use std::pin::Pin; use std::task::{Context, Poll}; use futures::prelude::*; use pin_project::pin_project; use tokio::time::{sleep_until, Duration, Instant, Sleep}; use crate::chunk::Chunk; pub struct ChunkTimecodeFixer { current_offset: u64, last_observed_timecode: u64, assumed_duration: u64, } impl ChunkTimecodeFixer { pub fn new() -> ChunkTimecodeFixer { ChunkTimecodeFixer { current_offset: 0, last_observed_timecode: 0, assumed_duration: 33, } } pub fn process(&mut self, mut chunk: Chunk) -> Chunk { match chunk { Chunk::Cluster(ref mut cluster_head, _) => { let start = cluster_head.start; if start < self.last_observed_timecode { let next_timecode = self.last_observed_timecode + self.assumed_duration; self.current_offset = next_timecode - start; } cluster_head.update_timecode(start + self.current_offset); self.last_observed_timecode = cluster_head.end; } _ => {} } chunk } } pub struct StartingPointFinder { stream: S, seen_header: bool, seen_keyframe: bool, } impl + Unpin> Stream for StartingPointFinder { type Item = Result; fn poll_next( mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll>> { loop { return match { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Chunk::Cluster(cluster_head, cluster_body)))) => { if cluster_head.keyframe { self.seen_keyframe = true; } if self.seen_keyframe { Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Chunk::Cluster(cluster_head, cluster_body)))) } else { continue; } } chunk @ Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Chunk::Headers { .. }))) => { if self.seen_header { // new stream starting, we don't need a new header but should wait for a safe spot to resume self.seen_keyframe = false; continue; } else { self.seen_header = true; chunk } } chunk => chunk, }; } } } #[pin_project] pub struct Throttle { #[pin] stream: S, start_time: Option, #[pin] sleep: Sleep, } impl Throttle { pub fn new(wrap: S) -> Throttle { let now = Instant::now(); Throttle { stream: wrap, start_time: None, sleep: sleep_until(now), } } } impl + Unpin> Stream for Throttle { type Item = Result; fn poll_next( self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context, ) -> Poll>> { let mut this = self.project(); match this.sleep.as_mut().poll(cx) { Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending, Poll::Ready(()) => { /* can continue */ } } let next_chunk =; if let Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(Chunk::Cluster(ref cluster_head, _)))) = next_chunk { let offset = Duration::from_millis(cluster_head.end); // we have actual data, so start the clock if we haven't yet; // if we're starting the clock now, though, don't insert delays if the first chunk happens to start after zero let start_time = this .start_time .get_or_insert_with(|| Instant::now() - offset); // snooze until real time has "caught up" to the stream let sleep_until = *start_time + offset; this.sleep.reset(sleep_until); } next_chunk } } pub trait ChunkStream where Self: Sized + TryStream, { /*fn fix_timecodes(self) -> Map<_> { let fixer = ; |chunk| { fixer.process(chunk); chunk }) }*/ fn find_starting_point(self) -> StartingPointFinder { StartingPointFinder { stream: self, seen_header: false, seen_keyframe: false, } } fn throttle(self) -> Throttle { Throttle::new(self) } } impl> ChunkStream for T {}