#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # this is an unmaintained one-shot script, provided for reference only # it may not work or do what you expected # # Usage: rename-home.py src -o dest # Renames sprites from src dir to dest dir. # files in src dir should be named as in the HOME unity3d assets. # files in dest dir will be named according to veekun conventions. form_names = { 25: ["", "original-cap", "hoenn-cap", "sinnoh-cap", "unova-cap", "kalos-cap", "alola-cap", "partner-cap", "partner"], 133: ["", "partner"], 201: ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "exclamation", "question"], 351: ["", "sunny", "rainy", "snowy"], 382: ["", "primal"], 383: ["", "primal"], 386: ["normal", "attack", "defense", "speed"], 412: ["plant", "sandy", "trash"], 413: ["plant", "sandy", "trash"], 421: ["overcast", "sunshine"], 422: ["west", "east"], 423: ["west", "east"], 479: ["", "heat", "wash", "frost", "fan", "mow"], 487: ["altered", "origin"], 492: ["land", "sky"], 493: ["normal", "fighting", "flying", "poison", "ground", "rock", "bug", "ghost", "steel", "fire", "water", "grass", "electric", "psychic", "ice", "dragon", "dark", "fairy"], 550: ["red-striped", "blue-striped"], 555: ["standard", "zen", "standard-galar", "zen-galar"], 585: ["spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"], 586: ["spring", "summer", "autumn", "winter"], 592: ["male", "female"], 593: ["male", "female"], 641: ["incarnate", "therian"], 642: ["incarnate", "therian"], 645: ["incarnate", "therian"], 646: ["", "white", "black"], 647: ["ordinary", "resolute"], 648: ["aria", "pirouette"], 649: ["", "douse", "shock", "burn", "chill"], 658: ["", "battle-bond", "ash"], 666: ["icy-snow", "polar", "tundra", "continental", "garden", "elegant", "meadow", "modern", "marine", "archipelago", "high-plains", "sandstorm", "river", "monsoon", "savanna", "sun", "ocean", "jungle", "fancy", "poke-ball"], 669: ["red", "yellow", "orange", "blue", "white"], 670: ["red", "yellow", "orange", "blue", "white", "eternal"], 671: ["red", "yellow", "orange", "blue", "white"], 676: ["", "heart", "star", "diamond", "debutante", "matron", "dandy", "la-reine", "kabuki", "pharaoh"], 678: ["male", "female"], 681: ["shield", "blade"], 710: ["average", "small", "large", "super"], 711: ["average", "small", "large", "super"], 716: ["neutral", "active"], 718: ["", '10', '10-power-construct', '50-power-construct', 'complete'], 720: ["", "unbound"], 741: ('baile', 'pom-pom', 'pau', 'sensu'), 744: ('', 'own-tempo'), 745: ('midday', 'midnight', 'dusk'), 746: ('solo', 'school'), 773: ('normal', 'fighting', 'flying', 'poison', 'ground', 'rock', 'bug', 'ghost', 'steel', 'fire', 'water', 'grass', 'electric', 'psychic', 'ice', 'dragon', 'dark', 'fairy',), 774: ('red-meteor', 'orange-meteor', 'yellow-meteor', 'green-meteor', 'blue-meteor', 'indigo-meteor', 'violet-meteor', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet',), 778: ('disguised', 'busted', 'totem-disguised', 'totem-busted'), 800: ["", "dusk", "dawn", "ultra"], 801: ("", 'original'), 845: ["", "gulping", "gorging"], 849: ["amped", "low-key"], 854: ["phony", "antique"], 855: ["phony", "antique"], 869: ["vanilla-cream", "ruby-cream", "matcha-cream", "mint-cream", "lemon-cream", "salted-cream", "ruby-swirl", "caramel-swirl", "rainbow-swirl"], 875: ["ice", "noice"], 876: ["male", "female"], 877: ["full-belly", "hangry"], 888: ["", "crowned-sword"], 889: ["", "crowned-shield"], 890: ["", "eternamax"], 892: ["single-strike", "rapid-strike"], 19: ["", "alola"], 20: ["", "alola", "totem-alola"], 26: ["", "alola"], 27: ["", "alola"], 28: ["", "alola"], 37: ["", "alola"], 38: ["", "alola"], 50: ["", "alola"], 51: ["", "alola"], 52: ["", "alola", "galar"], 53: ["", "alola"], 74: ["", "alola"], 75: ["", "alola"], 76: ["", "alola"], 88: ["", "alola"], 89: ["", "alola"], 103: ["", "alola"], 105: ["", "alola", "totem"], 735: ["", "totem"], 738: ["", "totem"], 743: ["", "totem"], 752: ["", "totem"], 754: ["", "totem"], 758: ["", "totem"], 777: ["", "totem"], 784: ["", "totem"], 77: ["", "galar"], 78: ["", "galar"], 79: ["", "galar"], 80: ["", "mega", "galar"], 83: ["", "galar"], 110: ["", "galar"], 122: ["", "galar"], 222: ["", "galar"], 263: ["", "galar"], 264: ["", "galar"], 554: ["", "galar"], 562: ["", "galar"], 618: ["", "galar"], 3: ["", "mega"], 6: ["", "mega-x", "mega-y"], 9: ["", "mega"], 15: ["", "mega"], 18: ["", "mega"], 65: ["", "mega"], 94: ["", "mega"], 115: ["", "mega"], 127: ["", "mega"], 130: ["", "mega"], 142: ["", "mega"], 150: ["", "mega-x", "mega-y"], 181: ["", "mega"], 208: ["", "mega"], 212: ["", "mega"], 214: ["", "mega"], 229: ["", "mega"], 248: ["", "mega"], 254: ["", "mega"], 257: ["", "mega"], 260: ["", "mega"], 282: ["", "mega"], 302: ["", "mega"], 303: ["", "mega"], 306: ["", "mega"], 308: ["", "mega"], 310: ["", "mega"], 319: ["", "mega"], 323: ["", "mega"], 334: ["", "mega"], 354: ["", "mega"], 359: ["", "mega"], 362: ["", "mega"], 373: ["", "mega"], 376: ["", "mega"], 380: ["", "mega"], 381: ["", "mega"], 384: ["", "mega"], 428: ["", "mega"], 475: ["", "mega"], 445: ["", "mega"], 448: ["", "mega"], 460: ["", "mega"], 531: ["", "mega"], 719: ["", "mega"], } sweets = ["strawberry", "berry", "love", "star", "clover", "flower", "ribbon"] import os import sys import re import argparse import shutil parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('src') parser.add_argument('-o', dest='dest') args = parser.parse_args() fn_re = re.compile("cap(?P<n>[0-9]{4})_f(?P<form>..)_s(?P<sex>.)(?:_128)?(?P<shiny>_r)?(?P<back>_b)?(?:_(?P<extra>[0-9]))?\.") seen = set() for file in sorted(os.listdir(args.src)): m = fn_re.match(file) if m is None: print("WARNING: unmatched file", file, file=sys.stderr) continue n = int(m.group('n')) form = int(m.group('form')) if n in (414, 664, 665) and form > 0: # 414 mothim - three identical forms # 664 scatterbug - identical forms # 665 spewpa - identical forms continue # 892 urshifu - form 81 = gigantamax single strike, form 82 = gigantamax rapid strike if n == 892: if form == 81: form_name = 'gigantamax-single-strike' elif form == 82: form_name = 'gigantamax-rapid-strike' else: form_name = form_names[n][form] # form 81 = gigantamax elif form == 81: form_name = 'gigantamax' else: try: form_name = form_names[n][form] except (KeyError, IndexError): form_name = "" if form > 0 and not form_name: print("WARNING: no form name for", file, file=sys.stderr) print("INFO:", m.group('n'), m.group('form'), m.group('sex'), m.group('back') or 'front', m.group('shiny') or 'normal', m.group('extra')or'', file=sys.stderr) continue dirs = [] if m.group('back'): dirs += ['back'] if m.group('shiny'): dirs += ['shiny'] if m.group('sex') == '1': dirs += ['female'] # 869 alcremie: its form determines the type of cream, and extra determines the sweet if n == 869: if form == 81: # gigantamax pass elif m.group('shiny'): # shiny alcremie uses the same sprites for all flavors form_name = sweets[int(m.group('extra'))] else: form_name = sweets[int(m.group('extra'))] + "-" + form_name else: if m.group('extra'): print("WARNING: unhandled extra on", file, file=sys.stderr) if form_name: new_name = "{}-{}.png".format(n, form_name) elif n == 0: new_name = "egg.png" else: new_name = "{}.png".format(n) if dirs: new_name = '/'.join(dirs) + '/' + new_name if new_name in seen: print("WARNING: duplicate file", new_name, file=sys.stderr) seen.add(new_name) if args.dest: if dirs: os.makedirs('/'.join([args.dest] + dirs), exist_ok=True) destfile = os.path.join(args.dest, new_name) if os.path.exists(destfile): print("ERROR: refusing to overwrite", destfile, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(args.src, file), destfile) else: print("cp", file.ljust(25), new_name)