#!/usr/bin/env python """Quick, dirty script that will convert a csv file to yaml, spawn an editor for you to fiddle with it, then convert back to csv and replace the original file. Run me as: $0 some_file.csv [other_file.csv ...] The editor used is $EDITOR, of course. This script is not guaranteed to be even remotely reliable, so consider only using it on files in source control. """ import codecs import csv import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import shlex try: import yaml except ImportError: sys.stderr.write("Please install PyYAML.\n") sys.exit(13) # Try to use ordered dicts, so the YAML keys are in database table order odict = dict # fall back to regular dict try: from collections import OrderedDict as odict except ImportError: try: # This is a library for 2.4-2.6 from ordereddict import OrderedDict as odict except ImportError: pass # Tell PyYAML how to dump our ordered dict. # The items() is to avoid the sorting the library does automatically. # Needs to be added to SafeDumper manually, because we use safe_dump below, and # every Representer class has its own independent goddamn dict of these things from yaml.dumper import SafeDumper yaml.add_representer( odict, lambda dumper, data: dumper.represent_dict(data.items()), Dumper=SafeDumper, ) ### Do actual work! infilenames = sys.argv[1:] all_data = [] for infilename in infilenames: data = [] with open(infilename) as infile: reader = csv.reader(infile, lineterminator='\n') column_names = [unicode(column) for column in next(reader)] # Read data... for row in reader: datum = odict() for col, value in zip(column_names, row): # Skip empty values if value: datum[col] = value.decode('utf-8') try: # Numbers to numbers if unicode(int(value)) == value: datum[col] = int(value) except ValueError: pass data.append(datum) file_info = odict(( ('name', infilename), ('column_names', column_names), ('rows', data), )) all_data.append(file_info) # Monkeypatch yaml to use > syntax for multiline text; easier to edit from yaml.emitter import Emitter orig_choose_scalar_style = Emitter.choose_scalar_style def new_choose_scalar_style(self): if self.analysis is None: self.analysis = self.analyze_scalar(self.event.value) if self.analysis.multiline or len(self.analysis.scalar) > 80: return '>' return orig_choose_scalar_style(self) Emitter.choose_scalar_style = new_choose_scalar_style # Write to a tempfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yml') as tmp: yaml.safe_dump(all_data, tmp, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, indent=4, ) del data # reclaim rams! error_line = '' # used on errors while True: editor = shlex.split(os.environ['EDITOR']) args = editor + [tmp.name] if 'vim' in editor[0]: # vim has an arg for jumping to a line: args.append("+{0}".format(error_line)) elif 'kate' in editor[0]: # so does kate! args.append("-l {0}".format(error_line)) # Run the user's editor and wait for it to close subprocess.Popen(args).wait() tmp.seek(0) try: all_new_data = yaml.safe_load(tmp) break except yaml.YAMLError as e: if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'): error_line = e.problem_mark.line + 1 else: error_line = '' print print "Oh my god what have you done:" print print str(e) print print "Press Enter to try again, or I guess ctrl-c to bail." raw_input() for dct in all_new_data: filename = dct['name'] new_data = dct['rows'] column_names = dct['column_names'] with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile, lineterminator='\n') writer.writerow([ column.encode('utf8') for column in column_names ]) for datum in new_data: writer.writerow([ unicode(datum.get(column, '')).encode('utf-8') for column in column_names ])