The pokédex tables ================== .. module:: pokedex.db.tables The :mod:`pokedex.db.tables` module defines all of the tables in the Pokédex. They are all defined with SQLAlchemy's :mod:`~sqlalchemy.ext.declarative` extension. To introspect the tables programmatically, you can use the following: .. data:: mapped_classes A list of all the classes you see below. .. data:: metadata The SQLAlchemy :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` containing all the tables. Each of the classes has a ``translation_classes`` attribute: a potentially empty list of translation classes. See :mod:`pokedex.db.multilang` for how these work. Many tables have these columns: - **id**: An integer primary key. Sometimes it's semantically meaningful, most often it isn't. - **identifier**: A string identifier of the class, and the preferred way to access individual items. - **name**: A name (uses the multilang functionality) Pokémon ------- .. dex-table:: PokemonSpecies .. dex-table:: Pokemon .. dex-table:: PokemonForm .. dex-table:: EvolutionChain .. dex-table:: PokemonEvolution Moves ----- .. dex-table:: Move .. dex-table:: MoveEffect .. dex-table:: MoveMeta Items ----- .. dex-table:: Item .. dex-table:: Berry Types ----- .. dex-table:: Type Abilities --------- .. dex-table:: Ability Language -------- .. dex-table:: Language Version stuff ------------- .. dex-table:: Generation .. dex-table:: VersionGroup .. dex-table:: Version .. dex-table:: Pokedex .. dex-table:: Region Encounters ---------- .. dex-table:: Location .. dex-table:: LocationArea .. dex-table:: LocationAreaEncounterRate .. dex-table:: Encounter .. dex-table:: EncounterCondition .. dex-table:: EncounterConditionValue .. dex-table:: EncounterMethod .. dex-table:: EncounterSlot Contests -------- .. dex-table:: ContestCombo .. dex-table:: ContestEffect .. dex-table:: SuperContestCombo .. dex-table:: SuperContestEffect Enum tables ----------- .. dex-table:: BerryFirmness .. dex-table:: ContestType .. dex-table:: EggGroup .. dex-table:: EvolutionTrigger .. dex-table:: GrowthRate .. dex-table:: ItemCategory .. dex-table:: ItemFlingEffect .. dex-table:: ItemPocket .. dex-table:: MoveBattleStyle .. dex-table:: MoveDamageClass .. dex-table:: MoveMetaAilment .. dex-table:: MoveMetaCategory .. dex-table:: MoveTarget .. dex-table:: Nature .. dex-table:: PokemonColor .. dex-table:: PokemonMoveMethod .. dex-table:: PokemonShape .. dex-table:: Stat Changelogs ---------- .. dex-table:: AbilityChangelog .. dex-table:: MoveEffectChangelog .. dex-table:: MoveChangelog Flavor text ----------- .. dex-table:: ItemFlavorText .. dex-table:: AbilityFlavorText .. dex-table:: MoveFlavorText .. dex-table:: PokemonSpeciesFlavorText Association tables ------------------ .. dex-table:: BerryFlavor .. dex-table:: EncounterConditionValueMap .. dex-table:: ItemFlag .. dex-table:: ItemFlagMap .. dex-table:: Machine .. dex-table:: MoveFlag .. dex-table:: MoveFlagMap .. dex-table:: MoveMetaStatChange .. dex-table:: NatureBattleStylePreference .. dex-table:: NaturePokeathlonStat .. dex-table:: PokeathlonStat .. dex-table:: PokemonAbility .. dex-table:: PokemonEggGroup .. dex-table:: PokemonFormPokeathlonStat .. dex-table:: PokemonHabitat .. dex-table:: PokemonMove .. dex-table:: PokemonStat .. dex-table:: PokemonItem .. dex-table:: PokemonType .. dex-table:: TypeEfficacy .. dex-table:: VersionGroupRegion Index maps ---------- .. dex-table:: ItemGameIndex .. dex-table:: LocationGameIndex .. dex-table:: PokemonDexNumber .. dex-table:: PokemonGameIndex Mics tables ----------- .. dex-table:: Experience .. dex-table:: StatHint