diff --git a/pokedex/data/csv/pokemon_species_flavor_text.csv b/pokedex/data/csv/pokemon_species_flavor_text.csv index c075782..fd0baf8 100644 --- a/pokedex/data/csv/pokemon_species_flavor_text.csv +++ b/pokedex/data/csv/pokemon_species_flavor_text.csv @@ -62,9 +62,15 @@ steadily larger as its body grows." 1,16,9,"It carries a seed on its back right from birth. As it grows older, the seed also grows larger." +1,17,5,"Au matin de sa vie, la graine sur +son dos lui fournit les éléments +dont il a besoin pour grandir." 1,17,9,"For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back." +1,18,5,"Au matin de sa vie, la graine sur +son dos lui fournit les éléments +dont il a besoin pour grandir." 1,18,9,"For some time after its birth, it grows by gaining nourishment from the seed on its back." @@ -133,9 +139,15 @@ bud on its back grow larger." 2,16,9,"If the bud on its back starts to smell sweet, it is evidence that the large flower will soon bloom." +2,17,5,"Lorsque le bourgeon sur son dos +éclot, il répand un doux parfum +pour célébrer sa floraison." 2,17,9,"When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower’s coming bloom." +2,18,5,"Lorsque le bourgeon sur son dos +éclot, il répand un doux parfum +pour célébrer sa floraison." 2,18,9,"When the bud on its back starts swelling, a sweet aroma wafts to indicate the flower’s coming bloom." @@ -202,9 +214,15 @@ rays, it fills its body with power." 3,16,9,"It is able to convert sunlight into energy. As a result, it is more powerful in the summertime." +3,17,5,"Le parfum de sa fleur se fait plus +pénétrant les lendemains de pluie. +Cela appâte les autres Pokémon." 3,17,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon." +3,18,5,"Le parfum de sa fleur se fait plus +pénétrant les lendemains de pluie. +Cela appâte les autres Pokémon." 3,18,9,"After a rainy day, the flower on its back smells stronger. The scent attracts other Pokémon." @@ -271,9 +289,15 @@ the flame also burns weakly." 4,16,9,"The flame on its tail indicates CHARMANDER’s life force. If it is healthy, the flame burns brightly." +4,17,5,"La flamme de sa queue symbolise sa +vitalité. Elle est intense quand il +est en bonne santé." 4,17,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If healthy, its tail burns intensely." +4,18,5,"La flamme de sa queue symbolise sa +vitalité. Elle est intense quand il +est en bonne santé." 4,18,9,"The fire on the tip of its tail is a measure of its life. If healthy, its tail burns intensely." @@ -342,9 +366,15 @@ It calms down only when it wins." 5,16,9,"It has a barbaric nature. In battle, it whips its fiery tail around and slashes away with sharp claws." +5,17,5,"La nuit, la queue ardente du Reptincel +brille comme une étoile dans son +repaire montagneux." 5,17,9,"In the rocky mountains where Charmeleon live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars." +5,18,5,"La nuit, la queue ardente du Reptincel +brille comme une étoile dans son +repaire montagneux." 5,18,9,"In the rocky mountains where Charmeleon live, their fiery tails shine at night like stars." @@ -413,9 +443,15 @@ up in a light blue shade." 6,16,9,"Breathing intense, hot flames, it can melt almost anything. Its breath inflicts terrible pain on enemies." +6,17,5,"On raconte que la flamme du +Dracaufeu s'intensifie après +un combat difficile." 6,17,9,"It is said that Charizard’s fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles." +6,18,5,"On raconte que la flamme du +Dracaufeu s'intensifie après +un combat difficile." 6,18,9,"It is said that Charizard’s fire burns hotter if it has experienced harsh battles." @@ -484,9 +520,15 @@ prodding fingers will bounce off it." 7,16,9,"The shell, which hardens soon after it is born, is resilient. If you poke it, it will bounce back out." +7,17,5,"Il se réfugie dans sa carapace +et réplique en éclaboussant +l'ennemi à la première occasion." 7,17,9,"It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity." +7,18,5,"Il se réfugie dans sa carapace +et réplique en éclaboussant +l'ennemi à la première occasion." 7,18,9,"It shelters itself in its shell, then strikes back with spouts of water at every opportunity." @@ -555,9 +597,15 @@ that WARTORTLE is very old." 8,16,9,"It cleverly controls its furry ears and tail to maintain its balance while swimming." +8,17,5,"On prétend qu'il vit 10 000 ans. +Sa queue duveteuse est un +symbole de longévité populaire." 8,17,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity." +8,18,5,"On prétend qu'il vit 10 000 ans. +Sa queue duveteuse est un +symbole de longévité populaire." 8,18,9,"It is said to live 10,000 years. Its furry tail is popular as a symbol of longevity." @@ -626,9 +674,15 @@ of the water jets it fires." 9,16,9,"The rocket cannons on its shell fire jets of water capable of punching holes through thick steel." +9,17,5,"Les trombes d'eau projetées par +les canons de sa carapace peuvent +percer le métal le plus résistant." 9,17,9,"The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel." +9,18,5,"Les trombes d'eau projetées par +les canons de sa carapace peuvent +percer le métal le plus résistant." 9,18,9,"The jets of water it spouts from the rocket cannons on its shell can punch through thick steel." @@ -695,9 +749,15 @@ head to drive away enemies." 10,16,9,"Its feet have suction cups designed to stick to any surface. It tenaciously climbs trees to forage." +10,17,5,"Ses antennes rouges libèrent une +puanteur qui repousse l'ennemi. +Il grandit par mues régulières." 10,17,9,"It releases a stench from its red antenna to repel enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly." +10,18,5,"Ses antennes rouges libèrent une +puanteur qui repousse l'ennemi. +Il grandit par mues régulières." 10,18,9,"It releases a stench from its red antenna to repel enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly." @@ -766,9 +826,15 @@ It stays motionless in the shell." 11,16,9,"It prepares for evolution by hardening its shell as much as possible to protect its soft body." +11,17,5,"Son corps frêle est protégé par sa +carapace d'acier. Il encaisse les +coups durs en attendant d'évoluer." 11,17,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its tender body. It quietly endures hardships while awaiting evolution." +11,18,5,"Son corps frêle est protégé par sa +carapace d'acier. Il encaisse les +coups durs en attendant d'évoluer." 11,18,9,"A steel-hard shell protects its tender body. It quietly endures hardships while awaiting evolution." @@ -837,9 +903,15 @@ to carry it back to its nest." 12,16,9,"Water-repellent powder on its wings enables it to collect honey, even in the heaviest of rains." +12,17,5,"Il raffole du nectar des fleurs. Il +est capable de repérer la plus +petite quantité de pollen." 12,17,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen." +12,18,5,"Il raffole du nectar des fleurs. Il +est capable de repérer la plus +petite quantité de pollen." 12,18,9,"It loves the honey of flowers and can locate flower patches that have even tiny amounts of pollen." @@ -908,9 +980,15 @@ to warn off its enemies." 13,16,9,"It attacks using a two-inch poison barb on its head. It can usually be found under the leaves it eats." +13,17,5,"Il mange chaque jour son poids en +feuilles. Il utilise l'aiguillon sur sa +tête pour repousser l'ennemi." 13,17,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head." +13,18,5,"Il mange chaque jour son poids en +feuilles. Il utilise l'aiguillon sur sa +tête pour repousser l'ennemi." 13,18,9,"It eats its weight in leaves every day. It fends off attackers with the needle on its head." @@ -979,9 +1057,15 @@ poison barb if it is attacked." 14,16,9,"From this form, it will grow into an adult. As its body becomes softer, the external shell hardens." +14,17,5,"Il se cache sous les feuilles et les +branches pour fuir les prédateurs +en attendant d'évoluer." 14,17,9,"While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches." +14,18,5,"Il se cache sous les feuilles et les +branches pour fuir les prédateurs +en attendant d'évoluer." 14,18,9,"While awaiting evolution, it hides from predators under leaves and in nooks of branches." @@ -1048,9 +1132,15 @@ It sometimes attacks in swarms." 15,16,9,"It has three poison barbs. The barb on its tail secretes the most powerful poison." +15,17,5,"Il virevolte rapidement autour de +l'ennemi et frappe de son dard +empoisonné avant de décamper." 15,17,9,"Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off." +15,18,5,"Il virevolte rapidement autour de +l'ennemi et frappe de son dard +empoisonné avant de décamper." 15,18,9,"Its best attack involves flying around at high speed, striking with poison needles, then flying off." @@ -1117,9 +1207,15 @@ it protects itself by kicking up sand." 16,16,9,"Common in grassy areas and forests, it is very docile and will chase off enemies by flapping up sand." +16,17,5,"Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter +le combat. Toutefois, il se montre +très féroce quand on l'agresse." 16,17,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back." +16,18,5,"Ce Pokémon docile préfère éviter +le combat. Toutefois, il se montre +très féroce quand on l'agresse." 16,18,9,"It is docile and prefers to avoid conflict. If disturbed, however, it can ferociously strike back." @@ -1188,9 +1284,15 @@ the movements of its prey." 17,16,9,"It renders its prey immobile using well-developed claws, then carries the prey more than 60 miles to its nest." +17,17,5,"Il survole son vaste territoire en +quête d'une proie avant de fondre +sur elle toutes griffes en avant." 17,17,9,"It flies over its wide territory in search of prey, downing it with its highly developed claws." +17,18,5,"Il survole son vaste territoire en +quête d'une proie avant de fondre +sur elle toutes griffes en avant." 17,18,9,"It flies over its wide territory in search of prey, downing it with its highly developed claws." @@ -1259,9 +1361,15 @@ windstorm with just a few flaps." 18,16,9,"It spreads its beautiful wings wide to frighten its enemies. It can fly at Mach 2 speed." +18,17,5,"En battant des ailes de toutes ses +forces, Roucarnage génère une +rafale à en déraciner les arbres." 18,17,9,"By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees." +18,18,5,"En battant des ailes de toutes ses +forces, Roucarnage génère une +rafale à en déraciner les arbres." 18,18,9,"By flapping its wings with all its might, Pidgeot can make a gust of wind capable of bending tall trees." @@ -1328,9 +1436,15 @@ produce offspring continuously." 19,16,9,"Living wherever there is food available, it ceaselessly scavenges for edibles the entire day." +19,17,5,"D'une prudence extrême, sa nature +robuste lui permet de s'adapter à +tous les terrains." 19,17,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment." +19,18,5,"D'une prudence extrême, sa nature +robuste lui permet de s'adapter à +tous les terrains." 19,18,9,"Cautious in the extreme, its hardy vitality lets it live in any kind of environment." @@ -1397,9 +1511,15 @@ buildings by gnawing on them." 20,16,9,"Its whiskers help it to maintain balance. Its fangs never stop growing, so it gnaws to pare them down." +20,17,5,"Il grignote sans cesse pour apaiser +la poussée de ses crocs. Il peut +transpercer un mur de parpaings." 20,17,9,"It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls." +20,18,5,"Il grignote sans cesse pour apaiser +la poussée de ses crocs. Il peut +transpercer un mur de parpaings." 20,18,9,"It whittles its constantly growing fangs by gnawing on hard things. It can chew apart cinder walls." @@ -1466,9 +1586,15 @@ plucks them with its stubby beak." 21,16,9,"Very protective of its territory, it flaps its short wings busily to dart around at high speed." +21,17,5,"Il fait battre vigoureusement ses +petites ailes pour voler et cherche +à manger dans l'herbe avec le bec." 21,17,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey." +21,18,5,"Il fait battre vigoureusement ses +petites ailes pour voler et cherche +à manger dans l'herbe avec le bec." 21,18,9,"It flaps its small wings busily to fly. Using its beak, it searches in grass for prey." @@ -1537,9 +1663,15 @@ one fell swoop to strike its prey." 22,16,9,"It cleverly uses its thin, long beak to pluck and eat small insects that hide under the ground." +22,17,5,"Il a assez d'énergie pour voler +toute la journée avec ses grandes +ailes. Il frappe de son bec acéré." 22,17,9,"It has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beak." +22,18,5,"Il a assez d'énergie pour voler +toute la journée avec ses grandes +ailes. Il frappe de son bec acéré." 22,18,9,"It has the stamina to fly all day on its broad wings. It fights by using its sharp beak." @@ -1608,9 +1740,15 @@ become too heavy to move, however." 23,16,9,"It always hides in grass. When first born, it has no poison, so its bite is painful, but harmless." +23,17,5,"Il se faufile dans l'herbe sans un +bruit et frappe dans le dos quand +sa proie s'y attend le moins." 23,17,9,"It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind." +23,18,5,"Il se faufile dans l'herbe sans un +bruit et frappe dans le dos quand +sa proie s'y attend le moins." 23,18,9,"It sneaks through grass without making a sound and strikes unsuspecting prey from behind." @@ -1679,9 +1817,15 @@ and poisons the frightened victim." 24,16,9,"With a very vengeful nature, it won’t give up the chase, no matter how far, once it targets its prey." +24,17,5,"Il utilise la marque sur son ventre +pour intimider l'ennemi. Il étouffe +l'ennemi pétrifié par la peur." 24,17,9,"The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes while they are frozen in fear." +24,18,5,"Il utilise la marque sur son ventre +pour intimider l'ennemi. Il étouffe +l'ennemi pétrifié par la peur." 24,18,9,"The pattern on its belly is for intimidation. It constricts foes while they are frozen in fear." @@ -1750,9 +1894,15 @@ make them tender enough to eat." 25,16,9,"It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose." +25,17,5,"Il lui arrive de remettre d'aplomb +un Pikachu allié en lui envoyant +une décharge électrique." 25,17,9,"It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state." +25,18,5,"Il lui arrive de remettre d'aplomb +un Pikachu allié en lui envoyant +une décharge électrique." 25,18,9,"It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state." @@ -1819,9 +1969,15 @@ more aggressive than usual." 26,16,9,"If the electric pouches in its cheeks become fully charged, both ears will stand straight up." +26,17,5,"Il se protège des décharges grâce +à sa queue qui dissipe l'électricité +dans le sol." 26,17,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked." +26,18,5,"Il se protège des décharges grâce +à sa queue qui dissipe l'électricité +dans le sol." 26,18,9,"Its tail discharges electricity into the ground, protecting it from getting shocked." @@ -1888,9 +2044,15 @@ into a ball and bouncing." 27,16,9,"Disliking water, it lives in deep burrows in arid areas. It can roll itself instantly into a ball." +27,17,5,"Il vit sur des terres arides épargnées +par la pluie. Il se roule en boule pour +se protéger." 27,17,9,"To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall." +27,18,5,"Il vit sur des terres arides épargnées +par la pluie. Il se roule en boule pour +se protéger." 27,18,9,"To protect itself from attackers, it curls up into a ball. It lives in arid regions with minimal rainfall." @@ -1958,9 +2120,15 @@ kick up a blinding dust storm." 28,16,9,"If it digs at an incredible pace, it may snap off its spikes and claws. They grow back in a day." +28,17,5,"Il se met en boule pour percuter +l'ennemi. Ses épines aiguisées +font beaucoup de dégâts." 28,17,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage." +28,18,5,"Il se met en boule pour percuter +l'ennemi. Ses épines aiguisées +font beaucoup de dégâts." 28,18,9,"It curls up, then rolls into foes with its back. Its sharp spines inflict severe damage." @@ -2029,9 +2197,15 @@ scratch can have fatal results." 29,16,9,"Although not very combative, it will torment its foes with poison spikes if it is threatened in any way." +29,17,5,"Bien qu'il rechigne à se battre, une +goutte du poison sécrété par ses +piquants peut s'avérer fatale." 29,17,9,"While it does not prefer to fight, even one drop of the poison it secretes from barbs can be fatal." +29,18,5,"Bien qu'il rechigne à se battre, une +goutte du poison sécrété par ses +piquants peut s'avérer fatale." 29,18,9,"While it does not prefer to fight, even one drop of the poison it secretes from barbs can be fatal." @@ -2098,9 +2272,15 @@ spits it out for the offspring." 30,16,9,"It has a calm and caring nature. Because its horn grows slowly, it prefers not to fight." +30,17,5,"Ce Pokémon dresse ses piquants +en cas de danger. Ils poussent +moins vite que ceux de Nidorino." 30,17,9,"When it senses danger, it raises all the barbs on its body. These barbs grow slower than Nidorino’s." +30,18,5,"Ce Pokémon dresse ses piquants +en cas de danger. Ils poussent +moins vite que ceux de Nidorino." 30,18,9,"When it senses danger, it raises all the barbs on its body. These barbs grow slower than Nidorino’s." @@ -2167,9 +2347,15 @@ of shrinking from any attack." 31,16,9,"It uses its scaly, rugged body to seal the entrance of its nest and protect its young from predators." +31,17,5,"Son corps est recouvert d'écailles +solides. Il donnera sa vie pour +secourir les petits de son terrier." 31,17,9,"Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life." +31,18,5,"Son corps est recouvert d'écailles +solides. Il donnera sa vie pour +secourir les petits de son terrier." 31,18,9,"Its entire body is armored with hard scales. It will protect the young in its burrow with its life." @@ -2236,9 +2422,15 @@ with the horn to inject poison." 32,16,9,"It raises its big ears to check its surroundings. It will strike first if it senses any danger." +32,17,5,"Il jauge le terrain en laissant +ses oreilles dépasser de l'herbe. +Il se défend avec sa corne toxique." 32,17,9,"It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection." +32,18,5,"Il jauge le terrain en laissant +ses oreilles dépasser de l'herbe. +Il se défend avec sa corne toxique." 32,18,9,"It scans its surroundings by raising its ears out of the grass. Its toxic horn is for protection." @@ -2305,9 +2497,15 @@ it attacks immediately." 33,16,9,"Quick to anger, it stabs enemies with its horn to inject a powerful poison when it becomes agitated." +33,17,5,"D'un tempérament violent, il +empale l'ennemi sur sa corne +qui distille un poison puissant." 33,17,9,"It has a violent disposition and stabs foes with its horn, which oozes poison upon impact." +33,18,5,"D'un tempérament violent, il +empale l'ennemi sur sa corne +qui distille un poison puissant." 33,18,9,"It has a violent disposition and stabs foes with its horn, which oozes poison upon impact." @@ -2374,9 +2572,15 @@ charge with its sturdy body." 34,16,9,"Its tail is thick and powerful. If it binds an enemy, it can render the victim helpless quite easily." +34,17,5,"Un coup de sa puissante queue +peut briser un poteau téléphonique +comme une allumette." 34,17,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick." +34,18,5,"Un coup de sa puissante queue +peut briser un poteau téléphonique +comme une allumette." 34,18,9,"One swing of its mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it were a matchstick." @@ -2445,9 +2649,15 @@ it the ability to float in midair." 35,16,9,"Its adorable behavior and cry make it highly popular. However, this cute Pokémon is rarely found." +35,17,5,"On dit que ceux qui voient danser +un groupe de Mélofée sous la pleine +lune connaîtront un grand bonheur." 35,17,9,"It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon." +35,18,5,"On dit que ceux qui voient danser +un groupe de Mélofée sous la pleine +lune connaîtront un grand bonheur." 35,18,9,"It is said that happiness will come to those who see a gathering of Clefairy dancing under a full moon." @@ -2514,9 +2724,15 @@ It usually hides in quiet places." 36,16,9,"Its very sensitive ears let it distinguish distant sounds. As a result, it prefers quiet places." +36,17,5,"Il est très farouche et se laisse +rarement approcher. De plus, il +détecte les sons à plus d'1 km." 36,17,9,"It is very wary and rarely shows itself to people. Its ears can hear a pin drop over half a mile away." +36,18,5,"Il est très farouche et se laisse +rarement approcher. De plus, il +détecte les sons à plus d'1 km." 36,18,9,"It is very wary and rarely shows itself to people. Its ears can hear a pin drop over half a mile away." @@ -2585,9 +2801,15 @@ It is quite warm and cuddly." 37,16,9,"If it is attacked by an enemy that is stronger than itself, it feigns injury to fool the enemy and escapes." +37,17,5,"Il envoie des boules de feu. Avec +l'âge, ses six queues en forment de +nouvelles. " 37,17,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails." +37,18,5,"Il envoie des boules de feu. Avec +l'âge, ses six queues en forment de +nouvelles. " 37,18,9,"It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails." @@ -2654,9 +2876,15 @@ of special mystical power." 38,16,9,"Its nine beautiful tails are filled with a wondrous energy that could keep it alive for 1,000 years." +38,17,5,"On raconte que ses neuf queues +détiennent un pouvoir mystique. +Il peut vivre pendant mille ans." 38,17,9,"Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years." +38,18,5,"On raconte que ses neuf queues +détiennent un pouvoir mystique. +Il peut vivre pendant mille ans." 38,18,9,"Its nine tails are said to be imbued with a mystic power. It can live for a thousand years." @@ -2723,9 +2951,15 @@ sure drowsiness in its audience." 39,16,9,"Looking into its cute, round eyes causes it to sing a relaxing melody, inducing its enemies to sleep." +39,17,5,"Lorsqu'il roule ses grands yeux +ronds, il entonne une berceuse +qui endort son auditoire." 39,17,9,"When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy." +39,18,5,"Lorsqu'il roule ses grands yeux +ronds, il entonne une berceuse +qui endort son auditoire." 39,18,9,"When it wavers its big, round eyes, it begins singing a lullaby that makes everyone drowsy." @@ -2792,9 +3026,15 @@ they won’t want to be separated." 40,16,9,"It has a very fine fur. Take care not to make it angry, or it may inflate steadily and hit with a body slam." +40,17,5,"Sa fourrure est d'une douceur +incomparable au toucher. Il +peut gonfler en aspirant de l'air." 40,17,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the touch. It can expand its body by inhaling air." +40,18,5,"Sa fourrure est d'une douceur +incomparable au toucher. Il +peut gonfler en aspirant de l'air." 40,18,9,"Its fine fur feels sublime to the touch. It can expand its body by inhaling air." @@ -2861,9 +3101,13 @@ check its surroundings." 41,16,9,"Capable of flying safely in dark places, it emits ultrasonic cries to check for any obstacles." +41,17,5,"Il se repère dans l'espace grâce +aux ultrasons émis par sa gueule." 41,17,9,"It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth." +41,18,5,"Il se repère dans l'espace grâce +aux ultrasons émis par sa gueule." 41,18,9,"It checks its surroundings and location using reflections of the ultrasonic waves from its mouth." @@ -2930,9 +3174,15 @@ and gorges itself with blood." 42,16,9,"It can drink more than 10 ounces of blood at once. If it has too much, it gets heavy and flies clumsily." +42,17,5,"Ses crocs acérés et creux peuvent +pénétrer la plus épaisse des peaux +et sucer le sang de la victime." 42,17,9,"Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood." +42,18,5,"Ses crocs acérés et creux peuvent +pénétrer la plus épaisse des peaux +et sucer le sang de la victime." 42,18,9,"Its sharp fangs puncture the toughest of hides and have small holes for greedily sucking blood." @@ -3000,9 +3250,15 @@ quietly underground." 43,16,9,"If exposed to moonlight, it starts to move. It roams far and wide at night to scatter its seeds." +43,17,5,"En journée, il plante ses pieds-racines +dans le sol. La nuit, il se promène en +semant des graines." 43,17,9,"It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night." +43,18,5,"En journée, il plante ses pieds-racines +dans le sol. La nuit, il se promène en +semant des graines." 43,18,9,"It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night." @@ -3070,9 +3326,15 @@ clings stubbornly if touched." 44,16,9,"It secretes a sticky, drool-like honey. Although sweet, it smells too repulsive to get very close." +44,17,5,"L'odeur du nectar de sa bouche est +si répugnante qu'elle agresse les +narines à deux kilomètres." 44,17,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away." +44,18,5,"L'odeur du nectar de sa bouche est +si répugnante qu'elle agresse les +narines à deux kilomètres." 44,18,9,"The honey it drools from its mouth smells so atrocious, it can curl noses more than a mile away." @@ -3139,9 +3401,15 @@ out heavy clouds of toxic pollen." 45,16,9,"The bud bursts into bloom with a bang. It then starts scattering allergenic, poisonous pollen." +45,17,5,"Ses pétales sont les plus grands +du monde. Il marche en répandant +un pollen extrêmement allergène." 45,17,9,"Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen." +45,18,5,"Ses pétales sont les plus grands +du monde. Il marche en répandant +un pollen extrêmement allergène." 45,18,9,"Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen." @@ -3208,9 +3476,15 @@ mushrooms sprout from its back." 46,16,9,"As its body grows, large mushrooms named tochukaso start sprouting out of its back." +46,17,5,"Des champignons appelés “tochukaso"" +poussent sur son dos. Ils évoluent +avec le Paras hôte." 46,17,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow on its back. They grow along with the host Paras." +46,18,5,"Des champignons appelés “tochukaso"" +poussent sur son dos. Ils évoluent +avec le Paras hôte." 46,18,9,"Mushrooms named tochukaso grow on its back. They grow along with the host Paras." @@ -3277,9 +3551,15 @@ of the big mushroom on its back." 47,16,9,"The larger the mushroom on its back grows, the stronger the mushroom spores it scatters." +47,17,5,"Un champignon parasite plus gros +que Parasect contrôle son corps. +Il répand des spores empoisonnées." 47,17,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the host’s body controls Parasect. It scatters poisonous spores." +47,18,5,"Un champignon parasite plus gros +que Parasect contrôle son corps. +Il répand des spores empoisonnées." 47,18,9,"A mushroom grown larger than the host’s body controls Parasect. It scatters poisonous spores." @@ -3346,9 +3626,15 @@ bugs that hide in darkness." 48,16,9,"Poison oozes from all over its body. It catches and eats small bugs at night that are attracted by light." +48,17,5,"Ses grands yeux sont en fait des +amas d'yeux minuscules. La nuit, +il est attiré par la lumière." 48,17,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is drawn by light." +48,18,5,"Ses grands yeux sont en fait des +amas d'yeux minuscules. La nuit, +il est attiré par la lumière." 48,18,9,"Its big eyes are actually clusters of tiny eyes. At night, its kind is drawn by light." @@ -3415,9 +3701,15 @@ poisonous powder all around." 49,16,9,"The powder on its wings is poisonous if it is dark in hue. If it is light in hue, it causes paralysis." +49,17,5,"Il répand ses écailles poudreuses +en battant des ailes. Elles sont +toxiques au toucher." 49,17,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter dustlike scales. The scales leach toxins if they contact skin." +49,18,5,"Il répand ses écailles poudreuses +en battant des ailes. Elles sont +toxiques au toucher." 49,18,9,"It flutters its wings to scatter dustlike scales. The scales leach toxins if they contact skin." @@ -3486,9 +3778,15 @@ causing it to grow weak." 50,16,9,"If a DIGLETT digs through a field, it leaves the soil perfectly tilled and ideal for planting crops." +50,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit sous terre. +Habitué aux souterrains, il fuit la +lumière du jour." 50,17,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight." +50,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit sous terre. +Habitué aux souterrains, il fuit la +lumière du jour." 50,18,9,"A Pokémon that lives underground. Because of its dark habitat, it is repelled by bright sunlight." @@ -3557,9 +3855,15 @@ making it easier for it to burrow." 51,16,9,"Extremely powerful, they can dig through even the hardest ground to a depth of over 60 miles." +51,17,5,"Ses trois têtes creusent le sol à +tour de rôle. Il peut atteindre des +profondeurs de 100 kilomètres." 51,17,9,"Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles." +51,18,5,"Ses trois têtes creusent le sol à +tour de rôle. Il peut atteindre des +profondeurs de 100 kilomètres." 51,18,9,"Its three heads move alternately, driving it through tough soil to depths of over 60 miles." @@ -3626,9 +3930,15 @@ until it tires and falls asleep." 52,16,9,"It loves anything that shines. It especially adores coins that it picks up and secretly hoards." +52,17,5,"Son regard s'anime à la vue +d'un objet brillant. C'est un +Pokémon nocturne." 52,17,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny, its eyes glitter brightly." +52,18,5,"Son regard s'anime à la vue +d'un objet brillant. C'est un +Pokémon nocturne." 52,18,9,"It is nocturnal in nature. If it spots something shiny, its eyes glitter brightly." @@ -3697,9 +4007,15 @@ scratch for little reason." 53,16,9,"Its lithe muscles allow it to walk without making a sound. It attacks in an instant." +53,17,5,"Un Pokémon très snob. La taille du +joyau qui orne son front alimente +bien des débats parmi ses fans." 53,17,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk." +53,18,5,"Un Pokémon très snob. La taille du +joyau qui orne son front alimente +bien des débats parmi ses fans." 53,18,9,"A very haughty Pokémon. Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk." @@ -3768,9 +4084,15 @@ That is why it always looks puzzled." 54,16,9,"If its chronic headache peaks, it may exhibit odd powers. It seems unable to recall such an episode." +54,17,5,"Ses pouvoirs déconcertants +et mystérieux lui font subir +de constantes migraines." 54,17,9,"Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities, it suffers a constant headache. It sometimes uses mysterious powers." +54,18,5,"Ses pouvoirs déconcertants +et mystérieux lui font subir +de constantes migraines." 54,18,9,"Overwhelmed by enigmatic abilities, it suffers a constant headache. It sometimes uses mysterious powers." @@ -3837,9 +4159,15 @@ somehow begins to glow." 55,16,9,"It appears by waterways at dusk. It may use telekinetic powers if its forehead glows mysteriously." +55,17,5,"Ses membres palmés et son corps +parfaitement adapté font de lui +un nageur exceptionnel." 55,17,9,"It is seen swimming dynamically and elegantly using its well-developed limbs and flippers." +55,18,5,"Ses membres palmés et son corps +parfaitement adapté font de lui +un nageur exceptionnel." 55,18,9,"It is seen swimming dynamically and elegantly using its well-developed limbs and flippers." @@ -3908,9 +4236,15 @@ handy target for no reason." 56,16,9,"It’s unsafe to approach if it gets violently enraged for no reason and can’t distinguish friends from foes." +56,17,5,"Ils vivent en colonies sylvestres. +Quand un Férosinge s'énerve, toute +la colonie suit son exemple." 56,17,9,"It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason." +56,18,5,"Ils vivent en colonies sylvestres. +Quand un Férosinge s'énerve, toute +la colonie suit son exemple." 56,18,9,"It lives in treetop colonies. If one becomes enraged, the whole colony rampages for no reason." @@ -3977,9 +4311,15 @@ in a groggy state of semi-sleep." 57,16,9,"It becomes wildly furious if it even senses someone looking at it. It chases anyone that meets its glare." +57,17,5,"Il grogne quand on le toise, rugit +quand on s'enfuit et devient fou +de rage quand on le frappe." 57,17,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder." +57,18,5,"Il grogne quand on le toise, rugit +quand on s'enfuit et devient fou +de rage quand on le frappe." 57,18,9,"It grows angry if you see its eyes and gets angrier if you run. If you beat it, it gets even madder." @@ -4048,9 +4388,15 @@ to bigger and stronger foes." 58,16,9,"Extremely loyal, it will fearlessly bark at any opponent to protect its own Trainer from harm." +58,17,5,"Un Pokémon très loyal. Il restera +immobile jusqu'à ce que son +Dresseur lui donne un ordre." 58,17,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer." +58,18,5,"Un Pokémon très loyal. Il restera +immobile jusqu'à ce que son +Dresseur lui donne un ordre." 58,18,9,"A Pokémon with a loyal nature. It will remain motionless until it is given an order by its Trainer." @@ -4117,9 +4463,15 @@ are enchanted by its grand mane." 59,16,9,"Its magnificent bark conveys a sense of majesty. Anyone hearing it can’t help but grovel before it." +59,17,5,"Son port altier et son attitude +fière ont depuis longtemps +conquis le cœur des hommes." 59,17,9,"Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago." +59,18,5,"Son port altier et son attitude +fière ont depuis longtemps +conquis le cœur des hommes." 59,18,9,"Its proud and regal appearance has captured the hearts of people since long ago." @@ -4188,9 +4540,15 @@ swims around in water." 60,16,9,"The direction of its belly spiral differs by area. The equator is thought to have an effect on this." +60,17,5,"Sa peau est si mince qu'on voit +ses organes internes. Il tient +à peine sur ses nouveaux pieds." 60,17,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet." +60,18,5,"Sa peau est si mince qu'on voit +ses organes internes. Il tient +à peine sur ses nouveaux pieds." 60,18,9,"Its skin is so thin, its internal organs are visible. It has trouble walking on its newly grown feet." @@ -4257,9 +4615,15 @@ cause drowsiness." 61,16,9,"The skin on most of its body is moist. However, the skin on its belly spiral feels smooth." +61,17,5,"La spirale qui orne son ventre ondule +doucement. Celui qui la fixe est saisi +d'une étrange torpeur." 61,17,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness." +61,18,5,"La spirale qui orne son ventre ondule +doucement. Celui qui la fixe est saisi +d'une étrange torpeur." 61,18,9,"The spiral pattern on its belly subtly undulates. Staring at it gradually causes drowsiness." @@ -4328,9 +4692,15 @@ Pacific Ocean just by kicking." 62,16,9,"Although an energetic, skilled swimmer that uses all of its muscles, it lives on dry land." +62,17,5,"Il possède de sacrés biscoteaux. +Il peut parcourir sans relâche +l'Océan Pacifique." 62,17,9,"With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting." +62,18,5,"Il possède de sacrés biscoteaux. +Il peut parcourir sans relâche +l'Océan Pacifique." 62,18,9,"With its extremely tough muscles, it can keep swimming in the Pacific Ocean without resting." @@ -4397,9 +4767,15 @@ actual attacks can strike." 63,16,9,"If it decides to teleport randomly, it evokes the illusion that it has created copies of itself." +63,17,5,"L'utilisation de ses pouvoirs +mentaux le fatigue tellement +qu'il dort 18 heures par jour." 63,17,9,"Using its psychic power is such a strain on its brain that it needs to sleep for 18 hours a day." +63,18,5,"L'utilisation de ses pouvoirs +mentaux le fatigue tellement +qu'il dort 18 heures par jour." 63,18,9,"Using its psychic power is such a strain on its brain that it needs to sleep for 18 hours a day." @@ -4467,9 +4843,15 @@ the stronger its psychic power." 64,16,9,"If it uses its abilities, it emits special alpha waves that cause machines to malfunction." +64,17,5,"Il fixe sa cuillère d'argent afin de +concentrer son esprit et d'émettre +un maximum d'ondes alpha." 64,17,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to focus its mind. It emits more alpha waves while doing so." +64,18,5,"Il fixe sa cuillère d'argent afin de +concentrer son esprit et d'émettre +un maximum d'ondes alpha." 64,18,9,"It stares at its silver spoon to focus its mind. It emits more alpha waves while doing so." @@ -4537,9 +4919,15 @@ use its abilities to their extremes." 65,16,9,"Its brain cells multiply continually until it dies. As a result, it remembers everything." +65,17,5,"On dit que les cuillères qu'il tient +en permanence ont été créées +par la puissance de son esprit." 65,17,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands are said to have been created by its psychic powers." +65,18,5,"On dit que les cuillères qu'il tient +en permanence ont été créées +par la puissance de son esprit." 65,18,9,"The spoons clutched in its hands are said to have been created by its psychic powers." @@ -4606,9 +4994,15 @@ Doing so makes it even stronger." 66,16,9,"It loves to work out and build its muscles. It is never satisfied, even if it trains hard all day long." +66,17,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, sa force +lui permet de soulever plusieurs +Racaillou à la fois." 66,17,9,"Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of Geodude at once." +66,18,5,"Malgré sa petite taille, sa force +lui permet de soulever plusieurs +Racaillou à la fois." 66,18,9,"Though small in stature, it is powerful enough to easily heft and throw a number of Geodude at once." @@ -4676,9 +5070,15 @@ Pokémon never gets tired." 67,16,9,"The muscles covering its body teem with power. Even when still, it exudes an amazing sense of strength." +67,17,5,"Il soulève les plus lourdes charges +avec plaisir et facilité. Il donne un +coup de main tout en s'entraînant!" 67,17,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to toughen up. It willingly does hard work for people." +67,18,5,"Il soulève les plus lourdes charges +avec plaisir et facilité. Il donne un +coup de main tout en s'entraînant!" 67,18,9,"It happily carries heavy cargo to toughen up. It willingly does hard work for people." @@ -4747,9 +5147,15 @@ punches and chops from all angles." 68,16,9,"It uses its four powerful arms to pin the limbs of its foe, then throws the victim over the horizon." +68,17,5,"La puissance et la rapidité de ses +quatre bras puissants font des +ravages sur ses adversaires." 68,17,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes with powerful punches and chops at blinding speed." +68,18,5,"La puissance et la rapidité de ses +quatre bras puissants font des +ravages sur ses adversaires." 68,18,9,"Its four muscled arms slam foes with powerful punches and chops at blinding speed." @@ -4816,9 +5222,15 @@ when catching its prey." 69,16,9,"It plants its feet deep underground to replenish water. It can’t escape its enemy while it’s rooted." +69,17,5,"Il préfère les climats chauds et +humides. Ses lianes peuvent +capturer une proie en un clin d'œil." 69,17,9,"It prefers hot and humid environments. It is quick at capturing prey with its vines." +69,18,5,"Il préfère les climats chauds et +humides. Ses lianes peuvent +capturer une proie en un clin d'œil." 69,18,9,"It prefers hot and humid environments. It is quick at capturing prey with its vines." @@ -4885,9 +5297,15 @@ oozes a protective fluid." 70,16,9,"If its prey is bigger than its mouth, it slices up the victim with sharp leaves, then eats every morsel." +70,17,5,"Un Pokémon végétal. Il capture les +proies étourdies en les endormant +à l'aide d'une poudre toxique." 70,17,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a plant. It captures unwary prey by dousing them with a toxic powder." +70,18,5,"Un Pokémon végétal. Il capture les +proies étourdies en les endormant +à l'aide d'une poudre toxique." 70,18,9,"A Pokémon that appears to be a plant. It captures unwary prey by dousing them with a toxic powder." @@ -4956,9 +5374,15 @@ more effective at attracting prey." 71,16,9,"This horrifying plant Pokémon attracts prey with aromatic honey, then melts them in its mouth." +71,17,5,"Sa bouche sécrète un fluide à +l'odeur de miel, qui s'avère être +un acide extrêmement corrosif." 71,17,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honeylike scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything." +71,18,5,"Sa bouche sécrète un fluide à +l'odeur de miel, qui s'avère être +un acide extrêmement corrosif." 71,18,9,"It pools in its mouth a fluid with a honeylike scent, which is really an acid that dissolves anything." @@ -5025,9 +5449,15 @@ washed up on the shore." 72,16,9,"It drifts aimlessly in waves. Very difficult to see in water, it may not be noticed until it stings." +72,17,5,"Presque entièrement composé d'eau, +son corps a tendance à se dessécher +sur la terre ferme." 72,17,9,"Because its body is almost entirely composed of water, it shrivels up if it is washed ashore." +72,18,5,"Presque entièrement composé d'eau, +son corps a tendance à se dessécher +sur la terre ferme." 72,18,9,"Because its body is almost entirely composed of water, it shrivels up if it is washed ashore." @@ -5095,9 +5525,15 @@ constrict its prey and enemies." 73,16,9,"In battle, it extends all 80 of its tentacles to entrap its opponent inside a poisonous net." +73,17,5,"Ses 80 tentacules lui permettent +d'emprisonner ses adversaires +dans un redoutable filet venimeux." 73,17,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to form an encircling poisonous net that is difficult to escape." +73,18,5,"Ses 80 tentacules lui permettent +d'emprisonner ses adversaires +dans un redoutable filet venimeux." 73,18,9,"It extends its 80 tentacles to form an encircling poisonous net that is difficult to escape." @@ -5165,9 +5601,15 @@ there are many GEODUDE around." 74,16,9,"It uses its arms to steadily climb steep mountain paths. It swings its fists around if angered." +74,17,5,"Au repos, rien ne le distingue d'un +vulgaire caillou. Malheur à ceux qui +lui marchent dessus par mégarde!" 74,17,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock. Carelessly stepping on it will make it swing its fists angrily." +74,18,5,"Au repos, rien ne le distingue d'un +vulgaire caillou. Malheur à ceux qui +lui marchent dessus par mégarde!" 74,18,9,"At rest, it looks just like a rock. Carelessly stepping on it will make it swing its fists angrily." @@ -5235,9 +5677,15 @@ while it rolls down mountains." 75,16,9,"A slow walker, it rolls to move. It pays no attention to any object that happens to be in its path." +75,17,5,"Il dévale les montagnes pour se +déplacer. Une fois qu'il a pris tout +son élan, dur dur de l'arrêter!" 75,17,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move. Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon can stop it without difficulty." +75,18,5,"Il dévale les montagnes pour se +déplacer. Une fois qu'il a pris tout +son élan, dur dur de l'arrêter!" 75,18,9,"It rolls on mountain paths to move. Once it builds momentum, no Pokémon can stop it without difficulty." @@ -5305,9 +5753,15 @@ hardens and crumbles away." 76,16,9,"It is capable of blowing itself up. It uses this explosive force to jump from mountain to mountain." +76,17,5,"Aucun explosif ne pourrait entamer +sa carapace de pierre. Il mue une +fois par an." 76,17,9,"Even dynamite can’t harm its hard, boulderlike body. It sheds its hide just once a year." +76,18,5,"Aucun explosif ne pourrait entamer +sa carapace de pierre. Il mue une +fois par an." 76,18,9,"Even dynamite can’t harm its hard, boulderlike body. It sheds its hide just once a year." @@ -5374,9 +5828,15 @@ faster by chasing after its parents." 77,16,9,"Its hind legs, which have hooves that are harder than diamond, kick back at any presence it senses behind it." +77,17,5,"Chancelantes à la naissance, ses +pattes deviennent très vite sûres +et solides à force de galoper." 77,17,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster." +77,18,5,"Chancelantes à la naissance, ses +pattes deviennent très vite sûres +et solides à force de galoper." 77,18,9,"As a newborn, it can barely stand. However, through galloping, its legs are made tougher and faster." @@ -5443,9 +5903,15 @@ it moves so incredibly fast." 78,16,9,"With incredible acceleration, it reaches its top speed of 150 mph after running just 10 steps." +78,17,5,"Au grand galop, sa crinière de feu +disperse au vent une myriade +d'étincelles ardentes." 78,17,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its blazing mane sparkles, enhancing its beautiful appearance." +78,18,5,"Au grand galop, sa crinière de feu +disperse au vent une myriade +d'étincelles ardentes." 78,18,9,"When at an all-out gallop, its blazing mane sparkles, enhancing its beautiful appearance." @@ -5514,9 +5980,15 @@ even notice for a whole day." 79,16,9,"A sweet sap leaks from its tail’s tip. Although not nutritious, the tail is pleasant to chew on." +79,17,5,"Bien que lent, c'est un pêcheur +adroit qui utilise sa queue. Elle +est insensible aux morsures." 79,17,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at fishing with its tail. It does not feel pain if its tail is bitten." +79,18,5,"Bien que lent, c'est un pêcheur +adroit qui utilise sa queue. Elle +est insensible aux morsures." 