
13889 lines
336 KiB
Raw Normal View History

1,3,9,"Pounds with fore­
legs or tail."
1,4,9,"Pounds with fore­
legs or tail."
1,5,9,"Pounds the foe with
forelegs or tail."
1,6,9,"Pounds the foe with
forelegs or tail."
1,7,9,"A physical attack
delivered with a
long tail or a
foreleg, etc."
1,8,9,"The foe is physically
pounded with a long
tail or a foreleg,
1,9,9,"The foe is physically
pounded with a long
tail or a foreleg,
1,10,9,"The foe is physically
pounded with a long
tail or a foreleg,
1,11,1,"The target is physically pounded with
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
a long tail or a foreleg, etc."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
1,11,5,"Écrase l'ennemi avec les pattes
avant, la queue, etc."
2,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
2,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
2,5,9,"A chopping attack with a
high critical-hit ratio."
2,6,9,"A chopping attack with a
high critical-hit ratio."
2,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
2,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
2,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
2,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a sharp chop.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
2,11,1,"The target is attacked with a sharp chop.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
2,11,5,"L'ennemi est tranché violemment.
Taux de critiques élevé."
3,3,9,"Repeatedly slaps
2-5 times."
3,4,9,"Repeatedly slaps
2-5 times."
3,5,9,"Repeatedly slaps the foe
2 to 5 times."
3,6,9,"Repeatedly slaps the foe
2 to 5 times."
3,7,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times."
3,8,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times in a row.
3,9,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times in a row.
3,10,9,"The foe is slapped
repeatedly, back
and forth, two to
five times in a row.
3,11,1,"The target is slapped repeatedly, back
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and forth, two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
3,11,5,"Gifle rapidement l'ennemi
de 2 à 5 fois d'affilée."
4,3,9,"Repeatedly punches
2-5 times."
4,4,9,"Repeatedly punches
2-5 times."
4,5,9,"Repeatedly punches the foe
2 to 5 times."
4,6,9,"Repeatedly punches the foe
2 to 5 times."
4,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times."
4,8,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times in a row.
4,9,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times in a row.
4,10,9,"The foe is hit with
a flurry of punches
that strike two to
five times in a row.
4,11,1,"The target is hit with a flurry of punches
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that strike two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
4,11,5,"Une tornade de coups de poing
qui frappe de 2 à 5 fois d'affilée."
5,3,9,"A powerful punch
thrown very hard."
5,4,9,"A powerful punch
thrown very hard."
5,5,9,"A strong punch thrown with
incredible power."
5,6,9,"A strong punch thrown with
incredible power."
5,7,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,8,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,9,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,10,9,"The foe is slugged
by a punch thrown
with muscle-packed
5,11,1,"The target is slugged by a punch thrown
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with muscle-packed power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
5,11,5,"L'ennemi reçoit un coup de poing
d'une puissance incroyable."
6,3,9,"Throws coins. Gets
them back later."
6,4,9,"Throws coins. Gets
them back later."
6,5,9,"Throws coins at the foe.
Money is recovered after."
6,6,9,"Throws coins at the foe.
Money is recovered after."
6,7,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,8,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,9,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,10,9,"Numerous coins are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
Money is earned
after battle."
6,11,1,"Numerous coins are hurled at the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target to inflict damage.
Money is earned after the battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
6,11,5,"Des pièces sont lancées sur l'ennemi.
Permet d'obtenir de l'argent à la fin
du combat."
7,3,9,"A fiery punch. May
cause a burn."
7,4,9,"A fiery punch. May
cause a burn."
7,5,9,"A fiery punch that may burn
the foe."
7,6,9,"A fiery punch that may burn
the foe."
7,7,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
foe with a burn."
7,8,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
target with a burn.
7,9,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
target with a burn.
7,10,9,"The foe is punched
with a fiery fist.
It may leave the
target with a burn.
7,11,1,"The target is punched with a fiery fist.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
7,11,5,"Un coup de poing enflammé vient
frapper l'ennemi. Peut le brûler."
8,3,9,"An icy punch. May
cause freezing."
8,4,9,"An icy punch. May
cause freezing."
8,5,9,"An icy punch that may
freeze the foe."
8,6,9,"An icy punch that may
freeze the foe."
8,7,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
foe frozen."
8,8,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
target frozen.
8,9,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
target frozen.
8,10,9,"The foe is punched
with an icy fist.
It may leave the
target frozen.
8,11,1,"The target is punched with an icy fist.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also leave the target frozen."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
8,11,5,"Un coup de poing glacé vient
frapper l'ennemi. Peut le geler."
9,3,9,"An electric punch.
It may paralyze."
9,4,9,"An electric punch.
It may paralyze."
9,5,9,"An electrified punch that
may paralyze the foe."
9,6,9,"An electrified punch that
may paralyze the foe."
9,7,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the foe paralyzed."
9,8,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the target with
9,9,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the target with
9,10,9,"The foe is punched
with an electrified
fist. It may leave
the target with
9,11,1,"The target is punched with an electrified
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
fist. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
9,11,5,"Un coup de poing électrique vient
frapper l'ennemi. Peut le paralyser."
10,3,9,"Scratches with
sharp claws."
10,4,9,"Scratches with
sharp claws."
10,5,9,"Scratches the foe with
sharp claws."
10,6,9,"Scratches the foe with
sharp claws."
10,7,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake
the foe."
10,8,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake the
foe to inflict damage.
10,9,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake the
foe to inflict damage.
10,10,9,"Hard, pointed, and
sharp claws rake the
foe to inflict damage.
10,11,1,"Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
10,11,5,"Lacère l'ennemi avec des griffes acérées
pour lui infliger des dégâts."
11,3,9,"Grips with power­
ful pincers."
11,4,9,"Grips with power­
ful pincers."
11,5,9,"Grips the foe with large and
powerful pincers."
11,6,9,"Grips the foe with large and
powerful pincers."
11,7,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe."
11,8,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe.
11,9,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe.
11,10,9,"Huge, impressive
pincers grip and
squeeze the foe.
11,11,1,"The target is gripped and squeezed from
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
both sides to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
11,11,5,"L'ennemi est attrapé et compressé
par les côtés."
12,3,9,"A one-hit KO,
pincer attack."
12,4,9,"A one-hit KO,
pincer attack."
12,5,9,"A powerful pincer attack
that may cause fainting."
12,6,9,"A powerful pincer attack
that may cause fainting."
12,7,9,"A vicious tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
if it hits."
12,8,9,"A vicious, tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
instantly if this
attack hits."
12,9,9,"A vicious, tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
instantly if this
attack hits."
12,10,9,"A vicious, tearing
attack with pincers.
The foe will faint
instantly if this
attack hits."
12,11,1,"A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The target will faint instantly
if this attack hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
12,11,5,"De méchantes pinces lacèrent
l'ennemi, le mettant K.O. sur
le coup s'il est touché."
13,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
13,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
13,5,9,"A 2-turn move that strikes
the foe on the 2nd turn."
13,6,9,"A 2-turn move that strikes
the foe on the 2nd turn."
13,7,9,"Blades of wind hit
the foe on the 2nd
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,8,9,"A two-turn attack.
Blades of wind hit the
foe on the second
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,9,9,"A two-turn attack.
Blades of wind hit the
foe on the second
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,10,9,"A two-turn attack.
Blades of wind hit the
foe on the second
turn. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
13,11,1,"A two-turn attack. Blades of wind hit
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opposing Pokémon on the second turn.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
13,11,5,"Attaque en 2 tours.
Des lames de vent frappent l'ennemi au
2è tour. Taux de critiques élevé."
14,3,9,"A dance that in­
creases ATTACK."
14,4,9,"A dance that in­
creases ATTACK."
14,5,9,"A fighting dance that
sharply raises ATTACK."
14,6,9,"A fighting dance that
sharply raises ATTACK."
14,7,9,"A frenetic dance of
fighting. It sharply
raises the ATTACK
14,8,9,"A frenetic dance to
uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply
raises the users
Attack stat."
14,9,9,"A frenetic dance to
uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply
raises the users
Attack stat."
14,10,9,"A frenetic dance to
uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply
raises the users
Attack stat."
14,11,1,"A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting
spirit. It sharply raises the users
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
14,11,5,"Danse frénétique qui exalte l'esprit
combatif. Augmente beaucoup
l'Attaque du lanceur."
15,3,9,"Cuts using claws,
scythes, etc."
15,4,9,"Cuts using claws,
scythes, etc."
15,5,9,"Cuts the foe with sharp
scythes, claws, etc."
15,6,9,"Cuts the foe with sharp
scythes, claws, etc."
15,7,9,"A basic attack.
It can be used to
cut down thin trees
and grass."
15,8,9,"The foe is cut with a
scythe or a claw.
It can also be used
to cut down thin
15,9,9,"The foe is cut with a
scythe or a claw.
It can also be used
to cut down thin
15,10,9,"The foe is cut with a
scythe or a claw.
It can also be used
to cut down thin
15,11,1,"The target is cut with a scythe or a claw.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It can also be used to cut down
thin trees."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
15,11,5,"Coupe l'ennemi avec des lames
ou des griffes. Hors combat,
permet de couper des arbres fins."
16,3,9,"Whips up a strong
gust of wind."
16,4,9,"Whips up a strong
gust of wind."
16,5,9,"Strikes the foe with a gust
of wind whipped up by wings."
16,6,9,"Strikes the foe with a gust
of wind whipped up by wings."
16,7,9,"Strikes the foe
with a gust of wind
whipped up by
16,8,9,"A gust of wind is
whipped up by wings
and launched at the
foe to inflict damage.
16,9,9,"A gust of wind is
whipped up by wings
and launched at the
foe to inflict damage.
16,10,9,"A gust of wind is
whipped up by wings
and launched at the
foe to inflict damage.
16,11,1,"A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
launched at the target to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
16,11,5,"Le lanceur bat des ailes pour
générer une bourrasque
qui blesse l'ennemi."
17,3,9,"Strikes the target
with wings."
17,4,9,"Strikes the target
with wings."
17,5,9,"Strikes the foe with wings
spread wide."
17,6,9,"Strikes the foe with wings
spread wide."
17,7,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide."
17,8,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide
to inflict damage.
17,9,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide
to inflict damage.
17,10,9,"The foe is struck
with large, imposing
wings spread wide
to inflict damage.
17,11,1,"The target is struck with large, imposing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
wings spread wide to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
17,11,5,"L'ennemi est frappé par de larges ailes
déployées pour infliger des dégâts."
18,3,9,"Blows away the foe
& ends battle."
18,4,9,"Blows away the foe
& ends battle."
18,5,9,"Blows away the foe with
wind and ends the battle."
18,6,9,"Blows away the foe with
wind and ends the battle."
18,7,9,"The foe is made to
switch out with an
ally. In the wild,
the battle ends."
18,8,9,"The foe is blown away,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon
in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,9,9,"The foe is blown away,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon
in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,10,9,"The foe is blown away,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon
in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
18,11,1,"The target is blown away, to be replaced
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by another Pokémon in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
18,11,5,"Éjecte le Pokémon ennemi
et le remplace par un autre.
Dans la nature, met fin au combat."
19,3,9,"1st turn: Fly
2nd turn: Attack"
19,4,9,"1st turn: Fly
2nd turn: Attack"
19,5,9,"Flies up on the first turn,
then strikes the next turn."
19,6,9,"Flies up on the first turn,
then strikes the next turn."
19,7,9,"A 2-turn move that
hits on the 2nd
turn. Use it to fly
to any known town."
19,8,9,"The user soars, then
strikes on the second
turn. It can also be
used for flying to
any familiar town."
19,9,9,"The user soars, then
strikes on the second
turn. It can also be
used for flying to
any familiar town."
19,10,9,"The user soars, then
strikes on the second
turn. It can also be
used for flying to
any familiar town."
19,11,1,"The user soars, then strikes its target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
on the second turn. It can also be
used for flying to any familiar town."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
19,11,5,"Le lanceur s'envole au 1er tour et
frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de voler
jusqu'à une ville déjà visitée."
20,3,9,"Binds the target
for 2-5 turns."
20,4,9,"Binds the target
for 2-5 turns."
20,5,9,"Binds and squeezes the foe
for 2 to 5 turns."
20,6,9,"Binds and squeezes the foe
for 2 to 5 turns."
20,7,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind the foe for
two to five turns."
20,8,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind and squeeze
the foe for two to
five turns."
20,9,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind and squeeze
the foe for two to
five turns."
20,10,9,"A long body or
tentacles are used
to bind and squeeze
the foe for two to
five turns."
20,11,1,"Things such as long bodies or tentacles
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
are used to bind and squeeze
the target for four to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
20,11,5,"Ligote l'ennemi avec les tentacules
ou le corps pour l'écraser
durant 4 à 5 tours."
21,3,9,"Slams the foe with
a tail, vine, etc."
21,4,9,"Slams the foe with
a tail, vine, etc."
21,5,9,"Slams the foe with a long
tail, vine, etc."
21,6,9,"Slams the foe with a long
tail, vine, etc."
21,7,9,"The foe is struck
with a long tail,
vines, etc."
21,8,9,"The foe is slammed
with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict
21,9,9,"The foe is slammed
with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict
21,10,9,"The foe is slammed
with a long tail,
vines, etc., to inflict
21,11,1,"The target is slammed with a long tail,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
vines, etc., to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
21,11,5,"Fouette l'ennemi avec la queue, une
liane, etc. pour infliger des dégâts."
22,3,9,"Whips the foe with
slender vines."
22,4,9,"Whips the foe with
slender vines."
22,5,9,"Strikes the foe with
slender, whiplike vines."
22,6,9,"Strikes the foe with
slender, whiplike vines."
22,7,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whip­
like vines."
22,8,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whiplike
vines to inflict
22,9,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whiplike
vines to inflict
22,10,9,"The foe is struck
with slender, whiplike
vines to inflict
22,11,1,"The target is struck with slender,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
whiplike vines to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
22,11,5,"Fouette l'ennemi avec de fines lianes
pour infliger des dégâts."
23,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
23,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
23,5,9,"Stomps the enemy with a big
foot. May cause flinching."
23,6,9,"Stomps the enemy with a big
foot. May cause flinching."
23,7,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may make the
foe flinch."
23,8,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may also make the
target flinch.
23,9,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may also make the
target flinch.
23,10,9,"The foe is stomped
with a big foot.
It may also make the
target flinch.
23,11,1,"The target is stomped with a big foot.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
23,11,5,"Écrase l'ennemi avec un énorme pied.
Peut aussi l'apeurer."
24,3,9,"A double kicking
24,4,9,"A double kicking
24,5,9,"A double-kicking attack
that strikes the foe twice."
24,6,9,"A double-kicking attack
that strikes the foe twice."
24,7,9,"Two legs are used
to quickly kick the
foe twice in one
24,8,9,"The foe is quickly
kicked twice in
succession using both
24,9,9,"The foe is quickly
kicked twice in
succession using both
24,10,9,"The foe is quickly
kicked twice in
succession using both
24,11,1,"The target is quickly kicked twice in
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
succession using both feet."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
24,11,5,"Deux coups de pied qui frappent l'ennemi
deux fois d'affilée."
25,3,9,"A powerful kicking
25,4,9,"A powerful kicking
25,5,9,"An extremely powerful kick
with intense force."
25,6,9,"An extremely powerful kick
with intense force."
25,7,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick fired
with muscle-packed
25,8,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick launched
with muscle-packed
25,9,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick launched
with muscle-packed
25,10,9,"The foe is attacked
by a kick launched
with muscle-packed
25,11,1,"The target is attacked by a kick launched
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with muscle-packed power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
25,11,5,"Un coup de pied superpuissant
et intense qui frappe l'ennemi."
26,3,9,"May miss, damaging
the user."
26,4,9,"May miss, damaging
the user."
26,5,9,"A strong jumping kick. May
miss and hurt the kicker."
26,6,9,"A strong jumping kick. May
miss and hurt the kicker."
26,7,9,"The user jumps up
high, then kicks.
If it misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,8,9,"The user jumps up
high, then strikes
with a kick. If the
kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,9,9,"The user jumps up
high, then strikes
with a kick. If the
kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,10,9,"The user jumps up
high, then strikes
with a kick. If the
kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
26,11,1,"The user jumps up high, then strikes
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with a kick. If the kick misses, the
user hurts itself."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
26,11,5,"Le lanceur s'envole pour décocher
un coup de pied sauté. S'il échoue,
le lanceur se blesse."
27,3,9,"A fast, spinning
27,4,9,"A fast, spinning
27,5,9,"A fast kick delivered from
a rapid spin."
27,6,9,"A fast kick delivered from
a rapid spin."
27,7,9,"A quick kick from a
rolling spin.
It may make the
foe flinch."
27,8,9,"The user cuts a
quick spin and lashes
out with a sharp
27,9,9,"The user cuts a
quick spin and lashes
out with a sharp
27,10,9,"The user lashes
out with a quick,
spinning kick. It
may also make the
target flinch."
27,11,1,"The user lashes out with a quick, spinning
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
kick. It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
27,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue un coup de pied
tournoyant et extrêmement rapide.
Peut apeurer l'ennemi."
28,3,9,"Reduces accuracy
by throwing sand."
28,4,9,"Reduces accuracy
by throwing sand."
28,5,9,"Reduces the foes accuracy
by hurling sand in its face."
28,6,9,"Reduces the foes accuracy
by hurling sand in its face."
28,7,9,"A lot of sand is
hurled in the foes
face, reducing its
28,8,9,"Sand is hurled in the
foes face, reducing
its accuracy.
28,9,9,"Sand is hurled in the
foes face, reducing
its accuracy.
28,10,9,"Sand is hurled in the
foes face, reducing
its accuracy.
28,11,1,"Sand is hurled in the targets face,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
reducing its accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
28,11,5,"Lance du sable au visage de l'ennemi
pour baisser sa Précision."
29,3,9,"An attack that may
make foe flinch."
29,4,9,"An attack that may
make foe flinch."
29,5,9,"A ramming attack that may
cause flinching."
29,6,9,"A ramming attack that may
cause flinching."
29,7,9,"The user sticks its
head out and rams.
It may make the
foe flinch."
29,8,9,"The user sticks its
head out and rams
straight forward.
It may make the
foe flinch."
29,9,9,"The user sticks its
head out and rams
straight forward.
It may make the
foe flinch."
29,10,9,"The user attacks with
its head. It may make
the foe flinch. To find
Pokémon, hit trees."
29,11,1,"The user sticks out its head and attacks
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by charging straight into the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
29,11,5,"Le lanceur donne un coup de tête.
Peut apeurer l'ennemi.
30,3,9,"An attack using a
horn to jab."
30,4,9,"An attack using a
horn to jab."
30,5,9,"Jabs the foe with sharp
30,6,9,"Jabs the foe with sharp
30,7,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage."
30,8,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage.
30,9,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage.
30,10,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed horn to
inflict damage.
30,11,1,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
pointed horn to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
30,11,5,"Frappe l'ennemi d'un coup de corne
pointue pour infliger des dégâts."
31,3,9,"Jabs the target
2-5 times."
31,4,9,"Jabs the target
2-5 times."
31,5,9,"Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times
with sharp horns, etc."
31,6,9,"Jabs the foe 2 to 5 times
with sharp horns, etc."
31,7,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times."
31,8,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times in a row.
31,9,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times in a row.
31,10,9,"The foe is jabbed
repeatedly with a
horn or beak two to
five times in a row.
31,11,1,"The target is jabbed repeatedly with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
horn or beak two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
31,11,5,"Frappe l'ennemi 2 à 5 fois d'affilée
avec un bec ou une corne."
32,3,9,"A one-hit KO,
drill attack."
32,4,9,"A one-hit KO,
drill attack."
32,5,9,"A one-hit KO attack that
uses a horn like a drill."
32,6,9,"A one-hit KO attack that
uses a horn like a drill."
32,7,9,"The horn is rotated
like a drill to ram.
The foe will faint
if it hits."
32,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a horn rotating
like a drill.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
32,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a horn rotating
like a drill.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
32,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a horn rotating
like a drill.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
32,11,1,"The user stabs the target with a horn
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that rotates like a drill.
If it hits, the target faints instantly."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
32,11,5,"Un coup de corne en vrille qui empale
l'ennemi, le mettant K.O. sur le coup
s'il est touché."
33,3,9,"A full-body charge
33,4,9,"A full-body charge
33,5,9,"Charges the foe with a full-
body tackle."
33,6,9,"Charges the foe with a full-
body tackle."
33,7,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges, full body,
into the foe."
33,8,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges and slams
into the foe with
its whole body."
33,9,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges and slams
into the foe with
its whole body."
33,10,9,"A physical attack
in which the user
charges and slams
into the foe with
its whole body."
33,11,1,"A physical attack in which the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
charges and slams into the target
with its whole body."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
33,11,5,"Le lanceur charge l'ennemi et
le percute de tout son corps."
34,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
34,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
34,5,9,"A full-body slam that may
cause paralysis."
34,6,9,"A full-body slam that may
cause paralysis."
34,7,9,"The user drops its
full body on the
foe. It may leave
the foe paralyzed."
34,8,9,"The user drops onto
the foe with its full
body weight.
It may leave the foe
34,9,9,"The user drops onto
the foe with its full
body weight.
It may leave the foe
34,10,9,"The user drops onto
the foe with its full
body weight.
It may leave the foe
34,11,1,"The user drops onto the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with its full body weight. It may also
leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
34,11,5,"Le lanceur se laisse tomber sur l'ennemi
de tout son poids. Peut le paralyser."
35,3,9,"Squeezes the foe
for 2-5 turns."
35,4,9,"Squeezes the foe
for 2-5 turns."
35,5,9,"Wraps and squeezes the foe
2 to 5 times with vines, etc."
35,6,9,"Wraps and squeezes the foe
2 to 5 times with vines, etc."
35,7,9,"A long body or
vines are used to
wrap the foe for
two to five turns."
35,8,9,"A long body or vines
are used to wrap and
squeeze the foe for
two to five turns.
35,9,9,"A long body or vines
are used to wrap and
squeeze the foe for
two to five turns.
35,10,9,"A long body or vines
are used to wrap and
squeeze the foe for
two to five turns.
35,11,1,"A long body or vines are used to wrap and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
squeeze the target for four to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
35,11,5,"Le lanceur ligote l'ennemi avec des
lianes ou son corps pour l'écraser
durant 4 à 5 tours."
36,3,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
36,4,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
36,5,9,"A reckless charge attack
that also hurts the user."
36,6,9,"A reckless charge attack
that also hurts the user."
36,7,9,"A reckless, full-
body charge attack
that also hurts the
user a little."
36,8,9,"A reckless, full-body
charge attack for
slamming into the foe.
It also damages the
user a little."
36,9,9,"A reckless, full-body
charge attack for
slamming into the foe.
It also damages the
user a little."
36,10,9,"A reckless, full-body
charge attack for
slamming into the foe.
It also damages the
user a little."
36,11,1,"A reckless, full-body charge attack for
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
slamming into the target.
It also damages the user a little."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
36,11,5,"Une charge violente qui blesse aussi
légèrement le lanceur."
37,3,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
37,4,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
37,5,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
37,6,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
37,7,9,"The user rampages
about for two to
three turns, then
becomes confused."
37,8,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes
confused, however."
37,9,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes
confused, however."
37,10,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
It then becomes
confused, however."
37,11,1,"The user rampages and attacks for two
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to three turns. It then becomes
confused, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
37,11,5,"Une attaque furieuse qui dure de 2 à 3
tours. Le lanceur devient confus."
38,3,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
38,4,9,"A tackle that also
hurts the user."
38,5,9,"A life-risking tackle that
also hurts the user."
38,6,9,"A life-risking tackle that
also hurts the user."
38,7,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle that
also hurts the user
a little."
38,8,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle.
It also damages the
user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,9,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle.
It also damages the
user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,10,9,"A reckless, life-
risking tackle.
It also damages the
user by a fairly large
amount, however."
38,11,1,"A reckless, life-risking tackle.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It also damages the user by a fairly large
amount, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
38,11,5,"Une dangereuse charge. Inflige aussi des
dégâts assez importants au lanceur."
39,3,9,"Lowers the foe's
39,4,9,"Lowers the foe's
39,5,9,"Wags the tail to lower the
foes DEFENSE."
39,6,9,"Wags the tail to lower the
foes DEFENSE."
39,7,9,"The user wags its
tail cutely, making
the foe lower its
DEFENSE stat."
39,8,9,"The user wags its tail
cutely, making the
foe less wary.
The targets Defense
stat is lowered."
39,9,9,"The user wags its tail
cutely, making the
foe less wary.
The targets Defense
stat is lowered."
39,10,9,"The user wags its tail
cutely, making the
foe less wary.
The targets Defense
stat is lowered."
39,11,1,"The user wags its tail cutely, making
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
opposing Pokémon less wary and
lowering their Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
39,11,5,"Le lanceur remue son adorable queue
pour tromper la vigilance de l'ennemi
et baisser sa Défense."
40,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the target."
40,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the target."
40,5,9,"A toxic attack with barbs,
etc., that may poison."
40,6,9,"A toxic attack with barbs,
etc., that may poison."
40,7,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a toxic barb,
etc. It may poison
the foe."
40,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a poisonous
barb of some sort.
It may also poison
the target."
40,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a poisonous
barb of some sort.
It may also poison
the target."
40,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a poisonous
barb of some sort.
It may also poison
the target."
40,11,1,"The user stabs the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with a poisonous stinger.
This may also poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
40,11,5,"Un dard toxique qui transperce l'ennemi.
Peut aussi l'empoisonner."
41,3,9,"Jabs the foe twice
using stingers."
41,4,9,"Jabs the foe twice
using stingers."
41,5,9,"Stingers on the forelegs
jab the foe twice."
41,6,9,"Stingers on the forelegs
jab the foe twice."
41,7,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice with foreleg
stingers. It may
poison the foe."
41,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice by a pair of
It may also poison
the target."
41,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice by a pair of
It may also poison
the target."
41,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
twice by a pair of
It may also poison
the target."
41,11,1,"The user damages the target twice in
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
succession by jabbing it with two spikes.
It may also poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
41,11,5,"Un double coup de dard qui
transperce l'ennemi 2 fois d'affilée.
Peut aussi l'empoisonner."
42,3,9,"Fires pins that
strike 2-5 times."
42,4,9,"Fires pins that
strike 2-5 times."
42,5,9,"Sharp pins are fired to
strike 2 to 5 times."
42,6,9,"Sharp pins are fired to
strike 2 to 5 times."
42,7,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe and hit
two to five times
at once."
42,8,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe in rapid
They hit two to five
times in a row."
42,9,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe in rapid
They hit two to five
times in a row."
42,10,9,"Sharp pins are shot
at the foe in rapid
They hit two to five
times in a row."
42,11,1,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
42,11,5,"Envoie une rafale de dards.
Peut toucher de 2 à 5 fois."
43,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
43,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
43,5,9,"Frightens the foe with a
leer to lower DEFENSE."
43,6,9,"Frightens the foe with a
leer to lower DEFENSE."
43,7,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating look
that lowers its
DEFENSE stat."
43,8,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating leer with
sharp eyes.
The targets Defense
stat is reduced."
43,9,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating leer with
sharp eyes.
The targets Defense
stat is reduced."
43,10,9,"The foe is given an
intimidating leer with
sharp eyes.
The targets Defense
stat is reduced."
43,11,1,"The opposing team gains an intimidating
leer with sharp eyes. The opposing teams
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Defense stats are reduced."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
43,11,5,"Le lanceur fait les gros yeux à l'ennemi
pour l'intimider et baisser sa Défense."
44,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
44,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
44,5,9,"Bites with vicious fangs.
May cause flinching."
44,6,9,"Bites with vicious fangs.
May cause flinching."
44,7,9,"The user bites with
vicious fangs.
It may make the
foe flinch."
44,8,9,"The foe is bitten with
viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the
target flinch.
44,9,9,"The foe is bitten with
viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the
target flinch.
44,10,9,"The foe is bitten with
viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the
target flinch.
44,11,1,"The target is bitten
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with viciously sharp fangs.
It may make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
44,11,5,"L'ennemi est mordu par de tranchantes
canines. Peut l'apeurer."
45,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
45,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
45,5,9,"Growls cutely to reduce the
foes ATTACK."
45,6,9,"Growls cutely to reduce the
foes ATTACK."
45,7,9,"The user growls in
a cute way, making
the foe lower its
ATTACK stat."
45,8,9,"The user growls in an
endearing way, making
the foe less wary.
The targets Attack
stat is lowered."
45,9,9,"The user growls in an
endearing way, making
the foe less wary.
The targets Attack
stat is lowered."
45,10,9,"The user growls in an
endearing way, making
the foe less wary.
The targets Attack
stat is lowered."
45,11,1,"The user growls in an endearing way,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
making the opposing team less wary.
The foes Attack stats are lowered."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
45,11,5,"Le lanceur pousse un cri tout mimi
pour tromper la vigilance de l'ennemi
et baisser son Attaque."
46,3,9,"Scares wild foes
to end battle."
46,4,9,"Scares wild foes
to end battle."
46,5,9,"Makes the foe flee to end
the battle."
46,6,9,"Makes the foe flee to end
the battle."
46,7,9,"The foe is made to
switch out with an
ally. In the wild,
the battle ends."
46,8,9,"The foe is scared off,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon in
its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,9,9,"The foe is scared off,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon in
its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,10,9,"The foe is scared off,
to be replaced by
another Pokémon in
its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
46,11,1,"The target is scared off and replaced by
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
another Pokémon in its party. In the
wild, the battle ends."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
46,11,5,"Effraie le Pokémon ennemi et
le remplace par un autre. Dans
la nature, met fin au combat."
47,3,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
47,4,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
47,5,9,"A soothing song lulls the
foe into a deep slumber."
47,6,9,"A soothing song lulls the
foe into a deep slumber."
47,7,9,"A soothing song
in a calming voice
lulls the foe into
a deep slumber."
47,8,9,"A soothing lullaby is
sung in a calming
voice that puts the
foe into a deep
47,9,9,"A soothing lullaby is
sung in a calming
voice that puts the
foe into a deep
47,10,9,"A soothing lullaby is
sung in a calming
voice that puts the
foe into a deep
47,11,1,"A soothing lullaby is sung in a calming
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
voice that puts the target into a deep
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
47,11,5,"Une berceuse plonge l'ennemi
dans un profond sommeil."
48,3,9,"Sound waves that
cause confusion."
48,4,9,"Sound waves that
cause confusion."
48,5,9,"Emits bizarre sound waves
that may confuse the foe."
48,6,9,"Emits bizarre sound waves
that may confuse the foe."
48,7,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves.
It may confuse the
48,8,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves from
its body.
It may confuse the
48,9,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves from
its body.
It may confuse the
48,10,9,"The user generates
odd sound waves from
its body.
It may confuse the
48,11,1,"The user generates odd sound waves from
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its body. It may confuse the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
48,11,5,"Le lanceur produit d'étranges ondes
sonores qui rendent confus."
49,3,9,"Always inflicts
20HP damage."
49,4,9,"Always inflicts
20HP damage."
49,5,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 20 HP damage."
49,6,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 20 HP damage."
49,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a shock wave that
always inflicts 20-
HP damage."
49,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
destructive shock
wave that always
inflicts 20 HP damage.
49,9,9,"The foe is hit with a
destructive shock
wave that always
inflicts 20 HP damage.
49,10,9,"The foe is hit with a
destructive shock
wave that always
inflicts 20 HP damage.
49,11,1,"The target is hit with a destructive shock
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
wave that always inflicts 20 HP damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
49,11,5,"Une onde de choc destructrice qui
inflige toujours 20 PV de dégâts."
50,3,9,"Disables the foe's
most recent move."
50,4,9,"Disables the foe's
most recent move."
50,5,9,"Psychically disables one of
the foes moves."
50,6,9,"Psychically disables one of
the foes moves."
50,7,9,"For a few turns,
it prevents the foe
from using the move
it last used."
50,8,9,"For several turns,
this move prevents
the foe from using
the move it last
50,9,9,"For several turns,
this move prevents
the foe from using
the move it last
50,10,9,"For several turns,
this move prevents
the foe from using
the move it last
50,11,1,"For four turns, this move prevents the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target from using the move it last used."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
50,11,5,"Empêche l'ennemi d'employer à nouveau
sa dernière attaque. Dure quatre tours."
51,3,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
51,4,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
51,5,9,"Sprays a hide-melting acid.
May lower DEFENSE."
51,6,9,"Sprays a hide-melting acid.
May lower DEFENSE."
51,7,9,"The foe is sprayed
with a harsh, hide-
melting acid that
may lower DEFENSE."
51,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a spray of harsh
acid. It may also
lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
51,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a spray of harsh
acid. It may also
lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
51,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a spray of harsh
acid. It may also
lower the targets
Sp. Def stat."
51,11,1,"The opposing team is attacked with a spray
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of harsh acid. The acid may also lower
the targets Sp. Def stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
51,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l'ennemi avec un jet
d'acide corrosif. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
52,3,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,4,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,5,9,"A weak fire attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,6,9,"A weak fire attack that may
inflict a burn."
52,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The foe may suffer
a burn."
52,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The target may also
be left with a burn.
52,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The target may also
be left with a burn.
52,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with small flames.
The target may also
be left with a burn.
52,11,1,"The target is attacked with small flames.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
52,11,5,"L'ennemi est attaqué par de faibles
flammes. Peut aussi le brûler."
53,3,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
53,4,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
53,5,9,"A powerful fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
53,6,9,"A powerful fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
53,7,9,"The foe is scorched
with intense flames.
The foe may suffer
a burn."
53,8,9,"The foe is scorched
with an intense blast
of fire. The target
may also be left with
a burn."
53,9,9,"The foe is scorched
with an intense blast
of fire. The target
may also be left with
a burn."
53,10,9,"The foe is scorched
with an intense blast
of fire. The target
may also be left with
a burn."
53,11,1,"The target is scorched with an intense
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
blast of fire. It may also leave the target
with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
53,11,5,"L'ennemi reçoit un torrent de flammes.
Peut aussi le brûler."
54,3,9,"Prevents stat
54,4,9,"Prevents stat
54,5,9,"Creates a mist that stops
reduction of abilities."
54,6,9,"Creates a mist that stops
reduction of abilities."
54,7,9,"The ally party is
protected by a
mist that prevents
stat reductions."
54,8,9,"The user cloaks its
body with a white mist
that prevents any of
its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,9,9,"The user cloaks its
body with a white mist
that prevents any of
its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,10,9,"The user cloaks its
body with a white mist
that prevents any of
its stats from being
cut for five turns."
54,11,1,"The user cloaks its body with a white mist
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that prevents any of its stats from being
cut for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
54,11,5,"Une brume blanche enveloppe l'équipe
du lanceur et empêche la réduction
des stats pour 5 tours."
55,3,9,"Squirts water to
55,4,9,"Squirts water to
55,5,9,"Squirts water to attack
the foe."
55,6,9,"Squirts water to attack
the foe."
55,7,9,"The foe is struck
with a lot of water
expelled forcibly
from the mouth."
55,8,9,"The foe is blasted
with a forceful shot
of water.
55,9,9,"The foe is blasted
with a forceful shot
of water.
55,10,9,"The foe is blasted
with a forceful shot
of water.
55,11,1,"The target is blasted with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
forceful shot of water."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
55,11,5,"De l'eau est projetée sur l'ennemi
en arc de cercle."
56,3,9,"A powerful water-
type attack."
56,4,9,"A powerful water-
type attack."
56,5,9,"Blasts water at high power
to strike the foe."
56,6,9,"Blasts water at high power
to strike the foe."
56,7,9,"A high volume of
water is blasted at
the foe under great
56,8,9,"The foe is blasted by
a huge volume of
water launched under
great pressure.
56,9,9,"The foe is blasted by
a huge volume of
water launched under
great pressure.
56,10,9,"The foe is blasted by
a huge volume of
water launched under
great pressure.
56,11,1,"The target is blasted by a huge volume
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of water launched under great pressure."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
56,11,5,"Un puissant jet d'eau est
dirigé sur l'ennemi."
57,3,9,"A strong water-
type attack."
57,4,9,"A strong water-
type attack."
57,5,9,"Creates a huge wave, then
crashes it down on the foe."
57,6,9,"Creates a huge wave, then
crashes it down on the foe."
57,7,9,"A big wave crashes
down on the foe.
Can also be used
for crossing water."
57,8,9,"It swamps the entire
battlefield with a
giant wave.
It can also be used
for crossing water."
57,9,9,"It swamps the entire
battlefield with a
giant wave.
It can also be used
for crossing water."
57,10,9,"It swamps the entire
battlefield with a
giant wave.
It can also be used
for crossing water."
57,11,1,"It swamps the area around the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with a giant wave.
It can also be used for crossing water."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
57,11,5,"Une énorme vague s'abat sur le
champ de bataille. Permet aussi
de voyager sur l'eau."
58,3,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
58,4,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
58,5,9,"Blasts the foe with an icy
beam that may freeze it."
58,6,9,"Blasts the foe with an icy
beam that may freeze it."
58,7,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy beam.
It may freeze the
foe solid."
58,8,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
58,9,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
58,10,9,"The foe is struck
with an icy-cold
beam of energy.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
58,11,1,"The target is struck with an icy-cold
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
beam of energy.
It may also freeze the target solid."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
58,11,5,"Un rayon de glace frappe l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
59,3,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
59,4,9,"An attack that may
freeze the foe."
59,5,9,"Hits the foe with an icy
storm that may freeze it."
59,6,9,"Hits the foe with an icy
storm that may freeze it."
59,7,9,"The foe is blasted
with a blizzard.
It may freeze the
foe solid."
59,8,9,"A howling blizzard is
summoned to strike
the foe.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
59,9,9,"A howling blizzard is
summoned to strike
the foe.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
59,10,9,"A howling blizzard is
summoned to strike
the foe.
It may also freeze
the target solid."
59,11,1,"A howling blizzard is summoned to strike
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the opposing team. It may also freeze
them solid."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
59,11,5,"Une violente tempête de neige
est déclenchée sur l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le geler."
