Switch to py.test #604

This commit is contained in:
Petr Viktorin 2011-05-02 10:20:28 +03:00
parent c710457717
commit 332647c362
10 changed files with 392 additions and 359 deletions

conftest.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Configuration for the tests.
# Use `py.test` to run the tests.
# (This file needs to be in or above the directory where py.test is called)
import pytest
import os
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--media-root", action="store",
help="Root for the media files (if not specified and pokedex/data/media doesn't exist, tests are skipped)")
parser.addoption("--all", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Run all tests, even those that take a lot of time")
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
for funcargs in getattr(metafunc.function, 'funcarglist', ()):
for posargs in getattr(metafunc.function, 'posarglist', ()):
metafunc.addcall(funcargs=dict(zip(metafunc.funcargnames, posargs)))

View file

@ -1,6 +1,45 @@
def setup():
# XXX This needs to recreate the database, someday. :(
def teardown():
import inspect
from functools import wraps
# test support code
def params(funcarglist):
"""Basic list-of-dicts test parametrization
From: http://pytest.org/funcargs.html
@params([dict(a=1, b=2), dict(a=3, b=4)])
def test_lt(a, b):
assert a < b
def decorator(function):
function.funcarglist = funcarglist
return function
return decorator
def positional_params(*paramlist):
"""Magic list-of-lists parametrization
@params([(1, 2), (3, 4)])
def test_lt(a, b):
assert a < b
def decorator(function):
function.posarglist = paramlist
return function
return decorator
def single_params(*paramlist):
"""Magic list-of-lists parametrization
@params('1', '2', '3', '4'])
def test_int(k):
assert int(k)
def decorator(function):
function.posarglist = [[param] for param in paramlist]
return function
return decorator

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
from nose.tools import *
import unittest
import pytest
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ def test_encounter_slots():
.join((version_group_b, tables.Version.version_group)) \
.filter(version_group_a.id != version_group_b.id)
assert_equal(sanity_q.count(), 0,
"Encounter slots all match the encounters they belong to")
# Encounter slots all match the encounters they belong to
assert sanity_q.count() == 0
def test_nonzero_autoincrement_ids():
"""Check that autoincrementing ids don't contain zeroes
@ -34,8 +35,8 @@ def test_nonzero_autoincrement_ids():
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
if 'id' in cls.__table__.c:
if cls.__table__.c.id.autoincrement:
def nonzero_id(cls):
util.get(session, cls, id=0)
with pytest.raises(NoResultFound):
util.get(session, cls, id=0)
nonzero_id.description = "No zero id in %s" % cls.__name__
yield nonzero_id, cls

