험하지만 원래 살던 세계에서는
흔히 볼 수 있는 생물인 듯하다."
799,29,5,"Cette créature venue dailleurs est dangereuse
dans notre monde, mais il semblerait quelle soit
très commune dans le sien."
799,29,6,"In dieser Welt wirkt sein Aussehen gefährlich
und fremdartig, doch in seiner ursprünglichen
Welt ist es ein ganz gewöhnliches Lebewesen."
799,29,7,"Para los seres de este mundo resulta extraño
y peligroso, pero en el mundo del que procede
es una criatura muy común."
799,29,8,"Nel nostro mondo il suo aspetto appare strano
e minaccioso, ma sembra che in quello da cui
proviene sia una creatura molto comune."
799,29,9,"Although its alien to this world and a danger
here, its apparently a common organism in the
world where it normally lives."
799,29,11,"この世界では 異質で 危険だが
本来 棲んでいる 世界では
普通に 見かける 生物らしい。"
799,30,1,"UBと よばれる みちの せいめい。
つねに はらを すかせているのか
ずっと なにかを くらっている。"
799,30,3,"UB라고 불리는 미지의 생명체.
늘 배가 고픈 상태인 것인지
계속해서 무언가를 먹고 있다."
799,30,5,"Cette créature inconnue appelée
«Ultra-Chimère» semble constamment
affamée : elle mange en permanence."
799,30,6,"Eine unbekannte Lebensform, die zu den
Ultrabestien gehört. Sie scheint immer hungrig
zu sein, da sie ununterbrochen frisst."
799,30,7,"Uno de los extraños Ultraentes. Siempre está
comiendo algo, como poseído de un hambre
799,30,8,"Una misteriosa forma di vita nota come
Ultracreatura. Mangia in continuazione, come
se fosse costantemente affamata."
799,30,9,"An unknown life-form called a UB. It may be
constantly hungry—it is certainly always
devouring something."
799,30,11,"UBと 呼ばれる 未知の 生命。
常に 腹を すかせているのか
ずっと なにかを 喰らっている。"
800,27,1,"ちかで ねむりに ついていたようだ。
たいこに べつせかいから やってきたと
おもわれる UBらしき せいぶつ。"
800,27,3,"지하에서 잠들어 있던 것 같다.
태고의 다른 세계에서 왔다고
추측되는 UB같은 생물이다."
800,27,5,"Une créature endormie sous terre. On suppose
quil sagit dune Ultra-Chimère et quelle serait
venue dun autre monde, il y a bien longtemps."
800,27,6,"Diese einer Ultrabestie ähnelnde Kreatur ist
wohl vor Urzeiten aus einer anderen Welt
gekommen und ruhte lange Zeit unter der Erde."
800,27,7,"Se dice que yacía en el interior de la tierra. Se
cree que esta criatura, parecida a un Ultraente,
vino de otro mundo hace muchísimo tiempo."
800,27,8,"Pare che questo essere simile a unUltracreatura
sia giunto da un altro mondo in tempi antichi e
sia rimasto a lungo dormiente sottoterra."
800,27,9,"Reminiscent of the Ultra Beasts, this life-form,
apparently asleep underground, is thought to
have come from another world in ancient times."
800,27,11,"地下で 眠りに ついていたようだ。
太古に 別世界から やってきたと
おもわれる UBらしき 生物。"
800,28,1,"ひかりが エネルギーげん らしい。
レーザーこうを ぶっぱなしまくる
ひじょうに きょうぼうな せいしつ。"
800,28,3,"빛이 에너지원인 듯하다.
레이저 광선을 마구 쏘아대는
매우 난폭한 성질을 가졌다."
800,28,5,"La lumière semble être sa source dénergie.
Une créature extrêmement agressive, capable
démettre des rayons laser au moindre prétexte."
800,28,6,"Dieses extrem grausame Lebewesen wandelt
Licht in Energie um und stößt unablässig
Laserstrahlen aus."
800,28,7,"Este Ultraente parece alimentarse de luz. Posee
un carácter muy hostil y no duda en lanzar
rayos láser."
800,28,8,"La luce sembra essere la sua fonte di energia.
È estremamente aggressivo e gli basta molto
poco per mettersi a sparare raggi laser."
800,28,9,"Light is apparently the source of its energy.
It has an extraordinarily vicious disposition
and is constantly firing off laser beams."
800,28,11,"光が エネルギー源 らしい。
レーザー光を ぶっ放しまくる
非常に 凶暴な 性質。"
800,29,1,"エネルギーとなる ひかりを もとめて
あばれる すがたは どこか くるしげ。
べつの せかいの そんざい らしい。"
800,29,3,"에너지인 빛을 찾아 날뛰는 모습은
어딘지 모르게 괴로워 보인다.
다른 세계의 존재인 듯하다."
800,29,5,"Il semble souffrir dans sa recherche désespérée
de lumière, sa source dénergie. On pense
quil vient dun autre monde."
800,29,6,"Diese Kreatur stammt wohl aus einer anderen
Welt. Sie wirkt gequält, wenn sie auf der Suche
nach Licht, seiner Energiequelle, herumwütet."
800,29,7,"La luz es su fuente de energía y la busca con tal
desespero que da la impresión de que sufre.
Parece ser una criatura de otro mundo."
800,29,8,"Pare che sia una creatura di un altro mondo.
La luce è la sua fonte denergia e la cerca con
furia, rivelando sofferenza."
800,29,9,"It looks somehow pained as it rages around in
search of light, which serves as its energy.
Its apparently from another world."
800,29,11,"エネルギーとなる 光を 求めて
暴れる 姿は どこか 苦しげ。
別の 世界の 存在 らしい。"
800,30,1,"ひかりが エネルギーげん。 ひかりを
くらわないで いると ふじゅんぶつが
たまり くろずんで うごけなくなる。"
800,30,3,"빛이 에너지원이다.
빛을 받지 못하면 불순물이 쌓여서
검게 변해 움직일 수 없게 된다."
800,30,5,"Sil ne dévore pas assez de lumière, sa source
dénergie, il accumule les impuretés. Il noircit
et finit par ne plus pouvoir bouger."
800,30,6,"Licht ist seine Energiequelle. Kann es dieses
nicht verschlingen, sammeln sich Unreinheiten
an und es wird schwarz und regungslos."
800,30,7,"La luz es su fuente de energía. Si no absorbe la
suficiente, empieza a acumular impurezas que
hacen que se quede negruzco e inmóvil."
800,30,8,"La luce è la sua fonte di energia. Quando non
riesce a consumarne, accumula impurità che lo
scuriscono e gli impediscono di muoversi."
800,30,9,"Light is the source of its energy. If it isnt
devouring light, impurities build up in it and on it,
and Necrozma darkens and stops moving."
800,30,11,"光が エネルギー源。 光を
喰らわないで いると 不純物が
たまり 黒ずんで 動けなくなる。"
800,33,1,"ひかりを エネルギーに いきている。
ちかで ねむっていたため たいないに
たまった ふじゅんぶつで くろずむ。"
800,33,3,"빛을 에너지원으로 하여 살고 있다.
지하에 잠들어 있었기 때문에 체내에
쌓인 불순물에 의해 검게 변했다."
800,33,5,"La lumière est sa source dénergie. Les impuretés
que son corps a accumulées en dormant sous terre
lui ont donné cette couleur noire."
800,33,6,"Es zieht seine Lebensenergie aus Licht. Weil es in
der Erde ruhte, haben sich in seinem Körper
Unreinheiten angesammelt und es wurde schwarz."
800,33,7,"La luz es su fuente de energía. Se volvió negro
debido a las impurezas acumuladas en su cuerpo
mientras yacía en el interior de la tierra."
800,33,8,"La luce è la sua fonte denergia. Deve il colore
nero del corpo alle impurità accumulatesi al suo
interno mentre giaceva addormentato sottoterra."
800,33,9,"It survives by absorbing light. After a long time
spent slumbering underground, impurities
accumulated within it, causing its body to darken."
800,33,11,"光を エネルギーに 生きている。
地下で 眠っていたため 体内に
溜まった 不純物で 黒ずむ。"
800,34,1,"いきるために ひかりを もとめて
あばれまわる。 レーザーこうせんを
はなち あらゆるものを きりきざむ。"
800,34,3,"살기 위해 빛을 찾아 날뛰며
돌아다닌다. 레이저 광선을 쏘아
온갖 것을 산산조각 낸다."
800,34,5,"Sa quête de lumière, sa source de vie, le rend
violent. Il détruit tout sur son passage avec
ses rayons laser."
800,34,6,"Auf der Suche nach Licht, das es zum Überleben
benötigt, wütet es umher. Es setzt Laserstrahlen
frei, die alles zerteilen."
800,34,7,"Con sus rayos láser destruye todo a su paso en
busca de luz para sustentarse."
800,34,8,"Cerca con furia la luce di cui si nutre,
distruggendo ogni cosa al suo passaggio
con i suoi micidiali raggi laser."
800,34,9,"It needs light to survive, and it goes on a
rampage seeking it out. Its laser beams will
cut anything to pieces."
800,34,11,"生きるために 光を 求めて
暴れまわる。 レーザー光線を
放ち あらゆるものを 切り刻む。"
801,27,1,"500ねんいじょうまえに つくられた
じんぞうポケモン。 ひとの ことばを
りかいするが しゃべれない。"
801,27,3,"500년 이상 전에 만들어진
인조포켓몬이다. 사람의 말을
이해하지만 말은 못 한다."
801,27,5,"Ce Pokémon a été créé de toutes pièces il y a
500 ans. Il comprend ce quon lui dit, mais
il nest pas doué de parole."
801,27,6,"Dieses Pokémon wurde vor über 500 Jahren
künstlich erschaffen. Es versteht die Sprache
der Menschen, ohne sie selbst zu sprechen."
801,27,7,"Pokémon artificial creado hace más de 500
años. Es capaz de entender el lenguaje humano,
pero carece de la facultad del habla."
801,27,8,"È un Pokémon artificiale costruito più di 500
anni fa. Capisce il linguaggio degli esseri umani,
ma non è in grado di parlare."
801,27,9,"This artificial Pokémon, constructed more than
500 years ago, can understand human speech
but cannot itself speak."
801,27,11,"500年以上前に 造られた
人造ポケモン。 人の 言葉を
理解するが しゃべれない。"
801,28,1,"きかいじかけの からだは ただの
うつわ。 ソウルハートと よばれる
じんぞうの たましいが ほんたい。"
801,28,3,"기계장치로 된 몸은 그릇에
불과하다. 소울하트라고 불리는
인조 영혼이 본체다."
801,28,5,"Son corps mécanique nest quune enveloppe.
Sa véritable nature est une âme artificielle
nommée Animacœur."
801,28,6,"Sein mechanischer Körper ist nur ein Gefäß.
Das eigentliche Pokémon ist eine künstlich
erschaffene Seele namens „Seelenherz“."
801,28,7,"El mecanismo que conforma su cuerpo es
tan solo un recipiente. Su verdadera esencia
es un alma artificial llamada Coránima."
801,28,8,"Il suo corpo meccanico è solo un contenitore.
La sua vera essenza è unanima artificiale
chiamata “Cuoreanima”."
801,28,9,"Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true
self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul."
801,28,11,"機械仕掛けの 身体は ただの
器。 ソウルハートと 呼ばれる
人造の 魂が 本体。"
801,29,1,"いしきを どうちょうさせて あいての
きもちを りかい。 ひとの おせわを
するのに べんりな のうりょく。"
801,29,3,"의식을 동조시켜 상대의
마음을 이해한다. 사람을
도울 때 편리한 능력이다."
801,29,5,"Il accède à la conscience des individus en
se synchronisant avec eux. Cette faculté
laide à prendre soin deux."
801,29,6,"Es synchronisiert sein Bewusstsein mit dem
anderer, um ihre Gefühle zu verstehen. Dadurch
fällt es ihm leicht, Menschen zu helfen."
801,29,7,"Sincroniza su consciencia con la de los demás
para comprender sus sentimientos. Utiliza esta
capacidad para cuidar de las personas."
801,29,8,"Sincronizzando la sua coscienza a quella degli
altri, riesce a capire il loro stato danimo. Grazie
a questabilità si prende cura degli esseri umani."
801,29,9,"It synchronizes its consciousness with others
to understand their feelings. This faculty makes
it useful for taking care of people."
801,29,11,"意識を 同調させて 相手の
気持ちを 理解。 人の お世話を
するのに 便利な 能力。"
801,30,1,"およそ 500ねんまえ かがくしゃに
よって つくられた。 ソウルハートと
よばれる パーツが ほんたいなのだ。"
801,30,3,"약 500년 전 과학자에 의해
만들어졌다. 소울하트라고
불리는 파츠가 본체다."
801,30,5,"Il a été créé par un scientifique il y a environ
500 ans de cela. Sa véritable essence est
un organe nommé Animacœur."
801,30,6,"Es wurde vor ungefähr 500 Jahren von einem
Wissenschaftler erschaffen. Sein eigentlicher
Körper ist der als „Seelenherz“ bezeichnete Teil."
801,30,7,"Pokémon artificial creado por científicos hace
unos 500 años. Su verdadera esencia es una
pieza llamada Coránima."
801,30,8,"Fu costruito circa 500 anni fa da uno scienziato.
La sua vera essenza si trova in un componente
chiamato “Cuoreanima”."
801,30,9,"Built roughly 500 years ago by a scientist,
the part called the Soul-Heart is the
actual life-form."
801,30,11,"およそ 500年前 科学者に
よって 作られた。 ソウルハートと
呼ばれる パーツが 本体なのだ。"
802,27,1,"かげのなかに ひそむことが でき
ひとまえに すがたを みせないので
そのそんざいは まぼろし だった。"
802,27,3,"그림자 안에 숨어 들을 수 있어
사람들 앞에 모습을 보이지 않아
그 존재는 환상이었다."
802,27,5,"Il dissimule son apparence aux autres en se
tapissant dans lombre. Son existence pourrait
se révéler nêtre quune fable."
802,27,6,"Da es sich im Schatten verbergen und so für
menschliche Augen unsichtbar werden kann,
war seine Existenz lange bezweifelt worden."
802,27,7,"Debido a que siempre se ha ocultado en las
sombras y no le gusta dejarse ver, su misma
existencia es todo un misterio."
802,27,8,"Si nasconde nelle ombre per sfuggire alla vista
degli esseri viventi, e per questo si è dubitato
per molto tempo della sua esistenza."
802,27,9,"Able to conceal itself in shadows, it never
appears before humans, so its very existence
was the stuff of myth."
802,27,11,"影の中に 潜むことが でき
人前に 姿を みせないので
その存在は 幻 だった。"
802,28,1,"あいての かげに もぐりこみ
その うごきや ちからを コピーする。
おくびょうで よわきな ポケモン。"
802,28,3,"상대의 그림자에 숨어들어
그 움직임과 힘을 복사한다.
겁이 많고 나약한 포켓몬이다."
802,28,5,"En se glissant dans lombre de son adversaire,
il peut copier ses mouvements et ses forces.
Cest un Pokémon au caractère timide et craintif."
802,28,6,"Es verschmilzt mit dem Schatten seiner Gegner
und kopiert deren Bewegungen und Kräfte.
Es ist ein feiges und schwaches Pokémon."
802,28,7,"Se infiltra en la sombra de su oponente y copia
sus movimientos y su fuerza. Es un Pokémon
tímido y un poco cobardica."
802,28,8,"Si infiltra nellombra del nemico, copiandone
i movimenti e la forza. È un Pokémon timido
e insicuro."
802,28,9,"It lurks in the shadows of others, copying their
movements and powers. This Pokémon is craven
and cowering."
802,28,11,"相手の 影に 潜り込み
その 動きや 力を コピーする。
おくびょうで 弱気な ポケモン。"
802,29,1,"あいての かげに もぐって うごきや
ちからを まねる。 まねているうちに
ほんもの よりも つよくなるぞ。"
802,29,3,"상대 그림자에 숨어들어
움직임이나 능력을 흉내 낸다.
그러다가 진짜보다 강해진다."
802,29,5,"Il se fond dans lombre de son adversaire
pour imiter sa force et ses attaques.
La copie surpasse alors loriginal."
802,29,6,"Schlüpft es in den Schatten seines Gegners, um
dessen Bewegungen und Kräfte zu imitieren,
kann es sogar stärker als das Original werden."
802,29,7,"Se oculta en la sombra de su oponente y copia
sus movimientos y su fuerza. Su imitación
resulta más poderosa que el original."
802,29,8,"Si infiltra nellombra del nemico, copiandone
i movimenti e la forza. Limitazione finisce per
diventare più forte delloriginale."
802,29,9,"It slips into the shadows of others and mimics
their powers and movements. As it improves, it
becomes stronger than those its imitating."
802,29,11,"相手の 影に 潜って 動きや
力を 真似る。 真似ているうちに
本物 よりも 強くなるぞ。"
802,30,1,"ひとや ポケモンの かげの なかに
もぐる。 もぐった あいての きもちを
りかいして のうりょくを コピーする。"
802,30,3,"사람이나 포켓몬의 그림자 속에
숨는다. 숨은 상대의 마음을
이해하고 능력을 복사한다."
802,30,5,"Il se terre dans les ombres des humains
et des Pokémon. Il peut lire dans lesprit
de ses hôtes et copier leurs habilités."
802,30,6,"Es verschmilzt mit den Schatten von Menschen
und Pokémon, wodurch es ihre Gefühle
verstehen und ihre Fähigkeiten kopieren kann."
802,30,7,"Se infiltra en la sombra de las personas y los
Pokémon. Sintoniza con sus sentimientos y
copia sus capacidades."
802,30,8,"Infiltrandosi nellombra di Pokémon ed esseri
umani riesce a comprendere il loro stato danimo
e a copiarne le capacità."
802,30,9,"It sinks into the shadows of people and
Pokémon, where it can understand their feelings
and copy their capabilities."
802,30,11,"人や ポケモンの 影の 中に 潜る。
潜った 相手の 気持ちを
理解して 能力を コピーする。"
802,33,1,"けんぽうの たつじんの かげに
もぐって うごきを コピーしたため
きゅうきょく おうぎを みにつけた。"
802,33,3,"권법의 달인의 그림자에 숨어들어
움직임을 복사했기 때문에
궁극의 오의를 익힐 수 있었다."
802,33,5,"Il sest glissé dans lombre dun maître du kung-fu.
Il sest aussi approprié sa botte secrète ultime
en copiant ses mouvements."
802,33,6,"Es schlüpfte in den Schatten eines Meisters des
Faustkampfes und imitierte dessen Bewegungen.
So lernte es ultimative Geheimtechniken."
802,33,7,"Tras infiltrarse en la sombra de un maestro de
artes marciales y copiar sus movimientos, es
capaz de utilizar su técnica secreta definitiva."
802,33,8,"Si è infiltrato nellombra di un maestro di arti
marziali e ne ha copiato i movimenti, carpendo
così tutti i segreti."
802,33,9,"By slipping into the shadow of a martial arts
master and copying their movements, this
Pokémon learned the ultimate techniques."
802,33,11,"拳法の 達人の 影に
潜って 動きを コピーしたため
究極奥義を 身につけた。"
802,34,1,"あらゆる かげの なかに もぐりこむ
のうりょくを もっているため ながい
あいだ だれにも みつからなかった。"
802,34,3,"모든 그림자 안에 숨어들 수 있는
능력을 갖고 있어 오랫동안
누구에게도 발견되지 않았다."
802,34,5,"Ce Pokémon ayant la capacité de se dissimuler
dans les ombres, il est resté très longtemps
caché aux yeux du monde."
802,34,6,"Da es in der Lage ist, mit jedem Schatten zu
verschmelzen, ist es lange Zeit unentdeckt
802,34,7,"Posee la extraordinaria capacidad de infiltrarse
en cualquier sombra, por lo que nadie lo había
visto en mucho tiempo."
802,34,8,"A causa della sua capacità di infiltrarsi in
qualunque ombra, per lungo tempo nessuno è
riuscito ad avvistarlo."
802,34,9,"This Pokémon can conceal itself in any shadow,
so it went undiscovered for a long time."
802,34,11,"あらゆる 影の 中に 潜りこむ
能力を もっているため 長い
あいだ 誰にも 見つからなかった。"
803,29,1,"いせかいに おいては たびだちの
パートナーに えらばれるほど
したしまれている ウルトラビースト。"
803,29,3,"다른 세계에서는 여행
파트너로 삼을 정도로
친근한 울트라비스트다."
803,29,5,"Dans son monde, cette Ultra-Chimère est fort
appréciée pour son naturel conciliant, qui fait
delle un compagnon de voyage idéal."
803,29,6,"Diese Ultrabestie wird in der Welt, aus der sie
kommt, so gemocht, dass sie oft als Partner für
Reisen gewählt wird."
803,29,7,"En su mundo, este Ultraente se considera tan
entrañable como para ser elegido compañero de
803,29,8,"UnUltracreatura talmente socievole da essere
spesso scelta come compagno di viaggio nel
mondo da cui proviene."
803,29,9,"This Ultra Beast is well enough liked to be
chosen as a first partner in its own world."
803,29,11,"異世界に おいては 旅立ちの
パートナーに 選ばれるほど
親しまれている ウルトラビースト。"
803,30,1,"いせかいに すむ ウルトラビースト。
あたまの どくばりから どくえきを
あいてに かけて ケラケラ わらう。"
803,30,3,"다른 세계에 사는 울트라비스트.
머리의 독침에서 나온 독액을
상대에게 끼얹고 깔깔 웃는다."
803,30,5,"Cette Ultra-Chimère venue dun autre monde
ricane lorsquelle asperge ses proies de venin
grâce au dard quelle a sur la tête."
803,30,6,"Diese Ultrabestie aus einer anderen Welt
besprüht Gegner laut lachend mit einer giftigen
Flüssigkeit aus den Stacheln auf ihrem Kopf."
803,30,7,"Un Ultraente originario de otro mundo. Se burla
del oponente mientras lo rocía de veneno con el
aguijón que tiene en la cabeza."
803,30,8,"UnUltracreatura che vive in un altro mondo.
Sghignazza felice quando avvelena gli avversari
con il pungiglione che ha sul capo."
803,30,9,"An Ultra Beast that lives in a different world, it
cackles wildly as it sprays its opponents with
poison from the needles on its head."
803,30,11,"異世界に 棲む ウルトラビースト。
頭の 毒針から 毒液を
相手に かけて ケラケラ 笑う。"
804,29,1,"たいないに すうひゃくリットルの
どくえきを ためている。 UBと
よばれる せいぶつの いっしゅ。"
804,29,3,"체내에 수백 리터의
독액을 갖고 있다.
UB라고 불리는 생물의 일종이다."
804,29,5,"Son corps contient des hectolitres de poison.
Il fait partie de ces créatures que lon nomme
804,29,6,"Eines der Lebewesen, die Ultrabestien genannt
werden. In seinem Körper bewahrt es Hunderte
Liter giftiger Flüssigkeit auf."
804,29,7,"Una de las temibles criaturas conocidas como
Ultraentes. En su cuerpo almacena cientos
de litros de veneno."
804,29,8,"È una delle forme di vita note come
Ultracreature. Il suo corpo contiene
centinaia di litri di veleno."
804,29,9,"It stores hundreds of liters of poisonous liquid
inside its body. It is one of the organisms known
as UBs."
804,29,11,"体内に 数百リットルの
毒液を ためている。
UBと 呼ばれる 生物の 一種。"
804,30,1,"ウルトラビーストの いっしゅ。
どくばりから ねんどが たかく
ひかる どくえきを はっしゃする。"
804,30,3,"울트라비스트의 일종.
독침에서 점도가 높고
빛나는 독액을 발사한다."
804,30,5,"Cette Ultra-Chimère utilise son aiguillon pour
sécréter un venin toxique, luisant et gluant."
804,30,6,"Diese Ultrabestie verschießt aus ihren
Giftstacheln ein leuchtendes, dickflüssiges Gift."
804,30,7,"Uno de los Ultraentes. Su aguijón segrega un
líquido tóxico cuya viscosidad le da una
apariencia brillante."
804,30,8,"Una delle Ultracreature. Il luminoso liquido
tossico che emette dagli aculei è caratterizzato
da unelevata viscosità."
804,30,9,"One kind of Ultra Beast, it fires a glowing,
venomous liquid from its needles. This liquid
is also immensely adhesive."
804,30,11,"ウルトラビーストの 一種。
毒針から 粘度が 高く
光る 毒液を 発射する。"
805,29,1,"ウルトラホールから しゅつげんした。
ふくすうの せいめいが つみあがり
1ぴきを けいせいしている ようだ。"
805,29,3,"울트라홀에서 출현했다.
여러 개의 생명이 쌓여
1마리를 형성하고 있는 듯하다."
805,29,5,"Il est sorti dune Ultra-Brèche. Il est composé
de plusieurs petites entités qui sassemblent
pour nen former quune seule."
805,29,6,"Diese Kreatur kam durch eine Ultrapforte.
Sie besteht anscheinend aus mehreren
aufeinandergestapelten Wesen."
805,29,7,"Surgió de un Ultraumbral. Parece estar
compuesto de varias criaturas que se han
combinado para formar un solo ser."
805,29,8,"È arrivato attraverso un Ultravarco. Sembra
essere costituito da più creature impilate che
formano una singola unità."
805,29,9,"It appeared from an Ultra Wormhole. Each one
appears to be made up of many life-forms
stacked one on top of each other."
805,29,11,"ウルトラホールから 出現した。
複数の 生命が 積み上がり
1匹を 形成している ようだ。"
805,30,1,"UBらしき なぞの せいめいたい。
とつぜん うごきだして おそってきた
いしがきの しょうたいは こいつだ。"
805,30,3,"UB 같은 수수께끼의 생명체.
갑자기 움직이기 시작해서 덮쳐온
돌담의 정체는 이 녀석이다."
805,30,5,"On suppose que cette mystérieuse forme de vie
est une Ultra-Chimère. Si un mur se met en
branle et vous attaque sans prévenir, cest lui."
805,30,6,"Diese rätselhafte Lebensform ist vermutlich eine
Ultrabestie. Sie sieht aus wie eine Steinmauer,
bis sie sich plötzlich bewegt und angreift."
805,30,7,"Extraña criatura que podría ser un Ultraente.
Parece un muro rocoso hasta que se mueve de
repente y ataca."
805,30,8,"Questa misteriosa forma di vita sembra essere
unUltracreatura. Se allimprovviso un muro si
muove e attacca, in realtà si tratta di lui."
805,30,9,"When stone walls started moving and attacking,
the brutes true identity was this mysterious
life-form, which brings to mind an Ultra Beast."
805,30,11,"UBらしき 謎の 生命体。
突然 動き出して 襲ってきた
石垣の 正体は こいつだ。"
806,29,1,"クネクネうごいて ひとに ちかづくと
とつぜん あたまを ばくはつさせた。
ウルトラビーストの いっしゅらしい。"
806,29,3,"꿈틀거리며 사람에게 다가오다
느닷없이 머리를 폭발시킨다.
울트라비스트의 일종인 듯하다."
806,29,5,"Il sapproche des gens avec son allure
désarticulée et fait subitement exploser
sa tête. Ce serait une Ultra-Chimère."
806,29,6,"Dieses Wesen ist vermutlich eine Ultrabestie.
Es nähert sich Menschen tänzelnd, nur um dann
plötzlich seinen Kopf explodieren zu lassen."
806,29,7,"Parece ser uno de los temibles Ultraentes.
Se acerca a la gente contoneándose y hace
explotar su propia cabeza súbitamente."
806,29,8,"Sembra che sia unUltracreatura. Si avvicina
alle persone ondeggiando e fa esplodere la
sua testa allimprovviso."
806,29,9,"It slithers toward people. Then, without warning,
it triggers the explosion of its own head.
Its apparently one kind of Ultra Beast."
806,29,11,"クネクネ動いて 人に 近付くと
突然 頭を 爆発させた。
ウルトラビーストの 一種らしい。"
806,30,1,"ウルトラホールから あらわれたUB。
ばくはつで あいてを おどろかし
そのすきに せいきを うばっていた。"
806,30,3,"울트라홀에서 나타난 UB.
폭발로 상대를 놀라게 하고
그 틈에 생기를 빼앗는다."
806,30,5,"Cette Ultra-Chimère sortie dune Ultra-Brèche
provoque des explosions pour surprendre
lennemi et en profite pour voler son énergie."
806,30,6,"Eine Ultrabestie, die durch eine Ultrapforte kam.
Sie erschreckt ihre Gegner mit Explosionen
und raubt ihnen dann ihre Lebenskraft."
806,30,7,"Un Ultraente surgido de un Ultraumbral. Crea
una explosión para sorprender al oponente y
aprovecha para absorber su energía vital."
806,30,8,"Ultracreatura arrivata attraverso un Ultravarco.
Sorprende le prede con unesplosione e ne
approfitta per sottrarre la loro energia vitale."
806,30,9,"A UB that appeared from an Ultra Wormhole, it
causes explosions, then takes advantage of
opponents surprise to rob them of their vitality."
806,30,11,"ウルトラホールから 現れた UB。
爆発で 相手を 驚かし
その隙に 生気を 奪っていた。"
807,29,1,"りょうてあしの ツメを たいでんさせ
あいてを やつざき。 かわされても
とびちる でんげきで かんでんさせる。"
807,29,3,"양 손발톱에 전기를 머금어
상대를 갈가리 찢는다. 피하더라도
흩날리는 전격으로 감전시킨다."
807,29,5,"Il déchiquette son adversaire avec ses griffes
chargées délectricité. Même si sa cible évite
lattaque, elle reçoit un coup de jus."
807,29,6,"Mit seinen elektrisierten Krallen reißt es Gegner
in Stücke. Selbst wenn sie ausweichen, werden
sie von elektrisch geladenen Funken getroffen."
807,29,7,"Hace jirones al oponente con sus garras
electrificadas. Aunque este esquive los golpes,
acaba electrocutado por las descargas."
807,29,8,"Fa a pezzi lavversario con le unghie cariche di
elettricità. Anche se il nemico schiva il colpo,
riceve comunque una scarica folgorante."
807,29,9,"It electrifies its claws and tears its opponents
apart with them. Even if they dodge its attack,
theyll be electrocuted by the flying sparks."
807,29,11,"両手足の ツメを 帯電させ
相手を 八つ裂き。 かわされても
飛び散る 電撃で 感電させる。"
807,30,1,"かみなりが おちるのと おなじ
はやさで てきに きゅうせっきん。
するどい ツメで やつざきに する。"
807,30,3,"번개가 떨어지는 것과 같은
스피드로 적에게 접근한다.
날카로운 발톱으로 갈가리 찢는다."
807,30,5,"Il prend lennemi par surprise en attaquant
plus vite que léclair, et le débite en morceaux
avec ses griffes acérées."
807,30,6,"Schnell wie der Blitz nähert es sich seinen
Feinden, um sie dann mit seinen scharfen
Klauen in Stücke zu reißen."