60,3,9,"An attack that may
confuse the foe."
60,4,9,"An attack that may
confuse the foe."
60,5,9,"Fires a peculiar ray that
may confuse the foe."
60,6,9,"Fires a peculiar ray that
may confuse the foe."
60,7,9,"A peculiar ray is
shot at the foe.
It may leave the
foe confused."
60,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a peculiar ray.
It may also leave the
target confused.
60,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a peculiar ray.
It may also leave the
target confused.
60,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a peculiar ray.
It may also leave the
target confused.
60,11,1,"The target is attacked with a peculiar ray.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also cause confusion."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
60,11,5,"Un étrange rayon frappe l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le rendre confus."
61,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
61,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
61,5,9,"Forcefully sprays bubbles
that may lower SPEED."
61,6,9,"Forcefully sprays bubbles
that may lower SPEED."
61,7,9,"A spray of bubbles
strikes the foe.
It may lower the
foes SPEED stat."
61,8,9,"A spray of bubbles is
forcefully ejected
at the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Speed stat."
61,9,9,"A spray of bubbles is
forcefully ejected
at the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Speed stat."
61,10,9,"A spray of bubbles is
forcefully ejected
at the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Speed stat."
61,11,1,"A spray of bubbles is forcefully ejected
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the opposing team. It may also lower
their Speed stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
61,11,5,"Des bulles sont envoyées avec
puissance sur l'ennemi. Peut
aussi baisser sa Vitesse."
62,3,9,"An attack that may
lower ATTACK."
62,4,9,"An attack that may
lower ATTACK."
62,5,9,"Fires a rainbow-colored
beam that may lower ATTACK."
62,6,9,"Fires a rainbow-colored
beam that may lower ATTACK."
62,7,9,"A rainbow-colored
attack beam.
It may lower the
foes ATTACK stat."
62,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
rainbow-colored beam.
It may also lower the
targets Attack
62,9,9,"The foe is hit with a
rainbow-colored beam.
It may also lower the
targets Attack
62,10,9,"The foe is hit with a
rainbow-colored beam.
It may also lower the
targets Attack
62,11,1,"The target is hit with a rainbow-colored
beam. This may also lower the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
62,11,5,"Envoie un rayon arc-en-ciel sur l'ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser son Attaque."
63,3,9,"1st turn: Attack
2nd turn: Rest"
63,4,9,"1st turn: Attack
2nd turn: Rest"
63,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
63,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
63,7,9,"A severely damaging
attack that makes
the user rest on
the next turn."
63,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a powerful beam.
The user must rest
on the next turn to
regain its energy."
63,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a powerful beam.
The user must rest
on the next turn to
regain its energy."
63,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a powerful beam.
The user must rest
on the next turn to
regain its energy."
63,11,1,"The target is attacked with a powerful
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
beam. The user must rest on the next
turn to regain its energy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
63,11,5,"Projette un puissant rayon sur l'ennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer
au tour suivant."
64,3,9,"Jabs the foe with
a beak, etc."
64,4,9,"Jabs the foe with
a beak, etc."
64,5,9,"Attacks the foe with a
jabbing beak, etc."
64,6,9,"Attacks the foe with a
jabbing beak, etc."
64,7,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,8,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,9,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,10,9,"The foe is jabbed
with a sharply
pointed beak or
64,11,1,"The target is jabbed with a sharply
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
pointed beak or horn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
64,11,5,"Frappe l'ennemi d'un bec pointu ou
d'une corne pour infliger des dégâts."
65,3,9,"A strong, spin­
ning-peck attack."
65,4,9,"A strong, spin­
ning-peck attack."
65,5,9,"A corkscrewing attack with
the beak acting as a drill."
65,6,9,"A corkscrewing attack with
the beak acting as a drill."
65,7,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill."
65,8,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill.
65,9,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill.
65,10,9,"A corkscrewing
attack with the
sharp beak acting
as a drill.
65,11,1,"A corkscrewing attack with the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sharp beak acting as a drill."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
65,11,5,"Une attaque utilisant le bec
comme une perceuse."
66,3,9,"An attack that al­
so hurts the user."
66,4,9,"An attack that al­
so hurts the user."
66,5,9,"A reckless body slam that
also hurts the user."
66,6,9,"A reckless body slam that
also hurts the user."
66,7,9,"A reckless, full-
body throw attack
that also hurts the
user a little."
66,8,9,"The user grabs the
foe and recklessly
dives for the ground.
It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,9,9,"The user grabs the
foe and recklessly
dives for the ground.
It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,10,9,"The user grabs the
foe and recklessly
dives for the ground.
It also hurts the
user slightly."
66,11,1,"The user grabs the target and recklessly
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
dives for the ground. It also hurts the
user slightly."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
66,11,5,"Le lanceur agrippe l'ennemi et
l'écrase au sol. Blesse aussi
légèrement le lanceur."
67,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
67,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
67,5,9,"A kick that inflicts more
damage on heavier foes."
67,6,9,"A kick that inflicts more
damage on heavier foes."
67,7,9,"A low, tripping kick
that inflicts more
damage on heavier
67,8,9,"A powerful low kick
that makes the foe
fall over. It inflicts
greater damage on
heavier foes."
67,9,9,"A powerful low kick
that makes the foe
fall over. It inflicts
greater damage on
heavier foes."
67,10,9,"A powerful low kick
that makes the foe
fall over. It inflicts
greater damage on
heavier foes."
67,11,1,"A powerful low kick that makes the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
fall over. It inflicts greater damage on
heavier targets."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
67,11,5,"Un puissant coup de pied bas qui fauche
l'ennemi. Il est plus efficace contre
les ennemis lourds."
68,3,9,"Returns a physical
blow double."
68,4,9,"Returns a physical
blow double."
68,5,9,"Retaliates any physical hit
with double the power."
68,6,9,"Retaliates any physical hit
with double the power."
68,7,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical hit with
double the damage."
68,8,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,9,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,10,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
physical attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
68,11,1,"A retaliation move that counters any
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
physical attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
68,11,5,"Une riposte qui répond à toute
attaque physique en infligeant
le double de dégâts."
69,3,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
69,4,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
69,5,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the users level."
69,6,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the users level."
69,7,9,"A gravity-fed throw
that causes damage
matching the users
69,8,9,"The foe is thrown
using the power of
gravity. It inflicts
damage equal to
the users level."
69,9,9,"The foe is thrown
using the power of
gravity. It inflicts
damage equal to
the users level."
69,10,9,"The foe is thrown
using the power of
gravity. It inflicts
damage equal to
the users level."
69,11,1,"The target is thrown using the power of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
gravity. It inflicts damage equal to
the users level."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
69,11,5,"L'ennemi est projeté grâce au pouvoir de
la gravité. Inflige des dégâts équivalents
au niveau du lanceur."
70,3,9,"A powerful physi­
cal attack."
70,4,9,"A powerful physi­
cal attack."
70,5,9,"Builds enormous power,
then slams the foe."
70,6,9,"Builds enormous power,
then slams the foe."
70,7,9,"The foe is slugged
at maximum power.
Can also be used
to move boulders."
70,8,9,"The foe is slugged
with a punch thrown
at maximum power.
It can also be used
to move boulders."
70,9,9,"The foe is slugged
with a punch thrown
at maximum power.
It can also be used
to move boulders."
70,10,9,"The foe is slugged
with a punch thrown
at maximum power.
It can also be used
to move boulders."
70,11,1,"The target is slugged with a punch thrown
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at maximum power. It can also be used
to move heavy boulders."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
70,11,5,"Le lanceur cogne l'ennemi de toutes
ses forces. Permet aussi de déplacer
des rochers."
71,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
71,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
71,5,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
71,6,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
71,7,9,"An attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
71,8,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
71,9,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
71,10,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
71,11,1,"A nutrient-draining attack. The users
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
71,11,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié
des dégâts infligés en PV."
72,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
72,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
72,5,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
72,6,9,"An attack that absorbs
half the damage inflicted."
72,7,9,"A tough attack that
drains half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
72,8,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
72,9,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
72,10,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
72,11,1,"A nutrient-draining attack. The users
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
72,11,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié
des dégâts infligés en PV."
73,3,9,"Steals HP from the
foe on every turn."
73,4,9,"Steals HP from the
foe on every turn."
73,5,9,"Plants a seed on the foe to
steal HP on every turn."
73,6,9,"Plants a seed on the foe to
steal HP on every turn."
73,7,9,"A seed is planted
on the foe to steal
some HP for the
user on every turn."
73,8,9,"A seed is planted on
the foe. It steals
some HP from the foe
to heal the user on
every turn."
73,9,9,"A seed is planted on
the foe. It steals
some HP from the foe
to heal the user on
every turn."
73,10,9,"A seed is planted on
the foe. It steals
some HP from the foe
to heal the user on
every turn."
73,11,1,"A seed is planted on the target. It steals
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
some HP from the target every turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
73,11,5,"Une graine est semée sur l'ennemi.
À chaque tour, elle lui dérobe des PV
que le lanceur récupère."
74,3,9,"Raises the SPCL.
ATK rating."
74,4,9,"Raises the SPCL.
ATK rating."
74,5,9,"Forces the body to grow
and heightens SP. ATK."
74,6,9,"Forces the body to grow
and heightens SP. ATK."
74,7,9,"The users body is
forced to grow,
raising the SP.
ATK stat."
74,8,9,"The users body is
forced to grow all at
once. It raises the
Sp. Atk stat.
74,9,9,"The users body is
forced to grow all at
once. It raises the
Sp. Atk stat.
74,10,9,"The users body is
forced to grow all at
once. It raises the
Sp. Atk stat.
74,11,1,"The users body grows all at once,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
74,11,5,"Le corps du lanceur se développe.
Augmente l'Attaque et l'Attaque Spéciale."
75,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
75,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
75,5,9,"Cuts the enemy with leaves.
High critical-hit ratio."
75,6,9,"Cuts the enemy with leaves.
High critical-hit ratio."
75,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a cutting leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
75,8,9,"A sharp-edged leaf is
launched to slash at
the foe. It has a
high critical-hit
75,9,9,"Sharp-edged leaves
are launched to slash
at the foe. It has a
high critical-hit
75,10,9,"Sharp-edged leaves
are launched to slash
at the foe. It has a
high critical-hit
75,11,1,"Sharp-edged leaves are launched
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to slash at the opposing team.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
75,11,5,"Des feuilles aiguisées comme des
rasoirs entaillent l'ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
76,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
76,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
76,5,9,"Absorbs light in one turn,
then attacks next turn."
76,6,9,"Absorbs light in one turn,
then attacks next turn."
76,7,9,"A 2-turn move that
blasts the foe with
absorbed energy in
the 2nd turn."
76,8,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user gathers
light, then blasts a
bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,9,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user gathers
light, then blasts a
bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,10,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user gathers
light, then blasts a
bundled beam on the
second turn."
76,11,1,"A two-turn attack. The user gathers
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
light, then blasts a bundled beam on the
second turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
76,11,5,"Absorbe la lumière au premier tour
et envoie un rayon puissant au
tour suivant."
77,3,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
77,4,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
77,5,9,"Scatters a toxic powder
that may poison the foe."
77,6,9,"Scatters a toxic powder
that may poison the foe."
77,7,9,"A cloud of toxic
dust is scattered.
It may poison the
77,8,9,"A cloud of poisonous
dust is scattered on
the foe.
It may poison the
77,9,9,"A cloud of poisonous
dust is scattered on
the foe.
It may poison the
77,10,9,"A cloud of poisonous
dust is scattered on
the foe.
It may poison the
77,11,1,"The user scatters a cloud of poisonous
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
dust on the target. It may poison
the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
77,11,5,Une poudre toxique empoisonne l'ennemi.
78,3,9,"A move that may
paralyze the foe."
78,4,9,"A move that may
paralyze the foe."
78,5,9,"Scatters a powder that may
paralyze the foe."
78,6,9,"Scatters a powder that may
paralyze the foe."
78,7,9,"Paralyzing dust is
scattered wildly.
It may paralyze
the foe."
78,8,9,"The user scatters a
cloud of paralyzing
It may paralyze the
78,9,9,"The user scatters a
cloud of paralyzing
It may paralyze the
78,10,9,"The user scatters a
cloud of paralyzing
It may paralyze the
78,11,1,"The user scatters a cloud of paralyzing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
powder. It may leave the target
with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
78,11,5,"Le lanceur répand sur l'ennemi une
poudre qui le paralyse."
79,3,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
79,4,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
79,5,9,"Scatters a powder that may
cause the foe to sleep."
79,6,9,"Scatters a powder that may
cause the foe to sleep."
79,7,9,"A sleep-inducing
dust is scattered
in high volume
around a foe."
79,8,9,"The user scatters a
big cloud of sleep-
inducing dust around
the foe.
79,9,9,"The user scatters a
big cloud of sleep-
inducing dust around
the foe.
79,10,9,"The user scatters a
big cloud of sleep-
inducing dust around
the foe.
79,11,1,"The user scatters a big cloud
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of sleep-inducing dust
around the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
79,11,5,"Le lanceur répand une poudre
soporifique qui endort la cible."
80,3,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
80,4,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
80,5,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
80,6,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
80,7,9,"The user attacks
with petals for two
to three turns,
then gets confused."
80,8,9,"The user attacks by
scattering petals for
two to three turns.
The user then
becomes confused."
80,9,9,"The user attacks by
scattering petals for
two to three turns.
The user then
becomes confused."
80,10,9,"The user attacks by
scattering petals for
two to three turns.
The user then
becomes confused."
80,11,1,"The user attacks the target by scattering
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
petals for two to three turns.
The user then becomes confused."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
80,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant
des pétales pendant 2 à 3 tours
avant de céder à la confusion."
81,3,9,"A move that lowers
the foe's SPEED."
81,4,9,"A move that lowers
the foe's SPEED."
81,5,9,"Binds the foe with string
to reduce its SPEED."
81,6,9,"Binds the foe with string
to reduce its SPEED."
81,7,9,"The foe is bound
with strings shot
from the mouth to
reduce its SPEED."
81,8,9,"The foe is bound with
silk blown from the
users mouth.
It reduces the
targets Speed stat."
81,9,9,"The foe is bound with
silk blown from the
users mouth.
It reduces the
targets Speed stat."
81,10,9,"The foe is bound with
silk blown from the
users mouth.
It reduces the
targets Speed stat."
81,11,1,"The targets are bound with silk blown
from the users mouth. This silk reduces
the targets Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
81,11,5,"Le lanceur crache de la
soie pour ligoter l'ennemi
et baisser sa Vitesse."
82,3,9,"Always inflicts
40HP damage."
82,4,9,"Always inflicts
40HP damage."
82,5,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 40 HP damage."
82,6,9,"Launches shock waves that
always inflict 40 HP damage."
82,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a shock wave that
always inflicts 40-
HP damage."
82,8,9,"The foe is stricken
by a shock wave.
This attack always
inflicts 40 HP
82,9,9,"The foe is stricken
by a shock wave.
This attack always
inflicts 40 HP
82,10,9,"The foe is stricken
by a shock wave.
This attack always
inflicts 40 HP
82,11,1,"This attack hits the target with a shock
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
wave of pure rage. This attack always
inflicts 40 HP damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
82,11,5,"La colère du lanceur déclenche une onde
de choc destructrice qui inflige
toujours 40 PV de dégâts."
83,3,9,"Traps foe in fire
for 2-5 turns."
83,4,9,"Traps foe in fire
for 2-5 turns."
83,5,9,"Traps the foe in a ring of
fire for 2 to 5 turns."
83,6,9,"Traps the foe in a ring of
fire for 2 to 5 turns."
83,7,9,"The foe is trapped
in an intense spiral
of fire that rages
two to five turns."
83,8,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
83,9,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
83,10,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
fierce vortex of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
83,11,1,"The target becomes trapped within a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
fierce vortex of fire that rages for four
to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
83,11,5,"Un tourbillon de flammes emprisonne
l'ennemi pendant 4 à 5 tours."
84,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
84,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
84,5,9,"An electrical attack that
may paralyze the foe."
84,6,9,"An electrical attack that
may paralyze the foe."
84,7,9,"An electric shock
attack that may
also leave the foe
84,8,9,"A jolt of electricity
is hurled at the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
84,9,9,"A jolt of electricity
is hurled at the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
84,10,9,"A jolt of electricity
is hurled at the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
84,11,1,"A jolt of electricity is hurled
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
84,11,5,"Une décharge électrique tombe sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
85,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
85,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
85,5,9,"A strong electrical attack
that may paralyze the foe."
85,6,9,"A strong electrical attack
that may paralyze the foe."
85,7,9,"A strong electrical
attack that may
also leave the foe
85,8,9,"A strong electric
blast is loosed at
the foe.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
85,9,9,"A strong electric
blast is loosed at
the foe.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
85,10,9,"A strong electric
blast is loosed at
the foe.
It may also leave the
foe paralyzed."
85,11,1,"A strong electric blast is loosed at the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target. It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
85,11,5,"Une grosse décharge électrique tombe
sur l'ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
86,3,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
86,4,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
86,5,9,"A weak jolt of electricity
that paralyzes the foe."
86,6,9,"A weak jolt of electricity
that paralyzes the foe."
86,7,9,"A weak electric
shock that is sure
to cause paralysis
if it hits."
86,8,9,"A weak electric
charge is launched at
the foe.
It causes paralysis if
it hits."
86,9,9,"A weak electric
charge is launched at
the foe.
It causes paralysis if
it hits."
86,10,9,"A weak electric
charge is launched at
the foe.
It causes paralysis if
it hits."
86,11,1,"A weak electric charge is launched at
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target. It causes paralysis if it hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
86,11,5,"Un faible choc électrique frappe
l'ennemi. Si l'attaque touche,
celui-ci est paralysé."
87,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,5,9,"A lightning attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,6,9,"A lightning attack that may
cause paralysis."
87,7,9,"A brutal lightning
attack that may
also leave the foe
87,8,9,"A wicked thunderbolt
is dropped on the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
87,9,9,"A wicked thunderbolt
is dropped on the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
87,10,9,"A wicked thunderbolt
is dropped on the foe
to inflict damage.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
87,11,1,"A wicked thunderbolt is dropped
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
on the target to inflict damage. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
87,11,5,"La foudre tombe sur l'ennemi
pour lui infliger des dégâts.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
88,3,9,"Drops rocks on the
88,4,9,"Drops rocks on the
88,5,9,"Throws small rocks to
strike the foe."
88,6,9,"Throws small rocks to
strike the foe."
88,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shower of
small, easily
thrown rocks."
88,8,9,"The user picks up
and throws a small
rock at the foe to
88,9,9,"The user picks up
and throws a small
rock at the foe to
88,10,9,"The user picks up
and throws a small
rock at the foe to
88,11,1,"The user picks up and throws a small
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
rock at the target to attack."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
88,11,5,"Le lanceur lâche une
pierre sur l'ennemi."
89,3,9,"Tough but useless
vs. flying foes."
89,4,9,"Tough but useless
vs. flying foes."
89,5,9,"A powerful quake, but has
no effect on flying foes."
89,6,9,"A powerful quake, but has
no effect on flying foes."
89,7,9,"An earthquake that
strikes all POKéMON
in battle excluding
the user."
89,8,9,"The user sets off an
earthquake that hits
all the Pokémon in
the battle.
89,9,9,"The user sets off an
earthquake that hits
all the Pokémon in
the battle.
89,10,9,"The user sets off an
earthquake that hits
all the Pokémon in
the battle.
89,11,1,"The user sets off an earthquake that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
strikes those around it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
89,11,5,"Le lanceur provoque un tremblement
de terre touchant tous les Pokémon
autour de lui."
90,3,9,"A ground-type,
one-hit KO attack."
90,4,9,"A ground-type,
one-hit KO attack."
90,5,9,"A one-hit KO move that
drops the foe in a fissure."
90,6,9,"A one-hit KO move that
drops the foe in a fissure."
90,7,9,"The foe is dropped
into a fissure.
The foe faints if it
90,8,9,"The user opens up a
fissure in the ground
and drops the foe in.
The target instantly
faints if it hits."
90,9,9,"The user opens up a
fissure in the ground
and drops the foe in.
The target instantly
faints if it hits."
90,10,9,"The user opens up a
fissure in the ground
and drops the foe in.
The target instantly
faints if it hits."
90,11,1,"The user opens up a fissure in the ground
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and drops the target in.
The target instantly faints if it hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
90,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tomber l'ennemi dans une
crevasse. Si cette attaque réussit,
elle met K.O. sur le coup."
91,3,9,"1st turn: Burrow
2nd turn: Attack"
91,4,9,"1st turn: Burrow
2nd turn: Attack"
91,5,9,"Digs underground the first
turn and strikes next turn."
91,6,9,"Digs underground the first
turn and strikes next turn."
91,7,9,"An attack that hits
on the 2nd turn.
Can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,8,9,"The user burrows,
then attacks on the
second turn.
It can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,9,9,"The user burrows,
then attacks on the
second turn.
It can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,10,9,"The user burrows,
then attacks on the
second turn.
It can also be used
to exit dungeons."
91,11,1,"The user burrows, then attacks
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
on the second turn.
It can also be used to exit dungeons."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
91,11,5,"Le lanceur creuse au 1er tour et
frappe au 2è. Permet aussi de
s'échapper d'un donjon."
92,3,9,"A poison move with
increasing damage."
92,4,9,"A poison move with
increasing damage."
92,5,9,"Poisons the foe with an
intensifying toxin."
92,6,9,"Poisons the foe with an
intensifying toxin."
92,7,9,"A move that badly
poisons the foe.
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,8,9,"A move that leaves
the target badly
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,9,9,"A move that leaves
the target badly
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,10,9,"A move that leaves
the target badly
Its poison damage
worsens every turn."
92,11,1,"A move that leaves the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
badly poisoned.
Its poison damage worsens every turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
92,11,5,"Empoisonne gravement l'ennemi. Les dégâts
dus au poison augmentent à chaque tour."
93,3,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
93,4,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
93,5,9,"A psychic attack that may
cause confusion."
93,6,9,"A psychic attack that may
cause confusion."
93,7,9,"A weak telekinetic
attack that may
also leave the foe
93,8,9,"The foe is hit by a
weak telekinetic
force. It may also
leave the foe
93,9,9,"The foe is hit by a
weak telekinetic
force. It may also
leave the foe
93,10,9,"The foe is hit by a
weak telekinetic
force. It may also
leave the foe
93,11,1,"The target is hit by a weak telekinetic
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
force. It may also leave the
target confused."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
93,11,5,"Une faible vague télékinésique
frappe l'ennemi. Peut aussi le
plonger dans la confusion."
94,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
94,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
94,5,9,"A powerful psychic attack
that may lower SP. DEF."
94,6,9,"A powerful psychic attack
that may lower SP. DEF."
94,7,9,"A strong telekinetic
attack. It may also
lower the foes
SP. DEF stat."
94,8,9,"The foe is hit by a
strong telekinetic
force. It may also
reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
94,9,9,"The foe is hit by a
strong telekinetic
force. It may also
reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
94,10,9,"The foe is hit by a
strong telekinetic
force. It may also
reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
94,11,1,"The target is hit by a strong telekinetic
force. It may also reduce the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
94,11,5,"Une puissante force télékinésique
frappe l'ennemi. Peut aussi faire
baisser sa Défense Spéciale."
95,3,9,"May put the foe to
95,4,9,"May put the foe to
95,5,9,"A hypnotizing move that
may induce sleep."
95,6,9,"A hypnotizing move that
may induce sleep."
95,7,9,"Hypnotic suggestion
is used to make the
foe fall into a
deep sleep."
95,8,9,"The user employs
hypnotic suggestion
to make the target
fall into a deep
95,9,9,"The user employs
hypnotic suggestion
to make the target
fall into a deep
95,10,9,"The user employs
hypnotic suggestion
to make the target
fall into a deep
95,11,1,"The user employs hypnotic suggestion
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to make the target fall into a deep sleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
95,11,5,"Le lanceur hypnotise l'ennemi pour le
plonger dans un profond sommeil."
96,3,9,"Raises the user's
96,4,9,"Raises the user's
96,5,9,"Meditates in a peaceful
fashion to raise ATTACK."
96,6,9,"Meditates in a peaceful
fashion to raise ATTACK."
96,7,9,"The user meditates
to awaken its power
and raise its
ATTACK stat."
96,8,9,"The user meditates
to awaken the power
deep within its body
and raise its Attack
96,9,9,"The user meditates
to awaken the power
deep within its body
and raise its Attack
96,10,9,"The user meditates
to awaken the power
deep within its body
and raise its Attack
96,11,1,"The user meditates to awaken the power
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
deep within its body and raise its
Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
96,11,5,"Le lanceur médite pour éveiller son
pouvoir latent et augmenter son Attaque."
97,3,9,"Sharply increases
the user's SPEED."
97,4,9,"Sharply increases
the user's SPEED."
97,5,9,"Relaxes the body to sharply
boost SPEED."
97,6,9,"Relaxes the body to sharply
boost SPEED."
97,7,9,"The user relaxes
and lightens its
body to sharply
boost its SPEED."
97,8,9,"The user relaxes and
lightens its body to
move faster.
It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,9,9,"The user relaxes and
lightens its body to
move faster.
It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,10,9,"The user relaxes and
lightens its body to
move faster.
It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
97,11,1,"The user relaxes and lightens its body to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
move faster. It sharply boosts
the Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
97,11,5,"Le lanceur se relaxe et allège son corps
pour augmenter considérablement
sa Vitesse."
98,3,9,"Lets the user get
in the first hit."
98,4,9,"Lets the user get
in the first hit."
98,5,9,"An extremely fast attack
that always strikes first."
98,6,9,"An extremely fast attack
that always strikes first."
98,7,9,"An almost invisibly
fast attack that
is certain to strike
98,8,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,9,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,10,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
98,11,1,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that makes it almost invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
98,11,5,"Le lanceur fonce sur l'ennemi si rapidement
qu'on parvient à peine à le discerner.
Frappe en premier."
99,3,9,"Raises ATTACK if
the user is hit."
99,4,9,"Raises ATTACK if
the user is hit."
99,5,9,"Raises the users ATTACK
every time it is hit."
99,6,9,"Raises the users ATTACK
every time it is hit."
99,7,9,"An attack that
becomes stronger
each time the user
is hit in battle."
99,8,9,"While this move is in
use, it gains attack
power each time the
user is hit in battle.
99,9,9,"While this move is in
use, it gains attack
power each time the
user is hit in battle.
99,10,9,"While this move is in
use, it gains attack
power each time the
user is hit in battle.
99,11,1,"As long as this move is in use, the power
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of rage raises the Attack stat each
time the user is hit in battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
99,11,5,"Une fois activée, cette capacité augmente
l'Attaque du lanceur à mesure que celui-ci
subit des attaques."
100,3,9,"A move for fleeing
from battle."
100,4,9,"A move for fleeing
from battle."
100,5,9,"A psychic move for fleeing
from battle instantly."
100,6,9,"A psychic move for fleeing
from battle instantly."
100,7,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild POKéMON.
Also warps to the
last POKé CENTER."
100,8,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild Pokémon.
It may also be used
to warp to the last
Poké Center visited."
100,9,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild Pokémon.
It may also be used
to warp to the last
Poké Center visited."
100,10,9,"Use it to flee from
any wild Pokémon.
It can also warp to
the last Pokémon
Center visited."
100,11,1,"Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It can also warp to the last Pokémon
Center visited."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
100,11,5,"Permet de fuir un Pokémon sauvage.
Permet aussi de revenir au dernier
Centre Pokémon visité."
101,3,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
101,4,9,"The user's level
equals damage HP."
101,5,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the users level."
101,6,9,"Inflicts damage identical
to the users level."
101,7,9,"An attack with a
mirage that inflicts
damage matching
the users level."
101,8,9,"The user makes the
foe see a mirage.
It inflicts damage
matching the users
101,9,9,"The user makes the
foe see a mirage.
It inflicts damage
matching the users
101,10,9,"The user makes the
foe see a mirage.
It inflicts damage
matching the users
101,11,1,"The user makes the target see a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
frightening mirage. It inflicts damage
matching the users level."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
101,11,5,"Le lanceur invoque un mirage. Inflige des
dégâts équivalents au niveau du lanceur."
102,3,9,"Copies a move used
by the foe."
102,4,9,"Copies a move used
by the foe."
102,5,9,"Copies a move used by the
foe during one battle."
102,6,9,"Copies a move used by the
foe during one battle."
102,7,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe for the
rest of the battle."
102,8,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe. The move can
be used for the rest
of the battle."
102,9,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe. The move can
be used for the rest
of the battle."
102,10,9,"The user copies the
move last used by
the foe. The move can
be used for the rest
of the battle."
102,11,1,"The user copies the targets last move.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The move can be used during battle
until the Pokémon is switched out."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
102,11,5,"Le lanceur copie la dernière capacité
utilisée par la cible et la conserve
tant qu'il reste au combat."
103,3,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's DEFENSE."
103,4,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's DEFENSE."
103,5,9,"Emits a screech to sharply
reduce the foes DEFENSE."
103,6,9,"Emits a screech to sharply
reduce the foes DEFENSE."
103,7,9,"An ear-splitting
screech is emitted
to sharply reduce
the foes DEFENSE."
103,8,9,"An earsplitting
screech is emitted to
sharply reduce the
foes Defense stat.
103,9,9,"An earsplitting
screech is emitted to
sharply reduce the
foes Defense stat.
103,10,9,"An earsplitting
screech is emitted to
sharply reduce the
foes Defense stat.
103,11,1,"An earsplitting screech harshly reduces
the targets Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
103,11,5,"Cri strident qui baisse beaucoup
la Défense ennemie."
104,3,9,"Heightens evasive­
104,4,9,"Heightens evasive­
104,5,9,"Creates illusory copies to
raise evasiveness."
104,6,9,"Creates illusory copies to
raise evasiveness."
104,7,9,"The user creates
illusory copies of
itself to raise its
104,8,9,"By moving rapidly, the
user makes illusory
copies of itself to
raise its evasiveness.
104,9,9,"By moving rapidly, the
user makes illusory
copies of itself to
raise its evasiveness.
104,10,9,"By moving rapidly, the
user makes illusory
copies of itself to
raise its evasiveness.
104,11,1,"By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
copies of itself to raise its evasiveness."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
104,11,5,"Le lanceur se déplace si vite qu'il
crée des copies illusoires de lui,
augmentant son Esquive."
105,3,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
105,4,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
105,5,9,"Recovers up to half the
users maximum HP."
105,6,9,"Recovers up to half the
users maximum HP."
105,7,9,"A self-healing move
that restores HP by
up to half of the
users maximum HP."
105,8,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its max HP.
105,9,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its max HP.
105,10,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its max HP.
105,11,1,"Restoring its own cells, the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
restores its own HP by half of
its max HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
105,11,5,"Un soin qui permet au lanceur de récupérer
jusqu'à la moitié de ses PV max."
106,3,9,"Raises the user's
106,4,9,"Raises the user's
106,5,9,"Stiffens the bodys
muscles to raise DEFENSE."
106,6,9,"Stiffens the bodys
muscles to raise DEFENSE."
106,7,9,"The user stiffens
all the muscles in
its body to raise
its DEFENSE stat."
106,8,9,"The user stiffens all
the muscles in its
body to raise its
Defense stat.
106,9,9,"The user stiffens all
the muscles in its
body to raise its
Defense stat.
106,10,9,"The user stiffens all
the muscles in its
body to raise its
Defense stat.
106,11,1,"The user stiffens all the muscles in its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
body to raise its Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
106,11,5,"Le lanceur contracte tous ses muscles
pour augmenter sa Défense."
107,3,9,"Heightens evasive­
107,4,9,"Heightens evasive­
107,5,9,"Minimizes the users size
to raise evasiveness."
107,6,9,"Minimizes the users size
to raise evasiveness."
107,7,9,"The user compresses
all the cells in its
body to raise its
107,8,9,"The user compresses
its body to make
itself look smaller.
The users evasion
stat is boosted."
107,9,9,"The user compresses
its body to make
itself look smaller.
The users evasion
stat is boosted."
107,10,9,"The user compresses
its body to make
itself look smaller.
The users evasion
stat is boosted."
107,11,1,"The user compresses its body
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to make itself look smaller,
which sharply raises its evasiveness."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
107,11,5,"Le lanceur comprime son corps pour se
faire tout petit et augmenter fortement
son Esquive."
108,3,9,"Lowers the foe's
108,4,9,"Lowers the foe's
108,5,9,"Lowers the foes accuracy
using smoke, ink, etc."
108,6,9,"Lowers the foes accuracy
using smoke, ink, etc."
108,7,9,"An obscuring cloud
of smoke or ink
reduces the foes
108,8,9,"The user releases an
obscuring cloud of
smoke or ink.
It reduces the foes
108,9,9,"The user releases an
obscuring cloud of
smoke or ink.
It reduces the foes
108,10,9,"The user releases an
obscuring cloud of
smoke or ink.
It reduces the foes
108,11,1,"The user releases an obscuring cloud
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of smoke or ink. It reduces the
targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
108,11,5,"Le lanceur disperse un nuage d'encre ou
de fumée. Réduit la Précision de l'ennemi."
109,3,9,"A move that causes
109,4,9,"A move that causes
109,5,9,"A sinister ray that
confuses the foe."
109,6,9,"A sinister ray that
confuses the foe."
109,7,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,8,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,9,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,10,9,"The foe is exposed
to a sinister ray
that triggers
109,11,1,"The target is exposed to a sinister
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
ray that triggers confusion."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
109,11,5,"Un rayon sinistre qui plonge l'ennemi
dans un état de confusion."
110,3,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
110,4,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
110,5,9,"Withdraws the body into its
hard shell to raise DEFENSE."
110,6,9,"Withdraws the body into its
hard shell to raise DEFENSE."
110,7,9,"The user withdraws
its body in its hard
shell, raising its
DEFENSE stat."
110,8,9,"The user withdraws
its body into its hard
shell, raising its
Defense stat.
110,9,9,"The user withdraws
its body into its hard
shell, raising its
Defense stat.
110,10,9,"The user withdraws
its body into its hard
shell, raising its
Defense stat.
110,11,1,"The user withdraws its body into its hard
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
shell, raising its Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
110,11,5,"Le lanceur se recroqueville dans sa
carapace, ce qui augmente sa Défense."
111,3,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
111,4,9,"Heightens the
user's DEFENSE."
111,5,9,"Curls up to conceal weak
spots and raise DEFENSE."
111,6,9,"Curls up to conceal weak
spots and raise DEFENSE."
111,7,9,"The user curls up
to conceal weak
spots and raise its
DEFENSE stat."
111,8,9,"The user curls up to
conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense
111,9,9,"The user curls up to
conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense
111,10,9,"The user curls up to
conceal weak spots
and raise its Defense
111,11,1,"The user curls up to conceal weak spots
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and raise its Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
111,11,5,"Le lanceur s'enroule pour cacher ses
points faibles, ce qui augmente sa Défense."
112,3,9,"Sharply increases
user's DEFENSE."
112,4,9,"Sharply increases
user's DEFENSE."
112,5,9,"Creates a barrier that
sharply raises DEFENSE."
112,6,9,"Creates a barrier that
sharply raises DEFENSE."
112,7,9,"The user creates a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
DEFENSE stat."
112,8,9,"The user throws up a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
Defense stat.
112,9,9,"The user throws up a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
Defense stat.
112,10,9,"The user throws up a
sturdy wall that
sharply raises its
Defense stat.
112,11,1,"The user throws up a sturdy wall that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sharply raises its Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
112,11,5,"Le lanceur érige un mur solide qui
augmente fortement sa Défense."
113,3,9,"Ups SPCL.DEF with
a wall of light."
113,4,9,"Ups SPCL.DEF with
a wall of light."
113,5,9,"Creates a wall of light that
lowers SP. ATK damage."
113,6,9,"Creates a wall of light that
lowers SP. ATK damage."
113,7,9,"A wall of light
cuts damage from
SP. ATK attacks
for five turns."
113,8,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
special attacks for
five turns."
113,9,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
special attacks for
five turns."
113,10,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
special attacks for
five turns."
113,11,1,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
suppress damage from special attacks
for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
113,11,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les
dégâts causés par les attaques spéciales
durant 5 tours."
114,3,9,"Eliminates all
stat changes."
114,4,9,"Eliminates all
stat changes."
114,5,9,"Creates a black haze that
eliminates all stat changes."
114,6,9,"Creates a black haze that
eliminates all stat changes."
114,7,9,"Eliminates all stat
changes among all
POKéMON engaged in
114,8,9,"The user creates a
haze that eliminates
every stat change
among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,9,9,"The user creates a
haze that eliminates
every stat change
among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,10,9,"The user creates a
haze that eliminates
every stat change
among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
114,11,1,"The user creates a haze that eliminates
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
every stat change among all the Pokémon
engaged in battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
114,11,5,"Un brouillard qui annule les
changements de stats de tous
les Pokémon au combat."
115,3,9,"Raises DEFENSE
with a barrier."
115,4,9,"Raises DEFENSE
with a barrier."
115,5,9,"Creates a wall of light that
weakens physical attacks."
115,6,9,"Creates a wall of light that
weakens physical attacks."
115,7,9,"A wall of light
cuts damage from
physical attacks
for five turns."
115,8,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
physical attacks for
five turns."
115,9,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
physical attacks for
five turns."
115,10,9,"A wondrous wall of
light is put up to
suppress damage from
physical attacks for
five turns."
115,11,1,"A wondrous wall of light is put up to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
suppress damage from physical attacks
for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
115,11,5,"Un fabuleux mur de lumière qui réduit les
dégâts causés par les attaques physiques
durant 5 tours."
116,3,9,"Raises the criti­
cal hit ratio."
116,4,9,"Raises the criti­
cal hit ratio."
116,5,9,"Focuses power to raise the
critical-hit ratio."
116,6,9,"Focuses power to raise the
critical-hit ratio."
116,7,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise its
critical-hit ratio."
