2011-08-30 23:05:22 +03:00

234 lines
8 KiB

# encoding: utf8
u"""Implements the markup used for description and effect text in the database.
The language used is a variation of Markdown and Markdown Extra. There are
docs for each at and respectively.
Pokédex links are represented with the syntax `[label]{category:identifier}`,
e.g., `[Eevee]{pokemon:eevee}`. The label can (and should) be left out, in
which case it is replaced by the name of the thing linked to.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
import markdown
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import object_session
class MarkdownString(object):
"""Wraps a Markdown string.
Use unicode() and __html__ for text and HTML representations.
The as_text() and as_html() functions do the same, but accept optional
arguments that may affect the rendering.
The `source_text` property holds the original text.
init args:
`source_text`: the text in Markdown syntax
`session`: A DB session used for looking up linked objects
`language`: The language the string is in. If None, the session default
is used.
default_link_extension = None
def __init__(self, source_text, session, language):
self.source_text = source_text
self.session = session
self.language = language
def __unicode__(self):
return self.as_text()
def __str__(self):
return self.as_text().encode()
def __html__(self):
return self.as_html()
def as_html(self, object_url=None, identifier_url=None, make_link=None):
"""Returns the string as HTML.
If given, the optional arguments will be used instead of those in the
session's pokedex_link_maker. See MarkdownLinkMaker for documentation.
extension = self.session.pokedex_link_maker.get_extension(
md = markdown.Markdown(
extensions=['extra', extension],
return md.convert(self.source_text)
def as_text(self):
"""Returns the string in a plaintext-friendly form.
Currently there are no tunable parameters
# Since Markdown is pretty readable by itself, we just have to replace
# the links by their text.
# XXX: The tables get unaligned
link_maker = MarkdownLinkMaker(self.session)
pattern = PokedexLinkPattern(link_maker, self.language)
regex = '()%s()' % pattern.regex
def handleMatch(m):
return pattern.handleMatch(m).text
return re.sub(regex, handleMatch, self.source_text)
def _markdownify_effect_text(move, effect_text, language=None):
session = object_session(move)
if effect_text is None:
return effect_text
effect_text = effect_text.replace(
return MarkdownString(effect_text, session, language)
class MoveEffectProperty(object):
"""Property that wraps move effects. Used like this:
MoveClass.effect = MoveEffectProperty('effect')
some_move.effect # returns a MarkdownString
some_move.effect.as_html # returns a chunk of HTML
This class also performs simple substitution on the effect, replacing
`$effect_chance` with the move's actual effect chance.
Use `MoveEffectPropertyMap` for dict-like association proxies.
def __init__(self, effect_column):
self.effect_column = effect_column
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
prop = getattr(obj.move_effect, self.effect_column)
return _markdownify_effect_text(obj, prop)
class MoveEffectPropertyMap(MoveEffectProperty):
"""Similar to `MoveEffectProperty`, but works on dict-like association
def __get__(self, obj, cls):
prop = getattr(obj.move_effect, self.effect_column)
newdict = dict(prop)
for key in newdict:
newdict[key] = _markdownify_effect_text(obj, newdict[key], key)
return newdict
class PokedexLinkPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
"""Matches [label]{category:target}.
Handles matches using factory
regex = ur'(?x) \[ ([^]]*) \] \{ ([-a-z0-9]+) : ([-a-z0-9]+) \}'
def __init__(self, factory, string_language, game_language=None):
markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern.__init__(self, self.regex)
self.factory = factory
self.session = factory.session
self.string_language = string_language
self.game_language = game_language
def handleMatch(self, m):
from pokedex.db import tables, util
start, label, category, target, end = m.groups()
table = dict(
except KeyError:
obj = name = target
url = self.factory.identifier_url(category, obj)
session = self.session
obj = util.get(self.session, table, target)
url = self.factory.object_url(category, obj)
url = url or self.factory.identifier_url(category, obj.identifier)
name = None
# Translations can be incomplete; in which case we want to use a
# fallback.
if table in [tables.Type]:
# Type wants to be localized to the same language as the text
name = obj.name_map.get(self.string_language)
if not name and self.game_language:
name = obj.name_map.get(self.game_language)
if not name:
name =
if url:
el = self.factory.make_link(category, obj, url, label or name)
el = markdown.etree.Element('span')
el.text = markdown.AtomicString(label or name)
return el
class MarkdownLinkMaker(object):
"""Creates Markdown extensions for handling links for the given session.
There are two ways to customize the link handling: either override the
*_url methods in a subclass, or give them as arguments to get_extension
(or MarkdownString.as_html).
def __init__(self, session=None):
self.session = session
def get_extension(self, language=None, object_url=None, identifier_url=None,
"""Get a Markdown extension that handles links using the given language.
link_maker = self
class LinkExtension(markdown.Extension):
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
self.identifier_url = identifier_url or link_maker.identifier_url
self.object_url = object_url or link_maker.object_url
self.make_link = make_link or link_maker.make_link
self.session = link_maker.session
pattern = PokedexLinkPattern(self, language)
md.inlinePatterns['pokedex-link'] = pattern
return LinkExtension()
def make_link(self, category, obj, url, text):
"""Make an <a> element
Override this to set custom attributes, e.g. title.
el = markdown.etree.Element('a')
el.set('href', url)
el.text = markdown.AtomicString(text)
return el
def identifier_url(self, category, identifier):
"""Return the URL for the given {category:identifier} link
For ORM objects, object_url is tried first
Returns None by default, which causes <span> to be used in place of <a>
return None
def object_url(self, category, obj):
"""Return the URL for the ORM object obj
Returns None by default, which causes identifier_url to be used
return None