Changelog for RGBY -> GS, HGSS -> BW

This commit is contained in:
Brigit Lemanski 2010-12-07 17:05:17 -05:00
parent a09815a3bc
commit 421a47ec32
3 changed files with 74 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,41 +1,60 @@
move_id,changed_in_version_group_id,power,pp,accuracy move_id,changed_in_version_group_id,type_id,power,pp,accuracy,effect_id,effect_chance
13,3,,,75 2,3,1,,,,,
17,3,35,, 13,3,,,,75,,
20,11,,,75 16,3,1,,,,1,
26,11,85,25, 17,3,,35,,,,
33,11,35,,95 20,11,,,,75,,
35,11,,,85 23,3,,,,,32,
37,11,90,20, 26,11,,85,25,,,
38,3,100,, 33,11,,35,,95,,
50,11,,,80 35,11,,,,85,,
59,3,,,90 37,11,,90,20,,,
67,3,50,,90 38,3,,100,,,49,
80,11,90,20, 40,3,,,,,,20
83,11,15,,70 44,3,1,,,,,10
92,11,,,85 50,11,,,,80,,
120,3,130,, 57,5,,,,,1,
128,11,,,75 59,3,,,,90,,
136,11,100,20, 67,3,,50,,90,1,
137,11,,,75 74,11,,,,,14,
139,11,,,55 76,3,,,,,81,
152,11,,,85 80,11,,90,20,,,
153,3,170,, 83,11,,15,,70,,
170,11,,40, 87,3,,,,,7,10
178,11,,,85 89,3,,,,,1,
202,11,60,, 92,11,,,,85,,
210,11,10,, 94,3,,,,,,30
248,11,80,15,90 120,3,,130,,,,
250,11,15,,70 126,3,,,,,,30
251,11,10,, 128,11,,,,75,,
253,11,50,, 130,3,,,,,81,
328,11,15,,70 136,11,,100,20,,,
331,11,10,, 137,11,,,,75,,
333,11,10,, 139,11,,,,55,,
343,11,40,, 143,3,,,,,81,0
350,11,,,80 146,3,,,,,1,0
353,11,120,,85 152,11,,,,85,,
382,11,0,, 153,3,,170,,,,
386,11,60,, 157,3,,,,,1,0
387,11,130,, 161,3,,,,,1,0
409,11,60,5, 170,11,,,40,,,
463,11,,,70 174,11,18,,,,,

1 move_id changed_in_version_group_id type_id power pp accuracy effect_id effect_chance
2 13 2 3 1 75
3 17 13 3 35 75
4 20 16 11 3 1 75 1
5 26 17 11 3 85 35 25
6 33 20 11 35 95 75
7 35 23 11 3 85 32
8 37 26 11 90 85 20 25
9 38 33 3 11 100 35 95
10 50 35 11 80 85
11 59 37 3 11 90 20 90
12 67 38 3 50 100 90 49
13 80 40 11 3 90 20 20
14 83 44 11 3 1 15 70 10
15 92 50 11 85 80
16 120 57 3 5 130 1
17 128 59 11 3 75 90
18 136 67 11 3 100 50 20 90 1
19 137 74 11 75 14
20 139 76 11 3 55 81
21 152 80 11 90 20 85
22 153 83 3 11 170 15 70
23 170 87 11 3 40 7 10
24 178 89 11 3 85 1
25 202 92 11 60 85
26 210 94 11 3 10 30
27 248 120 11 3 80 130 15 90
28 250 126 11 3 15 70 30
29 251 128 11 10 75
30 253 130 11 3 50 81
31 328 136 11 15 100 20 70
32 331 137 11 10 75
33 333 139 11 10 55
34 343 143 11 3 40 81 0
35 350 146 11 3 80 1 0
36 353 152 11 120 85
37 382 153 11 3 0 170
38 386 157 11 3 60 1 0
39 387 161 11 3 130 1 0
40 409 170 11 60 5 40
41 463 174 11 18 70
42 178 11 85
43 202 11 60
44 210 11 10
45 248 11 80 15 90
46 250 11 15 70
47 251 11 10
48 253 11 50
49 294 11 54
50 328 11 15 70
51 331 11 10
52 333 11 10
53 343 11 40
54 350 11 80
55 353 11 120 85
56 382 11 0
57 386 11 60
58 387 11 130
59 409 11 60 5
60 463 11 70