116,8,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise the
critical-hit ratio of
its attacks."
116,9,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise the
critical-hit ratio of
its attacks."
116,10,9,"The user takes a
deep breath and
focuses to raise the
critical-hit ratio of
its attacks."
116,11,1,"The user takes a deep breath and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
focuses so that critical hits land
more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
116,11,5,"Le lanceur prend une profonde inspiration
et se concentre pour augmenter son taux
de critiques."
117,3,9,"Waits 2-3 turns &
hits back double."
117,4,9,"Waits 2-3 turns &
hits back double."
117,5,9,"Endures attack for 2
turns to retaliate double."
117,6,9,"Endures attack for 2
turns to retaliate double."
117,7,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back double."
117,8,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back to cause double
the damage taken."
117,9,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back to cause double
the damage taken."
117,10,9,"The user endures
attacks for two
turns, then strikes
back to cause double
the damage taken."
117,11,1,"The user endures attacks for two
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
turns, then strikes back to cause
double the damage taken."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
117,11,5,"Le lanceur encaisse les coups durant 2
tours et réplique en infligeant le double
des dégâts subis."
118,3,9,"Randomly uses any
POKéMON move."
118,4,9,"Randomly uses any
POKéMON move."
118,5,9,"Waggles a finger to use any
POKéMON move at random."
118,6,9,"Waggles a finger to use any
POKéMON move at random."
118,7,9,"Waggles a finger
and stimulates the
brain into using any
move at random."
118,8,9,"The user waggles a
finger and stimulates
the brain into
randomly using nearly
any move."
118,9,9,"The user waggles a
finger and stimulates
the brain into
randomly using nearly
any move."
118,10,9,"The user waggles a
finger and stimulates
the brain into
randomly using nearly
any move."
118,11,1,"The user waggles a finger and stimulates
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its brain into randomly using nearly
any move."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
118,11,5,"Agite un doigt et stimule le cerveau
pour utiliser presque n'importe
quelle capacité au hasard."
119,3,9,"Counters with the
same move."
119,4,9,"Counters with the
same move."
119,5,9,"Counters the foes attack
with the same move."
119,6,9,"Counters the foes attack
with the same move."
119,7,9,"The user counters
the move last used
by the foe with the
same move."
119,8,9,"The user counters
the foe by mimicking
the move last used
by the foe."
119,9,9,"The user counters
the foe by mimicking
the move last used
by the foe."
119,10,9,"The user counters
the foe by mimicking
the move last used
by the foe."
119,11,1,"The user counters the target by mimicking
the targets last move."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
119,11,5,"Le lanceur riposte à l'attaque de l'ennemi
avec la même attaque."
120,3,9,"Powerful but makes
the user faint."
120,4,9,"Powerful but makes
the user faint."
120,5,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
120,6,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
120,7,9,"The user blows up
to inflict severe
damage, even
making itself faint."
120,8,9,"The user blows up to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
120,9,9,"The user blows up to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
120,10,9,"The user blows up to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
120,11,1,"The user attacks everything around it
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by causing an explosion.
The user faints upon using this move."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
120,11,5,"Le lanceur explose en blessant
tous les Pokémon autour de lui.
Le lanceur tombe K.O."
121,3,9,"Eggs are hurled at
the foe."
121,4,9,"Eggs are hurled at
the foe."
121,5,9,"An egg is forcibly hurled at
the foe."
121,6,9,"An egg is forcibly hurled at
the foe."
121,7,9,"A large egg is
hurled with great
force at the foe to
inflict damage."
121,8,9,"A large egg is hurled
with maximum force at
the foe to inflict
121,9,9,"A large egg is hurled
with maximum force at
the foe to inflict
121,10,9,"A large egg is hurled
with maximum force at
the foe to inflict
121,11,1,"A large egg is hurled at the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with maximum force to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
121,11,5,"De toutes ses forces, le lanceur
jette un gros œuf sur l'ennemi
pour lui infliger des dégâts."
122,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
122,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
122,5,9,"Licks with a long tongue to
injure. May also paralyze."
122,6,9,"Licks with a long tongue to
injure. May also paralyze."
122,7,9,"The foe is licked
and hit with a long
tongue. It may
also paralyze."
122,8,9,"The foe is licked with
a long tongue, causing
It may also paralyze
the target."
122,9,9,"The foe is licked with
a long tongue, causing
It may also paralyze
the target."
122,10,9,"The foe is licked with
a long tongue, causing
It may also paralyze
the target."
122,11,1,"The target is licked with a long tongue,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
causing damage. It may also leave
the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
122,11,5,"Un grand coup de langue qui inflige des
dégâts à l'ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
123,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
123,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
123,5,9,"An exhaust-gas attack
that may also poison."
123,6,9,"An exhaust-gas attack
that may also poison."
123,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with exhaust gases.
It may also poison
the foe."
123,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a discharge of
filthy gases.
It may also poison
the target."
123,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a discharge of
filthy gases.
It may also poison
the target."
123,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a discharge of
filthy gases.
It may also poison
the target."
123,11,1,"The target is attacked with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
discharge of filthy gases.
It may also poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
123,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque à l'aide d'une
éruption de gaz répugnants.
Peut aussi empoisonner l'ennemi."
124,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
124,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
124,5,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
124,6,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
124,7,9,"Toxic sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may poison the
124,8,9,"Unsanitary sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may also poison
the target.
124,9,9,"Unsanitary sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may also poison
the target.
124,10,9,"Unsanitary sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may also poison
the target.
124,11,1,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
124,11,5,"Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi l'empoisonner."
125,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
125,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
125,5,9,"Clubs the foe with a bone.
May cause flinching."
125,6,9,"Clubs the foe with a bone.
May cause flinching."
125,7,9,"The foe is clubbed
with a bone held in
hand. It may make
the foe flinch."
125,8,9,"The user clubs the
foe with a bone.
It may also make the
target flinch.
125,9,9,"The user clubs the
foe with a bone.
It may also make the
target flinch.
125,10,9,"The user clubs the
foe with a bone.
It may also make the
target flinch.
125,11,1,"The user clubs the target with a bone.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
125,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l'ennemi à grands
coups d'os. Peut aussi apeurer l'ennemi."
126,3,9,"An attack that
may cause a burn."
126,4,9,"An attack that
may cause a burn."
126,5,9,"A fiery blast that scorches
all. May cause a burn."
126,6,9,"Incinerates everything it
strikes. May cause a burn."
126,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an intense flame.
It may leave the
target with a burn."
126,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with an intense blast
of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
126,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with an intense blast
of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
126,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with an intense blast
of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
126,11,1,"The target is attacked with an intense
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
blast of all-consuming fire.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
126,11,5,"Un déluge de flammes ardentes submerge
l'ennemi. Peut aussi le brûler."
127,3,9,"An aquatic charge
127,4,9,"An aquatic charge
127,5,9,"Charges the foe with speed
to climb waterfalls."
127,6,9,"Charges the foe with speed
to climb waterfalls."
127,7,9,"A powerful charge
attack. It can also
be used to climb
a waterfall."
127,8,9,"The user charges the
foe at an awesome
It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
127,9,9,"The user charges the
foe at an awesome
It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
127,10,9,"The user charges at
the foe rapidly, and
may make it flinch.
It can also be used
to climb a waterfall."
127,11,1,"The user charges at the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and may make it flinch.
It can also be used to climb a waterfall."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
127,11,5,"Le lanceur charge l'ennemi à une vitesse
remarquable, ce qui peut l'apeurer.
Permet aussi de franchir une cascade."
128,3,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
128,4,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
128,5,9,"Traps and squeezes the
foe for 2 to 5 turns."
128,6,9,"Traps and squeezes the
foe for 2 to 5 turns."
128,7,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the users shell for
two to five turns."
128,8,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the users very thick
and sturdy shell for
two to five turns."
128,9,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the users very thick
and sturdy shell for
two to five turns."
128,10,9,"The foe is clamped
and squeezed by
the users very thick
and sturdy shell for
two to five turns."
128,11,1,"The target is clamped and squeezed by
the users very thick and sturdy shell for
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
four to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
128,11,5,"Le lanceur piège l'ennemi dans sa dure
coquille et l'écrase pendant 4 à 5 tours."
129,3,9,"An attack that
never misses."
129,4,9,"An attack that
never misses."
129,5,9,"Sprays star-shaped rays
that never miss."
129,6,9,"Sprays star-shaped rays
that never miss."
129,7,9,"Star-shaped rays
that never miss are
fired at all foes in
129,8,9,"Star-shaped rays are
shot at the foe.
This attack never
129,9,9,"Star-shaped rays are
shot at the foe.
This attack never
129,10,9,"Star-shaped rays are
shot at the foe.
This attack never
129,11,1,"Star-shaped rays are shot at the opposing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
team. This attack never misses."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
129,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des rayons d'étoiles.
Touche toujours l'ennemi."
130,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
130,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
130,5,9,"Tucks in the head, then
attacks on the next turn."
130,6,9,"Tucks in the head, then
attacks on the next turn."
130,7,9,"The user raises its
DEFENSE in the 1st
turn, then attacks
in the 2nd turn."
130,8,9,"The user tucks in its
head to raise its
Defense in the first
turn, then rams the
foe on the next turn."
130,9,9,"The user tucks in its
head to raise its
Defense in the first
turn, then rams the
foe on the next turn."
130,10,9,"The user tucks in its
head to raise its
Defense in the first
turn, then rams the
foe on the next turn."
130,11,1,"The user tucks in its head to raise its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Defense in the first turn, then
rams the target on the next turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
130,11,5,"Le lanceur baisse la tête pour augmenter
sa Défense au 1er tour et percuter
l'ennemi au 2è."
131,3,9,"Fires spikes to
hit 2-5 times."
131,4,9,"Fires spikes to
hit 2-5 times."
131,5,9,"Launches sharp spikes that
strike 2 to 5 times."
131,6,9,"Launches sharp spikes that
strike 2 to 5 times."
131,7,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
131,8,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
times in rapid
131,9,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
times in rapid
131,10,9,"Sharp spikes are
fired at the foe to
strike two to five
times in rapid
131,11,1,"Sharp spikes are shot at the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in rapid succession.
They hit two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
131,11,5,"Envoie une rafale de dards.
Peut toucher de 2 à 5 fois."
132,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
132,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPEED."
132,5,9,"Constricts to inflict pain.
May lower SPEED."
132,6,9,"Constricts to inflict pain.
May lower SPEED."
132,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with long tentacles
or vines. It may
lower SPEED."
132,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the
targets Speed."
132,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the
targets Speed."
132,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with long, creeping
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the
targets Speed."
132,11,1,"The target is attacked with long, creeping
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
tentacles or vines.
It may also lower the targets Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
132,11,5,"De longs tentacules ou lianes attaquent
l'ennemi. Peut aussi baisser sa Vitesse."
133,3,9,"Sharply raises the
user's SPCL.DEF."
133,4,9,"Sharply raises the
user's SPCL.DEF."
133,5,9,"Forgets about something
and sharply raises SP. DEF."
133,6,9,"Forgets about something
and sharply raises SP. DEF."
133,7,9,"Forgets about
something and
sharply raises
133,8,9,"The user temporarily
empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the
users Sp. Def stat."
133,9,9,"The user temporarily
empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the
users Sp. Def stat."
133,10,9,"The user temporarily
empties its mind to
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the
users Sp. Def stat."
133,11,1,"The user temporarily empties its mind to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
forget its concerns.
It sharply raises the users Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
133,11,5,"Le lanceur fait le vide dans son esprit
pour oublier ses soucis. Augmente
fortement sa Défense Spéciale."
134,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
134,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
134,5,9,"Distracts the foe.
May lower accuracy."
134,6,9,"Distracts the foe.
May lower accuracy."
134,7,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending
a spoon. It may
lower accuracy."
134,8,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending a
It may lower the
targets accuracy."
134,9,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending a
It may lower the
targets accuracy."
134,10,9,"The user distracts
the foe by bending a
It may lower the
targets accuracy."
134,11,1,"The user distracts the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by bending a spoon.
It lowers the targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
134,11,5,"Le lanceur distrait l'ennemi en pliant
une cuillère. Peut baisser la Précision
de l'ennemi."
135,3,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the user's max HP."
135,4,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the user's max HP."
135,5,9,"Recovers up to half the
users maximum HP."
135,6,9,"Recovers up to half the
users maximum HP."
135,7,9,"Heals the user by
up to half its full
HP. It can be used
to heal an ally."
135,8,9,"The user restores
its own HP by up to
half of its max HP.
May be used in the
field to heal HP."
135,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an allys HP."
135,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an allys HP."
135,11,1,"The user restores its own HP
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by up to half of its maximum HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
135,11,5,"Le lanceur récupère jusqu'à la moitié de
ses PV max. En dehors des combats, permet
de transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié."
136,3,9,"May miss and hurt
the user."
136,4,9,"May miss and hurt
the user."
136,5,9,"A jumping knee kick. If it
misses, the user is hurt."
136,6,9,"A jumping knee kick. If it
misses, the user is hurt."
136,7,9,"A strong jumping
knee kick. If it
misses, the user is
136,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a knee kick from
a jump. If it misses,
the user is hurt
136,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a knee kick from
a jump. If it misses,
the user is hurt
136,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a knee kick from
a jump. If it misses,
the user is hurt
136,11,1,"The target is attacked with a knee kick
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
136,11,5,"Le lanceur s'élance pour effectuer un
coup de genou sauté. S'il échoue, le
lanceur se blesse."
137,3,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
137,4,9,"A move that may
cause paralysis."
137,5,9,"Intimidates and frightens
the foe into paralysis."
137,6,9,"Intimidates and frightens
the foe into paralysis."
137,7,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
design on its belly
to cause paralysis."
137,8,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
pattern on its belly
to cause paralysis.
137,9,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
pattern on its belly
to cause paralysis.
137,10,9,"The user intimidates
the foe with the
pattern on its belly
to cause paralysis.
137,11,1,"The user intimidates the target with the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
pattern on its belly to cause paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
137,11,5,"Le lanceur intimide l'ennemi grâce à son
regard terrifiant pour le paralyser."
138,3,9,"Steals HP from a
sleeping victim."
138,4,9,"Steals HP from a
sleeping victim."
138,5,9,"Takes one half the damage
inflicted on a sleeping foe."
138,6,9,"Takes one half the damage
inflicted on a sleeping foe."
138,7,9,"Absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
on a sleeping foe
to restore HP."
138,8,9,"An attack that works
only on a sleeping
foe. It absorbs half
the damage caused to
heal the users HP."
138,9,9,"An attack that works
only on a sleeping
foe. It absorbs half
the damage caused to
heal the users HP."
138,10,9,"An attack that works
only on a sleeping
foe. It absorbs half
the damage caused to
heal the users HP."
138,11,1,"The user eats the dreams of a sleeping
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target. It absorbs half the damage
caused to heal the users HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
138,11,5,"Le lanceur mange le rêve de l'ennemi
endormi. Le lanceur récupère en PV
la moitié des dégâts infligés."
139,3,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
139,4,9,"A move that may
poison the foe."
139,5,9,"Envelops the foe in a toxic
gas that may poison."
139,6,9,"Envelops the foe in a toxic
gas that may poison."
139,7,9,"The foe is sprayed
with a cloud of
toxic gas that may
poison the foe."
139,8,9,"A cloud of poison gas
is sprayed in the
foes face.
It may poison the
139,9,9,"A cloud of poison gas
is sprayed in the
foes face.
It may poison the
139,10,9,"A cloud of poison gas
is sprayed in the
foes face.
It may poison the
139,11,1,"A cloud of poison gas is sprayed
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in the face of opposing Pokémon.
It may poison those hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
139,11,5,"Un nuage de gaz toxique est projeté au
visage de l'ennemi. Peut l'empoisonner."
140,3,9,"Throws orbs to hit
2-5 times."
140,4,9,"Throws orbs to hit
2-5 times."
140,5,9,"Hurls round objects at the
foe 2 to 5 times."
140,6,9,"Hurls round objects at the
foe 2 to 5 times."
140,7,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe
to strike two to
five times."
140,8,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe to
strike two to five
times in a row.
140,9,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe to
strike two to five
times in a row.
140,10,9,"Round objects are
hurled at the foe to
strike two to five
times in a row.
140,11,1,"Round objects are hurled at the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to strike two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
140,11,5,"Projette de 2 à 5 grosses boules
sur l'ennemi."
141,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
141,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
141,5,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
141,6,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
141,7,9,"An attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
141,8,9,"A blood-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
141,9,9,"A blood-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
141,10,9,"A blood-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
141,11,1,"The user drains the targets blood.
The users HP is restored by half the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
damage taken by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
141,11,5,"Une attaque qui aspire le sang de l'ennemi.
La moitié des dégâts sont convertis en
PV pour le lanceur."
142,3,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
142,4,9,"May cause the foe
to fall asleep."
142,5,9,"Demands a kiss with a scary
face that induces sleep."
142,6,9,"Demands a kiss with a scary
face that induces sleep."
142,7,9,"The user forces a
kiss on the foe
with a scary face
that induces sleep."
142,8,9,"With a scary face,
the user forces a
kiss on the foe.
It may make the
target fall asleep."
142,9,9,"With a scary face,
the user forces a
kiss on the foe.
It may make the
target fall asleep."
142,10,9,"With a scary face, the
user tries to force a
kiss on the foe. If it
succeeds, the target
falls asleep."
142,11,1,"With a scary face, the user tries to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
force a kiss on the target. If it
succeeds, the target falls asleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
142,11,5,"Le lanceur fait un bisou à l'ennemi
en prenant une mine effrayante.
Endort l'ennemi."
143,3,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
143,4,9,"1st turn: Prepare
2nd turn: Attack"
143,5,9,"Searches out weak spots,
then strikes the next turn."
143,6,9,"Searches out weak spots,
then strikes the next turn."
143,7,9,"A 2nd-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
The foe may flinch."
143,8,9,"A second-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also make the
target flinch."
143,9,9,"A second-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also make the
target flinch."
143,10,9,"A second-turn attack
move with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also make the
target flinch."
143,11,1,"A second-turn attack move where
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
critical hits land more easily.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
143,11,5,"Une attaque en 2 tours au taux de
critiques élevé. Peut aussi apeurer
144,3,9,"The user assumes
the foe's guise."
144,4,9,"The user assumes
the foe's guise."
144,5,9,"Alters the users cells to
become a copy of the foe."
144,6,9,"Alters the users cells to
become a copy of the foe."
144,7,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe with even the
same move set."
144,8,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe right down to
having the same move
144,9,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe right down to
having the same move
144,10,9,"The user transforms
into a copy of the
foe right down to
having the same move
144,11,1,"The user transforms into a copy of the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target right down to having
the same move set."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
144,11,5,"Le lanceur devient une copie de sa cible
et obtient la même palette de capacités."
145,3,9,"An attack that may
reduce SPEED."
145,4,9,"An attack that may
reduce SPEED."
145,5,9,"An attack using bubbles.
May lower the foes SPEED."
145,6,9,"An attack using bubbles.
May lower the foes SPEED."
145,7,9,"A spray of bubbles
hits the foe.
It may lower the
foes SPEED stat."
145,8,9,"A spray of countless
bubbles is jetted at
the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Speed stat."
145,9,9,"A spray of countless
bubbles is jetted at
the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Speed stat."
145,10,9,"A spray of countless
bubbles is jetted at
the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Speed stat."
145,11,1,"A spray of countless bubbles is jetted at
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the opposing team. It may also lower the
targets Speed stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
145,11,5,"Des bulles frappent l'ennemi.
Peut réduire sa Vitesse."
146,3,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
146,4,9,"An attack that may
cause confusion."
146,5,9,"A rhythmic punch that may
confuse the foe."
146,6,9,"A rhythmic punch that may
confuse the foe."
146,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a rhythmic punch
that may leave it
146,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
rhythmically launched
punch that may also
leave it confused.
146,9,9,"The foe is hit with
rhythmically launched
punches that may also
leave it confused.
146,10,9,"The foe is hit with
rhythmically launched
punches that may also
leave it confused.
146,11,1,"The target is hit with rhythmically
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
launched punches that may also
leave it confused."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
146,11,5,"Un enchaînement de coups de poing
cadencés. Peut aussi rendre confus."
147,3,9,"A move that
induces sleep."
147,4,9,"A move that
induces sleep."
147,5,9,"Scatters a cloud of spores
that always induce sleep."
147,6,9,"Scatters a cloud of spores
that always induce sleep."
147,7,9,"The user scatters
bursts of fine
spores that induce
147,8,9,"The user scatters
bursts of spores
that induce sleep.
147,9,9,"The user scatters
bursts of spores
that induce sleep.
147,10,9,"The user scatters
bursts of spores
that induce sleep.
147,11,1,"The user scatters bursts of spores
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that induce sleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
147,11,5,"Le lanceur répand un nuage de
spores qui endort."
148,3,9,"Blinds the foe to
reduce accuracy."
148,4,9,"Blinds the foe to
reduce accuracy."
148,5,9,"Looses a powerful blast of
light that cuts accuracy."
148,6,9,"Looses a powerful blast of
light that cuts accuracy."
148,7,9,"A blast of light
that cuts the foes
accuracy. It also
illuminates caves."
148,8,9,"The user flashes a
light that cuts the
foes accuracy.
It can also be used
to illuminate caves."
148,9,9,"The user flashes a
light that cuts the
foes accuracy.
It can also be used
to illuminate caves."
148,10,9,"The user flashes a
light that cuts the
foes accuracy.
It can also be used
to illuminate caves."
148,11,1,"The user flashes a bright light that cuts
the targets accuracy.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It can also be used to illuminate caves."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
148,11,5,"Explosion lumineuse qui fait baisser la
Précision de l'ennemi. Permet aussi
d'éclairer les grottes."
149,3,9,"An attack with
variable power."
149,4,9,"An attack with
variable power."
149,5,9,"Attacks with a psychic
wave of varying intensity."
149,6,9,"Attacks with a psychic
wave of varying intensity."
149,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave that
varies in intensity."
149,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave.
The attack varies in
149,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave.
The attack varies in
149,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with an odd, hot
energy wave.
The attack varies in
149,11,1,"The target is attacked with an odd
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
psychic wave.
The attack varies in intensity."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
149,11,5,"Une étrange onde d'énergie chaude
frappe l'ennemi. Cette attaque est
d'intensité variable."
150,3,9,"Has no effect
150,4,9,"Has no effect
150,5,9,"Its just a splash...
Has no effect whatsoever."
150,6,9,"Its just a splash...
Has no effect whatsoever."
150,7,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
without having any
150,8,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
to no effect at all...
150,9,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
to no effect at all...
150,10,9,"The user just flops
and splashes around
to no effect at all...
150,11,1,"The user just flops and splashes around
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to no effect at all..."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
150,11,5,"Le lanceur barbote et éclabousse les
environs. Cette capacité n'a aucun effet."
151,3,9,"Sharply raises the
user's DEFENSE."
151,4,9,"Sharply raises the
user's DEFENSE."
151,5,9,"Liquifies the users body
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
151,6,9,"Liquifies the users body
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
151,7,9,"The user alters its
cells to liquefy
itself and sharply
raise DEFENSE."
151,8,9,"The user alters its
cellular structure to
liquefy itself,
sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,9,9,"The user alters its
cellular structure to
liquefy itself,
sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,10,9,"The user alters its
cellular structure to
liquefy itself,
sharply raising its
Defense stat."
151,11,1,"The user alters its cellular structure to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
liquefy itself, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
151,11,5,"Le lanceur modifie sa structure
moléculaire pour se liquéfier et
augmenter fortement sa Défense."
152,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
152,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
152,5,9,"Hammers with a pincer. Has a
high critical-hit ratio."
152,6,9,"Hammers with a pincer. Has a
high critical-hit ratio."
152,7,9,"A large pincer is
used to hammer the
foe. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
152,8,9,"The foe is hammered
with a large pincer.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio.
152,9,9,"The foe is hammered
with a large pincer.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio.
152,10,9,"The foe is hammered
with a large pincer.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio.
152,11,1,"The target is hammered with a large pincer.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
152,11,5,"Une grande pince martèle l'ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
153,3,9,"Very powerful but
makes user faint."
153,4,9,"Very powerful but
makes user faint."
153,5,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
153,6,9,"Inflicts severe damage but
makes the user faint."
153,7,9,"The user explodes
to inflict terrible
damage even while
fainting itself."
153,8,9,"The user explodes to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
153,9,9,"The user explodes to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
153,10,9,"The user explodes to
inflict damage on all
Pokémon in battle.
The user faints upon
using this move."
153,11,1,"The user explodes to inflict damage on
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
those around it.
The user faints upon using this move."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
153,11,5,"Le lanceur explose et inflige des
dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour
de lui. Met K.O. le lanceur."
154,3,9,"Quickly scratches
2-5 times."
154,4,9,"Quickly scratches
2-5 times."
154,5,9,"Rakes the foe with sharp
claws, etc., 2 to 5 times."
154,6,9,"Rakes the foe with sharp
claws, etc., 2 to 5 times."
154,7,9,"The foe is raked
with sharp claws or
scythes two to five
154,8,9,"The foe is raked with
sharp claws or
scythes for two to
five times in quick
154,9,9,"The foe is raked with
sharp claws or
scythes for two to
five times in quick
154,10,9,"The foe is raked with
sharp claws or
scythes for two to
five times in quick
154,11,1,"The target is raked with sharp claws or
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
scythes for two to five times in
quick succession."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
154,11,5,"L'ennemi est lacéré par des faux
ou des griffes de 2 à 5 fois."
155,3,9,"An attack that
strikes twice."
155,4,9,"An attack that
strikes twice."
155,5,9,"Throws a bone boomerang
that strikes twice."
155,6,9,"Throws a bone boomerang
that strikes twice."
155,7,9,"The user throws a
bone that hits the
foe once, then once
again on return."
155,8,9,"The user throws the
bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the
foe twice, coming and
155,9,9,"The user throws the
bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the
foe twice, coming and
155,10,9,"The user throws the
bone it holds. The
bone loops to hit the
foe twice, coming and
155,11,1,"The user throws the bone it holds. The
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
bone loops to hit the target twice,
coming and going."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
155,11,5,"Le lanceur projette son os comme un
boomerang. Cette attaque frappe à
l'aller et au retour."
156,3,9,"Sleep for 2 turns
to fully recover."
156,4,9,"Sleep for 2 turns
to fully recover."
156,5,9,"The user sleeps for 2 turns,
restoring HP and status."
156,6,9,"The user sleeps for 2 turns,
restoring HP and status."
156,7,9,"The user sleeps for
two turns to fully
restore HP and heal
any status problem."
156,8,9,"The user goes to
sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the
users HP and heals
any status problem."
156,9,9,"The user goes to
sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the
users HP and heals
any status problem."
156,10,9,"The user goes to
sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the
users HP and heals
any status problem."
156,11,1,"The user goes to sleep for two turns.
It fully restores the users HP and heals
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
any status problem."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
156,11,5,"Le lanceur dort pendant 2 tours. Il
regagne tous ses PV et n'a plus de
problèmes de statut."
157,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
157,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
157,5,9,"Large boulders are hurled.
May cause flinching."
157,6,9,"Large boulders are hurled.
May cause flinching."
157,7,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe.
It may make the
foe flinch."
157,8,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
It may also make the
target flinch."
157,9,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
It may also make the
target flinch."
157,10,9,"Large boulders are
hurled at the foe to
inflict damage.
It may also make the
target flinch."
157,11,1,"Large boulders are hurled at the opposing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
team to inflict damage. It may also make
the targets flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
157,11,5,"Envoie de gros rochers sur l'ennemi
pour infliger des dégâts.
Peut aussi l'apeurer."
158,3,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
158,4,9,"An attack that may
cause flinching."
158,5,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs.
May cause flinching."
158,6,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs.
May cause flinching."
158,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with sharp fangs.
It may make the
foe flinch."
158,8,9,"The user bites hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It may also make the
target flinch."
158,9,9,"The user bites hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It may also make the
target flinch."
158,10,9,"The user bites hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It may also make the
target flinch."
158,11,1,"The user bites hard on the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with its sharp front fangs.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
158,11,5,"Le lanceur mord l'ennemi à l'aide de
ses incisives aiguisées. Peut aussi
apeurer l'ennemi."
159,3,9,"A move that raises
the user's ATTACK."
159,4,9,"A move that raises
the user's ATTACK."
159,5,9,"Reduces the polygon count
and raises ATTACK."
159,6,9,"Reduces the polygon count
and raises ATTACK."
159,7,9,"The user reduces
its polygon count
to sharpen edges
and raise ATTACK."
159,8,9,"The user reduces its
polygon count to
make itself more
jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,9,9,"The user reduces its
polygon count to
make itself more
jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,10,9,"The user reduces its
polygon count to
make itself more
jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
159,11,1,"The user reduces its polygon count to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
make itself more jagged, raising the
Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
159,11,5,"Le lanceur réduit son nombre de polygones
pour accentuer ses angles et augmenter
son Attaque."
160,3,9,"Change user's type
to a move's type."
160,4,9,"Change user's type
to a move's type."
160,5,9,"Changes the users type
into an own moves type."
160,6,9,"Changes the users type
into a known moves type."
160,7,9,"The user changes
its type to match
the type of one of
its moves."
160,8,9,"The user changes its
type to become the
same type as one of
its moves.
160,9,9,"The user changes its
type to become the
same type as one of
its moves.
160,10,9,"The user changes its
type to become the
same type as one of
its moves.
160,11,1,"The user changes its type to become the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
same type as one of its moves."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
160,11,5,"Le lanceur change de type pour prendre
celui de l'une de ses capacités."
161,3,9,"Fires three kinds
of beams at once."
161,4,9,"Fires three kinds
of beams at once."
161,5,9,"Fires three types of beams
at the same time."
161,6,9,"Fires three types of beams
at the same time."
161,7,9,"A simultaneous
3-beam attack that
may paralyze, burn,
or freeze the foe."
161,8,9,"The user strikes with
a simultaneous three-
beam attack. May also
paralyze, burn, or
freeze the target."
161,9,9,"The user strikes with
a simultaneous three-
beam attack. May also
paralyze, burn, or
freeze the target."
161,10,9,"The user strikes with
a simultaneous three-
beam attack. May also
paralyze, burn, or
freeze the target."
161,11,1,"The user strikes with a simultaneous
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
three-beam attack. May also burn, freeze,
or leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
161,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie trois boules d'énergie
simultanément. Peut aussi paralyser,
brûler ou geler l'ennemi."
162,3,9,"Cuts the foe's HP
by 1/2."
162,4,9,"Cuts the foe's HP
by 1/2."
162,5,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs
and cuts half the foes HP."
162,6,9,"Attacks with sharp fangs
and cuts half the foes HP."
162,7,9,"The user attacks
with sharp fangs
and halves the
foes HP."
162,8,9,"The user chomps hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It cuts the targets
HP to half."
162,9,9,"The user chomps hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It cuts the targets
HP to half."
162,10,9,"The user chomps hard
on the foe with its
sharp front fangs.
It cuts the targets
HP to half."
162,11,1,"The user chomps hard on the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target with its sharp front fangs.
It cuts the targets HP to half."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
162,11,5,"Une vilaine morsure d'incisives qui réduit
de moitié les PV de l'ennemi."
163,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
163,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
163,5,9,"Slashes with claws, etc. Has
a high critical-hit ratio."
163,6,9,"Slashes with claws, etc. Has
a high critical-hit ratio."
163,7,9,"The foe is slashed
with claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a slash of
claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a slash of
claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a slash of
claws, etc.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
163,11,1,"The target is attacked with a slash
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of claws or blades.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
163,11,5,"Un coup de griffe ou autre tranche
l'ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
164,3,9,"Makes a decoy with
1/4 user's max HP."
164,4,9,"Makes a decoy with
1/4 user's max HP."
164,5,9,"Creates a decoy using 1/4
of the users maximum HP."
164,6,9,"Creates a decoy using 1/4
of the users maximum HP."
164,7,9,"The user creates a
decoy using one-
quarter of its full
164,8,9,"The user makes a
copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as
the users decoy."
164,9,9,"The user makes a
copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as
the users decoy."
164,10,9,"The user makes a
copy of itself using
some of its HP.
The copy serves as
the users decoy."
164,11,1,"The user makes a copy of itself using
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
some of its HP.
The copy serves as the users decoy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
164,11,5,"Le lanceur fait une copie de lui-même en
sacrifiant quelques PV. La copie sert de
165,3,9,"Used only if all
PP are exhausted."
165,4,9,"Used only if all
PP are exhausted."
165,5,9,"Used only if all PP are gone.
Also hurts the user a little."
165,6,9,"Used only if all PP are gone.
Also hurts the user a little."
165,7,9,"An attack that is
used only if there
is no PP. It also
hurts the user."
165,8,9,"An attack that is
used in desperation
only if the user has
no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,9,9,"An attack that is
used in desperation
only if the user has
no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,10,9,"An attack that is
used in desperation
only if the user has
no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
165,11,1,"An attack that is used in desperation
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
only if the user has no PP. It also hurts
the user slightly."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
165,11,5,"Une attaque désespérée, lancée
quand le lanceur n'a plus de PP.
Le blesse aussi légèrement."
166,3,9,"Copies the foe's
move permanently."
166,4,9,"Copies the foe's
move permanently."
166,5,9,"Copies the foes last move
166,6,9,"Copies the foes last move
166,7,9,"This move copies
the move last used
by the foe, then
166,8,9,"It enables the user
to learn a move used
by the foe.
Once used, the move
Sketch disappears."
166,9,9,"It enables the user
to learn a move used
by the foe.
Once used, the move
Sketch disappears."
166,10,9,"It enables the user
to permanently learn
the move last used by
the foe. Once used,
Sketch disappears."
166,11,1,"It enables the user to permanently learn
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the move last used by the target.
Once used, Sketch disappears."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
166,11,5,"Le lanceur apprend le dernier coup
utilisé par la cible. Gribouille disparaît
après utilisation."
167,3,9,"Hits three times
with rising power."
167,4,9,"Hits three times
with rising power."
167,5,9,"Kicks the foe 3 times in a
row with rising intensity."
167,6,9,"Kicks the foe 3 times in a
row with rising intensity."
167,7,9,"A 3-kick attack
that becomes more
powerful with each
successive hit."
167,8,9,"A consecutive three-
kick attack that
becomes more
powerful with each
successive hit."
167,9,9,"A consecutive three-
kick attack that
becomes more
powerful with each
successive hit."
167,10,9,"A consecutive three-
kick attack that
becomes more
powerful with each
successive hit."
167,11,1,"A consecutive three-kick attack that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
becomes more powerful with each
successive hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
167,11,5,"Une salve de 1 à 3 coups de pied dont la
puissance augmente à chaque coup porté."
168,3,9,"An attack that may
steal a held item."
168,4,9,"An attack that may
steal a held item."
168,5,9,"While attacking, it may
steal the foes held item."
168,6,9,"While attacking, it may
steal the foes held item."
168,7,9,"An attack that may
take the foes held
item if the user
isnt holding one."
168,8,9,"The user attacks and
steals the foes held
item simultaneously.
It cant steal if the
user holds an item."
168,9,9,"The user attacks and
steals the foes held
item simultaneously.
It cant steal if the
user holds an item."
168,10,9,"The user attacks and
steals the foes held
item simultaneously.
It cant steal if the
user holds an item."
168,11,1,"The user attacks and steals the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
held item simultaneously.
It cant steal if the user holds an item."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
168,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque la cible et vole
son objet. Le lanceur ne peut rien
voler s'il tient déjà un objet."
169,3,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
169,4,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
169,5,9,"Ensnares the foe to stop it
from fleeing or switching."
169,6,9,"Ensnares the foe to stop it
from fleeing or switching."
169,7,9,"Ensnares the foe
with sticky string
so it doesnt flee
or switch out."
169,8,9,"The user ensnares
the foe with a thin,
gooey silk so it cant
flee from battle.
169,9,9,"The user ensnares
the foe with a thin,
gooey silk so it cant
flee from battle.
169,10,9,"The user ensnares
the foe with a thin,
gooey silk so it cant
flee from battle.
169,11,1,"The user ensnares the target with thin,
gooey silk so it cant flee from battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
169,11,5,"Le lanceur enserre l'ennemi à l'aide d'une
fine soie gluante pour l'empêcher de fuir
le combat."
170,3,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
170,4,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
170,5,9,"Senses the foes action to
ensure the next moves hit."
170,6,9,"Senses the foes action to
ensure the next moves hit."
170,7,9,"The user predicts
the foes action to
ensure its next
attack hits."
170,8,9,"The user senses the
foes movements
with its mind to
ensure its next
attack does not miss."
170,9,9,"The user senses the
foes movements
with its mind to
ensure its next
attack does not miss."
170,10,9,"The user senses the
foes movements
with its mind to
ensure its next
attack does not miss."
170,11,1,"The user senses the targets movements
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with its mind to ensure its next
attack does not miss the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
170,11,5,"Le lanceur analyse les mouvements de
l'ennemi pour être sûr de toucher
au coup suivant."
171,3,9,"A sleeper loses
1/4 HP every turn."
171,4,9,"A sleeper loses
1/4 HP every turn."
171,5,9,"Inflicts 1/4 damage on a
sleeping foe every turn."
171,6,9,"Inflicts 1/4 damage on a
sleeping foe every turn."
171,7,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn."
171,8,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn.
171,9,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn.
171,10,9,"A sleeping foe is
shown a nightmare
that inflicts some
damage every turn.
171,11,1,"A sleeping target sees a nightmare
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that inflicts some damage every turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
171,11,5,"Un cauchemar qui inflige des dégâts à
chaque tour à un ennemi endormi."
172,3,9,"An attack that may
cause a burn."
172,4,9,"An attack that may
cause a burn."
172,5,9,"A fiery charge attack that
may inflict a burn."
172,6,9,"A fiery charge attack that
may inflict a burn."
172,7,9,"The user makes a
fiery charge at the
foe. It may cause
a burn."
