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1,5,9,"The best BALL that
catches a POKéMON
without fail."
1,6,9,"The best BALL that
catches a POKéMON
without fail."
1,7,9,"The best BALL with the ultimate
performance. It will catch any wild
POKéMON without fail."
1,8,9,"The best Ball with the ultimate level of
performance. It will catch any wild
Pokémon without fail."
1,9,9,"The best Ball with the ultimate level of
performance. It will catch any wild
Pokémon without fail."
1,10,9,"The best Ball with the ultimate level of
performance. It will catch any wild
Pokémon without fail."
1,11,5,"Assurément la Ball la plus performante.
Elle permet de capturer à coup sûr un
Pokémon sauvage."
1,11,9,"The best Ball with the ultimate level of
performance. It will catch any wild
Pokémon without fail."
1,14,9,"The best Ball with the ultimate level of
performance. It will catch any wild
Pokémon without fail."
1,15,1,"やせいの ポケモンを かならず
つかまえることが できる
さいこう せいのうの ボール。"
1,15,3,"야생 포켓몬을 반드시
잡을 수 있는
최고 성능의 볼."
1,15,5,"Assurément la Ball la plus performante.
Elle permet de capturer à coup sûr un Pokémon
1,15,6,"Der beste Ball! Damit fängst du garantiert jedes
wilde Pokémon."
1,15,7,"La Poké Ball definitiva. Atrapa cualquier Pokémon
salvaje y no falla nunca."
1,15,8,"La Poké Ball dalle prestazioni migliori:
cattura qualsiasi Pokémon selvatico senza
mai fallire."
1,15,9,"The best Poké Ball with the ultimate
level of performance. With it, you will
catch any wild Pokémon without fail."
1,15,11,"野生の ポケモンを 必ず
捕まえることが できる
最高 性能の ボール。"
2,5,9,"A better BALL with
a higher catch rate
than a GREAT BALL."
2,6,9,"A better BALL with
a higher catch rate
than a GREAT BALL."
2,7,9,"A very high-grade BALL that offers
a higher POKéMON catch rate than
2,8,9,"An ultra-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a Great Ball."
2,9,9,"An ultra-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a Great Ball."
2,10,9,"An ultra-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a Great Ball."
2,11,5,"Une Ball ultraperformante dont le taux
de réussite est supérieur à celui de la
Super Ball."
2,11,9,"An ultra-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a Great Ball."
2,14,9,"An ultra-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a Great Ball."
2,15,1,"スーパーボールよりも さらに
ポケモンを つかまえやすくなった
すごく せいのうのいい ボール。"
2,15,3,"수퍼볼보다도 더욱
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬워진
매우 성능이 좋은 볼."
2,15,5,"Une Ball ultraperformante dont le taux de
réussite est supérieur à celui de la Super Ball."
2,15,6,"Ein Ball mit hoher Erfolgsquote. Dem Superball in
allen Punkten überlegen."
2,15,7,"Poké Ball de rendimiento superior. Tiene un
índice de éxito mayor al de la Super Ball."
2,15,8,"Poké Ball dalle prestazioni eccellenti:
fornisce maggiori probabilità di cattura rispetto
alla Mega Ball."
2,15,9,"An ultra-high-performance Poké Ball
that provides a higher success rate for
catching Pokémon than a Great Ball."
2,15,11,"スーパーボールよりも さらに
ポケモンを 捕まえやすくなった
すごく 性能のいい ボール。"
3,5,9,"A good BALL with a
higher catch rate
than a POKé BALL."
3,6,9,"A good BALL with a
higher catch rate
than a POKé BALL."
3,7,9,"A good, quality BALL that offers
a higher POKéMON catch rate than
a standard POKé BALL."
3,8,9,"A good, high-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a standard Poké Ball."
3,9,9,"A good, high-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a standard Poké Ball."
3,10,9,"A good, high-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a standard Poké Ball."
3,11,5,"Une Ball très performante dont le taux
de réussite est supérieur à celui de la
Poké Ball."
3,11,9,"A good, high-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a standard Poké Ball."
3,14,9,"A good, high-performance Ball that
provides a higher Pokémon catch rate
than a standard Poké Ball."
3,15,1,"モンスターボールよりも さらに
ポケモンを つかまえやすくなった
すこし せいのうのいい ボール。"
3,15,3,"몬스터볼보다도 더욱
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬워진
약간 성능이 좋은 볼."
3,15,5,"Une Ball très performante dont le taux de
réussite est supérieur à celui de la Poké Ball."
3,15,6,"Ein Ball mit guter Erfolgsquote. Dem Pokéball in
allen Punkten überlegen."
3,15,7,"Poké Ball de alto rendimiento. Tiene un índice de
éxito superior al de la Poké Ball."
3,15,8,"Poké Ball dalle ottime prestazioni:
fornisce maggiori probabilità di cattura rispetto
alla normale Poké Ball."
3,15,9,"A good, high-performance Poké Ball
that provides a higher Pokémon catch
rate than a standard Poké Ball can."
3,15,11,"モンスターボールよりも さらに
ポケモンを 捕まえやすくなった
少し 性能のいい ボール。"
4,5,9,"A tool used for
catching wild
4,6,9,"A tool used for
catching wild
4,7,9,"A BALL thrown to catch a wild
POKéMON. It is designed in a
capsule style."
4,8,9,"A device for catching wild Pokémon.
It is thrown like a ball at the target.
It is designed as a capsule system."
4,9,9,"A device for catching wild Pokémon.
It is thrown like a ball at the target.
It is designed as a capsule system."
4,10,9,"A device for catching wild Pokémon.
It is thrown like a ball at the target.
It is designed as a capsule system."
4,11,5,"Un objet pareil à une capsule, qui
capture les Pokémon sauvages. Il suffit
pour cela de le jeter comme une balle."
4,11,9,"A device for catching wild Pokémon.
It is thrown like a ball at the target.
It is designed as a capsule system."
4,14,9,"A device for catching wild Pokémon.
It is thrown like a ball at the target.
It is designed as a capsule system."
4,15,1,"やせいの ポケモンに なげて
つかまえる ための ボール。
カプセルしきに なっている。"
4,15,3,"야생 포켓몬에게 던져서
잡기 위한 볼.
캡슐식으로 되어 있다."
4,15,5,"Un objet semblable à une capsule, qui capture
les Pokémon sauvages. Il suffit pour cela de le
jeter comme une balle."
4,15,6,"Damit fängst du wilde Pokémon. Du wirfst ihn wie
einen normalen Ball. Das Design ähnelt dem einer
4,15,7,"Dispositivo con diseño capsular que atrapa
Pokémon salvajes. Se lanza como una bola
contra el blanco."
4,15,8,"Strumento dotato di capsula usato per catturare
Pokémon selvatici. Si lancia contro il bersaglio
come una palla."
4,15,9,"A device for catching wild Pokémon.
Its thrown like a ball at a Pokémon,
comfortably encapsulating its target."
4,15,11,"野生の ポケモンに 投げて
捕まえるための ボール。
カプセル式に なっている。"
5,5,9,"A special BALL that
is used only in the
5,6,9,"A special BALL that
is used only in the
5,7,9,"A special BALL that is used only in
the SAFARI ZONE. It is finished in
a camouflage pattern."
5,8,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used only in
the Great Marsh. It is decorated in a
camouflage pattern."
5,9,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used only in
the Great Marsh. It is decorated in a
camouflage pattern."
5,10,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used only in
the Great Marsh. It is decorated in a
camouflage pattern."
5,11,5,"Une Poké Ball spéciale dont lusage
est réservé au Parc Safari. Elle est
décorée dun motif camouflage."
5,11,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used only in
the Great Marsh. It is decorated in a
camouflage pattern."
5,14,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used only in
the Great Marsh. It is decorated in a
camouflage pattern."
5,15,1,"だいしつげんの なか だけで
つかう とくべつな ボール。
めいさいがらに なっている。"
5,15,3,"대습초원 안에서만
쓰는 특별한 볼.
얼룩무늬로 되어 있다."
5,15,5,"Une Poké Ball spéciale dont lusage est réservé
au Parc Safari. Elle est décorée dun motif
5,15,6,"Ein Ball, der nur in Safari-Zonen eingesetzt wird.
Er besticht durch sein Tarnfarbenmuster."
5,15,7,"Poké Ball con un diseño de camuflaje que se
utiliza únicamente en el Gran Pantano."
5,15,8,"Poké Ball speciale, usata soltanto nella
Gran Palude. È decorata con un motivo mimetico."
5,15,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used only in
the Great Marsh. It is recognizable by
the camouflage pattern decorating it."
5,15,11,"大湿原の 中だけで
使う 特別な ボール。
迷彩柄に なっている。"
6,5,9,"A BALL that works
well on WATER- and
BUG-type POKéMON."
6,6,9,"A BALL that works
well on WATER- and
BUG-type POKéMON."
6,7,9,"A somewhat different BALL that
works especially well on WATER- and
BUG-type POKéMON."
6,8,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Water- and
Bug-type Pokémon."
6,9,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Water- and
Bug-type Pokémon."
6,10,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Water- and
Bug-type Pokémon."
6,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien
sur les Pokémon Eau ou Insecte."
6,11,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Water- and
Bug-type Pokémon."
6,14,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Water- and
Bug-type Pokémon."
6,15,1,"みずタイプと むしタイプの
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
6,15,3,"물타입과 벌레타입의
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬운
조금 특이한 볼."
6,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon Eau ou
6,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders gut eignet,
um Wasser- und Käfer-Pokémon zu fangen."
6,15,7,"Es algo distinta a las demás. Funciona
especialmente bien con los Pokémon de tipo
Agua y Bicho."
6,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa. Risulta particolarmente
efficace sui Pokémon di tipo Acqua e Coleottero."
6,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
is more effective when attempting
to catch Water- or Bug-type Pokémon."
6,15,11,"みずタイプと むしタイプの
ポケモンが 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
7,5,9,"A BALL that works
better on POKéMON
on the ocean floor."
7,6,9,"A BALL that works
better on POKéMON
on the ocean floor."
7,7,9,"A somewhat different BALL that
works especially well on POKéMON
deep in the sea."
7,8,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon that
live in the sea."
7,9,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon that
live in the sea."
7,10,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon that
live in the sea."
7,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien
sur les Pokémon sous-marins."
7,11,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon that
live underwater."
7,14,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon that
live underwater."
7,15,1,"みずの せかいで くらしている
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
7,15,3,"물의 세계에서 사는
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬운
조금 특이한 볼."
7,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon
7,15,6,"Ein Ball, mit dem sich Pokémon, die im Wasser
leben, besser fangen lassen."
7,15,7,"Es algo distinta a las demás. Funciona
especialmente bien con los Pokémon que viven
bajo el agua."
7,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa. Risulta particolarmente
efficace sui Pokémon che vivono in acqua."
7,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well when catching
Pokémon that live underwater."
7,15,11,"水の 世界で 暮らしている
ポケモンが 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
8,5,9,"A BALL that works
better on weaker
8,6,9,"A BALL that works
better on weaker
8,7,9,"A somewhat different BALL that
works especially well on weaker
8,8,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on weaker
Pokémon in the wild."
8,9,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on weaker
Pokémon in the wild."
8,10,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on weaker
Pokémon in the wild."
8,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien
sur les Pokémon les plus faibles."
8,11,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on weaker
Pokémon in the wild."
8,14,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on weaker
Pokémon in the wild."
8,15,1,"つかまえる やせいの ポケモンが
よわいほど つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
8,15,3,"잡으려는 야생 포켓몬이
약할수록 잡기 쉬운
조금 특이한 볼."
8,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon les plus
8,15,6,"Ein Ball, dessen Erfolgsquote besonders bei
Pokémon mit niedrigem Level sehr hoch ist."
8,15,7,"Es algo distinta a las demás. Funciona
especialmente bien con los Pokémon salvajes
de nivel bajo."
8,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa. Risulta particolarmente
efficace sui Pokémon selvatici più deboli."
8,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
becomes more effective the lower
the level of the wild Pokémon."
8,15,11,"捕まえる 野生の ポケモンが
弱いほど 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
9,5,9,"A BALL that works
better on POKéMON
caught before."
9,6,9,"A BALL that works
better on POKéMON
caught before."
9,7,9,"A somewhat different BALL that
works especially well on POKéMON
caught before."
9,8,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon
species that were previously caught."
9,9,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon
species that were previously caught."
9,10,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon
species that were previously caught."
9,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien sur
les espèces de Pokémon déjà capturées."
9,11,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon
species that were previously caught."
9,14,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on Pokémon
species that were previously caught."
9,15,1,"つかまえたことの ある
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
9,15,3,"잡은 적이 있는
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬운
조금 특이한 볼."
9,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les espèces de
Pokémon déjà capturées."
9,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders dann sehr gut eignet,
wenn man ein Pokémon fangen will, dessen Art
bereits gefangen wurde."
9,15,7,"Es algo distinta a las demás. Funciona
especialmente bien con las especies de Pokémon
que ya has capturado."
9,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa. Risulta particolarmente
efficace sulle specie di Pokémon già catturate
in precedenza."
9,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
works especially well on a Pokémon
species that has been caught before."
9,15,11,"捕まえたことの ある
ポケモンが 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
10,5,9,"More effective as
more turns are
taken in battle."
10,6,9,"A BALL that gains
power in battles
taking many turns."
10,7,9,"A somewhat different BALL that
becomes progressively better the
more turns there are in a battle."
10,8,9,"A somewhat different Ball that
becomes progressively better the
more turns there are in a battle."
10,9,9,"A somewhat different Ball that
becomes progressively better the
more turns there are in a battle."
10,10,9,"A somewhat different Ball that
becomes progressively better the
more turns there are in a battle."
10,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne de mieux en mieux à
mesure que le combat séternise."
10,11,9,"A somewhat different Ball that
becomes progressively better the
more turns there are in a battle."
10,14,9,"A somewhat different Ball that
becomes progressively better the
more turns there are in a battle."
10,15,1,"ターンすうが かかれば かかるほど
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
10,15,3,"턴 수가 길어지면 길어질수록
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬운
조금 특이한 볼."
10,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
de mieux en mieux à mesure que le combat
10,15,6,"Ein Ball, der mit zunehmender Kampfdauer
effektiver wird."
10,15,7,"Una Poké Ball algo distinta que va mejorando
su rendimiento con cada turno de combate."
10,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che diventa
progressivamente più efficace con laumentare
dei turni in lotta."
10,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
becomes progressively more effective
the more turns that are taken in battle."
10,15,11,"ターン数が かかれば かかるほど
ポケモンが 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
11,5,9,"A cozy BALL that
makes POKéMON
more friendly."
11,6,9,"A cozy BALL that
makes POKéMON
more friendly."
11,7,9,"A comfortable BALL that makes a
captured wild POKéMON quickly grow
11,8,9,"A comfortable Poké Ball that makes a
caught wild Pokémon quickly grow
11,9,9,"A comfortable Poké Ball that makes a
caught wild Pokémon quickly grow
11,10,9,"A comfortable Poké Ball that makes a
caught wild Pokémon quickly grow
11,11,5,"Une Poké Ball pratique qui permet
de gagner rapidement lamitié dun
Pokémon sauvage attrapé."
11,11,9,"A comfortable Poké Ball that makes a
caught wild Pokémon quickly grow
11,14,9,"A comfortable Poké Ball that makes a
caught wild Pokémon quickly grow
11,15,1,"つかまえた やせいポケモンが
とても なつきやすくなる
いごこちの いい ボール。"
11,15,3,"잡은 야생 포켓몬이
매우 친밀해지기 쉬운
편안한 볼."
11,15,5,"Une Poké Ball pratique qui permet de gagner
rapidement lamitié dun Pokémon sauvage
11,15,6,"Ein behaglicher Ball, der Pokémon veranlasst,
nach dem Fang schneller freundlicher zu werden."
11,15,7,"Acogedora Poké Ball que hace más amistosos a
los Pokémon salvajes capturados."
11,15,8,"Poké Ball graziosa che rende più amichevoli
i Pokémon selvatici catturati."
11,15,9,"A particularly comfortable Poké Ball
that makes a wild Pokémon quickly
grow friendlier after being caught."
11,15,11,"捕まえた 野生ポケモンが
とても なつきやすくなる
いごこちの いい ボール。"
12,5,9,"A rare BALL made
in commemoration
of some event."
12,6,9,"A rare BALL made
in commemoration
of some event."
12,7,9,"A rare BALL that has been
specially made to commemorate an
event of some sort."
12,8,9,"A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has
been specially made to commemorate
an event of some sort."
12,9,9,"A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has
been specially made to commemorate
an event of some sort."
12,10,9,"A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has
been specially made to commemorate
an event of some sort."
12,11,5,"Une Poké Ball assez rare qui fut créée
pour un événement particulier."
12,11,9,"A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has
been specially made to commemorate
an event of some sort."
12,14,9,"A somewhat rare Poké Ball that has
been specially made to commemorate
an event of some sort."
12,15,1,"なにかの きねんの しなとして
とくべつに つくられた
ちょっと めずらしい ボール。"
12,15,3,"무언가의 기념품으로
특별히 만들어진
조금 희귀한 볼."
12,15,5,"Une Poké Ball assez rare qui fut créée pour
un événement particulier."
12,15,6,"Ein eher seltener Ball, der als Reminiszenz
an irgendein Ereignis hergestellt wurde."
12,15,7,"Es una Poké Ball algo singular que se creó para
conmemorar algún acontecimiento."
12,15,8,"Poké Ball poco comune realizzata appositamente
per commemorare un particolare evento."
12,15,9,"A somewhat rare Poké Ball that was
made as a commemorative item used
to celebrate an event of some sort."
12,15,11,"なにかの 記念の 品として
特別に つくられた
ちょっと 珍しい ボール。"
13,8,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon
at night or in dark places like caves."
13,9,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon
at night or in dark places like caves."
13,10,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon
at night or in dark places like caves."
13,11,5,"Une Poké Ball efficace pour attraper
les Pokémon de nuit ou dans des
endroits sombres tels que les grottes."
13,11,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon
at night or in dark places like caves."
13,14,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon
at night or in dark places like caves."
13,15,1,"よるや どうくつなど くらいところで
ポケモンが つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
13,15,3,"밤이나 동굴 등 어두운 곳에서
포켓몬을 잡기 쉬운
조금 특이한 볼."
13,15,5,"Une Poké Ball efficace de nuit ou dans les
endroits sombres, tels que les grottes."
13,15,6,"Ein mysteriöser Ball, geeignet für Einsätze in der
Nacht oder an dunklen Orten."
13,15,7,"Es algo particular. Hace que sea más fácil
capturar a los Pokémon salvajes por la noche
o en lugares oscuros."
13,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che rende più facile
catturare Pokémon selvatici di notte o in luoghi
bui come le grotte."
13,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
makes it easier to catch wild Pokémon
at night or in dark places like caves."
13,15,11,"夜や どうくつなど 暗いところで
ポケモンが 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
14,8,9,"A remedial Poké Ball that restores the
caught Pokémons HP and eliminates
any status problem."
14,9,9,"A remedial Poké Ball that restores the
caught Pokémons HP and eliminates
any status problem."
14,10,9,"A remedial Poké Ball that restores the
caught Pokémons HP and eliminates
any status problem."
14,11,5,"Une Poké Ball de soin qui rend tous les
PV du Pokémon attrapé et qui soigne
tous les changements de statut."
14,11,9,"A remedial Poké Ball that restores the
caught Pokémons HP and eliminates
any status problem."
14,14,9,"A remedial Poké Ball that restores the
caught Pokémons HP and eliminates
any status problem."
14,15,1,"つかまえた ポケモンの HPと
じょうたい いじょうを かいふくする
ちょっと やさしい ボール。"
14,15,3,"잡은 포켓몬의 HP와
상태 이상을 회복시키는
조금 다정한 볼."
14,15,5,"Une Poké Ball de soin qui rend tous les PV
du Pokémon attrapé et qui soigne tous les
changements de statut."
14,15,6,"Ein wohltuender Ball. Er füllt alle KP des
gefangenen Pokémon auf und behebt alle
14,15,7,"Poké Ball curativa que restaura los PS y cura
todos los problemas de estado de un Pokémon
después de capturarlo."
14,15,8,"Poké Ball curativa che ridà PS al Pokémon
catturato e cura tutti i problemi di stato."
14,15,9,"A remedial Poké Ball that restores
the HP of a Pokémon caught with it
and eliminates any status conditions."
14,15,11,"捕まえた ポケモンの HPと
状態異常を 回復する
ちょっと やさしい ボール。"
15,8,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
provides a better catch rate if it is
used at the start of a wild encounter."
15,9,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
provides a better catch rate if it is
used at the start of a wild encounter."
15,10,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
provides a better catch rate if it is
used at the start of a wild encounter."
15,11,5,"Une Poké Ball qui permet dattraper un
Pokémon sauvage plus facilement si on
lutilise au début du combat."
15,11,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
provides a better catch rate if it is
used at the start of a wild encounter."
15,14,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
provides a better catch rate if it is
used at the start of a wild encounter."
15,15,1,"せんとうが はじまって すぐに
つかうと つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
15,15,3,"배틀이 시작되자마자
사용하면 잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
15,15,5,"Une Poké Ball qui permet dattraper un Pokémon
sauvage plus facilement si on lutilise au début du
15,15,6,"Ein ungewöhnlicher Ball, der zu Beginn eines
Kampfes am wirkungsvollsten ist."
15,15,7,"Una Poké Ball algo distinta que potencia el índice
de captura si se usa al inicio de un encuentro con
Pokémon salvajes."
15,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che facilita la cattura
di un Pokémon selvatico se usata allinizio
della lotta."
15,15,9,"A somewhat different Poké Ball that
has a more successful catch rate if
used at the start of a wild encounter."
15,15,11,"戦闘が はじまって すぐに
使うと 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
16,8,9,"A quite rare Poké Ball that has been
specially crafted to commemorate
an occasion of some sort."
16,9,9,"A quite rare Poké Ball that has been
specially crafted to commemorate
an occasion of some sort."
16,10,9,"A quite rare Poké Ball that has been
specially crafted to commemorate
an occasion of some sort."
16,11,5,"Une Poké Ball plutôt rare qui fut créée
pour une occasion spéciale."
16,11,9,"A quite rare Poké Ball that has been
specially crafted to commemorate
an occasion of some sort."
16,14,9,"A quite rare Poké Ball that has been
specially crafted to commemorate
an occasion of some sort."
16,15,1,"なにかの きねんの しなとして
とくべつに つくられた
かなり めずらしい ボール。"
16,15,3,"무언가의 기념품으로
특별히 만들어진
상당히 진귀한 볼."
16,15,5,"Une Poké Ball plutôt rare qui fut créée pour
une occasion spéciale."
16,15,6,"Ein seltener Ball, der als Reminiszenz an irgendein
Ereignis hergestellt wurde."
16,15,7,"Es una Poké Ball bastante singular que se creó
para conmemorar alguna ocasión especial."
16,15,8,"Poké Ball molto esclusiva creata per
commemorare un evento speciale."
16,15,9,"A quite rare Poké Ball that has been
crafted in order to commemorate
a special occasion of some sort."
16,15,11,"なにかの 記念の 品として
特別に つくられた
かなり 珍しい ボール。"
17,5,9,"Restores the HP of
a POKéMON by
20 points."
17,6,9,"Restores the HP of
a POKéMON by
20 points."
17,7,9,"A spray-type wound medicine.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 20 points."
17,8,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
17,9,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
17,10,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
17,11,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure 20 PV à un Pokémon."
17,11,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
17,14,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
17,15,1,"スプレーしきの キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
20だけ かいふくする。"
17,15,3,"스프레이식의 상처약.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
20만큼 회복한다."
17,15,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure 20 PV dun Pokémon."
17,15,6,"Hilft bei Wunden. Die KP eines Pokémon werden
um 20 Punkte aufgefüllt."
17,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura heridas y restaura
20 PS a un Pokémon."
17,15,8,"Rimedio spray per le ferite.
Restituisce 20 PS a un Pokémon."
17,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for treating
wounds. It can be used to restore
20 HP to an injured Pokémon."
17,15,11,"スプレー式の キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
20だけ 回復する。"
18,5,9,"Heals a poisoned
18,6,9,"Heals a poisoned
18,7,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals one POKéMON from a
18,8,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It lifts the effect of poison from one
18,9,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It lifts the effect of poison from one
18,10,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It lifts the effect of poison from one
18,11,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Guérit un Pokémon empoisonné."
18,11,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It lifts the effect of poison from one
18,14,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It lifts the effect of poison from one
18,15,1,"スプレーしきの くすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの どくの
じょうたいを かいふくする。"
18,15,3,"스프레이식의 약.
포켓몬 1마리의
독 상태를 회복한다."
18,15,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Guérit un Pokémon empoisonné."
18,15,6,"Ein Spray, das Vergiftungen eines Pokémon heilt."
18,15,7,"Medicina en espray que contrarresta los efectos
del veneno en un Pokémon."
18,15,8,"Rimedio spray.
Cura un Pokémon dallavvelenamento."
18,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for poisoning.
It can be used once to lift the effects
of being poisoned from a Pokémon."
18,15,11,"スプレー式の 薬。
ポケモン 1匹の どくの
状態を 回復する。"
19,5,9,"Heals POKéMON
of a burn."
19,6,9,"Heals POKéMON
of a burn."
19,7,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals one POKéMON of a burn."
19,8,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals a single Pokémon that is
suffering from a burn."
19,9,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals a single Pokémon that is
suffering from a burn."
19,10,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals a single Pokémon that is
suffering from a burn."
19,11,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Soigne les brûlures dun Pokémon."
19,11,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals a single Pokémon that is
suffering from a burn."
19,14,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals a single Pokémon that is
suffering from a burn."
19,15,1,"スプレーしきの くすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの やけどの
じょうたいを かいふくする。"
19,15,3,"스프레이식의 약.
포켓몬 1마리의
화상 상태를 회복한다."
19,15,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Soigne les brûlures dun Pokémon."
19,15,6,"Ein Spray, das Verbrennungen eines Pokémon
19,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura las quemaduras a
un Pokémon."
19,15,8,"Rimedio spray.
Cura un Pokémon dalla scottatura."
19,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for treating
burns. It can be used once to heal
a Pokémon suffering from a burn."
19,15,11,"スプレー式の 薬。
ポケモン 1匹の やけどの
状態を 回復する。"
20,5,9,"Defrosts a frozen
20,6,9,"Defrosts a frozen
20,7,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It defrosts a frozen POKéMON."
20,8,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It defrosts a Pokémon that has been
frozen solid."
20,9,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It defrosts a Pokémon that has been
frozen solid."
20,10,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It defrosts a Pokémon that has been
frozen solid."
20,11,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Réchauffe un Pokémon gelé."
20,11,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It defrosts a Pokémon that has been
frozen solid."
20,14,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It defrosts a Pokémon that has been
frozen solid."
20,15,1,"スプレーしきの くすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの こおりの
じょうたいを かいふくする。"
20,15,3,"스프레이식의 약.
포켓몬 1마리의
얼음 상태를 회복한다."
20,15,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Réchauffe un Pokémon gelé."
20,15,6,"Ein Spray, das ein eingefrorenes Pokémon
20,15,7,"Medicina en espray que descongela a un
20,15,8,"Rimedio spray.
Cura un Pokémon dal congelamento."
20,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for freezing.
It can be used once to defrost a
Pokémon that has been frozen solid."
20,15,11,"スプレー式の 薬。
ポケモン 1匹の こおりの
状態を 回復する。"
21,5,9,"Awakens a sleeping
21,6,9,"Awakens a sleeping
21,7,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It awakens a sleeping POKéMON."
21,8,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It awakens a Pokémon from the
clutches of sleep."
21,9,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It awakens a Pokémon from the
clutches of sleep."
21,10,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It awakens a Pokémon from the
clutches of sleep."
21,11,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Réveille un Pokémon endormi."
21,11,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It awakens a Pokémon from the
clutches of sleep."
21,14,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It awakens a Pokémon from the
clutches of sleep."
21,15,1,"スプレーしきの くすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの ねむりの
じょうたいを かいふくする。"
21,15,3,"스프레이식의 약.
포켓몬 1마리의
잠듦 상태를 회복한다."
21,15,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Réveille un Pokémon endormi."
21,15,6,"Ein Spray, das ein schlafendes Pokémon
21,15,7,"Medicina en espray que libera a un Pokémon de
las garras del sueño."
21,15,8,"Rimedio spray.
Sveglia un Pokémon addormentato."
21,15,9,"A spray-type medicine used against
sleep. It can be used once to rouse a
Pokémon from the clutches of sleep."
21,15,11,"スプレー式の 薬。
ポケモン 1匹の ねむりの
状態を 回復する。"
22,5,9,"Heals a paralyzed
22,6,9,"Heals a paralyzed
22,7,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals one POKéMON from
22,8,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It eliminates paralysis from a single
22,9,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It eliminates paralysis from a single
22,10,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It eliminates paralysis from a single
22,11,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Soigne un Pokémon de la paralysie."
22,11,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It eliminates paralysis from a single
22,14,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It eliminates paralysis from a single
22,15,1,"スプレーしきの くすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの まひの
じょうたいを かいふくする。"
22,15,3,"스프레이식의 약.
포켓몬 1마리의
마비 상태를 회복한다."
22,15,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Soigne un Pokémon de la paralysie."
22,15,6,"Ein Spray, das ein Pokémon von Paralyse heilt."
22,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura a un Pokémon
22,15,8,"Rimedio spray.
Cura un Pokémon dalla paralisi."
22,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for paralysis.
It can be used once to free a
Pokémon that has been paralyzed."
22,15,11,"スプレー式の 薬。
ポケモン 1匹の まひの
状態を 回復する。"
23,5,9,"Fully restores the
HP and status of a
23,6,9,"Fully restores the
HP and status of a
23,7,9,"A medicine that fully restores the
HP and heals any status problems
of one POKéMON."
23,8,9,"A medicine that fully restores the HP
and heals any status problems of a
single Pokémon."
23,9,9,"A medicine that fully restores the HP
and heals any status problems of a
single Pokémon."
23,10,9,"A medicine that fully restores the HP
and heals any status problems of a
single Pokémon."
23,11,5,"Un médicament qui restaure tous les
PV dun Pokémon et soigne tous ses
problèmes de statut."
23,11,9,"A medicine that fully restores the HP
and heals any status problems of a
single Pokémon."
23,14,9,"A medicine that fully restores the HP
and heals any status problems of a
single Pokémon."
23,15,1,"ポケモン 1ひきの HPと
じょうたい いじょうを すべて
23,15,3,"포켓몬 1마리의 HP와
상태 이상을 모두
23,15,5,"Un médicament qui restaure tous les PV
dun Pokémon et soigne tous ses problèmes
de statut."
23,15,6,"Dieses Item stellt alle KP eines Pokémon
wieder her und behebt alle Statusprobleme."
23,15,7,"Medicina que restaura todos los PS y cura todos
los problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
23,15,8,"Rimedio che restituisce tutti i PS a un Pokémon
e cura i suoi problemi di stato."
23,15,9,"A medicine that can be used to fully
restore the HP of a single Pokémon
and heal any status conditions it has."
23,15,11,"ポケモン 1匹の HPと
状態異常を すべて
24,5,9,"Fully restores the
HP of a POKéMON."
24,6,9,"Fully restores the
HP of a POKéMON."
24,7,9,"A spray-type wound medicine.
It fully restores the HP of one
24,8,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It completely restores the HP of a
single Pokémon."
24,9,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It completely restores the HP of a
single Pokémon."
24,10,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It completely restores the HP of a
single Pokémon."
24,11,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure tous les PV dun Pokémon."
24,11,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It completely restores the HP of a
single Pokémon."
24,14,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It completely restores the HP of a
single Pokémon."
24,15,1,"スプレーしきの キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
すべて かいふくする。"
24,15,3,"스프레이식의 상처약.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
모두 회복한다."
24,15,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure tous les PV dun Pokémon."
24,15,6,"Hilft bei Wunden. Füllt die KP eines Pokémon
wieder vollständig auf."
24,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura heridas y restaura
todos los PS de un Pokémon."
24,15,8,"Rimedio spray per le ferite.
Restituisce tutti i PS a un Pokémon."
24,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for treating
wounds. It will completely restore
the max HP of a single Pokémon."
24,15,11,"スプレー式の キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
すべて 回復する。"
25,5,9,"Restores the HP of
a POKéMON by
200 points."
25,6,9,"Restores the HP of
a POKéMON by
200 points."
25,7,9,"A spray-type wound medicine.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 200 points."
25,8,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
25,9,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
25,10,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
25,11,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure 200 PV à un Pokémon."
25,11,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
25,14,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
25,15,1,"スプレーしきの キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
200だけ かいふくする。"
25,15,3,"스프레이식의 상처약.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
200만큼 회복한다."
25,15,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure 200 PV dun Pokémon."
25,15,6,"Hilft bei Wunden. Füllt die KP eines Pokémon
um 200 Punkte auf."
25,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura heridas y restaura
200 PS de un Pokémon."
25,15,8,"Rimedio spray per le ferite.
Restituisce 200 PS a un Pokémon."
25,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for treating
wounds. It can be used to restore
200 HP to an injured Pokémon."
25,15,11,"スプレー式の キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
200だけ 回復する。"
26,5,9,"Restores the HP of
a POKéMON by
50 points."
26,6,9,"Restores the HP of
a POKéMON by
50 points."
26,7,9,"A spray-type wound medicine.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 50 points."
26,8,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
26,9,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
26,10,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
26,11,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure 50 PV à un Pokémon."
26,11,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
26,14,9,"A spray-type medicine for wounds.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
26,15,1,"スプレーしきの キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
50だけ かいふくする。"
26,15,3,"스프레이식의 상처약.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
50만큼 회복한다."
26,15,5,"Un spray qui soigne les blessures.
Restaure 50 PV dun Pokémon."
26,15,6,"Hilft bei Wunden. Füllt die KP eines Pokémon
um 50 Punkte auf."
26,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura heridas y restaura
50 PS de un Pokémon."
26,15,8,"Rimedio spray per le ferite.
Restituisce 50 PS a un Pokémon."
26,15,9,"A spray-type medicine for treating
wounds. It can be used to restore
50 HP to an injured Pokémon."
26,15,11,"スプレー式の キズぐすり。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
50だけ 回復する。"
27,5,9,"Heals all the status
problems of one
27,6,9,"Heals all the
status problems of
one POKéMON."
27,7,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals all the status problems of
one POKéMON."
27,8,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
27,9,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
27,10,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
27,11,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
27,11,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
27,14,9,"A spray-type medicine.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
27,15,1,"スプレーしきの くすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの じょうたいの
いじょうを すべて かいふくする。"
27,15,3,"스프레이식의 약.
포켓몬 1마리의
상태 이상을 모두 회복한다."
27,15,5,"Un médicament sous forme de spray.
Soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
27,15,6,"Ein Spray, das alle Statusprobleme eines
Pokémon behebt."
27,15,7,"Medicina en espray que cura todos los problemas
de estado de un Pokémon."
27,15,8,"Rimedio spray.
Cura tutti i problemi di stato di un Pokémon."
27,15,9,"A spray-type medicine that is broadly
effective. It can be used once to heal
all the status conditions of a Pokémon."
27,15,11,"スプレー式の 薬。
ポケモン 1匹の 状態の
異常を すべて 回復する。"
28,5,9,"Revives a fainted
POKéMON with half
its HP."
28,6,9,"Revives a fainted
POKéMON with half
its HP."
28,7,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
POKéMON, restoring HP by half the
maximum amount."
28,8,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It restores half the
Pokémons maximum HP."
28,9,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It restores half the
Pokémons maximum HP."
28,10,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It restores half the
Pokémons maximum HP."
28,11,5,"Un médicament qui ranime un Pokémon
K.O. et restaure la moitié de ses PV
28,11,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It restores half the
Pokémons maximum HP."
28,14,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It restores half the
Pokémons maximum HP."
28,15,1,"ひんしに なった ポケモン
1ひきを げんきに したうえで
HPを はんぶんまで かいふくする。"
28,15,3,"기절해 버린 포켓몬
1마리를 건강하게 하고
HP를 절반까지 회복한다."
28,15,5,"Un médicament qui ranime un Pokémon K.O.
et restaure la moitié de ses PV max."
28,15,6,"Eine Medizin, die ein kampfunfähiges Pokémon
wiederbelebt. Die Hälfte der maximalen KP wird
28,15,7,"Medicina que revive a un Pokémon debilitado y le
devuelve la mitad de sus PS."
28,15,8,"Rimedio che rianima un Pokémon esausto
e gli restituisce metà dei suoi PS massimi."
28,15,9,"A medicine that can revive fainted
Pokémon. It also restores half of
a fainted Pokémons maximum HP."
28,15,11,"ひんしに なってしまった ポケモン
1匹を 元気に したうえで
HPを 半分まで 回復する。"
29,5,9,"Revives a fainted
POKéMON with all
its HP."
29,6,9,"Revives a fainted
POKéMON with all
its HP."
29,7,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
POKéMON, restoring HP fully."
29,8,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It fully restores the
Pokémons HP."
29,9,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It fully restores the
Pokémons HP."
29,10,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It fully restores the
Pokémons HP."
29,11,5,"Un médicament qui ranime un Pokémon
K.O. et restaure tous ses PV."
29,11,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It fully restores the
Pokémons HP."
29,14,9,"A medicine that revives a fainted
Pokémon. It fully restores the
Pokémons HP."
29,15,1,"ひんしに なった ポケモン
1ひきを げんきに したうえで
HPを すべて かいふくする。"
29,15,3,"기절해 버린 포켓몬
1마리를 건강하게 하고
HP를 모두 회복한다."
29,15,5,"Un médicament qui ranime un Pokémon K.O.
et restaure tous ses PV."
29,15,6,"Eine Medizin, die ein kampfunfähiges Pokémon
wiederbelebt. Die KP werden vollständig
29,15,7,"Medicina que revive a un Pokémon debilitado y le
devuelve todos sus PS."
29,15,8,"Rimedio che rianima un Pokémon esausto
restituendogli tutti i PS."
29,15,9,"A medicine that can revive fainted
Pokémon. It also fully restores a
fainted Pokémons maximum HP."
29,15,11,"ひんしに なってしまった ポケモン
1匹を 元気に したうえで
HPを すべて 回復する。"
30,5,9,"A mineral water
that restores HP
by 50 points."
30,6,9,"A mineral water
that restores HP
by 50 points."
30,7,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 50 points."
30,8,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
30,9,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
30,10,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
30,11,5,"Une eau riche en minéraux.
Restaure 50 PV à un Pokémon."
30,11,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
30,14,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
30,15,1,"ミネラル たっぷりの みず。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
50だけ かいふくする。"
30,15,3,"미네랄이 가득한 물.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
50만큼 회복한다."
30,15,5,"Une eau riche en minéraux.
Restaure 50 PV dun Pokémon."
30,15,6,"Ein stilles Wasser mit hohem Mineralienanteil,
das die KP eines Pokémon um 50 Punkte auffüllt."
30,15,7,"Agua de alto contenido mineral que restaura
50 PS de un Pokémon."
30,15,8,"Acqua ricca di sostanze minerali.
Restituisce 50 PS a un Pokémon."
30,15,9,"Water with a high mineral content.
When consumed, it restores
50 HP to an injured Pokémon."
30,15,11,"ミネラル たっぷりの 水。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
50だけ 回復する。"
31,5,9,"A fizzy soda drink
that restores HP
by 60 points."
31,6,9,"A fizzy soda drink
that restores HP
by 60 points."
31,7,9,"A fizzy soda drink.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 60 points."
31,8,9,"A fizzy soda drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
60 points."
31,9,9,"A fizzy soda drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
60 points."
31,10,9,"A fizzy soda drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
60 points."
31,11,5,"Une boisson pétillante.
Restaure 60 PV à un Pokémon."
31,11,9,"A fizzy soda drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
60 points."
31,14,9,"A fizzy soda drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
60 points."
31,15,1,"シュワっと はじける ソーダ。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
60だけ かいふくする。"
31,15,3,"싸하고 톡 쏘는 사이다.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
60만큼 회복한다."
31,15,5,"Une boisson pétillante.
Restaure 60 PV dun Pokémon."
31,15,6,"Ein sprudelndes Mineralwasser, das die KP
eines Pokémon um 60 Punkte auffüllt."
31,15,7,"Chispeante bebida gaseosa que restaura 60 PS
de un Pokémon."
31,15,8,"Bevanda frizzante.
Restituisce 60 PS a un Pokémon."
31,15,9,"A highly carbonated soda drink.
When consumed, it restores
60 HP to an injured Pokémon."
31,15,11,"シュワっと はじける ソーダ。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
60だけ 回復する。"
32,5,9,"A very sweet drink
that restores HP
by 80 points."
32,6,9,"A very sweet drink
that restores HP
by 80 points."
32,7,9,"A very sweet drink.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 80 points."
32,8,9,"A very sweet drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
80 points."
32,9,9,"A very sweet drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
80 points."
32,10,9,"A very sweet drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
80 points."
32,11,5,"Une boisson très sucrée.
Restaure 80 PV à un Pokémon."
32,11,9,"A very sweet drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
80 points."
32,14,9,"A very sweet drink.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
80 points."
32,15,1,"とても あまい ジュース。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
80だけ かいふくする。"
32,15,3,"매우 달콤한 쥬스.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
80만큼 회복한다."
32,15,5,"Une boisson très sucrée.
Restaure 80 PV dun Pokémon."
32,15,6,"Ein sehr süßes Getränk, das die KP
eines Pokémon um 80 Punkte auffüllt."
32,15,7,"Bebida muy dulce que restaura 80 PS de un
32,15,8,"Bevanda molto dolce.
Restituisce 80 PS a un Pokémon."
32,15,9,"A very sweet and refreshing drink.
When consumed, it restores
80 HP to an injured Pokémon."
32,15,11,"とても あまい ジュース。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
80だけ 回復する。"
33,5,9,"A nutritious milk
that restores HP
by 100 points."
33,6,9,"A nutritious milk
that restores HP
by 100 points."
33,7,9,"Highly nutritious milk.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 100 points."
33,8,9,"Milk with a very high nutrition content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
100 points."
33,9,9,"Milk with a very high nutrition content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
100 points."
33,10,9,"Milk with a very high nutrition content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
100 points."
33,11,5,"Un lait très nourrissant.
Restaure 100 PV à un Pokémon."
33,11,9,"Milk with a very high nutrition content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
100 points."
33,14,9,"Milk with a very high nutrition content.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
100 points."
33,15,1,"えいよう まんてんの ミルク。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
100だけ かいふくする。"
33,15,3,"영양 만점의 우유.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
100만큼 회복한다."
33,15,5,"Un lait très nourrissant.
Restaure 100 PV dun Pokémon."
33,15,6,"Eine äußerst nährstoffreiche Milch, die die KP
eines Pokémon um 100 Punkte auffüllt."
33,15,7,"Leche de alto valor nutritivo que restaura 100 PS
de un Pokémon."
33,15,8,"Latte ricco di sostanze nutrienti.
Restituisce 100 PS a un Pokémon."
33,15,9,"A bottle of highly nutritious milk.
When consumed, it restores
100 HP to an injured Pokémon."
33,15,11,"栄養満点の ミルク。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
100だけ 回復する。"
34,5,9,"A bitter powder
that restores HP
by 50 points."
34,6,9,"A bitter powder
that restores HP
by 50 points."
34,7,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 50 points."
34,8,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
34,9,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
34,10,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
34,11,5,"Une poudre médicinale très amère.
Restaure 50 PV à un Pokémon."
34,11,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
34,14,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
50 points."
34,15,1,"とても にがい こなぐすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
50だけ かいふくする。"
34,15,3,"매우 쓴 가루약.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
50만큼 회복한다."
34,15,5,"Une poudre médicinale très amère.
Restaure 50 PV dun Pokémon."
34,15,6,"Ein bitteres medizinisches Pulver, das die KP
eines Pokémon um 50 Punkte auffüllt."
34,15,7,"Polvo medicinal muy amargo que restaura 50 PS
de un Pokémon."
34,15,8,"Rimedio amarissimo in polvere.
Restituisce 50 PS a un Pokémon."
34,15,9,"A bitter medicine powder.
When consumed, it restores
50 HP to an injured Pokémon."
34,15,11,"とても にがい 粉薬。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
50だけ 回復する。"
35,5,9,"A bitter root
that restores HP
by 200 points."
35,6,9,"A bitter root
that restores HP
by 200 points."
35,7,9,"A very bitter root.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 200 points."
35,8,9,"A very bitter root.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
35,9,9,"A very bitter root.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
35,10,9,"A very bitter root.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
35,11,5,"Une racine très amère.
Restaure 200 PV à un Pokémon."
35,11,9,"A very bitter root.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
35,14,9,"A very bitter root.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
200 points."
35,15,1,"とても にがい ねっこ。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
200だけ かいふくする。"
35,15,3,"매우 쓴 뿌리.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
200만큼 회복한다."
35,15,5,"Une racine très amère.
Restaure 200 PV dun Pokémon."
35,15,6,"Eine bittere Wurzel. Sie füllt die KP
eines Pokémon um 200 Punkte auf."
35,15,7,"Raíz muy amarga que restaura 200 PS de un
35,15,8,"Radice amarissima.
Restituisce 200 PS a un Pokémon."
35,15,9,"An extremely bitter medicinal root.
When consumed, it restores
200 HP to an injured Pokémon."
35,15,11,"とても にがい ねっこ。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
200だけ 回復する。"
36,5,9,"A bitter powder
that heals all
status problems."
36,6,9,"A bitter powder
that heals all
status problems."
36,7,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It heals all the status problems of
one POKéMON."
36,8,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
36,9,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
36,10,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
36,11,5,"Une poudre médicinale très amère.
Soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
36,11,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
36,14,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
36,15,1,"とても にがい こなぐすり。
ポケモン 1ひきの じょうたいの
いじょうを すべて かいふくする。"
36,15,3,"매우 쓴 가루약.
포켓몬 1마리의
상태 이상을 모두 회복한다."
36,15,5,"Une poudre médicinale très amère.
Soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
36,15,6,"Ein bitteres medizinisches Pulver, das alle
Statusprobleme eines Pokémon aufhebt."
36,15,7,"Polvos medicinales muy amargos que curan todos
los problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
36,15,8,"Rimedio amarissimo in polvere.
Cura tutti i problemi di stato di un Pokémon."
36,15,9,"A very bitter medicine powder.
When consumed, it heals all of
a Pokémons status conditions."
36,15,11,"とても にがい 粉薬。
ポケモン 1匹の 状態の
異常を すべて 回復する。"
37,5,9,"A very bitter herb
that revives a
fainted POKéMON."
37,6,9,"A very bitter herb
that revives a
fainted POKéMON."
37,7,9,"A very bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted POKéMON,
restoring HP fully."
37,8,9,"A very bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted Pokémon, fully
restoring its HP."
37,9,9,"A very bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted Pokémon, fully
restoring its HP."
37,10,9,"A very bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted Pokémon, fully
restoring its HP."
37,11,5,"Une herbe médicinale très amère.
Ranime un Pokémon K.O. et restaure
tous ses PV."
37,11,9,"A very bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted Pokémon, fully
restoring its HP."
37,14,9,"A very bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted Pokémon, fully
restoring its HP."
37,15,1,"とても にがい やくそう。
ひんしの ポケモン 1ひきの
HPを すべて かいふくする。"
37,15,3,"매우 쓴 약초.
기절한 포켓몬 1마리의
HP를 모두 회복한다."
37,15,5,"Une herbe médicinale très amère.
Ranime un Pokémon K.O. et restaure tous
ses PV."
37,15,6,"Ein bitteres medizinisches Kraut, das
kampfunfähige Pokémon belebt und die KP
vollständig auffüllt."
37,15,7,"Hierba muy amarga que reanima a un Pokémon
debilitado y restaura todos sus PS."
37,15,8,"Erba medicinale amarissima.
Rianima un Pokémon esausto e gli restituisce
tutti i PS."
37,15,9,"A terribly bitter medicinal herb.
It revives a fainted Pokémon and
fully restores its maximum HP."
37,15,11,"とても にがい 薬草。
ひんしの ポケモン 1匹の
HPを すべて 回復する。"
38,5,9,"Restores the PP
of a selected move
by 10."
38,6,9,"Restores the PP
of a selected move
by 10."
38,7,9,"Restores a selected moves PP by
10 points for one POKéMON."
38,8,9,"It restores the PP of a Pokémons
selected move by a maximum of
10 points."
38,9,9,"It restores the PP of a Pokémons
selected move by a maximum of
10 points."
38,10,9,"It restores the PP of a Pokémons
selected move by a maximum of
10 points."
38,11,5,"Restaure jusquà 10 PP dune
capacité sélectionnée."
38,11,9,"It restores the PP of a Pokémons
selected move by a maximum of
10 points."
38,14,9,"It restores the PP of a Pokémons
selected move by a maximum of
10 points."
38,15,1,"ポケモンが おぼえている
わざのうち 1つの PPを
10だけ かいふくする。"
38,15,3,"포켓몬이 기억하고 있는
기술 중 1개의 PP를
10만큼 회복한다."
38,15,5,Restaure 10 PP dune capacité sélectionnée.
38,15,6,"Füllt die AP einer ausgewählten Attacke
eines Pokémon um 10 Punkte auf."
38,15,7,"Restaura 10 PP del movimiento elegido de un
38,15,8,"Restituisce un massimo di 10 PP a una mossa
a scelta tra quelle conosciute dal Pokémon."
38,15,9,"This medicine can restore 10 PP
to a single selected move that
has been learned by a Pokémon."
38,15,11,"ポケモンが 覚えている
技のうち 1つの PPを
10だけ 回復する。"
39,5,9,"Fully restores the
PP of a selected
39,6,9,"Fully restores the
PP of a selected
39,7,9,"Fully restores a selected moves PP
for one POKéMON."
39,8,9,"It fully restores the PP of a single
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
39,9,9,"It fully restores the PP of a single
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
39,10,9,"It fully restores the PP of a single
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
39,11,5,"Restaure tous les PP dune capacité
39,11,9,"It fully restores the PP of a single
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
39,14,9,"It fully restores the PP of a single
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
39,15,1,"ポケモンが おぼえている
わざのうち 1つの PPを
すべて かいふくする。"
39,15,3,"포켓몬이 기억하고 있는
기술 중 1개의 PP를
모두 회복한다."
39,15,5,"Restaure tous les PP dune capacité
39,15,6,"Füllt die AP einer ausgewählten Attacke
eines Pokémon vollständig auf."
39,15,7,"Restaura completamente los PP del movimiento
elegido de un Pokémon."
39,15,8,"Restituisce tutti i PP a una mossa a scelta
tra quelle conosciute dal Pokémon."
39,15,9,"This medicine can fully restore the
PP of a single selected move that
has been learned by a Pokémon."
39,15,11,"ポケモンが 覚えている
技のうち 1つの PPを
すべて 回復する。"
40,5,9,"Restores the PP
of all moves by 10."
40,6,9,"Restores the PP
of all moves by 10."
40,7,9,"Restores the PP of all moves for
one POKéMON by 10 points each."
40,8,9,"It restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted Pokémon
by 10 points each."
40,9,9,"It restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted Pokémon
by 10 points each."
40,10,9,"It restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted Pokémon
by 10 points each."
40,11,5,"Restaure 10 PP de toutes les
capacités dun Pokémon."
40,11,9,"It restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted Pokémon
by 10 points each."
40,14,9,"It restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted Pokémon
by 10 points each."
40,15,1,"ポケモンが おぼえている
4つの わざの PPを
10ずつ かいふくする。"
40,15,3,"포켓몬이 기억하고 있는
4개 기술의 PP를
10씩 회복한다."
40,15,5,"Restaure 10 PP de toutes les capacités
dun Pokémon."
40,15,6,"Füllt die AP aller Attacken eines Pokémon
um 10 Punkte auf."
40,15,7,"Restaura 10 PP de todos los movimientos
aprendidos por el Pokémon elegido."
40,15,8,"Restituisce 10 PP a ciascuna delle mosse
conosciute dal Pokémon."
40,15,9,"This medicine can restore 10 PP
to each of the moves that have
been learned by a Pokémon."
40,15,11,"ポケモンが 覚えている
4つの 技の PPを
10ずつ 回復する。"
41,5,9,"Fully restores the
PP of a POKéMONs
41,6,9,"Fully restores the
PP of a POKéMONs
41,7,9,"Fully restores the PP of all moves
for one POKéMON."
41,8,9,"It fully restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted
41,9,9,"It fully restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted
41,10,9,"It fully restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted
41,11,5,"Restaure tous les PP de toutes
les capacités dun Pokémon."
41,11,9,"It fully restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted
41,14,9,"It fully restores the PP of all the
moves learned by the targeted
41,15,1,"ポケモンが おぼえている
4つの わざの PPを
すべて かいふくする。"
41,15,3,"포켓몬이 기억하고 있는
4개 기술의 PP를
모두 회복한다."
41,15,5,"Restaure tous les PP de toutes les capacités
dun Pokémon."
41,15,6,"Füllt alle AP aller Attacken eines Pokémon
vollständig auf."
41,15,7,"Restaura completamente los PP de todos los
movimientos aprendidos por el Pokémon elegido."
41,15,8,"Restituisce tutti i PP a ogni mossa conosciuta
dal Pokémon."
41,15,9,"This medicine can fully restore the
PP of all of the moves that have
been learned by a Pokémon."
41,15,11,"ポケモンが 覚えている
4つの 技の PPを
すべて 回復する。"
42,5,9,"A local specialty
that heals all
status problems."
42,6,9,"A local specialty
that heals all
status problems."
42,7,9,"LAVARIDGE TOWNs local specialty.
It heals all the status problems of
one POKéMON."
42,8,9,"Lavaridge Towns local specialty.
It heals all the status problems of
one Pokémon."
42,9,9,"Lavaridge Towns local specialty.
It heals all the status problems of
one Pokémon."
42,10,9,"Lavaridge Towns local specialty.
It heals all the status problems of
one Pokémon."
42,11,5,"La spécialité de la ville de Vermilava.
Soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
42,11,9,"Lavaridge Towns local specialty.
It heals all the status problems of
one Pokémon."
42,14,9,"Lavaridge Towns local specialty.
It heals all the status problems of
one Pokémon."
42,15,1,"フエンめいぶつの せんべい。
ポケモン 1ひきの じょうたいの
いじょうを すべて かいふくする。"
42,15,3,"용암마을의 명물인 전병.
포켓몬 1마리의
상태 이상을 회복한다."
42,15,5,"La spécialité de la ville de Vermilava.
Soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
42,15,6,"Eine Spezialität aus Bad Lavastadt, die alle
Statusprobleme eines Pokémon heilt."
42,15,7,"Dulce típico de Pueblo Lavacalda que cura todos
los problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
42,15,8,"Specialità tipica di Cuordilava.
Cura tutti i problemi di stato di un Pokémon."
42,15,9,"Lavaridge Towns local specialty.
It can be used once to heal all the
status conditions of a Pokémon."
42,15,11,"フエン名物の せんべい。
ポケモン 1匹の 状態の
異常を すべて 回復する。"
43,5,9,"A 100% pure juice
that restores HP
by 20 points."
43,6,9,"A 100% pure juice
that restores HP
by 20 points."
43,7,9,"A 100% pure juice.
It restores the HP of one POKéMON
by 20 points."
43,8,9,"A 100% pure juice made of Berries.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
43,9,9,"A 100% pure juice made of Berries.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
43,10,9,"A 100% pure juice made of Berries.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
43,11,5,"Une boisson 100% pur jus de Baies.
Restaure 20 PV à un Pokémon."
43,11,9,"A 100% pure juice made of Berries.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
43,14,9,"A 100% pure juice made of Berries.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon by
just 20 points."
43,15,1,"きのみ 100%の ジュース。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
20だけ かいふくする。"
43,15,3,"나무열매 100% 쥬스.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
20만큼 회복한다."
43,15,5,"Une boisson 100 % pur Jus de Baie.
Restaure 20 PV dun Pokémon."
43,15,6,"Hundertprozentiger Fruchtsaft, aus Beeren
gekeltert. Füllt die KP eines Pokémon
um 20 KP auf."
43,15,7,"Zumo de bayas 100% natural que restaura 20 PS
de un Pokémon."
43,15,8,"Bevanda di puro succo di bacche.
Restituisce 20 PS a un Pokémon."
43,15,9,"A 100 percent pure juice made of Berries.
When consumed, it restores
20 HP to an injured Pokémon."
43,15,11,"きのみ 100%の ジュース。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
20だけ 回復する。"
44,5,9,"Fully revives and
restores all
fainted POKéMON."
44,6,9,"Fully revives and
restores all
fainted POKéMON."
44,7,9,"Revives all fainted POKéMON,
restoring HP fully."
44,8,9,"It revives all fainted Pokémon.
In doing so, it also fully restores
their HP."
44,9,9,"It revives all fainted Pokémon.
In doing so, it also fully restores
their HP."
44,10,9,"It revives all fainted Pokémon.
In doing so, it also fully restores
their HP."
44,11,5,"Ranime tous les Pokémon K.O. et
restaure tous leurs PV."
44,11,9,"It revives all fainted Pokémon.
In doing so, it also fully restores
their HP."
44,14,9,"It revives all fainted Pokémon.
In doing so, it also fully restores
their HP."
44,15,1,"ひんしに なってしまった
ポケモン ぜんいんの HPを
すべて かいふくする。"
44,15,3,"기절해 버린
포켓몬 전원의 HP를
모두 회복한다."
44,15,5,"Ranime tous les Pokémon K.O. et restaure tous
leurs PV."
44,15,6,"Belebt und erfrischt alle besiegten Pokémon
und füllt deren KP wieder vollständig auf."
44,15,7,"Reanima completamente a todos los Pokémon
debilitados y restaura todos sus PS."
44,15,8,"Rianima tutti i Pokémon esausti, restituendo loro
anche tutti i PS."
44,15,9,"This rare ash can revive all fainted
Pokémon in a party. In doing so, it
also fully restores their maximum HP."
44,15,11,"ひんしに なってしまった
ポケモン 全員の HPを
すべて 回復する。"
45,5,9,"Raises the HP of
one POKéMON."
45,6,9,"Raises the base HP
of one POKéMON."
45,7,9,"A nutritious drink for POKéMON.
It raises the base HP of one
45,8,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base HP of a single
45,9,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base HP of a single
45,10,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base HP of a single
45,11,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui monte
les PV de base dun Pokémon."
45,11,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base HP of a single
45,14,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base HP of a single
45,15,1,"ポケモンの えいようドリンク。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPの
きそポイントを あげる。"
45,15,3,"포켓몬의 영양 드링크.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP
기초 포인트를 올린다."
45,15,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui augmente
les PV de base dun Pokémon."
45,15,6,"Ein gehaltvolles Getränk, das den KP-Basiswert
eines Pokémon dauerhaft erhöht."
45,15,7,"Nutritiva bebida que potencia los PS de base de
un Pokémon."
45,15,8,"Bevanda nutriente per Pokémon.
Aumenta i punti base dei PS."
45,15,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
When consumed, it raises the
base HP of a single Pokémon."
45,15,11,"ポケモンの 栄養ドリンク。
ポケモン 1匹の HPの
基礎ポイントを あげる。"
46,5,9,"Raises the stat
ATTACK of one
46,6,9,"Raises the base
ATTACK stat of one
46,7,9,"A nutritious drink for POKéMON.
It raises the base ATTACK stat of
one POKéMON."
46,8,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Attack stat of a
single Pokémon."
46,9,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Attack stat of a
single Pokémon."
46,10,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Attack stat of a
single Pokémon."
46,11,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui monte
lAttaque de base dun Pokémon."
46,11,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Attack stat of a
single Pokémon."
46,14,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Attack stat of a
single Pokémon."
46,15,1,"ポケモンの えいようドリンク。
ポケモン 1ひきの こうげきの
きそポイントを あげる。"
46,15,3,"포켓몬의 영양 드링크.
포켓몬 1마리의 공격
기초 포인트를 올린다."
46,15,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui augmente
lAttaque de base dun Pokémon."
46,15,6,"Ein gehaltvolles Getränk, das den
Angriffs-Basiswert eines Pokémon
dauerhaft erhöht."
46,15,7,"Nutritiva bebida que potencia el Ataque de base
de un Pokémon."
46,15,8,"Bevanda nutriente per Pokémon.
Aumenta i punti base dellAttacco."
46,15,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
When consumed, it raises the base
Attack stat of a single Pokémon."
46,15,11,"ポケモンの 栄養ドリンク。
ポケモン 1匹の 攻撃の
基礎ポイントを あげる。"
47,5,9,"Raises the stat
DEFENSE of one
47,6,9,"Raises the base
DEFENSE stat of
one POKéMON."
47,7,9,"A nutritious drink for POKéMON.
It raises the base DEFENSE stat of
one POKéMON."
47,8,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Defense stat of a
single Pokémon."
47,9,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Defense stat of a
single Pokémon."
47,10,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Defense stat of a
single Pokémon."
47,11,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui monte
la Défense de base dun Pokémon."
47,11,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Defense stat of a
single Pokémon."
47,14,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Defense stat of a
single Pokémon."
47,15,1,"ポケモンの えいようドリンク。
ポケモン 1ひきの ぼうぎょの
きそポイントを あげる。"
47,15,3,"포켓몬의 영양 드링크.
포켓몬 1마리의 방어
기초 포인트를 올린다."
47,15,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui augmente
la Défense de base dun Pokémon."
47,15,6,"Ein gehaltvolles Getränk, das den
Verteidigungs-Basiswert eines Pokémon
dauerhaft erhöht."
47,15,7,"Nutritiva bebida que potencia la Defensa de base
de un Pokémon."
47,15,8,"Bevanda nutriente per Pokémon.
Aumenta i punti base della Difesa."
47,15,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
When consumed, it raises the base
Defense stat of a single Pokémon."
47,15,11,"ポケモンの 栄養ドリンク。
ポケモン 1匹の 防御の
基礎ポイントを あげる。"
48,5,9,"Raises the stat
SPEED of one
48,6,9,"Raises the base
SPEED stat of one
48,7,9,"A nutritious drink for POKéMON.
It raises the base SPEED stat of
one POKéMON."
48,8,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Speed stat of a
single Pokémon."
48,9,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Speed stat of a
single Pokémon."
48,10,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Speed stat of a
single Pokémon."
48,11,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui monte
la Vitesse de base dun Pokémon."
48,11,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Speed stat of a
single Pokémon."
48,14,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Speed stat of a
single Pokémon."
48,15,1,"ポケモンの えいようドリンク。
ポケモン 1ひきの すばやさの
きそポイントを あげる。"
48,15,3,"포켓몬의 영양 드링크.
포켓몬 1마리의 스피드
기초 포인트를 올린다."
48,15,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui augmente
la Vitesse de base dun Pokémon."
48,15,6,"Ein gehaltvolles Getränk, das den
Initiative-Basiswert eines Pokémon
dauerhaft erhöht."
48,15,7,"Nutritiva bebida que potencia la Velocidad de
base de un Pokémon."
48,15,8,"Bevanda nutriente per Pokémon.
Aumenta i punti base della Velocità."
48,15,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
When consumed, it raises the base
Speed stat of a single Pokémon."
48,15,11,"ポケモンの 栄養ドリンク。
ポケモン 1匹の 素早さの
基礎ポイントを あげる。"
49,5,9,"Raises the stat
SP. ATK of one
49,6,9,"Raises the base
SP. ATK stat of one
49,7,9,"A nutritious drink for POKéMON.
It raises the base SP. ATK stat
of one POKéMON."
49,8,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Atk (Special
Attack) stat of a single Pokémon."
49,9,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Atk (Special
Attack) stat of a single Pokémon."
49,10,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Atk (Special
Attack) stat of a single Pokémon."
49,11,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui
monte lAttaque Spéciale de
base dun Pokémon."
49,11,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Atk (Special
Attack) stat of a single Pokémon."
49,14,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Atk (Special
Attack) stat of a single Pokémon."
49,15,1,"ポケモンの えいようドリンク。
ポケモン 1ひきの とくこうの
きそポイントを あげる。"
49,15,3,"포켓몬의 영양 드링크.
포켓몬 1마리의 특수공격
기초 포인트를 올린다."
49,15,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui augmente
lAttaque Spéciale de base dun Pokémon."
49,15,6,"Ein gehaltvolles Getränk, das den
Spezial-Angriffs-Basiswert eines Pokémon
dauerhaft erhöht."
49,15,7,"Nutritiva bebida que potencia el Ataque Especial
de base de un Pokémon."
49,15,8,"Bevanda nutriente per Pokémon.
Aumenta i punti base dellAttacco Speciale."
49,15,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
When consumed, it raises the base
Sp. Atk stat of a single Pokémon."
49,15,11,"ポケモンの 栄養ドリンク。
ポケモン 1匹の 特攻の
基礎ポイントを あげる。"
50,5,9,"Raises the level
of a POKéMON by
50,6,9,"Raises the level
of a POKéMON by
50,7,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
It raises the level of a POKéMON
by one."
50,8,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
It raises the level of a single Pokémon
by one."
50,9,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
It raises the level of a single Pokémon
by one."
50,10,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
It raises the level of a single Pokémon
by one."
50,11,5,"Un bonbon plein dénergie.
Il permet à un Pokémon de gagner
un niveau dexpérience."
50,11,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
It raises the level of a single Pokémon
by one."
50,14,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
It raises the level of a single Pokémon
by one."
50,15,1,"エネルギーの つまった アメ。
あたえると ポケモン 1ひきの
レベルが 1だけ あがる。"
50,15,3,"에너지가 가득한 사탕.
먹이면 포켓몬 1마리의
레벨이 1만큼 올라간다."
50,15,5,"Un bonbon plein dénergie.
Il permet à un Pokémon de gagner un niveau
50,15,6,"Ein energiereiches Bonbon, das den Level
eines Pokémon dauerhaft um 1 erhöht."
50,15,7,"Caramelo energético que sube a un Pokémon de
50,15,8,"Caramella altamente energetica.
Fa salire un Pokémon di un livello."
50,15,9,"A candy that is packed with energy.
When consumed, it will instantly raise
the level of a single Pokémon by one."
50,15,11,"エネルギーの つまった アメ。
あたえると ポケモン 1匹の
レベルが 1だけ あがる。"
51,5,9,"Raises the maximum
PP of a selected
51,6,9,"Raises the maximum
PP of a selected
51,7,9,"Slightly raises the maximum PP of
a selected move for one POKéMON."
51,8,9,"It slightly raises the maximum PP of
a selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
51,9,9,"It slightly raises the maximum PP of
a selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
51,10,9,"It slightly raises the maximum PP of
a selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
51,11,5,"Monte un peu les PP max dune
capacité sélectionnée."
51,11,9,"It slightly raises the maximum PP of
a selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
51,14,9,"It slightly raises the maximum PP of
a selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
51,15,1,"ポケモンが おぼえている
わざのうち 1つの PPの
さいだいちを すこし あげる。"
51,15,3,"포켓몬이 기억하고 있는
기술 중 1개의 PP
최대치를 조금 올린다."
51,15,5,"Augmente un peu les PP max dune capacité
51,15,6,"Erhöht die maximale Anzahl der AP einer Attacke
eines Pokémon."
51,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente los PP máximos del
movimiento elegido de un Pokémon."
51,15,8,"Aumenta di poco i PP massimi di una mossa
a scelta tra quelle conosciute dal Pokémon."
51,15,9,"A medicine that can slightly raise the
maximum PP of a single move that has
been learned by the target Pokémon."
51,15,11,"ポケモンが 覚えている
技のうち 1つの PPの
最大値を 少し あげる。"
52,5,9,"Raises the stat
SP. DEF of one
52,6,9,"Raises the base
SP. DEF stat of one
52,7,9,"A nutritious drink for POKéMON.
It raises the base SP. DEF stat
of one POKéMON."
52,8,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Def (Special
Defense) stat of a single Pokémon."
52,9,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Def (Special
Defense) stat of a single Pokémon."
52,10,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Def (Special
Defense) stat of a single Pokémon."
52,11,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui monte
la Défense Spéciale dun Pokémon."
52,11,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Def (Special
Defense) stat of a single Pokémon."
52,14,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
It raises the base Sp. Def (Special
Defense) stat of a single Pokémon."
52,15,1,"ポケモンの えいようドリンク。
ポケモン 1ひきの とくぼうの
きそポイントを あげる。"
52,15,3,"포켓몬의 영양 드링크.
포켓몬 1마리의 특수방어
기초 포인트를 올린다."
52,15,5,"Une boisson très nutritive qui augmente
la Défense Spéciale de base dun Pokémon."
52,15,6,"Ein gehaltvolles Getränk, das den
Spezial-Verteidigungs-Basiswert eines
Pokémon dauerhaft erhöht."
52,15,7,"Nutritiva bebida que aumenta la Defensa Especial
de base de un Pokémon."
52,15,8,"Bevanda nutriente per Pokémon.
Aumenta i punti base della Difesa Speciale."
52,15,9,"A nutritious drink for Pokémon.
When consumed, it raises the base
Sp. Def stat of a single Pokémon."
52,15,11,"ポケモンの 栄養ドリンク。
ポケモン 1匹の 特防の
基礎ポイントを あげる。"
53,5,9,"Raises the PP of a
move to its maximum
53,6,9,"Raises the PP of a
move to its maximum
53,7,9,"Raises the PP of a selected move
to its maximum level for one
53,8,9,"It maximally raises the top PP of a
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
53,9,9,"It maximally raises the top PP of a
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
53,10,9,"It maximally raises the top PP of a
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
53,11,5,"Monte sensiblement les PP max dune
capacité sélectionnée."
53,11,9,"It maximally raises the top PP of a
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
53,14,9,"It maximally raises the top PP of a
selected move that has been learned
by the target Pokémon."
53,15,1,"おぼえている わざのうち
1つの PPの さいだいちを
さいこうまで あげる。"
53,15,3,"기억하고 있는 기술 중
1개의 PP 최대치를
최고까지 올린다."
53,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement les PP max dune
capacité sélectionnée."
53,15,6,"Maximiert die Anzahl der AP einer Attacke
eines Pokémon."
53,15,7,"Aumenta hasta el límite los PP máximos del
movimiento elegido de un Pokémon."
53,15,8,"Porta al limite i PP massimi di una mossa
a scelta tra quelle conosciute dal Pokémon."
53,15,9,"A medicine that can optimally raise the
maximum PP of a single move that has
been learned by the target Pokémon."
53,15,11,"覚えている 技のうち
1つの PPの 最大値を
最高まで あげる。"
54,8,9,"Old Chateaus hidden specialty.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
54,9,9,"Old Chateaus hidden specialty.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
54,10,9,"Old Chateaus hidden specialty.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
54,11,5,"Spécialité du Vieux Château. Il
soigne tous les problèmes de
statut dun Pokémon."
54,11,9,"Old Chateaus hidden specialty.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
54,14,9,"Old Chateaus hidden specialty.
It heals all the status problems of a
single Pokémon."
54,15,1,"ハクタイの かくれた めいぶつ。
ポケモン 1ひきの じょうたいの
いじょうを すべて かいふくする。"
54,15,3,"영원시티의 숨은 명물.
포켓몬 1마리의
상태 이상을 모두 회복한다."
54,15,5,"Une spécialité du Vieux Château.
Il soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
54,15,6,"Eine unbekannte Spezialität. Sie behebt
alle Statusprobleme eines Pokémon."
54,15,7,"Especialidad de la Vieja Mansión. Cura todos los
problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
54,15,8,"Specialità segreta dellAntico Château.
Cura tutti i problemi di stato di un Pokémon."
54,15,9,"The Old Chateaus hidden specialty.
It can be used once to heal all the
status conditions of a Pokémon."
54,15,11,"ハクタイの 隠れた 名物。
ポケモン 1匹の 状態の
異常を すべて 回復する。"
55,5,9,"Prevents stat
reduction when
used in battle."
55,6,9,"Prevents stat
reduction when
used in battle."
55,7,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among party POKéMON for five turns
after use."
55,8,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among the Trainers party Pokémon
for five turns after use."
55,9,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among the Trainers party Pokémon
for five turns after use."
55,10,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among the Trainers party Pokémon
for five turns after use."
55,11,5,"Empêche la réduction des stats
de tous les Pokémon de léquipe
pendant 5 tours."
55,11,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among the Trainers party Pokémon
for five turns after use."
55,14,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among the Trainers party Pokémon
for five turns after use."
55,15,1,"せんとうちゅう 5ターンの あいだ
みかたの のうりょくを
さげられなくする どうぐ。"
55,15,3,"배틀 중 5턴 동안
같은 편의 능력을
떨어뜨리지 않게 하는 도구."
55,15,5,"Empêche la baisse des stats de tous
les Pokémon de léquipe pendant cinq tours."
55,15,6,"Eine mögliche Statusveränderung der Pokémon
im Team wird für 5 Runden verhindert."
55,15,7,"Evita que bajen las características del equipo
Pokémon durante cinco turnos."
55,15,8,"Per cinque turni dopo luso, evita che le
statistiche dei Pokémon della squadra
dellAllenatore diminuiscano."
55,15,9,"An item that prevents stat reduction
among the Trainers party Pokémon
for five turns after it is used in battle."
55,15,11,"戦闘中 5ターンの あいだ
味方の 能力を
さげられなくする 道具。"
56,5,9,"Raises the
critical-hit ratio
during one battle."
56,6,9,"Raises the
critical-hit ratio
during one battle."
56,7,9,"Raises the critical-hit ratio of
POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the
POKéMON is withdrawn."
56,8,9,"An item that raises the critical-hit
ratio of a Pokémon in battle. It wears
off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
56,9,9,"An item that raises the critical-hit
ratio of a Pokémon in battle. It wears
off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
56,10,9,"An item that raises the critical-hit
ratio of a Pokémon in battle. It wears
off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
56,11,5,"Monte fortement le taux de critiques.
Utilisable une seule fois. Leffet
disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
56,11,9,"It raises the critical-hit ratio greatly.
It can be used only once and wears off
if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
56,14,9,"It raises the critical-hit ratio greatly.
It can be used only once and wears off
if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
56,15,1,"きゅうしょりつが おおきく あがる。
いちどしか つかうことが できない。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
56,15,3,"급소 명중률이 크게 올라간다.
한 번밖에 쓸 수 없다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
56,15,5,"Augmente fortement le taux de critiques.
Utilisable une seule fois. Leffet disparaît si
le Pokémon se retire."
56,15,6,"Hebt einmalig die Volltrefferquote des Pokémon
im Kampf stark an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
56,15,7,"Aumenta el índice de golpe crítico en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
56,15,8,"Aumenta la probabilità di sferrare brutti colpi.
Si può usare una sola volta e leffetto svanisce
se il Pokémon è sostituito."
56,15,9,"An item that raises the critical-hit ratio
greatly. It can be used only once and
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
56,15,11,"急所率が 大きく あがる。
1度しか 使うことが できない。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
57,5,9,"Raises the stat
ATTACK during one
57,6,9,"Raises the stat
ATTACK during one
57,7,9,"Raises the ATTACK stat of POKéMON
in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON
is withdrawn."
57,8,9,"An item that raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
57,9,9,"An item that raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
57,10,9,"An item that raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
57,11,5,"Monte lAttaque pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se
57,11,9,"An item that raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
57,14,9,"An item that raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
57,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
こうげきを あげる どうぐ。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
57,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 공격을 올리는
도구. 포켓몬을 볼에 넣어버리면
원래대로 되돌아간다."
57,15,5,"Augmente lAttaque pendant un combat.
Leffet disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
57,15,6,"Hebt den Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf.
Die Wirkung wird mit dem Austausch des
Pokémon beendet."
57,15,7,"Aumenta el Ataque en combate. Al cambiar de
Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
57,15,8,"Aumenta lAttacco di un Pokémon in una lotta.
Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon è sostituito."
57,15,9,"An item that boosts the Attack stat
of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears
off once the Pokémon is withdrawn."
57,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
攻撃を あげる 道具。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
58,5,9,"Raises the stat
DEFENSE during one
58,6,9,"Raises the stat
DEFENSE during one
58,7,9,"Raises the DEFENSE stat of POKéMON
in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON
is withdrawn."
58,8,9,"An item that raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
58,9,9,"An item that raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
58,10,9,"An item that raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
58,11,5,"Monte la Défense pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se
58,11,9,"An item that raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
58,14,9,"An item that raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
58,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
ぼうぎょを あげる どうぐ。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
58,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 방어를 올리는
도구. 포켓몬을 볼에 넣어버리면
원래대로 되돌아간다."
58,15,5,"Augmente la Défense pendant un combat.
Leffet disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
58,15,6,"Hebt den Verteidigungs-Wert eines Pokémon im
Kampf. Die Wirkung wird mit dem Austausch des
Pokémon beendet."
58,15,7,"Aumenta la Defensa en combate. Al cambiar de
Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
58,15,8,"Aumenta la Difesa di un Pokémon in una lotta.
Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon è sostituito."
58,15,9,"An item that boosts the Defense stat
of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears
off once the Pokémon is withdrawn."
58,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
防御を あげる 道具。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
59,5,9,"Raises the stat
SPEED during one
59,6,9,"Raises the stat
SPEED during one
59,7,9,"Raises the SPEED stat of POKéMON
in battle. Wears off if the POKéMON
is withdrawn."
59,8,9,"An item that raises the Speed stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
59,9,9,"An item that raises the Speed stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
59,10,9,"An item that raises the Speed stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
59,11,5,"Monte la Vitesse pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se
59,11,9,"An item that raises the Speed stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
59,14,9,"An item that raises the Speed stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
59,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
すばやさを あげる どうぐ。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
59,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 스피드를 올리는
도구. 포켓몬을 볼에 넣어버리면
원래대로 되돌아간다."
59,15,5,"Augmente la Vitesse pendant un combat.
Leffet disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
59,15,6,"Hebt den Initiative-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf.
Die Wirkung wird mit dem Austausch des
Pokémon beendet."
59,15,7,"Aumenta la Velocidad en combate. Al cambiar de
Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
59,15,8,"Aumenta la Velocità di un Pokémon in una lotta.
Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon è sostituito."
59,15,9,"An item that boosts the Speed stat
of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears
off once the Pokémon is withdrawn."
59,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
素早さを あげる 道具。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
60,5,9,"Raises accuracy
of attack moves
during one battle."
60,6,9,"Raises accuracy
of attack moves
during one battle."
60,7,9,"Raises the accuracy stat of
POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the
POKéMON is withdrawn."
60,8,9,"An item that raises the accuracy
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
60,9,9,"An item that raises the accuracy
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
60,10,9,"An item that raises the accuracy
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
60,11,5,"Monte la Précision pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se
60,11,9,"An item that raises the accuracy
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
60,14,9,"An item that raises the accuracy
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
60,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
めいちゅうを あげる どうぐ。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
60,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 명중률을 올리는
도구. 포켓몬을 볼에 넣어버리면
원래대로 되돌아간다."
60,15,5,"Augmente la Précision pendant un combat.
Leffet disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
60,15,6,"Hebt die Genauigkeit eines Pokémon im Kampf.
Die Wirkung wird mit dem Austausch des
Pokémon beendet."
60,15,7,"Aumenta la Precisión de los ataques en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
60,15,8,"Aumenta la precisione di un Pokémon in una
lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
60,15,9,"An item that boosts the accuracy of
a Pokémon during a battle. It wears
off once the Pokémon is withdrawn."
60,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
命中を あげる 道具。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
61,5,9,"Raises the stat
SP. ATK during one
61,6,9,"Raises the stat
SP. ATK during one
61,7,9,"Raises the SP. ATK stat of
POKéMON in battle. Wears off if the
POKéMON is withdrawn."
61,8,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
61,9,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
61,10,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
61,11,5,"Monte lAttaque Spéciale pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si
le Pokémon se retire."
61,11,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
61,14,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
61,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくこうを あげる どうぐ。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
61,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수공격을 올리는
도구. 포켓몬을 볼에 넣어버리면
원래대로 되돌아간다."
61,15,5,"Augmente lAttaque Spéciale pendant un combat.
Leffet disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
61,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Angriff eines Pokémon im
Kampf. Die Wirkung wird mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon beendet."
61,15,7,"Aumenta el Ataque Especial en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
61,15,8,"Aumenta lAttacco Speciale di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
61,15,9,"An item that boosts the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears
off once the Pokémon is withdrawn."
61,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特攻を あげる 道具。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
62,8,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
62,9,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
62,10,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
62,11,5,"Monte la Défense Spéciale pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le
Pokémon se retire."
62,11,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
62,14,9,"An item that raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
62,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくぼうを あげる どうぐ。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
62,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수방어를 올리는
도구. 포켓몬을 볼에 넣어버리면
원래대로 되돌아간다."
62,15,5,"Augmente la Défense Spéciale pendant un
combat. Leffet disparaît si le Pokémon se retire."
62,15,6,"Hebt die Spezial-Verteidigung eines Pokémon im
Kampf. Die Wirkung wird mit dem Austausch des
Pokémon beendet."
62,15,7,"Aumenta la Defensa Especial en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
62,15,8,"Aumenta la Difesa Speciale di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
62,15,9,"An item that boosts the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon during a battle. It wears
off once the Pokémon is withdrawn."
62,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特防を あげる 道具。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
63,5,9,"Use to flee from
any battle with
a wild POKéMON."
63,6,9,"Use to flee from
any battle with
a wild POKéMON."
63,7,9,"An attractive doll.
Use it to flee from any battle with
a wild POKéMON."
63,8,9,"A doll that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
63,9,9,"A doll that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
63,10,9,"A doll that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
63,11,5,"Poupée qui attire les Pokémon. Permet
de senfuir dun combat contre un
Pokémon sauvage."
63,11,9,"A doll that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
63,14,9,"A doll that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
63,15,1,"ポケモンの きを ひかせる どうぐ。
やせいポケモンとの せんとうから
ぜったいに にげられる。"
63,15,3,"포켓몬의 관심을 끄는 도구.
야생 포켓몬과의 배틀에서
반드시 도망칠 수 있다."
63,15,5,"Une poupée qui attire les Pokémon.
Permet de senfuir dun combat contre
un Pokémon sauvage."
63,15,6,"Eine hübsche Puppe. Sie ermöglicht die Flucht
im Kampf gegen wilde Pokémon."
63,15,7,"Un muñeco que atrae a los Pokémon. Es útil para
huir de un combate contra un Pokémon salvaje."
63,15,8,"Bambola che attrae i Pokémon. È utile per fuggire
dalla lotta con Pokémon selvatici."
63,15,9,"A doll that attracts the attention of a
Pokémon. It guarantees escape from
any battle with wild Pokémon."
63,15,11,"ポケモンの 気をひかせる 道具。
野生ポケモンとの 戦闘から
絶対に 逃げられる。"
64,5,9,"Use to flee from
any battle with
a wild POKéMON."
64,6,9,"Use to flee from
any battle with
a wild POKéMON."
64,7,9,"An attractive item.
Use it to flee from any battle with
a wild POKéMON."
64,8,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
64,9,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
64,10,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
64,11,5,"Objet qui attire les Pokémon. Permet
de senfuir dun combat contre un
Pokémon sauvage."
64,11,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
64,14,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
64,15,1,"ポケモンの きを ひかせる どうぐ。
やせいポケモンとの せんとうから
ぜったいに にげられる。"
64,15,3,"포켓몬의 관심을 끄는 도구.
야생 포켓몬과의 배틀에서
반드시 도망칠 수 있다."
64,15,5,"Un objet qui attire les Pokémon.
Permet de senfuir dun combat contre
un Pokémon sauvage."
64,15,6,"Ein hübsches Item. Es ermöglicht die Flucht
im Kampf gegen wilde Pokémon."
64,15,7,"Un objeto que atrae a los Pokémon. Es útil para
huir de un combate contra un Pokémon salvaje."
64,15,8,"Strumento che attrae i Pokémon. È utile
per fuggire dalla lotta con Pokémon selvatici."
64,15,9,"A toy that attracts the attention of a
Pokémon. It guarantees escape from
any battle with wild Pokémon."
64,15,11,"ポケモンの 気をひかせる 道具。
野生ポケモンとの 戦闘から
絶対に 逃げられる。"
65,5,9,"A glass flute that
awakens sleeping
65,6,9,"A glass flute that
awakens sleeping
65,7,9,"A blue glass flute that awakens
a sleeping POKéMON."
65,8,9,"A blue flute made from blown glass.
Its melody awakens a single Pokémon
from sleep."
65,9,9,"A blue flute made from blown glass.
Its melody awakens a single Pokémon
from sleep."
65,10,9,"A blue flute made from blown glass.
Its melody awakens a single Pokémon
from sleep."
65,11,5,"Jouet en forme de flûte en verre
bleu. Les amateurs en donnent
un bon prix."
65,11,9,"A toy flute made from blue glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
65,14,9,"A toy flute made from blue glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
65,15,1,"あおい ガラスで できている
おもちゃの ふえ。"
65,15,3,"파란 유리로 만들어진
장난감 피리."
65,15,5,Un jouet en forme de flûte en verre bleu.
65,15,6,Eine Spielzeugflöte aus blauem Glas.
65,15,7,Una flauta de juguete de cristal azul.
65,15,8,Flauto giocattolo fatto di vetro blu.
65,15,9,"A lovely toy flute to admire.
Its made from blue glass."
65,15,11,"青い ガラスで できている
おもちゃの 笛。"
66,5,9,"A glass flute that
snaps POKéMON
out of confusion."
66,6,9,"A glass flute that
snaps POKéMON
out of confusion."
66,7,9,"A yellow glass flute that snaps one
POKéMON out of confusion."
66,8,9,"A yellow flute made from blown glass.
Its melody snaps a single Pokémon out
of confusion."
66,9,9,"A yellow flute made from blown glass.
Its melody snaps a single Pokémon out
of confusion."
66,10,9,"A yellow flute made from blown glass.
Its melody snaps a single Pokémon out
of confusion."
66,11,5,"Jouet en forme de flûte en verre
jaune. Les amateurs en donnent
un bon prix."
66,11,9,"A toy flute made from yellow glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
66,14,9,"A toy flute made from yellow glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
66,15,1,"きいろい ガラスで できている
おもちゃの ふえ。"
66,15,3,"노란 유리로 만들어진
장난감 피리."
66,15,5,Un jouet en forme de flûte en verre jaune.
66,15,6,Eine Spielzeugflöte aus gelbem Glas.
66,15,7,Una flauta de juguete de cristal amarillo.
66,15,8,Flauto giocattolo fatto di vetro giallo.
66,15,9,"A lovely toy flute to admire.
Its made from yellow glass."
66,15,11,"黄色い ガラスで できている
おもちゃの 笛。"
67,5,9,"A glass flute that
snaps POKéMON
out of attraction."
67,6,9,"A glass flute that
snaps POKéMON
out of attraction."
67,7,9,"A red glass flute that snaps one
POKéMON out of infatuation."
67,8,9,"A red flute made from blown glass.
Its melody snaps a single Pokémon out
of infatuation."
67,9,9,"A red flute made from blown glass.
Its melody snaps a single Pokémon out
of infatuation."
67,10,9,"A red flute made from blown glass.
Its melody snaps a single Pokémon out
of infatuation."
67,11,5,"Jouet en forme de flûte en verre
rouge. Les amateurs en donnent
un bon prix."
67,11,9,"A toy flute made from red glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
67,14,9,"A toy flute made from red glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
67,15,1,"あかい ガラスで できている
おもちゃの ふえ。"
67,15,3,"빨간 유리로 만들어진
장난감 피리."
67,15,5,Un jouet en forme de flûte en verre rouge.
67,15,6,Eine Spielzeugflöte aus rotem Glas.
67,15,7,Una flauta de juguete de cristal rojo.
67,15,8,Flauto giocattolo fatto di vetro rosso.
67,15,9,"A lovely toy flute to admire.
Its made from red glass."
67,15,11,"赤い ガラスで できている
おもちゃの 笛。"
68,5,9,"A glass flute that
keeps away wild
68,6,9,"A glass flute that
keeps away wild
68,7,9,"A black glass flute.
When blown, it makes wild POKéMON
less likely to appear."
68,8,9,"A black flute made from blown glass.
Its melody makes wild Pokémon less
likely to appear."
68,9,9,"A black flute made from blown glass.
Its melody makes wild Pokémon less
likely to appear."
68,10,9,"A black flute made from blown glass.
Its melody makes wild Pokémon less
likely to appear."
68,11,5,"Jouet en forme de flûte en verre
noir. Les amateurs en donnent
un bon prix."
68,11,9,"A toy flute made from black glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
68,14,9,"A toy flute made from black glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
68,15,1,"くろい ガラスで できている
おもちゃの ふえ。"
68,15,3,"검은 유리로 만들어진
장난감 피리."
68,15,5,Un jouet en forme de flûte en verre noir.
68,15,6,Eine Spielzeugflöte aus schwarzem Glas.
68,15,7,Una flauta de juguete de cristal negro.
68,15,8,Flauto giocattolo fatto di vetro nero.
68,15,9,"A lovely toy flute to admire.
Its made from black glass."
68,15,11,"黒い ガラスで できている
おもちゃの 笛。"
69,5,9,"A glass flute that
lures wild POKéMON."
69,6,9,"A glass flute that
lures wild POKéMON."
69,7,9,"A white glass flute.
When blown, it makes wild POKéMON
more likely to appear."
69,8,9,"A white flute made from blown glass.
Its melody makes wild Pokémon more
likely to appear."
69,9,9,"A white flute made from blown glass.
Its melody makes wild Pokémon more
likely to appear."
69,10,9,"A white flute made from blown glass.
Its melody makes wild Pokémon more
likely to appear."
69,11,5,"Jouet en forme de flûte en verre
blanc. Les amateurs en donnent
un bon prix."
69,11,9,"A toy flute made from white glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
69,14,9,"A toy flute made from white glass.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
69,15,1,"しろい ガラスで できている
おもちゃの ふえ。"
69,15,3,"하얀 유리로 만들어진
장난감 피리."
69,15,5,Un jouet en forme de flûte en verre blanc.
69,15,6,Eine Spielzeugflöte aus weißem Glas.
69,15,7,Una flauta de juguete de cristal blanco.
69,15,8,Flauto giocattolo fatto di vetro bianco.
69,15,9,"A lovely toy flute to admire.
Its made from white glass."
69,15,11,"白い ガラスで できている
おもちゃの 笛。"
70,5,9,"Salt obtained from
deep inside the
70,6,9,"Salt obtained from
deep inside the
70,7,9,"Pure salt obtained from deep inside
the SHOAL CAVE. It is extremely
70,8,9,"Pure salt that was discovered deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
It is extremely salty."
70,9,9,"Pure salt that was discovered deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
It is extremely salty."
70,10,9,"Pure salt that was discovered deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
It is extremely salty."
70,11,5,"Sel pur provenant des profondeurs
de la Grotte Tréfonds. Les amateurs
en donnent un bon prix."
70,11,9,"Pure salt that can be discovered deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
70,14,9,"Pure salt that can be discovered deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
70,15,1,"あさせのほらあな という ばしょで
みつかる きれいな しお。"
70,15,3,"여울의 동굴이라는 장소에서
발견할 수 있는 깨끗한 소금."
