Fix references to Dragon Tail and Round.

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Lynn "Zhorken" Vaughan 2011-02-10 21:45:03 -05:00
parent 92084b28b3
commit 4a71461720
2 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ An extra effect is a move's chance, listed as an ""effect chance"", to inflict a
If a Pokémon is confused and acquires this ability, its confusion will immediately be healed.",Prevents [confusion]{mechanic}. If a Pokémon is confused and acquires this ability, its confusion will immediately be healed.",Prevents [confusion]{mechanic}.
21,Suction Cups,3,"This Pokémon cannot be forced out of battle by moves such as [Whirlwind]{move}. 21,Suction Cups,3,"This Pokémon cannot be forced out of battle by moves such as [Whirlwind]{move}.
[dragon tail]{move} and [overhead throw]{move} still inflict damage against this Pokémon. [Dragon Tail]{move} and [overhead throw]{move} still inflict damage against this Pokémon.
Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the encounter rate while fishing is increased.",Prevents being forced out of battle by other Pokémon's moves. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the encounter rate while fishing is increased.",Prevents being forced out of battle by other Pokémon's moves.
22,Intimidate,3,"When this Pokémon enters battle, the opponent's [Attack]{mechanic} is lowered by one [stage]{mechanic:stat modifier}. In a double battle, both opponents are affected. 22,Intimidate,3,"When this Pokémon enters battle, the opponent's [Attack]{mechanic} is lowered by one [stage]{mechanic:stat modifier}. In a double battle, both opponents are affected.

1 id name generation_id effect short_effect
73 72 Vital Spirit 3 This Pokémon cannot be [asleep]{mechanic:sleep}. This causes [Rest]{move} to fail altogether. If a Pokémon is asleep and acquires this ability, it will immediately wake up; this includes when regaining a lost ability upon leaving battle. This ability functions identically to [Insomnia]{ability} in battle. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, higher-levelled Pokémon have their encounter rate increased. Prevents [sleep]{mechanic}.
74 73 White Smoke 3 This Pokémon cannot have its stats [lowered]{mechanic:stat modifier} by other Pokémon. This ability does not prevent any stat losses other than [stat modifiers]{mechanic}, such as the [Speed]{mechanic} cut from [paralysis]{mechanic}; nor self-inflicted stat drops, such as the [Special Attack]{mechanic} drop from [Overheat]{move}; nor opponent-triggered stat boosts, such as the [Attack]{mechanic} boost from [Swagger]{move}. This Pokémon can still be passed negative stat modifiers through [Guard Swap]{move}, [Heart Swap]{move}, or [Power Swap]{move}. This ability functions identically to [Clear Body]{ability} in battle. Overworld: If the lead Pokémon has this ability, the wild encounter rate is decreased. Protects against opponent-inflicted stat drops.
75 74 Pure Power 3 This Pokémon's [Attack]{mechanic} is doubled in battle. This bonus does not count as a [stat modifier]{mechanic}. This ability functions identically to [Huge Power]{ability}. Doubles [Attack]{mechanic} in battle.
76 75 Shell Armor 3 Moves cannot score [critical hits]{mechanic:critical hit} against this Pokémon. This ability functions identically to [Battle Armor]{ability}. Protects against [critical hits]{mechanic:critical hit}.
77 76 Air Lock 3 While this Pokémon is in battle, [weather]{mechanic} can still be in play, but will not have any of its effects. This ability functions identically to [Cloud Nine]{ability}. Negates all effects of [weather]{mechanic}, but does not prevent the weather itself.
78 77 Tangled Feet 4 When this Pokémon is [confused]{mechanic:confusion}, it has twice its [evasion]{mechanic}. Doubles [evasion]{mechanic} when [confused]{mechanic:confusion}.
79 78 Motor Drive 4 Whenever an [Electric]{type}-type move hits this Pokémon, its [Speed]{mechanic} rises one [stage]{mechanic:stat modifier}, negating any other effect on it. This ability will not take effect if this Pokémon is immune to Electric moves. Electric moves will ignore this Pokémon's [Substitute]{move}. This effect includes non-damaging moves, i.e. [Thunder Wave]{move}. Absorbs [Electric]{type} moves, raising [Speed]{mechanic} one [stage]{mechanic:stat modifier}.