79,18,9,"Although slow, it is skilled at fishing with its tail. It does not feel pain if its tail is bitten." @@ -5583,9 +6055,15 @@ being an ordinary SLOWPOKE." 80,16,9,"Naturally dull to begin with, it lost its ability to feel pain due to SHELLDER’s seeping poison." +80,17,5,"Ce grand benêt connaît des éclairs +de lucidité lorsque le Kokiyas de sa +queue se met à mordre." 80,17,9,"Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the Shellder on its tail bites down." +80,18,5,"Ce grand benêt connaît des éclairs +de lucidité lorsque le Kokiyas de sa +queue se met à mordre." 80,18,9,"Though usually dim witted, it seems to become inspired if the Shellder on its tail bites down." @@ -5654,9 +6132,15 @@ if they are using their Pokégear." 81,16,9,"The units at the sides of its body generate antigravity energy to keep it aloft in the air." +81,17,5,"Plus la rotation de ses extrémités +est rapide, plus la force du champ +magnétique qu'il génère est grande." 81,17,9,"The faster the units at its sides rotate, the greater the magnetic force they generate." +81,18,5,"Plus la rotation de ses extrémités +est rapide, plus la force du champ +magnétique qu'il génère est grande." 81,18,9,"The faster the units at its sides rotate, the greater the magnetic force they generate." @@ -5724,9 +6208,15 @@ will occur if you get too close." 82,16,9,"The MAGNEMITE are united by a magnetism so powerful, it dries all moisture in its vicinity." +82,17,5,"Des groupes apparaissent si des +taches solaires couvrent le soleil. +Ils brouillent les télévisions." 82,17,9,"Many mysteriously appear when more sunspots dot the sun. They stop TV sets from displaying properly." +82,18,5,"Des groupes apparaissent si des +taches solaires couvrent le soleil. +Ils brouillent les télévisions." 82,18,9,"Many mysteriously appear when more sunspots dot the sun. They stop TV sets from displaying properly." @@ -5793,9 +6283,15 @@ own stalk to thwart them." 83,16,9,"If it eats the plant stalk it carries as emergency rations, it runs off in search of a new stalk." +83,17,5,"Il ne peut pas vivre sans son +légume, c'est pourquoi il le +protégera au péril de sa vie." 83,17,9,"It can’t live without the stalk it holds. That’s why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life." +83,18,5,"Il ne peut pas vivre sans son +légume, c'est pourquoi il le +protégera au péril de sa vie." 83,18,9,"It can’t live without the stalk it holds. That’s why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life." @@ -5863,9 +6359,15 @@ to be more stable while running." 84,16,9,"It races through grassy plains with powerful strides, leaving footprints up to four inches deep." +84,17,5,"Ses deux cerveaux semblent +communiquer leurs émotions +grâce à un lien télépathique." 84,17,9,"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power." +84,18,5,"Ses deux cerveaux semblent +communiquer leurs émotions +grâce à un lien télépathique." 84,18,9,"The brains in its two heads appear to communicate emotions to each other with a telepathic power." @@ -5933,9 +6435,15 @@ and fall into a state of immobility." 85,16,9,"If one of the heads gets to eat, the others will be satisfied, too, and they will stop squabbling." +85,17,5,"Quand Doduo connaît cette étrange +évolution, l'une de ses têtes se +dédouble. Il atteint les 60 km/h." 85,17,9,"When Doduo evolves into this odd breed, one of its heads splits into two. It runs at nearly 40 mph." +85,18,5,"Quand Doduo connaît cette étrange +évolution, l'une de ses têtes se +dédouble. Il atteint les 60 km/h." 85,18,9,"When Doduo evolves into this odd breed, one of its heads splits into two. It runs at nearly 40 mph." @@ -6002,9 +6510,15 @@ loves being in frigid seas." 86,16,9,"In daytime, it is often found asleep on the seabed in shallow waters. Its nostrils close while it swims." +86,17,5,"Un habitant des icebergs. +En mer, il utilise la corne sur +sa tête pour briser la banquise." 86,17,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the sea using the point on its head to break up ice." +86,18,5,"Un habitant des icebergs. +En mer, il utilise la corne sur +sa tête pour briser la banquise." 86,18,9,"A Pokémon that lives on icebergs. It swims in the sea using the point on its head to break up ice." @@ -6071,9 +6585,15 @@ temperature, the friskier it gets." 87,16,9,"It loves frigid seas with ice floes. It uses its long tail to change swimming direction quickly." +87,17,5,"Son corps est couvert d'un grand +manteau blanc qui, dans la neige, le +dissimule aux yeux des prédateurs." 87,17,9,"In snow, the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators." +87,18,5,"Son corps est couvert d'un grand +manteau blanc qui, dans la neige, le +dissimule aux yeux des prédateurs." 87,18,9,"In snow, the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators." @@ -6140,9 +6660,15 @@ This worsens the stench around it." 88,16,9,"Wherever GRIMER has passed, so many germs are left behind that no plants will ever grow again." +88,17,5,"Il est né d'un torrent de boue +exposé aux rayons X de la lune. +Il vit dans les ordures." 88,17,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon’s X-rays. It appears among filth." +88,18,5,"Il est né d'un torrent de boue +exposé aux rayons X de la lune. +Il vit dans les ordures." 88,18,9,"It was born when sludge in a dirty stream was exposed to the moon’s X-rays. It appears among filth." @@ -6210,9 +6736,15 @@ the stench around them worse." 89,16,9,"Its body is made of a powerful poison. Touching it accidentally will cause a fever that requires bed rest." +89,17,5,"Son corps exsude un fluide toxique +qui tue instantanément les plantes +et les arbres au contact." 89,17,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact." +89,18,5,"Son corps exsude un fluide toxique +qui tue instantanément les plantes +et les arbres au contact." 89,18,9,"A toxic fluid seeps from its body. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact." @@ -6281,9 +6813,15 @@ It is surprisingly fast." 90,16,9,"Grains of sand trapped in its shells mix with its body fluids to form beautiful pearls." +90,17,5,"Il nage à reculons en ouvrant et en +refermant ses deux coquilles. Il +laisse traîner sa large langue." 90,17,9,"It swims backward by opening and closing its two shells. Its large tongue is always kept hanging out." +90,18,5,"Il nage à reculons en ouvrant et en +refermant ses deux coquilles. Il +laisse traîner sa large langue." 90,18,9,"It swims backward by opening and closing its two shells. Its large tongue is always kept hanging out." @@ -6350,9 +6888,15 @@ those with superior strength." 91,16,9,"CLOYSTER that live in seas with harsh tidal currents grow large, sharp spikes on their shells." +91,17,5,"Il se défend en fermant sa coquille +et projette des piquants qui +repoussent ses agresseurs." 91,17,9,"It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes." +91,18,5,"Il se défend en fermant sa coquille +et projette des piquants qui +repoussent ses agresseurs." 91,18,9,"It fights by keeping its shell tightly shut for protection and by shooting spikes to repel foes." @@ -6421,9 +6965,15 @@ it can be blown away by wind." 92,16,9,"Its body is made of gas. Despite lacking substance, it can envelop an opponent of any size and cause suffocation." +92,17,5,"Son corps composé de gaz toxique +pourrait asphyxier n'importe qui +en quelques secondes." 92,17,9,"Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by its gaseous body, which contains poison." +92,18,5,"Son corps composé de gaz toxique +pourrait asphyxier n'importe qui +en quelques secondes." 92,18,9,"Born from gases, anyone would faint if engulfed by its gaseous body, which contains poison." @@ -6490,9 +7040,15 @@ stalking its next victim." 93,16,9,"Its tongue is made of gas. If licked, its victim starts shaking constantly until death eventually comes." +93,17,5,"Il adore se tapir dans l'ombre et +faire frissonner ses proies en leur +touchant l'épaule." 93,17,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering." +93,18,5,"Il adore se tapir dans l'ombre et +faire frissonner ses proies en leur +touchant l'épaule." 93,18,9,"It likes to lurk in the dark and tap shoulders with a gaseous hand. Its touch causes endless shuddering." @@ -6559,9 +7115,15 @@ it is certain that a GENGAR appeared." 94,16,9,"To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey’s shadow and silently waits for an opportunity." +94,17,5,"Si vous croisez un regard +inquiétant qui perce la nuit, +c'est sûrement un Ectoplasma." 94,17,9,"The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a Gengar delighting in casting curses on people." +94,18,5,"Si vous croisez un regard +inquiétant qui perce la nuit, +c'est sûrement un Ectoplasma." 94,18,9,"The leer that floats in darkness belongs to a Gengar delighting in casting curses on people." @@ -6629,9 +7191,15 @@ its tunneling echoes a long way." 95,16,9,"It rapidly bores through the ground at 50 mph by squirming and twisting its massive, rugged body." +95,17,5,"Il se nourrit des pierres qu'il +rencontre en creusant le sol. +Il peut creuser à 80 km/h!" 95,17,9,"It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders." +95,18,5,"Il se nourrit des pierres qu'il +rencontre en creusant le sol. +Il peut creuser à 80 km/h!" 95,18,9,"It burrows through the ground at a speed of 50 mph while feeding on large boulders." @@ -6698,9 +7266,15 @@ a DROWZEE has probably eaten it." 96,16,9,"It remembers every dream it eats. It rarely eats the dreams of adults because children’s are much tastier." +96,17,5,"Son grand nez lui permet de lire +les rêves d'autrui. Il adore les +songes amusants." 96,17,9,"It can tell what people are dreaming by sniffing with its big nose. It loves fun dreams." +96,18,5,"Son grand nez lui permet de lire +les rêves d'autrui. Il adore les +songes amusants." 96,18,9,"It can tell what people are dreaming by sniffing with its big nose. It loves fun dreams." @@ -6769,9 +7343,15 @@ then it feasts on their dreams." 97,16,9,"Always holding a pendulum that it swings at a steady rhythm, it causes drowsiness in anyone nearby." +97,17,5,"La vue de son pendule oscillant +endort en trois secondes, même +quand on vient de se réveiller." 97,17,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in three seconds, even in someone who just woke up." +97,18,5,"La vue de son pendule oscillant +endort en trois secondes, même +quand on vient de se réveiller." 97,18,9,"Seeing its swinging pendulum can induce sleep in three seconds, even in someone who just woke up." @@ -6840,9 +7420,15 @@ its mouth so it will look bigger." 98,16,9,"The pincers break off easily. If it loses a pincer, it somehow becomes incapable of walking sideways." +98,17,5,"Il creuse son terrier sur des plages +sablonneuses. Ses pinces repoussent +si on les brise." 98,17,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle." +98,18,5,"Il creuse son terrier sur des plages +sablonneuses. Ses pinces repoussent +si on les brise." 98,18,9,"It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle." @@ -6909,9 +7495,15 @@ makes it difficult to aim properly." 99,16,9,"Its pincers grow peculiarly large. If it lifts the pincers too fast, it loses its balance and staggers." +99,17,5,"Sa grande pince possède une puissance +de 10 000 chevaux. Son poids la rend +difficile à manier." 99,17,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim." +99,18,5,"Sa grande pince possède une puissance +de 10 000 chevaux. Son poids la rend +difficile à manier." 99,18,9,"The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim." @@ -6979,9 +7571,15 @@ a bump can cause it to explode." 100,16,9,"It was discovered when Poké Balls were introduced. It is said that there is some connection." +100,17,5,"Il ressemble à une Poké Ball. Ce +Pokémon dangereux peut exploser +ou s'électrifier au toucher." 100,17,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch." +100,18,5,"Il ressemble à une Poké Ball. Ce +Pokémon dangereux peut exploser +ou s'électrifier au toucher." 100,18,9,"It looks just like a Poké Ball. It is dangerous because it may electrocute or explode on touch." @@ -7049,9 +7647,15 @@ it amuses itself by exploding." 101,16,9,"It stores an overflowing amount of electric energy inside its body. Even a small shock makes it explode." +101,17,5,"Il se laisse porter par les vents +lorsque son corps est gonflé +d'électricité à en éclater." 101,17,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity." +101,18,5,"Il se laisse porter par les vents +lorsque son corps est gonflé +d'électricité à en éclater." 101,18,9,"It is known to drift on winds if it is bloated to bursting with stored electricity." @@ -7118,9 +7722,15 @@ spilling their contents." 102,16,9,"Using telepathy only they can employ, they always form a cluster of six EXEGGCUTE." +102,17,5,"Ces six œufs communiquent par +télépathie. Ils peuvent se réunir +rapidement si on les sépare." 102,17,9,"Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated." +102,18,5,"Ces six œufs communiquent par +télépathie. Ils peuvent se réunir +rapidement si on les sépare." 102,18,9,"Its six eggs converse using telepathy. They can quickly gather if they become separated." @@ -7187,9 +7797,15 @@ never appear to squabble." 103,16,9,"If a head drops off, it emits a telepathic call in search of others to form an EXEGGCUTE cluster." +103,17,5,"On l'appelle “jungle sur pattes"". +Si une tête devient trop grosse, +elle tombe et produit un Noeunoeuf." 103,17,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.” If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an Exeggcute." +103,18,5,"On l'appelle “jungle sur pattes"". +Si une tête devient trop grosse, +elle tombe et produit un Noeunoeuf." 103,18,9,"It is called “The Walking Jungle.” If a head grows too big, it falls off and becomes an Exeggcute." @@ -7256,9 +7872,15 @@ and mournful sound." 104,16,9,"It always wears the skull of its dead mother, so no one has any idea what its hidden face looks like." +104,17,5,"Il pleure en pensant à sa mère +disparue, et ses larmes résonnent +dans son crâne creux." 104,17,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly." +104,18,5,"Il pleure en pensant à sa mère +disparue, et ses larmes résonnent +dans son crâne creux." 104,18,9,"When it thinks of its dead mother, it cries. Its crying makes the skull it wears rattle hollowly." @@ -7325,9 +7947,15 @@ to tap out messages to others." 105,16,9,"It collects bones from an unknown place. Some whisper that a MAROWAK graveyard exists somewhere in the world." +105,17,5,"Ce Pokémon sauvage possède des os +depuis sa naissance. Il s'en sert +pour combattre avec dextérité." 105,17,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons." +105,18,5,"Ce Pokémon sauvage possède des os +depuis sa naissance. Il s'en sert +pour combattre avec dextérité." 105,18,9,"From its birth, this savage Pokémon constantly holds bones. It is skilled in using them as weapons." @@ -7396,9 +8024,15 @@ succession from any position." 106,16,9,"If it starts kicking repeatedly, both legs will stretch even longer to strike a fleeing foe." +106,17,5,"Ses pattes élastiques s'allongent, ce +qui ne manque jamais de surprendre +au premier combat." 106,17,9,"Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach." +106,18,5,"Ses pattes élastiques s'allongent, ce +qui ne manque jamais de surprendre +au premier combat." 106,18,9,"Its legs can stretch double. First-time foes are startled by its extensible reach." @@ -7467,9 +8101,15 @@ fighting for three minutes." 107,16,9,"Its punches slice the air. They are launched at such high speed, even a slight graze could cause a burn." +107,17,5,"Même le béton cède sous ses +poings dévastateurs. Au combat, il +s'essouffle au bout de 3 minutes." 107,17,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting." +107,18,5,"Même le béton cède sous ses +poings dévastateurs. Au combat, il +s'essouffle au bout de 3 minutes." 107,18,9,"The arm-twisting punches it throws pulverize even concrete. It rests after three minutes of fighting." @@ -7536,9 +8176,15 @@ so it can be deftly manipulated." 108,16,9,"Its long tongue, slathered with a gooey saliva, sticks to anything, so it is very useful." +108,17,5,"Quand il déploie sa langue de près +de deux mètres, sa queue s'agite. +Elles seraient reliées entre elles." 108,17,9,"When it extends its over-six-foot- long tongue, its tail quivers. There is a possibility they are connected." +108,18,5,"Quand il déploie sa langue de près +de deux mètres, sa queue s'agite. +Elles seraient reliées entre elles." 108,18,9,"When it extends its over-six-foot- long tongue, its tail quivers. There is a possibility they are connected." @@ -7606,9 +8252,15 @@ sniffles, coughs and teary eyes." 109,16,9,"The poisonous gases it contains are a little bit lighter than air, keeping it slightly airborne." +109,17,5,"Il flotte en retenant des gaz plus +légers que l'air. Ceux-ci sont +explosifs, en plus d'être fétides." 109,17,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft. The gases not only smell, they are also explosive." +109,18,5,"Il flotte en retenant des gaz plus +légers que l'air. Ceux-ci sont +explosifs, en plus d'être fétides." 109,18,9,"Lighter-than-air gases in its body keep it aloft. The gases not only smell, they are also explosive." @@ -7677,9 +8329,15 @@ mixes its poisonous gases." 110,16,9,"Top-grade perfume is made using its internal poison gases by diluting them to the highest level." +110,17,5,"Il grandit en absorbant les gaz des +détritus. Des triplés existent, bien +qu'ils soient fort rares." 110,17,9,"It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found." +110,18,5,"Il grandit en absorbant les gaz des +détritus. Des triplés existent, bien +qu'ils soient fort rares." 110,18,9,"It grows by feeding on gases released by garbage. Though very rare, triplets have been found." @@ -7747,9 +8405,15 @@ charge and run in one direction." 111,16,9,"It doesn’t care if there is anything in its way. It just charges and destroys all obstacles." +111,17,5,"Ses puissantes charges pourraient +démolir n'importe quel bâtiment. +Dommage qu'il soit stupide." 111,17,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy anything. However, it is too slow witted to help people work." +111,18,5,"Ses puissantes charges pourraient +démolir n'importe quel bâtiment. +Dommage qu'il soit stupide." 111,18,9,"Its powerful tackles can destroy anything. However, it is too slow witted to help people work." @@ -7818,9 +8482,15 @@ the hide also makes it insensitive." 112,16,9,"Its brain developed when it began walking on hind legs. Its thick hide protects it even in magma." +112,17,5,"La station debout a libéré ses +pattes avant et l'a rendu plus +intelligent, mais il est distrait." 112,17,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however." +112,18,5,"La station debout a libéré ses +pattes avant et l'a rendu plus +intelligent, mais il est distrait." 112,18,9,"Standing on its hind legs freed its forelegs and made it smarter. It is very forgetful, however." @@ -7889,9 +8559,15 @@ it is extremely fast at running away." 113,16,9,"Being few in number and difficult to capture, it is said to bring happiness to the Trainer who catches it." +113,17,5,"Ce Pokémon très serviable distribue +ses œufs hautement nutritifs aux +humains et Pokémon blessés." 113,17,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly nutritious eggs and shares them with injured Pokémon or people." +113,18,5,"Ce Pokémon très serviable distribue +ses œufs hautement nutritifs aux +humains et Pokémon blessés." 113,18,9,"A kindly Pokémon that lays highly nutritious eggs and shares them with injured Pokémon or people." @@ -7958,9 +8634,15 @@ They effectively unnerve its foes." 114,16,9,"It tangles any moving thing with its vines. Their subtle shaking is ticklish if you get ensnared." +114,17,5,"Il se cache derrière des lianes +bleues recouvertes d'un fin duvet. +Il est chatouilleux." 114,17,9,"The blue vines shrouding its body are covered in a growth of fine hair. It is known to be ticklish." +114,18,5,"Il se cache derrière des lianes +bleues recouvertes d'un fin duvet. +Il est chatouilleux." 114,18,9,"The blue vines shrouding its body are covered in a growth of fine hair. It is known to be ticklish." @@ -8029,9 +8711,15 @@ keeps a close eye on the youngster." 115,16,9,"To protect its young, it will never give up during battle, no matter how badly wounded it is." +115,17,5,"Il élève ses petits dans sa poche +ventrale. Il attend d'être en lieu +sûr pour les laisser jouer dehors." 115,17,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the baby out to play only when it feels safe." +115,18,5,"Il élève ses petits dans sa poche +ventrale. Il attend d'être en lieu +sûr pour les laisser jouer dehors." 115,18,9,"It raises its offspring in its belly pouch. It lets the baby out to play only when it feels safe." @@ -8098,9 +8786,15 @@ controlling its well-developed dorsal fin." 116,16,9,"Its big, developed fins move rapidly, allowing it to swim backward while still facing forward." +116,17,5,"Il niche à l'ombre du corail. Quand +il se sent menacé, il disparaît +dans un nuage d'encre opaque." 116,17,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees." +116,18,5,"Il niche à l'ombre du corail. Quand +il se sent menacé, il disparaît +dans un nuage d'encre opaque." 116,18,9,"It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees." @@ -8167,9 +8861,15 @@ HORSEA. It became a hot topic." 117,16,9,"Its fin-tips leak poison. Its fins and bones are highly valued as ingredients in herbal medicine." +117,17,5,"Son épine dorsale le protège. +Ses os et ses nageoires sont très +prisés en médecine traditionnelle." 117,17,9,"Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients." +117,18,5,"Son épine dorsale le protège. +Ses os et ses nageoires sont très +prisés en médecine traditionnelle." 117,18,9,"Its spines provide protection. Its fins and bones are prized as traditional medicine ingredients." @@ -8237,9 +8937,15 @@ it is known as the water dancer." 118,16,9,"A strong swimmer, it is capable of swimming nonstop up fast streams at a steady speed of five knots per hour." +118,17,5,"Malgré son élégance quand il +nage, ses coups de corne sont +redoutables." 118,17,9,"Though it appears very elegant when swimming with fins unfurled, it can jab powerfully with its horn." +118,18,5,"Malgré son élégance quand il +nage, ses coups de corne sont +redoutables." 118,18,9,"Though it appears very elegant when swimming with fins unfurled, it can jab powerfully with its horn." @@ -8306,9 +9012,15 @@ appear a brilliant red." 119,16,9,"Using its horn, it bores holes in riverbed boulders, making nests to prevent its eggs from washing away." +119,17,5,"En automne, à la saison des amours, +il fait des réserves de graisse et +arbore des couleurs chatoyantes." 119,17,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors." +119,18,5,"En automne, à la saison des amours, +il fait des réserves de graisse et +arbore des couleurs chatoyantes." 119,18,9,"In autumn, its body becomes more fatty in preparing to propose to a mate. It takes on beautiful colors." @@ -8377,9 +9089,15 @@ rhythm as a human heartbeat." 120,16,9,"Even if its body is torn, it can regenerate as long as the glowing central core remains intact." +120,17,5,"Même amoché, son corps se régénère +tant que le noyau rouge est intact. +Le noyau s'illumine à minuit." 120,17,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight." +120,18,5,"Même amoché, son corps se régénère +tant que le noyau rouge est intact. +Le noyau s'illumine à minuit." 120,18,9,"If its body is torn, it can grow back if the red core remains. The core flashes at midnight." @@ -8446,9 +9164,15 @@ different color each time it is seen." 121,16,9,"Regardless of the environment it lives in, its body grows to form a symmetrical geometric shape." +121,17,5,"Un noyau rouge trône en son centre. +Il envoie des signaux radio mystérieux +vers le ciel nocturne." 121,17,9,"At the center of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky." +121,18,5,"Un noyau rouge trône en son centre. +Il envoie des signaux radio mystérieux +vers le ciel nocturne." 121,18,9,"At the center of its body is a red core, which sends mysterious radio signals into the night sky." @@ -8515,9 +9239,15 @@ invisible objects as it matures." 122,16,9,"Its fingertips emit a peculiar force field that hardens air to create an actual wall." +122,17,5,"En modifiant les molécules de l'air +du bout de ses doigts, il parvient +à créer un mur invisible devant lui." 122,17,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair by minutely vibrating its fingertips to stop molecules in the air." +122,18,5,"En modifiant les molécules de l'air +du bout de ses doigts, il parvient +à créer un mur invisible devant lui." 122,18,9,"It shapes an invisible wall in midair by minutely vibrating its fingertips to stop molecules in the air." @@ -8586,9 +9316,15 @@ for the human eye to track." 123,16,9,"When it moves, it leaves only a blur. If it hides in grass, its protective coloration makes it invisible." +123,17,5,"À force de trancher des objets +solides, les faux de ses bras +sont très aiguisées." 123,17,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms become increasingly sharp by cutting through hard objects." +123,18,5,"À force de trancher des objets +solides, les faux de ses bras +sont très aiguisées." 123,18,9,"The sharp scythes on its forearms become increasingly sharp by cutting through hard objects." @@ -8657,9 +9393,15 @@ depending on how it is feeling." 124,16,9,"It speaks a language similar to that of humans. However, it seems to use dancing to communicate." +124,17,5,"Son cri ressemble à des paroles +humaines. Mais nul n'est jamais +parvenu à les comprendre." 124,17,9,"Its cries sound like human speech. However, it is impossible to tell what it is trying to say." +124,18,5,"Son cri ressemble à des paroles +humaines. Mais nul n'est jamais +parvenu à les comprendre." 124,18,9,"Its cries sound like human speech. However, it is impossible to tell what it is trying to say." @@ -8728,9 +9470,15 @@ body glows a whitish-blue." 125,16,9,"Its body constantly discharges electricity. Getting close to it will make your hair stand on end." +125,17,5,"Il fait tournoyer ses bras pour +donner de la force à ses coups. +Profitez-en pour filer!" 125,17,9,"It windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime." +125,18,5,"Il fait tournoyer ses bras pour +donner de la force à ses coups. +Profitez-en pour filer!" 125,18,9,"It windmills its arms to slightly boost its punches. Foes have been known to escape in the meantime." @@ -8799,9 +9547,15 @@ environment suitable for itself." 126,16,9,"The fiery surface of its body gives off a wavering, rippling glare that is similar to the sun." +126,17,5,"Quand il respire profondément, des +vagues de chaleur émanent de son +corps et le rendent difficile à voir." 126,17,9,"When it breathes deeply, heat waves form around its body, making it hard to see clearly." +126,18,5,"Quand il respire profondément, des +vagues de chaleur émanent de son +corps et le rendent difficile à voir." 126,18,9,"When it breathes deeply, heat waves form around its body, making it hard to see clearly." @@ -8869,9 +9623,15 @@ damp soil clings to its body." 127,16,9,"It swings its long pincer horns wildly to attack. During cold periods, it hides deep in forests." +127,17,5,"Il serre les proies dans ses pinces +pour les trancher en deux. S'il n'y +arrive pas, il les jette au loin." 127,17,9,"It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far." +127,18,5,"Il serre les proies dans ses pinces +pour les trancher en deux. S'il n'y +arrive pas, il les jette au loin." 127,18,9,"It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far." @@ -8938,9 +9698,15 @@ pride in its battle-scarred horns." 128,16,9,"After heightening its will to fight by whipping itself with its three tails, it charges at full speed." +128,17,5,"Après avoir choisi sa cible, il fonce +dessus tête baissée. Il est réputé +pour sa nature violente." 128,17,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature." +128,18,5,"Après avoir choisi sa cible, il fonce +dessus tête baissée. Il est réputé +pour sa nature violente." 128,18,9,"Once it takes aim at its foe, it makes a headlong charge. It is famous for its violent nature." @@ -9008,9 +9774,15 @@ but usually not more than seven feet." 129,16,9,"For no reason, it jumps and splashes about, making it easy for predators like PIDGEOTTO to catch it mid-jump." +129,17,5,"Un vénérable Magicarpe peut +franchir une montagne en utilisant +Trempette. Mais c'est tout..." 129,17,9,"A Magikarp living for many years can leap a mountain using Splash. The move remains useless, though." +129,18,5,"Un vénérable Magicarpe peut +franchir une montagne en utilisant +Trempette. Mais c'est tout..." 129,18,9,"A Magikarp living for many years can leap a mountain using Splash. The move remains useless, though." @@ -9077,9 +9849,15 @@ blazing ruins in its wake." 130,16,9,"Once it appears, it goes on a rampage. It remains enraged until it demolishes everything around it." +130,17,5,"Quand il se laisse emporter par la +rage, il ne se calme qu'après avoir +détruit tout ce qui l'entoure." 130,17,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm." +130,18,5,"Quand il se laisse emporter par la +rage, il ne se calme qu'après avoir +détruit tout ce qui l'entoure." 130,18,9,"Once it begins to rampage, a Gyarados will burn everything down, even in a harsh storm." @@ -9146,9 +9924,15 @@ caught. Their number has dwindled." 131,16,9,"It ferries people across the sea on its back. It may sing an enchanting cry if it is in a good mood." +131,17,5,"Il aime naviguer en portant des +humains et des Pokémon sur son +dos. Il comprend le langage humain." 131,17,9,"It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It understands human speech." +131,18,5,"Il aime naviguer en portant des +humains et des Pokémon sur son +dos. Il comprend le langage humain." 131,18,9,"It loves crossing the sea with people and Pokémon on its back. It understands human speech." @@ -9217,9 +10001,15 @@ stone to avoid being attacked." 132,16,9,"Its transformation ability is perfect. However, if made to laugh, it can’t maintain its disguise." +132,17,5,"Il a la capacité de modifier sa +structure cellulaire pour prendre +l'apparence de ce qu'il voit." 132,17,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees." +132,18,5,"Il a la capacité de modifier sa +structure cellulaire pour prendre +l'apparence de ce qu'il voit." 132,18,9,"It has the ability to reconstitute its entire cellular structure to transform into whatever it sees." @@ -9286,9 +10076,15 @@ surrounding environment." 133,16,9,"Its irregularly configured DNA is affected by its surroundings. It evolves if its environment changes." +133,17,5,"Son ADN particulier lui permet de +s'adapter très rapidement à son +environnement." 133,17,9,"Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes." +133,18,5,"Son ADN particulier lui permet de +s'adapter très rapidement à son +environnement." 133,18,9,"Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes." @@ -9355,9 +10151,15 @@ will come within a few hours." 134,16,9,"It prefers beautiful shores. With cells similar to water molecules, it could melt in water." +134,17,5,"Sa composition moléculaire est +proche de celle de l'eau, ce qui +lui permet de se liquéfier." 134,17,9,"Its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water." +134,18,5,"Sa composition moléculaire est +proche de celle de l'eau, ce qui +lui permet de se liquéfier." 134,18,9,"Its cell composition is similar to water molecules. As a result, it can melt away into water." @@ -9426,9 +10228,15 @@ launches wicked lightning bolts." 135,16,9,"Every hair on its body starts to stand sharply on end if it becomes charged with electricity." +135,17,5,"Face au danger, il fait appel à +l'électricité pour dresser ses +poils et lancer des décharges." 135,17,9,"If agitated, it uses electricity to straighten out its fur and launch it in small bunches." +135,18,5,"Face au danger, il fait appel à +l'électricité pour dresser ses +poils et lancer des décharges." 135,18,9,"If agitated, it uses electricity to straighten out its fur and launch it in small bunches." @@ -9497,9 +10305,15 @@ to over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit." 136,16,9,"It fluffs out its fur collar to cool down its body temperature, which can reach 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit." +136,17,5,"L'air qu'il inspire est chauffé par +la glande enflammée de son corps, +atteignant les 1 700 °C." 136,17,9,"Inhaled air is heated in the flame sac in its body to an intense fire over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit." +136,18,5,"L'air qu'il inspire est chauffé par +la glande enflammée de son corps, +atteignant les 1 700 °C." 136,18,9,"Inhaled air is heated in the flame sac in its body to an intense fire over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit." @@ -9566,9 +10380,15 @@ to try it in any environment." 137,16,9,"A manmade Pokémon that came about as a result of research. It is programmed with only basic motions." +137,17,5,"Ce Pokémon créé par des +scientifiques peut arpenter +librement le cyberespace." 137,17,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace." +137,18,5,"Ce Pokémon créé par des +scientifiques peut arpenter +librement le cyberespace." 137,18,9,"A man-made Pokémon created using advanced scientific means. It can move freely in cyberspace." @@ -9635,9 +10455,15 @@ shell to sink and rise in water." 138,16,9,"This Pokémon from ancient times is said to have navigated the sea by adeptly twisting its 10 tentacles." +138,17,5,"Un Pokémon ramené à la vie par +la science à partir d'un fossile. Il +peuplait autrefois les mers." 138,17,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil using modern science. It swam in ancient seas." +138,18,5,"Un Pokémon ramené à la vie par +la science à partir d'un fossile. Il +peuplait autrefois les mers." 138,18,9,"A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil using modern science. It swam in ancient seas." @@ -9704,9 +10530,15 @@ sucked out the insides." 139,16,9,"Once wrapped around its prey, it never lets go. It eats the prey by tearing at it with sharp fangs." +139,17,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon a disparu +parce que sa coquille en spirale +était devenue trop grosse." 139,17,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon became extinct because its spiral shell grew too large." +139,18,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon a disparu +parce que sa coquille en spirale +était devenue trop grosse." 139,18,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon became extinct because its spiral shell grew too large." @@ -9775,9 +10607,15 @@ while hiding on the ocean floor." 140,16,9,"This Pokémon lived in ancient times. On rare occasions, it has been discovered as a living fossil." +140,17,5,"On pense qu'il peuplait les plages +il y a 300 millions d'années. Il est +protégé par une coquille robuste." 140,17,9,"It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell." +140,18,5,"On pense qu'il peuplait les plages +il y a 300 millions d'années. Il est +protégé par une coquille robuste." 140,18,9,"It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell." @@ -9846,9 +10684,15 @@ wiggles its shell to swim fast." 141,16,9,"With sharp claws, this ferocious, ancient Pokémon rips apart prey and sucks their body fluids." +141,17,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon est +venu sur la terre ferme pour +suivre l'évolution de ses proies." 141,17,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land." +141,18,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon est +venu sur la terre ferme pour +suivre l'évolution de ses proies." 141,18,9,"It is thought that this Pokémon came onto land because its prey adapted to life on land." @@ -9915,9 +10759,15 @@ spreading its wings and gliding." 142,16,9,"This vicious Pokémon is said to have flown in ancient skies while shrieking high-pitched cries." +142,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui arpentait le ciel +au temps des dinosaures. Ses +crocs sont pareils à des scies." 142,17,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades." +142,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui arpentait le ciel +au temps des dinosaures. Ses +crocs sont pareils à des scies." 142,18,9,"A Pokémon that roamed the skies in the dinosaur era. Its teeth are like saw blades." @@ -9984,9 +10834,15 @@ rumblings of its hungry belly." 143,16,9,"Its stomach’s digestive juices can dissolve any kind of poison. It can even eat things off the ground." +143,17,5,"Une fois le ventre plein, il est trop +amorphe pour lever le petit doigt. +Sautez sur son ventre!" 143,17,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly." +143,18,5,"Une fois le ventre plein, il est trop +amorphe pour lever le petit doigt. +Sautez sur son ventre!" 143,18,9,"When its belly is full, it becomes too lethargic to even lift a finger, so it is safe to bounce on its belly." @@ -10053,9 +10909,15 @@ are said to be made of ice." 144,16,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon, it chills moisture in the atmosphere to create snow while flying." +144,17,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire. +Il peut provoquer des blizzards +en gelant l'humidité de l'air." 144,17,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air." +144,18,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire. +Il peut provoquer des blizzards +en gelant l'humidité de l'air." 144,18,9,"A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air." @@ -10122,9 +10984,15 @@ flapping its glittering wings." 145,16,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon is said to appear only when a thundercloud parts into two halves." +145,17,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire dont +on dit qu'il vit dans les nuages +d'orage. Il contrôle la foudre." 145,17,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts." +145,18,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau légendaire dont +on dit qu'il vit dans les nuages +d'orage. Il contrôle la foudre." 145,18,9,"A legendary Pokémon that is said to live in thunderclouds. It freely controls lightning bolts." @@ -10191,9 +11059,15 @@ It is a thrilling sight to behold." 146,16,9,"This legendary bird Pokémon is said to bring early spring to the wintry lands it visits." +146,17,5,"L'un des Pokémon Oiseaux légendaires. +On dit que sa venue annonce l'arrivée +du printemps." 146,17,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring." +146,18,5,"L'un des Pokémon Oiseaux légendaires. +On dit que sa venue annonce l'arrivée +du printemps." 146,18,9,"One of the legendary bird Pokémon. It is said that its appearance indicates the coming of spring." @@ -10260,9 +11134,15 @@ steadily grows longer." 147,16,9,"This Pokémon is full of life energy. It continually sheds its skin and grows steadily larger." +147,17,5,"On l'appelle “Pokémon mirage"" +en raison de sa rareté. On a +découvert sa mue." 147,17,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon” because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found." +147,18,5,"On l'appelle “Pokémon mirage"" +en raison de sa rareté. On a +découvert sa mue." 147,18,9,"It is called the “Mirage Pokémon” because so few have seen it. Its shed skin has been found." @@ -10329,9 +11209,15 @@ will begin to change instantly." 148,16,9,"Its crystalline orbs appear to give this Pokémon the power to freely control the weather." +148,17,5,"La météo change brusquement quand +il est entouré d'une aura. On dit +qu'il peuple les mers et les lacs." 148,17,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the weather changes instantly. It is said to live in seas and lakes." +148,18,5,"La météo change brusquement quand +il est entouré d'une aura. On dit +qu'il peuple les mers et les lacs." 148,18,9,"If its body takes on an aura, the weather changes instantly. It is said to live in seas and lakes." @@ -10398,9 +11284,15 @@ and rescues drowning people." 149,16,9,"This marine Pokémon has an impressive build that lets it freely fly over raging seas without trouble." +149,17,5,"On raconte qu'il vit quelque part +en mer. Il guide les équipages +naufragés jusqu'à la terre ferme." 149,17,9,"It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore." +149,18,5,"On raconte qu'il vit quelque part +en mer. Il guide les équipages +naufragés jusqu'à la terre ferme." 149,18,9,"It is said to make its home somewhere in the sea. It guides crews of shipwrecks to shore." @@ -10469,9 +11361,15 @@ it thinks only of defeating its foes." 150,16,9,"It usually remains motionless to conserve energy, so that it may unleash its full power in battle." +150,17,5,"Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant +les gènes de Mew. On raconte qu'il +s'agit du Pokémon le plus féroce." 150,17,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon." +150,18,5,"Un Pokémon conçu en réorganisant +les gènes de Mew. On raconte qu'il +s'agit du Pokémon le plus féroce." 150,18,9,"A Pokémon created by recombining Mew’s genes. It’s said to have the most savage heart among Pokémon." @@ -10538,9 +11436,15 @@ and have a strong desire to see it." 151,16,9,"Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques." +151,17,5,"Nombre de scientifiques voient en +lui l'ancêtre des Pokémon car il +maîtrise toutes leurs capacités." 151,17,9,"Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon." +151,18,5,"Nombre de scientifiques voient en +lui l'ancêtre des Pokémon car il +maîtrise toutes leurs capacités." 151,18,9,"Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of Pokémon." @@ -10594,9 +11498,15 @@ and loves to soak up sunrays." 152,16,9,"Its pleasantly aromatic leaf has the ability to check humidity and temperature." +152,17,5,"Il jauge la température et l'humidité +grâce à la feuille sur sa tête. Il +raffole des bains de soleil." 152,17,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe." +152,18,5,"Il jauge la température et l'humidité +grâce à la feuille sur sa tête. Il +raffole des bains de soleil." 152,18,9,"It uses the leaf on its head to determine the temperature and humidity. It loves to sunbathe." @@ -10648,9 +11558,15 @@ sniffing it makes you want to fight." 153,16,9,"A spicy aroma emanates from around its neck. The aroma acts as a stimulant to restore health." +153,17,5,"Le collier de bourgeons à son cou +répand un arôme épicé qui vous +donne du tonus." 153,17,9,"The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma that perks people up." +153,18,5,"Le collier de bourgeons à son cou +répand un arôme épicé qui vous +donne du tonus." 153,18,9,"The buds that ring its neck give off a spicy aroma that perks people up." @@ -10702,9 +11618,15 @@ calms aggressive feelings." 154,16,9,"MEGANIUM’s breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. It can make them healthy again." +154,17,5,"Son souffle a l'incroyable capacité +de ranimer les plantes et les fleurs +flétries." 154,17,9,"Its breath has the fantastic ability to revive dead plants and flowers." +154,18,5,"Son souffle a l'incroyable capacité +de ranimer les plantes et les fleurs +flétries." 154,18,9,"Its breath has the fantastic ability to revive dead plants and flowers." @@ -10758,9 +11680,15 @@ flares up its back for protection." 155,16,9,"It usually stays hunched over. If it is angry or surprised, it shoots flames out of its back." +155,17,5,"Ce Pokémon est un grand timide. +Les flammes sur son dos s'intensifient +lorsqu'il prend peur." 155,17,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously." +155,18,5,"Ce Pokémon est un grand timide. +Les flammes sur son dos s'intensifient +lorsqu'il prend peur." 155,18,9,"It has a timid nature. If it is startled, the flames on its back burn more vigorously." @@ -10814,9 +11742,15 @@ attack with the fire on its back." 156,16,9,"This Pokémon is fully covered by nonflammable fur. It can withstand any kind of fire attack." +156,17,5,"La chaleur de ses flammes intimide +l'ennemi. Elles s'intensifient +lorsqu'il se prépare à combattre." 156,17,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight." +156,18,5,"La chaleur de ses flammes intimide +l'ennemi. Elles s'intensifient +lorsqu'il se prépare à combattre." 156,18,9,"It intimidates foes with the heat of its flames. The fire burns more strongly when it readies to fight." @@ -10869,9 +11803,15 @@ will instantly go up in flames." 157,16,9,"It has a secret, devastating move. It rubs its blazing fur together to cause huge explosions." +157,17,5,"Il attaque en projetant des flammes. +Il se dissimule derrière les vagues +de chaleur qu'il produit." 