807,30,7,"Se acerca a su enemigo de forma tan súbita
como la caída de un rayo, y lo hace trizas con
sus afiladas garras."
807,30,8,"Si avvicina allavversario con la velocità di un
fulmine e lo fa a pezzi con le unghie affilate."
807,30,9,"It approaches its enemies at the speed of
lightning, then tears them limb from limb with
its sharp claws."
807,30,11,"雷が 落ちるのと 同じ
速さで 敵に 急接近。
鋭い ツメで 八つ裂きに する。"
807,33,1,"カミナリに ひってきする スピードで
はしり だいでんあつを はっする
ツメで てきを やつざきにする。"
807,33,3,"번개에 필적하는 스피드로
달려나가 고전압의 발톱으로
상대를 갈가리 찢는다."
807,33,5,"Il fonce sur ses ennemis à la vitesse de léclair
et les déchiquette à laide de ses griffes chargées
à haute tension."
807,33,6,"Es läuft so schnell wie der Blitz und reißt Gegner
mit seinen Krallen, die mit Hochspannung
geladen sind, in Stücke."
807,33,7,"Tan veloz como el rayo, hace trizas a cualquier
rival con sus garras cargadas de electricidad de
alto voltaje."
807,33,8,"Dotato di una velocità fulminea, fa a pezzi
lavversario con i suoi artigli carichi di elettricità
ad alta tensione."
807,33,9,"It runs as fast as lightning strikes, shredding its
opponents with its high-voltage claws."
807,33,11,"雷に 匹敵する スピードで
走り 大電圧を 発する
ツメで 敵を 八つ裂きにする。"
807,34,1,"てあしの にくきゅうから ほうでん。
ゼラオラが かけぬけると イナズマが
ひかり らいめいが とどろく。"
807,34,3,"손발의 볼록살에서 전기를 내보낸다.
제라오라가 달려나가면 번개가
치고 우렛소리가 울려 퍼진다."
807,34,5,"Il envoie des décharges électriques avec
les coussinets de ses pattes. Quand il court,
on peut voir des éclairs et entendre la foudre."
807,34,6,"Über die Ballen an seinen Pfoten entlädt es
Elektrizität. Wenn Zeraora an einem vorbeirennt,
zuckt ein Blitz auf und man hört Donnergrollen."
807,34,7,"Las almohadillas de sus patas desprenden
descargas eléctricas. Cuando corre, hace que
caigan rayos y reverberen los truenos."
807,34,8,"Emette scariche elettriche dai cuscinetti delle
zampe. Sfreccia a tutta velocità accompagnato
da saette e rombi di tuono."
807,34,9,"Electricity sparks from the pads on its limbs.
Wherever Zeraora runs, lightning flashes and
thunder echoes."
807,34,11,"手足の 肉球から 放電。
ゼラオラが 駆け抜けると 稲妻が
光り 雷鳴が 轟く。"
808,31,1,"とろりと とけた はがねの からだ。
ちちゅうの てつぶんや きんぞくを
とかして きゅうしゅうする。"
808,31,3,"걸쭉하게 녹은 강철의 몸을 가졌다.
땅속의 철분이나 금속을
녹여서 흡수한다."
808,31,5,"Ce Pokémon fait fondre le fer et les autres
métaux contenus dans le sol pour les intégrer
à son corps composé dacier fondu."
808,31,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus geschmolzenem Stahl.
Es bringt Eisen und andere Metalle im Boden
zum Schmelzen, um sie dann zu absorbieren."
808,31,7,"Su cuerpo está compuesto de acero líquido.
Funde las partículas de hierro y otros metales
del subsuelo para luego absorberlas."
808,31,8,"Il suo corpo è composto di acciaio liquefatto.
Scioglie il ferro e gli altri metalli presenti nel
sottosuolo per assorbirli."
808,31,9,"It melts particles of iron and other metals found
in the subsoil, so it can absorb them into its
body of molten steel."
808,31,11,"とろりと 溶けた 鋼の 体。
地中の 鉄分や 金属を
溶かして 吸収する。"
808,32,1,"とろりと とけた はがねの からだ。
ちちゅうの てつぶんや きんぞくを
とかして きゅうしゅうする。"
808,32,3,"걸쭉하게 녹은 강철의 몸을 가졌다.
땅속의 철분이나 금속을
녹여서 흡수한다."
808,32,5,"Ce Pokémon fait fondre le fer et les autres
métaux contenus dans le sol pour les intégrer
à son corps composé dacier fondu."
808,32,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus geschmolzenem Stahl.
Es bringt Eisen und andere Metalle im Boden
zum Schmelzen, um sie dann zu absorbieren."
808,32,7,"Su cuerpo está compuesto de acero líquido.
Funde las partículas de hierro y otros metales
del subsuelo para luego absorberlas."
808,32,8,"Il suo corpo è composto di acciaio liquefatto.
Scioglie il ferro e gli altri metalli presenti nel
sottosuolo per assorbirli."
808,32,9,"It melts particles of iron and other metals found
in the subsoil, so it can absorb them into its
body of molten steel."
808,32,11,"とろりと 溶けた 鋼の 体。
地中の 鉄分や 金属を
溶かして 吸収する。"
808,33,1,"きんぞくを とかして たべてしまう。
えきたいきんぞくを じゅんかんさせて
たいないで エネルギーを つくる。"
808,33,3,"금속을 녹여서 먹어버린다.
액체 금속을 순환시켜서
체내에서 에너지를 만든다."
808,33,5,"Il se nourrit du métal quil fait fondre,
et produit de lénergie en faisant circuler
du métal liquide dans son corps."
808,33,6,"Es schmilzt Metall ein und frisst es. In seinem
Körper wandelt es das flüssig gewordene Metall
in Energie um."
808,33,7,"Funde metales para ingerirlos. Una vez licuados,
los hace circular por el interior de su cuerpo para
generar energía."
808,33,8,"Fonde il metallo per cibarsene, e lo fa circolare
nel suo corpo per produrre energia."
808,33,9,"It dissolves and eats metal. Circulating liquid
metal within its body is how it generates energy."
808,33,11,"金属を 溶かして 食べてしまう。
液体金属を 循環させて
体内で エネルギーを つくる。"
808,34,1,"むれになって せいかつするが ときが
くると 1ぴきの つよい メルタンが
なかまたちを とりこみ しんかする。"
808,34,3,"무리 지어 생활하지만
때가 되면 1마리의 강한 멜탄이
동료들을 흡수해 진화한다."
808,34,5,"Les Meltan vivent en groupe. Quand lheure
de lévolution a sonné, le plus fort dentre eux
absorbe ses camarades pour changer de forme."
808,34,6,"Sie leben in Gruppen. Doch wenn die Zeit reif
ist, nimmt ein starkes Meltan seine Artgenossen
in sich auf und entwickelt sich."
808,34,7,"Viven en grupos, pero, llegado el momento,
el ejemplar más fuerte absorbe a sus camaradas
y evoluciona."
808,34,8,"Vive in gruppo, ma quando giunge il momento
lesemplare più forte ingloba i compagni
e si evolve."
808,34,9,"They live as a group, but when the time comes,
one strong Meltan will absorb all the others
and evolve."
808,34,11,"群れになって 生活するが 時が
くると 1匹の 強い メルタンが
仲間たちを 取りこみ 進化する。"
809,31,1,"てつを うみだす ちからを もつと
あがめられていた。 3000ねんの
ときを へて なぜか よみがえった。"
809,31,3,"철을 만들어내는 힘을 가졌다고
추앙받았었다. 모종의 이유로
3000년의 세월이 흘러 되살아났다."
809,31,5,"Autrefois vénéré pour son aptitude à produire
du fer, ce Pokémon a mystérieusement ressuscité
après 3000 ans."
809,31,6,"Einst wurde es für seine Fähigkeit verehrt, Eisen
erschaffen zu können. Nach 3000 Jahren ist es
aus einem unerfindlichen Grund wieder erwacht."
809,31,7,"En la antigüedad se le veneraba por su poder
de crear hierro. Después de tres milenios, ha
regresado misteriosamente."
809,31,8,"In passato era venerato perché lo si riteneva
capace di generare ferro. È misteriosamente
ricomparso dopo 3.000 anni di assenza."
809,31,9,"Revered long ago for its capacity to create iron
from nothing, for some reason it has come back
to life after 3,000 years."
809,31,11,"鉄を 産み出す 力を 持つと
崇められていた。 3000年の
時を 経て なぜか 蘇った。"
809,32,1,"てつを うみだす ちからを もつと
あがめられていた。 3000ねんの
ときを へて なぜか よみがえった。"
809,32,3,"철을 만들어내는 힘을 가졌다고
추앙받았었다. 모종의 이유로
3000년의 세월이 흘러 되살아났다."
809,32,5,"Autrefois vénéré pour son aptitude à produire
du fer, ce Pokémon a mystérieusement ressuscité
après 3000 ans."
809,32,6,"Einst wurde es für seine Fähigkeit verehrt, Eisen
erschaffen zu können. Nach 3000 Jahren ist es
aus einem unerfindlichen Grund wieder erwacht."
809,32,7,"En la antigüedad se le veneraba por su poder
de crear hierro. Después de tres milenios, ha
regresado misteriosamente."
809,32,8,"In passato era venerato perché lo si riteneva
capace di generare ferro. È misteriosamente
ricomparso dopo 3.000 anni di assenza."
809,32,9,"Revered long ago for its capacity to create iron
from nothing, for some reason it has come back
to life after 3,000 years."
809,32,11,"鉄を 産み出す 力を 持つと
崇められていた。 3000年の
時を 経て なぜか 蘇った。"
809,33,1,"じゅみょうが つきると からだが
さびて くずれる。 やがて ちいさな
はへんが メルタンに ふっかつする。"
809,33,3,"수명이 다하면 몸이 녹슬고
붕괴한다. 이윽고 작은 파편이
멜탄으로 부활한다."
809,33,5,"En fin de vie, son corps rouille et se brise
en mille morceaux. Ces derniers renaissent
ensuite sous forme de Meltan."
809,33,6,"Geht sein Leben dem Ende zu, rostet sein Körper
und fällt auseinander. Kurz darauf erwachen die
verbliebenen Fragmente als Meltan zum Leben."
809,33,7,"Al final de su vida, su cuerpo se oxida y se hace
pedazos. Poco tiempo después, estos fragmentos
que quedan dan vida a varios Meltan."
809,33,8,"Alla fine della sua esistenza, si arrugginisce e
cade a pezzi. Dopo un po di tempo, i resti del
suo corpo tornano in vita sotto forma di Meltan."
809,33,9,"At the end of its life-span, Melmetal will rust and
fall apart. The small shards left behind will
eventually be reborn as Meltan."
809,33,11,"寿命が 尽きると 体が
錆びて 崩れる。 やがて 小さな
破片が メルタンに 復活する。"
809,34,1,"えんしんりょくで はずみを つけて
くりだす おもい ナットの パンチは
ポケモン さいきょうと いわれる。"
809,34,3,"원심력으로 힘을 더해서
날리는 묵직한 너트 펀치는
포켓몬 중 최강이라고 전해진다."
809,34,5,"On dit que, grâce à la force centrifuge, les coups
de poing quil assène avec ses lourds écrous
seraient les plus dévastateurs parmi les Pokémon."
809,34,6,"Es holt mit Fliehkraft Schwung, um mit seinen
schweren Muttern Hiebe auszuteilen, die stärker
sein sollen als die aller anderen Pokémon."
809,34,7,"Gracias a la inercia y la fuerza centrífuga, los
puñetazos que propina con sus pesadas tuercas
son los más potentes del mundo Pokémon."
809,34,8,"Sferra pugni con i suoi dadi metallici sfruttando la
forza centrifuga. Si dice che nessun altro Pokémon
sia capace di sferrarne di altrettanto potenti."
809,34,9,"Centrifugal force is behind the punches of
Melmetals heavy hex-nut arms. Melmetal is said
to deliver the strongest punches of all Pokémon."
809,34,11,"遠心力で 弾みを つけて
繰りだす 重い ナットの パンチは
ポケモン 最強と いわれる。"
810,33,1,"とくべつな スティックで リズムを
きざむと くさばなを げんきにする
パワーが おんぱになって ひろがる。"
810,33,3,"특별한 스틱으로 리듬을 타면
화초를 생생하게 만드는 힘이
음파가 되어 퍼진다."
810,33,5,"Le rythme quil crée en tapant avec son bâton
très spécial génère des ondes sonores
qui ont le pouvoir de vivifier les plantes."
810,33,6,"Der Rhythmus, den es mit seinem besonderen
Schlägel erzeugt, verbreitet Schallwellen, die
Pflanzen neue Vitalität verleihen können."
810,33,7,"Al marcar el ritmo con su baqueta especial,
produce unas ondas sonoras capaces de devolver
la vitalidad a la flora."
810,33,8,"Segnando il ritmo con la sua bacchetta speciale
diffonde onde sonore che hanno il potere
di rinvigorire fiori e piante."
810,33,9,"When it uses its special stick to strike up a beat,
the sound waves produced carry revitalizing
energy to the plants and flowers in the area."
810,33,11,"特別な スティックで リズムを
刻むと 草花を 元気にする
パワーが 音波になって 広がる。"
810,34,1,"スティックの れんだで こうげき。
すごい スピードで たたくうちに
どんどん テンションが あがるのだ。"
810,34,3,"스틱으로 연타하여 공격한다.
굉장한 속도로 치다 보면
점점 텐션이 올라간다."
810,34,5,"Il attaque en frappant frénétiquement avec
son bâton. Son enthousiasme grandit à mesure
que le rythme saccélère."
810,34,6,"Es greift an, indem es wiederholt seinen Schlägel
schwingt. Diese rasanten Trommelbewegungen
bringen es immer mehr in Fahrt."
810,34,7,"Ataca golpeando sin cesar con su baqueta, con
un entusiasmo que crece a medida que acelera
el ritmo."
810,34,8,"Attacca percuotendo il nemico con la sua
bacchetta, con un entusiasmo che cresce
allaumentare del ritmo sfrenato con cui colpisce."
810,34,9,"It attacks with rapid beats of its stick.
As it strikes with amazing speed, it gets
more and more pumped."
810,34,11,"スティックの 連打で 攻撃。
すごい スピードで 叩くうちに
どんどん テンションが 上がるのだ。"
811,33,1,"2ほんの スティックで はげしい
ビートを きざめる バチンキーほど
なかまたちの そんけいを あつめる。"
811,33,3,"2개의 스틱으로 격렬한
비트를 만드는 채키몽일수록
동료들에게 존경받는다."
811,33,5,"Les Badabouin qui parviennent à suivre le rythme
le plus effréné avec leurs deux bâtons sont
les plus respectés par leurs camarades."
811,33,6,"Je wilder der Beat, den ein Chimstix mit seinen
zwei Schlägeln erzeugt, desto mehr wird es von
seinen Artgenossen respektiert."
811,33,7,"Los Thwackey que marcan el ritmo más
contundente con sus dos baquetas son los
más respetados por sus congéneres."
811,33,8,"I Thwackey più rispettati dai propri simili sono
quelli in grado di produrre un ritmo forsennato
con le due bacchette."
811,33,9,"The faster a Thwackey can beat out a rhythm
with its two sticks, the more respect it wins from
its peers."
811,33,11,"2本の スティックで 激しい
ビートを 刻める バチンキーほど
仲間たちの 尊敬を 集める。"
811,34,1,"はげしい ビートを きざむことに
むちゅうになる あまり たたかいで
あいてが きぜつしても きづかない。"
811,34,3,"격렬한 비트를 내는데
열중한 나머지 싸움에서
상대가 기절해도 모른다."
811,34,5,"Il est tellement concentré à battre à un rythme
effréné que même lorsque son adversaire
tombe K.O., il ne sen rend pas compte."
811,34,6,"Verliert es sich im Kampf in seinem wilden Beat,
bemerkt es ab und zu nicht mal, dass sein Gegner
bereits zu Boden gegangen ist."
811,34,7,"Se concentra tanto en marcar el ritmo que,
cuando su rival se debilita en combate, no se
da ni cuenta."
811,34,8,"Durante la lotta si concentra così tanto nel tenere
un ritmo febbrile che non si accorge nemmeno
se il nemico va KO."
811,34,9,"When its drumming out rapid beats in battle, it
gets so caught up in the rhythm that it wont even
notice that its already knocked out its opponent."
811,34,11,"激しい ビートを 刻むことに
夢中になる あまり 戦いで
相手が 気絶しても 気づかない。"
812,33,1,"とくべつな きりかぶの パワーを
ドラミングで コントロール。
ねっこを あやつって たたかう。"
812,33,3,"특별한 그루터기의 파워를
드럼 연주로 컨트롤한다.
뿌리를 조종해서 싸운다."
812,33,5,"Il contrôle le pouvoir de sa souche singulière
en tapant en rythme dessus.
Il se bat en manipulant des racines."
812,33,6,"Es kontrolliert die Macht seines speziellen
Baumstumpfes durch Trommeln. Im Kampf
manipuliert es damit Wurzeln."
812,33,7,"Controla los poderes y las raíces de su singular
tocón en combate golpeándolo como si fuera
un tambor."
812,33,8,"Controlla il potere del suo ceppo speciale
usandolo come un tamburo e lotta servendosi
delle radici."
812,33,9,"By drumming, it taps into the power of its special
tree stump. The roots of the stump follow its
direction in battle."
812,33,11,"特別な 切り株の パワーを
ドラミングで コントロール。
根っこを 操って 戦う。"
812,34,1,"ドラムテクニックに すぐれた ものが
ボスになる。 おだやかな きしょうで
グループの ちょうわを おもんじる。"
812,34,3,"드럼 테크닉이 가장 뛰어난 자가
보스가 된다. 천성이 온화해서
그룹의 조화를 중히 여긴다."
812,34,5,"Celui qui possède les meilleures techniques
de percussion devient le chef. De nature calme,
il privilégie lharmonie du groupe."
812,34,6,"Wer die beste Trommeltechnik hat, wird zum
Anführer. Da es ein ruhiges Gemüt hat, legt es
viel Wert auf Harmonie in der Gruppe."
812,34,7,"El percusionista con la técnica más depurada se
convierte en líder. Son de carácter tranquilo y
dan mucha importancia a la armonía del grupo."
812,34,8,"Colui che ha una migliore tecnica di percussione
diventa il capo. Ha un carattere tranquillo e
dà molta importanza allarmonia del gruppo."
812,34,9,"The one with the best drumming techniques
becomes the boss of the troop. It has a gentle
disposition and values harmony among its group."
812,34,11,"ドラムテクニックに 優れた ものが
ボスになる。 穏やかな 気性で
グループの 調和を 重んじる。"
813,33,1,"はしりまわって たいおんを あげると
ほのおエネルギーが からだを めぐり
ほんらいの ちからを はっきできる。"
813,33,3,"뛰어다니며 체온을 높이면
불꽃 에너지가 몸 안에 맴돌아
본래의 힘을 발휘할 수 있다."
813,33,5,"Il court pour augmenter sa température et faire
circuler lénergie incandescente dans son corps.
Il peut ainsi déployer toute sa puissance."
813,33,6,"Erhöht es durch Rennen seine Körpertemperatur,
strömt Feuer-Energie durch seinen Körper. Dann
kann es seine wahre Kraft entfesseln."
813,33,7,"Se pone a correr para elevar su temperatura
corporal y propagar la energía ígnea por todo
el cuerpo. Desata así su verdadera fuerza."
813,33,8,"Quando corre, la sua temperatura corporea sale
pervadendolo di unenergia infuocata che gli
permette di scatenare la sua vera potenza."
813,33,9,"A warm-up of running around gets fire energy
coursing through this Pokémons body. Once that
happens, its ready to fight at full power."
813,33,11,"走りまわって 体温を 上げると
炎エネルギーが 体を 巡り
本来の 力を 発揮できる。"
813,34,1,"たたかう じゅんびが ととのうと
はなの あたまと あしの うらの
にくきゅうが こうねつを はっする。"
813,34,3,"싸울 준비가 되면
코끝과 발바닥의
볼록살에서 고열을 낸다."
813,34,5,"Quand il est prêt à se battre, la partie
qui surmonte son museau ainsi que les coussinets
de ses pattes postérieures émettent de la chaleur."
813,34,6,"Ist es kampfbereit, verströmt es von seiner
Nasenspitze und von den Ballen an seinen
Läufen Hitze."
813,34,7,"Cuando se prepara para combatir, irradia calor
por la punta de la nariz y el pelo que le recubre
las patas."
813,34,8,"Quando si prepara a lottare, la punta del naso
e i cuscinetti sotto le zampe irradiano calore."
813,34,9,"It has special pads on the backs of its feet, and
one on its nose. Once its raring to fight, these
pads radiate tremendous heat."
813,34,11,"戦う 準備が 整うと
鼻の 頭と 足の 裏の
肉球が 高熱を 発する。"
814,33,1,"ふかふかの たいもうで さむさに
つよくなり さらに こうおんの
ほのおわざを だせるようになった。"
814,33,3,"푹신푹신한 털 덕분에 추위에
강해지고 더 높은 온도의
불꽃 기술도 쓸 수 있게 되었다."
814,33,5,"Son pelage épais lui permet de mieux résister
au froid et daugmenter la température
de ses capacités Feu."
814,33,6,"Sein flauschiges Fell schützt es vor Kälte und
ermöglicht es ihm, noch heißere Feuer-Attacken
814,33,7,"Su suave pelaje lo protege del frío y le permite
incrementar todavía más la temperatura de sus
movimientos de tipo Fuego."
814,33,8,"Grazie alla folta pelliccia resiste al freddo
ed è in grado di sferrare mosse infuocate
a temperature ancora più alte."
814,33,9,"Its thick and fluffy fur protects it from the cold
and enables it to use hotter fire moves."
814,33,11,"ふかふかの 体毛で 寒さに
強くなり さらに 高温の
炎技を 出せるようになった。"
814,34,1,"てを つかわずに きの えだから
きのみを つみとり リフティング。
あしわざを みがく れんしゅう。"
814,34,3,"손을 쓰지 않고 나뭇가지에서
나무열매를 따내고 리프팅한다.
발 기술을 연마하는 연습이다."
814,34,5,"Pour parfaire son jeu de jambes,
il cueille des Baies puis drible avec,
le tout sans se servir de ses mains."
814,34,6,"Es pflückt Beeren von Ästen, ohne seine Hände
zu benutzen, und jongliert sie mit den Füßen.
Damit trainiert es seine Fußfertigkeiten."
814,34,7,"Para mejorar su habilidad con los pies, toma
bayas de las ramas de los árboles sin usar las
manos y juega a darles toques."
814,34,8,"Per perfezionare i suoi calci, si esercita
prendendo le bacche dai rami degli alberi
e palleggiando senza usare le mani."
814,34,9,"It kicks berries right off the branches of trees
and then juggles them with its feet, practicing
its footwork."
814,34,11,"手を 使わずに 木の 枝から
木の実を 摘み取り リフティング。
足技を 磨く 練習。"
815,33,1,"こいしを リフティングして ほのおの
サッカーボールを つくる。 するどい
シュートで あいてを もやす。"
815,33,3,"작은 돌을 리프팅해서 불꽃의
축구공을 만들고 날카로운
슛으로 상대를 태워버린다."
815,33,5,"Il drible avec des pierres pour en faire
des ballons enflammés, avant de tirer
sur ses adversaires pour les brûler."
815,33,6,"Es jongliert kleine Steine mit den Füßen und
erschafft daraus einen Flammenfußball. Seine
Gegner verbrennt es mit scharfen Schüssen."
815,33,7,"Convierte piedras en balones de fuego dándoles
toques y, luego, chuta con fuerza hacia el rival
para chamuscarlo."
815,33,8,"Crea un pallone da calcio infuocato palleggiando
con un sasso e poi tira una cannonata contro
il nemico per abbrustolirlo."
815,33,9,"It juggles a pebble with its feet, turning it into a
burning soccer ball. Its shots strike opponents
hard and leave them scorched."
815,33,11,"小石を リフティングして 炎の
サッカーボールを つくる。 するどい
シュートで 相手を 燃やす。"
815,34,1,"こうしゅに すぐれ おうえんされると
さらに もえるが スタンドプレイに
はしり ピンチを まねくこともある。"
815,34,3,"공수에 뛰어나고 응원을 받으면
더 뜨겁게 타오르지만 스탠드 플레이를
하다가 위기에 처하는 경우도 있다."
815,34,5,"Exceptionnel en attaque comme en défense,
il sexalte quand on lencourage, mais il lui
arrive de se mettre en danger en jouant solo."
815,34,6,"Jubel für besonders gelungene Spielzüge schüren
seinen Enthusiasmus. Spielt es aber zu sehr für die
Publikumswirkung, geht dies oft nach hinten los."
815,34,7,"Destaca tanto en ataque como en defensa. Se
crece cuando recibe una ovación, pero a veces
se luce tanto que termina viéndose en apuros."
815,34,8,"Eccelle in attacco e in difesa. Se sente il tifo, a
volte si fa prendere dallentusiasmo e inizia a
dare spettacolo, finendo per trovarsi in difficoltà."
815,34,9,"Its skilled at both offense and defense, and it
gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts
showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot."
815,34,11,"攻守に 優れ 応援されると
さらに 燃えるが スタンドプレイに
走り ピンチを 招くこともある。"
816,33,1,"おびえると タマネギ100コぶんの
さいるいせいぶんを もつ なみだを
ながして もらいなき させる。"
816,33,3,"겁을 먹으면 양파 100개와 맞먹는
최루 성분의 눈물을 흘려서
상대도 덩달아 울게 만든다."
816,33,5,"Quand il a peur, il pleure des larmes contenant
une substance lacrymogène dune puissance
équivalente à celle de cent oignons."
816,33,6,"Hat es Angst, vergießt es Tränen, die Reizstoffe
enthalten, welche andere ebenfalls zum Weinen
bringen. Sie sind so stark wie 100 Zwiebeln."
816,33,7,"Cuando se espanta, libera unas lágrimas con un
factor lacrimógeno equivalente a 100 cebollas
para hacer llorar también al rival."
816,33,8,"Se si spaventa, produce lacrime con un fattore
lacrimogeno cento volte più potente di quello di
una cipolla per far piangere anche i nemici."
816,33,9,"When scared, this Pokémon cries. Its tears pack
the chemical punch of 100 onions, and attackers
wont be able to resist weeping."
816,33,11,"怯えると 玉ねぎ100個分の
催涙成分を もつ 涙を
流して もらい泣き させる。"
816,34,1,"ひふの いろは ぬれると かわる。
カモフラージュ されたかの ように
すがたが みえなく なるのだ。"
816,34,3,"젖으면 피부색이 변한다.
위장한 것처럼
모습이 보이지 않게 된다."
816,34,5,"Sa peau change de couleur et le rend invisible
quand elle est mouillée, comme un camouflage."
816,34,6,"Wird seine Haut feucht, ändert sich ihre Farbe.
Dies dient ihm zur Tarnung, da man es dann
nicht mehr sehen kann."
816,34,7,"Al mojarse, su piel cambia de color y pasa a ser
invisible, como si se hubiese camuflado."
816,34,8,"Quando si bagna, la pelle cambia colore e lo
rende invisibile, come se si fosse mimetizzato."
816,34,9,"When it gets wet, its skin changes color,
and this Pokémon becomes invisible as if
it were camouflaged."
816,34,11,"皮膚の 色は 濡れると 変わる。
カモフラージュ されたかの ように
姿が 見えなく なるのだ。"
817,33,1,"ての ひらから でる すいぶんを
まるめて つくった みずの たまを
つかい ずのうせんを くりひろげる。"
817,33,3,"손바닥에서 나오는 수분을
빚어서 만든 물구슬로
두뇌 싸움을 펼친다."
817,33,5,"Il crée des bombes à eau grâce au liquide
quil sécrète avec la paume de ses mains.
Il sen sert dans les combats où la stratégie prime."
817,33,6,"Das Sekret, das aus seinen Handflächen austritt,
formt es zu Wasserkugeln. Diese nutzt es im
Kampf für taktisch ausgeklügelte Angriffe."
817,33,7,"Crea bolas de agua con el líquido que segrega
por las palmas de las manos y las usa en combate
de forma estratégica."
817,33,8,"Lotta in modo strategico servendosi di sfere
che crea con lacqua che fuoriesce dalle
sue zampe."
817,33,9,"A clever combatant, this Pokémon battles using
water balloons created with moisture secreted
from its palms."
817,33,11,"手のひらから 出る 水分を
丸めて つくった 水の 玉を
使い 頭脳戦を 繰り広げる。"
817,34,1,"あたまが よく めんどうくさがり。
ナワバリに てきが ちかづかないよう
そこかしこに ワナを しかけている。"
817,34,3,"머리가 좋지만 귀찮음이 많다.
영역에 적이 다가오지 못하게
여기저기에 함정을 만들어 놓는다."
817,34,5,"Paresseux, mais malin, il parsème son territoire
de pièges pour empêcher ses ennemis
dy pénétrer."
817,34,6,"Es ist intelligent, fühlt sich aber schnell von jeder
Kleinigkeit genervt. Damit kein Feind in sein
Revier eindringt, stellt es überall Fallen auf."
817,34,7,"Es inteligente, pero no muestra especial interés
por nada. Distribuye trampas por su territorio
para mantener alejados a sus enemigos."
817,34,8,"È intelligente ma svogliato. Dissemina di
trappole il suo territorio per tenere alla
larga i nemici."
817,34,9,"Highly intelligent but also very lazy,
it keeps enemies out of its territory
by laying traps everywhere."
817,34,11,"頭が よく 面倒くさがり。
縄張りに 敵が 近づかないよう
そこかしこに 罠を 仕掛けている。"
818,33,1,"たさいな きのうを かくしもつ。
ゆびから みずを ふんしゃして
せなかの ひまくで かぜに のる。"
818,33,3,"다채로운 기능을 숨기고 있다.
손끝에서 물을 분사하고
등에 있는 피막으로 바람을 탄다."
818,33,5,"Il a plus dun tour dans son sac : il peut tirer
des gerbes deau du bout de ses doigts et planer
dans les airs grâce à ses membranes dorsales."
818,33,6,"Zu seinen vielen geheimen Talenten gehört es,
Wasser aus den Fingern zu schießen und mit der
Membran am Rücken durch die Lüfte zu segeln."
818,33,7,"Esconde algunos trucos bajo la manga: puede
disparar agua por los dedos o planear con las
membranas de su espalda."
818,33,8,"Ha vari assi nella manica. Emette getti dacqua
dalle dita e si fa trasportare dal vento grazie
alla membrana che ha sulla schiena."
818,33,9,"It has many hidden capabilities, such as fingertips
that can shoot water and a membrane on its back
that it can use to glide through the air."
