rluzuriaga 17f36243bc Fix pokedex dump -l argument error (#295)
pokedex/ -
  create_parser() -
    Change the help message for the langs argument in the dump subparser
    to show the actual default and state that the 'all' and 'none' codes
    cannot be used alongside other codes.

  command_dump() -
    Check if 'all' or 'none' codes are passed alongside other codes. If
    they are, error message is printed and program ends.

pokedex/db/ -
  dump() -
    Add check if langs code is 'all' or 'none'.
    If langs wasn't passed to the parser or 'all' was passed (they are
    the same since the default is 'all'), then everything will get
    dumped to the csv files.
    If 'none' was passed to the parser, then nothing new should be
    dumped to the csv files.

pokexed/.travis.yml -
    Re-added 'pokedex dump -l all' that was previously remove on

Resolves: #295
2020-03-31 20:02:06 -07:00

17 lines
285 B

os: linux
language: python
- "2.7"
- "3.4"
- "3.5"
- "3.6"
- "3.7"
- "pypy"
- "pypy3"
install: pip install -e .
before_script: pokedex setup -v
- py.test
- pokedex dump -l all
- git --no-pager diff --exit-code pokedex/data/csv/