70,15,5,"Du sel pur provenant des profondeurs de
la Grotte Tréfonds."
70,15,6,"Reine Salzkristalle, die sich in der Küstenhöhle
finden lassen."
70,15,7,"Una sal muy fina encontrada en la Cueva
70,15,8,Sale purissimo rinvenuto nella Grotta Ondosa.
70,15,9,"Pure salt that can be discovered
only deep inside the Shoal Cave."
70,15,11,"浅瀬の洞穴という 場所で
みつかる きれいな 塩。"
71,5,9,"A seashell found
deep inside the
71,6,9,"A seashell found
deep inside the
71,7,9,"A pretty seashell found deep inside
the SHOAL CAVE. It is striped in
blue and white."
71,8,9,"A pretty seashell that was found deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
It is striped in blue and white."
71,9,9,"A pretty seashell that was found deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
It is striped in blue and white."
71,10,9,"A pretty seashell that was found deep
inside the Shoal Cave.
It is striped in blue and white."
71,11,5,"Joli coquillage provenant des
profondeurs de la Grotte Tréfonds.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
71,11,9,"A pretty seashell that can be found
deep inside the Shoal Cave.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
71,14,9,"A pretty seashell that can be found
deep inside the Shoal Cave.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
71,15,1,"あさせのほらあな という ばしょで
みつかる きれいな かいがら。"
71,15,3,"여울의 동굴이라는 장소에서
발견할 수 있는 예쁜 조개껍질."
71,15,5,"Un joli coquillage provenant des profondeurs de
la Grotte Tréfonds."
71,15,6,"Eine hübsche Muschelschale, die sich in der
Küstenhöhle finden lässt."
71,15,7,Concha encontrada en la Cueva Cardumen.
71,15,8,Un bel guscio rinvenuto nella Grotta Ondosa.
71,15,9,"A pretty seashell that can be
found deep inside the Shoal Cave."
71,15,11,"浅瀬の洞穴という 場所で
みつかる きれいな 貝殻。"
72,5,9,"A shard from an
ancient item.
Can be sold cheaply."
72,6,9,"A shard from an
ancient item. Can
be sold cheaply."
72,7,9,"A small red shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
a tool made long ago."
72,8,9,"A small red shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
72,9,9,"A small red shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
72,10,9,"A small red shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
72,11,5,"Petit tesson rouge.
Il semble provenir dun outil très
72,11,9,"A small red shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
72,14,9,"A small red shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
72,15,1,"あかい ちいさな かけら。
むかしに つくられた なにかの
どうぐの いちぶ らしい。"
72,15,3,"빨간 작은 조각.
옛날에 만들어진 어떤
도구의 일부인 듯하다."
72,15,5,"Un petit tesson rouge.
Il semble provenir dun outil très ancien."
72,15,6,"Eine rote Scherbe eines antiken Werkzeugs,
das vor langer Zeit angefertigt wurde."
72,15,7,"Un pequeño fragmento rojo. Parece formar parte
de algún tipo de herramienta antigua."
72,15,8,"Un piccolo coccio rosso che con ogni probabilità
è un frammento di un antico strumento."
72,15,9,"A small red shard. It appears
to be a fragment of some sort
of implement made long ago."
72,15,11,"赤い 小さな かけら。
昔に つくられた なにかの
道具の 一部らしい。"
73,5,9,"A shard from an
ancient item.
Can be sold cheaply."
73,6,9,"A shard from an
ancient item. Can
be sold cheaply."
73,7,9,"A small blue shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
a tool made long ago."
73,8,9,"A small blue shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
73,9,9,"A small blue shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
73,10,9,"A small blue shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
73,11,5,"Petit tesson bleu.
Il semble provenir dun outil très
73,11,9,"A small blue shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
73,14,9,"A small blue shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
73,15,1,"あおい ちいさな かけら。
むかしに つくられた なにかの
どうぐの いちぶ らしい。"
73,15,3,"파란 작은 조각.
옛날에 만들어진 어떤
도구의 일부인 듯하다."
73,15,5,"Un petit tesson bleu.
Il semble provenir dun outil très ancien."
73,15,6,"Eine blaue Scherbe eines antiken Werkzeugs,
das vor langer Zeit angefertigt wurde."
73,15,7,"Un pequeño fragmento azul. Parece formar parte
de algún tipo de herramienta antigua."
73,15,8,"Un piccolo coccio blu che con ogni probabilità
è un frammento di un antico strumento."
73,15,9,"A small blue shard. It appears
to be a fragment of some sort
of implement made long ago."
73,15,11,"青い 小さな かけら。
昔に つくられた なにかの
道具の 一部らしい。"
74,5,9,"A shard from an
ancient item.
Can be sold cheaply."
74,6,9,"A shard from an
ancient item. Can
be sold cheaply."
74,7,9,"A small yellow shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
a tool made long ago."
74,8,9,"A small yellow shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
74,9,9,"A small yellow shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
74,10,9,"A small yellow shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
74,11,5,"Petit tesson jaune.
Il semble provenir dun outil très
74,11,9,"A small yellow shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
74,14,9,"A small yellow shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
74,15,1,"きいろい ちいさな かけら。
むかしに つくられた なにかの
どうぐの いちぶ らしい。"
74,15,3,"노란 작은 조각.
옛날에 만들어진 어떤
도구의 일부인 듯하다."
74,15,5,"Un petit tesson jaune.
Il semble provenir dun outil très ancien."
74,15,6,"Eine gelbe Scherbe eines antiken Werkzeugs,
das vor langer Zeit angefertigt wurde."
74,15,7,"Un pequeño fragmento amarillo. Parece formar
parte de algún tipo de herramienta antigua."
74,15,8,"Un piccolo coccio giallo che con ogni probabilità
è un frammento di un antico strumento."
74,15,9,"A small yellow shard. It appears
to be a fragment of some sort
of implement made long ago."
74,15,11,"黄色い 小さな かけら。
昔に つくられた なにかの
道具の 一部らしい。"
75,5,9,"A shard from an
ancient item.
Can be sold cheaply."
75,6,9,"A shard from an
ancient item. Can
be sold cheaply."
75,7,9,"A small green shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
a tool made long ago."
75,8,9,"A small green shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
75,9,9,"A small green shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
75,10,9,"A small green shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
75,11,5,"Petit tesson vert.
Il semble provenir dun outil très
75,11,9,"A small green shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
75,14,9,"A small green shard.
It appears to be from some sort of
implement made long ago."
75,15,1,"みどりの ちいさな かけら。
むかしに つくられた なにかの
どうぐの いちぶ らしい。"
75,15,3,"초록색 작은 조각.
옛날에 만들어진 어떤
도구의 일부인 듯하다."
75,15,5,"Un petit tesson vert.
Il semble provenir dun outil très ancien."
75,15,6,"Eine grüne Scherbe eines antiken Werkzeugs,
das vor langer Zeit angefertigt wurde."
75,15,7,"Un pequeño fragmento verde. Parece formar parte
de algún tipo de herramienta antigua."
75,15,8,"Un piccolo coccio verde che con ogni probabilità
è un frammento di un antico strumento."
75,15,9,"A small green shard. It appears
to be a fragment of some sort
of implement made long ago."
75,15,11,"緑の 小さな かけら。
昔に つくられた なにかの
道具の 一部らしい。"
76,5,9,"Repels weak wild
POKéMON for 200
76,6,9,"Repels weak wild
POKéMON for 200
76,7,9,"Prevents weak wild POKéMON from
appearing for 200 steps."
76,8,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps
after its use."
76,9,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps
after its use."
76,10,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps
after its use."
76,11,5,"Repousse les Pokémon sauvages
faibles pendant 200 pas."
76,11,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps
after its use."
76,14,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps
after its use."
76,15,1,"200ぽ すすむ あいだ
よわい やせいの ポケモンが
まったく でて こなくなる。"
76,15,3,"200보 걸어가는 동안
약한 야생 포켓몬이
전혀 나오지 않게 된다."
76,15,5,"Repousse les Pokémon sauvages faibles pendant
200 pas."
76,15,6,"Hält 200 Schritte lang schwache, wilde
Pokémon ab."
76,15,7,"Repele Pokémon salvajes débiles en un recorrido
de 200 pasos."
76,15,8,"Strumento che evita lincontro con i Pokémon
selvatici deboli per 200 passi dopo lutilizzo."
76,15,9,"An item that prevents any low-level
wild Pokémon from jumping out at
you for 200 steps after its use."
76,15,11,"200歩 進む あいだ
弱い 野生の ポケモンが
まったく でて こなくなる。"
77,5,9,"Repels weak wild
POKéMON for 250
77,6,9,"Repels weak wild
POKéMON for 250
77,7,9,"Prevents weak wild POKéMON from
appearing for 250 steps."
77,8,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps
after its use."
77,9,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps
after its use."
77,10,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps
after its use."
77,11,5,"Repousse les Pokémon sauvages
faibles pendant 250 pas."
77,11,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps
after its use."
77,14,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps
after its use."
77,15,1,"250ぽ すすむ あいだ
よわい やせいの ポケモンが
まったく でて こなくなる。"
77,15,3,"250보 걸어가는 동안
약한 야생 포켓몬이
전혀 나오지 않게 된다."
77,15,5,"Repousse les Pokémon sauvages faibles pendant
250 pas."
77,15,6,"Hält 250 Schritte lang schwache, wilde
Pokémon ab."
77,15,7,"Repele Pokémon salvajes débiles en un recorrido
de 250 pasos."
77,15,8,"Strumento che evita lincontro con i Pokémon
selvatici deboli per 250 passi dopo lutilizzo."
77,15,9,"An item that prevents any low-level
wild Pokémon from jumping out at
you for 250 steps after its use."
77,15,11,"250歩 進む あいだ
弱い 野生の ポケモンが
まったく でて こなくなる。"
78,5,9,"Use to escape
instantly from a
cave or a dungeon."
78,6,9,"Use to escape
instantly from a
cave or a dungeon."
78,7,9,"A long, durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly from a
cave or a dungeon."
78,8,9,"A long, durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly from a cave
or a dungeon."
78,9,9,"A long, durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly from a cave
or a dungeon."
78,10,9,"A long, durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly from a cave
or a dungeon."
78,11,5,"Une corde longue et solide permettant
de sortir rapidement dune grotte ou
dun donjon."
78,11,9,"A long, durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly from a cave
or a dungeon."
78,14,9,"A long, durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly from a cave
or a dungeon."
78,15,1,"ながくて じょうぶな ヒモ。
どうくつや ダンジョンから
ぬけだすことが できる。"
78,15,3,"길고 튼튼한 끈.
동굴이나 던전에서
빠져나올 수 있다."
78,15,5,"Une corde longue et solide permettant de sortir
rapidement dune grotte ou dun donjon."
78,15,6,"Ein langes, festes Seil, das die sofortige Flucht
aus Höhlen oder Ähnlichem ermöglicht."
78,15,7,"Cuerda larga y resistente que sirve para huir de
cuevas y sitios cerrados en general."
78,15,8,"Corda lunga e resistente che si usa per fuggire
in un batter docchio dalle grotte o da certi
luoghi chiusi."
78,15,9,"A long and durable rope.
Use it to escape instantly
from a cave or a dungeon."
78,15,11,"長くて 丈夫な ヒモ。
洞窟や ダンジョンから
抜け出すことが できる。"
79,5,9,"Repels weak wild
POKéMON for 100
79,6,9,"Repels weak wild
POKéMON for 100
79,7,9,"Prevents weak wild POKéMON from
appearing for 100 steps."
79,8,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps
after its use."
79,9,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps
after its use."
79,10,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps
after its use."
79,11,5,"Repousse les Pokémon sauvages
faibles pendant 100 pas."
79,11,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps
after its use."
79,14,9,"An item that prevents weak wild
Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps
after its use."
79,15,1,"100ぽ すすむ あいだ
よわい やせいの ポケモンが
まったく でて こなくなる。"
79,15,3,"100보 걸어가는 동안
약한 야생 포켓몬이
전혀 나오지 않게 된다."
79,15,5,"Repousse les Pokémon sauvages faibles pendant
100 pas."
79,15,6,"Hält 100 Schritte lang schwache, wilde
Pokémon ab."
79,15,7,"Repele Pokémon salvajes débiles en un recorrido
de 100 pasos."
79,15,8,"Strumento che evita lincontro con i Pokémon
selvatici deboli per 100 passi dopo lutilizzo."
79,15,9,"An item that prevents any low-level
wild Pokémon from jumping out at
you for 100 steps after its use."
79,15,11,"100歩 進む あいだ
弱い 野生の ポケモンが
まったく でて こなくなる。"
80,5,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
80,6,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
80,7,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of POKéMON evolve.
It is as red as the sun."
80,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as red as the sun."
80,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as red as the sun."
80,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as red as the sun."
80,11,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle est rouge comme le soleil."
80,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as red as the sun."
80,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as red as the sun."
80,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
たいようのように あかい。"
80,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
태양처럼 빨갛다."
80,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle est rouge comme
le soleil couchant."
80,15,6,"Dieser spezielle Stein löst bei bestimmten
Pokémon die Entwicklung aus. Er ist rot wie
die Abendsonne."
80,15,7,"Curiosa piedra que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon. Es roja
como el núcleo del sol."
80,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. È rossa come il sole
al tramonto."
80,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It burns as red as the evening sun."
80,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
太陽のように 赤い。"
81,5,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
81,6,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
81,7,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of POKéMON evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,11,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle est noire comme la nuit."
81,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
よぞらのように くろい。"
81,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
밤하늘처럼 까맣다."
81,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle est noire comme
la nuit."
81,15,6,"Dieser spezielle Stein löst bei bestimmten
Pokémon die Entwicklung aus. Er ist schwarz
wie die Nacht."
81,15,7,"Curiosa piedra que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon. Es negra
como el azabache."
81,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. È nera come la notte."
81,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as black as the night sky."
81,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
夜空のように 黒い。"
82,5,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
82,6,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
82,7,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of POKéMON evolve.
It is colored orange."
82,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is colored orange."
82,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is colored orange."
82,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is colored orange."
82,11,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle est jaune et orange."
82,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is colored orange."
82,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is colored orange."
82,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
だいだいいろを している。"
82,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
주황색을 띠고 있다."
82,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle est jaune et orange."
82,15,6,"Dieser spezielle Stein löst bei bestimmten
Pokémon die Entwicklung aus. Er schimmert
in den Farben Orange und Gelb."
82,15,7,"Curiosa piedra que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon. Es amarilla
con una marca naranja."
82,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. È gialla e arancione."
82,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
The stone has a fiery orange heart."
82,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
だいだい色を している。"
83,5,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
83,6,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
83,7,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of POKéMON evolve.
It has a thunderbolt pattern."
83,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a thunderbolt pattern."
83,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a thunderbolt pattern."
83,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a thunderbolt pattern."
83,11,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Un éclair est dessiné dessus."
83,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a thunderbolt pattern."
83,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a thunderbolt pattern."
83,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
いなずまの もようが ある。"
83,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
천둥번개 무늬가 있다."
83,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Un éclair est dessiné
83,15,6,"Dieser spezielle Stein löst bei bestimmten
Pokémon die Entwicklung aus. Er hat ein
83,15,7,"Curiosa piedra que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon. Tiene
grabado un rayo."
83,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. Riporta limmagine
di un fulmine."
83,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a distinct thunderbolt pattern."
83,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
稲妻の 模様が ある。"
84,5,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
84,6,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
84,7,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of POKéMON evolve.
It is a clear light blue."
84,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is a clear, light blue."
84,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is a clear, light blue."
84,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is a clear, light blue."
84,11,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle est de couleur bleue."
84,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is a clear, light blue."
84,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is a clear, light blue."
84,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
すんだ みずいろを している。"
84,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
투명한 푸른색을 띠고 있다."
84,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle est de couleur bleue."
84,15,6,"Dieser spezielle Stein löst bei bestimmten
Pokémon die Entwicklung aus. Er ist hellblau."
84,15,7,"Curiosa piedra que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon. Es de
color azul."
84,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. Ha delle macchioline azzurre."
84,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It is the blue of a pool of clear water."
84,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
澄んだ 水色を している。"
85,5,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
85,6,9,"Makes certain
species of POKéMON
85,7,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of POKéMON evolve.
It has a leaf pattern."
85,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a leaf pattern."
85,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a leaf pattern."
85,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a leaf pattern."
85,11,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Une feuille est dessinée dessus."
85,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a leaf pattern."
85,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It has a leaf pattern."
85,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
はっぱの もようが ある。"
85,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
잎사귀 무늬가 있다."
85,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Une feuille est dessinée
85,15,6,"Dieser spezielle Stein löst bei bestimmten
Pokémon die Entwicklung aus. Er hat ein
85,15,7,"Curiosa piedra que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon. Tiene
grabada una hoja."
85,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. Riporta limmagine
di una foglia."
85,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It has an unmistakable leaf pattern."
85,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
はっぱの 模様が ある。"
86,5,9,"A plain, ordinary
Can be sold cheaply."
86,6,9,"A plain mushroom
that would sell
at a cheap price."
86,7,9,"A small and rare mushroom.
It is quite popular among certain
86,8,9,"A small and rare mushroom.
It is quite popular among certain
maniacal fan segments."
86,9,9,"A small and rare mushroom.
It is quite popular among certain
maniacal fan segments."
86,10,9,"A small and rare mushroom.
It is quite popular among certain
maniacal fan segments."
86,11,5,"Un petit champignon plutôt rare.
Il est plutôt populaire parmi
certains fans dévoués."
86,11,9,"A small and rare mushroom.
It is sought after by collectors."
86,14,9,"A small and rare mushroom.
It is sought after by collectors."
86,15,1,"ちいさな めずらしい キノコ。
いちぶの マニアの あいだでは
けっこう にんきが たかい。"
86,15,3,"작고 진귀한 버섯.
일부 마니아 사이에서는
매우 인기가 높다."
86,15,5,"Un petit champignon assez rare.
Il est plutôt populaire parmi certains fans
86,15,6,"Ein kleiner und seltener Pilz. Sammler sind ganz
aus dem Häuschen, wenn sie einen finden."
86,15,7,"Una pequeña seta que es poco común y bastante
popular entre determinados grupos de gourmets."
86,15,8,"Fungo piccolo e raro.
È discretamente apprezzato da alcuni intenditori."
86,15,9,"A very small and rare mushroom.
Its popular with a certain class of
collectors and sought out by them."
86,15,11,"ちいさな 珍しい キノコ。
一部の マニアの あいだでは
けっこう 人気が 高い。"
87,5,9,"A rare mushroom
that would sell at a
high price."
87,6,9,"A rare mushroom
that would sell at a
high price."
87,7,9,"A large and rare mushroom.
It is very popular among certain
87,8,9,"A large and rare mushroom.
It is very popular among certain
maniacal fan segments."
87,9,9,"A large and rare mushroom.
It is very popular among certain
maniacal fan segments."
87,10,9,"A large and rare mushroom.
It is very popular among certain
maniacal fan segments."
87,11,5,"Un grand champignon plutôt rare.
Il est très populaire parmi
certains fans dévoués."
87,11,9,"A large and rare mushroom.
It is sought after by collectors."
87,14,9,"A large and rare mushroom.
It is sought after by collectors."
87,15,1,"おおきな めずらしい キノコ。
いちぶの マニアの あいだでは
とても にんきが たかい。"
87,15,3,"크고 진귀한 버섯.
일부 마니아 사이에서는
매우 인기가 높다."
87,15,5,"Un grand champignon assez rare.
Il est très populaire parmi certains fans
87,15,6,"Ein großer und seltener Pilz. Liebhaber dieses
Pilzes freuen sich ein Loch in den Bauch,
wenn sie einen finden."
87,15,7,"Una gran seta que es poco común y muy popular
entre determinados grupos de gourmets."
87,15,8,"Fungo grande e raro.
È molto apprezzato da alcuni intenditori."
87,15,9,"A very large and rare mushroom.
Its popular with a certain class of
collectors and sought out by them."
87,15,11,"おおきな 珍しい キノコ。
一部の マニアの あいだでは
とても 人気が 高い。"
88,5,9,"A pretty pearl.
Can be sold cheaply."
88,6,9,"A pretty pearl
that would sell at a
cheap price."
88,7,9,"A relatively small pearl that
sparkles in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold cheaply."
88,8,9,"A somewhat-small pearl that sparkles
in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold cheaply to shops."
88,9,9,"A somewhat-small pearl that sparkles
in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold cheaply to shops."
88,10,9,"A somewhat-small pearl that sparkles
in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold cheaply to shops."
88,11,5,"Une petite perle qui brille dune jolie
couleur argent. Peut être vendue
à bas prix aux magasins."
88,11,9,"A somewhat-small pearl that sparkles
in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold cheaply to shops."
88,14,9,"A somewhat-small pearl that sparkles
in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold cheaply to shops."
88,15,1,"きれいな ぎんいろに ひかる
すこし ちいさめの しんじゅ。
ショップで やすく うれる。"
88,15,3,"예쁜 은색으로 빛나는
자그마한 진주.
상점에서 싸게 팔린다."
88,15,5,"Une petite perle qui brille dune jolie couleur
argent. Peut être vendue à bas prix aux magasins."
88,15,6,"Eine relativ kleine Perle, die in schönem
Silber funkelt. Sie ist von geringem Wert."
88,15,7,"Brillante perla pequeña y plateada que no alcanza
un buen precio en las tiendas."
88,15,8,"Perla piuttosto piccola dai graziosi riflessi
argentei. Si può vendere a un prezzo piuttosto
basso nei negozi."
88,15,9,"A rather small pearl that has a
very nice silvery sheen to it.
It can be sold cheaply to shops."
88,15,11,"きれいな 銀色に 光る
少し ちいさめの 真珠。
ショップで 安く 売れる。"
89,5,9,"A lovely large pearl
that would sell at a
high price."
89,6,9,"A lovely large pearl
that would sell at a
high price."
89,7,9,"A quite-large pearl that sparkles
in a pretty silver color.
It can be sold at a high price."
89,8,9,"A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a
pretty silver color. It can be sold at
a high price to shops."
89,9,9,"A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a
pretty silver color. It can be sold at
a high price to shops."
89,10,9,"A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a
pretty silver color. It can be sold at
a high price to shops."
89,11,5,"Une grande perle qui brille dune jolie
couleur argent. Peut être vendue à
bon prix aux magasins."
89,11,9,"A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a
pretty silver color. It can be sold at
a high price to shops."
89,14,9,"A quite-large pearl that sparkles in a
pretty silver color. It can be sold at
a high price to shops."
89,15,1,"きれいな ぎんいろに ひかる
かなり おおつぶの しんじゅ。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
89,15,3,"예쁜 은색으로 빛나는
상당히 큰 낱알의 진주.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
89,15,5,"Une grosse perle qui brille dune jolie couleur
argent. Peut être vendue à bon prix aux magasins."
89,15,6,"Eine relativ große Perle, die in schönem
Silber funkelt. Sie ist von hohem Wert."
89,15,7,"Brillante perla plateada de gran tamaño que
puede venderse a buen precio en las tiendas."
89,15,8,"Perla piuttosto grande dai graziosi riflessi
argentei. Si può vendere a un prezzo piuttosto
alto nei negozi."
89,15,9,"A rather large pearl that has a very nice silvery
sheen. It can be sold to shops for a high price."
89,15,11,"きれいな 銀色に 光る
かなり 大粒の 真珠。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
90,5,9,"Beautiful red sand.
Can be sold at a
high price."
90,6,9,"Beautiful red sand.
Can be sold at a
high price."
90,7,9,"A pretty red sand with a loose,
silky feel.
It can be sold at a high price."
90,8,9,"Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose,
silky feel. It can be sold at a high
price to shops."
90,9,9,"Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose,
silky feel. It can be sold at a high
price to shops."
90,10,9,"Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose,
silky feel. It can be sold at a high
price to shops."
90,11,5,"Sable rouge ravissant, aux grains très
fins. Peut être vendu à bon prix aux
90,11,9,"Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose,
silky feel. It can be sold at a high
price to shops."
90,14,9,"Lovely, red-colored sand with a loose,
silky feel. It can be sold at a high
price to shops."
90,15,1,"てざわりが サラサラの
あかくて きれいな すな。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
90,15,3,"감촉이 보슬보슬한
빨갛고 예쁜 모래.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
90,15,5,"Du sable rouge ravissant, aux grains très fins.
Peut être vendu à bon prix aux magasins."
90,15,6,"Schöner, roter Sand, der sich seidenweich
anfühlt. Er ist von hohem Wert."
90,15,7,"Bonita arena roja de tacto sedoso que alcanza un
alto precio en las tiendas."
90,15,8,"Bella sabbia rossa dalla consistenza leggera
e farinosa. Si può vendere a un prezzo piuttosto
alto nei negozi."
90,15,9,"Lovely, red sand that flows between
the fingers with a loose, silky feel.
It can be sold at a high price to shops."
90,15,11,"てざわりが サラサラの
赤くて きれいな 砂。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
91,5,9,"A red gem shard.
It would sell for a
very high price."
91,6,9,"A red gem shard.
It would sell for a
very high price."
91,7,9,"A shard of a pretty gem that
sparkles in a red color.
It can be sold at a high price."
91,8,9,"A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles
in a red color. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
91,9,9,"A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles
in a red color. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
91,10,9,"A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles
in a red color. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
91,11,5,"Fragment de gemme qui brille dun éclat
rouge. Peut se vendre à bon prix aux
91,11,9,"A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles
in a red color. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
91,14,9,"A shard of a pretty gem that sparkles
in a red color. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
91,15,1,"キラキラと あかく ひかる
きれいな ほうせきの かけら。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
91,15,3,"반짝반짝 빨갛게 빛나는
예쁜 보석 조각.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
91,15,5,"Un fragment de gemme, qui brille dun éclat
rouge. Peut être vendu à bon prix aux magasins."
91,15,6,"Teil eines hübschen Edelsteins, der in rötlicher
Farbe schimmert. Erzielt einen hohen Preis,
wenn man ihn verkauft."
91,15,7,"Fragmento de una bonita gema roja que puede
venderse muy caro en las tiendas."
91,15,8,"Frammento rosso acceso di una gemma.
Si può vendere a un prezzo piuttosto alto
nei negozi."
91,15,9,"A small shard of a beautiful gem that
demonstrates a distinctly red sparkle.
It can be sold at a high price to shops."
91,15,11,"キラキラと 赤く 光る
きれいな 宝石の かけら。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
92,5,9,"A nugget of pure
gold. Can be sold at
a high price."
92,6,9,"A nugget of pure
gold. Can be sold at
a high price."
92,7,9,"A nugget of pure gold that gives
off a lustrous gleam.
It can be sold at a high price."
92,8,9,"A nugget of pure gold that gives off a
lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
92,9,9,"A nugget of pure gold that gives off a
lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
92,10,9,"A nugget of pure gold that gives off a
lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
92,11,5,"Pépite dor pur qui brille
magnifiquement. Peut être vendue
à bon prix aux magasins."
92,11,9,"A nugget of pure gold that gives off a
lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
92,14,9,"A nugget of pure gold that gives off a
lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a
high price to shops."
92,15,1,"キラキラと きんいろに ひかる
じゅんきん せいの たま。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
92,15,3,"금색으로 반짝반짝 빛나는
순금으로 만들어진 구슬.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
92,15,5,"Une pépite dor pur qui brille dun éclat
magnifique. Peut être vendue à bon prix
aux magasins."
92,15,6,"Ein Nugget aus purem Gold, das einen
schimmernden Glanz besitzt. Es ist
von großem Wert."
92,15,7,"Pepita de oro puro que desprende un brillo
espectacular. Puede venderse muy cara en las
92,15,8,"Pepita doro puro dal luccichio sfavillante.
Si può vendere a un prezzo piuttosto alto
nei negozi."
92,15,9,"A nugget of the purest gold that gives
off a lustrous gleam in direct light.
It can be sold at a high price to shops."
92,15,11,"キラキラと 金色に 光る
純金製の 玉。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
93,5,9,"A lovely scale.
It is coveted by
93,6,9,"A lovely scale.
It is coveted by
93,7,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that
is extremely rare. It glows faintly
in the colors of a rainbow."
93,8,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is
extremely rare. It glows faintly in the
colors of the rainbow."
93,9,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is
extremely rare. It glows faintly in the
colors of the rainbow."
93,10,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is
extremely rare. It glows faintly in the
colors of the rainbow."
93,11,5,"Une jolie écaille en forme de cœur qui
est très rare. Elle brille légèrement
dun éclat arc-en-ciel."
93,11,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is
extremely rare. It glows faintly in the
colors of the rainbow."
93,14,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is
extremely rare. It glows faintly in the
colors of the rainbow."
93,15,1,"きれいな ハートの かたちの
とても めずらしい ウロコ。
にじいろに うすく かがやく。"
93,15,3,"예쁜 하트 모양의
무척 진귀한 비늘.
무지개색으로 연하게 반짝인다."
93,15,5,"Une très rare et jolie écaille en forme de cœur.
Elle brille légèrement dun éclat arc-en-ciel."
93,15,6,"Eine hübsche, herzförmige und sehr seltene
Schuppe. Sie erstrahlt in den Farben
des Regenbogens."
93,15,7,"Bella escama con forma de corazón que brilla
ligeramente como los colores del arcoíris. Es muy
poco común."
93,15,8,"Squama graziosa, a forma di cuore e molto rara.
Riflette tutti i colori delliride."
93,15,9,"A pretty, heart-shaped scale that is
extremely rare. It glows faintly with
all of the colors of the rainbow."
93,15,11,"きれいな ハートの 形の
とても 珍しい ウロコ。
にじ色に うすく 輝く。"
94,8,9,"A sweet honey with a lush aroma that
attracts wild Pokémon when it is used
in grass, caves, or on special trees."
94,9,9,"A sweet honey with a lush aroma that
attracts wild Pokémon when it is used
in grass, caves, or on special trees."
94,10,9,"A sweet honey with a lush aroma that
attracts wild Pokémon when it is used
in grass, caves, or on special trees."
94,11,5,"Un miel au parfum riche qui, utilisé dans
lherbe, une grotte ou sur des arbres
spéciaux, attire les Pokémon sauvages."
94,11,9,"A sweet honey with a lush aroma that
attracts wild Pokémon when it is used
in grass, caves, or on special trees."
94,14,9,"A sweet honey with a lush aroma that
attracts wild Pokémon when it is used
in grass, caves, or on special trees."
94,15,1,"くさむらや どうくつ などで
つかうと あまいにおいに さそわれて
やせいポケモンが あらわれる。"
94,15,3,"풀밭이나 동굴 등에서 사용하면
달콤한 냄새에 이끌려서
야생 포켓몬이 나타난다."
94,15,5,"Un miel au parfum riche qui, utilisé dans lherbe,
une grotte ou sur des arbres spéciaux, attire les
Pokémon sauvages."
94,15,6,"Der Duft dieses Honigs lockt wilde Pokémon an.
Verwende ihn in hohem Gras, Höhlen oder an
besonderen Bäumen."
94,15,7,"Su delicioso aroma atrae a Pokémon salvajes si
se usa en zonas de hierba alta, cuevas o árboles
94,15,8,"Miele dolce dallaroma intenso che attrae
i Pokémon selvatici. Si può usare nelle grotte,
nellerba o su alberi speciali."
94,15,9,"A sweet honey with a lush aroma that
attracts wild Pokémon when it is used
in tall grass, in caves, or on special trees."
94,15,11,"草むらや 洞窟などで
使うと あまいにおいに 誘われて
野生ポケモンが あらわれる。"
95,8,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It speeds up the growth of Berries.
However, it also dries the soil faster."
95,9,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It speeds up the growth of Berries.
However, it also dries the soil faster."
95,10,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil.
It speeds up the growth of Berries.
However, it also dries the soil faster."
95,11,5,"Un engrais utilisé sur sol meuble.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
95,11,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
95,14,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
95,15,1,"きのみを そだてる ちほうでは
ふかふかのつちに まいて つかう。"
95,15,3,"나무열매를 키우는 지방에서는
푹신푹신한 땅에 뿌려 쓴다."
95,15,5,Un engrais à utiliser sur un sol meuble.
95,15,6,"In Regionen, wo man Beeren anbaut,
mengt man ihn unter weiche Lehmerde."
95,15,7,"Un fertilizante usado en suelo fértil donde crecen
las bayas."
95,15,8,"Viene usato nelle regioni in cui si coltivano
le bacche per concimare il terreno soffice."
95,15,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown."
95,15,11,"きのみを 育てる 地方では
ふかふかのつちに まいて 使う。"
96,8,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It slows the growth of Berries and
causes the soil to dry slower."
96,9,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It slows the growth of Berries and
causes the soil to dry slower."
96,10,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil.
It slows the growth of Berries and
causes the soil to dry slower."
96,11,5,"Un engrais utilisé sur sol meuble.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
96,11,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
96,14,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
96,15,1,"きのみを そだてる ちほうでは
ふかふかのつちに まいて つかう。"
96,15,3,"나무열매를 키우는 지방에서는
푹신푹신한 땅에 뿌려 쓴다."
96,15,5,Un engrais à utiliser sur un sol meuble.
96,15,6,"In Regionen, wo man Beeren anbaut,
mengt man ihn unter weiche Lehmerde."
96,15,7,"Un fertilizante usado en suelo fértil donde crecen
las bayas."
96,15,8,"Viene usato nelle regioni in cui si coltivano
le bacche per concimare il terreno soffice."
96,15,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown."
96,15,11,"きのみを 育てる 地方では
ふかふかのつちに まいて 使う。"
97,8,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It extends the time ripened Berries
remain on their plants before falling."
97,9,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It extends the time ripened Berries
remain on their plants before falling."
97,10,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil.
It extends the time ripened Berries
remain on their plants before falling."
97,11,5,"Un engrais utilisé sur sol meuble.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
97,11,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
97,14,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
97,15,1,"きのみを そだてる ちほうでは
ふかふかのつちに まいて つかう。"
97,15,3,"나무열매를 키우는 지방에서는
푹신푹신한 땅에 뿌려 쓴다."
97,15,5,Un engrais à utiliser sur un sol meuble.
97,15,6,"In Regionen, wo man Beeren anbaut,
mengt man ihn unter weiche Lehmerde."
97,15,7,"Un fertilizante usado en suelo fértil donde crecen
las bayas."
97,15,8,"Viene usato nelle regioni in cui si coltivano
le bacche per concimare il terreno soffice."
97,15,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown."
97,15,11,"きのみを 育てる 地方では
ふかふかのつちに まいて 使う。"
98,8,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It ups the number of times new plants
grow where mature plants withered."
98,9,9,"A plant fertilizer spread on soft soil.
It ups the number of times new plants
grow where mature plants withered."
98,10,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil.
It ups the number of times new plants
grow where mature plants withered."
98,11,5,"Un engrais utilisé sur sol meuble.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
98,11,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
98,14,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
98,15,1,"きのみを そだてる ちほうでは
ふかふかのつちに まいて つかう。"
98,15,3,"나무열매를 키우는 지방에서는
푹신푹신한 땅에 뿌려 쓴다."
98,15,5,Un engrais à utiliser sur un sol meuble.
98,15,6,"In Regionen, wo man Beeren anbaut,
mengt man ihn unter weiche Lehmerde."
98,15,7,"Un fertilizante usado en suelo fértil donde crecen
las bayas."
98,15,8,"Viene usato nelle regioni in cui si coltivano
le bacche per concimare il terreno soffice."
98,15,9,"A fertilizer to be spread on soft soil
in regions where Berries are grown."
98,15,11,"きのみを 育てる 地方では
ふかふかのつちに まいて 使う。"
99,5,9,"A fossil of an
ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON."
99,6,9,"A fossil of an
ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON."
99,7,9,"A fossil of an ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be
part of a plant root."
99,8,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a plant root."
99,9,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a plant root."
99,10,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a plant root."
99,11,5,"Fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de racine de
99,11,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a plant root."
99,14,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a plant root."
99,15,1,"おおむかし うみに すんでいた
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
ねっこの いちぶ らしい。"
99,15,3,"오랜 옛날 바다에 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
뿌리의 일부인 듯하다."
99,15,5,"Le fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de racine."
99,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das in der
Tiefsee lebte. Es sieht wie eine Pflanzenwurzel
99,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon ancestral que vivió en el
fondo del mar. Parece ser parte de una raíz."
99,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva in
mare. Sembra essere parte di una radice."
99,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived in the sea. It looks as
if it could be part of a plants root."
99,15,11,"大昔 海に すんでいた
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
ねっこの 一部らしい。"
100,5,9,"A fossil of an
ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON."
100,6,9,"A fossil of an
ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON."
100,7,9,"A fossil of an ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be
part of a claw."
100,8,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a claw."
100,9,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a claw."
100,10,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a claw."
100,11,5,"Fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de griffe."
100,11,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a claw."
100,14,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a claw."
100,15,1,"おおむかし うみに すんでいた
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
ツメの いちぶ らしい。"
100,15,3,"오랜 옛날 바다에 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
발톱의 일부인 듯하다."
100,15,5,"Le fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de griffe."
100,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das in der
Tiefsee lebte. Es sieht wie eine Klaue aus."
100,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon ancestral que vivió en el
fondo del mar. Parece ser parte de una garra."
100,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva in
mare. Sembra essere parte di un artiglio."
100,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived in the sea. It appears
to be a fragment of a claw."
100,15,11,"大昔 海に すんでいた
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
ツメの 一部らしい。"
101,6,9,"A piece of an
ancient marine
POKéMONs seashell."
101,7,9,"A fossil of an ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be
part of a seashell."
101,8,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a seashell."
101,9,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a seashell."
101,10,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a seashell."
101,11,5,"Fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de coquillage."
101,11,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a seashell."
101,14,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a seashell."
101,15,1,"おおむかし うみに すんでいた
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
かいがらの いちぶ らしい。"
101,15,3,"오랜 옛날 바다에 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
조개껍질의 일부인 듯하다."
101,15,5,"Le fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de coquillage."
101,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das in der
Tiefsee lebte. Es ähnelt einer Muschelschale."
101,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon ancestral que vivió en el
fondo del mar. Parece ser un fragmento de
concha marina."
101,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva in
mare. Sembra essere parte di una conchiglia."
101,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived in the sea. It might be
a piece of a seashell."
101,15,11,"大昔 海に すんでいた
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
貝殻の 一部らしい。"
102,6,9,"A piece of an
ancient marine
POKéMONs shell."
102,7,9,"A fossil of an ancient, seafloor-
dwelling POKéMON. It appears to be
part of a shell."
102,8,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a shell."
102,9,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a shell."
102,10,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a shell."
102,11,5,"Fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de carapace."
102,11,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a shell."
102,14,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea. It appears to be
part of a shell."
102,15,1,"おおむかし うみに すんでいた
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
こうらの いちぶ らしい。"
102,15,3,"오랜 옛날 바다에 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
등껍질의 일부인 듯하다."
102,15,5,"Le fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
On dirait un morceau de carapace."
102,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das in der
Tiefsee lebte. Es sieht wie eine Muschelschale
oder ein Rückenschild aus."
102,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon ancestral que vivió en el
fondo del mar. Parece ser un fragmento de
102,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva in
mare. Sembra essere parte di una corazza."
102,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived in the sea. It could
be a shell or carapace."
102,15,11,"大昔 海に すんでいた
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
こうらの 一部らしい。"
103,6,9,"A stone containing
the genes of an
ancient POKéMON."
103,7,9,"A piece of amber that contains
the genes of an ancient POKéMON.
It is clear with a reddish tint."
103,8,9,"A piece of amber that contains the
genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.
It is clear with a reddish tint."
103,9,9,"A piece of amber that contains the
genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.
It is clear with a reddish tint."
103,10,9,"A piece of amber that contains the
genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.
It is clear with a reddish tint."
103,11,5,"Un morceau dambre contenant
lADN dun ancien Pokémon. Il
est de couleur jaune."
103,11,9,"A piece of amber that contains the
genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.
It is clear with a reddish tint."
103,14,9,"A piece of amber that contains the
genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.
It is clear with a reddish tint."
103,15,1,"こだい ポケモンの いでんしが
とじこめられている コハク。
あかみを おびて すけている。"
103,15,3,"고대 포켓몬의 유전자가
갇혀 있는 호박.
붉은 기가 돌면서 약간 투명하다."
103,15,5,"Un morceau dambre contenant lADN dun
ancien Pokémon. Il est de couleur jaune."
103,15,6,"Ein Stück Bernstein, in dem die Gene eines
uralten Pokémon enthalten sind. Es ist
103,15,7,"Fragmento de ámbar que contiene información
genética de un Pokémon ancestral. Es de color
103,15,8,"Pezzo di ambra che contiene il materiale
genetico di un Pokémon antico. È chiaro
e di colore giallastro."
103,15,9,"A piece of amber that still contains the
genetic material of an ancient Pokémon.
Its clear with a tawny, reddish tint."
103,15,11,"古代ポケモンの 遺伝子が
閉じこめられている コハク。
赤みを 帯びて 透けている。"
104,8,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a collar."
104,9,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a collar."
104,10,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a collar."
104,11,5,"Fossile dun Pokémon préhistorique
terrestre. On dirait une partie dun
104,11,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a collar."
104,14,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a collar."
104,15,1,"おおむかし ちじょうで くらした
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
えりかざりの いちぶ らしい。"
104,15,3,"오랜 옛날 지상에서 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
깃 장식의 일부인 듯하다."
104,15,5,"Le fossile dun Pokémon préhistorique terrestre.
On dirait une partie dun collier."
104,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das an Land
lebte. Es sieht wie ein Schlüsselbein aus."
104,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon prehistórico terrestre.
Parece ser parte de una protección ósea del
104,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva
sulla terraferma. Sembra far parte di un collare."
104,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived on the land. It looks to
be from some kind of protective collar."
104,15,11,"大昔 地上で 暮らした
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
襟飾りの 一部らしい。"
105,8,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a head."
105,9,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a head."
105,10,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a head."
105,11,5,"Fossile dun Pokémon préhistorique
terrestre. On dirait une partie dun
105,11,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a head."
105,14,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that lived on the land. It appears to
be part of a head."
105,15,1,"おおむかし ちじょうで くらした
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
あたまの いちぶ らしい。"
105,15,3,"오랜 옛날 지상에서 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
머리의 일부인 듯하다."
105,15,5,"Le fossile dun Pokémon préhistorique terrestre.
On dirait une partie dun crâne."
105,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das an Land
lebte. Es sieht wie ein Schädel aus."
105,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon prehistórico terrestre.
Parece ser parte de una cabeza."
105,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva
sulla terraferma. Sembra far parte di un teschio."
105,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived on the land. It appears
as though its part of a head."
105,15,11,"大昔 地上で 暮らした
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
頭の 一部らしい。"
106,8,9,"A bone that is extremely valuable for
Pokémon archaeology. It can be sold
for a high price to shops."
106,9,9,"A bone that is extremely valuable for
Pokémon archaeology. It can be sold
for a high price to shops."
106,10,9,"A bone that is extremely valuable for
Pokémon archaeology. It can be sold
for a high price to shops."
106,11,5,"Un os dune grande valeur pour
larchéologie Pokémon. Peut être
vendu à bon prix aux magasins."
106,11,9,"A bone that is extremely valuable for
Pokémon archeology. It can be sold
for a high price to shops."
106,14,9,"A bone that is extremely valuable for
Pokémon archeology. It can be sold
for a high price to shops."
106,15,1,"ポケモンこうこがくの うえで
とても きちょうな ホネ。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
106,15,3,"포켓몬 고고학에 있어
매우 귀중한 뼈.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
106,15,5,"Un os dune grande valeur pour larchéologie
Pokémon. Peut être vendu à bon prix aux
106,15,6,"Dieser Knochen erfreut jeden Pokémon-
Archäologen. Er ist von hohem Wert."
106,15,7,"Un hueso de gran valor para la arqueología
Pokémon. Puede alcanzar un alto precio en las
106,15,8,"Osso di grande valore per larcheologia
Pokémon. Può essere venduto nei negozi
a un prezzo piuttosto alto."
106,15,9,"A rare bone that is extremely valuable
for the study of Pokémon archeology.
It can be sold for a high price to shops."
106,15,11,"ポケモン考古学の うえで
とても 貴重な ホネ。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
107,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It shines with a dazzling light."
107,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It shines with a dazzling light."
107,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It shines with a dazzling light."
107,11,5,"Pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon. Elle
brille dune lumière aveuglante."
107,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It shines with a dazzling light."
107,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It shines with a dazzling light."
107,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
ひかりのように まぶしい。"
107,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
빛처럼 눈부시다."
107,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle brille dune lumière
107,15,6,"Dieser besondere, hell leuchtende Stein hilft
manchen Pokémon bei ihrer Evolution."
107,15,7,"Una piedra peculiar que hace evolucionar a
algunos Pokémon. Tiene un brillo espectacular."
107,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. Brilla di una luce abbagliante."
107,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It shines with a dazzling light."
107,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
ひかりのように まぶしい。"
108,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as dark as dark can be."
108,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as dark as dark can be."
108,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as dark as dark can be."
108,11,5,"Pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon. Elle
est sombre comme une nuit sans lune."
108,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as dark as dark can be."
108,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is as dark as dark can be."
108,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
やみのように くらい。"
108,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
칠흑처럼 어둡다."
108,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle est sombre comme
une nuit sans lune."
108,15,6,"Dieser besondere, düstere Stein hilft
manchen Pokémon bei ihrer Evolution."
108,15,7,"Una piedra peculiar que hace evolucionar a
algunos Pokémon. Es oscura como la noche."
108,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. È scura come le tenebre."
108,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It holds shadows as dark as can be."
108,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
やみのように 暗い。"
109,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It sparkles like eyes."
109,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It sparkles like eyes."
109,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It sparkles like eyes."
109,11,5,"Pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle brille comme un œil."
109,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It sparkles like eyes."
109,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It sparkles like eyes."
109,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
ひとみのように まばゆい。"
109,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
눈동자처럼 아름답다."
109,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle brille comme un œil."
109,15,6,"Dieser besondere, glitzernde Stein hilft
manchen Pokémon bei ihrer Evolution."
109,15,7,"Una piedra peculiar que hace evolucionar a
algunos Pokémon. Brilla como un lucero."
109,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. È luccicante come gli occhi."
109,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
It sparkles like a glittering eye."
109,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
ひとみのように まばゆい。"
110,8,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is shaped like an egg."
110,9,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is shaped like an egg."
110,10,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is shaped like an egg."
110,11,5,"Pierre étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle a la forme dun œuf."
110,11,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is shaped like an egg."
110,14,9,"A peculiar stone that makes certain
species of Pokémon evolve.
It is shaped like an egg."
110,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな いし。
たまのように まるい。"
110,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 돌.
구슬처럼 둥글다."
110,15,5,"Une pierre étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle a la forme dun œuf."
110,15,6,"Dieser besondere, eiförmige Stein hilft
manchen Pokémon bei ihrer Evolution."
110,15,7,"Una piedra peculiar que hace evolucionar a
algunos Pokémon. Tiene forma de huevo."
110,15,8,"Pietra particolare che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon. È a forma di uovo."
110,15,9,"A peculiar stone that can make
certain species of Pokémon evolve.
Its as round as a Pokémon Egg."
110,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な 石。
たまのように まるい。"
111,8,9,"A vital item that is needed to keep a
stone tower from collapsing. Voices
can be heard from it occasionally."
111,9,9,"A vital item that is needed to keep a
stone tower from collapsing. Voices
can be heard from it occasionally."
111,10,9,"A vital item that is needed to keep a
stone tower from collapsing. Voices
can be heard from it occasionally."
111,11,5,"Objet très important qui empêche une
tour en pierre de sécrouler. Des
bruits de voix en sortent parfois."
111,11,9,"A vital item that is needed to keep a
stone tower from collapsing. Voices
can be heard from it occasionally."
111,14,9,"A vital item that is needed to keep a
stone tower from collapsing. Voices
can be heard from it occasionally."
111,15,1,"これがないと いしのとうが
くずれてしまう だいじないし。
ときどき いしから こえがきこえる。"
111,15,3,"이것이 없으면 돌탑이
무너져버리는 중요한 돌.
가끔 돌에서 목소리가 들린다."
111,15,5,"Un objet très important qui empêche une tour
en pierre de sécrouler. Des bruits de voix
en sortent parfois."
111,15,6,"Ein wichtiges Item, mit dem ein Steinturm
repariert werden kann."
111,15,7,"Vital para impedir que una torre de piedra se
derrumbe. A veces se oyen voces en su interior."
111,15,8,"Strumento importante che impedisce il crollo
di un pozzo di pietra. A volte dal suo interno
provengono delle voci."
111,15,9,"A vital item that is needed to keep a
stone tower from collapsing. Voices
can be heard from it occasionally."
111,15,11,"これがないと 石の塔が
崩れてしまう 大事な石。
ときどき 石から 声が聞こえる。"
112,8,9,"A brightly gleaming orb to be held by
DIALGA. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Steel-type moves."
112,9,9,"A brightly gleaming orb to be held by
DIALGA. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Steel-type moves."
112,10,9,"A brightly gleaming orb to be held by
DIALGA. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Steel-type moves."
112,11,5,"Orbe très brillant destiné à Dialga.
Augmente la puissance des capacités
de type Dragon et Acier."
112,11,9,"A brightly gleaming orb to be held by
Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Steel-type moves."
112,14,9,"A brightly gleaming orb to be held by
Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Steel-type moves."
112,15,1,"ディアルガに もたせると ドラゴンと
はがねタイプの わざの いりょくが
あがる ひかり かがやく たま。"
112,15,3,"디아루가에게 지니게 하면 드래곤과
강철타입 기술의 위력이 올라가는
반짝반짝 빛나는 구슬."
112,15,5,"Un orbe très brillant destiné à Dialga.
Augmente la puissance des capacités de type
Dragon et Acier."
112,15,6,"Ein hell leuchtender Orb. Verstärkt Attacken vom
Typ Drache und Stahl, wenn Dialga ihn trägt."
112,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
curarse las quemaduras."
112,15,8,"Sfera molto luminosa da dare a Dialga.
Potenzia le mosse di tipo Drago e Acciaio."
112,15,9,"A brightly gleaming orb to be held by
Dialga. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Steel-type moves when it is held."
112,15,11,"ディアルガに 持たせると ドラゴンと
はがねタイプの 技の 威力が
あがる 光り 輝く 珠。"
113,8,9,"A beautifully glowing orb to be held by
PALKIA. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Water-type moves."
113,9,9,"A beautifully glowing orb to be held by
PALKIA. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Water-type moves."
113,10,9,"A beautifully glowing orb to be held by
PALKIA. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Water-type moves."
113,11,5,"Bel orbe luisant destiné à Palkia.
Augmente la puissance des capacités
de type Dragon et Eau."
113,11,9,"A beautifully glowing orb to be held by
Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Water-type moves."
113,14,9,"A beautifully glowing orb to be held by
Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Water-type moves."
113,15,1,"パルキアに もたせると ドラゴンと
みずタイプの わざの いりょくが
あがる うつくしく かがやく たま。"
113,15,3,"펄기아에게 지니게 하면 드래곤과
물타입 기술의 위력이 올라가는
아름답게 반짝이는 구슬."
113,15,5,"Un bel orbe luisant destiné à Palkia.
Augmente la puissance des capacités de type
Dragon et Eau."
113,15,6,"Ein hell leuchtender Orb. Verstärkt Attacken vom
Typ Drache und Wasser, wenn Palkia ihn trägt."
113,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
113,15,8,"Sfera splendente da dare a Palkia.
Potenzia le mosse di tipo Drago e Acqua."
113,15,9,"A beautifully glowing orb to be held by
Palkia. It boosts the power of Dragon-
and Water-type moves when it is held."
113,15,11,"パルキアに 持たせると ドラゴンと
みずタイプの 技の 威力が
あがる 美しく 輝く 珠。"
114,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
refreshingly green field.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
114,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
refreshingly green field.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
114,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
refreshingly green field.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
115,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of flames
in blazing red.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
115,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of flames
in blazing red.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
115,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of flames
in blazing red.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
116,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a blue
world underwater.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
116,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a blue
world underwater.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
116,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a blue
world underwater.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
117,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of pretty
floral patterns.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
117,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of pretty
floral patterns.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
117,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of pretty
floral patterns.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
118,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a dimly
lit coal mine.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
118,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a dimly
lit coal mine.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
118,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a dimly
lit coal mine.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
119,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of cool
mechanical designs.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
119,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of cool
mechanical designs.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
119,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of cool
mechanical designs.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
120,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of giant
heart patterns.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
120,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of giant
heart patterns.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
120,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of giant
heart patterns.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
121,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
chilly, snow-covered world.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
121,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
chilly, snow-covered world.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
121,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
chilly, snow-covered world.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
122,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print depicting
the huge expanse of space.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
122,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print depicting
the huge expanse of space.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
122,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print depicting
the huge expanse of space.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
123,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
colorful letter sets.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
123,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
colorful letter sets.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
123,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
colorful letter sets.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
124,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a vivid
rainbow pattern.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
124,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a vivid
rainbow pattern.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
124,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a vivid
rainbow pattern.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
125,8,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
tough-looking brick pattern.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
125,9,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
tough-looking brick pattern.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
125,10,9,"Stationery featuring a print of a
tough-looking brick pattern.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
126,5,9,"A hold item that
heals paralysis
in battle."
126,6,9,"A hold item that
heals paralysis
in battle."
126,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to heal paralysis."
126,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
126,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
126,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
recover from paralysis."
126,11,5,"Baie qui soigne la paralysie lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
126,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from paralysis."
126,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from paralysis."
126,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
まひを かいふくする。
126,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
마비를 회복한다."
126,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne la paralysie lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
126,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
heilt diese es von Paralyse."
126,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
126,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, guarisce dalla
126,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from paralysis on its own in battle."
126,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
まひを 回復する。
127,5,9,"A hold item that
awakens POKéMON
in battle."
127,6,9,"A hold item that
awakens POKéMON
in battle."
127,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to wake up."
127,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
127,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
127,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
recover from sleep."
127,11,5,"Baie qui soigne le sommeil lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
127,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from sleep."
127,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from sleep."
127,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ねむりを かいふくする。
127,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
잠듦을 회복한다."
127,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne le sommeil lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
127,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
erwacht es dadurch aus dem Schlaf."
127,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
127,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, si risveglia
dal sonno."
127,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from sleep on its own in battle."
127,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
眠りを 回復する。
128,5,9,"A hold item that
heals poisoning
in battle."
128,6,9,"A hold item that
heals poisoning
in battle."
128,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to cure poison."
128,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
128,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
128,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
recover from poison."
128,11,5,"Baie qui soigne lempoisonnement
lorsquelle est tenue par un Pokémon."
128,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from poison."
128,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from poison."
128,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
どくを かいふくする。
128,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
독을 회복한다."
128,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne lempoisonnement lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
128,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
heilt diese es von Vergiftung."
128,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
128,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, guarisce
128,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from poisoning on its own in battle."
128,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
毒を 回復する。
129,5,9,"A hold item that
heals a burn in
129,6,9,"A hold item that
heals a burn in
129,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to heal a burn."
129,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
a burn."
129,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
a burn."
129,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
recover from a burn."
129,11,5,"Baie qui soigne les brûlures lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
129,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from a burn."
129,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from a burn."
129,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
やけどを かいふくする。
129,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
화상을 회복한다."
129,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne les brûlures lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
129,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
heilt diese es von Verbrennungen."
129,15,7,"Al usarla con un Pokémon, se gana su amistad,
pero también reduce sus PS de base."
129,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, guarisce dalle
129,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from a burn on its own in battle."
129,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
やけどを 回復する。
130,5,9,"A hold item that
defrosts POKéMON
in battle."
130,6,9,"A hold item that
defrosts POKéMON
in battle."
130,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle for defrosting."
130,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to defrost it.
130,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to defrost it.
130,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
defrost it.
130,11,5,"Baie qui soigne le gel lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
130,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it defrosts it."
130,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it defrosts it."
130,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こおりを かいふくする。
130,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
얼음을 회복한다."
130,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne le gel lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
130,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
heilt diese es von Frost."
130,15,7,"Al usarla con un Pokémon, se gana su amistad,
pero también reduce su Ataque de base."
130,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, guarisce
dal congelamento."
130,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from being frozen on its own in battle."
130,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
こおりを 回復する。
131,5,9,"A hold item that
restores 10 PP in
131,6,9,"A hold item that
restores 10 PP in
131,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to restore 10 PP."
131,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to restore a
moves PP by 10."
131,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to restore a
moves PP by 10."
131,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
restore a moves PP by 10."
131,11,5,"Baie qui restaure 10 PP lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
131,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it restores a moves PP by 10."
131,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it restores a moves PP by 10."
131,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
PPを 10だけ かいふくする。
131,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
PP를 10만큼 회복한다."
131,15,5,"Une Baie qui restaure 10 PP lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
131,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
füllt sie die AP einer Attacke um 10 Punkte auf."
131,15,7,"Al usarla con un Pokémon, se gana su amistad,
pero también reduce su Defensa de base."
131,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, può restituire
10 PP a una mossa."
131,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can restore
10 PP to a depleted move during battle."
131,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
PPを 10だけ 回復する。
132,5,9,"A hold item that
restores 10 HP in
132,6,9,"A hold item that
restores 10 HP in
132,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to restore 10 HP."
132,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to heal the
user by just 10 HP."
132,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to heal the
user by just 10 HP."
132,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
heal the user by just 10 HP."
132,11,5,"Baie qui restaure 10 PV lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
132,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it heals the user by just 10 HP."
132,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it heals the user by just 10 HP."
132,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
HPを 10だけ かいふくする。
132,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
HP를 10만큼 회복한다."
132,15,5,"Une Baie qui restaure 10 PV lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
132,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
füllt sie seine KP um 10 Punkte auf."
132,15,7,"Al usarla con un Pokémon, se gana su amistad,
pero también reduce su Ataque Especial de base."
132,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, recupera
10 PS."
132,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can restore its
own HP by 10 points during battle."
132,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
HPを 10だけ 回復する。
133,5,9,"A hold item that
heals confusion
in battle."
133,6,9,"A hold item that
heals confusion
in battle."
133,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to lift confusion."
133,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
133,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
133,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
recover from confusion."
133,11,5,"Baie qui soigne la confusion lorsquelle
est tenue par un Pokémon."
133,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from confusion."
133,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from confusion."
133,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こんらんを かいふくする。
133,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
혼란을 회복한다."
133,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne la confusion lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
133,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
heilt diese es von Verwirrung."
133,15,7,"Al usarla con un Pokémon, se gana su amistad,
pero también reduce su Defensa Especial de
133,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, guarisce
dalla confusione."
133,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from confusion on its own in battle."
133,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
混乱を 回復する。
134,5,9,"A hold item that
heals status in
134,6,9,"A hold item that
heals any status
problem in battle."
134,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to heal any problem."
134,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
any status problem."
134,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to recover from
any status problem."
134,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
recover from any status problem."
134,11,5,"Baie qui soigne tous les problèmes
de statut lorsquelle est tenue
par un Pokémon."
134,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from any status problem."
134,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it recovers from any status problem."
134,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
すべての じょうたい いじょうを
134,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
모든 상태 이상을
134,15,5,"Une Baie qui soigne tous les problèmes de statut
lorsquelle est tenue par un Pokémon."
134,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
hebt sie alle seine Statusprobleme auf."
134,15,7,"Al usarla con un Pokémon, se gana su amistad,
pero también reduce su Velocidad de base."
134,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, guarisce
da qualsiasi problema di stato."
134,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can recover
from any status condition during battle."
134,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
すべての 状態異常を
135,5,9,"A hold item that
restores 30 HP in
135,6,9,"A hold item that
restores 30 HP in
135,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it will be
used in battle to restore 30 HP."
135,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to heal the
users HP a little."
135,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. It may be used
or held by a Pokémon to heal the
users HP a little."
135,10,9,"It may be used or held by a Pokémon to
heal the users HP a little."
135,11,5,"Baie qui restaure quelques PV
lorsquelle est tenue par un Pokémon."
135,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it heals the users HP a little."
135,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon,
it heals the users HP a little."
135,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
HPを すこしだけ かいふくする。
135,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
HP를 조금 회복한다."
135,15,5,"Une Baie qui restaure quelques PV lorsquelle est
tenue par un Pokémon."
135,15,6,"Gibst du die Beere einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
füllt diese seine KP ein wenig auf."
135,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
135,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, recupera
un po di PS."
135,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it can restore its
own HP by a small amount during battle."
135,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
HPを 少しだけ 回復する。
136,5,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
136,6,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
136,7,9,"A hold item that restores HP but
may cause confusion when used."
136,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
136,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
136,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates spicy food."
136,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en
cas de besoin, mais rend confus si
le Pokémon naime pas son goût."
136,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
136,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
136,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき HPを かいふくする。
きらいな あじだと こんらん する。"
136,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 HP를 회복한다.
싫어하는 맛이면 혼란에 빠진다."
136,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en cas
de besoin, mais rend le Pokémon confus si
son goût lui déplaît."
136,15,6,"Als getragenes Item füllt die Beere die KP eines
Pokémon auf, doch ihr Aroma verwirrt jene,
die es nicht mögen."
136,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
136,15,8,"Se un Pokémon in difficoltà ha questa bacca,
recupera dei PS. Se al Pokémon non piace
il suo sapore, può causare confusione."
136,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but it will cause
confusion if the user hates the taste."
136,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき HPを 回復する。
きらいな味だと 混乱する。"
137,5,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
137,6,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
137,7,9,"A hold item that restores HP but
may cause confusion when used."
137,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
137,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
137,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates dry food."
137,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en
cas de besoin, mais rend confus si
le Pokémon naime pas son goût."
137,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
137,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
137,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき HPを かいふくする。
きらいな あじだと こんらん する。"
137,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 HP를 회복한다.
싫어하는 맛이면 혼란에 빠진다."
137,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en cas
de besoin, mais rend le Pokémon confus si
son goût lui déplaît."
137,15,6,"Als getragenes Item füllt die Beere die KP eines
Pokémon auf, doch ihr Aroma verwirrt jene,
die es nicht mögen."
137,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
137,15,8,"Se un Pokémon in difficoltà ha questa bacca,
recupera dei PS. Se al Pokémon non piace
il suo sapore, può causare confusione."
137,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but it will cause
confusion if the user hates the taste."
137,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき HPを 回復する。
きらいな味だと 混乱する。"
138,5,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
138,6,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
138,7,9,"A hold item that restores HP but
may cause confusion when used."
138,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
138,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
138,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates sweet food."
138,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en
cas de besoin, mais rend confus si
le Pokémon naime pas son goût."
138,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
138,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
138,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき HPを かいふくする。
きらいな あじだと こんらん する。"
138,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 HP를 회복한다.
싫어하는 맛이면 혼란에 빠진다."
138,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en cas
de besoin, mais rend le Pokémon confus si
son goût lui déplaît."
138,15,6,"Als getragenes Item füllt die Beere die KP eines
Pokémon auf, doch ihr Aroma verwirrt jene,
die es nicht mögen."
138,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
138,15,8,"Se un Pokémon in difficoltà ha questa bacca,
recupera dei PS. Se al Pokémon non piace
il suo sapore, può causare confusione."
138,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but it will cause
confusion if the user hates the taste."
138,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき HPを 回復する。
きらいな味だと 混乱する。"
139,5,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
139,6,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
139,7,9,"A hold item that restores HP but
may cause confusion when used."
139,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
139,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
139,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates bitter food."
139,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en
cas de besoin, mais rend confus si
le Pokémon naime pas son goût."
139,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
139,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
139,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき HPを かいふくする。
きらいな あじだと こんらん する。"
139,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 HP를 회복한다.
싫어하는 맛이면 혼란에 빠진다."
139,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en cas
de besoin, mais rend le Pokémon confus si
son goût lui déplaît."
139,15,6,"Als getragenes Item füllt die Beere die KP eines
Pokémon auf, doch ihr Aroma verwirrt jene,
die es nicht mögen."
139,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
139,15,8,"Se un Pokémon in difficoltà ha questa bacca,
recupera dei PS. Se al Pokémon non piace
il suo sapore, può causare confusione."
139,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but it will cause
confusion if the user hates the taste."
139,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき HPを 回復する。
きらいな味だと 混乱する。"
140,5,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
140,6,9,"A hold item that
restores HP but
may confuse."
140,7,9,"A hold item that restores HP but
may cause confusion when used."
140,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
140,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores the users HP in
a pinch, but may also cause confusion."
140,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but may cause
confusion if it hates sour food."
140,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en
cas de besoin, mais rend confus si
le Pokémon naime pas son goût."
140,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
140,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but will cause
confusion if it hates the taste."
140,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき HPを かいふくする。
きらいな あじだと こんらん する。"
140,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 HP를 회복한다.
싫어하는 맛이면 혼란에 빠진다."
140,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure des PV en cas
de besoin, mais rend le Pokémon confus si
son goût lui déplaît."
140,15,6,"Als getragenes Item füllt die Beere die KP eines
Pokémon auf, doch ihr Aroma verwirrt jene,
die es nicht mögen."
140,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
140,15,8,"Se un Pokémon in difficoltà ha questa bacca,
recupera dei PS. Se al Pokémon non piace
il suo sapore, può causare confusione."
140,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores the
users HP in a pinch, but it will cause
confusion if the user hates the taste."
140,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき HPを 回復する。
きらいな味だと 混乱する。"
141,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow RAZZ."
141,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow RAZZ."
141,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
141,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Razz Plant."
141,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Razz Plant."
141,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
141,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
141,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
141,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
141,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
141,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
141,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
141,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
141,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
141,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
141,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
141,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
142,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow BLUK."
142,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow BLUK."
142,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
142,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Bluk Plant."
142,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Bluk Plant."
142,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
142,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
142,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
142,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
142,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
142,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
142,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
142,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
142,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
142,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
142,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
142,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
143,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow NANAB."
143,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow NANAB."
143,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
143,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Nanab Plant."
143,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Nanab Plant."
143,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
143,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
143,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
143,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
143,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
143,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
143,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
143,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
143,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
143,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
143,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
143,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
144,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow WEPEAR."
144,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow WEPEAR."
144,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
144,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Wepear Plant."
144,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Wepear Plant."
144,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
144,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
144,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
144,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
144,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
144,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
144,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
144,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
144,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Fuego de un enemigo."
144,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
144,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
144,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
145,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow PINAP."
145,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow PINAP."
145,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
145,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Pinap Plant."
145,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Pinap Plant."
145,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
145,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
145,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
145,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
145,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
145,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
145,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
145,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
145,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Agua de un enemigo."
145,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
145,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
145,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
146,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow POMEG."
146,6,9,"Makes a POKéMON
friendly but lowers
base HP."
146,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
146,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base HP."
146,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base HP."
146,10,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base HP."
146,11,5,"Rend les Pokémon plus amicaux, mais
baisse leurs PV de base."
146,11,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base HP."
146,14,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base HP."
146,15,1,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
HPの きそポイントは さがる。"
146,15,3,"포켓몬에게 주면
매우 친밀해지기 쉬워지지만
HP의 기초 포인트가 떨어진다."
146,15,5,"Une Baie qui rend les Pokémon plus amicaux,
mais baisse leurs PV de base."
146,15,6,"Isst ein Pokémon diese Beere, stärkt dies eure
Freundschaft, verringert aber seinen KP-Basiswert."
146,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Eléctrico de un enemigo."
146,15,8,"Usata su un Pokémon, lo rende più amichevole,
ma ne riduce i punti base dei PS."
146,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly but lowers its base HP."
146,15,11,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
HPの 基礎ポイントは さがる。"
147,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow KELPSY."
147,6,9,"Makes a POKéMON
friendly but lowers
base ATTACK."
147,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
147,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Attack stat."
147,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Attack stat."
147,10,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Attack stat."
147,11,5,"Rend les Pokémon plus amicaux, mais
baisse leur stat Attaque de base."
147,11,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Attack stat."
147,14,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Attack stat."
147,15,1,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
こうげきの きそポイントは さがる。"
147,15,3,"포켓몬에게 주면
매우 친밀해지기 쉬워지지만
공격의 기초 포인트가 떨어진다."
147,15,5,"Une Baie qui rend les Pokémon plus amicaux,
mais baisse leur Attaque de base."
147,15,6,"Isst ein Pokémon diese Beere, stärkt dies
eure Freundschaft, verringert aber seinen
147,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Planta de un enemigo."
147,15,8,"Usata su un Pokémon, lo rende più amichevole,
ma ne diminuisce i punti base dellAttacco."
147,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly but lowers its base Attack."
147,15,11,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
攻撃の 基礎ポイントは さがる。"
148,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow QUALOT."
148,6,9,"Makes a POKéMON
friendly but lowers
base DEFENSE."
148,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
148,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Defense stat."
148,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Defense stat."
148,10,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Defense stat."
148,11,5,"Rend les Pokémon plus amicaux, mais
baisse leur stat Défense de base."
148,11,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Defense stat."
148,14,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Defense stat."
148,15,1,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
ぼうぎょの きそポイントは さがる。"
148,15,3,"포켓몬에게 주면
매우 친밀해지기 쉬워지지만
방어의 기초 포인트가 떨어진다."
148,15,5,"Une Baie qui rend les Pokémon plus amicaux,
mais baisse leur Défense de base."
148,15,6,"Isst ein Pokémon diese Beere, stärkt dies
eure Freundschaft, verringert aber seinen
148,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Hielo de un enemigo."
148,15,8,"Usata su un Pokémon, lo rende più amichevole,
ma ne diminuisce i punti base della Difesa."
148,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly but lowers its base Defense."
148,15,11,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
防御の 基礎ポイントは さがる。"
149,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow HONDEW."
149,6,9,"Makes a POKéMON
friendly but lowers
base SP. ATK."
149,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
149,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Sp. Atk stat."
149,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Sp. Atk stat."
149,10,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Sp. Atk stat."
149,11,5,"Rend les Pokémon plus amicaux, mais
baisse leur stat Attaque Spéciale de
149,11,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Sp. Atk stat."
149,14,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Sp. Atk stat."
149,15,1,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
とくこうの きそポイントは さがる。"
149,15,3,"포켓몬에게 주면
매우 친밀해지기 쉬워지지만
특수공격의 기초 포인트가 떨어진다."
149,15,5,"Une Baie qui rend les Pokémon plus amicaux,
mais baisse leur Attaque Spéciale de base."
149,15,6,"Isst ein Pokémon diese Beere, stärkt dies
eure Freundschaft, verringert aber seinen
149,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Lucha de un enemigo."
149,15,8,"Usata su un Pokémon, lo rende più amichevole,
ma ne diminuisce i punti base dellAttacco
149,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly but lowers its base Sp. Atk."
149,15,11,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
特攻の 基礎ポイントは さがる。"
150,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow GREPA."
150,6,9,"Makes a POKéMON
friendly but lowers
base SP. DEF."
150,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
150,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Sp. Def stat."
150,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Sp. Def stat."
150,10,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Sp. Def stat."
150,11,5,"Rend les Pokémon plus amicaux, mais
baisse leur stat Défense Spéciale de
150,11,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Sp. Def stat."
150,14,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Sp. Def stat."
150,15,1,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
とくぼうの きそポイントは さがる。"
150,15,3,"포켓몬에게 주면
매우 친밀해지기 쉬워지지만
특수방어의 기초 포인트가 떨어진다."
150,15,5,"Une Baie qui rend les Pokémon plus amicaux,
mais baisse leur Défense Spéciale de base."
150,15,6,"Isst ein Pokémon diese Beere, stärkt dies
eure Freundschaft, verringert aber seinen
150,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Veneno de un enemigo."
150,15,8,"Usata su un Pokémon, lo rende più amichevole,
ma ne diminuisce i punti base della Difesa
150,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly but lowers its base Sp. Def."
150,15,11,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
特防の 基礎ポイントは さがる。"
151,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow TAMATO."
151,6,9,"Makes a POKéMON
friendly but lowers
base SPEED."
151,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
151,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Speed stat."
151,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. Using it on a
Pokémon makes it more friendly, but
it also lowers its base Speed stat."
151,10,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Speed stat."
151,11,5,"Rend les Pokémon plus amicaux, mais
baisse leur stat Vitesse de base."
151,11,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Speed stat."
151,14,9,"Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly, but it also lowers its base
Speed stat."
151,15,1,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
すばやさの きそポイントは さがる。"
151,15,3,"포켓몬에게 주면
매우 친밀해지기 쉬워지지만
스피드의 기초 포인트가 떨어진다."
151,15,5,"Une Baie qui rend les Pokémon plus amicaux,
mais baisse leur Vitesse de base."
151,15,6,"Isst ein Pokémon diese Beere, stärkt dies
eure Freundschaft, verringert aber seinen
151,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Tierra de un enemigo."
151,15,8,"Usata su un Pokémon, lo rende più amichevole,
ma ne diminuisce i punti base della Velocità."
151,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
Using it on a Pokémon makes it more
friendly but lowers its base Speed."
151,15,11,"ポケモンに あげると
とても なつき やすくなるが
素早さの 基礎ポイントは さがる。"
152,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow CORNN."
152,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow CORNN."
152,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
152,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Cornn Plant."
152,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Cornn Plant."
152,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
152,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
152,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
152,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
152,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
152,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
152,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
152,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
152,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Volador de un enemigo."
152,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
152,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
152,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
153,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow MAGOST."
153,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow MAGOST."
153,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
153,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Magost Plant."
153,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Magost Plant."
153,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
153,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
153,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
153,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
153,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
153,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
153,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
153,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
153,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Psíquico de un enemigo."
153,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
153,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
153,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
154,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow RABUTA."
154,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow RABUTA."
154,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
154,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Rabuta Plant."
154,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Rabuta Plant."
154,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
154,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
154,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
154,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
154,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
154,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
154,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
154,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
154,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Bicho de un enemigo."
154,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
154,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
154,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
155,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow NOMEL."
155,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow NOMEL."
155,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
155,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Nomel Plant."
155,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Nomel Plant."
155,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
155,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
155,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
155,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
155,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
155,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
155,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
155,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
155,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Roca de un enemigo."
155,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
155,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
155,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
156,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow SPELON."
156,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow SPELON."
156,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
156,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Spelon Plant."
156,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Spelon Plant."
156,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
156,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
156,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
156,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
156,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
156,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
156,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
156,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
156,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Fantasma de un enemigo."
156,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
156,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
156,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
157,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow PAMTRE."
157,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow PAMTRE."
157,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
157,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Pamtre Plant."
157,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Pamtre Plant."
157,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
157,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
157,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
157,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
157,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
157,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
157,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
157,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
157,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Dragón de un enemigo."
157,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
157,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
157,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
158,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow WATMEL."
158,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow WATMEL."
158,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
158,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Watmel Plant."
158,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Watmel Plant."
158,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
158,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
158,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
158,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
158,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
158,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
158,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
158,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
158,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Siniestro de un enemigo."
158,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
158,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
158,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
159,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow DURIN."
159,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow DURIN."
159,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
159,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Durin Plant."
159,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Durin Plant."
159,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
159,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
159,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
159,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
159,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
159,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
159,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
159,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
159,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Acero de un enemigo."
159,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
159,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
159,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
160,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow BELUE."
160,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow BELUE."
160,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
160,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Belue Plant."
160,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
Bury it in soft soil to grow a
Belue Plant."
160,10,9,"In the Sinnoh region, they like to make
sweets known as Poffins with this Berry
and feed them to their Pokémon."
160,11,5,"Baie très rare à Unys.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
160,11,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
160,14,9,"A Berry which is very rare in the
Unova region.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
160,15,1,"イッシュちほうでは とても
めずらしい きのみ。"
160,15,3,"하나지방에서는 매우
희귀한 나무열매."
160,15,5,Une Baie très rare à Unys.
160,15,6,"Eine Beerensorte, die in der Einall-Region
ganz besonders selten ist."
160,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque de tipo
Normal de un enemigo."
160,15,8,Bacca molto rara a Unima.
160,15,9,"A Berry to be used in cooking.
This Berry is very rare and hard
to obtain in the Unova region."
160,15,11,"イッシュ地方では とても
珍しい きのみ。"
161,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Fire-type attack."
161,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Fire-type attack."
161,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Fire-type attack."
161,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Feu."
161,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Fire-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
161,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Fire-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
161,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの ほのお わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
161,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 불꽃 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
161,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Feu."
161,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Feuer."
161,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, le sube el Ataque en un
momento de apuro."
161,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Fuoco del nemico
viene indebolito."
161,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Fire-type attack."
161,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの ほのお技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
162,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Water-type attack."
162,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Water-type attack."
162,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Water-type attack."
162,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Eau."
162,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Water-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
162,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Water-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
162,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの みず わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
162,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 물 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
162,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Eau."
162,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Wasser."
162,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, le sube la Defensa en un
momento de apuro."
162,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Acqua del nemico
viene indebolito."
162,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Water-type attack."
162,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの みず技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
163,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Electric-type attack."
163,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Electric-type attack."
163,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Electric-type attack."
163,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une
attaque ennemie super efficace
de type Électrik."
163,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Electric-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
163,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Electric-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
163,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの でんき わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
163,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 전기 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
163,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Électrik."
163,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Elektro."
163,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, le sube la Velocidad en
un momento de apuro."
163,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Elettro del nemico
viene indebolito."
163,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Electric-type attack."
163,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの でんき技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
164,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Grass-type attack."
164,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Grass-type attack."
164,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Grass-type attack."
164,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Plante."
164,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Grass-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
164,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Grass-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
164,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの くさ わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
164,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 풀 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
164,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Plante."
164,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Pflanze."
164,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, le sube el Ataque
Especial en un momento de apuro."
164,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Erba del nemico
viene indebolito."
164,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Grass-type attack."
164,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの くさ技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
165,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ice-type attack."
165,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ice-type attack."
165,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ice-type attack."
165,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Glace."
165,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Ice-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
165,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Ice-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
165,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの こおり わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
165,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 얼음 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
165,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Glace."
165,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Eis."
165,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, le sube la Defensa
Especial en un momento de apuro."
165,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Ghiaccio del nemico
viene indebolito."
165,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Ice-type attack."
165,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの こおり技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
166,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Fighting-type attack."
166,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Fighting-type attack."
166,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Fighting-type attack."
166,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Combat."
166,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Fighting-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
166,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Fighting-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
166,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの かくとう わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
166,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 격투 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
166,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Combat."
166,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Kampf."
166,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, aumenta la probabilidad
de dar un golpe crítico en un momento de apuro."
166,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Lotta del nemico
viene indebolito."
166,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Fighting-type attack."
166,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの かくとう技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
167,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Poison-type attack."
167,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Poison-type attack."
167,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Poison-type attack."
167,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Poison."
167,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Poison-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
167,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Poison-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
167,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの どく わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
167,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 독 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
167,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Poison."
167,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Gift."
167,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, aumenta mucho una
característica en un momento de apuro."
167,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Veleno del nemico
viene indebolito."
167,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Poison-type attack."
167,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの どく技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
168,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ground-type attack."
168,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ground-type attack."
168,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ground-type attack."
168,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Sol."
168,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Ground-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
168,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Ground-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
168,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの じめん わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
168,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 땅 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
168,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Sol."
168,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Boden."
168,15,7,"Restaura los PS de un Pokémon si la lleva cuando
le alcanza un ataque supereficaz."
168,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Terra del nemico
viene indebolito."
168,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Ground-type attack."
168,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの じめん技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
169,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Flying-type attack."
169,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Flying-type attack."
169,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Flying-type attack."
169,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Vol."
169,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Flying-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
169,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Flying-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
169,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの ひこう わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
169,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 비행 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
169,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Vol."
169,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Flug."
169,15,7,"Cuando la lleva un Pokémon, le sube la Precisión
de un movimiento en un momento de apuro."
169,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Volante del nemico
viene indebolito."
169,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Flying-type attack."
169,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの ひこう技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
170,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Psychic-type attack."
170,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Psychic-type attack."
170,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Psychic-type attack."
170,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Psy."
170,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Psychic-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
170,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Psychic-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
170,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの エスパー わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
170,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 에스퍼 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
170,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Psy."
170,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Psycho."
170,15,7,"El Pokémon que la lleva puede actuar en primer
lugar una vez cuando se encuentra en un
momento de apuro."
170,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Psico del nemico
viene indebolito."
170,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Psychic-type attack."
170,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの エスパー技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
171,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Bug-type attack."
171,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Bug-type attack."
171,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Bug-type attack."
171,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Insecte."
171,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Bug-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
171,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Bug-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
171,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの むし わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
171,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 벌레 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
171,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Insecte."
171,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Käfer."
171,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon cuando otro lanza un
ataque físico, este último también recibe daño."
171,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Coleottero del nemico
viene indebolito."
171,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Bug-type attack."
171,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの むし技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
172,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Rock-type attack."
172,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Rock-type attack."
172,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Rock-type attack."
172,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Roche."
172,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Rock-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
172,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Rock-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
172,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの いわ わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
172,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 바위 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
172,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Roche."
172,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Gestein."
172,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon cuando otro lanza un
ataque especial, este último también recibe daño."
172,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Roccia del nemico
viene indebolito."
172,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Rock-type attack."
172,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの いわ技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
173,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ghost-type attack."
173,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ghost-type attack."
173,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Ghost-type attack."
173,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Spectre."
173,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Ghost-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
173,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Ghost-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
173,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの ゴースト わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
173,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 고스트 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
173,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Spectre."
173,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Geist."
173,15,7,"Lanza un destello que baja la Precisión del
enemigo. Debe llevarlo un Pokémon."
173,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Spettro del nemico
viene indebolito."
173,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Ghost-type attack."
173,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの ゴースト技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
174,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Dragon-type attack."
174,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Dragon-type attack."
174,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Dragon-type attack."
174,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Dragon."
174,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Dragon-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
174,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Dragon-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
174,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの ドラゴン わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
174,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 드래곤 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
174,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Dragon."
174,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Drache."
174,15,7,"Restaura cualquier característica reducida en
combate. Solo se puede usar una vez. Debe
llevarla un Pokémon."
174,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Drago del nemico
viene indebolito."
174,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Dragon-type attack."
174,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの ドラゴン技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
175,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Dark-type attack."
175,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Dark-type attack."
175,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Dark-type attack."
175,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une
attaque ennemie super efficace
de type Ténèbres."
175,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Dark-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
175,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Dark-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
175,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの あく わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
175,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 악 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
175,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Ténèbres."
175,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Unlicht."
175,15,7,"Sólido y pesado brazal. Sube más las
características al subir de nivel, pero
baja la Velocidad de quien lo lleva."
175,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Buio del nemico
viene indebolito."
175,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Dark-type attack."
175,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの あく技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
176,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Steel-type attack."
176,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Steel-type attack."
176,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
supereffective Steel-type attack."
176,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie super efficace de type Acier."
176,11,9,"Weakens a supereffective Steel-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
176,14,9,"Weakens a supereffective Steel-type
attack against the holding Pokémon."
176,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの はがね わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
176,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 강철 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
176,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Acier."
176,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Attacken des Angreifers
vom Typ Stahl."
176,15,7,"Al activar el dispositivo, todos los Pokémon de tu
equipo ganan Puntos de Experiencia tras los
combates, aunque no salgan a luchar."
176,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
superefficace di tipo Acciaio del nemico
viene indebolito."
176,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Steel-type attack."
176,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの はがね技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
177,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
Normal-type attack."
177,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it weakens a foes
Normal-type attack."
177,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it weakens a foes
Normal-type attack."
177,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque
ennemie de type Normal."
177,11,9,"Weakens a Normal-type attack against
the Pokémon holding this berry."
177,14,9,"Weakens a Normal-type attack against
the Pokémon holding this berry."
177,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ノーマル わざを うけたとき
いりょくが よわまる。"
177,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
노말 기술을 당했을 때
위력이 약해진다."
177,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
de type Normal."
177,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
Attacken des Angreifers vom Typ Normal."
177,15,7,"Garra ligera y afilada que permite que el Pokémon
que la lleve ataque a veces el primero."
177,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, lattacco
di tipo Normale del nemico viene indebolito."
177,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry
will lessen the damage taken
from one Normal-type attack."
177,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ノーマル技を 受けたとき
威力が 弱まる。"
178,5,9,"A hold item that
raises ATTACK in
a pinch."
178,6,9,"A hold item that
raises ATTACK in
a pinch."
178,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it raises
the ATTACK stat in a pinch."
178,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Attack stat in a pinch."
178,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Attack stat in a pinch."
178,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Attack stat in a pinch."
178,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte lAttaque
en cas de besoin."
178,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Attack stat in a pinch."
178,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Attack stat in a pinch."
178,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき じぶんの
こうげきが あがる。"
178,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 자신의
공격이 올라간다."
178,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente lAttaque en cas
de besoin."
178,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere den
Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon, sobald es in
einer Notlage steckt."
178,15,7,"Una campana con un tañido calmante que
reconforta al Pokémon que la lleva y lo vuelve
más amistoso."
178,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, il suo Attacco aumenta."
178,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its Attack
stat will increase when its in a pinch."
178,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 自分の
攻撃が あがる。"
179,5,9,"A hold item that
raises DEFENSE in
a pinch."
179,6,9,"A hold item that
raises DEFENSE in
a pinch."
179,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it raises
the DEFENSE stat in a pinch."
179,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Defense stat in a pinch."
179,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Defense stat in a pinch."
179,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Defense stat in a pinch."
179,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte la Défense
en cas de besoin."
179,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Defense stat in a pinch."
179,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Defense stat in a pinch."
179,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき じぶんの
ぼうぎょが あがる。"
179,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 자신의
방어가 올라간다."
179,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente la Défense en cas
de besoin."
179,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere den
Verteidigungs-Wert eines Pokémon, sobald es in
einer Notlage steckt."
179,15,7,"El Pokémon que la lleva se libera del
enamoramiento. Solo puede usarse una vez."
179,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, la sua Difesa aumenta."
179,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its Defense
stat will increase when its in a pinch."
179,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 自分の
防御が あがる。"
180,5,9,"A hold item that
raises SPEED in
a pinch."
180,6,9,"A hold item that
raises SPEED in
a pinch."
180,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it raises
the SPEED stat in a pinch."
180,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Speed stat in a pinch."
180,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Speed stat in a pinch."
180,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Speed stat in a pinch."
180,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte la Vitesse
en cas de besoin."
180,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Speed stat in a pinch."
180,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Speed stat in a pinch."
180,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき じぶんの
すばやさが あがる。"
180,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 자신의
스피드가 올라간다."
180,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente la Vitesse en cas
de besoin."
180,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere den
Initiative-Wert eines Pokémon, sobald es in
einer Notlage steckt."
180,15,7,"Aumenta el Ataque, pero solo permite usar un
movimiento. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
180,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, la sua Velocità aumenta."
180,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its Speed
stat will increase when its in a pinch."
180,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 自分の
素早さが あがる。"
181,5,9,"A hold item that
raises SP. ATK in
a pinch."
181,6,9,"A hold item that
raises SP. ATK in
a pinch."
181,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it raises
the SP. ATK stat in a pinch."
181,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Atk stat in a pinch."
181,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Atk stat in a pinch."
181,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Atk stat in a pinch."
181,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte lAtq. Spé.
en cas de besoin."
181,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Atk stat in a pinch."
181,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Atk stat in a pinch."
181,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき じぶんの
とくこうが あがる。"
181,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 자신의
특수공격이 올라간다."
181,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente lAttaque Spéciale
en cas de besoin."
181,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere den
Spezial-Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon,
sobald es in einer Notlage steckt."
181,15,7,"El Pokémon que la lleva puede hacer retroceder
al Pokémon al que le inflige daño."
181,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, il suo Attacco Speciale aumenta."
181,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its Sp. Atk
stat will increase when its in a pinch."
181,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 自分の
特攻が あがる。"
182,5,9,"A hold item that
raises SP. DEF in
a pinch."
182,6,9,"A hold item that
raises SP. DEF in
a pinch."
182,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it raises
the SP. DEF stat in a pinch."
182,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Def stat in a pinch."
182,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Def stat in a pinch."
182,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Def stat in a pinch."
182,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte la Déf. Spé.
en cas de besoin."
182,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Def stat in a pinch."
182,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
Sp. Def stat in a pinch."
182,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき じぶんの
とくぼうが あがる。"
182,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 자신의
특수방어가 올라간다."
182,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente la Défense Spéciale
en cas de besoin."
182,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere den
Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert eines Pokémon,
sobald es in einer Notlage steckt."
182,15,7,"Polvo de brillo argénteo que fortalece los ataques
de tipo Bicho. Debe llevarlo un Pokémon."
182,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, la sua Difesa Speciale aumenta."
182,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its Sp. Def
stat will increase when its in a pinch."
182,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 自分の
特防が あがる。"
183,5,9,"A hold item that
ups the critical-
hit rate in a pinch."
183,6,9,"A hold item that
ups the critical-
hit rate in a pinch."
183,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it raises
the critical-hit ratio in a pinch."
183,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
critical-hit ratio in a pinch."
183,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
critical-hit ratio in a pinch."
183,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
critical-hit ratio in a pinch."
183,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte le taux de
critiques en cas de besoin."
183,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
critical-hit ratio in a pinch."
183,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises its
critical-hit ratio in a pinch."
183,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき こうげきが
きゅうしょに あたりやすくなる。"
183,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 공격이
급소를 맞히기 쉬워진다."
183,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente le taux de critiques
en cas de besoin."
183,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere die
Volltrefferquote eines Pokémon, sobald es in
einer Notlage steckt."
183,15,7,"Si el Pokémon que la lleva lucha en un combate,
duplica las ganancias."
183,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, la probabilità di sferrare brutti colpi
183,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its critical-hit
ratio will increase when its in a pinch."
183,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 攻撃が
急所に 当たりやすくなる。"
184,5,9,"A hold item that
sharply boosts a
stat in a pinch."
184,6,9,"A hold item that
sharply boosts a
stat in a pinch."
184,7,9,"When held by a POKéMON, it sharply
raises one stat in a pinch."
184,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it sharply raises
one of its stats in a pinch."
184,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient.
If held by a Pokémon, it sharply raises
one of its stats in a pinch."
184,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it sharply raises
one of its stats in a pinch."
184,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie monte beaucoup une
des stats en cas de besoin."
184,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it sharply raises
one of its stats in a pinch."
184,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it sharply raises
one of its stats in a pinch."
184,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき どれか 1つの
のうりょくが ぐーんと あがる。"
184,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 능력 중의 하나가
크게 올라간다."
184,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente beaucoup une
des stats en cas de besoin."
184,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere einen
Statuswert des Pokémon stark, sobald es in
einer Notlage steckt."
184,15,7,"Si lo lleva el primer Pokémon del equipo, se
reduce la probabilidad de que se acerquen
Pokémon salvajes."
184,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, una delle sue statistiche aumenta
di molto."
184,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, one of its stats
will sharply increase when its in a pinch."
184,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき どれか 1つの
能力が ぐーんと あがる。"
185,5,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow a mystery."
185,6,9,"POKéBLOCK ingredient.
Plant in loamy soil
to grow a mystery."
185,7,9,"Can be ground up into a powder as
an ingredient for medicine."
185,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores its HP if it is
hit by a foes supereffective attack."