818,33,11,"多彩な 機能を 隠し持つ。
指から 水を 噴射して
背中の 皮膜で 風に 乗る。"
818,34,1,"ゆびさきから はなつ みずでっぽうは
マッハ3の はやさ。 しゅんまくで
きゅうしょを みぬいて うちぬくぞ。"
818,34,3,"손가락 끝에서 마하3의 스피드로
물대포를 쏜다. 눈의 얇은 막으로
급소를 간파해 꿰뚫어버린다."
818,34,5,"Il repère le point faible de lennemi grâce à sa
membrane nictitante, puis il transperce sa cible en
tirant des jets deau à Mach 3 du bout des doigts."
818,34,6,"Die Wasserschüsse aus seinen Fingern erreichen
Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu Mach 3. Mit seiner
Nickhaut erkennt es Schwachpunkte des Gegners."
818,34,7,"Dispara chorros de agua por la punta de los
dedos a 3 mach de velocidad. Con su membrana
nictitante puede ver los puntos débiles del rival."
818,34,8,"Spara getti dacqua dalla punta delle dita a una
velocità di Mach 3. Grazie alle sue membrane
nittitanti individua i punti deboli del nemico."
818,34,9,"Its nictitating membranes let it pick out foes
weak points so it can precisely blast them with
water that shoots from its fingertips at Mach 3."
818,34,11,"指先から 放つ 水鉄砲は
マッハ3の 速さ。 瞬膜で
急所を 見抜いて 撃ちぬくぞ。"
819,33,1,"ガラルの いたるところに いる。
さゆうの ほっぺに きのみを
たくわえていないと ふあん。"
819,33,3,"가라르의 여기저기에 있다.
양쪽 볼에 나무열매를
비축해두지 않으면 불안해한다."
819,33,5,"On le trouve partout à Galar. Sil na pas de Baies
en réserve dans ses deux joues, il devient anxieux."
819,33,6,"Es ist überall in der Galar-Region anzutreffen.
Hat es keine Beeren, die es in seinen beiden
Backen horten kann, wird es unruhig."
819,33,7,"Este Pokémon se encuentra por todo Galar.
No se queda tranquilo hasta que tiene ambos
carrillos atiborrados de bayas."
819,33,8,"Si trova ovunque a Galar. Se non ha una scorta
di bacche dentro le guance, si fa prendere
819,33,9,"Found throughout the Galar region, this Pokémon
becomes uneasy if its cheeks are ever completely
empty of berries."
819,33,11,"ガラルの いたるところに いる。
左右の ほっぺに 木の実を
蓄えていないと 不安。"
819,34,1,"つねに きのみを くっているので
みかけいじょうに タフ。 きのみを
ねらって はたけに あらわれる。"
819,34,3,"항상 나무열매를 먹고 있어
보기보다 튼튼하다. 나무열매를
노리고 밭에 출몰한다."
819,34,5,"Comme il mange tout le temps des Baies, il est
plus costaud quil nen a lair. Il parcourt les
champs à la recherche de sa précieuse denrée."
819,34,6,"Da es unentwegt Beeren futtert, ist es zäher als
es aussieht. Man sieht es oft auf Feldern, wo es
nach Beeren sucht."
819,34,7,"Siempre están comiendo bayas, por lo que son
más robustos de lo que aparentan. Frecuentan
los huertos en busca de su preciado manjar."
819,34,8,"Per via dellabitudine di mangiare senza sosta,
è più forte di quanto possa sembrare. Fa incetta
di bacche nei campi coltivati."
819,34,9,"It eats berries nonstop—a habit that has made
it more resilient than it looks. Itll show up on
farms, searching for yet more berries."
819,34,11,"つねに 木の実を 食っているので
見かけ以上に タフ。 木の実を
狙って 畑に 現れる。"
820,33,1,"しっぽに きのみを ためこむ。
ためこみすぎて ポロポロ こぼすが
にぶいので きがつかない。"
820,33,3,"꼬리에 나무열매를 모아둔다.
너무 많이 모아둬서 툭툭 흘리지만
둔감해서 눈치채지 못한다."
820,33,5,"Il amasse tellement de Baies dans sa queue
quelles tombent les unes après les autres, mais
il est si étourdi quil ne sen rend pas compte."
820,33,6,"Es hortet in seinem Schweif Beeren. Versucht es,
zu viele unterzubringen, fallen sie heraus. Da es
jedoch nicht allzu clever ist, bemerkt es das nicht."
820,33,7,"Se obceca tanto en acumular bayas en la cola
que no se da ni cuenta de cuando tiene
demasiadas y se le acaban cayendo."
820,33,8,"Conserva talmente tante bacche nella coda
che le perde una dopo laltra, ma non essendo
molto perspicace non se ne rende conto."
820,33,9,"It stashes berries in its tail—so many berries that
they fall out constantly. But this Pokémon is a bit
slow-witted, so it doesnt notice the loss."
820,33,11,"しっぽに 木の実を 溜めこむ。
溜めこみすぎて ポロポロ こぼすが
鈍いので 気がつかない。"
820,34,1,"どんなに かたい きのみの からも
じまんの はで ボリボリ かじる。
ガラルでは よく みる ポケモン。"
820,34,3,"아무리 단단한 나무열매 껍질도
이빨로 아작아작 갉아 먹는다.
가라르에서 쉽게 볼 수 있는 포켓몬이다."
820,34,5,"On rencontre souvent ce Pokémon à Galar.
Aucune coquille de Baie ne résiste à ses incisives,
dont il est très fier."
820,34,6,"Diesem Pokémon begegnet man häufig in Galar.
Es ist sehr stolz auf seine Zähne, mit denen es
jede noch so harte Beerenschale knacken kann."
820,34,7,"Sus incisivos, de fuerza y dureza extraordinarias,
le permiten mordisquear incluso las bayas más
duras. Es un Pokémon muy común en Galar."
820,34,8,"Un Pokémon che si incontra spesso a Galar.
Ha denti eccezionali, con i quali rosicchia anche
le bacche più dure."
820,34,9,"Common throughout the Galar region, this
Pokémon has strong teeth and can chew
through the toughest of berry shells."
820,34,11,"どんなに 硬い 木の実の 殻も
自慢の 歯で ボリボリ 齧る。
ガラルでは よく 見る ポケモン。"
821,33,1,"どんな きょうてきにも いどみかかる
ゆうかんな せいしつ。 かえりうちに
あいながらも きたえられていく。"
821,33,3,"아무리 강한 상대라도 덤벼드는
용감한 성격을 가졌다. 도리어
당하면서도 점점 단련되어 간다."
821,33,5,"Ce Pokémon brave affronte même les adversaires
les plus redoutables. Il devient plus fort à mesure
quil subit les contre-attaques."
821,33,6,"Es ist von Natur aus sehr mutig und fordert daher
jeden noch so starken Feind heraus. Selbst wenn
es den Kürzeren zieht, dient dies seinem Training."
821,33,7,"De naturaleza valiente, planta cara a cualquier
rival, por muy fuerte que sea. Los contraataques
que recibe le sirven para fortalecerse."
821,33,8,"Ha unindole temeraria che lo porta ad attaccare
briga anche con nemici molto forti. Diventa più
forte a forza di subire contrattacchi."
821,33,9,"It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter
how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every
battle—even a defeat increases its strength a bit."
821,33,11,"どんな 強敵にも 挑みかかる
勇敢な 性質。 返り討ちに
遭いながらも 鍛えられていく。"
821,34,1,"ちいさい からだで きびんに とんで
すきを つく せんぽうで からだの
おおきな あいてを てだまにとる。"
821,34,3,"작은 몸을 기민하게 날려
틈을 노리는 전법으로
몸집이 큰 상대를 농락한다."
821,34,5,"Son petit corps lui permet de se jouer dennemis
bien plus grands que lui en volant à toute vitesse
pour les piquer où ils sont vulnérables."
821,34,6,"Mit seinem kleinen Körper kann es flink fliegen
und so mithilfe von trickreichen Taktiken größere
Gegner überlisten."
821,34,7,"Su pequeño cuerpo le permite volar a gran
velocidad para golpear los puntos débiles de
rivales mucho más grandes que él."
821,34,8,"Sconfigge i nemici più grossi sfruttando le sue
piccole dimensioni per volare con agilità attorno
a loro e colpirli nei punti deboli."
821,34,9,"Jumping nimbly about, this small-bodied
Pokémon takes advantage of even the slightest
opportunity to disorient larger opponents."
821,34,11,"小さい 体で 機敏に 飛んで
隙を 突く 戦法で 体の
大きな 相手を 手玉に取る。"
822,33,1,"あしで こいしを つかんで なげたり
ロープを てきに まきつけるなど
どうぐを あつかう ちえを もつ。"
822,33,3,"발로 돌멩이를 쥐어서 던지거나
로프를 상대에게 휘감는 등
도구를 다루는 지혜를 가졌다."
822,33,5,"Il est capable dutiliser des objets avec ses serres :
il peut par exemple saisir et lancer des pierres
ou même enrouler une corde autour dun ennemi."
822,33,6,"Es weiß Objekte geschickt einzusetzen. So greift
und wirft es zum Beispiel kleine Steine mit seinen
Krallen oder wickelt Seile um Gegner."
822,33,7,"Su inteligencia le permite servirse de objetos. Por
ejemplo, recoge y lanza piedras con las patas, o
utiliza cuerdas para atrapar a su oponente."
822,33,8,"È in grado di adoperare oggetti. Ad esempio,
sa afferrare e scagliare pietre con le zampe
o avvolgere il nemico con una corda."
822,33,9,"Smart enough to use tools in battle, these
Pokémon have been seen picking up rocks and
flinging them or using ropes to wrap up enemies."
822,33,11,"足で 小石を つかんで 投げたり
ロープを 敵に 巻きつけるなど
道具を あつかう 知恵を もつ。"
822,34,1,"きびしい たたかいを くぐりぬけて
あいての りきりょうを せいかくに
はんだんする ちからが みについた。"
822,34,3,"혹독한 싸움을 헤쳐 나와
상대의 역량을 정확히
판단하는 힘을 습득했다."
822,34,5,"Après avoir surmonté tant de rudes combats,
il a appris à déterminer avec précision
la puissance de ses adversaires."
822,34,6,"Es hat viele heftige Kämpfe überstanden und
dabei gelernt, die Stärke seiner Gegner stets
korrekt einzuschätzen."
822,34,7,"Tras haber librado combates muy duros, ha
desarrollado la habilidad de determinar con
precisión la fuerza de su adversario."
822,34,8,"Avendo affrontato lotte molto ardue, ha
imparato a valutare con precisione la forza
del nemico."
822,34,9,"The lessons of many harsh battles have taught it
how to accurately judge an opponents strength."
822,34,11,"厳しい 戦いを くぐり抜けて
相手の 力量を 正確に
判断する 力が 身についた。"
823,33,1,"ガラルちほうの そらでは てきなし。
くろびかりする はがねの すがたは
あいてを いあつし おそれさせる。"
823,33,3,"가라르지방의 하늘에는 적수가 없다.
검고 윤이 나는 강철의 자태는
상대에게 위압감을 주어 겁먹게 만든다."
823,33,5,"Il na aucun rival dans le ciel de Galar.
Laspect intimidant de son corps dacier noir
et lustré inspire la crainte chez ses ennemis."
823,33,6,"Niemand wagt es, ihm den Himmel über Galar
streitig zu machen. Sein schwarz glänzendes,
stählernes Äußeres schüchtert jeden Gegner ein."
823,33,7,"No tiene rival en los cielos de Galar. El acero
negro y lustroso de su cuerpo intimida a
cualquier adversario."
823,33,8,"Nei cieli di Galar non ha rivali. La vista del suo
corpo di acciaio nero e lucente intimorisce
i suoi avversari."
823,33,9,"This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the
Galar region. The black luster of its steel body
could drive terror into the heart of any foe."
823,33,11,"ガラル地方の 空では 敵なし。
黒光りする 鋼の 姿は
相手を 威圧し 恐れさせる。"
823,34,1,"ひこう のうりょくに すぐれていて
とても かしこいため ガラルちほうで
そらの タクシーとして かつやく。"
823,34,3,"비행 능력이 뛰어나고
매우 영리해 가라르지방에서
하늘의 택시로 활약한다."
823,34,5,"Grâce à son adresse remarquable en vol
et sa grande intelligence, il travaille comme
taxi volant de Galar."
823,34,6,"Aufgrund seiner unübertroffenen Flugfertigkeiten
und seiner hohen Intelligenz ist es in der
Galar-Region als Flugtaxi im Einsatz."
823,34,7,"Debido a su excelente capacidad de vuelo y a su
gran inteligencia, ejerce de taxi volador en Galar."
823,34,8,"È dotato di eccellenti capacità di volo e di
grande intelligenza. Nella regione di Galar si
rende utile come taxi del cielo."
823,34,9,"With their great intellect and flying skills, these
Pokémon very successfully act as the Galar
regions airborne taxi service."
823,34,11,"飛行能力に 優れていて
とても 賢いため ガラル地方で
空の タクシーとして 活躍。"
824,33,1,"いつも せっせと じょうほうを
あつめているので かしこい。
ただし ちからは いまいちだ。"
824,33,3,"언제나 부지런히 정보를
모으기 때문에 똑똑하다.
단, 힘은 그저 그렇다."
824,33,5,"Comme il passe tout son temps à recueillir des
informations, son intelligence est très développée,
mais sa force physique laisse à désirer."
824,33,6,"Sensect ist ein schlaues Pokémon, da es immer
fleißig Informationen sammelt. Seine Stärke lässt
jedoch zu wünschen übrig."
824,33,7,"Siempre está recopilando información, por lo
que es muy inteligente, aunque su fuerza deja
bastante que desear."
824,33,8,"Sempre impegnato a raccogliere informazioni,
ha sviluppato molto la sua intelligenza, ma non
ha una grande forza."
824,33,9,"A constant collector of information, this Pokémon
is very smart. Very strong is what it isnt."
824,33,11,"いつも せっせと 情報を
集めているので 賢い。
ただし 力は いまいちだ。"
824,34,1,"はたけで よくみかける ポケモン。
からだに はえた けで まわりで
おきていることを かんじとる。"
824,34,3,"밭에서 자주 보이는 포켓몬이다.
몸에 난 털로 주위에서
일어나는 일을 감지한다."
824,34,5,"On le voit souvent dans les champs.
Les poils de son corps lui servent à capter
ce quil se passe autour de lui."
824,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon trifft man oft auf Feldern an.
Mit den Haaren, die an seinem Körper wachsen,
spürt es, was in der Umgebung vor sich geht."
824,34,7,"Es habitual verlo en el campo. Los pelos que
tiene son sensores con los que percibe lo que
ocurre a su alrededor."
824,34,8,"Si incontra spesso nei campi. Le setole che
crescono sul suo corpo gli permettono di
percepire ciò che accade attorno a lui."
824,34,9,"Often found in gardens, this Pokémon has hairs
on its body that it uses to assess its surroundings."
824,34,11,"畑で よく見かける ポケモン。
体に 生えた 毛で まわりで
起きていることを 感じとる。"
825,33,1,"ほぼ うごかないが いきている。
のまずくわずで からに こもるうち
ちょうのうりょくに めざめたらしい。"
825,33,3,"거의 움직이지 않지만 살아 있다.
식음을 전폐하고 껍질에 은둔하는 동안
초능력에 눈을 뜬 모양이다."
825,33,5,"Il ne bouge presque pas, mais il est bien vivant.
On dit quil aurait découvert ses pouvoirs
psychiques à force de jeûner dans sa coquille."
825,33,6,"Obwohl es sich fast nie bewegt, ist es am Leben.
Es sollen Psycho-Kräfte in ihm erwacht sein, als
es ohne Nahrung in seinem Panzer ausharrte."
825,33,7,"Apenas se mueve, pero está vivo. Se cree que
adquiere poderes psíquicos mientras permanece
recluido en su caparazón sin comer ni beber."
825,33,8,"Si muove appena, ma è vivo. Sembra che sviluppi
poteri paranormali mentre se ne sta rintanato nel
suo guscio senza bere né mangiare."
825,33,9,"It barely moves, but its still alive. Hiding in its
shell without food or water seems to have
awakened its psychic powers."
825,33,11,"ほぼ 動かないが 生きている。
飲まず食わずで 殻に こもるうち
超能力に 目覚めたらしい。"
825,34,1,"からの なかで せいちょうちゅう。
サイコパワーで そとの ようすを
うかがい しんかに そなえている。"
825,34,3,"껍질 안에서 성장 중이다.
사이코 파워로 밖의 상태를
살피며 진화에 대비하고 있다."
825,34,5,"Il se développe dans sa coquille et se prépare
à évoluer en sondant les alentours grâce
à ses pouvoirs psychiques."
825,34,6,"Im Inneren seines Panzers wächst es. Während es
sich auf die Entwicklung vorbereitet, prüft es mit
seinen Psycho-Kräften, was im Freien geschieht."
825,34,7,"Está en constante crecimiento dentro del
caparazón. Mientras se prepara para evolucionar,
examina el exterior con sus poderes psíquicos."
825,34,8,"Continua a crescere dentro il suo guscio.
In attesa dellevoluzione, percepisce il mondo
esterno grazie ai suoi poteri psichici."
825,34,9,"As it grows inside its shell, it uses its psychic
abilities to monitor the outside world and
prepare for evolution."
825,34,11,"殻の 中で 成長中。
サイコパワーで 外の 様子を
うかがい 進化に 備えている。"
826,33,1,"かしこい ポケモンとして ゆうめい。
おおきな のうみそは きょうりょくな
サイコパワーを もつ あかし。"
826,33,3,"똑똑한 포켓몬으로 유명하다.
커다란 두뇌는 강력한
사이코 파워를 가졌다는 증거다."
826,33,5,"Il est renommé pour son intelligence.
Son gros cerveau est un indicateur de la puissance
de ses pouvoirs psychiques."
826,33,6,"Es ist allseits als sehr schlaues Pokémon bekannt.
Sein großes Gehirn ist ein Indiz dafür, dass es
über mächtige Psycho-Kräfte verfügt."
826,33,7,"Este Pokémon es conocido por su inteligencia.
El gran tamaño de su cerebro es un indicio de
la magnitud de sus poderes psíquicos."
826,33,8,"Questo Pokémon è famoso per la sua
intelligenza. Il cervello molto sviluppato è
una spia dei suoi fenomenali poteri psichici."
826,33,9,"Its famous for its high level of intelligence, and
the large size of its brain is proof that it also
possesses immense psychic power."
826,33,11,"賢い ポケモンとして 有名。
大きな 脳みそは 強力な
サイコパワーを もつ 証し。"
826,34,1,"サイコパワーを はなち しゅういを
しらべている。 かんそくはんいは
しゅうい 10キロにも たっするぞ。"
826,34,3,"사이코 파워를 발산해 주위를
조사한다. 관측 범위는
주변 10km에 달한다."
826,34,5,"Il déploie ses pouvoirs psychiques pour sonder
les alentours, sur un rayon pouvant atteindre
10 km."
826,34,6,"Indem es Psycho-Kräfte ausstrahlt, erfasst es die
Umgebung. Seine Observation umfasst dabei
einen beeindruckenden Umkreis von 10 km."
826,34,7,"Se sirve de sus poderes psíquicos, con los que
es capaz de percibir lo que ocurre en un radio
de 10 km, para examinar sus alrededores."
826,34,8,"Grazie ai suoi poteri psichici è in grado di tenere
sotto controllo la situazione in unarea di ben
10 km attorno a lui."
826,34,9,"It emits psychic energy to observe and study
whats around it—and whats around it can
include things over six miles away."
826,34,11,"サイコパワーを 放ち 周囲を
調べている。 観測範囲は
周囲 10キロにも 達するぞ。"
827,33,1,"ほかの ポケモンが みつけた エサを
かすめて くらしている。 ふかふかの
にくきゅうは あしおとを たてない。"
827,33,3,"다른 포켓몬이 발견한 먹이를
훔치며 산다. 푹신푹신한
볼록살 덕분에 발소리가 나지 않는다."
827,33,5,"Il vit en subtilisant la nourriture des autres
Pokémon. Grâce à ses coussinets moelleux,
il ne fait aucun bruit quand il marche."
827,33,6,"Es stibitzt Futter, das andere Pokémon gefunden
haben. Dank der samtweichen Ballen an seinen
Pfoten ist sein Gang lautlos."
827,33,7,"Se sustenta con el alimento que roba a otros
Pokémon. Las almohadillas de sus patas son tan
blandas que no hace ningún ruido al caminar."
827,33,8,"Vive rubando il cibo trovato dagli altri Pokémon.
I morbidi cuscinetti plantari rendono i suoi passi
827,33,9,"Aided by the soft pads on its feet, it silently raids
the food stores of other Pokémon. It survives off
its ill-gotten gains."
827,33,11,"ほかの ポケモンが みつけた 餌を
掠めて 暮らしている。 ふかふかの
肉球は 足音を たてない。"
827,34,1,"ようじん ぶかく ずるがしこい。
エサを ぬすむと しっぽで
あしあとを けしながら にげるのだ。"
827,34,3,"조심성이 많고 교활하다.
먹이를 훔치고는 꼬리로
발자국을 지우며 도망간다."
827,34,5,"Rusé et vigilant, il prend la poudre descampette
après avoir volé de la nourriture en prenant soin
deffacer ses traces de pas avec sa queue."
827,34,6,"Es ist sehr vorsichtig und gerissen. Nachdem es
Futter stibitzt hat, macht es sich davon und
verwischt dabei seine Spuren mit seinem Schweif."
827,34,7,"Prudente y astuto, borra con la cola las huellas
que deja al huir tras robarle el alimento a otro
827,34,8,"È scaltro e molto prudente. Quando ruba
il cibo, scappa cancellando le sue orme
con la coda."
827,34,9,"Cunning and cautious, this Pokémon survives by
stealing food from others. It erases its tracks with
swipes of its tail as it makes off with its plunder."
827,34,11,"用心深く ずる賢い。
エサを 盗むと しっぽで
足跡を 消しながら 逃げるのだ。"
828,33,1,"ねらった エモノは こっそり
マーキング。 においを たどって
ゆだん したころ ぬすみに くるぞ。"
828,33,3,"목표로 한 먹잇감에 슬쩍 마킹을
해둔다. 냄새를 따라가다 먹이의
주인이 방심하고 있을 때 훔치려 든다."
828,33,5,"Il marque sa victime pour la suivre à lodeur.
Sitôt quelle est distraite, il sempresse de lui
voler ses biens."
828,33,6,"Es markiert heimlich die Beute, auf die es ein
Auge geworfen hat. Dann folgt es dem Geruch
und stiehlt sie, wenn sich die Gelegenheit bietet."
828,33,7,"Marca a su presa sin ser advertido. Sigue el olor
y, cuando el otro Pokémon baja la guardia,
aprovecha para robarle."
828,33,8,"Marca di nascosto le prede interessanti, ne segue
lodore per rintracciarle e approfitta di una loro
distrazione per rubare nelle loro tane."
828,33,9,"It secretly marks potential targets with a scent.
By following the scent, it stalks its targets
and steals from them when they least expect it."
828,33,11,"狙った 獲物は こっそり
マーキング。 においを 辿って
油断 したころ 盗みに 来るぞ。"
828,34,1,"みがるな からだと するどい ツメで
エサや タマゴを ぬすんで まわる。
パルスワンが てんてき。"
828,34,3,"가벼운 몸과 날카로운 발톱으로
먹이나 알을 훔치며 돌아다닌다.
펄스멍이 천적이다."
828,34,5,"Grâce à son corps leste et ses griffes acérées,
il va et vient en dérobant Œufs et nourriture.
Son ennemi juré est Fulgudog."
828,34,6,"Dank seines agilen Körpers und seiner scharfen
Klauen ist es ihm ein Leichtes, überall Futter und
Eier zu stehlen. Bellektro ist sein Erzfeind."
828,34,7,"Un Pokémon ágil y de afiladas garras que se
alimenta de huevos y comida robados. Los
Boltund son su enemigo natural."
828,34,8,"Se ne va in giro rubando Uova e cibo grazie
al suo corpo agile e alle unghie affilate.
Il suo nemico naturale è Boltund."
828,34,9,"With a lithe body and sharp claws, it goes
around stealing food and eggs. Boltund
is its natural enemy."
828,34,11,"身軽な 体と 鋭い ツメで
エサや タマゴを 盗んで まわる。
パルスワンが 天敵。"
829,33,1,"いっぽんあしを じめんに さして
ひのひかりを たっぷり あびると
はなびらが あざやかに いろづく。"
829,33,3,"다리 하나를 땅에 꽂은 채
햇빛을 잔뜩 받으면
꽃잎이 선명한 색을 띠게 된다."
829,33,5,"Quand il plante son unique pied pour absorber
la lumière du soleil, ses pétales prennent
une couleur éclatante."
829,33,6,"Steckt es sein Beinchen fest in den Boden und
badet dann ausgiebig im Sonnenlicht, nimmt
seine Blüte eine kräftigere Farbe an."
829,33,7,"Si planta su única extremidad inferior en la tierra
y se expone a abundante luz solar, sus pétalos
cobran un color vivo."
829,33,8,"Quando conficca il suo piede nel terreno e
assorbe luce solare in abbondanza, il colore
dei suoi petali diventa più intenso."
829,33,9,"It anchors itself in the ground with its single leg,
then basks in the sun. After absorbing enough
sunlight, its petals spread as it blooms brilliantly."
829,33,11,"一本足を 地面に 刺して
陽の光を たっぷり 浴びると
花びらが 鮮やかに 色づく。"
829,34,1,"そよかぜで くるくる まわりながら
たのしそうに うたう あいらしさに
みせられ そだてる ひとが おおい。"
829,34,3,"산들바람에 빙글빙글 돌면서
즐겁게 노래하는 귀여운 모습에
반해서 키우는 사람이 많다."
829,34,5,"Nombreux sont ceux qui ont décidé den élever
un après avoir été charmés par sa manière
de chanter en virevoltant au gré de la brise."
829,34,6,"Viele Leute werden ihre Trainer, weil sie es
niedlich finden, wie diese Pokémon in sanften
Brisen herumwirbeln und voller Freude singen."
829,34,7,"Muchos los crían tras quedar prendados de lo
adorables que resultan cuando cantan dando
vueltas empujados por la brisa."
829,34,8,"Canta felice girando su se stesso mentre si lascia
trasportare dal vento. Molti ne allenano uno
semplicemente perché lo trovano adorabile."
829,34,9,"It whirls around in the wind while singing a joyous
song. This delightful display has charmed many
into raising this Pokémon."
829,34,11,"そよ風で くるくる 回りながら
楽しそうに 歌う 愛らしさに
魅せられ 育てる 人が 多い。"
830,33,1,"わたげの タネは えいようまんてん。
かぜに のせて とばして くさきや
ポケモンたちを げんきにさせる。"
830,33,3,"솜털이 붙은 씨는 영양 만점이다.
씨를 바람에 날려서 초목과
포켓몬들을 건강하게 만든다."
830,33,5,"Les graines de son duvet sont remplies
de nutriments. Elles sont emportées par le vent
et redonnent vitalité aux plantes et aux Pokémon."
830,33,6,"Die Saat seines Wollflaums steckt voller
Nährstoffe. Es verstreut sie im Wind und heilt
damit Pflanzen und Pokémon."
830,33,7,"Las semillas que tiene entre la pelusa son muy
nutritivas. Arrastradas por el viento, devuelven
la vitalidad a la flora y a otros Pokémon."
830,33,8,"I suoi semi lanuginosi, ricchi di sostanze nutritive,
vengono trasportati dal vento e donano nuova
energia a piante e Pokémon."
830,33,9,"The seeds attached to its cotton fluff are full of
nutrients. It spreads them on the wind so that
plants and other Pokémon can benefit from them."
830,33,11,"綿毛の 種は 栄養満点。
風に 乗せて 飛ばして 草木や
ポケモンたちを 元気にさせる。"
830,34,1,"あたまの わたげで つくった いとは
こうたくがあり とても うつくしい。
ガラルちほうの めいさんひん。"
830,34,3,"머리의 솜털로 만든 실은
윤이 나고 매우 아름답다.
가라르지방의 특산품이다."
830,34,5,"Les fils tissés à partir du duvet sur sa tête sont
satinés et absolument somptueux. Le textile ainsi
créé est typique de la région de Galar."
830,34,6,"Aus dem Flaum auf seinem Kopf werden
wunderschöne, glänzende Fäden gesponnen.
Die Galar-Region ist bekannt für dieses Produkt."
830,34,7,"El hilo fabricado a partir de su algodón es muy
bello y brillante; uno de los productos estrella
de la región de Galar."
830,34,8,"I fili realizzati con la lanugine del suo capo sono
particolarmente belli e lucenti. Sono un prodotto
tipico di Galar."
830,34,9,"The cotton on the head of this Pokémon can be
spun into a glossy, gorgeous yarn—a Galar
regional specialty."
830,34,11,"頭の 綿毛で つくった 糸は
光沢があり とても 美しい。
ガラル地方の 名産品。"
831,33,1,"パーマの かかった たいもうは
たかい クッションせいが ある。
がけから おちても へっちゃら。"
831,33,3,"곱슬곱슬한 털은
훌륭한 쿠션 역할을 한다.
절벽에서 떨어져도 아무렇지도 않다."
831,33,5,"Son pelage frisé est doux et rebondi comme
un coussin. Une telle toison le protègerait
même sil chutait dune falaise."
831,33,6,"Sein stark gelocktes Fell hat eine sehr polsternde
Wirkung. Selbst eine Klippe hinunterzufallen
macht ihm nichts aus."
831,33,7,"Su lana rizada es tan acolchada que no se hace
daño ni aunque se caiga por un precipicio."
831,33,8,"Il suo vello riccioluto gli fornisce una perfetta
imbottitura. Non si farebbe nulla nemmeno
cadendo da un precipizio."
831,33,9,"Its curly fleece is such an effective cushion that
this Pokémon could fall off a cliff and stand right
back up at the bottom, unharmed."
831,33,11,"パーマの かかった 体毛は
高い クッション性が ある。
崖から 落ちても へっちゃら。"
831,34,1,"けが のびすぎると うごけない。
ウールーの たいもうで おられた
ぬのは おどろくほど じょうぶ。"
831,34,3,"털이 많이 자라면 움직이지 못한다.
우르의 털로 짠 천은
놀라울 정도로 튼튼하다."
831,34,5,"Si ses poils poussent trop, il ne peut plus bouger.
Les étoffes tissées avec son pelage
sont étonnamment solides."
831,34,6,"Werden seine Haare zu lang, kann es sich nicht
mehr bewegen. Der aus Wollys Wolle gewobene
Stoff ist unglaublich robust."
831,34,7,"Si le crece el pelo demasiado, no puede
moverse. Las telas confeccionadas con lana de
Wooloo son sorprendentemente resistentes."
831,34,8,"Se gli cresce troppo il pelo, non riesce più a
muoversi. Il tessuto fatto con la sua lana è
sorprendentemente resistente."