157,17,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire. It creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself." +157,18,5,"Il attaque en projetant des flammes. +Il se dissimule derrière les vagues +de chaleur qu'il produit." 157,18,9,"It attacks using blasts of fire. It creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself." @@ -10923,9 +11863,15 @@ Even its Trainer must be careful." 158,16,9,"It is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves." +158,17,5,"Il broie tout ce qu'il trouve avec +ses mâchoires puissantes. Même +son Dresseur doit s'en méfier." 158,17,9,"It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful." +158,18,5,"Il broie tout ce qu'il trouve avec +ses mâchoires puissantes. Même +son Dresseur doit s'en méfier." 158,18,9,"It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful." @@ -10979,9 +11925,15 @@ always 48 fangs lining its mouth." 159,16,9,"It opens its huge jaws wide when attacking. If it loses any fangs while biting, they grow back in." +159,17,5,"Quand il mord, il ne lâche pas prise +avant que ses crocs se brisent. +Ils repoussent par la suite." 159,17,9,"Once it bites down, it won’t let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place." +159,18,5,"Quand il mord, il ne lâche pas prise +avant que ses crocs se brisent. +Ils repoussent par la suite." 159,18,9,"Once it bites down, it won’t let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place." @@ -11035,9 +11987,15 @@ and savagely tears its victim up." 160,16,9,"It is hard for it to support its weight out of water, so it sometimes gets down on all fours. But it moves fast." +160,17,5,"Ce Pokémon à l'air pataud est +capable d'attaquer à la vitesse +de l'éclair pour mordre sa proie." 160,17,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey." +160,18,5,"Ce Pokémon à l'air pataud est +capable d'attaquer à la vitesse +de l'éclair pour mordre sa proie." 160,18,9,"It usually moves slowly, but it goes at blinding speed when it attacks and bites prey." @@ -11091,9 +12049,15 @@ better view of its surroundings." 161,16,9,"It stands on its tail so it can see a long way. If it spots an enemy, it cries loudly to warn its kind." +161,17,5,"Ce Pokémon très nerveux +prend appui sur sa queue pour +observer ses alentours." 161,17,9,"It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas." +161,18,5,"Ce Pokémon très nerveux +prend appui sur sa queue pour +observer ses alentours." 161,18,9,"It has a very nervous nature. It stands up high on its tail so it can scan wide areas." @@ -11145,9 +12109,15 @@ for other Pokémon to enter." 162,16,9,"There is no telling where the tail begins. Despite its short legs, it is quick and likes to chase RATTATA." +162,17,5,"La femelle s'enroule autour des +petits pour les bercer. Il accule +l'ennemi grâce à sa vitesse." 162,17,9,"The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. It corners foes with speed." +162,18,5,"La femelle s'enroule autour des +petits pour les bercer. Il accule +l'ennemi grâce à sa vitesse." 162,18,9,"The mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. It corners foes with speed." @@ -11199,9 +12169,15 @@ the movement can rarely be seen." 163,16,9,"It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever happens, it keeps rhythm by precisely tilting its head in time." +163,17,5,"Il hulule chaque jour à la même +heure. Dans certaines cultures, +il incarne la sagesse." 163,17,9,"It marks time precisely. Some countries consider it to be a wise friend, versed in the world’s ways." +163,18,5,"Il hulule chaque jour à la même +heure. Dans certaines cultures, +il incarne la sagesse." 163,18,9,"It marks time precisely. Some countries consider it to be a wise friend, versed in the world’s ways." @@ -11255,9 +12231,15 @@ and enable it to see in the dark." 164,16,9,"When it needs to think, it rotates its head 180 degrees to sharpen its intellectual power." +164,17,5,"Ses yeux sont capables de voir +distinctement même quand il fait +très sombre." 164,17,9,"Its eyes are specially developed to enable it to see clearly even in murky darkness and minimal light." +164,18,5,"Ses yeux sont capables de voir +distinctement même quand il fait +très sombre." 164,18,9,"Its eyes are specially developed to enable it to see clearly even in murky darkness and minimal light." @@ -11309,9 +12291,15 @@ be active if it is in a group." 165,16,9,"When the weather turns cold, lots of LEDYBA gather from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm." +165,17,5,"Il est si timide qu'il ne se déplace +qu'au milieu d'un essaim. Il exprime +ses émotions par l'odeur." 165,17,9,"It is so timid, it can’t move if it isn’t with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent." +165,18,5,"Il est si timide qu'il ne se déplace +qu'au milieu d'un essaim. Il exprime +ses émotions par l'odeur." 165,18,9,"It is so timid, it can’t move if it isn’t with a swarm of others. It conveys its feelings with scent." @@ -11365,9 +12353,15 @@ scattering a glowing powder." 166,16,9,"The spot patterns on its back grow larger or smaller depending on the number of stars in the night sky." +166,17,5,"Il tire sa force de la lumière des +étoiles. Plus il y en a et plus ses +motifs dorsaux sont grands." 166,17,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger." +166,18,5,"Il tire sa force de la lumière des +étoiles. Plus il y en a et plus ses +motifs dorsaux sont grands." 166,18,9,"It uses starlight as energy. When more stars appear at night, the patterns on its back grow larger." @@ -11421,9 +12415,15 @@ unsuspecting prey to wander close." 167,16,9,"It spins a web using fine--but durable--thread. It then waits patiently for prey to be trapped." +167,17,5,"Il tisse une toile fine mais solide +pour poser des pièges et se poste +dans l'attente d'une proie." 167,17,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive." +167,18,5,"Il tisse une toile fine mais solide +pour poser des pièges et se poste +dans l'attente d'une proie." 167,18,9,"It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive." @@ -11475,9 +12475,15 @@ hard to tell which end is which." 168,16,9,"A single strand of a special string is endlessly spun out of its rear. The string leads back to its nest." +168,17,5,"Il attache un fil à sa proie avant +de la libérer. Il s'en servira pour +la retrouver, elle et ses amis." 168,17,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends." +168,18,5,"Il attache un fil à sa proie avant +de la libérer. Il s'en servira pour +la retrouver, elle et ses amis." 168,18,9,"It attaches silk to its prey and sets it free. Later, it tracks the silk to the prey and its friends." @@ -11530,9 +12536,15 @@ not be noticed even when nearby." 169,16,9,"The development of wings on its legs enables it to fly fast but also makes it tough to stop and rest." +169,17,5,"La transformation de ses pattes en +ailes a certes amélioré sa capacité +à voler, mais pas à marcher." 169,17,9,"The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking." +169,18,5,"La transformation de ses pattes en +ailes a certes amélioré sa capacité +à voler, mais pas à marcher." 169,18,9,"The transformation of its legs into wings made it better at flying, but more clumsy at walking." @@ -11584,9 +12596,15 @@ two antennae and zaps its enemies." 170,16,9,"On the dark ocean floor, its only means of communication is its constantly flashing lights." +170,17,5,"Il envoie des décharges électriques +positives et négatives du bout des +antennes pour paralyser sa proie." 170,17,9,"It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes." +170,18,5,"Il envoie des décharges électriques +positives et négatives du bout des +antennes pour paralyser sa proie." 170,18,9,"It discharges positive and negative electricity from its antenna tips to shock its foes." @@ -11640,9 +12658,15 @@ from a depth of over three miles." 171,16,9,"It blinds prey with an intense burst of light. With the prey incapacitated, the Pokémon swallows it in a single gulp." +171,17,5,"La lumière de Lanturn surgit des +profondeurs. On le surnomme +“étoile des profondeurs""." 171,17,9,"Lanturn’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”" +171,18,5,"La lumière de Lanturn surgit des +profondeurs. On le surnomme +“étoile des profondeurs""." 171,18,9,"Lanturn’s light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed “The Deep-Sea Star.”" @@ -11694,9 +12718,15 @@ jolt if amused or startled." 172,16,9,"Despite its small size, it can zap even adult humans. However, if it does so, it also surprises itself." +172,17,5,"Les poches électriques de ses +joues sont encore petites, mais +risquent de l'électrocuter." 172,17,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked." +172,18,5,"Les poches électriques de ses +joues sont encore petites, mais +risquent de l'électrocuter." 172,18,9,"The electric sacs in its cheeks are small. If even a little electricity leaks, it becomes shocked." @@ -11750,9 +12780,15 @@ it came here on a meteor." 173,16,9,"When numerous meteors illuminate the night sky, sightings of CLEFFA strangely increase." +173,17,5,"On dit qu'il se déplace à dos +d'étoile filante. Il se montre +souvent quand on en voit." 173,17,9,"It is often seen when shooting stars fill the night skies. It’s said to arrive riding on a shooting star." +173,18,5,"On dit qu'il se déplace à dos +d'étoile filante. Il se montre +souvent quand on en voit." 173,18,9,"It is often seen when shooting stars fill the night skies. It’s said to arrive riding on a shooting star." @@ -11804,9 +12840,15 @@ over and be impossible to stop." 174,16,9,"Its extremely flexible and elastic body makes it bounce continuously--anytime, anywhere." +174,17,5,"Son corps est doux et élastique. +Quand il commence à rebondir, +on ne peut plus l'arrêter." 174,17,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body. Once it starts bouncing, it becomes impossible to stop." +174,18,5,"Son corps est doux et élastique. +Quand il commence à rebondir, +on ne peut plus l'arrêter." 174,18,9,"It has a soft and bouncy body. Once it starts bouncing, it becomes impossible to stop." @@ -11860,9 +12902,15 @@ good luck when treated kindly." 175,16,9,"A proverb claims that happiness will come to anyone who can make a sleeping TOGEPI stand up." +175,17,5,"Il transforme les émotions +positives des autres en bonheur +qu'il stocke dans sa coquille." 175,17,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy of others into happiness, which it stores in its shell." +175,18,5,"Il transforme les émotions +positives des autres en bonheur +qu'il stocke dans sa coquille." 175,18,9,"It transforms the kindness and joy of others into happiness, which it stores in its shell." @@ -11914,9 +12962,15 @@ shower them with happiness." 176,16,9,"It grows dispirited if it is not with kind people. It can float in midair without moving its wings." +176,17,5,"Il parcourt le monde pour +distribuer de la joie aux +êtres bons." 176,17,9,"To share its happiness, it flies around the world seeking kind- hearted people." +176,18,5,"Il parcourt le monde pour +distribuer de la joie aux +êtres bons." 176,18,9,"To share its happiness, it flies around the world seeking kind- hearted people." @@ -11968,9 +13022,15 @@ It is always staring at something." 177,16,9,"It usually forages for food on the ground but may, on rare occasions, hop onto branches to peck at shoots." +177,17,5,"Il mange des cactus en prenant +soin d'éviter les bourgeons et les +épines. Il ne tient pas en place. " 177,17,9,"It picks food from cactus plants, deftly avoiding buds and spines. It seems to skip about to move." +177,18,5,"Il mange des cactus en prenant +soin d'éviter les bourgeons et les +épines. Il ne tient pas en place. " 177,18,9,"It picks food from cactus plants, deftly avoiding buds and spines. It seems to skip about to move." @@ -12023,9 +13083,15 @@ past and future at the same time." 178,16,9,"In South America, it is said that its right eye sees the future and its left eye views the past." +178,17,5,"Cet étrange Pokémon peut voir +l'avenir et le passé. Il guette +sans cesse la course du soleil." 178,17,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both the past and the future. It eyes the sun’s movement all day." +178,18,5,"Cet étrange Pokémon peut voir +l'avenir et le passé. Il guette +sans cesse la course du soleil." 178,18,9,"This odd Pokémon can see both the past and the future. It eyes the sun’s movement all day." @@ -12077,9 +13143,15 @@ Touching it will shock you." 179,16,9,"Its fleece grows continually. In the summer, the fleece is fully shed, but it grows back in a week." +179,17,5,"Sa laine fournie enfle lorsqu'il +accumule de l'électricité statique. +Son contact peut choquer. " 179,17,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking." +179,18,5,"Sa laine fournie enfle lorsqu'il +accumule de l'électricité statique. +Son contact peut choquer. " 179,18,9,"Its fluffy coat swells to double when static electricity builds up. Touching it can be shocking." @@ -12131,9 +13203,15 @@ where even downy wool won’t grow." 180,16,9,"Its fluffy fleece easily stores electricity. Its rubbery hide keeps it from being electrocuted." +180,17,5,"Sa queue s'allume lorsque sa +laine se charge d'électricité. +Il projette des poils électrifiés." 180,17,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact." +180,18,5,"Sa queue s'allume lorsque sa +laine se charge d'électricité. +Il projette des poils électrifiés." 180,18,9,"If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, its tail lights up. It fires hair that zaps on impact." @@ -12185,9 +13263,15 @@ as a beacon for lost people." 181,16,9,"The bright light on its tail can be seen far away. It has been treasured since ancient times as a beacon." +181,17,5,"Le bout de sa queue brille avec +intensité. Jadis, on s'en servait +pour envoyer des signaux." 181,17,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail’s light." +181,18,5,"Le bout de sa queue brille avec +intensité. Jadis, on s'en servait +pour envoyer des signaux." 181,18,9,"The tip of its tail shines brightly. In the olden days, people sent signals using the tail’s light." @@ -12239,9 +13323,15 @@ is a ritual to summon the sun." 182,16,9,"Plentiful in the tropics. When it dances, its petals rub together and make a pleasant ringing sound." +182,17,5,"À la fin de la saison des pluies, +il sort danser en plein air, +attiré par la chaleur du soleil." 182,17,9,"When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open." +182,18,5,"À la fin de la saison des pluies, +il sort danser en plein air, +attiré par la chaleur du soleil." 182,18,9,"When the heavy rainfall season ends, it is drawn out by warm sunlight to dance in the open." @@ -12294,9 +13384,15 @@ lets it swim without drowning." 183,16,9,"The end of its tail serves as a buoy that keeps it from drowning, even in a vicious current." +183,17,5,"Sa queue à l'extrémité remplie +d'huile fait office de flotteur et +lui permet de ne pas couler." 183,17,9,"The oil-filled end of its tail floats on water. It keeps Marill from drowning even in a strong current." +183,18,5,"Sa queue à l'extrémité remplie +d'huile fait office de flotteur et +lui permet de ne pas couler." 183,18,9,"The oil-filled end of its tail floats on water. It keeps Marill from drowning even in a strong current." @@ -12348,9 +13444,15 @@ wild, fast-moving rivers." 184,16,9,"When it plays in water, it rolls up its elongated ears to prevent their insides from getting wet." +184,17,5,"Ses poumons peuvent contenir +assez d'air pour lui permettre de +passer une journée sous l'eau." 184,17,9,"It can spend all day in water, since it can inhale and store a large volume of air." +184,18,5,"Ses poumons peuvent contenir +assez d'air pour lui permettre de +passer une journée sous l'eau." 184,18,9,"It can spend all day in water, since it can inhale and store a large volume of air." @@ -12404,9 +13506,15 @@ similar to rock than to vegetation." 185,16,9,"It disguises itself as a tree to avoid attack. It hates water, so it will disappear if it starts raining." +185,17,5,"Il prend l'apparence d'un arbre +pour éviter les attaques, mais il +déteste l'eau et fuit la pluie." 185,17,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain." +185,18,5,"Il prend l'apparence d'un arbre +pour éviter les attaques, mais il +déteste l'eau et fuit la pluie." 185,18,9,"To avoid being attacked, it does nothing but mimic a tree. It hates water and flees from rain." @@ -12458,9 +13566,15 @@ gathering from far and wide." 186,16,9,"Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing." +186,17,5,"Il rassemble ses pairs pour les +commander. Il utilise son cri +pour diriger Ptitard." 186,17,9,"It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey." +186,18,5,"Il rassemble ses pairs pour les +commander. Il utilise son cri +pour diriger Ptitard." 186,18,9,"It gathers groups of others as their leader. Its cries make Poliwag obey." @@ -12512,9 +13626,15 @@ But they do enjoy gentle breezes." 187,16,9,"Its body is so light, it must grip the ground firmly with its feet to keep from being blown away." +187,17,5,"Il dérive avec le vent. Sa présence +en nombre dans les champs et les +montagnes annonce le printemps." 187,17,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that when Hoppip gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way." +187,18,5,"Il dérive avec le vent. Sa présence +en nombre dans les champs et les +montagnes annonce le printemps." 187,18,9,"It drifts on winds. It is said that when Hoppip gather in fields and mountains, spring is on the way." @@ -12568,9 +13688,15 @@ fluctuates up and down." 188,16,9,"It spreads its petals to absorb sunlight. It also floats in the air to get closer to the sun." +188,17,5,"Il fleurit lorsque les températures +remontent. Il flotte dans le ciel +pour absorber les rayons du soleil." 188,17,9,"It blooms when the weather warms. It floats in the sky to soak up as much sunlight as possible." +188,18,5,"Il fleurit lorsque les températures +remontent. Il flotte dans le ciel +pour absorber les rayons du soleil." 188,18,9,"It blooms when the weather warms. It floats in the sky to soak up as much sunlight as possible." @@ -12622,9 +13748,15 @@ it can even float around the world." 189,16,9,"Drifts on seasonal winds and spreads its cotton-like spores all over the world to make more offspring." +189,17,5,"Poussé par les vents saisonniers, +il fait le tour du globe en semant +des spores de coton." 189,17,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes." +189,18,5,"Poussé par les vents saisonniers, +il fait le tour du globe en semant +des spores de coton." 189,18,9,"Blown by seasonal winds, it circles the globe, scattering cotton spores as it goes." @@ -12678,9 +13810,15 @@ hold itself up in the air." 190,16,9,"It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance." +190,17,5,"Sa queue est aussi agile que ses +mains. Il vit en haut des grands +arbres." 190,17,9,"It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands." +190,18,5,"Sa queue est aussi agile que ses +mains. Il vit en haut des grands +arbres." 190,18,9,"It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands." @@ -12734,9 +13872,15 @@ it will violently shake its leaves." 191,16,9,"It lives by drinking only dewdrops from under the leaves of plants. It is said that it eats nothing else." +191,17,5,"Il tombe du ciel sans crier gare en +matinée. On en croise énormément +l'année suivant un été froid." 191,17,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in the morning. A year after a cold summer, their population explodes." +191,18,5,"Il tombe du ciel sans crier gare en +matinée. On en croise énormément +l'année suivant un été froid." 191,18,9,"It suddenly falls out of the sky in the morning. A year after a cold summer, their population explodes." @@ -12788,9 +13932,15 @@ closes its petals and becomes still." 192,16,9,"In the daytime, it rushes about in a hectic manner, but it comes to a complete stop when the sun sets." +192,17,5,"Les rayons du soleil lui donnent de +l'énergie. Il est connu pour migrer +vers les régions ensoleillées." 192,17,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it." +192,18,5,"Les rayons du soleil lui donnent de +l'énergie. Il est connu pour migrer +vers les régions ensoleillées." 192,18,9,"It gets energy from warm sunlight and is known for its habit of moving in pursuit of it." @@ -12844,9 +13994,15 @@ will shatter windows in the area." 193,16,9,"Its large eyes can scan 360 degrees. It looks in all directions to seek out insects as its prey." +193,17,5,"La vitesse de ses ailes lui permet +un vol stationnaire. Il surveille +ainsi tout son territoire." 193,17,9,"It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory." +193,18,5,"La vitesse de ses ailes lui permet +un vol stationnaire. Il surveille +ainsi tout son territoire." 193,18,9,"It can hover in one spot by flapping its wings at high speed. It flits about to guard its territory." @@ -12898,9 +14054,15 @@ for food when it gets cold outside." 194,16,9,"When it walks around on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film." +194,17,5,"Sur la terre ferme, il couvre son +corps d'un fluide toxique qui le +protège de la déshydratation." 194,17,9,"When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating." +194,18,5,"Sur la terre ferme, il couvre son +corps d'un fluide toxique qui le +protège de la déshydratation." 194,18,9,"When walking on land, it covers its body with a poisonous film that keeps its skin from dehydrating." @@ -12952,9 +14114,15 @@ it always bumps into boat hulls." 195,16,9,"Due to its relaxed and carefree attitude, it often bumps its head on boulders and boat hulls as it swims." +195,17,5,"De nature placide, il a tendance à +se cogner la tête contre les récifs +et autres bateaux de passage." 195,17,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It doesn’t care if it bumps its head on boats and boulders while swimming." +195,18,5,"De nature placide, il a tendance à +se cogner la tête contre les récifs +et autres bateaux de passage." 195,18,9,"It has an easygoing nature. It doesn’t care if it bumps its head on boats and boulders while swimming." @@ -13006,9 +14174,15 @@ predict its enemy’s actions." 196,16,9,"By reading air currents, it can predict things such as the weather or its foe’s next move." +196,17,5,"Sa fourrure est si sensible qu'il +peut détecter les vibrations de +l'air et prédire le temps qu'il fera." 196,17,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can sense minute shifts in the air and predict the weather." +196,18,5,"Sa fourrure est si sensible qu'il +peut détecter les vibrations de +l'air et prédire le temps qu'il fera." 196,18,9,"Its fur is so sensitive, it can sense minute shifts in the air and predict the weather." @@ -13062,9 +14236,15 @@ poisonous sweat from its pores." 197,16,9,"When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby." +197,17,5,"Quand il s'expose à la lumière de la +lune, ses anneaux brillent et il +obtient un mystérieux pouvoir." 197,17,9,"When exposed to the moon’s aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power." +197,18,5,"Quand il s'expose à la lumière de la +lune, ses anneaux brillent et il +obtient un mystérieux pouvoir." 197,18,9,"When exposed to the moon’s aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power." @@ -13118,9 +14298,15 @@ all those who see it at night." 198,16,9,"It is said that when chased, it lures its attacker onto dark mountain trails where the foe will get lost." +198,17,5,"Quand il est en danger, il tente de +semer ses poursuivants dans les +chemins montagneux." 198,17,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary person into chasing it, then lose the pursuer on mountain trails." +198,18,5,"Quand il est en danger, il tente de +semer ses poursuivants dans les +chemins montagneux." 198,18,9,"If spotted, it will lure an unwary person into chasing it, then lose the pursuer on mountain trails." @@ -13174,9 +14360,15 @@ it remains calm and collected." 199,16,9,"When its head was bitten, toxins entered SLOWPOKE’s head and unlocked an extraordinary power." +199,17,5,"La morsure de Kokiyas a fait de lui +un génie dont l'intelligence rivalise +avec celle d'un prix Nobel." 199,17,9,"Being bitten by Shellder gave it intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists." +199,18,5,"La morsure de Kokiyas a fait de lui +un génie dont l'intelligence rivalise +avec celle d'un prix Nobel." 199,18,9,"Being bitten by Shellder gave it intelligence comparable to that of award-winning scientists." @@ -13228,9 +14420,15 @@ startle people at night. " 200,16,9,"It loves to bite and yank people’s hair from behind without warning, just to see their shocked reactions." +200,17,5,"Il fait peur aux aventuriers en +pleine nuit et se nourrit de leur +frayeur." 200,17,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in the middle of the night. It gathers fear as its energy." +200,18,5,"Il fait peur aux aventuriers en +pleine nuit et se nourrit de leur +frayeur." 200,18,9,"A Pokémon that startles people in the middle of the night. It gathers fear as its energy." @@ -13282,9 +14480,15 @@ that the two are somehow related." 201,16,9,"Its flat, thin body is always stuck on walls. Its shape appears to have some meaning." +201,17,5,"Quand il est seul, il ne se passe +rien... Mais en groupe, il semble +habité par un mystérieux pouvoir." 201,17,9,"When alone, nothing happens. However, if there are two or more, an odd power is said to emerge." +201,18,5,"Quand il est seul, il ne se passe +rien... Mais en groupe, il semble +habité par un mystérieux pouvoir." 201,18,9,"When alone, nothing happens. However, if there are two or more, an odd power is said to emerge." @@ -13338,9 +14542,15 @@ build up its counterstrike." 202,16,9,"To keep its pitch-black tail hidden, it lives quietly in the darkness. It is never first to attack." +202,17,5,"Il cherche désespérément à cacher +sa queue noire. Certains pensent +qu'elle renferme un secret." 202,17,9,"It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret." +202,18,5,"Il cherche désespérément à cacher +sa queue noire. Certains pensent +qu'elle renferme un secret." 202,18,9,"It desperately tries to keep its black tail hidden. It is said to be proof the tail hides a secret." @@ -13393,9 +14603,15 @@ may react to your scent by biting." 203,16,9,"Its tail, which also contains a small brain, may bite on its own if it notices an alluring smell." +203,17,5,"La tête qu'il a sur la queue dispose +de son propre cerveau et lui +permet de couvrir ses arrières." 203,17,9,"The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward." +203,18,5,"La tête qu'il a sur la queue dispose +de son propre cerveau et lui +permet de couvrir ses arrières." 203,18,9,"The head on its tail contains a small brain. It can instinctively fight even while facing backward." @@ -13449,9 +14665,15 @@ additional weight doesn’t bother it." 204,16,9,"It hangs and waits for flying insect prey to come near. It does not move about much on its own." +204,17,5,"Il ressemble à une pomme de pin. +Sa carapace le protège des Pokémon +Oiseaux qui le picorent par erreur." 204,17,9,"It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake." +204,18,5,"Il ressemble à une pomme de pin. +Sa carapace le protège des Pokémon +Oiseaux qui le picorent par erreur." 204,18,9,"It looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokémon that peck it by mistake." @@ -13503,9 +14725,15 @@ this shell is a total mystery." 205,16,9,"It remains immovably rooted to its tree. It scatters pieces of its hard shell to drive its enemies away." +205,17,5,"Il est prisonnier d'une coquille +d'acier. Ses yeux vigilants sont la +seule partie visible de son corps." 205,17,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen of its mysterious innards." +205,18,5,"Il est prisonnier d'une coquille +d'acier. Ses yeux vigilants sont la +seule partie visible de son corps." 205,18,9,"It is encased in a steel shell. Its peering eyes are all that can be seen of its mysterious innards." @@ -13559,9 +14787,15 @@ the ground with its tail." 206,16,9,"If spotted, it escapes by burrowing with its tail. It can float just slightly using its wings." +206,17,5,"Son nid est un véritable labyrinthe +qu'il creuse à l'aide de sa queue. +Il sait à peine voler." 206,17,9,"It digs into the ground with its tail and makes a mazelike nest. It can fly just a little." +206,18,5,"Son nid est un véritable labyrinthe +qu'il creuse à l'aide de sa queue. +Il sait à peine voler." 206,18,9,"It digs into the ground with its tail and makes a mazelike nest. It can fly just a little." @@ -13615,9 +14849,15 @@ startled victim to inject poison." 207,16,9,"It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack." +207,17,5,"Il fend l'air et fond sur sa proie +pour s'agripper à son visage et +la frapper avec son dard." 207,17,9,"It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger." +207,18,5,"Il fend l'air et fond sur sa proie +pour s'agripper à son visage et +la frapper avec son dard." 207,18,9,"It glides as if sliding. It startles foes by clamping on to their faces, then jabs with its poison stinger." @@ -13671,9 +14911,15 @@ it is even harder than a diamond." 208,16,9,"It’s said that if an ONIX lives for 100 years, its composition becomes diamondlike as it evolves into a STEELIX." +208,17,5,"On pense que son corps s'est +transformé à cause du fer contenu +dans la terre dont il se nourrit." 208,17,9,"It is thought its body transformed as a result of iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil." +208,18,5,"On pense que son corps s'est +transformé à cause du fer contenu +dans la terre dont il se nourrit." 208,18,9,"It is thought its body transformed as a result of iron accumulating internally from swallowing soil." @@ -13725,9 +14971,15 @@ It is very popular among women." 209,16,9,"It has an active, playful nature. Many women like to frolic with it because of its affectionate ways." +209,17,5,"Son visage horrible fait fuir les +petits Pokémon. Par contre, les +femmes le trouvent mignon." 209,17,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary face. It is, however, considered by women to be cute." +209,18,5,"Son visage horrible fait fuir les +petits Pokémon. Par contre, les +femmes le trouvent mignon." 209,18,9,"Small Pokémon flee from its scary face. It is, however, considered by women to be cute." @@ -13781,9 +15033,15 @@ about to fend off its attacker." 210,16,9,"Because its fangs are too heavy, it always keeps its head tilted down. However, its bite is powerful." +210,17,5,"En dépit des apparences, c'est un +grand timide. Quand il s'énerve, il +mord de ses énormes crocs." 210,17,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs." +210,18,5,"En dépit des apparences, c'est un +grand timide. Quand il s'énerve, il +mord de ses énormes crocs." 210,18,9,"It is timid in spite of its looks. If it becomes enraged, however, it will strike with its huge fangs." @@ -13837,9 +15095,15 @@ inflate its body by drinking over 211,16,9,"The small spikes covering its body developed from scales. They inject a toxin that causes fainting." +211,17,5,"Il envoie ses piquants empoisonnés +à la ronde. Sa forme sphérique en +fait un piètre nageur." 211,17,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. Its round form makes it a poor swimmer." +211,18,5,"Il envoie ses piquants empoisonnés +à la ronde. Sa forme sphérique en +fait un piètre nageur." 211,18,9,"It shoots the poison spines on its body in all directions. Its round form makes it a poor swimmer." @@ -13891,9 +15155,15 @@ it look like it has three heads." 212,16,9,"Its wings are not used for flying. They are flapped at high speed to adjust its body temperature." +212,17,5,"Les yeux sur ses pinces servent à +intimider l'ennemi avant de passer +à l'attaque." 212,17,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike markings for intimidation. It also swings them down dangerously." +212,18,5,"Les yeux sur ses pinces servent à +intimider l'ennemi avant de passer +à l'attaque." 212,18,9,"It raises its pincers with eyelike markings for intimidation. It also swings them down dangerously." @@ -13947,9 +15217,15 @@ become a gooey liquid." 213,16,9,"It stores berries inside its shell. To avoid attacks, it hides beneath rocks and remains completely still." +213,17,5,"Il stocke des Baies sous sa +carapace. Elles fermentent et +produisent des jus délicieux." 213,17,9,"It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices." +213,18,5,"Il stocke des Baies sous sa +carapace. Elles fermentent et +produisent des jus délicieux." 213,18,9,"It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices." @@ -14003,9 +15279,15 @@ bellies, then lifts and throws them." 214,16,9,"It is usually docile, but if it is disturbed while sipping honey, it chases off the intruder with its horn." +214,17,5,"Il défend vaillamment sa réserve de +miel personnelle à grand renfort +de coups de corne." 214,17,9,"It loves sweet honey. To keep all the honey to itself, it hurls rivals away with its prized horn." +214,18,5,"Il défend vaillamment sa réserve de +miel personnelle à grand renfort +de coups de corne." 214,18,9,"It loves sweet honey. To keep all the honey to itself, it hurls rivals away with its prized horn." @@ -14057,9 +15339,15 @@ claws and startles its enemy." 215,16,9,"Vicious in nature, it drives PIDGEY from their nests and scavenges any leftovers it can find." +215,17,5,"Ce Pokémon rusé agit parfois en +équipe pour voler des œufs, l'un +d'entre eux faisant diversion." 215,17,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair may work together to steal eggs by having one lure the parents away." +215,18,5,"Ce Pokémon rusé agit parfois en +équipe pour voler des œufs, l'un +d'entre eux faisant diversion." 215,18,9,"A smart and sneaky Pokémon. A pair may work together to steal eggs by having one lure the parents away." @@ -14111,9 +15399,15 @@ because they’re soaked with honey." 216,16,9,"Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations." +216,17,5,"Il baigne ses griffes dans le miel +pour les lécher. Chaque paire +de pattes a un goût unique." 216,17,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique." +216,18,5,"Il baigne ses griffes dans le miel +pour les lécher. Chaque paire +de pattes a un goût unique." 216,18,9,"It lets honey soak into its paws so it can lick them all the time. Every set of paws tastes unique." @@ -14167,9 +15461,15 @@ forelegs and eat fallen berries." 217,16,9,"With its ability to distinguish any aroma, it unfailingly finds all food buried deep underground." +217,17,5,"Il marque de ses griffes les arbres +de son territoire qui portent des +Baies ou des fruits." 217,17,9,"In its territory, it leaves scratches on trees that bear delicious berries or fruits." +217,18,5,"Il marque de ses griffes les arbres +de son territoire qui portent des +Baies ou des fruits." 217,18,9,"In its territory, it leaves scratches on trees that bear delicious berries or fruits." @@ -14222,9 +15522,15 @@ magma body would cool and harden." 218,16,9,"A common sight in volcanic areas, it slowly slithers around in a constant search for warm places." +218,17,5,"Son corps est fait de magma. +S'il cesse de bouger, il refroidit +et durcit." 218,17,9,"Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden." +218,18,5,"Son corps est fait de magma. +S'il cesse de bouger, il refroidit +et durcit." 218,18,9,"Its body is made of magma. If it doesn’t keep moving, its body will cool and harden." @@ -14278,9 +15584,15 @@ breaks easily with a slight touch." 219,16,9,"Its brittle shell occasionally spouts intense flames that circulate throughout its body." +219,17,5,"Sa température corporelle avoisine +les 10 000 °C. Des flammes fusent +des fissures de sa coquille." 219,17,9,"Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell." +219,18,5,"Sa température corporelle avoisine +les 10 000 °C. Des flammes fusent +des fissures de sa coquille." 219,18,9,"Its body temperature is roughly 18,000 degrees F. Flames spout from gaps in its hardened shell." @@ -14334,9 +15646,15 @@ discovers hot springs." 220,16,9,"If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma." +220,17,5,"Son nez très sensible détecte +champignons, Baies et sources +chaudes enfouis sous la glace." 220,17,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice." +220,18,5,"Son nez très sensible détecte +champignons, Baies et sources +chaudes enfouis sous la glace." 220,18,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice." @@ -14388,9 +15706,15 @@ keeps charging repeatedly." 221,16,9,"If it charges at an enemy, the hairs on its back stand up straight. It is very sensitive to sound." +221,17,5,"Il est protégé du froid mordant par +son épais manteau de fourrure. Ses +cornes sont formées de glace." 221,17,9,"Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows." +221,18,5,"Il est protégé du froid mordant par +son épais manteau de fourrure. Ses +cornes sont formées de glace." 221,18,9,"Covered by a shaggy coat, it is strong against the cold. Its tusks of ice thicken when it snows." @@ -14442,9 +15766,15 @@ a treasure because of its beauty." 222,16,9,"In a south-sea nation, the people live in communities that are built on groups of these Pokémon." +222,17,5,"On en trouve beaucoup dans les mers +claires du sud. On dirait qu'il ne peut +pas vivre en eau polluée." 222,17,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can’t live in polluted waters." +222,18,5,"On en trouve beaucoup dans les mers +claires du sud. On dirait qu'il ne peut +pas vivre en eau polluée." 222,18,9,"Many live in the clean seas of the south. They apparently can’t live in polluted waters." @@ -14496,9 +15826,15 @@ prey from more than 300 feet away." 223,16,9,"Using its dorsal fin as a suction pad, it clings to a MANTINE’s underside to scavenge for leftovers. " +223,17,5,"Son puissant jet d'eau ne manque +jamais sa cible, même quand il est +au fond de l'eau." 223,17,9,"It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the Remoraid is deep in the sea." +223,18,5,"Son puissant jet d'eau ne manque +jamais sa cible, même quand il est +au fond de l'eau." 223,18,9,"It forcefully squirts water. The water jet never misses prey even if the Remoraid is deep in the sea." @@ -14552,9 +15888,15 @@ them with its rock-hard head." 224,16,9,"It instinctively sneaks into rocky holes. If it gets sleepy, it steals the nest of a fellow OCTILLERY." +224,17,5,"Il adore se cacher dans les +fissures de la roche. Il crache +parfois de l'encre sur ses proies." 224,17,9,"It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth." +224,18,5,"Il adore se cacher dans les +fissures de la roche. Il crache +parfois de l'encre sur ses proies." 224,18,9,"It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth." @@ -14606,9 +15948,15 @@ who were saved by its stored food." 225,16,9,"It nests at the edge of sharp cliffs. It spends all day carrying food to its awaiting chicks." +225,17,5,"Il dépose sa nourriture dans sa +queue enroulée. Il l'offre souvent +aux gens égarés en montagne." 225,17,9,"It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains." +225,18,5,"Il dépose sa nourriture dans sa +queue enroulée. Il l'offre souvent +aux gens égarés en montagne." 225,18,9,"It carries food rolled up in its tail. It has the habit of sharing food with people lost in mountains." @@ -14660,9 +16008,15 @@ scavenging its leftovers." 226,16,9,"Swimming freely in open seas, it may fly out of the water and over the waves if it builds up enough speed. " +226,17,5,"Il ignore royalement les Rémoraid +qui s'accrochent à ses nageoires +pour manger les restes qu'il sème." 226,17,9,"While elegantly swimming in the sea, it ignores Remoraid that cling to its fins seeking food scraps." +226,18,5,"Il ignore royalement les Rémoraid +qui s'accrochent à ses nageoires +pour manger les restes qu'il sème." 226,18,9,"While elegantly swimming in the sea, it ignores Remoraid that cling to its fins seeking food scraps." @@ -14714,9 +16068,15 @@ allowing it to fly freely in the sky." 227,16,9,"After nesting in bramble bushes, the wings of its chicks grow hard from scratches by thorns." +227,17,5,"Son corps est prisonnier d'une armure +dure comme l'acier, mais il vole à plus +de 300 km/h." 227,17,9,"Despite being clad entirely in iron-hard armor, it flies at speeds over 180 mph." +227,18,5,"Son corps est prisonnier d'une armure +dure comme l'acier, mais il vole à plus +de 300 km/h." 227,18,9,"Despite being clad entirely in iron-hard armor, it flies at speeds over 180 mph." @@ -14768,9 +16128,15 @@ kind and for pursuing its prey." 228,16,9,"To corner prey, they check each other’s location using barks that only they can understand." +228,17,5,"Il est assez évolué pour chasser +en meute et communiquer par +des séries de cris modulés." 228,17,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in packs. It uses a variety of cries for communicating with others." +228,18,5,"Il est assez évolué pour chasser +en meute et communiquer par +des séries de cris modulés." 228,18,9,"It is smart enough to hunt in packs. It uses a variety of cries for communicating with others." @@ -14822,9 +16188,15 @@ the pain will never go away." 229,16,9,"Upon hearing its eerie howls, other Pokémon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests." +229,17,5,"En colère, il crache des flammes +contenant une toxine qui peut +causer des dégâts irréversibles." 229,17,9,"The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever." +229,18,5,"En colère, il crache des flammes +contenant une toxine qui peut +causer des dégâts irréversibles." 229,18,9,"The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever." @@ -14876,9 +16248,15 @@ whirlpools by yawning." 230,16,9,"It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to build its energy. It is said to cause tornadoes as it wakes." +230,17,5,"Chacun de ses déplacements provoque +des tourbillons. Il vit dans les grottes +sous-marines." 230,17,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves." +230,18,5,"Chacun de ses déplacements provoque +des tourbillons. Il vit dans les grottes +sous-marines." 230,18,9,"It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves." @@ -14931,9 +16309,15 @@ strong, that can be dangerous." 231,16,9,"As a sign of affection, it bumps with its snout. However, it is so strong, it may send you flying." +231,17,5,"Il est fort malgré son aspect ramassé. +Il n'a aucun mal à porter un humain +adulte sur son dos." 231,17,9,"It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back." +231,18,5,"Il est fort malgré son aspect ramassé. +Il n'a aucun mal à porter un humain +adulte sur son dos." 231,18,9,"It is strong despite its compact size. It can easily pick up and carry an adult human on its back." @@ -14985,9 +16369,15 @@ enough to knock down a house." 232,16,9,"The longer and bigger its tusks, the higher its rank in its herd. The tusks take long to grow." +232,17,5,"Il attaque en se roulant en boule +pour percuter l'ennemi. Il peut +abattre une maison d'un seul coup." 232,17,9,"It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit." +232,18,5,"Il attaque en se roulant en boule +pour percuter l'ennemi. Il peut +abattre une maison d'un seul coup." 232,18,9,"It attacks by curling up, then rolling into its foe. It can blow apart a house in one hit." @@ -15041,9 +16431,15 @@ It can’t fly, however." 233,16,9,"Further research enhanced its abilities. Sometimes, it may exhibit motions that were not programmed." +233,17,5,"Il a subi une mise à jour censée lui +permettre d'explorer d'autres +planètes... C'est un échec." 233,17,9,"It was upgraded to enable the exploration of other planets. However, it failed to measure up." +233,18,5,"Il a subi une mise à jour censée lui +permettre d'explorer d'autres +planètes... C'est un échec." 233,18,9,"It was upgraded to enable the exploration of other planets. However, it failed to measure up." @@ -15095,9 +16491,15 @@ space where reality is distorted." 234,16,9,"Those who stare at its antlers will gradually lose control of their senses and be unable to stand." +234,17,5,"Quiconque observe ses antennes +ressent une sensation étrange, +comme si leur centre l'attirait." 234,17,9,"Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers." +234,18,5,"Quiconque observe ses antennes +ressent une sensation étrange, +comme si leur centre l'attirait." 234,18,9,"Staring at its antlers creates an odd sensation as if one were being drawn into their centers." @@ -15149,9 +16551,15 @@ everywhere to mark its territory." 235,16,9,"Once it becomes an adult, it has a tendency to let its comrades plant footprints on its back." +235,17,5,"Il marque son territoire en maniant +sa queue comme un pinceau. On +dénombre plus de 5 000 marques." 235,17,9,"It marks its territory by using its tail like a paintbrush. There are more than 5,000 different marks." +235,18,5,"Il marque son territoire en maniant +sa queue comme un pinceau. On +dénombre plus de 5 000 marques." 