# encoding: utf8 """Provides `romanize()` for romanizing simple Japanese text. Also provides available romanizers in a dictionary keyed by language identifier. """ class Romanizer(object): def __init__(self, parent=None, **tables): """Create a Romanizer parent: A LookupTables to base this one on tables: Dicts that become the object's attributes. If a parent is given, its tables are used, and updated with the given ones """ self.parent = parent if parent: self.tables = parent.tables for name, table in tables.items(): # Take a copy -- don't want to clobber the parent's tables self.tables[name] = dict(self.tables[name]) self.tables[name].update(table) else: self.tables = tables for name, table in self.tables.items(): setattr(self, name, table) def romanize(self, string): """Convert a string of kana to roomaji.""" vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y'] characters = [] last_kana = None # Used for ー; っ or ッ; ん or ン last_char = None # Used for small kana combos for char in string: # Full-width Latin if 0xff01 <= ord(char) <= 0xff5e: if last_kana == 'sokuon': raise ValueError("Sokuon cannot precede Latin characters.") # XXX Real Unicode decomposition would be nicer char = chr(ord(char) - 0xff01 + 0x21) characters.append(char) last_kana = None # Small vowel kana elif char in self.roomaji_small_kana: combo = last_char + char if combo in self.roomaji_small_kana_combos: characters[-1] = self.roomaji_small_kana_combos[combo] else: # If we don't know what it is... act dumb and treat it as a # full-size vowel. Better than bailing, and seems to occur a # lot, e.g. ピィ is "pii" characters.append(self.roomaji_small_kana[char]) last_kana = self.roomaji_small_kana[char] # Youon elif char in self.roomaji_youon: if not last_kana or last_kana[-1] != 'i' or last_kana == 'i': raise ValueError("Youon must follow an -i sound.") # Drop the -i and append the ya/yu/yo sound new_sound = self.roomaji_youon[char] if last_kana in self.y_drop: # Strip the y- new_char = self.y_drop[last_kana] + new_sound[1:] else: new_char = last_kana[:-1] + new_sound characters[-1] = new_char last_kana = new_char # Sokuon elif char in (u'っ', u'ッ'): # Remember it and double the consonant next time around last_kana = 'sokuon' # Extended vowel or n elif char == u'ー': if last_kana[-1] not in vowels: raise ValueError(u"'ー' must follow by a vowel.") if last_kana[-1] in self.lengthened_vowels: characters[-1] = characters[-1][:-1] characters.append(self.lengthened_vowels[last_kana[-1]]) else: characters.append(last_kana[-1]) last_kana = None # Regular ol' kana elif char in self.roomaji_kana: kana = self.roomaji_kana[char] if last_kana == 'sokuon': if kana[0] in vowels: raise ValueError("Sokuon cannot precede a vowel.") characters.append(kana[0]) elif last_kana == 'n' and kana[0] in vowels: characters.append("'") # Special characters fo doubled kana if kana[0] in self.lengthened_vowels and characters and kana == characters[-1][-1]: kana = self.lengthened_vowels[kana[0]] characters[-1] = characters[-1][:-1] characters.append(kana) last_kana = kana # Not Japanese? else: if last_kana == 'sokuon': raise ValueError("Sokuon must be followed by another kana.") characters.append(char) last_kana = None last_char = char if last_kana == 'sokuon': raise ValueError("Sokuon cannot be the last character.") return u''.join(characters) romanizers = dict() romanizers['en'] = Romanizer( roomaji_kana={ # Hiragana u'あ': 'a', u'い': 'i', u'う': 'u', u'え': 'e', u'お': 'o', u'か': 'ka', u'き': 'ki', u'く': 'ku', u'け': 'ke', u'こ': 'ko', u'さ': 'sa', u'し': 'shi', u'す': 'su', u'せ': 'se', u'そ': 'so', u'た': 