"""CSV to database or vice versa.""" import csv import fnmatch import os.path import sys import sqlalchemy.sql.util import sqlalchemy.types from hashlib import md5 import pokedex from pokedex.db import metadata, tables, translations from pokedex.defaults import get_default_csv_dir from pokedex.db.dependencies import find_dependent_tables def _get_table_names(metadata, patterns): """Returns a list of table names from the given metadata. If `patterns` exists, only tables matching one of the patterns will be returned. """ if patterns: table_names = set() for pattern in patterns: if '.' in pattern or '/' in pattern: # If it looks like a filename, pull out just the table name _, filename = os.path.split(pattern) table_name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) pattern = table_name table_names.update(fnmatch.filter(metadata.tables.keys(), pattern)) else: table_names = metadata.tables.keys() return list(table_names) def _get_verbose_prints(verbose): """If `verbose` is true, returns three functions: one for printing a starting message, one for printing an interim status update, and one for printing a success or failure message when finished. If `verbose` is false, returns no-op functions. """ if not verbose: # Return dummies def dummy(*args, **kwargs): pass return dummy, dummy, dummy ### Okay, verbose == True; print stuff def print_start(thing): # Truncate to 66 characters, leaving 10 characters for a success # or failure message truncated_thing = thing[:66] # Also, space-pad to keep the cursor in a known column num_spaces = 66 - len(truncated_thing) print "%s...%s" % (truncated_thing, ' ' * num_spaces), sys.stdout.flush() if sys.stdout.isatty(): # stdout is a terminal; stupid backspace tricks are OK. # Don't use print, because it always adds magical spaces, which # makes backspace accounting harder backspaces = [0] def print_status(msg): # Overwrite any status text with spaces before printing sys.stdout.write('\b' * backspaces[0]) sys.stdout.write(' ' * backspaces[0]) sys.stdout.write('\b' * backspaces[0]) sys.stdout.write(msg) sys.stdout.flush() backspaces[0] = len(msg) def print_done(msg='ok'): # Overwrite any status text with spaces before printing sys.stdout.write('\b' * backspaces[0]) sys.stdout.write(' ' * backspaces[0]) sys.stdout.write('\b' * backspaces[0]) sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n") sys.stdout.flush() backspaces[0] = 0 else: # stdout is a file (or something); don't bother with status at all def print_status(msg): pass def print_done(msg='ok'): print msg return print_start, print_status, print_done def load(session, tables=[], directory=None, drop_tables=False, verbose=False, safe=True, recursive=True, langs=None): """Load data from CSV files into the given database session. Tables are created automatically. `session` SQLAlchemy session to use. `tables` List of tables to load. If omitted, all tables are loaded. `directory` Directory the CSV files reside in. Defaults to the `pokedex` data directory. `drop_tables` If set to True, existing `pokedex`-related tables will be dropped. `verbose` If set to True, status messages will be printed to stdout. `safe` If set to False, load can be faster, but can corrupt the database if it crashes or is interrupted. `recursive` If set to True, load all dependent tables too. `langs` List of identifiers of extra language to load, or None to load them all """ # First take care of verbosity print_start, print_status, print_done = _get_verbose_prints(verbose) if directory is None: directory = get_default_csv_dir() # XXX why isn't this done in command_load table_names = _get_table_names(metadata, tables) table_objs = [metadata.tables[name] for name in table_names] # Oracle fixery again, load doesn't know we modified the schema # flag for oracle stuff oranames = (session.connection().dialect.name == 'oracle') if oranames: # Prepare a dictionary to match old<->new names oradict = {} # Shorten table names, Oracle limits table and column names to 30 chars for table in table_objs: table._orginal_name = table.name[:] oradict[table.name]=table._orginal_name if len(table._orginal_name) > 30: for letter in ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']: table.name=table.name.replace(letter,'') oradict[table.name]=table._orginal_name if recursive: table_objs.extend(find_dependent_tables(table_objs)) table_objs = sqlalchemy.sql.util.sort_tables(table_objs) # SQLite speed tweaks if not safe and session.connection().dialect.name == 'sqlite': session.connection().execute("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF") session.connection().execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF") # Drop all tables if requested if drop_tables: bind = session.get_bind() print_start('Dropping tables') for n, table in enumerate(reversed(table_objs)): table.drop(checkfirst=True) # Drop columns' types if appropriate; needed for enums in # postgresql for column in table.c: try: drop = column.type.drop except AttributeError: pass else: drop(bind=bind, checkfirst=True) print_status('%s/%s' % (n, len(table_objs))) print_done() print_start('Creating tables') for n, table in enumerate(table_objs): table.create() print_status('%s/%s' % (n, len(table_objs))) print_done() connection = session.connection() # Okay, run through the tables and actually load the data now for table_obj in table_objs: table_name = table_obj.name insert_stmt = table_obj.insert() print_start(table_name) try: csvpath = "%s/%s.csv" % (directory, table_name) # In oracle mode, use the original names instead of current if oranames: csvpath = "%s/%s.csv" % (directory, oradict[table_name]) csvfile = open(csvpath, 'rb') except IOError: # File doesn't exist; don't load anything! print_done('missing?') continue csvsize = os.stat(csvpath).st_size reader = csv.reader(csvfile, lineterminator='\n') column_names = [unicode(column) for column in reader.next()] if not safe and session.connection().dialect.name == 'postgresql': """ Postgres' CSV dialect works with our data, if we mark the not-null columns