235,18,9,"It marks its territory by using its tail like a paintbrush. There are more than 5,000 different marks." @@ -15203,9 +16611,15 @@ keeps on fighting even if it loses." 236,16,9,"Even though it is small, it can’t be ignored because it will slug any handy target without warning." +236,17,5,"Il est réputé pour sa combativité. +Il se blesse toujours en défiant +des ennemis plus grands." 236,17,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes." +236,18,5,"Il est réputé pour sa combativité. +Il se blesse toujours en défiant +des ennemis plus grands." 236,18,9,"It is famous for its eagerness to fight and always nurses injuries from challenging larger foes." @@ -15259,9 +16673,15 @@ experience with one than you’d like." 237,16,9,"It launches kicks while spinning. If it spins at high speed, it may bore its way into the ground." +237,17,5,"Il combat en tournoyant comme une +toupie. La force centrifuge décuple +sa puissance destructrice." 237,17,9,"It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by ten." +237,18,5,"Il combat en tournoyant comme une +toupie. La force centrifuge décuple +sa puissance destructrice." 237,18,9,"It fights while spinning like a top. The centrifugal force boosts its destructive power by ten." @@ -15313,9 +16733,15 @@ its lips first to examine things." 238,16,9,"It always rocks its head slowly backwards and forwards as if it is trying to kiss someone." +238,17,5,"Il goûte à tout du bout des lèvres. +Elles gardent en mémoire ses +goûts et ses dégoûts." 238,17,9,"It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes." +238,18,5,"Il goûte à tout du bout des lèvres. +Elles gardent en mémoire ses +goûts et ses dégoûts." 238,18,9,"It tests everything by touching with its lips, which remember what it likes and dislikes." @@ -15367,9 +16793,15 @@ so it only charges up a little bit." 239,16,9,"Even in the most vicious storm, this Pokémon plays happily if thunder rumbles in the sky." +239,17,5,"Un faible courant électrique circule +entre ses cornes. Attention à ne +pas y mettre la main!" 239,17,9,"A weak electric current flows between its horns. Sticking a hand there shocks the unwary." +239,18,5,"Un faible courant électrique circule +entre ses cornes. Attention à ne +pas y mettre la main!" 239,18,9,"A weak electric current flows between its horns. Sticking a hand there shocks the unwary." @@ -15423,9 +16855,15 @@ from its mouth and nostrils." 240,16,9,"It is found in volcanic craters. Its body temperature is over 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, so don’t underestimate it." +240,17,5,"Son sang est chaud comme du magma +et la température de son corps +peut atteindre 600 °C." 240,17,9,"Its magma-like blood circulates throughout its body. Its body’s heat can top 1,100 degrees F." +240,18,5,"Son sang est chaud comme du magma +et la température de son corps +peut atteindre 600 °C." 240,18,9,"Its magma-like blood circulates throughout its body. Its body’s heat can top 1,100 degrees F." @@ -15477,9 +16915,15 @@ for the sick or weary." 241,16,9,"If it is around babies, the milk it produces contains much more nutrition than usual." +241,17,5,"On raconte que les enfants élevés +au lait d'Écrémeuh deviennent des +adultes braves et robustes." 241,17,9,"It is said that kids who drink Miltank’s milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults." +241,18,5,"On raconte que les enfants élevés +au lait d'Écrémeuh deviennent des +adultes braves et robustes." 241,18,9,"It is said that kids who drink Miltank’s milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults." @@ -15533,9 +16977,15 @@ caring and pleasant to everyone." 242,16,9,"It has a very compassionate nature. If it sees a sick Pokémon, it will nurse the sufferer back to health." +242,17,5,"Les œufs que pond Leuphorie sont +un concentré de bonheur dont une +bouchée suffit à apporter la joie." 242,17,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone." +242,18,5,"Les œufs que pond Leuphorie sont +un concentré de bonheur dont une +bouchée suffit à apporter la joie." 242,18,9,"The eggs it lays are filled with happiness. Eating even one bite will bring a smile to anyone." @@ -15587,9 +17037,15 @@ that it descended with lightning." 243,16,9,"A Pokémon that races across the land while barking a cry that sounds like crashing thunder." +243,17,5,"On prétend qu'il est tombé avec la +foudre. Il peut lancer des éclairs +grâce aux nuages sur son dos." 243,17,9,"It is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back." +243,18,5,"On prétend qu'il est tombé avec la +foudre. Il peut lancer des éclairs +grâce aux nuages sur son dos." 243,18,9,"It is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back." @@ -15641,9 +17097,15 @@ it races headlong around the land." 244,16,9,"A Pokémon that races across the land. It is said that one is born every time a new volcano appears." +244,17,5,"On raconte qu'à chaque fois qu'il +rugit, un volcan entre en éruption +quelque part." 244,17,9,"It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe." +244,18,5,"On raconte qu'à chaque fois qu'il +rugit, un volcan entre en éruption +quelque part." 244,18,9,"It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe." @@ -15695,9 +17157,15 @@ purify filthy, murky water." 245,16,9,"This Pokémon races across the land. It is said that north winds will somehow blow whenever it appears." +245,17,5,"Il parcourt le vaste monde pour +purifier les eaux polluées. Il +accompagne le vent du nord." 245,17,9,"It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind." +245,18,5,"Il parcourt le vaste monde pour +purifier les eaux polluées. Il +accompagne le vent du nord." 245,18,9,"It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind." @@ -15749,9 +17217,15 @@ so it can grow." 246,16,9,"It is born deep underground. It can’t emerge until it has entirely consumed the soil around it." +246,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui se nourrit de terre. +Après avoir dévoré une montagne, +il s'endort pour grandir." 246,17,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it has eaten a large mountain, it goes to sleep so it can grow." +246,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui se nourrit de terre. +Après avoir dévoré une montagne, +il s'endort pour grandir." 246,18,9,"A Pokémon that eats soil. Once it has eaten a large mountain, it goes to sleep so it can grow." @@ -15803,9 +17277,15 @@ thrashing can topple a mountain." 247,16,9,"Even sealed in its shell, it can move freely. Hard and fast, it has outstanding destructive power." +247,17,5,"Son corps est dur comme la pierre +souterraine. Il file comme une +fusée en expulsant des gaz." 247,17,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock. By venting pressurized gas, it can launch itself like a rocket." +247,18,5,"Son corps est dur comme la pierre +souterraine. Il file comme une +fusée en expulsant des gaz." 247,18,9,"Its body is as hard as bedrock. By venting pressurized gas, it can launch itself like a rocket." @@ -15859,9 +17339,15 @@ to make challenges against enemies." 248,16,9,"Extremely strong, it can change the landscape. It has an insolent nature that makes it not care about others." +248,17,5,"Lorsqu'il est en colère, il abat des +montagnes et enterre des fleuves. +On doit alors modifier les cartes." 248,17,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward." +248,18,5,"Lorsqu'il est en colère, il abat des +montagnes et enterre des fleuves. +On doit alors modifier les cartes." 248,18,9,"If it rampages, it knocks down mountains and buries rivers. Maps must be redrawn afterward." @@ -15913,9 +17399,15 @@ because its powers are too strong." 249,16,9,"It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm." +249,17,5,"Il dort dans une faille des grands +fonds. Ses battements d'ailes +génèrent une tempête de 40 jours." 249,17,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm." +249,18,5,"Il dort dans une faille des grands +fonds. Ses battements d'ailes +génèrent une tempête de 40 jours." 249,18,9,"It sleeps in a deep-sea trench. If it flaps its wings, it is said to cause a 40-day storm." @@ -15969,9 +17461,15 @@ magnificent, seven-colored wings." 250,16,9,"A legend says that its body glows in seven colors. A rainbow is said to form behind it when it flies." +250,17,5,"Ses plumes possèdent sept couleurs. +On prétend que sa vue apporte la +joie éternelle." 250,17,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors. It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness." +250,18,5,"Ses plumes possèdent sept couleurs. +On prétend que sa vue apporte la +joie éternelle." 250,18,9,"Its feathers are in seven colors. It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness." @@ -16023,9 +17521,15 @@ forests in which it has appeared." 251,16,9,"When CELEBI disappears deep in a forest, it is said to leave behind an egg it brought from the future." +251,17,5,"Il a le pouvoir de voyager dans le +temps. Cependant, on dit qu'il +n'apparaît qu'en temps de paix." 251,17,9,"It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times." +251,18,5,"Il a le pouvoir de voyager dans le +temps. Cependant, on dit qu'il +n'apparaît qu'en temps de paix." 251,18,9,"It has the power to travel across time, but it is said to appear only in peaceful times." @@ -16062,9 +17566,15 @@ That is how it can hang from above." 252,16,9,"Small hooks on the bottom of its feet catch on walls and ceilings. That is how it can hang from above." +252,17,5,"Ses plantes de pieds sont couvertes +d'épines lui permettant de marcher +au mur et au plafond." 252,17,9,"The soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings." +252,18,5,"Ses plantes de pieds sont couvertes +d'épines lui permettant de marcher +au mur et au plafond." 252,18,9,"The soles of its feet are covered by countless tiny spikes, enabling it to walk on walls and ceilings." @@ -16101,9 +17611,15 @@ astounding agility." 253,16,9,"It leaps from tree branch to tree branch quite swiftly. It shows astounding agility." +253,17,5,"Il vit dans les jungles denses. +Il saute de branche en branche +pour approcher de sa proie." 253,17,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch." +253,18,5,"Il vit dans les jungles denses. +Il saute de branche en branche +pour approcher de sa proie." 253,18,9,"It lives in dense jungles. While closing in on its prey, it leaps from branch to branch." @@ -16140,9 +17656,15 @@ arms to strike its prey." 254,16,9,"It agilely leaps about the jungle and uses the sharp leaves on its arms to strike its prey." +254,17,5,"Les feuilles sur ses bras peuvent +trancher des troncs épais. C'est +le meilleur combattant des jungles." 254,17,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat." +254,18,5,"Les feuilles sur ses bras peuvent +trancher des troncs épais. C'est +le meilleur combattant des jungles." 254,18,9,"The leaves that grow on its arms can slice down thick trees. It is without peer in jungle combat." @@ -16180,9 +17702,15 @@ be as warm as a hot-water bottle." 255,16,9,"Inside its body is a place where it keeps a small flame. Hug it! It will be as warm as a hot-water bottle." +255,17,5,"Ses câlins réchauffent car il renferme +une fournaise. Il envoie des boules de +feu à 1 000 °C." 255,17,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F." +255,18,5,"Ses câlins réchauffent car il renferme +une fournaise. Il envoie des boules de +feu à 1 000 °C." 255,18,9,"A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of 1,800 degrees F." @@ -16220,9 +17748,15 @@ outstanding destructive power." 256,16,9,"During a battle, the hot flame in its body increases. Its kicks have outstanding destructive power." +256,17,5,"Ce maître du coup de pied peut donner +10 coups par seconde. Ses cris aigus +intimident l'ennemi." 256,17,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes." +256,18,5,"Ce maître du coup de pied peut donner +10 coups par seconde. Ses cris aigus +intimident l'ennemi." 256,18,9,"Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kicks per second. It emits sharp cries to intimidate foes." @@ -16259,9 +17793,15 @@ its foes." 257,16,9,"It can clear a 30-story building in a leap. Its fiery punches scorch its foes." +257,17,5,"Des flammes fusent de ses +poignets et ses coups brûlent +l'ennemi." 257,17,9,"Flames spout from its wrists, enveloping its knuckles. Its punches scorch its foes." +257,18,5,"Des flammes fusent de ses +poignets et ses coups brûlent +l'ennemi." 257,18,9,"Flames spout from its wrists, enveloping its knuckles. Its punches scorch its foes." @@ -16299,9 +17839,15 @@ at the bottom of a river." 258,16,9,"Its power can crush boulders. It rests by covering itself with mud at the bottom of a river." +258,17,5,"Il analyse le courant grâce à la +nageoire sur sa tête. Il est assez +fort pour soulever des rochers." 258,17,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders." +258,18,5,"Il analyse le courant grâce à la +nageoire sur sa tête. Il est assez +fort pour soulever des rochers." 258,18,9,"To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders." @@ -16338,9 +17884,15 @@ its legs sturdy." 259,16,9,"Living on muddy ground that provides poor footing has made its legs sturdy." +259,17,5,"Ses jambes robustes lui donnent +un bon appui, même dans la boue. +Il dort enfoui dans la saleté." 259,17,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep." +259,18,5,"Ses jambes robustes lui donnent +un bon appui, même dans la boue. +Il dort enfoui dans la saleté." 259,18,9,"Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep." @@ -16377,9 +17929,15 @@ break a boulder into pieces." 260,16,9,"Its arms are hard as rock. With one swing, it can break a boulder into pieces." +260,17,5,"Il peut traîner un grand bateau en +nageant. Il assomme l'ennemi d'un +grand coup de ses bras épais." 260,17,9,"It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms." +260,18,5,"Il peut traîner un grand bateau en +nageant. Il assomme l'ennemi d'un +grand coup de ses bras épais." 260,18,9,"It can swim while towing a large ship. It bashes down foes with a swing of its thick arms." @@ -16418,9 +17976,15 @@ turns tail if the prey strikes back." 261,16,9,"It chases its prey until the victim becomes exhausted. However, it turns tail if the prey strikes back." +261,17,5,"Un Pokémon très obstiné qui +poursuit sa proie jusqu'à ce +qu'elle soit épuisée." 261,17,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted." +261,18,5,"Un Pokémon très obstiné qui +poursuit sa proie jusqu'à ce +qu'elle soit épuisée." 261,18,9,"A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until the prey becomes exhausted." @@ -16457,9 +18021,15 @@ perfectly coordinated teamwork." 262,16,9,"It chases down prey in a pack of around ten. They defeat foes with perfectly coordinated teamwork." +262,17,5,"Il traque ses proies en groupe. +Il ne désobéira jamais aux +ordres d'un bon Dresseur." 262,17,9,"It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer." +262,18,5,"Il traque ses proies en groupe. +Il ne désobéira jamais aux +ordres d'un bon Dresseur." 262,18,9,"It chases down prey in a pack. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer." @@ -16497,9 +18067,15 @@ It is good at finding items." 263,16,9,"It gets interested in everything, which is why it zigs and zags. It is good at finding items." +263,17,5,"Il marche en zigzaguant et n'a +pas son pareil pour trouver des +objets dans l'herbe ou sous terre." 263,17,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground." +263,18,5,"Il marche en zigzaguant et n'a +pas son pareil pour trouver des +objets dans l'herbe ou sous terre." 263,18,9,"It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground." @@ -16536,9 +18112,15 @@ has a tough time with curved roads." 264,16,9,"When running in a straight line, it can easily top 60 miles an hour. It has a tough time with curved roads." +264,17,5,"Il fonce sur sa proie à plus de 100 km/h. +Mais il ne peut pas dévier sa course +et loupe souvent sa cible." 264,17,9,"It charges prey at speeds over 60 mph. However, because it can only run straight, it often fails." +264,18,5,"Il fonce sur sa proie à plus de 100 km/h. +Mais il ne peut pas dévier sa course +et loupe souvent sa cible." 264,18,9,"It charges prey at speeds over 60 mph. However, because it can only run straight, it often fails." @@ -16577,9 +18159,15 @@ raising up the spikes on its rear." 265,16,9,"It lives among the tall grass and in forests. It repels attacks by raising up the spikes on its rear." +265,17,5,"Cible favorite des Pokémon Oiseaux, +il tente de se protéger avec ses +épines venimeuses." 265,17,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon, it desperately resists by releasing poison from its tail spikes." +265,18,5,"Cible favorite des Pokémon Oiseaux, +il tente de se protéger avec ses +épines venimeuses." 265,18,9,"Often targeted by bird Pokémon, it desperately resists by releasing poison from its tail spikes." @@ -16618,9 +18206,15 @@ awaits evolution." 266,16,9,"Having wrapped silk around the branches of a tree, it quiescently awaits evolution." +266,17,5,"Il attend d'évoluer dans son cocon +de soie accroché aux branches et +se nourrit d'eau de pluie." 266,17,9,"It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution." +266,18,5,"Il attend d'évoluer dans son cocon +de soie accroché aux branches et +se nourrit d'eau de pluie." 266,18,9,"It wraps silk around the branches of a tree. It drinks rainwater on its silk while awaiting evolution." @@ -16657,9 +18251,15 @@ flower nectar with its long mouth." 267,16,9,"Vibrantly patterned wings are its prominent feature. It sucks sweet flower nectar with its long mouth." +267,17,5,"Malgré les apparences, il est très +agressif et attaque avec sa trompe +quand on le dérange." 267,17,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen." +267,18,5,"Malgré les apparences, il est très +agressif et attaque avec sa trompe +quand on le dérange." 267,18,9,"Despite its looks, it is aggressive. It jabs with its long, thin mouth if disturbed while collecting pollen." @@ -16698,9 +18298,15 @@ evolution, the sturdier it becomes." 268,16,9,"It endures attacks with patience, because the more pain before evolution, the sturdier it becomes." +268,17,5,"Rancunier, il n'oublie aucune des +attaques subies dans le cocon et +se venge une fois qu'il a évolué." 268,17,9,"It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback." +268,18,5,"Rancunier, il n'oublie aucune des +attaques subies dans le cocon et +se venge une fois qu'il a évolué." 268,18,9,"It never forgets any attack it endured while in the cocoon. After evolution, it seeks payback." @@ -16738,9 +18344,15 @@ nocturnal Pokémon." 269,16,9,"It scatters its fine dust all over when it is attacked. It is a nocturnal Pokémon." +269,17,5,"Il disperse un nuage de poudre +toxique à chaque coup d'aile. Il +aime les feuilles d'arbres urbains." 269,17,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each flap. At night, it is known to strip leaves off trees lining boulevards." +269,18,5,"Il disperse un nuage de poudre +toxique à chaque coup d'aile. Il +aime les feuilles d'arbres urbains." 269,18,9,"Toxic powder is scattered with each flap. At night, it is known to strip leaves off trees lining boulevards." @@ -16778,9 +18390,15 @@ to live floating in the water." 270,16,9,"Its leaf grew too large for it to live on land. That is how it began to live floating in the water." +270,17,5,"Il ressemble à une plante aquatique +et fait la navette pour les Pokémon +qui ne savent pas nager." 270,17,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can’t swim." +270,18,5,"Il ressemble à une plante aquatique +et fait la navette pour les Pokémon +qui ne savent pas nager." 270,18,9,"It looks like an aquatic plant and serves as a ferry to Pokémon that can’t swim." @@ -16819,9 +18437,15 @@ mosses that grow in the riverbed." 271,16,9,"It is nocturnal and becomes active at nightfall. It feeds on aquatic mosses that grow in the riverbed." +271,17,5,"C'est un mauvais plaisantin. Quand +il repère un pêcheur, il tire sur sa +ligne pour le déranger." 271,17,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere." +271,18,5,"C'est un mauvais plaisantin. Quand +il repère un pêcheur, il tire sur sa +ligne pour le déranger." 271,18,9,"It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere." @@ -16858,9 +18482,15 @@ amplify its power." 272,16,9,"If it hears festive music, it begins moving in rhythm in order to amplify its power." +272,17,5,"Ses muscles se tonifient au son +d'une musique entraînante. Il ne +peut pas s'empêcher de danser." 272,17,9,"If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can’t help breaking out into a dance." +272,18,5,"Ses muscles se tonifient au son +d'une musique entraînante. Il ne +peut pas s'empêcher de danser." 272,18,9,"If it hears festive music, all its muscles fill with energy. It can’t help breaking out into a dance." @@ -16899,9 +18529,15 @@ winds can sometimes make it fall." 273,16,9,"It attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. Strong winds can sometimes make it fall." +273,17,5,"Il ressemble à un gland pendu à +une branche. Il adore effrayer +les autres Pokémon." 273,17,9,"When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon." +273,18,5,"Il ressemble à un gland pendu à +une branche. Il adore effrayer +les autres Pokémon." 273,18,9,"When it dangles from a tree branch, it looks just like an acorn. It enjoys scaring other Pokémon." @@ -16938,9 +18574,15 @@ whose song makes listeners uneasy." 274,16,9,"It lives deep in forests. With the leaf on its head, it makes a flute whose song makes listeners uneasy." +274,17,5,"Le son de sa flûte d'herbe +déstabilise l'auditeur. Il vit au +plus profond des forêts." 274,17,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests." +274,18,5,"Le son de sa flûte d'herbe +déstabilise l'auditeur. Il vit au +plus profond des forêts." 274,18,9,"The sound of its grass flute makes its listeners uneasy. It lives deep in forests." @@ -16978,9 +18620,15 @@ winds with the fans it holds." 275,16,9,"It lives quietly in the deep forest. It is said to create chilly winter winds with the fans it holds." +275,17,5,"D'un coup de sa feuille éventail, il +génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s +capables de souffler une maison." 275,17,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses." +275,18,5,"D'un coup de sa feuille éventail, il +génère des bourrasques de 30 m/s +capables de souffler une maison." 275,18,9,"By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100 ft/second that can level houses." @@ -17018,9 +18666,15 @@ It hunts for tasty prey." 276,16,9,"When it gets cold, they migrate, flying over 180 miles a day. It hunts for tasty prey." +276,17,5,"Ce Pokémon téméraire n'a pas peur +d'affronter des ennemis puissants. +Il vole en quête de climats chauds." 276,17,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates." +276,18,5,"Ce Pokémon téméraire n'a pas peur +d'affronter des ennemis puissants. +Il vole en quête de climats chauds." 276,18,9,"It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates." @@ -17058,9 +18712,15 @@ its prey with sharp claws." 277,16,9,"It dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws." +277,17,5,"Il vole en cercle en quête d'une +proie. Dès qu'il l'a repérée, il fond +sur elle en un éclair." 277,17,9,"It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey." +277,18,5,"Il vole en cercle en quête d'une +proie. Dès qu'il l'a repérée, il fond +sur elle en un éclair." 277,18,9,"It circles the sky in search of prey. When it spots one, it dives steeply to catch the prey." @@ -17097,9 +18757,15 @@ on sheer cliffs at the sea’s edge." 278,16,9,"It soars on updrafts without flapping its wings. It makes a nest on sheer cliffs at the sea’s edge." +278,17,5,"Il utilise les courants ascendants +pour planer en altitude. Son bec lui +sert à transporter la nourriture." 278,17,9,"It soars high in the sky, riding on updrafts like a glider. It carries food tucked in its bill." +278,18,5,"Il utilise les courants ascendants +pour planer en altitude. Son bec lui +sert à transporter la nourriture." 278,18,9,"It soars high in the sky, riding on updrafts like a glider. It carries food tucked in its bill." @@ -17136,9 +18802,15 @@ on days when the waters are calm." 279,16,9,"It protects its young in its beak. It bobs on waves, resting on them on days when the waters are calm." +279,17,5,"Ce messager du ciel transporte +petits Pokémon et œufs dans son +bec en toute sécurité." 279,17,9,"It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill." +279,18,5,"Ce messager du ciel transporte +petits Pokémon et œufs dans son +bec en toute sécurité." 279,18,9,"It is a messenger of the skies, carrying small Pokémon and eggs to safety in its bill." @@ -17176,9 +18848,15 @@ it to sense people’s emotions." 280,16,9,"The horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense people’s emotions." +280,17,5,"Quand ses cornes captent les ondes +positives d'un Pokémon ou d'un +humain, son corps se réchauffe." 280,17,9,"If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly." +280,18,5,"Quand ses cornes captent les ondes +positives d'un Pokémon ou d'un +humain, son corps se réchauffe." 280,18,9,"If its horns capture the warm feelings of people or Pokémon, its body warms up slightly." @@ -17216,9 +18894,15 @@ around it and see into the future." 281,16,9,"It has a psychic power that enables it to distort the space around it and see into the future." +281,17,5,"Quand il sent la joie de son +Dresseur, il se met à danser, +débordant d'énergie." 281,17,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about." +281,18,5,"Quand il sent la joie de son +Dresseur, il se met à danser, +débordant d'énergie." 281,18,9,"If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about." @@ -17256,9 +18940,15 @@ Trainer it has bonded closely with." 282,16,9,"It unleashes psychokinetic energy at full power when protecting a Trainer it has bonded closely with." +282,17,5,"Prêt à tout pour protéger son +Dresseur, il peut créer un mini trou +noir par sa seule force mentale." 282,17,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole." +282,18,5,"Prêt à tout pour protéger son +Dresseur, il peut créer un mini trou +noir par sa seule force mentale." 282,18,9,"To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole." @@ -17295,9 +18985,15 @@ It lives on weed-choked ponds." 283,16,9,"It secretes a thick, sweet-scented syrup from the tip of its head. It lives on weed-choked ponds." +283,17,5,"Il semble patiner sur l'eau. Le parfum +diffusé par le sommet de sa tête sert +à attirer ses proies." 283,17,9,"It appears as if it is skating on water. It draws prey with a sweet scent from the tip of its head." +283,18,5,"Il semble patiner sur l'eau. Le parfum +diffusé par le sommet de sa tête sert +à attirer ses proies." 283,18,9,"It appears as if it is skating on water. It draws prey with a sweet scent from the tip of its head." @@ -17335,9 +19031,15 @@ to and fro and sideways." 284,16,9,"It flaps its four wings to hover and fly freely in any direction-- to and fro and sideways." +284,17,5,"Des motifs en forme d'yeux ornent +ses antennes. Ses 4 ailes l'aident +à voler dans toutes les directions." 284,17,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns on them. Its four wings enable it to hover and fly in any direction." +284,18,5,"Des motifs en forme d'yeux ornent +ses antennes. Ses 4 ailes l'aident +à voler dans toutes les directions." 284,18,9,"Its antennae have eye patterns on them. Its four wings enable it to hover and fly in any direction." @@ -17374,9 +19076,15 @@ protect itself." 285,16,9,"If it senses danger, it scatters spores from the top of its head to protect itself." +285,17,5,"Le sommet de sa tête libère des +spores empoisonnées. Il est +dangereux de les inhaler." 285,17,9,"It spouts poison spores from the top of its head. These spores cause pain all over if inhaled." +285,18,5,"Le sommet de sa tête libère des +spores empoisonnées. Il est +dangereux de les inhaler." 285,18,9,"It spouts poison spores from the top of its head. These spores cause pain all over if inhaled." @@ -17413,9 +19121,15 @@ foe is hampered by inhaled spores." 286,16,9,"It scatters poisonous spores and throws powerful punches while its foe is hampered by inhaled spores." +286,17,5,"Ses petits bras s'étendent quand il +donne un coup de poing. Son talent +égale celui d'un boxeur pro." 286,17,9,"Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers." +286,18,5,"Ses petits bras s'étendent quand il +donne un coup de poing. Son talent +égale celui d'un boxeur pro." 286,18,9,"Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers." @@ -17452,9 +19166,15 @@ doing the same." 287,16,9,"The way SLAKOTH lolls around makes anyone who watches it feel like doing the same." +287,17,5,"Il passe le plus clair de son temps +affalé. Rien qu'à le voir, on a +envie de bâiller." 287,17,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a day sprawled out. Just seeing it makes one drowsy." +287,18,5,"Il passe le plus clair de son temps +affalé. Rien qu'à le voir, on a +envie de bâiller." 287,18,9,"It spends nearly all its time in a day sprawled out. Just seeing it makes one drowsy." @@ -17492,9 +19212,15 @@ Too much stress makes it feel sick." 288,16,9,"Its stress level rises if it cannot keep moving constantly. Too much stress makes it feel sick." +288,17,5,"Son cœur bat dix fois plus vite que +la normale, c'est pourquoi il ne +tient pas en place." 288,17,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment." +288,18,5,"Son cœur bat dix fois plus vite que +la normale, c'est pourquoi il ne +tient pas en place." 288,18,9,"Its heart beats at a tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment." @@ -17532,9 +19258,15 @@ no food left within its reach." 289,16,9,"The world’s laziest Pokémon. It moves to another spot when there’s no food left within its reach." +289,17,5,"Le Pokémon le plus fainéant du +monde. Il s'allonge pour économiser +ses forces et contre-attaquer." 289,17,9,"The world’s laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back." +289,18,5,"Le Pokémon le plus fainéant du +monde. Il s'allonge pour économiser +ses forces et contre-attaquer." 289,18,9,"The world’s laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back." @@ -17571,9 +19303,15 @@ nutrients from the roots of trees." 290,16,9,"It can sometimes live underground for more than 10 years. It absorbs nutrients from the roots of trees." +290,17,5,"Il grandit sous terre et se repère +grâce à ses antennes car ses +yeux sont quasiment aveugles." 290,17,9,"It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes." +290,18,5,"Il grandit sous terre et se repère +grâce à ses antennes car ses +yeux sont quasiment aveugles." 290,18,9,"It grows underground, sensing its surroundings using antennae instead of its virtually blind eyes." @@ -17611,9 +19349,15 @@ quickly that it is almost invisible." 291,16,9,"Its cry leaves a lasting headache if heard for too long. It moves so quickly that it is almost invisible." +291,17,5,"Il bouge si vite que l'œil a parfois du +mal à le suivre. Ils se regroupent près +de la sève des arbres." 291,17,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap." +291,18,5,"Il bouge si vite que l'œil a parfois du +mal à le suivre. Ils se regroupent près +de la sève des arbres." 291,18,9,"Because it moves so quickly, it sometimes becomes unseeable. It congregates around tree sap." @@ -17651,9 +19395,15 @@ for a body, and does not breathe." 292,16,9,"A strange Pokémon--it flies without moving its wings, has a hollow shell for a body, and does not breathe." +292,17,5,"Une carapace d'insecte laissée à +l'abandon. On dit qu'il vole l'âme +de celui qui regarde à l'intérieur." 292,17,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit." +292,18,5,"Une carapace d'insecte laissée à +l'abandon. On dit qu'il vole l'âme +de celui qui regarde à l'intérieur." 292,18,9,"A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one’s spirit." @@ -17691,9 +19441,15 @@ volume of a jet-plane engine." 293,16,9,"If it senses danger, it scares the foe by crying out with the volume of a jet-plane engine." +293,17,5,"En temps normal, son cri est pareil +à un murmure. Effrayé, il atteint le +volume d'un avion à réaction." 293,17,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane." +293,18,5,"En temps normal, son cri est pareil +à un murmure. Effrayé, il atteint le +volume d'un avion à réaction." 293,18,9,"Usually, its cries are like quiet murmurs. If frightened, it shrieks at the same volume as a jet plane." @@ -17730,9 +19486,15 @@ stomach muscles to exhale." 294,16,9,"It shouts loudly by inhaling air, and then uses its well-developed stomach muscles to exhale." +294,17,5,"L'onde de choc provoquée par son +cri peut renverser un camion. Il +trépigne pour augmenter sa force." 294,17,9,"The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks. It stamps its feet to power up." +294,18,5,"L'onde de choc provoquée par son +cri peut renverser un camion. Il +trépigne pour augmenter sa force." 294,18,9,"The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks. It stamps its feet to power up." @@ -17769,9 +19531,15 @@ an earthquake has struck." 295,16,9,"Its roar in battle shakes the ground like a tremor--or like an earthquake has struck." +295,17,5,"Son hurlement s'entend à 10 km à la +ronde. Ses orifices émettent toutes +sortes de bruits." 295,17,9,"Its howls can be heard over six miles away. It emits all sorts of noises from the ports on its body." +295,18,5,"Son hurlement s'entend à 10 km à la +ronde. Ses orifices émettent toutes +sortes de bruits." 295,18,9,"Its howls can be heard over six miles away. It emits all sorts of noises from the ports on its body." @@ -17810,9 +19578,15 @@ a sturdy body and dauntless spirit." 296,16,9,"It toughens up by slamming into thick trees over and over. It gains a sturdy body and dauntless spirit." +296,17,5,"Il fortifie son corps en fonçant +sur des arbres épais. Son nid est +entouré d'arbres abattus." 296,17,9,"It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest." +296,18,5,"Il fortifie son corps en fonçant +sur des arbres épais. Son nid est +entouré d'arbres abattus." 296,18,9,"It toughens its body by slamming into thick trees. Many snapped trees can be found near its nest." @@ -17849,9 +19623,15 @@ power to stop a train with a slap." 297,16,9,"It loves challenging others to tests of strength. It has the power to stop a train with a slap." +297,17,5,"Il aime mesurer sa force à celle des +plus grands Pokémon. Ses coups de +paume peuvent projeter un camion." 297,17,9,"It loves to match power with big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a truck flying with its arm thrusts." +297,18,5,"Il aime mesurer sa force à celle des +plus grands Pokémon. Ses coups de +paume peuvent projeter un camion." 297,18,9,"It loves to match power with big-bodied Pokémon. It can knock a truck flying with its arm thrusts." @@ -17887,9 +19667,15 @@ opponents bigger than itself." nutrients it needs to grow." 298,16,9,"Its tail is packed full of the nutrients it needs to grow." +298,17,5,"Sa queue est plus rebondissante +qu'une balle du même nom. C'est +aussi une massue très puissante." 298,17,9,"Its tail bounces like a rubber ball. It flings that tail around to fight opponents bigger than itself." +298,18,5,"Sa queue est plus rebondissante +qu'une balle du même nom. C'est +aussi une massue très puissante." 298,18,9,"Its tail bounces like a rubber ball. It flings that tail around to fight opponents bigger than itself." @@ -17928,9 +19714,15 @@ repel each other." 299,16,9,"If two of these meet, they cannot get too close because their noses repel each other." +299,17,5,"Face au danger, il se protège en +augmentant son magnétisme et en +attirant tout objet métallique." 299,17,9,"When endangered, it may protect itself by raising its magnetism and drawing iron objects to its body." +299,18,5,"Face au danger, il se protège en +augmentant son magnétisme et en +attirant tout objet métallique." 299,18,9,"When endangered, it may protect itself by raising its magnetism and drawing iron objects to its body." @@ -17965,9 +19757,15 @@ circle, chasing its own tail." tail. It’s difficult to earn its trust." 300,16,9,"It’s adorable when it chases its own tail. It’s difficult to earn its trust." +300,17,5,"Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On +le voit parfois courir en cercle, +chassant sa propre queue." 300,17,9,"It can’t stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail." +300,18,5,"Il poursuit tout ce qui bouge. On +le voit parfois courir en cercle, +chassant sa propre queue." 300,18,9,"It can’t stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in a circle, chasing its own tail." @@ -18005,9 +19803,15 @@ in which to groom itself." 301,16,9,"It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself." +301,17,5,"Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent +de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne +possède pas de nid." 301,17,9,"It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest." +301,18,5,"Les femmes Dresseurs raffolent +de sa sublime fourrure. Il ne +possède pas de nid." 301,18,9,"It is highly popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. It does not keep a nest." @@ -18045,9 +19849,15 @@ gems to nourish itself." 302,16,9,"It dwells in the darkness of caves. It uses its sharp claws to dig up gems to nourish itself." +302,17,5,"À force de manger des gemmes, les +yeux de ce Pokémon des grottes +obscures sont devenus des joyaux." 302,17,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones." +302,18,5,"À force de manger des gemmes, les +yeux de ce Pokémon des grottes +obscures sont devenus des joyaux." 302,18,9,"It hides in the darkness of caves. Its diet of gems has transformed its eyes into gemstones." @@ -18086,9 +19896,15 @@ horns that have been transformed." 303,16,9,"It chomps with its gaping mouth. Its huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed." +303,17,5,"Ses cornes forment une grande +mâchoire attachée à sa tête. Elle +peut broyer des barres de fer." 303,17,9,"Attached to its head is a huge set of jaws formed by horns. It can chew through iron beams." +303,18,5,"Ses cornes forment une grande +mâchoire attachée à sa tête. Elle +peut broyer des barres de fer." 303,18,9,"Attached to its head is a huge set of jaws formed by horns. It can chew through iron beams." @@ -18125,9 +19941,15 @@ and develops a new one." 304,16,9,"When it evolves, it sheds the steel carapace that covered its whole body and develops a new one." +304,17,5,"Il vit habituellement au cœur des +montagnes. Affamé, il dévore +parfois des rails et des voitures." 304,17,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars." +304,18,5,"Il vit habituellement au cœur des +montagnes. Affamé, il dévore +parfois des rails et des voitures." 304,18,9,"It usually lives deep in mountains. However, hunger may drive it to eat railroad tracks and cars." @@ -18164,9 +19986,15 @@ another with their steel bodies." 305,16,9,"It loves iron ore. Groups of them fight for territory by bashing one another with their steel bodies." +305,17,5,"Il se nourrit du minerai de fer qu'il +fore. Il défend son territoire en +chargeant avec son corps d'acier." 305,17,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It smashes its steely body against others to fight over territory." +305,18,5,"Il se nourrit du minerai de fer qu'il +fore. Il défend son territoire en +chargeant avec son corps d'acier." 305,18,9,"For food, it digs up iron ore. It smashes its steely body against others to fight over territory." @@ -18204,9 +20032,15 @@ entire mountain as its territory." 306,16,9,"You can tell its age by the length of its iron horns. It claims an entire mountain as its territory." +306,17,5,"Il creuse des galeries à travers la +pierre avec ses cornes d'acier pour +trouver le fer qu'il apprécie." 306,17,9,"While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by breaking through bedrock with its steel horns." +306,18,5,"Il creuse des galeries à travers la +pierre avec ses cornes d'acier pour +trouver le fer qu'il apprécie." 306,18,9,"While seeking iron for food, it digs tunnels by breaking through bedrock with its steel horns." @@ -18244,9 +20078,15 @@ It eats one berry a day." 307,16,9,"It meditates to heighten its inner energy and to float in the air. It eats one berry a day." +307,17,5,"Son entraînement d'ermite lui +permet de léviter par le seul +pouvoir de la méditation." 307,17,9,"It always trains deep in mountains. It levitates when it heightens its spiritual power through meditation." +307,18,5,"Son entraînement d'ermite lui +permet de léviter par le seul +pouvoir de la méditation." 307,18,9,"It always trains deep in mountains. It levitates when it heightens its spiritual power through meditation." @@ -18285,9 +20125,15 @@ its foe’s next move." 308,16,9,"Through yoga training, it gained the psychic power to predict its foe’s next move." +308,17,5,"Le jeûne lui permet de concentrer +son esprit au point de déceler +l'aura de ses adversaires." 308,17,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura of its opponents by honing its mind through starvation." +308,18,5,"Le jeûne lui permet de concentrer +son esprit au point de déceler +l'aura de ses adversaires." 308,18,9,"It gains the ability to see the aura of its opponents by honing its mind through starvation." @@ -18324,9 +20170,15 @@ body in seasons when the air is dry." 309,16,9,"It stores electricity in its fur. It gives off sparks from all over its body in seasons when the air is dry." +309,17,5,"Il améliore ses réflexes en +stimulant ses muscles grâce à +l'électricité dans sa fourrure." 309,17,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed." +309,18,5,"Il améliore ses réflexes en +stimulant ses muscles grâce à +l'électricité dans sa fourrure." 309,18,9,"Using electricity stored in its fur, it stimulates its muscles to heighten its reaction speed." @@ -18363,9 +20215,15 @@ electricity from its mane." 310,16,9,"Its nest can be found where a thunderbolt hits. It is discharging electricity from its mane." +310,17,5,"Il libère l'électricité par sa crinière. +Il crée un nuage d'orage pour appeler +la foudre." 310,17,9,"It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts." +310,18,5,"Il libère l'électricité par sa crinière. +Il crée un nuage d'orage pour appeler +la foudre." 310,18,9,"It discharges electricity from its mane. It creates a thundercloud overhead to drop lightning bolts." @@ -18403,9 +20261,15 @@ body to create crackling noises." 311,16,9,"It absorbs electricity from telephone poles. It shorts out its body to create crackling noises." +311,17,5,"Il absorbe l'énergie des poteaux +électriques et encourage ses amis +avec des pompons d'étincelles." 311,17,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms made of sparks. It drains power from telephone poles." +311,18,5,"Il absorbe l'énergie des poteaux +électriques et encourage ses amis +avec des pompons d'étincelles." 311,18,9,"It cheers on friends with pom-poms made of sparks. It drains power from telephone poles." @@ -18443,9 +20307,15 @@ circulation and relaxes muscles." 312,16,9,"Exposure to electricity from MINUN and PLUSLE promotes blood circulation and relaxes muscles." +312,17,5,"Il encourage ses amis. Son corps +produit plus d'étincelles quand il +est en mauvaise posture." 312,17,9,"It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks." +312,18,5,"Il encourage ses amis. Son corps +produit plus d'étincelles quand il +est en mauvaise posture." 312,18,9,"It cheers on friends. If its friends are losing, its body lets off more and more sparks." @@ -18483,9 +20353,15 @@ sweet aroma given off by ILLUMISE." 313,16,9,"It emits light from its tail to communicate. It loves the sweet aroma given off by ILLUMISE." +313,17,5,"Il communique avec ses pairs en +allumant son postérieur la nuit. Il +adore le doux parfum de Lumivole." 313,17,9,"It communicates with others by lighting up its rear at night. It loves Illumise’s sweet aroma." +313,18,5,"Il communique avec ses pairs en +allumant son postérieur la nuit. Il +adore le doux parfum de Lumivole." 313,18,9,"It communicates with others by lighting up its rear at night. It loves Illumise’s sweet aroma." @@ -18523,9 +20399,15 @@ patterns in the night sky." 314,16,9,"Its fragrance attracts a swarm of VOLBEAT, so they draw over 200 patterns in the night sky." +314,17,5,"Il utilise son doux parfum pour aider +Muciole à décrire des arabesques +dans le ciel nocturne." 314,17,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides Volbeat to draw signs with light in the night sky." +314,18,5,"Il utilise son doux parfum pour aider +Muciole à décrire des arabesques +dans le ciel nocturne." 314,18,9,"With its sweet aroma, it guides Volbeat to draw signs with light in the night sky." @@ -18562,9 +20444,15 @@ rare coloration when they bloom." 