Jonathan Rubin 17c71e6240 gift-pokemon: Gen III
Both the new and the reboots
2018-09-19 13:58:07 -04:00

148 lines
6.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python2
This is an unmaintained one-shot script, only included in the repo for
from pokedex.db import connect, identifier_from_name
from pokedex.db.tables import Encounter, EncounterSlot, LocationArea
from pokedex.db.tables import EncounterMethod, Location, Pokemon, Version
session = connect()
def get_version(name):
return session.query(Version).filter_by(identifier=identifier_from_name(name)).one()
def gift_data():
R = get_version(u'red')
B = get_version(u'blue')
Y = get_version(u'yellow')
G = get_version(u'gold')
S = get_version(u'silver')
C = get_version(u'crystal')
RU = get_version(u'ruby')
SA = get_version(u'sapphire')
EM = get_version(u'emerald')
FR = get_version(u'firered')
LG = get_version(u'leafgreen')
return [
# Gen I
[ u'bulbasaur', [ R, B ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'charmander', [ R, B ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'squirtle', [ R, B ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'pikachu', [ Y ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'bulbasaur', [ Y ], 10, u'cerulean-city' ],
[ u'charmander', [ Y ], 10, u'kanto-route-24' ],
[ u'squirtle', [ Y ], 10, u'vermilion-city' ],
[ u'aerodactyl', [ R, B, Y ], 30, u'pewter-city', u'museum-of-science' ],
[ u'magikarp', [ R, B, Y ], 5, u'kanto-route-4', u'pokemon-center' ],
[ u'omanyte', [ R, B, Y ], 30, u'mt-moon', u'b2f' ],
[ u'kabuto', [ R, B, Y ], 30, u'mt-moon', u'b2f' ],
[ u'hitmonlee', [ R, B, Y ], 30, u'saffron-city', u'fighting-dojo' ],
[ u'hitmonchan', [ R, B, Y ], 30, u'saffron-city', u'fighting-dojo' ],
[ u'eevee', [ R, B, Y ], 25, u'celadon-city', u'celadon-mansion' ],
[ u'lapras', [ R, B, Y ], 15, u'saffron-city', u'silph-co-7f' ],
# Gen II
[ u'chikorita', [ G, S, C ], 5, u'new-bark-town' ],
[ u'cyndaquil', [ G, S, C ], 5, u'new-bark-town' ],
[ u'totodile', [ G, S, C ], 5, u'new-bark-town' ],
[ u'togepi', [ G, S, C ], 0, u'violet-city' ],
[ u'pichu', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'cleffa', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'igglybuff', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'tyrogue', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'smoochum', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'elekid', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'magby', [ C ], 0, u'johto-route-34' ],
[ u'spearow', [ G, S, C ], 10, u'goldenrod-city', u'north-gate' ],
[ u'eevee', [ G, S, C ], 20, u'goldenrod-city' ],
[ u'shuckle', [ G, S, C ], 15, u'cianwood-city' ],
[ u'dratini', [ C ], 15, u'dragons-den' ],
[ u'tyrogue', [ G, S, C ], 10, u'mt-mortar', u'b1f' ],
# Gen III
[ u'treecko', [ RU, SA, EM ], 5, u'hoenn-route-101' ],
[ u'torchic', [ RU, SA, EM ], 5, u'hoenn-route-101' ],
[ u'mudkip' , [ RU, SA, EM ], 5, u'hoenn-route-101' ],
[ u'wynaut', [ RU, SA, EM ], 0, u'lavaridge-town' ],
[ u'castform', [ RU, SA, EM ], 25, u'hoenn-route-119', u'weather-center' ],
[ u'beldum', [ RU, SA, EM ], 5, u'mossdeep-city', u'stevens-house' ],
[ u'chikorita', [ EM ], 5, u'littleroot-town' ],
[ u'cyndaquil', [ EM ], 5, u'littleroot-town' ],
[ u'totodile', [ EM ], 5, u'littleroot-town' ],
[ u'bulbasaur', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'charmander', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'squirtle', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'pallet-town' ],
[ u'aerodactyl', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'pewter-city', u'museum-of-science' ],
[ u'magikarp', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'kanto-route-4', u'pokemon-center' ],
[ u'omanyte', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'mt-moon', u'b2f' ],
[ u'kabuto', [ FR, LG ], 5, u'mt-moon', u'b2f' ],
[ u'hitmonlee', [ FR, LG ], 25, u'saffron-city', u'fighting-dojo' ],
[ u'hitmonchan', [ FR, LG ], 25, u'saffron-city', u'fighting-dojo' ],
[ u'eevee', [ FR, LG ], 25, u'celadon-city', u'celadon-mansion' ],
[ u'lapras', [ FR, LG ], 25, u'saffron-city', u'silph-co-7f' ],
[ u'togepi', [ FR, LG ], 0, u'water-labyrinth' ],
gift_method = session.query(EncounterMethod).filter_by(identifier=u'gift').one()
for gift_data in gift_data():
pokemon_name = identifier_from_name(gift_data[0])
versions = gift_data[1]
level = identifier_from_name(str(gift_data[2]))
location_name = identifier_from_name(gift_data[3])
area_name = None
if len(gift_data) > 4:
area_name = identifier_from_name(gift_data[4])
pokemon = session.query(Pokemon ).filter_by(identifier=pokemon_name ).one()
location = session.query(Location ).filter_by(identifier=location_name ).one()
location_area = session.query(LocationArea).filter_by(identifier=area_name,
# Some of these don't exist yet
if not location_area:
location_area = LocationArea(
location_id =,
game_index = 0, # cause who knows what this means
identifier = area_name
for version in versions:
encounter_slot = session.query(EncounterSlot).filter_by(
version_group_id = version.version_group_id,
encounter_method_id =
if not encounter_slot:
encounter_slot = EncounterSlot(
version_group_id = version.version_group_id,
encounter_method_id =,
# No priority over or under other events/conditions
slot = None,
# Rarity is meaningless for gifts
rarity = None,
encounter_info = {
'min_level': level,
'max_level': level
encounter = session.query(Encounter).filter_by(**encounter_info).first()
if not encounter:
encounter = Encounter(**encounter_info)