185,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it restores its HP if it is
hit by a foes supereffective attack."
185,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores
its HP if it is hit by a foes
supereffective attack."
185,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure les PV
du Pokémon sil subit une attaque
super efficace."
185,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores
its HP if it is hit by any
supereffective attack."
185,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it restores
its HP if it is hit by any
supereffective attack."
185,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの わざを
うけたとき HPを かいふくする。"
185,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 공격을
받았을 때 HP를 회복한다."
185,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie restaure les PV du Pokémon
sil subit une attaque super efficace."
185,15,6,"Als getragenes Item füllt diese Beere die KP
eines Pokémon auf, wenn es von sehr effektiven
Attacken getroffen wird."
185,15,7,"Un orbe fantástico que debe llevar Latios o Latias.
Sube su Ataque Especial y su Defensa Especial."
185,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca è colpito da
un attacco superefficace, i suoi PS vengono
185,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, being hit by a
supereffective attack will restore its HP."
185,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの 技を
受けたとき HPを 回復する。"
186,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it raises the accuracy of a
move just once in a pinch."
186,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it raises the accuracy of a
move just once in a pinch."
186,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises the
accuracy of a move just once in a pinch."
186,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente une fois
la Précision dune capacité en cas de
186,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises the
accuracy of a move just once in a pinch."
186,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it raises the
accuracy of a move just once in a pinch."
186,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき いちどだけ
わざの めいちゅうりつが あがる。"
186,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 한 번만
기술의 명중률이 올라간다."
186,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie augmente une fois la Précision
dune capacité en cas de besoin."
186,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere die
Genauigkeit eines Pokémon, sobald es in
einer Notlage steckt."
186,15,7,"Tiene el brillo afilado de la plata y debe llevarlo
Clamperl. Sube el Ataque Especial."
186,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, la precisione della sua
mossa successiva aumenta."
186,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, its accuracy will
increase just once when its in a pinch."
186,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 1度だけ
技の 命中率が あがる。"
187,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it gets to move first just
once in a pinch."
187,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, it gets to move first just
once in a pinch."
187,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it gets to move
first just once in a pinch."
187,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie permet dattaquer
en premier une fois en cas de besoin."
187,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it gets to move
first just once in a pinch."
187,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon, it gets to move
first just once in a pinch."
187,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ピンチのとき いちどだけ
こうどうが はやくなる。"
187,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
위급할 때 한 번만
행동이 빨라진다."
187,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie permet dattaquer en premier
une fois en cas de besoin."
187,15,6,"Als getragenes Item ermöglicht diese Beere dem
Träger in einer Notlage den Erstschlag."
187,15,7,"Tiene un débil brillo rosado y debe llevarla
Clamperl. Sube la Defensa Especial."
187,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questa bacca si trova
in difficoltà, sferra la sua mossa per primo.
Funziona una sola volta."
187,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a Pokémon holds one, it will be able to
move first just once when its in a pinch."
187,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ピンチのとき 1度だけ
行動が 早くなる。"
188,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, and if a foes physical attack
lands, the foe also takes damage."
188,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, and if a foes physical attack
lands, the foe also takes damage."
188,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon and a foes
physical attack lands, the foe also
takes damage."
188,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie inflige des dégâts
à lennemi sil utilise une attaque
physique qui atteint son but."
188,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon and a physical
attack lands, the attacker also
takes damage."
188,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon and a physical
attack lands, the attacker also
takes damage."
188,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ぶつりわざを うけたとき
あいてにも ダメージを あたえる。"
188,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
물리 기술을 당했을 때
상대에게도 데미지를 준다."
188,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie inflige des dégâts à
lattaquant sil utilise une attaque physique
qui atteint son but."
188,15,6,"Als getragenes Item bewirkt diese Beere
Schaden bei jenen, die den Träger mit einer
physischen Attacke treffen."
188,15,7,"Debe llevarla un Pokémon. Permite huir siempre
de combates contra Pokémon salvajes."
188,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, chi attacca
subirà danni se la sua mossa fisica va a segno."
188,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a physical attack hits the Pokémon
holding it, the attacker will also be hurt."
188,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
物理技を 受けたとき
相手にも ダメージを あたえる。"
189,8,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, and if a foes special attack
lands, the foe also takes damage."
189,9,9,"A Poffin ingredient. If held by a
Pokémon, and if a foes special attack
lands, the foe also takes damage."
189,10,9,"If held by a Pokémon and a foes
special attack lands, the foe also
takes damage."
189,11,5,"Tenue, cette Baie inflige des dégâts
à lennemi sil utilise une attaque
spéciale qui atteint son but."
189,11,9,"If held by a Pokémon and a special
attack lands, the attacker also
takes damage."
189,14,9,"If held by a Pokémon and a special
attack lands, the attacker also
takes damage."
189,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
とくしゅわざを うけたとき
あいてにも ダメージを あたえる。"
189,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
특수 기술을 당했을 때
상대에게도 데미지를 준다."
189,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie inflige des dégâts à
lattaquant sil utilise une attaque spéciale
qui atteint son but."
189,15,6,"Als getragenes Item bewirkt diese Beere
Schaden bei jenen, die den Träger mit einer
Spezial-Attacke treffen."
189,15,7,"El Pokémon que lleva esta piedra mágica no
189,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questa bacca, chi attacca
subirà danni se la sua mossa speciale va a segno."
189,15,9,"A Berry to be consumed by Pokémon.
If a special attack hits the Pokémon
holding it, the attacker will also be hurt."
189,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
特殊技を 受けたとき
相手にも ダメージを あたえる。"
190,5,9,"A hold item that
casts a glare to
reduce accuracy."
190,6,9,"A hold item that
casts a glare to
reduce accuracy."
190,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opponents accuracy."
190,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opponents accuracy."
190,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opponents accuracy."
190,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opponents accuracy."
190,11,5,"Objet à tenir qui intimide et baisse
la Précision de lennemi."
190,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opponents accuracy."
190,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opponents accuracy."
190,15,1,"キラキラ ひかるこな。 もたせると
ひかりが あいてを まどわして
わざが めいちゅう しにくくなる。"
190,15,3,"반짝반짝 빛나는 가루. 지니게 하면
빛이 상대를 혼란시켜
기술이 명중되기 어려워진다."
190,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Intimide et baisse la Précision
de lennemi."
190,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es senkt die Genauigkeit
des Gegners."
190,15,7,"El Pokémon que la lleva puede resistir un golpe
que potencialmente lo dejaría K.O. y se queda
con 1 PS."
190,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Emette un bagliore insidioso che riduce
la precisione del nemico."
190,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It casts a tricky glare that lowers
the opposing Pokémons accuracy."
190,15,11,"キラキラ 光る粉。 持たせると
光が 相手を 惑わして
技が 命中しにくくなる。"
191,5,9,"A hold item that
restores any
lowered stat."
191,6,9,"A hold item that
restores any
lowered stat."
191,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It restores any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It restores any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It restores any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It restores any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,11,5,"Objet à tenir qui restaure les stats
baissées. Ne peut être utilisé quune
191,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It restores any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It restores any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンの のうりょくが
さがったとき いちどだけ もとの
じょうたいに もどす。"
191,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬의 능력이
떨어졌을 때 한 번만 원래
상태로 돌아온다."
191,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Restaure les stats qui ont subi une
baisse. Ne peut être utilisé quune fois."
191,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es hebt einmalig jede
negative Statusveränderung auf."
191,15,7,"Es un huevo lleno de felicidad que te hace ganar
Puntos de Experiencia extra en combate. Debe
llevarlo un Pokémon."
191,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Ripristina le statistiche ridotte in lotta.
Si può usare una sola volta."
191,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It will restore any lowered stat in
battle. It can be used only once."
191,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンの 能力が
さがったとき 1度だけ もとの
状態に 戻す。"
192,5,9,"A hold item that
promotes growth,
but reduces SPEED."
192,6,9,"A hold item that
promotes growth,
but reduces SPEED."
192,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It promotes strong growth but
lowers SPEED while it is held."
192,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a stiff and heavy brace that promotes
strong growth but lowers Speed."
192,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a stiff and heavy brace that promotes
strong growth but lowers Speed."
192,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a stiff and heavy brace that promotes
strong growth but lowers Speed."
192,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Cest un bracelet dur
et lourd qui rend le porteur plus fort,
mais baisse sa Vitesse."
192,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a stiff and heavy brace that promotes
strong growth but lowers Speed."
192,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a stiff and heavy brace that promotes
strong growth but lowers Speed."
192,15,1,"かたくて おもい ギプス。
もたせると すばやさは さがるが
ふつうより つよく そだちやすい。"
192,15,3,"단단하고 무거운 깁스.
지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 강하게 키우기 쉽다."
192,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un bracelet dur et lourd qui rend
le porteur plus fort, mais baisse sa Vitesse."
192,15,6,"Ein Item, das ein Pokémon tragen kann.
Der Initiative-Wert sinkt zwar, aber es wird
dafür umso stärker."
192,15,7,"Su lente aumenta la probabilidad que tiene el
Pokémon que lo lleva de conseguir un golpe
192,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Attrezzo pesante che riduce la Velocità ma aiuta
la crescita delle statistiche."
192,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This stiff, heavy brace helps Pokémon
grow strong but cuts Speed in battle."
192,15,11,"硬くて 重い ギプス。
持たせると 素早さは さがるが
ふつうより 強く 育ちやすい。"
193,5,9,"A hold item that
gets EXP. points
from battles."
193,6,9,"A hold item that
gets EXP. points
from battles."
193,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
The holder gets a share of EXP.
points without having to battle."
193,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder gets a share of a battles
Exp. Points without battling."
193,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder gets a share of a battles
Exp. Points without battling."
193,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder gets a share of a battles
Exp. Points without battling."
193,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Le porteur reçoit une
partie des points Exp. du combat sans
avoir à combattre."
193,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder gets a share of a battles
Exp. Points without battling."
193,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder gets a share of a battles
Exp. Points without battling."
193,15,1,"スイッチを いれると
てもちの ポケモン すべてが
けいけんちを もらえる そうち。"
193,15,3,"스위치를 켜면
지닌 포켓몬 모두가
경험치를 받을 수 있는 장치."
193,15,5,"Objet à activer. Permet de faire gagner des
Points Exp. à tous les Pokémon de léquipe,
même à ceux qui nont pas participé au combat."
193,15,6,"Solange der EP-Teiler angeschaltet ist, erhält
jedes Team-Pokémon nach einem Sieg
193,15,7,"Película metálica que fortalece los ataques de
tipo Acero. Debe llevarlo un Pokémon."
193,15,8,"Se attivato, tutti i Pokémon della squadra
ricevono Punti Esperienza dalla lotta anche
se non vi hanno partecipato."
193,15,9,"Turning on this special device will
allow all the Pokémon on your team
to receive Exp. Points from battles."
193,15,11,"スイッチを いれると
手持ちの ポケモン すべてが
経験値を もらえる 装置。"
194,5,9,"A hold item that
occasionally allows
the first strike."
194,6,9,"A hold item that
occasionally allows
the first strike."
194,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A light and sharp claw. The holder
may be able to strike first."
194,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A light, sharp claw that lets the
bearer move first occasionally."
194,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A light, sharp claw that lets the
bearer move first occasionally."
194,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A light, sharp claw that lets the
bearer move first occasionally."
194,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Griffe légère mais
tranchante qui permet parfois de
frapper le premier."
194,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A light, sharp claw that lets the
bearer move first occasionally."
194,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A light, sharp claw that lets the
bearer move first occasionally."
194,15,1,"かるくて するどい ツメ。
もたせると あいてより さきに
こうどう できることが ある。"
194,15,3,"가볍고 날카로운 손톱.
지니게 하면 상대보다 먼저
행동할 수도 있다."
194,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une griffe légère mais tranchante
qui permet parfois de frapper le premier."
194,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es hebt gelegentlich
die Erstschlagquote."
194,15,7,"Restaura gradualmente los PS del Pokémon que
lo lleva durante el combate."
194,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Leggero e affilato, ogni tanto permette di fare
la prima mossa."
194,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This light, sharp claw lets the
bearer move first occasionally."
194,15,11,"軽くて 鋭い ツメ。
持たせると 相手より 先に
行動できることが ある。"
195,5,9,"A hold item that
calms spirits and
fosters friendship."
195,6,9,"A hold item that
calms spirits and
fosters friendship."
195,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A bell with a comforting chime that
makes the holder calm and friendly."
195,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a bell with a comforting chime that
calms the holder and makes it friendly."
195,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a bell with a comforting chime that
calms the holder and makes it friendly."
195,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a bell with a comforting chime that
calms the holder and makes it friendly."
195,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Grelot dont le carillon
calme le porteur et favorise lamitié."
195,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a bell with a comforting chime that
calms the holder and makes it friendly."
195,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a bell with a comforting chime that
calms the holder and makes it friendly."
195,15,1,"ここちよい ねいろの すず。
もたせた ポケモンは こころが
やすらぎ なつきやすくなる。"
195,15,3,"기분 좋은 소리의 방울.
지니게 한 포켓몬은 마음이
편안해져 친밀해지기 쉬워진다."
195,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un grelot dont le carillon calme
le porteur et favorise lamitié."
195,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es besänftigt und
fördert Sympathie."
195,15,7,"Una gruesa y resistente escama que pueden
llevar los Pokémon de tipo Dragón cuando son
195,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Campanella dal suono rassicurante che
calma chi la usa rendendolo amichevole."
195,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The comforting chime of this bell
calms the holder, making it friendly."
195,15,11,"心地よい 音色の 鈴。
持たせた ポケモンは こころが
やすらぎ なつきやすくなる。"
196,5,9,"A hold item that
snaps POKéMON out
of infatuation."
196,6,9,"A hold item that
snaps POKéMON out
of infatuation."
196,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It snaps the holder out of
infatuation. It can be used once."
196,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It
snaps the holder out of infatuation.
It can be used only once."
196,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It
snaps the holder out of infatuation.
It can be used only once."
196,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It
snaps the holder out of infatuation.
It can be used only once."
196,11,5,"Objet à tenir qui annule lattirance
dun Pokémon. Ne peut être utilisé
quune fois."
196,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It
snaps the holder out of infatuation.
It can be used only once."
196,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It
snaps the holder out of infatuation.
It can be used only once."
196,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが じゆうに
わざを だせなくなったときに
いちどだけ かいふくする。"
196,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬은
헤롱헤롱 상태가 되었을 때
한 번만 회복한다."
196,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Empêche le Pokémon
de tomber amoureux.
Ne peut être utilisé quune fois."
196,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Hilft einmalig bei
eingeschränktem Handlungsspielraum."
196,15,7,"Asombrosa esfera que debe llevar Pikachu y que
aumenta su Ataque y su Ataque Especial."
196,15,8,"Strumento monouso da dare a un
Pokémon. Ne annulla linfatuazione."
196,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It snaps the holder out of infatuation.
It can be used only once."
196,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが 自由に
技を だせなくなったときに
1度だけ 回復する。"
197,5,9,"Raises a moves
power, but permits
only that move."
197,6,9,"Raises a moves
power, but permits
only that move."
197,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It powers up one move, which
becomes the only usable one."
197,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This headband ups Attack, but allows
the use of only one kind of move."
197,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This headband ups Attack, but allows
the use of only one kind of move."
197,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This headband ups Attack, but allows
the use of only one kind of move."
197,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Ce bandeau monte
lAttaque, mais ne permet dutiliser
quune seule capacité par combat."
197,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This headband ups Attack, but allows
the use of only one of its moves."
197,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This headband ups Attack, but allows
the use of only one of its moves."
197,15,1,"ちょっと こだわった ハチマキ。
もたせると こうげきは あがるが
おなじ わざしか だせなくなる。"
197,15,3,"기술을 구애받는 머리띠.
지니게 하면 공격은 올라가지만
똑같은 기술밖에 쓰지 못한다."
197,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Ce bandeau augmente lAttaque,
mais ne permet dutiliser quune seule capacité
par combat."
197,15,6,"Ein Item, das von einem Pokémon getragen
werden kann. Es stärkt den Angriffs-Wert,
aber nur eine Attacke ist einsetzbar."
197,15,7,"Debe llevarla un Pokémon. La suavidad de la
arena fortalece los movimientos de tipo Tierra."
197,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Questa benda aumenta lAttacco, ma permette
luso di una sola mossa."
197,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This curious headband boosts Attack
but only allows the use of one move."
197,15,11,"ちょっと こだわった ハチマキ。
持たせると 攻撃は あがるが
同じ 技しか だせなくなる。"
198,5,9,"A hold item that
may cause flinching
when the foe is hit."
198,6,9,"A hold item that
may cause flinching
when the foe is hit."
198,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It may cause the foe to flinch
upon taking damage."
198,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may cause the foe to flinch when
the holder inflicts damage."
198,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may cause the foe to flinch when
the holder inflicts damage."
198,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may cause the foe to flinch when
the holder inflicts damage."
198,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Peut apeurer lennemi
lorsque le porteur lui inflige des
198,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
When the holder inflicts damage,
the target may flinch."
198,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
When the holder inflicts damage,
the target may flinch."
198,15,1,"もたせると こうげきして
ダメージを あたえたときに
あいてを ひるませることが ある。"
198,15,3,"지니게 하면
공격해서 데미지를 줄 때
상대를 풀죽이기도 한다."
198,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Peut apeurer lennemi lorsque
le porteur lui inflige des dégâts."
198,15,6,"Gibst du es einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
lässt es mit seinem Angriff das Ziel gelegentlich
198,15,7,"Debe llevarla un Pokémon. La robustez de la
piedra fortalece los movimientos de tipo Roca."
198,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi lo usa arreca danni, può far tentennare
il nemico."
198,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
When the holder successfully inflicts
damage, the target may also flinch."
198,15,11,"持たせると 攻撃して
ダメージを 与えたときに
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
199,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
BUG-type moves."
199,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
BUG-type moves."
199,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A shiny silver powder that boosts
the power of BUG-type moves."
199,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shiny, silver powder that ups
the power of Bug-type moves."
199,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shiny, silver powder that ups
the power of Bug-type moves."
199,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shiny, silver powder that ups
the power of Bug-type moves."
199,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Poudre dargent
brillante qui monte la puissance
des capacités de type Insecte."
199,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shiny, silver powder that ups
the power of Bug-type moves."
199,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shiny, silver powder that ups
the power of Bug-type moves."
199,15,1,"ぎんいろに かがやく こな。
もたせると むしタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
199,15,3,"은색으로 반짝이는 가루.
지니게 하면 벌레타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
199,15,5,"Objet à tenir. De la poudre dargent brillante qui
augmente la puissance des capacités de type
199,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es verstärkt Attacken
vom Typ Käfer."
199,15,7,"Debe llevarla un Pokémon. La vitalidad de la
semilla fortalece los movimientos de tipo Planta."
199,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Polvere argentea e brillante che potenzia
le mosse di tipo Coleottero."
199,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shiny, silver powder that will
boost the power of Bug-type moves."
199,15,11,"銀色に 輝く 粉。
持たせると むしタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
200,5,9,"Doubles money in
battle if the holder
takes part."
200,6,9,"Doubles money in
battle if the
holder takes part."
200,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It doubles the battle money if the
holding POKéMON takes part."
200,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
200,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
200,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
200,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Double largent gagné
si le porteur se joint au combat."
200,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
200,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
200,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが いちどでも
せんとうに かおを だすと
おかねが 2ばい もらえる。"
200,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이
한 번이라도 배틀에 나가면
돈을 2배로 받을 수 있다."
200,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Double largent gagné si le porteur
se joint au combat."
200,15,6,"Ein Item, das von einem Pokémon getragen wird
und das doppeltes Preisgeld bringt, wenn der
Träger am Kampf teilnimmt."
200,15,7,"Debe llevarlas un Pokémon. Fortalecen los
movimientos de tipo Siniestro."
200,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha partecipa alla lotta, i guadagni
200,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles any prize money received
if the holding Pokémon joins a battle."
200,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが 1度でも
戦闘に 顔を だすと
お金が 2倍 もらえる。"
201,5,9,"A hold item that
helps repel wild
201,6,9,"A hold item that
helps repel wild
201,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It repels wild POKéMON if the
holder is first in the party."
201,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
201,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
201,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
201,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Aide à repousser les
Pokémon sauvages si le porteur est
le premier Pokémon de léquipe."
201,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
201,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
201,15,1,"いちばん まえの ポケモンに
もたせると やせいポケモンが
でて きにくくなる。"
201,15,3,"맨 앞의 포켓몬에게
지니게 하면 야생 포켓몬이
나타날 확률이 낮아진다."
201,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Aide à repousser les Pokémon
sauvages si le porteur est le premier Pokémon
de léquipe."
201,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Reduziert Begegnungen mit
wilden Pokémon, wenn der Träger an erster Stelle
201,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Aumenta la
concentración y fortalece los movimientos
de tipo Lucha."
201,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha è il primo della squadra, aiuta
ad allontanare i Pokémon selvatici."
201,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if
the holder is the head of the party."
201,15,11,"1番 前の ポケモンに
持たせると 野生ポケモンが
でて きにくくなる。"
202,5,9,"Hold item: Raises
202,6,9,"Hold item: raises
SP. ATK & SP. DEF of
202,7,9,"An orb to be held by a LATIOS or
LATIAS. It raises the SP. ATK
and SP. DEF stats."
202,8,9,"A wondrous orb to be held by LATIOS or
LATIAS. It raises both the Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
202,9,9,"A wondrous orb to be held by LATIOS or
LATIAS. It raises both the Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
202,10,9,"A wondrous orb to be held by LATIOS
or LATIAS. It raises both the
Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats."
202,11,5,"Orbe prodigieux à faire tenir à Latios
ou Latias qui monte leur Attaque
Spéciale et leur Défense Spéciale."
202,11,9,"A wondrous orb to be held by Latios
or Latias. It raises both the
Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats."
202,14,9,"A wondrous orb to be held by Latios
or Latias. It raises both the
Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats."
202,15,1,"ラティオス または ラティアスに
もたせると とくこうと とくぼうが
あがる ふしぎな たま。"
202,15,3,"라티오스 혹은 라티아스에게
지니게 하면 특수공격과 특수방어가
올라가는 이상한 구슬."
202,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Latios ou Latias.
Un orbe prodigieux qui augmente leur Attaque
Spéciale et leur Défense Spéciale."
202,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Latios oder Latias getragen
werden kann. Es hebt Spezial-Angriff und
202,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Su potente
magnetismo fortalece los movimientos de tipo
202,15,8,"Sfera miracolosa da dare a Latios o Latias.
Aumenta lAttacco Speciale e la Difesa Speciale."
202,15,9,"A wondrous orb to be held by either
Latios or Latias. It raises both the
Sp. Atk and Sp. Def stats."
202,15,11,"ラティオス または ラティアスに
持たせると 特攻と 特防が
あがる 不思議な 珠。"
203,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the SP. ATK
203,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the SP. ATK
203,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A fang that gleams a sharp silver.
It raises the SP. ATK stat."
203,8,9,"An item to be held by CLAMPERL.
A fang that gleams a sharp silver, it
raises the Sp. Atk stat."
203,9,9,"An item to be held by CLAMPERL.
A fang that gleams a sharp silver, it
raises the Sp. Atk stat."
203,10,9,"An item to be held by CLAMPERL.
A fang that gleams a sharp silver, it
raises the Sp. Atk stat."
203,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Coquiperl.
Dent de couleur argent montant
son Attaque Spéciale."
203,11,9,"An item to be held by Clamperl.
A fang that gleams a sharp silver, it
raises the Sp. Atk stat."
203,14,9,"An item to be held by Clamperl.
A fang that gleams a sharp silver, it
raises the Sp. Atk stat."
203,15,1,"パールルに もたせると
とくこうが あがる キバ。
するどく ぎんいろに ひかる。"
203,15,3,"진주몽에게 지니게 하면
특수공격이 올라가는 이빨.
날카로운 은색으로 빛난다."
203,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Coquiperl.
Une dent de couleur argent qui augmente
son Attaque Spéciale."
203,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Perlu getragen werden kann.
Es schimmert silbern und hebt den Spezial-Angriff."
203,15,7,"Gema con forma de gota de agua que fortalece
los movimientos de tipo Agua. Debe llevarla un
203,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Clamperl.
Dente dai bagliori argentei che aumenta
lAttacco Speciale."
203,15,9,"An item to be held by Clamperl.
This fang gleams a sharp silver and
raises the holders Sp. Atk stat."
203,15,11,"パールルに 持たせると
特攻が あがる キバ。
鋭く 銀色に 光る。"
204,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the SP. DEF
204,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the SP. DEF
204,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A scale that shines a faint pink.
It raises the SP. DEF stat."
204,8,9,"An item to be held by CLAMPERL.
A scale that shines a faint pink, it
raises the Sp. Def stat."
204,9,9,"An item to be held by CLAMPERL.
A scale that shines a faint pink, it
raises the Sp. Def stat."
204,10,9,"An item to be held by CLAMPERL.
A scale that shines a faint pink, it
raises the Sp. Def stat."
204,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Coquiperl.
Écaille de couleur rose montant
sa Défense Spéciale."
204,11,9,"An item to be held by Clamperl.
A scale that shines a faint pink, it
raises the Sp. Def stat."
204,14,9,"An item to be held by Clamperl.
A scale that shines a faint pink, it
raises the Sp. Def stat."
204,15,1,"パールルに もたせると
とくぼうが あがる ウロコ。
うすい ピンクいろに ひかる。"
204,15,3,"진주몽에게 지니게 하면
특수방어가 올라가는 비늘.
연한 분홍색으로 빛난다."
204,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Coquiperl.
Une écaille de couleur rose qui augmente
sa Défense Spéciale."
204,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Perlu getragen werden kann.
Es schimmert pink und hebt die
204,15,7,"Pico largo y afilado que aumenta la potencia de
los movimientos de tipo Volador. Debe llevarlo un
204,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Clamperl.
Squama dai bagliori rosei che aumenta
la Difesa Speciale."
204,15,9,"An item to be held by Clamperl.
This scale shines with a faint pink and
raises the holders Sp. Def stat."
204,15,11,"パールルに 持たせると
特防が あがる ウロコ。
うすい ピンク色に 光る。"
205,5,9,"A hold item that
can be used to flee
from a wild POKéMON."
205,6,9,"A hold item that
assures fleeing
from wild POKéMON."
205,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
The holding POKéMON can flee from
any wild POKéMON for sure."
205,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It enables the holder to flee from any
wild Pokémon without fail."
205,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It enables the holder to flee from any
wild Pokémon without fail."
205,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It enables the holder to flee from any
wild Pokémon without fail."
205,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet au porteur de
senfuir à coup sûr face à un Pokémon
205,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It enables the holder to flee from any
wild Pokémon without fail."
205,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It enables the holder to flee from any
wild Pokémon without fail."
205,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンは やせいの
ポケモンとの せんとうから
ぜったいに にげられる。"
205,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬은
야생 포켓몬과의 배틀에서
반드시 도망칠 수 있다."
205,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet au porteur de senfuir à
coup sûr face à un Pokémon sauvage."
205,15,6,"Ein Pokémon kann dieses Item tragen.
Es ermöglicht die garantierte Flucht aus
dem Kampf mit einem wilden Pokémon."
205,15,7,"Flecha venenosa que refuerza los movimientos de
tipo Veneno. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
205,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Permette di fuggire con successo da un
Pokémon selvatico."
205,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It enables the holder to flee from any
wild Pokémon encounter without fail."
205,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンは 野生の
ポケモンとの 戦闘から
絶対に 逃げられる。"
206,5,9,"A wondrous stone
& a hold item that
prevents evolution."
206,6,9,"A wondrous hold
item that prevents
206,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
The holding POKéMON is prevented
from evolving."
206,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone
is prevented from evolving."
206,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone
is prevented from evolving."
206,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone
is prevented from evolving."
206,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Pierre merveilleuse
empêchant lévolution."
206,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone
is prevented from evolving."
206,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone
is prevented from evolving."
206,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
そのあいだ しんか しなくなる
ふしぎな いし。"
206,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
지닌 동안에는 진화하지 않게 되는
이상한 돌."
206,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une pierre merveilleuse empêchant
206,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es bewirkt einen
206,15,7,"Fragmento de hielo que repele el calor y fortalece
los movimientos de tipo Hielo. Debe llevarlo un
206,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Chi ha questa pietra particolare evita levoluzione."
206,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A Pokémon holding this peculiar
stone is prevented from evolving."
206,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
そのあいだ 進化しなくなる
不思議な 石。"
207,5,9,"A hold item that
prevents fainting."
207,6,9,"A hold item that
prevents fainting."
207,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
The holding POKéMON may endure an
attack, leaving just 1 HP."
207,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder may endure a potential KO
attack, leaving it with just 1 HP."
207,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder may endure a potential KO
attack, leaving it with just 1 HP."
207,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder may endure a potential KO
attack, leaving it with just 1 HP."
207,11,5,"Objet à tenir pouvant parfois empêcher
dêtre mis K.O., ne laissant quun PV."
207,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder may endure a potential KO
attack, leaving it with just 1 HP."
207,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder may endure a potential KO
attack, leaving it with just 1 HP."
207,15,1,"もたせると ひんしに なりそうな
わざを うけても HPを 1だけ
のこして たえることが ある。"
207,15,3,"지니게 하면
기절할 듯한 기술을 받아도
HP를 1 남겨서 견디기도 한다."
207,15,5,"Objet à tenir pouvant parfois empêcher dêtre
mis K.O., ne laissant quun seul PV."
207,15,6,"Ein Item, das die Kampfunfähigkeit verhindern
kann, da dem Träger 1 KP bleibt."
207,15,7,"Misterioso y siniestro objeto que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Fantasma. Debe llevarlo un
207,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Chi ce lha può evitare un potenziale KO
e rimanere con un solo PS."
207,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder may endure a potential
KO attack, leaving it with just 1 HP."
207,15,11,"持たせると ひんしに なりそうな
技を 受けても HPを 1だけ
残して 耐えることが ある。"
208,5,9,"A hold item that
boosts EXP. points
earned in battle."
208,6,9,"A hold item that
boosts EXP. points
earned in battle."
208,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
An egg filled with happiness that
earns extra EXP. points in battle."
208,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an egg filled with happiness that
earns extra Exp. Points in battle."
208,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an egg filled with happiness that
earns extra Exp. Points in battle."
208,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an egg filled with happiness that
earns extra Exp. Points in battle."
208,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Œuf rempli de joie qui
augmente le nombre de points Exp.
gagnés au combat."
208,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an egg filled with happiness that
earns extra Exp. Points in battle."
208,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an egg filled with happiness that
earns extra Exp. Points in battle."
208,15,1,"しあわせが つまった タマゴ。
もたせた ポケモンは もらえる
けいけんちが すこし ふえる。"
208,15,3,"행복이 가득한 알.
지니게 한 포켓몬은 받을 수 있는
경험치가 조금 늘어난다."
208,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un œuf rempli de joie qui augmente
le nombre de Points Exp. gagnés au combat."
208,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen, das mit Glück gefüllt ist und
für zusätzliche Erfahrungspunkte im Kampf sorgt."
208,15,7,"Cuchara imbuida de energía telequinética que
potencia los movimientos de tipo Psíquico.
Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
208,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Uovo pieno di felicità che aumenta
i Punti Esperienza in lotta."
208,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its an egg filled with happiness that
earns extra Exp. Points in battle."
208,15,11,"しあわせが つまった タマゴ。
持たせた ポケモンは もらえる
経験値が 少し 増える。"
209,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the critical-
hit rate."
209,6,9,"A hold item that
improves the
critical-hit rate."
209,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A lens that boosts the critical-hit
ratio of the holding POKéMON."
209,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a lens that boosts the holders
critical-hit ratio."
209,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a lens that boosts the holders
critical-hit ratio."
209,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a lens that boosts the holders
critical-hit ratio."
209,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Lentille qui augmente le
taux de critiques du porteur."
209,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a lens that boosts the holders
critical-hit ratio."
209,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a lens that boosts the holders
critical-hit ratio."
209,15,1,"じゃくてんが みえる レンズ。
もたせた ポケモンの わざが
きゅうしょに あたりやすくなる。"
209,15,3,"약점이 보이는 렌즈.
지니게 한 포켓몬의 기술이
급소에 맞기 쉬워진다."
209,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une lentille qui augmente le taux
de critiques du porteur."
209,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es erhöht die
209,15,7,"Actúa como combustible y potencia los
movimientos de tipo Fuego. Debe llevarlo
un Pokémon."
209,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lente che aumenta la probabilità di sferrare
brutti colpi."
209,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a lens for scoping out weak points.
It boosts the holders critical-hit ratio."
209,15,11,"弱点が みえる レンズ。
持たせた ポケモンの 技が
急所に 当たりやすくなる。"
210,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
STEEL-type moves."
210,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
STEEL-type moves."
210,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A special metallic film that boosts
the power of STEEL-type moves."
210,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a special metallic film that ups
the power of Steel-type moves."
210,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a special metallic film that ups
the power of Steel-type moves."
210,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a special metallic film that ups
the power of Steel-type moves."
210,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Pellicule métallique
spéciale qui monte la puissance des
capacités de type Acier."
210,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a special metallic film that ups
the power of Steel-type moves."
210,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a special metallic film that ups
the power of Steel-type moves."
210,15,1,"とくしゅな きんぞくの まく。
もたせると はがねタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
210,15,3,"특수한 금속 장막.
지니게 하면 강철타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
210,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une pellicule métallique spéciale
qui augmente la puissance des capacités de type
210,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es verstärkt Attacken
vom Typ Stahl."
210,15,7,"Colmillo de gran dureza que refuerza los
movimientos de tipo Dragón. Debe llevarlo
un Pokémon."
210,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Speciale pellicola metallica che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Acciaio."
210,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a special metallic film that can
boost the power of Steel-type moves."
210,15,11,"特殊な 金属の 膜。
持たせると はがねタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
211,5,9,"A hold item that
gradually restores
HP in battle."
211,6,9,"A hold item that
gradually restores
HP in battle."
211,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
The holding POKéMON gradually
regains HP during battle."
211,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is gradually restored
during battle."
211,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is gradually restored
during battle."
211,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is gradually restored
during battle."
211,11,5,"Objet à tenir permettant de restaurer
les PV du porteur graduellement durant
le combat."
211,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is gradually restored
during battle."
211,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is gradually restored
during battle."
211,15,1,"もたせると ポケモンの HPが
せんとうの あいだ すこしずつ
211,15,3,"지니게 하면 포켓몬의 HP가
배틀을 하는 동안 조금씩
211,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet de restaurer graduellement
les PV du porteur durant le combat."
211,15,6,"Ein Item, das einem Pokémon zum Tragen
gegeben werden kann. Es füllt im Kampf
stetig KP auf."
211,15,7,"La delicadeza del pañuelo fortalece los
movimientos de tipo Normal. Debe llevarlo
un Pokémon."
211,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Fa recuperare gradualmente i PS durante la lotta."
211,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is slowly but steadily
restored throughout every battle."
211,15,11,"持たせると ポケモンの HPが
戦闘の あいだ 少しずつ
212,5,9,"A strange scale
held by DRAGON-
type POKéMON."
212,6,9,"A strange scale
held by DRAGON-
type POKéMON."
212,7,9,"A thick and tough scale.
A DRAGON-type POKéMON may be
holding it."
212,8,9,"A thick and tough scale.
Dragon-type Pokémon may be holding
this item when caught."
212,9,9,"A thick and tough scale.
Dragon-type Pokémon may be holding
this item when caught."
212,10,9,"A thick and tough scale.
Dragon-type Pokémon may be holding
this item when caught."
212,11,5,"Une écaille épaisse et dure tenue
parfois par les Pokémon de type Dragon
quand ils sont attrapés."
212,11,9,"A thick and tough scale.
Dragon-type Pokémon may be holding
this item when caught."
212,14,9,"A thick and tough scale.
Dragon-type Pokémon may be holding
this item when caught."
212,15,1,"かたくて じょうぶな ウロコ。
ドラゴンタイプの ポケモンが
もっていることが ある。"
212,15,3,"단단하고 튼튼한 비늘.
드래곤타입의 포켓몬이
지니고 있는 경우가 있다."
212,15,5,"Une écaille épaisse et dure, parfois tenue par
les Pokémon de type Dragon quand ils sont
212,15,6,"Eine dicke und starke Haut. Drachen-Pokémon
tragen dieses Item gern bei sich."
212,15,7,"Peculiar dispositivo fabricado en Silph S. A. que
contiene todo tipo de datos."
212,15,8,"Squama spessa e dura.
Può averla un Pokémon di tipo Drago quando
viene catturato."
212,15,9,"A very tough and inflexible scale.
Dragon-type Pokémon may be
holding this item when caught."
212,15,11,"硬くて 丈夫な ウロコ。
ドラゴンタイプの ポケモンが
持っていることが ある。"
213,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the SP. ATK
213,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the SP. ATK
213,7,9,"An orb to be held by a PIKACHU
that raises the SP. ATK stat.
Touching it may cause a shock."
213,8,9,"An item to be held by PIKACHU.
It is a puzzling orb that raises the
Sp. Atk stat."
213,9,9,"An item to be held by PIKACHU.
It is a puzzling orb that raises
the Attack and Sp. Atk stat."
213,10,9,"An item to be held by PIKACHU.
It is a puzzling orb that raises
the Attack and Sp. Atk stat."
213,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir par Pikachu. Orbe
énigmatique qui monte son Attaque et
son Attaque Spéciale."
213,11,9,"An item to be held by Pikachu.
It is a puzzling orb that raises
the Attack and Sp. Atk stat."
213,14,9,"An item to be held by Pikachu.
It is a puzzling orb that raises
the Attack and Sp. Atk stat."
213,15,1,"ピカチュウに もたせると
こうげきと とくこうの いりょくが
あがる ふしぎな たま。"
213,15,3,"피카츄에게 지니게 하면
공격과 특수공격의 위력이
올라가는 이상한 구슬."
213,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Pikachu.
Un orbe énigmatique qui augmente son Attaque
et son Attaque Spéciale."
213,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Pikachu getragen werden
kann. Es erhöht den Angriffs-Wert und
213,15,7,"Debe llevarla un Pokémon. Cada vez que este
inflige daño, recupera algunos PS."
213,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Pikachu.
Sfera insolita che aumenta lAttacco e lAttacco
213,15,9,"An item to be held by Pikachu.
Its a puzzling orb that boosts
its Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
213,15,11,"ピカチュウに 持たせると
攻撃と 特攻の 威力が
あがる 不思議な 玉。"
214,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
GROUND-type moves."
214,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
GROUND-type moves."
214,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A loose, silky sand that boosts the
power of GROUND-type moves."
214,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a loose, silky sand that boosts
the power of Ground-type moves."
214,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a loose, silky sand that boosts
the power of Ground-type moves."
214,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a loose, silky sand that boosts
the power of Ground-type moves."
214,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Sable fin et soyeux
montant la puissance des capacités
de type Sol."
214,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a loose, silky sand that boosts
the power of Ground-type moves."
214,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a loose, silky sand that boosts
the power of Ground-type moves."
214,15,1,"さわると サラサラする すな。
もたせると じめんタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
214,15,3,"만지면 보슬보슬한 모래.
지니게 하면 땅타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
214,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Du sable fin et soyeux qui
augmente la puissance des capacités de
type Sol."
214,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Samtiger Sand,
der Attacken vom Typ Boden verstärkt."
214,15,7,"Tiene un curioso aroma que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Agua. Debe llevarlo un
214,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Sabbia leggera e farinosa che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Terra."
214,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a loose, silky sand that boosts
the power of Ground-type moves."
214,15,11,"さわると サラサラする 砂。
持たせると じめんタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
215,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
ROCK-type moves."
215,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
ROCK-type moves."
215,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
An unbreakable stone that boosts
the power of ROCK-type moves."
215,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an unbreakable stone that ups
the power of Rock-type moves."
215,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an unbreakable stone that ups
the power of Rock-type moves."
215,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an unbreakable stone that ups
the power of Rock-type moves."
215,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Pierre incassable qui
monte la puissance des capacités de
type Roche."
215,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an unbreakable stone that ups
the power of Rock-type moves."
215,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is an unbreakable stone that ups
the power of Rock-type moves."
215,15,1,"ぜったいに われない いし。
もたせると いわタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
215,15,3,"절대 깨지지 않는 돌.
지니게 하면 바위타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
215,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une pierre incassable qui augmente
la puissance des capacités de type Roche."
215,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein unzerbrechlicher Stein,
der Attacken vom Typ Gestein verstärkt."
215,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Su peculiar aroma
reduce la Precisión del objetivo."
215,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Pietra indistruttibile che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Roccia."
215,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a durable stone that boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
215,15,11,"絶対に 割れない 石。
持たせると いわタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
216,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
GRASS-type moves."
216,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
GRASS-type moves."
216,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A seed imbued with life that boosts
the power of GRASS-type moves."
216,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a seed imbued with life that ups
the power of Grass-type moves."
216,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a seed imbued with life that ups
the power of Grass-type moves."
216,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a seed imbued with life that ups
the power of Grass-type moves."
216,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Graine remplie de vie qui
monte la puissance des capacités de
type Plante."
216,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a seed imbued with life that ups
the power of Grass-type moves."
216,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a seed imbued with life that ups
the power of Grass-type moves."
216,15,1,"せいめいが やどる タネ。
もたせると くさタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
216,15,3,"생명이 깃든 씨앗.
지니게 하면 풀타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
216,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une graine remplie de vie qui
augmente la puissance des capacités de
type Plante."
216,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein Samen voller
Lebenskraft, der Attacken vom Typ Pflanze
216,15,7,"Un par de guantes que debe llevar Chansey.
Potencian mucho su índice de golpe crítico."
216,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Seme intriso di vita che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Erba."
216,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a seed imbued with life force that
boosts the power of Grass-type moves."
216,15,11,"生命が 宿る タネ。
持たせると くさタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
217,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
DARK-type moves."
217,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
DARK-type moves."
217,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A shady-looking pair of glasses
that boosts DARK-type moves."
217,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shady-looking pair of glasses
that boosts Dark-type moves."
217,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shady-looking pair of glasses
that boosts Dark-type moves."
217,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shady-looking pair of glasses
that boosts Dark-type moves."
217,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Paire de lunettes à
laspect louche qui monte la puissance
des capacités de type Ténèbres."
217,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shady-looking pair of glasses
that boosts Dark-type moves."
217,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a shady-looking pair of glasses
that boosts Dark-type moves."
217,15,1,"あやしく みえる メガネ。
もたせると あくタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
217,15,3,"괴상하게 보이는 안경.
지니게 하면 악타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
217,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une paire de lunettes à laspect
louche qui augmente la puissance des capacités
de type Ténèbres."
217,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Eine dunkle Brille,
die Attacken vom Typ Unlicht verstärkt."
217,15,7,"Debe llevarlo Ditto. Es un polvo muy fino, pero a
la vez resistente, que aumenta su Defensa."
217,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Inquietante paio di occhiali che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Buio."
217,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A pair of shady-looking glasses that
boost the power of Dark-type moves."
217,15,11,"怪しく みえる メガネ。
持たせると あくタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
218,5,9,"A hold item that
boosts FIGHTING-
type moves."
218,6,9,"A hold item that
boosts FIGHTING-
type moves."
218,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A belt that boosts determination
and FIGHTING-type moves."
218,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a belt that boosts determination
and Fighting-type moves."
218,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a belt that boosts determination
and Fighting-type moves."
218,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a belt that boosts determination
and Fighting-type moves."
218,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Ceinture qui augmente
la détermination et la puissance des
capacités de type Combat."
218,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a belt that boosts determination
and Fighting-type moves."
218,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a belt that boosts determination
and Fighting-type moves."
218,15,1,"きが ひきしまる おび。
もたせると かくとうタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
218,15,3,"마음을 긴장시키는 띠.
지니게 하면 격투타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
218,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une ceinture qui augmente
la détermination et la puissance des capacités
de type Combat."
218,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein Gürtel, der die
Entschlossenheit sowie Attacken vom
Typ Kampf verstärkt."
218,15,7,"Un extraño tipo de hueso que potencia el Ataque.
Deben llevarlo Cubone o Marowak."
218,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Cintura che potenzia la determinazione
e le mosse di tipo Lotta."
218,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This belt helps the wearer to focus and
boosts the power of Fighting-type moves."
218,15,11,"気が ひきしまる 帯。
持たせると かくとうタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
219,5,9,"A hold item that
boosts ELECTRIC-
type moves."
219,6,9,"A hold item that
boosts ELECTRIC-
type moves."
219,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A powerful magnet that boosts the
power of ELECTRIC-type moves."
219,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a powerful magnet that boosts
the power of Electric-type moves."
219,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a powerful magnet that boosts
the power of Electric-type moves."
219,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a powerful magnet that boosts
the power of Electric-type moves."
219,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Aimant puissant montant
la puissance des capacités de type
219,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a powerful magnet that boosts
the power of Electric-type moves."
219,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a powerful magnet that boosts
the power of Electric-type moves."
219,15,1,"きょうりょくな じしゃく。
もたせると でんきタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
219,15,3,"강력한 자석.
지니게 하면 전기타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
219,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un aimant puissant qui augmente
la puissance des capacités de type Électrik."
219,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen, dessen magnetische
Kraft Attacken vom Typ Elektro verstärkt."
219,15,7,"Es un puerro muy largo que debe llevar
Farfetchd. Aumenta mucho la probabilidad
de que logre un golpe crítico."
219,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Potente magnete che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Elettro."
219,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a powerful magnet that boosts
the power of Electric-type moves."
219,15,11,"強力な 磁石。
持たせると でんきタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
220,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
WATER-type moves."
220,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
WATER-type moves."
220,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A teardrop-shaped gem that boosts
the power of WATER-type moves."
220,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a teardrop-shaped gem that ups
the power of Water-type moves."
220,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a teardrop-shaped gem that ups
the power of Water-type moves."
220,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a teardrop-shaped gem that ups
the power of Water-type moves."
220,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Gemme en forme de
goutte deau montant la puissance
des capacités de type Eau."
220,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a teardrop-shaped gem that ups
the power of Water-type moves."
220,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a teardrop-shaped gem that ups
the power of Water-type moves."
220,15,1,"しずくの かたちの ほうせき。
もたせると みずタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
220,15,3,"물방울 모양의 보석.
지니게 하면 물타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
220,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une gemme en forme de goutte
deau qui augmente la puissance des capacités
de type Eau."
220,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein tränenförmiger
Edelstein, der Attacken vom Typ Wasser verstärkt."
220,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Aumenta el carisma
en los concursos."
220,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gemma a forma di goccia che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Acqua."
220,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This teardrop-shaped gem boosts
the power of Water-type moves."
220,15,11,"しずくの 形の 宝石。
持たせると みずタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
221,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
FLYING-type moves."
221,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
FLYING-type moves."
221,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A long, sharp beak that boosts the
power of FLYING-type moves."
221,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a long, sharp beak that boosts
the power of Flying-type moves."
221,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a long, sharp beak that boosts
the power of Flying-type moves."
221,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a long, sharp beak that boosts
the power of Flying-type moves."
221,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Bec long et pointu
montant la puissance des capacités
de type Vol."
221,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a long, sharp beak that boosts
the power of Flying-type moves."
221,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a long, sharp beak that boosts
the power of Flying-type moves."
221,15,1,"ながく とがった くちばし。
もたせると ひこうタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
221,15,3,"길고 뾰족한 부리.
지니게 하면 비행타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
221,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un bec long et pointu qui augmente
la puissance des capacités de type Vol."
221,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein langer, scharfer
Schnabel verstärkt Attacken vom Typ Flug."
221,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Aumenta la belleza en
los concursos."
221,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Becco lungo e affilato che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Volante."
221,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a long, sharp beak that boosts
the power of Flying-type moves."
221,15,11,"長く とがった くちばし。
持たせると ひこうタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
222,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
POISON-type moves."
222,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
POISON-type moves."
222,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A small, poisonous barb that boosts
the power of POISON-type moves."
222,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a small, poisonous barb that ups
the power of Poison-type moves."
222,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a small, poisonous barb that ups
the power of Poison-type moves."
222,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a small, poisonous barb that ups
the power of Poison-type moves."
222,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Petit pic empoisonné
montant la puissance des capacités
de type Poison."
222,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a small, poisonous barb that ups
the power of Poison-type moves."
222,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a small, poisonous barb that ups
the power of Poison-type moves."
222,15,1,"どくのある ちいさな ハリ。
もたせると どくタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
222,15,3,"독이 있는 작은 침.
지니게 하면 독타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
222,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un petit pic empoisonné qui
augmente la puissance des capacités de
type Poison."
222,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein schmaler und giftiger
Widerhaken, der Attacken vom Typ Gift verstärkt."
222,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Aumenta la dulzura en
los concursos."
222,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Aculeo piccolo e tossico che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Veleno."
222,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This small, poisonous barb boosts
the power of Poison-type moves."
222,15,11,"どくのある ちいさな ハリ。
持たせると どくタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
223,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
ICE-type moves."
223,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
ICE-type moves."
223,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A piece of ice that repels heat
and boosts ICE-type moves."
223,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a piece of ice that repels heat
and boosts Ice-type moves."
223,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a piece of ice that repels heat
and boosts Ice-type moves."
223,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a piece of ice that repels heat
and boosts Ice-type moves."
223,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Morceau de glace qui
réfléchit la chaleur et monte la
puissance des capacités de type Glace."
223,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a piece of ice that repels heat
and boosts Ice-type moves."
223,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a piece of ice that repels heat
and boosts Ice-type moves."
223,15,1,"ねつを よせつけない こおり。
もたせると こおりタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
223,15,3,"열을 가까이하지 않게 하는 얼음.
지니게 하면 얼음타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
223,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un morceau de glace qui réfléchit
la chaleur et augmente la puissance des
capacités de type Glace."
223,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein Stück Eis, das Hitze
fernhält und Attacken vom Typ Eis verstärkt."
223,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Aumenta el ingenio en
los concursos."
223,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Pezzo di ghiaccio che respinge il calore
e potenzia le mosse di tipo Ghiaccio."
223,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a piece of ice that repels heat
effects and boosts Ice-type moves."
223,15,11,"熱を よせつけない 氷。
持たせると こおりタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
224,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
GHOST-type moves."
224,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
GHOST-type moves."
224,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A sinister, eerie tag that boosts
GHOST-type moves."
224,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sinister, eerie tag that boosts
the power of Ghost-type moves."
224,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sinister, eerie tag that boosts
the power of Ghost-type moves."
224,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sinister, eerie tag that boosts
the power of Ghost-type moves."
224,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Plaque sinistre et
étrange montant la puissance des
capacités de type Spectre."
224,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sinister, eerie tag that boosts
the power of Ghost-type moves."
224,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sinister, eerie tag that boosts
the power of Ghost-type moves."
224,15,1,"あやしくて ぶきみな おふだ。
もたせると ゴーストタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
224,15,3,"괴상하고 으스스한 부적.
지니게 하면 고스트타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
224,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une plaque sinistre et étrange
qui augmente la puissance des capacités de
type Spectre."
224,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein fieser, unheimlicher
Sticker, der Attacken vom Typ Geist verstärkt."
224,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Aumenta la dureza en
los concursos."
224,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Targa sinistra e inquietante che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Spettro."
224,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a sinister, eerie tag that boosts
the power of Ghost-type moves."
224,15,11,"怪しくて 不気味な お札。
持たせると ゴーストタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
225,5,9,"A hold item that
boosts PSYCHIC-
type moves."
225,6,9,"A hold item that
boosts PSYCHIC-
type moves."
225,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A spoon imbued with telekinetic
power boosts PSYCHIC-type moves."
225,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a spoon imbued with telekinetic power
that boosts Psychic-type moves."
225,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a spoon imbued with telekinetic power
that boosts Psychic-type moves."
225,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a spoon imbued with telekinetic power
that boosts Psychic-type moves."
225,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Cuillère contenant un
pouvoir télékinésique montant la
puissance des capacités de type Psy."
225,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a spoon imbued with telekinetic power
that boosts Psychic-type moves."
225,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a spoon imbued with telekinetic power
that boosts Psychic-type moves."
225,15,1,"ねんりきを こめた スプーン。
もたせると エスパータイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
225,15,3,"염동력을 담은 숟가락.
지니게 하면 에스퍼타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
225,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une cuiller contenant un pouvoir
télékinésique qui augmente la puissance des
capacités de type Psy."
225,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein Löffel voller
telekinetischer Energie, der Attacken vom
Typ Psycho verstärkt."
225,15,7,"Debe llevarla un Pokémon. Aumenta ligeramente
la Precisión de los movimientos."
225,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Cucchiaio dotato di potere telecinetico che
potenzia le mosse di tipo Psico."
225,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This spoon is imbued with telekinetic
power and boosts Psychic-type moves."
225,15,11,"念力を こめた スプーン。
持たせると エスパータイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
226,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
FIRE-type moves."
226,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
FIRE-type moves."
226,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A combustible fuel that boosts the
power of FIRE-type moves."
226,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a combustible fuel that boosts
the power of Fire-type moves."
226,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a combustible fuel that boosts
the power of Fire-type moves."
226,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a combustible fuel that boosts
the power of Fire-type moves."
226,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Combustible montant la
puissance des capacités de type Feu."
226,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a combustible fuel that boosts
the power of Fire-type moves."
226,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a combustible fuel that boosts
the power of Fire-type moves."
226,15,1,"ものを もやす ねんりょう。
もたせると ほのおタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
226,15,3,"물건을 태우는 연료.
지니게 하면 불꽃타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
226,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un combustible qui augmente
la puissance des capacités de type Feu."
226,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein Brennstoff, der Attacken
vom Typ Feuer verstärkt."
226,15,7,"Cinta de pelo que aumenta ligeramente la
potencia de los movimientos físicos. Debe
llevarla un Pokémon."
226,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Sostanza combustibile che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Fuoco."
226,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a combustible fuel that boosts
the power of Fire-type moves."
226,15,11,"ものを 燃やす 燃料。
持たせると ほのおタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
227,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
DRAGON-type moves."
227,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
DRAGON-type moves."
227,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A hard and sharp fang that boosts
the power of DRAGON-type moves."
227,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a hard and sharp fang that ups
the power of Dragon-type moves."
227,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a hard and sharp fang that ups
the power of Dragon-type moves."
227,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a hard and sharp fang that ups
the power of Dragon-type moves."
227,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Croc dur et pointu
montant la puissance des capacités
de type Dragon."
227,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a hard and sharp fang that ups
the power of Dragon-type moves."
227,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a hard and sharp fang that ups
the power of Dragon-type moves."
227,15,1,"かたくて するどい キバ。
もたせると ドラゴンタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
227,15,3,"단단하고 날카로운 이빨.
지니게 하면 드래곤타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
227,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un croc dur et pointu qui augmente
la puissance des capacités de type Dragon."
227,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein harter und scharfer
Reißzahn, der Attacken vom Typ Drache
227,15,7,"Potencian ligeramente los movimientos
especiales. Debe llevarlas un Pokémon."
227,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Dente duro e affilato che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Drago."
227,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This hard and sharp fang boosts
the power of Dragon-type moves."
227,15,11,"硬くて 鋭い キバ。
持たせると ドラゴンタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
228,5,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
NORMAL-type moves."
228,6,9,"A hold item that
raises the power of
NORMAL-type moves."
228,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
A sumptuous scarf that boosts the
power of NORMAL-type moves."
228,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sumptuous scarf that boosts
the power of Normal-type moves."
228,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sumptuous scarf that boosts
the power of Normal-type moves."
228,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sumptuous scarf that boosts
the power of Normal-type moves."
228,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Mouchoir somptueux
montant la puissance des capacités
de type Normal."
228,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sumptuous scarf that boosts
the power of Normal-type moves."
228,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sumptuous scarf that boosts
the power of Normal-type moves."
228,15,1,"はだざわりの よい スカーフ。
もたせると ノーマルタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
228,15,3,"감촉이 좋은 스카프.
지니게 하면 노말타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
228,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un mouchoir somptueux qui
augmente la puissance des capacités de
type Normal."
228,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Ein kostbarer Schal,
der Attacken vom Typ Normal verstärkt."
228,15,7,"Potencia ligeramente los movimientos
supereficaces. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
228,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Sciarpa raffinata che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Normale."
228,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a sumptuous scarf that boosts
the power of Normal-type moves."
228,15,11,"はだざわりの よい スカーフ。
持たせると ノーマルタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
229,5,9,"A peculiar box made
229,6,9,"A peculiar box made
229,7,9,"A transparent device filled with all
sorts of data.
It is made by SILPH CO."
229,8,9,"A transparent device filled with all
sorts of data.
It was produced by Silph Co."
229,9,9,"A transparent device filled with all
sorts of data.
It was produced by Silph Co."
229,10,9,"A transparent device filled with all
sorts of data.
It was produced by Silph Co."
229,11,5,"Dispositif transparent rempli de
données diverses et variées.
Fabriqué par la Sylphe SARL."
229,11,9,"A transparent device filled with all
sorts of data.
It was produced by Silph Co."
229,14,9,"A transparent device filled with all
sorts of data.
It was produced by Silph Co."
229,15,1,"なかに いろんな じょうほうが
つまった とうめいな きかい。
シルフ カンパニーせい。"
229,15,3,"안에 여러 가지 정보가
가득한 투명한 기계다.
실프주식회사 제품."
229,15,5,"Un dispositif transparent rempli de données
diverses et variées. Fabriqué par la Sylphe SARL."
229,15,6,"Ein durchsichtiges Gerät. Es enthält alle
möglichen Daten. Hergestellt von Silph Co."
229,15,7,"Prolonga la duración de barreras como Reflejo y
Pantalla de Luz. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
229,15,8,"Apparecchio trasparente pieno zeppo di dati
di ogni tipo. È un prodotto della Silph SpA."
229,15,9,"A transparent device somehow
filled with all sorts of data.
It was produced by Silph Co."
229,15,11,"中に いろんな 情報が
つまった 透明な 機械。
シルフ カンパニー製。"
230,5,9,"A hold item that
restores HP upon
striking the foe."
230,6,9,"A hold item that
restores HP upon
striking the foe."
230,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
The holding POKéMON regains some
HP upon striking the foe."
230,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is restored a little
every time it inflicts damage."
230,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is restored a little
every time it inflicts damage."
230,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is restored a little
every time it inflicts damage."
230,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Restaure un peu les PV
du porteur à chaque fois quil inflige
des dégâts."
230,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is restored a little
every time it inflicts damage."
230,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holders HP is restored a little
every time it inflicts damage."
230,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが こうげきして
あいてに ダメージを あたえたとき
HPを すこし かいふく できる。"
230,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 공격하여
상대에게 데미지를 줬을 때
HP를 조금 회복할 수 있다."
230,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Restaure un peu les PV du porteur
à chaque fois quil inflige des dégâts."
230,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Es stellt einige KP des
Trägers immer dann wieder her, wenn dieser
dem Ziel Schaden zufügt."
230,15,7,"Potencia los movimientos, pero consume PS con
cada ataque. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
230,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Chi ce lha recupera un po di PS ogni volta
che infligge danni."
230,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder regains a little HP every
time it inflicts damage on others."
230,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが 攻撃して
相手に ダメージを あたえたとき
HPを 少し 回復できる。"
231,5,9,"A hold item that
slightly boosts
WATER-type moves."
231,6,9,"A hold item that
slightly boosts
WATER-type moves."
231,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It slightly boosts the power of
WATER-type moves."
231,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
231,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
231,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
231,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Encens au parfum curieux
qui augmente la puissance des capacités
de type Eau."
231,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
231,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
231,15,1,"ふしぎな かおりの おこう。
もたせると みずタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
231,15,3,"이상한 향기의 향로.
지니게 하면 물타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
231,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un encens au parfum curieux
augmentant la puissance des capacités de
type Eau."
231,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Sein ausgefallenes Aroma
verstärkt Attacken vom Typ Wasser."
231,15,7,"Permite el uso inmediato de cualquier movimiento
en el primer turno. Es de un solo uso y debe
llevarla un Pokémon."
231,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Incenso dal curioso aroma che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Acqua."
231,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This incense has a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
231,15,11,"不思議な 香りの 御香。
持たせると みずタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
232,5,9,"A hold item that
slightly lowers the
foes accuracy."
232,6,9,"A hold item that
slightly lowers the
foes accuracy."
232,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
Its tricky aroma slightly reduces
the foes accuracy."
232,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. The
tricky aroma of this incense lowers the
foes accuracy."
232,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. The
tricky aroma of this incense lowers the
foes accuracy."
232,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. The
tricky aroma of this incense lowers the
foes accuracy."
232,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Le parfum trompeur
de cet encens baisse la Précision de
232,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. The
tricky aroma of this incense may make
attacks miss the holder."
232,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. The
tricky aroma of this incense may make
attacks miss the holder."
232,15,1,"もたせると おこうの ふしぎな
かおりが あいてを まどわせて
わざが めいちゅう しにくくなる。"
232,15,3,"지니게 하면 향로의 이상한
향기가 상대를 혼란시켜
기술이 명중하기 어려워진다."
232,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Le parfum trompeur de cet encens
baisse la Précision de lennemi."
232,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Das verwirrende Aroma
senkt die Genauigkeit des Gegners."
232,15,7,"Extraña esfera que envenena gravemente al
Pokémon que la lleva en combate."
232,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Il suo aroma intenso riduce la precisione
del nemico."
232,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The beguiling aroma of this incense
may cause attacks to miss its holder."
232,15,11,"持たせると 御香の 不思議な
香りが 相手を まどわせて
技が 命中 しにくくなる。"
233,5,9,"A hold item that
raises CHANSEYs
critical-hit rate."
233,6,9,"A hold item that
raises CHANSEYs
critical-hit rate."
233,7,9,"A glove to be held by a CHANSEY.
It raises CHANSEYs critical-hit
233,8,9,"An item to be held by CHANSEY. It is a
pair of gloves that boosts CHANSEYs
critical-hit ratio."
233,9,9,"An item to be held by CHANSEY. It is a
pair of gloves that boosts CHANSEYs
critical-hit ratio."
233,10,9,"An item to be held by CHANSEY. It is a
pair of gloves that boosts CHANSEYs
critical-hit ratio."
233,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Leveinard. Paire
de gants montant son taux de critiques."
233,11,9,"An item to be held by Chansey. It is a
pair of gloves that boosts Chanseys
critical-hit ratio."
233,14,9,"An item to be held by Chansey. It is a
pair of gloves that boosts Chanseys
critical-hit ratio."
233,15,1,"こううんを よぶ グローブ。
ラッキーに もたせると わざが
きゅうしょに あたりやすくなる。"
233,15,3,"행운을 부르는 글러브다.
럭키에게 지니게 하면 기술이
급소에 맞기 쉬워진다."
233,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Leveinard.
Une paire de gants qui augmente son taux
de critiques."
233,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Chaneira getragen werden kann.
Diese Handschuhe erhöhen die Volltrefferquote
des Trägers."
233,15,7,"Extraña esfera que causa quemaduras al Pokémon
que la lleva en combate."
233,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Chansey.
Guanti che aumentano molto la probabilità
di sferrare brutti colpi."
233,15,9,"An item to be held by Chansey.
This pair of lucky boxing gloves will
boost Chanseys critical-hit ratio."
233,15,11,"幸運を よぶ グローブ。
ラッキーに 持たせると 技が
急所に 当たりやすくなる。"
234,5,9,"A hold item that
raises DEFENSE."
234,6,9,"A hold item that
raises DITTOs
234,7,9,"A fine, hard powder to be held by
It raises DITTOs DEFENSE stat."
234,8,9,"An item to be held by DITTO.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Defense stat."
234,9,9,"An item to be held by DITTO.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Defense stat."
234,10,9,"An item to be held by DITTO.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Defense stat."
234,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Métamorph. Cette
poudre étrange, très fine mais
résistante, booste sa Défense."
234,11,9,"An item to be held by Ditto.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Defense stat."
234,14,9,"An item to be held by Ditto.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Defense stat."
234,15,1,"メタモンに もたせると ぼうぎょが
あがる ふしぎなこな。
とても こまかくて かたい。"
234,15,3,"메타몽에게 지니게 하면
방어가 올라가는 이상한 가루.
매우 잘고 단단하다."
234,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Métamorph.
Cette poudre étrange, très fine mais résistante,
augmente sa Défense."
234,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Ditto getragen werden kann.
Es erhöht seinen Verteidigungs-Wert."
234,15,7,"Debe llevarlo Ditto. Es un polvo muy fino, pero
a la vez resistente, que aumenta su Velocidad."
234,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Ditto.
Strana polvere finissima e al tempo stesso dura
che migliora la Difesa."
234,15,9,"An item to be held by Ditto.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Defense stat."
234,15,11,"メタモンに 持たせると 防御が
あがる 不思議な粉。
とても こまかくて 硬い。"
235,5,9,"A bone of some
sort. It can be sold
235,6,9,"A hold item that
raises CUBONE or
235,7,9,"A hard bone of some sort to be
held by a CUBONE or MAROWAK.
It raises the ATTACK stat."
235,8,9,"An item to be held by CUBONE or
MAROWAK. It is a hard bone of some
sort that boosts the Attack stat."
235,9,9,"An item to be held by CUBONE or
MAROWAK. It is a hard bone of some
sort that boosts the Attack stat."
235,10,9,"An item to be held by CUBONE or
MAROWAK. It is a hard bone of some
sort that boosts the Attack stat."
235,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Osselait ou
Ossatueur. Os dur qui monte leur
235,11,9,"An item to be held by Cubone or
Marowak. It is a hard bone of some
sort that boosts the Attack stat."
235,14,9,"An item to be held by Cubone or
Marowak. It is a hard bone of some
sort that boosts the Attack stat."
235,15,1,"なにかの かたい ホネ。
カラカラ または ガラガラに
もたせると こうげきが あがる。"
235,15,3,"무언가의 단단한 뼈.
탕구리 혹은 텅구리에게
지니게 하면 공격이 올라간다."
235,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Osselait ou Ossatueur.
Un os dur qui augmente leur Attaque."
235,15,6,"Ein harter Knochen, der den Angriffs-Wert
von Tragosso oder Knogga erhöht, wenn sie
ihn tragen."
235,15,7,"Si el Pokémon que la lleva tiene los PS al
máximo, puede resistir un golpe que lo dejaría
K.O. y se queda con 1 PS."
235,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Cubone o Marowak.
Osso duro che migliora lAttacco."
235,15,9,"An item to be held by Cubone or
Marowak. It is a hard bone of some
sort that boosts the Attack stat."
235,15,11,"なにかの 硬い ホネ。
カラカラ または ガラガラに
持たせると 攻撃が あがる。"
236,5,9,"A stick of leek.
It can be sold
236,6,9,"A hold item that
critical-hit ratio."
236,7,9,"A stick of leek to be held by a
critical-hit ratio."
236,8,9,"An item to be held by FARFETCHD. It is
a very long and stiff stalk of leek
that boosts the critical-hit ratio."
236,9,9,"An item to be held by FARFETCHD. It is
a very long and stiff stalk of leek
that boosts the critical-hit ratio."
236,10,9,"An item to be held by FARFETCHD. It is
a very long and stiff stalk of leek
that boosts the critical-hit ratio."
236,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Canarticho.
Poireau très long et solide qui
monte son taux de critiques."
236,11,9,"An item to be held by Farfetchd. It is
a very long and stiff stalk of leek
that boosts the critical-hit ratio."
236,14,9,"An item to be held by Farfetchd. It is
a very long and stiff stalk of leek
that boosts the critical-hit ratio."
236,15,1,"とても ながくて かたい クキ。
カモネギに もたせると わざが
きゅうしょに あたりやすくなる。"
236,15,3,"매우 길고 단단한 줄기.
파오리에게 지니게 하면 기술이
급소에 맞기 쉬워진다."
236,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Canarticho.
Un poireau très long et solide qui augmente
son taux de critiques."
236,15,6,"Ein Item, das von Porenta getragen werden
kann. Diese lange Lauchstange erhöht die
Volltrefferquote stark."
236,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Si se mueve después
del enemigo, aumenta la Precisión del Pokémon."
236,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Farfetchd.
Lungo gambo di porro che aumenta molto
la probabilità di sferrare brutti colpi."
236,15,9,"An item to be held by Farfetchd.
This very long and stiff stalk of
leek boosts its critical-hit ratio."
236,15,11,"とても 長くて 硬い クキ。
カモネギに 持たせると 技が
急所に 当たりやすくなる。"
237,5,9,"A hold item that
raises COOL in
237,6,9,"A hold item that
raises COOL in
237,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It boosts the holding POKéMONs
COOL condition in CONTESTS."
237,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Cool” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
237,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Cool” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
237,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Cool” aspect of the
holder in a Contest in Sinnoh."
237,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente le Sang-froid
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
237,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Cool aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
237,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Cool aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
237,15,1,"もたせて コンテストに さんかすると
その ポケモンは いつもより
かっこよく みられる。"
237,15,3,"지니게 하여 콘테스트에 참가하면
그 포켓몬은 여느 때보다
근사하게 보인다."
237,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente le Sang-froid
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
237,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Trainer erhöhen damit in
Wettbewerben die „Coolness“ ihres Pokémon."
237,15,7,"Potencia un movimiento que se use de forma
consecutiva. Pero el efecto se pierde si se
emplea otro movimiento."
237,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Aumenta la “Classe” di chi lindossa in una Gara."
237,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
During a Contest, it raises the Cool
aspect of the Pokémon holding it."
237,15,11,"持たせて コンテストに 参加すると
その ポケモンは いつもより
かっこよく みられる。"
238,5,9,"A hold item that
raises BEAUTY in
238,6,9,"A hold item that
raises BEAUTY in
238,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It boosts the holding POKéMONs
BEAUTY condition in CONTESTS."
238,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Beauty” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
238,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Beauty” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
238,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Beauty” aspect of the
holder in a Contest in Sinnoh."
238,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Beauté
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
238,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Beauty aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
238,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Beauty aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
238,15,1,"もたせて コンテストに さんかすると
その ポケモンは いつもより
うつくしく みられる。"
238,15,3,"지니게 하여 콘테스트에 참가하면
그 포켓몬은 여느 때보다
아름답게 보인다."
238,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Beauté dun Pokémon
dans les Concours."
238,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Trainer erhöhen damit in
Wettbewerben die „Schönheit“ ihres Pokémon."
238,15,7,"Reduce la Velocidad. Los Pokémon que levitan y
los de tipo Volador se tornan sensibles a
movimientos de tipo Tierra."
238,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Aumenta la “Bellezza” di chi lindossa
in una Gara."
238,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
During a Contest, it raises the Beauty
aspect of the Pokémon holding it."
238,15,11,"持たせて コンテストに 参加すると
その ポケモンは いつもより
うつくしく みられる。"
239,5,9,"A hold item that
raises CUTE in
239,6,9,"A hold item that
raises CUTE in
239,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It boosts the holding POKéMONs
CUTE condition in CONTESTS."
239,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Cute” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
239,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Cute” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
239,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Cute” aspect of the
holder in a Contest in Sinnoh."
239,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Grâce
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
239,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Cute aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
239,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Cute aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
239,15,1,"もたせて コンテストに さんかすると
その ポケモンは いつもより
かわいく みられる。"
239,15,3,"지니게 하여 콘테스트에 참가하면
그 포켓몬은 여느 때보다
귀엽게 보인다."
239,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Grâce dun Pokémon
dans les Concours."
239,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Trainer erhöhen damit in
Wettbewerben die „Anmut“ ihres Pokémon."
239,15,7,"Es muy pesada y hace que el Pokémon que la
lleva se mueva más lento de lo normal."
239,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Aumenta la “Grazia” di chi lindossa in una Gara."
239,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
During a Contest, it raises the Cute
aspect of the Pokémon holding it."
239,15,11,"持たせて コンテストに 参加すると
その ポケモンは いつもより
かわいく みられる。"
240,5,9,"A hold item that
raises SMART in
240,6,9,"A hold item that
raises SMART in
240,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It boosts the holding POKéMONs
SMART condition in CONTESTS."
240,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Smart” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
240,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Smart” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
240,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Smart” aspect of the
holder in a Contest in Sinnoh."
240,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente lIntelligence
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
240,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Smart aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
240,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Smart aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
240,15,1,"もたせて コンテストに さんかすると
その ポケモンは いつもより
かしこく みられる。"
240,15,3,"지니게 하여 콘테스트에 참가하면
그 포켓몬은 여느 때보다
슬기롭게 보인다."
240,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente lIntelligence
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
240,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Trainer erhöhen damit in
Wettbewerben die „Klugheit“ ihres Pokémon."
240,15,7,"Un hilo largo y delgado de color rojo que
transmite el enamoramiento del Pokémon que
lo lleva a su objetivo."
240,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Aumenta l“Acume” di chi lindossa in una Gara."
240,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
During a Contest, it raises the Smart
aspect of the Pokémon holding it."
240,15,11,"持たせて コンテストに 参加すると
その ポケモンは いつもより
かしこく みられる。"
241,5,9,"A hold item that
raises TOUGH in
241,6,9,"A hold item that
raises TOUGH in
241,7,9,"An item to be held by a POKéMON.
It boosts the holding POKéMONs
TOUGH condition in CONTESTS."
241,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Tough” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
241,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Tough” aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
241,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the “Tough” aspect of the
holder in a Contest in Sinnoh."
241,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Robustesse
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
241,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Tough aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
241,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the Tough aspect of the
holder in a Contest."
241,15,1,"もたせて コンテストに さんかすると
その ポケモンは いつもより
たくましく みられる。"
241,15,3,"지니게 하여 콘테스트에 참가하면
그 포켓몬은 여느 때보다
강인하게 보인다."
241,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Robustesse
dun Pokémon dans les Concours."
241,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Trainer erhöhen damit in
Wettbewerben die „Stärke“ ihres Pokémon."
241,15,7,"Restaura gradualmente los PS de los Pokémon
de tipo Veneno y daña a todos los demás."
241,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Aumenta la “Grinta” di chi lindossa in una Gara."
241,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
During a Contest, it raises the Tough
aspect of the Pokémon holding it."
241,15,11,"持たせて コンテストに 参加すると
その ポケモンは いつもより
たくましく みられる。"
242,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a magnifying lens that slightly
boosts the accuracy of moves."
242,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a magnifying lens that slightly
boosts the accuracy of moves."
242,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a magnifying lens that slightly
boosts the accuracy of moves."
242,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Magnifique loupe
augmentant un peu la Précision
des capacités."
242,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a magnifying lens that slightly
boosts the accuracy of moves."
242,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a magnifying lens that slightly
boosts the accuracy of moves."
242,15,1,"ものが おおきく みえる レンズ。
もたせると わざの めいちゅうりつが
すこし あがる。"
242,15,3,"물건이 크게 보이는 렌즈.
지니게 하면 기술의 명중률이
조금 올라간다."
242,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une magnifique loupe augmentant
un peu la Précision des capacités."
242,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieses Vergrößerungsglas
erhöht die Genauigkeit etwas."
242,15,7,"Prolonga la duración del movimiento Granizo que
use el Pokémon que la lleva."
242,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lente dingrandimento che aumenta di poco
la precisione delle mosse."
242,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a magnifying lens that slightly
boosts the accuracy of moves."
242,15,11,"ものが 大きく みえる レンズ。
持たせると 技の 命中率が
少し あがる。"
243,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a headband that slightly boosts
the power of physical moves."
243,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a headband that slightly boosts
the power of physical moves."
243,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a headband that slightly boosts
the power of physical moves."
243,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Bandeau augmentant
légèrement la puissance des attaques
243,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a headband that slightly boosts
the power of physical moves."
243,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a headband that slightly boosts
the power of physical moves."
243,15,1,"ちからが わいてくる ハチマキ。
もたせると ぶつりわざの
いりょくが すこし あがる。"
243,15,3,"힘이 끓어오르는 머리띠.
지니게 하면 물리 기술의
위력이 조금 올라간다."
243,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un bandeau augmentant
légèrement la puissance des attaques physiques."
243,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieses Stirnband verstärkt
physische Attacken etwas."
243,15,7,"Prolonga la duración del movimiento Tormenta
de Arena que use el Pokémon que la lleva."
243,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Fascia che potenzia di poco le mosse fisiche."
243,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This headband exudes strength, slightly
boosting the power of physical moves."
243,15,11,"ちからが わいてくる ハチマキ。
持たせると 物理技の
威力が 少し あがる。"
244,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a thick pair of glasses that slightly
boosts the power of special moves."
244,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a thick pair of glasses that slightly
boosts the power of special moves."
244,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a thick pair of glasses that slightly
boosts the power of special moves."
244,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Paire de lunettes
épaisses augmentant un peu la
puissance des attaques spéciales."
244,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a thick pair of glasses that slightly
boosts the power of special moves."
244,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a thick pair of glasses that slightly
boosts the power of special moves."
244,15,1,"ぶあつい レンズの ついた メガネ。
もたせると とくしゅわざの
いりょくが すこし あがる。"
244,15,3,"두꺼운 렌즈를 붙인 안경.
지니게 하면 특수 기술의
위력이 조금 올라간다."
244,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une paire de lunettes épaisses
augmentant un peu la puissance des attaques
244,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese dicke Brille verstärkt
auf Spezial-Angriff basierende Attacken."
244,15,7,"Prolonga la duración del movimiento Día Soleado
que use el Pokémon que la lleva."
244,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Paio di occhiali dalle lenti spesse che potenzia
di poco le mosse speciali."
244,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This thick pair of glasses slightly
boosts the power of special moves."
244,15,11,"ぶあつい レンズの ついた メガネ。
持たせると 特殊技の
威力が 少し あがる。"
245,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a well-worn belt that slightly boosts
the power of supereffective moves."
245,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a well-worn belt that slightly boosts
the power of supereffective moves."
245,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a well-worn belt that slightly boosts
the power of supereffective moves."
245,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Ceinture usée
augmentant légèrement la puissance
des capacités super efficaces."
245,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a well-worn belt that slightly boosts
the power of supereffective moves."
245,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
a well-worn belt that slightly boosts
the power of supereffective moves."
245,15,1,"つかいこまれた くろい おび。
もたせると こうかばつぐんの とき
わざの いりょくが すこし あがる。"
245,15,3,"오래 사용한 까만 띠.
지니게 하면 효과가 뛰어날 때
기술의 위력이 조금 올라간다."
245,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une ceinture usée augmentant
légèrement la puissance des capacités super
245,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieser alte Gürtel verstärkt
sehr effektive Attacken."
245,15,7,"Prolonga la duración del movimiento Danza Lluvia
que use el Pokémon que la lleva."
245,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Cintura consumata che potenzia di poco
le mosse superefficaci."
245,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a well-worn belt that slightly boosts
the power of supereffective moves."
245,15,11,"使いこまれた 黒い 帯。
持たせると 効果バツグンの とき
技の 威力が 少し あがる。"
246,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of barrier moves like Light
Screen and Reflect used by the holder."
246,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of barrier moves like Light
Screen and Reflect used by the holder."
246,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of barrier moves like Light
Screen and Reflect used by the holder."
246,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la durée
de capacités barrières telles que
Mur Lumière et Protection."
246,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of barrier moves like Light
Screen and Reflect used by the holder."
246,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of barrier moves like Light
Screen and Reflect used by the holder."
246,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが ひかりのかべや
リフレクターを つかったとき
いつもよりも ながく のこる。"
246,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 빛의장막이나
리플렉터를 사용했을 때
여느 때보다 긴 시간 동안 지속된다."
246,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la durée des capacités
barrières telles que Mur Lumière et Protection."
246,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verlängert die Dauer von
Lichtschild, Reflektor etc."
246,15,7,"Prolonga la duración de ataques multiturno como
Atadura y Constricción si la lleva un Pokémon."
246,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Allunga la durata delle mosse barriera come
Schermoluce e Riflesso."
246,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Protective moves like Light Screen
and Reflect will be effective longer."
246,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが ひかりのかべや
リフレクターを 使ったとき
いつもよりも 長く 残る。"
247,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of moves, but at
the cost of some HP on each hit."
247,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of moves, but at
the cost of some HP on each hit."
247,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of moves, but at
the cost of some HP on each hit."
247,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la puissance
des capacités, mais qui dépense des
PV à chaque coup."
247,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of moves, but at
the cost of some HP on each hit."
247,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of moves, but at
the cost of some HP on each hit."
247,15,1,"もたせると こうげきする たびに
HPが すこし へってしまうが
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
247,15,3,"지니게 하면 공격할 때마다
HP가 조금씩 줄지만
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
247,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la puissance des
capacités, mais dépense des PV à chaque coup."
247,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verstärkt Attacken,
aber jede Attacke kostet den Träger KP."
247,15,7,"Debe llevarlo un Pokémon. Potencia la Velocidad,
pero solo permite usar un movimiento."
247,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Potenzia le mosse a scapito di alcuni PS
per ogni colpo."
247,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of moves, but
at the cost of some HP on each hit."
247,15,11,"持たせると 攻撃する たびに
HPが 少し 減ってしまうが
技の 威力が あがる。"
248,8,9,"A single-use item to be held by a
Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of
a move that charges on the first turn."
248,9,9,"A single-use item to be held by a
Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of
a move that charges on the first turn."
248,10,9,"A single-use item to be held by a
Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of
a move that charges on the first turn."
248,11,5,"Objet à tenir et à usage unique. Permet
dutiliser immédiatement une capacité
qui devrait se charger au premier tour."
248,11,9,"A single-use item to be held by a
Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of
a move that charges on the first turn."
248,14,9,"A single-use item to be held by a
Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of
a move that charges on the first turn."
248,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンは いちどだけ
1ターンめに ちからを ためるわざを
すぐに つかうことが できる。"
248,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬은 한 번만
1턴째에 힘을 모으는 기술을
바로 사용할 수가 있다."
248,15,5,"Objet à tenir et à usage unique. Permet dutiliser
immédiatement une capacité qui devrait se
charger au premier tour."
248,15,6,"Ein Item zum einmaligen Tragen. Der Träger kann
dadurch eine Attacke sofort einsetzen, die sonst
aufgeladen werden muss."
248,15,7,"Daña en cada turno al Pokémon que la lleva.
Puede adherirse al Pokémon que alcance con su
ataque al portador."
248,15,8,"Strumento monouso da dare a un Pokémon.
Permette luso immediato di una mossa che in
genere richiede un turno prima di essere eseguita."
248,15,9,"A single-use item to be held by a Pokémon.
It allows the holder to immediately use a
move that normally requires a turn to charge."
248,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンは 1度だけ
1ターン目に ちからを ためる技を
すぐに 使うことが できる。"
249,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that badly poisons
the holder in battle."
249,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that badly poisons
the holder in battle."
249,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that badly poisons
the holder in battle."
249,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Orbe bizarre
empoisonnant gravement son
porteur durant le combat."
249,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that badly poisons
the holder in battle."
249,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that badly poisons
the holder in battle."
249,15,1,"さわると どくをだす ふしぎなたま。
もたせると せんとうちゅうに
もうどくの じょうたいに なる。"
249,15,3,"만지면 독을 발산하는 이상한 구슬.
지니게 하면 배틀 중에
맹독 상태가 된다."
249,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un orbe bizarre empoisonnant
gravement son porteur durant le combat."
249,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieser bizarre Orb vergiftet
seinen Träger im Kampf schwer."
249,15,7,"Potencia el Ataque de base, pero reduce la
Velocidad en combate. Debe llevarlo un
249,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Sfera bizzarra che iperavvelena chi lha con sé
in una lotta."
249,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that will badly
poison the holder during battle."
249,15,11,"触ると 毒をだす 不思議な玉。
持たせると 戦闘中に
猛毒の 状態に なる。"
250,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a
burn on the holder in battle."
250,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a
burn on the holder in battle."
250,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a
burn on the holder in battle."
250,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Orbe bizarre brûlant
son porteur durant le combat."
250,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a
burn on the holder in battle."
250,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a
burn on the holder in battle."
250,15,1,"さわると ねつをだす ふしぎなたま。
もたせると せんとうちゅうに
やけどの じょうたいに なる。"
250,15,3,"만지면 열을 내는 이상한 구슬.
지니게 하면 배틀 중에
화상 상태가 된다."
250,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un orbe bizarre brûlant son porteur
durant le combat."
250,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieser bizarre Orb fügt
seinem Träger Verbrennungen zu."
250,15,7,"Potencia la Defensa de base, pero reduce la
Velocidad en combate. Debe llevarlo un
250,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Sfera bizzarra che procura una scottatura
a chi lha con sé in una lotta."
250,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a bizarre orb that will afflict the
holder with a burn during battle."
250,15,11,"触ると 熱をだす 不思議な玉。
持たせると 戦闘中に
やけどの 状態に なる。"
251,8,9,"An item to be held by DITTO.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Speed stat."
251,9,9,"An item to be held by DITTO.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Speed stat."
251,10,9,"An item to be held by DITTO.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Speed stat."
251,11,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Métamorph. Cette
poudre étrange, très fine mais
résistante, augmente sa Vitesse."
251,11,9,"An item to be held by Ditto.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Speed stat."
251,14,9,"An item to be held by Ditto.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Speed stat."
251,15,1,"メタモンに もたせると すばやさが
あがる ふしぎなこな。
とても こまかくて かたい。"
251,15,3,"메타몽에게 지니게 하면 스피드가
올라가는 이상한 가루.
매우 곱고 단단하다."
251,15,5,"Objet à faire tenir à Métamorph.
Cette poudre étrange, très fine mais résistante,
augmente sa Vitesse."
251,15,6,"Ein Item, das Ditto zum Tragen gegeben
werden kann. Fein und doch hart, erhöht
es den Initiative-Wert."
251,15,7,"Potencia el Ataque Especial de base, pero reduce
la Velocidad en combate. Debe llevarla un
251,15,8,"Strumento da dare a Ditto.
Questa strana polvere, fine e al contempo dura,
aumenta la Velocità."
251,15,9,"An item to be held by Ditto.
Extremely fine yet hard, this odd
powder boosts the Speed stat."
251,15,11,"メタモンに 持たせると 素早さが
あがる 不思議な粉。
とても こまかくて 硬い。"
252,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. If it
has full HP, the holder will endure one
potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP."
252,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. If it
has full HP, the holder will endure one
potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP."
252,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. If it
has full HP, the holder will endure one
potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP."
252,11,5,"Objet à tenir permettant au porteur,
sil a ses PV pleins, déviter un
potentiel K.O. en conservant un PV."
252,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. If it
has full HP, the holder will endure one
potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP."
252,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. If it
has full HP, the holder will endure one
potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP."
252,15,1,"もたせると HPが まんたんのとき
ひんしになりそうな わざを うけても
HP1で いちどだけ たえる。"
252,15,3,"지니게 하면 HP가 꽉 찼을 때
기절할 듯한 기술을 당해도
HP 1로 한 번은 버틴다."
252,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Sil a encore tous ses PV,
le porteur pourra éviter dêtre mis K.O. en
un coup. Il ne conserva alors quun seul PV."
252,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Bei vollen KP bleibt
der Träger nach einer K.O.-Attacke einmalig
mit 1 KP im Kampf."
252,15,7,"Potencia la Defensa Especial de base, pero
reduce la Velocidad en combate. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
252,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se il Pokémon ha tutti i PS, eviterà un
potenziale KO, rimanendo con un PS."
252,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder
has full HP, it will endure a potential KO
attack with 1 HP. The item then disappears."
252,15,11,"持たせると HPが 満タンのとき
ひんしになりそうな 技を 受けても
HP1で 1度だけ 耐える。"
253,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder moves after the foe, its
critical-hit ratio will be boosted."
253,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder moves after the foe, its
accuracy will be boosted."
253,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder moves after the foe, its
accuracy will be boosted."
253,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Précision
du porteur sil attaque après lennemi."
253,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder moves after its
target, its accuracy will be boosted."
253,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder moves after its
target, its accuracy will be boosted."
253,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが あいてよりも
こうどうするのが おそいとき
わざが めいちゅう しやすくなる。"
253,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 상대보다도
행동하는 것이 늦을 때
기술이 명중하기 쉬워진다."
253,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Précision du porteur
sil attaque après lennemi."
253,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Agiert das Ziel zuerst,
erhöht sich die Genauigkeit des Trägers."
253,15,7,"Potencia la Velocidad de base, pero reduce la
Velocidad en combate. Debe llevarla un
253,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha attacca dopo il nemico,
la sua precisione aumenta."
253,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder moves after its target
moves, its accuracy will be boosted."
253,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが 相手よりも
行動するのが 遅いとき
技が 命中しやすくなる。"
254,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that boosts a move
used consecutively. Its effect is
reset if another move is used."
254,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that boosts a move
used consecutively. Its effect is
reset if another move is used."
254,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that boosts a move
used consecutively. Its effect is
reset if another move is used."
254,11,5,"Objet à tenir boostant une capacité
utilisée à répétition. Leffet sannule
si une autre capacité est utilisée."
254,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that boosts a move
used consecutively. Its effect is
reset if another move is used."
254,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that boosts a move
used consecutively. Its effect is
reset if another move is used."
254,15,1,"もたせると おなじわざを れんぞくで
つかったとき いりょくが あがる。
やめると いりょくは もどる。"
254,15,3,"지니게 하면 똑같은 기술을 연속으로
사용했을 때 위력이 올라간다.
그만두면 위력이 되돌아간다."
254,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Booste une capacité utilisée
à répétition. Leffet sannule si une autre
capacité est utilisée."
254,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verstärkt eine Attacke,
je öfter sie in Folge ausgeführt wird."
254,15,7,"Mejora los PS de base, pero reduce la
Velocidad en combate. Debe llevarla un
254,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Potenzia una mossa usata più volte di seguito.
Il potenziamento svanisce al cambio di mossa."
254,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts moves used consecutively,
but only until a different move is used."
254,15,11,"持たせると 同じ技を 連続で
使ったとき 威力が あがる。
やめると 威力は もどる。"
255,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that cuts Speed.
It makes Flying-type and levitating
holders susceptible to Ground moves."
255,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that cuts Speed.
It makes Flying-type and levitating
holders susceptible to Ground moves."
255,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that cuts Speed.
It makes Flying-type and levitating
holders susceptible to Ground moves."
255,11,5,"Objet à tenir réduisant la Vitesse. Rend
les porteurs de type Vol et lévitant
sensibles aux capacités de type Sol."
255,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that cuts Speed.
It makes Flying-type and levitating
holders susceptible to Ground moves."
255,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that cuts Speed.
It makes Flying-type and levitating
holders susceptible to Ground moves."
255,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがる。
ひこうタイプや ふゆう ポケモンは
じめんわざが あたって しまう。"
255,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드가 떨어진다.
비행타입이나 부유포켓몬은
땅 기술에 맞아 버린다."
255,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Réduit la Vitesse. Rend les porteurs
de type Vol, ainsi que ceux en lévitation,
sensibles aux capacités de type Sol."
255,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Macht Pokémon des Typs
Flug oder mit der Fähigkeit Schwebe anfällig für
Boden-Attacken. Senkt den Initiative-Wert."
255,15,7,"En combate, esta concha desechada sirve para
que un Pokémon se cambie por otro que no esté
255,15,8,"Riduce la Velocità e rende vulnerabili
alle mosse di tipo Terra se chi ce lha è
di tipo Volante o ha labilità Levitazione."
255,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It lowers Speed and allows Ground-type
moves to hit Flying-type and levitating holders."