315,16,9,"ROSELIA that drink nutritionally rich springwater are said to reveal rare coloration when they bloom." +315,17,5,"Plus le Rosélia est en bonne santé +et plus son parfum est agréable et +relaxant pour son entourage." 315,17,9,"The more healthy the Roselia, the more pleasant its flowers’ aroma. Its scent deeply relaxes people." +315,18,5,"Plus le Rosélia est en bonne santé +et plus son parfum est agréable et +relaxant pour son entourage." 315,18,9,"The more healthy the Roselia, the more pleasant its flowers’ aroma. Its scent deeply relaxes people." @@ -18601,9 +20489,15 @@ with enzymes to dissolve anything." 316,16,9,"It has a small heart and brain. Its stomach comprises most of its body, with enzymes to dissolve anything." +316,17,5,"Il est principalement composé d'un +estomac dont les sucs digestifs +dissolvent tout ce qu'il avale." 316,17,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows." +316,18,5,"Il est principalement composé d'un +estomac dont les sucs digestifs +dissolvent tout ce qu'il avale." 316,18,9,"Almost all its body is its stomach. Its harsh digestive juices quickly dissolve anything it swallows." @@ -18641,9 +20535,15 @@ dissolve anything." 317,16,9,"It gulps anything that fits in its mouth. Its special enzymes can dissolve anything." +317,17,5,"Il avale tout en une bouchée. Ses +follicules sécrètent des fluides +toxiques qui endorment l'ennemi." 317,17,9,"It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids from its follicles to douse foes." +317,18,5,"Il avale tout en une bouchée. Ses +follicules sécrètent des fluides +toxiques qui endorment l'ennemi." 317,18,9,"It swallows anything whole. It sweats toxic fluids from its follicles to douse foes." @@ -18680,9 +20580,15 @@ They live in rivers in the jungle." 318,16,9,"They form packs to attack boats and rip out their hulls to sink them. They live in rivers in the jungle." +318,17,5,"Il attaque en banc quand on menace +son territoire. Ses dents aiguisées +peuvent couler un navire." 318,17,9,"They swarm any foe that invades their territory. Their sharp fangs can tear out boat hulls." +318,18,5,"Il attaque en banc quand on menace +son territoire. Ses dents aiguisées +peuvent couler un navire." 318,18,9,"They swarm any foe that invades their territory. Their sharp fangs can tear out boat hulls." @@ -18720,9 +20626,15 @@ It is the bandit of the sea." 319,16,9,"It can swim at speeds of 75 mph by jetting seawater through its body. It is the bandit of the sea." +319,17,5,"Ses crocs lacèrent des feuilles +d'acier. Il nage à 120 km/h. On +l'appelle “tyran des mers""." 319,17,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron. It swims at 75 mph and is known as “The Bully of the Sea.”" +319,18,5,"Ses crocs lacèrent des feuilles +d'acier. Il nage à 120 km/h. On +l'appelle “tyran des mers""." 319,18,9,"Its fangs rip through sheet iron. It swims at 75 mph and is known as “The Bully of the Sea.”" @@ -18760,9 +20672,15 @@ the higher it bounces." 320,16,9,"It bounces playfully like a ball. The more seawater it swallows, the higher it bounces." +320,17,5,"Par beau temps, il se pose sur les +plages pour jouer et rebondir. Il +expulse de l'eau par son évent." 320,17,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose." +320,18,5,"Par beau temps, il se pose sur les +plages pour jouer et rebondir. Il +expulse de l'eau par son évent." 320,18,9,"On sunny days, it lands on beaches to bounce like a ball and play. It spouts water from its nose." @@ -18801,9 +20719,15 @@ to herd their prey." 321,16,9,"It is the largest of all identified Pokémon. They jump as a pack to herd their prey." +321,17,5,"Le plus grand des Pokémon. Il peut +plonger à une profondeur de +3 000 m en retenant son souffle." 321,17,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath." +321,18,5,"Le plus grand des Pokémon. Il peut +plonger à une profondeur de +3 000 m en retenant son souffle." 321,18,9,"The biggest of all Pokémon. It can dive to a depth of almost 10,000 feet on only one breath." @@ -18841,9 +20765,15 @@ its tremendous power." 322,16,9,"The flaming magma it stores in the hump on its back is the source of its tremendous power." +322,17,5,"Son dos bossu renferme une lave +bouillonnante. Elle refroidit par +temps de pluie, ce qui le ralentit." 322,17,9,"Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement." +322,18,5,"Son dos bossu renferme une lave +bouillonnante. Elle refroidit par +temps de pluie, ce qui le ralentit." 322,18,9,"Its humped back stores intensely hot magma. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement." @@ -18881,9 +20811,15 @@ its back erupt every 10 years." 323,16,9,"It lives in the crater of a volcano. It is well known that the humps on its back erupt every 10 years." +323,17,5,"Il porte des volcans sur son dos. +Quand le magma remonte, il +frissonne et entre en éruption." 323,17,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If magma builds up in its body, it shudders, then erupts violently." +323,18,5,"Il porte des volcans sur son dos. +Quand le magma remonte, il +frissonne et entre en éruption." 323,18,9,"It has volcanoes on its back. If magma builds up in its body, it shudders, then erupts violently." @@ -18921,9 +20857,15 @@ search of coal." 324,16,9,"You find abandoned coal mines full of them. They dig tirelessly in search of coal." +324,17,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon qu'il +brûle dans sa carapace et crache +de la suie noire en cas de danger." 324,17,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows out black soot if it is endangered." +324,18,5,"Il tire son énergie du charbon qu'il +brûle dans sa carapace et crache +de la suie noire en cas de danger." 324,18,9,"It burns coal inside its shell for energy. It blows out black soot if it is endangered." @@ -18960,9 +20902,15 @@ a pearl from CLAMPERL on its head." 325,16,9,"It bounces around on its tail to keep its heart pumping. It carries a pearl from CLAMPERL on its head." +325,17,5,"Il utilise sa queue comme un ressort +et bondit partout. Chaque nouveau +choc fait battre son cœur." 325,17,9,"It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring. The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating." +325,18,5,"Il utilise sa queue comme un ressort +et bondit partout. Chaque nouveau +choc fait battre son cœur." 325,18,9,"It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring. The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating." @@ -19000,9 +20948,15 @@ became hugely popular overseas." 326,16,9,"It can perform odd dance steps to influence foes. Its style of dancing became hugely popular overseas." +326,17,5,"Les perles noires amplifient ses +pouvoirs psy. Sa danse étrange lui +permet de contrôler ses ennemis." 326,17,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its psycho-power. It does an odd dance to gain control over foes." +326,18,5,"Les perles noires amplifient ses +pouvoirs psy. Sa danse étrange lui +permet de contrôler ses ennemis." 326,18,9,"It uses black pearls to amplify its psycho-power. It does an odd dance to gain control over foes." @@ -19041,9 +20995,15 @@ than one in four billion." 327,16,9,"The chances of two SPINDA having identical spot patterns is less than one in four billion." +327,17,5,"Les motifs sur leur fourrure sont +propres à chaque Spinda. Son pas +chancelant le rend difficile à viser." 327,17,9,"No two Spinda have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes." +327,18,5,"Les motifs sur leur fourrure sont +propres à chaque Spinda. Son pas +chancelant le rend difficile à viser." 327,18,9,"No two Spinda have the same pattern of spots. Its tottering step fouls the aim of foes." @@ -19080,9 +21040,15 @@ fallen in, there is no escape." 328,16,9,"Its nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit in the desert. Once something has fallen in, there is no escape." +328,17,5,"Il creuse un trou conique dans le +sable du désert et se terre en +attendant qu'une proie trébuche." 328,17,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert sand and lies in wait at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down." +328,18,5,"Il creuse un trou conique dans le +sable du désert et se terre en +attendant qu'une proie trébuche." 328,18,9,"It makes a conical pit in desert sand and lies in wait at the bottom for prey to come tumbling down." @@ -19120,9 +21086,15 @@ cause serious headaches." 329,16,9,"It vibrates its wings vigorously, creating ultrasonic waves that cause serious headaches." +329,17,5,"Ses violents battements d'ailes +génèrent des vagues d'ultrasons +qui donnent mal au crâne." 329,17,9,"It violently shudders its wings, generating ultrasonic waves to induce headaches in people." +329,18,5,"Ses violents battements d'ailes +génèrent des vagues d'ultrasons +qui donnent mal au crâne." 329,18,9,"It violently shudders its wings, generating ultrasonic waves to induce headaches in people." @@ -19160,9 +21132,15 @@ wings sounds like a woman singing." 330,16,9,"It is nicknamed “The Desert Spirit” because the flapping of its wings sounds like a woman singing." +330,17,5,"Son puissant battement d'ailes +provoque des tempêtes de sable. +On l'appelle “esprit du désert""." 330,17,9,"It whips up sandstorms with powerful flaps of its wings. It is known as “The Desert Spirit.”" +330,18,5,"Son puissant battement d'ailes +provoque des tempêtes de sable. +On l'appelle “esprit du désert""." 330,18,9,"It whips up sandstorms with powerful flaps of its wings. It is known as “The Desert Spirit.”" @@ -19198,9 +21176,15 @@ days without water." yellow flowers bloom once a year." 331,16,9,"It lives in arid locations. Its yellow flowers bloom once a year." +331,17,5,"En stockant l'eau dans son corps, +cet habitant du désert peut +survivre 30 jours sans boire." 331,17,9,"By storing water in its body, this desert dweller can survive for 30 days without water." +331,18,5,"En stockant l'eau dans son corps, +cet habitant du désert peut +survivre 30 jours sans boire." 331,18,9,"By storing water in its body, this desert dweller can survive for 30 days without water." @@ -19238,9 +21222,15 @@ the travelers can no longer move." 332,16,9,"Packs of them follow travelers through the desert until the travelers can no longer move." +332,17,5,"Il sort la nuit pour chasser. Il +traque les proies épuisées après +une journée dans le désert." 332,17,9,"It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is exhausted from the day’s desert heat." +332,18,5,"Il sort la nuit pour chasser. Il +traque les proies épuisées après +une journée dans le désert." 332,18,9,"It becomes active at night, seeking prey that is exhausted from the day’s desert heat." @@ -19277,9 +21267,15 @@ and loves to sit on heads." 333,16,9,"Its wings bring cottony clouds to mind. It grooms with springwater and loves to sit on heads." +333,17,5,"Il ne se sent à l'aise que dans un +milieu propre et repousse la +poussière avec ses ailes." 333,17,9,"It can’t relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings." +333,18,5,"Il ne se sent à l'aise que dans un +milieu propre et repousse la +poussière avec ses ailes." 333,18,9,"It can’t relax if it or its surroundings are not clean. It wipes off dirt with its wings." @@ -19316,9 +21312,13 @@ you feel like you’re in a dream." 334,16,9,"It flies gracefully through the sky. Its melodic humming makes you feel like you’re in a dream." +334,17,5,"Il aime enlacer ses amis dans ses +ailes cotonneuses et ronronner." 334,17,9,"If it bonds with a person, it will gently envelop the friend with its soft wings, then hum." +334,18,5,"Il aime enlacer ses amis dans ses +ailes cotonneuses et ronronner." 334,18,9,"If it bonds with a person, it will gently envelop the friend with its soft wings, then hum." @@ -19356,9 +21356,15 @@ Its sharp claws tear up its foes." 335,16,9,"Its fur would all stand on end if it smelled a SEVIPER nearby. Its sharp claws tear up its foes." +335,17,5,"C'est le rival de Séviper depuis +des générations. Ses griffes +aiguisées sont son meilleur atout." 335,17,9,"It has feuded with Seviper for many generations. Its sharp claws are its biggest weapons." +335,18,5,"C'est le rival de Séviper depuis +des générations. Ses griffes +aiguisées sont son meilleur atout." 335,18,9,"It has feuded with Seviper for many generations. Its sharp claws are its biggest weapons." @@ -19395,9 +21401,15 @@ a deadly venom in its tail." 336,16,9,"In battle, it uses its bladed tail to counter any ZANGOOSE. It secretes a deadly venom in its tail." +336,17,5,"Le rival historique de Mangriff. +Il affûte la lame de sa queue +sur les rochers avant le combat." 336,17,9,"For many generations, it has feuded with Zangoose. It whets its bladed tail on rocks for battle." +336,18,5,"Le rival historique de Mangriff. +Il affûte la lame de sa queue +sur les rochers avant le combat." 336,18,9,"For many generations, it has feuded with Zangoose. It whets its bladed tail on rocks for battle." @@ -19435,9 +21447,15 @@ stare can lull its foes to sleep." 337,16,9,"It was discovered at the site of a meteor strike 40 years ago. Its stare can lull its foes to sleep." +337,17,5,"On suppose qu'il est lié au cycle +lunaire, car il ne sort que les +soirs de pleine lune." 337,17,9,"Because it turns active on nights of the full moon, it is said to have some link to the lunar phases." +337,18,5,"On suppose qu'il est lié au cycle +lunaire, car il ne sort que les +soirs de pleine lune." 337,18,9,"Because it turns active on nights of the full moon, it is said to have some link to the lunar phases." @@ -19474,9 +21492,15 @@ blinding its foes." 338,16,9,"When it rotates itself, it gives off light similar to the sun, thus blinding its foes." +338,17,5,"Le bruit court que cette nouvelle +espèce vient du soleil. Il produit +de la lumière en tournoyant." 338,17,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored to be from the sun. It gives off light while spinning." +338,18,5,"Le bruit court que cette nouvelle +espèce vient du soleil. Il produit +de la lumière en tournoyant." 338,18,9,"A new Pokémon species, rumored to be from the sun. It gives off light while spinning." @@ -19514,9 +21538,15 @@ his or her tongue to taste things." 339,16,9,"BARBOACH uses its whiskers to taste things just as a person uses his or her tongue to taste things." +339,17,5,"Son corps glissant est difficile à +attraper. On dit qu'il a été créé +dans de la boue solidifiée." 339,17,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In one region, it is said to have been born from hardened mud." +339,18,5,"Son corps glissant est difficile à +attraper. On dit qu'il a été créé +dans de la boue solidifiée." 339,18,9,"Its slimy body is hard to grasp. In one region, it is said to have been born from hardened mud." @@ -19554,9 +21584,15 @@ tremors by thrashing around." 340,16,9,"It claims a large swamp to itself. If a foe comes near it, it sets off tremors by thrashing around." +340,17,5,"Il défend férocement son territoire +en déclenchant des secousses +terribles." 340,17,9,"It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors." +340,18,5,"Il défend férocement son territoire +en déclenchant des secousses +terribles." 340,18,9,"It is extremely protective of its territory. If any foe approaches, it attacks using vicious tremors." @@ -19593,9 +21629,15 @@ can adapt to the dirtiest river." 341,16,9,"It was originally a Pokémon from afar that escaped to the wild. It can adapt to the dirtiest river." +341,17,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de +vivre sur n'importe quel terrain. +Ses pinces ne lâchent jamais prise." 341,17,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey." +341,18,5,"Sa nature robuste lui permet de +vivre sur n'importe quel terrain. +Ses pinces ne lâchent jamais prise." 341,18,9,"Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey." @@ -19634,9 +21676,15 @@ foe that approaches its nest." 342,16,9,"A brutish Pokémon that loves to battle. It will crash itself into any foe that approaches its nest." +342,17,5,"C'est un voyou qui utilise ses +pinces pour chasser les autres +Pokémon hors de sa mare." 342,17,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its pincers to pick up and toss out other Pokémon from its pond." +342,18,5,"C'est un voyou qui utilise ses +pinces pour chasser les autres +Pokémon hors de sa mare." 342,18,9,"It is a ruffian that uses its pincers to pick up and toss out other Pokémon from its pond." @@ -19673,9 +21721,15 @@ been seen spinning on their heads." 343,16,9,"It moves while spinning around on its single foot. Some BALTOY have been seen spinning on their heads." +343,17,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur +son pied. Ce Pokémon rare fut +découvert dans de vieilles ruines." 343,17,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot. It is a rare Pokémon that was discovered in ancient ruins." +343,18,5,"Il se déplace en tournoyant sur +son pied. Ce Pokémon rare fut +découvert dans de vieilles ruines." 343,18,9,"It moves by spinning on its foot. It is a rare Pokémon that was discovered in ancient ruins." @@ -19710,9 +21764,15 @@ to a mysterious ray of light." dolls made by an ancient civilization." 344,16,9,"It is said that it originates from clay dolls made by an ancient civilization." +344,17,5,"Une ancienne figurine d'argile qui +s'est animée suite à son exposition +à un rayon de lumière étrange." 344,17,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came to life as a Pokémon from exposure to a mysterious ray of light." +344,18,5,"Une ancienne figurine d'argile qui +s'est animée suite à son exposition +à un rayon de lumière étrange." 344,18,9,"An ancient clay figurine that came to life as a Pokémon from exposure to a mysterious ray of light." @@ -19751,9 +21811,15 @@ It became extinct in ancient times." 345,16,9,"It disguises its tentacles as flowers to attract and catch prey. It became extinct in ancient times." +345,17,5,"Il vivait au fond de la mer il y a +100 millions d'années. La science +a permis de le ressusciter." 345,17,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and was reanimated scientifically." +345,18,5,"Il vivait au fond de la mer il y a +100 millions d'années. La science +a permis de le ressusciter." 345,18,9,"It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and was reanimated scientifically." @@ -19790,9 +21856,15 @@ get washed away in rough weather." 346,16,9,"It lives in warm seas. Its heavy body weighs it down so it won’t get washed away in rough weather." +346,17,5,"Vit dans les hauts-fonds des mers +chaudes. Il déterre sa proie du +sable quand la marée se retire." 346,17,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches." +346,18,5,"Vit dans les hauts-fonds des mers +chaudes. Il déterre sa proie du +sable quand la marée se retire." 346,18,9,"It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches." @@ -19829,9 +21901,15 @@ transformed into wings." 347,16,9,"An ancestral Pokémon that lived in the ocean. Over time, its eight feet transformed into wings." +347,17,5,"Un ancêtre Pokémon réanimé à partir +d'un fossile. Il vivait en mer et +chassait avec ses pinces." 347,17,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws." +347,18,5,"Un ancêtre Pokémon réanimé à partir +d'un fossile. Il vivait en mer et +chassait avec ses pinces." 347,18,9,"A Pokémon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws." @@ -19868,9 +21946,15 @@ entire body is clad in sturdy plates." 348,16,9,"Its enormous, retractable claws can cut through most anything. Its entire body is clad in sturdy plates." +348,17,5,"Il a gagné la côte après son +évolution. Une armure robuste +recouvre son corps." 348,17,9,"It went ashore after evolving. Its entire body is clad in a sturdy armor." +348,18,5,"Il a gagné la côte après son +évolution. Une armure robuste +recouvre son corps." 348,18,9,"It went ashore after evolving. Its entire body is clad in a sturdy armor." @@ -19908,9 +21992,15 @@ bottom of rivers." 349,16,9,"It is the shabbiest Pokémon of all. It forms in schools and lives at the bottom of rivers." +349,17,5,"Ce Pokémon a peut-être un physique +disgracieux, mais il est robuste et +peut survivre dans très peu d'eau." 349,17,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is very hardy and can survive on little water." +349,18,5,"Ce Pokémon a peut-être un physique +disgracieux, mais il est robuste et +peut survivre dans très peu d'eau." 349,18,9,"It is a shabby and ugly Pokémon. However, it is very hardy and can survive on little water." @@ -19947,9 +22037,15 @@ hostile emotions you’re feeling." 350,16,9,"It’s said that a glimpse of a MILOTIC and its beauty will calm any hostile emotions you’re feeling." +350,17,5,"Ses splendides écailles aux couleurs +de l'arc-en-ciel changent de teinte +selon l'angle de vue." 350,17,9,"Its lovely scales are described as rainbow colored. They change color depending on the viewing angle." +350,18,5,"Ses splendides écailles aux couleurs +de l'arc-en-ciel changent de teinte +selon l'angle de vue." 350,18,9,"Its lovely scales are described as rainbow colored. They change color depending on the viewing angle." @@ -19986,9 +22082,15 @@ the temperature and humidity." 351,16,9,"This Pokémon can change its cells, taking different forms based on the temperature and humidity." +351,17,5,"Son aspect change avec la météo. +On a récemment découvert que ses +molécules étaient pareilles à l'eau." 351,17,9,"Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water." +351,18,5,"Son aspect change avec la météo. +On a récemment découvert que ses +molécules étaient pareilles à l'eau." 351,18,9,"Its appearance changes with the weather. Recently, its molecules were found to be just like water." @@ -20027,9 +22129,15 @@ Only its belly patterns stay fixed." 352,16,9,"It changes its shading to match its surroundings so it can sneak up on prey. Only its belly patterns stay fixed." +352,17,5,"Il change de couleur à volonté, +mais le motif en zigzag qui orne +son ventre reste le même." 352,17,9,"It can freely change its body’s color. The zigzag pattern on its belly doesn’t change, however." +352,18,5,"Il change de couleur à volonté, +mais le motif en zigzag qui orne +son ventre reste le même." 352,18,9,"It can freely change its body’s color. The zigzag pattern on its belly doesn’t change, however." @@ -20067,9 +22175,15 @@ It’s very active at night." 353,16,9,"It uses its horn to feed on envy and malice, or so it’s said. It’s very active at night." +353,17,5,"Il aime le goût de la vengeance. +Ils vivent en rangs sous les +gouttières des gens vindicatifs." 353,17,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under the eaves of houses where vengeful people live." +353,18,5,"Il aime le goût de la vengeance. +Ils vivent en rangs sous les +gouttières des gens vindicatifs." 353,18,9,"It loves vengeful emotions and hangs in rows under the eaves of houses where vengeful people live." @@ -20106,9 +22220,15 @@ grudge. It is seen in dark alleys." 354,16,9,"This Pokémon developed from an abandoned doll that amassed a grudge. It is seen in dark alleys." +354,17,5,"Une poupée mue par la tristesse qui +la ronge depuis qu'on l'a délaissée. +Elle recherche son propriétaire." 354,17,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it." +354,18,5,"Une poupée mue par la tristesse qui +la ronge depuis qu'on l'a délaissée. +Elle recherche son propriétaire." 354,18,9,"A doll that became a Pokémon over its grudge from being junked. It seeks the child that disowned it." @@ -20146,9 +22266,15 @@ spirit them away--or so it’s said." 355,16,9,"If it finds bad children who won’t listen to their parents, it will spirit them away--or so it’s said." +355,17,5,"Les cris des enfants l'amusent. +Il effraie les moins sages d'entre +eux en traversant les murs." 355,17,9,"It loves the crying of children. It startles bad kids by passing through walls and making them cry." +355,18,5,"Les cris des enfants l'amusent. +Il effraie les moins sages d'entre +eux en traversant les murs." 355,18,9,"It loves the crying of children. It startles bad kids by passing through walls and making them cry." @@ -20187,9 +22313,15 @@ will have their spirit stolen away." 356,16,9,"Anyone who dares peer into its body to see its spectral ball of fire will have their spirit stolen away." +356,17,5,"Il cherche des feux follets pour +les avaler. Ce qui se passe alors +dans son corps est un mystère." 356,17,9,"It seeks drifting will-o’-the-wisps and sucks them into its empty body. What happens inside is a mystery." +356,18,5,"Il cherche des feux follets pour +les avaler. Ce qui se passe alors +dans son corps est un mystère." 356,18,9,"It seeks drifting will-o’-the-wisps and sucks them into its empty body. What happens inside is a mystery." @@ -20228,9 +22360,15 @@ It’s a highly favored tropical snack." 357,16,9,"The bunch of fruit around its neck ripens twice a year and is delicious. It’s a highly favored tropical snack." +357,17,5,"À force de toujours manger le même +fruit succulent, il en pousse à la +base de son cou." 357,17,9,"Delicious fruits grew out from around its neck because it always ate the same kind of fruit." +357,18,5,"À force de toujours manger le même +fruit succulent, il en pousse à la +base de son cou." 357,18,9,"Delicious fruits grew out from around its neck because it always ate the same kind of fruit." @@ -20268,9 +22406,15 @@ can produce seven different tones." 358,16,9,"It uses the sucker on its head to hang from a tree or from eaves. It can produce seven different tones." +358,17,5,"Ses cris se répercutent dans son +corps creux avant d'exploser en +notes mélodieuses et saisissantes." 358,17,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes." +358,18,5,"Ses cris se répercutent dans son +corps creux avant d'exploser en +notes mélodieuses et saisissantes." 358,18,9,"Its cries echo inside its hollow body to emerge as beautiful notes for startling and repelling foes." @@ -20307,9 +22451,15 @@ over a hundred years." 359,16,9,"It has the ability to foretell natural disasters. Its life span is over a hundred years." +359,17,5,"La capacité de sa corne à sentir +les catastrophes ayant trop attiré +l'attention sur lui, il vit reclus." 359,17,9,"Rumored to sense disasters with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains." +359,18,5,"La capacité de sa corne à sentir +les catastrophes ayant trop attiré +l'attention sur lui, il vit reclus." 359,18,9,"Rumored to sense disasters with its horn, it became a target. It fled deep into the mountains." @@ -20346,9 +22496,15 @@ another to toughen their spirits." 360,16,9,"It tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash against one another to toughen their spirits." +360,17,5,"Il se muscle en bousculant ses +semblables lors de mêlées. Il +raffole des fruits sucrés." 360,17,9,"It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit." +360,18,5,"Il se muscle en bousculant ses +semblables lors de mêlées. Il +raffole des fruits sucrés." 360,18,9,"It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit." @@ -20386,9 +22542,15 @@ They eat snow and ice to survive." 361,16,9,"It’s said that if they are seen at midnight, they’ll cause heavy snow. They eat snow and ice to survive." +361,17,5,"On dit que des groupes entiers de +Stalgamin vivent en harmonie +sous des feuilles gigantesques." 361,17,9,"It is said that several Snorunt gather under giant leaves and live together in harmony." +361,18,5,"On dit que des groupes entiers de +Stalgamin vivent en harmonie +sous des feuilles gigantesques." 361,18,9,"It is said that several Snorunt gather under giant leaves and live together in harmony." @@ -20426,9 +22588,15 @@ to freeze its foes." 362,16,9,"It can instantly freeze moisture in the atmosphere. It uses this power to freeze its foes." +362,17,5,"Il empêche ses proies de prendre +la fuite en gelant instantanément +l'humidité de l'air." 362,17,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by instantaneously freezing moisture in the air." +362,18,5,"Il empêche ses proies de prendre +la fuite en gelant instantanément +l'humidité de l'air." 362,18,9,"It prevents prey from escaping by instantaneously freezing moisture in the air." @@ -20465,9 +22633,15 @@ when the temperature is below freezing." 363,16,9,"It crosses the oceans by rolling itself on drifting ice. Fluffy fur keeps it warm when the temperature is below freezing." +363,17,5,"Il gagne la côte en roulant sur les +blocs de glace car sa morphologie +n'est pas adaptée à la nage." 363,17,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach shore because its body is poorly shaped for swimming." +363,18,5,"Il gagne la côte en roulant sur les +blocs de glace car sa morphologie +n'est pas adaptée à la nage." 363,18,9,"It rolls across ice floes to reach shore because its body is poorly shaped for swimming." @@ -20506,9 +22680,15 @@ to examine them." 364,16,9,"It has a very sensitive nose. It touches new things with its nose to examine them." +364,17,5,"Il fait souvent tourner des objets +sur son museau pour connaître +leur odeur et leur texture." 364,17,9,"It habitually spins things on its nose. By doing so, it learns textures and odors." +364,18,5,"Il fait souvent tourner des objets +sur son museau pour connaître +leur odeur et leur texture." 364,18,9,"It habitually spins things on its nose. By doing so, it learns textures and odors." @@ -20545,9 +22725,15 @@ blubber repels enemy attacks." 365,16,9,"It shatters drift ice with its strong tusks. Its thick layer of blubber repels enemy attacks." +365,17,5,"Il brise la glace avec ses grosses +défenses. Sa graisse le protège du +froid, mais aussi des attaques." 365,17,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks. Its thick blubber repels not only the cold, but also enemy attacks." +365,18,5,"Il brise la glace avec ses grosses +défenses. Sa graisse le protège du +froid, mais aussi des attaques." 365,18,9,"It shatters ice with its big tusks. Its thick blubber repels not only the cold, but also enemy attacks." @@ -20585,9 +22771,15 @@ psychic powers when it’s held." 366,16,9,"When it evolves, it makes a mysterious pearl that amplifies psychic powers when it’s held." +366,17,5,"Il ne produit qu'une perle durant +son existence. On raconte qu'elle +amplifie les pouvoirs psychiques." 366,17,9,"It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power." +366,18,5,"Il ne produit qu'une perle durant +son existence. On raconte qu'elle +amplifie les pouvoirs psychiques." 366,18,9,"It makes a single pearl during its lifetime. The pearl is said to amplify psychic power." @@ -20626,9 +22818,15 @@ in mimicry of a small animal." 367,16,9,"It lives deep in the pitch-dark sea. It attracts prey by moving its tail in mimicry of a small animal." +367,17,5,"Il vit loin sous la mer. Il appâte +les proies crédules avec sa queue +qui rappelle un petit poisson." 367,17,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a tail shaped like a small fish, it attracts unsuspecting prey." +367,18,5,"Il vit loin sous la mer. Il appâte +les proies crédules avec sa queue +qui rappelle un petit poisson." 367,18,9,"It lives deep in the sea. With a tail shaped like a small fish, it attracts unsuspecting prey." @@ -20667,9 +22865,15 @@ temperatures in the springtime." 368,16,9,"Its pink body becomes more vivid with the rise of water temperatures in the springtime." +368,17,5,"Au printemps, son corps rose se +fait plus vif sans que l'on sache +pourquoi. Il vit au fond de la mer." 368,17,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea. In the springtime, its pink body turns more vivid for some reason." +368,18,5,"Au printemps, son corps rose se +fait plus vif sans que l'on sache +pourquoi. Il vit au fond de la mer." 368,18,9,"It lives at the bottom of the sea. In the springtime, its pink body turns more vivid for some reason." @@ -20708,9 +22912,15 @@ changed since ancient times." 369,16,9,"Discovered by chance during deep-sea explorations, it has not changed since ancient times." +369,17,5,"Un Pokémon rare aperçu lors d'une +exploration sous-marine. Il n'a pas +évolué depuis 100 millions d'années." 369,17,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea exploration. It has not changed in over 100 million years." +369,18,5,"Un Pokémon rare aperçu lors d'une +exploration sous-marine. Il n'a pas +évolué depuis 100 millions d'années." 369,18,9,"A rare Pokémon discovered during a deep-sea exploration. It has not changed in over 100 million years." @@ -20747,9 +22957,15 @@ give a LUVDISC to someone you love." 370,16,9,"Its heart-shaped body makes it popular. In some places, you would give a LUVDISC to someone you love." +370,17,5,"Un habitant des mers chaudes. On +dit que le couple qui tombe sur ce +Pokémon connaîtra l'amour éternel." 370,17,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love." +370,18,5,"Un habitant des mers chaudes. On +dit que le couple qui tombe sur ce +Pokémon connaîtra l'amour éternel." 370,18,9,"It lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love." @@ -20788,9 +23004,15 @@ boulders into pieces." 371,16,9,"Its well-developed neck muscles and ironlike head can smash boulders into pieces." +371,17,5,"Il rêve de pouvoir voler un jour. +Pour l'heure, il s'entraîne en +sautant du haut des falaises." 371,17,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." +371,18,5,"Il rêve de pouvoir voler un jour. +Pour l'heure, il s'entraîne en +sautant du haut des falaises." 371,18,9,"Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffs every day." @@ -20827,9 +23049,15 @@ enough power to evolve." 372,16,9,"It surrounds its body in an iron-hard shell to accumulate enough power to evolve." +372,17,5,"Ses cellules ont commencé à changer +dans sa robuste coquille. Il la perd +en évoluant." 372,17,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells have begun changing. The shell peels off the instant it evolves." +372,18,5,"Ses cellules ont commencé à changer +dans sa robuste coquille. Il la perd +en évoluant." 372,18,9,"Within its rugged shell, its cells have begun changing. The shell peels off the instant it evolves." @@ -20868,9 +23096,15 @@ scorching fields and mountains." 373,16,9,"It’s uncontrollable if enraged. It flies around spouting flames and scorching fields and mountains." +373,17,5,"À force de rêver de pouvoir voler, +sa structure cellulaire a évolué +et il s'est vu pousser des ailes." 373,17,9,"As a result of its long-held dream of flying, its cellular structure changed, and wings grew out." +373,18,5,"À force de rêver de pouvoir voler, +sa structure cellulaire a évolué +et il s'est vu pousser des ailes." 373,18,9,"As a result of its long-held dream of flying, its cellular structure changed, and wings grew out." @@ -20908,9 +23142,15 @@ natural magnetism, letting it float. " 374,16,9,"The magnetic force generated by its body repels the ground’s natural magnetism, letting it float. " +374,17,5,"Il dialogue avec les siens par +impulsions magnétiques. En bande, +ils se déplacent à l'unisson." 374,17,9,"It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison." +374,18,5,"Il dialogue avec les siens par +impulsions magnétiques. En bande, +ils se déplacent à l'unisson." 374,18,9,"It converses with others by using magnetic pulses. In a swarm, they move in perfect unison." @@ -20948,9 +23188,15 @@ their brains in union." 375,16,9,"When two BELDUM fuse together, a magnetic nervous system places their brains in union." +375,17,5,"Il est formé de deux Terhal +soudés. Son corps de fer résiste à +un choc avec un avion à réaction." 375,17,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining together. Its steel body won’t be scratched if it collides with a jet." +375,18,5,"Il est formé de deux Terhal +soudés. Son corps de fer résiste à +un choc avec un avion à réaction." 375,18,9,"It is formed by two Beldum joining together. Its steel body won’t be scratched if it collides with a jet." @@ -20989,9 +23235,15 @@ superior to a supercomputer." 376,16,9,"It folds its four legs when flying. Its four brains are said to be superior to a supercomputer." +376,17,5,"Il est né de la fusion de plusieurs +Métang. Ses quatre cerveaux en +font l'égal d'un superordinateur." 376,17,9,"Metang combined to form it. With four brains, it has the intelligence of a supercomputer." +376,18,5,"Il est né de la fusion de plusieurs +Métang. Ses quatre cerveaux en +font l'égal d'un superordinateur." 376,18,9,"Metang combined to form it. With four brains, it has the intelligence of a supercomputer." @@ -21028,9 +23280,15 @@ around the world." 377,16,9,"The same rocks that form its body have been found in ground layers around the world." +377,17,5,"Tout son corps est fait de roche. +S'il s'ébrèche au combat, il utilise +des pierres pour le réparer." 377,17,9,"Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself." +377,18,5,"Tout son corps est fait de roche. +S'il s'ébrèche au combat, il utilise +des pierres pour le réparer." 377,18,9,"Its entire body is made of rock. If any part chips off in battle, it attaches rocks to repair itself." @@ -21068,9 +23326,15 @@ can’t be melted, even by magma." 378,16,9,"It is said to have slept in a glacier for thousands of years. Its body can’t be melted, even by magma." +378,17,5,"Son corps est fait de glace datant +de l'ère glaciaire. Il contrôle un +air gelé de -200 °C." 378,17,9,"Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit." +378,18,5,"Son corps est fait de glace datant +de l'ère glaciaire. Il contrôle un +air gelé de -200 °C." 378,18,9,"Its body is made of ice from the ice age. It controls frigid air of -328 degrees Fahrenheit." @@ -21107,9 +23371,15 @@ revealed that its body is hollow." 379,16,9,"Its body is said to be harder than any kind of metal. A study has revealed that its body is hollow." +379,17,5,"Son corps invulnérable fut forgé +par la pression souterraine durant +des dizaines de milliers d'années." 379,17,9,"Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched." +379,18,5,"Son corps invulnérable fut forgé +par la pression souterraine durant +des dizaines de milliers d'années." 379,18,9,"Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched." @@ -21147,9 +23417,15 @@ refracts light to make it invisible." 380,16,9,"It communicates using telepathy. Its body is covered in down that refracts light to make it invisible." +380,17,5,"Son corps est recouvert d'un +duvet qui reflète la lumière +et le rend invisible." 380,17,9,"Its body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible." +380,18,5,"Son corps est recouvert d'un +duvet qui reflète la lumière +et le rend invisible." 380,18,9,"Its body is covered with a down that can refract light in such a way that it becomes invisible." @@ -21186,9 +23462,15 @@ Pokémon that dislikes fighting." 381,16,9,"It understands human speech and is highly intelligent. It is a tender Pokémon that dislikes fighting." +381,17,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent. Il +peut voler plus vite qu'un avion à +réaction en repliant ses ailes." 381,17,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon. By folding back its wings in flight, it can overtake jet planes." +381,18,5,"Un Pokémon très intelligent. Il +peut voler plus vite qu'un avion à +réaction en repliant ses ailes." 381,18,9,"A highly intelligent Pokémon. By folding back its wings in flight, it can overtake jet planes." @@ -21226,9 +23508,15 @@ waves. It battled with GROUDON." 382,16,9,"A mythical Pokémon said to have swelled the seas with rain and tidal waves. It battled with GROUDON." +382,17,5,"On dit qu'il a fait monter les eaux +en causant des pluies diluviennes. +Il somnolait dans une fosse marine." 382,17,9,"It is said to have widened the seas by causing downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench." +382,18,5,"On dit qu'il a fait monter les eaux +en causant des pluies diluviennes. +Il somnolait dans une fosse marine." 382,18,9,"It is said to have widened the seas by causing downpours. It had been asleep in a marine trench." @@ -21265,9 +23553,15 @@ It battled titanically with KYOGRE." 383,16,9,"Said to have expanded the lands by evaporating water with raging heat. It battled titanically with KYOGRE." +383,17,5,"Il dormait dans le magma souterrain +depuis sa lutte féroce contre +Kyogre, il y a longtemps de cela." 383,17,9,"It had been asleep in underground magma ever since it fiercely fought Kyogre long ago." +383,18,5,"Il dormait dans le magma souterrain +depuis sa lutte féroce contre +Kyogre, il y a longtemps de cela." 383,18,9,"It had been asleep in underground magma ever since it fiercely fought Kyogre long ago." @@ -21305,9 +23599,15 @@ no one had ever seen it." 384,16,9,"It flies in the ozone layer, way up high in the sky. Until recently, no one had ever seen it." +384,17,5,"Il vit dans la couche d'ozone, au +dessus des nuages. Il est invisible +depuis le sol." 384,17,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground." +384,18,5,"Il vit dans la couche d'ozone, au +dessus des nuages. Il est invisible +depuis le sol." 384,18,9,"It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground." @@ -21344,9 +23644,15 @@ will come true when it awakens." 385,16,9,"Generations have believed that any wish written on a note on its head will come true when it awakens." +385,17,5,"On raconte qu'une fois tous les +mille ans, il a la capacité d'exaucer +tous les vœux durant une semaine." 385,17,9,"It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for just one week every thousand years." +385,18,5,"On raconte qu'une fois tous les +mille ans, il a la capacité d'exaucer +tous les vœux durant une semaine." 385,18,9,"It is said to have the ability to grant any wish for just one week every thousand years." @@ -21383,9 +23689,15 @@ where auroras are seen." 386,16,9,"DNA from a space virus mutated and became a Pokémon. It appears where auroras are seen." +386,17,5,"Il vient d'un virus extraterrestre +arrivé avec une météorite et ayant +subi une mutation génétique." 386,17,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon." +386,18,5,"Il vient d'un virus extraterrestre +arrivé avec une météorite et ayant +subi une mutation génétique." 386,18,9,"An alien virus that fell to earth on a meteor underwent a DNA mutation to become this Pokémon." @@ -21404,9 +23716,15 @@ its back is actually hardened soil." 387,16,9,"Photosynthesis occurs across its body under the sun. The shell on its back is actually hardened soil." +387,17,5,"La coquille sur son dos est faite de +terre. Plus il est en bonne santé, +plus elle est humide." 387,17,9,"The shell on its back is made of soil. On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist." +387,18,5,"La coquille sur son dos est faite de +terre. Plus il est en bonne santé, +plus elle est humide." 387,18,9,"The shell on its back is made of soil. On a very healthy Turtwig, the shell should feel moist." @@ -21425,9 +23743,15 @@ springwater." 388,16,9,"A GROTLE that lives in the forest is said to have its own secret springwater." +388,17,5,"Il sait d'instinct où trouver une +source d'eau pure. Il y transporte +d'autres Pokémon sur son dos." 388,17,9,"It knows where pure water wells up. It carries fellow Pokémon there on its back." +388,18,5,"Il sait d'instinct où trouver une +source d'eau pure. Il y transporte +d'autres Pokémon sur son dos." 388,18,9,"It knows where pure water wells up. It carries fellow Pokémon there on its back." @@ -21446,9 +23770,15 @@ TORTERRA dwelled." 389,16,9,"Ancient people imagined that beneath the ground, a gigantic TORTERRA dwelled." +389,17,5,"Certains petits Pokémon peuvent +naître sur son dos et y passer +toute leur vie." 389,17,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a Torterra’s back and spend their entire life there." +389,18,5,"Certains petits Pokémon peuvent +naître sur son dos et y passer +toute leur vie." 389,18,9,"Some Pokémon are born on a Torterra’s back and spend their entire life there." @@ -21467,9 +23797,15 @@ when it feels sick." 390,16,9,"The gas made in its belly burns from its rear end. The fire burns weakly when it feels sick." +390,17,5,"Il est très agile. Il fait toujours +attention d'éteindre la flamme de +sa queue avant de se coucher." 390,17,9,"It is very agile. Before going to sleep, it extinguishes the flame on its tail to prevent fires." +390,18,5,"Il est très agile. Il fait toujours +attention d'éteindre la flamme de +sa queue avant de se coucher." 390,18,9,"It is very agile. Before going to sleep, it extinguishes the flame on its tail to prevent fires." @@ -21488,9 +23824,15 @@ means its rank in its pack is higher." 391,16,9,"A bigger fire on its tail and a brighter blue pattern on its face means its rank in its pack is higher." +391,17,5,"Il contrôle habilement l'intensité +de la flamme de sa queue pour tenir +ses adversaires à distance." 391,17,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity of the fire on its tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance." +391,18,5,"Il contrôle habilement l'intensité +de la flamme de sa queue pour tenir +ses adversaires à distance." 