831,34,9,"If its fleece grows too long, Wooloo wont be
able to move. Cloth made with the wool of this
Pokémon is surprisingly strong."
831,34,11,"毛が 伸びすぎると 動けない。
ウールーの 体毛で 織られた
布は 驚くほど 丈夫。"
832,33,1,"だんりょくの ある けで おった
カーペットは トランポリンみたいで
のれば ピョンピョン はねるのだ。"
832,33,3,"탄력 있는 털로 짜낸
카펫은 트램펄린 같아서
올라가면 통통 튀어 오르게 된다."
832,33,5,"La texture de sa laine est si élastique que
la surface des tapis fabriqués avec ce matériau
est aussi rebondissante que celle dun trampoline."
832,33,6,"Spannt man einen aus den elastischen Haaren
von Zwollock gewobenen Teppich auf, kann man
darauf hüpfen wie auf einem Trampolin."
832,33,7,"Su lana es muy flexible. Las alfombras tejidas con
ella adoptan una textura similar a la de las camas
832,33,8,"I tappeti realizzati con i suoi peli sono talmente
elastici che saltandoci sopra si rimbalza come
su un trampolino."
832,33,9,"Weave a carpet from its springy wool, and you end
up with something closer to a trampoline. Youll
start to bounce the moment you set foot on it."
832,33,11,"弾力の ある 毛で 織った
カーペットは トランポリンみたいで
乗れば ピョンピョン 跳ねるのだ。"
832,34,1,"りっぱに のびた ツノは いせいに
アピールするために はえている。
ぶきとして つかうことはない。"
832,34,3,"늠름하게 자란 뿔은 이성에게
어필하기 위한 것이다.
무기로는 사용하지 않는다."
832,34,5,"Ses splendides cornes lui servent à attirer
les membres de lautre sexe.
Il ne sen sert jamais pour se battre."
832,34,6,"Seine prächtig gewachsenen Hörner dienen dazu,
dem anderen Geschlecht zu imponieren. Es nutzt
sie nicht als Waffe."
832,34,7,"Sus espléndidos cuernos sirven de reclamo para
atraer al sexo opuesto. No los utiliza como arma."
832,34,8,"Le sue magnifiche corna hanno la funzione
di attirare gli individui di sesso opposto.
Non le usa mai per attaccare."
832,34,9,"Its majestic horns are meant only to impress the
opposite gender. They never see use in battle."
832,34,11,"立派に 伸びた ツノは 異性に
アピールするために 生えている。
武器として 使うことはない。"
833,33,1,"めのまえの ものに すぐに かみつく
しゅうせい。 はえかけの まえばが
かゆいので かみついてしまうらしい。"
833,33,3,"눈앞에 있는 것은 바로 물어버리는
습성을 가졌다. 나고 있는 앞니가
근질거려서 물게 된다는 듯하다."
833,33,5,"Il a pour habitude de mordre tout ce qui lui passe
sous les yeux. On raconte quil fait cela parce que
ses incisives qui poussent le démangent."
833,33,6,"Es schnappt sofort nach allem, was ihm
unterkommt. Der Grund dafür ist anscheinend,
dass seine wachsenden Vorderzähne jucken."
833,33,7,"Muerde todo lo que se le ponga por delante.
Al parecer, lo hace para aliviar el dolor que
siente cuando le crecen los incisivos."
833,33,8,"Addenta tutto ciò che gli capita davanti. Sembra
che lo faccia distinto, a causa del prurito
provocato dagli incisivi che stanno crescendo."
833,33,9,"Apparently the itch of its teething impels it to
snap its jaws at anything in front of it."
833,33,11,"目の前の ものに すぐに 噛みつく
習性。 生えかけの 前歯が
痒いので 噛みついてしまうらしい。"
833,34,1,"あたまの ツノは いわの かたさ。
ツノで たたかい ひるんだ すきに
パクリと かみつき はなさない。"
833,34,3,"머리 뿔은 바위처럼 단단하다.
뿔로 싸우다가 풀이 죽은 틈에
덥석 물고 놓지 않는다."
833,34,5,"La corne sur sa tête est aussi dure que la roche.
Il sen sert pour se battre et lorsque lennemi
flanche, il le mord et ne le lâche plus."
833,34,6,"Im Kampf greift es mit dem steinharten Horn auf
seinem Kopf an. Schreckt der Gegner zurück,
schnappt es zu und lässt nicht wieder los."
833,34,7,"El cuerno que tiene en la cabeza es duro como
una roca. Lo usa para atacar al rival y, cuando
este baja la guardia, lo muerde y no lo suelta."
833,34,8,"Per attaccare usa il corno sulla testa, che è duro
come la pietra. Quando il nemico è indebolito,
lo morde e non molla più la presa."
833,34,9,"It starts off battles by attacking with its rock-hard
horn, but as soon as the opponent flinches, this
Pokémon bites down and never lets go."
833,34,11,"頭の ツノは 岩の 硬さ。
ツノで 戦い ひるんだ 隙に
パクリと 噛みつき 離さない。"
834,33,1,"きょうぼうな せいしつ。 てつぼうを
かみちぎる ほどの アゴの ちからで
えものに ばくりと かみつく。"
834,33,3,"흉포한 성질을 가졌다. 철봉을
물어뜯어 버릴 정도의 턱 힘으로
먹이를 덥석 물어버린다."
834,33,5,"De nature très violente, il mord fermement
ses proies avec sa mâchoire, assez puissante
pour broyer une barre de fer."
834,33,6,"Dieses von Natur aus aggressive Pokémon beißt
seine Beute mit seinem kräftigen Kiefer, der
selbst Eisenstangen zermalmen kann."
834,33,7,"Un Pokémon de temperamento feroz que
atenaza a su presa con sus fuertes mandíbulas,
capaces de destrozar una barra de hierro."
834,33,8,"Ha una natura estremamente feroce e addenta
le prede con la sua mascella, così potente da
poter sbriciolare sbarre di ferro."
834,33,9,"With jaws that can shear through steel rods,
this highly aggressive Pokémon chomps down
on its unfortunate prey."
834,33,11,"狂暴な 性質。 鉄棒を
噛み千切る ほどの 顎の 力で
獲物に ばくりと 噛みつく。"
834,34,1,"くびが のびちぢみする。 はなれた
ところから くびを いっきに のばし
するどい キバで てきを しとめる。"
834,34,3,"목을 자유자재로 늘이고 줄인다.
떨어져 있는 곳에서 목을 단번에 늘여
날카로운 이빨로 적의 숨통을 끊는다."
834,34,5,"Son cou extensible lui permet datteindre
des ennemis éloignés en un instant pour leur
porter un coup décisif avec ses crocs aiguisés."
834,34,6,"Sein streckbarer Hals ermöglicht es ihm, auch
entfernte Gegner zu erreichen, die es dann mit
seinen scharfen Zähnen ausschaltet."
834,34,7,"Su cuello extensible le permite alcanzar a los
rivales a distancia. Hundiendo sus afilados
dientes, les da el golpe de gracia."
834,34,8,"Ha un collo retrattile. Tenendosi a distanza dal
nemico, lo estende allimprovviso per dare
il colpo di grazia con i denti aguzzi."
834,34,9,"This Pokémon rapidly extends its retractable neck
to sink its sharp fangs into distant enemies and
take them down."
834,34,11,"首が 伸び縮みする。 離れた
ところから 首を 一気に 伸ばし
鋭い キバで 敵を しとめる。"
835,33,1,"はしる ときに しっぽの ねもとから
でんきを うみだす。 ガラルでは
ぼくようけん として にんき。"
835,33,3,"달릴 때 꼬리가 시작되는 부분에서
전기를 만들어 낸다. 가라르에서는
양치기로 인기가 많다."
835,33,5,"Lorsquil court, on peut voir de lélectricité
se former à la base de sa queue. Ce Pokémon
est très populaire auprès des bergers de Galar."
835,33,6,"Beim Rennen erzeugt es Elektrizität in seinem
Schwanzansatz. In der Galar-Region erfreut es
sich bei Hirten großer Beliebtheit."
835,33,7,"Al correr, genera electricidad por la base de la
cola. Es muy popular entre los pastores de Galar."
835,33,8,"Quando corre produce elettricità dalla base
della coda. A Galar è apprezzato soprattutto
per laiuto che fornisce ai pastori nei pascoli."
835,33,9,"This Pokémon is very popular as a herding dog
in the Galar region. As it runs, it generates
electricity from the base of its tail."
835,33,11,"走る ときに しっぽの 根元から
電気を 生み出す。 ガラルでは
牧羊犬として 人気。"
835,34,1,"おやつに つられて ひとの しごとを
てつだう くいしんぼう。 パチパチと
でんきを まとって ひたはしる。"
835,34,3,"간식에 끌려 사람의 일을
돕는 먹보다. 탁탁 튀는
전기를 두르고 계속 달린다."
835,34,5,"Ce glouton assiste les humains dans leur travail
en échange de friandises. Il court sans arrêt,
le corps enveloppé délectricité."
835,34,6,"Im Austausch gegen Leckerlis hilft dieser kleine
Vielfraß Menschen bei der Arbeit. Beim Rennen
wird es von knisternder Elektrizität umhüllt."
835,34,7,"Son muy glotones, por lo que ayudan a la gente
a cambio de comida. Echan chispas al correr."
835,34,8,"È un golosone e aiuta gli uomini in cambio
di ghiottonerie. Corre di qua e di là
emettendo scintille da tutto il corpo."
835,34,9,"This gluttonous Pokémon only assists people with
their work because it wants treats. As it runs,
it crackles with electricity."
835,34,11,"おやつに 釣られて 人の 仕事を
手伝う 食いしん坊。 パチパチと
電気を まとって ひた走る。"
836,33,1,"でんきを つくって あしに おくり
はしりを アシスト。 みっかみばん
やすまず はしれるのだ。"
836,33,3,"만든 전기를 다리로 보내서
달리는 것을 돕는다. 삼 일 밤낮을
쉬지 않고 달릴 수 있다."
836,33,5,"Il produit de lélectricité puis la transfère
dans ses pattes pour mieux courir. Ainsi, il peut
foncer pendant trois jours et trois nuits."
836,33,6,"Es generiert Strom und lässt ihn zur Unterstützung
beim Rennen in seine Beine fließen. Dadurch
kann es drei Tage und Nächte ohne Pause rennen."
836,33,7,"La electricidad que genera y envía a sus patas le
ayuda a desplazarse rápidamente. Puede correr
sin descanso durante tres días y tres noches."
836,33,8,"Trasferisce alle zampe lelettricità che produce
per aumentarne la resistenza. Può correre per
tre giorni interi senza mai fermarsi."
836,33,9,"This Pokémon generates electricity and channels
it into its legs to keep them going strong.
Boltund can run nonstop for three full days."
836,33,11,"電気を つくって 脚に 送り
走りを アシスト。 三日三晩
休まず 走れるのだ。"
836,34,1,"でんきの ちからで きゃくりょくを
ぞうきょう。 トップスピードは
じそく 90キロを かるく こえる。"
836,34,3,"전기의 힘으로 다릿심을
강하게 키운다. 최고 속도는
시속 90km를 가볍게 넘긴다."
836,34,5,"Il se sert de lénergie électrique pour augmenter
la puissance de ses membres.
Sa vitesse maximale dépasse de peu les 90 km/h."
836,34,6,"Mit Elektrizität verstärkt es seine Beinkraft.
So erreicht es mit Leichtigkeit eine
Höchstgeschwindigkeit von über 90 km/h."
836,34,7,"La electricidad le confiere una enorme fuerza en
las patas. Su velocidad punta puede superar los
90 km/h sin problema."
836,34,8,"La potenza delle sue zampe aumenta grazie
allenergia elettrica. Quando corre a tutta
velocità supera facilmente i 90 km/h."
836,34,9,"It sends electricity through its legs to boost their
strength. Running at top speed, it easily breaks
50 mph."
836,34,11,"電気の 力で 脚力を
増強。 トップスピードは
時速 90キロを 軽く 超える。"
837,33,1,"およそ400ねんまえに たんこうで
みつかった。 からだの ほとんどが
せきたんと おなじ せいぶん。"
837,33,3,"약 400년 전에 탄광에서
발견되었다. 몸의 대부분이
석탄과 같은 성분이다."
837,33,5,"On la découvert dans une mine il y a 400 ans.
Son corps est presque entièrement composé
dune substance identique au charbon."
837,33,6,"Es wurde vor circa 400 Jahren in einer Kohlemine
entdeckt. Sein Körper besteht fast aus denselben
Komponenten wie Steinkohle."
837,33,7,"Fue descubierto hace aproximadamente 400
años en una mina. Casi la totalidad de su cuerpo
presenta una composición igual a la del carbón."
837,33,8,"È stato scoperto più di 400 anni fa in una
miniera. Il suo corpo è prevalentemente
composto di una sostanza uguale al carbone."
837,33,9,"Most of its body has the same composition as
coal. Fittingly, this Pokémon was first discovered
in coal mines about 400 years ago."
837,33,11,"およそ400年前に 炭鉱で
見つかった。 体の ほとんどが
石炭と 同じ 成分。"
837,34,1,"いわだらけの あくろを ものともせず
いちりんしゃのように はしりまわる。
せきたんを もやして いきている。"
837,34,3,"바위투성이의 거친 길을 아무렇지도
않게 일륜차처럼 달린다.
석탄을 태워서 살고 있다."
837,34,5,"Il parcourt sans difficulté les sentiers rocheux
accidentés à la manière dun monocycle.
Il a besoin de brûler du charbon pour vivre."
837,34,6,"Auch auf steinigen, schlecht befahrbaren Wegen
fährt es problemlos, als wäre es ein Einrad.
Es verbrennt Steinkohle, um zu überleben."
837,34,7,"Recorre incluso los caminos más impracticables y
pedregosos como si de un monociclo se tratase.
La combustión de carbón es su fuente vital."
837,34,8,"Corre in lungo e in largo come un monociclo
anche sulle strade sassose più accidentate.
Vive grazie alla combustione del carbone."
837,34,9,"It can race around like a unicycle, even on rough,
rocky terrain. Burning coal sustains it."
837,34,11,"岩だらけの 悪路を ものともせず
一輪車のように 走りまわる。
石炭を 燃やして 生きている。"
838,33,1,"たいないで せきたんを つくりだす。
むかしの ガラルでは おとした
せきたんを せいかつに りようした。"
838,33,3,"체내에서 석탄을 만들어 낸다.
과거의 가라르에서는 떨어뜨린
석탄을 생활에 이용했다."
838,33,5,"Il produit du charbon dans son corps. Jadis, les
habitants de Galar ramassaient ce charbon au sol
et sen servaient pour leurs besoins quotidiens."
838,33,6,"Es produziert Steinkohle in seinem Körper.
Die von ihm abfallende Kohle wurde früher in
der Galar-Region fürs tägliche Leben genutzt."
838,33,7,"Forma carbón en el interior de su cuerpo. Los
antiguos habitantes de Galar lo aprovechaban
para sus labores diarias."
838,33,8,"Gli antichi abitanti di Galar usavano il carbone
prodotto da questo Pokémon allinterno del suo
corpo per le loro necessità quotidiane."
838,33,9,"It forms coal inside its body. Coal dropped by
this Pokémon once helped fuel the lives of
people in the Galar region."
838,33,11,"体内で 石炭を つくりだす。
昔の ガラルでは 落とした
石炭を 生活に 利用した。"
838,34,1,"あしを こうそくで かいてんさせて
じそく30キロで はしる。 せっし
1000どの ほのおを ふきだす。"
838,34,3,"다리를 고속으로 회전시켜
시속 30km로 달린다.
섭씨 1000도의 불꽃을 내뿜는다."
838,34,5,"Il peut faire tourner ses pattes très vite
pour se déplacer à une vitesse de 30 km/h.
Il peut aussi souffler des flammes à 1000 °C."
838,34,6,"Es dreht seine Füße mit hoher Geschwindigkeit
und kann sich dadurch bis zu 30 km/h schnell
bewegen. Es speit 1000 ºC heiße Flammen."
838,34,7,"Gira las patas a gran velocidad para correr a
unos 30 km/h. Emite llamas a una temperatura
de 1000 °C."
838,34,8,"Corre a 30 km/h facendo girare velocemente
le zampe. Emette fiamme a 1.000 ºC."
838,34,9,"By rapidly rolling its legs, it can travel at over
18 mph. The temperature of the flames it
breathes exceeds 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit."
838,34,11,"脚を 高速で 回転させて
時速30キロで 走る。 摂氏
1000度の 炎を 噴き出す。"
839,33,1,"ふだんは おだやかだが にんげんが
こうざんを あらすと いかりくるい
1500どの ほのおで やきつくす。"
839,33,3,"평소에는 온화하지만 인간이
광산을 훼손시키면 격분해서
1500도의 불꽃으로 태워버린다."
839,33,5,"Il est dune nature paisible, mais si les humains
tentent de piller ses mines, il enrage et brûle
tout avec des flammes à 1500 °C."
839,33,6,"Meist ist es friedfertig, aber wenn Menschen
eine Mine zugrunde richten, sieht es rot und
verbrennt sie mit 1500 ºC heißen Flammen."
839,33,7,"Aunque es de carácter sereno, monta en cólera
si ve a seres humanos dañando una mina y reduce
todo a cenizas con sus llamas a 1500 °C."
839,33,8,"Di solito è tranquillo, ma se gli esseri umani
danneggiano la sua miniera va su tutte le furie e
brucia tutto emettendo fiamme a 1.500 ºC."
839,33,9,"Its usually peaceful, but the vandalism of mines
enrages it. Offenders will be incinerated with
flames that reach 2,700 degrees Fahrenheit."
839,33,11,"普段は 穏やかだが 人間が
鉱山を 荒らすと 怒りくるい
1500度の 炎で 焼きつくす。"
839,34,1,"たたかいになると せきたんの やまが
まっかに もえあがり ひのこを
まきちらして しゅういを こがす。"
839,34,3,"싸우게 되면 석탄으로 된 산이
새빨갛게 타올라 불똥을
흩뿌려 주위를 태운다."
839,34,5,"Lorsquil sengage dans un combat, son tas
de charbon brûle et vire au rouge, ce qui répand
de petites étincelles qui calcinent ce qui lentoure."
839,34,6,"Kommt es zum Kampf, so lodert sein Kohleberg
tiefrot auf und es sprüht glühende Funken, die
seine Umgebung versengen."
839,34,7,"Cuando se enzarza en un combate, la montaña
de carbón arde al rojo vivo y esparce chispas
que calcinan todo lo que le rodea."
839,34,8,"Quando lotta, la montagna di carbone brucia
con bagliori rossastri e sparge scintille che
anneriscono tutta larea circostante."
839,34,9,"While its engaged in battle, its mountain of coal
will burn bright red, sending off sparks that
scorch the surrounding area."
839,34,11,"戦いになると 石炭の 山が
真っ赤に 燃え上がり 火の粉を
まき散らして 周囲を 焦がす。"
840,33,1,"いっしょう りんごの なかで くらし
てんてきの とりポケモンに であうと
りんごの ふりをして みをまもる。"
840,33,3,"평생을 사과 속에서 지내며
천적인 새포켓몬과 마주치면
사과인 척을 해서 몸을 지킨다."
840,33,5,"Il vit toujours dans sa pomme. Sil croise
un Pokémon oiseau, son prédateur naturel, il se
fait passer pour un simple fruit pour se protéger."
840,33,6,"Es verbringt sein ganzes Leben im Inneren eines
Apfels. Um sich vor Vogel-Pokémon, seinen
Fressfeinden, zu schützen, imitiert es einen Apfel."
840,33,7,"Habita durante toda su vida en el interior de una
manzana. Finge ser una fruta para protegerse de
los Pokémon pájaro, sus enemigos naturales."
840,33,8,"Passa la vita allinterno di un pomo. Quando si
imbatte in Pokémon alati, suoi nemici naturali,
si protegge fingendosi un semplice frutto."
840,33,9,"It spends its entire life inside an apple. It hides
from its natural enemies, bird Pokémon, by
pretending its just an apple and nothing more."
840,33,11,"一生 りんごの 中で 暮らし
天敵の 鳥ポケモンに 出会うと
りんごの 振りをして 身を守る。"
840,34,1,"うまれると りんごに もぐりこむ。
なかみを たべながら せいちょうし
りんごの あじが しんかを きめる。"
840,34,3,"태어나면 사과 안으로 숨어든다.
안을 파먹으면서 성장하고
사과 맛이 진화를 결정한다."
840,34,5,"À la naissance, il sinstalle dans une pomme
et grandit en se nourrissant de sa chair.
Son évolution dépend de la saveur du fruit."
840,34,6,"Nach der Geburt kriecht es sofort in einen Apfel
und verspeist dessen Inneres, um zu wachsen.
Seine Entwicklung hängt von dessen Aroma ab."
840,34,7,"Nada más nacer se refugia en una manzana, cuyo
interior va devorando a medida que crece. El
sabor de la fruta determina la evolución."
840,34,8,"Quando nasce si intrufola in un pomo e cresce
mangiandone la polpa. Si evolve in modo diverso
a seconda del gusto del frutto."
840,34,9,"As soon as its born, it burrows into an apple. Not
only does the apple serve as its food source, but
the flavor of the fruit determines its evolution."
840,34,11,"生まれると りんごに 潜りこむ。
中身を 食べながら 成長し
りんごの 味が 進化を 決める。"
841,33,1,"すっぱい りんごを たべて しんか。
やけどする ほど きょうさんせいの
えきたいを ほほぶくろに ためる。"
841,33,3,"새콤한 사과를 먹고 진화했다.
화상을 입을 정도로 강한 산성을 띠는
액체를 볼주머니에 저장하고 있다."
841,33,5,"Il a évolué après avoir mangé une pomme acide.
Il concentre dans ses joues un liquide si corrosif
quil peut provoquer des brûlures."
841,33,6,"Nach dem Verzehr eines sauren Apfels hat es sich
entwickelt. In den Backentaschen speichert es
eine saure Substanz, die zu Verbrennungen führt."
841,33,7,"Ha evolucionado tras ingerir una manzana ácida.
Las bolsas de las mejillas albergan un fluido cuya
extrema acidez llega a provocar quemaduras."
841,33,8,"Si è evoluto dopo aver mangiato una mela aspra.
Le sacche sulle guance contengono un liquido
estremamente acido che può provocare ustioni."
841,33,9,"It ate a sour apple, and that induced its
evolution. In its cheeks, it stores an acid
capable of causing chemical burns."
841,33,11,"すっぱい りんごを 食べて 進化。
火傷する ほど 強酸性の
液体を 頬袋に 溜める。"
841,34,1,"りんごの かわの つばさで とんで
きょうさんせいの だえきを とばす。
りんごの かたちに へんけいする。"
841,34,3,"사과 껍질로 된 날개로 날며
강산성의 타액을 뱉는다.
사과의 형태로 변형한다."
841,34,5,"Il vole avec ses ailes faites de pelures de pomme
et crache une substance très acide.
Il peut aussi prendre la forme de ce fruit."
841,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon fliegt mit seinen Flügeln aus
Apfelschale und spuckt extrem sauren Speichel
aus. Es nimmt die Gestalt eines Apfels an."
841,34,7,"Escupe una saliva sumamente ácida y vuela con
sus alas compuestas por piel de manzana, cuyo
aspecto es capaz de adoptar."
841,34,8,"Vola usando la buccia del pomo a mo di ali e
sputa una saliva altamente acida. Può assumere
laspetto di una mela."
841,34,9,"It flies on wings of apple skin and spits a
powerful acid. It can also change its shape
into that of an apple."
841,34,11,"りんごの 皮の 翼で 飛んで
強酸性の 唾液を 飛ばす。
りんごの 形に 変形する。"
842,33,1,"あまい りんごを たべて しんか。
からだから あまい においを だして
エサの むしポケモンを ひきよせる。"
842,33,3,"달콤한 사과를 먹고 진화했다.
몸에서 달콤한 향기를 내보내서
먹이인 벌레포켓몬을 유인한다."
842,33,5,"Il a évolué après avoir mangé une pomme sucrée.
Il attire ses proies, les Pokémon Insecte,
en dégageant un parfum mielleux."
842,33,6,"Nach dem Verzehr eines süßen Apfels hat es sich
entwickelt. Es verströmt einen süßen Duft und
lockt damit sein Futter an: Käfer-Pokémon."
842,33,7,"Ha evolucionado tras ingerir una manzana dulce.
De ahí que el olor que emana para atraer a sus
presas, los Pokémon insecto, sea tan agradable."
842,33,8,"Si è evoluto dopo aver mangiato una mela dolce.
Si nutre di Pokémon Coleottero, che attira
emanando un dolce profumo dal corpo."
842,33,9,"Eating a sweet apple caused its evolution.
A nectarous scent wafts from its body, luring in
the bug Pokémon it preys on."
842,33,11,"甘い りんごを 食べて 進化。
体から 甘い においを だして
餌の 虫ポケモンを 引き寄せる。"
842,34,1,"あまい みつで からだが おおわれ
せなかの かわは とくに あまく
むかしは こどもの おやつだった。"
842,34,3,"달콤한 꿀로 몸이 둘러싸여 있다.
등의 껍질은 특히 더 달콤해서
옛날에는 어린이 간식이었다."
842,34,5,"Son corps est recouvert de nectar.
La peau de son dos, particulièrement sucrée,
constituait jadis le goûter des enfants."
842,34,6,"Sein Körper wird von süßem Nektar bedeckt und
die Schale auf seinem Rücken ist besonders süß.
Früher war diese ein Leckerbissen für Kinder."
842,34,7,"Su cuerpo está recubierto de néctar. La piel de
la espalda es tan dulce que los niños de antaño
solían tomarla como merienda."
842,34,8,"È ricoperto di una specie di sciroppo. La buccia
sulla sua schiena, particolarmente dolce, una
volta veniva data ai bambini per merenda."
842,34,9,"Its body is covered in sweet nectar, and the
skin on its back is especially yummy. Children
used to have it as a snack."
842,34,11,"甘い 蜜で 体が おおわれ
背中の 皮は とくに 甘く
昔は 子どもの おやつだった。"
843,33,1,"あなを ほりながら たべた すなを
くびの ふくろに ためている。
8キロもの すなが はいるのだ。"
843,33,3,"굴을 파면서 먹은 모래를
목에 있는 주머니에 저장하는데
8kg이나 되는 모래가 들어간다."
843,33,5,"Il amasse le sable quil avale en creusant
dans la poche de son cou. Elle peut en contenir
jusquà huit kilos."
843,33,6,"Den Sand, den es beim Graben von Löchern
verzehrt, speichert es in einem Beutel in seinem
Hals. Dieser kann bis zu 8 kg Sand aufnehmen."
843,33,7,"Almacena la arena que ingiere al perforar hoyos
en la saca del cuello, cuya capacidad llega a
alcanzar incluso los 8 kg."
843,33,8,"Conserva nella sacca del collo la sabbia che
ingoia scavando buche. Può accumularne ben
8 kg."
843,33,9,"As it digs, it swallows sand and stores it in its
neck pouch. The pouch can hold more than
17 pounds of sand."
843,33,11,"穴を 掘りながら 食べた 砂を
首の 袋に 溜めている。
8キロもの 砂が 入るのだ。"
843,34,1,"はなの あなから すなを ふんしゃ。
てきの めを くらました すきに
ちちゅうに もぐって みを かくす。"
843,34,3,"콧구멍으로 모래를 분사한다.
적의 눈을 속이고 그 틈에
땅속으로 숨어들어 몸을 숨긴다."
843,34,5,"En expulsant du sable par les narines, il aveugle
son adversaire et en profite pour se cacher
sous terre."
843,34,6,"Aus seinen Nasenlöchern verschießt es Sand.
Sobald der Feind dadurch nichts mehr sieht,
versteckt es sich flugs unter der Erde."
843,34,7,"Expulsa arena por los orificios nasales. Una vez
que aturde al enemigo, aprovecha la ocasión
para ocultarse bajo tierra."
843,34,8,"Espelle sabbia dalle narici accecando il nemico
per distrarlo e ne approfitta per nascondersi
843,34,9,"It spews sand from its nostrils. While the enemy
is blinded, it burrows into the ground to hide."
843,34,11,"鼻の 穴から 砂を 噴射。
敵の 目を くらました 隙に
地中に 潜って 身を 隠す。"
844,33,1,"ぜんしんを ちぢめ 100キロの
すなを はなの あなから ふんしゃ。
すなが ないと よわきに なるぞ。"
844,33,3,"온몸을 수축시킨 뒤 100kg의
모래를 콧구멍으로 내뿜는다.
모래가 없으면 무기력해진다."
844,33,5,"Il peut expulser 100 kg de sable de ses narines
en compressant tout son corps. Quand il est
à court de sable, il a tendance à se dérober."
844,33,6,"Zieht es seinen ganzen Körper zusammen, kann
es 100 kg Sand aus seinen Nasenlöchern feuern.
Geht ihm der Sand aus, verliert es den Mut."
844,33,7,"Se retuerce para expulsar por los orificios nasales
hasta 100 kg de arena. La ausencia de esta mina
su ánimo."
844,33,8,"Può rimpicciolire il suo corpo espellendo dalle
narici 100 kg di sabbia. Quando esaurisce la
sabbia, viene preso dallo sconforto."
844,33,9,"When it contracts its body, over 220 pounds of
sand sprays from its nose. If it ever runs out of
sand, it becomes disheartened."
844,33,11,"全身を 縮め 100キロの
砂を 鼻の 穴から 噴射。
砂が ないと 弱気に なるぞ。"
844,34,1,"どくとくの とぐろの まきかたは
すなぶくろの すなを より こうりつ
よく ふんしゃ するため なのだ。"
844,34,3,"독특한 똬리 형태는
모래주머니의 모래를 더 효율적으로
분사하기 위함이다."
844,34,5,"Sil senroule dune manière aussi particulière,
cest pour optimiser lexpulsion de sable
par ses narines."
844,34,6,"Es rollt sich auf diese eigentümliche Weise
zusammen, damit es den Sand aus seinem
Sandbeutel effizienter verschießen kann."
844,34,7,"La manera tan particular que tiene de enrollarse
sobre sí mismo le permite expulsar con mayor
eficacia la arena que almacena en la bolsa."
844,34,8,"Il modo particolare in cui si attorciglia su se
stesso gli permette di espellere sabbia dalla
sua sacca in modo più efficiente."
844,34,9,"Its unique style of coiling allows it to blast sand
out of its sand sac more efficiently."
844,34,11,"独特の とぐろの 巻き方は
砂袋の 砂を より 効率
よく 噴射 するため なのだ。"
845,33,1,"あいてを いちげきで うちまかすほど
パワフルだが わすれっぽいので
たたかっている あいてを わすれる。"
845,33,3,"상대를 일격에 쓰러뜨릴 정도로
파워풀하지만 건망증이 심해서
싸우고 있는 상대를 잊어버린다."