View file

@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
# encoding: utf8
from nose.tools import *
import unittest
# Encoding: UTF-8
from pokedex.tests import *
from pokedex.lookup import PokedexLookup
lookup = None
lookup = PokedexLookup()
def setup():
# Recreate data
global lookup
lookup = PokedexLookup()
def test_exact_lookup():
tests = [
# Simple lookups
(u'Eevee', 'pokemon_species',133),
(u'Scratch', 'moves', 10),
@ -37,68 +31,61 @@ def test_exact_lookup():
(u'이브이', 'pokemon_species', 133),
(u'伊布', 'pokemon_species', 133),
(u'Evoli', 'pokemon_species', 133),
def test_exact_lookup(input, table, id):
results = lookup.lookup(input)
assert len(results) == 1
assert results[0].exact == True
for input, table, id in tests:
results = lookup.lookup(input)
assert_equal(len(results), 1, u"'%s' returns one result" % input)
assert_equal(results[0].exact, True, u"'%s' match exactly" % input)
row = results[0].object
assert_equal(row.__tablename__, table, u"'%s' is in the right table" % input)
assert_equal(row.id, id, u"'%s' returns the right id" % input)
row = results[0].object
assert row.__tablename__ == table
assert row.id == id
def test_id_lookup():
results = lookup.lookup(u'1')
assert_true(len(results) >= 5, u'At least five things have id 1')
assert_true(all(_.object.id == 1 for _ in results),
u'All results have id 1')
assert len(results) >= 5
assert all(result.object.id == 1 for result in results)
def test_multi_lookup():
results = lookup.lookup(u'Metronome')
assert_equal(len(results), 2, u'Two things called "Metronome"')
assert_true(results[0].exact, u'Metronome matches are exact')
assert len(results) == 2
assert results[0].exact
def test_type_lookup():
results = lookup.lookup(u'pokemon:1')
assert_equal(results[0].object.__tablename__, 'pokemon_species',
u'Type restriction works correctly')
assert_equal(len(results), 1, u'Only one id result when type is specified')
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Bulbasaur',
u'Type + id returns the right result')
assert results[0].object.__tablename__ == 'pokemon_species'
assert len(results) == 1
assert results[0].object.name == u'Bulbasaur'
results = lookup.lookup(u'1', valid_types=['pokemon_species'])
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Bulbasaur',
u'valid_types works as well as type: prefix')
assert results[0].object.name == u'Bulbasaur'
def test_language_lookup():
# There are two objects named "charge": the move Charge, and the move
# Tackle, which is called "Charge" in French.
results = lookup.lookup(u'charge')
assert_true(len(results) > 1, u'There are multiple "charge"s')
assert len(results) > 1
results = lookup.lookup(u'@fr:charge')
assert_equal(results[0].iso639, u'fr', u'Language restriction works correctly')
assert_equal(len(results), 1, u'Only one "charge" result when language is specified')
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Tackle',
u'Language + vague name returns the right result')
assert results[0].iso639 == u'fr'
assert len(results) == 1
assert results[0].object.name == u'Tackle'
results = lookup.lookup(u'charge', valid_types=['@fr'])
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Tackle',
u'valid_types works as well as @lang: prefix')
assert results[0].object.name == u'Tackle'
results = lookup.lookup(u'@fr,move:charge')
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Tackle',
u'Languages and types both work together')
assert results[0].object.name == u'Tackle'
results = lookup.lookup(u'@fr:charge', valid_types=['move'])
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Tackle',
u'valid_types and language prefixes get along')
assert results[0].object.name, u'Tackle'
def test_fuzzy_lookup():
tests = [
# Regular English names
(u'chamander', u'Charmander'),
(u'pokeball', u'Poké Ball'),
@ -110,44 +97,51 @@ def test_fuzzy_lookup():
# Sufficiently long foreign names
(u'カクレオ', u'Kecleon'),
(u'Yamikrasu', u'Murkrow'),
def test_fuzzy_lookup(misspelling, name):
results = lookup.lookup(misspelling)
first_result = results[0]
assert first_result.object.name == name
for misspelling, name in tests:
results = lookup.lookup(misspelling)
first_result = results[0]
assert_equal(first_result.object.name, name,
u'Simple misspellings are corrected')
def test_nidoran():
results = lookup.lookup(u'Nidoran')
top_names = [_.object.name for _ in results[0:2]]
assert_true(u'Nidoran♂' in top_names, u'Nidoran♂ is a top result for "Nidoran"')
assert_true(u'Nidoran♀' in top_names, u'Nidoran♀ is a top result for "Nidoran"')
top_names = [result.object.name for result in results[0:2]]
assert u'Nidoran♂' in top_names
assert u'Nidoran♀' in top_names
def test_wildcard_lookup():
tests = [
(u'pokemon:*meleon', u'Charmeleon'),
(u'item:master*', u'Master Ball'),
(u'ee?ee', u'Eevee'),
def test_wildcard_lookup(wildcard, name):
results = lookup.lookup(wildcard)
first_result = results[0]
assert first_result.object.name == name
for wildcard, name in tests:
results = lookup.lookup(wildcard)
first_result = results[0]
assert_equal(first_result.object.name, name,
u'Wildcards work correctly')
def test_random_lookup():
for _ in xrange(5):
def test_bare_random():
for i in range(5):
results = lookup.lookup(u'random')
assert_equal(len(results), 1, u'Random returns one result')
assert len(results) == 1
def test_qualified_random(table_name):
results = lookup.lookup(u'random', valid_types=[table_name])
assert len(results) == 1
assert results[0].object.__tablename__ == table_name
for table_name in [u'pokemon_species', u'moves', u'items', u'abilities', u'types']:
results = lookup.lookup(u'random', valid_types=[table_name])
assert_equal(len(results), 1, u'Constrained random returns one result')
assert_equal(results[0].object.__tablename__, table_name,
u'Constrained random returns result from the right table')
def test_crash_empty_prefix():
"""Searching for ':foo' used to crash, augh!"""
results = lookup.lookup(u':Eevee')
assert_equal(results[0].object.name, u'Eevee', u'Empty prefix dun crash')
assert results[0].object.name == u'Eevee'