391,18,9,"It skillfully controls the intensity of the fire on its tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance." @@ -21509,9 +23851,15 @@ fight in its own unique style." 392,16,9,"It tosses its enemies around with agility. It uses all its limbs to fight in its own unique style." +392,17,5,"Ses techniques de combat inédites +à base de pieds et poings enflammés +sont redoutables." 392,17,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with fire on its hands and feet. It will take on any opponent." +392,18,5,"Ses techniques de combat inédites +à base de pieds et poings enflammés +sont redoutables." 392,18,9,"It uses unique fighting moves with fire on its hands and feet. It will take on any opponent." @@ -21530,9 +23878,15 @@ it won’t listen to its Trainer." 393,16,9,"It doesn’t like to be taken care of. It’s difficult to bond with since it won’t listen to its Trainer." +393,17,5,"Malgré sa démarche maladroite et +ses pertes d'équilibre, il bombe +toujours fièrement le torse." 393,17,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care." +393,18,5,"Malgré sa démarche maladroite et +ses pertes d'équilibre, il bombe +toujours fièrement le torse." 393,18,9,"A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care." @@ -21551,9 +23905,15 @@ snap even the thickest of trees." 394,16,9,"It lives a solitary life. Its wings deliver wicked blows that can snap even the thickest of trees." +394,17,5,"La fierté du Prinplouf est si +grande qu'il lui est impossible +de vivre en groupe." 394,17,9,"Because every Prinplup considers itself to be the most important, they can never form a group." +394,18,5,"La fierté du Prinplouf est si +grande qu'il lui est impossible +de vivre en groupe." 394,18,9,"Because every Prinplup considers itself to be the most important, they can never form a group." @@ -21572,9 +23932,15 @@ threatens its pride." 395,16,9,"It avoids unnecessary disputes, but it will decimate anything that threatens its pride." +395,17,5,"S'il voit son honneur bafoué, il +est capable de faire des ravages +avec ses ailes tranchantes." 395,17,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride, it would slash them with wings that can cleave through an ice floe." +395,18,5,"S'il voit son honneur bafoué, il +est capable de faire des ravages +avec ses ailes tranchantes." 395,18,9,"If anyone were to hurt its pride, it would slash them with wings that can cleave through an ice floe." @@ -21593,9 +23959,15 @@ Their singing is noisy and annoying." 396,16,9,"They flock around mountains and fields, chasing after bug Pokémon. Their singing is noisy and annoying." +396,17,5,"La faiblesse des Étourmi les force +à vivre en groupe, mais ils se +chamaillent souvent." 396,17,9,"Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big." +396,18,5,"La faiblesse des Étourmi les force +à vivre en groupe, mais ils se +chamaillent souvent." 396,18,9,"Because they are weak individually, they form groups. However, they bicker if the group grows too big." @@ -21614,9 +23986,15 @@ various flocks." 397,16,9,"They maintain huge flocks, although fierce scuffles break out between various flocks." +397,17,5,"Conscient de sa propre faiblesse, +il vit toujours en groupe, piaillant +bruyamment quand il est seul." 397,17,9,"Recognizing their own weakness, they always live in a group. When alone, a Staravia cries noisily." +397,18,5,"Conscient de sa propre faiblesse, +il vit toujours en groupe, piaillant +bruyamment quand il est seul." 397,18,9,"Recognizing their own weakness, they always live in a group. When alone, a Staravia cries noisily." @@ -21635,9 +24013,15 @@ live alone. They have sturdy wings." 398,16,9,"When STARAVIA evolve into STARAPTOR, they leave the flock to live alone. They have sturdy wings." +398,17,5,"Il combattra sans relâche, même +blessé. Il prend grand soin de sa +mèche." 398,17,9,"It never stops attacking even if it is injured. It fusses over the shape of its comb." +398,18,5,"Il combattra sans relâche, même +blessé. Il prend grand soin de sa +mèche." 398,18,9,"It never stops attacking even if it is injured. It fusses over the shape of its comb." @@ -21656,9 +24040,15 @@ around its nest with its incisors." 399,16,9,"It lives in groups by the water. It chews up boulders and trees around its nest with its incisors." +399,17,5,"Une étude a montré que les dents +du Keunotor poussaient aussi +vite que celles du Rattata." 399,17,9,"A comparison revealed that Bidoof’s front teeth grow at the same rate as Rattata’s." +399,18,5,"Une étude a montré que les dents +du Keunotor poussaient aussi +vite que celles du Rattata." 399,18,9,"A comparison revealed that Bidoof’s front teeth grow at the same rate as Rattata’s." @@ -21677,9 +24067,15 @@ has cut up with its sharp incisors." 400,16,9,"It busily makes its nest with stacks of branches and roots it has cut up with its sharp incisors." +400,17,5,"Les digues insubmersibles qu'il +construit font le bonheur des +habitants proches." 400,17,9,"A river dammed by Bibarel will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by people nearby." +400,18,5,"Les digues insubmersibles qu'il +construit font le bonheur des +habitants proches." 400,18,9,"A river dammed by Bibarel will never overflow its banks, which is appreciated by people nearby." @@ -21698,9 +24094,15 @@ a xylophone." 401,16,9,"When its antennae hit each other, it sounds like the music of a xylophone." +401,17,5,"Quand il tombe du haut de ses +petites pattes, ses antennes +font un bruit de xylophone." 401,17,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it stumbles, its stiff antennae clack with a xylophone-like sound." +401,18,5,"Quand il tombe du haut de ses +petites pattes, ses antennes +font un bruit de xylophone." 401,18,9,"Its legs are short. Whenever it stumbles, its stiff antennae clack with a xylophone-like sound." @@ -21719,9 +24121,15 @@ a captivating sound." 402,16,9,"By allowing its cry to resonate in the hollow of its belly, it produces a captivating sound." +402,17,5,"Ses cris sont tellement variés qu'il +existe un village où on organise +des concours en leur honneur." 402,17,9,"There is a village that hosts a contest based on the amazingly variable cries of this Pokémon." +402,18,5,"Ses cris sont tellement variés qu'il +existe un village où on organise +des concours en leur honneur." 402,18,9,"There is a village that hosts a contest based on the amazingly variable cries of this Pokémon." @@ -21740,9 +24148,15 @@ Its fur glows when it’s in trouble." 403,16,9,"The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. Its fur glows when it’s in trouble." +403,17,5,"Ses muscles génèrent un courant +électrique lorsqu'ils travaillent. +Il s'illumine en cas de danger." 403,17,9,"The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble." +403,18,5,"Ses muscles génèrent un courant +électrique lorsqu'ils travaillent. +Il s'illumine en cas de danger." 403,18,9,"The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble." @@ -21761,9 +24175,15 @@ electricity from their claws. " 404,16,9,"By gathering their tails together, they collectively generate powerful electricity from their claws. " +404,17,5,"Le courant qui circule à la pointe +de ses griffes est capable de faire +perdre connaissance à ses proies." 404,17,9,"Strong electricity courses through the tips of its sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes." +404,18,5,"Le courant qui circule à la pointe +de ses griffes est capable de faire +perdre connaissance à ses proies." 404,18,9,"Strong electricity courses through the tips of its sharp claws. A light scratch causes fainting in foes." @@ -21782,9 +24202,15 @@ scouting for danger." 405,16,9,"LUXRAY’s ability to see through objects comes in handy when it’s scouting for danger." +405,17,5,"Il est capable de voir à travers +les murs pour chasser des proies +ou retrouver ses petits égarés." 405,17,9,"It can see clearly through walls to track down its prey and seek its lost young." +405,18,5,"Il est capable de voir à travers +les murs pour chasser des proies +ou retrouver ses petits égarés." 405,18,9,"It can see clearly through walls to track down its prey and seek its lost young." @@ -21803,9 +24229,15 @@ It lives alongside clear pools." 406,16,9,"When it feels the sun’s warm touch, it opens its bud to release pollen. It lives alongside clear pools." +406,17,5,"Il est sensible aux variations de +température et on dit qu'il fleurit +quand il sent la chaleur du soleil." 406,17,9,"Sensitive to changing temperature, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun’s warm touch." +406,18,5,"Il est sensible aux variations de +température et on dit qu'il fleurit +quand il sent la chaleur du soleil." 406,18,9,"Sensitive to changing temperature, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun’s warm touch." @@ -21824,9 +24256,15 @@ toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma." 407,16,9,"Its sweet aroma attracts prey. Then it spews poison. The more toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma." +407,17,5,"Ses mains contenant chacune des +toxines différentes sont capables +d'asséner de puissants coups." 407,17,9,"Each of its hands contains different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-fatal power." +407,18,5,"Ses mains contenant chacune des +toxines différentes sont capables +d'asséner de puissants coups." 407,18,9,"Each of its hands contains different toxins, but both hands can jab with near-fatal power." @@ -21845,9 +24283,15 @@ one another." 408,16,9,"CRANIDOS toughen up their already rock-hard heads by headbutting one another." +408,17,5,"Il vivait dans la jungle il y a +100 millions d'années. Il abat +un arbre d'un coup de tête." 408,17,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100 million years ago, it would snap obstructing trees with head butts." +408,18,5,"Il vivait dans la jungle il y a +100 millions d'années. Il abat +un arbre d'un coup de tête." 408,18,9,"A lifelong jungle dweller from 100 million years ago, it would snap obstructing trees with head butts." @@ -21866,9 +24310,15 @@ never gets the chance to grow." 409,16,9,"Its skull withstands impacts of any magnitude. As a result, its brain never gets the chance to grow." +409,17,5,"Quand deux Charkos se rentrent +dedans, leur crâne extrêmement +épais les empêche de s'assommer." 409,17,9,"If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting." +409,18,5,"Quand deux Charkos se rentrent +dedans, leur crâne extrêmement +épais les empêche de s'assommer." 409,18,9,"If two were to smash their heads together, their foot-thick skulls would keep them from fainting." @@ -21887,9 +24337,15 @@ anyone knows. It has a sturdy face." 410,16,9,"It was generated from a fossil dug out of a layer of clay that was older than anyone knows. It has a sturdy face." +410,17,5,"Il est si bien protégé qu'il peut +déguster Baies et herbe fraîche +sans craindre de prédateurs." 410,17,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a result, it can eat grass and berries without having to fight." +410,18,5,"Il est si bien protégé qu'il peut +déguster Baies et herbe fraîche +sans craindre de prédateurs." 410,18,9,"It is outstandingly armored. As a result, it can eat grass and berries without having to fight." @@ -21908,9 +24364,15 @@ protect them from the attacks." 411,16,9,"When attacked, they form a wall. Their rock-hard faces serve to protect them from the attacks." +411,17,5,"En groupe, ils protègent leurs +petits en formant autour d'eux +une impénétrable muraille." 411,17,9,"When they lined up side by side, no foe could break through. They shielded their young in that way." +411,18,5,"En groupe, ils protègent leurs +petits en formant autour d'eux +une impénétrable muraille." 411,18,9,"When they lined up side by side, no foe could break through. They shielded their young in that way." @@ -21929,9 +24391,15 @@ hot, its cloak is thinner." 412,16,9,"It covers itself with a cloak to shelter from the cold. When it’s hot, its cloak is thinner." +412,17,5,"Nul ne sait comment il y parvient, +mais il arrive toujours à se former +une cape, où qu'il soit." 412,17,9,"Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak." +412,18,5,"Nul ne sait comment il y parvient, +mais il arrive toujours à se former +une cape, où qu'il soit." 412,18,9,"Even if it is born where there are no cocooning materials, it somehow always ends up with a cloak." @@ -21950,9 +24418,15 @@ thicker cloak." 413,16,9,"It is said that a WORMADAM that evolves on a cold day will have a thicker cloak." +413,17,5,"À l'évolution, son corps absorbe +les matériaux à proximité et peut +ainsi présenter divers aspects." 413,17,9,"When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations." +413,18,5,"À l'évolution, son corps absorbe +les matériaux à proximité et peut +ainsi présenter divers aspects." 413,18,9,"When evolving, its body takes in surrounding materials. As a result, there are many body variations." @@ -21969,9 +24443,15 @@ plots to steal some from COMBEE." steals honey from the COMBEE hive." 414,16,9,"It flutters around at night and steals honey from the COMBEE hive." +414,17,5,"Il adore le nectar des fleurs mais +n'en récolte pas lui-même. +Il préfère en voler à un Apitrini." 414,17,9,"While it loves floral honey, it won’t gather any itself. Instead, it plots to steal some from Combee." +414,18,5,"Il adore le nectar des fleurs mais +n'en récolte pas lui-même. +Il préfère en voler à un Apitrini." 414,18,9,"While it loves floral honey, it won’t gather any itself. Instead, it plots to steal some from Combee." @@ -21990,9 +24470,15 @@ together in a lump." 415,16,9,"At night, COMBEE sleep in a group of about a thousand, packed closely together in a lump." +415,17,5,"Ce trio inséparable depuis la +naissance récolte du miel +pour satisfaire Apireine." 415,17,9,"The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers honey from flowers to please Vespiquen." +415,18,5,"Ce trio inséparable depuis la +naissance récolte du miel +pour satisfaire Apireine." 415,18,9,"The trio is together from birth. It constantly gathers honey from flowers to please Vespiquen." @@ -22011,9 +24497,15 @@ control COMBEE." 416,16,9,"It raises grubs in the holes in its body. It secretes pheromones to control COMBEE." +416,17,5,"Ce Pokémon utilise des phéromones +pour donner des ordres de combat +aux larves dans son abdomen." 416,17,9,"It releases various pheromones to make the grubs in its body do its bidding while fighting foes." +416,18,5,"Ce Pokémon utilise des phéromones +pour donner des ordres de combat +aux larves dans son abdomen." 416,18,9,"It releases various pheromones to make the grubs in its body do its bidding while fighting foes." @@ -22032,9 +24524,15 @@ It shoots charges from its tail." 417,16,9,"It’s one of the kinds of Pokémon with electric cheek pouches. It shoots charges from its tail." +417,17,5,"Il arrive que deux Pachirisu se +frottent les joues pour partager +l'électricité qu'ils ont accumulée." 417,17,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity." +417,18,5,"Il arrive que deux Pachirisu se +frottent les joues pour partager +l'électricité qu'ils ont accumulée." 417,18,9,"A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity." @@ -22053,9 +24551,15 @@ order to watch for prey movement." 418,16,9,"It inflates its flotation sac, keeping its face above water in order to watch for prey movement." +418,17,5,"Il utilise ses deux queues comme +une hélice pour se propulser sous +l'eau et trancher les algues." 418,17,9,"It spins its two tails like a screw to propel itself through water. The tails also slice clinging seaweed." +418,18,5,"Il utilise ses deux queues comme +une hélice pour se propulser sous +l'eau et trancher les algues." 418,18,9,"It spins its two tails like a screw to propel itself through water. The tails also slice clinging seaweed." @@ -22074,9 +24578,15 @@ deflates the sac before it dives." 419,16,9,"With its flotation sac inflated, it can carry people on its back. It deflates the sac before it dives." +419,17,5,"Il chasse souvent près des ports +de pêche où il sauve parfois les +gens tombés à la mer." 419,17,9,"It is a common sight around fishing ports. It is known to rescue people and carry off prey." +419,18,5,"Il chasse souvent près des ports +de pêche où il sauve parfois les +gens tombés à la mer." 419,18,9,"It is a common sight around fishing ports. It is known to rescue people and carry off prey." @@ -22095,9 +24605,15 @@ been storing nutrients." 420,16,9,"It evolves by sucking the energy out of the small ball where it had been storing nutrients." +420,17,5,"Sa petite boule rose est nutritive +et délicieuse. Les Étourmi en +raffolent." 420,17,9,"The small ball is not only filled with nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly try to peck it off." +420,18,5,"Sa petite boule rose est nutritive +et délicieuse. Les Étourmi en +raffolent." 420,18,9,"The small ball is not only filled with nutrients, it is also tasty. Starly try to peck it off." @@ -22116,9 +24632,15 @@ fully, and it becomes very active." 421,16,9,"During times of strong sunlight, its bud blooms, its petals open fully, and it becomes very active." +421,17,5,"Sous un grand soleil, il ouvre +ses pétales pour en absorber +les rayons." 421,17,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded petals to absorb the sun’s rays with its whole body." +421,18,5,"Sous un grand soleil, il ouvre +ses pétales pour en absorber +les rayons." 421,18,9,"If it senses strong sunlight, it opens its folded petals to absorb the sun’s rays with its whole body." @@ -22135,9 +24657,15 @@ mysterious purple fluid ooze out." depending on its habitat." 422,16,9,"Its shape and coloration vary, depending on its habitat." +422,17,5,"Un étrange liquide mauve s'échappe +de son corps, ne lui appuyez pas +dessus." 422,17,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body, as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out." +422,18,5,"Un étrange liquide mauve s'échappe +de son corps, ne lui appuyez pas +dessus." 422,18,9,"Beware of pushing strongly on its squishy body, as it makes a mysterious purple fluid ooze out." @@ -22154,9 +24682,15 @@ are traces of it left in its cells." it oozes purple fluid and escapes." 423,16,9,"When its natural enemy attacks, it oozes purple fluid and escapes." +423,17,5,"Ses gènes ont démontré qu'il avait +jadis une carapace couvrant la +totalité de son dos." 423,17,9,"Long ago, its entire back was shielded with a sturdy shell. There are traces of it left in its cells." +423,18,5,"Ses gènes ont démontré qu'il avait +jadis une carapace couvrant la +totalité de son dos." 423,18,9,"Long ago, its entire back was shielded with a sturdy shell. There are traces of it left in its cells." @@ -22174,9 +24708,15 @@ said to communicate by connecting their tails to those of others." 424,16,9,"It is very difficult to dodge the consecutive strikes of its two tails." +424,17,5,"Ses queues jumelles sont si agiles +et efficaces qu'il ne se sert que +très rarement de ses bras." 424,17,9,"Split into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, Ambipom rarely uses its hands." +424,18,5,"Ses queues jumelles sont si agiles +et efficaces qu'il ne se sert que +très rarement de ses bras." 424,18,9,"Split into two, the tails are so adept at handling and doing things, Ambipom rarely uses its hands." @@ -22195,9 +24735,15 @@ holds on to it could wind up missing." 425,16,9,"It is whispered that any child who mistakes DRIFLOON for a balloon and holds on to it could wind up missing." +425,17,5,"Sa façon de flotter sans but au +gré du vent lui a valu le surnom +de “bouée des esprits égarés""." 425,17,9,"Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a “Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”" +425,18,5,"Sa façon de flotter sans but au +gré du vent lui a valu le surnom +de “bouée des esprits égarés""." 425,18,9,"Because of the way it floats aimlessly, an old folktale calls it a “Signpost for Wandering Spirits.”" @@ -22216,9 +24762,15 @@ control the altitude of its drift." 426,16,9,"It can generate and release gas within its body. That’s how it can control the altitude of its drift." +426,17,5,"Des nuées de Grodrive dérivent +dans le ciel au crépuscule. Ils +disparaissent dès qu'on les voit." 426,17,9,"At dusk, swarms of them are carried aloft on winds. When noticed, they suddenly vanish." +426,18,5,"Des nuées de Grodrive dérivent +dans le ciel au crépuscule. Ils +disparaissent dès qu'on les voit." 426,18,9,"At dusk, swarms of them are carried aloft on winds. When noticed, they suddenly vanish." @@ -22237,9 +24789,15 @@ both ears are rolled up." 427,16,9,"You can tell how it feels by the way it rolls its ears. When it’s scared, both ears are rolled up." +427,17,5,"Ses oreilles repliées se déroulent +avec une force capable de briser +un gros rocher." 427,17,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder." +427,18,5,"Ses oreilles repliées se déroulent +avec une force capable de briser +un gros rocher." 427,18,9,"Its ears are always rolled up. They can be forcefully extended to shatter even a large boulder." @@ -22256,9 +24814,15 @@ with its graceful legs." Its winter fur is soft and fluffy." 428,16,9,"It sheds its fur twice a year. Its winter fur is soft and fluffy." +428,17,5,"Il est capable de décocher de +puissants coups de pied si on +touche à ses délicates oreilles." 428,17,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs." +428,18,5,"Il est capable de décocher de +puissants coups de pied si on +touche à ses délicates oreilles." 428,18,9,"The ears appear to be delicate. If they are touched roughly, it kicks with its graceful legs." @@ -22277,9 +24841,15 @@ where you least expect it." 429,16,9,"Its cries sound like incantations to torment the foe. It appears where you least expect it." +429,17,5,"Pareil à une incantation magique, +son cri n'est que très rarement +source de joie." 429,17,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation. It is said the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power." +429,18,5,"Pareil à une incantation magique, +son cri n'est que très rarement +source de joie." 429,18,9,"Its cry sounds like an incantation. It is said the cry may rarely be imbued with happiness-giving power." @@ -22298,9 +24868,15 @@ of its MURKROW followers." 430,16,9,"It is merciless by nature. It is said that it never forgives the mistakes of its MURKROW followers." +430,17,5,"Son cri profond peut invoquer une +meute de Cornèbre. On l'appelle +“le crieur de mauvais augure""." 430,17,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many Murkrow gather quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night.”" +430,18,5,"Son cri profond peut invoquer une +meute de Cornèbre. On l'appelle +“le crieur de mauvais augure""." 430,18,9,"If one utters a deep cry, many Murkrow gather quickly. For this, it is called “Summoner of Night.”" @@ -22319,9 +24895,15 @@ of its tail, like a dancing ribbon." 431,16,9,"When it’s happy, GLAMEOW demonstrates beautiful movements of its tail, like a dancing ribbon." +431,17,5,"Il a tendance à planter ses griffes +dans le nez de son Dresseur s'il +n'a pas été nourri à temps." 431,17,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of hooking its claws into the nose of its Trainer if it isn’t fed." +431,18,5,"Il a tendance à planter ses griffes +dans le nez de son Dresseur s'il +n'a pas été nourri à temps." 431,18,9,"It hides its spiteful tendency of hooking its claws into the nose of its Trainer if it isn’t fed." @@ -22340,9 +24922,15 @@ sufficiently comfortable." 432,16,9,"It would claim another Pokémon’s nest as its own if it finds a nest sufficiently comfortable." +432,17,5,"Il plaque ses queues contre son +dos pour paraître plus grand. +Il soutient un regard des heures." 432,17,9,"It binds its body with its tails to make itself look bigger. If it locks eyes, it will glare ceaselessly." +432,18,5,"Il plaque ses queues contre son +dos pour paraître plus grand. +Il soutient un regard des heures." 432,18,9,"It binds its body with its tails to make itself look bigger. If it locks eyes, it will glare ceaselessly." @@ -22361,9 +24949,15 @@ it can cry for an awfully long time. " 433,16,9,"It emits high-frequency cries that people can’t hear. Once it starts, it can cry for an awfully long time. " +433,17,5,"Quand il sautille, l'orbe qu'il a +dans la bouche s'agite et tinte +comme une cloche." 433,17,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth. When it hops, the orb bounces all over and makes a ringing sound." +433,18,5,"Quand il sautille, l'orbe qu'il a +dans la bouche s'agite et tinte +comme une cloche." 433,18,9,"There is an orb inside its mouth. When it hops, the orb bounces all over and makes a ringing sound." @@ -22382,9 +24976,15 @@ queasy up to a mile and a quarter away." 434,16,9,"The foul fluid from its rear is so revolting that it can make people feel queasy up to a mile and a quarter away." +434,17,5,"Son derrière propulse un fluide +nauséabond qui peut faire fuir les +Pokémon dans un rayon de 2 km." 434,17,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away." +434,18,5,"Son derrière propulse un fluide +nauséabond qui peut faire fuir les +Pokémon dans un rayon de 2 km." 434,18,9,"It sprays a foul fluid from its rear. Its stench spreads over a mile radius, driving Pokémon away." @@ -22403,9 +25003,15 @@ dulls after a few squirts." 435,16,9,"It attacks by spraying a repugnant fluid from its tail, but the stench dulls after a few squirts." +435,17,5,"Il attaque en projetant un liquide +fétide du bout de sa queue. Mieux +vaut l'attaquer par les airs." 435,17,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly smelly fluid from the tip of its tail. Attacks from above confound it." +435,18,5,"Il attaque en projetant un liquide +fétide du bout de sa queue. Mieux +vaut l'attaquer par les airs." 435,18,9,"It attacks by spraying a horribly smelly fluid from the tip of its tail. Attacks from above confound it." @@ -22424,9 +25030,15 @@ contained a mysterious power." 436,16,9,"Ancient people believed that the pattern on BRONZOR’s back contained a mysterious power." +436,17,5,"Certains scientifiques soutiennent +que ce Pokémon était jadis aussi +réfléchissant qu'un miroir." 436,17,9,"There are researchers who believe this Pokémon reflected like a mirror in the distant past." +436,18,5,"Certains scientifiques soutiennent +que ce Pokémon était jadis aussi +réfléchissant qu'un miroir." 436,18,9,"There are researchers who believe this Pokémon reflected like a mirror in the distant past." @@ -22445,9 +25057,15 @@ was the way to make crops grow." 437,16,9,"Ancient people believed that petitioning BRONZONG for rain was the way to make crops grow." +437,17,5,"Il apportait la pluie en créant un +portail vers une autre dimension. +Il était synonyme de bonne récolte." 437,17,9,"It brought rains by opening portals to another world. It was revered as a bringer of plentiful harvests." +437,18,5,"Il apportait la pluie en créant un +portail vers une autre dimension. +Il était synonyme de bonne récolte." 437,18,9,"It brought rains by opening portals to another world. It was revered as a bringer of plentiful harvests." @@ -22466,9 +25084,15 @@ This makes it appear to be crying." 438,16,9,"In order to adjust the level of fluids in its body, it exudes water from its eyes. This makes it appear to be crying." +438,17,5,"Adepte des climats secs, il régule +son humidité en laissant couler ce +qui ressemble à des larmes." 438,17,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level." +438,18,5,"Adepte des climats secs, il régule +son humidité en laissant couler ce +qui ressemble à des larmes." 438,18,9,"It prefers an arid atmosphere. It leaks water that looks like tears when adjusting its moisture level." @@ -22487,9 +25111,15 @@ it wastes no time in making itself scarce!" 439,16,9,"In an attempt to confuse its enemy, it mimics the enemy’s movements. Then it wastes no time in making itself scarce!" +439,17,5,"Il imite les mouvements et les +expressions des autres pour +comprendre leurs sentiments." 439,17,9,"It mimics the expressions and motions of those it sees to understand the feelings of others." +439,18,5,"Il imite les mouvements et les +expressions des autres pour +comprendre leurs sentiments." 439,18,9,"It mimics the expressions and motions of those it sees to understand the feelings of others." @@ -22508,9 +25138,15 @@ by how curly its hair looks." 440,16,9,"It carefully carries a round, white rock that it thinks is an egg. It’s bothered by how curly its hair looks." +440,17,5,"Ce Pokémon ne se sépare jamais de +son petit caillou et a tendance à +traîner dans les pieds des gens." 440,17,9,"It likes to carry around a small rock. It may wander around others’ feet and cause them to stumble." +440,18,5,"Ce Pokémon ne se sépare jamais de +son petit caillou et a tendance à +traîner dans les pieds des gens." 440,18,9,"It likes to carry around a small rock. It may wander around others’ feet and cause them to stumble." @@ -22529,9 +25165,15 @@ This way they won’t attack it." 441,16,9,"It mimics the cries of other Pokémon to trick them into thinking it’s one of them. This way they won’t attack it." +441,17,5,"Sa langue comparable à celle +de l'homme lui permet d'imiter +habilement le langage humain." 441,17,9,"Its tongue is just like a human’s. As a result, it can cleverly mimic human speech." +441,18,5,"Sa langue comparable à celle +de l'homme lui permet d'imiter +habilement le langage humain." 441,18,9,"Its tongue is just like a human’s. As a result, it can cleverly mimic human speech." @@ -22550,9 +25192,15 @@ to keep it from doing any mischief." 442,16,9,"It was formed by uniting 108 spirits. It has been bound to the Odd Keystone to keep it from doing any mischief." +442,17,5,"Son mauvais comportement lui a valu +d'être enchaîné à une Clé de Voûte +par un mystérieux sortilège." 442,17,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell." +442,18,5,"Son mauvais comportement lui a valu +d'être enchaîné à une Clé de Voûte +par un mystérieux sortilège." 442,18,9,"Its constant mischief and misdeeds resulted in it being bound to an Odd Keystone by a mysterious spell." @@ -22571,9 +25219,15 @@ can expect to be pounced on and bitten." 443,16,9,"It nests in horizontal holes warmed by geothermal heat. Foes who get too close can expect to be pounced on and bitten." +443,17,5,"Malgré sa maladresse, son énorme +gueule lui permet de lancer des +attaques puissantes." 443,17,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth. While its attacks are powerful, it hurts itself out of clumsiness, too." +443,18,5,"Malgré sa maladresse, son énorme +gueule lui permet de lancer des +attaques puissantes." 443,18,9,"It attacks using its huge mouth. While its attacks are powerful, it hurts itself out of clumsiness, too." @@ -22592,9 +25246,15 @@ then hoards in its nest." 444,16,9,"As it digs to expand its nest, it habitually digs up gems that it then hoards in its nest." +444,17,5,"Toujours à la recherche d'objets +brillants, il arpente les grottes +pour constituer son butin." 444,17,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest." +444,18,5,"Toujours à la recherche d'objets +brillants, il arpente les grottes +pour constituer son butin." 444,18,9,"It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest." @@ -22613,9 +25273,15 @@ high speeds." 445,16,9,"Its body is covered in fine scales that reduce drag, enabling it to fly at high speeds." +445,17,5,"On dit que lancé à pleine vitesse, +il crée des lames de vent avec ses +ailes pouvant trancher un arbre." 445,17,9,"It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees." +445,18,5,"On dit que lancé à pleine vitesse, +il crée des lames de vent avec ses +ailes pouvant trancher un arbre." 445,18,9,"It is said that when one runs at high speed, its wings create blades of wind that can fell nearby trees." @@ -22634,9 +25300,15 @@ stash and swallows it without chewing." 446,16,9,"It conceals food under the long fur on its body. It carts around this food stash and swallows it without chewing." +446,17,5,"Obnubilé par sa quête incessante +de nourriture, il oublie parfois +qu'il en a caché dans sa fourrure." 446,17,9,"In its desperation to gulp down food, it forgets about the food it has hidden under its fur." +446,18,5,"Obnubilé par sa quête incessante +de nourriture, il oublie parfois +qu'il en a caché dans sa fourrure." 446,18,9,"In its desperation to gulp down food, it forgets about the food it has hidden under its fur." @@ -22655,9 +25327,15 @@ all through the night." 447,16,9,"They communicate with one another using their auras. They are able to run all through the night." +447,17,5,"Il a la faculté unique de visualiser +les émotions telles que la joie ou +la colère sous forme d'ondes." 447,17,9,"It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves." +447,18,5,"Il a la faculté unique de visualiser +les émotions telles que la joie ou +la colère sous forme d'ondes." 447,18,9,"It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves." @@ -22676,9 +25354,15 @@ Even foes it could not otherwise see." 448,16,9,"It’s said that no foe can remain invisible to LUCARIO, since it can detect auras. Even foes it could not otherwise see." +448,17,5,"Un spécimen bien entraîné peut +sentir et identifier les émotions de +quelqu'un à plus d'un kilomètre." 448,17,9,"A well-trained one can sense auras to identify and take in the feelings of creatures over half a mile away." +448,18,5,"Un spécimen bien entraîné peut +sentir et identifier les émotions de +quelqu'un à plus d'un kilomètre." 448,18,9,"A well-trained one can sense auras to identify and take in the feelings of creatures over half a mile away." @@ -22697,9 +25381,15 @@ sands of the desert." 449,16,9,"It shrouds itself in sand to ward off germs. It travels easily through the sands of the desert." +449,17,5,"Il peut obturer ses narines et +traverser le sable comme un ver. +Il vit en colonies de 10 individus." 449,17,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then travels through sand as if walking. They form colonies of around ten." +449,18,5,"Il peut obturer ses narines et +traverser le sable comme un ver. +Il vit en colonies de 10 individus." 449,18,9,"It shuts its nostrils tight then travels through sand as if walking. They form colonies of around ten." @@ -22718,9 +25408,15 @@ vast quantities of sand while attacking." 450,16,9,"It brandishes its gaping mouth in a display of fearsome strength. It raises vast quantities of sand while attacking." +450,17,5,"Facilement irritable, il ouvre ses +mâchoires au maximum pour intimider +ses adversaires." 450,17,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger. It holds its mouth agape as a display of its strength." +450,18,5,"Facilement irritable, il ouvre ses +mâchoires au maximum pour intimider +ses adversaires." 450,18,9,"It is surprisingly quick to anger. It holds its mouth agape as a display of its strength." @@ -22739,9 +25435,15 @@ its prey with a savage poison." 451,16,9,"It burrows under the sand to lie in wait for prey. Its tail claws can inject its prey with a savage poison." +451,17,5,"Il saisit sa proie avec les pinces de +sa queue et lui injecte un poison. +Il peut survivre un an sans manger." 451,17,9,"As soon as the tail claws close, its needle tips secrete poison. It can survive a year without food." +451,18,5,"Il saisit sa proie avec les pinces de +sa queue et lui injecte un poison. +Il peut survivre un an sans manger." 451,18,9,"As soon as the tail claws close, its needle tips secrete poison. It can survive a year without food." @@ -22760,9 +25462,15 @@ furthered its bad reputation." 452,16,9,"It attacks people and Pokémon that cross the desert. This has only furthered its bad reputation." +452,17,5,"Fier et robuste, il met un point +d'honneur à battre ses adversaires +sans utiliser de poison." 452,17,9,"Possessing a sturdy build, it takes pride in its strength, taking down foes without using toxins." +452,18,5,"Fier et robuste, il met un point +d'honneur à battre ses adversaires +sans utiliser de poison." 452,18,9,"Possessing a sturdy build, it takes pride in its strength, taking down foes without using toxins." @@ -22781,9 +25489,15 @@ remedies for lower-back pain." 453,16,9,"Fluid squeezed from its finger, albeit poisonous, is a significant ingredient in remedies for lower back pain." +453,17,5,"Son instinct de survie le pousse à +ne pas se battre dans les règles. +C'est une mascotte populaire." 453,17,9,"It rarely fights fairly, but that is strictly to ensure survival. It is popular as a mascot." +453,18,5,"Son instinct de survie le pousse à +ne pas se battre dans les règles. +C'est une mascotte populaire." 453,18,9,"It rarely fights fairly, but that is strictly to ensure survival. It is popular as a mascot." @@ -22802,9 +25516,15 @@ then lunges out with its poisonous claws." 454,16,9,"Swaying and dodging the attacks of its foes, it weaves its flexible body in close, then lunges out with its poisonous claws." +454,17,5,"Quand il coasse, le poison stocké +sous sa gorge est secoué, le +rendant ainsi plus efficace." 454,17,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency." +454,18,5,"Quand il coasse, le poison stocké +sous sa gorge est secoué, le +rendant ainsi plus efficace." 454,18,9,"It has a poison sac at its throat. When it croaks, the stored poison is churned for greater potency." @@ -22823,9 +25543,15 @@ can dangle down and ambush prey." 455,16,9,"It walks around on its tentacles in search of a tree branch where it can dangle down and ambush prey." +455,17,5,"Il s'accroche aux arbres des +marais et attire ses proies avec +sa salive à l'odeur enivrante." 455,17,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes. It attracts prey with its sweet- smelling drool and gulps them down." +455,18,5,"Il s'accroche aux arbres des +marais et attire ses proies avec +sa salive à l'odeur enivrante." 455,18,9,"It binds itself to trees in marshes. It attracts prey with its sweet- smelling drool and gulps them down." @@ -22844,9 +25570,15 @@ patterns on its tail fins softly shine." 456,16,9,"Swimming and fluttering its two tail fins, it looks like a BEAUTIFLY. At night, the patterns on its tail fins softly shine." +456,17,5,"La ligne qui fait le tour de son +corps stocke l'énergie solaire +et brille dans la nuit." 456,17,9,"The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night." +456,18,5,"La ligne qui fait le tour de son +corps stocke l'énergie solaire +et brille dans la nuit." 456,18,9,"The line running down its side can store sunlight. It shines vividly at night." @@ -22865,9 +25597,15 @@ in the night sky." 457,16,9,"LUMINEON swimming in the darkness of the deep sea look like stars shining in the night sky." +457,17,5,"Il rampe au fond de l'océan grâce +aux nageoires de son torse. +Le Lanturn est son rival." 457,17,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using its long front fins like legs. It competes for food with Lanturn." +457,18,5,"Il rampe au fond de l'océan grâce +aux nageoires de son torse. +Le Lanturn est son rival." 457,18,9,"It crawls along the seafloor using its long front fins like legs. It competes for food with Lanturn." @@ -22886,9 +25624,15 @@ observe the pattern on its back." 458,16,9,"When it swims close to the surface of the ocean, people aboard ships are able to observe the pattern on its back." +458,17,5,"On organise des excursions pour le +voir surfer sur les vagues au côté +des Rémoraid." 458,17,9,"People organize tours to see this Pokémon frolic and skim the tops of waves with Remoraid." +458,18,5,"On organise des excursions pour le +voir surfer sur les vagues au côté +des Rémoraid." 458,18,9,"People organize tours to see this Pokémon frolic and skim the tops of waves with Remoraid." @@ -22907,9 +25651,15 @@ the snow-covered summit in the spring." 459,16,9,"During cold seasons, it migrates to the mountain’s lower reaches. It returns to the snow-covered summit in the spring." +459,17,5,"Curieux de rencontrer des gens, ils +se rassemblent autour des traces +de pas trouvées dans la montagne." 459,17,9,"Seemingly curious about people, they gather around footsteps they find on snowy mountains." +459,18,5,"Curieux de rencontrer des gens, ils +se rassemblent autour des traces +de pas trouvées dans la montagne." 459,18,9,"Seemingly curious about people, they gather around footsteps they find on snowy mountains." @@ -22928,9 +25678,15 @@ It hides itself by whipping up blizzards." 460,16,9,"It lives a quiet life on mountains that are perpetually covered in snow. It hides itself by whipping up blizzards." +460,17,5,"Il apparaît quand les fleurs des +terres enneigées fleurissent et +se retire quand elles se fanent." 460,17,9,"They appear when the snow flowers bloom. When the petals fall, they retreat to places unknown again." +460,18,5,"Il apparaît quand les fleurs des +terres enneigées fleurissent et +se retire quand elles se fanent." 460,18,9,"They appear when the snow flowers bloom. When the petals fall, they retreat to places unknown again." @@ -22949,9 +25705,15 @@ a signal to others." 461,16,9,"It lives in snowy regions. It carves patterns in trees with its claws as a signal to others." +461,17,5,"L'évolution l'a rendu encore plus +retors. Il communique en griffant +des signes dans les pierres." 461,17,9,"Evolution made it even more devious. It communicates by clawing signs in boulders." +461,18,5,"L'évolution l'a rendu encore plus +retors. Il communique en griffant +des signes dans les pierres." 461,18,9,"Evolution made it even more devious. It communicates by clawing signs in boulders." @@ -22970,9 +25732,15 @@ structure, turning it into MAGNEZONE." 462,16,9,"Exposure to a special magnetic field changed MAGNETON’s molecular structure, turning it into MAGNEZONE." +462,17,5,"Des scientifiques ont essayé de +faire évoluer un Magnézone en +laboratoire, mais ce fut un échec." 462,17,9,"A group tried to use scientific means to make Magnezone evolve, but their efforts ended in failure." +462,18,5,"Des scientifiques ont essayé de +faire évoluer un Magnézone en +laboratoire, mais ce fut un échec." 462,18,9,"A group tried to use scientific means to make Magnezone evolve, but their efforts ended in failure." @@ -22991,9 +25759,15 @@ to coat them with its sticky saliva." 463,16,9,"It has space in its throat to store saliva. It can also roll up its tongue and store it in the same spot." +463,17,5,"Sa longue langue est couverte en +permanence d'une épaisse couche +de bave anesthésiante." 463,17,9,"The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness." +463,18,5,"Sa longue langue est couverte en +permanence d'une épaisse couche +de bave anesthésiante." 463,18,9,"The long tongue is always soggy with slobber. The saliva contains a solvent that causes numbness." @@ -23012,9 +25786,15 @@ can withstand volcanic eruptions." 464,16,9,"From holes in its palms, it fires out GEODUDE. Its carapace can withstand volcanic eruptions." +464,17,5,"Il peut lancer des pierres à une +vitesse saisissante en bandant et +relâchant ses muscles en un éclair." 464,17,9,"It can launch a rock held in its hand like a missile by tightening then expanding muscles instantly." +464,18,5,"Il peut lancer des pierres à une +vitesse saisissante en bandant et +relâchant ses muscles en un éclair." 464,18,9,"It can launch a rock held in its hand like a missile by tightening then expanding muscles instantly." @@ -23033,9 +25813,15 @@ wander near get ensnared by its vines." 465,16,9,"Its vines grow so profusely that, in the warm season, you can’t even see its eyes." +465,17,5,"Ses bras sont en fait des plantes +qui s'attachent à tout ce qu'elles +touchent et peuvent repousser." 465,17,9,"Its arms are made of plants that bind themselves to things. They grow back right away if cut." +465,18,5,"Ses bras sont en fait des plantes +qui s'attachent à tout ce qu'elles +touchent et peuvent repousser." 465,18,9,"Its arms are made of plants that bind themselves to things. They grow back right away if cut." @@ -23054,9 +25840,15 @@ its horns." 466,16,9,"As its electric charge amplifies, blue sparks begin to crackle between its horns." +466,17,5,"Encaissant les attaques, il vient +toucher l'ennemi de ses queues +et lui inflige une forte décharge." 466,17,9,"Heedless of enemy attacks, it closes in, shoves its tails onto the foe, then looses high voltage." +466,18,5,"Encaissant les attaques, il vient +toucher l'ennemi de ses queues +et lui inflige une forte décharge." 466,18,9,"Heedless of enemy attacks, it closes in, shoves its tails onto the foe, then looses high voltage." @@ -23075,9 +25867,15 @@ arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles." 467,16,9,"It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit out of its arms. Its breath also sears and sizzles." +467,17,5,"Quand il lance des boules de feu +à plus de 2 000 °C, son corps +est comme chauffé à blanc." 