845,33,5,"Il est assez puissant pour terrasser un ennemi
dun seul coup, mais il est tellement nigaud
quil oublie contre qui il se bat."
845,33,6,"Es ist so stark, dass es seine Gegner mit einem
Angriff vernichten könnte, aber zerstreut wie es
ist, vergisst es öfters, wen es gerade bekämpft."
845,33,7,"Su colosal potencia le permite machacar al rival
de un solo golpe, aunque su carácter despistado
lo lleva a olvidarse de su presencia."
845,33,8,"È così potente che può sconfiggere lavversario
in un colpo solo, ma è talmente smemorato che
si dimentica perfino con chi stava lottando."
845,33,9,"Its so strong that it can knock out some
opponents in a single hit, but it also may
forget what its battling midfight."
845,33,11,"相手を 一撃で 打ち負かすほど
パワフルだが 忘れっぽいので
戦っている 相手を 忘れる。"
845,34,1,"くいしんぼうで エサの サシカマスを
まるのみするが たまに まちがえて
ほかの ポケモンに くらいつく。"
845,34,3,"먹보이다. 먹이인 찌로꼬치를
통째로 삼키지만 가끔 실수로
다른 포켓몬을 먹어버린다."
845,34,5,"Très glouton, il avale les Embrochet dune seule
bouchée, mais il lui arrive de se tromper
et de tenter de gober un autre Pokémon."
845,34,6,"Es ist ein Vielfraß, der seine Beute, Pikuda,
im Ganzen verschlingt. Manchmal erwischt es
jedoch irrtümlicherweise ein anderes Pokémon."
845,34,7,"Traga Arrokuda enteros debido a su glotonería,
tan notable que en ocasiones ingiere hasta otros
Pokémon sin querer."
845,34,8,"È molto ingordo e ingoia tutti interi gli Arrokuda
di cui si nutre. A volte ingoia anche altri
Pokémon per sbaglio."
845,34,9,"This hungry Pokémon swallows Arrokuda whole.
Occasionally, it makes a mistake and tries to
swallow a Pokémon other than its preferred prey."
845,34,11,"食いしん坊で エサの サシカマスを
丸飲みするが たまに 間違えて
ほかの ポケモンに 食らいつく。"
846,33,1,"するどく とがった あごが じまん。
すこしでも うごくものを みつけると
いっちょくせんに とつげきする。"
846,33,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 턱을 자랑한다.
조금이라도 움직이는 것을 발견하면
일직선으로 돌격한다."
846,33,5,"Sa mâchoire fine et aiguisée fait sa fierté.
À peine voit-il le moindre mouvement
quil fonce dans sa direction."
846,33,6,"Sein spitz zulaufender Kiefer ist sein ganzer Stolz.
Erblickt es etwas, das sich auch nur ein bisschen
bewegt, setzt es geradewegs zum Stoßangriff an."
846,33,7,"Se siente muy orgulloso de su afilada mandíbula.
En cuanto detecta el más mínimo movimiento,
va directo al objetivo para cargar contra él."
846,33,8,"Va orgoglioso della sua mandibola appuntita.
Appena nota il minimo movimento, parte subito
846,33,9,"If it sees any movement around it, this Pokémon
charges for it straightaway, leading with its
sharply pointed jaw. Its very proud of that jaw."
846,33,11,"鋭く 尖った 顎が 自慢。
少しでも 動くものを 見つけると
一直線に 突撃する。"
846,34,1,"はらいっぱいで きょくたんに
うごきが にぶった ところを
ウッウに まるのみに される。"
846,34,3,"배가 불러서 현저히
움직임이 둔해지면
윽우지가 통째로 삼켜버린다."
846,34,5,"Lorsquil a le ventre plein, il a beaucoup
plus de mal à se déplacer, et cest à ce moment
précis quil se fait gober par les Nigosier."
846,34,6,"Seine Bewegungsfreiheit ist stark eingeschränkt,
wenn es vollgefressen ist. So wird es zu leichter
Beute für Urgl, das es im Ganzen verschlingt."
846,34,7,"Cuando tiene el estómago lleno, le cuesta
moverse y corre el riesgo de ser engullido por
algún Cramorant."
846,34,8,"Quando ha la pancia piena i suoi movimenti
si fanno estremamente lenti e rischia di finire
inghiottito da un Cramorant."
846,34,9,"After its eaten its fill, its movements become
extremely sluggish. Thats when Cramorant
swallows it up."
846,34,11,"腹一杯で 極端に
動きが 鈍った ところを
ウッウに 丸飲みに される。"
847,33,1,"やりの ように とがった あごは
はがねの かたさ。 その みは
おどろくほど おいしい らしい。"
847,33,3,"창처럼 뾰족한 턱은 강철과 같은
단단함을 자랑한다. 살코기는
깜짝 놀랄 정도로 맛있다는 듯하다."
847,33,5,"Sa mâchoire pointue comme une lance est aussi
dure que lacier, et sa chair serait, contre toute
attente, succulente."
847,33,6,"Sein Kiefer ist spitz wie ein Speer und hart wie
Stahl. Außerdem soll Barrakiefa überraschend
deliziös sein."
847,33,7,"Su mandíbula es tan puntiaguda como una lanza
y tan dura como el acero. Al parecer, su carne es
sorprendentemente deliciosa."
847,33,8,"La sua mandibola è appuntita come una lancia
e dura come lacciaio. Sembra che le sue carni
siano incredibilmente deliziose."
847,33,9,"This Pokémon has a jaw thats as sharp as a spear
and as strong as steel. Apparently Barraskewdas
flesh is surprisingly tasty, too."
847,33,11,"槍のように 尖った 顎は
鋼の 硬さ。 その 身は
驚くほど 美味しいらしい。"
847,34,1,"おびれを かいてんさせ いっきに
とつげき。 100ノットを こえる
そくどで えものを つらぬくぞ。"
847,34,3,"꼬리지느러미를 회전시켜 단번에
돌격한다. 100노트를 넘는
속도로 먹이를 관통한다."
847,34,5,"Il charge dun coup en faisant tourner sa nageoire
caudale. Il peut transpercer ses proies
à une vitesse dépassant les 100 nœuds."
847,34,6,"Es lässt seine Schwanzflosse rotieren und stößt
mit einem Mal zu. Es durchsticht seine Beute mit
einer Geschwindigkeit von über 100 Knoten."
847,34,7,"Hace girar su aleta caudal para impulsarse y
arremeter contra la presa, a la que ensarta a
una velocidad que supera los 100 nudos."
847,34,8,"Fa girare rapidamente la coda e carica a tutta
forza, trafiggendo le sue prede a una velocità
di 100 nodi."
847,34,9,"It spins its tail fins to propel itself, surging
forward at speeds of over 100 knots before
ramming prey and spearing into them."
847,34,11,"尾びれを 回転させ 一気に
突撃。 100ノットを 超える
速度で 獲物を つらぬくぞ。"
848,33,1,"たいないの どくぶくろに ためた
どくそを ひふから ぶんぴつ。
さわると ピリピリと しびれる。"
848,33,3,"체내의 독주머니에 저장하고 있는
독소를 피부를 통해 분비한다.
건드리면 찌릿하고 마비된다."
848,33,5,"Sa peau sécrète les toxines accumulées
dans sa poche de poison interne.
Quand on le touche, on se fait électrocuter."
848,33,6,"Das Gift aus dem Giftsack in seinem Körper
sondert es über die Haut ab. Berührt man es,
bekommt man einen lähmenden Schock verpasst."
848,33,7,"Secreta toxinas por la piel y las almacena
en una bolsa de veneno interna. Tocarlo da
848,33,8,"Secerne dalla pelle le tossine contenute nella
sua sacca di veleno interna. Provoca a chi lo
tocca una sensazione di bruciore."
848,33,9,"It stores poison in an internal poison sac and
secretes that poison through its skin. If you touch
this Pokémon, a tingling sensation follows."
848,33,11,"体内の 毒袋に 溜めた
毒素を 皮膚から 分泌。
触ると ピリピリと 痺れる。"
848,34,1,"どくそを かがくへんか させて
でんきを だす。 でんりょくは
よわいが ビリビリと しびれる。"
848,34,3,"독소를 화학 변화시켜
전기를 만들어 낸다. 전력은
약하지만 찌릿찌릿 마비된다."
848,34,5,"Par un procédé chimique, il change son poison
en électricité. Lintensité du courant est faible,
mais peut engourdir un ennemi."
848,34,6,"Es ändert sein Toxin auf chemischer Ebene,
um Strom zu erzeugen. Dieser ist zwar schwach,
kann aber einen lähmenden Schlag verursachen."
848,34,7,"Provoca una reacción química para generar
energía eléctrica con sus toxinas. Aunque de
bajo voltaje, puede causar entumecimiento."
848,34,8,"Produce elettricità grazie a una reazione chimica
delle sue tossine. Il voltaggio è debole, ma può
intorpidire il nemico."
848,34,9,"It manipulates the chemical makeup of its poison
to produce electricity. The voltage is weak, but it
can cause a tingling paralysis."
848,34,11,"毒素を 化学変化 させて
電気を 出す。 電力は
弱いが ビリビリと 痺れる。"
849,33,1,"むねの とっきを かきむしり
でんきを おこすとき あたりに
ギターのような おとが ひびく。"
849,33,3,"가슴에 난 돌기를 긁으면
전기가 일어나며 주위에
기타와 비슷한 소리가 울려퍼진다."
849,33,5,"Lorsquil gratte lexcroissance sur son ventre
pour produire de lélectricité, on peut entendre
un son similaire à celui dune guitare."
849,33,6,"Wenn es am Fortsatz an seiner Brust kratzt und
dadurch Strom erzeugt, dann erklingt in der
Umgebung ein Ton wie von einer Gitarre."
849,33,7,"Cuando rasga las protuberancias del pecho para
generar energía eléctrica, emite un sonido similar
al de una guitarra, que reverbera en el entorno."
849,33,8,"Quando produce energia elettrica strofinando
le protuberanze che ha sul petto, tuttintorno
riverbera un suono simile a quello di una chitarra."
849,33,9,"When this Pokémon sounds as if its strumming a
guitar, its actually clawing at the protrusions on
its chest to generate electricity."
849,33,11,"胸の 突起を 掻きむしり
電気を 起こすとき あたりに
ギターのような 音が 響く。"
849,34,1,"ケンカごしで きが みじかい。
よどんだ みずを ガブのみして
すいちゅうの どくそを とりこむ。"
849,34,3,"호전적이며 성미가 급하다.
고인 물을 벌컥벌컥 마셔서
물속의 독소를 흡수한다."
849,34,5,"Impatient et bagarreur, ce Pokémon avale
de grandes gorgées deau croupie pour
en absorber toute la toxicité."
849,34,6,"Dieses streitsüchtige und leicht reizbare Pokémon
kippt abgestandenes Wasser in sich hinein und
nimmt die darin enthaltenen Giftstoffe in sich auf."
849,34,7,"Posee un carácter belicoso e irascible. Bebe una
gran cantidad de agua estancada para absorber
sus toxinas."
849,34,8,"È litigioso e irascibile. Ingurgita acqua stagnante
in grandi quantità per assorbire le tossine in essa
849,34,9,"This short-tempered and aggressive Pokémon
chugs stagnant water to absorb any toxins it
might contain."
849,34,11,"ケンカ腰で 気が 短い。
よどんだ 水を がぶ飲みして
水中の 毒素を 取りこむ。"
850,33,1,"からだに ためた かねんガスで
はつねつ。 とくに おなかの
きいろい ぶぶんが あついのだ。"
850,33,3,"몸속에 모아둔 가연성 가스로
열을 낸다. 특히 배 쪽의
노란 부분이 뜨겁다."
850,33,5,"Il produit de la chaleur grâce au gaz inflammable
quil emmagasine dans son corps. La partie jaune
de son abdomen est particulièrement brûlante."
850,33,6,"Mit dem entzündlichen Gas in seinem Körper
erzeugt es Hitze. Die gelben Stellen an seinem
Bauch werden besonders heiß."
850,33,7,"Genera calor consumiendo el gas inflamable que
almacena en su cuerpo. Los círculos amarillos del
abdomen están particularmente calientes."
850,33,8,"Genera calore grazie ai gas combustibili
accumulati nel suo corpo. Le parti gialle
del suo addome sono particolarmente calde."
850,33,9,"It stores flammable gas in its body and uses it to
generate heat. The yellow sections on its belly
get particularly hot."
850,33,11,"体に 溜めた 可燃ガスで
発熱。 とくに お腹の
黄色い 部分が 熱いのだ。"
850,34,1,"はつねつした からだで えものを
しめあげる。 こんがり やけたら
むしゃむしゃ いただくのだ。"
850,34,3,"발열된 몸으로 먹이를
세게 조른다. 알맞게 구워지면
우적우적 먹어버린다."
850,34,5,"Il enserre fermement ses proies avec son corps
brûlant et, quand elles sont bien grillées,
il les dévore."
850,34,6,"Es nimmt Beute mit seinem aufgeheizten Körper
in die Mangel. Sobald sie gut durchgebraten ist,
frisst es sie genüsslich."
850,34,7,"Oprime a sus presas con su cuerpo candente.
Una vez bien tostadas, las devora con fruición."
850,34,8,"Stritola le prede con il suo corpo ardente e,
quando sono belle abbrustolite, le divora."
850,34,9,"It wraps prey up with its heated body, cooking
them in its coils. Once theyre well-done, it will
voraciously nibble them down to the last morsel."
850,34,11,"発熱した 体で 獲物を
締め上げる。 こんがり 焼けたら
むしゃむしゃ いただくのだ。"
851,33,1,"はつねつじの たいおんは およそ
800ど。 からだを ムチのように
しならせて とびかかってくるぞ。"
851,33,3,"발열 시의 체온은 약 800도.
몸을 채찍처럼 휘면서
851,33,5,"Quand il génère de la chaleur, sa température
est denviron 800 °C. Il se sert de son corps
comme dun fouet pour sauter sur ses ennemis."
851,33,6,"Wenn es Hitze erzeugt, beträgt seine Temperatur
etwa 800 ºC. Es bewegt seinen Körper wie eine
Peitsche, um dann den Gegner anzuspringen."
851,33,7,"Cuando genera calor, su temperatura corporal
alcanza aproximadamente los 800 °C. Usa el
cuerpo a modo de látigo para lanzarse al ataque."
851,33,8,"Quando genera calore, la temperatura del suo
corpo raggiunge gli 800 ºC. Si lancia allattacco
usando il corpo come una frusta."
851,33,9,"When it heats up, its body temperature reaches
about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. It lashes its
body like a whip and launches itself at enemies."
851,33,11,"発熱時の 体温は およそ
800度。 体を 鞭のように
しならせて 跳びかかってくるぞ。"
851,34,1,"こうげきてきな せいしつ。
やけた からだも きけんだが
おおきな キバも するどいぞ。"
851,34,3,"공격적인 성질을 가졌다.
탄 몸도 위험하지만
큰 이빨도 날카롭다."
851,34,5,"Il est de nature agressive. Non seulement
son corps brûlant est dangereux, mais il possède
en plus dénormes crocs très pointus."
851,34,6,"Es ist angriffslustig veranlagt. Sein entflammter
Körper und sein großes, scharfes Mundwerkzeug
stellen eine enorme Gefahr dar."
851,34,7,"Posee una naturaleza agresiva. El peligro que
entraña su cuerpo candente es considerable,
aunque sus afilados colmillos no le van a la zaga."
851,34,8,"Ha una natura aggressiva. Il suo corpo
incandescente lo rende molto pericoloso,
così come le sue lunghe zanne appuntite."
851,34,9,"While its burning body is already dangerous on
its own, this excessively hostile Pokémon also has
large and very sharp fangs."
851,34,11,"攻撃的な 性質。
焼けた 体も 危険だが
大きな キバも 鋭いぞ。"
852,33,1,"えさを もとめ ちじょうに あがる。
こうきしんおうせいで めにしたものは
とりあえず しょくしゅで なぐる。"
852,33,3,"먹이를 찾아 지상으로 올라온다.
호기심이 왕성해서 눈에 들어오는 것은
일단 촉수로 때리고 본다."
852,33,5,"Il se rend sur la terre ferme pour se nourrir.
Très curieux, son premier réflexe est de frapper
tout ce quil voit avec ses tentacules."
852,33,6,"Zur Futtersuche kommt es an Land. Es ist sehr
neugierig, weshalb es alles, was es sieht,
zunächst einmal mit seinen Tentakeln haut."
852,33,7,"Emerge a tierra firme en busca de alimento. Su
extrema curiosidad lo induce a golpear con los
tentáculos todo lo que entra en su campo visual."
852,33,8,"Si spinge sulla terraferma in cerca di cibo.
È molto curioso e colpisce con i tentacoli tutto
quello che entra nel suo campo visivo."
852,33,9,"Its very curious, but its means of investigating
things is to try to punch them with its tentacles.
The search for food is what brings it onto land."
852,33,11,"餌を 求め 地上に 上がる。
好奇心旺盛で 目にしたものは
とりあえず 触手で 殴る。"
852,34,1,"3さいじ くらいの かしこさ。
しょくしゅは よくちぎれるが
さいせいするので きにしない。"
852,34,3,"세 살 아이 정도의 지능을 가졌다.
촉수는 잘 끊어지지만
재생되기 때문에 신경 쓰지 않는다."
852,34,5,"Il a lintelligence dun enfant de trois ans.
Il perd souvent ses tentacules, mais comme
ils repoussent, il ne sen soucie guère."
852,34,6,"Sein Verstand ist ungefähr auf dem Level eines
dreijährigen Kindes. Es macht ihm nichts aus, dass
seine Tentakel oft abreißen, da sie nachwachsen."
852,34,7,"Su inteligencia es similar a la de un niño de tres
años. Sus tentáculos se desprenden a menudo,
pero ni se inmuta, ya que se regeneran solos."
852,34,8,"Ha lintelligenza di un bambino di 3 anni. Gli
si staccano spesso i tentacoli, ma poiché gli
ricrescono naturalmente non se ne preoccupa."
852,34,9,"Its tentacles tear off easily, but it isnt alarmed
when that happens—it knows theyll grow back.
Its about as smart as a three-year-old."
852,34,11,"3歳児 くらいの 賢さ。
触手は よくちぎれるが
再生するので 気にしない。"
853,33,1,"ぜんしんが きんにくの かたまり。
しょくしゅを つかって くりだす
しめわざの いりょくは すさまじい。"
853,33,3,"온몸이 근육덩어리다.
촉수를 사용해서 펼치는
조르기 기술의 위력은 무시무시하다."
853,33,5,"Son corps est un amas de muscles.
La puissance des prises détranglement
quil exécute avec ses tentacules est saisissante."
853,33,6,"Sein Körper besteht gänzlich aus Muskeln.
Die schiere Stärke seines Würgegriffs, bei dem
es seine Tentakel einsetzt, ist sagenhaft."
853,33,7,"Todo su cuerpo es una mole de puro músculo.
Utiliza los tentáculos para ejecutar técnicas de
estrangulamiento con una formidable potencia."
853,33,8,"Il suo corpo è un ammasso di muscoli.
È in grado di stritolare con una potenza
formidabile grazie ai suoi tentacoli."
853,33,9,"A body made up of nothing but muscle makes
the grappling moves this Pokémon performs with
its tentacles tremendously powerful."
853,33,11,"全身が 筋肉の 塊。
触手を 使って 繰りだす
絞め技の 威力は 凄まじい。"
853,34,1,"おのれのうでを ためすべく りくに
あがり たいせんあいてを さがす。
たたかいおえると うみに かえる。"
853,34,3,"자신의 실력을 시험하기 위해
육지로 올라가 대전 상대를 찾는다.
싸움이 끝나면 바다로 돌아간다."
853,34,5,"Mû par le besoin de tester la force de ses bras,
il se rend sur la terre ferme pour trouver
un adversaire. Il retourne à leau après le combat."
853,34,6,"Um sein Können zu testen, kommt es an Land
und begibt sich auf die Suche nach Gegnern.
Sind die Kämpfe vorbei, kehrt es ins Meer zurück."
853,34,7,"Se aventura en tierra firme para buscar rivales
contra los que luchar para medir su valía. Tras
terminar el combate, regresa al mar."
853,34,8,"Si spinge sulla terraferma in cerca di avversari
da sfidare per mettere alla prova la propria
forza. Terminata la lotta, ritorna in mare."
853,34,9,"Searching for an opponent to test its skills
against, it emerges onto land. Once the battle
is over, it returns to the sea."
853,34,11,"おのれの腕を 試すべく 陸に
上がり 対戦相手を 探す。
戦い終えると 海に 帰る。"
854,33,1,"のこされ ひえきった こうちゃに
さみしがりやな たましいが やどり
ポケモンに なったと いわれている。"
854,33,3,"차게 식은 남은 홍차에
외로움을 타는 영혼이 깃들어
포켓몬이 되었다고 전해진다."
854,33,5,"On raconte que ce Pokémon est né lorsquune
âme esseulée a plongé dans un reste de thé noir
854,33,6,"Es heißt, eine einsame Seele habe Besitz von
einer abgestellten, kalten Tasse Schwarztee
ergriffen und sei zu diesem Pokémon geworden."
854,33,7,"Según se dice, este Pokémon surgió de un alma
solitaria que poseyó una taza abandonada llena
de un té ya frío."
854,33,8,"Si dice che questo Pokémon sia nato quando
unanima solitaria si è impossessata di una
tazza dimenticata piena di tè ormai freddo."
854,33,9,"This Pokémon is said to have been born when
a lonely spirit possessed a cold, leftover cup
of tea."
854,33,11,"残され 冷えきった 紅茶に
さみしがりやな 魂が 宿り
ポケモンに なったと いわれている。"
854,34,1,"すみかに している ティーカップは
ゆうめいな アンティークの しょっき。
おおくの がんさくが でまわっている。"
854,34,3,"거처로 삼고 있는 찻잔은
유명한 골동품 식기다.
위작이 많이 나돌고 있다."
854,34,5,"Il élit domicile dans des tasses de thé anciennes
de grand renom. Parmi celles-ci se trouvent
de nombreuses contrefaçons."
854,34,6,"Die Teetasse, die es bewohnt, ist eine berühmte
Antiquität. Es befinden sich allerdings auch viele
Fälschungen im Umlauf."
854,34,7,"La taza de té donde se hospeda forma parte de
una antigua y valiosa vajilla, de la que circulan
numerosas falsificaciones."
854,34,8,"La tazza da tè in cui vive è un vero pezzo
di antiquariato di cui circolano molte copie
854,34,9,"The teacup in which this Pokémon makes its
home is a famous piece of antique tableware.
Many forgeries are in circulation."
854,34,11,"すみかに している ティーカップは
有名な アンティークの 食器。
多くの 贋作が 出回っている。"
855,33,1,"アンティークの ポットに すみつく。
ほとんどが がんさくだが ごくまれに
しんさくが みつかる ことも。"
855,33,3,"앤티크한 찻주전자에 산다.
대부분 위작이지만 매우 드물게
진품이 발견되기도 한다."
855,33,5,"Il élit domicile dans des théières antiques.
La plupart sont des contrefaçons, mais il lui arrive
dans de très rares cas de trouver des originaux."
855,33,6,"Sie lassen sich in alten Teekannen nieder. Die
meisten dieser Kannen sind billige Fälschungen,
aber es gibt auch ein paar sehr seltene Originale."
855,33,7,"Se hospeda en teteras dignas de un anticuario.
Las originales son escasísimas, pero existe un
gran número de burdas falsificaciones."
855,33,8,"Prende dimora in una teiera antica. Quelle
in circolazione sono quasi tutte contraffatte,
ma a volte ne trova una autentica."
855,33,9,"This species lives in antique teapots.
Most pots are forgeries, but on rare occasions,
an authentic work is found."
855,33,11,"アンティークの ポットに 棲みつく。
ほとんどが 贋作だが ごくまれに
真作が 見つかる ことも。"
855,34,1,"のこされた こうちゃを みかけると
じぶんの からだを そそぎこむ。
その こうちゃは ポットデスになる。"
855,34,3,"남겨진 홍차를 발견하면
자신의 몸을 흘러 들어가게 한다.
그 홍차는 포트데스가 된다."
855,34,5,"Dès quil voit un reste de thé noir, il se verse
dedans pour donner naissance à un Polthégeist."
855,34,6,"Entdeckt es zurückgelassenen Schwarztee, so
gießt es seinen Körper hinein. Der Tee wird dann
zu einem Mortipot."
855,34,7,"Si avista una taza de té abandonada a su suerte,
la rellena vertiendo parte de su propio cuerpo
para generar otro Polteageist."
855,34,8,"Se trova una tazza di tè abbandonata, ci versa
dentro un po del suo corpo per far nascere
un Polteageist."
855,34,9,"Leaving leftover black tea unattended is asking
for this Pokémon to come along and pour itself
into it, turning the tea into a new Polteageist."
855,34,11,"残された 紅茶を 見かけると
自分の 体を 注ぎこむ。
その 紅茶は ポットデスになる。"
856,33,1,"あたまの とっきで せいぶつの
きもちを かんじとる。 おだやかな
ものにしか こころを ひらかない。"
856,33,3,"머리의 돌기로 생물의
기분을 감지한다. 온화한
자에게만 마음을 연다."
856,33,5,"La protubérance sur sa tête lui permet
de percevoir les émotions des êtres vivants.
Il naccorde sa confiance quaux gens calmes."
856,33,6,"Mit dem Fortsatz an seinem Kopf kann es die
Gefühle von Lebewesen wahrnehmen. Es öffnet
nur geruhsam veranlagten Leuten sein Herz."
856,33,7,"Percibe los sentimientos de los seres vivos con la
protuberancia de la cabeza. Solo abre su corazón
a quienes muestren un carácter sosegado."
856,33,8,"Percepisce lo stato danimo degli esseri viventi
tramite la protuberanza sulla testa. Apre il suo
cuore solo alle persone di indole pacifica."
856,33,9,"Via the protrusion on its head, it senses other
creatures emotions. If you dont have a calm
disposition, it will never warm up to you."
856,33,11,"頭の 突起で 生物の
気持ちを 感じとる。 穏やかな
ものにしか 心を 開かない。"
856,34,1,"ひとけの ない ばしょが すき。
つよい かんじょうを かんじとると
いちもくさんに にげだしてしまう。"
856,34,3,"인적이 드문 곳을 좋아한다.
강한 감정이 느껴지면
쏜살같이 도망쳐버린다."
856,34,5,"Il aime les lieux inhabités.
Sil perçoit des émotions trop fortes,
il senfuit aussi vite que possible."
856,34,6,"Es liebt Orte, wo sonst niemand ist. Nimmt es
starke Emotionen wahr, macht es sich so schnell
es kann aus dem Staub."
856,34,7,"Siente predilección por los lugares despoblados.
Si percibe una emoción intensa, emprende la
huida a toda prisa."
856,34,8,"Gli piacciono i luoghi disabitati. Se percepisce
la presenza di emozioni forti, se la dà a gambe
856,34,9,"If this Pokémon senses a strong emotion, it
will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas
without people."
856,34,11,"人気の ない 場所が 好き。
強い 感情を 感じとると
一目散に 逃げ出してしまう。"
857,33,1,"つよい かんじょうを もつ ものは
それが だれであれ だまらせる。
そのしゅだんは じつに らんぼう。"
857,33,3,"강한 감정을 품은 자라면
누가 됐든 조용하게 만드는데
그 수단이 매우 난폭하다."
857,33,5,"Sil ressent des émotions trop fortes, il en fera
taire la source, quelle quelle soit, en utilisant
des méthodes assez violentes."
857,33,6,"Empfindet jemand starke Emotionen, bringt es
ihn auf gewaltsame Art zum Schweigen, egal,
um wen es sich dabei handelt."
857,33,7,"Silencia a cualquiera que muestre una emoción
intensa sin importar de quién se trate y recurre
para ello a métodos a cuál más violento."
857,33,8,"Se qualcuno esterna emozioni troppo forti,
lo affronta immediatamente e lo mette a
tacere senza tanti convenevoli."
857,33,9,"No matter who you are, if you bring strong
emotions near this Pokémon, it will silence
you violently."
857,33,11,"強い 感情を もつ ものは
それが 誰であれ 黙らせる。
その手段は じつに 乱暴。"
857,34,1,"あたまのフサで あいてを なぐり
だまらせる。 プロボクサーさえ
いっぱつ KOの はかいりょく。"
857,34,3,"머리의 술로 상대를 때려
꼼짝 못 하게 한다. 프로복서조차
한 방에 KO되는 파괴력이다."
857,34,5,"Il frappe ses ennemis avec ses tresses pour les
faire taire. Sa puissance est telle quil peut mettre
K.O. un boxeur professionnel dun seul coup."
857,34,6,"Ein Schlag mit den Quasten an seinem Kopf
bringt Gegner zum Schweigen. Ein Treffer genügt,
um einen Profiboxer auf die Bretter zu schicken."
857,34,7,"Silencia al objetivo atizándole con los mechones.
Despliega una potencia devastadora capaz de
noquear a un boxeador profesional."
857,34,8,"Zittisce gli avversari colpendoli con le nappe che
ha ai lati della testa. È così forte da mandare KO
con un colpo anche un pugile professionista."
857,34,9,"Using the braids on its head, it pummels foes to
get them to quiet down. One blow from those
braids would knock out a professional boxer."
857,34,11,"頭の房で 相手を 殴り
黙らせる。 プロボクサーさえ
一発 KOの 破壊力。"
858,33,1,"ずつうになるほどの サイコパワーを
しゅういに はなって ほかの
せいぶつを とおざけているのだ。"
858,33,3,"두통이 생길 정도의 사이코 파워를
주위에 발산해서 다른 생물이
접근하지 못하게 한다."
858,33,5,"Il éloigne les autres êtres vivants en émettant
des ondes psychiques pouvant donner
des maux de tête épouvantables."
858,33,6,"Die starken Psycho-Kräfte, die es ausstrahlt,
rufen Kopfschmerzen hervor. So hält es andere
Lebewesen von sich fern."
858,33,7,"Para mantener alejados a los demás seres vivos,
emana a su alrededor ondas psíquicas cuya
potencia es capaz de provocar jaquecas."
858,33,8,"Tiene alla larga gli esseri viventi che si trovano
nei paraggi emettendo onde psichiche così forti
da far venire il mal di testa."
858,33,9,"It emits psychic power strong enough to cause
headaches as a deterrent to the approach
of others."
858,33,11,"頭痛になるほどの サイコパワーを
周囲に 放って ほかの
生物を 遠ざけているのだ。"
858,34,1,"べつめいは もりの まじょ。
さわぎたてると しょくしゅのツメで
ひきさかれるかも しれないぞ。"
858,34,3,"숲의 마녀라는 별명을 가졌다.