172,8,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
172,9,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
172,10,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
172,11,1,"The user cloaks itself in fire and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
charges at the target.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
172,11,5,"Le lanceur s'entoure de feu et charge
l'ennemi. Peut aussi brûler l'ennemi."
173,3,9,"An attack useable
only while asleep."
173,4,9,"An attack useable
only while asleep."
173,5,9,"A loud attack that can be
used only while asleep."
173,6,9,"A loud attack that can be
used only while asleep."
173,7,9,"An attack that can
be used only while
asleep. It may
cause flinching."
173,8,9,"An attack that can
be used only if the
user is asleep. The
harsh noise may also
make the foe flinch."
173,9,9,"An attack that can
be used only if the
user is asleep. The
harsh noise may also
make the foe flinch."
173,10,9,"An attack that can
be used only if the
user is asleep. The
harsh noise may also
make the foe flinch."
173,11,1,"An attack that can be used only if the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
user is asleep. The harsh noise may also
make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
173,11,5,"Une attaque qui ne fonctionne que si le
lanceur est endormi. Le boucan peut aussi
apeurer l'ennemi."
174,3,9,"Works differently
for ghost-types."
174,4,9,"Works differently
for ghost-types."
174,5,9,"A move that functions
differently for GHOSTS."
174,6,9,"A move that functions
differently for GHOSTS."
174,7,9,"A move that works
differently for the
GHOST-type and all
the other types."
174,8,9,"A move that works
differently for the
Ghost type than for
all the other types.
174,9,9,"A move that works
differently for the
Ghost type than for
all the other types.
174,10,9,"A move that works
differently for the
Ghost type than for
all the other types.
174,11,1,"A move that works differently for the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Ghost type than for all other types."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
174,11,5,"Une capacité à l'effet différent selon que
le lanceur est un Pokémon Spectre ou non."
175,3,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
175,4,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
175,5,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the users HP is down."
175,6,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the users HP is down."
175,7,9,"A desperate attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has."
175,8,9,"The user flails about
aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more
powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,9,9,"The user flails about
aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more
powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,10,9,"The user flails about
aimlessly to attack.
It becomes more
powerful the less HP
the user has."
175,11,1,"The user flails about aimlessly to attack.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It becomes more powerful the less HP
the user has."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
175,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tournoyer son fléau.
Plus ses PV sont bas, plus l'attaque
est puissante."
176,3,9,"The user's type is
made resistant."
176,4,9,"The user's type is
made resistant."
176,5,9,"Makes the user resistant
to the last attacks type."
176,6,9,"Makes the user resistant
to the last attacks type."
176,7,9,"The user changes
type to make itself
resistant to the
last attack it took."
176,8,9,"The user changes its
type to make itself
resistant to the type
of the attack it
last took."
176,9,9,"The user changes its
type to make itself
resistant to the type
of the attack it
last took."
176,10,9,"The user changes its
type to make itself
resistant to the type
of the attack it
last took."
176,11,1,"The user changes its type to make itself
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
resistant to the type of the attack the
opponent used last."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
176,11,5,"Le lanceur change de type pour être
résistant au type de la dernière
attaque lancée par sa cible."
177,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
177,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
177,5,9,"Launches a vacuumed blast.
High critical-hit ratio."
177,6,9,"Launches a vacuumed blast.
High critical-hit ratio."
177,7,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,8,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe to
inflict damage.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,9,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe to
inflict damage.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,10,9,"A vortex of air is
shot at the foe to
inflict damage.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
177,11,1,"A vortex of air is shot at the target to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
inflict damage.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
177,11,5,"Le lanceur projette une tornade sur
l'ennemi pour infliger des dégâts. Taux
de critiques élevé."
178,3,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
178,4,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
178,5,9,"Spores cling to the foe,
sharply reducing SPEED."
178,6,9,"Spores cling to the foe,
sharply reducing SPEED."
178,7,9,"Cotton-like spores
cling to the foe,
sharply reducing
its SPEED stat."
178,8,9,"The user releases
cottonlike spores
that cling to the
foe, sharply reducing
its Speed stat."
178,9,9,"The user releases
cottonlike spores
that cling to the
foe, sharply reducing
its Speed stat."
178,10,9,"The user releases
cottonlike spores
that cling to the
foe, sharply reducing
its Speed stat."
178,11,1,"The user releases cotton-like spores
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that cling to the target,
harshly reducing its Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
178,11,5,"Le lanceur libère des spores cotonneuses
qui collent à l'ennemi et baissent
fortement sa Vitesse."
179,3,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
179,4,9,"Stronger if the
user's HP is low."
179,5,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the users HP is down."
179,6,9,"Inflicts more damage when
the users HP is down."
179,7,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has."
179,8,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has.
179,9,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has.
179,10,9,"An all-out attack
that becomes more
powerful the less
HP the user has.
179,11,1,"An all-out attack that becomes more
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
powerful the less HP the user has."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
179,11,5,"Le lanceur ne retient plus ses coups. Plus
ses PV sont bas et plus l'attaque est
180,3,9,"Cuts the PP of the
foe's last move."
180,4,9,"Cuts the PP of the
foe's last move."
180,5,9,"Spitefully cuts the PP
of the foes last move."
180,6,9,"Spitefully cuts the PP
of the foes last move."
180,7,9,"A move that cuts
2 to 5 PP from the
move last used by
the foe."
180,8,9,"The user looses its
grudge on the move
last used by the foe
by cutting 4 PP from
180,9,9,"The user looses its
grudge on the move
last used by the foe
by cutting 4 PP from
180,10,9,"The user looses its
grudge on the move
last used by the foe
by cutting 4 PP from
180,11,1,"The user unleashes its grudge on the move
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
last used by the target by cutting 4 PP
from it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
180,11,5,"Le lanceur exprime son ressentiment
en retirant 4 PP de la dernière attaque
de l'ennemi."
181,3,9,"An attack that may
cause freezing."
181,4,9,"An attack that may
cause freezing."
181,5,9,"Blasts the foe with a snowy
gust. May cause freezing."
181,6,9,"Blasts the foe with a snowy
gust. May cause freezing."
181,7,9,"Blasts the foe with
a snowy gust.
It may cause
181,8,9,"The user attacks with
a chilling gust of
powdery snow.
It may also freeze
the target."
181,9,9,"The user attacks with
a chilling gust of
powdery snow.
It may also freeze
the target."
181,10,9,"The user attacks with
a chilling gust of
powdery snow.
It may also freeze
the target."
181,11,1,"The user attacks with a chilling gust
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of powdery snow.
It may also freeze the targets."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
181,11,5,"Le lanceur projette de la neige
poudreuse. Peut aussi geler l'ennemi."
182,3,9,"Foils attack that
turn. It may fail."
182,4,9,"Foils attack that
turn. It may fail."
182,5,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
182,6,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
182,7,9,"Enables the user to
evade all attacks.
It may fail if used
in succession."
182,8,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
182,9,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
182,10,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
182,11,1,"It enables the user to evade all attacks.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Its chance of failing rises if it is used in
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
182,11,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la
suite, plus elle risque d'échouer."
183,3,9,"A fast punch that
lands first."
183,4,9,"A fast punch that
lands first."
183,5,9,"A punch is thrown at wicked
speed to strike first."
183,6,9,"A punch is thrown at wicked
speed to strike first."
183,7,9,"A punch thrown at
blinding speed.
It is certain to
strike first."
183,8,9,"The user throws a
punch at blinding
It is certain to
strike first."
183,9,9,"The user throws a
punch at blinding
It is certain to
strike first."
183,10,9,"The user throws a
punch at blinding
It is certain to
strike first."
183,11,1,"The user throws a punch at blinding
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
speed. It is certain to strike first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
183,11,5,"Coup de poing fulgurant.
Frappe en premier."
184,3,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
184,4,9,"Sharply reduces
the foe's SPEED."
184,5,9,"Frightens with a scary face
to sharply reduce SPEED."
184,6,9,"Frightens with a scary face
to sharply reduce SPEED."
184,7,9,"Frightens the foe
with a scary face
to sharply reduce
its SPEED."
184,8,9,"The user frightens
the foe with a scary
face to sharply
reduce its Speed
184,9,9,"The user frightens
the foe with a scary
face to sharply
reduce its Speed
184,10,9,"The user frightens
the foe with a scary
face to sharply
reduce its Speed
184,11,1,"The user frightens the target with a scary
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
face to harshly reduce its Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
184,11,5,"Une grimace qui effraie l'ennemi et
réduit fortement sa Vitesse."
185,3,9,"An attack that
never misses."
185,4,9,"An attack that
never misses."
185,5,9,"Draws the foe close, then
strikes without fail."
185,6,9,"Draws the foe close, then
strikes without fail."
185,7,9,"The user draws up
close to the foe
disarmingly, then
hits without fail."
185,8,9,"The user draws up to
the foe disarmingly,
then throws a sucker
It hits without fail."
185,9,9,"The user draws up to
the foe disarmingly,
then throws a sucker
It hits without fail."
185,10,9,"The user draws up to
the foe disarmingly,
then throws a sucker
It hits without fail."
185,11,1,"The user approaches the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
disarmingly, then throws a sucker punch.
It hits without fail."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
185,11,5,"Le lanceur s'approche l'air de rien avant
de frapper par surprise. N'échoue jamais."
186,3,9,"A move that causes
186,4,9,"A move that causes
186,5,9,"Demands a kiss with a cute
look. May cause confusion."
186,6,9,"Demands a kiss with a cute
look. May cause confusion."
186,7,9,"The user kisses
the foe with sweet
cuteness that
causes confusion."
186,8,9,"The user kisses the
foe with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that
causes confusion.
186,9,9,"The user kisses the
foe with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that
causes confusion.
186,10,9,"The user kisses the
foe with a sweet,
angelic cuteness that
causes confusion.
186,11,1,"The user kisses the target with a sweet,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
angelic cuteness that causes confusion."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
186,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un bisou si mignon
et désarmant qu'il plonge l'ennemi dans
la confusion."
187,3,9,"Reduces own HP to
maximize ATTACK."
187,4,9,"Reduces own HP to
maximize ATTACK."
187,5,9,"Maximizes ATTACK while
sacrificing HP."
187,6,9,"Maximizes ATTACK while
sacrificing HP."
187,7,9,"The user maximizes
its ATTACK stat at
the cost of half
its full HP."
187,8,9,"The user maximizes
its Attack stat in
exchange for HP
equal to half its max
187,9,9,"The user maximizes
its Attack stat in
exchange for HP
equal to half its max
187,10,9,"The user maximizes
its Attack stat in
exchange for HP
equal to half its max
187,11,1,"The user maximizes its Attack stat in
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
exchange for HP equal to half its max HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
187,11,5,"Améliore l'Attaque au maximum en
sacrifiant la moitié des PV max."
188,3,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
188,4,9,"An attack that may
poison the foe."
188,5,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
188,6,9,"Sludge is hurled to inflict
damage. May also poison."
188,7,9,"Filthy sludge is
hurled at the foe.
It may poison the
188,8,9,"The user attacks by
hurling filthy sludge
at the foe.
It may also poison
the target."
188,9,9,"The user attacks by
hurling filthy sludge
at the foe.
It may also poison
the target."
188,10,9,"The user attacks by
hurling filthy sludge
at the foe.
It may also poison
the target."
188,11,1,"Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
188,11,5,"Des détritus toxiques sont projetés sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi l'empoisonner."
189,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
189,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
189,5,9,"Hurls mud in the foes face
to reduce its accuracy."
189,6,9,"Hurls mud in the foes face
to reduce its accuracy."
189,7,9,"Mud is hurled in
the foes face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy."
189,8,9,"The user hurls mud in
the foes face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy.
189,9,9,"The user hurls mud in
the foes face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy.
189,10,9,"The user hurls mud in
the foes face to
inflict damage and
lower its accuracy.
189,11,1,"The user hurls mud in the targets face to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
inflict damage and lower its accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
189,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie de la boue au visage
de l'ennemi pour infliger des dégâts
et baisser sa Précision."
190,3,9,"An attack that may
reduce accuracy."
190,4,9,"An attack that may
reduce accuracy."
190,5,9,"Fires a lump of ink to
damage and cut accuracy."
190,6,9,"Fires a lump of ink to
damage and cut accuracy."
190,7,9,"Ink is blasted in
the foes face or
eyes to damage and
lower accuracy."
190,8,9,"The user attacks by
spraying ink in the
foes face or eyes.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
190,9,9,"The user attacks by
spraying ink in the
foes face or eyes.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
190,10,9,"The user attacks by
spraying ink in the
foes face or eyes.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
190,11,1,"The user attacks by spraying ink in the
targets face or eyes.
It may also lower the targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
190,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de
l'encre au visage de l'ennemi. Peut aussi
baisser la Précision de l'ennemi."
191,3,9,"Hurts foes when
they switch out."
191,4,9,"Hurts foes when
they switch out."
191,5,9,"Sets spikes that hurt a
foe switching out."
191,6,9,"Sets spikes that hurt a
foe switching in."
191,7,9,"A trap of spikes is
laid around the
foes party to hurt
foes switching in."
191,8,9,"The user lays a trap
of spikes at the
foes feet. The trap
hurts foes that
switch into battle."
191,9,9,"The user lays a trap
of spikes at the
foes feet. The trap
hurts foes that
switch into battle."
191,10,9,"The user lays a trap
of spikes at the
foes feet. The trap
hurts foes that
switch into battle."
191,11,1,"The user lays a trap of spikes at the
opposing teams feet. The trap hurts
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Pokémon that switch into battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
191,11,5,"Le lanceur disperse des piquants sur le
sol pour blesser tout ennemi qui entre
au combat."
192,3,9,"An attack that
always paralyzes."
192,4,9,"An attack that
always paralyzes."
192,5,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
paralysis, but inaccurate."
192,6,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
paralysis, but inaccurate."
192,7,9,"An electric blast is
fired like a cannon
to inflict damage
and paralyze."
192,8,9,"The user fires an
electric blast like a
cannon to inflict
damage and cause
192,9,9,"The user fires an
electric blast like a
cannon to inflict
damage and cause
192,10,9,"The user fires an
electric blast like a
cannon to inflict
damage and cause
192,11,1,"The user fires an electric blast like a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
cannon to inflict damage and
cause paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
192,11,5,"Un boulet de canon électrifié qui inflige
des dégâts et paralyse l'ennemi."
193,3,9,"Negates accuracy
reduction moves."
193,4,9,"Negates accuracy
reduction moves."
193,5,9,"Negates the foes efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
193,6,9,"Negates the foes efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
193,7,9,"Completely negates
the foes efforts to
heighten its ability
to evade."
193,8,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
193,9,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
193,10,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
193,11,1,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit by
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
193,11,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre
avec n'importe quelle capacité et de
toucher un ennemi insaisissable."
194,3,9,"The foe faints if
the user does."
194,4,9,"The foe faints if
the user does."
194,5,9,"If the user faints, the foe
is also made to faint."
194,6,9,"If the user faints, the foe
is also made to faint."
194,7,9,"If the user faints,
the foe delivering
the final hit also
194,8,9,"When this move is
used, if the user
faints, the foe that
landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,9,9,"When this move is
used, if the user
faints, the foe that
landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,10,9,"When this move is
used, if the user
faints, the foe that
landed the knockout
hit also faints."
194,11,1,"When this move is used, if the user faints,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the Pokémon that landed the knockout
hit also faints."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
194,11,5,"Quand cette capacité est activée,
elle met K.O. un ennemi qui porte
un coup fatal au lanceur."
195,3,9,"Both user and foe
faint in 3 turns."
195,4,9,"Both user and foe
faint in 3 turns."
195,5,9,"Any POKéMON hearing this
song faints in 3 turns."
195,6,9,"Any POKéMON hearing this
song faints in 3 turns."
195,7,9,"Any battler that
hears this faints
in three turns
unless it switches."
195,8,9,"Any Pokémon that
hears this song
faints in three turns
unless it switches
out of battle."
195,9,9,"Any Pokémon that
hears this song
faints in three turns
unless it switches
out of battle."
195,10,9,"Any Pokémon that
hears this song
faints in three turns,
unless it switches
out of battle."
195,11,1,"Any Pokémon that hears this song
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
faints in three turns, unless it switches
out of battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
195,11,5,"Tout Pokémon qui entend ce requiem
est K.O. dans 3 tours à moins qu'il
ne quitte le combat."
196,3,9,"An icy attack that
lowers SPEED."
196,4,9,"An icy attack that
lowers SPEED."
196,5,9,"A chilling attack that
lowers the foes SPEED."
196,6,9,"A chilling attack that
lowers the foes SPEED."
196,7,9,"A chilling wind is
used to attack.
It also lowers the
SPEED stat."
196,8,9,"The user attacks with
a gust of chilled air.
It also lowers the
targets Speed stat.
196,9,9,"The user attacks with
a gust of chilled air.
It also lowers the
targets Speed stat.
196,10,9,"The user attacks with
a gust of chilled air.
It also lowers the
targets Speed stat.
196,11,1,"The user attacks with a gust of
chilled air. It also reduces the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
196,11,5,"Une bourrasque de vent froid blesse
l'ennemi. Réduit aussi sa Vitesse."
197,3,9,"Evades attack that
turn. It may fail."
197,4,9,"Evades attack that
turn. It may fail."
197,5,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
197,6,9,"Evades attack, but may fail
if used in succession."
197,7,9,"Enables the user to
evade all attacks.
It may fail if used
in succession."
197,8,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
197,9,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
197,10,9,"It enables the user
to evade all attacks.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
197,11,1,"It enables the user to evade all attacks.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Its chance of failing rises if it is used
in succession."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
197,11,5,"Le lanceur esquive toutes les attaques.
Plus la capacité est utilisée de fois à la
suite, plus elle risque d'échouer."
198,3,9,"An attack that
hits 2-5 times."
198,4,9,"An attack that
hits 2-5 times."
198,5,9,"Strikes the foe with a bone
in hand 2 to 5 times."
198,6,9,"Strikes the foe with a bone
in hand 2 to 5 times."
198,7,9,"The user strikes
the foe with a bone
in hand two to five
198,8,9,"The user strikes at
the foe with a hard
bone two to five
times in a row.
198,9,9,"The user strikes at
the foe with a hard
bone two to five
times in a row.
198,10,9,"The user strikes at
the foe with a hard
bone two to five
times in a row.
198,11,1,"The user strikes the target with a hard
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
bone two to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
198,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l'ennemi
2 à 5 fois avec un os."
199,3,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
199,4,9,"Ensures the next
attack will hit."
199,5,9,"Locks on to the foe to
ensure the next move hits."
199,6,9,"Locks on to the foe to
ensure the next move hits."
199,7,9,"The user locks on
to the foe, making
the next move sure
to hit."
199,8,9,"The user takes sure
aim at the foe.
It ensures the next
attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,9,9,"The user takes sure
aim at the foe.
It ensures the next
attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,10,9,"The user takes sure
aim at the foe.
It ensures the next
attack does not fail
to hit the target."
199,11,1,"The user takes sure aim at the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It ensures the next attack does not fail
to hit the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
199,11,5,"Verrouille l'ennemi pour ne
pas le rater au tour suivant."
200,3,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
200,4,9,"Works 2-3 turns
and confuses user."
200,5,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
200,6,9,"A rampage of 2 to 3 turns
that confuses the user."
200,7,9,"The user thrashes
about for two to
three turns, then
becomes confused."
200,8,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
However, it then
becomes confused."
200,9,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
However, it then
becomes confused."
200,10,9,"The user rampages
and attacks for two
to three turns.
However, it then
becomes confused."
200,11,1,"The user rampages and attacks for two
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to three turns.
It then becomes confused, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
200,11,5,"Le lanceur laisse éclater sa rage et
attaque pendant 2 à 3 tours avant de
céder à la confusion."
201,3,9,"Inflicts damage
every turn."
201,4,9,"Inflicts damage
every turn."
201,5,9,"Causes a sandstorm that
rages for several turns."
201,6,9,"Causes a sandstorm that
rages for several turns."
201,7,9,"A 5-turn sandstorm
that damages all
types except ROCK,
201,8,9,"A five-turn sand­
storm is summoned
to hurt all combatant
types except Rock,
Ground, and Steel."
201,9,9,"A five-turn sand­
storm is summoned
to hurt all combatant
types except Rock,
Ground, and Steel."
201,10,9,"A five-turn sand­
storm is summoned
to hurt all combatant
types except Rock,
Ground, and Steel."
201,11,1,"A five-turn sandstorm is summoned
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to hurt all combatants except the
Rock, Ground, and Steel types."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
201,11,5,"Une tempête de sable de 5 tours
qui blesse tous les Pokémon sauf
les types Roche, Sol et Acier."
202,3,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
202,4,9,"Steals 1/2 of the
damage inflicted."
202,5,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
202,6,9,"An attack that steals half
the damage inflicted."
202,7,9,"A harsh attack that
absorbs half the
damage it inflicted
to restore HP."
202,8,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
202,9,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
202,10,9,"A nutrient-draining
attack. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
202,11,1,"A nutrient-draining attack. The users
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
HP is restored by half the damage
taken by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
202,11,5,"Une attaque qui convertit la moitié
des dégâts infligés en PV."
203,3,9,"Always leaves at
least 1HP."
203,4,9,"Always leaves at
least 1HP."
203,5,9,"Endures any attack for
1 turn, leaving at least 1HP."
203,6,9,"Endures any attack for
1 turn, leaving at least 1HP."
203,7,9,"The user endures
any hit with 1 HP
left. It may fail if
used in succession."
203,8,9,"The user endures any
attack, leaving 1 HP.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
203,9,9,"The user endures any
attack, leaving 1 HP.
Its chance of failing
rises if it is used in
203,10,9,"The user endures any
attack with at least
1 HP. Its chance of
failing rises if it is
used in succession."
203,11,1,"The user endures any attack with at least
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is
used in succession."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
203,11,5,"Le lanceur résiste aux attaques avec
1 PV. Peut échouer si utilisée plusieurs
fois de suite."
204,3,9,"Sharply lowers the
foe's ATTACK."
204,4,9,"Sharply lowers the
foe's ATTACK."
204,5,9,"Charms the foe and sharply
reduces its ATTACK."
204,6,9,"Charms the foe and sharply
reduces its ATTACK."
204,7,9,"The foe is charmed
by the users cute
appeals, sharply
cutting its ATTACK."
204,8,9,"The user charmingly
stares at the foe,
making it less wary.
The targets Attack
is sharply lowered."
204,9,9,"The user charmingly
stares at the foe,
making it less wary.
The targets Attack
is sharply lowered."
204,10,9,"The user charmingly
stares at the foe,
making it less wary.
The targets Attack
is sharply lowered."
204,11,1,"The user gazes at the target rather
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
charmingly, making it less wary.
The targets Attack is harshly lowered."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
204,11,5,"Le lanceur fait les yeux doux
pour berner l'ennemi et réduire
considérablement son Attaque."
205,3,9,"Attacks 5 turns
with rising power."
205,4,9,"Attacks 5 turns
with rising power."
205,5,9,"An attack lasting 5 turns
with rising intensity."
205,6,9,"An attack lasting 5 turns
with rising intensity."
205,7,9,"A 5-turn rolling
attack that becomes
stronger each time
it hits."
205,8,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,9,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,10,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
205,11,1,"The user continually rolls into the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
205,11,5,"Un rocher roule sur l'ennemi pendant 5
tours. L'attaque gagne en puissance
à chaque coup."
206,3,9,"Leaves the foe
with at least 1HP."
206,4,9,"Leaves the foe
with at least 1HP."
206,5,9,"An attack that leaves the
foe with at least 1 HP."
206,6,9,"An attack that leaves the
foe with at least 1 HP."
206,7,9,"A restrained attack
that always leaves
the foe with at
least 1 HP."
206,8,9,"A restrained attack
that prevents the
foe from fainting.
The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
206,9,9,"A restrained attack
that prevents the
foe from fainting.
The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
206,10,9,"A restrained attack
that prevents the
foe from fainting.
The target is left
with at least 1 HP."
206,11,1,"A restrained attack that prevents the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target from fainting.
The target is left with at least 1 HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
206,11,5,"Le lanceur retient ses coups pour
que l'ennemi garde au moins 1 PV et
ne tombe pas K.O."
207,3,9,"Causes confusion
and raises ATTACK."
207,4,9,"Causes confusion
and raises ATTACK."
207,5,9,"Confuses the foe, but also
sharply raises ATTACK."
207,6,9,"Confuses the foe, but also
sharply raises ATTACK."
207,7,9,"A move that makes
the foe confused,
but also sharply
raises its ATTACK."
207,8,9,"The user enrages the
foe into confusion.
However, it also
sharply raises the
foes Attack stat."
207,9,9,"The user enrages the
foe into confusion.
However, it also
sharply raises the
foes Attack stat."
207,10,9,"The user enrages the
foe into confusion.
However, it also
sharply raises the
foes Attack stat."
207,11,1,"The user enrages and confuses the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
However, it also sharply raises the
targets Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
207,11,5,"Fait enrager la cible et la plonge dans
la confusion, mais augmente fortement
son Attaque."
208,3,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
208,4,9,"Restores HP by 1/2
the max HP."
208,5,9,"Recovers up to half the
users maximum HP."
208,6,9,"Recovers up to half the
users maximum HP."
208,7,9,"Heals the user by
up to half its full
HP. It can be used
to heal an ally."
208,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an allys HP."
208,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an allys HP."
208,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP.
It may also be used
to heal an allys HP."
208,11,1,"The user restores its own HP
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by up to half of its maximum HP.
May also be used in the field to heal HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
208,11,5,"Le lanceur récupère jusqu'à la moitié de
ses PV max. En dehors des combats, permet
de transférer des PV du lanceur à un allié."
209,3,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
209,4,9,"An attack that may
cause paralysis."
209,5,9,"An electrified tackle that
may paralyze the foe."
209,6,9,"An electrified tackle that
may paralyze the foe."
209,7,9,"An electrically
charged tackle that
may also paralyze
the foe."
209,8,9,"The user throws an
electrically charged
tackle at the foe.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
209,9,9,"The user throws an
electrically charged
tackle at the foe.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
209,10,9,"The user throws an
electrically charged
tackle at the foe.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed."
209,11,1,"The user throws an electrically charged
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
tackle at the target. It may also leave
the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
209,11,5,"Lance une charge électrique sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi le paralyser."
210,3,9,"Successive hits
raise power."
210,4,9,"Successive hits
raise power."
210,5,9,"An attack that intensifies
on each successive hit."
210,6,9,"An attack that intensifies
on each successive hit."
210,7,9,"An attack that
grows stronger on
each successive
210,8,9,"The foe is slashed
with scythes or
claws. Its power
increases if it hits
in succession."
210,9,9,"The foe is slashed
with scythes or
claws. Its power
increases if it hits
in succession."
210,10,9,"The foe is slashed
with scythes or
claws. Its power
increases if it hits
in succession."
210,11,1,"The target is slashed with scythes or
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
claws. Its power increases if it hits
in succession."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
210,11,5,"Un coup de faux ou de griffe dont
la force augmente quand il touche
plusieurs fois d'affilée."
211,3,9,"Stiff wings strike
the foe."
211,4,9,"Stiff wings strike
the foe."
211,5,9,"Strikes the foe with hard
wings spread wide."
211,6,9,"Strikes the foe with hard
wings spread wide."
211,7,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise
the users DEFENSE."
211,8,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise the
users Defense stat.
211,9,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise the
users Defense stat.
211,10,9,"The foe is hit with
wings of steel.
It may also raise the
users Defense stat.
211,11,1,"The target is hit with wings of steel.
It may also raise the users Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
211,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l'ennemi avec des
ailes d'acier. Peut aussi augmenter
la Défense du lanceur."
212,3,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
212,4,9,"Prevents fleeing
or switching."
212,5,9,"Fixes the foe with a mean
look that prevents escape."
212,6,9,"Fixes the foe with a mean
look that prevents escape."
212,7,9,"The foe is fixed
with a mean look
that prevents it
from escaping."
212,8,9,"The user affixes the
foe with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes
unable to flee."
212,9,9,"The user affixes the
foe with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes
unable to flee."
212,10,9,"The user affixes the
foe with a dark,
arresting look.
The target becomes
unable to flee."
212,11,1,"The user pins the target with a dark,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
arresting look.
The target becomes unable to flee."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
212,11,5,"Le lanceur pétrifie l'ennemi en lui lançant
un regard noir. Il devient incapable de
213,3,9,"Makes the opposite
gender infatuated."
213,4,9,"Makes the opposite
gender infatuated."
213,5,9,"Makes the opposite gender
less likely to attack."
213,6,9,"Makes the opposite gender
less likely to attack."
213,7,9,"If it is the other
gender, the foe is
made infatuated and
unlikely to attack."
213,8,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe becomes
infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,9,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe becomes
infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,10,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe becomes
infatuated and less
likely to attack."
213,11,1,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target becomes infatuated and less
likely to attack."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
213,11,5,"Si l'ennemi est du sexe opposé, il tombe
amoureux et rechigne alors à attaquer."
214,3,9,"Randomly attacks
while asleep."
214,4,9,"Randomly attacks
while asleep."
214,5,9,"Uses an own move randomly
while asleep."
214,6,9,"Uses an available move
randomly while asleep."
214,7,9,"While asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,8,9,"While it is asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,9,9,"While it is asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,10,9,"While it is asleep, the
user randomly uses
one of the moves it
214,11,1,"While it is asleep, the user randomly uses
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
one of the moves it knows."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
214,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise un de ses coups
au hasard pendant qu'il dort."
215,3,9,"Eliminates all
status problems."
215,4,9,"Eliminates all
status problems."
215,5,9,"Chimes soothingly to heal
all status abnormalities."
215,6,9,"Chimes soothingly to heal
all status abnormalities."
215,7,9,"A soothing bell
chimes to heal the
status problems of
all allies."
215,8,9,"The user makes a
soothing bell chime
to heal the status
problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,9,9,"The user makes a
soothing bell chime
to heal the status
problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,10,9,"The user makes a
soothing bell chime
to heal the status
problems of all the
party Pokémon."
215,11,1,"The user makes a soothing bell chime
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to heal the status problems of all the
party Pokémon."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
215,11,5,"Carillon apaisant qui soigne les problèmes
de statut de tous les Pokémon de l'équipe."
216,3,9,"An attack that is
based on loyalty."
216,4,9,"An attack that is
based on loyalty."
216,5,9,"An attack that increases
in power with friendship."
216,6,9,"An attack that increases
in power with friendship."
216,7,9,"This attack move
grows more powerful
the more the user
likes its TRAINER."
216,8,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the more
the user likes its
216,9,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the more
the user likes its
216,10,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the more
the user likes its
216,11,1,"A full-power attack that grows more
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
powerful the more the user likes
its Trainer."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
216,11,5,"Une attaque furieuse dont la puissance
augmente quand le Pokémon apprécie
son Dresseur."
217,3,9,"A bomb that may
restore HP."
217,4,9,"A bomb that may
restore HP."
217,5,9,"A gift in the form of a
bomb. May restore HP."
217,6,9,"A gift in the form of a
bomb. May restore HP."
217,7,9,"The foe is given a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,8,9,"The user attacks by
giving the foe a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,9,9,"The user attacks by
giving the foe a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,10,9,"The user attacks by
giving the foe a
booby-trapped gift.
It restores HP
sometimes, however."
217,11,1,"The user attacks by giving the target a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
gift with a hidden trap. It restores
HP sometimes, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
217,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en offrant un cadeau
piégé à la cible. Peut à l'inverse
restaurer certains de ses PV."
218,3,9,"An attack based on
lack of loyalty."
218,4,9,"An attack based on
lack of loyalty."
218,5,9,"An attack that is stronger
if the TRAINER is disliked."
218,6,9,"An attack that is stronger
if the TRAINER is disliked."
218,7,9,"This attack move
grows more powerful
the less the user
likes its TRAINER."
218,8,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the less
the user likes its
218,9,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the less
the user likes its
218,10,9,"A full-power attack
that grows more
powerful the less
the user likes its
218,11,1,"A full-power attack that grows more
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
powerful the less the user likes
its Trainer."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
218,11,5,"Moins le Pokémon aime son Dresseur, plus
cette attaque est puissante."
219,3,9,"Prevents all
status problems."
219,4,9,"Prevents all
status problems."
219,5,9,"A mystical force prevents
all status problems."
219,6,9,"A mystical force prevents
all status problems."
219,7,9,"It protects the
users party from
all status problems
for five turns."
219,8,9,"The user creates a
protective field that
prevents status
problems for five
219,9,9,"The user creates a
protective field that
prevents status
problems for five
219,10,9,"The user creates a
protective field that
prevents status
problems for five
219,11,1,"The user creates a protective field that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
prevents status problems for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
219,11,5,"Champ protecteur empêchant tous les
problèmes de statut pendant 5 tours."
220,3,9,"Adds user & foe's
HPs. Shares total."
220,4,9,"Adds user & foe's
HPs. Shares total."
220,5,9,"Adds the user and foes HP,
then shares them equally."
220,6,9,"Adds the user and foes HP,
then shares them equally."
220,7,9,"The user adds its
HP to the foes HP,
then equally shares
the total HP."
220,8,9,"The user adds its HP
to the foes HP, then
equally shares the
combined HP with the
220,9,9,"The user adds its HP
to the foes HP, then
equally shares the
combined HP with the
220,10,9,"The user adds its HP
to the foes HP, then
equally shares the
combined HP with the
220,11,1,"The user adds its HP to the targets HP,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
then equally shares the combined HP
with the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
220,11,5,"Le lanceur ajoute ses PV à ceux de
sa cible et les répartit équitablement."
221,3,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
221,4,9,"An attack that may
inflict a burn."
221,5,9,"A mystical fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
221,6,9,"A mystical fire attack that
may inflict a burn."
221,7,9,"A mystical and
powerful fire
attack that may
inflict a burn."
221,8,9,"The foe is razed with
a mystical fire of
great intensity.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,9,9,"The foe is razed with
a mystical fire of
great intensity.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,10,9,"The foe is razed with
a mystical fire of
great intensity.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
221,11,1,"The target is razed with a mystical fire
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of great intensity. It may also leave the
target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
221,11,5,"Un feu mystique d'une intensité
redoutable attaque l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le brûler."
222,3,9,"A ground attack
with random power."
222,4,9,"A ground attack
with random power."
222,5,9,"A ground-shaking attack
of random intensity."
222,6,9,"A ground-shaking attack
of random intensity."
222,7,9,"A ground-shaking
attack against all
standing POKéMON.
Its power varies."
222,8,9,"The user looses a
ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone in
battle. Its power
222,9,9,"The user looses a
ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone in
battle. Its power
222,10,9,"The user looses a
ground-shaking quake
affecting everyone in
battle. Its power
222,11,1,"The user looses a ground-shaking quake
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
affecting everyone around the user.
Its power varies."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
222,11,5,"Un tremblement de terre d'intensité
variable qui affecte tous les Pokémon
alentour. L'efficacité varie."
223,3,9,"An attack that
always confuses."
223,4,9,"An attack that
always confuses."
223,5,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
confusion, but inaccurate."
223,6,9,"Powerful and sure to cause
confusion, but inaccurate."
223,7,9,"The foe is punched
with the users full
power. It confuses
the foe if it hits."
223,8,9,"The foe is punched
with the users full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the foe
if it hits."
223,9,9,"The foe is punched
with the users full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the foe
if it hits."
223,10,9,"The foe is punched
with the users full,
concentrated power.
It confuses the foe
if it hits."
223,11,1,"The user punches the target with full,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
concentrated power.
It confuses the target if it hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
223,11,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et
envoie un coup de poing à l'ennemi.
S'il est touché, il est confus."
224,3,9,"A powerful charge
224,4,9,"A powerful charge
224,5,9,"A brutal ramming attack
using out-thrust horns."
224,6,9,"A brutal ramming attack
using out-thrust horns."
224,7,9,"A brutal ramming
attack delivered
with a tough and
impressive horn."
224,8,9,"Utilizing its tough
and impressive
horn, the user
rams into the foe
with no letup.
224,9,9,"Utilizing its tough
and impressive
horn, the user
rams into the foe
with no letup.
224,10,9,"Using its tough
and impressive
horn, the user
rams into the foe
with no letup.
224,11,1,"Using its tough and impressive horn,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the user rams into the target
with no letup."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
224,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses gigantesques
cornes pour charger l'ennemi."
225,3,9,"A strong breath
225,4,9,"A strong breath
225,5,9,"Strikes the foe with an
incredible blast of breath."
225,6,9,"Strikes the foe with an
incredible blast of breath."
225,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an incredible blast
of breath that may
also paralyze."
225,8,9,"The user exhales
a mighty gust that
inflicts damage.
It may also paralyze
the target."
225,9,9,"The user exhales
a mighty gust that
inflicts damage.
It may also paralyze
the target."
225,10,9,"The user exhales
a mighty gust that
inflicts damage.
It may also paralyze
the target."
225,11,1,"The user exhales a mighty gust that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
inflicts damage. It may also leave the
target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
225,11,5,"Le lanceur souffle fort sur l'ennemi pour
infliger des dégâts. Peut aussi le
226,3,9,"Switches while
keeping effects."
226,4,9,"Switches while
keeping effects."
226,5,9,"Switches out the user while
keeping effects in play."
226,6,9,"Switches out the user while
keeping effects in play."
226,7,9,"The user switches
out, passing along
any stat changes
to the new battler."
226,8,9,"The user switches
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting,
passing along any
stat changes."
226,9,9,"The user switches
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting,
passing along any
stat changes."
226,10,9,"The user switches
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting,
passing along any
stat changes."
226,11,1,"The user switches places with a party
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Pokémon in waiting, passing along any
stat changes."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
226,11,5,"Le lanceur échange sa place et tout
changement de stat avec un Pokémon
de l'équipe."
227,3,9,"Makes the foe re­
peat 2-6 times."
227,4,9,"Makes the foe re­
peat 2-6 times."
227,5,9,"Makes the foe repeat its
last move over 2 to 6 turns."
227,6,9,"Makes the foe repeat its
last move over 2 to 6 turns."