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
"""Test the media accessors.
If run directly from the command line, also tests the accessors and the names
@ -6,45 +5,33 @@ of all the media by getting just about everything in a naive brute-force way.
This, of course, takes a lot of time to run.
import pytest
import os
import re
from functools import wraps
from nose.tools import *
from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest
import nose
import pkg_resources
from pokedex.db import tables, connect
from pokedex.util import media
def pytest_funcarg__root(request):
root = request.config.option.media_root
if not root:
root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *'../data/media'.split('/'))
if not media.BaseMedia(root).available:
raise pytest.skip("Media unavailable")
return root
session = connect()
basedir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', 'data/media')
path_re = re.compile('^[-a-z0-9./]*$')
root = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pokedex', 'data/media')
media_available = media.BaseMedia(root).available
def if_available(func):
def if_available_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if not media_available:
raise SkipTest('Media not available at %s' % root)
func(*args, **kwargs)
return if_available_wrapper
def test_totodile():
def test_totodile(root):
"""Totodile's female sprite -- same as male"""
totodile = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'totodile').one()
accessor = media.PokemonSpeciesMedia(root, totodile)
assert accessor.sprite() == accessor.sprite(female=True)
def test_chimecho():
def test_chimecho(root):
"""Chimecho's Platinum female backsprite -- diffeent from male"""
chimecho = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'chimecho').one()
accessor = media.PokemonSpeciesMedia(root, chimecho)
@ -52,15 +39,13 @@ def test_chimecho():
female = accessor.sprite('platinum', back=True, female=True, frame=2)
assert male != female
def test_venonat():
def test_venonat(root):
"""Venonat's shiny Yellow sprite -- same as non-shiny"""
venonat = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'venonat').one()
accessor = media.PokemonSpeciesMedia(root, venonat)
assert accessor.sprite('yellow') == accessor.sprite('yellow', shiny=True)
def test_arceus_icon():
def test_arceus_icon(root):
"""Arceus fire-form icon -- same as base icon"""
arceus = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'arceus').one()
accessor = media.PokemonSpeciesMedia(root, arceus)
@ -68,32 +53,28 @@ def test_arceus_icon():
fire_accessor = media.PokemonFormMedia(root, fire_arceus)
assert accessor.icon() == fire_accessor.icon()
def test_strict_castform():
def test_strict_castform(root):
"""Castform rainy form overworld with strict -- unavailable"""
castform = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'castform').first()
rainy_castform = [f for f in castform.forms if f.form_identifier == 'rainy'][0]
print rainy_castform
rainy_castform = media.PokemonFormMedia(root, rainy_castform)
rainy_castform.overworld('up', strict=True)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
castform = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'castform').first()
rainy_castform = [f for f in castform.forms if f.form_identifier == 'rainy'][0]
print rainy_castform
rainy_castform = media.PokemonFormMedia(root, rainy_castform)
rainy_castform.overworld('up', strict=True)
def test_strict_exeggcute():
def test_strict_exeggcute(root):
"""Exeggcutes's female backsprite, with strict -- unavailable"""
exeggcute = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'exeggcute').one()
accessor = media.PokemonSpeciesMedia(root, exeggcute)
accessor.sprite(female=True, strict=True)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
exeggcute = session.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter_by(identifier=u'exeggcute').one()
accessor = media.PokemonSpeciesMedia(root, exeggcute)
accessor.sprite(female=True, strict=True)
def get_all_filenames():
print 'Reading all filenames...'
def get_all_filenames(root):
all_filenames = set()
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
dirnames[:] = [dirname for dirname in dirnames if dirname != '.git']
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
@ -123,8 +104,8 @@ def hit(filenames, method, *args, **kwargs):
return True
def check_get_everything():
@pytest.mark.skipif("not config.getvalue('all')", reason='`--all` not specified')
def test_get_everything(root, pytestconfig):
For every the accessor method, loop over the Cartesian products of all
possible values for its arguments.
@ -133,13 +114,14 @@ def check_get_everything():
Well, there are exceptions of course.
assert pytestconfig.getvalue('all')
versions = list(session.query(tables.Version).all())
black = session.query(tables.Version).filter_by(identifier=u'black').one()
filenames = get_all_filenames()
filenames = get_all_filenames(root)
# Some small stuff first
@ -252,26 +234,21 @@ def check_get_everything():
assert success
# Remove exceptions
exceptions = [os.path.join(basedir, dirname) for dirname in
exceptions = [os.path.join(root, dirname) for dirname in
'chrome fonts ribbons'.split()]
exceptions.append(os.path.join(basedir, 'items', 'hm-'))
exceptions.append(os.path.join(root, 'items', 'hm-'))
exceptions = tuple(exceptions)
for filename in tuple(filenames):
unaccessed_filenames = set(filenames)
for filename in filenames:
if filename.startswith(exceptions):
if len(filenames):
print '-----------------'
print 'Unaccessed stuff:'
for filename in sorted(filenames):
if unaccessed_filenames:
print 'Unaccessed files:'
for filename in unaccessed_filenames:
print filename
print len(filenames), 'unaccessed files :('
assert unaccessed_filenames == set()
return (not filenames)
if __name__ == '__main__':
result = nose.run(defaultTest=__file__)
result = result and check_get_everything()
exit(not result)