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@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ Has a 3/8 chance each to hit 2 or 3 times, and a 1/8 chance each to hit 4 or 5 t
45,Hits twice in one turn.,Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. Hits twice in one turn. 45,Hits twice in one turn.,Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. Hits twice in one turn.
46,"If the user misses, it takes half the damage it would have inflicted in recoil.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. If this move misses, is blocked by Protect or Detect, or has no effect, the user takes half the damage it would have inflicted in recoil. This recoil damage will not exceed half the user's max HP. 46,"If the user misses, it takes half the damage it would have inflicted in recoil.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. If this move misses, is blocked by Protect or Detect, or has no effect, the user takes half the damage it would have inflicted in recoil. This recoil damage will not exceed half the user's max HP.
This move cannot be used while [Gravity]{move} is in effect." This move cannot be used while [Gravity]{move} is in effect.
Before GS: If this move misses, the user takes 1 point of damage in recoil."
47,Protects the user's stats from being changed by enemy moves.,"Pokémon on the user's side of the [field]{mechanic} are immune to stat-lowering effects for five turns. 47,Protects the user's stats from being changed by enemy moves.,"Pokémon on the user's side of the [field]{mechanic} are immune to stat-lowering effects for five turns.
[Guard Swap]{move}, [Heart Swap]{move}, and [Power Swap]{move} may still be used. [Guard Swap]{move}, [Heart Swap]{move}, and [Power Swap]{move} may still be used.
@ -820,9 +822,11 @@ This effect is passed on by [Baton Pass]{move}."
254,User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a $effect_chance% chance to burn the target.,"Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. User takes 1/3 the damage it inflicts in recoil. Has a $effect_chance% chance to [burn]{mechanic} the target. [Frozen]{mechanic} Pokémon may use this move, in which case they will thaw." 254,User takes 1/3 the damage inflicted in recoil. Has a $effect_chance% chance to burn the target.,"Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. User takes 1/3 the damage it inflicts in recoil. Has a $effect_chance% chance to [burn]{mechanic} the target. [Frozen]{mechanic} Pokémon may use this move, in which case they will thaw."
255,User takes 1/4 its max HP in recoil.,"Inflicts [typeless]{mechanic} [regular damage]{mechanic}. User takes 1/4 its max [HP]{mechanic} in recoil. Ignores [accuracy]{mechanic} and [evasion]{mechanic} modifiers. 255,User takes 1/4 its max HP in recoil.,"Inflicts [typeless]{mechanic} [regular damage]{mechanic}. User takes 1/4 its max [HP]{mechanic} in recoil. Ignores [accuracy]{mechanic} and [evasion]{mechanic} modifiers.
This move is used automatically when a Pokémon cannot use any other move legally, e.g., due to having no [PP]{mechanic} remaining or being under the effect of both [Encore]{move} and [Torment]{move} at the same time This move is used automatically when a Pokémon cannot use any other move legally, e.g., due to having no [PP]{mechanic} remaining or being under the effect of both [Encore]{move} and [Torment]{move} at the same time.
This move cannot be copied by [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, or [Sketch]{move}, nor selected by [Assist]{move} or [Metronome]{move}, nor forced by [Encore]{move}." This move cannot be copied by [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, or [Sketch]{move}, nor selected by [Assist]{move} or [Metronome]{move}, nor forced by [Encore]{move}.
Before GS: This move inflicts [normal]{type}-type damage and the user receives 1/2 of damage dealt in recoil."
256,"User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. User dives underwater for one turn, becoming immune to attack, and hits on the second turn. 256,"User dives underwater, dodging all attacks, and hits next turn.","Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. User dives underwater for one turn, becoming immune to attack, and hits on the second turn.
During the immune turn, [Low Kick]{move}, [Surf]{move}, and [Whirlpool]{move} still hit the user normally. [Surf]{move} and [Whirlpool]{move} also have double power against the user. During the immune turn, [Low Kick]{move}, [Surf]{move}, and [Whirlpool]{move} still hit the user normally. [Surf]{move} and [Whirlpool]{move} also have double power against the user.