227,7,9,"Makes the foe use
the move it last
used repeatedly for
two to six turns."
227,8,9,"The user compels the
foe to keep using
only the move it last
used for two to six
227,9,9,"The user compels the
foe to keep using
only the move it last
used for three to
seven turns."
227,10,9,"The user compels the
foe to keep using
only the move it last
used for three to
seven turns."
227,11,1,"The user compels the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to keep using only the move
it last used for three turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
227,11,5,"Oblige l'ennemi à répéter la dernière
capacité utilisée durant 3 tours."
228,3,9,"Heavily strikes
switching POKéMON."
228,4,9,"Heavily strikes
switching POKéMON."
228,5,9,"Inflicts bad damage if used
on a foe switching out."
228,6,9,"Inflicts bad damage if used
on a foe switching out."
228,7,9,"An attack move that
works especially
well on a foe that
is switching out."
228,8,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double damage
if used on a foe that
is switching out of
228,9,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double damage
if used on a foe that
is switching out of
228,10,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double damage
if used on a foe that
is switching out of
228,11,1,"An attack move that inflicts double damage
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
if used on a target that is switching out
of battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
228,11,5,"Une attaque qui inflige deux fois plus de
dégâts à un ennemi qui quitte le combat."
229,3,9,"A high-speed
spinning attack."
229,4,9,"A high-speed
spinning attack."
229,5,9,"Spins the body at high
speed to strike the foe."
229,6,9,"Spins the body at high
speed to strike the foe."
229,7,9,"An attack that
frees the user from
229,8,9,"A spin attack that
can also eliminate
such moves as Bind,
Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,9,9,"A spin attack that
can also eliminate
such moves as Bind,
Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,10,9,"A spin attack that
can also eliminate
such moves as Bind,
Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
229,11,1,"A spin attack that can also eliminate
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
such moves as Bind, Wrap, Leech Seed,
and Spikes."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
229,11,5,"Une attaque tournoyante pouvant aussi
annuler par ex. Étreinte, Ligotage,
Vampigraine ou Picots."
230,3,9,"Reduces the foe's
230,4,9,"Reduces the foe's
230,5,9,"Allures the foe to reduce
230,6,9,"Allures the foe to reduce
230,7,9,"Allures the foe to
reduce evasiveness.
It also attracts
wild POKéMON."
230,8,9,"A sweet scent that
lowers the foes
evasiveness. It also
lures wild Pokémon
if used in grass, etc."
230,9,9,"A sweet scent that
lowers the foes
evasiveness. It also
lures wild Pokémon
if used in grass, etc."
230,10,9,"A sweet scent that
lowers the foes
evasiveness. It also
lures wild Pokémon
if used in grass, etc."
230,11,1,"A sweet scent that lowers the opposing
teams evasiveness. It also lures wild
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Pokémon if used in grass, etc."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
230,11,5,"Un doux parfum qui réduit l'Esquive
de l'ennemi. Attire aussi
les Pokémon sauvages."
231,3,9,"An attack that may
reduce DEFENSE."
231,4,9,"An attack that may
reduce DEFENSE."
231,5,9,"Attacks with a rock-hard
tail. May lower DEFENSE."
231,6,9,"Attacks with a rock-hard
tail. May lower DEFENSE."
231,7,9,"An attack with a
steel-hard tail.
It may lower the
foes DEFENSE stat."
231,8,9,"The foe is slammed
with a steel-hard
tail. It may also
lower the targets
Defense stat."
231,9,9,"The foe is slammed
with a steel-hard
tail. It may also
lower the targets
Defense stat."
231,10,9,"The foe is slammed
with a steel-hard
tail. It may also
lower the targets
Defense stat."
231,11,1,"The target is slammed with a steel-hard
tail. It may also lower the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
231,11,5,"Attaque l'ennemi avec une queue de fer.
Peut aussi baisser la Défense de l'ennemi."
232,3,9,"An attack that may
up user's ATTACK."
232,4,9,"An attack that may
up user's ATTACK."
232,5,9,"A claw attack that may
raise the users ATTACK."
232,6,9,"A claw attack that may
raise the users ATTACK."
232,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with steel claws.
It may also raise
the users ATTACK."
232,8,9,"The foe is raked
with steel claws.
It may also raise the
users Attack stat.
232,9,9,"The foe is raked
with steel claws.
It may also raise the
users Attack stat.
232,10,9,"The foe is raked
with steel claws.
It may also raise the
users Attack stat.
232,11,1,"The target is raked with steel claws.
It may also raise the users Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
232,11,5,"Attaque avec des griffes d'acier. Peut
aussi augmenter l'Attaque du lanceur."
233,3,9,"A 2nd-strike move
that never misses."
233,4,9,"A 2nd-strike move
that never misses."
233,5,9,"Makes the users move last,
but it never misses."
233,6,9,"Makes the users move last,
but it never misses."
233,7,9,"Makes the user
attack after the
foe. In return,
it will not miss."
233,8,9,"The user allows the
foe to attack first.
In return, this throw
move is guaranteed
not to miss."
233,9,9,"The user allows the
foe to attack first.
In return, this throw
move is guaranteed
not to miss."
233,10,9,"The user allows the
foe to attack first.
In return, this throw
move is guaranteed
not to miss."
233,11,1,"The user attacks last.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
In return, this throw move is
guaranteed not to miss."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
233,11,5,"Le lanceur porte son coup en
dernier. En échange, cette
capacité n'échoue jamais."
234,3,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
234,4,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
234,5,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
234,6,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
234,7,9,"Restores the users
HP. The amount of
HP regained varies
with the weather."
234,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
234,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
234,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
234,11,1,"The user restores its own HP.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
234,11,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la
235,3,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
235,4,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
235,5,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
235,6,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
235,7,9,"Restores the users
HP. The amount of
HP regained varies
with the weather."
235,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
235,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
235,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
235,11,1,"The user restores its own HP.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
235,11,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la
236,3,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
236,4,9,"Restores HP
(varies by time)."
236,5,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
236,6,9,"Restores HP. The amount
varies with the weather."
236,7,9,"Restores the users
HP. The amount of
HP regained varies
with the weather."
236,8,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
236,9,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
236,10,9,"The user restores its
own HP.
The amount of HP
regained varies with
the weather."
236,11,1,"The user restores its own HP.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The amount of HP regained varies
with the weather."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
236,11,5,"Un soin qui restaure des PV au lanceur.
Son efficacité varie en fonction de la
237,3,9,"The power varies
with the POKéMON."
237,4,9,"The power varies
with the POKéMON."
237,5,9,"The effectiveness varies
with the user."
237,6,9,"The effectiveness varies
with the user."
237,7,9,"An attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the user."
237,8,9,"A unique attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the Pokémon using
237,9,9,"A unique attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the Pokémon using
237,10,9,"A unique attack that
varies in type and
intensity depending
on the Pokémon using
237,11,1,"A unique attack that varies in type and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
intensity depending on the Pokémon
using it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
237,11,5,"Attaque dont la puissance et le type
dépendent du Pokémon qui l'utilise."
238,3,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
238,4,9,"Has a high criti­
cal hit ratio."
238,5,9,"A double-chopping attack.
High critical-hit ratio."
238,6,9,"A double-chopping attack.
High critical-hit ratio."
238,7,9,"The foe is hit with
double chops.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,8,9,"The user delivers a
double chop with its
forearms crossed.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,9,9,"The user delivers a
double chop with its
forearms crossed.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,10,9,"The user delivers a
double chop with its
forearms crossed.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
238,11,1,"The user delivers a double chop with its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
forearms crossed.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
238,11,5,"Le lanceur délivre un coup double en
croisant les avant-bras. Taux de
critiques élevé."
239,3,9,"Whips up a tornado
to attack."
239,4,9,"Whips up a tornado
to attack."
239,5,9,"Whips up a vicious twister
to tear at the foe."
239,6,9,"Whips up a vicious twister
to tear at the foe."
239,7,9,"A vicious twister
attacks the foe.
It may make the
foe flinch."
239,8,9,"The user whips up a
vicious twister to
tear at the foe.
It may also make the
foe flinch."
239,9,9,"The user whips up a
vicious twister to
tear at the foe.
It may also make the
foe flinch."
239,10,9,"The user whips up a
vicious tornado to
tear at the foe.
It may also make the
foe flinch."
239,11,1,"The user whips up a vicious tornado
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to tear at the opposing team.
It may also make targets flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
239,11,5,"Déclenche un terrible ouragan sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi l'apeurer."
240,3,9,"Boosts water-type
moves for 5 turns."
240,4,9,"Boosts water-type
moves for 5 turns."
240,5,9,"Boosts the power of WATER-
type moves for 5 turns."
240,6,9,"Boosts the power of WATER-
type moves for 5 turns."
240,7,9,"A heavy rain falls
for five turns,
powering up WATER-
type moves."
240,8,9,"The user summons a
heavy rain that falls
for five turns,
powering up Water-
type moves."
240,9,9,"The user summons a
heavy rain that falls
for five turns,
powering up Water-
type moves."
240,10,9,"The user summons a
heavy rain that falls
for five turns,
powering up Water-
type moves."
240,11,1,"The user summons a heavy rain
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that falls for five turns,
powering up Water-type moves."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
240,11,5,"Invoque de fortes pluies qui durent
5 tours et améliorent les capacités
de type Eau."
241,3,9,"Boosts fire-type
moves for 5 turns."
241,4,9,"Boosts fire-type
moves for 5 turns."
241,5,9,"Boosts the power of FIRE-
type moves for 5 turns."
241,6,9,"Boosts the power of FIRE-
type moves for 5 turns."
241,7,9,"The sun blazes for
five turns, powering
up FIRE-type
241,8,9,"The user intensifies
the sun for five
turns, powering up
Fire-type moves.
241,9,9,"The user intensifies
the sun for five
turns, powering up
Fire-type moves.
241,10,9,"The user intensifies
the sun for five
turns, powering up
Fire-type moves.
241,11,1,"The user intensifies the sun for
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
five turns, powering up
Fire-type moves."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
241,11,5,"Fait briller le soleil pendant 5 tours et
améliore les capacités de type Feu."
242,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
242,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
242,5,9,"Crunches with sharp fangs.
May lower SP. DEF."
242,6,9,"Crunches with sharp fangs.
May lower SP. DEF."
242,7,9,"The foe is crunched
with sharp fangs.
It may lower the
foes SP. DEF."
242,8,9,"The user crunches up
the foe with sharp
fangs. It may also
lower the targets
Defense stat."
242,9,9,"The user crunches up
the foe with sharp
fangs. It may also
lower the targets
Defense stat."
242,10,9,"The user crunches up
the foe with sharp
fangs. It may also
lower the targets
Defense stat."
242,11,1,"The user crunches up the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with sharp fangs. It may also lower
the targets Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
242,11,5,"Le lanceur mord l'ennemi de ses
crocs pointus. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense de l'ennemi."
243,3,9,"Counters a SPCL.
ATK. move double."
243,4,9,"Counters a SPCL.
ATK move double."
243,5,9,"Counters the foes special
attack at double the power."
243,6,9,"Counters the foes special
attack at double the power."
243,7,9,"A retaliation move
that pays back the
foes special attack
243,8,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
special attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,9,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
special attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,10,9,"A retaliation move
that counters any
special attack,
inflicting double the
damage taken."
243,11,1,"A retaliation move that counters any
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
special attack, inflicting double the
damage taken."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
243,11,5,"Une riposte qui contre n'importe quelle
attaque spéciale en infligeant le double
des dégâts subis."
244,3,9,"Copies the foe's
stat changes."
244,4,9,"Copies the foe's
stat changes."
244,5,9,"Copies the foes effect(s)
and gives to the user."
244,6,9,"Copies the foes effect(s)
and gives to the user."
244,7,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe."
244,8,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe.
244,9,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe.
244,10,9,"The user hypnotizes
itself into copying
any stat change
made by the foe.
244,11,1,"The user hypnotizes itself into
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
copying any stat change made
by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
244,11,5,"Une autohypnose qui permet au lanceur
de copier les changements de
stats de la cible."
245,3,9,"A powerful first-
strike move."
245,4,9,"A powerful first-
strike move."
245,5,9,"An extremely fast and
powerful attack."
245,6,9,"An extremely fast and
powerful attack."
245,7,9,"A blindingly speedy
charge attack that
always goes before
any other."
245,8,9,"The user charges the
foe at blinding speed.
This attack always
goes before any
other move."
245,9,9,"The user charges the
foe at blinding speed.
This attack always
goes before any
other move."
245,10,9,"The user charges the
foe at blinding speed.
This attack always
goes before any
other move."
245,11,1,"The user charges the target at blinding
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
speed. This attack always goes
before any other move."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
245,11,5,"Le lanceur charge à une vitesse
renversante. Cette attaque a
toujours l'initiative."
246,3,9,"An attack that may
raise all stats."
246,4,9,"An attack that may
raise all stats."
246,5,9,"An attack that may raise
all stats."
246,6,9,"An attack that may raise
all stats."
246,7,9,"An ancient power is
used to attack. It
may also raise all
the users stats."
246,8,9,"The user attacks with
a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all
the users stats at
246,9,9,"The user attacks with
a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all
the users stats at
246,10,9,"The user attacks with
a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all
the users stats at
246,11,1,"The user attacks with a prehistoric power.
It may also raise all the users stats
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at once."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
246,11,5,"Une attaque préhistorique qui peut
augmenter toutes les stats du lanceur
d'un seul coup."
247,3,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
247,4,9,"An attack that may
lower SPCL.DEF."
247,5,9,"Hurls a black blob that may
lower the foes SP. DEF."
247,6,9,"Hurls a black blob that may
lower the foes SP. DEF."
247,7,9,"A shadowy blob is
hurled at the foe.
May also lower the
foes SP. DEF."
247,8,9,"The user hurls a
shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also
lower the foes
Sp. Def stat."
247,9,9,"The user hurls a
shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also
lower the foes
Sp. Def stat."
247,10,9,"The user hurls a
shadowy blob at the
foe. It may also
lower the foes
Sp. Def stat."
247,11,1,"The user hurls a shadowy blob at the
target. It may also lower the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
247,11,5,"Projette une grande ombre sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi faire baisser
sa Défense Spéciale."
248,3,9,"An attack that
hits on 3rd turn."
248,4,9,"An attack that
hits on 3rd turn."
248,5,9,"Heightens inner power to
strike 2 turns later."
248,6,9,"Heightens inner power to
strike 2 turns later."
248,7,9,"Two turns after
this move is used,
the foe is attacked
248,8,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the foe
is attacked with a
hunk of psychic
248,9,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the foe
is attacked with a
hunk of psychic
248,10,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the foe
is attacked with a
hunk of psychic
248,11,1,"Two turns after this move is used,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
a hunk of psychic energy
attacks the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
248,11,5,"De l'énergie psychique vient frapper
l'ennemi 2 tours après l'utilisation
de cette capacité."
249,3,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
249,4,9,"An attack that may
lower DEFENSE."
249,5,9,"A rock-crushing attack
that may lower DEFENSE."
249,6,9,"A rock-crushing attack
that may lower DEFENSE."
249,7,9,"An attack that may
also cut DEFENSE.
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,8,9,"The user slugs the
foe with a shattering
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,9,9,"The user slugs the
foe with a shattering
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,10,9,"The user hits with a
punch that may lower
the targets Defense.
It can also smash
cracked boulders."
249,11,1,"The user attacks with a punch that can
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
shatter a rock. It may also lower the
targets Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
249,11,5,"Porte un coup dévastateur à l'ennemi.
Peut briser des rochers fissurés.
Peut baisser la Défense."
250,3,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
250,4,9,"Traps the foe for
2-5 turns."
250,5,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns."
250,6,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
a whirlpool for 2 to 5 turns."
250,7,9,"The foe is trapped
in a fast, vicious
whirlpool for two
to five turns."
250,8,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a fast,
vicious whirlpool that
lasts for two to five
250,9,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a fast,
vicious whirlpool that
lasts for two to five
250,10,9,"Traps the foe inside a
whirlpool that lasts
for two to five turns.
The user can pass
through whirlpools."
250,11,1,"Traps foes in a violent swirling
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
whirlpool for four to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
250,11,5,"Piège l'ennemi dans une trombe
d'eau pendant 4 à 5 tours."
251,3,9,"Party POKéMON join
in the attack.
251,4,9,"Party POKéMON join
in the attack.
251,5,9,"Summons party POKéMON to
join in the attack."
251,6,9,"Summons party POKéMON to
join in the attack."
251,7,9,"All party POKéMON
join in the attack.
The more allies,
the more damage."
251,8,9,"The user gets all the
party Pokémon to
attack the foe. The
more party Pokémon,
the more damage."
251,9,9,"The user gets all the
party Pokémon to
attack the foe. The
more party Pokémon,
the more damage."
251,10,9,"The user gets all the
party Pokémon to
attack the foe. The
more party Pokémon,
the more damage."
251,11,1,"The user gets all party Pokémon to attack
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target. The more party Pokémon,
the greater the number of attacks."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
251,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle tous les Pokémon de
son équipe à attaquer. Plus ils sont
nombreux, plus il y a d'attaques."
252,5,9,"A 1st-turn, 1st-strike move
that causes flinching."
252,6,9,"A 1st-turn, 1st-strike move
that causes flinching."
252,7,9,"An attack that hits
first and causes
flinching. Usable
only on 1st turn."
252,8,9,"An attack that hits
first and makes the
target flinch.
This move works only
on the first turn."
252,9,9,"An attack that hits
first and makes the
target flinch.
This move works only
on the first turn."
252,10,9,"An attack that hits
first and makes the
target flinch. It only
works the first turn
the user is in battle."
252,11,1,"An attack that hits first and makes the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target flinch. It only works the first turn
the user is in battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
252,11,5,"Permet de frapper en premier et
apeure l'ennemi. Ne fonctionne
qu'au premier tour."
253,5,9,"Causes an uproar for 2 to 5
turns and prevents sleep."
253,6,9,"Causes an uproar for 2 to 5
turns and prevents sleep."
253,7,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar that
prevents sleep for
two to five turns."
253,8,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar for two to
five turns. Over that
time, no one can fall
253,9,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar for two to
five turns. Over that
time, no one can fall
253,10,9,"The user attacks in
an uproar for two to
five turns. Over that
time, no one can fall
253,11,1,"The user attacks in an uproar for
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
three turns. Over that time,
no one can fall asleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
253,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en rugissant durant
3 tours. Pendant ce temps, personne
ne peut s'endormir."
254,5,9,"Charges up power for up to
3 turns."
254,6,9,"Charges up power for up to
3 turns."
254,7,9,"The user charges
up power for use
later. It can be
used three times."
254,8,9,"The user charges
up power, and raises
both its Defense and
Sp. Def. The move can
be used three times."
254,9,9,"The user charges
up power, and raises
both its Defense and
Sp. Def. The move can
be used three times."
254,10,9,"The user charges
up power, and raises
both its Defense and
Sp. Def. The move can
be used three times."
254,11,1,"The user charges up power and raises
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
both its Defense and Sp. Def. The move
can be used three times."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
254,11,5,"Le lanceur accumule de la puissance et
augmente sa Défense et sa Défense
Spéciale. Peut être utilisé 3 fois."
255,5,9,"Releases stockpiled power
(the more the better)."
255,6,9,"Releases stockpiled power
(the more the better)."
255,7,9,"The power built
using STOCKPILE is
released at once
for attack."
255,8,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is released
at once in an attack.
255,9,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is released
at once in an attack.
255,10,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is released
at once in an attack.
255,11,1,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
is released at once in an attack. The more
power is stored, the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
255,11,5,"Libère dans une attaque la puissance
précédemment accumulée avec Stockage."
256,5,9,"Absorbs stockpiled power
and restores HP."
256,6,9,"Absorbs stockpiled power
and restores HP."
256,7,9,"The energy it built
using STOCKPILE is
absorbed to restore
256,8,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is absorbed
by the user to heal
its HP."
256,9,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is absorbed
by the user to heal
its HP."
256,10,9,"The power stored
using the move
Stockpile is absorbed
by the user to heal
its HP."
256,11,1,"The power stored using the move Stockpile
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
is absorbed by the user to heal its HP.
Storing more power heals more HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
256,11,5,"Le lanceur absorbe la puissance accumulée
avec Stockage pour restaurer ses PV."
257,5,9,"Exhales a hot breath on the
foe. May inflict a burn."
257,6,9,"Exhales a hot breath on the
foe. May inflict a burn."
257,7,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath to
attack. It may also
inflict a burn."
257,8,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath on the
foe to attack. It may
also leave the target
with a burn."
257,9,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath on the
foe to attack. It may
also leave the target
with a burn."
257,10,9,"The user exhales a
heated breath on the
foe to attack. It may
also leave the target
with a burn."
257,11,1,"The user attacks by exhaling hot breath
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
on the opposing team. It may also leave
targets with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
257,11,5,"Le lanceur provoque une vague de
chaleur. Peut aussi brûler l'ennemi."
258,5,9,"Summons a hailstorm that
strikes every turn."
258,6,9,"Summons a hailstorm that
strikes every turn."
258,7,9,"A hailstorm lasting
five turns damages
all POKéMON except
the ICE-type."
258,8,9,"The user summons a
hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all
Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,9,9,"The user summons a
hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all
Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,10,9,"The user summons a
hailstorm lasting five
turns. It damages all
Pokémon except the
Ice type."
258,11,1,"The user summons a hailstorm lasting five
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
turns. It damages all Pokémon except the
Ice type."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
258,11,5,"Invoque une tempête de grêle qui dure 5
tours. Ne blesse pas les Pokémon de type
259,5,9,"Torments the foe and stops
successive use of a move."
259,6,9,"Torments the foe and stops
successive use of a move."
259,7,9,"It enrages the foe,
making it incapable
of using the same
move successively."
259,8,9,"The user torments
and enrages the foe,
making it incapable of
using the same move
twice in a row."
259,9,9,"The user torments
and enrages the foe,
making it incapable of
using the same move
twice in a row."
259,10,9,"The user torments
and enrages the foe,
making it incapable of
using the same move
twice in a row."
259,11,1,"The user torments and enrages the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target, making it incapable of using
the same move twice in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
259,11,5,"Le lanceur irrite l'ennemi pour
l'empêcher d'utiliser la même
capacité 2 fois de suite."
260,5,9,"Confuses the foe, but
raises its SP. ATK."
260,6,9,"Confuses the foe, but
raises its SP. ATK."
260,7,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe,
but its SP. ATK
also rises."
260,8,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe.
However, it also
raises the targets
Sp. Atk stat."
260,9,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe.
However, it also
raises the targets
Sp. Atk stat."
260,10,9,"Flattery is used to
confuse the foe.
However, it also
raises the targets
Sp. Atk stat."
260,11,1,"Flattery is used to confuse the target.
However, it also raises the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
260,11,5,"Rend la cible confuse, mais
augmente son Attaque Spéciale."
261,5,9,"Inflicts a burn on the foe
with intense fire."
261,6,9,"Inflicts a burn on the foe
with intense fire."
261,7,9,"A sinister, bluish
white flame is shot
at the foe to
inflict a burn."
261,8,9,"The user shoots a
sinister, bluish white
flame at the foe to
inflict a burn.
261,9,9,"The user shoots a
sinister, bluish white
flame at the foe to
inflict a burn.
261,10,9,"The user shoots a
sinister, bluish white
flame at the foe to
inflict a burn.
261,11,1,"The user shoots a sinister, bluish-white
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
flame at the target to inflict a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
261,11,5,"Lance une sinistre flamme violette à
l'ennemi pour lui infliger une brûlure."
262,5,9,"The user faints and lowers
the foes abilities."
262,6,9,"The user faints and lowers
the foes abilities."
262,7,9,"The user faints,
but sharply lowers
the foes ATTACK
and SP. ATK."
262,8,9,"The user faints upon
using this move.
In return, it sharply
lowers the targets
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,9,9,"The user faints upon
using this move.
In return, it sharply
lowers the targets
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,10,9,"The user faints upon
using this move.
In return, it sharply
lowers the targets
Attack and Sp. Atk."
262,11,1,"The user faints when using this move.
In return, it harshly lowers the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Attack and Sp. Atk."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
262,11,5,"Le lanceur est mis K.O., mais l'Attaque
et l'Attaque Spéciale de l'ennemi baissent
263,5,9,"Boosts ATTACK when burned,
paralyzed, or poisoned."
263,6,9,"Boosts ATTACK when burned,
paralyzed, or poisoned."
263,7,9,"An attack that is
boosted if user is
burned, poisoned,
or paralyzed."
263,8,9,"An attack move that
doubles its power if
the user is poisoned,
paralyzed, or has a
263,9,9,"An attack move that
doubles its power if
the user is poisoned,
paralyzed, or has a
263,10,9,"An attack move that
doubles its power if
the user is poisoned,
paralyzed, or has a
263,11,1,"An attack move that doubles its power if
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the user is poisoned, burned, or
has paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
263,11,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance double
lorsque le lanceur est empoisonné,
paralysé ou brûlé."
264,5,9,"A powerful loyalty attack.
The user flinches if hit."
264,6,9,"A powerful loyalty attack.
The user flinches if hit."
264,7,9,"An attack that is
executed last.
The user flinches
if hit beforehand."
264,8,9,"The user focuses its
mind before launching
a punch. It will fail
if the user is hit
before it is used."
264,9,9,"The user focuses its
mind before launching
a punch. It will fail
if the user is hit
before it is used."
264,10,9,"The user focuses its
mind before launching
a punch. It will fail
if the user is hit
before it is used."
264,11,1,"The user focuses its mind before
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
launching a punch. It will fail if the user
is hit before it is used."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
264,11,5,"Le lanceur se concentre avant
d'attaquer. Échoue s'il est touché
avant d'avoir frappé."
265,5,9,"Powerful against paralyzed
foes, but also heals them."
265,6,9,"Powerful against paralyzed
foes, but also heals them."
265,7,9,"Doubly effective on
a paralyzed foe,
but it also cures
the foes paralysis."
265,8,9,"This attack inflicts
double damage on a
paralyzed foe. It
also cures the foes
paralysis, however."
265,9,9,"This attack inflicts
double damage on a
paralyzed foe. It
also cures the foes
paralysis, however."
265,10,9,"This attack inflicts
double damage on a
paralyzed foe. It
also cures the foes
paralysis, however."
265,11,1,"This attack inflicts double damage on a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target with paralysis. It also cures the
targets paralysis, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
265,11,5,"Cette attaque est doublement efficace
sur les Pokémon paralysés, mais elle
soigne leur paralysie."
266,5,9,"Draws attention to make
foes attack only the user."
266,6,9,"Draws attention to make
foes attack only the user."
266,7,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making foes attack
only the user."
266,8,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making all foes take
aim only at the user.
266,9,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making all foes take
aim only at the user.
266,10,9,"The user draws
attention to itself,
making all foes take
aim only at the user.
266,11,1,"The user draws attention to itself,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
making all targets take aim
only at the user."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
266,11,5,"Attire l'attention. Les ennemis
n'attaquent que le lanceur."
267,5,9,"The type of attack varies
depending on the location."
267,6,9,"The type of attack varies
depending on the location."
267,7,9,"An attack that
changes type
depending on the
users location."
267,8,9,"An attack that makes
use of natures
power. Its effects
vary depending on the
users environment."
267,9,9,"An attack that makes
use of natures
power. Its effects
vary depending on the
users environment."
267,10,9,"An attack that makes
use of natures
power. Its effects
vary depending on the
users environment."
267,11,1,"An attack that makes use of natures
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
power. Its effects vary depending on the
users environment."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
267,11,5,"Une attaque qui tire sa force de la
nature. Son type varie selon le terrain."
268,5,9,"Charges power to boost the
electric move used next."
268,6,9,"Charges power to boost the
electric move used next."
268,7,9,"The user charges
power to boost the
ELECTRIC move it
uses next."
268,8,9,"The user boosts the
power of the Electric
move it uses next.
It also raises the
users Sp. Def stat."
268,9,9,"The user boosts the
power of the Electric
move it uses next.
It also raises the
users Sp. Def stat."
268,10,9,"The user boosts the
power of the Electric
move it uses next.
It also raises the
users Sp. Def stat."
268,11,1,"The user boosts the power of the Electric
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
move it uses on the next turn. It also
raises the users Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
268,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre sa puissance pour
sa prochaine attaque Électrik.
Augmente sa Défense Spéciale."
269,5,9,"Taunts the foe into only
using attack moves."
269,6,9,"Taunts the foe into only
using attack moves."
269,7,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use
only attack moves."
269,8,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use only
attack moves for two
to four turns."
269,9,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use only
attack moves for two
to four turns."
269,10,9,"The foe is taunted
into a rage that
allows it to use only
attack moves for two
to four turns."
269,11,1,"The target is taunted into a rage that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
allows it to use only attack moves
for three turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
269,11,5,"Provoque l'ennemi. L'oblige à n'utiliser
que des attaques pendant 3 tours."
270,5,9,"Boosts the power of the
recipients moves."
270,6,9,"Boosts the power of the
recipients moves."
270,7,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
allys attack in a
270,8,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
allys attack in a
Double Battle.
270,9,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
allys attack in a
Double Battle.
270,10,9,"A move that boosts
the power of the
allys attack in a
Double Battle.
270,11,1,"The user assists an ally by boosting
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the power of its attack."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
270,11,5,"Une capacité qui augmente la puissance
d'attaque de l'allié pendant un tour."
271,5,9,"Tricks the foe into trading
held items."
271,6,9,"Tricks the foe into trading
held items."
271,7,9,"A move that tricks
the foe into
trading held items
with the user."
271,8,9,"The user catches the
foe off guard and
swaps the foes held
item with its own.
271,9,9,"The user catches the
foe off guard and
swaps the foes held
item with its own.
271,10,9,"The user catches the
foe off guard and
swaps the foes held
item with its own.
271,11,1,"The user catches the target off guard
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and swaps its held item with its own."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
271,11,5,"Le lanceur prend la cible au dépourvu et
l'oblige à échanger son objet contre
le sien."
272,5,9,"Mimics the target and
copies its special ability."
272,6,9,"Mimics the target and
copies its special ability."
272,7,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely and
copies the foes
272,8,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely,
copying the foes
natural ability.
272,9,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely,
copying the foes
natural ability.
272,10,9,"The user mimics the
foe completely,
copying the foes
natural ability.
272,11,1,"The user mimics the target completely,
copying the targets natural Ability."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
272,11,5,"Imite la cible et copie
sa capacité spéciale."
273,5,9,"A wish that restores HP.
It takes time to work."
273,6,9,"A wish that restores HP.
It takes time to work."
273,7,9,"A self-healing move
that restores half
the full HP on the
next turn."
273,8,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP
in the next turn."
273,9,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP
in the next turn."
273,10,9,"A self-healing move.
The user restores its
own HP by up to half
of its maximum HP
in the next turn."
273,11,1,"One turn after this move is used,
the targets HP is restored by
half the users maximum HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
273,11,5,"Un vœu qui permet de récupérer la
moitié des PV max au tour suivant."
274,5,9,"Attacks randomly with one
of the partners moves."
274,6,9,"Attacks randomly with one
of the partners moves."
274,7,9,"The user randomly
picks and uses a
move of an allied
274,8,9,"The user hurriedly
and randomly uses a
move among those
known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,9,9,"The user hurriedly
and randomly uses a
move among those
known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,10,9,"The user hurriedly
and randomly uses a
move among those
known by other
Pokémon in the party."
274,11,1,"The user hurriedly and randomly uses a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
move among those known by other
Pokémon in the party."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
274,11,5,"Le lanceur se dépêche d'utiliser une
capacité au hasard parmi celles des
Pokémon de l'équipe."
275,5,9,"Lays roots that restore HP.
The user cant switch out."
275,6,9,"Lays roots that restore HP.
The user cant switch out."
275,7,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
It cant switch out."
275,8,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
Because it is rooted,
it cant switch out."
275,9,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
Because it is rooted,
it cant switch out."
275,10,9,"The user lays roots
that restore HP on
every turn.
Because it is rooted,
it cant switch out."
275,11,1,"The user lays roots that restore
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its HP on every turn. Because it is
rooted, it cant switch out."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
275,11,5,"Le lanceur plante ses racines et récupère
des PV à chaque tour. Une fois enraciné, il
ne peut plus fuir."
276,5,9,"Boosts strength sharply,
but lowers abilities."
276,6,9,"Boosts strength sharply,
but lowers abilities."
276,7,9,"A powerful attack,
but it also lowers
the users ATTACK
and DEFENSE stats."
276,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe with great power.
However, it also
lowers the users
Attack and Defense."
276,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe with great power.
However, it also
lowers the users
Attack and Defense."
276,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe with great power.
However, it also
lowers the users
Attack and Defense."
276,11,1,"The user attacks the target with great
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
power. However, it also lowers the
users Attack and Defense."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
276,11,5,"Une attaque puissante, mais qui baisse
l'Attaque et la Défense du lanceur."
277,5,9,"Reflects special effects
back to the attacker."
277,6,9,"Reflects special effects
back to the attacker."
277,7,9,"Reflects back the
and any status-
damaging move."
277,8,9,"A barrier reflects
back to the foe
moves like Leech
Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,9,9,"A barrier reflects
back to the foe
moves like Leech
Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,10,9,"A barrier reflects
back to the foe
moves like Leech
Seed and moves
that damage status."
277,11,1,"A barrier reflects back to the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
moves like Leech Seed and moves
that damage status."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
277,11,5,"Une barrière qui renvoie les capacités
comme Vampigraine et celles affectant
le statut et les stats."
278,5,9,"Recycles a used item for
one more use."
278,6,9,"Recycles a used item for
one more use."
278,7,9,"A move that
recycles a used
item for use once
278,8,9,"The user recycles a
single-use item that
has been used in
battle so it can be
used again."
278,9,9,"The user recycles a
single-use item that
has been used in
battle so it can be
used again."
278,10,9,"The user recycles a
held item that
has been used in
battle so it can be
used again."
278,11,1,"The user recycles a held item that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
has been used in battle so it can be
used again."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
278,11,5,"Recycle un objet tenu à usage unique
déjà utilisé lors du combat pour pouvoir
l'utiliser à nouveau."
279,5,9,"An attack that gains power
if injured by the foe."
279,6,9,"An attack that gains power
if injured by the foe."
279,7,9,"An attack move that
gains in intensity if
the target has hurt
the user."
279,8,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
279,9,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
279,10,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
279,11,1,"An attack move that inflicts double the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
damage if the user has been hurt by the
opponent in the same turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
279,11,5,"Une attaque deux fois plus puissante
si le lanceur a été blessé par l'ennemi
durant ce tour."
280,5,9,"Destroys barriers such as
REFLECT and causes damage."
280,6,9,"Destroys barriers such as
REFLECT and causes damage."
280,7,9,"An attack that also
breaks any barrier
280,8,9,"The user attacks with
tough fists, etc. It
can also break any
barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,9,9,"The user attacks with
tough fists, etc. It
can also break any
barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,10,9,"The user attacks with
tough fists, etc. It
can also break any
barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
280,11,1,"The user attacks with a swift chop. It
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
can also break any barrier such as Light
Screen and Reflect."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
280,11,5,"Une attaque avec le tranchant de la main.
Permet aussi de briser les barrières
comme Mur Lumière et Protection."
281,5,9,"Lulls the foe into yawning,
then sleeping next turn."
281,6,9,"Lulls the foe into yawning,
then sleeping next turn."
281,7,9,"A huge yawn lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,8,9,"The user lets loose a
huge yawn that lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,9,9,"The user lets loose a
huge yawn that lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,10,9,"The user lets loose a
huge yawn that lulls
the foe into falling
asleep on the next
281,11,1,"The user lets loose a huge yawn that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
lulls the target into falling asleep
on the next turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
281,11,5,"Fait bâiller l'ennemi qui
s'endort au tour suivant."
282,5,9,"Knocks down the foes held
item to prevent its use."
282,6,9,"Knocks down the foes held
item to prevent its use."
282,7,9,"Knocks down the
foes held item to
prevent its use
during the battle."
282,8,9,"The user slaps down
the foes held item,
preventing the item
from being used
during the battle."
282,9,9,"The user slaps down
the foes held item,
preventing the item
from being used
during the battle."
282,10,9,"The user slaps down
the foes held item,
preventing the item
from being used
during the battle."
282,11,1,"The user slaps down the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
held item, preventing that item
from being used in the battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
282,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tomber l'objet tenu
par l'ennemi pour le rendre inutilisable
durant le combat."
283,5,9,"Gains power if the users HP
is lower than the foes HP."
283,6,9,"Gains power if the users HP
is lower than the foes HP."
283,7,9,"Gains power the
fewer HP the user
has compared with
the foe."
283,8,9,"An attack move that
cuts down the foes
HP to equal the
users HP.
283,9,9,"An attack move that
cuts down the foes
HP to equal the
users HP.
283,10,9,"An attack move that
cuts down the foes
HP to equal the
users HP.
283,11,1,"An attack move that cuts down the
targets HP to equal the users HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
283,11,5,"Une attaque qui réduit les PV de
l'ennemi au niveau des PV du lanceur."
284,5,9,"The higher the users HP,
the more damage caused."
284,6,9,"The higher the users HP,
the more damage caused."
284,7,9,"The higher the
users HP, the more
powerful this
attack becomes."
284,8,9,"The user attacks in
an explosive fury.
The lower the users
HP, the less powerful
this attack becomes."
284,9,9,"The user attacks in
an explosive fury.
The lower the users
HP, the less powerful
this attack becomes."
284,10,9,"The user attacks in
an explosive fury.
The lower the users
HP, the less powerful
this attack becomes."
284,11,1,"The user attacks the opposing team with
explosive fury. The lower the users HP,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the less powerful this attack becomes."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
284,11,5,"Le lanceur laisse exploser sa colère.
Plus ses PV sont bas et moins l'attaque
est puissante."
285,5,9,"The user swaps special
abilities with the target."
285,6,9,"The user swaps special
abilities with the target."
285,7,9,"The user employs
its psychic power
to swap abilities
with the foe."
285,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
exchange abilities
with the foe.