467,17,9,"When launching 3,600 degrees F fireballs, its body takes on a whitish hue from the intense heat." +467,18,5,"Quand il lance des boules de feu +à plus de 2 000 °C, son corps +est comme chauffé à blanc." 467,18,9,"When launching 3,600 degrees F fireballs, its body takes on a whitish hue from the intense heat." @@ -23096,9 +25894,15 @@ and sweet blessings." 468,16,9,"As everyone knows, it visits peaceful regions, bringing them gifts of kindness and sweet blessings." +468,17,5,"Il apprécie particulièrement les +gens qui respectent les autres +et évitent les conflits inutiles." 468,17,9,"It shares many blessings with people who respect one another’s rights and avoid needless strife." +468,18,5,"Il apprécie particulièrement les +gens qui respectent les autres +et évitent les conflits inutiles." 468,18,9,"It shares many blessings with people who respect one another’s rights and avoid needless strife." @@ -23117,9 +25921,15 @@ wings on its tail help it stay balanced." 469,16,9,"The beat of its wings is so powerful that it accidentally dislodges full-grown trees when it takes off in flight." +469,17,5,"Doté de mandibules à la force +colossale, il excelle pour mordre +ses ennemis en plein vol." 469,17,9,"Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed." +469,18,5,"Doté de mandibules à la force +colossale, il excelle pour mordre +ses ennemis en plein vol." 469,18,9,"Its jaw power is incredible. It is adept at biting apart foes while flying by at high speed." @@ -23138,9 +25948,15 @@ photosynthesis to produce clean air." 470,16,9,"When you see LEAFEON asleep in a patch of sunshine, you’ll know it is using photosynthesis to produce clean air." +470,17,5,"Il utilise la photosynthèse comme +une plante et a aussi tendance à +éviter le combat à tout prix." 470,17,9,"It basically does not fight. With cells similar to those of plants, it can perform photosynthesis." +470,18,5,"Il utilise la photosynthèse comme +une plante et a aussi tendance à +éviter le combat à tout prix." 470,18,9,"It basically does not fight. With cells similar to those of plants, it can perform photosynthesis." @@ -23159,9 +25975,15 @@ surrounding atmosphere." 471,16,9,"It causes small ice crystals to form by lowering the temperature of the surrounding atmosphere." +471,17,5,"Il ajuste la température de son +corps pour créer un vent de glace +en gelant l'air qui l'entoure." 471,17,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond-dust flurry." +471,18,5,"Il ajuste la température de son +corps pour créer un vent de glace +en gelant l'air qui l'entoure." 471,18,9,"By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond-dust flurry." @@ -23180,9 +26002,15 @@ Then its elongated fangs do the rest." 472,16,9,"Its flight is soundless. It uses its lengthy tail to carry off its prey... Then its elongated fangs do the rest." +472,17,5,"Le plus petit courant d'air peut lui +donner assez d'élan pour faire le +tour du monde sans un coup d'aile." 472,17,9,"If it succeeds in catching even a faint breeze properly, it can circle the globe without flapping once." +472,18,5,"Le plus petit courant d'air peut lui +donner assez d'élan pour faire le +tour du monde sans un coup d'aile." 472,18,9,"If it succeeds in catching even a faint breeze properly, it can circle the globe without flapping once." @@ -23201,9 +26029,15 @@ has been around a long, long, long time." 473,16,9,"It flourished worldwide during the ice age but its population declined when the masses of ice began to dwindle." +473,17,5,"On a libéré un spécimen de sa prison +glacée au bout de 10 000 ans. +Il n'en revenait pas." 473,17,9,"A frozen one was dug up from soil dating back 10,000 years. It woke up to much amazement." +473,18,5,"On a libéré un spécimen de sa prison +glacée au bout de 10 000 ans. +Il n'en revenait pas." 473,18,9,"A frozen one was dug up from soil dating back 10,000 years. It woke up to much amazement." @@ -23222,9 +26056,15 @@ Seems there might have been an error..." 474,16,9,"Its programming was modified to enable it to travel through alien dimensions. Seems there might have been an error..." +474,17,5,"Il a été modifié pour être capable +de travailler dans des dimensions +parallèles, mais c'est un échec." 474,17,9,"Its programming was modified to enable work in alien dimensions. It did not work as planned." +474,18,5,"Il a été modifié pour être capable +de travailler dans des dimensions +parallèles, mais c'est un échec." 474,18,9,"Its programming was modified to enable work in alien dimensions. It did not work as planned." @@ -23243,9 +26083,15 @@ first, fast, and fierce." 475,16,9,"Because it can sense what its foe is thinking, its attacks burst out first, fast, and fierce." +475,17,5,"Toujours prêt à protéger son prochain, +il se bat férocement avec ses coudes +en forme d'épées." 475,17,9,"When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely." +475,18,5,"Toujours prêt à protéger son prochain, +il se bat férocement avec ses coudes +en forme d'épées." 475,18,9,"When trying to protect someone, it extends its elbows as if they were swords and fights savagely." @@ -23264,9 +26110,15 @@ attack the foe from three directions." 476,16,9,"It controls three units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force. With them, it can attack the foe from three directions." +476,17,5,"Il utilise sa force magnétique pour +diriger trois petites unités +appelées Mini-nez." 476,17,9,"It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force." +476,18,5,"Il utilise sa force magnétique pour +diriger trois petites unités +appelées Mini-nez." 476,18,9,"It freely controls three small units called Mini-Noses using magnetic force." @@ -23285,9 +26137,15 @@ it takes lost spirits along with it." 477,16,9,"This feared Pokémon is said to travel to worlds unknown. Some even believe that it takes lost spirits along with it." +477,17,5,"Son corps se replie sur lui-même +pour emprisonner les esprits +perdus et les ramener chez eux." 477,17,9,"It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and guide them home." +477,18,5,"Son corps se replie sur lui-même +pour emprisonner les esprits +perdus et les ramener chez eux." 477,18,9,"It is said to take lost spirits into its pliant body and guide them home." @@ -23306,9 +26164,15 @@ mountain was reborn as FROSLASS." 478,16,9,"Legends in snowy regions say that a woman who was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as FROSLASS" +478,17,5,"On dit que Momartik gèle ses proies +grâce à son souffle à -50 °C avant +de les exposer dans sa tanière." 478,17,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58 degrees F breath. It is said to then secretly display its prey." +478,18,5,"On dit que Momartik gèle ses proies +grâce à son souffle à -50 °C avant +de les exposer dans sa tanière." 478,18,9,"It freezes prey by blowing its -58 degrees F breath. It is said to then secretly display its prey." @@ -23327,9 +26191,15 @@ unique motor." 479,16,9,"Research continues on this Pokémon, which could be the power source of a unique motor." +479,17,5,"Son corps parcouru d'électricité +lui permet de prendre le contrôle +de certains appareils ménagers." 479,17,9,"Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief." +479,18,5,"Son corps parcouru d'électricité +lui permet de prendre le contrôle +de certains appareils ménagers." 479,18,9,"Its electric-like body can enter some kinds of machines and take control in order to make mischief." @@ -23348,9 +26218,15 @@ necessary to solve various problems." 480,16,9,"According to some sources, this Pokémon provided people with the intelligence necessary to solve various problems." +480,17,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes +apprirent à résoudre les problèmes. +Le savoir était né." 480,17,9,"When Uxie flew, people gained the ability to solve problems. It was the birth of knowledge." +480,18,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes +apprirent à résoudre les problèmes. +Le savoir était né." 480,18,9,"When Uxie flew, people gained the ability to solve problems. It was the birth of knowledge." @@ -23369,9 +26245,15 @@ sorrow and joy." 481,16,9,"This Pokémon is said to have endowed the human heart with emotions, such as sorrow and joy." +481,17,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes +apprirent à ressentir la joie et la +peine. L'émotion était née." 481,17,9,"When Mesprit flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions." +481,18,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes +apprirent à ressentir la joie et la +peine. L'émotion était née." 481,18,9,"When Mesprit flew, people learned the joy and sadness of living. It was the birth of emotions." @@ -23390,9 +26272,15 @@ to face any of life’s difficulties." 482,16,9,"This Pokémon is said to have endowed humans with the determination needed to face any of life’s difficulties." +482,17,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes +acquirent la détermination. +La volonté était née." 482,17,9,"When Azelf flew, people gained the determination to do things. It was the birth of willpower." +482,18,5,"Quand il prit son envol, les hommes +acquirent la détermination. +La volonté était née." 482,18,9,"When Azelf flew, people gained the determination to do things. It was the birth of willpower." @@ -23411,9 +26299,15 @@ at will through the past and future." 483,16,9,"This Pokémon completely controls the flow of time. It uses its power to travel at will through the past and future." +483,17,5,"On dit que le temps s'écoule au +rythme des battements de cœur de +ce Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh." 483,17,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that time flows when Dialga’s heart beats." +483,18,5,"On dit que le temps s'écoule au +rythme des battements de cœur de +ce Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh." 483,18,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that time flows when Dialga’s heart beats." @@ -23432,9 +26326,15 @@ faraway places or even other dimensions." 484,16,9,"Its total control over the boundaries of space enable it to transport itself to faraway places or even other dimensions." +484,17,5,"On dit que la stabilité de l'espace +est maintenue par le souffle de ce +Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh." 484,17,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that space becomes more stable with Palkia’s every breath." +484,18,5,"On dit que la stabilité de l'espace +est maintenue par le souffle de ce +Pokémon légendaire de Sinnoh." 484,18,9,"A legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh. It is said that space becomes more stable with Palkia’s every breath." @@ -23453,9 +26353,15 @@ place in volcanic caves." 485,16,9,"Boiling blood, like magma, circulates through its body. It makes its dwelling place in volcanic caves." +485,17,5,"Son corps est composé d'acier brut +dont certaines parties ont fondu +à cause de sa propre chaleur." 485,17,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel. However, it is partially melted in spots because of its own heat." +485,18,5,"Son corps est composé d'acier brut +dont certaines parties ont fondu +à cause de sa propre chaleur." 485,18,9,"Its body is made of rugged steel. However, it is partially melted in spots because of its own heat." @@ -23474,9 +26380,15 @@ out of clay, ice, and magma." 486,16,9,"It is believed to have shaped REGIROCK, REGICE, and REGISTEEL out of clay, ice, and magma." +486,17,5,"On dit qu'il a créé des Pokémon +à son image à partir de glace, +de roche et de magma." 486,17,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma." +486,18,5,"On dit qu'il a créé des Pokémon +à son image à partir de glace, +de roche et de magma." 486,18,9,"It is said to have made Pokémon that look like itself from a special ice mountain, rocks, and magma." @@ -23495,9 +26407,15 @@ knowledge is distorted and strange." 487,16,9,"This Pokémon is said to live in a world on the reverse side of ours, where common knowledge is distorted and strange." +487,17,5,"Sa grande violence lui a valu d'être +banni. Il observe les hommes en +silence depuis le Monde Distorsion." 487,17,9,"It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World." +487,18,5,"Sa grande violence lui a valu d'être +banni. Il observe les hommes en +silence depuis le Monde Distorsion." 487,18,9,"It was banished for its violence. It silently gazed upon the old world from the Distortion World." @@ -23516,9 +26434,15 @@ is said to represent the crescent moon." 488,16,9,"Those who sleep holding CRESSELIA’s feather are assured of joyful dreams. It is said to represent the crescent moon." +488,17,5,"Les nuits où le premier croissant +de lune est visible, l'arc de sa +queue se déploie de façon superbe." 488,17,9,"On nights around the quarter moon, the aurora from its tail extends and undulates beautifully." +488,18,5,"Les nuits où le premier croissant +de lune est visible, l'arc de sa +queue se déploie de façon superbe." 488,18,9,"On nights around the quarter moon, the aurora from its tail extends and undulates beautifully." @@ -23537,9 +26461,15 @@ languidly on the sea in packs." 489,16,9,"When the water warms, they inflate the flotation sac on their heads and drift languidly on the sea in packs." +489,17,5,"Ce Pokémon des mers chaudes +revient toujours à son lieu de +naissance, peu importe la distance." 489,17,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted." +489,18,5,"Ce Pokémon des mers chaudes +revient toujours à son lieu de +naissance, peu importe la distance." 489,18,9,"It drifts in warm seas. It always returns to where it was born, no matter how far it may have drifted." @@ -23558,9 +26488,15 @@ of Pokémon." 490,16,9,"It starts its life with a wondrous power that permits it to bond with any kind of Pokémon." +490,17,5,"Il est né avec le pouvoir incroyable +de créer des liens avec n'importe +quel Pokémon." 490,17,9,"It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon." +490,18,5,"Il est né avec le pouvoir incroyable +de créer des liens avec n'importe +quel Pokémon." 490,18,9,"It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any kind of Pokémon." @@ -23579,9 +26515,15 @@ deep, nightmarish slumbers." 491,16,9,"It chases people and Pokémon from its territory by causing them to experience deep, nightmarish slumbers." +491,17,5,"Menacé, ce Pokémon se protège +en créant des cauchemars dans +l'esprit de ses ennemis." 491,17,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm." +491,18,5,"Menacé, ce Pokémon se protège +en créant des cauchemars dans +l'esprit de ses ennemis." 491,18,9,"To protect itself, it afflicts those around it with nightmares. However, it means no harm." @@ -23600,9 +26542,15 @@ of gratitude are the message it delivers." 492,16,9,"The blooming of Gracidea flowers confers the power of flight upon it. Feelings of gratitude are the message it delivers." +492,17,5,"Les fleurs qui couvrent son corps +s'ouvrent quand il est câliné avec +amour et perçoit de la gratitude." 492,17,9,"The flowers all over its body burst into bloom if it is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude." +492,18,5,"Les fleurs qui couvrent son corps +s'ouvrent quand il est câliné avec +amour et perçoit de la gratitude." 492,18,9,"The flowers all over its body burst into bloom if it is lovingly hugged and senses gratitude." @@ -23621,937 +26569,1879 @@ shaped all there is in this world." 493,16,9,"According to the legends of Sinnoh, this Pokémon emerged from an egg and shaped all there is in this world." +493,17,5,"On dit que son œuf a éclos dans +le néant et qu'il est à l'origine +de la création du monde." 493,17,9,"It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world." +493,18,5,"On dit que son œuf a éclos dans +le néant et qu'il est à l'origine +de la création du monde." 493,18,9,"It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world." +494,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui amène la victoire. On dit +que les Dresseurs qui le possèdent +peuvent gagner n'importe quel combat." 494,17,9,"This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter." +494,18,5,"Son corps produit une énergie +sans limites qu'il peut partager +avec ceux qu'il touche." 494,18,9,"It creates an unlimited supply of energy inside its body, which it shares with those who touch it." +495,17,5,"Un Pokémon intelligent et très calme. +Lorsqu'il a reçu suffisamment de +lumière du soleil, il devient plus agile." 495,17,9,"It is very intelligent and calm. Being exposed to lots of sunlight makes its movements swifter." +495,18,5,"Il laisse sa queue prendre le soleil pour +sa photosynthèse. Quand il est malade, +sa queue pend tristement." 495,18,9,"They photosynthesize by bathing their tails in sunlight. When they are not feeling well, their tails droop." +496,17,5,"Il court comme s'il glissait sur le sol. +Il déroute l'ennemi par ses mouvements +et l'assomme d'un coup de liane." 496,17,9,"It moves along the ground as if sliding. Its swift movements befuddle its foes, and it then attacks with a vine whip." +496,18,5,"Il évite les coups en se cachant dans la +végétation luxuriante et contre-attaque +habilement avec un bon coup de liane." 496,18,9,"They avoid attacks by sinking into the shadows of thick foliage. They retaliate with masterful whipping techniques." +497,17,5,"Il peut paralyser l'ennemi d'un regard. +Il amplifie l'énergie du soleil dans +son corps." 497,17,9,"It can stop its opponents’ movements with just a glare. It takes in solar energy and boosts it internally." +497,18,5,"Il garde la tête haute pour intimider +l'ennemi, et ne combat sérieusement +que les ennemis les plus puissants." 497,18,9,"They raise their heads to intimidate opponents but only give it their all when fighting a powerful opponent." +498,17,5,"Il évite agilement les attaques ennemies +et crache des boules de feu par le groin. +Il aime griller des Baies pour les manger." 498,17,9,"It can deftly dodge its foe’s attacks while shooting fireballs from its nose. It roasts berries before it eats them." +498,18,5,"Il crache du feu par le groin. +Mais quand il est enrhumé, seule +une fumée noirâtre en sort." 498,18,9,"It blows fire through its nose. When it catches a cold, the fire becomes pitch-black smoke instead." +499,17,5,"Quand le feu dans son corps s'embrase, +sa vitesse et son agilité augmentent. +En cas d'urgence, il crache de la fumée." 499,17,9,"When its internal fire flares up, its movements grow sharper and faster. When in trouble, it emits smoke." +499,18,5,"Ce qu'il mange devient du combustible +pour le feu dans son estomac. +La colère vivifie ses flammes." 499,18,9,"Whatever it eats becomes fuel for the flame in its stomach. When it is angered, the intensity of the flame increases." +500,17,5,"Il embrase ses poings avec les flammes +sur son menton et cogne l'ennemi avec. +C'est un Pokémon très solidaire." 500,17,9,"It can throw a fire punch by setting its fists on fire with its fiery chin. It cares deeply about its friends." +500,18,5,"Il a une barbe enflammée. +Il maîtrise des techniques de combat au +corps à corps rapides et puissantes." 500,18,9,"It has mastered fast and powerful fighting moves. It grows a beard of fire." +501,17,5,"Il combat avec le coupillage de son +ventre. Il peut parer un assaut et +immédiatement contre-attaquer." 501,17,9,"It fights using the scalchop on its stomach. In response to an attack, it retaliates immediately by slashing." +501,18,5,"Le coupillage sur son ventre est fait de +la même matière que ses griffes. Il le +détache pour l'utiliser comme une dague." 501,18,9,"The scalchop on its stomach is made from the same elements as claws. It detaches the scalchop for use as a blade." +502,17,5,"L'apprentissage de sa technique de +combat, qui utilise élégamment ses deux +coupillages, est extrêmement rigoureux." 502,17,9,"Strict training is how it learns its flowing double-scalchop technique." +502,18,5,"Chaque Mateloutre a sa propre technique +d'escrime au coupillage, dont il prend +un soin tout particulier." 502,18,9,"Scalchop techniques differ from one Dewott to another. It never neglects maintaining its scalchops." +503,17,5,"Il peut terrasser ses ennemis d'un coup +de la lame enchâssée dans son armure, +et les faire taire d'un seul regard." 503,17,9,"One swing of the sword incorporated in its armor can fell an opponent. A simple glare from one of them quiets everybody." +503,18,5,"Les pièces d'armure sur ses pattes +antérieures sont de grandes lames. +Un simple cri peut intimider son ennemi." 503,18,9,"Part of the armor on its anterior legs becomes a giant sword. Its cry alone is enough to intimidate most enemies." +504,17,5,"Ils stockent à manger dans leurs +bajoues et font le guet indéfiniment. Ils +se font des signes en remuant la queue." 504,17,9,"Using food stored in cheek pouches, they can keep watch for days. They use their tails to communicate with others." +504,18,5,"Ils sont très inquiets et se relaient +pour surveiller le territoire autour de +leur nid. Sans guetteurs, ils ont peur." 504,18,9,"Extremely cautious, they take shifts to maintain a constant watch of their nest. They feel insecure without a lookout." +505,17,5,"Il attaque en crachant les graines des +Baies qu'il accumule dans ses bajoues. +S'il voit un ennemi, il dresse la queue." 505,17,9,"When they see an enemy, their tails stand high, and they spit the seeds of berries stored in their cheek pouches." +505,18,5,"Il intimide l'ennemi en faisant briller +les motifs de son pelage. Ses yeux +peuvent voir même dans l'obscurité." 505,18,9,"They make the patterns on their bodies shine in order to threaten predators. Keen eyesight lets them see in the dark." +506,17,5,"Il fait vaillamment face à des ennemis +très puissants, mais il est intelligent +et évite les combats trop inégaux." 506,17,9,"It faces strong opponents with great courage. But, when at a disadvantage in a fight, this intelligent Pokémon flees." +506,18,5,"Les longs poils de son museau font +un excellent radar qui analyse les +alentours avec une grande acuité." 506,18,9,"The long hair around its face provides an amazing radar that lets it sense subtle changes in its surroundings." +507,17,5,"Les poils qui entourent son corps +comme un manteau sont extrêmement +durs et amortissent les coups." 507,17,9,"It has black, cape-like fur that is very hard and decreases the amount of damage it receives." +507,18,5,"Il obéit fidèlement aux consignes. +Il assiste les Dresseurs depuis +très longtemps." 507,18,9,"It loyally follows its Trainer’s orders. For ages, they have helped Trainers raise Pokémon." +508,17,5,"Il sauve les gens bloqués dans les +montagnes par des tempêtes de neige. +Ses longs poils le protègent du froid." 508,17,9,"It rescues people stranded by blizzards in the mountains. Its shaggy fur shields it from the cold." +508,18,5,"Il est spécialisé dans l'assistance aux +personnes perdues en mer ou en +montagne. Il est très intelligent." 508,18,9,"This extremely wise Pokémon excels at rescuing people stranded at sea or in the mountains." +509,17,5,"Il vole les gens pour le plaisir, mais il +est tellement mignon que ses victimes +finissent toujours par lui pardonner." 509,17,9,"They steal from people for fun, but their victims can’t help but forgive them. Their deceptively cute act is perfect." +509,18,5,"Il détourne l'attention de ses victimes +avec ses gestes mignons pour mieux les +détrousser. En colère, il griffe." 509,18,9,"Its cute act is a ruse. When victims let down their guard, they find their items taken. It attacks with sharp claws." +510,17,5,"Un Pokémon insaisissable. Son style +et son pelage magnifique attirent de +nombreux Dresseurs." 510,17,9,"These Pokémon vanish and appear unexpectedly. Many Trainers are drawn to their beautiful form and fur." +510,18,5,"Il s'approche sans un bruit de sa proie +et l'abat d'un coup par derrière +sans jamais être repéré." 510,18,9,"Stealthily, it sneaks up on its target, striking from behind before its victim has a chance to react." +511,17,5,"Il vit dans les forêts profondes. +Manger la feuille qui pousse sur +sa tête fait disparaître la fatigue." 511,17,9,"This Pokémon dwells deep in the forest. Eating a leaf from its head whisks weariness away as if by magic." +511,18,5,"Les feuilles qui poussent sur sa tête +soignent la fatigue. Il en donne aux +Pokémon affaiblis." 511,18,9,"It shares the leaf on its head with weary-looking Pokémon. These leaves are known to relieve stress." +512,17,5,"Il a un tempérament violent et se +bat avec sa queue pleine d'épines. +La feuille sur sa tête est très amère." 512,17,9,"Ill tempered, it fights by swinging its barbed tail around wildly. The leaf growing on its head is very bitter." +512,18,5,"Il frappe ses ennemis avec sa queue +couverte de pointes. Un Pokémon au +caractère agressif." 512,18,9,"It attacks enemies with strikes of its thorn-covered tail. This Pokémon is wild tempered." +513,17,5,"Quand il s'énerve, la mèche sur sa +tête chauffe à 300 °C. Il s'en sert +pour griller des Baies et les manger." 513,17,9,"When it is angered, the temperature of its head tuft reaches 600° F. It uses its tuft to roast berries." +513,18,5,"Il vit dans les cratères des volcans. +L'intérieur de la mèche qu'il a sur la +tête peut atteindre 300 °C." 513,18,9,"This Pokémon lives in caves in volcanoes. The fire within the tuft on its head can reach 600° F." +514,17,5,"Il adore les aliments sucrés. Ils lui +servent d'énergie pour alimenter le +feu à l'intérieur de son corps." 514,17,9,"It loves sweets because they become energy for the fire burning inside its body." +514,18,5,"Son corps est en combustion. Il +projette des flammèches par la tête et +la queue pour carboniser ses ennemis." 514,18,9,"A flame burns inside its body. It scatters embers from its head and tail to sear its opponents." +515,17,5,"L'eau contenue dans la mèche sur sa +tête est pleine de nutriments. Elle fait +pousser les plantes avec vigueur." 515,17,9,"The water stored inside the tuft on its head is full of nutrients. Plants that receive its water grow large." +515,18,5,"Il supporte mal les environnements secs. +Il s'humidifie avec sa queue en aspirant +l'eau stockée dans la mèche sur sa tête." 515,18,9,"It does not thrive in dry environments. It keeps itself damp by shooting water stored in its head tuft from its tail." +516,17,5,"Il stocke de l'eau dans les mèches de sa +tête. Quand il est à sec, il se ravitaille +en aspirant de l'eau par la queue." 516,17,9,"The tuft on its head holds water. When the level runs low, it replenishes the tuft by siphoning up water with its tail." +516,18,5,"Le jet d'eau à haute pression qu'il +propulse par la queue est assez puissant +pour traverser un mur de béton." 516,18,9,"The high-pressure water expelled from its tail is so powerful, it can destroy a concrete wall." +517,17,5,"Quand Munna mange un rêve, celui-ci +est aussitôt oublié par le rêveur. +Il lévite en permanence." 517,17,9,"Munna always float in the air. People whose dreams are eaten by them forget what the dreams had been about." +517,18,5,"Il se nourrit des rêves des gens et des +Pokémon. Quand le rêve est agréable, +il crache une fumée rose." 517,18,9,"It eats the dreams of people and Pokémon. When it eats a pleasant dream, it expels pink-colored mist." +518,17,5,"La fumée qui sort de son front contient +les rêves de nombreuses personnes et +ceux de nombreux Pokémon." 518,17,9,"The mist emanating from their foreheads is packed with the dreams of people and Pokémon." +518,18,5,"Il peut matérialiser les rêves qu'il a +mangés. La fumée qui sort de son front +prend la forme des objets vus en rêve." 518,18,9,"With the mist from its forehead, it can create shapes of things from dreams it has eaten." +519,17,5,"Il suit scrupuleusement les consignes +de son Dresseur, mais il a du mal à +comprendre les ordres trop compliqués." 519,17,9,"Each follows its Trainer’s orders as best it can, but they sometimes fail to understand complicated commands." +519,18,5,"Ces Pokémon vivent en ville. Ils sont +peu farouches et se regroupent souvent +dans les parcs ou sur les places." 519,18,9,"These Pokémon live in cities. They are accustomed to people. Flocks often gather in parks and plazas." +520,17,5,"Aussi éloigné qu'il puisse se trouver, +il parvient toujours à retourner +auprès de son Dresseur." 520,17,9,"It can return to its Trainer’s location regardless of the distance separating them." +520,18,5,"On dit que tout au fond de la forêt +où il vit, il y aurait un pays paisible +qui n'a jamais connu la guerre." 520,18,9,"Many people believe that, deep in the forest where Tranquill live, there is a peaceful place where there is no war." +521,17,5,"Le mâle intimide ses ennemis +avec ses caroncules. +La femelle vole mieux que le mâle." 521,17,9,"Males swing their head plumage to threaten opponents. The females’ flying abilities surpass those of the males." +521,18,5,"Le mâle a une parure sur la tête. +Ils sont très farouches et ne +s'attachent qu'à leur Dresseur." 521,18,9,"Males have plumage on their heads. They will never let themselves feel close to anyone other than their Trainers." +522,17,5,"Leur crinière scintille quand ils lâchent +une décharge électrique. Ils se servent +de ces scintillements pour communiquer." 522,17,9,"Its mane shines when it discharges electricity. They use their flashing manes to communicate with one another." +522,18,5,"Il apparaît quand le ciel est à l'orage. +Il capte les éclairs avec sa crinière +et accumule de l'électricité." 522,18,9,"When thunderclouds cover the sky, it will appear. It can catch lightning with its mane and store the electricity." +523,17,5,"Il réagit à la vitesse de l'éclair. +Lorsqu'il est en plein galop, on peut +entendre le grondement du tonnerre." 523,17,9,"They have lightning-like movements. When Zebstrika run at full speed, the sound of thunder reverberates." +523,18,5,"Il est agressif et projette des charges +électriques dans toutes les directions +quand il est en colère. Faites attention!" 523,18,9,"This ill-tempered Pokémon is dangerous because when it’s angry, it shoots lightning from its mane in all directions." +524,17,5,"Il a une oreille hexagonale. Son +corps, compressé dans des strates +profondes, est dur comme de l'acier." 524,17,9,"Its ear is hexagonal in shape. Compressed underground, its body is as hard as steel." +524,18,5,"On l'a découvert dans une fissure après +un grand tremblement de terre il y a +100 ans. Il possède un noyau d'énergie." 524,18,9,"They were discovered a hundred years ago in an earthquake fissure. Inside each one is an energy core." +525,17,5,"Quand il est gonflé à bloc, ses cristaux +orangés scintillent. Il cherche de l'eau +souterraine dans les grottes." 525,17,9,"When it overflows with power, the orange crystal on its body glows. It looks for underground water in caves." +525,18,5,"L'énergie de son corps qu'il ne parvient +pas à retenir s'écoule à l'extérieur et +forme des cristaux orangés." 525,18,9,"Because its energy was too great to be contained, the energy leaked and formed orange crystals." +526,17,5,"Il comprime de l'énergie dans son corps, +et ses attaques sont assez puissantes +pour renverser des montagnes." 526,17,9,"Compressing the energy from its internal core lets it fire off an attack capable of blowing away a mountain." +526,18,5,"Il amplifie dans son corps l'énergie du +soleil absorbée par ses cristaux orangés +et la projette par la bouche." 526,18,9,"The solar energy absorbed by its body’s orange crystals is magnified internally and fired from its mouth." +527,17,5,"Il vit dans les forêts sombres et les +grottes. Il émet des ultrasons par +le nez pour se diriger." 527,17,9,"Its habitat is dark forests and caves. It emits ultrasonic waves from its nose to learn about its surroundings." +527,18,5,"Il s'accroche aux murs des cavernes en +se servant de son nez comme ventouse. +Il y laisse une trace en forme de cœur." 527,18,9,"Suction from its nostrils enables it to stick to cave walls during sleep. It leaves a heart-shaped mark behind." +528,17,5,"Il émet des ondes sonores de +différentes fréquences par le nez. +Certaines peuvent briser des rochers." 528,17,9,"It emits sound waves of various frequencies from its nose, including some powerful enough to destroy rocks." +528,18,5,"Le mâle courtise la femelle à l'aide +d'ultrasons. Les écouter met de très +bonne humeur." 528,18,9,"Anyone who comes into contact with the ultrasonic waves emitted by a courting male experiences a positive mood shift." +529,17,5,"Il peut creuser à plus de 50 km/h et +faire la course avec une voiture roulant +sur le terrain qu'il creuse." 529,17,9,"It can dig through the ground at a speed of 30 mph. It could give a car running aboveground a good race." +529,18,5,"Il se propulse à grande vitesse sous +la terre en joignant ses griffes et +en tourbillonnant sur lui-même." 529,18,9,"It makes its way swiftly through the soil by putting both claws together and rotating at high speed." +530,17,5,"Ses vrilles en acier peuvent transpercer +des poutres en fer. Il est très employé +dans la construction de tunnels." 530,17,9,"It can help in tunnel construction. Its drill has evolved into steel strong enough to bore through iron plates." +530,18,5,"Il se creuse des terriers labyrinthiques +à 100 m sous terre. Il lui arrive de +percer les galeries du métro." 530,18,9,"More than 300 feet below the surface, they build mazelike nests. Their activity can be destructive to subway tunnels." +531,17,5,"Il ausculte les gens avec ses antennes +auriculaires pour juger de leurs +émotions ou de leur santé." 531,17,9,"It touches others with the feelers on its ears, using the sound of their heartbeats to tell how they are feeling." +531,18,5,"Sa capacité auditive est exceptionnelle. +Il émet des sons imperceptibles pour +sonder les alentours, comme un sonar." 531,18,9,"Its auditory sense is astounding. It has a radarlike ability to understand its surroundings through slight sounds." +532,17,5,"Il combat avec une poutre. Quand il en +arrive à transporter de lourds madriers +sans problème, l'évolution est proche." 532,17,9,"It fights by swinging a piece of lumber around. It is close to evolving when it can handle the lumber without difficulty." +532,18,5,"Il porte toujours une poutre. +Il apparaît sur les chantiers +pour aider aux travaux." 532,18,9,"These Pokémon appear at building sites and help out with construction. They always carry squared logs." +533,17,5,"Même une armée de catcheurs se +jetant sur son corps hyper musclé +ne le ferait pas ciller." 533,17,9,"This Pokémon is so muscular and strongly built that even a group of wrestlers could not make it budge an inch." +533,18,5,"Il entretient sa forme en transportant +une poutre en acier et fait des concours +de culturisme avec ses camarades." 533,18,9,"They strengthen their bodies by carrying steel beams. They show off their big muscles to their friends." +534,17,5,"On pense que la recette du ciment +a été enseignée aux humains par +un Bétochef il y a 2 000 ans." 534,17,9,"It is thought that Conkeldurr taught humans how to make concrete more than 2,000 years ago." +534,18,5,"Il peut manier sans effort apparent +les piliers de béton dont il se sert +comme de cannes." 534,18,9,"They use concrete pillars as walking canes. They know moves that enable them to swing the pillars freely in battle." +535,17,5,"Il prévient ses camarades du danger en +faisant vibrer ses joues pour générer +un signal d'alarme très aigu." 535,17,9,"They warn others of danger by vibrating their cheeks to create a high-pitched sound." +535,18,5,"Il fait vibrer ses joues pour émettre +des sons imperceptibles pour l'homme. +Il communique grâce à leur rythme." 535,18,9,"By vibrating its cheeks, it emits sound waves imperceptible to humans. It uses the rhythm of these sounds to talk." +536,17,5,"Quand il fait vibrer la bosse sur sa tête, +il provoque des ondulations dans l'eau, +mais aussi des tremblements de terre." 536,17,9,"When they vibrate the bumps on their heads, they can make waves in water or earthquake-like vibrations on land." +536,18,5,"Il vit dans l'eau et sur la terre ferme. +Il attrape ses proies avec sa langue +longue et gluante." 536,18,9,"It lives in the water and on land. It uses its long, sticky tongue to capture prey." +537,17,5,"Il fait gicler un liquide paralysant des +pustules sur sa tête, et attaque +ses ennemis à coups de vibrations." 537,17,9,"They shoot paralyzing liquid from their head bumps. They use vibration to hurt their opponents." +537,18,5,"Son coup de poing est plus fort quand il +fait vibrer la pustule dessus. Il peut +briser un gros rocher d'un coup." 537,18,9,"It increases the power of its punches by vibrating the bumps on its fists. It can turn a boulder to rubble with one punch." +538,17,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il devient +plus puissant. Les Judokrak sauvages +tressent leur ceinture avec des lianes." 538,17,9,"When it tightens its belt, it becomes stronger. Wild Throh use vines to weave their own belts." +538,18,5,"Ils aiment projeter ceux qui sont plus +grands qu'eux. On les trouve toujours +par groupes de cinq." 538,18,9,"When they encounter foes bigger than themselves, they try to throw them. They always travel in packs of five." +539,17,5,"Dans les montagnes où il s'entraîne, on +peut l'entendre donner des coups de +poing aux rochers et aux grands arbres." 539,17,9,"The sound of Sawk punching boulders and trees can be heard all the way from the mountains where they train." +539,18,5,"Quand il noue sa ceinture, il est plus +concentré et ses coups font plus mal. +Il s'énerve si on gêne son entraînement." 539,18,9,"Tying their belts gets them pumped and makes their punches more destructive. Disturbing their training angers them." +540,17,5,"Quand il éclot, Manternel lui coud son +vêtement. Il dort en cachant son +visage sous sa capuche." 540,17,9,"Leavanny dress it in clothes they made for it when it hatched. It hides its head in its hood while it is sleeping." +540,18,5,"Il fait des vêtements en découpant des +feuilles et en les cousant avec le fil +adhésif qu'il sécrète par la bouche." 540,18,9,"This Pokémon makes clothes for itself. It chews up leaves and sews them with sticky thread extruded from its mouth." +541,17,5,"Dans les forêts où il vit, la végétation +pousse bien car il transforme les +feuilles mortes en engrais." 541,17,9,"Forests where Swadloon live have superb foliage because the nutrients they make from fallen leaves nourish the plant life." +541,18,5,"Il se protège du froid en s'emmitouflant +dans une feuille. Il se déplace en forêt +et mange les feuilles tombées par terre." 541,18,9,"It protects itself from the cold by wrapping up in leaves. It stays on the move, eating leaves in forests." +542,17,5,"Quand il trouve de petits Pokémon, il +leur coud des vêtements de feuilles en +utilisant ses coupoirs et son fil adhésif." 542,17,9,"Upon finding a small Pokémon, it weaves clothing for it from leaves, using the cutters on its arms and sticky silk." +542,18,5,"Il réchauffe les œufs avec la chaleur +de l'humus. Il fabrique des langes pour +les Larveyette avec des feuilles." 542,18,9,"It keeps its eggs warm with heat from fermenting leaves. It also uses leaves to make warm wrappings for Sewaddle." +543,17,5,"Sa morsure est très venimeuse. +Elle paralyse même les grands +Pokémon Oiseaux, ses prédateurs." 543,17,9,"Its bite injects a potent poison, enough to paralyze large bird Pokémon that try to prey on it." +543,18,5,"Il sonde les alentours avec les +antennes sur sa tête et sa queue. +Il est extrêmement brutal." 543,18,9,"It discovers what is going on around it by using the feelers on its head and tail. It is brutally aggressive." +544,17,5,"Protégé par sa solide carapace, +il fonce sur ses ennemis en +roulant comme un pneu." 544,17,9,"Protected by a hard shell, it spins its body like a wheel and crashes furiously into its enemies." +544,18,5,"En général, il reste immobile. Mais quand +on l'attaque, il se met à tourbillonner +à toute vitesse et fonce sur l'ennemi." 544,18,9,"It is usually motionless, but when attacked, it rotates at high speed and then crashes into its opponent." +545,17,5,"Il accule l'ennemi par ses mouvements +rapides et l'attaque avec ses cornes. +Il ne s'arrête qu'au coup de grâce." 545,17,9,"With quick movements, it chases down its foes, attacking relentlessly with its horns until it prevails." +545,18,5,"Il inocule du poison à ses ennemis +par les griffes de son cou. +Il est extrêmement agressif." 545,18,9,"Highly aggressive, it uses the claws near its neck to dig into its opponents and poison them." +546,17,5,"Si on l'attaque, il projette un nuage de +coton. L'ennemi le confond avec lui, ce +qui permet à Doudouvet de s'enfuir." 546,17,9,"When attacked, it escapes by shooting cotton from its body. The cotton serves as a decoy to distract the attacker." +546,18,5,"Il dérive librement au gré du vent. +Les jours de pluie, il s'alourdit et +se réfugie au pied des arbres." 546,18,9,"They go wherever the wind takes them. On rainy days, their bodies are heavier, so they take shelter beneath big trees." +547,17,5,"Il se faufile comme le vent par les +espaces les plus étroits, en laissant +une touffe de poils blancs." 547,17,9,"Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small. It leaves balls of white fluff behind." +547,18,5,"Il apparaît dans un tourbillon de vent, +s'introduit dans les maisons par les +interstices et y joue de mauvais tours." 547,18,9,"Riding whirlwinds, they appear. These Pokémon sneak through gaps into houses and cause all sorts of mischief." +548,17,5,"Les feuilles sur sa tête sont très +amères, mais elles remettent d'aplomb +les corps les plus éreintés." 548,17,9,"The leaves on its head are very bitter. Eating one of these leaves is known to refresh a tired body." +548,18,5,"Il aime les zones bien irriguées et riches +en nutriments. On sait que là où il vit, +les cultures sont florissantes." 548,18,9,"Since they prefer moist, nutrient-rich soil, the areas where Petilil live are known to be good for growing plants." +549,17,5,"Même les Dresseurs confirmés ont +du mal à faire éclore sa belle fleur. +Un Pokémon apprécié des célébrités." 549,17,9,"Even veteran Trainers face a challenge in getting its beautiful flower to bloom. This Pokémon is popular with celebrities." +549,18,5,"La fleur sur sa tête a des propriétés +relaxantes. Elle se fane si on ne s'en +occupe pas avec attention." 549,18,9,"The fragrance of the garland on its head has a relaxing effect. It withers if a Trainer does not take good care of it." +550,17,5,"Les bleus et les rouges se détestent +cordialement et se battent dès qu'ils +s'aperçoivent. Un Pokémon très violent." 550,17,9,"Red and blue Basculin get along so poorly, they’ll start fighting instantly. These Pokémon are very hostile." +550,18,5,"Les rouges et les bleus se détestent, +mais il y en a toujours un ou deux +dans un groupe de l'autre couleur." 550,18,9,"Red and blue Basculin usually do not get along, but sometimes members of one school mingle with the other’s school." +551,17,5,"Il vit dans le sable des déserts. +Le sable chauffé par le soleil empêche +son corps de refroidir." 551,17,9,"They live buried in the sands of the desert. The sun-warmed sands prevent their body temperature from dropping." +551,18,5,"Il se déplace dans le sable en gardant +le nez et les yeux à découvert. +La membrane noire protège ses yeux." 551,18,9,"It moves along below the sand’s surface, except for its nose and eyes. A dark membrane shields its eyes from the sun." +552,17,5,"Ils vivent en petits groupes. +La membrane qui couvre leurs yeux +les protège du soleil." 552,17,9,"They live in groups of a few individuals. Protective membranes shield their eyes from sandstorms." +552,18,5,"La membrane spéciale qui recouvre ses +yeux détecte la chaleur et lui permet +de voir dans le noir." 552,18,9,"The special membrane covering its eyes can sense the heat of objects, so it can see its surroundings even in darkness." +553,17,5,"Il ne laisse jamais échapper ses proies. +Ses mâchoires surpuissantes peuvent +broyer une voiture." 553,17,9,"They never allow prey to escape. Their jaws are so powerful, they can crush the body of an automobile." +553,18,5,"Ses yeux ont les mêmes propriétés que +des jumelles et lui permettent de voir +les objets très éloignés en agrandi." 553,18,9,"It can expand the focus of its eyes, enabling it to see objects in the far distance as if it were using binoculars." +554,17,5,"Quand le feu brûle dans son corps, +il est tout excité et court partout. +Quand le feu s'apaise, il s'endort." 554,17,9,"When its internal fire is burning, it cannot calm down and it runs around. When the fire diminishes, it falls asleep." +554,18,5,"Les gens d'autrefois avaient l'habitude +de mettre ses crottes brûlantes sous +leurs vêtements pour se réchauffer." 