255,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがる。
ひこうタイプや ふゆう ポケモンは
じめん技が 当たってしまう。"
256,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is tremendously heavy and makes
the holder move slower than usual."
256,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is tremendously heavy and makes
the holder move slower than usual."
256,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is tremendously heavy and makes
the holder move slower than usual."
256,11,5,"Objet à tenir extrêmement lourd qui
ralentit le porteur."
256,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is tremendously heavy and makes
the holder move slower than usual."
256,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is tremendously heavy and makes
the holder move slower than usual."
256,15,1,"とても おもたい なにかの しっぽ。
もたせると いつもより こうどうが
256,15,3,"매우 무거운 무언가의 꼬리.
지니게 하면 여느 때보다
행동이 느려진다."
256,15,5,"Objet à tenir extrêmement lourd qui ralentit
le porteur."
256,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Es ist immens schwer
und senkt die Geschwindigkeit des Trägers."
256,15,7,"El Pokémon que la lleva recupera más PS al usar
movimientos que drenan al objetivo."
256,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
È tremendamente pesante e rende più lenti
del normale."
256,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is tremendously heavy and makes
the holder move slower than usual."
256,15,11,"とても 重たい なにかの しっぽ。
持たせると いつもより 行動が
257,8,9,"A long, thin, bright red string to
be held by a Pokémon. If the holder
becomes infatuated, the foe does too."
257,9,9,"A long, thin, bright red string to
be held by a Pokémon. If the holder
becomes infatuated, the foe does too."
257,10,9,"A long, thin, bright red string to
be held by a Pokémon. If the holder
becomes infatuated, the foe does too."
257,11,5,"Un long fil rouge vif à faire tenir à un
Pokémon. Si le porteur succombe à
lattirance, lennemi aussi."
257,11,9,"A long, thin, bright-red string to
be held by a Pokémon. If the holder
becomes infatuated, the foe does too."
257,14,9,"A long, thin, bright-red string to
be held by a Pokémon. If the holder
becomes infatuated, the foe does too."
257,15,1,"ほそくて ながい まっかな いと。
もたせると メロメロに なったとき
あいても メロメロに できる。"
257,15,3,"가늘고 긴 새빨간 실.
지니게 하면 자신이 헤롱헤롱해졌을 때
상대도 헤롱헤롱해지게 된다."
257,15,5,"Un long fil rouge vif à faire tenir à un Pokémon.
Si le porteur tombe amoureux, lennemi
257,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Wird der Träger betört,
gilt dies auch für den Angreifer."
257,15,7,"Potencian el Ataque Especial, pero solo permiten
usar un movimiento. Debe llevarlas un Pokémon."
257,15,8,"Gomitolo di filo rosso sottile da dare a un
Pokémon. Se il Pokémon rimane infatuato,
contagia anche il nemico."
257,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder becomes infatuated,
the opposing Pokémon will be, too."
257,15,11,"細くて 長い 真っ赤な 糸。
持たせると メロメロに なったとき
相手も メロメロに できる。"
258,8,9,"A hold item that gradually restores
the HP of Poison-type Pokémon.
It inflicts damage on all other types."
258,9,9,"A hold item that gradually restores
the HP of Poison-type Pokémon.
It inflicts damage on all other types."
258,10,9,"A held item that gradually restores
the HP of Poison-type Pokémon.
It inflicts damage on all other types."
258,11,5,"Objet à tenir restaurant peu à peu les
PV des Pokémon de type Poison. Inflige
des dégâts à tous les autres types."
258,11,9,"A held item that gradually restores
the HP of Poison-type Pokémon.
It inflicts damage on all other types."
258,14,9,"A held item that gradually restores
the HP of Poison-type Pokémon.
It inflicts damage on all other types."
258,15,1,"もたせると どくタイプの ポケモンは
すこしずつ HPを かいふくする。
それいがいは HPが へってしまう。"
258,15,3,"지니게 하면 독타입의 포켓몬은
조금씩 HP를 회복한다.
그 이외의 타입은 HP가 줄어 버린다."
258,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Restaure peu à peu les PV des
Pokémon de type Poison. Inflige des dégâts
à tous les autres types."
258,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen, das einem Gift-Pokémon
KP zurückgibt, anderen Pokémon aber Schaden
258,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Fuego. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
258,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Restituisce gradualmente PS ai Pokémon di tipo
Veleno, ma danneggia tutti gli altri."
258,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It gradually restores HP to Poison-type
Pokémon. It damages any other type."
258,15,11,"持たせると どくタイプの ポケモンは
少しずつ HPを 回復する。
それ以外は HPが 減ってしまう。"
259,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Hail used by the
259,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Hail used by the
259,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Hail used by the
259,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la durée
de la capacité Grêle utilisée par le
259,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Hail used by the
259,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Hail used by the
259,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが あられを
つかうと いつもより あられの
じかんが ながくなる。"
259,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 싸라기눈을
쓰면 여느 때보다 싸라기눈의
시간이 길어진다."
259,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la durée de la capacité
Grêle utilisée par le porteur."
259,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verlängert die Dauer von
Hagelsturm, wenn der Träger es einsetzt."
259,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Agua. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
259,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Allunga la durata della mossa Grandine."
259,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It extends the duration of the move
Hail when its used by the holder."
259,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが あられを
使うと いつもより あられの
時間が 長くなる。"
260,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Sandstorm used
by the holder."
260,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Sandstorm used
by the holder."
260,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Sandstorm used
by the holder."
260,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la durée de
la capacité Tempêtesable utilisée par
le porteur."
260,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Sandstorm used
by the holder."
260,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Sandstorm used
by the holder."
260,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが すなあらしを
つかうと いつもより すなあらしの
じかんが ながくなる。"
260,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 모래바람을
쓰면 여느 때보다 모래바람의
시간이 길어진다."
260,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la durée de la capacité
Tempête de Sable utilisée par le porteur."
260,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verlängert die Dauer
von Sandsturm, wenn der Träger es einsetzt."
260,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Eléctrico. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
260,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Allunga la durata della mossa Terrempesta."
260,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It extends the duration of the move
Sandstorm when used by the holder."
260,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが すなあらしを
使うと いつもより すなあらしの
時間が 長くなる。"
261,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Sunny Day used
by the holder."
261,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Sunny Day used
by the holder."
261,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Sunny Day used
by the holder."
261,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la durée
de la capacité Zénith utilisée par le
261,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Sunny Day used
by the holder."
261,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Sunny Day used
by the holder."
261,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが にほんばれを
つかうと いつもより はれの
じかんが ながくなる。"
261,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 쾌청을
쓰면 여느 때보다 쾌청의
시간이 길어진다."
261,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la durée de la capacité
Zénith utilisée par le porteur."
261,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verlängert die Dauer von
Sonnentag, wenn der Träger es einsetzt."
261,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Planta. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
261,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Allunga la durata della mossa Giornodisole."
261,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It extends the duration of the move
Sunny Day when used by the holder."
261,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが にほんばれを
使うと いつもより はれの
時間が 長くなる。"
262,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Rain Dance used
by the holder."
262,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of the move Rain Dance used
by the holder."
262,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Rain Dance used
by the holder."
262,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la durée
de la capacité Danse Pluie utilisée
par le porteur."
262,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Rain Dance used
by the holder."
262,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of the move Rain Dance used
by the holder."
262,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが あまごいを
つかうと いつもより あめの
じかんが ながくなる。"
262,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이 비바라기를
쓰면 여느 때보다 비 내리는
시간이 길어진다."
262,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la durée de la capacité
Danse Pluie utilisée par le porteur."
262,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verlängert die Dauer
von Regentanz, wenn der Träger es einsetzt."
262,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Hielo. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
262,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Allunga la durata della mossa Pioggiadanza."
262,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It extends the duration of the move
Rain Dance when used by the holder."
262,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが あまごいを
使うと いつもより あめの
時間が 長くなる。"
263,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of multiturn attacks like
Bind and Wrap."
263,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that extends the
duration of multiturn attacks like
Bind and Wrap."
263,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of multiturn attacks like
Bind and Wrap."
263,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la durée des
attaques à tours multiples telles que
Ligotage et Étreinte."
263,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of multiturn attacks like
Bind and Wrap."
263,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that extends the
duration of multiturn attacks like
Bind and Wrap."
263,15,1,"もたせると しめつける まきつくなど
ダメージを あたえつづける わざの
ターンすうが ふえる。"
263,15,3,"지니게 하면 조이기나 김밥말이 등
데미지를 계속 주는 기술의
턴 수가 늘어난다."
263,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la durée des attaques
à tours multiples telles que Ligotage et Étreinte."
263,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verlängert die Dauer
von Klammergriff, Wickel etc."
263,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Lucha. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
263,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Prolunga gli attacchi multiturno come
Avvolgibotta e Legatutto."
263,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It extends the duration of multi-turn
attacks like Bind and Wrap."
263,15,11,"持たせると しめつける まきつくなど
ダメージを あたえつづける 技の
ターン数が 増える。"
264,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This scarf boosts Speed, but allows
the use of only one kind of move."
264,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This scarf boosts Speed, but allows
the use of only one kind of move."
264,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This scarf boosts Speed, but allows
the use of only one kind of move."
264,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la Vitesse,
mais ne permettant dutiliser quune
seule capacité par combat."
264,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This scarf boosts Speed, but allows
the use of only one of its moves."
264,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This scarf boosts Speed, but allows
the use of only one of its moves."
264,15,1,"ちょっと こだわった スカーフ。
もたせると すばやさは あがるが
おなじ わざしか だせなくなる。"
264,15,3,"기술을 구애받는 스카프.
지니게 하면 스피드는 올라가지만
같은 기술밖에 쓸 수 없다."
264,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la Vitesse, mais ne
permet dutiliser quune seule capacité par
264,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Der Schal erhöht
den Initiative-Wert, aber nur eine Attacke
ist einsetzbar."
264,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Veneno. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
264,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Stola che aumenta la Velocità, ma consente
luso di una sola mossa."
264,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This curious scarf boosts Speed
but only allows the use of one move."
264,15,11,"ちょっと こだわった スカーフ。
持たせると 素早さは あがるが
同じ 技しか だせなくなる。"
265,8,9,"A hold item that damages the holder on
every turn. It may latch on to foes
that touch the holder."
265,9,9,"A hold item that damages the holder on
every turn. It may latch on to foes
that touch the holder."
265,10,9,"A held item that damages the holder on
every turn. It may latch on to foes
that touch the holder."
265,11,5,"Objet à tenir blessant le porteur à
chaque tour. Peut saccrocher aux
ennemis qui attaquent le porteur."
265,11,9,"A held item that damages the holder on
every turn. It may latch on to foes and
allies that touch the holder."
265,14,9,"A held item that damages the holder on
every turn. It may latch on to foes and
allies that touch the holder."
265,15,1,"もたせると まいターン ダメージを
うける。 じぶんに ふれてきた
あいてに くっつくことも ある。"
265,15,3,"지니게 하면 매 턴 데미지를 입는다.
자신에게 접촉해온 상대에게
들러붙기도 한다."
265,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Blesse le porteur à chaque tour.
Peut saccrocher aux ennemis qui attaquent
le porteur."
265,15,6,"Schadet dem Träger in jeder Runde, kann aber
an Angreifern haften bleiben, die ihn berühren."
265,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Tierra. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
265,15,8,"Strumento che danneggia chi ce lha a ogni
turno. Può attaccarsi al nemico che lancia
un attacco fisico."
265,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It damages the holder every turn and may
latch on to Pokémon that touch the holder."
265,15,11,"持たせると 毎ターン ダメージを
受ける。 自分に ふれてきた
相手に くっつくことも ある。"
266,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Attack gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
266,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Attack gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
266,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Attack gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
266,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant lAttaque
lors des montées de niveau, mais
réduisant la Vitesse pendant le combat."
266,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Attack gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
266,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Attack gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
266,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの こうげきが
たかく そだちやすい。"
266,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 포켓몬의 공격을
올리면서 키우기가 쉽다."
266,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet à lAttaque de progresser
plus vite, mais réduit la Vitesse pendant le
266,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Erhöht bei Levelaufstieg
den Angriffs-Wert, senkt aber die Initiative."
266,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Volador. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
266,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Riduce la Velocità nella lotta ma permette ai punti
base dellAttacco di crescere più rapidamente."
266,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It reduces Speed but allows the holders
Attack stat to grow more after battling."
266,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの 攻撃が
高く 育ちやすい。"
267,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Defense gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
267,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Defense gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
267,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Defense gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
267,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la Défense
lors des montées de niveau, mais
réduisant la Vitesse pendant le combat."
267,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Defense gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
267,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Defense gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
267,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの ぼうぎょが
たかく そだちやすい。"
267,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 포켓몬의 방어를
올리면서 키우기가 쉽다."
267,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet à la Défense de progresser
plus vite, mais réduit la Vitesse pendant le
267,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Erhöht bei Levelaufstieg
den Verteidigungs-Wert, senkt aber die Initiative."
267,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Psíquico. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
267,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Riduce la Velocità nella lotta ma permette ai punti
base della Difesa di crescere più rapidamente."
267,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It reduces Speed but allows the holders
Defense stat to grow more after battling."
267,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの 防御が
高く 育ちやすい。"
268,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
268,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
268,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
268,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant lAttaque
Spéciale lors des montées de niveau mais
réduisant la Vitesse pendant le combat."
268,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
268,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
268,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの とくこうが
たかく そだちやすい。"
268,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 포켓몬의 특수공격을
올리면서 키우기가 쉽다."
268,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet à lAttaque Spéciale de
progresser plus vite, mais réduit la Vitesse
pendant le combat."
268,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Erhöht bei Levelaufstieg
den Spezial-Angriffs-Wert, senkt aber die
268,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Bicho. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
268,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon. Riduce la
Velocità nella lotta ma permette ai punti base
dellAttacco Speciale di crescere più rapidamente."
268,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It reduces Speed but allows the holders
Sp. Atk stat to grow more after battling."
268,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの 特攻が
高く 育ちやすい。"
269,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
269,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
269,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
269,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la Défense
Spéciale lors des montées de niveau mais
réduisant la Vitesse pendant le combat."
269,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
269,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
269,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの とくぼうが
たかく そだちやすい。"
269,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 포켓몬의 특수방어를
올리면서 키우기가 쉽다."
269,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet à la Défense Spéciale de
progresser plus vite, mais réduit la Vitesse
pendant le combat."
269,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Erhöht bei Levelaufstieg
den Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert, senkt aber
die Initiative."
269,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Roca. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
269,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon. Riduce la
Velocità nella lotta ma permette ai punti base
della Difesa Speciale di crescere più rapidamente."
269,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It reduces Speed but allows the holders
Sp. Def stat to grow more after battling."
269,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの 特防が
高く 育ちやすい。"
270,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Speed gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
270,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
Speed gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
270,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Speed gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
270,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Il augmente la Vitesse
lors des montées de niveau mais réduit
la Vitesse pendant le combat."
270,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Speed gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
270,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
Speed gain on leveling, but reduces
the Speed stat."
270,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの すばやさが
たかく そだちやすい。"
270,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 포켓몬의 스피드를
올리면서 키우기가 쉽다."
270,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet à la Vitesse de progresser
plus vite, mais la réduit pendant le combat."
270,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Erhöht bei Levelaufstieg
den Initiative-Wert, senkt aber die Initiative
270,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Fantasma. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
270,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Riduce la Velocità nella lotta ma permette ai punti
base della Velocità di crescere più rapidamente."
270,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It reduces Speed but allows the holders
Speed stat to grow more after battling."
270,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの 素早さが
高く 育ちやすい。"
271,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
HP gain on leveling, but reduces the
Speed stat."
271,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that promotes
HP gain on leveling, but reduces the
Speed stat."
271,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
HP gain on leveling, but reduces the
Speed stat."
271,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant les PV lors
des montées de niveau, mais réduisant
la Vitesse pendant le combat."
271,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
HP gain on leveling, but reduces the
Speed stat."
271,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that promotes
HP gain on leveling, but reduces the
Speed stat."
271,15,1,"もたせると すばやさが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの HPが
たかく そだちやすい。"
271,15,3,"지니게 하면 스피드는 떨어지지만
여느 때보다 포켓몬의 HP를
올리면서 키우기가 쉽다."
271,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Permet aux PV max de progresser
plus vite, mais réduit la Vitesse pendant le
271,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Erhöht bei Levelaufstieg
die maximalen KP, senkt aber die Initiative."
271,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Dragón. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
271,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Riduce la Velocità nella lotta ma permette ai punti
base dei PS di crescere più rapidamente."
271,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It reduces Speed but allows the holders
maximum HP to grow more after battling."
271,15,11,"持たせると 素早さが さがるが
ふつうよりも ポケモンの HPが
高く 育ちやすい。"
272,8,9,"A tough, discarded carapace to be held
by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to
switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle."
272,9,9,"A tough, discarded carapace to be held
by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to
switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle."
272,10,9,"A tough, discarded carapace to be held
by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to
switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle."
272,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Carapace dure qui permet
au porteur de se retirer même sil est
affecté par une attaque immobilisante."
272,11,9,"A tough, discarded carapace to be held
by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to
switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle."
272,14,9,"A tough, discarded carapace to be held
by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to
switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle."
272,15,1,"じょうぶで かたい ぬけがら。
もたせた ポケモンは ひかえの
ポケモンと かならず いれかわれる。"
272,15,3,"튼튼하고 단단한 허물.
지니게 한 포켓몬은 교대
포켓몬과 반드시 교체할 수 있다."
272,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une carapace dure qui permet au
porteur de se retirer même sil est affecté par
une attaque immobilisante."
272,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieser harte Panzer
ermöglicht den Austausch des Trägers gegen
ein wartendes Pokémon."
272,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Siniestro. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
272,15,8,"Un Pokémon con questo robusto guscio può
sfuggire al nemico anche se questi ha usato
mosse o abilità intrappolanti."
272,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This discarded carapace enables the
holder to switch out of battle without fail."
272,15,11,"丈夫で 硬い ぬけがら。
持たせた ポケモンは 控えの
ポケモンと 必ず いれかわれる。"
273,8,9,"A Pokémon hold item that boosts the
power of HP-stealing moves to let the
holder recover more HP."
273,9,9,"A Pokémon hold item that boosts the
power of HP-stealing moves to let the
holder recover more HP."
273,10,9,"A Pokémon held item that boosts the
power of HP-stealing moves to let the
holder recover more HP."
273,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la puissance
des attaques volant des PV."
273,11,9,"A Pokémon held item that boosts the
power of HP-stealing moves to let the
holder recover more HP."
273,14,9,"A Pokémon held item that boosts the
power of HP-stealing moves to let the
holder recover more HP."
273,15,1,"もたせると HPを すいとる わざで
いつもより おおく じぶんの HPを
273,15,3,"지니게 하면 HP 흡수 기술을 썼을 때
여느 때보다 많은 HP를
자신이 회복할 수 있다."
273,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la puissance
des attaques volant des PV."
273,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen.
Verstärkt KP-stehlende Attacken."
273,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Acero. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
273,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Potenzia le mosse ruba-PS facendo recuperare
un maggior numero di PS."
273,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts the power of HP-stealing
moves so the holder recovers more HP."
273,15,11,"持たせると HPを 吸いとる 技で
いつもより おおく 自分の HPを
274,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. These
distinctive glasses boost Sp. Atk, but
allow only one kind of move to be used."
274,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. These
distinctive glasses boost Sp. Atk, but
allow only one kind of move to be used."
274,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. These
distinctive glasses boost Sp. Atk, but
allow only one kind of move to be used."
274,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant lAttaque
Spéciale, mais ne permettant dutiliser
quune seule capacité par combat."
274,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. These
distinctive glasses boost Sp. Atk but
allow the use of only one of its moves."
274,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. These
distinctive glasses boost Sp. Atk but
allow the use of only one of its moves."
274,15,1,"ちょっと こだわった メガネ。
もたせると とくこうは あがるが
おなじ わざしか だせなくなる。"
274,15,3,"기술을 구애받는 안경.
지니게 하면 특수공격이 올라가지만
같은 기술밖에 쓸 수 없다."
274,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente lAttaque Spéciale,
mais ne permet dutiliser quune seule capacité
par combat."
274,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Die Brille erhöht den
Spezial-Angriff, aber nur eine Attacke
ist einsetzbar."
274,15,7,"Incienso de exótico aroma que fortalece los
movimientos de tipo Psíquico. Debe llevarlo un
274,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Questi occhiali aumentano lAttacco Speciale,
ma permettono luso di una sola mossa."
274,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
These curious glasses boost Sp. Atk
but only allow the use of one move."
274,15,11,"ちょっと こだわった メガネ。
持たせると 特攻は あがるが
同じ 技しか だせなくなる。"
275,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fire-type moves."
275,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fire-type moves."
275,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fire-type moves."
275,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Feu."
275,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fire-type moves."
275,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fire-type moves."
275,15,1,"ほのおの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると ほのおタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
275,15,3,"불꽃타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 불꽃타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
275,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Feu."
275,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Feuer."
275,15,7,"Incienso de exótico aroma que fortalece los
movimientos de tipo Roca. Debe llevarlo un
275,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Fuoco."
275,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fire-type moves."
275,15,11,"ほのおの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると ほのおタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
276,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Water-type moves."
276,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Water-type moves."
276,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Water-type moves."
276,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Eau."
276,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Water-type moves."
276,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Water-type moves."
276,15,1,"みずの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると みずタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
276,15,3,"물타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 물타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
276,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Eau."
276,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Wasser."
276,15,7,"Incienso de exótico aroma que hace que el
Pokémon que lo lleve esté aturdido y se mueva
más despacio."
276,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Acqua."
276,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Water-type moves."
276,15,11,"みずの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると みずタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
277,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Electric-type moves."
277,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Electric-type moves."
277,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Electric-type moves."
277,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Électrik."
277,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Electric-type moves."
277,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Electric-type moves."
277,15,1,"でんきの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると でんきタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
277,15,3,"전기타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 전기타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
277,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Électrik."
277,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Elektro."
277,15,7,"Tiene un curioso aroma que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Agua. Debe llevarlo un
277,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Elettro."
277,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Electric-type moves."
277,15,11,"でんきの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると でんきタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
278,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Grass-type moves."
278,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Grass-type moves."
278,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Grass-type moves."
278,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Plante."
278,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Grass-type moves."
278,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Grass-type moves."
278,15,1,"くさの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると くさタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
278,15,3,"풀타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 풀타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
278,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Plante."
278,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Pflanze."
278,15,7,"Incienso de exótico aroma que fortalece los
movimientos de tipo Planta. Debe llevarlo un
278,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Erba."
278,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Grass-type moves."
278,15,11,"くさの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると くさタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
279,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ice-type moves."
279,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ice-type moves."
279,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ice-type moves."
279,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Glace."
279,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ice-type moves."
279,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ice-type moves."
279,15,1,"こおりの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると こおりタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
279,15,3,"얼음타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 얼음타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
279,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Glace."
279,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Eis."
279,15,7,"Si el Pokémon que lo lleva lucha en un combate,
duplica las ganancias."
279,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Ghiaccio."
279,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ice-type moves."
279,15,11,"こおりの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると こおりタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
280,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fighting-type moves."
280,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fighting-type moves."
280,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fighting-type moves."
280,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Combat."
280,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fighting-type moves."
280,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fighting-type moves."
280,15,1,"かくとうの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると かくとうタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
280,15,3,"격투타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 격투타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
280,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Combat."
280,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Kampf."
280,15,7,"Si lo lleva el primer Pokémon del equipo, se
reduce la probabilidad de que se acerquen
Pokémon salvajes."
280,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Lotta."
280,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fighting-type moves."
280,15,11,"かくとうの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると かくとうタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
281,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Poison-type moves."
281,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Poison-type moves."
281,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Poison-type moves."
281,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Poison."
281,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Poison-type moves."
281,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Poison-type moves."
281,15,1,"どくの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると どくタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
281,15,3,"독타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 독타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
281,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Poison."
281,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Gift."
281,15,7,"Dispositivo de protección muy pesado. Cierto
Pokémon lo adora."
281,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Veleno."
281,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Poison-type moves."
281,15,11,"どくの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると どくタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
282,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ground-type moves."
282,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ground-type moves."
282,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ground-type moves."
282,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Sol."
282,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ground-type moves."
282,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ground-type moves."
282,15,1,"じめんの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると じめんタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
282,15,3,"땅타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 땅타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
282,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Sol."
282,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Boden."
282,15,7,"Este dispositivo contiene una gran cantidad de
energía eléctrica. Cierto Pokémon lo adora."
282,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Terra."
282,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ground-type moves."
282,15,11,"じめんの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると じめんタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
283,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Flying-type moves."
283,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Flying-type moves."
283,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Flying-type moves."
283,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Vol."
283,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Flying-type moves."
283,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Flying-type moves."
283,15,1,"ひこうの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると ひこうタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
283,15,3,"비행타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 비행타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
283,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Vol."
283,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Flug."
283,15,7,"Esta caja contiene una enorme cantidad de
energía magmática. Cierto Pokémon lo adora."
283,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Volante."
283,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Flying-type moves."
283,15,11,"ひこうの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると ひこうタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
284,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Psychic-type moves."
284,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Psychic-type moves."
284,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Psychic-type moves."
284,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Psy."
284,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Psychic-type moves."
284,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Psychic-type moves."
284,15,1,"エスパーの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると エスパータイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
284,15,3,"에스퍼타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 에스퍼타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
284,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Psy."
284,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Psycho."
284,15,7,"Dispositivo transparente que contiene datos
misteriosos. Es de fabricante desconocido."
284,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Psico."
284,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Psychic-type moves."
284,15,11,"エスパーの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると エスパータイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
285,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Bug-type moves."
285,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Bug-type moves."
285,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Bug-type moves."
285,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Insecte."
285,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Bug-type moves."
285,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Bug-type moves."
285,15,1,"むしの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると むしタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
285,15,3,"벌레타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 벌레타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
285,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Insecte."
285,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Käfer."
285,15,7,"Tela imbuida de una energía espiritual muy
potente. Cierto Pokémon la adora."
285,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Coleottero."
285,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Bug-type moves."
285,15,11,"むしの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると むしタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
286,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Rock-type moves."
286,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Rock-type moves."
286,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Rock-type moves."
286,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Roche."
286,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Rock-type moves."
286,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Rock-type moves."
286,15,1,"いわの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると いわタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
286,15,3,"바위타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 바위타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
286,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Roche."
286,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Gestein."
286,15,7,"Aumenta la probabilidad de que el Pokémon que
la lleve consiga un golpe crítico."
286,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Roccia."
286,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Rock-type moves."
286,15,11,"いわの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると いわタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
287,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ghost-type moves."
287,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ghost-type moves."
287,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ghost-type moves."
287,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Spectre."
287,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ghost-type moves."
287,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ghost-type moves."
287,15,1,"ゴーストの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると ゴーストタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
287,15,3,"고스트타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 고스트타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
287,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Spectre."
287,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Geist."
287,15,7,"Si lo lleva un Pokémon cuando inflige daño a
otro, puede hacer retroceder a este último."
287,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Spettro."
287,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Ghost-type moves."
287,15,11,"ゴーストの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると ゴーストタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
288,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dragon-type moves."
288,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dragon-type moves."
288,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dragon-type moves."
288,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Dragon."
288,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dragon-type moves."
288,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dragon-type moves."
288,15,1,"ドラゴンの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると ドラゴンタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
288,15,3,"드래곤타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 드래곤타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
288,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Dragon."
288,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Drache."
288,15,7,"Lima y afila las garras. Aumenta el Ataque y la
288,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Drago."
288,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dragon-type moves."
288,15,11,"ドラゴンの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると ドラゴンタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
289,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dark-type moves."
289,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dark-type moves."
289,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dark-type moves."
289,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Ténèbres."
289,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dark-type moves."
289,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dark-type moves."
289,15,1,"あくの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると あくタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
289,15,3,"악타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 악타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
289,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Ténèbres."
289,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Unlicht."
289,15,7,"Engancha y araña al objetivo con unas potentes
y enormes garras afiladas."
289,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Buio."
289,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Dark-type moves."
289,15,11,"あくの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると あくタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
290,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Steel-type moves."
290,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Steel-type moves."
290,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Steel-type moves."
290,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Tablette en pierre
augmentant la puissance des capacités
de type Acier."
290,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Steel-type moves."
290,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Steel-type moves."
290,15,1,"はがねの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると はがねタイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
290,15,3,"강철타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 강철타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
290,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Acier."
290,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Stahl."
290,15,7,"Crea una onda psíquica que causa daño físico al
290,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Acciaio."
290,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Its a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Steel-type moves."
290,15,11,"はがねの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると はがねタイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
291,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Psychic-type moves."
291,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Psychic-type moves."
291,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Psychic-type moves."
291,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Encens au parfum
exotique augmentant la puissance
des capacités de type Psy."
291,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Psychic-type moves."
291,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Psychic-type moves."
291,15,1,"ふしぎな かおりの おこう。
もたせると エスパータイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
291,15,3,"이상한 향기의 향로.
지니게 하면 에스퍼타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
291,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un encens au parfum exotique
augmentant la puissance des capacités de
type Psy."
291,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieses exotische Duftkraut
verstärkt Attacken vom Typ Psycho."
291,15,7,"Quien lo usa concentra su energía mental y calma
su espíritu para aumentar su Ataque Especial y su
Defensa Especial."
291,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Incenso dal profumo esotico che potenzia
le mosse di tipo Psico."
291,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This exotic-smelling incense boosts
the power of Psychic-type moves."
291,15,11,"不思議な 香りの 御香。
持たせると エスパータイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
292,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
292,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
292,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
292,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Encens au parfum
exotique augmentant la puissance
des capacités de type Roche."
292,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
292,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
292,15,1,"ふしぎな かおりの おこう。
もたせると いわタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
292,15,3,"이상한 향기의 향로.
지니게 하면 바위타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
292,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un encens au parfum exotique
augmentant la puissance des capacités de
type Roche."
292,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieses exotische Duftkraut
verstärkt Attacken vom Typ Gestein."
292,15,7,"Asusta tanto al objetivo que tiene que cambiarse
por otro de su grupo. Si es un Pokémon salvaje,
el combate acaba."
292,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Incenso dal profumo esotico che potenzia
le mosse di tipo Roccia."
292,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This exotic-smelling incense boosts
the power of Rock-type moves."
292,15,11,"不思議な 香りの 御香。
持たせると いわタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
293,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that makes
the holder bloated and slow moving."
293,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that makes
the holder bloated and slow moving."
293,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that makes
the holder bloated and slow moving."
293,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Encens au parfum
exotique gonflant son porteur et
le faisant se déplacer lentement."
293,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that makes
the holder bloated and slow moving."
293,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that makes
the holder bloated and slow moving."
293,15,1,"ふしぎな かおりの おこう。
もたせた ポケモンは いつもより
こうどうが おそくなる。"
293,15,3,"이상한 향기의 향로.
지니게 한 포켓몬은 여느 때보다
행동이 느려진다."
293,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un encens au parfum exotique
qui fait enfler son porteur et le fait se déplacer
293,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieses exotische Duftkraut
macht den Träger benommen und langsam."
293,15,7,"Un movimiento altamente tóxico que envenena
gravemente al objetivo y causa un daño mayor
en cada turno."
293,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Incenso dal profumo esotico che rende gonfi
e lenti."
293,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This exotic-smelling incense makes
the holder bloated and slow moving."
293,15,11,"不思議な 香りの 御香。
持たせた ポケモンは いつもより
行動が 遅くなる。"
294,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Water-type moves."
294,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Water-type moves."
294,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Water-type moves."
294,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Encens au parfum
exotique augmentant la puissance
des capacités de type Eau."
294,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
294,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
incense with a curious aroma that
boosts the power of Water-type moves."
294,15,1,"ふしぎな かおりの おこう。
もたせると みずタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
294,15,3,"이상한 향기의 향로.
지니게 하면 물타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
294,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un encens au parfum curieux
augmentant la puissance des capacités de
type Eau."
294,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Sein ausgefallenes Aroma
verstärkt Attacken vom Typ Wasser."
294,15,7,"Invoca una tormenta de granizo que dura cinco
turnos y daña a todos los Pokémon excepto a los
de tipo Hielo."
294,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Incenso dal curioso aroma che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Acqua."
294,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This exotic-smelling incense boosts
the power of Water-type moves."
294,15,11,"不思議な 香りの 御香。
持たせると みずタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
295,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Grass-type moves."
295,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Grass-type moves."
295,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Grass-type moves."
295,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Encens au parfum
exotique augmentant la puissance
des capacités de type Plante."
295,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Grass-type moves."
295,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon. It is
an exotic-smelling incense that boosts
the power of Grass-type moves."
295,15,1,"ふしぎな かおりの おこう。
もたせると くさタイプの
わざの いりょくが あがる。"
295,15,3,"이상한 향기의 향로.
지니게 하면 풀타입
기술의 위력이 올라간다."
295,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un encens au parfum exotique
augmentant la puissance des capacités de
type Plante."
295,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Dieses exotische Duftkraut
verstärkt Attacken vom Typ Pflanze."
295,15,7,"Tensa los músculos de quien lo usa y potencia
su Ataque y su Defensa."
295,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Incenso dal profumo esotico che potenzia
le mosse di tipo Erba."
295,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This exotic-smelling incense boosts
the power of Grass-type moves."
295,15,11,"不思議な 香りの 御香。
持たせると くさタイプの
技の 威力が あがる。"
296,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
296,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
296,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
296,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Double largent gagné
si le porteur se joint au combat."
296,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
296,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles a battles prize money if
the holding Pokémon joins in."
296,15,1,"もたせた ポケモンが いちどでも
せんとうに かおを だすと
おかねが 2ばい もらえる。"
296,15,3,"지니게 한 포켓몬이
한 번이라도 배틀에 나가면
돈을 2배로 받을 수 있다."
296,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Double largent gagné si le porteur
se joint au combat."
296,15,6,"Ein Item, das ein Pokémon trägt und das
doppeltes Preisgeld bringt, wenn der Träger
am Kampf teilnimmt."
296,15,7,"Un líquido venenoso que cubre al objetivo y
provoca un daño doble si este ya estaba
296,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha partecipa alla lotta,
i guadagni raddoppiano."
296,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It doubles any prize money received
if the holding Pokémon joins a battle."
296,15,11,"持たせた ポケモンが 1度でも
戦闘に 顔を だすと
お金が 2倍 もらえる。"
297,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
297,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
297,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
297,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Aide à repousser les
Pokémon sauvages si le porteur est
le premier Pokémon de léquipe."
297,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
297,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the
holder is the first one in the party."
297,15,1,"いちばん まえの ポケモンに
もたせると やせいポケモンが
でて きにくくなる。"
297,15,3,"맨 앞의 포켓몬에게
지니게 하면 야생 포켓몬이
나타날 확률이 낮아진다."
297,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Aide à repousser les Pokémon
sauvages si le porteur est le premier Pokémon
de léquipe."
297,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Reduziert Begegnungen
mit wilden Pokémon, wenn der Träger an
erster Stelle steht."
297,15,7,"Movimiento especial que cambia de tipo
dependiendo del Pokémon que lo use."
297,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha è il primo della squadra, aiuta
ad allontanare i Pokémon selvatici."
297,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It helps keep wild Pokémon away if
the holder is the head of the party."
297,15,11,"1番 前の ポケモンに
持たせると 野生ポケモンが
でて きにくくなる。"
298,8,9,"A protective item of some sort.
It is extremely stiff and heavy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
298,9,9,"A protective item of some sort.
It is extremely stiff and heavy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
298,10,9,"A protective item of some sort.
It is extremely stiff and heavy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
298,11,5,"Objet protecteur très dur et très
lourd, apprécié dun certain Pokémon."
298,11,9,"A protective item of some sort.
It is extremely stiff and heavy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
298,14,9,"A protective item of some sort.
It is extremely stiff and heavy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
298,15,1,"なにかの プロテクター。
とても かたくて おもい。
ある ポケモンが このんでいる。"
298,15,3,"무언가의 프로텍터.
매우 단단하고 무겁다.
어떤 포켓몬이 좋아하는 물건이다."
298,15,5,"Un objet protecteur très dur et très lourd,
apprécié dun certain Pokémon."
298,15,6,"Ein schützendes Item. Steif und schwer.
Das Lieblingsstück eines bestimmten Pokémon."
298,15,7,"Quien lo usa intensifica el efecto del sol durante
cinco turnos, lo que potencia los movimientos de
tipo Fuego."
298,15,8,"Strumento protettivo, molto duro e pesante,
prediletto da un Pokémon in particolare."
298,15,9,"A protective item of some sort.
It is extremely stiff and heavy.
Its loved by a certain Pokémon."
298,15,11,"なにかの プロテクター。
とても 硬くて 重い。
ある ポケモンが 好んでいる。"
299,8,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of electric energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
299,9,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of electric energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
299,10,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of electric energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
299,11,5,"Une boîte remplie dune énorme quantité
dénergie électrique. Appréciée dun
certain Pokémon."
299,11,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of electric energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
299,14,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of electric energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
299,15,1,"とてつもない でんきの エネルギーが
たくわえられている はこ。
ある ポケモンが このんでいる。"
299,15,3,"엄청난 전기의 에너지가
비축되어 있는 상자.
어떤 포켓몬이 좋아하는 물건이다."
299,15,5,"Une boîte remplie dune énorme quantité
dénergie électrique. Appréciée dun certain
299,15,6,"Eine Schachtel mit elektrischer Energie.
Das Lieblingsstück eines bestimmten Pokémon."
299,15,7,"Provoca un ataque de ira en el objetivo que solo
le permite usar movimientos de ataque durante
tres turnos."
299,15,8,"Scatola strapiena di energia elettrica.
Piace a un Pokémon in particolare."
299,15,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of electric energy.
Its loved by a certain Pokémon."
299,15,11,"とてつもない 電気の エネルギーが
蓄えられている 箱。
ある ポケモンが 好んでいる。"
300,8,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of magma energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
300,9,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of magma energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
300,10,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of magma energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
300,11,5,"Une boîte remplie dune énorme quantité
dénergie magmatique. Appréciée dun
certain Pokémon."
300,11,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of magma energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
300,14,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of magma energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
300,15,1,"とてつもない マグマの エネルギーが
たくわえられている はこ。
ある ポケモンが このんでいる。"
300,15,3,"엄청난 마그마의 에너지가
비축되어 있는 상자.
어떤 포켓몬이 좋아하는 물건이다."
300,15,5,"Une boîte remplie dune énorme quantité
dénergie magmatique. Appréciée dun certain
300,15,6,"Eine Schachtel mit Magmaenergie.
Das Lieblingsstück eines bestimmten Pokémon."
300,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con un rayo de hielo que puede
llegar a congelarlo."
300,15,8,"Scatola strapiena di energia lavica.
Piace a un Pokémon in particolare."
300,15,9,"A box packed with a tremendous
amount of magma energy.
Its loved by a certain Pokémon."
300,15,11,"とてつもない マグマの エネルギーが
蓄えられている 箱。
ある ポケモンが 好んでいる。"
301,8,9,"A transparent device overflowing with
dubious data.
Its producer is unknown."
301,9,9,"A transparent device overflowing with
dubious data.
Its producer is unknown."
301,10,9,"A transparent device overflowing with
dubious data.
Its producer is unknown."
301,11,5,"Appareil transparent rempli de données
douteuses. Son fabricant nest pas
301,11,9,"A transparent device overflowing with
dubious data.
Its producer is unknown."
301,14,9,"A transparent device overflowing with
dubious data.
Its producer is unknown."
301,15,1,"なかに あやしい じょうほうが
つまった とうめいな きかい。
せいさくしゃは ふめい。"
301,15,3,"안에 괴상한 정보가
가득한 투명한 기계다.
제작자 불명."
301,15,5,"Un appareil transparent rempli de données
douteuses. Son fabricant nest pas connu."
301,15,6,"Eine Scheibe mit seltsamen Daten. Ihr Ursprung
ist unbekannt."
301,15,7,"Invoca una tormenta de viento y nieve que
envuelve al objetivo y puede llegar a congelarlo."
301,15,8,"Dispositivo trasparente strapieno di dati di dubbia
origine. Non se ne conosce il produttore."
301,15,9,"A transparent device
overflowing with dubious data.
Its producer is unknown."
301,15,11,"なかに 怪しい 情報が
つまった 透明な 機械。
製作者は 不明。"
302,8,9,"A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong
spiritual energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
302,9,9,"A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong
spiritual energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
302,10,9,"A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong
spiritual energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
302,11,5,"Un tissu imprégné dune énergie
spirituelle horriblement puissante.
Apprécié dun certain Pokémon."
302,11,9,"A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong
spiritual energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
302,14,9,"A cloth imbued with horrifyingly strong
spiritual energy.
It is loved by a certain Pokémon."
302,15,1,"おそろしく つよい れいりょくが
こめられている ぬの。
ある ポケモンが このんでいる。"
302,15,3,"무섭고 강한 영력이
담겨 있는 천.
어떤 포켓몬이 좋아하는 물건이다."
302,15,5,"Un tissu imprégné dune énergie spirituelle
horriblement puissante. Apprécié dun certain
302,15,6,"Ein Stoffumhang mit geistiger Energie.
Das Lieblingsstück eines bestimmten Pokémon."
302,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con un potente rayo, pero quien
lo usa debe descansar en el siguiente turno para
reponer energía."
302,15,8,"Panno intriso di unenergia spirituale terribilmente
forte. Piace a un Pokémon in particolare."
302,15,9,"A cloth imbued with horrifyingly
strong spiritual energy.
Its loved by a certain Pokémon."
302,15,11,"おそろしく 強い 霊力が
こめられている 布。
ある ポケモンが 好んでいる。"
303,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sharply hooked claw that ups
the holders critical-hit ratio."
303,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sharply hooked claw that ups
the holders critical-hit ratio."
303,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sharply hooked claw that ups
the holders critical-hit ratio."
303,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Griffe crochue
et pointue augmentant le taux
de critiques."
303,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sharply hooked claw that ups
the holders critical-hit ratio."
303,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a sharply hooked claw that ups
the holders critical-hit ratio."
303,15,1,"するどく とがった ツメ。
もたせると わざが きゅうしょに
303,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 손톱.
지니게 하면 기술이
급소에 맞기 쉬워진다."
303,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une griffe crochue et pointue
augmentant le taux de critiques."
303,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Die scharfe Klaue erhöht die
Volltrefferquote des Trägers."
303,15,7,"Impresionante pared de luz que reduce el daño
de los ataques especiales durante cinco turnos."
303,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Artiglio che aumenta la probabilità di sferrare
brutti colpi."
303,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This sharply hooked claw increases
the holders critical-hit ratio."
303,15,11,"鋭く とがった ツメ。
持たせると 技が 急所に
304,8,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may cause the foe to flinch when
the holder inflicts damage."
304,9,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may cause the foe to flinch when
the holder inflicts damage."
304,10,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may cause the foe to flinch when
the holder inflicts damage."
304,11,5,"Objet à tenir pouvant apeurer lennemi
quand le porteur lui inflige des dégâts."
304,11,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may make foes and allies flinch
when the holder inflicts damage."
304,14,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It may make foes and allies flinch
when the holder inflicts damage."
304,15,1,"するどく とがった キバ。
もたせると ダメージを あたえたとき
ひるませることが ある。"
304,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족한 이빨.
지니게 하면 데미지를 줬을 때
풀죽게 하기도 한다."
304,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Peut apeurer lennemi quand
le porteur lui inflige des dégâts."
304,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Verursacht der Träger
Schaden, schreckt das Ziel eventuell zurück."
304,15,7,"Bloquea todos los ataques. Puede fallar si se usa
304,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Chi ce lha può far tentennare il nemico colpito."
304,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
When the holder successfully inflicts
damage, the target may also flinch."
304,15,11,"鋭く とがった キバ。
持たせると ダメージを 与えたとき
ひるませることが ある。"
305,5,9,"Powerful, but makes
the user flinch if
hit by the foe."
305,6,9,"Powerful, but makes
the user flinch if
hit by the foe."
305,7,9,"An attack that is
executed last.
The user flinches
if hit beforehand."
305,8,9,"The user focuses its mind before
launching this attack. It will fail if
the user is hit before it is used."
305,9,9,"The user focuses its mind before
launching this attack. It will fail if
the user is hit before it is used."
305,10,9,"The user focuses its mind before
launching this attack. It will fail if
the user is hit before it is used."
305,11,5,"Le lanceur saiguise les griffes.
Augmente lAttaque et la Précision."
305,11,9,"The user sharpens its claws to
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
305,14,9,"The user sharpens its claws to
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
305,15,1,"つめを みがいて するどく する。
じぶんの こうげきと
めいちゅうりつを あげる。"
305,15,3,"손톱을 갈아 날카롭게 만든다.
자신의 공격과
명중률을 올린다."
305,15,5,"Le lanceur saiguise les griffes.
Augmente lAttaque et la Précision."
305,15,6,"Der Anwender wetzt seine Klauen, um sie zu
schärfen. Angriff und Genauigkeit werden erhöht."
305,15,7,"Quien lo usa invoca una fuerte lluvia que dura
cinco turnos y fortalece los movimientos de tipo
305,15,8,"Chi la usa affila i propri artigli, aumentando
Attacco e precisione."
305,15,9,"The user sharpens its claws to
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
305,15,11,"つめを 磨いて 鋭く する。
自分の 攻撃と
命中率を あげる。"
306,5,9,"Hooks and slashes
the foe with long,
sharp claws."
306,6,9,"Hooks and slashes
the foe with long,
sharp claws."
306,7,9,"Sharp, huge claws
hook and slash the
foe quickly and
with great power."
306,8,9,"Sharp, huge claws hook and slash
the foe quickly and with great
306,9,9,"Sharp, huge claws hook and slash
the foe quickly and with great
306,10,9,"Sharp, huge claws hook and slash
the foe quickly and with great
306,11,5,"Le lanceur lacère lennemi de ses
grandes griffes aiguisées."
306,11,9,"The user slashes the target with huge,
sharp claws."
306,14,9,"The user slashes the target with huge,
sharp claws."
306,15,1,"するどく とがった きょだいな
ツメで ひっかいて こうげきする。
306,15,3,"날카롭고 뾰족하며 거대한 발톱으로
상대를 베어 갈라서 공격한다."
306,15,5,"Le lanceur lacère lennemi de ses grandes
griffes aiguisées."
306,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit langen, scharfen Krallen
brutal attackiert."
306,15,7,"Aterriza sobre la superficie para descansar.
Recupera hasta la mitad del total de sus PS."
306,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con artigli affilati che graffiano
il nemico rapidamente e con grande forza."
306,15,9,"The user slashes the target with huge,
sharp claws."
306,15,11,"鋭く とがった 巨大な ツメで
相手を 切り裂いて 攻撃する。
307,5,9,"Generates an
ultrasonic wave
that may confuse."
307,6,9,"Generates an
ultrasonic wave
that may confuse."
307,7,9,"An attack with a
pulsing blast of
water. It may also
confuse the foe."
307,8,9,"The foe is hit with a pulsing blast
of water. It may also confuse the
307,9,9,"The foe is hit with a pulsing blast
of water. It may also confuse the
307,10,9,"The foe is hit with a pulsing blast
of water. It may also confuse the
307,11,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes
mystérieuses quil projette sur
lennemi. Inflige des dégâts physiques."
307,11,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
307,14,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
307,15,1,"ふしぎな ねんぱを じったいかして
あいてを こうげきする。
ぶつりてきな ダメージを あたえる。"
307,15,3,"이상한 염력파를 실체화하여
상대를 공격한다.
물리적인 데미지를 준다."
307,15,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes mystérieuses
quil projette sur lennemi. Inflige des dégâts
307,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt eine seltsame Energiewelle,
die dem Ziel physischen Schaden zufügt."
307,15,7,"Un escudo que protege de problemas de estado,
como el sueño o la parálisis, durante cinco
307,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio facendo
materializzare un misterioso raggio psichico
che provoca danni fisici."
307,15,9,"The user materializes an odd
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
307,15,11,"不思議な 念波を 実体化して
相手を 攻撃する。
物理的な ダメージを 与える。"
308,5,9,"Raises SP. ATK and
SP. DEF by focusing
the mind."
308,6,9,"Raises SP. ATK and
SP. DEF by focusing
the mind."
308,7,9,"The user focuses
its mind to raise
the SP. ATK and
SP. DEF stats."
308,8,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk
and Sp. Def stats."
308,9,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk
and Sp. Def stats."
308,10,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk
and Sp. Def stats."
308,11,5,"Le lanceur se concentre et fait le vide
dans son esprit pour monter son
Atq. Spé. et sa Déf. Spé."
308,11,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk
and Sp. Def stats."
308,14,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk
and Sp. Def stats."
308,15,1,"しずかに せいしんを とういつして
こころを しずめることで じぶんの
とくこうと とくぼうを あげる。"
308,15,3,"조용히 정신을 통일해서
마음을 가라앉혀 자신의
특수공격과 특수방어를 올린다."
308,15,5,"Le lanceur se concentre et fait le vide dans son
esprit pour augmenter son Attaque Spéciale et
sa Défense Spéciale."
308,15,6,"Der Anwender konzentriert und beruhigt sich.
So werden Spezial-Angriff und
Spezial-Verteidigung verstärkt."
308,15,7,"Un ataque de gran potencia que resulta más
fuerte cuanto menos le guste el Entrenador al
Pokémon que lo usa."
308,15,8,"Chi la usa, meditando, placa il proprio spirito
per aumentare lAttacco Speciale e
la Difesa Speciale."
308,15,9,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
308,15,11,"静かに 精神を 統一し
心を 鎮めることで 自分の
特攻と 特防を あげる。"
309,5,9,"A savage roar that
makes the foe flee
to end the battle."
309,6,9,"A savage roar that
makes the foe flee
to end the battle."
309,7,9,"The foe is made to
switch out with an
ally. In the wild,
the battle ends."
309,8,9,"The foe is scared off, to be replaced
by another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
309,9,9,"The foe is scared off, to be replaced
by another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
309,10,9,"The foe is scared off, to be replaced
by another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
309,11,5,"Effraie le Pokémon visé et le
remplace par un autre. Dans
la nature, met fin au combat."
309,11,9,"The target is scared off and replaced
by another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
309,14,9,"The target is scared off and replaced
by another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
309,15,1,"あいてを にがして ひかえポケモンを
ひきずりだす。 やせいポケモンなら
せんとうは おわる。"
309,15,3,"상대를 도망가게 해서
교대할 포켓몬을 끌어낸다.
야생의 경우에는 배틀이 끝난다."
309,15,5,"Effraie le Pokémon ennemi et le remplace par
un autre. Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
309,15,6,"Der Brüller schlägt das Ziel in die Flucht. Ein
Kampf gegen ein wildes Pokémon wird beendet."
309,15,7,"Ataque de dos turnos. En el primer turno se
concentra luz, y en el segundo se canaliza en
un rayo para atacar."
309,15,8,"Il bersaglio lascia il campo e viene sostituito.
Mette fine alle lotte contro singoli Pokémon
309,15,9,"The target is scared off and a different
Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild,
this ends a battle against a single Pokémon."
309,15,11,"相手を 逃がして
控えの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
野生の 場合は 戦闘が 終わる。"
310,5,9,"Poisons the foe
with a toxin that
gradually worsens."
310,6,9,"Poisons the foe
with a toxin that
gradually worsens."
310,7,9,"A move that badly
poisons the foe.
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
310,8,9,"A move that leaves the foe badly
poisoned. This poison damage
worsens every turn."
310,9,9,"A move that leaves the foe badly
poisoned. This poison damage
worsens every turn."
310,10,9,"A move that leaves the foe badly
poisoned. This poison damage
worsens every turn."
310,11,5,"Empoisonne gravement lennemi. Les
dégâts dus au poison augmentent à
chaque tour."
310,11,9,"A move that leaves the target badly
poisoned. Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
310,14,9,"A move that leaves the target badly
poisoned. Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
310,15,1,"もうどくの じょうたいに する。
ターンすうが すすむほど どくの
ダメージりょうは ふえる。"
310,15,3,"상대를 맹독의 상태로 만든다.
턴이 진행될수록
독의 데미지가 증가한다."
310,15,5,"Empoisonne gravement lennemi.
Les dégâts dus au poison augmentent à
chaque tour."
310,15,6,"Das Ziel wird schwer vergiftet. Der Schaden
durch das Gift wird in jeder Runde stärker."
310,15,7,"El usuario ataca lanzando una piedra o un
proyectil. Puede estrellar contra el suelo al
objetivo si vuela."
310,15,8,"Iperavvelena il nemico con una potente tossina.
Il danno peggiora a ogni turno."
310,15,9,"A move that leaves the target
badly poisoned. Its poison
damage worsens every turn."
310,15,11,"相手を 猛毒の 状態に する。
ターンが すすむほど
毒の ダメージが 増えていく。"
311,5,9,"Summons a hailstorm
that hurts all
types except ICE."
311,6,9,"Creates a hailstorm
that damages all
types except ICE."
311,7,9,"A hailstorm lasting
five turns damages
all POKéMON except
the ICE-type."
311,8,9,"Summons a hailstorm that lasts for
five turns. The hailstorm damages
all types except Ice."
311,9,9,"Summons a hailstorm that lasts for
five turns. The hailstorm damages
all types except Ice."
311,10,9,"Summons a hailstorm that lasts for
five turns. The hailstorm damages
all types except Ice."
311,11,5,"Invoque une tempête de grêle qui dure
5 tours. Ne blesse pas les Pokémon de
type Glace."
311,11,9,"Summons a hailstorm that lasts for
five turns. The hailstorm damages
all types except Ice."
311,14,9,"Summons a hailstorm that lasts for
five turns. The hailstorm damages
all types except Ice."
311,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あられを
ふらして こおりタイプ いがいの
ポケモンに ダメージを あたえる。"
311,15,3,"5턴 동안 싸라기눈을
내리게 해서 얼음타입 이외의
포켓몬에게 데미지를 준다."
311,15,5,"Invoque une tempête de grêle qui dure cinq
tours. Ne blesse pas les Pokémon de type
311,15,6,"Der verursachte Hagelsturm hält 5 Runden an
und schadet allen Pokémon, außer denen
vom Typ Eis."
311,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con una fuerte descarga
eléctrica que puede llegar a paralizar."
311,15,8,"Chi la usa causa una grandinata che dura
cinque turni. Danneggia tutti i Pokémon
tranne quelli di tipo Ghiaccio."
311,15,9,"The user summons a hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all Pokémon except the
Ice type."
311,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ あられを
降らして こおりタイプ 以外の
ポケモンに ダメージを 与える。"
312,5,9,"Bulks up the body
to boost both
312,6,9,"Bulks up the body
to boost both
312,7,9,"The user bulks up
its body to boost
both its ATTACK and
DEFENSE stats."
312,8,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
312,9,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
312,10,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
312,11,5,"Le lanceur tend ses muscles pour se
gonfler, ce qui booste son Attaque et
sa Défense."
312,11,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
312,14,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
312,15,1,"ちからを こめて きんにくを
ぶあつくする ことで じぶんの
こうげきと ぼうぎょを あげる。"
312,15,3,"몸에 힘을 담아
근육을 두껍게 해서
자신의 공격과 방어를 올린다."
312,15,5,"Le lanceur tend ses muscles pour se gonfler,
ce qui booste son Attaque et sa Défense."
312,15,6,"Der Anwender spannt seine Muskeln an
und steigert damit den Angriffs- und
den Verteidigungs-Wert."
312,15,7,"Ataca con un terrible rayo que puede paralizar al
312,15,8,"Chi la usa tende i muscoli per gonfiare il corpo,
aumentando Difesa e Attacco."
312,15,9,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
its body, raising both its Attack and
Defense stats."
312,15,11,"体に 力を こめて
筋肉を ぶあつく することで
自分の 攻撃と 防御を あげる。"
313,5,9,"Shoots 2 to 5 seeds
in a row to strike
the foe."
313,6,9,"Shoots 2 to 5 seeds
in a row to strike
the foe."
313,7,9,"The user shoots
seeds at the foe.
Two to five seeds
are shot at once."
313,8,9,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at
the foe. Two to five seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
313,9,9,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at
the foe. Two to five seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
313,10,9,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at
the foe. Two to five seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
313,11,5,"Le lanceur inocule un poison spécial
à lennemi. Leffet est doublé si
lennemi est déjà empoisonné."
313,11,9,"The user drenches the target in a
special poisonous liquid. Its power
is doubled if the target is poisoned."
313,14,9,"The user drenches the target in a
special poisonous liquid. Its power
is doubled if the target is poisoned."
313,15,1,"とくしゅな どくえきを あびせる。
どく じょうたいの あいてには
いりょくが 2ばいに なる。"
313,15,3,"특수한 독액을 날린다.
독 상태의 상대에게는
위력이 2배가 된다."
313,15,5,"Le lanceur inocule un poison spécial à lennemi.
Leffet est doublé si lennemi est déjà
313,15,6,"Überschüttet das Ziel mit einer speziellen
toxischen Flüssigkeit. Doppelt so stark gegen
bereits vergiftete Ziele."
313,15,7,"Quien lo usa genera un terremoto que afecta a
los Pokémon de alrededor en combate."
313,15,8,"Lancia uno speciale liquido tossico sul bersaglio.
Se questi è avvelenato, il danno provocato
313,15,9,"The user drenches the target in a special
poisonous liquid. This moves power is
doubled if the target is poisoned."
313,15,11,"特殊な 毒液を 浴びせかける。
毒状態の 相手には
威力が 2倍に なる。"
314,5,9,"The attack power
varies among
different POKéMON."
314,6,9,"The attack power
varies among
different POKéMON."
314,7,9,"An attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the user."
314,8,9,"A variable move that changes type
and power depending on the hidden
ability of the Pokémon using it."
314,9,9,"A variable move that changes type
and power depending on the hidden
ability of the Pokémon using it."
314,10,9,"A variable move that changes type
and power depending on the hidden
ability of the Pokémon using it."
314,11,5,"La puissance et le type de la
capacité dépendent de laptitude
cachée du lanceur."
314,11,9,"A unique attack that varies in type and
intensity depending on the Pokémon
using it."
314,14,9,"A unique attack that varies in type and
intensity depending on the Pokémon
using it."
314,15,1,"わざを つかった ポケモンに よって
わざの タイプが かわる。
314,15,3,"기술을 쓴 포켓몬에 따라
기술의 타입이 달라진다."
314,15,5,"Attaque dont le type dépend du Pokémon
qui lutilise."
314,15,6,"Der Typ dieser Attacke hängt vom jeweiligen
Pokémon ab, das sie einsetzt."
314,15,7,"Un ataque de gran potencia que resulta más
fuerte cuanto más le guste el Entrenador al
Pokémon que lo usa."
314,15,8,"Mossa singolare che cambia tipo a seconda
del Pokémon che la usa."
314,15,9,"A unique attack that varies in type
depending on the Pokémon using it."
314,15,11,"技を 使った ポケモンに よって
技の タイプが 変わる。
315,5,9,"Raises the power of
FIRE-type moves
for 5 turns."
315,6,9,"Raises the power of
FIRE-type moves
for 5 turns."
315,7,9,"The sun blazes for
five turns, powering
up FIRE-type
315,8,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up Fire-type
315,9,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up Fire-type
315,10,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up Fire-type
315,11,5,"Fait briller le soleil pendant 5 tours et
améliore les capacités de type Feu."
315,11,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up Fire-type
315,14,9,"The user intensifies the sun for
five turns, powering up Fire-type
315,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ひざしを
つよくして ほのおタイプの
わざの いりょくを あげる。"
315,15,3,"5턴 동안 햇살을 강하게 해서
불꽃타입 기술의 위력을 올린다."
315,15,5,"Fait briller le soleil pendant cinq tours, augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Feu."
315,15,6,"Die Sonne brennt unbarmherzig 5 Runden
lang. Dadurch werden Attacken vom
Typ Feuer verstärkt."
315,15,7,"Quien lo usa cava en el primer turno y ataca en
el segundo. También se puede usar para escapar
de lugares cerrados."
315,15,8,"Chi la usa intensifica i raggi solari per cinque
turni, potenziando le mosse di tipo Fuoco."
315,15,9,"The user intensifies the sun
for five turns, powering up
Fire-type moves."
315,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 日差しを
つよくして ほのおタイプの
技の 威力を あげる。"
316,5,9,"Enrages the foe so
it can only use
attack moves."
316,6,9,"Enrages the foe so
it can only use
attack moves."
316,7,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use
only attack moves."
316,8,9,"The foe is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves for
two to four turns."
316,9,9,"The foe is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves for
two to four turns."
316,10,9,"The foe is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves for
two to four turns."
316,11,5,"Provoque lennemi. Loblige à nutiliser
que des attaques pendant 3 tours."
316,11,9,"The target is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves
for three turns."
316,14,9,"The target is taunted into a rage that
allows it to use only attack moves
for three turns."
316,15,1,"あいてを おこらせる。3ターンの
あいだ あいては ダメージを
あたえる わざしか だせなくなる。"
316,15,3,"상대를 화나게 한다.
3턴 동안 상대는 데미지를
주는 기술밖에 쓸 수 없게 된다."
316,15,5,"Provoque lennemi. Loblige à nutiliser que des
attaques pendant trois tours."
316,15,6,"Das Ziel wird so gereizt, dass es über 3 Runden
hinweg nur Angriffsattacken einsetzt."
316,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con un potente ataque
telequinético que le puede bajar la Defensa
316,15,8,"Provoca il nemico inducendolo a usare solo
mosse dattacco per tre turni."
316,15,9,"The target is taunted into a rage
that allows it to use only attack
moves for three turns."
316,15,11,"相手を 怒らせる。3ターンの
あいだ 相手は ダメージを
与える 技しか だせなくなる。"
317,5,9,"Fires an icy cold
beam that may
freeze the foe."
317,6,9,"Fires an icy cold
beam that may
freeze the foe."
317,7,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy beam.
It may freeze the
foe solid."
317,8,9,"The foe is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy. It may also freeze
the target solid."
317,9,9,"The foe is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy. It may also freeze
the target solid."
317,10,9,"The foe is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy. It may also freeze
the target solid."
317,11,5,"Un rayon de glace frappe lennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
317,11,9,"The target is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze the target solid."
317,14,9,"The target is struck with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze the target solid."
317,15,1,"れいきの ビームを はっしゃして
こうげきする。 あいてを こおりの
じょうたいに することが ある。"
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
317,15,5,"Un rayon de glace frappe lennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
317,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von einem eiskalten Energiestrahl
getroffen. Dieser friert es eventuell ein."
317,15,7,"Lanza una bola oscura que puede bajar la
Defensa Especial del objetivo."
317,15,8,"Il nemico è colpito da un raggio di energia gelida
che può anche congelarlo."
317,15,9,"The target is struck with an icy-
cold beam of energy. This may
also leave the target frozen."
317,15,11,"凍える ビームを
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
こおり状態に することが ある。"
318,5,9,"A vicious snow-and-
wind attack that
may freeze the foe."
318,6,9,"A brutal snow-and-
wind attack that
may freeze the foe."
318,7,9,"The foe is blasted
with a blizzard.
It may freeze the
foe solid."
318,8,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to
strike the foe. It may also freeze
the target solid."
318,9,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to
strike the foe. It may also freeze
the target solid."
318,10,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to
strike the foe. It may also freeze
the target solid."
318,11,5,"Une violente tempête de neige est
déclenchée sur lennemi. Peut aussi
le geler."
318,11,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
the opposing team. It may also freeze
them solid."
318,14,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
the opposing team. It may also freeze
them solid."
318,15,1,"はげしい ふぶきを ぶつけて
こうげきする。 あいてを こおりの
じょうたいに することが ある。"
318,15,3,"세찬 눈보라를
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
얼음 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
318,15,5,"Une violente tempête de neige est déclenchée
sur lennemi. Peut aussi le geler."
318,15,6,"Eine ungnädige Eis-und-Schnee-Attacke, die
Pokémon in der Nähe des Anwenders trifft
und eventuell einfrieren kann."
318,15,7,"Ataca con contundentes puñetazos. Puede
destruir barreras como Pantalla de Luz y Reflejo."
318,15,8,"Colpisce i nemici con una tremenda tempesta
di ghiaccio che può anche congelarli."
318,15,9,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
opposing Pokémon. This may also leave
the opposing Pokémon frozen."
318,15,11,"激しい 吹雪を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
こおり状態に することが ある。"
319,5,9,"Powerful, but needs
recharging the
next turn."
319,6,9,"Powerful, but needs
recharging the
next turn."
319,7,9,"A severely damaging
attack that makes
the user rest on
the next turn."
319,8,9,"The foe is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
319,9,9,"The foe is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
319,10,9,"The foe is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
319,11,5,"Projette un puissant rayon sur
lennemi. Le lanceur doit se reposer
au tour suivant."
319,11,9,"The target is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
319,14,9,"The target is attacked with a powerful
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
319,15,1,"つよい こうせんを はっしゃする。
つかった つぎのターンは はんどうで
319,15,3,"강한 광선을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
319,15,5,"Projette un puissant rayon sur lennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour suivant."
319,15,6,"Eine äußerst starke Attacke, die viel Schaden
anrichtet. Anwender muss sich in der
nächsten Runde ausruhen."
319,15,7,"Quien lo usa se mueve tan rápido que deja una
estela de sí mismo que aumenta la Evasión."
319,15,8,"Colpisce il nemico con un potente raggio.
Chi la usa salta il turno successivo per
recuperare energia."
319,15,9,"The target is attacked with a powerful beam.
The user cant move on the next turn."
319,15,11,"強い 光線を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
320,5,9,"Creates a wall of
light that lowers
SP. ATK damage."
320,6,9,"Creates a wall of
light that lowers
SP. ATK damage."
320,7,9,"A wall of light
cuts damage from
SP. ATK attacks
for five turns."
320,8,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
320,9,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
320,10,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
320,11,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit
les dégâts causés par les attaques
spéciales durant 5 tours."
320,11,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
320,14,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
320,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ふしぎな かべで
あいてから うける とくしゅわざの
ダメージを よわめる。"
320,15,3,"5턴 동안 이상한 장막으로
상대로부터 받는 특수 기술의
데미지를 약하게 만든다."
320,15,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les dégâts
causés par les attaques spéciales durant cinq
320,15,6,"Eine Wand aus Licht wird über 5 Runden errichtet.
Sie senkt den durch Spezial-Angriffe
herbeigeführten Schaden."
320,15,7,"Impresionante pared de luz que reduce el daño
de los ataques físicos durante cinco turnos."
320,15,8,"Innalza una barriera di luce fantastica che riduce
i danni degli attacchi speciali per sé e gli alleati
per cinque turni."
320,15,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
reduce damage from special attacks
for five turns."
320,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 不思議な かべで
相手から 受ける 特殊攻撃の
ダメージを 弱める。"
321,5,9,"Negates all damage,
but may fail if used
in succession."
321,6,9,"Negates all damage,
but may fail if used
in succession."
321,7,9,"Enables the user to
evade all attacks.
It may fail if used
in succession."
321,8,9,"It enables the user to evade all
attacks. Its chance of failing rises
if it is used in succession."
321,9,9,"It enables the user to evade all
attacks. Its chance of failing rises
if it is used in succession."
321,10,9,"It enables the user to evade all
attacks. Its chance of failing rises
if it is used in succession."
321,11,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la
suite, plus elle risque déchouer."
321,11,9,"It enables the user to evade all
attacks. Its chance of failing rises
if it is used in succession."
321,14,9,"It enables the user to evade all
attacks. Its chance of failing rises
if it is used in succession."
321,15,1,"こうげきを まったく うけない。
わざを れんぞくで だすと
しっぱい しやすくなる。"
321,15,3,"상대의 공격을
전혀 받지 않는다.
연속으로 쓰면 실패하기 쉽다."
321,15,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Le risque déchec augmente lorsque la capacité
est utilisée plusieurs fois de suite."
321,15,6,"Garantierter Schutz in der Runde, in der
die Attacke eingesetzt wird. Könnte bei
häufigem Einsatz versagen."
321,15,7,"Onda de porquería que afecta a todos los
Pokémon de alrededor y puede causar
321,15,8,"Permette di eludere tutti gli attacchi.
Se usata in successione può fallire."
321,15,9,"Enables the user to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing rises if it is used
in succession."
321,15,11,"相手の 攻撃を
まったく 受けない。
連続で だすと 失敗しやすい。"
322,5,9,"Raises the power of
WATER-type moves
for 5 turns."
322,6,9,"Raises the power of
WATER-type moves
for 5 turns."
322,7,9,"A heavy rain falls
for five turns,
powering up WATER-
type moves."
322,8,9,"The user summons a heavy rain that
falls for five turns, powering up
Water-type moves."
322,9,9,"The user summons a heavy rain that
falls for five turns, powering up
Water-type moves."
322,10,9,"The user summons a heavy rain that
falls for five turns, powering up
Water-type moves."
322,11,5,"Invoque de fortes pluies qui durent
5 tours et améliorent les capacités
de type Eau."
322,11,9,"The user summons a heavy rain that
falls for five turns, powering up
Water-type moves."
322,14,9,"The user summons a heavy rain that
falls for five turns, powering up
Water-type moves."
322,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ あめを ふらして
みずタイプの わざの いりょくを
322,15,3,"5턴 동안 비를 내려서
물타입 기술의 위력을 올린다."
322,15,5,"Invoque de fortes pluies qui durent cinq tours
et augmentent la puissance des capacités de
type Eau."
322,15,6,"Schwerer Niederschlag setzt für 5 Runden ein.
Attacken vom Typ Wasser werden verstärkt."
322,15,7,"Abrasa al objetivo con una intensa llamarada que
puede causarle quemaduras."
322,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca una forte pioggia per cinque
turni, potenziando le mosse di tipo Acqua."
322,15,9,"The user summons a heavy rain
that falls for five turns, powering
up Water-type moves."
322,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 雨を 降らして
技の 威力を あげる。"
323,5,9,"Recovers half the
HP of the damage
this move inflicts."
323,6,9,"Recovers half the
HP of the damage
this move inflicts."
323,7,9,"A harsh attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
323,8,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The users
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
323,9,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The users
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
323,10,9,"A nutrient-draining attack. The users
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
323,11,5,"Un pouvoir qui fait flotter lennemi
dans les airs. Pendant 3 tours, il
devient plus facile à atteindre."
323,11,9,"The user makes the target float with
its psychic power. The target is easier
to hit for three turns."
323,14,9,"The user makes the target float with
its psychic power. The target is easier
to hit for three turns."
323,15,1,"じめんに おりて からだを やすめる。
さいだい HPの はんぶんの
HPを かいふく する。"
323,15,3,"땅에 내려와 몸을 쉬게 한다.
최대 HP의 절반만큼
HP를 회복한다."
323,15,5,"Le lanceur atterrit et se repose.
Restaure jusquà la moitié de ses PV max."
323,15,6,"Anwender landet und ruht sich aus. KP des
Anwenders werden um 50 % der maximalen KP
323,15,7,"Descarga de lodo tóxico que puede llegar a
envenenar al objetivo."
323,15,8,"Chi la usa sta fermo e riposa, recuperando
metà dei propri PS massimi."
323,15,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the users HP by up to
half of its max HP."
323,15,11,"地面に 降りて 体を やすめる。
最大HPの 半分の
HPを 回復する。"
324,5,9,"Prevents status
abnormality with a
mystical power."
324,6,9,"Prevents status
abnormality with a
mystical power."
324,7,9,"It protects the
users party from
all status problems
for five turns."
324,8,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status problems like
poison, paralysis, burn, and sleep."
324,9,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status problems like
poison, paralysis, burn, and sleep."
324,10,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status problems like
poison, paralysis, burn, and sleep."
324,11,5,"Champ protecteur empêchant tous les
problèmes de statut pendant 5 tours."
324,11,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status problems
for five turns."
324,14,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status problems
for five turns."
324,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ
ふしぎな ちからに まもられて
じょうたい いじょうに ならなくなる。"
324,15,3,"5턴 동안
이상한 힘으로 보호받아
상태 이상이 되지 않는다."
324,15,5,"Crée un champ protecteur qui empêche tous les
problèmes de statut pendant cinq tours."
324,15,6,"Ein Schild schützt das Team 5 Runden lang
vor Statusproblemen jeglicher Art."
324,15,7,"Tormenta de arena de cinco turnos que daña a
todos los Pokémon excepto a los de tipo Roca,
Tierra y Acero."
324,15,8,"Chi la usa crea un campo protettivo che
evita problemi di stato per sé e gli alleati
per cinque turni."
324,15,9,"The user creates a protective field
that prevents status conditions
for five turns."
324,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ
不思議な 力に 守られて
状態異常に ならなくなる。"
325,5,9,"The less the user
likes you, the more
powerful this move."
325,6,9,"The less the user
likes you, the more
powerful this move."
325,7,9,"This attack move
grows more powerful
the less the user
likes its TRAINER."
325,8,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes its
325,9,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes its
325,10,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes its
325,11,5,"Moins le Pokémon aime son Dresseur,
plus cette attaque est puissante."
325,11,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes its
325,14,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes its
325,15,1,"ふまんを はらすために ぜんりょくで
こうげきする。 なついて いないほど
いりょくは あがる。"
325,15,3,"불만을 풀기 위해서 전력으로
공격한다. 친밀하지 않을수록
위력이 올라간다."
325,15,5,"Moins le Pokémon aime son Dresseur, plus cette
attaque est puissante."
325,15,6,"Je unbeliebter der Trainer bei seinem Pokémon ist,
desto größer ist die Wirkung."
325,15,7,"Ataca con una intensa ráfaga de fuego abrasador
que puede causar quemaduras."
325,15,8,"Mossa che diventa tanto più potente quanto
minore è il grado di affezione del Pokémon
per il proprio Allenatore."
325,15,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the less the user likes
its Trainer."
325,15,11,"不満を はらすため 全力で
攻撃する。 なついて いないほど
威力は あがる。"
326,5,9,"Absorbs sunlight in
the 1st turn, then
attacks next turn."
326,6,9,"Absorbs sunlight in
the 1st turn, then
attacks next turn."
326,7,9,"A 2-turn move that
blasts the foe with
absorbed energy in
the 2nd turn."
326,8,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on
the second turn."
326,9,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on
the second turn."
326,10,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on
the second turn."
326,11,5,"Absorbe la lumière au premier tour
et envoie un rayon puissant au
tour suivant."
326,11,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on
the second turn."
326,14,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on
the second turn."
326,15,1,"1ターンめに ひかりを あつめて
2ターンめに ひかりの こうせんを
はっしゃして こうげきする。"
326,15,3,"1턴째에 빛을 가득 모아
2턴째에 빛의 다발을
발사하여 공격한다."
326,15,5,"Absorbe la lumière au premier tour et envoie un
rayon puissant au tour suivant."
326,15,6,"Eine Attacke über 2 Runden. Zunächst wird
Sonnenlicht absorbiert, anschließend erfolgt
der Angriff."
326,15,7,"Tira rocas que detienen al objetivo y bajan su
326,15,8,"Chi la usa assorbe luce al primo turno per
proiettare un raggio intenso al turno successivo."
326,15,9,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
light, then blasts a bundled beam on
the next turn."
326,15,11,"1ターン目に 光を いっぱいに 集め
2ターン目に 光の 束を
発射して 攻撃する。"
327,5,9,"Slams the foe with
a hard tail. It may
lower DEFENSE."
327,6,9,"Slams the foe with
a hard tail. It may
lower DEFENSE."
327,7,9,"An attack with a
steel-hard tail.
It may lower the
foes DEFENSE stat."
327,8,9,"The foe is slammed with a sturdy
tail of steel. It may also lower the
targets Defense stat if it hits."
327,9,9,"The foe is slammed with a sturdy
tail of steel. It may also lower the
targets Defense stat if it hits."
327,10,9,"The foe is slammed with a sturdy
tail of steel. It may also lower the
targets Defense stat if it hits."
327,11,5,"Le lanceur jette toutes sortes
de projectiles à un ennemi. Si ce
dernier vole, il tombe au sol."
327,11,9,"The user throws a stone or projectile
to attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon
will fall to the ground when its hit."
327,14,9,"The user throws a stone or projectile
to attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon
will fall to the ground when its hit."
327,15,1,"いしや たまを なげて とんでいる
あいてを こうげきする。あいては
うちおとされて じめんに おちる。"
327,15,3,"돌이나 구슬을 던져서 날고 있는
상대를 공격한다.
맞은 상대는 땅에 떨어진다."
327,15,5,"Le lanceur jette toutes sortes de projectiles à
un ennemi. Si ce dernier vole, il tombe au sol."
327,15,6,"Greift das Ziel mit Steinen und Wurfgeschossen
an. Fliegende Ziele fallen vom Himmel
und landen auf dem Boden."
327,15,7,"Ataque que desconcierta por su rapidez y que no
falla nunca."
327,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia una pietra o un proiettile. Può
colpire anche un bersaglio in volo e farlo cadere."
327,15,9,"The user throws a stone or similar projectile
to attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon
will fall to the ground when its hit."
327,15,11,"石や 弾を 投げて 飛んでいる
相手を 攻撃する。相手は
うちおとされて 地面に おちる。"
328,5,9,"A powerful electric
attack that may
cause paralysis."
328,6,9,"A powerful electric
attack that may
cause paralysis."
328,7,9,"A strong electrical
attack that may
also leave the foe
328,8,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at
the foe. It may also leave the foe
328,9,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at
the foe. It may also leave the foe
328,10,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at
the foe. It may also leave the foe
328,11,5,"Une grosse décharge électrique tombe
sur lennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
328,11,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at the
target. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
328,14,9,"A strong electric blast is loosed at the
target. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
328,15,1,"つよい でんげきを あびせて
こうげきする。 あいてを まひの
じょうたいに することが ある。"
328,15,3,"강한 전격을
상대에게 날려서 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
328,15,5,"Une grosse décharge électrique tombe sur
lennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
328,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von einem verheerenden
Stromschlag getroffen. Kann eventuell
Paralyse bewirken."
328,15,7,"Atormenta al objetivo y le provoca un ataque de
ira que le impide usar el mismo movimiento dos
veces seguidas."
328,15,8,"Il bersaglio viene colpito da una potente scarica
elettrica che può anche paralizzarlo."
328,15,9,"A strong electric blast crashes down on
the target. This may also leave the target
with paralysis."
328,15,11,"強い 電撃を
相手に 浴びせて 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
329,5,9,"Strikes the foe
with a thunderbolt.
It may paralyze."
329,6,9,"Strikes the foe
with a thunderbolt.
It may paralyze."
329,7,9,"A brutal lightning
attack that may
also leave the foe
329,8,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the
foe to inflict damage. It may also
leave the target paralyzed."
329,9,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the
foe to inflict damage. It may also
leave the target paralyzed."
329,10,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the
foe to inflict damage. It may also
leave the target paralyzed."
329,11,5,"La foudre tombe sur lennemi pour
lui infliger des dégâts. Peut aussi
le paralyser."
329,11,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped
on the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
329,14,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped
on the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
329,15,1,"はげしい かみなりを おとして
こうげきする。 あいてを まひの
じょうたいに することが ある。"
329,15,3,"강한 번개를
상대에게 떨어뜨려 공격한다.
마비 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
329,15,5,"La foudre tombe sur lennemi pour lui infliger
des dégâts. Peut aussi le paralyser."
329,15,6,"Das Ziel wird von einem mächtigen Donnerschlag,
der Paralyse bewirken kann, heimgesucht."
329,15,7,"Movimiento de ataque que dobla su potencia si
quien lo utiliza está envenenado, quemado o
329,15,8,"Il nemico è colpito da un lampo molto violento
che può anche paralizzarlo."
329,15,9,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on
the target to inflict damage. This may
also leave the target with paralysis."
329,15,11,"激しい 雷を
相手に 落として 攻撃する。
まひ状態に することが ある。"
330,5,9,"Causes a quake
that has no effect
on flying foes."
330,6,9,"Causes a quake
that has no effect
on flying foes."
330,7,9,"An earthquake that
strikes all POKéMON
in battle excluding
the user."
330,8,9,"The user sets off an earthquake
that hits all the Pokémon in the
330,9,9,"The user sets off an earthquake
that hits all the Pokémon in the
330,10,9,"The user sets off an earthquake
that hits all the Pokémon in the
330,11,5,"Le lanceur provoque un tremblement
de terre touchant tous les Pokémon
autour de lui."
330,11,9,"The user sets off an earthquake that
strikes every Pokémon around it."
330,14,9,"The user sets off an earthquake that
strikes every Pokémon around it."
330,15,1,"じぶんの まわりの ポケモンに
じしんの しょうげきを あたえて
330,15,3,"지진의 충격을 일으켜서
자신의 주위에 있는 포켓몬을
330,15,5,"Le lanceur provoque un tremblement de terre
touchant tous les Pokémon autour de lui."
330,15,6,"Ein starkes Beben wird verursacht, das
den anderen Pokémon in der Umgebung
des Angreifers Schaden zufügt."
330,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo envuelto en llamas. Acumula
fuerza y hace subir la Velocidad del usuario."
330,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca un potente sisma che colpisce
gli altri Pokémon in campo."
330,15,9,"The user sets off an earthquake that
strikes every Pokémon around it."
330,15,11,"自分の 周りの ポケモンに
地震の 衝撃を あたえて
331,5,9,"The more the user
likes you, the more
powerful this move."
331,6,9,"The more the user
likes you, the more
powerful this move."
331,7,9,"This attack move
grows more powerful
the more the user
likes its TRAINER."
331,8,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes its
331,9,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes its
331,10,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes its
331,11,5,"Une attaque furieuse dont la puissance
augmente quand le Pokémon apprécie
son Dresseur."
331,11,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes its
331,14,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes its
331,15,1,"トレーナーのために ぜんりょくで
こうげきする。 なついて いるほど
いりょくは あがる。"
331,15,3,"트레이너를 위해 전력으로 공격한다.
친밀할수록 위력이 올라간다."
331,15,5,"Plus le Pokémon apprécie son Dresseur, plus
la puissance de cette attaque furieuse augmente."
331,15,6,"Je beliebter der Trainer bei seinem Pokémon ist,
desto größer ist die Wirkung."
331,15,7,"Restaura todos los PS y cura todos los problemas
de estado del usuario. Duerme los dos próximos
331,15,8,"Mossa che diventa tanto più potente quanto
maggiore è il grado di affezione del Pokémon
per il proprio Allenatore."
331,15,9,"A full-power attack that grows more
powerful the more the user likes
its Trainer."
331,15,11,"トレーナーの ために 全力で
攻撃する。 なついて いるほど
威力は あがる。"
332,5,9,"Digs underground
the 1st turn, then
strikes next turn."
332,6,9,"Digs underground
the 1st turn, then
strikes next turn."
332,7,9,"An attack that hits
on the 2nd turn.
Can also be used
to exit dungeons."
332,8,9,"The user burrows, then attacks on the
second turn. It can also be used to
exit dungeons."
332,9,9,"The user burrows, then attacks on the
second turn. It can also be used to
exit dungeons."
332,10,9,"The user burrows, then attacks on the
second turn. It can also be used to
exit dungeons."
332,11,5,"Le lanceur creuse au 1er tour et
frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de
séchapper dun donjon."
332,11,9,"The user burrows, then attacks on the
second turn. It can also be used to
exit dungeons."
332,14,9,"The user burrows, then attacks on the
second turn. It can also be used to
exit dungeons."
332,15,1,"1ターンめに もぐり 2ターンめで
こうげきする。 どうくつで つかうと
そとに だっしゅつ できる。"
332,15,3,"1턴째에 파고들어 2턴째에
상대를 공격한다.
동굴에서 탈출할 수도 있다."
332,15,5,"Le lanceur creuse au premier tour et frappe au
second. Permet aussi de sortir des grottes."
332,15,6,"Eine Attacke über 2 Runden. Zunächst gräbt sich
der Angreifer ein, anschließend erfolgt der Angriff."
332,15,7,"Si el objetivo es del sexo opuesto, el
enamoramiento reducirá las probabilidades
de que ataque."
332,15,8,"Chi la usa scava al primo turno e attacca al
successivo. Fuori dalla lotta fa uscire da alcuni
332,15,9,"The user burrows, then attacks
on the next turn. It can also
be used to exit dungeons."
332,15,11,"1ターン目に 潜り 2ターン目で
相手を 攻撃する。
どうくつからの 脱出も できる。"
333,5,9,"A powerful psychic
attack that may
lower SP. DEF."
333,6,9,"A powerful psychic
attack that may
lower SP. DEF."
333,7,9,"A strong telekinetic
attack. It may also
lower the foes
SP. DEF stat."
333,8,9,"The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. It may also reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
333,9,9,"The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. It may also reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
333,10,9,"The foe is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. It may also reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
333,11,5,"Une puissante force télékinésique
frappe lennemi. Peut aussi faire
baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
333,11,9,"The target is hit by a strong
telekinetic force. It may also reduce
the targets Sp. Def stat."
333,14,9,"The target is hit by a strong
telekinetic force. It may also reduce
the targets Sp. Def stat."
333,15,1,"つよい ねんりきを おくって
こうげきする。 あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
333,15,3,"강한 염동력을 상대에게 보내어
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
333,15,5,"Une puissante force télékinésique frappe
lennemi. Peut aussi faire baisser sa Défense
333,15,6,"Ein mächtiger Strahl telekinetischer Energie trifft
das Ziel. Die Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles
sinkt eventuell."
333,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca y roba el objeto que lleva su
objetivo simultáneamente. Si ya lleva un objeto,
no podrá robar."
333,15,8,"Il nemico viene colpito da una potente forza
telecinetica che può anche ridurne la Difesa
333,15,9,"The target is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. This may also lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
333,15,11,"強い 念力を 相手に 送って
攻撃する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
334,5,9,"Hurls a dark lump
at the foe. It may
lower SP. DEF."
334,6,9,"Hurls a dark lump
at the foe. It may
lower SP. DEF."
334,7,9,"A shadowy blob is
hurled at the foe.
May also lower the
foes SP. DEF."
334,8,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also lower the foes
Sp. Def stat."
334,9,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also lower the foes
Sp. Def stat."
334,10,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also lower the foes
Sp. Def stat."
334,11,5,"Projette une grande ombre sur
lennemi. Peut aussi faire baisser
sa Défense Spéciale."
334,11,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. It may also lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
334,14,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. It may also lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
334,15,1,"くろいかげの かたまりを なげて
こうげきする。 あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
334,15,3,"까만 그림자의 덩어리를 내던져서
공격한다. 상대의 특수방어를
떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
334,15,5,"Projette une grande ombre sur lennemi.
Peut aussi faire baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
334,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit einem dunklen Klumpen
attackiert, der eventuell die Spezial-Verteidigung
334,15,7,"Ataque rápido dirigido a los pies del objetivo que
le hace perder Velocidad."
334,15,8,"Lancia sul nemico una sfera nera.
Può anche ridurne la Difesa Speciale."
334,15,9,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. This may also lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
334,15,11,"黒い影の 塊を 投げつけて
攻撃する。相手の 特防を
さげることが ある。"
335,5,9,"Destroys barriers
and causes damage."
335,6,9,"Destroys barriers
and causes damage."
335,7,9,"An attack that also
breaks any barrier
335,8,9,"The user attacks with tough fists,
etc. It can also break any barrier
such as Light Screen and Reflect."
335,9,9,"The user attacks with tough fists,
etc. It can also break any barrier
such as Light Screen and Reflect."
335,10,9,"The user attacks with tough fists,
etc. It can also break any barrier
such as Light Screen and Reflect."
335,11,5,"Une attaque avec la main ou autre.
Peut briser les barrières comme Mur
Lumière et Protection."
335,11,9,"The user attacks with tough fists,
etc. It can also break any barrier
such as Light Screen and Reflect."
335,14,9,"The user attacks with tough fists,
etc. It can also break any barrier
such as Light Screen and Reflect."
335,15,1,"こぶしなどで こうげきする。
ひかりのかべや リフレクターも
335,15,3,"주먹 등으로 공격한다.
빛의장막이나 리플렉터도
파괴할 수 있다."
335,15,5,"Une attaque avec le tranchant de la main.
Permet aussi de briser les barrières comme
Mur Lumière et Protection."
335,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit der Handkante angegriffen.
Barrieren wie Lichtschild oder Reflektor
werden zerstört."
335,15,7,"Canto que sirve de ataque. Su fuerza aumenta
cuantos más Pokémon lo usan en cadena."
335,15,8,"Colpisce il nemico con una mano e rompe
barriere come Riflesso e Schermoluce."
335,15,9,"The user attacks with a swift chop.
It can also break barriers, such as
Light Screen and Reflect."
335,15,11,"硬い こぶしなどで
相手を 攻撃する。ひかりのかべや
リフレクターも 破壊できる。"
336,5,9,"Creates illusory
copies to enhance
336,6,9,"Creates illusory
copies to enhance
336,7,9,"The user creates
illusory copies of
itself to raise its
336,8,9,"The user begins moving so quickly
that it creates illusory copies to
raise its evasiveness."
336,9,9,"The user begins moving so quickly
that it creates illusory copies to
raise its evasiveness."
336,10,9,"The user begins moving so quickly
that it creates illusory copies to
raise its evasiveness."
336,11,5,"Le lanceur se déplace si vite quil crée
des copies illusoires de lui, augmentant
son Esquive."
336,11,9,"By moving rapidly, the user makes
illusory copies of itself to raise
its evasiveness."
336,14,9,"By moving rapidly, the user makes
illusory copies of itself to raise
its evasiveness."
336,15,1,"すばやい うごきで ぶんしんを
つくる。 あいてを まどわせることで
かいひりつを あげる。"
336,15,3,"재빠른 움직임으로 분신을 만들어
상대를 혼란시켜
회피율을 올린다."
336,15,5,"Le lanceur se déplace si vite quil crée des
copies illusoires de lui, augmentant son Esquive."
336,15,6,"Der Angreifer ist so schnell, dass virtuelle
Abbilder generiert werden, die den Fluchtwert
336,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con un susurro. Su fuerza
aumenta si cualquiera de los Pokémon lo usa
en cada turno."
336,15,8,"Chi la usa si muove in fretta e crea copie
illusorie di se stesso che aumentano la capacità
di elusione."
336,15,9,"By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory
copies of itself to raise its evasiveness."
336,15,11,"素早い 動きで 分身を つくり
相手を まどわせて
回避率を あげる。"
337,5,9,"Creates a wall of
light that weakens
physical attacks."
337,6,9,"Creates a wall of
light that weakens
physical attacks."
337,7,9,"A wall of light
cuts damage from
physical attacks
for five turns."
337,8,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
337,9,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
337,10,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
337,11,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit
les dégâts causés par les attaques
physiques durant 5 tours."
337,11,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
337,14,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
337,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ ふしぎな かべで
あいてから うける ぶつりわざの
ダメージを よわめる。"
337,15,3,"5턴 동안 이상한 장막으로
상대에게 받은 물리 기술의
데미지를 약하게 만든다."
337,15,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les dégâts
causés par les attaques physiques durant cinq
337,15,6,"Eine Wand aus Licht wird für 5 Runden errichtet.
Sie reduziert den Schaden physischer Attacken."
