from struct import Struct max_pokemon = 507 # As usual, I'm just going to dump SQL print('begin;') # Delete the previous tutor data, except for the special tutors that aren't # stored as flags print("""delete from pokemon_moves where version_group_id in (9, 10) and pokemon_move_method_id=3 and move_id not in (select id from moves where identifier in ('blast-burn', 'hydro-cannon', 'frenzy-plant', 'draco-meteor')); """) # A template for inserting a pokemon_moves record. No internal Pokémon indices # change between Pt and HG/SS, so we'll just use Pt's. insert_template = """insert into pokemon_moves (pokemon_id, version_group_id, move_id, pokemon_move_method_id, level, "order") values ( (select pokemon_id from pokemon_game_indices where game_index={pokemon} and version_id=14), {version_group}, {move}, 3, 0, null ); """ # PLATINUM move_struct = Struct(' 493: pokemon += 2 for n, move in enumerate(moves): if n % 8 == 0: flag_byte, = if flag_byte & 1: print(insert_template.format( pokemon=pokemon, version_group=9, move=move )) flag_byte >>= 1 # HEARTGOLD move_struct = Struct(' 493: pokemon += 2 flags, = flag_struct.unpack( for n, move in enumerate(moves): if flags & 1: print(insert_template.format( pokemon=pokemon, version_group=10, move=move )) flags >>= 1 # Duplicate moves for the Castforms print(""" insert into pokemon_moves (pokemon_id, version_group_id, move_id, pokemon_move_method_id, level, "order") select, pm.version_group_id, pm.move_id, 3, 0, null from pokemon_moves pm join pokemon p on pm.pokemon_id=p.species_id and p.is_default=False where p.species_id=351 and pm.pokemon_move_method_id=3 and pm.version_group_id in (9, 10); """) print('commit;')