1 id short_effect effect
77 87 Disables the target's last used move for 1-8 turns. Disables the target's last used move, preventing its use for 4–7 turns, selected at random, or until the target leaves the [field]{mechanic}. If the target hasn't used a move since entering the [field]{mechanic}, if it tried to use a move this turn and [failed]{mechanic}, if its last used move has 0 PP remaining, or if it already has a move disabled, this move will fail.
78 88 Inflicts damage equal to the user's level. Inflicts damage equal to the user's level. Type immunity applies, but other type effects are ignored.
79 89 Inflicts damage between 50% and 150% of the user's level. Inflicts [typeless]{mechanic} damage between 50% and 150% of the user's level, selected at random in increments of 10%.
80 90 Inflicts twice the damage the user received from the last physical hit it took. Targets the last opposing Pokémon to hit the user with a [physical]{mechanic} move this turn. Inflicts twice the damage that move did to the user. If there is no eligible target, this move will [fail]{mechanic}. Type immunity applies, but other type effects are ignored. This move cannot be copied by [Mirror Move]{move}, nor selected by [Assist]{move} or [Metronome]{move}.
81 91 Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns. The next 4–8 times (selected at random) the target attempts to move, it is forced to repeat its last used move. If the selected move allows the trainer to select a target, an opponent will be selected at random each turn. If the target is prevented from using the selected move by some other effect, [Struggle]{move} will be used instead. This effect ends if the selected move runs out of [PP]{mechanic}. If the target hasn't used a move since entering the [field]{mechanic}, if it tried to use a move this turn and [failed]{mechanic}, if it does not know the selected move, or if the selected move has 0 [PP]{mechanic} remaining, this move will fail. If the target's last used move was [Encore]{move}, [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, [Sketch]{move}, [Struggle]{move}, or [Transform]{move}, this move will fail.
82 92 Sets the user's and targets's HP to the average of their current HP. Changes the user's and target's remaining [HP]{mechanic} to the average of their current remaining [HP]{mechanic}. Ignores [accuracy]{mechanic} and [evasion]{mechanic} modifiers. This effect does not count as inflicting damage for other moves and effects that respond to damage taken. This effect fails against a [Substitute]{move}.
83 91 93 Forces the target to repeat its last used move every turn for 2 to 6 turns. Has a $effect_chance% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping. The next 4–8 times (selected at random) the target attempts to move, it is forced to repeat its last used move. If the selected move allows the trainer to select a target, an opponent will be selected at random each turn. If the target is prevented from using the selected move by some other effect, [Struggle]{move} will be used instead. This effect ends if the selected move runs out of [PP]{mechanic}. If the target hasn't used a move since entering the [field]{mechanic}, if it tried to use a move this turn and [failed]{mechanic}, if it does not know the selected move, or if the selected move has 0 [PP]{mechanic} remaining, this move will fail. If the target's last used move was [Encore]{move}, [Mimic]{move}, [Mirror Move]{move}, [Sketch]{move}, [Struggle]{move}, or [Transform]{move}, this move will fail. Only usable if the user is [sleep]{mechanic}ing. Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. Has a $effect_chance% chance to make the target flinch.
84 92 94 Sets the user's and targets's HP to the average of their current HP. Changes the user's type to a random type either resistant or immune to the last move used against it. Changes the user's and target's remaining [HP]{mechanic} to the average of their current remaining [HP]{mechanic}. Ignores [accuracy]{mechanic} and [evasion]{mechanic} modifiers. This effect does not count as inflicting damage for other moves and effects that respond to damage taken. This effect fails against a [Substitute]{move}. Changes the user's type to a type either resistant or immune to the last damaging move that hit it. The new type is selected at random and cannot be a type the user already is. If there is no eligible new type, this move will fail.
85 93 95 Has a $effect_chance% chance to make the target flinch. Only works if the user is sleeping. Ensures that the user's next move will hit the target. Only usable if the user is [sleep]{mechanic}ing. Inflicts [regular damage]{mechanic}. Has a $effect_chance% chance to make the target flinch. If the user targets the same target again before the end of the next turn, the move it uses is guaranteed to hit. This move itself also ignores [accuracy]{mechanic} and [evasion]{mechanic} modifiers. One-hit KO moves are also guaranteed to hit, as long as the user is equal or higher level than the target. This effect also allows the user to hit Pokémon that are off the field due to moves such as [Dig]{move} or [Fly]{move}. If the target uses [Detect]{move} or [Protect]{move} while under the effect of this move, the user is not guaranteed to hit, but has a (100 - accuracy)% chance to break through the protection. This effect is passed on by [Baton Pass]{move}.

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@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ class Move(TableBase):
info=dict(description="ID of the damage class (physical/special) of the move")) info=dict(description="ID of the damage class (physical/special) of the move"))
effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False, effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False,
info=dict(description="ID of the move's effect")) info=dict(description="ID of the move's effect"))
effect_chance = Column(Integer, effect_chance = Column(Integer, nullable=True
info=dict(description="The chance for a secondary effect. What this is a chance of is specified by the move's effect.")) info=dict(description="The chance for a secondary effect. What this is a chance of is specified by the move's effect."))
contest_type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True, contest_type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
info=dict(description="ID of the move's Contest type (e.g. cool or smart)")) info=dict(description="ID of the move's Contest type (e.g. cool or smart)"))
@ -689,12 +689,18 @@ class MoveChangelog(TableBase):
info=dict(description="ID of the move that changed")) info=dict(description="ID of the move that changed"))
changed_in_version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False, changed_in_version_group_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False,
info=dict(description="ID of the version group in which the move changed")) info=dict(description="ID of the version group in which the move changed"))
type_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior type of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
power = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True, power = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior base power of the move, or NULL if unchanged")) info=dict(description="Prior base power of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
pp = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True, pp = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior base PP of the move, or NULL if unchanged")) info=dict(description="Prior base PP of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True, accuracy = Column(SmallInteger, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior accuracy of the move, or NULL if unchanged")) info=dict(description="Prior accuracy of the move, or NULL if unchanged"))
effect_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior ID of the effect, or NULL if unchanged"))
effect_chance = Column(Integer, nullable=True,
info=dict(description="Prior effect chance, or NULL if unchanged"))
class Nature(TableBase): class Nature(TableBase):
u"""A nature a pokémon can have, such as Calm or Brave u"""A nature a pokémon can have, such as Calm or Brave