337,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca con toda su fuerza, pero ve
muy reducido su Ataque Especial."
337,15,8,"Innalza una barriera di luce fantastica che riduce
i danni degli attacchi fisici per sé e gli alleati
per cinque turni."
337,15,9,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
reduce damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
337,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 不思議な かべで
相手から 受ける 物理攻撃の
ダメージを 弱める。"
338,5,9,"Zaps the foe with a
jolt of electricity
that never misses."
338,6,9,"Zaps the foe with a
jolt of electricity
that never misses."
338,7,9,"A rapid jolt of
electricity strikes
the foe. It cant
be evaded."
338,8,9,"The user strikes the foe with a quick
jolt of electricity. This attack cannot
be evaded."
338,9,9,"The user strikes the foe with a quick
jolt of electricity. This attack cannot
be evaded."
338,10,9,"The user strikes the foe with a quick
jolt of electricity. This attack cannot
be evaded."
338,11,5,"Attaque tout ce qui se trouve autour
avec une vague de crasse. Peut aussi
338,11,9,"It swamps the area around the user
with a giant sludge wave.
It may also poison those hit."
338,14,9,"It swamps the area around the user
with a giant sludge wave.
It may also poison those hit."
338,15,1,"ヘドロの なみで じぶんの まわりに
いるものを こうげきする。
どくに することが ある。"
338,15,3,"오물의 파장으로 자신의 주위에
있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들기도 한다."
338,15,5,"Une vague de détritus attaque tous les Pokémon
autour du lanceur. Peut aussi empoisonner."
338,15,6,"Greift Pokémon in der Nähe des Anwenders mit
einer Schlammwelle an. Diese werden eventuell
338,15,7,"Alas macizas que golpean al objetivo y pueden
subir la Defensa del usuario."
338,15,8,"Lancia unonda di fango che attacca tutti
i Pokémon nelle vicinanze. Può anche avvelenarli."
338,15,9,"The user strikes everything around it by
swamping the area with a giant sludge wave.
This may also poison those hit."
338,15,11,"ヘドロの 波で 自分の 周りに
いるものを 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
339,5,9,"Looses a stream of
fire that may burn
the foe."
339,6,9,"Looses a stream of
fire that may burn
the foe."
339,7,9,"The foe is scorched
with intense flames.
The foe may suffer
a burn."
339,8,9,"The foe is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. The target may also be
left with a burn."
339,9,9,"The foe is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. The target may also be
left with a burn."
339,10,9,"The foe is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. The target may also be
left with a burn."
339,11,5,"Lennemi reçoit un torrent de flammes.
Peut aussi le brûler."
339,11,9,"The target is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
339,14,9,"The target is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
339,15,1,"はげしい ほのおを はっしゃして
こうげきする。 あいてを やけどの
じょうたいに することが ある。"
339,15,3,"세찬 불꽃을
상대에게 발사하여 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
339,15,5,"Lennemi reçoit un torrent de flammes.
Peut aussi le brûler."
339,15,6,"Das Ziel wird in ein Flammenmeer gehüllt.
Verursacht eventuell Verbrennungen."
339,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca con toda su energía. También
puede bajar la Defensa Especial del objetivo si lo
339,15,8,"Il nemico viene colpito da intense fiammate
che possono anche scottarlo."
339,15,9,"The target is scorched with an intense
blast of fire. This may also leave the
target with a burn."
339,15,11,"激しい 炎を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
340,5,9,"Hurls sludge at the
foe. It may poison
the foe."
340,6,9,"Hurls sludge at the
foe. It may poison
the foe."
340,7,9,"Filthy sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may poison the
340,8,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at
the foe. It may also poison the
340,9,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at
the foe. It may also poison the
340,10,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at
the foe. It may also poison the
340,11,5,"Envoie des détritus sur lennemi. Peut
aussi lempoisonner."
340,11,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the
target. It may also poison the target."
340,14,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the
target. It may also poison the target."
340,15,1,"きたない ヘドロを なげつける。
あいてを どくの じょうたいに
することが ある。"
340,15,3,"더러운 오물을
상대에게 내던져서 공격한다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
340,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie des détritus sur lennemi.
Peut aussi lempoisonner."
340,15,6,"Das Ziel versinkt im Giftschlamm. Kann eventuell
Vergiftungen hervorrufen."
340,15,7,"Extrae energía de la naturaleza y la lanza contra
el objetivo. También puede reducir su Defensa
340,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca lanciando fango
sul bersaglio. Può anche avvelenarlo."
340,15,9,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
This may also poison the target."
340,15,11,"汚い ヘドロを
相手に 投げつけて 攻撃する。
毒状態に することが ある。"
341,5,9,"Causes a sandstorm
that hits the foe
over several turns."
341,6,9,"Causes a sandstorm
that hits the foe
over several turns."
341,7,9,"A 5-turn sandstorm
that damages all
types except ROCK,
341,8,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
341,9,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
341,10,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
341,11,5,"Une tempête de sable de 5 tours
qui blesse tous les Pokémon sauf
les types Roche, Sol et Acier."
341,11,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
341,14,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
341,15,1,"5ターンの あいだ すなあらしで
じめん いわ はがね タイプいがいに
ダメージを あたえる。"
341,15,3,"5턴 동안 모래바람으로
바위, 땅, 강철타입 이외의
포켓몬에게 데미지를 준다."
341,15,5,"Une tempête de sable qui blesse tous les
Pokémon durant cinq tours, sauf ceux de types
Roche, Sol et Acier."
341,15,6,"Ein Sandsturm trifft für 5 Runden alle Pokémon,
außer die vom Typ Boden, Gestein und Stahl."
341,15,7,"Ataque controlado que impide que el objetivo se
debilite al dejarle con un mínimo de 1 PS."
341,15,8,"Causa una tempesta di sabbia per cinque turni
che danneggia tutti i tipi in campo esclusi
Terra, Roccia e Acciaio."
341,15,9,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
to hurt all combatants except for
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
341,15,11,"5ターンの あいだ 砂あらしで
いわ じめん はがねタイプ 以外の
ポケモンに ダメージを 与える。"
342,5,9,"A powerful fire
attack that may
burn the foe."
342,6,9,"A powerful fire
attack that may
burn the foe."
342,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an intense flame.
It may leave the
target with a burn."
342,8,9,"The foe is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire. It may
also leave the target with a burn."
342,9,9,"The foe is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire. It may
also leave the target with a burn."
342,10,9,"The foe is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire. It may
also leave the target with a burn."
342,11,5,"Un déluge de flammes ardentes submerge
lennemi. Peut le brûler."
342,11,9,"The target is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire. It may
also leave the target with a burn."
342,14,9,"The target is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire. It may
also leave the target with a burn."
342,15,1,"だいのじの ほのおで あいてを
やきつくす。 やけどの じょうたいに
することが ある。"
342,15,3,"큰 대자의 불꽃으로
상대를 불태운다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
342,15,5,"Un déluge de flammes ardentes submerge
lennemi. Peut aussi le brûler."
342,15,6,"Dem Ziel wird ordentlich eingeheizt.
Kann eventuell Verbrennungen hervorrufen."
342,15,7,"Abrasa al objetivo con agua hirviendo y puede
causarle quemaduras."
342,15,8,"Investe il nemico con unintensa fiammata
che fa terra bruciata. Può anche scottarlo."
342,15,9,"The target is attacked with an intense
blast of all-consuming fire. This may
also leave the target with a burn."
342,15,11,"大の字の 炎で
相手を 焼きつくす。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
343,5,9,"Stops the foe from
moving with rocks.
May lower SPEED."
343,6,9,"Stops the foe from
moving with rocks.
May lower SPEED."
343,7,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foes
SPEED if it hits."
343,8,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the foe
to inflict damage. It may also make the
target flinch."
343,9,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the foe
to inflict damage. It lowers the foes
343,10,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the foe
to inflict damage. It lowers the foes
343,11,5,"Des rochers frappent lennemi. Réduit
aussi sa Vitesse en lempêchant de
se déplacer."
343,11,9,"Boulders are hurled at the target. It
also lowers the targets Speed by
preventing its movement."
343,14,9,"Boulders are hurled at the target. It
also lowers the targets Speed by
preventing its movement."
343,15,1,"いわを なげつけ こうげきする。
おちた いわが うごきを ふうじて
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
343,15,3,"암석을 내던져서 공격한다.
상대의 움직임을 봉인함으로써
스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
343,15,5,"Des rochers frappent lennemi.
Réduit aussi sa Vitesse en lempêchant de se
343,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit Felsen beworfen.
Senkt den Initiative-Wert des Zieles."
343,15,7,"El usuario ataca al objetivo arrojando el objeto
que lleve. La potencia y los efectos dependen
del objeto arrojado."
343,15,8,"Colpisce il nemico con rocce. Inoltre, lo rallenta
riducendone la Velocità."
343,15,9,"Boulders are hurled at the target.
This also lowers the targets Speed
stat by preventing its movement."
343,15,11,"岩石を 投げつけて 攻撃する。
相手の 動きを 封じることで
素早さを さげる。"
344,5,9,"An extremely fast
attack that cant
be avoided."
344,6,9,"An extremely fast
attack that cant
be avoided."
344,7,9,"An extremely fast
attack against one
target. It cant be
344,8,9,"The user confounds the foe with speed,
then strikes. The attack lands without
344,9,9,"The user confounds the foe with speed,
then strikes. The attack lands without
344,10,9,"The user confounds the foe with speed,
then strikes. The attack lands without
344,11,5,"Le lanceur prend lennemi de vitesse
et le lacère. Néchoue jamais."
344,11,9,"The user confounds the target
with speed, then slashes.
The attack lands without fail."
344,14,9,"The user confounds the target
with speed, then slashes.
The attack lands without fail."
344,15,1,"すばやい うごきで ほんろうする。
こうげきは かならず あいてに
344,15,3,"재빠른 움직임으로
상대를 농락해 벤다.
공격은 반드시 명중한다."
344,15,5,"Le lanceur prend lennemi de vitesse et le lacère.
Néchoue jamais."
344,15,6,"Der Anwender irritiert das Ziel durch
Schnelligkeit, bevor er angreift.
Diese Attacke trifft ihr Ziel immer."
344,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca con una descarga eléctrica y
puede utilizar la electricidad restante para subir
su Ataque Especial."
344,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il nemico a grande velocità.
Questa mossa è infallibile."
344,15,9,"The user confounds the target with
speed, then slashes.
This attack never misses."
344,15,11,"素早い 動きで
相手を ほんろうして 切りつける。
攻撃は 必ず 命中する。"
345,5,9,"Prevents the foe
from using the same
move in a row."
345,6,9,"Prevents the foe
from using the same
move in a row."
345,7,9,"It enrages the foe,
making it incapable
of using the same
move successively."
345,8,9,"The user torments and enrages the
foe, making it incapable of using the
same move twice in a row."
345,9,9,"The user torments and enrages the
foe, making it incapable of using the
same move twice in a row."
345,10,9,"The user torments and enrages the
foe, making it incapable of using the
same move twice in a row."
345,11,5,"Le lanceur irrite lennemi pour
lempêcher dutiliser la même
capacité 2 fois de suite."
345,11,9,"The user torments and enrages the
target, making it incapable of using the
same move twice in a row."
345,14,9,"The user torments and enrages the
target, making it incapable of using the
same move twice in a row."
345,15,1,"いちゃもんを つけて おなじわざを
れんぞくで だせない ようにする。
345,15,3,"트집을 잡아서 똑같은 기술을
연속으로 쓸 수 없게 한다."
345,15,5,"Le lanceur irrite lennemi pour lempêcher
dutiliser la même capacité deux fois de suite."
345,15,6,"Der Anwender bringt das Ziel in Rage.
Dieses ist nicht mehr in der Lage, eine
Attacke zweimal hintereinander anzuwenden."
345,15,7,"Arroja al objetivo por los aires y lo estrella contra
el suelo en el siguiente turno, impidiéndole
moverse en el aire."
345,15,8,"Chi la usa tormenta e fa infuriare il nemico,
impedendogli di usare la stessa mossa
due volte di seguito."
345,15,9,"The user torments and enrages the
target, making it incapable of using
the same move twice in a row."
345,15,11,"相手に いちゃもんを つけて
同じ 技を 2回 連続で
346,5,9,"Raises ATTACK when
poisoned, burned,
or paralyzed."
346,6,9,"Raises ATTACK when
poisoned, burned,
or paralyzed."
346,7,9,"An attack that is
boosted if user is
burned, poisoned,
or paralyzed."
346,8,9,"An attack move that doubles its power
if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or
has a burn."
346,9,9,"An attack move that doubles its power
if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or
has a burn."
346,10,9,"An attack move that doubles its power
if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or
has a burn."
346,11,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance double
lorsque le lanceur est empoisonné,
paralysé ou brûlé."
346,11,9,"An attack move that doubles its power
if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or
has a burn."
346,14,9,"An attack move that doubles its power
if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or
has a burn."
346,15,1,"どく まひ やけど のじょうたいで
わざを だすと 2ばいの いりょくで
こうげき できる。"
346,15,3,"독, 마비, 화상 상태에서
기술을 쓰면 2배의 위력으로
공격할 수 있다."
346,15,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance double lorsque
le lanceur est empoisonné, paralysé ou brûlé."
346,15,6,"Ist der Anwender vergiftet, paralysiert oder leidet
er unter Verbrennungen, verdoppelt sich die Kraft
der Attacke."
346,15,7,"Llamas que golpean a los objetivos adyacentes.
Si estos llevan bayas u otros objetos, estos se
quemarán y ya no se podrán usar."
346,15,8,"Mossa dattacco che raddoppia la potenza
se chi la usa è scottato, avvelenato o paralizzato."
346,15,9,"An attack move that doubles its power if
the user is poisoned, burned, or
has paralysis."
346,15,11,"自分が どく まひ やけど
状態のとき 相手に くりだすと
技の 威力が 2倍に なる。"
347,5,9,"Adds an effect to
attack depending
on the location."
347,6,9,"Adds an effect to
attack depending
on the location."
347,7,9,"An attack that may
have an additional
effect that varies
with the terrain."
347,8,9,"An attack move with effects that
vary depending on the users
347,9,9,"An attack move with effects that
vary depending on the users
347,10,9,"An attack move with effects that
vary depending on the users
347,11,5,"Le lanceur sentoure de feu
et charge lennemi. Augmente
aussi la Vitesse."
347,11,9,"The user cloaks itself with flame and
attacks. Building up more power,
it raises the users Speed stat."
347,14,9,"The user cloaks itself with flame and
attacks. Building up more power,
it raises the users Speed stat."
347,15,1,"ほのおを まとい あいてを
こうげきする。 ちからを ためて
じぶんの すばやさを あげる。"
347,15,3,"불꽃을 둘러 상대를 공격한다.
힘을 모아서 자신의
스피드를 올린다."
347,15,5,"Le lanceur sentoure de flammes pour attaquer
lennemi. Il se concentre et sa Vitesse augmente."
347,15,6,"Anwender hüllt sich in Flammen und greift
das Ziel an. Er sammelt seine Kräfte und erhöht
so die eigene Initiative."
347,15,7,"Consigue que el objetivo sea el último en
347,15,8,"Chi la usa si copre di fuoco e attacca il bersaglio.
Concentrandosi aumenta, inoltre, la propria
347,15,9,"Cloaking itself in flame, the user attacks.
Then, building up more power,
the user raises its Speed stat."
347,15,11,"炎を まとい 相手を 攻撃する。
力を ためて 自分の
素早さを あげる。"
348,5,9,"The user sleeps for
2 turns to restore
health and status."
348,6,9,"The user sleeps for
2 turns to restore
health and status."
348,7,9,"The user sleeps for
two turns to fully
restore HP and heal
any status problem."
348,8,9,"The user goes to sleep for two
turns. It fully restores the users HP
and heals any status problem."
348,9,9,"The user goes to sleep for two
turns. It fully restores the users HP
and heals any status problem."
348,10,9,"The user goes to sleep for two
turns. It fully restores the users HP
and heals any status problem."
348,11,5,"Le lanceur dort pendant 2 tours. Il
regagne tous ses PV et na plus de
problèmes de statut."
348,11,9,"The user goes to sleep for two
turns. It fully restores the users HP
and heals any status problem."
348,14,9,"The user goes to sleep for two
turns. It fully restores the users HP
and heals any status problem."
348,15,1,"2ターンの あいだ ねむりつづける。
HPと からだの いじょうを
すべて かいふくする。"
348,15,3,"2턴 동안 계속 잠잔다.
자신의 HP와 상태 이상을
모두 회복한다."
348,15,5,"Le lanceur dort pendant deux tours.
Il regagne tous ses PV et na plus de problèmes
de statut."
348,15,6,"Anwender wird vollkommen geheilt und schläft
die folgenden 2 Runden."
348,15,7,"Lanza una siniestra llamarada morada que
provoca quemaduras al objetivo."
348,15,8,"Chi la usa dorme per due turni.
Recupera però tutti i PS e guarisce da tutti i suoi
problemi di stato."
348,15,9,"The user goes to sleep for two turns.
This fully restores the users HP and
heals any status conditions."
348,15,11,"2ターンの あいだ 眠り続ける。
自分の HPと 状態異常を
すべて 回復する。"
349,5,9,"Makes it tough to
attack a foe of the
opposite gender."
349,6,9,"Makes it tough to
attack a foe of the
opposite gender."
349,7,9,"If it is the other
gender, the foe is
made infatuated and
unlikely to attack."
349,8,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the foe becomes infatuated
and less likely to attack."
349,9,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the foe becomes infatuated
and less likely to attack."
349,10,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the foe becomes infatuated
and less likely to attack."
349,11,5,"Si lennemi est du sexe opposé, il
tombe amoureux et rechigne alors
à attaquer."
349,11,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the target becomes infatuated
and less likely to attack."
349,14,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the target becomes infatuated
and less likely to attack."
349,15,1,"♂なら♀を ♀なら♂を ゆうわくして
メロメロにする。 メロメロに なった
あいては わざが だしにくくなる。"
349,15,3,"수컷은 암컷을 암컷은 수컷을 유혹하여
헤롱헤롱하게 만든다.
상대가 기술을 쓰기 어려워진다."
349,15,5,"Si lennemi est du sexe opposé, il tombe
amoureux et rechigne alors à attaquer."
349,15,6,"Gehört das Ziel dem anderen Geschlecht an,
verliebt es sich und greift eventuell nicht an."
349,15,7,"Quien lo usa realiza un ataque rápido que
aumenta de potencia si el atacante no lleva
ningún objeto."
349,15,8,"Se il nemico è del sesso opposto, sinfatua
e diventa riluttante ad attaccare."
349,15,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
the target becomes infatuated and less
likely to attack."
349,15,11,"♂なら♀を ♀なら♂を 誘惑して
メロメロに する。
相手は 技が だしにくくなる。"
350,5,9,"While attacking,
it may steal the
foes held item."
350,6,9,"While attacking,
it may steal the
foes held item."
350,7,9,"An attack that may
take the foes held
item if the user
isnt holding one."
350,8,9,"The user attacks and steals the foes
held item simultaneously. It cant
steal if the user holds an item."
350,9,9,"The user attacks and steals the foes
held item simultaneously. It cant
steal if the user holds an item."
350,10,9,"The user attacks and steals the foes
held item simultaneously. It cant
steal if the user holds an item."
350,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque la cible et vole
son objet. Le lanceur ne peut rien
voler sil tient déjà un objet."
350,11,9,"The user attacks and steals the
targets held item simultaneously. It
cant steal if the user holds an item."
350,14,9,"The user attacks and steals the
targets held item simultaneously. It
cant steal if the user holds an item."
350,15,1,"こうげきと どうじに もちものを
ぬすむ。 じぶんに もちものが
あると しっぱいする。"
350,15,3,"공격과 동시에 도구를 훔친다.
자신이 도구를 지니고 있을 경우에는
훔칠 수 없다."
350,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque la cible et vole son objet.
Le lanceur ne peut rien voler sil tient déjà
un objet."
350,15,6,"Der Anwender greift an und stiehlt dem Ziel
gleichzeitig ein Item, sofern er selbst gerade
kein Item trägt."
350,15,7,"Impide que el objetivo utilice el objeto que lleve
y que su Entrenador use objetos sobre él."
350,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio e può rubargli
lo strumento, se non ne ha già uno."
350,15,9,"The user attacks and steals the targets
held item simultaneously. The user cant
steal anything if it already holds an item."
350,15,11,"攻撃と 同時に 道具を 盗む。
自分が 道具を 持っている 場合は
351,5,9,"Spreads hard-edged
wings and slams
into the foe."
351,6,9,"Spreads hard-
edged wings and
slams into the foe."
351,7,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise
the users DEFENSE."
351,8,9,"The foe is hit with wings of steel.
It may also raise the users Defense
351,9,9,"The foe is hit with wings of steel.
It may also raise the users Defense
351,10,9,"The foe is hit with wings of steel.
It may also raise the users Defense
351,11,5,"Un coup rapide qui vise les pieds
de lennemi et diminue sa Vitesse."
351,11,9,"The user attacks the targets legs
swiftly, reducing the targets
Speed stat."
351,14,9,"The user attacks the targets legs
swiftly, reducing the targets
Speed stat."
351,15,1,"すばやい うごきで あいての あしを
ねらって こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
351,15,3,"재빠른 움직임으로 상대의 다리를
노려 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
351,15,5,"Un coup rapide qui vise les pieds de lennemi
et diminue sa Vitesse."
351,15,6,"Anwender greift mit blitzschnellen Bewegungen
die Beine des Zieles an und senkt dessen
351,15,7,"Quien lo usa explosiona en combate e inflige
daño a todos los Pokémon a su alrededor.
El usuario se debilita."
351,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce con un attacco fulmineo
la parte inferiore del corpo del bersaglio,
riducendone la Velocità."
351,15,9,"The user makes a swift attack on
the targets legs, which lowers the
targets Speed stat."
351,15,11,"素早い 動きで 相手の 足を
ねらって 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
352,5,9,"Switches abilities
with the foe on the
turn this is used."
352,6,9,"Switches abilities
with the foe on the
turn this is used."
352,7,9,"The user employs
its psychic power
to swap abilities
with the foe."
352,8,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
exchange abilities with the foe.
352,9,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
exchange abilities with the foe.
352,10,9,"The user employs its psychic power to
exchange abilities with the foe.
352,11,5,"Le lanceur chante et attaque lennemi.
Si plusieurs Pokémon déclenchent cette
attaque à la suite, leffet augmente."
352,11,9,"The user attacks the target with a
song. Others can join in the Round and
make the attack do greater damage."
352,14,9,"The user attacks the target with a
song. Others can join in the Round and
make the attack do greater damage."
352,15,1,"うたで あいてを こうげきする。
みんなで つかうと れんぞくで
だせて いりょくも あがる。"
352,15,3,"노래로 상대를 공격한다.
함께 돌림노래를 하면 계속해서
쓸 수 있고 위력도 올라간다."
352,15,5,"Le lanceur attaque lennemi en chantant.
Si plusieurs Pokémon déclenchent cette attaque
à la suite, leffet augmente."
352,15,6,"Angriff mit Gesang. Singt der Anwender mit allen
im Kanon, kann er die Attacke mehrfach auslösen
und die Stärke steigt."
352,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca con una afilada garra de
sombras. Su índice de golpe crítico es muy alto."
352,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con una melodia. Se usata
durante lo stesso turno da più Pokémon, i danni
inflitti aumentano."
352,15,9,"The user attacks the target with a song.
Others can join in the Round and make
the attack do greater damage."
352,15,11,"歌で 相手を 攻撃する。
みんなで 輪唱すると 続けて
だすことが でき 威力も あがる。"
353,5,9,"Steals the effects
of the move the foe
is trying to use."
353,6,9,"Steals the effects
of the move the foe
is trying to use."
353,7,9,"Steals the effects
of the foes
healing or status-
changing move."
353,8,9,"The user steals the effects of any
healing or status-changing move the
foe attempts to use."
353,9,9,"The user steals the effects of any
healing or status-changing move the
foe attempts to use."
353,10,9,"The user steals the effects of any
healing or status-changing move the
foe attempts to use."
353,11,5,"Attaque lennemi avec la voix. Cette
attaque devient plus efficace si à
chaque tour quelquun lutilise."
353,11,9,"The user attacks the target with an
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
353,14,9,"The user attacks the target with an
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
353,15,1,"こえで あいてを こうげきする。
まいターン だれかが つかうと
いりょくが あがる。"
353,15,3,"목소리로 상대를 공격한다.
매 턴 누군가 기술을
계속해서 쓰면 위력이 올라간다."
353,15,5,"Un cri retentissant blesse lennemi.
Si le lanceur ou dautres Pokémon lutilisent
à chaque tour, leffet augmente."
353,15,6,"Angriff mit widerhallender Stimme. Wird dieser
in jeder Runde von jemandem wiederholt, steigt
die Stärke."
353,15,7,"Quien lo usa se carga de energía y luego ataca.
Y, si ataca después del objetivo, dobla la
potencia del ataque."
353,15,8,"Attacca il bersaglio con la propria voce
echeggiante. Se usata a ripetizione da uno
o più Pokémon il danno aumenta."
353,15,9,"The user attacks the target with an
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
353,15,11,"響く 声で 相手を 攻撃する。
毎ターン だれかが 使い続けると
威力が あがる。"
354,5,9,"Enables full-power
attack, but sharply
lowers SP. ATK."
354,6,9,"Enables full-power
attack, but sharply
lowers SP. ATK."
354,7,9,"An intense attack
that also sharply
reduces the users
SP. ATK stat."
354,8,9,"The user attacks the foe at full
power using fiery energy. It also
sharply reduces the users Sp. Atk."
354,9,9,"The user attacks the foe at full
power using fiery energy. It also
sharply reduces the users Sp. Atk."
354,10,9,"The user attacks the foe at full
power using fiery energy. It also
sharply reduces the users Sp. Atk."
354,11,5,"Attaque lennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément
lAttaque Spéciale du lanceur."
354,11,9,"The user attacks the target at full
power. The attacks recoil harshly
reduces the users Sp. Atk stat."
354,14,9,"The user attacks the target at full
power. The attacks recoil harshly
reduces the users Sp. Atk stat."
354,15,1,"フルパワーで ほのおの こうげき。
つかったあと じぶんの とくこうは
がくっと さがる。"
354,15,3,"풀 파워로 불꽃 공격을 한다.
사용한 뒤 자신의 특수공격이
크게 떨어진다."
354,15,5,"Attaque lennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément lAttaque
Spéciale du lanceur."
354,15,6,"Angriff mit maximaler Kraft und feuriger Energie,
der gleichzeitig den Spezial-Angriff des Angreifers
354,15,7,"Quien lo usa puede vengar a sus amigos. El daño
causado será mayor si en el turno anterior han
debilitado a alguno."
354,15,8,"Chi la usa sferra un potente attacco, ma il
contraccolpo riduce di molto il suo Attacco
354,15,9,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attacks recoil harshly lowers the
users Sp. Atk stat."
354,15,11,"フルパワーで 相手を 攻撃する。
使うと 反動で
自分の 特攻が がくっと さがる。"
355,8,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the users HP by up to
half of its top HP."
355,9,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the users HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,10,9,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the users HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,11,5,"Le lanceur se téléporte à laide dun
pouvoir mystérieux. Il échange sa place
avec celle dun allié sur le terrain."
355,11,9,"The user teleports using a strange
power and switches its place with one of
its allies."
355,14,9,"The user teleports using a strange
power and switches its place with one of
its allies."
355,15,1,"かたい つばさを あいてに たたきつけて
こうげきする。じぶんの ぼうぎょが
あがることが ある。"
355,15,3,"단단한 날개를 상대에게 부딪쳐서
공격한다. 자신의 방어가
올라갈 때가 있다."
355,15,5,"Le lanceur frappe lennemi avec des ailes dacier.
Peut aussi augmenter la Défense du lanceur."
355,15,6,"Trifft das Ziel mit Stahlflügeln. Verteidigungs-Wert
des Anwenders steigt eventuell."
355,15,7,"Quien lo usa carga contra el objetivo usando toda
su energía y en el turno siguiente tiene que
355,15,8,"Colpisce il nemico con ali dacciaio.
Può anche aumentare la Difesa di chi la usa."
355,15,9,"The target is hit with wings of steel.
This may also raise the users Defense stat."
355,15,11,"硬い 翼を 相手に たたきつけて
攻撃する。自分の 防御が
あがることが ある。"
356,8,9,"The user attacks at full power.
It may also lower the foes Sp. Def
stat if it hits."
356,9,9,"The user attacks at full power.
It may also lower the foes Sp. Def
stat if it hits."
356,10,9,"The user attacks at full power.
It may also lower the foes Sp. Def
stat if it hits."
356,11,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et
laisse éclater son pouvoir. Peut aussi
baisser la Défense Spéciale de lennemi."
356,11,9,"The user heightens its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the targets Sp. Def."
356,14,9,"The user heightens its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the targets Sp. Def."
356,15,1,"こんしんの ちからで こうげきする。
あたった あいての とくぼうを
さげることが ある。"
356,15,3,"기합을 높여서
혼신의 힘을 방출한다. 상대의
특수방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
356,15,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et laisse éclater
son pouvoir. Peut aussi baisser la Défense
Spéciale de lennemi."
356,15,6,"Ein Angriff mit aller Macht. Die Spezial-
Verteidigung des Zieles sinkt eventuell."
356,15,7,"Quien lo usa reduce la resistencia que ofrece su
cuerpo y gana mucho en Velocidad."
356,15,8,"Chi la usa si concentra e rilascia la sua forza.
Può ridurre la Difesa Speciale del Pokémon
356,15,9,"The user heightens its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
This may also lower the targets Sp. Def."
356,15,11,"気合を 高めて
ありったけの 力を 放出する。
相手の 特防を さげることが ある。"
357,8,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the foe. It may also lower
the targets Sp. Def."
357,9,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the foe. It may also lower
the targets Sp. Def."
357,10,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the foe. It may also lower
the targets Sp. Def."
357,11,5,"Utilise les pouvoirs de la nature pour
attaquer lennemi. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de lennemi."
357,11,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the target. It may also
lower the targets Sp. Def."
357,14,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the target. It may also
lower the targets Sp. Def."
357,15,1,"いのちの ちからを あつめて
こうげきする。 あたった あいての
とくぼうを さげることが ある。"
357,15,3,"자연으로부터 모은
생명의 힘을 발사한다. 상대의
특수방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
357,15,5,"Utilise les pouvoirs de la nature pour attaquer
lennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
357,15,6,"Entfesselt die Kraft der Natur gegen das Ziel.
Dessen Spezial-Verteidigung sinkt eventuell."
357,15,7,"Lanza una luz cegadora que reduce la Precisión
del objetivo."
357,15,8,"Chi la usa attinge energia dalla natura e la scaglia
contro il nemico. Può anche ridurne la Difesa
357,15,9,"The user draws power from nature and
fires it at the target. This may also
lower the targets Sp. Def."
357,15,11,"自然から 集めた
命の力を 発射する。
相手の 特防を さげることが ある。"
358,8,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
foe from fainting. The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
358,9,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
foe from fainting. The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
358,10,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
foe from fainting. The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
358,11,5,"Le lanceur retient ses coups pour
que lennemi garde au moins 1 PV et
ne tombe pas K.O."
358,11,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
target from fainting. The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
358,14,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
target from fainting. The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
358,15,1,"てかげんして こうげきする。
こうげきした あいての HPは
かならず 1 のこる。"
358,15,3,"상대의 HP가
반드시 1만큼 남도록
조절하여 공격한다."
358,15,5,"Le lanceur retient ses coups pour que lennemi
garde au moins 1 PV et ne tombe pas K.O."
358,15,6,"Eine zurückhaltende Attacke, die eine
Kampfunfähigkeit des Zieles verhindert,
da dem Ziel mindestens 1 KP bleibt."
358,15,7,"Apuñala al objetivo desde abajo con piedras
afiladas. Su índice de golpe crítico es muy alto."
358,15,8,"Chi la usa trattiene il colpo per impedire al nemico
di andare KO, lasciandolo con almeno un PS."
358,15,9,"A restrained attack that prevents the
target from fainting. The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
358,15,11,"相手の HPが
必ず 1だけ 残るように
手加減して 攻撃する。"
359,8,9,"If the foes HP is down to under half,
this attack will hit with double the
359,9,9,"If the foes HP is down to under half,
this attack will hit with double the
359,10,9,"If the foes HP is down to under half,
this attack will hit with double the
359,11,5,"Envoie un jet deau bouillante.
Inflige des dégâts et peut
parfois brûler."
359,11,9,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
its target. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
359,14,9,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
its target. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
359,15,1,"あつく にえたぎる みずを
はっしゃして こうげきする。
やけどに することが ある。"
359,15,3,"뜨겁게 끓어오르는 물을
상대에게 발사해서 공격한다.
화상 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
359,15,5,"Lennemi est attaqué par un jet deau bouillante.
Peut aussi le brûler."
359,15,6,"Heizt dem Ziel mit einem Schwall siedend heißen
Kochwassers ein. Dieses erleidet eventuell
359,15,7,"Tras atacar, vuelve a toda prisa para dar paso a
otro Pokémon del equipo."
359,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un getto
dacqua bollente che può anche scottarlo."
359,15,9,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
its target. This may also leave the
target with a burn."
359,15,11,"熱く 煮えたぎる 水を
相手に 発射して 攻撃する。
やけど状態に することが ある。"
360,8,9,"The user flings its held item at the
foe to attack. Its power and effects
depend on the item."
360,9,9,"The user flings its held item at the
foe to attack. Its power and effects
depend on the item."
360,10,9,"The user flings its held item at the
foe to attack. Its power and effects
depend on the item."
360,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie lobjet quil tient
sur lennemi. La puissance et les
effets dépendent de lobjet."
360,11,9,"The user flings its held item at the
target as an attack. Its power and
effects depend on the item."
360,14,9,"The user flings its held item at the
target as an attack. Its power and
effects depend on the item."
360,15,1,"どうぐを なげつけて こうげきする。
なげる もちものに よって わざの
いりょくと こうかは かわる。"
360,15,3,"도구를 내던져서 공격한다.
던질 물건에 따라 기술의
위력과 효과가 바뀐다."
360,15,5,"Le lanceur envoie lobjet quil tient sur lennemi.
La puissance et les effets dépendent de lobjet."
360,15,6,"Der Anwender wirft sein Item auf das Ziel.
Die Kraft und die Wirkung hängen vom
jeweiligen Item ab."
360,15,7,"Débil descarga eléctrica que se lanza contra el
objetivo y causa parálisis si es certera."
360,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia il suo strumento addosso
al nemico. La forza e leffetto dipendono
dallo strumento."
360,15,9,"The user flings its held item at the target
to attack. This moves power and effects
depend on the item."
360,15,11,"持たせた 道具を
素早く 投げつけて 攻撃する。
道具で 威力と 効果が かわる。"
361,8,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
361,9,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
361,10,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
361,11,5,"Le lanceur tire un rayon chargé
délectricité. Peut aussi augmenter
son Attaque Spéciale."
361,11,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
361,14,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
361,15,1,"でんげきを あびせて こうげきする。
のこった でんきを ためて じぶんの
とくこうを あげることが ある。"
361,15,3,"전격의 다발을 상대에게
발사한다. 전기를 모아서 자신의
특수공격을 올릴 때가 있다."
361,15,5,"Le lanceur tire un rayon chargé délectricité.
Peut aussi augmenter son Attaque Spéciale."
361,15,6,"Greift mit einer elektrischen Entladung an.
Der Spezial-Angriff des Angreifers steigt eventuell."
361,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca al objetivo como un remolino.
Cuanto más lento sea quien lo usa, más daño
361,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un fascio di elettricità molto
intensa. Può anche aumentare il proprio Attacco
361,15,9,"The user attacks with an electric
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
361,15,11,"電撃の 束を 相手に
発射する。電気を ためて 自分の
特攻を あげることが ある。"
362,8,9,"The user endures any attack, leaving
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it
is used in succession."
362,9,9,"The user endures any attack, leaving
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it
is used in succession."
362,10,9,"The user endures any attack, leaving
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it
is used in succession."
362,11,5,"Le lanceur emmène lennemi dans les airs
au 1er tour et le lâche dans le vide au
2è. Lennemi saisi ne peut pas attaquer."
362,11,9,"The user hurls the target into the air,
then drops it on the second turn. The
target cannot attack while in the air."
362,14,9,"The user hurls the target into the air,
then drops it on the second turn. The
target cannot attack while in the air."
362,15,1,"つれさった あいてを 2ターンめに
そらから おとして こうげきする。
つれさられた あいては うごけない。"
362,15,3,"끌려온 상대를 2턴째에
하늘에서 떨어뜨려 공격한다.
끌려간 상대는 움직일 수 없다."
362,15,5,"Le lanceur emmène lennemi dans les airs au
premier tour et le lâche dans le vide au second.
Lennemi saisi ne peut pas attaquer."
362,15,6,"Das entführte Ziel wird in Runde 2 vom Himmel
fallen gelassen. In der Luft kann das Ziel nicht
362,15,7,"Danza frenética que eleva el espíritu combativo.
Aumenta mucho el Ataque de quien lo usa."
362,15,8,"Porta il bersaglio in cielo e lo scaglia a terra
al turno successivo. Il bersaglio catturato
non può muoversi."
362,15,9,"The user takes the target into the sky,
then drops it during the next turn.
The target cannot attack while in the sky."
362,15,11,"連れさった 相手を 2ターン目に
空から 落として 攻撃する。
連れさられた 相手は 動けない。"
363,8,9,"The foe is attacked with a shock
wave generated by the users gaping
363,9,9,"The foe is attacked with a shock
wave generated by the users gaping
363,10,9,"The foe is attacked with a shock
wave generated by the users gaping
363,11,5,"Des flammes calcinent lennemi.
Sil tient une Baie, elle est brûlée
et devient inutilisable."
363,11,9,"The user attacks the target with fire.
If the target is holding a Berry, the
Berry becomes burnt up and unusable."
363,14,9,"The user attacks the target with fire.
If the target is holding a Berry, the
Berry becomes burnt up and unusable."
363,15,1,"ほのおで あいてを こうげきする。
あいてが きのみを もっている とき
もやして つかえなく する。"
363,15,3,"불꽃으로 상대를 공격한다.
상대가 나무열매를 지니고 있을 때
불태워서 쓸 수 없게 만든다."
363,15,5,"Des flammes calcinent lennemi.
Sil tient un objet, une Baie par exemple, celui-ci
est brûlé et devient inutilisable."
363,15,6,"Eine Feuer-Attacke. Trägt das Ziel eine Beere
oder ein ähnliches Item bei sich, wird dieses
von den Flammen verzehrt und geht verloren."
363,15,7,"El usuario opone resistencia y ataca a los
oponentes. También reduce su Ataque Especial.
363,15,8,"Attacca il nemico con una fiammata. Il fuoco
distruggerà le bacche o alcuni tipi di strumenti
che il Pokémon ha con sé."
363,15,9,"The user attacks opposing Pokémon with fire.
If a Pokémon is holding a certain item, such as a
Berry, the item becomes burned up and unusable."
363,15,11,"炎で 相手を 攻撃する。
相手が きのみを 持っているとき
燃やして 使えなくする。"
364,8,9,"An energy-draining punch. The users
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
364,9,9,"An energy-draining punch. The users
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
364,10,9,"An energy-draining punch. The users
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
364,11,5,"Retient la cible de force,
lobligeant à agir en dernier."
364,11,9,"The user suppresses the target and
makes its move go last."
364,14,9,"The user suppresses the target and
makes its move go last."
364,15,1,"あいてを おさえつけて
こうどうの じゅんばんを
さいごに する。"
364,15,3,"상대를 억눌러서
행동의 순서를
마지막으로 만든다."
364,15,5,"Retient la cible de force, lobligeant à agir
en dernier."
364,15,6,"Anwender stemmt sich gegen das Ziel und
bewirkt, dass dieses erst zuletzt angreift."
364,15,7,"Quien lo usa se hipnotiza y copia cualquier
cambio que haya en las características de
su objetivo."
364,15,8,"Chi la usa spinge via il bersaglio, costringendolo
ad agire per ultimo."
364,15,9,"The user suppresses the target and
makes its move go last."
364,15,11,"相手を おさえつけて
行動の 順番を
最後に する。"
365,8,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish
white flame at the foe to inflict a
365,9,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish
white flame at the foe to inflict a
365,10,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish
white flame at the foe to inflict a
365,11,5,"Lance une sinistre flamme violette à
lennemi pour lui infliger une brûlure."
365,11,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
365,14,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
365,15,1,"あおじろく もえる あやしげな
ほのおを はなつ。 あいてを
やけどの じょうたいに する。"
365,15,3,"으스스하고 괴상한 불꽃을 쏘아
상대를 화상 상태로 만든다."
365,15,5,"Lance une sinistre flamme violette à lennemi
pour lui infliger une brûlure."
365,15,6,"Feuert eine fiese, blauweiße Flamme auf das Ziel
ab, um Verbrennungen zu verursachen."
365,15,7,"Sacudida sísmica que afecta a los demás
Pokémon adyacentes y también reduce su
365,15,8,"Fiamme intense di colore viola causano
una scottatura al nemico."
365,15,9,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
365,15,11,"不気味で 怪しい 炎を 放って
相手を やけどの 状態に する。
366,8,9,"The foe is attacked with powdery
scales blown by wind. It may also
raise all the users stats."
366,9,9,"The foe is attacked with powdery
scales blown by wind. It may also
raise all the users stats."
366,10,9,"The foe is attacked with powdery
scales blown by wind. It may also
raise all the users stats."
366,11,5,"Attaque agile. Si le lanceur ne tient
pas dobjet, lattaque inflige
davantage de dégâts."
366,11,9,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
366,14,9,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
366,15,1,"かろやかに あいてを こうげきする。
じぶんが どうぐを もっていないと
おおきな ダメージを あたえる。"
366,15,3,"경쾌하게 상대를 공격한다.
자신이 도구를 지니고 있지 않을 때
큰 데미지를 준다."
366,15,5,"Attaque agile. Si le lanceur ne tient pas dobjet,
lattaque inflige davantage de dégâts."
366,15,6,"Ein graziler Angriff auf das Ziel. Trägt der
Anwender kein Item bei sich, richtet die Attacke
großen Schaden an."
366,15,7,"Quien lo usa ataca lanzando un aliento gélido.
Siempre resulta en un golpe crítico."
366,15,8,"Attacca rapidamente il bersaglio.
Se chi la usa non ha uno strumento, infligge
al nemico grossi danni."
366,15,9,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
366,15,11,"軽やかに 相手を 攻撃する。
自分が 道具を 持っていないとき
大きな ダメージを 与える。"
367,8,9,"It prevents the foe from using its
held item. Its Trainer is also
prevented from using items on it."
367,9,9,"It prevents the foe from using its
held item. Its Trainer is also
prevented from using items on it."
367,10,9,"It prevents the foe from using its
held item. Its Trainer is also
prevented from using items on it."
367,11,5,"Empêche lennemi dutiliser un objet
tenu et son Dresseur dutiliser un
objet sur lui."
367,11,9,"It prevents the target from using its
held item. Its Trainer is also prevented
from using items on it."
367,14,9,"It prevents the target from using its
held item. Its Trainer is also prevented
from using items on it."
367,15,1,"もたせた どうぐを つかえなくする。
トレーナーも その ポケモンには
どうぐを つかうことが できない。"
367,15,3,"지니게 한 도구를 쓸 수 없게 한다.
트레이너도 그 포켓몬에게는
도구를 쓸 수 없다."
367,15,5,"Empêche lennemi dutiliser un objet tenu et
son Dresseur dutiliser un objet sur lui."
367,15,6,"Verhindert, dass auf das Ziel Items verwendet
367,15,7,"Arroja grandes rocas para infligir daño. También
puede hacer retroceder al objetivo."
367,15,8,"Impedisce al nemico di usare il suo strumento
e al suo Allenatore di usarne altri sul Pokémon."
367,15,9,"This move prevents the target from
using its held item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from using items on it."
367,15,11,"持たせた 道具を 使えなくする。
トレーナーも その ポケモンには
道具を 使えない。"
368,8,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
all Pokémon in battle. The user faints
upon using this move."
368,9,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
all Pokémon in battle. The user faints
upon using this move."
368,10,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
all Pokémon in battle. The user faints
upon using this move."
368,11,5,"Le lanceur explose et inflige des
dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour
de lui. Met K.O. le lanceur."
368,11,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
those around it.
The user faints upon using this move."
368,14,9,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
those around it.
The user faints upon using this move."
368,15,1,"おおきな ばくはつで じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
つかったあと ひんしに なる。"
368,15,3,"큰 폭발을 일으켜서 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
사용한 뒤 기절한다."
368,15,5,"Le lanceur explose et inflige des dégâts à tous
les Pokémon autour de lui. Met K.O. le lanceur."
368,15,6,"Diese besondere Attacke verletzt Pokémon
in der Nähe des Anwenders, der dabei jedoch
kampfunfähig wird."
368,15,7,"Ataca al objetivo con cuchillas o garras que se
cruzan a modo de tijera."
368,15,8,"Chi la usa esplode e infligge danni agli altri
Pokémon in campo, ma poi va KO."
368,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it
by causing a tremendous explosion.
The user faints upon using this move."
368,15,11,"大きな 爆発で 自分の 周りに
いるものを 攻撃する。
使ったあとに ひんしに なる。"
369,8,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw
made from shadows. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
369,9,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw
made from shadows. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
369,10,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw
made from shadows. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
369,11,5,"Attaque avec une griffe puissante faite
dombres. Taux de critiques élevé."
369,11,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw
made from shadows. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
369,14,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw
made from shadows. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
369,15,1,"かげで つくった するどいツメで
きりさいて こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
369,15,3,"그림자로 만든 날카로운 발톱으로
상대를 베어 가른다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
369,15,5,"Attaque avec une griffe puissante faite dombres.
Taux de critiques élevé."
369,15,6,"Eine Klaue aus Schatten greift das Ziel an.
Die Volltrefferquote ist dabei sehr hoch."
369,15,7,"Se lleva al objetivo, que es cambiado por otro
Pokémon. Si es un Pokémon salvaje, acaba el
369,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca con artigli dombra che
colpiscono con gran forza.
Probabile brutto colpo."
369,15,9,"The user slashes with a sharp claw
made from shadows.
Critical hits land more easily."
369,15,11,"影から つくった 鋭い ツメで
相手を 切り裂く。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
370,8,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user can use this attack after
the foe, its power is doubled."
370,9,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user can use this attack after
the foe, its power is doubled."
370,10,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user can use this attack after
the foe, its power is doubled."
370,11,5,"Le lanceur charge son énergie, puis
attaque. La puissance est doublée
si le lanceur agit après lennemi."
370,11,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user can use this attack after
the target, its power is doubled."
370,14,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user can use this attack after
the target, its power is doubled."
370,15,1,"ちからを ためこみ こうげきする。
あいてより あとに だせると
わざの いりょくは 2ばいに なる。"
370,15,3,"힘을 모아 공격한다.
상대보다 나중에 쓰면
기술의 위력은 2배가 된다."
370,15,5,"Le lanceur charge son énergie, puis attaque.
La puissance est doublée si le lanceur agit
après lennemi."
370,15,6,"Der Anwender lädt die Attacke auf. Handelt das
Ziel vor dem Anwender, verdoppelt sich die Kraft
der Attacke."
370,15,7,"Oprime al enemigo de cuatro a cinco turnos,
durante los cuales no podrá huir."
370,15,8,"Chi la usa accumula forza, poi attacca.
La potenza raddoppia se agisce dopo il Pokémon
370,15,9,"The user stores power, then attacks.
If the user moves after the target,
this attacks power will be doubled."
370,15,11,"ためこんで 攻撃する。
相手より 後に 攻撃できると
技の 威力は 2倍に なる。"
371,8,9,"The user recycles a single-use item
that has been used in battle so it can
be used again."
371,9,9,"The user recycles a single-use item
that has been used in battle so it can
be used again."
371,10,9,"The user recycles a single-use item
that has been used in battle so it can
be used again."
371,11,5,"Venge un Pokémon de léquipe mis K.O.
Si un Pokémon de léquipe a été mis
K.O. au tour davant, leffet augmente."
371,11,9,"The user gets revenge for a fainted
ally. If an ally fainted in the previous
turn, this attacks damage increases."
371,14,9,"The user gets revenge for a fainted
ally. If an ally fainted in the previous
turn, this attacks damage increases."
371,15,1,"たおれた みかたの かたきを うつ。
まえの ターンに たおされて
いると いりょくが あがる。"
371,15,3,"쓰러진 같은 편의 원수를 갚는다.
앞 턴에서 같은 편이
쓰러졌다면 위력이 올라간다."
371,15,5,"Venge un Pokémon de léquipe mis K.O.
Si un Pokémon de léquipe a été mis K.O.
au tour davant, leffet augmente."
371,15,6,"Anwender rächt einen besiegten Mitstreiter.
Wurde in der vorherigen Runde ein Mitstreiter
besiegt, steigt die Kraft."
371,15,7,"Ataca con un tentáculo o brazo impregnado de
veneno que puede llegar a envenenar al objetivo."
371,15,8,"Vendica un alleato messo KO. Se ciò è accaduto
al turno precedente, il danno è maggiore."
371,15,9,"The user gets revenge for a fainted ally.
If an ally fainted in the previous turn,
this move becomes more powerful."
371,15,11,"倒れた 味方の かたきを 討つ。
前の ターンに 味方が
倒されていると 威力が あがる。"
372,8,9,"The user charges the foe using every
bit of its power. It must rest on the
next turn to recover."
372,9,9,"The user charges the foe using every
bit of its power. It must rest on the
next turn to recover."
372,10,9,"The user charges the foe using every
bit of its power. It must rest on the
next turn to recover."
372,11,5,"Le lanceur charge lennemi de toute sa
puissance. Il doit ensuite se reposer
au tour suivant."
372,11,9,"The user charges at the target using
every bit of its power.
The user must rest on the next turn."
372,14,9,"The user charges at the target using
every bit of its power.
The user must rest on the next turn."
372,15,1,"もてる ちからの すべてを あつめて
とつげきする。 つぎの ターン
はんどうで うごけなくなる。"
372,15,3,"가진 힘을 모두 사용해서
상대에게 돌격한다.
다음 턴은 움직일 수 없다."
372,15,5,"Le lanceur charge lennemi de toute sa puissance
et doit ensuite se reposer au tour suivant."
372,15,6,"Ein harter Angriff mit aller Energie. Danach muss
der Anwender sich ausruhen und neue Energie
372,15,7,"Solo funciona con objetivos dormidos. Absorbe la
mitad del daño causado para restaurar los PS de
quien lo usa."
372,15,8,"Chi la usa carica il nemico usando tutta la sua
forza, ma al turno successivo deve riposarsi."
372,15,9,"The user charges at the target using
every bit of its power.
The user cant move on the next turn."
372,15,11,"持てる 力を すべて 使って
相手に 突撃する。
次の ターンは 動けなくなる。"
373,8,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce
drag. It sharply raises the Speed
373,9,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce
drag. It sharply raises the Speed
373,10,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce
drag. It sharply raises the Speed
373,11,5,"Le lanceur polit son corps pour
diminuer sa résistance au vent.
Augmente fortement la Vitesse."
373,11,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce
drag. It sharply raises the Speed
373,14,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce
drag. It sharply raises the Speed
373,15,1,"からだを みがきあげて くうきの
ていこうを すくなくする。
すばやさを ぐーんと あげる。"
373,15,3,"자신의 몸을 닦아 공기의
저항을 적게 한다. 스피드를
크게 올릴 수 있다."
373,15,5,"Le lanceur polit son corps pour diminuer sa
résistance au vent. Augmente fortement la
373,15,6,"Der Anwender poliert seinen Körper. Kann den
Initiative-Wert deutlich erhöhen."
373,15,7,"Atrapa al objetivo con hierbas y lo derriba.
Cuanto más pesado sea el objetivo, más
daño causa."
373,15,8,"Chi la usa leviga il proprio corpo per
ridurne lattrito. Aumenta di molto
la Velocità."
373,15,9,"The user polishes its body to reduce drag.
This can sharply raise the Speed stat."
373,15,11,"自分の 体を 磨いて 空気の
抵抗を 少なくする。素早さを
ぐーんと あげることが できる。"
374,8,9,"The user flashes a light that cuts the
foes accuracy. It can also be used to
illuminate caves."
374,9,9,"The user flashes a light that cuts the
foes accuracy. It can also be used to
illuminate caves."
374,10,9,"The user flashes a light that cuts the
foes accuracy. It can also be used to
illuminate caves."
374,11,5,"Explosion lumineuse qui fait baisser
la Précision de lennemi. Permet
aussi déclairer les grottes."
374,11,9,"The user flashes a bright light that
cuts the targets accuracy.
It can also be used to illuminate caves."
374,14,9,"The user flashes a bright light that
cuts the targets accuracy.
It can also be used to illuminate caves."
374,15,1,"まぶしい ひかりで あいての
めいちゅうりつを さげる。
374,15,3,"눈이 부신 빛으로
상대의 명중률을 떨어뜨린다."
374,15,5,"Explosion lumineuse qui fait baisser la Précision
de lennemi."
374,15,6,"Ein blendendes Licht reduziert die Genauigkeit
des Zieles."
374,15,7,"Envuelve al objetivo en confusión, pero también
sube marcadamente su Ataque."
374,15,8,"Investe il nemico con una luce abbagliante
che ne riduce la precisione."
374,15,9,"The user flashes a bright light that cuts
the targets accuracy."
374,15,11,"まぶしい 光で 相手の
命中率を さげる。
375,8,9,"The user stabs the foe with a
sharpened stone from below. It has
a high critical-hit ratio."
375,9,9,"The user stabs the foe with a
sharpened stone from below. It has
a high critical-hit ratio."
375,10,9,"The user stabs the foe with a
sharpened stone from below. It has
a high critical-hit ratio."
375,11,5,"Fait surgir des pierres aiguisées sous
lennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
375,11,9,"The user stabs the foe with
sharpened stones from below.
It has a high critical-hit ratio."
375,14,9,"The user stabs the foe with
sharpened stones from below.
It has a high critical-hit ratio."
375,15,1,"とがった がんせきを したから
つきさして こうげきする。
きゅうしょに あたりやすい。"
375,15,3,"뾰족한 바위를
상대에게 꿰찔러서 공격한다.
급소에 맞기 쉽다."
375,15,5,"Fait surgir des pierres aiguisées sous lennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
375,15,6,"Angriff mit spitzen Steinen.
Besitzt eine hohe Volltrefferquote."
375,15,7,"Mientras duerme, usa uno de sus movimientos
elegido al azar."
375,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il nemico dal basso con
pietre affilate.
Probabile brutto colpo."
375,15,9,"The user stabs the target with
sharpened stones from below.
Critical hits land more easily."
375,15,11,"とがった 岩を
相手に 突き刺して 攻撃する。
急所に 当たりやすい。"
376,8,9,"An attack move that inflicts double
the damage if the user has been hurt
by the foe in the same turn."
376,9,9,"An attack move that inflicts double
the damage if the user has been hurt
by the foe in the same turn."
376,10,9,"An attack move that inflicts double
the damage if the user has been hurt
by the foe in the same turn."
376,11,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à
toute vitesse et change de place avec
un Pokémon de léquipe prêt au combat."
376,11,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
376,14,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
376,15,1,"こうげき したあと
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
ひかえ ポケモンと いれかわる。"
376,15,3,"공격한 뒤
굉장한 스피드로 돌아와서
교대 포켓몬과 교체한다."
376,15,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à toute
vitesse et change de place avec un Pokémon
de léquipe prêt au combat."
376,15,6,"Nach der Attacke eilt der Anwender zurück und
tauscht den Platz mit einem anderen Pokémon."
376,15,7,"Después de atacar, quien lo usa cambia
rápidamente su puesto con un compañero
que no esté combatiendo."
376,15,8,"Chi usa questa mossa si tira indietro
per farsi sostituire dopo aver sferrato lattacco."
376,15,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
控えポケモンと 入れ替わる。"
377,8,9,"A weak electric charge is launched
at the foe. It causes paralysis if it
377,9,9,"A weak electric charge is launched
at the foe. It causes paralysis if it
377,10,9,"A weak electric charge is launched
at the foe. It causes paralysis if it
377,11,5,"Un faible choc électrique frappe
lennemi. Si lattaque touche, lennemi
est paralysé."
377,11,9,"A weak electric charge is launched
at the target. It causes paralysis
if it hits."
377,14,9,"A weak electric charge is launched
at the target. It causes paralysis
if it hits."
377,15,1,"よわい でんきを あびせることで
あいてを まひじょうたいに する。
377,15,3,"약한 전기를 날려
상대를 마비 상태로 만든다."
377,15,5,"Un faible choc électrique frappe lennemi.
Si lattaque le touche, celui-ci est paralysé."
377,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit einem schwachen elektrischen
Schlag angegriffen. Wird es getroffen, wird es
377,15,7,"Quien lo usa utiliza parte de sus PS para hacer
una copia de sí mismo que sirve como señuelo."
377,15,8,"Il nemico viene colpito da una debole scarica
elettrica che, se va a segno, ne causa la paralisi."
377,15,9,"The user launches a weak jolt of
electricity that paralyzes the target."
377,15,11,"弱い 電撃を 浴びせることで
相手を まひ状態に する。
378,8,9,"The user tackles the foe from a
high-speed spin. The slower the user,
the greater the damage."
378,9,9,"The user tackles the foe from a
high-speed spin. The slower the user,
the greater the damage."
378,10,9,"The user tackles the foe from a
high-speed spin. The slower the user,
the greater the damage."
378,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue une rotation et
frappe lennemi. Plus le lanceur est
lent, plus il fait de dégâts."
378,11,9,"The user tackles the target with a
high-speed spin. The slower the
user, the greater the damage."
378,14,9,"The user tackles the target with a
high-speed spin. The slower the
user, the greater the damage."
378,15,1,"からだを こうそくに かいてん
させて たいあたりする。 あいてより
おそいほど いりょくは あがる。"
378,15,3,"몸을 고속으로 회전시켜
몸통박치기한다. 상대보다
스피드가 느릴수록 위력은 올라간다."
378,15,5,"Le lanceur effectue une rotation et frappe
lennemi. Plus la Vitesse du lanceur est basse,
plus il fait de dégâts."
378,15,6,"Eine verzerrte Drehattacke. Je langsamer der
Anwender, desto mehr Schaden fügt er zu."
378,15,7,"Quien lo usa concentra toda su energía lumínica
y la libera de golpe. Puede reducir la Defensa
Especial del objetivo."
378,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il nemico con un vortice
rapidissimo. Più lento è chi la usa, maggiore
è il danno."
378,15,9,"The user tackles the target with a high-speed
spin. The slower the user compared to the
target, the greater the moves power."
378,15,11,"体を 高速に 回転させて
体当たりする。相手より 素早さが
遅いほど 強い。"
379,8,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the users
Attack stat."
379,9,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the users
Attack stat."
379,10,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the users
Attack stat."
379,11,5,"Danse frénétique qui exalte lesprit
combatif. Augmente beaucoup
lAttaque du lanceur."
379,11,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the users
Attack stat."
379,14,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the users
Attack stat."
379,15,1,"たたかいのまいを はげしく おどり
きあいを たかめる。 じぶんの
こうげきを ぐーんと あげる。"
379,15,3,"싸움의 춤을 격렬하게 춰서
기세를 높인다.
자신의 공격을 크게 올린다."
379,15,5,"Danse frénétique qui exalte lesprit combatif.
Augmente beaucoup lAttaque du lanceur."
379,15,6,"Ein wilder Tanz, der den Kampfgeist erhöhen soll.
Der Angriffs-Wert des Anwenders steigt deutlich."
379,15,7,"Distorsiona el espacio de forma que los Pokémon
más lentos consiguen moverse en primer lugar
durante cinco turnos."
379,15,8,"Danza frenetica che incrementa lo spirito
combattivo. Chi la usa aumenta di molto
il proprio Attacco."
379,15,9,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. This sharply raises the users
Attack stat."
379,15,11,"戦いの舞を 激しく 踊って
気合を 高める。
自分の 攻撃を ぐーんと あげる。"
380,8,9,"The user lays a trap of levitating
stones around the foe. The trap hurts
foes that switch into battle."
380,9,9,"The user lays a trap of levitating
stones around the foe. The trap hurts
foes that switch into battle."
380,10,9,"The user lays a trap of levitating
stones around the foe. The trap hurts
foes that switch into battle."
380,11,5,"Le lanceur résiste et attaque.
Baisse lAttaque Spéciale de lennemi."
380,11,9,"Resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. The targets Sp. Atk
stat is reduced."
380,14,9,"Resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. The targets Sp. Atk
stat is reduced."
380,15,1,"ていこう して
あいてを こうげきする。
あいての とくこうを さげる。"
380,15,3,"저항하여 상대를 공격한다.
상대의 특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
380,15,5,"Le lanceur se débat de toutes ses forces, et
baisse lAttaque Spéciale de lennemi."
380,15,6,"Anwender leistet Widerstand und greift an.
Der Spezial-Angriff der Ziele sinkt."
380,15,7,"Corta al objetivo con una cuchilla o garra.
También puede usarse para cortar árboles
380,15,8,"Colpisce i nemici opponendo resistenza
e riducendo il loro Attacco Speciale."
380,15,9,"While resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. This lowers the
Sp. Atk stat of those hit."
380,15,11,"抵抗して 相手を 攻撃する。
相手の 特攻を さげる。
381,8,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the foe."
381,9,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the foe."
381,10,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the foe."
381,11,5,"Une autohypnose qui permet au lanceur
de copier les changements de stats de
la cible."
381,11,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the target."
381,14,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the target."
381,15,1,"じぶんに あんじを かけることで
のうりょく へんかの じょうたいを
あいてと おなじにする。"
381,15,3,"자신에게 암시를 걸어서
능력 변화 상태를
상대와 똑같은 상태로 만든다."
381,15,5,"Une autohypnose qui permet au lanceur de copier
les changements de stats de la cible."
381,15,6,"Der Anwender hypnotisiert sich selbst, um die
Statusveränderungen des Zieles zu kopieren."
381,15,7,"Quien lo usa levanta el vuelo y ataca en el
siguiente turno. También se puede usar para
volar a algún sitio conocido."
381,15,8,"Chi la usa sipnotizza per copiare ogni modifica
alle statistiche del bersaglio."
381,15,9,"The user hypnotizes itself into
copying any stat change made
by the target."
381,15,11,"自分に 暗示を かけることで
能力変化の 状態を
相手と 同じにする。"
382,8,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the foe is charmed into sharply
lowering its Sp. Atk stat."
382,9,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the foe is charmed into sharply
lowering its Sp. Atk stat."
382,10,9,"If it is the opposite gender of the
user, the foe is charmed into sharply
lowering its Sp. Atk stat."
382,11,5,"Le lanceur piétine le sol et inflige des
dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour
de lui. Baisse aussi la Vitesse."
382,11,9,"The user stomps down on the ground
and attacks everything in the area.
The targets Speed stat is reduced."
382,14,9,"The user stomps down on the ground
and attacks everything in the area.
The targets Speed stat is reduced."
382,15,1,"じめんを ふみならして じぶんの
まわりに いるものを こうげきする。
あいての すばやさを さげる。"
382,15,3,"땅을 힘껏 밟아 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
상대의 스피드를 떨어뜨린다."
382,15,5,"Le lanceur piétine le sol et inflige des dégâts à
tous les Pokémon autour de lui. Baisse aussi leur
382,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er den Boden um sich
herum plattwalzt. Die Initiative aller Pokémon in
der Umgebung sinkt."
382,15,7,"Inunda el campo de batalla con una ola gigante.
También se puede usar para desplazarse por el
382,15,8,"Chi la usa calpesta il terreno e scatena un
terremoto che danneggia i Pokémon nei paraggi,
riducendone la Velocità."
382,15,9,"The user strikes everything around it
by stomping down on the ground.
This lowers the Speed stat of those hit."
382,15,11,"地面を 踏みならして 自分の
周りに いるものを 攻撃する。
相手の 素早さを さげる。"
383,8,9,"The user releases a horrible aura
imbued with dark thoughts. It may also
make the target flinch."
383,9,9,"The user releases a horrible aura
imbued with dark thoughts. It may also
make the target flinch."
383,10,9,"The user releases a horrible aura
imbued with dark thoughts. It may also
make the target flinch."
383,11,5,"Un souffle froid blesse lennemi.
Leffet est toujours critique."
383,11,9,"The user blows a cold breath on the
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
383,14,9,"The user blows a cold breath on the
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
383,15,1,"つめたい いきを
あいてに ふきつけて こうげきする。
かならず きゅうしょに あたる。"
383,15,3,"차가운 숨결을
상대에게 내뿜어 공격한다.
반드시 급소에 맞는다."
383,15,5,"Un souffle froid blesse lennemi.
Leffet est toujours critique."
383,15,6,"Anwender greift an, indem er dem Ziel eisigen
Atem entgegenhaucht. Volltreffergarantie."
383,15,7,"Genera mucha fuerza y ataca con gran energía
al objetivo. También puede usarse para mover
piedras grandes."
383,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca il bersaglio con un soffio
daria gelida.
Brutto colpo assicurato."
383,15,9,"The user blows its cold breath on the
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
383,15,11,"冷たい 息を
相手に 吹きつけて 攻撃する。
必ず 急所に 当たる。"
384,8,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the foe
to inflict damage. It may also make the
target flinch."
384,9,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the foe
to inflict damage. It may also make the
target flinch."
384,10,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the foe
to inflict damage. It may also make the
target flinch."
384,11,5,"Envoie de gros rochers sur lennemi
pour infliger des dégâts. Peut
384,11,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the
opposing team to inflict damage. They
may also make the targets flinch."
384,14,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the
opposing team to inflict damage. They
may also make the targets flinch."
384,15,1,"おおきな がんせきを なげつけて
あいてを ひるませることが ある。"
384,15,3,"큰 바위를
세차게 부딪쳐서 공격한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
384,15,5,"Envoie de gros rochers sur lennemi pour infliger
des dégâts. Peut lapeurer."
384,15,6,"Der Anwender schleudert große Felsbrocken
auf das Ziel. Dieses schreckt eventuell zurück."
384,15,7,"Carga contra el objetivo a una velocidad increíble.
También puede usarse para remontar una
384,15,8,"I nemici vengono colpiti da grandi massi
che possono anche farli tentennare."
384,15,9,"Large boulders are hurled at the opposing
Pokémon to inflict damage. This may also
make the opposing Pokémon flinch."
384,15,11,"大きな 岩を
激しく ぶつけて 攻撃する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
385,8,9,"The user slashes at the foe by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
385,9,9,"The user slashes at the foe by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
385,10,9,"The user slashes at the foe by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
385,11,5,"Le lanceur taillade lennemi en utilisant
ses faux ou ses griffes comme une
paire de ciseaux."
385,11,9,"The user slashes at the target by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
385,14,9,"The user slashes at the target by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
385,15,1,"カマや ツメを ハサミのように
こうさ させながら きりさいて
385,15,3,"낫이나 발톱을 가위처럼
교차시키면서 상대를 베어 가른다."
385,15,5,"Le lanceur taillade lennemi en utilisant ses faux
ou ses griffes comme une paire de ciseaux."
385,15,6,"Der Anwender greift mit gekreuzten Scheren oder
Klauen an, als wären diese eine normale Schere."
385,15,7,"Quien lo usa se sumerge en el agua y ataca al
siguiente turno. También puede usarse para
bucear en el mar."
385,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il nemico usando le sue falci
o i suoi artigli come se fossero delle forbici."
385,15,9,"The user slashes at the target by
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
385,15,11,"カマや ツメを ハサミのように
交差させながら 相手を 切り裂く。
386,8,9,"While it is asleep, the user
randomly uses one of the moves
it knows."
386,9,9,"While it is asleep, the user
randomly uses one of the moves
it knows."
386,10,9,"While it is asleep, the user
randomly uses one of the moves
it knows."
386,11,5,"Un coup puissant qui blesse la cible
et lenvoie balader. Dans la nature,
met fin au combat."
386,11,9,"The user knocks away the target and
drags out another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
386,14,9,"The user knocks away the target and
drags out another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
386,15,1,"あいてを はじきとばして
ひかえの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
やせいなら せんとうが おわる。"
386,15,3,"상대를 튕겨내서
교대할 포켓몬을 끌어낸다.
야생의 경우에는 배틀이 끝난다."
386,15,5,"Un coup puissant qui blesse la cible et lenvoie
au loin. Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
386,15,6,"Fegt das Ziel vom Feld und wechselt es
mit einem anderen Pokémon aus.
Beendet Kämpfe gegen wilde Pokémon."
386,15,7,"Una saca donde guardar los objetos útiles para
la exploración. Permite acceder al Subsuelo."
386,15,8,"Chi la usa fa volar via il bersaglio in modo che
venga sostituito. Se il bersaglio è un singolo
Pokémon selvatico, la lotta finisce."
386,15,9,"The target is knocked away, and a different
Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this
ends a battle against a single Pokémon."
386,15,11,"相手を はじきとばして
控えの ポケモンを ひきずりだす。
野生の 場合は 戦闘が 終わる。"
387,8,9,"The user draws power from the Berry
it is holding to attack. The Berry
determines its type and power."
387,9,9,"The user draws power from the Berry
it is holding to attack. The Berry
determines its type and power."
387,10,9,"The user draws power from the Berry
it is holding to attack. The Berry
determines its type and power."
387,11,5,"Le lanceur se rengorge. Augmente
lAttaque et lAttaque Spéciale."
387,11,9,"The user is roused, and its Attack
and Sp. Atk stats increase."
387,14,9,"The user is roused, and its Attack
and Sp. Atk stats increase."
387,15,1,"4ー5ターンの あいだ あいてに
まとわりついて こうげきする。
そのあいだ あいては にげられない。"
387,15,3,"4-5턴 동안 상대에게
엉겨붙어 공격한다.
그동안 상대는 도망갈 수 없다."
387,15,5,"Attaque lennemi sans répit pendant quatre à cinq
tours. Ce dernier ne peut pas fuir au cours de
cette période."
387,15,6,"Der Anwender fällt 4 bis 5 Runden lang wie
eine Plage über das Ziel her und greift es an.
In diesem Zeitraum kann es nicht fliehen."
387,15,7,"Una saca grande y resistente utilizada para
transportar el botín reunido en la mina de carbón."
387,15,8,"Chi la usa lancia un attacco che tormenta
il bersaglio per quattro o cinque turni, durante
i quali gli impedisce di fuggire."
387,15,9,"The target is infested and attacked
for four to five turns.
The target cant flee during this time."
387,15,11,"4ー5ターンの 間 相手に
まとわりついて 攻撃する。
その間 相手は 逃げられない。"
388,8,9,"The foe is stabbed with a tentacle or
arm seeped with poison. It may also
poison the foe."
388,9,9,"The foe is stabbed with a tentacle or
arm seeped with poison. It may also
poison the foe."
388,10,9,"The foe is stabbed with a tentacle or
arm steeped with poison. It may also
poison the foe."
388,11,5,"Attaque lennemi avec un tentacule ou
un bras plein de poison. Peut aussi
388,11,9,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle
or arm steeped in poison. It may also
poison the target."
388,14,9,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle
or arm steeped in poison. It may also
poison the target."
388,15,1,"どくに そまった しょくしゅや
うでで こうげきする。どくの
じょうたいに することが ある。"
388,15,3,"독에 물든 촉수나 팔로
상대를 꿰찌른다.
독 상태로 만들 때가 있다."
388,15,5,"Attaque lennemi avec un tentacule ou un bras
plein de poison. Peut aussi lempoisonner."
388,15,6,"Der Anwender greift mit giftigen Tentakeln oder
Armen an. Das Ziel wird dabei eventuell vergiftet."
388,15,7,"Recoge las normas de los combates. En los
combates en conexión puedes elegir el conjunto
de reglas que quieres usar."
388,15,8,"Il nemico è colpito da un tentacolo o da un arto
intriso di una sostanza tossica che può anche
388,15,9,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle
or arm steeped in poison. This may also
poison the target."
388,15,11,"毒に そまった 触手や 腕で
相手を 突き刺す。
毒状態に することが ある。"
389,8,9,"An attack that works only on a
sleeping foe. It absorbs half the
damage caused to heal the users HP."
389,9,9,"An attack that works only on a
sleeping foe. It absorbs half the
damage caused to heal the users HP."
389,10,9,"An attack that works only on a
sleeping foe. It absorbs half the
damage caused to heal the users HP."
389,11,5,"Attaque réservée aux ennemis endormis.
Le lanceur récupère en PV la moitié des
dégâts infligés."
389,11,9,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal the users HP."
389,14,9,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal the users HP."
389,15,1,"ねている あいての ゆめを たべて
こうげきする。 あたえた ダメージの
はんぶん HPを かいふくする。"
389,15,3,"잠자고 있는 상대의 꿈을 먹어
공격한다. 데미지의 절반을
HP로 회복한다."
389,15,5,"Le lanceur mange le rêve de lennemi endormi.
Le lanceur récupère en PV la moitié des dégâts
389,15,6,"Wirkt nur auf schlafende Ziele. Angreifer erhält
50 % des Schadens als KP."
389,15,7,"Busca Pokémon que se esconden en la hierba.
La batería se recarga mientras caminas."
389,15,8,"Attacco che funziona solo su un nemico
che dorme. Chi lo usa riceve metà dei PS
persi dal nemico."
389,15,9,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal its own HP."
389,15,11,"寝ている 相手の 夢を 食べて
攻撃する。ダメージの 半分の
HPを 回復する。"
390,8,9,"The user snares the foe with grass
and trips it. The heavier the foe, the
greater the damage."
390,9,9,"The user snares the foe with grass
and trips it. The heavier the foe, the
greater the damage."
390,10,9,"The user snares the foe with grass
and trips it. The heavier the foe, the
greater the damage."
390,11,5,"Lennemi est piégé dans de lherbe qui
le fait trébucher. Plus il est lourd,
plus il reçoit de dégâts."
390,11,9,"The user snares the target with grass
and trips it. The heavier the target,
the greater the damage."
390,14,9,"The user snares the target with grass
and trips it. The heavier the target,
the greater the damage."
390,15,1,"くさを からませて ころばせる。
あいてが おもいほど わざの
いりょくは あがる。"
390,15,3,"풀을 휘감아서 상대를
쓰러뜨린다. 상대가 무거울수록
위력이 올라간다."
390,15,5,"Lennemi est piégé dans de lherbe qui le fait
trébucher. Plus il est lourd, plus il reçoit de
390,15,6,"Gras lässt das Ziel straucheln. Je schwerer
das Ziel, desto mehr Schaden wird verursacht."
390,15,7,"Una tarjeta en la que se registran los Puntos de
Batalla que has ganado."
390,15,8,"Chi la usa intrappola il nemico con lerba e
lo fa cadere. Danneggia maggiormente i nemici
più pesanti."
390,15,9,"The user snares the target with grass and
trips it. The heavier the target, the greater
the moves power."
390,15,11,"草を からませて 相手を
転ばせる。相手が 重いほど
威力が あがる。"
391,8,9,"The user enrages the foe into
confusion. However, it also sharply
raises the foes Attack stat."
391,9,9,"The user enrages the foe into
confusion. However, it also sharply
raises the foes Attack stat."
391,10,9,"The user enrages the foe into
confusion. However, it also sharply
raises the foes Attack stat."
391,11,5,"Fait enrager la cible et la plonge dans
la confusion, mais augmente fortement
son Attaque."
391,11,9,"The user enrages and confuses the
target. However, it also sharply raises
the targets Attack stat."
391,14,9,"The user enrages and confuses the
target. However, it also sharply raises
the targets Attack stat."
391,15,1,"おこらせて こんらんさせる。
いかりで あいての こうげきは
ぐーんと あがってしまう。"
391,15,3,"상대를 화내게 해서 혼란시킨다.
분노로 상대의 공격은
크게 올라가 버린다."
391,15,5,"Fait enrager la cible et la plonge dans la
confusion, mais augmente fortement son Attaque."
391,15,6,"Reizt das Ziel und verursacht Verwirrung.
Dies erhöht jedoch dessen Angriffs-Wert."
391,15,7,"Un cuaderno en el que se recogen, día a día, los
progresos de tu aventura."
391,15,8,"Chi la usa provoca il bersaglio e lo confonde,
facendo aumentare però di molto il suo Attacco."
391,15,9,"The user enrages and confuses the
target. However, this also sharply raises
the targets Attack stat."
391,15,11,"相手を 怒らせて 混乱させる。
怒りで 相手の 攻撃は
ぐーんと あがってしまう。"
392,8,9,"The user pecks the foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the user plucks it and
gains its effect."
392,9,9,"The user pecks the foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the user plucks it and
gains its effect."
392,10,9,"The user pecks the foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the user plucks it and
gains its effect."
392,11,5,"Le lanceur picore lennemi. Sil tient
une Baie, le lanceur sen empare et
profite de ses effets."
392,11,9,"The user pecks the target. If the
target is holding a Berry, the user
plucks it and gains its effect."
392,14,9,"The user pecks the target. If the
target is holding a Berry, the user
plucks it and gains its effect."
392,15,1,"じぶんが おぼえている わざの うち
どれか 1つを くりだす。
じぶんが ねている ときだけ つかえる。"
392,15,3,"자신이 배운 기술 중
하나를 무작위로 날린다.
자신이 잠들어 있을 때만 쓸 수 있다."
392,15,5,"Le lanceur utilise un de ses coups au hasard
pendant quil dort."
392,15,6,"Anwender setzt per Zufall eine ihm bekannte
Attacke im Schlaf ein."
392,15,7,"Caja en la que se pueden guardar los Sellos que
se aplican a las Cápsulas de las Poké Balls."
392,15,8,"Chi la usa sfodera a caso una delle proprie mosse
mentre sta dormendo."
392,15,9,"While it is asleep, the user randomly uses
one of the moves it knows."
392,15,11,"自分が おぼえている 技の うち
どれか 1つを くりだす。
自分が 寝ているときだけ 使える。"
393,8,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with a
party Pokémon in waiting."
393,9,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with a
party Pokémon in waiting."
393,10,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with a
party Pokémon in waiting."
393,11,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à
toute vitesse et change de place avec
un Pokémon de léquipe prêt au combat."
393,11,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with a
party Pokémon in waiting."
393,14,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with a
party Pokémon in waiting."
393,15,1,"あいてを こうげきした あとに
ひかえの ポケモンと いれかわる。
393,15,3,"공격한 뒤
굉장한 스피드로 돌아와서
교대 포켓몬과 교체한다."
393,15,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à toute
vitesse et change de place avec un Pokémon
de léquipe prêt au combat."
393,15,6,"Direkt nach der Attacke tauscht der Angreifer
mit einem wartenden Pokémon den Platz."
393,15,7,"Una bonita cajita donde guardar todos los
Complementos para vestir a tus Pokémon en
el Teatro Musical."
393,15,8,"Chi usa questa mossa fa marcia indietro
per farsi sostituire dopo aver sferrato lattacco."
393,15,9,"After making its attack, the user
rushes back to switch places with a
party Pokémon in waiting."
ものすごい スピードで もどってきて
控えの ポケモンと 入れ替わる。"
394,8,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP. The copy serves as
the users decoy."
394,9,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP. The copy serves as
the users decoy."
394,10,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP. The copy serves as
the users decoy."
394,11,5,"Le lanceur fait une copie de lui-même
en sacrifiant quelques PV. La copie
sert de leurre."
394,11,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP. The copy serves as
the users decoy."
394,14,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP. The copy serves as
the users decoy."
394,15,1,"じぶんの HPを すこし けずって
ぶんしんを だす。 じぶんの
かわりに こうげきを うける。"
394,15,3,"자신의 HP를 조금 깎아서
분신을 만든다.
분신은 자신의 대타가 된다."
394,15,5,"Le lanceur fait une copie de lui-même en
sacrifiant quelques PV. La copie sert de leurre."
394,15,6,"Der Angreifer erschafft aus ein paar eigenen KP
einen Klon, der als Ablenkung dient."
394,15,7,"Bolsita con capacidad para diez Sellos de los que
decoran las Poké Balls."
394,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una copia di se stesso usando
alcuni PS.
La copia serve come esca per il nemico."
394,15,9,"The user makes a copy of itself using
some of its HP. The copy serves as
the users decoy."
394,15,11,"自分の HPを 少し 削って
分身を だす。
分身は 自分の 身代わりに なる。"
395,8,9,"The user gathers all its light energy
and releases it in one shot. It may
also lower the foes Sp. Def stat."
395,9,9,"The user gathers all its light energy
and releases it in one shot. It may
also lower the foes Sp. Def stat."
395,10,9,"The user gathers all its light energy
and releases it in one shot. It may
also lower the foes Sp. Def stat."
395,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre son énergie
lumineuse et la fait exploser. Peut
aussi baisser la Déf. Spé. de lennemi."
395,11,9,"The user gathers all its light energy
and releases it at once. It may also
lower the targets Sp. Def stat."
395,14,9,"The user gathers all its light energy
and releases it at once. It may also
lower the targets Sp. Def stat."
395,15,1,"からだの ひかりを いってんに
あつめ ひかりを はなつ。 あいての
とくぼうを さげることがある。"
395,15,3,"몸의 빛을 한곳에 모아서
힘을 쏜다. 상대의
특수방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있다."
395,15,5,"Le lanceur concentre son énergie lumineuse et
la fait exploser. Peut aussi baisser la Défense
Spéciale de lennemi."
395,15,6,"Entfesselt konzentrierte Lichtenergie.
Die Spezial-Verteidigung des Zieles
sinkt eventuell."
395,15,7,"Un cuaderno muy práctico en el que puedes
registrar amigos, claves de amigo, etc."
395,15,8,"Chi la usa attacca raccogliendo e rilasciando
energia luminosa. Può anche ridurre la Difesa
Speciale del nemico."
395,15,9,"The user gathers all its light energy
and releases it at once. This may also
lower the targets Sp. Def stat."
395,15,11,"体の 光を 一点に 集めて
力を 放つ。
相手の 特防を さげることが ある。"
396,8,9,"The user creates a bizarre space in
which slower Pokémon get to move
first for five turns."
396,9,9,"The user creates a bizarre space in
which slower Pokémon get to move
first for five turns."
396,10,9,"The user creates a bizarre space in
which slower Pokémon get to move
first for five turns."
396,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange
où les Pokémon les plus lents
frappent en 1er pendant 5 tours."
396,11,9,"The user creates a bizarre space in
which slower Pokémon get to move
first for five turns."
396,14,9,"The user creates a bizarre space in
which slower Pokémon get to move
first for five turns."
396,15,1,"まかふしぎな くうかんを つくる。
5ターンの あいだ うごきの おそい
ポケモンから こうげきできる。"
396,15,3,"아주 이상한 공간을 만든다.
5턴 동안 움직임이 느린
포켓몬부터 공격할 수 있다."
396,15,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange où les
Pokémon les plus lents frappent en premier
pendant cinq tours."
396,15,6,"Verzerrt die Raumzeit für 5 Runden.
Langsamere Pokémon greifen zuerst an."
396,15,7,"Abre la puerta de la Central del Valle Eólico.
La llevaba un Recluta del Equipo Galaxia."
396,15,8,"Chi la usa crea una dimensione in cui i Pokémon
più lenti agiscono per primi per cinque turni."
396,15,9,"The user creates a bizarre area in
which slower Pokémon get to move
first for five turns."
396,15,11,"まかふしぎな 空間を つくる。
5ターンの あいだ
遅い ポケモンから 行動できる。"
397,5,9,"Attacks the foe
with sharp blades
or claws."
397,6,9,"Attacks the foe
with sharp blades
or claws."
397,7,9,"A basic attack.
It can be used to
cut down thin trees
and grass."
397,8,9,"The foe is cut with a scythe or a claw.
It can also be used to cut down thin
397,9,9,"The foe is cut with a scythe or a claw.
It can also be used to cut down thin
397,10,9,"The foe is cut with a scythe or a claw.
It can also be used to cut down thin
397,11,5,"Coupe lennemi avec des lames ou des
griffes. Hors combat, permet de couper
des arbres fins."
397,11,9,"The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
It can also be used to cut down thin
397,14,9,"The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
It can also be used to cut down thin
397,15,1,"カマや ツメなどの するどいもので
きりつけて こうげきする。
ほそいきを きることも できる。"
397,15,3,"낫이나 발톱 등 날카로운 것으로
갈라서 공격한다.
얇은 나무를 자를 수도 있다."
397,15,5,"Coupe lennemi avec des lames ou des griffes.
Hors combat, permet de couper des arbres fins."
397,15,6,"Das Ziel wird mit scharfen Klingen attackiert.
Außerhalb des Kampfes werden damit kleine
Bäume gefällt."
397,15,7,"Está hecho con huesos de Pokémon y trae buena
suerte. Hay que llevarlo a la anciana de Pueblo
397,15,8,"Attacca il nemico con artigli o falci affilate.
Fuori dalla lotta si usa per tagliare piccoli alberi."
397,15,9,"The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
This can also be used to cut down thin trees."
397,15,11,"カマや ツメなどで
相手を 切りつけて 攻撃する。
細い 樹木も きることが できる。"
398,5,9,"Flies up on the
first turn, then
attacks next turn."
398,6,9,"Flies up on the
first turn, then
attacks next turn."
398,7,9,"A 2-turn move that
hits on the 2nd
turn. Use it to fly
to any known town."
398,8,9,"The user soars, then strikes on the
second turn. It can also be used to
fly to any familiar town."
398,9,9,"The user soars, then strikes on the
second turn. It can also be used to
fly to any familiar town."
398,10,9,"The user soars, then strikes on the
second turn. It can also be used to
fly to any familiar town."
398,11,5,"Le lanceur senvole au 1er tour et
frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de voler
jusquà une ville déjà visitée."
398,11,9,"The user soars, then strikes on the
second turn. It can also be used to
fly to any familiar town."
398,14,9,"The user soars, then strikes on the
second turn. It can also be used to
fly to any familiar town."
398,15,1,"1ターンめで そらへ とびあがって
2ターンめで こうげきする。
しっているまちに いどうも できる。"
398,15,3,"1턴째에 하늘을 날아올라
2턴째에 공격한다.
알고 있는 도시로 이동할 수 있다."
398,15,5,"Le lanceur senvole au premier tour et frappe au
second. Permet aussi de voler jusquà une ville
déjà visitée."
398,15,6,"In Runde 1 fliegt der Angreifer empor und
attackiert in Runde 2. Man kann damit zu
jedem bekannten Ort fliegen."
398,15,7,"Desactiva los sistemas de seguridad de la Base
Galaxia. Por lo visto, perder esta tarjeta se
castiga severamente."
398,15,8,"Chi la usa si alza in volo per attaccare al turno
seguente. Fuori dalla lotta permette di volare
in città già visitate."
398,15,9,"The user soars and then strikes
its target on the next turn. This can
also be used to fly to any familiar town."
398,15,11,"1ターン目で 空へ 飛び
2ターン目に 相手を 攻撃する。
知っている 街に 移動も できる。"
399,5,9,"Creates a huge
wave, then crashes
it down on the foe."
399,6,9,"Creates a huge
wave, then crashes
it down on the foe."
399,7,9,"A big wave crashes
down on the foe.
Can also be used
for crossing water."
399,8,9,"It swamps the entire battlefield with
a giant wave. It can also be used
to cross water."
399,9,9,"It swamps the entire battlefield with
a giant wave. It can also be used
to cross water."
399,10,9,"It swamps the entire battlefield with
a giant wave. It can also be used
to cross water."
399,11,5,"Une énorme vague sabat sur le
champ de bataille. Permet aussi
de voyager sur leau."
399,11,9,"It swamps the area around the user
with a giant wave.
It can also be used for crossing water."
399,14,9,"It swamps the area around the user
with a giant wave.
It can also be used for crossing water."
399,15,1,"おおきな なみで じぶんの まわりに
いるものを こうげきする。
みずのうえを すすむことも できる。"
399,15,3,"큰 파도를 일으켜서 자신의
주위에 있는 포켓몬을 공격한다.
물 위를 나아갈 수도 있다."
399,15,5,"Une énorme vague sabat sur le champ de
bataille. Permet aussi de voyager sur leau."
399,15,6,"Eine riesige Flutwelle ergießt sich über das nähere
Umfeld des Anwenders. Ermöglicht das Surfen auf
dem Wasser."
399,15,7,"Se dice que esta cadena mítica está relacionada
con el Pokémon legendario que creó la región de
399,15,8,"Unonda enorme sommerge il campo di lotta,
colpendo tutti i Pokémon intorno a chi la scatena.
Fuori dalla lotta si usa per spostarsi sullacqua."
399,15,9,"The user attacks everything around it by
swamping its surroundings with a giant wave.
This can also be used for crossing water."
399,15,11,"大きな 波で 自分の 周りに
いるものを 攻撃する。
水上も 泳いで 進める。"
400,5,9,"Builds enormous
power, then slams
the foe."
400,6,9,"Builds enormous
power, then slams
the foe."
400,7,9,"The foe is slugged
at maximum power.
Can also be used
to move boulders."
400,8,9,"The foe is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. It can also be used
to move boulders."
400,9,9,"The foe is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. It can also be used
to move boulders."
400,10,9,"The foe is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. It can also be used
to move boulders."
400,11,5,"Le lanceur cogne lennemi de toutes
ses forces. Permet aussi de déplacer
des rochers."
400,11,9,"The target is slugged with a punch
thrown at maximum power. This move can
also be used to move boulders."
400,14,9,"The target is slugged with a punch
thrown at maximum power. This move can
also be used to move boulders."
400,15,1,"こんしんの ちからで こうげきする。
おもいいわを おすことも できる。
400,15,3,"혼신의 힘으로 공격한다.
무거운 바위를 밀 수도 있다."
400,15,5,"Le lanceur cogne lennemi de toutes ses forces.
Permet aussi de déplacer des rochers."
400,15,6,"Ein energiegeladener Kraftschlag trifft das Ziel.
Außerdem lassen sich mit der Attacke schwere
Felsen bewegen."
400,15,7,"Un mapa muy útil que puede consultarse en
cualquier momento y que, además, te indica
dónde te encuentras."
400,15,8,"Colpisce il nemico con unenorme energia.
Fuori dalla lotta si usa per spostare i massi."
400,15,9,"The target is slugged with a punch thrown
at maximum power. This can also be used
to move heavy boulders."
400,15,11,"ありったけの 力で
相手を なぐりつけて 攻撃する。
重たい 岩を 押すことも できる。"
401,5,9,"Looses a powerful
blast of light that
reduces accuracy."
401,6,9,"Looses a powerful
blast of light that
reduces accuracy."
401,7,9,"A blast of light
that cuts the foes
accuracy. It also
illuminates caves."
401,8,9,"Obstacles are moved, reducing the
foes evasion stat. It can also be
used to clear deep fog."
401,9,9,"Obstacles are moved, reducing the
foes evasion stat. It can also be
used to clear deep fog."
401,10,9,"Traps foes in a violent swirling
whirlpool. It can also be used to
traverse whirlpools."
401,11,5,"Le lanceur charge lennemi à une
vitesse remarquable. Permet aussi
de franchir une cascade."
