# encoding: utf8 import sys from .db import connect, metadata def main(): if len(sys.argv) <= 1: help() command = sys.argv[1] args = sys.argv[2:] # Find the command as a function in this file func = globals().get(command, None) if func and callable(func) and command != 'main': func(*args) else: help() def csvimport(engine_uri, dir='.'): import csv from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import instrumentation_registry session = connect(engine_uri) metadata.create_all() # Oh, mysql-chan. # TODO try to insert data in preorder so we don't need this hack and won't # break similarly on other engines if 'mysql' in engine_uri: session.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0') # This is a secret attribute on a secret singleton of a secret class that # appears to hopefully contain all registered classes as keys. # There is no other way to accomplish this, as far as I can tell. # Fuck. for table in sorted(instrumentation_registry.manager_finders.keys(), key=lambda self: self.__table__.name): table_name = table.__table__.name print table_name reader = csv.reader(open("%s/%s.csv" % (dir, table_name), 'rb'), lineterminator='\n') columns = [unicode(column) for column in reader.next()] for csvs in reader: row = table() for column, value in zip(columns, csvs): value = value.decode('utf-8') setattr(row, column, value) session.add(row) session.commit() # Shouldn't matter since this is usually the end of the program and thus # the connection too, but let's change this back just in case if 'mysql' in engine_uri: session.execute('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1') def csvexport(engine_uri, dir='.'): import csv session = connect(engine_uri) for table_name in sorted(metadata.tables.keys()): print table_name table = metadata.tables[table_name] writer = csv.writer(open("%s/%s.csv" % (dir, table_name), 'wb'), lineterminator='\n') columns = [col.name for col in table.columns] writer.writerow(columns) for row in session.query(table).all(): csvs = [] for col in columns: # Convert Pythony values to something more universal val = getattr(row, col) if val == None: val = '' elif val == True: val = '1' elif val == False: val = '0' else: val = unicode(val).encode('utf-8') csvs.append(val) writer.writerow(csvs) def help(): print u"""pokedex -- a command-line Pokédex interface help Displays this message. These commands are only useful for developers: csvimport {uri} [dir] Import data from a set of CSVs to the database given by the URI. csvexport {uri} [dir] Export data from the database given by the URI to a set of CSVs. Directory defaults to cwd. """ sys.exit(0)