View file

@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
# encoding: utf8
from nose.tools import *
import unittest
import pokedex.roomaji
from pokedex.tests import positional_params
def test_roomaji():
tests = [
(u'ヤミカラス', 'yamikarasu'),
# Elongated vowel
@ -24,14 +21,13 @@ def test_roomaji():
(u'ラティアス', 'ratiasu'),
(u'ウィー', 'wii'),
(u'セレビィ', 'sereby'),
def test_roomaji(kana, roomaji):
result = pokedex.roomaji.romanize(kana)
assert result == roomaji
for kana, roomaji in tests:
result = pokedex.roomaji.romanize(kana)
assert_equal(result, roomaji, u"'%s' romanizes correctly" % roomaji)
def test_roomaji_cs():
tests = [
(u'ヤミカラス', u'jamikarasu'),
# Elongated vowel
@ -49,8 +45,7 @@ def test_roomaji_cs():
(u'ラティアス', u'ratiasu'),
(u'ウィー', u''),
(u'セレビィ', u'serebí'),
for kana, roomaji in tests:
result = pokedex.roomaji.romanize(kana, 'cs')
assert_equal(result, roomaji, u"'%s' romanizes correctly for Czech" % roomaji)
def test_roomaji_cs(kana, roomaji):
result = pokedex.roomaji.romanize(kana, 'cs')
assert result == roomaji