285,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
exchange abilities
with the foe.
285,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
exchange abilities
with the foe.
285,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
exchange Abilities with the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
285,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques
pour échanger sa capacité spéciale
avec la cible."
286,5,9,"Prevents foes from using
moves known by the user."
286,6,9,"Prevents foes from using
moves known by the user."
286,7,9,"Prevents foes from
using any move
that is also known
by the user."
286,8,9,"If the foe knows any
move also known by
the user, the foe
is prevented
from using it."
286,9,9,"If the foe knows any
move also known by
the user, the foe
is prevented
from using it."
286,10,9,"If the foe knows any
move also known by
the user, the foe
is prevented
from using it."
286,11,1,"If the opponents know any move also known
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by the user, the opponents are prevented
from using it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
286,11,5,"Si l'ennemi et le lanceur ont des
capacités en commun, l'ennemi ne
pourra pas les utiliser."
287,5,9,"Heals poisoning, paralysis,
or a burn."
287,6,9,"Heals poisoning, paralysis,
or a burn."
287,7,9,"A self-healing move
that cures the user
of a poisoning,
burn, or paralysis."
287,8,9,"The user rests
to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or
287,9,9,"The user rests
to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or
287,10,9,"The user rests
to cure itself of a
poisoning, burn, or
287,11,1,"The user rests to cure itself of a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
poisoning, burn, or paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
287,11,5,"Le lanceur se repose pour guérir
d'un empoisonnement, d'une brûlure
ou d'une paralysie."
288,5,9,"If the user faints, deletes
the PP of the final move."
288,6,9,"If the user faints, deletes
all PP of foes last move."
288,7,9,"If the user faints,
this move deletes
the PP of the move
that finished it."
288,8,9,"If the user faints,
the users grudge
fully depletes the PP
of the foes move
that knocked it out."
288,9,9,"If the user faints,
the users grudge
fully depletes the PP
of the foes move
that knocked it out."
288,10,9,"If the user faints,
the users grudge
fully depletes the PP
of the foes move
that knocked it out."
288,11,1,"If the user faints, the users grudge
fully depletes the PP of the opponents
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
move that knocked it out."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
288,11,5,"Si le lanceur est mis K.O., sa rancune
épuise les PP de la capacité utilisée
pour le mettre K.O."
289,5,9,"Steals the effects of the
move the foe uses next."
289,6,9,"Steals the effects of the
move the target uses next."
289,7,9,"Steals the effects
of the foes
healing or status-
changing move."
289,8,9,"The user steals the
effects of any
healing or status-
changing move the foe
attempts to use."
289,9,9,"The user steals the
effects of any
healing or stat-
changing move the foe
attempts to use."
289,10,9,"The user steals the
effects of any
healing or stat-
changing move the foe
attempts to use."
289,11,1,"The user steals the effects of any
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
healing or stat-changing move the
opponent attempts to use."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
289,11,5,"Le lanceur vole l'effet des capacités
de soin ou de changement de stats
utilisées par la cible."
290,5,9,"An attack with effects
that vary by location."
290,6,9,"An attack with effects
that vary by location."
290,7,9,"An attack that may
have an additional
effect that varies
with the terrain."
290,8,9,"The user attacks with
a secret power. Its
added effects vary
depending on the
users environment."
290,9,9,"The user attacks with
a secret power. Its
added effects vary
depending on the
users environment."
290,10,9,"The user attacks with
a secret power. Its
added effects vary
depending on the
users environment."
290,11,1,"The user attacks the target with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
secret power. Its added effects vary
depending on the users environment."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
290,11,5,"Les effets de cette attaque varient en
fonction de l'environnement."
291,5,9,"Dives underwater the first
turn and strikes next turn."
291,6,9,"Dives underwater the first
turn and strikes next turn."
291,7,9,"The user dives
underwater on the
first turn and
strikes next turn."
291,8,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user dives
underwater on the
first turn, then hits
on the next turn."
291,9,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user dives
underwater on the
first turn, then hits
on the next turn."
291,10,9,"A two-turn attack.
The user dives
underwater on the
first turn, then hits
on the next turn."
291,11,1,"Diving on the first turn, the user floats
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
up and attacks on the second turn.
It can be used to dive deep in the ocean."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
291,11,5,"Le lanceur plonge sous l'eau au
1er tour et frappe au 2è. Permet
aussi de plonger au fond de l'eau."
292,5,9,"Straight-arm punches that
strike the foe 2 to 5 times."
292,6,9,"Straight-arm punches that
strike the foe 2 to 5 times."
292,7,9,"A quick flurry of
punches that hit
two to five times."
292,8,9,"The user looses a
flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit
two to five times in a
292,9,9,"The user looses a
flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit
two to five times in a
292,10,9,"The user looses a
flurry of open-palmed
arm thrusts that hit
two to five times in a
292,11,1,"The user looses a flurry of open-palmed
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
arm thrusts that hit two to five times in
a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
292,11,5,"Un déluge de coups adressés avec la
paume qui frappe de 2 à 5 fois d'affilée."
293,5,9,"Alters the POKéMONs type
depending on the location."
293,6,9,"Alters the POKéMONs type
depending on the location."
293,7,9,"Alters the users
type depending on
the locations
293,8,9,"The users type is
changed depending on
its environment, such
as at waters edge, in
grass, or in a cave."
293,9,9,"The users type is
changed depending on
its environment, such
as at waters edge, in
grass, or in a cave."
293,10,9,"The users type is
changed depending on
its environment, such
as at waters edge, in
grass, or in a cave."
293,11,1,"The users type is changed depending on
its environment, such as at waters edge,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in grass, or in a cave."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
293,11,5,"Modifie le type du lanceur en fonction
du terrain, comme une berge, une
grotte, l'herbe, etc."
294,5,9,"Flashes a light that sharply
raises SP. ATK."
294,6,9,"Flashes a light that sharply
raises SP. ATK."
294,7,9,"The user flashes a
light that sharply
raises its SP. ATK
294,8,9,"The user stares at
flashing lights to
focus its mind,
sharply raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,9,9,"The user stares at
flashing lights to
focus its mind,
sharply raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,10,9,"The user stares at
flashing lights to
focus its mind,
sharply raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
294,11,1,"The user stares at flashing lights to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
focus its mind, drastically raising its
Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
294,11,5,"Le lanceur regarde un flash lumineux
fixement. Augmente considérablement
son Attaque Spéciale."
295,5,9,"Attacks with a burst of
light. May lower SP. DEF."
295,6,9,"Attacks with a burst of
light. May lower SP. DEF."
295,7,9,"A burst of light
injures the foe. It
may also lower the
foes SP. DEF."
295,8,9,"The user looses a
damaging burst of
light. It may also
reduce the targets
Sp. Def stat."
295,9,9,"The user looses a
damaging burst of
light. It may also
reduce the targets
Sp. Def stat."
295,10,9,"The user looses a
damaging burst of
light. It may also
reduce the targets
Sp. Def stat."
295,11,1,"The user lets loose a damaging burst
of light. It may also reduce the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
295,11,5,"Le lanceur libère un éclair lumineux.
Peut aussi baisser la Défense
Spéciale de l'ennemi."
296,5,9,"Attacks with a flurry of
down. May lower SP. ATK."
296,6,9,"Attacks with a flurry of
down. May lower SP. ATK."
296,7,9,"A flurry of down
hits the foe. It
may also lower the
foes SP. ATK."
296,8,9,"A mistlike flurry of
down envelops and
damages the foe. It
may also lower the
targets Sp. Atk."
296,9,9,"A mistlike flurry of
down envelops and
damages the foe. It
may also lower the
targets Sp. Atk."
296,10,9,"A mistlike flurry of
down envelops and
damages the foe. It
may also lower the
targets Sp. Atk."
296,11,1,"A mistlike flurry of down envelops and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
damages the target. It may also lower
the targets Sp. Atk."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
296,11,5,"Une bulle de brume inflige des dégâts
à l'ennemi. Peut aussi réduire son
Attaque Spéciale."
297,5,9,"Envelops the foe with down
to sharply reduce ATTACK."
297,6,9,"Envelops the foe with down
to sharply reduce ATTACK."
297,7,9,"The foe is covered
with a mass of down
that sharply cuts
the ATTACK stat."
297,8,9,"The user covers the
foe with a mass of
down that sharply
lowers the Attack
297,9,9,"The user covers the
foe with a mass of
down that sharply
lowers the Attack
297,10,9,"The user covers the
foe with a mass of
down that sharply
lowers the Attack
297,11,1,"The user covers the targets body with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
mass of down that harshly lowers its
Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
297,11,5,"Une montagne de plumes ensevelit
l'ennemi et réduit considérablement
son Attaque."
298,5,9,"Confuses all POKéMON on
the scene."
298,6,9,"Confuses all POKéMON on
the scene."
298,7,9,"A wobbly dance
that confuses all
the POKéMON in
298,8,9,"The user performs a
wobbly dance that
confuses all the
Pokémon in battle.
298,9,9,"The user performs a
wobbly dance that
confuses all the
Pokémon in battle.
298,10,9,"The user performs a
wobbly dance that
confuses all the
Pokémon in battle.
298,11,1,"The user performs a wobbly dance that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
confuses the Pokémon around it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
298,11,5,"Danse qui rend confus tous les
Pokémon autour du lanceur."
299,5,9,"A kick with a high critical-
hit ratio. May cause a burn."
299,6,9,"A kick with a high critical-
hit ratio. May cause a burn."
299,7,9,"A fiery kick with a
high critical-hit
ratio. It may also
burn the foe."
299,8,9,"The user launches a
kick with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
299,9,9,"The user launches a
kick with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
299,10,9,"The user launches a
kick with a high
critical-hit ratio.
It may also leave the
target with a burn."
299,11,1,"The user launches a kick that lands a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
critical hit more easily.
It may also leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
299,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un coup de pied
au taux de critiques élevé.
Peut aussi brûler la cible."
300,5,9,"Covers the user in mud to
raise electrical resistance."
300,6,9,"Covers the user in mud to
raise electrical resistance."
300,7,9,"Weakens ELECTRIC-
type attacks while
the user is in the
300,8,9,"The user covers
itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-
type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,9,9,"The user covers
itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-
type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,10,9,"The user covers
itself with mud. It
weakens Electric-
type moves while the
user is in the battle."
300,11,1,"The user covers itself with mud. It
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
weakens Electric-type moves while the
user is in the battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
300,11,5,"Le lanceur se couvre de boue
pour affaiblir les capacités
Électrik quand il combat."
301,5,9,"A 5-turn attack that gains
power on successive hits."
301,6,9,"A 5-turn attack that gains
power on successive hits."
301,7,9,"A 5-turn rolling
attack that becomes
stronger each time
it rolls."
301,8,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,9,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,10,9,"The user continually
rolls into the foe
over five turns. It
becomes stronger
each time it hits."
301,11,1,"The user continually rolls into the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
over five turns. It becomes stronger
each time it hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
301,11,5,"Envoie une balle de glace pendant 5 tours.
L'attaque gagne en puissance
à chaque coup."
302,5,9,"Attacks with thorny arms.
May cause flinching."
302,6,9,"Attacks with thorny arms.
May cause flinching."
302,7,9,"An attack using
thorny arms.
It may make the
foe flinch."
302,8,9,"The user attacks by
wildly swinging its
thorny arms.
It may also make the
target flinch."
302,9,9,"The user attacks by
wildly swinging its
thorny arms.
It may also make the
target flinch."
302,10,9,"The user attacks by
wildly swinging its
thorny arms.
It may also make the
target flinch."
302,11,1,"The user attacks by wildly swinging its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
thorny arms. It may also make the
target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
302,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en fouettant l'ennemi
de ses bras épineux. Peut aussi l'apeurer."
303,5,9,"Slacks off and restores
half the maximum HP."
303,6,9,"Slacks off and restores
half the maximum HP."
303,7,9,"The user slacks off
and restores its HP
by half its full
303,8,9,"The user slacks off,
restoring its own HP
by up to half of its
maximum HP.
303,9,9,"The user slacks off,
restoring its own HP
by up to half of its
maximum HP.
303,10,9,"The user slacks off,
restoring its own HP
by up to half of its
maximum HP.
303,11,1,"The user slacks off, restoring its own HP
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by up to half of its maximum HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
303,11,5,"Le lanceur se tourne les pouces et
récupère jusqu'à la moitié de ses PV max."
304,5,9,"A loud attack that uses
sound waves to injure."
304,6,9,"A loud attack that uses
sound waves to injure."
304,7,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly loud
shout with the
power to damage."
304,8,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly echoing
shout with the
power to inflict
304,9,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly echoing
shout with the
power to inflict
304,10,9,"The user lets loose
a horribly echoing
shout with the
power to inflict
304,11,1,"The user lets loose a horribly echoing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
shout with the power to inflict damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
304,11,5,"Le lanceur pousse un cri dont l'écho
terrifiant a le pouvoir d'infliger
des dégâts."
305,5,9,"A sharp-fanged attack.
May badly poison the foe."
305,6,9,"A sharp-fanged attack.
May badly poison the foe."
305,7,9,"The foe is bitten
with toxic fangs.
It may also badly
poison the foe."
305,8,9,"The user bites the
foe with toxic fangs.
It may also leave the
foe badly poisoned.
305,9,9,"The user bites the
foe with toxic fangs.
It may also leave the
foe badly poisoned.
305,10,9,"The user bites the
foe with toxic fangs.
It may also leave the
foe badly poisoned.
305,11,1,"The user bites the target with toxic
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
fangs. It may also leave the target
badly poisoned."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
305,11,5,"Le lanceur mord l'ennemi de ses crocs
toxiques. Peut aussi l'empoisonner
306,5,9,"Tears at the foe with sharp
claws. May lower DEFENSE."
306,6,9,"Tears at the foe with sharp
claws. May lower DEFENSE."
306,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with sharp claws.
It may also lower
the foes DEFENSE."
306,8,9,"The user slashes the
foe with hard and
sharp claws.
It may also lower the
targets Defense."
306,9,9,"The user slashes the
foe with hard and
sharp claws.
It may also lower the
targets Defense."
306,10,9,"The user slashes the
foe with hard and
sharp claws.
It may also lower the
targets Defense."
306,11,1,"The user slashes the target with hard
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and sharp claws.
It may also lower the targets Defense."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
306,11,5,"Lacère l'ennemi avec des griffes
solides et aiguisées.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
307,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
307,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
307,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a huge explosion.
The user cant move
on the next turn."
307,8,9,"The foe is razed by
a fiery explosion.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
307,9,9,"The foe is razed by
a fiery explosion.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
307,10,9,"The foe is razed by
a fiery explosion.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
307,11,1,"The target is razed by a fiery explosion.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The user must rest on the
next turn, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
307,11,5,"Une explosion ardente souffle
l'adversaire. Le lanceur doit
se reposer au tour suivant."
308,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
308,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
308,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery cannon.
The user cant move
on the next turn."
308,8,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery blast.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
308,9,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery blast.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
308,10,9,"The foe is hit with
a watery blast.
The user must rest
on the next turn,
308,11,1,"The target is hit with a watery blast.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The user must rest on the
next turn, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
308,11,5,"Une trombe d'eau heurte l'ennemi.
Le lanceur doit se reposer au tour
309,5,9,"Fires a meteor-like punch.
May raise ATTACK."
309,6,9,"Fires a meteor-like punch.
May raise ATTACK."
309,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a hard, fast punch.
It may also raise
the users ATTACK."
309,8,9,"The foe is hit with a
hard punch fired
like a meteor.
It may also raise
the users Attack."
309,9,9,"The foe is hit with a
hard punch fired
like a meteor.
It may also raise
the users Attack."
309,10,9,"The foe is hit with a
hard punch fired
like a meteor.
It may also raise
the users Attack."
309,11,1,"The target is hit with a hard punch fired
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
like a meteor. It may also raise
the users Attack."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
309,11,5,"Un coup de poing lancé à la vitesse d'un
météore. Peut aussi augmenter l'Attaque
du lanceur."
310,5,9,"An attack that may shock
the foe into flinching."
310,6,9,"An attack that may shock
the foe into flinching."
310,7,9,"An attack using a
startling shout.
It also may make
the foe flinch."
310,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe while shouting in
a startling fashion.
It may also make the
target flinch."
310,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe while shouting in
a startling fashion.
It may also make the
target flinch."
310,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe while shouting in
a startling fashion.
It may also make the
target flinch."
310,11,1,"The user attacks the target while shouting
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in a startling fashion.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
310,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l'ennemi en poussant
un cri terrifiant. Peut aussi l'apeurer."
311,5,9,"The moves type and power
change with the weather."
311,6,9,"The moves type and power
change with the weather."
311,7,9,"An attack that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather."
311,8,9,"An attack move that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather.
311,9,9,"An attack move that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather.
311,10,9,"An attack move that
varies in power and
type depending on
the weather.
311,11,1,"An attack move that varies in power and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
type depending on the weather."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
311,11,5,"Une attaque dont la puissance et le type
varient en fonction du temps qu'il fait."
312,5,9,"Heals all status problems
with a soothing scent."
312,6,9,"Heals all status problems
with a soothing scent."
312,7,9,"A soothing scent is
released to heal
all status problems
in the users party."
312,8,9,"The user releases a
soothing scent that
heals all status
problems affecting
the users party."
312,9,9,"The user releases a
soothing scent that
heals all status
problems affecting
the users party."
312,10,9,"The user releases a
soothing scent that
heals all status
problems affecting
the users party."
312,11,1,"The user releases a soothing scent that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
heals all status problems affecting
the users party."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
312,11,5,"Le lanceur libère un parfum apaisant
qui guérit tous les problèmes de
statut de l'équipe."
313,5,9,"Feigns crying to sharply
lower the foes SP. DEF."
313,6,9,"Feigns crying to sharply
lower the foes SP. DEF."
313,7,9,"The user feigns
crying to sharply
lower the foes
SP. DEF stat."
313,8,9,"The user feigns
crying to make the
foe feel flustered,
sharply lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,9,9,"The user feigns
crying to make the
foe feel flustered,
sharply lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,10,9,"The user feigns
crying to make the
foe feel flustered,
sharply lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
313,11,1,"The user feigns crying to fluster
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target, harshly lowering its
Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
313,11,5,"Le lanceur fait semblant de pleurer
pour troubler l'ennemi et baisser
fortement sa Défense Spéciale."
314,5,9,"Hacks with razorlike wind.
High critical-hit ratio."
314,6,9,"Hacks with razorlike wind.
High critical-hit ratio."
314,7,9,"The foe is hit with
razor-like wind.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,8,9,"The user launches
razorlike wind to
slash the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,9,9,"The user launches
razorlike wind to
slash the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,10,9,"The user launches
razorlike wind to
slash the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
314,11,1,"The user launches razor-like wind to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
slash the opposing team.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
314,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle des vents tranchants
qui lacèrent l'ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
315,5,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK."
315,6,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK."
315,7,9,"An intense attack
that also sharply
reduces the users
SP. ATK stat."
315,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
315,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
315,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
315,11,1,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attacks recoil harshly reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
315,11,5,"Attaque l'ennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément
l'Attaque Spéciale du lanceur."
316,5,9,"Negates the foes efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
316,6,9,"Negates the foes efforts
to heighten evasiveness."
316,7,9,"Completely negates
the foes efforts to
heighten its ability
to evade."
316,8,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
316,9,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
316,10,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
316,11,1,"Enables a Ghost-type target to be hit with
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks. It also
enables an evasive target to be hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
316,11,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Spectre
avec n'importe quelle capacité et de
toucher un ennemi insaisissable."
317,5,9,"Stops the foe from moving
with rocks and cuts SPEED."
317,6,9,"Stops the foe from moving
with rocks and cuts SPEED."
317,7,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foes
SPEED if it hits."
317,8,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foes
Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,9,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foes
Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,10,9,"Boulders are hurled
at the foe. It also
lowers the foes
Speed by preventing
its movement."
317,11,1,"Boulders are hurled at the target. It also
lowers the targets Speed by preventing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its movement."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
317,11,5,"Des rochers frappent l'ennemi. Réduit
aussi sa Vitesse en l'empêchant
de se déplacer."
318,5,9,"A powdery attack that may
raise abilities."
318,6,9,"A powdery attack that may
raise abilities."
318,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a silver dust.
It may raise all
the users stats."
318,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with powdery scales
blown by wind.
It may also raise all
the users stats."
318,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with powdery scales
blown by wind.
It may also raise all
the users stats."
318,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with powdery scales
blown by wind.
It may also raise all
the users stats."
318,11,1,"The target is attacked with powdery
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
scales blown by wind.
It may also raise all the users stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
318,11,5,"Vent qui projette des écailles poudreuses
sur l'ennemi. Peut aussi monter toutes
les stats du lanceur."
319,5,9,"Emits a horrible screech
that sharply lowers SP. DEF."
319,6,9,"Emits a horrible screech
that sharply lowers SP. DEF."
319,7,9,"A horrible metallic
screech is used to
sharply lower the
foes SP. DEF."
319,8,9,"A horrible sound like
scraping metal is
emitted to sharply
reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
319,9,9,"A horrible sound like
scraping metal is
emitted to sharply
reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
319,10,9,"A horrible sound like
scraping metal is
emitted to sharply
reduce the foes
Sp. Def stat."
319,11,1,"A horrible sound like scraping metal
harshly reduces the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
319,11,5,"Un cri horrible tel un crissement
métallique qui réduit fortement
la Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
320,5,9,"Lulls the foe into sleep
with a pleasant melody."
320,6,9,"Lulls the foe into sleep
with a pleasant melody."
320,7,9,"A pleasant melody
is played to lull
the foe into a deep
320,8,9,"The user plays a
pleasant melody that
lulls the foe into a
deep sleep.
320,9,9,"The user plays a
pleasant melody that
lulls the foe into a
deep sleep.
320,10,9,"The user plays a
pleasant melody that
lulls the foe into a
deep sleep.
320,11,1,"The user plays a pleasant melody that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
lulls the target into a deep sleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
320,11,5,"Le lanceur joue une douce mélodie qui
plonge l'ennemi dans un profond sommeil."
321,5,9,"Makes the foe laugh to
lower ATTACK and DEFENSE."
321,6,9,"Makes the foe laugh to
lower ATTACK and DEFENSE."
321,7,9,"The foe is made to
laugh, reducing its
321,8,9,"The user tickles the
foe into laughing,
reducing its Attack
and Defense stats.
321,9,9,"The user tickles the
foe into laughing,
reducing its Attack
and Defense stats.
321,10,9,"The user tickles the
foe into laughing,
reducing its Attack
and Defense stats.
321,11,1,"The user tickles the target into laughing,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
reducing its Attack and Defense stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
321,11,5,"Le lanceur chatouille l'ennemi, ce qui
baisse son Attaque et sa Défense."
322,5,9,"Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF
with a mystic power."
322,6,9,"Raises DEFENSE and SP. DEF
with a mystic power."
322,7,9,"The user absorbs a
mystic power to
raise its DEFENSE
and SP. DEF."
322,8,9,"The user absorbs a
mystical power from
space to raise its
Defense and Sp. Def
322,9,9,"The user absorbs a
mystical power from
space to raise its
Defense and Sp. Def
322,10,9,"The user absorbs a
mystical power from
space to raise its
Defense and Sp. Def
322,11,1,"The user absorbs a mystical power from
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
space to raise its Defense and
Sp. Def stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
322,11,5,"Le lanceur absorbe un pouvoir mystique
spatial qui augmente sa Défense
et sa Défense Spéciale."
323,5,9,"Inflicts more damage if the
users HP is high."
323,6,9,"Inflicts more damage if the
users HP is high."
323,7,9,"The higher the
users HP, the more
powerful this
attack becomes."
323,8,9,"The user spouts
water to damage the
foe. The lower the
users HP, the less
powerful it becomes."
323,9,9,"The user spouts
water to damage the
foe. The lower the
users HP, the less
powerful it becomes."
323,10,9,"The user spouts
water to damage the
foe. The lower the
users HP, the less
powerful it becomes."
323,11,1,"The user spouts water to damage the
opposing team. The lower the users HP,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the less powerful it becomes."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
323,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un jet d'eau.
Moins il a de PV et moins l'attaque
est puissante."
324,5,9,"A strange beam attack that
may confuse the foe."
324,6,9,"A strange beam attack that
may confuse the foe."
324,7,9,"The foe is hit with
a flashing beam
that may also
cause confusion."
324,8,9,"The user attacks with
a sinister beam of
light. It may also
confuse the target.
324,9,9,"The user attacks with
a sinister beam of
light. It may also
confuse the target.
324,10,9,"The user attacks with
a sinister beam of
light. It may also
confuse the target.
324,11,1,"The user attacks with a sinister beam of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
light. It may also confuse the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
324,11,5,"Le lanceur projette un rayon de
lumière sinistre. Peut aussi
rendre l'ennemi confus."
325,5,9,"An unavoidable punch that
is thrown from shadows."
325,6,9,"An unavoidable punch that
is thrown from shadows."
325,7,9,"The user throws a
punch from the
shadows. It cannot
be evaded."
325,8,9,"The user throws a
punch at the foe from
the shadows.
The punch lands
without fail."
325,9,9,"The user throws a
punch at the foe from
the shadows.
The punch lands
without fail."
325,10,9,"The user throws a
punch at the foe from
the shadows.
The punch lands
without fail."
325,11,1,"The user throws a punch from the shadows.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The punch lands without fail."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
325,11,5,"Le lanceur surgit des ombres et donne
un coup de poing. N'échoue jamais."
326,5,9,"Attacks with a peculiar
power. May cause flinching."
326,6,9,"Attacks with a peculiar
power. May cause flinching."
326,7,9,"The user attacks
with an odd power
that may make the
foe flinch."
326,8,9,"The user attacks with
an odd, unseeable
It may also make the
foe flinch."
326,9,9,"The user attacks with
an odd, unseeable
It may also make the
foe flinch."
326,10,9,"The user attacks with
an odd, unseeable
It may also make the
foe flinch."
326,11,1,"The user attacks with an odd,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
unseeable power.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
326,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un pouvoir
étrange et invisible. Peut aussi
apeurer l'ennemi."
327,5,9,"An uppercut thrown as if
leaping into the sky."
327,6,9,"An uppercut thrown as if
leaping into the sky."
327,7,9,"The user attacks
with an uppercut
thrown skywards
with force."
327,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe with an uppercut
thrown skyward
with force.
327,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe with an uppercut
thrown skyward
with force.
327,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe with an uppercut
thrown skyward
with force.
327,11,1,"The user attacks the target with an
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
uppercut thrown skyward with force."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
327,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un uppercut.
Il envoie son poing vers le ciel de
toutes ses forces."
328,5,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
quicksand for 2 to 5 turns."
328,6,9,"Traps and hurts the foe in
quicksand for 2 to 5 turns."
328,7,9,"The foe is trapped
inside a painful
sandstorm for two
to five turns."
328,8,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for
two to five turns.
328,9,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for
two to five turns.
328,10,9,"The user traps the
foe inside a harshly
raging sandstorm for
two to five turns.
328,11,1,"The user traps the target inside a harshly
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
raging sandstorm for four to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
328,11,5,"Le lanceur emprisonne l'ennemi dans
une tempête de sable terrifiante qui
dure de 4 à 5 tours."
329,5,9,"A chilling attack that
causes fainting if it hits."
329,6,9,"A chilling attack that
causes fainting if it hits."
329,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with ultimate cold
that causes fainting
if it hits."
329,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
329,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
329,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a blast of
absolute-zero cold.
The foe instantly
faints if it hits."
329,11,1,"The target is attacked with a blast of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
absolute-zero cold.
The target instantly faints if it hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
329,11,5,"Une vague de froid glacial frappe
l'ennemi. S'il est touché, il est mis
K.O. sur le coup."
330,5,9,"Attacks with muddy water.
May lower accuracy."
330,6,9,"Attacks with muddy water.
May lower accuracy."
330,7,9,"The user attacks
with muddy water.
It may also lower
the foes accuracy."
330,8,9,"The user attacks by
shooting out muddy
It may also lower the
foes accuracy."
330,9,9,"The user attacks by
shooting out muddy
It may also lower the
foes accuracy."
330,10,9,"The user attacks by
shooting out muddy
It may also lower the
foes accuracy."
330,11,1,"The user attacks by shooting muddy water
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the opposing team.
It may also lower the targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
330,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant de l'eau
boueuse. Peut aussi réduire la Précision
de l'ennemi."
331,5,9,"Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row
to strike the foe."
331,6,9,"Shoots 2 to 5 seeds in a row
to strike the foe."
331,7,9,"The user shoots
seeds at the foe.
Two to five seeds
are shot at once."
331,8,9,"The user forcefully
shoots seeds at the
foe. Two to five
seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,9,9,"The user forcefully
shoots seeds at the
foe. Two to five
seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,10,9,"The user forcefully
shoots seeds at the
foe. Two to five
seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
331,11,1,"The user forcefully shoots seeds at the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target. Two to five seeds are shot in
rapid succession."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
331,11,5,"Le lanceur mitraille l'ennemi avec une
rafale de graines. De 2 à 5 rafales sont
lancées à la suite."
332,5,9,"An extremely speedy and
unavoidable attack."
332,6,9,"An extremely speedy and
unavoidable attack."
332,7,9,"An extremely fast
attack against one
target. It cant be
332,8,9,"The user confounds
the foe with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands
without fail."
332,9,9,"The user confounds
the foe with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands
without fail."
332,10,9,"The user confounds
the foe with speed,
then slashes.
The attack lands
without fail."
332,11,1,"The user confounds the target with speed,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
then slashes.
The attack lands without fail."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
332,11,5,"Le lanceur prend l'ennemi de vitesse
et le lacère. N'échoue jamais."
333,5,9,"Attacks the foe by firing
2 to 5 icicles in a row."
333,6,9,"Attacks the foe by firing
2 to 5 icicles in a row."
333,7,9,"Sharp icicles are
fired at the foe.
It strikes two to
five times."
333,8,9,"The user launches
sharp icicles at the
foe. It strikes two
to five times in a
333,9,9,"The user launches
sharp icicles at the
foe. It strikes two
to five times in a
333,10,9,"The user launches
sharp icicles at the
foe. It strikes two
to five times in a
333,11,1,"The user launches sharp icicles at the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target. It strikes two to five times in
a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
333,11,5,"Le lanceur jette des pics de glace sur
l'ennemi, de 2 à 5 fois de suite."
334,5,9,"Hardens the bodys surface
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
334,6,9,"Hardens the bodys surface
to sharply raise DEFENSE."
334,7,9,"The user hardens
its bodys surface
to sharply raise its
DEFENSE stat."
334,8,9,"The user hardens
its bodys surface
like iron, sharply
raising its Defense
334,9,9,"The user hardens
its bodys surface
like iron, sharply
raising its Defense
334,10,9,"The user hardens
its bodys surface
like iron, sharply
raising its Defense
334,11,1,"The user hardens its bodys surface
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
like iron, sharply raising its
Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
334,11,5,"L'épiderme du lanceur devient dur comme
du fer, ce qui augmente considérablement
sa Défense."
335,5,9,"Blocks the foes way to
prevent escape."
335,6,9,"Blocks the foes way to
prevent escape."
335,7,9,"The user blocks the
foes way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape."
335,8,9,"The user blocks the
foes way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape.
335,9,9,"The user blocks the
foes way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape.
335,10,9,"The user blocks the
foes way with arms
spread wide to
prevent escape.
335,11,1,"The user blocks the targets way with arms
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
spread wide to prevent escape."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
335,11,5,"Le lanceur bloque la route de l'ennemi
pour empêcher sa fuite."
336,5,9,"Howls to raise the spirit
and boosts ATTACK."
336,6,9,"Howls to raise the spirit
and boosts ATTACK."
336,7,9,"The user howls to
raise its spirit and
boost its ATTACK
336,8,9,"The user howls loudly
to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack
336,9,9,"The user howls loudly
to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack
336,10,9,"The user howls loudly
to raise its spirit,
boosting its Attack
336,11,1,"The user howls loudly to raise its spirit,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
boosting its Attack stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
336,11,5,"Le lanceur hurle pour se rassurer, ce qui
augmente son Attaque."
337,5,9,"Slashes the foe with sharp
337,6,9,"Slashes the foe with sharp
337,7,9,"Sharp, huge claws
hook and slash the
foe quickly and
with great power."
337,8,9,"The user slashes the
foe with huge, sharp
337,9,9,"The user slashes the
foe with huge, sharp
337,10,9,"The user slashes the
foe with huge, sharp
337,11,1,"The user slashes the target with huge,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sharp claws."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
337,11,5,"Le lanceur lacère l'ennemi de ses
grandes griffes aiguisées."
338,5,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
338,6,9,"Powerful, but leaves the
user immobile the next turn."
338,7,9,"The foe is hit with
an enormous branch.
The user cant move
on the next turn."
338,8,9,"The foe is slammed
with an enormous
The user cant move
on the next turn."
338,9,9,"The foe is slammed
with an enormous
The user cant move
on the next turn."
338,10,9,"The foe is slammed
with an enormous
The user cant move
on the next turn."
338,11,1,"The user slams the target with
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
an enormous tree.
The user cant move on the next turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
338,11,5,"Un violent coup de racines s'abat sur
l'ennemi. Immobilise le lanceur au tour
339,5,9,"Bulks up the body to boost
339,6,9,"Bulks up the body to boost
339,7,9,"The user bulks up
its body to boost
both its ATTACK and
DEFENSE stats."
339,8,9,"The user tenses its
muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting
both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,9,9,"The user tenses its
muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting
both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,10,9,"The user tenses its
muscles to bulk up
its body, boosting
both its Attack and
Defense stats."
339,11,1,"The user tenses its muscles to bulk up
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its body, boosting both its Attack and
Defense stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
339,11,5,"Le lanceur tend ses muscles pour se
gonfler, ce qui booste son Attaque
et sa Défense."
340,5,9,"Bounces up, then down the
next turn. May paralyze."
340,6,9,"Bounces up, then down the
next turn. May paralyze."
340,7,9,"The user bounces
on the foe on the
2nd turn. It may
paralyze the foe."
340,8,9,"The user bounces up
high, then drops on
the foe on the second
turn. It may also
paralyze the foe."
340,9,9,"The user bounces up
high, then drops on
the foe on the second
turn. It may also
paralyze the foe."
340,10,9,"The user bounces up
high, then drops on
the foe on the second
turn. It may also
paralyze the foe."
340,11,1,"The user bounces up high, then drops on
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target on the second turn. It may
also leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
340,11,5,"Le lanceur bondit très haut et plonge
sur l'ennemi au 2è tour. Peut aussi
paralyser l'ennemi."
341,5,9,"Hurls mud at the foe and
reduces SPEED."
341,6,9,"Hurls mud at the foe and
reduces SPEED."
341,7,9,"The user attacks by
hurling mud.
It also reduces the
foes SPEED."
341,8,9,"The user attacks by
hurling a blob of mud
at the foe.
It also reduces the
targets Speed."
341,9,9,"The user attacks by
hurling a blob of mud
at the foe.
It also reduces the
targets Speed."
341,10,9,"The user attacks by
hurling a blob of mud
at the foe.
It also reduces the
targets Speed."
341,11,1,"The user attacks by hurling a blob of mud
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the target.
It also reduces the targets Speed."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
341,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant
de la boue sur l'ennemi. Réduit
aussi la Vitesse de la cible."
342,5,9,"Has a high critical-hit
ratio. May also poison."
342,6,9,"Has a high critical-hit
ratio. May also poison."
342,7,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. It may also
poison the foe."
342,8,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. This tail
attack may also
poison the foe."
342,9,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. This tail
attack may also
poison the foe."
342,10,9,"An attack with a
high critical-hit
ratio. This tail
attack may also
poison the foe."
342,11,1,"The user hits the target with its tail.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also poison the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
342,11,5,"Attaque à taux de critiques élevé.
Peut aussi empoisonner l'ennemi."
343,5,9,"Cutely begs to obtain an
item held by the foe."
343,6,9,"Cutely begs to obtain an
item held by the foe."
343,7,9,"A cutely executed
attack that also
steals the foes
hold item."
343,8,9,"The user endearingly
approaches the foe,
then steals the item
the foe is holding.
343,9,9,"The user endearingly
approaches the foe,
then steals the item
the foe is holding.
343,10,9,"The user endearingly
approaches the foe,
then steals the item
the foe is holding.
343,11,1,"The user endearingly approaches
the target, then steals the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
held item."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
343,11,5,"Le lanceur s'approche de la cible avec
un air angélique afin de dérober l'objet
qu'elle tient."
344,5,9,"A life-risking tackle that
slightly hurts the user."
344,6,9,"A life-risking tackle that
slightly hurts the user."
344,7,9,"The user throws an
electrified tackle.
It hurts the user
a little."
344,8,9,"The user electrifies
itself, then charges
at the foe. It causes
considerable damage
to the user as well."
344,9,9,"The user electrifies
itself, then charges
at the foe. It causes
considerable damage
to the user as well."
344,10,9,"The user electrifies
itself, then charges
at the foe. It causes
considerable damage
to the user as well."
344,11,1,"The user electrifies itself, then charges.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It causes considerable damage to the user
and may leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
344,11,5,"Le lanceur électrifie son corps avant de
charger. Le choc blesse aussi beaucoup
le lanceur et peut paralyser l'ennemi."
345,5,9,"Attacks with a strange leaf
that cannot be evaded."
345,6,9,"Attacks with a strange leaf
that cannot be evaded."
345,7,9,"The foe is attacked
with a strange leaf
that cannot be
345,8,9,"The user scatters
curious leaves that
chase the foe.
This attack will not
345,9,9,"The user scatters
curious leaves that
chase the foe.
This attack will not
345,10,9,"The user scatters
curious leaves that
chase the foe.
This attack will not
345,11,1,"The user scatters curious leaves
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that chase the target.
This attack will not miss."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
345,11,5,"Le lanceur disperse d'étranges feuilles
qui poursuivent l'ennemi. N'échoue jamais."