with FORCE NOT NULL. COPY is only allowed for DB superusers. If you're not one, use safe loading (pokedex load -S). """ session.commit() not_null_cols = [c for c in column_names if not table_obj.c[c].nullable] if not_null_cols: force_not_null = 'FORCE NOT NULL ' + ','.join('"%s"' % c for c in not_null_cols) else: force_not_null = '' command = "COPY %(table_name)s (%(columns)s) FROM '%(csvpath)s' CSV HEADER %(force_not_null)s" session.connection().execute( command % dict( table_name=table_name, csvpath=csvpath, columns=','.join('"%s"' % c for c in column_names), force_not_null=force_not_null, ) ) session.commit() print_done() continue # Self-referential tables may contain rows with foreign keys of other # rows in the same table that do not yet exist. Pull these out and add # them to the session last # ASSUMPTION: Self-referential tables have a single PK called "id" deferred_rows = [] # ( row referring to id, [foreign ids we need] ) seen_ids = set() # primary keys we've seen # Fetch foreign key columns that point at this table, if any self_ref_columns = [] for column in table_obj.c: if any(x.references(table_obj) for x in column.foreign_keys): self_ref_columns.append(column) new_rows = [] def insert_and_commit(): if not new_rows: return session.connection().execute(insert_stmt, new_rows) session.commit() new_rows[:] = [] progress = "%d%%" % (100 * csvfile.tell() // csvsize) print_status(progress) for csvs in reader: row_data = {} for column_name, value in zip(column_names, csvs): column = table_obj.c[column_name] # Oracle treats empty strings as NULL if not column.nullable and value == '' and oranames: value = ' ' if column.nullable and value == '': # Empty string in a nullable column really means NULL value = None elif isinstance(column.type, sqlalchemy.types.Boolean): # Boolean values are stored as string values 0/1, but both # of those evaluate as true; SQLA wants True/False if value == '0': value = False else: value = True else: # Otherwise, unflatten from bytes value = value.decode('utf-8') # nb: Dictionaries flattened with ** have to have string keys row_data[ str(column_name) ] = value # May need to stash this row and add it later if it refers to a # later row in this table if self_ref_columns: foreign_ids = set(row_data[x.name] for x in self_ref_columns) foreign_ids.discard(None) # remove NULL ids if not foreign_ids: # NULL key. Remember this row and add as usual. seen_ids.add(row_data['id']) elif foreign_ids.issubset(seen_ids): # Non-NULL key we've already seen. Remember it and commit # so we know the old row exists when we add the new one insert_and_commit() seen_ids.add(row_data['id']) else: # Non-NULL future id. Save this and insert it later! deferred_rows.append((row_data, foreign_ids)) continue # Insert row! new_rows.append(row_data) # Remembering some zillion rows in the session consumes a lot of # RAM. Let's not do that. Commit every 1000 rows if len(new_rows) >= 1000: insert_and_commit() insert_and_commit() # Attempt to add any spare rows we've collected for row_data, foreign_ids in deferred_rows: if not foreign_ids.issubset(seen_ids): # Could happen if row A refers to B which refers to C. # This is ridiculous and doesn't happen in my data so far raise ValueError("Too many levels of self-reference! " "Row was: " + str(row)) session.connection().execute( insert_stmt.values(**row_data) ) seen_ids.add(row_data['id']) session.commit() print_done() print_start('Translations') transl = translations.Translations(csv_directory=directory) new_row_count = 0 for translation_class, rows in transl.get_load_data(langs): table_obj = translation_class.__table__ if table_obj in table_objs: insert_stmt = table_obj.insert() session.connection().execute(insert_stmt, rows) session.commit() # We don't have a total, but at least show some increasing number new_row_count += len(rows) print_status(str(new_row_count)) print_done() # SQLite check if session.connection().dialect.name == 'sqlite': session.connection().execute("PRAGMA integrity_check") def dump(session, tables=[], directory=None, verbose=False, langs=['en']): """Dumps the contents of a database to a set of CSV files. Probably not useful to anyone besides a developer. `session` SQLAlchemy session to use. `tables` List of tables to dump. If omitted, all tables are dumped. `directory` Directory the CSV files should be put in. Defaults to the `pokedex` data directory. `verbose` If set to True, status messages will be printed to stdout. `langs` List of identifiers of languages to dump unofficial texts for """ # First take care of verbosity print_start, print_status, print_done = _get_verbose_prints(verbose) languages = dict((l.id, l) for l in session.query(pokedex.db.tables.Language)) if not directory: directory = get_default_csv_dir() table_names = _get_table_names(metadata, tables) table_names.sort() for table_name in table_names: print_start(table_name) table = metadata.tables[table_name] writer = csv.writer(open("%s/%s.csv" % (directory, table_name), 'wb'), lineterminator='\n') columns = [col.name for col in table.columns] # For name tables, dump rows for official languages, as well as # for those in `langs`. # For other translation tables, only dump rows for languages in `langs` # For non-translation tables, dump all rows. if 'local_language_id' in columns: if any(col.info.get('official') for col in table.columns): def include_row(row): return (languages[row.local_language_id].official or languages[row.local_language_id].identifier in langs) else: def include_row(row): return languages[row.local_language_id].identifier in langs else: def include_row(row): return True writer.writerow(columns) primary_key = table.primary_key for row in session.query(table).order_by(*primary_key).all(): if include_row(row): csvs = [] for col in columns: # Convert Pythony values to something more universal val = getattr(row, col) if val == None: val = '' elif val == True: val = '1' elif val == False: val = '0' else: val = unicode(val).encode('utf-8') csvs.append(val) writer.writerow(csvs) print_done()