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# encoding: utf8
from nose.tools import *
import unittest
from pokedex.tests import single_params
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper, joinedload, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
@ -10,22 +11,23 @@ from pokedex.db import tables, markdown
from pokedex.db.multilang import MultilangScopedSession, MultilangSession, \
def test_variable_names():
def test_variable_names(varname):
"""We want pokedex.db.tables to export tables using the class name"""
for varname in dir(tables):
if not varname[0].isupper():
table = getattr(tables, varname)
if not issubclass(table, tables.TableBase) or table is tables.TableBase:
except TypeError:
classname = table.__name__
if classname and varname[0].isupper():
assert varname == classname, '%s refers to %s' % (varname, classname)
for table in tables.mapped_classes:
assert getattr(tables, table.__name__) is table
table = getattr(tables, varname)
if not issubclass(table, tables.TableBase) or table is tables.TableBase:
except TypeError:
classname = table.__name__
if classname and varname[0].isupper():
assert varname == classname, '%s refers to %s' % (varname, classname)
def test_variable_names_2(table):
"""We also want all of the tables exported"""
assert getattr(tables, table.__name__) is table
def test_class_order():
"""The declarative classes should be defined in alphabetical order.
@ -156,52 +158,52 @@ def test_i18n_table_creation():
assert foo.name_map[lang_en] == 'different english'
assert foo.name_map[lang_ru] == 'new russian'
def test_texts():
classes = []
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
classes += cls.translation_classes
def test_texts(cls):
"""Check DB schema for integrity of text columns & translations.
Mostly protects against copy/paste oversights and rebase hiccups.
If there's a reason to relax the tests, do it
classes = []
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
classes += cls.translation_classes
for cls in classes:
if hasattr(cls, 'local_language') or hasattr(cls, 'language'):
good_formats = 'markdown plaintext gametext'.split()
assert_text = '%s is language-specific'
if hasattr(cls, 'local_language') or hasattr(cls, 'language'):
good_formats = 'markdown plaintext gametext'.split()
assert_text = '%s is language-specific'
good_formats = 'identifier latex'.split()
assert_text = '%s is not language-specific'
columns = sorted(cls.__table__.c, key=lambda c: c.name)
text_columns = []
for column in columns:
format = column.info.get('format', None)
if format is not None:
if format not in good_formats:
raise AssertionError(assert_text % column)
if (format != 'identifier') and (column.name == 'identifier'):
raise AssertionError('%s: identifier column name/type mismatch' % column)
if column.info.get('official', None) and format not in 'gametext plaintext':
raise AssertionError('%s: official text with bad format' % column)
good_formats = 'identifier latex'.split()
assert_text = '%s is not language-specific'
columns = sorted(cls.__table__.c, key=lambda c: c.name)
text_columns = []
for column in columns:
format = column.info.get('format', None)
if format is not None:
if format not in good_formats:
raise AssertionError(assert_text % column)
if (format != 'identifier') and (column.name == 'identifier'):
raise AssertionError('%s: identifier column name/type mismatch' % column)
if column.info.get('official', None) and format not in 'gametext plaintext':
raise AssertionError('%s: official text with bad format' % column)
if isinstance(column.type, tables.Unicode):
raise AssertionError('%s: text column without format' % column)
if column.name == 'name' and format != 'plaintext':
raise AssertionError('%s: non-plaintext name' % column)
# No mention of English in the description
assert 'English' not in column.info['description'], column
# If there's more than one text column in a translation table,
# they have to be nullable, to support missing translations
if hasattr(cls, 'local_language') and len(text_columns) > 1:
for column in text_columns:
assert column.nullable
if isinstance(column.type, tables.Unicode):
raise AssertionError('%s: text column without format' % column)
if column.name == 'name' and format != 'plaintext':
raise AssertionError('%s: non-plaintext name' % column)
# No mention of English in the description
assert 'English' not in column.info['description'], column
# If there's more than one text column in a translation table,
# they have to be nullable, to support missing translations
if hasattr(cls, 'local_language') and len(text_columns) > 1:
for column in text_columns:
assert column.nullable
def test_identifiers_with_names():
def test_identifiers_with_names(table):
"""Test that named tables have identifiers
for table in sorted(tables.mapped_classes, key=lambda t: t.__name__):
for translation_class in table.translation_classes:
if hasattr(translation_class, 'name'):
assert hasattr(table, 'identifier'), table
for translation_class in table.translation_classes:
if hasattr(translation_class, 'name'):
assert hasattr(table, 'identifier'), table