346,5,9,"The user becomes soaked to
raise resistance to fire."
346,6,9,"The user becomes soaked to
raise resistance to fire."
346,7,9,"Weakens FIRE-type
attacks while the
user is in the
346,8,9,"The user soaks itself
with water. The move
weakens Fire-type
moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,9,9,"The user soaks itself
with water. The move
weakens Fire-type
moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,10,9,"The user soaks itself
with water. The move
weakens Fire-type
moves while the user
is in the battle."
346,11,1,"The user soaks itself with water. The move
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
weakens Fire-type moves while the user
is in the battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
346,11,5,"Le lanceur s'asperge d'eau. Affaiblit
les capacités Feu quand le lanceur
est au combat."
347,5,9,"Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF
by focusing the mind."
347,6,9,"Raises SP. ATK and SP. DEF
by focusing the mind."
347,7,9,"The user focuses
its mind to raise
the SP. ATK and
SP. DEF stats."
347,8,9,"The user quietly
focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to
raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,9,9,"The user quietly
focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to
raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,10,9,"The user quietly
focuses its mind and
calms its spirit to
raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
347,11,1,"The user quietly focuses its mind and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
calms its spirit to raise its Sp. Atk and
Sp. Def stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
347,11,5,"Le lanceur se concentre et fait le vide
dans son esprit pour monter son
Attaque Spéciale et sa Défense Spéciale."
348,5,9,"Slashes with a sharp leaf.
High critical-hit ratio."
348,6,9,"Slashes with a sharp leaf.
High critical-hit ratio."
348,7,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
348,8,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
348,9,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
348,10,9,"The foe is slashed
with a sharp leaf.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
348,11,1,"The user handles a sharp leaf like a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sword and attacks by cutting its target.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
348,11,5,"Une feuille coupante comme une lame
entaille l'ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
349,5,9,"A mystical dance that ups
349,6,9,"A mystical dance that ups
349,7,9,"A mystic, powerful
dance that boosts
the users ATTACK
and SPEED stats."
349,8,9,"The user vigorously
performs a mystic,
powerful dance that
boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,9,9,"The user vigorously
performs a mystic,
powerful dance that
boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,10,9,"The user vigorously
performs a mystic,
powerful dance that
boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
349,11,1,"The user vigorously performs a mystic,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
powerful dance that boosts its Attack and
Speed stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
349,11,5,"Une danse mystique dont le rythme
effréné augmente l'Attaque et la
Vitesse du lanceur."
350,5,9,"Hurls boulders at the foe
2 to 5 times in a row."
350,6,9,"Hurls boulders at the foe
2 to 5 times in a row."
350,7,9,"The user hurls two
to five hard rocks
at the foe to
350,8,9,"The user hurls hard
rocks at the foe.
Two to five rocks are
launched in quick
350,9,9,"The user hurls hard
rocks at the foe.
Two to five rocks are
launched in quick
350,10,9,"The user hurls hard
rocks at the foe.
Two to five rocks are
launched in quick
350,11,1,"The user hurls hard rocks at the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Two to five rocks are launched in quick
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
350,11,5,"Le lanceur projette un rocher sur
l'ennemi de 2 à 5 fois d'affilée."
351,5,9,"A fast and unavoidable
electric attack."
351,6,9,"A fast and unavoidable
electric attack."
351,7,9,"A rapid jolt of
electricity strikes
the foe. It cant
be evaded."
351,8,9,"The user strikes the
foe with a quick jolt
of electricity.
This attack cannot be
351,9,9,"The user strikes the
foe with a quick jolt
of electricity.
This attack cannot be
351,10,9,"The user strikes the
foe with a quick jolt
of electricity.
This attack cannot be
351,11,1,"The user strikes the target with a quick
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
jolt of electricity.
This attack cannot be evaded."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
351,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un choc électrique
rapide à l'ennemi. Impossible à esquiver."
352,5,9,"Attacks with ultrasonic
waves. May confuse the foe"
352,6,9,"Attacks with ultrasonic
waves. May confuse the foe."
352,7,9,"An attack with a
pulsing blast of
water. It may also
confuse the foe."
352,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe with a pulsing
blast of water.
It may also confuse
the foe."
352,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe with a pulsing
blast of water.
It may also confuse
the foe."
352,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe with a pulsing
blast of water.
It may also confuse
the foe."
352,11,1,"The user attacks the target with
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
a pulsing blast of water.
It may also confuse the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
352,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie un puissant
jet d'eau sur l'ennemi. Peut
rendre l'ennemi confus."
353,5,9,"Summons strong sunlight to
attack 2 turns later."
353,6,9,"Summons strong sunlight to
attack 2 turns later."
353,7,9,"A move that attacks
the foe with a
blast of light two
turns after use."
353,8,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the
user blasts the foe
with a concentrated
bundle of light."
353,9,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the
user blasts the foe
with a concentrated
bundle of light."
353,10,9,"Two turns after this
move is used, the
user blasts the foe
with a concentrated
bundle of light."
353,11,1,"Two turns after this move is used, the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
user blasts the target with a
concentrated bundle of light."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
353,11,5,"Le lanceur génère une sphère lumineuse
qu'il projette sur l'ennemi 2 tours
plus tard."
354,5,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK."
354,6,9,"Allows a full-power attack,
but sharply lowers SP. ATK.
354,7,9,"An intense attack
that also sharply
reduces the users
SP. ATK stat."
354,8,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
354,9,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
354,10,9,"The user attacks the
foe at full power.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
354,11,1,"The user attacks the target at full power.
The attacks recoil harshly reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
354,11,5,"Attaque l'ennemi à pleine puissance.
Le contrecoup baisse énormément
l'Attaque Spéciale du lanceur."
355,8,9,"The user lands and
rests its body.
It restores the
users HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,9,9,"The user lands and
rests its body.
It restores the
users HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,10,9,"The user lands and
rests its body.
It restores the
users HP by up to
half of its max HP."
355,11,1,"The user lands and rests its body.
It restores the users HP by up to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
half of its max HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
355,11,5,"Le lanceur atterrit et se repose.
Restaure jusqu'à la moitié
de ses PV max."
356,8,9,"Gravity is intensified
for five turns, making
moves involving flying
unusable and
negating Levitation."
356,9,9,"Gravity is intensified
for five turns, making
moves involving flying
unusable and
negating Levitation."
356,10,9,"Gravity is intensified
for five turns, making
moves involving flying
unusable and
negating Levitation."
356,11,1,"Gravity is intensified for five turns,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
making moves involving flying unusable
and negating Levitate."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
356,11,5,"La gravité augmente pendant 5 tours,
ce qui empêche les capacités volantes
et annule Lévitation."
357,8,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Ghost type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
357,9,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Dark type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
357,10,9,"Enables the user to
hit a Dark type with
any type of move. It
also enables the user
to hit an evasive foe."
357,11,1,"Enables a Dark-type target to be hit by
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Psychic-type attacks. It also enables
an evasive target to be hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
357,11,5,"Permet de toucher un Pokémon Ténèbres
avec toute capacité et de toucher un
ennemi insaisissable."
358,8,9,"This attack inflicts
high damage on a
sleeping foe. It
also wakes the foe
up, however."
358,9,9,"This attack inflicts
high damage on a
sleeping foe. It
also wakes the foe
up, however."
358,10,9,"This attack inflicts
high damage on a
sleeping foe. It
also wakes the foe
up, however."
358,11,1,"This attack inflicts big damage on a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sleeping target. It also wakes the target
up, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
358,11,5,"Cette attaque inflige d'importants
dégâts à un Pokémon endormi.
Mais elle le réveille également."
359,8,9,"The user swings and
hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the users
Speed, however."
359,9,9,"The user swings and
hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the users
Speed, however."
359,10,9,"The user swings and
hits with its strong
and heavy fist.
It lowers the users
Speed, however."
359,11,1,"The user swings and hits with its strong
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and heavy fist.
It lowers the users Speed, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
359,11,5,"Le lanceur lâche un puissant coup de
poing sur l'ennemi. Réduit la vitesse
du lanceur."
360,8,9,"The user tackles the
foe with a high-speed
spin. The slower the
user, the greater
the damage."
360,9,9,"The user tackles the
foe with a high-speed
spin. The slower the
user, the greater
the damage."
360,10,9,"The user tackles the
foe with a high-speed
spin. The slower the
user, the greater
the damage."
360,11,1,"The user tackles the target with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
high-speed spin. The slower the
user, the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
360,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue une rotation et
frappe l'ennemi. Plus le lanceur est
lent, plus il fait de dégâts."
361,8,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,9,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,10,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its HP restored
and status cured."
361,11,1,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
taking its place will have its HP restored
and status cured."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
361,11,5,"Le lanceur tombe K.O. pour soigner les
PV et le statut du Pokémon qui passe
après lui."
362,8,9,"If the foes HP is
down to about half,
this attack will hit
with double the
362,9,9,"If the foes HP is
down to about half,
this attack will hit
with double the
362,10,9,"If the foes HP is
down to about half,
this attack will hit
with double the
362,11,1,"If the targets HP is down to about half,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
this attack will hit with double
the power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
362,11,5,"Cette attaque est deux fois plus
puissante lorsque l'ennemi a moins
de la moitié de ses PV."
363,8,9,"The user draws power
to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines
its type and power."
363,9,9,"The user draws power
to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines
its type and power."
363,10,9,"The user draws power
to attack by using
its held Berry.
The Berry determines
its type and power."
363,11,1,"The user draws power to attack by using
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its held Berry.
The Berry determines its type and power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
363,11,5,"Avant d'attaquer, le lanceur rassemble
ses forces grâce à sa Baie. Elle
détermine le type et la puissance."
364,8,9,"An attack that hits a
foe using Protect or
Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those
364,9,9,"An attack that hits a
foe using Protect or
Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those
364,10,9,"An attack that hits a
foe using Protect or
Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those
364,11,1,"An attack that hits a target using
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Protect or Detect. It also lifts
the effects of those moves."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
364,11,5,"Une attaque capable de toucher un ennemi
qui utilise Détection ou Abri. Annule aussi
leur effet."
365,8,9,"The user pecks the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user plucks it and
gains its effect."
365,9,9,"The user pecks the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user plucks it and
gains its effect."
365,10,9,"The user pecks the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user plucks it and
gains its effect."
365,11,1,"The user pecks the target. If the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
365,11,5,"Le lanceur picore la cible. Si cette
dernière tient une Baie, le lanceur
la mange et profite de ses effets."
366,8,9,"The user whips up a
turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed
of all party Pokémon
for three turns."
366,9,9,"The user whips up a
turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed
of all party Pokémon
for three turns."
366,10,9,"The user whips up a
turbulent whirlwind
that ups the Speed
of all party Pokémon
for three turns."
366,11,1,"The user whips up a turbulent whirlwind
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that ups the Speed of all party Pokémon
for four turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
366,11,5,"Génère une rafale de vent qui augmente la
Vitesse des Pokémon de l'équipe pendant 4
367,8,9,"The user applies
pressure to stress
points, sharply
boosting one of its
367,9,9,"The user applies
pressure to stress
points, sharply
boosting one of its
367,10,9,"The user applies
pressure to stress
points, sharply
boosting one of its
367,11,1,"The user applies pressure to stress
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
points, sharply boosting one of
its stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
367,11,5,"Le lanceur effectue des pressions
pour augmenter fortement l'une
de ses stats."
368,8,9,"The user retaliates
against the foe that
last inflicted damage
on it with much
greater power."
368,9,9,"The user retaliates
against the foe that
last inflicted damage
on it with much
greater power."
368,10,9,"The user retaliates
against the foe that
last inflicted damage
on it with much
greater power."
368,11,1,"The user retaliates with much greater
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
power against the target
that last inflicted damage on it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
368,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque le dernier ennemi
l'ayant blessé durant le même tour
en frappant plus fort."
369,8,9,"After making its
attack, the user
rushes back to switch
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting."
369,9,9,"After making its
attack, the user
rushes back to switch
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting."
369,10,9,"After making its
attack, the user
rushes back to switch
places with a party
Pokémon in waiting."
369,11,1,"After making its attack, the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
369,11,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à
toute vitesse et change de place avec
un Pokémon de l'équipe prêt au combat."
370,8,9,"The user fights the
foe in close without
guarding itself. It
also cuts the users
Defense and Sp. Def."
370,9,9,"The user fights the
foe in close without
guarding itself. It
also cuts the users
Defense and Sp. Def."
370,10,9,"The user fights the
foe up close without
guarding itself. It
also cuts the users
Defense and Sp. Def."
370,11,1,"The user fights the target up close
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
without guarding itself. It also cuts
the users Defense and Sp. Def."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
370,11,5,"Le lanceur combat au corps à corps sans
se protéger. Baisse aussi sa Défense et
sa Défense Spéciale."
371,8,9,"If the user can use
this attack after the
foe attacks, its
power is doubled.
371,9,9,"If the user can use
this attack after the
foe attacks, its
power is doubled.
371,10,9,"If the user can use
this attack after the
foe attacks, its
power is doubled.
371,11,1,"If the user moves after the target,
this attacks power will be doubled."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
371,11,5,"Le lanceur charge son énergie, puis
attaque. La puissance est doublée
si le lanceur agit après l'ennemi."
372,8,9,"If the foe has
already taken some
damage in the same
turn, this attacks
power is doubled."
372,9,9,"If the foe has
already taken some
damage in the same
turn, this attacks
power is doubled."
372,10,9,"If the foe has
already taken some
damage in the same
turn, this attacks
power is doubled."
372,11,1,"If the target has already taken some
damage in the same turn, this attacks
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
power is doubled."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
372,11,5,"Cette attaque est deux fois plus
efficace si l'ennemi a déjà été blessé
durant ce tour."
373,8,9,"It prevents the foe
from using its held
item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from
using items on it."
373,9,9,"It prevents the foe
from using its held
item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from
using items on it."
373,10,9,"It prevents the foe
from using its held
item. Its Trainer is
also prevented from
using items on it."
373,11,1,"It prevents the target from using its held
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
item. Its Trainer is also prevented from
using items on it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
373,11,5,"Empêche l'ennemi d'utiliser un
objet tenu et son Dresseur
d'utiliser un objet sur lui."
374,8,9,"The user flings its
held item at the foe
to attack. Its power
and effects depend
on the item."
374,9,9,"The user flings its
held item at the foe
to attack. Its power
and effects depend
on the item."
374,10,9,"The user flings its
held item at the foe
to attack. Its power
and effects depend
on the item."
374,11,1,"The user flings its held item at the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to attack. Its power and effects depend
on the item."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
374,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie l'objet qu'il tient
sur l'ennemi. La puissance et les
effets dépendent de l'objet."
375,8,9,"Using its psychic
power of suggestion,
the user transfers
its status problems
to the target."
375,9,9,"Using its psychic
power of suggestion,
the user transfers
its status problems
to the target."
375,10,9,"Using its psychic
power of suggestion,
the user transfers
its status problems
to the target."
375,11,1,"Using its psychic power of suggestion,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the user transfers its status problems
to the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
375,11,5,"Le lanceur transfère ses problèmes de
statut à l'ennemi grâce à son pouvoir
de suggestion."
376,8,9,"The fewer PP this
move has, the more
power it has for
376,9,9,"The fewer PP this
move has, the more
power it has for
376,10,9,"The fewer PP this
move has, the more
power it has for
376,11,1,"The fewer PP this move has, the greater
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its attack power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
376,11,5,"Moins cette capacité possède de PP,
plus elle est puissante."
377,8,9,"The user prevents
the foe from using
any HP-recovery
moves for five turns.
377,9,9,"The user prevents
the foe from using
any HP-recovery
moves for five turns.
377,10,9,"The user prevents
the foe from using
any HP-recovery
moves for five turns.
377,11,1,"For five turns, the user prevents the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
opposing team from using any moves,
Abilities, or held items that recover HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
377,11,5,"Le lanceur empêche l'ennemi d'utiliser ses
capacités, cap. spé. ou objets tenus pour
récupérer des PV pendant 5 tours."
378,8,9,"The user powerfully
wrings the foe.
The more HP the foe
has, the greater this
attacks power."
378,9,9,"The user powerfully
wrings the foe.
The more HP the foe
has, the greater this
attacks power."
378,10,9,"The user powerfully
wrings the foe.
The more HP the foe
has, the greater this
attacks power."
378,11,1,"The user powerfully wrings the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The more HP the target has, the greater
this attacks power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
378,11,5,"Le lanceur essore l'ennemi. Plus
l'ennemi a de PV, plus cette attaque
est puissante."
379,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch its Attack
with its Defense
379,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch its Attack
with its Defense
379,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch its Attack
with its Defense
379,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
switch its Attack with its Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
379,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise ses pouvoirs psychiques
pour échanger sa stat Défense et sa
stat Attaque."
380,8,9,"The user hurls up its
stomach acids on
the foe. The fluid
eliminates the effect
of the foes ability."
380,9,9,"The user hurls up its
stomach acids on
the foe. The fluid
eliminates the effect
of the foes ability."
380,10,9,"The user hurls up its
stomach acids on
the foe. The fluid
eliminates the effect
of the foes ability."
380,11,1,"The user hurls up its stomach acids on
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target. The fluid eliminates the effect
of the targets Ability."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
380,11,5,"Le lanceur répand ses sucs digestifs sur
l'ennemi. Le fluide neutralise la capacité
spéciale de l'ennemi."
381,8,9,"The user chants an
incantation toward
the sky, preventing
the foe from landing
critical hits."
381,9,9,"The user chants an
incantation toward
the sky, preventing
the foe from landing
critical hits."
381,10,9,"The user chants an
incantation toward
the sky, preventing
the foe from landing
critical hits."
381,11,1,"The user chants an incantation toward
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the sky, preventing opposing Pokémon
from landing critical hits."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
381,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie une incantation vers le
ciel pour empêcher l'ennemi d'effectuer
des coups critiques."
382,8,9,"The user tries to cut
ahead of the foe to
steal and use the
foes intended move
with greater power."
382,9,9,"The user tries to cut
ahead of the foe to
steal and use the
foes intended move
with greater power."
382,10,9,"The user tries to cut
ahead of the foe to
steal and use the
foes intended move
with greater power."
382,11,1,"The user tries to cut ahead of the target
to steal and use the targets intended
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
move with greater power."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
382,11,5,"Le lanceur vole la capacité prévue par
l'ennemi et l'utilise en faisant plus de
dégâts. Il doit frapper en premier."
383,8,9,"The user mimics the
move used immediately
before it. The move
fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,9,9,"The user mimics the
move used immediately
before it. The move
fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,10,9,"The user mimics the
move used immediately
before it. The move
fails if no other move
has been used yet."
383,11,1,"The user mimics the move used immediately
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
before it. The move fails if no other move
has been used yet."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
383,11,5,"Le lanceur imite la dernière capacité
employée. Échoue si aucune capacité
n'a été utilisée."
384,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the foe."
384,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the foe."
384,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the foe."
384,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
switch changes to its Attack and
Sp. Atk with the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
384,11,5,"Pouvoir qui échange les modifications
de l'Attaque Spéciale et de l'Attaque
du lanceur avec la cible."
385,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Defense and
Sp. Def with the foe."
385,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Defense and
Sp. Def with the foe."
385,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch changes to
its Defense and
Sp. Def with the foe."
385,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
switch changes to its Defense and
Sp. Def with the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
385,11,5,"Pouvoir qui échange les modifications de
la Défense Spéciale et de la Défense
avec la cible."
386,8,9,"This attacks power
increases the more
the foe has powered
up with stat changes.
386,9,9,"This attacks power
increases the more
the foe has powered
up with stat changes.
386,10,9,"This attacks power
increases the more
the foe has powered
up with stat changes.
386,11,1,"This attacks power increases
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the more the target has powered
up with stat changes."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
386,11,5,"Plus l'ennemi a utilisé des augmentations
de stats et plus cette capacité est
387,8,9,"This move can be used
only after the user
has used all the
other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,9,9,"This move can be used
only after the user
has used all the
other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,10,9,"This move can be used
only after the user
has used all the
other moves it knows
in the battle."
387,11,1,"This move can be used only after the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
has used all the other moves it knows
in the battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
387,11,5,"Cette capacité ne peut être utilisée
qu'après que le lanceur a utilisé
toutes les autres."
388,8,9,"A seed that causes
worry is planted on
the foe. It prevents
sleep by making its
ability Insomnia."
388,9,9,"A seed that causes
worry is planted on
the foe. It prevents
sleep by making its
ability Insomnia."
388,10,9,"A seed that causes
worry is planted on
the foe. It prevents
sleep by making its
ability Insomnia."
388,11,1,"A seed that causes worry is planted on
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target. It prevents sleep by making
its Ability Insomnia."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
388,11,5,"Plante sur la cible une graine qui la rend
soucieuse et remplace sa capacité spéciale
par Insomnia, l'empêchant ainsi de dormir."
389,8,9,"This move enables the
user to attack first.
It fails if the foe is
not readying an
attack, however."
389,9,9,"This move enables the
user to attack first.
It fails if the foe is
not readying an
attack, however."
389,10,9,"This move enables the
user to attack first.
It fails if the foe is
not readying an
attack, however."
389,11,1,"This move enables the user to attack
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
first. It fails if the target is not
readying an attack, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
389,11,5,"Permet au lanceur de frapper en premier.
Échoue si l'ennemi ne prépare pas
une attaque."
390,8,9,"The user lays a trap
of poison spikes at
the foes feet. They
poison foes that
switch into battle."
390,9,9,"The user lays a trap
of poison spikes at
the foes feet. They
poison foes that
switch into battle."
390,10,9,"The user lays a trap
of poison spikes at
the foes feet. They
poison foes that
switch into battle."
390,11,1,"The user lays a trap of poison spikes at
the opponents feet. They poison
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
opponents that switch into battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
390,11,5,"Lance des pics autour de l'ennemi. Ils
empoisonnent les ennemis qui entrent
au combat."
391,8,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch stat changes
with the foe.
391,9,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch stat changes
with the foe.
391,10,9,"The user employs its
psychic power to
switch stat changes
with the foe.
391,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
switch stat changes with the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
391,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise un pouvoir psychique
pour échanger ses changements de
stats avec la cible."
392,8,9,"The user envelops
itself in a veil made
of water. It regains
some HP on every
392,9,9,"The user envelops
itself in a veil made
of water. It regains
some HP on every
392,10,9,"The user envelops
itself in a veil made
of water. It regains
some HP on every
392,11,1,"The user envelops itself in a veil made
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of water. It regains some HP on
every turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
392,11,5,"Un voile liquide enveloppe le lanceur.
Il récupère des PV à chaque tour."
393,8,9,"The user levitates
using electrically
generated magnetism
for five turns.
393,9,9,"The user levitates
using electrically
generated magnetism
for five turns.
393,10,9,"The user levitates
using electrically
generated magnetism
for five turns.
393,11,1,"The user levitates using electrically
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
generated magnetism for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
393,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise l'électricité pour
générer un champ magnétique
et léviter durant 5 tours."
394,8,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
The user sustains
serious damage, too."
394,9,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
The user sustains
serious damage, too."
394,10,9,"The user cloaks
itself in fire and
charges at the foe.
The user sustains
serious damage, too."
394,11,1,"The user cloaks itself in fire and charges
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the target. The user sustains serious
damage and may leave the target burned."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
394,11,5,"Le lanceur s'embrase avant de charger
l'ennemi. Le choc blesse aussi gravement
le lanceur. Peut brûler l'ennemi."
395,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed.
395,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed.
395,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave.
It may also leave the
target paralyzed.
395,11,1,"The target is attacked with a shock wave.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also leave the target
with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
395,11,5,"Une onde de choc frappe l'ennemi.
Peut aussi paralyser la cible."
396,8,9,"The user looses a
blast of aura power
from deep within its
body. This move is
certain to hit."
396,9,9,"The user looses a
blast of aura power
from deep within its
body. This move is
certain to hit."
396,10,9,"The user looses a
blast of aura power
from deep within its
body. This move is
certain to hit."
396,11,1,"The user looses a blast of aura power
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
from deep within its body at the target.
This move is certain to hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
396,11,5,"Le lanceur dégage une aura et projette
de l'énergie. N'échoue jamais."
397,8,9,"The user polishes its
body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise
the Speed stat.
397,9,9,"The user polishes its
body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise
the Speed stat.
397,10,9,"The user polishes its
body to reduce drag.
It can sharply raise
the Speed stat.
397,11,1,"The user polishes its body to reduce drag.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It can sharply raise the Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
397,11,5,"Le lanceur polit son corps pour
diminuer sa résistance au vent.
Augmente fortement la Vitesse."
398,8,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a tentacle or
arm steeped in
poison. It may also
poison the foe."
398,9,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a tentacle or
arm steeped in
poison. It may also
poison the foe."
398,10,9,"The foe is stabbed
with a tentacle or
arm steeped in
poison. It may also
poison the foe."
398,11,1,"The target is stabbed with a tentacle or
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
arm steeped in poison. It may also
poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
398,11,5,"Attaque l'ennemi avec un tentacule ou
un bras plein de poison. Peut aussi
399,8,9,"The user releases a
horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the
target flinch."
399,9,9,"The user releases a
horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the
target flinch."
399,10,9,"The user releases a
horrible aura imbued
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the
target flinch."
399,11,1,"The user releases a horrible aura imbued
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with dark thoughts.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
399,11,5,"Le lanceur dégage une horrible
aura chargée d'idées noires.
Peut aussi apeurer l'ennemi."
400,8,9,"The user slashes the
foe the instant an
opportunity arises.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
400,9,9,"The user slashes the
foe the instant an
opportunity arises.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
400,10,9,"The user slashes the
foe the instant an
opportunity arises.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
400,11,1,"The user slashes the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the instant an opportunity arises.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
400,11,5,"Le lanceur lacère l'ennemi à la
première occasion. Taux de
critiques élevé."
401,8,9,"The user attacks by
swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave
in a raging storm.
401,9,9,"The user attacks by
swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave
in a raging storm.
401,10,9,"The user attacks by
swinging its tail as if
it were a vicious wave
in a raging storm.
401,11,1,"The user attacks by swinging its tail as if
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
it were a vicious wave in a raging storm."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
401,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en balançant sa
queue comme une lame de fond en
pleine tempête."
402,8,9,"The user slams a
barrage of hard-
shelled seeds
down on the foe
from above."
402,9,9,"The user slams a
barrage of hard-
shelled seeds
down on the foe
from above."
402,10,9,"The user slams a
barrage of hard-
shelled seeds
down on the foe
from above."
402,11,1,"The user slams a barrage of hard-shelled
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
seeds down on the target from above."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
402,11,5,"Le lanceur fait pleuvoir un déluge
de graines solides sur l'ennemi."
403,8,9,"The user attacks with
a blade of air that
slices even the sky.
It may also make the
target flinch."
403,9,9,"The user attacks with
a blade of air that
slices even the sky.
It may also make the
target flinch."
403,10,9,"The user attacks with
a blade of air that
slices even the sky.
It may also make the
target flinch."
403,11,1,"The user attacks with a blade of air that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
slices even the sky. It may also make the
target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
403,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec une lame d'air
qui fend tout. Peut aussi apeurer l'ennemi."
404,8,9,"The user slashes at
the foe by crossing
its scythes or claws
as if they were a pair
of scissors."
404,9,9,"The user slashes at
the foe by crossing
its scythes or claws
as if they were a pair
of scissors."
404,10,9,"The user slashes at
the foe by crossing
its scythes or claws
as if they were a pair
of scissors."
404,11,1,"The user slashes at the target by
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
crossing its scythes or claws as if
they were a pair of scissors."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
404,11,5,"Le lanceur taillade l'ennemi en
utilisant ses faux ou ses griffes
comme une paire de ciseaux."
405,8,9,"The user vibrates its
wings to generate a
damaging sound wave.
It may also lower the
foes Sp. Def stat."
405,9,9,"The user vibrates its
wings to generate a
damaging sound wave.
It may also lower the
foes Sp. Def stat."
405,10,9,"The user vibrates its
wings to generate a
damaging sound wave.
It may also lower the
foes Sp. Def stat."
405,11,1,"The user vibrates its wings to generate a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
damaging sound wave. It may also lower
the targets Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
405,11,5,"Le lanceur fait vibrer ses ailes pour
lancer une vague sonique. Peut aussi
baisser la Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
406,8,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave
generated by the
users gaping mouth.
406,9,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave
generated by the
users gaping mouth.
406,10,9,"The foe is attacked
with a shock wave
generated by the
users gaping mouth.
406,11,1,"The target is attacked with a shock wave
generated by the users gaping mouth."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
406,11,5,"Le lanceur ouvre la bouche pour envoyer
une onde de choc qui frappe l'ennemi."
407,8,9,"The user tackles the
foe while exhibiting
overwhelming menace.
It may also make the
target flinch."
407,9,9,"The user tackles the
foe while exhibiting
overwhelming menace.
It may also make the
target flinch."
407,10,9,"The user tackles the
foe while exhibiting
overwhelming menace.
It may also make the
target flinch."
407,11,1,"The user tackles the target while
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
exhibiting overwhelming menace.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
407,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l'ennemi d'un air
menaçant. Peut aussi apeurer l'ennemi."
408,8,9,"The user attacks with
a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were
made of gemstones.
408,9,9,"The user attacks with
a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were
made of gemstones.
408,10,9,"The user attacks with
a ray of light that
sparkles as if it were
made of gemstones.
408,11,1,"The user attacks with a ray of light that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sparkles as if it were made of gemstones."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
408,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque avec un rayon de
lumière qui scintille comme s'il était
composé de gemmes."
409,8,9,"An energy-draining
punch. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
409,9,9,"An energy-draining
punch. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
409,10,9,"An energy-draining
punch. The users
HP is restored by
half the damage taken
by the target."
409,11,1,"An energy-draining punch. The users
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
HP is restored by half the damage taken
by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
409,11,5,"Un coup de poing qui draine l'énergie.
Convertit la moitié des dégâts infligés
en PV pour le lanceur."
410,8,9,"The user whirls its
fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at
the foe. This move
always goes first."
410,9,9,"The user whirls its
fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at
the foe. This move
always goes first."
410,10,9,"The user whirls its
fists to send a wave
of pure vacuum at
the foe. This move
always goes first."
410,11,1,"The user whirls its fists to send a wave
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
of pure vacuum at the target. This move
always goes first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
410,11,5,"Le lanceur agite son poing pour projeter
une onde de vide. Frappe toujours en
411,8,9,"The user heightens
its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
411,9,9,"The user heightens
its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
411,10,9,"The user heightens
its mental focus and
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
411,11,1,"The user heightens its mental focus and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
unleashes its power.
It may also lower the targets Sp. Def."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
411,11,5,"Le lanceur rassemble ses forces et laisse
éclater son pouvoir. Peut aussi baisser la
Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
412,8,9,"The user draws power
from nature and
fires it at the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
412,9,9,"The user draws power
from nature and
fires it at the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
412,10,9,"The user draws power
from nature and
fires it at the foe.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
412,11,1,"The user draws power from nature and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
fires it at the target.
It may also lower the targets Sp. Def."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
412,11,5,"Utilise les pouvoirs de la nature pour
attaquer l'ennemi. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
413,8,9,"The user tucks in
its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes
serious damage."
413,9,9,"The user tucks in
its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes
serious damage."
413,10,9,"The user tucks in
its wings and charges
from a low altitude.
The user also takes
serious damage."
413,11,1,"The user tucks in its wings and charges
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
from a low altitude.
The user also takes serious damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
413,11,5,"Le lanceur replie ses ailes et charge
en rase-mottes. Le lanceur subit aussi
de graves dégâts."
414,8,9,"The user makes the
ground under the foe
erupt with power.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
414,9,9,"The user makes the
ground under the foe
erupt with power.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
414,10,9,"The user makes the
ground under the foe
erupt with power.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
414,11,1,"The user makes the ground under
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target erupt with power.
It may also lower the targets Sp. Def."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
414,11,5,"Des éruptions volcaniques ont lieu
sous l'ennemi. Peut aussi baisser
la Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
415,8,9,"The user trades held
items with the foe
faster than the eye
can follow.
415,9,9,"The user trades held
items with the foe
faster than the eye
can follow.
415,10,9,"The user trades held
items with the foe
faster than the eye
can follow.
415,11,1,"The user trades held items with the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
faster than the eye can follow."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
415,11,5,"Le lanceur échange son objet avec
celui de la cible à une vitesse que
l'œil a du mal à suivre."
416,8,9,"The user charges at
the foe using every
bit of its power.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
416,9,9,"The user charges at
the foe using every
bit of its power.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
416,10,9,"The user charges at
the foe using every
bit of its power.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
416,11,1,"The user charges at the target using
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
every bit of its power.
The user must rest on the next turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
416,11,5,"Le lanceur charge l'ennemi de toute sa
puissance. Il doit ensuite se reposer
au tour suivant."
417,8,9,"The user stimulates
its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the
users Sp. Atk."
417,9,9,"The user stimulates
its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the
users Sp. Atk."
417,10,9,"The user stimulates
its brain by thinking
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the
users Sp. Atk."
417,11,1,"The user stimulates its brain by thinking
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
bad thoughts.
It sharply raises the users Sp. Atk."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
417,11,5,"Stimule l'esprit par de mauvaises pensées.
Augmente fortement l'Attaque Spéciale
du lanceur."
418,8,9,"The user strikes
with a tough punch as
fast as a bullet.
This move always goes
418,9,9,"The user strikes
with a tough punch as
fast as a bullet.
This move always goes
418,10,9,"The user strikes
with a tough punch as
fast as a bullet.
This move always goes
418,11,1,"The user strikes the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with tough punches as fast as bullets.
This move always goes first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
418,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des coups de poing aussi
rapides que des balles de revolver. Frappe
toujours en premier."
419,8,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
419,9,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
419,10,9,"An attack move that
inflicts double the
damage if the user
has been hurt by the
foe in the same turn."
419,11,1,"An attack move that inflicts double the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
damage if the user has been hurt by the
target in the same turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
419,11,5,"Une attaque deux fois plus puissante si le
lanceur a été blessé par l'ennemi durant
le tour."
420,8,9,"The user flash
freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them.
This move always goes
420,9,9,"The user flash
freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them.
This move always goes
420,10,9,"The user flash
freezes chunks of
ice and hurls them.
This move always goes
420,11,1,"The user flash freezes chunks of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
ice and hurls them at the target.
This move always goes first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
420,11,5,"Le lanceur crée des éclats de glace qu'il
envoie sur l'ennemi. Frappe toujours en
421,8,9,"The user slashes with
a sharp claw made
from shadows.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
421,9,9,"The user slashes with
a sharp claw made
from shadows.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
421,10,9,"The user slashes with
a sharp claw made
from shadows.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
421,11,1,"The user slashes with a sharp claw made
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
from shadows.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
421,11,5,"Attaque avec une griffe puissante faite
d'ombres. Taux de critiques élevé."
422,8,9,"The user bites with
electrified fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or become
422,9,9,"The user bites with
electrified fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or become
422,10,9,"The user bites with
electrified fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or become
422,11,1,"The user bites with electrified fangs.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also make the target flinch or
leave it with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
422,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure électrifiée.
Peut aussi paralyser ou apeurer l'ennemi."
423,8,9,"The user bites with
cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or freeze.
423,9,9,"The user bites with
cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or freeze.
423,10,9,"The user bites with
cold-infused fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or freeze.
423,11,1,"The user bites with cold-infused fangs.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also make the target flinch or
leave it frozen."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
423,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure glaciale.
Peut aussi geler ou apeurer l'ennemi."
424,8,9,"The user bites with
flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or sustain
a burn."
424,9,9,"The user bites with
flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or sustain
a burn."
424,10,9,"The user bites with
flame-cloaked fangs.
It may also make the
foe flinch or sustain
a burn."
424,11,1,"The user bites with flame-cloaked fangs.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
It may also make the target flinch or leave
it burned."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
424,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise une morsure enflammée.
Peut aussi brûler ou apeurer l'ennemi."
425,8,9,"The user extends its
shadow and attacks
the foe from behind.
This move always goes
425,9,9,"The user extends its
shadow and attacks
the foe from behind.
This move always goes
425,10,9,"The user extends its
shadow and attacks
the foe from behind.
This move always goes
425,11,1,"The user extends its shadow and attacks
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target from behind.
This move always goes first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
425,11,5,"Le lanceur étend son ombre pour frapper
par derrière. Frappe toujours en premier."
426,8,9,"The user launches a
hard-packed mud ball
to attack.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
426,9,9,"The user launches a
hard-packed mud ball
to attack.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
426,10,9,"The user launches a
hard-packed mud ball
to attack.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
426,11,1,"The user launches a hard-packed
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
mud ball to attack.
It may also lower the targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
426,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque à l'aide d'une boule
de boue solidifiée. Peut aussi baisser
la Précision de l'ennemi."
427,8,9,"The user tears at
the foe with blades
formed by psychic
power. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
427,9,9,"The user tears at
the foe with blades
formed by psychic
power. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
427,10,9,"The user tears at
the foe with blades
formed by psychic
power. It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
427,11,1,"The user tears at the target with blades
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
formed by psychic power.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
427,11,5,"Le lanceur entaille l'ennemi grâce à des
lames faites de pouvoir psychique.
Taux de critiques élevé."
428,8,9,"The user focuses its
willpower to its head
and rams the foe.
It may also make the
target flinch."
428,9,9,"The user focuses its
willpower to its head
and rams the foe.
It may also make the
target flinch."
428,10,9,"The user focuses its
willpower to its head
and rams the foe.
It may also make the
target flinch."
428,11,1,"The user focuses its willpower to its head
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and attacks the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
428,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre sa volonté et
donne un coup de tête. Peut aussi
apeurer l'ennemi."
429,8,9,"The user looses a
flash of energy from
its polished body.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
429,9,9,"The user looses a
flash of energy from
its polished body.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
429,10,9,"The user looses a
flash of energy from
its polished body.
It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
429,11,1,"The user looses a flash of energy at
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target from its polished body.