401,11,9,"The user charges the target at an
awesome speed. It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
401,14,9,"The user charges the target at an
awesome speed. It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
401,15,1,"たきを さかのぼるような すさまじい
いきおいで とっしん こうげきする。
たきを のぼることも できる。"
401,15,3,"폭포를 거꾸로 오르는 듯한
엄청난 기세로 돌진하여 공격한다.
폭포를 오를 수도 있다."
401,15,5,"Le lanceur charge lennemi à une vitesse
remarquable. Permet aussi de franchir une
401,15,6,"Eine mächtige Attacke, die das Ziel eventuell
zurückschrecken lässt. Sie macht Wasserfälle
401,15,7,"Dispositivo que busca Entrenadores listos para el
combate. La batería se carga mientras caminas."
401,15,8,"Carica il nemico a grande velocità e può farlo
Fuori dalla lotta fa risalire le cascate."
401,15,9,"The user charges at the target and may make it
flinch. This can also be used to climb a waterfall."
401,15,11,"すごい 勢いで 相手に つっこみ
攻撃する。流れ落ちる 滝も
泳いで のぼれる。"
402,5,9,"A rock-crushingly
tough attack that
may lower DEFENSE."
402,6,9,"A rock-crushingly
tough attack that
may lower DEFENSE."
402,7,9,"An attack that may
also cut DEFENSE.
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
402,8,9,"The user slugs the foe with a
shattering punch. It can also smash
cracked boulders."
402,9,9,"The user slugs the foe with a
shattering punch. It can also smash
cracked boulders."
402,10,9,"The user slugs the foe with a
shattering punch. It can also smash
cracked boulders."
402,11,5,"Le lanceur plonge sous leau au
1er tour et frappe au 2è. Permet
aussi de plonger au fond de leau."
402,11,9,"Diving on the first turn, the user
floats up and attacks on the second.
It can be used for diving in the ocean."
402,14,9,"Diving on the first turn, the user
floats up and attacks on the second.
It can be used for diving in the ocean."
402,15,1,"1ターンめで もぐり 2ターンめに
うきあがって こうげきする。うみの
なかに もぐる ことも できる。"
402,15,3,"1턴째에 잠수했다가 2턴째에
떠올라 공격한다.
바닷속 깊숙이 잠수할 수도 있다."
402,15,5,"Le lanceur plonge sous leau au premier tour et
frappe au second."
402,15,6,"Taucht in Runde 1 ab und greift in Runde 2
aus der Tiefe an. Ermöglicht Tauchgänge zum
402,15,7,"Puedes obtenerlo en el Casino. Tiene capacidad
para 50 000 Fichas."
402,15,8,"Chi la usa si tuffa in acqua per emergere e
attaccare al turno seguente."
402,15,9,"Diving on the first turn, the user floats
up and attacks on the next turn."
402,15,11,"1ターン目で 潜り 2ターン目に
浮きあがって 攻撃する。
海の 奥深くに 潜ることも できる。"
403,5,9,"Attacks the foe
with enough power
to climb waterfalls."
403,6,9,"Attacks the foe
with enough power
to climb waterfalls."
403,7,9,"A powerful charge
attack. It can also
be used to climb
a waterfall."
403,8,9,"The user charges the foe at an
awesome speed. It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
403,9,9,"The user charges the foe at an
awesome speed. It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
403,10,9,"The user charges the foe at an
awesome speed. It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
404,5,9,"Dives underwater
the 1st turn, then
attacks next turn."
404,6,9,"Dives underwater
the 1st turn, then
attacks next turn."
404,7,9,"The user dives
underwater on the
first turn and
strikes next turn."
404,8,9,"A charging attack that may also leave
the foe confused. It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
404,9,9,"A charging attack that may also leave
the foe confused. It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
404,10,9,"A charging attack that may also leave
the foe confused. It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
405,8,9,"A bag filled with convenient tools
for exploring. It provides access to
the Underground."
405,9,9,"A bag filled with convenient tools
for exploring. It provides access to
the Underground."
405,11,5,"Sac contenant des objets utiles
à lexploration. Permet dentrer
dans le Souterrain."
405,11,9,"A bag filled with convenient tools
for exploring. It provides access to
the Underground."
405,14,9,"A bag filled with convenient tools
for exploring. It provides access to
the Underground."
405,15,1,"たんけんに やくだつ べんりな
どうぐが はいった ふくろ。
ちかつうろに はいれる。"
405,15,3,"탐험에 도움이 되는 편리한
도구가 들어 있는 주머니.
지하통로에 들어갈 수 있다."
405,15,5,"Un sac contenant des objets utiles à lexploration.
Permet dentrer dans le Souterrain."
405,15,6,"Ein Sack voller hilfreicher Items für
Erkundungsgänge. Öffnet den Untergrund."
405,15,7,"Increíble caña de pescar de alta tecnología.
Pesca Pokémon salvajes en todo tipo de aguas."
405,15,8,"Utilissimo kit contenente strumenti per
lesplorazione. Permette di percorrere
i tunnel sotterranei."
405,15,9,"A bag filled with convenient tools for
exploring. It provides access to the
Underground in the Sinnoh region."
405,15,11,"探検に 役立つ 便利な
道具が はいった ふくろ。
地下通路に はいれる。"
406,8,9,"A sturdy, spacious bag that is used
to carry loot obtained in the coal
406,9,9,"A sturdy, spacious bag that is used
to carry loot obtained in the coal
406,10,9,"A sturdy, spacious bag that is used
to carry loot obtained in the coal
406,11,5,"Grand sac robuste utilisé pour
transporter le butin obtenu dans
la mine de charbon."
406,11,9,"A sturdy, spacious bag that is used
to carry loot obtained in the coal
406,14,9,"A sturdy, spacious bag that is used
to carry loot obtained in the coal
406,15,1,"たんこうで てにいれた
たからものを しまっておける
おおきくて じょうぶな ふくろ。"
406,15,3,"탄갱에서 손에 넣은
보물을 보관해둘 수 있는
크고 튼튼한 주머니다."
406,15,5,"Un grand sac robuste utilisé pour transporter
le butin obtenu dans la mine de charbon."
406,15,6,"Ein fester Sack. Wird verwendet, um Beute
aus der Kohlemine zu transportieren."
406,15,7,"Una regadera con forma de Psyduck. Ayuda a
que las bayas plantadas en suelo fértil crezcan
406,15,8,"Una sacca spaziosa e resistente usata per
trasportare il bottino ottenuto nella miniera."
406,15,9,"A sturdy, spacious bag that is
used to carry any treasures or
loot obtained in the coal mine."
406,15,11,"炭鉱で てにいれた
宝物を しまっておける
おおきくて 丈夫な ふくろ。"
407,8,9,"It lists the rules for holding battles.
For linked battles, you may choose
which set of rules you wish to use."
407,9,9,"It lists the rules for holding battles.
For linked battles, you may choose
which set of rules you wish to use."
407,10,9,"It lists the rules for holding battles.
For linked battles, you may choose
which set of rules you wish to use."
407,11,5,"La liste des règles de combat. Vous
pouvez choisir les règles des combats
en Link."
407,11,9,"It lists the rules for holding battles.
For linked battles, you may choose
which set of rules you wish to use."
407,14,9,"It lists the rules for holding battles.
For linked battles, you may choose
which set of rules you wish to use."
407,15,1,"たいせんの ルールが かかれている。
つうしんたいせん するとき
ルールを えらぶことが できる。"
407,15,3,"대전에 대한 룰이 적혀 있다.
통신대전을 할 때
룰을 선택할 수 있다."
407,15,5,"La liste des règles de combat.
Vous pouvez choisir les règles des combats
en Link."
407,15,6,"Enthält die Kampfregeln. Bei Link-Kämpfen kannst
du daraus die gewünschten Regeln wählen."
407,15,7,"Caja en la que se transportan los Pokochos
elaborados con bayas."
407,15,8,"Elenca le regole per le lotte. Nelle lotte in link
puoi scegliere diversi set di regole da utilizzare."
407,15,9,"It lists the rules for holding battles.
For Link Battles, you may choose
which set of rules you wish to use."
407,15,11,"対戦の ルールが かかれている。
ルールを 選ぶことが できる。"
408,8,9,"A tool that can search out Pokémon
that are hiding in grass. Its battery is
recharged as you walk."
408,9,9,"A tool that can search out Pokémon
that are hiding in grass. Its battery is
recharged as you walk."
408,10,9,"A tool that can search out Pokémon
that are hiding in grass. Its battery is
recharged as you walk."
408,11,5,"Objet permettant de trouver les
Pokémon qui se cachent dans lherbe.
Se recharge quand vous marchez."
408,11,9,"A tool that can search out Pokémon
that are hiding in grass. Its battery is
recharged as you walk."
408,14,9,"A tool that can search out Pokémon
that are hiding in grass. Its battery is
recharged as you walk."
408,15,1,"くさむらに かくれている ポケモンを
さがしだせる どうぐ。
あるくと でんちが たまる。"
408,15,3,"풀밭에 숨어 있는 포켓몬을
찾아내는 도구.
걸으면 전지가 충전된다."
408,15,5,"Un objet permettant de trouver les Pokémon qui
se cachent dans lherbe. Se recharge quand vous
408,15,6,"Spürt Pokémon im hohen Gras auf.
Die Batterie wird beim Reisen aufgeladen."
408,15,7,"Bicicleta plegable con la que se va más rápido
que corriendo."
408,15,8,"Strumento con cui individuare i Pokémon
nascosti nellerba. La batteria si ricarica
mentre cammini."
408,15,9,"A tool that can search out Pokémon
that are hiding in the tall grass. Its
battery is recharged as you walk."
408,15,11,"くさむらに 隠れている ポケモンを
探しだせる 道具。
歩くと 電池が たまる。"
409,8,9,"A card that lists the Battle Points
you have earned.
409,9,9,"A card that lists the Battle Points
you have earned.
409,10,9,"A card that lists the Battle Points
you have earned.
409,11,5,"Carte indiquant le nombre de Points
de Combat obtenus."
409,11,9,"A card that lists the Battle Points
you have earned.
409,14,9,"A card that lists the Battle Points
you have earned.
409,15,1,"かちとった バトルポイントの かずを
みることが できる カード。
409,15,3,"이겨서 받은 배틀포인트 수를
볼 수 있는 카드."
409,15,5,"Une carte indiquant le nombre de Points de
Combat obtenus."
409,15,6,"Auf dieser Karte werden deine bisher
gesammelten Gewinnpunkte festgehalten."
409,15,7,"Llave de una suite del hotel de lujo junto al lago.
Por algún motivo, se pierde a menudo."
409,15,8,Scheda che elenca i Punti Lotta che hai ottenuto.
409,15,9,"A card that lists how many
Battle Points you have earned."
409,15,11,"勝ち取った バトルポイントの 数を
みることが できる カード。
410,8,9,"A notebook that keeps a day-to-day
record of your adventure so far.
410,9,9,"A notebook that keeps a day-to-day
record of your adventure so far.
410,10,9,"A notebook that keeps a day-to-day
record of your adventure so far.
410,11,5,"Journal de bord qui garde en mémoire
vos aventures quotidiennes."
410,11,9,"A notebook that keeps a day-to-day
record of your adventure so far.
410,14,9,"A notebook that keeps a day-to-day
record of your adventure so far.
410,15,1,"これまでの ぼうけんの ようすが
きろく されている ノート。
410,15,3,"지금까지의 모험 상황이
기록되어 있는 노트."
410,15,5,"Un journal de bord qui garde en mémoire vos
aventures quotidiennes."
410,15,6,"In diesem Tagebuch steht, was du
in den letzten Tagen erlebt hast."
410,15,7,"Carta del Profesor Oak en la que se te pide que
vayas a la Ruta 224."
410,15,8,"Diario in cui viene annotata la tua avventura
giorno per giorno."
410,15,9,"A notebook that keeps a day-to-day
record of your adventure so far."
410,15,11,"これまでの 冒険の 様子が
記録 されている ノート。
411,8,9,"A case for storing Seals that can be
applied to the capsule cases of Poké
411,9,9,"A case for storing Seals that can be
applied to the capsule cases of Poké
411,10,9,"A case for storing Seals that can be
applied to the Capsule cases of
Poké Balls."
411,11,5,"Boîte contenant les Sceaux pouvant
être placés sur les capsules des
Poké Balls."
411,11,9,"A case for storing Seals that can be
applied to the Capsule cases of
Poké Balls."
411,14,9,"A case for storing Seals that can be
applied to the Capsule cases of
Poké Balls."
411,15,1,"ボールカプセルに はりつけられる
シールが はいった いれもの。
411,15,3,"볼캡슐에 붙일 수 있는
실이 들어 있는 용기."
411,15,5,"Une boîte contenant les Sceaux pouvant être
placés sur les capsules des Poké Balls."
411,15,6,"In diesem Koffer kannst du die Sticker für
die Ballkapseln der Pokébälle aufbewahren."
411,15,7,"Pluma que brilla como la luna. Se dice que tiene
el poder de disipar pesadillas."
411,15,8,"Contenitore per conservare i Bolli che possono
essere applicati sulle Capsule delle Poké Ball."
411,15,9,"A case for storing Seals that can be
applied to the exteriors of Poké Balls."
411,15,11,"ボールカプセルに はりつけられる
シールが はいった いれもの。
412,8,9,"A fancy case for the tidy and
organized storage of colorful Pokémon
412,9,9,"A fancy case for the tidy and
organized storage of colorful Pokémon
412,10,9,"A fancy case for the tidy arrangement
and storage of whimsical Pokémon
412,11,5,"Boîte permettant de ranger
les Parures pour habiller les
Pokémon au Music-Hall."
412,11,9,"A lovely case to store colorful Props
for your Pokémon to wear in a musical."
412,14,9,"A lovely case to store colorful Props
for your Pokémon to wear in a musical."
412,15,1,"ミュージカルで ポケモンに つける
いろとりどりの グッズを たくさん
しまえる きれいで すてきなケース。"
412,15,3,"뮤지컬에서 포켓몬에게 다는
각양각색의 굿즈를 많이
넣을 수 있는 아름답고 멋진 케이스."
412,15,5,"Une boîte permettant de ranger les Parures pour
habiller les Pokémon au Music-Hall."
412,15,6,"Ein schicker Koffer mit Platz für alle
im Musical benötigten Deko-Artikel
deiner Pokémon. Da knittert nichts."
412,15,7,"Necesario para entrar en la posada de Ciudad
Canal. Es extraño, pero la última fecha registrada
es de hace 50 años."
412,15,8,"Scatola bella ed elegante per conservare i gadget
usati per agghindare i Pokémon durante
il Pokémon Musical."
412,15,9,"A lovely case to store colorful Props
for your Pokémon to wear in a musical."
412,15,11,"ミュージカルで ポケモンに つける
いろとりどりの グッズを たくさん
しまえる きれいで すてきなケース。"
413,8,9,"A tiny bag that can hold ten Seals for
decorating Poké Balls."
413,9,9,"A tiny bag that can hold ten Seals for
decorating Poké Balls."
413,10,9,"A tiny bag that can hold ten Seals for
decorating Poké Balls."
413,11,5,"Petit sac pouvant contenir dix Sceaux
pour décorer les Poké Balls."
413,11,9,"A tiny bag that can hold ten Seals for
decorating Poké Balls."
413,14,9,"A tiny bag that can hold 10 Seals for
decorating Poké Balls."
413,15,1,"シールが 10まい いれられる
ちっちゃな ふくろ。
413,15,3,"실이 10장 들어가는
작은 주머니."
413,15,5,"Un petit sac pouvant contenir dix Sceaux pour
décorer les Poké Balls."
413,15,6,"Ein kleines Tütchen. Es bietet Platz für bis zu
10 Sticker für die Pokébälle."
413,15,7,"Emite sonidos que no parecen de este mundo.
Es de fabricante desconocido."
413,15,8,"Sacchettino che può contenere dieci Bolli per
decorare le Poké Ball."
413,15,9,"A tiny bag that can hold 10 Seals
for decorating Poké Balls."
413,15,11,"シールが 10枚 いれられる
ちっちゃな ふくろ。
414,8,9,"A convenient notepad that is used for
registering your friends and keeping a
record of game play."
414,9,9,"A convenient notepad that is used for
registering your friends, Friend Codes,
and keeping a record of game play."
414,10,9,"A convenient notepad that is used for
registering your friends, Friend Codes,
and keeping a record of game play."
414,11,5,"Un carnet bien pratique pour
enregistrer vos amis, les codes
ami et des données de jeu."
414,11,9,"A convenient notepad that is used for
registering your friends, Friend Codes,
and keeping a record of game play."
414,14,9,"A convenient notepad that is used for
registering your friends, Friend Codes,
and keeping a record of game play."
414,15,1,"ともだちを とうろくしたり
あそんだ ことを きろくする
べんりな てちょう。"
414,15,3,"친구를 등록하거나
친구와 놀았던 기록을 관리하는
편리한 수첩."
414,15,5,"Un carnet bien pratique pour enregistrer vos amis,
les codes ami et des données de jeu."
414,15,6,"In diesem praktischen Buch kannst du die
Freundescodes deiner Freunde aufbewahren."
414,15,7,"Es el billete válido para embarcar en el
Ferry S.S. Aqua. Tiene dibujado un barco."
414,15,8,"Blocco appunti utile per registrare gli amici e
il loro codice amico e per tenere un resoconto
dellesperienza di gioco."
414,15,9,"A convenient notepad that is used to
register your Friends and friend codes
and keep a record of your gameplay."
414,15,11,"友達を 登録したり
遊んだことを 記録する
便利な 手帳。"
415,8,9,"A large key for operating the doors of
the Valley Windworks in the canyon.
It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt."
415,9,9,"A large key for operating the doors of
the Valley Windworks in the canyon.
It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt."
415,10,9,"A large key for operating the doors of
the Valley Windworks in the canyon.
It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt."
415,11,5,"Grande clé servant à ouvrir la porte
de la centrale Les Éoliennes du canyon.
Un sbire de la Team Galaxie la détenait."
415,11,9,"A large key for operating the doors of
the Valley Windworks in the canyon.
It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt."
415,14,9,"A large key for operating the doors of
the Valley Windworks in the canyon.
It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt."
415,15,1,"たにまのはつでんしょの とびらを
あけしめする おおきな カギ。
なぜか ギンガだんが もっていた。"
415,15,3,"골짜기발전소의 문을 여닫는 큰 열쇠.
어찌된 영문인지
갤럭시단이 지니고 있었다."
415,15,5,"Une grande clé servant à ouvrir la porte de la
centrale Les Éoliennes du canyon.
Un sbire de la Team Galaxie la détenait."
415,15,6,"Ein großer Schlüssel, der zum Windkraftwerk
gehört. Einer der Rüpel von Team Galaktik
hatte ihn im Besitz."
415,15,7,"Es necesario para participar en Concursos
Pokémon. Tiene una Cinta de ganador dibujada."
415,15,8,"Grande chiave usata per azionare la porta
dellImpianto Turbine. Laveva con sé una
Recluta del Team Galassia."
415,15,9,"A large key for operating the doors of
the Valley Windworks in the canyon.
It was held by a Team Galactic Grunt."
415,15,11,"谷間の発電所の 扉を
あけしめする おおきな カギ。
なぜか ギンガ団が 持っていた。"
416,8,9,"An ancient good-luck charm made of
Pokémon bones to be taken to the elder
of Celestic Town."
416,9,9,"An ancient good-luck charm made of
Pokémon bones to be taken to the elder
of Celestic Town."
416,10,9,"An ancient good-luck charm made of
Pokémon bones to be taken to the elder
of Celestic Town."
416,11,5,"Un ancien porte-bonheur fait dos de
Pokémon à porter à la doyenne de
416,11,9,"An ancient good-luck charm made of
Pokémon bones to be taken to the elder
of Celestic Town."
416,14,9,"An ancient good-luck charm made of
Pokémon bones to be taken to the elder
of Celestic Town."
416,15,1,"カンナギタウンの ちょうろうに
とどける おおむかしの おまもり。
ポケモンの ホネで つくられている。"
416,15,3,"봉신마을의 장로에게
전해줄 오랜 옛날의 부적.
포켓몬의 뼈로 만들어졌다."
416,15,5,"Un ancien porte-bonheur fait dos de Pokémon
à porter à la doyenne de Célestia."
416,15,6,"Ein antiker Glücksbringer. Soll der
Ältesten in Elyses überbracht werden."
416,15,7,"Formada a partir de magma enfriado y endurecido.
Aún hay magma líquido en su interior."
416,15,8,"Antico portafortuna fatto di ossa di Pokémon
da portare allanziana di Memoride."
416,15,9,"An ancient good-luck charm made
of Pokémon bones to be taken to
the elder of Celestic Town."
416,15,11,"カンナギタウンの 長老に
届ける 大昔の おまもり。
ポケモンの ホネで つくられている。"
417,8,9,"A card key for disengaging security
systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it
can result in punishment, apparently."
417,9,9,"A card key for disengaging security
systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it
can result in punishment, apparently."
417,10,9,"A card key for disengaging security
systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it
can result in punishment, apparently."
417,11,5,"Clé magnétique servant à désactiver les
systèmes de sécurité du QG Galaxie.
La perdre entraîne une punition."
417,11,9,"A card key for disengaging security
systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it
can result in punishment, apparently."
417,14,9,"A card key for disengaging security
systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it
can result in punishment, apparently."
417,15,1,"ギンガだんアジトの セキュリティを
かいじょ するための カードキー。
なくすと おしおき されるらしい。"
417,15,3,"갤럭시단아지트의 보안을
해제하기 위한 카드키다.
잃어버리면 벌을 받는 듯하다."
417,15,5,"Une clé magnétique servant à désactiver
les systèmes de sécurité du QG Galaxie.
La perdre entraîne une punition."
417,15,6,"Dieser Türöffner deaktiviert die Sicherheits-
systeme im Hauptquartier von Team Galaktik."
417,15,7,"Paquete encomendado a tu cuidado que tienes
que entregar a tu amigo de la infancia que dejó
Pueblo Hojaverde."
417,15,8,"Chiave a scheda per disattivare i sistemi
di sicurezza nella Sede Galassia. Se la si perde,
si viene puniti."
417,15,9,"A card key for disengaging the security
systems in the Galactic HQ. Losing it
can result in punishment, apparently."
417,15,11,"ギンガ団アジトの セキュリティを
解除するための カードキー。
なくすと おしおき されるらしい。"
418,8,9,"A mythical chain that is said to link
the legendary Pokémon that created
the Sinnoh region."
418,9,9,"A mythical chain that is said to link
the legendary Pokémon that created
the Sinnoh region."
418,10,9,"A mythical chain that is said to link
the legendary Pokémon that created
the Sinnoh region."
418,11,5,"Chaîne mystique qui serait reliée au
Pokémon légendaire ayant créé la
région de Sinnoh."
418,11,9,"A mythical chain that is said to link
the legendary Pokémon that created
the Sinnoh region."
418,14,9,"A mythical chain that is said to link
the legendary Pokémon that created
the Sinnoh region."
418,15,1,"シンオウちほうを うみだした
でんせつの ポケモンを つなぐと
いわれる しんわの どうぐ。"
418,15,3,"신오지방을 만들어낸
전설의 포켓몬과 이어진다고
전해지는 신화의 도구."
418,15,5,"Une chaîne mystique qui serait reliée au
Pokémon légendaire ayant créé la région
de Sinnoh."
418,15,6,"Diese mythische Kette ist angeblich die
Verbindung zu einem Legendären Pokémon."
418,15,7,"Uno de los tres cupones que sirve para obtener
un Poké-reloj."
418,15,8,"Catena mitica che pare essere collegata
al Pokémon leggendario che ha creato
la regione di Sinnoh."
418,15,9,"A mythical chain that is said to link
the Legendary Pokémon that created
the Sinnoh region."
418,15,11,"シンオウ地方を うみだした
伝説の ポケモンを つなぐと
いわれる 神話の 道具。"
419,6,9,"Can be viewed
anytime. Shows your
present location."
419,7,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows your
present location."
419,8,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows your
present location."
419,9,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows your
present location."
419,10,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows your
present location."
419,11,5,"Une carte très pratique pouvant
être consultée nimporte quand. Elle
indique votre position actuelle."
419,11,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows your
present location."
419,14,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows your
present location."
419,15,1,"いつでも てがるに みることが
できる べんりな ちず。
じぶんの ばしょも わかる。"
419,15,3,"언제라도 간편하게 볼 수
있는 편리한 지도.
자신이 있는 곳도 알 수 있다."
419,15,5,"Une carte très pratique pouvant être consultée
nimporte quand. Elle indique votre position
419,15,6,"Eine praktische Karte, die jederzeit aufgerufen
werden kann. Dein aktueller Standort wird auch
419,15,7,"Uno de los tres cupones que sirve para obtener
un Poké-reloj."
419,15,8,"Utilissima mappa, consultabile in ogni situazione.
Mostra anche la propria posizione in tempo reale."
419,15,9,"A very convenient map that can be
viewed anytime. It even shows you
your present location in the region."
419,15,11,"いつでも 手軽に みることが
できる 便利な 地図。
自分の 場所も わかる。"
420,6,9,"A rechargeable unit
that flags battle-
ready TRAINERS."
420,7,9,"A device that indicates TRAINERS
who want to battle. The battery
charges while traveling."
420,8,9,"A device that indicates Trainers who
want to battle. Its battery charges
while you walk."
420,9,9,"A device that indicates Trainers who
want to battle. Its battery charges
while you walk."
420,10,9,"A device that indicates Trainers who
want to battle. Its battery charges
while you walk."
420,11,5,"Un appareil indiquant les Dresseurs
prêts à se battre. La batterie se
recharge quand vous marchez."
420,11,9,"A device that indicates Trainers who
want to battle. Its battery charges
while you walk."
420,14,9,"A device that indicates Trainers who
want to battle. Its battery charges
while you walk."
420,15,1,"たたかいたい トレーナーを
おしえてくれる きかい。
あるくと でんちが たまる。"
420,15,3,"싸우고 싶어하는 트레이너를
알려주는 기계.
걸으면 전지가 충전된다."
420,15,5,"Un appareil indiquant les Dresseurs prêts à
se battre. La batterie se recharge quand vous
420,15,6,"Ein Gerät, das rückkampfwillige Trainer ausfindig
macht. Die Batterie lädt sich beim Reisen auf."
420,15,7,"Uno de los tres cupones que sirve para obtener
un Poké-reloj."
420,15,8,"Apparecchio per trovare gli Allenatori che
vogliono lottare. La batteria si ricarica
420,15,9,"A device that indicates Trainers who
want to battle. Its battery charges
while you walk."
420,15,11,"戦いたい トレーナーを
教えてくれる 機械。
歩くと 電池が たまる。"
421,5,9,"A case that holds
up to 9,999 COINS."
421,6,9,"A case that holds
up to 9,999 COINS."
421,7,9,"A case for holding COINS obtained
It holds up to 9,999 COINS."
421,8,9,"A case for holding Coins obtained at
the Game Corner.
It holds up to 50,000 Coins."
421,9,9,"A case for holding Coins obtained at
the Game Corner.
It holds up to 50,000 Coins."
421,10,9,"A case for holding coins obtained at
the Game Corner.
It holds up to 50,000 coins."
421,11,5,"Une boîte pour conserver les Jetons
obtenus au Casino.
Peut contenir jusquà 50 000 Jetons."
421,11,9,"A case for holding coins obtained at
the Game Corner.
It holds up to 50,000 coins."
421,14,9,"A case for holding coins obtained at
the Game Corner.
It holds up to 50,000 coins."
421,15,1,"ゲームコーナーで てにいれた
コインを 50000まい まで
いれることが できる ケース。"
421,15,3,"게임코너에서 손에 넣은
동전을 50000개 까지
넣을 수 있는 케이스."
421,15,5,"Une boîte pour conserver les Jetons obtenus
au Casino. Peut contenir jusquà 50000 Jetons."
421,15,6,"Im Korb finden bis zu 50 000 Münzen
der Spielhalle Platz."
421,15,7,"Llave del siniestro almacén del Equipo Galaxia
que está ubicado en las afueras de Ciudad
421,15,8,"Contenitore ottenuto al Casinò che può
contenere fino a 50.000 Gettoni."
421,15,9,"A case for holding coins obtained
at the Game Corner. It can hold up
to 50,000 coins."
421,15,11,"ゲームコーナーで てにいれた
コインを 50000枚まで
いれることが できる ケース。"
422,5,9,"Use by any body of
water to fish for
wild POKéMON."
422,6,9,"Use by any body of
water to fish for
wild POKéMON."
422,7,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to
fish for wild POKéMON."
422,8,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
422,9,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
422,10,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
422,11,5,"Une vieille canne usée. Utilisez-la pour
pêcher des Pokémon sauvages dans
les points deau."
422,11,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
422,14,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
422,15,1,"ふるくて ボロい つりざお。
みずの ある ばしょで つかうと
ポケモンが つれる。"
422,15,3,"낡고 조잡한 낚싯대.
물이 있는 장소에서 사용하면
포켓몬을 낚을 수 있다."
422,15,5,"Une vieille canne usée.
Utilisez-la pour pêcher des Pokémon sauvages
dans les points deau."
422,15,6,"Eine alte, abgenutzte Angel. Damit kannst du
in jedem Gewässer nach Pokémon angeln."
422,15,7,"Fantástico medicamento vendido en la farmacia
de Ciudad Orquídea. Cura completamente a un
422,15,8,"Amo vecchio e rovinato. Si usa per pescare
Pokémon selvatici in qualsiasi specchio dacqua."
422,15,9,"An old and beat-up fishing rod.
Use it at any body of water to
fish for wild aquatic Pokémon."
422,15,11,"ふるくて ボロい つりざお。
水の ある 場所で 使うと
ポケモンが つれる。"
423,5,9,"A decent fishing
rod for catching
wild POKéMON."
423,6,9,"A decent fishing
rod for catching
wild POKéMON."
423,7,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to
fish for wild POKéMON."
423,8,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
423,9,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
423,10,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
423,11,5,"Une canne neuve et de bonne qualité.
Utilisez-la pour pêcher des Pokémon
sauvages dans les points deau."
423,11,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
423,14,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
423,15,1,"あたらしくて いい つりざお。
みずの ある ばしょで つかうと
ポケモンが つれる。"
423,15,3,"새로 나온 좋은 낚싯대.
물이 있는 장소에서 사용하면
포켓몬을 낚을 수 있다."
423,15,5,"Une canne neuve et de bonne qualité.
Utilisez-la pour pêcher des Pokémon sauvages
dans les points deau."
423,15,6,"Eine recht gute Angel. Damit kannst du
in jedem Gewässer nach Pokémon angeln."
423,15,7,"Un fantástico dispositivo que graba combates
entre amigos o celebrados en algún recinto
423,15,8,"Amo nuovo e di qualità. Si usa per pescare
Pokémon selvatici in qualsiasi specchio dacqua."
423,15,9,"A new, good-quality fishing rod.
Use it at any body of water to
fish for wild aquatic Pokémon."
423,15,11,"あたらしくて いい つりざお。
水の ある 場所で 使うと
ポケモンが つれる。"
424,5,9,"The best fishing
rod for catching
wild POKéMON."
424,6,9,"The best fishing
rod for catching
wild POKéMON."
424,7,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish
for wild POKéMON."
424,8,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
424,9,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
424,10,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
424,11,5,"Une canne à pêche ultramoderne.
Utilisez-la pour pêcher des Pokémon
sauvages dans les points deau."
424,11,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
424,14,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it by any body of water to fish for
wild aquatic Pokémon."
424,15,1,"さいしんの すごい つりざお。
みずの ある ばしょで つかうと
ポケモンが つれる。"
424,15,3,"최신식의 대단한 낚싯대.
물이 있는 장소에서 사용하면
포켓몬을 낚을 수 있다."
424,15,5,"Une canne à pêche ultramoderne.
Utilisez-la pour pêcher des Pokémon sauvages
dans les points deau."
424,15,6,"Eine wundervoll gefertigte Angel. Die beste
Angel, um Pokémon an Land zu ziehen."
424,15,7,"Una flor que se suele regalar en ramos para
expresar agradecimiento en ocasiones especiales,
como cumpleaños."
424,15,8,"Amo supertecnologico. Si usa per pescare
Pokémon selvatici in qualsiasi specchio dacqua."
424,15,9,"An awesome, high-tech fishing rod.
Use it at any body of water to
fish for wild aquatic Pokémon."
424,15,11,"最新の すごい つりざお。
水の ある 場所で 使うと
ポケモンが つれる。"
425,8,9,"A watering can shaped like a PSYDUCK.
It helps promote healthy growth of
Berries planted in soft soil."
425,9,9,"A watering can shaped like a PSYDUCK.
It helps promote healthy growth of
Berries planted in soft soil."
425,10,9,"A watering can shaped like a PSYDUCK.
It helps promote healthy growth of
Berries planted in soft soil."
425,11,5,"Arrosoir en forme de Psykokwak. Aide
à la croissance des Baies plantées dans
les sols meubles."
425,11,9,"A watering can shaped like a Psyduck.
It helps promote healthy growth of
Berries planted in soft soil."
425,14,9,"A watering can shaped like a Psyduck.
It helps promote healthy growth of
Berries planted in soft soil."
425,15,1,"みずを かける どうぐ。
ふかふかのつちに うめた きのみを
すくすく そだてる。"
425,15,3,"물을 주는 도구.
푹신푹신한 땅에 심은 나무열매를
쑥쑥 키운다."
425,15,5,"Arrosoir en forme de Psykokwak.
Aide à la croissance des Baies plantées dans
les sols meubles."
425,15,6,"Eine Gießkanne in Form von Enton. Gieße
gepflanzte Beeren, damit sie besser wachsen."
425,15,7,"Una llave de alta tecnología que debe usarse en
un lugar concreto. Emite una señal eléctrica que
abre una puerta."
425,15,8,"Annaffiatoio fatto a forma di Psyduck.
Favorisce la crescita delle bacche piantate
nel terreno soffice."
425,15,9,"A watering can shaped like a Psyduck.
It helps promote the healthy growth of
any Berries planted in good, soft soil."
425,15,11,"水を かける 道具。
ふかふかのつちに 埋めた きのみを
すくすく 育てる。"
426,8,9,"A case for storing Poffin cooked from
426,9,9,"A case for storing Poffin cooked from
426,10,9,"A case for storing Poffin cooked from
426,11,5,"Boîte pour ranger les Poffins faits
à partir de Baies."
426,11,9,"A case for storing Poffin cooked from
426,14,9,"A case for storing Poffin cooked from
426,15,1,"おりょうりで つくった ポフィンを
ほぞんする いれもの。
426,15,3,"요리로 만든 포핀을
보존하는 용기."
426,15,5,"Boîte pour ranger les Poffins faits à partir
de Baies."
426,15,6,Eine Box für leckere Knurspe.
426,15,7,"Práctico recipiente que puede almacenar hasta
99 Bonguri de cada especie."
426,15,8,"Contenitore per conservare i Poffin cucinati
con le bacche."
426,15,9,A case for storing Poffins cooked from Berries.
426,15,11,"お料理で つくった ポフィンを
保存する いれもの。
427,6,9,"A folding bicycle
that is faster than
427,7,9,"A folding bicycle that allows
faster movement than the RUNNING
427,8,9,"A folding Bicycle that enables much
faster movement than the Running
427,9,9,"A folding Bicycle that enables much
faster movement than the Running
427,10,9,"A folding Bicycle that enables much
faster movement than the Running
427,11,5,"Une Bicyclette pliable permettant de se
déplacer plus rapidement quavec les
Chaussures de Sport."
427,11,9,"A folding Bicycle that enables much
faster movement than the Running
427,14,9,"A folding Bicycle that enables much
faster movement than the Running
427,15,1,"ランニングシューズ よりも
はやく はしることが できる
おりたたみしきの じてんしゃ。"
빨리 달릴 수 있는
접이식 자전거다."
427,15,5,"Une Bicyclette pliable permettant de se déplacer
bien plus rapidement quen marchant."
427,15,6,"Ein Klapprad, mit dem man schneller ist
als zu Fuß."
427,15,8,"Bici pieghevole che permette di spostarsi
più velocemente che con le Scarpe da Corsa."
427,15,9,"A folding Bicycle that enables a rider
to get around much faster than a pair
of Running Shoes will allow."
427,15,11,"ランニングシューズ よりも
速く 走ることが できる
折りたたみ式の じてんしゃ。"
428,8,9,"A key to one of the suites at the
luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd
reason, it often disappears."
428,9,9,"A key to one of the suites at the
luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd
reason, it often disappears."
428,10,9,"A key to one of the suites at the
luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd
reason, it often disappears."
428,11,5,"Clé de lune des suites de lhôtel de
luxe se trouvant près du lac.
Bizarrement, elle disparaît souvent."
428,11,9,"A key to one of the suites at the
luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd
reason, it often disappears."
428,14,9,"A key to one of the suites at the
luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd
reason, it often disappears."
428,15,1,"みずうみの ほとりにある
こうきゅうホテルの ルームキー。
なぜか よく なくなってしまう。"
428,15,3,"호수 근처에 있는 고급 호텔의 룸 키.
왜인지는 모르나 잘 없어진다."
428,15,5,"La clé de lune des suites de lhôtel de luxe se
trouvant près du lac. Bizarrement, elle disparaît
428,15,6,"Schlüssel zu einer Hotelsuite. Verschwindet
seltsamerweise immer wieder mal."
428,15,7,"Dispositivo portátil de cultivo que permite plantar
bayas en cualquier momento de forma sencilla."
428,15,8,"Chiave di una suite vicino a un lago.
Per ragioni misteriose, scompare spesso."
428,15,9,"A key to one of the suites at a certain
luxury hotel by a lake. For some odd
reason, it often disappears."
428,15,11,"湖の ほとりにある
高級ホテルの ルームキー。
なぜか よく なくなってしまう。"
429,8,9,"A letter from Prof. Oak.
Written in it is a request for you to
go to Rt. 224."
429,9,9,"A letter from Prof. Oak.
Written in it is a request for you to
go to Rt. 224."
429,10,9,"A letter from Prof. Oak.
Written in it is a request for you to
go to Rt. 224."
429,11,5,"Lettre du Prof. Chen vous demandant de
vous rendre sur la Route 224."
429,11,9,"A letter from Prof. Oak.
Written in it is a request for you to
go to Rt. 224."
429,14,9,"A letter from Prof. Oak.
Written in it is a request for you to
go to Rt. 224."
429,15,1,"オーキドはかせ からの てがみ。
なかには 224ばんどうろに
きてほしいと かかれている。"
429,15,3,"오박사의 편지다.
안에는 224번도로로
와달라고 적혀 있다."
429,15,5,"Une lettre du Prof. Chen vous demandant de
vous rendre sur la Route 224."
429,15,6,"Ein Brief von Prof. Eich. Er bittet dich,
zur Route 224 zu gehen."
429,15,7,"Aparato de precisión que reacciona con luz y
sonido ante los objetos que no se ven indicando
su posición."
429,15,8,"Lettera del Prof. Oak con la richiesta di dirigerti
verso il Percorso 224."
429,15,9,"A letter from Professor Oak.
Written in it is a request for you
to go to Route 224."
429,15,11,"オーキド博士からの 手紙。
中には 224番道路に
来てほしいと 書かれている。"
430,8,9,"A feather that glows like the moon.
It is said to possess the power to
dispel nightmares."
430,9,9,"A feather that glows like the moon.
It is said to possess the power to
dispel nightmares."
430,10,9,"A feather that glows like the moon.
It is said to possess the power to
dispel nightmares."
430,11,5,"Plume qui brille comme la lune. On dit
quelle a le pouvoir de chasser les
430,11,9,"A feather that glows like the moon.
It is said to possess the power to
dispel nightmares."
430,14,9,"A feather that glows like the moon.
It is said to possess the power to
dispel nightmares."
430,15,1,"つきのような かがやきを はなつ
はね。 あくむを ふりはらう ちからを
ひめていると つたえられている。"
430,15,3,"달처럼 반짝임을 발산하는 날개.
악몽을 뿌리치는 힘을
간직하고 있다고 전해진다."
430,15,5,"Une plume qui brille comme la lune.
On dit quelle a le pouvoir de chasser les
430,15,6,"Diese Feder leuchtet wie der Mond.
Kann angeblich Alpträume vertreiben."
430,15,7,"Tarjeta para conseguir puntos con el programa de
radio Las contraseñas de Buena."
430,15,8,"Piuma che brilla come la luna. Pare che abbia
il potere di allontanare gli incubi."
430,15,9,"A feather that glows like the moon.
Its said to possess the power to
dispel nightmares."
430,15,11,"つきのような 輝きを はなつ
はね。 悪夢を ふりはらう 力を
秘めていると 伝えられている。"
431,8,9,"A card needed for entering the inn in
Canalave City. Oddly, the last date
marked on it was 50 years ago."
431,9,9,"A card needed for entering the inn in
Canalave City. Oddly, the last date
marked on it was 50 years ago."
431,10,9,"A card needed for entering the inn in
Canalave City. Oddly, the last date
marked on it was 50 years ago."
431,11,5,"Carte nécessaire pour entrer à
lauberge de Joliberges. Le dernier
tampon date dil y a 50 ans!"
431,11,9,"A card needed for entering the inn in
Canalave City. Oddly, the last date
marked on it was 50 years ago."
431,14,9,"A card needed for entering the inn in
Canalave City. Oddly, the last date
marked on it was 50 years ago."
431,15,1,"ミオシティの やどやに はいれる
カード。 なぜか 50ねんほどまえの
ひづけが きざまれている。"
431,15,3,"운하시티의 여관에 들어갈 수 있는
카드. 어찌된 일인지 50년 정도 전의
날짜가 새겨져 있다."
431,15,5,"Une carte nécessaire pour entrer à lauberge
de Joliberges. Le dernier tampon date dil y a
50 ans!"
431,15,6,"Eine Eintrittskarte für den Gasthof in Fleetburg.
Sie ist über 50 Jahre alt..."
431,15,7,"Sabrosa cola de origen desconocido. Se puede
comprar a un precio muy elevado."
431,15,8,"Scheda che permette di entrare nella locanda
di Canalipoli. Lultimo timbro risale a 50 anni fa."
431,15,9,"A card needed for entering the inn in
Canalave City. Oddly, the last date
marked on it was 50 years ago."
431,15,11,"ミオシティの 宿屋に はいれる
カード。 なぜか 50年ほど前の
日付が 刻まれている。"
432,8,9,"A flute that puts out echoing sounds
that do not seem to be of this world.
It is unknown who made it."
432,9,9,"A flute that puts out echoing sounds
that do not seem to be of this world.
It is unknown who made it."
432,10,9,"A flute that puts out echoing sounds
that do not seem to be of this world.
It is unknown who made it."
432,11,5,"Flûte produisant des sons qui semblent
provenir dun autre monde. On ne sait
pas qui la fabriquée."
432,11,9,"A flute that puts out echoing sounds
that do not seem to be of this world.
It is unknown who made it."
432,14,9,"A flute that puts out echoing sounds
that do not seem to be of this world.
It is unknown who made it."
432,15,1,"このよの ものとは おもえない
ねいろが なりひびく ふえ。 いつ
だれが つくったのか わからない。"
432,15,3,"이 세상의 것이라고는 생각할 수 없는
음색이 울려 퍼지는 피리. 언제
누가 만들었는지 모른다."
432,15,5,"Une flûte produisant des sons qui semblent
provenir dun autre monde. On ne sait pas qui
la fabriquée."
432,15,6,"Eine Flöte, deren Töne nicht von dieser Welt zu
sein scheinen. Ihr Erschaffer ist nicht bekannt."
432,15,7,"Campana de aspecto antiguo que emite un sonido
que calma el espíritu."
432,15,8,"Flauto che emette una melodia che sembra
appartenere a un altro mondo. Non si sa
chi labbia creato."
432,15,9,"A flute that puts out echoing sounds
that do not seem to be of this world.
No one knows who made it."
432,15,11,"この世の ものとは おもえない
音色が なりひびく ふえ。 いつ
だれが つくったのか わからない。"
433,5,9,"The ticket required
for sailing on a
433,6,9,"The ticket required
for sailing on a
433,7,9,"The ticket required for sailing on
the ferry S.S. ANNE.
It has a drawing of a ship on it."
433,8,9,"The ticket required for sailing on the
ferry S.S. Anne. It has a drawing of a
ship on it."
433,9,9,"The ticket required for sailing on the
ferry S.S. Anne. It has a drawing of a
ship on it."
433,10,9,"The ticket required for sailing on the
ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a
ship on it."
433,11,5,"Un ticket nécessaire pour embarquer
sur le Bateau Express Aquaria.
Il y a un bateau dessiné dessus."
433,11,9,"The ticket required for sailing on the
ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a
ship on it."
433,14,9,"The ticket required for sailing on the
ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing of a
ship on it."
433,15,1,"こうそくせん アクアごうに のるとき
ひつような ふねの チケット。
ふねの えが かかれている。"
433,15,3,"쾌속선 아쿠아호에 탈 때
필요한 승선티켓.
배 그림이 그려져 있다."
433,15,5,"Un ticket nécessaire pour embarquer sur
le Bateau Express Aquaria. Il y a un bateau
dessiné dessus."
433,15,6,"Ein Ticket, um auf der M.S. Aqua zu fahren. Eine
Zeichnung der Fähre ist auf dem Ticket zu sehen."
433,15,7,"Llave con forma de tarjeta que abre las puertas
de la Torre Radio."
433,15,8,"Biglietto necessario per salire sulla M/N Acqua.
Cè disegnata una nave."
433,15,9,"A ticket required for sailing on the
ferry S.S. Aqua. It has a drawing
of a ship on its front."
433,15,11,"高速船アクア号に 乗るとき
必要な 船の チケット。
船の 絵が 描かれている。"
434,5,9,"The pass required
for entering
434,6,9,"The pass required
for entering
434,7,9,"The pass required for entering
drawing of an award ribbon on it."
434,8,9,"The pass required for entering Pokémon
Contests. It has a drawing of an award
ribbon on it."
434,9,9,"The pass required for entering Pokémon
Contests. It has a drawing of an award
ribbon on it."
434,10,9,"The pass required for entering Pokémon
Contests. It has a drawing of an award
ribbon on it."
434,11,5,"La carte requise pour participer aux
Concours Pokémon. Il y a un ruban
dessiné dessus."
434,11,9,"The pass required for entering Pokémon
Contests. It has a drawing of an award
ribbon on it."
434,14,9,"The pass required for entering Pokémon
Contests. It has a drawing of an award
ribbon on it."
434,15,1,"もっていれば ポケモンコンテストに
さんか することが できる。
きねんリボンが かかれている。"
434,15,3,"지니고 있으면 포켓몬 콘테스트에
참가할 수 있다.
기념 리본이 그려져 있다."
434,15,5,"La carte requise pour participer aux Concours
Pokémon. Il y a un ruban dessiné dessus."
434,15,6,"Ausweis zur Teilnahme an Pokémon-
Wettbewerben. Die Zeichnung eines
Bandes ist aufgedruckt."
434,15,7,"Llave que abre la puerta que hay en el Túnel
434,15,8,"Tessera necessaria per partecipare alle
Gare Pokémon. Riporta il disegno di un fiocco."
434,15,9,"A pass required for entering Pokémon
Contests. It has a drawing of an award
ribbon on its front."
434,15,11,"持っていれば ポケモンコンテストに
参加することが できる。
記念リボンが 描かれている。"
435,8,9,"A stone formed when boulders melted in
intensely hot magma, then hardened.
Magma remains sealed inside."
435,9,9,"A stone formed when boulders melted in
intensely hot magma, then hardened.
Magma remains sealed inside."
435,10,9,"A stone formed when boulders melted in
intensely hot magma, then hardened.
Magma remains sealed inside."
435,11,5,"Pierre formée à partir de roche en
fusion solidifiée. Elle contient du
435,11,9,"A stone formed when boulders melted in
intensely hot magma, then hardened.
Magma remains sealed inside."
435,14,9,"A stone formed when boulders melted in
intensely hot magma, then hardened.
Magma remains sealed inside."
435,15,1,"しゃくねつの マグマの ねつでとけた
がんせきが かたまって できたもの。
なかに マグマが のこっている。"
435,15,3,"이글거리는 마그마의 열로 녹은
암석이 굳어져 생긴 것.
안에는 마그마가 남아 있다."
435,15,5,"Une pierre formée à partir de roche en fusion
solidifiée. Elle contient du magma."
435,15,6,"Ein Stein aus gehärtetem Magma.
Sein Kern ist noch flüssig und heiß."
435,15,7,"Objeto que contiene agua y se usa para regar las
bayas del Plantabayas."
435,15,8,"Pietra che si è formata a seguito di unintensa
colata lavica. Il magma è rimasto intrappolato
al suo interno."
435,15,9,"A stone formed by boulders melting in
intensely hot magma, then hardening.
Magma remains sealed inside it."
435,15,11,"しゃくねつの マグマの 熱でとけた
岩石が 固まって できたもの。
中に マグマが 残っている。"
436,8,9,"A parcel entrusted in your care.
You are supposed to deliver it to your
childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town."
436,9,9,"A parcel entrusted in your care.
You are supposed to deliver it to your
childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town."
436,10,9,"A parcel entrusted in your care.
You are supposed to deliver it to your
childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town."
436,11,5,"Paquet quon vous a confié. Vous devez
le remettre à votre ami denfance qui a
quitté Bonaugure."
436,11,9,"A parcel entrusted in your care.
You are supposed to deliver it to your
childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town."
436,14,9,"A parcel entrusted in your care.
You are supposed to deliver it to your
childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town."
436,15,1,"フタバタウンから たびだった
おさななじみに わたすように
たのまれた おとどけもの。"
436,15,3,"떡잎마을에서 여행을 떠난
소꿉친구에게 건네주도록
부탁받은 물건."
436,15,5,"Un paquet quon vous a confié.
Vous devez le remettre à votre ami denfance qui
a quitté Bonaugure."
436,15,6,"Ein Paket, das dir anvertraut wurde. Du sollst es
deinem besten Freund geben, der Zweiblattdorf
436,15,7,"Escama del Gyarados aparecido en el Lago de la
Furia. Es de un rojo tan intenso como las llamas."
436,15,8,"Pacchetto che sei stato incaricato di consegnare
al tuo amico dinfanzia che ha lasciato Duefoglie."
436,15,9,"A parcel entrusted into your care.
You are supposed to deliver it to your
childhood friend who left Twinleaf Town."
436,15,11,"フタバタウンから 旅立った
幼なじみに 渡すように
頼まれた おとどけもの。"
437,8,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
437,9,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
437,10,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
437,11,5,"Un des trois bons à échanger contre
une Pokémontre."
437,11,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
437,14,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
437,15,1,"ポケモンウォッチ ちぢめて
ポケッチを もらうために ひつような
ひきかえけん。 3まい ひつよう。"
437,15,3,"포켓몬워치, 줄여서 포켓치를
받는 데 필요한 교환권.
3장이 필요하다."
437,15,5,"Un des trois bons à échanger contre une
437,15,6,"Einer der drei Coupons, die du für den Pokétch
437,15,7,El muñeco Mime Jr. que perdió la Copiona.
437,15,8,"Coupon da scambiare con un PokéKron.
Ne servono tre."
437,15,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch--Pokétch for short.
Three coupons are needed."
437,15,11,"ポケモンウォッチ ちぢめて
ポケッチを もらうために 必要な
ひきかえけん。 3枚必要。"
438,8,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
438,9,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
438,10,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
438,11,5,"Un des trois bons à échanger contre
une Pokémontre."
438,11,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
438,14,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
438,15,1,"ポケモンウォッチ ちぢめて
ポケッチを もらうために ひつような
ひきかえけん。 3まい ひつよう。"
438,15,3,"포켓몬워치, 줄여서 포켓치를
받는 데 필요한 교환권.
3장이 필요하다."
438,15,5,"Un des trois bons à échanger contre une
438,15,6,"Einer der drei Coupons, die du für den Pokétch
438,15,7,"Billete necesario para poder montar todas las
veces que se desee en el Magnetotrén."
438,15,8,"Coupon da scambiare con un PokéKron.
Ne servono tre."
438,15,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch--Pokétch for short.
Three coupons are needed."
438,15,11,"ポケモンウォッチ ちぢめて
ポケッチを もらうために 必要な
ひきかえけん。 3枚必要。"
439,8,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
439,9,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
439,10,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
439,11,5,"Un des trois bons à échanger contre
une Pokémontre."
439,11,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
439,14,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch (Pokétch for short).
Three coupons are needed."
439,15,1,"ポケモンウォッチ ちぢめて
ポケッチを もらうために ひつような
ひきかえけん。 3まい ひつよう。"
439,15,3,"포켓몬워치, 줄여서 포켓치를
받는 데 필요한 교환권.
3장이 필요하다."
439,15,5,"Un des trois bons à échanger contre une
439,15,6,"Einer der drei Coupons, die du für den Pokétch
439,15,7,"Valiosa pieza robada de una máquina de la
Central Energía."
439,15,8,"Coupon da scambiare con un PokéKron.
Ne servono tre."
439,15,9,"A coupon to be exchanged for a
Pokémon Watch--Pokétch for short.
Three coupons are needed."
439,15,11,"ポケモンウォッチ ちぢめて
ポケッチを もらうために 必要な
ひきかえけん。 3枚必要。"
440,5,9,"The key to the
storage inside the
440,6,9,"The key to the
storage inside the
440,7,9,"A key that opens the storage hold
inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
It is old and looks easily broken."
440,8,9,"The key to Team Galactics sinister
warehouse located at the edge of
Veilstone City."
440,9,9,"The key to Team Galactics sinister
warehouse located at the edge of
Veilstone City."
440,10,9,"The key to Team Galactics sinister
warehouse located at the edge of
Veilstone City."
440,11,5,"La clé de lentrepôt de la Team Galaxie
situé à la périphérie de Voilaroc."
440,11,9,"The key to Team Galactics sinister
warehouse located at the edge of
Veilstone City."
440,14,9,"The key to Team Galactics sinister
warehouse located at the edge of
Veilstone City."
440,15,1,"トバリシティの はずれにある
ギンガだんの あやしい
そうこに はいるための カギ。"
440,15,3,"장막시티 변두리에 있는
갤럭시단의 수상한 창고에
들어가기 위한 열쇠다."
440,15,5,"La clé de lentrepôt de la Team Galaxie situé à
la périphérie de Voilaroc."
440,15,6,"Der Schlüssel zur Lagerhalle des Teams Galaktik
am Rande von Schleiede."
440,15,7,Misteriosa ala de un brillante color plateado.
440,15,8,"Chiave del misterioso deposito del Team Galassia
situato ai confini di Rupepoli."
440,15,9,"The key to Team Galactics sinister
warehouse located at the edge of
Veilstone City."
440,15,11,"トバリシティの はずれにある
ギンガ団の 怪しい
倉庫に はいるための カギ。"
441,8,9,"A fantastic medicine dispensed by the
pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully
heals a Pokémon of any ailment."
441,9,9,"A fantastic medicine dispensed by the
pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully
heals a Pokémon of any ailment."
441,10,9,"A fantastic medicine dispensed by the
pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully
heals a Pokémon of any ailment."
441,11,5,"Médicament génial vendu à la pharmacie
dIrisia. Soigne totalement un Pokémon
de tout problème de statut."
441,11,9,"A fantastic medicine dispensed by the
pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully
heals a Pokémon of any ailment."
441,14,9,"A fantastic medicine dispensed by the
pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully
heals a Pokémon of any ailment."
441,15,1,"タンバシティの くすりやで もらった
どんな ポケモンでも たちまち
げんきになる すごい くすり。"
441,15,3,"진청시티의 약국에서 받은
어떤 포켓몬이라도 금방
건강해지는 대단한 약."
441,15,5,"Un médicament génial vendu à la pharmacie
dIrisia. Soigne totalement un Pokémon de tout
problème de statut."
441,15,6,"Eine fantastische Medizin aus Anemonia City.
Heilt und kuriert ein Pokémon vollständig."
441,15,7,Misteriosa ala de un brillante color arcoíris.
441,15,8,"Rimedio fantastico distribuito dalla farmacia
a Fiorlisopoli. Cura i problemi di stato
di qualunque Pokémon."
441,15,9,"A fantastic medicine dispensed by the
pharmacy in Cianwood City. It fully
heals a Pokémon of any ailment."
441,15,11,"タンバシティの 薬屋で もらった
どんな ポケモンでも たちまち
げんきになる すごい くすり。"
442,9,9,"A glowing orb to be held by GIRATINA.
It boosts the power of Dragon- and
Ghost-type moves."
442,10,9,"A glowing orb to be held by GIRATINA.
It boosts the power of Dragon- and
Ghost-type moves."
442,11,5,"Mystérieux objet destiné à Giratina.
Améliore les capacités de type Dragon
et Spectre."
442,11,9,"A glowing orb to be held by Giratina.
It boosts the power of Dragon- and
Ghost-type moves."
442,14,9,"A glowing orb to be held by Giratina.
It boosts the power of Dragon- and
Ghost-type moves."
442,15,1,"ギラティナに もたせると ドラゴンと
ゴーストタイプの わざの いりょくが
あがる ひかり かがやく たま。"
442,15,3,"기라티나에게 지니게 하면 드래곤과
고스트타입 기술의 위력이 올라가는
반짝반짝 빛나는 구슬."
442,15,5,"Un mystérieux objet destiné à Giratina.
Améliore les capacités de type Dragon
et Spectre."
442,15,6,"Ein glühender Orb. Verstärkt Attacken vom Typ
Drache und Geist, wenn Giratina ihn trägt."
442,15,7,"Una esfera brillante que potencia los movimientos
de tipo Dragón y Fantasma. Debe llevarla Giratina."
442,15,8,"Poliedro splendente da dare a Giratina.
Aumenta la potenza delle mosse di tipo Drago
e Spettro."
442,15,9,"A glowing orb to be held by Giratina.
It boosts the power of Dragon- and
Ghost-type moves when it is held."
442,15,11,"ギラティナに 持たせると ドラゴンと
ゴーストタイプの 技の 威力が
あがる 光り 輝く 珠。"
443,9,9,"An amazing device that can record a
battle either between friends or at a
special battle facility."
443,10,9,"An amazing device that can record a
battle either between friends or at a
special battle facility."
443,11,5,"Appareil utile permettant denregistrer
les combats entre amis et ceux ayant
lieu dans un bâtiment de combat."
443,11,9,"An amazing device that can record a
battle either between friends or at a
special battle facility."
443,14,9,"An amazing device that can record a
battle either between friends or at a
special battle facility."
443,15,1,"ともだち との しょうぶや
とくしゅな しせつでの しょうぶを
きろくできる かっこいい きかい。"
443,15,3,"친구와의 승부나
특수한 시설에서의 승부를
기록할 수 있는 멋있는 기계."
443,15,5,"Un appareil utile permettant denregistrer les
combats entre amis et ceux ayant lieu dans
un bâtiment de combat."
443,15,6,"Ein tolles Gerät, um Kämpfe zwischen Freunden
oder Kämpfe in einer speziellen Kampfeinrichtung
443,15,7,"Misterioso Huevo con dibujos que obtienes del
Sr. Pokémon. Nadie sabe qué contiene."
443,15,8,"Fantastico dispositivo che registra le lotte
tra amici o quelle che hanno luogo in alcuni
edifici dedicati alla lotta."
443,15,9,"An amazing device that can record a
battle between friends or the battles
at certain special battle facilities."
443,15,11,"友達との 勝負や
特殊な 施設での 勝負を
記録できる かっこいい 機械。"
444,9,9,"A flower sometimes bundled in bouquets
to convey gratitude on special
occasions like birthdays."
444,10,9,"A flower sometimes bundled in bouquets
to convey gratitude on special
occasions like birthdays."
444,11,5,"Fleur que lon offre en gage de
reconnaissance, notamment à
loccasion dun anniversaire."
444,11,9,"A flower sometimes bundled in bouquets
to convey gratitude on special
occasions like birthdays."
444,14,9,"A flower sometimes bundled in bouquets
to convey gratitude on special
occasions like birthdays."
444,15,1,"たんじょうびや きねんび などに
かんしゃの きもちを つたえるため
ブーケにして おくることが ある。"
444,15,3,"생일이나 기념일 등에
감사의 마음을 전하기 위해
부케로 만들어 보내는 일이 있다."
444,15,5,"Une fleur que lon offre en gage de
reconnaissance, notamment à loccasion
dun anniversaire."
444,15,6,"Mit dieser Blume, manchmal auch als Teil eines
Bouquets, kann man an speziellen Tagen seine
Dankbarkeit ausdrücken."
444,15,7,Bonguri de color rojo y aroma muy penetrante.
444,15,8,"Un fiore, a volte offerto in bouquet, che
esprime gratitudine in occasioni particolari,
come i compleanni."
444,15,9,"A flower sometimes bundled in
bouquets to convey gratitude on
special occasions like birthdays."
444,15,11,"誕生日や 記念日などに
感謝の 気持ちを 伝えるため
ブーケにして 贈ることが ある。"
445,6,9,"The key to the
GYMs entrance."
445,7,9,"The key to CINNABAR ISLAND GYMs
front door. It is colored red and
445,9,9,"A high-tech key that has to be used at
a specific location. It emits a special
electric signal to open a door."
445,10,9,"A high-tech key that has to be used at
a specific location. It emits a special
electric signal to open a door."
445,11,5,"Clé destinée à une serrure très
complexe. Ouvre une porte en
transmettant un signal électrique."
445,11,9,"A high-tech key that has to be used at
a specific location. It emits a special
electric signal to open a door."
445,14,9,"A high-tech key that has to be used at
a specific location. It emits a special
electric signal to open a door."
445,15,1,"きまった ばしょで つかうことで
とくしゅな でんきしんごうを だして
とびらを あける ハイテクな カギ。"
445,15,3,"정해진 장소에서 쓰는 것으로
특수한 전기 신호를 내어
문을 여는 첨단기술의 열쇠."
445,15,5,"Une clé destinée à une serrure très complexe.
Ouvre une porte en transmettant un signal
445,15,6,"Ein besonderer Schlüssel, der an einem speziellen
Ort Türen durch ein elektrisches Signal öffnet."
445,15,7,Bonguri de color azul y aroma tierno.
445,15,8,"Una sofisticata chiave da usare in un determinato
luogo. Emette un impulso elettrico speciale che
apre una porta."
445,15,9,"A high-tech key that has to be used at
a specific location. It emits a special
electronic signal to open a door."
445,15,11,"決まった 場所で 使うことで
特殊な 電気信号を だして
扉を 開ける ハイテクな カギ。"
446,10,9,"A handy box where you can store up to
99 Apricorns of each kind."
446,11,5,"Une boîte bien pratique qui peut
contenir jusquà 99 Noigrumes."
446,11,9,"A handy box where you can store up to
99 Apricorns of each kind."
446,14,9,"A handy box where you can store up to
99 Apricorns of each kind."
446,15,1,"ぼんぐりを 99こ ほぞん できる
べんりな いれもの。
446,15,3,"규토리를 99개 보존할 수 있는
편리한 용기."
446,15,5,"Une boîte bien pratique qui peut contenir jusquà
99 Noigrumes."
446,15,6,"Eine praktische Tragebox, in der du bis zu
99 Aprikokos jeder Sorte transportieren kannst."
446,15,7,Bonguri de color amarillo y aroma refrescante.
446,15,8,"Contenitore molto pratico dove conservare
fino a 99 Ghicocche diverse."
446,15,9,"A handy box where you can store
up to 99 of each kind of Apricorn."
446,15,11,"ぼんぐりを 99こ 保存できる
便利な いれもの。
447,10,9,"Handy containers for cultivating
Berries wherever you go."
447,11,5,"Un accessoire portatif qui permet de
cultiver des Baies en tout lieu et à
tout moment."
447,11,9,"Handy containers for cultivating
Berries wherever you go."
447,14,9,"Handy containers for cultivating
Berries wherever you go."
447,15,1,"いつでも てがるに きのみを
そだてられる けいたいしきの
さいばい ようき。"
447,15,3,"항상 손쉽게 나무열매를
키울 수 있는 휴대형
재배 용기."
447,15,5,"Un accessoire portatif qui permet de cultiver des
Baies en tout lieu et à tout moment."
447,15,6,"Ein tragbares Utensil, das die Aufzucht von
Pflanzen aus Beeren ermöglicht, wo immer
du auch gerade bist."
447,15,7,Bonguri de color rosa y aroma dulce.
447,15,8,"Accessorio tascabile che permette di coltivare
bacche in qualunque luogo e momento."
447,15,9,"Handy containers for cultivating
Berries wherever you go."
447,15,11,"いつでも 手軽に きのみを
育てられる 携帯式の
448,10,9,"A bottle used for watering plants in the
Berry Pots."
448,11,5,"Un arrosoir qui permet de faire croître
rapidement les Baies plantées dans le
448,11,9,"A bottle used for watering plants in the
Berry Pots."
448,14,9,"A bottle used for watering plants in the
Berry Pots."
448,15,1,"みずを かける どうぐ。
きのみプランターの きのみを
すくすく そだてる。"
448,15,3,"물을 주는 도구.
나무열매플랜터의 나무열매를
쑥쑥 키운다."
448,15,5,"Un arrosoir qui permet de faire croître rapidement
les Baies plantées dans le Plante-Baies."
448,15,6,"Eine Gießkanne, durch deren Wasser Beeren
im Pflanzset umso rascher wachsen."
448,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta que atrapa mejor Pokémon
de la misma especie que los que se posee, pero
de sexo diferente."
448,15,8,"Strumento che serve a innaffiare.
Permette unottima crescita delle bacche
seminate nel Piantabacche."
448,15,9,"A bottle used for watering plants in the
Berry Pots."
448,15,11,"みずを かける 道具。
きのみプランターの きのみを
すくすく 育てる。"
449,10,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon hooked
by a Rod when fishing."
449,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien sur les
Pokémon ferrés avec une canne à pêche."
449,11,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon hooked
by a Rod when fishing."
449,14,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon hooked
by a Rod when fishing."
449,15,1,"つりざおで つりあげた ポケモンだと
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
449,15,3,"낚싯대로 낚아 올린 포켓몬이라면
잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
449,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon ferrés
avec une canne à pêche."
449,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders gut eignet,
um Pokémon zu fangen, die an deiner
Angel hängen."
449,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Atrapadiscos."
449,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che funziona
particolarmente bene con i Pokémon pescati
con un Amo."
449,15,9,"A Poké Ball that is good for catching
Pokémon that you reel in with a Rod
while out fishing."
449,15,11,"つりざおで つりあげた ポケモンだと
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
450,10,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that
are a lower level than your own."
450,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien sur
les Pokémon de niveau inférieur au sien."
450,11,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that
are a lower level than your own."
450,14,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that
are a lower level than your own."
450,15,1,"じぶんの ポケモンより レベルが
ひくいほど つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
450,15,3,"자신의 포켓몬보다 레벨이
낮을수록 잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
450,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon de niveau
inférieur au sien."
450,15,6,"Ein Ball, mit dem sich Pokémon umso leichter
fangen lassen, je niedriger ihr Level im Vergleich
zu deinem Team ist."
450,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Rompelosas."
450,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che funziona
particolarmente bene con i Pokémon di livello
inferiore a quello del proprio."
450,15,9,"A Poké Ball that makes it easier to
catch Pokémon that are at a lower
level than your own Pokémon."
450,15,11,"自分の ポケモンより レベルが
低いほど 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
451,10,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that
evolve using the Moon Stone."
451,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien sur les
Pokémon évoluant avec une Pierre Lune."
451,11,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that
evolve using the Moon Stone."
451,14,9,"A Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that
evolve using the Moon Stone."
451,15,1,"つきのいしで しんかする ポケモンが
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
451,15,3,"달의돌로 진화하는 포켓몬이
잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
451,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon évoluant
avec une Pierre Lune."
451,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders gut eignet,
um Pokémon zu fangen, die sich durch
einen Mondstein weiterentwickeln."
451,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de puntos perdidos por tus Pokémon."
451,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che funziona
particolarmente bene con i Pokémon
che si evolvono con una Pietralunare."
451,15,9,"A Poké Ball that will make it easier
to catch Pokémon that can evolve
using a Moon Stone."
451,15,11,"つきのいしで 進化する ポケモンが
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
452,10,9,"A Poké Ball for catching very heavy
452,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien sur
les Pokémon lourds."
452,11,9,"A Poké Ball for catching very heavy
452,14,9,"A Poké Ball for catching very heavy
452,15,1,"たいじゅうの おもい ポケモンが
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
452,15,3,"체중이 무거운 포켓몬이
잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
452,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon lourds."
452,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders gut eignet,
um Pokémon mit hohem Körpergewicht
zu fangen."
452,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Nieve Cruzada."
452,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che funziona
particolarmente bene con i Pokémon pesanti."
452,15,9,"A Poké Ball that is better than usual
at catching very heavy Pokémon."
452,15,11,"体重の 重い ポケモンが
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
453,10,9,"A Poké Ball that makes it easier to
catch fast Pokémon."
453,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne particulièrement bien sur
les Pokémon qui ont tendance à fuir."
453,11,9,"A Poké Ball that makes it easier to
catch Pokémon which are quick to
run away."
453,14,9,"A Poké Ball that makes it easier to
catch Pokémon which are quick to
run away."
453,15,1,"にげあしの はやい ポケモンが
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
453,15,3,"도주가 빠른 포켓몬이
잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
453,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
particulièrement bien sur les Pokémon qui ont
tendance à fuir."
453,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders gut eignet, um flinke
Pokémon zu fangen."
453,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Atrapabanderas."
453,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa particolarmente efficiente
con i Pokémon bravi a scappare."
453,15,9,"A Poké Ball that makes it easier to
catch Pokémon that are usually
very quick to run away."
453,15,11,"にげあしの はやい ポケモンが
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
454,10,9,"A Poké Ball that makes caught Pokémon
more friendly."
454,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
permet de rendre rapidement amicaux
les Pokémon sauvages attrapés avec."
454,11,9,"A Poké Ball that makes caught Pokémon
more friendly."
454,14,9,"A Poké Ball that makes caught Pokémon
more friendly."
454,15,1,"つかまえた やせいポケモンが
すぐに なついて くれる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
454,15,3,"잡은 야생 포켓몬이
바로 친밀해지는
조금 특이한 볼."
454,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui permet de
rendre rapidement amicaux les Pokémon
sauvages attrapés avec celle-ci."
454,15,6,"Ein besonderer Ball, der die Sympathie von
gefangenen Pokémon schneller ansteigen lässt."
454,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de derrotas."
454,15,8,"Poké Ball un po diversa che fa sì che i Pokémon
selvatici con essa catturati si affezionino
più rapidamente."
454,15,9,"A strange Poké Ball that will make
the wild Pokémon caught with it more
friendly toward you immediately."
454,15,11,"捕まえた 野生ポケモンが
すぐに なついて くれる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
455,10,9,"Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that are
the opposite gender of your Pokémon."
455,11,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui
fonctionne mieux sur un Pokémon de
la même espèce mais de sexe opposé."
455,11,9,"Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that are
the opposite gender of your Pokémon."
455,14,9,"Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that are
the opposite gender of your Pokémon."
455,15,1,"じぶんの ポケモンと せいべつが
ちがうと つかまえやすくなる
ちょっと かわった ボール。"
455,15,3,"자신의 포켓몬과 성별이
다르면 잡기 쉬워지는
조금 특이한 볼."
455,15,5,"Une Poké Ball un peu spéciale qui fonctionne
mieux sur un Pokémon de sexe opposé."
455,15,6,"Ein Ball, der sich besonders gut eignet,
um Pokémon zu fangen, die ein anderes
Geschlecht haben als dein Pokémon."
455,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de puntos conseguidos."
455,15,8,"Poké Ball speciale che funziona meglio con i
Pokémon di sesso opposto a quello del proprio
e della stessa specie."
455,15,9,"A Poké Ball that works best when
catching a Pokémon that is of the
opposite gender of your Pokémon."
455,15,11,"自分の ポケモンと 性別が
違うと 捕まえやすくなる
ちょっと 変わった ボール。"
456,10,9,A special Poké Ball for the Pal Park.
456,11,5,"Une Poké Ball spéciale utilisée au
Parc des Amis."
456,11,9,A special Poké Ball for the Pal Park.
456,14,9,A special Poké Ball for the Pal Park.
456,15,1,"パルパークの なかで
つかう とくべつな ボール。
456,15,3,"팔파크 내에서
사용하는 특별한 볼."
456,15,5,Une Poké Ball spéciale utilisée au Parc des Amis.
456,15,6,"Ein Ball, der nur im Park der Freunde
eingesetzt wird."
456,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de caídas que han sufrido tus Pokémon."
456,15,8,"Poké Ball speciale utilizzata solo allinterno
del Parco Amici."
456,15,9,A special Poké Ball for the Pal Park.
456,15,11,"パルパークの なかで
使う 特別な ボール。
457,10,9,"A special Poké Ball for the
Bug-Catching Contest."
457,11,5,"Une Poké Ball spéciale utilisée au
Concours de Capture dinsecte."
457,11,9,"A special Poké Ball for the
Bug-Catching Contest."
457,14,9,"A special Poké Ball for the
Bug-Catching Contest."
457,15,1,"むしとりたいかいの なかで
つかう とくべつな ボール。
457,15,3,"곤충채집 대회 내에서
사용하는 특별한 볼."
457,15,5,"Une Poké Ball spéciale utilisée au Concours de
Capture dinsecte."
457,15,6,"Ein Ball, der nur beim Käferturnier eingesetzt wird."
457,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de placajes realizados."
457,15,8,"Poké Ball speciale utilizzata solo nella
Gara Pigliamosche."
457,15,9,"A special Poké Ball that is used
during the Bug-Catching Contest."
457,15,11,"虫捕り大会の なかで
使う 特別な ボール。
458,10,9,"A red Apricorn.
It assails your nostrils."
458,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur rouge.
Il dégage un puissant arôme."
458,11,9,"A red Apricorn.
It assails your nostrils."
458,14,9,"A red Apricorn.
It assails your nostrils."
458,15,1,"あかい ぼんぐり。
つーんと はなにくる においがする。
458,15,3,"빨간색의 규토리.
코를 톡 쏘는 향기가 난다."
458,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur rouge.
Il dégage un puissant arôme."
458,15,6,"Eine rote Aprikoko.
Besitzt einen stechenden Geruch."
458,15,7,"Caramelo típico de Pueblo Caoba, muy popular
como souvenir."
458,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore rosso.
Emana un odore molto forte."
458,15,9,"A red Apricorn.
It assails your nostrils."
458,15,11,"あかい ぼんぐり。
つーんと はなにくる においがする。
459,10,9,"A blue Apricorn.
It smells a bit like grass."
459,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur bleue.
Il dégage un arôme un peu aigre."
459,11,9,"A blue Apricorn.
It smells a bit like grass."
459,14,9,"A blue Apricorn.
It smells a bit like grass."
459,15,1,"あおい ぼんぐり。
すこし あおくさい かおりがする。
459,15,3,"파란색의 규토리.
약간 풋내가 난다."
459,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur bleue.
Il dégage un arôme un peu aigre."
459,15,6,"Eine blaue Aprikoko.
Ein frischer Geruch geht von ihr aus."
459,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias."
459,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore blu.
Emana un odore un po acre."
459,15,9,"A blue Apricorn.
It smells a bit like grass."
459,15,11,"あおい ぼんぐり。
少し あおくさい かおりがする。
460,10,9,"A yellow Apricorn.
It has an invigorating scent."
460,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur jaune.
Il dégage un arôme délicat."
460,11,9,"A yellow Apricorn.
It has an invigorating scent."
460,14,9,"A yellow Apricorn.
It has an invigorating scent."
460,15,1,"きいろの ぼんぐり。
さわやかな かおりが する。
460,15,3,"노란색의 규토리.
산뜻한 향기가 난다."
460,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur jaune.
Il dégage un arôme délicat."
460,15,6,"Eine gelbe Aprikoko.
Sie riecht ein wenig unreif."
460,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de veces que se ha quedado en último lugar."
460,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore giallo.
Emana un profumo delicato."
460,15,9,"A yellow Apricorn.
It has an invigorating scent."
460,15,11,"きいろの ぼんぐり。
さわやかな かおりが する。
461,10,9,"A green Apricorn.
It has a mysterious, aromatic scent."
461,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur verte.
Il dégage un arôme étonnamment riche."
461,11,9,"A green Apricorn.
It has a mysterious, aromatic scent."
461,14,9,"A green Apricorn.
It has a mysterious, aromatic scent."
461,15,1,"みどりの ぼんぐり。
ふしぎと こうばしい かおりがする。
461,15,3,"초록색의 규토리.
이상하게도 고소한 향기가 난다."
461,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur verte.
Il dégage un arôme étonnamment riche."
461,15,6,"Eine grüne Aprikoko.
Sie verströmt einen seltsam aromatischen Duft."
461,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de sprints de los Pokémon."
461,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore verde.
Emana un profumo intenso."
461,15,9,"A green Apricorn.
It has a mysterious, aromatic scent."
461,15,11,"みどりの ぼんぐり。
不思議と こうばしい かおりがする。
462,10,9,"A pink Apricorn.
It has a nice, sweet scent."
462,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur rose.
Il dégage un arôme sucré."
462,11,9,"A pink Apricorn.
It has a nice, sweet scent."
462,14,9,"A pink Apricorn.
It has a nice, sweet scent."
462,15,1,"ももいろの ぼんぐり。
あまそうな いい においがする。
462,15,3,"담홍색의 규토리.
달콤한 듯한 좋은 향기가 난다."
462,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur rose.
Il dégage un arôme sucré."
462,15,6,"Eine pinkfarbene Aprikoko.
Sie duftet süß und appetitanregend."
462,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de saltos de los Pokémon."
462,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore rosa.
Emana un profumo dolce."
462,15,9,"A pink Apricorn.
It has a nice, sweet scent."
462,15,11,"ももいろの ぼんぐり。
あまそうな いい においがする。
463,10,9,"A white Apricorn.
It doesnt smell like anything."
463,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur blanche.
Il ne dégage aucun arôme."
463,11,9,"A white Apricorn.
It doesnt smell like anything."
463,14,9,"A white Apricorn.
It doesnt smell like anything."
463,15,1,"しろい ぼんぐり。
なんの においも しない。
463,15,3,"하얀색의 규토리.
어떠한 향기도 나지 않는다."
463,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur blanche.
Il ne dégage aucun arôme."
463,15,6,"Eine weiße Aprikoko.
Riecht nach überhaupt nichts."
463,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Saltaobstáculos."
463,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore bianco.
Non emana alcun odore."
463,15,9,"A white Apricorn.
It doesnt smell like anything."
463,15,11,"しろい ぼんぐり。
なんの においも しない。
464,10,9,"A black Apricorn
It has an indescribable scent."
464,11,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur noire.
Il dégage un arôme indéfinissable."
464,11,9,"A black Apricorn
It has an indescribable scent."
464,14,9,"A black Apricorn
It has an indescribable scent."
464,15,1,"くろい ぼんぐり。
なんともいえない においがする。
464,15,3,"검은색의 규토리.
말로는 표현할 수 없는 향기가 난다."
464,15,5,"Un Noigrume de couleur noire.
Il dégage un arôme indéfinissable."
464,15,6,"Eine schwarze Aprikoko.
Sie riecht irgendwie unbeschreiblich."
464,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Carrera de Relevos."
464,15,8,"Una Ghicocca di colore nero.
Emana un odore indefinibile."
464,15,9,"A black Apricorn.
It has a scent beyond ones experience."
464,15,11,"くろい ぼんぐり。
なんともいえない においがする。
465,5,9,"A device that
signals an invisible
item by sound."
465,6,9,"A device that
signals an invisible
item by sound."
465,7,9,"A device used for finding items.
If there is a hidden item nearby
when it is used, it emits a signal."
465,10,9,"It checks for unseen items in the area
and makes noise and lights when it
finds something."
465,11,5,"Un appareil high-tech qui indique
lemplacement des objets invisibles
en émettant un son et en clignotant."
465,11,9,"It checks for unseen items in the area
and makes noise and lights when it
finds something."
465,14,9,"It checks for unseen items in the area
and makes noise and lights when it
finds something."
465,15,1,"みえない どうぐに はんのうして
おとと ひかりで おしえてくれる
さいしんの きかい。"
465,15,3,"보이지 않는 도구에 반응해서
소리와 빛으로 가르쳐주는
최신 기계."
465,15,5,"Un appareil high-tech qui indique lemplacement
des objets invisibles en émettant un son et en
465,15,6,"Scannt die Umgebung nach unsichtbaren Items.
Es blinkt und piept, sobald es etwas findet."
465,15,7,"Bonguri de color blanco que no desprende aroma
465,15,8,"Dispositivo ultramoderno che indica la direzione
in cui si trovano gli strumenti invisibili
emettendo dei suoni."
465,15,9,"It searches for hidden items in the
area and emits different lights and
sounds when it detects something."
465,15,11,"みえない 道具に 反応して
音と 光で 教えてくれる
最新の 機械。"
466,10,9,"A famous candy in Mahogany Town. Many
tourists like to buy them to take home."
466,11,5,"Un bonbon, spécialité dAcajou.
Il constitue un cadeau très réputé."
466,11,9,"A famous Mahogany Town candy tourists
like to buy and take home. It restores
the HP of one Pokémon by 20 points."
466,14,9,"A famous Mahogany Town candy tourists
like to buy and take home. It restores
the HP of one Pokémon by 20 points."
466,15,1,"チョウジめいぶつの まんじゅう。
おみやげひん として ゆうめい。
466,15,3,"황토마을의 명물인 호두과자.
선물로 아주 유명하다."
466,15,5,"Un bonbon, spécialité dAcajou.
Il constitue un cadeau très réputé."
466,15,6,"Eine Spezialität aus Mahagonia City. Sie wird gern
als Souvenir gekauft."
466,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en conexión."
466,15,8,"Caramella tipica di Mogania.
Souvenir dallottima reputazione."
466,15,9,"Mahogany Towns famous candy.
When consumed, it restores
20 HP to an injured Pokémon."
466,15,11,"ジョウト地方 にある
チョウジタウン名物の まんじゅう。
お土産品として 有名。"
467,5,9,"A red, glowing orb
said to contain an
ancient power."
467,6,9,"A red, glowing orb
said to contain an
ancient power."
467,7,9,"An orb that glows red.
It is said to contain an incredible
power from ancient times."
467,10,9,"A shiny red orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
467,11,5,"Un orbe incarnat dont on dit quil a
un lien très étroit avec les légendes
de Hoenn."
467,11,9,"A shiny red orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
467,14,9,"A shiny red orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
467,15,1,"ホウエンちほうの でんせつと
ふかい かかわりが あると いわれる
あかく かがやく たま。"
467,15,3,"호연지방의 전설과
깊은 연관이 있다고 전해지는
빨갛게 빛나는 구슬."
467,15,5,"Un orbe incarnat dont on dit quil a un lien très
étroit avec les légendes de Hoenn."
467,15,6,"Eine rot schimmernde Kugel, von der in den
Legenden der Hoenn-Region berichtet wird."
467,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Lucha. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
467,15,8,"Sfera con riflessi rossi, che pare essere
strettamente legata alle leggende della regione
di Hoenn."
467,15,9,"A shiny red orb that is said to have
a legend tied to it. Its known to have a
deep connection with the Hoenn region."
467,15,11,"ホウエン地方の 伝説と
深い 関わりが あると いわれる
あかく かがやく たま。"
468,5,9,"A blue, glowing orb
said to contain an
ancient power."
468,6,9,"A blue, glowing orb
said to contain an
ancient power."
468,7,9,"An orb that glows blue.
It is said to contain an incredible
power from ancient times."
468,10,9,"A shiny blue orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
468,11,5,"Un orbe céruléen dont on dit quil a
un lien très étroit avec les légendes
de Hoenn."
468,11,9,"A shiny blue orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
468,14,9,"A shiny blue orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
468,15,1,"ホウエンちほうの でんせつと
ふかい かかわりが あると いわれる
あおく かがやく たま。"
468,15,3,"호연지방의 전설과
깊은 연관이 있다고 전해지는
파랗게 빛나는 구슬."
468,15,5,"Un orbe céruléen dont on dit quil a un lien très
étroit avec les légendes de Hoenn."
468,15,6,"Eine blau schimmernde Kugel, von der in den
Legenden der Hoenn-Region berichtet wird."
468,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Veneno. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
468,15,8,"Sfera con riflessi blu, che pare essere
strettamente legata alle leggende della regione
di Hoenn."
468,15,9,"A shiny blue orb that is said to have
a legend tied to it. Its known to have a
deep connection with the Hoenn region."
468,15,11,"ホウエン地方の 伝説と
深い 関わりが あると いわれる
あおく かがやく たま。"
469,10,9,"A shiny green orb that is said to have
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
469,11,5,"Un orbe viride dont on dit quil a un
lien très étroit avec les légendes
de Hoenn."
469,11,9,"A shiny green orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
469,14,9,"A shiny green orb that is said to have
a legend and has a deep connection with
the Hoenn region."
469,15,1,"ホウエンちほうの でんせつと
ふかい かかわりが あると いわれる
みどりいろに かがやく たま。"
469,15,3,"호연지방의 전설과
깊은 연관이 있다고 전해지는
초록색으로 빛나는 구슬."
469,15,5,"Un orbe viride dont on dit quil a un lien très
étroit avec les légendes de Hoenn."
469,15,6,"Eine grün schimmernde Kugel, von der in den
Legenden der Hoenn-Region berichtet wird."
469,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Planta. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
469,15,8,"Sfera con riflessi verdi, che pare essere
strettamente legata alle leggende della regione
di Hoenn."
469,15,9,"A shiny green orb that is said to have
a legend tied to it. Its known to have a
deep connection with the Hoenn region."
469,15,11,"ホウエン地方の 伝説と
深い 関わりが あると いわれる
みどりいろに かがやく たま。"
470,10,9,"A crystal ball that was excavated from
the ground. A very beautiful stone that
is covered with bits of rock and earth."
470,11,5,"Un orbe cristallin fraîchement déterré.
Il est encore pris dans une gangue de
terre et de roche."
470,11,9,"A crystal ball that was excavated from
the ground. A very beautiful stone that
is covered with bits of rock and earth."
470,14,9,"A crystal ball that was excavated from
the ground. A very beautiful stone that
is covered with bits of rock and earth."
470,15,1,"じめんから ほりだされた
すいしょうだま。いわと つちで
おおわれているが とても きれい。"
470,15,3,"땅에서 파 올린
수정구슬. 바위랑 흙으로
뒤덮여 있지만 매우 아름답다."
470,15,5,"Un orbe cristallin fraîchement déterré.
Il est encore pris dans une gangue de terre
et de roche."
470,15,6,"Eine kristallene Kugel, die aus der Erde
geborgen wurde. Schmutz und Gestein
konnten ihrer Schönheit nichts anhaben."
470,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Tierra. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
470,15,8,"Cristallo appena estratto dal suolo.
Bellissimo malgrado sia ancora ricoperto di resti
di roccia e terra."
470,15,9,"A crystal ball that was excavated from
the ground. Its a very beautiful stone that
is covered with bits of rock and earth."
470,15,11,"地面から 掘りだされた
すいしょうだま。いわと つちで
おおわれているが とても きれい。"
471,10,9,"A report of all the discovered kinds
of UNOWN."
471,11,5,"Un carnet permettant de noter toutes
les formes de Zarbi capturées."
471,11,9,"A report of all the discovered kinds
of Unown."
471,14,9,"A report of all the discovered kinds
of Unown."
471,15,1,"みつけた アンノーンの ようすが
きろく されている ノート。
471,15,3,"발견한 안농의 모습이
기록되어 있는 노트."
471,15,5,"Un carnet permettant de noter toutes les formes
de Zarbi capturées."
471,15,6,"Ein Heft, in dem automatisch Daten zu bereits
gefangenen Icognito aufgezeichnet werden."
471,15,7,"Bonguri de color verde y aroma peculiar que
recuerda al café tostado."
471,15,8,"Quaderno dove si registrano tutte le forme
di Unown catturate."
471,15,9,"A report of all the discovered kinds
of Unown."
471,15,11,"みつけた アンノーンの ようすが
記録されている ノート。
472,10,9,"A card to save points for the
Buenas Password show."
472,11,5,"Une carte pour accumuler les points de
lémission “Le Mot de Passe de Buena”."
472,11,9,"A card to save points for the
Buenas Password show."
472,14,9,"A card to save points for the
Buenas Password show."
472,15,1,"「アオイのあいことば」 ばんぐみの
ポイントを ためる カード。
472,15,3,"“규화의 암호” 방송의
포인트를 모으는 카드."
472,15,5,"Une carte pour accumuler les points de
lémission «Le Mot de Passe de Buena»."
472,15,6,"Eine Karte, auf der die Punkte für
„Passwort mit Buena“ festgehalten werden."
472,15,7,Bonguri de color negro y aroma indescriptible.
472,15,8,"Carta per accumulare i punti del programma
“Password Show” di Buena."
472,15,9,"A card to save points for the
Buenas Password show."
472,15,11,"「アオイのあいことば」 番組の
ポイントを 貯める カード。
473,10,9,"A very tasty tail of something.
It sells for a high price."
473,11,5,"Une queue dorigine inconnue tout à fait
savoureuse, vendue très cher."
473,11,9,"A very tasty tail of something.
It sells for a high price."
473,14,9,"A very tasty tail of something.
It sells for a high price."
473,15,1,"とても おいしい なにかの しっぽ。
ショップで たかく うれる。
473,15,3,"매우 맛있는 무언가의 꼬리.
가게에서 비싸게 팔린다."
473,15,5,"Une queue dorigine inconnue tout à fait
savoureuse, vendue très cher."
473,15,6,"Die Rute eines unbestimmten Wesens.
Extrem schmackhaft. Lässt sich teuer verkaufen."
473,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta, especialmente indicada
para capturar Pokémon evasivos."
473,15,8,"Coda di origine sconosciuta dal sapore delizioso.
Si vende a un prezzo piuttosto alto."
473,15,9,"A very tasty tail of something.
It can be sold at a high price to shops."
473,15,11,"とても おいしい なにかの しっぽ。
ショップで 高く 売れる。
474,10,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that makes a
gentle ringing."
474,11,5,"Une cloche antique au tintement
474,11,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that makes a
gentle ringing."
474,14,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that makes a
gentle ringing."
474,15,1,"こころ やすまる ねいろが きける
とても ふるめかしい スズ。
474,15,3,"마음이 편안해지는 음색이 들리는
아주 고풍스러운 방울."
474,15,5,Une cloche antique au tintement apaisant.
474,15,6,"Eine altehrwürdige Glocke, deren Läuten
alle besänftigt, die es hören."
474,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta que funciona
especialmente bien con Pokémon de nivel
inferior a los que se posee."
474,15,8,"Una campana antica. Produce un suono che dona
pace al cuore."
474,15,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that
makes a gentle ringing sound."
474,15,11,"こころ やすまる 音色が きける
とても ふるめかしい スズ。
475,6,9,"A card-type door
key used in SILPH
COs office."
475,7,9,"A card-type key that unlocks doors
475,10,9,"A card key that opens a shutter in the
Radio Tower."
475,11,5,"Une clé en forme de carte permettant
douvrir les cloisons de la Tour Radio."
475,11,9,"A card key that opens a shutter in the
Radio Tower."
