Add script for scraping Smogon movesets

This commit is contained in:
Devin Mix 2022-01-25 19:04:54 -05:00
parent cc483e1877
commit 6beedb7871

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@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# Simple, stupid, run-and-done script
# Scrape, gather, and clean competitive moveset data from Smogon
# Saves results to a CSV file in /pokedex/data/csv/smogon_movesets.csv
# Requires requests, more info here:
import csv, requests, json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from multiprocessing import pool
from time import time
# Modify these as-needed
gens = ["rb", "gs", "rs", "dp", "bw", "xy", "sm", "ss"]
path = "../pokedex/data/csv/smogon_movesets.csv"
def getPkmnNames(gen):
if not isinstance(gen, str) or not gen in gens:
raise TypeError("Invalid generation provided")
r = requests.get("{}/pokemon".format(gen))
htmlString = r.text
htmlString = htmlString[htmlString.find("dexSettings"):].split("\n")[0][14:]
fullData = json.loads(htmlString)["injectRpcs"][1][1]["pokemon"]
names = [entry["name"] for entry in fullData]
return names
def getStrategies(gen, pokemon):
if not isinstance(gen, str):
raise TypeError("Invalid generation provided")
elif not gen in gens:
raise ValueError("Invalid generation provided")
elif not isinstance(pokemon, str):
raise TypeError("Invalid generation provided")
r = requests.get("{0}/pokemon/{1}/".format(gen, pokemon), timeout=10)
htmlString = r.text
htmlString = htmlString[htmlString.find("dexSettings"):].split("\n")[0][14:]
return [gen, json.loads(htmlString)["injectRpcs"][2][1]["strategies"]]
def flattenData(stratDict):
flatData = []
for pkmnName in stratDict.keys():
for gen in stratDict[pkmnName].keys():
for format in stratDict[pkmnName][gen]:
for moveset in format["movesets"]:
row = [pkmnName,
for key in moveset.keys():
if key in ["levels", "abilities", "items", "natures"]:
itemString = ""
for entry in moveset[key]:
itemString = itemString + "{}".format(entry) + ", "
if len(itemString) > 0:
itemString = itemString[0:len(itemString) - 2]
elif key == "moveslots":
for moveslot in moveset[key]:
itemString = ""
for move in moveslot:
itemString = itemString + "{}".format(move["move"])
if not move["type"] == None:
itemString = itemString + " ({})".format(move["type"])
itemString = itemString + "/"
if len(itemString) > 0:
itemString = itemString[0:len(itemString) - 1]
elif key in ["evconfigs", "ivconfigs"]:
itemString = ""
for item in moveset[key]:
for stat in item.keys():
itemString = itemString + "{}".format(item[stat]) + "/"
if len(itemString) > 0:
itemString = itemString[0:len(itemString) - 1]
itemString = itemString + ", "
if len(itemString) > 0:
itemString = itemString[0:len(itemString) - 2]
itemString = ""
for item in format["credits"]["teams"]:
itemString = itemString + "{}:\n".format(item["name"])
for member in item["members"]:
if len(member.keys()) == 0:
itemString = itemString + "- {0}".format(member["username"])
if "user_id" in member.keys():
itemString = itemString + " (User ID: {})".format(member['user_id'])
itemString = itemString + "\n"
itemString = itemString[0:len(itemString) - 1]
itemString = ""
for member in format["credits"]["writtenBy"]:
itemString = itemString + "- {0}".format(member["username"])
if "user_id" in member.keys():
itemString = itemString + " (User ID: {})".format(member['user_id'])
itemString = itemString + "\n"
itemString = itemString[0:len(itemString) - 1]
return flatData
def main():
stratDict = {}
procs = []
p = pool.Pool()
print("The following generations are enabled for collection:")
print("Process pool created, gathering Pokemon names from Smogon...")
startTime = time()
print("Data collection started at {}".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(startTime)))
for gen in gens:
for pokemonName in getPkmnNames(gen):
if not pokemonName in stratDict.keys():
stratDict[pokemonName] = {}
procs.append([pokemonName, p.apply_async(getStrategies, (gen, pokemonName))])
except Exception as e:
print("An error occurred during the setup process.\n" +
"This likely means that the Smogon servers were unreachable in some way. " +
"For more information, please consult the exception below:")
print("The program will now close.")
return -1
print("Names gathered, process pool closed.")
print("Gathering strategy data from Smogon...")
numComplete = sum(proc[1].ready() for proc in procs)
while numComplete == 0:
numComplete = sum(proc[1].ready() for proc in procs)
numProcs = len(procs)
while numComplete < numProcs:
for proc in procs:
if proc[1].ready():
except Exception as e:
print("A network error has occurred.\n" +
"Typically, this means one of the following:\n" +
"1) Your internet connection was lost\n" +
"2) The Smogon servers could not be reached in time\n" +
"3) There is an issue with either your network or DNS that is preventing you from downloading the target webpage.\n" +
"The exception details are shown below:")
print("The program will now close.")
return -1
timePerProc = (time() - startTime)/numComplete
estTimeLeft = timePerProc * (numProcs - numComplete)
print("{0}/{1} processes complete, estimated remaining time: {2}".format(numComplete,
numComplete = sum(proc[1].ready() for proc in procs)
print("All download processes complete, process pool joined at {}".format(datetime.fromtimestamp(time())))
print("Adding data to strategy dictionary...")
for proc in procs:
stratDict[proc[0]][proc[1].get()[0]] = proc[1].get()[1]
print("Data added to strategy dictionary.")
print("\"Flattening\" data...")
flatData = flattenData(stratDict)
print("Data flattened.")
print("Checking for suspicious rows...")
for row in flatData:
for item in row:
if not type(item) in (str, bool, int, float):
print("The following row contains data which may cause errors during CSV conversion:")
print("Acceptable data types are str, bool, int, or float. Anything else may cause errors when using the data.")
shouldCont = input("If you would like to proceed with the conversion anyways, enter \"y\" to continue: ")
if not shouldCont == "y":
print("Conversion cancelled.")
return -1
print("All rows passed.")
print("Opening CSV file...")
with open(path, "w+") as destination:
print("CSV file opened successfully, writing data...")
writer = csv.writer(destination)
header = ["name",
"set name",
"move 1",
"move 2",
"move 3",
"move 4",
"ev configs",
"iv configs",
"writing teams",
"Written by"]
for row in flatData:
print("All rows written, closing file...")
print("Data saved successfully.")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":