소란을 피우면 촉수의 손톱에
찢겨질지도 모른다."
858,34,5,"On lappelle aussi la «sorcière de la forêt».
Ce Pokémon lacère quiconque fait trop de bruit
avec les griffes de son tentacule."
858,34,6,"Es wird auch „Hexe des Waldes“ genannt. Wer
Lärm veranstaltet, wird unter Umständen von der
Klaue an seinem Fühler auseinandergenommen."
858,34,7,"Recibe el apodo de Hechicera del Bosque.
Quienes arman demasiado barullo se exponen a
ser despedazados por las garras de su tentáculo."
858,34,8,"È conosciuto anche come “maga del bosco”.
Se qualcuno fa troppo chiasso rischia di essere
fatto a pezzettini dagli artigli sul suo tentacolo."
858,34,9,"If youre too loud around it, you risk being torn
apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon
is also known as the Forest Witch."
858,34,11,"別名は 森の 魔女。
騒ぎたてると 触手のツメで
引き裂かれるかも しれないぞ。"
859,33,1,"ひとや ポケモンが いやがる ときに
はっする マイナスエネルギーを
はなから すいこみ げんきになる。"
859,33,3,"사람이나 포켓몬이 싫어하는 감정을
가질 때 발생시키는 마이너스 에너지를
코로 빨아들여서 건강해진다."
859,33,5,"Pour se refaire une santé, il hume lénergie
négative que les humains et les Pokémon
dégagent quand ils sont irrités."
859,33,6,"Es wird kräftiger, indem es die von unzufriedenen
Menschen und Pokémon ausgestoßene negative
Energie einatmet."
859,33,7,"Con el fin de revitalizarse, inhala por la nariz la
energía negativa que desprenden tanto personas
como Pokémon cuando están descontentos."
859,33,8,"Recupera le forze inalando dal naso lenergia
negativa emessa da persone e Pokémon quando
sono irritati."
859,33,9,"Through its nose, it sucks in the emanations
produced by people and Pokémon when they
feel annoyed. It thrives off this negative energy."
859,33,11,"人や ポケモンが 嫌がる ときに
発する マイナスエネルギーを
鼻から 吸いこみ 元気になる。"
859,34,1,"みんかに しのびこみ ぬすみを
はたらき さらに くやしがる ひとの
マイナスエネルギーも いただくのだ。"
859,34,3,"민가에 숨어들어 도둑질을
하고 속상해하는 사람의
마이너스 에너지도 얻는다."
859,34,5,"Il se glisse dans les foyers pour commettre
un larcin et en profite pour se nourrir de lénergie
négative des habitants contrariés."
859,34,6,"Es schleicht sich in Häuser ein und geht dort auf
Diebeszug. Zudem verleibt es sich die negative
Energie der deshalb verärgerten Menschen ein."
859,34,7,"Se infiltra en las casas para hurtar a sus anchas y,
por si fuera poco, nutrirse de la energía negativa
que liberan sus contrariados habitantes."
859,34,8,"Si intrufola nelle case, ruba, e come se non
bastasse si nutre anche dellenergia negativa
dei padroni di casa rattristati per il furto."
859,34,9,"It sneaks into peoples homes, stealing things
and feasting on the negative energy of the
frustrated occupants."
859,34,11,"民家に 忍びこみ 盗みを
働き さらに 悔しがる 人の
マイナスエネルギーも いただくのだ。"
860,33,1,"どげざして あやまる ふりをして
やりのように とがった うしろがみで
つきさしてくる せんぽうを つかう。"
860,33,3,"납작 엎드려서 사과하는 척하다가
창처럼 뾰족한 뒷머리로
찌르는 전법을 구사한다."
860,33,5,"Sa technique de combat consiste à faire semblant
de se prosterner devant son adversaire
pour le transpercer avec ses cheveux aiguisés."
860,33,6,"Es nutzt eine Taktik, bei der es sich niederwirft
und vorgibt, sich zu entschuldigen, nur um dann
mit seinem speerartigen Haar zuzustoßen."
860,33,7,"Su estrategia consiste en postrarse ante el rival y
fingir una disculpa para ensartarlo con el mechón
que tiene en la espalda, afilado cual lanza."
860,33,8,"Nella lotta si prostra fingendo di chiedere pietà e
infilza il nemico con il ciuffo di capelli appuntito
come una lancia che gli parte dalla nuca."
860,33,9,"When it gets down on all fours as if to beg for
forgiveness, its trying to lure opponents in so
that it can stab them with its spear-like hair."
860,33,11,"土下座して 謝る 振りをして
槍のように 尖った 後ろ髪で
突き刺してくる 戦法を 使う。"
860,34,1,"わるぢえを つかって よるの もりに
さそいこもうとする。 のうさくもつを
そだてる ちからを もつらしい。"
860,34,3,"못된 꾀를 내어 밤에 숲으로
꾀어내려 한다. 농작물을
키우는 힘을 갖고 있는 듯하다."
860,34,5,"La nuit, il ruse pour attirer ses proies dans la forêt.
On raconte quil a le pouvoir de faire pousser
les cultures agricoles."
860,34,6,"Es hat einen Hang zur Verschlagenheit und
versucht, nachts seine Beute in den Wald zu
locken. Angeblich kann es Äcker gedeihen lassen."
860,34,7,"De noche, atrae con astucia a su objetivo hasta
el bosque. Al parecer, tiene la capacidad de
hacer crecer productos agrícolas."
860,34,8,"Attira le prede nel bosco di notte con lastuzia.
Sembra che abbia il potere di far crescere ogni
tipo di prodotto agricolo."
860,34,9,"With sly cunning, it tries to lure people into the
woods. Some believe it to have the power to
make crops grow."
860,34,11,"悪知恵を 使って 夜の 森に
誘い込もうとする。 農作物を
育てる 力を もつらしい。"
861,33,1,"かみのけを ぜんしんに まきつけると
きんりょくが アップ。 カイリキーを
ねじふせる パワーを はっきする。"
861,33,3,"머리카락을 전신에 휘감아
근력이 올랐다. 괴력몬을
압도하는 파워를 발휘한다."
861,33,5,"Il enroule ses cheveux autour de son corps pour
augmenter sa masse musculaire, ce qui lui donne
assez de force pour enserrer un Mackogneur."
861,33,6,"Wickelt es seine Haare um den ganzen Körper,
verstärkt dies seine Muskelkraft. Das macht es so
stark, dass es sogar Machomei bezwingen könnte."
861,33,7,"Cuando enrolla sus cabellos por todo el cuerpo,
aumenta su potencia muscular. Posee una fuerza
capaz de someter a Machamp."
861,33,8,"Se avvolge il corpo con i capelli, la sua potenza
muscolare aumenta. La sua forza gli permette
di immobilizzare a terra anche Machamp."
861,33,9,"With the hair wrapped around its body helping to
enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm
even Machamp."
861,33,11,"髪の毛を 全身に 巻きつけると
筋力が アップ。 カイリキーを
ねじ伏せる パワーを 発揮する。"
861,34,1,"かみのけは きんにくせんいの ように
はたらき ほどけると しょくしゅの
うごきで あいてを からめとる。"
861,34,3,"머리카락은 근섬유의 역할을 하며
매듭이 풀어지면 촉수와 같은
움직임으로 상대를 묶어버린다."
861,34,5,"Ses cheveux sont comme des muscles filandreux
quil peut détacher pour saisir ses adversaires,
tels des tentacules."
861,34,6,"Seine Haare funktionieren wie Muskelfasern.
Es kann diese vom Körper lösen und wie Tentakel
verwenden, um Gegner einzufangen."
861,34,7,"Su cabello desempeña una función similar a la de
fibras musculares. Al soltárselo, su movimiento
tentacular le permite reducir a su objetivo."
861,34,8,"I sui capelli svolgono una funzione simile a quella
delle fibre muscolari. Li può sciogliere e usare
come dei tentacoli per avvinghiare il nemico."
861,34,9,"Its hairs work like muscle fibers. When its hairs
unfurl, they latch on to opponents, ensnaring
them as tentacles would."
861,34,11,"髪の毛は 筋肉繊維の ように
働き ほどけると 触手の
動きで 相手を 絡めとる。"
862,33,1,"すさまじい せいりょうを もつ。
シャウトとともに いかくするさまは
ブロッキングと よばれている。"
862,33,3,"엄청난 성량을 가졌다.
샤우팅하며 위협하는 모습은
블로킹이라 불린다."
862,33,5,"Il possède une puissance vocale remarquable.
On appelle Blocage sa technique qui consiste
à intimider lennemi avec son cri guttural."
862,33,6,"Es verfügt über eine beeindruckende Stimmkraft.
Sein von Schreien begleitetes Drohverhalten
nennt man auch „Abblocker“."
862,33,7,"La potencia de su voz es realmente pasmosa. La
técnica que usa para intimidar al rival mientras
grita recibe el nombre de Obstrucción."
862,33,8,"Ha una potenza vocale impressionante. Quando
assume la tipica posa intimidatoria e si mette a
urlare, si dice che sta facendo “sbarramento”."
862,33,9,"Its voice is staggering in volume. Obstagoon
has a tendency to take on a threatening posture
and shout—this move is known as Obstruct."
862,33,11,"凄まじい 声量を もつ。
シャウトとともに 威嚇するさまは
ブロッキングと 呼ばれている。"
862,34,1,"ケンカを くりかえし しんか。
うでをクロスし さけぶ おたけびは
どんな あいても ひるませるぞ。"
862,34,3,"싸움을 반복하면서 진화한다.
팔을 크로스하고 우렁차게 외치면
어떤 상대라도 풀죽게 된다."
862,34,5,"Il a évolué après avoir enchaîné de nombreux
combats. Le cri quil pousse lorsquil fait un «X»
avec ses bras ébranle nimporte quel ennemi."
862,34,6,"Durch das Austragen unzähliger Kämpfe hat es
sich entwickelt. Formt es mit den Armen ein „X“
und stößt einen Schrei aus, verschreckt das jeden."
862,34,7,"Evoluciona tras haber librado numerosas peleas.
El grito de guerra que profiere mientras pone los
brazos en cruz atemoriza a cualquier rival."
862,34,8,"Si è evoluto a forza di lottare. Lurlo di guerra
che lancia mentre mette le braccia a X è in
grado di terrorizzare qualsiasi avversario."
862,34,9,"It evolved after experiencing numerous fights.
While crossing its arms, it lets out a shout that
would make any opponent flinch."
862,34,11,"ケンカを 繰り返し 進化。
腕をクロスし 叫ぶ 雄叫びは
どんな 相手も 怯ませるぞ。"
863,33,1,"あたまの たいもうが こうしつかして
てつの ヘルメットのように なった。
とても こうせんてきな せいしつ。"
863,33,3,"머리의 털이 단단해져서
철로 된 헬멧처럼 되었다.
매우 호전적인 성질을 가졌다."
863,33,5,"La fourrure sur sa tête sest endurcie
et a pris la forme dun casque en fer.
Il est de nature très bagarreuse."
863,33,6,"Die Haare auf seinem Kopf haben sich zu etwas
verhärtet, das an einen eisernen Helm erinnert.
Es ist von Natur aus kriegerisch veranlagt."
863,33,7,"El pelo de la cabeza se le ha endurecido hasta
el punto de parecer un yelmo de hierro. Posee
un temperamento muy combativo."
863,33,8,"La pelliccia sulla testa si è indurita ed è
diventata simile a un elmetto di ferro.
Ha una natura molto combattiva."
863,33,9,"What appears to be an iron helmet is actually
hardened hair. This Pokémon lives for the thrill
of battle."
863,33,11,"頭の 体毛が 硬質化して
鉄の ヘルメットのように なった。
とても 好戦的な 性質。"
863,34,1,"たたかいに あけくれて しんかした
けっか のばすと たんけんに かわる
ぶっそうな ツメを てにいれた。"
863,34,3,"싸움에 열중해 진화한 결과
펴면 단검으로 변하는
위험한 발톱을 얻었다."
863,34,5,"Il sest tant adonné au combat quil a évolué :
il est désormais doté de griffes redoutables
qui prennent la forme de dagues en sallongeant."
863,34,6,"Es entwickelte sich nach einer langen Zeit voller
Kämpfe. Nun kann es seine Krallen ausfahren,
um sie als Dolche zu nutzen."
863,34,7,"Su devoción por la lucha ha propiciado que
evolucionara y le ha conferido unas peligrosas
garras que se convierten en dagas al extenderse."
863,34,8,"Si è evoluto dopo aver passato giorni interi
a lottare e ha sviluppato degli artigli che,
una volta sfoderati, diventano temibili pugnali."
863,34,9,"After many battles, it evolved dangerous
claws that come together to form daggers
when extended."
863,34,11,"戦いに 明け暮れて 進化した
結果 伸ばすと 短剣に 変わる
物騒な ツメを 手に入れた。"
864,33,1,"れいりょくが たかまり カラから
ときはなたれた。 れいたいで
かくの たましいを まもっている。"
864,33,3,"영력이 높아져서 껍질에서
해방되었다. 영체로
핵이 되는 영혼을 지킨다."
864,33,5,"Son énergie spectrale accrue sest répandue
hors de sa coquille. Il protège lâme de son noyau
avec son corps spirituel."
864,33,6,"In ihm wuchs eine mysteriöse Kraft und so löste
es sich von seinem Panzer los. Sein geisterhaftes
Ektoplasma schützt die Seele im Kern."
864,33,7,"Su energía espiritual ha aumentado hasta hacerlo
desprenderse de su base caliza. Protege el alma
del núcleo con su cuerpo espectral."
864,33,8,"Un accumulo di energia misteriosa lo ha separato
dal suo guscio. Protegge lanima contenuta nel
suo nucleo in una sorta di ectoplasma."
864,33,9,"Its shell is overflowing with its heightened
otherworldly energy. The ectoplasm serves as
protection for this Pokémons core spirit."
864,33,11,"霊力が 高まり 殻から
解き放たれた。 霊体で
核の 魂を 守っている。"
864,34,1,"たましいを おおう れいたいの
からだには ちゅうい。 ふれると
いしのように うごけなく なるぞ。"
864,34,3,"혼을 감싸는 영체의 몸은
주의가 필요하다. 만지면
돌처럼 움직일 수 없게 된다."
864,34,5,"Ceux qui ont le malheur de toucher le corps
spirituel qui protège son noyau se retrouveront
immobilisés, comme changés en pierre."
864,34,6,"Vor dem geisterhaften Ektoplasma, das seine
Seele umhüllt, ist Vorsicht geboten. Berührt man
es, erstarrt man wie zu Stein."
864,34,7,"Conviene tener cuidado con el cuerpo espectral
que recubre su alma, pues quien lo toque podría
acabar inerte como una piedra."
864,34,8,"Il corpo di ectoplasma che avvolge la sua anima
è pericolosissimo: chi lo tocca si immobilizza
come se fosse stato tramutato in pietra."
864,34,9,"Be cautious of the ectoplasmic body
surrounding its soul. Youll become
stiff as stone if you touch it."
864,34,11,"魂を 被う 霊体の
体には 注意。 触れると
石のように 動けなく なるぞ。"
865,33,1,"れきせんを いきぬいた ものが
このすがたに しんかする。 ネギが
かれるとき せんじょうを さる。"
865,33,3,"많은 싸움에서 살아남은 자만이
이 모습으로 진화한다.
파가 시들면 전장을 떠난다."
865,33,5,"Seuls les Canarticho ayant survécu à de nombreux
combats atteignent ce stade dévolution. Si son
poireau se flétrit, il se retire du champ de bataille."
865,33,6,"Porenta, die viele Schlachten überstanden haben,
entwickeln sich zu Lauchzelot. Verwelkt seine
Lauchstange, zieht es sich vom Kämpfen zurück."
865,33,7,"Los ejemplares que superan numerosos combates
evolucionan y adoptan esta forma. Abandonan el
terreno de combate en cuanto el puerro se seca."
865,33,8,"Gli esemplari con tante lotte alle spalle si
evolvono assumendo questa forma. Se il suo
gambo si secca, abbandona il campo di lotta."
865,33,9,"Only Farfetchd that have survived many battles
can attain this evolution. When this Pokémons
leek withers, it will retire from combat."
865,33,11,"歴戦を 生き抜いた ものが
この姿に 進化する。 ネギが
枯れるとき 戦場を 去る。"
865,34,1,"かたいネギの はで こうげきを
いなし するどい クキで はんげき。
ネギは ぶぐで あり しょくざい。"
865,34,3,"단단한 파잎으로 공격을 받아넘기고
날카로운 줄기로 반격한다.
파는 무기인 동시에 식재료다."
865,34,5,"Il pare les attaques avec le tranchant de son
solide poireau, et contre-attaque avec la pointe
de la tige. Son arme est également comestible."
865,34,6,"Der Lauch dient ihm als Waffe und zur Abwehr,
aber viele essen ihn auch. Mit den harten Blättern
pariert es und mit der scharfen Stange kontert es."
865,34,7,"Repele ataques con las hojas de su duro puerro y
contraataca con su tallo afilado. El puerro que le
sirve de armamento sigue siendo comestible."
865,34,8,"Devia gli attacchi usando la dura foglia del porro
e contrattacca con il gambo affilato. Usa il porro
sia come arma che come cibo."
865,34,9,"After deflecting attacks with its hard leaf shield,
it strikes back with its sharp leek stalk. The leek
stalk is both weapon and food."
865,34,11,"硬いネギの 葉で 攻撃を
いなし 鋭い 茎で 反撃。
ネギは 武具であり 食材。"
866,33,1,"タップダンスの たつじん。
こおりで できた ステッキを ふり
かろやかな ステップを ひろうする。"
866,33,3,"탭 댄스의 달인이다.
얼음으로 만든 지팡이를 휘두르며
경쾌한 스텝을 선보인다."
866,33,5,"Véritable virtuose des claquettes, il se donne
en spectacle en dansant dun pas léger
tout en jonglant avec sa canne de glace."
866,33,6,"Dieser begnadete Stepptänzer schwingt einen
aus Eis geformten Gehstock und gibt mit
leichtem Fuß seinen Tanz zum Besten."
866,33,7,"Es un bailarín consumado de claqué. Agita su
bastón de hielo mientras exhibe su destreza con
gráciles pasos."
866,33,8,"È un maestro del tip tap. Fa roteare il suo
bastone di ghiaccio mentre si esibisce
in leggiadri passi di danza."
866,33,9,"Its highly skilled at tap-dancing. It waves its cane
of ice in time with its graceful movements."
866,33,11,"タップダンスの 達人。
氷で できた ステッキを 振り
軽やかな ステップを 披露する。"
866,34,1,"ユーモラスな うごきで みんなの
にんきもの。 おなかの もようから
サイコパワーを ほうしゅつする。"
866,34,3,"유머러스한 움직임으로 모두에게
인기가 높다. 배의 무늬에서
사이코 파워를 방출한다."
866,34,5,"Ses gestes hilarants le rendent très populaire.
Il peut libérer ses pouvoirs psychiques depuis
le motif sur son ventre."
866,34,6,"Dank seiner unterhaltsamen Bewegungen ist es
allseits sehr beliebt. Von dem Muster auf seinem
Bauch sendet es Psycho-Kräfte aus."
866,34,7,"Se ha granjeado la simpatía de todo el mundo
por sus cómicos movimientos. Emite poderes
psíquicos por el motivo de su barriga."
866,34,8,"Le sue comiche movenze lo rendono simpatico
a tutti. Emette poteri psichici dal motivo che ha
sul ventre."
866,34,9,"Its amusing movements make it very popular.
It releases its psychic power from the pattern
on its belly."
866,34,11,"ユーモラスな 動きで みんなの
人気者。 お腹の 模様から
サイコパワーを 放出する。"
867,33,1,"つよい のろいを こめて かかれた
こだいの えが デスマスの
たましいを とりこみ うごきだした。"
867,33,3,"강한 저주를 담아 그린
고대의 그림이 데스마스의 영혼을
흡수해서 움직이기 시작했다."
867,33,5,"Les motifs antiques qui ont été gravés
en y incorporant une puissante malédiction
ont aspiré lâme de Tutafeh avant de prendre vie."
867,33,6,"Eine antike Malerei, die mit einem mächtigen
Fluch versehen wurde, nahm die Seele eines
Makabaja auf und erwachte zum Leben."
867,33,7,"Una poderosa maldición pesa sobre esta antigua
imagen grabada, que ha cobrado vida tras
adueñarse del alma de Yamask."
867,33,8,"Un antico disegno afflitto da una potente
maledizione ha preso vita, imprigionando
lanima di Yamask."
867,33,9,"A powerful curse was woven into an ancient
painting. After absorbing the spirit of a Yamask,
the painting began to move."
867,33,11,"強い 呪いを こめて 描かれた
古代の 絵が デスマスの
魂を 取り込み 動きだした。"
867,34,1,"かげの ような からだに ふれては
いけない。 えに きざまれた
おそろしい きおくを みせられるぞ。"
867,34,3,"그림자 같은 몸을 만지면 안 된다.
그림에 새겨진 무서운 기억을
보게 되기 때문이다."
867,34,5,"Quiconque touchera son corps semblable
à une ombre devra endurer la vision des souvenirs
effroyables gravés dans ses motifs."
867,34,6,"Man sollte seinen schattenhaften Körper nicht
berühren, sonst zeigt es einem die schauerlichen
Erinnerungen, die in sein Bild eingraviert wurden."
867,34,7,"Su cuerpo, similar a una sombra, no debe tocarse
bajo ningún concepto o se visualizarán los
horribles recuerdos impregnados en la imagen."
867,34,8,"Non bisogna toccare il suo corpo simile a
unombra, o si vedranno i propri ricordi più
terribili imprigionati nel suo motivo."
867,34,9,"Never touch its shadowlike body, or youll be
shown the horrific memories behind the picture
carved into it."
867,34,11,"影の ような 体に 触れては
いけない。 絵に 刻まれた
恐ろしい 記憶を 見せられるぞ。"
868,33,1,"クリームで できた からだを もつ。
くうきちゅうの あまい かおりの
せいぶんが あつまって うまれた。"
868,33,3,"크림으로 이루어진 몸을 가졌다.
공기 중을 떠도는 달콤한 향기의
성분이 모여서 태어났다."
868,33,5,"Son corps de crème sest composé à partir
de particules au parfum sucré flottant dans lair."
868,33,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus Sahne. Es entstand
aus einer Ansammlung süßer Geruchspartikel
in der Luft."
868,33,7,"Su cremoso cuerpo surgió a partir de la unión
de partículas odoríferas de dulces aromas
presentes en el aire."
868,33,8,"Il suo corpo è fatto di panna. È nato dallunione
di particelle di profumo dolce disperse nellaria."
868,33,9,"This Pokémon was born from sweet-smelling
particles in the air. Its body is made of cream."
868,33,11,"クリームで できた 体を もつ。
空気中の 甘い 香りの
成分が 集まって 生まれた。"
868,34,1,"マホミルが すがたを みせた
パティスリーは だいはんじょうが
やくそく されると いわれている。"
868,34,3,"마빌크가 모습을 보인
디저트 가게는 크게
번창한다고 전해지고 있다."
868,34,5,"Les pâtissiers connaissent tous ce vieil adage :
Quand Crèmy apparaît, le succès est assuré."
868,34,6,"Es heißt, dass den Konditoreien, in denen sich
Hokumil zeigt, großer Wohlstand verheißen sei."
868,34,7,"Se dice que las pastelerías donde ha aparecido
Milcery tienen casi todas las papeletas para
saborear las mieles del éxito."
868,34,8,"Si dice che le pasticcerie in cui è apparso
un Milcery avranno un successo assicurato!"
868,34,9,"They say that any patisserie visited by Milcery
is guaranteed success and good fortune."
868,34,11,"マホミルが 姿を みせた
パティスリーは 大繁盛が
約束されると いわれている。"
869,33,1,"しんらいする トレーナーには
クリームで デコレーションした
きのみを ふるまって くれるのだ。"
869,33,3,"믿을 수 있는 트레이너에게는
크림으로 데코레이션한
나무열매를 대접한다."
869,33,5,"Il offre aux Dresseurs auxquels il accorde
toute sa confiance des Baies décorées
avec de la crème."
869,33,6,"Es macht einem Trainer, dem es vertraut, mit
Beeren samt Sahnedekoration eine Freude."
869,33,7,"Obsequia bayas decoradas con nata a aquellos
Entrenadores en los que confía."
869,33,8,"Agli Allenatori di cui si fida regala bacche
decorate con la panna."
869,33,9,"When it trusts a Trainer, it will treat them to
berries its decorated with cream."
869,33,11,"信頼する トレーナーには
クリームで デコレーションした
木の実を ふるまって くれるのだ。"
869,34,1,"てから うみだす クリームは
マホイップが しあわせなとき
あまみと コクが ふかまる。"
869,34,3,"손에서 나오는 크림은
마휘핑이 행복할 때
단맛과 감칠맛이 깊어진다."
869,34,5,"Quand il est heureux, la crème quil produit
avec ses mains devient plus sucrée
et plus onctueuse."
869,34,6,"Die Sahne, die Pokusan aus seinen Händen
hervorbringt, wird noch süßer und intensiver
im Geschmack, wenn es glücklich ist."
869,34,7,"La nata que le brota de las manos es más dulce
y sustanciosa cuando está feliz."
869,34,8,"La panna che Alcremie produce dalle mani
è più dolce e gustosa quando è felice."
869,34,9,"When Alcremie is content, the cream it
secretes from its hands becomes sweeter
and richer."
869,34,11,"手から 生みだす クリームは
マホイップが 幸せなとき
甘味と コクが 深まる。"
870,33,1,"ヘイチョーと よばれる 1ぴきと
ヘイと よばれる 5ひきで ひとつ。
ヘイチョーの めいれいは ぜったい。"
870,33,3,"리더라고 불리는 1마리와
멤버라고 불리는 5마리로 이루어져 있다.
리더의 명령은 절대적이다."
870,33,5,"Cest une entité unique composée dun chef
et de cinq cadets. Ces derniers obéissent
sans sourciller à leur supérieur hiérarchique."
870,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon besteht aus fünf Untergebenen
und einem Anführer. Die Befehle des Anführers
werden nie in Frage gestellt."
870,33,7,"Este Pokémon consta de cinco subalternos y un
líder, cuyas órdenes obedecen sin rechistar."
870,33,8,"Questo Pokémon è formato da un capo e da
cinque sottoposti che obbediscono ciecamente
ai suoi ordini."
870,33,9,"Five of them are troopers, and one is the brass.
The brasss orders are absolute."
870,33,11,"ヘイチョーと 呼ばれる 1匹と
ヘイと 呼ばれる 5匹で ひとつ。
ヘイチョーの 命令は 絶対。"
870,34,1,"6ぴきで 1ぴきの ポケモン。
たいれつを くみかえながら
チームワークで たたかうのだ。"
870,34,3,"6마리가 1마리의 포켓몬이다.
대열을 바꿔가며
팀워크로 싸운다."
870,34,5,"À six, ils représentent un Pokémon unique.
Ils peuvent changer de formation et comptent
sur leur travail déquipe en combat."
870,34,6,"Sie bilden zu sechst ein Pokémon. Es kann im
Kampf seine Formation nach Belieben ändern
und legt bemerkenswerte Teamarbeit an den Tag."
870,34,7,"Este Pokémon está formado por seis individuos
que cambian de formación al luchar, haciendo
gala de un notable espíritu de equipo."
870,34,8,"Pokémon dallo spiccato spirito di squadra, è
formato da 6 elementi che lottano assieme
cambiando schieramento in base alla situazione."
870,34,9,"The six of them work together as one Pokémon.
Teamwork is also their battle strategy, and they
constantly change their formation as they fight."
870,34,11,"6匹で 1匹の ポケモン。
隊列を 組み替えながら
チームワークで 戦うのだ。"
871,33,1,"トゲの さきから でんきを はなつ。
するどい はで いわに ついた
かいそうを こそいで たべる。"
871,33,3,"가시 끝에서 전기를 발산한다.
날카로운 이빨로 바위에 붙은
해초를 갉아 먹는다."
871,33,5,"Il libère de lélectricité depuis la pointe de ses
épines, et se nourrit des algues accrochées aux
rochers en les arrachant avec ses dents aiguisées."
871,33,6,"Aus den Spitzen seiner Stacheln setzt es
Elektrizität frei. Mit seinen scharfen Zähnen
schabt es Algen von Steinen ab und frisst sie."
871,33,7,"Libera electricidad por la punta de las púas.
Con sus afilados dientes raspa las algas pegadas
a las rocas para ingerirlas."
871,33,8,"Sprigiona elettricità dalla punta dei suoi aculei.
Usa i denti affilati per raschiare dalle rocce
le alghe di cui si nutre."
871,33,9,"It feeds on seaweed, using its teeth to scrape it
off rocks. Electric current flows from the tips of
its spines."
871,33,11,"棘の 先から 電気を 放つ。
鋭い 歯で 岩に ついた
海藻を こそいで 食べる。"
871,34,1,"トゲの 1ぽん 1ぽんに でんきを
たくわえる。 おれた トゲでも
3じかんは ほうでんを つづけるぞ。"
871,34,3,"가시 하나하나에 전기를
비축하고 있다. 부러진 가시도
3시간 동안 방전을 계속한다."
871,34,5,"Chacune de ses épines est chargée en électricité.
Sil en perd une, celle-ci continue démettre
un courant électrique pendant trois heures."
871,34,6,"In jedem einzelnen seiner Stacheln speichert es
Elektrizität. Selbst abgebrochene Stacheln sind
noch drei Stunden lang geladen."
871,34,7,"Acumula electricidad en cada una de sus púas.
Aunque estas se rompan, son capaces de seguir
descargando energía durante 3 h."
871,34,8,"Ogni singolo aculeo è carico di elettricità.
Quando se ne rompe uno, continua a emettere
scariche elettriche per tre ore."
871,34,9,"It stores electricity in each spine. Even if one gets
broken off, it still continues to emit electricity for
at least three hours."
871,34,11,"棘の 1本 1本に 電気を
蓄える。 折れた 棘でも
3時間は 放電を 続けるぞ。"
872,33,1,"れいきの まざった いとを はく。
いとで からだを えだに まきつけ
つららの ふりをして ねむるのだ。"
872,33,3,"냉기가 서린 실을 뿜는다.
실로 몸을 가지에 휘감아서
고드름인 척하고 잠든다."
872,33,5,"Il crache un fil gelé quil utilise pour saccrocher
à une branche : il dort ainsi en imitant
une stalactite."
872,33,6,"Es spinnt einen eiskalten Faden, mit dem es sich
an einen Ast hängt. Dabei tut es so, als wäre es
ein Eiszapfen, um in Ruhe schlafen zu können."
872,33,7,"Teje un hilo gélido que le permite aferrarse a
las ramas y simula ser un carámbano mientras
872,33,8,"Si assicura a un ramo con il filo gelido che
produce dalla bocca e dorme fingendosi
un ghiacciolo."
