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2172Forms only affect appearance. All wild Pichu are normal Pichu and cannot be converted into gizamimi Pichu. Gizamimi Pichu can only be encountered by taking the shiny Pichu from the 12th movie promotion to Celebi's shrine in Ilex Forest. Gizamimi Pichu cannot evolve or be traded to games before Heart Gold and Soul Silver.
3201Forms only affect appearance. A form is selected at random before a wild encounter and cannot be changed.
4351Form changes to match the current weather.
5386Forms have different stats and movepools. Form changes depending on the game: normal form in Ruby/Sapphire, Attack form in Fire Red, Defense form in Leaf Green, and Speed form in Emerald. Every form exists in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and form is preserved when transferring from an older game. Meteorites in the south end of Veilstone City can be used to switch between forms.
6412Cloaks only affect appearance, although they become permanent upon evolution. Cloak changes to match the current terrain after a battle (or when an egg hatches), if possible: Plant Cloak for grassy areas, Sandy Cloak for beaches and caves, or Trash Cloak for buildings.
7413Forms have different stats and movepools. During evolution, the current cloak becomes the new form, and can no longer be changed.
8421Sunshine form is active only during Sunny Day, due to Flower Gift.
9422Forms only affect appearance. A form is selected before a wild encounter based on whether the battle is in Western or Eastern Sinnoh and cannot be changed.
10423Forms only affect appearance. A form is selected before a wild encounter based on whether the battle is in Western or Eastern Sinnoh and cannot be changed.
11479Forms have different signature moves. When switching forms, the old signature move is removed and the new one, if any, is learned immediately. In a secret room in the Galactic Eterna Building, accessible only with a Secret Key, there are appliances that can be used to switch between forms.
12487Forms have different stats. Giratina becomes Origin form in Distortion World or while holding a Griseous Orb. Otherwise, or during a link battle, Giratina will be in Altered form.
13492Forms have different stats and movepools. After using a Gracidea, Shaymin will transform into Sky form during the daytime. If a Gracidea is not used, it is currently nighttime, during a link battle, or Sky form is Frozen, Shaymin will be in Land form. Gracidea only works on an official event Shaymin.
14493Form always reflects type, which may be changed by attaching a Plate and activating Multitype.