#!/usr/bin/env python2 """Dump /arc/ppark.narc. This is an unmaintained one-shot script, only included in the repo for reference. """ import sys from struct import pack, unpack import binascii import pokedex.db from pokedex.db.tables import PalPark types = [ '', 'grass', 'fire', 'water', 'bug', 'normal', 'poison', 'electric', 'ground', 'fighting', 'psychic', 'rock', 'ghost', 'ice', 'steel', 'dragon', 'dark', 'flying', ] areas = { 1: 'forest', 2: 'mountain', 3: 'field', 0x200: 'pond', 0x400: 'sea', } session = pokedex.db.connect()() with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f: f.seek(0x3C) for i in range(0xb8e // 6): data = f.read(6) area, score, rate, t1, t2 = unpack("