872,33,9,"It spits out thread imbued with a frigid sort of
energy and uses it to tie its body to branches,
disguising itself as an icicle while it sleeps."
872,33,11,"冷気の 混ざった 糸を 吐く。
糸で 体を 枝に 巻きつけ
氷柱の 振りをして 眠るのだ。"
872,34,1,"じめんに つもった ゆきを たべる。
たくさん たべれば たべるほど
せなかの トゲは りっぱに そだつ。"
872,34,3,"땅에 쌓인 눈을 먹는다.
많이 먹으면 먹을수록
등의 가시는 훌륭하게 자란다."
872,34,5,"Il se nourrit de la neige entassée sur le sol.
Plus il en mange, plus les épines sur son dos
872,34,6,"Es frisst den Schnee, der sich am Boden
angesammelt hat. Je mehr es frisst, desto größer
werden die Stacheln auf seinem Rücken."
872,34,7,"Se nutre de la nieve acumulada en el terreno.
Cuanta más ingiere, más imponentes se vuelven
las púas que presenta en el lomo."
872,34,8,"Si nutre della neve accumulatasi sul terreno.
Più ne mangia, più gli aculei sul suo dorso
diventano grandi."
872,34,9,"It eats snow that piles up on the ground.
The more snow it eats, the bigger and more
impressive the spikes on its back grow."
872,34,11,"地面に 積もった 雪を 食べる。
たくさん 食べれば 食べるほど
背中の 棘は 立派に 育つ。"
873,33,1,"はねの おんどは マイナス180ど。
れいきを こめた りんぷんを ゆきの
ように ふりまき のやまを とぶ。"
873,33,3,"날개의 온도는 영하 180도.
냉기가 담긴 인분을 눈처럼
흩뿌리며 산과 들을 날아다닌다."
873,33,5,"La température de ses ailes est de - 180 °C.
Quand il vole, ses écailles gelées tombent
sur le paysage comme des flocons de neige."
873,33,6,"Seine Flügel sind -180 ºC kalt. Während es über
Felder und Berge fliegt, verstreut es mit Kälte
versetzten Flügelstaub, der wie Schnee aussieht."
873,33,7,"La temperatura de sus alas es de -180 °C.
Sobrevuela el campo esparciendo sus gélidas
escamas, como si de nieve se tratase."
873,33,8,"La temperatura delle sue ali è di -180 ºC.
Sorvola pianure e montagne lasciando cadere le
sue scaglie gelide come fossero fiocchi di neve."
873,33,9,"Icy scales fall from its wings like snow as it flies
over fields and mountains. The temperature of its
wings is less than 290 degrees Fahrenheit."
873,33,11,"はねの 温度は マイナス180度。
冷気を 込めた りんぷんを 雪の
ように ふりまき 野山を 飛ぶ。"
873,34,1,"のやまを あらすものには ようしゃ
しない。 つめたいはねで とびまわり
ふぶきを おこして こらしめる。"
873,34,3,"산과 들을 황폐하게 만들면 용서하지 않는다.
차가운 날개로 날아다니며
눈보라를 일으켜 응징한다."
873,34,5,"Sans pitié pour les vandales, il bat ses ailes
gelées pour provoquer des blizzards et punir
quiconque ose souiller les champs et les collines."
873,34,6,"Verwüstet jemand Felder und Berge, vergibt es
ihm niemals. Es bestraft den Täter, indem es mit
seinen kalten Flügeln einen Schneesturm erzeugt."
873,34,7,"No muestra la menor compasión con quien asole
el campo: lo escarmienta batiendo sus gélidas
alas para provocar una ventisca."
873,34,8,"Non ha alcuna pietà per chi danneggia la natura.
Vola in ricognizione e punisce i malfattori con
tempeste di neve che crea con le sue fredde ali."
873,34,9,"It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields
and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings,
causing a blizzard to chase offenders away."
873,34,11,"野山を 荒らすものには 容赦
しない。 冷たいはねで 飛びまわり
吹雪を 起こして 懲らしめる。"
874,33,1,"だいそうげんの なかで たたずみ
ひの かたむきを ながめて くらす。
ダイナミックな けりわざが とくい。"
874,33,3,"넓은 초원 한복판에 우뚝 서서
해가 기우는 것을 바라보며 지낸다.
다이내믹한 발차기 기술이 특기다."
874,33,5,"Il se tient immobile au milieu des plaines
et passe son temps à observer la course du soleil
dans le ciel. Son jeu de jambes est phénoménal."
874,33,6,"Es verweilt auf weitläufigen Wiesen und
beobachtet den Lauf der Sonne. Dynamische
Trittangriffe sind sein Spezialgebiet."
874,33,7,"Pasa el tiempo observando inmóvil el recorrido
del sol sobre las extensas praderas que habita.
Se especializa en técnicas de ágiles patadas."
874,33,8,"Trascorre le giornate nelle grandi praterie
osservando immobile il passaggio del sole.
Le mosse basate sui calci sono la sua specialità."
874,33,9,"It stands in grasslands, watching the suns descent
from zenith to horizon. This Pokémon has a talent
for delivering dynamic kicks."
874,33,11,"大草原の 中で たたずみ
陽の 傾きを 眺めて 暮らす。
ダイナミックな 蹴り技が 得意。"
874,34,1,"1ねんに いちど きまった にちじに
どこから ともなく あつまり わに
なって ならぶ しゅうせいが ある。"
874,34,3,"1년에 1번 정해진 일시에
어디선가 모여 둥글게
늘어서는 습성이 있다."
874,34,5,"Tous les ans à la même date, ils arrivent
de nulle part pour se réunir en cercle.
Cest une de leurs coutumes."
874,34,6,"Sie haben die Angewohnheit, sich einmal im Jahr
zu einer bestimmten Zeit wie aus dem Nichts zu
versammeln und in einem Kreis aufzustellen."
874,34,7,"Una vez al año y en una fecha concreta, tienen la
costumbre de aparecer de la nada para reunirse
y formar un círculo."
874,34,8,"Ogni anno, in un giorno stabilito, hanno lusanza
di radunarsi giungendo da ogni dove per poi
disporsi in cerchio."
874,34,9,"Once a year, on a specific date and at a specific
time, they gather out of nowhere and form up in
a circle."
874,34,11,"1年に 一度 きまった 日時に
どこから ともなく 集まり 輪に
なって 並ぶ 習性が ある。"
875,33,1,"とても さむい ばしょから ながれ
ながされ やってきた。 こおりで
かおを つねに ひやして いるのだ。"
875,33,3,"매우 추운 곳에서 흘러 흘러
떠내려왔다. 항상 얼음으로
얼굴을 식히고 있다."
875,33,5,"Originaire dune contrée polaire, ce Pokémon
a débarqué dans la région ballotté par les flots.
Il garde toujours la tête froide."
875,33,6,"Es kam von einem extrem kalten Ort, indem es
sich treiben ließ und schließlich angespült wurde.
Es kühlt unablässig sein Gesicht mit Eis."
875,33,7,"La corriente lo ha transportado hasta aquí desde
un lugar sumamente gélido. Utiliza el hielo para
mantener la cara refrigerada en todo momento."
875,33,8,"È arrivato da un luogo freddissimo trasportato
dalla corrente. Mantiene sempre fredda la
testa servendosi del ghiaccio."
875,33,9,"It drifted in on the flow of ocean waters from a
frigid place. It keeps its head iced constantly to
make sure it stays nice and cold."
875,33,11,"とても 寒い 場所から 流れ
流されて やってきた。 氷で
顔を つねに 冷やして いるのだ。"
875,34,1,"あつさに よわい かおを いつも
こおりで ひやしている。 あたまの
けを うみに たらして エサをつる。"
875,34,3,"더위에 약해서 얼굴을 언제나
얼음으로 식히고 있다. 머리의 털을
바다에 늘어뜨리고 먹이를 낚는다."
875,34,5,"Ne supportant pas la chaleur, il se rafraîchit
toujours la tête avec de la glace.
Il pêche de quoi se nourrir à laide de son cheveu."
875,34,6,"Es kühlt sein Gesicht ständig mit Eis, da dieses
Hitze nicht gut verträgt. Das Haar auf dem Kopf
hängt es ins Meer und angelt sich damit Beute."
875,34,7,"Se enfría constantemente la cara con hielo por
su escasa resistencia al calor. Utiliza el pelo de
la cabeza para pescar en el mar."
875,34,8,"Raffredda costantemente la testa con del
ghiaccio perché non sopporta il caldo. Usa il
pelo che ha sul capo per pescare le sue prede."
875,34,9,"This Pokémon keeps its heat-sensitive head cool
with ice. It fishes for its food, dangling its single
hair into the sea to lure in prey."
875,34,11,"暑さに 弱い 顔を いつも
氷で 冷やしている。 頭の
毛を 海に たらして 餌を釣る。"
876,33,1,"あたまの ツノで あいての きもちを
かんじとる。 オスは じゅうしゃの
ように あるじのそばで せわをやく。"
876,33,3,"머리에 달린 뿔로 상대의 기분을
감지한다. 수컷은 집사처럼
주인의 곁에서 시중을 든다."
876,33,5,"Il peut sentir les émotions dautrui avec ses cornes.
Le mâle reste aux côtés de son Dresseur pour
soccuper de lui, à limage dun domestique."
876,33,6,"Mit den Hörnern auf seinem Kopf erfasst es die
Gefühle seines Gegenübers. Männchen kümmern
sich wie Bedienstete um ihren Trainer."
876,33,7,"Percibe las emociones del objetivo con los
cuernos de la cabeza. Los machos están atentos
a cualquier cosa que necesite su Entrenador."
876,33,8,"Le corna sulla testa gli permettono di percepire
lo stato danimo degli altri. Il maschio segue il
suo Allenatore ovunque e si prende cura di lui."
876,33,9,"It uses the horns on its head to sense the
emotions of others. Males will act as valets for
those they serve, looking after their every need."
876,33,11,"頭の ツノで 相手の 気持ちを
感じとる。 オスは 従者の
ように 主のそばで 世話を焼く。"
876,34,1,"ツノで ちかくの いきものの
きもちを かんじとる。 ポジティブな
かんじょうが ちからの みなもと。"
876,34,3,"뿔로 가까이 있는 생명체의
기분을 읽는다. 긍정적인
감정이 힘의 원천이다."
876,34,5,"Avec ses cornes, il peut percevoir les émotions
des êtres vivants alentour. Celles qui sont
positives lui servent de source dénergie."
876,34,6,"Mit seinen Hörnern erfasst es die Gefühle von
Lebewesen, die sich in seiner Nähe aufhalten.
Positive Gefühle sind die Quelle seiner Kraft."
876,34,7,"Con sus cuernos percibe las emociones de los
seres vivos que se hallen cerca. Los sentimientos
positivos constituyen su fuente de energía."
876,34,8,"Percepisce lo stato danimo di chi gli sta intorno
grazie alle sue corna. I sentimenti positivi sono
la sua fonte di energia."
876,34,9,"Through its horns, it can pick up on the emotions
of creatures around it. Positive emotions are the
source of its strength."
876,34,11,"ツノで 近くの 生き物の
気持ちを 感じとる。 ポジティブな
感情が 力の 源。"
877,33,1,"いつも おなかを すかせている。
ポケットの ような ふくろに いれた
タネを たべて でんきを つくる。"
877,33,3,"항상 배가 고프다.
호주머니같이 생긴 주머니에 넣어둔
씨앗을 먹어서 전기를 만든다."
877,33,5,"Il a toujours un petit creux. Il grignote les graines
quil a mises dans ses sortes de poches
pour produire de lélectricité."
877,33,6,"Dieses immerzu hungrige Pokémon frisst Samen,
die es in seinen beutelartigen Taschen verwahrt,
und produziert so Elektrizität."
877,33,7,"Siempre tiene hambre. Se nutre de las semillas
que guarda en una suerte de bolsillos para
generar electricidad."
877,33,8,"Ha costantemente fame. Si nutre dei semi che
tiene nelle sue tasche per produrre elettricità."
877,33,9,"As it eats the seeds stored up in its pocket-like
pouches, this Pokémon is not just satisfying its
constant hunger. Its also generating electricity."
877,33,11,"いつも お腹を すかせている。
ポケットの ような 袋に 入れた
タネを 食べて 電気を つくる。"
877,34,1,"どんなに たべても すぐに おなかが
すく。 でんきで ローストした
タネを たいせつに もちあるく。"
877,34,3,"아무리 먹어도 금방 배가 고프다.
전기로 구운 씨앗을
소중히 갖고 다닌다."
877,34,5,"Il a beau manger, il a tout le temps faim.
Il a toujours des graines grillées à lélectricité
sur lui."
877,34,6,"Egal, wie viel es auch frisst, es wird sofort wieder
hungrig. Es röstet Samen mit seiner Elektrizität
und trägt diese dann vorsichtig mit sich herum."
877,34,7,"Siempre tiene apetito, sin importar lo mucho que
coma. Lleva con sumo cuidado las semillas que
ha tostado con su propia electricidad."
877,34,8,"Indipendentemente da quanto mangia, è sempre
affamato. Tiene molto ai semi che ha arrostito
con lelettricità e li porta sempre con sé."
877,34,9,"It carries electrically roasted seeds with it as if
theyre precious treasures. No matter how much
it eats, it always gets hungry again in short order."
877,34,11,"どんなに 食べても すぐに お腹が
すく。 電気で ローストした
タネを 大切に 持ち歩く。"
878,33,1,"5トンの にもつを もっても
へいきな ちからもち ポケモン。
はなを つかって つちを ほる。"
878,33,3,"5톤의 짐을 실어도 문제없는
힘이 장사인 포켓몬.
코를 이용해서 땅을 판다."
878,33,5,"Ce Pokémon est assez costaud pour porter
des charges de cinq tonnes sans problème.
Il utilise sa trompe pour creuser le sol."
878,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon verfügt über eine Stärke, mit der
es problemlos fünf Tonnen stemmen kann. Es
nutzt seinen Rüssel, um in der Erde zu graben."
878,33,7,"Su constitución fornida le permite transportar
sin inmutarse cargas de 5 toneladas. Utiliza la
trompa para excavar la tierra."
878,33,8,"È un Pokémon molto forte, capace di trasportare
facilmente carichi di cinque tonnellate. Usa la
proboscide per scavare la terra."
878,33,9,"It digs up the ground with its trunk. Its also very
strong, being able to carry loads of over
five tons without any problem at all."
878,33,11,"5トンの 荷物を もっても
平気な 力持ち ポケモン。
鼻を 使って 土を 掘る。"
878,34,1,"ちからしごとなら おまかせ。
どうの からだは あめで さび
あざやかな みどりに かわる。"
878,34,3,"힘쓰는 일에 강하다.
동으로 된 몸체는 비에 녹슬어
선명한 녹색으로 변한다."
878,34,5,"Les travaux physiques, cest son affaire.
Son corps de cuivre rouille sous la pluie
et prend une vive couleur verte."
878,34,6,"Harte Knochenarbeit kann man problemlos ihm
überlassen. Sein Körper aus Kupfer rostet im
Regen und nimmt eine leuchtend grüne Farbe an."
878,34,7,"Realiza tareas que requieren de esfuerzo físico,
es su fuerte. Con la lluvia, su cuerpo de cobre se
oxida y adquiere una tonalidad verde intensa."
878,34,8,"I lavori pesanti sono il suo pane quotidiano.
Il suo corpo di rame si ossida con la pioggia
colorandosi di un verde intenso."
878,34,9,"If a job requires serious strength, this Pokémon
will excel at it. Its copper body tarnishes in the
rain, turning a vibrant green color."
878,34,11,"力仕事なら お任せ。
銅の 体は 雨で 錆び
鮮やかな 緑に 変わる。"
879,33,1,"みどりのひふは みずにも つよい。
むかし ほかのとちから やってきて
ひとと いっしょに はたらいた。"
879,33,3,"녹색 피부는 물에도 강하다.
오래전에 다른 지방에서 오게 되어
사람과 함께 일했다."
879,33,5,"Sa peau verte résiste bien à leau.
Il sest installé dans la région il y a longtemps
et a travaillé en coopération avec les Hommes."
879,33,6,"Seine grüne Haut ist wasserresistent. Es kam
vor langer Zeit aus einer anderen Region und
verrichtete mit den Menschen Arbeiten."
879,33,7,"Su piel verdosa es resistente al agua. Proviene
de tierras lejanas y presta ayuda a las personas
en la realización de ciertos trabajos."
879,33,8,"La sua pelle verde è resistente allacqua.
Originario di unaltra regione, è giunto a Galar
in passato per lavorare insieme agli esseri umani."
879,33,9,"They came over from another region long
ago and worked together with humans.
Their green skin is resistant to water."
879,33,11,"緑の皮膚は 水にも 強い。
昔 ほかの土地から やってきて
人と いっしょに 働いた。"
879,34,1,"むれを つくって くらしている。
はなの あくりょくは おおいわも
こなごなに くだくほど つよい。"
879,34,3,"무리를 지어 생활한다.
코의 악력은 큰 바위도
산산이 부술 정도로 강하다."
879,34,5,"Ces Pokémon vivent en troupeau.
Létreinte de leur trompe est si forte quelle suffit
à réduire un rocher en poussière."
879,34,6,"Diese Pokémon leben in Herden. Drücken sie mit
ihren kräftigen Rüsseln zu, können sie selbst
massive Felsen zu Staub zermahlen."
879,34,7,"Viven en manadas. La fuerza prensil de su trompa
es tan extraordinaria que le permite hacer añicos
incluso grandes rocas."
879,34,8,"Vive in gruppo. La stretta della sua proboscide
è così forte da mandare in frantumi anche le
rocce più grandi."
879,34,9,"These Pokémon live in herds. Their trunks have
incredible grip strength, strong enough to crush
giant rocks into powder."
879,34,11,"群れを つくって 暮らしている。
鼻の 握力は 大岩も
粉々に 砕くほど 強い。"
880,33,1,"こだいでは たくましい かはんしんで
むてきだったが エサの しょくぶつを
たべつくしてしまい ぜつめつした。"
880,33,3,"고대에는 튼튼한 하반신 덕분에
무적이었으나 먹이인 식물을
모두 먹어버려서 멸종했다."
880,33,5,"Jadis, la partie inférieure de son corps musclé
le rendait invincible, mais il sest éteint après avoir
mangé toutes les plantes dont il se nourrissait."
880,33,6,"Dank seines kräftigen Unterkörpers war es in
der Urzeit unbesiegbar, doch es fraß seine
Pflanzennahrung restlos auf und starb daher aus."
880,33,7,"La robustez de su tren inferior lo hacía invencible
en la antigüedad, pero se extinguió tras comerse
todas las plantas de las que se nutría."
880,33,8,"Nellantichità era invincibile grazie alla possente
parte inferiore del corpo, ma si è estinto perché
ha mangiato tutte le piante di cui si nutriva."
880,33,9,"In ancient times, it was unbeatable thanks to its
powerful lower body, but it went extinct anyway
after it depleted all its plant-based food sources."
880,33,11,"古代では たくましい 下半身で
無敵だったが 餌の 植物を
食べつくしてしまい 絶滅した。"
880,34,1,"しっぽの たくましい きんにくで
はつでんする。 かはんしんに くらべ
じょうはんしんが ちいさすぎる。"
880,34,3,"꼬리의 억센 근육으로
발전한다. 하반신에 비해
상반신이 너무 작다."
880,34,5,"Il envoie des décharges avec les muscles puissants
de sa queue. La partie supérieure de son corps
est trop petite par rapport à la partie inférieure."
880,34,6,"Mit den kräftigen Muskeln in seinem Schwanz
erzeugt es Elektrizität. Sein Oberkörper ist im
Vergleich zu seinem Unterkörper zu klein."
880,34,7,"Produce electricidad con la robusta musculatura
de la cola. El tamaño de la parte superior del
cuerpo palidece en comparación con la inferior."
880,34,8,"Produce elettricità con i possenti muscoli della
coda. La parte superiore del suo corpo è troppo
piccola se paragonata a quella inferiore."
880,34,9,"The powerful muscles in its tail generate its
electricity. Compared to its lower body,
its upper half is entirely too small."
880,34,11,"しっぽの たくましい 筋肉で
発電する。 下半身に くらべ
上半身が 小さすぎる。"
881,33,1,"こおりづけの じょうはんしんが
ふるえると でんきが つくられる。
あるくことが ひじょうに にがて。"
881,33,3,"꽁꽁 언 상반신이 진동하면
전기가 만들어진다.
걷는 것이 매우 서툴다."
881,33,5,"Quand la partie supérieure de son corps, couverte
de glace, frissonne, il produit de lélectricité.
Il éprouve de grandes difficultés à marcher."
881,33,6,"Durch das Zittern seines gefrorenen Oberkörpers
entsteht Elektrizität. Das Laufen fällt ihm äußerst
881,33,7,"La parte superior del cuerpo está congelada y,
al temblar, genera electricidad. Camina con suma
881,33,8,"La parte superiore del suo corpo è ghiacciata
e quando trema produce elettricità. Cammina
con estrema difficoltà."
881,33,9,"The shaking of its freezing upper half is what
generates its electricity. It has a hard time
walking around."
881,33,11,"氷漬けの 上半身が
震えると 電気が つくられる。
歩くことが 非常に 苦手。"
881,34,1,"こだいの うみべで くらし エサを
からだの こおりで ほぞん できたが
うごきが にぶいため ぜつめつした。"
881,34,3,"고대의 해변에 살며 먹이를
몸의 얼음으로 보존시켰지만
움직임이 둔해 멸종하였다."
881,34,5,"Autrefois, il vivait en bord de mer et conservait
sa nourriture dans la glace de son corps,
mais il sest éteint, car il avait du mal à se déplacer."
881,34,6,"In der Urzeit lebte es am Strand und konnte mit
seinem kalten Körper Futter haltbar machen.
Es starb wegen seiner trägen Bewegungen aus."
881,34,7,"Antiguamente vivía en el mar y usaba el hielo del
cuerpo para conservar los alimentos. Su extrema
lentitud, sin embargo, lo condenó a la extinción."
881,34,8,"Anticamente viveva in riva al mare conservando
il cibo grazie al ghiaccio del suo corpo, ma si è
estinto a causa della sua estrema lentezza."
881,34,9,"This Pokémon lived on prehistoric seashores and
was able to preserve food with the ice on its
body. It went extinct because it moved so slowly."
881,34,11,"古代の 海辺で 暮らし 餌を
体の 氷で 保存できたが
動きが 鈍いため 絶滅した。"
882,33,1,"ずばぬけた きゃくりょくと アゴの
ちからで こだいでは むてきだったが
えものを とりつくし ぜつめつした。"
882,33,3,"뛰어난 다리와 턱의 힘 덕분에
고대에는 무적이었으나
먹이를 모두 잡아먹어버려서 멸종했다."
882,33,5,"La force de ses pattes et de ses mâchoires
le rendait presque invincible, mais à trop chasser
ses proies, celles-ci ont disparu, et lui avec."
882,33,6,"Dank der enormen Kraft seiner Beine und seines
Kiefers war es in der Urzeit unbesiegbar, doch es
fing seine Beute restlos weg und starb daher aus."
882,33,7,"Su excelente capacidad motriz y la fuerza de su
mandíbula lo hacían antaño invencible, pero dar
caza a todas sus presas propició su extinción."
882,33,8,"Anticamente era invincibile grazie allincredibile
potenza delle sue gambe e delle sue mascelle,
ma si è estinto dopo aver esaurito tutte le prede."
882,33,9,"Powerful legs and jaws made it the apex predator
of its time. Its own overhunting of its prey was
what drove it to extinction."
882,33,11,"ずば抜けた 脚力と 顎の
力で 古代では 無敵だったが
獲物を 獲り尽くし 絶滅した。"
882,34,1,"じそく60キロを こえる じまんの
きゃくりょくで はしれるが
すいちゅうでしか こきゅうできない。"
882,34,3,"특유의 다릿심으로 시속 60km
이상으로 달릴 수 있지만
물속에서만 호흡할 수 있다."
882,34,5,"Ses pattes robustes lui permettent de courir
à plus de 60 km/h, mais en revanche, il ne peut
respirer que sous leau."
882,34,6,"Seine außergewöhnlich kräftigen Beine lassen es
zwar über 60 km/h schnell laufen, doch atmen
kann es nur unter Wasser."
882,34,7,"Exhibe con orgullo su inmensa capacidad motriz,
que le permite superar los 60 km/h, pero solo
puede respirar bajo el agua."
882,34,8,"Vanta gambe molto potenti che gli permettono
di correre a una velocità superiore a 60 km/h,
ma può respirare solo sottacqua."
882,34,9,"Its mighty legs are capable of running at
speeds exceeding 40 mph, but this Pokémon
cant breathe unless its underwater."
882,34,11,"時速60キロを 超える 自慢の
脚力で 走れるが
水中でしか 呼吸できない。"
883,33,1,"しゅういを こおりつかせて えものを
つかまえるが くちが あたまの
うえに あるので たべづらい。"
883,33,3,"주변을 꽁꽁 얼려서 먹이를
잡지만 입이 머리 윗부분에
있어서 먹기 힘들다."
883,33,5,"Il gèle les alentours pour capturer ses proies,
mais comme sa bouche est sur le dessus de
sa tête, il a beaucoup de mal à les manger."
883,33,6,"Es fängt seine Beute, indem es seine Umgebung
einfriert, doch da sich sein Maul oben auf seinem
Kopf befindet, ist Fressen für es sehr umständlich."
883,33,7,"Atrapa a sus presas congelando su entorno, pero
la ubicación de la boca encima de la cabeza le
genera dificultades para deglutirlas."
883,33,8,"Cattura le prede congelando lambiente
circostante, ma avendo la bocca sopra
la testa fatica a inghiottirle."
883,33,9,"Though its able to capture prey by freezing its
surroundings, it has trouble eating the prey
afterward because its mouth is on top of its head."
883,33,11,"周囲を 凍りつかせて 獲物を
捕まえるが 口が 頭の
上に あるので 食べづらい。"
883,34,1,"どんな こうげきにも きずつかない
つらのかわを もつが こきゅうが
ふじゆうだったため ぜつめつした。"
883,34,3,"어떤 공격에도 상처 입지 않는
얼굴 가죽을 가졌지만 호흡이
자유롭지 않았던 탓에 멸종하였다."
883,34,5,"Aucune attaque ne pouvait égratigner la peau
de son visage, mais il sest éteint, car il avait
du mal à respirer."
883,34,6,"Kein Angriff konnte seine Gesichtshaut verletzen,
doch es war in seiner Atmung eingeschränkt und
starb daher aus."
883,34,7,"Aunque la piel de su rostro era capaz de resistir
cualquier ataque, su dificultad para respirar
acabó provocando su extinción."
883,34,8,"Nessun attacco poteva scalfire la pelle del suo
muso, ma si è estinto perché aveva difficoltà
a respirare."
883,34,9,"The skin on its face is impervious to attack, but
breathing difficulties made this Pokémon go
extinct anyway."
883,34,11,"どんな 攻撃にも 傷つかない
面の皮を もつが 呼吸が
不自由だったため 絶滅した。"
884,33,1,"みがきあげた きんぞくの ような
からだは かるいうえに かたいが
さびやすいのが けってんなのだ。"
884,33,3,"윤이 나는 금속과도 같은
몸은 가벼우면서도 튼튼하지만
녹슬기 쉽다는 것이 흠이다."
884,33,5,"Son corps, semblable à du métal poli,
allie légèreté et solidité.
Malheureusement, il rouille facilement."
884,33,6,"Sein an aufpoliertes Metall erinnernder Körper ist
nicht nur leicht, sondern auch robust. Er hat
jedoch den Nachteil, schnell zu rosten."
884,33,7,"Su cuerpo, similar a un metal pulido, es tan ligero
como robusto. Sin embargo, tiene el defecto de
que se oxida con facilidad."
884,33,8,"Il suo corpo simile a metallo lucidato è leggero
e resistente, ma ha il difetto di arrugginire
884,33,9,"Its body resembles polished metal, and its both
lightweight and strong. The only drawback is that
it rusts easily."
884,33,11,"磨きあげた 金属の ような
体は 軽いうえに 硬いが
錆びやすいのが 欠点なのだ。"
884,34,1,"とくしゅな きんぞくの からだは
かるく みのこなしは ばつぐん。
あめが にがてで どうくつに すむ。"
884,34,3,"금속으로 된 특수한 몸은
가벼워서 몸놀림이 뛰어나다.
비를 싫어해 동굴에 산다."
884,34,5,"Son corps, composé dun métal spécial, est léger
et lui offre une excellente mobilité. Il est toutefois
sensible à la pluie et vit donc dans les grottes."
884,34,6,"Es ist sehr beweglich, weil sein Körper aus einem
speziellen, leichten Metall besteht. Da es Regen
nicht mag, lebt es in Höhlen."
884,34,7,"Hace gala de una agilidad extraordinaria, ya que
su cuerpo está compuesto de un metal especial.
Detesta la lluvia, por lo que habita en cuevas."
884,34,8,"Il suo corpo fatto di un metallo speciale è
leggero e gli conferisce unandatura impeccabile.
Vive nelle grotte perché odia la pioggia."
884,34,9,"The special metal that composes its body is very
light, so this Pokémon has considerable agility.
It lives in caves because it dislikes the rain."
884,34,11,"特殊な 金属の 体は
軽く 身のこなしは 抜群。
雨が 苦手で 洞窟に 棲む。"
885,33,1,"こだいの うみで くらしていた。
ゴーストポケモンとして よみがえり
かつての すみかを さまよっている。"
885,33,3,"고대의 바다에 살았다.
고스트포켓몬으로 되살아나
과거의 보금자리를 떠돌고 있다."
885,33,5,"Revenu à la vie sous forme de Pokémon Spectre,
il erre au-dessus de la mer dans laquelle il vivait
885,33,6,"In der Urzeit lebte es im Meer. Nun ist es als
Geister-Pokémon wiedererwacht und irrt rastlos
durch seinen früheren Lebensraum."
885,33,7,"Habitaba los mares en tiempos inmemoriales. Ha
revivido en forma de Pokémon de tipo Fantasma
para vagar por su antigua morada."
885,33,8,"Abitava i mari in tempi antichi. È rinato sotto
forma di Pokémon di tipo Spettro e vaga per
quella che un tempo era la sua dimora."
885,33,9,"After being reborn as a ghost Pokémon,
Dreepy wanders the areas it used to inhabit
back when it was alive in prehistoric seas."
885,33,11,"古代の 海で 暮らしていた。
ゴーストポケモンとして よみがえり
かつての すみかを さまよっている。"
885,34,1,"1ぴきでは こどもにも まけるくらい
ひりきだが なかまの きょうりょくで
きたえられ しんかして つよくなる。"
885,34,3,"1마리로는 아이에게도 질 정도로
힘이 약하지만 동료의 협력으로
단련하고 진화하면 강해진다."
