2011-04-17 20:55:57 -07:00

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"""Media accessors
Most media accessor __init__s take an ORM object from the pokedex package.
Their various methods take a number of arguments specifying exactly which
file you want (such as the female sprite, backsprite, etc.).
ValueError is raised when the specified file cannot be found.
The accessors use fallbacks: for example Bulbasaur's males and females look the
same, so if you request Bulbasaur's female sprite, it will give you the common
image. Or for a Pokemon without individual form sprites, you will get the
common base sprite. Or for versions witout shiny Pokemon, you will always
get the non-shiny version (that's how shiny Pokemon looked there!).
However arguments such as `animated` don't use fallbacks.
You can set `strict` to True to disable these fallbacks and cause ValueError
to be raised when the exact specific file you asked for is not found. This is
useful for listing non-duplicate sprites, for example.
Use keyword arguments when calling the media-getting methods, unless noted
The returned "file" objects have useful attributes like relative_path,
path, and open().
All images are in the PNG format, except animations (GIF). All sounds are OGGs.
import os
import pkg_resources
class MediaFile(object):
"""Represents a file: picture, sound, etc.
relative_path: Filesystem path relative to the media directory
path: Absolute path to the file
exists: True if the file exists
open(): Open the file
def __init__(self, *path_elements):
self.path_elements = path_elements
self._dexpath = '/'.join(('data', 'media') + path_elements)
def relative_path(self):
return os.path.join(*self.path_elements)
def path(self):
return pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', self._dexpath)
def open(self):
"""Open this file for reading, in the appropriate mode (i.e. binary)
return open(self.path, 'rb')
def exists(self):
return pkg_resources.resource_exists('pokedex', self._dexpath)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.path != other.path
def __str__(self):
return '<Pokedex file %s>' % self.relative_path
class BaseMedia(object):
def from_path_elements(self, path_elements, basename, extension,
filename = basename + extension
path_elements = [self.toplevel_dir] + path_elements + [filename]
mfile = MediaFile(*path_elements)
if surely_exists or mfile.exists:
return mfile
raise ValueError('File %s not found' % mfile.relative_path)
class _BasePokemonMedia(BaseMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'pokemon'
has_gender_differences = False
form = None
introduced_in = 0
# Info about of what's inside the pokemon main sprite directories, so we
# don't have to check directory existence all the time.
_pokemon_sprite_info = {
'red-blue': (1, set('back gray'.split())),
'red-green': (1, set('back gray'.split())),
'yellow': (1, set('back gray gbc'.split())),
'gold': (2, set('back shiny'.split())),
'silver': (2, set('back shiny'.split())),
'crystal': (2, set('animated back shiny'.split())),
'ruby-sapphire': (3, set('back shiny'.split())),
'emerald': (3, set('animated back shiny frame2'.split())),
'firered-leafgreen': (3, set('back shiny'.split())),
'diamond-pearl': (4, set('back shiny female frame2'.split())),
'platinum': (4, set('back shiny female frame2'.split())),
'heartgold-soulsilver': (4, set('back shiny female frame2'.split())),
'black-white': (5, set('back shiny female'.split())),
def __init__(self, pokemon_id, form_postfix=None):
self.pokemon_id = str(pokemon_id)
self.form_postfix = form_postfix
def _get_file(self, path_elements, extension, strict, surely_exists=False):
basename = str(self.pokemon_id)
if self.form_postfix:
fullname = basename + self.form_postfix
return self.from_path_elements(
path_elements, fullname, extension,
except ValueError:
if strict:
return self.from_path_elements(path_elements, basename, extension,
def sprite(self,
# The media directories are in this order:
"""Get a main sprite sprite for a pokemon.
Everything except version should be given as a keyword argument.
Either specify version as an ORM object, or give the version path as
a string (which is the only way to get 'red-green'). Leave the default
for the latest version.
animated: get a GIF animation (currently Crystal & Emerald only)
back: get a backsprite instead of a front one
color: can be 'color' (RGBY only) or 'gbc' (Yellow only)
shiny: get a shiny sprite. In old versions, gives a normal sprite unless
`strict` is set
female: get a female sprite instead of male. For pokemon with no sexual
dimorphism, gets the common sprite unless `strict` is set.
frame: set to 2 to get the second frame of the animation
(Emerald, DPP, and HG/SS only)
If the sprite is not found, raise a ValueError.