View file

@ -1,150 +1,147 @@
# Encoding: UTF-8
from nose.tools import *
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
import pytest
from pokedex.tests import positional_params
from pokedex.db import tables, connect, util, markdown
class TestStrings(object):
def setup(self):
self.connection = connect()
connection = connect()
def teardown(self):
def test_filter():
q = connection.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter(
tables.PokemonSpecies.name == u"Marowak")
assert q.one().identifier == 'marowak'
def test_filter(self):
q = self.connection.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter(
tables.PokemonSpecies.name == u"Marowak")
assert q.one().identifier == 'marowak'
def test_languages():
q = connection.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter(
tables.PokemonSpecies.name == u"Mightyena")
pkmn = q.one()
for lang, name in (
('en', u'Mightyena'),
('ja', u'グラエナ'),
('roomaji', u'Guraena'),
('fr', u'Grahyèna'),
language = connection.query(tables.Language).filter_by(
assert pkmn.name_map[language] == name
def test_languages(self):
q = self.connection.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter(
tables.PokemonSpecies.name == u"Mightyena")
pkmn = q.one()
for lang, name in (
('en', u'Mightyena'),
('ja', u'グラエナ'),
('roomaji', u'Guraena'),
('fr', u'Grahyèna'),
language = self.connection.query(tables.Language).filter_by(
assert pkmn.name_map[language] == name
def test_bad_lang(self):
q = self.connection.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter(
def test_bad_lang():
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
q = connection.query(tables.PokemonSpecies).filter(
tables.PokemonSpecies.name == u"Mightyena")
pkmn = q.one()
pkmn.names["identifier of a language that doesn't exist"]
def test_mutating(self):
item = self.connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
language = self.connection.query(tables.Language).filter_by(
item.name_map[language] = u"foo"
assert item.name_map[language] == "foo"
item.name_map[language] = u"xyzzy"
assert item.name_map[language] == "xyzzy"
def test_mutating():
item = connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
language = connection.query(tables.Language).filter_by(
item.name_map[language] = u"foo"
assert item.name_map[language] == "foo"
item.name_map[language] = u"xyzzy"
assert item.name_map[language] == "xyzzy"
def test_mutating_default(self):
item = self.connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
item.name = u"foo"
assert item.name == "foo"
def test_mutating_default():
item = connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
item.name = u"foo"
assert item.name == "foo"
def test_string_mapping(self):
item = self.connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
assert len(item.name_map) == len(item.names)
for lang in item.names:
assert item.name_map[lang] == item.names[lang].name
assert lang in item.name_map
assert "language that doesn't exist" not in item.name_map
assert tables.Language() not in item.name_map
def test_string_mapping():
item = connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
assert len(item.name_map) == len(item.names)
for lang in item.names:
assert item.name_map[lang] == item.names[lang].name
assert lang in item.name_map
assert "language that doesn't exist" not in item.name_map
assert tables.Language() not in item.name_map
def test_new_language(self):
item = self.connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
language = tables.Language()
language.id = -1
language.identifier = u'test'
language.iso639 = language.iso3166 = u'--'
language.official = False
item.name_map[language] = u"foo"
assert item.name_map[language] == "foo"
assert language in item.name_map
item.name_map[language] = u"xyzzy"
assert item.name_map[language] == "xyzzy"
def test_new_language():
item = connection.query(tables.Item).filter_by(
language = tables.Language()
language.id = -1
language.identifier = u'test'
language.iso639 = language.iso3166 = u'--'
language.official = False
item.name_map[language] = u"foo"
assert item.name_map[language] == "foo"
assert language in item.name_map
item.name_map[language] = u"xyzzy"
assert item.name_map[language] == "xyzzy"
def test_markdown(self):
move = self.connection.query(tables.Move).filter_by(
language = self.connection.query(tables.Language).filter_by(
assert '10%' in move.effect.as_text()
assert '10%' in move.effect_map[language].as_text()
assert '10%' in move.effect.as_html()
assert '10%' in move.effect_map[language].as_html()
assert '10%' in unicode(move.effect)
assert '10%' in unicode(move.effect_map[language])
assert '10%' in move.effect.__html__()
assert '10%' in move.effect_map[language].__html__()
def test_markdown():
move = connection.query(tables.Move).filter_by(