885,34,5,"Seul, il est si faible quil ne saurait rivaliser avec
un enfant, mais en coopérant avec ses semblables,
il peut devenir assez fort pour évoluer."
885,34,6,"Alleine ist es sogar gegen ein Kind machtlos,
doch mit der Hilfe seiner Gefährten trainiert es,
entwickelt sich und wird so stärker."
885,34,7,"En solitario es tan débil que no sería rival ni para
un niño, pero, al entrenarse con sus congéneres,
evoluciona y se vuelve más fuerte."
885,34,8,"Da solo è più debole di un bambino, ma se
si allena con laiuto dei suoi simili si evolve
e diventa più forte."
885,34,9,"If this weak Pokémon is by itself, a mere child
could defeat it. But if Dreepy has friends to help
it train, it can evolve and become much stronger."
885,34,11,"1匹では 子どもにも 負けるくらい
非力だが 仲間の 協力で
鍛えられ 進化して 強くなる。"
886,33,1,"ひこう そくどは じそく200キロ。
ドラメシヤと いっしょに たたかい
ぶじに しんかするまで せわをする。"
886,33,3,"비행 속도는 시속 200km.
드라꼰과 함께 싸우며
무사히 진화할 때까지 돌본다."
886,33,5,"Il vole à une vitesse de 200 km/h et se bat
aux côtés dun Fantyrm, dont il prend soin
jusquà son évolution."
886,33,6,"Beim Fliegen ist es bis zu 200 km/h schnell. Es
kämpft gemeinsam mit Grolldra und kümmert
sich bis zu dessen Entwicklung um es."
886,33,7,"Vuela a una velocidad de 200 km/h. Lucha junto
a un Dreepy, al que cuida hasta el momento de
su evolución."
886,33,8,"Vola a una velocità di 200 km/h. Lotta assieme
a Dreepy e se ne prende cura fino a quando
non si evolve."
886,33,9,"Its capable of flying faster than 120 mph.
It battles alongside Dreepy and
dotes on them until they successfully evolve."
886,33,11,"飛行速度は 時速200キロ。
ドラメシヤと いっしょに 戦い
無事に 進化するまで 世話をする。"
886,34,1,"せわをする ドラメシヤを あたまに
のせていないと おちつかないので
ほかの ポケモンを のせようとする。"
886,34,3,"보살피는 드라꼰을 머리에
태우지 않으면 진정하지 못하고
다른 포켓몬을 태우려고 한다."
886,34,5,"Il prend soin du Fantyrm sur sa tête.
Quand ce dernier nest plus là, il panique
et tente de le remplacer par un autre Pokémon."
886,34,6,"Hat es kein Grolldra auf seinem Kopf, auf das es
aufpassen kann, wird es nervös. Dann versucht es,
ein anderes Pokémon auf seinen Kopf zu setzen."
886,34,7,"Si no lleva un Dreepy del que cuidar encima de
la cabeza, se intranquiliza y trata de sustituirlo
con otro Pokémon."
886,34,8,"Se non ha un Dreepy sulla testa di cui prendersi
cura, non riesce a stare tranquillo e cerca
di sostituirlo con altri Pokémon."
886,34,9,"Without a Dreepy to place on its head and
care for, it gets so uneasy itll try to substitute
any Pokémon it finds for the missing Dreepy."
886,34,11,"世話をする ドラメシヤを 頭に
乗せていないと 落ち着かないので
ほかの ポケモンを 乗せようとする。"
887,33,1,"ツノの あなに ドラメシヤを いれて
くらす。 たたかいになると マッハの
スピードで ドラメシヤを とばす。"
887,33,3,"뿔에 있는 구멍에 드라꼰을 넣고
지낸다. 싸움이 시작되면 마하의
스피드로 드라꼰을 날린다."
887,33,5,"Il vit en compagnie de Fantyrm qui logent
dans les trous de ses cornes. Quand il passe
à lattaque, il les propulse à la vitesse du son."
887,33,6,"Es transportiert Grolldra in den Löchern an
seinen Hörnern. Kommt es zum Kampf, schießt
es diese mit Mach-Geschwindigkeit ab."
887,33,7,"Vive en compañía de Dreepy, a los que hospeda
en el interior de sus cuernos. Los dispara a
velocidad supersónica en combate."
887,33,8,"Vive assieme ai Dreepy, che ospita allinterno
dei buchi sulle sue corna. Quando lotta
li espelle alla velocità del suono."
887,33,9,"When it isnt battling, it keeps Dreepy in the
holes on its horns. Once a fight starts, it launches
the Dreepy like supersonic missiles."
887,33,11,"ツノの 穴に ドラメシヤを 入れて
暮らす。 戦いになると マッハの
スピードで ドラメシヤを 飛ばす。"
887,34,1,"ツノに はいった ドラメシヤは
マッハの スピードで とばされるのを
こころまちに しているらしい。"
887,34,3,"뿔에 들어간 드라꼰은
마하의 속도로 날려지기를
기대하고 있는 것 같다."
887,34,5,"Il paraît que les Fantyrm installés dans ses cornes
attendent impatiemment le moment où ils seront
propulsés à la vitesse du son."
887,34,6,"Die Grolldra, die in seinen Hörnern sitzen,
warten angeblich voller Spannung darauf, mit
Mach-Geschwindigkeit abgefeuert zu werden."
887,34,7,"Al parecer, los Dreepy que residen en sus
cuernos esperan con ilusión el momento de ser
propulsados a velocidad supersónica."
887,34,8,"I Dreepy che vivono nelle sue corna attendono
ansiosamente di essere sparati alla velocità
del suono."
887,34,9,"Apparently the Dreepy inside Dragapults
horns eagerly look forward to being launched out
at Mach speeds."
887,34,11,"ツノに 入った ドラメシヤは
マッハの スピードで 飛ばされるのを
心待ちに しているらしい。"
888,33,1,"でんせつの えいゆうと よばれる
ポケモン。 きんぞくを とりこみ
ぶぐに へんかさせ たたかう。"
888,33,3,"전설의 영웅이라고 불리는
포켓몬. 금속을 흡수한 뒤
무기로 변화시켜서 싸운다."
888,33,5,"Également surnommé «héros légendaire»,
ce Pokémon absorbe du métal et se change
en arme pour se battre."
888,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon gilt als legendärer Held.
Es nimmt Metall auf, wandelt dies in eine Waffe
um und kämpft damit."
888,33,7,"Este Pokémon está considerado como un héroe
de leyenda. Absorbe el metal para transformarlo
y emplearlo como armamento."
888,33,8,"È conosciuto come “leroe della leggenda”.
Assorbe il metallo e lo trasforma per armarsi
durante la lotta."
888,33,9,"Known as a legendary hero, this Pokémon
absorbs metal particles, transforming them
into a weapon it uses to battle."
888,33,11,"伝説の 英雄と 呼ばれる
ポケモン。 金属を 取り込み
武具に 変化させ 戦う。"
888,34,1,"ながい ねむりに ついていた
ザマゼンタの あね とも
ライバルとも いわれる ポケモン。"
888,34,3,"오랜 세월 잠들어 있던
자마젠타의 형제자매 또는
라이벌로 불리는 포켓몬이다."
888,34,5,"On dit quil sagit de la figure fraternelle
et du rival de Zamazenta, un Pokémon plongé
dans un long sommeil."
888,34,6,"Man sagt, es sei wie ein älteres Geschwisterteil,
aber auch wie ein Rivale zu Zamazenta, welches
in einen langen Schlaf gefallen war."
888,34,7,"Hay quien lo considera una suerte de figura
fraterna a la par que rival de Zamazenta,
un Pokémon sumido en un profundo letargo."
888,34,8,"Viene considerato una figura fraterna e allo
stesso tempo un rivale per Zamazenta,
un Pokémon rimasto a lungo addormentato."
888,34,9,"This Pokémon has slumbered for many years.
Some say its Zamazentas elder sister—others
say the two Pokémon are rivals."
888,34,11,"長い 眠りに ついていた
ザマゼンタの 姉 とも
ライバルとも いわれる ポケモン。"
889,33,1,"ひとのおうと ちからを あわせ
ガラルを すくった ポケモン。
きんぞくを とりこみ たたかう。"
889,33,3,"인간의 왕과 힘을 합쳐
가라르를 구한 포켓몬.
금속을 흡수해서 싸운다."
889,33,5,"Ce Pokémon sauva autrefois Galar en joignant
ses forces à celles du roi des Hommes.
Il absorbe du métal quand il passe au combat."
889,33,6,"Dieses Pokémon vereinte seine Kräfte mit einem
Menschenkönig und rettete die Galar-Region.
Es nimmt Metall in sich auf und kämpft damit."
889,33,7,"Este Pokémon se erigió en salvador de Galar,
tras unir fuerzas con un rey de los hombres.
Absorbe el metal para utilizarlo en combate."
889,33,8,"Ha salvato Galar unendo le forze con il re
degli uomini. Assorbe il metallo e se ne serve
per lottare."
889,33,9,"In times past, it worked together with a king of
the people to save the Galar region. It absorbs
metal that it then uses in battle."
889,33,11,"人の王と 力を あわせ
ガラルを 救った ポケモン。
金属を 取り込み 戦う。"
889,34,1,"せきぞうの ような すがたで
わすれさられるほどの あいだ
ねむりに ついていた ポケモン。"
889,34,3,"석상 같은 모습으로
잊혀질 정도의 세월 동안
잠들어 있던 포켓몬이다."
889,34,5,"Ce Pokémon, changé en statue, est resté pétrifié
si longtemps quil a failli tomber dans loubli."
889,34,6,"Dieses Pokémon fiel in Form einer Steinstatue
in solch einen langen Schlaf, dass es in
Vergessenheit geraten ist."
889,34,7,"Con la apariencia de una estatua de piedra, este
Pokémon se sumió en un letargo tan profundo
que acabó cayendo en el olvido."
889,34,8,"Questo Pokémon è rimasto addormentato sotto
forma di statua così a lungo da venire
completamente dimenticato."
889,34,9,"This Pokémon slept for aeons while in the form of
a statue. It was asleep for so long, people forgot
that it ever existed."
889,34,11,"石像の ような 姿で
忘れ去られるほどの あいだ
眠りに ついていた ポケモン。"
890,33,1,"むねの コアが ガラルちほうの
だいちから わきだす エネルギーを
きゅうしゅうして かつどうしている。"
890,33,3,"가슴의 코어가 가라르지방의
대지에서 솟아나는 에너지를
흡수해서 활동한다."
890,33,5,"Il devient actif en absorbant lénergie qui émerge
du sol de Galar grâce au noyau situé
sur sa poitrine."
890,33,6,"Indem der Kern in seinem Brustkorb die Energie
absorbiert, die aus dem Boden der Galar-Region
strömt, wird es aktiv."
890,33,7,"Se alimenta de la energía que brota de la tierra
de Galar absorbiéndola por el núcleo del pecho."
890,33,8,"Si alimenta attraverso il nucleo sul suo petto,
con cui assorbe lenergia emanata dalla terra
della regione di Galar."
890,33,9,"The core on its chest absorbs energy emanating
from the lands of the Galar region. This energy is
what allows Eternatus to stay active."
890,33,11,"胸の コアが ガラル地方の
大地から 涌きだす エネルギーを
吸収して 活動している。"
890,34,1,"2まんねんまえに おちた いんせきの
なかに いた。 ダイマックスの
なぞに かんけいしている らしい。"
890,34,3,"2만 년 전에 떨어진 운석
안에 있었다. 다이맥스의
수수께끼와 관련이 있는 듯하다."
890,34,5,"Il se trouvait dans une météorite qui sest écrasée
il y a 20000 ans. Il semble y avoir un lien
entre ce Pokémon et le phénomène Dynamax."
890,34,6,"Es steckte in einem Meteorit, der vor 20000
Jahren herabstürzte. Es scheint in Verbindung
mit dem Dynamax-Phänomen zu stehen."
890,34,7,"Fue hallado en el interior de un meteorito caído
hace 20 000 años. Por lo visto, está relacionado
con el misterio que rodea al fenómeno Dinamax."
890,34,8,"È giunto dallo spazio dentro un meteorite caduto
20.000 anni fa. Sembra essere in qualche modo
collegato al mistero del fenomeno Dynamax."
890,34,9,"It was inside a meteorite that fell 20,000 years
ago. There seems to be a connection between
this Pokémon and the Dynamax phenomenon."
890,34,11,"2万年前に 落ちた 隕石の
中に いた。 ダイマックスの
謎に 関係している らしい。"
891,33,1,"きびしい たんれんを つみ わざを
みがく。 たいとくした わざによって
しんかしたときに すがたが かわる。"
891,33,3,"혹독한 수련을 거듭하며 기술을
갈고닦는다. 체득한 기술에 따라
진화했을 때의 모습이 달라진다."
891,33,5,"Il suit un entraînement rigoureux pour parfaire
ses techniques. La forme de son évolution
dépend des capacités quil a assimilées."
891,33,6,"Durch rigoroses Training perfektioniert es seine
Kampftechnik. Diese bestimmt, welche Form
Dakuma nach der Entwicklung annimmt."
891,33,7,"Perfecciona su técnica mediante una estricta
disciplina. Según la corriente marcial que siga,
adoptará una forma u otra al evolucionar."
891,33,8,"Affina le sue mosse sottoponendosi a duri
allenamenti. La forma assunta dopo levoluzione
cambia a seconda delle mosse padroneggiate."
891,33,9,"Kubfu trains hard to perfect its moves. The moves
it masters will determine which form it takes when
it evolves."
891,33,11,"厳しい 鍛錬を 積み 技を
磨く。 体得した 技によって
進化したときの 姿が 変わる。"
891,34,1,"あたまの しろく ながい たいもうを
ひっぱると きあいが たかまり
たんでんから パワーが わきあがる。"
891,34,3,"머리의 하얗고 긴 털을
잡아당기면 기세가 고조되어
단전에서 파워가 끓어오른다."
891,34,5,"Lorsquil tire sur les longs poils blancs
sur sa tête, il devient plus combatif et
de lénergie jaillit de sous son nombril."
891,34,6,"Zieht es an dem langen weißen Fell an seinem
Hinterkopf, steigert das seinen Kampfgeist und
aus seiner Körpermitte steigt Kraft empor."
891,34,7,"Al tirar de los mechones blancos de la cabeza,
acrecienta su espíritu luchador y empieza a
acumular fuerza en el órgano de su bajo vientre."
891,34,8,"Tira i lunghi ciuffi di pelo bianco che ha sulla
testa per incrementare il suo spirito combattivo,
facendo sgorgare energia dal ventre."
891,34,9,"If Kubfu pulls the long white hair on its head,
its fighting spirit heightens and power wells up
from the depths of its belly."
891,34,11,"頭の 白く 長い 体毛を
引っぱると 気合が 高まり
丹田から パワーが 湧きあがる。"
892,33,1,"いちげきひっさつが しんじょう。
あいての ふところに とびこみ
きたえられた こぶしを たたきこむ。"
892,33,3,"일격필살이 신조다.
상대의 품으로 파고들어
단련된 주먹을 질러 넣는다."
892,33,5,"Adepte des techniques pouvant mettre K.O.
en un seul coup, il se jette sur son adversaire
et le frappe de son poing robuste."
892,33,6,"Es ist darauf spezialisiert, Gegner mit nur einem
Treffer zu bezwingen, indem es sie schlagartig
anfällt und einen fokussierten Hieb austeilt."
892,33,7,"Su estilo de lucha se basa en abatir a sus rivales
de un solo golpe. Se abalanza sobre ellos con su
puño cincelado por el entrenamiento."
892,33,8,"Il suo credo è sconfiggere lavversario con un
colpo solo. Si lancia sul nemico e lo colpisce con
un pugno potenziato al massimo dallallenamento."
892,33,9,"This form of Urshifu is a strong believer in the
one-hit KO. Its strategy is to leap in close to foes
and land a devastating blow with a hardened fist."
892,33,11,"一撃必殺が 信条。
相手の 懐に 飛びこみ
鍛えられた 拳を 叩きこむ。"
892,34,1,"とおい ちほうの さんがくちたいで
くらす。 だんがいぜっぺきを はしり
あしこしを きたえ わざを みがく。"
892,34,3,"먼 지방의 산악지대에 산다.
낭떠러지 절벽을 달리며
하체를 단련하고 기술을 연마한다."
892,34,5,"Il vit dans une lointaine région montagneuse où
il peaufine ses techniques et muscle ses jambes
en courant le long des falaises abruptes."
892,34,6,"Wulaosu lebt in den Bergen einer fernen Region.
Um die Beine zu stählen und seine Kampftechnik
zu verbessern, rennt es steile Klippen entlang."
892,34,7,"Vive en zonas montañosas en áreas recónditas,
donde entrena corriendo por escarpados riscos
para fortalecer sus piernas y refinar su técnica."
892,34,8,"Vive nelle zone montuose di una regione lontana.
Corre sulle pareti dei dirupi, allenando gli arti
inferiori e perfezionando le sue mosse."
892,34,9,"Inhabiting the mountains of a distant region, this
Pokémon races across sheer cliffs, training its legs
and refining its moves."
892,34,11,"遠い 地方の 山岳地帯で
暮らす。 断崖絶壁を 走り
足腰を 鍛え 技を 磨く。"
893,33,1,"むれを つくり みつりんで くらす。
とても こうげきてきで もりにすむ
ポケモンたちから おそれられている。"
893,33,3,"무리 지어 밀림에 산다.
매우 공격적이라 숲에 사는
포켓몬들에게는 두려움의 대상이다."
893,33,5,"Ils vivent en groupe dans la jungle, où les autres
Pokémon les craignent à cause de leur nature
893,33,6,"Zarude leben gruppenweise in dichten Wäldern
und werden von den anderen Pokémon dort
gefürchtet, da sie sehr aggressiv sind."
893,33,7,"Viven en manada en la selva. Debido a su
marcada agresividad, son muy temidos por otros
Pokémon selváticos."
893,33,8,"Vive in branco nella giungla.
È temuto dagli altri Pokémon della foresta
perché estremamente aggressivo."
893,33,9,"Within dense forests, this Pokémon lives in a pack
with others of its kind. Its incredibly aggressive,
and the other Pokémon of the forest fear it."
893,33,11,"群れを つくり 密林で 暮らす。
とても 攻撃的で 森にすむ
ポケモンたちから 恐れられている。"
893,34,1,"からだに はえる ツルは ちぎれると
つちの えいようぶんとなって もりの
しょくぶつたちを そだてるのだ。"
893,34,3,"몸에 난 덩굴이 끊어지면
토양에 영양분이 되어
숲의 식물들을 성장시킨다."
893,34,5,"Lorsque ses lianes se détachent de son corps,
elles fertilisent le sol et favorisent la croissance
des plantes de la forêt."
893,34,6,"Reißen die an seinem Körper wachsenden Ranken
ab, werden sie zu Nährstoffen für den Boden,
was den Pflanzen im Wald zum Wachstum verhilft."
893,34,7,"Las lianas que le brotan del cuerpo nutren y
fertilizan el mantillo del bosque cuando se le
893,34,8,"Se si staccano, le liane del suo corpo diventano
nutrimento per il suolo, favorendo lo sviluppo
delle piante della foresta."
893,34,9,"Once the vines on Zarudes body tear off, they
become nutrients in the soil. This helps the plants
of the forest grow."
893,34,11,"体に 生える ツルは ちぎれると
土の 栄養分となって 森の
植物たちを 育てるのだ。"
894,33,1,"でんきエネルギーの かたまり。
からだの リングを はずすと ひめた
ちからが ときはなたれるらしい。"
894,33,3,"전기 에너지 덩어리다.
몸에 있는 링을 해제하면
숨겨진 힘이 해방된다고 한다."
894,33,5,"Son corps est un véritable concentré dénergie
électrique. On raconte que si on lui retire
ses anneaux, sa puissance cachée se libère."
894,33,6,"Es besteht aus gebündelter elektrischer Energie.
Werden die Ringe an seinem Körper entfernt,
setzt das angeblich seine verborgenen Kräfte frei."
894,33,7,"Su cuerpo entero es energía eléctrica. Por lo
visto, quitarle los anillos que lleva libera su
poder oculto."
894,33,8,"È un agglomerato di energia elettrica. Si dice
che rimuovere gli anelli che ha attorno al corpo
liberi la sua potenza latente."
894,33,9,"This Pokémon is a cluster of electrical energy.
Its said that removing the rings on Regielekis
body will unleash the Pokémons latent power."
894,33,11,"電気エネルギーの 塊。
体の リングを 外すと 秘めた
力が 解き放たれるらしい。"
894,34,1,"ぜんしんが でんきエネルギーを
つくる きかん。 ガラルぜんどの
でんきを つくりだすことができる。"
894,34,3,"온몸이 전기 에너지를 만드는 기관이다.
가라르 전 지역에서 사용하는 양의
전기를 만들어 낼 수 있다."
894,34,5,"Son corps est entièrement composé dorganes
générant de lélectricité. Il peut produire
assez dénergie pour alimenter tout Galar."
894,34,6,"Sein Körper besteht aus einem Organ, das
elektrische Energie erzeugt. Regieleki kann genug
Strom produzieren, um ganz Galar zu versorgen."
894,34,7,"Todo su cuerpo es un órgano electrógeno, cuya
potencia sería suficiente para abastecer la región
de Galar por completo."
894,34,8,"Il suo corpo è costituito interamente da un
organo che produce energia elettrica.
Fornisce corrente allintera regione di Galar."
894,34,9,"Its entire body is made up of a single organ that
generates electrical energy. Regieleki is capable
of creating all Galars electricity."
894,34,11,"全身が 電気エネルギーを
作る 器官。 ガラル全土の
電気を 作りだすことができる。"
895,33,1,"うでの かたちは こだいの ドラゴン
ポケモンの あたまという がくせつも
あるが しょうめいされていない。"
895,33,3,"팔의 형태가 고대 드래곤포켓몬의
머리라는 학설도 있지만
증명된 바는 없다."
895,33,5,"Une théorie stipule que ses bras ont la forme
de la tête dun Pokémon Dragon des temps
anciens, mais aucune preuve ne latteste."
895,33,6,"Einer unbestätigten Theorie zufolge sind seine
Arme wie der Kopf eines urzeitlichen
Drachen-Pokémon geformt."
895,33,7,"Cierta teoría afirma que la forma de sus brazos
representa la cabeza de un Pokémon dragón
ancestral, aunque esto no ha podido verificarse."
895,33,8,"Si ipotizza che le sue braccia abbiano la forma
della testa di un antico Pokémon di tipo Drago,
ma non esistono prove certe."
895,33,9,"An academic theory proposes that Regidragos
arms were once the head of an ancient dragon
Pokémon. The theory remains unproven."
895,33,11,"腕の 形は 古代の ドラゴン
ポケモンの 頭という 学説も
あるが 証明されていない。"
895,34,1,"ぜんしんが ドラゴンエネルギーの
けっしょう。 すべての ドラゴン
ポケモンの ちからを もつらしい。"
895,34,3,"온몸이 드래곤 에너지의
결정체다. 모든 드래곤포켓몬의
힘을 가지고 있는 듯하다."
895,34,5,"Son corps est entièrement composé de cristaux
dénergie draconique. Il possèderait les pouvoirs
de tous les Pokémon Dragon."
895,34,6,"Sein ganzer Körper besteht aus kristallisierter
Drachen-Energie. Es soll über die Kräfte aller
Drachen-Pokémon verfügen."
895,34,7,"Todo su cuerpo es una gema de energía dragón
cristalizada. Se cree que posee los poderes de
todos los Pokémon dragón."
895,34,8,"Il suo corpo è formato da energia Drago
cristallizzata. Pare che possieda i poteri
di tutti i Pokémon di tipo Drago."
895,34,9,"Its body is composed of crystallized dragon
energy. Regidrago is said to have the powers of
every dragon Pokémon."
895,34,11,"全身が ドラゴンエネルギーの
結晶。 すべての ドラゴン
ポケモンの 力を 持つらしい。"
896,33,1,"ひづめから きょうりょくな れいきを
はなつ。 ほしいものは なんでも
ちからずくで うばう あばれんぼう。"
896,33,3,"발굽에서 강력한 냉기를 발산한다.
원하는 것은 무엇이든
힘으로 빼앗는 폭군."
896,33,5,"Violent au point de semparer de tout ce quil
désire par la force, ce Pokémon est capable
de libérer un puissant air glacial de ses sabots."
896,33,6,"Aus seinen Hufen verströmt es eisige Kälte.
Dieses ungestüme Pokémon nimmt sich alles,
was es will, mit roher Gewalt."
896,33,7,"Libera un potente vaho gélido por las pezuñas.
Un ser violento que no duda en tomar a la fuerza
todo cuanto desea."
896,33,8,"Rilascia una potente aria gelida dagli zoccoli.
È impetuoso e prende con la forza tutto ciò
che vuole."
896,33,9,"Glastrier emits intense cold from its hooves.
Its also a belligerent Pokémon—anything it
wants, it takes by force."
896,33,11,"蹄から 強力な 冷気を
放つ。 欲しいものは なんでも
力尽くで 奪う 暴れん坊。"
896,34,1,"すさまじい かいりきの もちぬし。
かおを おおう こおりの マスクは
ダイヤモンドの 100ばい かたい。"
896,34,3,"굉장한 괴력을 가졌다.
얼굴을 덮는 얼음 마스크는
다이아몬드보다 100배 단단하다."
896,34,5,"Ce Pokémon à la force hors du commun porte
un masque composé de glace cent fois plus
solide que le diamant."
896,34,6,"Das Gesicht dieses außergewöhnlich starken
Pokémon wird von einer Maske aus Eis bedeckt,
die hundertmal härter als Diamant ist."
896,34,7,"Cuenta con una fuerza física sobrecogedora.
La máscara de hielo que le cubre el rostro es
cien veces más dura que el diamante."
896,34,8,"È dotato di una forza incommensurabile.
La maschera di ghiaccio che gli ricopre il muso
è cento volte più dura del diamante."
896,34,9,"Glastrier has tremendous physical strength, and
the mask of ice covering its face is 100 times
harder than diamond."
896,34,11,"凄まじい 怪力の 持ち主。
顔を 覆う 氷の マスクは
ダイヤモンドの 100倍 硬い。"
897,33,1,"しかく いがいの ごかんを つかい
ようすを さぐる。 けられたものは
たましいを ぬかれてしまうという。"
897,33,3,"시각 이외의 오감을 사용해서
동태를 살핀다. 발에 차인 자는
영혼이 빠져나가 버린다고 한다."
897,33,5,"Il se sert de tous ses sens pour se repérer, sauf
celui de la vue. Un coup de ses sabots suffirait
à séparer lâme du corps de sa cible."
897,33,6,"Um sein Umfeld zu erkunden, nutzt es all seine
Sinne  bis auf den Sehsinn. Wer von Phantoross
getreten wird, verliert angeblich seine Seele."
897,33,7,"Examina su entorno con todos los sentidos, salvo
la vista. Se dice que sus coces son capaces de
robarle el alma a quien las recibe."
897,33,8,"Sonda larea circostante con tutti i suoi sensi,
esclusa la vista. Si narra che chi subisce i suoi
calci venga privato dellanima."
897,33,9,"It probes its surroundings with all its senses save
one—it doesnt use its sense of sight. Spectriers
kicks are said to separate soul from body."
897,33,11,"視覚 以外の 五感を 使い
様子を 探る。 蹴られたものは
魂を 抜かれてしまうという。"
897,34,1,"やみよを かけぬけ ねているものの
せいめいエネルギーを すいとる。
こどくと せいじゃくを このむ。"
897,34,3,"어두운 밤을 달리며 잠든 자의
생명 에너지를 흡수한다.
고독과 정적을 좋아한다."
897,34,5,"Ce Pokémon friand de silence et de solitude
galope à travers les ténèbres nocturnes
et aspire lénergie vitale des êtres endormis."
897,34,6,"Es galoppiert durch die finstere Nacht und
absorbiert die Lebensenergie der Schlafenden.
Phantoross bevorzugt Einsamkeit und Stille."
897,34,7,"Amante de la quietud y la soledad, galopa por
las tinieblas nocturnas absorbiendo la energía
vital de toda criatura que esté durmiendo."
897,34,8,"Galoppa nelle notti buie assorbendo lenergia
vitale delle creature addormentate.
Ama la solitudine e la quiete."
897,34,9,"As it dashes through the night, Spectrier absorbs
the life-force of sleeping creatures. It craves
silence and solitude."
897,34,11,"闇夜を 駆けぬけ 寝ているものの
生命エネルギーを 吸い取る。
孤独と 静寂を 好む。"
898,33,1,"いやしと めぐみの ちからを もつ
じあいに みちた ポケモン。 はるか
むかし ガラルに くんりんしていた。"
898,33,3,"치유와 은총의 힘을 가진
자애로운 포켓몬.
먼 옛날 가라르에 군림했었다."
898,33,5,"Doté de pouvoirs de guérison et dabondance,
ce Pokémon miséricordieux régnait sur Galar
il y a fort longtemps."
898,33,6,"Ein warmherziges Pokémon, das über heilende
und segnende Kräfte verfügt. In längst
vergangenen Zeiten herrschte es über Galar."
898,33,7,"Un Pokémon muy compasivo agraciado con el
poder de la curación. Reinó en Galar en tiempos
898,33,8,"Portatore di rigogliosità e dotato di poteri
curativi, questo Pokémon compassionevole
regnò su Galar in tempi antichi."
898,33,9,"Calyrex is a merciful Pokémon, capable of
providing healing and blessings. It reigned over
the Galar region in times of yore."
898,33,11,"癒しと 恵みの 力を もつ
慈愛に 満ちた ポケモン。 はるか
むかし ガラルに 君臨していた。"
898,34,1,"おおむかしの ガラルを すべていた
でんせつの おう。 こころを いやし
くさきを めぶかせる ちからがある。"
898,34,3,"먼 옛날 가라르를 지배했던
전설의 왕. 마음을 치유하고
초목을 싹 트게 하는 능력이 있다."
898,34,5,"Ce roi légendaire qui a régné sur Galar il y a fort
longtemps possède le pouvoir dapaiser les cœurs
et de faire germer les plantes."
898,34,6,"Ein legendärer König, der einst Galar regierte.
Coronospa besitzt die Macht, Herzen zu
besänftigen und Pflanzen gedeihen zu lassen."
898,34,7,"Legendario monarca del antiguo Galar. Posee el
poder de sanar el espíritu y de hacer brotar la
898,34,8,"Il re delle leggende che dominò su Galar in un
lontano passato. È in grado di calmare gli animi
e far germogliare la vegetazione."
898,34,9,"Calyrex is known in legend as a king that ruled
over Galar in ancient times. It has the power to
cause hearts to mend and plants to spring forth."
898,34,11,"大昔の ガラルを 統べていた
伝説の 王。 心を 癒し
草木を 芽吹かせる 力がある。"