if isinstance(version, basestring):
version_dir = version
generation, info = self._pokemon_sprite_info[version_dir]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Version directory %s not found', version_dir)
version_dir = version.identifier
generation, info = self._pokemon_sprite_info[version_dir]
except KeyError:
version_group = version.version_group
version_dir = '-'.join(
v.identifier for v in version_group.versions)
generation, info = self._pokemon_sprite_info[version_dir]
if generation < self.introduced_in:
raise ValueError("Pokemon %s didn't exist in %s" % (
self.pokemon_id, version_dir))
path_elements = ['main-sprites', version_dir]
if animated:
if 'animated' not in info:
raise ValueError("No animated sprites for %s" % version_dir)
extension = '.gif'
extension = '.png'
if back:
if version_dir == 'emerald':
# Emerald backsprites are the same as ruby/sapphire
if strict:
raise ValueError("Emerald uses R/S backsprites")
if animated:
raise ValueError("No animated backsprites for Emerald")
path_elements[1] = version_dir = 'ruby-sapphire'
if version_dir == 'crystal' and animated:
raise ValueError("No animated backsprites for Crystal")
if color == 'gray':
if 'gray' not in info:
raise ValueError("No grayscale sprites for %s" % version_dir)
elif color == 'gbc':
if 'gbc' not in info:
raise ValueError("No GBC sprites for %s" % version_dir)
elif color:
raise ValueError("Unknown color scheme: %s" % color)
if shiny:
if 'shiny' in info:
elif strict:
raise ValueError("No shiny sprites for %s" % version_dir)
if female:
female_sprite = self.has_gender_differences
# Chimecho's female back frame 2 sprite has one hand in
# a slightly different pose, in Platinum and HGSS
# (we have duplicate sprites frame 1, for convenience)
if self.pokemon_id == '358' and back and version_dir in (
'platinum', 'heartgold-soulsilver'):
female_sprite = True
female_sprite = female_sprite and 'female' in info
if female_sprite:
elif strict:
raise ValueError(
'Pokemon %s has no gender differences' % self.pokemon_id)
if not frame or frame == 1:
elif frame == 2:
if 'frame2' in info:
path_elements.append('frame%s' % frame)
raise ValueError("No frame 2 for %s" % version_dir)
raise ValueError("Bad frame %s" % frame)
return self._get_file(path_elements, extension, strict=strict,
# Avoid a stat in the common case
surely_exists=(self.form and version_dir == 'black-white'
and not back and not female
and not self.form_postfix))
def _maybe_female(self, path_elements, female, strict):
if female:
if self.has_gender_differences:
elements = path_elements + ['female']
return self._get_file(elements, '.png', strict=strict)
except ValueError:
if strict:
elif strict:
raise ValueError(
'Pokemon %s has no gender differences' % self.pokemon_id)
return self._get_file(path_elements, '.png', strict=strict)
def icon(self, female=False, strict=False):
"""Get the Pokemon's menu icon"""
return self._maybe_female(['icons'], female, strict)
def sugimori(self, female=False, strict=False):
"""Get the Pokemon's official art, drawn by Ken Sugimori"""
return self._maybe_female(['sugimori'], female, strict)
def overworld(self,
"""Get an overworld sprite
direction: 'up', 'down', 'left', or 'right'
shiny: true for a shiny sprite
female: true for female sprite (or the common one for both M & F)
frame: 2 for the second animation frame
strict: disable fallback for `female`
path_elements = ['overworld']
if shiny:
if female:
if self.has_gender_differences:
elif strict:
raise ValueError('No female overworld sprite')
female = False
if frame and frame > 1:
path_elements.append('frame%s' % frame)
return self._get_file(path_elements, '.png', strict=strict)
except ValueError:
if female and not strict:
return self._get_file(path_elements, '.png', strict=strict)
def footprint(self, strict=False):
"""Get the Pokemon's footprint"""
return self._get_file(['footprints'], '.png', strict=strict)
def trozei(self, strict=False):
"""Get the Pokemon's animated Trozei sprite"""
return self._get_file(['trozei'], '.gif', strict=strict)
def cry(self, strict=False):
"""Get the Pokemon's cry"""
return self._get_file(['cries'], '.ogg', strict=strict)
def cropped_sprite(self, strict=False):
"""Get the Pokemon's cropped sprite"""
return self._get_file(['cropped'], '.png', strict=strict)
class PokemonFormMedia(_BasePokemonMedia):
"""Media related to a Pokemon form
def __init__(self, pokemon_form):
pokemon_id = pokemon_form.form_base_pokemon_id
if pokemon_form.identifier:
form_postfix = '-' + pokemon_form.identifier
form_postfix = None
_BasePokemonMedia.__init__(self, pokemon_id, form_postfix)
self.form = pokemon_form
pokemon = pokemon_form.form_base_pokemon
self.has_gender_differences = pokemon.has_gender_differences
self.introduced_in = pokemon.generation_id
class PokemonMedia(_BasePokemonMedia):
"""Media related to a Pokemon
def __init__(self, pokemon):
self.form = pokemon.default_form
self.has_gender_differences = (pokemon.has_gender_differences)
self.introduced_in = pokemon.generation_id
class UnknownPokemonMedia(_BasePokemonMedia):
"""Media related to the unknown Pokemon ("?")