475,14,9,"A card key that opens a shutter in the
Radio Tower."
475,15,1,"ラジオきょくの シャッターを あける
カードしきの カギ。
475,15,3,"라디오방송국의 셔터를 여는
카드식 열쇠."
475,15,5,"Une clé en forme de carte permettant douvrir
les cloisons de la Tour Radio."
475,15,6,"Eine Schlüsselkarte, die eine
Tür im Radioturm öffnet."
475,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta, especialmente indicada
para capturar los Pokémon que se han pescado
con una caña."
475,15,8,"Chiave a scheda che apre le porte automatizzate
della Torre Radio."
475,15,9,"A card key that opens a shutter in the
Radio Tower."
475,15,11,"ラジオ局の シャッターを 開ける
カード式の カギ。
476,5,9,"The key for NEW
MAUVILLE beneath
476,6,9,"The key for NEW
MAUVILLE beneath
476,7,9,"The key to NEW MAUVILLE, which
was constructed beneath MAUVILLE
476,10,9,"A key that opens a door in the
Goldenrod Tunnel."
476,11,5,"Une clé qui permet douvrir la porte
au fond du Doublon-Tunnel."
476,11,9,"A key that opens a door in the
Goldenrod Tunnel."
476,14,9,"A key that opens a door in the
Goldenrod Tunnel."
476,15,1,"コガネちかどうに ある とびらを
あける カギ。
476,15,3,"금빛지하도에 있는 문을
여는 열쇠."
476,15,5,"Une clé qui permet douvrir la porte au fond du
476,15,6,"Ein Schlüssel, der eine Tür in der Dukatia-
Passage von Dukatia City öffnet."
476,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta que funciona
especialmente bien a la hora de atrapar
Pokémon de mucho peso."
476,15,8,"Chiave che permette di aprire la porta allinterno
del Fiortunnel."
476,15,9,"A key that opens a door in the
Goldenrod Tunnel."
476,15,11,"コガネ地下道に ある 扉を
空ける カギ。
477,10,9,"A scale from the red GYARADOS. It glows
red like a flame."
477,11,5,"Une écaille du Léviator apparu au Lac
Colère. Elle rougeoie comme une flamme."
477,11,9,"A scale from the red Gyarados. It glows
red like a flame."
477,14,9,"A scale from the red Gyarados. It glows
red like a flame."
477,15,1,"いかりのみずうみに あらわれた
あかい ギャラドスの ウロコ。
ほのおのように あかく かがやく。"
477,15,3,"분노의 호수에 나타난
빨간 갸라도스의 비늘.
불꽃처럼 빨갛게 빛난다."
477,15,5,"Une écaille du Léviator apparu au Lac Colère.
Elle rougeoie comme une flamme."
477,15,6,"Eine Schuppe des roten Garados, das im See des
Zorns erschienen ist. Sie glänzt rot wie Feuer."
477,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta que hace más amistosos a
los Pokémon salvajes que se capturan con ella."
477,15,8,"Una squama del Gyarados rosso apparso
al Lago dIra. È rossa come il fuoco."
477,15,9,"A scale from a red Gyarados.
It glows red like a flame."
477,15,11,"怒りの湖に あらわれた
あかい ギャラドスの ウロコ。
ほのおのように あかく かがやく。"
478,10,9,The Poké Doll lost by the Copycat.
478,11,5,Poupée Mime Jr. perdue par la Copieuse.
478,11,9,"The Mime Jr. doll that was lost by
the Copycat."
478,14,9,"The Mime Jr. doll that was lost by
the Copycat."
478,15,1,"モノマネむすめが なくした
マネネの にんぎょう。
478,15,3,"흉내내기 아가씨가 잃어버린
478,15,5,La Poupée Mime Jr. perdue par la Copieuse.
478,15,6,"Eine Pantimimi-Puppe, welche die Nachahmerin
verloren hat."
478,15,7,"Poké Ball algo distinta que atrapa con más
facilidad los Pokémon que evolucionan con la
Piedra Lunar."
478,15,8,"Poké Bambola raffigurante Mime Jr. smarrita
da Copiona."
478,15,9,"The Mime Jr. doll that was lost by
the Copycat."
478,15,11,"モノマネ娘が なくした
マネネの 人形。
479,10,9,"A ticket required for riding the Magnet
Train. It allows you to ride whenever
and however much youd like."
479,11,5,"Un ticket nécessaire pour monter
à bord du Train Magnétique.
Utilisable à volonté."
479,11,9,"A ticket required for riding the Magnet
Train. It allows you to ride whenever
and however much youd like."
479,14,9,"A ticket required for riding the Magnet
Train. It allows you to ride whenever
and however much youd like."
479,15,1,"リニアカーに のるときに ひつような
チケット。 いつでも のりほうだい。
479,15,3,"리니어 카를 탈 때 필요한
티켓. 언제든지 무제한으로 이용 가능."
479,15,5,"Un ticket nécessaire pour monter à bord du
Train Magnétique. Utilisable à volonté."
479,15,6,"Eine Fahrkarte, die einem die Reise mit dem
Magnetzug ermöglicht. Gilt für beliebig viele
479,15,7,"Poké Ball que se utiliza en el Concurso de
Captura de Bichos."
479,15,8,"Biglietto necessario per viaggiare sul supertreno.
Utilizzabile a volontà."
479,15,9,"A pass required for riding the Magnet
Train. It allows you to ride whenever
and however much youd like."
479,15,11,"リニアカーに 乗るときに 必要な
チケット。 いつでも 乗り放題。
480,10,9,"An important machine part for the
Power Plant that was stolen."
480,11,5,"Une pièce essentielle du générateur
de la Centrale."
480,11,9,"An important machine part for the
Power Plant that was stolen."
480,14,9,"An important machine part for the
Power Plant that was stolen."
480,15,1,"はつでんしょから ぬすまれた
はつでんきの たいせつな ぶひん。
480,15,3,"발전소에서 도둑맞은
발전기의 중요한 부품."
480,15,5,"Une pièce essentielle du générateur de
la Centrale."
480,15,6,"Ein unentbehrliches Maschinenteil,
das aus dem Kraftwerk entwendet wurde."
480,15,7,Poké Ball que se utiliza dentro del Parque Compi.
480,15,8,"Pezzo rubato alla Centrale Elettrica, essenziale
per il generatore."
480,15,9,"An important part of a machine that
was stolen from the Power Plant."
480,15,11,"発電所から ぬすまれた
発電機の たいせつな 部品。
481,10,9,"A strange, silvery feather
that sparkles."
481,11,5,"Une étrange plume qui brille
dun éclat argenté."
481,11,9,"A strange, silvery feather
that sparkles."
481,14,9,"A strange, silvery feather
that sparkles."
481,15,1,"ぎんいろに ひかり かがやく
ふしぎな はね。
481,15,3,"은빛으로 빛나는
신비한 날개."
481,15,5,"Une étrange plume qui brille dun éclat
481,15,6,"Eine silberne Feder, die von einem
seltsamen Leuchten erfüllt ist."
481,15,7,"Álbum que recoge las fotos que se toman a lo
largo de la aventura."
481,15,8,Misteriosa piuma che brilla di luce argentea.
481,15,9,"A strange, silvery feather
that sparkles."
481,15,11,"ぎんいろに ひかり かがやく
不思議な はね。
482,10,9,"A mystical, rainbow feather
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
that sparkles."
482,11,5,"Une étrange plume qui brille
dun éclat arc-en-ciel."
482,11,9,"A mystical rainbow feather
that sparkles."
482,14,9,"A mystical rainbow feather
that sparkles."
482,15,1,"にじいろに ひかり かがやく
ふしぎな はね。
482,15,3,"무지갯빛으로 빛나는
이상한 날개."
482,15,5,"Une étrange plume qui brille dun éclat
482,15,6,"Eine mystische Feder, die von einem
regenbogenfarbenen Leuchten erfüllt ist."
482,15,7,"Lector con el que se pueden escuchar aquellas
canciones tan nostálgicas. Se cambia con un solo
482,15,8,Piuma magica dai mille colori.
482,15,9,"A mystical rainbow feather
that sparkles."
482,15,11,"にじいろに ひかり かがやく
不思議な はね。
483,10,9,"A mysterious Egg obtained from Mr.
Pokémon. Whats in the Egg is unknown."
483,11,5,"Un œuf étrange confié par M. Pokémon.
Personne ne sait ce quil contient."
483,11,9,"A mysterious Egg obtained from Mr.
Pokémon. Whats in the Egg is unknown."
483,14,9,"A mysterious Egg obtained from Mr.
Pokémon. Whats in the Egg is unknown."
483,15,1,"ポケモンじいさんから あずかった
ふしぎな もようの タマゴ。
なんの タマゴか わからない。"
483,15,3,"포켓몬 할아버지로부터 받은
이상한 모양의 알.
어떤 알인지 모른다."
483,15,5,"Un Œuf étrange confié par M. Pokémon.
Personne ne sait ce quil contient."
483,15,6,"Ein seltsam gemustertes Ei, das du von
Mr. Pokémon erhalten hast. Sein Inhalt
liegt im Dunkeln."
483,15,7,"Campana de aspecto antiguo que emite un sonido
que calma el espíritu."
483,15,8,"Uovo dai disegni bizzarri che si riceve da
Mr. Pokémon. Non si sa che cosa contenga."
483,15,9,"A mysterious Egg obtained from Mr. Pokémon.
What is in the Egg is unknown."
483,15,11,"ポケモンじいさんから あずかった
不思議な もようの タマゴ。
なんの タマゴか わからない。"
484,10,9,"A music player that allows you to listen
to nostalgic songs. Its operated with
a single switch."
484,11,5,"Un lecteur de musique qui permet de se
plonger dans une atmosphère rétro. Une
pression suffit pour changer de mode."
484,11,9,"A music player that allows you to listen
to nostalgic songs. Its operated with
a single switch."
484,14,9,"A music player that allows you to listen
to nostalgic songs. Its operated with
a single switch."
484,15,1,"なつかしい きょくが きける
おんがく プレイヤー。
スイッチ ひとつで きりかえられる。"
484,15,3,"그리운 곡을 들을 수 있는
음악 플레이어.
스위치 하나로 전환할 수 있다."
484,15,5,"Un lecteur de musique qui permet de se plonger
dans une atmosphère rétro. Une pression suffit
pour changer de mode."
484,15,6,"Ein Abspielgerät, das Musik aus einer längst
vergangenen Zeit spielt. Lässt sich durch
simplen Knopfdruck bedienen."
484,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Botaluces."
484,15,8,"Lettore di musica che permette di immergersi
in atmosfere rétro.
Ha un solo pulsante per cambiare canzone."
484,15,9,"A music player that allows you to listen
to nostalgic songs. Its operated with
the flip of a single switch."
484,15,11,"なつかしい 曲が きける
スイッチ ひとつで きりかえられる。"
485,10,9,"An old-fashioned bell with a gentle,
soothing sound."
485,11,5,"Une cloche antique au tintement
485,11,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that makes a
gentle ringing."
485,14,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that makes a
gentle ringing."
485,15,1,"こころ やすまる ねいろが きける
とても ふるめかしい スズ。
485,15,3,"마음이 편안해지는 음색이 들리는
아주 고풍스러운 방울."
485,15,5,Une cloche antique au tintement apaisant.
485,15,6,"Eine altehrwürdige Glocke, deren Läuten
alle besänftigt, die es hören."
485,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Pisacírculos."
485,15,8,"Una campana antica. Produce un suono
che dona pace al cuore."
485,15,9,"A very old-fashioned bell that
makes a gentle ringing sound."
485,15,11,"こころ やすまる ねいろが きける
とても ふるめかしい スズ。
486,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many victories
youve had."
486,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit votre
nombre de victoires au Pokéathlon."
486,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many victories
youve had."
486,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many victories
youve had."
486,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ゆうしょう かいすうが
486,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
우승 횟수가
기록된 카드."
486,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit votre nombre de
victoires au Pokéathlon."
486,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du ein Turnier gewonnen hast."
486,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de veces que se ha quedado en último lugar en
486,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero totale
di vittorie."
486,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many victories
you have had in the Pokéathlon."
486,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
優勝 回数が
記録された カード。"
487,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
losses youve had."
487,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de fois où vous avez fini en dernier."
487,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
losses youve had."
487,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
losses youve had."
487,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ビリになった かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
487,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
꼴찌가 된 횟수가
기록된 카드."
487,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de fois
où vous avez fini en dernier."
487,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du bei einem Turnier Letzter
geworden bist."
487,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en una disciplina."
487,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
ultimi posti."
487,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many losses
you have had in the Pokéathlon."
487,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ビリになった 回数が
記録された カード。"
488,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have dashed."
488,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de sprints de vos Pokémon."
488,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have dashed."
488,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have dashed."
488,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの ダッシュした かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
488,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬이 대시한 횟수가
기록된 카드."
488,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de sprints
de vos Pokémon."
488,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie viele Sprints du schon hinter dir hast."
488,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de veces que has terminado en última posición en
una disciplina."
488,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di sprint
dei tuoi Pokémon."
488,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon dashed in the Pokéathlon."
488,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの ダッシュした 回数が
記録された カード。"
489,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have jumped."
489,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de sauts de vos Pokémon."
489,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have jumped."
489,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have jumped."
489,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの ジャンプした かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
489,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬이 점프한 횟수가
기록된 카드."
489,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de sauts
de vos Pokémon."
489,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du gesprungen bist."
489,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de veces que has cambiado de Pokémon."
489,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di salti
dei tuoi Pokémon."
489,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon jumped in the Pokéathlon."
489,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの ジャンプした 回数が
記録された カード。"
490,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won the Hurdle Dash."
490,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires à la CoursObstacles."
490,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won the Hurdle Dash."
490,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won the Hurdle Dash."
490,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ダッシュハードル 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
490,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
대시허들 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
490,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
à la CoursObstacles."
490,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Hürdenlauf den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
490,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Metegoles."
490,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Corsostacoli."
490,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Hurdle Dash."
490,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ダッシュハードル 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
491,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won the Relay Run."
491,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires à la Course de Relais."
491,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won the Relay Run."
491,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won the Relay Run."
491,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
チェンジリレー 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
491,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
체인지릴레이 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
491,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
à la Course de Relais."
491,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Staffellauf den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
491,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de premios individuales."
491,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Staffetta."
491,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Relay Run."
491,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
チェンジリレー 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
492,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Pennant Capture."
492,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires au Capture Drapeau."
492,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Pennant Capture."
492,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Pennant Capture."
492,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
スティールフラッグ 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
492,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
스틸플래그 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
492,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
au Capture Drapeau."
492,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Flaggenschnappen den
1. Platz belegt hast."
492,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de veces que tocaste con el lápiz a tus Pokémon."
492,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Bandierina."
492,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Pennant Capture."
492,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
スティールフラッグ 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
493,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Block Smash."
493,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires au Casse Roc."
493,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Block Smash."
493,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Block Smash."
493,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ブレイクブロック 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
493,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
브레이크블록 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
493,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
au Casse Roc."
493,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Ziegelbrechen den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
493,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el tiempo
que has pasado en esta competición."
493,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Spaccalastra."
493,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Block Smash."
493,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ブレイクブロック 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
494,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Disc Catch."
494,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires à lAttrapDisques."
494,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Disc Catch."
494,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Disc Catch."
494,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
キャッチソーサー 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
494,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
캐치소서 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
494,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
à lAttrapDisques."
494,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Diskusfangen den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
494,15,7,"Esfera glauca de la que se dice que guarda una
estrecha relación con las leyendas de Hoenn."
494,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Piattello."
494,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Disc Catch."
494,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
キャッチソーサー 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
495,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Snow Throw."
495,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires à la Bataille Neige."
495,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Snow Throw."
495,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Snow Throw."
495,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
シューティングスノー 1い
かいすうが きろくされた カード。"
495,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
슈팅스노 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
495,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
à la Bataille Neige."
495,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du den 1. Platz bei der
Schneeschlacht belegt hast."
495,15,7,"Una Cápsula resistente que solo puede abrirse
con una llave especial."
495,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Neve Incrociata."
495,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Snow Throw."
495,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
シューティングスノー 1位
回数が 記録された カード。"
496,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many points
your Pokémon scored."
496,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de points gagnés par vos Pokémon."
496,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many points
your Pokémon scored."
496,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many points
your Pokémon scored."
496,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの かくとく ポイントが
きろくされた カード。"
496,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬의 획득 포인트가
기록된 카드."
496,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de points
gagnés par vos Pokémon."
496,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft deine Pokémon im Wettkampf
Punkte geholt haben."
496,15,7,"Esfera carmesí de la que se dice que guarda una
estrecha relación con las leyendas de Hoenn."
496,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
punti accumulati."
496,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many points your
Pokémon scored in the Pokéathlon."
496,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの 獲得ポイントが
記録された カード。"
497,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have failed."
497,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
derreurs de vos Pokémon."
497,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have failed."
497,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have failed."
497,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの しっぱいした かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
497,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬이 실패한 횟수가
기록된 카드."
497,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre derreurs
de vos Pokémon."
497,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie viele Schnitzer du dir geleistet hast."
497,15,7,"Esfera añil que, según dicen, guarda una estrecha
relación con las leyendas de Hoenn."
497,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
errori dei tuoi Pokémon."
497,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon failed in the Pokéathlon."
497,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの 失敗した 回数が
記録された カード。"
498,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon impeded themselves."
498,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de points perdus par vos Pokémon."
498,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon impeded themselves."
498,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon impeded themselves."
498,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの じめつした かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
498,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬이 자멸한 횟수가
기록된 카드."
498,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de points
perdus par vos Pokémon."
498,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie viele Punktabzüge dein Team
kassiert hat."
498,15,7,"Esfera cristalina encontrada bajo tierra. A pesar
de estar cubierta de roca y tierra, su belleza es
498,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
punti persi."
498,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times
your Pokémon impeded themselves."
498,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの 自滅した 回数が
記録された カード。"
499,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have tackled."
499,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de charges de vos Pokémon."
499,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have tackled."
499,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have tackled."
499,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの たいあたり かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
499,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬의 몸통박치기 횟수가
기록된 카드."
499,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de charges
de vos Pokémon."
499,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie viele Angriffe du schon ausgeführt hast."
499,15,7,"Curiosa escama que hace evolucionar a
determinadas especies de Pokémon.
Brilla con los colores del arcoíris."
499,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di azioni
dei tuoi Pokémon."
499,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon tackled in the Pokéathlon."
499,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの たいあたり 回数が
記録された カード。"
500,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have fallen down."
500,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de fois où vos Pokémon sont tombés."
500,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have fallen down."
500,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon have fallen down."
500,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの おちた かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
500,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬이 떨어진 횟수가
기록된 카드."
500,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de fois où
vos Pokémon sont tombés."
500,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft deine Pokémon schon aus dem Ring
gefallen sind."
500,15,7,"Piedra evolutiva. El Pokémon portador aumentará
su Defensa y su Defensa Especial si aún puede
500,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
cadute dei tuoi Pokémon."
500,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon fell down in the Pokéathlon."
500,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの 落ちた 回数が
記録された カード。"
501,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Ring Drop."
501,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires au Combat Ring-Out."
501,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Ring Drop."
501,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Ring Drop."
501,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
リングアウトファイト 1い
かいすうが きろくされた カード。"
501,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
링아웃파이트 1위
횟수가 기록된 카드."
501,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
au Combat Ring-Out."
501,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Ringrangeln den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
501,15,7,"Piedra muy ligera que reduce el peso del
Pokémon que la lleve."
501,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Fuori dal Ring."
501,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Ring Drop."
501,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
リングアウトファイト 1位
回数が 記録された カード。"
502,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Lamp Jump."
502,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires au Saute-Lumière."
502,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Lamp Jump."
502,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Lamp Jump."
502,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ゲットトランポリン 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
502,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
겟트램펄린 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
502,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
au Saute-Lumière."
502,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Lampionspringen den
1. Platz belegt hast."
502,15,7,"Si el portador es alcanzado por un ataque físico,
el agresor también recibe daño."
502,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Trampoluci."
502,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Lamp Jump."
502,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ゲットトランポリン 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
503,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Circle Push."
503,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires au Cercle Musical."
503,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Circle Push."
503,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Circle Push."
503,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
プッシュサークル 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
503,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
푸시서클 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
503,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
au Cercle Musical."
503,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Drängelkreis den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
503,15,7,"El Pokémon que lo lleve flotará en el aire.
Si recibe un golpe, estallará."
503,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Spingicerchio."
503,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Circle Push."
503,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
プッシュサークル 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
504,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
Link Pokéathlon wins youve had."
504,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires en Link."
504,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
Link Pokéathlon wins youve had."
504,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
Link Pokéathlon wins youve had."
504,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
つうしん ポケスロンの ゆうしょう
かいすうが きろくされた カード。"
504,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
통신 포켓슬론의 우승
횟수가 기록된 카드."
504,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
en Link."
504,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie viele Konnex-Wettkämpfe du gewonnen
504,15,7,"Misteriosa tarjeta que permite al Pokémon que la
lleva expulsar al oponente cuando este le cause
504,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie in link."
504,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many Link
Pokéathlon wins you have had."
504,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
通信ポケスロンの 優勝
回数が 記録された カード。"
505,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
Link Pokéathlon losses youve had."
505,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Il y est inscrit le nombre de fois où
vous avez fini en dernier en Link."
505,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
Link Pokéathlon losses youve had."
505,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many
Link Pokéathlon losses youve had."
505,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
つうしん ポケスロンの ビリになった
かいすうが きろくされた カード。"
505,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
통신 포켓슬론에서 꼴찌한
횟수가 기록된 카드."
505,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Il y est inscrit le nombre de fois où vous avez fini
en dernier en Link."
505,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, bei wie vielen Konnex-Wettkämpfen du
schon Letzter warst."
505,15,7,"El Pokémon que lo lleva es vulnerable frente a
movimientos que normalmente no afectan a su
505,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
ultimi posti in link."
505,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many Link
Pokéathlon losses you have had."
505,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
通信ポケスロンの ビリになった
回数が 記録された カード。"
506,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times
youve won an event."
506,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit votre
nombre de victoires aux épreuves."
506,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times
youve won an event."
506,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times
youve won an event."
506,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
きょうぎで 1い になった
かいすうが きろくされた カード。"
506,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
경기에서 1위 한
횟수가 기록된 카드."
506,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit votre nombre de
victoires aux épreuves."
506,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du in einer Disziplin den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
506,15,7,"Banda que potencia los movimientos que estrujan
al rival."
506,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie nelle gare."
506,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times
you have won a Pokéathlon event."
506,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
競技で 1位 になった
回数が 記録された カード。"
507,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times
youve lost an event."
507,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Il y est inscrit le nombre de fois où
vous avez fini en dernier aux épreuves."
507,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times
youve lost an event."
507,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times
youve lost an event."
507,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
きょうぎで ビリになった
かいすうが きろくされた カード。"
507,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
경기에서 꼴찌 한
횟수가 기록된 카드."
507,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Il y est inscrit le nombre de fois où vous avez fini
en dernier aux épreuves."
507,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du in einer Disziplin den
letzten Platz belegt hast."
507,15,7,"Raíz de usar y tirar que sube el Ataque Especial
cuando se recibe un ataque de tipo Agua."
507,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
ultimi posti nelle gare."
507,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times
you have lost a Pokéathlon event."
507,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
競技で ビリになった
回数が 記録された カード。"
508,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
switched Pokémon."
508,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de fois où vous avez changé de Pokémon."
508,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
switched Pokémon."
508,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
switched Pokémon."
508,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンの こうたい かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
508,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬의 교체 횟수가
기록된 카드."
508,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de fois où
vous avez changé de Pokémon."
508,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du deine Pokémon ausgewechselt
508,15,7,"Batería de usar y tirar que sube el Ataque de
quien la lleva cuando recibe un golpe de tipo
508,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
sostituzioni di Pokémon."
508,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
switched Pokémon in the Pokéathlon."
508,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンの 交代 回数が
記録された カード。"
509,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
won Goal Roll."
509,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre
de victoires à la Balle au But."
509,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Goal Roll."
509,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
won Goal Roll."
509,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
スマッシュゴール 1い かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
509,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
스매시골 1위 횟수가
기록된 카드."
509,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le nombre de victoires
à la Balle au But."
509,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du beim Torschießen den 1. Platz
belegt hast."
509,15,7,"Si el portador es alcanzado por un ataque, saldrá
del combate y será sustituido por otro Pokémon
del equipo."
509,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
vittorie a Piazzagoal."
509,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
won the Pokéathlons Goal Roll."
509,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
スマッシュゴール 1位 回数が
記録された カード。"
510,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon won individual prizes."
510,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit votre
nombre de prix individuels."
510,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon won individual prizes."
510,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon won individual prizes."
510,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
こじんしょう かくとく かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
510,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
개인상 획득 횟수가
기록된 카드."
510,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit votre nombre de prix
510,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft eines deiner Pokémon
den Einzelpreis gewonnen hat."
510,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Fuego. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
510,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di
premi individuali."
510,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times your
Pokémon won individual prizes."
510,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
個人賞 獲得 回数が
記録された カード。"
511,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
instructed your Pokémon."
511,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Il y est inscrit le nombre de fois
où vous avez touché vos Pokémon."
511,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
instructed your Pokémon."
511,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how many times youve
instructed your Pokémon."
511,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケモンを タッチした かいすうが
きろくされた カード。"
511,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓몬을 터치한 횟수가
기록된 카드."
511,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Il y est inscrit le nombre de fois où vous avez
touché vos Pokémon."
511,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie oft du deine Pokémon mit dem
Touchpen berührt hast."
511,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Agua. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
511,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda è registrato il numero di volte
in cui hai toccato i Pokémon."
511,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how many times you
instructed your Pokémon."
511,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケモンを タッチした 回数が
記録された カード。"
512,10,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how much time youve
spent in the Pokéathlon."
512,11,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le temps
que vous avez passé à y jouer."
512,11,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how much time youve
spent in the Pokéathlon."
512,14,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. Its a
card that shows how much time youve
spent in the Pokéathlon."
512,15,1,"ポケスロンの きろくが はいっている。
ポケスロンで あそんだ じかんが
きろくされた カード。"
512,15,3,"포켓슬론의 기록이 들어 있다.
포켓슬론으로 즐긴 시간이
기록된 카드."
512,15,5,"Contient vos données du Pokéathlon.
Sur cette carte est inscrit le temps que vous avez
passé à y jouer."
512,15,6,"Speichert deine Pokéathlon-Rekorde. Die Karte
zeigt, wie viel Zeit du beim Pokéathlon verbracht
512,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Eléctrico. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
512,15,8,"Contiene i tuoi dati Pokéathlon.
Su questa Scheda sono registrate le ore
che hai passato a giocare."
512,15,9,"It holds Pokéathlon records. It is a
card that shows how much time you
spent participating in the Pokéathlon."
512,15,11,"ポケスロンの 記録が はいっている。
ポケスロンで 遊んだ 時間が
記録された カード。"
513,10,9,"A sturdy Capsule that can only be
opened with a special key."
513,11,5,"Un écrin résistant qui ne souvre
quavec une clé spéciale."
513,11,9,"A sturdy Capsule that can only be
opened with a special key."
513,14,9,"A sturdy Capsule that can only be
opened with a special key."
513,15,1,"とくしゅな カギで あけられる
がんじょうな カプセル。
513,15,3,"특수한 열쇠로 열 수 있는
튼튼한 캡슐."
513,15,5,"Un écrin résistant qui ne souvre quavec une clé
513,15,6,"Eine äußerst robuste Kapsel, die sich nur mit
einem ganz speziellen Schlüssel öffnen lässt."
513,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Hielo. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
513,15,8,"Scrigno blindato che si apre solo con una chiave
513,15,9,"A sturdy Capsule that can only
be opened with a special key."
513,15,11,"特殊な カギで あけられる
頑丈な カプセル。
514,10,9,"A nice photo album for storing all the
photos taken along your adventure."
514,11,5,"Un album décoré de photos souvenir
prises pendant le voyage."
514,11,9,"A nice photo album for storing all the
photos taken along your adventure."
514,14,9,"A nice photo album for storing all the
photos taken along your adventure."
514,15,1,"ぼうけんちゅうに さつえいした
きねんしゃしんを かざる アルバム。
514,15,3,"모험 중에 촬영한
기념사진을 보관하는 앨범."
514,15,5,"Un album décoré de photos souvenir prises
pendant le voyage."
514,15,6,"Ein Album, in dem du Erinnerungsfotos
aufbewahren kannst, die du auf deinen
Reisen geschossen hast."
514,15,7,"Contiene los datos del Pokéathlon con el número
de victorias en Fuera del Ring."
514,15,8,"Album dove si possono sistemare le foto
scattate durante questavventura."
514,15,9,"A nice photo album for storing all the
photos taken along your adventure."
514,15,11,"冒険中に 撮影した
記念写真を 飾る アルバム。
515,5,9,"A ZIGZAGOON-print
MAIL to be held by
515,6,9,"A ZIGZAGOON-print
MAIL to be held by
515,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
516,5,9,"A WINGULL-print
MAIL to be held by
516,6,9,"A WINGULL-print
MAIL to be held by
516,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
WINGULL print.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
517,5,9,"A PIKACHU-print
MAIL to be held by
517,6,9,"A PIKACHU-print
MAIL to be held by
517,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
PIKACHU print.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
518,5,9,"A MAGNEMITE-print
MAIL to be held by
518,6,9,"A MAGNEMITE-print
MAIL to be held by
518,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
519,5,9,"A SLAKOTH-print
MAIL to be held by
519,6,9,"A SLAKOTH-print
MAIL to be held by
519,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
SLAKOTH print.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
520,5,9,"A WAILMER-print
MAIL to be held by
520,6,9,"A WAILMER-print
MAIL to be held by
520,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
WAILMER print.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
521,5,9,"MAIL featuring a
sketch of the
holding POKéMON."
521,6,9,"MAIL featuring a
sketch of the
holding POKéMON."
521,7,9,"A piece of MAIL to be held by a
POKéMON. It will bear the print of
the POKéMON holding it."
522,5,9,"A DUSKULL-print
MAIL to be held by
522,6,9,"A DUSKULL-print
MAIL to be held by
522,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
DUSKULL print.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
523,5,9,"A BELLOSSOM-print
MAIL to be held by
523,6,9,"A BELLOSSOM-print
MAIL to be held by
523,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a cute
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
524,5,9,"MAIL featuring a
sketch of the
holding POKéMON."
524,6,9,"MAIL featuring a
sketch of the
holding POKéMON."
524,7,9,"A piece of MAIL to be held by a
POKéMON. It will bear the print of
the POKéMON holding it."
525,5,9,"A gorgeous-print
MAIL to be held
by a POKéMON."
525,6,9,"A gorgeous-print
MAIL to be held
by a POKéMON."
525,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a
gorgeous, extravagant print.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
526,5,9,"MAIL featuring the
drawings of three
526,6,9,"MAIL featuring the
drawings of three
526,7,9,"A piece of MAIL featuring a print
of three cute POKéMON.
It is to be held by a POKéMON."
527,5,9,"A folding bicycle
that more than
doubles foot speed."
527,6,9,"A folding bicycle
that doubles your
speed or better."
527,7,9,"A folding bicycle that is at least
twice as fast as walking."
528,5,9,"A folding bicycle
capable of jumps
and wheelies."
528,6,9,"A folding bicycle
capable of jumps
and wheelies."
528,7,9,"A folding bicycle that is capable
of stunts like jumps and wheelies."
529,5,9,"A tool used for
watering BERRIES
and plants."
529,6,9,"A tool used for
watering BERRIES
and plants."
529,7,9,"A nifty watering pail.
Use it to promote strong growth in
BERRIES planted in soft soil."
530,5,9,"A package that
contains DEVONs
machine parts."
530,6,9,"A package that
contains DEVONs
machine parts."
530,7,9,"A package that contains mechanical
parts of some sort made by the
531,5,9,"A sack used to
gather and hold
volcanic ash."
531,6,9,"A sack used to
gather and hold
volcanic ash."
531,7,9,"A sack used to collect volcanic
ash automatically during walks
over deep ash."
532,5,9,"A case for holding
POKéBLOCKS made with
532,6,9,"A case for holding
POKéBLOCKS made with
532,7,9,"A case for holding POKéBLOCKS made
with a BERRY BLENDER. It releases
one POKéBLOCK when shaken."
533,5,9,"A letter to STEVEN
from the PRESIDENT
of the DEVON CORP."
533,6,9,"A letter to STEVEN
from the PRESIDENT
of the DEVON CORP."
533,7,9,"An extremely important letter to
STEVEN from the PRESIDENT of the
534,5,9,"The ticket for a
ferry to a distant
southern island."
534,6,9,"The ticket for a
ferry to a distant
southern island."
534,7,9,"The ticket required for sailing on a
ferry to a distant southern island.
It features a drawing of an island."
535,5,9,"A device found
inside the
535,6,9,"A device found
inside the
535,7,9,"A device used to search for
life-forms in water.
It looks too difficult to use."
536,5,9,"Nifty goggles that
protect eyes from
desert sandstorms."
536,6,9,"Nifty goggles that
protect eyes from
desert sandstorms."
536,7,9,"A pair of protective goggles.
They enable a TRAINER to travel
through even desert sandstorms."
537,5,9,"A meteorite found
537,6,9,"A meteorite found
537,7,9,"A meteorite that fell from space
onto MT. MOON long ago.
It is very lumpy and hard."
538,5,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
538,6,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
538,7,9,"A key that opens the door to Room
1 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
It is old and looks easily broken."
539,5,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
539,6,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
539,7,9,"A key that opens the door to Room
2 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
It is old and looks easily broken."
540,5,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
540,6,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
540,7,9,"A key that opens the door to Room
4 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
It is old and looks easily broken."
541,5,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
541,6,9,"A key that opens a
door inside the
541,7,9,"A key that opens the door to Room
6 inside the ABANDONED SHIP.
It is old and looks easily broken."
542,5,9,"A device by DEVON
that signals any
unseeable POKéMON."
542,6,9,"A device by DEVON
that signals any
unseeable POKéMON."
542,7,9,"A scope that signals the presence
of any unseeable POKéMON.
It is made by the DEVON CORP."
543,6,9,"A parcel for PROF.
OAK from a POKéMON
MARTs clerk."
543,7,9,"A parcel to be delivered to PROF.
544,6,9,"A sweet-sounding
flute that awakens
544,7,9,"A flute that is said to instantly
awaken any POKéMON. It has a
lovely tone."
544,15,1,"ねむっている ポケモンも
おもわず めざめるほど すばらしい
ねいろを かなでる ふえ。"
544,15,3,"잠자고 있는 포켓몬도
무심코 잠에서 깨어날 정도로
멋진 음색을 내는 피리."
544,15,5,"Une flûte au son si particulier quelle permet de
réveiller les Pokémon les plus profondément
544,15,6,"Eine Flöte, die so wundervolle Töne spielen kann,
dass selbst schlafende Pokémon aufwachen."
544,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Scizor en combate."
544,15,8,"Flauto dal suono meraviglioso che risveglia
anche i Pokémon profondamente addormentati."
544,15,9,"A flute which can play with such a
beautiful tone that even sleeping
Pokémon find themselves roused."
544,15,11,"眠っている ポケモンも
思わず めざめるほど すばらしい
音色を 奏でる ふえ。"
545,6,9,"A voucher for
obtaining a bicycle
from the BIKE SHOP."
545,7,9,"Take this voucher to the BIKE SHOP
in CERULEAN CITY and exchange it
for a bicycle."
546,6,9,"Gold dentures lost
by the SAFARI
546,7,9,"A set of false teeth lost by the
smile sparkle."
547,6,9,"An elevator key
used in TEAM
547,7,9,"A key that operates the elevator
It bears the TEAM ROCKET logo."
548,6,9,"SILPH COs scope
makes unseeable
POKéMON visible."
548,7,9,"A scope that makes unseeable
POKéMON visible.
It is made by SILPH CO."
549,6,9,"Stores information
on famous people
for instant recall."
549,7,9,"A device that enables you to
recall what youve heard and seen
about famous people."
550,6,9,"A convenient case
that holds TMs and
550,7,9,"A case that holds TMs and HMs.
It is attached to the BAGs
compartment for important items."
551,6,9,"A convenient
container that
holds BERRIES."
551,7,9,"A pouch for carrying BERRIES.
It is attached to the BAGs
compartment for important items."
552,6,9,"A TV set tuned to
an advice program
552,7,9,"A television set that is tuned to
a program with useful tips for
novice TRAINERS."
553,6,9,"A pass for ferries
between ONE, TWO,
553,7,9,"A pass for ferries between ONE,
It has a drawing of three islands."
554,6,9,"For ferries serving
554,7,9,"A pass for ferries between
It features a drawing of a rainbow."
555,6,9,"A thirst-quenching
tea prepared by an
old lady."
555,7,9,"An aromatic tea prepared by an old
lady. It will slake even the worst
556,6,9,"A ticket required
to board the ship
556,7,9,"A ticket required to board the ship
It glows with a mystic light."
557,6,9,"A ticket required
to board the ship
557,7,9,"A ticket required to board the ship
It glows beautifully."
558,6,9,"Stores BERRY
POWDER made using
558,7,9,"A jar for storing BERRY POWDER
made using a BERRY CRUSHER."
559,6,9,"An exquisite, red-
glowing gem that
symbolizes passion."
559,7,9,"An exquisitely beautiful gem that
has a red glow.
It symbolizes passion."
560,6,9,"A brilliant blue gem
that symbolizes
560,7,9,"An exquisitely beautiful gem that
has a blue glow.
It symbolizes honesty."
561,6,9,"A medal-like item in
the same shape as
TEAM MAGMAs mark."
562,6,9,"A faded sea chart
that shows the way
to a certain island."
563,11,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module
change la capacité TechnoBuster
en une capacité de type Eau."
563,11,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to a
Water-type move."
563,14,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to a
Water-type move."
563,15,1,"ゲノセクトに もたせると
テクノバスターという わざが
みずタイプになる カセット。"
563,15,3,"게노세크트에게 지니게 하면
테크노버스터라는 기술이
물타입으로 바뀌는 카세트."
563,15,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module change la
capacité TechnoBuster en une capacité de type
563,15,6,"Gibt man es Genesect zum Tragen, wandelt es
den Typ der Attacke Techblaster in Wasser um."
563,15,7,"Cartucho que convierte Tecno Shock de
Genesect en un movimiento de tipo Hielo."
563,15,8,"Modulo da dare a Genesect. Trasforma
Tecnobotto in una mossa di tipo Acqua."
563,15,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Genesects Techno Blast
move so it becomes Water type."
563,15,11,"ゲノセクトに 持たせると
テクノバスターという 技が
みずタイプになる カセット。"
564,11,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module
change la capacité TechnoBuster
en une capacité de type Électrik."
564,11,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to an
Electric-type move."
564,14,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to an
Electric-type move."
564,15,1,"ゲノセクトに もたせると
テクノバスターという わざが
でんきタイプになる カセット。"
564,15,3,"게노세크트에게 지니게 하면
테크노버스터라는 기술이
전기타입으로 바뀌는 카세트."
564,15,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module change la
capacité TechnoBuster en une capacité de type
564,15,6,"Gibt man es Genesect zum Tragen, wandelt es
den Typ der Attacke Techblaster in Elektro um."
564,15,7,"Chocolatina de sabor dulce. Restaura 20 PS de
un Pokémon."
564,15,8,"Modulo da dare a Genesect. Trasforma
Tecnobotto in una mossa di tipo Elettro."
564,15,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Genesects Techno Blast
move so it becomes Electric type."
564,15,11,"ゲノセクトに 持たせると
テクノバスターという 技が
でんきタイプになる カセット。"
565,11,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module
change la capacité TechnoBuster
en une capacité de type Feu."
565,11,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to a
Fire-type move."
565,14,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to a
Fire-type move."
565,15,1,"ゲノセクトに もたせると
テクノバスターという わざが
ほのおタイプになる カセット。"
565,15,3,"게노세크트에게 지니게 하면
테크노버스터라는 기술이
불꽃타입으로 바뀌는 카세트."
565,15,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module change la
capacité TechnoBuster en une capacité de type
565,15,6,"Gibt man es Genesect zum Tragen, wandelt es
den Typ der Attacke Techblaster in Feuer um."
565,15,7,"Una esfera brillante que potencia los movimientos
de tipo Acero y Dragón. Debe llevarla Dialga."
565,15,8,"Modulo da dare a Genesect. Trasforma
Tecnobotto in una mossa di tipo Fuoco."
565,15,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Genesects Techno Blast
move so it becomes Fire type."
565,15,11,"ゲノセクトに 持たせると
テクノバスターという 技が
ほのおタイプになる カセット。"
566,11,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module
change la capacité TechnoBuster
en une capacité de type Glace."
566,11,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to an
Ice-type move."
566,14,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Techno Blast to an
Ice-type move."
566,15,1,"ゲノセクトに もたせると
テクノバスターという わざが
こおりタイプになる カセット。"
566,15,3,"게노세크트에게 지니게 하면
테크노버스터라는 기술이
얼음타입으로 바뀌는 카세트."
566,15,5,"Tenu par Genesect, ce module change la
capacité TechnoBuster en une capacité de type
566,15,6,"Gibt man es Genesect zum Tragen, wandelt es
den Typ der Attacke Techblaster in Eis um."
566,15,7,"Una bonita esfera que potencia los movimientos
de tipo Dragón y Agua. Debe llevarla Palkia."
566,15,8,"Modulo da dare a Genesect. Trasforma
Tecnobotto in una mossa di tipo Ghiaccio."
566,15,9,"A cassette to be held by Genesect.
It changes Genesects Techno Blast
move so it becomes Ice type."
566,15,11,"ゲノセクトに 持たせると
テクノバスターという 技が
こおりタイプになる カセット。"
567,11,5,"Un chocolat extrêmement
sucré. Restaure 20 PV
à un Pokémon."
567,11,9,"Very sweet chocolate.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon
by only 20 points."
567,14,9,"Very sweet chocolate.
It restores the HP of one Pokémon
by only 20 points."
567,15,1,"とても あまったるい チョコレート。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPを
20だけ かいふくする。"
567,15,3,"지나칠 정도로 달콤한 초콜릿.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP를
20만큼 회복한다."
567,15,5,"Un chocolat extrêmement sucré.
Restaure 20 PV dun Pokémon."
567,15,6,"Ein süßer Schokosnack, der die KP
eines Pokémon um 20 Punkte auffüllt."
567,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
curarse del envenenamiento."
567,15,8,"Cioccolato molto dolce.
Restituisce 20 PS a un Pokémon."
567,15,9,"A piece of cloyingly sweet chocolate.
When consumed, it restores
20 HP to an injured Pokémon."
567,15,11,"とても 甘ったるい チョコレート。
ポケモン 1匹の HPを
20だけ 回復する。"
568,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour
se présenter. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
568,11,9,"Stationery designed for
introductory greetings.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
568,14,9,"Stationery designed for
introductory greetings.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
568,15,1,"はじめましての あいさつが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
568,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour se présenter.
Peut être tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
568,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man sich bei jemandem
vorstellen kann. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
568,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar 10 PP de un movimiento."
568,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per presentarsi a qualcuno.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
568,15,9,"Stationery designed to be easy to use
when writing someone for the first time.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
568,15,11,"はじめましての あいさつが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
569,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour parler
de ce que lon aime. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
569,11,9,"Stationery designed for
writing about your favorite things.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
569,14,9,"Stationery designed for
writing about your favorite things.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
569,15,1,"すきなものを つたえる メールが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
569,15,3,"좋아하는 것을 전하는 메일을
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
569,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour parler de ce que
lon aime. Peut être tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
569,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man jemandem verraten
kann, was man gern mag. Gib es einem Pokémon
zum Tragen."
569,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar 10 PS."
569,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per parlare di ciò che si
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
569,15,9,"Stationery designed to make it easier
to write about your favorite things.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
569,15,11,"好きなものを 伝える メールが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
570,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour
les invitations. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
570,11,9,"Stationery designed for
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
570,14,9,"Stationery designed for
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
570,15,1,"あいてを おさそいする メールが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
570,15,3,"상대를 초대하는 메일을
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
570,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour les invitations.
Peut être tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
570,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man eine andere Person zu
etwas einladen kann. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
570,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
librarse de la confusión."
570,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per scrivere un invito.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
570,15,9,"Stationery designed to allow you to
extend an invitation to the recipient.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
570,15,11,"相手を お誘いする メールが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
571,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour les
remerciements. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
571,11,9,"Stationery designed for
a thank-you note.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
571,14,9,"Stationery designed for
a thank-you note.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
571,15,1,"かんしゃを つたえる メールが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
571,15,3,"감사의 마음을 전하는 메일을
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
571,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour les remerciements.
Peut être tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
571,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man sich bei jemandem
bedanken kann. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
571,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
recuperarse de problemas de estado."
571,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per scrivere dei
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
571,15,9,"Stationery designed to make it easy
for you to express thanks. Have a
Pokémon hold it for delivery."
571,15,11,"感謝を 伝える メールが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
572,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour
poser des questions. Peut être
tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
572,11,9,"Stationery designed for
writing questions.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
572,14,9,"Stationery designed for
writing questions.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
572,15,1,"あいてへの しつもんの メールが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
572,15,3,"상대에게 질문하는 메일을
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
572,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour poser des
questions. Peut être tenu et livré par
un Pokémon."
572,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man jemandem eine Frage
stellen kann. Gib es einem Pokémon zum Tragen."
572,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar algunos PS."
572,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per scrivere una domanda.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
572,15,9,"Stationery designed to make it easier
to pose a question about something.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
572,15,11,"相手への 質問の メールが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
573,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour
donner des conseils. Peut être
tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
573,11,9,"Stationery designed for
writing recommendations.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
573,14,9,"Stationery designed for
writing recommendations.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
573,15,1,"なにかを おすすめする メールが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
573,15,3,"뭔가 추천하는 메일을
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
573,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour donner des
conseils. Peut être tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
573,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man jemandem einen Tipp
geben kann. Gib es einem Pokémon zum Tragen."
573,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar algunos PS. Su sabor puede causar
573,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per scrivere un consiglio.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
573,15,9,"Stationery designed to allow you to
recommend something to the reader.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
573,15,11,"なにかを おすすめする メールが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
574,11,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour répondre
à un autre courrier. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
574,11,9,"Stationery designed for
writing a reply.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
574,14,9,"Stationery designed for
writing a reply.
Let a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
574,15,1,"もらった メールへの おかえしが
かきやすい びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
574,15,3,"받은 메일에 대한 답장을
쉽게 쓸 수 있는 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
574,15,5,"Un papier à lettres idéal pour répondre à
un autre courrier. Peut être tenu et livré par
un Pokémon."
574,15,6,"Briefpapier, mit dem man einen anderen Brief
beantworten kann. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
574,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar algunos PS. Su sabor puede causar
574,15,8,"Carta da lettere ideale per scrivere una risposta
a un messaggio.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
574,15,9,"Stationery designed to make it easy
to respond to a letter you received.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
574,15,11,"もらった メールへの お返しが
書きやすい レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
575,11,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de
pont traversant le ciel. Peut être
tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
575,11,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a sky-piercing bridge.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
575,14,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a sky-piercing bridge.
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
575,15,1,"そらを つらぬく はしの えがらが
プリントされた びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
575,15,3,"하늘을 관통하는 다리의 무늬가
프린트된 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
575,15,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de pont
traversant le ciel. Peut être tenu et livré par
un Pokémon."
575,15,6,"Das Briefpapier hat eine weit in den Himmel
ragende Brücke als Hintergrund. Gib es einem
Pokémon zum Tragen."
575,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar algunos PS. Su sabor puede causar
575,15,8,"Carta da lettere che riporta limmagine
di un ponte sospeso nel cielo.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
575,15,9,"Stationery featuring an illustration of
a bridge that seems to pierce the sky.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
575,15,11,"空を つらぬく 橋の 絵柄が
プリントされた レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
576,11,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de
pont mobile rouge. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
576,11,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a red drawbridge.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
576,14,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a red drawbridge.
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
576,15,1,"まっかな はねばしの えがらが
プリントされた びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
576,15,3,"새빨간 도개교의 무늬가
프린트된 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
576,15,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de pont
mobile rouge. Peut être tenu et livré par
un Pokémon."
576,15,6,"Das Briefpapier hat eine knallrote Zugbrücke als
Hintergrund. Gib es einem Pokémon zum Tragen."
576,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar algunos PS. Su sabor puede causar
576,15,8,"Carta da lettere che riporta limmagine
di un ponte mobile di colore rosso fuoco.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
576,15,9,"Stationery featuring an illustration of a bright-red
drawbridge. Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
576,15,11,"真っ赤な 跳ね橋の 絵柄が
プリントされた レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
577,11,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de
pont suspendu en acier. Peut être
tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
577,11,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a steel suspension bridge.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
577,14,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a steel suspension bridge.
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
577,15,1,"こうてつの つりばしの えがらが
プリントされた びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
577,15,3,"강철의 현수교 무늬가
프린트된 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
577,15,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de pont
suspendu en acier. Peut être tenu et livré
par un Pokémon."
577,15,6,"Das Briefpapier hat eine stählerne Hängebrücke
als Hintergrund. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
577,15,7,"Los Pokémon pueden llevarla o usarla para
restaurar algunos PS. Su sabor puede causar
577,15,8,"Carta da lettere che riporta limmagine
di un ponte dacciaio sospeso.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
577,15,9,"Stationery featuring an illustration of a
high-tension steel suspension bridge.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
577,15,11,"鋼鉄の つり橋の 絵柄が
プリントされた レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
578,11,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif
de pont en briques. Peut être tenu
et livré par un Pokémon."
578,11,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a brick bridge.
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
578,14,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
a brick bridge.
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
578,15,1,"レンガづくりの はしの えがらが
プリントされた びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
578,15,3,"벽돌로 만든 다리의 무늬가
프린트된 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
578,15,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de pont
en briques. Peut être tenu et livré par
un Pokémon."
578,15,6,"Das Briefpapier hat eine Brücke aus Ziegelsteinen
als Hintergrund. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
578,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
578,15,8,"Carta da lettere che riporta limmagine
di un ponte di mattoni.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
578,15,9,"Stationery featuring an illustration of
a vintage-looking brick bridge.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
578,15,11,"レンガ造りの 橋の 絵柄が
プリントされた レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
579,11,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de
pont bâti sur des arches. Peut être
tenu et livré par un Pokémon."
579,11,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
an arched bridge.
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
579,14,9,"Stationery featuring a print of
an arched bridge.
Let a Pokémon hold it for use."
579,15,1,"アーチを えがいた はしの えがらが
プリントされた びんせん。
ポケモンに もたせて つかう。"
579,15,3,"아치가 그려진 다리의 무늬가
프린트된 편지지.
포켓몬에게 지니게 해서 쓴다."
579,15,5,"Un papier à lettres avec un motif de pont
bâti sur des arches. Peut être tenu et livré
par un Pokémon."
579,15,6,"Das Briefpapier hat eine geschwungene Brücke
als Hintergrundmotiv. Gib es einem Pokémon zum
579,15,7,Una baya muy rara en la región de Teselia.
579,15,8,"Carta da lettere che riporta limmagine
di un ponte ad arco.
Si può dare a un Pokémon affinché la consegni."
579,15,9,"Stationery featuring an illustration of
a majestically arched bridge.
Have a Pokémon hold it for delivery."
579,15,11,"アーチを 描いた 橋の 絵柄が
プリントされた レターペーパー。
ポケモンに 持たせて 使う。"
580,11,5,"Une écaille étrange qui fait évoluer
certaines espèces de Pokémon.
Elle a une couleur arc-en-ciel."
580,11,9,"A mysterious scale that evolves
certain Pokémon.
It shines in rainbow colors."
580,14,9,"A mysterious scale that evolves
certain Pokémon.
It shines in rainbow colors."
580,15,1,"ある とくていの ポケモンを
しんかさせる ふしぎな ウロコ。
にじいろに かがやいている。"
580,15,3,"어느 특정 포켓몬을
진화시키는 이상한 비늘.
무지갯빛으로 빛나고 있다."
580,15,5,"Une écaille étrange qui fait évoluer certaines
espèces de Pokémon. Elle a une couleur
580,15,6,"Eine seltsame Schuppe, durch die sich bestimmte
Pokémon entwickeln. Sie funkelt in den Farben
des Regenbogens."
580,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Volador. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
580,15,8,"Squama misteriosa che fa evolvere determinate
specie di Pokémon.
Riflette i colori dellarcobaleno."
580,15,9,"A mysterious scale that causes
a certain Pokémon to evolve.
It shines in rainbow colors."
580,15,11,"ある 特定の ポケモンを
進化させる 不思議な ウロコ。
にじ色に 輝いている。"
581,11,5,"Un étrange concentré dévolution qui
augmente la Défense et la Déf. Spé.
dun Pokémon pouvant évoluer."
581,11,9,"A mysterious evolutionary lump. When
held, it raises the Defense and Sp. Def
of a Pokémon that can still evolve."
581,14,9,"A mysterious evolutionary lump. When
held, it raises the Defense and Sp. Def
of a Pokémon that can still evolve."
581,15,1,"しんかの ふしぎな かたまり。
もたせると しんかまえ ポケモンの
ぼうぎょと とくぼうが あがる。"
581,15,3,"진화의 이상한 덩어리.
지니게 하면 진화 전 포켓몬의
방어와 특수방어가 올라간다."
581,15,5,"Un étrange concentré dévolution qui augmente
la Défense et la Défense Spéciale dun Pokémon
pouvant évoluer."
581,15,6,"Ein mysteriöser Klumpen, der die Verteidigung
und Spezial-Verteidigung von Pokémon erhöht,
die sich noch entwickeln können."
581,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Psíquico. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
581,15,8,"Misteriosa sfera evolutiva. Aumenta la Difesa
e la Difesa Speciale di un Pokémon che può
ancora evolversi."
581,15,9,"A mysterious Evolutionary lump. When
held by a Pokémon that can still evolve,
it raises both Defense and Sp. Def."
581,15,11,"進化の 不思議な かたまり。
持たせると 進化前 ポケモンの
防御と 特防が あがる。"
582,11,5,"Une pierre très légère.
Elle réduit le poids du
Pokémon qui la tient."
582,11,9,"A very light stone. It reduces the
weight of a Pokémon when held."
582,14,9,"A very light stone. It reduces the
weight of a Pokémon when held."
582,15,1,"とても かるい いし。
もたせると ポケモンの
たいじゅうが かるくなる。"
582,15,3,"매우 가벼운 돌.
지니게 하면 포켓몬의
체중이 가벼워진다."
582,15,5,"Une pierre très légère.
Elle réduit le poids du Pokémon qui la tient."
582,15,6,"Ein federleichter Stein, der das Gewicht
des Trägers verringert."
582,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Bicho. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
582,15,8,"Pietra leggerissima che riduce il peso del
Pokémon che lha con sé."
582,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This very light stone reduces the
weight of a Pokémon when held."
582,15,11,"とても 軽い 石。
持たせると ポケモンの
体重が 軽くなる。"
583,11,5,"Tenu, cet objet inflige des dégâts
à lattaquant si ce dernier utilise une
attaque physique qui atteint son but."
583,11,9,"If the holder of this item takes damage,
the attacker will also be damaged
upon contact."
583,14,9,"If the holder of this item takes damage,
the attacker will also be damaged
upon contact."
583,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
だげきわざを うけたとき
あいてにも ダメージを あたえる。"
583,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
타격 기술을 당했을 때
상대에게도 데미지를 준다."
583,15,5,"Tenu, cet objet inflige des dégâts à lattaquant
si ce dernier utilise une attaque physique qui
atteint son but."
583,15,6,"Wird der Träger von einer physischen
Attacke getroffen, erleidet der Angreifer
ebenfalls Schaden."
583,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Roca. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
583,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questo strumento è colpito
da una mossa fisica, anche il nemico subisce
dei danni."
583,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder is hit, the attacker will
also be damaged upon contact."
583,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
打撃技を 受けたとき
相手にも ダメージを 与える。"
584,11,5,"Tenu par un Pokémon, cet objet lui
permet de flotter dans les airs.
Il éclate en cas dattaque."
584,11,9,"When held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon
will float into the air. When the holder
is attacked, this item will burst."
584,14,9,"When held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon
will float into the air. When the holder
is attacked, this item will burst."
584,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ポケモンが ちゅうに うく。
こうげきを うけると われてしまう。"
584,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
포켓몬이 허공에 뜬다.
공격을 받으면 터져버린다."
584,15,5,"Tenu par un Pokémon, cet objet lui permet de
flotter dans les airs. Il éclate en cas dattaque."
584,15,6,"Gibt man ihn einem Pokémon zum Tragen,
fängt es an zu schweben. Wird es getroffen,
platzt der Luftballon."
584,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Fantasma. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
584,15,8,"Permette al Pokémon che ha questo strumento
di fluttuare in aria. Scoppia se il Pokémon
è colpito da un attacco."
584,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
The holder will float in the air until hit.
Once hit, this item will burst."
584,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
ポケモンが 宙に 浮く。
攻撃を 受けると 割れてしまう。"
585,11,5,"Carte au pouvoir mystérieux.
Tenue, elle force un Pokémon touchant
le porteur à se retirer du combat."
585,11,9,"A card with a mysterious power. When
the holder is struck by a foe, the
attacker is removed from battle."
585,14,9,"A card with a mysterious power. When
the holder is struck by a foe, the
attacker is removed from battle."
585,15,1,"ふしぎな ちからのある カード。
もたせると わざをうけた あいてを
たいじょう させることが できる。"
585,15,3,"이상한 힘이 있는 카드.
지니게 하면 기술을 당한 상대를
퇴장시킬 수 있다."
585,15,5,"Une carte au pouvoir mystérieux.
Si son porteur est touché par lattaquant,
ce dernier doit se retirer du combat."
585,15,6,"Eine Karte mit mysteriösen Kräften. Wird der
Träger getroffen, wird der Angreifer des
Platzes verwiesen."
585,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Dragón. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
585,15,8,"Cartellino dal potere misterioso. Chi ce lha
fa ritirare dalla lotta il Pokémon che lo ha colpito."
585,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
When the holder is hit by an attack,
the attacker is removed from battle."
585,15,11,"不思議な ちからのある カード。
持たせると 技を受けた 相手を
退場させることが できる。"
586,11,5,"Un Pokémon tenant cet objet devient
sensible aux capacités autrement
inefficaces en raison de son type."
586,11,9,"Moves that would otherwise have no
effect will land on the Pokémon that
holds it."
586,14,9,"Moves that would otherwise have no
effect will land on the Pokémon that
holds it."
586,15,1,"ポケモンの タイプの あいしょうで
むこう だった わざが
あたるように なってしまう。"
586,15,3,"포켓몬 타입의 상성 때문에
무효였던 기술이
맞게 되어 버린다."
586,15,5,"Un Pokémon tenant cet objet devient sensible
aux capacités autrement inefficaces en raison de
son type."
586,15,6,"Attacken, die aufgrund der Wechselwirkungen
zwischen den Typen keine Wirkung haben,
treffen den Träger."
586,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Siniestro. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
586,15,8,"Se un Pokémon ha questo strumento, le mosse
che di norma non hanno effetto contro il suo tipo
vanno a segno."
586,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Moves that normally have no effect
will land on a Pokémon holding it."
586,15,11,"ポケモンの タイプの 相性で
無効だった 技が
当たるように なってしまう。"
587,11,5,"Objet à tenir augmentant la puissance
des attaques immobilisantes telles
que Ligotage ou Étreinte."
587,11,9,"A band that increases the power of
binding moves when held."
587,14,9,"A band that increases the power of
binding moves when held."
587,15,1,"しめつけるわざを ほじょする バンド。
もたせると しめつけるわざの
いりょくが つよく なる。"
587,15,3,"조이기 기술을 보조하는 밴드.
지니게 하면 조이기 기술의
위력이 강해진다."
587,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente la puissance des
attaques immobilisantes telles que Ligotage
ou Étreinte."
587,15,6,"Ein Band, das die Stärke aller Klammerattacken
des Trägers erhöht."
587,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Acero. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
587,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon che aumenta
la potenza di mosse come Avvolgibotta e
587,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
A band that increases the power of
binding moves used by the holder."
587,15,11,"締めつける技を 補助する バンド。
持たせると 締めつける技の
威力が 強くなる。"
588,11,5,"Bulbe jetable. Tenu, il augmente la
Défense Spéciale lorsque le Pokémon
subit une attaque de type Eau."
588,11,9,"A consumable bulb. If the holder is hit
by a Water-type move, its Sp. Atk
will rise."
588,14,9,"A consumable bulb. If the holder is hit
by a Water-type move, its Sp. Atk
will rise."
588,15,1,"つかいすての きゅうこん。
もたせて みずの わざを うけると
とくこうが あがる。"
588,15,3,"단 한 번 쓰면 없어지는 구근.
지니게 하고 물 기술을 받으면
특수공격이 올라간다."
588,15,5,"Un bulbe jetable.
Tenu, il augmente lAttaque Spéciale lorsque
le Pokémon subit une attaque de type Eau."
588,15,6,"Eine einmalig einsetzbare Knolle. Erhöht den
Spezial-Angriff des Trägers, wenn ihn eine
Wasser-Attacke trifft."
588,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Normal. Debe llevarla
un Pokémon."
588,15,8,"Bulbo monouso. Se il Pokémon che ha questo
strumento subisce una mossa di tipo Acqua,
il suo Attacco Speciale aumenta."
588,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts Sp. Atk if hit with a Water-
type attack. It can only be used once."
588,15,11,"使い捨ての きゅうこん。
持たせて みずの 技を 受けると
特攻が あがる。"
589,11,5,"Pile jetable. Tenue, elle augmente
lAttaque lorsque le Pokémon subit
une attaque de type Électrik."
589,11,9,"A consumable battery. If the
holder is hit by an Electric-type
move, its Attack will rise."
589,14,9,"A consumable battery. If the
holder is hit by an Electric-type
move, its Attack will rise."
589,15,1,"つかいすての じゅうでんち。
もたせて でんきの わざを うけると
こうげきが あがる。"
589,15,3,"단 한 번 쓰면 없어지는 충전지.
지니게 하고 전기 기술을 받으면
공격이 올라간다."
589,15,5,"Une pile jetable.
Tenue, elle augmente lAttaque lorsque
le Pokémon subit une attaque de type Électrik."
589,15,6,"Ein einmalig aufladbarer Akku. Erhöht den Angriff
des Trägers, wenn ihn eine Elektro-Attacke trifft."
589,15,7,"Pluma que aumenta un poco los PS de base de
un Pokémon."
589,15,8,"Pila monouso. Se il Pokémon che ha questo
strumento subisce un attacco di tipo Elettro,
il suo Attacco aumenta."
589,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts Attack if hit with an Electric-
type attack. It can only be used once."
589,15,11,"使い捨ての じゅうでんち。
持たせて でんきの 技を 受けると
攻撃が あがる。"
590,11,5,"Si le Pokémon qui le tient subit une
attaque, il senfuit pour être remplacé
par un autre membre de léquipe."
590,11,9,"If the holder is hit by an attack, it will
switch with another Pokémon in
your party."
590,14,9,"If the holder is hit by an attack, it will
switch with another Pokémon in
your party."
590,15,1,"もたせて わざを うけると
せんとうから だっしゅつして
てもちと いれかわる ことができる。"
590,15,3,"지니게 하고 기술을 받으면
배틀에서 탈출하여
지닌 포켓몬과 교체할 수 있다."
590,15,5,"Si le Pokémon qui le tient subit une attaque,
il senfuit pour être remplacé par un autre
membre de léquipe."
590,15,6,"Wird der Träger getroffen, flieht er aus dem Kampf
und wird mit einem Team-Pokémon ausgetauscht."
590,15,7,"Pluma que aumenta un poco el Ataque de base
de un Pokémon."
590,15,8,"Se il Pokémon che ha questo strumento è colpito
da un attacco, viene immediatamente sostituito
da un compagno."
590,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
If the holder is hit by an attack, it
will be switched out of battle."
590,15,11,"持たせて 技を 受けると
戦闘から 脱出して
手持ちと 入れ替わる ことができる。"
591,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Feu."
591,11,9,"A gem with an essence of fire. When
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held, it strengthens the power of a
Fire-type move only once."
591,14,9,"A gem with an essence of fire. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Fire-type move only once."
591,15,1,"ほのおの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ ほのおの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
591,15,3,"불꽃타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 불꽃
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
591,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Feu."
591,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Feuer. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Feuer."
591,15,7,"Pluma que aumenta un poco la Defensa de base
de un Pokémon."
591,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Fuoco."
591,15,9,"A gem with an essence of fire.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Fire-type move one time."
591,15,11,"ほのおの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ ほのおの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
592,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Eau."
592,11,9,"A gem with an essence of water. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Water-type move only once."
592,14,9,"A gem with an essence of water. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Water-type move only once."
592,15,1,"みずの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ みずの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
592,15,3,"물타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 물
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
592,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Eau."
592,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Wasser. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Wasser."
592,15,7,"Pluma que aumenta un poco el Ataque Especial
de base de un Pokémon."
592,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Acqua."
592,15,9,"A gem with an essence of water.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Water-type move one time."
592,15,11,"みずの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ みずの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
593,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Électrik."
593,11,9,"A gem with an essence of electricity.
When held, it strengthens the power of
an Electric-type move only once."
593,14,9,"A gem with an essence of electricity.
When held, it strengthens the power of
an Electric-type move only once."
593,15,1,"でんきの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ でんきの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
593,15,3,"전기타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 전기
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
593,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Électrik."
593,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Elektro. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Elektro."
593,15,7,"Pluma que aumenta un poco la Defensa Especial
de base de un Pokémon."
593,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Elettro."
593,15,9,"A gem with an essence of electricity.
When held, it strengthens the power of
an Electric-type move one time."
593,15,11,"でんきの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ でんきの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
594,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Plante."
594,11,9,"A gem with an essence of nature. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Grass-type move only once."
594,14,9,"A gem with an essence of nature. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Grass-type move only once."
594,15,1,"くさの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ くさの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
594,15,3,"풀타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 풀
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
594,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Plante."
594,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Pflanze. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Pflanze."
594,15,7,"Pluma que aumenta un poco la Velocidad de
base de un Pokémon."
594,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Erba."
594,15,9,"A gem with an essence of nature.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Grass-type move one time."
594,15,11,"くさの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ くさの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
595,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Glace."
595,11,9,"A gem with an essence of ice. When held,
it strengthens the power of an
Ice-type move only once."
595,14,9,"A gem with an essence of ice. When held,
it strengthens the power of an
Ice-type move only once."
595,15,1,"こおりの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ こおりの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
595,15,3,"얼음타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 얼음
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
595,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Glace."
595,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Eis. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Eis."
595,15,7,"Pluma normal y corriente. Muy bonita, pero no
sirve para nada."
595,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Ghiaccio."
595,15,9,"A gem with an essence of ice.
When held, it strengthens the power
of an Ice-type move one time."
595,15,11,"こおりの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ こおりの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
596,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Combat."
596,11,9,"A gem with an essence of combat. When
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
held, it strengthens the power of a
Fighting-type move only once."
596,14,9,"A gem with an essence of combat. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Fighting-type move only once."
596,15,1,"かくとうの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ かくとうの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
596,15,3,"격투타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 격투
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
596,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Combat."
596,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Kampf. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Kampf."
596,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon ancestral que vivió en el
fondo del mar. Parece ser un fragmento de
concha marina."
596,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Lotta."
596,15,9,"A gem with an essence of combat.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Fighting-type move one time."
596,15,11,"かくとうの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ かくとうの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
597,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Poison."
597,11,9,"A gem with an essence of poison. When
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
held, it strengthens the power of a
Poison-type move only once."
597,14,9,"A gem with an essence of poison. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Poison-type move only once."
597,15,1,"どくの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ どくの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
597,15,3,"독타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 독
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
597,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Poison."
597,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Gift. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Gift."
597,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon ancestral que surcó los
cielos. Parece ser parte de una de sus alas."
597,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Veleno."
597,15,9,"A gem with an essence of poison.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Poison-type move one time."
597,15,11,"どくの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ どくの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
598,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Sol."
598,11,9,"A gem with an essence of land. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Ground-type move only once."
598,14,9,"A gem with an essence of land. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Ground-type move only once."
598,15,1,"じめんの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ じめんの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
598,15,3,"땅타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 땅
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
598,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Sol."
598,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Boden. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Boden."
598,15,7,"Ticket especial para ir en barco desde Ciudad
Porcelana a Isla Libertad."
598,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Terra."
598,15,9,"A gem with an essence of land.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Ground-type move one time."
598,15,11,"じめんの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ じめんの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
599,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Vol."
599,11,9,"A gem with an essence of air. When held,
it strengthens the power of a
Flying-type move only once."
599,14,9,"A gem with an essence of air. When held,
it strengthens the power of a
Flying-type move only once."
599,15,1,"ひこうの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ ひこうの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
599,15,3,"비행타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 비행
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
599,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Vol."
599,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Flug. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Flug."
599,15,7,"Esfera misteriosa que contiene el poder de la
región de Teselia y se utiliza para generar
Poderes Regalo."
599,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Volante."
599,15,9,"A gem with an essence of air.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Flying-type move one time."
599,15,11,"ひこうの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ ひこうの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
600,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Psy."
600,11,9,"A gem with an essence of the mind. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Psychic-type move only once."
600,14,9,"A gem with an essence of the mind. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Psychic-type move only once."
600,15,1,"エスパーの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ エスパーの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
600,15,3,"에스퍼타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 에스퍼
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
600,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Psy."
600,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Psycho. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Psycho."
600,15,7,"Bola especial que aparece de pronto en tu Bolsa
en el Bosque Nexo y puede atrapar a cualquier
600,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Psico."
600,15,9,"A gem with an essence of the mind.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Psychic-type move one time."
600,15,11,"エスパーの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ エスパーの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
601,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Insecte."
601,11,9,"A gem with an insect-like essence.
When held, it strengthens the power of
a Bug-type move only once."
601,14,9,"A gem with an insect-like essence.
When held, it strengthens the power of
a Bug-type move only once."
601,15,1,"むしの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ むしの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
601,15,3,"벌레타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 벌레
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
601,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Insecte."
601,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Käfer. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Käfer."
601,15,7,"Un objeto que atrae a los Pokémon. Es útil para
huir de un combate contra un Pokémon salvaje."
601,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Coleottero."
601,15,9,"A gem with an insect-like essence.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Bug-type move one time."
601,15,11,"むしの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ むしの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
602,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Roche."
602,11,9,"A gem with an essence of rock. When
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
held, it strengthens the power of a
Rock-type move only once."
602,14,9,"A gem with an essence of rock. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Rock-type move only once."
602,15,1,"いわの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ いわの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
602,15,3,"바위타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 바위
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
602,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Roche."
602,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Gestein. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Gestein."
602,15,7,"Una bonita cajita donde guardar todos los
Complementos para vestir a tus Pokémon en
el Teatro Musical."
602,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Roccia."
602,15,9,"A gem with an essence of rock.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Rock-type move one time."
602,15,11,"いわの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ いわの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
603,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Spectre."
603,11,9,"A gem with a spectral essence. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Ghost-type move only once."
603,14,9,"A gem with a spectral essence. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Ghost-type move only once."
603,15,1,"ゴーストの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ ゴーストの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
603,15,3,"고스트타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 고스트
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
603,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Spectre."
603,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Geist. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Geist."
603,15,7,"Cráneo de un Pokémon. Se dice que este
Pokémon cruzó mares embravecidos."
603,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Spettro."
603,15,9,"A gem with a spectral essence.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Ghost-type move one time."
603,15,11,"ゴーストの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ ゴーストの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
604,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Ténèbres."
604,11,9,"A gem with an essence of darkness.
When held, it strengthens the power of
a Dark-type move only once."
604,14,9,"A gem with an essence of darkness.
When held, it strengthens the power of
a Dark-type move only once."
604,15,1,"あくの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ あくの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
604,15,3,"악타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 악
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
604,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Ténèbres."
604,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Unlicht. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Unlicht."
604,15,7,"Pepita de oro puro que desprende un brillo
espectacular. Puede venderse muy cara en las
604,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Buio."
604,15,9,"A gem with an essence of darkness.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Dark-type move one time."
604,15,11,"あくの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ あくの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
605,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Acier."
605,11,9,"A gem with an essence of steel. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Steel-type move only once."
605,14,9,"A gem with an essence of steel. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Steel-type move only once."
605,15,1,"はがねの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ はがねの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
605,15,3,"강철타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 강철
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
605,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Acier."
605,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Stahl. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Stahl."
605,15,7,"Brillantes perlas plateadas de gran tamaño que
pueden venderse a buen precio en las tiendas."
605,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Acciaio."
605,15,9,"A gem with an essence of steel.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Steel-type move one time."
605,15,11,"はがねの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ はがねの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
606,11,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu ses PV lors
dune montée de niveau."
606,11,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base HP of a
single Pokémon."
606,14,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base HP of a
single Pokémon."
606,15,1,"ポケモンに つかう どうぐ。
ポケモン 1ひきの HPの
きそポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
606,15,3,"포켓몬에게 사용하는 도구.
포켓몬 1마리의 HP
기초 포인트를 조금 올린다."
606,15,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu ses PV de base."
606,15,6,"Schenkt man einem Pokémon dieses Item,
wird dessen KP-Basiswert dauerhaft erhöht."
606,15,7,"Moneda de cobre de más de 3000 años de
antigüedad. Muy valorada por los coleccionistas."
606,15,8,"Strumento da usare su un Pokémon.
Ne aumenta di poco i punti base dei PS."
606,15,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon.
It slightly increases the base
HP of a single Pokémon."
606,15,11,"ポケモンに 使う 道具。
ポケモン 1匹の HPの
基礎ポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
607,11,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu son Attaque
lors dune montée de niveau."
607,11,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Attack stat
of a single Pokémon."
607,14,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Attack stat
of a single Pokémon."
607,15,1,"ポケモンに つかう どうぐ。
ポケモン 1ひきの こうげきの
きそポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
607,15,3,"포켓몬에게 사용하는 도구.
포켓몬 1마리의 공격
기초 포인트를 조금 올린다."
607,15,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu son Attaque de base."
607,15,6,"Schenkt man einem Pokémon dieses Item,
wird dessen Angriffs-Basiswert dauerhaft erhöht."
607,15,7,"Moneda de plata de más de 3000 años de
antigüedad. Muy valorada por los coleccionistas."
607,15,8,"Strumento da usare su un Pokémon.
Ne aumenta di poco i punti base dellAttacco."
607,15,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon.
It slightly increases the base Attack
stat of a single Pokémon."
607,15,11,"ポケモンに 使う 道具。
ポケモン 1匹の 攻撃の
基礎ポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
608,11,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu sa Défense
lors dune montée de niveau."
608,11,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Defense
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
stat of a single Pokémon."
608,14,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Defense
stat of a single Pokémon."
608,15,1,"ポケモンに つかう どうぐ。
ポケモン 1ひきの ぼうぎょの
きそポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
608,15,3,"포켓몬에게 사용하는 도구.
포켓몬 1마리의 방어
기초 포인트를 조금 올린다."
608,15,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu sa Défense de base."
608,15,6,"Schenkt man einem Pokémon dieses Item, wird
dessen Verteidigungs-Basiswert dauerhaft erhöht."
608,15,7,"Moneda de oro de más de 3000 años de
antigüedad. Muy valorada por los coleccionistas."
608,15,8,"Strumento da usare su un Pokémon.
Ne aumenta di poco i punti base della Difesa."
608,15,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon.
It slightly increases the base Defense
stat of a single Pokémon."
608,15,11,"ポケモンに 使う 道具。
ポケモン 1匹の 防御の
基礎ポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
609,11,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu son Atq. Spé.
lors dune montée de niveau."
609,11,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Sp. Atk
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
stat of a single Pokémon."
609,14,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Sp. Atk
stat of a single Pokémon."
609,15,1,"ポケモンに つかう どうぐ。
ポケモン 1ひきの とくこうの
きそポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
609,15,3,"포켓몬에게 사용하는 도구.
포켓몬 1마리의 특수공격
기초 포인트를 조금 올린다."
609,15,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu son Attaque Spéciale
de base."
609,15,6,"Schenkt man einem Pokémon dieses Item, wird
dessen Spezial-Angriffs-Basiswert dauerhaft
609,15,7,"Jarrón de más de 3000 años de antigüedad.
Muy valorado por los coleccionistas."
609,15,8,"Strumento da usare su un Pokémon.
Ne aumenta di poco i punti base dellAttacco
609,15,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon.
It slightly increases the base Sp. Atk
stat of a single Pokémon."
609,15,11,"ポケモンに 使う 道具。
ポケモン 1匹の 特攻の
基礎ポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
610,11,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu sa Déf. Spé.
lors dune montée de niveau."
610,11,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Sp. Def
stat of a single Pokémon."
610,14,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Sp. Def
stat of a single Pokémon."
610,15,1,"ポケモンに つかう どうぐ。
ポケモン 1ひきの とくぼうの
きそポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
610,15,3,"포켓몬에게 사용하는 도구.
포켓몬 1마리의 특수방어
기초 포인트를 조금 올린다."
610,15,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu sa Défense Spéciale de base."
610,15,6,"Schenkt man einem Pokémon dieses Item,
wird dessen Spezial-Verteidigungs-Basiswert
dauerhaft erhöht."
610,15,7,"Brazalete de más de 3000 años de antigüedad.
Muy valorado por los coleccionistas."
610,15,8,"Strumento da usare su un Pokémon.
Ne aumenta di poco i punti base della Difesa
610,15,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon.
It slightly increases the base Sp. Def
stat of a single Pokémon."
610,15,11,"ポケモンに 使う 道具。
ポケモン 1匹の 特防の
基礎ポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
611,11,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu sa Vitesse
lors dune montée de niveau."
611,11,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Speed stat
of a single Pokémon."
611,14,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon. It
slightly increases the base Speed stat
of a single Pokémon."
611,15,1,"ポケモンに つかう どうぐ。
ポケモン 1ひきの すばやさの
きそポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
611,15,3,"포켓몬에게 사용하는 도구.
포켓몬 1마리의 스피드
기초 포인트를 조금 올린다."
611,15,5,"Objet à utiliser sur un Pokémon.
Il augmente un peu sa Vitesse de base."
611,15,6,"Schenkt man einem Pokémon dieses Item,
wird dessen Initiative-Basiswert dauerhaft erhöht."
611,15,7,"Efigie de piedra de más de 3000 años de
antigüedad. Muy valorada por los coleccionistas."
611,15,8,"Strumento da usare su un Pokémon.
Ne aumenta di poco i punti base della Velocità."
611,15,9,"An item for use on a Pokémon.
It slightly increases the base Speed
stat of a single Pokémon."
611,15,11,"ポケモンに 使う 道具。
ポケモン 1匹の 素早さの
基礎ポイントを ちょっと あげる。"
612,11,5,"Une plume très jolie, mais ordinaire
et sans effet particulier."
612,11,9,"Though this feather is beautiful, its
just a regular feather and has no
effect on Pokémon."
612,14,9,"Though this feather is beautiful, its
just a regular feather and has no
effect on Pokémon."
612,15,1,"きれいなだけで なんの こうかもない
ごくごく ふつうの ハネ。
612,15,3,"아름답기만 할 뿐 아무 효과도 없는
지극히 평범한 날개."
612,15,5,"Une plume très jolie, mais ordinaire et sans effet
612,15,6,"Eine ganz normale Feder, die rein gar nichts
612,15,7,"Corona de más de 3000 años de antigüedad.
Muy valorada por los coleccionistas."
612,15,8,"Piuma molto bella ma priva di qualsiasi utilità:
non ha alcun effetto."
612,15,9,"Though this feather is beautiful,
its just a regular feather and
has no effect on Pokémon."
612,15,11,"きれいなだけで なんの 効果もない
ごくごく 普通の ハネ。
613,11,5,"Fossile dun ancien Pokémon
aquatique. Il semble que ce
soit une partie de son dos."
613,11,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea in ancient times.
It appears to be part of its back."
613,14,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
lived in the sea in ancient times.
It appears to be part of its back."
613,15,1,"おおむかし うみに すんでいた
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
せなかの いちぶ らしい。"
613,15,3,"오랜 옛날 바다에 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
등의 일부인 듯하다."
613,15,5,"Le fossile dun ancien Pokémon aquatique.
Il semble que ce soit une partie de son dos."
613,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das in der
Tiefsee lebte. Offenbar handelt es sich um einen
Teil des Rückens."
613,15,7,"Especialidad de Ciudad Porcelana. Cura los
problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
613,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva
nel mare. Sembra essere parte del suo dorso."
613,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived in the sea. It appears
as though it could be part of its back."
613,15,11,"大昔 海に すんでいた
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
せなかの 一部らしい。"
614,11,5,"Fossile dun ancien Pokémon
volant. Il semble que ce soit
un morceau daile."
614,11,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
flew in the sky in ancient times.
It appears to be part of its wing."
614,14,9,"A fossil of an ancient Pokémon that
flew in the sky in ancient times.
It appears to be part of its wing."
614,15,1,"とりポケモンの そせんと いわれる
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
つばさの いちぶ らしい。"
614,15,3,"새포켓몬의 조상이라 불리는
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
날개의 일부인 듯하다."
614,15,5,"Le fossile dun ancien Pokémon volant.
Il semble que ce soit un morceau daile."
614,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, von dem man
annimmt, dass es der Urahn der Vogel-Pokémon
sei. Es handelt sich um einen Teil des Flügels."
614,15,7,"Aumenta la probabilidad de asestar un golpe
crítico. Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto
614,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che solcava
i cieli. Sembra essere parte della sua ala."
614,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived in the sky. It looks as
if it could come from part of its wing."
614,15,11,"とりポケモンの 祖先と いわれる
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
つばさの 一部らしい。"
615,11,5,"Ticket spécial permettant de se
rendre sur lÎle Liberté à bord
du bateau de Volucité."
615,11,9,"A special pass to go to Liberty Garden.
Board the ship in Castelia City."
615,14,9,"A special pass to go to Liberty Garden.
Board the ship in Castelia City."
615,15,1,"リバティガーデンとうに いくための
とくべつな チケット。
ヒウンシティから ふねに のれる。"
615,15,3,"리버티가든섬에 가기 위한
특별한 티켓.
구름시티에서 배를 탈 수 있다."
615,15,5,"Un ticket spécial permettant de se rendre sur
lÎle Liberté à bord du bateau de Volucité."
615,15,6,"Ein besonderes Ticket für die Überfahrt von
Stratos City zur Insel des Freiheitsgartens."
615,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente la Velocidad en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
615,15,8,"Biglietto speciale per lIsola Libertà.
La nave parte da Austropoli."
615,15,9,"A special pass to go to Liberty Garden.
Board the ship in Castelia City."
615,15,11,"リバティガーデン島に 行くための
特別な チケット。
ヒウンシティから 船に 乗れる。"
616,11,5,"Sphère mystérieuse contenant
lAura dUnys et utilisable
avec lOffri-Aura."
616,11,9,"A mysterious orb containing the power
of the Unova region, to be used when
generating Pass Power."
616,14,9,"A mysterious orb containing the power
of the Unova region, to be used when
generating Pass Power."
616,15,1,"デルパワーを はっせいさせる
ときにつかう イッシュの パワーが
とじこめられた ふしぎな たま。"
616,15,3,"딜파워를 발생시킬 때
사용하는 하나지방의 파워가
담긴 이상한 구슬."
616,15,5,"Une sphère mystérieuse contenant lAura dUnys
et permettant lutilisation des Offri-Auras."
616,15,6,"Ein mysteriöser Orb, der die Kraft der
Einall-Region enthält und zur Erzeugung
von Transferkraft dient."
616,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente el Ataque Especial en
combate. Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto
616,15,8,"Bilia misteriosa che racchiude lenergia di Unima
ed è in grado di lanciare il Passapotere."
616,15,9,"A mysterious orb containing the power
of the Unova region, to be used when
generating Pass Power."
616,15,11,"デルパワーを 発生させる
ときに使う イッシュの パワーが
とじこめられた 不思議な 玉。"
617,11,5,"Poké Ball du rêve. Apparue dans le
Sac à la Forêt du Heylink. Permet
dattraper nimporte quel Pokémon."
617,11,9,"A special Poké Ball that appears out of
nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest.
It can catch any Pokémon."
617,14,9,"A special Poké Ball that appears out of
nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest.
It can catch any Pokémon."
617,15,1,"ハイリンクのもりで いつのまにか
バッグに あらわれる ゆめのボール。
どんな ポケモンも つかまえられる。"
617,15,3,"하일링크의 숲에서 어느 사이엔지
가방 속에 나타나는 꿈의 볼.
어떤 포켓몬이라도 잡을 수 있다."
617,15,5,"Une Poké Ball du rêve.
Apparue dans le Sac à la Forêt du Heylink.
Permet dattraper nimporte quel Pokémon."
617,15,6,"Ein Ball wie aus einem Traum, der im
Kontaktebenenhain plötzlich im Beutel
auftaucht. Fängt jedes Pokémon."
617,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente la Defensa Especial en
combate. Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto
617,15,8,"Poké Ball onirica. Appare allimprovviso nella
Borsa quando si è nel Bosco Intramondo.
Può acchiappare qualsiasi Pokémon."
617,15,9,"A special Poké Ball that appears in your
Bag out of nowhere in the Entree Forest.
It can catch any Pokémon."
617,15,11,"ハイリンクの森で いつのまにか
バッグに 現れる 夢のボール。
どんな ポケモンも 捕まえられる。"
618,11,5,"Objet qui attire les Pokémon. Permet
de senfuir dun combat contre un
Pokémon sauvage."
618,11,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
618,14,9,"An item that attracts Pokémon.
Use it to flee from any battle with a
wild Pokémon."
618,15,1,"ポケモンの きを ひかせる どうぐ。
やせいポケモンとの せんとうから
ぜったいに にげられる。"
618,15,3,"포켓몬의 관심을 끄는 도구.
야생 포켓몬과의 배틀에서
반드시 도망칠 수 있다."
618,15,5,"Un objet qui attire les Pokémon.
Permet de senfuir dun combat contre
un Pokémon sauvage."
618,15,6,"Ein Item, das wilde Pokémon vom
Kampfgeschehen ablenkt und
garantiert die Flucht ermöglicht."
618,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente la Defensa en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
618,15,8,"Strumento che attrae i Pokémon. È utile per
fuggire dalla lotta con Pokémon selvatici."
618,15,9,"A toy that attracts the attention of a
Pokémon. It guarantees escape from
any battle with a wild Pokémon."
618,15,11,"ポケモンの 気を ひかせる 道具。
野生ポケモンとの 戦闘から
絶対に 逃げられる。"
619,11,5,"Boîte permettant de ranger
les Parures pour habiller les
Pokémon au Music-Hall."
619,11,9,"A lovely case to store colorful Props
for your Pokémon to wear in a musical."
619,14,9,"A lovely case to store colorful Props
for your Pokémon to wear in a musical."
619,15,1,"ミュージカルで ポケモンに つける
いろとりどりの グッズを たくさん
しまえる きれいで すてきなケース。"
619,15,3,"뮤지컬에서 포켓몬에게 다는
각양각색의 굿즈를 많이
넣을 수 있는 아름답고 멋진 케이스."
619,15,5,"Une boîte permettant de ranger les Parures pour
habiller les Pokémon au Music-Hall."
619,15,6,"Eine ganz tolle Box, in der jede Menge bunte
Deko-Artikel für Pokémon-Musicals Platz haben."
619,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente el Ataque en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
619,15,8,"Scatola bella ed elegante per conservare i gadget
usati per agghindare i Pokémon durante
il Pokémon Musical."
619,15,9,"A lovely case to store colorful Props
for your Pokémon to wear in a musical."
619,15,11,"ミュージカルで ポケモンに つける
いろとりどりの グッズを たくさん
収納する きれいで すてきなケース。"
620,11,5,"Crâne dun Pokémon qui
aurait survolé librement
la mer déchaînée."
620,11,9,"A skull of a Pokémon which was said to
have braved the angry waters to fly
around the world."
620,14,9,"A skull of a Pokémon which was said to
have braved the angry waters to fly
around the world."
620,15,1,"あれくるう うみを ものともせず
じゆうに とびまわっていたと される
ポケモンの あたまの ホネ。"
620,15,3,"성난 바다 위를 개의치 않고
자유롭게 날아다녔다는
포켓몬의 머리뼈."
620,15,5,"Le crâne dun Pokémon qui aurait survolé
librement la mer déchaînée."
620,15,6,"Der Schädel eines Pokémon, das einst
wütendem Seegang zum Trotz frei um
die Welt flog."
620,15,7,"Aumenta ligeramente la Precisión en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
620,15,8,"Teschio di un Pokémon che sorvolava libero i mari
senza temere neanche le più forti tempeste."
620,15,9,"A skull of a Pokémon which was said
to have braved the angry waters to
fly around the world."
620,15,11,"荒れ狂う 海を ものともせず
自由に とびまわっていたと される
ポケモンの 頭の ホネ。"
621,11,5,"Champignon rare qui répand un
agréable parfum autour de lui.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
621,11,9,"A rare mushroom which gives off a nice
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A maniac will buy it for a high price."
621,14,9,"A rare mushroom which gives off a nice
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
621,15,1,"あたりいったいに いい かおりが
ひろがる めずらしい キノコ。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
621,15,3,"주변 일대에 좋은 향기가
퍼지는 희귀한 버섯.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
621,15,5,"Un champignon rare qui répand un agréable
parfum autour de lui. Peut être vendu à bon prix
aux magasins."
621,15,6,"Ein seltener Pilz, der ein angenehmes Aroma
621,15,7,"Aumenta bastante la Velocidad en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
621,15,8,"Fungo raro che emana un profumo
gradevolissimo. Si può vendere a un prezzo
piuttosto alto nei negozi."
621,15,9,"A rare mushroom that gives off
a nice fragrance. It can be sold at
a high price to shops."
621,15,11,"あたりいったいに いい 香りが
ひろがる 珍しい キノコ。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
622,11,5,"Grosse pépite dor pur qui brille
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
622,11,9,"A big nugget of pure gold that gives off
a lustrous gleam.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
622,14,9,"A big nugget of pure gold that gives off
a lustrous gleam.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
622,15,1,"キラキラと きんいろに ひかる
じゅんきんせいの おおきな たま。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
622,15,3,"금색으로 반짝반짝 빛나는
순금으로 만들어진 큰 구슬.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
622,15,5,"Une pépite dor pur qui brille dun éclat
magnifique. Peut être vendue à bon prix
aux magasins."
622,15,6,"Ein großes Nugget aus purem Gold, das
einen schimmernden Glanz besitzt. Es ist
von großem Wert."
622,15,7,"Aumenta bastante el Ataque Especial en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
622,15,8,"Grossa pepita doro puro dal luccichio sfavillante.
Si può vendere a un prezzo piuttosto alto
nei negozi."
622,15,9,"A big nugget of pure gold that gives
off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold
at a high price to shops."
622,15,11,"キラキラと 金色に 光る
純金製の おおきな 玉。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
623,11,5,"Une très grosse perle qui brille
dune jolie couleur argent.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
623,11,9,"Very large pearls that sparkle in a
pretty silver color.
A maniac will buy them for a high price."
623,14,9,"Very large pearls that sparkle in a
pretty silver color.
A maniac will buy them for a high price."
623,15,1,"きれいな ぎんいろに ひかる
とても おおつぶの しんじゅ。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
623,15,3,"예쁜 은색으로 빛나는
상당히 큰 낱알의 진주.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
623,15,5,"Une grappe de perles brillant dune jolie
couleur argent. Peut être vendue à bon prix
aux magasins."
623,15,6,"Große Perlen, die in schönem Silber
funkeln. Sie sind von großem Wert."
623,15,7,"Aumenta bastante la Defensa Especial en
combate. Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto
623,15,8,"Grosse perle dai riflessi argentei. Si possono
vendere a un prezzo piuttosto alto nei negozi."
623,15,9,"Very large pearls that sparkle in
a pretty silver color. They can be
sold at a high price to shops."
623,15,11,"きれいな 銀色に 光る
とても 大粒の 真珠。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
624,11,5,"Un fragment de comète, tombé au sol
quand elle traversait latmosphère.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
624,11,9,"A shard which fell to the ground when
a comet approached.
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A maniac will buy it for a high price."
624,14,9,"A shard which fell to the ground when
a comet approached.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
624,15,1,"すいせいが ちかづいたとき
ちひょうに おちた かけら。
ショップで たかく うれる。"
624,15,3,"혜성이 가까워졌을 때
지표면에 떨어진 조각.
상점에서 비싸게 팔린다."
624,15,5,"Un fragment de comète, tombé au sol quand elle
traversait latmosphère. Peut être vendu à bon
prix aux magasins."
624,15,6,"Ein Kometensplitter, der aus dem All
herabgefallen ist. Er ist von großem Wert."
624,15,7,"Aumenta bastante la Defensa en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
624,15,8,"Scheggia di cometa caduta al suolo. Si può
vendere a un prezzo piuttosto alto nei negozi."
624,15,9,"A shard that fell to the ground
when a comet approached. It can
be sold at a high price to shops."
624,15,11,"すい星が 近づいたとき
地表に 落ちた かけら。
ショップで 高く 売れる。"
625,11,5,"Une pièce de cuivre dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
625,11,9,"A copper coin used in a civilization
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about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
625,14,9,"A copper coin used in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
625,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つかわれた どうか。"
625,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 사용된 동화."
625,15,5,"Une pièce de cuivre dune civilisation vieille de
plus de 3000 ans."
625,15,6,"Eine alte Kupfermünze. Die Währung
einer gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
625,15,7,"Aumenta bastante el Ataque en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
625,15,8,"Moneta di rame usata circa 3000 anni fa
da unantica civiltà."
625,15,9,"A copper coin used by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
625,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で 使われた 銅貨。"
626,11,5,"Une pièce dargent dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
626,11,9,"A silver coin used in a civilization
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about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
626,14,9,"A silver coin used in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
626,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つかわれた ぎんか。"
626,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 사용된 은화."
626,15,5,"Une pièce dargent dune civilisation vieille de
plus de 3000 ans."
626,15,6,"Eine alte Silbermünze. Die Währung
einer gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
626,15,7,"Aumenta bastante la Precisión en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
626,15,8,"Moneta dargento usata circa 3000 anni fa
da unantica civiltà."
626,15,9,"A silver coin used by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
626,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で 使われた 銀貨。"
627,11,5,"Une pièce dor dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
627,11,9,"A gold coin used in a civilization
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about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
627,14,9,"A gold coin used in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
627,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つかわれた きんか。"
627,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 사용된 금화."
627,15,5,"Une pièce dor dune civilisation vieille de plus
de 3000 ans."
627,15,6,"Eine alte Goldmünze. Die Währung
einer gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
627,15,7,"Aumenta mucho la Velocidad en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
627,15,8,"Moneta doro usata circa 3000 anni fa
da unantica civiltà."
627,15,9,"A gold coin used by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
627,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で 使われた 金貨。"
628,11,5,"Un vase dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
628,11,9,"A vase made in a civilization
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about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
628,14,9,"A vase made in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
628,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つくられた ツボ。"
628,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 만들어진 항아리."
628,15,5,"Un vase dune civilisation vieille de plus de
3000 ans."
628,15,6,"Eine Vase, angefertigt von einer
gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
628,15,7,"Aumenta mucho el Ataque Especial en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
628,15,8,"Vaso prodotto circa 3000 anni fa
da unantica civiltà."
628,15,9,"A fragile vase made by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
628,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で つくられた ツボ。"
629,11,5,"Un bijou dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
629,11,9,"A bracelet made in a civilization
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
629,14,9,"A bracelet made in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
629,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つくられた うでわ。"
629,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 만들어진 팔찌."
629,15,5,"Un bijou dune civilisation vieille de plus de
3000 ans."
629,15,6,"Ein Armreif, angefertigt von einer
gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
629,15,7,"Aumenta mucho la Defensa Especial en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
629,15,8,"Braccialetto forgiato circa 3000 anni fa
da unantica civiltà."
629,15,9,"A heavy bracelet made by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
629,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で つくられた 腕輪。"
630,11,5,"Une statuette dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
630,11,9,"A stone figure made in a civilization
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
630,14,9,"A stone figure made in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
630,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つくられた せきぞう。"
630,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 만들어진 석상."
630,15,5,"Une statuette dune civilisation vieille de plus de
3000 ans."
630,15,6,"Eine Statue, angefertigt von einer
gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
630,15,7,"Aumenta mucho la Defensa en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
630,15,8,"Statua scolpita circa 3000 anni fa
da unantica civiltà."
630,15,9,"A stone figurine made by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
630,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で つくられた 石像。"
631,11,5,"Une couronne dune civilisation
vieille de plus de 3 000 ans.
Les amateurs en donnent un bon prix."
631,11,9,"A crown made in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
631,14,9,"A crown made in a civilization
about 3,000 years ago.
A maniac will buy it for a high price."
631,15,1,"3000ねんほど むかしの
ぶんめいで つくられた おうかん。"
631,15,3,"3000년 정도 된
오랜 문명에서 만들어진 왕관."
631,15,5,"Une couronne dune civilisation vieille de plus de
3000 ans."
631,15,6,"Die Krone eines Königs, angefertigt von
einer gut 3 000 Jahre alten Kultur."
631,15,7,"Aumenta mucho el Ataque en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
631,15,8,"Corona forgiata circa 3000 anni fa.
da unantica civiltà."
631,15,9,"A heavy crown made by an ancient
civilization about 3,000 years ago."
631,15,11,"3000年ほど 昔の
文明で つくられた 王冠。"
632,11,5,"Spécialité de Volucité. Elle
soigne tous les problèmes
de statut dun Pokémon."
632,11,9,"Castelia Citys specialty, soft-serve
ice cream. It heals all the status
problems of a single Pokémon."
632,14,9,"Castelia Citys specialty, soft-serve
ice cream. It heals all the status
problems of a single Pokémon."
632,15,1,"ヒウンシティの めいぶつアイス。
ポケモン 1ひきの じょうたいの
いじょうを すべて かいふくする。"
632,15,3,"구름시티의 명물 아이스.
포켓몬 1마리의 상태 이상을
모두 회복한다."
632,15,5,"La spécialité de Volucité.
Elle soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
632,15,6,"Dieses Eis ist eine Spezialität aus Stratos City.
Es behebt alle Statusprobleme eines Pokémon."
632,15,7,"Aumenta mucho la Precisión en combate.
Al cambiar de Pokémon, el efecto desaparece."
632,15,8,"Il famoso gelato di Austropoli. Cura tutti i
problemi di stato di un Pokémon."
632,15,9,"Castelia Citys specialty, soft-serve
ice cream. It heals all the status
problems of a single Pokémon."
632,15,11,"ヒウンシティの 名物アイス。
ポケモン 1匹の 状態の
異常を すべて 回復する。"
633,11,5,"Augmente le taux de critiques. Plus
efficace à chaque utilisation. Leffet
sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
633,11,9,"It can be used many times to raise the
critical-hit ratio of one Pokémon. It
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
633,14,9,"It can be used many times to raise the
critical-hit ratio of one Pokémon. It
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
633,15,1,"きゅうしょりつが あがる。
つかうたびに こうかが アップする。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
633,15,3,"급소 명중률이 올라간다. 사용할 때마다
효과가 올라간다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
633,15,5,"Augmente le taux de critiques.
Plus efficace à chaque utilisation.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
633,15,6,"Erhöht die Volltrefferquote. Effektiver bei
mehrfacher Anwendung. Wirksam, bis das
Pokémon ausgewechselt wird."
633,15,7,"Al usarlo, activa la habilidad de un Pokémon de
tu equipo."
633,15,8,"Aumenta la probabilità di sferrare brutti colpi.
Se usato più volte, leffetto si somma,
ma svanisce se il Pokémon è sostituito."
633,15,9,"It can be used many times to raise the
critical-hit ratio of one Pokémon. It
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
633,15,11,"急所率が あがる。
使うたびに 効果が アップする。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
634,11,5,"Monte un peu la Vitesse pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si
le Pokémon se retire."
634,11,9,"It sharply raises the Speed stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
634,14,9,"It sharply raises the Speed stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
634,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
すばやさを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
634,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 스피드를
그럭저럭 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
634,15,5,"Augmente un peu la Vitesse pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
634,15,6,"Hebt den Initiative-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf
leicht an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
634,15,7,"Cuando se usa, un Pokémon de tu equipo pierde
su objeto."
634,15,8,"Aumenta molto la Velocità di un Pokémon in
una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
634,15,9,"It sharply raises the Speed stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
634,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
素早さを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
635,11,5,"Monte un peu lAtq. Spé. pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
635,11,9,"It sharply raises the Sp. Atk stat of a
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
635,14,9,"It sharply raises the Sp. Atk stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
635,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくこうを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
635,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수공격을
그럭저럭 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
635,15,5,"Augmente un peu lAttaque Spéciale pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
635,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon
im Kampf leicht an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
635,15,7,"Cuando se usa, un Pokémon de tu equipo utiliza
su objeto inmediatamente."
635,15,8,"Aumenta molto lAttacco Speciale di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
635,15,9,"It sharply raises the Sp. Atk stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
635,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特攻を それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
636,11,5,"Monte un peu la Déf. Spé. pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
636,11,9,"It sharply raises the Sp. Def stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
636,14,9,"It sharply raises the Sp. Def stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
636,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくぼうを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
636,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수방어를
그럭저럭 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
636,15,5,"Augmente un peu la Défense Spéciale pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
636,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert eines
Pokémon im Kampf leicht an. Die Wirkung
endet mit dem Austausch des Pokémon."
636,15,7,"Cuando se usa, se anulan los cambios en las
características de un Pokémon de tu equipo."
636,15,8,"Aumenta molto la Difesa Speciale di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
636,15,9,"It sharply raises the Sp. Def stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
636,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特防を それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
637,11,5,"Monte un peu la Défense pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
637,11,9,"It sharply raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off
if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
637,14,9,"It sharply raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off
if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
637,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
ぼうぎょを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
637,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 방어를
그럭저럭 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
637,15,5,"Augmente un peu la Défense pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
637,15,6,"Hebt den Verteidigungs-Wert eines Pokémon
im Kampf leicht an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
637,15,7,"Aumenta mucho la probabilidad de asestar un
golpe crítico. Al cambiar de Pokémon, su efecto
637,15,8,"Aumenta molto la Difesa di un Pokémon in
una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
637,15,9,"It sharply raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off
if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
637,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
防御を それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
638,11,5,"Monte un peu lAttaque pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
638,11,9,"It sharply raises the Attack stat of a
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
638,14,9,"It sharply raises the Attack stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
638,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
こうげきを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
638,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 공격을
그럭저럭 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
638,15,5,"Augmente un peu lAttaque pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
638,15,6,"Hebt den Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf
leicht an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
638,15,7,"Forma que adoptó Reshiram al perder su cuerpo.
Espera la llegada de un nuevo héroe."
638,15,8,"Aumenta molto lAttacco di un Pokémon in
una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
638,15,9,"It sharply raises the Attack stat of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
638,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
攻撃を それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
639,11,5,"Monte un peu la Précision pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
639,11,9,"It sharply raises the accuracy of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Pokémon is withdrawn."
639,14,9,"It sharply raises the accuracy of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
639,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
めいちゅうを それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
639,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 명중률을
그럭저럭 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
639,15,5,"Augmente un peu la Précision pendant un combat.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
639,15,6,"Hebt die Genauigkeit eines Pokémon im Kampf
leicht an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
639,15,7,"Forma que adoptó Zekrom al perder su cuerpo.
Espera la llegada de un nuevo héroe."
639,15,8,"Aumenta molto la precisione di un Pokémon in
una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
639,15,9,"It sharply raises the accuracy of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
639,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
命中を それなりに あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
640,11,5,"Monte sensiblement la Vitesse pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
640,11,9,"It drastically raises the Speed stat of
a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
640,14,9,"It drastically raises the Speed stat of
a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
640,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
すばやさを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
640,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 스피드를
상당히 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
640,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement la Vitesse pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
640,15,6,"Hebt den Initiative-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf
stark an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
640,15,7,"Placaje de alto voltaje que hiere también al
640,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo la Velocità di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
640,15,9,"It drastically raises the Speed stat of
a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
640,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
素早さを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
641,11,5,"Monte sensiblement lAtq. Spé. pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
641,11,9,"It drastically raises the Sp. Atk stat
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
641,14,9,"It drastically raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
641,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくこうを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
641,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수공격을
상당히 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
641,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement lAttaque Spéciale
pendant un combat. Leffet sestompe si
le Pokémon se retire."
641,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon
im Kampf stark an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
641,15,7,"Ataque con los puños. Puede bajar la Defensa del
objetivo. Puede romper rocas fuera del combate."
641,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo lAttacco Speciale di un
Pokémon in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il
Pokémon è sostituito."
641,15,9,"It drastically raises the Sp. Atk stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
641,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特攻を かなり あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
642,11,5,"Monte sensiblement la Déf. Spé.
pendant un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
642,11,9,"It drastically raises the Sp. Def stat
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
642,14,9,"It drastically raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
642,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくぼうを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
642,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수방어를
상당히 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
642,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement la Défense Spéciale
pendant un combat. Leffet sestompe si
le Pokémon se retire."
642,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert eines
Pokémon im Kampf stark an. Die Wirkung endet
mit dem Austausch des Pokémon."
642,15,7,"Ataca con un chillido desagradable que baja el
Ataque Especial del rival."
642,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo la Difesa Speciale di un
Pokémon in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il
Pokémon è sostituito."
642,15,9,"It drastically raises the Sp. Def stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
642,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特防を かなり あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
643,11,5,"Monte sensiblement la Défense pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
643,11,9,"It drastically raises the Defense stat
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
643,14,9,"It drastically raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
643,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
ぼうぎょを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
643,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 방어를
상당히 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
643,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement la Défense pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
643,15,6,"Hebt den Verteidigungs-Wert eines Pokémon
im Kampf stark an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
643,15,7,"Comunicador de alta tecnología con cámara que
permite hablar a cuatro personas a la vez."
643,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo la Difesa di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
643,15,9,"It drastically raises the Defense stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
643,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
防御を かなり あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
644,11,5,"Monte sensiblement lAttaque pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
644,11,9,"It drastically raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
644,14,9,"It drastically raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
644,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
こうげきを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
644,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 공격을
상당히 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
644,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement lAttaque pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
644,15,6,"Hebt den Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf
stark an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
644,15,7,Piedra enigmática.
644,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo lAttacco di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
644,15,9,"It drastically raises the Attack stat
of a Pokémon in battle. It wears off if
the Pokémon is withdrawn."
644,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
攻撃を かなり あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
645,11,5,"Monte sensiblement la Précision
pendant un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
645,11,9,"It drastically raises the accuracy of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Pokémon is withdrawn."
645,14,9,"It drastically raises the accuracy of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
645,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
めいちゅうを かなり あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
645,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 명중률을
상당히 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
645,15,5,"Augmente sensiblement la Précision pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
645,15,6,"Hebt die Genauigkeit eines Pokémon im Kampf
stark an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
645,15,7,Carta importante que entrega Wingull.
645,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo la precisione di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
645,15,9,"It drastically raises the accuracy of a
Pokémon in battle. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
645,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
命中を かなり あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
646,11,5,"Monte fortement la Vitesse pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
646,11,9,"It raises the Speed stat of a Pokémon
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
646,14,9,"It raises the Speed stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
646,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
すばやさを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
646,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 스피드를
엄청나게 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
646,15,5,"Augmente fortement la Vitesse pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
646,15,6,"Hebt den Initiative-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf
enorm an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
646,15,7,Carta importante que entrega Wingull.
646,15,8,"Aumenta incredibilmente la Velocità di un
Pokémon in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce
se il Pokémon è sostituito."
646,15,9,"It raises the Speed stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
646,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
素早さを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
647,11,5,"Monte fortement lAtq. Spé. pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
647,11,9,"It raises the Sp. Atk stat of a Pokémon
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
647,14,9,"It raises the Sp. Atk stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
647,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくこうを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
647,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수공격을
엄청나게 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
647,15,5,"Augmente fortement lAttaque Spéciale pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
647,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon
im Kampf enorm an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
647,15,7,Carta importante que entrega Wingull.
647,15,8,"Aumenta incredibilmente lAttacco Speciale di un
Pokémon in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il
Pokémon è sostituito."
647,15,9,"It raises the Sp. Atk stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
647,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特攻を ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
648,11,5,"Monte fortement la Déf. Spé. pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
648,11,9,"It raises the Sp. Def stat of a Pokémon
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
648,14,9,"It raises the Sp. Def stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
648,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
とくぼうを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
648,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 특수방어를
엄청나게 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
648,15,5,"Augmente fortement la Défense Spéciale pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
648,15,6,"Hebt den Spezial-Verteidigungs-Wert eines
Pokémon im Kampf enorm an. Die Wirkung endet
mit dem Austausch des Pokémon."
648,15,7,"Comunicador de alta tecnología con cámara que
permite hablar a cuatro personas a la vez."
648,15,8,"Aumenta incredibilmente la Difesa Speciale di un
Pokémon in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il
Pokémon è sostituito."
648,15,9,"It raises the Sp. Def stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
648,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
特防を ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
649,11,5,"Monte fortement la Défense pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
649,11,9,"It raises the Defense stat of a Pokémon
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
649,14,9,"It raises the Defense stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
649,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
ぼうぎょを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
649,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 방어를
엄청나게 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
649,15,5,"Augmente fortement la Défense pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
649,15,6,"Hebt den Verteidigungs-Wert eines Pokémon
im Kampf enorm an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem
Austausch des Pokémon."
649,15,7,"Un dispositivo con forma de caja que almacena
las Insignias y la información relacionada."
649,15,8,"Aumenta incredibilmente la Difesa di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
649,15,9,"It raises the Defense stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
649,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
防御を ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
650,11,5,"Monte fortement lAttaque pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
650,11,9,"It raises the Attack stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Pokémon is withdrawn."
650,14,9,"It raises the Attack stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
650,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
こうげきを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
650,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 공격을
엄청나게 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
650,15,5,"Augmente fortement lAttaque pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
650,15,6,"Hebt den Angriffs-Wert eines Pokémon im Kampf
enorm an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
650,15,7,"Punta que permite fusionar a Kyurem con cierto
Pokémon con el que, originariamente, formaba
un solo ser."
650,15,8,"Aumenta incredibilmente lAttacco di un Pokémon
in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il Pokémon
è sostituito."
650,15,9,"It raises the Attack stat of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
650,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
攻撃を ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
651,11,5,"Monte fortement la Précision pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe
si le Pokémon se retire."
651,11,9,"It raises the accuracy of a Pokémon in
battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
651,14,9,"It raises the accuracy of a Pokémon in
battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
651,15,1,"せんとうちゅうの ポケモンの
めいちゅうを ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
651,15,3,"배틀 중인 포켓몬의 명중률을
엄청나게 올린다. 포켓몬을 볼에
넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
651,15,5,"Augmente fortement la Précision pendant
un combat. Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon
se retire."
651,15,6,"Hebt die Genauigkeit eines Pokémon im Kampf
enorm an. Die Wirkung endet mit dem Austausch
des Pokémon."
651,15,7,"Punta que permite separar a Kyurem del Pokémon
con el que se ha fusionado."
651,15,8,"Aumenta incredibilmente la precisione di un
Pokémon in una lotta. Leffetto svanisce se il
Pokémon è sostituito."
651,15,9,"It raises the accuracy of a Pokémon
in battle immensely. It wears off if the
Pokémon is withdrawn."
651,15,11,"戦闘中の ポケモンの
命中を ものすごく あげる。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
652,11,5,"Déclenche la capacité spéciale
dun Pokémon de léquipe."
652,11,9,"When used, it activates the Ability of
an ally Pokémon."
652,14,9,"When used, it activates the Ability of
an ally Pokémon."
652,15,1,"つかうと みかたの ポケモンの
とくせいを はつどう させる。
652,15,3,"사용하면 같은 편 포켓몬의
특성을 발동시킨다."
652,15,5,"Déclenche le talent dun Pokémon
de léquipe."
652,15,6,"Aktiviert bei Gebrauch die Fähigkeit
des Mitstreiters."
652,15,7,"Permiso necesario para acceder a la Reserva
Natural, lugar que solo unos pocos conocen."
652,15,8,"Se usato su un Pokémon della squadra,
ne attiva labilità."
652,15,9,"When used, it activates the
Ability of an ally Pokémon."
652,15,11,"使うと 味方の ポケモンの
特性を 発動させる。
653,11,5,"Retire tout objet tenu par
un Pokémon de léquipe."
653,11,9,"When used, it causes an ally Pokémon
to drop a held item."
653,14,9,"When used, it causes an ally Pokémon
to drop a held item."
653,15,1,"つかうと みかたの ポケモンが
もっている どうぐを なくす。
653,15,3,"사용하면 같은 편 포켓몬이
지니고 있는 도구를 잃어버린다."
653,15,5,"Retire tout objet tenu par un Pokémon de
653,15,6,"Der Mitstreiter lässt bei Gebrauch das
von ihm getragene Item fallen."
653,15,7,"Misterioso amuleto redondo que aumenta la
posibilidad de encontrar Huevos en la Guardería
653,15,8,"Usandolo, un Pokémon della squadra lascerà
il proprio strumento."
653,15,9,"When used, it causes an ally
Pokémon to drop a held item."
653,15,11,"使うと 味方の ポケモンが
持っている 道具を なくす。
654,11,5,"Permet dutiliser immédiatement
lobjet tenu par un Pokémon de
654,11,9,"When used, it causes an ally Pokémon
to use its held item."
654,14,9,"When used, it causes an ally Pokémon
to use its held item."
654,15,1,"つかうと みかたの ポケモンが
もっている どうぐを すぐつかう。
654,15,3,"사용하면 같은 편 포켓몬이
지니고 있는 도구를 바로 쓴다."
654,15,5,"Permet dutiliser immédiatement lobjet tenu par
un Pokémon de léquipe."
654,15,6,"Der Mitstreiter setzt bei Gebrauch sofort das
von ihm getragene Item ein."
654,15,7,"Misterioso amuleto brillante que aumenta la
probabilidad de encontrar Pokémon variocolores."
654,15,8,"Usandolo, un Pokémon della squadra userà
immediatamente il proprio strumento."
654,15,9,"When used, it causes an ally
Pokémon to use its held item."
654,15,11,"使うと 味方の ポケモンが
持っている 道具を すぐ使う。
655,11,5,"Permet dannuler les variations de
stats dun Pokémon de léquipe."
655,11,9,"When used, it restores any stat
changes of an ally Pokémon."
655,14,9,"When used, it restores any stat
changes of an ally Pokémon."
655,15,1,"つかうと みかたの ポケモンの
のうりょく へんかが もとにもどる。
655,15,3,"사용하면 같은 편 포켓몬의
능력 변화가 원래대로 되돌아간다."
655,15,5,"Permet dannuler les variations de stats dun
Pokémon de léquipe."
655,15,6,"Hebt bei Gebrauch Statusveränderungen
deines Mitstreiters auf."
655,15,7,"Tarjeta necesaria para introducir la contraseña en
la Fragata Plasma."
655,15,8,"Usandolo, tutte le modifiche alle statistiche
di un Pokémon della squadra saranno annullate."
655,15,9,"When used, it restores any stat
changes of an ally Pokémon."
655,15,11,"使うと 味方の ポケモンの
能力変化が 元に 戻る。
656,11,5,"Monte fortement le taux de critiques.
Plus efficace à chaque utilisation.
Effet estompé si le Pokémon se retire."
656,11,9,"It can be used many times to greatly
raise a Pokémons critical-hit ratio. It
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
656,14,9,"It can be used many times to greatly
raise a Pokémons critical-hit ratio. It
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
656,15,1,"きゅうしょりつが おおきく あがる。
つかうたびに こうかが アップする。
ひっこめると もとに もどる。"
656,15,3,"급소 명중률이 크게 올라간다. 사용할
때마다 효과가 올라간다. 포켓몬을
볼에 넣어버리면 원래대로 되돌아간다."
656,15,5,"Monte fortement le taux de critiques.
Plus efficace à chaque utilisation.
Leffet sestompe si le Pokémon se retire."
656,15,6,"Erhöht die Volltrefferquote stark. Bei mehrfachem
Gebrauch effektiver. Wirkt, bis das Pokémon
ausgewechselt wird."
656,15,7,"Pañuelo perdido por un cliente habitual del Café
Alma en Ciudad Esmalte. Desprende el olor de
un Pokémon."
656,15,8,"Aumenta moltissimo la probabilità di sferrare
brutti colpi. Leffetto si può sommare, ma
svanisce se il Pokémon è sostituito."
656,15,9,"It can be used many times to greatly
raise a Pokémons critical-hit ratio. It
wears off if the Pokémon is withdrawn."
656,15,11,"急所率が 大きく あがる。
使うたびに 効果が アップする。
ひっこめると 元に 戻る。"
657,11,5,"Ce sont les derniers restes du corps
de Reshiram. On dit quils attendent
lapparition dun héros."
657,11,9,"Reshirams body was destroyed and
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
changed into this stone. It is said to
be waiting for the emergence of a hero."
657,14,9,"Reshirams body was destroyed and
changed into this stone. It is said to
be waiting for the emergence of a hero."
657,15,1,"レシラムの にくたいが ほろび
へんかした すがた。えいゆうの
とうじょうを まっていると される。"
657,15,3,"레시라무의 육체가 허물어져
변화한 모습. 영웅의
등장을 기다린다고 여겨진다."
657,15,5,"Ce sont les derniers restes du corps de Reshiram.
On dit quils attendent lapparition dun héros."
657,15,6,"Nach dem Zerfall seines Körpers nahm Reshiram
diese Form an. Man sagt, es warte auf die Ankunft
eines Helden."
657,15,7,"Dispositivo que permite aumentar forzadamente
las características de los Pokémon.
Es un prototipo imperfecto."
657,15,8,"Pietra in cui si è tramutato Reshiram quando
ha perso la sua forma corporea.
Attende la venuta di un eroe."
657,15,9,"Reshirams body was destroyed and
changed into this stone. It is said to
be waiting for the emergence of a hero."
657,15,11,"レシラムの 肉体が 滅び
変化した 姿。 英雄の
登場を 待っていると される。"
658,11,5,"Ce sont les derniers restes du corps
de Zekrom. On dit quils attendent
lapparition dun héros."
658,11,9,"Zekroms body was destroyed and
changed into this stone. It is said to
be waiting for the emergence of a hero."
658,14,9,"Zekroms body was destroyed and
changed into this stone. It is said to
be waiting for the emergence of a hero."
658,15,1,"ゼクロムの にくたいが ほろび
へんかした すがた。えいゆうの
とうじょうを まっていると される。"
658,15,3,"제크로무의 육체가 허물어져
변화한 모습. 영웅의
등장을 기다린다고 여겨진다."
658,15,5,"Ce sont les derniers restes du corps de Zekrom.
On dit quils attendent lapparition dun héros."
658,15,6,"Nach dem Zerfall seines Körpers nahm Zekrom
diese Gestalt an. Man sagt, es warte auf die
Ankunft eines Helden."
658,15,7,"Videomisor encontrado en el parque de
atracciones de Ciudad Mayólica.
Parece que pertenece a un chico."
658,15,8,"Pietra in cui si è tramutato Zekrom quando
ha perso la sua forma corporea.
Attende la venuta di un eroe."
658,15,9,"Zekroms body was destroyed and
changed into this stone. It is said to
be waiting for the emergence of a hero."
658,15,11,"ゼクロムの 肉体が 滅び
変化した 姿。 英雄の
登場を 待っていると される。"
659,11,5,"Une charge électrique violente qui
blesse aussi légèrement le lanceur."
659,11,9,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
and smashes into its target.
It also damages the user a little."
659,14,9,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
and smashes into its target.
It also damages the user a little."
659,15,1,"でんきを まとって
あいてに ぶつかって こうげきする。
じぶんも ダメージを うける。"
659,15,3,"전기를 두르고
상대에게 부딪쳐 공격한다.
자신도 조금 데미지를 입는다."
659,15,5,"Une charge électrique violente qui blesse aussi
légèrement le lanceur."
659,15,6,"Anwender erzeugt Spannung und greift an,
indem er auf Kollisionskurs geht. Er erleidet
selbst leichten Schaden."
659,15,7,"Videomisor encontrado en el parque de
atracciones de Ciudad Mayólica.
Parece que pertenece a una chica."
659,15,8,"Chi la usa si carica di elettricità per poi scagliarsi
sul bersaglio, ma subisce dei danni per il
659,15,9,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
and smashes into its target.
This also damages the user a little."
659,15,11,"電気を まとって
相手に ぶつかって 攻撃する。
自分も 少し ダメージを 受ける。"
660,11,5,"Porte un coup dévastateur à lennemi.
Peut briser des rochers fissurés.
Peut baisser la Défense."
660,11,9,"The user attacks with a punch that can
shatter a rock. It may also lower the
targets Defense stat."
660,14,9,"The user attacks with a punch that can
shatter a rock. It may also lower the
targets Defense stat."
660,15,1,"パンチで こうげき。 あいての
ぼうぎょを さげる ことが ある。
いわを くだくことも できる。"
660,15,3,"펀치로 공격한다.
상대의 방어를 떨어뜨릴 때가 있으며
바위를 깰 수도 있다."
660,15,5,"Porte un coup de poing à lennemi qui peut
baisser sa Défense. Peut aussi briser des rochers
660,15,6,"Der Anwender greift mit einem Hieb an, der den
Verteidigungs-Wert des Zieles senken kann.
Damit können auch Steine zerschlagen werden."
660,15,7,"Espejo misterioso que refleja la verdad y
devuelve los Pokémon a su forma original."
660,15,8,"Chi la usa colpisce il nemico con un pugno
in grado di frantumare anche la roccia.
Può anche ridurne la Difesa."
660,15,9,"The user attacks with a punch. This may
also lower the targets Defense stat. This
move can also shatter rocks in the field."
660,15,11,"パンチで 攻撃する。相手の
防御を さげる ことが ある。
岩を 砕くことも ある。"
661,11,5,"Le lanceur hurle sur lennemi.
Baisse lAtq. Spé. de lennemi."
661,11,9,"The user yells as if it is ranting about
something, making the targets Sp. Atk
stat decrease."
661,14,9,"The user yells as if it is ranting about
something, making the targets Sp. Atk
stat decrease."
661,15,1,"まくしたてる ように どなりつけて
あいての とくこうを さげる。
661,15,3,"호되게 호통을 쳐서
상대의 특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
661,15,5,"Le lanceur hurle sur lennemi.
Baisse lAttaque Spéciale de lennemi."
661,15,6,"Gibt Gegnern mit einer nicht enden wollenden
Standpauke was auf die Ohren und senkt dabei
deren Spezial-Angriff."
661,15,7,"Aumenta mucho el Ataque y el Ataque Especial
cuando el Pokémon que lo lleva recibe un ataque
frente al cual es débil."
661,15,8,"Chi la usa si mette a urlare per un po, riducendo
lAttacco Speciale dei nemici."
661,15,9,"The user yells as if its ranting about
something, which lowers the Sp. Atk stat
of opposing Pokémon."
661,15,11,"まくしたてる ように 怒鳴りつけて
相手の 特攻を さげる。
662,11,5,"Transmetteur high-tech permettant
à 4 personnes de communiquer par
le son et limage."
662,11,9,"A high-tech transceiver with a
camera function. It allows up to
four-way calls."
662,14,9,"A high-tech transceiver with a
camera function. It allows up to
four-way calls."
662,15,1,"さいだい 4にんで つうわができる
さいしんがた トランシーバー。"
662,15,3,"영상 통화 기능이 내장된
최신식 무전기.
최대 4명이 동시에 통화할 수 있다."
662,15,5,"Un transmetteur high-tech permettant à quatre
personnes de communiquer par le son et limage."
662,15,6,"Ein hochmodernes Gerät, mit dem bis zu
4 Personen miteinander kommunizieren
können. Es ermöglicht sogar Video-Chat!"
662,15,7,"Chaleco que potencia la Defensa Especial del
Pokémon que lo lleva, pero le impide lanzar
ataques de estado."
662,15,8,"Ricetrasmittente allavanguardia che permette
di fare videochiamate con un gruppo massimo
di quattro persone."
662,15,9,"A high-tech transceiver with a
camera function. It allows up to
four-way calls."
662,15,11,"最大4人で 通話ができる
663,11,5,Une pierre fantomatique.
663,11,9,A rare stone.
663,14,9,A rare stone.
663,15,1,"まぼろしの いし。
663,15,3,환상의 돌.
663,15,5,Une pierre fantomatique.
663,15,6,Ein mysteriöser Stein.
663,15,7,"Este aparato permite recibir vídeos holográficos
y visualizarlos en cualquier momento."
663,15,8,Una pietra magica.
663,15,9,A rare stone.
663,15,11,"幻の 石。
664,11,5,"Un courrier important
transporté par un Goélise."
664,11,9,"An important letter which
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Wingull delivers."
664,14,9,"An important letter which
Wingull delivers."
664,15,1,"キャモメが はいたつ している
たいせつな てがみ。
664,15,3,"갈모매가 배달하는
소중한 편지."
664,15,5,Un courrier important transporté par un Goélise.
664,15,6,"Eine wichtige Briefpost, überbracht von Wingull."
664,15,7,"Una carta sutilmente perfumada que el Profesor
Ciprés le ha escrito a tu madre."
664,15,8,"Unimportante lettera che Wingull deve
664,15,9,"An important letter that
Wingull delivers."
664,15,11,"キャモメが 配達している
たいせつな 手紙。
665,11,5,"Un courrier important
transporté par un Goélise."
665,11,9,"An important letter which
2011-03-02 23:35:15 +00:00
Wingull delivers."
665,14,9,"An important letter which
Wingull delivers."
665,15,1,"キャモメが はいたつ している
たいせつな てがみ。
665,15,3,"갈모매가 배달하는
소중한 편지."
665,15,5,Un courrier important transporté par un Goélise.
665,15,6,"Eine wichtige Briefpost, überbracht von Wingull."
665,15,7,"Ruedas que se acoplan a la suela del calzado
y te permiten ir más rápido y realizar piruetas
665,15,8,"Unimportante lettera che Wingull deve
665,15,9,"An important letter that
Wingull delivers."
665,15,11,"キャモメが 配達している
たいせつな 手紙。
666,11,5,"Un courrier important
transporté par un Goélise."
666,11,9,"An important letter which
Wingull delivers."
666,14,9,"An important letter which
Wingull delivers."
666,15,1,"キャモメが はいたつ している
たいせつな てがみ。
666,15,3,"갈모매가 배달하는
소중한 편지."
666,15,5,Un courrier important transporté par un Goélise.
666,15,6,"Eine wichtige Briefpost, überbracht von Wingull."
666,15,7,"Tabla de piedra que potencia los movimientos
de tipo Hada. Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
666,15,8,"Unimportante lettera che Wingull deve
666,15,9,"An important letter that
Wingull delivers."
666,15,11,"キャモメが 配達している
たいせつな 手紙。
668,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Dragon."
668,11,9,"A gem with a draconic essence.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Dragon-type move only once."
668,14,9,"A gem with a draconic essence.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Dragon-type move only once."
668,15,1,"ドラゴンの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ ドラゴンの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
668,15,3,"드래곤타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 드래곤
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
668,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Dragon."
668,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Drache. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Drache."
668,15,7,"Extraña seta que desprende un agradable aroma.
Puede alcanzar un alto precio en las tiendas."
668,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Drago."
668,15,9,"A gem with a draconic essence.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Dragon-type move one time."
668,15,11,"ドラゴンの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ ドラゴンの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
669,11,5,"Objet à tenir. Joyau augmentant
une fois la puissance des capacités
de type Normal."
669,11,9,"A gem with an ordinary essence. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Normal-type move only once."
669,14,9,"A gem with an ordinary essence. When
held, it strengthens the power of a
Normal-type move only once."
669,15,1,"ノーマルの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ ノーマルの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
669,15,3,"노말타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 노말
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
669,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Normal."
669,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Normal. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Normal."
669,15,7,"Fragmento de un cometa caído al suelo al
atravesar la atmósfera. Muy valorado por los
669,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Normale."
669,15,9,"A gem with an ordinary essence.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Normal-type move one time."
669,15,11,"ノーマルの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ ノーマルの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
670,14,9,"A box-shaped machine
that stores Medals and
Medal information."
670,15,1,"かくとくした メダルを しゅうのうし
メダルについての じょうほうを
きろくする はこがたの きかい。"
670,15,3,"획득한 메달을 수납하고
메달에 대한 정보를
기록하는 상자 모양의 기계."
670,15,5,"Une boîte qui permet de ranger les Médailles et
denregistrer des informations à leur sujet."
670,15,6,"Ein Gerät in Form einer Box, in der Medaillen
aufbewahrt und Informationen dazu gespeichert
670,15,7,"Un dulce a base de suave y esponjosa nata
montada. A algunos Pokémon les encanta."
670,15,8,"Apparecchio rettangolare usato per custodire
i Premi ottenuti e tutte le informazioni che li
670,15,9,"A box-shaped machine
that stores Medals and
Medal information."
670,15,11,"獲得した メダルを 収納し
メダルについての 情報を
記録する 箱型の 機械。"
671,14,9,"A splicer that fuses Kyurem and a
certain Pokémon. They are said to
have been one in the beginning."
671,15,1,"もとは ひとつだったと いわれる
キュレムと あるポケモンを
がったいさせる いっついの くさび。"
671,15,3,"원래는 하나였다고 전해지는
큐레무와 어떤 포켓몬을
합체시키는 한 쌍의 쐐기."
671,15,5,"Un outil qui permet la fusiorption de Kyurem
et dun autre Pokémon avec lequel il ne faisait
quun à lorigine."
671,15,6,"Ein Keil, der Kyurem und ein gewisses anderes
Pokémon, die vermeintlich einst eins gewesen
sind, vereinigt."
671,15,7,"Un saquito lleno de sustancias aromáticas cuyo
perfume resulta abrumador, pero que a ciertos
Pokémon les encanta."
671,15,8,"Cuneo che permette di fondere Kyurem
con il Pokémon al quale era unito in origine."
671,15,9,"A splicer that fuses Kyurem and a
certain Pokémon. They are said to
have been one in the beginning."
671,15,11,"元は ひとつだったと いわれる
キュレムと あるポケモンを
合体させる 一対の くさび。"
673,14,9,"A permit needed
to enter the Nature Preserve.
Only a few know about this place."
673,15,1,"わずかな ひとしか しらない
しぜんほごくに はいるために
ひつような ライセンスカード。"
673,15,3,"소수의 사람밖에 모르는
자연보호구역에 들어가기 위해
필요한 라이선스 카드."
673,15,5,"Un permis nécessaire pour pénétrer dans
la Réserve Naturelle, lieu protégé des foules
673,15,6,"Eine Genehmigung in Form einer Karte, die
den Zutritt ins Naturschutzgebiet ermöglicht.
Nur wenige kennen den Ort."
673,15,7,"Objeto de un solo uso. Aumenta el Ataque del
Pokémon que lo lleva si este recibe un ataque de
tipo Hielo."
673,15,8,"Tessera che permette di accedere a una
Riserva Naturale conosciuta da pochi."
673,15,9,"A permit that is needed to
enter the Nature Preserve.
Not many know about it."
673,15,11,"わずかな 人しか 知らない
自然保護区に 入るために
必要な ライセンスカード。"
674,14,9,"An oval charm said to increase the
chance of Eggs being found
at the Day Care."
674,15,1,"もっていると そだてやさんで
タマゴが みつかりやすくなる
ふしぎで とてもまるい おまもり。"
674,15,3,"지니고 있으면 키우미집에서
알을 발견하기 쉬워지는
이상하고 매우 둥근 부적."
674,15,5,"Un mystérieux charme rond qui permet de trouver
plus facilement des Œufs à la Pension Pokémon."
674,15,6,"Ein mysteriöser, ovaler Glücksbringer, der die
Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht, in der Pension Eier
zu finden."
674,15,7,"Gafa que protege de los efectos adversos del
clima y del polvo lanzado por los rivales."
674,15,8,"Misterioso amuleto di forma sferica che
aumenta la probabilità di trovare Uova
nella Pensione Pokémon."
674,15,9,"An oval charm said to increase
the chance of Pokémon Eggs
being found at the Day Care."
674,15,11,"持っていると 育て屋さんで
タマゴが みつかりやすくなる
不思議で とてもまるい おまもり。"
675,14,9,"A shiny charm said to increase
the chance of finding a
Shiny Pokémon."
675,15,1,"もっていると ひかる ポケモンと
であいやすくなる といわれる
ふしぎで ひかりかがやく おまもり。"
675,15,3,"지니고 있으면 빛나는 포켓몬과
만나기 쉬워진다고 전해지는
이상하고 매우 반짝이는 부적."
675,15,5,"Un mystérieux charme scintillant qui facilite
la rencontre avec les Pokémon chromatiques."
675,15,6,"Ein mysteriöser, schillernder Glücksbringer,
der die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöht,
Schillernde Pokémon zu finden."
675,15,7,"Una flauta con un timbre tan dulce y hermoso que
despierta hasta el Pokémon más profundamente
675,15,8,"Misterioso amuleto luminoso che aumenta
la probabilità di incontrare Pokémon cromatici."
675,15,9,"A shiny charm said to increase
the chance of finding a Shiny
Pokémon in the wild."
675,15,11,"持っていると ひかる ポケモンと
出会いやすくなる といわれる
不思議で ひかりかがやく おまもり。"
676,14,9,"A card key needed to enter the
password inside the
Plasma Frigate."
676,15,1,"プラズマフリゲートの せんないで
パスワードを にゅうりょくするときに
ひつようとなる カードキー。"
676,15,3,"플라스마 프리깃 배 안에서
패스워드를 입력할 때
필요한 카드키."
676,15,5,"Une clé magnétique indispensable pour entrer
le mot de passe sur la Frégate Plasma."
676,15,6,"Ein Kartenschlüssel, der bei der Eingabe
des Passworts an Bord der Plasma-Fregatte
benötigt wird."
676,15,7,"Al usarse en un huerto de bayas, multiplica la
cosecha sin necesidad de cuidados especiales."
676,15,8,"Carta magnetica necessaria per inserire
la password sulla Fregata Plasma."
676,15,9,"A card key needed to enter the
password inside the Plasma Frigate."
676,15,11,"プラズマフリゲートの 船内で
パスワードを 入力するときに
必要となる カードキー。"
677,14,9,"A handkerchief dropped by
a regular at Café Warehouse.
It smells faintly like a Pokémon."
677,15,1,"シッポウシティにある カフェソーコの
じょうれんが おとした ハンカチ。
ほのかに ポケモンの かおりがする。"
677,15,3,"칠보시티에 있는 카페 갤러지의
단골손님이 떨어뜨린 손수건.
희미하게 포켓몬의 냄새가 난다."
677,15,5,"Un mouchoir égaré par un habitué du Café de
la Grange. Il sent légèrement le Pokémon."
677,15,6,"Ein Taschentuch, das ein Stammkunde im
Café Lagerhaus in Septerna City verloren hat.
Riecht leicht nach Pokémon."
677,15,7,"Al usarse en un huerto de bayas, provoca
extrañas mutaciones según la combinación de
las mismas."
677,15,8,"Pezzo di stoffa perso al Bar Magazzino
di Zefiropoli da un cliente abituale.
Odora leggermente di Pokémon."
677,15,9,"A handkerchief dropped by
a regular at Café Warehouse.
It smells faintly like a Pokémon."
677,15,11,"シッポウシティにある カフェソーコの
常連が 落とした ハンカチ。
ほのかに ポケモンの 香りがする。"
678,14,9,"A special device that wrings out
the potential of Pokémon.
It is an imperfect prototype."
678,15,1,"ポケモンの のうりょくを むりやり
めざめさせる とくしゅな そうち。
だが しさくひんのため ふかんぜん。"
678,15,3,"포켓몬의 능력을 강제로
눈뜨게 만드는 특수 장치.
그러나 시작품이기에 불완전하다."
678,15,5,"Un appareil spécial qui permet déveiller de force
la puissance des Pokémon. Mais il ne sagit que
dun prototype."
678,15,6,"Eine Vorrichtung, die verborgene Kräfte in den
Pokémon weckt. Es handelt sich dabei um einen
unfertigen Prototyp."
678,15,7,"Al usarse en un huerto de bayas, aumenta la
cosecha obtenida si se riega con frecuencia."
678,15,8,"Prototipo imperfetto di un dispositivo speciale
ideato per risvegliare in modo forzato le capacità
dei Pokémon."
678,15,9,"A special device that wrings out
the potential of Pokémon.
It is an imperfect prototype."
678,15,11,"ポケモンの 能力を 無理やり
目覚めさせる 特殊な 装置。
だが 試作品のため 不完全。"
679,14,9,"The Xtransceiver found at the
Nimbasa City amusement park.
It seems it belongs to a boy."
679,15,1,"ライモンシティの ゆうえんちで
ひろった ライブキャスター。
おとしぬしは おとこのこ らしい。"
679,15,3,"뇌문시티의 유원지에서
주운 라이브캐스터.
잃어버린 사람은 남자인 것 같다."
679,15,5,"Un Vokit trouvé au parc dattractions de
Méanville. Cest un modèle pour garçons."
679,15,6,"Ein Viso-Caster, der im Vergnügungspark von
Rayono City gefunden wurde. Er scheint einem
Jungen zu gehören."
679,15,7,"Un abono increíble, con todas las propiedades
de los Abonos Fértil, Sorpresa y Fructífero."
679,15,8,"Interpoké rinvenuto nel parco giochi
di Sciroccopoli.
Pare che appartenga a un ragazzo."
679,15,9,"The Xtransceiver found at the
Nimbasa City amusement park.
It seems it belongs to a boy."
679,15,11,"ライモンシティの 遊園地で
拾った ライブキャスター。
落とし主は 男の子らしい。"
681,14,9,"A glass that reveals the truth.
It is a mysterious glass that returns
a Pokémon back to its original shape."
681,15,1,"しんじつを うつしだすことで
ポケモンを ほんらいの すがたに
かえてしまう ふしぎな かがみ。"
681,15,3,"진실을 비춰줌으로
포켓몬을 본래의 모습으로
바꿔버리는 이상한 거울."
681,15,5,"Un mystérieux miroir qui, en reflétant la vérité,
permet de redonner à un Pokémon sa forme
681,15,6,"Ein mysteriöser Spiegel, der Pokémon in
ihre eigentliche Form verwandelt, indem er
die Wahrheit widerspiegelt."
681,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Gardevoir en combate."
681,15,8,"Specchio misterioso che, riflettendo la verità,
fa riacquistare ai Pokémon la loro forma originaria."
681,15,9,"A looking glass that reveals the truth.
Its a mysterious glass that returns
a Pokémon to its original shape."
681,15,11,"真実を 映しだすことで
ポケモンを 本来の 姿に
変えてしまう 不思議な 鏡。"
682,15,1,"じゃくてんを つかれたとき
こうげきと とくこうが
それぞれ ぐーんと あがる。"
682,15,3,"약점을 공격당했을 때
공격과 특수공격이
각각 크게 올라간다."
682,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Augmente beaucoup lAttaque et
lAttaque Spéciale du Pokémon lorsquil reçoit
un coup dun type auquel il est vulnérable."
682,15,6,"Erhöht den Angriff und den Spezial-Angriff des
Trägers stark, wenn er von einer sehr effektiven
Attacke getroffen wird."
682,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Ampharos en combate."
682,15,8,"Se il Pokémon viene colpito da una mossa contro
cui è debole, lAttacco e lAttacco Speciale
aumentano considerevolmente."
682,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
Attack and Sp. Atk sharply increase
if the holder is hit with a move its weak to."
682,15,11,"弱点を つかれたとき
攻撃と 特攻が
それぞれ ぐーんと あがる。"
683,15,1,"こうげきてきに なる チョッキ。
もたせると とくぼうが あがるが
へんかわざを だせなくなる。"
683,15,3,"공격적으로 변하는 조끼.
지니게 하면 특수방어가 올라가지만
변화 기술을 쓸 수 없게 된다."
683,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une veste augmentant la Défense
Spéciale, mais empêchant dutiliser des attaques
de statut."
683,15,6,"Trägt ein Pokémon diese Weste, erhöht sich
seine Spezial-Verteidigung, aber es kann keine
Status-Attacken mehr einsetzen."
683,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Venusaur en combate."
683,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Questo corpetto aumenta la Difesa Speciale
ma impedisce luso di mosse di stato."
683,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
This offensive vest raises Sp. Def
but prevents the use of status moves."
683,15,11,"攻撃的に なる チョッキ。
持たせると 特防が あがるが
変化技を だせなくなる。"
684,15,1,"フェアリーの タイプの せきばん。
もたせると フェアリータイプの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
684,15,3,"페어리타입의 석판.
지니게 하면 페어리타입
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
684,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Une tablette en pierre augmentant
la puissance des capacités de type Fée."
684,15,6,"Ein Item zum Tragen. Diese Steintafel verstärkt
Attacken vom Typ Fee."
684,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Mewtwo en combate."
684,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Lastra di pietra che potenzia le mosse
di tipo Folletto."
684,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It is a stone tablet that boosts the
power of Fairy-type moves."
684,15,11,"フェアリーの タイプの 石盤。
持たせると フェアリータイプの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
685,15,1,"2しゅるいの とくせいを もつ
ポケモンに つかうと いまとはちがう
とくせいに かえられる カプセル。"
685,15,3,"2종류의 특성을 가진
포켓몬에게 사용하면 지금과는 다른
특성으로 바꿀 수 있는 캡슐."
685,15,5,"Une capsule permettant à un Pokémon pouvant
avoir deux talents de changer de lun à lautre."
685,15,6,"Bei Anwendung auf ein Pokémon, das zwei
verschiedene Fähigkeiten haben kann, wird seine
aktuelle Fähigkeit mit der anderen ausgewechselt."
685,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Blaziken en combate."
685,15,8,"Se usata su un Pokémon che ha due abilità,
questa capsula permette di cambiare quella
685,15,9,"A capsule that allows a Pokémon with
two Abilities to switch between these
Abilities when it is used."
685,15,11,"2種類の 特性を 持つ
ポケモンに 使うと 今とは違う
特性に 変えられる カプセル。"
686,15,1,"ふんわり ふわふわに あわだてた
ほんのり あまい クリーム。
ある ポケモンが このんでいる。"
686,15,3,"풍성하게 거품을 낸
살짝 달콤한 크림.
어떤 포켓몬이 좋아한다."
686,15,5,"Une crème sucrée qui fond dans la bouche,
légère comme un nuage. Elle est appréciée
dun certain Pokémon."
686,15,6,"Ein lockeres, leicht süßliches Häubchen
aus Schlagsahne, das bei einer bestimmten
Pokémon-Art sehr beliebt ist."
686,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Medicham en combate."
686,15,8,"Una spuma soffice, delicata e leggermente dolce.
Piace a un Pokémon in particolare."
686,15,9,"A soft and sweet treat made of fluffy,
puffy, whipped and whirled cream.
Its loved by a certain Pokémon."
686,15,11,"ふんわり ふわふわに 泡立てた
ほんのり 甘い クリーム。
ある ポケモンが 好んでいる。"
687,15,1,"ちょっと きつめの かおりをだす
こうりょうを つめた ふくろ。
ある ポケモンが このんでいる。"
687,15,3,"살짝 강렬한 향기가 나는
향료를 채운 주머니.
어떤 포켓몬이 좋아하는 물건이다."
687,15,5,"Un sachet dherbes et dépices, au parfum trop
marqué pour beaucoup, mais néanmoins apprécié
dun certain Pokémon."
687,15,6,"Ein mit Parfüm gefüllter Beutel, der einen
penetranten Duft verströmt und bei einer
bestimmten Pokémon-Art sehr beliebt ist."
687,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Houndoom en combate."
687,15,8,"Una bustina che contiene aromi dal profumo
piuttosto intenso.
Piace a un Pokémon in particolare."
687,15,9,"A sachet filled with fragrant perfumes
that are just slightly too overwhelming.
Yet its loved by a certain Pokémon."
687,15,11,"ちょっと きつめの 香りをだす
香料を 詰めた 袋。
ある ポケモンが 好んでいる。"
688,15,1,"つかいすての ひかりごけ。
もたせて みずの わざを うけると
とくぼうが あがる。"
688,15,3,"단 한 번 쓰면 없어지는 빛이끼.
지니게 하고 물 기술을 받으면
특수방어가 올라간다."
688,15,5,"Du lichen à usage unique.
Tenu, il augmente la Défense Spéciale lorsque
le Pokémon subit une attaque de type Eau."
688,15,6,"Wird der Träger von einer Wasser-Attacke
getroffen, steigt seine Spezial-Verteidigung
und das Item verschwindet."
688,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Aggron en combate."
688,15,8,"Muschio luminoso monouso. Se il Pokémon
che ha questo strumento subisce una mossa
di tipo Acqua, la sua Difesa Speciale aumenta."
688,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts Sp. Def if hit with a Water-
type attack. It can only be used once."
688,15,11,"使い捨ての ひかりごけ。
持たせて みずの 技を 受けると
特防が あがる。"
689,15,1,"つかいすての ゆきだま。
もたせて こおりの わざを うけると
こうげきが あがる。"
689,15,3,"단 한 번 쓰면 없어지는 눈덩이.
지니게 하고 얼음 기술을 받으면
공격이 올라간다."
689,15,5,"Objet à usage unique. Tenue, elle augmente
lAttaque du Pokémon lorsquil est touché par
une capacité de type Glace."
689,15,6,"Wird der Träger von einer Eis-Attacke getroffen,
steigt sein Angriff und das Item verschwindet."
689,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Banette en combate."
689,15,8,"Palla di neve monouso.
Se il Pokémon che ce lha subisce una mossa
di tipo Ghiaccio, il suo Attacco aumenta."
689,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
It boosts Attack if hit with an Ice-type
attack. It can only be used once."
689,15,11,"使い捨ての ゆきだま。
持たせて こおりの 技を 受けると
攻撃が あがる。"
690,15,1,"てんこうの ダメージだけでなく
こなを だす わざの
こうかも ふせげる ゴーグル。"
690,15,3,"날씨로 인한 데미지뿐만 아니라
가루를 내보내는 기술의
효과도 막을 수 있는 고글."
690,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Protège le Pokémon contre les
dégâts dus à la météo et la plupart des
capacités utilisant de la poudre."
690,15,6,"Diese Brille schützt ihren Träger nicht nur vor
wetterbedingtem Schaden, sondern auch vor
vielen Attacken, bei denen Puder eingesetzt wird."
690,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Tyranitar en combate."
690,15,8,"Visiera che protegge dai danni legati alle
condizioni atmosferiche e dalla maggior parte
delle mosse che rilasciano polvere."
690,15,9,"An item to be held by a Pokémon.
These goggles protect the holder from
both weather-related damage and powder."
690,15,11,"天候の ダメージだけでなく
粉を だす 技の
効果も 防げる ゴーグル。"
691,15,1,"きのみばたけで つかえる。
こまめに せわを しなくても
とれる きのみの かずが ふえる。"
691,15,3,"나무열매 밭에서 쓸 수 있다.
자주 돌보지 않아도 얻을 수 있는
나무열매의 수가 늘어난다."
691,15,5,"Un engrais servant à faire pousser des Baies.
Il augmente le nombre de Baies récoltées
sans que le jardinier ait à soccuper du plant."
691,15,6,"Mulch zur Nutzung auf Beerenfeldern.
Ohne viel Zutun erhöht er die Ausbeute
bei der Beerenernte."
691,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Pinsir en combate."
691,15,8,"Fertilizzante usato nellorto delle bacche.
Aumenta la quantità di bacche ottenute senza
che siano necessarie cure particolari."
691,15,9,"Mulch to be used in a Berry field.
It increases the Berry harvest without
the need for particularly diligent care."
691,15,11,"きのみ畑で 使える。
こまめに 世話を しなくても
採れる きのみの 数が 増える。"
692,15,1,"きのみばたけで つかえる。
きのみの くみあわせに よっては
とつぜんへんいが はっせい する。"
692,15,3,"나무열매 밭에서 쓸 수 있다.
나무열매의 조합에 따라
돌연변이가 발생한다."
692,15,5,"Un engrais servant à faire pousser des Baies.
Il provoque des mutations soudaines en fonction
de la combinaison de Baies plantées."
692,15,6,"Mulch zur Nutzung auf Beerenfeldern.
Je nach Anordnung der Beeren kann er
bei der Ernte Mutationen hervorrufen."
692,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Aerodactyl en combate."
692,15,8,"Fertilizzante usato nellorto delle bacche.
Produce delle mutazioni inaspettate in base alla
combinazione di bacche."
692,15,9,"Mulch to be used in a Berry field.
It causes strange, sudden mutations
based on the combination of Berries."
692,15,11,"きのみ畑で 使える。
きのみの 組み合わせに よっては
突然変異が 発生 する。"
693,15,1,"きのみばたけで つかえる。
みずを おおく まくことで
とれる きのみの かずが ふえる。"
693,15,3,"나무열매 밭에서 쓸 수 있다.
물을 많이 주면 얻을 수 있는
나무열매의 수가 늘어난다."
693,15,5,"Un engrais servant à faire pousser des Baies.
Il augmente le nombre de Baies récoltées
si elles sont arrosées avec beaucoup deau."
693,15,6,"Mulch zur Nutzung auf Beerenfeldern.
Er erhöht die Ausbeute bei der Ernte,
wenn das Feld oft bewässert wird."
693,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Lucario en combate."
693,15,8,"Fertilizzante usato nellorto delle bacche.
Aumenta la quantità di bacche raccolte grazie
a unabbondante annaffiatura."
693,15,9,"Mulch to be used in a Berry field.
It increases the Berry harvest that
can be grown by diligent watering."
693,15,11,"きのみ畑で 使える。
水を おおく まくことで
採れる きのみの 数が 増える。"
694,15,1,"たわわこやし びっくりこやし
ぐんぐんこやしの とくちょうを
すべて そなえた すごい こやし。"
694,15,3,"주렁주렁비료와 깜놀비료,
부쩍부쩍비료의 특징을
모두 지닌 굉장한 비료."
694,15,5,"Un engrais servant à faire pousser des Baies.
Il combine les effets du Fertibondance,
du Fertistantané et du Fertibérance."
694,15,6,"Mulch zur Nutzung auf Beerenfeldern.
Ein Spitzenmulch, der die Wirkung von Wucher-,
Wunder- und Sprießmulch in sich vereint."
694,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Abomasnow en combate."
694,15,8,"Un fertilizzante incredibile che combina gli effetti
di Fertilflorido, Fertilsorpresa e Fertilcopioso."
694,15,9,"Mulch to be used in a Berry field.
An amazing Mulch with the effects
of Rich, Surprise, and Boost Mulch."
694,15,11,"たわわこやし びっくりこやし
ぐんぐんこやしの 特徴を
すべて 備えた すごい こやし。"
695,15,1,"ゲンガーに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
695,15,3,"팬텀에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
695,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Ectoplasma, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
695,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Gengar getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
695,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Kangaskhan en combate."
695,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Gengar, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
695,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Gengar hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
695,15,11,"ゲンガーに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
696,15,1,"サーナイトに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
696,15,3,"가디안에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
696,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Gardevoir, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
696,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Guardevoir getragen, kann es im Kampf
eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
696,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Gyarados en combate."
696,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Gardevoir, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
696,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Gardevoir hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
696,15,11,"サーナイトに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
697,15,1,"デンリュウに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
697,15,3,"전룡에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
697,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Pharamp, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
697,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Ampharos getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
697,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Absol en combate."
697,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data ad Ampharos, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
697,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Ampharos hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
697,15,11,"デンリュウに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
698,15,1,"フシギバナに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
698,15,3,"이상해꽃에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
698,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Florizarre, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
698,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Bisaflor getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
698,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Charizard en combate."
698,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Venusaur, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
698,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Venusaur hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
698,15,11,"フシギバナに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
699,15,1,"リザードンに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
699,15,3,"리자몽에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
699,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Dracaufeu, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
699,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Glurak getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
699,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Alakazam en combate."
699,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Charizard, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
699,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Charizard hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
699,15,11,"リザードンに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
700,15,1,"カメックスに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
700,15,3,"거북왕에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
700,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Tortank, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
700,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Turtok getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
700,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Heracross en combate."
700,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Blastoise, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
700,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Blastoise hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
700,15,11,"カメックスに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
701,15,1,"ミュウツーに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
701,15,3,"뮤츠에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
701,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par Mewtwo, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
701,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Mewtu getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
701,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Mawile en combate."
701,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Mewtwo, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
701,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Mewtwo hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
701,15,11,"ミュウツーに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
702,15,1,"ミュウツーに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
702,15,3,"뮤츠에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
702,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par Mewtwo, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
702,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Mewtu getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
702,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Manectric en combate."
702,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Mewtwo, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
702,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Mewtwo hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
702,15,11,"ミュウツーに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
703,15,1,"バシャーモに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
703,15,3,"번치코에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
703,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Braségali, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
703,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Lohgock getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
703,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Garchomp en combate."
703,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Blaziken, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
703,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Blaziken hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
703,15,11,"バシャーモに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
704,15,1,"チャーレムに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
704,15,3,"요가램에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
704,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Charmina, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
704,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Meditalis getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
704,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Latias en combate."
704,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Medicham, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
704,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Medicham hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
704,15,11,"チャーレムに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
705,15,1,"ヘルガーに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
705,15,3,"헬가에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
705,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Démolosse, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
705,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Hundemon getragen, kann es im Kampf
eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
705,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Latios en combate."
705,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Houndoom, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
705,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Houndoom hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
705,15,11,"ヘルガーに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
706,15,1,"ボスゴドラに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
706,15,3,"보스로라에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
706,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Galeking, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
706,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Stolloss getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
706,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, debilita un ataque
supereficaz de tipo Hada de un enemigo."
706,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data ad Aggron, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
706,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Aggron hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
706,15,11,"ボスゴドラに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
707,15,1,"ジュペッタに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
707,15,3,"다크펫에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
707,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Branette, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
707,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Banette getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
707,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, aumenta su Defensa
tras recibir un ataque físico."
707,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Banette, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
707,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Banette hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
707,15,11,"ジュペッタに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
708,15,1,"バンギラスに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
708,15,3,"마기라스에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
708,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Tyranocif, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
708,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Despotar getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
708,15,7,"Si la lleva un Pokémon, aumenta su Defensa
Especial tras recibir un ataque especial."
708,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Tyranitar, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
708,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Tyranitar hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
708,15,11,"バンギラスに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
709,15,1,"ハッサムに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
709,15,3,"핫삼에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
709,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Cizayox, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
709,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Scherox getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
709,15,7,"Una regadera con forma de Lotad. Ayuda a que
las bayas plantadas en suelo blandito crezcan
709,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Scizor, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
709,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Scizor hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
709,15,11,"ハッサムに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
710,15,1,"カイロスに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
710,15,3,"쁘사이저에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
710,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Scarabrute, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
710,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Pinsir getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
710,15,7,"Usa el poder de la naturaleza para atacar.
Su efecto varía según el entorno de combate."
710,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Pinsir, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
710,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Pinsir hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
710,15,11,"カイロスに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
711,15,1,"プテラに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
711,15,3,"프테라에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
711,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Ptéra, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
711,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Aerodactyl getragen, kann es im Kampf
eine Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
711,15,7,"Libera una horrible aura llena de malos
pensamientos y puede hacer retroceder al
711,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data ad Aerodactyl, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
711,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Aerodactyl hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
711,15,11,"プテラに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
712,15,1,"ルカリオに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
712,15,3,"루카리오에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
712,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Lucario, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
712,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Lucario getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
712,15,7,"Cada vez que golpea a un oponente se
endurecen sus puños. Si acierta al objetivo,
el Ataque del usuario aumenta."
712,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Lucario, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
712,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Lucario hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
712,15,11,"ルカリオに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
713,15,1,"ユキノオーに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
713,15,3,"눈설왕에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
713,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Blizzaroi, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
713,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Rexblisar getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
713,15,7,Inflige daño a los oponentes con una potente luz.
713,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data ad Abomasnow, gli permette
di megaevolversi durante la lotta."
713,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Abomasnow hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
713,15,11,"ユキノオーに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
714,15,1,"ガルーラに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
714,15,3,"캥카에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
714,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Kangourex, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
714,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Kangama getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
714,15,7,"Hace que el objetivo pierda la concentración
contándole un secreto. Disminuye el Ataque
Especial del oponente."
714,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Kangaskhan, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
714,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Kangaskhan hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
714,15,11,"ガルーラに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
715,15,1,"ギャラドスに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
715,15,3,"갸라도스에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
715,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Léviator, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
715,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Garados getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
715,15,7,"Documento de identificación necesario para
acceder a la central eléctrica de la Ruta 13."
715,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Gyarados, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
715,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Gyarados hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
715,15,11,"ギャラドスに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
716,15,1,"アブソルに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
716,15,3,"앱솔에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
716,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Absol, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
716,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Absol getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
716,15,7,"Accesorio con un poder misterioso que permite
megaevolucionar a Pokémon que lleven una
Megapiedra adecuada."
716,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data ad Absol, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
716,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Absol hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
716,15,11,"アブソルに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
717,15,1,"リザードンに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
717,15,3,"리자몽에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
717,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Dracaufeu, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
717,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Glurak getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
717,15,7,"Una curiosa piedra que a algunos les puede
parecer de gran valor."
717,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Charizard, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
717,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Charizard hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
717,15,11,"リザードンに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
718,15,1,"フーディンに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
718,15,3,"후딘에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
718,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Alakazam, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
718,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Simsala getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
718,15,7,"Una piedra de aspecto normal que a algunos
les puede parecer de gran valor."
718,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data ad Alakazam, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
718,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Alakazam hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
718,15,11,"フーディンに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
719,15,1,"ヘラクロスに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
719,15,3,"헤라크로스에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
719,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Scarhino, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
719,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Skaraborn getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
719,15,7,"Con este vale te harán jugosos descuentos
cuando vayas de compras a una boutique."
719,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Heracross, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
719,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Heracross hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
719,15,11,"ヘラクロスに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
720,15,1,"クチートに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
720,15,3,"입치트에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
720,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Mysdibule, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
720,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Flunkifer getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
720,15,7,"Tarjeta con el logotipo del Team Flare que activa
el ascensor de los Laboratorios Lysson."
720,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Mawile, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
720,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Mawile hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
720,15,11,"クチートに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
721,15,1,"ライボルトに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
721,15,3,"썬더볼트에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
721,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Élecsprint, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
721,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Voltenso getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
721,15,7,"Pase que permite realizar viajes ilimitados en el
TMV que une las ciudades de Luminalia y Batik."
721,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Manectric, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
721,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Manectric hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
721,15,11,"ライボルトに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
722,15,1,"ガブリアスに もたせておくと
たたかいのとき メガシンカが できる
ふしぎな メガストーンの いっしゅ。"
722,15,3,"한카리아스에게 지니게 하면
배틀할 때 메가진화할 수 있는
신비한 메가스톤의 일종."
722,15,5,"Une variété de Méga-Gemme.
Tenue par un Carchacrok, elle lui permet de
méga-évoluer durant un combat."
722,15,6,"Einer der mysteriösen Mega-Steine. Wird er von
einem Knakrack getragen, kann es im Kampf eine
Mega-Entwicklung durchführen."
722,15,7,"Símbolo otorgado en reconocimiento a quienes
han realizado gestas excepcionales en la región
de Kalos."
722,15,8,"Un esemplare delle misteriose Megapietre.
Data a Garchomp, gli permette di megaevolversi
durante la lotta."
722,15,9,"One variety of the mysterious Mega Stones.
Have Garchomp hold it, and this stone will
enable it to Mega Evolve during battle."
722,15,11,"ガブリアスに 持たせておくと
戦いのとき メガシンカが できる
不思議な メガストーンの 一種。"
723,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
こうかばつぐんの フェアリー わざを
うけたとき いりょくが よわまる。"
723,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
효과가 뛰어난 페어리 기술을
당했을 때 위력이 약해진다."
723,15,5,"Tenue, cette Baie affaiblit une attaque ennemie
super efficace de type Fée."
723,15,6,"Als getragenes Item schwächt diese Beere
sehr effektive Feen-Attacken von Angreifern."
723,15,7,"Estuche de aspecto sofisticado para llevar las
lentes de contacto."
723,15,8,"Se data a un Pokémon, indebolisce lattacco
superefficace di tipo Folletto del nemico."
723,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
lessen the damage taken from one
supereffective Fairy-type attack."
723,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
効果バツグンの フェアリー技を
受けたとき 威力が 弱まる。"
724,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
ぶつりわざを うけたとき
じぶんの ぼうぎょが あがる。"
724,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
물리 기술을 당했을 때
자신의 방어가 올라간다."
724,15,5,"Baie à tenir augmentant la Défense du Pokémon
lorsquil est touché par une attaque physique."
724,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere die
Verteidigung des Trägers, wenn dieser von
physischen Attacken getroffen wird."
724,15,7,"Baúl ligero de increíble capacidad donde pueden
guardarse todas las prendas de ropa adquiridas."
724,15,8,"Bacca da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha subisce una mossa fisica,
la sua Difesa aumenta."
724,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry
will increase the holders Defense
if its hit with a physical move."
724,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
物理技を 受けたとき
自分の 防御が あがる。"
725,15,1,"ポケモンに もたせると
とくしゅわざを うけたとき
じぶんの とくぼうが あがる。"
725,15,3,"포켓몬에게 지니게 하면
특수 기술을 당했을 때
자신의 특수방어가 올라간다."
725,15,5,"Baie à tenir augmentant la Défense Spéciale
du Pokémon lorsquil est touché par une attaque
725,15,6,"Als getragenes Item erhöht diese Beere die
Spezial-Verteidigung des Trägers, wenn dieser
von Spezial-Attacken getroffen wird."
725,15,7,"Baúl ligero de increíble capacidad donde pueden
guardarse todas las prendas de ropa adquiridas."
725,15,8,"Bacca da dare a un Pokémon.
Se chi ce lha subisce una mossa speciale,
la sua Difesa Speciale aumenta."
725,15,9,"If held by a Pokémon, this Berry will
increase the holders Sp. Def
if its hit with a special move."
725,15,11,"ポケモンに 持たせると
特殊技を 受けたとき
自分の 特防が あがる。"
726,15,1,"ブティックで アイテムを かうとき
いつもより やすくなる チケット。
726,15,3,"부티크에서 아이템을 살 때
평소보다 저렴해지는 티켓."
726,15,5,"Un ticket donnant droit à une réduction dans
les boutiques de vêtements."
726,15,6,"Ein Coupon, mit dem du in Boutiquen günstiger
einkaufen kannst."
726,15,8,"Buono che permette di avere uno sconto
sugli acquisti nei negozi di abbigliamento."
726,15,9,"This special coupon allows you to
buy items at a discount when you
are shopping at a boutique."
726,15,11,"ブティックで アイテムを 買うとき
いつもより 安くなる チケット。
727,15,1,"カロスちほうから とおく はなれた
ばしょで まもりがみ とされる
ポケモンを かたどった おきもの。"
727,15,3,"칼로스지방에서 멀리 떨어진 곳의
수호신으로 여겨지는
포켓몬을 본떠 만든 장식품."
727,15,5,"Un ornement à limage dun Pokémon vénéré
comme protecteur dans une région éloignée
de Kalos."
727,15,6,"Eine Skulptur in Form eines Pokémon,
das in einer weit von Kalos entfernten Region als
Schutzpatron angesehen wird."
727,15,8,"Statuetta raffigurante un Pokémon che viene
considerato una divinità protettrice in alcuni
luoghi molto lontani da Kalos."
727,15,9,"An ornament depicting a Pokémon
that is venerated as a protector
in some region far from Kalos."
727,15,11,"カロス地方から 遠く 離れた
場所で 守り神 とされる
ポケモンを かたどった 置物。"
728,15,1,"ミアレシティで にんきの おかし。
ポケモン 1ひきの じょうたいの
いじょうを すべて かいふくする。"
728,15,3,"미르시티에서 인기 있는 과자.
포켓몬 1마리의 상태 이상을
모두 회복한다."
728,15,5,"La spécialité dIllumis.
Elle soigne tous les problèmes de statut
dun Pokémon."
728,15,6,"Eine beliebte Süßigkeit in Illumina City, die alle
Statusprobleme eines Pokémon behebt."
728,15,8,"Un famoso dolce di Luminopoli.
Può guarire un Pokémon da tutti i problemi
di stato."
728,15,9,"A popular treat in Lumiose City.
It can be used once to heal all the
status conditions of a Pokémon."
728,15,11,"ミアレシティで 人気の お菓子。
ポケモン 1匹の 状態の
異常を すべて 回復する。"
729,15,1,"おおむかし ちじょうで くらした
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
おおきな アゴの いちぶ らしい。"
729,15,3,"오랜 옛날 지상에서 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
커다란 턱의 일부인 듯하다."
729,15,5,"Le fossile dun Pokémon préhistorique terrestre.
On dirait un fragment de mâchoire."
729,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das an Land
lebte. Es sieht wie ein Kieferknochen aus."
729,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva
sulla terraferma. Sembra far parte di una grossa
729,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived on the land. It looks as
if it could be a piece of a large jaw."
729,15,11,"大昔 地上で 暮らした
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
大きな アゴの 一部らしい。"
730,15,1,"おおむかし ちじょうで くらした
こだい ポケモンの カセキ。
くびの ヒレの いちぶ らしい。"
730,15,3,"오랜 옛날 지상에서 살았던
고대 포켓몬의 화석.
목지느러미의 일부인 듯하다."
730,15,5,"Le fossile dun Pokémon préhistorique terrestre.
On dirait un fragment de nageoire."
730,15,6,"Das Fossil eines uralten Pokémon, das an Land
lebte. Es sieht wie eine Flosse aus."
730,15,8,"Fossile di un Pokémon preistorico che viveva
sulla terraferma. Sembra far parte di una pinna."
730,15,9,"A fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon
that once lived on the land. It looks
like the impression from a skin sail."
730,15,11,"大昔 地上で 暮らした
古代ポケモンの カセキ。
首の ヒレの 一部らしい。"
731,15,1,"フェアリーの タイプの ジュエル。
もたせると いちどだけ フェアリーの
わざの いりょくが つよまる。"
731,15,3,"페어리타입의 주얼.
지니게 하면 한 번만 페어리
기술의 위력이 강해진다."
731,15,5,"Objet à tenir. Un joyau augmentant une fois
la puissance des capacités de type Fée."
731,15,6,"Ein Juwel vom Typ Fee. Es erhöht einmalig
die Stärke einer Attacke vom Typ Fee."
731,15,8,"Strumento da dare a un Pokémon.
Gioiello che potenzia una sola volta le mosse
di tipo Folletto."
731,15,9,"A gem with an essence of the fey.
When held, it strengthens the power
of a Fairy-type move one time."
731,15,11,"フェアリーの タイプの ジュエル。
持たせると 1度だけ フェアリーの
技の 威力が 強まる。"
732,15,1,"トレーナーが たびを するときの
ポイントが まとめられている
ともだち てづくりの ガイドブック。"
732,15,3,"트레이너가 여행할 때의
포인트가 정리되어 있는
친구가 직접 만든 가이드북."
732,15,5,"Un manuel détaillant le savoir indispensable
à un Dresseur partant à laventure.
Écrit par une connaissance."
732,15,6,"Dieses von einem deiner Freunde erstellte Buch
enthält nützliche Informationen zu allen Themen,
die für einen Trainer auf Reisen von Belang sind."
732,15,8,"Guida che contiene consigli utili per
gli Allenatori in viaggio.
È stata scritta da qualcuno di tua conoscenza."
732,15,9,"This book contains all the points a new
Trainer needs to know on a journey.
It was handmade by a kind friend."
732,15,11,"トレーナーが 旅を するときの
ポイントが まとめられている
友達 手作りの ガイドブック。"
733,15,1,"フラダリラボに ある
エレベータを うごかす カードキー。
フレアだんの マークいり。"
733,15,3,"플라드리 래버러토리에 있는
엘리베이터를 작동시키는 카드키.
플레어단의 마크가 새겨져 있다."
733,15,5,"Un passe de sécurité permettant daccéder à
lascenseur des Laboratoires Lysandre.
Il est décoré du logo de la Team Flare."
733,15,6,"Eine Schlüsselkarte mit dem Logo von
Team Flare. Sie aktiviert den Fahrstuhl
im Labor von Flordelis."
733,15,8,"Tessera magnetica con il simbolo del Team Flare
che attiva lascensore dei Laboratori Elisio."
733,15,9,"A card key that activates the elevator
in Lysandre Labs.
It is emblazoned with Team Flares logo."
733,15,11,"フラダリラボに ある
エレベータを 動かす カードキー。
フレア団の マークいり。"
734,15,1,"じゅしんした ホログラムの
えいぞうデータを いつでも
みることが できる そうち。"
734,15,3,"수신한 홀로그램
영상 데이터를 언제라도
볼 수 있는 장치."
734,15,5,"Un appareil portable permettant de recevoir et
de visualiser des hologrammes à volonté."
734,15,6,"Ein Gerät, das Hologramm-Nachrichten
empfangen und jederzeit abspielen kann."
734,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Charizard en combate."
734,15,8,"Dispositivo in grado di ricevere e riprodurre
in qualsiasi momento comunicazioni olografiche."
734,15,9,"A device that allows users to receive
and view hologram clips at any time.
It is also used to chat with others."
734,15,11,"受信した ホログラムの
映像データを いつでも
観ることが できる 装置。"
735,15,1,"カロスちほうで すばらしい
かつやくを した じんぶつに
おくられる きちょうな シンボル。"
훌륭한 활약을 한 인물에게
주어지는 귀중한 심볼."
735,15,5,"Une récompense symbolique offerte à ceux qui
ont contribué de manière exceptionnelle à
la grandeur de Kalos."
735,15,6,"Ein wertvolles Emblem, das all jenen überreicht
wird, die Großes für die Kalos-Region vollbracht
735,15,8,"Prezioso riconoscimento conferito a coloro che
si sono distinti per le gesta eccezionali nella
regione di Kalos."
735,15,9,"A precious symbol that is awarded
only to an individual who has done
great things for the Kalos region."
735,15,11,"カロス地方で すばらしい
活躍を した 人物に
贈られる 貴重な シンボル。"
736,15,1,"みる ひとに よっては
きちょう かもしれない
かなり かわった いし。"
736,15,3,"보는 사람에 따라서는
귀중할지도 모르는
꽤 특이한 돌."
736,15,5,"Une pierre assez étrange qui pourrait avoir de la
valeur pour certains."
736,15,6,"Ein ungewöhnlicher Stein, dessen Wert je nach
Betrachter unterschiedlich eingeschätzt wird."
736,15,7,"Amuleto con un poder misterioso que permite
megaevolucionar a Pokémon que lleven una
Megapiedra adecuada."
736,15,8,"Un sasso piuttosto singolare che qualcuno
potrebbe ritenere di valore."
736,15,9,"A rather curious stone that might
appear to be valuable to some.
Its all in the eye of the beholder."
736,15,11,"みる 人に よっては
貴重 かもしれない
かなり 変わった 石。"
737,15,1,"コンタクトレンズを しまっておける
ちょっと おしゃれな ケース。
737,15,3,"콘택트렌즈를 담아둘 수 있는
살짝 멋진 케이스."
737,15,5,"Un étui plutôt chic destiné aux lentilles de
737,15,6,"Ein sehr stilvolles Etui zur Aufbewahrung
von Kontaktlinsen."
737,15,8,Unelegante custodia per lenti a contatto.
737,15,9,"A rather chic-looking case
for carrying contact lenses."
737,15,11,"コンタクトレンズを しまっておける
ちょっと おしゃれな ケース。
738,15,1,"きらきら かがやく
とりょうが ふきつけられた
ハンサム てづくりの チケット。"
738,15,3,"번쩍번쩍 빛나는
스프레이가 뿌려진
핸섬이 직접 만든 티켓."
738,15,5,"Un ticket brillant de mille feux, peint à la main
par Beladonis."
738,15,6,"Ein von LeBelle persönlich gebasteltes Ticket.
Es ist mit einer leuchtenden Farbschicht
738,15,8,"Un biglietto realizzato a mano da Bellocchio,
dipinto con colori brillanti."
738,15,9,"A ticket that was handmade by
Looker. Its decorated with a
liberal amount of glittery paint."
738,15,11,"きらきら かがやく
塗料が 吹きつけられた
ハンサム てづくりの チケット。"
739,15,1,"メガストーンを もったまま たたかう
ポケモンを メガシンカさせる
みちのパワーを ひめた リング。"
739,15,3,"메가스톤을 지닌 채로 싸우는
포켓몬을 메가진화시키는
미지의 힘을 가진 링."
739,15,5,"Un anneau aux pouvoirs mystérieux permettant à
un Pokémon de méga-évoluer au combat sil tient
la bonne Méga-Gemme."
739,15,6,"Ein Armband mit geheimnisvollen Kräften.
Es erlaubt Pokémon, die einen Mega-Stein tragen,
eine Mega-Entwicklung durchzuführen."
739,15,7,"Joya de un solo uso que potencia los
movimientos de tipo Hada.
Debe llevarla un Pokémon."
739,15,8,"Cerchio che nasconde un misterioso potere.
Consente a un Pokémon che ha una
Megapietra di megaevolversi durante la lotta."
739,15,9,"This ring contains an untold power that
somehow enables Pokémon carrying
Mega Stones to Mega Evolve in battle."
739,15,11,"メガストーンを 持ったまま 戦う
ポケモンを メガシンカさせる
未知のパワーを 秘めた リング。"
740,15,1,"13ばんどうろに ある
はつでんしょに はいるための
みぶんしょうとなる パス。"
740,15,3,"13번도로에 있는
발전소에 들어가기 위한
신분증이 되는 패스."
740,15,5,"Un passe de sécurité permettant daccéder à la
Centrale de Kalos, à proximité de la Route 13."
740,15,6,"Dieser Pass gewährt Zutritt zum Kraftwerk
auf Route 13."
740,15,7,"Este aparato permite recibir vídeos holográficos
y visualizarlos en cualquier momento."
740,15,8,"Tesserino di riconoscimento che consente
laccesso alla Centrale di Kalos che si trova
nel Percorso 13."
740,15,9,"This pass serves as an ID card
for gaining access to the power
plant that lies along Route 13."
740,15,11,"13番道路に ある
発電所に 入るための
身分証となる パス。"
ママあてに かかれた てがみ。
ほんのり いい かおりがする。"
엄마에게 쓴 편지.
은은하게 좋은 향기가 난다."
741,15,5,"Une lettre du Professeur Platane à Maman.
Elle dégage un parfum subtil."
741,15,6,"Ein an deine Mutter adressierter Brief von
Professor Platan. Ihm haftet ein schwacher
Parfümduft an."
741,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Blastoise en combate."
741,15,8,"Lettera del Professor Platan per la mamma.
Emana un delicato profumo."
741,15,9,"A letter that Professor Sycamore wrote
to your mother. A faint but pleasant
perfume seems to cling to the paper."
ママあてに 書かれた 手紙。
ほんのり いい 香りがする。"
742,15,1,"クツぞこに ローラーが ついている。
じめんを かっそう したり
トリックプレイを きめたりできる。"
742,15,3,"신발 바닥에 롤러가 달려 있다.
지면을 활주하거나
트릭플레이를 할 수 있다."
742,15,5,"Aussi connus sous le nom de patins à roulettes,
ils permettent de se déplacer rapidement
et éventuellement de réaliser des figures."
742,15,6,"Schuhe mit Rädern an der Sohle. Mit ihnen kannst
du über den Boden rollen und Tricks ausführen."
742,15,7,"Una de las misteriosas Megapiedras. Permite
megaevolucionar a Mewtwo en combate."
742,15,8,"Pattini applicati alla suola delle scarpe.
Permettono di pattinare e di eseguire figure."
742,15,9,"Attaches roller skates to the bottom
of your shoes, allowing you to glide
quickly around and perform tricks."
742,15,11,"クツ底に ローラーが ついている。
地面を 滑走 したり
トリックプレイを 決めたりできる。"
743,15,1,"みずを かける どうぐ。
ふかふかのつちに うめた
きのみを すくすく そだてる。"
743,15,3,"물을 주는 도구.
푹신푹신한 땅에 심은
나무열매를 쑥쑥 키운다."
743,15,5,"Un arrosoir en forme de Nénupiot
qui aide à la croissance des Baies
plantées dans les sols meubles."
743,15,6,"Eine Gießkanne in Form von Loturzel. Gieße
gepflanzte Beeren, damit sie besser wachsen."
743,15,7,"El dulce estrella de Ciudad Luminalia. Cura los
problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
743,15,8,"Strumento per annaffiare a forma di Lotad.
Favorisce la crescita delle bacche piantate
nel terreno soffice."
743,15,9,"A watering can shaped like a Lotad.
It helps promote the healthy growth of
any Berries planted in good, soft soil."
743,15,11,"水を かける 道具。
ふかふかのつちに 埋めた
きのみを すくすく 育てる。"
744,15,1,"ミアレシティと キナンシティを
むすぶ ちょうこうそくてつどうに
いつでも のれる チケット。"
744,15,3,"미르시티와 기남시티를 잇는
초고속철도를 언제든지
탈 수 있는 티켓."
744,15,5,"Un abonnement à vie à la ligne de TMV qui relie
Illumis à Batisques."
744,15,6,"Mit dieser Fahrkarte kannst du jederzeit den
Hochgeschwindigkeitszug nehmen, der zwischen
Illumina City und Batika City verkehrt."
744,15,8,"Biglietto che permette di salire liberamente
sul treno a megavelocità che collega
Luminopoli e Batikopoli."
744,15,9,"A commuter pass that allows the
holder to ride the TMV between Lumiose
City and Kiloude City at any time."
744,15,11,"ミアレシティと キナンシティを
結ぶ 超高速鉄道に
いつでも 乗れる チケット。"
745,15,1,"しぜんの ちからで こうげきする。
つかう ばしょで
でてくる わざが へんかする。"
745,15,3,"자연의 힘으로 공격한다.
사용하는 장소에 따라
나오는 기술이 변화한다."
745,15,5,"Une attaque qui tire sa force de la nature.
Son type varie selon le terrain."
745,15,6,"Angriff mit der Kraft der Natur, dessen Typ
vom Ort abhängt, wo er durchgeführt wird."
745,15,7,"Especialidad de Ciudad Yantra. Cura los
problemas de estado de un Pokémon."
745,15,8,"Mossa che fa uso della forza della natura.
Il suo effetto varia in base allambiente."
745,15,9,"An attack that makes use of natures
power. Its effects vary depending on
the users environment."
745,15,11,"自然の 力で 攻撃する。
使う 場所で
でてくる 技が 変化する。"
746,15,1,"からだから あくいに
みちた おそろしい オーラを はっする。
あいてを ひるませる ことが ある。"
746,15,3,"몸에서 악의로 가득한
무서운 오라를 발한다.
상대를 풀죽게 만들 때가 있다."
746,15,5,"Le lanceur dégage une horrible aura chargée
didées noires. Peut aussi apeurer lennemi."
746,15,6,"Anwender greift mit fürchterlicher Aura schlechter
Gedanken an. Ziel schreckt eventuell zurück."
746,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon prehistórico terrestre.
Parece ser parte de una mandíbula."
746,15,8,"Chi la usa emana unaura impregnata di oscuri
pensieri. Può anche far tentennare il Pokémon
746,15,9,"The user releases a horrible aura
imbued with dark thoughts. This
may also make the target flinch."
746,15,11,"体から 悪意に みちた
恐ろしい オーラを 発する。
相手を ひるませることが ある。"
747,15,1,"くりかえし うつことで
だんだん こぶしが かたくなる。
あいてに あてると こうげきが あがる。"
747,15,3,"반복해서 쓰면
점점 주먹이 단단해진다.
상대에게 맞히면 공격이 올라간다."
747,15,5,"À force de frapper, les poings deviennent plus
durs. Augmente lAttaque du lanceur si lennemi
est touché."
747,15,6,"Durch wiederholtes Zuschlagen werden die
Fäuste des Anwenders allmählich härter.
Trifft er den Gegner, steigt sein Angriffs-Wert."
747,15,7,"Fósil de un Pokémon prehistórico terrestre.
Parece la impresión de una aleta."
747,15,8,"Rende i pugni più duri a ogni colpo inferto.
Se i pugni vanno a segno, aumenta lAttacco."
747,15,9,"Striking opponents over and over
makes the users fists harder.
Hitting a target raises the Attack stat."
747,15,11,"くり返し 打つことで
だんだん こぶしが 固くなる。
相手に あてると 攻撃が あがる。"
748,15,1,"きょうりょくな ひかりを はなち
あいてに ダメージを あたえる。
748,15,3,"강력한 빛을 쏴서
상대에게 데미지를 준다."
748,15,5,"Libère une puissante décharge lumineuse qui
inflige des dégâts à lennemi."
748,15,6,"Angriff mit einem starken Lichtstrahl, der dem
Gegner Schaden zufügt."
748,15,7,"Boleto hecho a mano por Handsome, decorado
con una generosa cantidad de purpurina."
748,15,8,"Emette una luce potentissima che infligge danni
al bersaglio."
748,15,9,"The user damages opposing Pokémon
by emitting a powerful flash."
748,15,11,"強力な 光を 放ち
相手に ダメージを 与える。
749,15,1,"ないしょばなしを することで あいての
しゅうちゅうりょくを うしなわせ
あいての とくこうを さげる。"
749,15,3,"비밀 이야기를 함으로써
상대의 집중력을 잃게 하여
특수공격을 떨어뜨린다."
749,15,5,"Dévoile des secrets à lennemi qui perd sa
concentration et voit son Attaque Spéciale
749,15,6,"Der Anwender vertraut dem Ziel ein Geheimnis an.
Dadurch stört er dessen Konzentration und senkt
dessen Spezial-Angriff."
749,15,7,"Bicicleta plegable con la que se va más rápido
que corriendo."
749,15,8,"Chi la usa svela dei segreti al bersaglio,
distraendolo e riducendone lAttacco Speciale."
749,15,9,"The user tells the target a secret, and
the target loses its ability to concentrate.
This lowers the targets Sp. Atk stat."
749,15,11,"ないしょばなしを することで 相手の
集中力を 失わせ
相手の 特攻を さげる。"