language = connection.query(tables.Language).filter_by(
assert '10%' in move.effect.as_text()
assert '10%' in move.effect_map[language].as_text()
assert '10%' in move.effect.as_html()
assert '10%' in move.effect_map[language].as_html()
assert '10%' in unicode(move.effect)
assert '10%' in unicode(move.effect_map[language])
assert '10%' in move.effect.__html__()
assert '10%' in move.effect_map[language].__html__()
def test_markdown_string(self):
en = util.get(self.connection, tables.Language, 'en')
md = markdown.MarkdownString('[]{move:thunderbolt} [paralyzes]{mechanic:paralysis}', self.connection, en)
assert unicode(md) == 'Thunderbolt paralyzes'
assert md.as_html() == '<p><span>Thunderbolt</span> <span>paralyzes</span></p>'
assert md.as_html(object_url=lambda category, obj: "%s/%s" % (category, obj.identifier)) == (
'<p><a href="move/thunderbolt">Thunderbolt</a> <span>paralyzes</span></p>')
print md.as_html(identifier_url=lambda category, ident: "%s/%s" % (category, ident))
assert md.as_html(identifier_url=lambda category, ident: "%s/%s" % (category, ident)) == (
'<p><a href="move/thunderbolt">Thunderbolt</a> <a href="mechanic/paralysis">paralyzes</a></p>')
def test_markdown_string():
en = util.get(connection, tables.Language, 'en')
md = markdown.MarkdownString('[]{move:thunderbolt} [paralyzes]{mechanic:paralysis}', connection, en)
assert unicode(md) == 'Thunderbolt paralyzes'
assert md.as_html() == '<p><span>Thunderbolt</span> <span>paralyzes</span></p>'
assert md.as_html(object_url=lambda category, obj: "%s/%s" % (category, obj.identifier)) == (
'<p><a href="move/thunderbolt">Thunderbolt</a> <span>paralyzes</span></p>')
print md.as_html(identifier_url=lambda category, ident: "%s/%s" % (category, ident))
assert md.as_html(identifier_url=lambda category, ident: "%s/%s" % (category, ident)) == (
'<p><a href="move/thunderbolt">Thunderbolt</a> <a href="mechanic/paralysis">paralyzes</a></p>')
def test_markdown_values(self):
"""Check all markdown values
def markdown_column_params():
"""Check all markdown values
Scans the database schema for Markdown columns, runs through every value
in each, and ensures that it's valid Markdown.
Scans the database schema for Markdown columns, runs through every value
in each, and ensures that it's valid Markdown.
# Move effects have their own special wrappers. Explicitly test them separately
yield self.check_markdown_column, tables.Move, None, 'effect'
yield self.check_markdown_column, tables.Move, None, 'short_effect'
# Move effects have their own special wrappers. Explicitly test them separately
yield tables.Move, None, 'effect'
yield tables.Move, None, 'short_effect'
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
for translation_cls in cls.translation_classes:
for column in translation_cls.__table__.c:
if column.info.get('string_getter') == markdown.MarkdownString:
yield self.check_markdown_column, cls, translation_cls, column.name
for cls in tables.mapped_classes:
for translation_cls in cls.translation_classes:
for column in translation_cls.__table__.c:
if column.info.get('string_getter') == markdown.MarkdownString:
yield cls, translation_cls, column.name
def check_markdown_column(self, parent_class, translation_class, column_name):
"""Implementation for the above"""
query = self.connection.query(parent_class)
if translation_class:
query = query.join(translation_class)
for item in query:
for language, markdown in getattr(item, column_name + '_map').items():
def test_markdown_values(parent_class, translation_class, column_name):
"""Implementation for the above"""
query = connection.query(parent_class)
if translation_class:
query = query.join(translation_class)
for item in query:
for language, markdown in getattr(item, column_name + '_map').items():
if markdown is None:
if markdown is None:
key = u"Markdown in {0} #{1}'s {2} (lang={3})".format(
parent_class.__name__, item.id, column_name, language.identifier)
key = u"Markdown in {0} #{1}'s {2} (lang={3})".format(
parent_class.__name__, item.id, column_name, language.identifier)
text = markdown.as_text()
except NoResultFound:
assert False, u"{0} references something that doesn't exist:\n{1}".format(
key, markdown.source_text)
except AttributeError:
print markdown
text = markdown.as_text()
except NoResultFound:
assert False, u"{0} references something that doesn't exist:\n{1}".format(
key, markdown.source_text)
except AttributeError:
print markdown
error_message = u"{0} leaves syntax cruft:\n{1}"
error_message = error_message.format(key, text)
error_message = u"{0} leaves syntax cruft:\n{1}"
error_message = error_message.format(key, text)
ok_(not any(char in text for char in '[]{}'), error_message)
assert not any(char in text for char in '[]{}'), error_message

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import csv
from nose.tools import *
import pytest
from pokedex.db import translations, tables

View file

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# encoding: utf8
from nose.tools import *
import unittest
# Encoding: utf8
import pytest
from pokedex.tests import single_params
from pokedex.db import connect, tables, util
session = connect()
@ -18,21 +19,21 @@ def test_get_english_by_identifier():
language = util.get(session, tables.Language, 'en')
assert language.name == 'English'
def test_get_pokemon_identifier():
for identifier in 'burmy shaymin unown cresselia'.split():
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, identifier=identifier)
assert poke.identifier == identifier
@single_params(*'burmy shaymin unown cresselia'.split())
def test_get_pokemon_identifier(identifier):
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, identifier=identifier)
assert poke.identifier == identifier
def test_get_pokemon_name():
for name in 'Burmy Shaymin Unown Cresselia'.split():
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, name=name)
assert poke.name == name
@single_params(*'Burmy Shaymin Unown Cresselia'.split())
def test_get_pokemon_name(name):
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, name=name)
assert poke.name == name
def test_get_pokemon_name_explicit_language():
@single_params(*'Cheniti Shaymin Zarbi Cresselia'.split())
def test_get_pokemon_name_explicit_language(name):
french = util.get(session, tables.Language, 'fr')
for name in 'Cheniti Shaymin Zarbi Cresselia'.split():
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, name=name, language=french)
assert poke.name_map[french] == name, poke.name_map[french]
poke = util.get(session, tables.PokemonSpecies, name=name, language=french)
assert poke.name_map[french] == name, poke.name_map[french]
def test_types_french_order():
french = util.get(session, tables.Language, 'fr')
@ -40,3 +41,9 @@ def test_types_french_order():
types = list(util.order_by_name(types, tables.Type, language=french))
assert types[0].name_map[french] == 'Acier', types[0].name_map[french]
assert types[-1].name_map[french] == 'Vol', types[-1].name_map[french]
@single_params(*range(1, 10) * 2)
def test_get_pokemon_id(id):
result = util.get(session, tables.Pokemon, id=id)
assert result.id == id
assert result.__tablename__ == 'pokemon'