id,identifier,name,description 1,contact,Makes contact,"User touches the target. This triggers some abilities (e.g., [Static]{ability}) and items (e.g., [Sticky Barb]{item})." 2,protect,Blocked by Detect and Protect,This move will not work if the target has used [Detect]{move} or [Protect]{move} this turn. 3,reflect,Reflectable with Magic Coat,This move will be reflected back at the user if the target has used [Magic Coat]{move} this turn. 4,snatch,Snatchable,This move will be stolen if another Pokémon has used [Snatch]{move} this turn. 5,mirror,Copied by Mirror Move,A Pokémon targeted by this move can use [Mirror Move]{move} to copy it. 6,flinch,Flinches with King's Rock,A held [King's Rock]{item} gives this move an 11.7% chance to make the target [flinch]{mechanic}.