554,18,9,"Darumaka’s droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm." +555,17,5,"Il entretient des flammes à 1 400 °C +dans son corps. De quoi détruire un +camion-benne d'un coup de poing!" 555,17,9,"Its internal fire burns at 2,500° F, making enough power that it can destroy a dump truck with one punch." +555,18,5,"S'il a le dessous au combat, il se fige +comme un rocher, fait le vide dans son +esprit et combat avec sa force mentale." 555,18,9,"When weakened in battle, it transforms into a stone statue. Then it sharpens its mind and fights on mentally." +556,17,5,"Avec une danse et des sons saccadés, +il fait fuir ses prédateurs, les Pokémon +Oiseaux dévoreurs de graines de fleur." 556,17,9,"It uses an up-tempo song and dance to drive away the bird Pokémon that prey on its flower seeds." +556,18,5,"Il vit dans les endroits secs. +Quand il bouge son corps en rythme, +il fait un bruit de maracas." 556,18,9,"Arid regions are their habitat. They move rhythmically, making a sound similar to maracas." +557,17,5,"Il peut facilement creuser son trou +dans les pierres les plus dures grâce +au liquide sécrété par sa bouche." 557,17,9,"This Pokémon can easily melt holes in hard rocks with a liquid secreted from its mouth." +557,18,5,"Il perce un caillou et s'en sert comme +maison. Quand on lui casse, il est anxieux +jusqu'à ce qu'il en trouve un autre." 557,18,9,"It makes a hole in a suitable rock. If that rock breaks, the Pokémon remains agitated until it locates a replacement." +558,17,5,"Entre eux, les querelles de territoire +sont fréquentes et violentes. Celui qui +se fait briser son rocher a perdu." 558,17,9,"Competing for territory, Crustle fight viciously. The one whose boulder is broken is the loser of the battle." +558,18,5,"Il est assez endurant pour voyager des +jours durant dans des zones desséchées +avec son lourd rocher sur le dos." 558,18,9,"It possesses legs of enormous strength, enabling it to carry heavy slabs for many days, even when crossing arid land." +559,17,5,"Il remonte sa peau jusqu'à son cou pour +se protéger. Elle a une constitution +élastique qui absorbe les coups." 559,17,9,"Its skin has a rubbery elasticity, so it can reduce damage by defensively pulling its skin up to its neck." +559,18,5,"Quiconque a le malheur de croiser son +regard se prend un coup de tête. +Il a le crâne très dur." 559,18,9,"It immediately headbutts anyone that makes eye contact with it. Its skull is massively thick." +560,17,5,"Ils se regroupent pour rosser ceux +qui pénètrent sur leur territoire. +Ils crachent un venin corrosif." 560,17,9,"Groups of them beat up anything that enters their territory. Each can spit acidic liquid from its mouth." +560,18,5,"La plus grande crête détermine le +meneur du groupe. Il détruit des +blocs de béton à coups de pied." 560,18,9,"It can smash concrete blocks with its kicking attacks. The one with the biggest crest is the group leader." +561,17,5,"On dit qu'il parcourt toujours le même +itinéraire parce qu'il a gardé la mémoire +de la ville antique qu'il protégeait." 561,17,9,"They never vary the route they fly, because their memories of guarding an ancient city remain steadfast." +561,18,5,"Il était le dieu protecteur d'une ville +antique. Il repoussait les envahisseurs +à coups de pouvoir psychique." 561,18,9,"The guardians of an ancient city, they use their psychic power to attack enemies that invade their territory." +562,17,5,"Le motif de son masque est son visage +quand il était humain. Parfois, il le +regarde et se met à pleurer." 562,17,9,"Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry." +562,18,5,"Il est né de l'âme d'un défunt inhumé +dans une tombe antique. Il a conservé +ses anciens souvenirs." 562,18,9,"These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves in past ages. Each retains memories of its former life." +563,17,5,"Il paraît qu'il avale les gens +et les transforme en momies. +Il adore manger des lingots d'or." 563,17,9,"It has been said that they swallow those who get too close and turn them into mummies. They like to eat gold nuggets." +563,18,5,"Il prend l'apparence d'un beau cercueil +pour punir les pilleurs de tombes. +Son corps est recouvert d'or pur." 563,18,9,"They pretend to be elaborate coffins to teach lessons to grave robbers. Their bodies are covered in pure gold." +564,17,5,"Il a été recréé à partir d'un fossile +préhistorique. Il peut plonger jusqu'à +1 000 mètres de profondeur." 564,17,9,"Restored from a fossil, this Pokémon can dive to depths beyond half a mile." +564,18,5,"Il nageait dans les océans il y a 100 +millions d'années. Il lui arrive de rallier +la terre ferme pour attaquer ses proies." 564,18,9,"About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey." +565,17,5,"Il vit sur terre et en mer. +Ses bras surpuissants peuvent percer +des trous dans la coque des paquebots." 565,17,9,"They can live both in the ocean and on land. A slap from one of them is enough to open a hole in the bottom of a tanker." +565,18,5,"Ses mâchoires sont très puissantes. +Il dévore sans distinction ses proies, +l'acier et les rochers." 565,18,9,"Incredible jaw strength enables them to chew up steel beams and rocks along with their prey." +566,17,5,"On dit qu'il serait l'ancêtre de tous les +Pokémon Oiseaux. Il ne sait pas voler et +se déplace en sautant d'arbre en arbre." 566,17,9,"Said to be an ancestor of bird Pokémon, they were unable to fly and moved about by hopping from one branch to another." +566,18,5,"Un Pokémon recréé à partir d'un fossile. +On pense qu'il est l'ancêtre de tous +les Pokémon Oiseaux." 566,18,9,"Revived from a fossil, this Pokémon is thought to be the ancestor of all bird Pokémon." +567,17,5,"Il s'envole après avoir pris de l'élan. +Il est assez intelligent pour chasser +ses proies en groupe." 567,17,9,"They are intelligent and will cooperate to catch prey. From the ground, they use a running start to take flight." +567,18,5,"Il est plus doué pour courir que pour +voler. Il fonce sur ses proies aussi vite +qu'une voiture pour les attraper." 567,18,9,"It runs better than it flies. It catches prey by running at speeds comparable to those of an automobile." +568,17,5,"Il aime les endroits mal tenus. +Le gaz qu'il rote endort +pendant une semaine." 568,17,9,"Inhaling the gas they belch will make you sleep for a week. They prefer unsanitary places." +568,18,5,"Il est né de la mutation d'un +sac poubelle contenant des +déchets industriels." 568,18,9,"The combination of garbage bags and industrial waste caused the chemical reaction that created this Pokémon." +569,17,5,"Il étrangle ses ennemis avec son bras +droit et les achève avec le gaz puant et +empoisonné qu'il exhale par la bouche." 569,17,9,"It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes them off with foul-smelling poison gas belched from its mouth." +569,18,5,"Il aspire les déchets et les intègre à +son corps. Les doigts de sa main droite +exsudent un fluide empoisonné." 569,18,9,"They absorb garbage and make it part of their bodies. They shoot a poisonous liquid from their right-hand fingertips." +570,17,5,"Il a le pouvoir de prendre l'apparence +des autres. On dit qu'il se transforme +souvent en petit enfant silencieux." 570,17,9,"It changes into the forms of others to surprise them. Apparently, it often transforms into a silent child." +570,18,5,"Il peut se transformer en humain ou en +d'autres Pokémon. Il se protège du +danger en dissimulant sa vraie identité." 570,18,9,"To protect themselves from danger, they hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon." +571,17,5,"Ces Pokémon protègent les leurs en +prenant l'apparence de leurs ennemis. +Ils forment des groupes très soudés." 571,17,9,"Bonds between these Pokémon are very strong. It protects the safety of its pack by tricking its opponents." +571,18,5,"Il peut mystifier instantanément des +foules d'humains. Il protège son habitat +en créant des illusions de paysages." 571,18,9,"Each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. They protect their lair with illusory scenery." +572,17,5,"Ils se saluent en se caressant +mutuellement le corps avec la queue, +qu'ils gardent toujours immaculée." 572,17,9,"They greet one another by rubbing each other with their tails, which are always kept well groomed and clean." +572,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui aime la propreté. Chez +lui, il enlève sans cesse la poussière +en utilisant sa queue comme un plumeau." 572,18,9,"These Pokémon prefer a tidy habitat. They are always sweeping and dusting, using their tails as brooms." +573,17,5,"Leurs poils blancs sont recouverts +d'une graisse spéciale qui leur permet +d'esquiver facilement les attaques." 573,17,9,"Their white fur is coated in a special oil that makes it easy for them to deflect attacks." +573,18,5,"La texture de ses poils blancs est +incomparable. Elle n'attire ni la +poussière, ni l'électricité statique." 573,18,9,"Their white fur feels amazing to touch. Their fur repels dust and prevents static electricity from building up." +574,17,5,"Concentre des pouvoirs psychiques dans +ses antennes semblables à des rubans, +et regarde fixement... mais quoi?" 574,17,9,"Their ribbonlike feelers increase their psychic power. They are always staring at something." +574,18,5,"Fixe les Pokémon et les Dresseurs du +regard comme s'il y avait quelque chose +que personne d'autre ne pouvait voir." 574,18,9,"They intently observe both Trainers and Pokémon. Apparently, they are looking at something that only Gothita can see." +575,17,5,"Hypnotise les Pokémon et les gens. Il y a +de nombreuses légendes de gens enlevés +dans leur sommeil par des Mesmérella." 575,17,9,"They use hypnosis to control people and Pokémon. Tales of Gothorita leading people astray are told in every corner." +575,18,5,"Tire son énergie de la lumière des +étoiles et marque leur position en +faisant léviter des pierres la nuit." 575,18,9,"Starlight is the source of their power. At night, they mark star positions by using psychic power to float stones." +576,17,5,"Ses pouvoirs psychiques plient l'espace +aux alentours. On y voit des étoiles +éloignées de millions d'années-lumière." 576,17,9,"Starry skies thousands of light-years away are visible in the space distorted by their intense psychic power." +576,18,5,"Prédit l'avenir à partir de la position +et du mouvement des étoiles. Perçoit +aussi l'espérance de vie des Dresseurs." 576,18,9,"They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers’ life spans." +577,17,5,"Ils repoussent leurs assaillants +avec leurs pouvoirs psychiques et +communiquent entre eux par télépathie." 577,17,9,"They drive away attackers by unleashing psychic power. They can use telepathy to talk with others." +577,18,5,"Son corps est enrobé dans un fluide +spécial, ce qui lui permet de vivre +dans n'importe quel environnement." 577,18,9,"Because their bodies are enveloped in a special liquid, they can survive in any environment." +578,17,5,"Il possède deux cerveaux séparés +qui le font parfois agir de façon +totalement incohérente." 578,17,9,"Since they have two divided brains, at times they suddenly try to take two different actions at once." +578,18,5,"Il dégage sa puissance maximale +quand ses cerveaux réfléchissent +à la même chose." 578,18,9,"When their brains, now divided in two, are thinking the same thoughts, these Pokémon exhibit their maximum power." +579,17,5,"Quand ils se tiennent par la main, +leurs cerveaux forment un réseau qui +démultiplie leurs pouvoirs psychiques." 579,17,9,"When Reuniclus shake hands, a network forms between their brains, increasing their psychic power." +579,18,5,"Il combat avec ses bras assez puissants +pour broyer des rochers. +C'est un Pokémon très intelligent." 579,18,9,"These remarkably intelligent Pokémon fight by controlling arms that can grip with rock-crushing power." +580,17,5,"Un Pokémon Oiseau doué pour la plongée. +Il nage sous l'eau à la recherche de +sphaigne, son plat préféré." 580,17,9,"These bird Pokémon are excellent divers. They swim around in the water eating their favorite food--peat moss." +580,18,5,"Quand on l'attaque, il s'ébroue et fait +jaillir de la vapeur d'eau de tout son +corps. Il se cache dedans pour s'enfuir." 580,18,9,"When attacked, it uses its feathers to splash water, escaping under cover of the spray." +581,17,5,"Ils se mettent à danser à la tombée +de la nuit. Le Lakmécygne qui danse +au centre est le chef de la troupe." 581,17,9,"Swanna start to dance at dusk. The one dancing in the middle is the leader of the flock." +581,18,5,"Ses coups de bec sont très efficaces. +Il plie son long cou et en inflige un +douloureux enchaînement." 581,18,9,"It administers sharp, powerful pecks with its bill. It whips its long neck to deliver forceful repeated strikes." +582,17,5,"Il exhale une haleine à -50 °C. +Il fabrique des cristaux de neige +et fait neiger autour de lui." 582,17,9,"The temperature of their breath is -58° F. They create snow crystals and make snow fall in the areas around them." +582,18,5,"Ce Pokémon est né d'un glaçon qui +a baigné dans la lumière du matin. +Il se cache dans la neige pour dormir." 582,18,9,"This Pokémon formed from icicles bathed in energy from the morning sun. It sleeps buried in snow." +583,17,5,"Un Pokémon qui vit dans les montagnes +enneigées. Il a émigré au sud durant +l'ère glaciaire, il y a bien longtemps." 583,17,9,"Snowy mountains are this Pokémon’s habitat. During an ancient ice age, they moved to southern areas." +583,18,5,"Il se cache de ses ennemis en +émettant une myriade de petites +particules de glace." 583,18,9,"It conceals itself from enemy eyes by creating many small ice particles and hiding among them." +584,17,5,"Il avale de l'eau en grande quantité +et la transforme en nuages neigeux. +Il souffle du blizzard sur ses ennemis." 584,17,9,"Swallowing large amounts of water, they make snow clouds inside their bodies and attack their foes with violent blizzards." +584,18,5,"Quand ses deux têtes se fâchent en même +temps, il émet un blizzard de ses cornes +et enfouit les alentours sous la neige." 584,18,9,"If both heads get angry simultaneously, this Pokémon expels a blizzard, burying everything in snow." +585,17,5,"Son pelage prend la même couleur et la +même odeur que les hautes herbes. S'il +sent un ennemi, il court s'y réfugier." 585,17,9,"The color and scent of their fur changes to match the mountain grass. When they sense hostility, they hide in the grass." +585,18,5,"Quand la saison change, il change de +pelage et d'odeur. Un Pokémon qui +annonce le passage des saisons." 585,18,9,"The turning of the seasons changes the color and scent of this Pokémon’s fur. People use it to mark the seasons." +586,17,5,"Il change d'habitat selon les saisons. +Les gens constatent le passage des +saisons en regardant ses ramures." 586,17,9,"They migrate according to the seasons. People can tell the season by looking at Sawsbuck’s horns." +586,18,5,"Le feuillage qui pousse sur sa ramure +change au fil des saisons. Celui qui a +la plus belle dirige le troupeau." 586,18,9,"The plants growing on its horns change according to the season. The leaders of the herd possess magnificent horns." +587,17,5,"Il accumule dans ses membranes +l'électricité qu'il produit dans ses +bajoues, et la relâche tout en planant." 587,17,9,"The energy made in its cheeks’ electric pouches is stored inside its membrane and released while it is gliding." +587,18,5,"Il vit au sommet des arbres de la forêt. +Il plane en déchargeant l'électricité de +ses membranes semblables à une cape." 587,18,9,"They live on treetops and glide using the inside of a cape-like membrane while discharging electricity." +588,17,5,"Un Pokémon mystérieux qui évolue quand +il reçoit un stimulus électrique en étant +proche d'un Escargaume." 588,17,9,"These mysterious Pokémon evolve when they receive electrical stimulation while they are in the same place as Shelmet." +588,18,5,"Quand il sent un danger, il se défend +en crachant un liquide acide. +Il chasse les Escargaume." 588,18,9,"When they feel threatened, they spit an acidic liquid to drive attackers away. This Pokémon targets Shelmet." +589,17,5,"Il vole à toute vitesse et frappe tout +ennemi de ses lances pointues. Il combat +bravement contre les plus forts que lui." 589,17,9,"They fly around at high speed, striking with their pointed spears. Even when in trouble, they face opponents bravely." +589,18,5,"Un Pokémon qui a évolué en portant la +carapace d'un Escargaume. Une armure +de fer protège tout son corps." 589,18,9,"These Pokémon evolve by wearing the shell covering of a Shelmet. The steel armor protects their whole body." +590,17,5,"Grâce à sa ressemblance mystérieuse +avec une Poké Ball, il attire ses ennemis +et relâche des spores empoisonnées." 590,17,9,"It lures people in with its Poké Ball pattern, then releases poison spores. Why it resembles a Poké Ball is unknown." +590,18,5,"Pour une raison inconnue, il ressemble à +une Poké Ball. Il repousse ses ennemis +à l'aide de spores empoisonnées." 590,18,9,"For some reason, this Pokémon resembles a Poké Ball. They release poison spores to repel those who try to catch them." +591,17,5,"Il danse en faisant tournoyer les +coupoles en forme de Poké Ball de +ses bras pour attirer ses proies." 591,17,9,"It lures prey close by dancing and waving its arm caps, which resemble Poké Balls, in a swaying motion." +591,18,5,"Il se sert de ses coupoles en forme de +Poké Ball pour attirer ses proies, mais +peu de Pokémon se laissent avoir." 591,18,9,"They show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few Pokémon are fooled by this." +592,17,5,"Il s'enfonce dans les profondeurs de la +mer en emmenant son ennemi, qu'il ligote +avec ses bras fins comme des voiles." 592,17,9,"With its thin, veil-like arms wrapped around the body of its opponent, it sinks to the ocean floor." +592,18,5,"Il paralyse ses proies avec du poison et +les entraîne jusqu'à son antre, qu'on +dit situé à 8 000 m de profondeur." 592,18,9,"They paralyze prey with poison, then drag them down to their lairs, five miles below the surface." +593,17,5,"Les bateaux qui s'aventurent sur +son territoire coulent, et Moyade +aspire l'énergie vitale des marins." 593,17,9,"The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent’s habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished." +593,18,5,"Il se déplace en projetant l'eau de mer +qu'il accumule dans son corps. Son plat +préféré est l'énergie vitale." 593,18,9,"They propel themselves by expelling absorbed seawater from their bodies. Their favorite food is life energy." +594,17,5,"La membrane spéciale qui entoure +son corps a la capacité de guérir +les blessures." 594,17,9,"The special membrane enveloping Alomomola has the ability to heal wounds." +594,18,5,"Il vit en dérivant dans les grands +océans. Quand il trouve des Pokémon +blessés, il les ramène jusqu'à la côte." 594,18,9,"Floating in the open sea is how they live. When they find a wounded Pokémon, they embrace it and bring it to shore." +595,17,5,"Les Statitik qui vivent en ville ont +appris à aspirer le courant depuis +les prises électriques des maisons." 595,17,9,"Joltik that live in cities have learned a technique for sucking electricity from the outlets in houses." +595,18,5,"Il s'accroche aux Pokémon plus grands +et aspire leur électricité statique. +Il la stocke dans ses poches-accus." 595,18,9,"They attach themselves to large-bodied Pokémon and absorb static electricity, which they store in an electric pouch." +596,17,5,"Quand on l'attaque, il projette une +multitude de fils électrifiés pour +créer une barrière électrique." 596,17,9,"When attacked, they create an electric barrier by spitting out many electrically charged threads." +596,18,5,"Il tend des pièges avec ses fils +électriques. Il déguste tranquillement +ses proies une fois électrocutées." 596,18,9,"They employ an electrically charged web to trap their prey. While it is immobilized by shock, they leisurely consume it." +597,17,5,"Quand il sent un danger, il réagit en +projetant toutes ses épines d'un coup +et s'enfuit en roulant sur lui-même." 597,17,9,"When threatened, it attacks by shooting a barrage of spikes, which gives it a chance to escape by rolling away." +597,18,5,"Il s'accroche aux parois des grottes +à l'aide de ses épines et absorbe les +minéraux contenus dans la roche." 597,18,9,"They stick their spikes into cave walls and absorb the minerals they find in the rock." +598,17,5,"Il combat avec ses trois tentacules +épineux. Un coup de ses épines d'acier +peut briser en deux de gros rochers." 598,17,9,"It fights by swinging around its three spiky feelers. A hit from these steel spikes can reduce a boulder to rubble." +598,18,5,"Il s'accroche aux plafonds des grottes +et attaque les proies qui passent en +dessous avec ses épines d'acier." 598,18,9,"They attach themselves to cave ceilings, firing steel spikes at targets passing beneath them." +599,17,5,"La compatibilité entre ses deux rouages +est prédéterminée. Ceux-ci ne se +fixeront à aucun autre." 599,17,9,"The two minigears that mesh together are predetermined. Each will rebound from other minigears without meshing." +599,18,5,"Le mouvement de ses deux corps +enchâssés produit l'énergie qui +lui est nécessaire pour vivre." 599,18,9,"Interlocking two bodies and spinning around generates the energy they need to live." +600,17,5,"Ils communiquent entre eux en changeant +leur sens de rotation. Plus ils sont en +colère, plus ils tournent vite." 600,17,9,"By changing the direction in which it rotates, it communicates its feelings to others. When angry, it rotates faster." +600,18,5,"Il attaque en lançant ses mini-rouages +à grande vitesse. Il est en fâcheuse +posture s'ils ne reviennent pas." 600,18,9,"Spinning minigears are rotated at high speed and repeatedly fired away. It is dangerous if the gears don’t return." +601,17,5,"Son noyau rouge lui permet d'accumuler +de l'énergie qu'il projette ensuite aux +alentours grâce à ses pics." 601,17,9,"Its red core functions as an energy tank. It fires the charged energy through its spikes into an area." +601,18,5,"Il accumule rapidement de l'énergie en +faisant tourner très vite le rouage +qui contient son noyau rouge." 601,18,9,"The gear with the red core is rotated at high speed for a rapid energy charge." +602,17,5,"Tout seuls, ils ne dégagent pas beaucoup +d'électricité, mais un banc d'Anchwatt +produit la même puissance qu'un éclair." 602,17,9,"While one alone doesn’t have much power, a chain of many Tynamo can be as powerful as lightning." +602,18,5,"Ils agissent en groupes. Ils possèdent +un organe produisant de l'électricité et +lancent des décharges en cas de danger." 602,18,9,"These Pokémon move in schools. They have an electricity-generating organ, so they discharge electricity if in danger." +603,17,5,"Ses taches rondes émettent de +l'électricité. Il s'enroule autour +de ses proies et les électrocute." 603,17,9,"They coil around foes and shock them with electricity-generating organs that seem simply to be circular patterns." +603,18,5,"Un Pokémon doté d'un gros appétit. Il +paralyse ses proies avec des décharges +électriques avant de les manger." 603,18,9,"These Pokémon have a big appetite. When they spot their prey, they attack it and paralyze it with electricity." +604,17,5,"Il peut sortir de l'eau à la force de ses +bras pour attraper des proies sur la +rive. Il retourne à l'eau en un instant." 604,17,9,"They crawl out of the ocean using their arms. They will attack prey on shore and immediately drag it into the ocean." +604,18,5,"Il s'attache à ses proies avec sa +bouche-ventouse et les électrocute +avec ses crocs." 604,18,9,"With their sucker mouths, they suck in prey. Then they use their fangs to shock the prey with electricity." +605,17,5,"Avec son puissant pouvoir psychique, +il peut compresser le cerveau de ses +ennemis et déclencher des migraines." 605,17,9,"It uses its strong psychic power to squeeze its opponent’s brain, causing unendurable headaches." +605,18,5,"Il est apparu soudainement des confins +d'un désert il y a 50 ans. Personne ne +l'avait jamais vu auparavant." 605,18,9,"This Pokémon had never been seen until it appeared from far in the desert 50 years ago." +606,17,5,"Il peut manipuler les souvenirs de +ses ennemis et fait clignoter ses doigts +tricolores pour discuter avec ses amis." 606,17,9,"It can manipulate an opponent’s memory. Apparently, it communicates by flashing its three different-colored fingers." +606,18,5,"Il manipule l'esprit avec ses pouvoirs +psychiques et peut modifier les images +conservées dans les souvenirs." 606,18,9,"It uses psychic power to control an opponent’s brain and tamper with its memories." +607,17,5,"Sa flamme brûle en consumant +l'énergie vitale des gens et +des Pokémon." 607,17,9,"Litwick shines a light that absorbs the life energy of people and Pokémon, which becomes the fuel that it burns." +607,18,5,"Il fait semblant de guider ses victimes +à la lueur de sa flamme, mais c'est pour +mieux aspirer leur énergie vitale." 607,18,9,"While shining a light and pretending to be a guide, it leeches off the life force of any who follow it." +608,17,5,"Un Pokémon craint pour être de mauvais +augure. Il erre dans les villes à la +recherche d'âmes de défunts." 608,17,9,"This ominous Pokémon is feared. Through cities it wanders, searching for the spirits of the fallen." +608,18,5,"Il apparaît au moment du trépas +et aspire l'âme à l'instant même +où elle quitte le corps." 608,18,9,"It arrives near the moment of death and steals spirit from the body." +609,17,5,"Il brûle en aspirant les âmes, et +hypnotise ses ennemis en faisant +osciller les flammes de ses bras." 609,17,9,"It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns. By waving the flames on its arms, it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance." +609,18,5,"Les victimes des flammes de Lugulabre +voient leur âme aspirée jusqu'à ce que +leur corps ne soit plus que coquille vide." 609,18,9,"Being consumed in Chandelure’s flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind." +610,17,5,"Il broie les Baies à grands coups de +crocs. Ceux-ci repoussent plusieurs +fois, toujours plus forts et aiguisés." 610,17,9,"They use their tusks to crush the berries they eat. Repeated regrowth makes their tusks strong and sharp." +610,18,5,"Il laisse la marque de ses crocs dans les +arbres pour marquer son territoire. Ses +crocs repoussent dès qu'ils tombent." 610,18,9,"They mark their territory by leaving gashes in trees with their tusks. If a tusk breaks, a new one grows in quickly." +611,17,5,"Comme ses crocs brisés ne repoussent +pas, il les aiguise après le combat grâce +à une pierre ramassée près d'un fleuve." 611,17,9,"Since a broken tusk will not grow back, they diligently sharpen their tusks on river rocks after they’ve been fighting." +611,18,5,"Leurs crocs peuvent découper des +rochers. Leurs querelles de territoire +sont extrêmement violentes." 611,18,9,"Their tusks can shatter rocks. Territory battles between Fraxure can be intensely violent." +612,17,5,"Il est doux, mais ne pardonne pas à ceux +qui viennent saccager son territoire. +Ses crocs peuvent découper de l'acier." 612,17,9,"They are kind but can be relentless when defending territory. They challenge foes with tusks that can cut steel." +612,18,5,"Ses crocs sont tellement puissants +qu'ils peuvent découper l'acier sans +s'émousser. Son armure est très solide." 612,18,9,"Their sturdy tusks will stay sharp even if used to cut steel beams. These Pokémon are covered in hard armor." +613,17,5,"Quand il est malade, sa goutte au nez +dégèle et ses capacités de type Glace +deviennent moins efficaces." 613,17,9,"When it is not feeling well, its mucus gets watery and the power of its Ice-type moves decreases." +613,18,5,"Il a toujours la goutte au nez. Il +l'aspire pour déclencher ses capacités. +La morve en est la matière première." 613,18,9,"Its nose is always running. It sniffs the snot back up because the mucus provides the raw material for its moves." +614,17,5,"Il fait lui-même geler son haleine. Il +est bon nageur et sillonne les mers +du nord à la recherche de ses proies." 614,17,9,"It can make its breath freeze at will. Very able in the water, it swims around in northern seas and catches prey." +614,18,5,"Il gèle son haleine et en fait des crocs +et des griffes de glace pour combattre. +Il vit dans les terres gelées du nord." 614,18,9,"It freezes its breath to create fangs and claws of ice to fight with. Cold northern areas are its habitat." +615,17,5,"Si sa température monte, il se dissipe +en vapeur d'eau et disparaît. Quand +elle diminue, il redevient de glace." 615,17,9,"When its body temperature goes up, it turns into steam and vanishes. When its temperature lowers, it returns to ice." +615,18,5,"Né d'un nuage neigeux, il attrape ses +proies à l'aide de sa chaîne faite +de cristaux de givre." 615,18,9,"They are born in snow clouds. They use chains made of ice crystals to capture prey." +616,17,5,"Quand on l'attaque, il referme sa +visière pour se défendre, et +projette un poison visqueux." 616,17,9,"When attacked, it defends itself by closing the lid of its shell. It can spit a sticky, poisonous liquid." +616,18,5,"Il évolue quand il baigne dans une +énergie électrique avec un Carabing. +La cause en est inconnue." 616,18,9,"It evolves when bathed in an electric-like energy along with Karrablast. The reason is still unknown." +617,17,5,"Quand son corps s'assèche, il faiblit. +Il s'en prémunit en s'enroulant dans +plusieurs couches d'une fine muqueuse." 617,17,9,"When its body dries out, it weakens. So, to prevent dehydration, it wraps itself in many layers of thin membrane." +617,18,5,"Il s'est bien allégé en se débarrassant +de sa lourde carapace. Il se bat avec +l'agilité d'un ninja." 617,18,9,"Having removed its heavy shell, it becomes very light and can fight with ninja-like movements." +618,17,5,"Sa peau est si dure qu'il peut se faire +piétiner par un sumo sans rien sentir. +Il sourit en émettant de l'électricité." 618,17,9,"Its skin is very hard, so it is unhurt even if stepped on by sumo wrestlers. It smiles when transmitting electricity." +618,18,5,"Tapi dans la boue ou les sédiments, +il attend sa proie patiemment et la +paralyse avec une décharge électrique." 618,18,9,"It conceals itself in the mud of the seashore. Then it waits. When prey touch it, it delivers a jolt of electricity." +619,17,5,"Il découpe ses ennemis avec ses griffes +acérées et les terrasse avec ses +enchaînements de coups hyper fluides." 619,17,9,"In fights, they dominate with onslaughts of flowing, continuous attacks. With their sharp claws, they cut enemies." +619,18,5,"Il emploie des enchaînements élégants. +Lorsqu'il se concentre, leur vitesse +et leur tranchant augmentent." 619,18,9,"They have mastered elegant combos. As they concentrate, their battle moves become swifter and more precise." +620,17,5,"Il se sert des poils de ses pattes +antérieures comme de fouets. Ses coups +ultrarapides sont invisibles à l'œil nu." 620,17,9,"It wields the fur on its arms like a whip. Its arm attacks come with such rapidity that they cannot even be seen." +620,18,5,"Il combat à l'aide des longs poils +de ses pattes antérieures. +Ils font aussi mal qu'un fouet." 620,18,9,"They use the long fur on their arms as a whip to strike their opponents." +621,17,5,"Il utilise ses ailes pour emmagasiner la +chaleur du soleil. Si la température de +son corps baisse, il ne peut plus bouger." 621,17,9,"It warms its body by absorbing sunlight with its wings. When its body temperature falls, it can no longer move." +621,18,5,"Il sillonne les grottes étroites, +capturant ses proies avec ses griffes +acérées. Sa face est dure comme le roc." 621,18,9,"It races through narrow caves, using its sharp claws to catch prey. The skin on its face is harder than a rock." +622,17,5,"Il se meut grâce à l'énergie stockée +dans son corps. Personne ne sait d'où +vient cette énergie mystérieuse." 622,17,9,"The energy that burns inside it enables it to move, but no one has yet been able to identify this energy." +622,18,5,"On pense que ce Pokémon est +le produit de la technologie +d'une civilisation ancienne." 622,18,9,"These Pokémon are thought to have been created by the science of an ancient and mysterious civilization." +623,17,5,"Il vole à la vitesse du son. Si le +sceau sur sa poitrine est retiré, +il perd tout contrôle de lui-même." 623,17,9,"It flies across the sky at Mach speeds. Removing the seal on its chest makes its internal energy go out of control." +623,18,5,"Ses créateurs d'une lointaine époque +lui auraient ordonné de protéger les +humains et les Pokémon." 623,18,9,"It is said that Golurk were ordered to protect people and Pokémon by the ancient people who made them." +624,17,5,"Tout son corps est fait de lames. +Si une lame s'émousse, il va l'aiguiser +contre une pierre au bord d'une rivière." 624,17,9,"Blades comprise this Pokémon’s entire body. If battling dulls the blades, it sharpens them on stones by the river." +624,18,5,"Obéissant aux directives d'un Scalproie, +il s'agrippe à ses proies pour +les poignarder." 624,18,9,"They fight at Bisharp’s command. They cling to their prey and inflict damage by sinking their blades into it." +625,17,5,"Ils dirigent les groupes de Scalpion. +Ils se battent pour la suprématie sur le +groupe, et les perdants en sont exclus." 625,17,9,"It leads a group of Pawniard. It battles to become the boss, but will be driven from the group if it loses." +625,18,5,"Il chasse avec un groupe de Scalpion +sous ses ordres, mais c'est lui qui +donne le coup de grâce." 625,18,9,"Bisharp pursues prey in the company of a large group of Pawniard. Then Bisharp finishes off the prey." +626,17,5,"Son pelage fourni absorbe les chocs +et lui permet d'asséner sans broncher +le plus violent des coups de tête." 626,17,9,"Their fluffy fur absorbs damage, even if they strike foes with a fierce headbutt." +626,18,5,"Il charge tout ce qui bouge sans +réfléchir. Il peut faire dérailler +un train en marche." 626,18,9,"They charge wildly and headbutt everything. Their headbutts have enough destructive force to derail a train." +627,17,5,"Il casse les Baies avec ses serres. +Il combat courageusement, quelle que +soit la force de l'adversaire." 627,17,9,"They crush berries with their talons. They bravely stand up to any opponent, no matter how strong it is." +627,18,5,"Il défie sans discernement même les +ennemis puissants. Il devient plus fort +en multipliant les combats." 627,18,9,"They will challenge anything, even strong opponents, without fear. Their frequent fights help them become stronger." +628,17,5,"Pour les siens, il combat au mépris du +danger. Il est capable de soulever +une voiture haut dans le ciel." 628,17,9,"They fight for their friends without any thought about danger to themselves. One can carry a car while flying." +628,18,5,"Un chevalier du ciel brave et intrépide. +Plus son corps porte de cicatrices, plus +il est respecté de ses congénères." 628,18,9,"The more scars they have, the more respect these brave soldiers of the sky get from their peers." +629,17,5,"Ses ailes sont trop petites pour lui +permettre de voler. Quand l'évolution +approche, il sort lui-même de sa coquille." 629,17,9,"Its wings are too tiny to allow it to fly. As the time approaches for it to evolve, it discards the bones it was wearing." +629,18,5,"Il trouve des os convenables pour +protéger ses arrières, puis harcèle +les Pokémon plus faibles que lui." 629,18,9,"They tend to guard their posteriors with suitable bones they have found. They pursue weak Pokémon." +630,17,5,"Il construit des nids en os. Il attrape +les proies affaiblies avec ses serres +et les transporte allègrement au nid." 630,17,9,"It makes a nest out of bones it finds. It grabs weakened prey in its talons and hauls it to its nest of bones." +630,18,5,"Il guette le sol depuis les airs et +fond sur les proies affaiblies. +Il aime s'apprêter avec des ossements." 630,18,9,"Watching from the sky, they swoop to strike weakened Pokémon on the ground. They decorate themselves with bones." +631,17,5,"Il aspire de l'air par la queue et +entretient un brasier dans son corps. +C'est le prédateur des Fermite." 631,17,9,"It breathes through a hole in its tail while it burns with an internal fire. Durant is its prey." +631,18,5,"Avec sa langue de feu à haute +température, il fait fondre le corps +d'acier des Fermite pour les dévorer." 631,18,9,"Using their very hot, flame-covered tongues, they burn through Durant’s steel bodies and consume their insides." +632,17,5,"Ils portent une armure de fer et se +regroupent pour contrer les attaques +de leurs prédateurs, les Aflamanoir." 632,17,9,"They attack in groups, covering themselves in steel armor to protect themselves from Heatmor." +632,18,5,"Ils creusent des galeries dans les +montagnes. Les tunnels des Fermite +sont de vrais labyrinthes." 632,18,9,"Durant dig nests in mountains. They build their complicated, interconnected tunnels into mazes." +633,17,5,"Il mord tout ce qui bouge, et mange tout +ce qu'il trouve. Il vaut mieux éviter +de s'en approcher." 633,17,9,"It tends to bite everything, and it is not a picky eater. Approaching it carelessly is dangerous." +633,18,5,"Comme il ne voit rien, il perçoit son +environnement en mordant et en fonçant +à tout va. Il est couvert de plaies." 633,18,9,"They cannot see, so they tackle and bite to learn about their surroundings. Their bodies are covered in wounds." +634,17,5,"Quand il a mangé tout ce qui traînait sur +son territoire, il migre vers d'autres +horizons. Ses 2 têtes s'entendent mal." 634,17,9,"After it has eaten up all the food in its territory, it moves to another area. Its two heads do not get along." +634,18,5,"Ses deux têtes s'entendent mal. Même en +mangeant, elles se cherchent des noises +et dévorent à qui mieux mieux." 634,18,9,"Since their two heads do not get along and compete with each other for food, they always eat too much." +635,17,5,"Un Pokémon violent qui patrouille le ciel +avec ses six ailes et se jette sur tout +ce qui bouge, pensant voir un ennemi." 635,17,9,"This brutal Pokémon travels the skies on its six wings. Anything that moves seems like a foe to it, triggering its attack." +635,18,5,"Les têtes sur ses bras n'ont pas +de cerveau. Avec ses trois têtes, +il dévore et détruit tout." 635,18,9,"The heads on their arms do not have brains. They use all three heads to consume and destroy everything." +636,17,5,"On dit que ce Pokémon serait né du +soleil. Lorsqu'il évolue, tout son +corps est enveloppé de flammes." 636,17,9,"This Pokémon was believed to have been born from the sun. When it evolves, its entire body is engulfed in flames." +636,18,5,"Il vit au pied des volcans. Il repousse +ceux qui l'attaquent avec les flammes +qui jaillissent de ses cinq cornes." 636,18,9,"The base of volcanoes is where they make their homes. They shoot fire from their five horns to repel attacking enemies." +637,17,5,"On dit que quand le ciel s'est obscurci à +cause des cendres d'un volcan, le feu +d'un Pyrax aurait remplacé le soleil." 637,17,9,"When volcanic ash darkened the atmosphere, it is said that Volcarona’s fire provided a replacement for the sun." +637,18,5,"Quand il se bat, il fait pleuvoir des +écailles enflammées de ses six ailes et +transforme les alentours en mer de feu." 637,18,9,"A sea of fire engulfs the surroundings of their battles, since they use their six wings to scatter their ember scales." +638,17,5,"Un Pokémon légendaire qui a combattu +les humains pour protéger les Pokémon. +Il est d'un naturel calme et posé." 638,17,9,"This legendary Pokémon battled against humans to protect Pokémon. Its personality is calm and composed." +638,18,5,"Il possède un corps et un cœur de fer. +Il peut mater les Pokémon les plus +agressifs d'un simple regard." 638,18,9,"It has a body and heart of steel. Its glare is sufficient to make even an unruly Pokémon obey it." +639,17,5,"Il a combattu les humains pour protéger +les Pokémon ayant perdu leur foyer à +cause de leurs guerres fratricides." 639,17,9,"This Pokémon came to the defense of Pokémon that had lost their homes in a war among humans." +639,18,5,"Sa puissance d'impact lui permet +d'enfoncer d'un seul coup le rempart +d'un château. Un Pokémon de légende." 639,18,9,"Its charge is strong enough to break through a giant castle wall in one blow. This Pokémon is spoken of in legends." +640,17,5,"Il a défié les humains pour protéger +les siens. Son nom est resté dans +la légende." 640,17,9,"This Pokémon fought humans in order to protect its friends. Legends about it continue to be passed down." +640,18,5,"Ses cornes sont des lames effilées. +Il lacère ses ennemis dans un +mouvement tourbillonnant." 640,18,9,"Its head sprouts horns as sharp as blades. Using whirlwind-like movements, it confounds and swiftly cuts opponents." +641,17,5,"Le bas de son corps est entouré d'une +masse d'énergie semblable à un nuage. +Il vole dans le ciel à 300 km/h." 641,17,9,"The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph." +641,18,5,"L'énergie dégagée par sa queue provoque +d'énormes tempêtes dont la force peut +renverser des maisons." 641,18,9,"Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms. Its power is great enough to blow houses away." +642,17,5,"Les terres qu'il a survolées sont +recouvertes d'innombrables traces +des éclairs qu'il y a fait tomber." 642,17,9,"Countless charred remains mar the landscape of places through which Thundurus has passed." +642,18,5,"Sa queue lance des décharges +électriques. Il vole dans le ciel +d'Unys et fait tomber des éclairs." 642,18,9,"The spikes on its tail discharge immense bolts of lightning. It flies around the Unova region firing off lightning bolts." +643,17,5,"Un Pokémon mythique. +Il projette de sa queue un tourbillon +de flammes capable de tout emporter." 643,17,9,"This Pokémon appears in legends. It sends flames into the air from its tail, burning up everything around it." +643,18,5,"Quand sa queue s'embrase, l'énergie +thermique dégagée modifie l'atmosphère +et bouleverse la météo du monde entier." 643,18,9,"When Reshiram’s tail flares, the heat energy moves the atmosphere and changes the world’s weather." +644,17,5,"Sa queue produit de l'électricité. +Il dissimule son corps dans un nuage +électrique et plane dans le ciel d'Unys." 644,17,9,"Concealing itself in lightning clouds, it flies throughout the Unova region. It creates electricity in its tail." +644,18,5,"Un Pokémon mythique. +Il possède dans sa queue un énorme +générateur qui produit de l'électricité." 644,18,9,"This Pokémon appears in legends. In its tail, it has a giant generator that creates electricity." +645,17,5,"Il fait fructifier les cultures partout +où il passe, c'est pourquoi on l'appelle +“le dieu des moissons""." 645,17,9,"Lands visited by Landorus grant such bountiful crops that it has been hailed as “The Guardian of the Fields.”" +645,18,5,"L'énergie déversée par sa queue +enrichit les sols en nutriments et +favorise les cultures." 645,18,9,"The energy that comes pouring from its tail increases the nutrition in the soil, making crops grow to great size." +646,17,5,"Son corps produit une énergie à très +basse température, mais le souffle +glacé qu'il exhale l'a gelé lui-même." 646,17,9,"It generates a powerful, freezing energy inside itself, but its body became frozen when the energy leaked out." +646,18,5,"Il a le pouvoir de générer un souffle +d'un froid inimaginable, mais a fini +par se geler lui-même." 646,18,9,"It can produce ultracold air. Its body is frozen." +647,17,5,"Il projette de l'eau depuis ses sabots +et se déplace ainsi à grande vitesse. +Sa botte secrète est le coup de sabot." 647,17,9,"By blasting water from its hooves, it can glide across water. It excels at using leg moves while battling." +647,18,5,"Il parcourt le monde en courant à la +surface des mers et des cours d'eau. +Il apparaît là où l'eau est très pure." 647,18,9,"It crosses the world, running over the surfaces of oceans and rivers. It appears at scenic waterfronts." +648,17,5,"Sa voix si particulière lui permet de +chanter des mélodies qui ensorcellent +les gens et modifient leurs émotions." 648,17,9,"Its melodies are sung with a special vocalization method that can control the feelings of those who hear it." +648,18,5,"De nombreux succès musicaux ont été +composés en s'inspirant des mélodies +chantées par Meloetta." 648,18,9,"Many famous songs have been inspired by the melodies that Meloetta plays." +649,17,5,"Il y a 300 millions d'années, il était +craint comme l'ultime prédateur. Il a +été modifié par la Team Plasma." 649,17,9,"Over 300 million years ago, it was feared as the strongest of hunters. It has been modified by Team Plasma." +649,18,5,"Un Pokémon Insecte des temps anciens +modifié par la Team Plasma. Le canon +dans son dos a été grandement amélioré." 649,18,9,"This ancient bug Pokémon was altered by Team Plasma. They upgraded the cannon on its back."