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@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ This move cannot be copied by [Mirror Move]{move}."
180,User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.,"At the end of the next turn, user will be healed for half its max [HP]{mechanic}. If the user is [switched out]{mechanic}, its replacement will be healed instead for half of the user's max HP. If the user [faint]{mechanic}s or is forcefully switched by [Roar]{move} or [Whirlwind]{move}, this effect will not activate." 180,User will recover half its max HP at the end of the next turn.,"At the end of the next turn, user will be healed for half its max [HP]{mechanic}. If the user is [switched out]{mechanic}, its replacement will be healed instead for half of the user's max HP. If the user [faint]{mechanic}s or is forcefully switched by [Roar]{move} or [Whirlwind]{move}, this effect will not activate."
181,Randomly selects and uses one of the trainer's other Pokémon's moves.,"Uses a move from another Pokémon in the user's party, both selected at random. Moves from fainted Pokémon can be used. If there are no eligible Pokémon or moves, this move will fail. 181,Randomly selects and uses one of the trainer's other Pokémon's moves.,"Uses a move from another Pokémon in the user's party, both selected at random. Moves from fainted Pokémon can be used. If there are no eligible Pokémon or moves, this move will fail.
This move will not select [Assist]{move}, [Chatter]{move}, [Copycat]{move}, [Counter]{move}, [Covet]{move}, [Destiny Bond]{move}, [Detect]{move}, [dragon tail]{move}, [Endure]{move}, [fast guard]{move}, [Feint]{move}, [Focus Punch]{move}, [Follow Me]{move}, [Helping Hand]{move}, [Me First]{move}, [Metronome]{move}, [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Coat]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, [overhead throw]{move}, [Protect]{move}, [Sketch]{move}, [Sleep Talk]{move}, [Snatch]{move}, [Struggle]{move}, [Switcheroo]{move}, [Thief]{move}, [Trick]{move}, or [wide guard]{move}. This move will not select [Assist]{move}, [Chatter]{move}, [Copycat]{move}, [Counter]{move}, [Covet]{move}, [Destiny Bond]{move}, [Detect]{move}, [Dragon Tail]{move}, [Endure]{move}, [fast guard]{move}, [Feint]{move}, [Focus Punch]{move}, [Follow Me]{move}, [Helping Hand]{move}, [Me First]{move}, [Metronome]{move}, [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Coat]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, [overhead throw]{move}, [Protect]{move}, [Sketch]{move}, [Sleep Talk]{move}, [Snatch]{move}, [Struggle]{move}, [Switcheroo]{move}, [Thief]{move}, [Trick]{move}, or [wide guard]{move}.
This move cannot be copied by [Mirror Move]{move}, nor selected by [Metronome]{move} or [Sleep Talk]{move}." This move cannot be copied by [Mirror Move]{move}, nor selected by [Metronome]{move} or [Sleep Talk]{move}."
182,Prevents the user from leaving battle. User regains 1/16 of its max HP every turn.,"Prevents the user from [switching out]{mechanic}. User regains 1/16 of its max [HP]{mechanic} at the end of every turn. If the user was immune to [Ground]{type} attacks, it will now take normal damage from them. 182,Prevents the user from leaving battle. User regains 1/16 of its max HP every turn.,"Prevents the user from [switching out]{mechanic}. User regains 1/16 of its max [HP]{mechanic} at the end of every turn. If the user was immune to [Ground]{type} attacks, it will now take normal damage from them.
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ More than 4× the target's Speed | 150
300,Copies the user's ability onto the target.,Changes the target's ability to match the user's. This effect ends when the target leaves battle. 300,Copies the user's ability onto the target.,Changes the target's ability to match the user's. This effect ends when the target leaves battle.
301,Makes the target act next this turn.,"The target will act next this turn, regardless of [Speed]{mechanic} or move priority. 301,Makes the target act next this turn.,"The target will act next this turn, regardless of [Speed]{mechanic} or move priority.
If the target has already acted this turn, this move will fail." If the target has already acted this turn, this move will fail."
302,Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.,"Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. If [a capella]{move} has already been used this turn, this move's power is doubled. After this move is used, any other Pokémon using it this turn will immediately do so (in the order they would otherwise act), regardless of [Speed]{mechanic} or priority. Pokémon using other moves will then continue to act as usual." 302,Has double power if it's used more than once per turn.,"Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. If [Round]{move} has already been used this turn, this move's power is doubled. After this move is used, any other Pokémon using it this turn will immediately do so (in the order they would otherwise act), regardless of [Speed]{mechanic} or priority. Pokémon using other moves will then continue to act as usual."
303,"Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. If any friendly Pokémon used this move earlier this turn or on the previous turn, that use's power is added to this move's power, to a maximum of 200." 303,"Power increases by 100% for each consecutive use by any friendly Pokémon, to a maximum of 200.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. If any friendly Pokémon used this move earlier this turn or on the previous turn, that use's power is added to this move's power, to a maximum of 200."
304,Ignores the target's stat modifiers.,"Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. Damage calculation ignores the target's [stat modifiers]{mechanic}, including [evasion]{mechanic}." 304,Ignores the target's stat modifiers.,"Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. Damage calculation ignores the target's [stat modifiers]{mechanic}, including [evasion]{mechanic}."
305,Removes all of the target's stat modifiers.,Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. All of the target's [stat modifiers]{mechanic} are reset to zero. 305,Removes all of the target's stat modifiers.,Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. All of the target's [stat modifiers]{mechanic} are reset to zero.

1 id short_effect effect