Note that not a lot of files are available for it.
def __init__(self):
_BasePokemonMedia.__init__(self, '0')
class EggMedia(_BasePokemonMedia):
"""Media related to a pokemon egg
Note that not a lot of files are available for these.
Give a Manaphy as `pokemon` to get the Manaphy egg.
def __init__(self, pokemon=None):
if pokemon and pokemon.identifier == 'manaphy':
postfix = '-manaphy'
postfix = None
_BasePokemonMedia.__init__(self, 'egg', postfix)
class SubstituteMedia(_BasePokemonMedia):
"""Media related to the Substitute sprite
Note that not a lot of files are available for Substitute.
def __init__(self):
_BasePokemonMedia.__init__(self, 'substitute')
class _BaseItemMedia(BaseMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'items'
def underground(self, rotation=0):
"""Get the item's sprite as it appears in the Sinnoh underground
Rotation can be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
if rotation:
basename = self.identifier + '-%s' % rotation
basename = self.identifier
return self.from_path_elements(['underground'], basename, '.png')
class ItemMedia(_BaseItemMedia):
"""Media related to an item
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
self.identifier = item.identifier
def sprite(self, version=None):
"""Get the item's sprite
If version is not given, use the latest version.
identifier = self.identifier
# Handle machines
# We check the identifier, so that we don't query the machine
# information for any item.
if identifier.startswith(('tm', 'hm')):
except ValueError:
# Not really a TM/HM
machines = self.item.machines
if version:
machine = [
m for m in machines
if m.version_group == version.version_group
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("%s doesn't exist in %s" % (
identifier, version.identifier))
# They're ordered, so get the last one
machine = machines[-1]
type_identifier = machine.move.type.identifier
identifier = identifier[:2] + '-' + type_identifier
elif identifier.startswith('data-card-'):
except ValueError:
# Not a real data card???
identifier = 'data-card'
if version is not None:
generation_id =
if generation_id <= 3 and identifier == 'dowsing-mchn':
identifier = 'itemfinder'
gen = 'gen%s' % generation_id
return self.from_path_elements([gen], identifier, '.png')
except ValueError:
return self.from_path_elements([], identifier, '.png',
def underground(self, rotation=0):
"""Get the item's sprite as it appears in the Sinnoh underground
Rotation can be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
if not self.item.appears_underground:
raise ValueError("%s doesn't appear underground" % self.identifier)
return super(ItemMedia, self).underground(rotation=rotation)
def berry_image(self):
"""Get a berry's big sprite
if not self.item.berry:
raise ValueError("%s is not a berry" % self.identifier)
return self.from_path_elements(['berries'], self.identifier, '.png')
class UndergroundRockMedia(_BaseItemMedia):
"""Media related to a rock in the Sinnoh underground
rock_type can be one of: i, ii, o, o-big, s, t, z
def __init__(self, rock_type):
self.identifier = 'rock-%s' % rock_type
class UndergroundSphereMedia(_BaseItemMedia):
"""Media related to a sphere in the Sinnoh underground
color can be one of: red, blue, green, pale, prism
def __init__(self, color, big=False):
self.identifier = '%s-sphere' % color
if big:
self.identifier += '-big'
class _SimpleIconMedia(BaseMedia):
def __init__(self, thing):
self.identifier = thing.identifier
def icon(self):
return self.from_path_elements([], self.identifier, '.png')
class DamageClassMedia(_SimpleIconMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'damage-classes'
class HabitatMedia(_SimpleIconMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'habitats'
class ShapeMedia(_SimpleIconMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'shapes'
class ItemPocketMedia(_SimpleIconMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'item-pockets'
def icon(self, selected=False):
if selected:
return self.from_path_elements(
['selected'], self.identifier, '.png')
return self.from_path_elements([], self.identifier, '.png')
class _LanguageIconMedia(_SimpleIconMedia):
def icon(self, lang='en'):
return self.from_path_elements([lang], self.identifier, '.png')
class ContestTypeMedia(_LanguageIconMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'contest-types'
class TypeMedia(_LanguageIconMedia):
toplevel_dir = 'types'
''' XXX: No accessors for: