Teach filter subcommand to recognize --skip and --take options

This commit is contained in:
Tangent Wantwight 2022-05-22 20:50:47 -04:00
parent bfe7d4b1d7
commit 2b88d09d0f
2 changed files with 17 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
## v0.3.1-dev
- Teach filter subcommand to recognize --skip and --take options
- MSRV now rustc 1.61
- forget a channel's initialization segment when no transmitter is active. This improves behavior when a channel is occasionally used for streams with different codecs.
- Add INFO logging for channel creation/garbage-collection

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
use std::{io, io::prelude::*, pin::Pin};
use std::{io, io::prelude::*, pin::Pin, time::Duration};
use clap::Args;
use futures::prelude::*;
use super::stdin_stream;
use super::{parse_time, stdin_stream};
use webmetro::{
chunk::{Chunk, WebmStream},
@ -15,19 +15,31 @@ use webmetro::{
#[derive(Args, Debug)]
pub struct FilterArgs {
/// Slow down output to "real time" speed as determined by the timestamps (useful for streaming static files)
#[clap(long, short)]
throttle: bool,
/// Skip approximately n seconds of content before uploading or throttling
#[clap(long, short, parse(try_from_str = parse_time))]
skip: Option<Duration>,
/// Stop uploading after approximately n seconds of content
#[clap(long, short, parse(try_from_str = parse_time))]
take: Option<Duration>,
pub async fn run(args: FilterArgs) -> Result<(), WebmetroError> {
let start_time = args.skip.map_or(0, |s| s.as_millis());
let stop_time = args
.map_or(std::u128::MAX, |t| t.as_millis() + start_time);
let mut timecode_fixer = ChunkTimecodeFixer::new();
let mut chunk_stream: Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = Result<Chunk, WebmetroError>> + Send>> =
.map_ok(move |chunk| timecode_fixer.process(chunk)),
.map_ok(move |chunk| timecode_fixer.process(chunk))
.try_filter(move |chunk| future::ready(chunk.overlaps(start_time, stop_time))),
if args.throttle {