It may also lower the targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
429,11,5,"Le corps poli du lanceur libère un
éclair d'énergie. Peut aussi baisser
la Précision de l'ennemi."
430,8,9,"The user gathers all
its light energy and
releases it at once.
It may also lower the
foes Sp. Def stat."
430,9,9,"The user gathers all
its light energy and
releases it at once.
It may also lower the
foes Sp. Def stat."
430,10,9,"The user gathers all
its light energy and
releases it at once.
It may also lower the
foes Sp. Def stat."
430,11,1,"The user gathers all its light energy and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
releases it at once. It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
430,11,5,"Le lanceur concentre son énergie
lumineuse et la fait exploser. Peut aussi
baisser la Défense Spéciale de l'ennemi."
431,8,9,"A charging attack
that may also leave
the foe confused.
It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
431,9,9,"A charging attack
that may also leave
the foe confused.
It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
431,10,9,"A charging attack
that may also leave
the foe confused.
It can also be used
to scale rocky walls."
431,11,1,"The user attacks the target by smashing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
into it with incredible force.
It may also confuse the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
431,11,5,"Le lanceur se jette violemment sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi le rendre confus."
432,8,9,"Obstacles are moved,
reducing the foes
evasion stat. It can
also be used to
clear deep fog, etc."
432,9,9,"Obstacles are moved,
reducing the foes
evasion stat. It can
also be used to
clear deep fog, etc."
432,10,9,"It reduces the foes
evasion stat. It also
removes spikes,
light screens, etc."
432,11,1,"A strong wind blows away the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
obstacles such as Reflect or Light Screen.
It also lowers the targets evasiveness."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
432,11,5,"Un grand coup de vent qui disperse la
Protection ou le Mur Lumière de l'ennemi.
Diminue aussi son Esquive."
433,8,9,"The user creates a
bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get
to move first for five
433,9,9,"The user creates a
bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get
to move first for five
433,10,9,"The user creates a
bizarre area in which
slower Pokémon get
to move first for five
433,11,1,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
slower Pokémon get to move first for
five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
433,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange où
les Pokémon les plus lents frappent
en 1er pendant 5 tours."
434,8,9,"Comets are summoned
down from the sky.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
434,9,9,"Comets are summoned
down from the sky.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
434,10,9,"Comets are summoned
down from the sky.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
434,11,1,"Comets are summoned down from the sky
onto the target. The attacks recoil
harshly reduces the users Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
434,11,5,"Le lanceur invoque des comètes.
Le contrecoup réduit fortement
son Attaque Spéciale."
435,8,9,"A flare of electricity
is loosed to strike
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also cause
435,9,9,"A flare of electricity
is loosed to strike
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also cause
435,10,9,"A flare of electricity
is loosed to strike
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also cause
435,11,1,"A flare of electricity is loosed to strike
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the area around the user.
It may also cause paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
435,11,5,"Un flamboiement d'électricité frappe
tous les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi paralyser."
436,8,9,"An inferno of scarlet
flames washes over
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also inflict
436,9,9,"An inferno of scarlet
flames washes over
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also inflict
436,10,9,"An inferno of scarlet
flames washes over
all Pokémon in battle.
It may also inflict
436,11,1,"An inferno of scarlet flames torches
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
everything around the user. It may
leave targets with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
436,11,5,"Des boules de feu s'abattent sur tous
les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi brûler."
437,8,9,"A storm of sharp
leaves is whipped up.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
437,9,9,"A storm of sharp
leaves is whipped up.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
437,10,9,"A storm of sharp
leaves is whipped up.
The attacks recoil
sharply reduces the
users Sp. Atk stat."
437,11,1,"The user whips up a storm of leaves around
the target. The attacks recoil harshly
reduces the users Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
437,11,5,"Invoque une tempête de feuilles acérées.
Le contrecoup réduit fortement l'Attaque
Spéciale du lanceur."
438,8,9,"The user violently
whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly
lash the foe.
438,9,9,"The user violently
whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly
lash the foe.
438,10,9,"The user violently
whirls its vines or
tentacles to harshly
lash the foe.
438,11,1,"The user violently whirls its vines or
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
tentacles to harshly lash the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
438,11,5,"Le lanceur fait virevolter violemment
ses lianes ou ses tentacules pour
fouetter l'ennemi."
439,8,9,"The user launches a
huge boulder at the
foe to attack.
It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,9,9,"The user launches a
huge boulder at the
foe to attack.
It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,10,9,"The user launches a
huge boulder at the
foe to attack.
It must rest on the
next turn, however."
439,11,1,"The user launches a huge boulder at the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target to attack. It must rest on the
next turn, however."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
439,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque en projetant un
gros rocher sur l'ennemi. Il doit se
reposer au tour suivant."
440,8,9,"A slashing attack
that may also leave
the target poisoned.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
440,9,9,"A slashing attack
that may also leave
the target poisoned.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
440,10,9,"A slashing attack
that may also leave
the target poisoned.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
440,11,1,"A slashing attack with a poisonous blade
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that may also leave the target poisoned.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
440,11,5,"Un coup tranchant qui peut empoisonner
l'ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
441,8,9,"The user shoots
filthy garbage at the
foe to attack.
It may also poison
the target."
441,9,9,"The user shoots
filthy garbage at the
foe to attack.
It may also poison
the target."
441,10,9,"The user shoots
filthy garbage at the
foe to attack.
It may also poison
the target."
441,11,1,"The user shoots filthy garbage
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the target to attack.
It may also poison the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
441,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des détritus sur
l'ennemi. Peut aussi l'empoisonner."
442,8,9,"The foe slams the
target with its
steel-hard head.
It may also make the
target flinch."
442,9,9,"The foe slams the
target with its
steel-hard head.
It may also make the
target flinch."
442,10,9,"The foe slams the
target with its
steel-hard head.
It may also make the
target flinch."
442,11,1,"The user slams the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with its steel-hard head.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
442,11,5,"Le lanceur heurte l'ennemi avec sa tête
dure comme de l'acier. Peut aussi
apeurer l'ennemi."
443,8,9,"The user launches a
steel bomb that
sticks to the target.
This attack will not
443,9,9,"The user launches a
steel bomb that
sticks to the target.
This attack will not
443,10,9,"The user launches a
steel bomb that
sticks to the target.
This attack will not
443,11,1,"The user launches steel bombs that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
stick to the target.
This attack will not miss."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
443,11,5,"Le lanceur projette des bombes d'acier
qui collent à l'ennemi. N'échoue jamais."
444,8,9,"The user stabs the
foe with a sharpened
stone. It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
444,9,9,"The user stabs the
foe with a sharpened
stone. It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
444,10,9,"The user stabs the
foe with a sharpened
stone. It has a high
critical-hit ratio.
444,11,1,"The user stabs the foe with
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
sharpened stones from below.
It has a high critical-hit ratio."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
444,11,5,"Fait surgir des pierres aiguisées sous
l'ennemi. Taux de critiques élevé."
445,8,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe is charmed
into sharply lowering
its Sp. Atk stat."
445,9,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe is charmed
into sharply lowering
its Sp. Atk stat."
445,10,9,"If it is the opposite
gender of the user,
the foe is charmed
into sharply lowering
its Sp. Atk stat."
445,11,1,"If it is the opposite gender of the user,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target is charmed into harshly
lowering its Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
445,11,5,"Si l'ennemi est de sexe opposé au
lanceur, il est séduit et son Attaque
Spéciale baisse fortement."
446,8,9,"The user lays a trap
of levitating stones
around the foe. The
trap hurts foes that
switch into battle."
446,9,9,"The user lays a trap
of levitating stones
around the foe. The
trap hurts foes that
switch into battle."
446,10,9,"The user lays a trap
of levitating stones
around the foe. The
trap hurts foes that
switch into battle."
446,11,1,"The user lays a trap of levitating stones
around the opponents team. The trap
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
hurts opponents that switch into battle."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
446,11,5,"Lance des pierres flottantes autour
de l'ennemi, qui blessent tout ennemi
entrant au combat."
447,8,9,"The user snares the
foe with grass and
trips it. The heavier
the foe, the greater
the damage."
447,9,9,"The user snares the
foe with grass and
trips it. The heavier
the foe, the greater
the damage."
447,10,9,"The user snares the
foe with grass and
trips it. The heavier
the foe, the greater
the damage."
447,11,1,"The user snares the target with grass and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
trips it. The heavier the target,
the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
447,11,5,"L'ennemi est piégé dans de l'herbe qui
le fait trébucher. Plus il est lourd,
plus il subit de dégâts."
448,8,9,"The user attacks
using a sound wave
based on words it has
learned. It may also
confuse the foe."
448,9,9,"The user attacks
using a sound wave
based on words it has
learned. It may also
confuse the foe."
448,10,9,"The user attacks
using a sound wave
based on words it has
learned. It may also
confuse the foe."
448,11,1,"The user attacks using a sound wave
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
based on words it has learned.
It may also confuse the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
448,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie une onde musicale en
récitant des mots. Peut aussi rendre
l'ennemi confus."
449,8,9,"The user releases
countless shots of
light. Its type varies
with the kind of Plate
the user is holding."
449,9,9,"The user releases
countless shots of
light. Its type varies
with the kind of Plate
the user is holding."
449,10,9,"The user releases
countless shots of
light. Its type varies
with the kind of Plate
the user is holding."
449,11,1,"The user releases countless shots of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
light at the target. Its type varies with
the kind of Plate the user is holding."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
449,11,5,"Le lanceur libère une myriade de rayons de
lumière. Le type varie selon la Plaque
que tient le lanceur."
450,8,9,"The user bites the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,9,9,"The user bites the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,10,9,"The user bites the
foe. If the foe is
holding a Berry, the
user eats it and
gains its effect."
450,11,1,"The user bites the target. If the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
is holding a Berry, the user eats it and
gains its effect."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
450,11,5,"Le lanceur pique l'ennemi. Si ce dernier
tient une Baie, le lanceur la dévore et
obtient son effet."
451,8,9,"The user fires a
concentrated bundle
of electricity. It may
also raise the users
Sp. Atk stat."
451,9,9,"The user fires a
concentrated bundle
of electricity. It may
also raise the users
Sp. Atk stat."
451,10,9,"The user fires a
concentrated bundle
of electricity. It may
also raise the users
Sp. Atk stat."
451,11,1,"The user attacks with an electric
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
charge. The user may use any remaining
electricity to raise its Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
451,11,5,"Le lanceur tire un rayon chargé
d'électricité. Peut aussi augmenter
son Attaque Spéciale."
452,8,9,"The user slams its
rugged body into the
foe to attack. The
user also sustains
serious damage."
452,9,9,"The user slams its
rugged body into the
foe to attack. The
user also sustains
serious damage."
452,10,9,"The user slams its
rugged body into the
foe to attack. The
user also sustains
serious damage."
452,11,1,"The user slams its rugged body into the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target to attack. The user also sustains
serious damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
452,11,5,"Le lanceur heurte l'ennemi de son corps
robuste. Inflige de sérieux dégâts au
lanceur aussi."
453,8,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,9,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,10,9,"The user lunges at
the foe at a speed
that makes it almost
invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
453,11,1,"The user lunges at the target at a speed
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that makes it almost invisible. It is sure
to strike first."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
453,11,5,"Le lanceur fonce sur l'ennemi si
rapidement qu'on parvient à peine
à le discerner. Frappe en premier."
454,8,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
pummel the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
454,9,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
pummel the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
454,10,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
pummel the foe.
It has a high
critical-hit ratio."
454,11,1,"The user calls out its underlings to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
pummel the target.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
454,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour
frapper l'ennemi. Taux de critiques
455,8,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
make a living shield,
raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,9,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
shield its body,
raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,10,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to
shield its body,
raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
455,11,1,"The user calls out its underlings to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
shield its body, raising its Defense
and Sp. Def stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
455,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour
former un bouclier qui augmente sa Défense
et sa Défense Spéciale."
456,8,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to heal
it. The user regains
up to half of its
max HP."
456,9,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to heal
it. The user regains
up to half of its
max HP."
456,10,9,"The user calls out
its underlings to heal
it. The user regains
up to half of its
max HP."
456,11,1,"The user calls out its underlings to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
heal it. The user regains up to half of its
max HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
456,11,5,"Le lanceur appelle ses sous-fifres pour
le soigner. Il récupère jusqu'à la moitié
de ses PV max."
457,8,9,"The user delivers a
life-endangering head
butt at full power.
The user also takes
terrible damage."
457,9,9,"The user delivers a
life-endangering head
butt at full power.
The user also takes
terrible damage."
457,10,9,"The user delivers a
attack at full power.
The user also takes
terrible damage."
457,11,1,"The user attacks the target with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
hazardous, full-power headbutt.
The user also takes terrible damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
457,11,5,"Le lanceur assène un coup de tête
désespéré. Blesse aussi gravement
le lanceur."
458,8,9,"The user slams the
foe with a tail, etc.
The target is hit
twice in a row.
458,9,9,"The user slams the
foe with a tail, etc.
The target is hit
twice in a row.
458,10,9,"The user slams the
foe with a long tail,
vines, etc. The
target is hit
twice in a row."
458,11,1,"The user slams the target with a long tail,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
vines, or tentacle.
The target is hit twice in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
458,11,5,"Un coup de queue ou de liane qui frappe
l'ennemi deux fois d'affilée."
459,8,9,"The user blasts the
foe with power that
distorts even time.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
459,9,9,"The user blasts the
foe with power that
distorts even time.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
459,10,9,"The user blasts the
foe with power that
distorts even time.
The user must rest
on the next turn."
459,11,1,"The user blasts the target with power
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
that distorts even time.
The user must rest on the next turn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
459,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe si fort qu'il affecte
le cours du temps. Il se repose au
tour suivant."
460,8,9,"The user tears the
foe along with the
space around it.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio."
460,9,9,"The user tears the
foe along with the
space around it.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio."
460,10,9,"The user tears the
foe along with the
space around it.
This move has a high
critical-hit ratio."
460,11,1,"The user tears the target along with the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
space around it.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
460,11,5,"Le lanceur déchire l'ennemi et l'espace
autour de lui. Taux de critiques élevé."
461,8,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,9,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,10,9,"The user faints. In
return, the Pokémon
taking its place will
have its status and
HP fully restored."
461,11,1,"The user faints. In return, the Pokémon
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
taking its place will have its status and
HP fully restored."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
461,11,5,"Le lanceur tombe K.O. pour soigner le
statut et les PV du Pokémon qui prendra
sa place au combat."
462,8,9,"The foe is crushed
with great force.
The attack is more
powerful the more HP
the foe has left."
462,9,9,"The foe is crushed
with great force.
The attack is more
powerful the more HP
the foe has left."
462,10,9,"The foe is crushed
with great force.
The attack is more
powerful the more HP
the foe has left."
462,11,1,"The target is crushed with great force.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
The attack is more powerful the more
HP the target has left."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
462,11,5,"Une force puissante écrase l'ennemi.
Plus il lui reste de PV et plus l'attaque
est puissante."
463,8,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
maelstrom of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
463,9,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
maelstrom of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
463,10,9,"The foe becomes
trapped within a
maelstrom of fire
that rages for two
to five turns."
463,11,1,"The target becomes trapped
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
within a maelstrom of fire that rages
for four to five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
463,11,5,"L'ennemi est pris dans un tourbillon
de feu qui dure de 4 à 5 tours."
464,8,9,"The foe is dragged
into a world of total
darkness that puts it
to sleep.
464,9,9,"The foe is dragged
into a world of total
darkness that puts it
to sleep.
464,10,9,"The foe is dragged
into a world of total
darkness that puts it
to sleep.
464,11,1,"Opposing Pokémon are dragged into
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
a world of total darkness that makes
them sleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
464,11,5,"L'ennemi est plongé dans les ténèbres.
Il tombe dans un profond sommeil."
465,8,9,"The user generates
a shock wave from
within its body.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
465,9,9,"The user generates
a shock wave from
within its body.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
465,10,9,"The user generates
a shock wave from
within its body.
It may also lower the
targets Sp. Def."
465,11,1,"The user emits a shock wave from
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its body to attack its target. It may
harshly lower the targets Sp. Def."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
465,11,5,"Le corps du lanceur émet une onde de
choc. Peut aussi baisser grandement
la Défense Spéciale de la cible."
466,8,9,"The user creates a
gust of repulsive
wind. It may also
raise all the users
stats at once."
466,9,9,"The user creates a
gust of repulsive
wind. It may also
raise all the users
stats at once."
466,10,9,"The user creates a
gust of repulsive
wind. It may also
raise all the users
stats at once."
466,11,1,"The user blasts the target with a gust of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
repulsive wind. It may also raise all the
users stats at once."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
466,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une violente bourrasque.
Peut aussi augmenter toutes ses stats."
467,8,9,"The user disappears,
then strikes the foe
on the second turn.
It hits even if the
foe used Protect."
467,9,9,"The user disappears,
then strikes the foe
on the second turn.
It hits even if the
foe used Protect."
467,10,9,"The user disappears,
then strikes the foe
on the second turn.
It hits even if the
foe protects itself."
467,11,1,"The user disappears, then strikes the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target on the second turn.
It hits even if the target protects itself."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
467,11,5,"Le lanceur disparaît et frappe l'ennemi
au second tour. Fonctionne même si
l'ennemi se protège."
468,11,1,"The user sharpens its claws to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
boost its Attack stat and accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
468,11,5,"Le lanceur s'aiguise les griffes.
Augmente l'Attaque et la Précision."
469,11,1,"The user and its allies are protected from
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
wide-ranging attacks for one turn. If used
in succession, its chance of failing rises."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
469,11,5,"Annule les attaques visant toute l'équipe
pendant 1 tour. Peut échouer si utilisée
plusieurs fois de suite."
470,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
average its Defense and Sp. Def stats
with those of its targets."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
470,11,5,"Additionne la Défense et la Défense
Spéciale du lanceur et de sa cible et les
redistribue équitablement entre les deux."
471,11,1,"The user employs its psychic power to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
average its Attack and Sp. Atk stats
with those of the targets."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
471,11,5,"Additionne l'Attaque Spéciale et l'Attaque
du lanceur et de sa cible et les
redistribue équitablement entre les deux."
472,11,1,"The user creates a bizarre area in which
Pokémons Defense and Sp. Def
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
stats are swapped for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
472,11,5,"Crée une zone étrange où pendant 5 tours,
la Défense et la Défense Spéciale de tous
les Pokémon sont inversées."
473,11,1,"The user materializes an odd
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
473,11,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes
mystérieuses qu'il projette sur
l'ennemi. Inflige des dégâts physiques."
474,11,1,"The user drenches the target in a special
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
poisonous liquid. Its power is doubled
if the target is poisoned."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
474,11,5,"Le lanceur inocule un poison spécial
à l'ennemi. L'effet est doublé si
l'ennemi est déjà empoisonné."
475,11,1,"The user sheds part of its body
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
to make itself lighter and sharply
raise its Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
475,11,5,"Le lanceur se débarrasse des parties
inutiles de son corps. Son poids diminue
et sa Vitesse augmente fortement."
476,11,1,"The user scatters a cloud of irritating
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
powder to draw attention to itself.
Opponents aim only at the user."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
476,11,5,"Le lanceur s'asperge d'une poudre
irritante pour attirer l'attention. Il
attire toutes les attaques ennemies."
477,11,1,"The user makes the target float with its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
psychic power. The target is easier to
hit for three turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
477,11,5,"Un pouvoir qui fait flotter l'ennemi dans
les airs. Pendant 3 tours, il devient plus
facile à atteindre."
478,11,1,"The user creates a bizarre area
in which Pokémons held items
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
lose their effects for five turns."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
478,11,5,"Le lanceur crée une zone étrange. Pendant
5 tours, les objets tenus par tous les
Pokémon n'ont plus aucun effet."
479,11,1,"The user throws a stone or projectile to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
attack an opponent. A flying Pokémon will
fall to the ground when hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
479,11,5,"Le lanceur jette toutes sortes
de projectiles à un ennemi. Si ce
dernier vole, il tombe au sol."
480,11,1,"The user strikes the target with a fierce
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
blow. This attack always results in a
critical hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
480,11,5,"Un coup très puissant dont l'effet
est toujours critique."
481,11,1,"The user attacks the target with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
bursting flame. The bursting flame damages
Pokémon next to the target as well."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
481,11,5,"Quand l'attaque atteint sa cible, elle
projette des flammes qui touchent
tout ennemi situé à côté."
482,11,1,"It swamps the area around the user with a
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
giant sludge wave.
It may also poison those hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
482,11,5,"Une vague de détritus attaque tous
les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi empoisonner."
483,11,1,"The user lightly performs a beautiful,
mystic dance. It boosts the users
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
483,11,5,"Une danse mystique dont le rythme parfait
augmente l'Attaque Spéciale, la Défense
Spéciale et la Vitesse du lanceur."
484,11,1,"The user slams into the target with its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
heavy body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater its damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
484,11,5,"Le lanceur se jette sur l'ennemi de tout
son poids. S'il est plus lourd que l'ennemi,
l'effet augmente en conséquence."
485,11,1,"Using an odd shock wave, the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
inflicts damage on any Pokémon of the same
type in the area around it."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
485,11,5,"Des ondes mystérieuses blessent tous
les Pokémon alentour qui sont du même
type que le lanceur."
486,11,1,"The user hurls an electric orb
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the target. The faster the user is
than the target, the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
486,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie une boule d'électricité.
Si sa Vitesse est plus grande que celle de
l'ennemi, les dégâts augmentent d'autant."
487,11,1,"The user shoots a torrent of water
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
at the target and changes
the targets type to Water."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
487,11,5,"Le lanceur projette beaucoup d'eau sur
sa cible, qui devient de type Eau."
488,11,1,"The user cloaks itself with flame and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
attacks. Building up more power,
it raises the users Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
488,11,5,"Le lanceur s'entoure de flammes pour
attaquer l'ennemi. Il se concentre
et sa Vitesse augmente."
489,11,1,"The user coils up and concentrates.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
This raises its Attack and Defense stats
as well as its accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
489,11,5,"Le lanceur s'enroule sur lui-même et se
concentre. Son Attaque, sa Défense et
sa Précision augmentent."
490,11,1,"The user attacks the targets legs
swiftly, reducing the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
490,11,5,"Un coup rapide qui vise les pieds
de l'ennemi et diminue sa Vitesse."
491,11,1,"The user spits fluid that works to melt
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
the target. This harshly reduces
the targets Sp. Def stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
491,11,5,"Un liquide acide qui fait fondre l'ennemi.
Sa Défense Spéciale diminue beaucoup."
492,11,1,"The user turns the targets power
against it. The higher the targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Attack stat, the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
492,11,5,"Le lanceur utilise la force de l'ennemi.
Plus l'Attaque de l'ennemi est élevée,
plus le lanceur inflige de dégâts."
493,11,1,"The users mysterious psychic wave
changes the targets Ability to Simple."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
493,11,5,"Le lanceur envoie des ondes
mystérieuses à l'ennemi. Sa
capacité spéciale devient Simple."
494,11,1,"The user dances with an odd rhythm that
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
compels the target to mimic it, making the
targets Ability the same as the users."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
494,11,5,"Le lanceur danse sur un rythme étrange.
Il force sa cible à l'imiter, ce qui lui fait
adopter sa capacité spéciale."
495,11,1,"The user helps the target and makes it
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
use its move right after the user."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
495,11,5,"S'il est le premier à agir, le lanceur
permet à sa cible d'utiliser une
capacité juste après lui."
496,11,1,"The user attacks the target with a song.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Others can join in the Round and make
the attack do greater damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
496,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l'ennemi en chantant.
Si plusieurs Pokémon déclenchent cette
attaque à la suite, l'effet augmente."
497,11,1,"The user attacks the target with an
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
echoing voice. If this move is used
every turn, it does greater damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
497,11,5,"Un cri retentissant blesse l'ennemi. Si le
lanceur ou d'autres Pokémon l'utilisent
à chaque tour, l'effet augmente."
498,11,1,"Looking for an opening, the user strikes
continually. The targets stat changes
dont affect this attacks damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
498,11,5,"Une attaque puissante quand l'ennemi
baisse sa garde. Inflige des dégâts sans
tenir compte des changements de stats."
499,11,1,"The user attacks by throwing a clump of
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
special mud. All status changes are
returned to normal."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
499,11,5,"Le lanceur jette un tas de détritus
spéciaux sur la cible. Les changements
de stats de la cible sont annulés."
500,11,1,"The user attacks the target with stored
power. The more the users stats are
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
raised, the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
500,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l'ennemi avec une force
accumulée. Plus les stats du lanceur sont
augmentées, plus le coup est efficace."
501,11,1,"The user protects itself and its allies
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
from priority moves. If used in
succession, its chance of failing rises."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
501,11,5,"Le lanceur et son équipe sont protégés
contre les attaques prioritaires. Peut
échouer si utilisée plusieurs fois de suite."
502,11,1,"The user teleports using a strange power
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and switches its place with one of
its allies."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
502,11,5,"Le lanceur se téléporte à l'aide d'un
pouvoir mystérieux. Il échange sa place
avec celle d'un allié sur le terrain."
503,11,1,"The user shoots boiling hot water at
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its target. It may also leave the target
with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
503,11,5,"L'ennemi est attaqué par un jet d'eau
bouillante. Peut aussi le brûler."
504,11,1,"The user breaks its shell, lowering its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply
raising Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
504,11,5,"Le lanceur brise sa coquille. Il baisse sa
Défense et Déf. Spé., mais augmente forte-
ment son Attaque, Atq. Spé. et Vitesse."
505,11,1,"The user emits a healing pulse which
restores the targets HP by up to
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
half of its max HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
505,11,5,"Une aura de bien-être fait récupérer
la moitié de ses PV max à la cible."
506,11,1,"This relentless attack does massive
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
damage to a target affected
by status problems."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
506,11,5,"Attaque acharnée qui cause
davantage de dégâts à l'ennemi
s'il a un problème de statut."
507,11,1,"The user takes the target into the sky,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
then drops it during the next turn.
The target cannot attack while in the sky."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
507,11,5,"Le lanceur emmène l'ennemi dans les airs
au 1er tour et le lâche dans le vide au
2è. L'ennemi saisi ne peut pas attaquer."
508,11,1,"The user rotates its gears, raising its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Attack and sharply raising its Speed."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
508,11,5,"Le lanceur fait tourner ses engrenages.
Ceci augmente son Attaque et augmente
fortement sa Vitesse."
509,11,1,"The user throws the target and drags out
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
509,11,5,"Projette le Pokémon ennemi et le
remplace par un autre. Dans la
nature, met fin au combat."
510,11,1,"The user attacks the target with fire.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
If the target is holding a Berry, the
Berry becomes burnt up and unusable."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
510,11,5,"Des flammes calcinent l'ennemi.
S'il tient une Baie, elle est
brûlée et devient inutilisable."
511,11,1,"The user suppresses the target and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
makes its move go last."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
511,11,5,"Retient la cible de force,
l'obligeant à agir en dernier."
512,11,1,"The user nimbly strikes the target.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
If the user is not holding an item,
this attack inflicts massive damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
512,11,5,"Attaque agile. Si le lanceur ne tient
pas d'objet, l'attaque inflige
davantage de dégâts."
513,11,1,"The user reflects the targets type,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
making it the same type as the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
513,11,5,"Le lanceur copie le type de la cible
et devient du même type."
514,11,1,"The user gets revenge for a fainted ally.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
If an ally fainted in the previous turn,
this attacks damage increases."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
514,11,5,"Venge un Pokémon de l'équipe mis K.O.
Si un Pokémon de l'équipe a été mis
K.O. au tour d'avant, l'effet augmente."
515,11,1,"The user risks everything to attack its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target. The user faints but does damage
equal to the users HP."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
515,11,5,"Une attaque très risquée. Le lanceur perd
tous ses PV restants et inflige autant de
dégâts à l'ennemi."
516,11,1,"The user passes its held item to the
target when the target isnt holding
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
an item."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
516,11,5,"Si la cible ne tient pas d'objet, le
lanceur lui donne l'objet qu'il tient."
517,11,1,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in an intense fire. It leaves the target
with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
517,11,5,"L'ennemi est entouré d'un torrent de
flammes ardentes qui le brûlent."
518,11,1,"A column of water strikes the target. When
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
combined with its fire equivalent, the
damage increases and a rainbow appears."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
518,11,5,"Une masse d'eau s'abat sur l'ennemi.
En l'utilisant avec Aire de Feu, l'effet
augmente et un arc-en-ciel apparaît."
519,11,1,"A column of fire hits opposing Pokémon.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
When used with its Grass equivalent, its
damage increases into a vast sea of fire."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
519,11,5,"Une masse de feu s'abat sur l'ennemi.
En l'utilisant avec Aire d'Herbe, l'effet
augmente et une mer de feu apparaît."
520,11,1,"A column of grass hits opposing Pokémon.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
When used with its water equivalent, its
damage increases into a vast swamp."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
520,11,5,"Une masse végétale s'abat sur l'ennemi.
En l'utilisant avec Aire d'Eau, l'effet
augmente et un marécage apparaît."
521,11,1,"After making its attack, the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
rushes back to switch places with
a party Pokémon in waiting."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
521,11,5,"Après son attaque, le lanceur revient à
toute vitesse et change de place avec
un Pokémon de l'équipe prêt au combat."
522,11,1,"While resisting, the user attacks the
opposing Pokémon. The targets
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Sp. Atk stat is reduced."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
522,11,5,"Le lanceur se débat de toutes ses forces,
et baisse l'Attaque Spéciale de l'ennemi."
523,11,1,"The user stomps down on the ground
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and attacks everything in the area. Hit
Pokémons Speed stat is reduced."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
523,11,5,"Le lanceur piétine le sol et inflige des
dégâts à tous les Pokémon autour
de lui. Baisse aussi la Vitesse."
524,11,1,"The user blows a cold breath on the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target. This attack always results in
a critical hit."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
524,11,5,"Un souffle froid blesse l'ennemi.
L'effet est toujours critique."
525,11,1,"The user knocks away the target and
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
drags out another Pokémon in its party.
In the wild, the battle ends."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
525,11,5,"Un coup puissant qui blesse la cible
et l'envoie balader. Dans la nature,
met fin au combat."
526,11,1,"The user is roused, and its Attack
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and Sp. Atk stats increase."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
526,11,5,"Le lanceur se rengorge.
Augmente l'Attaque et l'Attaque Spéciale."
527,11,1,"The user captures and attacks opposing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
Pokémon by using an electric net. It
reduces the targets Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
527,11,5,"Attrape l'ennemi dans un filet électrique.
Baisse aussi la Vitesse de l'ennemi."
528,11,1,"The user shrouds itself in electricity
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and smashes into its target.
It also damages the user a little."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
528,11,5,"Une charge électrique violente qui blesse
aussi légèrement le lanceur."
529,11,1,"The user crashes into its target while
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
rotating its body like a drill.
Critical hits land more easily."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
529,11,5,"Le lanceur tourne sur lui-même comme
une perceuse et se jette sur l'ennemi.
Taux de critiques élevé."
530,11,1,"The user attacks its target by hitting
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
it with brutal strikes.
The target is hit twice in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
530,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l'ennemi deux fois
d'affilée avec les parties les plus
robustes de son corps."
531,11,1,"The user unleashes a vicious blow after
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its cute act makes the target less wary.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
531,11,5,"Déconcentre l'ennemi avec des mouvements
mignons avant de le frapper violemment.
Peut apeurer l'ennemi."
532,11,1,"The user drains the targets energy with
its horns. The users HP is restored
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by half the damage taken by the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
532,11,5,"Un coup de corne qui draine l'énergie
de l'ennemi. Convertit la moitié des dégâts
infligés en PV pour le lanceur."
533,11,1,"The user attacks by slicing with its long
horns. The targets stat changes
dont affect this attacks damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
533,11,5,"Un coup de lame violent qui lacère
l'ennemi et lui inflige des dégâts quels
que soient ses changements de stats."
534,11,1,"The user cuts its target with sharp
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
shells. This attack may also lower the
targets Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
534,11,5,"Un coquillage aiguisé lacère l'ennemi.
Peut aussi baisser sa Défense."
535,11,1,"The user slams its target with its flame-
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
covered body. The more the user outweighs
the target, the greater the damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
535,11,5,"Le lanceur projette son corps enflammé
contre l'ennemi. S'il est plus lourd que
l'ennemi, l'effet augmente en conséquence."
536,11,1,"The user attacks its target by
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
encircling it in sharp leaves. This attack
may also lower the targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
536,11,5,"L'ennemi est pris dans un tourbillon de
feuilles acérées. Peut aussi baisser
la Précision de l'ennemi."
537,11,1,"The user crushes its targets by rolling
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
over them with its rolled-up body.
This attack may make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
537,11,5,"Le lanceur se roule en boule et
écrase son ennemi. Peut aussi
apeurer l'ennemi."
538,11,1,"The user protects itself by wrapping
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its body in soft cotton, drastically
raising the users Defense stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
538,11,5,"Le lanceur se protège en s'emmitouflant
dans du coton. Sa Défense augmente
539,11,1,"The user lets loose a pitch-black shock
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
wave at its target. It may also lower the
targets accuracy."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
539,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l'ennemi avec une onde
de choc ténébreuse. Peut aussi baisser la
Précision de l'ennemi."
540,11,1,"The user materializes an odd
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
psychic wave to attack the target.
This attack does physical damage."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
540,11,5,"Le lanceur matérialise des ondes
mystérieuses qu'il projette sur
l'ennemi. Inflige des dégâts physiques."
541,11,1,"The user attacks by striking the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
with its hard tail. It hits the target two
to five times in a row."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
541,11,5,"Le lanceur frappe l'ennemi de 2 à 5 fois
d'affilée avec sa queue robuste."
542,11,1,"The user attacks by wrapping its opponent
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in a fierce wind that flies up into the sky.
It may also confuse the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
542,11,5,"Le lanceur déclenche une tempête de
vents violents qui s'abat sur l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le rendre confus."
543,11,1,"The user charges its head into its
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target, using its powerful guard hair.
It also damages the user a little."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
543,11,5,"Le lanceur donne un coup avec sa tête
couronnée d'une fière crinière.
Blesse aussi légèrement le lanceur."
544,11,1,"The user attacks by throwing
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
two steel gears at its target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
544,11,5,"Le lanceur jette deux écrous d'acier qui
frappent l'ennemi deux fois d'affilée."
545,11,1,"An inferno of scarlet flames torches
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
everything around the user. It may
leave targets with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
545,11,5,"Des flammes rougeoyantes s'abattent
sur tous les Pokémon autour du lanceur.
Peut aussi brûler."
546,11,1,"The user fires a beam of light at
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
its target. The type changes depending
on the Drive the user holds."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
546,11,5,"Le lanceur projette un rayon lumineux sur
l'ennemi. Le type varie selon le Module
que tient le lanceur."
547,11,1,"The user sings an ancient song and attacks
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
by appealing to the hearts of those
listening. It may also induce sleep."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
547,11,5,"Le lanceur attaque l'ennemi en lui
chantant une chanson d'un autre temps.
Peut endormir l'ennemi."
548,11,1,"The user cuts with its long horn. The odd
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
power contained in the horn does physical
damage to the target."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
548,11,5,"L'ennemi est lacéré par une longue lame.
Le pouvoir mystérieux de la lame inflige
des dégâts physiques."
549,11,1,"The user attacks by blowing freezing cold
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
air at opposing Pokémon. This attack
reduces the targets Speed stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
549,11,5,"Un souffle de vent qui congèle tout
sur son passage s'abat sur l'ennemi.
Réduit aussi sa Vitesse."
550,11,1,"The user charges its target, surrounding
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
itself with a great amount of electricity.
It may leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
550,11,5,"S'enveloppe d'une charge électrique
surpuissante et se jette sur l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
551,11,1,"The user attacks by engulfing the target
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
in an intense, yet beautiful, blue flame.
It may leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
551,11,5,"De magnifiques et redoutables flammes
bleues fondent sur l'ennemi.
Peut aussi le brûler."
552,11,1,"Cloaked in flames, the user dances
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
and flaps its wings. It may also
raise the users Sp. Atk stat."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
552,11,5,"Le lanceur enveloppe l'ennemi de flammes.
Peut aussi augmenter l'Attaque Spéciale
du lanceur."
553,11,1,"On the second turn, the user hits the
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
target with electrically charged ice.
It may leave the target with paralysis."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
553,11,5,"Projette un bloc de glace électrifié
sur l'ennemi au second tour.
Peut aussi le paralyser."
554,11,1,"On the second turn, an ultracold,
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
freezing wind surrounds the target.
This may leave the target with a burn."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
554,11,5,"Au second tour, le lanceur projette un
souffle de vent glacial dévastateur
sur l'ennemi. Peut le brûler."
555,11,1,"The user yells as if it is ranting about
something, making the targets Sp. Atk
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
stat decrease."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
555,11,5,"Le lanceur hurle sur l'ennemi.
Baisse l'Attaque Spéciale de l'ennemi."
556,11,1,"The user attacks by harshly dropping
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
an icicle onto the target.
It may also make the target flinch."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
556,11,5,"Envoie de gros blocs de glace sur
l'ennemi pour lui infliger des dégâts.
Peut aussi l'apeurer."
557,11,1,"With a hot flame on its forehead, the user
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
hurls itself at its target. It lowers the
users Defense, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
557,11,5,"Le lanceur projette une flamme ardente de
son front et se jette sur l'ennemi. Baisse
la Défense, la Déf. Spé. et la Vitesse."
558,11,1,"The user brings down a giant flame.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
This attack does greater damage when
influenced by an enormous thunderbolt."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
558,11,5,"Projette une boule de feu
gigantesque. L'effet augmente
sous l'influence d'Éclair Croix."
559,11,1,"The user throws down a giant thunderbolt.
2011-03-02 23:43:25 +00:00
This attack does greater damage
when influenced by an enormous flame."
2012-06-16 17:45:45 +00:00
559,11,5,"Projette un orbe électrique
gigantesque. L'effet augmente
sous l'influence de Flamme Croix."