'ta', u'ち': 'chi', u'つ': 'tsu', u'て': 'te', u'と': 'to', u'な': 'na', u'に': 'ni', u'ぬ': 'nu', u'ね': 'ne', u'の': 'no', u'は': 'ha', u'ひ': 'hi', u'ふ': 'fu', u'へ': 'he', u'ほ': 'ho', u'ま': 'ma', u'み': 'mi', u'む': 'mu', u'め': 'me', u'も': 'mo', u'や': 'ya', u'ゆ': 'yu', u'よ': 'yo', u'ら': 'ra', u'り': 'ri', u'る': 'ru', u'れ': 're', u'ろ': 'ro', u'わ': 'wa', u'ゐ': 'wi', u'ゑ': 'we', u'を': 'wo', u'ん': 'n', u'が': 'ga', u'ぎ': 'gi', u'ぐ': 'gu', u'げ': 'ge', u'ご': 'go', u'ざ': 'za', u'じ': 'ji', u'ず': 'zu', u'ぜ': 'ze', u'ぞ': 'zo', u'だ': 'da', u'ぢ': 'ji', u'づ': 'dzu', u'で': 'de', u'ど': 'do', u'ば': 'ba', u'び': 'bi', u'ぶ': 'bu', u'べ': 'be', u'ぼ': 'bo', u'ぱ': 'pa', u'ぴ': 'pi', u'ぷ': 'pu', u'ぺ': 'pe', u'ぽ': 'po', # Katakana u'ア': 'a', u'イ': 'i', u'ウ': 'u', u'エ': 'e', u'オ': 'o', u'カ': 'ka', u'キ': 'ki', u'ク': 'ku', u'ケ': 'ke', u'コ': 'ko', u'サ': 'sa', u'シ': 'shi', u'ス': 'su', u'セ': 'se', u'ソ': 'so', u'タ': 'ta', u'チ': 'chi', u'ツ': 'tsu', u'テ': 'te', u'ト': 'to', u'ナ': 'na', u'ニ': 'ni', u'ヌ': 'nu', u'ネ': 'ne', u'ノ': 'no', u'ハ': 'ha', u'ヒ': 'hi', u'フ': 'fu', u'ヘ': 'he', u'ホ': 'ho', u'マ': 'ma', u'ミ': 'mi', u'ム': 'mu', u'メ': 'me', u'モ': 'mo', u'ヤ': 'ya', u'ユ': 'yu', u'ヨ': 'yo', u'ラ': 'ra', u'リ': 'ri', u'ル': 'ru', u'レ': 're', u'ロ': 'ro', u'ワ': 'wa', u'ヰ': 'wi', u'ヱ': 'we', u'ヲ': 'wo', u'ン': 'n', u'ガ': 'ga', u'ギ': 'gi', u'グ': 'gu', u'ゲ': 'ge', u'ゴ': 'go', u'ザ': 'za', u'ジ': 'ji', u'ズ': 'zu', u'ゼ': 'ze', u'ゾ': 'zo', u'ダ': 'da', u'ヂ': 'ji', u'ヅ': 'dzu', u'デ': 'de', u'ド': 'do', u'バ': 'ba', u'ビ': 'bi', u'ブ': 'bu', u'ベ': 'be', u'ボ': 'bo', u'パ': 'pa', u'ピ': 'pi', u'プ': 'pu', u'ペ': 'pe', u'ポ': 'po', u'ヴ': 'vu', }, roomaji_youon={ # Hiragana u'ゃ': 'ya', u'ゅ': 'yu', u'ょ': 'yo', # Katakana u'ャ': 'ya', u'ュ': 'yu', u'ョ': 'yo', }, # XXX If romanize() ever handles hiragana, it will need to make sure that the # preceding character was a katakana # This does not include every small kana combination, but should include every # one used in a Pokémon name. An exhaustive list would be.. very long roomaji_small_kana={ u'ァ': 'a', u'ィ': 'i', u'ゥ': 'u', u'ェ': 'e', u'ォ': 'o', }, roomaji_small_kana_combos={ # These are, by the way, fairly arbitrary. "shi xi" to mean "sy" is # particularly weird, but it seems to be what GF intends # Simple vowel replacement u'ウィ': 'wi', u'ウゥ': 'wu', u'ウェ': 'we', u'ウォ': 'wo', u'ヴァ': 'va', u'ヴィ': 'vi', u'ヴェ': 've', u'ヴォ': 'vo', u'チェ': 'che', u'シェ': 'she', u'ジェ': 'je', u'テァ': 'tha', u'ティ': 'ti', u'テゥ': 'thu', u'テェ': 'tye', u'テォ': 'tho', u'デァ': 'dha', u'ディ': 'di', u'デゥ': 'dhu', u'デェ': 'dye', u'デォ': 'dho', u'ファ': 'fa', u'フィ': 'fi', u'ホゥ': 'hu', u'フェ': 'fe', u'フォ': 'fo', # Not so much u'シィ': 'sy', u'ミィ': 'my', u'ビィ': 'by', u'ピィ': 'py', }, lengthened_vowels={}, y_drop={'chi': 'ch', 'shi': 'sh', 'ji': 'j'}, ) romanizers['cs'] = Romanizer(parent=romanizers['en'], roomaji_kana={ u'し': u'ši', u'ち': u'či', u'つ': u'cu', u'や': u'ja', u'ゆ': u'ju', u'よ': u'jo', u'じ': u'dži', u'ぢ': u'dži', u'シ': u'ši', u'チ': u'či', u'ツ': u'cu', u'ヤ': u'ja', u'ユ': u'ju', u'ヨ': 'jo', u'ジ': u'dži', u'ヂ': u'dži', }, roomaji_youon={ u'ゃ': 'ja', u'ゅ': 'ju', u'ょ': 'jo', u'ャ': 'ja', u'ュ': 'ju', u'ョ': 'jo', }, roomaji_small_kana_combos={ u'チェ': u'če', u'シェ': u'še', u'ジェ': u'dže', u'テェ': u'tje', u'デェ': u'dje', u'シィ': u'sí', u'ミィ': u'mí', u'ビィ': u'bí', u'ピィ': u'pí', }, lengthened_vowels={'a': u'á', 'e': u'é', 'i': u'í', 'o': u'ó', 'u': u'ú'}, y_drop={u'či': u'č', u'ši': u'š', u'dži': u'dž', u'ni': u'ňj'}, ) def romanize(string, lang='en'): """Convert a string of kana to roomaji.""" # Get the correct romanizer; fall back to English romanizer = romanizers.get(lang, 'en') # Romanize away! return romanizer.romanize(string)